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Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmnd beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. Tha following diagrams illustrate the method: Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la derniAre image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le symbole -—^ signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbols ▼ signifie "FIN". Les cartas, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent Atre fiimAs A des taux de reduction diffArents. Lorsqua le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clichA, il est filmA ^ partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche it droite. et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicassaira. Les diagrammes suivants illustrant la mAthoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOIUTION TIST CHAtT lANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2i ^ illPPUEDJvyGEjn ^^. '6^3 fosl Mam 3'feet ~.S !',°fr:"V' "" "'"■ '"609 USA ^S '"6) 286 -■.989 - Fo< REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS. ECHINODERMS, COELENTERATES. ETC. PART C: ECHINODERMS By AUSTIN H. CLARK 670 1913 C2t V . COS pt .C \'.t- c OTTAWA J. dr LABROOI ERIE TACHfe -;1NTBR TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1U20 Imiicd April F,, I92a Reoort of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. VOLUMK Mil MOLLLSKS, ECHINODERMS. COELENTERATES. ETC. P.H A M0..1.1.KS, HKCINV AND 111. IMOCFNK. By ^"' ,"^ 'l^"., ;,- '"^"^'^ V.n n: CFPHAICH.DA AM) m;ROH.DA By ^ ^ B^"> ""^^^ ^ ^l^^^^^.^,^,, V,n C. KCIIINODKKMS. By Au.t.n H. Clurk ^^^^ p^UZZI; PartD: BRYOZOA. By R. C. Obun, ,/„ ,.,^„a/u>n). rart K: ROTATORIA. By H. K. H.^u., ^epur«/,on). ran l-: CHAKTOGNATHA. By A. O. . .^. .^. ■ • ^^ P" Pan H : MKDfSAE AND CTENOPHOKA. B. H. B. B«.low ^^^ J^^J^^ Part 1: IIYDKOIDS. By Mcl^oan Iraspr • a-ORiriBA, ACTINOZOA, and Al.CYONARlA: material nmaU m amount, ami no specialists scUutocl). REPORT OF TUF CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME VIII: MOLLUSKS. ECHINODERMS. COELENTERATES. ETC. PART C: ECHINODERMS By AUSTIN H. CLARK OTTAWA J ir LABROQUERIE TACHfi PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 4,VV»- lisufd April 6, 1<)20 ^^ The ' chinoderms of the i.anadian Arctic Kx|ii>Uiiion. I9I.MM. 1*V \l --I IS II • I.Mlk Tilt' ( 'itnuiliaii Antic lixiMilitiuii lirniiKlit Imi-k tun iliini-ainl ami i\Miit\. miir Kcliiiii»'''riiis, rcpri'siiititii: u tntal "t* twiufy «|>irii-. tin iiiiiii<» nl whin fdllow : I'.ch' iHiiiirhiniin /nil Inn Stf(iiii>liiiir(i noiliisii I J IIIMPlUKA. Sti' ' :;.,itirt htl'tttllf- il' ifhtti'htt ti.Mis liol.uliil lioll M ItniilriHhiin iinkii • h-llll KiilDKA. (>lihiiifltn .111 (CI I4III A lupliiiirliii irnUmihuiUi A.S1KK<>11>K\. < 7( miiliscus critipatiis ( 'roxno/itrr i>appu»us I 'rastfruis Iinkii Anttrin.i polyth.ld .i.v/t ;■/((,< iici-niittt hoii litis Asti lias nuiimiilo Aiftt riiis iiiiitoiii ii! iuden xiri nm I ttwdiscnx (riipnlu.i ( 'rossasttr iiiiiijinsus I (iisliriiis link I i .\stirins (iriniilii Imrntlif < ti iiiisti rmn crihriinii l.i ptastirias arrlirii LiptastiriaK (?) di^imr the f iliowiiig jfvt'ii were fuuiiil iMilv in Hthriiin mh : t.clitmimchnius parinr AsUriiis ntunniilii .