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Lee cartea, planches, tableaux, etc., pauvont dtre filmte A dee taux de rMuction diffirents. Lorsque le document eet trop grand pour itre reproduit en un seui clichA. ii est film4 i partir da I'angle supArieur gauche, de gauche i droite. et de heut en baa, en prenant le nombre d'Imegee n4cessaire. Les diagrammes suivants illuatrent 12 m^thode. D 32 X 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 o Bee CENTRAL EXPERIMENTAL FARM. DHPAKTAiHXT OF AGRICULTURE. OTTAWA. ... f'A?CAI>A. : n : BULLETIN No. 11. -: o: hecommendations for the Prevention rf t. some Common Insects of toepar,.tf^^' ^^ Orchard and the Gardem ™' "*' : o : — ^^JAY, 1H91, Ol ni hi th gi) tht Ollj as 1 iti: S"fe' Jintl Ott/ To the Honoiiraljlo Tlio .Arii.ister of A-ricuItiuv. '^'■'r'^ -. ''-'-."r',,, ,:;;':::"": ""« !'«» .n,,y bo ,„.„vo,„c.J l.y ,,,,,,.;„„ „„. „ '^ ""''' "' enable lIuM-o-ulor fo ,. r- ,■ '*''"'' ^-^'^^ the illustrations, will J 'lavo the honoui' to be. Your obedient servant, Ottawa, 15th May, 1891. Wm. sauxdkhs, Director Experimental Farms. ri u n Tl mon of 8C re mo insec enqui ^YhQl not oj fu mill Eeo habits as are As 3 the vuj more a plant i is not d dations RECOMMENDATIONS f'Oli THK '^^^ (IF li.DliliE ll)- .^1)1 (i))|i||)\- iv^fii^^ OV THK FARM, THE ORCHARD AND THE GARDEN BV •JAMKs FLETCIIEU, """''"""'" """ *'""'«' '^ ^o.,u,uon E.,er,..,„„, ran... The frequont enquiries for info..m..r monost uM.l most njuri ,,, « t "'^7" concerning even the com- '•o-Kler it advisable to i ^ , ^" ^^ '^" f'^ ^ ' --P^ and ft-uit. of some of the n.,re in o ^t '7^ ''" '' ^ fomedies and eonvcniont' m ds o 'T' ^'^''"' "'^'^ "''^^'''^-^ insects treated of are thole v ,h I ^'' 'V"'' '^'" ^''''''- ^I'O enquired about by my corresnon, \ """ '" frequently ^;-o po.ibie, i^stta:::: r • ::; :;;::; ;^ ^-^ ^- ---- not only k„o.v the latest remedio.bu'uth 7 '""'"■"^^' '"'^^ -Tjconomic hntomo bi>v is iho i...,.,^ • habits of insects with the ^k^ f I^'"' "' '^ ^^^^'"' ^^"^^ "^ ^^e as are beneficial and of destrovinl T ^^ T"'. ""^ I>''o^ecting such As year by year lanJ^T^f ^^T" '^'""'^ '^''^ i"J'n-ious the various ^u-iourcr^i -2':; ::;:'''-^"^r"-'--'^^-tion '"ore and more numerous a. the en I ? '^''''"' "'^'I'^^ ^^'''^ become P'^^»t is extended. U is st m tL V'l^ ' "' '''''' '•^^•^'"'^^ ^<^^>''- i« not diminished by a av '^eof af , '";" '^ '">-•«!> .^-wn which ^l^^tions of insect eZni.s ^n^^'^'^^^'^^^^^^ '>^' t'.e depre. ' '""•'^- ^'o some years runs up to one- 11 6 li.i. fourth or onc-liiilf of tlio wliolo crop. Of this h)s.s there in ncxhuiht thivt » hiijio ])rop()rtion can bo saved \'»KVK\TIVK ItEMKI.IES. vigorous a,.,l iK.d.l./.;^,.',: ,■''''' ' "^■'' ^^■•" •^^•"""h«' a •"• f^'H., sociin,-, HO that n c. , Th I ? "^^-'-nulalin^s Karly ^-" "-^ "-y cann.. 4 " • y :'r''"'r' '" ^'"'' " ^•■"""- obnoxious washes to Lo , ''"'";"""^' ""^••'""^'' '^ ^'"-'^• ^vl.ich k-avo (I.c ..•n.mul • n " """"' ^'''"'^^r-worm moths, tnu.ks .oClheiro "!''"'"'■''' ^'"'''^ ''"'' ---'-,> thj ACTIVE REMKDIKS. bo ™;;:!^;;::„;;! .?i;;::;!::ir'^'r'ji "'' -r" -"'"* - -^ ;'■-■ ■«»-•«"' J,o, a,„i .,;::];„„ J : »■;;'-" ""'■"■;.-«, n, bust explained u„.lcr the .„v..,..,l " ? , " ""-"'"''» «•'" '« ca.ion „f ,1,0 ,,,H,„H ia*,.r I ''"'■■ "'"'I'"-'" 'li« ap|.li- APPARATUS ii 8 account of tl.oir cuuHiir action upon tomlor vo^otntioh, als,. for convonionco of .iintrihuiion. un.l to oconomirto tho matoi-ial in ii^o. For dry ii|)|)Iicati(.Ms Huilal.lo diluents will ho found in flour, land- plnslor, air-Hlala'd lini.-, and finely si(t..d ashos ,.r load-dusf.' It is of tiuMitmost importunco that thoso Hhouhl 1... porlt-.tlv dry and in a vory finoHtato ofdivision, HOAH to mix thoroiii,'hl\- with (ho in- «oi-licido uso.1 and to allow of hoiu,!,' distiihiilod evenly over tho plantK UH a very fine powder. Tho (inantitv„f (hediluent.s to ho used with tho dilferont insoe(ici0' »"jr ollodivo. If worlv is doii,, it special iiisfr '•' lu^ithor sati. PfMI'S AND OTHKR F( AV "l*'m |.,.