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Les diagrammes suivants illustrent la mithode. 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5 6 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANSI iHKl ISO TtSI CHARI No 2 1.0 I.I U 1™ lllli 2.8 m IIIIIM Ilia I- m 1- 1- L lii Ilia ill '-8 1.25 1-4 11.6 j= APPLIED \MAC3E Inc l^'- / / /S l^' j :'''^St- Cfil N<, ■ *AE^N FISHERIES' EXPEDITION, 1914.15 fi^m ""^-';-*> 2- BIOLOGY OF ATLANTIC WATERS OF CANADA CANADIAN FISH-EGGS AND LARV/E ALF DANNEVIG Of the Flodevis Sea-Flsh Hatchery. Arendal, Norway PRmTED BY AVTHOKITY OF PASUAMB, .vr OTTAWA J. DB LABROQUERJE TAPHrS' PBmTKR TO THK KINa^S MOST EXoSnt MAJESTY 1UI8 CANADIAN FISHERIES' EXPEDITION, 1914-15 BIOLOGY OF ATLANTIC WATERS OF CANADA CANADIAN FISH-EGGS AND LARVAE ALF DANNEVIG Of the FloNdevift Sea-Fish Hatchery, Arendal, Norway or).-)3— 1 H I I I CANADIAN FISH-EGGS AND LARV^ I. INTRODUCTION. When Dr. Hjort iiiviti'il iiii> tn uiulortnki' tlio work of donliiifr with liis vulimlile iiialcrii\l of tisli ivn^ mid yotiii^r frotii tlic raimHinn wiitiTs. I wn* fully nwnrt- of the many difiicuUicii which the task would involve. The dpU>rininatioii of ova nnd young frotii a (|UHrt»'r of tlic rIoIk' when' many >|)d. is luiturally no easy matter, moro rspt'cially wlicn only Vro»orvcd mntorial is available, and it will, as a r\do, bo obvious from the outlet tiiat complptn suecoss must be out of tin' iiucstion. TliP object of the Canadian inveg- tiKatioMS \va^, bowevcr, principally to ascertain tbc liioInRical conditions under which the most important spt^i'ies of tish lived and niulti|)lied, so that possible errors in the (leterTninatioii nl' ^nnu' few of the less frei|iiei]tly oi-curriuK r-i)ei,'ic» W'liiM be of minor importance. In view of thi^ fact and with the promise of every assi-tance from Dr. lljort nnd Majristcr Koefocd. T undertook the task, all ditRcultieiK>cially to des( riptions of Kuropean siH'cies, anei|HiMes are indistinL'\iishable one from another until the embryos are well iieve|o|H>(l. In some few cases, on the other hand, the ovn may he accurately determined from the time of spawning. It will, moreover, Ik- justifiable to presnpi>ose relation lietween ova of like appearance in one and the saini' sample, where some are newly spawned and others with the embryo sufficiently devoloiMvl to permit of certain determination. The pre-ent material of ova and yomig was collected by means of a silk net (Im. diameter) and preserved in 4 per cent formol. The duration of the surface hauls varied somewhat, as a rule between ten and fifteen minutes: the depths, as stated for the vertical hauls, are also in Bome cases only approximately correct, owing to diffi- culties in the working of the net. Similarly, the records as to quantity should not be taken too strictly, these being for like reasons only approximate figures, i he proportional ()uantitative vahi(>s. how- ever, as between eggs at different stages of development, may be taken as fairly reliable. r,,-).-),'5— IJa 4 nrPARTHKST or THK SAVAl SFRVICK Tlip inuUriul wii* <-.>ll.«<'tr.i in th iirw; ..f fiv.^ to Juno 4. t»H' nocond from July L'l to July 21t. . . . ^^ « n • / In the gu\t of St Lawrence, two crui«ea were made with the C.O.S. Frtnettt from Juno » to Juno 15 nnd .\\\«\uX :i to AuKU^t 1.'; h«ro aNo. tho SS. -V Xi. in o.lditioii to itfi ordiiiiiry tish.Tv opornti.)!!!', lolltctid ii nuinlMf i-%5ti-x '\^ U ^ second ■■ •»»-•»»> 5CJ'-»/ J P^'ificess first cruise %-fk5t s-26 ^"j |. - secant/ i*-"/i 5tf7-so ::^L. PtK 1. Before prooodiiiK to tho troatmont of tho mntorial. T should mention that a quantity of iva and younpr had already boon determined by Dr. TIjort in Canada, while Mr. K efoed also has kindly determined a number of Atlantic fish, and has further assisted me in doubtful cases with other forms. »i\4/»/i\ nsiit:Rif:.< KXPEniTios, I9nii ir. rriK matkki.m. (oli.kctkd III the |iliiiiktoii '■niii|)li-!<. ovn nml yuuin; of tliirt.v-tiix species ni HhIi linvi- \>cta dcttTiniiicil, rrprcM'iitiiiK twenty faniiiies in nil. The s|>«'cii<» will 1m' (Ifiilt wifli ill the foll(pwiii»r piiKiw in gyHtematic nnler, having regard t<> tlieir oecurreiii-e within the area investijrated, their (feoRraphii'iil distriL.ition jrenerally. and rertiiiii features in their biology and reproduetioii. 1 FAM. LABRWJE. CtenohibrH.1 a(l«p''>'iiiis (W'albaum). (I'lalp II, Fins 1 anil 2: Table Iltt.) I C/e/70/a£>rus _ i- |4 ' 00 pr Station allhaui's Prmcess I bt 3 ?(, ^99^\^„:,r^ t>ian ,oo Acadio I St J- 50 I - 10 pr StaTion mo»'e than lo ISI Tit. \. '* ' * Ctenolabtus ■t, ^ _ I • I lOo pr- Station all hauls Acadia li St 3-- , Lari^ae ' , /o pr Slalion -*br Fig r CIV I/*/ IV Fisni:i{n:s rxi'miiTiox. idh-is Fls. 4. T\u' young stajrcs of this species havp boon shown by Agassi?, (On the Young Stajros of some Ossrous Fishos, Part III, Clenolabrus coerulevs DeKay, pi. XIII, and XIV). I have not, howevor. boon able to identify the species with certainty from these drnwinps. but as tho larvR' ntrroe vory woll with the young stages of the related European form Lnhrus rupextrin, T have had no hesitation in ascribing the Canadian material to Clenolabrus ad-'tpersus* According to Professor Ehrenbaum's " Nordisches Plankton," the larvse of Tavtnqa oniti.i are vory similar to those of this species, but as Taufooa is a southern form, there can hardly be any question of confusion with the present siiccios. As will be seen from the illustrntions, the Canadian form differs from the European in havinfr a vory distinct massing of pigment at the posterior basis of the dorsal fin. The diameter of the ova is the same in both species, viz., 0-8 — 0-9 mm. The distribution of Ctcnolabnis adspersus ranges from l^brador to Sandy Hook (Jordan and Evermann) ; it is a distinctly coastal form, especially affecting rocky bottom. Ctenoldbrus adspersus is summer-spawning; on the first cruise