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Ne« York U609 u^A -— ('*6) *82 - 0300 - Phor.P ^S (^16) 283 - 5989 - Fox REPORT OF THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME IX ANNELIDS, PARASITIC WORMS, PROTOZOANS, Etc. PART A: OLIGOCHAETA Lumbriculidae Frank Smith Enchytraeidae • Paul S. Welch SOUTHERN PARTY, 1913-16 G OTTAWA J de LABROQUBRIB TACHft PRINTBR TO THB KING'S MOST BXCBLLBNT MAJBSTY G 670 1 9 1 3 C2t V. oc;: pt. A 1919 Iinied September 39, 1919 REPORT OK THE CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOLUME IX ANNELIDS, PARASITIC WORMS, PROTOZOANS, Etc. PART A: OLIGOCHAETA Lunibriculidae Enchytraeidae Frank Sniitli Paul S. Wtlch SOU' ^T PARTY. 1913-16 OTTAWA .' de LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KINGS MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 191>) \..| K lilVV I Issued Scptenibir ."(, 1MH> > c Oliiioi'hai'ta (.«»lli'ctfd by the Caiiaclian Arctk- Kxpodhiiin I!\ llMNK >\IIIH .'IImI I'm I ■» W M . II. \V II li iliii ■■ liunn - 111 ir\t.i Ah jipoi I unit \ 111 I'Xaiiillif llir riilldi iiiii^ 111' 1 (lluiirliMil :i iiiaih id 'liO Aiclic iii^iciiis (if Niiilli Aiiiiiica li> ill'' ( MiKnii.iii Alii 1 > |«ilit imi li.i- i'i>ii vny wi'lruiiii'. >iiii'i' it lia^ minlf il |iii««ili|i' to luMlcriallx <':> • ml mir knuwiiilno (if the (iliunrliat'tc fauna ul llir Aniic- /uiic a- wi'll a.- thai inii!aiil\ i- fnuiiil Imiwitm till' ulij:iirliaiir lai|li.i> ni llir Umi |.-iiin- allliuilull lIli'V air lint lijilil h :' I. 'I'lic l.lllllliniailliiai- III llii' riilli ' Hull- i i\r lii'ili sllliliril anil air lirlr ilrall willi liy llir -riijiir ailllinr, wliilr tli. pari .I'llins: willi llir liliriix I lari.lar ami ilirliiiliiin llir '|r«(a i|il iiiii- u' tlir in a -|ir. a, - i- l,\ iln imiinr aiilluir. 'I'lio riil|rrli(in> wllirh air flnin i|li|lr a lanur nl lnralllii- ami a ri m-iilrralilc \aiirly(if lialiilal~ Wrir liiailr li> M l . l , .liillaliMii, l hi- iiiar;iir lilulnili-l . riilii- niiilnui-l. ami Imlanisl nf tlir r\|iri|iliii|i. Il i- inlric-linu: in Irani flimi ihr lirM milr- nf ihr rnlliaini. thai -nliir nl llir-r Wnllns « rir fnllllil ali\r ill ill inl-iilll rlrrk Imi|> ami |innil iMillmii- wlirir I liry liail takrli Irflinr in Mill" 111 111 liri \riirlalinii ( Itiiri- Wrn' I nil In I iinliai liiril ljy rX|io>lllr In firr/inu rnmlillnli-. Ill I lir>r ir-pr. I- (Ik \ Ir-iaiiMr -niiir nl llirir rrlall\i'« nf liinir IrnipriaIr rrsiinii-. |M 1. Till; I.TMHUK ri.lDAi;' Hi I'liAVK Smith Till- faniil\- i- rrprr>rnlri| liy llir >ili^lr ncaiil- LuniUnfiihi^ iml lliri'r air lull Uvn -1 ir-. I., riirittinliis (Allillcri, llic wril-knnwn laiia-iui -prrirs i- tlir imirr mlant and widely disi rilnitrd fnrni. and /.. iiii-nii.-ittiK.'^ Sinilli', was fnlind as-^(i(ia!ri| willl it -.Il lun Inralilio. I.umbriculus < • . rnisti.liiiillii nnindrd. uilliniil |iinli(iscis-likr rluntialinli. Sriar paiird and cleft. Spriliiidilcal pnrr> niir nl' t \vn. rxrrpi inliallv tlllrr; paiird iir asyiniiirtrir- ally placed uli niie nr twn MUiiiles, iiinic cnininniily uii S- or 1(1. Oviducal pores paired in one or two somites next followinu tliose witli sperinidinal pores, sniiietiinrs otlierwise arriiii(jed. Spcriinitliecal |)(ires laterad of vntial setae; tisiially in tlirre to live jiairs, freipiently fewer or more iniiiierous, -ifleii asyiniiietrically .arranfieil; (aiiiiiiionly posterior 'o speriiiidiical pores. Dorsal aiid vriiti'.al vessels eomiccted in posterior part of i 'cii of iienrlx all somites liv 11 pair of transverse vessels; dorsal vom'I in anlriii part of each somite, exrrpt a few anterior ones, with one pair of coiitiaclile •aecal transverse ap])eiidai:rs. Atria, one, two, or three; paired, or asyirmetrically arra' iieil in one or two iCimlribiitioiis fmiu tlio ZudloKual I.iiboralnry of lln' fTii\iT-"i'. '■'"■' '■'' t \ „n.l.r...i to "•«.■ will, iilriii, - IIMM-,.i«i-r MIIUI.K..I. >|»rMmlliM.,. )i(»li rim to tlio^i' I'liiiCiiiii.iU ll»' 'I'.iu. lumbrU-uluH varkaatu* •• 1 Mull.r.j ,„,.„„ r...,...|.-.l ......i.-.l, Initftl. III'".... Ml,. ...H-l_.Mlt ....... tl.; a-, v . 1 h. .v„lu.,.l pur'., ....-• t.. '!,..•<■ pai.s ■.It... arV.n....'....all>,a.n...u.Ml, ........ .•...-.- „J„ lis a>..I..a.-.l vN.ih .1.. Ml. .a a,..l .......' a ,.a.._ ..1 -,....-...a .-^ ■ „, a pa.r ..f I'...,.,.!- .-: S. OvarL's ...I ..v..l...'N va,.al.l.. ... .......Im'- a h1 , -,.,1... ....... ........H.^lv a pa,.' ..f -a.-!, i.. ;..' ...'X' I"-t"n..r "l;"'^' ;" ^ '"""■■'"'-p"',:'s'w' n.p.-.--n...,i i,. .■..ii..'i....,s f...... tiy f"H"«:i"^i:!''::''l':;:: .,..■ u.v.n a^ M.ppl...l l.v il>.> .■..ll.-.i...;'v.k r..i..l (f "'..'I. i "•' '• vLka .)!..,.• 2:. y.JHir.. ....... laM,.a.•«.,...flak.^<•..ll...-^^ 7 \ ■';';;,' i.MVi. .Maska. I...U. i:i. I'.M I, i.. ......1 i.. t.....l.a p.....l u.ia.n...). 11.t-.-1..'I .^ a .'I., .l..iv MS :M, l', p;....I ... t...Hl,a Mvamp at ....I. a |h . Irii H.T.,anl l,arl.....r, T.Mr.l...-..s, .1...... -JS, UU.,, ... ......1 at n.iiiu... I.I n...«l.ii poiKl July i.s, !•"•>. i..>"i •"^-'' ■■..i,.,. ,(ii.ii' .'., IMIll. ml .'I' tiiii.lia p«....l (slialLiw 1 i., I ...n,'';;' N..n;;'l.'.U..a.- .!..■ -...i-.'^: ^-^ ^"n"-..^ "'• -.l,,..,! ,unn..l; „>, >Aary, ... >;il funiirl; ^1, ^|»•^u;llllt•(■:l; i»y, ^-IHTiiiary. Sev.M, .,..M-h..o..s of L. vnr!,„nl,is. a...o..H a t.,tal ..f 'w.'..t.v, have at ra .^ .t.ia, a,..l h. ."a.-l. .•as. th.-y a.- pai.v. ... H a...l sp..,.na,u - ur,. aTrl. tl.c san..- s.,...itc. Sp...-...i.l.....l (........Is a..' f.......l ». I'Wt fc.r of t ..■se p" .' ova .! ... ovi.l...ts an. ......tai....! ... ^.; a„ a.....t.onMl pa.r of w.-ll- tHiiimhililii it A i|imI..|m'.1 i.viirn^^ iiiiii <>l >.\i.|ii.|. i« j>i<'-.»iit in 1)1 in mif »|Mi-mitii . i Ikivo xliiiill iivarn - :itiil tillici :i pun i.l i.viiiiHl- or ii •nirfir < m 10; niii' liif -fiKill oviirif" anil im ovnliirl.. in H»; ami ilmr ^im-.iiihm- hit' f nciiliiT nvani- nor oviiiiiftH in iliai •oimif. Hut iwo «| i n* an- in tin- iiro|.ri *U\ti>' of ^rx oriinn i|i'v.'|o|inuiit lo fliow ^iMitnaltifr.n', ami in "iif ot ih'in ilif^r oruan* an* piiir.'il in 1 I anil I-' ami llinr i« a finnti- oiii' in tlir riMlli' li'inl miIi' of HI < tin 1 1. Ill till- olliir -iM'tiimn ••iMrini.tlinai- an- paiii'ii in •.». II. ami I'.', ihiif i .mi- on llic li'fi -iilr of 10 ami two on tin' riulit «i.ii' of that noniiii' tin. '-' A- v. ill a|i|K'ar in ihr ai'm-ial ili«rii*r.ion of tins ,|mcii-*. tl>f I'olliMiion-* roiilain an nn- iisiially lame iMrccnIaur of -iM-rinii'm* with iiMiiialiv or will .