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In rr«<»i»r ( TM\ ■ \ MII.VTI.-N , M„„ I)uM,«I„AII,,N • ^ -uiiATKiN I Sinn S.\n uy. • ^TIK (;<;(.,: |,,!t Iv\/sri:N( !• ■ Naiikai, Si:i,i:(ti(.\ Laws oy \'AiiiAri(i\ DniKl I.TIIN i,S 'riii.Miv 10. II. IL'. l.'J. () V T!ii; Ivi.|-:Hn:( TK.v or ni,; Ih: iii.i «»iti» V t;.N(,LI .mo.v I SVKX I'A'iR 1 I •u :>n rn II!) uir, 2:{() r>u .'J70 44.3 ,^PSRHw5Pr5>?'. %. ■ . • i ! 1 i 1 1 i 1 ' « ^liv-j ^ 1 ; ' " •^' 'i ! i >. — 7 1 ^ x I ! i ; . « a 1 ! 1 ^'••■^ 1 4 '" * t ». ■, «• 1 ••1 ' .' 1 '-* "• 1 . - j - J-.... 1 ; , \ . - *! "1 i ■^ J • 1 I *«!■■:■• 1 \ 1 ' 1 , I \! «:■...., 1 . -^1 ' 1. 1 1 1 I 1 -^ . i •> ■ '^ ■ ^ t ' *, ' L ! ■ 1 ^ ' t ! _ . _ 1 j 1 - -.1 u 1 1 1 -. .J-j..--- ? 1 s""'"'"! — '^, — ^ fc - c .. 1 e 1 i 1 1 • ■- 1 ! » 1 1 "^ -.p_ < V ^1 . a "'" ' .-•••■ 1 ■ t . ^ ! .^1 '• 0-.. Or' » , 'J , ~- ■ 6 CJ — i^ . -- . *. ^'- *, 1 *^, "• ~ .• \\ =- ■:: ••*L Vi I tt . j^--- 1 — .-- f '^ V ^ . ^.'' »Q>..- i ' • »^ ■^ -^ ' - -1 1:-'--^ • --,--^ *! « 1 1 _- ■ «Q -i . " -v '■-'-J "^^ t i »• .-. .. - ■| e . -■ 1 « -'•? i i 1 1 1 «f — i"! 1 ON TUE ORIGIN OF SPECIES 5 INTRODUCTION H'hen on board n.. M.S. Hengle, as naturalist. I uch struck with certain fa.-Ls in the distril in wan ., ■ - .. ," — •••■ ' lo 111 Luu uisirutution of he „. ,l„u„u.s ot South An.erica, an.l in the ^^eolo^ica elafnns of the p-esent to the past inhabitants ofTha cont.nent I hese facts seemed* to me to throw some 111,'ht on the orifTui of species-that mystery of mysteries as it^ ■ T'' ""i^'^ ^^ """^ *'^""'" ^"-eatest philosophers' Oil my return home, it occurred to ,ne, in Wir, thai .omethniK might perhaps be made out on this c.u^s on by patiently accumulating and reflecting on all so^ of tactewh.cb could possibly have any l>earin^ on U After hve years' work 1 allowe.l myself to speculate on the subject, and drew up some ^hort notL ; these I Hiiich then seemed to me pndmble : from that perir>d to the present day 1 have steadily pursued the^Jml object, i hope that I may be excused for er.terin^on these personal details, as I ^ve them to show that I bene not been ha,sty m coming to a decisi„„ ,r.: L'^r .k" ""'" "*'"^>' ^"'***'*'*^ ' '"'t as it will take r. two or three mure years to omplete it, and a. n.y althis far from strong, I have been ur,.ed to publish to do this, as Mr. Wallace, who i« pow of.-i..:..., ^t natural h.story of the Malay archipelago, b'a/ "arrived at almost exactly the same jreneral concl have on the exac urig-iu of usions that I ■i{»ecie«. l^uot year he sent B me a 2 ON THE ORIGIN OV SPECIblS memoir ou i\u> sui.|t;(t, with a reijuost that I woalii hirward it to >ir Charles Lyell, wlio sent it to the !,iiiift'-iii ^0(•iety, and it is '>hed in tlie third Toliiino of the JourTial of tliat Soonity. .^ir ('. I.yeil iiid Dr. HoolxtT, who hoth knew of my work -tlu! hittor havin;r r«'ah, must neces- sarily he imperu-ot. I cannot here pve reference< and authorities for my several statements ; ami 1 inust trust to the re^nier reposing some coiitiiUMice in my accuracy. No douht errors will have crept in, though 1 hope i have always heen cautious in trusting to troctd authorities aiv)ne. 1 win here ^ive only the fjeneral conclusions at which 1 have arrived, with a few facts in illustration, hut which, 1 hope, in inostcaaes will suffice. No one can feel more sensible than I do of the nece.s.sitv of hereafter publishing in detail all the fact«, with references, on which my conclusions have been frrounded ; .ind I hope in a future work to do this. For 1 am well aware that sc^ircely a single point is discussed in this volume on which facts cainiot be adduced, often apparently leading? to conclusions directly opposite to those at which I have arrived. A fair result can be obtained only by fully stating and balancing; the facts and arffumeiita on both sides of each question ; and this cannot pofisihly l)e here done. I much ref,^ret that want of space nreventj^ myhavint^ the satisfaction of acknowledfrinjr the ^a'nerous assist- ance which I have received from very many naturalists, eome of them personally unknown to me. 1 cannot, however, let this opportunity pass without expressiiiji my deep obligations to Dr. Hooker, who for the last fifteen years has aided me in every possible way l»y his lartre stores of know led^re and his excellent judtrment. In couMderui:; the « >rii.nn of .>jtrcies, it is quiie c»»ii- ceivablo that a naturalist, retlectini; on the iiuitual affinities of or^^anic beings, on their embryoloirical INTRODUCTION 3 relatiou^. their peotrrapbica! distril.ntion, jrfv.i.uMcal *uccesH,on, a,.d other .uch tacts, ini^ht cora. t jfi cone usum that ea..h spene. ha.l not h.^en ind' ,..„!, /" T^ah.d, hut had descended, hke va.i,.tio., from othJr ^peccH Nevertheless, such a conclusion, even if lu •.'Hided,.ould he UM..atiHfactorv, until it cJuld 1^ shoin hou'the mnumorablo npecies in'hal.uin,MhiH Jorld We H ructiire, for u-stance, of the woo.ipecker, «ith its feet ta.I, hoak,and ton,n,e, so adn.irai, v adar te 1 to c , 1' trees, whch has seeds that must he transnorted hv certauj nrds, and whi.-h has /!o«-ers with se S e^^^^ ahsolutely re<|u.rin.. the agency of cer Jn [l^cN to tTH.i. pollen from one flower to the other 't email? l.reposterous to account for the structure of thinaS Ih et'^of :"? '' several distinct organic Kn^t^' Hie author of the I't-^tiye^ of Creation nould I ^-i£d\ir.-^;-:----^^ £.;«"';'"' ""'"? I? '"^ ^« '- "« explanation o^ eaves the case o the coadaptations of or-ani. hein. s to each other and to their physical conditio of e intouched and unexplained ' "«'"'^''-- ot lite, cleiV'i' ^'.'T^'"''«' "^, t''e hi^rhest im,,ortan.e to train a t^.!z^'' .'['^? ^'- — of midihcarion ;.::;;'",:: ""' ''■'■■ ■■' ' '''0 Collin It seemed to xw ticuted n f I»roha!.le that tement of my ohserv.-.ti nmials an :i careful studvof d ons il of cultivated plants would offe onie;- rthe 4 ON THE ORIGIN OK SPECIES best chaiue ot ir.akir.ff out this o1w( urfi prohlem. Nor have 1 been dirvippoiiiUHl ; in this and in all other ncrplexint? cases I have iuvariahly fcund that our aowle.lsfe, imperfect ihoutfh it be, of variation under tlonipsti.-ati<.n, atforded the best and safest due. I may venture to expre-s mv conviction of the hit'h value of such studies, altlioutrh they have been very commonly neglected bv naturalists. , ^ » From the^e considerations, I shall devote the hrst chapter of tliis Al»stract to Variation under Domestica- tion. ^^■e shall thus see that a lartre amount of heredit-irv moditication is at least po>Mlde ; and, what IS e(iuallv or more imjiorUnt, we shuU see how y-reat la 111.' power of man in accumulatinir l>y his Selection successive slight variations. 1 will then on to the variability of species in a state of nature ; i>ut I shall, unf<.rt.inatelv, \>e comi>eiled to treat this subject far too hrietly, as it can be treated properly only by ^iviii^ Ion- cat;iloirue.s of lacUs. Wo shall, however, be en- abled to discuss what circumstances are most favourable to variation. In Uie next chapter the Strutf^le for Kvisten.e amontrst all or^nic Injin^ throutrhout tlie world, which inevitably foUows fn.m the hitfh a^eo- rnetrical ratio of their increase, will be treated ot. rhis is the doctrine of Maltbiis, applied to the whole animal and vciretahle kinirdoms. As many more individual^ f each species are horn than c^n possibly survive; and as, conse.juently, there is a trequenUy recurring struntfle for existence, it follows that any beintr, if it varv however sliy-litly in any manner proht- •itde to itself, under the c«)inpiex and sometime.^ varying conditions of life, will have a better chance of surviving, and thus he uaturaily mected. From the fro"^ principle of inheriUnce, any selected variety will tend to propatrate its new and modified form. •rhis fundamental subject of Natural Selection wiU be treated at some length in the fourth chapter ; and we shaii Lheii see now >ai! .-eie- <.:'•" ^-^ - ■-» evitablv causes much Extinction of the less improved forms of life, and leads to wliat I have called Divergence INTRODUCTION I of (l.aracter. In the next chapter 1 shall discuw, the cornpU. and Ilt.lo k,wn laJs of vanatio,ra"l of orrelat.nnoftrnnvth. In the four H^MMM-iirie chapt^,^ the most apparent ar.d cravest diHicilties on the tlieonJ w.U he^ne.i : nan.oly, first, the diffi devoloned bein^ or olahorately construrted orpan ; .ec,nul^y, the suhjert of ln>tin.-t,or U e mentol powers of animal,; thinily, HyhridiH'n,, o tbe^ fertility of species and the fertility of varieties wh^n mterorossed ; and fourthly, thfe imperfe<>tfon of the .e*do*r.caI Record. In the next chapter 1 « hall consider tho.lKne, the future and modiHcation of everr H.halMUnt of thi. «orld. .Still less do we know of the mutual relatione of the innumerable inhalutantT of the -on. duni, the acknowledfred varietie- of any one specie* are the descendants of that species. Furthei more, 1 am coiivinoed that Natural Selection li.'k; hecn the mail) hut not exduHive means of modific' ^« ^-^ -'^h other tl^n io nature Wh'i "'^ ""VP*^^'^'^ "'' ^'^'-'^^y "> « «tate .1 nature. \\ hen we reflect on the vast diversitv of the plants and animals which have been c'h v^ed iffer;n"cIi*;n':tV""S'/"""*^ ^" ^^^ under the mo^ J.tterent climates and treatment, ] think we are driven t" conclude that this preat variability is simp™ due to d-MonToPlif^n'ot'"''""; '""''"'^ ^«^" --'^ ->'«"o" tZ Sil\ T- "J"^?'^ ^' *"'^ somewhat ditferent "om, those to which the parent- species have W, '" ^^-";-wiis or iijt! lo cause anv aonreriafil* Hn.ount of variation ; and that when the orSSion once begun to vary, it generally conUouS^ toJi; 7 •w...^ ■ i'A^M''^6: 8 ON THE ORIGIN OF 8PK( 1F*S for many ^(Mieralionrt. No cnne i* on rt'cnnl of a van- al.le bei'ntr ceasii.t; to be varml.le mi^lor .Miltivation. Our oldo,st cultivated plants, such as wheat, sUll often yii'ld new varieties: our oldest dnme-^licated .imruaU are still ca^Kihle of improvement or mo.lih.ation. it has been dispuU'd at what peri..- •;: lite the oauso. .,1 vanal.ilitv, whatever thev may be, generally aet ; whether durintr the carlv or late period of development of the embryo, or at the instant of conception, (ieotfroj St 11 ilaire'-'experimenU show that unnatural treatment of the embryo causes monstrosities; and monstrosities cannot 1« separated by any clear line of distinction from mere variations, liut I am strongly inclined to ■usj)ect that the most frequent cause of variability may be attributed to the male and female reproductive elements haviiiif been affected prior to the act of con- ception. Several reajsons make me believe in this ; but the chief one is tlie remarkable effect which confine- ment or cultivati..n has on the function of the repro- ductive system ; this system appearinjr to be far more susceptible than any other part of tlie ortranisatiou, to the action of any ciiatisre in the conditions of lite. Nothint: is more easy than to tame an animai, and few thmtrs more ditiicult than to jret it to breed freely under conrtnement, <:ven in the many cases when the male and female unite. How many animals there are which will not breed, thonuh livinir loiifr under not very clo>e .-(.n- tiuement in their native country! llus is ecneraliy attributed to vitiated instincts ; but how many cultivated plants display the utmost vitjoisr, and yet rarely or never seed ! In s.nne few such cases it has been discovered that very trilling chan^'es, such as a little more or less water at some particular j.eriod of trrowth, will .letermiiie whether or not the plant sets a seed. I cannot here enter on the copious det.iils which 1 have collected on tliis curious subject ; but U> show how sintrular the laws are which determine the reproduction of animals under coiihneineiu, i may ju^-t nivniiuii tn^i. .a,,,.--> » animals, even from the tropics, b-eed in this country pretty freely under continement, with the exception of VARIATION 1;NT)KR DOMESTICATION 9 the plantitrrades or bear family; w l„>rea.s can.ivo.o.,, t'inis with the rarest exceptions, hanllvever lav f.-rtile eniTH. Many exotic i,hiubi have pollen utterly H(;rthU.«s m the same exact coiMitioiia.s in the most sterile hvhridx' \\ hen, on the one han.l, wo .ee dr.mestiratf.l animals ajul plaiit^, thicklv, yet hreedinir Viite treely un.ier continement ; and wht-'n, on the other hand, we see individuals, thoiith taken vountr from a / f r ''•''!'"-«'Jf f'-^-'Jy tamed, lon>f-lived. an.i healthy (Of which I could ^ive numerous iiiKtmces), v,.t havinir their reproductive system so serioualv affected hv un- perceived causes as to fail in actintf,' we need not }>e HurpriHed at this system, when it does act under con- hnemeut,actuiff not quite retfularly, and producnijf otf- spring not nerfectly like their parents. Merihty has been said to Iks the bane of horticulture • l>ut on this view we owe variability to the same cause which produces sterility; and variability is the source ot all the choicest productions of the garden. 1 may •ifl'l, that as some ory-anisms will breed freely under tbc most unnatural conditions (for instance, the rabbit and ferret kept in hutches), showintr that their repro- 'luctive system has not been thus affected ; so will some animals and plants withstand domesti.-ati..n or cultjva- Uon, am. vary very sli^htly-perii.ips hardly ,nore '' m a >tale of nature. A ionjr list could easily be civen <.f ' sportin^r plantj^ ' • '.V this term frardeners mean a sintrh- bud > r offset* wtnch su.l.lenly assumes a new and sometimes ver^ Afferent character from that of the rest of the plant -uch buds nan be propairated by i^raflinir, etc., and sometimes by seed. Tbe^e 'sports' are evtremeU rare under nature, but far from rare under cultivation ■ and in this case we see that the treatment of the parent fias affected a bud or offset, and not tlie ovules or pollen, 't '8 t';e "pi'ium of most physiol<»iri,t« that there is no essential difference between a bud and an ovule in their -Ui^-Ca O support my view, that variabilit i loriualion ; so that, in fact, ' sj.orta buted to the ovul y may !)e lartfely attri- es or pollefi, or to both, havinjf [ een ^^■rTrPS 7mi9Si' ;3>W-;«S*«^^;^ "MSmX^Q^Si^^ 10 ON THK ORKilN OK SPKCIKS affected )iv the treatment of the parent [nior to the act of (•t)nce|iti(»ri. These iTise>^ anyli'tw show that variation is not iieifysarily conneeted, as some authors have 9U|>- |t(»s(Ml, with l)ie act ot ^'cnerat ion. Sceillintrs from tlio same fruit, and tlio youn^ of the Kirne litter, sometime^ differ ronsideraldy from eat-h «)thfr, thoiiirli hoth the yoniiir and the parents, as MuUcr lia-^ rt'inarktMl, liave apiiareiitiy ht-en ev posed to exaetly the sjiine ronditions of life ; and tlii« shows l„)w iiiiim- the direct effect- of the coniliti(»ns of life are •ill cuiipanson witli the laws of reproduction, of irrowth, and of inheritance ; for had tlie action of the conditions hecn direct, if any of the youiiL'^ hae sliown that quite opposite conditions produce similar chaiifres of structure. Nevertheless some slijfht amount of dian -' may, I think, l)e altrihuted to the direct action of the conditions of life— as, in some cases, increased size from amount of food, colour from par- ticular kinds of food or from litfht, and perhaps the thickness of fur from climate. Hahit also has a decided influence, as in the period of lloweriiii^ with plants when transported from one climate to another. In animals it has a more marked effect ; for instance, I find in the n. , n-.-.-^ i j-i' -•■ '••■• change mav he safely attrihuted to the domestic duck flyiuff mucli less, and walking mure, thau it« wild parent. i'S^^'^tM;-*' v^^i: VARIATION ITNDKR DOMRSTICATIOV n TTie^roat and .nherited devolopment of th,. ,.,{ l.-rs in, ,„ co,„,,aris.„. with ti.e s,at,. of tin' e ™^ "Ml. .Not a sMiL^Ie d.)mr>f;r animal can bo named ^In.h not in Home rountrv droopin . .L Zd :!"•• to tlu. .i,M,so of the m...,I..s r,f th.. ... ir from the animals not he n-' much il .n,,...! i j n ,.n ; "*''.''" y^''*-".-""! «H1 he hereafter hriefly n.entuned I w,l) here only allude to v,hat n.av e •■■'lledeorreK.t,onoft,ro«-th. Any -han^^e in , e e t o '.r larva «,11 almost eertainlv 'entail eha,,!'. ,2 jnah,rea, Inmons,ro.ties.theeorr;iiio : "eon .ju.te .l,stnu-t parts are verv eurious : an.l mar.v n.stnneesarotf.veninlsi.loreinM.rfrovM. IliVnr '.T^^^ 'vork on th.H suhje.-t. Mreeders helieve tl . .; hi: are ahnost always accompanied by an eIon.^.t;d lu' crV'lf '■',";"" of correlation are .[uite whin^iea : tbt cat^ «,th blue eyes are iuvariahlv deaf; colour and oust, ufonal pecul.anties ,.o to.^eiher, of w lie rna emarkab e eases could 1^ ,Mven amon^^st a, m Is a . plants Prom the facts collected hy lleusin-r.-p /"' prs that whke sheep and pi^.. are ditrerentU atfecUd n)m coloured ndi^idual8 by cert;iin ve.^et. 1^ ,t so h Hairless do^, have imperfect teeth ;,;- ai ^ Zd anin.aLs are a,.t to have, a. is asscr ed lout or many horns; pi.^eor.s w'.th feath;red f'et W^ S between he.r outer t<,.s ; pi,.c.,ns »ith short h^i'ks ha e mall feet, and those with lon^ beaks lar.^e feet I e nee " hrr%r "■l;"'";^' ^"' ^^"« -^mentln^an; Afii ® '^'"'^ ^^'"""^^ certainly unco'i^cn.n.i;- ' 'dify other parts of the structure, owi,?^ t^ u^^ -..-tenous laws of the correlation of ^'owth.*^ J ''«/esult of the various, quite unknow,. or .V,^l.. ^Tersilu^r t -'"""n'" '^ '"''"it^-ly complex'aud in.rsn,ed it is well worth while carefuUv to studv ti^e several treatises publishe «-iiltivatt«I:iiit.-. .1- on tli*' hyacinth, jioUito, pvfti th« (lahl'.i, ••;' . iiwl it 1- r»'j»lly Hurprisiiiir to note th»* rndU'^^N (("lilts in stractiin> :uul coiistitiitifiti in which th«i vari«'tit'h and Hiilnvarit'tioH ditfor «lii:htly frnrn e.'i»'li other. I'Ik' whole or;:.iniMalion seems to h.ive herome jihistic, imd tends to (lepart in some «mall dej^'ree froi.i that of the |>irental type. Anv v!ir ition wliuh is not inherited is iinimportiint for us. I'»ut tlie nuinh«T and diversity of inheritaMo deviations of stnictii re. iiolii those of slijrht and ttione ot cnnsideralile phvsicdotfifAl imporUnee, is endless. I>r. Prosper i.ucas s treatise, in two hirjfe volumes, is the iiillestand ttie ».est on this suhjoct. No hreederdouhta liow str«»nir is the tendency to inheritAiice : like produces like is his hjiidamental helief : douhts have heen thrown on tliis principle hy t»'eoretical writers alone, \\hen any deviation of structure often appears, and we see it in the father and child, wo cainiot tell whether it may not lie due to the same cause having acted on both ; hut wlien amonjist individuals, apparently exposed to the same co-idilions, any very rare deviation, due to t alliinism, prickiy skin, hairy hodies, etc., appearini: in several memhers of the sjime family. If s'trantro ana rare deviations of structure are truly iiiliorited. less stran^re ■itid commoner devi.'.tinns may he freely admitted to he inheriUihle. I'erhajis the correct wav of viewiiij; the whole suhject, would he, to Inok at the iiiheritance of every character whatever as the rule, and non-inheritance as the anomaly. I'he laws ijoverninu' inherit;iiu*e are <|uite unknown ; no one can say whv a peculiarity in different individuals of the same' species, or in individuals of ditlerent at-.«."p2 js ^uTr-.oti'ne.s inherited aiid. sometimes not so ; v*'hy the child often reverts in certain characters tr its grandfather or ^rrandmuther or other more remote Mt :i/^^.^^^^«i^ VAIUATION INDKR DOMESTiCA TION i;, "u-^rt;,"!;?;/' ''""'"7^^ '" "^"" t— "tted from "li- M. th«. ruHlrs of uur br,'..,|H ,-»r,. ofVn trl ra.Ued e,ther i„ a „mh-1, .rirt.Xr " : •ii.''* alone. A mn.h more imporUnt rule hJ .h r t»' Mk may Ue trnHtc,,!, m that, at ihatewr , eriod i,' ;' l-ouhanty aH...arH. it t.,..!. to ap,...,.r u/tre 1 .r ,^' . . co,,,,j„. ,„.^, U.ou,.h sn'oletimos oar ,V n '».er,t.,i oerol.anti.., i„ the horr.s of ratt e n. ,1 M'l-ar only ,n th. orf.pri... v,f,..„ „.,,Hv ^ .'-"l'HntM,s Hj the silk.orm are known a, '^ '"«' '••.•rrespon.ln.sf cater,„|lar or cocoon ^t^i- .' M '.CMe,|.tary ,i,,.s an.l' .o,„e other :.t:,"ke n . i'«;li«ve tfiat the rule ha. a wi.ler evu-r '.h. ," I t^^ v'I.erj there is no apparent reason .;'''' :..;;.';''; >lmuhl appear at any particular a^^e A-t tint I ■ t"".'l to appear in the iffsprin^ at th; l. mj 1 , , I'r u the crossed orfspnnir from a short-horned cow hv ^ I ad II. .'.'*''":"'''•-' ^■"'■i^ties, „hen run wild !.rad ally hut certainly revert in character to the ; .|l'or..nnal stocks. Hence it has heen ar.ned that 1 ';^.^:^'!.:^r "?• . ' »-- - -- endeavou/ed S Ijaij .' icisive j.n in liie ■^o of^en and so holdly heen ma«ie. 'II ?T&it dithculty in proving its truth a|)ove statement lere would l>e we may Kafely 14 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES ronclude that very many of the most stroiitrly-marked Jtiinestic varietiert could not po^siMy live in a wild ■;tate. In many cases wo do not know what the ihori^inal stock vvas, and so could not tell whether or not iic.irlv perfect reversion had ensued. It would he (juite neces>ary, in order to prevent the ettects of inter- cnissini;, thai' only a sini^lo variety should he turned loose in its new home. Nevertheless, as our varieties certainly do occasionally revert in some of their (haracti'rs to ancestral forms, it seems to me not niii>n»h;il)li>, that if we could succeei(in> uf character picbably do occur ; but natural selection, as will hereafter be explained, will determine how far the new characters thus arising sha'l !>e i.Tc^^'T^ od, W'hen'.ve look to the herela'*!' m t; I VARIATION UNDER DOMESTICATION 16 -ith closely-allied spccie-s, we Renerallv porreive ,n "(ich domestic race, as already rennrU/ll 'orm.ty of character than i„ tn.o m^ es ^' tm.e ti" -.•es ot the san,e species, also, otle,! lu ^e a I^ZXa monstrous character ; hy which I mean, that u In : . hjern... from each other, and from otle ^l ' t ^ t ij trenus, n. several trilling, respects, tl ev , te a^rfor ni an extreme de^rree in^on.e one ar ot -hen compared one with another, and more'espec nlH,„ compared « all the .pecies in nature twf. wth hat ot the oerfect fertility of varieties w „ . n.ssed a suh,,e.-t l.ereafter to he discussed), d,,, es j c r_Ke> ot tue .same species ditfe.- from each ot e t ^e jame a.s, only in „,ost c.ise« in a lesse de..ree than, do closely-alhed .pecies of the .vime -enus m ^ st.ite of nature. I think this mu..t he adnnUe w en Tm. ;;:;^t f ''''? "^ ^^^Y^^-^ any do„H.stic"a ''e^t t rSlyrm^^enT^&J-L^ »t,itU that domestic ra,cs do uot differ from ea, otlier „■ cliaracterB of ffonerie value. I think" eou] l« sliov,,, that this statement i, hardlv 'ima S turnl T^*" ''"*'"V" ^-^ estimate the amount of struc tiiral difference hetween the .lomestic ri es of S^:^~".;^rSe;;d^r'Si? -uid he sh„»„ that u,e ^e>-h;„;i;d!"h;";di,ruj,' le ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES terrier, spaniel, and buU-dmr, which we all know pry the reindeer or of cold by the common camel, prevented their domestication cannot doubt that if other animals and plants, equa^ n u ber to our domesticated productions, and elongng to e.,ually diverse classes and countries ere fiken from a state of nature, and could be made o hreed or an equal number of generations under l" mestication, they would vary on an avera^a- as largely tTlu- parent spec'les of our existing domesticated pro- '"^n 'X'^r'^^tost of our ancienUy domesticated anna and plants, I do not think it is possible to ^"'" :./..„. H«h,ut« conclusion, whether they have i^si^nde.! 7r..m one or several wild snecies. The a ^imeiit mainly relied on by those -»'« - '«^« " *^« multiple oritfiu of our domestic animals .8, that we VARIATION rXDEK DOMKSTK ATJ( )N 17 finri in tliP Hunout records, espo, aJlv on and t at some oMl.e breeds closely resemlde, pc' ha ,J .-e ideMtical v,,tl,, those still exi'.tini,. Kv .„ if th ' -.ner fa.t uere tuuMd more «trictlv and ^^ener, I true 't..-^n see,,,,, to n.e to he the ease, what diH-^ itlhow nut that Kon.e of ..ur on.n'.KHled t leTe, fo, r «; ^ ve thousand years a,.> : |i„t Mr. Horner's re'se^n^.^ 1'" •-• re.Hiered ,t m some decree prohahle thaf n a^ ^.Whnently nvili.e,] to have manufaetu ed n .trerr ex.sted m the valley of the Nile thirteer/or A urteoJ -.u.a„d years a,.o; and v ho will pretend to Ty £ rra d..] j. ,„.^.„ „, ,Vusti dia, who possess a 8emi- ' t'.tic doir, may not l.r, existed in Wvpt > Jhe whole suhiect must, 1 think, remain va^ue ■ nevertheless, may, without here ^n.^rin^" o,?^!"' dt, state that, from peo^raphieal and r^her rtm M.ieratH.ns J think it hi,.hh* prohahle t at or have descended from seve U wild Known,.., as we do, that sava-^'s are ve > fond o tanun.. ammals, it seen.s to me unlike in Je s .?//" '-'--^^onus, which i« distrihuted i/awild Ktate throu.^hout the „„rld, that since man firs ' > "le I,) Mr. IJlyth, on the hah ts, voice and rn„ I'-lieve tl.arthese l.tter lir ? '"""'Patent jud^., J'.^rent \\ it , ro ^ f . 1 had more than one wild I .rcni. n ,n, re,,i.ect to liorses, from reasons which I cannot true here, i am douhtfu Iv inclimn lo S 'v. in <>PI...Mt!on to several authors nil I ''*'^'^*^*-' ^--ended tn,n> one wild stock 1,'r h-tT'^w^" :'l:-::-; '-», his h.^ and varied .to^s of illl^.^r ■ •■..*A\i *itiijt* iiifift* iiiin #1...* ,1-1 . . ^ ' iniost anv one. thinks •'"t all tht hreedsofpoultr'vL... »-ommon wild Indian fowl (('alius hank lave proceeded from t} le iva). in reicard #: •.;r^:.-^ r' 18 ON THK ORIGIN OF Sl>K( IF> n U) (lucks and raldiits, the breeds of which ditfer con- Jii(ltT;il)ly from oacli oilier in strm^ture, I do lift doul>t that they lirive ail descended from the common wild liuck and raltliit. The do<-trine of tiie oritjin of our several domestic races from several ahori;;iual wtocks, has hoen carr'ed tu an ahsurd extreme \>\ ^omo authors, 'lliey l)elieve that every race which itrceds true, let the distinctive characters he ever so >iit:ht. lias had its wihl prototype. At this rate there must have e.visted at least a score of speciea of wild cattle, as many sheep, and several eoars ii! Kurope alone, and several even within (ireat liritain. One author believes that there formerly existed in ( ireat Mritain eleven wild species of sheep peculiar to it. \\l;en we hear in mind that I'.ritain has now hardly one peculiar mammal, and l-rance hut few distinct from tiiose of 9 I'htTC r,in hp Tin dn.jl.t tint- ^ r.- , x '1-s. individual nun^r;; ^,i.h';"'''''' -"'-*-" "^ ^F--.e. '.ant:d;vrii:r"^ri'^Tr7-"^"'^ - '.-I^-rahlv and ^J^^J'^^TV"''' P"re hro-ds ^inple enough; hut whonfT". "^•^''•vth.r.s,. ,eem., •no with a,.:.t! or or ever!l " "'"'l^'-^"'^ ^^« ^Tossed '-rath.. ..,;';;:;- t^"^e^^.on.ed.H<..,,^,, '•^ en; ,r.Hnrt } reeds on d ^nTT'^""''^ '"^*"'*'*^" '•"'I •-> sind e on «: .r ' •''"'^ "''"'*"" • ""'• <•«" ' !'een th„:f„rmed ^ ^ P«rn,anent race havintj have, aft.r del 1 orat .n r.k- "' "^"'f ^f'*"'*'^^ ^'"""P' ' ' ''-•" '-F't e or Cd whiU'^r ''"T'^^''" f*''^'^"- ^V-m several <, e^ o/ TL I ' •'. ""'""'^ "'*'' ^"^'"^ tf)" FIo„. U- *FM orfrL - ^•"■'''' "'"'•e especial I V hy >'-ray r>on, iw >"^,C ^^' -f »>>' the Hon.(^ l-'n.uaees have heen .uld shed T " '" ''''^^'■'^"* o' thorn are very im,. r f "■ P'^'*'''"^ «"d .on,.- «''ti■|.-:U^ r ^^veT. 'T ^""-^ "^' ^""^i' "'^ ^^'^ ^^'-^'"'^ '"^ -Hi the ;},or ft ;^^^^^^^^^ f-^-'^'lish .arrier Hiri-on.,u-e. i, their kuHn '"'•"- '•'>'-'-«^^Po,ulin.. L. .Ionn,ll. '.I-'.;''.""' remark-aide from the wonderf,.! "" this-;. .;;,-;:;,:::^'t;;:'i;^::^.fi<^i-^ .,.ad; ices to the nostrils, avA a »nd« I ■t I 2f. ON rHE ORKilN OK SPKCIES ^'•p^ of inoiitli. Tlic phort-farod tuinhltT lias a iicak III oiilliiie iilnutsi like of a tiiich ; aii lireeart of tlie trsophaeus. 'I'he .>at oldii has the feathers so much reversed alonj: llie liat-k of the neck that they form a liood, and it liaii. f)rM|Kirtioriatly to it>> size, much elon^-ated wiiifr and tail feathers. 'Hie trumpeter an- meut of the hones of the face in leiiji-thand hreadth and curvature differs enormously. I'he shajie. as well as the hreadth an.i lentrth of the ramus of ilu- lower jaw, varies in a highly remarkahle manner. The numher o!' the caudal and fvicral vertehra* vary ; as does tiie huinlier ot the rihs, together with their relative hreadth ami the presence of jirocesses. Tiie size and shape of the ajtertures iu the ^ternum are hitrhly varialde ; so i.« /I i y/\»-.?-.»»»f^;» ?\!id rel-^t'.ve s.i/e of tliO two arms of the furcula. I he proportional width of the ^-f^pe of mouth, the proportional len^^th of the eyelidH, VARIATION UNDKK DOMESTK ATIOM H ■>t the (.ritire t.ftlif nostrils or'tlio K.ti::iie (not aiwavs in >trict corr.'I:iti.ui with the li'ii-th of lieak), tli.) ^ka of the crop an. J of tho npj.flr prirt of tht« ..-sophair-n ; !jit« ilpvploptn.'iit ;iiul ahortion of the oil-i,'l,in<| ; " the nufTihcr r,f tho primary wintf ati.l caudal f.vithers'; the r.iativo h'Uizth of wiiiir and fill to each other and to t(iol)ody; tho roI.iti%-e length of Iva and of tho feet • die nnmher of sciitell* on the toes, the deveh)pfiient ot sKui h.-tween the toes, are all points of structure whic}, are vinahlo. Tlio period at «inch tlio perfect plurnriire is acunred varies, as does the state of the down with which tho nestlintr hirds are clothed when hatched. 1 ho shape and size of tho ec'^s vary I ho marnier of flitrht differs remarkahly ; as does'iii so,„o t.r-c s tho voico and disposition. Utitly, in certiiin breeds, the niah-s and female, have come to ditfer to a lUitrht dcjrree from each other. Alto-ether at least a score of nitreons mi^rht he cho-en, which if shown to an ornithofotrist. and he were told that they were wild hirds, would certainly, I think t)e ranked hy him as well-defined ppecies. Nioreover' I do not helieve that any ornitholotrist would place Uie hnt'lish carrier, tho short-faced tumhier, the runt, the harh, p..ut«r, and fantail in the same «;enus ; more especially as in each of these hreeds several truly- iiiiiented sub-hreeds, or species as he mitrht have called tiiem, could he shown him. tJreat a.s the differences are between the breeds of piireons, I am tully convinced that the common opinion ot naturalists is correct, namely, that ail have de- s< ended from the rock-pigeon (( olumba livia),includiM/ under this term several s:eoirraphical races or sub- ■^pecies, which ditFer from e^tch other in tho most triMir'ir resj,ect,s. As several of the reasons winch have led to this belief are in some de<,^ree applicable in other c-.-es I will here briefly ghti them. If the severiJ I'l-oeds are not varieties, and have not pr-r-oeded from ■-.:■■■■' rorK-piaeuii. Liiey must hav« descen.led from at lea^t seven or ei-ht aboriginal stocks; for it Ls iir^ po>riit>le to make the present domestic breeds by rl4# ^ 2? ON THE ORKJIN OF S1'K( lES I I cio-.sii,4/ of aii\ ioss('r nuiiilitr: hovv.for iiistarif.-, could a fMiiiUT !k- pruduct'd hy iro>,,r;j two Kr.'f.iv uiiU-s> o:ie of till- iKf.-Mt-stnckb pus.--e.-,seu thf clirinu-len^tic euor- m«.u- LTdj,.- llm supposed al.(>r;-ni,il storks must alJ iiavi- U-.Mi rock-pit', i>, uoi iin'»>dii,jr or williiii.'iy perilling on trees. tJut besidtw C. livia, with lt« ^-»M.:, sub-spe.;ies, only Iwn or three otiior speeies ul rork-pit^eoiis are kiiovvij ; and th.-M- have ii..i any ot tlie cliara.fers (j( tiie domtstic iireeds. Hen.e tlie supp.iMMJ ai.ori.riual blocks muM either still exist in the countries where li.ej vvere onuniaJU uoinesticated, and jet ho iinkno>\n to ornitholotMsts ; and this, .on- >iderinir tluir si/.e, hahit>, and reniarkahle characters, soeiiiN very imjirohahle ; or thev must ha\e he.,,n.e extinct 111 the wild state. Hut hirds hreedin^r on preci- pices, and ^r„„d tliers, are iiulikelvto he uxterniinai.jd; and the common rock-[»i«:eun, 'wliich has the same hahits With the domestic hreeds, ha., not heen exter- minated even on several of tht smaller IJritish islets, or Oil the chores of the Aiediterraneau. Hence the supposed extermination of so manv species havin>< sim.lar hahits with the rock-pitreon seems lu me a vcy rash assumjjtion. Moreover, the several above-named d«.mesticat.MJ hreeds have been trausporte«i to all parts ot the world, and, therefore, some of them must have been carrietl hack a^ain into their native country ; but not one has ever iiecome wild or feral, thougii tlie dovecot-pijreon, which is the rock-pij^eon in a very slif,'htly aiucrtti state, has become feral iu several placets'. Ayain, all recent experience shows that it is most diliicult to ^^et any wild animal to breed rreeiy under domestication ; yet on the hypothesis of the multiple oriffiu of our pi^^eons, it must he assumed that at hvi^i seven or eijrht species were so thon.uehly domestic*»ied in ancient times by hali-civili=ed man, as to be ^uite proliiic under continement. Au arjjument, as it seema to me, of trreat weijjht, and =e-'erhl other s_>ecitied breeds, thou^-^h a^rn-ein-' ^'eneraliv m cou- BtitMtum. habits, voice, cohiur.nji:, and iu mo>t jiarts of VARIATION L'XDKH DOMESTICATION 2.1 tl.:f ^rrurtnrP. with the wild rock-pi-oon vet ar« . t of ( oluM.lmhe f„r a Leak like that of th». ..^^I^h .-arn.r, or that of the short-fare.l tmn .ler " r Mrh: h„. nMersnl feathers like those of the c.hi, ■u! he.-„me extu.ct or unknown. So'm- nv str m 1 ^.u.enne.s...nnon,ei,npn.l.ahlein\rh^^^^^^^^ tarts in re.Mnl to the ...Innrinj. of ,„.r,,, ./„h) . ;^erve oonsHieranon. Tl.e n,..k-p::,o;;„ i^'-T^Uw '"it. an I has a white (the Indian suh-<„eeies r ';:::;r^.^^::'.::^r'^'-''^'^-i''^'ti.,.,i.h, tii:^ on — ".;;.i .i.;rk ,„. wmV,,,;' li^^ . ' : /J ' , „ .■■< erually e,lt.e,l with while: the «,„., h,,ve t„ , M ." InilyiMhl liree.U have, hesid„ the two hH.-!, ] , ,il- "...».» .heciuer.,! will, |',|.,„|,. These °e er' I nS. .ta .■; o..c„ , ther i„ .,„y „ther «,«ne, ^f Ztlt I cros..e(l some uniforinlv white fant-iik w// . ' 'iinforniK. M 1, i i • , '""- 'aniaijs with some •":;;• ™!;,i it.!; »; t..^'i i'z^^':^rL -T' pire black h;.rl, was of a^ heaiitifijl a ^.l— ^-i....- ^ ". ^■^^itix:;?^ f"";!'' '^^•^'^ wuu;-ha;:an,iwn;i;;;d Mi^e_flfre«J Uii]-teathers,asanvwild rock.rmrei.n i U« -. under^nd the^ fact., on {he vrell-k^Vw^illnnciple »;<--■ -i- T,"c3^ ;l 24 ON If IK ()KI(;iN OK S|'K( Ih'^ of rovers:. .11 to aic-csiial .li.irarter'^, if ill tlio donio^tic Itn-fil-. li.i\n (le><»'ii(iiMl fruiti iliu n)(K-ji!irc(iii. I'mt if wii (li'iiy this, wi> iiiiisi tii.ikt' tino of tlif two follow injf luLrlily iiii[' sii[.|.(.->itions. K:iin'r, firstly, tlint all the s«'\it;i1 itiiauiiii-il ahoriiriiiai storks were coloiiroil and iii.irkcd i.kc tlit; rofk-|ii::ci>ti. althoiii.'h no otluir exNtiiiLT >in'rl to the very wiinu colr.iiis and niarkiiiirs. Op, secondly, that each l>re«'d, even the pure-^t , has within a d»t/eii or, at, within a M-nni of irenerations, '.eea crossed hy the rock-[>ii,'eon : i s;iy within a do/eii or twenty generations, for w« know of no fact coiinteii- .Tiicini,' the helief that tlie child ever reverts to sonio one ancf.tor, removed hy a trrealer niirnix^r of genera- tions, in a hrt'i'd which lias heen crossed only once with some distinct brei-d, tho tendency to reversion to any character derived from such cross will naturally hecome less and less, a-s in each succeedinjr ereneni- tioii there will Ik) less of the foreij:n blood ; but wlieii there has U'en no cross with a distinct breed, and there is a tendency in both parents to revert to a char- acter, whicli has been lost durinj< some former tjeiieratinn, this tendency, for all tiiat we can see to the coiitrary, may be transmitted undiminislied for au iudefmito number of K-enerations. Ihese two distinct cases are often confounded in treatises on inheritance. Ivistly, the hybrids or nioiifrrels from between all the domestic breeds of pij^eons are {>erfectly fertile. I can state this from my own observations, purposely made, on the most distinct breeds. Now, it is difficult, nerhaps impossible, to brintr forward one of the hybrid orisj)rinir of two animals clairly j:-contiuued d* mesticatiou eliminates this stroiitr tendein!y to (terility: from the history of the doiT I think there is some probability in this hypothesis, if applied to species closelv relatt-d toirether/thouirh it is unsupi)orteil by a sinirle experiment. Hut to ex- teud the hyjtothesis so far as to suppose that speciea, ■ 'ii'Vi-ral VAIUATIOV (JNUKK [K)MF:STI('ATI0N U vljoniririally as distinct i»8 carriors, tiiml.lors, nouters \u>\ f;iiiUilH now are, hI.ouI.I viel.i r.ff.j.rintr p.-rtei tlr f.-rtile, iuf>T »r. sot'rns to ri..' ra>l. in tli." Hxtn>nu'. Jrom t}u«H« .^everiil rousonH. naiiu«iv. tliB -»f man liaviri:r foiiii.-rlv trot Mjven or pijfht Mipposcd .[Mvif^ of pi-roriH to i.rr.'d tr.M-lv uii.ier dono'sUca- '-ion; these Mi|.p..vf.,l s(>..,■i..^ hfitu; ,,„ite unknown in I wild .^tate, and their Ix-.omiinr iio^*li,.re feral ; tliese species liavuii/ very af.iiornial charaeferH in certain r»v |'pe<-tsasr..nip.iretir breeds have descended troni the ( omniha livia with its jreoi^raphical sub-species. In tavour of this view , 1 may add, firstly, that C. livia, or the rock i)i;reon, has been found capable of domosticatu.n in Kiirope and in India ; and that it agrees m habits and in a ^reat number of pointj* of structure with all the domestic breeds. Secondly aitlinuirh an Kuirlish carrier or short-faced tumbler differs immensely in certain characters from the rock- pii,'eon, yet by comparing the several sub -breeds of these varieties, more especially those broutrht from distant countries, we can make an almost perfect series b»>iween the extremes of structure. Thirdly, those characters which are mainly distinctive of each breed fur nistaiice the wattle and len>rth of l)eak of the carrier, the shortness of that of the tumbler, and the number of fiil-f.athers in the fantail, are in each breed eminently variable ; and the explanation of this fact will be obvious when we come to treat of selection fourthly, piireons have been watched, and tended with tbe utiiio,,t care, and loved bv many people. Ther have been domesticated for thousands of ve^rs ia tjii.iftcnj or toe Woriii ; too earnest known 'u^T ''^ l^"-"'«"« '^ '" t^'^' Hfth ^:Rvptiandvna-stv, aboul <>«-«X) B.C., aM was pointed out to me 'by I'rofesaor [ M ON THK OUKJIN OF SJ'h( IKS H I^pHius ; hill Mr. Hircli iiifnrms mv tJiat pipeon8 are jfiviMi in a liill of" fare in thf |»ri'viiius (Jvtiasty. In the tiriM) ot'thti KoriiaiiM, as w<- ht-ar fmrii I'liiiv, iriimctmp pru-eH v»»Tfc tri\«-ii for pif^r^oim ; < nay, they are fcuiii' to lliis yan'i, lliat they fan reckon up th»>ir pfditrreo and rai-e. I'itrcons wero luuch valiu'd l»y Klian in India, ahcdit the year hluo; never le*-' than Jit.iido pi:,'('o:is Mere taken ;*it}i the coiirl. ' Jlie tiionarchs of Iran and Turan sent liim H«)me very rare hirds'; and, continu<>s the courtly historian, ''llis Maje-^ty liy crossiiiir the hreeds, which method was ne er practiced heforo, h.ix improved tlitim astoniMliinjfly.' Ahoiit this wimo |>erio e.usily mated for life ; and thus different breeds can be kept to^^etlier in the sjime aviary. 1 have discussed the proliahle oriifin of domestic jtiireona at some, yet quite insuthcient, lenjfth ; because when 1 first kept piy:e(uis and watched the several kuids, knowiii;; well how true they hred, I felt fully as much dilhculty in believing that they could have descended from a cummn-i parent, as any naturalist could in comiiiL'' to a similar conclusion in reyard to the many spei-it's of finches, or otlier laiffo groups ot birds, in nature. One circumstance has struck me much ; namely, that all the tireeders of the various domestic animals and the cultivators of plants, with whom I have ever conversed, or whose tre.itises I have read, are firmly convinced that the several breeds to which eacli has attended, are descended from so many .ihoriLTnally distinct species. Ask, as 1 have asked, a ceietirated raiser of Hereford cattle, whether his cattle might not have descended from long-horns, and be will VAKIAIION rVDKft Do.MKSTK ATK )N J7 :M^h you to Moru. I l,av« n.-v.-r ..u-t a Miireu,, - ;. -u try, or duck, or rul-l.^t, who w.m :,.„ f' |,, ;" ' tlKit earl, ...ain l,r«tvl wa. .lesr. ...le.l from a . > Una .,,c.-.,.s \au Mo.h, iu his trrat..*, .„ n,.ar. •i'.'l apples, shows how utterly he .lish-lieves that the sort., tor iMHtaure a Kihston-p.ppin or (o.llin- .., |.le couM ever Lave pr.K-ee.le.l from the seeds ot the ■ .'"e tree. InminKrahie other, .„wl.l w -'.ve... J 1.0 exphmat^on. I think, is simple : fron. lon^- " '""ue.i .u.iy they are stron;r!vimpn.s.e.l with the u.,H hetvveeu the severar raeL ; and though t > Hell know that ea.h ra<-e varies sli::htlv, for thev ; a theirpn/.e, hy,^^ s.,rh slij,ht difteren.eM. >et •V Ignore alUenerul ariruments, and refuse to sum uj. in the.r nunds slight ciirfereiu-es arcumulated durin- ... "iy «eneraliouH. May not thnse naturar -i- Hho, far le«. of the lawn of -fan does the hreeder, and kncwin,. „o mor. than 1,^ '"«•' of the interu.odiate links in the Io„tf li,„,s of uedeM ended from the «.:ne parents- mav they not I'.irn a lesson of caution, when ihev deride the i.lea ./ ^•.enes ,n a 8Ute of nature bein^ lineal des.-Ciidants ot er spetifi: .' ^ U.J.,e races haye been produced, o.ther fV.-m V ni 1 '^-T'^^ ^'''^''' ''"••■'•■^- •'^«""« little erf. ct V enf»I ''I'/'* ^^^" '"te'^ t» the direct action of the ne Hould he a b.>ld man who w<.uhi account hy urh .^.-ences for the ditfererues of a dray and a r.u-e liors.' ■ ^eo?i 7,' *';d Woo.! hound, a carrier and tumble; I .con One of the most remarkahle fealure^ in ou. o>mest,cc;ed races is that we ^e in them adap tion t" m nr; '" '^'; ■■^"""'■^^■'' *"■ ^'^^""'^ »-" ^^'^< •-» ue nroh.M '" •^""•'- .^."^ ^'^'•i-'tions useful to him ■Z!;:::!'^."''^'' ^^,^^^\^-^y>or by one step; muiy :'*■,, ^•>"'^S.«''H-h cannot be rivalled by un^ "-.aauical contnvan.e. i« ouiy a variety of the wild r\ iP, ov TIIR (iRKilX OF M'K( lh*s DipsaciiH ; ,ii;:i ttii-; ;it7)i>iiiit of cijj;i^(< witii *iit" an< (in sfuM']). Hut. wIhti ice compar" tiiii 'lray-hor-»» a;.il racf-hdr-e, the (ironuMlary and canioi, tliy \ariiiiis i.rt'cii.s of -lieoj) tittcil pi^'wr tor cultivattMi lari'l i.r riii) [vsturc, wilti tlio wool vt ojie hroi'il .(to.l tor oiii- (iijrposri, an;l tfiat of another hreeii tor another |iiirtMi-(> ; '.vhen we rotnparo tlie many hreet of ;u:ri(!illiiral, culinary, orciiard, and ilowtir- j:,arden race of plants, most useful to man at ditfcrent seasons and for itiifereiit purposes, or so h(!autif'i! iii his eyes, we niu>f, I tliink, look further than to mere variaifility. W'e cannot suppose that all the breeds •vere suddenly produced as perfect and as useful i;8 we now see tiiein ; indeed, in several cases, we know that tiiis has not hecn their history. The key is man's jiower of accumulative selection : nature yives ^iicce>--ivB variations ; man adils them up in certain directions uset'u! to him. In this sense he may ho said to make for himself useful hreeds. I'iie ;;rcat ['ower of this principle of selection is not hy]tothc ti<-a!. it, is certain lliat several of our eminent breeders (lave. tv--en within a sintrle lifetime, modified to a lari^e extent -ome hreeds of catti»i ainl sheep. In order tally to realise wjiat they liave done, it is aheost iicces'^ary to read several of the many treatises devoted to this suhject, and to inspect the animal.-t. Mreeders habitually speak of an anitrial's orj^anisation as >omethini; quite plastic, which they can model almost as thoy f)lease. If I had sj)ace 1 could (juote numerous p,a-sat:es to this etfect from hiirhly com- petent authorites. Vouatt, who was proliahly lietter ru-<)ua!!ited with the vvork.s of a^'-ricuituri.->ts than almost any other individual, aud who vvas himself j VAJlIAiJOX INDKK DOMKSTK A TloN 2: 'Cry trood „f „„ arrliriaK ^(...aks of the j.nn.-iple ot '■i.vt;on as 'that «-),i,-h enahl..s the ai:rinilti,ri,.t, not :w_ to nuxiify the ci.aractfr of his /lock, huf to chant'*' .' alto-.-thor, Jf in the ina-ician's wan.i, hy rn-ans ui which he may s.irnmoii into life wh.levef tnrin and n.ouhl he i.ieases/ J.ord N)M.ervine. Kj-eakin- of what breeders have done for wlicej), savs :-' It would ^■em ,-is ,f they had chalked out upon' a wall a form ■ •TJrct in i(..,Mf, and then had pven it exiar:, to ohuain liead and heak.' Jn S.ivonv t! .. imj)oriance of tt.e principle ui selection in rc-a'rd !,. iDeru.o .heep is >.o fully recn-nised, that nieii i,.ih)« it "^ '|, t;;"''*'- tJ'i- '^liwj. are placed (ui a t.ihle and are Mudii':]. like a picture hy a connois.-eur ; this i- done il.iec tunes at intervals of months, and the sheep are c.h time marked and clas-ed, so that tiic verv hest n:iy uuunatelv he selected for hreediiiir. U hat Ln-lish hreeders have actually etf..cted is ['^'Y'" ''> ^'"* «^'i<»rmous j.rices jriven foranii,.aN with a irood podi-ree; and these have now heer; expert ed to f.lriM 4 every (juarter of the world, i he impn.vement i« t.v n,. means K«'nerally due to crossing differeiit hreeds • al, I tie he-t breeder, are stron^rly (.p{,o>ed to thi- i r.Kticc. except sometimes amont'st cl«.>.-lv aiiied suh- yreed^. And when a cross h.-s heen mad^. the closest MMecl,.,n IS far ,-,,ore indispensable e\ en than inordi- nary rases. If M'iection consisted nierelv in .MM)arat:nt: some very distinct variety, and hreediiiLr fro,,' it, ih. i'nncple ,w)uld he so obvious as hardly to he worth iH'tice ; but Its importance consists in the frreat effect pr<.(iiiceKCIKS yars, nrid rlevoto his llfi'tinif to it with indor.i.' iM« p«T .•\-r;iiico, 1h« will siiccoed, an.l wny make ^rcf :rnpr()> cuionrs ; if he wants ariv of' fhe^o (|ualitios, j.,. will n^Mirfvlly fail. Few wdiiM" roa.lilv holievo in tl'.- natural <-aiiarity aiis are followed hy horticulturists ; hut tlio variations are here often more al.rupt. \r» one -ui.po>es that our .hniccst ytroduitioTis ha\eheeri |>ro- dtjcod hy a -iiuis^p variation from tiie a'hoiitrinal >;tock. ^^'e hiivr proofs tliat tliis is not -o ;?! some casos, in vv}ii<:h exact records have heen kefit : thus, to jriv'e ;i very fritlin-r ii!si;uice, the steadily-increa.-irnr sizo of tlie corniuon troosi-herry may he (';uoted. We see id astoni-niiii: in.provemeiit iii many fioriNts" fhnvcrs. when 'he t!<.wers of the present (hay'are compared with driW!i,os made only twenty or thirty vears airo. Whon ■\ race of [daiits is once pretty w'eil cstahlishe.l. the do not pick out the'hest plants, hut merely an ow- tlM'ir -eed-heds, and pull up the ' ro:,Mu-^. as he\ call tlie plants that deviate from th.^ proper -laiidard. With animals tliis kind of sel'^'-ti,,,, is, in tact, also followed ; for hardly any one is ' careless as 'o allow his worst animal^ n> hree'd. In rc-ard to plants, there i> another means of ol>- servin:; the accunnilated etlects of selccTion- nam»ly. hy comparin- the diversity of (lowors in the difrerent varieties of the same &perios in tlie tiower-trarden ; the diversity of leaves, pods, ..r liihers, or whatever part is val.M(!, :ii the kitchen-^Miden, in comjiarison with ti,e (lowers of the same yarieties ; and the diversity of fruit of the same si)ccies in the orchard, in com'- parison with the leaves ajid Hower- uf the same -^-t of varieties. ISee how different the leaves of tiie cahha-e are, and how extremely alike the flowers ; h..w unlike the fii.wers of the heart.sease are, and how alike the leaves ; how much the fruit of the ditlerent kinds of ^'ooseherries tlitfer in size, colour, shape, and liain- ness.and yet the riowers present very slifrj.tditierencM^, It is not that the varietjes whicli differ larjfely in son.e VARIATION L'NDKR DOArFSTK'ATlOX a .au. m„nt .In ,mt riirer at all i,. „ ;„.r point, ■ thi- ,s nanllv ..v,.r. ,„.rh;,,,s rievor, tlio rase. lUv 'au. .,f c-..rn.Iat,o„ Of .^nr.vth, the importance of u In.!, sLniW,! ii''\er !io (iv^'fl,, ;Nf'.l, will ensun> some fiifr.Tencfs ; (,,' ayi tron.rai rn.., I cannot donl.t that the confin,,...! >».'ic.tmn of si,.^„t variations, cither in the leaves the n...ers orthomnt, .ill pn.luce r... es .l,rterin,/ f'v ' each other chieflv in th<->e rharacters I^ mav he oh,cctecl that the principle of selection has ;;V7':'r"' ";nH-tho.lical pra.t„.etorscan.elv„u.i tlian threo-.jiiarters ot a centwrv ; it has cerrainlV I m more att.r,.le.l to of late years, an,! manv tn^ri; ." U-en p.ihh.she.1 on the s„hiect ; an.l the result has heen m a .-orre^poiHiHiir fh-rce, raj,,,! an n.en. The principle of selection 1 .in^ ^ ■x. itTi" '" rr'r''' ''"""- encvclopa..,a. IjXF'lK, rules are laid down hy some of ll,e I omin h^..l wnters. From passa^e^ in (ienesis, \ttc^ tliac the colour of domestic animals was at that e- rh -rw>d to. now sometin;!!, rl"^, .'.sum. w.l.l cann.e animals, to unprovc, the hreed '" il'Mv. Ihe sava-es m South Africa nr'itch th..,r t','; u:,';;;"'of'", '■"'■""i "■^.■'" "■"■■• '-■"■'' i---.'x tnejr tiMm, of ili.irs. l.n,i,i.'«t.,i,o sl,„»s l„.» mr.l, 32 ON IHK (K{F(;i\ (H SI'KCIKS ri.-id <|n;ilitit»s is so ohNimi- -\i til.' j.n'M-ut tiiiir. fu.iiHMit hic.vl.T- trv h- M.i.vtion, with adiMiiirt .,!,.■(•! in x„.\v to mak.' a ,„■« strain or s„|,-|iro,.,l, m,|.(m ,ur to exi^Mni: in th-- ro.mtry. J{„t. tor '.ur pu.pnso, a kind of N'|...t,oi,. vvlnrl. may l.o .alK'd lnro„.,-io,m, and winr . ros.ilt^^ fnuo cv-tv or,, trv.r.:: to ,,(.....,. and l>n'<-.l from the hp-t iiuiividiial an,r,ial<. il ..ore ini- p'Tlaril Jliiis. a man «|io in!.'n own Ih-1 .1..-.. i,.. Lhs no wi^ii or exportation o/ p.-rman-ntlv alL-rin- t),.. l.rood I raiuHd dout-t thai this,^ con- t:nu.Ml dhnno .H-nftirM>. «omoI nopnno a,nl modify i.'.v hroo.l. in th.. san,.. May as Hakcw.-li, ( ,dJ,ns, vlv\ ■y tin. vory samo {.roro.s, only carried on more n.othndi.-ahy, ,\,,\ j^roatly moditv. even d.inn- thoir o.Mi JiUMime.s, tho forms and .jualitios of tlirir rattio ^i<.^^ and inxMisddo cliaot^- of thi. kin.l could never t;.' reco-msed UMle^s actual measurements or careful un had heen Ion- .-u:.., ^^l^.•h rn.:;hl serve tor companion. In sumerases lio^ever. unrhans:ed, or hut little chan-ed individual Of the .same hreed may he found in less rea.on lu helieve that Kin^' fharlesH spaniel lias heen unconsciously modified to a lar^re extent since the tune ot that munar-h. Some hi-hlv competent authorities are convinced that the setter is directly derived from the spaniel, and has j.rohahly !„., n .«lowlV altered from it It is known that the Kn-li.h pointer has h.-cn ureatly chaiiired within the last .entury. and ni this case the chan-e has, it is helieve.i, heen chiefly etfeetedhvcr<.sscs with the foT-houn(l;),ut» hat concern, us IS, that the change has heen etfe.-ted unc.msciously and {rra.iuallv. and yet so etlectuallv. that, thouffii the old > pointer certainly came from .Spain Mr i.orrov, n.i. uoi seen, as i am informed by him! an v native Uof,^ in Spain like our pn-o.listinct ra s^I^^^^^^^^^^^ ^ept by Mr. li.ckley^nd mX ^^t^^ ".V;^-;:^- f'-'P marks, " iiave heen nurelv hr^J e^,,' *" •^''^- * ""att re- a s,i.,,„on existing i„ the nihKl of •"' ""' ■''••l"ainted with the sub ec thJ th« ^^' ^ "" '■*' ^^^ them has deviated iu^f™r"''"/'"''^^'^^'«'"°f bJood of Mr. Swell "LT ""?'"' ^^^^ ^''« P"^e !^*'t«een the shVep rn'sissfd h ' ?l"^ ^f '^^ differL.ce ^o trreat that thev h^vTtht ^ ^^ ''^^ gentlemen is •'.rterer.t varietie«-' ^' ^PPearance of bein^ quite of'tl!;;tSerS^r^f--« ? nevertothmk ^••mestio animals vet anv nn^ «ff«Pnnff of their ful to them for 'uv sr^Zr '"""'^^ Particularly use- -ould thuTpeneralJv Wp'T ^"^^ ^'^"'^•e animals i"'V>rioroue«f so S in thir'""^ lf"^""^ '''^" the kin.i of !..:" w • '^'^'^ *''*"'« ^'ould bp a fi, ■ ••"••■"=«-. uas opic-riion iroin/r nr» w' fuino, bj, i,,^,^ |.,||^_^^^ ^_^ J devOLri„(f tli,.i ' M ON THE ORIGIN OF SPFX'IF^S old women, iu times of dearth, as or less value than tbeir doirs. In plants the tKime gradual procoHs of imjirovein«rril, throiitrh tlio ocrasional preservation of the Itest indi- viiluals, whether or not sudiciently distinct to be ranked at their first appearance as (hstincrt varieties, and whethei or not two or more species or race> liave become blended toi.rether hy crossing, may jiiainly l>e recojrnised in the incre;ised size and lieauty whu h we now see in the varieties of the heartsease, rose, pelart:oniiini,(h'ililia, and otlier planii^, when coni[>are(i witli tlie older varieties or with their parent-stocks. No one would ever expect to jfet a first-rato heartsease or dalilia from tlie seet-rate nieltiiiL' jK'ar from tlie seed of the wild pear, thoiii^h he niitJ:iit succeed from a jioor seedling y:rowin^ wild, if it haii come from a trarilen-stock. i'iie pear, thoutrh cultivated in clas>ical times, appears, from Pliny's de- scripiioii, to have been a fruit of very inferior (jiialitv. I have seen preat surprise expressed in horticultural works at the wonderful skill of gardeners, in having produced such splendid results from such poor materials; but the art, I cannot douht, lias been simple, and, aa far as the final result is concerned, ha^ been followed ahnost unconsciously. It has consisted in always cnltivatiutf the l)est known variety, s(juin^ its seeds, and, when a sli;,rhtly better variety has chanced to aj)pear, selecting' it, and so onwards. Hut the irardeners of the classical period, who cultivated the host pear they could procure, never thoujjht what splendid fruit we should eat; thouijh we owe our excellent fruit, in some small detrree, to tlieir having naturally chosen and preserved the best varieties they could anywhere find. A lar^'^e amount of chan/?e iu our cultivated plants, thus slowly and unconsciously accumulated, exjdains, as I believe, the well-known fact, that in a vast numiier of crises we cannot recoirnise, and therefore do not knov\, Uie wild parent-stocks of the plants wiiicii have be«i?u longest cultivated in our flower and kitcheo as ,1 VAKIATION INDKR DO.MKSTirATIOX 35 ^'aniens. If it has take,, centuries or tlu.usands of >.'ar>to improver modify m.wt of our plants u,. to tl..'.r pr.MM,t stan.iar.l 0/ u.Wulnes. to Lu, „, ' ...^ un.h.rsunul now .t 1. that neither Australia, the Cape «'f <-"»;l J Ope, nor any other ret,non inhai.Ue.i hv ..uitc- un.Mv.hse.1 man, has artonied us a sintrh- plant «rth '•ulture It ,s not that these i. h ^p.-uesdonot hy a Mran^M, ehan.-e po^e^s the ahor .ma stocks ot any nsefwl plants, hut that the native i-mts have not hee:. improve,! hy rontinue ru.-ture would oflen succee.i hetter in the one countrv thru, in the other; and thus hy a process of ' Hat, .^i M-le.-t,on, as will her.vifter he' more fully exp ai led t->suh-hreeds mi.dit he forme.l. This, perhap , p '- evpla.n. what has heen remarket! hy Lnie'aL lori iK^mely that the varieties ke,,t hy sava^a,s have m" r^ ot the character of species than the varieties kei^ ,1 civilised countries. ' '" « >'i the view here t^iven of the all-important part winch .election hy man has played, it heco ues It . mce ohvious how ,t ,s that our domestic races shuv^lda^ t.on m their structure or in their hahits to mans S .>r fancies. U e can 1 think, further understand le .*re.|uently ahnormal character of our domesti ra<'e ■^'"i likewise their differences hein-^ so .^reat i.i exte rai ' haracters and relatively 80 «]i,.ht in internal ,'irts or orjrans. Man can hardly select, or only w I ";;,,' d.lhculty. any deviation of structure ex.-eptin^ such Is u^ externally vu^ihle ; and indeed he rarlly l^r!^^ -^^a. ;^ iiiternai. He can never act hy selection ex ^me =,l,ght degree by nature. No man would ever tn- 96 ON THE ORIGIN OF Sl'fcXJES h to make a lanfiil, till he saw a pij,,.,,,, with i tail developed iii >,„ne sli-ht df^rreo in an -inusual manner or a pout.'r till ho saw a pi-eon with a rrop of som.-uhit unusual s]/.e ; and the more ahnorinal or unuMial any rharacter was when it first appeared, the more lik.-lv i't would ho to catch hi.satt.-ntion. Hut to une su,h'a-> ivvpn'-siuri a.^ tryiii;,' to make a fantail, is i )iave -lo d')u,.t, u, most eases, utterly incorrect. Ihe man ^^ ho first Mi.Tt.Ml a pi-eon with a si■^^htlv lar-er tail, ne\->r drear ed what the descendants of that pi-eon woiild become through lontr-continued, partly unconscio,i.s and part y n...tho,li,aI .election. I'erhap. the parent l.r.l of all tanUils had only Jo.jrteen t^iil-feathers some- what expanded, like the present Java fant^iU, or like individuals of other and distinct breeds, in which as many as seventeen tail-feathers have been counted' I eriiaps the first pouter-pi eon« which are rejected as faults or deviations from the standard of perfection of each breed, 'i'he common ^oose has not KJven rise to any marked varieties ; hence the 1 hoiilouse and the common breed, which differ onlv m colour, that most HeetinK of characters, have lately been exhibited as distinct at our poultry- shows. *^ •' I think these views further exnlain what has -"-^-. times i,een not.ced-namely, that we know notliiiu' about the orif-iu or history of any of our domestic 7^ ^.r^^^^^^^«I^^*??] VARIATION UxVDER DOMESTICATION ,37 breed.. lUa, in fact, a bree -.11 hardly have a dist.n.t nan.e, and from^,^^^^ on y >h,.ht Iv valued, their history will he dJe^Zl I>-..ewM, they ndi spread m„re widcdv, and will -et e< ..nnsed a. ».>n,ethin.. distinct and valuable, and vT-l .en i.rr.hahly nrst receive a provincial ,.an.e. In sen.'-.d countnos, with hftle free^tion 1 1. ^pre..,l,n^ and knowled,.- of any new .ul, hreedJil . « ..h>. process A. soon a. the poinUs of val'e o ^ :..- suh-hre.d are once fully acknowled^^ed. the or n ■ i *®"' i ~ '"'''-^PS more at one period than at a.-other, as the Ireed riMen or falls in fashion. ;' ar! in one district than in another, accord ,..i t^^ . .teofc.v.l,s.Umn of the inhahitan'ts- to add - the character.sfc features of the breed, whate^'er -y may be But the chance will he inrin lel hh nl ..f any record havmg been preserved of such Xw >aryin^, and insensible changes ' I n.ust now say a few words on the circu -..stances favourable or the reve^.e. to man's power ot locUon A )u,h de.^ree of variability is obviously favourable^ fr. ely p,v,ng the materials for selection to work on uot that mere individual differences are not amn^' -mcient, with extreme care, to allow of the°u cur^uk ^on of a lai-Ke amount of modification in a n',^? an" •lesired d,rectu,n. Hut as variation, manifestl "If^^ u p easing to man appear only occasionally, the chance -f their appearance will be much increa.sed by a ar^e numher of individuals bein^ kept ; and lice "hi! •■•:.- ^ !^« o^ti^ie hisfhest in.j,o-tance to succe«i^ On - principle Marshall ha.s remarked, with res.Lt 0 ^.- =heep of part« of Yorkshire, th.t U they .^eirerau' ON THK OR[(;iN OF SPKC IKS !'»'loiiir to jHior [)»•(. pic, ami .iro nio-Mv in uvuill /o/*, thfv ii.'ver r-;iii })« im_irov»><|.' On tlio otlicp }|!iTid,' niir-iTvnuMi, fnun raivirnr l.-irtrn sfo. k-> of tli»> vame pl.iiits.are yenpraily far morp siiccp^^ful Hiari aiiKit.Mirs in trettiinf now and valnal.U? varieties. I lie ke<>[»ini,' of a;:(> iiurii'MT of itii|i\ idiials of a -Ji-ecieH lu aiir coiiiitrv re(|iiire individua!-' of any species are scaiitv. ;ill tlie individuaU. wdatever tlieir quality niav he, will .generally ho allnvred to hreed, and this will etfecttrilly prevetit sel.ction. Wnl Mie most ini|.<>rtant pcint of ail is, that tile animal or plant should Im. so lii;.r|,ly ;,spf,jl to man, or so miirh valued hy him, that the closest attention should he paid to even the sliirjitest deviation in the (jualities or structure of each individual, rnless such attention he paid tu'thin^' can t.e etlected. I liave seen it uT-ivelf rerTiarked, that it was mo>t fortunate that the">traw- herry hej.'-.-in to varv just wlien trardeners h««:ran to attend closely trj this plant. No douht the strawherrv had ainays varied -ince it was cultivated, hut the shVht varieties had lieen tiet^Ierted. As soon, however, as ^rirdeners pi-kcl ..ut individual plants with sliurhtly I.'irjrer. earlier, or Letter fruit, and raised seedliriir's from ther>' and aj-ain picked out tlio hest seedliiiirs and t red t'rom them, then, tl, ere appeared (aided hy so-ne crossiii^r ;vit)i distinct species; those rjianv admirahle varieties of tlie strawherry wh'ch have heen nii^.'d duriiiir die !'i>t thirty or forty years. In tiic -^i-se of animals vvith separ.te sexes, facil'ty in pre-iMai- ir cnx-os is an import;int element of success Ml the f.M-inatio'i nf new race-,— at lea>t, in a country which ix already stocked with other race,«. In this resftect enclosure of the land [>iays a part Wandering ■Miva:res or the inhahitant.s of open plains rarely possesa more tlian one breed of the same species, ri-reoiis can be m.iteil for lite, and this iit a irroat ccnveriience. t.o th« fancier, for tiius many races may he kept true, thouiih miKjfled in the same aviary ; and this circum.stance VAIUATION I'NDKR DOMKNTICATION 39 must h.ivo larn-plv favoured tho impnivernent and foniMtiun of new l.repiprted, as when killed thev nerve for tiKMJ. On the other hand, cats, from their nocturnal ranildijit' hahits, cannot he matched, ■itkI, a]thou{:h so much vahied hv«(.men and children, we hardly ever nee a diMtin'e donkey, peacock, iroose, etc. , may he attrihuted in iMain part to selection not haviii,^ heeii hrouir'.t into play : in cats, from the dith- cilfy in pairing tliem ; in (h.nkevM, from only a few heiii!; kept hy poor people, and lit'tle attention 'paid lo their hre«'diiijr; in t>eacockH, from not heiiitr very easily reared and a lar^e stock not ke|.t ; in fcree..mestic Haces of animals and plants. I helieve that tiio conditions of life, frr)m their action on the repr()ducti\o sv^tem, are so tar of tlie hii^liest importance as ca.isin:: variahilil y. ! 'lo not helievp that variability is an inherent and ii^-^'cssary contin;(en<"y, uiuler al'l circumstances, with il! ortranio ^jme authors have thoii-ht. I he •••fects of variability are uuuiified hy various de:rrees .,f nihcritance and of reversion. Variability is 450%. •rued by many unknown laws, more especially by tliat ot cor- relilion of ;:rowth. Something-- may be attributed to 'h>' direct action of tlie conditions of life. Sr.metliinw 'ti 1st 1^ attrihuted to u.i::iited by need. In plants wbicli are temporarily prnpau'stted by cuttintrs, buds, etc. , tlie imrmrtance of tin' iro-.sin(r botli of di-itinct sperien and or varieties !► immense; for tlie rultivntor liero quitu di-jreirardH ibo extreme variability both of liyltrids and nion>i:rels, and tbe frerjiient sterility of bvbnds ; but tbe < ase» of plants not projia^Mteil by seed are of little importanc. tf us, for their endurance Ik only temporary. Over all the^e causes of ( baiitre I nm eonvinied that tbe a< i-unnilative action of Selection, wbether apjdieii m. tlioflically and more quickly, or uiiconscitmsly and mure slowly, but more efficiently, ia by far tbt* prt- doininant I'owor. CHAl'lKR II VAUfAriuV INDKH NATIKK ' '''''"i'y-.J'""*i'l""!'l'tr ,Mo»t- >i.. • i., „f ih; vwru-iicg ir, l,Wn« very d,.«Wy. hut uue-iualiy, f.iuU.l t.. „^h •UitT, and in iiav.i,^' rtslri..i, ; i.^.^j,-,*. Hkm)hk aj^plyini; li„, pridciplos arrive,! at iii ine Um . naptor to or^.iiih l.eiiiK> ii) a stile of naUiv", we n, ,.t i.ii.-M\ ,lisrii>~ vvlu-ther tlu-so lattt-r ar., sul-.f.-t to ,iii\ Narial.oii. "J o treat tl.i^ sul.ject at all pru|M'riy, a Urn. < ..■' n^r,H. of dry farts shoiil.l bo u^^vu ; Init tlu-.e I '•fi.iii ri-M,rve fur my future work. \(,r shall I here (liM-uss the various defmitioiis whicli have he.ii i,M\eu of t,iL. tonn ' species.' No ojie delinition has iis yet Kati.stied ah ualiiranfs ; yot every natiiiaiist kiioxvs vaiznelv v^ hat he meai.., when he sj.eaks of a soccu-^. ( Joiier .11 v tuu term includes the unknown elerV.ent of a di.sUnct a,t of creation. The term ' vanotv ' is almust equally MthcuJt to define; but here community of de^.ent in almost universally implied, thou-h it can rarelv he ! rovo.l. \\ e have also what are called mon>trnsui.-s I'.t t.iey ffraduate into varieties. By a monstrosity 1 iH-Mime IS meant some considerable deviation of -uu.ture in one part, either injurious to or not u.-4ofui .0 llie species, and not generally prop.i^raie.l. .Some a ithors use the term 'variation' in a te.hiji. a] n,;il\'ino- a n!odiH;-.-t!.--r-. ci-!.ditions of life; and Hupposed not to be inherited: but wh sense, as liuc lo tijc piiv>.cai variations' in this sense are o t'-au r«a\ that tlu 4] t2 ON THK ORICJIN OF SPK( lES l! (iwarfrd conflitio'i of slielN in the }ira<'ki>h waters of tiie I'.i'tic, or (iuvirfed [li.iiils on Alpiri" •iiirruniL«, or the thirkpr fur of an animal t'roin far tiorthwanls, would not in soMio rases he inheritoil for at least some few ireu'Tations r and in this case I tiresunie tliat the form would he called a variety. Airain, we have many slit'^ht dilTerenoes which may he called mdivirlijal differences, sin-h as ara known fre<]iiently to ajiiicir in the olf-prinir from the s;inio parents, or wliich may he presumed to have thus arisen, from hein^ freciiiently ohserved in the indivi- duals of the same species inhahitin»f the same confined locality. N'o one supposes that all the individuals of tlie same species are cast in the very same mould. These individual differences are hifrhly important for us, as they afford materials for natural selection to accumulate, in the same manner as man can accumi- lafe in any yiven direction iiulividual differences in his dc)mestic^ateti productions. 'Hiese individual differences ?onerally affect what naturalists consider unimportant [wirta ; hut I could sliow hy a lonfj cat.iloirue of facts, that parts which must Vie called importdit, whether viewed under a physiolojrical or dassific-atory point of view, sometimes vary in the individuals of the same specii's. I ain convinced that the most experienced natu'-alist would Ini surprise even in importmt parts of structure, which ho coulil collect on ^ood authority, as I iiave collected!, diirin:; a course of ye^'irs. It should he rememheied Uia*- systematisfs are far from pleased at finding' varia- bility in important characters, and tliat there are not many men who will la!H)rii isly examine internal and iniporlHiit or^rans, and compare them in many speci- mens of the ivjime specip«. I sliould never hav»i exfH^cfeil that th« hranchintr of the main nerves dose to the a^reat central irauirlion of an iu^ect would have hecn variahle in the same species ; I should have expected that chan^^es of tins nature couid have been effected only by slow dci^r'^es : yet (juite recently Mr. Luhhock has shown a detfree of varialiility in these main nerve* VARIATION UKDER xNATIJRE 43 hi CocciiP, winch may ainjost be compared to the irrPiruI.-ir branrhino: of the stem of a tree. Tliis phil.mopbical naturalist, ! may add, has also quite recetitly rthnwri that tlie muse Ips in the larvte of cert^iin are very far from uniform. Authors sometimes artrup in a rir.le when they stMe that imi>ort;int ortjans never vary : for these same authors practically rank that character as important (a-- some few naturalists have hone-tly confessed) which does not vary ; and, iiiider this point of view, no instance of an important part varyintr will ever be found : but under any other point of view many instances assuredly can l»e tr'iven. There is one point connected with individual differ- ences which seems to me extremely perplexinjf : I refer to those e^enera which have sometimes been called 'prolean' or 'polymorphic,' in which the specie* present an inorditiate amount of variation ; and hardly two naturalists can a^ree which forms to rank as species and which as varieties. W'e may instance Kubus, Kosa, and Ilieracium amonp^st plants, several penera of insects, and several jrenera of llrachiopod shells. In most polymorj>hic (genera some of the species have tiied and definite characters. (Jencra which are [»olymorphic in one country seem to be, with some few exceptions, noivmorphic in other countries, and likewise, judjrintr from Hraciiiopod shells, at former periot.ites, drawn up by different botanists, and see what a surprising number of forms have been ranked by one botanist as good species, and by another as mere :_i: — ^f _ II f> ii-_* ., -. i - _u-_- r i! _ - i i ra;ic.:t--. .rii. a. \ , TraL.-i;;;, la ~ livTli i lie L.n.'iCr UCCp obligation for assistince of all kinds, has marked for me 182 Briti^V plnnls, which *re generally considered VARIATION UNDER NATURE 45 US varieties, but which have all hoeii ranked by botinisU as specit-.s ; and iu makiuu-- this list he haa ■Miiitted many tridiufr varieties, but which U'jverth.'I.-^s h^ive been ranked by some botanists as species, ami he iias entirely omitted several hiifhly polymorphic p-c:i.Ta. ' n-Urr g-enera, includinor the most polvmorphic f..; ins Mr. lial.intrton gives 251 species, wlierea.s Mr. J5en' •ham gives only 112,-8 difference of l.'W doubtful forms I Amongst animals which unite for each birth, and which are highly locomotive, doubtful forms,' ranked by one zoologist as a species and by another as a variety, can rarely be found within the same country, but are common in separated areas. How many of those birds and insects in North America and Europe which ditfer very slightly from each other, have lieeu ranked by one eminent naturalist as undoubted species, and by another as varieties, or, as they are often called' asgeograpliical races ! Manyyear8a{.'o,when comparing* and seemg others compare, the birds from the separate Islands of the Galapagos Archipelago, both one with another, and with those from the American mainland, I was much struck how entirely vague and arbitrary 18 the di.stinction between species and varieties. On the islets of the little Madeira group there are many insects which are characteriged as varieties in Mr. ^V^)l- laston's admirable work, but which it cannot be doubted would be ranked as distinct species by many entomo- loirists. Even Ireland has a few animals, now generally regarded as varieties, but which have been ranked IS sj)ecie8 by some zoologists. Several most e.vt)erienced ornithologists consider our Hriiish red jfrouse as only a ^trontriy-marked race of a Norwegian species, where;i8 the greater number rank it as an undoubted species I>ecuiiar to Cireat BriUiin. A wide distance between the homes ©f two doubtful forms leads many naturalists to rank both as distinct species ; but what distance, it has been well asked, will sutlice.^ if that between America ;;;'i nurope ih Hinpi,., will that between the Continent uid the .A/ores, or Madeira, or the (anaries. or Ireland « sufficient ? It must be admitted that many forms' 46 ON THE ORIGIN OK SI'ECIF:S eonsidered by bifjhly-irompetent jiidfrf^' as varieties, have so perfectly tbe character uf species that they are ranked by otlier hitrhly-coinpetent jud^^es as good and true species. But to discuss whether they are rightly called species or varieties, before any detiiiition of tiiese terms h;is been peiierally accepted, is vainly to beat tiie air. Many of the cases of stronfrly-niarke rank douhtiul forms. Yet it must be confessed tha, it is in the best- known countries that we find the gre;itest number of forms of doubtful value. 1 ha\e been struck witli tlie fact, tliat if any animal or plant in a state of nature be highly useful to man. or from any cause closely attract his attention, varieties of it will alsiiOst universally 1>6 found recorded. These varieties, moreover, will be often ranked by some authors as spesile and pedunculated oaks are either good and di•^tiIlct species or mere varieties. W hen a younu' naturalist commences the study of a trntup of orffanisms quite unknown to him, he is at first much perplexed to determine what diriVrences to consider as specific, and what as varieties ; for he kn(»rts notliintf of the atnimnt and kind of variation to which the yroup is subject; and this shciws, at least, !iow very t^eneraHy there is some \ariation. Hut il he (•online his attention t<» one ■' v.-.s within one countrv, be will soon make up his mnid how to rank m<»«.t of the doulitful forms. His jfeneral tendency will le to riKike many species, for he will become improved, just like the pijreon or poultry fancier before alluded to, ^^ilh tbe amount of ditlerence in the forms which he !s continually studyintr ; and he has little peneral knowlt'djrj of analo^'iral variation in other groups and 11. other countries, by which to correct his first im(»res- > >:i>. As he extends the range of his observations, \w will meet with moro cases of difficulty; for lie will tiuounter a greater numl)er of closclv-allied forms. Hilt if his observations be widely extcne disputed by other naturalists. Wben. moreover, lie ■omes to .study allied forms brought fnun countries not now continuous, in wbiih case he can banllv hope to rlufi tbe intermediat«> links between his doubtful forms, iie will have to trust almost entirely to analogy, and' his diificiilties rise to a climax. V r. uijiiij iir, i icar line oi deniaicatioii haii as yet been drawn between species and sub-species— that is, the forms which in the opinion of some naturalist* 48 ON THE ORIGIN OF 8PECIES ror'ie very noar to, tint do not quite arrive at the ruuk of" spt'cit's ; or, a^.iiii. betweori sul>-spooies ami vc«'ll-inarkf(i varieties, or l>etwiHMi !t,'-ecome extinct, or they may endure as varieties for very long periods, as has been shown to be t!ie case by Mr. U'ollaston with the varieties of certiiin fossil land-shells in Madeira. If a variety were to flourisli so as to exceed in numbers the parent species, it would then rank as the species, and the species as tlie variety ; or it might come to supplant and exterminate the parent spe«'ies ; or both niiirlit co-exist, and both rank as independent species. Hut ^e shall bcreiifter have to return to this subject. VARIATION LNDKR NATURK 49 From llie^P remarks it will h«. ,..,,„ tliat I In.k it •)io term .pecios, as one arbitnuily ^nven for the sake ■.f c-otiv,.„,ei.ce t.) a set of in.lividuals oloselv re<...nil.lii,.r ".i' M other, aiKi that it docs not ossetitiallV (lifrnr fr..-M he term variety, uliich is trive.i to less ".iistiiict a,.] ^u„e HurtuatMi^r forms. The term va ietv, Htzrin in ".t„,,;ins(m with mere indivi.l.ial ditTen-nVes, is a].,, Hn.iied arl.itrarily, and f(»r mere convenience' sake. '.luded by theoretical considerations, I thoiit^lit that >o'ne intorestinif resnlts mi-ht he <.hfiined in re-a-d to tlie nature and relations uf the species whi.di vnrv most, hy tahiihitiiiir all the varieties in several welf- worke.l floras. At rirst this seemed a simple task ; hwt • V; • ;\*'*^'^«"' to «••">"! I am much indel.ted for v.Mial.le advice and assistance on this snhject, soo„ .'ouvinced me that there wore many difficulties, as did ^iif'so.,.,ently Dr. Hooker, even in stronjrer terms. I shall reserve tor my future work the discussion of these difTi.Milties, and the tahles themselves of the pro- pcrtional numhers of the varying species. Dr. Hooker [permits me to add, that after having carefully read n.v 'ninuscnpt, and examined the tahles, he thinks that the to low.ngr sfitements are fairly well estal.lishe.1 whole subject, however, treated as it ne<-essarilv here 19 with much brevity, !» rather perplexing, and ahusions cannot he avoided to the 'stniirile for exist- ence'duerpnco of character,' and other questions, hereatU'r to he discussed. Alph. de Candolle and others have shown that plants ••^hu-h have very wide ranges generally present varieties ; in tii»' niK^t fiiturihhin^, or, as they m.'ty !«' called, the lotiiiuant species, — those which raiitre wid»>]y over the woilii, are the most tlitiu^ed in thiir own country, and are the numerous in individual^, which oftenerft produce well-marked varieties, or, ius I consider them, iiici|iicnt species. And this, jM-rhaps. iniuht iiave ht'en anticipated ; tor, as \arieties, in order to tecorne iu anr (le;jree permanent, necessarily have to strutrtfle with tlie ollit-r inhahitiints ot the C' intry, the species which arti alnatly dominant will he lit- most likely to yield otisprinL'. which, thoiit;li in some slijfhl decree modi- ;u(l, still inherit tlii>se a- to hecome dominant over their com[(atriota. If the plants inhahiting' a country and descrihed in anv lloia he divided into two e(jual masses, all those in the lar^rer yenera heintr placed on one hide, and all tho liat lar;rer numher of the very common and much |l!tlll^ed or dominant species will he found on the side (.f the larjrer genera. 'I'his, ;i{;ain, miiiht have been anticipated ; for the mere fact of many specie.