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Ut ditaiU d« eat t%tn unTquM du point da vim ivcnt modif iiir um imas* •nt axigar una modHication a da f ilmaga tont indiquAi .,,t ^or'laminatad/ - ^ou paHicultet "^ (tainad or ffoxad/ Khatiat ou piquiat ias/ 'imprassion ion/ indax i. r- mfrom:/. prpviant: vraison ilivraiton : luas) da la livraison rLibiWy. -- 30X -■- ... f ■ » 2BH « v. m * k^sT^Mi^st iM^ f: Tho ebpy lilmod horo hM bawn roproduoad thanks to tha ganaroaifV of: " ^ Mamoriil Univaraity of St John'^ Tha imagao appoaring hara ara tha baat quality poaaibia eonaidodng tba condition and lagibillty of tba original oo#y and in kaaping with tha fllmirig eontract spacifieationa. * Original Qopiaa in printad papor covara ara fllmad baginning with tha frbnt eovar and adding on tha la«t paga with a printad or iUuatratad Impraa- •ion, or tha back eovar whon appropriata. 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I fiim4e k dee Lorsqme led reproduiten do Tangle su ec do hiiut « d'lmagee n* Hluetrent la L'M«fnplair« fllmA fut raproduit grica A !■ 8in4rosit« d«: Mcfmyial Univarelty of St John's '/ ■'^„ Ua ImagM suivantM ont M raprdduitai avao la piua' grand soin, oompta tanu da la condition at da la nattat* da I'axampiaira film*, at m conformitA avac laa eonditiona du eontrat da i nlmaga. Laa anamplairaa originaux dont la eouvartura an papiar aat impr^m^a sont filmte an commandant parla pramiar plat at an tarminant soit par la dantiAro paga qui comporta una amprainta d ImpraaaJon ou dllluatration. soit par la sacond ptat. salon la eaa. Toua laa autraa aKamplairaa originaux apnt film4a it commandant par la pramiAra paga qui comporta una amprainta dlmpraaalon ou dniluatration at on tarminant ia damiara paga qui comporta una taila amprainta. Un daa aymboiaa suivanta apparaltra sur la / dami«ra imaga da chaqua microficha. aaion to caa: la syiqboia — ^ aignifia "A SUIVRE". la / pymbola ^ signifia "RN". ^^^' P*^****' tablaaiix. ate., pauvani «tra flimia k fm taux da rMuetion diffirants.. [ Loraqna la documant aat trop grand pour 4tra raproduit an un saul cliche, il aat film* i pjrtir da I angia aupMaur gaucha. da gaucha « droita. at da Mut 1% baa. an pranant la nombra / d'imagaa nicaaaaira. Laa diagrammaa suiVants Mluatrant la mAthoda. / lLo:^(J>03\n ^lame^I I ^ If not its SHAME: . I JtJ Marjfcacdby the great ncgka of the Fin'.cr^^ which af- • *»> «* ' fbrdcth to our Nciglibcr Nation yccrly, thc'Rcvcnuc of 3> v.i:^ many Millions,which they take up at our Doors,\vlul(t with tl:c fluggard,wc fold cur hands in our bolbms and will not ttrctch them forcli to our mcud-s. Or the mcftimablc riches of the BritiOi Seas.which ^o vcild * a monthly Harveft of fcvcral Fifli in their fcafon.whichbcina S brought into the Laiid.would'^majve FIcHi at a loiv rate ^ *> cncrcalc Shipping, Marinerc,Tradf, ar.d r.ubl que Re- ' *'' .venue, wbcrcot this ^aok doth olvc a picntifil ac- count, the wjiichw^ mayj in igmc njcafurc thus accomphfli : Lft every Ward in London bsnia a Lufs, aid Mony '0 doit may he tbttt reined. J^ 9r .f rhc Doorer forr rhirilc itioo m„rh for »hcm,7ff SrvST' JS .