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Lee diegremmes suivents illustrent la mathoda. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 ••aoeorr mouinoN tut chart (ANSI and ISO TEST CHAKT No. 2) ISA »■>£ l» lit Iti l£ HI IB U Mam |Z2 1^ ■iu£ tJ& 1.4 L 1 11.6 ^ ^PPUEDJIVV^GE Inc jS5i '653 Easl Uoln str.,1 ^^aE ("6) 288 - 5989 - Fo> REPORT OF THB CANADIAN ARCTIC EXPEDITION 1913-18 VOL. VII: CRUSTACEA PART B: SCHIZOPOD CRUSTACEANS in >! It. r By WALDO L. SCHMITT SOUTHERN PARTY— 1913-16 4 ' i1 OTTAWA J. de LABROQUERIE TACHB PRINTER TO THE KINO'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1919 \\>l vii-63245— 1 Iwuel September 22, 1919 ;iil The Schlzopod Crustaceans of the Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913-18. Bt Waldo L. Schmitt. With thm liiiim is tb« t«t. In all, only thrfc Mysitls and three Euphauwds were taken. Of the former oite 18 apparently new to science. It is de«cril.ed and nametl in honour of l>r. K. M. Anderson, leader of the southern party of the expedition Of these SIX species the most frcpiently encountered was the comm.m Myna oculataihaUr.), found in all arctic st-as and the northern part of sub-arctic repons.' This confirms at least one of the four schizopod records iriveD bv Richters for the Bermg sea.' The other three not represented in the present collection were: SUlomyxi>i> Mymdeis granHis (Goes); Pseiidomma truncatum >nnth; and MegnnychphnneiO Thymiiopoda norvegica (Sars)? C'onecrninir the of those Hansen says, " Richters' statement, with a <|uerv, about its occur- rence in BeriiiK sea is undoubtedly wronn*; of each of the other two he remarks that though the locality w not improbable, its correctness ought to be confirmed ♦ Mysts rebcta Lov^n, the well-known reUct of the fresh-water lakes of boreal Lurope, heretofore reported from North America only from lakes Superior, Michigan (12-148 fathoms)', and Erie*, Green lake, Wisconsin (17-49 meters)' and Indian harbour, Labrador (fresh-water)*, is now to be listed from Bernard harbour, Northwest Territories, where it was taken by Mr. Frits Johansen "from the .stomach of Cnshvomer nnmaycuah (Walbaum), caught in lake, inland " Neomym andersoni, the new species is known only from the type locality, (irantley harbour, port Clarence, Alaska. ' ^' Thymnoesm longipen Brandt, originally described from the .sea of Okhotsk and since taken at no less than fourteen places in the colder temperate north 1 acific and Bering Sea,"« has its range extended into the Arctic ocean as far as cape ' ivJh . (point Barrow), Alaska. 1' *«^»"« (Kr^yer), though not taken farther to the eastward joast of North America than 140° 51' W., by this expedition, is Tipolar in its distribution, having lieen taken also at Spitzbergen, , and Franz Joseph Land. In addition, it is rather widely dis- n •.