« of the s.ime ^enus iiihahitiiiff any country, shows that there i> sotiiethinf; in the or;ranic or inortjanic conditious ui thai country favourahle to the trenu.- ; and, conse- quently, we mif;ht have expected to have found is tiie lart^er ^'•eiiera, or those includmjj many species, a larire proportional numher of dominant sjiecies. Uut •■o many causes tend to obscure this result, that 1 am surprised that my tables show eveii a ^mail majority on the side of the lartrer jjenera. I will here allude to only two causes of obscurity. Fresh-water and salt- lovinir plants have generally very wide rariijes and are much (htfuaed, but this seems to he connected with the nature of the stations nihabited by them, and has little or no relation to the size of the en of tiie species on the side of the larger genera i-r.-seut varieties, than on the side of the smaller g.M,era. Moreover, the species of the largo genera winch present any varieties, invariably present a larger aver.-i^-e number of varieties than do the species of the «inuil genera. Hoth these re.«ult-s follow when another divis-on 18 made, and when all the smallest genera, «rith tr,^m only one to four species, are absolutely deluded from the tables. These facts are of plain Firnilicalion on the view that species are only strongly- mf»rked and permanent varieties ; for wherever many Bf." cjus of the sanie genus have been ! )rmed, or where, 1' ^H may use the expression, the manufactory of «,>".:ie8 has been actire, we ought generally to find .Hji fii mh ':.« .',2 (>\ IHK OIIKWN OK Sl»K( II-^S H th«> niamit.u'tory -lill in Jictioti, mnro osppciilh V" "f" iiave«n(>rv rt';»Miri to iu-lii'vo llir [iri»''(ws of miiii'iractur intr now fpt'i'ios to be a slow ono. Ami this cert.urily is 'liccase. if \;»ri(>ti(>B ho looktMl at x*! incipient -.[lO.ieH; for my Uih'os rhNirly show as a troru'ral riih» thaf, wlitTpviT niariv species of a i^orius have heen forineil. ih'i sj)t'(ii>s of iliit jjenns pre-iont a ninnher of varieties, that is of ineijiii'iit species heyoiid thrt averairo. It i'^ not tliat all larire >>^eniTa are now varviii^' niucli, and are thus increa«iiiir m the numher of their species, or that no sTnall i,'eiiera are now varyinsf and increa«iiuf ; fo»- if this }iad liecii so, it woiiM Iiave hec fatal to my theory; inisTiiiich as ijeohiyy plainly tolls js that stnal irenora have in tlu! la[»so of time often increaseil tfroatly in size ; ami that lar:;o yenora have often come to tht>lr ni i\ini;», (hvlined, ami dis.ijipearod. All tliat we want l<> sliow is, that where many specioM of a cenus have been formed, on an aver;if;o many are still formiiiy ; and this holds ^ood. There are other relations between the species of lart!:o tfcnora and their recorded varieties which deserve notice. We have seen tliat there is no infallible criterion by which to distintjuish ispeciea and well- marked varieties ; and in those cases in which inter- niodiate links h.ive not been found between doubtful forms, naturalists are compelled to come to a deter- mination by the amount of difference between the-n. judjj:iiitr by analotry whether or not the amount suffices to raise one or both to the rank of species. Hence the amount of difference is one very important criterion in settlinti: whether two forms should be ranked as species or varieties. Vow Fries has remarked in retrard to plants, and VV'&stwood in reirard to insects, that iu larije jfenera Uie amount of ditference between the species is often exceedinjrly small. I have endeavoured to test this numerically by averages, and, as far as my impertect results ffo,. they confirm the view. 1 have also consulted some sag^acious and experienced r)bserver8, *nd, after deliberation, they concur in thi^ view. In tJiis respei't, therefore, the species of the larger genera i^^m^m^^mH'^^^mmMm VARIATION ■■ NDER NAI'I UK ."ia r»'»-»'itiitiL varietich, more than do the -jK-cit's ot the Ktn;.lU'r jfoiii-ra. Or the case may l.t- imt m aiiotlit-r v;iy, and it may bo said, that in' tin- larLMT ^.-ciutu, .ti "Inch a numlier of varifiii's or incipient ■.pci-ies t'Toatcr than the avera«fe are now man n tact urinu, many ot the K[i<'(i»*s already manufactured .still to a i-ertjiin e\trnt re.-eml.le varieties, for they dirij-i from each other by a less than usual amount of ditference. .M(»reover, the s|«'cies of the larjre f^ei . ra are related to caih other, in the same maimer as the varieties ol any one species are related to each other. No natur- alist pretends that all the species of a t:enus aree«|ually duitinct from each other; they may generally he divided nitt) sub-cenera, or sections, or le.sser croups. A> Fries irds well remarked, little groups o* s{>ecies are generally clustered like satellites around certain other sptcies'. And what ?.re varieties but groups of forms, uneijually related to each other, and clustered round certain forms— that ia, round their parent->pe( ies.' I'lidoubt- ":!y there is one most important point ot dirterenre iM'twoen varieties and species ; namel\ . that the amount •1." diHereuee between varieties, when compared with f ch other or with their parent-species, i.> much le»>s that between the species of the same trcins. But mien we come to discuss the princijde, as 1 call it, ot I) x.-rirenco of ( haracter, we shall see how tliis may be explained, and how the lesser diHercnce> between vaiieties will tend to increase into the >:reater ditier- ei.ces between species. lliere is one other jKiint which seems to kih worth .lotice. \'arietiesf{enerally have much re-tricted ranges: ;':i statement is indeed scarcely more than a truism, ' ir if a variety were found to have a wider rany^e than tiiat of it« supposed parent-species, their denominations i'.irhl to be reversed. Hut there is also reason to l..-lieve, tiiat tluMje species which are very closel\ ailie«l to oiher species, and in so far re^enil.le varieties, often '"uch restricted nni'^es. hor instance ." W .it.M)n has marked for me in the well si i ted l^.ndou (.HU.U.rue of plants (4th edition) tjy j.lauti which are M M ON TIIK OHKilN OF SI'KCIKS thcn.i.i rankeo rantre over ^ 7 province. ; wh.rea.. the npcMen to whuh the-^e varw.t.e- UloMu' ranir.' ove- lAll provinre.. N. that the a. know- . .M-ri vari.t.os have v.ry nc.rly t h. -'"^Z^;^.^';^"* AV..raco ranirn, as have those very ch.M'ly alhe .,....ies,--exco,.t, fir.dy, by Uie discovery of „t^.rm',iiate link.n^ forms, and the occurrence of s.,.h liak"- cannot atfiH-t ihf actual characters of the form-* vvlmh they connect; and except, ^ececie8 in any country, the b >e» les of ti^se genera have mor-. than the average numW of varieties In h.rge genera the «pecies are apt t« be closely, hut unoMually allied together, forming l.Ue c u.u-r roun tend to *»'c».in»^ .niiv.Ttnl mtn now hikI di-tiri.t ,tMM uw. Hie lftrir«T ir.'ti.'ra thus ttMi.l to Iktoiu^ l.iri:«'r; and throutrhowt ii.iturp th« forms of lif« .*ln.h .iro imw (Inniiiiaiit tiMid to li.M.mi.' 'ill moro «lumiii;iiit !•> l.-;»Mn< mativ mo.l .iii'i tlorninniit ar-^riMi.l.ints. But l-y uteps lieroartrr to ».« pxplninf*!, tho lar-rr jfftHT.i JiNo Iru.l tx. hr.'.ik -ip into -m:»ll«T ir.Tieni. AikI thus, the fonriH of lif*? thro. it'hniit the universe l>oconic (lnJf iiidividuaU— (Jornplex relatiuns of all animals and lilaiils tliroUKliout nature — Struggle for life most severe between individuals and varii'ties of the same species ; often severe between species of the same genua— The relation of organism to organism the most important of all relations. Hkkoue enterine;' on the subject of this cliapter, 1 must make a few preliminary remarks, to sliow how the strufT^'le for existonre bears on Natural Selection. It has been seen in the last chapter that among-st orjrauic beiiiffs in a state of nature there is some individual vari- ability : indeed 1 am not aware that this has ever been disj)uted. It is immaterial for us whether a multitude of doubtful forms be called species or sub-species or varieties ; what rank, for instance, the two or three hundred doubtful forms of British plants are entitled to hold, if the existence of any well-marked varieties Imj admitted. Hut the mere existence of individual varialiility and of some few well-marked varieties, thou^^h necessary as the foundation for the work, helps us but little in understandinjf how species arise iu nature. How have all those exquisite adaptations of one part of the orj^'-anisation to another part, and to the conditions of life, and of one distinct ortr, .ic beinj."" tn another bein^, been perfected ? We see tliese beauti- ful co-adaptatious most plainly la tlie woodpecker and 50 STRUGGLE FOR EXiSTENCE 67 IUl^tletoe ; and only a little less plainly in the humblest parasite which ('lin«rs to the hairs of a (juadriiped or i'tittliers of a hinl ; in the structure of the l>eetlo which rl.ves tliroutjh the water; in the plumed seed which is wafted by the gentlest I)reeze ; in short, we see beauti- ful adapUitions everywliere and iu every part of the urtfanic world. A^ain, it may he asked, how is it that varieties, which 1 have called incipient species, become ultimately con- verted into fTood and distinct specie.s, which in most es obviously differ from each other far more thau do the varieties of the same species ? How do those jrroups of species, which constitute what are called distinct genera, and which differ from each other more than do ilie species of the same genus, arise f All these results, ii> we shall more fully see in the next chapter, follow Hum the strugjrle for life. Owinjf to this strug^^fle for life, any variation, however slight, and fr"^m whatever cause pro( 'eding, if it be in any degree pi lable to an iiidividual of any species, iu ita intinitely complex rela- uons to other organic beings and to external naturt.^ will tend to the preservation of that individual, and will generally be inherited by its offspring. 'Hie off- sj)riug, also, will thus have a better chance of surviving, for, of the many individuals of any species which are jd'riodically born, but a small number can survive, i have called this principle, by which each slight vari- ation, if useful, is preserved, by the term of Natural ^election, in order to mark its relation to man's power '>t selection. ^V'e have seen that man by selection can lerlaiuly produce great results, and can adapt organic beings to his own uses, throutrh the accumulation of blight but useful variations, given to him by tiie hand of Nature. But Natural Selection, as we sliall hc;;pafter see, is a power incessantly ready for action, and is afi immeasurably superior to man's feeble efforts, a^ the works of Nature are to those of Art. Wv will now discuss iu a litUe more detail the stru-rKif for existence. In my future work this subject shall Ixj treated, ".*? it well deserve*, at much greater length. ^11 I' w h 58 ON THE ORIGIN < >K hPE( IKS Vhp plder il<^ randollf* and I. veil have lartrely and j.hi! >- Hoi>lji':ally -liown tl„it al! lirL'-anic beiiiL^s an? p\p(>--d to -^.'Vfro'.oiiii.etitioii. In rcirard to planb*, no one l-as tn'.-ilo.l this suhjfct with more wpirit and ahility thnn W. Horl>or% Do.inof \!aiirh<>-t.T. evi.!.",-tlv the n'-ult of his ;.-Te.-it horticultural knowlodL'-e. Nothintr i;* easier than to .\ilinit in words tlic trutli of the universal .^tru^'l;lo for li fo, or more dilficult— at least 1 have found it HO— than ron-tantly to hear this conclusion iu mind. Yet unless it lie thorou^Mily entrrained in the mind, I am corivuiced that the whfdo ec(uioniy of nature, with every fact on distrihution, rarity, ahundance, extinction, and variation, will he dimly seen or quit* misundersUM'*. We hehold tlio face of nature bright with >;ladnesM, we ot\en see superaliundance of food ; we do not see, or we forsret tliat tlie hirds which are idly sintrinj,' round U8 mostly live on insectj* or see.ters, or tlieir een-i. or their nestliniT?, are destroyeil hy hirds and beasts of prev ; we do not always l>ear iu nnnd, tiuit thougli food may he now superabundant, it is not so at all seasons of each recurring ye^r. I should piimise that I use the term Strutrgle for Existeiicft in a large and metaphorical sense, iuciudhii; dependence of one being on another, and includins; (which is more important) not only the life of the uiui- vidual, but success in leaving progeny. Two canine animals in a time of dwirth, may be truly said to stru:rgle with each other which shall get food and live. But a plant on the edt^e of a desert ia said to struggle for life against the drought, though more properly it should be said to be dependent on the moisture. A wliieli annually produces a thousand seeds, of which on an average onlv one comes to maturity, may be more truly said to struggle with the plant^s of the same and other kinds which already clothe the groun(L Ibe mistletoe is dependent on the apple and a few other trees, hut can only in a far-tetched sense be said *o Btru^ri^le with these trees, for if too many of those par*- Bites tfrow on the same tree, it will languish and di* STRICidLK FOR EXISTENCE 59 But 9« sce-llini.' mistletoe?, trrowiri;: close toirether on Mie win\« braiicli, may more trtily be said to ntruey bin!-', iU existenre do[>entiniate itu proliahle mitiitiiam rate of natural increase: it will be under the mark to assume that it breeds when thirty years old, and poes on breeding till ninety years old, brinffiixg forth three pair of youuf^ in this interval ; i; this be 8o, at tiie »Mid of the fifth century there would be alivf dfteen million elephants, descended from the first pair, liut we have better evidence on this subject than mere theoretical calculations, namely, the numerous recorded cases of the astonish inj^ly ra}iid increase of various animals in a state of nature, when circumstances have been favourable to them during two or three following seasons. Still more striking is the evidence from our domestic animals of many kinds which have run wild in several parts of the world : if the Ktatemeutg of the rate of increase of slow-breeding cattle and horses in South America, and latterly in Australia, had not been well authenticated, they would have been incredible. So it is with j)lanta : could be given of introduced plants which have become common throughout whole islands in a period of less than ten years, 'several of the plants^ such as the cardoon and a tall thistle^ now most numerous over the wide plaiuf of I.a Plata, clothing square leagues of surface almost to the exclusion of all other pl-'>.ut8, have been lutro- duced from Europe ; and there are plant* which now range in India, as I hear from Dr. Falconer, from Cape (.'omorin to the Himalaya, which have been imported frt in America since its discovery. In such cases, and fudless instances could be given, no one supposes tL<\t the fertility of these animals or plants has been suddenly and temporarily increased in any sensible degree. 'ITie obvious explanation is that the conditiont< of life have been very favourable, and that there has consequently been less destruction of the old and young, and that nearly all the young have l>een enabled to breed. In such cases the geometrical ratio of increase, the result of which nevCi faih> t<. he surprising, simply STRL'(KiLE FOR EXISTENrE >il CAplnins tn4> ftxtnonlinarily rapid iiu-rease and wide 'H-fijtinnof iiatur:ili-ed nroductioiis in their new homes. In a «tate of nature almost every plant prodnces seed, and amoinrst anitnals there are very few which do not irinually pair. Ilfnce we may oonfidently xssert, that nil plants and animals are toridiiitr to increase at a ireometrica! ratio, that all would most rapidly -ititck every station in wliicli they conld anyhow exist, and that the ;,'enmetrical tendency to must he •he(!ked by destruction at some period of life. Our familiarity with the larer» domestic animals tends, I think, to mislead us : ^ see no great destruction fallin^r on them, and we forj^et tliat thousands are annually slautflitered for food, and that in a state of nature an equal num')er would have somehow to l»e disposed of. 'Hie only difference between "•;;anisms which annually produce egj^s or seeds by the thousand, and those which produce extremely t'evr, is, that the slow-hreeuiid years, if a fciii^le (jfetl wore proiiiiced once iii a thous-iud years, »u]'j><)sintj; that tUi^ seed were never destroyed, rind could he ensured to {germinate in a hltin^' place. So tliat in ail tasi'>, the averat^e numher of any animal or plant depends »)nly indirectly ou the nundier of it*: egp? or seeds. In looking' at Nature, it is most necessary to keep the foretioinfr considerations alwavH in mind - never to foiiiet that every single orjranic heinj; around ufl may l»e said to he Htrivinj? to the utmost to increase in numbers ; that each lives hy a 8trugt(le at some period of its life : that heavy dotruclion inevitahly falls either on the young or old, durin><: each ^feneration or at recurrent intervals. Liirhtcu any che<'k, militate the destruction ever so little, and the nun»her of the species will almost instantaneously increase to any amount. 'Ilie causes which check the natural tendency of each epecies to increase in uund>er are most ohscure. Look at the most vigorous sjiecies ; hy as mucli as it swarms in uumhers, hy so much will its tendency to increase lie still further incr«^ased. We know not exactly what the checks are in even one sin^rle instance. Nor will this any one who reilecLs how if^-norant we are on this liead, even in rejjard to mankind, so incompar- aMy hetter known than any other animal. Iliis .suhject has been ahly treated hy several authors, and I shall, in my future work, discuss some of the checks at con- Siderahle len^h, more especially in regard to tlie feral animals of JSouth America. Here I will make only a few remarks, just to recall to the readers mind some of the chief points. Ktrj^ or very young animals seem g-enerally to suffer most, hut this is not invariahly the case. U'ith plants there is a vast debtructiou of seeds, hut, from some observations which I have made, I bt'iieTe ilitti il is tht; seenirm^s wlncli Suiief most frotn ^ermioatinK in ground already thickl; slocked with other plants ^^eAdiings, also, ar« destroyed in vatit STRUGGLE FOR EXISTP:NC E Ki nuinhers by various enemies ; for instance, on a piece of frround three feet lon^ and tno wiiic, dutf and rleari', and out of the .N/iT no hv-s llian 2.t6 were destroyed, chiefly by filugs and insei t.'.. If turf which lias long^ heen mown, and the case \foiild he 'he same with turf closely hrowsed by ([iiidrujteds, he h t lo (Trow, the more vigorous plants trradu.illy kill the les> vitrorous, thoujrh fully trrown. plants: thus out of twenty species ffrowint' on a little jilot of turt (three teet by four; nine species perislied from the other sjtecier heiiiii" allow eent, altluuigh hundreds of thousands of ^ame animals a;c now iiiiiiually killed. On the other hand, in some cases, :is with the elephant and rhinoceros, none are destroyed by beasts of prey : even the tiger in India most rarely dares to attack a young elephant protected by its dam. (Jlimate plays an important pan m determining tiie average numbers of a species, and {teriodic^l seasons 1 r extreme cold or drought, I believe to l)e the most I fi-ctive of all checks. I estimated that the winter of 1 ;.'>4-5.5 destroyed four-fifths of the birds in my own jiouuds; and this ie a tremendous destruction, when He rememl>er that ten per cent is an extraordinarily H-.ere mortality from epidemics with man. The action 'I Climate seems at first sight to be quite independent '•: the struggle for existence ; but in so far as climate c,'i:ody act« in reducing food, it briujfrs on the most sist on th»« same kiml of food. Kvi>ii when ilim.ite, for instance extreme .-old, art^ directly, it will l-e the least vijforom, OP Ihdso v-hiih have jrot least fooi climate hein:: conspicuous, we are temptepear to he due to parasitic worms, wfiich liavo from rey. On the (tther hand, in many cases, a lar^o stock of individuals of the same species, relatively to the num- bers of its enemies, is ahsolutely necessary for its pre- ■eiugs which have to struggle together in the same W) ON THK ORIGIN OF SPECIES country. 1 will pive only a sluffle instance, which, thou^rh a Himple ^ue, has interesteil me. In StatforC- rthirt', on the eNtiile of a relation, where I had ample itifans of iiive>feUtion of tlie planted i>art of the heath was remarkable, more than is Kcuerally seen in passing from one quite ditferent soil to another : not only the proportional numbers of the h< ith-plants were wholly chan^red, but twelve species of plants (not countintf jfra.sses and carices) tlourished in the planta- tionH, wliich could not \>e found on the heath. The etfect on the insects must have Uvn still jrreater, for six insectivon)us birds were very common in the planta- tions, which were not to be seen on the heath ; and the heath was fre«- ' ame thickly clothed with vijforously^rrowiiifi^ youii^r fifH. Vet the heath was so extremely harreii and so extensive that no one would ever liave iniatrined that cattle would hive so closely and etfectnally s«'arched it ror food. Here we see that cattle absolutely determine the existence of the ^>cotch fir; hut in several narbt of the world insects determine the existence of cattle, i'erhaps Paraguay otfers the most curious insta' 'e of this ; for here neither cattle nor horses nctr dt.^-s have ever run wild, thouj^h they swarm southward and northward iu a feral state ; and Azara anrob- ably regulated by hawks or beasts of prey) were to increase in Paraguay, the flies would decrease — then cattle and horses would become feral, and this would (ertainly greatly alter (as indeed I have observed in parts of bouth America) the vegetation : this again would largely affect the insects ; and this, as we just have -ieen iu Staffordshire, the insectivorous birds, and >o onwards in ever-increasiruf circles of complexity. \\ e l)egan this series by insectivorous birds, and we have ended with them. ' Not that in nature the rela- tions can ever be as simple as this, liattle within iialtle must ever be recurring with varying success ; and yet in the lontr-ruii the forces are so nicely balanced, that the face of nature remains uniform for lung periods of time, though assuredly the merest trifle would oflen give the victory to one organic being over aiiutiier. Nevertheiess so profound is our ignorance, and so high our presunijjtion, that we marvel when we iioar of the extinction of an organic being ; and as we do 68 ON lUt: OKKJIN OF SI'K( IK> i t n<»t -♦'« llie o.m-i-. \v«' invoke caUclysnis to ciesdlate the w«)rlil, or iiiMMit l.iwn on tlu- diinilioii of tlic forms of life I I Hill t»'nii>t»Ml U) ixxw one iiioro iiistaiuw kIiowiiut how phiiits ami Hiiiiiiain, nio.-^l rfinoto in th<> scalw of nature, are hoiiiul tou'i'ther V)y a weh of coinj.lfx relations. 1 shall li.T.MMfr have o<-e 0 iees Itecame extinct or very rare in Kntrland, the heartsease ami red clover would become very rare, or wholly «li«ippear. The number of humhle-'hees in any district dei»end9 in a jrreat de:rree on the number of tield-mice, which destroy their comhs and nests; and Mr. H. Newman, who ha» lonjf atteiKled to the habits of humble-bees, Wlieves that ' more than two-thirds of them are thus destroyed all over Kn;:land.' Now the numl»er of mice is larjfely d<'i>endent, as every one knows, on the numl)er of cats ; and .Mr. .Newman iays, ' Near vilhitfes and small towus 1 have found the nests of humble-bees more numerous than elsewhere, which I attribute to the numl>er of cats that destroy the mice.' Hence it is (juite credible that the presem'-o of a feline animal in lartre numbers in a district mijrht determine, throuirh the intervention first of mice and then of bees, the fre.iiiency of certain flowers in that district ! ^ i --i - In the case of every species, iii.tny dirforent ciiCcks, actinir at different periods of life, and durinjr different Hea»^aus or years, probably come into play ; Bt)me one STIU (K;LK FOFt K\l.sTKN( K fi9 iifi k or Home few \>**:uu uvuemlly 'lie irio-t p.itrnt, Imt all nmrur iii 'ks art on llie -ame Hpecie-* in i!itfi>reiit distri"^*. V\ liffi we look at liif plants ami lni!*lie>« clMtlinii.' an entanirlfl t>,-ink, we are tempted to attrilmte their proportional miniU»r«* and Kinds to what we call chaiue. Kiit how fal-e a view - Mils I Kverv one ha-i heard that when an American torent \h cut down, a very differeTit veiretation »'pnnf^ lip ; hut it has hven oiiierved that ain ent Iiuiian ruin* ;n the Southern I nited Stages, which niiint formerly have heen cleared of trees, now di^Jjdav the -.ame lieautiful diversity and proportion of kirn'- as in the >urroundintr virL'ni fore>;ts. V\ liat a «truu„'le U'tween tlie several kinds of tre«'s must here have jrono on liiirintf loritr eenluries, eadi annually scatteriinf iti s»'cds hv tiie thousand ; what war hetween ni«-ect and mseet — hetween insects, snails, and other animals with l)ir>la and beasts of prey-all strivintr to increase, and all feeding on each other or on the tree- or their seeds and «eedlinirs, or on the other plants whi'K first clothed the irround and thus che<-ked the trrnwth «>r the trees ! riirow up a handtul of feathers, and all must fall to tli" ground accordinjf to detinite laws ; hut how •simple i> this prohh'm compared to the a<'ti(»ri and redaction (if the iruuimerahie plants and animals which have i<''erniiued, in the cours** of centuries, the projtor- t.Dnal niimhers and kinds of trees now uTOwinir <>'i the idd Indian ruins I The dependency of one oriranic heintr on another, as of a parasite on its prey, lies trenerally heiwecn Keinp? ■emote in the scale of nature. This is ortcn the case •tit}) tlio'ie wliich may strictiv he said to strutrtrl*' with .ifh other for existence, at* in the case of hMUSts and jTx-s- feeding quadrupeds. But the >Jtrut:.'le almost :i\ iriahlv will he mo»' resown, sme of the varieties' whirl) lif^t suit the '■oil or climate, or are nanirally the tn'»-«t fertile, will heat tlie others and so yield more seeil. and conseiiiuMitly in a few years (juite "tipplajit the otlier varieties. To keep up a mixed stock of even such p.vtreniely close varieties as the variously coloured 8wef't-j)eav, tiiey must he each year harvested sej)arately, and tlie see'l then mix«-ii in rliie proportion, otherwise the weaker kinds will steadily decrease in numbers and disappear So airain witli the varieties of sheep : it lias }i('«Mi as.serted that certain mouutiin- varieties will starve out oilier mountain-varieties, so that they cai.iiol l>e kept "opether. The same result has fnl lowed from licepinfT ditFerent varieties of the ni»'diriiial loc. li. It may even he doubted whether the varieties 4)f ativ one of our domestic plants or animals have so exactly the same strenarth, habits, and con- stitution, that the oritrinal proportions of a mixed stock idiiid be k( pt up for hali-a-rether, like l)ein^'-s in a stite of nature, and if the seed or younj^ were not annually sorted. .•\« species >f the same ?renus have usually, though by no me^iiS invariably, some similarity in habits and con^titutioT!, and always in structure, the strufffirle will trenerally be more severe between sj»e(ies of the ^ame eenus, >*hen thev come into comjtetition with lacli other, than iietween species of distinct genera. We see this in the recent extension over parts or the L'niteii St.'ite« of oi^e species of swallow having caused the decre.i.-e of Hfiot her --pecies. llie receiM increase of the mihsel-tiirusli in parts of ><()lland liap caused the decrease of the sontr-thnish. I low freji.ently we hear (»f cue species of rat taking- the place of another species uuuer iie mosl uiiierj-iu riimaieH .' in Kussia iiie •mall .Asiatic cockroach has evervwhere diiven t>efor»^ it ita jfr'^i! . ontr^ner. One speeie'j nt j^!?* 1' tuI •l j>- STRUGGLE FOR EXISTEN' TT plant another, and so in other cases. ^\ . n dimly M^e whv the competition should be inost se. t*rv between allied 1 irms, which fill nearly the same place in tlie i-conomy of nature ; hut probably in no one case could *e precisely sav why one sjiecies has been victorious over another in tbe great battle of life. A corollary of the hijrhest importance may \>e de- duced from the foreiroiiiir remarks, namely, that the structure of every ortranic beit;.c is related, in tbe most e«5sential yet often hidden manner, to that of all other .irtranic beings, with which it comes into competition tor food or residence, or from which it ha.s to escape, or on which it preyn. l'h\< is obvious in the structure of the teeth and talons of the tip:er ; and in that of the iejrs ?.n(i idjivvs of the parasite which clinifs to the hair on the timer's body. But in the beautifully plumed seed of the dandelion, and in the flattened and frintred U"j;s of the water-beetle, the relation seems at first confii.ed to the elements of air and water. Yet the advantaije of plumed seeds no doubt stands in the closest re- lation to the land being' already thickly clothed by other plants ; so that the seeds may be widely distributed and fall on unoccupied pround. In the water-beetle, the structure of its letrs, «o well adapted for divinff, allows it to compete with other aijuatic insects, to hunt for its own prey, and to escape serving as prey to other animals. Ihe store of nutriment laid up within the seeds of many plants seems at lirst sight to have no sort of relation to other plants. But from the strong growth of young plants produced from such seeds (as peas uid beans), when sown in the midst of long grass, I ■iu-pect that the chief use of the nutriment in the see«l is t" favour tho growth of the young seedlintr. w liilst strug- ir' with other plants growing vigorously all around. l>)ok at n plant in the niiiist of its range, vvhy does '* not douide or (luadrwple itfi numbers? W'e know '.;iat it can jterfectlv >oll withstand a little more li.jat ■I V Oiu, UitiiiTiue.-v^ VII uivi"ies:>, lOT Ci.sCWncrC iv iciii^CS !to slifi'htlv butter or cnlder, damper or drier districts. li ihis case *'« <'aii clearly see *hat if we wished in 72 ON THE ORKilN OF SPECIES imaLniintion to irivo tlio iilaiilllio power of iiicreasine: in number, we slioiild liave to ^nv»» it >nme advant.itro over its cdniix'titors, or over tlu' aiiinial> which preyt-d on it. ( )m the cell 111 It's of its t^vnu-rapliical raiiire. a cliaiiire of constitntKiii witli respfct to ciutiat»> .Miuld cloarly he an a(lvant:i:ic to our phiiit : l)iit we have reason to helie.e that only a tew platit-or animals ranire so far. that tlsey are ilestroyed hy the riL-'oiir of the rliiuate ah)ne. Not until wo rea«'ii tlie extreme confines of life, in th« Arctic rcL'-ions or on the horders of an utter desert, will competition cease. 'Hie land may he extremely cold or dry, y»'t there will he competition between >.oine few species, or J>etween the individuals of the same species, for the warmest or dami)est spots. Hence, also, we can see that when a jdant or animal is placed in a new country amon^r-t new competitors, tliouirh the climate may he exactly the same as in its former home, yet the comiitions of its life will g-eiierally he ch;ir.(red in an essential manne-. If wo wi--}ied to increa- its averatre nu'nhers in its new home, we should have to modify it in a ditferent way to what we etilors or enemies. It is srood thus to try m our imajjination to irive any form some advantaire over another. I'roiraidy in no siiitrle iiiNtance should we know whai t<. do. so as to succeed. It will convince us of our ij^norunce on tt'e mutual relations of all oriranic ifiiiirs ; a .-oiiviction as necessarv. as it seems to he diilicult tr) aiijiiire. .Vll that we can do, is to keep ste.tUily in mi; d that each or;ranic lieintr is striviiiL-- to increase at a tri's(»n of the vear. durintr each L'i'neration or at intervals, to stru;:ule for life, and to surier ^reat destruction. \\ hen we reflect on this strutrLHe, we may conscde ourselves with the full belief, that the war ot oatuie i"« (Mil. iii, »-*"*iiijl. Tuitt iiO tCar :■' ::■;■., .;:.l; iiJ'.;:-u ifj treiierillv jirompt. and tliatthe vinnrous, the healthy, ar-d the happy survive and muitijiiy. CHAPTKri IV NATURAL SELECTION N»tur»l Selection — lU power conipartil with mans nelectl 'n - Ita power on oharactfrs "f trifling itnii'itmcc- iu pi-ie»_i.lrcnnigtaiife« favourable ami unfavourable t» Natural Self tiori, naniel>, Inter- i;rossinK, iBolatl'Ti. number of inl t.-> uaturalisatioii Action of Natural Seleitiou, thr^ ugh liiverKence of Character and V.xtiiii ti'n, on the descei,clai;ts from a common paren^-Exp^ain8 the Grouiiing of all org-inic beluga. How will the strujrtrle for fxisteiK-e, discussed too brietly ill the last chaptor. act in rei'-:ird to variation? aTi the [)riiuMj)le of soleilion, which we have seen is m> [totent in tin; hands of man. apjdy in nature ? I think AP shall see that it can act most elTectually. I>et it \>e *iorne in muid in whit an endloss number of straii;,^e IM'cuitarities our dome.s'tic producLions, and, in a lc-ss<;r (ii-^rree, those under nature, vary ; and how t.tron^'' the 'icreditary tendency is. I'nder donu'stication, it may ■0 truly naid tliat the whole oriranisatiun hec dme-. m -ome degree j)la>tic. liOt it he horno m mind how nfiiiitely coniiilex and close-fitting are tlie mutual relations of ail ortranic heiiiys to each other .intl to 'heir physical conditions of life. Can it, then, be linuirht improhable, seein^j that variations useful to man have undoutiiedly occurre.i, that other variationi 'i^fiui ill non"ic "r»uld sometimes occur in the course of thousands of gener;ttions } If such do o left a fhK'tuatinj; elenu'iit, as pcriiaj)- vve -;t'e iu the B)>ei-ies called jiolyinorpbic, \\'e shall best uiidt-rstand the probable course of natural selection iij takiu;: the case *it a <;ou!itry undor- irointr some physical chanjTc, for instance, of climate. Tlie proportional numliors of its inhahitantf vrould almost immediately umicrro a chantre, aiid some i«j)ecies miffht l(ec«»me extinct. ^\'c may conclude, frotn what we h.ive seen of the intimate and complex manner in wliic; the inhab Unts of each country are bound i(>- ^ether, that any chaiiife in the numerical proportions . But in the case of an islan.' , or of a country partly surrounded by b.irriers, uito which new and better adapted forms could not freely enter, we should then h.-ive places in the economy ttf niture which wfoild ;issure,ame places would liave been seized on by intruders. In such case, every sJiL'^ht modirication, which in the course of a4fes >-ijaiuo«i io ir.sH. and whicii iu any way favoured the individu.ils oi any of tiie species, by lietter adap-tin^ tht-tn to their alteretl ('••>nditiori«. would tend to be pre- NATL'RAL SELECTION 75 ] served ; and natural selection would thus ?jave tree si ope for the work of improvement. U'e have re;i-on to believe, as stated in the first chapter, that a chanfre in the condition.- of lite, hy specially acting on the reproductive system, cause's or increases variability; and in the forec'np ra^e tlie contUtions of life are 9Up{)osed to liave uriderfrcii"- n change, and tliis would manifestly be favourabi. to natural selection, by tfiviu^r a l>etter chance of vari,itious occurriiifr ; and unless profiUhle variations do occur, natural selection can do nothinff. \ot 'hat, as J believe, any extreme amount of variability - necessarv ; as man can certainly produce ^eat resuita by add; ^ up in any given direction mere in''ividual ditferemes, so could Nature, but far more easily, rom havi iriiwom- i-rirauly loiiiirer time at her di^^posal Nor io 1 believe lliat any physical rhanii-e, as of climate, or ariv unusual de-r.-ee of isolation to (heck immiernttioii. i« acraall> riocessary to produce new and unoccupied plaije*^ for natural selection to til] up by modifying and improTHig- some of the varying inhabitants. For as ail the inhabitants of each country are struir^rlins^ tOirether with nicely balanced forces, extremely ^li^ht moditications in the structure or habits of one in- habitant would often cive it an advant-i^e over others ; and .^till further m(>diticati(»ns of the same kind vvould orteu still further increase the advantage. No count.'-v ■ an 1)6 named in which all the native inhabitants ue now so perfectly adapted to each other and to th(> i>hysical coniiitions under which they live, that none ot thoin could anyhow be improve, tie natives have been so far con()uered bv naturalised proiiuctions, that the\ b.ave nliowcd forcij^ner? to lake irtn posses,sioii of the land. And a.- forei^fnerH ha%-e Lhus everywhere beaten some of the natives, we may saiily conclude that tlie !!i»tives mi^nt liave been inodi- tied V. ith advantage, so hs to \!-:\'\ better resisted su*-)! viiLruders. .\s man can produce and certainly has produced a jfieat result by his methodirn' snd unconscious meatis :r, ON rHE OKUilN OK SI'Kf'IES of «elpcti()ii . whrit m.iy not Nnture et?Vct r M:\n rait .tct only on px'rnial ;in(l visible cliiracters : Nature cares pot'hiiitr for ;i|'i'earances, except in ■^o far -is tlu'v m.iy he useful to any beintr. Slie can act on every internal or:ran, .m every shade of constitutional ditference. on tlie whole roa placed under well-suited contlitions of life. .Man keeps the natives of many climates in the same country ; he >-old<>m exercises each selected character in some pecijiinr and fittintr manner; he feeds a long and a short beaked pi{feon on tlie same food ; lie does not exercise a iotiir-hacked or lone-iegffed quadruped in any peculiar manner : he exposes sheep with lotie and short wool to the same climate. F^e does not allow the most viiforoua males to strutrsrle for the females. He does not rigidly destroy all inferior animals, hut protects durinj; eacli varying season, as tar as lies in his power, all his productions. He often heirins his selection by some half Tr.'instrous form ; or at le^st hy some modifi- cation proi.niieutenoutrh to catch his eve,or to he plainly useful to him. I iider nature, the siiirhtest ditference of structure or constititioit may well turn the nicely- halanced scale in the struirtrle for life, and so he pre- served. Mow tleetinjr are the wishes and etTorts of man I !iow short his time I and conseijuently how poor will his products be, compared witli t'loso accumulated hy .Nature duriiiir wl.oie i/eolotrical periods. ( an we wonder, then, that Nat:ire's productions should he far 'truer' iii character tlKin man's pro tht' most complex condi- tions of life, and shoubl plainly hear tht- slatnp of far bi-rher workmansliip .■" It mav TiietAph'Ticn riv1es:iid that natural sele* tion io dailv itid hourly scrutmisinir, throutrhout the world, everv variation, even the sliffhtest ; rejecting: that which is had, preservintj and adding up ail that is good: gilentlyand insensibly workinjj, whenever and wherever opportunity offers, at the improvement of each organic I i NATURAL SELECTION 77 beiup in relation to its ortranic and inorganic condi- tions of life. We see notliiiitf of these slow rijanjres in progress, until the liand of time has niarkt'd tlie lotij; lapse of a^es, arul then so iinperftrt is our view into ioiii; past tfeoloifical ajjes, tliat we only see that the forms of lite are now tiitiercnt from v\ hat they formerly were. Although natural selection can act only tliromj-h and for the ff^)^)H of euch heiiij;, yet cliaracters ami >triictures, which wo are apt to consider as of very trillin:.'- im|»ort- c'ince, may thus he acted on. \\ lien we see leaf-e^tinir in>ecta green, and bark-feeders mottled -yrey ; the alpine ptarmi<:an white in winter, the red-t-Touse the colour of heather, and the hiack-irrouse that of peaty earth, we must believe that these tints are of service to these birds and insects in preserving them tVom danjrer. Grouse, if not destroyed at some period of their lives, would increase in countless numbers ; tlu'v are known to suffer lartrely from birds uf prey ; and hawks are guided by eyesight to their prey — so much so, that on parts of the (. ontinent persons are warned not to keep white pigeons, as being the most liable to destruction. Hence 1 can see no rcison to doubt tliat natural selec- tit)n might be most effective in giving the proper colouf to each kind of grouse, and in keejdng that colour, when once acijuired, true and constant. Nor outriit we to think that the occasional destruction of an animal of any narticular colour would produce little etfei't : we should remember how essential it is in a flock of white slieep to destroy every laml) with the faintest trace of black. In plants the down on the fruit and the colour of the flesh are considered by l)0tanistj? as characters of the most trifling im{X)rtance : yet we hear from an excellent horticulturist, Downiruf, that in the Iriited States smooth-skinned fruits sutler far mure from v. beetle, a curculio, than witli down ; tiiat puqile j)lums sutler far more from a certain disease tlian yellow piuins ; will reas auuLiier ili^e.ise aUA« k-* yeiidw-iiesiied jieaches far more than those with other coloured flesh. if, with all the a-ds of art, tbet or- related result of successive changes in the structure of their larvjr. So, conversely, moditicatioi's in the adult will probably often affect the structure of the larva ; but in all csLnes nat'iral H»'k'ctioii will ensure that moditica- tioin con8e<]uont on other inodirtcations at a different period of life, shall not l)e in the lee the extinction of the species. Natural selection will modify the structure of the young in relation to the parent, and of the parent in relation to the young. In social animals it will adapt the structure of each individual for tlie benefit of the community; ifftich in conseecies ; and tliough state- ments to this etiect may be found in works of natural history, I cannot rtnd one case which will bear investi- gation. A structure used only once in an animal's whole life, if of high importance to it, might be modified to any extent by natural selection ; for instance, the great jaws possessed by certain insects, used exclusively for o}>oning the cocoon — or the hard tip to the beak of nestliiv birds, used for breaking the egg. It has been assertea, that of the best short-beaked tumbler-pi;.^'*^^ more perish in the egg than are able to get out of it ; so that fanciers assist in the act of hatching. Now, if nature had to make the beak of a full-grown pigeon very short for the bird's own advantage, the process of tnodincatiou would be very t^low, and there would be 'simultaneously the most ri^rorous selection of tlie young birds within the egg, which had the most powerful and hardest beaks, for all with «eak l>eaks would iiu'vitably [)erish : or, more delicate and more e;i-ily broken sliells might be selected, the thickness of the shell being known to vary like every other structure Sexual Selection. — Inasmuch as peculiarities often appear under domestication in one sex and become tn ON THE oRKilN OK SPECIES bereditarily attaclied to that sex, the «aine fa.-t prob- occurs undor nature, and if so, natural selection will he aide to nK.dity one >ex in its fun.-tional rela- tions to the other sex, or in relation to wholly dirterent hahits of life in the two sexes, as is sometinieH the case with inserts. And this leads me to say a few words on what 1 call Sexual Selection. 'Hii-* depends, not on a stni.-'le for existetiee, hut on a stru-L'le hetween the n.ale> for iM.ssession of the females ; the result is not death to the>l!,l ccwnpetit-.r, hut tew or no otlM.rintr. Sexual selection is, therefore, less riK'orous tlian natural selection, (ienerally, the most vi»forou9 males tho^e which are hest fitted for their places lu nature, will le^ve most pn.^reny. li'it ui many cases, victory d.-pends not on ireneral vigour, hut on havintr special weapons, confined to the male sex. A hornless stijr or spurless cock would have a poor chance of leaviiiif otfMirinir. Sexual selection hy always allow- iua the victor to hreefi'»>s, wliicli, Ktiimiiiii.'- Iiy a.s sjn-rtators, at last <-hoo>c 'II- iiio^t ati :Miiiv»» jtartiMT. 'J lio^e who havo closply .iitfiidefl to tiirlx in rontiin'inorit well know that tlipv iili'ii take iiu!i\ i()iinl jircfercnc*'- and dislikes: tliiiri ^:r l( Hcroi: li i- d»'s«riU»d Ijow one [dcil jteacoi k was 'niiifiiil . attr.ictivt' to hII hi.- hen hirds. It may -tand;ird ot he.iut}', I can see no foed rci-ni, lo duiild that tcniale hire;i'ity, Ti).i;li'. jTixIuce ;i marked otfecf. I strontrly sii'-jioct that soiiie well-known laws, with respect to the pluuiat'-'^ u( Ilia!.- and female hirds, in cnmpitrison with the II iirn:i:.'e ol the yoiiiiir, can he e.xpiaiiied 'in the vietv ol pli,m;i^'^e hiNJiiir !>eeii chiefly modified hv se.\ua! sclectioii. actiiiLf when the hinls have come to the !''it'ilin_'^ aire or diinntj the l)reediM!r sea-on ; the r'liditic.'it'ons thus prt'diiced heiiitr inherited at corre- -pondiiii: .'It! I - or seasuns, either hy the males alone, or liv l.e rii.ileK ,iiid females; but 1 ha\e nut sjiace here to enter on this siiKjeet. liiiis it is. as 1 hcl'eve, that « hen the males and r''in;.lfs of any animal have the .s.ime ^'eiieral hahits • '} li.o, hilt ditier in structure, colour, or ornainont, -' 1 ii dirterences have heen mainly caused hy sevual >electi(m ; that is, individual males have liad, in -uccessive ueneratiouh, some slitrht advaiitatfo over otfiiT males, in their weapons, means of defence, or <:«'ius; and have transmitted tfiese advantages to !. '.••!■ male otlsprintr. Vet, J would not wish to attri- bute all such sexual differences to this agency : for we ^* MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART AN5I and ISO TEST CHART No 2 1.0 I.I 1.25 i:^ I 2.8 1- I-" 2.5 2.2 1: 1^ 2.0 1.8 1.4 1.6 J APPLIED IfWIGE r^S 'ochestef. Me» Yo'k U609 US* = ^ ' 6) ♦aj - 0300 - Phone ^S: 716) 288 - 5989 - Fo. inc ' ' 1 ; ; R2 ON TUK cRUilN OF S1'K( lES -t>P noculinrities arisiiitr and hpconim- .itta,-hp>H iii tn.M-u,k>..t certain fowU ctr.), whirh ■^«> ."iiHiot iM.liove to I..- citlier u.otul tt, tl„. rual*.. in hattV, or rittnu'tr... to tl.»' femaie.. We ^.'0 ruialoirous .•;.>(- uihI^t tiatun-. tor instanre, U-^ tuft of li.ur on iho hnM,t ..f tl.o turkoy-.o.k wlnrh ran i,ar- "rtinn oj SntHrnl S.b'rtum.- \n order to muki' .t clear how. as ! believe, natural selec- tion arts, I mu^t U- i.ertn.ssion to one or two i„,au-..Kirv ,llu>tratK,..s. !..-t us fike the ca.e o a wo . whieh pri'vs on various animals, se.-unni: some t.y tratt, so:ne I'v ^ireuu'th, and hy lleetness ; and lot us Mn,i..."1 -^^^ pn..erve.l or -elected, - provi.led always that they retained .tretiL^th to master their prey at tins or at soTMO other peno.l of the year, when they mitrht i>e ' ' - - ' I can sec no Miipelh ♦ ,, j>rey on other aininals. , reason to ,!oul.t this, than man can im- prove Mie tleetne-s o. hi> greyhounds hy caretul and , selection, or hy that unconscious •e.ection which results from each man trying' t<. keep the bent d,.-. witli.Hit anv of modifyine the breed. Kwn without anv. han-e m fh.- proportional numlwjrs of the animals on which our woU preye.i, a cub mi^ht ■■,e horn vnth an innate tendency to pursue cerUm W.nds of nrev. Nor can thi^ In? thou;:ht very im- •,rohahle; no- we ot\en .d.serve ureal .iiner.-nce^ in tha natural ten.lencies of our d.mie-tic animais ; one c^., tuT uistan.e, takin- lo .atch racs, another mice; or-s NATIHAI. SKI K» rit.N a.3 I fAt. ar-nrdintf to Mr. >t. Joiitj, hriii^rme hfinif winifed traii'e. a"n>h«r liare-* or rai»i»;i.-<, ritui ani.'iior fiuiitiru on riiarsliy erouinl and almost niijlitlv i.-alrliintr woiMlcM-kH or vTiijics. nit? temieut-y to latch raU rather tiiaii mice is knnwii to 1)6 inliertttl. Now. if aiiv ^liifht iriiiate cfiaiiKf* ot liabit or of structure l>o!.«ihteii an individual wolf, it would (lave the best ciiaiice of xiirv i\i;ii,' and of leJivnii,' ort.-.[(rniir. Surnt* nf lit* vouiijr wouhl probably inherit the same hanit.s or Htructure, any the rrpotitiun of t)i.s jiroce-^s, a v.f.v variety rniifht i>f» rorijieest fitted for the tv*-o site>, two varieties miirlit slowly !»e formed. riie>e varieties would cro«« and blend where tiiev met : but to this .subject of interTossinjr v*«' shall soon iia-. e to return. I may add, that, accordinir to Mr. Pierce, there are two varieties of the wolf inhabitinjf the ( aLskill Mountiiins m the ''nite'l States, one with a litfht irrevhound like form, whicli pursue^ deer, and the other more iuilk-,, with ^ilorter letrs, v*birb more frei|uently attiicks the shfpherd - flocks. i.*'t us now take a more complex case. * ertain phiots excrete a sweet juice, apparently for ii.e sake ot eliminatiniT ^;omethini» injurious from their s,-ip : ttiis in etfected by trl^iid,-. at the b.ise of the btii'ules in -ome l>'_Miminos«*, and at the back of the leaf oJ the oriniion biurel. Tliirt juice, tlu)u;,'h -mall in -juantitv. ih i-'rcedily soutrht by insects j^t us now suppo-e m little sweet juii »• or nectar to be excreted by the inner !..-.(■- of the (letals of a •b)v*-er. in this ca-e i^st < tn i;i seekiiijr the iH'i-tar v*o!il(I .-^et ciu-tcd with jwdlen, ami 'Vol. 1(1 certainly often trans|nrt tin- poilen from one t!o'.<-er to tile ft.irma of another liower. rheli<;wers of iwo distinct ithiividuals of tlie same .■•peces would ttiuu ev- crossed ; and the act ot cro-?-iinf, we ha»e trood rBa#on to beiievp (aa will hereafter •<»• niore fully 84 ON rilK ORKilN OF SPKCIES allud»':;l(] prociurp \ory vit'onius Heeimif ot t)ipe (ilteiie-it crossed ; ami ^^l ill t!i»' liin;:-riiii >Noiilii tj.iiu the ui'j'er hand. riu)-.e ll(>u.'r^., ,•ll.•^(<. Miiii'h iiad tlieir iJtaiiifiis and pi-^tils pl.ieed , lii ridaLion to llio ^ize and t.aitit- of tlu* pari)' ular in!^f»:tti whicli visitt'd tlieni, •>(» as to fasoiir in Hin detTet' the tran^portal td" liieir imllen from llower to fiu.MT, would likei*i-t' i)e favoured or •«elefte fur the n.ike of coile<'Mnir polien in'-teaii of ; and as poi.eii 1- t'lrnu'd for tiie side oii't-et of terhiis.ition, its destruction nppears a siriijde i tlie ; ami those individuals whi< h prodt'ifd mo'-e an' more pollen, \:\i\ had lar^jor and larger anlhers, wduld he seie. teil. W 1 ei- our plant, iv this p.-,„-(.^^ ot the .ontinued pre-iT'. atinn or natural selei'tion of more aiid iimre attr i.'t; .e r''\* ers, (lmI heeii rendered hi:,'h!v attraeti^e to iii-ieet'. t!,ev would. unin(eiitioii.i!l\ on their jiart, rej.'ulari\ lari \ puUeii irom liower to tlower ; ami that tlie\ ean nil enectualiy do this. I could easily sho-v bv many strikiii:: instame^. i will trive onl\ one -not ah a \t'rv striking'' c;ise, hut as likewise iliusM.itinij one gtei> in tiie separat'oii ui tio- sexes of plan'.s, pre-eutly to lie alluded to, >(i!iie htdiy-trei-' near i< ily niaie flowers, whieh i)a\e tour st.;iTnens protim-inj r rather small e have a full-si/.ed pi-til, ami four stamens with shruelled anthers, in whiih not a triain of pollen ean he (ieterted. Ha\'in^ tiuHid n lerM.uc tree exactly siity yard* from ? I NATCilAL SEI.KCTION 85 male trpo, I put the (itiffnias of twenty riower»«, taken from ditferpnt hraiirliPH, (imior the microijoope, and on all, without eireption, thcrp were pollen-urairiH. and on some a profuMon of polU'ii. An tiio wind liad set for several liayn from the female to the male tree, the pclien roiilil not tluiH have Ueen carrieil. The woather li.-i'l tieeii colli am! 'mi-itoroi.-i, ami therefore liol lavour- aldo to !i>'t'-<. nevcrthele^h evcrv feni.ile tlowt-r which I exannin'.l had been etf^'ctually fertili-''d hy Uif hee«, acc-ideiit-ill V d.istcd with pollen, havimf tiown tVom tree to tree in search of n»;»t;tr. Hut to return to our irii:t^riiiarv "'a^e ; as soon as the plant liad U'en leiidered so hurhlv attractive to injects that pi>ll»'n w.M re;:\i!arlv carr;t^l from ilower to ilower, another pro'-tv-« lutriit commence. No naturalist ilouht-t the advanta^'-e of what lias heeri i-allnd t!io ' phy«ioloiriral div!-i(ui of l.i'iour'; tienre '■w> may heiie\e that it would h»' .ifiv-intaLO-ous to a idant to proiiure stamens ilone in me llowt-r or lvanLaireous on tlie pni'.ciplo of the division of lahour, individual! with ttii< rciuiency more and tnore incre;i.-ed, would (>« continuallv favoured or seiccU'd, untd at lasi a com- plete separation of the sexes w(»uld })e effected. l>'t U9 now turn to the nectar-feed iiiif insect.^ m our iinairi'' irv wly incre.'.-'iiii: the nectar hy roritTiued select ion, to le a common plant ; inhowi!!tr 1m. w anx'.ou.s Wees are to s;ive time ; for in.-'anie. tlieir haliit of cutt'fu; hole,s and Kuckiiijf the iiecL;tr at the lwi."-cs of wrtiiin liowers, •viixli they can, witli ? very little more trouble, entei i9^mm^m:mjf^^mm^mmm& -,v-- 86 ON THE OUKilN OF SPK( IKS fji: by the mfhith. Hcarinc S'lidi farts in rniiiv hurrddeiiee- alone; >o that whole fiehis of the reii clover oiFer in vairi .ui ahundant sui>ply of precious nectar to the Idve-hee. Thus it rni^riit l>e a ;rreat advantaire to th. hi\e-hee to liave a s'.i-htly lonfr,>r or ditterently constructed pridioscis. On the other hand, I have Jouiid hy experiment that the fertditv of clover depends, on l.ces visitiiit,' and nioving- parU* of the condia, so .us to push tlie pollen on to the 8ti:rniatic surtace. HtMue, aiiain, if humhie-hees were to hecme rare in any country, it mitrht he a {rroat advant.Xi:.' to the red < lover to !ia\e a t-hortcr or more deeply divided tul>e to its corolla, so that the hive-t»ee could Ms;t it.s flowers. Tlni>. 1 can understand how a flower and a bee iniirht slo^sly liecome, either .simtilt.aneously or ..n, after the other, modified and adanted in the nio>t perfect manner to eacli other, by tiie contituied pr.- Hervation of individuals presentintj mutual and slitrhtly tavourable deviations of htructure. I am \\ell aware that this doctrine of nati rai .^elecv tion, e.\ernplificd in the Ml)o\e imaginary in-tances, is open to the same objectioiis winch were at first ur^ei! a-ainBt Sir ( harie.s Lyeli's noble views on 'the modem chant'-ot. of tlie earth, as illustrative of (reolotrv ' ; but • e now seldom hear the action, for instance,' of the eoast-»a\es, calle;i a triflinjf and infitiTiifira. I caus.*, NATl KAI. SHI.K( TION 87 when ai'|.!i('ii to tln' oxcav.ition nf triciintif v.illpys or u» tlu' tormatioii of (lif li«ri>'osf luics nt iiiliiinl cliffs. jN?»ti!nil ■JcitM-tinii can act o.ily \>\ tin" pri'M-rvatiun and BC'-iiniiilatioM of i!itiiiitf'?.iinally -iin.-ill inluTite4 mo'icrii ir*->>lf>ixy h.-w aliii'j>t ii iiii->ht>il nuch vihms as the oTcavatiofi of a yreat \all<'y liy a ^i(lul^• diluviai wave, -() will'iral Ki'hvtion, if it i>o a triie princinle, Lariinh thr tiolit-f of the cotitinin a creation of iu".v (si(iii. In the cose of animals md plants with ^.eparateil ^^'xes, it is of course obviou3 that two individualw must al«ay:»(with the exception of thti curious and not welI-uii(ier>tood rases of par- thenoirenesis) unite for each hirth ; hut in the ca.'w of hermaphrodites tliis is froni olivious. Nevertheless I am strongly inclined to helieve that with all hernia- plirodites two indivitliialn, either occasiiinalic or haliitu- ailv , concur tor the reproduction of their kind. I'hiH view WH.X first .^ujjire.-ted by Andrew Kni^'-ht. We liliall presently see its im{>orL'ince ; hut 1 must hero treat the guhject with extreme hrevity, thoutjli I hav.' the materials )>repar(>d for an amjtle di>cu.«»i(in. AH vertebrate aniniai.-., all .nsect^s, and some otiier lar^e grt)upH of animals, j)air for ea<:h birth. Modern re- search has much diniini>!uMi the nmnber of .supposed hermaphrodite>, and of real }iermaphr(»dites a lart,'e numl)cr pair ; that i.s, two individuals rcirularly unite for reproduction, wliich is all that concerns us. Hut still there are inaiiy hermajdirodile animals which certainly do not haiiitually pair, and a vast niajuritv of plants are hennaphrodites. What re.uson. it may He a«ked, is there for supposinc in these rases that twu individuals ever concur m rejirod notion .' A^ it ie iinpossiiiie here to enter on deuiis, 1 must trust to «)me general considerations alone. In the first place, ! have collected so lar^'e a body of \^:^£^;^;;^;^^^ 88 ON THE ORKJIN OF Sl'EClES mtL^ it farU, Hhowinc, in acoonlaiire with the almoMt univpp«| }>elit'f onircfiiors, tliat wi»h animals and plants a croM }»ot\vet'ii difioriMit varictifs, <»r l«'t\vfcn individiialH of tlu^ ^-imo variety Imt of another str.iin. irives vitrMur and fertility to tlie otf-prinif ; and on th(? other )iand. that r/oM' interhreedin^- iliiiiini>hos Mj-oiirand fertilitv; thf-i- tai't- alone incline me to !ie!ir\e that it i«<-if- fertili-fs it>flt fnr an eternity of trenerations ; hut that arro-i-- with anotiier individual is occasion. iilv -perhaps at very lotur interNal- indi.-j..ns.ih!i\ < )n the hclief that this is a law r)f nat'ire, wi> lan, I think. ii;i(ier>tand several larire ola--e-i of fu'ts, >uch as the lollioviiiir, whhh on anv other \ieu nre inex- plieahle. Kvery hvhridi/er knows duvv u-iravioirahle expM^ure ro wet is Ut the fertilisation of a li.rwer, vet what ,1 inul'itnde of (hiwers )iave their anthers and sti'.'inas filly e\j)o-i'd to the \\eather ! Init if an oira- sional .r.i-ii ho iixii-pensat.le. the inllest freedom r..r the entranr.' of pnli.Ti from another individual \v;ll explain this -tatt! ot e\'pn>nre. more esperiallv as the plant's own antliers and |)i-t;l i:<'tierall>- stand so eh.^e toirether tiiat >«di-fertili>ati«>n s.^ciiis ahno>t iiuniUilde. Many ilowers, on the other hand, have tiieir ortrans of friictihcation ,h.-ely enclosed, as in the ;rreat tiaj.i'.io- naceoiii or pea-t'amily ; hut in sfwral. perhaps m ail, such flower-., there is a verv curious :id;i{it;ition fietween the structure of tlie liower and the manner in uhich hees suck the nectar; for, in dointr this, they ether pu-h the )'(u\er's own pollen on the sti.rma, or hnntf poilen troui annthcr limver. So nece»ary are tlie visits of hc>'s •(! papilionaceous flowers, tliat I have fiund, hy expennionts puhlished elsewhere, that their U'riility is trreatly dnninished if tliese vi.-its ho pre- vented. Now. it 1^ scarcely possible that Ix-es should fly from flower to ihaver, and not carrv [I'dlen from • '. •" ■■■■■i- i;:v^-- iiT-;:, .t.- • •fiif-.c, o; rf;o plant. Ihes ^ill ;ict like a camel-hair pencil, and it i-i quite sulK.icnt just to touch Itie anthers of one f'jwer I ■^V:>-. '•;•:^J^^^i';y^,:tJJ|^ NATURAL SELECTION 89 and then the ctiirma of another with the ««nie brush U> ermiire tertilisatum ; but it mn-^t not he sui«|M»»ee<'s wouM thus prtxluce a multitude of h)i)rid« JM'twtM'ii distinct sjKHies ; for if ytui briujf on tlie same brush a jilaiit's owti jwilh'ii and pollen from another sjiecies, the former will lia.e such a prfpotent erfect, til it it will invan.ihly and i,om].let«'ly iJ-'-trnv, as ha« hveu shown by (i.trUier, any in!iuen< c froiu the foreign Iiullen. ^\ h»'u the .-it.inien.s of a liowor xuddenlv !ure see.».s, tbouifh there be no special mechanical contrivance to prevent the stit'tiia of a flower receivin:: ts own [xillen. y(>l, aa C. C. Sprencfel has shown, nun as i can confirm, cither r:«»'P •Vii sai 9<> (»N THK (•UKJIV OF SPECIES iht .iii'-tii'i'-' hur^l licrmi' tn.- .,• -i i i ii ri'inly for tfitil- i»«.it;i»ii, n of that )!iiwer i- rtudy, no llii'-c jilatiU liave in f.irt M'j»ar:it«'il f«exeM, amJ rnu>t li.-\liitual!y Ik* < ro«i«.«'d. How Ktr;i!._M' are tlifse facts ! Iliw stran;:e that tlie |>ollt«ri and .^tii^riiatic "irfacH of t!iu -uiio Jiowi»r, ttiouirh phict'd Ko rlosi" toifplli.'r, .l^ if (or ihe vitn juirito-r of self- fcrtilifNation, «.houl(J in so many fa-i'- lie mutually •i-oli---; to ci' 1; otlif-r '. H"« -imply arc ihe-p farts eiplaiM'd on til" vic'.^ of an i'ii,,il rro-n witli a diHlincl i:idividiial la'injf ad\ant;ii(fOii!* or nuiisjjon- «ai« alinwod to K»»cd near each otlioi, a l.irtre niri Ontv, a" I have found, of llit' seedlinjo* ihuh rai->;d will turn out iiiontrrel.i ; for instance, 1 raisod 2."i.'{ s«»odlinu cahha;rt's from some plants of ditferent variolie-. f^rowiiiij near eai-h other, and <>i those only 75' were truB to their kind, and some even of tl' were not |)erfc^y haviiiij a prepotent etfect over a flower s own pollen ; md llial ti^s is pari of the general law of >rood heine derived from the intercrossinif of di'^tinct individuals of the same species. W hen distinct *7>»otent over foreiirn j)ollen ; but to tlti* subject we sh.ill r«>turn in a luturo chapter. In the aise of a trijrantic tree covered with innumer- able tlowers, it rna\ be objected that pollen could seldom tH* (Uirried iVom tree to tree, and at most only from flower to flower un the s-ime tree, and that flowers ou the same tree can be considereN 0] M. > flower- -iiri He|iarat<'d m-xch. Wli.'ii th** vexr^ irt- M'par,iU-.i. .wlhoi.^;!, tli,- tn;il»' nun tviuilv f!(,vvi>rh nav l.e prtMiiir*'/! ..ii th»» -ame tn-e, we rin ««.»> ..i;liMi inii»t l>i' rtv'.J.irly farru-r H.Mjkor Ubijlat»-d ifii. trtH;.s „t N,.v* /(.aland, and Dr. Asa (iiav lliosfl .,/ Ih. I niti'd SUit.'s, and tlip r^Kult v*;u ;is 1 anticipated On the other hand, l>r Hooker ha>, recentiv informed 'lie that he finds tliat the rule dr>eH not hold in Australia; and I have made these t«w remarkn on the Hexes of trecH sitnnly to call attention to the suhjeot. lurninir for ;» very hrie' space to aiuniaN : on the land there are some hermaphrot with terrestrial plants, un the view of an occasional crong being iiidisiMMisatde, bv considerinjf the me.liiun in which errestrial animals live, and the nature of the fertilising element : lor we know of no me-ans, analok'ous to tiie action of insects and of the wind in the case of plants, '•> which an occasional cross .ould he t-lFected with terrestrial animals without the concurrence of two individuals. Of aquatic animali*, tliere are many self-feniiising hermaphrodites; but here currents in tJie water offer an obvious means for an occasional cross. And, .as in the case of flowers, 1 ha\e as yet tailed, after consultation with onf of the }.-ir},'t.>t •luthorities, nanjf-iy, Professor l!ui!,-y, to dLscover "a smt'le or ;in tuotL »r»» H«'lf-N>rtil>".iritr iiprni.ipliriMlit*'-, f iriuM rr(»H«. It rmist liriw •^tnirk nt<)>*t iiatur.tli-^f s m* R ntraiitre\ m 'Im* cas*" of Imth .inini.iU aiul pl:itit«, <lv, lomt" of th«>m ii«rrMa|)lir«>i|it«'s, anil "tornc at llcin iini-i'\'ial. lint if, i!i fai't, all i!«Tni-ij'hro(iit'»s -lo ocra-ional'v iTiten-ros^ with other imiivuliiaN, the ditfori'iiro h»'f*i<'n luTiiia- jitirtnliti's an'i ^pt'cipx, a>. far at* fuiiftioii i-« con«'oru»*(i, l;««i-onu's vorv hiii ill. From thi'si' KtMt'ral c'on.'«i(ierat!otH arul troin iho manv i«i»»' fru-ts whith I have coil»». tet'nivft ftn-o^irnhU to Satiirnl f^flfctxon. — I'hiH \» an extremely intricate Huhject. A lartre amount of LnheritJihle and diversified variability is favourable, but I believe mere individual dilierences sutRie for the work. A liri'o number of individuals, by g-ivinjf a b«tter rhainc for the appearance wthin any tiven period of prolitaMe variations, w:ll compensate tor a !e>M»r amount of variaiiility in each individual, and i*, I bflieve, .in e.xtrtmelv important element of success 'Hiouj^rh 'laturo yrantrf viist period.s eine« are ntrivinif, it may be *aid, to Kiuze on each jiUure in the t^ m^my NATI KAL .SKI.ECTION yn lit nature, if »nv 'Uie Nj>«»rio« dirri'c with i\n coin |M'ii?<'r«i, it v*ill tMiuri l>r pxterimnatrd. In niaii'M niotho»t«* for »;»rin' ii('tin'«> «ilii«yt, nii'l fro«» iiiterrroHsm^ will n*1i<>11\ Mtiiji hJN wnrk. Hut wlii'ii rii.itiv riu'ii, witl.oui nitrni) mn to alter lh«" WrtMMl, have a iiwirly rommnn ntainl-ir«i of perfcrtinii . ami all try to i;«'t ami l>r(MM| (rum l\\v lii'Mt aiiiiiitU, iiuicli iniprovtMiiefit ami trnxitu-atioti mirt'ly liul nlowly follow from Huh uiiconsoioim j)roc«>s- of nelertion, notw■ilil^taIlliiIlir -x l.irist* nmrniiif i.t iTossiu;; With interior aiiimaU. Mm- ? will he m nature; for within a ronfine'l nrra. with norne pl.tre i. it< polity n'»t "o jierteitly occupieii a-* niicht he, n.itiira: selerfion will alwavx teml to [in'«erveali tiie imii. iilu;il- \riryirij( in the riL'ht (iirectinri, ihoiiL'h in different 'h'irrees. 8o a^* U-tter to fill up the uiuxTupieii piare. I';it if the area he Liree, ii» several di'-trift.*' will almost (•; rtninly present ditierent coiiditionH of lite ; umi thiMi if natural •«eleoiioii Ik» inutinyinjf and imprnvinjr ^ !.jMMie« in the neveral di-trirfs, tliere will he inter .rofi-ing with tlie o'her individuals ot the same speeie- on the tontines of earh. And in Um- case the erie«l«. of intercrossinjT tan hardly he eounterhalaui-ed hy natural r;eletri(t to :i:u)ther Ihe mtererossmtr will most affe<"t those animal- wlneh unite for eiich hirth, whieh wander much, and which do not Ureed at a very quirk rate. Hence in atiirnals of lhi> nature, for instance in birds, varieties a ill jreneraliv l>e confined to separated countries; and tlds I t.elieve •o \ni the oa.-*©. In hermaphrodite or^:ani«n"s wiiirli crosM only t)cca>ionall"-, and likewise .u aniujals wnicii unite for each hirth, hut which wander little and which riiii MirrPA»© ^i <* vt*rv rspiu icti^}, s new aiiu »nipr»'iV6u vurit'ty miifht Ik» (juickly formed on any ouo ^paX, and rnujht there maintain it>ielf in a body. m> ihal ^hniever 94 ON THE ORItilN OF SPEC fKS int«»rcrn«8incr took pl;ici' wo-ilr; ]>o chiefly brt.M<«en the iiidividu:ils <»f" tho same ww ■.ariptv. A local variety wlien once ''iiis formed miirlit ■siiKfiOijiierifly ^lowlv Hj>r«'.i(l to other flistrirU On the al.ove principle, Tiurscrynioi; always prefer trottiiiif seo^i from a l.irtf.- boiiy of ;)iaiits of the the <-harir-P of intercrossing- with other variftie-^ '-^ tliu-i lessene<]. Kv.Mi in the .-.-iso of -Inw-hreciint: animalu, which unite fi>r oruli '.irtli, w^ mij-;t not overrate the effects of intprrrosses in retarair totrether. Intercrossiriff plavs a very important [)art in nature in keepintr the individuals of the sajne species, or of the same variety, true and uniform in character. it will ohviously thus act far more ofTicimtly ^ith those »n; mal< which unite for (vich birth ; t.ut I 'haM> already attempted to show that we have reason to hdieve that ocetter chaiice of surviving and prop;u.>:it;i:: the'r kind ; and thus, in the lonsr run, 'he influence of intercrosses, even at rare intervais, will be trreat. If tluTo exist orirani'- beirij^d which never intercross, uriitormity of character can ho retained biuontrst them, as lonir as their conditioTie of life remain the Mime, only tlirouirh liie principlo of inherit- RTice, and throutrh natural selection dc^ royin^ atiy which depart from tho proper typo; ! ut' if their conditions of life cl anue and thev uiidertro inoditic^tion — :*■ :i.. r .1 . I ^. . . .. !.:;:.:. ..;..^ ,;, .;;.;. .iClJ'" Caii uCui'ieii to iil»']r IllOO'ineo' offspriMff, solely by natural selection preserving the •aia>' fav,.iurabie variations. NATLl'AL SKI.KCnoN 9. -5 Isolation, al«<), isan imjiortant olemont in the {»riM es»i nt natural seloctioii. In a ronfita-d or isolatee in a yreat ileifrt-f uintorni ; so that natural •jpU'ctinn will tend to nnxlifv all tli** indivitluais of a varyint: ^pffies throuthtmt Mie ir»*a m th»» HaiiH! manner '.n rpla'ion to the siiine coiiiiiiions. Interrrn-,st>«, also, with tht- individuals of the name sj cries, which othenv;<,' would have iiihahited thi- surroundintr and dirfiTiMitly rircutn-tanced (ii?,tricti<, will hf> prevented. liut i.'i« of climate or elevation ot the land, etc. ; and tlius new pla^- in the natural economy of the country are lett open for the rUl inhahitantM to 8tnif«-le for, atid become am{»etition, will (five time tor any new variety to 1)0 «lowly im- proved ; and this may sometimes \ni of imi»orLanoe in the production of new .si>ecie.s. If, however, an iKoIated area he very Hmali. either from loinjf «ur rounded l)y farriers, or from having- very peculiar physical conditions, the total i.umher of the individual supported on it will noces.sarily he very smaU ; and fewness of individuals will i;reatly retard tiie (trof lieiice an 0C'6aiiic isiaml al iiril Muhl -'••eii;» u» uavf been highly favourable for the |)ro. f»f arra i« oi trMirt- iiii[Mirtanc»', riioro especial 1\' in the prodiK'linn ot ^!.l•^i('s, M);i(ti will ]ir.i\t' rapahie of eiKiurinir tor a h'lij jicriod, and of ••|iri>a»int:.' \vin at«'a, not oniv w.W thrre be a In Itc: rhauif ot lavoiuahlo \'ariaiions a ri >• i ; i ir from til'" larL'f jiiiTiihcr of iinii\ iiiuais of the ^aiiic -iit'cios tlicii- -iipjmr c'l. 'vit tlic rondit jous of litf are ini'iiitely corii|'if.\ troin tlp' iarj.'*' nuinher of alre.idv exi^tinp BpecJc^ ; and it some of these many spn le- liei onie modi*iod uid iniprovev inrni. aho. as soon a-* it ha.- heen mucli im- pr«>vt'(i. will he aMe to -;ireaii o\i'r the open and ron- tiniHMi- .".rt-a. ami \. tlioiiL'ti no\\ continnou-i, ow injT to o- . to a ecrtain extent, h.ive roncurred. Finally, i concl'iiie that, although 'nriil i^oi/itcd areas prol>a)ils ii.i\e h('<:i in some rc-pect.- hit'iii) ia\ouraMe for the jirodtictioti of new '-].e(ies. yet that tlie t onrse of inoiii'H ation will trenerailv ha\e heen more rapid on lartTc areas; and \»hat is more iniportant, the new funiis {)rodiieed on lar;/p aieas. which already have heen virtonoiis over inanv competitn.'-'i, will 1»^ thot* that will spre^id most widely, will g-ive rise to mo«t new >arieiic- ,ti i >pcci(^, anu «iii iiiii- piav an Mii|Mjrt:int {►art in tlie chan^'inc history of the organic world. ^V e ean. perhajw, on these views, understand gomt* NATURAL SELECTION 97 t»rU which will be airaiu ailuded to in our chapter ou geo^aphical distribution ; for instance, that tin; pro- ductions of tlio smaller coutiueiji of Australia have formerly yielded, and apparently are imw yieldintr, before those or" tli«' Jarfrer Kuropjeo-Asiatic area. Ihtis, alno, it is that continental productions liave everywhere hecdme so largely naturalised on islands. On a small island, the race tor life will liave been letw severe, and there will ha\o been less modification and less exter- mination. Hence, perhaps, it comes that the flora of Madeira, according,' to Oswald Ueer, re>enibles the extinct tertiary flora of Europe. All fresh-water basins, taken to^'elher, make a small area comiiareti with that of the seii or of the land ; and, conse.iucntly, the com- netition between fresh-water productions will have been le«B severe than elsewhere ; new forms will have been more .slowly formed, and old forms metre slowly ex- terminated. And it is in fresh water that we find seven genera of (ian»»id ti.shes, renniants of a once pre- ponderant order : and in fresh water we rind some of the most anomalous forms n»»w known in the world, as the Ornithorliynclujs and Lepidosiren, which, like fossils, connect to a certain extent orders now widely separated in the natural scale. 'Hiese anomalous forms may almost be called living fossils ; they have endured to the present day, from havintr inhabited a conrined area, and from having' thus been expo^ed to less severe coni petition. To sum up the circumst-inces favourable and uri favourable to natural selection, a8 far as the extreme intricacy >f the subject permits. I (onclude, lr>okintr to the future, that for terrestrial pnxluctions a lartje contineuUil area, which will probably under^'o manv oscillations of level, and which consequently will exbin:: on the rontinos of thtj ran^o of each s|H'cu's will tluis he cluM'ked : atler j»h\-i. .1! ciianiie- dt .1:1 v kin I, immigration w)ll lie pniventeii. so tiiat new j. faces in tiic |m)1iIv of each!nl will have to ' • lilleil tip liv moiiiliiatioiis ot the oi ; ana time will tie allowed for the varieties in each to hecomewoll inodi'ieil and periecied. When, hy renewed eie.ation. the i-i,ind» >.li;ill !,<. re- converted into a continental area, tiiere w:ll a^ain 1h» severe cornpetit ;on ; the most fav<»ured or iinproved varieties wili he enahied to : tiu-re will i.e much evtini'tion of the ie>s improved forms, and the relative proporiional iiiiml>er« of the various inhahitants of the rei.>ewed (ontineiii will a^raiii he chan;:ed ; ami airain there will i.e a fair heM lor natural selection to im- prove still further the inhahitants, and tlius produce new Hjtecies. That natural selection will always act with extreme Blowness, 1 fully admit. Its action depeinls on there l>eintr places in the polity of nature, which can ho better occupied hy some of the inhal)itants of the country uiiderjfouit: nioditication of some kind. The existence of such places will often depend on [diysical chantrea, wliich a jrenerally very slow, and on the immieraliou of lietter adapted forms havintr been checked. Hut the action of natural selection will prohaldv still oftener dei'Ond on some of the inliahitants hecomiiiij- slowly modified ; the mutual relationi* of many of the other inhahitants heint: thus disturbed. Nothing' tan he prTected. unless iavourahle variations occur, and varia tion itself is ni)parently always a very slow process, llie process will often he L'reatlv retarded hv free inter- cro.ssniii. .Many will exd iim that these several causefl are amply sullicient wlndly to stop the action of natural selection. I do not believe so. ( )ii the other Land.l do iieiie\e thai natural seiectuui aiw.ivs acts very slowly, often only at loriir intervals of time, and (fenemlly ou only a very few of the inhabitants of the -^ 4 NAM KAL SKI.KCllnN IKi lamo rpfrinu at the «ianio timi*. 1 furf)it>r h«'li(«\o. tlml tliiN very .-i(tw . iutiTriutTent ;ii-tioii ot natiinii solcriioii acronls pertettiy w»'ii witii wliat trfolotry toils u.s of the rat*! and niainuT at vvluri, the mlialutaiits of tJiin worifl has*' < liain.'t'm»>rfl of MrtiriiMi M-leftiois, i cat! see no limit to the aiiumiit of chaiii.M'. to the it'.itity and niiiinie ron)[.li-xity of the coadiiiitalions bftAcfii all ortfanic heiMtTv, one with anoili»T and vviiti their |ihysic;il oonililions of iife, wh;rh may he er'eited in the iont: course of tim»> tiv nature - power ot selection. h'.itinrtion. — 'i'his Mihieet will he more fully di-cusseii m our chapter on (ieoiotry; l>ijt it mu.-t he here alluded to from \mns intimately connected with natural nelec- tion. Natural selection acts M>'ely throuali the [ire- >iervation of variations i:- ssime way ad\ai.r.u:eous. w liich consequently endure. Hut .la from tlie hiyii geometrical ratio of increai-ie of all ortranic l»ein{fs, each area it already fully stocked with inhahitanLs, it follows that an t^ach heleote«i and favoured form increa-ses in numher, so will the le»iH favoured forms decrease and hecome rare. Rarity, a^ jfeolo^y tells us, is the precursor to extinction. We can, also, see that any form repre- sented hy few individuals will, duriiiif fluctuations in liie seasons or in liie number of its enemies, run a trood chance of utter extinction. Hut we may ffO further than this ; for as new forms are continuiUy and slowlv Winjr producwl, unless we believe that the number of specific forms jfoes on perpetually and almost iu- derinitely increuhiriiyr, numl)er8 inevit:ii)ly must hwome extnict lliat the numl>er of s[M*eiien Probably no region is a^ yet 100 ON THE ORKilN OF SI'E( IKS fully St ocke«l, for at tiu^C aiK3 of (iorxi U(({)o, where more H[>«cieK ot' plaiiu are crowded totfetlier tliaii in any otlier (jiiartiT of the world, some foreigTi plants have become uaturaliMMl, without causiiiir, as far ;is we know, the ♦'xtin<'tion of any iiativ*'^-. Kurthernuirt', the -jn'cies which are most numerous in individuals will iiave the Itest chance of producintf wittiin any triven period favourable variationn. \\ e have evidence of this, in the facti* jfiven in the second cha,>ter, showing that it is the common s{)ecies which atTord the i:reate«t numl>er of recorded varieties, or incipient species. Hence, rare species will be less • juickly nioditied or improved within any ^^iven perioe beaten in the rrwe for life by the modified desceudant« of the commoner sixnies. From these several considerations 1 think it in- eviUthly follows, that as new species in the c«)urHe of tinu' are formed throu^fh natural selection, others will become rarer and rarer, and finally extinct. The form* which s^and in closest comiMJtition with those under- j:oiut' modification and improvement, '^"ill naturally suffer most. Antoncc that it is the most closely-allied forms, — varieties of the same species, and species of the same ;jenus or of related genera, which, froni haviut: nearly the same stru( ture, con-ititution, and habits, jreiu'rally come inu» the severest competition with each other. Consequently, each new variety or sp«'cies, durini: tlie projf ress of its formation, will g-ener- ally pre>s hardest on it. nearest kindred, and tend to exterminate tluni. We see the same process of ex- tcrniiii ition amoiiifst our (]omestic;iU>d productions, throuirh the sele( tion of improved forms by man. Manv curious instances could l>e triven showintf how quickly new breeds of cattle, slieep, and other animals, and varieties* of fbtwers, take the place of older and iiifj-rior kinds. In Yorkshire, it x hi- of liieh iniport.iiu-t* on niv theory, and expl.