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Mi: 'I; ^ ■''it I if If ' 1^- ■ ■ ijii pmrsT DOMINION OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EXPERIMENTAL FARMS DIVISION OP ENTOMOLOGY Entomological Bulletin No. 8 THE STFL\WBERRY ROOT WEEVIL ( Otiorhynchua ovatiu Liim. ) IN BRITISH COLUMBIA WITH Notes on other Insects attacking Strawberry Plants in the Lower Fraser Valley BT R. C. TREHERNE, B.S.A. FiM Officer BULLETIN No. 18— SECOND iiERIES BuUetins of the Second Series of the Bulletins of the Ebcperimental Farms treat of such subjects as are of interest to a limited class o ^aders, and are mailed only to those to whom the infc ion is likely to be useful Published by direction of the Hon. MARTIN BURRELL, IVIinister of Aoriculture, OtUwa OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTING BUREAU 1914 'v 3 m I '."i»L i. '->' , ' '■ ..■.W-t4i'»' wmam i DOMINION OF CANADA DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE KXPKRIMKNTAI. FAUM8 DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY Entomological Bulletin No. 8 THE STRA ^'BERRY ROOT WEEVIL ( (HiorhynchuH ovatus Linn. ) IN BRITISH COLUMBIA WITH Notes on other Insects attacking Strawberry Plants in the Lower Fraser Valley BT '. C. TREHE' VE, B.S.A. Field I BULLETIN P 18— SECOND SERIES Bulletins " che Seconu Scries of tlic Bulletins of the Experimental Farms .rcat of such subjects as are of interest to a limited class of readers, :ind are mailed only to those to whom the information is likely to be useful |Pu( lished by direction of the Hon. MARTIN BLRRELL, Minister of Agriculture , Ottawa »164— 1| OTTAWA GOVERNMENT PRINTIXd HI RFAT 1914 DOMINION EYPERIMENTAL FARMS, Director, J. H. Grisdale, B.Agr. DIVISION OF ENTOMOLOGY Dominion Enlomologitt — C. Gobdok Hbwtpi, D. Sc. Ckirf AMxtlanl Entomologitlr-AKniVK GnsoN. AttitUtnt Entomologitt for Forat inieet»—J. M. SwAiini, M.Sc., B.S.A. Auittant Entomologiat for ApicuUur»—F. W. L. Sladim. Field Offieert and In»pecior»-A. B. Baird, G. Biauu«c, B.A.. LL.B., R- N- Chbtbtal, B.Sc.. Nobmam CiimDLi. H. F. M. D80N, B.8.A.. L. 8. McLainb, M.Sc., J. Fibrin, C. E. Pitch, B.8.A., W. A. R088, B.S.A. , G. E. Sanders, B.S.A., E. H. Strickland, M.S., J. D. Tothiil, B.S.A., R. C. Tb«hirn», B.S.A. Arliat Auitanl—X. E. KittriT. Inspector of Indian Orekardi— Tom Wilson. S«.'iirf:ice, where they pupate or pass into the dormant resting stage". Tiic pupa is formed in the soil from 1 '2 to ;{ inches deep. It will be found to li<; pure white, incapable of feeding and only partially able to move. The indi- \ nliial stage hists as long as 21 days, often less, but the pupal period extends over liilly two months (May, June and July). As the i)upa prepui-s to form the aiiiilt (ir full-grown stage, a gradual transformation takes place in the soil. The < yt < f()rm, the wing covers grow over the abdomen and fuse in tlu centre, and the wliiilc insect assumes a yellowish colour, while it hardens its exterior Eventually It will emerge from the "oil to continue its life above ground. This tiansforma- tioii period lasts from J to 11 days. The adult does lot become active for several days, during which time it lakes on a darker ccouration until it is almost black. Its length is only about '>'-'.') nun. {^^ inch) It is only active at night, ani! '.lien, except for two migra- t"iy periods durinf the summer, seems disinclined to travel very far. It will liM lor 42 to .53 tl »ys without any food at all. and about 62-5 days when food is ■' 'W.-.I. .\dults emerging from the .soil late in the summer carry over a great |> 111 of the winter as adults under debris in the fields, under boards, or in the ii":i-es. I'Kgs, as stated above, are laid during the months of June, July and August, ;|| ■ tlie full transformations through the larval and pupal stages to the adult "I- I is not compl(>ted until the following vear. -,si()4— 2.J 10 I* I ■ SUMMARY OF REMEDIAL MEASURES. The varieties of strawberries recommended to the average grower for the general market, and who prefers the "Two-year Cropping Plan," Are the Dunlap, Wilson, WarBeid, Williams and Willia* Belt. For special market requirements on the "One-year Cropping Plan," the Clarke Seedling, Magoon, Gandy, Jessie, Marshall and Brandywine are suggested. Deep ploughing, deep cultivation, application of lime and stable manure, all previous to the year of planting, followed in June after the crop is removed, by the destruction of the old leaves and stalks, hoeing, handweeding and the application of a complete fertilizer, will be found the most expedient methods suitable to the culture of strawberries in a weevil-infested district. Fall planting can only be adopted in especially heavily infested localities. The "One-Crop Plan" is recommended only for high quality berries, requiring careful management, in the field and on transit to special markets, whereby the increased price of the product offsets the reduced yield of fruit and the loss of the third season crop. The "Two-Crop Plan," i.e., taking two main spring crops of berries from a plantation, coupled with suitable varieties is, in general, recom- mended for the average grower in the Lower Fraser valley, who is catering to the peculiarities of the general market. It is considered practically cheaper to handle a second season plantation on the matted row system than to prepare aiul reset a new plantation. Ploughing the pl.antation at the termination of usefulness is best done immediately the spring crop is removed, especially on small farms of 5 to 10 acres. On large farms, owing to the rapid succession of other crops, ploughing is better delayed until September or October. Wh. tever the size of the farm, or prevailing conditions, it is advisable to plough at the end of June, or very early July, or let the ground remain untouched till fall. The effect jf crop rotation on large farms is marked, and represents one of the most effacient methods of controlling the depredations of the weevil. ()i> small farms, the effect is not so marked. The use of chickens, in conjunction with rotation, is strongly urged, allorving them free range over the plantation following the summer ploughing. Experiments have been carried on to test the efficiency of the following methods and substances as controls and repellents, viz.: Trap boards, tr:ip lights, tanglefoot barriers, road oil barriers, gasoline torches, arsenical spraying-, soil injections and treatments by carbon bisulphide and powdered cyanide of potassium, but it Avas found that they cannot be recommended in practi(t'. Itepellents, such as powdered camphor, sulphur or fresh pyrethrum have m effect as a barrier against the migrations of the adult weevil. INTRODUCTION. The Lower Fraser valley is that portion of the province of British Coluiiilia on the mainland, bordering the Pacific ocean, stretching inland from Vancointr some one hundred odd miles, along the two banks of the Fraser river. It oni- prises the important centres of Yale, Hope, Agassiz, Dewdney, Hatzic, Mi.sMmi, Haney, Hammond, Burnaby, New Westminster and Vancouver, on the north shore of the Fraser river, and Chilliwack, Abbotsford, Mount Lehman, I ^d- ner, Langley, Lulu Island, and the Delta on the south side. Strawberry growing in the Lower Fraser forms an important branch of the small fruit industry of the valley. The fruit matures to perfection, and comni:! uds a good price on all the markets to which it is sent. Of the insects which attac' this fruit, by far the most important i> the Strawberry Root Weevil {Otiorhjnchtis ovalua). . larger but similar s]ii ies (Otiorhynchus sulcaius) is closely associated with 0. ovatus in the strawl ■ rry 11 ts one (if ■ jyil. On ij unction i lantation plantations, while it is probable that even a third sp* cies {OHorhynchus rugifrona) may, on occasion, be found. These three species all have similar life-histories. The first named species in particular will be dealt with in the pages that