|!ow.." rna.Ic l.v Tho. most hii,dily rcco 81 and iiiiiK'niloil. I "■'•' >'''i''H, iMiiladcl,,! W '•^■^IH'.'tively. Til. '"Hasoii at..miz,.r," for tl ' Is mad.' ill t ^iiiiu' tiriii al "», I- "110 of IIm' u-o si/c-s, wliich sell at "• iiiiiiiiillK'tiircs (li » ^iiiall scale. I ^izos arc iiccossarv. Tli or iiiorcoxtciisiv K' ajiplicat ^"T'-''""ioiisr..rcf]Mim,,>',,f '/'" •"■ " li'iiii.l s,„ay ,1, 81' 1 '> S.) t\)V '>*o can lie PI Sinai oiir Canad lan sci'(lsini.|| y "aiHi immps. These pi'ociiic I at prices 1 Kill various HprayoiN, coiisistini;- of "orcc-pumi) 'i".! spra C) Jifo ohtainaldit } y ii-^ftiilinacliiiit'sarctlic "K roin nioHt of hack iind are vciy con^ a tank of 4 or T) nail pni^'iiiM^ iiozzl.' atiachcd. Tli. ^''•"P^ ns caM.a.jcs. t wii'iil lor tho treat Miai)sack " ons capacity, with a T "i"^' carried on tl inoHt hi.(hiy spol. , turnips, ot.-.. as well as f niont .,f low-.-r ""■•^'1 I'v AlbinsoncVTnish veil .if are. tli.- "( '»r small fiiiits. OftI 10 owin;^' iaij(iwa\- s, i>-<'.: C.)«t. S14. AnotI ojm.2()2GFo„rtoontl 'laver, lose maniiliic- Ki "''• maehme which is hiV|,| I street, Wa^iiinof "II. '••psacicmamifactUi-elbyil.eFieM J which sells for (I expensive macdi 10 same p; ice. A ^'l".y approved i . the '>i'ce-pnmpCo..ofLockpon, 'I'o IS the '-Euiek II cxcellpiit bnt "lelni'd, X.J.: Cost, $21 m ni.ii'o All of tl ^''■'""'■«1""'>^'>'-I<' mentioned furtl or fiel »i-vvork larger iiiachi KT on. ''*lo l.y Adam Weaber icseare siij.plied with tli in the market. The Field 1- lies are necessary, andtl Porfection '^fcc-pump Co. mam, lore are several Ills an extra discdiarge I P""^p which can he attached;:; ill sdiTod up in the barrel .go hose by which the 'Jif'tiii'o for S12 (I >arre|. Th 10 IS pump poison iskept cnn>(aiill anti London Piirj)| vinost imp„rtant thing will, J ^"•KN.Y., al,so8ond tioiKoallodfhe "Standard i, 0 mixtures, (r.ndd's 3Iannf: aris (creen ly 1)0 htted to the t oil! a machi Mlbl 110 which has oiv icturingCo.,ofS uiiDie-aeti oneca on uroiit s.niisfac- tubes. It coats ahont 314 «P '"• si.lo of a barrel, and ni,' Sj)ruy Pump." This al HO c'omploto. TheNi.Kon.\ozzl lias iw.j discharge i-':indi\Jaoliine li i: 10 Co, of Dayton, Ohio, make Uvo .nnchinos which a.-o hio-hly pral-ed by all who have tried them. The hvrgoMho "LittleGi^mt," co i^t .^^rir' ""' ;vith fb,.ce-pu.p, and i. n,ountcd on^h ^^^ I can be d awn or pushed l.y mean, ofn handle and driving wheel • but for nse in an orchard the tank can bo talcen off the wills 'nd mounted ,n a waggon. Cost. 8.5. The .an.e company .^t^^t n a„e. machine, the '' Climax Tripod No. 2," which 'sells for $ 5 enn,l b^v 'T"T "''f ?V" ^"'^-' ''H^-'^ ""d shipped in a very small box It can be attached to any kind of vessel or tank hv nc r " "'"'"'• ' '''' '' '''^''''^''y '^'^^^ -here pumps and spraying apparatus are to be obtained that I have givJn the addresses of the above tlnns who have sent mo their catalou A good pump, called the Orchard and Garden Force Pum I m.dt by W. Robertson, Oakville. Ont. I do not know of' .my o" • Canadian firms manufacturing these special forms of apL^tus t:iZ:::::jf 't "^r''^''^'' °"^^ womd do weir :::; 101 catalogues before deciding on purchasing any particubir machine, so as to procure the mo.t suitable. part.culai NOZZLES. tic^'j r^ '"''""''T' '"'■'^' '' ^''''^'"' ^•^'■^^-P"»^P. i" the distribu- tion ot poKsonous apphoations, is a proper noz.le, bv means of which nVr;l no 1'''^'^' r''- ^^^^^ '^'^y ^^y^ '^ ^'^ ^'->"-'^' Z^Zi^V "' """'^y ^•^".^•••••^tion of the volume to be thrown; gicatest atomizing power with least tendencv to clog; facility of cleansing, or ready separation of its component parts choaimLr- e^imphcity ann Prof J. B Smith says (Bui. 75, X. J. Ag. Col. Expor'r. Station) :--rho' oit::;7: ' ?'■""■'' ' '^^-"«-^'"'^ ^-- ^'-'i"^ the nozzle o obstructions, is the most widely applicable for spravin- low phin^ and bushes, like cabbages, pumpkins, currant^ bi;ci;bc ^ .na others. Tins projects a tine spray in an eddy from a central fore bl'"'' ''''^''\!''''