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inCliii •entea «amei Til Davis
















i * ^ ^ 1*. fl^i^i^Brfer^ HMtwi, 18 Oct. isia. * The i3«faena C3^ »akiai^«Iwreof Maj. Gen. Jonathaii Dav.8 is Pre.ident|^pi0ilrti|ii|^ tri»i of Maj. G^n. Eben- e2erGoodale;^f t^e 6ceo»ypaitBpoi. the complaint of Lt Col. 8anl«dj||,iad<;|r^ ^eUwn, a. .et forth in six arti||e8 or speeiiP^i of charge against hiai» having sat *°^«'J. the "fi* Maj. Qen. Sh^neier Gtiodale, ",p«n the eomflkint ^ffresdtl, have adjadged>ha^ lie ia not gniky of the l»t ajd 8d ^eleior .peoifie*tidn. of cliilg^ lot &ai he is guilty^of the 3d, 4h, 5th, i^imI et|i artit^M ot tpecifieations of chargfe in laid complaint, and theienpoQ We aenleneea him tp be remoTed from hi* officp^ and Ridged IdnC ditqnalifief for and incapable of tel^itg •ny.miUtaiy ^«ie, under this commonwealth, m the terpn Af fiye y^w. The Commander in Chief, having seen utatfblK considered tht proceedii^ and sentence of the court, ap|^ri»vw theilt^ «nl orders that the same' be carried into eAwt ,. •> ' "aifcS-

The ^eral Courtjifertial, wh.ffifaj. ien. Jonathan Davis 18 President, is Milved. ^* ^

ByarderoftheConunan^rinChief, ^,

^pU4AM DONNlSONi ^. Gen. A true copy. Attest, ^^'








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m ^ nttSEITT

ii^aj. den, JONATOAN^.iniLriS of the 7thDiv. President.

, Bt^. Gin. NATHiuii£'i|k|tN, lat Brig. 8d Dit. Brig. Gen. pAiaB^TRA€¥CT«t|lrig. «Ui Div. Brw. Gen. AlM|||D'^Winl> 8d Brig. 1st Div. LeCol. RICHiSuf E..NEWCOMBt sd R. 3d B. 4th Dir. Li. Col. JOSE^ FARN8W0RTR, «th R. lat B.7thDiT. lit Col. l^TBR OSGOOD, Sd R. Sd B. lat Div. , Lt Col. JOPTATOAN PAGE, »tli R. f at B. 8d Dir. Lt. Col. CAliEB HOWARD, 8d R. lat B. ffth Bin Lt Col. SOLOMON ^. CRAB^ERLAIN, 8d R. 2d B. M^. ISn^L DBANE/9d R. ad B. 0th Div. [otii Div. M«^. ALANSON KPfOX, 4th H. iaf. ^. 4th Div^ Miy. THOMAS WHBELBR, sd a lat B- 7ih Div.


Maj. THOMAS DRURY, lat R. latB. rth Div.

Maj. JOf EP^ ED^ARTON, aA R. j|4 3. «d Oiv.

■; ^ ■-' .■' .., .■ j'-i

JvDGz JiarocAn. Maj. JOHN YARiajM|. 3d Div. b'

M^. JONATHAN FBiqUNS, lat R. lat B, 2d D. Manhal.

rsB eomplainanta a^ respondeat, on being called, an- swered. The ordera for holding the eonrt and postponing the aame wer? then read bjr the Judge Advoeate; the originaUi being papers marked No. 1 and 3, are aaaezed to theae pro- eeedings. The eoort waa then ordered to be opened, whieh ' was done in doe forpu bjr jthe Manhal. '

The Jn^ Advocate then prsieeeded to adiMiidister to th« Presideat and eaeh of the members afor«saii, tUgly, and the



k\.' s-'.'V 'i&J'



2»7 , -n.


y ■#{


Preaident to the Judge Advocate #1. '

-cnVd in .„d b^ tte «.t .LTol' ^ '*r««^« »*th.. pre-

"«g .he militia of the cL^o^Hrt »* T"'"'^' ""* *'^-

'"^•'"'' *^k a ..at near tlTelj-P! *'"^""v»fte'- being

Gen. Gooi^Ue then ftand-l fSlf. t ^ . ^ .

^vhi,h wa. rc^m to the^^,^'"^^ A'*^*^^ a papfer, "te-, which wa. «ra«teai||ffl3^ »' 'hirty^iin-

*nd annexed to <he p«,eJ3Br * "**** *•• «»

The Judge Advocate th.JiJkL»:^^% „^ , ' fcada»yobjecUo,.again.t,ori,htZ^S! r*»»«# . a«^ hereupon h. au..^, ^^ HlZ^l^^f ''* *^"^- tion being put to the eompJainaiit. 1^ % •^eq«»e«-

»«ad no ohjection, to „^.^ •"•"'•' **''y*»»''«l^ that thej

Gen: Obodale ^ n^ ~ . , -

J^t Col. 8an.ucI.Bria.blcco^^:';:f "^^ ^^^^pUiat .f ^va. reml to hin, by the Judge Adv^r ?*'"''*>]''"' '''»i«* which, being marked No 4 T -^"'^- 4 eertiAcd copy of Which being ..adt^^c J^; Jra!? j:r ^^^ ^^^^^ Ebenezcr Goodale, w^thef ol" t7 .'*'8"'''^^"^'' «-• complaint, he wa. guilty, o/not ^Ht^ «" '" ^"^ *«»««^*'

Gen. Goodale then 4uled a S^ the original of which iT^tiTZT'^T' ""'' '^^^^^ proceeding.. Herenpo. the court Z'l'^^ '""'"'^ ^ «>« «"ltation, the doo« were ordeJd JI! '^^' ^"^ aAercon- directed the Judge AdvoTtetl ^JT*^* •««» the co,»rt "The court eo..Wer, thaUnV^ ^en. Goodale, that « soldier i8^o be con.idcred « «^;*n»«t»rt treiy citizen

" the public tribunal iTlrr"""' *" '•> -«»«t to " *»'e door,to free inouiry ^^.f «7^«» ought not to .hut

"Goodale, a. commanding oler TT^. ?«— -f Gen. j " «-ee, or after the di.bC:f"*'^^^^^^^


IJ **^;ri^^

ltM'i'rti'rt»iii-"4'y Ti'rill' V 1

,«tw;in»f#«»«^f.-H ^"wflas-i.


^'itivti o«th«, pre- »f the Legi,ia. •»pMsed March raing, and train- J- Thoma* Dru- iM^aAer being

'▼Oteate a papfer, yofthirtjry^in.

. '■ ^ .Goodaleiriie f of the court: ^Mjneqnea- f*a that thej

«ompIaint of tfl'm, which Hned copy of Ifroceedinga. 'ot said Gen. Jie aforetttid

hl» aoawei; lexed to the Rafter con- id the eolirt »dale, that •»y eitizcn Bondut to iot to shut ; r t)f Gen. > n the ah- \

••i?«:e»^nt \

i^^NMideot \ UieiBojR. ' \

plaiit aforesaid.- Hereupon Gen. Ooodal. Wrf fc;, .„^„

ed No 7 T •'"'«*' " *'• -■-'He which C^'::k

edNo.8,andannexedtotheproc«^r;g,. 1*1^ "^k-

The Jadge Advocate then niored tL cimr* #k. > * ^

•'Wene. i„ behalf oAth. JZ^T k . ' '^'"*^ "*^

at what time? '-liffij^^ ^'"^

eember lait. ^ ****. *^ * J««A •'>^

•aid. The oriJ^TT !^^ «Mr4fc « the ena^aint iifore.

•4. In 180* I joined the %Ie«i o«lo< ^^1-, ^ , ieco«nia.dofCapt.Bowdi<ch.*»Jk. ••^J* BQW nBdef


.iTcd th, fi«t Bptice, I wen3fc V V. T***' •*»* » ^e- .er*rfS. *^^ •"'***'*•**▼• Mdiwl»ar«-I«.

;««..«,-», t^tal^k^ sit**''' " ""



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1 »'-^


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if. ''




i^^' J. I Bffffer did «MMe to be a menib<r. '' - r ^. ^«im«. What adfiM did Gen. Cbwlale >tt« yM,

:Midii^whatteniu, at W»bb*tP ,

4. He adTiied us not to do doty ih tl. militia oompairies, •nd told Of, if we were not wanM io (^ Cadet eomaany. wo •fcottM be eloar of duty. *j| ^ ^ -.

A He did aot aMi^|||;4il!»; bat .atd hehatfgiTM, noj order to hare as diMhaq^r ,. [ '

«;^a|««. Wa.wi^eiiyiifia^lhaaexaiDiaed,ai,dl did Bot Oen. Ooodale thea deelare it #a^ hi* •dj^ioo tou had i not been diselarged?

4. I do not reebU^t thlit the law^ eaanined, bit the I brigade book #a«, awT it did not appear there, thai we had been diiehaiKed. I have not done mUitary dttty ubmi July %, 1811a ; I * ^ ^ ^f " ^ ^

fl By MiM. Why did yon not do ftilitary daty?

Ji. Capt. Bowditeh did not warn us, and Gen. Goodale ad- Tited ua not to do duly in the itanding miliUa?

Q. By same. Did he advise yon not to do daty in th« Cadet Company? -.1

S. Noj he d^ if we wne not warned in the Cadet{ eompany, we should be ezensad |(oni nilitaiy duty.

H, By Mme. Did he tell you, that yon were mat UtMe to I do do|fy la^e Cadet eonpfuiyP [

Jl, Noj I presomejke kneliwe were member* of theUCa- det eompany. i

Benjamin Webb, b^ihg duly sworn, was interrogated As Ibllows. , ' j^^ I

9f BjfJ- ^. What do you know relative to the third

ehat^ge in the complaint? ' '. . »^ , .

A UB^u l«n,llh Nathan Cook, oaeof tie e^Ued >ienibei>i of the Cadet einpany, ealM on me, and requested •e to go with him to ^rig. MaJ. White, and see if theie was any nenil of kis di^efiarge in the bri^e books. I tkenheld «n Ensign's eemmission in the Cadet eompany. Mi^. White [




%U'll4mBlt> M.TT



3(Md«le gite you',

militm eompainei, Mlet «oiB|Ma7y '•'•j

gi^ibi^ -giViagUii


luuiexaiDiBed,aiid* » o^ion you had J

exaninedybitthej here, thai ¥ft had) iitysiiiM July 4^1


Oeq. Gaodale ad-


duty in th« Cadetj

Ml in the Cadet]

f duty.

wtte not ^Me lo\

c I

iben of theUCa>|

interrogated As]

ive to tke third!

of the expelled] !, and requested I eeif there waal a. Itkenheldl Mi^. White]


. *


j^d ut, that Oen. Goodale would probablyhe io l«w» 4^ 9$-

V tenioon, and m'eef the peraont expfelled from the Cad# ooa- paoy atj^my tbop; and Oen. Goodie i^nd .Vli^. Wh.ic B^thein

; Here iftebr^ingly. They told Oea.*'Ouodai^ &^ eoniAred ' t)»eiBMli(|«SiemJ^iifU||^ Cadet eoaip^ 'bnt^d revived

notice, to llo duty in th<^ ttuiJing militia «o«|N|uijM| aM^to- < ' H*^^ *^^'^'*y ""^^t %y ^M do Sty or aot^the

V miliUa'eo^paniei. 0«q^oo{|^enj^ tham, Mi«y i^ere Cft^ intents •<^>P^p*jrigtoillto''of the Ca4et eompanyi that, 0«i*t.'Bowakchniad lo ri^t to dUehaVge them, and would be eomg||||i to refteire then faek iigain. . He also ad- riifed them Hot to pay jiny attention to the uotiees of the offi- eert of the itanding militia to do duty in th«ir eompaqies*. He fuggeited ifi thA, they M better aaU on |he officers, and in- fbnn them they> were menbars of the Ci^tleompkny. ^

^ q. Bi/OituGood^^ Did Q«ii.Qo9daler>peate<||iy enjoin ; on the members of^m Cadcit iSompaoy, to.eall on the officers

of the standing companies, to notify. tliem,th^ \^er^^.«pcmbeiii.

•f the Salen'Cadft company? ;v. *"

J. Ht^M oneo» at the sipggestion of ^ig. Whil^. . Capt. 9amael Chamberlain, commander of a eompany of

militia in Salem, beii% duly sworn, w^ interrogated as iollowt. q. By J. ML 'What did Gton. OlMale say to you relatire '

to .proseentiiig ^aarnl Jriggs f<ir a fine, for nogfeet of duty in

yourlonipanyl v / .^'l .i,^^.-^

J: Said Briggs was ^hsUed in my eompfuy last fall, and -^U he was wat>ned, hec^lpe to ne to make his eaeuse; and

•aid' Gen. Ooodale and Mi^. White iold,him he was a member ' ^^^ Cadet flitmpany; bat I t4|ld hin I did not think that was

w|r'etense.^ He also said, he could fetch it firom •under their ' ftdnds, that he was a member of the Cad»t company, t told'

him^ifheeonld bring it from 4tnder Capt Qowditch^s hands ^t woMd ankwen I called on Gen. Qood^Iast spring, and

asked liim u|he.w4s going to ealla eonrt,of %]|^iry on Capt.

Brtwditeh, a|d he aaawered yeii,#nd a|id ^ |lraj4«i hare done

H b«fbro, if, thoy had not treated hia/iiktp^ilel^ I told him









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10 /ff^^.fcj«u would, ,^^^^^^^^^

*r fe pn^^ ^^^^\JJ|g not idv«e aii^il^

"f^d *ih* competent ^Li?^"'^^^ .

ft*queBt and «omwon wlSTrfd^^ T* ^ qufe-tiw, 1

«t. and «,at ,*yed n,e the troable * ^#^ •^- «««

* % fame. ,^.W«« not 0»» nl J » ^^ ' «

Se-tly pressed to c«v«a«4«^L^^ 58"^*'^' »-*«'^^

yourself^ '. w^v

* By '^n,, ^ How. came 8am«ellr^ ^ «»«ten«i«ej|^ "«?°>PW °*""***»» «i the roU of

pan/. ®*^ ;*r**einJber«riiii^o»t

At half pMt 8 o'eUyl p *, .fc^-^i^ •4|o«rnedto4o^y.,,J'^^

.4. * •'■*' 1^14 :.,



''3 (


lot f^is qufegUon t ••pule? *H,^.^.

jpiKMfyelM tried

' t - »

gnently, au^uN >wia ipiesUoa, (^

ii'M detentjaeili^ «a the n»U of

^McijBwIer oiJered be

Ud OD,





11 -^ .

