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COASIS OT t.vNADX. i;v A li H'sr^MAN (i: CRlNr'-:- KROM TKANSAtTION"; Oh HIE CkNAPIAN Ill»iT1TrTE. VOL IX.l THE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY: PUBLISHED BY THE LIBRARIAN, 1912 n 3 V n/ K TRniverditi? of Toronto StuMce COMMITTEE OF MANAGEMENT (^atrman: Robert Alexander Falc * . Litt.D., LL.D., D.D. "- -,<. ,. the University Professor W. J. Alexander, Ph. .J. Professor W. H. Ellis, M.A., M.B. Professor A. Kirschmann, Ph.D. Professor J. J. Mackenzie, B.A. Professor R. Ramsay Wright, M.A., B.Sc, LL.D. Professor George M. Wrong, M.A. General Editor: H. H. Langton, M.A. Librarian of the University ■ ^. Cauira pannota, Goniocarpa placenh- In addition to the above tpecies, the following; have been found or are to be expected in this locality, but were not obtained in 1910: — Apiidium palUdum Verrill, Lisseclinum aurtum Verrill, JotrylUndes aurtum Sara, PtUmaia ccrrugala F. & G. The fauna ia aubarctic, consisting 0' species that are peculiarly •ubarctic, most of which are closely related to, •' not ioc-ntical with, European species, and other species that are found in both subarctic and arctic regions or that have their nearest allies in arctic regions. (B). The Pacific Station From June to August of both 1908 and i'''>9 were spent at the De- pv -e Bay Station, and in the latter year .hree days were spent at Uc. et on the outer coa»t of Vancouver Island as the guest of Prof. Ma .^un. At the station, the best colIeCtng places at low tide are the preci* pitous shores of the small rocky islands in the bay. The roofs o( snail caverns, the under surfaces of projecting rocks and the under surfaces of flat stones that are to be found on many of the rocky ledges are the favourite spots. A considerable amount of dredging was done at vari- ous depths ranging to about 95 fathoms. The curator of the st.ttion, the Rev. G. W. Taylor, assisted me in every way and through his conrtit.y I enjoyed several dredging trips to Northumberland Straits on the otiii^r side of Nanaimo and one trip to Burrard Inlet near Vancouver. The best dredging places were the channels, where the bottom was stony, shelly or gravelly, although the sandy bottoms frequently yielded an abundance of a few species. Much of the bottom gives poor results, because of the absence of stones, &c. of a size that can be brought up by the dredge, although these same bottoms are doubtless well populated with Ascidians. Compound Ascilicns. A species of Amaroucium occurs in quantity at low tide and is occasionally dredged. A very dark Trididemnum with few or occasionally no (?) spicules was taken several times in the dredge. Cionidae. Ciona intestinalis occurs rather frequently as shown by the dredgings, but not in quantity. PhaUusiidae. Ascidiopsis Columbiana was growing in large num- bers at low tide and was occasionally dredged. A . Paratropa, a large handsome species, occurs sparingly in 10 fathoms or more and 3 speci- mens of i4. nanaimoensis were found outside the bay and at Northumber- |i , u 1 ,1 .h} 114 Transactions of the Canadian Institute. [vol. ix land Straits. PhaUusia ceratodes grows in large beds in the bay south of Brandon Rocks and also in a sponge bed near the entrance to the bay. Elsewhere only occasional specimens were obtained. Chelyosomatidae. Chdyosoma productum is occasional at low tide and abundant in deeper water. C. columbianum was found in from 10 to 20 fathoms but was not abundant. CoreUa inflata was growing m numbers near low water mark and C. rugosa in deeper water. Caesiridae. Caesira apoploa and C. cooperi were dredged m sand in about 10 fathoms in front of the station. Styelidae. Katatropa vancouvermsis and Cnemidocarpa joannae were abundant at low tide and tlie latter occurred frequenUy in deeper water. Goniocarpa couodes was dredged in small numbers from stony and shelly bottoms and with it was found Styela gibbsii. The latter was very abundant in many places in from 5 to 1 5 fathoms, sand. Tethyidae. BoUenia viOosa was growing in quantity at low tid "Uid was abundant in the dredgings. Pyvra haustor was found in large masses in from 5 to ao fathomfe. sand and occasionally elsewhere. BolUnta echinata, Tethyum aurantium and T. igafioja were obtained only very rarely and in from 10 to 85 fathoms, stones and shells. The list for this station is as follows:— (i) in quantity. Amaroucium sp. A, Ascidiopsis columbiana, PhaUusia ceratodes, Chdyosoma productum, CoreUa inflata, C. rugosa, Katatropa Vancouver ensis, Cnemidocarpa joannae, Styela gU>bsii, BoUenia viUosa, Pyura haustor (3) occasional. Trididemnum sp. A, Ciona intestinalis, Ascidiopsis nanaimoensis, A. paratropa, Chelyosoma columbianum, Caesira apoploa, C. cooperi, Goniocarpa coccodes, BoUenia echinata, Tethyum aurantium, T. igaboja. The completion of the railway from Nanaimo to Alberni will make it possible to reach the outer coast of the Island in a short time by means of the railway and the Alberni Canal This is of importance, as the fauna of the outer coast appears to differ markedly from that of the inner coast. The following account is based on collections made at Ucluelet on Bark- ley Sound near the mouth of the Alberni Canal by Prof. Macoun and his assistants in 1909 and by myself at the same point at the end of July and the beginning of August of the same year. The rocks at low tide on the exposed coast are rich in Ascidians, especially the compound forms. The following were found :— igii] ASCIDIANS FROM THE COASTS OF CANADA. «»5 (i) in quantity. Amaroucium sp. A, Synoicum (?) sp. A, Trididemnum sp. B, Sycotoa [Colella] sp., Holotoa [Distaplia] sp. A, Polycitor (Eudistoma) sp. A, Clavelina sp., Perophora annectens, Katatropa yakutatensis. (a) occasional. Corella rugosa, Chelyosoma productum, Caesira pacifica, Katatropa vancoueerensis, Cnemidocarpa joannae, Boltenia villosa, Pyura hauslor. Styela montereyensis. Dredgings made in a few fathoms (5 to 10) yielded the following. — (i) in numbers. Amaroucium sp. A, Synoicum (?) sp. A, Trididemnum sp. B, Clavelina sp., Ascidiopsis columbiana, A. paratropa, Corella rugosa, Chelyosoma productum, Caesira apoploa, Cnemidocarpa joannae. (3) occasional. Amaroucium sp. B, Synoicum (?) sp. B, LeptocHnum [Diplosoma] (?) sp., Holozoa [Distaplia] sp. B, Polycitor (Eudistoma) sp. B, Katatropa uclueletensis, Styela gibbsii, Pyura haustor, Tetkyum aurantium, T. igaboja. Boltenia villosa. Dall has remarked that the fauna of the inner channels of the British Columbian archipelago is of a distinctly more northern character than that of the open coast. This is well shown in the Asddians. The list from Departure Bay includes arctic forms that are not represented at Ucluelet and among the Uduelet species are a number of southern forms that do not occur at Departure Bay. It may be noticed that the arctic species of Departure Bay are not as plentiful and are not found in as shallow water as the corresponding species of the Atlantic Coast at St. Andrews. (C) . Some general features of interest. Material for studying the early development of many of the Asd- dians can be obtained very easily, as in many cases the eggs are retained in the parent and only the free-swimming larvae escape. This is the condition of affairs in practically all of the compound Asddians, (those found at the stations). In the majority of the simple forms the eggs are not retained, apparently because the oviduct opens into the atrium very near the base of the atrial siphon and the strong current present at that point carries the eggs out. In some genera and spedes the oviduct opens , -I II h IV'' 'i>i: ii6 Transactions of the Canadian Institute. [vol. ix at some distance from the atrial siphon, where the current is not as great and as a result the eggs are usually retained. This retention of the eggs may be quite constant in a genus, may be characteristic of certain species only of a genus, or may occur only in occasional individuals of a species. In some cases the eggs are, though retained, laid in lots, so that practically only one stage can be obtained from one individual and all the individuals of one locality may have their eggs at the same stage of development. The following is a list of the simple forms of the stations that retain their eggs: — Genera,— Dendrodoa, eggs produced continuously. KateUropa " " " Species, — Caesira cooperi, eggs produced continuously. C. canadensis, " C.lUtoralis, Occasional individuals of