^ •";"^'^« " P^-^^^'t and, for a short distance, foicible spray, l-astened to a rod of convenient length, and sot at an, with the rod, all parts of tho cabbage can bo thoroughly ^^ct in a few seconds. All who have ever used this nozzle are IV Co!! Lockpl;.!,' 'kv/' '' ■"'"""■""""■"l h- .1.0 I.-i»I,| F„,.co.p,„„„ The Nixon nozzle is eomllv r-ni,. m .. '•ange of work. The tZ ' 1 '"'^'f'/"'; '^ ^^"^'^-hat different nipple again.! a screen tX olDlT "''r''' '' ^'"^" ^«"^'-''^l there into a fine spniy en'' ' 'f "^,7^"'''^'^-. "'^<' is l.roken "i'^hed by the Xixln No. I 3 '/"f -"'V^^ ^-ce. This is iu,- nozzle for oix-hard use ^^'"'^'"'^ ^'^■' ^'"^^ ^^ '^'» excellent The question of elovitln,,. ♦! t-Msmo,.eiyone:i^s ;:?S;,:r ^^"^^'^ ^''^^^^-^ one end of a small hr-iss or ?l , ''"' -^^ P'P« «i the pump to other end, an<. n.n4g "h ^^'^ r"'"^ "^ "'^^^'^ ^^''^^ bamboo or other ,. .t po le o fl e^" ".'^^^ '' "^^ «'^'^ «0 a shaped waBher. cut out of hid 1 . TT""^ '"''^^''- ^ ^^«^'«-«- nozzle, will prevent the r ft r 'i' ""' 'Z'^'"' •'""■^^ '^^"'-^ ^^n> the operator! ^ '" '''''^'^"« '1'"^" the pole upon REMEDIES. For convenience of reference in ih^ i..h two to use on vegetation Tre !','''' ^' ^'^^ ^^•'^^^"'' ^^ the by .ome who have^,sed i^ ..nd U J ' ^n"''"' " ^■^'>'^' P^'i-^^ than Paris Green, on a co n oi U o'r "'-'^' ''^ ^'""^ with Bordeaux m xtn.ran of . " '' ^-» tains, for mixing t.'oatmentofinsect^;;;nC^t^/""^-^'- '"" ''' ^'"'--^ "11 mandibulate or biting ins? ',« iuUsT " ' ""'^ '•^"'"'^' ^-• and the domestic animal^ f'.e'mn t t. r'^' '""''^'"""■^ ^'^ >"'"^ it out of the reach of children fX'/"''''^' ^" ^^''^'«» ^" '^'eep It' applied too stro:i'^;::;;;s;rt^X;^/r- tractive. Some plants are much nor! n '" *'''^ ^'^^'•>' ^'««- nites than others it thorefb," 'ecol "''^^ ^' ^"''"'■'^' ^^' ^^^« '^^^'- cantion until the quant t-trn'r^ ''''T7 '' ''' ^'^«'" ^^"'^h known. For a^.p/e tre . m l^' f'-^^'"^ ''^ '^ ""'^^"'-^ P'-^'^ i-"* to 50 gallon, of wate ^^^ ^^ ;^ T ^^ '^ ''■ '' ^^^''^^ ^'-" the ^--trength; buta^st tn^^f IHeilde ^'h''^^ "^^''^ ungues aie tenderer than others 12 Mderable risk of i„u,rv m„° ' ' """" "'" t-" ™"- tlneo times in , e „ pl'n'r ''.'""T''^ '" 'P™^ '"" <"• .■ocl..eod in sl,,„,'u, ■'"" "I'l"'^'""""' of the poison shcl.l bo a ':^^^: r: iT'x:- r^v"'" - »-'= '-'"■ wi.h .he lar«or-a,.o„„, of Cj; j;', -L?"'' "'^^^^-""^- ""-^ «. .1.0 Ii,„id begin, .„ drip ft.„,„ „,„ L^veT ' '"'""•" •''' '■°"" "dvitelX^dJiUioITf::..;;'';? "'' "r--'-'-. P-f. BUey flon- seem., .0 Iceep 11,0 p„i.„„ ,„,„ „„,; , effeoT'm tl'l i;,,' will be found difHcl ,^ n, ,1 ; . '^ n """ °"'°'' '"•"'="«'ie* it a.cabba,e,Sv.ede ,i„ ; mLM'"T, '" "T '"»""•'■'"'' »ixins n li.„e soap wl. h , le ™ e ,1 ' LT^ '" °™';™'".^ ''^ Paris Kieenmay bo mixed with Inn ■. '''J' "PPl'^ations, d.,Ma.,,,,a.o(ai.s,ar;v:;:«r:™-,:'s';:,i':;f''^ such insects a, nh t H " . "''" '""""■'"^ valuable against bos. .o^ri'tcrr^nitbrs. b::;-';:"' '-"''''■ ^^° Kerosene (coal oil) 2 gallons. ' Eaia water, 1 gallon. Soap, ^ lb. Boil the soap in the wifpr ti' nii • i- i . ing hot turn t into .hi dissolved; then, while boil. adhere to .he suri J ' ' I i,,''! !""»""' ^^ I'-'f-' i' wiil As it cools it „,i, X ,, -^ ^' ^^ '^"<- cinuision adh re to the surface of glass without oiliness thickens into a jelly-like mass. This o-ives thp" ~t. i "' ^"7- '" wMeh ntust bo diluted .,„, „i„e iinres irs':i:;;:e t':,:7^Zr 13 before usini,' on vegetation Ti.« i e-ulaion wil, mnutT^J'^^^^^T^ ^"-'tity of 3 gallons of «ma„ openings along thei? sid^ The trJr^!' ''"'''' ^^'-'»h 'S to suffocate them, by stopni„;.. u. ^ "^ ^"'''''^'^ ^'»"'«ion Jir. W/ute muebore --Th 1 ^ "'' ^?"