.^ A Itoli^mi the C«det eomiiny, is it«jR wiMideKd/iB|MHUember to thig timft. Qb ft^ aept^nlier lifil k^ informed l|^ the Clerk ^^* ^<WHipiy^^f militia, iq whese limits I residoi^' i|ii ^'**i(p^"e|ihi»fW»pany: Md afteriv«r(||kiri ti d^dw^in'lbe eoiqpaoy^But I did nut^aJ&m

ailMMl»r^ateomi&4^ WHpi^lwl

during the eeiwepationorefeiired ^«i.d wheiJ'^the bngade

ho«k iru brottgh^ it appeare'S tlieri^orded, that I wa* dis-

ebai8«lfrQiB t||^adet eomnliny, at my own juguegtj- but I

informed Gen. Goodale, that I did not request ^|nd he said

he had not authorized that reeord to be made, and Twas a

■member of ^e Cfcdet company, aa i^neh as I ever was, and

tdyued me not to do duty in the standinf militia, «bd that if

IfM not warned W the Cadet eompany, I should be elear of

duty. He also «^rismie to ea)l on the Capt o| the militia

company, and make mj exeuse, which I foUoweC althlmgh it

was differsfilt from my own opinion. »

41 By deft. For what reason did Gen. Goodale advise you to try the.question'of yiir liabiUty to do duty in either of the eompanies?

■, •«• 2*f*»«*«Niji'^w««oafc

'^^^Sf*****' ^^*Sr*" «onver»ti6n at that time?* A^ da not recollect much of it; ure were eonrersing about fte e^»^t against Cap^. Bowdit^h, and Jiaving heanl, that Optt. G^iaie was not gef g to niKtiee the complaint, because hivwai «ot oflleiaUy notiftid of the discharge of Gen. Oerbv Ujj»*id* if that wii the case, and heslUd «ri»«ething li ttpilMi» ;ffle alsa asMine several tiiaa, why* would not have a trial 0*. the cotaplaiht aHiM^nie, for negleet of dltv i»t^ standing mUitia» and ui^ me to have it tri^.

t^fa^amin Wehh was again called on thajili e|iirge ' m^^m What Jlr^ou know rehi^^Oen. Good. ^!fy^ hi. a«therity to Brig. M^. ^»^iSt!^«.ha.g,

A taat May 1 heatd him aeknoi^iijglfilfl^W dele.


5 *f*n


I -)

.# #


?.(M ^ .'^C«fP



9f^hotitj to ifaj. White, for

t^^M these thlugg. He^psaid

bftsine* ia his ab8eiiir*a| that he had


id, that Miy,

ip the Bcveral companies to cAll oo Mai;

id f^m

^y wished any privates diBcik_p„ ,^„ P? Im! had ^venja^ White •J^eSl^yder

i^re^lgli^^ 4^ aworn;#int2h^t:.

ed, ai|^ answered ^ fol^g. *

«• ^J"%^ y^h^Mt youlcnoir relative to Gen. Go*d. ale . authorizing Mi^. #ite to discharge ji^at,. W vol. anteer eon^anies? ^^^ , ^^ i

A 1 was eouusel fop Mr. Pope and Mr. Worcester beftf. J. E. Sp^igue Esq. in their trial, which took plaee last spring, on a co^plafpt for «ot dow^ du^ in the standing militi.. Their defence WM, that they were members of the Cad«t eompaj,y .^d ..t liable to do duty* dl^^ther compai^ Gen. Qoodale wa« called as * witness to testfl|, whetherthey were discharged from the Cadet company oi* not,'«s he wa.

kim .f he had d.«.harged «id P^eor Worcestw, an* he tes- tified that he eould not recollect dischai^ing either of tM«l, for he^len that^asineifto Maj, #h^-He .«d Capt. Bow. djtch had applited to him for so«e dl||^,^„ and Wnrfbrred kim to Maj. ^ite, and said, A|aj. White attend, to tllM ba.. Messi and the fuldiers were acquitted accordingly, ..

J. E. Sprague Esq. being duiy .toi*, was interwJted, and wwwered as follows. * /^ , ' '

Jl- ^lfV.^4. Upoh Whai grdtfnds did yoi KiaitJPfcpi g^or«?.ter, who Wer^ Ujd b^lbw yoo ftr iegloct •fti^ *thp ataoitiBg militia?;-, i ' \-» "■'■v- ^.'.s*^,, ,■ ,,^

^ A Th« gr^ of tl^if fefee^gg, thjit they wei* mm. fters of ttwCafl company, and m liable to do dnty {• the ■"^^W^:^"^^-^^^^ -fcuhtof tliefcgWI^,

,^l ^^^; them, 1 -Sboia mm tl^i^ ^^



'M inccBtftiiijeot

[sud, that Miy% Am that he had to c&ll on Maj: di8c|a|pd f^om ea»^jieial,«^er


ef^^Ofea. Govd. |^at«s iroiftyolf

Vonnter befdfa laee^last spring, tanding militia. » of the Ca^. ither eompanj, % whether they ' not, as he was themf I asked ten ai^llMites- iither of tiieni} ud Capt. Bow. ind Jm refJBired idstotMUbu.

:t. -'.t.




By'#ere tutm- lo duty !■ thf) ' the IegU%, deteMlpMl^^ IHi«e^ iMr


(0, ^tf time. W^t did Gen. Goodftle ^7 »Hii (lel!^»&> ».^U iu.horitTlii|tN^te to diS^^

rolaateer eompi«prar ^. , ^_, . . „^

4. After the examination of anamb^r iugfL was iittRunied on aeeoani of the lalej bati^S^eiyOen.Gotjdalee^i . lagain OMS^d, 6en/Goodh||^«ta4Bqniired 6titW\ U^m^ eithef^i|h|gJoi.^^ Cadet eompany; he answered, tharne haiaoraere* flhar^es froofi the iCft^et e(nn|iany, bit eould not deteiluna I that he had ordemi the diaeliarefe of eithisr of- the persons on ' Uial^ is he kept nomemoriaiidnm of them.

q, ffj court. Did Gen. Goodale state that he had giv- en order! to Maj. White to disieharigie thi&ia? ^

JJ. Byeottrt' Did not INS. Spakle state, that he had gi^ a general ordei^ l^aji Wkte, to discharge privates from Toluntlser eompaiiies? ^

^. No; B|it said he had given brders to Capt. Bpwditfch to call on M4. White with^jparticilar names, and^he would givo them a discharge. \l think he paiii' he had given Cftpt Bow- ditch sueh orders mor« than onee.

Cftpt^^l^flii C.,^^ri|^^ eomi|y|nder of a eompany of Artiliwryii^Jll^iyef^^^l^i^o^^ answer-

ed as fillflkii*,

q. B|t^. J<f.. What 4a yon know rela^tive to Oell. Good- ale*s andiiorizing MaJ. White to grant 4iseharges fh>m volun- teer companies? ^ «v

Jl. I ealled on .Gen Goodale, last winter, for the purpose of pmeuring the discharge of a private in my company} and me to direct a line to Maj. White, and he woold

MftlWpblil^aay, I mpst wndttieir namiitiiMftj. WMte, «a« k9 <#«iii «seh9rge them. 1 aeedrdiag? w#ite tb M^; mmhMMAnvi»^^,^fl^J wiihed to 1^^ •«li«f^sipi^^m« lolM OB Ifi^. WMto^fifoeard the Pfrtilcate of the discharge} wh«ii he informed ine he had wnt


'iJ:'^' k^ .




/ 1


^4-- ^

( ^



your company within one yew? ^ *»eWge. <h»i»



Capt Jacob Peabody, comrniS^Tti; *^ ^ - ery, being duly .worn, wa. ini^ 'f ' T^^ '' ^rt«-

teer companies? ^ «'"* '^••«**^,%f,T«Im,.

•"O ..w bi„ , ,^M „' j^lS?- ««** » C *^

wilt., ««,rdi„gly, ^,^j ..X^kT ."^ "• *W- •"■•■W!. 1 told iu« ,„ JS_!" **^''«* *''>5« <».

:,"" "iSm ■•" "»tod „, jl'l"' '«v«... (M-

"^teaecoHingiy. l| <or a diwluu^l

wiA Geo.

diaeliarget ih«»

»ite, Md iViiot 5ted(oOen.Good-

» «ptheii(ie£(^

■n^ny of Artil- anaweredatfoK

If aj. Joaeph i*. being dttly^

■.sS*i-.".*'i!!> •#■



lite Brig. Majdrlkf %as interrogated, and



,,^,%. jtr«^^ ** *' two jnH-

nd w^e^.«iih

'*^eB.Go^- '*rged.|BiBgt


■'.5'^. '


[.; i%^ X4I. Bid Gen. Ooodale evcji (iiieDiilgei o^ privates in volunteer J. I have al#ays made it a rule to eoiita|t hiat^fi ^tliat bjeet; b^lfWill not say, (io|Mi«faurge8 have not >^g^W


d without nil Ming eontulteCHf never gave me ^y written

rder, and I do not reeolleet any fg/aaenX verbal order for that

^e; bnt'sometimea tie has negteeted to hear the whole eir-

•taaeeg, but said, grant them, and there will be no dilB-

lift By amrt. Was Ojen. Goodale ever present with yon [when diseharges were granted^*" ^ , "7 ;i|.

.4. I do not' reeolleet that he e^C was. ^

j^. By J. M. Did you not aeknQwledge befbre JoMph E. iHBpragne, Esq. thatjrou had a general order to diseharge pri-

i^***^' .,.^.^;. ,./..,.._ •,. ^ #fct!i^;-^!-:> :-•

J. I said I had a general order, but X alAuled to an qr>* I der in Febi^ary 1811, when Gien. Goodale was going an a jon'r- I ney; and I never had oeeasion t<> aet under that order. The •Her was never recorded; I eoiMdered it of no eon^equenee; aji| it is now mislaid, orH^^' *Q. By court. Was JOttt oker ever eonntermiuided? V^.9. No; it never was.

■*'-4l. By deft. At what time, fbr what pnrpos^[|«id^i|!| what tension i^as the bfder yon relbri(^ given^ ^

^i-'^ I think it was in f1^'. 1811, aii4 for the|A|rpose of traAti|i|^iidinary busing of ttielligade dtti|ig hit ah. Mii^d|pll^1^i|llitof his li&^ '^'


the fhflier yon

ived lii



4. 4d^ot ieenn^ disttietly^iint 1 1^ ^^ oat.

..^4*««i^^ . jH^^ ever hiire HMwiit^;9rdei< from



-„«> ilfej>*i*if.i(#'-:?> ■*>«**>*■■-■■* r;;i*--J


*Wf^Hi^4i^tt ne verbal orders onlyJ






"S^. 'AL





^ * 'IF

-o'^befbn, tie counf f ji**1Se» « the Ifigide BooI

, ^' Byaaim. To wfcnn. /^ 1

tibaraenffi. ^°»'n were tfce mw"*/: ^..--^ .

«'e»edi,ejj.-_ . . °®' «» tfce company ft.«». . "**'

, * ^y coarf. Wan «»» /. . «*oodaIe, or not * otthe diri.i*„ r iJ^ ?* pewons who- fci.- *«« -? '

.1 ' )

.A;, '..4




■^ gee if we w«ii|i8eharsed tromti^^ C«det eoaXij, Jn he had givin Sfoj. White ordeni to disdiarteiS Wi- »


«e|e«rteiW the d|i •*E.Spnigne,Bg^.^e

l^e then, f the p^^,

V, from which thej " »» Capt Bow&tch. ■«fl"««ti7 cali en voa »"' the,e di,eharJe>

-Jted abont He ap- wons referred ti by

n>e about a dr^.

'»'Wrged,bDtIdo aale, or oot. *

'ted about the Id,

"L!?'» ' «^dt

fit an

for ■^e wmoired Oat

^•le iay abdnt

at the request of any commanding •i^iferfy|,^pa»y, repcati^ it aereral times. - 'Iff ^--

'.BbenelMr-Wdreester wa« again eaftl^-''-'^^'^'''^^%.^

latiSeWd authorized M#«rtriiH,^Sdi^arge p^,^ olndteer eompaniea?

f ; I? ^*^ *•'» ■»*'* '• M giren jjoh oid^ and had direct- MMverdI privates, who called on^im f^r dUohw-gea, to Iklaj. wife, for he attend^ to thoae mattere,' and Gen. QoQdal* tedHed to the aame, ,

t^ Gep. Goodie atated, in the trial ^foreJ^tJ. Sprague Baq. th^ he had giV^ apthbri^ to Mig. White to diaehftrice nri-

A Ye», anp I think Mr. Sprague m^uat be miataken.' - >th Chpi^ Robert iMntouI Eaq.'hehw duly awo^, waa

»i«em»gated^|n4anawe^«ii»H^ ■■V;^ -^ ;; '/^ '

Gen. Goody's eoodoet iii withholding a reqi^it jfefc the dii* charge of ^1. Lovett of t|« £mt Brigade and ite^ond'ljiviaio'n? , •*• <^^ V^e" h^^^ be^ft deranged in mind Hnee Decembei' laati hatri^ ain^e lucid interTaiaj on the 4th of April laat, haring ^ jn^ U|terv|l,^^eMled on laj J^^ me jibout

proeurlnghia due^rge. Ah applieatf^ fo«'4at purpoae waa made «n|^Jligned by him, «nd left with me.^ Pn t^e rth of April I delivered thfe aume requeat to G^b. Gb<^ale^ Md in- form^ him of Cot ioT^a situation, and rtiuea^ted hiiiii to ap- ptm <.tl||» applie^tif^ which he,e«n««9»*|^;Wi and immedi- 9Ufy aigued it, I thfios emaulted hipi mlxMit forwarding the **r * ^ A?«uUitf>General'a oftlee, whe»|,|s^g^ Jie,,i,ouId toA hfiu S«»N, wouid aeft»fjy-, yfT^tt, and have it forward

**'**^^l^,>t> till tj^e eonteated deetion of Bilgadier Oen- er«r wi* gjftttled. BoBHitine afterWai4» I >rM informed, it had

3 1

■. ••'fli




.-. a!/









-•tbe.«fotwarde^.,d .ailed on Gen. GoodiUe, the mot ■^Bp, tod be informed me he had not %r^AiXi<i aiwlTAs-

' ^^^l* - ^'"' '* """' *^* ^ ""Rh'* '»>^»n» it iiid pH: , '^Wf^^^r^'' refuHcd to deliver it to me, and Nud ' »t -Wdl^t go o#f hi. hand., till the^ wm 4^rig. dfe- erd eleeted in th.T|j^e. Wtime in June*! Je/aUh. A^mt^t General'. -olllee. to inquire if Col. Lovett wa, di.- charged, and fonnd^e winirtj I* the Adjutant «i3u in- formed mg, that he wa. inrtructed to make out the discharge. J The ap^hc^tioB|fea«^^ K^eerived in tlie Aiyutint Gen- 1 era|^ . office en the sth or 9tl ttf June. ' ~ * ^t*-="»^ -^ -j^, ^=»

%. ByXM. Haafcoi'UTettfceii de^ged t«iii8t£lUy since (he rth of A|»ril la4t? ' 4

«. ^!fsme:i$i&%wMh, u.e any Areatening 1w|L guage toward, any ajt the electon of Bfig. General? *• ^

^. After I had intimated to him, that I .hould make i^ip- m^tatim. of hi. eonduet, if he di4 not f,rwa,4|j^ applii V^y. •nwharg, of Qol. lK.Tett,;he fl^JS isSt Jia .houW be obliged U^U^n^^tiJia^^o^^ •de, for their eonduitat^the former election of Bife. GenerS.

ti. ?* ?*^'^J^^''*°y«"'*«"*PJ»»'edtoGen.$oodaIe<br the di.eharge rf Col. Uvett, did he pronMse ta fort^ th» kn

^.'Vevaiiie^^rtaleii:':: ;^;f */'«' •■:'--^'^: ■'^ q.By Sofn*:tm]^p^ ifteii^er of the deetion. of Brig. General?