|ivc|oim-i| si\ orijaii- . Siiili imliMilnaN an- onliiiarily vi-ry rair. Tin- .liainitiTs of llir«i' >pi cini. ns ari' I r I mill. l.unihriiuluK inconstiins 1 Snuth l.i'imlli, HO titlniiii. I >iaim 1, , , 0 11 n Minn NuiiiImi i>! -oiiiih-, .'OH, or inoir. t'oloin in liti . iiilili-li. an' h'hIv liiiiaii-li. I'lo-ioniinin roiimliHl, Icnirlli Oh. :iml oiii-liMJI lini.- tin' La-. I width. Spirnmlinal por.v- ii-iiallv on 10, or. :i.|oiialiy oil '.* or II. i Ki.liiral poii'> il»ilallv two pair- in Iwo m.iiiiIi-. iHAl follouinu llir oiii' «ilh ^ pon's. oita>ionaily l>iit onr p.air. SprrniailH'.al p<'i.- paiii.l or .i-vmniil rii-.ill> .li«l nl.iitr.l on four or livr soiniti's po^*l<■rior lo ihi itiia! >.>inr Spmnari.* ami -pi'rnii.lilfal funiii-1-' on.' to tliriT pan-. . c.niiii.nilv two pan- in 0 aii.l 10. <»var ;in>l'.i! fuiini'U 1,111' or two pail-, .■onimonly two p.iir'* in 11 .■mil 1.'. p.rimithi'i'.ii- pain I or a>. ■iiiinrlrir;illv iii-iriliiiti'i| in four or fivi- of -omiii- I 1 I'i .\ frw -|M'i'iim n- of tlii- -pcin-i wcri' foiiml a— o.iali.l with I., iwininltis in il, llciiioii- from lln' fi.ilowinu' lo -ililii-. < 'nilin-on point, .\la-ka. .liinr IX, 19) I, in mini in iiimli.i poml unaruim. Ijrr-fhi'l i-laml. ^ iikon jiiri-'iy, Ji,', liO :il. PUti. poml III lumlia -wainp at fa-t rml. ■^^F"*^' ^~j 1 ( I C^ •O-^j^ I .T2__ ff_ _ • M - I I Flo. 3 Dmiiniiii -).<.«>l 111. mil .11 <.f r.'i.ri"liirlivi- ..ilmi.- in ;i •\<'> iii..'ii i.f l.nin>m' of thi'iii ha- liairi'il atria in 10, l.iit no trail's of spcrinatlifi ar. It has also paircil spi'rmarii's aiiil spi'minliiral funnels in It ami 10. iiaiinl ovaries ami oviiliicts in 11. one well iieveli)|)eil ovarv ami one minute one in 12. hut no oviilurts are reconnizaliie in that somite. Small eell antireuates that are apparently similar to riKliniintary ovaries are present on one siile of \A 17. Similar hoilie- were fouml hy .Mra/.ek (l(>07:42!t) in L. riiriajdtii-s. .Another speeiiiien that is more nearly mature has also paired atria in 10 ititJ. Hi ami paired speniiaries and siMTiuidiical fiinn. 's 4«4.i5 -2J (1 A CiiiKiilnnt Aicllr E.Viii ililnni . I'.tl-i I ill •• ;iii(l 1(1. t»v;irirs Mild .iviclii.'ts aiv |i:ui'.m1 hi II .111. 1 I-': >|icniial Ih'cm.- :nv iiivsciit nil .piic >i(lr c,t Vl II, ami uii tlir (.llnT siijr lliiTr aiv volltfr-j't -|»T- liiallirial |mi-i li> l> I"" '• •> "•■'•' wliirli is l.iil liaif of lliat dl' llic maliliv iii.liviiiilal< n\ I., nin.'iolus in lli(> iiini sallir cdljl'l-l iiill~ Di.-i Hiiii iiuN wii Si>ii;\i\iii lti;i..\ I iii\>iiii'>. |)i>'iriu iKPN. /.. i„rn,,,ih,s h.-is Idiij; Iktii known iVoiii vaiiou- part- ol jiii-opc I'l-cn is7'.t:lli iv|ioii(Mi spcciinciis I'nmi -cv.M'ai Io.mIi.ics in \vi'>t(;rii .,'iciirSil.niaa>.lonl,iriilh iMJonuiiiti- K' t liis species. His li^inrcs and .IrM-ription ,,r ,.,.|i-,in ■■ -d.aiid- ■' in 1> 12 make il thai lie really deaiinu Willi Ihe M.enn.allie,-ae 111 /,. nirn./al^is. In an earlier paper Klseii |,S, 2. I2'.' i also iveni'l- the 111 (lleeiilalid. Lilt I his i- n-^arded l.v nmie sul.-eipi.-lil writer- - d.iiil.trnl. ll 1- now -lionn to have an extensive diM riKul ion in the ,„,,llH.rii Iriime oi the e,,i,tmenlal areas ol I'-.iiraMa and North .Xinern-a ami prolial.U ihe are: aipied l.\ il i- fairly I'oiil^. / ',„rn„.hn,s ha- pivvioii-lv lie.Mi known only from the North CenMal ,and (ilvMl l.ak.'- re(iion> of ihe Iniled Slate-, and the new ive,,rd> i:reallv exlelid it- lanije. >^-ilMMl, /,. ,,iin,i,ilu. ha> hail an esperiall. prominent plae.- in tli,' .,liivoehaelo|ut.|eal lileratnre of lairope, ami i- well known, nol only to the -v-temali-t- Km .il-o 1.. -lndenl> of ion |)lienoinena .and llie related inorpholovu'al proMem- Although il wa- knoun lo I'.onnet m 1,1.. .and wa- |,,,,„allv de>enl.ed and named l.y ( ». I''. -Muller in 1771, v,1 il was m.i until l't07 that an .aileqiiale hvallnenl of Ihe reprodlielive ni-(;ans ap|ieaiv,|, wlieii Mia/ek piil.U-he.l hi- p.aper iiiviii- the resiiUs of an ion nl >onielliin;i .,,,,,■ 'MIO -, :dl\ inatiliv -peeilneli^, Sneh individual- .ale exlreinely rare ami ,!„. reprod,,, ,ive'.-v-lem 1- extraordinarily v,iriahle. ;iml, m r,,n-e,pienee, e.irher writer- with nol more than on.' to ihiv,. ea. h had piihh-hed niore ,,r le- dl-e,,rdanl .aeeounl-. The-e disrrepa lieies .are eaMly explained 111 the lilihl of .\Ira/,ek'- le-ult-. The atria are f,,und in one or more of -oniih- C II. 'nicio i~ MHiietimes ., -iniile .alnuni. -oinelinie- :i pair. ,and somelimo either two ,,r ihiv,. alria asvi elrieallv di-posed. In the latter raM. the atrial M.mile- are -onu'liine- nnt eoiK.aaitive. The palled relation Is the inosi I'oniinoli, and S 1. mo.l liy- „lv Ihe -oimle. Aside from S. -oiiiile 7 1- the one more ,omiiioiily The nunihei ,,f -perinidiieal funnels varies Iroiii a sin^ile nne lo liiive i|lleli in volvei ,,;,„- Willi Ihe pre-en.'e nf .a -ii^le one , ,r .a Miuil.' pair m s oe.airnm;- iiio,t ,-oi;iinon .■ondilion 1- „ne pair of ,md of oviduel- in Ml 1- al>o ol Ire.pienl ,,eeuireiiee. Thiae I- iiHwl .-urpri-iiiti v.iriahililv 111 the niimlier and ariaiiiienieul ol the .,„aiiiilhee-,e There w, re none nf -oinile> 7 17 that did nol contain sper- malhecae m - e or more of Wuurk'^ -erie- of worms. It .- very ciinii.on I,, h.ive iwooreveii three -perin:i 1 liecae on one .ide ol a siiim;1.; >omiti- Willi the n.-iill .asmanva- live .and even six >periiial lieeae in a single soiiiile have heeii found The total miiidier of thes -trans 111 one individual has heeii ioiiinl varviim from three in one specimen lo 1 wenly-sevei, in another, and the „f soniiles ,-oi,laiiiiii>; .permathe, ,,e has varied floiu two to nine In nearly all speciiiiens 10 11, and 12 are found to contain -peniialliecae. and also in (imte a la lire It or 1:5 or l.otii liavc thes nans, uliile they are loiiiid 111 any of the other -oinites far less freipiently. ) )liiii rhiu In /.. i iii-(iNsliniy. likr it> cciniiciici', i- vcvy i:iicly IcmiimI ~r\ii:ill\ iiiainic ,'111(1 the tVw s|)cciliii'li> lliils l;ir iilit.-iiiicil in lliat (■(Hnlil imi imliralc lli.-il in lhi> ^|>('(•i(■s alxv. tlicrc is iiiucli vaiiaUilil \' in llif niunliri anil arcaniicnicnl nl" ilic VMi'iiiUs rc|iriMliiclivc i~ in llic m'ncial liicaliim (it llic-c (iii;an~ ami In llic nunilici' (it' spciiMario and >|i('inii(lilcal t'linncls. I'anvd aliia, -|iiiinaiir-. and spcllnidllcal runnels in 1(1. with an additldnal pair nl' spiiniaric-- and spci- inidilcal t'liniK'ls in '.