Ascidiopsis prunum, eggs produced in lots. CortUainflata, BoUenia kirsuta, (?) Yotmg individuals, for studying the post-larval development, can be obtained in the case of the commoner species by carefully examining the free surface in individuals of those species which have a roughened test. Individuals, that were anaesthetized with cocaine, killed in the extended condition and well fixed, have furnished me with an abundance of stages of some of the commoner species. A series of sections made of an adult Dendrodoa cameo, yielded in addition, (i) an almost complete series of stages of the same species from the fertilized egg up to the free-swimming larvae, (a) a 'young adult' of the same species, (3) two 'young adulu' of Ascidiopsis prunum and (4) a ' young adult ' of some species of Caesira ! As is well known, the Asddians harbour many commensals. Pro- tosoa are to be found in the pharynx and atrial cavity in many of the simple forms of both coasts, the majority being attached to the oral tentacles. Various kinds of Copepods and Amphipods are to be found in the same cavities. Pea-crabs occur in the atrial cavity in most speci- mens of Tethyum igaboja, Ascidiopsis paratropa and Phallusia ceratodes of the West Coast. A hydroid* is abundant at Departure Bay, coating the prebranchial zone of certain species of Asddians and small colonies were occasionally found on the wsJl of the atrial cavity. Nearly every individual of Phallusia ceratodes contained this form and it was also found in Ascidiopsis paratropa, Ciona intestinalis, and Tethyum aurantium. *Mr. C. McLean Fraaer has recently described this iam (Bull. Lab. Nat. Hist. Univ. Iowa, vd. VI, No. 1) as the type of a new genus, belonging to the family Twridat. He hits given it the name Cry^^ f igii] ASCIDIANS FROM THE COASTS OF CaNADA. 117 Parasitic Protozoa occur in the glandular folds of the stomach in most species and in the 'liver' of Caesirids [Molgulids] and Tethyids [Cynthiids]. An Isopod was found in the endostylar vessel of Styela gibbsii and Pyura haustor. Although Ascidians are not used for food on this continent, there are a number of species that might be so used. In most of the forms the musculature is so small in amount that when the test has been removed the great bulk of the animal consists of sea-water. In the Styelids and Tethyids, however, the musculature is well developed and frequently quite thick. Two species of Tetkyum, very similar to or the same as those of our coasts, are, according to Oka, eaten by the Japanese. The inhabitants of Peru and Chili use as food two species of Pyura that occur on their coasts and species of the genus Microcosmus are exposed for sale in the markets of southern Europe (Grube). The Hoi-osomatous Species of the West Coast. The complete account of these species was sent in July, 1910, for publication in the Report of the Biological Stations of Canada. In the following account it is intended to give provisional diagnoses of the new genera and species, as well as some notes on the other species. The full extent of the variation noted in the various species is not always given in this account. Further study has shown that certain changes should be made in the original account and these have been incorporated in this article. The writer is indebted to the Rev. Mr. Taylor for a large amount of material from Departure Bay, Hope Island, Banks Island, Goose Is- land, Lowe Inlet, China Hat, Stephen Island, Port Simpson, Prince Rupert, Rose Spit and Hecate Straits. Prof. Macoun communicated to the writer the collection of the Geological Survey, which contained a few specimens collected by Dr. Dawson in 1885, and a large amount of ma- terial from Departure Bay and Ucluelet, collected by Prof. Macoun and his assistants in 1908 and 1909. Many of the Ascidian genera are inconveniently large and hetero- geneous, e.g. Tethyum [Cynthia, Halocynthia seu Pyura], Styela, Caesira [Molgula], and Phailusia [Ascidia]. It would be a distinct advance to have these genera divided into smaller natural groups, so that the re- lationships of the species would be shown. I have attempted a division of Tethyum, Styela and Phailusia as far as the material at my disposal would permit. Some of these groups are quite small and it is question- able whether they should have the rank of genera. If they are given generic rank temporarily, it will call attention more forcibly to the char- acters which seem to be of importance in separating these groups. Many ii8 Transactions of thb Canadian Institute. [vol. ix \B of these characters are entirely neglected in descriptiont of new species. The final determination of their rank may be left until our knowledge of all the species is such as to make revisions of the various families possible. Family^Perophoridae. Peropkora annectens Ritter. Proc. Cal. Ac. Sc., ser. a, vol. IV, p. 37. In numerous colonies from Uduelet the zooids differ from Ritter's description only in being yellowish-orange instead of yellowish-green and in having a maximum of 24 stigmata in a row instead of 18. These differences seem unimportant. The individuals in all cases formed typical social colonies and in no case were imbedded in a common test. Family — Agnesiidae. The genus Agnesia Mchlsn. should not be placed in the family Corellidae {Cordlinae) or Chelyosomatidae {Chelyoiomatinae), as has been done by Michaelsen, Seeliger and Hartmeyer. The position of the in- testinal canal on the left side of the pharynx is of major importance and shows that its closest allies are the Cionidae and PhaUusiidae. It differs sufficiently from either of these groups to warrant its being placed in a separate family. Agnesia septentrionalis sp. n. Shape oval, laterally flattened. Dimensions of largest specimen, 15X11X8 mm. Oral aperture terminal, atrial at anterodorsal angle. Surface entirely sand-covered, sand adhering to filamentous processes of the test. Apertures indistinctly 7- and 6-lobed respectively. Dorsal and ventral bands of transverse muscular fibres in addition to the usual siphonal musculature. About 30 simple tentacles, varying in size, scattered over inner sur- face of oral siphon. Dorsal tubercle apparently behind peripharyngeal groove, its aperture transverse and slightly bent. Six very large dorsal languets, with long 'roots.* No longitudinal bars. Transverse vessels carry a number of large sickle-shaped processes. Stigmata forming short infundibula, as many as three turns in each spiral: two rows of infundibula between successive transverse vessels. Stomach large, smooth-walled. Intestine with the usu?l forwardly directed loop on the left side of the pharynx. Ovary a rounded mass in the intestinal loop. Testicular lobcrt scattered over the intestinal loop near the ovary. Gonoducts accompany rectum. Collected near Stephen Island in 1906 by Rev. Mr. Taylor. This form differs from A. glaciata Michaelsen (Zoologica, Bd. 13, Ht. 31. p. 6), the only other species described, in details concerning the surface of the test, pharyngeal wall, &c. ( ■ 1 1 191 1] ASCIDIANS FKOM TBE COASTS OF CaNADA. 119 Family — Cionidae. Ciona iHtestinaUs (L.) Specimens were taken frequently in and near Departure Bay, but never in quantity. They seem to differ from European specimens only in the small number (5) of muscular bands on each side of the body. To judge from the published figures, the number is variable in European specimens (6 or 7). Family — PhaUnsiidae. Genu»—Ascidiopsis Verrill {sens. run.). {^Ascidia seu PhaUusia auct. partim). The type species is Ascidia caUosa Stimpson {"A. prunum M tiller). Verrill instituted this genus for the type because of the plicated condi- tion of the pharyngeal wall. This is a character common among Phal- lusiids and one that cannot be used as a distinctive feature. The diag- nosis may be changed so as to include those forms with the pharynx ex- tending beyond oesophageal aperture but not beyond the posterior side of the stomach, longitudinal bars bearing papillx and intermediate papillae, and renal vesicles occurring over intestinal loop and in the ad- jacent parts of the body-wall. Also the ganglion is close to the dorsal tubercle. This genus is intermediate between AscidieUa (as restricted by Hartmeyer) and the typical Phallusiae (e.g. P. mentula). A. nancimoensis sp. n. Oblong, laterally flattened; attached by left side. Up to 27 mm. in length. Oral aperture terminal, 7- (or 5-) lobed; atrial, distant from oral from one-third to