^^^'"«' l^°^'-«. powdered rootn c,f Veratrum alj u^,'"^'^ J>oison-tho finely eating insects of .n.all fruits esneci.liv 7 ^I'^^'^^'l ^oMhe leaJl very poisonous to i„..ets it c.n he ^ ^ ''''"? ^'''''- ^"^-^"gh would bo dangerous. It'c n b n, t '' ""' ^'^"" *'- ---Ss table h^L^:-;^-;;;;;^^^^ anothe. vege- tren^eiy active in its^;;;;;:;;;^;^::,^-;^^^ harmless to human beings a„i t L .' f T' '' '' P'-^^'tically --d flo.vers Of .omo phl^Us I gi f t';""'""^" ^^ ^^ ^he pul.e"^ >« useful for many household pe tT fs 1 ^■''^"! ^^'•^^^'■""^. It a 1 of which are cjuichly atlect i It ', "l'''"^^ ^"^^ ^^'-•^P^'^, hrown into the al of a ro^n bv" ^ '•''^'"^' '"^ ^"^^^" a^ant t; bf ows, or by a small quanUtWa 7^ ^"' ""''""" ^^ ""^'^ 'jjilowed to ..mouldo.-. I^ see ''to h^"'-^ '"'' '^"'^'' ^"^ breathing organs of insects. W le^p .cti'"T "' f '^^ "^'"" ^^- gives the best results. If mixlr u^M ' '' ' ^'^■^' ''^^''^'^^tion comn^on flour, and then kept in a i^h '- Z .'""'' ''' ^^^^^"''^ ^^ four hours, the mixture wi 1 kill no ll.,, '^'"''^ ^''' ''"''^^'7- to, and in this stroi.-th been no .k^ "^^ ^'aterpiHars it i. applied Of the Imported C^bb^e ^^t "ir""'^ ^ ''' '^'^'^ with water, 1 o^. to 2 gallons of 'i;. '' "" "'^^ ^« "-^ -ixed V. Alkaline Washes.~A wash i-nt n "oto^ by P.of. Saunders in i. "j?, ';/'"^^" ^"^^^''-^ ^ tbat and consists of -soft soap reduced to h •^"'''"' ^^ ^^^'^its/' by the addition of u strong so .Lo 'T"^^"^« ^^ thick pan t applied during the morning o^rH^nr''" "''r" "''^-- ^^ ;^-f«l as lunticipared i^^om i'L' pl:;^;.?'?"'^*"^^^ ^ ^---'Iv hawa-,r^„ u.... ^ . 1'" powerful odour T>.,.*' a t ^ .' ment fi'ui Carbolic Acid Em t-grower or lover of shad xten^ively with it and clai e ti'ees can afford to b »'«Jon. He says: " I mak m« that no 'e ignorant of the tl e It just as J do th( II 'I I III i u oft sc:^>Tr rir'rT'"' ■'" ' ^^"•^•^ ^^•^'^^-''^^^ -•"^-■' (^ a- t , ';T This ; r . "fP' " ' ^'!"°"^ ^^"^''^^^) ^^ Of the proper st.ei.^t 1. ih.s ,s the best preparation 1 know of to protect a-ainst the apple-tree bark-lice and apple-tree borers " l^'^^'-^t-'^^^'n^t It 18 applied to the trunks and larger limbs by means of a stiff brush or cloth about 20 days after the trees bIoss<;!^n '^ Carbolic Acid AYash.-Prof. Cook also reco.nmends for radish -,-,, to which, when heated to the boilin- r.oii f 1 p.nt of crude carbolic acid is turned in. For use me mr of 1 • plan once a week from the time they appear above the grou d <"Hu.e.t as a deterrent remeci;;;:f£^::^ies'^ ^^ "'' '' '' ''''^ -intu^r^t '" '7 ""' ^- a long time f.. fumigating joc^i.. could be made ./ b^ii^t^n T':u!;nf^z:^o":r:;! 1 pint of hqu.d contained all that could be extracted from it Til piant-Jice, flea-beetles and other insects ^ 15 Fif!. 2, PAr.T rr. 1; The America.v Fkit Ft v rn..- ■ -" '»«ect wluel. ],as only Loo^ i^!:!? '''■':^^'''^' -LoonO.-This is ^ «"t; but it seems tobevor "i V '"' '''''^^^y ^^"'^'•ked «tem,,iust beneath the suHh ^of n " '^'' ^'''' "^" ""> >t passes the winter i„ the samcT i, ' r^"'""'' ""^' '''^" ''"^'^ pupa ,V inc-h in ofhi 1 '"'T^''"" ^'^ » P^'lo brown tied, at Fig. o -'''' "^ ^^'^--^''^'Po .^hown. greatly magni- lieviedies.—Jjutil m,,.-,. • > 6U.bble soon ,,f,e,. ,h„ „,,,,, i, ;", '"'"'■" ''«"! CO m,n;,«-ing „( 1'2' ^"'fy. "- i»'i-- u! b:,, ; : ';, ■; ",',"v"'"' "- vol,,,,,:.,. ovorcomo ll,c i„i„n.. •"'" "'" '"■'li'lbe injured pl„n,„ ,o farmorMo ebe necessity of „,,,,' i',<'-'™'lJ;»Uict,h,,,.,w«ke,,od ho ond of J„no who,, ,„e hnloUheJ.",, "'' ?"""»' •^'"™'- '-<''>'<' perfect insect,, f„™in» ,|,e ^^ ;' u 1!"'"' ""' '" ''■""«"■ '-TLe J«»t» the second 0^ of X^' ^T^'""'^^''"""' ">egmund he clover "-.aenterthogronnd „,",:• " "'"' ""'•'■ '"'"o "» -- .-i,,,,,,. „. .^„ ,„:^ -.-;ho w.;-a„d e,,,e,,o again I: !-■ EO J'ig. 3. 16 «■..«„ fu„' ,^,.„:::°:,: : :;:,rr,t,f:" ^r« '^■ brow,,, vvl,e„ ,„„y ,,,e,„b,„ t m;"' oUr T "" ohan^e to small »n,„ky-wi,„-oU ..„af; ,vl I '"■'"' spring „,„| aahimi, T/.,. „ , f ' ''' "PP™r « no ,?""'""" .o™" "I'"" 'l>«ro is - r«.„,„i,„, „:t,:;;;;';,'"°'"""°" »' *e damage 0.- puix« Will l.e destrov^d a ten >". '''' ■^' "'""^' "'' '^' ""'^ ''''^' the .tubhlo chVoctly "tl 0^;^"'^ ""''""'' ' (iii.) Han-ow crop for the flics to lay tl.oir el """ ' ''^ •'" '° ''^""^ ^ ^^'^''^eer i" eady in Se,>te,ubo..f ' Ann,?:""" I';. ''T '' '' ^^'-^^''-^ help . .ea. o. i.,.ea l,\J^^Z^ llj^r'"^ ^" ^^^""^ " e.y active beell^" cK^;!':^'; ^"^'^ --^'' brownish-..