AathinkhedMittt^dihefiisteleelioi;. ''I'^ ?

Here wa. produced a*d nead to the cbi^t, » certified eMr rfthe proceeding. Wlativeto:thefir.t eleotlon of Brig. G^n- «ral, being marked No. 8, and annned to the pn;eMding«,

?t|PM«:fije' ^. Jo«eph Stea^ii,, Ute eoihrnaader of *a com^^ of mUitii in the 5th Reg. i.t Brig, ad Ur, beiMln. ly .worn, wi^nt^gatc^, and answered kg |bUo#^^#*^

yoa> sign «» «liilgittiott to support Mi^i; Bfiiah Flint il. CoL

'■'^^^^f'^y^1^^^^'''-^f^y ,; w" '■fm

i^-h- •'■■■"•-


I ot1^« laid 0tk 1U|. a* eoalhti^n ««ald f«te ftl^ ^'H^ ^l||ite'amHBrig.€iener«I? <'

^Kcire Gen. Goodale handed the ebait a joi^^'fn^

fUl«wa,Tiz.- /--■ .-' ' ■^.■' ^>* *■!

**Beneral Comrt-Jtrariid, 8<riem, tfyimber 99th, 4M9.

<<Ceina»onwealth vs. Bhenezer Goodkle, Mi)j. Qen. j||BiT. .^ i«MM«i«Miitt« militi*. V ^

<*The Defendant objeets to the admiuion and heai^g of <*aa7 tettniony in tha trial of thia eaBe* whieh may re^e U> ■*^y eonTenatioB) any deelaication, or aet, had, perform A or <«expre8aed by him, at any time when he was not exereinng <Hhe authority of his station as Maj. General, or acting cffi^ ^<flially as an oiBeer in the Maasaehnsetti militia. '

«*8igned, % EBENEZER GOODALf.'*

■''.?, .-'■ .'■ . ^.

The original, being mariced No. 9, is annexed to the|iro»

ceedings. ;,^./' ■- ';;^"i|,y:i/i^.;, ,4.; .. "... |'

'Hereupon the court was ordered to be eleared of spaeta- torij Which wak done by thoMarshaL After eon8al||||bn the> doors were ordered to be opened, and t)M|Judge Adf^oeate was aidvised to inform Gen. Gaodale, that wftvourt *|eonsid- **ir, a«l an oOieer it i$i^piMisible.for «t^i(^i^M^9^ d^lar- <*atioa, or ajil^ had, performed, or expd^d t^ him) relating "to the militia, at any time while in^nkmission, and that in "so doing he exercises the anthori^i|f hit station. They "thereibre determine that itis expe^it to examine the wit- «ness olfered.» .'. vV.- ^ §'^^' S r.- ^M'-'^ --'

Ii|imediately after this deterqphiatioB of the eonrt was lii^Uibwn to Gen. (I^|«j»di4ai^ handed to the Judge Advo. eatojKj^er writtMffjM feUowS|| which f«a read to the court,

TifcSE'. r , ' - ■■■>' '-'■■ ' '■ -I *■.., :■

' 1^ ^«^ip^ Cimrt-MiHi^8al»m, SepUmber nth, laii.

#CliifliaM|iwealth ts. f^kplief Goodale, M*!. Geo. ai bir.

y .|i|iil|prtta ' BtfBtia. ^:W.':riv%--- '

ndant deeliB^s fbrdier to aanwer te <tha aixth ^•peeiieatioa af charge exhibited agaiut him, because


•-ijj ..«5;'?ji




■.Tit-;»-A*" -'"Ngi.' tM^"^ '







•*^e court w«^ k *

■^«»" to the «anie.« ^•**'^* '^ wqnuwl fa,^. I

•» bein^ called, m,„re«d. iS." '°"P'f^*'f *id defe,di»r



•«*» *U uuirered ,„ M|HMna,ei%r^, on 5ei


•n being cabled, ^.^^^^



y^jii^'-'i- ■-




je»*ipI«i««|.of,| T Md furmkUj ml



annexed (, th.^ fint eUwe jo th«

'eared of i^t2^



r«««aaflilljr«id tf» (be natar*

'«»• Tltey aji^


"-;■■■•, i'' ?t ^

' ^Saitbn, ^ 'f^' llionuu

waidotiei^ d ilelbndtef^



paper, writtea ia tfiet* word8,«^^^^e, eflkiM^af j|lu> flk

|<*SS|;. p^M^ oar taered hopors to 8tip^[;Himal||plM:^'p70*

|*<i4ded he aet$ hia oum opinion in the choice of a 9ii^ tftMpf^

\*i3ir an' requested ne to aiga it, whiel^I.did* ^itt ,i«aa ,^arf)

adnitted hj Gen. Ooodale, |h«t' the We|^ing is a (me oi^|

' of ttie paper presented to MAJ. 8^arna.3 It told him, I ealiAi*

land to vote for Maj. Vliat^^f tliere was an opportanitj) he

•aid he did not doubt it, but he wished to eonvinea.Maj.Ilint '

fa|B wodd ll* tapperted^ Ibr.i^'naoiber of penant had been to

hui^ to e^Bvinee him, ilc 0ol. Putnam, w|ito then eommaafld

the 0th Reg. should be promoted, he , would be superseded.

Hie said Capt. Jonathan IngersoU and others had told Maj. ^

Flint there was a detemiiiiatipg'SjftE^ oflle^rs in the MEKeg.

*to snpersa^ hitn,iand he only wfu|ted the ^aper to eoorfaea

him thiere was ao swsh determination, or combination to super-

sede him. . C ^'

O. Sk Mpe. Was th?re any other, paper sh^vn you ta sign, and where 18 the onnnal? "^^ ^ ..^

«l. I never saw any other paper. IThe original IMW.IR- stroyed by Gen. Goodale i^fker tiie'OoBrt of Inqidry ^»s or- dered on liim, and a fbw days befWre the Coart was kaldeis.

% By eouii. Did Gen. Gopdale girt |Mif teaMOk Ibr de- st^yi^g^thf^oijctfial paper? ' ,.,^-;jt". , •',:.-.

,ji|f.^|^} 1^1 reqaested him to tear off my mubi^ and h% ; destr^yi^'tl^ ftiftx. There were.theasliaf^liKren signa> tfltfos.tQ.the.papeiy^' .<..fX> v -^ :'.'<..^,\.-X- ':,.:■■ .

q,. Ji^f. Jd. WasMiy, Flint eleeted Cobnel after Col. Pa^^fai.p!^moted? »

.. .y,^||||il||p|t|,.was SI tie paper tolelPlbr

li|JidMl# Pattae^^lato ««^muuiAiirV««^^ ia

f-ib4f~imwnii,- mm- iatarrogj||||giM^IUIowt. IH4.G<nii<fi»<Nbi*'r«qMttp|||^^ anp Pf||ir> •■pjMTt M^. Flint, provided ha woaIi.y««pbr C9I.

^, pe shew po a papei^ ia the market in Sale«N on Sat-

ed} bat I believe,

ho signed


7 f


^ .



«•«• if*. -JTrJ; 6 yt"^' '^"^ Ife

*jJftJ,Sfi, ■1**4,











Be Kit fpri;;*^,


Jwcn to Miy-.

•^i there irw n

% «m4e»teed


'd. On Boiulayiooruiug, Ihoday before the jbMIUvb ai Brtg*'

dlineral in May, Orn. Ooodale eaned oik «t» Aod^iiSflf

!f»pt. lugenoU and^otheri had be** to Mij. Flint to ial*

KiBTbelkvi/ it WM agreed amoiig the b^fcert rf tke "tljjlj^

|(^ lupersed^liifif^prpTidedl there ahoojid' be a yw«w w'^ii^^

laper, linilar to the on« refeitaS ta ^ J, ind said he onlly w^i^H to eonrii^ BO auek agreement amoac toe bflteiellf

"By^SSu .Had he any •*|e^ 1»«^«" '^J^Jj^ ,,/or did wmeioWy ftriKatpiirp«if?*"7^ ii: I d(i ifct reeoHeet thit he liad atoy «|thW hi>«ln«M,^ tiL Aea Tapley of the «th Beg. beiBg duly /•wow, teltil-

Nipper, ohligating yoaraelf to rote for MiJ. iPlinl for Colblffel, ifhojfottld Vffte for CoL Dayid Putnam a^BrigadiorOeneiral? A On Saturday moriiing preteding the eleetion hi Brfga- dief Geiier»*,**e handed me^ a jAjigr fo iigli, iinHlir to Ae 6ne pentioned in MiJ. Bt^rtb» terthplWfy, "^d ■«! d^^ riai|ht •ig^'it, if 1 pteaMd. I adted him the Wi of thai pft]i«ri^^ ■aid Captl IttgendU ami 6thert had heeii M^j. Wini to p»^- iAile hiili if Col. Piltnam ihiuld he ehoteu BrigidirtP OMe. ral,th«effieen of tha«h Beg. had^ eomWued to ■n^enedo hiijf, thai he only wanted to etlUTinM him ^^ra wa» wrtn- biimAton, i^'iii^lt.^-^*»^'^.f^W'**^*^^#*'**^^^ ?jll/'JE^ *W»*r ; Wao this eonthinaUon against M*j. ViliBt in MiB«^ae4«e of hfa Tothig for doLPatkiam i^the fi»mer elee-

id yon ev«r hea? «f tibii •ombinatioB t* M- pentde Bttij. Flin^eept from Gen. Cbodale?,^ '

' 'r?A^Y9»,f,hvri«j^pte9UMi to tiie eleetion | he*id4tf aiefa >|iyii^irttiiin bnf Mttiitf^i^lleot fli»ir %hoiik f^'

^'^"By same* , Miw wwy^iMMiM ware nn tilia,«»««..»*wi

*•, -si

-"i! '




\ v^


p> r






^o" wAB,*.. ''IT'S*'' "T'l-fes. i».„.....5A

•I . J " ""t»«m,- ami ~jj . ° •"*"»«1« Wn, if ij


"^'As' *•*


•j^ :

•4'"'' 'fi


J ..



fit* '^ *^'v-^He^«^ B^'-'

^l»*l«r lifter ili',

°^ albr (^ **% iferwer


Btf J. M. Wliiil do 70a kniw of Gea. Oood«le'« faM

in the eleetioh of Brig. Ofeneral in May \i»ti Abodt the fifteenU|( or sixteenth of April kst, I wis at Gkiodale't holUe at his retom firom Saiem, when he Mt^ » h»d been take depositions abtfttt the eleetion of Brigadi^ Bfal. I inquired how he sneeeeded, and he said verj veil* fvi^aired if he was likely to obtain a eommission for (Sen. itnau; and he said he should hfty^ it* that he was going to, f Boston tomoifoW) and thatitlptf solely with Mm. I said I I thooght it lay with the Qoyemoi^* and he then fiud he did im^ Iveaa so, but he nkeant to use all his infltteneef and should ge$ the eommission tomorrow. Afterwards, in Jnly, he was al •ar lu),Q8e, and said he had l^vored Cot Putnam's eleeti^n*^ ' :^By some. Bid Oen. Goedale threaten, to arrfit aii^* offieers in the Iffigade? " i; , ',^,ti,/.j,

4. Nof but he skid some of the oflieers tveal^ hfia Veij nnhandsomely, and- he had a good ipind to arrest tham. t think he naitted^a Mr. L^^on of Beferiy, a Qiuw^i^l|asjt4^ of a regimnit, who aeted iui Adjutant td;C4^.I^^ Bting orders Ibr the first eleetion of Bl^j^er .Geoeriil. , .; Capt. E. Vif, Hint of the 5th Beg. being duly sworn, testis Bed as fol){i>ws.

^. By J. M. Did Geq. Goodale request yon^to sign any paper to obligate yptirself to si^p^rtlfi^. Flint Ibr Colonel, provided he would vote Ibr Col. David Futaam for Brigadier General? ^

J., On Saturday preeedipg the eleetion of Brigadier Gen- eral hetiaqiKsted me to sign a paper, written m nearly thes* wordsfr^*<We, the oifieers of the 0th Reg. do pledge our words «and saered honors to support Miy. Elyah Flint for Cobnel* "provide he will vote for Cot David Putnam for Brigadier ' <Kjbaera)l?' There were no names on the paper. Alterwardt he ihew me the other paper, referred to by the other witnesses, . witt;|it or seven of ^e names of the officers of the 0th Re^ 01^ Tb. Capt. Stearns, Capt. Pettee^ Capt. Piitnam, CainU

, ^# The Ute Got. Girryi who ii referred to whererer the exprndoa 0SM7W is uaed in theie testimofiMh ^











*'« on the A., , ^ *""''«««ion lb- J ^«»tiiain.»»









[id hin^ 1 should be ashamed oftt. Gen. OOT*Je .aidji it be kept 8ce«i| ^.>^lHvit- ..S.-f ;;# ••

I By /. M. Did not Gen. Goedafe tell y?m, Ui^ «f ||« nee o*Col. Hovey'i fmnd., he ei^rewed Wa^ A||t* Me to-IiiB election? ^ ^^-A' ' v- - ,' '■ *;'^'

J. Ye«; bnt he said he wiii «letenili<e« *l«* Cdl. H»^ kwdd not b<S elected. Thw wa» after the^firtt*, fji4^M b gecond eleetion. '■-. - '■-" "^■'' ''"''*^' ' ■^- ^^- ^-|j^^ ' '

^. By same. Did Gen. Goodale tcU yon, that if CoU Hov- [ey*» friends were not at the poll, on the flffth of i&^t^ 'fhbiild cIo«e it immediately? %^ >

4 A He said if Col. HoTey»« fiiendt were not4he«,«e I'iilnld elose the poll in four minute* from the time »ppointed Ijk the election, and they might help them«elve. if they cfiuld. q. By defi. At what Ume wa» the paper handed to yon

f your signature? "

J. I think on Friday or, Saturday befota the ele«t^on of Brig. General} and the second paper, having the .ignatiwes, vaa shewn to me on Saturday preceding the Court <^^qwry on Giin. Goodale. - . .

q, By same. What did yon mean, by saying you would not sell your vote; was any bribe offered?

A I meant I would not obligate myself to vote for any body, and wbuld not sign that paper.

Col. Jedtto Putnam, being d^ly sworn, tesUfied as follows. q. By J. M. Have you ever had any eonversatiw with Gen. Goodale about the election of Brig. General?