-iiim, a« I helievo. wnpnil important tarts. In the first phirp, vari»>tiex, ••vpti strnMirly- iriarkrd onofl, thouirh ha\iiii: somewhat of the chanicter .if s|>eetween sj>ei'ies - That this does haliittially liipi>eM, we niiist infer from most of the innumerahle speces throutrhout nnturf preseiitintrwell-m.-irked differ- fMice>» ; wh«>reH.s varieties, tlu' sipfMised prototvjM-^ and parents of future well-marked «{)eries, presefit slight and from l'!reaiiH. Airain, we may suppo.-e that at ati '«'r tHir-cfS hy kmiiio hrff-iors, aiiil i)t stro!itrt»r onc-J *>v '>tii»>rx, t!i»> lii'ffrf'm'p^ would ''OCOTno t»T»»at»»r, atid \»viuiil t't* rinUvl -i«4 t'ormin^ two ont>-i>r(>««(l-, ; fin.tlly. jiAcr the l.ip-^c of c«'riturips, the «nh-hr('o«vlrt. As the diff»>rpiire9 gjowlv 'H>c()rm> irrjvitcr. the inferior anim.ii.- *ith inter- mtHli.'ite I'haract.TP, tiomtr iifithnr very swift nor very gtroiitf, will have hoeu iiOiri»'i"ta[>[ppar. Here, then, we wo in man's* prodnrtioni Hie a«ti«in of what may l>e r.iiieil the principle of diver- ifenro, caiiHintr ditfi-retifOH, at hrwt barely appreciahle, steadily t<"> increase, and the t»re«Mis to diverire in -hir- icter hoth rrom (vach other and from their common parent, Hut how, it may ho a^^ked, can anv analntrouM prm- C';ile apiilv in nature.' I *>elipve it cai, :ind d.'H»x ap|iiy most elhiit'iitlv, from the ^^imple cifcum'-taru'e that the more divermiuvi the descend. mb} from r.nv one P[)ecie8 hecome in ptnictiire, con-titntion, and hahiw. hy so niinh will thev he hotter »'iri}>led to ^^ei/e on many and widely d-.versitied places in the polity of nature, and 40 be eiiahled to ir.c.ease in numherp. W'p <'an clearly e supported ui any cniin*r\ h.'is lontr ''u,'" arri%e | ?it i^^ tuil averr»t:e. if its natural powers ot increase he allowed to act. it can Bucceed in iiicreaxinif (the country not underffoini;- any chantre in it« ••onditions; only hy its varvine" descen- dants seuinif on places at present occupied hy other at'.inials r some of tli.»^ni, ( t instance, ^leine enalde«i to feed on new kinds of prev. either dead or ih-.e ; som« inii.ahituiii' new stations, chmhing' trfe«. tre'j'ientinif water, and some perhaps h«'comin< i-arnivorouji. 1 he more dntTsitied m hati:ts ari'l stri;cture thf dcM«cendants of our carnivfirous animal t>ecame, tha more pLice'- thev adiiIiI he enafded to -vcupy. ^Vh** 1 ^ffe^^i/v- lL^l^M.J^:^2^m£:!^^mk NATIKAI. SKI.K(T1()\ 103 applies to <>•.»• ;uiir»ril will npi Iv t!ir()ii/i!i"it al! l in« to .'ill .iiiimnU tli.if iH, it' flicy vary- t(»r (>t^t'rvri^e natur.'il >««'Ie( tiori crin flo TinthinLT So it wi'l >«c with plai'ts. It hnt Ix'tMi t'vjit'nniciitallv j»rat it" a plc»t of groiiml !>»« «i«> <(i« n «itli v««\ cr.i! ijistiu4 lie raisp'l. I 'le ■vima ban tx'eii found to Imld trootj wlipn tiriit f)no vnrioty and tlit'fi s»'\<'ra! rnixod varu'ti«»8 of wlieat havi' ht-f^n sown o!i equal spaces of iiroiind. Uciicc, if any one operios of yfa**'* wre to gn oti varvinc, and tliose varieties were oontinjially ^elertcd whicti ditft'red from each other in at all the rt;ime manner as di^lirict specien «nd jfenera of trrasses differ from each other, a {greater numU>r of individual plants of this spe<'es of j^rasH, incliidintr its modified d»'sceiidafit-', "oiild .succetxl in livirnf on tl'O satne p'ece of irn)Ufid. Atid w(> well know lliHt each site's, wImmi rendo'ed very di-t'iict from each oth»'r, tak<> the rank of «j *'c;es. 'Rie truth of the pr:ti< ip!e. thtt t!ie t:re?t'.--t amount of life can he supported hv ^ireit di^ersiticitinn of structure, is seen uide"- many natural circunistafuTS. In an extremt'ly sm:ill ar»'a, especiallv if tre«»ly ojicn to immitTat.on. and wh.'re t!ie contest h«'t«eer! iMdi\iil')al and individual must he severe, we a!wav« find jreat diversity in it,s inliahitant.s. For instafue, I found that a piece of turf, thrt'c f«*<^t hy fieir in «i/e, whifh had (<<^en ei[>osecU on ^mali nnd uiiifonn islet-; ; and so in mn.ili |MitiiiH of frosh wafrr. Knrriiers find that tliov cati miv-*' mo>t food }>y a rotation of iilaiits hcloiiiririf to tlo- most different ordon» : nature tolliiw-. \\]ia' in.i} l.c .anfi! ;i >iinu lt.ln4•.lu^ tntaticn Most of tlic inini.iN .ti;i1 p! iMt.s wliirh li\«. clo-p round aii\' small jiu-.e of trround. could liw on it (supfiiisirn: it not to ),.' in any ua\ jn'<- iliar in iN naturf), .md may In* said In In- -tnunL' to '.].,• utniuvf to !i\«' tinTi- ; iiut, it is sfon, tliat wiicre tlicy cnino into tlif do-.'.: com- prtitiori uifli carfi otli.-r. tht* ;i.hantair»"< of div»>rsinc.i- tion of HtriK'turr, witli tin- ncconipanyiiitf dir'^f ■•fn »■>. of Kaliitand cnnstitution . drfcrrnin*' that tlie Mili.ilntant"*, \vh!fh thurt jostle ea. d otlicr most .jo-.-lv. f.liai!.ii-. a irrnrral nilp. l>»•l.iM^'' to what « .• .•.ill .i::f.T(>t,t (.'cucra and orders. Die -.line priiiri[.!e i>; .een in the natiir,'ili«.a-;on of plants lfir(Mi::ii i):,iu> ;i_eiicy in foroitrn lands. It mitrht liave l-een .-vpected that the jdauts wlm h have su'-C'eded in lioio-nina' naturalised in anv land would jTonerally have l.een clo-ely allied to the indiffenes ; for tlu'.-e an- roinruoiily looked at as speciallv created and ailaptod for their o.^n rountry. It tnitrht, also, p«'r':aps ha\.' heeri expected that ' naturaliM-d pl.mts would h.'ive ! eloiiifed to a few jrroups more especially adafited to certai-i stitions in tlu-ir new homes. Hut tho case is verv o ffercnt ; and Alpli. I)e < .uidolle tian well remarked in his irreat and adniira(d<> work, that th.ras {jairi l.y naturalisation, proportionally witl; the numl'er of the native trcnera and >jKM:es. far more iu new trenora than in new species. 'I'ii cive a -int'le in-tance: in the edition of |)r. .\s,i drav's Manual o/ffir Horn of thr Xorthrrn f'nif'il SfHtp.\, 2<">u ]^.^. il...., !jiiV ..... ^_.. „_,. . i ^V~ 1 ^T- .-^ ,,.. ,. -- ..;::-.;; .... -tritf;.; it;t- : r: ;::t-r:- it;;;; t^eriouti, and thu-> a lar^re propor'.ional aoii.iiui- i.- uiade io the ct'uer.: of these Staic NATL'llAL SELECriON ]iV> Br (•(•nxHieriii:; thf natiir»« of tin' itl.iiiU* or airmal* wliiih hnvo t nlra in wliat rnautipr rii'i.l :;cil, iti or>ltT to train \i\ iilvantaifp ovpp tlip otiipr rlative^ , and «»• may at l»'f mil; . idual l«o'i 1., Milhp |-..i.^ards. No (ih vsiuintn^t douht> that a -imiiacti I I ipted to diircut ve^»'taiil»' mattt»r alone, or lU'-h alone, ir.iws most initriment from th^sp suh^'aiuj's. >o in ■h»- ifcneral »'cnnMtiiy of anv iaml, the rn<>rt« v*i<|f]v \iu\ [•••rfpitly tli«' animals ami plants arc ■<> will a trn-.iter ncnilu'r of indi\i(iuals h»' cajiriKlp of flioro supportiti:.' tlu'riis»«K»-f<. A Het of .ininiafs, with tlieir ori;ani<»;ttioti t)ut l;lt!p dnorsifie*!, i ould hardly compote witli a set mor*' p*-: ;'(•( 'Iv divcr^ifiod in structur*'. It ni.iv he doui»t«'d, for HisUmi-e, wlictlier the Australian marsiipiaU, which arc divided into j^-roups ditferiisiT hut liitle fmrn eacii iithtT, and u'ehly rcprt'^fliuinir, as Mr. \\ itrrliouse and nthcrs have remarked, our carni\orou«, n.minant, and rcHiOnt mamnials, could succes.-fuliy compete with these well-pronounced order-. In the Australia!] mamrnals, we -ee the pnn ess of it.ed in struciurc, and are tlius e!ial>le<] to enccu|iied hy other hein;.'s. Now let us !»ee liow ihii ruitipie of heilefit btJiHji deiivf-d fruni d;vpr(,riii« •>» . haracter, coni!>ined w'th the principle;- of natural neleo- tior and of extiruiiou, wiU teud to act. ! fir, • 'N ! UK OlUlilV (>h M'K* IF> f HiH nrcompaiivinu' fiii'/ram ■.*ill ,-iid ^m in uii.Iir. -tuilun: fliijt raflitT |t»'r|>l«'itirip Huliu't-t. IjpI .\ tn I, r»>jir»'-fMl th« Mjir-ifM (»t n j^rrm** l;iri.'f> in <\n uivri •uuMlry ; lliniHO xpi'iii's .iri» "ijpiiu^iMi t > rc-pfniiip p.ich >lhfr iti iiru*'| iIi'ltim*-. n* is so ;/»'r)i>rr»!lv fho i'.'Imc M n.ifiiro. nnd m h r»'[i'-t-.«'!iT»',| ni tfip (h.i;rram i»v •ill* IfttiTs •itiiiKliiiL' at UM»'>|u;il (li«UiiireH. I ha*f» -aid .1 iJirtri) irt'tiim, iHTijiisfl we have **t'«':i in the -»' varv- .•■,j specu'r. iif the lar^rf CMt-ra pn-jcnt n trri- itiT nuin*>«^r W varu'tien. U e have, hUd, ^..,.(1 that tlie «ipf( iori' than rare -pfcies w;t[i ri'st rictt-d rin::oH. Let ( A I 'le a fdtnmdn. widflv -diffused, and var\ mif Hpe<-;e'<. h.'i(cii.'Uiu' to a treruis lar^re in its own i-nutiirw The little fan of di^eririi'i; dotteii lirieN of iineijual letJt:»h-< prnri»ediinf from i A), mav represent its varvinjf .iJi-prinir. I he variaMo:m are Mi[>po-ed to U» e\t rernelv liiiht, hut of tlie nioNt 'iiverHiticd nature; thcv are not Bupi>ov all supposed •o endure ^or e'lual periods. (»ril\ those variations whi<'h are in some way proiitalile vriii be preservtMi or nat:jrally -•iliM'fed. And hfre the importance or tiiB i)rin<'iide of henetit \>oiii!; derived fro!,i di\ enro-icp if fhararter romeH m; for this wili teneraliv lead to llie most different or diverfi-ent variations (rep-,.>;eiited hy tfie outer dotted line*;) h(>i:iL: preserved and aeeu'iiu- lated hv natural seleition. W hen a dotted line reaciies one of the hon/nntal lines, and is there marked \>v a sinall nu!ii'i«Tt"i letter, a sufhciei'* amount of variation IS supposed to hav© heen aecumulated to ha\e formed 1 fairly weU marked variety, xuidi as wcvild he thou;rht Torthy of reeord in a .sv«teniati<" work. Hie intervals hetwet'ii tlie iion/ontal lines in thi- liaj^ram, may represent earh a thous-and jrenerations , nut . speoies i \! is supposed to have produre*! t*o - 'iim^raTn at the ■^•mmenoement of rolunu MB NAll HAL SKr.F.CnoV lf>7 fairly wel!.m.-irk««»M| fo '.ho name <'on t\'*"r pirfnt* vani ne, *nil tlie tiMiil«Mn"y lo v:»ria''il!ty i-* in itM«'U h«»n> rnatinnr as th»':r jwircn'H v.iri«'(l. Moreovor, tht'xetwn variolios, U>irirf^o:ily ^iik'li'iv timiii- fird rnrm-*. \^ill t.iifl to irihtTit Ihone ailv.tiit-i;.'*'-* whwh .nfi.iri'iit ' A i rnorp numermis th.iii iim^t uf' 'he oth»«r inii.iliitAiit'* nt th« samp r- wi-jj* prirtikf of thii^« nupr»« j^orirral aih aiit.Vf' wliich ma-lf the kfciiiM tn wiiii h tin* [>.ir«>rit -i'«''i»'-i l>»M(>nL't''l, » lartfi^ ueiins in its (i«ii roiMitrv. A'ul thi'^n rirriini- jtaiifos w»< tv'iDW t(» \to fav4i!ir iiiirt to the {)rf>«iuct:oM pr»'»<'r»tMl ilurui;; tlu' rioxt thoiiruuMjde of diverirt'iice, dif'»'r nior« from (A) tnan did variety a'. Variety m' in *iijij>oHe 1 to have prod.. I'd t*o vari»'ties, riarneiv m' and k-, ditferin^ troin each other, and more ionsidt'ra'dy from tlieir common parent (A). ^^ e may ontmiie t'le proi-esH hv Himiiar ste[>s tor any li"iirth of lime; Home lit the varietie«^, alter each Lhousa'il «;t'ner- atioiiH, pro, will trenerallv co on i;.cre.i«>it maii-? »«iiti»*whai irreirular. I am :ar from tfiinkitiif that the mo«t divergent varieties wili invanahiy prt'v.iiland multiply: ^f^ 108 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES a medium form rna\ r)ft(Ti Innjr oiidiirn, arul may or may not pnuliirp mon» tli.iii one modified dt'soeiidant ; for natural sele«;tion wnll always act accordintr to the nature of the places which are eitlier unoccuiiii-d or not perfectly ocruf.ied hy other hoin^rv ; and tlii-* Will depend on intinitejy complex relations. Hut a- a general rule, the more diversified i-i structure the (lescpfidants from any one species can he rendered, tlie mor*- f daces they wiii l>e enal)lesKion is hmken at retrular intervals hy small iiuml>econie -ufficientiv distinct to he recordeil as -arielic-. Hut the'-e hreaks are im,iiri- nary, aii(i mii,'i.t have i.ccn invid»>ly-d iff used spocies. helotifing- to a larffc trenus. .vill tend to (r;rt;ike of the s.-inie advantaires which made their parent successful in life, they will ^eneralh t^o on muitipiyinjr in rnimhor as well as divertring in char- acter • this is represented in tiie - pMM'd to have {)r()duoee more numerous or irreater in amount, to convert th»'se three forms into well-ti'.irui.-hin;r sj>e<-ie<. Hy (ontinuintf the same proces.>' for a gre^iter numl)er of t'^enerations (as shown in the diiurram in a conden.sed and simplitied manner), wo ^jet eitrht si)ecies, marked by the letters between a'* and m'*, all descended from (A). Thus, as 1 believe, s[)e«'ies are n\ultiplied and t^enera are formed. In a lartje jfenus it is probable that more than one sjKJcies would vary. in tlie diagram 1 l^ave assumee represent*,*! l>etween the horizontal lines. After fourteen thousiin.! generations, six new species, marked by the letters ;<^* to r'*, are suppostsl to have Insen produced. Iti e;i<-h ^enus, the specie-;, wliicli are already extremely dif- ferent in character, will trenerally tend to produce the yre^itest numbi-r of modihexl descendants ; tor these will have the best chance of tillintr new and widely different [daces mi the polity of nature: hence in the diag-ram I have chosen the extreme species (A), and the nearly extreme species (1), as those which have lartrely IK- ON IHh olllGIN OK M'h( IK.'- m i 4n I vancil, aiiii ii;ive jrivfii rise to new vari»'ties ai;d >[K»ci<»h. Hie other nint' -j.«-cu's (liiarkeii hy ciijii'iti ieittTy) of our oritiiiai ^tMiii>, may for a loiitr period continue to transmit una'tt-red desciMni mt- ; and this is hljown in thi' (JKitrrain li> the «lott»',( niodilication, n>[)rehenu5 dia::rani. aiiotlier of our pri:..',i.i»'.s, namely that of extinction, will have playtMi an nnjhprtant part. Ai in e.u h fnlh stocked rountry natiirai seh-i-tion necen- K,iriiy acts uy ■ no heiected form ha\ine- some advanLaice in tlie str(iir;:u' for life over other lurms, tinTe *iil h«! a ruiistai.l 'endency in tht> improved d«-ie:i(lant.s ol an\ one specie to supfiLint and e erriiinate ui ea<'L sL;i-f of descent their pri-decessors and their oritfinal parent. lor it should he remernherod that the com- pel iuon will ir,.iierally i)e most severe lietv*e.-i] tliose forms which are most nearly related to eaii, other in iiahits, oinsiitiition. and stnuture. Hence ail the intermediate forms i.etneen tiie earlier and later sute,s, that i« het\*een tne less and more improve*! Ktate of a species, us well as the ori;final i>;uent-specie8 itself, .vill jjenerally tend to heo it prohahly will Ikj with many whole collaU'nil linen of descent, winch will he cornjuered hy later and improved lines of de.scenL If, iiowever, the modihed otisprin^' o/ a sjH'cies net into some distinct country, or In-come quickly ada()ted to some (juite new station, iri which child and parent do not come into comjH»tition, hoth may continue to It then our dia^jram be ahsumed to reprc-cnt a con- siderahle amount of modiJication. species (A) and aij the earlier varieLietj will have tn'come extinct, havin*? heeii replaced hy eiirht nj»w spt'cie-t* (a'*t'j yn^*) \ and (1) will have been rephiced by 8ix (n '♦ U) z") new species. Hut we ma\ ^o further tliau this. 'llie ori)final 8pe< les of our penus were supposed to renemUie each other m detrree»!, a** is so penerall) tlie c^se in nature ; specie.s (A) beiufi- more nearly reLiurd to li, C, NATIilAL sKLKCnoN m and I), than to the other spe<'ie« ; and s|K,'ties (I) more toli, H, K, L, than to the others. I hese two fipei'iex (A) and (I), were also supjioM-d to he \ery rouinuin ano widely difTu^ed •[leeieH. «o that they niu-t on^'in.illy have had Minie adianUitfe over most of tiie other spee.eH of the Keiius. I heir modihed desrendanLs, fourteen in numiier at the f"(Hirteen-tln>ii>andth irenerntion, will prohahly have inht-riled some nf the same advanlayeh they liavp also heen niudihed and iiiij>ro\ed in h diversified manner at each sta^e of deseent, so a.** tut likewise some of the oriirinal species wliieh were most nearly related to their parents. Hence very few of the oritrinal spfe allied to each other in a widely different maimer. Of the eijfht descendants from (A) the three mart\ed a'*, 7'*, p'*, will he nearly related from haviii;: recenfJy branched off from ij''"; '/'* and/"'*, from havinir (ijvf ri:e«i at an e;irlier |>erind frum a^, will !>e in .some de^-^ree di»- titn"t from tlie three first-named species ; and la.stly, 0'*, f '*, and m '♦, will \>e nearly related one to tiie other, but from havinj.' diverged at the hrst c«»rnmefHemetit of the prtH-ess of modification, will he wideiy different from the other five species, and may constitute a Buh jfeuus ur even a di.stiuct i^euug. 112 ON I UK ORIGIN OK HI»E( lES The six deart'iidaiitp from (Ii will form two sulv jfeiicra or even ^enor.i. Hut ;ijj the oriecome, exceptintr (F), extinct, an:enera, or v\k'\i a8 distinct «ul>-faniilies. I'huH it is, as I helieve, that two or more irenera are produced by descent with modification, from two or more species of the same jjenus. And the two or more parent species are supposed to have descended from some one species of an ••arlier treiius. In our diagram, this is indicated by the broken lines, l»eneath the capital letters, converjrinK in sul>-branches down- wards towards a sintrle |M)int ; this point representiu^r i rtinf^io species, the supposed sii^fle parent of our several new sub-^-^enera and trenera. It is worth while to reflect for a moment on the character of the new species y '*, which is supimsed not to have diverj^e^l much in character, li:it to have retained the form of (F), either unaltered or altered oiilv in a slitrht deuree. In this ca-e, its atHnitie^ to the other fourt»'en now specie-s will be of a curiou- and circuitous nature. Havintr descended from a form wiiicli stood between the two parent -s[tecies (A) and (1). now supjM)sed to he extinct and uni^nown, it will ttf in some diirree intermediate in character between the tHC irroups descended from these specu-s. Hut as these &'•••( ?, -■--—. — .'. .11 the ty})e of tbeir parents, the new smvies (k'*i vvill not lie directlv intermediate between them, but rather i)et«epu types of tbe two irroups ; and every naturalist NATURAL SELECnoN ll;3 ••viil Ik? al)!e to i)rint: .'•orne such r;is« Iwrore iii- miini. Ill 'hf iliatrr.iin, «>.»( h lion/ontAl line harf hilliPrto I I'f'ii ^uppo-fii til rt'prestMit a tiidii-am! trt«norati'>;H, luit ♦•aril m.iv ;t'pri.>t'i.t a inilliuri or iii;i,.lrcil iiiillion trt'iieratioii'^, iiul Iik»-\M-t» a sortion oi the successive •strata of the cir'.li's crust iiiclinliiiir extinct reniauiH. \\ »• r*}iall, v* iicn wt« couio to our diaptcr on (ieolo^^y, liave to rcr-T a;.'-ain to tlii-; sul'jet't, and I think wc rhall then sec tliat the dia;;rani throws lij'-Jit oii the nfHiiitics at exlujct hciniT-, which, tluunzh jrciierally l)ch)i:;:iiiir to "'ic same ordt'i?., ur families, or t^'cnera, with tiiose nou iiviiii'', yet are often, in -onie (ie^Tee, interntediate in character iietween^tinj; f^mups ; and we can undersUuid this fact, hjr the extinct species iiveil at very au( epochs when the hrauchiug lines oi descent 1: vcfirt'd loss. I see nc reason to limit the [irocesf of moditication, as now explained, to the formation of genera alone. If, in our diairram, we siippo>e the amount of change represented hy each suices>ive trroup of divertjinj^ dotu'd lines to he very trreat, t!ie forms marked a '* to /) **, those marked '< '* and /'■*, and tho.-.e marked o " to m '*, will form three very distinpcciea are suppo>ed lo h.i\e iitu', it will 'liii'lly act. on liio>-e wliicli Jilmnly li.ivc ?.(iiiu' aih riiita;.'c ; ;iii'l tiie I.irj^eiU'ss ot any (i^ruii)/ -.Ikiw^ tli.u its sjicfU's 1ih\»' iDiicritcd from a coMUiioii ;inr('vtiir somo .'I'lNaiit'ii,'!' in coinnion llcncj', the »'rii:rirl«' tor tli(» ]>ro(iijction of nt'w ami nioditied iic-i<'iiiiiint>. will rnainly he hotwt'cn tlii* lar:ror tfroiips, \\liii'li Jirt' all tryi ' to incrt'aM; in nninlier. One lar:i«« i^i-onp will slu s ly cuniiiicr another iar^M^ trroup, ri' cliatirp of lurtln'r variation ,ind sul>- jrroup^ from liranchint: out and sei/.ini: on inanv new ]piare> in tlie polity of Nature, \\ill eon^tiintl^' tt tid to Mi-'pinnt anil de-troy the earlier and less improved sni>i:rnii!H. Snia , and hroken trroup^ and suh-t^roups will Ini.illy di».i|.. ar. Looking to the tutiire, we can J i<-dict that tl.r :.Toiip> ot' orj.Miii heintrx wlmh are n-i\ ei\' de\elo[ied, !,,i\e no\^ Income extinct. I^"*k;n'_'- .still more remotely to th- future, we may preili. ; thai, owiiiir to the contiiuied and steady in- erea-e of the lander jrroiqis. a multitude ot smaller trruu[w wii; lieiome utterly extinit, and leave no ino livinir at any one |)eriod, extremely few will ♦ ran-iiiii descendants to a remote futurity. 1 shall ha\e to re; urn to this Kuhject in the c}iaj)ter on (, hut I may add that on this view of I'xtremely tew of the more ancient spe»ies havirijf transmitted de-cend;int.s, and on the view of all the ile^ceiidaiits ot the siime species mahinti a rla>p;, we t-an understand how it is that there e\i>t hut \ery few cia-^ses HI eacii iiiiun i, yet at the most rt'tnoto :r»>(»lot;ical period, the earth may have Ixjen ns w '11 ]>«'«i|)leil with many "Ufcies (if many trcnera, farnilit's. orders, ami, AS at the present 'lay. ISumrtuiry of ^'Kiifitt'r. ~~l{ dunns the lotitr course of lires ami under varyiu(f eornlitioriji uf lite, organic h.-inys \fiT\ at all in the several {>artfl ot their or^'aiiisa- tion, anil I think this cjiunot he disputed ; ir" there he, Dwintr t'' the hitrh t^eomctrieal ratio ot imrea.He of" each specie-, a severe striit^irle for lite at some aire, sea.-un, or year, and this certainly cann«»l Ik? di-puled ; llien, consideriuif the intinite complexity of tlio relations ol \U organic heinirs to each other and to their conditions ol existence, causintr an infinite diversit\- uj structure, constitution, and hahitjs, to he advatitatreous to them, 1 think it would Ix* a tnost exlraunliiiaiN fa<-t if no variation ever had m curred useful to each heintr .■* own welfare, in the satne manner as so manv variations iuiN e occurred useful to mati. liut if \ariations useful to any tirL'"atiic beinir do occur, assuredly individualg thus ctiaracterised wiii have the best chance of Uunir preserverr>duce titf-[irinff similarly clriracterised. Tiiis principle of Iirf>ervati(ui, 1 have • ailed, for tlie sake of Itrevitv, Natural Sele<"tion; and it Iwids to the improvement of each creature in relation to its orjranic and inorganic cotiditioiis of life. Natural selection, on the prificiple of i^ualitia" heiiij? inhenlefl at correspond i lit: aL'es, can nioility tin' eir^j, si-eil, or youn^, as easily a-- the adult. Afiioiiirst many anitnals, sexual selection will trive its aid to ordinary selection, hy assurini,' to the most vij^nirous and !> adapted maU'^ ihe ^'reatest numtn'r of ofisprinj.'. Sexual sfiection will also (jfive characl*»rs usctii to the males alone, in their sirueirles with other males. W lietiier natural -election has naily thus acted in nature, in fiiodifyin^' and adaptintr the variouo form« of life to their ^everal conditions and st;itiou>, must bti !!•; ON niK OKKJIN' OF SI'Ki'II'S judcP'I "t" l>v till' tri'iieral tenor arnl i.t t-vidcme ^riv»Mi in tin' fMllowirij.' ••hajitcrs. IJut we .-ilroady hp»« lir'le.tioii, ;tl- o swjijinrtrd ou t*i»' sainc rirc.i 'lit more they divorce in •itriii'*Lirf, haliit^, ;ui na' urali-eil [irndurtioii-*. i lierefore (iuriritr the nuMiirica- tion ot tlie 'Icsci'!! Ian*.-* ot aii\ one ^|)e<•le■<, and durin»: t.lie incessrint -t riit{t^le of .all 8pe«-ies to increase in !r:riiliers, the diMTsified the-ie descendants iiecome. the Itetlcr «ill be their cluiiice of hih ceedintr in tlie li.i'^'f ♦or life. 'I'liiis the small ditforences distiiiL'^ui-'liini: varieties of the Karne >i])ec!;'s. ^teadiiv tend to incrca-e till they come to eijiial the greater ditTereuces Ketwceii species of ihe same ^fentis, or ever' of dir-tinct trenera. N\'e liave seen that it is tlie common , the widely- ditfused, and widely-rantrintr spe<'ies, Ixdonifiiiir to the lartrer {fen»'ra, which varv most : and these tend to 'ransTiiit to their modified ofTsprintr that nupenority whu'h now makes them dominant in their own coim- trie'*. Natural selection, as has just heen remarl a truly wonderful fact — the wonder of which wo are ant to overlook from familiarity — that all animal.s ami all plants *broii::hiHit all time and space siiould 1m' related "o e^ich other in fZT""P subordinate to jfroup, in rhe inai.ner which we everywhere behold — iiamelv >aiietie-i of the sinie species most closely reiated O'.'etlier. species of the same ^enun less closely aufi 'inei.Mialh related toirether. forininir sections and sub j-enera, snccies of distinct genera miicli leaw closely related, and tretiera relattvl in ditTerent de^ree^. forming'' -ul>-fniiiilies, faniilios. orders. sul>-clai«e«», and NAT! RAL SEl.K(Tr«n' 117 olas8A»s. Die spvtT.iI tere(l roiinil jtoiiil^, and tl)t'>e ruund ottuT jxtiiiLs, and «o nil in almost eiidlesM cycles. ( »n tlu» vi( ;;o explanatinn of this jfreat fact in tlie chi-ssi;ication of ill organic iK'intrB ; hut, to tlie hest of my .iud;rment, it H exjdained throuirh iiihoritarce and the complex ictioii of natural nolection, eiiUtilinjf extinction aneinf:s of the same clans have ■sometimes }>een represented hy a ^reat tree. I helie\e thi:^ wimile lar^'ely speak- tlie truth. I'he ifreen and 'nnidin^ twijrs may renresent existing sjiecies ; and those jircxluced durinp cich former year may represent the iontr succession of extinct epe^'ies. At each peri(Ml of LroHtli all the prowinif twiffv liave tried to hraiicli out on all sides, ami to overtop and kill the surroumlirnr twijr^ and [(ranches, in the ^amp manner as H[>fcies and eroups of species hare tried to f)veriru4.sler other species in the jrnvit hattle for life. Hie limbs divided into trreat branches, ami these into lesser and lesser brnnrhes, «ere themselves once, when tlie tree wa.s small, huddinir twitrs ; and this connection of the former and pre.sent tiiids hy ramifyinjf hranches may well represent the cla^isitication of all extinct and livinj; specie- iu trroups suliordinate to croups. Of the many twijrs which riou- ri^hed when tiie tree was a mere nush, ouly tw(» or three, now g'rown into irreat hranches, yet iiurvi\e and bear all the other hrancli«^-< ; so with the species whicli iive»! ind dropped otf ; and these l(»st hranciies of Narioun sizea may represent those whole order>. families, ami genera which have now no living representatives, ami which are known to us only from having been found iu a fossil state. As we here and there see a thin stratr- t'ling branch sprintrin? from a fork low down in a tree, iin ON TJIK OHI(;iN OF SF»K( IKS and wliich hy «i<>nm chance ha-i lieoii favoured and is ■till alivo on itn summit, ho wf^ occasionally see an animal lilriiith(irliyiichas or I/«'|)idosir»'ri, which in hoiiM' Kniail (Ic^-^rco cnnricctj^ by its affinitit"* two larcfl branches of life, and wliirh has ai>panMitly f»c>cn savtMl from fatal competition hy havint; inhabited a protr\erK the surface witli ibt ever branchinjf and ^)eauti^ui ramification'*. CH APT Ell V UlWg <>K VAUIATIOW Bflf' t» "f extpnikl ,ni, t'w aU'i luu**, combliicl wllh iri'iiril ».l.-. ti..n ; . r^-ans "f ll.-ht aii'I f vuL.ii - Ai(.ltiiMli»»^ tl.ii- ('."rrflnti- n at Kr^wili < •■rTij^nimti'n ami fo..ri"niv <>t ur-iwth- Kalie r.irTfUlt>>ii»--MuUii.l<- ru'liiiitft.tary. hikI I wly ,.rK.iijUr-l »tr; tur-* ^'le- I'ntU .levt I .jmM in an \ii n>.al nia-i'UT nr.- lil«lily varlaMf: Hf-iifl.- ( hitrsit. r» ni.ire vnnuile than Ketitrlc : Kvinliir) boiuhI characteni vanaMf ->i...ii» of thf '.iiif tf'iiin viiry HI an iit,al"»;vu» tiLiiiucr ltovfr=i ii» to I'Mit; I'.st 1 liaract«T« Suiuin iry. I HA\ K hitherto sometitnps spoken 08 if tlio vanatioiig — RO ciimmMU and multiform in ortranic U-iiiirs under .Jomofitiration, and in a looser dei.Tee in tliose in a state (»f nature - had l^'cn due to chainH. Hus, of course, is .1 wholly incorrect expression, fuit it servet* to acknow- ledire plainly our iifiiorance of the cause of each par- ticular variation. Some authors l>elie\ o it to he as much the function of the reproductive syntem to pro:reater fro<|ueucy of monstrosities, under domestication nr cultivation, than under nature, leads me to heliove that deviations of structure are in some way duo to llie nature of the cnnditi(»ns of life, to whi- li the parcntM and their more remote ancestors have been exposed .iuritu: several ;:enerations. 1 have remarked ni 'he rirst ciiapter — i»ut a inni; < .tliiii'iiUt- or rr.rts; -.vrijcn ;.■;;:::;;» he here yiven would !ie necessary to show the truth of tlie remark - tliat the repnHiucuve sv,,teiii is eminently ll:t 120 ON T;n: oiucjin <>f ri:( iks Bu-M-i'iitilih' to cliaiices in tlio comlitioriH of lift- ; and to tlii-« •'y-t»'rii Itoititr functinri.illy (li^tlJrl•<•ll in t}ii» jirirent*, I rliivlly .tltriLiiti' fill" \.iryiiii: nr pl.i-tif arnl fiTii.iIr ricment"! sfiMii to l.(« affpctod ln'f"nn' that lin.iin taki'- plac*- wJiidi is ♦'• f>()intive ny^tcni i» (ii-tiir!if'(i, till" or that part "IhiuM \ary more or If.v, we art' profoiUKily iiriiorant. N('\ prth»•l^'«i^, wo CHii lior«' .iM(i llifn> (liirily raN-h a faint ray ol litrht, ami we may feel Kiirc that there must he some caiiw for each (icviatioii of Ktrnctiin', lioweviT slij/ht Flow nnicfi (lirfct etTf.t diMcrerne of climate, food, etc . jiroducrJ on any heinj^^ is cxtremelv dctnhthjl. My ■niprc— ion is, that the effect is extremely small in tlie I aM' ce e\cr\ ■•( lu-re throinrliout nature. Some little indueinte mav i^o attri- buted to climate, food, etc.: thus, K. ForUis speaks ■•oiitidently that shells at tlieir southern limit, and wlien livinu in sliallow water, are more hrii^litlv coh»ured than ^ species fu helie\es th .ire more 'iritrhliy c<)loure;|;irht ue^rrce -iomo in tiif- charariefs vt auch nperies, accords with our view tha* species of al! ktuds ,»re only well-markci and pernia!!e:it vane'ien. those of the same snecies further north or from ifraner depths, (Jojild helie\es that hirds of tlie same s|K-tie8 Iw^ lE'^cS^ LAWS OF VAIUATION 121 TTiuH the gporic- of nholln wliii h are ((iiitiued to troj>' aud ulialln* hvha :irc tft-iu-rnllv br>Klitrr roloure.l in fhoHO iftiifineil to ^•^>\^\ .iiid liwper hww. The« whii'i are ronfiiutl to coiititM'Tit-< arc, aconliriu' to Mr. irt)u!(l, hriirlitor-<'oloured llian thi>«»» of i>laijrt-sj>ecK'>^ i-<»nfiiira-( oantu, a- i-very »-olU'< tor knows, are otteii hransy or i.riil. I'lantj4 whii-h live ♦•xilimivolv on the sca-'«it '<• liav(< tli'-h? leaves. lie i< tio believes in the i reatinri ot earh ^jMM ie«, will ha\e t<' ^^ay that this sliell, for iiislaine. wa- create«l with l>rii.'ht colours for a warm •«' i , hut that this other shell heeanie liri^'ht-coloured hy variation when it rauKe*' >'>to warnier or shallower waters. N\ heu a variation is of the sliirhtest u*e to a lieititf, we eanrsot tell how mueh of it to attribute to the a«»;u- rmilativp action of natural Mjh'ctiDii, and how much to the conditions of life. 'I'hu", it is well known to fur- riers that animals of the sijine s|)e< ie'^ have thicker and better fur the more severe the climate is under wiiicii tlitu' have lived ; hut who can tell how much of tin* ditferente may he due lo the warmest-clad individual-t havingr been favoured and preserved durintr nany :;e:.erit'ons. and how much to the direct action of the severe climate.' for it won!! app'-ir that clirr.ate lirvs Bome direct action ou the hair of our doiru;.-it:i" qua«iru|)e show how iiidiro<-tl. the conditions of life act Again, innumerable instances are known to every naturalist of sj>ecic8 keepintr true, or not varying at all, althouirh livinjr under the mopt opposite climates. Such considerations as these incline me to lay very little weight on the direct action of the •ondilions of life. iule vrinat c>ii>. ".v.vt'r "-li^'ht. until they IxH-omo plaiiilv (ievcloj f(l iiM I apfiriM'iaMt; \>y 'n*. tlif^'ts fif I'y mid lhx\iiif. — i''rnni 'lie fn.r\^ alliiiicd tn ifj the tirst ciiafifcr. I think thfre can Ik' litt lo lioiih! that use in ntir fionMwtic aniinai-; ^t rpntrtli«iis an-l vw lartres certaiii ii.irt.>J, ami 'lisu-^c dinii'ii^lit's thorn ; ani that suctt mo«lificatiy the ■ 'ects ot i!:«.nse. A-< Prnfes'-or' '.vcis h;!> re'iLirki-d, t.liere in no ert^ater anomaly in Tiature than a hird tliat cannot fly ; yet there are several in tins sta'e. I he loiTL'tT- hendeil duck of South America can only flap alontr ;he BurfVtce ot" the wati-r. anil iias it-; \viii^--< in nearly the same coniiilKii a- the donu'situ: Avle-hury duck. A^. tlie lar^rer irrounii-fetMiuiL' hirds hi-Mcui t;ike r'.i^ht except t<^i es<-af e d:Mi:,'er, I nehevo that the ni'arly winL'le>s condi- tion 'It' Ke\er-ii hirds. hIui h 'ow inliahit or lia%'e late!;, inliai'ited -e\eril oce.anic i-^land-i. tenanted hv no h -a-. ot" pri'\', lias (■een caused hy di-^u.-e. Tlie o-tncli indeeu iuhahits continents and is exposed to da'ii.'-er from which it cannot escape hv fliirbl, hut hv kicking' it can (leiend itself" Horn en«'mies, ax well as any ot" the >tnailer ijuad- rujH'tls We r'ia\- iniaj-uu' that the early protrenitor of ttie ostrii'h luid liabits like tho--e of a hustard, and that as iiatural selectioi; iiicroased in jjuccessive trenera- tions the si/»> and weiyht of its hodv, its le^'s were u»ed more, aiid its wiiej-s less, until t!i«'y liecame incapahle of liiirht. Kirhv has remarked (and I ha' e ohserved the same ^act) that t.'io anter'or tarsi, ot feet, of' many male duTiiT- feeding bt^etles are very ot\eii broken utf; he exarnined sevetiteen specimens m his nwn cidlertion, %;.<: ;;iii .r;f ii ir; eve:; r» rv\.v ;e:;.. ;:; : :;• \ •-.iwir^ fcpelles the Uirsi nre so hahitu-llv lost, that Mie insect h.iS hi en desiuilied e.s fml haviHiC th-'ru. In swme AU'S OF VARIATION 123 othor ?ei.era tlu-y .ire present, tint ".\ a rti 1 )-it early in liff. and thereloro fatinui i»e much ny liiese ins«"t^. In suiiie rases w-e uu^'ht cn'^Ily put dnwn to disuse riin.liiications of structure which are '.vhnily, or mainly, due tn natural M'lei tiou. Mr. \\'olI.i-:ton di-cosered the remarkahle fact that -J'hi's. on. of the .'>M ■species ;!ih;i*-itinir Ma>li'ira. are so far dfficu'iit in wii';L'S that they cannot fly ; and that of the twftity- nine endemic {,'erier.i, no less than twenty-lhr'H- ir'-nera have all their -iperjc- in tliis conditio,! '. Se\eral lacts, namelv, thil heothvs in many f.arts of liie world are fre-juently idonn to sea and perish ; thai the beetles iu Maleini, av oi'-erved hy Mr. W'olliston, lie much coie-ealed, until the wnid lulirt and tlie sun shines; that tlie proportion ot winj,^lesH heet!e«i :s lar-'er on the exposed l>eserta.s than in Maiieira iu^elf ; and eH|KH'ialiv the extraordinary fact, to strontriy insisted on tiy Mr. W ollaston, of the almost entire atisence of certain lari." trroiips of U'-'tles, elscwliere excessively tiiimerous, ;tnd vstuch groups liave hahiUs of lite almoat neeessitatiiitr fre«iuent I'uu'ht; -these several considera- '.ions have made me heln ve that the wuJtrless coiidition of so many .Madeira beetles is manily liue ro tli*' action if !iatural st>iecnon, but combined proba'iiy with dis- ise. t or durinjr tiiou-.mds of sucie.->si\e generations -ach ii:.ii\idual iieetlo which i:ew least, either from ita ha\!n;r iKfen ever so littU- le.sH jM»rfectly de- A-in^ > t'il 'i'^'O » »l i J Kill I ! Hl> ' •- HL If* .'* ty "^ I4» ■ 'tl •'* ...*- "^- * ■'hame ot survivin.: frimi not bfiin; bhwii out to ^ea ; an.i. on the other "ti.ind, those '.K-eUes wh,ch luoui ■li 124 ON IlfK ORK.IN (li SPKCIK^ r».ii-ft'edor8, .trxi vvliirli. a" Hjp fiower-tVcliii:.'- coh'oj.trra a:id Ippi- dotitcr.i, rnust Ji.iliit'ially ii^f !hp;r wiiiif'; to eraiti 'heir fluii-iftenc*', have, as Sir. Wjillasfon •«H-t-. 'lifir wiriiT'' H'lt at all rodurt'd, liut oven onlartred. Hii- :n ijiiit-' t'(ii!i].atil)lp witli tlif action of natural -.ploctinn. For whiM) a now in^.'ct tirKt. arrived on tl.c :-..ini;. the t.jmierii V ot natural "^(dectiou to Piilartrc or !o r«'diii-e th»' wu',:.*--:, uould dcjiciid oil w lift hrr a trrpater mimher of indiid.iah wo-c s.ivt'ii by nuccessfulK hnttlin;.'^ with tlio winds, or by invinir up tho attempt and rartdv or iievtT living;. A-* witli mar;npr« shipwrockfr! near a coast, it would liivp l)eon hcttfr for tin* ^'■ood f.v ;Tiini<-rs if th;'v li.'id hpon ahin to ^".vinl still hirtlit'r, wlitTca- it wo, .Id liavp IxMMi Ix'ttor for the had swirumo.-- :f tlu'V had not been ablo to swim at all and Lad stuck to the wreck. I'he cyef^ of moles and of somo burrowinL' rodents are rudimontary in ni^e, and in some cases cjuite covered up by skin and fur. This state of the eyps in p.-oliahly due to trradual reduction from iisuse, but aided perh.ips by natural selection. In South America, a luirrowiriiT rodeiit, tho tuco-tuco, or ( U'nomvs. is even more subterranean in iti- haliits than the mole ; and I was assured by a Spaniard, who had often c.iuet.t them, that they were freijuently blind ; one wh:< h I Kept ai;\r- was certainly in this t-oiuiition, the cause, as ap|ieared on dissection, liaving: been intiammation of the inctitatintr membrane. As fro.juent intbmmatiou of tlie eye.s he injurious to any animal, and a*, eyes are certainly not indispensable to animal.H with ^l.htermneAn habitjj, a reduction in tlieir size witli the adhei»ion of the eye-lids and trrowth of fur over them, miirht in such ra-se be an advantage ; and if so, natural seJection would con.yp r.-nviiiKs, thouijh the ♦•ye i" tT'Hie ; the stiiid for the te!e><*<)pe is there, tiioiiirh thf t»'le,« Wen h)>Jt. A-: it !■» (liMiiult to ini.-itriTie tint eyes, thoiiirli u^ele^', rould he iii .inv \\;iy iniurioii!* to .'iinmals liv-ncr in darkiies.-s, I .itiribiite their lo.« wholly to livuse. lu o!ie of the Mind anim.ils, li.imeiy, tin- cave-rat. the evos are of immense ^i/.e : and Profes->or >illin>an thoiia^lit that it retrained, after livintr > i^e. so in the case of the cave- rat natiira! st'h-. tioii seems to have 3truci:lod with the loss of iiirht and to liave in- creased the size of the eyes ; wherens witli all the other inhahitants of the caven, disune by itself weeriis to have done it.n work. It is difficult to imairine condition** of life more similar than deep linie-tfine cavern- under a nearly similar climate; so that on the common view of ilu- blind animals havinir l)een separately created for the American and Kurope^n caverns, close similarity in thc'r orji'ani.satioii and aiRnities mitrht ha-.t- tieen ex- pected ; liut, as Schiodte and others have remarked, this is not the case, and the cave-insects of the two continental are not more closely allied than mijrht have hecti anticipated from the i.'-eneral'mhlance of the other inhabitants of North .\merica and K.urope. ( )n trv view we nnist suppose that Anicrican animals, havinjr ordinary powers ot visi(»n, slowly mitfrate.j by fiuc(<'ssive ireneratioiit; from tlie outer world into the deeper and deeper recesses of tlie Kentucky cave-, a." did Kuropean animai.s into the caves of Kuro[.e. We liave some evidence of this irradation of iiabit ; for, a.s Schiodte remarks, 'animals not far remote from ordinary forms, jirepare the transition trorii iitrlit to darkness. Next follow those that an' con.structc(! for twiliirht; and, l.-utt of all, tliosc destines! for total dark- 12f5 ON 11! K ORKJIN OK S1'K( IKS I iiess.' |}\ llif time an liad rcicliod, atler nuMilu-rlessi ir''fH'!nns, tlic dci'j>t'-t ^('<•c^s«•s, clHuse will oil tliis view h.ivti nmro nr ic><* p<»rft'ctly oliiitei- at«'(i it> oves, ami rutural «.»'lfcli(.ii wiil «»fU'n have «'lK''ti'(l otliiT cli.mijt'-, smli a> ai iTicrc.-ise in the l»?u;jlli of tlio aiit.MiriH' or ['.ilpi, a- a <'oii!j»('iiK,-i!ioii for itiitnii'-i-.. Notu ilhst.-iii(iinir surh niomticatiori,-, w»' tmclit cxfK'ct stiil to >-,■(» in -h,. en .'-animals of AriuTica. atrniiti(<>- to lin- otiu-r iiiii,ili.taiit>- of that ci'T,. iiiMl.aiid 111 tiiosfc u; hiHii[ii', lo tht' ii.hainiaiiL>» of tie Kurnj.faii < oiititient. Ana tli.-i i^ the la^i- with NotiM' of tlj«' Aiii. ■■I'Mii cavt'-aiiiiiial ■. a- I I . ,i- from I*rn;c-.^(ir I >ana : ri;;ii Mime oi tlu' I'iun.;,, ,u i .-tNO in-i'i-; .in* v«'rv (1.1-..'!^ allied tf TitoNt liiiiiiuli t.\i^s ot tli«' ( »id and N'i'W W orhN ^lioiild Im (•lo-><'iv ndatt'd. we ii. j!ii «^\]i'i: irorn tl,c wtdl - ktiowii rtdatioiisl.i ji of mi,-,i of ihi'ir otinT |irodurtiitiis. lar tiom fjMdiii:: ara >ur pri-»' thai >omi' ot the - animals -houid ho very anoiiiaioiis, i- Atri-si/, ha^ ri-markfii ;n r«'L'ard to the hlinii ti-li. tin- Aiird V u|'-i-, and a- is the ca-r v\itii ilu- hli' d l''ii:«'ii.- U;!h rcfcrt'.i.i' to the n-ptih'* of l-.iiroiie, I a'li only surpri.-ed that iiioir wrerkv of ancifiit life have not In'en preserved, owiuu: i" Mh- Ic^* -. . i-rc pi'ti'ii.ii to wiiiidi the iiihaiiil;i!;t> ot tia'^t' U iri'. al'odc> will prolialdy ha\ ,- hi't-i! vxpo-ed. A'l-ti'inriX'i'uii,. iiahit i> hi'r»'oi;ary \\ itli [daiits. a? in 'iic peruul o' lioweriu;:, in liir :imoi,nt of rain reijuiviti- lor r><-i-d- to t;t'riinnatt', iii ihf time of -Ict'p. etc., and ihi.s nails me to sa\ a h'v\ word^ on atciima- As it i^ fxtronudv i-ommon tor ^p<•< i«.s ot tlie HAiim i^ontiB til inii.'ilist \imv i iit and ii'r\ told count rio.. and a> ! ludieNC that all the >pecu'«. (»F VARIATION 1-27 l(>nfr-coiitiiiUf(l (ic^coiit. It i^J JHitnriuis tlwit r.icli fjHJcies i-; .'ni.iptt'il Ut tlie i-lirtiate ot ;t< i>wn Ikmim' »pe«'ies (Vi'iii at, .iniir or even Iroiii a t<':nj'<'r;.t<' reiriou I'.aiiiuit euMiirt" -i trojiical clitiiatt', (tr oou\t'r-f!\ . Si> aca;!!, niiiiy siKcuU'iit jii.'int?< caiUKit einiur*' a rliiii.ili!. llui ilu' (it i.'ri't' ol aiiapLiliuii i)t ^jn-cn'-. Im '.lit* ('litiKil>'>i iiinicr « Inch tin*} liv«' i« t |>i.\rit» a!:ii ;iiiirnal.i tiroiitht Iri'iii waiiiuT couutru*? wliuii Iutc f!iii>\ troo'i licailli. \\ »> l.a\f r»M-oii to ItclitMi' Inat ^pi-. u-- \u > ffUiU' of nature an- iiitiilru iij tdrir raMirt'>' tiv the roni- p.'f.tioM of otliiT umaiiic lt«iiiirs (juitc a.- iiuu-h as, n; iiion- than, hy ail.ipJaliori to jiartii' I'li.'iiati's. Iliil \'. ht'tin T or ii'H tilt" achiptalioii In* L'lMitTiilh vi-iy rlosi- . : ;.i ... . . ■ . .,i' . . tln'ir l)ec(iiii'.ii' . Ill tiu' ca.-t o; -'iiu.' lev* phijit.-. -. _. to a ciTtain exti'Jil. hahiti; ate toumi in tlii.s I 'jntij to j>ossf-.>- tlitiiTt'nt roiistitiiiionai poHtT?" of r«'*i>linir cnhl. Mr. Mun ail*.'-, iiito.'-iii- ine 'hat he fias oi»er\(-(l >«iniiiai tart- in ( cvhin. aiut ai.i.o.cpi^ nh^rr \alioi,v h;>\e fn't-n riiailo hv .Mr. 11. ( . W at-on on Liirnjic.iii sjitTu") of jiLaiil-x liroutrht from thi* A/orp- !o Ln^laiul. In rt'i.Mrti lo anunai-. .■.t">'frai niithentii- i-a-'cs ,;ouit't"u'* VMihiii hl^to^ll•al tune"' tiaviiiir larufly cxtendeii itieii rant.'f from wariiit-r to i:t», an'l con\('r*oly ; iuit we -.trii Uy h<1.ij.u«1 to lhc;r native cliiiat*', l)ij; m all irnlmary ca-.'^ \m' a.'^sunie such to !ie tiie ; nor lio we kno« thev ha\e suhseijiHMiliy hetoiiie a<."Ciimali-e. A.>i 1 iielio^e that our tioinestic animal-' were orijin- ail'. cho>-«Mi l>v linen iiiMit man In-tau-e tiiev we.i-e li-efijl and hreti reaiiil) under confinement, anl because itiey «ire ^i.bse.jueutly lourui ca]>ihi. .f ;ar i2H ON TFIK OIUGIV < )K bl'W'ILS extciKlctl trari>;,i»rt.ilin:i, ! think th<' rominou arui extraoriliri.iry ; lnit of beiiiL' }Mrk'ttly tortile (n far -everor t«'st) umlrr thorn, iiiav ^f 'iscil as riii ari,'!iTnf'!if t!i;it a l;i!;,''e pri>- -)orti«)n of «;th»>r anim il>, riuw in a fctatr of ii.ii iro, ' oiild easily l»« tiroUizlit to U-ar si'U'Iy dit^'tTout rlimatos. We Tiin>t not, bo.vrwr, jui-h !}ip Min>- ^niii^r ari^^uiut'iit too tar, on account ot the [iroii;il);i' orii:in (it ■jdiik! e wnnuflrd in our dotju'st'r lirci'ds. I lie rat aiid :iiou-<' laininf Ki> ro!isidert'i! as dniii-'- ■ ic iTiitnal-. (nil thry h.i\<> i)t'i'n tri.n^jMirted by man to .n:t;iy pait- of tin' wurid, ai'd n"W li:\ve a far v^idrr -iii^-e tlian ai y mhrr rodoiit, living fr»'o under flic <"o!d cliniatc of Karoe in the ncr 'ii ani.i ot tin* Kalklaiuls in thf -outh. and o.n many isjanils \u tlio torrid zoni's. llcnr'' I an\ inrLni'ii to look at adaptation to any special ijimato as a ijuality readilv u:r;iftt'd on an innHtc wide ncvr.iiity of (•on^ti- tutioii, whii !' is common to n,o~t inimaU. ( )n tin;! V it'~", thi- .•;i])a('ity of fidurinji the most ditfere!;t tlimatos t>\ man himself and hy his domestic animals, aiieCit-^ are i ov all tr"p:ca' f,r siih-trojiical in their hatiits, ()uy:ht not to he looked at as anonialiiv-, Imt meroiy as examples of a very omnion rlo.Mi»ilitv of constitution, brouirht, under peculiar !irciimstanc«'S, into play. How much ot the acciimai isatioii of Ppecits to any peculi.if vlimate is due to mere liahit, and iiow much t<» tho isatural selection f>f var'et;o- havin.r dj*'crent iiin'-.'e .•(instituli'Mis. and liow much to both main.- cimiltiiitil. i« i 'prv oltscurc i|uestion. I'liat hai>/ or custom ha- some inlluence I nuist believe, both fr un analoiry, ard ironi the inco>-vknt advice trivn m arricuitural work.-. «>ven in tlie ancient Eni-yclop::'iii;is of ( hina, to be very caulioiis in trau^posin^ aniuiais f'-om one d>trict t^"' L.\\V.S OF VARIATION 129 .mother; tor it i.« ;i<»t Iik<'ly that iii.iii slioijld have mir Cffiled in seltM-ting: ho many hr»'ed^ with :i->titutioiis specially titted fo.- tlicir i»wn districts : tlie result rnuiit. I think, be due to iialiit, < »ii tiie otli«'r hand, I can see no reason tmloiiht that natural selntioii w ill contuiualiy tend t<» procrvr tlnc^e individuaU vtliich are horn with constitutions he-t adapted to their natun countries. In treatises on many kinds of ciiltivatfil plants, certain varieties are said to with-t.nit'ites, in wtiirh (frtain varieties are hat-iiiiallv re. om- mendt'd h»r tlie northern, and others tor tiie soutliern States; and as most of these varieties are of recent oriiTin, they cannot owe their coti-titiitionaj iIilFcrences tohahit. I he cp.-j' of the .Icrii-.aleni artichoke, which is nev»!r propa;:alfil hy scoi, .inil (»f which « roportion are destroyed t-y frost, and then colle.t ,i trom tlie few survivors, with care to prevent a<-ci(!enf.i! cro-ses, and then attain t'et seed troin the-e seedlin^rs, with the s.'ime pre.titiition of seedliiu: ki>inev-he;in!^ ever npjicar. for an account has heen puhji^lied how much more tiardy some seedlinirs appeared to ho than others. On the whole, I tlaiik we mav conclude hahit. Use. and (ii^use, iia\e. in some ca>es, played a consider- ahle jiart in the moditication of the constitution, atid ot the structure of variou> or^'ans ; hut the effci-ti oi use and tiisusc have often t.een lartjeiv c«»nihinen tli;it the wliul«' atii>M ix m> tied* totrr'tlxT (lurinjr itsLTowtli ami (l('V('li>|)ii,fiit. that « li«'ii rili^rlit v,-iri.itioii« ill ;iiiv on«' j»irt occur, ami arc accunuilatcil throujrh li.'itiiral .sflt'ctidii. oth'T |iar'» Ix'cotiio rii'Ml'tii'ii. I hi- i<» ;i \('ry iin|i»' i-. that moililicatious accumiihitefl «4(ilcls' for till' trooil of the yomiir or iarva, will, it may Kati'ly he ••oiicliidcd. a:i»'ct the structurt' «)f the adult ; in tlie same niaiiiier as aiiv Mialcoiilnriiiatioii affectin^r tin'! early «'iiiltr\(), f;erii»ii'«lv atfi'cL>* the whole or^/aiiisa- lioM of the aiiiiit. ihe ve\«'ral parts of t tie hody which are lioino!o;rous. ami whicii. ;it an eariy erntiryouie period, are alike, seem liahle t(t vary in an allii'd ni.umer: v.e see thi^ in the r:_ht and h't> -i. antl evt-n in tlie \:k\\^ anil liiiih-. xarvinir tii:_'e'her. i^r the lovver jaw is helieved "o he hnmolotrons with the hmh-.. I'hf-e tendencies. I do not douht, niav he ma'«tered more or less com|'!et(dy hv natural s>de; and nothin:r i- more common tiian the union of )iom«>lo::ous parts in normal structures, as the union of the |M'tals of the corolla into a tuhe. Hard parts -eem to atiect the form of idionnnir soft part- ; it is helieved hy ooiiu' authors that the di\ersity in the shape of the pel\i> in hirds cau~e* the retnarkahle diversity in the shape of their kidne\-. ()thers iiehe\e that the sliape of the pehis iti the human mother it tluem-es hy pres- sure the •'liape of the head of the ciidd. In snakes, accord. nj- to >(hle::el. the shape o: tlu' holy and the maimer of sw.iHowintr dete;-mi:;e t!.e position of >e\eral ot the mo»t imjtortant vix-era. The nature of the lioiid of eorrelation is very trft- quently .]uite ohscure. M. Is. (ieottroy >t. Ililaire hM> LAW.s OF VARIAIION i.-n fnrcihly remarkcil, tliat cert.-im inaIrir.itinri>* wry frequently, and t)iat others rarely rcx'xi-it, without our hoiiitr ahU' to ^'^it.'n aiiv r«»a>i' niorp singular than t,i*';on ht'tw»-«vi iilijc cyc' imi iieNj" in cats, and the tort(ii-;r-.h«^ll .nhiiir with tlu- Irtnalt, ■;«'x : the feathfrt'd fret ankin h«'t.w,.t«ii th«' out»'r t«M«H in piiT^'on-*, and thf |ir»>~«'n(«' ot" more or ii's-; down on tlie \ouiiir hirds whi'ii fir>t hatrht'd, wit)i tlu' futurf rl .ilinorniai in tlielr dciTiial covfrinif. viz. ( t-tacea (whah's) and l-dent.ita arriia- dilloei, scaly ant-caters, etc. ), tliat the-e are likewi>e the nio«t ahiiorinal in their tectl:. 1 know ot" no case hetter ada{)ted to ^hov* tiie iin- port.mce of the l.uvs of correlation in iiiodKyititr nn- port^mt structure-, indepeiideiitlv of" utility ami, t^ier*- f'lre. of n.itural seh-ctiuii, 'h.m that of tlie dirh-niiro hetween the hy no mean-, as l)r. Hooker informs me, in species with the den-est head;, that the inner and outer flowers most freijuenlly differ. It mi^rlit have heen thou^rht that the development of tlie rav-nefals hv draw in;.' nouri-hment from i-ertain other parts of the flower had cau-ed their ahortion ; hut in >i(ime ( omjM»sit;e t u«'i o is a difference in the -eeds of the outer and inner floret- w thoiit any difference in \ '■ i.'{2 ON IHK ()IlH;iN OF S|M.( IKS i t)i»' foroll.i. l*os>iMy, these d ff»'ri'ines niiy he cniiiit'ctc'l witli somo difrpmirp in tho tlmv nf nitri meiit tovririln tlu> cciifiMl .irnl f>\t«>rii.kl d'lwrr'- ■ «») know, at ltM->t, tii.iii 111 irri'L'ular llnncrs, tliu-** iitMr«'-.t to tlio ;ixi-i .irn o(tfrH» ot t)iix, atnl nf :i •itriUiiiir iTise (if nirrrl.itioti, I have recently ob- -I'fNiil m >i iT'irdeii pi-lrir^'iiiiiiiiii-. tliat the cj-iitral llower of the tni-<-< often Nwcs the p.itchex of adherent in'ctiiry )■* ijuite a'nirtcd ; w}ieu tho foh)iir i'^ ah«ent frnT)i <»nly one of tlie two upper pctaN. the ueefary i-i only jtiu<1i shortened. ^^'ith re-p»'ct to tlu- ditleretice in the rnrolla of the central and exterior tlowers of a head or uin''t'l, I ilo not tVi'l at all sure tiiat ( '. ('. Spreimtds idoa tliat the riv ;!orrt^ -ierve to attract in.^cct^. v\ho'«e ai-^ency is liiu'hlv advanta:.'eoij>< in the tertili>at ion of plant-^ of tii>--i> two order'^. is so far-fetched, a- it may at tir^t ipncar : and if it !••• advantatreous, natural stdectioii rnav liav«> curne into pliv. I>ut in retrard to the ditfer- cnces both in the nilernal and t-Mi-rnal structure of the -tM'ds, which art' not al'.Navs cMrrtdated with atiy dirfer- (Mices ill the llnwcrs. it ^.ceni^ iinpo^^ihlc that they can he ill anv "av ad\antaircou-> to the plant: \ct ill the I 'nilifP'tfra' Up'-c di'h'rcnccs are of sm-h appartMit iin- Ti'irf-ince t!ie seels hcinu' in Honie ca«.t>-, acccrdin-r to I'auch. oi'tho-piTinou^ in the exterior tlowers and codo^pernious in t}ie central tlowers,— that the elder 1 )e ( andolle founded liis main division- o! the order on analoiroiis ditierences. I lence we see that modit'ications iif structure, \ie-.'.ed hv svsteniati-ts a- of h'i:li value, mav he wholiv due to unknown laws of correlated irrowtli, And without hcinir. as far ns •. e can se-.', of the -liiziite-t service to the species. NV'e may often fal-elv attribute to correlation of LTowth, structures whicli are coiiunon to wlmle trroups ot sjifi-ies. and vfhich in truth are simply due to in- iierit.aiH'e ; for an ancient proirenitor mav have aei|uired throutrli natur.ll neleotion some one niodit'ication in LAWS OK VARIATION 1(» >»trui'tiiri', ami, attt-r thousaudH (.{ 4f«Mier.itt(iii>., stirne (illirr aiitl iiul»'li»'ii(leiit niodiruaticin ; and thes«> two nit>tli(ii;iti()iis, h.'isiu^ l»eeii triiii'^niitti'd l«i a wlidle irrtnip of ilfMi-miaiits with >iivt>rso lial^.ts, wdiild iialiiriiliy l'«- thoutfiit to (>«' correlated in some iiptessary niainn-r. So, »u;aHi, I <1<» in't doulit that «»<)me ap|>areiit tnrrela- tion«, onurnin; throupli.tiit whole orders, are ent.ire ( andolle ha* reniarke<; lliat \vincey the fact that -eeds could not trradually hemnio wiiit'ed tliioUL'l natural selection, except in fruits which opened ; ►•<• sliat tlie individual pliii's produciriir aeed"* which weii a little better tilted to he'ted further, mijfht e'"' '■*'> advantaije <)\er those producing M't'd less titled lor i!i«per>.'il ; aii '•'■ i" Iruit whuli did not open. 'Hie elder aine |iennd, their law o.' compensation or halatic,"- menl ot t,Mi)wtli ; or, as lM)ethe expre->ed it, ' in or-ler to Kpeiid on one >ide, nature is forced to eoonopiise on the other Si'le." 1 think this holds true to a lertv.m extent with our doii.e«tic pro< ; if nourishment t'ows to one part or oriran in excess, it rarely tlous, at least in excels, to another part ; thus it is difficult t" iret a cow t<« trive much milk and to fatten read!) rhe same varieties of thecahhaire do not yield ahun-iml and nutritious foliage and a cojcous siij)ply of oil-heannt; seeds. When tiie seeds in our fruits hecome atroptned. the fruit it-elf grains larjrely in si/e and quality, iti our poultry, a larj^'e tuft of feathers on the head i^ i^-enerully aciompanied hy a diminished comb, and .\ lartre i;e:i.rd *)y diminished wattles. W ith species in i state of nature it can hardly U^ maintained that the law is of universal application ; hut many ^ood observers, more e-iieciallv h<>t;inists, l)elieve in it.s tru'I, 1 will not, however, here tivc any inst;tnces, for I st)« harili\ any wav of distin^ruishinj; between the effect-, on tlie one hand, of a par! heiiu: lartrely developed throut'h ••* V If I.v4 (»N niK OHM. IV OK M'K( IF> natural m-Iim 'idii ami aiioflicr atni ailiniiiiiii: |.arl Im' n^ ri'ilurcil li\' tins satiM' proi •■-■* m \<\ (lisiis«>, atid. un th« otluT ! i.!!!, fin' a< ti;.il M it)iilra*\.il nt iii'fritmMit (roiii oiu" |>;.rt i)vi;rii,' to tlif excf-.- of' LTowfti in aiint'lKT arni atlioiniii.' part. I ••u'«i'«'•■ nuTL'*"! uikIit a rruut' i;«'ii»'ral [»ririripl«', i:aiin''y, that ii.iturai -cIiTtiitii i-. i ni.tiiniail} tryitii? to »*<'(iniirhi><> in «".t'r\ part ct iln* ora'aMi*,itnin. If under <"lri'"r«'d (oniiif ii.n-, of jiff a >tr ctiri' hcforr useful h«'tiifuf[»nu>tit, v\ii! li»' «('i/.fd dn hv natural ^cUmiioh, for it will profitth*' individual hot to havp it," nutniiient wa^tfii in iHiildimr up an u-t-lc-M structure. I inn thu<» onl\ liiMlfr-tarid a lait with which I was much "truck v» hen ev.iininiti:.' cirripedes, atid of which nianv other in.-tar:ce> eould ite iri"-'''!: namely, that \. hen a < reduced to the merest rudiiueiit att;vcheil to the lia-^i-of the prehensile anteiuue. Ni'vi i]\f s:\\ \:iis of a larre atid com|de\ structure, wiien rrndere« a «lecided ad^a:lta^'•e to e.uh successive individual of the species : fur in the -trutTi:!'' t"r life to wliich every atiiTual i" e.xpo^e-!, each individual I'roteolenas would have a t'citer ciiauce of siipportiiiir itself, hy ie-in:r a structure i.iw he«'iitne ustdess. 1 hus. as 1 helieve, natural selection will always succeed Iti the 'oriir run in retluciii:.' and -avintr every |iart of the ort:aiii.sation , as «' a rul«', i\h r.iri.trk.-d l>v I-. <.»'.'i'r..y ^t lll.iin-. tx.tli ill \arn'ti«"t .iixl m «[m'<-i«-.. thai whi-n .t>i\ |i.iit or '«'iif«l Miaiiy tiiin-s iii tin* striu- luro (.Jtli»« «;«tnf (.-i.- tl..- vcrU'l.r:.- iti -tLi^e-, and thf sLiin«Mi« in (".lyriiKlroii!* fio^iT-) th«' iimiil..T i- ; « ln-rt-.x^ tlie iiiitiil>«'r nt the sanie |i.irt i.r ort;i!'. «l'«'ii 'I <"«tirs in h^-er miriil>«T«., i.' nui-tant. 'Hn- >" rinthnr and ^onu- hnf.ini-t.M h.i\»' turtht-r remamed t)i:it nniltiph- |«ar;.-. arc :i\' \.Ty IiaLu* to variatii.f. in structur*'. Iiia-fnuch a- thi-< ' \ri.'»-t.itive repftition.' t«» i»-«' I'roC.wsnr « )wfn's .•i|.ri->.i<.n, •■••vm- to iii«aNi.'n<>t"l<'\»' torc!."'iiit.' i«f> -irk ^••^•In> cnn.-.l.'d v»ith the very ircnrr.ii n|.nii<'ii <.l n.ktur.ili-ts that l.t'in;rx l<»w in tht- .-VaU' i.t natireare tiH.rt* MiriahU- than thoM- whiili art- nijlu-r. I pie-ume that !..ui.f» m th;H ca-^e moans that tlie se\.T:il part- <.t the or^ have hr.'ii hut littU' -[..•- lah-.'d for Darticiihir tunrtions ; and a> h)iiir a.- th.- -:uii«- [-.rt has •o pert. inn diversified work, we fan perhaj.* -•••' why it -houhl remain variahh-. tiiat 1.-, why natural -eU-.i ..n nliould iiave preserved or reif. t.d each little deviat;..n of form less earefully than w lien tlu' part h:w to serve for one sperial purpose ah-ne. In the same way tliat a knife which has to t-tit all -Tts of thin-s may he of almost anv shape; whiUl a tool tor s.itne par'Huiar ohieot had'hetterl.eof some parti.ular ^hape. Natural ^eleetion, it shoiil.l never he for...tten. .an act on ea<-h part of ea.-h heiiifr, solely throu-h and for its ad-.antatre. Ku.limeiit.irv parts, 'it has heen stated !■> -omo authors, and Thelieve with truth, are apt to he h u'iily variahle. U'e shall have to recur to the t<'"tTal Huhjeit of rudimentary and ai.orie(i or:rins , an.i i v^.ii i.ere onlv add that their variuhility seems to he owintr to the.r ii^ele-siiess, and therefore to natural sele.tiou m 136 ON Til'] ORIGIN OF SPEC'ES h.ivinjf no j.ovror t(» clieck deviations in their Btructuri-. 'i litis rudiriuMit.iry jiarts are left to the free pl.iy of the various laws of trrowth. to the effects oi loiitf-tontiiiued disuse, atnl to the tendency to rever>ii(»n. % ■r; t',ii& A fKirt (it'frld/H'ti in iihy xpecift in an extraoniiniiry di'iiret- or imumer, in iniiif>nri*i>n u-ith the aninc purt itt (illit'il KV" ii'K, tfiidK to hp hiijhly variiihlf. — Several years I was much stnn-k with a remark, nearly to thn ahove erfei t, piililislied hy Mr. W ater)iositioii without pivin;^ the lonir array of facts which 1 have oolle«:ted, and which cannot [(ossihiy lie !iere introduced. I can on with the same part in cl(»selv allied ^J)ecies. I hus, the hat's wiiiff is a most almormal rttructure in the class mammalia ; but the rule would not here apl>ly, l)ec.iu>e there is a whole trroup of !>.'its havintr winirs ; it would ajiply only if some one species of hat had its »iiii:s developed in some reniarkahle manner in comparison with the other spei-ies of the same trenus. The rule applies very stron^rly in the CAse of secondary sexual characters, when e of herm.'phrodite cirripedoa ; and ! may here add, that I particularly attended to Mr. W'aterhouso's remark, whilst invcsti^oatintr this Order, and I am fully cimvinced that the rule almost invari- ably hol(l< yood with cirripedes. 1 nhall, in my future work, erive a list of the more remarkable raseu ; ! will here onlv hrieily irive one, as it illustrate^ the rule in it>4 lartrest appliiation. Ilio opercular valves of Hesflila cirripedes (rock Warnados) are, in every Ben>-e of the word, verv imjn)rtaiit structures, and they differ ex- tremely littie even in ditterent genera ; hut in the several speiies of one ^enus, i'yrs;oma, these valves present a piarvj-llous amount of diversification : tho homolotrous valves in tlie diHerent species l)ein(r some- times whidly unlike in shape ; and theaniount ot var.a- tion in tho individuals of several of the Kpecies \h no preat, tliat it is no exatrireration to state that the varieties differ more from each other in the characters of these important valves than do other species (»f distinct penera. As birds within the same country v.irv in a remark- aMv Pmall decree, 1 have particularly attended to them, and the rule st-cMns to me certainly to hold jrood If! this class. 1 cannot make out that it ap{»lie< to plants, and this would seriously have sliaken my Udief in its truth, had not th»" jfreat variability in plants made it particularly difficult t<> compare their relative decrees of variability. NV'hen we see any part or «)rean devclo{)eecies, and have l»een 130 ON I UK OKKilN OF SFKdKS !'i riiM'iitipd tlirmiirh -ifU-ftidii, I think we i-,in ol»tain Mima li^lil. In our (Inrnc-tic animals, it" any part, or tli«' whole, he rietrlected fliid no splec- tioji Im^ a|tj»lieil, ihar jiart (^tor iii^tam-e, the romi) in tlic Dorkinu fowl) or the whoh- hrenl will rea'^c to liavti a ncirly uniforin character. The hreed uill then he said t(t have dcL'eiierated. In rudirnent.'iry riruans, and in thn-e which have heen hut little specialised for any particular pnrpo^^e. and perliaps in p'tivrnorpl.ic trroups, we see a nearly parallel n-vriLOii case; tor in such c.i.-es natural .•^eiectinn eitlier lias not or cannot roiTie into toll play, and tliiis the orj'ain-atinn is left III a tiiictuatine: condition. Hut what here more especially coiiook at the hreeds ot the piireon ; see what a prodijfious amount of difference there is in the heak ot" the different tunJders, 'u tlie heak and wattle of tlie «lirferent carriers, in the carriatre and tail ot" our fantail", etc., these }>einp the points now mainly attended to hv Kntrli^h fanciers. Kven in the suh-hreeds, a.s in tlie short-ta« ed tumhler, it is notoriously difficult to hreed them nearly to |>erfei tion, atid t"ree truly paid to he a constant striUTiile fr<»in{j oti l)etwfen, on tiie one hand, the tendency to reversion to a less mollified .e»ate, as well a.s an innate tendency to further varialiihty of .ill kiinN, and, on the othe? hand, tlie pow« r of steady selection to keep the breed true. In the lonfif run selection trains the day, and we do not expect to fail so far iis to hreeil a hird as coarse aa a eoinmon tumlder frotr a jrood .«hort-faced strain. But a^ louir as selection is rapidly ^omg on, there may always Ke expected to he much variahility in the ."truc- torc !i!:der=r"irii; Jn'>'li!icatioT!. !t f-irther derervea notice that these variable charae((>ioe attached, from causes quite unknown to us, more to one sex than to LAWS OK VARIATION 139 the other, freiienilly to tlie male wex, as with tiie wattle of carriers ai:\'h<'n a pstrt has l>opn ilfveh)ped in an extraordinary manner m any one rtjioiios, compared wiili the other species of tlie -vune ^enus, we inav concl;;ile that this part has undergone an e.xtraordinarv amount ot nioditication since the [leriod when the species hranchod utf from the cninmon pro{r«'iiitor of tJie t:«'nus 'l"his period will sehiom he reiiKite in any extreme tletrree, as species very rarely endure for mure than one ir« <>lo^'ical period. Aa extra- ordinary amount of modification implies an unusually lart:e and loinj-continued jimount of variah.lity, which has continually heen accumulated hv natural selection for the henetit of the specie>. Hut is the variahility of the at one of tlie blue ^[lecies \aryniir nito red, or conversely ; but it all the species had blue thtwer^, the cidour would iK'come a t'^'xric diaracter, md its variation would be a more unusual cinurnstance. I ha\e chooen this example t>ecause an explanation is not in this case applicable, which most naturalists would ad\ance, namely, that wpecitic characler- are more sariaido than generic, because they are tiketi from p.irt> of less physiolotrical imporUmce than those innimoiily used for dassintr i:enera. I believe th - explanation is partly, yet only indirectly, true; J «lia!l, however, have to return to this subjeit in our chapter on ( lassitication. It wouhl be almost 8U|)er- fhioiis to a4lduce evidence in pujtport of the alfove Ktatenu'iit, that specific characters are more variable lliaii fr,.|i«'ric ; biit I have repeatedly noticed in works on natural hh^tory, thai when an author has remarked with sur()rise that soine xnijxtrunit or;;an or J'art, whicii is treuerally very constant throutrhout lar^re ifrrL''i!> !!orn!-:'J!\' ditfers in tlio dirterent sppiie-s of the same jfroup, the more subject it is to individual aiioina.ies. I *n the ordinary view of each species having l»eeu '^^i LAWS OF VARIATION 141 inflepeudeiiUy cn'.itfil, why ^}ll)ulli tliat part of the ■tnictiire, which rliffers from the same part iu otlior iiideperuitMitly-rnvited speries of the same tr»Mi'i'<, he niort' varialilo than tli(t-« parts whiih are ( loselv .iIiK«? in t)ie >ev(«ral speci»'«*.' i do ii«>t ^«*«> that any explana- tion can ho tri\»'". Hut on the view of spcries beiiij^ only «troiitrly marked and fixed varieties, we mi^ht surely e\{»e(t ti» find them still otteri conliniiinjf to varv in tli()>e jiarts of their Ntruetiire wjiirli have varied within a moderately recent period, and which have thus come to differ. < >r to state the case in ano'lier manner : — the poinb* in which all the species nf a tfenws resemhle each other, and in which tliev d'tfer from the species of 8«»me oilier serins, are called ireneric cliaracters ; and tlie>-e cl ; acte^^ in common i attri- hute to inheritance trom a common [•ro^'-enitor, for it catj rarely liave hap[)e;ied that natural selection will have modified several species, fitted to more or less widely-different liah.ts, in exactly tiie same matincr : and as tlie-e socailed ireneric characters have lieen inlierited from a remote period, since that periixl w fien tiie species first hram-hed oif from their «'(minion pr<.- trcnitor, and suhse tiot prolialile that they should vary at the pre.-ent day. ( )n the other liaiid, the points in which -pciies diif.-r from otlier species of tlie same ffeniis, are calleil specific characters ; and as tlie-e •.j)ecihc <'iiaracters have varied and I'ome to difier within the period <.f the hranchiinr off of tlie species from a common proireintor, it is j>rnhal>le that they should of the oriranisation whicli have tor a verv loiir period reriiaii'<'d cotist.'int. In connection with the p.'-e-eiit ^uhject, I will make only two other remarks. I think it will he admitted, without my enterintf on details, that secoTidary »ie\iiai characters are very vanatde ; l think it aKo will Ikj adinitted that sj>ecies of the same group differ from each other more widely in their «econdarv 142 ON THE ORlCilN OF SPKCIKS »»prH, than in oilier j»;irts of llieir ortr.ini-ation ; (•(»inj>rirf, for instime, tlM> amount of ilitfcreiice l»et\veeM tlie iiialt's of (fallinacfouH hinls, in whifh sproiKlary sfxiial charat ters* are stroiiL'^ly disjdayed, with tlif amount of e n»ay i)e of the variabilitv of secondary sexual characters, as thev are hij:hly variable, -sexual selection will have h:.d a wide scope for .action, Riid may thus readily liave sucii-eded in trivinir to the 8{H.'cies of the same t:n(Up a _'^reater amount of dilference in their sexual < liar.Ktei^. tiian in other parts of their structure. !l is a remarkable fa<-t, that the secondary sexual differences between the two sexes of the same species are t:eiierally diortance, Iwcau-e common to lari;e ^:roups ; but in certain genera the ncii ration ditiers in the ditferent S|)ecies, and likewise in tlie two sexes of the s;ime sp«'cies. ibis relatKUi lias a cb'.ir me.mins' <»n my view of the .subject : 1 look at all the speciCvS of the s;ime jjenus as having as certiiinly LA\\> OK VARIATION 143 dforeiided from the same progenitor, as liave tlip tuo twxes of any one of the Pi»«'riex. ( onsequently, wliat- ever jiart of the stnicturf of tho cijaimori pr<>i:eiiitor , or of its oarly ii. in onler to tit tlie several -peoe^i to t'leir several plarcs in the eroiu)my of nature, ami like« :-e to tit the two sexe>o>^e*»ion of the females. Finally, then, I eomlinie tliat tiie irreater variahility of speiifie eliararters, or tlio>e whirh e wliich the species i»o-vc--. in common ; -that the freijiient ex- treme variahility of any part which is (ioveloped in a BnempariiiL'ht deirre*' of variahility in a part, however extraordinarily it may be developed, if it l»e oomnion to a whole trroiip of «})eeies ; —that the ;rr»'at variahility of ^econdarv sexual characters, and the trreat amonnt of difference in these same characters hetween closelv -allied sjM'cies ; that secondary sexual and ordinary specific differences are jfeneraily displayed in tiie same parts of tlie ortranisa- tion,--are all principles chxely connected to^rether. All Iteintj mainly due to the species of the same jrroiip having deseemied from a common progenitor, from whom tliey have inherited much in common, to parb* vrliich have recently and lirir*'Iy varied hfin;,' n\ore likely still to go on varyin;i: than parts which have lonL'' heeii inticrited and iia\e not varied, to natural sele«'tion liavin.-- more or less comp!et»dv, accordin^f to the lapse ot time, overmastered the tendency to reversion and to further variahility,- to sexual selec- tion hein;r 1»'"^"* ritnd than ordinary seen ttiUH aiiajttcd for secondary wxual, and lor ordin.iry specific purjM)ses. 114 ON THK ORIGIN OF SPECIF:s IHxIiurt Mpirif.i prrxtntt atiii/nijon* inrinfion* ; and a inriet^ of one xfifiii-s offfii a^ttniTwn noine of' thf rhararterx ,tf an nliied npfcwx, or rrvprtt to noruf of thf rlturactem vj an enrltf jiroijeuitur. I'liese propositioiin will be most nvidilv liridtTstoiMl hv !<»(»kiiiir tn our domestic races. The tiirt«t distinct breeds of pijfeiMH, in countries most witlely apart, jiresentsul^-varieties with reversed feathers oil the head and featliers on the feet, iliaracters not j)os>ies>t'd hy the ahorii:iniil roek-|»itreon ; tliese then are anilo:;ous variations in two or more distinct races. I lie fri'c|uent presence of foiir»»'en or even sixteen tail- featlier-. in the jH)uter, may he oiisidered as a variation representing the normal structure of another race, the faiiUil. I presume that no one will doubt all su constitution any siruilar unknown intUicnces. In the vetje- tihie kinirdom we liave a case of analo^fous variation, in the eiilartred stems, or roots as commonly called, of till' Swedish turnip and lluta hatra, {)lants whidi several hotani-ts rank Jis varieties produced hy cultivatiiui from a ctuiunon parent : it this he not so. the case will then he one of anri'.'ijxnus variation in two so-caUed distinct KjM'cies; and to these a third may he added, namely, tiie common turnip. ,-\ccordi:iir to the ordinary view of each species ha\ins; been independently created, we Hhould have to attribute this similarity in the enlarged Btems of the.ioiial appearance in all the breeii*. of slaty- blue birds with two black bars on the wiuL'-s. a white riimj.. a bar at tlie end of the tail, with the outer feathers externally ed:;ed near their bases with white. A- ail liiese marks are characteristic ol liie parent rock- piireun, 1 presume that no one will doubt that this is a raM* of reversion, ar.d not of a new yet analojrous LAWS OK VARIATION 14A I v;iri,ifi(tii apiMviring' in the several hret-ds. We rnav. I flunk, cniiti'loiitly come to this coiirhision, l)eiMiii)«e, a^ we li.ive s«'i'ii, these coloured marks are eiiiinriitiv ii.'ilile to apjiear in the crosserl otf>prinir of two dihtinct :iMd diiTereiitly coloured hreeds ; and in this ca^Nf there !■* Mothintf ill the external ctJiidifions of lite to raijue the reapjiraraiice of the slaty-ldue. with the several marks. Iieyond the influence «»f the mere act of crotif'in^ on the law- of inheritance. .N'o douht it i- a very sur|>risinir fart tiiat charattern should reajipear atler haviinr heen lod. In a hreed whicii has not lieeii crosseil, hut in which hoth jvirentu have lost s» ; and 1 can see no more ahstract improba- i. :^ m 11 ^ • 146 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES ! V bilitj in • tendency to prodiue any chara»"t«r l)Oiiin inherited for an endlesH niimUer of generations, tli.nii iu quite iJhj'IcHH or rudimentary ortfans beint;, a« we all kn often a{)pears, that this plant must have an inherited teiideiir)' to produte it. As all the species ot the same t'enus are suppo^fd, on my llieory, to have descended from a common narent, it tiiicht i>e expected that they would O' isionally vary in an analo^fous maimer ; so that a variety of one -pecies would resemble iu Home of its characters another species ; this other sjieciea heintf on my view only a well-marked and permanent variety. Hut characters thus jraiiied wouhi prol»a!)ly 1»« of an unimportant ti.iture, for the presence of all important characters will he >/-overiifd by selection, in accordance with tlie diver«» habits of the species, ami will not be left to the mutual action of the conditions of life and of a -iuiilar inherited constitution. It mitrht further he expected that the species of the s;ime pen us would occasionally exhibit reversions to lost ancestral char- ai'ters. As, however, we never know the exact char- acter of the common ancestor of a irrrxip. we could not distiiurui^-h these two cases : if, for insUuice, we did not know that the rock-pigeon was not feather-footed or turn-crowne«l, we could not have told, whether these characters in our domestic breeds were reversions or only analogous variations ; but we mig-ht have inferred that the blueness was a case of reversion, from the number of the markings, which are correlated with the blue tint, and which it does not appear probable would all appear totjether from simple variation. More asiM'ciallv we mitrht have inferred this, from the blue colon rand marks so often anpearinL'' when distinct breeds of diverse colours are crossed. Hence, thoutrh under nature it must generally l>e lefl doubtful, what case^ are reversions to an anciently existinc character, and ^^Ai^m^ti^mm^ LAW^ OF VARIATION 147 what are new but anaIo(roui« variations, y^t w* ou^ht, on my tlipory, nometinioii to find the varvin^ offsprin^f nf a sppciwi aMumintf charact«»rM (either from reveraiun or fr(»m analoirniiH variation) wliirh alTar mpmiier« of the saiiie f^rnup. And thi« un- doubtedly is the cane in natunv A ciinxideralile part of the diffiouity in reroirnixitiif a varii'il»» p[»t»nps in our »yKtomatic w«irks, is due to it« varieties mockitnf, as it were, some jf the oth«'r spe<-i»'», of the fcimo t:iiiiis. A ronsiderable catalo^^ue, also, rould he civeii of fnrniH intermediate between two Mther forms, whirli themselves must he doubtfully ranked an either varieties or species ; an«l this shown, unless all these forms he considered as independently created "jierit's, that the one in var; injf h.-w assumed pome of the chararters of the other, ko as to produce the intcr- nii'diate form. Hut the best evidence is afforded by parts or nrrraiis of an important and uniform nature • '(•capionally v;iryin»f so as to acijuire, in some de^free, the charartor of the same j>art or or^ti in an allied le i>a a loi species. 1 have collected a lonjf list of such ca.nes ; but ho-e, as before, I lie under a jfreat disadvanta^re in not being able t<> >five them. I can only repeat that such cases certainly do occur, and seem to me -"ry remark- able. I will, however, give one curious and complex ciise, not indeed as atfectiu^ any important character, but troin m-curriiitr in several species of the same *renus, partly under domestication and partly under nature. It is a case apparently of reversion. The not rarely has very di>tin(t transverse l»ar« on its letrs, like those on tlie le::s of the zebra : it has \teen asserted that these are plainest in the foal, and from inquiries which I have made, I believe tliis to be true. It has also been asserted tliat the .striin; on each shoulder is some- times double. 'Ilie *houlder-stri{)e is certainly very variable in length and outline A white ass. but no! an albirio, liiis he^Mi descril>ed without either spinal or shoulder stripe : and these stripes are sometimea very oUcurc. or artually quite lost, in dark-coloured ajwes. Mi i4H ON llIK (UIKJIN OK M'KdKS Die knijl.'iii of I'.