one-half length of the body, 6- lobed. Surface nearly smooth (minute papiL ver part of surface). Musculature practically confined to right side 01 body. From 45 to 105 tentacles. Prebranchial zone with indistinct pa- pillae. Aperture of dorsal tubercle crescent-shaped, opening between horns directed forwards. Ganglion is the width of peripharyngeal groove behind tubercle. Dorsal lamina prominently ribbed, its margin with coarse teeth corresponding to the ribs. Longitudinal bars, from 41 to 50 on the left side and from 48 to 66 on the right. Plications fewer than the bars. From 3 to 6 stigmata in each mesh. Stomach with 17 shallow folds; intestine without typhlosole. Ovary in intestinal loop and on right side of first part of intestine. Testicular lobes in intestinal loop posteriorly, on both sides of first part of intestine and on right side of stomach. Gonoducts pass along posterior side of last bend of intestine. Three specimens obtstined at points near Departure Bay. This species somewhat resembles in appearance Ascidia adhearens ^^9 w I30 Transactions of thk Canadian Institute. [vol. ix Ritter from Alaska, but differs f ron it in the number of stigmate in each mesh, in the number of plications between successive bars and probably also in the number of bars. A. Columbiana sp. n. . . , . . ,t » Oblong, laterally flattened, attached by the entire left side. Up to 4.5 cm. in length, 3.5 cm. in width and 2 cm. in thickness. Apertures placed as in last species. Surface more or less roughened, with numerous short papilla, which differ greatly in size in several varieties of thjs species which occur. Those near the apertures are always very distmct and longer than the others. Musculature as in last species. From 20 to 45 tentacles. Prebranchial zone smooth. Aperture of dorsal tubercle horseshoe-shaped, the horns frequently bent inwards oroutwa-ds. Ganglion directly behind tubercle. Dorsal lamina strong- ly ribbeu, its margin with teeth corresponding to the ribs and occasionally from 1 to 5 indistinct intermediate teeth. From 19 to 24 bars on the left side and from 21 to 26 on the right. From i to 2 plications be- tween successive bars. From 4 to 20 stigmata in each mesl; . Stomach with from 12 to 22 shallow folds; intestine usually with typhlosole. Anus at level of anterior end of intestinal loop or somewhat behind it. Ovary chiefly on right side of first part of intestine. Testi- cular lobes on left side of loop and on both sides of stomach. Oviduct passes across lower (left) side of last bend of intestine and then along posterodorsal border of rectum. Numerous specimens from Departure Bay, Ucluelet and Port Simp- son. O J • Differs from Ascidiella incrustans Herdman from Puget bound in the plain prebranchial zone and the toothed condition of the dorsal lamina. Ascidia adhcerens Ritter is without the papiUated surface and the peculiar course of the oviduct. Its closest ally is A . prunum (Miiller) from the North Atlantic, which differs from it chiefly in the absence of the papillae of the surface, and in the smaller number of bars (rt. 18 to 80, It. 15 to 19). A. paratropa sp. n. Short cylindrical, attached by small area at posterior end. Up to II cm. in length and about 4.5 cm. in diameter. Oral aperture terminal, 7-lobed, turned toward the ri^ht side; atrial aperture, 6-lobed, at the end of a short siphon which extends from the anterodorsal angle to a point in front of the level of the oral aperture. Surface with large irregular tubercles. Musculature, extensive on the right side, consisting chiefly of longitudinal fibres ; on the left side, longitudinal fibres from the siphons extend nearly to intestinal loop. «9"1 ASCIDIANS raOM THE COASTS OF CANADA. lai From 15 to 30 rather short tentacles. Prebranchiail zone smooth. Aperture of dorsal tubercle as in last species; horns may be slightly coiled. Ganglion about width of peripharyngeal groove behind tubercle. Dorsal lamina ribbed on left side, its margin irregularly toothed, the largest corresponding to the ribs. On right side of oesophageal aperture and extending posteriorly is another lamina also toothed. From a8 to 34 bars on the left side and from ^a to 4a on the right. From i to 1.5 pli- cations between successive bars. From 4 to la stigmata in each mesh. Stomach with from 40 to 46 shallow folds; intestine with typhlosole; intestinal loop directed forwards but not bent toward dorsal side. Ovat y in intestinal loop, on both sides of loop anteriorly and on right side of stomach. Testicular lobes in the loop and on both sides of posterior part of loop, as well as on both sides of stomach. Gonoducts pass along posterior side of last bend of intestine. About 30 specimens from Departure Bay, Ucluelet, Banks Island and Goose Island, in from 5 to ao fathoms. No Phallusiid that has been described seems to have the peculiar shape and tubercles of this species. Ascidiella griffini Herdman from Puget Sound may be near it, but, as described, it differs in shape, char- acter of surface, number of tentacles (60-70) and the presence of pre- branchial papillae. Genus — PhaUusia Savigny {sens, restr.) Syn. Ascidia seu PhaUusia auct. part. Tliis genus may be restricted to those forms that can be grouped around the type species {Ascidia mentula Miiller ?) and which have the pharynx extending behind the poeterior border of the stomach, longi- tudinal bars with papillae, dorsal lamina extending behind oesophageal aperture, ganglion a considerable distance behind dorsal tubercle and renal vesicles restricted to the intestinal wall (or absent ?). P. ceratodes sp. n. About twice as long as broad, laterally flattened, attached by greater part of left side; up to 7 cm. in length, 3.a cm. in width, and 1.5 cm. in thickness. Apertures sessile or on short siphons; oral 6- or 7- lobed, terminal; atrial 5- or 6-lobed, placed about half the length of the body back along the dorsal edge. Surface irregularly wrinkled and minutely roughened. Musculature practically confined to right side. From 50 to 150 tentacles. Prebranchial zone smooth. Aperture of dorsal tubercle horseshoe-shaped, horns incoiled, with one turn in each coil; opening between horns directed forwards. Ganglion from 3 to 7 mm. behind tubercle. Dorsal lamina ribbed on left side, its margin finely toothed; from a to 5 teeth between successive teeth corresponding i -fi •ntAHSACTlONS OF THE CANADIAN INSTITUTE. IVOL. IX .« thp rih. Bars M to 54 on right and 33 to 51 on left side. Papill* It m^ctn,. b«t"no't'bl°tw'tn. ^ne plication or le» between .ucces«ve '^IntS llltru^t'r^Tto' y^ of left side, leaving fro. V4 toTof length Of ph^nx uncovered at both anterior and poster^r ^A ^.«!,»rh with alwut 17 folds. Intestinal loop bent forwards inJe l^er side of the body (test removed) only a short ternunal part °' ^^'^dSSrlSe^tTu'JeBay.infrom xo to 30 fathoms, locally abundant. S,Tl^ aUy^rpears to be P. lonpstriata Hartmeyer rom Jaj^n^ from whicH coffers Shaving the margin of the dorsal lamma toothed and in the situation of the gonads. Family— Chdyosomatidae. As is shown farther on. the intestinal loop in the genus Chely<>soma is always onXright side of the pharynx. Whether it .s on the ngj. <> left ^de of «! arbitrary median plane, is of little moment. thts genu brougrt into nZ we have the utmost constancy - Jhe pos.t on S the intestinal loop with reference to the Pha^nx^n each ojti^e^^^^^^^^ of Ascidians. The only exceptions are those •"dmdjf th^J^ '^^neZ invcrsio viscerum. It seems right, therefore, that the genus Agnes should not be placed in this family. Corella willmeriana Herdman. . . w-, ^ =«„ ;« i rr« One specimen from Elk Bay was collected by Dr. Dawson, m l88^ The s'llrface is smooth. The .^t^aUperture .s not on a d.s^^^^^^^^ riohon. There are 24 bars on right side of pharynx and 22 (?) on left side. SpS of inf undibula are for the most part broken up mto short sfgmata. ^' Xn" C^meriana Ritter. Ann. N.Y. Ac., vol 12 .P.604. Oblong, laterally compressed or more or less <=y»'"d"*=i-^ j^t^^^.