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Tho history of botanical progress in tho 18th century dosed with the memorable work of the elder Michaux. It was therefore peculiarly fitting that the beginning of the 19th century should see his iniportanV contributions to tho botany of this continent essentially continued by his son, Fran^'ois AndnS who made a distinct advance upon the work thus admirably laid down, in his North American Sylva. a work which, until tho last few years, has stood unrivalled, and which has i)laced tho author's name liigh in the list of eminent botanists. Following close upon the labours of tho elder .Michaux there came one whose dee[) interest in the flora of this region had been aroused by essentially the same iiiHuoucos that led his predecessors, Kalm and Michaux, to undertake a labour which at that time was fraught with enormous ditfioultios, and which, while it seemed to greatly enrich tho science thoy loved so well, and for which they endured so much, brought to them no gain beyond tho reward which springs from the consciousness of a duty nobly conceived and as nobly discharged, and tho enduring upprobution of their fellowmon. I refer particulai-ly to one whose work was one of tho most important elements in the progress of botany in the early part of this century, not only in Canada, but also in tho United States, and the close of whose life of toil and sullering among strangers was invested with a pathetic element which yet makes the place of his death and burial of more than ordinary interest to those who cultivate the science of plant life. Frederick Pui-sh was born at Grossenhayn, Saxony, in ITI^. md educated at Dresden.' In his account of the motives which led him to undertake his memorable work, he says : " Among the numerous useful and interesting objects of natural history discovered in the vast extent of the new continent, none claim ' For assistance ri-ccived in tlie preparation of this paper, I desire to record my ol)llKations to Prof. Jolm Macoun and Dr. J. G. Bourinot, of Ottawa- Mr Harry Piers and Dr. A. H. MacKay, of Halifax; Mr. Joiin M. Swain, of Prince Kdward Island ; Mr. G. U. Hay, of Si. Jolin, N.U. ; l'Abl)e, of t^uebec • Prof W J Fowler, of Queen's College, Kingston; Mr. A. Alexander, of Hamilton Ont • Prof" L. W. Bailey, Fredericton, N.B. ; Rev. Moses Harvsy, St. Johns, Newfoundland • Rev. F. W. Vrooni, Kinn's College, Windsor, N.S. ; Dr. T. J. W. Burges-s and Mr' H. Mott, of Montreal. ^ Mr. James in the Journal of a Botanical Excursion, says he was born at Tobolsk, Siberia, but as he gives no authority for this statement, and as I have been unable to confirm it. I have adopted the data given by Pritzcl as the more trust- worthy. (Pritz. Thes. Hot. Lit,, 1H72, 2iVJ.» 4 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA our attention in a higher degree than the vegetable productions of Noi-th America. Her forests produce an endless variety of useful and stately timber trees ; her woods and hedges the most ornamental of flowering shrubs, so much admired in our pleasure grounds ; and her fields and meadows a number of exceedingly handsome and singular flowers (many of them possessing valuable medicinal virtues) ditt'erent from those of other countries. All these are more or less capable of being adapted to a Burop. an climate, and the greater part of easy cultivation and quick growth ; which circumstances have given them, with much propriety, the firet rank in ornamental gardening." " A countiy so highly abundant in all the objects of my favourite pursuits, excited in me, at an early period of life, a strong desire to visit it, and to observe in their natural soil and climate, the plants which I then knew ; and to make such discoveries as circumstances might throw in my way. This plan I carried into execution in the year 17lt9." ' With the exception of his immediate predecessoi-s, no botanist had accomplished more than Pursh to make the vegetation of Canada known, and since his time, very few have contributed in so important a degree to the enlargement of Canadian botanical science. Apart from his pub- lished Flora, the principal insight into his work in America is to bo gained from his journal,^' which was found among papers accompanying the iierbarium of Dr. J. S. Barton when it was transferred to the custody of the American Philosophical Society of Philadelphia. This manuscript was later published by the society under the editorship of Mr. T. P. James, but unfortunately, it does not deal with that part of Puish's work which was continued into and ended in Canada. Nevertheless, this record must always have a high degree of interest and value for Canadians as for other botanists, not only because of the valuable notes it contains, but because it gives a clear insight into the man's character and shows him to have been possessed of indomitable pei-severance, pursuing his work amid all the harassing discouragements of very limited means which, on one occasion, necessitated the sale of his gun, and borne down by bad health which, on more than one occasion threatened to abruptly terminate his useful work. Amid difficulties which would have forced most men to turn their thoughts and energies in other directions, he preserved a hopeful confidence in his work, which proved the mainstay of all his labours. His entire explorations were made on foot. Leaving the United States after about twelve years of hard and useful work, he visited the "West Indies and thence proceeded to i)ngland where he completed the two volume work by which he is known. This done, he sailed for Canada where ho spent the remaining years of his life ill an effort to prepare a Canadian flora. He made extensive collections, ' Flora Americas Septentrionalis, I. v. » Journ. of Bot. ExcurslonH ; Phila. 1807 Flora Amer. Sept., 1814, 1., vlil. [PKNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY chiefly through the province of Quebec, but all the material thus accumu- lated was subsequently destroyed by tire before it could be ])ut into suit- able form for publication, so that we have absolutely no record of hifJ work here. Pursh was not a voluminous writer. His energies appear rather to have been entirely exhausted in laborious field work to which ho devoted 80 much of his time, in the preparation of his North Araeiican Flora and in contending with his physical infirmities. Ilis onlj- other publication was his Hortus Oliviencis, a small work of seventy-two pages published • in 181."). After a labour of only twenty-one years, Pursh died at Montreal on the I ith July, 1820, "so destitute of means that the expenses of his burial and other outlays wore defrayed by his friends." " lie was interred in the old cemetery on Papineau Road." There his remains lay until 1857, when the facts becoming known to Dr. James Barnston and other members of the Hotanical Society of Montreal, an ertbrt was made to secure their transfer to a more fitting resting place in Mount Eoyal Cemeterj'. This M-as accomplished onlj' in part, and for twenty years all that remained of Pursh, lay buried in one of the ceme- tery vaults,' a failure in the realisation of the original intention which was caused by the death of Dr. Barnston early in the spring of 1858, although some thirtj'-five dollars had already been subscribed toward the co.-5t of a suitable monument. In 1877 attention was once more drawn to the matter through the instrumentality of those who had been associated with the earlier attempt, and this time more strenuous etlbrts were made, not only to secure a suitable resting place, but to provide a monument as well.'' > In the Daily Witness of JuneVtli, 1877, an editorial directs attention to this great neglect, wliile an article in the same is^ue draws attention to the renewed ellbrts then being made, and gives in full, a sketch of the life of Pursh prepared twenty years previously by Dr. liarnston. 2 An examination of some of 'le original documents connected with these efforts, kindly placed in my hand^* ' ., ir William Dawson, who was president of the Botanical Society at that time, shjws that the original subscribers to the monu- ment fund in 1857, included J. \V. Dawson (afterwards Sir William Dawson), Dr. Storry Hunt, George Shepherd, James Barnston, John G. Barnston, William Work- man, Jr., and Rev. A. F. Kemp, all of whom contributed in equal amounts of one pound each. The committee entrusted with the responsibility of raising the neces- sary fundt, consisted of Dr. Barnston and Mr. Shepherd. They issued the following circular, which may prove of interest, as showing the actual progress ^-'ade up to the time of Dr. Barnston's death ; " Circular of the Botanical Society of Montreal, relative to a monument in mem- ory of Frederic E. Pursh, the celebrated botanist. '■ MoNTREAi,, Canada East, January, 1H57. " In the of last spring the Botanical Society of Montreal became aware that Baron Pursh, the celebrated botanist, died in this city in 1820 and was interred in the old burying ground on Papineau Road. The society immediately felt its 6 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Through the aid of the Natural History Society of Montr„«] .v was acco.p,i,shed, the trustees of the Mount VXetryi contr,buUng a lot .n a retired and beautiful portion of the cemotTrv LIT ^'*'7r^^-«'«"« ^-«"tist .• Pu..h was the last of that "terlst ng g oup of botauK-al explore., who. gaining a conception of ou flora from the specimens transplanted to the pardons of the Old Worir^-V? to extend their knowledge by a more intimate and pl^i Je^ ^rt o1 of such a great wealth of vegetation on its own ground and whoT K not only laid the foundations for the deveiopn.ett t't ItiAlnJ on th,s continent, but placed all future botaiists under obg^t'ns which they have been proud to acknowledge. To them our tribuSs ot ' ,^t the w^o"l of ;'V",;!7^*'^>' local events of the period distinguished by ne^hbouihood. Dr. Holmes was an enthusiastic botanist an •lrdcn^ colloctor.and a pioneer in the botanical .vork of this century iVu h.s studies of the flora of Montreal about I82I, . ^Snu ^ Sm" ^z::'^'Zlu u ^ '''' ^' !;'^ '^^"-^"^ ^ -^"'^^ «^ ^^^^ i.icultyof McGill University-that is to .say, 1820 is the earliest« appeanng in his herbarium, while the latest date is 1825, t g e le Holmel '"^ ''''" '""' '" *'" y'-^' 1821 and 1822. Dr Ilomes became connected with McGill Univei-sity in 1824, and in 184' tt rcu.; o? Z-T"^':' f ^ .''''- ^^ ^^^^'^^ - -""-^-'- -^^t in isi !i ^^f" J--'^^- "•« herbarium was presented to the university m 1856 and constituted the nucleus of that now large and rapidlyl ow l!lii:f!!:!!!i:!2!i^^ years nil ^Zs the erection of rmonumpnf^ V'."^" ''"'^' ^° '"'^''^^ '"' adequate sum of mon;y for ^:::::tr:s^?f ^«^- -« -^-^ <« ■- -.• .r :r "^l;:::::^ Fhkderick Pursh, Obt. 1820, vEt. 40. Breci'kd bv 5ilmbkbs of the Natural History Society Of Montreal, 1878. Can. Nat. N. Ser., ix., 187. M..1 [PBNHALLOw] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 7 are in an excellent state of pi-eservation, and well repre -,i our local flora. According to a catalogue prepared by Dr. Barnston, who suc- ceeded Dr. Papineau as professor of botany in McGill University in 1857 there ai-o in ail about 520 species of spermatophytes and pteridop bytes'. An inspection of this catalogue reveals many features of great hisiorical interest, di8clor,ing as it does, very striking changes not only in the flora of Montreal but in the growth of the city as well, together with the complete obliteration of localities which must have been remarkable for their vegetation. Among those of whom there is but scant record, but whose unassum- ing work is deserving of notice, is the name of Titus Smith, of Halifax I'rora accessible accounts, it would seem that when a nmuli boy. Smith displayed a taste for languages, and an intellectual capacity far beyond his years. The presentation of the works of Linnfpus to his father by Governor John Wentworth, seems to have been the probable source of his taste for botanical science, which, from all accounts of him, he ap- pears to have cultivated to some purpose. Mr. Smith enjoyed a veiy high local reputation, and although he was engaged in much work of a scientific nature, his very retiring disposition seems to have prevented him from publishing in the scientific journals of the day. Such contri- butions from his pen as were published always appeared without any signature in local papers. In 1801 he was instructed by the governor of the province to make a tour of the forest lands of Nova Scotia, and to prepare a report on the soil, situation of the lands, the species, quality and size of the timber, and also to make remarks on such objects of natural history as he considered of sufficient importance. The journal of this survey is preserved among the archives of Nova Scotia, and forms a thick folio volume. It contains a vast amount of information, particu- larly relating to the botany of the districts examined. The manuscript journal of another part of Smith's tour of the province, is preserved in Uie form of a well filled note book among the book, bequeathed to the Nova Scotia Hi..torical Society by the late Dr. T. B. Akins, and so far as at present known, none of this material has ever been published. For a period of about forty years, or until about 1842, Mr Smith's time was chiefly spent in making surveys of various parts of the pro- vince, so that ho came to acquire a remarkably accurate knowledge ot the natural history of the country, and for this he was noted. That his botanical knowledge was scientific and accurate, would seem to bo im- plied by the fact that among his correspondents he counted Dr Graham of Edinburgh, F. Andrd Michaux, J. C. Leredon, and others who wer^ authorities in their day. And yet it is a singular fact that his name has been completely forgotten. It docs not appear in any of the usual lists and nowhere have I met with it in the