^ naifym,andoneMercliaBtn)aybcfoun(lina Ward whiili *2^ 25. Mtfch^nr, n;?y*c*Co.iimitrccforjl/;5. Ship?, If* 4>' for all larcnrs and purpores '(^m^^Tfnner to ' ^ Ji - ■ ' 1 ^ 'tf/jw 'MJ w*^ W, WiV«r, MdCordaglftr ,he (euin^W ^J» provoked to propagate if in d»e Ihole Lan, % 4S* mmmm>-^ " ^"■"■"■■"1" II lilHWiH.niliMM II ■»ii|i„niii'iwiiii. v/^?// I ''Hm'iiil|il!.H|iijgi lUlnM.WJi.* "^li/Bt!?^^ I.W,w^.Hiiiww CO 7he inejlimable %^hcs and Com^ moaities of the "BMtiJI) Scaj. ^Cz^O/^s^/HS^ He Coafts of Great Brittain da ycild ■/-—■■ — — — "vf* fuch a continual Sca-harvc(t of rtfain to all iholc that with diligence do labour in the lame, that no time or fcafon in the year paflcth, a^way withoiififomc ai^arcnt . mwns ot' profiubic employments, cfpecially to fuch.a.s apply, tnemfelvcs to Fifli- ing, which from the beginning of the yeer unto the latter end, continued* upon fbmc one Port ;or other upon our Coafts, and therein fuch infinites /lioali. and multitudes of Fiflies arc offered to the takers,. 4js may juffly move adiiiiratioh (not only to ftrangere,- but) to thole .that are daily emplbyed amoral them. The Summer Fifliing for Herrings begins abou^ dfid' ^wwrr and lafteth fomc part pf fAft^nfii The Winter Fiflimg for Herrings lafteth from Stftember to the midft. of November, both which extend from 5tfAff/j<,«<»y} in Scot^ landy to the Thames moudi. The Fifliing for Cod at AUmby Wirkington and H^hite- haven ncer the Coaft of Lancafhire, from Ea/^er until Whitfomidc, r' The Fifliing oitllakeoxUaberdetrf^bArfwith, and other places between JValts and Jretan'dy ftom Whitfmide XoS. James Vi^i^, ' ^ The Fifliing for C*<^and. Lmg about P^f^/^T^m* \vithiii .^ A a . the *>.. "i^ ',' ■ "■III IWI III! I il>H»l.. I, l.lnV.|M|« '' \\ i\ ■ -».,:; \ .ij iij ipiwi i^^iiii _ I. li Jj.l|jl!jji|i^i^^y wjpfu^ . r ■^S^^^^S -^t' ■: ( •' r if .1 *., :j f- ^-^': npp The Filhing for Ccd on chc Weft part of /r^/W T« j the beginning of ^;,r// until the latter cndof Jui, ' ' TheFinVms^fofWand/^^^^^ ' The Finding for Ci.