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'/^ ^//fS'i^^^KSI^IIBIOraUtlEniP^K^^vif^'^i^ vjBKrmar^ MICROCOrV R^SOIUTION TIST CHART (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No 2l 1.0 I.I 1.25 |fl» Ilia lii 1^ 112.2 1.4 2.0 1.8 1.6 _J APPLIED ItVHGE Inc SS". ■'^''■? f^'as' Mu.r Street ~.a: iV.; Chester. Ne- Yo'li ' *609 USA "■■■7= ■ '■*'! ♦S^ - 0300 - Phone ^S ' ^'^'' 2--e - 59S9 - Fo. w«1 J3(X4 FBOM THE TBANSACTIONS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA SBRIBS in 1916 VOLUME Z Z = ^' Bibliography of Canadian Zoology for th< year 1915 by E. M. Walker, F.R.S.C. EC 'A' mm i'"im OTTAWA raiRTBD FOR THB ROYAL SOCIETY 09 CANADA 1»17 m Skctiox IV. 1016 12011 Trans. R.S.C. Bthliop !>hy of Catuiduin /.onlozy. (l-'.xilusiir i>i Enl'lxy.) By v.. M. W.M.Ki.R. 1 KS.C. (kiad l>y Tiilc. M.iy M.niiii;. !'"'> • INVKUri.HK.MA. I'ROTD^i'A. Mavor, J. \V. Stiidic-^ on the S|x>r(>/o.i of the fi- ■ •* of ho St. Anilriw- Kik;i'>" CimtrilMitioiis lo •' 'Ml-l'iU I .i^i i. iilii^ 1 Miuiie Hiolony. Supiilniiciit n ' l. i)|> J.^ **<, wiih I'l.ii.- IV. IVsi-rilH-s one Coiiidi.iii :i;.il ti'ir M,A(>s|K)ri.|i.m luriMtc-. ol tisln-s Itiim this ri'^ion. On llif oiriiruiui' of .i rry|),iti(i|)l,i>i\i. proli.ililv rrv|i.ino|>l.isin.i liorrrii l.avoraii it .\Usiiil, in tin- hhxxl of tin- I'oiiiiiion Sui kcr, Ciiostomii-i lomiiicrsonii. Journal of I'ar.isitoloKy, Si'iitiinUr, l'M.>, vol. ii, pp. 1 ''. «illi one plate. I)escril)es the strnctiire of thi^ ILk'-H-i''' hi. I \\\>- > oniliiioii ol the host in which it was fouml. Wli. K\v.\Ki;, A. U. Is I.eucocytozoon an.iti> the ■ ,iu-e ol .i ii> w .li^e.i-e in dii. ks ' l'arasitolog\-, June l''l.^, \ol \iii.ii... 1, |ip 17-.'I. with pl.iir> I 111 Descriln's the >yinptonw .iiid itiolos'y of a nrw iiile. i ioii'- di^e.i^' of dueks and the oceiirreiue in the I>I<«hI ol .ill. (ted .inimiU of .i new I''lav;ellato, UuaHytoz'on an.ilts. \ IKMl' C'doi'KK, .\. K. C'oillriliutions to th ■ litehi^tory ol l'rote.>.eph.ilus .iiuliloplili^, .i^ite of the I C'oiurilnitioiis to Hiolony, l'»ll r>U. I'.isci. iiliis 11- l-resh-water lisli and Like hiolon>-. Siiopleiuem lo t7ih Ki|xirt of th" Department of .\l.irine ui. .Inrie ., !■ i->lieries lir.inih, 191,S, pp. 177-1'n, with |)lates XIX-XXI, An aceount of the anatomy of the adult of this laiHWorm .in. I of v.irioiis larval stages, and Its mo,|h, „.s l>"l TIIITT, MiKMAN.,.,,, ,1,1. C,.,,,,,!,. f.„„ilv .\„,M,.pluli,!.,.. r:;i:w.,:;:'iTi'' ' "■"■"^' '■'■"""^' ""^' -• •• -" ■'■ -.• ■--■. \" i".l«.n,n„ ,„v„„.,„i, MMlv „( ,|,i, ,.„„i,, .,f ,,„„^„„„^ Kiordcl IrciMi l.iriirM,,,, M,||, " " ""^"". I* Fraser, C. Mel,, an. rile s«.,r,iiiin; - _I V,Mrt„,.n, of Mar,,,. ..n.l Kishcrics, Fisheries H,,.„ch, .0,5! <;ivvs ,l..s.Tiptivo :,„d ..ot.s .,„ the ten spc.cies v.rietie, ,. key ,„ the s,k.. ies of Plun.atella. ^-'nct.e., ARTllROt'ODA. 1>B Dnfes, KlGE.NE I)aI)\Y. Mono^^aphie svs:e,na,i,p,e ,ies PhvllorK«los conrhost races. Annalo. des Mi..„.es nat...reil.s. /,«|o,^ie,, lOl.S. ,on,o W no 4, ^ pp. IQ.?.,W Kontin„ed from l.)14). ' ' ■* •* ''• C yz,cus mexia.n„s >(Is.) is rerK,rted from Lake Winni.K.K ipreviously .M ^''^I' !a' Itlltl liM.KAIMIV (II lANAMAN /tH)l.iM.\ JIM Masmn. II I riir ( I iiiili.iii^i.n. .1 Ml llu- I nil,. I -1. 11.-. \. 111.. nil \luMMini I'liii r.-.|iiik;^..l 1 1 11 I niii-.l, N.iim .il \1umiii' , I'M \ \..l \l \ III. nil. .'