A On the 2«thof May last, the day after the eleetion. Gen. Goidile said, the electi«Mi was made, and Col. Dav.d Putnam was chosen. He said he rode from the place of dec tion to the State-house in Boston in less than an hour and an hilf. The distance ismore than fifteen miks. He also said, i>» had exerted himself as much to save Gen. Putnam's dec a«kB,«» he should fifhii own salvation. ^

David Wilkins, being duly sworn, testified as follows. 'q, ByJ.M. Please to relate what you heard Gen, Good-



W^ '



i.^r .,/• ^■■'-•■■;






«'e.tioo, or .ppoiXtfce candidate- t.a. "the oldest in crnnmiwion, and he .tod

Tol. Hovey. Afle|»ard., having heard that 0*1.. Ooodile

exerting hi. Mlnee on Maj. FJnt,,! cijlcd o1» .a^^

* ^r^ :i *_ii ....:j— «^tli(i» if he was made

« "^d nobody, tCl

^tUie other. He«|| ^'"'''•ion,«re,,.,,.J «» "a^atioM. '

'*«''*<» Ti.it Gten. "••>»'e««Moa A, ''•'«-«te», "''•««4 ItoW

P*l»«»"- He»c.

*W» Br^^ ■•*»en6nil, J

Keve him^,

tfcere WM«

usaneiea ^

■•; Jtten ^'•Oiefal,

'f trliich

Kt, and told himThad f«U evidence, that ,f k«J" "^f

'* d-pe of in the. ekctioh of Brig. «--'^' »«:;*f* !** "^

iecid Colonel, but ,.ould be .upended. I ^^^ -* ^"^ ^

there w,. a eombinatiSn atfbng the officer, of the flth Beg-

tp .nperwde him, fbr I never heard of any .«eh combination.

A By deft. Who wa. eleeted Col. of the 8th Regif

I I understood Maj. Goodale re.i5ned and wa. not a ean-

4idate, ami Capt. Gardner wa. ^^J^'^^:^^f ^ q. Byname. What did you mean by Maj. Flint m done in^ieeleetion of Brig. General? J >^

A During the week nreeeding the election of Bng. Gen-

^1, having had full evidence that Gen. ^-^:;'^^^

«„ri„s to influenee the officer, different from what he told me;

lihereL I wa. convinced there wa. deception « h-»H.ttom,

and that Maj. Flint would not be .opported. 1 eaUed o„ Maj.

FlihU and told him of my impre..ioB.. The,manner m which

I became acquainted with Gen. Goodale'. e«rtio«., wa. from

common report abo%the .tr^t. ,

Maj. D^iel Ha7e., being duly .worn, tctified a. foBow?. . ^. BiJ.M. What eonverwtion had yon withGen.Good- »1. about the eleetioB of Brigadier General? ' , '

A Sometime after the ir.t, and before the .eeond eleetion, we werc^aUed on to give depo.ition. befere J«tifee Pdnehard ««eeming the fir.t eleetion. Gen. Goodale appear«^_to he » «..ioi»,»iid.a4d wmeof the offieer. did not treat h,m well, Jinamed M.y.lMge and Maj. Smith. He ob.erved he had formeriy hew in ffeTor rf Col.Hovey»but now he ^^J^^^' ftkwntopliiion,««d meant todoall he eould to fevor of Col.P«t. iu.) aiid if the ofteerf did not tr«tt him bitter, he wwild ar- rett theMi$ he would Mt be abu.ed by wy of the*. He .aid He would go and we the Governor, and let him know all aBout the bu.toe«i. I told him not to do any thing which wa. not n^t, for we .hould wateh him. He al.o *^^l^\''^^^ •vify thing in hi* poww to effiset the eleetwh of Col. P«tnw».


vs ^..'vii:*. .<*.' *>»,*'««;.-»-'*ifc.vi'i|


;■*«? >


< 1^ ou

'*e eleeiioT ^ ** **«* been *„ ^^ed Wn. I. ^

^'eciion w-ag gg* -„. , . ^^o to gee tu^ « "'"' now

*" to 10 o'cioplr . * '''« eourt »«« '"S order.

«oer of voieg fceini. *• ***'••

..'/*;'**■ 1*1 'Oi'wv





i '''"t\*'

..jr„lJ^M! iB.l.Jttii.»trM e,l.t«i»t«*.'»«

I' in« duly 8Worn, testified as follows. _

' Jte^l tl^ el,ctipn «f ^gadier General on the

;of May? ; . ^ V ^ from Maj. White, a. Aid de

officer of the ^'«^^^^t^ CoLLovett, as senior

•*•;.:,. -muk for A* 'k"" "'""K**"' ""^^

p.«.d..g. •';» T^P *•;,, rt... .„ .Vl«k i. the IT- *e »rrf C«rt^tr...,.nd a», ...d « 0,., h.d

>,l^!in:,.f «.e.B^ r.,«e.Udi, .^d.d*.,«.

>-,^i. »^1^^1







}*' *


I*. ,


'i-- - V

. -r.*-

•««»<» 0,6 eiec«: '^'° ^Aon, jZ '"*'"•' testified a. ^n^ «» loth "^' " iZn '' ^'"•M to 1 " "«*« .

•?*>;( .(lie, i,,.. "'*«'neM „,^ ""'■»», and


[by the

fieer ol

we ani



Sff;' ^'' .v«ii^\. *•:■,.

**■.. . „,.




-T-^ X-

* """'/-Ml


I did




«enio|. of. y^^*^* «ceord.

"•^ ordei,




'**' officer of

*o •ee tig sitioiurej^

«'>« o«i. '"on, and *e;aBdj overnor.

Hymmrt. ieh you reeeir I received my ai Lorett ih HftNh^ "^^hiKidale 'rdm Gen. e, requiirii

(^ tbe eleetii

(f. By cour^^ i tkal election

A They we ived of his .Tlie ballo! looik l A|i aeeoi tamed to the Ai by the M^or ficer of the Brigi we ondetstood

Ifajj John

q. J8yJ. Ji against the el

J. We a«i

r o^aewr iera.eoneera:

ttie aoune of timi


tf first ele<!ti;»n,* fl- an order 1|ireet fl I efcctiay the next to me as senior o:'" ^he militia^ &c. ! preside f^iy and im iff May? onura^ieHat that time, ill the elec;


present except Col. Lovett, who wi , and Sfaj. Fairfield, whowas abi began very soon,

it General's offiee, as I sppbsed, suj; i, and witneaieid Ify myself, as senior Gen. CibodiJe dissolved the me' mclte eould be done. '""^ '^l^i^ldled. t^^' " What do yon know abodt hfMay?- ". -.

that ^'^^a^t^'^j^ms tot.ig^.; eedingS of the meeting immediately; and we ^ ^rsadfon abdut the result, and eoneluded to for


iMtraniee, which was done imm^dtatej,



^ Jix^ the Judge Adroeate slated to th^'e^ , doiw in behalf 6f 'the government was closed, ,^/t^^tg^^g^^^^.

Gen. Goodale moved^ tW#iiittp'atf«ff«ri^f«^^ phalf, which was granted! He then pii(i|ili|||p|l^> stes ^mDr'8..tt^|Ji|gM#r<W^ <Jlivi!r,wf^lrVit% sa4 by M>e J«^8« Advi|pt«tk« eourt; the H|||gii|ii ' Bxed to the proee«dings,<^ji| t|^,4Ul^,«£ -fo^H^j^P/^' f MM nil Mlilllll lllflliili«rS



i -4 1

I -^-




fell"- ^'"""''iSEr.'"



' "u-i


^ ^'«'»eJiatej /SE ' *W« ^attend ^J ?**

t' f




' -«>«*

. r*

, *^ ^1






^Wll IMMt fo'MMj^^ ''1R(1. BOt'Oti.' dtodUl*,

««l>l«iD the ""^ '^i** tie,,



pril, state to t&ell^|^riior tjhil titaptitoirf^' wlkat nl^i.'flplJbivenatioiiP ^

.i. I was flmieiit witk tbe GflvVerfMir, (ETeo. O(o»iak>," i^lwa €te»> pMia^ilitfWWi tf kadgi rei^Best for tlie diMbftrge of Col jilfeyenior asked what ^the sita| e both represented, that he y^m in hnsinesSf u he w«s deraageA ni idao disehai^ of officers irfttil ted, till £rter the eleetion of l^giiHFQlieral, aaij Oen. Dimiiisoii aeeoidingly. This wa«|PiQM G6one{KChaiti> ten but the Conneit Were ao^ prese|Hpp| (Usiaiess ^. ^^ Mke a representation of thi proeeJmgs atltttejBrst eltfiWik of l^rigadier General, a>d »• J^|S^F*i«»< _g^.^^^ eewin|thai^ection. -^>.^W^'-; ^^^gp

oinfer ditt Id permit id^e^a^faS^Sehitgyi^

^ i^, hni ^iiiJ|p m ips «^^ I'^t^

thi«p Mi^ about tIRlfiMt it %S|| have on tlfe af eleetioA. I do n<#leM^ t^ Glen. Goodale sJiew the W quest fbr the di.^i|e of Gbl. Lovett; bk'ii$#riili^ir

with hint..

fl.'VyMm. %'ii Gen. GoodiJe wished the diseharg^ of Col;, LoVett^' ^

^. No} bntonlysaidhehadiftieaj i^i0^r i^iaioiii'*'r*""^- '"'^^' " "" ^ ' W^Mmy^ «H -^Bi9.4h)^C^rdHii>Mftttiiuid theititw^ iii(.M|| iOrmiW^^^^ c^ert

^^ih)WI«^«^1»«r|eeUy|th^ sitaiKtioii #^

eitpjrstfi^ order fsr tb^eleetion^.of the same miglit he legal.

'Q. By aam^ We!^ th^l^^piPfliiryMi granted

brigade betwfei 'Ji» None; •ieetioB,,»iid thi














ran •jree.M,^, u(i>.2j ^*'

-I '^'v* ?■;•■/

t^ Vs.-


, ■♦■■




"j; '

_ I (• the curt TlTwigJW •»»«»«» *• *•" »'•***" 1^, Md mftrked ^ liH I AfeflieiMt <i|l fl»»^»tion» •» **»• eTidaBee by t^

|,Tlie original to aii9exe<|p>hepi#edinsHtaiia^wl^ No. his. The ^iidg* AAt»6^ then observed to the eoort, that the >i^laiBant« and defendanfcJiad dUcuwed theeyidenee m ftO* ]^ that it wa» unnece8»ary to take ap the ttme of the><W|irtiK a reeapitulatioii of the it Hftjl^me* ap t^eTidenee,||A t0t and againit Gen. Goodigy, t*ry bridly. «mI tabmit^fh. Mine to the eoort. . *^ W

The «aurt was then cleared, and the Judge Advoeate put the following quction to eaeh of the membert of the ejwrt aeparately, beginning with the lowe»t in grade. ^ r^

«From the evidence whieh has. been addvAfboth for and against Maj. Gen. Ebenezer Goodale, and whaf he hai olBtred In his deffenee, are yo" •' •?«•«» <*»** *»* it gniUy, or not giiiltv, of the flrrft article or ifiwiflcation in the WP*""* »' Ltjd8l.8|imuelBriniblecom aiidirfhers exhibited |||«t him?" iipf^nrt deeided,thnt of the first speeifieation iTlhai^ iia ^ddXIoodale is not guilty. Vw^ri ' ' ^

The question being put in flie ttme form npon the second •rtide, or speeifieation of charge in said complaint^ the court 4eeided, that of th? second speei^uaUon of pharge in said •OBiplaint, said'Gocdale is guilty. .^ ^

The qaeaUon beign pot in the same form upon the third

" Bification of charge in said complaint, the court

" r the third n^ficatira of chsSKHi m H^^ eom*


%he;||BeetV>« bKag put in ' artieie Mr spetiieation vf charge

pI*M«''iMd'.OMRlafo is.|iMi||' ;..T.,--*«lrt#*v»ii^i^^^?>»" - ' ''fii'WSi^ijneition beinjj^^^^Vns iiu»«v;|w8|p*!ip|il(plpP'*"^ ^ fntiel*k<spa«ifie»tieMl|||PpiB Mi4«onip^ ; ^f0ti(i^ihn!t of. the imi^ia^ of Ot^x^ hk^mmvi'

: if^>






«««fea. #^ "^"^ *»7* irftlfei, ^J 7" <*e court ,







fl^l^--^^^- of I of CjJ?®^.«^.



•'•ie for

'''\^t "^^'^


, Jm iilllWI'^iil* l>«^8 !*"^^ «flubitel to the CommaiiMLi* ciiiefb|Lt Col. Samuel Brimbleedmftndothen of tbeiWP^ diTisimi, against M:i^.0eii. Ebeaezbr4Hodftle pf the gftid,' jivi- sioa, for diven ofibnees against t)ie laws for regolating; gor- erning,and diaeipliBing the militia of thi)e^jft|nmwealth, the Cottmaader in Ghief hM thoagkfit to oWi M)4 dot|i llp-eby Order, That a General Coart-Martid he aj^pointed l|f the trial of the said 11;^^ Ebenexer Ooodale, upon t|B,ehai^i contained in the^il^lpnplaint} >^J||^^^^|^' CtiMiMntl of the state will ea^ him to be an^Ki|||||telVM^

1 inrirtiund, mtil he ihall muwcv to the sacid eompl&intj and be Otererfamnitted, oi> Othetwiie diseharged aeeoi^n|; to law. Cottttafartial will be eonstitn^'ailbUows:

t,,. -


endtt and 4i^ l&t. lotonel


<,•' 1^

iphik General and one lAent. Colonel Droa t|i

^fttothe*tlidirtHfc. i4kMtth ditisi^ Plfir^ from the 7th divioiOn. i onf Ltent Cdton«l froai t|a

tth division.

;.4p*N3^*M^^f^^ «^ *■« "^






"'*■-■'■ -^"JWitS^-'"^'^


.. *

.(>, .





4t> V




V r^

W^'^' '^

. the ,„pet ^ '*""•

' ?*-»



M, 2.

»• *Bif|lt^t|






»«t, lit

^j- Gen ir*^ *?


'^^^e court: ,^

. »- o^^^w 'vw«(ri,-4iiait{al, appiDiBte4 by the < ae?of the loth of Aogutt eor^nt, to be Mdeti. at tMe aad day of September n^t^ for the trial of H^j. enlzer Goodale, ia postponed to Monday, t|f a^ day ( Septenriier, it tei^ o'eleek befoi«i|il^, du» h# holdc ^jliMi^Iaee mentio^c^d in th^, aaid order fbr the pnrpoj Imwhereof all persons eoneenM witt taJkQ notice, 1 tbemsel^ aeeofdingly.

f^JfSr order of the ConuMuider in Chief»



,|blMM» who .halfi i^Mietail

' ' ^ trialnf libliiii^ and hairnetiUM oppo

ItitherlMk- Blfn^l'li^lkr tUr^||p oftheai^&MdMhDB Jie shiU be e«Ile(Nb





Ti|ii 'Mbieribera eompkvi of Sl|>«ieter Gi^dale) ,^^ Miyor General of tha 8«eond DiVifion of the MiMi. of JIm-











■^^^^fWill aetiniifi. "! ^'i^ofi of the miiS- ' -i^

, , "•••w jMi* ■'"jA"»«»a of the iii'r#' '


i «*5'


^ '- fa



L^^^ir l(Ufei««»P«iri»« P«rt«M nnder hi. eo »5t^ ** *«1itiVo/|^*S*!*y proeuring the di«eharg«


'»»!«. in Sen. eompany, - -^^^


if frwdnlently aad

frritftte* beloogiBg to

ieifer MdTbftDiel MilUt,

1o theiVVWlieijMiidl by

)re«steralad ]!l|ilbt to th^

his eompany, viz. pbienezer Wj withoot their JCMwIedgfe^ and giving the naiaet oT the saict

CJ»rl(8 of the «ompanie«,^tflnlhe bounds of wlUeh tfey ||^ •^ctively reside, tint tiley'a^t be enrolled in fhe said oM- '^ eompaaies, andlgpl to do duty in the sane; air wliieh li^ done by said ittwAteh sinee the ^nt^^^^^f^j^^d^fixl.


