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Lorsque le document eit trop grand pour Atre reproduit en un seul clich«, il eet film* A partir de L'angle sup«rieur gauche, de gauche A c^roite, et de haut en bas. en prenant le nombre d'images n^cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la m«thode. "-(: 1 2=^- . • 3 ^- Hi ^ ,1^. ««ciocdw RBbumoN tist chmt (ANSI and ISO TEST CHART No. 2) SS ("6) 288 - 5989 - To. •■•^^m4>' " 7 t 1 «^..- Vf f ^'J' 'HE Vancouver Isla/d (Pevelopmenl Syndicate ^ /- ■■■■■■■ ■•'■■.■.■'/ Of LONDON, ENGLAND. ^ Developrrient of the Deep Sea Fisheries 1 of the Province of British Columbia, | and the settlement of Scotch Crofter ^ Fishermen on the Coasts and Islands thereof. flibemoianbttm y PRELIMINARY TO TKE ISSUE OF ^HE COMMERCIAL COMPANY'S prospectus: VICTORIA, B. C. : Ellis & Co., Printers, Colonist Office, Government Street 1892. V >«!^ D|3?v4-iiW* »'J'*\'*'5 'i> V ' I (.(HA, *»! ' viA* \ -1- ■ r ^ ,i •' ■ i'<'.j^^->-f,* ' ^"' ' ^'^tt ^^-'''^ 'iT?ri}^,!. "*/-'^'n ^t ^*' >??; $#i -*.i(i'* «Ni-rt»^ /«* l4"'- p^l . .,___'- X ■WjJ««>J . „ P 'f 1 . r '"• 1 ^aiT/j i^^^SS |^^^|m^4 ^'Sl ^MH ^Sfe oMJl A,Y^ f^ -J ^ r'r " " -. ji^^^ j^^^^jf^^ ^h||hJJMH ^^^■^^^^ hHHHH[ 1 > « ' >-,-<. " 3^^^*^s9H5^ 1 V > ' j^jSh^fl' ' 'Ktetiid^ j>,» "" '<«•'* »i& ''Wi P'-'t*''^ ^ I n . ^ t f > Ji^ a^l --'**" -U*--^ jSV^^^I ^:*i*-«^S-": f, ■4 t ffl""'l -■ .-■':?(■ 7*«*-*5^»p*™," ■ij''« .'^'^*~-T' .'',--'j^-X''^t-" . ■ Hii THE Vancouver Island Development Syndicate (LIM:iTB3r>» Of LONDON, ENGLAND. Developnient of the. Deep Sea Fisheries of the Province of British Columbia, and thq settlement of Scotch Crofter Fishernien on the Co^s and Islands thereof. /llbemoran&um # - ■ PRELIMINARY TO THE ISSUE OF THE COMMERCIAL COMPANY'S PROSPECTUS. VICTORIA. B. C. : ., Ellis & Co., Printers, Colonist Office, Government Street. ■ 1892. 1 \ A .>."' . -wi^. n. .* MEMORANDUM. Ill pursuance f the Acts passed at the recent scf^sion of the Legislative As- sembly of British Cohnnhiu, viz. : the "Deep Heii Fisheries Art, lSi»:>," ttml the " Cohinization Act, 1892," the Vancouver Island Development Syndicate, Limited, are authorized to form in Eiifihind a ("oaiipany with a capital of not less than one million pounds sterling (.£1,000,000 stg.) for the purpo.se8 mentioned in said Acts : Briefly stated, the pui-jioses of hoth Acts are as follows : L — " CoumiZATioN Act, 18!)2." . I 1. The Government of British Colnnvliia are to make arrangements witli Her Majesty's linperial (Jovernment, for bringing families of colonists from the United Kingdom, iJot to exceed twelve hun. The areas embraced in the schedule to the Act, to be reserved for the Com- pany until the Company has made its selections. 6. The Company to be formed not later than 31st Decemher, 1892, or such other date not beyond 31st December, 1893, as the Lieut-Governor may name. *^ 7. Surveys of the lands required by the Company to be ma^e at the Company's expense. 8. Company to complete such surveys within three years from its formation. 9. After the surveys are completed, the Company to select its lands. ( » # 5 ik I » 10. Lands granted to the Conipany not to !>« ^lubject to taxniion for ton yi-ai-N from dati' of selection, and p«{r8onal property free from tiixution for two years from date of (Jonipany's formatioi* TiKi schedule to the Act defines the ureas to he resorxcd uiitd tlie Coinpany nmkes its Kelection, and eiiibraccH an area of I, HI !•,()()() acres, cxteiidiji^ from Port San Juun, tlience aionj{ tiie coast to Hureiay (Sound, C|ayo(|uot Sound, Ksperanza Inlet, and Nootka Sound, Quatsino to K»peran/a, ineludiii},' Kyuocpiot Soiuid, (ioletas Channel to QuaUiuo Soiuul, Johnstone and Hri»ughton Straits, Tapi' ("aulion to Port BimpRon ami Cjueen Charlotte Islands, and nuinerous iNJands adjacent t'l the various harbors. . ^ , ^t. . . ^T Beforo the regular prospectus of th<' (company can lie issued, it will lie ohserved that 'Her Majesty's hnperial Goveriunent have formally to ratify the ajjreement witli the Government of British ColuujUia, and it is expected this ratiticatiuh will he completed in a very short tinve, the Hon. .John Uohstin, the I'remiir of the Pro- vince liaying sailed for Enj^land on 1 1th inst., for tlu< pinposc of eomjiletinj^ tlie arrangements with the Imperial C'overnlnent >ind with the (.'ommercial Company. Immediately on the completion of the arrangeihents with the Infperial Govern- ment, the Vancouver I.sland Development Syndicattv Linuted, will issue fheir pros- pectus in London, and invite the public to appi} for shares in the'Company. The Syndicate have the asanrance of eminent tinancial firms and ofpiivate individuals in Britain, that the w^ole aniount of thV* first issue of stock will be readily npplie-, .