^. by posterio; end or by right or left side. Apertu- on ^me lev^^^^^^ anterior end; atrial often at the end of a short «^°"- ^^rf^^^^ •'J«8J lariv wrinkled and rough with fine irregular processes of the test, up to lariy wnniucu a»m » j , - ,_ thick Musculature consists of the ons for a short distance back over the body. 191 1] ASCIOIANS FKOM THE COASTS OF CANADA. "3 From 50 to 80 tentacles. Aperture of donal tubercle varying from a tranivene slit to a horsethoe-shaped opening. From 14 to ao langueta. From 30 to aa bars on each side, with a few rudimentary ones near dorsal and ventral margins of pharyngeal wall. Stigmatic infundibula deep and nearly square; the spiral of each with 5 or 6 turns, often slightly di- vided into shorter stigmata, the divisions occurring at the angles of the square. Intestinal loop of the usual form, placed across posterior end of pharynx. Rectum long, reaching nearly to base of atrial siphon. Gonads on both sides of intestinal loop, the testicular lobes, but not the ovary, usually extending to beginning of rectum. Numerous specimens from Departure Bay, Burrard Inlet, Udue- let, Banks Island and Hecate Straits. This species differs from the last in the more anterior position of the atrial aperture, the roughened test and the smaller number of longi- tudinal bars. C. inflata sp. n. This is very similar to the preceding species. No intermediates have been found. It was obtained only at Departure Bay, occurring there in quantity at low tide and in very shallow water (8 fathoms or less). The most characteristic feature is the great enlargement of the atrium (the median part of the peripharyngeal cavity just beneath the atrial siphon). As a result of this, the shape is more nearly cubical than in the last species and the rectum is very much shorter (less than half the length of the body). There is a smaller number of tentacles (40 to 60) and also of longitudinal bars (16 to 18). Many of the latter (es- pecieilly dorsally) are represented only by T-shaped processes, the pharynx not reaching, even in large individuals as complete a stage of develop- ment as that of the last species. The testicular lobes do not extend as far as the beginning of the rectum. The apertures are at the same level and the surface of the test is roughened with small irregular processes. Genus — Chelyosoma. There have been divergent accounts of the position of the intestinal canal in members of this genus. The most recent statements are that the loop is sometimes on the right side of the body and sometimes on the left side. As its position in other genera is quite constant, this seemed rather remarkable. An examination of a large number of specimens belonging to two species which occur on the West Coast and of a single specimen of the type species from the East Coast has shown that, in all, the loop is on the lower attached side of the body, which in this case cor- responds for the most part with the right side of the pharynx, as the :^ 1 . 4 ,,4 T«ANSACnOM8 Of THE CaKADIAK INSTITUTE. [VOL. IX endctyle ha. been di.pUced toward the left ^^J. .^f J/^..^ «,metiL.more to the right. 'T^'TJ^'^.^^tll^X^ through the aperture, perpendicularly to the di.k. it i. «*»>« . m"phological right .ide of the pharynx. ,ust a. m Corella. It U direrted forward, however. in.tead of uan.ver«ly. '•^5rer«'';S^:n.fromI>part«reBay "^L«ct".tic of thi. .peci^ are^ of^di.^ 0,e 1^^^ «ie of mature individuals and the absence of mu«:le band. acro« many of the line, between the plate, of the dwk. d„r»uLSe . mnlv.,« dit. Funnel a.ymm.tricd. the due. ««- JSJL. Stigmata more or l«.coilrf.«A»m«.y».Xt»n»">' ""■G^rlfrte m». pan longitudinat ."«««"'«•'- ■°"^i;*rg'JS.^t'ra.tb,«en»o..he„H»o.n,t»- I^lf. in *. i^^tyTt^ mu^Uture, in the coiUng of the ..!,- 'irUS * tiTt^u^ of *. don«l tubercle being tranaver^ .n..e«l of longitudinal. Family— CH covered surface. Up to about 15 mm. in diameter. In addition to the usual siphonal musculature, there are two circular bands (deficient ven- trally) of short fibres on either side of the median plane. From 18 to 37 tentacles, the largest bi-pinnate. Aperture of dorsal tubercle horseshoe-shaped; horns slightly inturned; opening between horns directed backwards and slightly towards right side. Dorsal lamina narrow, its margin smooth. Seven folds each side (in one specimen a rudi- mentary eighth en right side dorsally). As many as 4 bars on a fold, on the ventral side only. Stigmata forming the usual infundibula, each stigma formin, from }i to H ot a. circle. An occasional small accessory infundibulum between folds. Intestinal loop very narrow, bent into a semicircle, the concavity of which is entirely filled by the left gonad. Anus with thickened smooth margin. Gonads oblong, massive, with central ovary. Testicular lobes massed along upper and lower sides of the ovary. Oviduct short, pro- jecting upward from posterodorsal angle. Several (in one case 6) vasa deferentia of medium length projecting inwards along the middle of each ovary. Renal organ about equal in length to right gonad and of the usual sausage shape. About 30 specimens from Departure Bay, Uduelet, Alert Bay and Hecate Straits. This form appears to be more nearly related to the following species than to any other. C. hecaieia sp. n. Rounded oblong, laterally flattened. Apertures rather close to- gether on dorsal edge near anterior end. In the contracted condition, they are at the bottom of a shallow furrow. Apertural lobes pointed. Surface (except a narrow zone around each siphon) closely covered with sand and fragments of shells. Up to 32 mm. in length, 20 mm. in depth and 15 mm. in thickness. Musculature as in preceding species, but the circular bands of fibres are more numerous (a to 4 on each side) and irregular. Probably about 35 or 40 tentacles, the largest bushily branched, bipinnate or slightly tripinnate. Aperture of dorsal tubercle horseshoe- shaped, directed toward right side. Dorsal lamina rather broad; its margin incised, .I'senting about 7 large teeth or lobes, which are most distinct posterioiiy. It extends behind oesophageal aperture. Seven folds each side. Up to 6 or occasionally 7 bars on each fold, on the ventral side only. Stigmata as in last species, but the accessory infundibula are more numerous. Intestinal loop narrow, horizontal, nearly straight. Gonads much ia6 TtAMSACnOMS Of THS CaMADIAN iHiTITUTB. (vOI,. IX M in iMt •pedet. Eight tasa drfertntia were counted in the right gonad ot one individual. ^ • i. o »«. Several apedroena were collected in Hecate Straito by Rev. Mr. C putetUtuis (Herdman) from Puget Sound differa from thie apeoM in the extent of iu muacuUture. in having fewer longitudinal bara (3 104). and in the direction of the donal tubercle (backwaida). C occuUa (Kupffer) of Europe ia lUU nearer thU tpeaea. but tlia abort deacriptiona that have been given of it permit of only a few pointt of difference being given, viz. the ahape of the body and the poaitiona of the aperturea. These leem unimportant, but it would be beat to keep them aeparate until they can be more doaely compared. ' "a small apedmen waa obtained by Dr. Dawaon in 1885 b«t*««» Cortex and Hemand Islands. It appears to differ from the two prec^ng apedea in the extent of the muaculature (the drcular or transverse fibres covering practically the whole body) and in the condition of the doraal tuberde (a longitudinal alit). C. pacifica sp. n. . . Nearly spherical, 15 mm. long. 13 mm. deep and 10 mm. thick Attached by lower surface and part of right side. Siphons contracted, atrial the longer. Surface overgrown with seaweed &c., the lower half, at least, with radicoid filaments. In addition to siphonal musculature, there are irregulariy scattered fine, sho.t fibres over the surface of the body. . . About 40 tentocles. the largest slightly tnpmnate. Aperture of dorsal tuberde horseshoe-shaped, directed toward right side, the horns approximated. Dorsal lamina short and narrow, its margin smooth; it extendsonlyashort distance behind oesophagealaperture.Sevenfoldseach side. Bars on both sides of each fold, as many as 1 1 on a fold. StigmaU form the usual infundibula. each stigma extending from K to >i of a drde. No accessory infundibula. Intestinal loop narrow, bent into a semidrde. Renal organ and gonads as in C. apoploa, but only a Msa deJermUa could be seen (right A single spedmen was obtained at Uduelet at low tide, attached to Fock It differs from the preceding spedes in having bars on both sides of each fold, and from C. pannosa of the East Coast in the direction of the dorsal tubercle. There are other differences in both cases. «9««1 AlCIDIANS nOU THB COASTS OF CANADA. •■7 C. cocptri tp. n. Nearly tpherical or flattened agaiiut the obir^t of ^nachroent. Apertures with tmall pointed lobet. Siphons very Surface, in* duding that of siphont, entirely covered with cl ^ced «and grains, which adhere to the usual filamenU. Up to i, ». in