»«» 0^ jpnVate. H*l**>panie,, ''!«• •nd i«0. ^«?5«^inilit^

> 6. The siu^ Jlivditeh has been guilty of negleet of dn^; famot instruetii% His ebmpany in the compaiiy exereise'^nd evolations, w|«k pariaded bjr bit ol^iftr 11^ t|fr^^^^ Jiij^, last pa«t,^M| ,/■<;'«'■'= V ^^sSiV^-wv^v^if,. *^*i00n- f- 1^ i::$--^>^

ki hu reeeiipifpttirClerk of his eonipanyj without eoneult- ia| the otfaei^|||iliis8ioned dffleers of the said eompany.' ' ^•1^8. Thi^j^ltowditeh Mfi eieaied fiUnm hebiigiikS to "^ .J<M«thaaTiiefcer, Friluieisff;;Bl|^«rdtiiai^ SiiMeon FistadeM^aJlft eori^lfim SUi^^^

defieieney in their tqaiptuSaOt '$t tw^

rwithiv 'the year^^ew last pailf^'^'^''^ ^*^'^-"

U Bowditeh WMguHty of innrtlijii^/un'oM.

egal eoMdnet, in i«eeirid|HN|i|JiQf^pH^s %^

. a eompany training on tfie^ibarklkyof July,

f permitting the iaid jpermns, who di(^ not Belong

By,4o p»rade a»i^Tii(Je( tt^^the j«id 'm^

He JMldBowditeh^M been gdiltjr of iiniiiilitiry and ^ «^ ^ **•«* by making the'lblb^ng false statement, in hit iiBii^letiilni of said eeibp«iiy lultfay last: ¥k.-^e re^ni- ed ChriHfVher Tomer md Itaaelfeedl^^ «i botfljlg' eompletely equipped according tp law, nrhm in Iket the saiM^ Tuni«r^ said Jfeedha* <|!f Mt parade %ith the said eoni-* ptt^Mp||their arms and" equipnenti Were not produced at UMHsi^y inspwaon on tthl ihf Tuesday ef May last?—



4* "^







^ > ^^erefiire the


rj^' tfcat a Court »*


?(^- Gen*be^ ^JT'^^'^of >frc res^^H.^^^'^- ^ *^»



i4^J- .~s


Wing to U,v'

^^gBoiReei'Iitej ||. ^■RdcallaCoitrt.








rteeeivvd *tioaei^«fat- *'«* noiiee

^ ^ "WBeiai *««e»-tiJteeon.

IllK.tOBpuiiea olFtlie wards, wit|tii(|i||hii^ th/^j|> jifterward«^^Nra||^tely,af||^^

^^^]mm''^^^ Cap.

to be iMMrgeil) fni tluU ftjlffnmlliiiii

«^t said ebmpali^ training* ^ Jl

f^i^klThe'said Goodde, botl^aeft'^^

iff^vlNfae Division and ^hile^ngidier jQten^ral, fas

Wit J|li guilty of unnailitary c||d»c^ by 1llB|a% j

ill authority, &e. to officers under him, partic ^

^ lka?N^j$iTen hu| Bri^e Major general oi^n toj^s-

;P|l|i«w^ii«f iiid others, from any yMnteer eorps WwiAn

^^IliPPPpI^^ any applieation of any eojumanding «ffiieer,

vliMiOltfiiat^Mly illegal) thei^by giving the management api

: iSireetioii^if the brigadje, an^ av^n of the division, to persons

who were not at^thorized by law to perform th^ patne.

Vll^^Nfi^ljkir^ has been goilt^ of nhmilitary

' aondvet, uid of WjUfolly injuring and oppressing, persons under

A :his eamapand, an^ even depriviiog the offieer«i4\the bi^i^etij^e

light of ehoosing th^ir grig^Oeiera!, by yithholding>

requert for adise^rge of4NJS||iiltenant Colonel within said

..hrigade|whp,by avisitatif|||H|9, is deprived the ose of

; his reason, and therelqr f^pu|ii^^|a|S^ any longer to hold a

^«|BOiJkmission as Lieutenant Colonel; and to preventing the fill«

»i &ig of an existing vaei^ney in said brigade.-r^And,

jjbv - XiM/y.— The said Goodale, in an unoffieerlike manner, at

IPtod before the jkte meetbg.of the Field Offieeri for the elee-

of a Brigadier Gontral fbr the first brigade, interfered in

eleetidn, ^y undue and^ improper inflaenee, biassed the

of the electors, and used his office as an instrument of

ing and influeneing the voters, so that, by his eleetij

|4|Ut|t9dteontrivanees, ^p^^|||j||ysrading to


ilmi) and iiie^^[aenee thereof the senior offiisec in [e has been superseded, according to the intent of'




% * if






^*T«A W 60OK, *•"'»» of ^*ifei^^^>



J^BSPKK Pop,, **°"'





♦.. 1

t* *t




lri)f I mil will I'-jiiiP'^jpup. " I '^~""''; ^i

-11 #^iWiiffi|iit^^ *rTt ^ .

ioMeeon wnC^lers, t(ie |aid Maj. Opn. £!bi|nSer Gtt^ f '^ to |il^ or ia «ny ^jl^gsf*. MHWr^ heei^ie ^||P,|i^ tbe apeeifications therein

iij of 1lirl|^|||jgJ|^per«i{^«^ was

»«dl inllpP^ Md raeiia|>le to ft ti|p iWEb (4Beial

eqn t^^^fiA JWJgH We J^^ |jjB8tifi«d, f r his pfmno-

"^ - ^^Tcntedi and tJiereapon he prayg the jo^

1 if he 8hal| N Jbeld t|^ plead to the said 0^

"^^ Tothe<iikh^l^d««%Mgeftti1ird feoiid^e for pl»

,^T9.th? mth aVd l9((lM%4LPP»*m th.? .^i^lKl^iglato

TMrdiMbodalo, pMt«a(iag ^t he is sot hoamd kj \m lions «£ikMM4 iiftjyiKi«:diiaMev«|lUfys»t«h, th««|^




■,-. , V

■' •'■ '^i^

f -m: . ^P*






:m/.. .


-*-- ^ '^i. mam


L m






^,1„ - . \ '^<».

k ; Ji




^'t. '.■'




V n












*-' »


/:^:k ■''



/ »


ii&iJ- '


W'i ■-


.""I", PnaJdot. .3 v7 W*« III lIFl'l I


'••la court, and dp Beaanie. .

■*pM^iSS5f^ ^^"^ <*^^ BrfiL. ^



« %


,., T" •«« CO:

•# *


lit ». •#

^SI'^4p?Srf ■■if''' *?s''^'^



r '

**§* Mdl Gen On-a i~ ^^'••"'■■•iKM*^

"'jw*p.o<..j;,.;'^t LISTS'

order «f <liA rt " ■■ '^mf we.

^1 1 I™ "•* ^'•niinajider in Cfcjj^ ^^i^-— ^


*"|H»«W»re„kJ*'.i. . ^ i ^ '




#BM,aat Hiftde kaMm to aay «f tJke

|lM«||Ui^^^^^7 I ^''''f^if^P^''*"**^*^ pr«y|loas to Meh eleetim the elector* l^^wS^f'^:^!^* lUnilm^-^Jhf »«-.r giro. {.

•Juced by mfm^lL

y T»e iateiTO|lt, "*"eBt, On tho which may h*«^>%^ J* orderi iMR«^|r

ipRKk whvUy inromal>Dd.tthfgal-Hie|^

l|^l eleet«ir« Hf lai op^ortun^y of exereiilqg th«> rights «n^*' loil'rdilig to Uw^cMstitnUoii and lawn of the oooi^ '^'

i^^AU wlili^lGIti aad aij^atiofp they are rfady

¥ vJWiBreibra .y<|M^a«nMrk|isti retpe«(ftally refaSb yoar Bxeellen^ to eaii^e dae inmiiihy to be made in th» ^jSibmM,

'aM a'lifw cation, ormeftink for the lameto he had ieeord- ing t^Kaw, '^^Alfilas iifdoijp bband wttl^rer pray, »

Anoo |loy«t> Ui mL Qol Red flu. lit IfL f^ D.


'"ent, at Berry',

''^^ liHliiWed »»iA4irym to whieh offiee fca«





^s^v. '^^j^^

James A#i^-AN,ia|iHMli^.'lit B. J& ». ^ K«fr Art. 1^-


JoHN RvssELi., Mi^m Seg> ^**''^i!liljfl!i hf Hilu 4he 4ir«goiag 11% kft e^p^ of a

twdaat of flie ihmJ iiglhi





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'41' ^'

%f "«v, for M fcii.'tar^!r''L i"*' '*'*«»» to y

!:^'«* prizes, ^S^^«OTS •PpointmeDt of .aM .J 'f""*n«e «f a6,»ft.^SZl ^^^

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tioB»4 it oil noBif«id


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|Pi»g.'Wi8W.||i|^|i|,.)|»,niyp^|i| *^ lMihAirtiJBiild.<lttMi*|^f

i^9l^(^ Amos HoTcy «•■ I. it BrigaJier Gener.1 WftV SSMffiffWS^**"

- r«f the ^--iiiilBlir'^'l v..^.. . ,■..,,,


■'«^i^ '^.





'.%-**^ .*



. "^

Lt Col. BatM JMIWttrte

pi-dered to appeal atfe,^tt,^%^£;" V, the twenty fiflj» ifa/of Mky^xT^'"'^'^'

•"•H«p*iiaia||PH wf-" ~

(■■■^'■' tiv,,. :"■'' ■---11- ! ";

■■'W' »»>;•.■■

copies of the above')»«ter^ « foUowwtfli ta, i81«-^eeoria refii^rt Aprif^B eleet Celonel, and fill »dfeiai4.^T

^^^*' '^^*'^ triM iui4


^■H*'., *


■■ ****;ii, i


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-wf. .t^'

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"■IPfiZ r^f



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' -r ''^*?' *JDaiii6»$f May jmL igiit' "

Oie ehoice i| j^BijgMier General to ffU >fci> 1|yfc^,,in tk«

fi^^BHgft^.tatk«^iM«ndDivMrwk,«e€«iW"*^ "**

tio«, th« l«li lifteen^ Mid Brigade met at .] _

'*****»» <^|^^r^ Aa twenty fifth day-of ll&^i^'^iilr

9^^^ ^iffWml>^' A^ meeting had been f^iJArt, i||>

Divi«leB^pAOp|,Uieeleetor» #%r» tofermSrSttheir'

wtei woalA^ ree^vedf for the ad^ymtDou in %e miniites.

They were ««i«lingly recfeive^rd!p|^^,,% ao^ .^rt-

ing, the whole was found to be eij^teen-Aieeessaiy tit ffMfe6

1*^*" ten,— Lient. Col. Amos Hwe;^ |iad nine Wet,' aid

XteBt,Col. QaTid^ufnamj^adnineT|if^/ ^ reas«naUe tine '

WM Ihen allowed for the d^on to Droeeed to ^e ieeend

baUot, which produeik the «ime r&ril.?*1fcfc%tK^ and

fourth ballot, the votei id e%e|i (Mllot ^iog i^^m^ v«.

nine for eaeh eandidate. ' < * ' , , - - 7


# By Older of £bcne«i!r CpSBUei H^. Gea.

;■::' V^-.'^«|»ig»ed, ^ .JOSBP^W^D^^j|ji|f; Ald^e-eamp.

,#<!»• eop^, atteit» ^p, Cvumm^-mf^^^^ ^w,^,

^^^^^^^^^mm^im^i the 'ei^i«. ;#

^ irtei: Daxl|>utnam to tf Bi^MMten^ml of the fint

*'**««*f^'".'- 'rt'itl.- f .»*.^

"-■^t, " ;(«♦ « i . .^ .







a ■* ''^ ,1



^ ..^lYm#'








Voo are hereby .rdered to anneHi. -# n

h f r^" f *i'"»<r ftM.1., ji^oeiu " *

'^^•vwiMiier, and. that he continued ia law k..i»k jT

1 mont^H that hi- *om»Iai«t. tJT^i^^^^''^''-

*ttin»ii. «■**• ^ ""^S*^ *• •SSitfil* hi.



^ This may t6»^^mi^^Ji^i^ *^^ V**" minutes previous l^iverf i„- *"^t ' ^^"^ **** » ^"^

pwBii After preien1ii«»i»«i{i.^«> it*i^ «7 <!onffliri«nr : Jfirekt i"e*»tenienee W^KS£^^ ?? ** *#-

. , / -

■y ^...

'-•■ \




frj'a (avera in Dan. May next, W ten "S a Brigadier Oen-

'i.- ',*' s*f

Bow^leh #a« io.

>VA^ JaaUgll

health ftr se^^r.

•gain thig •eason,


ta visit Cajit. rlTo hadalbir »%• Ifftuna

y eoniiifer&f^r ii^htpfai||i^r,i >r the present, '^pon it <(#ibi and'iaiiXftr


•<f Y


., Hi--'. '/-^


ir attended Oapt. Eb*

* (Copt.)

. >* "•! ^> ^ «ij?a_ _„ _. ^^

€^«^Bowaiteh in thrfmonti offieiftember Jps^at whiefc tyne he w«f*ick with a^ftV^; art eo^e«itdl|;fehiiiiiba. forwveral weA.. Hi. health has of late beei, Imj infirnu and ha. often ineapaeiteted him Mm attending # ^•''"•i^ ' •ait a^d military eonee^*. ijj^he e^nrse of the f^0r.^

I HKKBBT certify, that' the foregoing is a in^^j^x 9, •^cate w.ne«d to the nroeeetoigs of » Contt^if lli^ ^ Mj^. G«in.^,Goodale;^' ^^f!'^'-^ ^- «'^a«'*^- ^^ iH%^^„,



»<>«o»»a.oldier>eon.eien«,. Kepijt»tio»U4te,|OTi. de*rer than exirtenee, whieh he will gaard with jeijo«ZttA - defe«<lwith lift. Good report i^ wential, eonfide^aM. Titdl t<ihii official being/ A,oWier».,ehar«eter.honldnotoi%.5 %,iWi^'^>»«#f%|!«|t above tHimputalion. N^iwoadJ'

,,and •«#lii«^|iiji||j^^:|i»e|i^th^^^ of h<. honor, and tnumph over error and nial.vab«.e»«

^•SN^«et,'.^th alae^^TmSk,, »wm?Erf 3S5 0Ub^9imnMui of t||ir 4*«ty,ijplii«^ii^^amk^



'^■fwi' y ■"'

vita 'la



'■ .