\)iiphiiMlia craterodmita .t.s/cni/.s' nurloninsiK .{stir ins piili/lhela Sti mister kis Viarriijinni Li'ptusti riiis I jiirhliirii ami the following two wvre colloctfil hotli in tin' Hihritin sc.i and ' i the Arctic ocean : - Strongyloi ^ntrotus drobach iinsis Stiijnphinra nodosa 3c 4r Cttidillini Aitlic Exiii'Utioi). l!>l.i-1S Of tlu- K.-lm.n,l,r.n. fMun.l in tl.c r.^Kmn <.f ( •..n.uiiti.m %n\i, tli.- f-illowinj: fiv- ,.,Tur in tlir north Alliintic ;in.i in tlii' Ht'hrmtJ s.-;i : M iliiotriiclnis rinkii (t/ihiDZxi nilitixtn ('tcu(iili.-.V 1 f.ithoins; hiai'k -aud: .hily •^. MMH, I'lanincnts, eml>edded in cla> . W I ■_>'•, i:; ( lider ( KN IKKi lll\. 1 Mulhr station -(.,'. and c. ( Wantley harlu.ur. Alaska; 2 ^fathoms; -andy mud. "''''TS;;'Smen'' Uie largest 2:i mm. m horuoulal diameter, and 11 nun. ,,i„,, '^t1^: .^!i;:u"of the „.sts^s ...rplc, that of the ., ■- la.her "■ thre.- have the hmiier spuii's dull reddish. Kchinodernis. .X' Station .ill(/- I'l'i' < larciic", Alaska; 2 '.i fathom.-; -wiuW arcy mud. with aijjiP (thread ai(£a'. Latin tt """■ '" I'orizontal (hamttcr and :{1 mm. ill \w'ni\\{ to 7 mm. in liori/.ontal iliamctcr ami :i mm. m height Tlic tfst and tube feet arc dull purplish, the spines dull olive, heneatli heeonnnn tinned with dull i)ur))lisli in the ilistal half. .Mr. Johansen notes that of the specimens eolleeted ;it this station only the I'Xtremes in size were kept. Station 2(l//(. Heach at Tort Clarence. .Masku; .\uj:ust. 19IH. One s|)cciineM. measurintt 20 mm. hy 10 mm. Station Mp. He.ach at Bernard harliour. Northwe-t 'rerritorii-. I'.Ml. t )ne ~j)eciineM. inea-urintj 17 mm. ti> 21 mm. Station U. Outer harliour, Hirnard harlniur, Norlhuot Tcrniorie-; 10 metres: sandv mud with Lniiiiiiiinn ,ind Dihssirm: hottom t'iii]pcraturi- :>2' ."> Fahrenheit; .luly 20. IMI.'). ( )ne specimen, mea-urinn 157 mm. iiy IS mm. Station i;ic. West of ('uckhurn iioint, Dolphin and I iiion -trait North- west Territorie-; 20 :{0 metres; jjrey mud with many stone- ,iiid ali;a- l.aninnt- riii, Dtli stii rill, and t.illuitliiiiiiiiioti ): Sei)temi>er W. litl.'). Ninety-four six'cimen-, of which the largest is ."jH mm. Ii> 2n mm. I'he-e are very dark in colour, dee]) dull i)\iri)le. linhter and hrifrhter hene.ith. the spines above Ustially dark olive, sometime- deei) dull i)ur])le. l)elow dark pur|ile (listally, liecominji trradually olive in the proximal half or two-thirds, aid often with a broad suht<'riiiinal dusky hand. Station 44c. Beach at cai)e Barrow. < 'oronatioii nulf. Northue-t Terriiorie-; Aunust A. 101."). .J.J. O'Neill eoUector. Five specimens, the iarcest measurini; !!• mm. by 2U mm. Station 44< Kaiinuyuk island, Bathurst inlet, ( oronation ;;ulf. Northwest Territories; 1 fathom; September 2, l!tl.'). I{. M. Ander-on. coih'ctor. One s])ecimen. mea-urini: lb mm. in horizontal I'ameler. 'I'he colour i- purple, with (rreen sjiine-. (lass llol.olIH KolDKA ^ ( Inler B\KAl I IMUMiDA. Faimlv SYNAPTID.E. Su1,I;,imlK myriotkoohin.