follow. Other root-feeding insects will also be found; none of them, however, have as yet proved themselves of economic importance. There is a small chrysomelid root worm which, in its pupal form, closely resembles the pupal form of 0. ovatus and may often, by the uninitated, be mis- taken for the latter insect. The larval characteristics, however, are different. The presence of this insect up to the present, has not been sufficient to attract the attention of the grower, but there is little doubt that the larvte feed, to a certain extent, on the roots of the strawberry. Certain tipulid larvte may also be found, but again, not in sufficient numbers to warrant attention. Of the insects affecting the fruit and leaves, there are none that require the application of spray. The adults of OHorhynchus undoubtedly feed on the foliage and fruit, but not sufficiently to denude the plant of leaves or to materially affect the yield of fruit. Certain cercopids (spittle insects) which form objectionable masses of saliva- like material are annoying, but it is quite questionable whether it is feasible to treat these to reduce their numbers. A species of Aristotelia, the caterpillars of which bore through and destroy the crown of the plants, has been reported from the Okanagan district, but not, a- yet, from the Lower Fraser. One species of Flea-beetle, Haltica evida Lee., is reported affecting straw- berries in British Columbia (Kootenay). Ground beetles {Carabida) are com- mon to all strawberry plantations, and while the adults have been reported, in records, as devouring the ripe fruit, yet no actual proof of this is reported from British Columbia. The larvae of click beetles (wireworms) and of the Western June Beetle iPob/phylla decemlineata Say) have on occasion been reported us possibly injurious to the roots of strawberry plants in the province. Caterpillars of Mesoleuca truncata Hufn., a geometrid moth, are reported from Vancouver Island as injur- ious to plantations. Cutworms of the species Scopelosoma tristigmata and Afirotis ypsilon have proven destructive, at times, both on the Coast and in the Kootenay districts. The Western Strawberry Crown Borer, Tijlodermafoveolatum, is also recorded as a pest in the province. It is fortunate, therefore, that the strawberry industry in the province is free, at present, from any outstanding insect menace that is not amenable to treat.nent. It is true that the larva? of OHorhynchus ovatus are detracting large profits from the industry, but, as will be pointed out in the pages that follow, by judicious care and management the ill-effects may be almost entirely eliminated. Ill the Lower Fraser Valley, with the exception of the above weevil, the industry i- practically unencumbered at tiie present time. The industry of the Okanagan i-. at present, not very large, and no notable insect trouble has presented itself. I'liire is little doubt, however, that if the areas in strawberries increase in the future, the growers will be conJfronted with the attacks of the larvte of the chief iu-ect this bulletin describes, namely, OHorhynchus ovatus. There is little doubt aUo that the Aristotelia larvae will cause considerable trouble. More study on t' !s latter-named insect is required, so as to be prepared for the future. 1 rrv THE ECONOMICS OF THE SITUATION. .\s has been pointed out in the introduction, the only insect which is proving It HKirked economic importance to the strawberry industry of the Lower Fraser V i'ly is the Strawberry Root Weevil {Otiorhynchus ovatus). 12 It has been (thown by experience that thia weevil is rapal)l<> of ontin-ly defltroying a strawberry plantation, the chief damage l)eing caused by the larva- at tYi rtM>ts. In f:wt, in those areas where strawberries are being grown commercially, and in (juantity, this weevil, if present, has shown itself quite capable of wiping out the whole industry or rendering it profitless. This setback to the industr has been proved in certain small fruit localities in the United States. In the Lower Fraser valley, particularly on the north side of the river, where tin- principal strawlM>rry growing centres are located, this insect is very prevalent and, in a few cases, at any rate, complete devastation of the crop has resulted. The strawberry industry is as yet quite small in British Columliia, and it is im|K)88ible to gauge with any degree of accuracy the proportionate area of strawlK-rries grown now as compared with a few years ago. It is stated from various sources that the industry has declined in recent years, but the decline may not have been so much the result of the attacks of the weevil as of real estate advancement, poor marketing conditions, due. in the main, to lack of proper organization, and the cultivation of other more profitable crops. One thing is ci-rtain, however, that the pi .-f nc-e of this w«-evil is very largely detracting from the profits of the industry as a whole. Its injuriou- naturi- is more particularly noted in farms of small area; in fact, there is litth hesitation in saying that unless raalcal steps are taken to i-ontrol the weevil in plantations of five acres or less, the continuous growing of strawberries will prove wholly unprofitable. EsiK-cially will this be noticed where the small farms an congregated and close together. The force of this remark will be more clearly seen when the general habits oi this insect are reviewed. On farms of ten acres or more, it is possible to grow strawberries at a profit with the weevil present, provi(l(-d judit-ious care is exercised in proportioning the area devoted to strawberries to that of other cultivated land. It may bi tentatively stated or considered that no more than one bearing acre in ten shouM be planted to strawberries in a weevil-infested district. The evidence jwints further that, as a general rule, the first main spriim crop is not materially affected, but records from the season of 1912 indicate the yield, at the time of the second main spring crop, in the third season <>f growth, is reduced at a minimum of oO crates to the acre- a material loss. If the j)lantati(m be allowed to continue for the fourth season, it has bei n observed that a very diminished and totally unprofitable crop is obtained. It is also reported on occasions, that the first main spring crop may be so badly attacked as to necessitate ploughing before the crop is off. This is certainly un- usual, but it denumstrates the possibility that is likely to oecur if the wee\il becomes permanently localized in a thickly populated strawberry growing community. There an>, of course, several other reasons accounting for possible k)ss in Lower Fraser i)lantations. among them being old plants, poor drainage, ov. r- production of bhiom (owing possibly to the absence of timely spring frosi-i inferior marketing fac-ilities, and unsatisfactorj- labour in picking; but as tin -i' are chieHy economic and horticultural problems we are not much ctmcerned with them. Anumg insects, however, the only one that is producing an economic los- lo the grower is the .alM>ve-mentioned Strawberry Root Weevil. An insect 'i- cause an ec(momic loss, must be one such that, as a result of its depredation> m the plant attacked, the average annual cash value is impaired below the ai-i ;:il cost of production. When such is the case, the insect inunediately warniiis attention, but only to that extent whereby the cost of the remedy is within lie margin of profit. The law of increasing and decreasing returns is variable if -ti far as indivitlual conditions change and the costs of production vary, conseijuei !y 13 the financial limits for rpmndics applied vary in aceordanre with individual conditions. The cos of pitxiucing an acre of strawlierries on the matted row system in the Uiwer Fraser valley from the sprinR of planting to the removal of the first crop, vpries from S400 to 8460, including in this, interest on land, cost of planls, planting, lioetng, cultivating and picking. The yield fn>m an acre of l}«>rries on the matted row system, varies from 200 to 400 crates (24 lb.) and the gross returns, again, varj- from «2 (H) to »3 00, f.o.b., per crate. The cause of these variations is, as stated, due to individual conditions, such as better soil, better drainage, better individual pickers, in short, better business ability and farm manipulaticm, as compared to conditions not so good. Con- .wiuently the matter rests with th< individual grower to fletermine for hin>self his cost of pr<>ducti(m, his returns, and then, after allowing a reasort, 1011-1912. 