(".5, |.|i .^'» I' I, with |il,iir- 1 1 I 111 liillimm^; r.|it( lo .iii' rimnUil liniii I in l'.< ilm. ^ .\l, ,: :n\t li- p/i.jn.- il"rtri;ii.i M. Nirs, /■.(i/"'m«.m ptuili't II, J. Il.iii-iii, ///\.,i>i.'- (/■>A.i li'tii^ifHs III. null, I ^pnf'ffii llulnii-. /■ ('(•">](, Im,.\,i mi. I / riisihii M. Sar>. Ill M>\l \S, \ I . A iiiAi Ciiirrllii! In nil llu U.iv .'I I iiinK . Cuiii 'nilions 111 ( in ItiulnuN . I'M I l'>l t l'.i« i. iilii^ I Miiinr Hioldny. ^iippliim Ml In llir >7lli Aiiiiiiil l\r|K'il nl llu I '. p ii i in. in of M.iriiic li>liiiit-, I i.-liriir^ 111, mill. rM>, \|hi u-. .iiuI iinli -. nn tlir .li-tiil.ii linn n( llif l.iiur 4 1 ('kiNir, I'liw vKi) v.. 'riu- Nrw I'l rip.1111-. The Ott.iw.i N.iiiir.iliM, |,\ I'>I5. \..l XWIII, im In. |ip .\ ;M) uinuiil nf llii> iiiliri'..l iiii;, \\\ in^ -|K'. .if.i-. nl «liu li wire broLKliI li> I .ui.ula liv llie wrilir. Sars, C. O. Enti)in<)« of (.'.inrni.m H.'V fontrihiilinn- l<> C.iii.nli.iii Minlnny. li)ll-l'M4. I'.iscii ;ilii- II— Kre>li- water tisll .iiul I, ike lii'iln^v. Sii|iplinient lo 47lli .\ Kilmrl nl the Drixirtmenl of M.iriiie .ind I i^lu rus, I- i>lii m-. I!i.,;iili, l"»l,>, pp. mm. .\n .iiinntiiteil list nf Id sjieiieH iki iirriiiK in .i x i u > nl Inu lietlinn>, iii.iile .it I lie I li.iy Sl.ilinn "^r.ii K, \'. (Ill wiiueof llie i-ilii ("n|H ;..)(l-,nl the H.iv nf liinily li-h, Cnntribiitiniisin Hinlnu\. I'Ml l'M4, I .i-, u iilii-. l — M.iriiu liiolony. Siippl.-meiU In the 47tli Keixirt nl the Hep.irtiiii nt of Marii;e ami I'i^lieries, Fisheries Hraneh, l'M5. pp. (i''-7l. ("lives nnies on the h<>~t rel.iliniw nl rert.iin «'n|><'|>.)il.i, p.irti. iil.irly of the families Caiigitlae ami .\ 2(M nil. KOYAl -^|)Ci»)i()n of till- I'litiri' (.imily. rriKctilinns of thi- I'nitril Sl.iti* MiisiMim, l')15, Vol. 47, no. HH).\, pp. 5().S-72<), with pl.itt-f. iS-56an.| hifuri-s 1-1.< Chiirapinus dfnIiilMs Wilson, CUvflln panu Wilwin anil ClavtUopsis robusin WiUoii arc nix.rtuil from w..l.r». Bnuhiella />in{uii n. sp. was taken south of .Ncwfoiiiil. Notfs on iIh Sfnuliil.ii- of the West (^w*t ,if .\ineri>.i, ini Imlinn some new -!»< i< s. Proniilinns of the .Xiailemy of Siienees of I'hilaile'phia, janu.iry \')\^. vol. I.X\II, lurt 1, pi). 2S-2X. Indiides one (.inailian s|H«ii k. Contriliutions to t'ana.lian Hiolony, I')II-1''U. |-,i-,i ii iilii> I.— Marine Hiology. Supplement to the 47th Ke|«)ri oi i (■(' Departi'ient of Marine ami Kisheries, Fisheries Hraiuh, l'>!5, r. 41-46. An nnutateil list of 57 sjieeies. L.Mi MKOkl), l\ K. 1.1. I'oni holoniial Notes The Ottawa Naturalist, June-July. 1'>1.\ vol. X.XIX, Nos. .< and 4, (.i\in notes on eert.iin I'niouidae of the Hudson Hay drainaRC area. Rohkrtson, a. I). Ihe .Mollus<-.i of ("■eoryi.m H.iy. Conlrihiilions to Hioloj^-, lOtl-lOU. F.isficulus 11— Fresh w.Uer fish .lud Like l.ioloK'V- Supplement to the47lh Annu.d Keiwrt of the l)(p.irtnient of Marine and Fisheries, Fisheries Hr.iULli, 191.'^, pp. Q.vIU, with plates X-XII. Desiripti.? notes arc given on the various sjK'cies with observations on their haljFt.its and .i key to the families, k' ncra and species. \a\.\it.\, K. <'i. Two new varieties of \ .uvata. The Nautilus, J.muary, 1915, vol. XXVM, no. 9, pp. KH-IO?, with 4 te.xt tijjures. Vdh-atii truarinata infracarinala n. var. is recop .roni Hamilton Ont. \*"J^^':-'"i'^- •te^«r^wziMWr WIM "^'\,^ (walkerI UliM lOCK.M'HY Ol < .