*. Myriotrochus rinkii Stem-trup Station ;?7f . Iimer harbour at Bi'rnard h;irbour. Noith\\c-.t Territories; about 2 fatlioins; -and.v mud with al^a-; Seiitemlier 1, I'.Ml. < tne s])ecimell. Station 41. Outer harbour at liernanl harbour. Ndrthwe-I rerriiorie-; aliout ■') fathoms; sandy mud and l.iiiniiiiinn : .luly 20. I'.ll."). Six sj)ecimens. Station lie. Outer harliour at Bernard harbour, Northwe-t Territoiie-; •> S fathoms; firey mud with Luininnrin ami Dtltssi-rlir. .Inly 2S, lOl.'i. 'riiirty-nine specimens. Station i'.id. Off ( 'ockburn i)oint. Dolphin and I'nion -trait: aiiout .'lO fatlioni-: sandy mud with [X'bbic.-, and no algu'; Si-jilcmbi-;- I'A. KM.'i. Three s])ecimelis. Mr. Johansen writes that from the results of the investigation- at Stations Ml. 41, 41r, and 4;i(/ it appears that M ijiintnirhu.^ rink-ii, the only holothurian Oc (iniiiilian Arctic Expfdiliotu l-'l-^ If collected, is ;i very clmracteristic and common invcrtchnitc in ;iliout ."i fatiicims < f water on a l>.>ttoin of sandy mud in the vicinitv of Bernard harlioiir, Dulplnn and Inion strait. Tliere is here a rich algal Hora consisting of Ldininnrin and other Fucoidea-, Ihiisaena and other Floridea-, green-thread alga\ etc. con- stituting a Liiiiiiiiiinn zone, and the dominating dark-lirown colour of the algiP influences the colour of the holothurians, some of which are dorsally. or even entirely, dark brown instead of th- normal and typical transjiarent licsh-colour. ,Maii>- of the s|)ecimeiis collected contained well-developed einlnyos. i;(iiiN<»i)r.i{.M.\ .\sTH<>K.\i)i.\ r.\. ( la^s orilU'ROinKA. Order t'liiLopiin iiin.s. Family OPHIOLEPIDID.'E. Stegophiura nodosa fLutken) Station 2(»f/. Tort Clarence, Alaska; 2 :{ fathoms; sandy u;rey uwul with alga' (thread alga-, iMininnria, etc.); August 4, 1913. Twelve .specimens, of which the largest has the disc 10 mm. in diameter and the arms _'.") nun. long, and the smallest has the disc 3 mm. in diameter and the .arms T)") mm. long. Mr. .lohanseii records that in life these were red dorsally. Station 23. Northeast oi [■■y cape, Alaska (70° 24' N.. 1(11° 2.->' \\ ); 010 fathoms; mud and pebbles; August 10, 1913. I' {lAuiinini-ut. Delesucriit , and I.ilhotluiwuion); September 14, lOl.'i. Ten specimens, of which the largest has the disc 11 mm. in diameter; another has the disc 10 mm. in tliametc- and the arms 41 mm. long. These varv much in colour, some l;.ing as dark, with as strongly ccintrastmg white markings, as any from Kamchatka {macuhitit of Ludwig). wliih- others are an almost uniform brownish grey. Mr. .lohansen writes that in life showed a faint to contrast of black and grey spots and bands, and that the colours are well preserved m alcohol. Ophiocten sericeum (Forbes) .Stati(m 43(1. Off Cockla-rn point, dolphin and Union strait ;_ about .')0 fathcm's; sandy mud with pebbles, and no algiP; September 13, 191.'). Kc}iini)(hi>n<. 7f Sixteen huiuireil ami three s])eciiiieiis. [\\\ . Off Stai»ylt(>n hay. l)ol])liin and I'nion strait: 'J.") 'M\ tathonis: sandv urev mud witli a lew" i)ehl.!es, jind no alu;r: Septeml)er 14. HU-'). One hundred and twelve si)ecimen.