-illnx is h.i d to have fx'iTi srcii * itli a tl(iiili|i« sliiiul(lfr-stri|>«v i lie liernionus hrm no .olinclder- fc ri|„. ; \}tii tracj'M (if it, an Mtatrd hy Mr. Ulytli and otlif'r><, fx'fi-ionally aii[>»'ir : and 1 liavo Ween itifnrmed >>v ( 'iloncl INxile lliat tli»» f(»a!> of tliiH >!|KM'ies spiMMnen witli \»Ty disiinct •■• i'r.i-lik« Sars un the lio«-ks. U'ith r«'sj»oct to fhi< hor^e, I liave rollofti'd raves in Kiii^la-id of the spinal >trijn' in hursfs of the iim-t di.« Uiirl hre«'ds, ami i»f <;// colours ; transv;-rv« | j,^ ,,„ ^1^. !••!> are not ran" in diinn, nioiise-diins, and m one ii>ian(e in a c'h«*stniit: a faint shoidder-sitripf may «oini-uni« "eeii n trai e in a i>av horse. My ?on ni.ide a careful exainin ition and keti h lor nie of a dun li<'U;ian «'art-liorse w illi a doutile f>tri|>«' oil eacli shoulder and with le^'-strij-e.s ;and a man. ■>Th(iir, 1 f.-Hi implicitly tru>it, has ex.iiiiitied for me a small dun Welch pony with tltr^-e short parallel ^tiipea on eaih >lioiilder. in the north-we^t part of Imlia the isattywar hieed of h(tr»es is so L'ciKT.tilv striped, that, as 1 hear fro:n ' oionel I'oole, who examined tlie orewl for (he iudiau liove^-ninent, a horse witliont '^tripes i.s not con'^idereti as piirel\-l)red. 1 He ■'pine is .ihvays stripeil ; tli«" lej-'^are treiierally harred ; and the shouider-r-tnpe, whicli in sometimes doiihle and soinotimes trelde, is coinmoii ; the s(ie of tlie face, moreover, is sometimes striped. 1 he stripes are piaine.^t in llie foal; and sometinie" '|uite d'-appear in »»ld Imr-es. Colonel I'oole li;w seen hoth I'r.iv and hay Kattywar hor^-es stripeii when tirst foaled. I ha\e, also, reason to Mispeit, from in'ornia- tion iriven me hv -Mr. W . \\ . KdwanN. that with the KiiL'li-h race-hor-e the spinal stripe i« much commoner in the foal than m the tull-irrown animal. Without here enteriiitT on further details, 1 may stvte that 1 have collectetl of ley^ and shoulder stripes in horses of very diticuut hreeds, in various couutrie<< Irou. hritain LAWS OF VAKIAri(>N 14 to ^^^st<•rIl ( liitia; and frum Norway in tlic nurtlt tnthf Malay Ar«hijK'la;.'(» in tli« wmtli. In all jwirfM of tht* worlil tho»<»* HlriiH's omir far oft.'iu'st in duiiH ami rn(»iis«?- ; l»v lli«» terni dun a lart'e raiik'« «»f tolour is in 'liulfd, from one l'Pt\vi'fii hniwu and Miuk to ,t clo-r H|ii>ro;itli tu tTPam > oiour. 1 am a.Nart' that ( olonel Hamilton >nntli. wlio lia- V ntten on tlii> »ijlii«'<'t, l, cidis, the lanky Kittywar rare, etc, m haliitin/ the most di«tant parts of the world. Now let MX turn to the ei!'eetf! of cro^^intr lh<» sever.;! spet :e8 i>( the hor>e-»reiMiH. KoUin as.*erts. that 'lie coiiimon niule frotu the atua and hor!>e in particularlN njit to ha>e hars oji its lej;x : arrordintr to Mr. nt liave heen the product of a zebra ; ane\«ellcnt treati-e on the hor^e. ha- iriven a tiirure of ji similar nuile. in four coloured etween tin- ft-"" and ^eiira, the leirs were much more plainl}' hanei than the rest of the Inxly ; and in one of tio'm there w:'s adouhle shoulder-stripe In l^ord .Morton s famou- hyhrid from a chestnut mare and male ijuairiri, t!ie liyiirid, and even the pure off^pritiir -uhseijuently pro- duct'il from the mare hv a black Arabian sire, were much more [dainly barred across the le:r« than is v\cu the juire ijuai.'L'^a. i^astlv, and this is another mo>>; remarkable case, a hybrid lia.s been fijfured by I>r. (iray 'and he int'orms me that lie knows of a -econd case) ii"in the ass and liie heniionus ; and this hyttrid, tlioutfh the ass seldom has stri{)es on hi.s letf? and tlie hemiontis has none ainl hat* not even a ••houlder-strip*', 160 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES I n nevertheleiis had all four le^ barred, and had three short shoulder-stripes, like those on the dun Welch pony, and even had Mome zebra-like stripes on the sides of its face. \Vith respect to this last fact, I was so con- vinced that not even a stripe of colour appears from what would commonly be called an accident, that I was b d solely from the occurrence of the face-stripes on tills hybrid from the ass and hemionus to ask Colonel Toole wliether such face-stripes ever occur in the eminently striped Kattywar breed of horses, and was, as we have seen, answered in the affirmative. NVhat now are we to say to these several facts ? We see several very distinct species of the horse -genus becoming, by simple variation, striped on the le^ like a zebra, or striped on the shoulders like an ass. In the horse we see this tendency strong whenever a dun tint appears —a tint which approaches to that of the i^eiieral colouring of the other species of the genus. The appearance of the stripes is not accompanied by any change of form or by any other new character. We »ee this tendency to become striped most strongly dis- played in hybrids from between several of the most distinct species. Now observe the case of the several breeds of pigeons : they are descended from a pigeon (including two or three 8«b-species or geographical races) of a bluish colour, with certain bars and other marks ; and when any breed assumes by simple varia- tion a bluish tint, these bars and other marks in- variably reappear ; but without any other change of form or character. When the oldest and truest breeds of various «'olours are crossed, we see a strong tendency lor the blue tint and bars and marks to reappear in the mongrels. 1 have stated that the most probaltle hypo- thesis to account for the reappearance of very ancient rhanicters, is — that there is a tendency in the young of each succe."vsive sreneration to protluce the long-lost char- acter, and that this tendency, from unknown causes, sonietinieB prevails. And we nave iu . seen that in several species of the horse-genus the stripes are either plainer or appear more commonly in the young than in LAWS OF VARIATION 151 the old. (all the breeds of pigeons, some of which have bred true for centuries, speries ; and how exactly |»arallel is the case with that of the species of the hor»^ (fenns ! For myself, I venture confidently to look back thoumnds on thousands of g-enerhtions, and I nee an animal striped like a zebra, but perhaps otherwise very differei.tly constructed, the common parent of our domestic horse, whether or not it l>e des«-eiideed like other species of the ^enus ; and that each has been create*] with a strong tendency , when crossed with s|)ecies inhabiting distant quarters of the world, to produce hybrids resembling in their strip not their own partuts, but other s{)ecies of the ^tiius. 'I'o admit this view is, as it seems to me, to reject a real 'or an unreal, or at least for an unknown, cause. It makes the works of (iod a mere mockery and deception; 1 would almt'mt as soon believe with the old and iirnurant cosmogonists, that fossil shells had never live*!, but had bton created in stone so as to mock the shells now living on the sea-shore. :ear to have acted in pro- ituiiiig the lesser differences between varieties of the same spe*'ies,aiid the greater differences (>etween s|>ecie8 of the same uenus. 'ilie external conditions of life, as ; ;::i:ate arid lOOu, cti":. , ^^C•:K tO have Uiu::i"-rti SOHir slijjht nio;h- meiit from the adjoininir partH ; and every part of the Btnicture which can he siived without detriment to tlie individual, will Ik? saved. ( lian>:es of .structure at an early a^e will jr^^'ierally affect parts suhsecjufntly de- veloped ; and lin^re are very many other correlations of jrrowth, the nature of which ue are utterly unahle to understand. .Multiple jKirts are variahle in nutjiherand in struct ur5', perhaps arisin^f from such parts not h.ivinj; been closely spee which have their w hole ortran- isaticMi more specialised, and are higher in the scale. Kudimentary or/;ans, from l»ein>f useless, will l>e disre- gard.•le than generic chara<;ier«, or those which have lonjf been inherited, and have not differed within this same period. In these remarks we have referred to special parts or orjfans l»ein>f still variable, l»e<-ause they have recently varied and thus come to differ; but we have al>o seen in the second Chapter that the same principle applies to the wliole individual ; for in a ilistrict where many species of atiy creinis are found— that is, wlu-re there ban been much former variation and differentiation, or where the manufactory of new specific forms hjis been actively at work — there, on an aversitf-e. we now find most varieties or incipient able, and tiuch characters difler much in the sj>eciefl of the tame group. Variability in the same p.'irt« of LAWS OK VARIATION lft3 the orjrniii nation has (reiiprally heoii takeu ailvautiffc of in piviinf se«<'iHc diriert^iues to th«» Keveral species of tlie •^nie »feiius. Any {>art or orjfaii 'ievelopea to an extraordinary size or in an ♦■xtra- ordinary maniior, in comparison with tlie sriiiu» part or orjfan in the alliees not im vet liave had time to overcom*^ tiie teiidem-y to further variahility and to reversion to a Icsh modified state, ftut when a species with any extraordinarily-arent of many moditicd descendants -wliii'h ou my view must l»e a very slow proci.?^^, ret|uirinff a lon^r lapse of time — in this case, natural selection may reaeneficial to the individual, that g^ives rise to all the more important mo(lification.s of structure, by which the innumerable l>einir3 on the face of this earth are enabled to htruj^^le with each other, and the best adapted to survive. CHAPTER VI DIIKIOriTIES OS THBOK7 Dlfflcultlei on the theory of descent with mfxllflcatlon— Tr«n»ltlon»— AtiSfiice or rarity of tranaltional varieties— Traniitlnrii In hahlt« of life— IXvereifltd hat)lt« in the same species— Species with Ji«liit« widely different from Uiuse of their allies- oritans of eitreme perfection— Means of transition — Cases of dlfWculty — Matura non faeit iolturn—nrfHnt of »matl Importance— orfrans not in all cases al)Solutely i>6rfect— Ihe law of I nity of Type and of the Conditions of Existence embraced by the theory of Natural Selection. Ijono l>ef()re haviiifi: arrived at thiw part of my work, a crowd of difficulties will jiave occurred to the reader. Some of them are so g'rave that to this day I can never reflect on them without l)eins: sta^jrered ; but, to the best of myjudffment, the greater nunil>er are only apparent, and tiiose that are real are not, 1 think, fatal to my theory. 'l"hese difficultipH and objections may be classed under the followiiiar heads .- Firstly, why, if species have descefjded from other species by insensibly fine trrada- tons, do we not everywhere see innumerable transitional forms? \Vhy is not all nature in confusion instead of the species beintr, as we see them, well defined r Secondly, is it possible that an animal having, for instance, the structure and habits of a bat, could have been formed by the modifici»tion of some afiinial with whoUv different habits? (an we believe that natural mAvi CO!! Id pro-i'scc, »i. er\t%(h *i>in/4 rkriTQTia tki trifliii:; importance, such as the tail of a jjiratTe, which stirves as a fiv-flapper, and, on the other hand, ori;;»n« of 154 DIFFICULTIES ON THEORY 155 iuch wonderful rtructtire, as the eye, of which we hardly an yet fully understand the iuimitahle f)erfeaired .' Hie two first hear diall be here discusseil — Instinct and Hybridism in separate chapters. (>ti tfw abunu-f. or rarity of transit ionnl i^irit-tie*. — As natural selection acts solely by the preservation of profitable modifii-ations. each new form will tend in a f"ully-stockeeen exterminated by the very process of forma- tion and perfection of the new form. But, as by this theory innumerable transitional forms must have existetl, why do we not find them embedded in countless numbers in the crust of the earth } It will be much more convenient to discuss this *|uestion in the chapter on the Imperfection of ths ^eolo^^ical record ; and 1 will here only state that I believe the answer mainly Les in the recoreinf? incomparably less perfect than is (fenerallv supposed ; the imperfection of the record being cliiedy due to ortranic beinjrs not iuhaliitinif profound depths of the sea, and to their remains l»einif ♦'mtiedded and preserved to a future a^e only in masses u: i!«niTncut Humriuiiiiy liiJCR anu citriir.ive uj rfiLBz-^-.-.-i an enormous amount of future de^n^^tio" '•> *'>^iie(i oa tlie shallow hed of tlif; ht»5i, wlii!-'. it slowly 6ubsi(l«-s. '^lle^e coutinffi'ticicx will ••niuur only rarely, aini alter »'n<»rin()usly lotifj iiitt-rvah. \\ liilst tho lied of the sea is sUitioiiary or is risiiiif, or when very little sediment is heiiiL' dejin^jted, there will he hiaiiks Ml our f;eame territory we Hurelv ouf^ht to find at tho jire-ent time many transitional forms. I>'t us take a simple case : in travelling from north to Mjii'li over a coiitinent, wo generally meet at siicc('<- Hive intervals with closely allied or representative «|M'cie,-., e\ideiitly fillinif nearly the same place iu the natural econi»my oi the land. 'I'hese representative Hpecio often meet and interlock ; and as the one becomes r.irer and rarer, the other hecome> more and more treijuent, till the one replaces the other. Hut if we compare tliese species where they interminjjle, thev are generally a.'- absolutely distinct from each other in ev«-ry o allud species have descended from a common parent; aiMi -iuriu:,' the process of modification, each na.s \>e- cotne adapted to the conditions of life of its own reirion, and has supplanted and exterminated its oritrmal parent and all the transitional varieties be- tween its p;ist and present states. Hence we ouKiit not to expect at the present time to meet with numerouti transitional varieties in each retrion, thoufrli they iiiuHt have existed there, and may be embedded tliero in a fossil condition. Hut m the intermediate retrion, having intermediate conditions of life, why do we not now find closely-linking intermediate varieties.' This difficulty for a loiitr time quite confounded me. liul 1 liiiiik it can be in iarg'e j)art eJiplaiiieu. in the nrst place wo should l)e ext.cmely cautious iu infernnjr, because an area is now cdntiuuous, that '■Mr. DIKFICTLTIES ON TIIKORY 16; It ha-i >><-tMi cfintiiiuoim durintr a \oue i»erio«l. (i«M>l<»tfj woiiM h'.id MS to believe that almost every r<»iitiiieiit li;i- Keen broken up into islaiuls even duriiiif the laf«T tertiary |>er,ted within refl over lhi> way of eseaj>ini; from the •litlieiilty ; tor I believe that many perfectly defined -pecies have been formed on strictly continuous areas ; lliuiitrh 1 .io net e- tween two representxitive species is jjenerally narrow in comparison with the territory proper to each. N\'e see the same fact in ascemlinp mountains, and sometimes It is ijiiite remarkable how abruptly, as Alph. De ( aridi>lle has observed, a common alpine species dis- appears. 1 he same tact has l)een noticed by K. Forbes in soiindintf the dejtths of he sea with tlie dredge. To those who look at climate and the physical condi- tions of life as tlie all-important elements of distribu- tion, these fact- ouirht to cause surprise, as climate and lieiL'lit or dep'li trraduate away insensibly. liut when we bear in mind that almost every 9pe<'ies, even in its metropolis, would increase immensely m numbers, were it not for other competiii|f s[)ecies ; that nearly all either prev on or serve as prey for other«; in short, thai ea»-h ortranic beliiir is eitlier directly or indirectly relate*! in tlie most im|Mirtant niantier to other ortranic •ein^rs. we rtius t st>e that the ranue of the inhabiiaut» 168 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES of any rountry by no means exclusively depends on iriseiHibly ch.iti{rin>f physical conditions, but in larjje I>art on the presfnre of other KiH»ci«»s, on which it depends, or by which it is destroyed, or with which it comes into competition ; and as these species are already define*! objects (however they may have b«'come so), not b!endin*f one into another by insensiJtle ^rada- tiojiH, the rarnre of any one specie^, dependinif as it does on the ranire of others, will tend to be sharply defined. Moreover, each sj)ecie« on the confines of it« ranjfe, where it exists in les>ened numlK?rs, will, durinjf ductuations in the numlier of its enemies or of itii prev, or in the seasons, be extremely liable to utter exter- mination ; and thus its jfooirra'phical ran^e will come to l»e still more sharply defined. If I am ri^ht in belicviritf tiiat allieetween two other forms occur, they are miidi rarer numerically than the forms which they connect Now, if we may trust these facts and infer- enres, and tlierefore conclude that varieties linking two other varieties toj^ether have jfenerallv existed in lesser numbers tlian the forma which they connect, DIFFICULTIES ON THEORY 169 then, I think, we can understand why intermediate varietiea nhould not endure for very long period*;— why as a jjeneral rule they hIiouIU '»« exterminated and disappear, Hooner than the forms which they oriKinally linked together. For any form existing in lp>i--»'e converred and perfected! into two distinct species, the two which exist in larger numhers from inhabiting larger areas, will have a great aettor chance, within any given period, of presenting further favourable variations for natural sele«-tion to seize on, than will the rarer forms which exist iu lesser numbers. Hence, the more common forms, iu the race fo" life, will tend to U«at and supplant the less common forms, for these will l>e more slowly modified aii'l improved. It is the same principle wljich, as I Ix'lieve, accounts for the common species in ea«-b country, as shown in tlie second chapter, presenting on an average a ifreater number of well - marked varieties than do the rarer species. I may illustrate what 1 n>ean by supposing three varieties of slieep to to be kept, one adapted to an oxteii>ive mountainous region ; a s<'cond to a cnmparatively narrow, hilly tract ; and a third to ^vide plains at tho K-.use ; and that the inhabitants are all trying with eqtial steadiness and skill to improve their stocks by selection ; the chances in this will \h\ strongly in favour of the Kjeat holders on the mountains or on tiie plains improving their breeds more < uickly than the small holders on the intermediate narrow, hilly tract; and con»o,i) ON THK OKKIIN OF SI'KCIK.s tlif ittipnnp«l TTioiiritiiii or jil.iin hr«f(l will soon fakt; till* place of tlio It'ss iiiiproM'd Mil Wrfpd ; and thus* the two hroe,: mediate links : firstly, hecause new varietie>» are vet . slowly formed, fVir variation is a very slow procestJ. and natural selection can do nothiti until favourable variations chatice to <»ccur, and mail a place in the natural p<tter filUxl by some mod ideation of some one or m(»re of its itihahit- ants. And such new places *ill deftetid on slow chang^es of climate, or on the occasional imtni.'ration of fii'v* inhahitatits, and, prohaMy, in a still more important de^'ree, on some of the old inhahitanta he.oinintr slowly modified, with the new frtrms thus prxiliired and the old ones actinif and reactinjf on each other. So that, iti any one retrion and at any otie time, we oujjht <»nly to see a few species pres«»- m^r slitrht modifications of structure in some de^re »er- maiient ; and this assuredly we do see. >ecoudly, areas now continuous must often have existe li»'«M> foriniil ill tin* iiitfrrm li;it»' zoiu's, ' ut tlu'y will (jrtMMT.'iUy lia\»* had a ►•hnrl dunitioii. lor flu'se iiit»«rmt'(iiMt»> virifi'fs will, frotii rf;i>()ri-. alrt'.nly iis- hi;,'iieii (luiiiH'ly trotii wp know (if tho liintriliiititm ot fiK-fly allu'ci or rcprrspntative K|HH'it'<, aiiil likf\*i.»» uf ;iiknMwU>«ltf»'il vari*!ti«'>), exint in the itit»'rrin'«' ZDiitw in lossor ininihiT- tliin the vari<'ti«>fl wliirii thi-y irtid to fotiMKrt. From thi.-* caune a! le thp iiiit'rm«'fliate vari»'ti»'s will 1)© liahle to accidt'i. il •'xtfrrniiatioM ; and (liirin;; tlie process of MirtiuT niixtitHation thr<»iii;]i natural >cl«><-ti(i[i, thev will aiiiMist fiTtaitily J>e hoaten and >-ij|i|ilant 'd by the (■•riiis Hliiih tlu-y «'niiiiect ; for llit -.« from existitii; in trrfatt-r luinilirrs will, in tl •• airirn't.,itv , iir»'>4'nt ui(ir»* variation, and thus he further itn|in»v««d Inrouch ualiiial -»'h'»tion and jr-iin further kdvantat'«'«*. l-i>.ily. lo'ikni;: n(»t to any one lime, 'ut to all time, it my fiifory Ite true, niiniherle>s interiiudiate varieties, linki!!.: niiist rlo^ely all the Kpecies of the same croup toiTi'tiicr, miivt a^-iiredly have existed ; hut the very >ro.f»s of natural u co!i>tantly tends, as h;is >een so <»t"len remarked, to exterminate tlie parent- tornis and tlio intermediate links. ( t fo>i>il remains, which are preserved, as we xhall in a future cliapter attempt to ^iiow, iu an extrcMifly imjK'rfe« t and intermittent reror»*t .iihI wliich r»•^«'rnf^lo^ nti ott»»r in itit fur, ! hpcn far riiori' ditfii lilt, and I could have ;:i\i'n no aii^wpr. V»it I think such difhculties h.ivo very little wfiaht. Hero, ax on other o< < a'^iotH, I lie under a heavy dis- ad\ant-ii:»>, («»r out of tho many strikiiijf ia>es which 1 have collected, | can ifive only one or two i'l^t.-ince^^ of transitional liaMt>< and structures in chwelv allie«l specie-* of the -ame yen us ; and of diversified habits, either consfuif ctr occasional, in the same species. And it cems to trie that rn»thint' h"*"* than a loin; list of such cases is suflicient ti» lessen the diMii ulty in any par- ticular «'ase like that of the hat. L>ok at the family of sijiiirrels ; here we have the tine-t eridation from animals with their tails only slightly flattened, and from others, as Sir .'. Kichanlson iias remarkeil, with the posterior part of their Utdies rather wide and with the skin on their tianks ratlier full, to the >;o-caIled tlyinjr sijuirreU ; p.nd lUinjf squirnds have their limhs and even the iia.-e ef the tail united hy a hroad expanse of skin, which serves a.s a parachute and allows them to jrlide throujrh the air to an astonishiiiir distance from tree to tree. We cannot douiit that each structure is of use to e.ich kind of sijiiirrel in its own country, hy enahliiiL' it to esca})« iiirds or heats of prey, or tocoilei't toinl more <|uicklv, or, art there is reisori to helieve, hy lesseninir the dani^er fr<«in occasional falls. IJut it does not ft ol I)IFKF( f I.TIKS ON IMKOKY i«;;» i thi' -.iniirri'l"* wniilii (ii'irea*** in minilnTii or iMToriii* »' vt»>«<4 tln'v al-») lu'raim* nunlitu"il .. kI m;|iri»\««i| in «trin tiir»» iii .» rorri'^tpoiuliri^ tnniiiicr. riiirefnre, I iviii •>♦•<• nn iliflii iilly, more e«|>«'ti;illv ninl«'r i'lir»n;:iiiLr ' umlitioiia of lifp, in flip fiMitimn-'l |>'-i-rl»'rti()ii, a jM-rfett i*(>-rallt'd flyin;j Htj'iirrfl ".■i> prfxluiod. Now look at the (JaU'ojtithecim or thin:,' lemur, *h'ili fortrifrly w.t« faUoly ranked atnonirst }iat>. If li.iH an exfrt'ini'ly wide flank -rnfmhrane, strotcliinj^ fr(ir?\ tlie forner"* ot tlio Jaw to tlie ta:l, and including the IifmIh atid tlie eli-iiL'^ted fintrers : the flank-nieni- hriim ;•*, also, f'urnisheii witli an extensor niiiscle AltlioiiL'h ii't ;,'radiiatod links of .structure, fitted for u'lidinj: fliroii;;li the air. now connect the («aleo[iitht'cu« «ith th" other I.cinuriila*, yet i see no dill'Multv in sii;«|i(i>;nu' mull links formerly exiftted, and that eaili had '■•■.■n formed hy the s.-inie -tejH as in the case of rlio !'■-' |ifrtV( tly trliijintr s«ji;irrels ; aiul th ii each trrade of strurture uas useful to its jios>essor. Nor can 1 see an? ifisujicrahle ciifliculty in further l)e!ievinL' if possible that tiie meinlirane-connected fin^er.-i and tore -arm of the ( ialconilhecus mitrht he jfreally leii.:tht'ned hy nafiiral selection; and this, as far a^ the (iriTaiirt of flij.'^ht are concerned, wouM convert it into a l>at. In hats which have the win^r.niernhrane extended from tlie top of the shoulder to the till, incliidirifr the hind-le;rs, we perhaps see trai-es of an apjiaratus oriLritially cot.»tructed for plidiiur throuch tie air rather than for fii;:ht. If ah«Mjt a do/eu ^renera of hirds had hecome extinct or were unknctwn, who wouM have ventured to have surmised that hirds mitrht have existed which u>eil their winir« solely :ih 'l.-ipiter^, like the lr-=r-;?r-h?'ridei' du.k (Micropterus of Kyton) ; as tins in the water and front le^ on the land, like the j^eny-uin ; as sails, lik the outrirh ; and functionally for no purpo>-e, like the i«;4 ON IHK OKKilN OF SPECIES m Aptpryx. \iA tlie structure of cacli of these Itirds is trooil f(»r it, uiidor tlin c(»iiilitioii!> of life to which it is exposrcl, for i;;i(h t;> live by a •■truiririe ; hut it in lint iifcr».;irily the i>e-l jtio-ihle u!n!"r all piw-ihle con- diHoii^. It must not \,k inferred from tlit'>»' reni.irks thiit any of tiie tjr.iiti('(i riieaiis of traii>itiun are I n.h-. >eeiii:r that a leA- nienihers of such water-l'reainiii^ cl.i-se-> as the ( rusttcea aini Mollu-ca are adapted to live oil the laii 1 ; and seeing that we lia\e flyinir hirdu and iiiaiiiriiaU. liyiii;^ injects of tlie most diversiiied t\|'ev. .iiiii foriiierlv had tlyiiiir reptiles, it i^ con- ceiv.ihle tliat llyii:_ n>h, which now trlido far tiirMii;:h the air, sii^ihtly n-iiir and turnini: l»y tlie aiil of tiieir flutteriui: li'i-;, ini:,''J hav.- Keen iiHidi;ifd into perfectly '»in:red animals. It this liaer> and under main suhordinatt' !orm-. Thus, to return to '• ir imairitiary illustratiiui of the tlyintr-tish, it does not seem pridalile t li li^'^e-. ctji.iiii*' oi Iruo ii:;^ilL Hiiiiid iiave iu'eu d"\e.(ij.. i uruicr many siilMirdinate turiii*, for takiny prey uf niany inids m many ways. r)ii the lam! and in DIFFK ri/riKS f)N •mE( tr>5 t\.(^ water, until tiif'ir orc"aii« of flight i . -ome to a li .:li staire of {K-rfeetioii. so as to have ffi. ii tlioin n (l«'t iui.^! :iattle of lilt". ll«Mi(e th«' clianre of (li-toveriiitr sjk'cIi's with transitional irradi's of Htrtn-turo in a fossil oomlition will ,ilvva\< Iw less, from their havinir existed in lev>.pr uiimKtTs. than in tho ('ase of pjM'cies with fully ileM'loj»ce ea«y for natural selectitructure, for its «hanired hal'i;-, or exclusively tor one of its several different hahit-. Mut it is difficult to tell, and immaterial tor u<, whetiu-r habit'* frenerall, chaiiL'e first and structure afterwards ; or wlH'thcr ^liffiit ifuxlitications of structure lead to chantred liahit^; both [>rohaMy otleii chanije almost simultaneously. « "r cases of clian^ed haltits it will suffice merely to iliude to that of the many Hriti-h insects which now tVed (in exotic plants, or exclusively on suhstTiiceH. ()f diversified habits imiumerahle instances cnuhl he g-iven : I have often watched a tyrant fly- catcher i Saurojihairus sulphuratus) in South America, hovering over one spot and then proceeding to another, like a kestrel, and at other times slandinj; stationary on the mar^^in of water, and then dashinti' like a kmjf- tisher at a tish. In our own country the larirer tittuouse (I'arus major) may he seen climbing' branches, almost like a creeper ; it often, like a shrike, kills small lijrds bv hlf»ws on the head , and I h;t\e tnan\ times -.t"*-!! anil heard it hammerinff the seeds of the yew on » h, and thus hreakiinr them like a nuthaUh. hi North America the black bear was seen bv lieariie sw nimifi^' for hours ..ith wiilely «ipen mouth, thus i-a'chmtr, almost like a whale, insects in tlie water. .\.s we son'etimes see indiviilual.s of a sj.ecies follow ini; ha'iits wideiy tiiiiereut irom those oi liieir own sperie- anil of the other spi-cies of the same penus. we mi^ht expect, on mv Mieory, that "^uch individual? wciuid 166 ON THK ORKJIN OF SPECIKS W oc«asionally liave jfiven rise to now KjHjcie*, haviiij{ anonialotJH }i;i!tits, and witli tbcir structure either slifflitly or considerably in(Mlifier type. And such instanien do occur iu nature. -an a niore strikinjr insLince of adaptation l»e trivon than that of a woodpecker for dinihinj^ trees and tor •^ciziiifj inserts in the chinks of the Iwrk r \ei ni .North .America tliere are wtwidpcckers which feed laruely on fruit, and others with eiorifated win^-s whidi cfia«.e iiiM'cts on tlie. wintr ; anil on the plains o! 1^ I'lafi, whi-ienot a tree throws, tliere is a woudfiecker, whi.h III every essential part of ilH orpanisiition, even in it,; ruloiirin^r, in tiie tone of \U voice, and unduiatorv lii^'hl, t(dil nie plainly of its close blood-relatioiiship to oiirnimriion speci.'s ; yet it i- a woo«lpc(k»T which ficvc ciimix. a t.ree ' J'rtreis ar.- '.he ino>t aerial and t)ceanic ot inni-, vet in tlie .|uiel Sounds of 'I'ierra del I'r >^o, the INidinuria, in its peneral habit,s, in its a.stonishi ^ po«cr <.t diviiifr, its ni.iii .■>• of rtwimminr, and of liyuifr w lien uiiwillinjfly it Ukt.^ any other- .oiild l>e tfi\en, hahilM have cliaiif:ee him uo surprise that there should he ^ree^•o and frijfate-birds with wehU'd feet, liviji;; o-i the dry land or most ra:fiy alitjhtintr on the water ; that there should be lontc-tood corncrakes li\ injf in mead(»ws inste-ad of in swantps; that tiiero should h«- wood- jK-ckers where not a tree t'rows ; tliat there should he divinp thrushes, and petrels with the hahits of auks. Orgtius ot extreme pfrjWtwn ana contpliaition. — 'lo suppose that the eye, with all its illimitable contriv- ances for adjustintr the focus to ditTereiit distan<.;«, have i>een formed hy natural selection, seems, I freely confesv. absurd in the h'.jfhest possible decree. Vf. 168 ON THK OKKilN OF M'K( IF> I r&'ison tells rne, if iiurntTnii-i LTad.-itiotis Irorn a porfoct and complex eye to one \v:y iin|M'rt»'. t ami siniplo, each (irailo ln'iiit' ii'^i'tul to it-, pi !*>»•->.(, r, can !)♦• slinwrj to c\i>t ; if furtii.T. tin- ey«> Huck vary v\OT SO slitrlitly, and tli.- variatmiis I-m inlieritcti', nhich is certainly tlic i i>c ; and if anv \ariation or nmdifjcation in the or;:an 'i>e evt'r ii'.etui to an anim.'.l under cliaiiL'-iiiir <'oniliti(.ns nf lite, tlicn ti.e diilicnltv of helievintr that a i»er!ect and corii|)lex e\e could bo tornied \>y natural selection, thoiiL'ii in-.u|ierahle by our iriiariii'ition, can hardlv lie con-u'ered real. How a ner\e cunies to he -en»iti\e to li;:ht, hanllv cuncerns tjs riior(! than how life itstdf tirst ori;,'-inated ; h>ut I may remark that s»'vcral facts maiively to its lineal ancestors; l»ut this is -carcely e\er possible, and we are forceil in each t e-xistiriir \'ert»'hrata, we find hut a small amount of ;,'-radation in the stru( tiire of the eye. and tr(»m fossil species we can Ifarn nothini.'- on tin- iieail. In this ^-^ cla.s.s w© should pnd.ahly have to descend far heneath the li'west known fo-sihleroiis stratum to discover the • .iflicr staire-. hv which he eye has heen perf. cted !n the ArticuiatA we can commence a series with an optic nerve merely coated with pi^rment, and without any other ; and Irom this lnw staire, nnmerous trradations of striiciure, iiranciniitr otf in two .... I . » I 1 .. 1 .1- . !• _ . I :-.i;. •:.:;:;;::;-;; ;y ;;;;;crc:;i iinCS, i.'iu iiC Siiurt u In e.visL. unL.l we reach a in»>derately hi^jh stiijre of perfcctiua. In .ertain crustaceans, fur instance, there is a double m .' ' 3^- DIKFiri'LTlKS ON rHEORY lfi!» roriK'n the inner one diviileil into fa»\ts, within earh of which there is a leim-«haj»etl f!w»-iliinf. lit otlier crustareans t'lc tran«i'.irent « oiiex whi< li are rf>,aey T)!:.Mii«'iit, iiiii: »hif)i projierly ;i(t onlv by exilmiini; Literal p«'ririU of'hirht, are convex at their ii[>|M'r euii* and must act tiv ((invprt^crice ; ami at tlieir hmer • :iiir4 there seems to he an irnperfecf vit .ous suhstauce. ^^ ilh these fails, here far to«. hrietly aiui inijn feitlv triven, wliich -^liow that th^re is much i:raiiuatevf small the niiinher of Irintf a'lirnals is si; pro{>nrt:on to those which have heconi*' ex .net, I ••an see no \»*r\ trrt-at difTicultv (not more ' an in the case of many other stnirture't in helievinar that n.. iira seieciion lias converted th«« < pie app.fatus of an optic nerve merely coated with j lament and invested h\ transparent menihrane, into an op 'al instrument a- perfect a- in pos!>es»ed by any menil)er of the jfreat Articulate ilass. lie who will tfo thus far, if he '"nd on tinisliin-r thi"* treatise that larire bodies of fact.-, otlierwise inexplic- atile, can he explained by the theory of descent, ought not to hesitate to go further, and to admit that a structure even as perfect as the eye of an eaule niitrht Ite forme;h I have felt the difficulty far too keenly to i»e su'-]irised at any detrree of hesitation in extendinir the pnu'-iplp of natural selection to such st.irtlinu leiiifthH. It is --carcelv possible U) aM'id comparing th»» eye to a telescope. We km-w that this instrument h.i> l)een perfeited by the lontr-eontirnied etforta of ih<* liijfhest M.iman intelleets ; and we naturallv infer that tlie eye has been funned by a somewhat analogous process. 5'"Ut may n«it this inference J>e presumptuous.^ Have « ' any riirht to assume tliat tfie ( reator works by 1 uTr-iiect (in to tal^e a thick layer of tran.sparent tissue, 5f^ ^.ici^. 170 ON THK ORK.LN OK SPECIES 11 •AJth a nerve ueiiKitivc to lijfht Ix-utath, and then 8uj»- p<)sp every part of thi> layer to bo continually chanjriiig nlovvly in density, so as to Keparate into layern of diricr- eiit densitit-- and thicknesses, nl.iced at dilfcrent «lis- tanccH from each other, and with tlie surfaces of each lajer slowly chantrintr in luriii. Further we must sup- pose tliat there is a power always intently watching each sli;,'ht accidental alteration in the iransj^rcnt layers; and carefully -cU'ctinp: ea»Oi albTation wiii.h. under vancd circumsLince^. may in anv ^ay, or in anv df;rre«', tend to produce a distincter irii,';;e. \\ v mu.-t Huptio-.' each new stite of the instrument to h*' inultiphcd hy the million; and each to lie prc^-erved till a Ijt tier he produced, and then the old unes to he d»ixtr.(yed. In livinjf hodies, variation u.'l cause the sligiit alterations, peueralion will inullijdy tliem almost intiintely, and natural selection will pick out with unerrin-; skill each improvement. U-t this j)r()ces> uo on lor millions on millions of years; and during' each year or; millirjiis of individuals of many kinds; and may we not helieve that a livijiff optical instruineiit m ^lit thus ho formed as superior to one of ::lass, as tliC works ot the ( reator are to those of man r It it could he diinonstrated that any comjdex or^^-^an existed, which could not possibly have lifcn formed hy numerouij, successive, sli;rl,t modifications, my theory would al)s()lutely break down. Hut J can find out nii such case. No doubt many organs of which we do not know the transitional gradeti, more especially ii \se look to much-i>olated species, round which, acct)rd- intr to my tlu'ory, there has been much extinction. Or liiam, if we look to an orirau common to all 'he mem- •t-rs of a large class, for in this latter the organ must have been tirst formed at an extremelv remote period, since which all the many members of the cla-s h.i\e heen developed; and in order to discover tlie e.irly transitional gra.les through which the organ has .„ I.. 1, — 111 . 1 1. J .1 ., n; ^.:uliiu iitl>U lU iOOK tO '»erj uiiiiCiiL iiin e^llui tornis, loii^ since become extinct. ^^ e should be extremely cautious in condudinif that hi DIFFICULTIF-S ( )N THEOIIV 171 ■la orpaii could not have bet'ii formed liy transitiotiai grad.itioua of Kome kind. Numerous ca'e irivou amoiiL'^'t tlio lower animals of the same or(;.tii performintr at the Kaine time wholly distinrt fun«"tions ; thus th<' alimentary canal respircH, digests, and excret**** in the larva of the dragon-fly and in the lish Cohite-.. In till' Hydra, the animal may he turned inside out, and the exterior purface will then dni^est and tiio Htoriia* h rt'-jtire. lu such cast-s natural eflection niii»-ht e<4sil\ specialise, if any advantage were thus ^--aiind, a part or oriran, which had performeil two function-, lor one function alone, and thus wholly chanjje its natu!»« hy iii-ensihle stt'ps. Two distinct ortrans gometim*'-* perform simultaneously the same function iu tlic sari..! individual ; to tive one instance, there are fish with jills or hranchi* that hreathe the air dissolved iu tlie water, at the sarue time that they hreatho free air iu :heir swimhUdders, this latter or^^n liavin^ a durtus pMcuniaticus for its Bupply, and hein^ divided hy highly vast ular partitions. In these ca-es one of the two or(^aiis mifi^ht with ease he modified and perfected so as to perform all the work hy itself, heing aided durnur tlie procft's of modification by tin* other or^au ; and then this other or^ran mijfht l*ti mo;ory to the auditory org^ans of certain f'sh, or, for 1 do not know which view m now ^enera'ly held, a part of the auditory apparatus has been worke* ot the higlier vertebrate annuals : heiue tliero st'cms to me to be no frreat ditTu ulty iu beLe' - ing that natural selection has actually convertei! a ■ 172 ON THK OKKJIN OF SPK( IE8 BwiTTiMadder iritu a luri^, or ortraii n^» .1 oxclusively for r«•^jli^.'ltioll. 1 ran, iiidppd, liirdly doiifit that all vortrf.rate animals h.Hv;ii;r trim liiriir'^ liave dr^^cciidcd l>y oniiii.iry fi'iifratitin from an anrieiit protntypo, of wlii< li we kimw nntliiiiir, fiiriiislu'd nitli a tlo.itiiiir af)|>ar-itiis or ■.wirnlilaildcr. \\'»» cin \h\i<. an I infer ;r<>m I'rdfevsor Ov»fu H ir.tfrostin:; di'scription (»f tlie-o parts, iinder- Ktiind the >«trai!u'e fart tliat every particle of fofxi and drink which we '•waUow has to p.i>,-s o\er the ionie ri-k of fallintr into the I'li^'s, Motvntlivt iiidni^' the hea;itifiil roiitrivanre \>\ which the trl'iilis is clcised. In tlie hitrher \'ertel.rata the 'iraiK hiii" have wholly ilisa|)p»'ared the slif.a on the wi.-* of t)u« neck and the loop like course of the arteries -till markini: in the enihryo their former posi- tion. I'.ut it is coiicei\aMe that the now utterly lost hranch .H mijrht have lieen trradually worked in hy •satiirai sdec tiori for some quite distitict purpose : \n •he ON THKoKY 17a f.imilv ; imlfvil. tlu'v ♦rnulii.ite ititofaili nllifr. Tlier**- lore I (!i) nut doultt that little foliN of -kin, «liicJi oritrinallv '*»'r\e»l as ovict'rou-* frt'n.i, l»iit which, like- wii4«», verv >li;:htly ai(l«vl tin* ;ict of rt'spinition, have \ lit*, sHiiiily tlirou^rh an increase in their si/e atut the iiKKteratidii of tlu'ir aiUiesive fjiainU. It :ili peii unculatt'd cirri[)«Mifts ha'i t«ecome extinct, ami tlie\ ha\e already suffered lar lunre exlinction than lia\t» ses*i!e cirrijiedes, who wduld e\er have imairined thai the hraiHliiir in this latter family liad or!j;inally existed as ortrir;-; (or jireveiitiiijf the ova from lieiii;; w.ixh<'<) out (it tlie '•ark r Althoiiirli we must 1)« extremely cautious in con- cliniiuL' that any t»ri;an could liol possihly h.i.e l^eii produced by successive tran-ilioiial irradations, vet, un- »es of difliculty occur, some oi which will l>e dised in my future work. ('lie of the 4rra\e^t is that of neuter injects, which are ott»'n \ery differently constnjctev\fn and others have re- marked, their intimate .-tructure closely resemhies that of I'ommoii nuKcle ; and as it has lately In-en shown that Kays have an or;ran closely analoic'uis to the electric aj^paratu-, and yet do not, as Mattcucei asserts, di >cliHr«^e any eh ctricity, we must own tiiat we are far ti>ti itrnoraiit to ar^ue that no transition of any kind is piissihie. 1 he ele'tric ort^ans offer another and cM-n tiiore serious diiliculty ; for they occur in only about a do.-en (i^lifs, of which ^e\eral are widely remote in their affinities, iienerally when tiie s;ime orjran appear- in several memf)ers of the -ame class, estH'cially if iu meiiihers having very different hahils of life, we may attriliute its iiresence U> iniieritance from a tommon ancestor ; and it^j ah>ence in -oiiie of the tnemhers lo ! or nrituml ■itlccliori. Mut if the olcctric orff.uis hud Ihtii intifritnl from ciiio amit'nt prD^-i'riitor thus pnu idfd, we niiirht li.ive cxii.-t tt'd that all »'lt'i'tric f"i-lM"s Willi III lia\«< heeii spi'ri.iHv r<'!at»'d to iTicli otlicr. Nor dnr-i (.noloirv at .ill liail to tli»' lu'lief tiiat toriMcrly nio-t li>lifs fifi trie urt:iii>. whirh nuwt of tlM-ir irutdilu'd df-n-iHlaiit-^ have lo«f. Hh' pri'S«'ii(i' of lumiiioiH ortjaiM in a fi-w ir)«-('(t«<, hflnnir. iiitf to ditfi'r»'nl faniilifs and orders, otTi-ri a [laralh-l ca-i- of ditlii iilty. < UinT rases could he Lriveii; for iiistaiico in iilaiit-^, the very eurioiis (•oiitri\ arne of a ma-* of ptdlcn-tTaitis, honie on a foot stalk with a wtii ky irlaiid at tlie end, is the same in ( )i ■ liis and A'clfpias. :^eiieiM almost as remote as possilde atiioiit;>,t l^twerini: plants. In all these cases of two verv distinet sperii's furnislied with apparently the -ame anomaioiis o;^ran. it shouM he oli-tTved that, althoutrh tlie ijeneral appearance and function of the or^'an mav lie the same, yet some fundamental ditference can trenerallv he de- tected. I am ificlined to lielieve that itJ ncarlv tlie -ame way .as two men ha\e -ometimes indt penilentlv hit on the very s,ime invention, so natural selection, working' f'>r tlie irood of each heint^ ami taking: advaii- ta^'e (if analoirous variations, has som'-times modified in very nearly the same manner two parts in two oriranic hein^'-, wliicli hfin^rs owe hut I;itlt' of their ^t^Ultu^e in common to inheritance from the -ame ancestor. Althmitrli in many cases it is most difficult to con- jei'lure hy what traii-Itions ortrans could have arrived at their prc-ent state ; yet, coiwiderinir that the pro- {M>rtioii of liviii'j- and known forms to the extinct and unknown is very small, 1 have heet) astoni-hcd how rarely ,an orran vnii he named, towards whii'li no tran- sitioiial irrade is known to lead. I'lie truth of thi- remark is indeed sliown hy that ohi hut somewhat exa^rircrated c^non in natural liistory of * Natura non facit sallum.' We meet with this admis^iion in the writiiiiTM of almost every oxperienced naturalist; or, as Milne K/<1 wards has well e.xpre«««(-d it. Nature is I'l S^^=-.--i !)IFH( I i;riK.s ON TIIKOHV 175 iti variety, Imt iii::s.':inl in iiinovafidii. \V\i\-, • •n th« theory of Creation, nhouid thin U* so' Why 'hoihl all th«» parts atul nr^'atis of tunny iii;ii|i|)(>«*oil to have ]>vvn «»'{iarat»>lv rn-alctl f'T its proper plarc in nature, he so eomrnonly linked liiu'other hy jrradu.ited steps? Why hhouhi not'ire have tak.-n a h'ap from «itrJi('tiire to struet iiro .' On 'he theory of natural srlection, we «'an eleariy iimler- -» itid vthv she sh(»i]!(l not ; for n.-ttnral s«-let iion ran 3' t only hy takinij ah^ht stice* -yive varia- tions ; ^h.' ean nev»T take a leap, hut must ailvance !>> the sliiirte^t and sh)v\c>it stepi. 'ir>j'in.tniction of those with any unfavourahle deviation of strii.'ture, - 1 have sumelimes felt muih diffuMilty iu iinderstandiiiL' the ori;;in of nimple parts, of which the iiMporfance d(f<-i not seem sufllcient to rauso tlie pre- servation of suciessively varyinjf individuals. ! have sometimes felt as mueh diHieulty, though of a very fiitfiTfiit kind, on this head, as in'the easf of an orirari 1- pi rtc. t and comjilex as the eve. In ih.- Iif't place, we are much too i^-imrant in re^rard lo the whole economy of any o>ie orjjanic heiii;;, to say what slij^dit nKKliticatiotis would Ite of importance or not. In a former chapter I hav«; jfivon instances of most triiliiii.' characters, mi,h as the down on fruit and the rohwir of its ih-sh, which, from determininj; the attacks of in-ect-s or from heinjf correlated with con- di;icrences, mitiit assuredly he acted r,n by natural selection. 'Hie tail of the jriraff,. |o„ks like aii «rf;ficKil!y constructed !!y-f1apper ; and it sfj'uis at first iiicri-dihle that this could have l»e(«n ai'. e slitrht motiiticalion-. each better and better, for so triliiiiL'- an ohiect as driviru' away tiies ; yet we should i>ause before bein:r too posi- tive even in this case, for we know that the d.-tribu- tion and exieteuce of cattlo aiid other aiiimaltt in South I •"<'] MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANSI and ISO Tf 1' CHART No 2 1.0 I.I 1.25 ^'l Ml 2.8 2.5 iH IP' 2.2 t 1^ 2.0 u 1 t. ^ 1.8 l.4_ 1.6 ^ APPLIED \t\A/\CE 'er. New York 1*6 -82 - 0300 ■ Pfnr,. .88 - b984 • :. 17fi ON I UK t)KI(;i\ OF bI'K(lKS America ali-uliiU'ly d"|'':i(l< on tlu'ir jhh.t nf r<'>i.' froiri tliese mimU piicinit>, w.iuid l>e alilf t(i raiiu'c iiitn iit.'w pastiinw and liiii>< iraiii .'i ^Trat at!'. .intairt.". Jt i- not tijal \\ni lar^T'T qua-lnijiols arc artiii'.ly iii'>trny('(i (cm cjit in »iiin«' rare ca-rs) !.v fli»'s, liut t'lcy arf inct-^-aiitly li.ira->st'(l and lln'ir h-tr(Mi;.'th rrdu'cil. ~n tlial thev are u\<>vt' >ijl>;»'( t It) iii-»<', i)r not so \M'li rnaiilcd in a iiuniiiij o- 1»»^(MI ot li'irli iiM|»ro- j.'t'nitor, aTid, after iiavin;; (ummi .slowly jM-rto tfd at a foriiMT pcriud, lia\« lic»'n tran-rnittcd in iicarlv tiie k;hiio Ntatc. alllimijfli now iM'conm id vcrv >lii.'lit use; and afiy act "ally innirioii-i deviations in their ^t aquatic animals, if.-; treneral prc-cnce and ii'^k' tor many j»ur|K)>es in so many land aiuniaK, whirh in tht'ir iunii^ or ri»odituHl swnnlil.-.ddcrs hetrav their li'jnatir oriirin, may perhaps he tiiiis accoiiiited tor. A Acll-(le\ehiped tail ha\ in;r heen tunned in an a'juatic animal, it nii::lit suli^i'tjiu-ntlv coiiu' to lie worked in for all ^o^ts of piirpcj^c. a.s a li\ -llajper, an oru^■ln ot pre- hen-irui, or as an aid in tiirni;i:j-. as witli the do;:, thoiiiili the aid mii-t. he sliirlit. tor the hare, witii har-.tlv any t.iil, can douhle (jiiickly enoii::h. Ill the «-<'i-ond [dare, we may sometni.c-: attribute importance to characters wlii( h are reali\ of very liltle impi»rtance, and "liiih ha\e or'^rinated from ome little direct inlluence on the or^ranisation ; ttiat characters reappear Irom the la\s' o(' reversion ; that correlation of ^jfpowtli will have had a mo>t im- portant inthience in modii'yinir various structure-" ; and luially, that sexual selection will otu-n iiave larirels moditicd the e\ternal character^ (d' animaU havni;: a will, to .'ive one mile an aihantaj^e in ti;.'titin{; wiib I)i; (LLTIKS ON TliEOFlY 17 another or in ch.irmiiiir tin; females. Mnrenvor whoii ;i modification of structure lia.H |irimanly ari-t-ri from the aixive or other uiikiiown causes, it mav at tir»t have h«'t'«|iifiitiy liave i^'esi taken advantaije of liv tlie lio- sceiidaiits of the spi-cie- under ruw conditions of life and with newly acjiiired haliits. I'o ifive a few in.-tance- to illustrate tlM'>e latter remark-. If txn'vn wcmI jM-cker^ aiuiic hai! e.\istere riiaiiv hlai k and pied kinds, I dare say that v\»« should ha\o thought tli.'it the jfrj-t-n colour nas a heautifu! a(].ii)tation to iiide tiiis trt'e-fre^jiietitiiitr hini from ibj enemies ; and conse.|UetilIy that it vv;i.s a cliaracter of imporUm.e and mitrht have heen ar(juire(l throiit:h natural -election ; HH it is, 1 have no douht tfiat the colour i.s du^ to some ijuite di-tinc-t cause, pndiaMy to -exual selection. A irailiiiff h.imboo in tiie .Malay Arciiipelaj-o climl.- the h'ltifst trees I>y the aid of ex eseaj>e iVom a broken vni:, we may infer that this structure has arisen from the laws of j^rowth, and h;i.s U'eri N i mMkK- ■HiMiiiil I7M ON TilK OKRilN OK M'ECIES f' } tiken advaiit.uro of in tlio parturition of the hi:jher aiiiiiinN. \\ o are profoiirnlly i:rtntraiit of tlio raii-j's pmdiicinjf s'liL'iit anil uiiiiniinrtant vnriatiori^ ; ami «♦» arc immedi- ately made rnn-cious of tliis l»y rtiicitiiiiJr on tlie jiecialiv in tlio 1^% i!- i-ed rountries wliere tlii-re iia^ Iieen Itut little artificial Nfdecfion. ( ar.'fiil oh>alily aliect the hind liiiiii^ from exerci'iinu'' tliem more, and orw-ihly even the form of tiie peK is ; and tlion hy tlie la* of homo- loiroiis variation, Iho frnut limhs and even the liead would prol.ahly he atfected. 'I'he shaj>e, al-o, of the pelvis mi;rht affect hy pressure the sli.ipe of the head of the yoimir in tlie womh. 'Hie lal)orioijs l)reathintf iiece<-ary in liiirli re^'^ions would, we liavo some reason to helieve, increase llie si/e of the chest ; and a«-aiii correlation would conio into play. Animals kept hy "-.ivaij-es in different countries of\en have to strugj^le tor tjicir own suhsistencp, and would t>e exposed to a cfrtaiu extent to natural selection, and individuals witli sli^rlitly diifcrent constitutions would sticcee«i hest under di;!erent climates; and there is reason to l>elieve that idiislittition aiul colour are correlated. A trood observer, al-o, states that in cattle susceptihility to the attacks of flies is correlated with colour, a^; is the liahility to he pois<»iied hy certain plants ; so that ciloiir would l>e thus ^uhieeied to the action of natural se'iM tiou. Hut we .-ire fir too ii^norant to speculati" O!! the relative importance of the several known and unkiiowu laws of wuiation ; and I have here alludt-d to thern only to siiow tliat. if we are unahle to acc(»unt tor the characteristic differences of our domestic tireels, whieh nevertheless wo irenerally admit to ha\e irisfn t!irou_r), ordinary ireuf ration, we oujjht not to lay too iiiiicL stri<-is on our limnran. e of the DIFIKJ i;HK> ON IflKoKY 179 F' rnu>iO of the hli^lit ai iai():r. (lirit-re.'K •?. tHfcn i^pecios. I miirht have addiu-od for tl •es I p'ir|)(w« the differt>ii( . hifli "k«Ml ; I the le- ns g<'inii- race* of mm. are so stroii:;ly niarkf.l ; I may add that some li'tle lii:lit can a|i[iaroiitly ho thrown on tlie orii,'iii of thf-ip diffprerice-i, chipi'ly t'hrouifh sfxual >;fle.-tion of a |i.irtirular kind, hut witii«»ut here t'literin:; on copious d»'Mils my reasoning would appear frivolou'*. J he foreifoinj? rpinarks lead me to «iv a few word>i on the protest lately made hy Hom« naturali-^t^, airaiiist the lit: itarian diMtrine that" everv detail of structure has heen j>rodii(ed for tlie pood ol its possessor. Ihev Kelieve that very many structures have heen created fur heauty in tlio eyes of man, or for mere variety. liiH doctrine, if true, would he ahsoluteiv fatal to riiv theory. Vet I fully admit thai many structures are ot no direct use to their possessors. Physical conditions |,n.hahly have had some little effect on structure. (,uite M.dept'ndently of any irood thus pained. ( orrelation or i^Tuwih has fio douht played a most importiint part, and a useful mo-le*f ot the horse, in the wintr of the hat, and in the flipper of the seal, are of special use to tlie-e animal.s We if^ I 180 ON iHK ORKilN OK M'K( JKS may pafcly .ittriliule tlKvo >triji'tiirps t^) inlif riUnrfi. Hut U> llii- pr(i;:fiiit()r of tlio upland ifoost) ami of tlie friir.'itp-l>iril, \vt'l»l»o«i fp«'t no doiiht wppf a^ UHefiil afl tfioy now ari> to tlie iiiif^t aipiatic ot pxiHliriu l.inis. >o we may U'lit've that the [)ri»:.M'nltor of tlie >'»-al had not a flippor, hut a font nifh five toes titt«'d for wnlkini? or ^rra.«|>intr ; and wo may furtlwr ^entiiro to h«'l fve that tlie -cveral hone^ in the linrtw nf tln» rnonkfv, horse, and hat, which liave hi-cn inhcnred from a '•omni(»n iiroy'eiiitor, were formerly of iiinre sjn'cial line to that iiroi:«Miitor, or its |iroirenitorH, than tliev now are to tlie-o aiiimals liavinjr '■uch widelv di\ (>r>.iri»'e to some ancestral form, or as beintr now of siiccial u«e to the descendants of this form - either directly, or indirectly throuuh the comide.v lawn '1 jfrowlh. Natural selection cannot possihly produce any modi- fication in any one sjiecies exclusively for the irood of another sitpeios; tliitii^h tlirou^liout nature one species incessantly takes advanbuxe of, and jirotiLs by, the structure of another. Hut natural selection ran and doe-s often produce structures for the direct inpiry of other -.pecies. as we see in tlie fans: of the adder, and in the ovipositor t\f the ichneumon, by wliich its eye^ are deposited in the li\inj.r bodies of otlier insects. If it ♦•ould be pntved that any j»art of the structure of any one species had been forned for the exclusive g-oid of anotlier sjKH-ies, it wouhl annihilate my theory, for Buch ciiuld not have been produced throutrh natural xelection. Althouirh many statements may be found ui works on natural history to tins effect, I canm»t find even one which seems to me of any weitrrit. It is admitttnl that the rattlesnake ha" a ^M)ison-fanir for ite DIFFKULTIES ON THP:()KY IHl own defeni-e ami fur the dpstructinn of its prov ; hut iH»ni#> .lutliorn hiippose that At the same time thi^ Miake in f urni-ht'il with a rattle for it» own iiijiirv, namely, to warn its prey to e»»-ane. 1 would almost as noon holieve tliat the cat curU the end of it.« tail wlien pr«'parin>f to spriiisf, in order to warn the doomed mouse. IJut 1 have uot space here to enter on thia and other Huch c.ises. Natural seltMtioii will ne\er proiluco in a tieiiii? anything iiijurious to itself, for natural ^election actn Mdely hy and for the trood of each. No oriran will Ite formed, as I'aley has remarke*!, for the purjtose of cau>iii'.' jKiin or for diiinjf an injury to its po>>e,sse Ktruck hetv\«'en the trood and evil caused hy each part, each will he found on the whole advantageous. After the lap-e of time, under chani:in>f conditions of lif", if any part comes to ho injurious, it will be modified ; or if it be not so, the bein^' will hec-ome extinct, as myriads have l)ecom« e-\tinct. Natural selection tentls «)nly to make each ortranir heifitr as |>erfe<-t a.«, or slightly more perfect than, the other inhabitants of the same country with which it ha* to strutrtfie for existence. .\nd we see that this ia the dejfree of {)erffcction attained under nature. The «Midemic produi;tioris of New X 'anil, for mstam e, are (•crfect one compared with another ; hut they are fiow r.ipiiily yieldintr before the advaficinerra- lierfect, which, when u-ed atainst manr altackiiifi; 182 ON THK OHKJIN OK SPKCIKS iuiiiial.s, carihot be witlnlrawn, u^luis to the backward Hcrratiires, and ho itieviUihly rauseu the death of thp iriKert by trariiij; out its vis«'ora r If we look at the stint: of tjie Ik-*-, a** haviiiff origin- ally existeil in a remote progenitor as a horinjf and serrated iriMniinent, like that in so many nu'mJ»crs of the name jfreat order, and whirli has he. :i niodifuMj hut not perfert,.,! f,,r \\< pr.'-ent j.^rpoM'. with the j.oison ori;rinalIy adapted to cause ffalls Kiih>e(jiieutly intensi- fied, we ran jierlians understand how it is that the iik<« of the stintr should so oltfi cause tiie insect's own death : f(.r if on the wliole tiif power of Htin^'in^' U' useful to the commiitiity, it will fultil all the re-juire- nients of natural selection, thouirli it may e. Ls find their females, vau we admire the pr<»duc- tiori for this sintrle purpose ot thousands of drone>, 'vhich are utterly useless to the community for any • ■th.-r end, and which arc ultimately slau^riitere*! In their industrious and sterile sisters?" It may be ditii- ult, but we oui.,u.iryo/'%:i.f.>r.~\Vv have in this chapter di*- >>e Lr-ed a-aiiist my theory. Many of them are very -erious ; bat I tliink that in the di>cuUion lijrlit Las Ihu n UIKKICrLTIKb ON THKOUY 183 tlirn'.vn oil several f;i(tw, whirli om tlie theory <>f indp- ii»MiiitMit arU <•! «ri'atinri are uttorlv oWsciire. ^V e li.tve '•ecu that sjK'cipt* af any otie {xTicHi are ii. j>arily Id'iau^f tlio nn ««'.«•> of natural >«'lri ti(>ii will always In* \fry >-low, and «ili .Kt, at any (nu* time, only on a vfry tew (nrni!* ; and jiartlv >>o< aurte the very |»riMcs- ot natural M-Uvtinn implies the continual sujtplantini.'- and extimtioii of j>re- re<'ly allied «|K.M-ies, now living on a continuous area, mu^t otten have heeii formed \*hen tlie ar»>a v»a^ not continiiou**, and viien the itinditioii> of life diil not in^enNihly ^Taduate may from one part to another. \Vhtii Iwo varieties ■.re fornuMl in two districts of a enntinuous area, an in- •» rnieiliate \ariety will often he forme«l, fitted for an intermediate zone; hut from reasons as^itrned, the inter- mediate variet} will usually exist in'r numhers tlian the two forms which it coniieets ; «:onse<|nenlly the two latter, during the course of further modifcation, frorii f*xistintf in greater numhers, will have a trreat advanfaice over rhe less numerous intermediate variety, and will llius ireuerally sueceed in supplanting and exterminatin:; it. \\ e have seen in tliiv chapter how cautious we shouhl t>e in <-oiu ludiniT that the most ditlereiit,s of life lould not graduate into each otht-r ; that a hat, for iu-tan\ natural r-«-lt'<'- tion from an animal whicii at fir>t could only taiie ihroueh the air. \\ e liave seen that a >j>ecies may under new t«uidi- tiou.s tit lite ( haiiire Us h;ihit>, or have diver^itie^l hahits, Aith some liahiLs very unlike tho«.f of it- nearest con- treners. Hence we can understand, hearing in mind that each orf^anic Iteinc is tryin^,'^ to live wherever it ran live, how :t has ari-eii that ti ere are uplami uee>e Mth wfhhed feet, ground vvooilpeckers, diving thrushes, ui.i petreU with the hahits of auks. .•\iuiougii the ix'iief that an or^raii so perfect as the eve could liave heen tcjrmed l)y natural ^electiou. ia more than ent)ugh to stagger any one ; yet in the case -JS'A §m*\m:^^^ms^'k ...j*^^ IH4 ON THK OKKilN OF s|'K( IKS of any orcan. if we kinnv of a l„ti^ s.-ripM cf t'nulationi m .-..rTii.leNitv, ear), ^'ood for ify po^M'-or, then ijri.i.'r rli;iM:.'mt' .•..ii.iif ioii. of lif,. tl.rr.. is „<, lotr,,.;.! j,„,,o^^i- I'ility III tlio arriiiir.'r.u'iit of ,injr n..„».ival,|t. il,lp. } „r iintanre, a s>*Mn-!ila.i.i«'r has apparpfitiy Wen convrrt»'eciet< f.)r the e.xdusive p..od or injury of another; though it may well produce parts, ..r^'an's, and excretions hrtrhly iisi!;;i or i\fii ii,ii|s,„.„sai)ie, or hi::iiiy injurious to another species, but in all at the same time u.^ef>Jl to tlie r.v*,„.r Natural selection in each w, 11-stucked [jESr*"^ DIFFK ILTIKS ON IIIKOKY 1B5 roiiiitry, tuuMt act chiotly throiii^fi tho fomix'tjtiiti of Oif iiilialiirant^ one h itii aiidtlicr, and fniiscqiioiitly will [irtMlijie jKTffi'iioii, or strTijrth tii the l»attle lor life.milT .i« . nnliiijf to tlif Htamiard uf rountry. Heme tl.»' irili.ii>itaritj* of one roijiitry, ^reneraily the »itiiaiUT one. Will titXvn yielil, h8 wp M'e tlit'V do yield, to the iiiha- liitaiitx of'aiintlipraiid c«'iii'r.ill\ l.irifer rountry. For in the laruMT couiitry there will have oxi>.ted more indi- viduals, ami more diversified fornin, and the fom|>etition will have Keen severer, and thus thestandanl of iM-rfec- tion Hill have l)een rendered hitrher. Natural selettion \*ill not necessiirily proert"e«tion ; nor, an fir as wp tan judjje hy our limitetl fiu'ulties, can al)Srv \te strictly true. It is generally ackiiowledued tliat all uriranir heings • ave heen formed on tw<> treat law.s- -I inty of Type, Hiid tlie ( onditions of Kxistence. By unity of tyi)e is rT.eant that fundamenUil aurpemetit ifi structure, which we see in ortrainc hemirs of tlie siiine da.-^, and which is (^uite ir)de|ietjdent of their hahit« of life. On my tlieory, unity of type is explained hy unify of descent. The exjire^sion of conditions of existeru e. «o often insisted on hy the illu»trii)us ( uvier, is fully eftil. raced hy tlie prin- ciple of natural s«'!ection. For natural selection a( Ls by either now adaptinj; the varyini; part.* of eiuh iicin^f to it*i ctrtranic ana>t jH-riods of time . the adaptations heiiiji' aided in >(>rne ta-se.s hy use and dis- u>.e, hein;; sliirhtly affected hy the direct action of the external conditions of life, and heinij ifi all cases suli- lected to the several laws of trrowth. Hence, in fa«t, tlie law of the Conditioas of Kxi>tence is the hiifher law; a>i it includes, thrim^'h the inherr.ance of former aii>l MiU Init.ii. In— !>• Mi.»ti.' iiiitiii. tt. their^'iti .N«tiir«l iiigtlmti ..( tl.r . u.k.". uttiil.. arhl puia^idc t»i-i, -M»ve iii,ikii.>;nitB Huv Iff lt» i^tiut:t nii;,'lit hav«.- \>f^^n worked into the I r.\ inns cli.ij.lers ; hut I liave thoiitrlit Dial jt wduld Iw mori. c(mv»;iiitMit to treat the suhjctt te|«irately, «'sih«- cially as ro Moiiil»>rfiil an iii.xtiiict aa that of thr Iiivc- i»eo makiiii: its rolls will proliahly have n.cjrn-d to niaiiv rc.Kirrs, UH a sam»> t•la-r^. 1 will not attempt an\ ijefuiition of iuvtinrt. It w.-uld !mj tM>y to show that several distinct mentiil actions are commonly emhraced l.y this term ; hut every one utuler- st-nd.^ wliat is meant, wlu-n if i^ liouM re.juiro experience to enahle us to [lerform, when performed hv r.i: .-.;;.:::.;;. ri.wrc t.-j.o, -.iii\ t»v a \ t;ry vounjr One, witiiout any expei-i, n(e, and when |^«rformed hy many indivj- di;als Ml tl,c s.-.:,ie w..v. wiiliout their kn<)\\:n4r "t«.r miat li;t; .^^kSii^&'^M^B^^^smm LVSTIN(T IR7 P'irpOM- It i» pprfornuHl, is UMially muI to b'.« iimtiiirUvp. Fiut I could kImiv* that iinrip of tlicno rhanirtrrs .if iiiHtinrt ar** iiiii\«'rsal. A little do-*, »<* Tiprre Hiib^-r ••inre.-isr-s it, of iinitrmpnt or reii-mi, often mmes JMto (.lay, »'\oii ill ariiinalH v.-ry low in the srale of nature. lie|>o«.ition to our conscious will ! yet thev niav l>e nioditied hy the v*ill or reason. Hahits e'a.sily iM'come a«f.ociatee pointed iiut. As in repeating a neli-known none, so in nistinctfl, one action follows anoilier by a sort of rliythm ; if n |>erson Iks interrupted in a Hon|r, or m rept-atinjf auythin;,' hy rote, he is jrenerally forced 'o go iiack to recover the hahituai train of tlioujflit : st» 1'. Hubor found it was with a caterpillar, which makes a • ery complicated hammock ; tor i( he took a caterpillar i^liich had «-onipleteck up to, Kay, the sixid -Liiife of construction, and put it into a hammock com- plet«^ up only to the thinl statfe, tlie caterpillar simply re-performed the fourth, fifth, and sixth staires of con- -'ruction. If, however, a caterpillar were tiken out of ■I hammock made up, for ii.>tance. to the third sLnce. ;.rid were put into one finished u[> to the sixth ^1:0:0, ^n that miK li of its work was already done for it, f'r from fei'iiin: tiie iM-iietitof this, it was much enil)arras.sed, and. in order to complete its uammock, ^e«•med fon ed to sUrl from the third sUjfe, where it had left off and thiif tried to complete the already nnisheeri then the re-.rnblance between uhat oripi'ially a habit and an instinct U'.onu-s so close IHH ON T!iK ORIGIN Ol Si'KdKS ;i> liiit to \tei diKtinjfuished. if Mozart, iri>t(>ad of i)layint? tli(> fiaiiofort*' at thrre years old with w<)ndinc- ?eneration>'. It can he clearly >howii that the rimst •.vniidertul in.->titict>- witli which we are ac- •ILiainted, namely, tho^e of the lii\e-hee and of many ^uis, could not [inssihly liave heen tlius aci)i;iied. It will he univvsaily admitted that in>:;iict,s are an important as cj)r[)oreal structure for the welfare of each •jpccies, under its present conditions of lih-. Inder chan^-ed condit:oni of life, it is at least p*jlde that sii::ht riioditications of instinct miulit he proiitahle to a spciies ; and if it can he shcmn that instincts* do var\ t\e- so little, tfien I can see no diJFn ultv in natural selection preserviinr and continually accumulatiiiff variatiicis of instinct to any extent that may be profitable. It Ih thus, as I believe, that all the most complex and wonderful instincts have ori:rinateii. As moditications of corjKneal structure ari-e from, and are increased by, use or habit, and are iliminished or lost Uy disuse, so I do not doubt it has been with instincbj. Hut I believe that the effects of habit are of ijuite suiiordinate importance to the effects of the natural ielection of what may be called accidental variations of in-iiiicts ;-~ tiiat is of variations produced by the same unknown causes which produce .4if;ht deviations of i»i)dily structure. No complex instinct can pos>ibly he iirodm cd tbrough nitural selection, except liy tlie sl^w and »rradual accumulation of numerous, sliirbt. vet j>rofitable, variations. Hence, an in the ca -e of corporeal Mtri.'itures. we ouiriit to find \u nature, lutt the actual transitional ^rraditimis by which each complex iiiPtiuct iifcu acquired for these couiij he tdund only ui the lineal ancestors of ©;ich specievS — but we oujrht to find 111 tfi« collateral linen nf deaceiit some evidence of *^&'- INSTINCT 189 mich jrraiiztions ; or we oui^ht at least to be alile to «;how that graHatioiiH of some kinil are possiblt* ; and tluH we rcrtaiiilv laii <«' atid Nortii AriH'ri''a, and for no instinct hi'inL' kno«ii amo; iTst I'xtiiict sy»eci(>«, liow very trpni'ral!y uTadatimw, Icadiri ■' to the most comjilex institMts, can \»' discoveri'd. ('liain^'s of instinct may sometimes Im* facilitated l>v th. same species haviiiir ilitfereiit instincts at dirierepji perind^ of lire, or at different seasons of the year, >>' wlien placed under different circumstatices, etc. ; in which cise either one or the other iiiRtinct mii.'ht he pre>»'rve ' hy natural Belectiori. And such instances of liiverMty of instinct in the same species can he tihown to occur in nature. Atrain ris in the case of corporeal -tnicture, and ron- fortiiaS: vith my theory, tlie instinct of each 'species ;•. e<>ne or the strontrest nistances of an animal apparentlr performintr an action for the sole (food of another, with whii )i I ,im acquainted, is that of apliides voluiitariiv yield iti:r their sweet excretion to ai-tH : that tliey do so voluntarily, the followintr facts show. 1 removed all the ants from a (jroup of ahout a d(»zen aphides on a dock-ji!.int, and prevented their attv its eajj'er way of rumiin^f ahout, to 1m» well aware what a rich flock it had discovered ; it then iM-tran to play with itj» Antent!»> riii tlie .iJidomeri first of one atihis arid then of another : and each aphi*. .as booh a.s it felt the anteniue, immediately lifted up iUs alnlomen and excreted a limpid diop of iweet juice, which was ea^rly I'JO ON THE OKKIIN OF S1'K( IK> ilevoiired hy tin- .i)if. K. in the (|uitt> ymiii,' .iphido* iK'li.ived iu this m.iiiinT, >hr»\virief that the .utidn wa.^ iiistiiH-tivp, and not tlie rosult of oxperitMii-t*. H.jt a- tho i t«» have it removt'd ; iinu therefore jtrohal'lf the aj)iiio it is with tlio nests of birds, whicli vary partly in depe.nlence on the situations cho-cn, and On the nature and temperature of the country inhaliited, hut uften from causes wliolly unknown to us : Audubon has tfiven s.-Noral remarkalile cases of ditfereuces in tiie ne-t.s otthe same species in the northern atid southern I'nited States. I'car of any particular enemy is certainly an instinctive (luality, as rnav he seen in nestliiii,' liinis, thoiijfh it is strent,'tlieiied hy experience, and bv tlie sijr'it of fear of tiie s.iine enemy in «tther animals. But fear of man is slowlv acijuired, as 1 l;ave elsewhere slutwn, by various animals inhaltitmg fesert islands ; and ^c may see an instance of this, eveti in Kuirland, in tlie trreater wildness of all our larye birds tlian of our small birds ; for the larire birds have b.-.'u nio-t per.-ecuted by man. We may safely ftttriluit- the ^rreater wildness of our larife birds to this INSTINCT 191 .Mii-f ; for in uninh.iSiti'd islarnls larijp hinl^ aro not ii»(»r«> ft-arful than muiII ; and the m.i-j)ie, so w.irv ii, KiilM.ukI, is tame in Norway, as is the hooded crow in Kj-ypt. I hattlie ^T'THTal (ii«|»(.s!tlun of individuals of tl-.- ^,tm.' ^;>>s,ii.)rri in a state of nature, is extromelT div.rsiti.'d, (Mil 1)0 sh.iwn hy a multitude of facts. Sevor.ii ci^cj aUo, could hefjiven, of ncra«ioiial and strarii^e liaMts in ..Tt.iin species, which niiifht, if advanUircous to the -p-.if"!, ^ive rise, throuirh natunil selection, to quite ri'Nr instincts. l{ut I am well aware that tii.-^e ir'Mieral -t.ifement-, without fact,s j:i;cn in detail, <-an produce !.ut a t.M-i.Je effect on the reader's min.l. I can only my assurance, that I do not speak without ^ood t'\ idi'uce. Ihi' possiliility. or even pndtahihtv, or inherit«'d of instinct in a state of'iiature will ],v -trciiirtlu.tied hy hric/ly consideririir a few cases under We >t'iall tlius also l>e enahlcd to se*« the respective parts which hahit and the selection of so- called a.cidental variations have played in modifyin-; • fie mental (jualities of our domestic animals. .\ numlK'r of curious and authentic instances could he jriven of the in) eritaiice of all shades of disposition and tistes, and i Kewise ot the oddest tricks, as.sociated with certain frames of mind or periods of time. Hut let us look to thi familiar case of the several hreeds of do^'s : it cannot he douhted that yoiinir pointers (I have mvself seen a strikinif instance) will -ometimes point ami eveu hi( k other d«»tfs the very first time that they are taken "tit ; retrieving is certainly in some dejrree iiilieritcf! by -e'rievers ; and a tenden.'y to run rou!id, in-^tead ot at, a ilo. k of sheep, hy shepherd-do^s. I cannot see that th-M> actions, performed without e.\perien!jri:r, uid in nearly the same manner hy eacli' indi- vidual, performed with e;urer deli iiistinct.«. If we were to «pe oiie kind of wolf, wIumi yum.ur and without iiiv tniiiiiiitr, a.« -^'op n> it sr«Mit»>d its prny, st:iiid rr>(.ti(.rile-.v. T k.' a --tat'j.-, and then -lo-.*ly crawl forward H-itl, ,1 |,.Tuli;ir un.t ; and aiiotluT kind of wolt ru^liimr ro.iM.i. ni a distant ].- ;it. wt- >lioiiId as-urcdly .all thoj'f a.'lion^^ in-^tiii.tivH. I>'.i.i.-.tic in^tln;•t.s as t'hoy may b*> .all.'d, arp (•♦•rtainlv 1 vr less fixed or iiivari;iliK- tlian natural in,tin(t,s ; luit tli'!v shorter i.tTiod, uinler Irss fix.d rondmonH of lift'. ... 1 , ■, 1 Hmw ■^•rMn_'-ly th<'>i»' di)mtwtic in>tinftx, tial)il-, an»i di-M.- t o 1- art' iiili«'rit"d, and liow rnrioiisly tli«*y \>rrnuM' w.'i! -'howii u lifn diir.-rtMil l.rtH-ds of dn;rN ar.' .To-.Mi. TliM-^ it is knovMi lliat a rro^s with a tpill-(l'(L' l!a---a*f.M-t.'d for rii.iiiy trcnt'rations th," roiira>r<-' and ol,-t~ia<-v of -rrc. iiOUTi li ;' and a cnws witli a crt-y- ho'ind has LMvi-n to a wliule family of >l,.>idiiTd-.ioir^ a t.Mid.-n.-y to liunt liari's. I'Iu-m' dom.'. ^'thor, and lor a Ioiil' i..Tiod exhihit tracps of the iiiHtim-t-sofr 'lerpan-nt: for exami-U', Ia- Hoy drMTil-os ;i .lo;,'. wlio-o irreat-irrandfalhor was a wolt, and this .lo^' sho^ri'd a tra.o of it.s wild j.;.rtMiti;rtM>nly in one wav, by iio^ .•omiiiiT in a -trai-ht line to bis master when callwl I 'ome,f ic instini'ts are sometiine> spoken of a> action-- which havo become inherited sohdv from lontJ-continue,'eon to tumble -an a.tion wln.ii. as I have witnessed, is per- formed by vounur birds, that havo never seen a ^)iireoii tumble. '\Vo may believe that some one pitreou siiowed a -li::!it tondencv to this stramre habit, aiiL indiv;du man) h.i'c thoutrht, o?ily th<- e.\au:rerate«l [Mii^e of an animal preparintr to >jirin;r on its iirev. U iim the tir^-t tiiuleiK y to point was orite displayed, metl, M-lectinn and the inherited effects t,i ('urn- puUory training in each successive freneratmn «.iuld -oun complete the work ; and uncon>cious >election is -till at wnrk, as eadi man tries tu pro<-ure, without iiitcn.iin:; u. impnnc the hreed, doirs which will stand .ind hunt l.cst. On the other liand, hahit alone in some cases has surtice more diUicult to tame tlian tiie yoinijr of the wild; scarcely an\ animal is tamer tiian the yi^nui: of the tame r.Vl.bit'; !iut I do not suppose that domesi.;- have ever i.e.n selected for tameness ; ;,nd 1 |.r(-ume that w,- mu-f attnhute the whole of the inlierited chaiiire from extreme wildnesti t(t e.\treme tameness, simply to hahit and loiiL'-continued close confinement. •N'atural instincts are lost under domestication: a n-niarkahle iu-taiice of this is se«-n in tho>e hreeds of t'.^U which very rarely or never hecome ' hroody,' that is, never wish to sit on their eiTirs. Familiari'tv alone prevenU our seeinir liow u!ii\ ers.allv and lar-ielV the minds (»f our domestic animals iiave l'.een moduied I'y d<.mesti puppies from '•••iintries,such a- 'i'lerra del i-ur-o an. < *n the ntlicr liaiid, voutiij cliiclxcii- Iriv c iost. \\liii!l\' hy lialut . fliat f»'ar of tlio do:; and cat \\h:ch no dnul>t «as (iriirij'-illv in>-tinrli\(» in liu'tn. in tin- same wa\' as it is »(» |ilaini\' iii-'i!!c*i\-f in yoiiiiL'' jilica-.i!/-. Mn'Mi.'^h ri'and iihdtT a 'icn. it is iirtt that chi''l\<'n^ lia\c ln»t nil toar, hut ft-ar niilv of doL's and cat^. for if tlic ht-n i;i\<'»s tlii> daiii:''r ( Ii'ickli", Mu'V \\i!i r-ni (nnrc f-pc'ir'.lly vhiiii^ tur'i'\-i from undor lior, and cuncfal tht-rn--' 1\ c^ in tin? -urii'ijtidin:,' irrass or t)iicl,rt>; and thi~ i~ «". idt'nti\- done t'nr tfic ui-tuicti'-'o [iiir[iii»i' ot;il,'o« inj;. a-i vvc ^cc m w '!d :.'f>>iind-t>i:ii-.. their nii'tluT !<• tly awa\-. I'ut tlii- !i-iin> t retained h\- our eliicKeus h;is In cnnio u-^ele--- under di'ine-tica' iiei. tnr tlu' Tnotli>'r-hen lia> alnmst l(,~t h\' di-i-e the power ot (liirht Hence, we may cMiicIude. that domestic instintts lia\e heen acijnireil and siatnral instincts ha^e heen lo(dectin; and accuiini!a*in_'^ •iurintr succes>-i\e t'c'icration^, peculiar nieiital liahi'.- and actions, whi(di at t'r-t "'red from what v\-e inu--t in our iirnor.fice (m!1 an ai cidiMit. In -orne cas, hest nn h-r-'nid lio'v iji-t nets in a stale of nature have hecoiiie ni..ditied i>v -elc tiin . hy coM-ideriniT a fen c ises | wili selec* ouU three, ret of the sc'cra! v^l!■cll I sli.i'! ha\ e lo d -■ !,-s in my luture \\'>i'k. nanitd\ , tlie instinct \vlii(li h' ul- the i uckoo to lay her eL'':s ni other hirds" nests ; the slave-makiris; instinct of certain ant< ; and the comli-makiiiir power ot tlie hi\e-h'.'e ; thi'se tw'i hittev iiistiei'ts h;i\ e i''ene!">!lv. and most justlv. heen ranked tiv naturalists as the most wttndertul of all known instincts. It is now coinnionlv admitted that the more im- INSTINCT 196 Di'diate and Mnal raimo of ttio nirkoo'<« irmtinr* is, that ■rirs, not daily, hut at intorval-J of" two or t}irt'«' davH . so that, it" she were to inakf h»'r own tioxt and -iit on licr own otfi;s, thoso first laid would have to he lef> for somt' tir7U! unmcuhatcd. or liu'n* wmiM h*" •■rtrs and yonnL' hirds ot' dificront airt's in tli»< -aTnenftst It tills w(T«' tilt' .as*', thfi nroccs.- of layiriL'arul hatriiitij; nn^'-ht ho incoiivtMiiciitjy ion;:, inoro t-fit'i'MJlv a- sh«* has to niiirrate at a ver\ parly period ; and Mm^ tir«t hitched yonntr .vould j)rohai)lv have to he fed hy the male alone. Hut the Ainencaii nickon is in' 'his nrediriment ; for she makes her own ne<.t and has etru'" md yoiitiL' s^^(■|■e^slvoly hatclied, all at he -ame tirno. It has heen asserterl that the Amen. an ruckoo oe- casioiially lays her Oirtrs in otlier hirc|< ne^t^ ; |„]t 1 hear on the hiirh authority of 1 >r. I'.rewer. that 'hisJH a mistake. Nevertheless, I eould yive ^.ev.'ral instances i»t various idrds uhnii liave heen known oecasiojialiv to lay their ejji-irs ;n other hirds' ne^ts. Nuw jet ns supposo that the aneient protreuitor of our Kuroj.e;.n (•'ickn<, liad the hahit<< of the American ( uckoo ; hut that "cca-ionally slie laid an e^^t: in another t.ird - ne^t. It the (dd lurd profited hy this (na-asional hahit. or f t!ie you ntr wore made more vitroroijs f.^■ ad^antaire 'lavint: heen taketi of the nii>taken maternal instinct of ■mother hird, than hy their own mother's care, en- . inhered as ^he can hardlv fail to he hy ha\ inu"- e^-'irs iM'i younir of" different a^'es at the winiotime ; then the Old hirds or the ftwlered youiiir would train an ad- ■>anta:.'e. And analoiry would lead me to hel:eve, that 'h.' voijTif thus reannl would I'O a[.t to toilt.w hy nheritancp the occasional and alierrant hahit of their 'iKjtiirr, and in tlieir turn would 1)0 apt to lav t !:c:r ei'-rn in other iiirds' nests, and thus he successful in n ann>f t!K'ir youiiix. l>y a continued proc»'>s of this nature, I I'elieve tiiat tlie stran-e instinct of our cuekoo could he. and ll.'K liixitl trti, ,,,,-■,*,, A I r>. I.I ll ..1 „ . .1:. _ to i >r. (iray and to some otlier oh-cr\er>. the l-.urope6 ON THE ORIGIN Ol sl'iK IKS 'Hie orcasional hahit of hirds layiiiff their eetfs in otlicr l»inls' nests, either of the same or of a (iistiiut specu'-t. is not very iiiicoriiiiHui with the iialliiiaceie ; anil this perlianx explains the onirin of a sinjfular iiistiiK 1 in the allieil trmup of o>trn hes. F<»r neveral lien o-itrii lie-;, at h'a^t in tlie iat and tlieii in another ; ami tlie-ie are hati lied hy the males. 