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* ■":v."^^talj



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fe^^- .

* "^'t



,r -^

:^^J^t^ eo^el^ Anticipate a J„tf.,a i«pa.

«Ie«l. a„.| reduced to the a,.a.dotf. eo«p«a«d •f ^II!^!: v.^'^^'^y- Themilftialat^igktlT;^

<l««Wled Tor the offlee!«^,Malor Oen«^ T;- .T from that rank and .**«„« .^^' ^ '••nnot de«wnd

l^d^^l^ * '***""»''-'"»« the coiiftii„d ef, brigade, *»«W' and^ aniwei. i. a Brigadier Oeiieral If TV , :^«»»«%«'«lWea^i..»eor-eglerfJ^r^Ll : ^«« >.a. the^,„h|ect to ^^X^^^^^

i^d t<r M >J,port«rfity of drffendiLjS^J^ ^•^ Aj jditiflcatioa would hare «lenced ZnTa^^ ^^'■*

^natio.,fe,.'^^.e„t.d «^ e,:::^^"^ ^ii^:^

wWeh e»,^i„M irid. „aievde,,t ambitloa hare ZiTl ««;e^,ideratioB,^f per.oaal ho^oi^d pSliiSt,^^

5 ^«Sl»«(«'f»1»iiMiliiib liiHttiuy dtttiei e»iaioad ^ ' ^?

**«f«tf'»»'*f <5»1A; Jlirf*dlt«^ ftH»|»confldeBee a»I^Zj ttWteafcahMth* *««»»*-#« wconB«eBeeaii*fiMl«gpBeg ^




'• .;

wftiiiBg ife tfVdeir a Cowt.M«rttfi| to irf Ca|^t)^owdit«k fbr fceing doped by the impostum of Jooathaii P. Saimiien and olhert.' What moekery is thiiP^Qat I wiU Bot trouble thd CoBrt-Martlil with eooiBMat^^ tliU«Mt of eharg««;» at €apt. Bowditoh ii Bot bow> «b trial, it it iaiBiaterial what were the oauiei of eomplaiat agaiott hiBi^ ^be law h»d ia- -, ' tratted Bie^tbJBdieial aothority to decide oaHbe aoffieieaey of the ehiiplk. ft that authority haO be^n exer^itid without ftlijf pinifterliBtCBt^ or ooitupt aiotivo, fliiify, inpaftially, aii4 eoDioiOBt(oBaly,I ani without Ikalt. If my optaioB AobM ft8i% be«B erroBCoBo, it hat been hooet^ 'ai^ I mi ao^faoro TetpoBtible for thit exercise of my diM»TetioB, tlua thit eoBrt %i« be Ibr theif judgment iathocpretcBt oaie. ;9ini,k tho »ato^ and d*OtiBy of Biaa, Bot hit erime.

fhe leeoBd apeeiiieattoB it Uke the fint, TaiviBg oaly ia, :^|!airHM''e]i^ressioa of the. tame- ehali^t. t :;:,'< i,-, ;; %^ ' ^^^ ^^"^ »p««ifleatioB aceutes mo of iseoBtitteBey aad diiplMyvlft^,^qB«^li4Hi ^ whieh many doublod. Mid BiMijr diiferid Ijiiyifer eortalB pertont, «who were paid ^ *fc*a*o heea^iteharged fisomUbe Salem Cad«t oompaBy/^le- gaily," eontiniied to be miinber. of that eorpt, or bebagiid to the teTeral standiBg oompai«*t' within whote territorial lim- ^ S^ owreralljr repined. I recommeaded a prateeutiol that ^itte Blight h^iillmitted t* the iBiMtigation of a ooLaeto tnbiiBal, aad b^^A5teHidlwd*^logal aathor^. *.^iL* r

iie«li^ ti^tiboriiaate offietrt. . Af Mgal^

^^tojrftom the lirtt ia eommaBd to ^^vate toldier arraaged aai appointed to e«ery i»^if»iy tyttem^ f^i«jtli»>«f the tfhief ia aathoriti itilllb. inforauag^ iamolt, and direett the motion «f every «( If^ame. Tlieirla^^ it-the en liogmiad. mtirageBOyit

^^t^^ffiFi- > .r^ .;***«• *»«»ltioB.iaH(||iartbrma»oe.

.«.^»ttitt«a ;f»^l4tfct.-; tli*po|pqi»-o|^|^

i'hBiiiei|<llMk»eh8 _ tofmilitaiywa^eKB






'^' -'l^i^t'? '''t^-i c-i.i'^



.< -i


* «

•hould performed by thrSi '"^'' "''"' •'"^

ed with the eaoaelty S!! '" ''*'^''»''* "*» '•««''^ow.

With the klZ,7JZlT''^r "" '^^ '^-'I»«'»-«*.

pfttdi<»g of rt«a*e<i4feJTfcL 1.^ **"'*y •' thtf

-i«e .th. M^rri r^trtnrx

my aimwer. 41thAn.i. .i.-- «"'f wwa, ami deiAaod

1 r,l """»»"«« weir ttneertaio nfttore'*«*il*f«* j-«T^

"7 conduct in th!« n«.4:.»i.. i«^ -t A^ . .T *"" r^«?Pi*l

«.w J \l . ' - «= ■«*i»'»peciii«ation, and ei "7 conduct in thi, particuUr. ^i5^# i^ ^r^^^ t

The**.*: _^«_ ■^j*^'^ '^c '■■■^:;->>> :i3

The tyimo.y«f „.,y Wtl»fc^i^itM4l£ The I.„er .,j».„ ..iu^y, ^ „.«!„. ^.i^Sf**




<^' >'^l


:w .'

63 ' M

««», even in rehti.n to maiSal «ljeeU, .rfttiy «fher ».«,

ireeljr to eipew hi, opiBi6M4ft iMh CMe m ikt Me ilM«rUi.

*we, (0 .B^uenee, V to eontrofttfe eleetw. in thi» dioioe >tf flpgndier GtpenW I^d he eapjoy entri^ie. or th.«rt., did ^entice bjjwea.i«», or indue* by reward-^or intimidnto b, dfin«i...«idl,^pI«etor, and f r,«il with W. to wte for i

*rS^i^'^ ****** ^^'"'"* •"** ""»«»»iif by.^ddttpt of

%, I^Nre, but pot to trial by «Conit-Ma«tial., WMb «^.*en. ,n eivil capacity, » wj|o hii .fi^ fti^nfc and «plleit i„ the .xpro..i*p JS^jTrflLV*^ jr^paMer, an^ he wa. bonnd in honor to remove aw biM

bf a belief ,r Mppowti,n of a opnibination or «o>. JnM>f lo ^Tent the eleetl*^ or M«oneo ih^Vote of O^t 2^ J-ptteh, with whieh the offiei^l relm of the p«S«5 MHn^ele^o^^

^^dei- ,n Chiefi ^a. thyM«etn«l and p^ 4i»eha«ro <h dnty, and ip ,„,^i,e rejf«h.a.ihle. 4 * T

S^^uT^ «y^n^„,„t,^r it> Wriy befo« ih««,^ g^e^to their e«n„deration,^ ^To their candor and Jnouil ^J^e.«,«eo«thiieau«e. U no^^rd for n.y fcibw^&p

Hl.the.ihilkia, inguenoe *!.« J..J»— * -* ^i- *7™™

■Md «li |npartian

^•faty „. eo^^o, *''«JiRn«#«^ ^IhTtriM^ii^S





^iM£'2'■^i&lT^l*£i^l^' i'


affifeSsi^SSiK? > "^ , .».>S4


>' ¥i

* >f

•t : -r '



•ingh ft I



*"^^*^:j^'*^ »\ W*%d to «««« i,to all coin: igai-t officers under hi* eoanband, or at liberty to » or not, aeeording tn hi* own preMure. *^

TrfainaniirWill not eonUnd tWii eoHpanderof »

Aj*retfon, lil^fte bound at th p.ril to use a .ou«*^cre: w ;, r^^"' ^'f^^" '^^ »#oWlged to iet^n complaintli ^!2:^!'* ''" ^ ** """^y *" nej^ict that aeainrt^apt.

w^eftow, «ii4 the ehargebart of amjrWa^ted aature. Thg^uje Capt. BowditeE of partiaUt,^ . violaiiofl of ItSfrf ^-'^''^''f'''^ retumsof hi, eompany.„f op.

tod thw dep^ving flpof imptfrtant priMeie. to whii

■*lW!re entltiyp'V '^*W>'^-'^-"' •'=?--,'■•

^^|5Kthe««gi(|^-^e, there m^Ami^ »

ifttothe truth of ihe ihargesJ-Jtbat would 4»e beeaihe v^rr boimeii of^ftfe ed#t.h* ihbuM hare Called. :Theeharse. o, tk* ftee.->l»y|ii'fi||(grf.4.«,.t i»iportMl jiittt# «| tlJ-




'■f^i-' .«>'/% .








^•f the •riginaj

WW (he.'eoili. reipto dll com- » iU liberty to re.

[>inniancler of a ipon the faeo

t laWtJuaJiS Bouttd iisere:

>n ,eomp|ain|iii a^^Bit Capi iral rek^eta* .rated luaoK. ft violaiioq of np&ajr, of ojp*

vneotn^aiii^, to wbieh tKey


leeirtiSt?^ ,


^•r"™ PMnishment for tth* m!.- j ' jS^EISW'®" MJ «t«.ti., I, u,„j " '■ '!""' •'"ge, U,^

"*.,"- -PwfcSr«u:, :.*: t"? r-

to have' acted on thU comDlainL»i.- 1 " '"' '•"^X

fore him. «••»P«*'«^ which wa. theo reguluHjr be.

But the exenge relied OB by Gen o„«j i .^ 0»|t. Bowditch'. health c!^. n ? *' '" **•" •^**'' «'

^eealledoBhim^Delrh r'"*' "^^'' *'"^* ««-• AobW dial a Court of Ino^r k'. *"*' """^ *"'"™"^'* '"*-' *•

veuie-eeof the ^^^ « toTt^Lro^T IL^ ^"^ ^'*- te-t.ithejM.ith hi. 4 or L^di^r tro''"" P««, called on Capt Boirditeh jf- ^ ' *""^' ** •?" ^P».i>o»rarteh and inquired of hiffl, whether




f '*■


*!^'n ■^n \^%

fi ^'



* "Ik #

C ^ *" afcfojjjititoid a C|g|«f Inquiry, If the ae«,ftit&t guikj qf 4i«^|ige« alJegeFi^aiMt hin, would he not blS^ •lio^ to thinic himtelf unable to sjibmit to a trial? " ^.

I|,appean that Capt. Bf^it^h rnAed i^dela/oa mwmSi of hia healtli, andlE June requested a diseharge. Wao thio conduct of the lespoadent according to mUitary usage? Tfc» complainants apprehend that the regular course would Uva iNsen to hate arrested Papt. Bowditch and i^f^f^d kia of hip command,, and. for the eour^ to have ascertained %ether Wc health would have supported the labor of a triai% tlwjser- tifieates of physicians or surgeons, and to have adjounjjllon Ume to time, if necessary, until he was dSk "^

Gen. Goodale has proved, that he. did call a Court of In- quiry, and therdTore he says he has done his duty. The or- der for this Court of Inquiry appears t6 be dated thirtecftdayn after the complaint agapst himselfl It will be for the court to determine what influence this circumstance might hai^had in inducing the GeAeral to act on the complaint against Capt. >owditch. The complainants also remark-~that the officer* J . ***" composed that Court of Inquiry were not d^taUed from

II *^® '""*"' "eoniing to law and military usage, but were aU

1^1 ^ appointed by Gen. Goodale. uind they had no authority to

give any opinion m the eridenS, w^h seems to be a prinel- - pal object in such cases. A Mi#> ^^»o appointed Presi- dent of the court.

in courts martial the law requires that the President «f a ^vision court-martial "shaU^n no c^e be under the ra^i; of l4t.Col. Commandant,"^ and it is presumed he oughf to hold the same rank on Courfitf Inquiry, for the same reas« W lit; and though the la^t^oes not expressly' require it$ eonrto ■iptial and courts of im,airy are, thcDB considered togeth*, and seem ^ be placed on the same footing. The qoesSn then arises, whether this court was oidered adl holden aeewdl ingly to l^-and if it was not, whether Gen. Goodalfrlip|#fe ellfeet yet iHed on the complaint against Capt Bow^teh.

As to the 8d cljarge, the complaina^ would iriet, oh- ••rve, that they trlit it i. fuUy supported by the testJEsy of




lid he not bill*

eky oa aceounl rge. WMthi* yuMge? Tfc» le would kavo l|K0d kim of hv l4|j|etkep Us


a Court of In. luty. The or- 1 thirteettiayo e for the eoort light baiai>faad against Capt. lait the offieerv d(taUed from , but were all B anthority to » be a prinei« ' •einted Preti-

resident tf a r the rafik, of tngbftol^old B reawmitMl. re i^ eoorts ■ed togethi^y ^he qa«st&B Idea aeowrd- odate^lK awdit^^ '^'


jbb, Mr. Wor«e«er, and others, and shoalU'the esnrt

^ le same opiail*, it is prej|l|d they Mi|i|Ll^ to pro.

nifllee it "degrading, ungentlenSSUice, anduKwlMce eon.

^h charge. It appears b^ «^#i4^e o< CaptainU*ea, body, King, and Webster, that 6<m. vlUe tol# than to«|^ ply to Maj. White, wh^neVer they wSted.^ discharge vf privates from their respective independent companies. Ur, Webb and Mr. Bi^ggs also testify that ©en. Ooodale aeknowl. edged he had given authority to Mttj. White to gradt these

^'!ftP'' '* " *™* **' ^*"'* ^'•»** *e«*»fie» tha^ ^te only gemi order Ge^foodale ever gave him, to his reeoUeetten, W^ when he [OoAWle] was going a journey of several weelta in February, 18^1} and that, he says, directed him to transact tbe general business of the brigade. Now here is evidence of a general order, as extensive as that mentioned in this chaige) •"^»«8k Maj. White never acted under it, that does not ex* euilfQen. Goodale in granting it But there is conclnsi^ye tes- timony on this apint given by L. Saltonstall and Ebepezer Wor. eester, who say they heard Gen. Gbodale testify pid^r oatb before Joseph B. Sprague, Esq. that he could not teU whether particular persons had b^n discharged from'the Sidem.Cadet company, because Maji Wfajte attended to'tAa* butuuss, and that lie had referred Oapt, Swditeh, and also privates to Wni upon that subjeet. \It also appears evidence under the third charge, that Gen>Goodale toM Ebfiaezer Worcester and others that he h«d nover authorized their disehaige from the Cadet company. And it dees not appear that he ever eoffplained of M^. White for dis^hai^g them withont an- Jh»rity. Gen. Oopdide says it was for the eonvenifuce of liese mcwt who wanted their dischaives, and that the iaten. *»» W||, ^ tliey shoQid apply tbrttugh the Briga4e Mi^or toWm, he living in Danvers. But he referred Capt. Webster #||«Av«li to^. White, and also Capt. Peabody, who ». P^ to ^ penonaHy fbr the difcharge of two privates. / T^e manner in whiek these dieeharges ate ewtci^ln ¥nj, *yM^tf»9f^ i$ po proof th«t t^ejr ^ere made by order tf

'\. h






' »■»



tryofth* ^aipk^ge^of ,^1 privatei' from C.p?EL rs""!© be by the OAnAm^'g*' |M>der^!S

< Tl" cmplainw,, «,.,ider Ih. power to di.el.™ privatlj

♦k— Tu ^ " **"""* ••« taeccssary to describe

niSllL ^ ''""P*"^- By ^i« practice, individ,

^ mayj.e oppre„ed, and,eompa„ie« disorganized b; offij-r., who »» not responsible for go doing. ^ '

anHni^NT^'''"*"*' ""'"'* ^••''«»' notice the irremlar m!L A 1 '. ''"'""'"'« *" *"•' "*» explanation. The laJ

'"..p;«r be d...^,;, .i „.*., Vk' add^.3'- «» «.r.i.. f «'.;;"" ?^' " '■"• ■""«*r ••, jifc,

Mgiiter and execute hia orders.