«. of wliich the largest has the disc 1"> nmi. in diameter. Mr. .)o!ian-en writes that the (olour in life van. d from yellow brown to rose and dark irrey-violet, the radial shields standing out from the surrounding portions of the disc through their more strongly red eohiuratiuii. Station J3r. West of Coektiurn point. l)oli)hin and (nion strait, North- west Territories; 20 'M) metres; grey mud. with many stones and alga' i l.iiiinmi- riit. lMli.s.''iriii and I,ilhothiiiu(in)\ September 1 I. I'.tl."). Four specimens of which the largest has the disc \2 miu. in diameter and the arms '.\S mm. long. ( hdcr ( is AllIOiMIU Kll)\. lanuly AMPIIURIIXE. Amphiodia craterodmeta H. I.. ( hnk. Station 2('j/. I'ort Clarence. Alaska; I'-o fathoms: >;in(ly •j.rcy mud, with algcT (thread alga'. lAinnmiria, etc.): Aug\ist 4, l'.tl3. Five si)ecimens, of which the largest has the disc ."> mm. in diiim'trr ,iud the arms 19 mm. long, ami the smallest has the disc^ 2 mm. in di.ui\et< r. Cla-s ASTF.HolOKA. ( >rder l'iiANi;nozi>M.\. 1 amily PORCELLANASTERID.*. S^iil)faiiiily CTKNOUISCIN.t. Ctenodiscus crispatus iHetziu>i Station 43^1. OlT ( ockburn i)oint. Dohihin and Union strait: about .')li fathoms: sandv mud with pebbles. :ind no alga-: Sei)tembor 13. 1!M.'>. One specimen: H=3.") mm.. r=b') mm.: the rays are >lighily uanow.r than usual. In life, according o Mr. .lohansen. the colour w:i- a uiuform greyish yellow brown. < irder Si'l.M i.osa. 1 amily SOLASTERID.E. Crossaster papposus iLinnei Station 43f. West of Cockhtirn point. Dolphin and Fnicm ^trait. North- west Territories; 20-3tT metres; grey mu OrdtT I'olK UM LATA. I aiiiilv ASTERIID.E. Sul)f!iimly ASTKRIIN/€. Urasterias linkii i Mullcr amrrio-ch.'li station m. ()ffStMpylt.mi,;.y. I) r.nnu., 2j^ .in f:,tl,o,n- ur-v n.n.l. with a f.w p.'l.l.L-. a.ul .... al^x; >,pt..,ul.... 1 • •"• V.,^ p;';,,i n"a '« thr.,u«l. la, th.. .,.in..> a,„i .-lu.t.T^ .,t ,.,.,l,.-llana. ali.l til.' v.iitral -urfa.'.' whit.'. Asterias polythela V. nill. Stati.m 2(1./. lN..t Clan...-.., Alaska: 2 :< fatlnrn-; ^ ^.-y n,u.l. uUh ..lifi. (thn-i.l al'tcu'. I niiiliiiii-ln 't.M; Autru^t I, liU.-i. •^ Thm'iiS,.....-.. ..f wl.i-1. .1..- larp'M ."-.<-.,■.. 1{ = U0 ........ .• U> .n.u. Asterias acervata borealis I'trritr. Stati.... J-.'. N.Ttl. of tl..- .....utl. ..f tl... .ivcr, Alaska ijiit'' -^-V N |f,;r '7' W.K 11 12fatl....ns; r...k a.ul saii.l, with al^'U': 1.. IIM.} ()„!■ siiccitii.'..; li = 100 ........ I- = -':5 1.1.11. Asterias anomala VcLilli Station 20!,. Port Clar......... Alaska; 2H fath.-i.ts. «.vy ...u.l. with almr (thrca.l alp.'. Ijnninam,. vtr.): 1. l.d.i. ()...■ spedmoii. ..icasurii.u: H = Ml ...i.i.. r= 12 ..ini. Tlu. genus AlloMm.,. \u whi.h th.s spo.....s ^\;'V"'*^"V'' ■.";'. L^ 1 ♦.inhl... The charart.T n'ticl up.m t..,. it f"-"'" "/t u'.. .,,.•'.. ■ ,'^oi the most striki.m tVatun's .,f A.^Unn. r.hcns a.i.l all «.) its .•!..>.■ flatixo. Asterias nortonensis i V. nill > Station 20 /> a.i.l r. (Irantl.-y harl...ur. Alaska: 2 :!,...ns: .a.uiy imu.I ^"'''i'S;;;v-::'4;r's;";in.n.s, au ..^ app,-oxi,..a.,.iv ti,.. ..n... ... -n. larp.'st ..K'a.-iir.'s U=!H r = 2.< .nm. Ctenasterias cribraria iStimpMint Stati..u H7/-. h..uT l.arl...ur a. i^.Tnanl ha.l...ur. N-rthw-.