'Hiis ui«':nr! rii.i\' |irof>.il>lv Ixi arcounteil lor hy tho fact of tlie hens la\ wiiT a lar^'O niunlier of ej-i^s ; hut, ."is in the . so tiiat in one day's hiintini,' I pu;ked iiji no less than twenty lost and waited etftfs. Manv lK»es are para>itic. atui alwa'.'" lay their e:ri:s in tlio n.'sfs of liee'4 ;ts ; for they d-t iiitt possess the {lollen-ctdlectinir apparatus which would ho neressarv if they had to store food for their ects) are parasitic on other spci-ies ; and .M. I aine h^is lately sho" n iTood reason for iK'liexini; that aithcniirh tho lachytes niLTa jrenerally makes its own hurrow ai<'l stores it with paralysed prey for its own lar\a» to feed on, yet that wlicn this insect tinds a harrow already made and .stored hy anitther splie.x, it takes advant;ufe of the prize, and i.ecoines for the occasion jiarasitic. lu this c;ise, as uith the suppiised case of the cuckoo, 1 can see no difhculty in natural seh'ctioti making' ati occa- sional hahil permanent, if of advanta;_'-e to the species, and if the in>ect who»e nest and stored food are thus fehtniously approjtriated, he not thus exterminated. Sltive-rtinking inxtinrt. — This remarkahle instinct was first discovered in the Formica (I'olyertres) rufesceus hy Pierre Hiiber, a In'tter observer even than his celebrated m INMlNcl 1»7 1 fatlior. 'ITiis ant ig sVisolutcIy dependent on its slaves ; without their aid, tlie species would certainly f>e- come extinct in a hin^fle year. 'Hh' males and fertile females do no work. The worker^ or sterile feniaU-*, tlmiiifl; most eiierjfetie and couraireous in capturitij.' ^I.l\es, do no otlier work. I'hey are incajiahle of mak'nt; their own iirst.s, or of feediiiir tlieir own larv*. \V hen the old iiest in found inconvenient, and they have to III if rate, it i.-i the slaves whicli determine the mijfral:on, and a(tually carry their m;ist«'rs in their jaws. So utterly lu'Ipless are the ma«ter«, that when Holier shut 'iji thirty of them witljout a slave, hut with pletity of tde fond which they like l>est and with their larva? and pii|»ie 'o stimulate them to work, they did notliinir ; they rrdild not e\en tied themselve.><, ami many perished of • lunirer. Muln-r then introducer! a siiit'Ie slave {V. tii-makin{; ant, it would ha e Ihi!i hop«'le-.s to have sjteculated how so wonderful an in-tinct could have been perfected, .VtiotluT .-pei:es, Kormii'a sanyuinea, was likew'se tir-t discovered hy I'. Huher to he a (ilave-makiiiir ant. Ihis '-pecies is found in tlio .southern parts of Knirlartd. i'.n\ its iiahits liave iieen attended to hy .\fr. J . >!i;ith, "' tlie llritish Museum, to whom 1 am mucli imiebted tor inforination on this and other suhiects. Althout:h fullv tru^tiiur to the stateiiiefit.s of Hut)er and Mr. >initr;. I tri<'d to approach the suhject in a ■weptical fraiiie of mind, as any on'- mav well he excused for 'iouiitinjf the truth of so extraordinary and odious an :i-tiiul as tliat of makiinf ^ia\es. Hence i will jfive •he oh-ervalions which I ha'.e myself mrole, in sonie ':tth' detail. J opened fourteen nest,s of F. -arnfuiu'a, I'iil toiin(i a fi,''w slave*^ in hII. Males and fertile ri males of the slave-specie.* (F. fusca) are found on'y in 'h* ir own proper commu'iitie-, and have ne\er been ol-ervt-d in tlie nestH of F. -.uiiruinea. Hie slaves are m til im ON TUK ORUilN OF SI»E( Ih> s^^.i Mark Jiiul not atiovH lialf the si/« nt tlifir ro out, niid like thuir ma«it<'rH ar«« nim-h aK''''»''l and di'tcnd tim in-st : uhcii rli<« iip^t is mucli ili«tiir!«;'d and tiji' larv* ami puji^ arc <'\|>iis(.(l, fho «la\»'s \T(irk ♦'ufi-L.-fM ally with their tiia-tfrs in carryirnf tln'iM aw, IV tu a jda.c ot s.iloty. llcnri-. it is «lcar, that the slavf. trvl <|uite at lium*'. Duriii,' the riiKutlH of .iujM-aiid ./illy, t>a tjiree Hiicces'-'ive year-. I have watched fur many hours neveral ncst.x lu Surrey aim >u^«iex, and uever saw a slave eiili.-r leave or enter a ne-t. A.x, 'lurm^ these montlis, tlie are very few in nufiiher, 1 thoiiulit that ttiey Miitrlit helia.e dilterenily w h»Mi (iiore nimp'MiiH ; hut Mr. Smith informs ine that li«' han i*atilie.ts at various hours diirinjr .May, J .lO and .\utrusl. 'Mitii m ""urrey a;i. i)iirint.' the present year, however, m the month of Jiily, J came across a lornmunity with an unusually ]ar;;e sto. k ol slaves, ami I ol.-cr\ed a tew blav. -- iriiny-leahly iu se.'jrt h of apimles or cocci. .Ac- corduiK to lluher, who had amide opportunitie.s lur obberyation, in Switzerland the slaves h'ahitually wnrk with their iiias',fr> in niatcinL' tiie nest, and thev alone open and clo-..' the doors in the njornini: an! e\enin^'' ; ami, as lluiK:! r\pre---ly Htate«, their j.nmi[»al oifice is to --e.irch for .iphidcs. 'i'liis ditference in the usual hahits of the masters and slave-s in the two tountrii-s, prohaidy de|>ends inerclv on the .slaves beinj.: cantiired iu jfreater nuini»ers in Swity.erland than in Kiiirland. t>noday 1 fortunately witiuvssed a mipratiou of F. sanruine.i from one uest to auotherj and it wa« a most fe-1 INSTINCT lOli iiiT»«rPstiny. as in \\\i- jir«iarlM'il a:iil \vt>rt' v i:.'nriiu*ly r»'jiiilse«l i'v an iiiii»'|>«Mi(lciit ciiiiiniuuity i>t' tin- »laM'- sjH'i'ies (F. lU'ca' ; miiik^ a> inan\ a-. l!iri»«' of tln-^e aitt,«» cliii^''tnir I" ili<- IcL's of ih.' -1 IV <»-m:il\i;ii.' I'. *sni- ^•iiitioa. Tii*' lattiT riitlili'silv killcil tln-ir »;iiall oj>- poiitMiN. and - \fiiU'ii iritm LM'ttiiii^ aiis- |>ii|i;flo r»'ar ai slau--. I then tliii; ii|i a -inal; panel of Mn* |iiip.c ol I. fii-^'a from aii- o'luT rii'-t, .mil |iut tiiffti (liivvii on a Imiv -i>«tt iit'ar ♦))»• iihii I' of roiiiiiii ; tln-v were ra^'iTU' ••fi/»>(l, and <'.irri(' I'l of the |)iiji;»' of an«tt!nT mju'iIps, K tl.iva, vsith a f>'\\ of these JMtle yt-llow ants ^tiIl fliii.'iiic to the fnitf- i ;rn'«. of the nest I iiis speeies is .^onii-times. thmnrh '•i'"i'i\-, rnailo into -!aM--, as ha* heeii de- ke« ♦i:-'ir hi^ neiirli'Miiir.s with s>,-j,ri-ini?- «*oura.'(«. .Now , tilt? slave-'iakinu F. satitruinea ; and when I aeei- •d I - lurious to asiortaiM whether F. santrmn»»a a.s thev were much terriiied when the\ came across tin pi:p*, or e\'>n the earth from the nest of F. flava, and quickly rau away ; hut in ahout a •quarter of an hour, shortly after all the little yellow Hit n 200 ON THK ()RF(;iN OK SPECIES I arifx li.iil »*. ( )rie ineiiiii;/ I v i-iltd another <(»uiniiinity of K. <«u- iT'iiiiea, atiil toiiiid a iiurnher of th('-.e aiil>< returiii!!^ hoiiif and eiit<-riiiir tln-ir in-t«, carryn;; the dead Kodi""* of K. (ii^i-a (•.hov\ ill;.' that it wa.x iiot a aiiif ration) arui iiiimrruii.4 |iiii>;e. I trari'd a l.t in Mie thii k htatli. Ilie nc-t, howf^iT. inii-t ha'.e h»'en ehxe at h.ind, fur two 'ir thrt'"' imliv iduaU of I', tii-ra were rii-ini.c ahoiit ni t)ie crealeNi .itritafiori, and one wa« jM-rched iriotioiih'^- .v;*ii it* iiwn pupa iti iLs rmnjt h on tlio 'op of a '■prav of heath, an iiii ci'e (it de-pair, over its ra\aLre(i home. N'i( h are thi- t.icts, thoii::li thev 'iid not need con- firrn.ition hy nie. in reiT'ird to the udndcrful instinct of iiiakiritr sla\t>-. I>'t it he oKser\-ed \v)iat a cdntrit-t tlie instinctive liahits of \-'. s,iiiiruiii,.;i present wit!i those of the K. riifescci s. The hitler does not huihi its o'Aii lies!, dues nut determine its own micralions. i|ii('-< nut coiicc; i.iod for ;t>elf or its yoini;.'', .iiid (.iiiuot e\tMi feed it-cif; it is ahsolntely dependent on its iiiiTiieidiis -l.tx,.^. I'oriniea s.ini;iiinea, on th • other liaii'!, pn>.v,>v.(.^ much fc\N('r •"laves, and in the early part (it the summer extrcmeh few : tiie ma>ters deter- riiMie \\]f]\ and wliere a new -hall he formed, and when tliey mi:.'-ratf. Mio m.i^ters cirrvtlie >lave-i. HoMi in Switzerland and IJiLrland tlio -la\es -cimm t(i ha\o the exclusive care of tlie lar\.e. and tlie masters alone •Xi^ on •.j.ive-makinir expeditions. iti >»;t/.crland tiie slaves and ma-?cr> work tdtretlier, ni.ikii./ and hriiiijin;; materials fnr tlic ne^t : Iiotli, hut chieliv the >laves, teiul, and milk as it m,iv he calleil, their aplmic- ; and ihu.s lifitli colle('t food fur the community. Iti Knirland the !oa>ters ahme u-u.illv leave the nest to collect huildini; fiiatcriais.iiHJ ioo(i for I ii em -fives, tiieir slaves ;inii iarv w. So that the m.i-ters in this country receive nuich !e<»« service from their -slave« thati tliey d«» in Switzerland. IN>I IN< T 201 Bv what nicy* th»' iii-timt ot F. •wiinfuiiiea oritriii.ite«'(i»"*, if xcatt^'HMl ru'ar tlu'ir iirst-, it M |»o»j*iliU» tliat ■•Mcli ]tu]>if nriifiiia'.ly sturiMl iw tiimi mikrht IxM'onift d«ni'I(i|M^il ; ami the fun-icn ants tlni«* uiiinteTition tliy reare«it's whu li h;nl •••i/»'i »la\ es than the s-itne «pe'ics in Swit/erland, 1 can -lee no ilit'ii t;lty in na'urai >.dectiou increasintf and modifyinj; the insti-ict — alwayt* "Upposirij; pacli nioditicatioii to he of use to the specie^ •iiitil an ant vas formed aw at>jectly dependent on iU -la>cs a.^ is the Formica rufesceus. I'fll-innking in*t\iirt oj tK»- ihtr-Hrr. — i will not hero •liter on minute details on thiM suhject, hut will merely j-ve an outiine of the con.dusion.s at which I have Arrived. He must he a dull man who can examine the exquisite ntructure of a comh, -o KeaulifuUy »ted to Its end, without enthusia>tic adtniration. W e hear rVini mathematicians tliat l>ees have practically lia{»e to holil tlie trre^itest po>-sihle amount of liotifv, with the lea^l p«»s>i!de consumptinti of precioui wax in their con^tructuni. !t ha- Iteen remarkf'd that a -kiltul workman, with tiltir;.' tools and measures would tinil it very difficult to make ceils of wax of the true fnrm, thonuh this is juTfectly etfected hy a i-mwd ot hees working in a dark hive. (irant whatever instincts vou please, atjd it seems at first .piite incon- ceivalde {low thev can make all the neceHSiiry aujfles 2(12 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES aii'l planes, or oven jK-neive whoii tiiey are corrtctly m;i(lo. JWil tlii> iliilicully is not nearly ^■o tfreat as ii at fir->t apjK-ar^ ; ali tlii« [)»Mutifiil work can l»e shown. I think, to foll'^Aiioina luw very eiiiiojc instiiici.-,. 1 •vas lf(l to invesiii.Mtf this siilijcrt l)v Mr. ^\'at»'r- h().iM', i\lio has .sliov*n tliat the fonn of tlit' ceil staml^ 111 ilo-c oil to ;lie jirt's»>iit i* rirn'i|)!t. .,; m i.iiUon, and ^cr uheUu-r Natii.-c does not reuMi to ui iier ni»'tho(i uf work. \- fod o?' h b.'iort scrie- we )ia\o liu?iiMe-tM'e>, HJii.ti u^i- the:rohl rocoons to lodd honey, -urneliinev adding' t<» tlu'in s'nort tiihe-^ ot Ma\, and lik".\:M- miikio:.' -.-ii. irate a;iit \ery irre^^ular nouKii-d c-Ils .,:' wa.v. At the other end of the stiries «.- hav. Lhe .ells ol the hi\t-''e!', |.!;ii d in a douhio laxor: e.udi cell, as is ucU - known, is .an ln'.\.it:onal [oi-m, wit), tti..- hasal e-ltres oj' its si.\ r-ules h«'v»'lh'd so ;..- to lit oij to a [lyramid, formefi ot three rhoMihs. 'J'lio,-- rhoinh.s h;i\i> lertairi an-les. and the tiiree which toi,ii ihe i-yrainidal h.ise of'a sintrlc ccH on o!u> side oJ tlie com*', enter into the coniposition ot the li.ises «d thiet; auium'ii;; cells oii J' e oioiosite side. in the ser.ox in tween the e.vtreine |»erA'ciion of tiiectdls o,* ti:e hi.e-heti aud tlu- siruidicity ot thi->c „f the hiiinhli, «f ha\e tile cells ot the" .Mexican MiMjioria domwjLic^, carefully tlescn!>ed and tiuMuctl h\ I'lerre Huber. 'J'he Midijiona it.self in iiiterniediate in struc- ture hetvTm-n the hive and liunible iiee, hut tntoe n'-arly ris'ated to the latter: it lunns a nearly regular waxen cooih of cylindrical cells, in which the youni^ are hatched, and, in addition, .some lar;.'^e cells id" w.i.x for holdinir honey. 1 hese iatler cells are nearly spheruai ao.l ut nearly cijual .--izes, and are a^'^^jrc^atcd into an iriciTular Mias-i. Mut th(> nnjiortaut iioint to noti;'e, i^ that till so celN are always made at that de^rree of nt-Hirne-s to e.icli ntluT, they would have intersected or t)rokeo into each other, it" the spheres had heen com- pleted ; hut thi^ IS never permitted, the In^es building perfectly flat walls of wax between the spheres which bsiii^yiiiiiBii& INSTINCT 2on 'Jnis tend to intersect, fleiico each roll consists of an • iiitfT spherical jM)rtiou and of two, three, or more [)t'rtertly Hat Mirtaces, according as tlie o«'ll .Kii'-nirf two, lhnt,\ or more oihrr d-ll.-. When one cell coniC!) iriio contact wiih three- ollicr cell^, *\hich, from tlie Vi.herc^ l)»'iriir nearly of the sanif size, is very frequently ;i .ii nt'cer-^arily the case, the three liat .sur .iHv a trross imitation of the thifc- s.aed pyrainiihii haesot the cell ol ttio hiv«»-l)ee. A* 1! the ceils ol tiie hi\e-b«H}, -o here, the tliree plane SI. Places in any one a [)art of two cells. llcHectiiitj on this rase, it occurred to ine th.ii ii t:ic .Mdipona had m;ide it.s sytheres at fcome tfiveu il, stance from each other, and liad made them of equal sizes and had arrantred them symmetrically iti a douhle layer, the roultiiii: >tructure would proha'nly iiau' heen as [lerfcct a, the comh of the hive-hee. Accorer oi equal splieres he descri!r^l wiih their ci nircs phii t.-'i in two [)ai;iiifl layers; «ilh thu li ntid ■ i t :u!j -j'hero at the disLanco of radius x ^' 2, or :\niis A l-ill-l (or at some h-sser distance), frurii the •xnlren ot the si.x surroundiim .^phereti in the .same hiyer ; and al the same distance from t!ie centres ul I'he ad'oinini; spheres iii the other arul pa.-allol layer; iht u, if planes (if Miiersection hetwefto the -e\eiases formed ol three rhomhs ; and the rhouilw and the Hides ot the h< xa!;onal prisri.r< -tui iia/e 204 ON THE ORIGIN OK SPPX IKS every nriL'le identically the same witli tliel)est measiire- montH which have been mude uf the cells of th»* hive-hff. Hence wp may safely coiiclMfle that if we 'ouM slicli'Iv rno'lify the instincts aln-afiy |k»s»ssp(1 l»y th»- MelipDiia. and in tlieniselves not vcrv wonderfiilj tlii^ licc wiuilrl make -j -tnicture as wertVct as t)i,it of the hiv>-hee. \\'e must suppose the Mdipona to make her cells truly sphorical, and of equal »i^rs ; and this would not he very surprisiiitr. sp«^niL' that -.he already doe-j so to a certain extent, and >oei!iir what pertectiv cylindrical hurrows in wood ruanv i[i*c.-Ls can fn.ike, apparently \r, •uminir round on r ''xed point. \\ e itiii.-t supp(»se the Melipona to arranre her cells in level layers, as she already does her cylipdrical ''idb : and we must further supjiose, and this is the t:reatest ditluulty, tliat slie c^ti somehow iudtre ai'curately at what distance t(» strand from her tellow-lahourer- wlieri several are makinjr tlieir srdieres ; hut she is alreaily -o far eiiaided t(, judtre of distatice. that she always descrihes fier spheres so as to intersect largely , and rhen she unites t.hp points of intersection hy perfectly ?iat surfa. cs. \\'<. liave further to supjwwo/hut. this is no dithcjlty, that after hexatronal prisms have Iteen formed l.y the intersection of adjoinirnf sjdicres in the same laye-, sho can proloajr the hexaL'on to any len^rth re'jui>ite to h(dd the stock of honey ; in the sanu- way .T< the rude humhle-hee adda cylinders of wax to the circular mouths of her old cocoons. !lv such I'louitica- t.ions .(f in-tincL- in themselves not very rtunderful,-- liardh more wonderful than those winch truide a t>ird to make its n^'st, — I htdieve that the hive-hee tia^. acijiiired, throuirh natura. seleition, her iriimitahle arc}i't('<'tural powers Itiit this theory --an he tested hv experiment, (■■.dl.'wiiijr the example of Mr. leiretrneier, 1 separated two coiiil.-. and put hetween thetn a loiiir, thick, siiuare trip of wav : the l>ees iiistiintlv he^'^an to excavate niinhte circular pi*s in it ; and as they de«'pened the-^e little pit'^, they uiade them wider aiid wider initil thev INSTINCT 20S were couvert»'d into shallow basins, app«*ariiitr to the eve perfectly true or jmrts of a spher*', and of about the diameter of a cell. It was most interestiiijr to me td t>twerve that wherever several hees had detr'ni to <'\<\i>ate tliese ha>ins near toiretht-r, they hau be^run tiieir work at such a distance from eacli other, that by the time the basiiH had acmiired the above stated *idth (!.»'. about the width of au ordinary cell), and Aere in depth abnut one sixth of tbe dianiefer of the -phtTc of which they forme of the ba>uis intersected or hrolnal ;iri> built ii[ion the scalloped eiij^e of a sinnoth iia,.n, *\^n •< t<,.»».. rnl .£•'>»<> ■•*' »l,;>i.r^' l.irl ■•■:-. .. J : T.- " .. -; r-. , : ! ** ::i • ii* . t t ■ • I't '. -.a Ftt t ^..,.» ... .,...._- ...... Hot been neatly performed. 'I'he bees ri\u«.t have worked at very nearly the same rate on the opposite side.-' of the ridfje of vermiliou wax, a.s tiiey circularly 2f»« ON THE ORIGIN OF Sl'ECIES iriiawed awa\ and decpene'l llie basins on lK)th sidesj iu order \i< lin.o suci'oedcd in tlius leaviiji: fiat plate* hctwpfii flie lasiii-, iiy slojipinp work a'oiitr tlio intt'r- tnt'diat*' [ilaiies or pWuics ot iiitcrsoiti'in. ( on-idcrinK ln'" i!«>xi!i!»? tliiii wax is, i d(» not -see tliat there is any diflirLlty in lli(^ Itcs. v^liilst at w hides ; for I have noticed ha't-comph'tt'd rhombs at the Itati- (if a iu-t-comnieiiced cell, which were slii,'htly < (incavc on one sidf», \viiere I suppose tiiat the ln'c^ had evcavate(l too juickly, and coinex on the opjiosed side, where the bees had "urktwl less (pnckiy. In one w»-ll- Tnirlcd iii'«t-'i!ice, I jnit the comb hack into the hi\e, and alhiHi-d the bee- t. e<* "'i workitiL' for a sliort time, atui UL'ain examined the cell, and 1 found that the rhi>nih:c plate bad lieen roni!'!eted, and bad hci onic pfrirftiij fict : it wius alisoIutei\ iiujios^-ible, frlate, that they « Olid liave elfected this by tr'i:i"'Mi;r away the convex side ; and I su-pcct that the bet"'' in '•uch cases staixi in th»( opposed cells and push and bend tlie ductile ftiid wai ii: wax (whicli as 1 have tried is easily done) intit its proper interniediate plane, and thus datten it. I'rom th(3 ei)>eriinent of tlie ridi^c of \'ermilioii wax, we ( learly >ee that if the bees \*ere to liuild for thenis(d\f- a thin "all of wax, tlu". co'ild make their ceils tif tlie jiroper sha|'e, by staudiiii; at the |irop«'P p('-ite sides, always workimr circularly a.s they deepen each cell. 1 hey do not make the whole three-sided pyramidal l>ase of any INSTINCT 207 oiiPCf'li at tho s.-ipif timt'. hut only tliPone rhomhic plate which stands on the extrrmo ^rctwin? marifin, or the two jil.'ites, a- t)it« case inay i'o ; aiu! thev n»'\er loin- jilfte t'lM' iipjier e(li:'*< ot" the rlioiii'iif |,Iato<. 'intil th»' Iie.\a:.'(inal walls arc tntntnem-pd. Norno <»t tln'x- >tatr iiirnts (iiifcr from truo- inaiU' by tlio iu>tlv celcliratrd cMfr Muher, tint [ am lOininred of their accurary ; ai.ii if I liad >[ihcp, I couM -Ikiw that thov an* rniifurm- alilt' willi my tht-ory. Hiih«n's statcnit'nt that the mtv f;r!ipp<',(. tliat t'l H es caiuiot h'nld up a rouL'h wall of v*a\ ii! the proper position- (hat is, aloii_'- tli'' piano of intersection between two adjoininjf Hpht-res. I liave -'"MTal '^pet-imens sliowinir clearly tli it tiiey can do tfiis. K\en in the rude circumferential rim or wall of «ax round a trrowin-r iMmh, tlexnres may sometimes be (■'i-crved, !iies. The ni.iuneV ill ^\iiich tlie bee- build ;•* curious; thev alwavs make ti:i' first rou^rh wall from ten to twc-itv tinn's tiian tlie exce»ivelv thin lini-lied wall of the cell, xvhich will nltim;itely hi' left. \\ e -Ii ill understand hnw they work, h} suppo-iiiir masons tn--t to pile up a hroail riiiire of cement, and then to he:; in cuttinir it away eijially on both side- noar tin- jro'ind. till a -loootli. \cry thin wall i~ \vl\ in tl,,- rniddle ; ihe Til i-on- always pilinjr up the cut-away cement, and aiiiliiiL'' fre-li cement, on the summit of the riflire. W'e -hall thus liave ;i thin wall steadilv trrowinir upward : l>ut always « -owned by a ^'ij^antic copin;r. From ail tlie cells, both those just commenced and tho-^e com- j>leted, beinjr thus crowne«i by a stroujf copinj^ of wax, Ii 208 ON THE OUIfilN OF SPECIES the Jices ••an cluster and crawl over tlie comb without injuriritf the delicate liexairoiia! -.alis, which are only about oih; rdiir-luindredth of an Mich in thickness; the (dales of' the j)\ ramirlal h.isis \,c\ui: ahoiit twiie as '.hick. Ily thi- sinirular manner of huildinjr, strerifrth is cditinually u'ixen to the conih, with the utmost ultiTiiat«> e«-oiiuiiiv of wax. it -eenis at rir^t to a>\ii to the dJIIiniltv of undcr- staiidiiiir liow tiie vrUy. are made, that a multitude ot bee- all «ork r(i::.'thcr ; one hee after uorkinyr a t cell. I was ahle jiracticallv to >\ut\\ this fact, hy coverin:: tlie »'di:.-> of rh'e hexajronal walN of a Kin<:le lell, or the extrcnu" marL-in of the circumferential rim of a urovMnt: <-(iinh, witli an evtiemtdy tiiiii layer of melted vermiiion wax ; and I iinariahly found tlial tlio colour was mo>t (Iclicately diffll^ed l.y ttie hees -as deli.-ately as a painter could lia^e d(»ne with his hru>h hy atoms of the coluured wax havini: hiM-ii taken from tlie ^jiot on which it had been ]ilaceach other, all trying' to swccj) ees of dithculty. as when two piece^ of comb met al an aiiL'lc. how often the bees would pull down and reliuild in ditferent ways the same cell, sometimes recurrin^^ to a shape which they had at first rejected. \V\wu bees have a place on which they can stand in tlioir proper positions for workintr. for in-tance. on a slip of wood, placed directly under the middle of a comb t'rowinir tiowriwards so tliat the comb has to K-e tiuilt over one face of the slip in this case the l)ees can lay the foundations of one wall of a new hex.i^vni, iu its strictly proper place, jirojectin^ bey(»nd the other INSTINCT 209 completpd coll-^. Jt sufHics tint tho hees should Im» eii.iLioii ti) stanil ;it their piopfr rrlativf distAiici's from t'Hi h oth«T ami twin th(» u;ills <>t' tii.' l.i^t romph-ted cfllv., ar:d tlieu, \n .-trikititr ima^'iiiiirv sphtTtw. they t.i'i hiiil.i up a wail iiiteriiji-diatr ht'twet'ii tuo adjoin- ing' spheres ; l)iil. a.s far as J have seen, tliey never KiiaH away and tini>h oti the antrie- of a cell t.lla laru'e J. art hotli oJ that cell and of thi- adnuniiii: reil.s hn- • >••♦ ;i hiiilt. 'I"iii< capaeity in Kee- of hiyiniT down under .'.Ttaiii circum.staiices a routrh viall iii it-, proper plan- t.'tvM'eii two just-roiiunenced ceils, is important, as it hears on a fact, whii h seems at first (piite Miti\er-i\e of the lorciroiiiir tlieory ; namely, that tlie eells on the e-vtretne mar-in of wasi>-c-oinh> are sometimes --trirtlv hex.-iiTunal ; hnt I ha\e not s[).-iee here to enter on tlii's kuhieet. Nor does there M-em to me any treat ditfi- •lilty in a sin^h- inw,.,t (as in the case of a'ljueen-wasp) ni.ikin^ liexatronai cells, if >he work alternately on the iiisie otlier pointj^, at tiie j. roper nlalne distances fr-.m tiic cuutral p.,int and from each other, strike the J.1..IMM of intersection, and een ot.served ; nor would any t:o.i.l f»-\h.ri\ed from a ■iiiit-ie liexaifon heiut.' huilt, as ni its construction more ninteriais would he retjuired than for a cylinder. As natural selection acts onlv hv the ac-umulatiou ot >^li;-'-ht modifications of structure or in«.iiuct, each jToiitahle to the imlividual utider it.s conditions .'.f life, t may reasonahly he asked, iiow a louu^ and trnidualed -uce.-Mon of moditi.'d architectural instinct-, all •eiiuintf towards the present jx-rfect plan of coiis'truc- iion, could have profited the proirenitorH of the hive- '"• ' 1 think the answer is not diflicult : it is knowu M ^ 210 ON THK OIlKilN OF hl'K( IKS 1 that UtM'> arc nfU'ii li.inl jin>s-tMl to m-t surfirient nectar; aii'l I ;ii.. jiifnrtiicil liy Mr. I circt iiit'it'r that it lia'^ Im'cii »'\iM'rimt'!i';illv tniirnl tint ii" L'--^ tli;iii trum Iwclvf til lillfcii |i(iiiki!n o} (li y arc < nn^uinf^l 'ly a lii\<' 111 Imt-^ fi.r liif scrrcin-i i.i iMth |i fiiiiiiiu' 'li'" ,'rit'n-a'il(> to -iipjiort a lartT? -tock ol' ln'f- (lunri'.'' tin- \vi(il»T : ami tlie ^oruritv ot Ihi" !ii\t> i< l\']ov. II iiiaiiilv to dt'iM'f!.! on a laru'e luinihor lit hccs 1,1'iii^ >ii|.j)oit(d. Hciri' 'i;i' -avmu' "?" wav liy lar_'.'l\ •..!'. in;i lionr\ rimst In- a nn-t iinj'orlan; »'li'in<>nt of' ^:n ri'-.- in any tanul\- ot lit'cs. ( '1 courso tin' sun-fs-i ut any >j>»rii's ot Wtf may hi' dcjiondi"' on thi' nunilx-r ot its jiara^iU's or other rm'niU's, or oti quite di>tnu't rauM's, ami ii thri>u;rh- out tlic uiincr. and citn«e'|uently reijuired a store of hot;cv : there can in this ea-e he no dmiitt that it would he an adxantaire tn our hunihlc-hee, if a sli^'ht n'oditica- tion of ]ii r ni^tinct led )u'r to make her \vai<'n celU near to^jetlier, ;e. it would ito ad\antai:cous to the Meiipoiia, if slie were to make her cells closer toLM'ther, and more reirular in e\ery way than at j>re-cnt ; for then, as we INSTIN(T 211 }iavp RtHn, tho splionral siirfares would wholly Hi»- ;i|.j"'ar, «iirl would ,ill l>o rpj)la««*d hy |dniip •'urt'accs ; r'l.d tlip MtdijMiiia would niak*^ .t conili ;ts (uTtVrt ns tliat ;,♦ tl.t" liivc-!n'o. i;»')iiiid th;> -t;i_'»' '>( jif>r!V(ti(>!i in ar<"hit<'< turt', iiriMirril srU'itidii cinild nut U'.ni ; fur the o'lili of tin* liiv»>-l)('c, fiH f'nr as we i rtii -ce, is aKsoluNdy (K-rfc-t ill OCdllnDii-lIiir \v;iN. 'Ilius, as i h^lic. c, till' must woiidorful ut all known •-t'licts, tliat of tlio lii\ c-Imh'. can lio • rp'.ainrd hy I atiiral sclt'ctinii lia\inL'' tnkpu ad\;i!it,'ii:(» u* nuniprou^, «ucct of -irnpU'r inntiiirts ; natural sclprtioii liav;ii:r hy >io« dj-iTccs, niore and irioro ji'Tifftly, led t)'p l.t'c- to sweep tMiual spluTos il a rivon distance from cacli ollipr in a douMe !i\f'r, ami to Imild u]f and t•\ca^at»' the wait along th'' jiiancs of int(Tsr<-ti(.n. I'ln' I'ocs, nt coiir-p, no ri'iirp kriowiii.T tliat tlioy swpjil tl;»'ir splicrcs at one i-a'-ticular di-tam-c from oacli otlter, tlian tlu'v kriuw uliat are tlie several aiitrlcs of tlic lioxajrona! [iri-nis and of tlio Ka>ial r)ionilii(! idatp-*. i'lic moti\<' puwcr of the process of natural solcctiuii liavinir hcen economy u* wax; that iii'liviilual nwjirrT' ulii'-li sa-tcd least honey in the secreiiun of wax. havinir suci-eeded he>t, H!i'i liaxinii tr.insiiiitted hy i'llK-ritiiiice its newly ac- (jiii'-cd econoniiral iiisliiirt to new swarm-;, wliich in til*' r turn will ha\e had the host cliance ot >ucce«p]>(ise.»-\er.'\l <.i«t-, hiil will confine myself to on»» s|X'ii,il liiffirulty, whi« li .-it fust aj>j>car»' : for (li»'««e neuters often liitfer wiilely in inhtimt nnd in htrurtnre from Ixitli the niaics ant] t'crtile females, an«teriie, ihey ciinnul propatrate their kind. i he Hiilitoct well ilps««rves to he di>>ru»-e(i at irreal leiii/lh, but 1 will liere Uike only a Mni:ii' oavp. that of worknit: or slenio aiiLs. How the v*t>rkern ha\e V)oen reiiiiercMJ sterilt? in a difHculty ; imt not much ifreater tlian that of any other striking monifiration of HtriKtiire ; for it tan !>»■ ^liown that some in-»*efn profiUihle to tlie coiiirnunitf that a niiiiilter should ha\t' l»eon annually Imrn cajialde of work, hut incapahh^ of procreation, I can see no ver\ jrreat dilliciiltv in this heintr effected hy natural ■.ele«-tiiin. llut I must jm^s over thi* preliminary diffi- in iioth the males and the fertile females ifi structure, as in the -iiape or the thorax and in Irfiiur destitute of winj^v ami sometimes of eyes, and ir» iiislim'. As far a,s in>-tinct almie is concerned, tlie prodnrious dirfercnce in Ihi- resjiect hetween the workers and the jtertVct ft-rnale-, would havf hcen far hetter exemiditicd l>y the hue-l>e«'. 1 f a Morkii!:f ant or otiier neuter insei't had been an animal m llie -ect differins; jfreativ from il.s parents, yet altsolutely sterile; so that it couid never hase transmitted successively acquired mtxiifications of structure or instinct to its progeny. INSTIN(T 213 jt may "fll ^e a.ikwl liow i^ it jimsmMo to reroticile tl in rase witli tlie t)i«>ury nf iintnral '« r«'riieinl>or(»d t) wo liave iririumer.iltle ins'.iiicorf, hufli in our .lntnostir jirreed«» of cattle in roiatif)!! to Hii .-irtificiallv imperfect state of tJie tiifiln •^•\ , tiir oxen of certain Kreeils lia\e loiirer !ior:m than Hi other breed-, in conijiarison with the lurns nf tjio hulls or co\v« of the>« H.iriie hreed-i. Heiito I can •^ee no real diDiciilty in any character liavinjr liecnme correlated witli the sterile comlition of ce- uiin tiiem- hen< of I'lsect- communiticH : the oifficuitv li"s in iHiderstandinir liow «uch rorrelatoil rnodi'icatiniiH of structure could have >>een slowly acrumulafcd hy natural -election. This difficulty, though apjiearin^f insuperahle, in lessened, or, as I believe, (li>apj>«varM. wlien it is r»^ !nembered that selfM'tion may be appl'"d to the family, as well art to the individiial. and may thus irain the desired end. nius, a well - liavoured vei:etaMe is cooked, and the individual is destroyed; but the horticulturist oows needs of the same stock, and co'itidontlv expects to eret nearly the .same variety: breeders of cattle wish the I'.esh and fat to l)e well marbU'd to^retlier ; the animal lias l>eon slauL'hterefl, but the lireeder foes with confidence to the >ame familv. I have such faitfi in the [lOwers of -elert^on, t> 1 do not doubt that a breed of cattle, alwiys yieldiiitr oxen with extraordinarily lontr horns, could be -ilowlv formed bv carefulh' watchitnr which indi- vidual liulls and rows, when matched, prr>duct»t<'ril« niriditifm of Cfrt.iih ii.«.-ifil)t'rH of" tJi« cnrniniiiiitv, hiroilt»-,| to tli»!ir ferl;l« oi^(»riiiL' a ti'ii(i««iii'v t<. protiiice >t<*ril«' tinMiiliiTs liavinj; the -Ninue tiinduici. .nn. AipI I t.rlif'.i' th.iL liii- pr(ii'f«'4 li.n '.fcu r«'|.»-.itc.l , Uiilil III. it |>riil;t.'ioii>i ;iiiiouul iiiii I'll, \*l,ii'h w« M'c ill rii.iny "ncial iiiscctx. Milt we h:'.. »' imt a^ yet toijclipil uii lh<" < liniax of tlic (lillifii;\ ; :. Ill .■|\. tiu! I'.n-l iliat thi? nouters of se\er:il &iit'. liniiT, I it iiiiiv trom iIk- k-rtilt* f'fru.ilfi .iinl rnalt'-, Imt iroin carli oilier, sotiieUiiie-< to an im:r»!(lilile U»'4!;rfe, .iii.l ,ii»- tluis divuied into or even flirei' '■.i-lc-». 1 lio ia»t(»-, inrirfovi-r, do nut Ifeneraily tfr.idiiate into »'aih tittier, l«;it are jierfVitly well defined ; hei.ii: ;i-* distinct ircun e.ti-h oflier. .ts are any tvvo spet.e-. of :lie same tieiui-, (»r ratlirr as any two i:<-nera oi the -^anio family. Thus in Keiton, there are wuikintr ■irid -oldier neuters, with javvs and in>.linct« extraoruinaniv ditferent : in ( ry|i!ooeriis, the workers of oi;e taste alone earry a wonderful sort of -hield on th»:r heads, the ii-,e of w hirii is ijiiite iinlvnown : m the Mexican Myrineeueystus, the workern of one caste uever leave the ii»'st ; they are fevliich accretes a sort of honew siipjdv.njr the place of that e\» reted liv tlie aphidei., or the dcmiesli ' cattli' as thi'v mav he cHlled, vftiich our Kuropeau &ntM Ifuard or iinprisdu. li v.ill indeed he Ihousrht that i have an overweernntf confiiience in the principle of natural selei-tion, whfu I do not admit that sucii wonderful and well estahli-hed (act^ at once annihilate my theory. In the simpler case of neuter in-ecLs all of one caste or of the .same kind, whicii ha\e iaien rendered by natural selection, as I l)«'!ie\e to he (juite pos.sihle, different from the fertile males and females,— in this case. v*« may safely t - f INSTINCT 215 . >i.rlii(le from tlio .iiialui:y of onliii.iry v!iri.itit»ii>», thnt .• .
  • -n»', ^licht, pruht.iltit' riKMlii'n .itioti iltii not [.rdlijililv III tirst apiiiMr in all tin* imin itlnal • • r.ti-rx in ;in« saiUf in'-t, I'lit III a It-w alniic ; aiiu tliat tiy the !i iii;-ruiif;iiij''m t';;.i!.tf iiioii.tii a!:<'ti, il' tilt' hcutrri liitiMiatfly (Minf to lia^f tin- (le"*ire«l aractfr. < 'ii tin-, virw we nii;:ht o( ra.-iniially to titid ;.fiit»'r-ins»>ft.- ot tin' -a'lif Sjifiii's, in tin' vaiiin iir-t. I>i ('-I'iitiiiir crailatmn-. nt »triictiirt* : ainl tlii-* «•• >lo iiniiiitli h.i!* Miov*n Imw surprisinL'ly tin* nrutfr-. ot -fxrral r.iiii>h ant-i itilftT from tarh nthtr m -./.f ami »iiim'- tiuics in rolour ; and di .1 'he »'xtriMti«' form- tan M'metirnes li»' |i«'rf»-i-lly linked toj^'cilirr hy imiis idnaln t.i' »Mi out of thf sam« in>l : I liavi- riiy>t'lf •■omj.tri'd ;■. rfoct irradatioiis of this kinmall are numerous, Mih those of an iiiternieniii.i. h;i.s oi)sfr\eIied, wher«-as the -mailer v\orker> ha\e their iicelli rudinn-ntary. ilavint; carefully di-.--ected several -pecimeu- of the-e workers, I can aflirm that the e\es a e far more ruiiimentary in the smaller wnrker-. tiiaii I II he accounted tor merely I'V tlieir pn.poriionally le'-er si/.e ; and 1 fully (ielie\e. though 1 dare not a--ert so |Misitively, that the workers of intermciliale -i/e have their ocelli in an exactly intermediate con- d ' ion. K > that wf here hav^ two hodie- ot sterile workers in the >v(' slioiild then \i:i\i' li;nl a -[mtm's of ant witli !:(Mif«>rs \«tv iioarlv ill \\\f -ainr rni,(i:MMii tlio-c (tf M '.rniii'a. I or fln» worker-- ot M} iiiin' t haiC lint owu ruil'Tr.ciU.'J of ocelli, tlion!.''ti the Tiiali' and teiiiali- ants or tiu> C't'ij-i lia\e wt'll-rlevelniici] 0( el li. I inav iiiNc one other ca-^e . >-o coiitideiitl v did J evjM'et to fiiul u--aiiati(Ui-. ill iiiijiortaiit points of strtic- tu" '!v\eeM the dirieieiit ca^'e- of m-'iters in thn !*aine >»•'-.• that I i:l.iiily ii'w'iiled nivselt o: \]v. K. >miih's • • '• - of TiMtiieroii-' >tM>ei;ner.»; froiti f!ie -arne rie-f of the im; i\"a. ' AMuitinii I (It V est Atriia. I lie reador will JM I li.-.p", til -I ai'ji-eciHle tiie arnoi;!it of d'^ftTencp in ' lic'C woi'ker-i. t,y iiiv iri\intr ii>'t the aetual iiiea^urp- !iieiit<, hilt a st rut 1\- accurate illustration: t'le .iit»,>r- fiee was t!ie ^aiiie .•»•» if we w«'r(> to sec u m' of worKfiien loiildih;/ a ho';-t« (if whom nianv >vrre tivf feel tour imdies luirh, :i: t lie '.vork iiiL' ants of the several fiitfere-h ipe, ai.i! m t(:e furin and Tiuniher of the teetii. IJut the important tiict tor i;s is, tliat thouLdi the workers ran he trrouped into rastes of diih-reiit si-es, yet ti'i\- trradiiati- insensihlv ipto each other, ris does the \Mdelv-<' "prios havintr t>f»Mi tir-t tormt'ii. a.- in tho case of t}ie drivpr atit, and tlieii \)iv extn"ii»» forms, tmm iM'iii^r ♦i'*' n>'>"^t useful to tin' roinnmiiity, haviiij tjoe.'i,ir»' thrrMiirli tilt' iiatiir-i! -ii'ii't iiiu! of the j.Hrt'nt-; wliuh {.■■»-iif..itoii •'';cm : until ijorie with an intoniu'diate stnictuiv wcf '11. iH, a-i I i'plif'vt^, tli«> vvorid.Ttul f.'iot o; two ct>, on •he -an>t> pr: n'Mf>it' tha' t!"- .'ivi-ina of lal»":r 1-= usetMl ta tiiau. As •i:.t> w.>'k iiy inhcnttMl iiistinrts an«l !'y mluTitcd ori'-ans or incU. ami iK't !iv aojuiroil kiiowlcd;:*" and nianurac '.I, red instruiiH'i.i- :\ ;'i'rN>'-* d'.vi-inn of la'.tiur fouhi lu- .'trecf.'d with tht-m oulv liv tlii' vorkors lieiiit; -tfriie; rrr had thev ln'cn fertile, tliey ■^>i<-d, ami tlieir iiis'Jiicts and ««trin'ture womK' have he.nine tdended And uatnre has. .i- I I'elieve. etfet'ted tln-i admirable division of lal^our m trie (M.rn- ripin'tie- of ant-., hv the means of ^election. Ku* I am !M.und to 'eoiifess, Miat, with all rnv faith n th;- [«rHn-ii''e, 1 nhonld never ha\e antirj'ated thai natura' -eleitioii could have heen etfinenl \n H" h't-"}! a eiiree, had not the ca.-u-;-e' tln-i rase, at some i.ttle liut wholly in-utfiiient .enifth I'l oriitr fo ^how the power of natural ^election, ami likewise heeause this is hy far the most s»tumis spei'in' d-i.icultv, v\ mv lhee or ii.ioii iiaViiitr vOnie iii.i; }•:•'.<■ • *•'■ •• aiiMiiiit of e.\erei-e. or halnt. or volition, in the utterh rue members of a ooiiiMiunitv i-ou Id pOs dv ati eel 215? ON IML OKKilN OF SI'KC lES the Ktru.'tiirc (ir iii-ti^ict.'* of tlio fV-rtilc menihors, which aioiir 'i-;ivi' (it'-^( fill! ants. I am Mirpri^pii that no one has aii . iiu'ed tliis (icrncustrativo ( i>f- of H.-utcr iuseit.-, aj.:a]ii>-l Iho woli kiii>,\!i (iortriii' ot i.aiiiarrk. ^■'////'/<•,■r7. I lia\(' t'h'i('a\ (iiireil I'i;i't1v m tliis c!iafitf>r to -how iliat the nu'iital (jualitiiw ot our tiniiu'»tif aiiiiiiils vary, aim thai the variations ar«' inlierit»'fL Still int iin(,ort- aiii-e to caih animal. 1 iien'forH I can >»'e rin lilhiulty. iiruier fhaiiLnnj.' conditions of lifo, in natiiial selection a<-( ii'tii;lafinir -litlit niodirii-ations of instinct to aii\ extci.i :n any usetul direi lion. In some ca.-ie>- i.alnt or 11 f anil (Ji-n-c have {)roh:i!'ly con.e into jil:;v. I dii not |;;-olend that the "act.^ y-i\en in this ch.tpter Ktrcn;.n!o.n in any tcreat ueL"<'e my thoorv ; hut none oJ t!io case> of d'llii'ulty, to the host of my jiidL'ment, aninhiiasi- it. On the otner liand, the fact that in- stincts .ire ml a] way- ahvdutely perfect and an* liahle to ni:.-takc'; :- that no iu>linct h.i^ I'cen pf iced for the cvclu ive good of oilier animals, hut liiat each ai inial takes achaiita^e ''iry, of 'Natnra non facil saltiiiii, is applical.le to instincts as weil as ttherwise ii.evplic:ii»le, :i!i tend to i-orrohorate the theory of iralural -clectiua. I ills thcorv Is, also, strcntrthened hy .-ome few other fact.- :u reijaM tn ;n-;tiii''ts ; as hy that common case or clo>ely aliieil, hut certainly distinit, spei'ies, -.vhen in- fiahitii.:: di-tant ji.irU) of the world and liviny under ci'iisideraidy dit'^Tent conditions of life, vet often re- l-unin'r nearly the same instincts. For in-tance, we can undcr-tand on the principle of inheritance, how it is that the till ii-h of .'^oiith America lines its nest with mud, in till* .-.iiiif [•••ruiiiir manner as uo«'s our t>riti-ii ihrusii : how It I.- that the i ale wrens (I'mtrlodytes) of North America, hiiild ' coek-iiesU*,' to roost in, like tlie inalas Ir- INSTINCT 2iy f iiur (lUtinct Kitty-wrens. -a hahit whi.;ly iiriHkf tliat )f :iiiv otliL'r known !iir(i. Finally, it may not lit' a lni:it-al U liuclion, liut to my imairmation il is* tar niort' tini-t-i a^ the ynunir curivoo eject- !j-- it** tn'.tiT-lirMi.hfr-. — ant-i making '•lav»'«, - lin' lar\«> >t iclnHMiinouitli*' U'criuiir within the iive hodio ofcater- iillars,--not as specially endowed or crfaU'd instinrts, ■It a- -,],:ill <-rin-M"ijiieni'es of one ireneral law, loading •-o tiip advaiit fiin'iit ot ail orj^anic hoinir«, nai..r!y. -> ult:[)iy, varv lel the htrouffest live aiui the weakfst i < ii A 1' J !;i{ \ni It HYllitlDiBM (tJi!!"'-*'- I '-!vr.,i,i the ft.rili' f llrst r.-"< v.^ .f '.v-U- ve.I l.y il-.. , .,1-1 aw, ,' ,ity ^i '■■ r.rility n ,t a spfcial >-ri'..\u,rtii, i.ut inii.ittnUil t^n '' :i -IS' -rmises if th'- st.rjtx <■! (Irit onis-se* kni->.wfei; th- .■(T.-rtii ..f r-hanRp.! con- dltl-ns ..f life n,„i . p.isii,!.. K-rUlity . f vari.tie* wlu-n rr..sse.J •ml ..I tliiir ii:..ii-r<-l rr-prl'iK ti-t iinivenwl Uyt.riils ami n.ougrel* ••.niparc ! ii:.iej»-i, irntly ..f their fertility-Suuiniary Ihk vifw u't'lit'rally eiitcrrairu"! ''v iiatiir,il;>t^ n fiiat "l^ccic-.. wln'M nitcriTo-M';, li:i\i» licci ;t [•robaliic. for s|i(Mios vviti;i;i tlic same fouiitrv ■tmlii l;!rili\ have kept tii>r!iicl ha'-i,,tii>n thr C'/.v^ r.v fsfn'nriiii ivij>i>rtiiut . uinv- rnnvh itiiijp to (hrm. nwi tlwrt-torp muni uot fun^ ^>frri t!(-Ti::;\,,i, nt' SIKTfX- xirt' profit'if,.!' '!iu^feg of' xtfriiutj ! hope, liowpver, to be ahie to .sh"^v that sterility i- not n -j.e.;.i:'v ar.juire(l oreii(lo«e.>cs ,,> tuts, to a l.iri^e p\'rrit iiunlaiiieiitaliy (iiffereiit, ha\e L'-i'iien.llv been ori- foiMi.le.i toir,.tl,er ; iiameiv. \\ic sterility of two sju'eien HYHIUDISM .•21 when cro8»eeri»'s have of course their orirnrii^ oi r('[iri>(tui- LJoii ill .'i jterft'it rniniiliuii, ypt when uiterc r()>se'l l'ie\ iirudijce eitiier \\;<^ or no otf^princ. llyliriii-. ti'i the ittier haiui, have their re|irl.iut>t and animal.-. ; tiinutrl' the ortraiio theniM'lve.x are perfect m struilure, as lar as the !iurrosc«» cii!i-at)i\ heen sliirr<-etween varieties ano ".pC. iCS. lirst, for tlie sterility of species when c^o^M■l! aii-P( 'i-* yirndiicci] Ity 'w.. ^jifvie- wIumi r =f<'iiis to mo U) }e ^«'r!ii(l»»d ill DriltT to |!rM\ cut jidllfri 'ifMntr liroiitrlit to it !iv n^»'rt« !r(jin othor |il:iiit.'i. Nearly all tlic plants ox|»<»rimpiit- iscd on l>v (iirtiior wore pottod, aii'i apparentjv \re kopt iti a <'liaTnl'»>r in liis hou'^o 'f"!:at ili'^«<» prf»<"f nfU'i; in ■'] riuw 'o tdo O-rtilitv of' a ii'ant (•a!:not '■I' i'-ir a -core <;♦" ca^ f> of plants wlm-ii lif ca^lratoil. and rtr-tili- ■•iaM\ fpr1ili-''d «itli tlipir o^vm poi!i"i. ami («'x<'liidintr -i'l ("ISPS r-uili as tli'» l/pcruniinosa', in ulijch tl.prp is au irkno\v]'"^::pd ditri-'ull v in tin' Tnanipula'ion) li.alf of ' Vii st> tiN'Piitv plarit- lia»i \\<<'\r ffrti!;t\- in some (Ipjtcp unpaired. Morco. cr. as ( J ,r»nt'r iJurir^iT Bc^t'ral vpars rpppatcdl\' ij"os>t'd tlip priinrosf* a;id (ri\v>!i[), whicli wp ha\o sindi o-fKul reason to i^clMnp to t'P \aript'»'s. and oi:]'.' 'iin'c ur ♦"Aii'p >Ji|.v"Pi'ii('i! in irPtlinLT fprtilp sfi'd ; a.^ ho found tiic roniTMon red •;;i(| iijiip piin- pf'iicl-; (AiiaL'';iilis arxcnsis and l'»'-t Uo{ani-t-< rank coTnlt'.i ,1. as \arii'tips, a'lsolutt'lv -UTf:*- to iTP'lipr ; aTid a"- in- caiiu' to tlip Kame coii.'li -loi in sovcral otliei' .maloiro'is t*ris.>s ; it stH'm- to riir tliat wp u\uy M 'II hp pcrinittfi! to doulit wiictlior many "tliPr --jP.'icv are rrall'. "o stprilp. wnen inter. rnssed, ■IH ( i.irt IMT 'ndio,'. es. It. 1- pertain, oji tlip onp hand, tliat *}ip sterility of \ anions spp<'ii'«i when prossed is po {!!''^rreet in (ie>.-r<'t* aiid frradnatps a'-v-»v so insensildv, nnd . nu tlie otjipr hand, that tlip fer'ilit}' of piirp sjiecips \^ -ii easily a'ipetpd !)y '. ari(»ns pireunistancps, that tor all f>rartiral purposes it is inn>t ditlieult to say w'lprp [iprtect fer- tility en.ds and stPrility hetriiis. I ihnik no lietter • '\ !,|pn<"»' oi thix c-an he rpMie('fl ohsprvprx who havp c\«'r livpd, namely. Kolreiiter and tiartnpr. slionld have arri'. pf>«it»> r<)7ii'lu-Ti> iit ri'mni to the very -.".;.♦' sjtfc'.p. It ;s :il-«t ino.>.t iii^lnn'tive »<• • > i> — |i\t I li.ivp in>t sjiice )icrp to piittT oiMir'ii "vj- dfic*' adv.iiMM'd l.y our l/cst l)olai:isU o' "u wliftlicr rcrtain (iduhtful f^>->'. ,(s t*<'i»"< or varif'lips, wi:li tlie evidonre tVimi Jt-rtility ■i(i«luc-e'l }iv di'l'Toiit hyWridiscrs. f>r hy tlif» .iih» anitior, T'l fxin'rinxMi's nia«i<' d^rinir away, and i- (iou'ttnl ill fhtxHuu' --iicif's-;ive ■j.iH'ratioii^ ; tlinu^rh (J irliicr wa« piialilod to rear vtMi, and in one casp ror ■f t;o!if>r:i!iiii>, yt't be :i-t'rts jio-^itively tliat their fcr- • I'tv never iinTciseii, hut trtMi'-rally trr-'ally i:(>(rea-;Oii. I (lo not lii.ui't lliat ihis iy usuaUy the ea-p. and that •hi' terfilitv oi'ten ■.uiiiiflily decr.a-e-. in tho firf.s 111 en'at ii'itiihpr» ; and a>- the parpiit-sppeies, or .♦tier allied livhrid^. L'eierally ;:row ii. the sariH> trarden, the visil> of insert- niu-t he careluliv prexented during tpo floweriniT sr-nson : henre hyhriils uill ironeraliy U> i! -tilised diiiinir eaidi treiieration hy their own indi- vi.liial jiollt'H ; and I ani eonviiu'ed that l)ii- would ho in 'irioui to their fertility, alrerniy le«.-erii'd *■; tl eir iivttriii or'^rin. i am s!retiu'Uii'"<''i '" ''■■' «."inituou Iiv a riMiiar»watiIe statement re]>ea;e ol tn.iiiijiiiiatioii. soTiiiM !iii»'> tU'cHUMliy«'S, arid <;ot's on iii'T('.i«i[ii: Nnw, m .iriM.i IiTlihsjiiiuii ((iiUfii is a-« iiPt'ii taken hy ciiance la- I know from my ■ ex[tenenrf) Irnrn the aijiher> ol aiii»rlitT liower, as* i.iim ti,,> antlier.-' ot tiie linger it-oif wliiidi is to he lertiii-i'd ; so that a rro^^ iietwi-en t^o iloner-, thoiii:h prtduid . oil the Name phinf, would lie thu- Htieitt'd. Moreiiver, whi'i.fViT (traled iiis h_\ i>rid-, aii'l thi^ would iiave uisuixmI in earli trfiif'ralioii a«rossHiih a poih'ii from a di.-t'iict fuwer, eitticr iroiii liie same jdant or Irom another plant u tiie K.i!iie ir, hnii nature. And ihu-^, the >' raiii^e Jailot the Hicre^'i^e of fertil.ty in the sin ce-sive jreiieralions ot iirtijuiiii/y i>-rtuistii hyhrid- riiav, I heiieve, he accoiinted tor h\- clioe interhreedm^ .ia\:nij heeii avoided. Nir.s let us ti;r;i to the r«'-iiils arrived at hy the third nio-i ev|itrienci'd h\'liridi-«'r, naiiieh', the Hon. and Uov. \\ . lieriiiTt. i ic 1^ as e!n|i!:atic III Ins fonidusion liiat some livi)rids are perfect!) Jcrtiie a-s fertile as the ,in;-e parent -^pO'■ie■- a- are Ivdreuter ami (.i.irliier ■ .lat >uine (iejree ot sterii.tx lie;.\een sp»>cies is 4 iiii:\er>ai ia"A o!' nature, lie eiiicrinitaiived on >oiiio ot tlie \er\ same ^pe. ie^ a.-- did d.irtner. I'he d.iter- enee in tiieir re-iill'- rt.ay. 1 tlnnk, he in part acrounu-d for i»\ iierherts trreat fior' u ul; ural -kiii. aiid hy ins ha\ inir hotii(iu>es at hi- iMiiiiinand. * 't iii> maiiv iiii- ]ii>Mant staU-fuents I will here irno only a sii:.:le one as a'i exaniph', namely, tint ••e\ery o. nh- iii a pud of <. rniurn i-..'i(:i^e fertili--ed l'\' ( . reNoI'i! irn produ''eii a plant, \*iiicii Uie say-^; I never vaw to uv. ,., in a i a^o ui It- natural teiund.iiion.' So that \vr i.ere tii\e perfect, or even more tiian commonly perteii, icrtiiify m a first cro>- liet'.verii i\\o di-tiiicl speCie>. I'll!- ca-e of the ( riiium leads nu- t<> refer to a most smj' ;.!;!., nam»i\, tnat iiier<> are uiur. .titiai plants of I crt.iin species ot l<e far more ea-iiy fertiliseu ii\ liie ptdlen of HYBRIDISM 22d another and distinrt >;ppcie.s, tlian bv their own jiolltMi ; and all the iiidi\ l(ilI,^',^ of ii»*arly all the spofios of llip- piM-trijin M'tMD to In in this j»r«^dira.iuMu, lor tli»*?;o iiKints liav»' Ikm.'ii foutnl to yi»'ld mm'(I to flu* |i'il!.'ii of a ;ii'tiiict >|K'i ii'-, tlioii;;li llcri \v;w rniiiid to lie jM'rft'itiv irood, tor it fcrtili-^jMl distinct -J.... ■!(•«. So tlial rcrtaiii iriili\ iiliial plant- ami all the VI li\i(liial> of certain specie- can ;irtiia!l\' i'e h\lirie x-lf-fertili-ed I I i>r instance, a hulhof llippca-t mm anlicurn producetl f 'ir tinners; three were tertiii-cd hy llerhert \Mth ih'ir own polleti, and the toiirth \vas «.uh-e(jur:itly f. rtili-ed hv the judlen of a coinpmiiid h\l»rid de-cruded :r(i!i» tiiree other and di-tiiict -jiecies : the re-ult v^as that * tlie ovaries of the three fir-t fhiwer- -oon <'ea-ed 'n ''r(n\. atid it'tcr a u>\y das- [leri-lu'ij eutireh', whereas til'' pod iinjinuii iteil by the pollen of the hyliriil made \ ii^i'Toiis irrowth and rapid proijress to inatiirily. :iv<\ III. re trood seeil, whi iiic, in li'.Mt, Mr. llerhert tohl me that he had tlieri nu'il the experiment duriui; five years, and he con- ;;niied to try it d'uinL'' -everal >;uli-e;;ieiit \ears, and ilwavi with the satne result. I hi- r'e-iilt has. al-n, K'cn (.intirnied hy other ohscrvjTs in tlie ca-c of Ilip- pi'ri-truii A-itli it- -iit>-L''eriera. and in t!ie c;i-e of -orno lit! IT ^renera. as l/)he!ia, l'a-.-iiiiira, and \er'>isciim. .\lthMMt;li the plants in the-e experiments iMicd per.'cctlv healtliv and althmiirh hoth the o\u:c- and p'lUcii ot the same lloucr were j>erfectly t:ood uitli re-pei't to other -pecies, yet as they were tiinctiunally imperfect in tlicir murnal self-action, we must intt •• that the plants wi-re in an 'innatural -tate. Ne\''rtht*- It's- the-e facts -how 0:1 »hat slii'lit and mysteritm- can-es the leaser or trreatei *'ertility of -pei-ies wlien cro--ed. in comparison with tru same specie- w iien stdf- fertilised, >-ometimes depeml.s i he practical evperiinei'Ls -f tujr^iciiltunsts. thoiiyh not made with scientiiic preci-i ui, «'• s^-rve -ome notice. It is notorious in how eoniplit 'tod a uif-. iier the speeiea 220 ON TIIK OKI(;iN OK SI'K( FES lil of l't'I;ir_'.>iiiiiiii. Tilt li-ii. ( ulrodl.iria, IN'tuiiia, lUifxlo d«>!i. ctr., liri\»' i't-rii crnsvcl, yd in.iiiy «)f tlicse hyliri'l^ M'l'.i tii't'h-. I itr itist;irn-«'. llcrJ-crt .T^^tTtx tliat a livliriii tVnm ( .ilrcolari;* iiitt'irntuli.i .iiHl plaiitatriiica, vjMTU'-. iiMi't \n'if!\ i!i--irMilar in l'i-iht.iI liitut, ' re- prcxlu. .'i| it>fll as j.frfc.tly a- :t it hail l'i'»>!i a natural sMfif's tVotii |)ic iinMiiitaiiis of ( iiilt'.' I )ia\o takiMi «ii't.<' 11 ilii- In a-fcrf.iiM tin- - nic tha' !if rai»i'< -storks for tr rail in:.'- troin a hvhriil hft\\i'«'n KImhI. I'untiriKii anil t ata«hnMi-f. arnl tliat thi- li\ IiphI "s..,'.!, a- trcrly a- It !■. posvihlc to iniaLMni'.' II nl li\ hrnl-. whfi fairly tn>.i!i''l, f'lni' nil ilfinM~iML' in l'i"-tility in <'aih mic- (•i-.,i\o L'l'nr'a; mn. a-" 1 irL'f ImmU ot t'lf >aint> hyhriils, ■ind -iirli aloMi- arc fairly treatt-d, tor iiy iu-t-rt aL-'f'ncy the M'\("-al iniiividiiaU of thi' «;arn«> li\hiiil variety are alloucii to fri'i'lv cro-i "ilh cai-li othi-r, ami the in- jurious iiitlui-iK-i- of clos,. intt'rhrci'ilin;: i-« tlius pre- Ncntt'il. Anv one inav rcniily ronvimc tiinisi-lt of the ctlii-iiMicy of insert -aufni'v hy exaniiniiii: the flowers ^,^' the iiiorc stcrili- kimh of hyliriil riiiMiiMiemlrou-i, whiili proiiiii'f no imljcn, for he will tiinl on tlieir •-!iunia>; (ile'itv of }>oIleri hrout'ht from other liowers. In reL'-inl to animals, iiinrh feuer exjierinient- have ) II caretiillv trie-l than witli iilants. It our systematic arran:.'-eii;eiits can he trusted, that i< if the t-enera of animals are as lii-.tinct froii! earh oiher. as are inetrenera of plants, then we may inter tliat animal- more m iilely in the s'-ale of nature can i>e more easily iTosst'd than in tlie case of plants ; hut the hyhrids themselves are, 1 tliink. more sterile. I doulit whether anv case of a perfectly fertile hybrid animal can lie coii- sid"'ed a< thorouirhlv well authenticated. It should, liovse\er, lie home in mind that, <»wniL' to tew ainmals hrc'-.linir fn'elv under contiiiement, few experiments have iieeii faiilv tricl : for iiisUmce, the canary-bird HYHUiniSM 227 li.i" Immii rro>«>-»Mi with nine otli<>r fiiiclio>, l>iil h« ii(»t otif <•! llu'-f" iiiiii' ^jit'i'ij'x iirf«'(i« fri'«'ly iti ronMn'inriil, ^i have iKi riu'iit t<> rxjieit that iht- tir«.t «Tn«..-.»'> i»«liiinlii '•»• j.rrtVrflv f«Ttil.'. .\;:.i!!i, '»ith rc-p^Tt tn the (Vrtilils ri Mii(«'»i\<' L't'iHMati(iii> (it the iiinrt' t»»rtilr h\hriii iiiitiials, 1 hardiv kiii>« nf an iii-tainc in «}ii aiM;lu*> ol the sjinu- liyhriii havj- I>»m'1i rai>-<" ol rl(ist> iiit»'rhr«'fdiiit:. ' 'n th«' (i(\ • rnt h«Ts ami -i-tiTh ha\t» usually beon it<»*>»m1 hi rarh -. net-oil. e L'tMifiatiKU, in npjiositioi; tu th«' cnti-tantiy rf|'i'at«'d ailtiii>iiitli>n «it' v\rr\ )ir('»-d«'r. Ami in tlii> . •.!-♦•. it 1- not at all surnri-iiL' that lin- itihcrt-nt -triility in th«' hyhrid- -houid iia\e ironf on incri>a>int;. .1 Ml- \M';f to act thii-. and pair hn.iht'rs and si>t»'rs in •iic -d would a--i.r»'dly I'O lo-l in a \t'ry Irw j/f ii('rat;o:i-.. Althouirh I do not liiiow of any tiiomiijhly \v«'l! ai.tinMiticated ta-t- oJ' pfrtVctly t'tTtiU' iiyiiiiil aniinal->, 1 havft sonu' reason to h^Iiinc tliat ih«' hylind"* tmni ( irviilijs \;i:rinali>* and Ht'e\f vMtii I'. lon|uatiis and with l*. M-r.-itolur ar«r ■-Tlfitlv t'lTtiU', 'llu-re is no doiiht that tin ~»- thrr«i 1 ;i»'a>aii't>, nanu'l) , tin' ••omrnon, the true rin^^-netkod, .iii': !lie Jajian, inti-rcross, and an- ht'iomimr hlcniU-d to- ;:i-t!n'r in the woods of several parts of Knifland. The l,\liri eHerfed I'V Mr. Kvtoii. who raised two hyhriiU from the -aine parents h ;t from different hatehes ; and from the>e luo ldrd> he rai>ed no les>. than eii:ht hyhri(U (trrami- I iiildren of tlie pure iree >) from one iie-t. In lm,.a, iiowever, the'-e iross-iired i:ee>e niii»l i>f iai Inore fertile; for I am assured li\ two eminently rapahle juiltre>, namely Mr. liiyth and ( aptain Hutlon, that 22fl ON IHK OFtrcilN' OF 8|'K( IKS ^' >#hoI« flork» f>( tlie-**' fros<«'<| yrr^o irt* kofit in vKrimi- part" ot till' ((iiinlry ; :iti'l .is tht'V arc k»'iit f'ltr prdfit, wlioro ii»'itln'r [nir*' |>.irt'iit--|)f>'i('s ('xi^tf, they mii»t r.Tt.iiliI V 1>«' ll!iriil\ •'••rt:'ii'. A (liM tr;ri«- wiricli m .ciimU'il \*itli l'.ill.i>, li.u* t>«'f»ri lartrt'ly /irccyiti' 1 \i-i'iiii«'ii fVotn two or tnori' ^»iiil -i»i'.iili-i'i|u»'tit jfi'iuvi- tioiH <|wili) tVrtiU' iiii'liT liouH'stnvitiiM. I li;s |.-»!»»'r altiTiiativi' »iM'iii-« to iiii» tlic nmst jiroiiiliii'. iini 1 .irn :iitliii(' I to lii'Iii'ii" ill Its truth, ;tllhirs have ih'-v.iMiili'd from -f.crai vvjhl oiith AniiTiia, all :iri' (|uitc i»>rtil«* toiri-thcr : ami ai;il'i;\' ni.ikt's mi' jrca'l}' ihtuiit, wlicthi-r the •.(•vi»r;il ahi.ri:,'iii il -|ii'rii'v nu lid at hr>t liav«» trci'ly lirt'il toLTi'tliiT ami li.avc |iri«ilu.'C(l .juiti* fi-rtili' tiyhriils. So ;i.'-aiii thiTc i>. ii'a>.on to h<'!i('\i' that our lOiropcin ami thf liiitntii'il Imliaii ••attic art' ijuitc tiTtih' ti'ii-i-thi"- ; liut trmii tacN iiiiiniiiiiiiratfil to iiii' hy Mr. Blytli, 1 tliiiik thi-'. iiiiist hi' con-MliTt'ii as di-timt >pi'ci«vs. On Miis \ icw ol ! ii(> ori^'in of iikuiv of imr -in evtremely ireneral result ; Imt that it cHTUio! . nnder our present >tate ot kno« ied^'e, he con- sidered as atiMilutelv tiniversjil. Ijiirx govfrniiiii (hf Xrri/ity of first t'rosxt^s and of lli/hrids.- We will now consider a little more in detail i : HYHHIDISM 22l« th«- nrcumfUiticfv .-ukI rule- iin\et:]iuii tii.' ^.tonlify ol tirnl cnisscH ami ut h\ Itrids. < hir thiet"«>lM«'<-t will \>v to see whi'tluT or not the ruU- iiiIl. I lit' ttiiidv* iin; rulr-* ami tooi bi-ioiix .irf I I t tiv lf wirk nii \ho lij |jrilii<^atio!i ol |)i.uit>. I have lakt-ri njiuli |.aiiiH to i"'«'rtaui how far the nil<'?< ajii'ly to animals, ami con- -. .»T.j.ij Ik'W M-aiity our kriowieil;;*' is in rrirartl lo h\ti!.ii anmipJ'*, 1 liav«' Immmi siirjin-fd to tiiid lio4» iTfiiiTallv tin* !*amf rules ajiplv to Ifotli ixiiii;tli'm-. It lia-j l.«MMi already remarked, ttini the (le::ree of t.Ttihtv, h.tlh of hr^t t rirfsfH and ot' h\, hrnl •>, tradua-.e-f liHin zero t<> ;>f;If»t fertility. It i> «i!rjir)-ii.L' in how i!i.i:iy curioii'* w;ivj4 this tjrailation ran l>e 'hitn!i lti:.Mna of -ome «»ne sperie", yields a perfect crailation in th» in:.'. her of seeds jtrodured, up to nearly complete or even in liylirids them-ehes, there are soine wliiili np\er l,.ive pn,,!, red, and pruhaSiy ne\»'r would proiluce, even with the pollen of either pure parent, a ^'inl.'le teriile seed : hut in some uf tiic-e la-es a tlr.-t trace of lertiiily may he tieteited, hy tlie pollen of(uieofthe jiure parent-species cau»insr the o? the hyiirid to -^iher earlier llian it other'.vi--e would li.i.c duiic ; and 'he earlv vuthering of t he flower is «ell known to lie a - irn of ' iii'ipic'it fertili-ation. From this extreme :ci.Toe of sterility we have self-ferr:ii-eil hvliriii- pro- duciajr a ^rreaier and K^oater numher of seeds up to lT:e<-t fertility Hybrids from two Bpecies which *rc .ery difticuit to 2,30 ON TUE ORKJIN OF SPE( IKS crorile ; Imt tlie parallfli-in li«'twccTi tlip 'iirtii iiltv of niakiiiiT a tirst cross, ami llio storility »t flie hvuriil^' thus product-fr • two cla.-st's of' fait'^ *hi(h ire i,'»*in'rallv contuunilt'fl Uiir"'lior :■< by no mrinir. Vft tln'-e )iyt>rid-i ire 'fniarKa'dy «terilt'. < ''I tlie nt!;er liaiid. there are «pei-ies '-vliKdi ra!j We (•r<>--.eil verv rarely, or witii ertreine diificulty, lujt tlio tiv'Tids, wlien at last prodin-fd, are very fertile. Kven within tlio lirnita ot'tlie same irenu^, ror instamo in Di.itilhti.s, these two opt(o--ite ciL-es oii-'ir. I'lie tertility. Ixith nt' tir> tiio -aine when the s;iTnc two sjHM-ies are eros-ed 'ludiT the ^arne eirciunstanees, but dei>ends in [iirt upon tlie fonstitiition of the individwals whieh hayij'fn to have been chosen for the expernnent. ^«o it is wi«h bybridw, for their detrreo of fertility is often found in differ (jreatlv in the -everal individuals raised from seed out of the -ame eapsulo and exp'ved to ex:\ctly tlie same cotiilitions. Hv Uu" term svstematie affinity i» meant, the re>ein- blarice between spet-ies in utrueture and in lonstitution, more e-pe< i.illv in the structure of parts wbicli are (jf hiirh pliv-iolo^'iral imjmrtance ai'.d *hicli diib'r li'tlo in the allied species. Now the fertility of ririit crosses Vh'tweeii spe4'ies, and of the hybrids produecies which will not unite, or only with extreme HYBRIDISM 2.31 dilfiiMiltv ; and on the other hand of vpry distinct )in'ci«>s whirli iiiiit»> u itli the ulni(>>t facility. In the s;tnie fHriiily thfie may W a tr*Mius, a.s Dianthus, in which vtTv many >j.c. ies tan Tni)>t r»»a(iily l>e iTossvd ; fuid aiKitli.T -t'l.iis, as ^lit-iic, in whirh the most i.prst'vcriii!.'- ethirts }ia\H taiU'd to [.rodiico h»'t\MTn r\lr«'nicU ciuM' >|.ofi««.>. a single hyt>nd. Kv»mi vsitliiu tl.o limit's of tho Uincf, the many s|)e«ii's of Nicotiana have i'l-en more lar;r»'ly .-n.-i-od' than th.' species nt ihnost aiiv iitiicr irenus ; '■ut (iarfntT tumid tiiat N. aciiininara, v^il;cil is not a particularly distinct si.ecien, ohstmately faUed to fertiii-e, or tr» he fertilised hy, no ie«s tliaii eitrlit otlit-r sjie, les nl Nict)liana. 'very many ai'alotfous facts could he iriven. No ftiie has lieeii ahle to point out what kind, or what amount, of diiiereiice in any recnjrni>ahle cliar- acter is suriicient to prevent two species erossiiuf. It can he hliowu that plants most widely ditfereiit in hahit and ireneral appearance, and haviiitf strongly marked ititlereuces m e\ery i)art of the Hower, even in the i.olleti, in the truit. and in the cotyledofis, can h« crossed. Annual and perennial plants, deciduous ami evertrreen trees, plants inhahitini^- ditferent stations and !itte- rucaily cro»e«i. There is often the wide-t possible dii'erence in tlie facility of makiiijr reciprocal crosses. J^uch ca^es are hi^rhly important, for they {•r(»ve that the caj>acitv in any two species to cross js ot\en com- pletely independent of tlisir systematic affinity, or ot any reconni-alde ditfcrence in tlieir whole onranihation. ( >ii the other hand, these clearly show that ihe c.ipacily for cror;>in>f is cOuucetcti With eiJiie-tit'-itM'-f-'i, diiferences impercepiihle hy us, and confined to the repro«'tMe«Mi tiit^ >.irii(« t«o >{) wa^ loiJL'' MiT'i (i(i-('i'vi'(l hy Knirciitor. In t''i^<' an :ii>itaiiop : .Miniliili< jalajia ran cavils he N'rtili.-<'(i liy the pnllcn nf M. Iniiifillora, and tiir )ivliri(l> thus pr(i(l!|i'c i .ire sii!ii.ii'iitl\ f'rrtili- ; liut 1\ Iii-iitrr tried more t!i:. . t'.vtt liiMnlrcd time-, (lnri;;i' ci^lil i ftTliiise rt'i'i|irncally M. iDiiL'.lli'ra .\itli l\\v |h)1jpu <'\»Tal other fi|'ialiy -trikiiit: *'a^e!- ndihi 1h' iJi^t'n. Thiint ha.'- i)h-i']\ cil the aaiiie ta<"t with I'ertaiii -<'a-;N I'i'ds ui- I'lici. (i rtacr. iiir)re'j\er, Iniind tha!. this difierenet' .4" facil:t\ in luakinur re- (•i|>riMal rr>es is exlreriiely • nminnn in a h'--n « h(s»dy rolated (a^ MatUiirda annua and trhihraj tliai many lM»taiii-ts rank ihein only as varieties. I', i>. al.-o a n'lnarkahle fact, tliat hybrids raided from reoiprocal cT(»->es, th(Hi::h ni tour>e i-dinpoiinded ol the very same two species, th« one sj)pcies lia\ iiiij first heeri used aa tiie father and then as tlie mother, t'eneraUx ditler in fertility in a small, and oicasioiially in a hitrh deirree. Several other singular rules could lie tfiven from (iartinr : lor instaiH i*, some species ha\e a; power of c-ro-sin:r with other s| ec ie.> ; other >p"cies of the same jn'iius have a remarkalde power of impres.sinir their iikci.ess on their hybrid otrsprinir ; hut the>-o two powers do not ar ;ill m^cessarily ^o tecies, are with rare exceptions extremely steiile. So aiT-iiii amontrst hybrids whi( h are ■isiially iiitci II ••di.ile in structure between their parents, ex- ceptional and abnortiial ii'riividuals sometimes are bnrii, whii h clo-ely resemble one of their pure narents ; and ilie^e hvliritis are almost always utterly ^teriie,e\ en when the iitlier hybrids raised from seed trcm the siinie capsule have a coiisideraide det^ree of fertility, i iiese fads show how ((mjpletely fertility in the hybrid is indepeiideut of its external resemhbnce to either pure parent P- h ^^3» ,V i': ^\:>v^ HYDRIDISM 233 ("oiisiilrT intr tiu' -Ji'viTal r\i\(^ now sri\pn. whitli (.'•vprii tho lertilit;, of ur>i cn^-sos and (it' hy'hriiis, ue -;c(' tlia* wlu-n forms, whiili inust iie • i-iisuiorfd :i^ tr<'0il nates t.iiir zero tn ;'>'r!('i-t f»Ttility, or even *o 'Vrtilit) iimU^r '•■:,;. in (Moiditiniis in ex>"t'ss. 'Hiil their fertility, I..'- (ic* lifiiit/ t'Diuit'iitly -.u-iccptil'le to Livourr-i'le and i.i.i:i\(iur,iiik' ton.iuiiiri-i. is iniuitcly \:in:ild»\ i iiat it i« \i\, nil means aUvavs ilu- siinie in d»-i.Tee in tlie fir-t rros.s ciiid in the liyiirids jirraliu-ed from tiiis tnivs. '1 liat the t.rtility ot hyl>rids is not rehited to the ilr;:ree m *liich thev in cMtrrial appearance either parent. And lastly, that liie facility ol making a hr^i ini>s between any two specie-' i--* not always t'o^erned I:.- their systematic aff.nitj or de?ree of re>enihlancr to i icli (ither. Thi" latter ^titcment is elearly proved hy toiipt'ical cros'-e.s hetween llie same two species, |i»r ,111 ordiiijr as the one sj»e( ies or the other is used as the I ither or the motlier, there is generally some diiTer- tiie, and occasionally the widest po^^illIe diiier nee, in !.c facility of effedintf a union. i he hyhrids, inor» <:\i':-, prohould some species cross with fa. ihty, and yet produce sterile h\ tirids: and other sperit^scro^s with extreme dithculty, and yet produce j'aii iy fertile hybrids.' Whyshould there f'tien be so trreai aditierence m the rejiult of a reciprocal cu>ss between the same Iwo species .' ^V'hy, it may tM II tie asked, has the produeliuii of hyonds Dcen per- n.ilted : to ffrant to species the Bperial power of produc- ing? hybrids, and then to stop their furtlier pro(>»^tiou n^ ';<"i~; ^- ^*::-'r;; •'i.a^;^:/.^:i-£Si. 'J'.% i &--M ••k'^ 1^2 m w 234 ON THE OIlI(;iN OF SPECIES ill \>y (litfoHMil (ietrroes of >t»!rility, not -iriitly r(>l.•^^<•d to the facilitv nf the first union lielweni their jiareriti*, ec('ni>< to l>e a str.iiiire arr.'iiiirenu'iit I tie t'oreiroiiitf ruN^s and fVii t-, dm 'hi- othtT h;iiiv('> aiiil ot ii,lirirence<. i-liu'lly in the r»'nri>- rliictive xy-^N'tii-;, ol the '^jiecie-i wliirl, -ire crosvod. I he •litTereni es 'nitiif ot >io peruliar hihI liitiitt-d ,i nature, 'iiat, in re"i[iroi;il ir<>-M-s 'letwfrn t«o -pi'ii*'^ flie ni.ile «<;xu;il f'li'iiien! of tlic one \*ill nffjMi tVi-elv act on the tetnale scxu-il i-i.'nifnt of Hie mMut, hit riot in a re- versed direction. It «ill lie advi«.aide toexplini a little more ttiliv l>v:in example wliat I mean hy sterility ')ein(r incidental on other ditVer*»in'Hs, and iii't a •"piM-ially endowed qualitv. As the cajiacity of one plant to be ifrufled or hudded on anotlier i^ >^o erjtirely unimportant for it^ weli.ire in a staU* of nature, I pre-ume that no one will >-iipp,we that tiiis capacit)' is a "jifi-iuHy en- dowed i|u.ilitv, !>Mt will ao vvith trraf'tinj.', tlie caitacity in limited hy sv^tetnatic atrniit\ , for no one ha- heen ahle t») trratt trees 'ouelher h« ionirinir to (piire tinct familiesi ; and, on the other hand, tlosely allied species, and varieties of th" same species, can usually, hut not invariahlw he irrafted with ease, liut this capacity, as \n hyhriilis.ition, is hv no means ahsolutelv K'overned hv Hystematic affinity. .Mtluuiffh many distinct ^'eiiera within the same family have been trratted to;rether, in other ci>es species of the same ^,enu» will not take oa HYBRIDISM 235 each other 'Hie j»par can l>e irnifteti far more r^ailily on the '^'iitire, wIip h is ranked a.-* a dixtinct ir»«miH, than on the ipple, which is a niemher ot" tlie same jrenii.H. Kveri e srratted with no d fticuity on another spe. ies. wlien thus frraften the other hand, certain specieji of >^orhus, wht>n erafted on other si)ecie«, yielded twice as much fruit xs when on tlieir own roots. We are reminded !)y this latter fact of the extraordinary case of Hippe- rv'^trum, i,*)!telia, etc. , which <«eedearallelism in the results of jrraftintf and of crouHUi^ distiiHt specie!*. And as we must look at I i i I Hi 23(! ON I HE ORIGIN OF SPEC lES th»* ciiriuiiB aii(i coniplcx laws jroverriinjc tlie facility with which irtM's can he i.'r;ilLet cross*** are incijeiital on .inkiiowii (iiilVrencfS, chicfl) in their repri»uuiti\e •iy>.'.'Mis, I ht-f (iiiicr»'nco>', in hoth ras^s, follow to a teruii Hxtont, its iniiiht have ln-fn e\|ii'i ifij, systen.atic ahiinty. nv wliith «'\pry kiuenihi.-i!,re and dis- Biniil.irur t)ctwcen urtranic hoin^s in altcrnftteti to he ex[ir('sHe«l I he hi' ts tiy no niean:i KCt-r . to me to 1 idirat»» tlint ih( j^reater or h-sser difiu Uily ot «v.ih»'r ^raitii.j; or croK^inff lojrcthor \arious spct iph Iiju' heen a siteciai f»n* an impes are fundameutally dirfereut, for, as iust remarked, in the union of t«o pure specien the male and feinaie sexual elements are perfect, whereas iu hyhiiiU ihcy afe impertect. Even in fimt crosses, the ercalcr or h-^er diiliculty in effecting a union aj>- pareaily defteuds k.iu ^everal dist>mt lauses. i'liere i.uif.t sometimes l»e a phy -ical impossihility iu the male clt'iiiciit reaching the ovule, as would he the ca>e with a I'i.tnt havini,' a [d^til too ioiiK for the poileu-tul)c-. to reach the ovarium. It has also been observed tliat wiien poilen of one s|>ccies is placed on the stiirnia of a di'.uiictly ailied sjtecio, thoui:h the pollen tube« pro- trude, they do not i>e:ietrato the sti^matic surface. AtThin, tlie male eleiiuut may reach the temale element, but he incapaiile of causinsj; an embryo to bo dt veloped, ttji aiipniM to ha\ e been the ciise with some of i buret s experiment* on Kuci. No explanation can be ^-iveu of these fact«, any more than why certain trees cannot Xtv ^aft«d on others. I,A8tly, an embryo may be M|r^£^J HYBRIDISM 237 developed, and then perish at an enrly period. llih latter ;ill/»r:iativo has not l>oen "ufTiciently ;itt^n(1pd to ; but I t"*lievp, from o!i>»»>rvations roniniumiat*<1 to mo by Mr H«'witt. who haH had trrfat oxporieTire in liybridi-iinjj rallinaceoux hirilH, that the parly death of •}i'> f-mhrvo i'i a vory fri'. Hybrids, howe^or, are ditfcrtvitly cir- . umstaiiced before and after birth ; when Uirn and hviinf in a country where their two parents can live, ■iiPV are jrenerallv placp«i under suitable conditiotis of ,1'e. But a hybrid partaken of only half of the nature i:iil constitution of ita mother, ami therefore i)efore '..rtli, *.•< lontr as it is nourished within its mother's nomb or within the eea or seed produced t.y the •Mother, it mav he exposed to conditions in some (leirree i!:-uita!.le, and conseiiuentlv be liable to peri-h at an lily period ; more especially as all very younir iK'iiiir>' (■'■•n eminently sensitive to injurious or unnatural con- iitioTjs (if lifo. I;i reirard to the sterility of hybrids, in whicii the -e\ual elements are impenectiy de\elopHd, the case is . erv ditferrnt. I have more than once aflrdcd to a larpe . .d'y of facts, which 1 ha' e collected, sli,)\vir!L' that •A hen animals and plants are removed from their ' .I'liral conditions, they are extremely liable tr) have iicir reproductive systems seriously ntb'cted. This, in 'i-t is tlie trreat bar to the domestication i>fa!!imals. H. 'tween the sterility thu- -uperinduced and that of ':\brids, there are majiy points of similarity. In buth ca^es the sterilitv is imiepeiident of ireneral lieiilth, and 1' often accompanied by excess of size or trreat luxuri- ;iiicp. In both ca-sps, tlie sterility occurs in v.-irious 'icL^rees ; in both, the male element i- the most liable to Ke .-iffcoted ; but sf)metimes the female more than tlie male. In both, the tendency poes to a certJiin extent with systematic affinity, for whole croups of animals and plant.s are rendered iminttent bv the same un- 2.38 ON THK ORir.IN OK SPE( IKS I natural conditions ; and whole groups of s[»erie« tend to produi-e sterilo hyJiridn. On llio othtT h.ind, one Hpefios in a ffroup will Koniptinic>> r»'-i-t t:rwil chanj^es of conditions willi uninn>airt'd fi-rtility ; and certain species in a trroiip will produce uniiMjally fertile hybrids. No one can tell, till In- tries, whether any [(articular animal will hre»'d under conlin«'tneiit or any exotic plant seed freely uniler culture ; nor can he tell, till he tries, whether any two species of a jreiius will produce more or less Kterile hyhrids. {.a^tly, when orjfanic Iteintrs are jdaced duriii seNcrnl L'cncrationH under conditions not natural lo tiicm, they are extremely lialile to vary, wliich is due, a- 1 Udiove, to their rej»roductive systems havintr lieen sp«'i ially atTected, though in a lesser de;jree than «hen sterility en^^ues. So it is with hvhrids, for hyhnds in successive generations are eminently liahle to vary, ase\ery experi- mentalist has ohserved. i'hus we Hce that «hen org-anic hein;r> are placed under new and unnatural conditions, and when hyhridft are produc»'d hy the unnatural crossiiitr of two species, the rejiroductive system, independently of the ^'^eneral state of health, is ariected hy sterility in a verv similar manner. In the one case, the conditions of life have heen disturhed, though often in so sli;:ht a detfree as to he inapprecialde hy us ; in the other ca-e, «»r that of hylirids, the external conditions have remained the Kiime, hut the ortranisation has hcen di-'turhcd hy two ditferent structures and constituti(»ns havini' heen hlended into one. For il i.s scarcely possihle that two organisiitions should he coni|>ounded into one, without rtome disturhanco occurring in the development, or periodical action, or mutual relation of the dilferent jiart,* and nrtrans (»ne to another, or to the conditions of life. N\ hen hyhrids are aide to hreed i;i/cr ac, they transmit to their otfsprinir from generation to fjene- ratidii the same compouniietl or^^anisatiou, and hence we Tieed not he surprised llial iheir steriiily, tiiouf;ii iu some de^free variahle, rarely diminishes. It must, however, he confessed that we i:atuiot under- HYBRIDISM 239 ptand, exceptiuK on vatjue hypotlieses, Hever&l facU. *ith resj.hnd9 v^liuh orcasionallv and exi-«'ptioiiall\ re>«'inl>l«' • lo-ely .-itlier j.urP pan-ii't. Nor do I prct.-nd that ihe fore- j-oirit: remarks yo to the root of thi- niattt-r ; no ex- [.laiiation is otirred why an ortrani'in, wlirii jdaced iiiiU'r unnatural (•..n.lit!oi:«, is reiuh'rtMl sterile. All •hat 1 have attempted to show, is that in two oases, in -oine respeit.s allie.l, sterility is theeommon result, in I he one case from the conilitions of lile haviiiL: heen dis turhed, in the other ca^e from the organisation havinj< heeti disturU'd Kv two oreani-at ions haMni.' l>e«>n rotn- l»..uiide(i into one. It may seem faneiful, hut 1 Huspect that a Mtiular parallelism extends to an allied yet very diiierent rlags .,1 tails. It is ati old and almost univer>.il helief, t.iunded, 1 think, on a con.-iderahle hody of evidence, that siitrlit chanL'Cs in the condilinii.s of lite are hene- l.rial to all livintr thintfs. U'e see tins a.led on hy tirmers and trardeners in their fre-iuent ex. iiaiiires of seed, tul.ers, etc., from «»ne soil or climate to another, Liid iiack a;: lin. Durinir the convalescence of animals, wf plainly .see that L-^real henetit is derived from almost any chan'ue in the hahits of life. A^Min. with plants and animals, there is ahundant evidence, that a cross hetweeii very liistinct individuals of the same vpt«ies. that is het«een memhers of diiferent strains or suh-hreeds, trives vi;r,uir and fertility to the ort-.printf. I hciicve. indeed, from the facts alluded to in our fourtli chapter, tiiat a certain amount of cro-inu in in- ili>pensahle even with hermaphrodites; and that cl..->e ■ nterhreedintr continued durui^ several p-neralions i..t\M'en the nearest relations, especially if the-e he Kcjit under the s.ime conditions of life, aUays induces wt'.ikness and sterility in the progeny. Hence iL seeing tnat, on i:-v uiic li.^n'i, r::^!.v cliatiires in the conditions of life henetit all or^'anic Iteiiiffs, and on the oliicr hand, that blight cross**,, that ,'i.:rffe.. ."sSi^S^K^.ttt'^ilA 240 ON TflK OIlKilN OF SPECIES la crfH«pv l)(»tw«'eii tlie m.iU's aiiM ft'niaipi of tlio ^ame •iptM'icJ wl:ii'i hnvo varit'd ami it'cotTU^ »Iirhtly 'lif- ffrciit, L'i^*' viroiir ami tVrtiliM 'u flic nifvpriiiif. I{iit wo |ia\»' sifri that ifrt'ater iliaiiL'i''*. or . Iiaii:re» "f a particular nature, ottfii rRiider (iriraiiif hciiiirs in somn 'ioi^rct* >t«'ri't" ; arni tliat trrt-ater tr<>-"«'^, i< .t"-^''-* Sc'wiMMi inalcM and tVm ilo whi-h lii\e Konnie wiiyliriiU whifh are L'f'it'r.i!! V «t('ril»* in sonu* il<':rrec. I catimit I»or^ua'io my-t'lf t'lat this parallt'li'-iii !s in aniiiiMit oran illusinii. h(il|| ?t 1 ii's of facts- s«'»'in to 1m> cititU'ctiMl t I'tlu'r hy somp cofinnori l>ut ntikiKm-n lioii'l, ^iiich i~ -sentially rolaUvi to the principK' of life. Frrtiiify of I'urifth s irli^n rrnsMff^ ,nifl ot'thi-ir Mtni'irfi ojfxpriii^j. — It may !»♦» uru'^fil, is a iT'.ost fori iiilc art^ii mcnf, that there must he -tmi" e sential flistinetioii hetweeii -jicrio> ami varieties, au'l thai there must he woiiie error in all the foretroitiir remarks, inasmuch as \arieties, however much they ni.iv differ from each other in exfcrna! a|»j)earance. cro-s with perfect facility, and yield perfectly fertile otf-priii:;. 1 fwlly .admit this is almost in\aririlplv the e.'ise. But if we look to varieties jirttdiiced umier nature, we are im"M'iliately involved in htipi-less ditliculties : for if two hiilierto r»^ jiuled \arietifs he found in any deurree sterile tni^i'ther, the\- are at once r.inl.t'd t'V most naturalists as >pecies. For instance, the Mne and red ]ii'!ipcrnel, the primrose and ciiw-lip, which are coii»idered 'i.- invny of our he^t Ixitani-ts as \arietie-, are s.iid hy (iartner not to l»e quite fertile when erosse undouhted sju'i-ies. if we thus ar^'ue in a circle, the fer'ilitv o. .all varieties produced umler nature -.vill assuredly lia'/e to be trranted. if we turn to varieties, produced, or supposed to have Ween produced, under dome-tication, we are still in- volved in douht. For when it is stated, for instance, tliat tho (ierman Spit/ dojf unites more e;isily than other tr>*, tlic o\jtl.iii.i'ii)ii wiiiih will nri ur ti) priili.illv 1 \ t'r\' <>:it', ;ii,(i nrnlial'lv tlic iruc n;'", i~ tliat tli»'»<> (lnj-> liavt' < einlt'fl triiiii »i'\rr.'il al'i'ri::iii.ill\ lil-titict -jn'fij's. N(". »Mtlit'if»< tlic jit-rli'.f I'l'itiiity <'l " iiiaiiv iii)iiu'-«tic \aiioti('s, (iitloriTij; widciy t'rom v.nh .trr:It« v^lu'ii iiit('r«Ti>»-t'(l. >r\ii«;, li(iwi'\fr, rtiiilcr tlio tcrtility <»^ dumc-tic \ari<'ti<'< 1<— > ri'inaik- a:>U' lliaii at tir>t ajiiM-arx. It can, in tii(> lir-t j.Ia. i', Im» ■ h-arlv -I'uvii that nicrt' rvtcrnal i!i--i!nilarity hctufcu \ M.> «|ii'ci(^> iluiw iiiif ili-tfrmini' t heir urcatrr or lf>—i'r iif._rri'c ot vtcriiity .Oirii cro^-rd ; aii'' vvc may apply llio ■imc ruK' Id lioiiic-tif. Miiiitif^. In tlic x'lnud placf, -irtnc oniiin'ul iiai iirali->t.H hclitvt^ that a Imiir <<>iir to t'liiiiiiiat»' sterility in tiio suc- <'-»ive p(Mi«*ratii)ns of li\ hridn whirli wtrt' at fii>t (inly -I . htly st»Tilo ; and it this he h», wc Miridy niiL'ht not t(t rxpei't In find -tt-rility hnth appfarin^^ and di^- apj. raring under nearly the same ronditicms of lile. I.i-tlv, and tlii> .•.ceni^ to nie hy tar the n)o-t irnportam i.::-ideration, new race-i of animals and plants ar • pru- i'ued under duiiiestnation hy man's tnelliodieal and incons('iou:4 power of .■»election, tor his own use and ;ileasure: he iieitiier wislies to select, nor roiiid .-(dfit . 'liirlil ditferenees in the reproductive sy-tein, or otln-r ' I'ustitutional ditVerences conelated wiih tlie repro- ductive system. He su|)plies hi- several \arietif- uitli the same t'oud ; treat." them in i^early tlie >ame numncr. ami does not wi.