#»»l»ehwT5e. The fcc(. stated in thi. di^il^iSt proved |^R«h,rtIl.n.oa.,lH. Wa. it nTSLi^T^

CI .f ot S7 " ^-^ '' '*" ^"^ ^-^





11^ *

fs, th« Qaptr

by him, wiR.

•c proved, the nmilitary eon*

large private? •er, vested by cftnno||||Mf. cretionWrh* he praeticf^of f to describe in the situa- tice, individ* d by o%grs,

he irregular exercised by The law the Captain srson of the to which he lopportuni. rery impor- tifieers of a ier Qeowal ted by tike ible to t|»^


lira el litary eoa4



\t no dis-

1^' General

v^tl^s peqttest

ea th« <^ei4bV peijonally, ai^

|f the j||-igade, ¥nd the <^iipP||gir otA

•jji^ges sHiaald pass in this brigade until aJEl

WW elected, and then Gei^kloodale ke^t C©ii

nearly two months in his pockefc'^ Did«jkeOTive»atiou'wiA

the Cotnmander in Chief e||eose Oen. Good«|e f<w wfthhotll.

ing Col, Lovett's request so long a tiilie? The eopiplainante

^rehend that he was not bonod to notice aify order not in

writing, that no sneh order can be t^^ least exeape fi||^i«^ttt

doing^is duty, which obliged him to forward Cd^Jevitt^s

i-^jjijMion to the Adjutant General's office. Had he done

this^ would ^Nik^^ done Am dvlty, and the resp«nsihility

wQild have rest^ntircly with the %a^ander in «hlef. i

There must have been some partieular «nd powerful reasons

to have impelled the General to the bonneil Chamber, for it

surely eannot be usual for eommanders ofdi^Hons, when re-

sigijp^ions are offered to them, to wait on the GovdMbr, and ^

quire whether he will grant discharges. Sneh a ^fetom

would open a door for incalculable mischief, ihonl^ there un.

fortunately be a Commander in Chief, who would Connive at

and assist a Major Oieneral in procuring appointnetdk for

fovorite officers. '^^

«th charge. All the ehi4||| made agf^fist Gen. Geeylale, to which the attentiaiof'lthis court has b^ eaUed, at« im- portant, but thisis.oiTtlie highest nature that can be exhibited against a dIMb % an impoMant military eomnttod. It has been objeeted that this charge is not fully and plainly^v subrtavtially atid foi-paily diesecibed,'* as ii^ required in thf (|l(:eliil^i«Nl« iSth article of the pill of Rights of lias. sachtttfi^t'TliiB, it^l be observed, Je part of th« same ». tiele, hk#1ileh i^ is protAed, that ^f ery snbj^t iiall W^ 1 rij^tii he ftlly heard by hfiM^f V'1iMii«pnse( at his de«. tNg" tod yet i^as been decided la all cfoarts'marHal sinee the formation of the Bill of Rights, and correctly decided, th^t a defondajittemMt be beard by M»eennsel before tbe^TtThe whole o#tUs article, it if humbly jiresHmed, refon'piMipa- (jr.ir a«t^r«^> % Ma^ 'm «ir>uts>f kif,''nr ««t >;










isift trie that the

IT ulMtai

Uy aud siiRtantially del... «o AB the nature ffythe. 4

eoarts mAf^ar or mtritimc.

fiot ftiyj I^Jrlaigljr, *

the ch«.g^lt^i, as druch »„ *, tne nature TTf. the, ^K.

•daUt^of, a.»i8.,„ual in military Wplaintg, and ag jmII,

r^Hire.. ToTi«yfl||en more particular would have burthen-

ed the complaint wiTTAIl the partteular acts and ebaverial,,,*

produced la evidence in support of this charge. ,

Thexespoudent is accused ^t "interfering in the election of a Brigadier Goneral," and of "using undue and imprijb influenaj*.ith a dwign to bks the mind, of the voter.," wd thus to effect the election, this is the substance of '^' «nee, and as a consequence, it is statedjg|.the seaii ha* heeo superseded, according to the i Jtof Gen. Goooaio. and general dissaUsfaction and discontent produced. Un&r th« charge the respondent cannot be taken bj surprize-he is suffici«IWy notiaed on what ground he is to meet the com, I^iiants,aiid it was to be^resumed that an offioer in thaiiKh rank «f the respondent, would have been fearless of anMvi, dence that eottld have been brought to support sueh a charire. ; ^.t^^ •"PPorted % the tesUmony that ha. been pL

ir m '*'P"'" ^""^•^ •^*'''*»«<' »^ Captains Pettee. |J.n^«^tearns, Richardson, Lt. Tapley, Lt. Porter, Ensign treston,and othe^^that on t|g|aturday and Sunday previo« to the elecUon^of^rigadier GlTral, (.» May last. Gen. Good- ale called on them i„ Danvers, MiddletoJ a^d Salem, and re- quested them to sign a paper h.^prodoced to thap, promising -7-*^Maj. Flint as Oolong of the «th B^:e'nt, ,tZ would a^humm min4 in the choice of a Brigadier llen«al or .n other words, if be would vote for Col^EgtounMS^ adier GeneraU Gapt jp-Jirft further tej^ife^'SSS^ Whioh aatlttesliim to the fulL.t cre^USM 0^^!^"!! ed him to si,, an ^^g^i^ pfedp^g J.i. u,ard and-3L£* to votefor Maj. Flint a. C.lond-if he won^d vota t^ Putnam a* Brigadier General, teliinghi., 4 U woll E it,aIM|^e -^^^^^^^^l^JJ^t^^ , and they would '^ft it there," Uurt "they Ma«Su^




5- ■■'.:




,..,(. ..-.^ijfe




i^,w •-'^

' %


* li

.^. difat «<UMii^tliS^ld kn^aj. Fliof Tofe Ibr'OoL iipf if ito eould aot see sdti4l[PQg from niiw the «^d» oi| majoXt^ of thjB offieert of the regiino^ t«i|rflew that he ■Iwu^ not 'ie Boperseffiftd n he Toted for Od.,Patnani)" and when the- witness reiufed to sign the pafjlj^ sayings he •hwM he, ashamed of it, the Oeneiml said, «it may be kept a seere|<^ In several eonrersationf Oen. Goodate told Capt. Flint ^t «Col. Putnam Oiould be ehosen;" that <4f some officers •arte Hsrward to vote, he should arrest th^ for facpef hh*' •ond^**. that «if he eould f|et a tie, Dr. KittPed|^j||Pho had gf^flipiuenee w:ith the Gavemor, was to write to kim^r^d Puiham would bSBmissioned;'* that "the officers must have a neeting, and a^rea 'to support Maj. Flint, or shall'lose his vote.'' Hq went after the witness to go to his honsf'^hen Haj. Fiint was there,- and when the witness hesitated. on the w«iy, said, <*if he sees yon hang haek, it is all over, and Put* tlaqiiriU leseliis election.?' Re said also, that '^f CoC }1||- ey's fi-iends were not at the pool at the. time 'anointed, ke s|iouId close it precisely in Ibnr minotes, and they might help themselves if they could;" and at the same time he told Capt. Flint, that <<WiR>re Col. Hbvey's friends he expretfied himself Ikvorably to his election, but was determined Pntnam''skovld « he elected." And tltffi}is^4HlryTeatai|i|» believe kim sin* cere in his determittAtib% not only from kit -eonduct, as we kave stated it, previeus to tke election, but at this time and afterwards^'' The Ibir ^atletings were concluded in fifteen minutes, the report Wte made on the spot, f^he and Col. Vj^j^tnam, a brMherof the candidate f(i>^^Bgadier Gen- fip^, iirai|, to the> CouncU'Chamber with it frorn'Oanvers plains, more than fifteen miles, in less than an hour aiid a half, as he told Col. Jethro Putnam and David T^lkiQs, ^Iplg, that « he had exerted himself as much to nyf^m. pDtnatn's eommission, as he could have done if it were to gain his own salvation!!!'* 1 ' \ '

Does not all Ais amoQlit to'a^improper and iinodlwrlika Jnterferenee in the election, and the use of an undue inflcenee (b birifike aili^i elf the electors? For what did Oen.GoodaIa



*■■■ ■tr



/>«> .

£ 72



rfcpe«jdly vi.it the Co^w?*' ^n <^ejf? Whj rid tfceiiHi regi««ntep the p|||ay and the Sabb, v.,u.tothe'^%? >%^id he relJi. Coip^et

eMiioii ttfwtf IiWLead oltviaitmi.. tl.1^ -

ti^, gl,oul4 he not have 8(u<B^ the li^iik initu,:^ ^ % f'-J^w,ed«eorHi,4^,|#Ha.eS^

aboMt ftnuhe b«*dAiil.,e^rins o^te for a fovork^ ««««,

«ly|fepf from the <jon\ ^

j07«4l'8 request to the pw»[

1SPP«»{»at'^it to Fvobennan-

CoK Lo,»ett¥ itate of*nlfi*to

Ji-event hia voting if he atteiii^ th*

-sr wuse, that the Gpyemw t^llAjn,,

eU^^: t li^ "" *^**^*^ ^ tf^Ms^e, that iiidfe, #J|^. «lH.a^pa,MiU after tli« e»eetio.i^f a Brigadi^K:

3*ilCh^t* t^'^^*^^ of the eleeC tX

VohD^^phamber himwlf, should he not have deUberatlv

^he erfbpla,nant. woulrf sngge«t to the notice of ihe eolrt ^ the Governor^ offiee ^p^ ^^^Mun aftJ^I^ , ^ ha.tyv„.e^ G o.odaIe,a„d thati^tiie ^eantimeUlp nam WM appointed and eon.n.i„ioned. Itisaho^fL wl -peetable^ni^-offieer ha. been ..perBeded/acI^dt^^ o the ' .ntent exp,e..ed b. Gen. doodal. iL^Jol^J^^^^ Gene^ Goodale eontend. that hi. dy motive iXX %n.^ the ^itt.n p.omi.e. of the offieer. to "^te Z^^

' CrLTardl'*"' t" *" ^'^--^^^-^ th.infl„Lvf 3 lnger.oll a^d «fl.er., who had told him there wa. a JLi.- .

te".1' °"': ""i '"'J- •""' "•« »»■"«'- .Ito. •f .f h. ,,W for C,g^..„,.,j^„„y ^.^




. ttdtiiiile't'iiuiii

jif» to Odl. q!l^: '4b4 -/i, pheey «<^«t, and * ire irj^lMiiBo «tM«im»

Capi lagenoj liBt, WM snpenediidtl- «|ff Midil^SailbBM iMTiqg^lieMi VMd ofl l|it|. FllSlip

Did til#|l«ftiiAuit?t eondaat admit aflUfez^UMtioii him^ w<fild he bM liRl^ jM^led on iteaj.1nii tent dwtinij^in d|fBBee, to KH^WIwther ke^^A to BiflueB^e hlni''ln hit Tote? ■' v.*

'4b if it were ttae that otken hail iStenipted WKaiy ef wlridl^im[itmt»|«vtiet^er 'b»««By czeMe tor tbe,)«fefldBet of Gcb^ eireHBttti^ll^ juetiff htm in attetepUi^;' to gaU [i^. Flint m^iM. jPwtoaBi, uRt^f i^mdiBg «i;K or. Mi^ » otteen to vote tot Mi^ Ffiat? i)*r;it^t }e ^otioed thillii|^>« Aint'ipffjk doable opwatMrn^alTeetiog the hvedmn of the elee* i tkwof a Bi%«dier^hHi«raI,aBd^#i#Coli»el who was to ta|»^^ ; afte||rard8 elected. / , ■''fi^'

Bui Gep. Qoodale was aot gnilty i^ this edfcdaet iHSli^m cfAQl^tt*, his shoaldera, his kwottd 1^ his ttde^^^lkMlj^ iMiad of his dlvisiOB} and therefwe lie tttfthn if Mt lial^ (b be tciw^jpur it Nllibce a CoBrt-M«rti«ly heeaBa»-lMii'm)|,ji.ii(>i.|it, ii%'iB''ttlioffl^ial'e«^tt7^ ■^^,^^"«■•■•'' ^'^ ^^' -/.v.^^^'^y':- inc ^ It M thejjiride of «iic4Mi4liiM<Wl^l^^t militia •«' eers^are hut^ eitizen soldiefs. 7h*«f»«^^maiaeie)ni «n to bkBd^,thaj( jMtioBB whieh seem^H be||i| theirf rivato ci^ae* i||Filii^fte^ntI)^||:^^ JylituyidliHmeft. The

plJMi^e 4lore advaBoed wobU lead to gt«at ab»ri%j mid mit#iff^;'. The highest offimees are eoMmitted by offisan wheii llH^i^Jmyia or acting befor^ the f^lie. Soppose ^o C«lr> «l^^ JIhigimmits were lavfoUyv i^filbred J^^eir sap^rioi; #tti^ mi a partieuUr duty; and «|^#i,ii|||d|yM|||^ aot obIj j(ii||W. to^ebey, but eaert^ ||jppB^iil|!ii>P^^ ••fgMrinMUimi.fof'.the iMaiiij|«iT]IM« i^giaflf Jl^^^pp wd li|ilifv^4lill^othor|«g^ while If if hasy ia eiftctint ^ '■liiljliidj'^he.is •oaii^his.pffiplU»^l»p«ity}.'i>Bt ifl|#t lli^ aeittg ift #most impjutoBt iMun|^ ia hn'offle^al ea» iMeity, Mjiil«.lii« i#4*l iBtai^es? And ihvU M<Mi




St', .f






: rywi':



#ncttei •6eti<a cf a pd|Hkeft«d4dat« to «« offiwi^thf ••^'■*^'"W|%P<'«q^ wWwe i». Bae^MriFy\omaiitt«4, when ii»t«e^«irM% lA te ttifokO^ M|Meity. #i» tk»«M* ■^^^mB^^^Q^e only mHswed «.«. ijJIaM. th^ftw «te«lMat%e>n«iiied Bt iJi* •keli•^ when tlMre w^ #P«rtt,rt^fcr Mil to^l»MW|iiii^ wmotiw fo

r4»lwi|^^Si^ted M he mju, hiildiag ii>^|ih»a

iithr wiipi|f|it,iiiiftyaw-w" *^pger wm iMefMt-

f Mliti^.«taiiilet, hc^4r«» a«tiii9 a. •'Ma^^iMDa,

I 1m n«Ue iW hii MBifafat, oahM ^n' offieiP %! th»

tert artifice mj be#|iHjS'«f ll»g«aaTOl«Mj|pa4Mtwlfc




,,j3Tpi^^**^**»*wikf?ii*e in an eketioa bjoaoilMr in Jl*^^'****^* Mtuatio^ i. a Wgh alTeaM. Tha ralw an4 "■•^ •'^«*^« af •ar-fcleatiTe rights, d^nd ebtitaly aa 0ifir-rlkwiiiii.-^)nd^r]iwtty^ Aft iatorfereaae la a viidaitJaB of

the^riiMa^Afrntt tfca^^ola«t.vU^e artHliait tend* Jdettfay

tiit -«aa«aeaa»a|yi,», 1|ipi|§ i, iH^^miUM*- .oldier. aad t.^.