^t ^•;;n-it|..i-: 2 :< fathom-, sa.uly, with many al^a' iLmmunrn,. vXc.) . .XusiuM -., '"''i-iv.. .p...ii.i.'..s, ..f wl.i.'h th.- largest m.''s H = :U ...n... v^Suuu itulio'. 41. Out.T harbour at Hernar.l N..rt hwost 1 ..rrit...K-., al,„ut o fathoms: ...u.l an.l f'';;'',''-;;;,;/ J'^',r'';J; '^', = ,., „.„, Fourtci'ii >p«•.•l..l.■u^, the larpst mt i, - i.> '»"'••' -; i . 4:i'' West of Coekh.irn point. Dolphin an.l I ni.m .strait. N.. th- .est rS.iies: 20-30 metres: ,rey n.u.l .ith n.any stone, an.l alga. il.nnnmina. /;is. 0 C Stenasteriiis macropora \( mil Sliitioii •.'0: -:,iii|y tn y inuil, with ;i1k;i' itlin';i(l m1k:i", Lmiviimln. rtcM: Auun-t 1. I'M:!. One specimen, iiieii^uriiiK H -tli' miii.. r Itl imii. Leptasterias arctica Munlorli Station 11. Ndl'tll of ttie nidiilli nl the KukpiiW rilk lUer, \la-l\:i <)".• •*•>' N.. lti:r 27' W.i: 11 12 iMtlicim-: rmk mimI -ihkI. with ;ilu;e; Aiiuu-i 17. nti:5. Two -.i)eeiiiieii>. of wiiiili the lainel' inea-'Ue- \\. - 1 '> inni.. r - •! ■> nun. Station i:{c. \\'e.-;| of ( 'ockliiirn i)oint. Dolphin ami Inion ~lrait. North- west ■{■(•rritories; 20 ;{ll metres; (jrey mml with many >ione~ ami alua' Lmm- iiiiriii. hilissiiiii and l.itlmlh(innilinir. Sejiteniliei- II. I'.M."). Two s|)ieimens; one measures H =- 12 mm., r ^ ^i nnn.. I he ot her l{ II mm.. r = ;i mm. l.eptasterias epichhira liiandti Station 2(1;/. i'ort Clareiire. Al.a-ka: 2:', fathom-: -.anilv tirey nni.l. with ai^a' (thread alca-, LiuniiKiriii. etc. : .\uirn~t t. I'.tU!. Twenty-four sjieciniens. all with live ra\-; the large-t measine- H - IH mm.. r =5 mm. Leptasterias? dispar \ errill Station 48c. West of Cockhurn point. Dolphin and Tiiion -tr.iit, Ni.riti- west 'I'erritorif's: 20 W metres; jjri'y mud with man\ -tones and ali:a' l.n'H'- tiiiriii. Ihlifix(riii and Lilhiilhaiiiindu i; Septemlier II, MH.i. One specimen: H = 20 mm., r = •') mm. PLeptasterias, -ji. Station 2:5. Northeast of ika ",'.'' 21' N.. It'>'- 11' W . ' ; 12' 2 lofathoms; hlacksand; .luly .■>. lOlU. Echiiiiiriiijiiii IIS iHiiDiii dead oidyi Station 20 /' and c. Crantley harhiiur. .\h' 2:1 fathom-; -andy mud, with alfia- .luly :50. 101 :5. SIriiiKiiiliin iilnitiis iliohnlm iisis A sit nils iinrUifit ii> Station 20;/. Tort ( larenia'. .\la-ka; 2 -i fatlmia-: -andy with alga' 'thread algx. L(imiiiiir!i'. rtr.-; \ut;u-t I. lOlM. Slrongijloci lilniln^^ ilriihltchn n.- muii, 10 <; Cnniiilliin Arctic Expedition, l!>li IS StMtioii '_'()»/. Hi'Mch !it Port Clarfiicc, Alaskti; Aiiuti-t, l".U:i. Stri>iik:f ii'.» ;i."' N. It'.:?' 27' \V.) ; U 12 fathoms; rock aiul .siiul, wi'' alt'a^; Aufiii-t 17, l'»i;i. AfsUridS (iC( iLiilii Immilif: /.' jitiistf ridf (ircticii Station 2:5. Northeast of ley c:.i>v. Alaska (70' 21' N., ItiT 2:>' W.j; ;t m fathoms; niiul ami jielililes; Aujuist !!•, HUI^ Sl( tjiijihi 111(1 iiii(lt 2.'), l",tll. ( 'tcndsUriim cnlirorid Station :i7(. Inner iiarhoiir at Bernard luirhoiir, Northwe.