\N.\nl.\N /tXdtH.V '115 iMIItMllH KM \1 \ DKMIIMA, lllKllMII. Kc|«>rl on till- llololhiiri.inH mil .Icil liv ilu- linli'l >Htr>. I i^liriir* '^tr.inuT ".\lli.itri>>s" on tin S.irili mi ^itrii \'m ilii iluriiik; tin ■.iiiiifiMT ol I'MK) I'rcm'tilitin^ «i fill' I iiiln' !,lti-« MiMiiiti, I'M'. \"l 4^. no. >(i7.«, |>|>. .>!< ."M. uiih pl.ili-. SI | Thr tollowinn -|«iiis .in- rriDrdtcl (roiii ( an.nluin w.ilir- /'.j«nv< /ii,i m t/ivi I'lrnulifi'ii II. *ii|j-|i , i IK iintiiri, I ihtoniitrlmi I Iml, I laUnffa (MiiiipMin) jnil Chiri.'i'Ui iillt,ilr,>\\ii l.ilw \i;kTi;ni<\r\ l'l>l Is ll i-lllll. Anderson, !■'. M ri>li.-. n.ll,-. tr.i III .\tlin. l'M4. Ki|«irt ol ihr I'rciN ill! \Iii~i iim ol \ U iir il lli~lor\ lor itir vr.ii l''l J I'ruviiiiv of hritish t oliiiiiln.i, l'»l.i, p I -M roiir s|Mi u> ol tisli ami our Utlrai lii.iii ,iri' nrordiij. Hknsi-ky, U. a. (hi- ti~lic~ of ( uorni.iti li.iy. ( oniiiliiilioiiM lo t'.iii.Kli.iii lliol(m\ , l')I I I'M! I i-i i< iilii> 1 1 -I n-ti w.ittT ti, .iml Likr liioloyv. Sui'pli iiii iil to t7ili .\ K>|»iit ol llic Di p.irlni( Ml of M.irim- .mil li-lurii-, li^liniis lii.iiii li, l'>15, |>|> ISl, Willi pl.ii- 1 .mil II .mil (1 it'Nt liKiiii^ A (U'srriptivf .inoiinl I tlir li^ln-* of ilii- iiv;ioii. with iiolr- on liiliil^. (lislriliiitioii 111 . ini lulling .i ijcsi ri|itioii of llir lo|«.,;r.i|ili> of ilif vicinity of V.o llonu- H.iy. 1k.\si H, ( . M( 1.1 .\s. On ( lii|HM p.ill.i>ii ( iir .mil Wilciu icniic^. 'rr.m-,ii lioiiN of till- I\o\.r ( ' In^lilulr, l')l.i, Vol. Xl, p.iil 1, no. 2,^. pp. ')7-l''S, with pl.ili> \111 mil l\. I>i^' ii-sst's tile ^iMWiiin^; h.iliils .mil ilrvrlopmcnl of I hi-, liirrin^;. Icttiyological notts i n: I, I )phii> of ti>li liy im.m> of ilu- ^ .lU s; i\ , M.illotu> villoMis Mulkr. Mini, 1915, vol XI, iKirl 1, no. J5, pp. KHMl.s, witli I'l.ilc X H.M ki;tt, Am'Rkw. A sunKisI ivi- note a- to iiiinht U' liroiii:lit to li>;lil alioiil lln- p.ii|.lli't'i-.h thioii^li (U-ip l.iki- ilri-il^;lii^;. The OtLiwa Natiir.iliM. 1 )ir.-nil»r, l'M5, vol. XXIX, no 9, pp. 114-115. SuKK<'sts tlic proli.iliilily ol lliis \\-\\ inli.iliiliiin tlir Uil-- of tlic riviTS and lakes in wliii li it nornMlly or. iirs. ''mrjw^fmi'^r/'vr^ ^v^^^m^smsm^ss^^ 206 iHF. KoYAi. s(xii:ty of Canada I.i\rni.N, UoiiKRT I'a(.i;. The S|x(kli(l IJrook Trout. K(«l .iml (.Mri ill (', JiiiU' 1915, vol. 17, no. !, pp. IS-l'i. .\ .iicount of this tish, (ksirihinj; its colorat Hi, h,iliits and haunts. The Ouananiihi' Salmon. likni, .\iiyiisl, 1015, vol. 17, no. .<, p|). J47-J51 .\ |M) aicniint of llu- characttristii!;, habits and habitat of thin salmon .ind of tin- Scbago s.ilinon. The Atlantic Salmon. Idiin, Scptitnlicr l')15, vol. 17, no. 4, pp. ,U4-.U7. .X p( ,ir(()iini of the liTi-.tios, h.ibit^ and h.ibi! it of this li>h. Thf I'.K ilic Salmon. Idiiii, Diitnibcr, lOl.s, \n\. 17, no. 7, pp. 6S7-6')(). .\ |Mipi]|,ir arioiint of tlu' charactfristics and h.ibils of the v.irious sin-tics of ( )rirorli\!n liiis. M.\RTIN, W. II. S.iiii( ixpirimi Ills on the freezing and thawinj; of live lish. ( iintribiiliuiis to Cin.idian l{iolony, 1911-1914. Fasciculus 1 — Marine Miolony. Snppleiiieiit to 47tli .