of the Princess (.Tune !t to .Tune 15) li\tt not more than tv,-pnty-one eggs of this ppecie„s were taken. On the second cruise (August 3 to August 12), on the other hand, numeroMS larvtB were found, and only vory few eggs. nio«t "f those fonnd being in a very advanced stage of development. • Tnutogotabrmt ndsppraj Walb.Tiim. DEPARTiirXT OF THE yAVAL SERTICE As will be seen from the chart, ova and young were only found at the stations nearest the coast, especially in the gulf of St. Lr.wrence along Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton. The material of this species from the Acadia amounts to some few eggs and young taken at Sable island and farther in near the Ont of Canso. The size of the young varied between 3 and 9 mm.; (see also tables). / 2. F.I. If. CAIiAXGlDJE. Capros aper (Lacepede). ,0f this species, only one specimen (total ](.iiRth (5 mm.) was taken, this being from the Acadia, Station 44, where it was brought up in a vertical haul from 150-0 ra. Although Jordan and Evcrmann do not mention this species an occurring in American waters, I have been obliffed to as.ribe this specimen to the species in question. C. aper is also found, by the way, in the eastern Atlantic right up to the coasts of England, and it also penetrates into tlie ^Mediterranean. 3. FAM.SCOMlUnn.T-:. Scomber scombrus (Linnsus). (Plate I, FiB 3: TabU- lib.) Of this species, quite a considerable quantity both of ova and young were collected, especially by Xo. 33, and on the second cruise of the Princess. •Tordan and Evermann pive the distribution of the mackerel along the American coa^t as from Labrador to cape Ilattcras. and it is therefore remarkable that its ova and younp should here have been found almost exclusively in the southern portion of the gulf of St Lawrence. The cruises of the Aradm furnished but three eggs from stations outside Xova Sootia, and iieith.r the I'rinresy nor .V«. 3.1 fouiul ova or voung of mackerel in the northern part of the gulf. ions land 50-0 ; in i in the ican ovn 1 of rom ung Fig i. Scomber scombrus , • r j • I - 100 pf Station all hauls , PrmceS5nSt27-56 |^*1 •"O'-e then .00 /. L. . O ' - 10 P"" station •• -££ Fig. 6. fVIVin/lV FISIIHKIES EXPEDlTIOy, 19U-15 11 Fig. 7. It would seem that the mackerel here when spawning keep to the shallower waters in towards Prince Edward Island. It is also interesting to note that while the first stations on the first cruise of the Princess inside and west of Prince Edward Island furnished purely arctic species, the hauls made a week later, on the eastern side of the island, broiipht up the first mackerel eggs. The m.Tckerel's spawning season appears to extend over a considerable period, from middle of June (first cruise of the Princess) to some way on in August. The size of the mackerel ova will be seen from the table; it will be noted that the dianu'ter varies greatly, a phenomenon which is also well-known in European waters. Princean. Prtnress. Princess. " 33." MM. Station 2f.. Station 30. Station 31. Station 29. 1-00 23 1-nr, S *1 1-10 IS 34 1 1-ir, 1 1 1 * 1-20 8 .... .... 12 1-25 11 .••• ■■•• 8 1-30 5 The diameter of the oil piobules was a'oout 0-03 mm. 12 in:i'\Rj\it:.\T or tiif vmv.i/, serv/ce -Nfiickorol larvii' were taken only during the second eruisc of the I'riiu-i'sx, for the most part from Prince Kdwnrd Island, and out towards the ed^e, where stations 28 to 34 gave 40 larva' betwet^n :> and 8 mm. In aduition, a single larva of 9 mm. was taken at st^itioii 4.1, this being the onlv mackerel lar\a found on the north side of Cabot .-trait. At Stations 4!) and 50— between Prince Kdward Lsland and ("ape Breton— six larvir ranging from 4 to G mm. were found. 4. FAM. I'EDIVILATI. Lophius piscatorius (Linnsus). Of this species , only a single specimen, of U mm.. wa> found {Acadia, .station 47). /,. insraloriu.i has a very wide distribution on both sides .jf the Atlantic; according to Jordan and lOvermanii. it ranges from Xova Scotia as far as the Barbadoes; onlv in deep water, however, is it found so far south. 5 FAM. SCORPAENID.^. Sebastes marinus (LinnsuB). (Plate I, Figs. 4,5.6,7; Table lie.) Young of Sebaste.': were found in all the deeper parts of the areas investigated, pave at the outermost stations of the Acadia. \t- - V-— .i Princess I St i-2i ^"^ Omofe than Acadia I 5t 2-3S Sebastes Qi-io pr Station z\\ haulb o , "S5»- Plg. 8. • the s 28 only so- lum. 47). ding only I ted. * Q o ' ■■- *■'' "" O + '' ^"' * I Sebastes ' _^'' ■•" + * 1 / O I - 10 pf station all hai/ls ♦ „ ^, Lori^x (~\man th»n lo ; ^ P'incSSS n 5t 27-50 I ' "^ '' . /\cadia n St 17-91 ! Fl«. ». 14 in I'Mii \n \ I III I in: \ ii w. skhvick 3eba3tes '/,,» , lOi-io pr Station all hauls 25 Lorc^ae) Q-„ort ihanio Fit,-, 1" Tt w.mlil ;ip|i,Mi' t(i lip nuiiiiToii, ;il),,vc till' (lii-p c-li;uiiicl s.iiitli of Aiitimstl; tli<' A o. ..'.; ti.i'k liiTi' oiTi yniiii!; in i\ >\nfz\f liaii!. <>ii tlii> >lopp towards \cwfo>iii(llaii(l n\«i. it i- iniiiicnMW. ( l'riii banks (.ff Nova Scntia: this fai't ni.ay bo ascribfd to tlio existence of larsre depressions in tlio banks, or i>issilily to the nature of the currents. Srlii.-^hs iiiiirlniis is found Ihroiifzhout the nortl crn seas between America and KiiT'iix', lintli on the sloix\s of the bank~ and ix-lairically above the creator ocean depths, .lordan and F.verniann note it as oecurrincr on the .\nierican side fmni rireenland jili.iiL' the as as midway oti' \iw .l.r-,y; I'r.ini Maine and f:irther s,,iifli. h'lucvei', ill deep uater onl.v. ■|'lic-c writers affirm that (inndc- and Bean I'diml sjinwniiifr >'i ^i/.v.'r v lati' in the sunmicr ..tV the coasts of New Kiiplaud. at a depth of IdO to 1*0 fatli..nis and state that there is no '' reason to lielieve tliat the yountr rise to the surface." A nliinr to Dr. Risrelow, adult Srhnsirs are also found in quite shallow water 'al.nnt 10 lathonis') In the pnlf of ^faini^-a very remarkable phenomenon, since .v- ;„,v/, .