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Whenever possible, these have been omitted from filming/ II se peut que certaines pages blanches ajouties lors d'une restauration apparaissent dans le texte. mais, iorsque cela itut possible, ces pages n'ont pas et* f ilmtes. 0 Addit■ XrdTnY,' 7^ „d boMerou,, eBpecially in their upper "'''^-^ • '"* """^ 7,^ d,„oe ^vard extension of the Restigouche. > Catoslomus commcrsoni, Lac. Big-scale.! sucker. Carp (French). the deviation from the scale fonuula is more "^^^ked^nd cons^^^^^^^^^^ the Gaspe fish. Here it is 9-60-7, a divergence not at all ^f^P^^J^^ant so a !s he numher of transverse series (60) is conceded ; hut th ■" active moveraej.., r^ cnrren^; ^"^7^;, have been of u^^^hSrc Jei- x^a to — «o«i^ ^-:rtri::: ment not to tod in the GaspS rivers 0. '«T™'™'s^'jZ k™? N.B ; „o»e1, or Northern, Sucker, not uncommon m the St. John river, r.,B , nor L it eeem to occur in the Ee=tigo«che or Metaped... f * t 1 f .)- 1 V i; f [001] FttESH WATER FISHE8 AND BATRACHIA ,43 CYPRINII)^. Leuciacus cornutuK, Gntlir. Rt'd-fin. t«r . 7 . '"^ ^''"'^■'' ""''^>'*"^ '"^^^ the (Jnmd (Wanedia near form IS a woll-m.rked varu-ty, de.ervi„g recognition as a boreal type wit the two commonly evanescent lateral golden bands very distine in life, aiid visible after months of immersion in spirit • ^the " e formula shows a slight increase, with .7 in front of the dorsal, iie ^ew Brunswick and Motapedia shiners have from 16 to 32. Tl an fin-rays are 8 instead of 9, and the free margin of the dorsal is strad or slightly convex n..t concave, due to a shortening of the anterior ravs, which, when the fin is depressed, about equal the posterior. As w U tant diirerences, canm,t be regarded as a modification of mueii si^ni- Nolemvjonus chrysohucus, Jor. Golden Shiner. Like the last, this species was found in but one river vallev in Gaspe, that of Grand Tabos, where it occurs in tuo small 1 .it water near the coast, known as Lac a Canard and Murphy's Lake I 8 lu a 1 respects typical except that the anal fin-rays are L instead of i5 but this variation is not uncommon among xYew Brunswick speci- mens. Occurs also in Metapedia river and lake This was the only fresh-water fish found on P.E. Island by Rov McLean Vanwart of Fredericton and the writer in 1896, whil making an investigation 0 its bati^chia an.l fishes. It was Collected from Af ton Lake near Mount Stewart, and agrees with the Gaspe specimei n having U rays in the anal fin. No information could b^lad T^ txme nor manner of its introduction, nox was its presence knln to th people hvmg m the vicinity. As the lake is only a few acres in extent without affluents, and with an outlet only during spring freshet it I' just possible that some admirer of this handsome fish planted U here iTt^rthes^from 'n ^ 7 d "^^' *'^ ^^^^"^ ^^^^^^ ^' '^« «-" ^-^- a, _u„ !jiii„ m ^uy general hne of bird mipmHnn «g.eB str„„g,y .g.i„.t ti, th,„^ „, l^ ^^^^^ of fllieT Cgh 144 ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA the agency of birds. Even where lakes and ponds belonging f' ^if^^^"^ b si^ are made the sumn.er home of fish and "va-eatrng b.rds t^^ results do not appear to be dilTercnt. In New B.