>. is llii' usual cdndil i(iii in /.. i luniislniis. ulnlc a single pair of atria and dl' spcrniarics in S. and a ^in^lc s|icriniduial funnel (ir a pair in that siiinite is the Usual eotidition in /,. rm ikjuIus. Vhv spei mat hecae (it /.. iiinmsliins are ndrnially alxiut two siiniites farther posleridr than are thdse df the (illier species. Size is udt (irdiiialily very si^nilieri^it as a disi insiuishint; character. tiut 11(1 specimen (if /,. iiii-iiiiMdiis has lieen fdund with a diameter nuich more than half (if ilia I (if (irdinary mature specimens (if /.. i m-iaiiiliix. and now a similar dilference is apparent lietueeii mature specimen^ (if the two species when fniind in the same situation. This is true in each df the two collections of the expedition ill which /,. iiiciDislitiis is c(int.aine(l. rni'ortuiialely there has lieeii no series of sexually mat ure specimens of /, iiicdiistiitix at all comparalile in niimliers with that of the I'jiropean specie (ilitained liy Mr:i/ek. Iiicludiny; the single specimen Id which reference was ni.ade liv Mikiic i I'.MICi : lli'.ti. we klidW the position of the atria in liut ele\cn. and of I he sperinathecae in Imt li\c specimens of /.. i iicniislniis Irom the (ireat Lakes rejrion of North .America. The atri.a are paired in '.» in two -pecinieiis: paired in 10 in eiiihl specimens; and paired in 11 in one. In e.ich of the tun with atria paireil in !• there are spermaries and spermidilcal funnels in ",•; oxari'-- .and oviducts in Kland I 1 : one has speriiialliec,-ie in II l.' part .asyniniel rn: I. .and in the other they are undeveloped. In the specimen with the atria paired in II. then- are paired'ies and spciniiilucal funnels in (t. 10, .iiel II; a pair of (I. les and oviducts in 12; and speriiiatli(a-ae in \'2 Hi. in part a-\ ninie- trical. In luo earlier papers (IS'.l.'i and I'.IO.'ii I lia\-e referred to this specimen with .atria in 11, and include(l it with others in a slalemeiil ihal sperniarie- are present in '.I .and 10 and d\-aries in I 1 and 1'.'. .\ ic-examiiiation of t his spccinnii. with tireater experience in interpreting vestiiriiil structures in these worm-. has convinced me that in this particular individual, the (lonads and ducts ot 11 ;ire in reality spermaries and spermidilcal rather than ovaiies and ovidiical as previously announceil. N'estijies df the funnels is alidiil .all that i~ present Id represent the ducts, .■md their pdsitidii indicate- thai lliey pidliahly arc spermidilcal structures. In e.acli of the eiiiht specimen- with paired atria in 10 tlieii are p.aireil n'onads. pre-uinaMy sperinaries, in '.t and 10; .and five ol Ihein lia\c at least trace- of speiniiducal funnel- in '.I .and 10. In the others, recojiiiiz.alile tr.aces of the funnels ;ire Lackini:. le iilentity of Uie tun -pcae- of LiimUrkuhn' mentioned in lliis paper, it is inlerestinn to note in .ill ot Mra/ek's series there were liuf three that had atria in 10. and each of these liad an asymmetrical .arrangement df these drfiaiis. there lieiiii; in each case 0110 or two atria in a iridic anterior somite. In at least one of the viay small g _\ Catuiilinn Antic ExpeiUtiim. l'-)Ui-lS number of specimens in his series ImviiiK atria in 11. there was oyidenee of regeneration of anterior somites. Tliis would he very likely to alter the number of somites and hence the numeri<'al n>lalioiis of ori?an positions. I>umbriculus, sp. The coilectioii contains two small specimens liavinu data as follows: 'Rrackish pond at TcUit (Port Clarence). Alaska. In mo.-^s-hrink. .Vugust 3 1013" They ai)parentlv are sexually iminatun- specimens of some species ot Lunihriciiliis' S.'ctioiis of the most promising; lookinji specimen revealed . Mecaiise of the chaiijic in the of somites liable to occur iii the proci'ss . f rcfieiieiation, the location ot the (loiia.l- has little systematic ^i^;nificall(■e, and tiiere is insufhcienl li;tsis for identification. The occurrence of rei)re>entatives of Luiri.riculidae in brackish water is nt least unusual. LiTKK-vrnu; m iiagra arktiska Oligodia-t.T, Ufv. K.iiigl. Vet. .Vka.l. Forh. l".) ; 1 IH l-'l. l.sT'.t. Oil the < •littorlin'ta collected during the Swedi-. Kongl. Sv, \'et. .\kad. Handl. L". ; 1— t'J. '"'mmMi' Hiriidiiiea and Oligoeliieta e.iUected in the (ireat Labs l!egi..ii. Bull. Bur. Tislierie-S •_>.". : l.Vi -171. ' i'H)7 Die (le^ehleclit.sverhaltnisse uiid die Geschleeht.-organe von. /.nml"iVi//i(S rariigalus dr. Zool. ,Iahrl). .\nat. u. Ont. 133 : 381—40-'. ' "lVt.5 Notes on Speeies of North .\meriean Oligoelueta. Bull, 111. State Lab. Nat. Hi.~t. I : Js.") ■J'.t7. I'MI.-, Note.><(.n Speeies of North .Vmerieaii Oligoeha-ii. V. The Sysieinatic Helat ionsliips of l.iiiiihrtrittiis iTIiiiuxInhtsf inri>i,M -."il. II.— THK KNCHVTHAKinAK.' Bv I'aii. S \Vki.( II. Eight of tho collections coiitaiiiod iiwituro eiicliytnu-ids rcprescntinK six species distributed aiiionR four genera. Iiiunatu.e specimens not periniltnig specific identification were also present. difficulties encountered in connection with some of the material necessitated provisional ideiitihcation of two species. These difficulties were mainly (luo to incomplete, original (l(s(;iip- tions of arctic Eurasian species made many years ago when the Encliytraeiclac were little known and before the taxonomic importance of several anatomical features was recognized. Since the original Eurasian s|)ccimens are not avail- able, the descriptions and accompanying illustrations are the sole deiH-ndence, thus preventing positive identifications, at least in some cases. lor this rea.-oii. brief anatomical descriptions of the representatives oi each species treated in this report have been included and it will be understood that tiiey are Iki-mI exclusivelv upon the charact.'rs of the Canadian specimens. ( •haractensli, - oi immature' specimens are listed oidy in case it is unlikely that they are juvcnih- individuals of a species already discussed. Henlea nasuta (Eisen.) A collection of enchvtraeids made .Inly 7, lOlo, from wet moss roots on a tundra, Bernard harbour. Northwest Territoiies, contained two sp.>ciinens, both mature, and the posterior portion of another which exhibit the characters ot Henlea nasuta (Eisen.) CHA.u^.crERisTics.— Length, 19.3 mm. Diameter, about 1.0 nun. Somite.