descriptive works bearing on the flora of this continent. Hooker makes no mention of him in his Flora 8 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Boreali, and we are brought to the concluaion that ho belongs to that largo number of early botanists who did most excellent work, but of whom there was no special record, and the remembrance of whom has disappeared with the generation to which they belonged. Murdoch says of Smith that he was " Eomarkable for the vast and varied information he acquired in botany, natural history, etc. With a familiar knowledge of most that nature and books could teach an inquir- ing mind he united the unfeigned simplicity and kindness that rendered him an agreeable visitor as well in the families of our citizens as in the cottages of the most humble." ' To these early years of the century belongs also the work of John Goldie. Oui- former knowledge of the work of this botanist has been recently enlarged by the publication of his diary for 181!) » by his son James Goldio, of Guelph, Ontario, to whom 1 am indebted for a copy. Unfortunately this record, although of great interest and value, does not contain very numy notes on the ])lants of the districts visited, but the preface contains interesting information respecting Mr. Goldio's work. Mr. Gohlie's earliest ])rofcssional experience was in connection with the liotanic Gardens at Glasgow where, as a fellow-student ho became acquainted with David Douglas, afterwards so well known in connection with the botany of the western portion of Canada. Later he was selected as the Government Botanist to ihe ill-fated Congo Expedition, but at the last moment was fortunately replaced through jiolitical influence. In 1817, at the instance of Mr. William Hooker (afterwards Sir Wm.), ho sailed for America, whoro he spent two years in botanical exj)loration8. During this time he made throe separate shipments of plants to England, but none of these specimens were ever heard from again, and thus were the fruits of his labours destroyed. It was during this period that ho discovered and described the fern (Aspidium Gokiianum) which Hooker named after him, and the original description of which, together with an excellent figure, is appended to the diary. Later Mr. Goldie collected lor the St. Tetersburg Gardens and was enabled to send nuvny rare i)Iant8 to England. During a second visit to Russia in 18H0, he travelled extensively in Siberia. In 1844 he removed to Canada where he took up permanent residence, since which time he appears to have rolinquished his interest in active botanical work. From the time of the last published works of Tui-sh until 18;}(), in all about fifteen years, was a period distinguished by remarkable activity in Arctic oxi)l.)nition, beginning with the expedition of Barrow and ending with I'ariy. It was within this short period that the expeditions of rranklin, Ross and Kichardson, of Becchy, Scoresby and Ross and I'ariy > HlHt. Nov. Scotia, III., 220. ■-Dairy of n Journoy (hrouKli Upper C^anada and some of the New EiiKland StiitcB, IHIK ; Toronto, Win. Tyrrell & Co., 1807. •{.^r-'f'^T [PHNHALLow] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 9 wore accomplLslu'd, and to them we chiefly owe our early knowledge of Arctic vegetation. The !.crge amount of material gathered by these expe- ditions stimulated great scientitic activity, and for the tirst time the names of W. J. and J. 1). Hooker, as also of Robert Brown, became permanently connected with the history of Canadian Botany. In 1824, David Douglas, whose name survives in our well known Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga Douglasii) undertook a journey to the Northwest, and later to other parts of British ^orth American possessions, a work which was destined to leave a marked impress upon the botany of the country. In 1829, Bachelot de la Pylaie issued a work detailing the results of his observations ujjon the flora of Newfoundland and the adjacent islands, and to him we owe the tirst record of the occurrence of Calluna vulgaris in America. Within the same period there was a somewhat remarkable advance in botanical science in the United Sta'es, the result of which was an important influence upon the progress ■ the science in Canada. In 1817 Amos Katon issued the tirst manual (,. jtany for North America, and in 1H18 Nuttall published his Genera of North Anieiican Plants, to bo followed in lH4'2 by his im})ortant supplement to the work of the younger 3Iichaux on the North American Sylva. The year 1820 witnessed the issue of that notable work on the flora of North America by W. P. Barton, and this was almost immediately followed by important contri- butions Irom Dr. John Torrey on questions relating to the flora of the Great Lakes and the ui)|)er waters of the MississipjH, while in I8J6 Schweinitz produced a monogra])h on the North American species of the genus Carex, accompanied in the same year by an account of his exi)etli- tion to the source of the St. Peter's Eiver, Lake Winnipeg and Lake of the Woods. Following the expedition of Parry in 1328, tliero was a period of comparative inactivity, during wliich but little real progress appears to have been made— a i)eriod which was also one of comparative inactivity among American botanists. During the twenty years from 1880 to 1850, not a single Canadian botanist of note appeared, and it is to foreign botanists that we are wholly indebted for such advances as wei-e made during that time. It was within this period that Katinesque issued his Now Flora and Hotany of North America, and that Torrey and (iray l)rought out the fli-st i)art of their Flora of North America. In 1846 Tuckermann'8 first Enumeration of Norlli American Lichens appeared, to bo followed in rajnd succession by other works of the same kind, while in 1847 Siillivant i)ublished his first Contributions to the Bryology imd Ilopaticology oi North America. All of these contributions, wliilJ deal- ing with the various subjects from the standpoint of the American botanist, wore destined to produce a profound imjireesion on Canadian botany, and it yet remains true that wo aro oven now dependent upon 10 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA these works and their successors— more particularly those dealing with the mosses and lichens— for our general knowledge of the plants with which they deal. This period was, nevertheless, notable for two events of more than ordinary significance. In 183b-, the resuKs already reached by Arctic exploration were then enlarged by the observations and collections ob- tained during the expedition of Sir George Back to the mouth of the Great Fish Itiver. In these results we observe for the first time a serious attempt to extend the botanical work beyond the mere collection of plants, and in his pluenological observations, especially those relating to the temperature of trees, Sir George Back indicated some of the more im- portant directions in which such scientific work should be prosecuted. In 1840 the Flora iJorcali Americana made its ap]»earance In this very important work Sir William Hooker presented a complete summary ot all the results derived li-om the numerous Arctic and other explora- tions which had taken place during the preceding thirty years. It was, tlieivfure, at that time, a complete summary of our knowledge of the Canadian flora, and it represents for that time what has been accom- plished more recently in a more extended, though dill'erent way, by Macoun's Catalogue. It is, in fact, one of the most important ol the few landmarks which indicate the various stops in the progress of Canadian botan}'. With the cxcej)ii()M of Hooker and B^ick, this period is notable for tne absence of local work an and more particularly in his Flora which was issued as a joint work with Dr. (fray, he added very materially to our knowledge, (iiay, who was later to exert an important infiuence upon (Canadian botany through his numerous publications, was.during this period, brought into close Hymi)athy with .cientific progress in Canada not only through his joint work with Torrey, but through his later publication of tho Genera of North American Plants. To Tuckermann we are indebted for the first and most complete 8tu- iH bein^. done by KindbeS Til J'^'»*''«' '^"d within recent years B.ToIo,.y,.,ands'a«7;:S,f :,:?""-t ""1 I-'-taicing woi in Hlway. secure ,o hi.a a e n „enM '""'"'' '^'^""'^ ^«' '^"^ must ^'- -non, those of th Tt "st ^ "T ' '"'"''T '"'"'•^^•^' ''^ '^ "I'on which these studies were hLod r . ' '■''■^' '"^'""^'^' collections ilerbariu.n of" Jlarv^u-d Univl^"" ' "" """""' ^'""^ "' ^^" ti>o ^:Hc:r;ii;z;:^r;;:;: ;i;r r ^":r ■ ^^"'^^■"^- ""'•'-• ^- described by 8ir William (ooKr '. ^ '"' ""'^ ""'^''■^' ^^^''^ ^'•'i^fly accumulate;! durin, a Zul^:;'L~T:'''' '"'^ ^'•^^"""' iorm the basis of the ,rm«f • 7 i\vcnt>-ti\.. yeai-s, was at louirth to which hadyet a; ,:::rr ^^^i^vtuT'- '^ ^"''""^''"' ^^-^^ Flora lioreali orVhe bof.nv of th 1^ ! "^•"'^^'- '««"^d his well known wo are inforn.ed by , 1 lit,; , t! l"' r'"'"" '""'^ "*" '^'•"■«'' ^^"-■'ica. A. woHhy,,.oducnonl:^''^ru;^^^^^^ oxpeditionsof Sir John 1uler "circumstances of n hn l" i ^■'';"'^'''»" "'>^i ^'^I''- l^nunmond avoidable circu„.sta,,c.lZf ;''!'. '•' ''"■'^'"'' ""' ^'""^'-•- ^'-- 'i">o.aneven,J.owever S s' .^■•^ accumulation ^f new m'a e 1 , 'T"''' ''' "^'^■""' W «ince the I'"...Was. Mr. Tohuie I, ) ' '^?:^';'"'^'''^^' ^'•-" "- collections of M,-, -'-y ad.litional spc ie ml. h ttT '"'''"^•'' "'" ^'^■^^'•'"^'-' «*• attained tinallvnecessita dMuonsums which the work thus < Wptogams oi :,^r ft Zif r • "' ;:;"^'""-^-" ^'- -'-.e Of tho dc.n,uo„s_of ...ants .:.:::;;:::;; ,::;:;;;i'-' -^ '- ^^^ «-'-<- or ex,.lain^*;y*«^';^;;/„^;,;;;^;;^;;;^;^^^ -mo sense misleading, since as of all Jiri.i.,, naturali . ;; " .S'' ^^"^'v "'"' '" '"'•""'" ^''^' ^-•'^ to those o, Hoechy and ho oZ.t u T f ^^"^^^""'"•" ' ""'i Men.ies, panys Factories- tie "' *". ^''" ""'''""'^ '^''-^'^'om- PorMonofNorth Ameri a\;;:^. Xr:o" "" '"'"'"""" "*" "" ^""^ 12 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA ill another place ' ho apparently refers more speciiically to thorn when ho speaks of- botanical productions of Canada which ha\e been received from the Lady Dalhousie, Mrs. Percival, Mr. Sheppard and Mr. Todd, etc.,'' and also' refers to "plants of Newfoundland and Labrador, gath- ered by Dr. Morrison, who afterwards fell a victim to his courage and love of Hcicnco in oxi)loring Central Africa." To this list may also bo added the name of Titus Smith, already referred to, and that of Garry, an officer in the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company, one whose name survives in Fort Garry, now Winnipeg, as also in Quercus Garryana, of Douglas. A careiul search of the usual records fails to disclose any iiiformution concerning any of these botanists, who were evidently well known to Sir William Hooker. It seems probable, therefore, that owing to their work being wholly confined to collecting, and in the absence of published writings, their names have gradually fallen into neglect, and the part they played in the advancement of Canadian botany— imi)ortant if obscure —cannot now be ascertained, and it is more than probable that there were many others, of whom all trace has been completely lost. The year 1850 is noteworthy as marking the commencement of a period of exceptional activity in botanical research throughout the civilised world, and in this Canada participated, though not to the same extent as other luirts of this continent. Nevertheless, our progress since that time has been due to native botanists in a far greater degree than formerly. It was at the commencement of this period t hat Dr. Barnston became known as a botanist of enterprise and ability, and one who would, had ho lived, have taken an important part in the questions of the day. It is to this period also that the late Abb^ Hrunet belongs. This scientist was well known to the leading i)0tani8ts of his day, and to him wo owe the foundation of the first botanical museum in the country. For many years the herbarium at Laval University took j.recedenco over all othei-s. The Abhd Hrunet was also well known through several scientific papoi-s, and his death in 1876 involved a distinct loss to the science ho represented. To the Abbd Provancher we are indebted for the first distinctively Ci'.nadian work on tl)0 vegetation of this portion of the continent, ond his Flore Canadienne has continued to sorvo as an important guide to a knowledge of the flora of Quiuec. In Lo Naturalisto Canadion, l'Ahb<; Provanchor also continued to work for tho advancement of Canadian botany. During the later years of his life ho was local secre- tary of the Botanical Club of Canada. By his death, in 1892, Canadian Bcience sufTored a f*)vei-o loss, more particularly as ho was one of the very few French naturaliBts among us. > Huolc. Dot. Misc., 1. 02. ~ .::::;*;::■ -:c: • rr - -- --- --.'! Wgo Lavv.son, of Halifax, lutyll '''"""'^' ''^"" ^''^^ '«te D Although it has not fbnnod a aJt IfT 1 ''"' -'-' P'-c W.S ;;" ''"' ^"'" undertaken 1 r i, ^ 7^ '^'"'""^ P-'^^Wem. « wi h 7'"'^ "'*^"^"« -'^ the iil' , ';;\,^;'^,'^-'' -eon,pii«hed into the field of ('.....wi; "it'-oduclion of ve/relal.lo „ . . ' ntu., • . ^ 'I'ladian research m.irl-,.,i .• .^ ""'° I'"'»'<>n(o birv oi hotanica proL'resH Iwi-n n . '"""''*'" a dist not or-i in d, i • Z^'' ;*.« .0 .oj, ,.L',:, ';;,: ,„t ::tf ;■ «■"' ■. „„:;;;;;„ ;tz '"fe'W anpects. '^'"'>' ^^ <^""«^i""n botany, e^peciail/i,! i.J ;;.