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Un des symboles suivants apparaitra sur la darniire image de cheque microfiche, selon le cas: le aymbole — <•• signifie "A SUIVRE", le symbole V signifiri "FIN". Maps, plates, charts, etc., may be filmed at different reduction ratios. Those too large to be entirely included in one exposure are filmed beginning in the upper left hand corner, left to right and top to bottom, as many frames as required. The following diagrams illustrate the method: Les cartas, planches, tableaux, etc.. peuvent etre film^s A des tsux de reduction diffdrents. Lorsque le document est trop grand pour etre reproduit en un seul clichd, il est film^ A partir de Tangle supArieur gauche, de gauche ^ droite, et de haut en bas, en prenant le nombre d'images nicessaire. Les diagrammes suivants iiiustrent la mdthode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION lEST CHART lANS' and .SO TEST CHART No 2l 1.0 I.I Li 112.8 I 140 2.5 i^ lllllM 2.2 2.0 1.8 i.25 1.4 1.6 ^ APPLIED JK/HGE ^ Inc ^\. 165 J East Mam Slreel ~.^ Rochoster. New York 14609 USA '-^^ (716) 482 - 0300 - Phone = {7t6) 288 - 5989 ■• Fax 1884. ';84 -ii^f, OTTAWA FIELD NATURALISTS' CLUB. ( Origan iztui March, /S~i^\ Inivrporated March, 1SS4). — - — •'=^='-$^"=$^* — — patron: HIS EXCELLENCY THE C: ^ERNOR-GENERAL President: H. HK-AUMONT S.M^I,, .M. 1). Vicc-I'residfnts: isr, JAMES FLE'ICUIQH^n'N f<- '"'• \Vin"IK (Marino Department.) Librarian: \W I ,. "?V^ H'T (.S6 Sparks Street.) Secretary: W. W. H.\RRIX(;'I^fKN;)st Office Department. Treasurer : W . V. .'\ N L)f50fci^s' (Marine Department.) Committee: PROF. ^! MAVr UN, IIM. AMI. F. R. F.VrCHFORD. ,$tniibinq (Tommittets of (founcil: Publishing: Jamfs 1'"i.etchi,k, \V. P. Ani>i;rs*)N, W. 11. IIakki.\(;ion. Excursions : R. H. Whvik, F. R. Latchiord, II. M. Ami. Soirees: Jamiis Fi.f.hhi;k, Proi-. J. Macoln, W. L. Scnri. ^cabns of ^lant^ts: Geology: W. R. Bii.mnt.s, M. M. Ami. Mineralo}^}' : ( ". W. Wii.i.imoti, W. P. .X.ndekson. Botany : R. P). Wnvri;, Prok. J. .Macoun. Conchology : F. R. Latchiord, P. S. Poirikr. Entomology: W. H. Harrington, Jamf.s Fi.etcmkk. Ornithology : \\. L. St;oiT, G. R, Whiik. /.oology: H. P.. Smai.i,, \V. P. Leit. OTTAWA FIELD NATURALISTS' CLUB -\y^>»/^^v/*/»'V.>./**\yv« This C'luh has for five years l)een engaged in develupiiiL; tin Natural History of this (hstrict, and in fostcrin'/ a taste for its further study. The success which has hitherto attended its efforts encourages it in ajijieahng to llie public for supjiort and assistance in the continu- ance of its lal)ors. 'l"he Council, while preijared to use every means available for the advancement of the Club, would impress upon the members that this (an only be secured in the highest degree by their erergetic co-opera- tion. In addition to that a( tive work in tlie field whicn should be the pleasure as well as the duty of each member, there are many ways in which great assistance can be afforded to the Council. With the increased membership to be readily obtained by united efforts, the ICxcursions, Soirees and Classes would be correspondingl) i-nlarged and the Club publications rendered more extensive and valuable. There arc also many persons, who, remaining non- members, might still be induced to report facts of imi)ortance coming under their observation, if they were fully aware of the aid which they could thus render, and were assured that such communications would be eagerly welcomed antl all encpiiries promptly answered. During the coming season there will be held each month, if pos- sible, an Excursion of the Club. The Council will endeavor to visit the most attractive points and to make the excursions as pleasant and instructive as ])ossible to all who may join them. Sub-excursions will be held periodically, which will be working ijarties for the investigation of the localities selected for a visit. In order that members (or others interested in the objects of the Club) may know to whom to apply for information or assistance Leaders (see first page) have been apjwinted to whom they may refer, and who will organize and conduct working parties, and keep a record of the work done in the resi)ective branches. Members are urged to communicate at once with the Leaders of those branches in which they are specially interested, and they are solicited to keep careful notes of any facts observed by them for the use of the Leaders in preparing their reports to the Council. As the Clii!) iindcnaken, at tin- rf.