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Ne« 'ofh '4609 ij' '■^= "'e) *82 - GIOC - Phone :^SS -'6; 288 - ^9B9 - To. 0 Reprintcl from The Ottawa Xati-ralist, V.>1. XXIV, X.^v . I'Mo. with- out change' in jja^in^;. PuMishf'i X'>v ^, I'Mii.] |0 ON TWO NEW TRILOBITES FROM THE CHAZY NEAR OTTAWA By PERCY E RAYMOND .^' '^^iSSSST^vE^-t.- ».■» -V«i5?;i/csi/ .■■**- -^rr.!:;*-. g^r^-a^'gaaBg!>aqirE:a^Mg' THE OTTAWA NATURALIST. VOL. XXIV, PLATE II. M.w iKii.iiHiTi^ iKiixi I1I1-: ( \{.\y.\ \i:ak (iIT.WVA. HiP ^^f^aoagrl-aiR^S^^aKfAviSii! .sssiEsateSsai^ ■'r*->>H '-iTh 'Hng from 6 o 8 of the length. Dorsal furrows deep on tliorax and PvS^dium but shallow on the cephalon. Axial lobe narrow and ?atler^ow. not being raised much above the general level of the '"^"ceDhalon short and wide, surrounded by a very narrow concave border Glabella nearlv smooth, expandmg slightly in front of the eyes marked by two pairs of faint furrows^ Eyes ?0 ifrge low extending bJck to the neck furrow and forward to^he middle of the glabella. Free cheeks wide convex the trenal angles drawn out into spines which extend back to the fifth or sfxtb se^ent of the thorax. Surface of the test smooth except fi^firieTrL which are rather prominent on the inner '''%i:^:^ll7nt:e%n.s. Axiallobe narrow. Pleura with '^""^PvSdhL nearly semicircular in outline, with ^ broad con- cave bofdtrTndlVw. smooth axial lobe. Jhe pleura^ lobes are S:cS\^sI°Se^a^^^^er&3{£^ ^-ssx^Lrof^^r^iS^—esf^^ "'"^The hvTo.-.^a is about as broad as long, almost straight stoma of Baihvurus extans, but broader in t'ont. T enjrth of the largest specimen 74 mm., width 58 mm. A smaller s^eci^en is 4lmm.'long and 25 mm. wide. One pygt- Tpublished by permission of the Director of the Geologicl Survey of Canad.. l.iU TlIK (JTTAWA N'ATURALIbT. [Nov. (iiuni IS IX mm. hm^ and iO mm. uulc, while another is 12 mm. lon^ and 21 nmi. \vi that case, the six pairs of strong impressions may represent the last six pairs of thoracic .segments, and the pygidium might begin witii the first of the fainter ones. Two specimens of Isoielus, somewhat siniilarlv preser\-ed. have been figured. One is Billings' specimen from ihe Trenton at Ottawa, and the other was described by Mickleborough and by Walcott from a specimen found near Cincinnati. Both of these specimens, howe\er, show the trilobite itself, as well as the impression. Both show the long heavy gnathobases of the coxopodites, and it becomes evident that, as the coxopodites are attached directly under the dorsal furrows, the increase in the width of the thoracic lobe, which is so marked a feature in Isoielus, is due to the great development of these gnathobases. The writer believes that this impression on the ripple-marked sand of the Chazy gives a clue to the development of the gnatho- bases. Apparently Isotdus was a bottom crawler, and the gnathobases may have served as ambulatory appendages. In both the specimens of Isotdus mentioned above as retaining the appendages, the gnathobase of a thoracic appendage is nearly as long as the remainder of the appendage, and being a single rod, and not jointed, is much more useful as a lever. On all the specimens known, the are strongly developed on the thorax, and only feebly so on tl^e pygidium. Beecher found ?fe-!l -^Wi*" 1910] The Ottawa Naturalist. 