« COOS'S: 'St^t:^;" ---"te their .are thron.h *ore,gn botanint^ havo«|«o contimud " "' ''"'"' ^'^"'•^'^ "'"i S more enpocially tho«e of the IJn ? . '"''''"'^'' «" important infl.l „ situated as to m«ke din. / , "^ ^^"'*'*'' ^''^ ''"ve been so n f ' ,J^^^^^^^^^^^ botanist 14 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA , whose name stands forth prominenllj' in this later period is Sir J. D. Hooker, the worthy successor of Sir William Hooker. To him we are indebted for an extension of our knowledge of Arctic vegetation, his studies being based upon material collected during the expeditions of Richardson, J3elcher and McClure, of McClintock and Nares, which latter, with the exception of the Greely expedition, was the last to add anything to our previous knowledge of the vegetation of these high latitudes. Until 1850 no attempt had been made to enter upon a critical study of our marine vegetation. In 1852, however, under the auspices of the Smithsonian Institute at Washington, Harvoy commenced to issue a series of studies of the Marino Alga- of North America, a work which was not completed until 1858. Although dealing largely with more southern forms, this work inchulos a number of species common to the Atlantic ('oast of Canada, and it is therefore entitled to a place here. A more direct contribution to the marine flora of our coasts was made by the same author in 18 collected by David Lyall at Vancouver's Island in 185!)-(Jl. Minor contributions to Canadian botany were made by Lyall in ISlJiJ, W. L. Lindsay in 18(15, and ly M. J. Berkely in 1875. Among the American botanists who gained prominence in this period we tirst encounter the name of Jioot, who, as an authority on tlie Cariccs, described those plants collected during the expedition of Sir John ' Richardson. Later, the well-known names of Eaton (I). C.) and Farlow appeared, and within very recent date we find the names of Kills and Everhart as authorities upon a very extensive and dilficult group of fungi. Canadian botany will always rest under the greatest obligations to Prof. C. S. Sargent for the highly important work he has accomplished in advancing our knowledge of that great forest-wealth which is so rapidly disappearing. Jn his contributions to the 10th Census of the United States on the Forestry of North America, he gave at once the most con- and authoritative work on the distribution of forest trees on this con- tinent ever issued, and as a contribution to scientific and economic botany it must ever hold an imiiortant ])laco. The superb Sylva, a voluminous work of twelve large volumes, now in course of |mblication, stands with- ouL a ])eer. It is a worthy compendium of the laborious and accurate work of botanists from the days of Michaux, Pui-sh and Nuttall to the present time. While it is jjcrhaps a source of mortitication to feel that the conditions of scientific progress here are such as to render works of this character practically im|)08sible in Canada, it is also a source of great gratification to feel that the rich endowment of science which is so pro- minent a feature in the advancement of our neighbours to the south of the lino, as also the cultivation of that generous spirit of brotherhood in science, a spirit which recognises no artificial limitaticms, permits us to share its i.dvantagea as If it wore our own. IS [---.COW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY Botanic Gardens, Halifax. settlement of Halifax by Cornwall,- in 17 " 1?' f ^ ^^"''''' ^* ^''^ the town was set apart as common to be d^'Jf . " u '' ''"'' P^''^'^" «f poses or the use of the town Tn f ' . ^^^'^ '''^^^'' *» military nur the fortl.eatio„. were ^uHt "wl "1 ,:: ^^ '^^ ^ ^->- -Citacil S. .mo as shooting ground. Gradua l/^uc lofT "."".'"' ""' '"^^ ^''"^ and converted into Holds. About lirtvor / '''"^ ^'''^^ ''•^^'"i'ned nu3n interested in the cultivation of f/uitarH.r"' T ' ""'»'^«'- "^' e.ty a conces..ion of several acres ot .1 i. '"'' "'^^'"'""^ ^'-""i the and for many yea,, raised fufl" J ',:?"'""" T"^'"' ^'^^'•>' ^--^ -, An admission to the grounds was also ch; 7'"'!''^'"' "'"'•^' "'-''^ -'^ concession gradually pas,sed wtv tL ^ " ^' '^' ''«"^''-« «f thi.. debts aecumula.ed.' Fina Iv.ab:^^.; t enU^'r^^' '"""^ "^^"^^'^^^ -"^ flon culturi«t8 ,vho ,vere at . I,., M- *''*■" ^^^■^' .Vears ago, two zealous Mccuio.. and Willi::: It:' - :,;r xr,r "'^' ^^--^'-^^ out the interests of the llorticul u ] s ^ '"""^•*' ^''^^^ buy ejther surrendered their interesror^oldn"^'' ""' "^""'"''^ «^' -'-'^ -ty thus secured the entire , ro .er v". '• If" T, " '"'"""' ■•'^'^ '^'^^^ onee added a large tract of he • d L 7 ""'""^ ^""'"•«' ""^ "t rendered possible largely thro u^h tt '• ""'^- ^''"''^ ^'^'^''g- ^as tations of Michael I^tyer Js^ a ' ,^^'"7^^':^' "''""°"^ "'"' ^^'"--^ Hcc-ds adapted u, the wants of tlu> cou U v '^T "" "' '""^ '•'"'"« ">'<' oulturo, forest conservation, and the . (m ' Tn ""'^^''"'^^''^ *"• "'•'^<'>i- -•--P.-s,t,ethorwiththe,u;h:rnt'^^^^^ 16 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA resullH arrived at, and the information brought together by the above means. The ultimate establishment of a botanical and experimentnl garden shall bo held in view as an important means of carrying out the Society's objects." ' This was the second attempt in Canada to found a botanic garden, a movement which had its origin at the hands of him who also founded the Botanical Society. Like the latter, it was short lived, and tor the same reasons ceased to have existence at a time when active work had but fairly begun. Montreal." Dating from the year 1850 various suggestions for and attempts to form a botanic garden in Montreal have been made, but it was not until 1885 that these eflbrts took practical shai)o, when, under legislative enactment an association was formed under the name of the Montreal Botanic Garden Association, the otHcers of which were Rev. E. W. Nor- man, chairman of the board of management ; Prof D. P. Penhallow, director, and H. S. Evans, secietary ; these together with Dr. T. Steriy Hunt, Hon. Louis Beaubien and Alderman R. Holland, forming the board of management.' The work of organization was actively prosecuted and plans for the necessary conservatories were secured. A very large amount of pre- liminary work was accomplished, and one report was issued.* Private citizens were prepared to contribute largely to the maintenance and endowment of the gardens, but the ultimate failure of tlio city to grant the necessary land already promised, brought the work to an abrupt termination at the close of the second year's operations. MoGiLL University. In 1890 a second attempt was made to establish a garden in Mon- treal. At that time McGill University, feeling that a gai-den was urgently needed in order to provide opportunities for practical study secured by lease, a beautifully situated lot of nine acres at Cote des Neiges. To the plant-houses already situated there, the University added another for the special accommodation of the Australasian collection, which now forms a notable feature of the garden losources. The con- servatories embrace a total ground area of 4,600 square feet, and com- I Ann. Bot. Soc. Can. 1861, 0, 14. » For an interesting historical account of the Gardens of Montreal, reference may be made to The Canadian Horticultural Manaaine, vol. I, published by the Montreal Horticultural Society. » 10th Ann. Kept. Mont. Hist. Soc. 1884. 21. * Ist Ann. Kept. Mont. Botanical Garden Aiis'n. 1880. nth Ann. Report Mont. Hist. Soc. 18H6. 133. xliiMiliiMaaiiliMidM [PHNHALIXJW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 17 prise three temperate houses and one mixed stove house. The collection includes a large representation of type groups suited to purposes of instruction, and an especially valuable collection of Australasian plants chiefly derived from donations by the late Baron Von Mueller of Mel- bourne. The garden proper contains a large representation of plants, and aff'ords invaluable resources in conjunction with the conservatories, for the prosecution of practical studies. About 275 students annually receive the benefits of the advantages thus ofl'ered. The gardens are open to the public daily without charge, and students are supplied with special tickets which secure to them the use of such material as they may re- quire for independent study. Ottawa. When the Central Experimental Farm at Ottawa was established in 1887, the plans contemplated the formation of an arboretum and botanic garden, with the object of bringing together all the native species of plants, and also of testing the hardiness and adaptibility to the climate of Ottawa, of shrubs and trees growing in northern climates in other parts of the world. The actual work of the garden was begun in 1889, when 210 species were planted. The direct management, at first in the hands of the entomologist and botanist, Dr. Fletcher, was later transferred to Mr. W. T. Macoun. In 1894 the arboretum and garden included 1,000 trees and nearly 200 species and varieties of herbaceous plants, while the close of the year 1835 saw these numbers raised to 1,800 and 1,000 respectively. Supplementary gartlens are also established at each of the experi- mental farms for the several provinces, which serve an important pur- pose in solving questions of a local character and as local centres of dis- tribution. Botanical Societies. Montreal. So far as can be learned, only throe attempts to found botanical societies in Canada have been made. The first two founded were very short lived, while the third and most recently organized, is altogether too young to admit of any reasonable forecast as to its future career and usefulness. The first of these societies was founded on the 28th of March, 1855, and was known as the Botanical Society of Montreal, an organization which largely owed its existence to the enthusiasm and energy of Dr. Sec. IV., 1897. 2. mmammimhm Nl|^*t)lUIIIHIlllHMiK^W««»>' ^^^S^9^B191 ■WiM -I mil if, 18 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA James Barnston, whoso untimely death early in the spring of 1858 brought its short but active career to an abrupt termination.' One of the very few mementoes of the society is to bo found in an ocfanional copy of the "Objects and Constitution of the Botanical Society of Montreal," issued in small pamphlet form. From this wo learn that although the society was instituted in 1855, it was nearly a year later before a constitution was adopted. Under it, Principal (now Sir William ) Dawson was the first and probably the only president, the other olfices being filled by Dr. T. Sterry Hunt, John Cf. Barnston, Dr. James Barnston, Eev. A. F. Kemp, Dax^id A. Poe, George Shepherd and Bergholts! The society loft little record of its work. Two papers read before it by George Barnston and Eev. A. F. Kemp aj)pear to summarise the full extent of its work in this direction. ^ As indicated by the constitution, however, one object of the society was the building up of "a complete herbarium of the native plants of Canada, and the collection of the various vegetable products of the country." This ooject appears to have been realized only with respect to the first part, and the few hundred ])lants thus brought together were deposited in the museum of the Natural History Society of Montreal, where they may now be found. Kingston. " Towards the latter end of November, 1860, a proposal was made to organize a botanical society. There being no such Institution in opera- tion in Canada, it was thought that much benefit might result from its establishment." Such are the terms in which a description of the origin of the second botanical society to be founded in Canada, finds its intro- duction. The Botanical Society of Canada, having its headquarters at Queen's College, Kingston, owed its origin to the energy and ability of the late Dr. George Lawson, who was at that Mme professor of botany at Queen's, and who was destined at a later date to found the Botanical Club of Canada. In consequence of wholly unforeseen circumstances which involved the removal of Dr. Lawson to Halifax, the society came to an abrupt termination within one year. Nevertheless, in the very short period of its existence, it displayed great vigour and ga%'e ])romi8o of a most useful career. It published one volume of Annals of 108 pages, from the contents of which mo observe that the society wt s not only able to collect much valuable material, but that it had enlistee the sympathy and active co-operation of a lai-ge number of the Icadi ig botanists of Europe and America. 