\ Ke|X)rt of the Uopart- iiK nt of Marine and I'isheries, Fisheries liranch, 1915, pp. 73-75. An account of exixriments |KTformed on the Muniniichog (Fur.duliis beleroclitiis). I'rinte, FnwAKi) I". I he ciiriou- egg of the hagfish (MyxineV TlieOltawa Naturalist, December, 1915. vol. XXIX, no. 9, pp. 111-ll.V (ji\es a ilescriptioii of the external features of this rarely-found object. AmI'IIIUI.X. C.\mi;ron, .\. T. I'urther exiK>riments on the effect of low temper.Uures on tile frog. Ouarterly of lCx|H;riment,il l'hysiolog\-, l-ebruary, 1915. \'ol. \ III, no. 4, pp. .?41-.U6. PlERSOl., \V. II. On the egg-laying habits of Plethodon cinercus. Transactions of the Royal Canadian Institute, 1914 (May. 19151 , vol. X, part 2, no. 24, pp. 121-126. AVES (Birds). AnimrT, CiKK Ml) .\. Interesting sets in my shore bir15, |.p IK I l.s. Hircl- nillcitcil .ind (il)Mrvc(l in ihr Atliii 'li-tri. t. I'>14. l.lnii. l'»I5, pp. l!<.|-17. All anrvitatiil list of S4 siirrii-s. Ill-: M., [■. E. L. I'lxxl li.iliit.-"' ' ill' tlirii^lusiil tlu' t iiiiiij '-'l.iii-^. Hiilliliii J^il, lUircui of Bi()loi; Sutm-v. Iiiiird --iiii. I >. put iiuiit of AKridilturc, S«'ptcnil)or 27, l'»I.S, pp. 1-.'?, with J I. -M li^iii.^. Soiiif coinmciii l)ir(U usifiil to thr f.irini'r I'.irimr's liullrliii, no. ').%(!, riiiliil ■>l,ilc< 1 V'p.irt mrnl nf \^i i. ii!i iirr, I'l-lirii.iry, 1''!.'', pp. 1 -J", witli -'.i t( \i iKn"-. I Hl-IKil', I. (11 I- 1!. I >(M riplion of II new r.K c of S.iv.inn.ili '^p irrow .in. I -i;^i;c.| ion^ mi -oiiu California liinl- Tlic ( ondor, SptciiilKT-0,ioli,r, 1')!.^, vol. Wll, no. .S, pp. I^.^ I-i'l. DocriU'S I'lissfrdiliis siinil-^'iciii-n\is hnwku n. ^ii|p-p,. I.ikcn .ii (liilli-, U.C. Conlain^ also ii.mi ' nl .iihci- \.ni(li(s ol tlii- -p.niow and of otlii-r ^iK'cicMif liirds from >.'..r..' loialiiic^ ni l!nu-h ( ..liinij.i.i nnd Sa>kal( licwan. FiR.MlSH.VW, 1- . Till- ( .ronsc ol Sa-.kal( luwan. Annual l\o|>ort .i! i lir Sa-UalilKAvan Nalurali-I-' Chili. I'M I. ,\)i|Hiidi\ to l, vol. N\ll. no I. pp Jo-.M. UiM II--CS tile follovvlnj.; s|it( li-s of jiiTKii; .Mont.m.i, l'nik~idid. Kid,,;- w,i\'>, Townxiid'-, liairdV, ( ■u.idaloiipe, .\n/on,i. Kcd li.n kid and < in vd.f.ided Jnni (i-. Notes on the plnni.iKe of .North Anirrii .in Bird-. I hiriv .-i r.pnd pmk r Idem, Manh-.\pril, V)\^. \..l. N\ II, no, 1. p. I.'6. Disens-^es Keniiirotl's Willow W.irliler, the Knli\ -irownrd Knvlri, llie siikan, Diiskv, ( >ol(len-frown( d .ind Uc-iern ( .old-i rouned Kinglets. 208 Tin: KOVAI. S()( IKTV ()|- CANADA Notes on the plumage of North An.erican Birds. Thirty-fourth paper I'iem, May-June, I9I5, vol. X\ll, no. J, p. 2(»,? I>is.M,^.s ,he Blue-gray, Ue^tern. riumlK-ou. an,l Blacktail (Jnat- Notes on the plun.age of North An>erican Uinls. Thirty-fourth paper l.leni, Sepiember-tKtolxr, 19I.S, vol. X\II, no. ,S, p. J7k Ois. i,..,.s the Tufted, Black-crested, Plain and n'ridle.l Titmouse. Notes on the plumage of North American Birds. Idem, Noven,U..r-Decemkr. 191,S, vol. X\TI, no. 6, pp 44S-446 CoAi.i:, Hh.nrv k. The present state of the Trum|x^tcr Swan (Olor buccinator) n.e Auk. January, ,9,5, v„l. XXXll, no. ,, pp. S2-9.., with (i.A.s iMf„rn,a.ion c-oHccd f,o,n the literature and l.y .■orres|K.nUence itr^cm' :•"""' """'''"'■"" " ""^ ""• '--' "^ --u",s^ |>ri\.iie collections. CooKt, W'li.i s W. Mird Migration. Hulhtin I,,. H„n...