length. In ad> dition to the usual siphonal musculature, ther> '• an almost uniform layer, continuous with the circular fibres of the siphons. It is thin over the intestine, gonads, &c. About 7S ( ?) tentacles. Aperture of dorsal tubercle crescent-shaped, turned toward the left. Dorsal lamina narrow, iu margin smooth; it doM not extend beyond oesophageal aperture. Six folds on each side, their posterior ends fringed. Up to 14 bars on a fold, occurring on both sides of each fold. Stigmata forming the usual infunolbula, with :o or more turns in each spiral. Each stigma represents K of a circle, so that more or less regular transverse ro\ -s are formed, such as are character- istic of tl • genus Ctenicella as defined >y Hartmeyer. Intestinal loop narrow, bent into a semicircle. Margin of anus smooth. Gonads much elongated. The left is in the concavity of the intestinal loop and anteriorly bent over the tip of the loop. It is thus closely applied to the intestine for a considerable distance. The right gonad is much longer than the renal organ, to which it is closely applied. The latter is of the usual shape. Each gonad consists of an axial ovary, with the testicular lobes scattered along its upper and lower margins. The vas deferens runs along the inner side of the ovary and projects up- ward with the oviduct from the posterior end of the gonad. Several specimens were obtained in 5 to 15 fathoms, sand and gravel, in Departure Bay. This species is doubtfully distinct fro'i C. ;<«. Jen* (Ritter) from California. From the data available at pr 'ent, thcic a'^e the following differences, — a smaller number of tentacles !0). the abtsenct of siphons (?), the aperture of dorsal tubercle a longitm" -xxl !'^. Mhkb 'm i,ot curved, and the larger diameter of the stomach in C. '<:;iri..- .s. Rkitomolgula globularis (Pallas). Syn. Ascidia globularis Pallas, Nov. Act. / ■ / Rhizotnolgula gigantea Redikorzew, Mem, vol. 18, no. II. Laterally compressed, somewhat elongated parallel to a line joining apertures. Largest specimen is 19 mm. long, 17 mm. deep, and la mm. thick. Apertures about 7 mm. apart, not on distinct siphons. Surface sparsely covered with sand grains. On the side of the body opposite the apertures there are usually a short 'roots,' each with numerous long branches. The usual siphonal musculature; on each side near the >. v. . a, p. a4i. i-i. ireters., ser. 8, 1 1 5- .Jui- ipife Hi I I- ,^ TRAK8ACTI0MS OF THE CaMADIAN INSTITUTE. IVOL. IX ^T^ n ^nTTJuIar row above the middle of the gonad on its inner Se Ren^ S l^rt^mach. Heart along right side of renal o Jan. Glands small, disk-shaped. Ectodermal processes of mantle few "' 't^eral spedmens were collected by the Rev. ^O- Stringer at Hers- K»i uiInH Arctic Ocean and communicated to me by Prof. Wnght. chel I^and. Arct^^ a ^ RHizomol,ula. The cation'^th^le f^^ens with his species rests upon ex^-Uha c^^^^ alone. He has given very characteristic figures. Redikorzews K. giganUa appears to be the same speaes. Family— 5 , in from 10 to 30 fathoms, stony or shelly. Most nearly related to G. placenta of the East Coast and C. coriacea of England, from which it seems to differ in certain detaib. Further study may show the necessity of uniting them into one species. Pelonaia corrugata F. &. G. A few specimens were obtained by Rev. Mr. Taylor at Rose Spit in 1906 in a few fathoms, sand. They do not appear to differ in any re- spects from the descriptions of European and Arctic specimens. This form does not deserve to be placed in a separate subfamily, the only respect in which it differs markedly from its nearest relatives (e.g. Styela, Goniocarpa &c.), being the absence of folds in the pharyn- geal wall. This condition may be approximated in other forms when the pharynx is expanded (e.g. Styda gibbsii). The current statement that the intestinal canal is behind the pharynx is only partially correct. It is distinctly on the left side of the pharynx and only slightly farther back than it is in Styela gibbsii. GenuB-^Cnemidocarpa nov. Syn. Styela auct. part. Spinules rudimentary or absent. Gonads variable in number, 3 or more on each side, elongated, tor- tuous, radiating more or less from atrial siphon. Ducts at upper ends. Each gonad consists of an ovary on the inner side and a layer of testi- cular lobes on the outer side. The vas deferens runs along the inner side of the ovary. Siphonal vela broad, applied to walls of siphons a: hing nearly to the margins of the apertures. A single row of ta^ ^ atrial ten- tacles at base of atrial velum. Having examined only two members of this group, I am unable to give more characters. The members of this genus are currently included in Styela. It includes Pciycarpa finmarkiensis Kiaer, Styda dsa Hart- meyer, Glandula moUis Stimpson, Styela vestita Alder and probably a large number of other species, but it is difficult to be certain in most cases because of the incomplete descriptions. 19"] ASCIDIANS FKOlf THE COASTS OF CANADA. "33 C. Joanna* (Herdman). Syn.—Cynlhia coriacea Sdmpion, Proc. Ac. Phil., ann. 1864, p. ifm. Styela Joanna Herdman, Tr. Liv. Biol. Soc., vol. XII, p. 064. Siyela stimpsoni Ritter, Ann.N. Y. Ac, vol. XII, p. 60a. Numerous specimens from Departure Bay, Ucluelet, China Hat and Banks Island, attached to rocks &c., from low tide mark to at least 30 fathoms. From the abundance of the material in my possession, all, as far as examined, agreeing with Ritter's description, I judge that Herdman's and Ritter's species are the same and that Herdman was mistaken in describing the dorsal lamina as being a 'plain membrane.' Stimpson's name was preoccupied by Alder & Hancock in 1848. Family — Tethyida. [HahcynthUdtB sen Pyuridce, auct., non Tethyida Hartmeyer, 1909I In my opinion, the valid type of the genus Tetkyum Bohadsch is the Ascidia papillosum of Linni. Cynthia and Halocynthia will then be absolutely synonymous with Tethyum and are to be replaced by it. Halocynthiida and Pyurida are to be replaced by Tethyida, Genus, BoUenia (sens, nov.) Syn. Boltenia auct. part. + Halocynthia auct. part. Body elongated parallel to a line joining apertures. Surface covered with simple or branched spines. Short, channeled, siphonal spinules. Aperture ot dorsal tubercle bent, opening between horns directed toward right side. Dorsal groove with languets. At least 6 folds on each side, the second and sixth, counting from above, being the smallest. Stigmata transverse, arranged in longitudinal rows, which are traversed from end to end by the longitudinal bars. One gonad on each side, the left in the intestinal loop. The ducts are at the posterior end of each. Each consists of an axial ovary and peripheral testicular lobes. Type species — B. ovifera (L.) This is a very sharply defined group and inchidc? only a few of the stalked forms that have been referred to this pciius. It appears to lie confined to the Arctic and Subarctic regions. In addition to the species mentioned in this article, it includes B. thompsoni Hartmeyer of Bering Sea. Some of these species have been placed in the old genus Boltenia and some in the genus Halocynthia or Pyura. B. echinata (L.) Syn. Cynthia echinata plur. auct., not, Boltenia echinata Ritter, 1907. A few specimens were obtained in 10 to 20 fathoms, stony or shelly, at Departure Bay. Hartmeyer has recently (S.-B. ( ts. naturf. Freundc i 134 Transactions of the Canadian Institute. [vol. iz r ! < Berlin, ann. 1910, p. a.'