-t Territories; atioiit 2 fathoms; sandy mud, with lAgiv; Sep'emher 1, 1014. Myriotroch ns r'm kit Siatinii 37;). Heaeh at Bernard harhour. Northwest Territories; (»elni,, r. I'M I. Stroiiyiilocoitriitus ihohachit nsis -I-.,. Station 41. (hiter harbour, Bernard harl)o\ir. Northwest Ti'rritorie: 10 metres; sandy mud, with Lamiitnrid :iiid lhUt-.:criu: .Inly 20, I'Ji.'i. Slroiigijlocintrotiis (Iruhdcliioisis M i/riiitnicliiif niil.ii ('ter)dsti rid." crilinina Station 11c, Outer liarliour at Bernard harhour. Northwest Territories 3 ^ fatlmms; (irey mud, wi l.diniiiiiri'i and I)clff,<>'rid: July 2S. Idl.". .1 / II riotruch us riii /.■ ( i Sti ijaphiiira iiodn^n Station V■^d. Off (deklnirn jioiiit, l)ol])hin and Union strait: alu.ut ."0 fathoms: sandy mud, with ])elihles, and no aina': Septenilior 13, I'.tl.'). M ijridtrorhns riiikii Ophioctt)! ,v( riciiiw < 'tcrioiliscus crisi>dtiis Station 4;{/i. Off Stapylton hay, l)oli)liin and I niou strait: 2.V-30 f.atliom.- iandy grey mud, with a few pchhlcs, and no alg;r. Septemher 14, 101."). Ophioctcn sericevm I'rd.itcrids linki Kchtniidt'rm^ II Stafiim IMr. West d." ( 'ocklnirii point , Dnlplnii ;iiiil riiioii striiit. Nintiiui-it Tt'rritorii's; 2(t ;i(l nu'trcs; urey iiimi, witli iumuv fitmirs Mini l(j:f > Lumnu,. m, IhltsKi lin ami l.ithoth(iiti)iion); Scpfcniliir II, I'.tl.'t. Slriiiififiliii-t nli-tiliis ilrohachii imi!' • 'rnssash r /((i/)/(i>.vi(,v Ophiozm mluislii < ti> ndf: rnhnirni Djihinctiii !fii.< ilrnUiuhn xxis ai)1)i:m)\. The folluwinii Kchinuderms were collected by the Northern l':irly of the Canadiiin Arctic Expedition and received in Ottawa after the above report had lieen written; Strongylocentrotus drbbachiensis \y). V. .Mailer . Stations ti3f, tin H. C'ark. Psolus phantapus i^tru--enfeldt i J;iuer. Station ti:^ri. Walker bay. I'rin.'c of Waie^ >trait. Victoria islunil. .]. H.adley. .Inly 'W. HUT. 1 specimen. Mentilied by lluliert l.yman Clark. Additional data for the Report on Echinoderms of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, b sed upon specimens from the " Neptune " and other Eastei \rctic Expeditions. By A. 11. (L.vHK i;( IIINOIDKA. Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis <» 1 Mullen. Tort Leopold. North Somerset, Northwest Territories: Xipliini Kxpedition. August 17. 1904. :5 specimens. Hichmond pilf. east side of Hudson bay i,ca. oG' lat. N.}; b') :'>0 latlioms. A. 1'. Low, June, IsOfl. 2 specimens. Near mouth of Povungnituk river, east side of Hudson bay (ea.tid" lat. N.i; 5-0 fathoms. A. P. Low, August, 1898. 2 specimens. 12 < I'liniiiliiiii Aiilir H.rpiililiiiu, I'.H-i IS Ni)rlli\vi'>i «i(lc 111' Ilui|«iiii Imy. Niiriliwr>t 'l'iTritiirif.«: luiirli, (i. < ',,iiii r, 1!MI7-(M>. '1 riii''liiiMi->i/iil ■•|H•(■i||l<■ll^. Willtrr liarliuur. Melville i>l!ltlil, 'l'erril(itie>: lieach. .l/(7/c ilxiieilitiuii. .Iili.\. VMW). I small »|)eriiiieii. Iloi.oTIIl |{nll)i:\. I.ophothuria fabricii DIiIm n mikI Ki>ieiii. I'ipit Hniwell, lii(iava; Siiitmn I'.xpediiidii. .Inly 2s, I'.MII. n -|miiiiiiii-. Near iiimitli ul' I'oviiinjni' nk river, ea»l >i(le nf lliiiUou lia\ ; •") tl lailiom». A. 1'. i.ilW, AllHU-t. |Hj)eeimeli. Kiiiu (ieiiriie xiiind, HiiiImhi -trait, I tin,a\a; W latlupin-. Diinm lApedi- tiiili, l.iiw and \\ akehaiii. Seiiteliilier ft, Is'.t". I -|ieiimeli, Cucumaria frondosa ( liimic ni-i Nollll Somerset, NiirtllWe-t 'rerritnrie-; Xiiihnii 1 AlMiJlticin, \UL'U-I. liMII, 10 .