„ of Biological Survey, Inited States Ucpartment l>islril,M.i„„ and Migr.ui„„ ,.f \.,r,h American ( lulls and their allies Hi.lletin 2'U B„re,n, n, ,|„. ,i,„|„gi,,, Survev. Tnited S,,„e. Depart- "H-.. ol Agncuhu , „„„,,.„ ,,, ,.„5. pp. ,.7,., «i„, ,„ u.t hgures l.e figures are maps showing the distribution an,l breeding areas of the v.iriuus six'Cies. ■ Our shnre birds anil their future. yearbook I nited Departnunt of Agriculture. S..par.,„. 042 l"l.MM..-'-.v294, with .< plates and ,?,eM.f,gures. ' The hgures are maps showing the .listribu.ion of Wilson's S„i,.. the Wooilcockand the i:--,kiuio Curlew. The Migr.lio,, of North Sparrows, Thirtv-second p,.,xr H.r.More, Jamiary-IVbniary, ,9,,^ vol. X\TI,' no. ,, pp. ,S-19 with one col.juivd plale. ' ' DescrilHvs ,|,e migration-routes „nd distribution ol ,he following sH.o,.s o unco: II,.. ,,„k-side.l, . Irey-headed, An.„u. B.iirdV , "d the l.u.idaloupe luMcos, [walkekI IMHI.KX.KAI'HY OF CANADIW /iMtKx.V 2(« The Mi^-r.ition of North AiiR-ricin Kin^;!^■t~. lilfin, M.inli-Apiil, l'>15, vol. X\ll. no. 2, \<\<. lis I'l), with .tii, loloiircil iil.ilr. DiMUrisi's tlw Kcnnicott \Villo\. AWirlilrr, ( ■ol.liii i rowm .1 kiiik;lit .iml Kul)y-cro\viif(l Kinglet. The Mii;r,iti(>ii of Norlli AiiKric.iii llinU liK-m, M.iy-Juiu-, l')15, \\ II, no. .'. |.i> I'lS .'iH, «,ili mi,- rol.„i,,.| plate, l)i>iu>M's the lirown I ritiKT. Itliif i;r.iv I in.Hi .ii. lur, riiiiiilKon, (■naliMtthrr antl IJIark-Iailril ( iiiati .ili hi r The Minr.ition of North .\ UinN Mini, S^pli'mUrt )( toUr, l')15, vol. Wll, im. 5, p. i7S. »iili coloiirril plate. the Tuflnl, HKn k-ire-lr.l, I'liiri .iii'l liriiji..! Iilniiic. The M ignition of .North .Xinerii-.m Hinl-. Iiiini, Novi nilnr-Deii MiUr, 1'>1.^. \ol. Wll, ii... o, pp. US tl5. Disi nsse> the Wliile-lni a^tcil, Keil-lni .i^Icl, lirouTi he.i
  • ni.ip-. showing Miijjr.cion roiile>, lireeilini; r,iiii;e, ete., ol v.irioM^ ~|iei\e ol ihi-, hawk. l)\li , Mil.vill.i:. .\iij;nst liini Life, it I'le.ivint Point, Ont. Mem, .\,li, I'M.^, \,,l. XX\ .11, no. IJ, pp. I(.^ 171. DexrilKs the loe.ilily .mil v,iM~ .in imiot.iliih.i i. > of liiril". oliM rveil there. Dickey, S. S. The -Noithcrn k.i\en. The<)ol,M.;i-t, July, 1')!.^, vol. XXXII, no. 7, pp. Iil(i-l(i7 .\n .ui'oi t of the h.iliil> of this Iiird. Ol NL(ir, ICkh U. Note.'* on Snne Manitoh.i liirc|>. The Ank, OeK.her, 1<>1.\ vol. XXXII, no. 4, pp. .^(H(-50|. (■ive> reeoriK of 10>|M-eiesol birds, with nole-,on their msiini; h.ibil> 210 GEKALD, C.F.OKl.E E THli R(WAI SOCIKTY OF CANADA The American Merganser The ()()loBist. April 1.)15. vol. XXXII, no. 4. pp 66-67. An arcotint o on Miiskoka Lake if' the habits of this l.inl. as ol.s<'rve, ,1 bv the author Late Nesting of lie Wilson's Thrush Idem, DeiemlKT, lOLS, vo Observations mariiary Notes that P:-l<een a idifornii t l'.s(iiiiii us iCaliforn alt HarlKiur, Brown I'eliian) w. B. C.,onlH,H4. Uakkim.ton, Tail. Ontarii 1914, Nests. ()l,^rvation»on the nesis ol 12 si)triLs ui WasaRo Hearh and Thorah Ulaml. Ont. """"'N:;;hi^of the C;reat (^ey t)wl in Cmral Alberta. (Scotia..^ n.bulosa T,::''n:i.i.. Januar,, ms. vol. XXXU, no. 1, PP. 2-'-. -th 3 K'ribes the tmdin, of the nest of tins b,rd and also ne,ts of the We-tern Horned Owl. Drumming ..Ulu-KulTedC.roust.. _ l,l..m, July, 1915, vol., pp. 11,-118. '"^'^""'IvnilhouS"- Note, forn the Alix and Buhalo Lake l.i.nCs, IVovmce of ^i:;;;;;"):::;;;:;;^i;5,Tenth..ries,voi.iii,.^.4,pp.