^ and Lwg upon Ac North Cdaft of • frclandAxoxn Eaficr miii Midfummer The Finiiiig for evor»(h»rer^zMm.MtMLUxi,^'-Xyxti of Fifli were' tak^fn in one day. ancT about ^tHc Ikme time three tliouland * ^ ppunds worth of Fjmmdnedaji were taken at S» /t,« in Ccrnwal by fmal Boats and othe^ poor Provifions • five of our naen with Boktsand Cables aUventurir.g in a calm to ^nch out among the Holland tiudbs not far from Robin Hoods Bnjf.Kmmt^to-jVhkhj fullfraught with Herrinos, andreported thai;;hcy^wlbme o^thofe 6uflcs take ten twciHy, and f^ur ^nd twenty lafts oA Hcrrinii at a draught. t^^rSf'i "?t^'^^^ >^i:h:forty,*'fifty, and'^an - huhdrcd lafts of I^errings in or.c Bufs. . , Our Fleet of Colliers not many yeers fmcc rctumih^r from Np»cflchdhx with Coals, about the Well nccr F/iw^tf- i^w/j ^tf^rf and 5f.ir^aJlls^^'jt^y "'^i''' one of thclc employing another Ship to fc«ch Saltand carry ^ the FiHi in^o their CountrieSjbcin^ in all 3000. fail, main- tainingand icctingacworkatlealt forty thouland pet Ions, Fifliers, Tradcf-men, Women, and Children, they havjc an- .. \ hundred Z).iff; -boats one hundred and fifiy Tuns a piecc,or thcrcabou's.^fcven hundred P*;/)^ and ^*V//*boa:s froin fixty to an huiidrcdTu.'.s a piece, which altogether fin* upon the Sea ofFft^Ltnd and Scotltpd for r«if and* Lyw(r only ; and m C^mc each c f chofe emplo yeth another Vcffcl for providing of Slit ar^'tranfporcing ih'cir Flfh^mnking^in all fixtccn hun- . d red Sh'p5,which maiiitain anil Imploy at lead four thouiand ' pcrfdi'.s of all forts. For the //utottd lail at the leaft to fupply Ship-wracks, and aug- menttheir (lore, which as the primcand common Nurlc^ is thccbicldt means only to cficteafcthcirnumbA. / Secondly m^f^mrrnmmmmmmmmm*^ mmimmmmmmmiimmmmm ,a^^Ta.ai.j., ~t^^ - -^t^ «- ^ -in \: i [y Sncrcafc of out of vvhich rumber tKey d^tly fiimim their longer voyages to all parts of the World ; kef by tliis thcymjrc not only er.ah(lcd lo brook the Seasr and to krow the ufc of the Tackle^ and Gimpais, but are hkewifc in- ftruftcd in Trade, m the principles ot Navigation and Pilo- tage J infomuch as from home their greatii^ NavWaiors have bad their cducadoa and breeding. ■ • I' ■ ■ . ■■, ^ Thirdly^ Encreafe of Trade. By rcafott of ihofc muldtudc of Ships ahd Maiincrs,they l^vc extended their Trade to all partt of the World, (ej^porting for the moft part) in all dieir voyages of Herring • and other Fi(h,for the maintenance of the fame-in exchange whereof they return the feyeral Commodities of other ' Coiifitries. Froni.thc Southern parts^s France, SfotHy zrA Portugal; ♦•for our Herring*, thev return, OjU^WiHesyPrunety Houj, iVoob, Grain, with (tore of Coynsy From the Streighti, Velvets^ Sgttinj, and all forts of S//i^, AUomt, Chrrtintt, Ojfisy and ail Grocery ware, with much money. From the f^y^Cowf^r^, for oiix Herrings andoth6r French znd Jtidian Commodities before returned, they bring home C^^n, HTax^ F/mx, I^emf/Pitch,Tar,Sffap ^ex,i Irottp Cofftr^ Steely CUfbonrd, fVainfcot,' Mafis, Tmheri^ ^eai'hardf.ToIiJh'JDoiiars, and Hungary Giiders-, Froift CerttumSot Herrings and :Ai:-ivri.