■ is otherwise both sr.uth of this (Jer-!;.., .,,,..] Kvermannl ar.i! f:!!-!!'.."r v.orfli. chiefly eneonnteri'd at medium depths. r.i\.i/>/.i\ nsm:i{it:s kxi'Kiuth>s, i'ju-is 1ft C. FAM. COTTID^. Coitus scorpiuH (Liiinffius). ('ollim biihalis (Kuphraaen). Inliis biconiis ( Kcinhiirill ). TliPt'e si»ecii'a Iteioiigiug to this fiimily art' reiireaciitrd in tlic material, numbering pix ^iRciiiU'iis ill ull. these being taken, witiiout exception, from tlw waters near Prince Edward island and Magdalen island. C. scor/iiui, .\o. .-iS, station 14, one specimen of 10 mm.; station 17, one of 11 mm. This species is found on both .sides of the Atlantic, and ixteiids some considerable distance t" lh(> nnrtlnvaid. as tar as Spitzl eryen. According to Jordan and Evcrmann, it occurs to the southward along the coast as far as Kastport, ilaine. In the European waters, C. scorpiun depii8it> its egg capsules ill midwinter, and the .voung are subsequently encountered as plankton in the si)rinp. It is iiuted, hiiwever, that in this species, internal fertilization may take place, and that the ova may therefore he in a far advanced stage of development before beiiiK spawned; this occurs especially in the northerly waters. ('. hi(hiilis (Kuph.) Two speeiinens from -Vo. J-1, station IT — both of 0 mm. — at-'rce vterii ~iile of the Atlantic. Icelus hicornk ("Ucinhardt) was taken at Princess station T (14 mm.) and another of 1(> mm. at .V". •<■( station l.'p. This s)iecies is :in arctic circiimp lar form, i e^ietiaiins. however, siuthward alonir the cast coast of America as far as cape Cod. Both the specimens here taken were loiiiel in coiii|iai'ativ cly -hallow water. T. IWM. MIOSlDJi. Alliums ihi-ii'wnus ( !>cliiieider). Olio siiecimeu of J4 mm. was taken by the Princess at station 7, and strangely ii]oii<;h, at the surface. .1. dvcaoonus is otherwise found fur the most part at some con- siderable depth, down to a couple of hundred fathoms, and in very cold water about 0° ('. As to its propaiiation, little is known. Axpidofihoiohl' s monopterygius (Bloch). One specimen of I."p mm. tal.on by tlic So. ,i.', at station I'l (.('. tiaspe) should probably be referred to this si>ecie-. In p' mt of habitus, it is viry like .4.'/""i(s deca- i/onus, but ditfi r- from this in having but one dorsal tin. On the other hand, it has M-ry spinous scales, and differs in this from .1. moiiopliri/fiiu.i; possibly, however, this may be a larval character. FAM. liLENNIfDJE. C/iirnlopliis sp. (I'l.Tlc ir, KiK. S ; Talile IIil.) Two species helonfring to the family Blenniidic were found, of which thv' one could not be determincil with certainty. This was found (no less than sixty-three specimens) throughout the whole of the piilf St. Tjawrencc, and out towards the Newfoundland hanks. The number of vertebrse, about i'^^ + 4l' or a total of about ."i;"), agrees very well with that of Cliirolnnhis galerita iL.) W alb. It difTern .-lighlly, liowever, from this in the shajic of the head and intestines, while the iiigmentation appears to be of more or le-^s the same character. 16 l)f:rAKTMEST OF THE \AVAL .SEKVICE It wa-i takrii in s't/.f* raiiKin); frmn s tn V\ mm. and via* mint imriiiTiHH d as iM-iietrutiiig as far southward as Xcwfiiiiinliaiid. Tlic siM.'cini<'n» in qiioHtion were tnkiMi at the surface, station 89 I'Acndia) i.e., down towards Nova Scotia. 9. FAM. CRYPTAVANTUODID.E. Cryptacanfhodes maevlatus (Storer). (Plate II. KIK, 10.) Thit •ii)pcics was taken in a vertical haul (SO to 0 ni.) nt tlie I'rliiccin station f> Only one siiccimcn, of :5S mm. Found from Labrador to Lonfj Island s-ouiid — but u.'*? conunon. (.lordan and Evernmnn.) 10. FAM. ANARRIIICHADID^. Aiinrihirlia.i liilifrons (Sleenstrup). Two sprcimens of .1. latifrons were taken, one of 21 mm. in a surface haul ( I'rinnss station ;i) and one of :.',1 mm. in a vcrtic-al haul Il'j to 'J5 m. (Acadia station 35). These were so far developixl as to be di^tincuishahle by the position of the vomerine teeth. An arctic fish, extending ■^outlnvard alon^r the east coast of America to fianc)iiereau. 11. F.l.lf. ('ALI.IOSYMID.T-:. ('altinniiiniis >v. A rish larva of ti mm. taken in n vertical haul I.IO to 0 m. Acadia station 44, strongly res -inbles the European Callionnmus species, but lacks the notochord other- wise so proirinent in the,«o species. The formation of the fin rays, however, was so far aovanceil that possibly the notoehord may have been reduced. li. FAM. CYCLOPTKRID.F.. Liparis sp. Livaris major (Gill'). (Table lie.) Of tlio Liparida- taken, three specimens from So. .7-? station .">" were ascribed to Lipar'ui major {vide .Tordan and Evermann). They had a total length of 25 to 30 mm., liut were not in Kood preservation, and the determination is therefore somewhat uncertain. //. major is an arctic fish, extending from the White sea to Oreenland. but, has. according to .Jordan and Evermann. not been encountered on the coast of Amerii-a. The remaining I.iparidie it was found impossible to determine as to species; in all. sixteen were taken on all cruises. 1.3. F/l.V. PLEVROyECTlD/E. 'Pleuronectida> do not occur in any great number in the material, with the exception of Drepanopsetta. . There are, however, on the coasts of America, many species of flouneen descrilied. that On this point, more eHpirin\. inn-is i7 'riu> liirviu r('c(.r(li(l under the (lltTtroiit ^pci'liw uri' «n like tlio KiirciiM-iiii tliat, ns :• iiilo, tlicro wns no diffipiilfy in (Icoiiliiig; nevoral Bpccics, morenvpr, have boon fijpired. It «f .(in-id. r, li.jui \ir, tlir in-iyiiiliiiinl niiniliir m iinknuwn lloiindiT liirvir (of wliicli part rould not 1)(> , l"M-iiml ■• 0 " Nil, '•:■.:'," •!i:iii, viTti^iil 1 " t •• .\o, "a:!" sLiiiuh 4:(. vertical « " «-7 H-7-C-7 " lo tliisc sliouji! lio Mijdi'd oMi' >|)c<-iniiMi of I nun. loniitli from tlic I'limrsx stution 1^: probalily liclonyihir to the ;;onus lioflnin. P. limnnda i ?) L. .