-un.wick the St. John r^^er with its numerous bu.nches and lakes seems favourably ze ^r aches ^Ne; Brunswick. Moreover, it presents some var.ations ir;!;ru^al ^pe 0^-. ^e^l. . ^ - P— Zd ^ "^' ^'Thrrttt^aHeaTt mokfi^aZ' characteristic of the influ- ''"*"• 4 t I W habitat or mountain forms usually show an increase enceof a highland hab tat for ^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ ^^^ ^^^ in these hony supports. Th^^/f.*^^J P"^ ^j^h the Black-nosed Dace, tion. Common in all the waters of New Brunswick. Phoxinus neogaeus, Cope. Minnow. \>'\ [cox] FRESH WATER FI8HE8 AND BATRACHIA U8 ■ "•CJ county „a. ehara^.^ e^L^^^^^^^^^ '^•■^"^'-"- ^« ^^^ lack of any further stnfin, ! / .. ""'*' '" '■^"«"t years, the accepted a8prlo7it?^"r ^°V,'"V''^<^'- being recorded might be rence h.re of this w t? rt n "^ But the occur- •urprisca. it was o^lv an 1^1 r^ '"""'" '"^--^t'ng, was no • recent and mo e ant^n.nf! "f;*'^\^° '''^^'^^ f«ots which suggest these sections? r°tTa^^i:::r t'"" *'' '"""' ^"' «"'«^' western range re ind Lnou 7n .. ""^'^ *'"»* ^'^">' PJ^"t« of email ma.m'Ils. n tabfv Z^ r IT" '^ ''^'^"- ^'^ ^''"^ --^ reported east of Maniloba a^onit / ''' ■ ^"'^''"^"' °"* ^'^^^h^'-e (See Bull. No. XIV., Nat HUt.^ of Nr B^nr. T'' ""' '''' ''^''■ however, a genuine surprise to meet J^h th^ T ' ^^ '''''■^ ^* ^'"' coast, where it occurs in a small hi ^^^' Ir ^^"'•*««* «« the Oasp6 .notherequallyinterLt^g";";';,^^^^ CWmu. erythrogaster Ag ^ ''''^'"^ '"^'^ «""them range, free ?::m7redr uTflit! r;! tT"^' '^ ^*^^''"- ^ ^^^"^ respect, so that the Trightly ci^ d 7 Z^" " '^"'■*^ ^^■"'•^'''- '^ "-a -y, in part, owe its prfservat ^ h^^^^ ,1 therT'^:." ""^"^^ '"^^-- It varies considerably fhT., i . ' ^ *^'' ''*"««• guished from that ofTno h^^^^ '*'' '""^ "-^'^^ ^•^*- oertain stn,ctnn.l differed' ^ B^r^C^ ^h "'^r '"* ^^ known to the writer, never exceediL ...'^ ""^ *^® «°^^"««t length, wherea. in icZald l1 fh ? '1 *^^^«-^""*«- inches in on record. The formorTo W J^^ "! *^''' ^ ^°"^' *he largest dorsal insertion mor;o;terio; bv L .\'f ^ "°^*'^ ^^y^^ ' the branchial leaflets obrorandTtoul^ n l*^' ^^°^*^ '' ^^^ «-"d-l ^ with broader bases ; sn^o^f shtrt^'anltl^fteT/tri '^ ''^'' «^^ longer, and the band on the «idp infl , ^i V ^*^'**' ^'°« relatively conspicuous patch on the ope" "^^^ ''^^' ^° ''''' ^^ ^™ng a The Gaspe Phoxinns is very cIosp tn t>, i forms, being about four inchest length w f^f ^f^' «— -^ more pointed, the pectorals longer and 'uz.l '''' ""^ '"^^ ^^« tition, however, is very irregular j"^^''^'^^'' ^C'^te. The den- Chrommu, erythrogaster, Ag. Red-belliod Dace ^^g ROYAL bO( lETY OK CANADA St. John Co.. a Wy of water only^^^;- ;;^ ::::l::^: wS Orovo. n.ne m.le. from M. J"l « . *" ' u.^t when he collected it ITo.n its only Canadian recordB untd A"K- ^; ^^^ , .,,„ ,,«,,p,dia, and a few Bmall lake, in tl.e valley« of »»^« ' ^ / " n where it was fts.o- from the N<.uvelle lakes, near New Crh I . ^J^J ^^ ^,,^. ,,,ter, ciated with i'. n.o,.u. '^: ^^^^^^I'^'^J^^ ^ upper part of for it iB reported fron.M.olngan and a^f-^^^^^^^^ the Mississippi ha.in. and recen y ^om nc rt ^ _^^ ^,,^,„i,,ion. by W. V. Kendall and Hugh M. Snuth {Hm. u ^^.^^ 1L4, pp. 15-'^). AV.V/^ro,a«^- ;;;;:;::;;e;^\e Maine s eein.ens all our Chrosomi have ., and m '»'; -^;;,;;;:;^„, ^s next station to agree, as well as C. .o.v. Cope, from the S s u h ^^^^ ,,,,, the south, which, however, pres.iits a slightly (I'roc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phd., 1861). ^ .