—- ■ ■/ ^^ -^- ■ /•■: « l:^ 'I': ..*^,, p^e^F¥^ '-''Ift" Place, London, and having for its object the exploration of the West Coast of British' Columbia, to nscertain its suitability for the settlement of Crofter fishermen, the resources of the seaboard and the prospects of markets for the disposal of the catches of the fishermen, with vhom a large Commercial Company, hereafter to be formed, would deal and - co-operate generally with the British Columbia Government in can-ying out the scheme of colonization. ■ The Syndicate appointed as their Com- missioners, Colonel W. J. Engledue, of the Royal Engineers, an officer of large and varied prncticul englneei-in^ experience, and Major William Clark, of the Canadian Militia, who'^nas an intimate knowledge of the resources of Canada, and who has acted as a i-epresentative of the Dominion, under Sir Charles Tupper at the various international exhibitions held in recent year% in GrtKat Britain. These gentlemen visited Canada in July, 1891, and through the courtesy of the Dominion and Local Governments,, were enabled to thorougly explore aU th% most favorable harbors, both on the coast of Vancouver Island, QueenrCharlotte Islands ant^ on the Northern Mainland of British Columbia. They had (he advantage of the Government steamer and had ample opportunities nf exploration andenquiry, extending until November, 1891, the result being that it was conclusively demonstrated that a vast field exists for the profitable investment of capital in the catching and marketing of fresh fish, and of the cured products, in the manufacture of fish oils and guano, from refuse, ; in the lumber business, in the mineral resources of the islands, especially Coal, and in attracting the better class of immigrants to cultivate the soil. A careful estimate has been made, based on the existing trade in fish and other products to be derived from the fishing industry, and also from the lumber business, and it is considered that within a short time of the st^t of the Company's operations a large profit.may be expected. . • > ' The resources of the sea are so enormous on these coasts, and the demand for fresh fish so great in the United States and . inland towns of America and Canada, that the success of the enterprise, when backed up by the Government emigration of the fishermen, is practically assured. Exhaustive enquiries as to the fresh fish trade w,pre made at the Puget Sound ports, at Portland and San Francisco, and it was decided that the dry air system of refriger'ution was the best to adopt so as .to secure b perfectly fresh, marketable article, and the low rate of transportation which can be made, even for the longest haul to New York and Boston, renders it possible to supply^ fresh fish at a cost much lower than that of butcher's meat. It was found that when a continuous and regular supply of all kinds of fish, properly assorted and in prime condition, could be depended upon fron) a Company with capital enough to carry out its plans, the maiket demands would increase much beyond its pt^sent large proportions. ' ' • The concession of 500,000 acres of selected lands on the seaboard, including some of the finest harbors on the Pacific Coast, valuable timber limits and coal lands, must form, a very substantial guarantee to investors. The present rate of .J c 1 iaS:.