<.To-o89. ;:.l;a,ed lis. of so speeies of birds from tins d,s,r,a , IfNvrr.m.i^ti;Canai>ikn. a-.htorial) 1 . dans le I'rovmec .le yueUc. Juin, 1915. vol. XLl .XXI of the .>ew, no. 12, ,-. IM.. M wNAiii), Lkank 11. \am(.uver Maud Bud.. ,,, in wh:.h variou-emenilatiousarema.U. Ii>l i^ irnes), MiTCiin.i , lb 11 Mallard- wuUerin;, in ^-'^■";'";^.'".- , „, ;::.:"t; :"";,::;■:':, ""';.;:.;:i.i;;„. - Wascana Lake, near KeRin ' '^k- HIlll ItM'.KAlllV Ol ( ANADIAN /oollH.V ni l.fwisV \Vii.k. Crows noting on the v;roiiiii!. IdiMii, Apnl, l')1.5, V .1 WXII. no. J, iv iri)»>. \\>rv foiinil m>tLnii Moniit.iin I .ikf, S,i-k. >n 1 1 u- ^roiMI'l o;l an t MUNRO, J. A. Two new riMonU for liriii~li ('oluinlii.i. Tlu- Ank, J.i l')l,\ sol. NXXIl. no. I, pp. 1117. KH KicoriU llif l..iik UnmiiiK C\tLi»io^pi:.i w.i; .l.iii'l in I ojt ,o,:l \\l.,i,- tliroatfil Sp.irro (Jtlur >iiciit'S. [/.I'liolruhlii ,;//f|Mi.'/ii) awA ^i^' ■ "'li^ on line* .NoRM.w, v.. S. Nc>tinKot the WottTii llornuilOwl in Norllurn>. rile ()oloi;i-.|.' i<»i.=;. vol XXXll, no. 1. Pi' Nestinn of the <'iriMl«r ^■<■i!o« li>:^ i-. M.inllol.,i. loi.r luini, AiiKUst, I'Jl.S, vol. XXXll, no. ,h. pp. 1 jn-IJT Bin! Xott^ from Mnlvi'rhill, .\l ■■■ ;i- lurl.inoliMU n- Nott^ from MnUrrhiil, .M.m. The Ott.nv.i ^.ltur.lli^t, (Ktolxr, Vl\>. vol. XXIX, no. 7, p. 7.v Brief luitfs on .5 s|K(it-. of biicl>. REINECKK, K1)W.\KI). \Vliilc-tirtiil .Nnlh.ilcli. riK-OoloKist, DivLnilKT, 101.^ vol. XXXll, no. \1, p -M.'. Kiciinl:- the tin'herk:-lon. Dm Rot.KRS, Ch.\ki,ks M. K. Binl-lonV liflcinih Christ Cen^ns. Hir(l-U)re, J.inu.iry-l'.lirn..iy, l')l.>, vol. I. pp. JJ t.S. IXit.i .ire ^iveii from tin followiiii; ( '.in.i'li.m lo. ihli.^: .\rnpiior, Fr.inklin, Ke.ihoro, London, .Milllirook .iiid I'ort l).>Mr, Out., .i:id Y.irmonlh, N.S. 1 AVKKNKK, 1'. .\. The Doiil.le-erenti'il il'iuiiurini'r.ix ,.;i'/'ii>' .m.l its rel.iiion to the silnion industries on tie < inll of St. I .luren. e. Miisemn liulletiii, no. ^, ( '.eolo^;;. .il >m\i v ol, .\pril M\, l')l\ pp. 1-24, with I'late 1. Siiuneslions for ornitholo^ii ,il work in lheOtl.iw.i N.ilnr.diM, April, 1'>1S, vol XXIX no I, pp II IS. Mem, .M.iy, l'»l.\ vol. XXIX, n,i. .', |>|i. 1\-1^. Ti:kkii.i., I.. .Mil. Notes from the Lanrenliin Hills. Vello'.v-l>' llle.l 1- lyr.ili h( r, I'.oldeir crowned Kir. det .iiid lil.u W.irliler. The Wilson linlletin, Jiin,-, VnS, vol. XX\II. no. J, pp. Ml-Mn. ( lives notes on the nests .md s ol these Imds •Correeted lille, v. p. 11. I lie title •Correeted lille, v. p. 11. I lie title • ■ ,.;in.iMv k;iM of the Western Horned l..irk in .\ll« rt.i"- is eiioiieon S«-. IV, Sii;. 'I ,.;in.illv k;i\en — "Neslint' 212 Tin: ROYAL SOCIETY OK CANADA TiiAYF.R, John E. Wilson's Snii>o Winti-rinR in Novi Scotia. The Auk, July. 1915, vol. XXXII. no. ^. p. 368. .\ siK'iinK-n shot at Wolfvilk-, N.S.. on Feb. 17. 191.S. TiFTS, RoniE W . Wilson's Sni|K' Wintering in Nova Ss the wintering of thi.'* bird at WoKville, N.S. Wint»r Robins. Mci.i, .May-June, 1915, vol. XVII, no 3, p. 212. ObsiTvations on winterinK robins in Nova Scotia. Wll.L!.\MS, M. Y. Notes on the Herring (lull ^Larus ar^entatusl. The ^)ltavva Naturalist, Novcnilxr, 1915, vol. XXIX, no. 8, pp. 89-()(). Wkicht, Ai.iii.k" 1I.