|uc^t of tlio Anicricm Ornithologists' Union, to (ollcct antl tabulate data rclatiii,i4 to tin. migrations of birds, it is of great important e that ca( h member slunild note the first and last api»caran(e of recognized si>e( ies, even if they be only the most cotnnfon ones, and to transmit their notes to the l,eatler> in Ornithology. Any one wishing t(j join the (Hub is referri'd to ('lall^e No. i,^ ot (!c)nstitution. I'he annual subscription is only <'//(• Ji'llar, and entitles a member to a ( jcit.-'\'\\\sC\\.\h shall he callod the Ottaw.i i'iil.l ^'aturaIi^l.■ ( hil), and its object shall be the study of the Natural Histury nf this Locality. 2. 0///hall con.-»ist ■■! .1 President, first an.l second Vice- Presidents, a .Secretary, a Treasurer, and a I,il>rari.ui. who, together with three other members of the Club, shall f(irni a Council, all of whom shall be elected annually, and shall be eli-;ible for re-election, and who shall have the man- aijement of all the business of the Club. In the event ..f any v.ncancy occurriiij^ in the Council Awx'mg the year the same may be tilled by the elec'ion of a successor at any of its regular ineetin5;s. 3. .'/«,//A>r.r.- -There >hall also be two \\.u' i-, elected annually to exainiru- the Treasurer's .accounts for the following; yearan<. ,>,)rt thereon at the next annual meeting;. 4. Prciidoit and J 'i, e- rniilems in their order. 5. Siiiclarv.—Thii Secretary shall give previous notice to each member of the Club of every meeting of the I'lub, and to each member of the Council of every meeting of the Council; shall make and kec|) a true record of the Proceedings of al' Meetings of ihc Club and of the haU h i\f charm' of iililiiMiiiii 1-. ii{ ihf (' sliall lUsiriinili' the same umlcr the (iireciii>ii> ■ ihc illsliiily of all liouk-, aii'l iiaper^ lieloiij^in. r ( irriilatioii amonj^ thi- im-inln-rN. S. Ci'iniiil. -The Council shall, as iiu>iMc ( iiinu il. lie shall al> 1 hill, .iinl ^hall ^upcrsi- Muu' at M\ ni|uirt', iimt fnan time t llie call of ihi- l'u-.i>li lit, or of any i\so ollHir>; ^llall c uirol alt inaltci illi'Clin^; the welfare of tin- Clul 'liei't to this r..iisiilulioii ; >!iall have full control su'i|e the luiiils iif the Cluls au.l -^iiall rcpMri \\% proceed iii^;s to the iiu-iuhers at il Aiiiiiial \Icetinj;. I), . liiiiiiiil M,;'l,'n.;. Thr Annual lliiiil i'uesrlay in March, al vsliich, i .r the t'ouiicil shall la' le.i'l, \I eetit\': .f shall hrhl 11 aiUiiiimi to other business, the Annual Kejiori .1 the ( nuncil ami Aiulitor^ ir the fillwwint; yt lc(i,,l, liv ImII.pI .ifier noiiiiii.iliiiii, bv a inajoritv of the niemliers ,iresent. lo. .S/<\ /i// Mittii -A Special licneral Meetiin; c)f the Club maybe called b) ( iiunci .1 shall Ik le called ' >ii reiiui-ilii'ii |uisjtion, t;ivint; one week" 1 busiiu-s'shall !ie !r:m-;nir,l th.i; ' iitioned in the notice. .1/.V////0. The i.ieseiice >if t.i. i,i. i,,bers shall be reqtiircd ledinj' witliin loi ..lice. N. .n^hti te any j;eneral meeting of the Ciub, and of three members to constitute a iiieeiint; '.f the C rules (if luoiedure meetiii;;-' >tial be conilu.'ted vinne r such bv-laws and as may from lime to time he adopted. iii^lruclii.n 111 ■(■(//;/i,'j Winte i: HIS ill Summer, and eyenin^ nieetint;s a •Id, and the transactions of the ( lub shall |,c i.eih.i nd cl. ill b .( ically p ibii ill ar I an"e!!|.,'!l s f(, •h shi .e made tiy by the C 1 5. .J/cw/',/... .\ny lady or i;enlleman desiring; to join the Chil) shall sen iMiMeii application, sij^'iied by the liielilliers, III the .Secretary, •iii^; of ihe ( 'i.unci 1. M applicant and endorsed by the reconnnendalion of ■f approyed shall be elected at the ne\i eiiihers ( lesiriiii; to leaM- the Club must p.reyioiisly sett 11 dm s ,111,1 Mi'iiil'v ilieii iii' in wi'itiii' lu til •>( crt !,\rv. 14. ( I . .ii( ' pondiii}; i.i.ite \iciiiily. M .1/. w/nvv le C nunc .il em dl have the power of electing liers, who shall be persons not residing; in Ottawa or its iiiime ii .ui who may be desirous >i| jiroiuotmi; the ohje I ,,n . iiidiii!' iiienibcrs shall imt be re.|uired to ji.iy mei els ( ibershii) fees. f the Clul /■, T nienilHiship |. dl l\ance due u 11 the third 'I'msiiay in M.irch no nieiii'ier in lirixats sii.i liiiiled to any o .11 11110 f the rivileees the C N ew menilie lire hi \' '^.iirees w n election. The payment of tli rs to [lay the fee for the fee t- ntitle a member to if the Transactions ilhiiut furllii'f cli u./e pUliilsne. aid to aiiiii issimi to the Club K). . 7 /^■, //(/we;//.'. - -Tliis ( (institution may not be changed or amended except ly a sj.icial nieetiiiL; of the Clul) called fiir that purpose, and by a two-thiid voIl' oi lie^ .resent.