\ ■ii'iiiitity of nv:i of tlii- spcfici wn- t'onnd on tlio first and soioiid oruisra of the .l'vii/i/i (aliovc the I'lniks ofT N'ova Si'otia :iiid Xowfoundland). At In Verllral Itiiuls. Siaiiiin ;a h enga. .'■ 30 3 ■• 8 .■if. 1 " fil n •• R; IP. •■ s; Tlio diamrtiT of tlio I'frpT-' wa* aliont O 0 mm. and tho oinhrvos rcvonlod typicnl I'liiironi'ftid iliaraotor-. tliou;.'li noiio wi'n> so far advaiiood as to permit of their heinf? p«i ribcd with certainty to P. limanda; they undoubtedly belong, however, to a closely nliitod {oTV .Voc'ordinp to Jordan and Kvi'rniniiu. this spoeies also is stated an apparently not found off tno coasts of North America. /'. iiiiirni-rjilmliix (Donovan') ■ .)[lrrosl'im>"'lrilf (WalUaiim). At Acadia station 84, a larva of C mm., taken in a surface haul, must be referred t I this species. /'. ((Il'ilihi' • iilmliix) rviio;/'""-*"' !■• (Plate ir. FiB. 11 ) Of this species, the following specimens were taken: — i'/iiicf»s -station P.4 -Olilique : 1: ca. 6 mm. 49 — Surface: 2: S-10 mm. 50— 40-11 ; 1 : 7 mm. Acadia " S3 — Surface : 4 : 6-8 mm. There were thus taken eiffht larvtc in all, but crrs of this species wore not found; those probably did occur in the samples, but mtist then in some way have been over- looked. P. cynonln.imi.i spawns in European waters from ^lay to September; the ova have a diainpter of 1 07 to 1-35 mm., and are otherwise distin^ruishable by their slightly -tripr-d structure. P. ciinofilossns belonds to the North Atlantic; on the American side it extends as far as cape Cod: lives in comparatively deep water, preferably with sandy bottom. It ntrAUTMty r or iiii: \ ii i/. sriiMit: Aneylopti'tia {Sototemn »p.) il'h.te II. KlK. 1! ) A speoimen of 7 mm. from Acadia utatiou 44 (surfniTt. Hrldtiirs to the wniiii «■«•. Drei'anopnellti ( llii>poglossoideii > plaiitsuidrt i Fiilirlciiii-). (Plile II. FiKi. n. II. 1'. ; T:ibl.' Hf.) Fie. >l. Ill M'n*. J Fig. 12. r>:>:<:\ -2\i\ -•0 III l'\l!l Ml \ I III- nil \ H W, si i;\tl-E Drepanopsetta '•»,7,'- , ) • I - 00 pi- Stai'on aH hauls •-'•-' ^ff^^lAmorP than oc Pig. 13. Kf-'Sr-. .iii.l \.xx\:v ,.|' llr,j„ii,ui.s.ll,i \u\\,' .i ui,.rciall.v over the banks. Tln> ova nrc vrry nft,.,i f'oun.l loirrthcr wilii ,■,.,! .-.'i;., ;ni'l wrrc c.-pociiilly inmicrr.n~ ku tli." tir-t mii^r ,. .Inn. '' 111 .li.ii.' 1,',. I'nii'fSfi I k:iv.' iMO cKC.s + Ti lrtr\ .p. .A'lunst :; tri ,\iu:ust 1 -. l*nH't:sK II " 1 " 4.7 M;iy 2'' to .liiliH 4. A'ailin i ■■ liisj) <• _|. 7 •< Jul\- -1 1(1 .hil> L':t. .IrfjWIft II •■ :;:, *• ;^^s 'I'll tlii-i -l.iiulcl lir :iililii| Ihr luiuU iii:iiii- li\ till- \n. ■!■!. wliidi .■.,iit:iiii nva of Jh-ii>iiii(ii,s, n,i 111 .■..ii-iilrnililr iiiiiiiititir- until .Inly in. Tln' -imw iiint.' liinc liui-t thus l.c niiiirili i| a- ovor by mira. -|>awuinsr takru placo I'nnn .laiiuary to May. I The n^a ■>( I rnl)lo -izc. .Mca-iU'.i'llii-ut-* frmii tin- Sn. -i-l statinu It) fflvo the t'lill.wiiii.' iiuuiIk r~ ot' PL'ir-i fur each si/p I'liaiiutir in iimi.l:-- f'iv.t/>/.iv iisiii:ini:s i:.\i'h:nrn(j\, /s/j/s 21 As will be socii I'loiii the aliovo, the (li;iiiictt'r variis up to 4/10 mm. I.:irvii' of Ih-iimnopr^iUa wire foiiinl (>>.|)('ciiilly on the eruises of the Ac(iii\a and I'liii'i-^s ill .Tiily-Aiij;ii-t : they («-i'iir Imt sparsely, save at stations SI and S:! ( \ew- SiiMullanil hanks), wlieie they were more numerous. J'he lenirth of the lurvse varied i"tueen ." and 20 mm. ni-tinetiiin is made lietweeu two fornix of Dri'i>anoi>S(lt'i; D. i>lahi's.toidi'K, the HKire arc-tie. whieh aUo extend.-- down aloniir the ccjast of America, and IK limandoides, till' |jn'oj>ean form. Ih-'/iaiioiisilfa lives preferably on sandy hottnni. on the hanks, hut ean also, at re riain times of the year, move down into the deeji water of the channels, where it liiili lives on siift lintloin. 11. iw.u iiAniD.i:. (iiidii.-i ■ri//c/i»((,s- ( l.inninis). (I 'id lis tiilhrias (l.inna'us). ih,,,s ,v/i. Oho,« limhriua (I-innirus), Mciiiicciiis mcrliicciiis (Linna;ue). (I'late III, KiBS. Ifi to 22; Tablellj; to Hi.) Till' fiadoids iilay the mo>t imixirtant part in the material coUeeted: ova and .N'Miiii.' iif this family were found in all the areas examined and on all the cruises made. On eon-ultinR the chart, how(>ver, it will at once he noticed that the different .-p. (io have eaeli their own area of distrihution, and only oeeasionall,y overlai>. I'lie ov.i of rod and haddock cannot he distinguished one from anotlier with full '■ rtainty in the earlier stape-. True, those of the haddock are, as a ru'e, some tenths "t a millimetre larfrer than those of the cod, hut lioth sjiecies var.v so fireatl.v as to "MtIm]) in this re-i)ect. I have, however, alwa.vs counted sneh eirjis as could he deter- nened with certainty fi.e. those with developed emhryo) in each sample, on the basis I'i wliic-h it is .jnstitiable to reckon the iiro|virtioii lietweeu the two s|ieeies. also as iii:ards the earlier statres, at any rate with a considerable deirree of exaetitiidc. Ill \ 111 millimetre^ li V.IZfs< beloiifriiif; to the ).'en\i- (iadiis. fri'iii different Canadian localities. .M.iv :iii. .\c:iiliii" fStn. U, i.'n'Ifi I l.'i 1 L'll I L'.T 1 Wl 1 40 1 V< 1 .V) .t ■ !l. .SU. 10. Iiil'ttl.1 .■«/). .Iiinn U. .him' l."». ' I'rim^i^ss" . '* I'riiifi'!*?. " .Stii. 1". Sta. 2tl I 1 14 i ;« I t; i."i 1 ti'idiM .yi. Atijriist 4. Auffiist '>. " I'rinofNn" Stii. 31. Sta. :w. iiiiifu.i .ip. I 'iiiihtA up. 'i;. I'lilfiirfin ] (rfidun ip. 1 111 1 4 S.i i:t 44 «1 K 1 IH ' With diairnowtii' |iif;iiifiitatioii nf tlin s((».cies. 22 nF.iwuTMKy r of riir. \.\v\l sunvich: As will be seen from the tiihlc. the ovii of cod and hiiddoi'k have a diameter of 115 to IfiO mm.: a iiiimbor of snfcly dcterminahlo cdd efips li?5 to 1 y.l, and haddoik cjrss i:iO to 14.") mm. With regard to the pigmentntioii. the hirva' of end .