^C^.SS>.jj ■■aad.a^jj&.am: iija[piaaaa^r,i^'.,.,j-cjifl ' I % II /\ ■1 ■ { ■ I9mmm Sb^_ '¥■ . ' [CO and fich \\tFr4»cfm pommodmw, with (lore of je/Jvr. with (orte l4t,flr,.,, S„,, and //,//.a,J^ , ioJa( .. more ftvangc and g»ady «, our fl4m;. ^(^tm^ k« nlmlS!' '??"'•«*'>'* our men at r^^,h, ^ ■^E^}a^'^'^ """*" /'"""f/amongftu. here Coj^rcady money, wherewith they ftote thiSowne FourtWy, Sncre^fe of Toms and ■ ^ons. . ■ .•. •; ' . ■ . — . ', ■•- - • ^ .- iHmaicd yccrs, arc fiiljas great again as thcv were b<.fn«. »mA«ra^ft.«,g.h, upon which-dKy have bdWidtofi! Rffly. vinPMya$ paid to the State for Cuftom of Her- rings, antTotlier fait Fi(h, above thirty thoufand pounds in one ycer, befides the tenth Fini,and cask paid for waftaa which conicth atlcaft w, as much more, among the vtoi landers only, whcfeunto the tenth of. other ' Co?nmoditie$ Dcing added, it amounteth to a far otttter fum ; w I ft > ' ^ B M t ty / 'Scrcfithly *i^ !'''**'^/***^< ^' u,a!;;;;i>>«,.,ri,^«;^,.,'«.fca;3';;;atmiiiafesL\ / • ••«• • • 4 <> cnthi i«l»w»«ta«fc rwM \i W/*" •I. •S . k i.'M.> ^*n» ^ »• ^; |.»^ I As toachiw thci.i.riw«V«a!th,lf ««,«6iAlei' Ae t J '''^!!.''^ P."«' '•*" W *« foW foe. w".IIi> • cbe mulntudc of Trarfihifa „* Artfic«r« tltt, "by tc*foA df !i(n^^ - ^'5*"""^™* "^y F^"« •«■<.«>"« of r.». foB^i^ ■'"'S''^5 fW'- "-byobfeving.teprticMl.rt. ri>Do\vu)g, It vviH plainly appear. . * • •'•■ * ',- "••. ™. ■ ^During the wars iewvccn the-Kiiiobf ^Lwinatte "' ^W,« BrfoKthe JaitTrucc. the A^^mX %o.ling,,nd,b..i«,iig the Buflfc,, of i?.»4i,S>lftt£,rJrit «jfom,«p6n,heF.S,etmcn. ihforced them tocomlfS v*/^k '^"«- °f^'~--^.«'»t they might fi(hqdieUyofle ' ^My vweteto pay , Poller upSTeyctylaft'of HtfriiJ. »o>»ardsthfo«mtenaiKeot certain Ships.of War.'to w& was a Record kept of the kreral bflsotHcrtinci taken *at yc«t,and ,t apKarcth thcMby that in one halfyce, dS Z\LT^'7 Udred thotuUhfli ofHerHry^K htadredthouM pounds.; and at feteen twftqr. and thir- •L^^ „*"^"' *»*«'% '"»W. beir.g'tnn)ported- .. Wheteontoigvveaifa'theKrririgjiakeiS bybd-etKidl- By 4e KrfW.r, and other NeighbbOri Upon ihe Btiitini: ^^ -^ '**'r^"^- *«■«>«« «itt ■ttida.dy ariA «,. »o«RanidlKnsor.poimds> > - * ••,•■• \ W" e»r''»<'«*f i'iflMnjen^iojfag fo jmaynicii iuH , ...H^ Sfaips-i ^^w^?^^ipw^^^^w ^ 4^- tl ri- 4': l^if .> '™J''"T ratilv «CM mcrrJ^.H ™rg"''y™«n aftordi them ordi- ^^YyEncreafeof'Provifion,. nomii»»nd/k!~ f ir'™'"'«*«*muchto the iodics fit for liich unplov- f '""^^^o^whvcpoprlyandidelyathonic. ^ • We havfvictual in great plenty. Ibid ;iteafic- rates, with- cutpaymcri of Excilc qr Inipott ; cur Oiorcs and h«bours: • -'' M "" ct^ P^^^^ ^ ^^"^ ^""^ ^^ doe haunt; for dryuiji . ^rNccs,Saliifig, and Packing cur FiHiing, and for (Uccoi^l Ini S? J :^^^^"v Wc may bring Wr ?