17 TTie movements of the larva in the month of November are deeidedlv less than during the earlier months. The general movement of thHaAi is doJ^ wards during the later months of the summer, as borne o 'by tredenthsTt which larva were found in September and October. It is luterestLf to note that expenments prove clearly the ability of larva to move in the soU^ (hart illustratinR dianramatically the life-history cif tlie Stiawberry Root Weevil {Oliorkynchuii ovalua) throughout the whole year. The chart indicates that the euKs may be found from June to August; larvffi may be found in ev.ry month of the year; the pupal staws occur from the l>eKinnin« of May until after the middle of July, and iidultd may be found all the year round Within the heavy black line is shown the typical life-hislory of an individual insect (original)' Pupation.— As the period for pupation approacl es, the mature larva, by ' oiitinual feeding on the roots of the plant, has worked its way towards the surface •i the soil. Here pupation takes placo commonly at the depth of half an inch, sometimes two or three inches dei'p. Occa.sionally, however, it has been noted tliat some larvae pass their entire life from the egg to the pupa in the surface /ones of the soil. Pupation occurs in a rough earthen cell formed by the larva 111 the soil. As a small proportion of the larva« Ijecomes full grown by winter, it 58164— 3i 18 is probable that some construct the pupal cell in the fall, though remaining unchanged till spring. The Pupa. Description. — The pupa is milky white in colour, very soft and dcli«!ate. It lies in its little earthen cell in the soil, free and not enclosed by any special silken or shell-like device. The size approximately corresponds to that of the adult. The various parts of its anatomy are distinctly apparent, its legs, .antenna', and elytra l)eing carefully folded on the ventral surface of the body. The appendages arc covered by a pupal membrane, which sloughs off as the adult stage is approached. Duration of Pupal Stage. — The pupal period varies in duration in accordance with climatic conditions and influences. The evenings and nights of the Fraser Valley are usually chilly and cool, and this has the effect of delaying and length- ening the period of rest through which the insect passes previous to its trans- formation to the adult. It has been found that 21 days commonly elapse for this period in the Valley. The chanp' from the pupa to the adult takes ])lace in the soil at the point of pupation. It has been observed that various parts of the pupal body gradually take on brown or yellow colourations; the eyes turn l)lack and the mouth parts dark brown, while the wing covers gradually harden. When the exterior is sufficienth strengthened, the still immature insect works its way to the s- rface of the soil to commence its normal activities above ground. From J to 4 days elapse from the termination of the pupal period to the time when it escapes from the soil. Here on the surface of the soil Ix'neath the debris of leaves in the plantation, the adult insect daily assumes a darker colouration until it is complete and normal in every particular. Individuals in captivity at times re- quire 7 to 9 days to complete their full colouration after emergence from the soil. The Adult Beetle Description. — The adult, when fully developed, is dark brown, almost black in colour, egg-shaped in general outline, alraut one-quarter inch (6-25 mm.) long by one- ighth inch (3 mm.) broad; thorax deeply pitted, elytra striated, convex deeply punctured in the stria*, slightly shiny; antenna<, segments hairy, arising from the rostrum, elbowed, tapering to a slight enlargement at the tip. The elytra, or wing-covers, are fused together in a median line over the abdominal segments, consequently they are useless for flight and only serve for protection' they are hard and horny, overlying the abdominal segments laterally and at the extremity posteriorly; the legs specially adapted for walking are very strong. There is also a spur on the femur of each leg. Duration of Life of Adult. — Adults, bred through from the pupa an nn- finod without food or moisture, lived from 42 to 53 days. The following notes are recorded in connection with adults held in confine- ment and fed during a series of experiments on egg deposition : — Wifvil No. 7 July 18 Igept. 20.. i WVpvil No, !2 July 18 jSept. 23.. Wrovil No. 17 iJuly 18 iSept. 21.. WiKvil No. 28 iJuly IS Sept. 19.. Woovil No. 36 July 22 Sept. 19.. Weevil No. SI July 30 .Sept. 19.. 65 (lay:< 6S day- 06 days 64 d»yM 60 diiy- S2 diiyH Avenge 02 'S days 19 Thus, 62.5 days represents a possible minimum duration of life when food IS supplied. As has already been noted under "Duration of Larval Stage," the first pupa are formed in the latter part of April and the beginning of May. Allowing 21 days for the pupal stage and 9 days for transformation, we would expect to find adults emerging m the latter part of May and the beginning of June. Such appears to be the case. Allowing two months for the normal duration of the adult stage, we would expect to find a mortality of the weevils at the latter part of July and the begin- mng of August. It was noticed that around July 6 the greatest number of adults are emerging from the soil. Allowing two months for the duration of life we would expect the heaviest mortality around September 6. This, from our records again appears to be the case. ' The pupa was found in the soil about the middle of July. Allowing a few days for transformation and two months for longevity, we would expect all adults to be dead at the latter part of October, and we would not expect to find any adults durinn winter or until the latter part of May of the following year. But, adults were taken early in May, consequently it is certain that a number of the insects pass the winter in the adult stage. Adults may be found the vear round, in varying numbers on the surface of strawberry plantations. FOOD PLANTS. This insect in its adult and larval stages feeds upon a large number of plants. The following is a list of those plants reported by other observers and noted in our investigation as being attacked by 0. ovatus.— Attacked by the Adult. Strawberry — fruit and foliage Raspberry — fruit (on the cane) and foliage Loganberry Blackberry Roses and other shrubbery Borage Currant Muskmelon Sorrel (Rtitnex acelomii} Wild rose Potatoes Pears — fruit Cauliflower Wild t)uckwheat Hemlock Pumpkin Wheat Corn Cabbage leaves Cherry Red clover .\ppl('— fruit Dahlias — bloom t)rchid — fruit Peach — fruit Attacked by the Larvir — {Attacking the root system.) Strawberry (at sea-level and at 500 feet elevation, Raspberry Blackberry Loganberry Wild strawberry Sorrel (Rumex acetosella) Poa serotina Poa pratensis Timothy Potentilln glandidosn White clover Hemlock Bftisain Peach Potato? Rhubarl)? 