-lioiild niu-'t properly he taken as bclonjrinf.' teakin!;-, br taken as bcli>npinir to dn'Uts i-.ijtuihix. FIk. 14. :er of , and taken N'orth mont. '. As tcriul, <{ St. irnlly Gadus sp. G. cafmias ■■■ 6. aaglefinus ■ Princess n 51 «7- 50 Acadian St 37-91 Cggs '.arvae i-ioopr Station all >iauls \mart than lOO • r - 10 pi" Station ^more than lo • » I - 10 pr Station - Fir 15. 24 hi i'\in \n:\i or i in: \ n i/. srnviCE ' . 4 .- ' ^ \ „ __ 1 r ; ■'""'' ^■M' .-'''" !_ ..' ^ ' \-^ 1 (9ac/iy3 r. li ► 1 - ^oo p' ijtation ail haul ^ 1 "33" %^Ii ^mo>-e than icO 1 M - 10 pr Station ^moI'p than 10 »o« J Fie- ic. Only oil the crui^tc of the Atatiia arose any risk of confusion with haddock, luid liire, more c^]lCH•;:llly iii tin ('n>e of tlic ^oullu■rly ^t;ltiolls, wluro c'.\anii)U's of hiiddoi-k ova wore in tho majority. The charts show vory distinctly th(> dlstriliiition of the rod i-L'tr-. Wi> find fhoni always ovor tho hanks, and as a role in proattNt luimhcrs whcro the hanks shelve down, h\it never distrihuted ovor Rreat depths. ("ofl hirvie occur very sparsely; onlv mi tin' Xewfoundhnul hanks iiave wo at Station s.', a fairly troorl yield of -ilii. the si:?e-: here varvln_' hetween '■' and 10 mm. and ranpinir for tho greater part hetween 4 and C mm., i.e., comparatively newly emerfjed fry. Haddock larva' wen' fnund only on the crui>»'S of the .lc(j(/(Vi. espociall.y tlia .'.(•eond, otf Nova Seotia and on tho Xowfonndland hanks. They are very few in uumher; only si.xteeu for both cruises together. The size varied between 3 and 15 mm. Cod and haddock ..ave. as we know, a -cry wide area of distrihution in the northern heniisphere. The haddock ranires from the hay of lii'^cay as far as Spitz- horfren : on lh<' AnaTJcan -iidc, where, liy tlie way. it is not so numerous, down to cape Hatteras. In European waters, the haddock spawn from January to .Tune The cod has more or les< the ■-anie di>trdMition as the hadilock, penetratinR, however, also down into the I , citie. It spawns at the same time. Spawning .las. c.i.v.iz>/.4.\ yisiit:nii:s f:.\Pi:nirio\, ivfris 25 iporeover, been recorJeil in August on a single bank of the North ?e.i. The spawning takes i)la('c for tlio mii>t part (ui the hunk.-, wIutc the teiiiixiatiire keeps at about 4° ('., ami it is generally supposeil that tlie end, tor this reason, iiiov(> down from tlie I'olar seas to the southward, in order to spawn en the -Vorwepiau coastal banks about l-(ptii|(.|i. whieli are waslied by the temperate waters of the (!\|H' Steam. Cod lield in captivity seldom sjiawn in water below •_'" ('. The spawninir in Caii.idiaM wati-rs evidenfly extends iiver a very h.n}.' period. On the first cruises of the Acadia and Princess, May 2!) to June 16, free larva; of cod wer' f.jnnd, whilt,' on the last cruises, July 21 to August 12, ova were still obtained in early staiic's. 'I'liis is (lonhlle.-- due to the (Xtraordinary eonibtions of temperature in these wat'T-. (»f the (Jims efr^s and larva, mo.-t no doubt, belong to O. cimhrius. Plato 111, tic-. L'l to 2:.', but as pigmentation, esjieeially of the larva?, varies somewhat, T could not ficl I'crtain that all belonged to this sih . ies. A number of Unas eggs from the Acadia captnns certainly belong to another species. Fig. 17. Fig. 18. *i\ wiMV Fisiih:iiii:s H\i'i:i>iri(>\, inn-ir, 27 ,55 fy95|i 0/70S SP \ - lOO pr Station all hauls fcrnce than -, > 5 i 10 P'' Stat. on Snnore than ^^ Fig. 19. I'll.- diiunetor of tlie oRps is lietwicii OS and 0-9 nun. a* regards those froin the Kiilf nf St. Lawrence. At tlie Acadia StaticMi 17, however, the diameter was 0-70 to 0-75 mm. Onos cimhriiis is widely distributed both ia European and American waters. It (loo not. however, penetrate so far to the northward as the -od; lives mainly on soft bottom in fairly deep water, near the coast. It spawns more espwially in ifay ( Kurojie). As regards its distribution in the gulf of St. Lawrence we notice that it is especially numerous about Prince Edward Island and towards Anticosti : always close to land or above the more shallow banks. Ova of Mi-rhiccius were found in considerable quantities on the second cruise of the Acadm, ispecially above the banks of! Kova Pcotia. -1^ ^ Acaa.a CS*. 57-91 Mer/c/c/us • ■ .00?' btatnn ail hj^ y? ^B Tiore *^^a^ loo ■ FIk 20 ri\i/»/i\ //>;///.■//> / \rii>iiiii\. fU'i-ir, 29 A I.I' iiKM.MiiroMioiit- mumIi' irivi. tlio fi)lli)wiiii» results :— n-: Ill fi PKKB. II-.:, •• :s •• 1 •ftii •• s ■' Ml rill' I Ills mt'rluci ins is not noted in Jordan and Evermann'a '" Fishes of North Aim vfw." rile nvii, liiivvtviT, iirtainly iijirrv vrr.v wi'll with tlic form. i.;ir\ii' of tlii-i .-iH'cics were nut fniMid, Imt si.mic ffw ivjis in a fairly advanced .-tate '.I i!i\. I.i|.MIi lit. (>\ 111.' AiMiririin r..riii-, .1/. /i/.'/m .(i;,v ( .Mitclilll ) i< the >|ie('ii's inoat closely ii.-i iiil.liiii: tlio Kuriipr in. and tl vii i)rin;r Mumths: in tlie more northerly \v;ii.r-. iliiriiiff sninnier. i ... I \ \l. \MMiil)\ril>.K. AiiDiioJulcf. InHanu.f (Linniuus). I I'Int.. Ill, Kins. ;in.l I'l , T;ili).' llj.) .1. tuhUimis was found in greatest numbers on the fir^t cruise of the Aiadio, I iubiy-ninu speeimeus htiut; secured. ri„. -f id eriii>e ol the Aauiut, tin- cruiM' of A o. ..'-i, and the tirst cruise of the /'/(/('.*<. l'nrni-li(.d tof,'etb('r only thirteen -peciniens; the second cruise of the Prin- ' ■ -~, It w.nild .■i)ecially above the banks, but has also occasionally cue. untried over the deep channels, and closer in to land. The length varies T In 1'.