\zi:n. tarh- K-rortIs of she Wild Turkey, III. The Auk, J.inuary, 1915, vol. XXXI I, no. 1, pp. 61-81. \oIes .ire niven from I anada .ind v.iriou^ p.irts of the liiiled States. M AMM.M.I.V. Anderson, K. M. Mauniials collected in Atlin District, 19U. Report of the Provincial Museum of Natural lli>tory for the year 1914. Province of Rritish Columbia. 1915, pp. r"18-F19. An annotated list of 17 species. Revised list of mammals collected in the Okanagan Valiey in 191.?. idem, 1915, pp. K20-F21. An annotated list of 19 species. B.MLF.Y, \kknon. Revision of tl ' x kct C.ophers of the (knus Thomomys. North .. 1 Fauna, Bureau of the Biological Survey, I'nited St.iies Dep.. t of Agriculture, no. 39, Nov. 15, 1915, pp. 1-1.50, with Plates l-\ III, and 10 text figures. An im|X)rtaut monograph of this genus. Three r.ices of Tlwnwmys Ulpmdcs and two of T.fiisais are re|X)rled from Can.idian localities. Bk.xdshaw, F. (iophers and Squirrels. Annu.d RefK)rt of the Saskatchewan Natur.dists' CUih, 19U, Ap|K'ndix to the ReiH)it of the Chief C.ame, Department of .\griculturc, Siskatchewan, 1915, p]). 56-64, with 4 figures. C.ivcs brief descriptions of four s|K'cies with notes on their habits and methods of control. (walker] nilU.I(XiK.\l'HY OK CAN.MMAN ZOOKM.Y 2U Criddlk, Stuart. The l)anileil pocktt iiioum', lVr<)>;iMtliiis, i.itiis, WiM. 7he Ottawa Naturalist, Jamiary. \'>IS, vul XWIll, no \'K |>|,. l.iO- \M, with fi>;iiri'. An aiioiint of tlu' chararti'risliis and liatiitsof tlii^ in M.imtdha. Notes on .1 Woimdrd IVtr. Idiiii, May, l'>15, vol. XXIX, no. 2. p. .<.'. l)is*rilK-> llu' omilition of a niiili' dirr, shot liv tli.- .nithor, whuh had Urn |)rtvioii>ly wounded ami the ^tnita' K'and-. il<>trovi(l p ARBORN, Ned. Silver Kox Farming in llastirn North .\iiicn.M. Hull'.tin no, .^ttl, lUiriMn of the ItioloKi' a! Mir\iy, I iiil.d Stales IVpartiiunt of A^rit ultiin-, Oitohir 2'). l'»l.\ pii. I v\ with il t.xl fiKurt--. HoWELl AkTlll K 11. Revision of the .Nnierican M.irniots. North Anieriian raiin.i, no. ,?7, Itiireaii of the Hioloi;i,Ml s„r\iy, Inited St.ites l)e|>artnient of Aiiriciiltiire. l')l.^, pp. 1-HI), with I'liUs I-XV and .' text hsnres. An ini|x>rtant paixr containing; extensive on the h.ilut^, li>od, distribniion, economic status and t.ixonoiny of the ni.irinots or wi-id- chueks. Five races of Mtii woh.j.v, one of M. 'I.iii.rntris, lour of M. (aligata and M. uincouveren^is .ire re!K>rleil Ir.iin ( lo, .diiie^. Jackson, Harti.kv II. T. A Ke\ iew of American Moles. North American I'auna, no. .\S, p|> 1 HID, with pl.ites I-\l anrliiiu>' ol I'heTi.icoiuys, with .1 vouiri- l)uti(m to knowleilge of the habile .nid .iiMi ibuiiou .if I'heiM.nuiy^ longic.iudus True. I'roceedinKS of the California .Vadeuiy of Silences, 1 ill Sries, DecemUr, 1915, vol. .■;, pp. Ill K.l, with i'late X\. Phemcomys inlermediui is .-ecorded from two ( aii.ehan UM.ihlies in Alberta .lud British Columbia. s -_.-.._.( lis I 214 TIIK kOYAI. SOriF.TY OK CANADA lllllCTT, H (' The iM)liitii)ii of till' slicep. riir Oti.itt.i Naturalist, NovtiiilHr, I'M5, \i)l. XXIX, no. S, pp. A liriif |K)piilar acroum of tlic origin of wild ami cloinestiiali i| variclic^ (if >linp. Ml''CPI,I.ANFOl S. An.ikrsi \, K. M. riic ( .inadiaii Arctii r\|H(lition, lOlS-14. Kiport (if the Hiolo^ical Division — ZiKiIoyy. SiniiMiar\- Rcjiort of the < ifolot,i('al Survey, for the (.alcnilar y. .ir lOH, l)(parluicm of Mines, Canada, l'>15, pp. 1(>,M6(>. .