-, about 58. Colour of alcoholic specimens light brown. Prostonuum small: short; pointed. Setae 4-6 per bundle in ventral rows; 3-5 per bundle m lateral rows- straight; inner ones of bundle slightly smaller. (, litellum we 1 developed ; on 12-113; continuous around body. Lymphocytes scanty; ovoid to circular. Peptonephridia present; one dorsal and one ventral strand: botli arising trom digestive tract in 5; both in close contact with wall ot; branches pro- jecting into coelom in 6; ventral strand longer than dorsal, extemling to ». Oesophagus expanding abruptly into intestine in 8. Two conspicuous intestinal diverticula in 8, each opening independently by single opening into atero- ventral part of the digestive tract; bag-shaped; refiected cephalad; slightlv flattened laterally; large central cavity with many deep folds of lining. Dorsa blood-vessel arising in 8. Nephridia with small anteseptal and large post septa part; efferent duct arising from anterior ventral surfac of latter, ^l)ernu.luca funnel about li times longer than wide. Sperm duct confined to 12 enial bulb of simple fumbricillhl tvpe; body of bulb composed of but one se ot cells. Spei-mathecae with no definite demarcation between duct am ampulla; lew. small, unicellular glands at ectal opening; 1,>-IS civcii l>v Mi(li;ifl>cii M'.KHI ;t>'.»i, it wMs la'l:iiicl ill (lie \Miitc yen, 1 )ciMn:iik, ( icriniiiiy, Mdln-tnia, riaiico, mikI Italy. Ilenlea tenella < l.i-t ni Two iiiatiiic (■n.-livtiaiiils l.cloiiniiin to tli<- KCinis Hcidci wciv collect. m1 uiulei' old (liiltwood loir- -m the tiiii.lia at ('..llinsoii point, Alaska, 27 1'.U;i These speciih' h- a(iiee in so many particulars with the .lescriptij.ii vi' llciilcii [Arcliinn-lnitnicx) tiiicllo ( Kisen ) that they arc placed provisionally under that name, rni'ortimatelv. the descriplion of this species, like many ot the older ones, is verv hrief, indehtiite with respect to some leatiires, aiul entirely lackinn in iniormatioii concerniiiM: certain important anatomical characters. In order to facilitate future revision, the principal characters oi the specinx'ns stiiiiied are (liven below. (•iiMi.vcTKUisrus. "LeiiKlh, 1(1-8 12 mm. Diameter, in res;i'>" of ditelluin, about It- >2 mm. S ites, .Vi .W Colour of alcoholic specimens imitormly ilark brown. I'rost imn .short ; very blunt; rounded; smooth. Setae almost strainhf inner ones of bundle sli^liilv smaller than outer; 2 ,') per bundle m lateral rows, iis.iallv S ^K 2 t) i)er bundle in v.Mitral rows, usually l-'i; "'iinbcr per buiuUe decivasinu at posterior end of body. Chtellum only shchtly .level- oped: inconspicuous: on 12 lU; .liameter <.f b.nly slightly or not at all Hi'eater at clitellum than at adjacent somites: continuous arouii.l I,ymi)hocytes scantv ellipti.'al: variable in size. Urain lIMt mm. lonti. tl T-' mm. wnl.-. deprcs>ed: lateral marjiins sliiihtlv diveri^ent : p.)sten<)r mariiin deeply cinai}iiiiate:ant.'rior marjiin slinhtlv com-ave: one pair supporting strains apices of posterior lobes, another jiair from latero-|...sterior margins, both pairs cxteiidiiifj camh)-lalera.l to One l>air of dimmiive peptoneplm.lia in ") on ventral si.!.' of digestive tract: sliLdilly bianchins;. ( ■li!.ira.j:o^' .'ell-. i;i dense laver about diRestive tract for its wholi> l.'ntilh. ()eso|>hat:us expam niy; abruptiv into intestine in S. Intestinal diverticiihim in S; entirely siirroiin.lint;: .li^iesiive tract; conspicuous in transverse section: tubular m sirui'tuie, tubules uniliiiK with intestine in posterior iiart of S. Orifiin of dorsal bloo.l-vessel in p j.'rior pari of S or befrinninp of t*. N'ephri.lia with sm;dl, antesepta part; poMseplal part lar^e, cf)nipresse.l: I'lT.'i.'iit duct .'is Ion;: as postsi-ptal pai't, ari-iii"- fioni surface of latter sei>liini. Sp.'rniidui-;il funnel small; soin.'what cvliiulrical: expande.l w.u mi.ldle: lenulh about twice maximum diameter. Sperm .luct niu.'h .•ontort.'d; contiiied to 12. I'emal bulb small: of liimbricillid Lvpe: bodv of or>ran with but on.' set .if .-elU. Spermalhe.-a.' very sni.all and simple: widhhimii'.l to f.irm ampulla without ini'feasins .liam.'ter exti'inallv: no .livi'rti.'ula ; inc.mspi.'uous ,mI ect: i op.'nmt!: of .lu.'t; siM'i-matlie.'ae unitiiijr .l.irsa.l ..f .li'^.'-tive trni't to f.^rm small, .• tub.'; latt.'r coniie.'tiiif: with lumen of .li«.'stive tract; .•iil.n p..rti..n.- ol >permathei','ie very slcmler. nisllssl'>N .M> Dks. ItU'lIll.N. When compare.l with the .iri^inal ili'MTipl ion .if Hiiiha tmilhi (Kisen I87',t : 17', .litTerences appear in the number .it l of the herein .lescribed the ( ■..llins..ii spe.'imens or not an.l an element of un.crtaintv thus exists in the For th.' purpose .if this report none of the anatomical features d.'inan.l special mention except the infestin:il .liverli.'iilum. the peiiial bulb, an.l the spermalhecea. ( >l lllllflllll til 11 A I l\lK>ll\AI. 11l\ Kidlri i.iM. Stiiuli'iMJly, tlic iiili>tiii;il dive rln uliliii li,_ thcsr ('ollin>nn pdilil >|MTi ii> rr>fiiilili> \c,y cld-cly iIium' hi //- i,hii niti: \\v\v\\ Mini lliiiiii' tiihiilifirii Wili'li, 'rill' wiilci- piiilitiMl (Hit in an cMiliri' paper (Wclili. i'tl t : lt'>(»i that a similar I.\ pi- 'if sirnrliiri' is rcportcil I'.ir llic iiilcstinal (livcrlicilliilii ill the tii'lHls llipnlni' !.-.t, r (''ijka. Ill fad. < 'rjka i lUl(t) iisrs lliis lypc of -inii'tiin' as imc of tlic (lisliii^iuisliiiiu i'liarai't('i> <>f lli juiIkijii"!'!'. How- ever, since llie ( 'ollinsoii [loint material lark^ llie canals in the iiite-^linal epillic- liiiiii and since llie peptonepliridia and sperinatliecae dilTer from those de-cril>e,l for that (jemis, this species is herein recorded as lieloiittini: to HihIki. This ornan arises from the ixisterior end of the oesophatiiis in N and is rcHecled eephalad. closely investing the latter for iilniost tlie entire leiiy:th ot the somite. It occupies approximately one-hali' of the liody-cavil.\ in S. .V deep, narrow, lonnitndinal dei)re.ssion on the mid-ilorsal si(h- partly encloses the dorsal lilood-vessel. A smaller, longitudinal depression on the mid-ventral surface |)artlv encloses the ventral l.lood-vessel. The ornaii is laruely composiMJ of a series ui liranchin^, longitudinal, thick-walled luliules closely (Mowded together, which unite near the caudal end of the diverticulum and oi)en into the lumen of the digestive tract ihroiisjh a few larger tulies. It miirht he mentioned Krieiid i 101 1 : l.')l \r>:i\ lists llniln, t> lulhi tmder a heading ■' (esophageal glands absent." hut, since the Knglish n cord is uncertain, this statement is disri'garded. 