1 Can. Nat. III. 224. Ctm. Nat., New Ser., IX, 187, •' Can. Nat. II. 12, 145. _ "ffirAmmm [PBNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 19 Botanical Club. i«o,^V^n'""''"f'' ""^ ^''' ^"^''' ^'^"''^*>' of Canada, hold at Montreal in 18.) I, Dr. (xeorgc Lawson, of Halifax, introduced to the fourth section a question re ativo to the expediency of establishing u botanical society for the ^vholo Dominion. Upon the report of a special committee, the section adopted a resolution favouring the organization ..r.such an associatu,n to be affihated with the Eoyal Society on the sa.uo tcr.ns as other societies I was thus that the Botanical Club of Canada came into existence, with Dr. Dawson as its Hrst president and J)r. A. 11. MacKay. of Halifax, as its secretary. The scheme of organization contemplated the appointment of a secretary for each province, by whom the work would be distributed through the medium of local secretaries in such districts as would war- rant their appointment. The annual report for 1805 shows that in the throe yeai- of its exis- tciice, the club has accomplished a largo amount of good w-rk and that Its usefulness is growing year by year. The membership at the present time numbers 201, and h. steadily increasing. The work of the club is largely directed toward stimulating an interest in the study of botany nmong the pupils of the various .schools throughout the country, and to this end both encouragement and assistance are given in the study of various local floras, and in the formation of herbaria. Plants requiring determination are .sent to the secretary of each province, or to Prc'f 31acoun at Ottawa, who has kindly undertaken to do a large share of this work. Apart from this purely educational work, the club has also undert^aken a series of pluunological observations, which will continue for a long series of years, and which in coarse of , ime must prove of great scientific value. Scientific Societies. In addition to those si)cieties which are designed primarily or wholly for the cultivation of botanical science, we^ find a number of others which include botany among the various subjects with which they deal. The most important of these are the JTew Brunswick ^^atural History Society; The Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club ; The Hamilton Asso- ciation for the Promotion of Science, Literature ar J Art; The Nova Scotia Distituto of Science ; The Canadian Institute ; The Natural His- tory Society of British Columbia. All of these societies have exerted an important influence in the development of Canadian botany and their publications contain many valuable contributions to this subject notabl> those of the Ottawa Field Naturalists' Club ; The Natural His- tory Society of Montreal ; and the New Brunswick Natural History 20 H* >YAL SOuIETT OF CANADA Society, tt«,| ire may thorn lore look to these puhn.Htions as authentic mnirvvn .vt' the history of botanical progress for the sevtrai provinces. Botanical ^Collections. One of ik^ hoHt indications of the position Htained by botanical science in any w^untr-^- is to be found in the extent and character of the collections, more especially of the herbaria, since these at once represent the extent to which the science has been made a living one. Although it is impossible to make any correct comparison as to the relative im- portance of an efficient working library and extensive collections, since each is of the very first importance, and both are absolutely essential in the life of any institution where biological science is made a living force, it is undoubtedly safe to say that in its relation to the public at large, a thoroughly equipped botanical museum in which plants and plant products in their multitudinous forms, as applied to the variouo wants of man, whether in art, science or industrial processes, are dis- played in their proper relations, ia an educational factor of the greatest value, offering as it must opportunities for the extension of knowledge along the lines of least resistance. It is an appreciation of this fact which has led to the gradual upbuilding of all the great botanical collec- 1 'ns of the world, and in any comprehensive survey of botanical progress they must be taken into consideration. Geological Survey. The most extensive herbarium in Canada is that of the Geological Survey at Ottawa. This collection had its origin in 1860, when Prof. Macoun commenced systematic collections in various parts of Ontario and opened exchanges with several of the leading systematic botanists of the United States. At the time of the Centennial Exposition at Phila- delphia in 1876, these collections had grown to such dimensions that a large and rop'-esentative herbarium of specimens from various parts of Canada was e;>hibited, and afterwards deposited in the herbarium of McGill College. A second collection was exhibited at Paris in 1878, and later deposited in the herbarium at Kew. By lH82 the collections of Canadian plants had become so extensive that the Government was led to purchase it for use in connection with the work of the Geological Sur vey, and its former owner was appointed as curator. Since then the herbarium has experienced a rapid growth both by the collection of native species and the acquisition of foreign specie* through the aiedii:;*. of exchange. It embraces practically all known Cftnadian species, as 'I in a very large representation from the United States. Natal, Eh:-. \ • ;; i,nd (\ '.istralia are represented by valuable 81 [PKNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY collections. Through the kind assistance of Dr. Warming of Copen- hagen, Prof. Biytt of Christiania, ai. ' Br. Kindbtz j,' of Linkoping, a verj' nearly complete series representing the flora of Northern Europe has been obtained. One of the most important features of the herbarium is a series of plants collected by the earlier explorers, and representative of nearly all the plants described in Hooker's Flora Boreali Americana. This very important addition was made through the courtesy of the Director of the Eri iuli Miv^euni of Natural History. The herbarium, as now constituted, embraccfi T 0,000 sheets. McGiLL University. The foundation of the McGill College Herbarium was laid in the gift of the collections of Dr. A. F. Holmes, the first professor of botany in the Medical Faculty. Subsequently, under the direction of Sir Wil- liam Dawson, a number of additions were made, chiefly as derived from students' collections. In 1816 Prof. Macoun deposited his centennial collection with the College, and it has lately been incorporated with th. University herbarium, to which it was donated by the Geological Sur- vey. In 1883 the material thus brought together was properly mounted and systematically arranged, and since that date extensive additions hav.: been made both by gift and by purchase. These additions are representative of Australasia, India, Japan, South Africa, South America, and Northern Europe. The collection now embraces about 30,000 speci- mens. The economic collection includes an important group of plant pro- ducts chiefly from India, comprising dyes, foods and textiles, and speci- mens illustrating nearly all the Canadian timber trees, as well as manv of those of the United States. '' In addition there is a special collection embracing all known species of North American trees and shrubs, prepared for special research work and represented by (a) hand specimens, (6) microscopical preparations and (c) sections prepared for the microscope, but kept in bulk. These preparatit-1? constitute the type material employed by Prof. Penhallow in the prosecution of si^ecia. researches connected with a classification of woody plants. Laval University. The herbarium of Laval University at Quebec is the oldest in Canada having been formed by tlio late Abbd Brunet in 1860, during his occupa' tion of the chair of botany. " The Canadian plants which the herbarium now contains were gathered for the most part by himself, and are the 22 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA iruit of twelve years of earnest work." ' The plan of Abb^ Brunet in- cluded the formation of a general botanical museum, which now com- prises " : " 1° Une collection de bois canadicns employes dans I'industrie et aj'ant une valeur commerciale. " 2° Plusieurs collections de bois preparees spdcialement pour I'dtude. La principale est cello de nos v^gdtaux ligneux indigenes, qui est une des pins completes de I'univorsite. " li" I'lusioui-s collections de bois exotiques : entre autrcs. une col- lection tr^s rcmarquable des bois de commerce qui se vendent sur les march(?8 d'Angleterre. " 4° Une collection de fruits artificicis d'une rare beauts, auxquels on peut rapportor les nombrouses vari^t^s de pommes, poircs, prunes, p6ches, etc. " 5° Une collection de champignons artificicis, comprenant les cham- pignons comestibles, les champignons suspects et les champignons v6n6- neux. " La dernii^re salle coiitient I'herbier, ou plutot la collection des her- biers de provenances diverses, tons authcntiquos, qui composcnt T I'herbier Amuricain (plantes du Canada et des Etats Unis) ; 2° I'herbier general. L'herbier Amdricain so compose des collections tie C. C. Parrj', E. Hall et J. B. Harbour, do Chs. S. Geyer, do N. Rield, de Loidenberg', de M. "Vincent, plus un grand nombro d'^chantillons fournis par Mosor, Smith et Durnnd. Plusieurs plantes sont ^tiquetdes de la main mOme de Nuttall et do Rafinesque. " Les plantes du Canada ont 6t6 recueillies en grande partie par I'abb^ O. Brunet. Les individus douteux ont ett^ compares i\ ceux de I'herbier do Michaux i\ Paris, et de Sir W. Hooker, .1 Kew. D'autres ont dti' nomni(''8 par M. Asa Gray, le Dr. Engelmann et autres botanistes de renom. "L'horbiordo I'univorsitd contient plus do 10,000 plantes. II s'est enrichi dorni6j-oment d'un bon nombro d'cchantillons donnds par M. N. St. Cyr, curateur du musdo do I'lnstruction Publique, et par M. lo Dr. Macoun, F. R. S. C, do la Commission Gdologiqiie Canadionne. Cos dorni^res esptH'Os vionnont toutes du Nord-Ouest Canadien et prdsentent par consequent un intdret tout particulier. " Pour avoir uno idi'o plus conipl6to des richesHos do cc musdo, il fau- draity ajoutor uno collection dos bois de la Nouvolle-Zdlando, une autre des bois de coinmerco du Nord-Ouest et do la Colombio-AnglaiHo, oniin touto uno sdrio do typos intdrcssants, dostindo i\ illustror un grand nombro do cas do ddveloppemonts anornuuix de nos tiges ligneusos, do grtifTes natiirelloB, do maladies on do parasitismo vdgdtal." ' Can. Hoc. Sec. III., 400. • Ann. du L'Unlv. r,avnl, 180fl-l)7, Ofi. [PENHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 23 University op New Brunswick. At the University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Prof. Bailey reports that there are about one thousand herbarium specimens, in addi- tion to which there are collections of native woods, seeds and fruits. These collections represent material brought together first by Dr. James Robb, but subsequently greatly added to by Dr. Bailey's own efforts, as well as by purchase and donation. Queen's University. Prof. W. J. Fowler informs mo that the herbarium under his care includes about 13,500 species, represented by about 25,000 specimens,' King's College. The botanical collections of the University of King's College, Wind- sor, Kova Scotia, are represented by a herbarium containing about 2,000 specimens. There is no special arrangement, but the ])lants are distri- buted among several small collections of indigenous and foreign species, the largest individual collection being the Cogswell Herbarium of plants from (ireat Britain, embracing about 1,000 specimens In this presentation no attempt lias been made to obtain statistics of private herbaria, of which there arc many, some of very considerable im- portance, and it would bo a very decided service to Canadian botany if a reliable li.'it, showing their size, location and special features, were to be prepared. A summary of the herbaria of the various institutions of learning as far as heard from, is as follows : University of New Hrunswick 1,000 KiiiK'-s Collfge, Nova Scotia 2,(XK) I.aviil University, Qupl)ec 10,(KI0 Queen's University, Kinfjcston 10,(KK) Mctiill University, Montreiii !«),000 Geological Survey, Ottawa 7(l,0iH» Summary, As wo now look buck over liie throe hundred and thirty-seven years that have passed since Thevet published his account of "The New Founde World," wo are naturally led to ask wluit great movements are to bo noted in the development of botanical science here, movemonta which are pmvly local in character and origin? Until the close of the eighteenth century but few events stand I'orth with special proiuinence. The visit of Didrovillo to Nova Scotia in 1706 resulted in the conveyance > Of these, the majority are the private property of Prpf. Fowler, so that the University ooltectlon is reduced to about lO.OOJ. t- 84 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA to France of very irajTOrtant collections upon which Tournofort based his descriptions of many Canadian species. To the missionaries — Henne- pin, who preserved the records of the ill-fated expedition of La Salle, Charlevoix, whose statements of fact are to be taken only after careful scrutiny, and Latitau, who is chiefly notable for his having brought ginseng into great commercial prominence — we are certainly indebted for some of the most extended accounts of the vegetation of Canada during that early period. But the work which commands special consideration on account of its being the first distinctively devoted to the botany of this country, is the " History of Canadian Plants," published by Cornuti in 1635. A century later the physicians Sarrasin and Gauthier, attached to the Court at Quebec, performed important services to botanical science, and their names have been perpetuated in the genera Sarracenia and Gaultherin. The explorations of Kalm and Michaux, as also of Menzies, greatlj' enriched our knowledge, but such expeditions as that of Mackenzie in 1789, from which much should have been obtained, were barren of results. It would thus appear that with the exception of Sarrasin and Gauthier, who were actually in residence and who died here, and also the missionaries IIennoi)in, (Charlevoix and Latitau, there was no advance- ment in botanical knowledge from internal sources. And while their work was valuable, it was not extended, and cannot be said to have made any very profound impression upon the development of the science- The results attained by Kalm and Michaux, as also by Bidreville and Menzies, all had their origin in, and were phases of the development of botanical science in i']ur()i)e. The same is also true of Cornuti's work. Nevertheless, since the latter, together with Michaux's Flora Horeali, are the two works which stand out with greatest prominence, as making a distinct impression upon the development of Camulian botany prior to 1800, they nuiy freely be regarded as the land marks of the s'ience in the earlier colonial ])eriod, the one for the middle of the seventeenth, the other forming a fitting dose to the eighteenth century. The great land marks of the ])re.senl century arc to be foimd flret in that very noteworthy jproductinn by Sir William Hooker, ''The Flora Boreali Americana." Although for excellent reasons this work fell far sliort of the original design, it stands today as tho best and only work of its kind on the jdants which Ijelong distinctively to this part of North America. Ik-ing based, as the descriptions are, upon material iu)llected by the various Arctic ex])editions, by Hrilish naturalists