-.peeimelis. \e;ir mouth of I'oviiiiKiiit uk river. ea>t le ti lailiom-. A. 1'. I.ow, Aiiuust. IMtS. :i speeimeiis. (^ucuniaria caldj^era Stimpxuii Selcuka. Uiitiiiioiid null', east -ide of HiuImui lia.\ : l")-:{>t failioin-. A. I', I,et, Northwest Ti'rritoiie- ; Sijiliiin V.\\>v (litioii. .\iitiiist 17. Iltot. •_' specimens. Kori Churchill, Huil-on liay. "after a uale thrown up on the lieadi; not seen liefore hy native-. ' .1. M. Macoun; Se[itenilier. P.Mtl. I -peiinien. Solaster endeca l.inuau-i I'ort Leopold, North Somerset, Northwe-I Terrilorie-; Xiplinn I'.xpe- dition; .Vudust 17. I'.KtL I -pecimeii. Hudson -trait. ,lul\ or .\unu-t. IStl7. IIkiiki L\|)edition. 1 -pecinien. Urasterias linckii M'iiler ami 'rro-ihrh, Rii'hmniMl sulf, east -ide of Hudson liay; l."> od fathom-. .\. V. l.ow. .lune, iN'.t'.t, 1 specimen. Asterias acervata borealis il'enier. I'ort Burwell. l'iis£a\a. I )i'. lioWert Hell. 1 s]),.ciniiii. .\sterias sp. (youniii. i-land. Hud-on -tr.ait. .1. McKen/.ie. Issti. 1 -|)eeimeii. Sluphanasterias aibula Stimpson. XrpttuK- Kx])edition. 4 specimens. Port Burwell, I'nfiaxa. Xriilnnr Kxpedition, July JN. I'.HII. Dicdsiecl, 1 s])ecimen. <»i'iiiri!i>ii)i:.\. Steftophiura n'Hlimu l.iitk>tii. I'lPl-l Miirwrll. riiiiMV.i; Siiiliin, |A|i.'.|itinn; .lulv 'JS, PMII I s|«'iiiinn«. Ophinzeu r<»bust;» \\r..i. I'.iil HiHu. II. (imaVM: SipliiiK lAiMilitiMii. .Iiil\ 'JS, I'.MM I)t.>lu..| l.'i NiiltiiiKliMiM i-l,ilMl. Hilil-cii -ll:iil .1. \I.l\,ii/i.-, ivsii, I in> .|iiiiii-H/.'(| spciillirll. Ophiiira sarsii l.iiiki ii I'lHl Uutu.'ll. I'iiu.ivm; \iiitiiii, r;\|i. .lilii.ii. .Iiilv _N. \'»)\ Drvilunl. Niiir I'oil CliuiTliill. lliii|>ciM li.iy. Jll iiiili- '41 nv.r in :i(i latlium-: lpnii..iii cLiv uilli niavfl; hnimi lAprdit imi, Sipl.iiiloi .'. IWtT. lh~r _'! iiiin. in (liiirnctiT. I -|ii'iiiin'n. I'lirl Hiirwcll. rMj:a\,i; !." I'.itlii.Mi-, I ); . l;..l.,i-i Itrll. Aunu-i. l^M. II .>lH(iirnn-. l{ir|inii>ni| null'. cM-t r-i'lidt llmlMin liay; l.'> :i(l fathom-. .\ I*. l..>\\ . .Iiin.\ lH!"i. I -iMciinc II. OphioctiTi sericeum luil.c- . Winter h.'iri'Mtir. Milvilli- i-lami. Nuithwc-t 'ri'iiitoiic- ; AhIh I A|n diilun ; M.i.\. P.HIll. ••.\.tai'licil to -hip- anchor, in 7 talhoin-." s -pciini. n- llirhninllcl milf. .'.■I-I -idr <<\ Illlil-nU K.lV; l."i :;il f.alhoni-. \ I'. l.dW. ,liinc. isd'.t. s -pi'cmirn-. Ophiopholis aculi-ata l.innaii- . >(.iilhainpl(in i-lathi. Ilud-on lia\ ; -..ulli -hi.iv h'lrl.nur; ('a|itain < iiorpc ( 'dint r. I'.MtT -()".•, '■> -piTiincn-. Ilirlllllnnil L'Uif. !•'.•. 1 -pi'ciiiirn. Kiiiii ' irciriir xiiiiiil. IIiiil-liimr 11: ManiinaU anil Hint*. I'lUl \ ^li«nniii»l« Uy l(ii.|i.l|i(i Muriin \iil.,<.iti /i;' ,irui>i l'«»t II |lir.l« Uy II. M \i. I.T4 1I ,n I I' V I'ltit (i ;.'. iiki' ii Voliimrlll: iii«wtH, r»ll V 1 ..ll..|.,l..,l» llv ,Iii,Hi-lVV |..U.rii /•:...< Vftrt h \.nili.|.l.-rniil IlKiTll lis Nlllliun iW:ik< /....■( I'urt liliii.rii Hv'lik" " Mm.iiiI.t. Il;ir'i.ii ' 1 I). »r, iiil H M »» i««i l''i'l' I'nrll' Mii!l..|.lu«Hiir>'l \"'t'l'K:» l«y A, W. 11 «k..'r. i i. I' I .Tru, ,tri I ' i UK N" illi»ll J"t4ii. I'urt I ( ,.l,...|,i..r« llv .1 M >« lin... H i' I ill.i" W I,, nu «i.l I I) .