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S. ; ^\(^'ead May 14th, 1894.1. : Two series of these notes have already appeared in the Trans- actions of the Institute of Science. The present contribution owing to the scarcity of unusual Occurrences relating to other • divisions of our zoology, is ahuost Entirely confined to records of new or rare birds recently observed in the province. More than ten species are thus noted which were not mentioned in the late 1" IT\ 7f ' c'^talogue*, a few of which are also new to the oi^ithological fauna of the Dominion of Canada. Of course most .tof these are stragglers from their regular habitats I have not been able to chronicle any item of great importance regarding the mammals of the province. As a consequence of their non-migratory habits, they are in one way less likelv to present novel incidents for record than a class, such as the birds which 18 composed of animals able to go a£ will from one region' or country to another On the other hand, the study of the habits of the former will still repay any labour devoted to it for owing to their being thus confined ^ individuals .to a limited range, they are more liable tp the development of local eharac- teristics than most of the latter animals, which are wanderers of cosmopolitan tendencies During the summer of 1892, 1 was at King's College Windsor Hants County, and thus had an opportunfty of £u6y^^7ke natural history of tha|i district, and the relative abundance of various species in the eastern and western parts of the province One or two observations upon the subject have been inserted in the present paper. The fauna! differences, however, did not appear^to be as great as those relating to the flora of the two •"C»i itafbgatot the Birda ot Nova Scotia." (395^" ^ '^' ''■^'^'"' **' '*" '^' '"■ "'■"'• y 396 NOVA SCOTIAN ZOOLOGY — PJEHS. I wish to thank Messi-s. Purcell and Egan, taxidermists of Halifax, for information regarding birds they have mounted, and for the liberty they have given me of inspecting their collections. To others, also, especially Mr. James McKinlay, of Pictou, N. S., I am much indebted for particulars relative to rare specimens. "^ Mammals. Black Rat (Mus ratim). One of these animals -was killed by a cat in Mr.S. Dawson's country house, Pictou, in Octojier, 1887. It is now preserved in the museum of the Academy. The species is very rare in Nova Scotia, and Dr. J, Bernard'Gilpin, at the time he prepared his papers on the mammalia of the pro- vince* knew of pnly four instances of its occurrence. ^One specimen was mounted by Mr. A. Downs, two others were pro- cured by himself, and the fourth was given to hira by Mr. J. K- Willis. It has also been observed on the Pacific sea-board, but, nowhere has it penetrated far into the interior. I *«. Birds. ' . , * HoLBfELL's Grebe (Colymbm holbwln): A male was shot near Halifax, on 9th April, 1891. Another in full breeding- plumage was killed on 25th April, 1894; Both were mounted by Mr. Thomas' J. Egan, of Halifax. In the spring, about five years ago, the same gentleman obtained a specimen of the im- 'mature bird— the only one he has ever noted. At this age, the species for many years was erroneously described by naturp^sts as the " Crested Grebe," owing to its resemblance to the British bird of that name. Horned Grebk (Colymbua auritus). Mr. Downs only knew of one instance of this bird having been taken in Nova Scotia. It may be as well to record that the specimen which he referred to, was one which had been set-up many years ago by Mr. Egan. Since then, the latter taxidermist purchased two, male and female in full si)ring plumage, which were shot together at Lawrencetown, Halifax County, on l7th or 18th April, 1894. They were brought to Halifax on 2l8t April. Another, a male. • Trans. N. S. Ifut. Nat. Sc, vol. n., pt. iv., p. 12. ."< . NOVA SCOTIAX ZOOLOGY— PIERS. 397 .One was killed at the same place on 20th April, 1894. It is a rare, bird in Nova Scotia, although, strange to say, Mr. Chamberlain (Catalogue of Canadian Birds) speaks of it as connnon through- out the Dominion, and breeding from about latitude 45 degrees northward, • Ivory Gull (Gavia alha). Mr. Egan has two specimens of this gull. The first wjfs taken on loth October, 1889, in the island of Cape Breton. The second, a male, was Obtained al Chezzetcook, to the north-east of Halifax, on 26th October, 1892. This is an Arctic species which in winter comes south as far as Labrador and Newfoundland. Its occurrence in Nova Scotia, therefore, is probably merely accidental. Chamberlain (Cata- logue of Canadian Birds) says that a few examples have straggled to the Bay of Fundy and to Lake Ontario. The species is noted as " rare " in the late Mr. Dovvns's Catalogue. Mr. J. M. Jones in his paper "On the Laridse of the Nova Scotian Coast,"* says that only one specimen, as far as he was awai-e, had been observed on our coast. It had been seen by Capt. Wedderburn, 42nd Royal Highlanders, in Halifax Harbour some years before the time of writing. "^^ RiXG-HiLLED Gull (Laras delaimrensis). In the Ornitho- logist and Oologist for August, 1890, page 122, Mr. F.v^. Bates in his " Wanderings, No. 8," says, that while at TliJ^athom Harbour, Halifax County, with Mr. Egan, a shot fired^'a gull brought it wounded to the flats, where its cries attracted a large flock, two of which were killed?f These two, he states, "subse- (luently proved to be probably Ring-bills (A. Q. U. No. 54) in young plumage." " I am informed by friends in Halifax," he goes on to say, " that this is a somewhat unusual occurrence, and Mr. Downs, the veteran ornithologist of Nova Scotia, never saw it, and does not mention it in his list. This seems rather strange, as the bird is common on all sides of the Province. Mr, Hifirry Austen, of Halifax, who possesses one of the birds, writes me that the nearest point at which he knows of the bird is on the Canadian Lakes, and until further noted we must only » I\-aus. If. S. Inst. JVnt. Sc, vol. H, pt. iv, lS7,0. ♦ This wan during the latter part of September, 1889. 398 NOVA SCOTIAN ZOOLOGY — PIERS. accept it as a probable addition to the list of the birds of Nova Scotia." Althou^fif■.- ■■ ''fe," • ■Mir''r \ V ■ W>'.:- :^a m vi^X'S t' ni$^,Z^^\rjk. l>„'..i«> ' I I V, I 1 / / o' r I w , \.