-h t<> alter theii ^''eneral iiahits ot" lite. Nature act- uniformly ami -lowly durinir ^"'"-t n riod-i of tiino on tlie wlude or^'anisation. \n any •:iy winch may he tor each creature's own irood ; md thus she may, either directly, or more prolialily lidirectly, throufrh correlation, modify the repro- •iuclive system ni tiie se\eral descendants ironi juy one species. Seeinir this difference in the pro- of selection, as airried on hy man «nd nature, H ON IIIK OIIKJIN OK SPF:( IKS Vkf in«-cl iHit !•< •iurpri-cfl al MUiif «liffercn\i-ti'm o ot a <•<•:•. till ritiiutitit of >tiTility in tht* fVv* fnllciu 111;; f.-i^o*. \.!ii'li I «il! liri«'t!y :ili--tr.i<'t. 'I'lie t'\ idcriif i- at l«'a-t a« ir'""! '!•< that troin wliirh we licliinc III till- -tcr.lity of a miiltit mio ot sju'fii's. Hie »'\ ulrii.f i<, aUo, •< itiifsseH, wlio in all otlMT (^-ffs roiiMiifr t'rrlilily ;iii\. - a li^arl kiml of iiiai.'»« witli y ■.■>« set'd", au.i a tall sarii'ty with n'W •<«'«'«i>, utovmu:.' lu'ar ••ach otlitT in Ins i:,ir have f«'t»:i'-.ii.M| s(.\cs, tlif'v in>\ »'r naturally cro^si-il. He tl (Ml ttTtili-fd tliirtccn tiovviTS of tlit' on«» with the Ih.UiMi ot til.' otht-r; lint only a sin;.'lc h«>a(l jiroiliicetl :iiiv -ffil. ami this ont- hi-aii |>ro irrains. M.'iiiil.ulatMni in tin- r.i-c couhi not liavt- Immms iniiirious, a- t!ii' j>lint-i lia\t> M-jiiratrd >t\«'s. Nonn»', I holit've, Ills >.u»i><'«!ti| that tlii'-e varij'tif* of rnai/«' arc lii^tnu't -|M'(icN ; ami it i-* ini|iortant to notu-p that tlie hyhrid |'i:int«i thn^ rai-<''l wer.' thfin^'hi's j'rt'vtly fertile; «0 'li:it CM'!! liirtner sprciticallv ili-^lun't. tiiroii lie Un/areiniTut's rro-.e(l tliree varieties ot ^'Mird. whirh like 'lie ?!iai/e ha- -ejiarated >e\e><, aiui he :i— erts tli»'ir imitnal fertilivitioii i- hy so nnn'h the l.---; ea-v a their tlitriTeiu-es are irreater. How far •lie-e e--i>eniii<'nt- may he trnste.l. I know not ; hut the Inrni- exj^eriineiiti-eil on, are rinkeil hy Saj'.iret. who f.iinlv founds his elassitieatic.n hy thete-t ot infertility, it- \ Mri»»t les. riit> hd'ouini,'" <"a-e is far more reinarkahie, and ^eeiMs at tir-t ijiite inrre'lilije ; hut it i- the result of an astniii-hiinr nuintier of exjie'-Hiient- made durifnf n::tn\ \ ears .m nine -|>eeies of \ erhasi-utn. hy so t'ood an oil. Tver and so ho-tile a witness as iiartner : namely, tiiat yellow and while varieties of the same sj)ecie« of '^ -Mk 1 w -*5» ■ «•< ;-jiiV-,'>-t:; .■,.*. .;.'■-»•.., ^r---'>f-; :/>■«- r- HYltlUDISM 'Z4i\ \>rh»«rum whon i!,tprrr(>-*'*<»vt'r, In* a-MTt.-i »}u'ii yf'ilow Hiiii wliite v:iri»*li«H or <»ii»> >i|i.Tif4 ;ire iri>-«m«»!:if»i vunttn'.i ^tt ;» tiJi'u,r, -i>«yit>«, more nee'l i- prinlur«'\ lli»« «Tov>.e« l>otwt'«>n !li«- sinul.irly ((dnurwi llowers, Ukui Ix'twivii tlio-e «Licli arf dirfiTtTitlv « oloircii. V»'t til**"*- v;iri«Mi»'". of \'t'rh;iRciirii jirfHi'iit iio otiit'r dirieri'iire l>«'>i.U"< tl.<» hut*' oUiur of tiie iliivrer ; ami one variety i-aii Mtnietimex be rii-t^i trorii t)ie Ht»eii ol the nther. t ro!ii (ili-ervatioiis wLnli I hixr niafi'- on certain ..irietie« ot Imllvliofk, I am iiirlmed to >.,iv[,(.ct that ■ffv nrceiit aiiali)i:oii'< ta', l^*. K Ireuter, who've iitviiraiv lias U««'ri iniifirined l»y .•»ery Mihsei more ••r;ile, when crossed wilii a widely di~tinrt spe^ leM, M.;:. are the otlier varieties. He experimetiti>.ed e inrm-i, whii li are eommouly repiileed with th^ N 'otiana trhitinosa, always yielded hybrids not ■»') t'.sie a-s tho»e whieh H<'re produeetl tmiri the four I tr varieties when cross*^! with N. iriutuio^i. Hence !• roproduetiNO svtem of ihis one variety rnu-it have ' (■( 11 in some manner and m nome deirree modilied. Irom these fai'ts ; from the ifreat diiHeuity of aerer i.'iiiiu' the infertility ot varieties in a state of natun'. . 'f a sujiposed variety if infertile in any decree would . ■•'.erally bo ranked as 8j)oeies ; from man seUn'tinj; ■.!v external eharacters in the produitioti oi tne mo>t iHtinct domestir varieties, and from not wi^hinj; or •1 '.i'j: able to produce recondite and functiftnal dirfer- piif-es in the reprttdiictive system ; from the-.e several coiiMiierations and facts, I do not think tiiat the very ijeneral fertility of varieties e proved to be of uni- vf r-ia! orcurrenci^, or to form a fundamental distinction ~;i - . ^m. a ■ ivr-.-vV' /^. .,:'. ','--> - 244 ON THK OHKilN OF srK( IKS i bctwpoii v.irif'fic-: ;iti(i -{)0<-i»'<. Vhc ircn^ral fertility of varieties dni'< not -criii to me . n.iiMi'!'.-. it i> not i -j>"cial emiowment. Imt K iiir'il."i'.il on -low Iv nc-jiiircl iiioilil'.c:itioi:<. nutre i'-j)Of';il!v i'l '.•it' rt'jirotliictive sy-teins of the fornriB which art" eio-- cl. Ihi'irids fill'! Mcts. (i irtntT. «ho>-e -troiitf wi-ii wa-i to draw a niarkc I line of (ii-^tinctinn Kotween »jiecle- and \ar:etie-, conhi find verv ftnv atid, ;)•< i* seems to me. .iuite iiniriiportaiit diJierences hetwt'en the -o-calh-i hytirid nlf^prin!; of 8](ecies. and tlic -o-calh-d nu'iiuTcl orfsprm^- of variftieu And, on ti.i' other liand. th(>y airree most closely in \ery many resjiocts. Ishall here diM-iiss this suhiect 'vith extreme hrevity. Hie mo>t nn]>ortant distinction is, that in the rtfHt ^'cneratioii moti^i-nds are more variahle than hyhrids ; hut (JiTlner admits that fiyhrids from -ipecies '.vhioh have |i-n._r heeii i-iiltivated are often variahle in the first generation : and 1 have myself seen strikidL' in^-tancofe of t]ii« tact (lartner fiirtlier admits that hyiirids be- tween \er\ (losfly allied species are more variahle thin tho-i' from v'erv di-^ti net species; and thi- -liow? that the ditfereni-e m the di-irree of variahiiity irrailnate^ avav. \\ hen nionu:rcls and the more fertile liyt>rid>< are j>ron.i:raled for several trener:;'i<.ns a!i extrenie anioiii.t 'of variahiiity in their o'-prMiir is notorious; hut some f»-w ca-^s hoth of hyitr.d;-* uid moiiLTcls hinjr retainiiitr nniformitv of chara .ter could be j-iven. I he variahiiity, houe\er. in the successive jrcnt^ratiouH of mniiirrids i>, iierhaps. L'reater than in h;''ridn. This L''reat('r variatulitv of monirreis ttian of hybrids doi's not socm to me at all snrprisiiiir. For the parent* of inontfrels are varieties, and mostly domestic varieties jWr m^^im^^m^^i^^Bsmm^^sm^mwmi^mE'mi'-mtt.Tm HYimiDISM 245 fvory few exi)erimeiits haviiitr h»MMi triolies in nuxx ca>es that tliore has ■jvt'u rcieul vf.rial.ility : aiiuch varKil.ililv wouUl (tftcii .oiitiiiue and l'«' ad'lt'd to that arisiiiir from tlie nier.- art ot rn.^in:,'. Iho ^litrlit (Icirrt'f of variahilily in liyliriils from the hr^t croos or in the lir>t ^rt'in'ration. m contract with heir extreme varialjilit\ in the .-.ufcee, IS a ttirioiis fact and deserves attention. I or it hearv ,>n antl corrohorate.-* tlie view vkhirh I liave taken on 'in- rauKP of ordinary variability ; namely, it is due to the reproductive' sy>tein heintr eminently -ensitive u) a;i\ chanire in the .onditions of life, t^eintr thuH itteii rendered either impotent or at least inrajtahle of ax proper famtion of produrinir otf-prinir identical With tlie parent-form. Now hybrids in the tin-t treneni- lioii are deseendtd from >pei ies (excludinjj tho-e lont' ,ult;\ateelve- iiave their reproductive syst»-ms -.riou-Iy affected, and tiieir descendants are hiijl \;irialile. I'.ut to return to our comparison of moiiL'-rels and •lybrids: (i.irtncr states that motiirrels are more liable ♦ I' hvlirids to revert to either parent-form ; but this, I it be true, is certainly only a ditiVrence in detrree. •tn.T further in>i-.t.> ' that' when any tu.' species. ; iK.Ui; i most closely allied to each otiier. arc cros-^ed vvi 1. .1 third spcies,' the hybrids are wi.iely different •i..t.i each »»thcr; whereas if two very distinct varieties ■ ,i one s|KK'ies are crossed with anotlier species, the (,ybrids do not dirfer nnich. liut this conclusion, a*« r-ir liA I can make out, is founded on a sin^rle e\i)en- II. cut ; ind >eem8 directly opjtosed to the results of rr^enil experiments maiie by K.'lreuter. 11, .-e alone are the unimportant ditference*, which tJ.irtiicr is able to point mit, i'etwt'en hybrid and rJn»iiurt5i piriiilS, XfH i»*C Ui::tr: iirttt-t^ - in iiioiijirels and in hybrids to their respective parenU, more eH.,ec-ially ui hybrids produced from nearly related ^^^^^^5.. ^^^m^ 246 ON Uli; (U{I(;iN OF SI'E( IKS 'V u ili i snccio-;, f>-' on 'hi^ hviniil ; .iii'i 'io f lu'l^nc it to he wiili \ariefie^ "i plaiit-i. V\'itli anirn.'iU oiio \:ir c' y ctTtaiDlv ofVn ha- tlii- |ire5K»ttMit j>owtr mer HiMi'lier \.iri<'tv. Uvhr^'l {ilaiT'^ |>r<'ilijff>il troni a rociprocal .•r(i<;s, e'lHTally re- soinliU' JTirh other clu-clv ; arjii so ;t i-^ with moiitrrols from a ri'i-ijirM/al crixs. Motli Jiv'iriiiw ami nuHiLTt'ls r^'iii he rodiHCfi to jmiIht {mitp |>arf;it fnrrn, hv rcjicatfd cro->»'-! in s\l'•^r>s^ive trt'urratioiis witli rithrr pnrtTit. I li»"i»' sc IT il remarks are ajipareullv api'liiahle to aiiiiii il» ; t)i;t ttie sul>jpet is liere excessiveiv ronnili- cato'l. partl\- owMii^ to tlie exixtence f)f ficcotidarv "seiiia] oliarai'ttTs ; Imt iimre especiallv owiiijr to prepot^noT ill traii-niittiiiL'" likeness ruiinirijr more ftroiigly in onf» sex tiiaii III tiie oMier, liotli wlieii one species is rroHsod with mother, and when one variety is missed with another variety For instiiieo, I th'nk those author? are ritrlit. '*h^e ; hut that the prepoteiu • run-> more stroni:lv in the ma! than in the female, so t}iat the mule, which is the oifspriujf of the male-ass and mare, is more like an ass, than is the hiiinv, which is the otl^prinir of the feniale-as« and Ktallion. Much stress has l>een laid hv some authors on the Bup!)os«-d fact, that monirrel an:nials almie are !>orn cl(i-''ly like one of thoir parents ; hut it arent, the re-^ernhlanctv seetn cliiefiy confined to cliaractera almost monstrous in their nature, and which Lav© fiudti'Mily appeared -such as aliiinisim, melanism. d#- noie.u V or u. wtl. LyLrwis whi.h arr .i-Myn.UMl Torn M.i'.-i.'s .U.wlvainl nalunilh i-rodio nl. On ne .hole I t-nf.r.-iv aur.'o wuh Dr I'm^p.-r Lii.a.>, «!m. ,:t.^r arranuinir an oiiorm..u- l.."ly ot i.i.-Ln with r.-^i-ort U» animaU, ronH-s t.. 'i.e^n.n. tl.o law, of ...,wnhlano. of tl.., rlul.l to .U par.-nts are t ,.• s.n..-. wlu-Uier thf two ,> .li.f.T nuul. or little tron. ,vi.-li oth.^r. nauH'lv in ll:.^ •mion of .u.livi.lua.s nt ti.e ,.ime varu'ty, or of .liih-n-ni uirieUes, or oi .l,>lin.t ■ipei-ies. . . ,. , •'■,,.;,, UvinL- a>i.le ll.e .,ne^tioM of fertility a-ul . .TMitv in .11 other re.-neob, there >ee.n- to he a u.-.o-ral a...! .•■.-.• Htmilaritv in ll>« otrsprin.- of .to,..-.! -i-r.-.e,. .uul -t cro^Mxi varieties. If we look at sj-eeies as h.ivin- ..-en .penally rreate.l. an.l al a. hav.njr he.-, urodured hv ^>con.larv iaws,thi> -iinilaniy «oiihl he an a^toni^hin-'faet. liut il hanooni.-es perle.lly wun the view that t h.-re is uo esseuliai .iisUncUon between speeies ami varieties. >./mm./rv of ('hapt^r.-Vu.. .rosses lK.twe.-n forms .uth-ienllv diVtin.-t to he ranked !i.s .pecies;uid their hvhnds, are very ^'enerally, hut not univers.iilv, ^tenle Ihe sterility is of all dej-rees, and is otten s<. s.i-lit thai 'ie two most .arelul experi.nent;ili>ts who have ev.T !i\ed. have .••»Tne to diameiri.:ally opposite oonrlusions m rankiutf forms hv this test. Tlie .tenl.ty is nwiatelv vari.ihle m individ'uals of the same specu^*, and h .■miiientlv «u>.M-ptilde of favourahle and untavoiirao e oM.iitions. llie de-ree of sterility doe> not str.-tly i.uh.w systematic athnity, hut is governed hv sev.-ral •.nnu. and laws. It U generally ditferent, «ues ■ervveen the -.ime two specie.^. It is nut ulways eyial . 1 :.. .. i^y^t rro^- and in the hvhrid itrtxlu. I'fl trotn tlii> iTo«-.. In the ~ame manner a« in ijraitnitf trees, the capacity ^\^ 248 OS rilK OUKJIN OF SPE( IKS ;l Is' i iv- ii -^ 111. 13 f -- g- ; : ^J-. p- iS i oMiiie sjX'cu's f»r variety to take on .inothor, is iru idpiital on jrtMicrally iiiikii'iwii (litftTciices in their vt'L-^etative HV^tfrii-, M) iti (•r()--iii::, the {.'reaternr h'ss tai'ility of one s|>ecii>>. to unite « itii aiiiitli.-r, i^ iriciileiital on iinkiit)wu di(f('rein-e>i in tlieir reprudm-tive .-Nvteins. I'here is no tiHire re.isdii to tliiiik tliiit ~[iecie-. h.ivo heen siiecialh' endoue'l with \arii>'i> ile_Mi'c, of .-tcrility to jireveut thern cnt--iii:r ami lih-mliiiLr in nature, than to think trees heen specially emlowefl uitii various and H>-es hetvveen [«ure species, which lia\i' their re|ii(»diicti\e sv>tein- pfffect, seems to dfj.ciid ou circum-tance- ; in some cases lai-L'-ely on the early deatli of tlie enihryo. 'I'hc -terility of l;vl)riils. which ha\e their reproductive system's impt ifect, and whi.h ha\e tliis system and their uliulc or;;-a!ii>atit.n disturbed hy hein^; eompoundeti of twi>di>tiiict >pecie«., seems cio>eIy allied to th.t sterility which so freijuently affects pure sjK'cie-:, when their natural eoniiitious of li;i' ha\e heen di-turhcd. This vic.v i-; '^uj. ported hy a paralleli-m of another kinrl ; — nauiely, 'hat the cro-isirijj of foriiK only sli^/litly ditlerent i- ta\ oiirahle tf) the viiTour r.nd fertility of their offsj>ring ; and that sliirht eliaiiires in tin; cotiditioiis of life are apparently favonra'de to tiie vit'onr and fertility o." all orL^uiic heiiiirs. It is not siir{>ri>injr that th? decree of ditliculty in unilinar two specie-^, and the to di-tnu^t causes; for b dcpciid (HI the amount of dilferenco of some kiud i>-lweeii the -pecles which are cro-.-ed. Nor is it surprisinT that the facility of effectinir a first cross, the fertility of the hJ.rids produced from it, and the • apacity of hein<»- trratted tojrether— thouirh this Utter CHjiacity evidently depends on widely different circiim- si.uices -^should all run, to a certain extent, parallel with the systematic atKnity of the forms which are subjected to experiment ; for systematic affinit? oth IIVBIUDISM 249 „ttempti* to expn-vs all kiiid^ of resemMance »«tween .-xll species. . Kir^t .•ro-J^*'? heUi-on tormn Known to he varieties, or ••utRnentlv filik(> to i.e coii>'iK're;.r!> trnioral and i.rrfect frtilitv surprisini;, '^hi-n we remfinher huw 1. il.le we ar« to'ar-ue in a oinle with rospe.t to varieties -, -i etate of nature ; ami when we tliat the reater numher of vari.'ties haxe hci-n produ.e.i under 'on.estication hv the selec n of mere external ditfer- , Mies and ii. t oVdirterenc in the reproductive system. m ail" other respe»-ts, excludinjr fertility, therein a doH« ■ M-neral reseml)lanr.' hetueeu hyhrids lind moni^rels. K iiallv then, the hriedv tfiven in this chapter do rn. ^ei-tn lo me opposed to, hut evu rather to ^upport t!.^ Mew, that there i» no <-undamenUl d^stii.a on •,v -weeu species and var'.fties. I'M fM i m>mk ( HAl'l KR IX OV r»!K IWritKFK" TION UK THK. GIIOI,a »i««''i( (• ■.( !iit/'rni'>(ii»t«' vnriptiis itt th*" [>rf'n- f rv.n:; n - On tfio »ii i kii kpi-fariii •• of cr ■'.;■* 1 »\ •■■i>^ - • 't} ihdi tnlleo ni»(»-i4ran>i- in I'.e lowest known fo-,sili(erout ^tr»U. Ivthi' s'\t ii rliaptor I eiiumf rated thi' cliiff ohiectionf" *»)iirli III!, ht 1)0 jti'^tlv ure»'e views niaitJ- taiix'd ill lliw vdhi'iie. Most of" tlit-m have now Uccn iliscii>--0(i. < >np, iianielv t!:t« distiin'tiu'Sfi of s|»«Mit"ic tornis. and tliiMr not ln'iiu? Iilpiid«>d t<»Lr<'ther '>y in- niiniHr.ildi' transitional links, is a v»»ry olivious diriinillv. ! a^-'.'!ifd ri'asuiis why -.iicli links do not ronjiiionlv oi 1 ur it tln> present day, under tiie circurnsUtncfts .1' jiarently most tavoiirahio for tiieir [ireserit-e, namely on an •'xteM>-ivi> and oontinuous are^i with irraiiiiaied nhysi.a! conditions. I endeavoured to nhow, that the life ot" caeli species depends in a more important manner ftn the pre^eisre of other alre:uiv derine!n exislinir m !es>er nnn;!iers than tlie forms wh'cli the) I'onnei'l, vmU frenerally he Ixjaten out and evterminated during the IM1»ERFE(TI()N()K GEOU)iiK AL RECORD 251 course of turtlier modification and iinprovemont. I'be main cau^c, ho*.>.er, of innumerahle uitiTim-diaUs links n,.t now .M-carnniT evervwlu're tlirontil,niit n-itura d.*poiid^nti til.' vervpnM-osHof.jitural sclei-.!oi.,throui'h whirh new %anetie,«. iMuitiiiually uk*^ the places ot and Pxtermmate their parent turms. Hut lu^t m proportion a., thif» process ot" extermination has a.ted on an f^nornious nie n mind wh;»t sort of intermeiiiate forms must, on my thecir), base formerly existed. I have found it d:fT:cult. when lo..kine at any two species, to avoid picturintr to myself forms ,/,r^-fVintermediate l>etween them. But this is a wboUv false view ; we should always look for form- intermediate between each species and a common but ui. known prourenitor ; and the proirniutor wilU-eneraUy have differed in some rosi)ect.s from all it.s m..d!tieri 'le^rendmt.',. To trive a simple illustration : the tanUiil iiMi pouter pi>?eonshave both de««:ended from the roi-k- pieeon ; if we iH)sKessed all the u termediate Tarietie. wlM.b Irivo ever existed, we should have an extremely close heries between botli and the ro<-k-piiroon ; but w». ^houlH have no varieti.M directly intermediate Wtween the fautail and pouter ; none, for instance, cornbinmir * tail somewhat expande. possible to have de^'rinined from a mere comp their .tructure with that of the ruuk-pirfeou, wheUier nri«>t('(l directly iiiti-rnu'diate ln't««.'tMi thfin, hut hi-tv*(>»'ii each ami an Liikiiuvvn romnicn |>arcnt. Tho coninion parent \»ill have lia>orne IMnnt> (>i struitiire may ha\»" diihrtMl con-^idfrahly from lolh, even perhajis more than they differ from eaeh other. iieiice in all Mjih rases, we should he uiialile to recognise the parent -Ibrm of any two or more t'pecie-i, e\en if we closely compare*! the ^tru^•tli^e of the parent with that of its nioditiee(/*r'C< interme had undergone a vast amount of change ; and the principle of competition hetween oiiranism and orL''t ween child and parent, will render this a very rare e\ent ; for in all cases ihe new and improved forms of life tend to supplant the old and unimprove«l forum. IJy the theorv of natural selection all iivinif species have heen connected with the parent-specu-s of each l^enus, hy ditferences not trreater than wo see hetween the varieties of the same species at tho present day ; and parent-species, now jrenerally extinct, ha^ i in their turn In'en similarly connected with more ancient species ; and t,o on hackwards, always con- verj{in^ to the common ancestor of each preat class. So that the numher of intermediate and transitional links, i>etween all iiviutf and e.xt ' t species, must have been iuconceivahly g'reat But assuredly, if tins theory be true, such have lived upon thiH earth. IMPKRFECmON OF (iEOlXXilCAL RECORU 263 on tht i>ir"<'' "'" Timr. - lutlepoiKl'Mitly of our not finrliiiir fossil remains of ku. I. iiUiiritrly luimornus con- n.Ttii.ff lif)L-, it inav he ol.iorto.l. timr will nut h,-,vn snffi.T.l furs.. ^'^fAt rin amount nt ..r-:ii!K .h.-uitre, ■^\] .•h:u,u^o< l:;ivin- U-en ..ifrrtcl vorv «ln vrho ran r.-a-l >ir l I, irlej, I v.-ir^ --raJid work <»ii th.' I'nvrifUrs oj i^>, wlii-li tl M future ].i-t..rian will rocoirni^.- as havmir pro.luc'd a rrvnlutioii in natural M-ienre. vet «loos not a-lmit how -,...mnrelMMi-iv,.|v vast h.v.H' h.-en the ,.a.t j.-r.-vls of Mine, niav at nn.p cIom- this volume. Not tuat it ,•,, Hires to .=tu.h' t1... I'rinnjdrs of ^VoA.vv. '«r to re;%i M.<"ial treatisrs hv different ohservers ..n M>i.araTe formations, atul to mark how each author atfrnp's to L- X.- an iua.lequate idea of the .luration of earh Jorma- . ..,, or oven each stratum. A man mu>t for yean ..tamMie for himself trreat piles of .ui...nmi.osed strata, and watrh the s.-a at work trrin'imjr 'h>«n old rocks and makintr fre-h pediment, hefore hr .-an hope to rn-nprehond anythint? of the lapse of time, the monu- iii»'n»< of vihivh we see around us. It IS lmxmI to wander aloiitr lines of ^ea-coast, when tnrmed of moderatelv hard n.rks, and mark the pro.-ess ..f degradation. 1 he tides in most case's rea.h the , liT. onlv for a short time twiee a day, nnd the wavea .•at int.. tlH-m onlv when they are .-harired with «ai..i -r nei.hle^; for there is c().)d evidence that pure water . ui effpct little or nothinsj in wearinff awav r.ick. At la^» the ha-^i> .>f the rlitf is undermined, lui-.- tr.Oirments Jail down, iv.d the.e remainii'L- H.xed, ha^e lo he worn auHv, atom hv atom, until redu.'ed m si/.e tuey i:an l« r. It.Mi ahout i.v tlie waves, an.«>«i ^o we .P<. al..nir the hases of retrcatintr clttfs rounded , , . 11 .1 ■ t 1.. .1 t I, ^.1 r>\'krir)o Tin )(t t iri tt II 11 . tnni ti u.«'ho-.v little the\ re abraded and how seldom they are rolled about ! .Moreover, if we follow for i sh..>TUUi: 264 ON THK OIlKilN OF 8PE( lES \i U'w m\]o» any lino of rot ky clitF, wliicli is undoreoinn «lfirr.i.l;iti()ii. wt- fi, I tli;it ii iHonly li«'re;iti.l tlitTo, alorijf a hhnrt h-imtJi ..r roijii.l a firnrnoritorv. tlif» rlirfH are at tJu* pn-^jMit tum' •.utfcniiif. 'Ili«' aj>ii«'ar;uicp ol th(( ,surf.i(t» iiiiil the \r{r»'t.4tiiiii h1io\«' tliul eUowliere«, ii.ivd «'l.i|isO(l siiiro tJi« "iitrr^ v».im1um| tlicir base. Hf i«lio tii(»t • l<>-.«»ly studies* thf action of the nea on Our sliores. will, I i.clicv««, !.«« tuont (icepis impresHftd with the Rlt^wni's.- v»iili which nx'ky co.i^tM ;irp worn away. I he oh^iTvatioiiH «)n thin head h\ llnch Miller, nutl hy that excellent ohserver Mr. >r' itli of .foniaii Mill, are nm-t ini|.re'.>*ive. With th* iniiui tlius im- pressed, let any one evitnine l)eils of conirloiiierate man\ thoiisaiid /eet in thic kne>s, which, thouirh prol>- ahly funned at a <|iiicher rate than nianv other deposits, yet, Iroin hciiiir formed of worn and rounded pehhles, each td wiiich lK»^rs the titaiiip oi time, are ffood to kIiow how Miowly the ina.s> lia.s l.een accumu- lated. In t)ie ( ordillora 1 estimated otu- pile of con- jrlomerate at ten thousand feel in thickne>Js. I^et the ohi>erver reiiiemher l.yelJH profound remark lliat the thickness and extent of Kedimeiitary formations are the re.sult and me.-mure of tlie dejjradation which the ear! ' crusl ha?, elsewhere suffered. .\ud wliat an amouuc of de^'railation i« implied hy the HedimenLarv deposits of many countries [ iVo:es.sor Kams;iy ha." jri^en me tiie maximum thickness, in most cases from actual r.ieasurement, in a few oa-se? from estimate, of each loruiaiion in difierent parLn of (iroat Britain ; and this is the result : — I',il.T.'7..u' etrafa (not liKimiliiK iSTi(^)Ui l)«l»i Tertiary slriifH ... 57, IM — makintr altoirether 72,.'>B4 feet ; that is. very nearly thirteen and tiiree-cjuarters Hritisli miles. Some of the formations, which are repre.sent©d in Knji-Iaud hy tinn he«ls, are thousands of feet in Ihicknes.s on the Continent. .Moreover, between eaU l<"iU W.aiik jioriotU. ."^o t'.ai thf Icttj pile lit s.'.lnnfiitarv ^>(•k^ :ti linlain. (fives l.iitaii ni.iijii;i«e Hiea «if th<> titiu- wlixh /i.-w ela[.'«-il ilunni.' tia-ir a. ;«>ri ; \ f»t wiial liiin- liiH iiiu-^L h.l\»' fixis.jint'il ! (•otxl oli'.«'rv«T>i lla^ P e«itinialeus;ui sea. the prm-oss ot affumulaMiiii' lU a!i> est evidmre ot tlio lapse ot tiiii" 1 reh.cmher • i\inj/ lieeti iniali htruck witli the es iiietict ot lieiit.ia .,<.ii, wii»n \ .fwiatr volcanic islamis, which have hefii worn hy the waves and part'd ail r....iui into per- ] .•ndicular clitis nf one or iwt. thousand left in heiu'ht : ■"T the treiitle h1oj»© of the iavastreanis, d .e lo tln-ir : Tinerly liquid sute, showed at a »rlanre how i..r the hirii, rocky l>pd.« had once e.xtomipd into the (M>eti ocean. The name story is still more {diinilv told h\ faults. - •iio-.e trreat cn'icks alonjr v^hich the strata have In-en ,.l,iiea\ed on one siile. or llirown tiown on the '.th^r, to !i. tieitjht or depth of thousands of feet : for r-mce tlie ri-t cracked, the Burface of the land ha- heen so ,.ui plcttdy planed down \>\ the aiaion ot tlie sea. that no trace of these dislocations i" externally visihle. I lie (raven tault. for in>tariie. extends for upward;- of :•■>) miles, and alontr this line the vertical di»pl.ace- rneiit of the stratji han varied from <;»><• to .'Khm* feel. I'rnt. Ramsay ha- puhlished an account of a downthrow .11 Aiit'leseaof 2;>iM) feet; and he inform^ me that he .liv indieves there is one in Merionettishire of 12. '^K) r^i'X : yet ni tiiese cases there is nothintr on the suruce lo sliow sucii prodiifiouH nuivrmeiiLs, ihe piie of ro. «.« ■i the one or other side havnisr heen sm* •loJ's tli** vain (MMlfvivmir til i_T.i]>|ilt> with the hlfi iif ctrniity. 1 am t.i .['tfi! to irivc ohm 'lilirr i a-c, tin- wii!at;i(ii ot lim W CiM. I linii.:li il must '>o ;iMm;!t«'>l that tin- rlriiiKl.ilioii <.; th<> \\ i-al-.r- ot inir j.aia'rt/iiii -tiita. in |>art>* t»'n thoii>.\ti(l tocl in thiikiif-^. a* >-hcnvii iii I'rof. I>am-av> nla^t<•^l\ in»'moir 0:1 tin- -ut.M'ct : ye' it is an admir- ahlo I. ■ i.n til «taii'i un tlii> iiitcrmfilia'c liiliy j'ountry an >i«*, one can >at.'lv jiictiire to oaesolt the irrcat dome of rocke wliich iiiij'l hi\o covered up Mie W i-ahl within bo limited a |»erind as sinre tli« latter part of the ( lialk lnrmati<'i\. Tho di'.tancp from the northern to tlie >oiitlicrn I >nnns i~ ahont 2:2 ::::les, and the tliickness of the s»'veial formations is on an average ahout lli>» feet, as I am informed hy Prot. llamsay. Mut if, as potno ireohit^ists siippo-e, a ran^'e ot c)hier rocks lunler- lies the Weald, on the flanks of which the overlyini: sedimentary deposits miifht have accumulate'! in thin- vr n\asses than elsewhere, the ahove c>timate would he erroneous ; hut this source of doultt probahly y:, of one inch in a renturv. 1 liis will at first appear much small an allowance: but it is the s;ime a^ if we were to assume a clitf one varii in nemlit to he eaten hack alouL' a w hole line of c(»ast at the rate of one yard in nearly e\ery twenty-two years. 1 doubt whether any rock, even as sotl'aa chalk, would yield at this rate IMPKRFE(TI()N OF GEOIXKJICAL UK(()KD 247 eKipliiijf i»ii the m«)«t *>\(M>i4(>ii rnantu ; thi>ii;r)i im (louht tliH detfTadatioii ot h lofty rlirt would lie mor*- ia|.id from the hrt*ak;uf«» *>f th«» fallen fVajfineiitj*. < 'n the other hand, I do not h«'li»n«« that any line of coa-xt. ten or twenty miles in lontrth, ever sutferH detrradatioii .it tiie Haiiie time alone it^ whole itidetited lentrth ; and we muKt reinenUicr that almost all "itrata eonfiin harder laven* or noduh-*, whirh froni lonu' resi.stinj; attrition t'orm a hrtak water at the ha«e. We may at leawt foiilidently helieve that no roeky roast ."i^x* feet in heijfhl commonly yields at the rate of a fiK>t per ceiiturv ; f<»r ihit would l>e tlie »arM«' in am<»iint ax a rlitf one yard in height retreatiiiir tw»'lve yards in twenty-two yearn ; and no one, 1 think, who h.i>i care- fully oljser>ed the shape of old faih-n fraiimenfx at the liA>e of cliffs, will admit any n>Mr a|ipriia(h to such rapid wearing away. Hence, under ordinary circum- stances, I stiould infer tliat for a cliff ."»(«» feet in heitrht, a denudation of one inch |>«'r century for the whidc lenjfth would he a sufficient allowaiu'e. At this rate, Of! tlie ahnve data, the denudation of the \\'eald mu-t have re<>•;, »»t)i',4afer to allow two or three inches jwr <'entijry, and this wmild reduce the number «>f years to one hundred and fifty or one hundred million ve.irs. Ihe action of tresh water on the trently im lineo that it is not improliahle that a lMn:."'(«r period than •'ierfect. 258 ON THE ORIGIN OF SI»E( IKS liM of the lapse of years. Duriii!,' each of tb^se years, over Uespeaks its purity. The many cas<»s on record of a formation conformably covered, after an enormous iiiler\al of time. l)y another and later forma- ti«)n, without the uuderlyiiiir bed tiaviny: sutl'ereci in tlie interval mv wear and, seem exjilicable only on the > lew oT the bottom of the >^ea not "irely lyinjf for aL'e> in an unaltered condition. Ttie reinaiiis which do liecome embedded, if in sand or gravel, will when the beds are uprais'.d generally l>e dis-sohed by the jieri olation o.' .-ain-water. i siispe<'t that tiut few of the verv many animals wlsicli live on the beach betwwn Li^rl' *'»! low watermark are pre.served. For IMPERFECTION OF GEOIXXJICAL I -RI> 259 in.uuue, the several Hi.e.Mes of the Tl.t ...aliim' (a -ub-far ilv of M.shilo cirrip.xles) coat the ro.-!. - all over the world in intinite uumlK^rs : they are all vtnctiy htt<.ral, with the exception of a Rinde MediUTraneai. -neiies, which inhahib* dee^. water and has been tound in Sicilv, whereas not one other specie, ha. hitherto heen 'found in any tertiary formal..,i. : yet it isiiowkiK.wM Ihattbe L'cmisC hthamaluseMsU'ud.irn.- the chalk i-criod. The incdlu.can Kt'MUS C hiton oHers a nartiallv anal<>i,M)U!» ca-c. With respect to the terrestrial oroducticn. which lived during the Secondary and i'alieozoic periods, it 1. Kui.crduous to state that our evidence trom fosMl rcman.s is frajrmenUry in an extreme detrree. .-r in^tan. c not a land shell is known bcloiiKi'i^' to either of Mie^e %ast periods, with the exception ot ono sj^-cies discovered hv Sir ( •. l-vell and Dr. Dawson n. t.u- carlK)niferou8 strata of North America, of which slu-1 heseral smM-iineii^ have now heen collected. In rotfanl to mamnuterous remains, a sinirle frhuu-ii at the In-t.-n. al taMe published in the Supplemei.t to l.vell s Manual, will brintr home the truth, how accidental and rare is their preservation, far better than piures ot detail N<>r is their raritv »urj.risintr, when we re- meml>er liow lar^^e a proportion of the hi.nes ot tertiary mammals have been discovered either in caves or m l.uiistrine dep.K.t- ; and that not a cave or true lacustrine bed is known »)elonKinjf to the atro ot our M-condarv or paheoioic formations. , • . But ti.'e imiMTfection in the ^eoh.^ record mainly rep the formations Uibulated m written works, or whei; ve follow them in nature, it i« dithcult to avoid liflievintf that they are closely con- liut we know, for instance, from >i. li >.t'i utive. rviurciiisuii s »i'«*ai w tiicre are in formations ; so i .u that rountrv between the superimposed i iH in North America, and in many 2tM) ON THK OIUr.IN OK SPKCIES If! I> ? < 1 1 1 l< ' otlinr parts of the world. 'Hip nio^t skilr'ul treolotfist, if his att»?titioii hail l»e«Mi extliisivcly cnnfiiioH to these lartre territories, would never have siisj>e(ted that •lunriir the periods whiih were hl.iiik and harreri in his own country, trra-it piles of sediment, charfred with new and peculiar fonns of life, had elspwlicre heen areutniilated. And if in e;teh separite territory, hardly any idea can l)e fL'icai coni- |i i-ition of c»nisecuti\e tormations. (."-encralh' iinpl\'in$r ^;reat chancres in tlie ireotrraphy of the surroundintr lands, whence the sediment has l»een derived, accnrd^ ^v:th the l>e!i»>f of vast intervals of time lia\ iriif e!ap>»'d lietwiM'ii each formatinn. IJut we can, I think, see why the ireolojrical forma- tion* of each rcLriiui ;ire almost invariahly intermittent : tliat i-. have not ;i 'lowed fach other in close seijiieiK'e. Scarcely any fact struck me more when examining' main- hundred mile- of the South American coasts, Ah ("h liavf heeti upraised se\era! hundred feet within •he recent period, than the al»se!ice of any recent deposits sufficiently exten«-i\e to last for even a short ^ period. Alon::- the v*}iole west coa-t, which is inhabited hy a peculiar marine fauna, tertiary beds are so poorly developed, that no record of se\cral suc- cessive and peculiar marine faunas will prohably \k> preser;ei! to a distant aire. .\ little re(iecti"M will ex- |dain why iluni: the ri-mu coa-t of the we>t"rn side of ^•outh .America, no extensive formatituis witii recent or tertiary reniaiii- can a:i\\vhere lie found, thoni.'!! the -uoply of sediment must for .i;res liave been i:reat, from the enormous dcirradation of the coa-t-rocks and from muddy streams enterinj; the se.i. The explana- tion, ii(> douitt. is, that the littoral and sub-littonil deposits are continu.i!!v worn away, as sr^nri as they are brouclit up li\ the slow ami irradual risitiir of the laud "ithin the ^'rindinir action of the coast.-w;i\ es. ^^'c may, I think, -afelv conclude that see accumulated in extremely thick, solid, or extensive ma>*es, in order to withstand the in.e>sant acliou of the waves, when first ui)rai>ed and during MiU^equent oscillatHins of level. Mich thick and ex- tensive accumulations of sediment may »'e forn.ed in t^^o wav>; either, in protound depths ot the . we mav conclude that the hott<.m will he mhihited hy i.xtr.-..iclv few riti;inal>, and the ma>s when upraised wiiltfivea most iinperlert recrd of (he lontis ot liN n-hii h then existeil ; or, sc.iiment may l-e a.curnulate.1 to aiiv thickness and extent over a shallow Uittom, iJ it c.uitinue sh.wlv to suhside. in this latter ca-e. as loiiK as the rate «.V suhsiaenc- and sii].ply ot hedimeut n.Mrlv hahmceeach other, the M-a wul remain shallow aii.i favourable for life, and thus a fos^iliterous torma tioii thick enoujrh, when upraised, to rejiiuce puhlishiii»r my views on tliis suhject in ia4.'). I have wat.hed the pro^'ress of (ieoloffv, an-: ha\e t-een surj.rise.i to note how autlior after author, in trealinu^ of this or ureat formation, has come to tlie conclu>ioii that it wa- accumulat.-d dnrintr suhsid- eiice. I niav add, that tiio only ancient tertiary torma tion on i!ie we>t c oa-^t of South Ame-ica, wiiich has heen Imlkv enouuli t.- r.-ist such deirradation as it h.i.-, aa yet suffered, hut will hardly last to a disUnt tri.ol(.me oscillations have ath-. ted wide spate* t on>e'iueiulv formations ri! roni.iiiis Kcforn tlicv liail tune to deca'-. < H\ the otlitT haiirl, as lomr as tlit» bed of the ^^ea re- mained stationary, tfiirk deposits could not have Ikmmi acciiirinlated in the sIimIIow j>art>, whii )i are the most !avs could this have haj)[>encd diirinjr the alternate iienoiis of elevation ; or, to speak more accurately, the Weils which were then accumulated will have heen y heintr upraised and hroujfht within tlie limits of the coast-action. I hu" the treoloirii-ai record will alniDst ncte^^ir !v Jie rendereil intermittent. I teel mucli coiitidence in the truth of these views, for tliey are in strict accord. u.ce with the tferieral principles inculcated hy Sir ( . Lvell ; •iiid K. Forbes sul»se,'-eoloM;i(al record. On the other hand, duriny subsidence, tiie inhabited area and number of inhabitants will decrease (except in«- the productions on the shores of a I'ontinent when first broken up into an arcliipela^o), and conse- quently diirin^r subsidence, thoutrh there will l>e much extinction, fewer new varieties or species will be formed ; and it i.-t durini; tliese very periods of subsidence, that ourtrroat deposits rich in fossils have been ao umulated. Nature may almost be s.iid to have guarded a:r:iinst the Jre(|uent discovery of her tran-itional or linking '•'rir.s. I roin t)ie forejoin:,' consideration^ it cannot be doubted tiiat the ireolojfical record, viewed as a whole, is extieriudy imperfect ; but if we contine our attention to a!i\' one formation, it becnioes more diffiriilt to understand, why we do not therein find closely t^saduaie'l '.arieties between the allied species which ' \ «d at its CMin:iieV''<'Mic!it and ;it its ci(»r%e. ^o^■;^) iMl'KRhE(Tl(»N OF (lEOUKlK AL RECOKD 2fi3 ca..'< :vr»- on re.-or.i of the same ^p^-n.'. present d.-tiu.t varieties in the upper and lower parts otliie -ame tormatic.ii, but, as they are rare, they may be h.;re „asse.l over. Altiiouch earh formation has m- re.iuired a va-t numher of years tor it^ .iep<»Mti..n, I .an see se\eral reasons whv each shouhi „t include a graduated series of links between the .neries which tJ.eii lived ; but I can by no moans -tv •!.nd to a.s-i:rn due prop<.rtional wei-ht to the t..llo« mir considerations. , MllK.utrh earli formation may mark a very 1 uij; l.ip>e :,i vears, each perhaps is short compared v th ti.e period rc.i'uisite to chanire one snecie^* nito .ui..iher. i •'•ni *w!ire that two i>ala^untoloirists, whose opiniona are worthv of much deference, naniel, Bronn at d U ood- *ara have concluded that the aveni^re duration oi each form'itiou is twice or thrice as Ion- a^ the aveni^e duration of specific forms. But insuperal)U> dithculties, an it seems to me, prevent us cominjf to any just .onclusion on this hea.h When w. see a species hr^t aupeannjf in the middle of any formation, il woe in the eitreme to infer that it had not elsewhere previously existed. So a^rain when we find a xp.-.ies disappearing? before the uppermost layers have been deposited, it would l.e equally ra-h to suppose that it tiien }«H-ame wholly extinct. N\e fortret how small the area of Europe is compared with the rest of the ^orld ; nor have the several stajres of the same f.»rr::t:y ^n required for their miurntion from the American to the KuroiKjan se^w. In examining ttie latest deposita of 2*>4 ON THK OIlKilN OF SPEC lES lH viiridijs fjiiarters of the worlil, it has pvfirvwhere U^n iiotcri, that -nnie f'«'w still exivtin^r Hptv-iuN are rommnri in the :i the ascertained amount of niitrrati'if. «»t the inli.iliitant". ui' Kiiroj>e diiriiiir the (ilacial period, whicli tortus only a i»art of oin' w nole L'eolotrical period ; and likewise to r.tlcct «»n the (rreat changes of levnl, on the inordinately (rreat ctiantre of climate, on the prodi-ious lapse of time, all ini Itided within this same fflaci.ii perio.l. ^ et it may he douhted wlu'ther in any <]uarter of tlie world, sedinientary deposits, inrludtrin fotnil remahis, have pone on accumulatimr within the saoio areaduriiii: the whole of ttiif. |H!ri(»(i. It is not. tor inKtancp, proltabie that sediment was deposite«I durine^ the whole of the jrlacial period near the month of the MiRsissipjn, withni that limit of depth at whii h marine nnimals can flourish ; for we know what vast jreoeraphifril rhaneesoeriod shall have hcen upraised, ortranic remains will [iro'twihly first appe.'ir and di8apj)ear at different levels, owinjf to the migration of species and to ireotfraphical chantres. .\tid in the distant future, a ireol<»L'-ist examining these l)eds, mieht 1)6 tempted to conclude tliat the avcraire duration of life of theemlH»dded fossils had U^en less than that of tlie fflacial period, ins-tead of haviriir hcen rr ally far irrcator. that is extendiuir from before the f^lacial epoch to the present day. In order to i^ct a perfect trradation betwcri- t.vo forms in the upper ami lower jKirtsof the same formation, the de|>osit must have g'one on accumulatinjj for a very lonif period, in order to have jriven suthcii-nt time for the slow process of variation ; lience the deposit will jretier- ally have to be a very thick one ; ami the spociix* undcrffoirijT modifi<-at:on will have h.i.i to l.^e on the ^m^ \ iMI'KRFECnON OK (;K(>I/K^iICAL REt'ORP 264 ^»me ar*"* throughout this whole time. liut we have M-i'U tliat a thick fo^^Mlitrrous formation can onl\ l« a.-.Mimwlatril diiriiifr a p'TJod of suhsi.h'iice ; and to ket-p the ai.proximat.-iv the Hanie. whi.h is nf'«-.«ss;iry i,. nrrU'r to ♦■nal-le tlie same Hi>e<-ies to hve on tio- -ame ,t,;..-.. the ^ of s.dimeiit must n.-arly have cnunter- ■sii.ui'.e.i the Mmount of siil.Maence. But thi-. same niovment ..f -Ml.M(leu.e «ill often tend to sink the ir.M w},.-n.e tl dimei.t is drrivi-.i, and thus dimansi. •1„. Mi|.|.lv whilst the downward movement eoiitinues. In fa.t. tiiis n.arlv exact halan-in- l.etv»een the suj.|. y d ..Miiment and the amount of sul.Mdence is i>rolai)ly irir.Tuntinu'emv ; f..r it h;i> he.-n oh-erved hy more than on.. i.aheont..lntr;st. that very thick deiKi-its are o^iiallv kirren of orirani. remains, exc.-pt near lij.per dsonlv a few Let in thickne>s, rcpre.-.entii:>r forma- tions, el'sewli.Te thousands of feet in thickness, and which must liave reijuir.'.! an enormous period for their ;ucumulation; yet no on.- i;fnorunt of tins fact would have su>p.M ted the hip-e of time represented hy ti.e thinner formation. .Man) cases .ho»inu what w;d.-. accunuiiation. lu other ca>es we have the plainest evidence in irreat fo-ilised tre*'s, stHl standiiiT uprmhl 20<; ON IHK OKKJIN OF S1'K( IKs a- tlicy ^'rf\r. f.f many loiiu'- intervals of time and ch.injfes of h'vrl .liiriiiir tlip process of deposition, whirh would n Messrs. Lyt'Il an"i I),iwo\(« the other, at no less than M,ty-«i^ht different levels. Hence, when the same species (M-riir at the l>ottoin, middle, and topo'a formation, the prohahility IK that they have not lived on the >ame s[)ot during the whole period or drjM.sition, hut have disappeared and reapi-cared. perhaps many times, duruiir the -ame jfefH loiTical periu.i. So that if such sj.cfies were to under-ro i coiisideralue amount of modification durintr any one u^'olo^firal period, a section would not prohahly in'cliiecips anii it.s several modified descendants from'the lower and iipl)er beds of a formatioji, and unless we obtained riu.'Mer.. 's ttansition.J ^:,.f aUw^, we should not irco^f- 1 IMl'KRKKCTION OK r.y.Ol/MMC AL IIK( OKI) 207 .. ,.. thoir n'Ution-hip, .'"..1 should con.o.juently l-e ; .,:n,M.ll...l to rank th.-rn all as distm.-t '"r;T^.^ It'is notorious on v.hat excessively sl.uht d.fferen.-.- „,;.„'ontolosri^t- have founded tlieir spenes ; and ,h..v'd.. this tl... mnn. readily if the specimen- .ru,n .li.rer....t sub-Ma.M-s of the same formatu.n. Some ..M.eiien.-ed .on. hnin-ists are now sinking inan> ot the V vie spe.-it.s of in )rhi.^ny and oth-rs mto the rank ot7ar:eli.-. ; and on this view we do hud the k.nd ..: ,.,„,,„,. „t rhan.^e ^vhi.h on my theory wo outfht o ^nd M<,re..v.r, ir-N^elook to rather w,der intervaU, „.,nelv. to distinct hut couHe<-utiv^ Htnire. of the san-o M-eat t..r,n.ti..n. ^e fuu\ that the emhe.l.ied toss U th..u,h almost ,.n.verations ; hut to this ...hject I shall have to return in the tollowiiii; chapter. • i • i ( ,„.. other ronsiderav.on is worth notice : with animals ind i.lants that can propii^ate rapidly and are not hi-hlv locomotive, there is rea.son to sus{«M-t, a> we ha*"ve iorn.erlvseen, that cheir varieties are ironerally a iTst local ; and that su.h varieties do not spread widelv an of the known ffeolosical }..rm:i- tiuns of Knrope, which have oftenest jriveu rise, hr>t to local varieties and ultimatelv tone^- specie ; and thi-i a^ain would jrreativ iesseii liie chrti.. o or i>:;r ;:riiiu ii)lo to trace the stages of transition in ciiy one 'eo'o: i-;t! forinat'ofi 2(» ON THK OKKilN OF M'ECIKS ;? It Hlioiild not he forgotten, that at the prenent dav with i..Tf.vt spenmoiiH for exaniiiiati..ii, two t(,rm« carl «eJ.Jom be .omioctr.l l.v interm.'diate varieties and thti« prov.Mj t.. l>e the sam« ^porie-s, until manv snerimen- bave U.,.n rollerted from manv p!a. v.s ; and in the . Ik^I perceive the iriiprohahility of our i.einjr enahh-d to connect npe.iet. by iMimeroiis, tine, intermediate, fossil ]i„ks, bv asking ourselves wln-iher, for uist.ince. ceoloyi.f.s at some future jM'riod will l>e able to prove, tliat our different bre.-d. ot cattle, sheep, horses, and d..-s have descende.l from a si rifle Kto«-k or from several ahoricm.-ii stocks- or. airam, uliether certain sea-hhells iniial.itin^r the shores of North America, which are ranked l.v some concholoiTi^ts as distinct spe. ies from their Kur..i,ean repreMM.tatives, and by other con.-holo^nsts a.s onlv var..-ties are really varieties (.r are, as it is called' Kptcirically distinct. 1 his .-ould he effected onlv hv tie future ^reMlot:istdiscoverin»r in a fossil st;itenumJrous ;nterme:radati.»n.s; and such huccckh seems to me imfiruhahle in the hitrhest detfree. iM-olotfical research, thou-h it has added numerous species to existirij,' and extinct genera, and has made the intervals between some few g^roups less wide than thev otherwise w(.uhl have heen, vet has done scarcelv^f m hre;ikin:,' down the distinction iKJtweeh -^I'c.ies, by connectinff them together l.v numerous tin.-, intermediate varieties; and this not 'havin^r heen' erfected, is prohahly the >rrave>t and most oI.mous of all the many objections which may he ur^red aijainst 'ny Mews. Hence it will ho worth while to sum up the t<.re:r(.intr remarks, under an imadnarv illustration Jhe .Malay .Vrchipela-(. is of about the size of Kurope from the N..rth ( ape to the Mediterranean, and frot. Hritain to Russia; and therefore equals all the ^eo I'.trical formriti«.ns which have l.een examined with a:, y accuracy, excej.tin^' those ot the I nited Mates of America. I fully a?rea with .Mr. (iodwin • Au>ten, that the j.resent condition of the Malav ArchijK'laiTo' MI'hKFECTION OK (iKOlAXiU AL Kfc( OKI) 269 v^ilh its 1 .n:P islandn separated by wide and -J.allow 8«is reprrMM.ts tho tormer statn of, whilst m..>t of our formations Hor« ac.umu- ati.ii Tho Malav An-lupchMfo i.s one of the richest r,..ri,„;s of the whofe >*orhi in orjfauic; hew.jfs; yet it al ■C .mM-if. were to b«, onUe.-ted v,hi.-h hase ever Ined imperfectly would they represent the n.itural • ii^torv of the world ' , . .1 . Mat' wo haveeverv rea.s<.n to V»elieve that the terren- tna! nrod.H-tioiis of the arrhipela-o would In- pr.-.erved it, an ex. .-HMvelv imperfect manner m tho formations svhM-l. v^e suppu.'e to U there acrumulatun:. su^pe^t that not manv ..f the stri.tly littoral animals, or o ,l,n.e whi.h lived on naked Mihmanne nu-ks, nuul.t t,.. ; and those einhedded in t-ravel or sjuid, would n..t endure to a .listant ep formations could he t..rm.vj HI the arrl.ipei:iir<.. «t' thickness sufficient to hist to an ■ i^ di-tant in futurity as the second;-ry tormatioiir lie in the past, onlv duriujf p-riods ol suh-idence •I-h,..e t.eri.Hls of suhsidence wc.uld ho separated from .-uh other l.v enormous intervals, durin- which the area would he either st:iti(mary or risinir ; «h Ut risins:, each fo->iliforou-. formation would he destroyed, almoNt ts soon as accumulated, hv the incess;int co;uit-action. .IS we now see on the shores of South America. I>unnt.' the peri'xis of suhsidence there would prohahlv be much extinction of life; durinjr the periods (d eleva- tion, there would he mu.h variation, but the treoloirical record would then he lea-t perfect. It miy he douhted vvhether the duration of any one Teat period of sulKid.'iice over the whole or part of the archipelairo, to-ether wih a contemporaneous accu- ^,,. !.<;..!! of w.flim.'i.t. would ejrret-ii the avenure dura- lion of the siime >pec tic forms; and these contintrencie.s are indispensahle for the preservation of all the transj- tional uTadaiions between any two or more species If MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART AN'^i .ind ISO TEST CHART No 2 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ 2.8 2.5 u. m 2.2 !: m t a- 2.0 i_ i_ 1.8 1.4 1.6 ^ x^PPLIED IM^GE •er. Ne« "o'k 1*6 *82 - 0300 - Phone ^'88 - 5989 - Fa. 270 ON THE ORIGLN OK SPECIfcS hiirh trradatioiis were not fully prestTved, tr.nisitional varieties would merely apiM-ar as so many distinot Kpccies. It irt, al^o, prohalde that each threat period of Kuhsiiloiice would lie interrupted by oM-illations of level, and that sli>rht cliiiiatal chan;;e> would intervene durin;; such lengthy periods ; and in thcM? cases tlie inliahitants o.*" the arrhi|>el;uro would have to niiirrale, and no closely consecutive record of their modiricatioiw could he preserved in any one fornmtion. \ery many of the marine inhaliitants ol the archi- |»elaj;o now rariire thouKiimls -f miles beyond iU con- tines; and anal(.f,n- leails me t(» believe that it would be diiefly theM> far-raniriii;r >po.i,.s which would oflenest produce new varieties ; and the varieties would at tirst L'tMierally be local or confined to one place, but if posse^ised of any decided advant;ure, or when further niodihed and improved, they would slowly spread and supplant their jKirent- forms. When such varieties returned to their ancient homes, as they would dirter from their former state, in a nearly uniform, though perha])s extremely sliirht dejfree, they would, accord- intr to tJie principlt^is ffdlowed by many pala-ontolo^ists, be ranked as new and distinct species] If then, there be some dcirree of truth in these remarks, we have no rijrht to expect to find in our j^eological formations, an infinite numWer of those fine transitional forms, which on my tlieory assuredly have connected all the past and present species of the same jfroup into one lonj; and branchintr chain of life. We outrht only to look for a few links, some more closely, some more distantly relatt'd to each other ; and the.^e links, let tliem be ever so close, if found in different st;i^'-es of the same formation, would, by most palieonto- loa-ists, l>e ranked as distinct species.' Hut 1 do not pretend that I should ever have suspected how po-.r a record of the mutations of life, the best preser\e(i teoloLMcal section prasenttxL bail not the 'litlicultv of nur not discovering innumerable transitional links between the spei'ie*. which apinvired at the commencement and of ivicli forniation. prcjvsed so hardly on my theory. ■■■*»•!» IMPERFECTION OF GEOUMiK AL KECOKD 271 (m the Hidden af>}>^iir'ince uf whole ijronpi of Allied Sperien — Tlip ahrupt maimer in wlii.-h whole ffroups of S.ecie« suddenlv Hi.i..-.-ir \n certain furmations, has het'u urce«l by s.-veml paliPontolo^isL-^ - for iiistatire, by Xtrassiz/l'ictet. and hv none more forcibly than bv I'rofessor Sedtrwick-as a fatal objcrtioti lo the h.-li-t in the transmuUtion of sptMies. If numerous spe.ies, l)eloiurinir lo thi- same K«nera or tamilies, have really started into life all at ouce, the fact -ould be tatal to the theory of descent with slow niol hav,- live-l ionK ••«!:•'> "*'^'""e their mo.litied descendanti?. Hut we continually <)ver- rate the i>erfection of the treolojjical record, antl falsM'ly infer, because certain ireiiera or families have iiot been found beneath a certain -t.ure, that they did not exist l.ef(.re that sta*re. U e continually tortrel how lartre the world is, comjKired with the area over which our ^eolotrical formations have been caretuUy examined ; we for^^et that irroups of si)ecie.- may else- where have Ion? existed and have slowly multiplied l)efore they invaded the ancient archipeluAroes of Kuro|>e an.'i ot the I'nitwl States. W'e do not make due allowanco for the enormous intervals of time, which have prol>ably elapsed l»ctwe'>n our consecutive formations, -lonirer i)eriiaps in most cases than the time required for the accumulation of each formation. ITiese intervals will have jriven time for the multipli- .ation of s|)eoies from some one or some few jKirent- forms ; and in the succeedinif formation such sjK'cies will apjHVir as if suddenly create«i. 1 may here recall a remark formerly made, namely that it iuiKl't require a Ion? succession of a;res to adap- an organism to some new and jH'culiar line of life, ti»r inKl-anee to »lv thniiiirh the air; but that wiien this ha;it class of mariiin.-i!s wa.s ahvays hpoken of a^ ha\ int' abruptly come in at the commencement of the tertiary series. And now one of the richest kn«)wu accumulations of fossil mammals, for its thickncns, l»elon!.'s to the middle of tlie secondary sei .'s ; and one true mammal him been discovered in the new re«l handstone at nearly the commencement of this throat series. Cuvier used to urye tliat no monkey occurred in any tertiary Htrattim ; but now extinct siHjcieM have been discovered in India, South America, and in Kurojie even as far l»ack a.s 'tie eocene stitre. Had it not been for the rare accident of the preservation of footsteps in the new red sandstone of the I'nited States, wlio would have ventured to suppose that, besides reptiles, n,, less than at least thirty kinds of birds, some of tfiarantic size, existed durinj,' that period . - Not a frag-ment of bone has been discu\ered iu tliese ImmIs. Notwithstandiiiir tliat the number of joints siiown in the fossil impressions c«)rrespond with he nuniU'r in the several toes of living birds' feet, some authors doubt wliether the animals which left the impre-sions were really birds. I ntil .juite recently these authors mit^lit have maintained, and some have maintr-iined, that the whole class of birds came sud- denly into existence diiritiir an early tertiary period ; but now we know, on the authority of "rofessor Owen (as may !«• seen in Lyell's Mnuwil), that a bird certainly lived during the deposition of the upper ifri'i'iisiuid. I ni:iv trive aiiotiisr In-^.tHnfe ifb!:'}-. from •i?i- passed under my own eyes has mudi struck me. In a rtiemoir on Fo>sil .Vssile ( irrif)edes, I have stated tliat, iroin the numl)er of esiHtinif and extinct ti>rtiary IMl'ERKECnuN OK iiE*)U)GlC:AL KE( OKI) 273 frtim tli»> I'xtraortlinary rit»undatu-e of thp mdi »p<'».ie« ; ill the the worltl, trom Arctic regions to the e»< tathoniH ; torn the perfect manner iii which xj^M-imen-* are pr»*- -iTved in the oldewl tertiary heda ; from the ea>e with which even a fragment of a v:ilve can l>e re. ..irnis<'f the >econdary i)erioeen puhli-lied, when a skilful paUontnloifist, M. Hosquet, sent me a dniwiii^' of a perie.-t sp*M-imen of an unmistakable sessile cirripede. which he had himself extracted from the chalk of llelpum. And, h^ if to make the case aa strikinjc as possible, this ses..ile cirriiK'de was a ( hthainalus, a very common, iarjfe, and uhniuitous ifenus, of which nut one specimen has ;i.s yet been found even in any tertiary stratum. Hence we n(»w jKjsitivel know that sessile cirnpedcs existed during the secondary period ; and the-e cirrijHnles might have been the'progenitors of our many tertiary ,ind existing species. The cjise most frequently insisted on by j>alieont- iiists of the apparently sudden appearance oi a wh(de hrroup of species, is that of the teleostean fishes, low .iown in the ( halk period. 'Hiis group includes the l.irge majority of existing species. Lately, I'roh'SM.r I'urtct h:is carrieii their existence one Hub-^*a^P further back ; Htid some paheontologist- believe that certain much ul.i.r h^he.^, of which the affinities are as yet imperfiHtlv known, are rt^illv t«leostean. Assuming, however, that the whole of them did apin-ar, as Agassiz l»elieves, at the commencement of the ch*lk formation, the fact would certainly be highly rem-*rkable : but T If^Jm. 274 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES nn n Mh I cannot nee that it would be an insuf>eral)l<' difficulty on my theory, uiile.-is it could likewise l»e nhown that the H{>eciet( of this ^roup a(i{KMn>d suddenly and Himul- taueously throu^hcuit tne world at this (tame period. It in almoiKt superHuouH to remark that hardly any fossil-fish are known from south of the e<|uator; and l)y runninjj throu^rh IMctet's I'alif ontology it will be Keen that very few H|)ecieH are known from several formati(»ns in Kurope. Some few families of fish now have a confined rani^e ; the teleostean fish mijrht for- merly have had a similarly confined ranpe. and after bavins' been largely developed in some one sea, might have sjtroad widt-ly. Nor have we any ri};ht to suppose that the seas of the world have always l»een so freely ojHJU from Koutli to north as they are at present. Even at this day, if the .Malay Archipelago were converted into land, the tropical [>arts of the Indian ()c«au would form a large and perfectly enclosed l>asin, in which any great group of marine animals might be multi- plied ; and here they would remain confined, until some of the species became adapted to a cooler climate, and were enabled to double the southern capes ot Africa or Australia, and thus reach other and distant Rea>;. From and similar considerations, but chiefiy from our ignorance of the geology of other countries beyoiid the confines of Euroj>e and the J'nited States : and from the revolution in our palieontoloyical idea- on many points, which the discoveries of even the last dozen years have effected, it seems to me to be al>out as rash in us to dogmatise on the succession of ort^ini'- l>eiiiirs throu:rhout the world, as it would be for a naturalist to land for five minutes on some one liarren point in Australia, and then to discuss the uumiier and range of its productions. N!' i(i::: On tkf stuldm (ip^^-UTdfy^ of "tow^ of ALlif'.l Sticcii'.s in thf toirejit known fossiliferou* strata. — lliere is another and allied difficulty, which is much graver. I allude to the manner in which auml>ers of species of the same 4iM ::**^*?li^^ "_i_'Z*ihj IMPERFECTION OF GKOLOGICAL RE( ORD 275 ^roup, Hud(]pulv Ri-fPAr in the lowest known fossili- ♦.roiii* ro<:ks. Most of the arjrumenti^ which have coii- finced me that all the existinp Hperies of the wniP ■rroun have desrended from one proirenitor, apply with nearly eetween them. If, moreover, thev had l)een the progenitors of tbe>e orders, thev would almost certainly have been lou^r a*ro supplanted' and exterminated by their numerous and imp'"i>ve«l descendant-^. Consequently, if my theory be true, it ia indisputable that before the lowest Silurian irtratum wa*) deposited, lonjf periods elap-^ed, as* lonouniline with new and j>eculiar species. Traces of life have l)een dete'te«l in the liongmyud beds, Wneath Harrande s BO-called prim«.rdial zone. ITie presence of phosphatic 27(1 ON I UK OKKilN OK S1*K( 1F> no'liilps and liitiimino'is in.ittor in nome of the lowest ■i/oif rock-i, prnli.ilily iiuliiatfs the former existeiicp of life at these periodH. lint the (lirti<'iilty «»f uiulerstaiul- nn tlio nhseiire of v.i-t pilen of fo-.-'iliferoiiH strata, vliich on my theory no ilouht were somewhere rirTumii- Tteoc}r, i^ very t.'r»',it. If ;}i('-<- i!ii»-t ancient IhmIs liad hrcn v\ holly worn away liv dciiiKlation, or ohliterated hv m<'Tainorj»hic art ion, »«! oiiu'tit to tind only small remnants n{ the forma- Lions ne\;t siKveedintf tlnrii in aire, aj.d the>.e oiiirht to Ite very irenerally in a metam<>rj)hf)>ed condition. Htit •ju- df-criptions which wo now possess of the Silurian ie|>.i-~:t- o\«!r immf!i'~e territories in Russia and in Norlli America, do not support the view, that the dder a formation is, tlie more it has r.lways surieren he extri'mity of deniniation and nHtjim(»rpliism. I ho c^i>o at present must remain inexplicahlf : aiie truly iirtred as a valid aririifnent a^f-ainst the viow>i here ent»'r!ai!ied. Co -how that it may hereafter receive some exjilanation, i «ill L'ive the followinif hypothesis. I'rom tlie nature of the ortranic remains which do not aj)pear to have inhaliited profound depths, ni the several formations of Kiirope and of tiie I'nited >Uites ; and from the amount of sediment, miles iu thickness, of wliich the formations are composed, we iMiv infer t}i;it fmni tirst to last lart^e ioiirhood of the existirur continent- of Kuro|M> and North America. Hut we do m)t know what wa.s the state of thin^rs in the inter\als hetween the isiio- cessive formations; whether Kiirone and tiie I iiifed ."^tates duriiijf these intervals existed as dry land, or a.s a suomarine surface near land, on « liich stMJiment was not dcjio-ited, oi- ii-s ti.e hed of an open .ind unlathom- atd" -ca Lookinir to tlie exi.-tin;.'' cneans. which are thrice -'i-s -'vlensive as the laud, we see them stuudcUh;ICAL UK((>IU) 277 i the paltfo/oio and sr. ond.iry j.«T;o«ix. neither roiitiiu'iit- tu.r cnutiiiental i«l:ia(l- exUu-a when- our (x-eauti n.»» pxteiid ; for had they existed there, palipozoir and H.'eoniUrv forTiuitii.iis' uould in all |.ruiMih;lity havf l-een aeruruulati-.! fmni -e of level, whi.h we may tairU funcl'ii'ie rnii>t have )iitiT\«'neii duriinr these enormoiislv Invj; periods. It I'tu-n we may infer any- th'TiiT froiii th.-sti lattv, we nia\ infer that wh.-re our ocean-, now extend, iuve extended tn.m the remotest period of whi( h we liav.- imy re.ord : ami or. the other hand, that where .oatinent^ now e\i-t. lar-e tract.- oflai-.d lii-.e evi^t^-d, ^iihjerted m>> dn'iht to irreat o^tilialions ot level, since the silunan \ -od. Hi.' coloured map appended to my volume on ( or li llees, l"y a prepond«Tan.e, durintf many o«^cillations of level, of the tone of elevation: hut may not the areas of preponderant movt-ment have ciiaiiL'ed in ti..- lap-e oi^ au'e;*.' At a period immeiisurahly antecedent U> tiie Silurian epoch, continetits may have e.xi;sted where oceans are now spre^id out : a-id dear and open oceans may have existed where our continentn now HtATui. Nor shoultl we he justified in a-ssumin^ that if, for inst^mce, the hed of the I'aiilic Ocean were now converted into a continent, we should there tind forma- tions older than the silurian slrala.; nuch to have l>.'en formerly deposited ; for it iin;:ht well liappei, that istrata which" had huhsided some mjle.s nearer tr the tentro of the earth, and which had heen pressed (»n hv an euormouH we!;:hi of feupenncumhent water, rniirht have undert'one far more metamorphic action than straf.i which have always remained nearer to 'he rturlace. I'he immense area- in .^ome jwirt.s of ^he 27 H ON THK OHKilN OF SPECIES wnrlil, for iiiMtariiu in >oiith Arnerira, of liare metA- morpliic rcK;kn, '*hich must have \)emu h«»ateer}iaps believe that we see in the>e lari;e art-A"*, the many lurmatioiiM lonjf anterior to the wilurian eporh in a completely mpfamorphosed condition. 'ITie several difliculties here di««ean formations ; the almost entire absence, as at present kncmn, of fos>ilifer«uH formations beneath the Silurian '•trata, are all nndoubtedly of the ^Tavest nature. We see this in llie plainest manner by the fact that all the mo.«t eminent palaHuilolo^isLs, namely Cuvier, .\;:asgiz, Itarrande, Falconer, K. Forbes, etc., and all our trre.itetit ear. ^:^'^ l^^M^. ( [JAI'J KK X I I f K i,f"'l (m.i.aI km ( »>.«lu.N Ol. ii,( .A.MC li, .!>«(» iM-.i,-. ,.n. «■ l.„t .).. II. .1 Tf»n'-iir «.r|.i mi wif »!«■.!.« un Kitin.ii ,ii- On i.itiiiilt.ine..ii» .liiiiuft-* (11 lh«- f.,niii c,f hfr Uir 'lu'liMiit U r w. fM (i|, the «tt!!i(tleii ..f rxtliut i-jx-olet t i r%ih •.1!,»t ind [.. luii « SI).-. ir» iiii Uic Hint.- ..f ,1. wl..i,rtiH!,t ..f aii.'lriil f.,niui Oi, •»,,. iii,-,r^.M .11 c.f tho K.'iiie tNjMB witJilu Ui«- Vf .■ Brea.- Siiii;iiiary of i)ri.«-«.|iii(; aihl iii.t.,iit . hapt. r». I-Ki us iinw >.n uhftluT tii»> several Jact- .lu-l niies rfl.itiiitf t(i tin- tri'oli.j^;ciil Micct'^hioH of oiLMiiio lmiri<8, l».'tt.T ac.oi-fl with the roninmn view of the irimiuta- l>ilil>c)f specie*, or with I hat of their slow ami ^rradua! riio.lifu-alitiii, throutrh (iexeut aii.l natural seleetion. Ne\\ >|,e. jes have am>eare!ie atu-r another, on the l.ind and m tlie w.-iters. I.yell hu-. >ho\\ii il i» li.irdiy jM.^sihle to re>ist theevidetjco on tins head in the ease or the several tertiary statres ; and every year U-nds to till up the hi ink>' between' thetii. and to make the pereent.iire system of lost and new forms more ^rnulual. In siune of the most recent UmIs, llMdiirh niulouhtedly of hi^rh antiijuity if measured by \e.irs, only one or two spi, ies are lost forms, an-! only one or two are new form-,, having here aj>|K'ared for the first time, either locally, or, aH far as we kno», on tilt- ra.f ui tiie earth. if we may trust tiio oliserva- tion« of Thilinjd in .'^icily, the suices.sive changes m the marine inhihitants of that island have h* '2iM 'een many >A^. J^glfaMT /£f 'VH^Sa^' «.K»»!.(h;I( AL Sl( ( I-SMON JHI Hill riii»t nn" -•■.omljiry format inii« .iri« mor*- hrokfii ; Itiit, a« Urnrin lias roniarkrd, ru- thrr thr ai>|.".ira!irp n«»r (lis;nij.«'araiu'f of tlipir many im" ••x- ♦ iii.t s|„Mitw lias l^-t-u Biniiiltntu'oii-* iii »>a«"h wj'iirati- frtrinaiKiii. >}>««(i»'s of (iiHi'r«'nt ir»'ii«*ni and rla.-o««'s liavc ni.t iii.iiiir»M| at the siiriu- rat*-, or in llio Hiinif «l»'»rr«'r In the nlilf^t tiTtiary IhmU a f«'v* livini: nhcllH may -till U' n»tin.l HI till' mi'dst of a mi]ltitu Ta-oii to helievp that orKain-m-*. con!.idered hiu'h in th»^ »«-a1p of nature, rhaiiKe morr .|iiii-kly than tho«# that are low : thoiijrh there are ei- ceptmns to thi-* rule. I'lie amount of oriranic chaiiife, &A I'ittet has remarke^l. doe« not Htrictly corre-jH.ud with the surre-ixjon of our ir'^olotrical formations ; ho that Wtweeii »-a. h tv»o .(.n-eiutive formation-*, the forms of lite have seldom chanired in exactly the same detfree. Vet if we compare ariy I'ut the most, clos.dv relate.! formatioiiii, all llie -..enes will be found to ha\e undertrone some chantre. When a sj>ecie8 has once d'H- apwared from the face of the earth, we have reason to l)elie\e that the same identical form never reappear*. I he stronirest apparent exception to this latter rule, is that of the sJvcaHed "colonies" of M. Barrande, which intrude for a period in the midst of an older formation and then allow the pre-existiii» to nie satistictory. Ti cse several factH accord well with my theory. 1 believe in no tixed law .if rlevelopment, cau-iins: all the 282 ON THE OKiGIN OK SI'Ef IKS W! Ill' it' inlialiit.ints of i country to chaniro abruptly, or simul- taripftusly, or to an equal tlevrrcf. 'J'lie process otino'li- hcation must he extremely ^low. ITie variahilitv of t-ach species is quite iiuiepeiKkMif of that of all others. H\ hether wtirh variability he taken advantage of by natural selection, and whether tlie variations he accu- mulated to a ;;reater or les>er amount, thus causin^f d .Tciter or It^sser amount of modification in the varyiut' species, depends on many complex coiitinjrencies, — on tiie variability lieinjf of a beneficial nature, ou the power of inUircrossinj;, on the rate of breeding?, on the slowly chan^injf physical conditions of the country, and more especially on the nature of the other inhai)itant3 with which the varyinj; species comes into competition. Hence it is by no means surprising- that one >{iecies should retain the same identical form much loiurer tlan others ; or, if chansriiiir. that it should cliaii:re less. ^V'e see the same fact in ireoirraphical distribution; for instance, in the land-.^ie'' and coleopterous insects of Madeira having: come to ditTer considerably from their nearest allies on the continent of Kuro(>e, whereas the marine shells and birds have remained unaltered. We can perhaps understand the apparently (juicker rate of chancre in terrestrial and II more hijjfily or^ranised productions compared with marine and lower productions, by the more complex relations of the hiirhcr beintjs to their orjfanio and in- ortranic conditions of lite, as explained in a former chajiter. When many of the inhabitants of a country iiave become modified and improved, we can under- ftiind, on the principle of competition, and on that of the many all-imj-irtant relations of orjranism to organism, ♦ hat aiiv form which does not become in some dejfree TtMiditiod and improved. \r\\\ be lialde to be exter- minated. Hence we can see why all the sjKscies in the same reiriou do at last, if we look to wide enouirh inter vals of tune, l>ecoine nuiditit d ; f(»r those which do not chanfje wiU become evtiiut. In nieml »'r-. of the s;ime L-Luni the nveraere amount of chjuire, di rui;^' lon^ and equal tn'riods of linn?, may, GE()U>r.irAL SfTCKSMON 2X\S (^rha,.s hp rif-arlv ti.e -aine ; but as the r>rr-nnuilation ui l..n^-eiidurinL'' (..-Mliterous* ionnatioii> (1.'J>«*ii.1h oil ^reat masses of sediment haviiitr Wen deposited on ^reas wlii!.-t sulisidiriif, our formations huve been almost .,f*es>arilv afcunuilated at wide and irret:"larly uiter- mittcnt iiitrrvaN ; conse<|i]ently the amount ot orjfanir .•hai.tre exhibited bv the tos.MU emlu'ddrd in n)n>ecutive tormations is not equal. Kach formaUon, on thw vi«w, does not mark a new and complete act of creation, but .iiilv an oci-a.-ioiial srene, taken r.ltnost at h.ward, in a hio^flv chaniriniT drama. W V can clearlv understand why i species when one- lost should never reappear, even if Lne verv s.ime con litious ©f life, or-raMc and iimrtranic, should recur For tiiouych the otf-prin^ of" one speties mitrht 1«- ndapted (and no doubt this has occurred in inuumer- lustanres) to fill t!ie e::act pla.o of another specie-s 11 the economy of nature, and thus supplant it; ye', the two forms— the ohl and the new— would not be identically the s.iine ; for l)Oth would almost certainlv inherit ditTereut characters from their distinct pro t'enitor.s. For insUnce, it is just possible, if our !ant:iil-pii:eons were all destroyed, that fanciers, by ^triviti^ duriotf lotiir aijes for the same object, niiifbt make a new breed hardly di.-tinguishable from our pre- sent fantiil ; but if the \areut /ock-piffeon were also destroy.'"!, and in nature we have every reasoa to I.elieve that the parent- form will generally be suj>- planted and exterminated by its improved otfsprinjj, it is quite incredible tliat a fan tail, identical with the exi^tinp breed, could be raised from any other speciea of pigeon, or even from the other well-e.>.tablished races of the domestic pijfeon, for the newly-forrned fantail would !« almost sure to inherit from its new progenitor some slijjht characteristic ditfereiucs. (iroups of sj)ecie^<, that is, (reneraaud families, follow the same ireneral rules in their api>earance and di*- apiK-arance as do >iiii:le si)e« luickly. a-id in a ureater or les.cer dejrree. A ^rroup due»< r.>t rf-»ppea- after it hau once dixii-peared ; or it« ^» 1 ON THK OKICIN OK 8rh( IKS 1*1 |i III i I' is S-^r f? •!« i .T 1: exiH'.fticp, aH utii^' as it lasts, is rontiiiuous. I .-.i.-. iware tliat thort' are Mjine a[>[iarfcnt exceptions to thi? rule, l)iU the exceptittiis are siirprisintrlv few, so lew tliat K. Ftirl»es, I'lctj^t. and W DodwarW ^houtrh all sfroiitrly opitosed to surli views as 1 niaiuuiin) admit itn tr'itli ; .'ud the rule strictly ac«'ord> with my theorv. lor as all (lie species of the same frr»'froiip have appeared in the lon^ suc- I e-- 1)11 of atre>, so Ion:; must its inemtMTs have con- tiiitioiisly existed, in order to liave {reuerated eitlier new lud inodituMi or the same (dd antl unmodilied furmH. ^p«'< les of the trenus l.inyula, tor iiisLiince, must have <-ontiiiii(nisly existed hy an unhroken succession ot uerierations, trmri the Silurian stratum tx) the present d;i\ . \\'«' havt* seen m lli.' last chapter tliat tiie species of a irroup Hometime,s falsely apjH'^r to have come in aiiriipti'y ; an.i 1 liave attempted to jfive an explanation of this tact, whicii if true would have heen t.iial to mv views. Hut sui-h cases are certainly excej>tional ; the g-eneral rule heinfr ajrradual increase ni inimU'r, till the ifroup readies it« maximum, and then, slvap I>ear to lie^rin at its lower end, not in a sharp point, but aliruptly ; it then ^rrulualh thickens ups*ards, some- times keepiiiff for a space of et^ual thickness, and ■iltimately thins out in the upjMir In'd-, marking the decrease and final extinction of the species. This jfradual increase in numl-er of the tpecies of a group is striitly conformable with mv theory ", as the species nt the same tj-enus, and the genera of the siime family, can increase onlv slowlv and nni.^^ressivelv \ for tlie i)rii- (iure Vy equally slow st»>i>s nther «*pe<"ie«t, and soon, like tlie hninrhiii'JT of a (rrt-it tree from .1 single «teni, till tf.f tjrdiip hecoiiia** l.irjfe. nn Krnuitxir, i.-W *i li;i\e a^ yet oker. o;i!y itifi- 'ieiitally of' tiie (li>aj>p«Mraiire of" sjxvio and "t" trroujH of siiccif-i. < >n the theory of iiaturnl '^election the ex- tiiKtion of oltl forms and the [»reen swept awav at successive i>eriod>* hy catastrophes, is very general I v iriven up, even hy tiiosc jfeoiosfij*tM, as Klie de lU'aumi)nt. Miirclii-son, IJnmnde, etr., whose t'C'iieral views would naturally lead them to this con- clusion. < )m the contrary, we have every rcisoii to '•tlitnc, froHi th»^ study of flie tertiary forniatons, that species ,iiid irroups of spf. ics aradually dis;ip].t>ar, on*' I'ter another, first from one sp-ot, then from .mother. aid finallv from the world. lioth single sjwt us and whole irroujM of «pecies last for very unequal periods ; some trmujH. as we have seen, havinjr endured from the earlie-t known dawn of life to the present d.iy ; tMime haviii:; dis;»pp«'ared lK?fore the dose of the pal.eozoic peri<»clieve that the cotuplete extinction of the species of a trroup is treiu'rallv a slower prore. hv a '-ertical line of varvinir thiciirress of extermina- tion, than at its hiwer end, which marks the first appearance and increase in iiumhers of the species. In suine case-, however, the extermination of whole j;'rO(i{>s of heiutrs, as of ammonites towards the close of tf;e secondarv period, iias t^'en wondertuiiy suiiden. riie whole suhiect of the extinction of species ha.t 'ome ZWi O.N UIK OKKJIN OF ."^I'KCIfcS author" li.ivp pvi-n -uppo'^pii tlmt ;»^ 'lio imlividual lian + (iofiiiite Ifii^rtli ol life, hh liave Kji»vi#>s a dt'rtiiite dura tioii. No ono 1 think can li;ive marvelled more at tl;p extinction of sporie", tlian I liavedone. W hen I found in I>a Plata the toolh of a liorst* embedded witli the remains of Mastodon, Me^atnerium, Toxodon, and other extini:t mon^ters, which all coexisted with stil' livinj; shells at a very late treoloffical p^'riod. ! wa* filled witli astonishment ; for seeini: that the horso, since its introer« at an unparalleled rate, I nsked myself what coiilil M) recently have exterminated tin* former horse under conditions of life apparently so favourable. But ho'v utterly groundless was my astonishment I Pro- f",.^..(,r ( >weii soon perceived that the tooth, though >*n like that of the existing horse, belonged to an extinct species. Had this horse been still livintr, but in some lieirree ran-, no naturalist would have felt the least sur- prise at its rarity ; for rarity is the attribute of a vast number of species of all classes, in all countries. If we ask ourselves why tliis or that sT)ecie.s is rare, we answer tliat somethinjf is unfavouraide in its conditions of life ; but what that some'liine;' is, we can hardly ever tell. On the supposition of the fossil horse still in:r as a rare species, we miirht have felt certain from the analoiry of all other mninnials, even of the slow- iireedini; elephant, and from the history of the natural- isation of the domestic horse in South America, that under more favourable conditions it would in a very few years have stocked the whole continent. Hut we could not liave told what the unfavourable conditions wi-re whitli checked its increase, whether s(»me one or several coiitinjrencies, and at what period of the's life, and in what deyree, they severally acted. If the ly follows. It is the s,ime wi'h our domf>lic productions : wlien a new and slijfhtiy imj)roved variety has l>een raised, it at first supplants the le>s imi)roved varieties in the same neiirlibourhood ; when mucii improved it is tran^^ported far aneen produced within a :riveu time is probably trreater tliau that of the old specific forms which have l>een ex- terminated ; but we know that the number of species has not jrone on indefinitely increasing, at least durinar th" later )feo!ofjii-ai periods, so that looking; to later times we may l>elieve that the production of new forms has caused the extinction ofa^'out tiiC same numl>er of old forms. "«%*y oxaTn|il«»>i, lietwoen' forms which are of a sj)»M jpi will treiitTally <'ause th»- evtermiiiition of the j'.irerit-specit'-' : ami it many new forms have U»eii Jevt Inped from any one species, the nearest alliex of ti>at ^|•ecie'^, i.f. the sp«M'ies of the 'aino sreniis, will U- the n-.ost lial>le to extt-rmination. Ihus. a> ! l>eli»>ve. a Munilitr of new species dt^^iended from one sp«'iij> "'''' have ^.■i/ed on the place occuiiied hy a spfcie** l»eIontrHijr to I distinct irroiiT>. ami thus caused its extermiiia'ion ; and if iiianv allied forms he develoj)ed from the sin-ces^ fill intruder, many will have to yield tlieir places ; and it will treneraljv he alliid forms, wliich will suffer troT'i some niln'rited inferiority in connnon. liiit whether it he species heloniring: to tiie same or to a di-tiiict class, which yield tlieir places to other spe«'ies wtiicli have heen mnditied and impro\ed, a few of the -nfferers may often long^ he nreserved, from heint fitted to vonie peculiar line of life, or from inliaintin^ some distant ami isolated station, wliere they have escaped severe competition. For instance, a sinijle species of rriii-onia, a ^reat ireiMJ<< of shells in the secon'larv formations, survives in the Australian se;is ; ■ind a few memhers of the groat anrl almo-t extinct LTOiip of (ianoid ti.