{h to land. Salti ' ana lack it, And from parts of this Sates Dominion, be at oi.r Markets m fr^z/.r, ^-^.iVn or //^/r, before the //./- ; ^''^"'^^can arivc \nHoil,,;d wl have mcar^to iranfport our finimtolomc Southern Countries, where the HoiUn- iTk u ^^Z^';" ''**"^^ ^'\^ tfiough wchad as many torwtheEaftand Nordiera Countries, and in many other t^\ . T^' ^'-^^'7 ^y? '^'^^- Winter and Summer, ' S.Tr. i° **-:^' d"4;« '^ Tatiffie hunger; And in mcft ?or «^ f "^if^PA^^^^ y^r they are Lree to be had; tor prefatly after Michaelmas,thc Sound & Rivers are fro- xoa Hp/lo that no Herxinjs can be. Tianfportcd into i'everaL ■j 0 mimmmmifmm V mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm ilWlli'.liMliJMi ^' ,>v.i; ^^^'jiU^Mi^m*"'' 1^ .V. Kingdoins, Dukedomcs and* free Enatcs, chtil July which ii- forjo^weckcs Ipa/c togcrhcnfo that \yiiea lent comes, there arc few to be bought for money. . ' ' ": Laflly/incc by cire and induflry'giip'd from the Fleming, doubtles by the mfcanswc may grow .is expert in the Art of •filhing, ar.d m tinfic make it a Staple Comod ty ofoqr own. . But this we (hall the better and fodncr do, if wckcnHdcr .and cudcaVcur to reform certaincwniti and aburcsf \vi;ich heretofore hath hmdred.us'from cifciViKg this qbod -rJ. great work, whereof thcfe thatfoHow rrc riopc ortfcc leaa. General liberty Qf eating ot flcfh comnry to thi old cu- ^Itom, and die Statute Laws provided for obfervirg fiifli days, frpm whence Icarcity and dearth of fkrdi procccdeth • for whcrcjcfh is ordinarily fncr.t^. fifli vviji not be boughJ^and- .want of laic decayeth all Tr.idc,; Cain being the K\irle of*' Inddhy : Want ot Order and Piredion in our Fifhir* every nun Being left tq liimfclf, and permitted to fifli'as be^i liketh hull : whereas amo»:g die IUltaNdtrs,v,\o of the bed cxpeneac'dfiniermcn.are appointed toggidethercftof the Fleet, and the others are bound to follow them, ard to calt .thcjrhncs according to their; diicrction.- The Ud^ndirs . and otlKr Nanors.let forth with their /?*fw,to find the flioal of fifh,and hr^virg fcund it, dwell amorgl^ it till ^L ''^^'^'n^\^'^'"* ''^ ^*=*y "^^ thC-Hcrrings ccme home to the Road-llcds, and lomtimcs fuftci;^hcm topafs by ere we look cut, cur Herring, fifl^ngcontinpkg^c^nWiiven weeks at the moit, and rhcirs twenty. - •^' ^ •< ft .««^.. .V-, ..v/fc vliwnenfit fejfb 4sj^i9^ip> of33.//«*^-'8.i$plMnIyieftified5 W^li Ijliftv^briefly fct T''W'i!.