IBUl V ^_,

^•taatt i«4^||» aatilK (m^ ia tbireai^^^

^r^^m^^f/iA, the TOle «f iH^itti^is^l^^^ oMt ta Mat tM ha|« af fewfrd hy baiien «r affiaci it mwA hHtei^yjUi^ol&raf gold. An atteBi]pt t#.,pfo«iil« Toteaip! il^flVrii HiT •«!«• «f tleettre righta, thalf H , ^''<IWIiii|M^ta^i«aeatMf'4i^pen^ MrtiriMMet, imfr^^^ haM in eiM|M^p«a hliHeir.

Tlie eojBdnat a# an oiBifer ia lite k^^li^ hanofahfe nA arthatcapondent, "hanldhevwialild witkj^4|i^l^^ithaii iaacaaarily a great iaAuaaee oa th^ae. and^r immimi.






On the ttfllMt, mneh depc«d« the ehu«^ter of ih« txr^iul^ him, fWim the eoatmander of a cb^pii^y to the Cteneral ef a diyision. 11 is of ^extreme importaaee that hejI^MVit ovM be (Mpeot*^ of dMteiiorable or nniUfl^ Mnl^et^'for it matt- . leisen eonfideneofn him, wai^ tend to inatah^fdiaatiAp Md eigk Aision.^ But if high t^meea againat military iMg^ art^-S^;. law of the Und ate toUbi^diB high oOeen; it wiU fWMft nSflraint from those of i|irior f^k, and the militia willl4 iwitager of general disorganii^atioii. ^"MCj^e there^ k tej^ l|^ dot^ of eoarts martJkl ewefaljy shield t^ jJK*lN|3^ i«dd|p|lil|m Ihhe aeematiotit) yet||^hciMTer the rihii>— yp hibiled have been siifported by evitkttee, hewerei' mpkraMHT Ae tatk, their dotf and their honor oUige4hcA ^^tlg^Sl^i and to i|giet a panishment denaiided (^ the d|enee, WK'm > •hall di^ their disiqiprobatioB of the erioMi'alid deter oU^ln from imitatiaK the {Mmieiom ezaM^. ^ ft « ^r ^ - r'» ~$v^^

^ . BAHUEL BRIMBL£COM[, Lt. (Sol. ftr hi||A»

<^ and is behalf of th»eoipm|UiiMMiia»

' «*>^ ^^ <i>'^8MBS ^ •'ti«0L9»|^ ^lU«tat^ Nidbf BifeiayplniniiHti in tha trial of Mf^. Oca. Goodal«.

)4v :. ' ,



. *■

.■ «1-^ '



f \ V










i,: :^t:^\:^^sM




(• «A« order fw th$ CV


i ..-.' «^


e *lS *' '*■ •■

« Court "^^^mp on Capt Bof9itch wu hol^' pursumi'ft ihi.

^\J^m» alWl the proceedinm immcdSately transtn^d to

but he h«i never made any order iip6if It. U, iqipe^iid

that CfiMi fioi|ri(t«h. In the annual ntum of (isl^Mway,

■eveial prnatea vkh vnty «qu^nient tequired by lawt a(td

Mme peropna t^atified, that tbey had Qftr^r fA/tA or..«qiup|)««l

Ivea aa pirateall s«id GOWDBfiyf

A t^t/ereiuc tP -Em. MtmtmiH WebfsttegthMtrft %% and 9. «

4lh |u|fF'||lt], tht Cac(it« eomfany was oidere^ to meet "to cele-

th^|f^on<lIndepend(nce,V meaning^ to perfofti eacort di^ty for a

locntie woi^easioii. .iThe federalistt of the town alio celebnoed the


^7, and had «|||||p»idiDn, at wMcb several ofthe padet company viah- ^iilifi) frf^^^-^SiT^ i^'i-Tt^r ilH nut mrnijrii rfni^ilj .iijjijlx.^'J.. im. ne^atdy after, Ci^it. Bo^ush, wtead of 4>o*«ou<^ ttii> fb^a^he fer abienee, of bu own authi|(^p||iui|^p^^ f'^.tbe company,

and applied t<>, Bd^. Maj. WhitjB to^Jhl^i^ the otliera Ifacj^rgedi which

«M doM ''''*' JUUBHOI' '''^j^'" '" '^'¥!**"^ *"* '^y 1*^1 <:•*»«■ C*pt* Bowditi^lJkn inffl^|i>,th«^a|H«ii|r«%bie atandu||com|^«, that thoie.)iiietidk weM Jio longer me^ibera ofibel^ukt compaiqci amUliay rer« ^^jHed iA^ia^mi withfii '«»M*'Umtta the|^^ gerenlly teiAd-



4^ ■"-




'^Mfpbyc.on ^dh ti^»t «»«ider«d,fW«< dited tkir.

before the ord^ # Gen. (illiiU 1^ the Comtfof Inqujiy xm

Bowdi^^ <|wy|t(t^lljlil to jltvc 4<>ichen«d the GeMnO,

■■■".*■■ ♦■;■*'■■•- ,





1 ; '.







iro»nikr in CHicf, it U not published by authority;

*)re tl» Comm^mkr in Chief, it W not publwhea oy auuiomy; but haabecn iSUea, with the rcm4rk. p^ctding a^ foHowing it, for the in«r« tmmX ipformaUoB of ^e public "po" tl» *'»o'« tu^ject of compUint.l

. * *' * . -* •]••'.,

y d«»pitlo^tteiU|(b of A«4eadenW democracy »o piace tket^imf

it, ««er (A« maj«llity ex|l««tod during the last year as weU to the «Mf/f«a •tatothe'4l||jl'«iMioni»'1!|*^-.,, * ' 1 '

' "aHB>e/«» «l««'i«'" ^^^ th#Tac«icy of ^Qga^ was ordeM bjj <^. « 2P^. to J»e h«lden owOd April; Goodale presided, and^ltfed|^t- "-^ ' "sAJed. This el^iptioot agfupst which a protestwas inimedia»lyilodjf- fieofficei^the Adjutant Geiicf!!^, waseyenby Gov. Gerj|||feclar

. ,. ,,•.-■1. .,, -^

«^ 4rr^gular ««l^|pii , Still however th«» democrats did not ^m' •»*" carrying PutnaS^ another trial. Top thc|«»U knew that ^9^*^ <»- their M||< Gov. Gerry and Gen. Gocy^ale:— tie only difficidty td^ricounUr that the majority nf xleetort via*, ^aiiut tKem. This hot^^t they


was tf

thought wpuld not be p insuperab\^ .obsuclci for by orderii||p ond elecUclj^Vore the Ntum of |^aj. Fairfield, one of the

* known to beWMsed to i>utnani, ani*= befoare^ the vacancy of GdL <' abould be fil(PB|nd esp«cially by corrupting and. bribing Ma|.

proved to' tl>c^^||^ingpag«s) no dc^lbt.was enterttifawd by that they 8houIdjH|ed; and tliey'diainioceed!

On ^ 3d^4P^iR:ei^.th« plan of the campaign had been

^' den. Goodale ord6icitbig|||^onto bS heldonthe 35th Bfjiy. :;l4iaiedi

atel/ t;»e friends of QoL V^m *PI^J«d fot hi* discharge^ knowili^ there

was am|fte time to fiU^lhe vs^cyi %m the Genend oba^nately Refused

to permit Col. Lovett's aro^cation to be sent to.^e office of tfie Adjutant

Qd^M. ^Hgin^A^t {^ G^netal] had c«)nWrse^«ith povj Gerry,

# and that pov. Geriy hi4 diiisrted him to permit no r«£|[natioi»s, until

** qfier tke%etiM. TiA vi|lAu««esin,the/|MReg. wre fil^mm^iately,

# as here tli*y expi^^ in theif |hift. ,»|rho j^Mi P^^f^**

' ^- l^re an)iM»>#4|>tain l^s cUscharge. and actil4fymade«^ the con- .«.

. dttct of Gen. Qooii^directly to C|o«r. Geny. «aA j)odg«l|^<»|» ip the '

||< . Adjutant G«iJiyra 1tlE^>--the Govemoe howiejtor *ij^frfeifln>Me. a«d

f*»# i»«6Me*to int«ri|»»j^»6 i|||.(lhes^!i|9BrincipM ""*«S^PF# '■» ^^

t ) seteme4iiidoi^t*enty.fifthof Mayi(the day ol«w A||:«lertion)

# the vote* w*ns equlril): d|»id#i|t^^ Thia h^bwf fcreseen %& #«<9 lAosenu^ 0e^8uliM:rifaidVtil«WW!>g PROTEST. w(io|rth«T

' hrt act^gifcprepared *«f*r« tlie3f#lt»ni«a«ifr*lecaQn:--. -


■m *#




JB. *■■


fe... *"*'■''

t.%* I

*?¥ ' -i-


% .




; I* ", !




m»ll.»d k-.l""'*™^ ""•"^ «"»»»< U".""^

•♦ » imte Ihe cm rf . „fc_: .""«'"»« •""Iwi.iiHl now «»™ fc d»Ue. of hi. ..Id ili<..lZ:JI?^ "? '"""-P"* •» ■»-

In fact I

Inff Oca


\ Lofcttl

yoferkx Lorittt,





■•* »





•'V*^ #^










"If, I

wdSdOiv. o^ Goodale, fliqf ««> coqunand^. « Dawrign'«ii of Brigadier',. . [liMinpttravIl ^ ime «imI plao»'^» lid CMiicen»1^

sn TOted tSe. Major GeiM. cA«iar of Mi4

JonttluBil.: *«d t>ri|rtde, use and cz* «fl( iuid now Ulsaidtima f !tei^toper< un; of laid t^nf ahicid >t he mi^^t written re- l|ilBin wrf. "idDWf* .(

ly •olijjhed -

wetttothi' vettroigjt^ Mrioaa to "'^ sriyrefin, Mflirion:^ >-:¥ oof thwe- -*. ■' IfeonMlrta




«>>«i^-j|m«ui<; ^if^Slbpity ami><i|g|><tM»'l^ Lt Col. Loutt ^ in fact ai)4 lb tb#Vii* •eaning ^f the Jaw civate a xiattmtf in aaid )>riff- ' •de,!«nd lifiMAelectioQ wtui thbcfoiii JoMq^in violation /)f the ataitd- %iff Gcnwnir 0>d«ib <A«« m <(&«^ thattkt MIft m$iMlft*atMeim anJU-

' •■"•:,, '"'^ _ - " *■»

to procure ki$ dUcliarge^

ekction, tkM^l^tim»0f

miitnftfrttut iitarfr.*'' '■ ' W^Pi^ -4 "".*'" ^V'^W'tv**' "*

cei aad.fitf the remona afbifeaaid, to eiftoti tb»-

> - ; '^ .■■■■.

Biigkdier General, ia npt according to tbe^truo jif.the Iwr.a ii0^tt,'1^rtfmitdM«i<Xy*ci^^'. ^,,* |ipi»' IffVnrSi^ai deeply impretsod vith the itn{;;»ti|D«!9 '. j^fifOMiilf hinpn&y in H^. militia, «id dcsinwa {h«|aUekctio«iO(^i>f.

yriinr Ix^iAcgr t* q|iui!f% vacancyi ercated ^r 0>«i«ri|pMtia Lofiitt, toliefill«|3bMaMJ«(ir{No«#« 9^$l^>' ^^* '

. ^ it \ * }>A»II|| KAms* M-J. Mst-BriteSd 1





hadiwn datfiwdlgt Gen. Goodale who preBd^d, crfriedjti? «f«o«c^ of tlw Adjiitailltitan«|a^>y C^»L Brimbtecom, who testified on ij^^lil,


' '". k





-4- -

. #■■



thitt he uoM Gil. ^Ocomh md l^ley Pu&am in B6aton. rode with tiiejpeeji of couriew whe%carrying newa vtj direct^ tt>li|pth#fr friends at the CoimcUChainl^^ <6oT. Gerry,|mlfiuit ^^w^^of oflM* th^y »»ifet» <»ni^i||#non il)i|^(%JI^TU^ u iiimih*





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Ftttnan. and his hnMilii''0bnfMity'fviiuu^

^ * -"' Chunbcr, where from the hi^of tioMS^errf^ Sedtij^. Hoauns, tl** it^^;^^^

received the «oMiiissi9iri they t1|ence wentte the oStWo^^ Adjjjj^l ' -'" i»Cenetal, who adminutered the oath to (now) den. Da^d Putnam. ^ >


'. . U, ' %^« ' "* '*"* ^''** ■*"'•'* ^^"^7* E«q. the BeniorCblooel in the B)^»de



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ar**^^ ''*^ served nBMiymw in the Hevol^onaTy Watu-and who4 |

character is highly tespectabfe^ BUperscded! ^ .*w* ' il

f ^ \Br%*di^ General David Putnam and his Brigade' Migor,'*l>ainMi -W^*,

Cuii^ming]^ Hre indebted for their pfomotioff^jlpii|, ^ttjki^ iji Ji Wkll*' ^

disbdiiorai^i means unfolded in the preeeding^^^^^^ £e wnM^^ ' tent ^th the A»iw/of va soldier or the integrip of ^(^Hk'ii'f h^ *y « sv fcrce dnd in despite of the majmity, ^cet thus obeu2IW6en. Goodidc -^^ ' " ,^ s'" Jias efendedt-^vl he has tuffereit-4ba bu||der by which they ascteiti,^^ I

^^ has bni&eh and is kicked away. And n«w, reader, whjit in truth%M|p " ' '|l'^7

be the^^«whidi agitate their breavtsi whenever th^^'bi^idf^ J| ,

ifx their m)||itaryoT^ment8 to parade in preaence of ^fm^ tttHtmHiMl' H . ;^

.. "^ *'^ '^'**"y ''^ '^^ elpvatMO will ncnrer ^ efEMMK f ^ ' ' ' ;' " I * v:^


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