„.;..:., * c 1 selected Government lands, to settlers, is five dollars per acre. The lands are to be free from taxation for ten years. It is quite evident that the operations of the Company will greatly enhance the value of a portion of the lands during the next few years, and when the lands are sold or utilised, an ever increasing revenue must be derived from them. ' •> Briefly stated, the objects of the Company are ; Catching and dealing in fresh fish. ' Fish curing. Extraction of oil from edible and non-edible fishes. Manufacture of fish products. Owning and wpating steamships and other craft; Sawing and conversion of lumber. Boat building, ship building. Box and barrel making. " / Cleaning and opening up of lands for agricultural and other purposes- Prospecting or and working coal and other minerals. ^ . , Formation of subsidiary companies for special business. J^ * • Trading in the settlements and elsewhere. '■ ^ ' >. Acting as agents of the Provincial Government In transferring and locating the fishermen and others, and in general qo-operating with the Government in carrying out the purposes of the Acts. The colonization scheme is unique and perfect in its details, and must neces- sarily command the best class of colonists to settle in British Columbia. A sum not exceeding JE150 will be advanced by the Government on account of each family, to be repaid by them by easy instalaients, spreading over a number of years. Out of this sum will be paid the expense^ of transferring and locating them on land set apart for them. Houses will be bulit and furnished ; land will be cleared, and boats, tackle and appliances for fishing will be provided, so that the day after their arrival at their destination, they can prosecute their calling, and on returning with their catch, the Company will pay them for it. Not a day's labor will thus be lost, and they will be in a position at once to earn a living, and under circumstances and conditions more favorable than any coloni.sts have ever been. When the colonists have repaid the monies advanced by the Government, the land set apart for them will become their own. It will be the intention of the Company to employ experts in the various branches of the business into which it will enter, such as I oat building, ship build- -f -.'■.;.-.-i;.5_.,.is.j^w A .V h"- in^ box and barrel making, etc.. and also induce colonization of its lands, so that the population of the Province will be largely increased by its operation. , ' It is also the intention of the Company to erectcold storage facilities at ^rious points, build steamers with refrigerating accommodation, and to make such arrange- ments as to markets for fish and other products, as will ^f necessity, yield a fair profit to the Company. The prospectus of the Company when issued, will give in detail, the proposed' plans of the Company, and it must be apparent to investors, that a Company with such a capital at its command, and with the concessions it has obtained from the Government, must materially advance the progress of British Columbia, enhance the value of existing interests, ameliorate the condition of a large proportion ot Her Majesty's subjects, give cheap food to the public, and pay a good dividend to the stockholders. The Syndicate cannot promise to allot all the shares that may be applied for, but the investors who sign the application hereto appended, will receive a fair pro- portion of the stock. The first issue- will be £250,000 sterling, on which not more than 25% will be asked at first, including application aiid allotment, and 8ub,seqveut calls will l>e made at not less than three mouths' notice. The Head Office of the Syndicate is 19 St. Swithin's Lane, London, E. C. A. J. Macphail, Secretary. The Syndicate have authorized Mr. J. B. McKiUigan, Local Secretary, 72 Government Street. Victoria, as their sole agent for receiving applications for stock. Intending applicants for stock, will please fill up and return the accompanying application form' as soon as possible to him, so that he may be able to cable the total amount applie : P. 0. Box 125, : ' Victoria, B. C. , % .» : * . " ' • ■ 1 ' ■ *■• 7 i t:_ ^_„_.^> . --i .>:Ti-Jy-.. .-■:. „ I : • i / $?>. /^. ^ l' ■ • « ■ *■ - ■ t ' " • , " 1 '^ < * ■ 1 .^■ ~* ; '' .uB^iaB m ^^^^^ ^ ^_ ,(« ,. . • A " ,t .ft$^*j»,T'^i ( •' ^^^^— ■- ■ ■ J :5^^?'"*^W!iiP^ !**«(,■-"«< !»{"'' ; \ . ^.»f*« »ai|ft, H.^ ^^ si^i" in"**-" «,**» . «•».? ,-S(4;4\¥nit<'>< "W ^ " *"■, »>J 11< "^ • VI », •* •■*f?5ES' ■^^>>r«- , -r» -^ Kx«f"i AJiPn ■>i-j--'-,. J ••^^••W^^** t**;''-> .*>■*««**> -v!,f%' "N, » •« . iV. c ^' l»^ \ ** -O .^' 1^' / .»n ^• IK f* Ai N :'L •^ w . W ?;x: :x / ff^' '"C'j^'itlil •'^/-; 'MdA.Ci\ 0 1 1 < ^ ' /' ,■ ■ '»-')\ ' v '^ '' ^ ' \ ■ ■.."'v v V' '\'^ ' ■ V ' ■ Yv I '- . SB^ ? P -;> .,1. • ■ f / ■« ■ I ^ '* % y • ' / 1 ■'■ A_*/i, . . .ve,. ^"jS^UI j^ E*ri4^«^«,akidi ■. .^...s. ,' >, ^ , k .ai ^f: *^JS.' i ^ • J