-) linn, the diffi-reiit sizes apparently occurring together. .1. lohinnis Ims a wide Kur.ipcnn area of extending from Spain to i'inin.irUt n. tlie White .sea. Tcchind. and (ireenland. It is proliably identii-al with .1. iimri units. Dclvay. which spt.eies, according to .l.r.lan and Kverinam'. ranges from Newfnundland to cape llatteras. Tbe Knropean form spawns in the antunin at about iO metres depth, where tin' are attached to grains of sand. I'lic eggs may lie liatched during tlie course of the winter: not until spring, how- ev( r. are the larvii' found in any eonsidcrablo nionbers among the plankton, where tiny arc then cften enccnntered in enormous quantities. ii: r\.v. rirrnAcoMinD.K. Tl I riujiiiiiiriiK iiniiii (RissoV (riat.> III, KiK. -S> One >i)i'ciincu .'f this Atlantic species, measuring TO mm. was taken at Acad'i -tati.iM .">tl: (JKl to 140 fathoms). 7'. iiiiiiri is es|p<.cia!ly numerous in the Mediterrauc • and adjacent portions of tlie .\tlantic; according to .lordaii and Evernmnn, it has on'y once previously been t.ikcn !itf tlie coast of America. It keeps obiefly to ibn^p water, feeds on medusie, and its tlcsli is said '1 be liighly poisonous. 30 III r\in \ii:\ I nr mi \ ii i/. .^lUMit: 17 /1 1/ i..\sTi:i:(>sTi:n>.K. Uasterostius 'iriihiitus (Linnipus). = (»'. hiniiinosim (Wnlbaum). Tim tlirii' .|>. rinirii- ..I tliU -|K'cii-i IjImmi wmilil -I'cin (■■ lif fill li;!'' •nil, living Iu'la^'iiMllv ill llic iii'iirlilHiiirli('i«l i.f hinil. Their totiil I.'iii;lli wn^ t',.".. |1. Mint :W iniii. th(\v wi-rc tiikcii in -uif: liaiili'. at I'rinri'is »t;it''niis 2-" nml '2f>. ;lii. /.l.V. S.U.MOMD.I-:. MnUnturt liUnsiis (Miiller). ' III. Fik'-i :;>; nn^i :: : t.u.;.- iii; » FiB. 21. ri\ wiiii>\. loiiii 31 I hi-, urcth' iircMiiii|H)iur hincIch ofti'ii oct'ur* in grrat iiiiiiiU-rs down tunnrds I'lMniiirkm nml Xi'wiounillnnil. In N'cirtli Ainori<'n wiitfrs it is found n« for down as ( M|M* ( 'ltd. In Norwfffinn wnters, it spawns along the const from April t.. Juno, depositing J- ik'K* ill tifi'iit i|Uiiiititif-. rhiftly il, rspofinlly around the coasts of Newfoundland; it occurs more -|>iir-ily out ti.wiird-i l.alirador ami down in the dirtM'tion of I'ritiee PMwnrd Islniiil. Til.' si7c> of till' hirvn' varies bitwci'ii 7 and I-' nun., the tn%it majority, hnwovfr, li inn liptwi'iMi 10 and I'O nnn. i;i. /Ml/. sroMlM ID.K. Stomias boa (Rissol. ('!/( lullmilr ^\<. Stomia.1 hoa (ono specimen of :iO mm. talcen at the gurfaec, Acadia station 40) is • • o>mo|ii.liti', li«'lun):infr to the warm m»s of the world. Of Curlnlliuif. live spicinu'ns wero taken, ranRiiiR from 7 to It! mm.; tiie^' were iiipt detenniiied as to >|H>eii'^. Two .-peeimoiis froni tlie snrfaeo, '^ to Ifi mm. Anidia station K«. Three >i«'cimeiis. verlie:il iiaul. -'0(1 to 0. 7--^ and 10 mm.. Aradin station HX The ffniis Oi/rhithone comprises several bathypelagic species from various warm and temperate seas of the world. '21'. h^A^[ s( oi' >ini>i Ills sp. Omosudiiis elonynliis (A. Brauer). iljiiloi'lium illiicialc ( Ueinhardt *. M. ic'i&i/i (^Coceo). .If. punctatum (Uatinesqui'). .1/. Iiiimboldii njisso). (TABI.K til) 32 hi r\ui Ml \ I i>r I in \ ii i/. siuvirE HI *+ Malotus i////osus :, I Oi -10 P'' Slatior ail Pauls Pr rcesc n 5t 27-iCi Scope/us Sp - 10 pi- Sta'.io^" r3 ACad:,nSt57-9, |,^^^^^ -sfe»- a more '-har) FiK. 2; A ;;iii;i' uuiiiIm r •!' S< oixlid"- were taUi'ii at the outorinojt Acudiu stations. It was :'..uiiil iiiiihis-il>li' to dotiTiiiiiie sixciis in tlie inajority of i-.\ii "jli .e preserve !i->n \m-'\\]IX friMiuiully iiiipirt'irt. OnKjMidls clon;iahis was takoii ut tlircc ot the Acadia stations. station 11; ,20" — 'Mn. H six-ties 25 to 36 mm. .l.'.n — .".II fnis. 1 spi'Cies lOTi mm. .IMi—Ofms. 1 s]«"ilc8 45mm. 'I'iii> s])<'<.i'~ •)iloii;.'< to ilio wiirTiirr imrtioii-; of tho .Vtlaiitic ami Pacific. .1/. ulai-itdi' folio ^;H•l•iIlu■ll of l.". iniii. from Acadia station 45, loO to 0 in.) Thi; -IHiics is of coiiuiioii I CI iirriiico on the cast coast of .\mcrica, but is also founc tiiroiiL'lit tlic wholo ot t'lc Xorll< Atlantic. Als 1 tali'n;Ari:i). It 1. a ^••ll kiiM«ii t'.u t that I', riaiii .|M'i-ii-i liav'' tlicir iiiori' cr ^'-^ clufinito ■ pav\nini; iinainiH, nr. at any rati iTi- I'lTluiii |ili.v-ii'al iiiiiilil \i, ]«■ r.iiitiil iliiriiiu' tlif .--pawi 1"1,- \'V<\ lil. III. iimlitiiMi-. Ill iiiy. prcsiiniatilv si'ii-dii, at il.b ?!!• !i a- an Ix'st ailapliil t.i llir |ir'.pazall"ii •■I' llir ^p'ciis ill (|ilo»ti n; -pawning', "iir i lo-t iiii| • riaiil I' I li-li a--i' \\.\i',\i uniMii il- ..f ri' aft-I iiiniilt-r' ■ if i- tli. r't-torc i>f (■ '! -iili lalilc inip"rtaii''c, I'.t tin' tiflnri. , to usccrtaiii the poaitinn uuj extent of ■.11. li l;i 'Uii'U. 'I'lii- iiia.v !"■ ,|mi.i I.\ mi I'.iii'^ lAp. i iiihntat liauU t" >ci'nri' tlii" 'ipiiwniiiK •:-\i. i.r. I'll- iii'Ti ra-il.v. Iiv plaiiltai liinl-. hi. ill tin' r.'-iilt- I'l' «lii''h it will In. sri'ii 1 h.' ii.'U ,> -pa" ■ ( Ihr -p .1 | ■!. w III 111'.' wi ail ili tiiriiiilii' ill. >■ 1.1. I l.,„l !,., |„ lal:; U illpliiVi I ihc inliTiiatiiiiiiil iiivc»tit{ati m i-i- -.pawm'il tlnri- nr at i.'roatrr ilrptli-. Ill ilii- i-a-i- nf niii-l ~p. i-ii -. Imlli !-:;■■'■ ami • niini: aii- -n liahiiiri il a- In llnat in onlinary -• 1 u.ifi-r am! wluai -paivni d d.-ip I ■ ii »\ill. 'iMiii--; tn tln-ii- nuii liiinyani-y. ri~i' to r.i -iui'ari'. ulii-ri- llimi' d ■. ■ ! ■pini ;,i ilimi pi.-r.-.d-. Tin- ynniiir will tlicn iit'ti r. :i< •I.I .r L.'.riiw ill advaiiiTS. auain tiinMml-.M n In 1:11 •a I nr drptlw. nr in t'lwanl- land. i>a~-iii^; ;r III a pn'.a.iii'-'i! nf lil'n In a iimrn nr I1--S prniioiiliiii'd hottnin .-ta^n. alia- ''i' di-irilmti -ii. diiiii tlial <■! rlaii! -pi-rii-s 'j-i-ini-aliy (i.-i-nr i-'Vi-il r I ill- il -1 rililltinii ; . dnpi li'li lit 11 ■i,-li p. '.vij. and "1- diall -• <• n. i-i'tiilitiiin J. uhi-rnlni-i. a i-i-i-lain 'I- •urn 111 1". 'I'lii' !■'■_:< and ymnm ■! -!nll. • l-iiil.-: l!m lan^- 1i-im- i!-i-1i p .1 -. a-'-lill. illi-il-. 'I'n t!in-- 111 l"l:'^l" - i li -~ inip'-lt; Vln- Il pill linllli-m pnm-ip.d -pi-ri'-^ lit' li-h li.n .\. 'i'ui: t il I r 111 M. I.AWRiNt <(K. ri:i xaiimi- rnii-i- fami-li a iiiiliiln'r nl' iii~laiirr- .-Imwini,' Innv tin' idianii.