^, ong, M Uh two conspicuous black spols on ^eodpea.einautnmnorinspnng:ieavi'; i^e 3 oung pod and the grub eats its vv^ay nito ,be pen,, where it pa.sses all its stages F.g. 4. emerging ,he sumo autumn or the folltw: 7> ,. ing spring. Jiemedtes.—n-), Clean spwI Of . • fested seed. When wee ik ^""'^ ^"ipoi-tance is sowing unin- Boon after^v.^s an 1 '; .P"'r 'r.r"'" '"' ""''' '^'^ ^^^^^'^ '"^erge -til the youn^ ;: ;r : r nt'^^^'^''^^^^ ''^^^^'^^ weeviiy a°e almost as o-ood for .' '"'"''""'^ ""^^'^^^ ^^'^t the insect will not thrive t ^t^r;:^." 7;:;:f f"' r ^'^^ of pease as seed is a great mis^itl f[ ''• ^^' ''^^^ large proportion being as -t rul! , / "^ S^'^ ^f a very germinate produein.. wVa - nl^ ' t .''T^' ""^^ ^^^'^^ ^^^^h do extreme cold (below 15^ bi o' "ero F^^f ' ' '"'^ '^""^ *^^^ weevils in tuo' samples of p a e won fi' '"'"'^-'^^ '^''^^ ^'- 1 - pease, it would be a most unjustifiable vei tho fir«tyear iron, the infected sp..? ' *^ ''^''' ^^>« "*«P «-<'ovvn hero aro several ways of dostm 1 fh '' ■"""' '" '^« ^^'^^'^^ •emedymostwidelynsedbvsoor 1 ^ the contained insects. The ;« to place the seoj to be t ol "' ''"''' '''' '''' ^'^>" venieno when fxpciscl to the air in,! ,1, """• "'i" choiiiical vn|,orL, cover a,„i keo,, it iigh„„ ei„;° ', , f""" " °" ""> "*, l"" o„ the Phi.l« doe. not !„ja,»U.e'^^:t. "':?":*''''' '"""'■ ^"^ '"-'- ™ro, on account of it, extrcn, i2„ Z' ''. '^""" "" "'"' "'"' explo„on will „ceu,, ° "»"' '""" bo hrought nea," it or a„ ;n '-^^ of canvas o? ^tro ;;^' ", " l'^ f '^ '^ "--'» --"> will emerge and dio before the ee/ f ^'^ '"'''''' *^'« ^^'^^'^'i' (iv.) Holding over Seed P "''^''''"^ ^'"^- «'>win^- y- atte,. har4tin; ^^J:;^;":::^^';-^^ ""'^' ^'^^ --"<' sorted out befb,-e sowing. ^ ^' "^ '^"^ defective seed can be -^4^:!; i^ri!!:::^^:::^ h:,:?^" ^^^^^^'^ ^^ ^'- «- of ;^'ovv..ed by placing the seed in oa Ur IITV'' "^"'''^ ^^ ^- It must, ho>vever, be sown or d, ed ' "^""^''^ before sowing. ^^«t«^-- ^ '"' ''' ^'^'^^^ ^^'hen taken out of the ». Wiiea Midge, '■'V\^e«vil" ^n- / • ™ali reddish n,a„,,ot,, J nchlo^f'^.^'^,. "•'"«■. Ki'by)-Soveral - eat in theearand c^u"™; t :^';: ", ^*';« -onn.l ,ho grain, of full grown, fall to the sronnH T„T S^e of those, when -*oo.™ai,:ift^e.r"ofwrat"■^"""r ^""""'^ "'« the grain. «t wheat and are harvested with ■Remedies,— .(i.) Bu ,"g machine particularly in local '•";^'i rubbish and screeni (>j.) Deep ploughing 2 ities where the mid «« «oon as the crop is carried ngs from the thresh- ge IS prevalent : i ill ,1 18 G WiiEAT-STEM Maggot (Aleromyza Americana, Fi(ch).-A c.IasHV- greon blonder maggot, ^ inch long, which attacks the bat of tl Frf^"'" ""' "' ■-■"■"-'-I 'o.- No. 1, ,h. A„,o,.ic,,„ INSECTS INJUfiroUS TO FEUITS. r Apple Apkis (Aphis mail, Kab.O.-Dunns tho winter snvUl Apple Worm.— ;See Codling Moth. 8. Beautiful Wood .Yvmph (^urfrya. ^ra^a, Fabr.).-On ,a-ape vines may be found, in the month of August, highly coloured cater- pillai-s with the body blue, rinired with orange bands and fine black linos, head oiange and the whole body dotted with black tubercles. ■Fig. 6. These drop to the ground Fig 5 "^^^^<^" fiiH grown and turn to rouffh „ ' ' hiown pupa> beneath rubbish or near the surface of the ground. In the following spring the beauti- ful moth shown at Pig. 5 appears. The upper wings are ci'eamy-white and seal- ^__^ , brown; the under wings, deep yellow, Fi^o. bordered with deep brown. iilemerfy.—Hand-picking is usually pi-acticable. Where vei-y numerous, Ppraying with white hellebore or Paris green may be used. (Remedies I and III.) ^- Canker- WoPM^ /■ a • "1 ^-'noipjllars wliiVl. off. i ^ .^ __ ^ I'-oos, a,„I ;i,k.h •„■! "''>•'" females of both kinds -wo ^.tn , '^"^'""" ^^''-'J^er-wornr T. .n.o With ft,,, g,.e„„, I p„ 17 ":,;;;';%;"« "-"•-» m .i.. «„.