20 Adults in confinement under laboratory conditions, according to Edith M. Patch in the Maine Bulletin 123, appear to be capable of feeding on nearly every class of vegetation. j^™™ the above records, it can be seen that this insect is a general feeder. No direct evidence has yet been received to show that the larva,- will feed on the tubers of potatoes or on the roots of rhubarb, although larva? have been taken in the soil under volunteer potato plants, and rhubarb hills, on land two years free from strawberry plants. There is an opinion prevailing in Lower Fraser planta- tions that crops following infected strawberries, suffer to some extent, and may take several years to fully recover. This opinion is very reasonable, as the feeding habits of the adults and larvae, coupled with the adults' structural inability to fly, would indicate. Popular opinion, on the other hand, claims that red or crimson clover, while not necessarily immune, is not affected to any appreciable extent by the larvse. This is borne out by observing succeeding crops of affected strawberries. Roots of weeds and grasses, intermingling in the row with the roots of straw- berry plants, have been observed to be chosen as food by the larvte in preference to the roots of the strawberry. This point indicates very clearly the impartial feeding characteristics of the larva«. It has been claimed from certain quarters that the adult weevil will com- pletely strip a plant of its leaves. This has never been observed or reported in British Columbia, not even when as many as fifty adults were found in a square foot of row. The illustration (4) indicates the characteristic feeding areas on strawberry leaves by the adults. SCEPTIBILITY OF VARIETY. In consideration of the general feeding habits of this weevil, it is extremely doubtful whether there is any such thing as the susceptibility of one variety of strawberry over another or, vice versa, any immunity from attack by any one variety. In the vicinity of Hatzic, a few years ago, it was commonly thought that the Magoon" was peculiarly susceptible, in so far as it suffered heavily from the attacks of this weevil. But the "Magoon" ni the time was the commonest variety grown, consequently the attack WaS more pronounced. "Magoons" now are being sparsely planted and "Dunlaps" are being grown in their stead and, ^ "?[8ht^be expecteri, the "Dunlaps" are reported the most sev --ely attacked. T-. iL , „ ■ ips" grow' re serious - patches of "Dunlaps" severely attacked. Consequently, reports are contradictory, and it would appear that an infestation is governed by chance rather than by any special degree of preference. This is especially emphasized by the fact that clearly-defined areas "f infestation may be observed in a plantation of one variety of strawberry and, further, from the fact that the adults are gregarious in habit. It can be stated, therefore, that so far as can be discovered, no greater susceptibility of any variety o' .strawlierry over any other exists, and vice versa, no immunity from attack ciiii be claimed by any one variety. Certain varieties of strawberries may resist an attack better than others, but this degree of resistance is not resultant from any standard of immunity possessed by the variety so much as by the pro- ductivity and vegetative capabilities of that variety, viz., deep rooted and vigorous varieties capable of producing a number of runners, which throw the heaviest yield the first spring from planting. The question as to what varieties are peculiarly suitable from these con- siderations will be discussed more fully under the subject of "Remedial Measures' 21 22 Nature of the In j dry. Small irregular feeding areas on the ed^ of the leaves indicate the feeding habits of the adult weevil. R. A. Cooley, in the Montana Bulletin No. 55, mentions the fact that the .idults have been noticed occasionally to feed on the roots. Observations at Hatzic, in 1912, in the laboratory showed that leaf stalks are readily devoured. Under strictly natural conditions, however, uninfluenced by any experimental methods, the small areas devoured from the edge of the leaf, are by far the most common indications of the feeding habits of the adult. In Montana, further, it is reported that "the beetles came in such numbers, eating the foliage and boring holes in the 'cms, as to destroy the bed before it got a fair start." No such record as thi- uas been taken in British Columbia, and it would appear that it would be a very poor stand of plants that would suffer in this way under local conditions in British Columbia, and especially in the Lower Fraser valley, where the growth is luxuriant and very rapid. ' I .1 y ' V. ■l Fig. 4. Leaf ot xtrawbftrry showing the charai^teriatic injury caused by the ferding habits of the adult beetles. This leaf represents the worst injuries inflicted by a large number of aduita kept in a confined area during the investigation. No instance has been n'rorded so far in British Columbia where adults of this weevil have completely stripped a plant of its leaves (original). With the larva- feeding on the roots, however, the case is different, and plants may be killed outright. The greatest amount of injury is caused in the spring when, affected also by the heat of the e.arly summer sun, heavily infested plaut.s wither up and die. A strawberry plantation may go into winter looking in splendid condition, even though the larva; be present in numbers, owing to the fact that the larvie are still small and their feeding not extensive, but in the spring the plants soon die, or the crop i.s considciably diminished Furlhermore, i» is more or less charaeteristic of the larva? to attack the fine roots in the latter part of the summer, at the extremities of the root systems, and work upon the larger and, consequently, the main roots in the spring, there being a correlation between the size ,)f the larva' and the root attacked This again accounts for the fall ami spring appearances of affected strawberry plantations. 23 In the spring time, an infested area can be detected some distance away The leaves of affected plants dry up and witlier, giving a general grey colour to infested locations. The living shoots are short and stunted, and the berries are small and ill-shaped. Three types of larval injury to the roots have been observed, via., (1) the slit. (2) the spiral, and (3) the "nip." SPIRAL SLIT Fi«. 5. rharait dptorinine the sex while the individual is alive, but of the 160 weevils under observation in the egg deposition ejperiinenti only 55 laid eggs; thus 34-3 per cent, were certainly females. inety ears' I our le of inier •ying tural I not apid r the tural \a of ance iures ;able under nales. 27 It has already been stated under the heading of "Susceptibility" that it is very doubtful whether any condition of immunity or susceptibility exists among the various varieties of strawberries now in commercial use. But it was stated that it was most reasonable to suppose that those varieties that are deep rooted and vigorous would offer a better chance of withstanding an attack than shallow- rooted varieties, or those naturally unproductive of runners. The question as to what depth the roots of strawberry plants penetrate, does not appear to be so dependent on the matter of variety as on the character of the soil or the degree of cultivation previous to or concurrent with the planting of the crop. But we may assume that if certain varieties of strawberries differ in productivity under the poorest systems of cultivation, the same difference's continue under the best. The question as to which varieties throw many or few runners is based upon the characteristics of the various varieties themselves and, in connection with the presence of the weevil in a plantation, is of importance, for it includes the question of those varieties which throw their best returns the first or second year from planting. The importance of this point is appreciated when it is considered that it is not usual to find plantations devastated or seriously attacked by the weevil the first y^ar of planting. A study of the hypothetical increase of the weevil as mentioned under "Proj^ress of infestation" will indicate that serious loss might be expected during the third summer, or coincident with the second main cropping. Occasions have arisen, however, in which a plantation may be so badly affected previous to and during the spring of the first main crop that yields have been seriously impaired. Such occasions are more probably resultant from continuous planting on weevil-infested land or in close proximity to the same. As a rule, however, it is considered that a strawberry plantation is not materially affected by the weevil at the time of the first main crop, in the second summer of growth. The greatest degree of injury has been noticed (under the matted row system in the Lower Fraser valley) to take place in the spring and summer of the third season of growth. From these considerations, therefore, hereunder will follow the commoner varieties of strawberries grown in the Fraser Valley, with notes on their vegetative capabilities : — Magoon. — Hardy, good yielder, moderately productive of runners, fair shipper. Jessie. — Berry large, fairly productive, requires careful cultivation.