^i) come to the conclusion that the seriea of forms which have been referred to the Ascidia echinato of Linn6, cannot be divided into two distinct species. These Pacific specimens agree well with the descriptions that have been given of Arctic specimens. B. vUlosa (Stimpson). Syn. Cynthia villosa Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Phil., ar.n. 1864, p. 160. Cynthia castaneiformis v. Drasche, Denk. Ak. Wien, Bd. 48, P- 373- BoUenia echinata Ritter, Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool., vol. IV, p. 14. Numerous specimens from Departure Bay, Ucluelet, Goose Island and Prince Rupert, from between tides to 30 fathoms, attached to rocks, sea-weed &c. In a series of specimens taken at one locality such a range of vari- tion is shown, that it seems impossible to consider the species listed above in the synonymy as distinct. Genus, Pyura (sens, restr.) Syn. Cynthia, Halocynthia, Pyura auct. part. Surface rough with irregular warts, corrugations &c. Test usually more or less encrusted with sand. Siphons usually rather long. Siphonal spinu'js acicular (always ?). Aperture of dorsal tubercle bent, directed forwards. Dcrsal groove with languets. Six folds on each side. In very young specimens the second and sixth folds are much smaller than the others. Stigmata longitudinal. One gonad on each side, the left in the intestinal loop. Each is divided into (usually) two rows of hermaphroditic masses, the genital ducts passing back between these rows and ending near the anus. Type species, P. chUensis Molina. Michaelsen has described what purports to be Molina's species (Mt. Nat. Mus. Hamburg, Bd. XXI, p. 15). It would be included in the group of species with the above characters and hence becomes the type. Other species are P. dura (Heller), P. jacatrensis (Sluiter), P. riiseana (Traus- tedt), P. karasboja (Oka) &c. I have been able to examine only the one species of this group and consequently the diagnosis given above is more or less tentative. Further study will show the correct limits of this group. The most important characters seem to be the irregularity of the surface, the number of folds and the division of the gonads. P. haustor (Stimpson). Syn. Cynthia haustor Stimpson, Proc. Ac. Phil. ann. 1864, p. 159. Numerous specimens from Departure Bay, Ucluelet, Hope Island and Banks Island, from between tides to 30 fathoms, usually in sand. 4 19"] ASCIDIANS FROM THE COASTS OF CaNAOA. «3S Genus, Tetkyum {sens, hoc.) Syn. Cynthia, Hatocyntkia, Pyura auct. part., non Tetkyum Hart- meyer, 1909. Oral aperture terminal, atrial on dorsal side. Siphonal spinules acicular. Surface with simple or branched spines. Aperture of dorsal tubercle curved, usually forming two cone-shaped coils; opening between horns directed forwards and to left. Dorsal groove with languets. Number of folds variable, increasing with age, at least 6, the second not smaller than the first and uiird. Stigmata longitudinal. Two to many gonads on each side, those of the left side placed across the inner side of the intestinal loop (which is transverse to the long axis of the body). The two genital ducts open at the anterior end of each gonad. The gonads of each side are fused together posteriorly. The testicular lobes are grouped around the posterior ends of the ovaries. Type species — T. papillosum Gunner. Hartmeyer (Zool. Ann., Bd. Ill, 1908) has indicated Ascidia rustica L. and A. guadridentata L. as the types of Ttthyum Bohadsch. He seems, however, not to have considered Art. 30 of the International Rules, in which we find the following: "(e) The following species ate excluded from consideration in se- lecting the types of genera. (a) Species which were not included under the generic name at the time of its original publication." It is possible that he may interpret this to mean only those species that have been named binominally. In that case he would neglect the four species of Bohadsch. Following Sherbom, he has accepted the species of Gunner as validly named. Gunner (Trond. Selsk. Skrift., Ill) names three species which are identical with three of the species described by Bohadsch. Hartmeyer states that Gunner's article ap- peared in the same year as the 12th edition of lAnni' a Sy sterna Naturae (1767), and considers that Linni's work has the priority. He has evi- dently not seen the original article by Gunner, which (according to Sher- born and Hopkinson) appeared in 1765, but only the German translation (Dront. Gess, Schrift., III). That it antedates Linnaeus is shown by a reference of the latter under A. intestinalis, viz. "Act. nidros. 3. p. 81, t.3. .3, 4. Tethyum." This refers to Gunner's description and figures of Tethyum sociabile. As Hartmeyer has not indicated a type from among the species originally included in the genus — either practically (those of Bohadsch) or binominally (those of Gunner) — a type remains to be indicated. Of the species of Bohadsch, th( one which we can identify to-day with the 136 Transactions of the Canadian Institutb. [vol. ix 'il greatest degree of certainty is Tethyum coriaceum, the T. papillosum of Gunner and the Ascidia papillosum of Linn6. This may be taken as the type of Tethyum. Heller has indicated the same species as the type of Cynthia Savigny. Halocynthia Verrill and Lais Gistel were instituted to replace Tethyum, All three are therefore absolutely synonymous with Tethyum. As defined above, this genus comprises a group of species, which differ from all other Tethyids in the position of their gonads. It in- cludes T. pyriforme (Rathke), T. aurantium (Pallas), T. rorettii (Drasche), T. hilgendorfii (Traustedt), T. igaboja (Oka)and probably a number of others which have not yet been sufficiently described for one to be sure as to their position. T. aurantium (Pallas). Syn. — Ascidia aurantium Pallas, Nov. Act. Ac. Petr., vol. II, p. 140. Cynthia pyriformis Dall, Amer. J. Conch., vol. VII, p. 157. alt. auct. (Pacific). " superba et deani Ritter, Ann. N.Y. Ac, vol. XII, p. 590. A very few specimens from various points — Departure Bay, Uclue- let, Banks Island and between Cortez and Hernand Islands, in from 10 to 30 fathoms. T. Pyriforme from North Europe and the Arctic Ocean has, accord- ing to Hartmeyer (1903), 4 gonads on the left side and from 4 to 6 on the right. All the Pacific specimens, that I have been able to examine, have 3 gonads on each side. They seem to be for that reason, quite distinct from T. Pyriforme. From Traustedt's account (Vid. Meddel. Kbhvn., 1885, p. 34), I conclude that his Corean specimens had 3 gonads on each side. That would make the Asiatic and West American forms identical, Pallas' name, being the first one given, is the valid one for this group. *3 m T. igaboja (Oka). Syn. — Halocynthia igaboja Oka, Ann. Zool. Jap., vol. VI, Pt. i, p. 45. ? " okai Ritter, Univ. Cal. Publ. Zool., voI.IV, p. II. A number of specimens from Departure Bay, Ucluelet, Lowe In- let and Prince Rupert, in from 10 to 30 fathoms shelly or gravelly. These specimens are in accord with Oka's description and differ from Ritter's only in regard to the inroUing of the horns of the dorsal tubercle. The gonads are quite variable, there being from 2 to 16 on the right side and from 5 to 14 on the left. igil] ASCIDIANS PROM THB COASTS OF CANADA. 137 NOTBS OM THE SPSaES OF THE ATLANTIC COAST. With the exception of «-he compound forms, which have been re- cently thoroughly treated by Dr. Van Name (Proc. Boat. Soc. N. H., vol. 34, No. II. 1910), the species of the East G>ast have for the most part been only imperfectly described. It will be necessary therefore to give an account of the anatomy of many of the species. It has been very difficult in many cases to refer, with much certainty, my specimens to the species that have been described from this coast, owing to the im- perfect descriptions of the older authors. As many of the specimens have been obtained from or near the localities which gave the types of the species, the identifications should have a greater probability of being correct. Dr. Van Name, who is at present engaged in work on the simple Asddians of this coast, has been most kind in giving me help in the iden- tification of my specimens with Verrill's species. He has corrected some errors into which I had fallen and confirmed some of my surmises. :i? Aplidium spiitbergense Hartmeyer, Fauna Arctica, Bd. 3, Lf . a, p- 34^ • A single capitate colony was obtained in Long Island Bay, Grand Manan, in about 8 fathoms. This species has been previously reported only from Spitzbergen. The agreement with Hartmeyer's description seems, however, to be periect. The colony is 15 mm. by 10 mm., with a thick stalk 8 mm. long. The test contains very numerous sand-grains. The zooids are about B.5 mm. long. Oral aperture 6-lobed. Atrial aperture round, at the end of a short tubular siphon, placed opposite the interval between the first and second stigmatic rows. A long atrial languet is present a short distance in front of the siphon. Four stigmatic rows. Four gastric folds. Abdomen and postabdomen together are slightly longer than the pharynx. Ovary small and no embryos present. Another colony, not capitate, so mm. long, 9 mm. wide and 6 mm. thick, seems to be referable to the same species. There are much longer and narrower zooids with the ovaries well developed, embryos in the peripharyngeal cavity, and the postabdomen nearly equal in length to the thorax and abdomen together. The colour of this colony, when living, was