„;; 10. CoDLLvo MoTFT rn ■»'« "f I pound ,„ 300 g„„„„, „f ;™/;'". '""> Pan. «roo„, at ,|,e mi i! Saw- 24 20 II. Kall Web-Wohm (^Jlyphnntria cunea, r)niiy)._Tho im- xi^'litly \vol)M mado by coloniott '>t' lliia iiisoc't at the tops of livanches upon fruit and shade- tieos in tho autumn arc well known to every one. J?c//icJ(Vs.— The e,i-'^^8 arc laid by the lemalo moth (Fig. 8), during- June, and tho webnaro genondly noticeal)lo in July J'^roin the habit those cater- . pillars have of always loniain- ing insi.lo the web until n snort time before thoy change to puj.uvm easy way (,f dealing wi'h this i.ost is to cut off the web and destroy the contained caterpillars by crushing them underfoot. It not attended to before they leave the web, of course, spraving tho trees with Pans green will destroy this as well as all otlier leaf-oatin.' insects. * 12 Ff,AT-riF.Ai)ED AiM.LK-TUEE BoREB (Clmjsobothris femorata. tab.)— During Juno and July very active bronze booties, about half an inch in length, and of tho shape shown at Fig. 9, d, may be found laying eggs upon tho trunks and large limbs of apple, mountain ash and othei- trees. These eggs soon hatch into the curious flat-headed or horse-shoe-nail shaped grubs shown at Fig. 9, a. These, atter a time, eat into the trunk and bore broad and flat tunnels, which seriously injure the tree. i?me(/i/.— Undoubtedly the best remedy for this and all other borers which, as a rule, conMne their depredations to a certain part of a tree, is of a preventive nature, and consists of applying an alkaline or poisonous wash to tho trees just before the time the eggs are usually laid. For this purpose Remedy Y or VI should be applied in the beginning and at the end of Juno. 13. GIrai'e-vine Flea-beetle (_Graptodera chalybea, lllig). — At the time grape-vines are beginning to expand their buds a blue- black flea-beetle, | inch long is sometimes very abundant and injurious from' destroying tho buds and undeveloped flower-bun- ches. Ficr. !t. I'itr. 11. 21 fi'iiiC'li.!.-.. " !'•'"" ll'i-' >vlnl,-i-, a,c (I,., |,„,, ™-"io- "f .he ,..„,,„ ,,';„.,:,:;;;:;,.; z "•"■« C'oeiH'r. Like tl„> .,.( "'''" \ ii:.'ii„;,„ I _ J^lKC 1(10 I.I.S).11U"I1(I„|1,.|1 illM>(.( i, „., «'!-. ,1,0 ■,!;«.',:;;:;:,'"''''■'•'■'■■" ™<'".-i. tulcl l,v II,, „.|,i„ ., , ' l>r.!-0Mc„ i, Iravo, 't , , ''' '''""■'"•■' "lc:u„nc,. ,„■ ,|„. -"■ i--o.-o„oo,„,.,:,':;. ' zz:;!i: "■■"■"""'■°"^ »■- "'---t 15. I.MI.()IITKD Cl-I{IUNT-HOR,.-p / A' • .. i" Juno a boautitnl UUloT^JtTT'''-^'''"''' J^)-'^"'.Iy bands .ounali;;'!:^;;^^;.;:'^^ '"^•■■^t troubloscne enemies ofH '^ '' "'" "^ '^'' K ,. injnnous (o ,.^ ,^ 7''7 '^. ''- ^-n ^-. more v.rie.ies. Tl.e e,,-,-, ^re laid n^f^H \ '"' '''" ''«'' '"'"'' ''^^^^^- caterpillar when iKdehod ^u.' ' !^ ^'"; ' ;: ^'"'^"^ '''>< ^-1 tl.o pith. It renuuns in the w d 1 uZ M ' ^'?-'--"h1 destroys the next June. '"""- ^'^« ^^''"l^"'', an.l cMncM'^res the out ,,,,.1 dortrovod. I,Hli , Zot.f, '■•■'•'"■1""»'- ■""»' l« l".nl.xl f i«"t .ban thi, in.„e,.' C, : . "°r '"'" "'"" '^ '""» I-- "lie perfect insects, ivblcb ■,r« ., I; m '''"" "■'''■""'• ""'>' '" -'"•0', -«.^..«.™.bo,,cat;:;:::^::;^s-:;-^-w^ i: 22 ESS -7="^^^^ F,„. ff.n . , . . " Nhowcr, or whon damp with (low - A N„no ..n.oht not at roc,,i,MUHO us insect, tl.o little .o„ghno.ssos on tho l)ark of upplo trees shown in I-^.. 13 Sue,!, howovor they are. and extremely inj.uions insects "<'. Then- Ide history is peculiar. About the IstJuno n.'v.:te wute nut.-liIco insects, with six legs, emerge from -noa.h ho ...ules on the baric and for tw?, o. thrjo days m. "l;o.itscekmgf„rasuitablepiaco toattach themselves, i boy then pierce theyouny bark with their beaks :• ul live '•n the sap of the tree. They never move from that place 'Mvun .1 he waxy scale is gradually secreted, and bv August (ho insect has iransformed itself into a scale covering a cluster of eggs. These remain unchanged on'thlith V ^:f^t ;:::;' t t' """^' ^^"^^^ -^^^^ adontPd f^^- L I • ^'^'fected, therefn, ., n.^asuies should be adopted fo inducing a vi,orous growth, as woU ...^ -,.