1'kmai. Mri.H. The peiiial hilllis are small, iK'ing hut little thicker, in transverse section of the hodv of the worm, than the ailjacent muscle-layer ot the hodv-wall. Thev are simple in structure, conforming to the lumhncilhd tvi)e. Kach is compiised of hut one set of gland cells and is covereil hy a well- d'eveloped iiiilscle-laver. The si)erm duct extends well into th.' l>ull> to umt<> with a distinctlv different iate as large as the sperm funnel although hut little largi r. Si'KitMAriir.rAK.— The origin, il (lescrii)iioii hy VA-vu MST't ; 17) contain-^ no mention of anv connection of the spermathec-ie wii h the dine-iive tiact. and his accompanving figures d'l. Ill, og: PI. IV, :.m > -cm '.o m.hcale that th.v end hiilidiv, l.eiim- verv much n.MiTOwed at the end. Since tin' entai extremities of the spermathecar in the ( 'ollinson point specimens are very much reduced in diameter, the writer is inclined to suspect Kither with A .... /),•;/////■;(;-'-■ }fal: I'.verlooked. .liidging from the aho\e d.x-iipl ion and ;in examination of the .iriirinal tiguivs. theiv seems to he no gronmU loi- ostahlishing such a variety. . I)l-TUll)t TION The specimen- studied. hy I'.is:'n and clas-liied as //././." timllii were collei'ied on Snlowetski i>lai;d in the AVhite sea Kl.V n. . :it Tromsu, Xorwav iahout tV.f n. lat.i ami at ■■ .■^apotschnaja Kerga. .leiij-vj, 8iheria (71° 41' n,lat.K Aside from an nnc.atain record hy Friend ( ItH'.' : .iS.) I>1 of its occurrence in Knglaiid, no other records appear in llic hieialuie, .ihd it thus appears that the si.ecics, as known at i)resent, is Arctic in its distrihutioii. Although widely removed geographically from Mie known Old \\ orld localities, this species !ii)parently exists inder similar conditions in arctic America. 12 A Canailidii Arctic ExiwdiUon, lUUi-lH Henlea ochracea (Kiscii.i A r.,ll.>.ti..i. iim.le July 26, I'JIG, at cape Batl.iUHt, Nj.rlhw.'.t ^, fn.n. a •• wat.T-h..l." in swamp Vti-ndra; contaim-.l tw., ma un- .•n.;h>- whirli cliaracters very rsimilar to those .lc'scni..Ml ,> Lsn (lH7h..s into .•o.-l..m in t.: N.-nt al iviir ari-inn as two tul.ular strands, nn.r.- massiv than -lorsal p<.pl..n..phridia. dso few hranehes into eoelom in ti. ( ) .■xpamlinn ahruplly m to intestine in S. Int-'stinal .livertieulum in S: eomi) surr.,u.i.linn .lijiestiN.' tra.-t as sinttle ..luan; with r.umeroi.s infrnal tul|ul..s. (hifim 'itj''!'-^:! .'''";'; ' vessel in t); vessel ex.Ti)ti..nallv enlarne.l above divertieulum N.^phrulia VMtli verv small ant.-s..ptal an.l laiV post.septal part; efferent .luet "'ismK Iron. ,,„s\orior en.l ..f latfr.'al funnel about twi.-e as ""P •'^7• •';, ' hin. refleet,-,! ....liar; sperm .luet in 12 only, mud. eo.le. P.mial bib .t simple luml.rieilli.l tvpe; but one set of .-oils in ..f bul .. >p.M-mathe.a, srin.lU-shai)e.l; without .listinet separation l.etw(>en ami.uUa ami .lu.'t . no . ivertie.ila: tw.. ..f ^' at eetal opening: oxt.mdinn ' '»'■ "- "P" ;) „„i„n with eonTsp..n.lin« part of opposite spermathc-ca .•ommon . ,..• 1. a in^ to lum.m ..f alimentarv eanal; .liam.-ter of ampul a about twice that ..f .l.ut. Dis, rssi.)v -Slipht differences hetwe.Mi the ( anadian speein.ens an.l tl...s.- .l..s.-rib,Hi bv Eisen from Z.-n.bla exist in one ...; two s.-ts of organs. The sp.-rm..luearfum.el in the is not as st..,it as E.sen in''"^"!'^ ' ' ' ;■; figure an.l the ampulla of the spcrmath..-a is less .hstinetly set off "">"''" .loet, 'mt these an' .liff.-renoes .)f .i.-gr... and air ot little sinnihe;,,,.^. E sen figures several glands at the ectal openings of the spermatnecac but th.> ( ana.lian speeimens have ..nly two. . . , ,. c e ;..,„„ ,>f DisTUiiUTioN-.— Aside from the original .hscovery of a few speeim.'n> ot UenUa ovhracea in Nova Zembla, nothing has hith^ rto be.m known .■onc.-rnmg its distribution. The discovery of en.'hytrae.ds appa ^ntly b.^ l..nging to his species in arctic North America is therefore a matter of mteivst and indi...te, for this annelid a wide distribution. Henlea arctica, n. sp. \ collection ma.le .hilv 2, 1915, from the mud at the margin of a tundra pond, Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, contained six enchytraeids, two of which were mature. These ann.> show a combinati.M. o chara.'ters which does not s.-eni to agree with .k^cnptions of ahermv know,,, in respe.K thev appeared to resemble certain poorly described species and nlete descriptions have ma.le the .letermination very puzzling, but the some n incomplete descripti...... , ^ , ■ ■ ;. . .. lack ..f complete agre.'inent has le.l to the final con.'msion that th.'s.- must be reganled as icpresenting a new species. worms OliijiH'hnetn 13 A Henlea. ■- shuwcil clearly tliat Ihi:^ Xoi'liwost Tcniioritv was fou...l which. th..u^Jh t.M, .nnnatun. to ul.M.t.ty to -1 '' ;• ;' ^^^ spocnncn may l.c an iiiiniatuic II, "I. a iui.-!>. Cli'). ti'iidla (Lisoii >. Enchytraeus hyalinus, var. \ collection fn.n, Pihumalerksiak islan.l point), ^'^''''^^^'^J Terr torier.)ulv lo. l»Hi, contain.-a eit^hty-seven specimens, of whu'h about m e fif^n-ere m-i . re These en.hvtra.-uls were cHecte.l nmon« n>oss roo s, amraescrlhe'l m Ihe fu-ia notes as -white worms," referring, no ,lo„hl. to the II A I iiiKliliini .\rclir t'.Xi tililinn . I!t'liltc|. :ili riinliiiiitMl liV «l|li>cc|i|rlit (■\;iiiiiii:iliiiii cil ilcMii'il siM'ciiiitii> iiMil -riiiil >('cli(iii» iit Mlccti'il iiii|i\ iiluiiU. Not :ill 111 llic iiiMlt'iial \V!is MTlidlliil mihI, .-iiii'i' -iprcitic idriiliticMtiun ilciiciiiU iiptiii such |)iu(('(liiif, tlir iilciitiiN III' iimiiy of the \v(>nii> wiis jii'liitcl Innii the cxtcriiiil ('X.iiiiiiiatidii of clcaicil -iici'iinciif. n\\i\ n ciiiiipiiriMdi ol tlii' icsiills willi tllKSC olilililicil hy .'I sillily ut tin sccliitlicil specimens. Mi(*l of lliis collectinll lielolilis Ida variety of Kiirliiilnit iis hijitliinis (I'jseiP. 'i'lie oilier species repre- seiileil illiiiliii. >\i. !ai anil Mi •'i nchiihin iis jnlmii.ti in u. sp. i ale referieil to elsewhere, riifoil iiiiately, the uritjinal description of liiinliinis i> meaiiie, ceriaiii iiiiportani stiiirturai features \tvi\i)i ininieiilioneil. ( 'il.