• u T 1 -ne northern north temperate regions of the Atlantic, from the Hritish Isles and Vineyard Sound northward into the Arctic ocean and Davis strait, and m Bering sea and adjacent area of the North Pacific."'" Thysanoessaraschii (Sars) in its distribution approximates that of Thysan- 'e south in the North Pacific, as far •11^^_^^ ^- ^^^ 28' W.)" an.l farther to the eastward in the Pacific Arctic, ' Zimmor, Xordischcs Plankton, VI, 102, 1909. '' Richters, Abh. scnckensb. naturf. Ges., XllI, 400, 1884. " Hansen, Proc. V. S. Nat. Mus., 48, 70, 191,'). • HaiiHen, Danish InRolf, Kxpefl., Ill, 111 an.l 114, HK)K. - .Smith, Kept. IJ. !S. Fish Comni., 1S72-7.3, tM.'J, 1S74 « Kelhott rf Joum Koyal .MicroB. .S„c., II, 1.52, 1879. K„r a conipleto bibUonraphy of '" ''S''""\%'* •'-.*"* ^^il^'"' ^^^ ^- 1'"""« Aka,l. Wissen., Berlin, V.m, Abh. y. '^ * ' Marsh, Zool. Anz., XIV, 275, 1891, I'jul Amer. Nat., XXVIII » Kathbun, m 'Labrador" by Grenfell el al, Appendix II, 452. 1909. • Hansen, Proc. U. 8. Nat. \lus., 48, 90, 1915. '" Hansen, Proc. T'. S. Nat. Mus., 48, 94-96, 1915. " Hansen, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48, 97, 191.5. along pracl in thi tribute. li .*. f 4a Canadian Aretie Expedition, t9iS-18 Tertt'ori^" *■'"'" ""' '^" "P^'*'"" " far e„t M Benurd harbour, Northwe-t north of the rxhh p/uallol- the lit er h h "iot « fc « T' •'""'V !' '" "'•''"r |«uth.arC ..on, the We. An.eri.U'^JJ/nTa'iV ^o^fh^^^^^^^^^ in thi« region, a. well a. ainmst a • 7ZThir"v ,^K .i"** '" ''** "''f^*''*i:'' Atlantic Aretie or NuLaretic ,«•„«. a sttli;.»„.-/'^u '''"'■""« '" ""e In Mire,.Hte.l to- ZiiiiMierFmniu Vr.,i *""'""«/•• 'ntro.u.e here. Roforen.e 1904 an.l ^nnuSTl^^^^^ '" '^"' ""-ktisc-hen HehizopcKlrn), Hpeeie« are E ratp i am? ;„ "h '"•'«• '" *»>"h a" theH,: P»".v with Thysnnwsm raxchii ( ..llinson Point, .\laska, St-ptomher 2(i, l<)i:j ^ ^ I .'laKic, ov(rnard harlM>ur, N-irtlLVi-sf Territories, S<>pteml>er 1, 11*14. Peiagie, over aiK)ut 2 fathoms of water. 1 «. Station 4! : Bernard harliour, Xt.rthwest Territorii-s (outer hariwjur), July 20 191.1. ' 79 I3t«pth alMiut .1 fat horns ; Iwittom, sandy mud with alga-. Station 41 c: Bernanl harlnmr, Northwest Territories (outer hurlM(ur), Julv 28 1915. ■» 9. I>epth, .") fathonjs; Ixjttom, samly mud with itlgje. Station 41 /.• Bernard imrhour. Northwest Territories (outer harUiur), August 1, 191.5. 1 9. I>pth, about 3 fathoms; bottom, mud with brown algs. Stati.m 41 »: Bernard har»M»ur, Nortliwest Territories (inner harlwjurj. August 24, 191.5. Surface. 3 juv. Station 41 u: Bernard harlxiur, Norlliwest Territories, end of August, 191.'). From stomaeh of Stitirlinnx mnlnin W. 1 8, 1 9. laken in company witii Thi/nnnoesm rnnchii. Stati(m 42 >/.• Dolphin and Union strait, Northwest Territories (Bernard harbour), December (i, 191."). Pe!. ■ •, over 3 fathoms water. 1 9. 1 Station 42 z: Dolphin ..nd Inion strait, Northwest Territories (Bernard har- bour), Deceml)er 12. MU.'i (midniKht). Pelagic, over 3 fathoms water. 1 juv. (SchizoiMxla, Schmitt). Station 43 b: Dolphin and I'nion strait. Northwest Territories (off Stupvlton l)ay). September 14, 191."). Depth 2.5 30 fathoms; l)ottom, sandv mud with fH'bbles but no alga;. ' " 1 s , 2 9 . Station 13 c.