• n^o rem. - r o the scale insects. Spraying just befor • . : oua. open with and again at the time the young lice are active, for at this time h y are most susceptible to injury. Scrubbing the trunks b aches of young trees with alkaline washes (K^emedv V nl V , he winter or early in spring will also keep down the num- '■ 8 oi t;i;s pernicious insect. ^i Pear-tre.: ^uvo (Selandria cerasi, Peck\-Tn June and ^^uguBt slimy greenish-brown slug-like caterpillars, J inch long. >/i'-(V^ I'IR. 1.1. » -pb- >vm, ,. i,.„„' fzz^'z:^:^^ '"""" '""'" '» »"•"'• I'-l'"!*;" 11.0 l,„„ll„« vvl,k.|, f„l| nnJ, ''" ""'"■1 »'■ "™o«„rv to . O' h>0 y„„r, „l„„„, .1 ;; I , """O"""' «n.l .le„ ,„^„,|. "'""' '■ 200 K„ll.,„, ,„■ „,„, „„ , ■ ''^ o™o,l, wit,, p,,,,.. .„.„„ Pj I 20. Kas,.„e„„^ ,j„„,,„ '™> "W" 'l.«y m,Ht bo ,-,.pc„„ 1. a,„i„,.„ „„„ „,„ b„ t„ ,; "'^ """P- "■ tl,. lack;p„t« I, ' ,1^° ''°" " "'« ''«ly JoHow and ■7'^ aro ,„i,o co,,;'i!,;,''2''":ir''™''' "?'■"''• "'^'"""'^O P'okod off. Thoy separate f wh tho grub J '1 .'*ecn Bhoiikl at en removed the o-u-dled las '^"i bitched and bored down '■^m the cane with a light'touch Port.on should be examined i'Uo the ,- ^f S, grown, and then changes to a brown puparium inside the stem. ...r. . T , a time the young cane turns black at the tip and than he last, where it occurs, because it burrows furth r down the «tem before the indications of its presence are visible 22. Easpberry Saw-fly (Selandria rubi, Harris). -About the time raspberi'ies are in flower the leaves are noticed to bo riddled with small holes. On examination this will be found to be the work of a green, bristly caterpillar (Fig 16). From the close resemblance in colour to the leaves on which they feed, these caterpillars arc sel- dom recognized as the cause of the injury. They disappear irom the canes before July, and' form oval cocoons beneath the ground. From these the perfect insect, a small, dark four- winged fly, | inch long, appears the next May Memedij.-Spnnkle the foliage as soon as the caterpillar's work is detected with white hellebore, ] oz. in a pailful of water 23. Easpbkrry Plume-moth {OxyptiUis nigrociliains,'zd\ei-) - In June another small caterpillar, somewhat like • the last, but with flner bristles and of a paler green colour, may be found injuring the foliage in a\-ery similar manner to the last. This, however turns to a very beautiful little moth, bronze, doUed with silvery white (Fig. 11), which may be foun.I flying about the canes in July. Hemedy.— The same as for No. 22. 24. ."Red-iiumped Caterpillar ok the Apple ((Edemasia con- cinna, Sm. Ab.)— Late in summer arge clusters of voiacious waxy- ooking, yellow, white and black caterpillars (Fig. 18), with their heads and a hump on the fourth ring of the body of a bright red, are sometimes found on young Fig. 10. Fig. 17 lig. la. 25 . tnm coenono ..,>, „ ,. ''"^/ Jeavo the trees sin,! ^.,.;^ „i- "^ . cocoons amonirst falJe these iinchani.-ed emerge dun.gj„,,,„jj^,^ i^merf^.-These c.terpilla; trees ami npin close but "fJI the next .nv;' . ^'^^terpilh.r.s remain in .. „.,. ' f""* 'P'^'"^^ «"d the small h-.m... ,.„.^ lives. '■own moths apple t >•« are nearly always found -^^»:^:;;t:r:«?r;-fri---:M^;v ■nr. , — "I--. uuL on ai When too high up for this a aiicl the calerpiji pose of them spraying with Par on young the case i'l-s cnishod underfoot. •IS green would d IS- jji^ bore,. „„„,3, a,.: :t„, r „t r *^*''"' ""'*■"'<'' "■-"•)- Tho gr,,b is much thicker ,h , ! ' '^.