decidedly greenish. This second colony was obtained off Long Island. Grand Manan, in about 35 fathoms shelly and muddy. Of the characters which distinguish Aplidium from Amaroucium the only one possessed by this second colony is the small number of stigmatic rows. It might be best to place it in the genus Amaroucium, near A. diaphanum (v. Drasche). ! fl f iv> -1 i s 138 Transactions of the Canadian Institutb. (vol. ix Amaroucium tUUfrum Verrill. Numerous colonies, apparently belonging to this species, were ob- tained at nearly all points at low tide and in the dredgings. Tetradidemnum albidum (Verrill). Both the white and salmon-coloured varieties of this species werp found generally distributed at low tide and where dredgings were made. Didemnopsis tenerum (Verrill). Syn. Lissoclinum tenerum Verr. Several colonies were dredged in the approaches to Passamaquoddy Bay and one off Swallow-tail Light, Grand Manan. Holoaoa clavata (Sars)? Soft, light yellow, encrusting colonies of Holonoa were obtained at low water mark and practically throughout in the dredgings, though never in large numbers. Dr. /an Name has referred all the colonies from along this coast, that were examined by him, to Sars* species. None of the colonies in my collection show even an approximation to the davate condition. Ciona intestinalis (L.) As only a single small specimen was obtained (off Grand Manan), no detailed study of it was made. It doubtless is identical with the European species. Ascidiopsis prunum (Miiller). Syn.— Ascidia callosa Stimpson, Proc. Bost. Soc. N.H., vol. IV, p. 338. Ascidiopsis complanata Verrill, Amer. J. Sc., ser. Ill, vol. 3, p. 289. Characteristic of this species is the small number of longitudinal bars (from 15 to 19 on the left side and from 18 to 3o on the right), the presence of intermediate papillae and the crossing (slightly) of the last bend of the intestine by the genital ducts. Eggs ^nd larvae were found in the peripharyngeal cavities of some of the individuals. The large individuals seemed to be uniform in having undeveloped repro- ductive organs. Found in large masses at low tide mark, it is gcr ully distri- buted as shown by the dredgings. At Grand Manan it seems to be largely replaced by the next species. Genus PhaUusioides nov. This genus is formed for the reception of Ascidia (seu PhaUusia) obligua, which differs from PhaUusia in that the pharynx and dorsal lamina do not extend beyond the oesophageal aperture, in this respect ■'t «9««1 ASCIDIANS FKOM THE COASTS Or CANADA. "39 # retembling AscidieUa. From the latter it differs in having papillx on the ban and in not having renal vesicle*. It is thus intermediate be- tween PhaUusia and AscidieUa. The ganglion is close to the dorsal tubercle and there are no intermediate papilUc. In the absence of renal vesicles, it resembles some PhaUusia. As if to offset this lack of vesicles, there is a very great development of what appears to be the py- loric gland. This forms a thick layer of coarse branches, covering all parts of the intestinal canal. P. obtisua (Alder). Syn. Ascidia moUis Verrill, Amer.J. Sc,, ser. Ill, vol. 7, p. 409. This can be distinguished from the preceding species by the thinner test (which is more collapsible), the more numerous (about 50) longitu- dinal bars, and the course of the genital ducts (not crossing last bend of intestine), as well as by the differing generic characters. Large numbers were dredged at various points and depths near Grand Manan and occasional specimens were obtained in the approaches to Par>jamaquoddy Bay. CMyosoma macUayanum B. & S. Syn. Ascidia geonutrica Stimpson, Proc. Bost. Soc. N.H., vol. IV, p. 939. A single specimen was obtained in the approaches. It is rather unusual in the asymmetry of the plates of the disk. Those of the left side are larger than those of the right and two additional plates are inter- posed between the middle and posterior marginal plates. In both these respects, it approaches C. columbianum of the West Coast. Caesira papiUosa (Verrill). Syn. Molg.ila papulosa Verrill, Am. J. Sc., ser. 3, vol. i, p. 57. Surface with numerous radicoid filaments, those on the siphons being quite short. Siphons quite variable in length, frequently as long as the diameter of the body, nearly equal. From 15 to 35 bipinnate tentacles. Aperture of dorsal tubercle horseshoe-shaped; opening between horns directed backwards. Dorsal lamina of medium width, not extending beyond oesophageal aperture ; its margin is coarsely toothed. Six folds on each side of pharynx. Pos- terior end of each fold coarsely toothed along its free border. Bars on both sides of each fold, as many as 8 on a fold, the dorsal bars weak. Intestine forming a double loop. Outer lip of anus with about a doren rounded lobes. Gonads elongated, the right horizontal, the left oblique and filling the secondary loop of the intestine. Oviduct of me- dium length, projecting upward from posterior end of gonad and ending at base of atrial siphon. Each ovary with an upper and lower row of ■- 1 I40 TtANSAcnoNs or rm Canadian Institvtb. (vol. ix I.MJ. pi pouches. From the outer ude it hat the appearance of a double row of rounded lobes. Testicular lobes scattered along upper and lower ntar- gins of each ovary ; usually on the right side the lobes are above anteriorly and below posteriorly, whereas on the left they are more variable, the ntajority being below. From I to 4 Mia diferentia on each side (usually a) opening not far from the centre of the inner side of the ovary; the free part of each vas deferens is extremely short and can be seen only with difficulty. Specimens obtained at the roots of eel-grass have very short siphons and Gcemed to fit Verrill's description of Molgula punhattensis better than that of Af. papulosa. In internal anatomy they agree with speci- mens obtained beneath stones at low tide and in the dredgings, which correspond with the description of the latter species. Some of these specimens have siphons as long as those figured by Verrill for Eugyra piluiaris. Specimens of M. manhaUensis from Connecticut and Rhode Island, kindly sent me by Dr. Van Name, <»••' distinctly different from all northern individuals. They have, as Dr. Van Name suted to the writer in a letter, a narrow dorsal lamina with smooth margin. Other differences are — a smaller, more rounded dorsal tubercle; the testicular lobes are not scattered but massed, being confined to the lower side of the ovary and the inner side of its anterior tip (on the left side, seen from without, the testicular mass appears to curl around the anterior end of the ovary, as figured in 1847 by Van Beneden for his Ascidia ampul- loides, a related species); and the free portions of the vasa deferenHa are much longer than in C. papulosa. The nearest allies of the latter are Molgula sim^ex Aid. & Hanc. and M. siphonata Alder of the coasts of England. In both of these the testes are in the form of one or two large masses, confined to the inner side of the ovary. It is interesting to note that the English forms are short- and long-siphoned respectively, corresponding with the extreme indi- viduals of the series of specimens of C. papulosa taken at St. Andrews. This appears to be the Caesira that is most abundant and most generally distributed near St. Andrews. C. canadensis sp. n. This is the North American representative of the group to which Lacaze-Duthiers gave the name Ctenicella. Body nearly spherical or flattened against the object of attachment. Attached usually by the right side. Up to about I cm. in diameter. Apertures fringed, each oral lobe with 3 teeth, each atrial with from 6 to 8. Exposed surface always more or less dirty. Along the margin of the attached area are numerous irregular radicoid filaments. If the «9«0 AkIDIANS from TBI COAtTS Of CANADA. «4« •ninwl it Mnd-covered, these are present over the entire surface, in- cluding that of siphons. If not sand-covered, the free surface has numer- ous minute adhesive tubercles. From IS to 95 tentacles, pinnate or slightly bipinnate. Aperture of dorsal tubercle varying from a simple slit to the shape of an imperfect S, which Hartmcyer suggests is characteristic of the genus CUnktUa. Dorsal lamina with tapering distant teeth. Seven folds on each side of pharynx. Bars on both sides of each fold, as many as 4 (or occaaionally 5) on a fold. Stigmata in infundibula (divided once), each stigma usually representing K of a circle and simulating the longitudinal stigmata of other groups. Intestinal loop narrow, more or less bent. Anus with smooth mar- gin. Gonads some distance above intestinal loop and renal organ re- spectively. Ovary short, bent with the concavity ventral; oviduct passing from itH anteroventral angle ; testicular lobes along the upper side of the posterior end of the ovary or in a semicircle around its posterior end; the single vas deferens projects from the centre of the inner side of the ovary. The species to which this form is most nearly related, and the re- spects in which it differs from them are as follows : — Molguia compianata Aid. & Hanc. — 7 folds on left side instead of 6, smaller number of bars and larger infundibula with the stigmata in trans- verse rows. Ctenicella lanceplaini Lac.