on s|H'tial mis- sions, and by oflicers of the Hudson's Hay Company, it stands as an epitome of all those labours which have accomplished ho much in the advancement of Canadian botany, but which wore, novortheiess, side iuauus in the dovolopujonl of Euro|teuii botany. [PBNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY SB The introduction of paltcobotany by Sir "William Dawson opened up entirely new fields of research, and has led to results of the highest value respecting our knowledge of the vegetation which flourished in earlier periods of the earth's history. Within recent years, the wol-k accom- plished by the Geological Survey as embodied in Prof. Macoun's cata- logue, has added immensely to our knowledge of distribution, and it has also brought to light many new species. The significance of this work cannot be properly estimated at this time, for although its value in rela- tion to future systematic studies is well understood, it is impossible to measure the bearing which it must have 'n time to come, upon the geo- logical relations of plants. Both of those events, therefore, significant as they are, and peculiarly indigenous in their origin and growth, must be regarded as the two great land marks of this century. As we survey the present position of botanical science in Canada, we cannot feel that either actually or relatively it otters very much for con- gratulation, a view which is not only justified by the facts as they exist, but one which is also enforced by the conviction that an undue satis- faction with existing conditions, is ample guarantee that the future holds no betterment in view. Our universities are yet doing in large measure what more ])roperly belongs to the high schools, and with one or two exceptions, no attempt is made to carry on the higher work of the science. Of research work com|)aratively little has been done, that which has been so far accomplished being confined to one or two univer- sities and conducted for the most part under great ditticulties. This condition is the necessary result of the fact that in only two of our higher institutions have laboratories for the prosecution of advanced work been established, and our stvidents who wish to engage in the higher ])roblems of the science are, in most cases, compelled to go else- where whore there are more ample facilities. Botanic gardens have been projected, but in most cases have failed to survive a verj' brief existence. The garden established at, Ottawa under (ioveriiment patron- age and control, seems destined to have a ])ermanent and u.seful career. The garden of Mcfrill University — established after many years of hard labour, and maintained in the face of great obstacles, is accomplishing an important educational work. Of botanical societies wo have only one, the two attempts made in former years having been abandoned in each case at the end of one year. pA'onomic (luoslions of broad application and great material imjior- tance have as yet taken but little hold either upon the scientific or the political section of the community. In Europe grtuit caro is liestowod upon the forests ; (special schools are maintained for the purpose of securing a scientific training to those who are to have the oversight of this great source of national wealth, and a large and efik-iont corps of foresters is maintained for this purpose. In the United States the same 26 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA question is now seriously engaging the attention of Government, and large sums of money are expended in the prosecution of scientific re- search bearing upon the preservation of forest lands and the economic application of timber. Enormous sums of money are annually involved in the destruction of crops by the operation of disease and parasitic growths, and in the investigation of their causes and prevention, the United States Govern- ment wisely expends Hnuch effort and money. At the present time pathology forms a leading feature in the work of the various experiment stations throughout the United States. Although the Experimental Farm at Ottawa is doing important work in this direction, questions of this kind have, as yet, taken no serious hold with us. It is therefore clear that so long as we are content with present con- ditions, we must be satisfied to occupy a secondary position, and continue to be dependent ui)on others for much that should be reckoned among our common resources. While, therefore, the immediate future of Canadian botanical science does not seem to otter the brilliant prospect which we all desire, we may hope for much better things than the past has revealed. It is to our universities that we turn in the hope that they may, at an early date, appreciate the need of supplying laboratories for research with all the necossar}- resources to be found in ample herbaria, gardens and libraries, and thus retain within our own borders those students who are now compelled to seek the advantages they desire in foreign institutions. [PKNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 27 BIBLIOGRAPHY.' Alexander, Sir James E. B., Scotland, 180? ; d., April 2nd, 1885. 1. L'Acadie ; or Seven Years Explorations in British America. Contains an account of the plants of New Brunswick. Bib. : Cent. Cyc. of Names, iia. Allex, Rev. .1. A. 2. Alpine Flora of the Province of Quebec. Can. Nat. N. Ser., X., 417. Bib. : Bib. Canadensis, Morgan, 1807. 8. Ami, Henry M., Asst. Palieontolojj;lst Geological Survey of Canada; b.. Belle Riviore, Quo., Nov. 23r(l, 1858. 3. The Flora of Montebello. Can. Rec. Scl., III., 315. 4. On the Occurrence of Sherardia arvensis L., in Canada. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XIV., 14. 5. Flora Tern iscouatensis. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, XV., 134. Anderson, A. C. 0. Vegetation of British Columbia. Can. Nat. N. Ser., VIII., 148. Ander-son, Nicolas Joh an. B., Stifte, Linkiiping. Sweden, 1821. 7. Saliccs Boreali Americana^ : a synopsis of the North American Willows. Proc. Am. Acad., IV., iiO. Bib : Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 0 ; Proc. Am. Acad., IV., 50 ; Can. Nat. III., 311 ; R. Soc. Cat. Sc. Papers. I., 05. 'Jachelot de la Pvlaie, A1T0U.STE .Iean Marie. B., Marseilles, France, May 25th, 1780 ; d., Marseilles, 1850. Calluniv vulgaris probably first observed in Canada by him. 8. Flore de I'lsle de Terre-Neuve et des Isles St. Pierre et Miclon. Paris, 1829. Ann. Sci. Nat., .V.. 174. 1824. Bib. : Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., II. ; Casscll's Blog. Diet., 190 ; Can. Nat. N. Ser., I., 459. Back, Sir Georoe. B., Stockport, Eng., Nov. 0th, 1700; d., London, June 23rd, 1878. 0. Narrative of the Arctic Land Expedition to the mouth of the Great Fish Rivor. lAjndon, IKJO. It com iins (a) Temperature of Trees. App. VI., 600. (6) List of Plants as determined by Sir W. J. Hooker. App. n.,52;». Bib. : Cent. Diet, of Names ; R. Soc. Cat., I., 140 ; Diet. Nat. Blog. II., 818. > Thli lilt extontli from iHOfllo 18)5 only. In h ffw pxcvptlonitl caiei, where there ieemeii to b« • ■pocid reiion for lo doinv, a few later caivi have bvin Incluili'd. mmmr^ L 28 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 10. 11. 12. Bailey, Lorino Woart. B., West Point, N. Y., Sept. 28th, 1839. Prof Chemistry and Natural History, Univ. of New Brunswick, P redencton, N.B. ' Notes on the Diatoniaceiw from the St. John River Can. Nat., VIII., HI Notes on the Geology and Botany of New Brunswick. Can. Nat., N. Ser., I., 81. Woods and Minerals of New Brunswick, being a descriptive catalogue pre- pared for use at the Philadelphia Exhibition, by L. W. Bailey and Edward Jack. Fredericton, 1876 13. Elementary Natural History, with special reference to the Minerals. Plants and Anmials of New Brunswick. St. John 1887 14. Desmids and Diatoms. Amer. Nat., I., 505.587. Bib. : R. Soc. Can., XII., 5; Bib. Canadensis, Morgan, 1867, 16. Bali., Rev. Edward H. B., England, 1843. 15. Indigenous Ferns of Nova Scotia. Proc. ,<. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, IV.. 146, V., 13. BARN.STON, GeOROE, ifl w 1 ^•' ^'^'"''"''K''' Scotland ;d., Montreal. Canada, March 14th, 1883. 16. Remarks upon the Geographical Distribution of the Order Ranunculace^ throughout the British Possessions of North America Can. Nat. II., 12. :7. Remarks on the Geographical Distribution of the Cruciferffi throughout the British Possessions of North America Can. Nat., IV., 1. On a collection of Plants from British Columbia, made by Mr. James Richardson in the summer of 1874. Can. Nat., N. S., VIII., 00. 19. Geographical Distribution of the Genus Allium in British North America Can. Nat., IV., 110, 20. Sketch of the liite of David Douglas. Can. Nat., V., 120, 200, 207, 329. 21. Observations on the Progress of the Seasons as affecting Animals and Vegetables at Mftrtin's Falls, Albany River, Hudson's Bav Edin. New Phil. Jn'l, XXX., 252. Bib. : Can. Nat., N. Ser., X., 407 ; R. Soc. Cat. fiARNSTON, James. B., Norway House, Hudson's Bay Territory, July 3rd 18;U • d Montreal, Canada, May 20th, 1858. ' ' "' 22. General Remarks on the Study of Nature, with special reference to Botany Can. Nat., II., 'M. ■'" 23. Hints to Young Botanists regarding the Collection, Naming and Preserving of Plants. " Can. Nat., II., 127. 24. Introductory Lecture to the Course on Botany, delivered before the Students of Arts and Medicine, McGill University, Session 1857. Can. Nat. 11., :m. 25. Catalogue of Canadian Plants in Ju- Holmes Herbarium In the Cabinet of the University of McGill College. Can. Nat.. IV., 101. Bib. : Can. Nat. III., «24 ; R. Soc. Cat. 18. L [PENHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 29 Bahrow, Sir John, Bart. B., 1764; d., 1848. 26. Voyage into the Arctic Regions. London, 1818. Bib. : Pritz. Tiies. Bot. Lit., 471 ; Appleton's Cyc. Biog., 78. Barton, Benjamin Smith. B., Lancaster, Pa., Feb. 10th, 1766 ; d., Philadelphia, Pec. 19, 1815. Bartoniii of Wildenow. 27. Geographical View of the Trees of North America between latitudes 71 and 2.5, with plates. Philadelphia, 1809. Bib. : Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 1872, 15 ; App. Cyc. of Biog., 79 ; Cent. Cyc. of Names, 125; R. Soc. Cat., 1., 199 ; Proc. Amer. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1744 18;«, 327, 342, 362, 459; Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc, Phila., 1, XVIIL Barton, William Paul Crillon. B., Philadelphia, Pa., Nov. 17th, 1786; d., Philadelphia, Feb. 29th, 1856. 28. Flora of North America. 3 Vols., ill. Philadelphia, 1820-1823. Bib. : Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 1872, 15 ; Cent. Cyc. of Names, 125 ; B. Soc, Cat., Sc. Papers, I., 200. Bell, John. 29. The Plants of the West Coast of Newfoundland. Can. Nat., N. Ser., V., 54, IV., 256. Bell, Robert. B., Toronto, Canada, June 3rd, 1841. Assistant Director Geological Survey of Canada. 30. The Natural History of the I,ower St. Lawrence, the Saguenay and Lake St. John. Geol. Surv. of Canada, 1857. 31. Catalogue, with notes, of Animals and Plants collected on the Southeast Side of the St. Lawrence from Quebec to Gasp6, Geol. Surv. of Canada, 1868. 32. The Northern Limits of the principal Forest Trees of Canada east of the Rocky Mountains, with map of distribution. Geol. Surv. of Canada, 1879-80. 33. On the Natural History of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Can. Nut., IV., 241. 34. The Forests of Canada. Can. Rec. Sc, IL, 65. 36, Catalogue of Plants collected on the South and East Shores of Lake Supe- rior, and on the North Shore of Lake Huron. Ann. Bot. Soc. Can., Kingston, 1801. 36, The Trees and Shrubs growing around Lakes Superior and Huron. Ann. Bot. Soc. Can., Kingston, 1861, Bib. : Trans. R. Soc. Can., XII., 8, BERKrLEY, Miles Joseph, B., Biggin, Northamptonshire, England, April Ist, 1803; d., Sib- bestoft, England, July 30th, 1889. 37, Notices of North American Fungi, Grevlllea, I., IV. 38, Enumeration of the Fungi collected during the Arctic Expedition of 1875-76. Jnl Lin, Soc, XVIL, 13. ...,.L 30 ROYAL SOCIETY- OF CANADA 39. Contributions to North American Fungi., Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 2, XII., 417 ; .3, IV. 284 Bib. : Pritz. Tlies. Bot. Lit., 1872, 24 ; Jacltson, 521 ; Jn'I Bot., 1889 305 • Scott's Nat. Biog., 1889. 145 ; R. Soc. Cat., L, 295 • VII 144 •' IX ' 200 ; Ann. Bot., III., 451 ; Biog. Ind. Brit, and Irisli Bot., 15.' " BiLLINOS, B. 40. A List of Indigenous Plants found growing in the neighbourhood of Pres- cott, C.W. Can. Nat., IIL, 'M ; V., 14 ; Trans. Bot. Soc. Can., Kingston, 1861. Bib. : Bib. Canadensis, Morgan, 1807, 31. Bonnet, E. 41. Florule des iles Saint Pierre et Miquelon. Jnl. de Bot., I., 1888. Bib.: Can. Bee. Sc, VII., 0. Boot, Francis. B., Boston, Mass., April 20th, 1792 : d., England, Dec. 25th, 1863. Genus Bootia of Wallich. 42. Table of Distribution of Carices in Journal of a Boat Voyage through Bu- perfs Land l)y Sir John Richardson, C.B., F.R S London, 1851, II., ;Ui. Bib.: Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 1872, :«5 ; Jark,son, 524; Proc. Lin Soc XXIII.; Gard. Chron., 1804, 51 ; Diet. Nat. Biog., V. 393- Biog' Ind., Brit, and Irish Bot., 1893 ; Amer. Jn'I. Sc, XXXVII., 288. ' Braithwaite, R. 43. On the Organization of Mosses. ,' Can. Nat., N. Ser., III., 402. Bbitton, Nathaniei, Lord. B., Staten Island, New York, .Ian. loth 1859. New York Botanical Garden. 44. An Illustrated Flora of tlie Northern United States, Canada and the British Possessions from Newfoundland to the parallel of the Southern Boundary of Virginia, and from the AUantic Ocean westward to tlie 102nd meridian. Vol. I., 1896. (With Addison Brown.) Brown, Robert. B.. Montrose, Scotland, Dec. 21st, 1773; d., London, England. June 12th, 1858. ' The discoverer of the so-called Brownian movement. 45. Flora der Melville Insel. Flora, 1824, VII, 05135. 46. General View of the Botany of the Vicinity of Swan River 1830 Jn'I Geol. Soc, 18;^2, 1., 17-20. 