* Brandijwine.—BcTxy medium to large, moderately productive of fruit, runners very numerous, good market berry, suited to clay soil.* Excelsior. — Berry large, very vigorous, fairly productive.* (7andj/.— Berry large, fine flavour, fairiy vigorous and prolific under the best cultivation.* Marshall.— Large firm V)errj', strong grower, moderately productive, needs higl. cultivation in clay soil.* Mitchels Early.— iimM berry, vigorous, prolific, used as a pollinizer.* •Descriptions from the .American Fruit CullurisI, Thomas, 2l8t edition, 19a3. Sharpleu.—largfi often irregular berries, very productive, fails in some lOCollllCSa William B«ft.— Vigorous, setting an abundance of runners, berries large to very large, sometime!" coxcombed. One of the best for home use. Williams.— Medxnm size berry, good shipper, productive of runners. Tri7«on.— Small to medium berry, hardy, exceedingly productive, succeeds well as a market variety. A good pollinizer.* Buback No. 5.— Large sweet handsome berry, quality fair, moderately firm, hollow, light in producing runners, requires good cultivation, good near-by market berry.* •' Glen Mary.— Very large sharpless seedling, fine quality, perfect flowered after the first few blooms, one of the best for forcing, light in runners.* Greenville.— Large berry, vigorous grower and productive.* .Sampie.— Medium to large berry, firm, of high quality, light in runners.* IFfir/Wrf.— Medium berry, firm, claimed to be very proiuctive in certain soils. Ciood shipper and one of the best for canninc.* Clarke Seedling.— Medium to large berry, very firm, good shipper, moder- ately productive of runners. .Senator Z>un?ap.— Medium to large berry, good shipper, very productive and vigorous. From the foregoing account of varieties, the grower can decide on the straw- berry best suited to his requirements, bearing in mind that if he is situated in a weevil-infested district, the vari-'y f u will bes; withstand an attack is the one that IS vigorous and productive of runners. Mr. W. T. Macoun, Dominion Horticulturist, Ottawa, in a letter on the subject, states that he thought it was correct that Magoons were not as projluctive of runners as Dunlaps, in the first year of bearing, and "of the varieties of • raw- berries mentioned the Wilson, Warfield, Williams and William Belt, shou 1 give the best crops the first year. " " It is a question whether Brandywine and Candy would give the best crops the first or second year, but it is likely that they would give the best crops the first year under good t. 'tivation. Jessie, Marshall and Clarke feeedling would be more likely to give the best crops the second year. " Parasites.— ^o parasites have been bred from this species. rr jf^^f^^y. Enemies.--Among insects, the common carabid beetle, Ajnara {.Celia) farclaf of the strawberry plantations of the Lower Fraser vallev olavs ra^v"^""^*"* '"*'"* "* '■'°"*''o"'"K ^h*' numbers of the adult weevil, its pup» and Both the adults and the larva; of this carabid are useful in this regard Fre- quently, fragments of elytra and appendages of the weevil may be found among •Descriptions from the American Fnit Culturist, Thomas. .1st edition 1903 tWentificd by Dr. E. C. VanDyke o( San Francisco, Cal. 29 some ge to ceeda firm, ir-by rered rtain )der- and raw- in a I one the ■tive raw- give indy ould and nara lays and Fre- long the debris in the strawberry row and, while the act of slaughter was not actually observed in the field, similar occasions in the laboratory leave little doubt as to the cause of death. The adult < arabids have also, in the laboratory, readily attacked the larva and pupa" of the weevil, which indicates with every reasonable degree of certainty that the ^■\me would occur in the field. The larvtp of carabids are, in turn, well known to be predaceous in habit and as their numbers are quite appreciable in the soil of a weevil-infested plantation, it is probable that they also effect a radical control of the larva' of the weev il. There Is at least one species of spider which has been observed in the field to attack the adults of the weevil. The spider will attack the weevil at the head end, and after holding it securely will make .iway at a great rate across the soil, towards its nest. Confinement of these spiders in the laboratory with live adult weevils showed that, on some occasions the weevils would be devoured, the various parts of the weevil lieing scattered about the tube, while on other occasions, no attention would be paid and the two would live together and stay alive for sc il days. It is sufficient to know, however, that to some extent at any rate th x'cies of sjiider effects a method of natural control. Probably the most important predatory eticmy of the weevil is the common field mole. According to Railliet, the mole is essentially an animal feeder, capable of devouring approximately twice its own weight in a day, and that it is only under star\'ation conditions that it becomes a vegetable feeder. The accompanying diagram (fig. 6) illustrates the characteristics of this mammal in the field. Its curious habit of circling completely round plants and doublinK back on its burrow, leaves little doubt that its presence in the field 's accounted for by the presence of the weevU larva' at the roots. At other times it will form "searching burrows" in and between rows of strawberries, evidently prospecting for an area of infestation. Once such an area is found, the mole commences feeding, confining its attentions to one or more rows of strawberries. While there is little doubt that the mole exerts a very beneficent influence .ngainst th^ numbers of the weevil, its action on the root system of the plantations is not oiily very annoying hut harmful, and some growers attribute the greater injury to the mole. But as the mole is only secondary, in so far as its presence may be accounted for by the presence of the larvae, anil as it readily devours the larva whereas t'.ie larvse devour the roots of the plant, it is probable that in a gi ^at measure, the injury caused by the tunnels of the mole is fancied. It is true the tunnels at times subject the roots of the plants to the drying action of sun and wind, but unless the moles are very abundant, the main root system of the plants is not disturbed to any marked extent, consequently no real damage results. It frequently happens that strawberry growers compress the .soil around strawberry plants in the spring to offset any harmful raising action frost may have had on the plantation. If this is done for frost the same might be done for the mole. Chickens, in their way, reiii devour the larvae of the weevil in the soil. An effective and fea.sitile plan for small farms (five to ton ncres) combining rliicken raising with the cul of small fruits is hereby suggested. Arrangements should be made so that the chicken house is located at some 'onvenient central point and then, .is figure 7 represents, the wire netting may be arranged at right angles from the chicken enclosure to the boundaries of the !arm. Thus the farm is divided into four more or less equal parts on which may 'ip practised a four-year rotation plan. The manner and method of cropping is 30 SUAECHIliG BUBBOW DISTANCE. 