\n accoiiiil (if woik done in ( ullc( linn /ooloi;iiMl rii.ilcrial, iniliidiiiH preliminary lists of liirds and nianinials olilained. lik.MiMI \\v, 1'. Kc|iorl of the ( liicf ( '■■mic ( on iii.iiu , rd.ilin^; lot i.inic I'roleetion, tlic .\dininislralioM of llie < .\(|. .md tl'" I )ia. lopmcn' -if llu' I'roxinri.d Miiscnni di;riiiK I'M). Dep.irlnicnt of .\i;ri( iillnr( , Sa^, I'd.S. pp. 1-71. Includes re|K)rts of the wirions distrid i;anic guardians, in wliicli information is giv( ii on the disiriliution of name in \Mrioiis p.insof ilie IVovinte, and "A Report on the Uird Life eont.iined xvitliin oiir Nortli- zoa, Kehinodirmal.i, Crustacea, .Mollusca, rimi(ata and I'isccs. DliPARTME.NT OF CjK AND FISHERIES, ONTARIO. F,iglitli .\niniil Keixirt of tlio li.iaie .ind Fisheries Department 1914, Toronto, I'M.s, pp. 1-134, with 4 coloured plates. I ion is j;iven on the aliimdancc of s^:arcity or tish, birds ami mammals in various parts of Ont.irio. The coloured plates illustrate the (.r(ater ^■ellow■-leg^, Mlue-wincod Ti al, lirown Trout and Rainbow Trout. Haki'KK, Tr.wcis. The .\laska-Oeat Sl.ive Lake ICxpedition. ReiHirt of the Miolofjical Division — Zoolotjy. Suniniary Ke|K)rt of the Cieological SuiAey, for the ralendar year l')14. Department of Mines, Canada, l'M5, pp. 159-16,V Describes the itinerary of the ex|H.'dition .md the geiier.d conditions ol the reK'ion, .ind gives notes on manim.ils .md hirds observed. [walkkrI HIKI I(»(.K\rilV <>I CANADIAN /.m.|ui,\ 215 MaCNAMAK \, ( M \kl.( > The (l.iiKt r~ nl our wilil-, riir Oii.iw.i N.i!iir,ili-t, t), 'iiUr, l'M5. \ol. XXIX, ii.i, 7, |,|,. (,') 7*. Till' wriliT IK)!!!!" iiMt tlir ■l.inmr- (kmii |.I.imi, .in- iiuu li ~f from .uiini.iU. Kilminf^ iti- ini.lf lo s.irioin ii|iiili-., liiriU .iiiil Ml iniin.iK Perry, II. <.. .N.iliiri- '>Iiiclv ol .\ III i 11.1 1-. ( '<>\( riiK~ of .\iuiii.iU. i;.lii. K.\ii-«. \ li, 1'M\ vol \\\ III. „.. Id. pf l\l, _M7, Natiiro Sniilv ol .\, liinl Shulirs. M.-m, April. I'M.S. vol. NWIII. ii.i. 11. pp. Jio^'t.', «„i, ; u\< Natiiri- Stuily of .\iiiiii.iU. Itir.l St inly, llw I'ro^. M.iv l')l,\ \ol. XWIII. no. 1 .', pp. 2>\.2>:, «iil, 1 i, At lu,iir, -. N.min.' Stiich- ol .\ Idom, Oitolxr, 1'>1.^, vol. XXIX. no. .i. pp. 7.^ .-^I. N.iliiir Sillily o(^. I.lcin, NovfiuUT, I'M?, \-ol. XXIX. no. (,. pp. tn.'-io;, «iih li^iirc. This Mriis ol .irlirK-, iiu liidin;; ollur^ ilcil-ii.; «iih iii-n I -. ol N.ituu- Miidy, Tavium k. I'. .\. lort of llu' liiolo^;iiMl I )i\ i.-ion — /(«iloi;v. Suiiim.iry Kf|Mirt of ilu- ( ifolonicil Siir\i'\', lor tlif \ I'Ml. I )i p.irliiuMit ol Mim^. C.ui.iil.i, 1<»1.^, pp. 1.^2-11.7. .\ii ;u"(iiiiin of llii- work ol ilir |)i\i~ion willi li^l-- of ,mi -^ioii, lo the MuM'itni. 'Sci' .il-o .\iii|ii-on. I\. .M , .iii'l ll.irpi r, I'r.ini U'. TtLLET, B. C. Mimicry- Smir of N.iliiri'> Sir,il,ii;rm- . riu- Oll.iu.i N.iliir.ili^i. ()( IoImt. I'»I.^. \o' XXIX. no 7, pp. 717'. .\ [" .iiidiiiil ol ilic plu noini'n.i it proirctivr lolor.itioii .ni'l niimiiT\-. with rt-fiTcnc r^ to v.irioiis .iiiim.iU. Walkkk, I". M. HihlioHr.iphy iif /oolotfv, l''l.'. 'rrans.Hlions of tin- Snicivof (■.in.nj.i — Thinl StIc^, l')It il'H.ii, vol. VIII, S,r. I\, pp. 271-.'.v=. WlLI.I.Y, .\. rhr ri.inkton in St. Aiulrew's B.iy. C'ontriljutions to Biolo^'v, l')ll-l')l 1. I .ih iriilti> 1 — M.irinr Hiolojjy. Supplimcnt to 47th Ui|iort of tlir I »rp.irl iiifiit of .M.iriiu- ami Fi.