- Dolphin and Tnioii strait. Nortliwi'st Territories (west of (\M-k- burn r>oint), ^ i.t<'mi)er It. 191.5. Peliigic, ov. r 1.5 20 fathoms; bottom, sandv mud with stones and alga>. I V. Station 59 a: 71° .55' North, aix.ut 125° West, off ca,H. Kellett. Banks island, Northwest Territories, Septeml)er 7, 1914. ]>epth 5 6 fathoms; bottom, sand with Laminariw and thread algse; 34 F.; triangle-dredge, 2 miles an hour, J4 mile distai.'-e. George H. Wilkins, collector. r I' ZZ about e-f«„rfh «« long «« th rVst of ,. T '" ''•*J''y ""'•^af am •jrorHKls . afK.„, an |„„J "; he S.„ w ." £""? ' ^f"" "'"" l.rancr.f th ' ••ttle „»,„. ,ha.. o„e..hinl \u ui h ""**'' •'''"'^'''' 'he telson l.y „ Vui. 1. A n.myxiH iiHtlrrmiii, 9 y ,il„„„ i r, „ , , . - • of I nil fall. ". 177"S;Ki£ 2a'd; Sin/'^"" I'r'^""- '"---»>' ^'''if-nia Pul. Zoo! *'»Kt(4ute of North Anteh^ i:^hW:hrii„rJ:„llt'rl:1^7'* ..m.lia„ „„. which « and Uteral lobe.. '^ * '^ *™"^'^ "" 'l«>prwi«Hj bctwcrn the mediu,, m.U not . tX , S n^aT t^ wh.rh ,„,hko that «,, w nearly »H the «eron,l «„,| tt,K>«t Kh .| an h^i Tthe ^i, Tho tri' '*?' 1 •»".« Fio. 2.-Arwa»sM oiKferwni, f.mrth pIeop.,d, X about 15 'han half the leiRth of the Yury em fn^^T^ °' °"^^'"." ■"' '^«>« ^"> '«.H.n five and one-half and sTx S e/S t A' '^♦""'*' " ^K"""'* '»«- or fivT tinie», as in A', americana) "* *" ^''^^ "'♦"""*« »<■"'' "^ fo"r -lutSSTtrb'^oaTfaS^e^JlSuS^ l^'^ ^^"- « .v..n. • fc^- ^' '"'"■ "f ''n""'"! ""lliii.H.r and a half uf telson of about 30, (last three addwl for purposes of comparison ) ' ff •' I o, XcomyirU aridirtoni ; \. kudiuknttis, a" ; ail 8b Canadian Arctic Expedition, 191S-18 along the distal half of the mamn of the telson Tn K n«.«H *i. l of small spines to the interspace d^s not ei three' *^fh ' *'*'' '""°^' EUPHAUSIACEA ThysanosSsa longipes Brandt. Hansen, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48, 87, pi. I, figs. Za-Zd, pi. II. fig,. u-U, 1915. Station 57 a: Cape Smyth (point Barrow), Alaska, August 8. 1916 Feiagie, over about 1 fathom of water. ''r^aa'n'JaaarS'^^^'''"^" Taken in company with Thysanoessa inermis (Kr^yer) Hansen, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48, 93, pi. II, figs. 2a-2d, 1915. Station 29 / ; 70° i:}' x\., 140" 50' W., April 4, 1914 ^TaThomr"*" "^ ^*'^" '"'*^''^'' ^•'•^••^ber. Depth, about 30 '" "^no^Li^^ ''• -^^^ - -™P-y with btation 57 a: Cape Smyth (point Barrow), Alaska, August 8, 1916 Pelagic, over about 1 fathom of water 1 9. Taken in company with Thysanoessa longipes. ThysanoSssa raschii (M. Sars) Hansen, Proc. U. S. Nat. Mus., 48, 96, 1915. Station 27 n: Collinson point, Alaska, September 20, 1913 Pelagic, over about 1 foot of water; 8 inches ice. StAfion 97 „i. T ■ ^^''/n 'n.'-ompany with Mysis oculata. htation 27 yK Lagoon at CoUinson point, Alaska, October 8, 1913 Pelagic, over 2 feet of water. Station 29/: Jo"l3' N':"liS°^57?v!Yprif f r^r4""'"'" ^TaThom™'*''*' of ^*o«^« himda Schreber. Depth, about 30 ^ K-L"^'*"'*"''' '"'' •^- '^'''''" '" •'°™P"'^y with Thysanoessa Station 41 u: B^^-'nard harbour, Northwo.t Territories, end of August, 1915. *rom stomach of Salielinus malma W. 1 9 . Taken in company with Mysis oculata.