1 5 YARDS DEPTh 3-5 INCHES s'i—f k'dwii k"traw- berriea may, on the average, produce a crop of 500 crates, probably worth, in gross receipts to the grower, approximately SIOOO. IN FALL. Experience has shown that strawberry plants may be set in the fall. This is not a common practice, however, the chief objections being reduced yield and the trouble of pressing the r :ants down in the spring after being raised by the frost. The main point in favour of fall planting, despite a lest'ened yield, is „he fact that the plantation may not suffer to any material extent from the weevil. It was noticed that the egg deposition lasts until the end of August, and by plant- ing after this date one may be reasonably sure that no active migration will take place into that field until July of the following year, provided the field was clear at the outset. It has been observed, further, that it is not usual to find plantations seriously affected at the time of the first main spring crop. The reason for this has been pointed out in "Progress of Infestation." A fall-planted crop, therefore, will not be expected to suffer much in its second sprinn; crop. The extent to which an attack by the weevil will reduce a spring-planted crop can only be gauged in i^cneral manner. It is believed, however, that the usual degree of infestation will reduce the crop, at the time of the second spring crop, fully 50 crates to the acre, a loss of approximately $100. In severe centres of infestation the yield may be reduced very much more than this, but unless such an infestation is present the fall planting plan is not recommended, for the reason that the yield in crates is heavier in a spring-planted crop, and carries the balance in its favour. But as a consideration in a heavily-infested locality, the fall planting plan is worthy of trial. SEMI-MATTED ROW VERSUS HILL PLANTING. No experience of hill planting, coupled with a weevil infestation has been obtained in British Columbia, consequently no comi)arative data are available. As a matted strawberry row possesses more crowns than a strawberry hill, and as the fruit is borne from stocks arising from the crowns, it seems more probable thai a matted row would be able to withstand an attack better than a hill. THE ONE-CROP VERSUS THE "tWO-CROP" PLAN. By the "one-crop" plan is r eant that only one main crop of berries is taken off a plantation. When the plantation is allowed to run on through the summer and a second crop is taken off the following spring, such is referred to as the "two-crop" plan. Virtues of the two systems are about evenly divided and there are as many growers adopting one as the other. Growers of the "one-crop" plan claim that it is easier and cheaper to reset a new plantation than to keep an old one clean. Others disclaim this, and state the main oljjection raised to the "one-crop" plan is that the returns to be made from a plantation occur following the picking of the second main spring crop, and the yield at this time allows for the loss of a crop and the use of the land in the first summer of growth. As intimated previously, it is probable that some varieties of strawberries do better under one system and some under the other. 35 Again, theie may be a difference in the degree of an attack from year to year and in this regard it would be well to remember that if a plantation is not ser- iously affected at the end of the fruiting season of one year, no further damage may be expected that same year. Furthermore, the degree of injury at the time of picking is indicative of the prospective injury the following spring. All things considered, it is probable that on a large farm in a weevil-infested district, where rotation can be practised, the "two crop" plan is preferable, while on small acreages the "one-crop" plan, with the growth of a suitable variety is jest. A large farm of forty to fifty acres can, by rotation and correct manipulation of soil and variety, success- fully combat the effects of the weevil, while a small farm, confined within a definite area, is seriously handicapped. Attacks within a small area can be best alleviated by suitable varieties, the "one-crop" plan, and the use of chickens. !' FALL PLOUGHING. It has been pointed out previously (page 30) that it is advisable to plough the plantation as soon as the crop has been renoved owing to the fact that the larvae at the latter part of June are rap'.dly transforming to the adult state, thus leaving the soil more or less free. It has been noticed also that the period of oviposition begins about the latter part of June and continues until the latter part of August; consequently, unles^s the plantation is ploughed at the latter part of June it seems advisable not to plough until fall, so that the field may remain as an attraction sphere for the weevil to deposit eggs therein. In this way the young larvse will be distributed and turned up to the action of the frost. The larva>, on their part, however, are capable of movement in the soil, consequently it is well to keep the field con- stantly cultivated in the fall. There is difficulty in doing this owing to the fact that strawberry plantations are frequently set between the rows of young orchard trees, and for orchard trees it is not advisable to cultivate too late in the fall. However, by judicious management after growth has ceased, this can be done. The ploughing in June must also be frequently followed by cultivation or run over by chickens, otherwise its virtue would be lost, as the omnivorous habits of the larvse and adults permit them to feed on weed growth as well as on straw- berries. The question, therefore, as to when to plough the strawVierry plantation is best governed by the size of the farm. For small farms (five to ten acres) it is best to plough in the middle of June, followed by frequent cultivation or overrunning by chickens. For large farms (thirty to fifty acres), owing to the fact that other fruits quickly succeed one an- other and little time is available at the early part of the summer, it is best to plough in September and cultivate as often as may be deemed advisable. ROTATION OF CROPS. From the arguments that the weevil is: (1) gregarious in habit, (2) incapable of flight, (3) omnivorous in habit, and (4) possessing but few days per individual for oviposition, the question of rotation of crops is most important. Large farms with carefully considered systems of rotation, coupled with the other issues already mentioned, need fear little from the attacks of the weevil, provided that due judgment is used in proportioning the acreage in strawberries to the other crops. It is considered that not more than one bearing acre in ten should be under strawberries in a weevil-infested district. The following two plans are offered as suggestions towards maintaining a ten acre farm in the Lower Fraser valley, when the strawberry weevil is known to be present These are not arbitrary or conclusive in detail, but arc offered to the prospective fruitgrower as suggestions. 36 Rolation Plan 1.— "One Year Cropping Plan.' 1913— Strawberries set (May) 1913— Strawberries cropped, plouiched, fallowed. 1914 — Clover gown. 1915— Clover hay, ploughed in fall. 1916— Potatoes. 1912 — C'lovcr Bown. 1913— Clover hay, ploughed in fall. 1914— Potatoes. I9IS— Strawl>errics set. 1916 — Strawberries cropped, ploughed. 1912— Blacklx;rries set for six years. 1912- Rhubarb set. 1913— 1914— 1915— Rhulmrb cropped, ploughed, clover sown. 1916— Clover hay, ploughed, fallowed. 1917 — Strawberries set. 1912— Potatoes set. 1913— .Strawberries set. 1914— Strawberries cropped, ploughed. 1915 — Clover sown. 1916- Clover hay, ploughed. 1912— Clover .sown. 1913- ("lover hay, ploughed. 