-ili.'rtiini, Jr /)«.*('. i'»rt i 111 .t.iptcrii llv I r ^ iin Uitf- / <.'i^ l'«rl<. Hv.ipi.-n.'p^iT'mi'M'liiit (.iilli liy Al.'i I) \t:v i .ilnvr »v. < "liHrli"" T. Ilnii", I W I. -Ulan. un^l I . I''.iiri I fit. ;,<',./!. I'urt II 'pi'liTi". Mili'^. iiri.l .Mvii.i|>...|< llv .1 II. 1 ;iif r' ■ \ iilu'i U.i'iks, »ci I Unl|ili \ i ■|i:«riitHirlin. / ,.,/.. V»rt 1 I ■•|.i.l.)pi(Ta. I'.v \r»liiir i;il.«.n /.,/■. I'nrt I iirt|u.i)'.-i;i. ttyl, M.\^i!i>iT I'.iri h iiiii.r.'il t 'lii!ir\ulii)ti.- •■n Inx'i t I iN' III '111' Vr ',.■ iiv I ni- .I.iIiiui«mi Uh ^■■ti'U-ulv^n). Vulumr IV: llutati). I'urt \ I i.'liwi'.T Mi;*' i«n! rn-liwii'.T l)i:ii..iii'. llv' iiii!.-<\V l..iw.'. ,/i ;i'-';nf id .n ■. i'uft II M;inm' Mi/iw, llv I ''.li.iiK. ./'i /i". /M'.ifi <'ii. I'art t : I uru'i, I'.\' l-ihii I )t.iir-n':*4 /'i ;"■• /''K'Jd '•> ' I'urt I) I i ■tii'h.i lly K. I . M'-rrill. /n ;.r.(i,ir.if n . I'Hri I \l.i»'i'i !'.y It. .-i. William-" J'l j"^' /until ' Vuliinir V : ili)(in> . Viitl \ I l..MTinir riiint.' .inl I Mrn< lU I;imii'. M M i.-,.,i'i. i-il ,,'1i,th tn itr-pinl' ■■! . I'lirt II (..'iutaI'» nil .\r M- \.v;,-t iMi.i lU Iri" l.'.,i'i.:i li (>■ uri/i-ii Vuliinir VI: Hiilirs, TiinlratM, t'Ac. rnrt .A: I i^hc" !'.y I .Lilmnwii, In r" l"""t'''"'- r»rf III .\ii-li|lliii« 'li'. lly .V. ( ;. Ilui.l.timiii. /n ;i''l ( nintiiiiMin". lly Miiry I K.iiliimii l-^ufl' I'arl H, >.liii ;■ ijw r uni I'lirt I) l»"|u iLi, lly Ml" I'. I. 'ii"'!!!-. 'Ih ... /iiriM ■«'. r»rl l:. \ln| hllm.ln. Ilyl'lttri'l. . H. Sh'M'Iulik..T. 'Ini>r:: )'art 1': i'!iii''.ii'i.lii. '.i-on .1. < 'nl' ; /n ;)r.-;Mr;(i.r.^M) I'art K: Miiiin.- I oiH-p-i'Ia. llv .\. \\ ill.'V. /i/ir.-.v Parti.; I'lmixni. ('■■iii'pnclii. lly ( 'Ikw. 11, VNiU.ii. l-ip '■<ut,i.'i-iii-. lly Win. II. i>:ill l^wl.) Part II (',.;. I,,la(- 1.1 l't<'r(.p..aii lly S. S. Ilcrrv an I W I" I 'liipii Utt ineinril'ii) Part ( i!i'KihiM|<.'riii«. llv .\ii«'in H. < 'l^irk. i/n ;>r.-«<,. I'art I). ltr\oi.,n. lly It. ( '. i Nluirii. ,lii jir,-iiar,itf"it i'art I., li.itai.jriii. lly U. K. Iliirniii;. In pr'iuwtii'n- . I'art 1': •■imi'tnirnatlia. Ty \. ( .. Iluntniimn. /« ;.r.-;).iric m'. I'arl II: Mi'ilii-iu' aii^l < 'icii'irilinrn. By I!. It. Ilu!"l'iw lnpre.ii /i'7iri.'' ■a). U'i>ri(era. .Vi'tinoioa. an.l ,\l.voi::iriii iii;it.-rial nmall in :iiii I'lnt. an.l :ii> ipi'i:i:iU«tii ■wlec-toiW . VolumrlX: .VnnrlMs, raraslllr Wiirm.4, I'rotoioans, Ktc. Part A. I ilitiH l.aota. By I'rank Sniith iir.l I'uui S. WiUli. ./.:iuf.ii. Part II. I'..iyiliai'ttt. lly Halph \ . I liiiinbiTli!i. •lip,;.iHi. J'artC. lliruiliiiea. By . I. P. Moor.'. :In prrin-.ilvmi. Part I): ' .i-plnrua. Hy Uiilpli \ . < hainlicrlin. In ;if>jii Parti.. AiiintlwuTplialii. By II. J. Van I 'It-avc /ipre.'ni. Parti'; Ni'iimloila. lly N. A. ( '..lih. 'Zi ;r. 7'i /"-.'(HM'Mai. Part I: 'rurlidlaria. By A. Ilasscll. (In /■rc/iurid"'!}. Part J; ( lordiiii-ea. Part K. Spun lion. By J. \V. Mavor. (/a prepan'MT. PartM: I ■>raiiiini[era. By J. A. C'i.sluii:in. f/ni'ii. Volume X: PUnkton, llydroKTiphr. T«de«, Rte. Part .\; Plankton. Marine niatom-i. Part H Ti'lal Oljscrvatijns. lly W, B.'ll n;iwii')n. ilnprei.i). Hydrography. m ^1