47. List of Plants collected on tlio Coasts of BaBln's Bay and at Possession Bay. London, 1819. 48. Extracts from Dr. Richardson's Botanical Appendix to the Narrative of a Journey to the Shores of the Polar Seas by Captain John Frank- lin. London, 182;t. 49. Chloris IMelvilliana. A List of Plants collected at Melville Island in the year 1820, l)y tlie Ofllcers of the Voyage of Discovery under orders of Captain Parry. London, 1823-24. Bib. : Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit,, 1872, 43 ; Can. Nat., III., 300 ; R. Soc Cat I 060; Amer. Jnl Sc, XXVI., 279; Biog. Ind., British and Irish Bot., 1803 : Cent. Cyo. NameB, 187. Director-in-Chief, [PKNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 31 5; 51. 52. 53, 54. Brunet, L'AbbiS Louis Ovide. B., Quebec, March 10th, 1826 ; d., Quebec, Oct. 2nd, 1876. 50. Catalogue des plaiites Canadiennes, contenues dans I'herbier de I'Uni versite Laval. Quebec, 1865. Enumeration des Kenres de plantes de la Flore du Canada. Quebec, 1864. Catalogue des v^getaux ligneux du Canada. Paris, 1857 ; Quebec, 1867. Histoire des Picea qui se rencontre dans les limites du Canada. Can. Nat. N. Ser., III., 102. Notes 8Ur les plantes recuoillies en 1859 par L'Abb ^~- *■""■ "•■°' ""• *"' Sec. IV., 1897. 3. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 06. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104, 105. 106. 107. 108. 34 109. 110. 111. 112. 113. 114. 115. 116. 117. 118. 119. 120. 121. 122. 12;J. 124. 125. 120. 127. 128. 129. im 131. 132. 133. ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Pleistocene Fossils of Montreal and vicinity. Can. Nat., XL, 270. TlieSilurv^;! and Devonian Roclcs of Nova Scotia and their Fossils Can. Nat., V., 132. On the Pre-carboniferous Flora of New Brunswick, Maine and Eastern Canada. Can. Nat., VI., 161. Prototaxites. Can. Nat., N. Ser., VII., 173 ; M. Mic. Jn'l, X., 66. Acadian Geology, 2nd ed., 1878. Chapters on Carboniferous and Devonian Flora of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. On Fossil Rhizocarps. Chicago Acad. Sc, I., 105. Alpine and Arctic Plants. Montreal, 1862. Reproduction of Forests Destroyed by Fire. Edin, Phil. Jn'l, 1847. Second Report on Fossil Plants of the Upper Silurian and Erian of Canada Rep. Geol. Surv. Can., 1882. The Fossil Plants of the Devonian and Upper Silurian Formations of Canada Rept. Geol. Surv. Can., 1871. , Fossil Plants from the Lower Carboniferous and Millstone Grit Formations of Canada. Rept. Geol. Surv. Can., 1873. Cretaceous and Tertiary Floras of British Columbia. Trans. R. Soc. Can., I., iv., 15. Mesozoic Floras of the Rocky Mountain Region. Trans. R. Soc. Can., IIL, iv., I. Fossil Plants from the Laramie of Mackenzie and Bow Rivers Trans. R. Soc. Can., VII., iv., 09. Fossil Plants from the Laramie Formation of Canada. Trans. R. Soc. Can., IV., iv., 19. Tertiary Plants of the Similkameen River. Trans. R. Soc. Can., VIII., iv., 75. Parka decipiens. (Dawson and Penhallow.) Trans. B. Soc, Can., IX., iv., 9. The Relations of the Early Cretaceous Floras of Canada and the United States. Trans. R. Soc. Can., X., iv., 79. New Cretaceous Plants from Vancouver Island. Trans. R. Soc. Can., XL, iv., 53. Notes on Fossil Woods and other Plant Remains from the C tceous and Laramie of the Western Territories of Canada. Trans. R. Soc. Can., V., iv., 31 ; Can. Rec. Sc, II., 499. On Nematophyton and Allied Forms from the Devonian of Gasp^. (Dawson and Penhallow.) Trans. R. Soc. Can., VL, iv., 27. New Fossils from the Lower Carboniferous of Nova Scotia. Mem. Peter Redpath Mus., 1888. New Plants from the Erian and Carboniferous. Mem. Peter Redpath Mus., 1890; Can. Rec. Sc, IV., I. Fossil Plants from the Carboniferous of Newfoundland. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., II., 529. Pleistocene Plants of Canada. (Dawson and Penhallow.) Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., I., 311. m [PBNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 88 Eastern tia and inada. inada. ations United sand 134. 135. i:«. 137. 13H. 139. 140. HI. 142. 143. 144. 145. 148. 147. 148. 149. 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155. 166. 157. Notes on Trees Cultivated on the Grounds of MeGill Universitv Can. Rec. Sc., IV., 407. Notes on the Geology and Fossil Flora of Prince Edward Island Can. liec. Sc., I., 194. " On Rhizocarps in the Palaeozoic Period. Can. Rec. Sc, I., 19. The Genesis and Migration of Plants. Princeton Review, 277. Permian and Triassic Flora of Prince Edward ml Contained in a Report on the Geological, Structural and Mineral GovtPub."!^?. '""'^'""'"' '"'""'• ^"''"■^°" '""' Harrington! Geological History of Plants. D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1888. '''''''')^:::'J°^:^:S?;tT''-''- -'-^^^ byMnmchardson. Carboniferous Conifei's of the United States. Amer. Jn'l Sc, 187.5, C^X., :K)1. Fossil Floras and Glacial Periods. Nature, 1877, XVI., 67. , Notc^ on Prototaxites and Pachythea discovered l.y Dr Hicks in thp Denbighshire Grits of Corvven. \. Wales. " Quart. Jn'l Geol. Soc, XXXVIII., 103. Recent Discoveries in the Brian (Devonian) Flora of the United States Anier. ,In'l Sc, 1882, CXXIV., KiH. New Devonian Plants from the Baie'de Chaleur Can. Nat., X. Ser., X., I. Comparative View of the successive Paleozoic Floras of Canada Can. Nat., N. Ser., X., 372 ; Proc Amer. Ass'n, XXXI. 415 The Successive Palieozoic Floras of Northeastern America Rept. Brit. Assn, XXXV., 50 ; Geol. Mag., 1865, II. 588 On Fossil Plants of the Post-pleiocene Deposits of Canada i'n connection w ththe CUmate of the Period and the Formation of Boulder L/iay. Rept. Brit. Ass'n, XXXV., 50; Geol. Mag., 1863, II. .561 On Catamites. Ann. & Mag. Nat. Hist., 1869, IV., 272. On some New Fossil Plants from Gasp^. Can. Nat., 1863, IV., 64. Spore Cases in Coal. Can^Nat 1870, V 3<19 ; Amer. Jn'l Sc, 1871, CI., 256 ; Ann. & Mag Nat. Hist., VII, .321 ; M; Mic. Jn'l, VI., 90. Notes on the Structure of Sigillaria. Quart. Jn'l Geol. Soc, XXVI.. 165 ; Phil. Mag., XL . 74 On the Pre-Carboniferous Floras of Northeastern America, " with special reference to that of the Erian (Devonian) Period »" ^P«<"«' nn fhp h™"- ^" ^°'r;' ^^"^•' *^' '^""- ^ M*=- ^'"t. Hist., VI., 103. On the beanng of Devonian Botany on questions as to the Origin and Ex tinction of Species. o u »ja. Amer. Jn'l Sc, 1871, CII., 410, Some New Facts in Fossil Botany. Geol. Mag., VIII., 236. Note on a New Sigillaria sho«-ing Scars of Fructification. Proc. Amer. Ass'n, XXII., 75. On Fossil Coniferous WooJs from Prince Edward Island Proc. Acad. Nat. Sc, Phila., 1851, VII., 62. 36 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 158. Remarks on a Specimen of Fossil Wood from the Devonian Rocks (Gft8p6 Sandstones) of Gaspe, Canada East. Proe. Amcr. Ass'n, im\ 174. 159. Recent Researches in tlie Devonian and Carboniferous Flora of North America. Proc. Amer. Ass'n, 18,59, 1108 ; Can. Nat., IV., 297, Bib. : Trans. R. Soc. Can., XII., 27; Cent. Cyc. Names, 312; R. Soc. Cat., II., 182; VII., 497; IX., (i5;<. Delamere, E. (75). ( , F. Renauld and J. Cardot). Flora Miquelonensis, 1888. Bib. : Can. Rec. Sc, VII., (5. Douglas, David. D., Scone, Scotland, 1798; d., Hawaii, Sandwich Islands, July 12th, 18;i4. Commemorated in the genus Douglasia of Lindley, and in Abies Douglasia of the same author. 160. Sketch of a Journey to the Northwestern part of the Continent of North America during the years 1824-1827. Hooker's Comp. Bot. Mag., 1836, II., 82, 103. 161. Summer Excursions to the Columbia River. Hooker's Comp. Dot. Mag., 1830, II., 103-124. 162. A Journey to Hudson's Bay. Hooker's Comp. Bot. Mag.. 183(1, II. 163. Observations Taken on the West Coast of North America. Proc. R. Soc, 18:^7, III., 471. Bib. : Can. Nat., V., 120, 2(H), 207, 329; Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 1872, 00; 1851, 72; R. Soc. Cjit., II., 327; Cassell's Biog. Diet., 605; Trans. Hort. Soc, N. Ser., I., 4(W; Appleton's Cyc. Biog.; Biog. Ind., Brit, and Irish Bot., 1893. Drummoni), Andrew Thoma.s. B., Kingston, Ontario, July 18th, 1844. 164. Distribution of Canadian Forest Trees in its Relations to Climate and other Causes. Can. Economics, 1884. 165. Forest Preservation in ('anada. Amer. For. Congress, 1885. 160. Our Northwest Prairies, their Origin and Forests. Can. Rec. Sc, II., 145. 167. Affinities of Tendrils in the Virginia Creeper. Can. Rec. Sc, II., 253. 168. Articles on Forestry and the Lower St. Lawrence Flora, in the Hand Book for Canada, published for the British Association Meeting at Montreal, 18H4. 160. On the Economical Uses of Sticta pulmonarta, Uoffhi. Ann. Hot. Soc Can., 1861. 81, 170. Brief List of Iviiigston Plants. Ann. Bot. Soc, Kingston, 1802. 171. Obiervations on Canadian Oeographical Botany. Can. Nat., N. Ser., I., 40.V 172. Catalogue of Canadian Lichens. Can. Nat., N Ser., H., ;J02. ': '"•■$p'm'f^ffw^>m>" [PBNn allow] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 87 173. Distribution of Plantain Canada in some of its Relations to Physical and Post Geological Conditions. Can. Nat., N. Ser., III., 101. 174. Statistical Features of the Flora of Ontario and Quebec, and a Comparison with the United States Flora. Can. Nat.,N. Ser., III., 429. 175. Introduced and Spreading Plants of Ontario and Quebec. Can. Nat., N. 8er., IV., 377. 176. Notes on Tadoussac Plants. Can. Nat., N. Ser., IV., 204. 177. Botanical Notes, including Additional List of Lichens. Can. Nat., \. Ser., VII., 217. 178. Canadian Tinilier Trees. Hept. Mont. Hort. Soc, 1878, 14. 179. Forestry in Canada. Kept. Mont. Hort. Soc, 1880, ;J0. 180. Note on the Distribution of the Canadian Forests. Can. Mag. Sc, Oct., 1RS3. 181. The Colours of Flowers in Relation to the Time of Flowering. Can. Rec. Sc, V., 1(18. Dbumhond, Thomas. H., Scotland ; d., Havana, Cuba, March, 1^35. Assistant Naturalist to the Second Land Arctic Expedition under Franklin. Druniinondia of Hooker; Druniniondita of Harvey. 182. Sketch of a Journey to the Rocky Mountains and the Columbia River in North America. Bib, ; Biog. Ind. Urit. and Irish Hot., 52; Fl. Bor. Anier., I., pref. V. ; Hook. Bot. Misc, I., 02, 178; Comp. Hot. Mag., I., 10, 30; Jn'l Hot., 18,34, 50, 18;j ; 1843, im ; Dot. Mag., I., :it41 ; R. Soc Cat., IL, 317; Diet. Nat. Biog., XVI., 41 ; Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 1872, 01. D'Urban, William Stlwakt M. lf M • ^/''■''!!'''"''*-"''yt'^"«'""''^""l"»y.H'u-vanl University m. NO,.. o„ A-*A,,,,0,„„, ,,,,„,„.„, „ „„„„„„ „^^ ^ „^^^^^ ^^ Broc. Anier. Aoad., XXII., (((a m. Notes on the FunKn.s Barasit-H on Sp.cie.s of Botanu,«eton. Trans. Ottawa Field Nat. Club, II., 127. Fletchkr, Jamkh. B., AbH, Kent, England, March 28th, 1852. Ottawa Nat., V., IMi. 107. Does Wheat turn to Chess I 100 n . , ^''*''"»''-'« Advocate (London, Ont.), 180lt, 1(17. 108. Botanical Collections. 100 CniuJ"'\?fT!''^''''- **"'• "•"• ^^"'''^ Exan.iners, 24. 100. Collecting Botanical Specimens. Nor' Farmer (Winnipeg), 1802, llKI. Bib.: Trans. B. Soc. Can., XII., 3fl. FoWLKK, Rkv. Jami;.s. aon T l«f „f V ";; ''"'■' "rf • '^^'•■'"»'^'''. N.B., July 10th, 1820. a». List of New BrunswicU plants. Fredericton, N.B., 1878. 201. Additions to the list of New Brunswick Plants. Fredericton, N.B., 1880. -m A PrelLnlnary List of the Plants of New Brunswick, co.npiled with assist- N riH^r "" "' """'■ "• ''"•"^'" """->■ «-'«ty. St. Joht m. A.tic ^z::.t;:^;:^7';:::^''' ^'"' ""^-°" ^-^'^ '""'''^-^'o- Bib.: Trans. R. Soc. Can., XII., ;iil. Franklin, Sik John. .„. ., "•• ^^I'f " '""'. 178(1 : ,1„ June nth, 1817. AT,'*Vl'r 72(7 "'^ "^ '''""*" '^'*'' «*"""«"'^ P'^t""- Bib.: CenLCyc. 4y and (Iniy) IKJH 41. 214. Synoptical Flora of North America, 1884. Bib.: Prlt>!. •num. Hoi. I.ii.. IH72, 127 ; Selene, 188(1; (Vnt. Cyc. Name. 4fl6; Ganlen and Forest. I., 482; Amer. Jnl Sc., XXXVI App • N. Y. Sun, Jan. .'Inl, 188(1; Dull. Torr. Hot. Club, 18a8;"Ame»' Acud. Arts and Re, June, 1888 ; Hot. (!a»!., 1888; Sc. Papers of As* — (J, „i, ^ \ Ij., rtln ; ,\., KS, , Nov. I8th, 1810; d., Cambridge, Mass., Jan. .SOth, 40 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Greely, Adolphus Washington. B.. Newburyport, Mass., March 27tli, 1844. General U. S. Army. 215. Three Years of Arctic Service. London, 1886. Contains («) Botany of Grinnell Land, II., App. IX., 387; (b) JIcsscs and Lichens determined by Rev. E. Lehnert ; II., App. X., 392. Bib.: Cent. Cyc. Names, 457 ; R. Soc. Cat,, X., 52. GuiGNARD, Jonathan Aufiu.sTK. B., Vernoux (Ardeche), France, May 3rd, 1844. 216. Sur la fecondation des Cypripedes. Le Nat. Can., XIII., 221, 209, 270 ; XV., 94. 217. Sur la fecondation du Calopogon pulchellus. Le Nat. Can., XIII , 271. 218. Insects and Orchids. 14tli Ann. Rept. Ent. Soc. Ont., 1880, 39-40. Halibcrton, Thomas Chandler. B., Windsor, N.S., Dec, 1796; d., Islesworth, England, Aug. 27th, 180(5. 210. An Historical and Statistical Account of Nova Scotia. Halifa.\, 1820. (See Cochran, 71). Bib.: Cent. Cyc. Names, 475. Hardy, C>MPi'i;i.L. -* ' B., 1831. 220. Nova Scotian Conifers. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, I., iv., 120. Harkinoton, [Iernahd J. 22), Noto on the Botany of a portion of tlic Counties of Hastings and Addington, Can. Nat. N. Ser., V., .■)12. Bil).: Trans. R. Soc. Can., XII., 40. Harvey, William IJenhv. B., Suinniorvillc, Ireland, Feb. 5th, 1811 ; d., Torquay, England, May 15th, 18(it). 222. Nereis Boreali Aiiierioana ; or Contributions to the History of the Marine Alga- of North America. Smithson. Contrib., I85-i, III.; 18.5;), V.; 1858, X. 223. Noticeof a Collection of Algie made on the Nortli Coast of North America, clilelly at Vancouver's Island, by David Lyail, in the year* 18.-)0t!l. Jn'l Lin. Soc, 1802, VI., 157. Bib.: Amor. .Inl Sc, XLII., 120, 273: R. Soc. Cat., IIL, 207; Pritz. Thes. Hot. Lit., 1872, i:«l; Blog. Ind., Brit, and Irish Hot., 1803. Hay, Geohok Ui^ham. B., Norton, Kings County, .N.B., .liinc IHIh, 1341. Engllsli Master, SI. .John Graimnar School. 