1914— Potatoes. I91.')-Hhubarbsct. 191B, 1917, 1918— Rhubarb. 1912— Turnips and truck crops. 1913— Potatoes set. 1914- Strawberries set. 1915- Strawberries cropped, ploughed. 1910 — Clover sown. 1912— Raspberries set lor six years. 1912-Rhubarb. 1913-1914-Hhulmrb. 191.5- Rhubarb ploughed. 1918— Strawberries s»>t. 1917 — Slrawlwrries cropped, ploughed. Acre for house and buildings. 37 Rotation Plan !.- 'Two Year Cropping Plan. 1912— Strawberrieit sot. 1919— Strawberrien, first crop. 1914— Strawbcrrie." StrawlH'rries wt. 11117 — Str.iwlM'rrics, first crop. 1918— Strawlx'rries, si'cond crop. 1912— Clover sown. 1913— Clover hay, ploughed. 1914— Potatoes. 1915 — StrawlM'rries set. 1916 — tStrawlwrries, first crop. 1917— Strawberries, seiond crop. 1912— Clover hay, ploughed. 1913- Potatoes .set. 1914— Strawlwrriea set. 1915— Strawlierries, first crop. 1916— StrawlH'rries, second crop. 1917-Rhubarb. 1912— Clover sown. 1915— Clover hav, ploughed. 1916— Pot!iU)es. 1917— Strawberries set. 1918— Strawberries, first crop. Acre for house and buildings. i ■i i^ . ARTIFICIAL CONTROL, At the outset it may be said that no satisfactory method of artificial control has yet been devised in the control of this weevil. Experiments have at times been performed with varying success, but no method has yet shown repayment for the trouble involved. TRAP BOARDS. It is characteristic of this weevil to be nocturnal in i s habits. It feeds and migrates, for the most part, at night. During the day time the adults remaia dormant, or nearly so. Advantage is taken of this characteristic in the matter of control. If ttoards are placed in and about a strawberry field, the adults will, to a certain extent use them as shelters during the day. ^examination of these hoards in the mornings will reveal the presence of weevils. These can be captured and destroyed. During the season of 1912, twenty shingle , each one foot by eight inches, were scattered around one acre and a half of strawberry field. Examination was made fifty-two times between June 8 and August 14 and a total of ninety weevils were captured under the boards. Approximately one- quarter of an hour was spent in making the daily observations, a total of thirteen hours being spent on the whole proceedings. The extent to which a field was benefited by this proceeding can be roughly gauged from the figures on page 2.5 under "Progress of Infestation." It is doubtful whether the proceeding would appeal to many of the fruit growers, as being too trivial in operation. But the benefit derived is, within certain limitations, undoubted, and may therefore be recommended as a minor control measure. TRAP LIGHTS. No experiments have been performed on this point in the Eraser Valley. The consensus of opinion, however, judging from the results of observations by other experimenters, is that lights play little or no part in the attraction of weevils to houses. TANGLEFOOT. On account of the fact that the weevil cannot fly and can only crawl, an experiment was performed in the season of 1912 making use of this peculiarity. A quarter of an acre of severely infested land was carefullj boarded in by means of eight-inch boards. The arrangement was devised to suit the requirements of a small acre farm which could be boarded in permanently and properly. The hoards were placed flush to the ground, and held in place by stakes. Soil was hanked up to the boards in the hollows of the ground surface and "tanglefoot" (O. & W. Thum Co.) was smeared two inches wide and about one-eighth of an inch thick on the inside upper edge of the boards. The enclosed area was then ploughed in the normal manner (July 4). It took one man V/2 days to plough, place the hoards, ap^ly the "tanglefoot" and mound the soil to fill the hollows. About 15 pounds of the "tanglefoot" were used to the quarter of an acre. It was hoped that the adult weevils would be retained within the area and escape would be prevented. Two difficulties immediately arose in the course of next few days. Th<' hoards were found to warp and loosen at the joints, and the soil would dry and shrink away from the boards. Both produced cracks and crevices sufficient t 1 i '1 1 89 attempt to cross. These weevils finally stopped in a crevice of the soil. From this standpoint the experiment was a success in that the majority of the weevils might be led away from a plantation by thr use of such boards. On other occasions, weevils were observed to cross the band of "tanglefoot" an'' progress across the soil on the other side without uny apparent entanglement with par- ticles of soil. On no occasion were adult weevils taken in the band of "tangle- foot." Judging the experiment as a whole, there are many favourable points. Certain provisions for success, however, are necessary. In the first place, the scheme is only applicable on a >mall farm, where a permanent board fence can be arranged. Then the board must be intact at the joints and preferably laid on a level ground surface, or else the continual trouble of remounding to the board vrill make the plan unfeasible. Furthermore, in the moist climate of the Lower Fraser an overlap of tin is necessary to protect the "tanglefoot" band from rai.i and wind. For a large farm the plan is not considered practical. ROAD OIL BARBIER. In the latter part of June, 1913, an experiment of a .-similar nature, with the same objects in view, as the "tanglefoot" experiment above, was commenced with the use of road oil, testing 14° Beaume, us a barrier. A trench was dug around a strawberry plantation one foot deep by eight inches wide, the bottom was levelled and tramped solid. The oil was applied by use of a large watering can and poured into the trench. Circumstances did not allow this experiment a fair trial but, judging from observations on the cost of digging, the unevenness of the soil and the effect of rain on the sides of the trench, it is doubtful whether this scheme has any merits over the use of "tanglefoot" and boards. INSECTICIDES. No experiments have been carried on during the past two seasons on the use of the regular insecticides. The experiences of other experimenters in the use of arsenic as a spray against the adult weevil have shown, for the most part, negative results. Adults are known to feed on the foliage of plants, consequently it was thought that a spray containing arsenate of lead would prove effective. R. A. (^'orley, of Montana, a.ssumed that such applications would kill the weevils or drive them away. Neither proved to be the case in his experiments, for it was found that the ingenious beetles commenced to feed on the roots and tiirived despite the poison. It seems almost useless to expect any marked results from spraying the plants with any form of arsenic as ther^ is sure to bo enough un- sprayed leaf surface or fresh leaves present to provide sufficient nourishment for the beetles, for our experience has shown that the adult feeding habit is not sufficient to warrant attention of this nature. SOIL FUMIGANTS. Carbon Bisulphide. — The use of carbon bisulphide as a fumigant and larva- lide was tested during the season of 1912. It was found that any heavier soil injection than half an ounce to the foot of row killed the plants. An experiment on this point was performed on May 8, 1912, at six locations in a row. Carbon bisulphide of varying strengths was applied by means of a spoon and placed in a 40 hole formed by the forefinger, and quii-kly seaUnl up with soil, as follows: — Location. .Vniount Carlmn Rixuiphidc applied Mays. The effects were KffpTts on Moy 13. 1 One tableapoon ()ioi.). Normal. Two tablespoons (1 o».). - .Sipkly. 3 Three tablespoons (1<2 0(.). 4 Four tablespoons (2 oi.) 5 Eight tablespoons f4 oi.) . . . . 