\l(.A( rKKlsrn >. I.enntli. almiit II nun. Maxiiiiiini ili.iineler, alioiit (l-.'i iiiiii. Soiiiiles. aliiiiit .'lO. (ipjoiir ■ white " acconlinji to collection record; alcoholic specimens yellowish lirown. Setae straight; those of a Imndle eipial ill size; 2 -i in lateral Imiidles, mostly ',i: almost invariaMy :{ in ventral Imndles. exi'e|)t ill iniinediate vicinity of extremities. ( lilelhini on 12 1:5; moderate in si/e; incom|)lete on iiiid-\eiilral surface. I'l'osloiiiiiim liliint : rounded : smooth. J.yinpliocytes sparse; small; ovoid to circular. Uraiti alunit IS times longer llian wide; lateral margins diverjient caiidad; anterior niariiin very sli|!tly concave; posterior margin straitiht or very shallowly concave; nearly cire.ilur in transverse section tliroiitih middle. One pair peptoiiepliridia arisiiii; iroiii mid-dorsal part of oesophanns in I; strands arisinu inilependeiitly lnit almost in eolitai't; uiilir;iMclied: I hick-walled; somewhat contorted; each strand exteml- iiiji veiitio-lalerad from point of orijciii; ihiii-walled. somewhat spherical expan- sion in middle of leiitrth of each or^aii. walls dilTerinij: in structure from adjacent ones; liotli orijans confined to 4. Koisal liloo(l-\essel arisint; in It. .\iiteseplal ))art of nephridia small, comprisint: little more than mere nephroslome; post- septal part lar^e, erfereiil duct arisini; from posterior end of post.septal p.irl. Spermidiical funnel ahoiit three times lonfjer than wide; sperm duct slioit, confined to 12. I'eiiial liilUi of the typical eiichytriieid txjie as defined liy Ki>eii 1 I'.IO.") ;7 Si; consi^tiny; of separate and distinct sets of glands, each openiim independently on siirf:ice of liody; mainly com|)o>id of two well-de\elopeil. miilti-cellulai-, spherical iilaiids or " cushions " on each side of liody, arraiiued in longitudinal seipience and close tonelher hut not in contact; sperm duct opening to exterior independently of anterior uland on it- ectal side; cells in j;laiiiK apparently all of same kind. i)l^ri ss|n\ AM) DksiIUI' I H IN. When ciini|iaieil m detail with the oiittiiial description of Kiicliiilnn us liiliil'iiiis ■ V.\>t']t |s7!l;2i'i 27i. it is noted that the correspondence is very close foi' mII of those features mentioned, with the exception of the form of the sperma- ihecae. It .■ippears that the specimens from Xova Zemlila on which the oiijiinal description was liased had spermathecae which showed an alrium-Iike eiilarui'- nieiit of the d mi. >,'o such eid.-irj;ement appears in the spermathecae of the ( *an- adiaii specimens. There is some reseniM.-ince to the spermathecae in Kiir}iiilnii us )N(iriiiiis ;is de-ciilied liv .Moore ( l!t()2 ; S(l S2i. l.^Mi'iiiHA ii;s. The orijiinal description also -^taies that no "perigastric cells " : l\]iiphocylesi ;ne present in the Xo\a Zemlila material. If such olisiM- vation w,'i> correct. ;inolher ditTerence appears since lymphocytes do occur in the •-pe;-inii!i- IVe.Mi !!<>It li-'ni <':iii:id:(. l)Kvr;i,oiM\(; ()VA. Masses of developinji ov.i occurred in the usual ])osilion in 12. In addition, ova were ohserved in the liody-cavity scattered at intervals from 2!t ti 12 inclusive. The remoteness from the oviducal pores iiijikes i\ douhtful if such ova ever jiass to Ihe exterior. ( tlhimhili hi \r, V Hl^litlin ili)N. riiu- Imi I: mil III nil n^ luinlnno li:i- Imtii il.'linilily kliuwii only I'n-iii NimI.I:i. Iln' lial' ■>! the ..iimii:il -!"■<■ n- i- H"' niviii. Fiinici I I'.tlJ : 222 '-'J.i' lia> ili^n iImi|. M|>|).inriil\ willi Miinr 1icmI;iIi<>ii, .i \mihi\ of //,/,//,„(/.s"iiiri'r Ihr lial I>nsn.< lioiii .|,.riiii.ii> .M-liiiu iiimIii iiilalMl .dii- .lili(.ll^ III KlIlilMllll. TIm' I'llrt llcMTllllK.II nl llli> lul 1 .•-) |n,M 1- llo-.'l,\ Willi lll.ll ISIVII .lliuvr lur liir NiPltll Alllclic'MII lollli>. Willi till' i\n|il|iin 111 111.' spcilliatlll'rai'. 'I'hr Mllliluiv of the pcllial Kllili is not (li-clilifil ail.l no rolll- |)aii vaiiily ./'«<■./., i, iiior, c. riaiiily aiul iv coni- plrl.-ly ,|i-.iTil"M|. ihr writri-pivfns to ji'av.' llii-airlic AlinllcMii vani'ty without II naiii) . Mesenchytraeus johansoni, n. -p. •\- ni.'Ullollc'.l iM'foIv. tlir roilrrli laili- .lul\ I .'i. l'.lM>. H -ro,,!- on l>iliuiiial.'ik>iak i-laii.l .Cu-kliiiin poiiii . NoitliuvM T. iiiiui u-. .oniaiiir,! riii'livlrac' ollirr than llnilni -p. an. I lunln/lnu us Imiihii'i^ sar. Al.nul I-ii of llir -p.'i-iliicns >lio\v rhaiarl. I- ..I iIm' ii>'iiii.- Mi.-iiiillr«rnlallV.'- ol a lieu ^pri'li- of Ml s, iirliiilriii IIS. uhlch I- lialiiiil in hoiioiii n| llir collrcloi. |)|.i l\ITlo\. i.riiL'lli. I-.' II mill. Diaiiicl.a. ai.oul .1-7 mm. Sonnir-, .■>:, .■,: Colour ■•uhiir" Mcroidiim to tirld nolc- -prcim.'ii-: liulit yrllowi-h in ahohol. l*ro>! mm l.liini : >mooih: r hlr.l, iica.! poiv near iip of pi-o.-toniiiiin. Si'tar >ii:iiioi,l; -miliar iii -i/r; :; .) in \(iitiaj I'ow-. •* I in lateral io\\~, IfWiT al •■xlirmiti.-. ( •|itclliim \vclM.\ .lopr.l ; on ,li i:i. T.vinpliocvl.- -.•aniv; ovol.l. Dor-al I,1o.m1-vi—c1 :,M-mi; m _'.• _':i; cai.lla.- Iioily prrscnl. ( hlorauoir rcl^ with heavy I.m.I ol l>ro\vni>h-l.l;ick pmnicni. Nci'ihridia with tvpieal iii.-.Mii'hvtrafi.l Mriirturi': aiitclueis oloiinate, exlen.linu- eamlail to ID within ovi.sie; iiiiieh eontorted. l,|-le< massive- iimlividecl. Sperm -a,' inv-ent: Mimle; i-amla.l to ](■>• within ovi^ae; hifiireal inti' al po.-teiior eml. <)vi.-ae | ire-en I ; .AleiHlmii: can. la. I l.i If'- liifilivatinu: al p..-l.'ri..r en. I. I'.'iiial hilH. ol ine-.nehyl raei.l type- Miiall: alrinm pr.'seiit. larjiely wilhiii ImmIv of hull., al...i|i liv.' iri.'irular a'triai exleii.liim into eoeloni; no ae.'cssory ol,-.i v.'.l. t ha; p-"" sperinathe.'ae; tVw iini.'elluiar irlamls at .■.•tal .ipenimi; l|sliii.ll\ .lilLnn- tiale.l ampulla, of or>:an aii.l .lii<-t .-f al.oilt -aim- .liain.-i.'r: -piania- tlwea ioininsi .lip^tive Ira.-t verv iiii.l-v..ntral lim- m p..-t.'rior part ol .). .■M.'h with two loim-. -l.-n.ler .liv.'iti.-ula .■xteii.lim: .|..i-:..l ..v.a alimentary .-anal. The al>ov.'ih>s,a-ipti..ii is,| upon a .-ai-.-fiil > ..1 tluv mat iin- -p.-.-i- ni.Mi- This -p.M'ii> .■ s,,iii,' ivs.anhlanee- to \l,.-i Nrhiii.ii, u.- s.,l,i„iiiis (Kinerv) l.ilt la.k .if ani-e,.||i.Mil app.Mi:- in sil.-h t.'alili.- as the ainoiinl ..I pm- nieiilation. o!m.'.. .,f .irisin of ili.' .lor.sil hlo...l-v.— .■!. numl.i-r ..I airial .jl.aml-, anil pr.'s.'iK-e or alis.'in-.' of a.a'.'s-.ny lilaii.i-. I.uinbricillus lineatus Miill. On.' si..'i-ini.'n lielonniiiK i.i the n.-iiu. I.iimhnrdl,..- ^va> eoU.'.-f.l m.. ler s...i-w.'.m1 „iilli.-l..'aehat K.'rnar.l harhour. Norlhwe-i {..rritorn's. .lime 12. VMh. Th.' posterior part of the of th.' worm was ha.lly ,l.l.a-l..rate.l l.ut t.irtu- ,Kit.