^r*' """ "■'«' '« '"fe <»• ♦alee, ,h,,„ year,,i„,,«, „" '" ° "- ""t-hoade.! bo.o,., a„d beetle IS pale-brown with twoTh-', ,"'""'" ''» "'"""t'os. The ^».;k .n the sap „„„,, holl„wi'„:"'„, ' «',"'' ''"« i'-t beneath .I,t more ,n diamelcr. T|,e b,,l. 1, d'ambei- aljout an inch or way which i, .o„„ r i" iray fro,,, ,.;"," 1. ^-'V' f ''"''' '''"''• '"'''>' *"'■«» of the t,.:n I S; "■';"= V'"™ ''«™ °" 'he biVMvn moth, with two white,, n ' '" "'^'''" comes out in Tulv X,,'^'"\'^ ^''"^^'"^ -'cross the wings, ^''"^^-■thedt,i;T'''^-^-'-- well known "t. ciiptionis unnecessary. l'"isr. 1!). codl Remedies. — \Vh er •e apple trees tlN f'"t(ing off the webs when fi 'J ^;^oti, these caterpillar »J^'il. Hand-picking of th are sprayed for ■s will also be d los- I'st formed in M; ie eggs in winter, and and when, owing to i'.y 26 ^LSeZlt*" '°""^'^' ''"''"' '--y -"»P--o„s, are both INSECTS mvmom to hoots and vegetables (ii.) Tlio most satiHfactoiy treatnienf hni.r„„„,. *■ ""^ "i«iggois attackinc: the roots nf Tmim,, „ ii soon as pricked out Th«cn „ young cabbages as «.y «./. o„e.tMi jfr z r„r«; r "' '-^-^^ '»" ^^ ™"" Bemedies.—n.) Wliito hpllf»lin..„ o • ' (iiOkerosene orL^iT^^^^Q ^ ^ ^ T'''' f '''''"''' root., and the earth kept well hoed unloth; "^ n"'"^ "'""^ '^' useful remedies; (iii ) Nitrate orso/^/^ n ' '""' ^'"''^ P'"°^«^ plant, is highly 'roloni.^!;:.;' '"' ' table.poonful around each CABBAOE-WoRM.-.^,e Imported Cabbage Buttorliy. J%'-^/ 29. Colorado PoTATo-nPFTn^ /n i. mM. Sav) —In ro,.!,. <^7^ (^oryphora lO-lineata, with short, silky pubcLcenoo whil t ' ""'' '='''■'"•'"' intheloaveaot^uLwaborr;::?::!; r'T"' """'' ^'""" "*' «nf«r.:'T;^t'::%TorToi;iC';if'*:rtr""^'^"'*«™^ when the dow is on them. ^""'■'' '>' "'"' "•« 1*'"'^ 27- ^V tj. '^ofh appears about a month late^ ■•^'^''''^' f''om which tl,o Remedies. —([•) pia..,, n u specie. ta,ohi;\r,:,,''';:':„^^»''-.v°-.gcmorpi,i„,, „,,„„„, groun.1 »8 soon ,« B„,,i|l "■""'™' "f "» VGget„ii„„ ft„„™"7 -ppiy an.i ..,0 prf;: ' ;: ,:;:^'7." "«i-- r„em »; t^r,6t ««» uuhat looalUj.. Rold' „'£'"« "V"- «".« 'ayin,, tC "ei-growr. with wee,is or ot ,or v ^ ^^'"'' •"■" ""»"■«' "> tocoine the poisoned ph.nts^.nd bu'th '''.''"''"• ^^^^ ^"^-voi-m. ea weather those bundles nhoul h *^''"^«'^•«« «"nnf- fhn /.,if ,„, i is .eon .„>3 e„. o/.Ko,.r.;.c:'.:,::;-x;:r:;'"'- "'''""' i^a<„™; ^«,-...-Tho™ „,.„ „v„ encnie, which deserve e»,,eci„l ' - notice, juid, from the - i?oocl service they do, •should be known by night to every culti- vator. They "are the Fiery Ground-beotie or Cut-worm Lion (Calosoma calidum, Fab.) and the Elack Ground Wasp (^Iwiwjo. philaluctiiosa). Both „• -.. of the^o are desperate enemies of cut-wnrm« iU. p ^ ,. on them in all of its stagos the latter dll^;, " ^'"^^"-' iis nest with them as tb^ i^X^r:^^ ^^ «^>^ ^'^ «^-'"« 32. Imported Cabbage Bcttkbk.v (Pieris rupee, L.).-The white butterflies which fly over cabbage beds during summer lay eggs on the leaves, fi'om which are hatched the troublesome C;ibbage-worms. Jie^nedies.—The best i-emedy for this insect is undoubtedly insect powder diluted with foui- times its weight of common flour, as directed under Remedy IT. Fig. 24. I''ig. 2«. 29' >v>ii«!?s ancJ more diffi. -'t to doa, With than the ^'^bage and Radish Maggots '•■^ the Onion Maggot (Pi|. 26) Jiemedies.~mc^^,^ well-worked ^ ,-^-aea.,p,..,,.,,,,^^,. 7 (;)• KeiusenoemulHiunwat. .//ored along the rows when the ' on.on.nroronnd to be infected ,„^, ^^ ^_ J»'»"*,J>i-oved Miceessful. lime, sown broadcast over tf,n I.. *^"^" ^ ^P^'i'^'^'ing of gas- to protect the crops con idl nb J ..T''' ' n ""^'^' "^^^ "'- f«" d fertilizer. nsideutbly, and was thought to act us a o-ood (F.g. 26). -^ '..»embli„g the iiy „f ,],„ Onion ma.-„„t -nrtb^;::^!^::^:?-^^^ ground are recon. best results frona using Z Tj r T ''• ^ '*"^'*^^ obtained the I>. The use of salt and 2 L' ? '''''''''' ^^^'^ ^^-"e.iv infallible remedies. ^ '"'' ^''^ "'^'^ b«"e«cial, but are no^ ^\ / '"-^'"^"ing.durk-brmvn bu'^"~", 'T^'"' "^ '^''S^' ^^ ' ■ Jong, clustering ro nd sJ^ S ' 'l^'^^-t'^ f inch June and sucldng th o ' Tho'"" ''°"' ''^ ^^"^ «^ leaves. an^^L!:i^ :;:zxZri^ 'r ^^-^ («-d - factory tobacco, 1 lb i„ 9 or ^I^nli ^ f decoction of waste is useful upon Wrde" Ore, sf;rP.:i;'"- ^^''-^ '""— ^^7 See also remedy for ^0. 36 ^'■''^'' '''''""^* '^^ "««d. Fisr. 28. a P S( nc Bh ee be. cu] att dor the addr 1 hi ^^^ TO COKRESPOXDEXTS Bomo of the foodplant Tl^h " u''' ' ^'^'^" ^'"-«> Place w th ?L ' should be .oiled in pap/r or c "on %'''"""'" '-^^'^ ^'-