^* ^ P"^°.J'% <*^ ^k On^^t t eccauf^ the, \ ^hjK Fifliermen dwelling 'X)a.:.thc.S5j,Colift,;dQ kavc oflT their Trade oF Eifl\ing.ia our -SeaSvand weot but, xbf; half Seai'-oTcr,; ind thcicupoatbcJ&iglift .did hwy^6ftl*<)C! Pi^dfds, FUmmin^, Normaw,flt4 2^oiti.arid'5iei^rs q£ tlifc fatPA as g£ptticr Coaft, Town? by the Sea fide. Which vveric bulk V1.4 inhabited hyj - agritttM^Kt^idk.of'pci^^ XKi%thfcCraftandieaUff&ii*a. Secondly. The Decay of f greamunilieK of Bpau.andihijp^r^: And Thii^ inany-'Mod Mariners, both abkiineaiiB body |w their dilU. . «ntlabour» ana. Continual cxeri«*^&Sr?..m the Jhta«a.bctWMnnior^an4^\orcfcc^ ' - "l^jj^'X^ly ^'nruah'.Vpontih'U^^^ wat Vontinucd from t^arltimcnt: To !p^^^^ lintil ihc Yuiiof^r^n mtarj, *5UMf f^fn thfnce to'thc end of ]thc hew Parliament, and ihco ^ bcenjdcclajfcd'- ik'c vl^eiitly aDpcaVcth, tliit ih'ip States tf the ^:lve$ bctvvea the great Northern Com^nercc otdic North p;irt of thcWbirU, &- of that 9^ tlK Eaft,Wdl,and Siouthcra C|ima6j and yvithal,thc infinite commodities that the fifhing jiiihe'iamciis-'daUy imdcylt' cannot be d(^ but that^: •^Uc States bjr'm'cans, of their Wifdoin andyertue, and by 'the Jiifticc, aiid faiUifuIriefs,- and obedient 'di&tion of the • |flativc$iahd people of this our Cdmmon-weSilSh, may cafily '(\vithout ihjunice' to any State or pcrlbn wbatlocver) be . made the gtcatcft Stite'for Command and Wcilth, and the Upbplc thereof, be the inof i oppulcnt and flourifing Nation ^ of any. other' in thCtwbrld; Andthis the rather, for that this • • State is nowahnplt abfolute Commander of all the Brittifli Iflcs ard hatli alio enlarged their Dominions qver a great mn'ofthe Wclto liidics; bypic«;sof whicl extoit of 1tmpirl6,croj^ Octan,qic^e & ' p«lons'<)f all" Nations T .,^ . '*ftoving'from one pan of tlic world ^'wtii^'ptterijixiuil thctiompafi of " their •tpPiWWPB III JJ|.|llll|II«lllll 'J ; .- \ \- ' :■■■■ ■ ■■ ■ ' ■\ " ■ ■ ♦ " - , » • ■vtlrJiT'—^''*'^ I t •, 1 'T^W^'^ ' -.■■■/ tioniAhat «\HJ' i . «■ chdr Power and Jiit|rdi£tipn; And therefore the Soveblgnty of our $01 beiBg the moft Precioiii Icwel of the'Sate, and: > ^ iiext under Goo* the pnndpall means of our Wealth and V Safety/ Ail true Engl'idi hearts driid hands are Y)ouAd- by aU ^ pofliple means and diligence to perlerte and miinaimthQ' ;^ mciki even with the utnipft hazard of their lives,their g Jods« • < i r^O and fortunes. ' Fifliihg In our Jjej^s j mfoipucJJTtkVTto'ChtWian Prince • the World is L^rd ofany TeVrVtd^*tittf ( ^onfidering all; circumftancei ) . Y^dcth the Itkc'ifbiiftwt" >rid* general •■ • •-.i.r,; '.•r.'r. '■■'""^i""v;, :„:,-. ' :. .-,,■,:•• ■•-'•^'•:»''K-=m.,..v,.,i,;..... ■ ■ .; »---r ,i.^./.. » -> •V n.';;inl o.r'i? :-^Di:>: J;-:;"/2i;i'rro^T • »■ • y •. :j i ill "lo: t;nfli :/.Av;r:u; < /i t '>«.•,. '"^ ..i , . . • • • 't vi.T.'' '■'ft > ■ *• ,.«■ f ' * .'i ii»i mmm^n^ wmm m«jiiii««gii|jjiipj|i^piiipii ^ \ ■Tip—' ■ r* - - iraiT-ir ti '"^^Mi'^^^i; '^^ „■) \f&.^ ■|*^K .!^-> '<:/ -/»' ^V- *3i '•y-.r **\ •N « If* ^ % ^