-lv th.' anfrmr l-.l 'Jit somifs w.'i.' in a fair >lat.' .,f pres.'rvatioii ami thus sp..,-iiie i.ientih.atmn ua^ p..Mt-le. Tl,e sp-eimen la.'k.vl a lutle ot l,ein,r cornplotolv s.^xually .iiatu.-.> l.ut the iK.v.'lopm.Mit ol "."' ;■="•';"'.^;;'■^7.'■ ,;,;^ Mlffieientlv .•omplet.Ml to make it evi.l.Mil that ih.' worm |s l.i.nihnnlhis Innahis (Miill,). It; \ t iitiiiiliiiti Arvtir Hxiiiililiioi, lltl.i-IS AiKilhn cKllciiioii irimlr mi .Inly H*. llM.'i, Inmi kiitii iilKiii- in ii cicfk t.iiilcl, H.iniiiicl hiiiliiiur. Norlhwot 'ririitinio. collfclioii wliirli ui'li' ^fclioiit'il al^'o proved (o lir Liiiiihriiilliin Iniinliis Mtill.l. CliAUAriKHi^iit >. Lriiuth. iilioiK Id I2inm. Soniilr«. alioiit .')(». Diam- eter, ill leniori of elilelluiii appioxiliialely 1 liilii. Colour "yellow lirowii " aeeoi'iling to (lata aecntiipali\ iiii: I lie , I line I'-'til eolleel loii ; dark liiowii in aleolinl. Setae >iu id; appio\iiiialilv uniform in >ize: I ('» in ventral ImndU's; :{ J in lateral l.iindlev ( 'litelliini sli|rlitly developed: on I'.' lit; ineoniplete on ventral surface of lioiiy. Anterior and posterior maritiiis of luaiii sliuhlly coiieave: lateral inarniiis' di\er>jeiil eaildad; lenijtli apparently alioiit eiplal to inaxiinuni width. INptonepliridia laekinu. I)oi>m1 Mood-vess.'l ari^inu in II. Nepliridia Willi very >ni,ill aiite>eplal part and l.inje i>'.>tseptal p.-irt; etTeieni duet arisinu from ventral siirfai-e t>f posterior part of itter. Test.'s inultilol.ed. Spernii- diieal funnel evlimlrical : alioiit three linn- loiitfer than diameter. Spi'riii diii't ronlined to ]-2. I'eiiial Imlli of ispnal liimlirieillid form; ei'lls of one kind only III interior. ( »ne pair -permalhecac in .'i: tliiek-walled : no diveltieula; diK-t and .iinpull/i l.iriie, wiilwnit >harply deliiied line of divi-ioii; etilal reuioi icli nairowed and relhrled leph.ilad hefoii' reaehiiiu iliiiestive t:art; duel shorter than ampull.'. surrounded full lenuth by conspieuoiis nlalid>; portion (it eaeh speiniMtheea unitini: imlepeiideiil ly wilh dor«o-l;iteral surface of iliue-tive trai't; h n of ^penllathe^a iinitinir with hi n of latter. Ventral lilands in l:{ and il; anterior larpr than po-terior; similar in shape; sunoiindini: ventral nerve eorcl clo-eK- on ventral and l.'ileial -uifaee- onl\ . i)l>( is^loN AM) I )i:-( uiri iu\. ('ni.(U K. -The data aecompanyin« the .lune 12. I'.tM'i. -peeimeti eonl.ained the slali'ineiii "yellow hrown worm," which the writer inleipiet> as referrin(£ to the colriir of tin' liviiiu Since Ltiinhiirllliix liinntiis h;is Keen descrilied from other reuions as lieinu hrownisli red, or reil tinned with yellow, it would afipear thai the Hernanl h,irl>our form is typical so far as colour is concerned. No dat.i are availaMe on the colour of the iivinn worms in ihe colleci ion of .luly I'.t. nti.".. Sl'KUMATliKCAK.— In the specimens collecleu.. Illy l'.». I'.tl ."), the sperinalliecae were a> descrihed ahove, hut in one specimen collected .lime 12. I'.Mli. they lack th nneclion of the lumen of the amp .Hm with of ih.' dip-stive tract. Th< elil.d portion of each spermatheca is .•idherent to the dijtestive tract hut the connection has not yet heen estahlished. That this i^ a condition of iinnia- tiirilv is siimicsted tiy "the fact that there is evidence tliat Mich connection is the last of the parts'of the spermatheca to he coiniilc'cd. The total ahsence of >,ieiiiiatozoa in the spermathecae also indicated imm;itiirity. I'KMAi. Kri.n. ll is inlerestinn to note that in the single, partially immature specimen, collected on .lime 12, I'.tHl, there is a(listin<'t dilYereiice in the development of tin '"iiial liiilli on the two sides of the animal. The ritrhl Imlli is app.' . completely developed, and all of the parts are reproeiiled in their usu dition in the liimhricillid type. However, on the left side, the hull) is in ry early stage of development, reiueseiited only by a small mass of (lev( >i tissues in the hody-wall, and nont of the regions of the fullv-developi .ill) c.'in he distil' 'led. Mature specimens in the other I'ollect ion showed the penial hulhs with structure , as previously described (Welch, I'.t 17a : 128). DisrHiniTioN. I'he writer ilttlTa :r2a 12.")) has recenity pointed oui •hat the enchvtraeids formerly rejiarded as distinct and designated uiuler the nanie^ litdniis, s)ihlnr(uiiii.'^. irrnicoxiis. lininliix. and aijills. are all one and the same. This sviionvmy must, of course, be taken into account in con.sidering (tlhlmhili III 17 A ♦hr matin oC .iiMiil.ilf'.n. ll wax aU<> ^Im.xmi ilial //»-. a/./s l^ -v i.IciiIIn (i (•o.iM..|...htai> l..n". l.a,..i|£ Imti. n-porlr.! Iroin Kn^'bn.l Irrlaii-I, >n.t an. , Hcl.ri.l.- Nnrlli Uii^>ia, Dnimark. (Irrinauy. I'laii.. Uulu '.la, >\MtziTlan.., 'IVrra .l.-l Fu.-^o. a...l ll... ...ttM ..f thr Nrw Kn^l 1 Stair- I ••. m^ .■..jninonly uiulrr Bca-w.'c.l oi. ih.- hIktc in vari.Mi>. part- ..I llu- ul It lu.v als.. l.mi foiiiid I'xi^iiinj uinlcr Insli-uatcr (■o!i(lilii>ii!'. I.umbricitluN, -p. a'. \ .■ullrHicm Imii. I'lli.inialrikMak .>lai..l iCurklairn p.ant Ti'irit'Tii- .liilv l.'i I'.llil. .niiUiiii.'d iliiilv-llnv.' .•iMliytra.Mils ol whuli tliirty- twu w.r.. uf similar -wr aiul U.M were tak... fn.n, ll,- i 1 in a -water l.ul-." iMl-rtunat-K , imnr ul ih.-n. are maturr an.l spenli.' i.lrnlifi<'ali..n is inip..sMl.l.-. llow.-vrr. all 'i- •.p-;'"'"-'"' exainin.'.l in .Irlail >h"W ll.." tr.trs .unipos.- I „1 a n.nn ..r ot M.-lnnt I.-Im- - a rl.aiacl.T wliirl. has hrr- rcuanlr,! a^ .liaunu>tic .it ll..- urnil-- l.,n„l>nnlh,s. M.'nti..n 1... n.a.l.- ..t ll..- fa.'t tliM tl..-- M"'i'"<"-. ^^'"I'', P"' ^•"^'"'f "'"j l.'M.-. hav." siraiiilil -'.'la. a f.-alnr.' « l.i.l. .I.'^ (r.-rii llif n^nal ( nf the j£.'nii- /.//»/''/'('//"•'. I.unibricilliis, -p. 1". Til.' 'iLovr iii.nlic.ii.ii .cill.'.li.iii iHMii I'll.nnial.TkMak i-I;iim1 (■."■kl.urn point;, No.tliwr-t T.'rii...rir>. .Inly LV P.l.l mIm, r..„t;,nM-.l i.,,- -piTun.^n 'vlii.-l. -h.iw. .lislin.l .l.tT.T..n.M.s wIi.m. .-.-n.l.aiv.l with th,. .i1Im;i in.liM.iual- -.1 tlicsani.' Til.' -i)ihiti."inl I. ainn> i> tli.' p.i~M--i. I mu....ii.I -riar I ai-o> 111.' .■ -.f tli.' t.-t.^ and appar. .Mly l.tlonu- 'nihr -mus Luwhnalbis. llowrs.T, tin' muiialunt' ..f lli.' >pi'iaiM.'ii pi.v.nt- a -pm,,,' iti.Mititii'atii)n. ( ;i.\K!l \1. < 'iiV:--llit.K\ I IIIV-. rn.MKNiATi.iN. In an .'arliir pap-r, th.