-hes still inhahit our fre-h wafers. I"! TPiore the utter e.xtinction of a irnuiji is trene-ally, as >v-, )ia\e seen, a slower process than its produitioti. \'» ith respect to the apparently sudden extermina'ion • f whole families or ord«'rs, as of 'I'riiohites at the close .>f the paheo/uic period and of .\mmonites at the close of the secondary period, we nuist rememher what has Seen alrea'iv ^aid ')u the nr«*<"ip« of a in-w trrou}) have Ui 'U p<»-.}*c>sion of a new urea, they will have pxter- niiiuti'ii in a corresivoTNliiitrly rapifl iiiaiiiier tn.iiiv of the old inlial>iL;nits ; ami the forms which thii< yiellace^>! '.vill romnuiiily he aUied, for they will partake i>f Bome iiiteriority in common. Ihus, as it M'enis to me, the manner in which hinjfle i«|M'cie>< and whole jfroiips of s[»e4"ies l>ecome extinct, acconlx well with the theory of natural Hclection. \\ e net'il not marvel at extinction ; if we must marvel, let it he at our presumption in imairinin^ for a moment that we iiiulerstaiid the many c«m>j»lex contin^'-encies, on whii-li the existeme of each sjiecies de|>end«. If we for>:et for an instant, that each sjiecies tends to incrcHHe inordinately. aned why we cannot account for the extinction of this particular species or tfroup of speci«'s. ''n the f'oniui of Lih rfuivijini/ ti/riuu;ic,i| discovery is more strikinj; tlian the fact, that the forms ot lite chanire almost simultanei)usly throujrhout tli" uorld. Thus our European ( halk formation can he recognised in many distant parts tti the world, und«'r the nu»sl different climutes, where not a frairment of tlie mineral chalk it.-elf can he found ; namely, in North America, in ecjuatorial S«)Uth America, in Tierra del Fueifo,at tlie ( aj)eof (Jood Hope, and in the peninsula of India. Tor at these distant pointji, the or^rani*! re- mains in certain hel»E( IF> ? U M i ■£.■- II .1 If ■ometimcs are Himilarly i-harat-toriM'tl in nurh trifling points as nu're sii[»«'rtifial sculjitiir**. Moroover other forms, which are not foumi in tlu* ( iialk of Kiirsi\e palieo/.oic formations of llussia, Western Kiiro|»e and Nnrth Arr.erira, a similar parallel- ism in the fnrm> of life ha^ been observed by several authors: so it is, aicordiii:.' to Lyell, with the several Kiiropean and North Anieriran tertiary depovit.s. Kven if the tew to>-sil species whicli are conuiKiu ti> the ( lid and New \\ orlils be i\ept wholly out of view, the fcT^'Jieral j»arallfli-in in the siiccessiv4« forms of life, mi the sta^ei of the wiilely separated pala-ozoio and tertiary p''rio bells ; but .In tlie>e inomabtus mon«.ters co-existed with the Ma-.todon and Horse, i> mi::iit at least have t)een in- ferred that they bad lived durni:; one i»f the later tertiary stajres. \\ hen the marine forms of life are -pokcn ot as havinj; chan^red sinniltaneously throutrhout the world, it must not be supposetl that this expression relates to the s;iTiie thousmdth or hundred-tliou-andth year, or even that it has a very strict ^'Cido-rieal sense ; for if all the marine aiiinials which live at the present day in Kurope, and all those that liveeriod as mejwured by years, inidutlintr the whole trlacial epoch), were to be compared with those now livin'f in South (;K()I,e .iMe t liialiit e most skilful iiatumliMt i> siv H-hethpr til f «»xi«itiji^ or tlip |.leioMtLt'rn ln-niitiDln'rp. ^n, air.-«:ri. Hevernl liiirlily «'r»rii|'i't«'iit oh«ervorH helu've that tl [Todur-tinii-t of thf f'lnlj'd >tat«»-i ar»> thocp which livrd in Kurojx* d to nior«'clo«f'y related iirinjf rertaiii later ertiary >t;iire^. than to tlio^p which now live her. it i^ evident that fcwsjliferoim \^i\. and if this he so. lores nf North depoNifed at the i-re-ent day on the hI ., America would herentter he liahle to l»e cli.^'u, and Jrom not inclwdintr tho^e f< ome (!(• only to md in the old )rn)' H hid :ce I are er t rorrerfiy ranked as siriiiiltani mderlyin:,' deposits, would h, II :n flie al h If ta( t of the fornis of liff char oils in a ueidoL'ieal sen>e. itrin^r simiiltaneou-lv •ove larire sen-e, at di>tanf p n ts of tl IS irreativ struck tho«e ad le worl de \ erneiiil and d'Arch adniiralile ohservers, MM |>,inille!i«m of the (•airt'o/oio fi Aft er referring' to th "ornis of life j,, v iirio'i* parts of they add, 'If struck hy this stri, ^.e-iMTic,.. «e t..rn our attentu.n to North' An.erica. and tlicre .liMONer a nerie^ ..f anah-i/ous phenomena, it uill at ;.ear certain that all nH.diticationM of leir extinction, and the introduct Sp»'( i(W, ••ariiKit Ih« ouiiiir t(» ion of new ones mere changes in niarii le ciirrentx or other cauM-^ more or l,.s^ loci and fen j orarv l,ut df'ix'nd on treneral la«> which -overn the « hole K!:.-u.,m. M, I{,,rrande has for. ihle remarks to precisely the same effect. It is. indeed, ,,uite futile to i'...k to chan:,cs of currents, climate, or other physical '■oiKiitions. a- tiie caii>e of the>-e srea* m>''"*=o' '• -•• forms of life throuirhout the world,'under 'the 'molt' ,ii'f" fereiit climates. \V^ ,„ I'.arrande has remarked look to s.»me vp^vial law We .hall >ee thi. more clearl v f 29; ON IIIK OKIiJIN OF M'h( \t> v*hpti wo tri'il (»i Lilt* |irt-i'iil (li-.lrilnitioii of ori,'iMic liflin^H, aiui hixl liow slijflit U the relation Ix'tweeii the phy-ii'.'il e |ir»'- served and to survive. We liave di-tinet evidence t»ii ;his JKVid, in the jilants whii-li are dominant, that is, wliii ii are eommonest in tlieirown homes, and are most widely diiiusfd, havini; jtrodueed tlie trreatest niimlH.'r ol n»!W Narieties. It is al>.o natural tliat the domi- nant, varyiniT, and far-spread injr sptM'ies, whieh already liave invadi'il to a certain extent the territories of oilier sj>e«» of ditfij-ioii iii.iy often he very slow, heint; depemienl on clitiiaLal and ireoifrajthical ciianijes, or on strari;re acci «ill L'eiieially succeed in spre.uliiijf. The ditfusion would, it is prohahle, he slower with the terrestrial inhahitants of distinct continents tlian with tlie marine inhaldtant- of the continuous sea. ^\ e luL'lit therefore expect to find, as we aj'parently do find, a less strict liejiree of parailci succes-ion in the productions of the lantpnoe, would We know not at all precisely what are all the conditions most tavourahle tor the multiplication of new and domi- ....... ..,..,..;.... i... ...^ ! 41.:.. I. ,l.__i.. _. .1 t :;rt;;-. r-Jrc-. :cr, , iruL n c, i ••:!;;:.-, tirilFiV Sff ■ iial a numher of individuals, from ^iviiiir a hetter chance of the appearance of fa>oiirali!e variations, and that severe <.Kn|,<»(,l( AL sr(( F>M(».s <>« »n fnnii»4>tition witli many alrrmly «>xixtinir tori!\j, wtmld U» iii:.'liiy t'avoiiraiile. as wnuiil Ik* the [Miwor of' spn-aiiiiiir :i.f(i ii'>\v tprrifim' ijuarfcr ol til*' worlil may \n\f* l>«'fri iinwt f'avouraMe for tlu» pro- 'lin-tinii of iii'w an >•«'«. If lwoi:nal n-j. ,>!.•* liail Immmi for a lori:; [xtioI favouraMv circum- -t in.-ptl in an P(|ual dotrrtv, whonever their iiihahifnnt-; met, t[u' liattle wotiM |.c jirf>lon:,'firthpl,it c ami some from tin- othi-r fiiijlt hf victorious. Hut ifi the course nf tim*-, the tonus dominant in th« hit:li»'st (Joirroe, wliprpvcr itro- diiccd. ivouhi triid rywhcro to prevail. As tlii'v Mre- va^led, they would «auso tlie extinction of other and inferior forms; and a,'- tfieso inferior forms would K.> allied in croups hy i-iheritance, wliojo >:roups wouM teiid slowly to di-an'M-ar ; thoiiirh here and tliere ,- - Mtrle mem^^er micht loti;.' I'O enaMed to nurvno. I'lius, na it seems to m«>, fh.- parallel, and, taken ir iarire »ense, simultaneous, success. on of the same form^ ot life throuyhoiit the world, accords well with the prin- ciple of now species haviuir heen formed hy dominant speci,-.< spreadinjr widely and varyint: ; the iiew species tiius i.Tfuiui'^vj heir .^ themselves dominant owifitr to in- heritam e, and to havinjj already had Bome advantat'c over t!.»'ir parents or over other species; these a:rain »preadi;i_'. varyitii:, and firodiicin:: new species. l],t^ forms which aro l)eaten and which yield their pla.-es to the new and victorious forms, will i^euerally l>e allied iti rroiip^, from ii.hentint' >omo inferiority in common ; and therefore as new and improved irmups snread tiiroujjhout the world, oM eroups will from the world ; and the Kuccession of forms in Knt'i wavs wii; e\ervv*here tend to correspftnd. 1 fiere is one other remark connected with this subject w: :r;h mak;n^. i i..»vf jfiven my reasons for i>e'iev inir that all our lt. ater fo-s'Iiienuis formations were de; wited tlur'r.:^ peiiod.s ..f sul.siden.-e ; an itiaiik iiii**rvai<4 oi vaiit tiiiratioti ocrurrfMi diiriiii; tlie p«'rMi(ls mIi«m tlio l»»' wlini «(vliriU'iit w.-im iint thrown down (jiji»kly etiou^fli to ptntxMl and prenorve ofL'^inir r«'tnains. During i1i«"mi lorijf and tilank inter- val.- I -'ip|M»>.t« lliat tli« inlialiilaMl"* oi each rtvion undnv\)'i.ta i Kii^idcralile amount o( nioditicatioii and pxtiiK tmii. and tliat tliere wa-* much mitrration from otiuT |>irt-i of' tli«» wori'l Aw wo )ia\»' rca-uti tn i>rii»'Vt' that lartT'" aroan are a(r<''ii ov<>r v»i\ 'irtMi at?< rtod hy t}if« same mttv^-mt'ntjH. W li«»n two tor !iiatii>ii>t ha\e h«*«'n drpo-iti'd ni •.**.» rfxioii.* dwini; n«*arly. loit not exactly tho K.imo p«'riod, we hlionld find in liiiifi. from tlie rni>.«'s cxplaiiiwl lu tlu" foreyoin^ ["ara-»> •vinie L'»* suciession in the fiirin«i oi hi-; loit tijf «.p<'cit>« would ijot exactly corresjMind ; for liiere V* lij lia\ »? Uhmi a little more time in t lie one region than in the other tor miniiti. ation, extinction. an>l i mm iteration. I >.ii»pect tli.'vt c.i-es of this natiiro (Mciir in Kuro|»^». Mr. rrf>t\M> h. in hi^ a«»r'es tne;iisel\ f- differ in a manner very dithouk to account for, con-iderint: the j«.-oximity of the two area-, — unh'ss, indeed, it !►« a.— umod that an isthmu- s»'[>araterl two -eas iiilialiiled h\ ili.-tiiict, iiut cotitempuraiieous, (auiias. L\ell ha-, made similar oli-ervation- lui some of the later tertiary t'orMi.iliitns. liarrainie. .ilso, hhowti tint thix-e i» a -tnk'iiir irMricrjij rvirjilleli.Ki in fh.e succc«»«ive > deposit- of llohcona and ."scandinav ia ; never- tlielev- lie find- a -ur[)ri-iii:: amount of diiierentte ia (;K(>L(m;i( Ai, Mcc ».si<)\ ;>ft trie on- liot rvf hikI from I to lOVtV- V* iiie I arH •* in- vari- tvvo rind '.'i ra- le re II iii •fiie the tlie iiiit the • 1 •» -|'«'ii»>». If the xevcrul formittioiH iii theM^ reifioiii li ivf not Ikm'ii ili'|»<»«jit»'rnMl« •a f( orm-.tinti III dill' rr;.';(iti ottrii rorre^poiiihinr »i ith .» Iil.iiik iiifiTvil in the otiier,— ami il in Initli rririoim flie "-[KMuw h.n" L'"ne on '■lov« I> r!u->nifinjf iluriin; the •< ••iiiinii.i'ioii ot \\n' xrMT.ii tortii.itiori-* aii'i iliirintf tin* iontr ; iiiNTV.iN lit' time lie'.weon tln'in in tl lis r;i>«- th ^♦»»'r:il tonii.itif'iH in th»" two rrj^ious roiilil U' arr.'ni.'ivl 111 till' ■..line or liT. in ;i. tiir>- m o( tin- liirni of hfe, and tlie orih-r wnnhl faUelv apiit'iir to 1 not x'-triitly |i.irall«M ; tn'\«'rti.tMe«*8 the himth'*. ill >♦' tilt' ■siiiie III till' apparciitlv rorre- HjMirnlint.' ^taire- m the t.»o nvons < '/I ih, Ajfiiiitirx lit I lUiiil >'/ «•(>»'.« tit fill h iiifi tfr, mil t lu'inii i,.rf'i.s. — \A'\ IIS now look to tlu- nuitnal afFinities >f ext Uirt .nil 1 1 1 \ I n ;: I liev all full into one Ifratid ii.iiiiral •.y«itiTn ; ami l!ii>. fact is at nnoc rxiilaim'tl on (he |irim ijile of (i»'»oont. ilio more amimt aiy form the inori*, as a cciiiTal rule, it >till exi>tinjf i:ron|»., or het«(«on thrill. I hat the extinct forms of liU' In ![> to till lip the wile intervals l»etv»een existing: K'enera. taiiii- lies, ami onlcr*. cannot he (li»|tut»'il. lor ifw»> conline our at'r:it ion either to the living or to the extinct alom>, tlie M'r.c« ;s far lens perfect than if wt- comhiiu* hoth into nne L'cncral hy'-tem. \V ith re^pt'ct to the \'erU'- hrata, «hoIe [Kiires could ho tilled \\,th >trikin;: illustra- tion- from oiirirreat palieontolot'i-t, ( iwen, showini; how extitu-t aiiinial> fill in hctueen exi-tiiij; >.'roup>. ( u\ ier rankt'd tin- Kuniinants and I'ai liyderiii-., as the two most di.sliuct orders of niaminals ; hut Owen han discovered so nianv fo-.-il links, that he has had to alter the whole -ill, alion of the>e two order- ; and has placet! certain pachyilcrms in the sjime auK-oriirr with ruininantH : for f\aiiiplr, he lii.— olves hy tine ;;radalions the apj>arentl\ dc llitf )...ti I'een the iwi^ hiu! thp ivtiiif^! !*■ rejard to the liivt-rteiirata, llarramle, and a hi^'her authority could not W named, a— crt.- tliat he is every •jim; ON THK OKUJIN OF SI»K(IKS ilay t'lii^'ht that Palnxv/oic animal^, though heloriirinif to thf' same orders, families, or ;:i'nera witli those livmiT .it liie i>reseiit day, were not at this parly epoch limited iii Kiicli distinct tr'rniips as they now are. Some writer^, liave ohjected to r..'y extinct sjK»ries or trroup of species heint,' con>^iilered as intermediate hetween livinir species or trr fish and reptiles, seems to he, Uiat suppinir them to be distin^fiiished at tiie present day from each otlier hy a dozen characters, the ancient memhers of the same twc. •rroujw would l>e distintfuished hy a somewhat lesser of characters, so that the two eronps, though formerly ([uito distinct, at that period made some stnnil approach to each other. It is a common helief that the more ancient a form is, hy so much the more it tends to connect hy some of its characters trroui)s now widelv separated from ea< h other. 'Ihis remark no doiiht must he restricted to those ffroups which have undergone much chantre in the course of treoloirital atfes ; and it would he difficult to prove the truth of tiie })roposition, for every now and then even a liviii-r animal, as the Lepidosiren, is dis- i-(tvered havint: affinities directed towards very distiuct ^rroups. Yet if we comyiare the ohler Ileptiles and r.atrachians, the older Fish, the older t ephalopod?, and the eocene .Mammals, with the more recent members of the same classes, we adnnt thut tliere is some truth iu the remark. litt us ^ee how far these several facts and inferences ... .1 .1 !• 1 , — 1 — '*^ «,.,.i;t;.>nf;^.r^ ill'l'oni **iin tuo i.hi'<'i~y '•' HCM-C. ■• rr..ii :..• -i . .:--n-. .• -.^ As the subject is sDmewhat complex, i must refjuest the reader to turn to li e dia^^ram ia tlie prelim'tiary. tm^'Mmt^M (^.EOIXHilCAL SUCCESSION 297 \V f may sujuKwe tliat tlie iiiitnhor«sl Iftters n>present ifeiiera, and the ilotted Vmo-* -impii', ton few ^renera .iml ton few specie'* l>«'inu: tiveii, l>ut ihi-s is uninipDrtarit for us. 'I'he luiri/ontal line-; nutv re[>rpsent gucces-sive ffcolotric'il forinatioiis, and all the forms hotioath the iijtpermost lino may he considered a> extirut. llie tliree cxistintr :r<'iiera, ''S ?'*? /''*• ^^''^ ^"'""' '' small tamily ; ^'* and / '* a closely allied family or suh -family ; and o", f'\ m'*, a tliini Vamilv. 'i'iie'^e three families, totrether with the many extinct iTenera on tlie several lines of desceiit li 'crtrinir from the parent- form (A), will r.irm an iinier; for all will have inherite«l .--omctliinir in common from their ancient ami common proircnitnr. On the principle of the continued tendency to diver- gence of character, wliich vva>< formerly illu-tr:it(Ml hy fhis diatrrann, the more recent any form is. the more r will trenerally ditTer from its ancient prn.jcnitor. Hence we can iind<>r-'tand the rule that ii;e mo^l .mcient fossils diri^er most from existing; form-. NV e mu«!t not, however, assume that divergence of char- urtr is a necessary contingency ; it depends solely on Uio despiindants from a speci'^s beini? thus enahled to seize on many and different places in the economy of nature 'I'heretore it is quite posiiihle, a.s we have seen in the of some Silurian forms, that a specie- mijrht tro on hein^ slifrhtiy moditie^l in relation to its sli-htly altere, were disinterred, these throe tiiuiiies would ho m clo^elv linked totrether that they prohahly would have to he united into one trreat family, in ne.-irlv the same manner as ha'^ (Kourred with rum.niuts and parhv'«, etc.) would have to U- united' into one f.imilv : and the two other tamiliei- (iiamelv,^;'* to /'« now inrludlnj; hve trenera. and o to mi<)'w..uld vet remain distinct 'Hiese two iamilies, however,'d he les« distinct from each other tha.i Ihev were hefore the discovery of the tos.siis. M, tor instance, we suppose the existing frenera of the two families to differ from e.ach other hy a dozen characters, in this case the K«nera, at the early period marked \ 1., wrMild differ hva lesr volume of the peoloirical record, and that iu a very broken condition, we have no ri^ht to expect, except in very rare cii.M, wliiili have within known tfeolotrical periods UMd»'r>^()iie much modification, should in the older formations make some flight approach to ea«h other; so that the oldor menilnTS should differ le^'* from each other in some of their characters than do the existing members of the same ffroups ; and this hy the concurrent evidence of our i>est pal»ontolo«-i-- seems fre<;uently to l* ilie Ciise. Thus, 'til the theory of descent with modification, tii^ main f" ts with respect to the mutual affinities of the extinct uirms of lif« lo each other and to livirijf forrn-^, seem to me explaineeci»'.- \ 'ich lived at the sixtii >;reat sta^e of descent in tlie diairram are the modified ulf>prinf( of those which lived at thf fifth sla«e, and are the parents of those whicii l)©camt' ^tiIl more modified at the seventh sta^e ; hence they could hardly fail to be nearly intermediate in character between the forms of life above and Ik'Iow. \^'e must, however, allow for the entire extinction ot some j.recediujf forms, and in any one region for tli*- immitrration of new forms from other re^ous, and n.r a lariTf amount of modification, during the long: a'..i blank intervals between the »uciessive fitrmalinni. Subject to these allowancen, the fauna of eA<-h uee of terrestrial productions inhahitine: separated districts. To compare small thinps with ^^reat : if the principal living and extinct races of the domestic piijeoii were arranired as well as they could be in •ltp end of the series in tliis same respect. Closely connected witli the statement, that the ori^nic remains from an intermediate formation are III some decree intermediate in character, id tiie t:ict, iusiste| each other, than are the fo*sih from two remote forinri- tions. Piftet ifivea an a well- known insUmce, tl't- fjeneral resemblance of the organic remains from tlie Kevoral stamen of the Chalk formation, thoujfh thr s;>e<'ics are distinct in each sUi^e, Iliis fact aloin-. from its generality, seems to have sliaken Professor I'ictet in his tirin lielief in the immutability of specuw. ile who is acquainted with tlie distribution of existiiitr sj>ecies over the *clo'»<^, ^^'^ not attempt to account to; tiie close resemblance of tlie distinct species in closely consecutive f>vrmat'ons, by tlie physical conditions of the ancient areas having remained nearly the same Let it be remembered that the forms of life, at those inhabiting the sea. have chan)reect to find, as I att'mpti'd to show in the last cliapter, in .iny one or two formations all the intermodiate varieties In-twoen the species which apj)eared at the commencement and close of these periods ; but we ought to tind after intervals, very long as red by years, but onlv moderately long as measured geologically, closelv allied forms, or, as they have been called by'e author-., renre-sentative spe, iei<; and these we ;ts.suredly do tiii.l. U'e find, iu short, such evidence of tlie slow and scarcely se:Lsible mutation of speciiic forms, aa we have a just n,;?ht to expect to find. On the state of Uetielopnunt of Anci<»i /■'omwr.- -There 302 HN TIIK ORUJIN OF SPEC 1F>» ha- been much discusfiion wh»'ther recent forms are more hitfhlv devrlopfd than ancient. I will not here enter on this sul.ject, for naturalists have not as yet drfui.'rt to each othcr'n satisfaction what is meant by hi-'h an.l low forms. 'Hie best definition prot-aMy \?, that the hi^'her forms have their orjrans more dislinct.y cpecialised for ditfereut functions; and hs such division of idu- .loiri»al lalM.ur scrns to b- an advant.-ure to each beintr. natural selection will cnstantly tend in »o far to make tlie later and more moditi.d forms hitfber Ihan their early prot:enitr)rs, or than the sli;rbtly modified descendantw of such proijenitors. In a more general sense the more recent forms tnust, on mv theory, be hi^rher than the more ancient ; for each new «iM'<-i'''* 'S f<'""<''l by haviiit: had some advanta^fe in thestrutr^le f<.r life over other and preceduiir forms. If under a nearly similar climate, the eocene inhabit- ant.s of one .piarter of the world were put into com- petition with the existing' inhabitants of the same or 8ome other (juarter, the eocene fauna or flora would certainly be beaten and exterminated ; as would a M-condarv f.uiiia by an eocene, and a pabeozoic fauna bv a secondary fauna. I do not doubt that this n'rocess of impruvenuMit has affected m a marked and sensible manner the ortranisation of the more recent and victorious forms of life, in comj-anscm with th.- mcient and beaten forms; but 1 can see no way c-t testintf tliis sort of pm^rress. Crustaceans, ft.r in- stance, not the hiL'best in their own class, may have beaten the hiL'best molluscs. From the extra-^rdinary manner in winch Kumpean productions have recently -priad over New Zealand, and have seized on places «hich must have been previously occupied, we may believe, if all the animals an< become wild in any part of Kiirope, we may 'kilful naturalist from an examination of the species ioti of extinct forms is in some detrrce parallel to the eiii!»ryt>- hiLHcal d«'\eloprnent of rercnt forms. I must tolfow I'Htet, and Miivley in thinkin;): that the trutli of thi^ doctrine is very far from proved. Vet I fully exiMM-t to see it hereafter confirmed, ;it least in reirard to snl.ordi- nat»> t^^rniips, which have hranched otT from eacli other witiiin comparatively recent times. For this doctrine or .Afrassi/ accords well with the theory of naturaUelec- tioii. In a future chapter I sliall attempt to slmw that tlie adult differs from it« embryo, owiiiij to variations supcrveiiinn' at a not early ag-e, and bein^ inherited at a corresjM)ndinir a^e. This process, whilst it leaves the emhi-yo almost unaltcn-d, contiiuially adds, itj the course '.f successive ^fenerations, more and more diifer- ence to the adult I'll us the embryo comes to Ui left aa a sort of [licture, preserved hy nature, of the ancient and less nioditled condition of eiich animal. This view may he true, and yet it may never he capaMe of full proof i>eeini,', for in-tan. c, that the olde>t known mamrnals, reptiles, and li-h strictly beloiiir to their own pro{)cr clas.->es, thoutrli - timt from each other than are tiie typic.l members or tlie same t.^roups at the pref mar- siiDials i)t that coutiiu'ut. In South America, a similar relationship is manifest, even to an uneducated eye, in the trit'^antic pieces of armour like fho>e of tiie artn;i- diilo, f(»un(i in several parL> of i-i I'l.ita ; and rrorej;>or < )weM \\;\s shown in the most strilvin;; .nanner that nio.-^t of the fossil mammals, huried there in such nuiiiher?., are relate 'W'l^ r<>Iatii)ii- nhip is even more clearly s»H'n in tiie wonderful collec- tion of fossil huTies made hy .MM. Lund ami ( lausen in the caves of Jirazil. 1 was so much impressed witli ♦;iese facK that I stron^^ly in>i^ted, in ll{.'>i> and lo-l."i, nil this "law of the succes-ion of types." — on "thiM wonderful relation^liip in tlie srime ('ontinent i)etween the dead ami the livinir.' Professor ( )\ven has Kuhse- (juently extended the s;ime treneralir;i/.il. .Mr. W Oodward has shown that the Kime law holds ^'ood with sea-shells, hut from the wid,- distril)ution of mo>t irenera of mollusc^, it is not well displayed hy them. Other c^ses could 1h* added, as the relation hetween tho extinct and living laiid -shells of Madeira ; and hetween the extinct and living hrackish- water shells of the Aralo-Casjtian Sea. Now what does this remarkalde law of the succession of the s;»ine types witjiin the same areas mean"' He v\ould l>e a hold man, who after comparint; tiie present climate of Australia and of {)arts of South America under the s;ime latitude, wouhi attempt to account, on the one hand, hy di .simihir jihysiciil condititwis for the dissimilarity of the inhahitants of these two continents, and, on the otlier haiitl, hy similarity of condition;-, for the uniformitv of the s;ime tvpes in eacli durin/r tim later tertiary periods. Nor can it he iiretendeti that it U au immutiilue law tliat marsujtials should have heen C^EOLOGICAL SUCCESSION nOA rliiRfly or ^lolcly produced in AuHtnilia ; or that K«len- Ut.i and other Amerir.iri typcM should have Wen solely produnMl in South Anjorica. Tor we know that Kurop.. ;ri aiK-ieut timcM wan ppoplod hv numerous marsupi.iU ; and I have shown in the puhliratioris ahove alluded to,' that in America the law of di«trihutiun of terretitrial niaininals \v;w formerly ditferent from what it now is. Nortli Ameri.-a formerly partook stroritrly of the present character of the southern half of the continent ; and tlie southern half was formerly more closely allied, than It IS at present, to the nortliern lialf. 'in a similar manner we know from lalconer and Cautley's di>- coveries, that northern India was formerly more closely related in its mammals to Africa tlian it is at the pre- sent time. Anaiop)us facts could he jfiveii in relation to the (Jistrihulion of marine animals. < >ii the theory of descent with modification, the jrreat law of the lonjrendurinjT, hut not immut^ahle, succession of the name types within the same areas, is at once explained ; for the inhahitants of each <|uarter of the world will ohviously tend to leave in that quarter durin- the next succeedinjf period of time, closely allied thouifh in some decree modified descetidants. If the inhahitants of one continent formerly differed jrreatly from those of anotlier continent, so'will their modified lescendants still differ in nearly the same manner and deijree. But af^er very loiiff intervals ot time and after trreat tfeo-raphiwil changes, permit- tintr much inter-miirration, the feehler will yiehi to the more dominant forms, and there will l,e' no- tiurii: inmiutahle in the laws of pas-t and present di^- trihulion. It may l»e asken)g-f-ny, lere are many extinct species which are closely allied in size and'in otl ler aoo ON TFIK ()IU<;iN OF SPK( IKS :^ rliaracterw to tlie sj»ooios still li\ ins; in Souiii Anierica ; and «i«»mc of tlu'^o tos«;ils may Im> tlin artiial |ir(ii:t'iiitorH nt liviiiiT ^{>^^it>s. It nui-t not l>«* forL'ottrri that, nti my '. Iienrv, all th«» •.|n»ri('>* f»l the sam<'irtMiu>* have ; ««i» that if Hix irt'iiera, t-arii liaviiiL' t'iu'ht <]>ecifs, h«' found iii otic ifooloL'nal forma tion, aiul in thf next rtUiTCfilinff '"ormalinn there he six othfr allieil or ropn'M'ntative jrenera with th<- -^amH tiutiilHT of >-[ii'fic», tlirti wo may < (iii.[»»Mii'-i of e II h of tlie six ohitT L'^eiiera lia-* left iii(Mii:icjcnera. Ttii' other ^eM-n «|>etie>i ot the niil i^t'iiera hive all liied (lilt ami liave left no [uoL'eny. Or. whit h would nnihiMv hf a far cnmimuier ca-e, two or three '.jieei* > of two or tliH'e aloiu> «if the six older ireiiera will hav.* hfcii th»' I'irents of the six new ::enera ; the other old siteties ami the otlicr whole old treiiera liavinir U'come iitterlv extinct. In failiiiL'' orders, viitli the ^ein'ra and s|M'(ies deerea-^in:; in numliers, as apparently is the »as«' of the Kdentata of South .\meric;i, still fewer trencn* aful spei ies will h; iVe left modii'ed hlood descendants. Siuiiiiiiinf lit' thr jirrrtulnii) iiitd prfxfut i 'tutjiti-rx. — I have attemjited to show that the jreoloirieal record in extremely impt'rfet' lias heen jreoloL'ically exploreil with eaie; that only certain classes of oriranic heiriirs have heen lartrely preserved in a fossil state; that the numher hoth of specimeMs and of specie-i, preserved in our museums, is ahsolutely as nothing compared with the incalculahle nund)er of treneratioiis which must have pa- sideiicp U'in:,' neeessiiry for t^he ac<'umulation of fossilifcrous deposits thick enou^'h to re.>-i>-t future degradation, enormous intervals i.f time have elap-ed hetween the surressive formations ; that there has prcd)- ahlv Uhti more extinction durint; the periods of elevation, and durintr the latter the record will have l>een lexist perfectly kept ; that each siiiirle formation tiK(>L(K;i( AL Sl( ( KSMON tVYT »c.^ net luM'u roiitinijiiii^ly (lepoHitiMl ; tho diir.itidri i.t »>,i.h fnrinatinii m, perhaps, sln-rt inrii[Miroar;iii.-.> of nrw •ornis in any ouo arci and loritiatKiii ; widely 'iiriirintf Mpi'cu'H are thfwe which h:ivi> v.irii'l la-p ottt'iH'st ifiveti ris. to iii>w sjn'iir.s ; .iid tli.vt v.irif- ?:!••* hav»^ at first «»(tt'ii h«'ori UmmI. All these catisc" faketi conjointly, must li;i\.' ten»itMl to make the tree I record extremely imperfect, and will to a !ar:;e extent explain why wp do not. find interminahle varie t:rs. connectinjf totreth.-r all the extiiid and exi-tin • fill!-; of life hy the fin«'st eradiiated stt!'-. He who reieits tii»'.e viewi on the nature of the /. . hcMcal record, will ri::htly ren-ct my whide theory. I or he may ask in vain «hereare liie nwmherle^s tra.i - iiiiiial link-* winch must formerly have connected t e • li-'elr allied or represpnUitive species, found in ti -• se> eral stiire« of the same ijreat formation. I le may di-«- i-eiieve in the enormouM intervals of time wh .-h have el.ijisod hetween our ronsecutive form.itions ; he may overlook how important a part mi:,^ration must have i'!i\ed, when the torrn.itions of any one ereat rc«-ion aione, as tliat of Kiirope, are considered ; he nia> liTire the apparent, but often falsely a|>parent, sudden • omin-r in of whole jrroups of s|»ecies. He may ask ^ iiere are the remains of those infinitely numerous orH'anisms which must have existed huuf hetore the ■Tst hcnried under the oce^n. J'avsinc from thes«? diffiriilties. all the other Tej :«»« «'N I UK .>i(;iN OF yi'KMF.s I 1^5 le.'iiliii;r t;»rN in p.i!i4>oiit(»I'»iry pet-m to ino dimply i" fnlliiw oil llir" tlnM>rv of do-riMit with moditicat on throMi^h natural hrh'ction. We «'ari thuH undiTitAiid how it if» tlial lu'w >«jii«rip« rom»» in «low|y nnd mirres- Hivply ; how ».|)oci«w of fiitffrrrit rl;ixsos do not iiprps- K.irilv ch.itiL'** to^rt'thiT, or .it the samp rate, or in the - line (iet'r«'i' ; yet in the lonff run that all underiro fiio(lifi(Mt i"ii to "Mine pxfiMit. Thp t'xtin<'lif>n of old foriiix is th»' almost inevitahlo coii'^eijuenre of tlip |»ro dui-tion of new forms. W't^ r.iu iinder«tand why wlon a s[ifvie« hast tnuo disappeared it never reappears. rH slowly, and endure for uneecie8 of tieiies of the les- vjjforoiiH frroup-i, from their inferiority inherited froni a ••oinmon pro.rfnitor, tend to become extinct together, and to lea\ r no modified offspring on the face of tlie earth. Hut the utter eitinrtion of a whole irroup of ».j>eries mav often i»e a very slow process, from tiie sur- vival of a ii'^ descendants, linperiinr in protected and isolatefl siluatioiii. W'lien a jrroup has once who.' , dis- ap]>eared, it does not reappear; f(»r the link of genera- tion has heen hroken. We can understand how the spreadinjf of the domi- nant forms of life, which are tho4 prt^ N ioii il y ilasri«-«l AS distinct into one ; but more rodirnonly niih hriiitfiTitr them a little closer together. The more nil I'tit a form in, th«« more oflt^n, afiparentiy, it dirt- pi, i..-. charii terH in some decree intermediate l^etweon ■rriHipK now di^ti/ict ; for Die more .-uiiient a fjrin in, •!.c more nearly it will lie related to, and con-«elp, tJM^ comrimii [)ro<:f>n:tor of trroupi*, since U'- ■ uiiie wideh diver^renl. Kxtinct forms are sel.lnin "lireetly interme>r LJ.e forms are moro closely linked lo;:ether y ;,'eneratiou : we can clearly «e«» why the remaino »t an intermediate formation are intermediate in '■h.iracier, 1 be inhabitant." of each succes ivp j»«riod in tue ■ ■ rid's history have beaten their i)rede .1 certain extent the embr\o« of more recent njiimals of the same class, the f-\ci will be intelli_'ible. liio terfect as 1 believe it to be, an.l it may at least be asserted that liie It-curd cannot bo pro\eK( IKh baml. .'ill tlio cliiof laws of j)aIrt'ou'.<)lo^v jilamly ^ro- claim, as it neeins to me. that ;i»ffi»'s have l^***!! pro- durftd liy oniiiiary iri'iu'rition : old fornix liavinjr iM-en 8Uji|>'aiit»'d by new and improved forms of l.fe, pro- duieci !iy the laws of variation still a* tirnf arTKIHri lu.S P7'-ieiitci'.»tri!niamic.t bo an-nui.t.-d ("Thy ditTen H' e» In ii1i)m si C')nli!i'>n»— liiip' rUiice r,t tiarritra Attiiiity uf it,' iiri"luti' ii ■tt iiit s.ime loiitiiuMit -Cetitrtavf >nutioii- Mtai;.i >if ili.«|" t ^ai hj UidU'/f* ■ t rliiuate and ■ 'f the lev. ! ■ f lUv Und. nu>i by ■ ■< ■ ;i-i' .iial !> eaiis -Inspcrsalcluniip' tho Glacial iKTiod co-cxU'nsive wiUi thu Ln coiisiiierinjf llio t fundamental divisions in ireo;:rai>iiical distribu- tion is tliat Wtween the New and Old \V't rare ca-t- u. fiii.l a ;.ti.u{, of or-aniMiis confined tf.;iMy Miiall spot, liavm- .(.ndition.s [UTuliar in only a ; '5'',^ .leirret?; for instance, small area^ in tli« (')ld Uoria couM !.,. p.Kiite.l out hotter than anv in the New Wcrl.l, yet thoe are not inhabited \,y a' peculiar fauna or llora. Notvrith.tandintr this [.aralleli^m in tlie cotulitions of the Old and New Worlds, }„.w widely difieront arc their livirit,' productions ! in the southern hemisphere, if we compare lari^H tratern N>ulh America, holwc.-n latitude.'^ 2.V and .'IV, we Hhall fni.i parti* extremely similar in all tlieir conditions, yet It w<.uld not he pos>ihle to point out three ♦annas and iumiM more utterly dissimilar. Or :iirain we may com- pare the productions of South America south of lat .';.V with tlios,> nortli of ^.r, which conse,,„»»ntlv inhabit a con>.derahly ditfer-nt .limate, and they will he found Hicoinparahly more closely related to eaVh other, than they are to tlie productions of Australia or Africa under nearly tlie same climate. .\naloi_n>us facts could he /-nven witli re>pect U, the inhatutants of the sea. A second ^jreat fact which -trike„s us in our ■■eneral review is, that harriers of y kind, or ohstacl,.s"to free nn^rration, are related in a close and imporUmt manner to the diiferences hetween the productions of yariouh remons. We see this in the trreat difference of nearly all tlie terrestrial productions of the New and Old ^V orlds, excepting in the northern parts, where the land almost joins, and where, under a slightly diiferent climate, there miirht lia\e heen tree miirrati'on for the northern temperate forms, as there now is for the strictly arctic productio!i^. We see the same fact in the trreat ditference hetv*een the inhahitants (.f Au.^- tral;:i, Africa, and South America under the same lati- tude for theso countries are as much isolated from each other as is pussil le. On ea»h continent, aho, we see the same fact ; tor on the opposite sides of ...... .,„.. • •■;:^;:;-.;t,..;- . 1 1 i : ; J i i Ui ■' i I - T .'i i i if f S , Uini Ul ^'rOHt desertji, and sometimee even of lart;o rivers, we tind production. ; thou-th as mo untaia- chains. GEOClRAI'fllCAL DISTKIBLTION ;)13 Ji'mtLs. etc. , are iu> i.n imjiassahle, or liktlv to have einiured so lone as u\e oceans separating,' tontiiu-nta, tie (iitferenres are very inferior in (ietrree to tho^e rtiaractfristic of distinct continent.*. I'lirnin^ to the >e:\, we find t}ie same law. .\o two ;i;arine fauna' are more distinct, with hardiv a tish, -!)<11, or crah in common, than tho^e of the eastern (lui western shores of South and (eritral Ameri.a ; yet iie.-e ereat faunas are separated only hy the narrow, li'it impas.s.ihle, isthmu.s of I'anama. \\'e>t\vard of the '(,i»res of America, a wide space of open ocean extend.s, .vith not an i«-l,irid as a halting-place for emi^rrants ; here we have a harrier of anotlier kind, and as soon i.i 'his is pa.ssed we meet in the ea.stern i-Land.s of the I'acitic, vfith anotlier and totally dist:ni-t fauna. So •liat iiere three marine faunas raiiye far northward and !-(>ulhward, in parallel lines not tar from each other, under correspondinir climates; hut from heiriif bepa- rated from cich other hy impassahle f>arriers, eithrr of land or open sea, they are wholly distinct. ' »n the w-iier liand, proceeiiinif still further wt-tw ird fron; the •M-iern islands of the tropical [tarla of tiie I'acitic. we njcounter no impa.ssahle barriers, and we have ii nu- ii..ra!)le ifilands as haltinir-places, or continuous coxstii, until after travellinfj over a hemisphere we come to thj sli.ifo of Africa ; and over this space we meet with no well-defined and di.stinct marine fauna.->. .\lthouffh hardly one shell, crah or tisli is common to tlie .ihov»- riariied three approximate fairia.s of Kastern and \\'e>tern -Xriierica and the eastern Pacific islands, vet manv nsii ra!,.'-e from the Pacific into the Indian Ocean, and many siiclls are common to the eastern islands of the Pacitic and the eastern shores of Africa, nn almo>t exactly meridians of lonfritude. .\ third jfreat fact, partly included in the foreirt>inle instarices. Nev«rthele»« tlie nat;,ralipt Ill 314 ON IHK OKKJIN l)J- Sl'hClES ill I iM'i' niT, tor iiiHL-iiicc. from iii-rtli to south m-ve fail>- to ii»> ^tl•li(!k l)y t!it' in:ininT in wliich successive cTdiip- of iK'intr-, .-[M't-i'iciUy di^tiM' t, yet clearly n- la'i'ti, if|.lir(' f.ich niiiiT. IIh hears from clo-iely alluMi, yd (ii^t.nci kind- of hirils, notes nearly similar, fiM'i "-ees tlieir iiest^ -iinilariy con>trurte. coliiii rt'd in nearly the same inaiiner. 'I lie jil.tiii- tlie >traits r)f Maj-clian aie mhai'itrti hy lUH' -jMvie- nt" Kli'M I American i-tric)i), am! uortli- waid the plain-" ot l.i Plata by aii'.the' -.[mt e?, uf thi havini: nearly th'- vaiue h.ilii;- a< our liare- and ralihit.s and helm _'i!iir t"' 'Jje ^anie order of Kodents, hut tlicy plainly di-play an Anieriian t\]>e oi' structure. We asrend tin- I'dfy peaks of the ( ordiiiem ami wo f.nd an alpine -pecie-< of hi/.cacha ; we look to the wit<'r<, and we do not find the iie.iver or muvk-rat, hut the coypu and i.i[i\ i-ara. rodents of the .X-iuTican tvp<'. iiinumeraine ntlicr ilist i.i^e^ roiihl lie i:iven. If we look to the i>iands ntf tlu' .\ CI lean sliore. liMv\e\er m':ili thev may differ in >rP(do';.rai -truclure, llie inhalut.inL-, though they iii.iv '>e all peculiar ^pecie>:. are e-.'-entially American. V\ e mav look iiack to ]'ast a^M's, a.s vhouii in the last ' liapter, and we tind American tyi)es then prevalent on the .\nierican continent and in the American sea>. \\'e ^ee in the^e facts some de»'p orcanic hon!' thf nature and number of the former immigrants ; - ,Ani on tlieir action and reaction, in tlieir mutual stniL'>,'i('s fur life; the rehition of ortranism to orj^aiiKm heintr. a- I have already often remarked, the most im- Iiortaiit lit all relations. Thus tlie hiL'h inij'ortaiwe of "'larriiTH comes into jday by checknii: mit{ration; a- ioes time for the slow process of modification thrMui:!i 'latural selection. Widely-raiiirinif sjK'cies, ahoumiiny .11 indivjilualrt, which have already triumpln il over man> mnpetitors in their own widely-€'xtendee<'omo still further victorious, an(1 will jirodiice groups of modifuMl dcscemlanti*. On thi.- ■ rin. ijde of inheritance with modification, we can mderstPiid how it is that sectiouH of , as is so commonly and notoriously the c^•l^e. I believe, ;i-s was remarked iu the la.-.t chapter, in no law lit iiecessjiry development. .•\> the variability of each spec'ies i-« an independent property, and will iie 'aken advantage of by natural selection, only so tar as it profits the individual in its coniplo; strut'trle for life. 'O the detrree of moditituitiou m ditTerent specie,* will in- no uniform quantity. If, for in•^tance, a niinibtr of 'p.'cies, which Ktand in direct competition svilh eaomn forms have retained nearly the s.ime character from an •n«> ox THE OKKJIN OF M'KClt> ■ * % pi.i»rrmMj-l;. n-niote ifeolotrif .1 ju-rMwl, ^(. certaiii himtirh .,..VH M,)_'-..:fM| over v.i'^t ^pace^, and l,;.ve not hetoine .Tfatly inodihf.i. <>n tlicso viows,it is «l.viou>, tiiat tlie -t-veral species 'i the saiijt' irt-nns, thoutfli iiiJial.itiritr the distint MiarterH of the ?Torl.'. tnu.-t (>ri;rinallv have priut-i-ded irmii the s;in.f -our.,-, jis they have desct'iided from the xaii.H protreiiitor. In the caw of those species, which have under-., rie duriiijr wfioje irwdojfical perHxIn hiit Jittle moditicatiuu, there i-^ not niu.h difficulty in lieliev- iiitf '1. iL they may have nntrrated iroTn ttie vame re^^ion ; tor duriritr the vast pjotfraphic^l and dimatal chau(res "h)ch will have 8uperveneeen produced tliroujrh natural selection from ;i3renta speciricaliy distinct. We are thus brou^'ht to the question whu ii has been lar-cly discussed by naturali.^t*-, namely, whether species have been created at one or more points ot the earth's surface. I'ndoubtedly there are very many ca«efl of extreme dith.ulty, in understandini^ how ' the same species could po>sibly have migrated from some one pouit to the several distant and isolated mdnts, where newfound. Neverthele,ss the simplicity of the view that each species vras first produced within' a Hin^le repiou .■^iptivat^s the mind. He who rejects it, rejectx the >>-ru caiuxi of ordinary ^feneration with su!)se.iuent miifratioii, and c^lis in the agency of a miracle. It is universally admitted, that in most cases tlie area in- h..i.iird by a species is continuous ; and when a plant or animal inhabits two noints so dist;int fmn. e;»ch olh.«r, or ^.th an intervHl of such a ,;i.; .:, thit the (iFXXiRArHK AI. DISTllIBmoN .'517 gj.^co roul'i not \io easil) pa^-od over by tniifratioi;, the fact i~i j^ven as something fiiiarkahle aiMi excpplioiial. I'lit' ivipacitv 'if mijjTa^''-^ across tlie ^ea is more dis- tinctly limit«'erhaps in any other orfranic l>cintrs ; and, accordnsfly, we fiml no inexplirahle cai*ftn of the same mammal inhabitiriir "li-^ tant puintx of the w(»rhi. No groiniri^t will feel any difficulty in such ca«es am (treat liritiiin having heori formt'rly united to Kurope, and cnji>ioi|uently possessjrur tlio Hame (juadrup;ome plants, from their varied means of disj)erBal, have micTatcd across the vast and broken interspace. 'Die •rreat and Htrikinff influence which barriers of every kind i^.ive had on distriitiition. is ititelli^ible only on tlie view ti at the erreat majority of species have Um^tj produced oM one side alone, and have not been able to mig-nite to tl:" other side. Some few families, many sub-families, very wiany genera, and a still greater number of sections of jfonera are confined to a single reflrion ; and it has l»een observed by several naturalists, tliat the rr.i t i>atural (fenera.or those trener.i in which the species are n.Dst closely related to each other, are trener^Jly local, or coTifined to one area. What a Htran«-e anomaly it \^ Mild })e, if, when coinin^j one step lower in the series, *>i the individuals of the same species, a directly oppo- site rule prevailed ; .ind 8pecie.s were not loi:al, but had l»»en produced in two or more distinct ! Hence it seems to me, as it haw to many (>tiier niturali>ts, tiiat the view of each !«pecie,s bavinif b« er produced in one area alone, and liavinj; sulisetjuentlj mii,''ral«>d from tliat areA a* far as it>» powers of miirrUion J. 4. 31 n ON IIIK ORKMN OK M-KriF:.** I %ti'i mih'iistotife innlor past ami prf»«f»nt, roiiditinim jht- ./littod, is tli»» nio-.t jtrohalilp. ' inlouliftMlly m.iiiy < .«-««»?h iMTur, in whiili wp r.iruiot explain how tlie saint' spt'iif^ (■ould have passed 'Vom r»ne point to the other. l>ul the c-«'"irrap!iical and « liati^fes, which have certainly occurred within recent L'eolofjical times, must have interrupted or rendered discontinuous th« for- merly oontinMoiM raiiire of many specie^. ?»o that ive are redncd to roiisider u liet her tiie exceptions to ontMiuity of rantre are so nuxnerous and of so jrrave a nature, that wo outrht to irive up the Iwlief. reiulered prohaitle liv eeneral consideration*, that each specie- Isa-' heen produced rt'ithin one .ar"ri. and has mi^'rated thence as far as it cimiM. It would Im» hopele-.-;ly lediou« to discusH all the exceptional «a>es of the same ^pi-cies, no»\ liviiiiT at distant and separated points ; nor do I for a moment jiretend that any explanation could In.- offered of t mv such eases. But after some nreliminary remarks, 1 will discuss a fevr of the most strikiiit elassas of facts ; namely, the existence of the same species on the summits of distant mounttin-rantjes, and at distant points in tiie arctic and antarctic retrions ; and secondly (in the followinc: chapter), the wide distribution of fresh- water productions ; and thirdly, the occurreiu e of tiie same terrestrial vp«>«Mes on i-lands and on the mainland, thourrh separateil hy hundred- of miles of open seA. If the existence of the same species at distant and isolated pointii of the earth's surface, can in many instances he expl. lined on the view of each species having'' mitrratetl from a sinjfle hirtliplare ; then, considerintr our itrnor- aiii e with respect U) former climatal and treotrraphical ciiaiii^^es and various occasiotial means of transport, the belief that this lias IwH'n tho univer!>il law, seems to me incumparahly the safest. In discussing this suhject, we shall he enabled at the fcame time to consider a point e«» -Iuhtji Vi '.♦> aliiHot iii\ ari.'ihly tin- r^-c, ;v rcj-iitii, nt' .»liirii niD^l -fits itih.i'.ijtaiit^ .ire rlo-.-lv roIat^Ml to, or lx>li>rig ■(» tlif •i.-inio ireiitT.i wift tlio »ip»Ti(>-. ofa -«•( ond r«':.'iu!i, 'i.i< prolialil V rfifivt'd nt ^oiiic furnuT [i»Titnl imtni'..T:iiit.-' '"rtirn this i>tli«>r roirioii, my thfury will ho -tnMiL'tlitMt'd . for \t> laii rli-.irly iimlprstrintl. on the priin'i[il(» ■•' nHnlitir:it;on, why th»* iiihahitarit'. < f ,i rciT^on ^ho'il'l >iO .'latod to those of aiiofhcr r«':r:<»M, wlirii' <» it h:i- l-t'ii -■o. l\«'il. A vohanir i-land, for instamo, iijdi<':i\>*d .r.d nrnu'd al thodi-tuiro of ;i t'«'w hundreds of iii;li'» fmr-i \ "Mtiiii'ht, would jirohatily n'ceivo fr4im it in t!n' > mi «> '• time a ffw ts, and thoir dc-cendants, thou, li nodifipd. wo'iid -Mil }»o plainly relaffd hv irihoritanr«» ti. ;l," inhahit-mts of tlio contiiuMit. ' a-»'-i of this natiir»* Tf rornnion, and art-, as we si, ill hi'mifor rnoro full/ -• ••, iii»'xplirahl(« on 'lie thonrv of iifh'jtt'iidt'ct in-atinn ! !iis v\,'\v of till' rrl ition <;f -[mm us im ont- rt-^ncn to tiiO~«" 111 anntluT, doc-, not dijTfr rnindi (l>v siih^tit itinjf •hi- ^^nrd varii-ty for sjH'cip-«'xi-tinii ■ i'lsidy allied specie*. And I now know from corre- s]Hindence, that tliis coincidence he attrihiite* to trctu-fa- iiori with modilicatinn. I h" prtnio'iv remarks on ' sincrl,. and mi;!t;j>> •■litre- of creation' lio not d t!v hear on amUher illii'd (|iiestioii, — namely •<* iiether all the individuiil- ot •tie same s|K'<-ies have desi eniled from a siriijle ["ir, or -iritrle hiTrnaphrodite, or whether, as some aii'horx ' ippose, from many individuaLs Kirmiltaneonslv cre.ited. U itli those or;ranic l>eiiii:= wliich never intercio-s (if -will exist), the speiies, «m my tlieory, must ha\e d«^ -' •Tided from a sticcession of improved varieties, which Alii never have hlerided with other itidiv idiials or vari«^ tii's. hut w'ill hrtvg Buoolnnt.v! each other t ^o th..'it. .'it tvih successive suuT'^ of modilication and inqirovemeiit. all the individuals if eacl< variety will liavc dest^endeti from a si!>;jh^ parent Hut \-> ♦be maio-itv of ^-aws, r-in*^!., f'^ nl n2o ON THE ORir.IN (IF SPK( IKS s-f^ U^%r^ m^ w th -jll orjr.inixniH wliicli hahitually unite for i-acli ('Till, or wl ich of't»'ri iiit«»rcr«HH, I l)«>liov»» that (linitijf tliR slow ir.Mfs.s of modifnation the imlividual-t of the • [..xKw will have lK>f>ii k»'i»t iM'arly niiiform l.y iuU-r- (•r'w«iiitr ; so that many in(i:\ iiluain will have cone on "itniiltaiK'oa.^ly cliaiiirinj;, and the whole amount of ni'i.lili. ai:..r: will not havf heeu due, at earb ^f.iiff, to . <'nt from a ^irlt'l(• j>arent. I'o ill nitrate what I : our Kii^^lish nu-o-horsos dilfcr slijjhtly from the hor-eif of every other hreed ; hut they do not owe tlu-ir difforeiic-e and sujMTiority to des«-«-nt from any Hintrlp I'u r, tint to . continued care in Ki;leelerted as presejitiiig thetrreafest amount of diJJi «'Mlty on tlif theory of ' si ntrle centres of creation,' I niiihf s.iv a tew words on the iiMVins of dispersal. Mfdiix of J)i.'t>rr.yaL- Sir ( '. Lyell and other autliors h.ive ahly treated this suhject. I can ^^ive liere only the hriefe-t ai»stract of the more imporUmt facts'. ( haiitre of climate must tiave had a powerful influence mi mitrration : a rc:rion when it.s climate was different may have heen a hitrh road for mitrration, but now he iiH|i,issahlc; I shall, however, jiresetitly have to discus* this branch of the subject iti some detail. ( h.miref" of le^el in the latid must also have heen hitfhly .nfiu- ential : a narrow isthmus now sej)arates two marine fiunas ; s,,hmer/e it, or let it formerly have heen siihmer^red. and the two will now J)lond or mny !'>rmerly have blended : where the sea now extends, land may at a former period have connected islands or posvildy even cotitineuts tofirether, and thus have allowed terrestrial productiotis to pass frotn one to the other. No treolotrist will dispute that mutations of level have occurred within the period of existinif oreanisms. Kdward I'orbes insisted that all the islands in tiie Atlantic must recetitiy have Deen cotniecfed with Kiiroi)e or Afric^i, and Kurope likewise with America. Other authors have thus hypothetically Iiridi^n'd over (.KCMJKAi'ffK Ai. rusrKiiirnoN 321 - .TV (M,.ari. ,-111.1 Ik.v,. iiiiit-.l ;.Iini in our rotiruMMifs; but not of .url, v„,t ••li.ui-.-. • 'n.-:r |.o.,tio,i atiW .-xt.Mi.inr,. a- to |,.-.m' iinitr.l thin, ' -Mn t(,.. re.Ti.t i.tTin.i m mrU nth. r afnl !o tn.. -n.Tal !titprN.-nm;r o.-raiii-- i.|;u,,|v. I frr.-lv a.imii •MM torrnor .-M^t.-ri.-,. „f ,„anv i^laiwls. ri.o. I.,ine(i ••■, the .,>a, wlii.h may havp ...rv.-.l ;,„ l.;dti„.r- •■ H.- f,,r plants au.l for i,i:.nv anii-ril- .iunn- ■ --'■atin:i. In f!i.- roral-pro.|Mcmir o.-ari. such ^mv ,-r . "Il ar.. now mark.-.t. as 1 l.W.ev... nv of .-..rai .^•oll'. .tan.lsn,^ ov.-r th.-rn. \Vh,.n'..v,.r >t is fullv •!»i.tte( . as I h.-li,.vo it w:!! som.' d.iv Im-. that 1 . ' ^oiin- ii.i\ iif, iriar »mi(i -u's has pror».,Ml,..l from a sintrle i.i,thp!a. v, an.] ■'_■'[ in til.- rour-p ..f tin... ne know s.,;.;,.thiin: finite .il.out th». ,„.-ans „f di^trihut:.,,,. w,- .hiU !,♦- '•■!-;l to spe. wit!, on the „,rm,.r '';"'■'"" ••' '►"■ I'"'.! Mut I ,io no' h..!,Hvo that ,. . I -v.-r f„. p:„...,| that vvithtn the n-.-ent p.-n-.l •■•nf.n.'nts wn.rh a- now .pnte separate, hav.. I.,-.,. ■•■ -■ 'iously. or almost ro-,tinuonv! v, unite.! with ea. Ii -•-•r anil .mm the many exi of M-v.-ral lan.L a,.,! even se.u* to ' '• r preMTjt nihahitant.-. a certain -'" r an. ma., an.l ttie .jepth of the sea,-~th '.'ree of reiat;(,n irii tli. 'iiM.rii>iitir.ri of .iicli facts seem t. tTodiifini pse am . me oppost.,1 to the a/lmiswon of iH jreoc-raphiral re\olutio other 'lii-h IIS withiu liie rpcetit ;^. ■A2J. ON I UK (UtKJIN <»K >J'K< IK> t" I, n- ;irr rin I'^-iUitj'd on '■<.. . ■. .^ itlv^iih cii t. tirli"'^ ;iii»l adiiiitb"'! iiv hin iiiany '.•ll(»w(r>. Ihe ii.iliiro .iiid r»'l;iti\t' ps n|iortioii^ ni tlir'ifant^ uf '►'■rail <• i»latiiN likrii^c hci'ii. to !iif ii|ipo~i-ii U< tue Ix-lift «<( tht'ir fortiHT <»irititiiiit\ wiili roritiin'iit.s. Nor iloi's tlifir almost iini\ t'r>all', oliMuic ..iiiipo- lori ta\«inr til'- ;iiltiii>«» oi. that tlirv art* tli-- >vrri k^ «>• ■•uiikt't' roiitiiH'iit- ; if tlii'V li.i'i i»ri:;i!ial!v <>.\i-if(| a» tiioiinl.i;ii-r'iriL''i'*' <'ii ti.f I.hhI, sotii*- at li'a>l ol tlir l^laIl(l- -^oiild have Iu'«mi t. iii-tta>f nuTi' [>]]'.'•* ot volc.iuic iii.ittrr. I iM '■ 1111'* >av .1 ti'w v^oril- on m liat arc ca'.Ifil afi (U'lit.ii I'll in,, \in\ iiKM-i- projii-rly innrlit !'o railc o(T.i>' 'till rin-ari". ot (ii-^trilHi' on. I jtlant* !n IxitaiiHal uork-, thi- or tliat jilaii is ht;ii»'t>iiiinat ion ; l»u tor trail-port across tlii' ^•'a, tlir tri'' it»*r or U'-s hinlitir- may Iw "••ml to In' airno-' wlioll;. nuknovn. I nlil I trii'd, with Mr. Ii»'rk<'l»'y's aiii, a ft-w ♦•xporitiu-nts, ii «a.« not fvcn ktiown ho* tar Kfcd-i ronid rf>i^t 'lif in- jiirion* attio'i oi !.t»a-wat»*r. lo ni\ >.nrp;i tur. rniftiiM'' sakt' 1 cdiirliy tr:t'd >-niall ^<'i>ds, williont tlio rip-'ilt' or fruit; .ind .'is all >! fiie-e -cmk in a f«'« di\-, tlu'v coiiM not Ik? tioat« d a- r<»>*s widi >parrv of tin- >im, vvln'flitT or not tli«'\ '.mtc .niurcd li\ tli<« s;ilt-\*,iii>r. Aflt-rwards 1 tried .somt- iar^'»'r fruitf.. tap-iili's. etc.. and M)nie of these lioatcd {<e inijj;ht lie dried oii tin- hanks, anil then l>v a fresh rise in the stre-iin he na-iifd into ihe-ea. lience I led to dry >tt'ius am* lirmrhes of 'J I jilanU- majoritv sink ; rn iin'il :.i •»•.-, . liiit when «lrit'(i tli»«y (i,,;iii(l .-illrrw.tnU ^Ifti plaiif.-l tlicy tr«'rtniii,4ti'il ; iii' ;;ufUH |il,iiii *itii rijK' U'rricv. flo.itnl Jur LM .lavn, wiicn dri. J it ii»t#'il for V,.'> Ha\>, nii-i the >•«•. .1- altiTwarW- li-mhiii '•••I ; »lie riiM" ^ctvl^ of Helo-riajlium sank iti tv*o il.iw •lull (irifil tlu'\ for ahovo [nt (li\-.. arnl at', i ' i'i:»>t],..r out ot thi' ;«i .In.d ,.laiit>, 1,; ili.atcd for alxivo :^';i .lays, tiid riornt' ni il il fioatj'd for a v»t\ murh lon^'.T j..'ri...|. So lliat i- : ' •iT.I iTfrmiiiatnl ail.r an iniriuT-i..n ot 2i; day-, ai^i i.>^: plants v%itliriiM' iniiKi.iit not all ;tie ^aIlu• >•}.♦•< i,-- •i-i in tiiL- forft'oin-.xj.eriiiijMn; tloalrd, art»'r iM-iiicdri.-ii. ■ r ilK)ve J;{ da\-. as i'ira.swo rn ly iiiUT aiiytliiinr from ili.'-i- sraiify t.nts, ur may .011. ludi" that tli«« ««■,■(!-'. ,»r>8 plants of lus (ountry niirlit !..• rioatrd l.y -.m luricnt- duriiiL' .;; dayx, and would n-taiti tln'ir po'wei oi . .■rriiiiiai.ou. In .'ohnston ^ IMiysical Atl.i>, ;li»' avjM/n:f I •!«' of the srvcral Atlantic viii'-.Mit.s i- ;;;{ m;l.'> pfT ■: ••tn (>oino ruricnt.- running at the rat** «if tilt in.ic- , ■ r dirniy ; on tlii^ averaire, the -.•♦■ds of ,i,»5 plant.^ • ••'ItinirinL' to one counuy rniL'lit 'h« llnat«' of v,-a to anotlier fountry ; and « lien -trandt;«l, ii i'liiwn to a ta\oiiral.U' sftot dy nu inland ::al.", tli.>\ \vouI(i .■.•rniinate. ^uif-t'.ju.-ntlv to i.iv t.\pt r incnts, .M. Mar't-n- tr,.-: >iiiiiiar Mill'-, ,iit in a much hetler rnaiinrr, foi 1 .■ i I ic,.d till' s»'t'«l:' in a 1><>V mi tin- ;utual sea, so that IIm-v *rif al'ernaf»'ly v.ft and exposeii to the air iiki- really I iiatini.' }daii*>. ]|e tried ";»!{ seeds, ntostlv di'S-r.-n! litiiii uiiiie; hut lie «-liose many lav.e fruit** and Iiktvvi«f -.H'ds irom j)lant.- «lijeh live'iifir the sea; and tiii» ■*"uld have favoured tin. avera^re lenylh of their liot.i !ion and of their resistance to the injurious action ot t| ■ -alt-water. On the other hand he did not previouslv dry the piaub. or hranch.". witli *!ic fruit; and ihi-, a> we have seen, would have oaii.Hed some of them to hH\e : -. ;ti :;;;;rri iuiiti . . i he lesuil >*a.s liiat j; of Jll- M-eds Jli.ated for 4:.' day-,, and were then cap.ilde o iiiinatioii. Hut I do not douht pl.ints exposei. > < S-H ii' ' IP. ■ I .Ti4 ON IHK OUKilN OF Si'K(:ih.s • o th. vvHv.. wo.1.1 tor a le.s iMUO thau iho^. pr«> ; . M rum vu.lcMt n.ov.-n.ent a^ n. our »^M-n"> " ^^ ' r. s ott.M lloat.uu' l.-n.^.-r than ih. s.nall .. l.i,.,.r iruus or triiit «-oul(i :i:r;;j;:ih^.,J>W...n that ...h ,lan:- ..nera.v haw- '"^;r::'.i:";n:vl casionaiW,ra,.,..rt.llnannt,u. ,., n,.er. Dnti' Umt..r .s thrown up ou "^'^ ;1;'.' J M tluw.. in thf in'wlst of the widest u,fau> . au.i r: r:," ^ f ho oral-islandK in the I' pro.-ure .:f o;thlir tools .d..lvtror;When..:so,dned tU.. th.-.e stones beinu' a valuable royal ta. Id • ♦. ,, tir.i when irr.'Lni arlv ^hajrtMl ^*tone- "" '"•":"■;. i in b^ n t of i'..-S ;.nall 'pan-ols at l^.;:;;:':; V. M.uV.M.-los.Miinthnrinter>t,.e. >\ 1 1 Aw m - M. VortVrtlv tliat not a iKirticle .: „^ ' ' .: „t,i-. »i.." ii..^"i"i-' "" ""• *•"•, ►•""»■""'"* -•rv;:;.t,r;::i;rr",:t,:;;;;;.-..tnf^^'-' man> fa. ts ;bo^^.^_ ^^^ ^^^^ \i„i.,,;,es a.-ross the ore.u,. vi". nriv I think "^iteiv :iss,ime that un.ler .u.h lr.:-,heir rat. of .U.h, would otYen U, .•> m.le. an GE(H.KAi'HlC AL UlSTUIHl TION .32.') hou ••slim (1 r ; and some atitlmrs have jrivon a tar bitrl i»'r ;it*. I 1 lave ii('v< T -• •in an ii)-itanct' of nutritiou? 1. efds [lassiiiiT tlirouirii the int«'>itin(*s i t a hini arc; 1 Heeds of fruit [<;i>< uninjured ti.routrh e\«'ii ♦ hut .iii."'stiv(' uryatiH of a turkey. In '"lie <"oiirse ot two months, i j.icke-l up in my u'.irden I'J kin({>i of «et'(."^. nut of the excrement of small, and these «.-enu' found and de\t»ured a lars.'- -upplv of food, It is positively as-erted that all the trr.m. .in not |>aK« into the jfizzard for 1- or even IH hoiir-. K bird in this interval mitrlit easily he hlown t<. tin- distance of 60<) niile*^, and hawks are known to loo!^ out forUre u.. •hat a friend of bis had U) ^ive up flyintr earrier-juceon- from Iranre to Kn^l.-uid, as the hawks on the K;ic! -h dwtrovwi ho many on tlieir arrival, ^ome hawk- md owln bolt their prey whole, and after an interval of from t»«-lve to twenty liours, distforce |>ellets, win. h, ,is ! know from experimentfl made in the Zooloi.n.a': (iardens, include seeds capa;dp of cermination. Sttrnf -^•(uW of the oat, wheat, millet, cJinary, hemp, clover. Mid t»eet irerm-nated after having tteen from twelve to •Hcnty-one hours in tiie stomachs of ditferent birds o) l.rey ; «nd two se^nls of l)e*'t ^ew after having: i>ee transq)orUHl trom pla<-e \o plaelletj< or p.i-«'.' in their excrement, and several of the^.- ~»ed- retained their jxiwer ot jrerminati«»n. ( erUui .mmjUb, loviever, were alway'; killed by tliis prorei-!i. 1 n I Ifl fi If if I ir 3v.- i»N IHK OllKilN OF hPKCIF> \llhoii«l' the Kr.iks niiil fe«'t .>i h:r,ls arc u'<-Mer.ill> nuit- .-lenM. I -hn* thnt eartli w.-n.,-limes ;ulh.Tes to them : m. on.' i.^faiic- I removed twenty-two irnmis ,.l .irv .Mrtii from one foot of a j>.'irtr..i^'e, an.i i„ thisenrth th.^n- ua8 a pel.l.le .|iuto as lartr.' as llH, so, (i of a vetch TIhh see mi-l.t oora^:orial!> be truisporte.1 to irreat (li>tancPH ; for inanv facts comI.. be uiven -l.ouinjT tlwit soil almost everywhere is (-.larfre. ;. ith M.-e'ls. Hellect for a tn-'ineiit nn the millions o. quails which annuallv cross the Me-literrauean . ui.l cai« we .l..iiht thai the earth adheriii? to their feel vfou 1.1 snmetimeM include a few minute seeds .- IJiit i -ha, prcsen'lv hav.' to recur to this suhject. \s iceher-"* are known to he sometimes .oaded v\!th ^.-.rth and stones, and haNe even carried t.r.ishwood, i.ones. anv»'ll ; and durint; the Glac-al |.erio i fron. one i.arl .'.f the now temperate re^'ions to an..lhcr. In !lie \/ores, from the lar-_'e number of the species ot i.iant.s comm:.n to i:urope, in omparison w,th the i.iant.s of other oceanic islands nearer to the mainlanu uid (a.s remarked bv Mr. II. (•.\\'at.son) from the some vhtMiorthern character nf the flora in comparison witb •i.e latitude, 1 susjuvted that those islan-ls had Wei^ . -irtiv sto,ked bv ice-borne seeds, dunriir tlic Uiacial ;.„ At mv request SirC. Lyell wrote to .M. HartuiiK u, inquire whether I.e had observed v.rratic boulders .,,1 thcM^ Island-., and iie answered that ho had found i,rv fnurmeiits of -rauite and other rocks, wh:ch do unr.Mcur in the ;.nhipelat:o. Hen-e we m.ay e mid-oceau i-iand-. and it is at least possible that they may have hro,i-at thither the -iii>d-i of northern plants. (•.,..o;.i„ni„„- that til.' several above means of traiiK- port,' and that several other means, which witliout doubt remain to l>e discovered, have Wen in act.oii V ar after vear for renturi.- and l.-us of thousand.s of GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 32i \t'v.-n, it would I think l)e a marvelloui fact if many ilan'a had not thus become widely tran-|>orted. IlieM*' ii»ian«« of trail-port are sometimes called accirlental, but hi>» ix iii)t strirtly corrert : the currents of the nea are .ot aaiiU'iital. nor is the direction of prevalent jfaies if wiiKt. if should be observed that scarcely any iieaiiH (if transport would carry >eeds for very KT<*at iistant«<. 'Hie-e means, however, would sufhce 'Mr occasional transport acrosH tracts of sea some i iiiln'd miles in breadth, or from island t<» island, or •r((m a continent toa nei^hhouriiitf '>laiid. but not from lie di-tant continent to another. Hm- floras of distant ontimuts would not by -uch means become mintrled II any ^rreat decree; but would remain as di-;inct i-i w»« now see them to be. 'Hie currents, from their »ur-e, would never brin? seeds from .Ndrth America • Britain, thoujfh they mitrht and (..) bring seeds .mil th«» \\'e'-t Indies to our western shores, where, : not killed bv so lontr an immersion in salt-water, ru'V could not endure our climate. Almost every •mV, one or two laud -birds are blown across the »l.o!e .Atlantic Ocean, from North America to the *t'-tern shores of Ireland and Kiifrland ; but seeds 11 lid l>e transported by these wanderers (uily by one iipans. namely, in dirt stnkitjjf to their feet, which - m itself a rare mci.lent. Kven in this case, how -rnaii would the chaiu e 1)6 of a seed falliiii,' on favour- Me soil, and coiiiin? to maturity! But it would be . irreat error to arirue that because a well -stocked • i.ti, like (Ireat Hnlain, has not, as fa.' as is known uid it would be verv difficult to prove this), received vithin the few c»Mituries, throuirh occasional means • transport, immiirrants from Kiiroi>e or any other itinent, that a poorly-stocked island, thoutrh standint: .,.r« rairi'.ite froTp. tht' mainland, would not receive .ilouists by similar means. I do not doubt that out of '^' ntv -ced-i or r'nimals transported to an island, even £i^-^'ZiM^.i'i^'- ^. .... ^^^rs^i^^^ ! i S2» ON THK ORfr.IN OF SPECIES ,f f&T loss w<»ll-Ht()rk.(i Uiaii linuiiu, grrinely wnrf ihan one would \>f. «•• wfll titttvl to its ih-w homp. a« to beiome Il.•lturali^.•(l. Hut this, a». it hwdh t<» rre, i» no vali(i ar^runient aiiaiiist what wouM 1h> effocU'd hv ocrasictnal tueariK of trans^Kirt, duriiijf the loiitr I:H>«*e "^ fc(iIoai< tiirip, whiNt an islatid wa*- h«'in^ ■iplif^vfd ami turmrd, ai.d befort" it h.iii l>o<-nmp fully sunrkrd with '.iihaiiitaut^s. < >n aimont hare land, witli !♦•* or im jrermiuato .iiid survive. [hM>rr*(il dtirMiij ttif iilnriiil prrunt. The iden':'v of many |'!aiit> and aiiima!-. on inouiiUiiii-suiiinm.', -'Miar- ateii iVniii e;ii ii other hv liuiidred< of mile-; of l(i\»latid:>. \Tlicif thfl Alfiiue -.iieiies could not |»o>^silily e\i-:t, i*- oiie ot tlie nio>.t striking tasox known of »!<; hanie NJ.«•.■ie^ livirit; at di>Uii'. jiointH, witiioiit the a|>pareiit j.o'im'.ilit V of their h.iviiiL' mitrrated from one to thn other. It is indeed a reinarkahle faut it i^ far more lemarkalde, that tlie plant.-, on the White Mountani^. in the I nited Sta-«« of Aineriea, are all the «ame with tho-e of l-ihradir, and nearly all the same, as we hear from A^^a <;ray. witii those on the loftiest mounbiins of Kuroy*-'. V.y'U ae luiiiT aiTO as 1747, !"iy ure iio noi icw i;;i":« tale more plainly, than il(» the mountains of Sc«»tland ind W ales, with iheir ..coreii flanks, poli.^hed Hurfjcen. (JE(X;RAI'HICAL DISTRIBtmON 329 ind penciled Injuldprs, of the icy streams with whirh rhtir valleys were Utely tilled. So jjreatly lias the rliniatf of Fliimpe rhaiitod, that in Northern Italy, _M>i;iiitic moraine*!, left by old trlaciers, are now rlotlifd }>y the vino and maize. Throughout a larp:e i«art ot the liiited States, erratic houlders, aiul rocks scorey supposing a new ^'lacial {>eriod to come i- each mi^re suutiierii zone '.'.anie fitted for arctic hein:rs and ill-titted for their more temperate inhahitjints, the latter woul"! tie supplanted and arctic pr<-(i notions would take the r .'aces. The inhahitants of th.> more temperate refrions ■ould at the same time travel southward, utiles.^ tln^y ••re stopped !>y harriers, in which case they wculd cri-h. I he mounUiins would Jerome covered wilh nou- and ice, and t>ieir former Alpine inhahitanN ^^nuid ri.'-cend to the plains. Hy the time that the cuiii had reachpamo on a little earlier or Inter in North America ihan n l.iirni.e, m will the southern mifrration there have licen a little earlier or later; hut this will make no 1 . .V « :■■ «1... ('.Lrtl raulllt ';:::•:';":;•.." : i i •. r : "^ ■ ■ :i t» t • * ■ — - . . - A«i the warmth returned, the arctic forms would ii-tieal uo'*h«ard. closely followfvl up in thoir retnal "m L a.*^' ON THK OKMilN OF hl'KC IKS I >iv tlif prorlurtioiiv (it the nutn" tPm|MTat»' retrioii»». Anil an tin? miiow nu-ltt'd from tlie bases <»f the tixmii- fains, tlie .'irrtic tonus would spi/.e ou tlie «Uare^ime aretic speeies. .vlii.ti had hitely lived in a l.ody tot;»'tlier on the lowl.uids of the Old aiie let\ isolait d on distant mouiitain-«iimmits ihaviiiir been ex- rernmiated on all lesser heiirhts) and in the aretic e^ions of hotli heiiiisphere>. liiiis we can understand the idenfit\ ot many plants ,«t poiiius -o ittmiensely reniote as on tiie riuiuntains ot tlie I iiit«*d States ami of Kiirope. ^^ e can thus also iindersUnd the fact that the Alpine plants of each ii.ouiitain-ranirt' are more .'-jtecially related to the arctic forma livinir due north or nearly due north o! them: for the miuTation as the cold came on, and the re-iniLTation on the returnintr warmth, will ^reiierally have heeti due smith and nortli. 'Hie Alpine plants, lor example, of Scotland, rh remarked l)y Mr. H. (. . \\ atsan, and those of the I'yreneea, as remarked by Ix.iiiH.ud, are more especially allied to the p!ant« of northern Scandinavia; those of the Lniicd >tates to l^ahrador ; tho>;o of the mountains of Siberia to the arct"- regions of that country. ITieso views, grounded as thev are on the perfectly well-ascert;iined (.ccurrence of a former (facial period, »;eem to me to evplain in -I. satisfactory a manner the present distril)Ution of the Alpiiie and Arctic productions of Kunine and America, that Hhen in other regions we fnid tne same -pecie- .»•! di-lant m«»untaiii-summits, »»> may almost conclude .vittiout other evidence, that a colder climate permitte-tence. If the climate, since the Cllacial period, has ever rccn in aiiv urrrvrc wafTnrr than at pre^nt '■a- <^r,^^ •jeol<.;rist« m the I'nited States believe to have l>een 'liH case, chietlv from the dist riluitioti of the fossil «tly warmer peri«).l. -UM-e the (flacial period. The arctic forms, durinir tlieir lontr southfrti inie-r.i- tiou and re-mi<- oo-ed to nearly tlie !«»mo climate, and, as i«» especially to \*e noticed, they will have kept in a hoat KuropeAn mountain-ranees, though very munv nf the -pecies are identically the same, some present varieties, some are ranked as doubtful forms, and some t.'* are distinct yet closely allied or representativ species. , In illtistratintr what, as 1 l)elieve, nctiially took place i , ii:;r the Viiatiai prfiSJU, l aar---!-; — ; r.-.v ^ -_ nu-nocmeiit the arctic productions were a« uniform -ound the polar regions a« they are at the present day .'i,32 ON THK ORKilN OK S1'E( lES I I t i Hut tlirt forH^oiii;; remarks on di-trihiitioii applv ijn? only to strictly .irctir toriii'*, Imf ajno to rn.iuy siil>- «rwor ninuiitain.a and (in the pl.iins of North Anicricj* and Kiir(i|«»' ; and it itiav lie rc.i-diialdy a.'^ked ho'v I arcouiit for tin- iiwcss;irv li'-LTcc o( uniformity of the Hul>-.'ir<'t;(: and nf»rllieru tt'inpcratp forms round tho world, at th( romnicnr»»Tni»nt of tiic (ilarial fM»ri<'d. At tlic |>r»'sent dny, tli<» sub-arctic and rthprn ti'inperalc |ir(Mjijc- ttoiiK ot" tlie Old and New i\'orlds are scparal^'d from each oi'hur by the Atlantic ( )cean and by t'no rxtrcmc northern part of the f'acific. I>urimjr the (jlacial '•••nod, I* hen the inhabit. mtw of the < 'Id and Ne^* \\ -i-lii, lived further southward^ than at pri»scnt. thev !i)u»' iiave been still more <'imjilet«'lv -e[iarat<'d by •vider >^;>'ue>< of ocean I l>elie\c the alio\e dit?i< of th(> world -"ere s|iecificallv the ^*ame 1,-1 no-.v. the climate was warmer tlian at tlie present day. Hence we may "-iippose that tlie ortraniem-; now livintr under the (limate of latitude t50\ durintr the I'iiocene period lived further north under the Polar t irdo, in latitude *]i\"-iu' '. and that the strictly arctic productions then lived on the broken land ntill i:earer *o the pole. N^^v if we look it a (flobe, we shall see that undiM the i'olar ' irde there is almost continuou.s fr(mi western Kurope, throuirh >i!ieria, to ea.-- tern Allien.. I. .And to this continuity of the circumpolar land, and to the ronse(|uent freedom for intermitra tioii under a more favourable cliinnte, I attribute the neco-^iry amount of uniformity in the sul>-arctic and northern teiiiperato [(nxiijetions of the < 'Id and New \\ drills, at a period anterior to the (ilacial epoch. fieiievinff. from rivLsous betore aiJudeti to. thai our continents have lonj; remained in nearly tlie s;ime relative i>osition, thoui:h subjected to larjfe. but partial I I tj^^^aim^i^:.^^'^ (;ech;kai'HICAL DisnuBrTioN .iiVl oiMill.itioiiB (it level. I am - above vi«'vr, and to infer that (luriiitr •miii** earlier iiiil 'till wiirmer jierier of the Kaine plaiiU and aniiual-! iihaliited the almtist contiimoUH tirrutn polar land : mil that t)it-e plants and animaN, i.oth in the ( 'Ui uid New W orhls, Wtrari -lowly to nufrate -oiilhwari" ii-t the (lunate herame less warm, lontr IxMore the .•ncenient of the iJlatial period. We now see 'lieve. their desiemianls, tno as I ^tlv in a Wf , ,in fnrther iiiuler-iand the -insular fac-t remarked oi^ ,\ several oh-»'rvers, that the production- of Ijirope lid America durinjr the later tertiary stages were more . luseiy related to eacli other than they are at the proent time ; for durinir these warmer periods the northern [.•i'-»< of the (Md ami New Worlds will have heen aimo.-t r>i!itinii..u>lv united hy land, >er\ in-r a- a hridt--*'. -in<-e renilere. I >iir:u;r the slowly decreasiiijr warmth of the I'lioceiie [lenod, a-s soon as the spe lio- •iiore temjx'rate production- are concerned, took place ionj aire- ajro. And as the plant- and animals mi^rraU-d -MMthward, thev will have become miii-led in the one jTcat re:rion with the native American productions, iiui ha\e iiad to compete with tlieni ; and in the other -rt'il rt'iiion. with th«)-e of the Old World. C onse- .liiciiMy we have here everythiiiir favourable for much ->, . . _V^*:.._. f,,- r.,.. vY^,.\^4k rY'^fifHhi'.it ion than witli the .\l!)iie productions, left i.-\ Old W orlil<, we IiikI m'iv If" idt'nlical -i.rcMW (thoii-li .\s;» (.rav Jias i"!!..'"!! that nK.n- j.lanb* :iro id.-iitiral than wa, forim-rlv ^tl|.po^pd), Lut w<^ tiiid iii every Tt-at cla^K many form^, win. li some natunilislH rank as iriM) race-, and others as distinct sjx'Cie.s . :.n,i a host of .los.-K ..IIkmI or rei-resoutative forms hich are ranked hy all naturali-'- w hii as spoi'itiiMii V As on the land. >.. in the uater^ i the wa, a slow southern iinjrration of ft marine iain.a. whu-h dunni; the I'lio.eue or ev.'ii a somewhat •• irlier period, was nearly unitorm alonK tlie c«»ntinuous ^hores ol the Polar < ir.le, will ar«()iint, on tlie theory of modihca- tion, lor many clos,!v allied f..rms now livinjf in are;i> ,„,Mpletely sundered. Ihus, 1 we can under- sUnd the presence of n.anv existintr and tertiary repre- sentative forms on the eastern and western siiores oi te-nperate North America ; and the still more ^tnkin- caso of many closeiv allied crustaceans (as described in Dana's admirable work), of some lish and other marine animals, in the Mediterranean and in the seas ot Japan, - areas now separated hy a continent and hy neniy a hemisphere of ecj'.iatorial ocean. Ihfse cases ot relationship, without identity , ol the ,;, habitants of sesis now di>ioined, and likew-e of the oast and present inhabitants of the tomoer.ite laiids ot North Aiiien.a and Kun.p'.', are inexplicable on the ll.eorv of creation. \\e cannot sa> that they ha\ e t,een 'created alike, in correspondence w ith the ueany similar plivsical conditions ..f the areas ; tor it we com- ..are, for instance, certain i>arts of South Aincnca with liu- M.utherii coniiiicnts of the Old U ..rl.l, we see cold |»«'rio.{M»t ; ami in Sikkini, l>r Hooker saw mai/.e trrowiiij.' oti ciirritilii- aiicifMil in<)rain»>s. ^outl; of tliH ♦•(jiiator, \*t« h.i\»' •.•line ill roct evidftire of former trla< ;al !u.tion in New /.ealaml ; and the xame plant*", fonntl on wi.ii'ly separated mountains iutliat i-laiid, tell tin s;iiii«' >torv. If <»!!»> iccMijiit wtiH-h lia> Iwen pultlishrd can It- trus'U'd, v»e iiav<' direct e\iilen«e of trhwial action in the -()Uih-i-;i»t«'rn rnriicr of A;i«'r:ilia. l/ookiiitf to America ; in Wir northern half, ice-tmnic • ,„'t)i»'iits of ro«k have Iwen ohserved on the ea^lern -,dc a-- houth a> hit. ;i<". -.'57', and on the shores nt in- I'acitic, where the climate is now so differeiK, a> south as hit. 4<' ; erratic boulder- hav»', al-o, U«en •M.'iced on the Kooky .Mountains. In the ( ordillen of i;.|ualurial South .\riHTi fee; in hei^-'lit, crossiii;: a valley t f the .\ndc-. md this I now feel convinced was a tMiran'ie morain--, lift far lielow any e.xistinir glacier. Further s«iuii> ■ n l>oth ^idc- of the continent, from lat. -41 to tic -outliernmost extremity, we have the dearest evide:i.>> .tf former jflacial action, in hujre houlders transported : u- from tlieir parent source. We do not kiio.s (hat the (ilacial ejMwh w:is strict!) -imultaneous at the-e several far distant points on o]" pos; ,. sides of the world. Hut we liave tro«Ml e'.idencf in almo>l every case, thai the epoch ah- indudcl wi»hin •he latest ^Tolojrical peiioii. W e have, also, excelleiii evidence, that it endured for an enormous time, a- ineasured by years, at e loh point. The cold m.iy have » 1.^..r> <<.>'i>.<.1 p-irliiir at olio luiillt (it * }u' • tr:::T- tril, •■ft iid - ^-- ^ *. •» ■• •• j ' —- ; - :rlot»e than at another, but seeing that it endured tor lo/ii: at each, and that it was contemooraneous in ^ -^AA*ui^lt^^^i^ar.lSM n:n\ ON TIIK OHKilN <»K SPKC Ih> ■>' I (jt'olrii.' »i'iim«. if -^-fnis ti> me pr piTiod, .ittit'ilh •«imiilfniii>im> ■ lirmii^liniit iIm' Murl'l. \\ itlnHit Minu' tM«' to till' fdntrary, vv«« may at len^t admit ax prnlialdp that till" irlanal at-titiii wm* Himnltaiicoii"* on Mm- »T»itfrti a'lil wottTii hidtw of North Aiiutkm, in th<'( nnl.liiTa iiiiiliT the »'i|iiat«fr and iiiidtT the wariinT t.-m[»»'rat<' /"III-,, atid on hoth "iidi's of the >4oiitherii ••\»r'imty ot the roiitiiiftit. If this he admitN-d, it i> dilh( iilt to avoid helifsi'itj that th»» ti-mp.-rat iir»' of tlo- w[iid«- v*orlii WOH at this |H'rio4nffi(t« tor mv iMiipoue, if t)i- trrnpcrature v«a-* ;i' th<' same titn^ h)W»'r ahmi^ rerfam h«dtn of hdiiritiide. « 'n thi-< view of the whole world, or at U'.i»t of hro id loii^ritudinal lultM, haviiijr heeii vimnlLifit misly .-older tmiii [ifdf to pole, iniicii lush' « .m hi- thiown on th<' I'l'M'tit ili-'trihiitiuii of iiU'iitical and allied '[lecies. ill Aineric.i, Dr. Hooker has ^hown that het^i-i-n htrty Old titty of the floweriinr plant.s of lierra d»'i Kiieiro, t'>rmin^ no inconsideralile part of it.s -tant) fln'-.k, are eonimon to Kurone, eiiorinou>'ly remote a-* tlif-f two p":nt.sare; and tliere are in.iny rlosfly allied >pe(ieH. ' 'I the lofty mountani^ of e(jii.itorial America a ho^'l of p< ( uliar -pccies l>eh>njriri:r to KurujKvm irenera occur. < Ml til.- hiirlu'st mountains of Brazil, some tVw Kuropeaii t'> iiera v\(re lounil l»y (iarihier, wiiieh do nut exist in liic Wide interveiiintr hot countries. S(» on the Sill.j o*' I aracca< the illustrious llumholdt htiij- atfo ton. d tijtecii'^ t.