224. Note on the Botany of St. .Tolin Hivcr. Bull., N.B., Nat. in„ Soc, .Ian., 1883. 22fi. Notes on the Botany of New Brunswick. Bot. (iaz., Nov. 1885; I'roc Amer. Ass'n, 1880. 22(1. Note on Marine Alga- of New llruiiHwIcl'. Bull., N.B., Nat. Illst. Soc, V., 188(1; VI., 1H«7 | Trans. R. Soc. Osn.. v., Iv., 1(»7. 227. The Flora of New Brunswick. Trans. R. Soc. Can., V., II., 48. [PBNHALLOW] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 41 HiNCKS, Rev. Wili iam. 3., Cork, Ireland, May, 1794 ; d., Toronto, Canada, Sept. 10th, 1871. 228. Descriptions of tliree vegetable monstrosities lately found at York. Proc. Linn. Soc, I., 1849, 40. 229. Descriptions of some vegetable monstrosities. Proc. Linn. Soc., I., 1849, 118. 230. On the causes of disjunctions of vegetable substances, especially those which are horizontal. Proc. Linn. Soc, I., 1819, 273. 231. Note on fasciated stems. Proc. Linn. Soc, II., 1855, 215. 232. Considerations respecting anomalous vegetable structure. Can. Jn'l, III., 18.18, 311. 233. On some questions in relation to the theory of the structure of plants of the orders Brassicacew and Primulacea?. Can. .In'l, V., 1800, 332. 234. Specimen of Flora of Canada, with preliminary remarks. Can. Jn'l, VI., 18(il, 105, aiO; VII., 108. 235. An attempt at an improved Classillcation of Fruits. Can. Jn'l, VI., 1801, 49.5. 238. On Chorisis as aa explanation of certain vegi>table structures. Can. Jn'l, X., 18(.5, 371. 237. An attempte.l iniprovumt-ut in tlie arrangement of Ferns, and in the nomen- clature of their uubdivisions. Can. Jn'l, XII., 1870, 3.W. Bib.: Can. Jn'l, 1872, 2.53; R. Soc. Cat., III., 1555; VII., 0a3 ; Proc. Linn. Soc, 1872, LXV.; Johnston's Correspondence, 152; Diet. Nat. Hiog., XXVI., 441 ; Uiog. Ind., Brit, and Irish Bot., 83. Holmes, A. F. I)., Montreal, Oct. Olli. 1800. A zealous collector, 1820 1825, and Prof, of Botany in the Medical Faculty of McGill University, 18201845. Collections in the Herbarium af Mctilll University. HooKEK, Sir JosfU'H Dalton. H., Gla.sgow, Scotland, 1817. 238. On some Collections of Arctic Plants, chiefly nnide by Dr. Lyall, Dr. Ander- son, Ilerr Miertsching and Dr. Hae, during the Kxpedilion in search of Sir John Franklin, under Sir John Richardson, Sir Edward Belcher and Sir Hobert M'Chire. Jn'l Linn. Soc, I., 114, 1857. 230. An account of the Plants collected by Dr. Walker In Greenland and Arctic America during the Kxpedltlon of Sir Francis M'Clintock, R. N., In the Yacht Fox. Jn'l Linn. Soc, v., 70. 1801. 240. Outlines (,f tl)e Distribution of Arctic Plants. Truns. Linn. Soc, XXIIL, 251. 18fli; Can. Nat. N. Ser., HI., 326. 241. Discovery of Asplenlum viride In New Brunswick. Nat. lllsl. He v., 18(;,5. im. 242. The Dislrilnition of the North American Flora. Proc H. Inst., VIII., 5(K 1879; Ann. Sc Nat., VI., 318. 1878. 243. Determination of Plants collected "oy Sir Georj'e Nares during the Expedl. tlon of 1p75-70. Bib.: lent. Cyc. Nanien, 512; R. Soc. Cat., in.,4ig; VII., 1U18; X., 867, % 42 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Hooker, Sir William Jackson. ^" f2thris^.''"^""'' '"'' ''''• '^'''' ^- ^'^' ^"^'^''d' A"«- 24*. Flora Boreal i Americana. London, 1833-1840. 245. Some account of a Collection of Arctic Plants found by Edward Sabine LondonS. ^^'*^' '" **" ^"'''' ®'^' '" "^'^ ^'''' '^■ 246. The Botany of baptain Beechy's Voyage in the years 1825 1828 London, 1811. 247. List of Plant, from the East Coast of areenland. in the .Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale Fishery, by Wm. Scoresby, Jr. ** Edinburgh, 18:i3. App., II., 410. ""'■^ ^1872 'us^n ^""'-'r I ''t?; '"''■' "•■ '^'' P"*''- The«. Bot. Lit.. XXVIII ' ;J°n ^f- "^- *^^5 VII., 1012; Diet. Nat. Biog. Ir™t.',8T' • '"• •""''• '''''' ^'°«- '"''•• ^''^- ^"'^ James, Thomas Pott-. B„ Radnor, Pa., Sept. 1st, 1808; d., Cambridge, Mass., Feb. 22nd, ^°''Zu^ri^^''\?TfT y^""^ '^'■""^'^ '"« ^°^'^ '« determining ma.enal collec ed by Prof. Macoun, and also by his work on o.o ,, the Mosses of North America. 248. Manual of the Mosses of North America. (Lesquereux & James) Boston, 1884 """•■' ^so:.-cat:"vS',r.''i-'r' ^"'^'- '-'' ^^•■^•^^"^•.33o; «. Jeffrey, Edward C. . , •, . B., St. Calharines, Ont., May 21st, 1866. 9Aa r. , ^^<=''"''"' '■> Biology, University of Toronto. -549. Polyembryony in Erytlironluni a.nericanum. Ann. Bot., IX., 537. 1805. Kane, Elisha Kent. "" I(Jh*?a57''''*' ^''■' ^"*'' ^"^' ^^'^' ^■' H''^'''^"*- Cuba, Feb. 250. Arctic Exploration'; ; t h e Second Grinnell Expedition in search of Sir John I'ranklin, 185;t, 'S-t, '55. Philadelphia, 1856, 2 vols. RiH^r*''!"n"' ^^ V''K«t»t'°n- Considerable collections made, ilib.. Cent. Cyc. Names, 600. Kemp, Rev. Alexander F. 9A1 T. n- u «; ^'■^''""c'^' Scotland, 1822 ; d., Canada, May 4th. 1884 251. The Fresh Witter Algii' of Canada. <»y ^m. loo*. Can. Nat., 1 1 L, 450. 252. A Classified List of Marine Alg.e from the Lowrr St. Lawrence Can. Nat., V., 30. 253. On "'« Shore^^one^ amU imits of Marine Plants in the United States. 254. FilterinKs from the Water Supply of the City of Ottawa. Trans. Ottawa Field Nat. Club, I., 3l> 1882 265. Notes on the Bermudas and Their Natural Histo;y, with Special Reference to I heir Marine AlgH\ Can. Nat., II., 145. 256. The Contractility of the Spores of Palmella hyalina. Trans. Ottawa Field Nat. Club, 1870-80, 31. Bib.: Bib. Canadensis, Morgan, 1867, 210; Hist St. Gabriel St. Chureh Montreal, 1887. 552. v^nurcn, [PHNH allow] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 43 KiNDBERG, Nils Conrad. B., Carlstad, Sweden, Auk. 7th, 1832. Prof, in State College (Lector). Linkoping, Sweden. 237. Bldrag till kiinnedomen om Canada— omradets niossflora. dfversigt af K. V. Akad. Fprhandl., 1890 n. 8 ; Royal Swedish Acad- emy of Sciences, Stockholm. 2.58. Enumeratio muscorum, qui in Groenlandia, Islandia et Faeroer occurrunt (etiam in Canada). Videnskabrl. Meddel. fra d. naturhist. Foren. I. Kioebenhavn, 1887 ; Kioebenhavn, 1888. 259. Descriptions of New Mosse.s found at Ottawa. Ottawa Naturalist, II., In-i. 260. New Canadian Mosses. Ottawa Naturalist, IV., 61. 201. List of Mosses Collected in the Neighbourhood of Ottawa. Ottawa Nat., III., 149. 282. Check List of European and North American Mosses (Bryinere). Can. Rec. Sc, 18S)4, VI., 17. 283. Georgia pelluoida et les especes alliees. Revue Bryologique, 1895, n. 5. 264. The European and North American Polytrichacefp, revised. Revue Bryologique, 1894, n. 3. 265. New or less known Species of Pieurocarpous Mosses from North America and Europe. Revue Bryologique, 1896, n. (i. 286. New or less known Species of Acrocarpous Mosses from North America and Europe. Revue Bryologique, 1896, n. 2. 267. Note sur les Archidinces et Note sur les Climariac^es. Revue Bryologique, 1895, p. 24, 25. 268. Notes on Canodian Bryology. Ott. Nat., VII., 17. 260. Catalogue of Canadian Plants, Part VI.. Mu.scI, by John Macoun and N. C. Kindberg, Montreal, 18!>2. (All descriptions of the new species and the deteimination of most of the specimens enumerated). 270. Determinations and De.scrlptions of the Mosses Enumerated in Contribu- tions to Canadian Bryology, by John Macoun. Bull. Torr. Bot. Club, 1889, XVI., 01 ; XVH., 83, 271. KoLUEWEV, Captain. 271. The German Arctic Expedition of 1860-70. London, 1874. Short description of the Flora of Greenland, &c. Lawson, George. B., Scotland, 1827 ; d., Halifax, N.S., Nov. 10th, 1805. 272. Record of "Progress of Botanical Science. Can. Nttt. N. Ser., I. 1. 273. Description of the Canadian Species of Myosotis or Forgetme-not, with notes on other plants of the Natural Order Borragiuaceae. Can. Nat. N. Ser., IV., 398. 274. On the Banunculacere of the Dominion of Canada and of adjacent parts of British America. Can. Nat. N. Ser., IV., 407 ; Trans, N. S. Inst., Nat. Sc., IL, 17. 275. On Raphanus caudatus. The Horticulturist, N.Y., 1860. I f 44 KOYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 276. On the Structure and Development of Botrychium Kranulatum. Trans. R. Soc. Edin., VI., 424; New Phil. Jn'l, Edln., XII., 206. 277. Some account of Plants collected In the Counties of Leeds and GrenvlUe, Upper Canada, in July, lH(i2. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin., VII., 4(18 ; Edln. New Phil. Jn'l, XVII., 197. 278. Note on Lemania variegata, Apjli. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin., VII., 521 ; Edin. New Phil. Jn'l, XVII., 30. 279. Synopsis of the Canadian Species of Equisetum. Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin., VII.. 558. 280. DiatomacetB of the District of Braemar. of the Dominion of Canada and adjacent parts of British America, Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, III., 74, 295. On the Geographical Range of the Species and Varieties of Canadian Rubi on the ConlinentH of America, Asia and Europe, as indicating possible regions of jirlmHivc distribution. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. So., III.. :m : Trans. Bot. Soc. Edin., XII., 8. 206. Botanical Descriptions accompanying Mrs. Miller's drawings of " The Wild Flowers of Nova Scotia." Flowers of Nova Scotia, Sor., 2 and 3, London. [PENHALLOWj 297. Note A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 4B on some Nova Scotian Plants; Calluna vulgaris, Sarothamnus scopaiius, Rhododendron mnximum. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, I'^ V, Introduction to Prof. Howe's paper on the East Indian Herbarium of KinR's College, Windsor, Nova Scotia. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, IV., imx On Diatomaceous Deposits in the Lakes of the Halifax Water Works. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, V., 114. On the Hriti.ih American Species of the Genus Viola. Trans. Hot. Soc. Edin., XIV., 61 ; Bot. Centralbl. 1880. On Native Species of Viola of Nova Scotia. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, V., 11.5. Notice of New and Rare Plants. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, VI., 68. On t,he northern limits of Wild Grape Vines. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, VI., 101. Revision of the Canadian Ranunculaccft'. Trans. R, Soc. Can., II., iv., 1.5. On the Canadian Species of the Genus Molilotus. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, VI., 180. Remarks on the Flora of the Northern Shores of America : with tabulated observations made by Mr. F. F. Paine on tlie Seasonable Devel- opment of Plants at Cape Prince of Wales, Hudson Strait, dur- ing the growing Season of 1886. Trans. R. Soc. Can., V., iv., 207. The Fern Flora of Canada. Halifax. 1880. On the Nymphwaceip, Part I., Structure of Victoria regia, Lindi.; Part II. Nomenclature of NymphteaceH' ; Part III., Synopsis of Species Trans. R. Soc. Can., VI., iv., 97. Notes for a Flora of Nova Scotia. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, I, 84. On the Present State of Botany in Canada. Trans. R. Soc. Can., IX., iv., 17. Remarks on the Distinctive Characters of the Canadian Spruces-Species of Picea. Can. Rec. Sc, VII., lOii. For botanical publications by Dr. Lawson prior to his residence in Canada, see Trans. R. Soc Can., XII,, 49. Bib.: R. Soc. Cat., III., 895; Trans. R, Soc Can., XIL, 49 ; Garden and Forest, VIII., 490; Ottawa Nat., IX., 180 ; Amer. JnT Sc, 4 I 78. Lksquereux, Lko. B., Fleurler, Neuchatel, Switzerland, 1808 ; d., Columbus, Ohio Oct. aoth, 1888. ' 312. Manual of the Mosses of North America. (Lesquereux & James). Boston, 1884. 313. On the Fossil Plants collected by John Evans at Vancouver Island, and at Bell Ingham Bay, Washington Territory. Amer. Jn'ISc, XXVIII., 85. 1869. Bib.: Amer. Jn'l Sc, 3, xxxvill., 499 ; R. Soc Cat., III., 970; VIII., 208 ; X., 571 ; Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit. 1872, 182. Lindsay, Andukw Walkkr Hekdman. B., PIctou, Nova Scotia, Sept. 6th, 1852. 314. Catalogue of the Flora of Nos a Scotia. Proc. N. 8. Inst, Nat. Sc, IV., 184. 298. 299. 300. 301. 302. 303. 304. 30.5. 306. 307. .308. 309. 310. 311. - u J- J KiJ 46 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Lindsay. Wiluam Lauder 317. On the Asclepiasinca'rn; ll T.'Vm'-' '''• Ann. Bot. Soc. Can. misi '^'•°'^"'^"'« Plant. LvAi.i,, David. ' '' "•' A"«h'nblae, Kincardineshirp «n n . Jn-1 Linn. Soc. 180... 'viS " 4 '"'' '" ^"'"^'^ ^^-' An.erica. iiih.. Garden and Forest, VIII 3in • t -i « IV., 1371. ' '^^°' J'" Bot., July, I893 • r « „ Matiiiew. GKORfiK F. • • ^°'- '^'*'- 319. On the occurrence of Arctic Plants in C„nH Can. Nat. Ser.. IV. 139 Continental Acadia. Bib.: Trans. R. Soc. Can Vir co McCoRD, David Ito,ss. "^^ ^'*"- XH.. 58. a20. Note on tlie Habitat anH v. • .. ^.^ Can. Nat. S's"' .l^ '" °' ^°"^^ '^-«^'- Ferns. «iA( Kay. Alexan-dkk Howard. 322. Contrib'uZ; S a'cau/ ""''" '"- ^- ^• .,,3 ^ . ^-s.^i%^.^S°--3^^the Fiora Of Nova Scotia. 323. Organic Siliceou. Remains in th^'rVt' ^^• Can. Rec. Sc. I.. 23V; Rept St r^-'''^ "^ ^"^^ Scotia. 324. Among the Cryptogams. '^ '^"- '^'^^ »• I«84. 742. ^..- . Acad. Sc. Monthly. IHS3.RI 32o. Among the Water NymDl s a „ ' , Halifax Heralds.' * "'"'""*'• ^'^'^ °' "- Biatomace.. 326. Alg.e of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick ^M ,. Bib.: Ss'^r's:- ^r- ^- ^^- "7 ' ''"' "''^*- „ '^- "■■ ^°c. Can.. XII., 57 Macoun, Joiix. Boti^ilsUo the"r:?"'' ^'"•" ^7'''' '«32. [PBNHALtow] A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 329. am 331. 47 332. 333. 334. ;«5. 3:36. 3:}7. 338. 339. 340. 341. 342. 343. 344. 345. 340. 347. 348. 349. 350. 861. The rarer Plants of the Province of Ontario Trans. Edin. Hot. Soc, XII. The Botany of the East of Lake Huron Can. Jn'l, 1874-75. Synopsis of the Flora of the Vallpv of iv,^ cf t ^ With de.scrlption';oy£lr/er1;e5;s^^""°^'^ '''' ^-'"^^ ^'''^-- Can. .In'l, 1876-77. Heport on the Botany of British Columbia and the Peace River C.un, Repr Geo? S '""f '^ "'^ '^'^''*'°«"« °' P'-^« ^'^'-^^^^^^^ «ept. Geol. Surv. Can., 187.5-76 " ""Ttit^rr ^"' ^^"^"•"^'*' ^'*-'"""- "^ the North M'e«t Can. Pac. Railway Rept., 1877 '"^'°"''°o;c;rnidr''^°^""'-^ ,„, Cryptoga.ou. Plant, of the Dominion Belleville, Out., 1878. Ri'pt. Dept. Int., 1881-82. Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part I., Polypetala- Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Can. 1883 List of Plants collected in the northern nart of Hr!n.». n i u. Peace River Country in 1879 Columbia and the T • . , n?"'" ^"^ ^"^^ "'■"'• ^"'■^- Can., 1879-80, B. 143 List of Plants collected in 1880 by Dr. Robert Bell " (ieo. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Can., 1879-80, C.'oO Catalogue of Plants collected by Dr. Robert Be I in H, n River, 1881. '^- """^'^'^ "«"'" t'!« Bas.ns of the Moose Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Can.. 1880 '81 'S9 r 17 Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part li., Ga'n!peS,?' ''• T. . .S?" ■*"'' ^"t- "'^^- S"'"^- Can., 1884, 19.% List of Plants collected by Dr. Robert Dell on f l,„ r^ * , , son's Bay and Straits. ^' ^°^'*' "' ^^'^''^dor, Hud- Geoi. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Can., 1882, '83 '84 • n n <.« List of Plants collected by Dr Robert RplV^^'fr n ' ^■ Geol. and Nat. Hist' Surv C,:;;!. fS D D %?"' '' Newfoundland. Notes on the^Distribution of Northern, Sou'the^n and Saline Plants in Trans. R. Soc. Can., I., iv., 45. On the Flora of G ispe. Trans. R. Soc. Can., L, iv., 127, Notes on Canadian Polypetalte, Trans. R. Soc. Can., I., iv., 151. Canadian Filicineae. (Macoun and Burgess ) Trans. R. Soc. Can., IL, iv., 163 Catalogue of Canadian Plants. Part ill., Apet«l«>. I886. Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Can., 1886 394 Catalogue of Plants collected by Dr. G, M Dawann af ir 188.5. Dawson at Vancouver Island in Geol. and Nat. Hist. Surv. Can., 1886-87, B., 115 List of Plants of Northumberland Co., Ontario Ann. Kings. Bot. Soc., 1863. J «r-^ 48 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 352. List of Plants collected by Dr. G. M. Dawson on Queen Charlotte T^land. Gool. Surv. Can., 1878-79, 219. 353. List of Pliints collected by Dr. Robart Bell around the shores of Hudson Bay and along the Churchill and Nelson Rivers in 1877 and 1879 Geol. Surv. Can., 1878-70, 53. 351. General Remarks on the Land, Wood and Water of the North West Terri- tories from the 102nd to the 115th meridian, and between the 51st and 53rd parallel of latitude. Rept. Can. Pac. Railway, 1880, 235. 35.5. Catalogue of Canadian Plants ; E:i(logens. Geol. Surv. Can., 1888. 350. Contributions to Canadian Bryology. Bull. Torr. Bot. Cl.'.b, XVI., 91 ; XVII., 83, 271. 357. List of Plants collected by Dr. G. M. Dawson in the Yukon District and adjacent northern portion of British Columbia in 1887. Geol. Surv. Can., 1887-83; B., 215. 358. Catalogue oi Canadian Plants ; Acrogens. Geol. S irv. Can., 1892, 195. 3.59. List of Mosses collected in the neighbourhood of Ottawa. Ottawa Field Nat., II., 364 ; 1885-80. Macoun, James Melville. B., Bellville, Ont., Nov. 7tli, 1862. Asst. Botanist, Geological and Natura' History Survey of Canada. 360. List of Plants found at Lake Mistassini. Rept. Geol. Surv. Can., 1885. 361. Check List of Plants. Ottawa Nat., IL, 157. 362. On Collecting Botanical Specimens. Ottawa Nat., III., 146. 363. Field Work of the Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club. Ottawa Nat., III., 7, 97. 364. Report of the Botanical Branch of the Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club. Ottawa Nat., II., 122. 365. Contributions from the Herbarium of the Geological Survey. Can. Reo. Sc, VI., 23, 76, 141, 198, 204, 318, 405. 368. Some new Mosses from the Pribylov Islands, Ottawa Nat., V., 179. Meter, Ernest Heinrich Fribderich. B , Hanover. Germany, Jan. Ist, 1791 ; d., Koningsburg, Ger- many.Aug. 7th, 1858. 367. De plantis labradoricis libri tres. Leipsic, 1830. Bib.: Fritz. Tlies. Bot. Lit., 1872, 215; Amer. Jn'l Sc, Ser. 2, XXVIL 44;i. MioHAUx, Francois AndhiS. B., Versailles, France, 1770; d., Vaureal, France, Oct. 23d, 1855. 368. Histoire des Arbres forestiers de I'Am^rique septentrionale. Paris, 1810; ed. 2, 1810 ; ed. 3, 1813. The North American Sylva, or a description of the forest trees of the United States, Canada and Nova Scotia. Paris, 1817-19 ; ed. 2, 1840 ; ed. 3, 1850. 369. M^moire sur la naturalisation dee arbres forestiers de I'Am^rique septen- trionalo, dans lequel on indique ce que I'ancien gouvernement avait fait pour arriver k ce but, et les moyens qu'il conviendrait ifiii' •i'i( 2«. ^7, 370. Insectivorot EtT'"' ^'"•" -"""^ ''''• 'S^*" Nat. Can., 1879. 371. Relations of Plants and Insects Nat. Can., 1880. Miller, (Mrs.) Maria Morris M, «:&"""" -«""^' "'"'"■"'■* • 373. Cours Elementaire de Botanique. Montreal, 1871 and 1886. MwRo, David Ransom. 374. ^o-tandOrnaU^^^^^^^ U.S.A.. July 9th. 1890. St. John, N.B., 1862. '"oswick. Aares, SirG. S. 375. Narrative oil vZlT\t'''''T^' ''''• London. iS" ■ ;„^ ' '^'^ «- ^-ing 1875-76. , '"""'Si^j mr ^ '^^- -'-"- - P'-s determined .y Bib.: Cent. Cyc. Names, 723 A UTTALL. Thomas. »77 TJ ^^''"^'J^'Phia. 1818. p. A. Michaux. '*• "°* described in the work of '«« n . , ^''""•lelphia, 1842. Jnl Phil.. 4„.d. N.,. ^^ V ' , 6 '■ '"■ "■ "■ «"•""• Soc-. vn.,',i: i^'l- 7„'^"- "J"- ':'*■■ 23»i P™. Am.r. S' 379. On Canadian Diatomaeem. <-'an. Nat. N. Ser., V., 142. Sec. IV., 1897. 4. 1^- III ^tmimimiimaiiMli^ItU i 60 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Panton, James Hoyes. B., Cupar, Fiteshire, Scotland, May 7th, 1847. Prof. B,ology and Geolo«y Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, 380. Flora of the Queen Victoria, Niagara Falls Park Gov't Pul)., 188a 381. Articles in Bulletins of the Ontario Agricultural College Farm From II., 1886, to C, 1895. ^o'lege i arm. Parry, Sir William Edward. B., B^h, England, Dec. 19th, 1790; d., E.n.s, Germany. July 8th. 382. Narrative of a Journey to the North Pole. London, LS:i8. Botanical Aj)pendice.s by Sir W. J. Hooker. '■ '^'Sni;:'^""- '"'-^ ''''' '''-^ ^'"'- ^^^- »'°-- '^«' ^-UCyc. Pbn HALLOW, David Feaiue. B., Kittery Point, Maine, U.S.A., May 2.^th, 18.M. " tSr;;i:i:r '^^' ^-'-^'- ^--^- -'^ «wor 383. ^->'=--^ ---- in^Cucurhaa, Vitis and Hohinia. 384. Movements of Tendril, in Cucurbltk maxima and pepo. oo. » .... '"''■• •^"'' ^''■' ^"^XXI., Ki, im. 178. 385. Additional Notes on Ten.lrils of Cucurhitaceu. Can. Kec. Sc, IL, 241. 38(1. Hydration of Tissues in Trees and Shrubs 387. "'^^'•■'-^^^•^H-- Material of Plants in Hela.ion to Disease. 388. Relation of the AnnualHings of i:xogens to Age Can. Uec. Sc, I., I(i2. 389. Hotanic Gardens. ■4.y, T„ . 1"^'' '^""- "'''"'• ''^'"'^- Ho"- «0P-. 188")- JIMI. Plants in their Hehition to Disease. 391. Notes on Trees an.i Shrubs of Northern .Japan. ' '^• Kept- Mont, llort. Soe., I8K1. 392. Diseases of Plants. Pop. Sc. M., XXV.,;)8o. 393. First Annual Bepi. Montreal Botanic Garden Montreal, 188.-). '"■ '^ ""-'"'" ;■;„'■;■;;:'£.',!':*"'■ "°"' "" ''"■' ''•"'™'"' »' »" ^™»» «<■ Trans. R Soc. Can., V., iv., 45. 395. Notes on Shepherdia canadensis. Can. Hec. Sc., III., ;i(ii», """'"^ Tn'r'Stl^cLrvi" ;;"';;;-^-"'°-" Bib.:Can. Rec.Sc, Vn.,6. KICHARDSON, SiR JoHN. It contains : «i7. Botanical Appendix to Sir John Franklin- m , ^.« T, *'^<"'>- Phil. Jn'l, XII 107 Ann. Hot. Soc, I. .% i«.»m„„. B. I., '""' ' ''«"'■ ■->• N'.ti; i* ' "'"«: ""'■■ •""■ "■> w.h b"; B., il.'oomlnRton, III., Nov. Hth iSfU «o. Note. S u:;:^;^;-;^^-;^^"™ ""'-'-- Can. Rec. Sc. VII.. a. IHOO. "• «08S, Brhnahi) u Can. Nat.. VII., l.t). Bib.: Bib. C«na.l„„«|,. Mor«„„, j^^^^ j^ [PHNHALLOW] Rose, Sib John. A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY 33 B., Inch, Scotland, June 24th 1777. j t ^ ^"'' *^- ' ^"K'^^d, Aug. London, 1819. '• SaiktOti., DoMiNiao,. Nai.oi,i»„. S. .,lona' Papers, Quebec, 49-50 Vict S SarobNT LK8SPRA«,rK. B Boston, Mass., U.S.A., April 24th i«i, .,™e«,^n.. ^.„,a W.„^ olrr „.,„„,,. 3™,„„, «6.Fore3t Trees of North America. ««. ThesZtNorirL?"'*''''^'--- '^^O- Boston, 1892 (Work i„ Progress ) . , Bib.: Cent. Cyo. Names. 808. 8OBBBKK, H, VON. (8ee1.ob.n5 a S '^""'^ '^'*-''' ^•^- '^-h l^th, l^a SoHwBmm. LuDwio David von ^" Fe?8S,T«^''"' ''•'•^- ^^"^ ''''' "«>= <••. Bethiehen,. P... an M ®^'>«'elnltzia of Elliott. London, 1826 Bib.: Prite. Thes. Bot. Lit. 1872 209. a .. v., m ; Cent. Cyc klmt.l^o "'• "'"• '''°*' «" = «' ^o- ^^«t. SoHDLTa, Sir John C. B., AmherstburfT, Ont., J«n Uf l«^. 1 « 439 n„ .1. n ^P'" "*'•'• »««•■ ■ *' • *^°'"«'-«y. Mexico. ♦30. On th« Botany „f the Red Klver Spt.l„n, . . Ann. Bot. 80c. Can., i«,l' ^«""""-'" ''"I the old Red River Tmll. SkiouLER, John. "•• "''WKowr. Scotland, Jan. 81st Ihm • h n. Nov. Lsth. 1871. "• '** • ^- O'Mgow, Scotland, Scouloria of Ilookor Bib" »T" 'A' ^- '*^' '^'"-'•'••» •" '«2» ir; ■ ''nXSVJ.:;;?^ "-^- ^^ ---•.-.-= ".o. i„d.. „Ht. 84 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA Javoli Mine, Nicar- Skeman, Berthold Carl. B., Hanover, liermany, Feb. 28th, 1825; d, agua, Oct. 10th, 1871. The genus Seeinannia of Kegel. 440. The Botany of the Voyage of H. M. S. Herald, under command of Captain Henry Kellett during the years 184.5-51. London, 1852. Contains Flora of Western Esquimaux Land ; pp. 11-56. Bib.: Biog. Ind., Brit, and Irish Bot., 1893; Fritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 1872. 293; Jaclison, 005; ,Tn'l Bot., 1872, 1; Proc. Linn. See, LXXIV.; Gard. Chron., 1871, 1878; Aluhonk, .80(1; Amer Se., 1872., CHI., 1 J; R. Soc. Cat., VIIL, 926. 1872, Jnl Small, H. Beaumont. B., Market Bosworth, Leicestershire, England, October 31. 1831 441. Devt.opment and Progress. Ottawa Nat., III., 0.5. 442. Waterhouso's l/cctures. Ottawa Nat., HI., 58. 443. Pine Life. Trans. Ottawa Field Nat. Club, .50. 444. Report of the Botanical Branch of the Ottawa Field Naturalist's Club. Trans. Ottawa Field Nat. Club, III., 21 ; IV., 60. Smith, Titus. B., Granijy, Mass., U.S.A., Sept. 4th, 1768; d., Dutch Village, Halifax. N.S., Jan. 4th, 1850. Mr. Smitlj's writings are scattered through the local press, and always unsigned, so tliat it is extremely ditllcult to trace them at the present time. Mr. H. Piers, of Halifax, has, neverthe- less, succeeded in tracing a tew. These are given below. 446. A List of the principal indigenous Plants of No<'a Scotia. M. Mag., Halifax, N.S., (Feb., Wll) I., 342. 446, On the operation of Fungi in disintegradng Vegetal)le Substances. M. Mag., Halifax, N.S., (Feb., 1831) 1., :m. 44V. The Vegetation of Nova Scotia. Mag. Nat. Hist., 1835. Bib.: Murdoch, Hist. Nova Scotia. SoMBRa, John. B., St. John's, Newfoundland, March 20th, 1844. Prof. Materia Mcdica, Halifax Medical ('ollcge. 448. On a Correspondence between the Flora of Nova Scotia and that of Colorado and the adjacent Territories. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, IV., 122, 1877. 440. Introduction to a Synopsis of the Flora of Nova Scotia. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. ric, IV., 181, 1877. 480. Notes on Nova Scotia Couiposltie Asters. Trims. N. S. Nat. Sc, IV.. 2:W, 1H77. 461. A Contribution toward the study of Nova Scotia Mosses. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc., IV., :m ; V., 1», 1870 ; V.. 200, 1881. 462. New and Rare Plftnts. Trails. \. S. Inst. Nat. Sc.. VI., 28, IHHO. 4K*. Nova Scotia I'uiigl. Trans. N. S. In.t. Nat. Sc., V., 188, 1880; V., 247, 1881 ; V.,;B2, 18KU; VI., 28(1, 188(1 ; VII., 18, 1887 ; VII., 404, 1800. I !ar- B72. 372, Inl 831 ivnd lem the- rado [PKXH.™j A REVIEW OF CANADIAN BOTANY Sdllivant, William S. SS IHKi; B-, Columbus, Ohio Jan ir^fi, ,oa.i ■ 454. Contributions to tlie Brvolocv nn7 u ^ ""^y- ^ ^ Mem. Acad. A^S^ ^'s^^ TlT'^f °^ '"'''' ^'"-'-. l^*'- 4oS. Icones Muscorum, or Figures anrtnl \ peculiar to East^r^ ZnUAZlrTj' IT "' "'"-"^ M"-- tofore figured. '^'"''" ■" "''"C' liavc not been here- Jnl Sc, 18-:^! CV. ^48; -"^^^s ^^ il^'^, «°^, 'i^' 1«72, .SO., ; Amer. Cyc. Xame«, 005; Proe. irr.' Acid ' IX if'' ''''- '^^ '' ^'^»'- ToLMiE, W. Fhaser. ' "" ■ D., Victoria, H.C., 1886 Bib.: Anier. Jn'l Sc. CXWiri ii< ,,. 170; Flor. Bo;. AmJr I , p.'i^f "iif "^'^ ^"^■' '''''• ''"^ Wsh Bot., ToHREv, John. B.. Xe. Yorl. X. Y., Aug. 1.., noo ; ... xe. Vor,., Ma.b lot... AKP X'.. ^'«"»'*Torre,vaofSprengel. 45fi. Notice of Plants collected by Prof n H n i . 1H20. around the Great Lak"' ^rTr n ''"^ "'" """""««• "^ Mississippi. '"^^^ '*'"' "'« tapper Waters of the dff7 r . , '^"'^''' •'"'' ^'■- ^^^-' IV., M). «a Mo„o«r.„I, „, .x„,,,„ ,i,„,,i,,„„ ,, Aew ^ork, ls;«i. (214) Flora of Xorth .An.erica. .Toney and Gray,. New York, 18;i8. ' 450. Flora of tlie State of Xew Voi k. Xew York, 184:i. 400. Flora of the Northern and Middle Seclion.s of ,he I'nited Sf„f New ^ ork, 1H2-I nited States. "'■■^^o;;:v,.!'i;;r.;;;,r:,::;'t-r,---'s?---. B., Boston, Mass., Dec. 7th IhTT- ,1 » i 188(1. "• "''' ' ''•• '^'"'"erst, Mass., March I5th 401. Enumeration of North An.erlcan Lichens 4a, c <>"'i"lirldge, Mass., isif). 40i. Synopsis of Lichens of Xorl hern Veu I,', i , . I'roc, Atner. Aca... Sc.: Vi.H . ^1 .if'.^f "'"' B^'^'«" America. 4fl.l. LichenesAn. Mca. Septen.rlonalls .'cisiccuH ' ta.nbr..Jge, Ma,s.. .847, 1. ^ n, .loston, ia^4, 11,. & ,V.; ,8a«. y. * 404. LIchenH of Arctic America Bull. Nat. Mus.. XV., in?. 108. il je 66 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA 466. A Synopsis of North American Lichens. Boston, Mass., 1882 ; part I. Bib.: Pritz. Thes. Bot. Lit., 1872, .324; Amer. Acad. Sc, XXI.; R. Soc. Cat., VI., 61 ; Cent. Cyc. Names, 1012 ; Amer. Jn'l Sc, Ser. 3 XXXIII., 165; XXXI., 316; XXXIL, 1. Vroom, James. B., St. Stephen, N.B., Aug. 27th, 1846. 467. A List of the Flowering Plants and Ferns found in Charlotte County, New Brunswick. St. Stephen, N.B., 1887. Waghorne, Rev. Arthur Charles. B., London, England, 1851. 468. The Wild Berries and Fruits of Newfoundland and the Labrador. St. John's Telegram, 1891. 469. The Flora of Newfoundland, I,ahrador, St. Pierre and Miquelon. Trans. N. S. Inst. Nat. Sc, I., 389. Watt, David A. Poe. 470. A Provisional Catalogue of Canadian Cryptogams. Can. Nat. N. Ser., II., 390. ; I. Soc. ser. 3, , New