-tiT of :i . I'.iiiiia i-liaimi'-i a-^ "i' pa-^ I'miii tin- vii-iiiil.x nf the I'na-t lUltuiirds. nr frnin cnldtT ■ I i.-inii-'- wali-rs, and ''• ■■ (■ im.'. .\> all. ady nu'iitioiird. tin- :;iill' St, l.awn-m-i- wa^ invi-^titrati-d \iirvi-y of tlit^ waters ns a wlmie. Tlin I nii-i-. nf till- I'l ill' '^-i I m'l'i i-hait. p. 4» Imtli pr -i-di-d frniii I'riiin' Kdward ! V...,! ....... ,., ,].,. ,... t,.y.. ,...;.;* ..f \;.t;....t:, ,:.,,t\,^--\,^rr ;:p tr. T.alvrndnr. "Tid th'^Ti"!' .a-iv.ard t.. Nowfniindlan.l. tli. 11 rnllnwinir tlio i-na-^t eoiitliward. past Capo Rrctnn. and liai-l. tn rnni'c Kdward I-land. (il.iniins; imw at tin' liauN niado at tin- dilTcri'iit 34 ;,/ /• I (,■; \ii \ I III I III \ M I/. >//.■! /'■/.' -tiitioii-. uc llii'l rl..-r |m laii.l iStMli.Mi- :'. ;iih1 1. vny Uw \a\-\a-: ■■hl.\ -U" .'r <•.■■■• ,|,,,,.;i,„ ,,, ,,)■ ,1„. .,n-ti.' -|.rru- ,l».nr r '.(v hil, ■,,■,.< aii.l l/.i/w./;..v nV/nv,,..': iiMPVn.iT ,,ul ..v.r lin' iMi.k-. »'■ .■;,.-inil. r /// ■ ;Wm^,.-. //■( ;n .1 ';'./. -v , .ih.u-' ^^\\U -■iw h w ,,v,, ,1' ni,n< .iin'th:.^. l.,-i.l - -..Ml. :ir,Mir ll-li. vi/.. /../,'> }, !', nr:ir t!i,' m1-.-. '<'. .■"'''■irhi- iiihl I Inp'iiii.p-' I hi .\r<- Mt^iiiii l.>-- iiiiiii.r. I.-: «.■ M:.i, li^.u.A.T, Mi-;.,p|. til,' y-iiii^' of >■- ',„s/, , ,„,frn,»s. St:iti..i,- 111, 11 ;,,i,l IJ .il".\.' ii:ii;K- ' . -t ■ ! .\i:ti.'o-li i-i'V.m1 iMn'r i'.' ;i tnir l..iiik I'iiiiin. Ih' r'iii''l'^ Stiiti-ii- l:; .ai'l II. ii|. 1 waid- l.alT.Mi^r. I'linii^'i. d i iii :i p" r .\ i I 1 ; tli'' -t;iti..i,H; ,,,,,i,.|- N.'«: :;i;ii'.M:.l. i ..uiAVi'. .iiv -.i-in'm - . ii I ■ !"■ ri'-!i in •-^- -l' /'''■ /'"""/'^' "" ■i"'l (;. ;i-l,i.-.> liaul- ; 1,..,,,!,, ,1 ,■ 11-1,1. ■.■., 1.1. ■ iiiiriil..r ,,|' /'" .•■i/i',/,~. ."" ,,\;i. \|,.\Pi- -,,i,ili«.,r,l nl.M.- 'h,' -^t, the h.i^il- arc -t'll rhh :i> r.iranl- tiic-o -p.'.-i,,-, im.l iit -tiiti..ii 1'.', i-l.isc in t.. liiml, u,. . ii.'.ui.!. r, !■ 1- til, lii-t mil.-. ,.\.i ,.l ih.' -,,ulh.'i-|.v l',-r:ii ' -'. /r 7 i/.m/v .i,.>;,, / mj.v. Ahi.v,, t!:,' (1. . |) .-haul., I ill <:ih,.t St;.iit, S'li.iJ,. |.r,Mi,.iiiiii,.:i',|. \, t iiumI -lati. ii •Jl i- iv.i.-Ii, ,1 .1 • «.■ .i:j.iiii 111.. I with th., haiih- t'liuna, '-. '■iH'inr- aii'l l>n r"r,,,- Ha. which arc thcii,'. f.irwai.l ,.f ,..iiini.iti ...■.■urn n.c llir,.ui:li.,iit tli.' i-ciiiaiclif cf t!i.' .•riii'-o hack t.i I'l-ii:.'- l';.l,\ar.l Mail, I 'I'll,- la-l -ialari-. -..iiih ,.| I ah-t -tiai!. a'-, luriii-h,-.! ;iiit,' a fc-|i.- t.ihl.' M,l,l i.f ii.'U 1,\ spawcc,! iii.i.-hcr.l , rir-, wiiicii v 1-^ I...I a lilth- -ai- |ii'i-iiii.' ill \ i.n ,.l' til.' :.i,-l that thi' haul- iiiailc hut ,i h w ,i,iy- |.f,'vi..ii-ly ,,ii tlic ■ ■pih.-it.' ~1.1,- "1 rrihc.' I'.iuanl l-laicl lia.l \ i. 1,1. .1 ii,.liiiiiL: h\it lil..f,- ,•!• K -- afti,- -pcci.'-. ■|'h. Ani;ii-t .1111-. ••1' the I'riifs^ ( i /./,' i-liart, |.. It .■..v.rcl. r,,Ui;lily -|»',ikiiit'. liic -.line ri,Miii,| a< lie tir-t. ('!..-.■ ill I,, hiii.l. th.- \i,-!,l ■.•n-i-t, il mainly ,,l' ,l;l'- an.l yoiiii^ (if liiK's alal Ch iKiJ'ihrii.'i, until wc rca.'li tlic Iniiik*. wlioii ''0,1 aiiil iiia.kcrcl ma!- thtir a|.i>, aram-. . 'Ilic - ■ 'alt, r ii en a-, il i'l i iniil , r- a- th,' ,.iit af i v, ya'j.' ji o ,.,.c,|,.il. till- n"v an, I 'V./.o-^ ,i,'',,,"s'. OnK at ,111. ,'!■ tu" "f ill,' iii'T,' -"Utia'riy -tati,.n~ -iliiat,',! icar tlu' i',.a-t ,if S-'\\:,,iin,ll,ii,.l \>,'iv -'111.' I',"- -lic'inc 11- "I th. -,' -ic'i,'- I'.iUial. N.. rill, Til -p.-,'i,'-. Icw.'V.'i-, nia\- al-, h.' Iniiinl -"Uth ,,1' this Hi,,'. , nrriiiL' imn-,^ parti, ularly in the -, Hit li«.-l, ni p.,r!i,,,i ,'t th,' unit', v.a-t ,.|' the MaK'daUn i-lamls. I'.-r th,' r,-t. th,' ,'l].i;-ai-l,r "l' th" ynn- l.iiin i \aries with l! ,■ ,1, ptii : w,- tin, I I'lcii'ili- I'lii^ ami >>iint II, ar laml. an, I ,'l"-i' tn ,|iiit, -ha'l .w han' li,- hank hu'iii- c.iisistiiiL; t',, i:. ,,d>n,,„s .111,1 /'/,/. , III, ./,v,/^/. whih- al...v.' th,' ,1,', p ,'haiin,'Is Siha.^hK is t'.mn.l. Till' ina.-k,r,l. air.iiii. is ,ni',.unt,'r, ,1 llir"Uidi 'iil all anas, -iihj.'.t I,, th,' i'i-tri,'ti,,n i!,,te,l ah''\-,'. U. 'I'l; i: w\i I |;~ ..risipr, X.,v\ Si .'ri v wn l lli: Xi" f. .i MH.wti P, WKs 'llie I riii-,'- "f th,' l,'i,/i.i I r/,/' i-hart. (p. 1) r.'vial a -iniilai- i-'r,.iipln^' .,f tlie .lur,.^., ,,( .;.„.,.;,.-: .,...., ,,.,i;,,^r (.. ,1.!. ill-taii.',' fr,.iii Ian. I. an.l li,',.li raiilihal tiiis|ti..n. ri\ [III '\ 11 > II II,' 1 1, s i:\l'i:iUTIO\. lOI'rIo 35 On |1„. \h ,1.' ici.i. .; . 11 -la'i.'ii^ rj"rii Ihilifiix I. lit. th.' liiiiiks p:i-t Suliln .1 1 ;ili -iMT;i1 >)>i Oiii-i.U' 111.' ImiiI - wo fiiiil Sehdstcs, but fartlier out again tlie yield bcci.mos extremely ;i MIS -llilill hllllll'iT ,(■ fl,,i..U,h,-ii^ :il.uM. Ihr -1i;i11mwit ■.•n.iinil- nc:ir S;i .f lluiinilcr, .\mintiihi I'- ll- lllilil till- I'llti rilh'-f -l;ill"li li;i. will i-r a mniilirr "t' pi-hitri Athiiiti X. u-f. .1 l.aiik VVi' tllli ilH-r ril'Ti- liiiiii- u. 1-r Iriinil. Mil fi-a'-luiii.'- Ill'- .Ni u-|.iii!ii|lali'l l.aiiK-, l)r, i^iiin/ts, Ihi ami .l///»i..r/',/.y: al'-.\r lln- d. .-pi-i- ii.Tli tnwanU »'a|"- l!ri-t"ii ami ( all ■! ^1 rail, >' '"I'/' ~ i- cif iiK.ri- 1.1- i( --. rn-iiiriit i"-<-iirn-H'-i'. I'll. I -, ■,1111(1 rnii-c ..r the .|..i.';.i -1m. u~ ~iiiall vii-Ms at lla- >lart. niT tin- ^"iilji.-i-u |ii.i I ff X.pva S.'otia: straiiili-ly iiiniitrli, linwvvor, wo liero tiiid Schasti'x at comparatively ■ li-lil (li-plli-. 'I'lii- i- ]i,ii1m1'1.\ r..iiii'-c-lri| uith till' i'a-t lliat, >'i Iniyh-i in tlu'-i' ^nitliorii \val' 1-- I i'.ay 111' Fuinly ami \i w l-anilaiid wat.r-^ ^yiawi,- in iiii.rc of li--~ .'