^ ^Ky^U'^■ VM^> : 121); .ii-.ns^'.l tla" ,,n-.'nf.' i.f til.' uliirli ..nins in all ..f tli.' kn..wn iila.i.r .niliytra. ids mni ..nt it .1.-.- p.-sMliI- to .Aplain its pn-.n-M' on th.j of l.iw tc>np.'ratuivs. snuv .•.■.tain sp..,'U> ,n wann.;. laUt.i.l.s >li..v pinn...nta.i..n ulul.- ..tlu^rs in Irijii.! .■on.litions sliow n.. ol ,t In n.nn.' it is inWii'stinu to n..t.' lluit n..i t tli.^ >p..,mi..n- .■oll.n.d m arrti.' Cana.ia .xliiKit anv mark..! pinna^nlation -m'h as ...■.■n.s in ll..; aliov.^ n,..nti ■.! tila.'i.a- w.,nns; Th.. sp...Mni..ns of •"•-;'''V'''-7';V''''';';'" I!: ^•,X show a Iwavv l.ia.l .,f'k p.^im.nt irrannl.'s in al tl... .■hl...aB..u •■is l,„t noil.' .•ls;.wh..r.-. This is als.. tr...' <.f th.. sp.xini.M.s ot hnnhnr.lh.s sp. 'nK No pijin,..ntati.M, of a.iy sort was ..l.s.MV.-l in any ..1 th- oth.r sp....m...ns A.hl lional .-vi.Ui..'.. is thns pr..s..nt..,i attains! th.' v,..w tha h-avy |"|^";;'" i '" of th.. infrnal ...uans in is .hn.-tly .•..rivlat...! with Irnii.l h;...itats. Ns. 1. 1 th,' ti.^M rrrnnl- ..t tl... .■..1I....I.U-, sum.' of th.> ......hytra,.uls „f this .•oll.,-lion w-r.. foun.i aliv- ^"'"'"«"';"-^,, -,•,';■'; in ,lri,..l-out silvan. in n.i.l-s...nin..r. I> tin. .> an '■';''•""".;'" „„-tho.l ..f surviving' .l.-nth ol tl,.' s. ,...,■ At l.a- i u- .i,.| that tlu's.. a.iuati.' worms .-an t..l..rat.. a tnarko.l r.'.lu.. i..n ot th.' uat.i 1,1 th.. Anntlu'r n..t..w..rthy f.atnn- is tl... v.'iy l..w •'■"'P''-;' '''V': to whi.h th.'s.. worms ar.. sul.jc..t..i»Mtim ii'>s -ii Km in iit\i'.M>A».. Tin' ciH'liyirari'l ii'II'tIi'iic nn «liirh llil« ri|Mill I- li:tilli:ivii, ( iriTii- lalnl. Aiiulilllm 111 .MlrliMi'l-iii ' IIMKI ; S-.»-. t ». raliihlil- i|S70i iv|M.rli il l,lllllhlillllll.\ Hiililltlln l.Mllll.l, llll'lll I III' llllllH' /,l/»l/(//ri/-i »(((/((/((.■', llDlli I il'l'l'll- l.'iliii, lull llir i\:irl Icicalllv wii* ap|ian'lil Iv mil uivrli. I'llc i iH'.Mi: _'") nciinlcil till' iiriHlli Illl- lit Eiiihijliiu IIS iillmliix lliiiii- Eiuhiilrin ii» n jihiisl, ifi |'',i<IUillr-' Illl Mist III hiihili IIS siilifiifiiis i|-.liii'iyi riillrclril in Ala-ka nil aliil in ill- Ui-lnla! vii-illil\ III' .Miiillil Si. I'.'ia-. lii-ili i'.Hl.'ii «li|iili-i| lln- iiillii'linli-. Ill till' llainin.lli .Ma^k.i Kvprillliuii iiii llir ttr-l riia^l iil \l;i-ka. llii' sirniilN nl I'm I ( laii Mil' Imiiiu iIii' iniillii i ii liiiiil . Nu nlln ■• n riiiil- iii-i-iir in I lie lilcialilir, .-I in I M I IhI' a|i|ii ,il» llial ' In- I aliailiaii Viri ir |-.\|ii'i|il imi injli'il inn- |iii--riit tin- til~l inilicil mil- III till' I'lirliv llai'iil iaillia cM-lilitJ ill llir \M-I Irtiitnis lirMMi n I In- >\r-l 1 1.1 -I nj I Illl Ilia I II I ami lli-i inu -li.iil . It Uill li- iniiiil ilial till' ii'iMi'-i'iii.iliM-- >ii till' ui-nn- llinhu riiiii|ii i-i- ,i rnti-nirtalili' pal! nl llir rnlli'i-l inn-. I ilr I'.MII ; IH li.i~ :illi'.nl\ pninlnl mil I I nil III nil II i- i«p('iiallv \M'!I ri-pli--i-tili in I In- atrl Ir 1 1 -1:11111. j In- iilliri ei-ini a .'ippi at itit£ in till- ( aiiailiaii .\ii|ii' l-iNpfililimi riilii'i'linii- aii- ai-n knnwn liniii nlliiT pail- nl liir linitli. 'riic rnllillinli nrclllicin r nl Mi si i.iliiihiii 11 .^ in till' liluli la'llinlr- ha- In-ill piiiiili-i| mil liy I'lli- \W>\ . Xi 1 . ami mi llir -tinw- tii'U- ami ul-ir|i-l- nl' limli .■iltitmli- l,v j-am-fV iV.IS:. Mnnic i jSll'.h, .-iml \\rii-|| ■ rtlll : I'.IITIi . Till- aii-ln- ' 'ali.iiliall i-||i-|l\ I lariij lauiia. a- iiniii'.-i li-il li\ llir rnlli-rlinli- nl till' ( '.-iiiailian .\i'-lir I !\p<'ililinii, -limv- a -iniil.-iiil \ in ilial nl' ati'iic iaimpi' .Mill \-ia uliirli i- wnilliN nl' -pcci.-ii iin-lilimi. .\- tiiati\ a- -pi-rilii' iili'iil il;i-,i- timi- ha III III pn>«il.|i , ail nl' tin- -pn-n- ,i'pii--i-iili'i| liy si-Mialiy iiialnii' lli.-ilrlial. r\(-lil i-Miirlii-imi- rnliri'iniliu tin- lirniiiaplliral n-lalinn- nl' tlii- I'.'iniilv. vi/,.. lliai lln- tliuiip i.- priciiiincnlly iimlln-rn in il- ili-li iliillinii. .-^iii'li Aiilir |-('liiiili- a- have Imti. 1 '^aiiiiiicil \ii'li| rviiji'ini' nl' ,'i lirli I'lirliyl lai'iil lailii.i. Thr .iliiimlain'i' nl -i.ini' il tlicsf wmin- irpnilrii liy i-ailiiT nilji'ilni- i- an imlnalinli nl' lln-il -Ui'i'r--.lll aiijll-l llirlil In ijir riiriil ■ninlillnn- nl' lln- rnsilnli- liii'lil. 'I'lii'ii' I- .-Ni'iy itnlii'.-itinii llial I'lllilii' rnllci'limi- will -linw tlii' Knrliy- tf.-ifiiiar In 111' mil' nl' llic liin-l pii .lil'flil .-ilnl liin-t wiili-ly ili-t lililllrij nl lln' lifiinp- nl' nri-iipyiii". lln- iim-tli Iriiiiil /.niii'. Illitlmhitilii in \ r I.ITIKMl IJI "III II I'Mtl II I ilir I(ii"im|ii'ii III
  • 't iiiii iriM '1111111 ii. :i Nurd- ii.|;iif\|»' .111 I. I lilt r niH' ti''il<' 'liiMi|h« ili'l l.iicliMiiriilrii II" iMli.ici'lir l.l-ill. ti. |n7J. Uii, liinfii Mikii'.kil OliK.Hhiiirr. < >fv \k I ..ili ."i IP' l-l •,\7w. Ii-li Ia|i..Iii - ■•• iIk :\f u, |{.^i..ii-. III ihr V.iir^ ISTO. ls;,"i ;iii K.iim Sv S.I Akii.l Ihiii.ll , UmimI'I I."i. N .. 7. !'• |i|. h. |.l I'.HCi, r,iMli\lr:ii|.Li.' .if till' Wot r..,i-l .if N..rili \ii ■■■• llain n .\l..^k;l I \|.. ,lil 1..11, 1.' 1 r.'ii; ■.'Opl \.» \.iik, lytH. jtMUii.i'i ill nil iiii.ivi Ki-ii. !•.■ !■ iiii.ivii -|...i. •!< \ ■l.ll:t l;iiiii|ili 'l.^li l.ii.liy- ini'' \lii .l.'ll;i K. Aiiii'l .1.1 1,111.11. ■. , 7 11" III Kalinciii^, < ) I7S0. I'iiiiiiii ( ir.i.'iilaiiili.-M. ■UriniiiMJ ii.ii -.••■11 1 IHIl.l. II .,...,. l!tlJ;i. Uriti.-li IjiiliytiMiil- l\ Tin' < 1. nu- //.../..i .I..U111 Idxil Mm Nk- |i|> .■>77 .VK, I'.tlJh ^.. V Urili-h nliKiM-liiiN. Til. /.Nilimi^t, 111, If. .'jn ji'ti. l".»ll. Itri:i-li i;ii. ■iriii.K \l N.« ,'<|..i i.> :iii'l .1 l,i-i .I.'mih I(..\.i1Mi.i S.,.'., '.,.. Ijs |',->I. Micli.i.lM'M. \V. KHHI. (»li(j.ika. rrii.'. \.-a.i, .-^.i riiii. |i|i, r.'.-i ni: i |.i. l'.HJ-_>. .Sdiiir I •lli£i,i'liala, » .ill a l).-.Ti|. uf a N.u >|.i . 1. -. I'ru.. \ia.l Nal. .S.-i. riiil.. |i|i Ml M; J lin- r.i,-. It. \S'M,. l-ji.'liylr.a.i.l.ii llaiulnilK.'i' Mairalli, Saiiiiii. Ir IJ I'p ; I p'. I'.Mll. Die arklisi-lirii Iji.liytraid.'ii a-i.| l.iiml.ri. i.|. n. ..^M. .ii. 1:. .iii!,.l.liiM In \ . rlinal iiiiK ilii'?*.T I'aiiiili.'ii. Kaiiiia Ar.iiia. Ilaii.l II, l.i' '" I, ^H i<\ '■ - I'l Wi'li-li. I'. .S. I'llt, .* 11. ■« ll:t,tiii ii;ii.tivn;'^ fmni N.ii'h.rn Mi.liiuaii Iim;i>- .\in \lai S..i' , :i:i : l.V' liil; I pi P.'lli, .',- I'laii-, .Am, MiiT, .-ii.'., :ir, ; ll'.l l:i^ I'.ll'l). .\laskaii Clai'i.T W.iriii.-^ ( Hipi.'lia'ia Ki. I,.:, 11.!-, M.Cill Iniv. 1-11 \ . M.iiilrcal, N'l, ■_'. m