-Duth. — more teeth on each atrial lobe, deeper infundibula, more regular transverse rows of stigmata, a larger number of bars. C. morgatae Lac.-Duth. — the smaller number of bars, the toothing of the posterior ends of the folds and the position of the testicular lobes. At first I referred this species to Verrill's Molguia littoralis, but Dr. Van Name has informed me by letter that the latter (from his pre- liminary study of Verrill's specimens) has the long bent oviduct of the next species. He also states that he has not yet found any Ctenicella among his material. He suggests that it is something new to the region. There is the probability that it has been introduced from Europe sine, the time that Verrill collected in the Bay of Fundy region. Its derivation from C. tenax (Traust.), a nearly related Arctic form (occurring in Green- land) with usually only 6 folds, and its subsequent extension down the coast is another possibility. It is possible that further study will make it necessary to unite this species with the three from Europe into a single species. Hartmeyer has retained Lacaze-Duthier's Ctenicella with an alter- ation of the diagnosis. His group does not seem to be a more natural Pf; 14a Transactions of the Canadian Institute. [vol. ix one than that of the latter author. Savigny's Cynthia dione, the type of the genus Ccesira, doubtless belongs to this same group. His descrip- tion of the oral aperture as being 4-lobed and of the dorsal lamina as being smooth-margined was probably due to faulty observation. In that case CUnicella will be synonymous with Casira. C. littoralis (Verrill). Syn.—Molgula littoralis Verrill, Amer. J. Sc, ser. 3, vol. I, p. 50- Surface usually clean, at least in the neighbourhood of the apertures. Few radicoid filaments on surface. Siphons quite variable in length, usually rather short. Rows of papilla on the outer surface of the siphons, corresponding with the apertural lobes. The papillae are usually small and few in each row. Neariy globular in shape, somewhat later- ally compressed. Siphons on dorsal edge, nearer anterior end. From ao to 30 bipinnate tentacles. Aperture of dorsal tubercle curved, the horns usually approximated so as to form a circle; opemng between horns directed toward the right side. Dorsal lamina narrow, not continued behind oesophageal aperture, its margin smooth. Seven folds on each side, their posterior ends with smooth margins. Bars on both sides of each fold, as many as 10 on a fold. Stigmata in the usual infundibula (once branched), each stigma forming from K to K a arde. Intestinal loop rather narrow, bent with the concavity dorsal. Anus with smooth margin. Gonads in the usual positions close to in- testine and renal organ. Ovary small, narrow; oviduct, which passes from its posteroventral angle, is long and bent so as to form a right angle, the terminal part passing up toward atrial siphon. Testicular lobes variously disposed, usually ranged along the upper and lower borders of ovary, sometimes forming a large mass covering the greater part of both inner and outer surfaces of the ovary; the free portion of the single vas deferens is of moderate length and projects from near the middle of the inner surface of the ovary. A large number of specimens were obtained at low tide beneath rocks and in the dredgings from stony and shelly bottoms. This form is very close to two European species, Molgula ctlnna Aid & Hanc. and M. echinosiphonica Lac.-Duth. The former has fewer bars (6) and fewer tentacles (12 to 14). The latter has very conspic- uous spines on the oral siphon whereas the atrial is smooth and the testi- cular lobes are placed at some distance from the ovary. It is doubtful whether these differences are important. C. pannosa (Verrill). Syn.—Molgulc pannosa Verrill, Amer. J. Sc, ser. 3, vol. I, p. 55- Surface, except that of siphons, with numerous fine, long filaments and entirely covered with shell-fragments, sand-grains &c. Siphons M 19"] ASCIDIANS FROM THE COASTS OF CANADA. 1 143 short, rather c' se together near anterior end; when retracted they oc- cupy depressions, which are surrounded by projecting ridges or collars. Apertures with the usual lobes; the oral lobes occasionally have more than the single tooth or process and the atrial appear to have regulariy 4 or 5 teeth, just as in Lacaze-Duthier's genus CteniceUa. Body elong- ated, laterally compressed, up to a}4 cm. in length. About ao (?) bipinnate tentacles. Aperture of dorsal tubercle horseshoe-shaped; opening between horns directed backwards. Dorsal lamina narrow, its margin smooth. Seven folds on each side. Bars on both sides of each fold, as many as la on a fold. Stigmata rather short, each forming only about i /8 of a circle at base of inf undibulum. Infundibula branched dichotomously once or twice. Intestinal loop narrow, horizontal. Each gonad a large oblong mass, with ovary central and testicular lobes chiefly above and below ovary. Oviduct directed upward from posterodorsal angle. There are as many as 7 vasa deferentia projecting from the inner side of the ovary m an ir- regular row. , ... This species was obtained at most pomts where dredgings were made in gravel, but never in quantity. It resembles C. pacific^ in the structure of the gonads and pharynx (7 folds, bars on both sides of folds, smooth dorsal lamina), but differs from it in having the surface covered with radicoid filaments and the dorsal tubercle directed backwards. From C. oculata (Forbes) of Europe it differs in having a smaller number of bars on the folds and the horns of the dorsal tubercle not rolled in. C. retortiformis (Verrill). Syn—Molgula retortifromis Verrill, Amer. J. Sc., ser. 3. vol. I, p. 56- This species occurs sparingly at low tide beneath rocks new- the station and was dredged at various points in the approaches to Passa- maquoddy Bay on stony and shelly bottoms. It is by far the largest Caesirid occurring at St. Andrews, the majority of the specimens being about 3 cm. in diameter. .... Characteristic of this form are-its thick test, long atrial siphon (when extended) and the separation of the testes from the ovary. The latter has the usual position— above the intestinal loop on the left and above the renal organ on the right. The testes are below the renal or- gan on the right side and rather extensively distributed below the ovary, on the inner side of the intestinal loop on the left side. The oviduct of each side is long, ending just beneath the atrial velum. The vasa d«- ferentia are very numerous. In one specimen 12 were counted on the right side and aj on the left. They are scattered over the inner surface of the testicular mass. Their free portions are extremely short. m «44 Transactions of the Canadian Institute. Ivol. ix iii Al m i& Eugyra {Bostrichobranchus) pilvlaris Verrill. %yn.—BostTichobranchus manhaUensis Traustedt, Vid. Meddel., ann. 1884, p. 22. No specimens were found in the vicinity of Eastport (where Verrill obtained it). But in 10 fathoms sand at Grand Manan numerous speci- mens were obtained which seem to be referable to Verrill's species. The tubes are strongly retracted in all the specimens, but the 'collar' at the bases of the siphons is very distinct. This is very evidently Traustedt's species as well. The only dif- ferences apparent are explicable as due to a difference in size. Trau- stedt having specimens with a diameter twice as great as that of the largest in my collection. There is one exception. He describes the margin of the anur a smooth. In two specimens examined, the margin is reflected, but distinctly lobed (about 16 lobes). Evidently h" has overlooked this reflected margin. In £. g/M<*na»M and £. o