0 i — check... Sickly. Very sickly. Dead. Normal. To test the effect on the larva", three groups of plants in a well-set second- year-old patch containing six plants to a group were treated with: (1) 4 ounces Carbon bisulphide, (2) 2 ounces Carbon bisulphide; (3) 1 ounce Carbon bisul- phide. On examination among the roots on May 13: (1) 11 larva" were taken dead, 3 more showing signs of life; (2) 22 larva* found killed, 4 more showing signs of life; (3) 9 larva> found (lead, 4 more showing signs of life. The plants suffered in each case; consequently, while probably an efficient larvacide it is hardly practical as a remedy owing to its cost and its effect on l)lant life. Cyanide of Potassium.— To test the efficiency of powdered cyanide of potas- sium against the adult weevil, five ounces were weighed off and pow! applying a straw mulch to the plantation and then setting fire to it immeauuelv presents itself as a remedy. There is virtue in the proceeding provided a light wind is blowing at the time and the straw is not matted, so as to concentrate heat at any one {xiint ; otherwise the burning of a strawberry plantation does no harm and good of l.-n results. A num- ber ' adult weevils are bound to suffer from the effects of the heat generated. Here again the same points recur as pointed out on page 'M. It is necessary in order to obtain the highest degree of efficiency, to burn immediately the crop IS off, l)ecause during July and August the weevil is busy depositing egj^s in the soil, anil it is not probable that these eggs would be affected by the sur'ce fire. Owing to the fact that most of the strawl)errv plantations are being grown l)etween rows of young orchard trees, a difficultv "immessible that there is confusion between the various spe(\^s of Oliorhjitirhuf: in the Eraser valley. The work of the i)ast two seasons has demonstrated the fact, without further doubt, that, at present O.ninttis is by far the most numerous and injurious. No evidence has been received that f fi 42 O. aulcatus is causing any marked or untoward injury to strawberries, and this is borne ou . by reference to the habits of the two species in question in the statex of Oregon and Washington. O. auleaiut occurs probably wherever strawlierries are grown, but not, it would appear, in sufficient numbers to cause material harm. Its chief injury is noticed to the roots of greenhouse, pot and garden plants. Theobald* gives an account of it thus: "It damages the plant mainly in the grub stage, the larvie feeding upon the roots. The beetles also feed upon the leaves and buds. Vines, ra8pl)errie8, peaches and many pot plants are attacked by it. The weevil, like other otiorhynchids is wingless, and alraut one-third of an inch long. In colour it is nearly black, the thorax is granulated and the elj-tra rough, with several raised lines and with scanty pale hair tufts, the rostrum has a distinct groove or sulcus in the middle. They arc mainly nocturnal feeders and, when disturbed, feign death." Observations on this insect in the Fraser valley during the past two seasons indicate that the life-history compares in a manner very similar to that of O.ovatua. The adults emerge from the soil in May, June and July and deposit eggs in the soil during June, July and August. The egg stage has not been determined, but it is probably about fifteen days. The 1 ^rva; hatching from the eggs feed on the roots of the plants from July to November. A partial dormancy under out- side conditions probably occurs during winter, and feeding is continued in the very early spring during March, April and May. Pupa> are formed in the soil during April and May, later producing adults to continue the life cycle. ROOT WORMS. Certain chrysomelid larvw are to be found in strawberry plantations*. Con- fusion between forms of these insects and the forms of O. ovatus, especially in the pupal forms is likely to result from superficial observations. TIPULID LARV.E. ThelarviE of tipulid flies, the adults l>eing commo 'y called "Daddy Long Legs," are found feeding on the roots of strawberries end grasses in the Lower Fraser valley. In certain parts of the European cor;inent the larvse of these flies are economic pests and materially affect meadows and pasture land. Here in British Columbia no evidence is at hand claiming injury from these insects. ARISTOTELIA sp. Numerous larvae of moths, probably referable to a species of j4n'8wtlL' (Halliea etieta) cnlarKt'd four timen. '"This species of HaUica which occurred at Nelson, B.C., in 1910, was abun- dant on the leaves of strawlierry in the last week of April; 180 specimens were collected from a single plant. "f CARABIDM. The adults of Harpalus sp., which are commonly regarded as beneficial may on occasion be injurious, by the adults devouring the ripe fruit in the plantations. The carabidae or ground beetles, as a class, however, are useful insects and should not be destroyed. CLICK BEETLES. The common "wireworms," the larvae of click beetles, are commonly found in strawberry plantations and they undoubtedly affect the plants to a certain «xtent. WESTERN LINED JUNE BEETLE {Polyphylla decemlineata Say.) In Bulletin No. 24 of the British Columbia Department of Agriculture, the larvae (white grubs) of this species of June beetle are reported as injurious to plantations. No records, however, of injury have been received during the past two seasons. They are known to be destructive to the roots of grasses and young fruit trees in British Columbia. MESOLEUCA T RUN CAT A Hufn. This geometrid is reported by Dr. James Fletcher in his annual report as Dominion Entomologist and Botanist for 1902 as destructive in the caterpillar stage to i=t-awberry plants at French Creek (near Nanaimo), B.C. "The larva is slender, cylindrical, in colour yellowish-green, slightly glaucous, and has pale, indistinct longitudinal stripes along the body, viz., a double dorsal band of more intense yellow than the body, a subdorsal band of the same colour, but clear white on the anterior segments, and a distinct yellowish ventral stripe. The tubercles on the body are white, and each bears a single, short, slender bristle. The head and feet are concolorous with the body. Beneath the anal flap, on segment 13, is a pair of prominent slender tails, tinged with pink, each bearing a slender bristle at the tip. When mature, the caterpillar changes to u chrysalis within the folds of a leaf or between two leaves, which have been drawn together by threads of silk. " The larva, when full grown, is about one inch in length. I t " Flra-bcetlcs and Their Control", by Arthur Gibaon, Entomological Circular No. 2, 1913, Division of Entomology, Dominion Department of Agriculture. » ** CUTWORMS. The cutworm-like caterpillars of Scopeloaoma triatigmala Grt. are reported by Dr. James Fletcher (1902) in the same report as the above, from French Creek. This same species is recorded by Mr. J. W. Cockle at Kaslo, B. C, feeding on wild raspberry. " When mature, the caterpillar is nearly an inch and a half in length, and in general appearance is a smooth, cylindrical noctuid larva, in colour a velvety seal brown, shading to a crimson brown beneath, the centre of the venter being greenish. The head is dark reddish brown, with the exception of a broad upper margin of pale brown across the top, and reaching down the sides of ths face to the ocelli. There are inconspicuous dorsal and lateral stripes, paler i:. colour than the dorsum, also a pale substigmatal band. Under the lens the whole skin above this band is seen to be covered with streaks and blotches of a darker brown than the skin. The thoracic shield is darker than the body and rather conspicuous. The anal shield is yellowish brown. The thoracic feet are shiny dark brown, and the prolegs are concolorous with the venter." The larvte of the Greasy Cutworm, Agrotis ypsilon, one of the common species of cutworms throughout British Columbia, is also reported injurious to roots of strawberries. THE WESTERN STRAWBERRY CROWN BORER {Tyloderma foveolatum Say.) This is reported in the annual report of the Dominion Entomologist and Botanist for 1897. N i [1 ri