^^,^ ^j^,. ^ The Gaspe lish, espec.ally tho.e f r - he G - ^^^^^ ,„^^,,, capedia, are somewhat peculiar. He body is m .^ ^proportion to the ^^V l^H lii^ Une T ^..l/iu.tea'l of A^^ snout -, generally seven dark longitu.l nal line ^.^^^ ^^^. ^^^^ the two extra ouo. often well f ^■^-;; j'/^^^ '' a.^ele ; dorsal inter- vertebral line, but ^^2^:^'^^^^^ "^i ^-'-. :'''' tion more posterior, b.ze ^"^'^i'' ^ ^ Cascapedia, and Goose variety predomimtes in Hamman Uke ^-"^ ^^ J ,^^^ ,,,,^ble Lake, Little Cascapedia Th^ J^veU^ ^^^,,,,,i,„ ,,d proporti.m of most those found in New B.un.^ick in c ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^ parts. While the slender elongate body recalls eo., B3-28 i. P-tically thaj^of ^^-"^^X,,^^ ^,,,,, N.B., CKrosomi are To sum up, the Clear f^^ker^ . f^„„g exhibit a divergence so very near to .ny/.ro,a.s/.r but he G .pc^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ ^^^ ^,^^,^,,, „.arked and constant -^% ^0 recogn^^^^^ ,^ ,,,,,„te them by :iinr;rrre:s"r rnTnvestigated and more material accumulated. Ceratichthys Plumheus, Gunther. ThU .pe.» wa, reported « f«« ^h — .„^- ,«™™* ,, the writer i„ l»»^>^o ;*; 1 1 • f.- Ir 'M I • ■ r ,' i * • !• J . i [COI] FHE8H WATER FI8HKS AND BATRACIIIA 147 X. could bo cx{) '( ti>(l. wlieru it wa- ob»erv*(l IiimI 8iiiiiiner in tlw Mi'tupfdiu river nml luko, Grind und Little ('as » >^ [oox] FBESH WATER FISHES AND BATRACHIA R. syhaiica, Le Conte. Wood Frog. 183 timep^I'viZ.'" '""^- °™'™"^ ■'-'"'■"«»-' tfro„gl.„„,. the Man- Hyla picheringii, Storer. Tree Frog. Common in Gasp^, where its note was heard in the valleys of all rivers. Common in all the Maritime provinces of Canada. ^ PLEURODELID^. Diemydylus viHdescens, Bat. Spotted Newt. ■O. v., var. miniatm, Hallowell was nnf t««* ™uu xu , , w *? r.'r "^"^ '" '"^ - ™ i^t^ pT.t' Z 4T ».ewt, oi which It .. . «asoBaI and terrestrial form It would heater ^tr^ if .hi. .trange temp„.,y .^, „, deve,opl„t ob Jtas Desmognathus fuacus, Eaf. Painted Salamander. No mature example of this species was collected, but abundant writer has not met it here, but instead what may be a colour varie v of specif' ""' ^'^'' *'' '"^" "^^"^'^ *o °^-y be of this alleged PLETHODONTID^. Plethodon cinereus, var. erythronotus, Green. Bed-backed Salamander. Not uncommon on the peninsula. Generally distributed in th« Mantime provmces of Canada, including P.E. Island. 13* ROYAL SOCIETY OF CANADA AMBLYSTOMID^. Amhlystoma Jeffersonianum, var. laterale, Hall. Seems to be very rare, for, though industriously sought after, was collected at but one station, Grand River. Heard of at a few points. Common in New Brunswick, where, as in Gaspe, the type is larger, the body longer in proportion to the head, the legs, ^oo, relatively shorter, anal groove wanting, and pelvic and caudal folds well represented. Not observed on P.E. Island, nor reported from Nova Scotia. A. punclatum, L. Great Spotted Salamander. No specimen seen, but its unique and conspicuous colour pattern cannot be confounded with that of any of our salamanders, and hence it IS easily known from descriptic Heard of at a few points in the peninsula. Common in the Maritime provinces. SNAKES. Coluber vemalis, De Kay. Green Snake. Observed at several points on the peninsula. All through the Maritime provinces. C. sirtalis, Hobb. Spotted Snake. Occasionally met with in Gaspe. Common also in the Maritime provinces.