133 Mm that the appendages under the pygidium of Triarthtis were flattened and adapted for swimming, while those under the thorax covild be used either in swimming or crawling. It would seem .hat this sort of vSpecialization had gone still further in Isotelus than in Triarthus. Here there is a large pygidium, probably provided with swimming organs (Walcott found traces of them under the pygidium of the specimen he described), and under the thorax the inner portions of the appendages were strengthened to function as ambulatory- appendages. In Tri- arthus, a form adapted primarily for swimming and secondarily for crawling, the appendages are very long, and extend far beyond the outer margins of the test, while in Isotelus the appendages are hardly long enough to reach the outer margins. The swimming power had to some extent beer sacrified in the adaptation to crawling. Triarthus depended on its swiftness in swimming to escape from its enemies, and lacked the power of enrolment. Isotelus, a slower moving, but heavier-shelled animal, protected itself by complete enrolment. it .V <5w Ci t PiK. 3. Diagram of the trails on a slab of sandstone t'ound at Deschenes. 1 is the trail shown in the photograph on the plate, and 1 and 3 are supposed to have been made by an iMotelua. t Certain trails found by the writer on the surface of slabs of sandstone from the Chazy at Deschenes tend to confirm the suspicion that the gnathobases were used as ambulatory organs. A diagram and photograph of one of these trails is here repro- duced, and it will be seen that it is exactly the sort of marking that would theoretically be produced by a trilobite which was crawling with the aid of the gnathobases only. The trail num- bered I in the diagram can be traced for about 100 mm. on the slab, and consists of a series of pairs of approximately parallel ridges, arranged on opposite sides of a narrow furrow. The ridges are inclined at angles of from 30 to 60 degrees to the direction of the furrow. Each ridge is about 10 mm. long, and the furrow is from 3 to 5 mm. wide. The slab is a mould of the 134 The Ottawa Naturalist. [Nov. impression made in the sand, and the ridges correspond to the depressions made by the gnathobases. The t—il numbered 3 is similar to the one described, but the one numbered 2 is of a different sort. The increase in width of the axial lobe, caused by the de- velopment of the gnathobases in the adaptation to the crawling mode of life, explains the parallelism which exists between certain genera of the Asaphui<£, and the parallelism between Nileus and some of the Itluanida;. A number of forms, arising from different stocks, were becoming adapted to near-shore life, and all fovmd that enlarged gnathobases assisted them in their new mode of life. Thus the narrow-axised Asaphus produced Oncko- metopus, Isoteloidi's produced hoielus, and Symphysurus de- veloped into Mleus, just as some as yet unknown form developed into the Illcenurus of the sands of the Potsdam. Locality. — This species is represented in the collections at the Museum of the Geological Survey by a thorax and p\gidium from Deschenes, and a free cheek from Britannia, which are holotvpe and paratype respectively. There is also a partial thorax and pvgidium collected by James Richardson in 1853 from the sandstone of the Chazy at West Hawkesbury. The pygidium of this specimen is 72 mm. long and about 110 mm. wide, and shows a .single rib on each pleural lobe. The axial lobe of the thorax is very narrow, being only 35 mm. in width. The total width appears'to have been somewhat over 100 mm. The fourth specimen was found loose at Point Claire, but was un- douMedlv from the Chazy, which outcrops there. This speci- men shows the posterior portion of the hypostoma and portions of six thoracic segments. The forks of the hypostoma are very shorv. and the bodv portion is convex. The axial lobe of the thorax is 53 mm. wide, and the total width of the thorax is 160 mm. EXPLANATION OF PLATE II. 1. Bathvurus supcrbus Raymond. A small cranidium. About natural size. 2. The same species. An imperfect thorax and pygidium. Slightly smaller .han natural size. 3. The same species. A nearly complete specimen. About natural rize. 4. Trail, supposed to be that of an hotclus. 5. Impression of the ventral surface of a trilobite, presum- ablv Isotelus arcnicola. About one-fifth natural size. f9xiK-^^^'j!^LP w-M-^Mm^my^MA^smmm^i^gm^mmi^ mmmffimnH^.