«';fin;,' to t'cnera characteristic of the ' o.-dil- Icra ( 'n the mount;iins of Ahyssinia, M*\«'ral Kumpca'i lui iii>. atiii s(mie few reprt'scntatives of the peculiar tlor i ot thi' ( ape of (ioi ' Hope o<'cur. At the ( apt' of < iood ill'].,' a \cry tew K i.ipeati speoie.><, helioved not t<» liave •ti-u iiitidduced hv man, .unl on the mountain-., ^ome few repir~i>ntati\ e Muidpi-an torm> are found, wliii h h.i\e nt»t tieen discovered in the intertropical parLs o; .iiP. »*."». \ fii me i 1 1 iiiaia^'a, aiiii <>ri ifit} i.-^.'i.'i'c*! mountain -rini^^es of the peninsula of India, on the iicii:ht.« of ( e\i«>n, anti on the volcanic conci* ,<> .fava m"^-^-' <;K ''"»* ''ft ''«at -.iuth«'rn Australian fornis are I'Uviriy rrpn"^pnt»Mj by ;.i iitH crowirij'' on the nummiLs of tho niountaini* of l;.iriieo Some of thi«j»« Austriliin fonnt. an I hear rriitn 1 >r. Hookrr, extend alona: the hfiirlif^ of tht- p»'nin«iiia of Malaira, and ar»* thinly sratt«Tt'd, on the (•!H' hand ov»'r India ainl on tho other a.«* far north .'w J t[>;»ii. I'll the Houthern rnountain-; of Australia, Dr. I. \I )ll<'r has dinooverpd several Kurr)j>»'aii >iperies ; other «p.i le*;. not introan jfeuera, found in Australia, hut tiot in llie intermediate torrid refno'is- In <'•«* ailruir- :Uile Introductuin to tti^ hlom of .\'nr Ztainnd, by Dr. 5lo(»ker, analojrou«* and s-trikin^j fact** are {riven in re:: ird to the plants of that lartre island. Hence we M'e thnnitrhout the world, the plant** jrrowinc on the fimre lotty mountains, and on the temperate lowlands of the northern and southern hemiMpberen, are some- times identically the same ; but they are much oftener »[«e( difitinct, thoutfh relate«l to each other iu a most remarkable manner. Hiis iirief abtrtract applies to plants alone : some stricil) aiKiloirous fartM could U- jfiven »)n the distribu- tion of terrestrial animals. In marine productiona, piniilar cii^es occur ; as an example, I may quote a .'em.irk l.v the hitrhest authority, Prof. Dana, tliat * it is certain !v a wonderful fact that New /eaia;id should liiive a (fo-ier resemblance in it.s Crustacea to >tii.iiii.'», etc., mI riorfliern forms of fmh. Ur. Hooker informs me tiiat twenty-tive species of .Altriial r.'jrions, are not arclir,, hut hehjn^' to the northern tem- perate zones. As Mr. H. C. W alson lias recently re- inarkefi. ' In reredinjf from polar towards equatorial latitud.s, the Alpine or mountain floras really liecon.e les- and less antir." Many of the forms livinjf <»n the mounUins of the warmer reerioTis of the earth and in thf NouUiern lioinisphere are of doubtful vaiu.-, l»»'inif r.iiik.'d liy soin.- naturalists as speeirtcally distinet, bj others as varieties ; but some are certainly identical, iind many, thou^rh i-losely related to northern forms, must 1k> ranked iis distinct species. Now let us see lijrht can be thrown on tlie iore- iroiii;; fact^, on the I>elief, supported as it is by a larjrc lK)dy of jreolojrical evidence, that the whole world, or a la'rire part of it, was during the tilacial period simul- taiK uiijy much colder than at present. The (ilacial period, as measured by years, must have lieen very lonp ; and when we remember over wliat vast spaces M.iiic naturalised plants and animals have epreaeer» placed under nomo ■*hat new conditions, will have suffered less. And it l^ r««rtain that many t<*mperate planus, if prot»»rted from tho inroads of competitors, can withstand a much warmer climate than their own. Hence, it seems to mo [)ossihle, bearing in mind that tl'*' tropical production> were in a sufferintj state and could not have presented I firm front a^inst intruders, that a certain number >f the more vigorous and dominant temperate forms nii^lit have penetrat«d the native ranks and have t-arhed or even crossed the equator. ITie invasion would, of course, have i>een j^reatly favouree still exist in North America, which must have lain on the line of march. But 1 do n«>t doubt that some temperate productions entered and crossed even tlie .iiu/iind-g of the tropics at the period whei. tiie cold was most intense,— when arctic forms had mierated some twenty-five decrees of latitude from their native lountry and covered the land at the foot of the !*yrf'nees. At this period of extreme cold, I believ*' that the climate under the equator at the level of tiie sea was about the same with that now felt there at the iieiifht of six or seven thousand feet. During thi.s >L!^^* ,^ ^nJi'ert Upp;!=ii tii uir;;r r.,;a! rD uj tropical lowlands were clothed with a minjflod tropi ''al .!id temperate ve^jet-ation, like that now jfrowinjf ' TK.nBim:- ".^svsfmnr: aw» ON THK OKKilN OF SPEXIES i I "t *li with stmiitre luxuriance at the of the Himalaya, a»* trrrjphi.'ally <, . liietly northern, which had crossed the eijuator, would travel -till further fr<»m their homes into the more temperate latitudes of the or.|M)site hemisphere. AlthM\i:rh we ha\c reason to Indieve from ^eolotfica! evidence that ihe wiiole body of antic shells underwent scarcely any moditication durintr their lonff southern mitrratioti and r»'-miirrati(ui northward, the case may have iM^en wholly dilfereiit with those intruding: forms which settled them- m norlii to suulli ».- due to tlie trreater extent of land in the north, and to the northern forms having e^i^ed in their own home* CiKCKJKAPHICAL DISTRIBITION 341 ill ifreaUT uumhers, and having consequently Ikm-u adv:iiif»'(l throu^'h natural wleotion and comjK-'tilKin teat the less jK)werful southern forms. Just in the same manner as we see at the present day, that very many Kuroj)ean produitioii-* cover the ^^rouud in Ij I'lata, and in a le.-ser de;rree m Australia, and have to a eertaiu extent beaten the natives; whereas extremely few iwuthern forms have lieefore the (Jhu-ial «ri»'r ireas and more efficient m rkshops of the north. In many islands the native prod uctioun are nearly equalled or eviii outnumbered by the naturalised; and if tlie n;iti\e.s liave not Inseii actually exterminate*!, th»'ir iiunil/ers have Wen greatly reduced, and tlii« is tiie first hlincc towards extinction. A mountain Ih an Island on the land ; and tlie intertropical ruountains l»t'fore the (ihuial period must have been completely Isolated ; and I Lelieve that the productions of these islaurjs on the laud yielded to those produced ^» it Inn •he l.irtrer areas of the north, just in the same way a^ the jirudut tions of real islands have everj-where lately yHt'ltd tu continental forms, naturalised jy man's Oijeni y. 1 aiii f:ir from suppowin^ that all dilficultieu are re- inoveu on the view here civen in regard to tlte ntu^-e .iiHi aiujiii.'tis 01 the N'o cannot hope to explain ■iiich facts, until we can say why one species and not another becomes naturalised by man's ag'ency in a foreitrn lafid ; why one ranges twice or thrice aa far, nT)il is twice or tlirice a.s common, a.s another ^jjecies vviiiiin their own homes. 1 have said that many difficulties remain to l>e solved : Mime of the most remarkable are stated with admirable ilearne«8 by Dr. Hooker in his botanical works on the antijrctic refjions. 'Hiese (^nnot 1)6 here discussed. 1 v*ill only say that as far as regards the occurrence of ideiitical species at points so enormously remote a> Ktr^uelen I^nd, New Zealand, and Kue^a, I Wlieve that towards the close of the lilacial ptriod, icelier^, as sutrjjoated by Lyell, liave been larjjely concerned iu their dispersal. But the existence of several quite di»- linct specie.s, lieloufrin!; to jjenera exclusively confined lo t^a south, at these and other distant points of the southern hemisphere, is, oa my theer!iliar and Isolated flora. I suspect that l>efore thi> flora was exterminated by the (Ilacial epoch, a few forms were widely dispersed to various points of the •aiiithern hemtsphere bv occasional means of transport, GECUiRAPHK AL DISTUIHrTK >N :^4r^ ;iti ycies r' change ; and that on this view. rombined with rnodi ition throujrh natural selection, . riiiiltitude of facts in the present distribution l>otl. . f the same nid of allied forms of life can be ex- plained. The living watern may be said to have riowed ■liirniiT one short j)eriod from the north and from the ,<»uth. and to have crossed at the equator ; but to • .ave tlowed with >rreat*,f force from the north ^o as 'o ii.iw freely inundated the south. As the tide leaves t.s dritl iu horizontal linw, thoujfh risin^r hi^rher on 'be shores where the tide rises highest, so have the tivin ' waters left their living drift on our mountain- -unimits, in a line jfently rising,' from the arctic low- ianil- to a ;rroat height under the e«|uator. The various heinsrs tluis left stranded may l»e compared with savajje races of man, driven up and surviving in the mountain- . vstri<:v«-es of almost every land, which serve as a record, ' ill of interest to us, of the former inhabitants of the -irromidiut? lowlands. 1 in-" _i C HAI»TKK Ml f.K'KJHAPHIl >!. KISTIIIKITION COntilHWi IP I'istribiitl )ii of frt'sh • w:vttr pnvi'ptlimt — <>m the liih»l'lUnU >( iMT.itiii; iiilaiiili — AI>^L•lll•l• of IJatraihiaiiH aiiil of U-rr«»tn*l MHiiiiiialit On tlic rfliilinii of the iiihaliitatiu >■{ Islaiiils t<> tliiise of tlif luaii -t nuiiiliiiiil -On culonisatiiii from the nrarr.-tt (...iircf witli HiiiiM'<|ueut iiiiMliflcaUon — Huiuiiiary of tht- liuti anil prcsi'iit 1 Iiai>tiiui!arity of the fn-li-water iiisectH, shells, etc., and at the di.-v-imilarity of thf surroundiiitr terrestrial l>ein^s, compared with thoM> of MriUiiii Hut tliis power in fres!i-water productions of rai^finiir widely, thout'li so uiiexiK'cted, can, 1 think, in most cases \h\ explained by tlieir liaviiiif he4'ome filled, in -- .-,.,- -^ 1 ,,1 1 -'i- 1 t ii r -_ I _» 1 r__^ quent rnu^rations from pond to pond, or from stream to stre.iin ; and liability to wide dispers;il would bdlow ;>44 1 I GE()C;RArHI(:AL distkibltion .^w from this {•Apsu'.iiy as an almoHt iiwe>isary conHe<|u«»!i<*r. We ran here cotisider only a few cusv-*. In rejranl to fiwh, I l)«lieve that the same hj>et ie» never occur in the fre>h waters of distant continent*;. IJut on tlie winie (•(tiitinent the ppecie« often nin;?e widely and almost c.ipririously ; for two river-systemn will have some fish iti coTumon and s«ome different. A few facts s«'»"m to :l<>R'*"*l period, and when the surface was pLoj.led hy existiujf land and fresh-water shells. 'l'h»* •viiie difference of the fish on opp4»site sides of con- tinuous mountain-ranges, which from an early period ,iiu>t have parted river-systems and completely pre- vented their inosculation, seems to lead to this -^aiiie i'on(lu>ion. ^^'ith respect to allied fresh -water fi>h occurring at very distant points of the world, no douht there are many case** which cannot at present l»e Hvpltined : hut some fresh -water rish helong t« very mcieiit forms, and in such ouses there will have U'eu ample time for great geographical changes, and conse- ijUtMitly time and means for much migration, la the set Olid place, salt-water h>h can with care ho slowly .iccwstouied to live in fresh water ; and, according to \ alenciennes, there is hardly a siuL'le group of tithes (ontine.i. and ^u^•s•»- (Ui iitiy r-c-coine mouiiicd s,:-;] .uiiiptrd Ui the ^resh •vaicrs of a distant land, .■vime specie-s of fre»*h-water nhells have a very wide d46 ■ "• SH ■ ON THK OHKJIN Oh SPK( JK> ran^'p, ;iiul niliefl .sjx'cies, which, orj my theory, aro de- Herplexed me niurh. n- their ova are nut likely to be transporteil hy l.irdH. liid tliev are iniUM-diately killed Ity sea-water, as are tlie adiilu*. I could not even understand how some •1 itiiralised s[>ecie- have rapidly s|»read throujfhout tlie -ame country, liut two fact«,' which I have observed and no doubt many otliern remain to be observed — flir.iw some li^ht on this subject. When a duck >iiii.i<'nly eriierjfes Irom a pond covere«l with duck- weed. I have twice seen these little plants adhenny to itH l.;i< !< ; and it has happened to me, in rcmoviinf J* little «liick-wee(l from one aquarium to another, that I have <|uite unintentionally stocked the one with fresh- water Bhells from the other. Hut another agency is perhaps more effectual : I Buspended a duck's fi'et, which mitfht represent those of a bird §leepin^ in a natural pond, in an aquarium, where many ova oi fresh-water shells were hatchinjf ; and I found that numbers of the extremely minut<> and just-hatched "hells crawled on the feet, and dunjf to them so firmly that when t.tken out of the water they could not be larred off. though at a somewhat more advanced a^e tliev would voluntarily drop off. Ilie-se just hatche...!. <.'...r birds. Wadinu birds, wliich fre(|uent the muddy .(Ijrt's of {M>Dds, if suddenly flushed, would he th» Tiost likely to have muddy fret Birds of this order I .m show are the (n"<**te8t wanderer*, and are occa- MDiially found on the most remote and barren island-* . the open ocean ; they would not be likely to alight III tiie surface of the sea, so that the dirt would not U- • ishvd otf their feet ; when makiiit; land, they would 'm' sure to fly to their natural fresh-water haunts. I 111 not believe that botauLsta are aware how charjfed he fiiud of ponds is with seedn : 1 have tried several lt!e experiments, but will here ifive only the mosJt • •.rikiiis fA8« : I took in February three table-spooufu Is it'iii'.ii from three different points, beneath water, on • ■,,. Hili^M' of a little pond ; this mud when dry wei^hcil iiily t)!^ ounces ; I Kept it covered up in my study for MX months, pulling up and counting each plant as it /rew ; the plants were of many kinds, and were alto- M'tiier .">;)7 in number; and yet the viscid mud wa.s i'i I'oiitained in a breakfast cup ! Considering the?te :.iit>, I think it would he an inexplicable circum.stance * water-birds did not transport the seeds of fresh-water ;iiants to vast distances, and if consequently the rang*- "f tht^tif plants was not very great ITie same agency ri.iy tuve come itito play with the eggs of some of the mailer fre>sh-water animals. < -iiifr ami uukiiow:i agencies proiiabiy ijave aim • ' ived a part. I have 8tate kiiKls fiaor having hH;ill.,we«l tlieiii ; vm-u Hmai; Imh swalii.u ^,.Hh of n.o«lerat« size, m of the vellow water- lily Jiii.l l'(.UmMtr«'toii. IliTonsaii.l other hi^l^, .riiturN Hitor .eiiturv, have jfom. on daily .ievouriur},t arid jfo to other waters, or are hlowii '•.•r(.>s the >ea; and we have Keen that*. retain their [.ower nl Kt-niiinatioii. when rejected in pelh-ts ..r in excrement, many hour- atlerwanls. When 1 ,s,iw ^'leat Hi/e at the seeds (,C tlial tine waU-r-lilv, the NelumhiMin, ami reinerni.ered .\!i,h. de ( andolles remarK- on thii, plant, I thought Lt it* di>trihijtion iniiM remain .|uite inexplicahle ; hut v^uduhon Mate^ that he found tho Keedn el the creat southern nater- ily i.rohahly.a.Twrdintjto Dr. Hooker, tlie Nelumhiun. Iiitetim) m a heron'n wlomach ; althoujfli 1 do not kiiov* the taet, yet analo^jy makes me U«lievo that a lieron tl\mt; to another iK)nd and ^ettin^f a hearty meal >^t tisli. won hi i.rolwihly reject from it« stomaih a pellet ■■onUinuiK the seeds of the Nelumhium undi4fe^ted ; 'r the heedH mi^ht U- dropped hy tlie hinl whilst leedinu' il.s younjr, in the same way a^ hsL are known somelimeh to l»e drop|,ed. In eonsiderin^ thf>e several me.'ins of distri.,^tion, It should !»#» rememhered that when a pond or streani IS first formed, tor instance, ou a rising i^let, it will he iMUKVupie.1; and a sin^rle Mjad or e«:jr will have a ^'ood ehaiice .,1 sueceeilin^r. AithouKh there will alwavs he a stniiryle (or life Imtween the individuals of tlie specie-, however few, already oceupviu^ any pond, vet as the miinl>er of kinds is small, compareil'with those on the and, the oomi)etition will proh.ihlv 1^ less severe l>etweeii aquatic than hetween terrestrial sj>e.u- h; i;-— - chan^n- or become modiiied less .juickly than the h^'h ; and this will tive lonj^er time than thi' uverd^^e for the (;K(K;HAPmcAL DisnumrnoN 341> mitfTatJon of the nam^ aquatic «p«>ri«»n. W'v shotiltril)iitinn ot f re* h - water [ilantx ami of tin* lii»«'i iiiimals, whether retiinitiif tlie same identical (■ 'n r e<)uall\ ^♦•ll fitted for them. "a ihf Ifihahitnntfi of Orranie lulnn-ix. — We now •lime til the la^t of the three cla».«e?* ot facts, which I i.ive selected as presentinjf the tfreatest amoiuit «)f ■i.fticulty, on the view that all the inilividua - Inith of •'le vinio and of allied species have descended from u iiiL'le jkarent ; and therefore have all proceeded from a ■ iiiimon birthplace, notwithstandinif that in the course ' time they have come to inhabit distant {Ktint.s of the .'liilie. I have already stated that 1 cannot honextiy ulmit Forben's view on continental extensions, whicli, :; iejjitimately followed out, would lead to the ixlief •I It witliin the recent periml all existing islands liave 't eii nearly or quite joined to some continent. This >'w would remove many difficultien, but it would not, tliink, exphain all the factn in retrard to insular pro- tiutioris. In the followine remark.s I shall not contine ii\Mlf to the mere question of disper-al ; but shall . nii.siiier some other factii, which l>e^ar on the truth of 'K.' twd theories of independent creation and of descent * "ti iiiodiJication. Hie ■.jiecies of all kinds which inhabit oceanic islandit ■••c" .1 *•*• 111 4a««iii[K r ; urii litirtii '"^iiii i-iio""** on • tiwrii I'^in- lifUMit.Tl areas: Alph. de ("andoUe admits this for planta, ■i!ii WoUaston for insectH. If we look to the larg^f- fW) ON illK OKKilN OK M'K( IF> 'i\ I i' sIm! and varied •*tatiniiH «tf New /ealaiid, <'xt«Mi(liii>f own 7ttO mill's til latitude, and fompart' itn fl«»weriii:-' plants, nnlv T-'" in nuinlicr. with thiixe on an etpial area a? tiip (ape of (Jood Hope or in Australia, we rrnist, 1 think, admit that iMtmethintr <|iiite inde{M'nde uniform county of • .iiiiliridtre ha^ H47 plaiitfl, and the little island ot \ii4rle«ea 7'>4, hut a few ferns and a few introduced i>lant.s are included in these numhers, and the cuiii- pariHun in Home other respect* is not quite fair. We iiave evidence tliat the harreti inland of Asi-ension ai»- "irig-inally nossessed under half a dozen Howerinir plant*; \et many have become naturalixed on it, as they have in .Now Ze.-iland and on every other oceanic island vhi'h can he named. In St. Helena there in rea.son to l>elieve that the naturalised plants and animals have nearly or quite extermii:r.*.;'d many native productions lie who admits the doctrine of the creation of each -eparale species, will have to admit, that a suffit'ient iiumher of the best adapted plants and animals have not Iwen created on oceanic islands ; for man has un- iiiteiiti(»nally stocked them from various gof.rces I'ai more fully and |>erfcctly tlian has uature. Althoutrh in uceaDic islands the number of kindd ■ >f inhaliiLants is scanty, the proportion of endemic species {i r. those found nowhere else in the world) is often extremely lar^e. If we compare, for instance, the nuHiher of the endemic land-shells in Madeira, or of the endemic birds in the Cialapagos Archipelago, with the number found on any continent, and then compare the area of the islands with that of the continent, ^e >.hall see that this is true. This fact mi^ht have \>eeu expected on my theory, for, as already explained, species occasionallyarnvin^ after lou^ intervals iti a new and isolated di.strict, and havin^f to comi>ete with new asso<';ate*, will he eminently liable to modification, and •-ill '-({e-ii j-ro-iiicc -jTO"}'- of modified dcsi'ondant?;. Hn% it by no means follows, that, because in an island nearly all the specieji of one class nre peculiar, those of another (iK«H;iiAI'HI< Al. DIS'lKiHl HON :i5i .ami, -ir of aimlliir sertion ot the winu* «;l;.>-. nrv jn'ciiliar ; and tliin diffrrfru •• M>ems to (ir|)«Ti(l itaitlv iti 'ho i«;><>t-ic.s which «t«» not h«M-om«' nioiiitiiMi having rnrniirratrd with f;icility and in a JkmIv, bo that tlicir rrlatioiis have not heeu much 'diMturU.! ; ;inil • artly un tlif frt'cjucnt arrival of iiriniodifuMl inunik'r.iiiN itm the niotlnT-coiintry, and tJie c«)nKe»|u»-iit iiitor- ( r»sin^ with thorn. >N'ith r«w|ie< t to the offrrt- ot thi^ iiittTfrossint;, it should Im> ri'Mu-niln'rol that the orf-prini: • •f surh croHses would almost cert-iinly gAxii in vi^'our ; »<• tliat even an oc«asional itoks would prcMluce more n'.rt tlian miirlit at lirst have l»een anticipated. I'o jfivc I t.'W examples : in the (ialap.iiroH Isl.nida nearly ev«T\ l.iiid-hird, hut only two out ot the eleven marine hirds. ir»> peculiar ; and it is ohvioiis that marine hirdg could irrivf at these i.^iandH more easily than land - l»ird«». Uermtida, on the other hand, which lies at alxiut the ■iiiie distance from North America an the (lalapairo-^ l-laiids do from South America, and which h:w a very peculiar soil, does not ponsens one endemic land->>ird iiid we know from Mr, J, M. Jon«»'K admirahle ac, ount -f Bermuda, that very many North American hird-. Iiiririj; their jjreat annual mijrrations, vinit either [••Tii.dic.illy or occasionally thin inland. .Maiieira d(K>«i "t possen." one peculiar bird, and many European aim African birds are alirost everv year blown there, as I im informed by Mr. K. V. ifarcourt So that these two islands of Bermuda and Madeira have been stm-ked I'V birds, which for loujf a^es have strujfjjled topetiier 111 their former homes, and have l)efome mutually idapied to each other ; and when settled in their new ""lie-, each kind will have l>eeu kept by the others to I'cir proper place.s and habits, ami wril'l consequently : tve been little liable to nuKJificatiou. Any teners©d, yet ■f^S^iSBs. LV>2 ON THK ORIGIN OF SPECIKS I m wp ran see that their p^jtm or larva*, [K'rhaps attached In M^awoed or lloaiiiijf timher, or to the feet of wadiiur hini*;, mitfht bo transjMirtcd far more easily th^in laud- -hoU-i. across throe or four hundred miles of (.jh"!! sea. 1 he dirierjiit orders of inseotw in Madeira apparently [irce iriveu with re-pect to the inliabitants of remote i»l.iniis. For in-tance, in i-ertinn islands not tenantee<"iim:nir slitrhth modilied, but still retainiiiir its hooked «ec'i>. vMiiild fiirm an endemic s[)ecie». having- a-« useless •iu appendaire as any rudimentary ort^in, tor instance, as tlie shrivelled wintrs utiiler the soldered elytra of many insular beetles. .Atrain, islaiuls often jxtssess treen or buielont''intr to orders whi«h elsewhere include onlv herbaceous s(»ecies ; now trees, as Alph. de I aiiilolle has sliown, trenerallv hav e, wiiatever tlie cause mav be, contined rauire-i- Hence trees would be iittle likelv to reaeh distant oceanic islands ; and an herb- .• eou- pi ml. liiotiiiij it woiiiO navt- in) criaiiCti of »iicces>tullv lompetiiiT in stature with a fully de- vt>jnTH'd tresv when esfaMisheu on an inland a.ud havinc GE(XiIU ^MICAL DISTRIBUTION •A.V\ to compete will. - \aceuus plunls aloiie^ nii^flit rf^dily train an advant Uy jrrowiug taller and taller and uvortopiiin^ the • tlu-r |)lants. If so, natural »elehes and ultimalfiy into treefi. ^^ itli n"^pect to the ah>ience of whole orders sured that a fro;; exists on the moun- tains of the i^reat inland of .New Zealand ; hut I suspect ttiat this exception (if the ini- • 'ation ho correct) may '•e explained throuirh ^'lacial agency. Ihis ^MMieral ih>eiice of frog^s, toads, and newts on so many oceanic -lafiils cannot lie ai-couiitcd for hy their physical con- iitioiis ; indeed it seems that islands arc peculiarly well titted for these animals ; for fro^s have heen introduced into .Madeira, the .Vzores, and Mauritius, and have Multiplied <() as to i>ecome a nuisance. But as these iiiimals and tlicir spawn are known to he immediately ' illed hy sea-waU-r, on my view we can see that there ■vould Ite threat difficulty in their tran.«jK)rt:il across 'he sea, and therefore why they do not on any oceanic island. But why, on the theory of creation, ihey slioiild not have l)een credited there, it would he very didicult to explain. .Mainmals o'!ei aimther and similar I havf '•arefnlly searched the oldest voyages, hut have not tinivhed my search ; a.s yet I have not found a single iiistitriie, free from doubt, of a terrestrial mammal (excluuing domesticated animals kept hy the natives) iiihahititiL' an island situated aUive ti miles fron> a continent or great continental islaud ; and many inlands situated at a much le«o distance are e»)ually barren, i he lalkland Ishand8, which are inliabited f>\ a wolf- like fo\, come nearest to an exception ; hut this trroup 364 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES cannot be considered as oceanic, ii« it lie« on a bank connected with the mainland ; moreover, icelterjfs ror- iiierly broujjht boulders to its we«tern shores, and they may have formerly transported foxes, as so frequently now happens in the arctic re>)^ions. Yet it cannot be H;iid that small islands will not support small mammals, for they occur in many parts of the world on very Hmall islands, if close to a continent ; and hardly an island can be named on which our smaller <)uadrupeds liave not become naturalised and greatly r lultipfied. It cannot be s;iid. on the ordinary view of cre-atiou, that there has not been time for the creation of mam- mals ; many volcanic islands are sufficiently ancient, as shown hy the stupendous deyrradation which tliey have siitfere^l and by their tertiary strata: there has al>;o been time for the producti<)n of endemic species heloiitrin^ to other classes ; and on continents it is thoujfht that mammals apjwar and disappear at a trial mainnui.s do not occur on oceanic islands, atrial iiammals do occur on almost every island. New Zealand possesses two bat« found nowhere else in tlie world : Norfolk island, the Viti Archipelago, the Honin i.-laiids, the Caroline and Marianne Archipehi^oes, and Mauritius, all po>sess their peculiar l»ats. \V'hy, it may be asked, has the supposed cre^itive force prf>- (liiced bats and no other mammals on remote islands? ( »a my view this question can easily lie answered ; for no terre-tnal mammal can he trans{M»rted across a wide -l>ace of sea, but kats can fly a<-ross. liats have been M'eti wanderintr hy day far over the Atlantic < )i ean ; aiui two .\orth American specie-* either rcirulariy or occasionally visit IJermuda, at the distance of «;(K> miles trom the mainland. 1 hear from Mr. iomes, wh»t has specially stmiied this family, that many of the same sjiecies have enormous ran^^es, and are found on conti- nents and on far distant island*. Hence we have onlv TTaJiurr:;;^ tie>d through natural selection iii their new hoinee in re- lation to their new position, and we cjui understand the GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBl TION 365 pr«^«'nce of endemic bat« on islands, witli the altsence of all terrestrial mammals. i{eside.s the ahsence of terr.'strial mammals in rela- Uou to the ri'motencH* of islands from contiiuTits ilwro 18 also a n-lation, to a certain ext.-nt of distanre, between the depth of the ^ea m-iKtratiinr an island from the nei^rhbourinjf mainland, and the {.reHence in lK)th of the same mammiferoiis species or of allied speci.-« in a more «.r less modified condition Mr. U md>or I':arl has made s«mie strikintr ol.servati<.iH ou thiH head in reirar.l to the crea' Malav ArchiH«ir.. vihich IS traversed near fciche^ by a space of d.^p • •< ean : and this «pa«e separate* two widelv distinct mammalian faunas. On either side the i.sland^ are sitiia'od on moderately deep submarine banks, an.l theyaro inhabited by closely allied or identical ,|ij;id- r.ijM.iv No doubt some few anomalies o«cur in tliis irrcat archipelairo, and there is much difficulty in form- intf a judu'ment in some owintf to th.- proUibl.. naturalisation of certain mammals throuirh man'- ;.;:ciiry; J.ut we shall soon have much liirht thrown "u tlie natural history of this anbipolaifo by tlic admirable zeal and researches of .Mr. Wallace. I ha\e liol a.s yet had time to follow up this subject in all ••;bcr .juarters of the world ; but as far a.s i have iroue tic relation generally g,uu\. We see Mnf.un sej.arat.d by a shallow .•harinel from Kurop-. and the Tii.immals are the same on both sides ; we meet with^ ♦•actf' on many islands .sep;,rated by similar ci.inneN from Australia. The \\ est Indian' M;..h|s stand ..n a submertred bank, nearly 1nud U>. the mainland than islands separated by deejn-r cf- .nuel^. we can under -tand the fre.pient relation 1 •.ween the depth of tJi« 366 ON THE OllKJIN OF SPEC IBS tea and tin ile^^n;- of affiuityot the mnmmalian inhaujt- iiit>. of isl.iii'ls w; h tlios« of a neiphl>ouriii)i? '-oiitinerit, - ,-iti iiio.\iili. ii:im of clas-*'-. the ahM'n.e of whole irroups. a« ot !(atr:u-lii.t)i-. and ot lerrt-Ntrial mammals notwithstand- ing: the |M.-.eii.-e .>f a.-rial hats, the sin^'ular projior- i.iMii^ of ■rrt.tin nrrins iiavMi? heeii deveiope contniuous land with the nearest continent; for ou this latter view tlic iiiiirration would prol'ahiy have he»'n more I (.iiipiete ; and if inoditication he adinilteii, all the tnrins »f life Aiiuld have U>en more ei|t;ally ino.litied, in ic<-ord:i!ice with tiie j>aramount imporUnc- of the rela- tion of orL'aiii-tn to orii-anisin. I do not 'leiiv that there are niaii}' and jrr^^'e diffi- culties in understindina: how several of the inhabit-int.> of the more rein.ite i>land-. wliether still retaining the same specific form or moditied .since their arrival, ''•"Id ;ia\ e reached their present homes. Uut the prol»abiiity of iiianv i>land- havinir existed am haUiiitj-places, of which not a wreck now remains, mu-L not l>e over- looked 1 will here trive a single instance of one of the ca-es of ditK. ulty. .\lmo>t ali oceanic islands, even the most i.solated a'.d smalleht, are inhabited by hinii >hells, trenorally i-y endenuc species, hut some- 'ime-< iiy sp,M•ie^ found ei>ewiiere. Dr. Auir. A. tiould has ifiveti several intere^liiijr cases in re-ard to the land-shells of the i-latids of the I'acilic. Now it is noL.'-iotis that land->liells are verv easil> killed by salt , I'leir ezir>. at iea."c iric';, siiiii :;; vsater and are killed hy it. Vet there must he. on Miv view, some unknown, i>ut hi;;lily efficient uieani (;Kf>r,RAPHirAL nisTRiBrrioN .%- f for their traii«,>ortHi U'ouhl the just-liatched y«itiiit£ urrnsiniially •nvw! uti hud adhere to the tVet of hird- roostiutf on tlie ^rnmri!, and thus get transported? It .)r('iirrt'«l to nie that land-shells, when hihjTiiatiiiu' and *iaving a nifmhranout diajdirayrn o\er tl** mouth o' ihe shell, niinht he tlnnted in rhuikc of drifted tiiuher \cr(tsx nuM^er.i 'ly wide arms of the sea. And 1 toiiini that (several s{>*M-ifH di ' in 'is state withstand un- inj ired an immersion ii. sea-nater durinj: lieven days : 01. »• id these shells was the Helix pomatia. and after it. had a^Tiin hibernated I put it in sea-water for twenty days, and it [ ^■rfei tly reeovered. As thi-. -pofies ha.n a thick caloar uus open !> him. I removed it, and when It had formed a new mi nhr;, lous one, I immersed it ^or toii -en days in sea-water, and it recovered and • rawle': .^ay : hue more experiments -ire wanted on tills ht.»d. The mo.-t stnkintr and import.i'it fart for iis in re-.ird to tlie inhabitants of islands, i.s their affinitv to those o! liie ...'are-t iiuinlaml, without heinir aetualh the same -p»'ties. Numerous instance.- could he (ri\en of this fact. I will tnve "hly one, that of the 'ialapajjo- Archipelago, situated under the e'" ..nd r,iM) miles frnip ^he shores of South America. M'T.- aimoitr. < Jould a distiint species, supposed to have heen created here ; vet the clofie rtdinity of most of tiiese b'rds to Aoierican species in f'verv character, in their hai)it.s, restures. and toties of ■ c( , '.vari manifesit. So it is »:th the ottor animals, and with nearly all the plants, as shown hv l>r Hon' r 'H h\-> adii'.iralde memoir on the Flora c? this ar-di;- P'dajo. 'I'he naturalist, lookint' at the inhnbitanLs of these volcanic islands in the Pacific, disUmt se. eral tuiuilrfsl miles from the tontinent, vet leeK that he s sUndiniT on Amencai: land. Why should this b*- s-.f* wbv should tlie species which are supposed U> ;..iTt (m'^i) freateH« creatoil in Am.'rirfl - Jliere is nothing in the con- ditioriH of life, in the ireoloKiral nature of the, in thiMr heitrht or climate, or in the proportions in which the several clast^eH are awociated toirether, whirh rPM'nii.l.'H closely the roiulitions of the South Am.rican coast : in fact there is a consiilcrahle dissimilarity in ■ill th.->-e rcspecu. ( >n the other hand, there is a con- sidcrahle decree of ^esemh^.!H•e in the volcanic nature of the soil, in climate, height, and si?^ of the islands, l)etw(>entlie(;al,Ti.,'i:rosaii(| ( apede \erde ArchijK'ht^ros : hut what an entire and a'«soiuto difference in their inlial-itvirits : 11,.' inhahitants of the ( ajw df Verio lsl,li|(J^ are rolate.l ^o those of Africa, like tho^e of t'le (iai.ipacos to Amerira. I helieve this errand fact can receive no sort of exjilaiiation on th.> ordinary view nf in(i."p..rident creation ; whereas- on the view here main Uiiicd, it is obvious that the (laiapa^os Mands won!.' he likely to receive colonists, wliether hy occahional means ol transport or hy formerly continuous land from America; and the Cape de Verde Islands from Atrica; and that Puch colonists would he lia'de to modification ;-the principle of inheritance still lietray- inj; their firiffinal hirthplace. Many analo;rou8 facts could l»e eiven : indeed it is an almost universal rule that the endemic productions of islands are related to those of the nearest continent, or of other near islands. 'ITie exceptions are few, and nio>t of them can be explained. 'Hius the plants of Kcrffuelcii Und, thoii;:h standing: nearer to Afriia than to America, are related, and that very closelv, as we know from Dr. Hooker's account, to those of America • hul on the view that this island has heen mainly stocked hy seeds broug-ht with earth and stones on "iceher-s, driited !.y the prevailiner currents, this anomaly dV Tpix'ars. New /eiland in its endemic plants is much more closely related to Australia, the nearest mainland, than to any other reirion : and t!ii» i- wliat mi-'ht b-.v^ (►een>ected ; hut it i« also plainly related to South Am.-nca, winch, althoueh tiie next nearest continent, -fii,. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION 3A9 \n no enormously remote, tliat the fact beromt^ an .inomaly. Hut thif difficulty almcmt disappears on the view that l>oth New Zealand, South America, and other southern lands were Ions: a^o partially (itockey I>r. Hooker is, between the flora of the >*out!i-western corner of Australia and of the (ape of (Ji>o(l Hofic, is a far more remarkaliie ca»e, and is at j)re'i of the island* mav be Used an an arjfument au'ainst my views ; for it may be asked, how has it happened in the several island- situated within sij^lit of e-'u']» otliT, havin;; the same y.TiIofiiciii nature, tlie sume height, diitiat*-. etc., that many of the immigrants should liave been ditferentK inoly- seated error of con-ider- inp tlie physical condition."* of a lounlrv a.s the m t 360 ON THE ORKJIN OF SPEC IKS f II important for iN; w}„.ro,-,s if ,a„„ot, I think .e d.sputnl that the nature of the other inh^h.^nt*! « h which e,u-h h,.H to compet.., i. at ioant a., imnort- M„ce.s. No.v ,f ^.e look to those ,nha!.itant.s of the of tZ'T •,V'';,"''V'^'-" "•'''■'' •''^•' f'"""J i" other inrt. em. i ^'''y;'^' •>" '>»e .ide for the moment th. endemic .pecTs, wh.rh cannot he here t.iirlv included, Hs veare con.Hleru.;. how they have come to he modi- lu'.i . n.e the.r arrival), we find a n.nsi.ierahle amount mi.;! in";"". '." *'", '"'"'"' '■'^'•'*'"'^- ''■'"« -litference "Ufh indee,! have been expected on the vie^ of the Inland, having, heeri stocked by .u-ca>ional means of ^r.ins,,ort-a seed, for instance, of one plant iiavi,,^ -nhro.n:ht to one island, and that of another plant '" another .>land. Hen.e when n, former times an nnm:,,-a,it settled „n any one or more of the <.r when 1 Mihse.,uentlv spread from one i.sland to another, wo„ld ,„„,nuhtedly be exposed to ditferent condi- to compete with different sets of or^ariisms : a plant or m. a„ce. uouM rind the hest-fitfed ..round Inore rfc. ly occupied hv distinct plant, in one islaiM than nano her and it would he exposed t<. the attacks ot somewhat different enemies. If then it varied, natura ^elec ion x.ouM prohahly favour dirierent va. .,tie« i, he dirierent inlands. Some species, however, n?!^h ^ .rca.l and yet retain the same character throughout 'he .^roup, just as we see on continents somo specie^ ^pwidin- widely i^tul remaininjr the same. he really surprising ta,t in this case of the (Jala- I'.i^'os Archipela-o, and in a le:,ser decree in «ome instances, is that the new snecies formed m •. n.i separate islands have not (piickfy to the -.Hier islands. I{.t the, thotieh' in si.^ht of each other, are sepamted hv .leep arms of the sea in n.o<-•.- -» •..- f— -. F.ono.1 l.een continuously united." Hie curren'ts'o/the 8ea are rapid and sweep acres.- the archipeL-o, and iiVAHiRAVUlCAL DlSTIUMniON :u]\ falpfj ..r wiii.l are i-xtriorflinarily' ; no th;it the iBl.nml- are far more etfectually separatod fnmi earh otli.T tharj lliey appwir tn \>v on' a map. N' air.xHl many «pories, ()olli tlxwe found :u nthvr parti* i»t the world and those confinod to the archi[.«'{aifo, in- common to the >*pveral i«laiidi-, nnd we may inter irom (.Tt.iin fact.- flii-.-e have pro^Kihly spnvi'd from "Mvip ..lie i..l:ind to tlin othor^. Mut we'oftcn take, I Miink, an err.m.'otis view of the probahility of .Josel'y- •lili. li spf-ci*-!* invadinir each other's territory, wlifn put into frer intercommunication. f'ndouhtedlv if one -prcie.i iias any advantatfj, whatever over another, it will in a \.vy brief time wholly or in part'it : lut if hoili are e<|uallv well fi'tt.'d for their own pl.ue- .n nature, hofl, prohahly will hold their own places and kr»'|. ^tparate for almost any lentrtH of time. Meinc im;Ilar with the fact that many sneoies, naturalised 'tin.i'urh man's .Mrenry, have spread with astonishing r. j.ty over new countries, we are apt to infer that !i: .-t aperies would thus spread; hut we should r»- rn» mta'r that the forms which become naturalised in new countries are not eenerally closely inhahitants, hut are very distinct species, '•■loi'L'-in^ in a lartje propt.rtion of, as shown hy Mph do (andolle, to distinct ifenera. In the Cab • vi.'os .Ar.hipelatfo, many even of the birds, thoutrh m. '.11 ad.apted for flying from island to island arr iistmct ou each ; thus there are three closelv-all e.l -pehin^ itself there .- We may safely infer that ( har.e.s Island i.s well stocked with its own specie.-?, for ■iriniiallv more e:rirs are laid there than can fxKssibly J^ ^' Mred ; and we may infer that the mockitijf- thrush ('«'-'iliar to Charles Island i.s at a.s well fitted for ' hou.r, i, i^ the sp.-cies peculiar to ( haUiam Island. ■r ( . Kyell and .Mr. Woila.ston have communicated 'o ifif « ren.arkaMe fact '.earinsr on this aubjcct : M2 ON THE ORIGIN OF BF'FXIKS ► namely, that Madeira and the adjoinini^ islet of Port/t Santo poHHeBfl many diMtinct but ropr>»«entative latid- nhrils. Ronie of which live in crevicPH of «tniie ; and ;ilth, wliich iiihaliit tlie neveral i-ilainis of the (i Lipruro-^ Archipelatfo, not liavinjf iinivcrwiliy Hjiroad from i.-lan i»iland. In many other iii'-tancen, an* in tlie sevrral districtH of the name continent, pre-occiipatixn hi-i probably played an important i»art in chockinjf the comniinglinjf of sp»'iies under the same conditions of life. Hiiis, the Kouth-east and Houth-west corner* of An>;tr;ilia have nearly the same phywical conditions, and are united by continuous land, y»^t they rire in- habited by a vast numlier of distinct mammals, birds, and plaiit>. I'.ie principle nhich determines the jreneral rb ir- acter of the fauna and flora of oceanic islands, namely, that the inhabitants, when not identically the same, yet are plainly related to the inhabitantB of that rt-irion whence colonist* could nio«t readily have been «leriveie of the Kurroundiuff lowlands ;— thus we have in South America, Alpine liumminaf-birds, .\l[iine rodents, Alj)ine plants, etc., all of strictly American forms, and it 1;^ >>bvio"= *}i"* s rr*o!!?;t;;i!!, a- it be^'-r"*^ t;|ow!r uphe.ived, would naturally be colonised from the •uiroundin:{ lowlands. So it is with the inhabitant.- of Mm^mm^wmm ^m^mdmim'^ oeo(;rai»hical distrihc tion 363 lake* and marthoa, excepting in ao hr tu* ertmt facility of traiis{K)rt haa trivftn the name jceneral fornn to th* v»hole world. We B«»e this aamo priucij.!*' in the Mind ;iriimaN inhahjtinff thp raves of America and of KurojH?. Other analosrouH fact* could be jf'ven. And it will, I Iteiieve, \>e universally found to !.<• true, that wherever in two reifions, let them l)e ever «o distant, many rloiely-aliied or representative iipeciea f»ccur. there w.fl likewise be found some identical siM'cien, Hhowiin;, in accordance with the forejfoin^ riew, tliat at some former j>eriotful fort i* Hlinwinp us the steps in the process of modification. B pi tin Ihi-< relation bietween the power and extent of migration of a species, either at the present time or at some former {)eriod under different physical conditions, and iho exi.stence at remote point* of the worici of "tlier species allied to it, is showii in another and more reneraJ way Mr. (lould remarked to me long .itf... *hat iu those irenera of birds which r^uga over the world, many of the species have very wide ranges. I can hardly doubt that this rule is jrenerally true, thoMtrh it would be difficult to prove it Amon^nit mr»mmal«, we see it strikinjrly displayed in Bats, and it! a les.ser depree in the Felid* and (anid*. We .see it, if we compare the distribution of butterflies and fK-etles. So it is with most fresh-water productions, in which NO many genera ranj^e over the world, and many Individ uiil specie* have enormous ran^s. It is not mea;it that in world -ran^injf jfeuera all tlie species have a wide ranjre, or even that they have on an a\-4-r,i,jf a wide raiiije ; but only that some of the spe< iw raiitfe very widely ; for the facility with which widel- ranirin;,' species vary and pive ri.-^e to new forms ni!l iart;eiv delejuiine iheir average rantre. For iustan e, two varieties of the same upecies inhabit America ar-i Kuroijc, and tiie species thus has an immen'* ran^e ; ^mm^^l^!^!Wi r^ ^^'■fi^mM iiU:'^! sjarrr^.r MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANol and ISO TEST CHART No 2 1.0 I.I 1.25 1^ ||2.8 2.5 11 2.2 i_ I- 1 2.0 ^ 1.8 1.4 1.6 ^ APPLIED iryHGE Inc 1A609 -.-^ ,^., Phon« ■ 6) 288 - 5989 - Fq. ^,;^^^*k Ifti ll! ;3«;4 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPEfIF> but, if the variation had been a little Kreator, the two varieties would have \teen ranked »s distinrt sppcjes, aiid the .' mrnoii ranee would have l)e»Mi u'rcatlv reduced, .-^till les-* i> it meant, that a sr>e«'ips'"-.vhioli fipparently h,i« the .apncity of crossin? harrier* ind rantrinif widely, a« in tlie case of certain powertnlly- wiii^M'd birds, will necessarily range widely ; f.,r we should never fort'et that to rariire widely implies not only thf puvM'r of crossing harriers, hut the m^re im- portint power of hein^ victorious in -iistant lands in the strutrjfle for life with foreiifn .•\>sociates. Hut on tl.M view of all the species of a ^enus havinsf de- scended from a sinijle parent, thou^jh now distributed fo the most remote points of the world, we ou!?ht to nnd, 9nd I believe as a general rule we do find, that some at least of the species range very widely ; for it H necessary that the unmodified parent should ranj^e widely, underiToinpr modification durinj? its difTusioii, and should place itself under diverse conditions favour- able for the conversion of its offspring, firstly into new ^.iriefie8 and ultimately into new species In considerinji: the wide distribution ot certain c«Mipra, we should hear in mind that some are ex- tremely ancient, and must have branched off from a ' ommon parent at a remote epoch ; so that hi such ase? there will have been ample time for great cli- mata! and geographical clianges and for accidents of tranfii-ort ; and consequentlv for the migration of some ot the species into all ([uarters of the world, where they may have Income slightly modified in relation to th»^ir new conditions. There is, also, some reason to behove from geological evidence that organisms low in the scale within each trreat class, generally chatiire at a s ower rate than the higher forms ; and consequently t!ie lower forms will have had a better chance of ran^-inif ■*uloly and of still retaining the same specific character I his lact, together with the seeds and eggs of many low »raioj>ortati.)ri, prof ably accounts for a law which has h'ng been ohciesofwidely-ranifinK jrenen themselves raiiKnuK widely, — such facta, as alniii.. lanistnue, and marsh productions beinjf r.'lated (with t)»e exceptions Wfore specified) to those ou the sur- rotindiiiir low lands aud dry lauds, thouph tlie«e st^itiofis are so dirfcrent,- the very close relation of the distinct bi^'cies which uihabit the islets of the same arch ipelairo and especially the striking? relation of the inhabitiints ot each whole archiiielairo or islaiid to those of the iiMrest mainland, - are, 1 think, utterly inexplicable on t!i« ordinary view of the independent creation of each gpeciea, but are explicable on the view of colon- isation from the nearest or readiest source, together «i;h the subsequent modification and better adapUUuii o« tiio colonists to their new homes. Sutnmnry of Uist and prtsrnt Vherlv experimentised on ; It we l^ear in mind how oflen a species may have ranged continuously over a wide area, and then have Inn-ome extinct m the intermediate tracU, 1 think *fe difH culties in lielieviuff tliat all the individuals of the name species, whenner IcK-ated, liave descended from tlie name parents, are not insuperable. And we are led to t.-iis concliiiiou, wh'cii ha.s been arrived at bv many naturalists under the denipiation of single i-eiitre* of creation, by uome ffeueral coiwideraLious, more eupeciall v . --r-4i^?,ui!. 380 ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES from the importance of barrierH and from the aualo«nc«l .iMtnbution of 8ub-^,.nera, genera, and fam ,!...«. V\ ith resoect to the distinct species of the name -enuH which on my theory must have spread from one pirent-Kource; if we make the same allonauces as l^fore c.r our lirnorance and remember that some forms of i»e . nan^e most slowly, enormous periods of time iH-ioir hu^rHnted for the.r migration, f do not think that the difficulties are insuperable ; though they often are in this case, and in that of the individuals of the same species, extreme) V jfreat. As eicemplifyin'^ the etfects of climatal rh-w.^e^ ou distribution, i have attempted to show how important hiis been the influence of the modern (ilacial period, ^ iirh I am fully convinced simultaneously atlV.ted the whole world, or at least ^reat meridional beit^ As showing^ how diversified are the means of occasional transport I have discusse«l at some little length the means of,er8al of fresh-water productions. if the dijhculties be not insuperable in admitting that in the lonjf course of time the individuals of tliV. s.'ime sj^eciea, and likewise of allied spt^cies, have pn^; .eeded from some one source; then 1 think all the errand eading fa.:ts of ^ei,»traphical distribution are explicable ou the theory of mi^rraUon Ofenerally of the m<.re dominant forms of life), together with subseuueut modihcation and the multiplication of new forms WV can thus understand the hitfh importance of barrier^ whether of land or water, which separate our several" zoo ojfical and botanical provinces. \V« can thus understand the Imalisation of sub-fTonera, genera, and families ; and how it is that under different latitudes for insuiue in South America, U;e inh-Mtants of the plains and mountains, of the forests, marshes, and d.»serts are in so mysterious amanner linked together bv.uffi'nitv' and are likewise linked tx> the extinct Umiu^s which ormerly inhabited the same . ontinent. Hearing' in .lind that the mutual relation of onrunism to or-anism is of 1!=--- :::i;:ic-..L i;i:p<;rUriCC, we lain see why two areas havinir nearly the same physical conditions should oflen he (iEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBLTION 367 nut o horn to enter, either in neater <,r le^.V^rC .•„fir ornot, a.s those whi.h enteral hi. . . ' -; ■■ -ly related ,„ eaC, other, .ndllw « W V "tei .'ii;. :,;;:"::',,::.,;'";: 'f '■■•, — * <■-".":!; rived. «->?..r..!!'.^.. ""f ^ "■"' I'"'''"''''' *•■ tJ.e p,e«oc, „f Idemicl .pece,, J''^^:! u, 368 ON THE ORIGIN OF ^PECIKS m do^tful .pedes. a,H of distinct l.ut repraser.Ut. A. tl... l;.t.. i:,lvvard Forh.s ..ft.M. in.i.tocj, there i, r. L ' ■ '' ■'"■' '^'•'V'-'""-' '»'« "un-cssion of lorn pa.t nu.s |.e,n.. n.arly the .s.unc uith tho.e «.u " m^ at the pre>ent tune the differences in \uZll ana.. W o ^ee this ui inanv fact^. rj,,, endu, .n.-e -h npenes and ^n.up ol^.eeies is eontinuou^ ; ^i tor the ex.e,. .ous to tiie rule are ho few, that tl ev Z fairly }>e att.;h.,ted to our not h.-.vinir « s v "t H ^ m an in,e..u..l.ate deposit the f^!!: :^.^ ^^^^ absent, but o.-eur ahove and helow : m, „ .a'" ♦^.roups 01 spe<,e.. belonjfintr either to a cer -^ ' i •>f time, or to a certain area .re oC oh .r-L; -'"T'l"' iii.l lliat Miuri. (,r«aiiism» differ lllll,. »l,il ' , tr-atl . I,. I„,i|, t„„p ,„j space the l.,wcr mem Wr7^( a.), ,1.1,,. ,.,.„,ra|lv ,-l.a„;;e L» than tli,- iS „ t ,?, -tw„r.i;or";Lr!:s^:^'r'''H"''"I''"^ quart..r«. ,„ l,.„"l'-'i/j'.';:,, ;"_'"-' "".-"""l "'to di,la„t ^i^'.V>« X'sfe'i^>%7 = if V ;>&;=: S3i£4rjS?' .it;?)^,^^!^ ;^->^i:v<* ;:|.^;v^ or r.K( HiHAPUH AL Dis nun[ rio\ atiori ; «ri(i tlie more iiparlv anv »«.. f - f-!"'"l, the nearer tl,; 'in'^, ^^ ,^'"'7 «7 -''''^^'^ "tfH>r iri time and .j«ce in hoth . i« f T"^ ^c '"'''^ 2b ^S'S^'^F'^T^-JES^/i ' MAI'TKFl Mil I -'• rr.w Afn.viTiKs ,n- ohnam. hf.isoh: moih-holoo KMIlUVofooY : Kl LIMKNTAltV OI».;avs .).-.■• nt with n,..,|inr«tlr,n-ClaMm,M|.,', o/ varlM^. o7, -A-;,, ti. «. een.-n,l. ,o„,pi„ „„, rH.n.ifinK- Kxti „ i .n il^;!^ an.l .!. •l„..-i:r..,:,« M,,r,.h,.i..,.v. i^.,«..en mi..n^^ri f O.o ,a in'.M th.. fir.t .l.iWM of life, all orjranic hoinen nro roun •n r.'MvnM,. oa.h other in ^, ^^il^0r^Mm^'rmMmf?. (I^ASMHCAMON n7i .r. MOW I„5P, i„, which JerAXLl .''"''''•' •''"•'^ "f natur*.. there is s cln.t^ra terTI *: <'<'o, i.oki„eatt^eI.r..t 1 ^r^^r^^^^^^^ ""Pr-^-' by •n a,u .mall are;, cor, ^ 1 /h f"'"'"'' '*' 'i^'* -'"^h. ' also to -lu^/thTt t- ' ' •I'"] ,l;veririnir in .harnrfer f '"Toasu,^ ,„ ,„„„f.^r '<>" I-. duer^ent ti-. I . "''^^'•■'"!"'''^ '"xternnnate -"- ' -'i-i the'VJ;;;;';:!-;;;; • -| f'T""'"'^ ''"'-tratinjftheartion as formp^lJ . ^^\^ '*'-^'r;w..i u,i u. natural l.i.tor; ni ti... .„|,or.lin. -e,..rat,n.Ml.o.o«hi..h an- mo.t unlike ; o a .':«" tl.n-|. cornm.m to the do^r-^enu.. and Ui^/ I v aH " -.d. sente„o.. a full des.r.,.tio„ is ^rve^ o " o^r k luoputal.le liut many naturalists think tliit «n^ nn.^ more ,s ^e..nt by the Natural s's^^ • "^ '" "^t'/luf It reveals the plan of the ('Vea^r • «"1"- .t ... <,K..nfied H-hether order , .^inTor ' J or Hhat else is meant hv th- plan of t .« ? I^ reern. to n,e that nothir,, rLj ^de l"'to"o knowledge. .Surh exnre.-riere:rr,rris the externa; "f .» ^hale to a tish hi lit tu of .inn ariv im f-*^. tfioijt.'h Ko intimate! porta ii-'Tjif to a vOiale lue. 'II iff*' rt'sefii '•' <>t the heiriL'. arf ranked kiI"_'1imJ fJiaraftiT-*" ; hut to t\ y connert,.,! *ith the m hoi. Alfc'lH. '] ^ merely ' adapt i^w ilf'rat or • " • ■■"!. lo iiiB rolls re..,Mhbnr« ue ^h;.ll have to reeur. ft may even U- if.v.M as a .^eneral rule, that the less a iv^rt oV uT on.M-„^-rtionuro,u-erned with special hahft, fh« in.porunt it Wome« for da^sitirE. A . !? "'"'* < »wfn in noeakino- of n,^ '^''"ration. As an lUMtanee: tn, innpeakin^of theduifon^', Mavn, ' Hie irennr-itiv.. *;? 5;rr'*'i"'^''^''«"""^'^trueatKniUeV UV 'l.ere^ th. orpu,. „f ,eprU. mu.t not, therefore, in cf.mifvi„„ i,u„ i,, ,„ „ =^e.v :a;^rr?r "th'^ts-rs^vj^rirrS-r •; ' outer vrorld. Perhan^ from Iv ;1 *^ relation to .1 I cruaps rrom tnia rauae it hxM oarti, arisen, that almo.t aU natunUiHt* lav the^r«,u^t'sTr ' -"■7 throughout Ur^e'^^Tou'^ Z ^J:"'^^ 'Z ^ijfaii uoen not UfUrniine i»v rja^f. It 374 "N niK (.Kj(;i\ OK >j.|.^ j^;^s "•a...,, to ' i;'"; ; '« -''"« '-^-'. - - i.-o.. valu.., ,t. rji ':. : "7'''>; "'♦• -""•• pl.VHolo,^ ''••''''r;U, .,,7 ';'r :••'''** '■" ^"'-'y •i.ffem.L -tru.k .:, ■ h , fa.t 1 ^;r^-»^,^-M' "Ul.out U. '•"l-'-i .n t. nt • "VS''" '"*'" ''^">»'k.i. -''i -'f.... U. ^. t'Xe H ;"'V *"^7> -"*''"^- •♦.■iVH. t»ie tr.-iji.ra ,,r tl.» V 'i'lutlier work •'• cw;"t";''r.''';''l''^ -ti..tion. A, "'H' JTobaMv Hill Ha tV«t n ' '•'^^""■*^'"" ; yet II i'"l'^l /ii-^i vT^:-y:^^' rLASSIHCATlON ;»7A .iern,.d trum iwrts whirl, nuint 1« cunHi.IortHi ..fx.-r.. tndui^ l.l.VMHln^ nn,n,rr..iut., but «in.l, urn utnv.T- •allv ^i.lii.ift.vl a. In^hly »*Tvu,.a!.i« in the .leMutiu:; '■J«h..l,. t::,.ii|... iM.ri/i.Ui.c,., MhrthtTor notlluT. - -.1 .-I"-" |'.i>-M^o trw.n the iio.tnls to tl,o r.M.iith. i,.,- il.Hra.t.T,i.,vi,rdin^to(*w,.ii,HhichaU4,liit,.lv.i„ tMipi.>l.eH ..,!,..> r.',.l.j,..-tl.e iuJicrt.on o! tiioa.. ■!. "J the i.iH, Ml Marsu|.,.»l.s- the ti.ann.r in wiu.h t"h,. *in»rH of ,M.tH-t^ are h.lded- mere roh.ur .u . erUu. \l^>r ,,,,.,-e |.ul.esc,.i.,e on partiH ot the fh.^^t-r ,u »rraH..., .ho of the der.ual .ouTiuc. .1. ha.r or .^Iher., nuhe ertohruu. If the ( )rnahorhv ruhu^ had l*Hn .u.c-rc-d HUh feathers iuMead of hair, tin., euernal aiid trifling rharartvr Houhl, I think, have i..-, n c un ml ,\" :'^^"^^''^*^ ^ i.i.|.ortHnt an a.d ii. deter- m nu,^ he de.^ree o, affinity of th.. .tran^^e crcuur. to ,n r "f "T '''' *" *"«M'^^'^^t' i" '.tructure in a:u uu. iiiternal and inipurUnt orj^an. r).« ini,.orUn.-e, tor cU.,ticatio«, of trifiuiir < hara. - •eu'ral other .hararten. of n.ore or le«.s ,nw.ortan... he Nalue Uid^'ed otan a^^e^mto of .hara. ter» ... verv r . .rkod, a .pe,:,eH may dei«.rt from iU allien ui Keveral -ru terw, both of hi^h nLy.iol.,^ic*l a,.l " aJ ,.o.t nniver^ urovalenee, aiid vet have u. in no iouhtwhire itHhoufd Ih5 rauked. Uenve ah,o ha '-;; .uund tlut a oL^ifi.atiou founded ou an ' .'t ijracter. boHever .mp..rUut tlmt may »hj, ba- alwav. ■onl; !"'lT •''*'' ""^ '^*' or^uuuiaon i. universal), ' . ^tanl. He .mpoi ^nceof au a^»?re^^t«of . hara. t*,r«'. e . i when none are unport^t, aTooe expU.r.., 1 ib.nk t^ KU sayui^ of knua-us. that the charactl-n. do not t,ue ti>e *renu., but the ^enu- ^vo. the eharac-U-r. ; for thi- •^vn^f «eem. founded on an ap,,re«iaUon of manv inun^ po.nt. of resemblance, too .li*rht U> he dehned i-rfe..t a.,d de^ra;ie^fl;^;; ^ ■:i;^*ut;:;i' w: ha- reuurked, 'the t^re^ittr numhc-r of tL. II *1 •I . I ■' ^ * ^''\' *, •*^'*' '''-'I'P'.'r, and thus la,,-!, at oi ■^1— .elve. about the phvsXioa Val I o o .• .ara..ter. .hich they u^e in .jVriniri a -rui '.r n alloratn.u' a,>y partieular speeies. If tu^; "n ■^ -^Kiracter n..arly n,ufonn, an./eun.mon to a J^ .'in.'-roflorms and noteomuMm to others, thevust •t as one of h;.^h value; if c.uu.non to .o, lesse """.her, they use it as of suhordinato value nZ ) t e the true one : and l,v none more clearlv than hv th:a excelient hot^-ust, Au;,. St Ihlairr f e^^ -ararterH are alwa.^n found .-orrelated with oU^A t!'""ch no apparent bond of connertion ,a he S ...veu-d between then,, espe.ial value is .et u them As u most .^rouj.s of animals, in.portant o^.^u,s, such as 'j'--.' tor propelhn;: the blood, or for aeratin- it or t! ot "T i.ropa,^■itu.,^ the ra.e. are found nearly ni Vm C ■^re n.ns.dered a. h,,hlv serviceable J U^^^^. u>ome ..roups or a.umal. all the.e. the mo.tim-* MO'Unt v.ta, are four.d to olfer ehararu-. o/ ■Miite .suf.orduuife value. ^boulVb.'';:?' ^''-l :"''^"--'"'^«^« ^'^'•'^»'<1 from the en.hrvo • e L 2''"'"' 7'l";'-;«"';- -it»' those derived from - ..: "'^""'•.'•'•-;';<-tn.ns of eourse include all ,r ■; .'''*"'""■ '"' ;' '^ ''>' "" "'^'•''"^ "^'^''«"«. aj'es ore nnpnruuu for this purpose thaii that of ■^n aiooe piay-^ its full part in the eoonomv i»-t K i..i.. „....;, .^'.roriL'lv .ir-ed ,.v tho^ "f" n.iture. ( LA.SSJFK ATI(».\ ■It naturalists, Milne lO! wards and A tirvoiiif I i I > (icitiiin of trassiz, that .•fianitfeis ar^ th.' most ininort^tnt of anv in tl ;<77 ♦'tii- iUinialH ; and tliis dort trt'iL-rally befii admitted a^f t. ..„ .00.1 u'itli riowerintr plants, of vviiirh H rniR has vorv rue. Hie samo fact held- -Kiiis hav ,1 !«• two main dm (' l«en (ouiHled on characters derived from fh. rmKrvo._on tlm numher and position of the emi.rv- 'IIU' li'a\cs or cotyledotiH, and on tl i/i»Mit of tlio jilurinjle and radicle. I 16 mode of «leveloj. n our di>.u«Mon Mi.ryol.,:ry, „e shall see why such charact.-r it)le. on liift vievr of claf.siri> so n;^' ( ) ur «■l■l^-sification^ are often jdainlv inriuenced \ i.iwi- 1,1 affinities. Noti )\ ■U-w.w a of charactt ui itic ca>e of nriir ca;i t,e easier than t. r-i tommon to all hird^- i»ii' crustaceans, such detin:tion h;is hitherto .-en found imyK.sH.h le. There are crustaceans at the "I'I'-ite end. of the series, which have hardlv a • t^ar.icter in common : u-t the s|»ecies at hoth end. from beuiiT plainly alll.d to others, and the,e to •M -er.. and so onwards, can he re^-o^nised a.s uneouivo al y l.elo,i^..n^ m thi.-, an.l to no other cla.s« of the \rt:culata. '--graphical distrihution has oftei- heen used.thou.-n .'••r!,ap« not .,u.te lopc-lly, in classifioatior!, m.fre ^-.ecially in very large groups of closely allied forn,- "•'"'""i.^k insist., on the utility or even necesvtv of '■■■> i-ractice m certain groups of hirds; and it has heen ". '"v... t,y several entomologists and fn.tanists I inally, with resptxt to the comparative value ..f the w-riou, ,^roups of sj^cies, such as orders, sulM.rders, urn i,,.., .sul>-families, and genera, they seem to he, at ■e^-t at pre,Hen . aim- -t arh.trary. Several of the l,e.t ^-t•in.sts, such as Mr. Jientham and other, have ^troniriv ,ns.ste.i on their arbitrary value. in.-tances UHild 1,0 ^nven amoni.-t plants and in-ects, of a i:rou,. ■'!.,''"'.!: T.l ""•'^* ';>■ \"-^''^'-^'^ natumli-t.. as only i i'Milv and this has been structural UiffereiK-<.s W; ON THE ORIGIN OF hI'K{ IKS at first overlooked, but bix-au^naineruus allied ,,^1 ^'•h sh^rUVy d,rt-«rent ^^raden of d.fferen.e. l,a^iT>l Hul)s<>.(iH'iilly discovered. All Uie lorefroin^r rules and aids and diffi.ulties>:.hatiou are ex|,h.i,ied, if I do not cnatly derei ■nvM-lf. un the vu-. that the n.tura! s;>ten» iAound, ondeseentwith modiiicaUor, ; that ihe'charartern whi, i.aturalist.* consider afl shonin;: true artinitv l.etv»e< inhentod ,rom a conm.on ^nMit, and, m m. tar, all tr, ihT! ' r m" " r'T^T"^^ ' ^''''^^ community of descei O' the hidden Inind which .uturalK.t^ havV Wn u, consciously Keeking, and not some unknown r.!.n . creation, or the enunriatjon of treueral proj -{,;„*,, j^„ th. n.,.,, tt.n,^ to.^ether and .separatW oojectn mu, or le.s.s alike. Hut 1 must explain my meanin^^ more fuliv. be .e^ e tiiat the armnyevu-ut of the Krou,« within 'eac «i.i>s, m oue Kubordmatiou and relation to the othe 'ItuST'f.^..f'''^>' »^«"''^^^'K-1 i" order to I, natural , hut that the anwwit of ditfereuce in the ..-vera .Hinche. or ^^roups, though allied in the ^n,e decree ii 'l-'d to the.r common pro;,enit<,r, mav differ ^^reatly ^^h., 1 they have uuder^rone ; and this ii, exi>resse< •y the (orms bemK ra,ike.l under different ienera am.lies, seet.ons, or orders. 'Hie reader wfll 1 mder.stand what h meant, if he w.ll take the trouhlt o reternnu to the diagram in the preliminary. U w.ll 8up,.o.e the etters A to L to represent allied genera, which l.veddurintr the a nd th^ have descended from a species eJi.t vi a ta^.^ k n..wnan en..r penod. Sp,vie« of three ol dies.- ^^n^ a i; , ; VJ ''^ ^'■^'-•'"'ittt'd modified de«oendant.s tx, the present day, repre.sented by the liftoeu ^en.ra (a^ u, ^^.on he uppermost horizontal i;ne. Now all thel^ descendants from a siu^rle ,j^.„^ are re.. ^T -n,ed a.-_ related in bhKKl or de J!?!"-": ^r/M'::: ^.^ld in different de^e«, from eaih ilie fon.u* lesroiideu from A, now broken up into two or TrZ ramJ.e. conHtituU, a distinct order from thone ,1.! scoM. ed from 1, also l.rok.M. up into two famiJ.*^ W can lh« ox.«t.n^ «{H^, dosrende.l fro,., A, be rank.-l n th.. .ame, H,tb tl.e parent A ; or tho^ n m , wah the parent I. Hut tlie eiLsfn.^ ^ernis ►-* „" k' .up{M.>e.i U, have Wn hut sli^htlv nw,dif,ed ; an i it *.ll then rank w,th die parent -»renus F; just i^^ "n^rl"' t\"';V^" ^*'"*^« ''^'-"^ to\s]h:n.t ^enerft. N) that the amount or value of Uie ditfer- '•urcH l^tween organic bein^rn all relat^^d to e.uh other .1 lu. ja„.e decree in blood. ha« come to In, H'ie v hrftrent. Neverthele«. their Ronealotrical urraj^. mnu remaui. «tnrtly true, not only at the pre. 'nt ' r^^'f ?"'' successive f^eriod of descent. U the ,„,.d.hed "l? hT'^ "' .e. their place* in a naM,r cWMfK-ation will have been more or leCompl tj h o' " -a^ sometime- seem. u. have occurred wlh exist nj or^.-Hm« All the descendaaU of the ^eTn F ah ^ |ti. who e line of decent, are supposed t^ ha v'eh^n ut httle modified, and they yet VL. a IX "^. I ' IJut ti.u, c-enufi, thoujrh much isolated will still ... 1 .t. proper intermedin po«iUon ; for' Tori; L^^^^;^ Hitenneduite iri character between A and I ^ ,^ n ^'veral jrenera descended from the«e two ^n ra I 1 have inherited to a certain extent their ch" r^-u r. tnaiiiier. If a bj-auchin^r dia^rram had "«» t-i.- ■ ^ and ooiy the names of the jrroups had lienwHUeTHt, uave ,r,ven a natural arrangement ; and it u, notoriously wo ON 'nn: orkjin ok spe( jk.s II I ! -ot povsiMe to re,.re>CM.t in a seri,-., .,n a flit surfa.-e itio afhiiities which we diMuver in nature amongst th( '.euiL'.- of the Mame ^runj.. '11..!*, „n the view which Hold. iU' natural .system is ^.Mifaloj^i.-aJ ,n it. arran-e .nej.f like a i.e.i,;,rree ; but the d..:,^reeH of n.odit^ratu,, ^•liuJ, the dilff/ent sjroups have underirone, have to hi 'xpre^^Hd by rankintr them .mder dirferent rto-rallft -'en.'ra, sub- families, families, .ectinns, orders an.l '■|a>.-.fs. It may he worth whil,^ to iiJuHtrate thin wew oi lassifiration, hy takiiijc the rase of lan-uaijr^ If wf' imssessed a perfect pediirreeof mankind, a trene^loincai ..rranirement of the raot-s. of man wouhl afford the best .lasH.fication of the \anous lanj-ua-es now spoken throu^rhout theworM; and if all extinct lanjr.Kiiies and ..1. intrrrnHiiato and slowly chan;,Mni; dialecU^, had to t»e mc udi-d, riuch an arranyen.ent would, I think be thf ..nly possible one. Vet it nn-ht U^ that sou.e very ancu.i,t lan-uaue had altered little, .I'ld had gneu ri.,i • ' ^ ii^vT lanirua-es, wiiil,t others (owintr to the -pieadine «eneAlo;:ical ; and this would be strictly natural as .t would connect tofrether all Ian, ..a^res. 'extinct and .nodern, hy tl.e close..t affinities, and would ei;e the hluitutn and oritriu of e.i< h tongue. In .onfirma^ion of this view, let us -lance at ihe cUsMificution of varieties, whi. i; are !.»'lieve«l „r ni.own to have descended from one species 'Ilie^e i.-e irrouped under spvcies, with sub - varieties under • arieties; and with our domestic productions several other KT-yles of difference are re.|uisite, as we liave ■tH-n with piLH'ons. The or'"!!', -.-.f :]:t: «TUt.-.=..-~. -.i w'roiijw Pubo'rdinate to groups, is the same with >arie\i&s ^- -iiLh specioM, namely, closentMi of dt-Hcent with various '" " i II llililill I I II |ii|l|i|MIIMi I CL.\.s?SlFI( ATION 381 de*^.-.-i. of moiinratiori. Nearlv the H-im^ riile^ arn (oJowed in .-Lvsifvin;: variotjps, as with specie. Author- havf» msHlfd on the n.'ressitv of .la'^.sintr vanou.M oii - nalt.ral iiiHtoad of an artihria! «vKtoni ; wp are mu t:oi,P,l. lor n,.ti»ii.-o, not to .-la.,* two %ari..tieH of th«. pinf-nvple to-r>th.'r, mrrely \>ecHuse their fruit, though tl..' nv^t important jiart, happens to h.. nparly icientir.ii • MO ot... put., the Swedish and common turnips ti.irether' thfMi..., theeMuilcntand tiiirkened stems are bo sun. i;ir' \M.afvor part is found to he most roiKtant. is used m varieties: thus the ^rent aerirultur.f Marsfiall >ays the horns are verv useful for this puriMw with rattle l,er^urne authors. For we mi^ht feel sure, wlu-ther tliere had oeen more or less modifi.:ation, the principle at .uhent^nce would keep the forms to^eliier which »ert- luied in the tm-atest numher of points. In tumf.ler piK-fjnng, thoujTh somesuh-varietie* differ from the r.ti.ers .n the important character of having a lonjjer »>eak vet all are kept totrether from having the common hahit ■.ftumhlinir; h,.t the short-faced breed has nearlv or -juitehrst this; nevertheless, without any reasoning or thmkin^r on the suhject, these tumhlers Are kept in he s.->me jfroup, lM*oause allied in blood and alike in jome other resjK^ct*. If ,t could be proved that the Mot e.itut had descended frum the NWro, I think i.e -oiil.i W classed under the Nej^ro group, however much '" m.^ht ditfer m colour and other important chara. te- - "om n«*rroes. \J iti) «i»ecie3 in a s'ate of nature, every naturalist has H. fact brou^'ht descent into hi.s classification ; for he I'ldude. in his lowest ^ade, or that of a specie,., tlie •-'•- «~?es ; a:;d l;;r^ er,orijiousiy these sometimes differ ill tlie mo«t iniporuut characters, ia known to ever*' riSturxJirt ; scar.eiy a single fact can be predicated in 3n2 ON THE ORUilN OF SrFA:iKS comrno,, of the rnal.^ and ht.r.„aphrodu«.- of r^rt; r.mpHe«, when .vi.It, and vet',... one ,inZ7 u.eMJvrral larval .t-wres of the Kame in.i.vid-iaj hole, .u,.h ,hev .n.v d.tfer from each other ar.d frorn ad.ilt. an he nk.-.vne mrlndes the so-.-alled alt.rni ..-..era hoHH of >f.enstn.p. . h,ch ran onlv ,n a ' h "i -r,.e »H. ronsMLTed as the .an,e individnal unhide, monsters; he inrlude. varieties, not M.le .e.aa«e hey do.ely re.vMnhle the parer.t - f<,rm b H..aasethey •.redeseended from it/ H. who Miev t^.it the cowsl.n ,« descended from the primrose , ••-'vorsely, rantcs them to.^ether as a s;,Lwe spe^.'e ;'"i /rives a .uis\(. definition. As soona^ thn -h, oan f;.rn,WMon<,.-h.nthu«,"^:^ r^ . i .n ^ spenes under genera, and ^ener .H. er h„'her groups, though in these case, the modi hc.uion has been .^reater in decree, and has taken . <..) tm,e to con.plete? I believe it has thu!, .eer u u-onscously used : and only thus car. I unde.-sta.'d Uu. several rules and tjuides which have been followii bv our bes systematists. >Ve have no written pedt Kr.e. we have to make out community of descent bv resemblances of any kind. I-herefore we choose those ha a.ter. as far as we can .iud..e. are the l^ l.KHlv to have been n.o.iitied in relation to the c^ H.t.ons of l.te to which each .pe<-ie.s has been rll.rZ. '•^,i. Kuu.meaury structures on this view are a^ t...K. ,. or even sometime- ^»etter than, other oart. of ^f^^»l':fPr? f.?ir.£^B!»ii2BK- CMSvSIKK ATION .383 thf o-sfnni«e t!.(. ,nor.> iiiriortion of the ,-»n-l.« of ' ^<' Mw, thp manner in which an iri^prt'«« winjr i„ f„id.-«l ••'•h.«;h«T thp skin he roverwl hv hair or fj^athfr** if it t-'ovul thro.i;:hmit manyanil :t» HI classification. ^^'e can undersfind whv a sj.c. ies or a L-roup o» ^i'cr),., may depart, in several of itj^ mo^t important -liY '•;»>n,tics. from its allies, and vet he safely da.sed «"h twem. Hii, may he safely done, and is otlen dorio, as lon^ as a sufficient numher of characters let tl;<:ii i.e ever so unimportant, hetravs the hiddeji h'nuH Of CMmmunsty of MMff ■^r^a and w-dely-distrihuted ^renera, liecause all the •'.K ie« of the same ^ntn, inhahitinr any di.stinct and nii4 <'N JJIK OIUtilN OK Sl'i:(:if>;>yi rv^um, havo in all pruhabilitv dt.«,-e.i.Io.] f iJiH R.Tm<' ji.i rent's. ^W ran uiif)<'r,Uri.], <.n thcsp, tlie very P'.rtyit ci,>tin. lion iK^twr.-n real affinities and analo- o- ri.,a|,t,ve ro'-pnihlancrs. Umarck first call.-.l at'i f.oi, totl.Kd.stin.ti.m.and l,e has Uevn ably loll..^ U} Mar.iMv ane ^.)methin>r of the same kind even ...,r .lomestir, as in the thirkened ^tcrn. of l enmmnn and swr.lish turnip. n,.- r.-M-mhlance of 1 Knyn.MHHl and ra.ciiors,. is hardly mure fanciful tli the analogies whirl, have heen drawn hy some auth, hetweer. very .]i^tiMt animals. On mv" view of d., acl.M.- .em^r of real importanee for . lassification, oi in so Mr HH they reveal we . a-i rlearly und( fitan,] ,vhy analo-iral or ad.n-♦i^e rharactor, althou oi tie utmost iirij.orUnce to tlie >velfare of the Umii are aiiiiost val-ielesa to the ^\ .lernatist. For anima '"'i'm-inir to two most di> lines of decent m r.adiiy heeome adapted to similar eonditiou-. and th ass.nne a elose external n->emhl,in.e ; hut such t semlnances will not reveal will rather tend to conce their blood-r.'lationship to their proper lines of d.' ne .an alhes, bein^- a.lapLations i,, hot for 8wimnnn;r through the water ; hut the shar !!.l,l.!w;. ?^/ *"•',, '""';J'1^»^' l'"'>'^ w-rve as rharactei . v .!■!!. !!>.|r r:;e -^i; . . . _ !^.^. y^j..^_.^ .j^^^ hcv.Tal mcmbei ot Uie wtiale family ; f,,r Uiese cetaceans ajrree in i iJ>s^ ?-*i -- t-"!'-"! 4fe'^^.T'/^-^fc^I,7^ ( LASSIFK ATION tMV c-Lira.„-rN. ^n-.-.t arid Hrnall, that Ml iiy mj i'<-«' ia\»' oft^'u I I'Mrlv -iniihir finiiin>t 'fVl\ trie tliri'»' el»' "MTS.- to ililllhit f, h i|iM iiinl«'r>taii(I } I'-iitxot iaiKl, air, and i\«' iinihr T iri«itaii(p "w It is that a ri ha> •.orji.-iuin's l,i.,.„ obs,.rve-urniii»- ■lisrn "f this naturi' or vi,ikiii{r t)ie val any one cla>s hv arhitranl lie ot tl '»y a |..iralirli>rii y rai^iiiir .'ami our e\ lia» liitht-rto fteen art I'.iralleli^ni owr a w nie ranir,. Mi'i"-»ry, .luateniary, and h proi.iMv armen. iM' irrou{w in ,,ther <1 [.enenre ^hov*8 that thn val a.'.sc arbitrary,), could easily extend tl and thus the -«'}iteiia uaiiiMi le ■rnary cla.Hsificati(»ns } ry, ia\e t. As tl ■'"iiirin:; to the lart.M !•' moditled descen.lant>i of d oniinant species, advanra^re^, which n.;.r..„era, tend to inherit t h.-! '"iir iar^e and their jiarents d '♦* *,'rnii|,s to which th e\ aiiiMisf «ur;' to in the ecor and n pread v idely and Ut sei ominatit, they are /e on nuire and iiore dominant trrouj.s thus tend ""iiy of nature. The 1 irjfer int' lu si/e; an K«» •>ii increaj- •onse,_,uently supplant many Hi account for extinct, are 11 liiis we c or^misms, recent and <-l.t-ses, and all in (> *rreat order-, under ntill few II, h<.w few the hi.rl ♦• trreat natural nyste er m f ..« widely spread thev are tl tfJier groups are in numl.e As si ow '•K't i> >trik iiiif, that th'e d irout'hout the world tl and tiide or three oriiers of earn fr<.m Dr. Ho«.ker on jfpolojrical «ucces.sion J small si/e t-l<..w.on thepn;;::;,K::V::::^' « J attempted -; -..i nun.h [n character iluri;;; tL:' i:;;;;:.^:; ■::l!i ■— ot mod.t,cat.o„, how it i. tliat the nrore anaeu ^^Wl"^ 386 ON J HE ORKilN OF M'EdES fnnnH of life ofton |,n»stMit rl.ara.terH in somo si •ijvre*, mternuMliato Ih^Uvou ex.sti.iif ,fro.j,m A ol.l and ...lernuMluite pan-i.t-forr... hav,„^ o!-. asioii trainnnm..! to fl... pre^,.,., ,|av .lpsr,.,i.lanU hut 1 in.Kl.h...|, will K,vo t<) us ou'r Ho-ralle.1 os.ulan aberrant jfro.ips. -n,,. m«.r« alM-rraiit anv form is trn-atiT jnust Ikj the .nuMher <.f .-o.ine.-titi,^ forms wl on my tli.-ory have heen exterminate*! and utterly 1 Ami we have evidence of ai.errant forms ha> Hurfere.l severely from exti.j.-tion, for they are i^ei ally represented hy extremely few s,KH-,e; ; and s H|M.nes jis d*. ocTur are «:enerallv very distinct fi eacli other, which ajrain implies extnu-tion jreneraOrn.thorhynch.i.s and J^.pidosiren, for exami would not have heen less aherrant had ea.-h h represented l.y a d(.zen Hpecies instead of hy a sin one ; hut such richnos in sjM.cics, as i find after ,*, Mnesti::Ht.on, does not c(,mmonlv fall to the lot al.erra>il jrenera. We can, I thii.k. a-.-ount f..r t Jact only hy hu.kinir at alH-rrant torms an failijiif jrroi ««n.|u--re.i hy more .successful comi)etitorH, witli a I mem hers preserved hy some unusual coincidence favourahje circumsUmces. Mr. Waterhouse lias remarked that, when a memi UeUmaiun to one ^roup of animals exhihit^ an affin to a quite distinct irmup. this affinity in most» ireneraland n..t s; ,a] .- thus, accordi'njr to Mr. Wat house of all Kodents, the hi/cacha is most neai related to .Marsupials ; hut in the points in which approaches this order, it.s relations are general a iM.t to anyone marsupial s|»ecies more than to anoth< As the points of afh.nty of the hizcacha to .Marsupij are helieve.l to Ihj real and not merely adaptive th are due on my theory to inherifm.-e in commo Iheretoio we must sup|^se either that all H.KienI including the hizracha, hrandied off from some ve ancient Marsupial, v. Inch will have had a character some d..irree intermediate with respect to ;U1 existii M.J— :..i i-otii ilo.ients and Marsupia l.ranched off from a cmmon pro-.-nitor, and that 1m)1 m^ er of the »f roup. ( )n tl e oSe hand of all Mar«up,al.. an Mr. \\ af'erhouse ha. r^n a i^t«, f.uf the L-eneral order of HodenLs. In this .ase however. ,t may Ik, strongly suspected that the re M.,Ml.lance ,h onlv analogical, owin^ to the .„ '« Kiunjfl,e<-ome adapted to h.hi.s like those >f « {. ^nl e elder l)e ( ando Je ha. made nearlv similar ohserva. .1 . .s on the ^.eneral nature of the aHinities of d.s^mct oniers of plants. "isnnti <>!' the principle of the multiplication and ifraet«tn \i:^ .•;^^ 7. fi J"*^ ^^ ""'y ""'^'^^^ and ""''>« family •uL! I r "."^ l^- * '^''""^J"^^*! tree, and almoin '.■M>Oss.Me to do this without this aid. we car. ..I.Z - -.u uie extraordinary difhcultv which natur'ali ' s af!initie« which they p^-neive 'iiai: ram, the varion 3»{0 ON TMK OKKJrN OF SF'K( IKS I h«"tw..pri til*, manv lu;n^' mihI ..xtiiict nu-nih«r« ..f t »*atii.« irri'.it II cl.i-s Kxtiii. t„„,. a.«* >».. h.iv.. K,.,.ri in the fourth cJnr.ti l.;i- jnav.-.l at. irn|M,rUiit j.irt in .l.tiniriu- aii.i v*i.l,.„r tfi.. Mi(> U.t«,.,-ii U„. M.v,-ral ^rr...i|.s in ...i,l, , U ^\.• tnay t),.,., a-vouiit ,.v.-n f.-r th.. di.-tiMctn..^^ v.h..l.« .•i,,s.».M fn.m .'.,}, ulh..r f„r itmtam-e, ,.f from Jill otiier v,.rt.-t.r.if«« auniuiU-- l.y ih« |„.I ..| tli matiy aiicifrit f..rtn> of lite },ave Im.,.ii iitti-riv 1... tlir..u-l. Hhioh tl... rarlv,.„itoM of l.inU w,. tortiM-rlv cniMMMti-.l witli tl .,rlv pru-.-nitorn of tl otlMT' ( I.i^m.m. I h.-re I,;.. l,..,.„ l,.,. ^„t, .•xt.rutio,, of tl,,. form^ of lifr «f i.h ..ii.« roiiiMMt. mtl, l.;,tra.-hiat,s Hmto I.,., I.,.fn Htill le<- otlMT .•la^>.-. as i„ -f fl,.. ( n.Ktami, f( h.T.' the nio^t w..ii.l.Tfully diverge forrns are utill ti« toiT.' by a lot,-, but hroken, rhait. of Hffi.ufie hxiiH-tioii has oulv Kfparati'.l trroups : it ha.s l.v i riM-uis n.a.l,. tliern ; for if overv for.n whi, li lia^ 'pv* live.l oil tlii^eartli woie Huddeiilv to thoutr It w«.ul.i 1... .|uito i".po^«iMetotfivfd..tiiiitioii. I.vwhi.- each ^rroup rould Ik; .li^tintrui^lied from otlu-r trrouoi as all w.uil.l »,l,.,..l toirethfr l.y >teps ax fii,« a« thu. between the tuiest existiiiir varieties, iievertlielevs naiiiral rlasMficatioo, or at least a natural arratiffe ment, wouM he po.*ihle. We shall see this hv turnir. to the .liHirra.n : the letters, A t.. I., may represe,, ♦'lev en .Silurian jfenera. Mune of v,hirh have priKlure irroups of rno.iitie.l L'»'tl,..r. We roiiiii iiDt, .1- I lian. sanl, .|#,t,t,,. thrt ■■••\» i:ruii|H ; t.ut wf> (•••■iM pi-Mi!iiur most of' the rh.irart.T- i.t .-ail, t'n.iij,, -ii.'ther lar:;.. or -irii.-ili, itiui thus jfnt* a tM'ti.'r:tl uli-.i oi ■h« kftlue (>( tl... (liif,.r.'iir»'H hefwren thi-rii. 1 hi>. h w hnt «e Khi.iiiil l.e.lriv.Mi to, if we were on.t Uxiiir, ♦M'd in .••ill.'.tiinf Hi) tli». »orm« HI any cla^^ ^Uuh ha\e 1iv»hJ throii-hMiit nil tiriii- aixi «(.»<•♦•. \\ p »h.ill tertainlv iifver Mi.(»'»>d in niakirnj ho fKTfe.t a . ollf.-tion : rif^er fh.'l..^-. in rtTtain . ia«M-, w« are tetidunr m thii 'lireet» U'lotn;. finallv, we have R«»en that -eli'. tion, whi.-h rPMilti* from the htnijfjfle for exiM»-iK-f. and whn-h almost in.-viiahlv induces extinction and divtrtfence