<, wliiv. th,' ili-ptli im-r, a-,--, w,' fiml iiiiiiii-r,,ii-^ vjis-i ,,f .Ui i7i((-rii(.v; j'.iilh. 1 1, ill,' Scipi li,la- ]ila,v a -I'-i- |,r, iiiii ii,-iil |,art. <>va 'l' i-i'il ami liaiiil,„-k ai,- iiinv I. lit -pai'^,ly I'l.iiml at ■'!! • ■ .iii- I'Ht-id,' N'uva Scutia: ,,ii tlic Nc-\vf,,iimllaiul !,aiik-, Ii'.w, vrr. tlii-y an- "ii ^I'l-- ■ ■•u- ■• -i 'n ;-'i-rat iniiiilicrs. statimis S] to s:; i , Iiil; |iai-li,-iilarly rii-li. K^rtr^ -;' /''- ;'./(,",■- 'I'l ,.Uii arc fairly niiiiii-r"ii- lir-ro, wliilf I'll' ar,ii,' i-api-liii l,rar- uitin' - ■ '- ,- vi.'iiiily ■ tlii' p,>lar ciirri'iit. Fniiii the banks ,.y,r 1., ('np,' itri-t <. / , iiiiliriii.'<) ..nly in viry >niall .piai,; iti, -. ('Iiiiiihilinix ,ii,ly at stati,,ii !•!, (piiti' ill.-,, t.r laml. W'c -r,.. tlnii. that in thi< ai'i-a, liki-wise, distiiK'tioii may bo liiado !.,in\,|.n si-voral ditTirrnt kiml~ i-f fauna. I'p tnuards Nowfuindlanil. wo bavo — a,-,-,,r,liiit; to Kuri'iN-aii tortn- cltli- and y.innL- ,>f b,iroo-arotio fisli, on tin' banks ofT Niiva Si',.lia a bori-al bank fauna, whilo ..lit omt tlio frroat doptbs. ('s]H'i'ialIy to tbo -.iilliwanl. lb.' Atlaiiti,' -p.,-!..- pi-.d-.tiiinato. Oil r,.nipariiiir 'bo vt.i.-k ,if y,iiin;r ill tlioso tw,^ aroa>; tbo gulf, ami tbo waters iiil-i,l,. N,iva Sc.tla. W(| liml that th,- u-i\lf -boiihl iii,.-t jiroporly bo rojxardi-d as a ■iia-lal wat,-i-. wboro litti.ral mid ('•■a-tal forms an- found in (rreat nnnibors; wo fiml 'h,. ii-iial lii^di doirror of variation ii toiupcraturo botwoon summor and winter, with ..,,n-,~pi,iidiii;j variation in tbo fauna hotwoon nortliorn and southern forms; purely Allaiitii' sjH'oios, howc vor. do not apixar in the hauls. An int.-ri'stiiif;- feature, by the v'-;,\. i^ the faet that the uiaokorel i> not ropresontod at .ill ill till' .■l<-(i(//.r material (but tow o-irs on tlie first cruise'); while tbo creator ,,f tbo Ammii'liil' ■■ taken durin!Jr the invostlsations was furnished by tlu; A'.i'Hii. it is reiiiarkablo also, that none of the cruises furnished a sinplc berriiiK larva, ,|. -pit, th.- fai't (hat tli.' b.'rriiiir < iir- in m-arly every jiart of the areas invostij,Mted. IV. i;i<)l,i)i.U AI, t'OXDlTlONS. M.,il,.ni marine n-.arob has >howii u- that life in llm .s.-a is t.) a biiih de^reo ,i. upon b,vdrof;rapbioal o,,iiditl,'ns : eiirrent, toiiiporature. and salinity. \Vc -h,.iil only by boariiiy in mind the peculiar bydrojtraphical con- .lit bins that wo can explain the otlierw-i uvwi imiMirtaiit -peei, -.. On c.unpiiriii!.' the Canailiin with the Kuroiiean waters i>i this resitect, -rvi ral |icciiliaritios wi'l at once bo not ii eel. oipceially tbo pronounced trniisiiosition ,h.l ,.\l,.n-ion of ibi- ^I'awiHiit; -. a- i,, wiii.ti h.r, tal;rs pl.-ieo in til.- case .".f .srvernl 36 HI r\i:nn:\ I df iiii \ ii i/. si:i!\ic!: s|MOh -. iinioiijr llii-c pir-riiiiiicnll> whii-li cii the i'ii>t(TU -iili' i>f tlio Athmtii- nn- couiitc.l iis t-iiriiiL'^imwiiiMS. A )>runiinfi'.t exaiuple is that nf the coil i in aililition to haddock uiid l>i\ i,niiuin:lta) which spawns in cou^idcrahle iiuinhcrs in the gulf of St. l.aun iici.' i-iuhl Mil iiii.i |i;r 111. .nil; .'l'>I, ulifiva~ iu thi- Nnrwiuiaii waters, it.-. .-iMttiiini; i- M\ii- ill Mjs. ,\- a (•.■ii-r.|\iiij I' ihi-, \m' lua.v, in \\\<- i^ulf |i:l\Ml!im' .-i .1 id it in n- in the -allT? wiili-r ahd .1! li.i' -.11111- liiiii' i- riiiiarkahi:- iiitlrrd; ;i. lui i'. ■|i':iii watrr-. ihr f|i,i\\iiiii'j; <■!" llii'-i \\\ ■ -I II- .lil'i-rs \\i(li'..\., .1- niiard- lime and |.l.ii-r. What i- iiiorr, it i.- ■in',\ e\i i I'l i'lnallv tl.i' Iiii;'''iii r^'l r .nie -1 I'.ir li.iiMi, a- I'l t'-ia-h liir iiriih'ipal .-pa\Miiii'.' i:l'"'ihil- I'l' till' ■ii'l ,,i all. 'I'i.r lApiiiiial i'lii may ii^'l iiiiiia 1 11 rally In- iiiiav i ii"d il) lie ill llir .llil'ilpt ." .lilt,.- ■'( ti lllpil'al Me 1 lie. .liiii, .;■,.,! i;i tli.' ( ',. 1 1 a i| 1.1 11 '.\.i|il--. 'I'll'' >ami' imihIii |.;.- uhi.-ii ran-.' .\i!'nti.' « a lan- ii ;i|i r [■nil- t>. iin.t, niV the I'll. 1-1- .,!' .\.'\\ luiiiMiiiiiid, \'. iili i-i'; I'r-i'Ml 1: ivc-- ..|' til.- ai'i'li'- ;':iuii.,. nii'ji.l uril a'-'''aini; I'l.r ill'- ..n-i thai il, till- Li.ili' •'( St. l.auTi ii,-.-. iii,- .- ..! ..f i-i- ijr iim-ili m-.- ai'le t.i Inc :ind pr-p.m.ite linn- -i iiiiili.iiir.iii- 1 v wiiii tin- 111. .11- - . in; l,i i-!v mih-kL-n-l. 1 1' \v.' taki- a ii-iiip.|-alufi- -I 1-1- !i-"in Ihr -iirlai'i- !. 11 In-'-, thi-ii, «.- lind I in- dilh Ti i;l v. ■'.' r l.i.^'i i'- v i ir v i 1 1 •_' -., Lii-i-ntly in II nil. Ml .■am-,- .i- n- i.iT.r.i I'le, ..i.ral.!.- .-.-n-lil i.-n- l-ali P.r <■.,! ami m.i.-'M'ri-l. That hi. Ill -|..c-i.- d...iild livi- in ib.i- -.nil- -iratnni tin i-r- i- la. r. a- n !.• h.iirvi-; .n riie e.'iti-afv. i- iiM-l 1.1- pri-iiiii.-l i-il'.-i' li. I lii-- ii-h an- I h. la-' ii i - ah!.- P. ni; i.ul the iii..|.. -.lanl.l,- w.iirr i.n.r., ii..! .\ .i.l ii,..-i. 1.--- 'n ., i.r that iL.-y .■ i . ..u'imr tn .-. rtaiii !.i- |..;; li-iil-iir. Ill •■-- . I- li--- p.i--i\.ly 1- d l-i l>ii|Hri:i -n.-li i a- are hy iia'iin- 1..-I d n. lin-ir i,. . •!-. I> i- .1 w.-ll kmn-.n '' .- l'. .,i r.-raiai -p.-.-I. - ..;' li-ii. -ii.-Ii a- .-m.j, hi-ri-1'r-'-. lai iiiin-ki-r.-l. \ar\ kal.ii.-it ..-.-.. rid-; '.. il.i i.-iien i-.a n ;.■ .l li,.- -w-.a.-v. ('...| .ii-l lievri'iL- ii; ly :ii 1 ina- in .\.- in -inl'-.w. .il . tk.-r- in d.-. ]i- r. v .:Iii'. and in I la- -mi:' Ir ra Niirw. J ii'ii \-..i:ii- ill.' Ill '. k. "■• I M.. IP, rai'lv I ' ni.'\' -I U'liil th'. ''ii.'i-ili\- 1 '.;iii/. .1 tliaf -..'ii.' ..f thi' r i.'i' I.' 11. ii.i- - arr .'!' i!..t !a\ili',' I. lit Mit-l'a.'r t.-iii|ii ratnii. i- at ai.iM !'> < '.. 'i l".-i'-l dt-ili lilt :idi.'iani-n .'M-ii ■-: ri \ . ti.i t-rri'.ii;. ■. " tli.-ii- II. t- 1 ' ;. i-m'.1 .'ipa. 1.-. Am 'l.M '!;•■ l.:..!MUl.'a! !M;'li.r - ^^hi"!l I'l-lt ke 1 1.' 1'.' lit P. aet ! 11 tin - dil'. .-I !. .11. w.' -liMiiM ||..; .'I' .ill r.'iii. mil. I- lial tie .• d i- .■ I l'..m li-k. 1 .-I.ii..j-iii^- . --i-atialiy t'l the -1 1-1.1.1 1 .- i!-. -.1 tie -.a ll r "h'l-.' it- '" 'd i- i'-ili .'. an.! \'. k.T,. ii- -p,i\viiiii:r I alii < ))la.'.-. d'lir ma.-k.i'i I, "11 ill' "i k.-r lia.;.!. i- .i | i i .l:'.' -e. a -. ;>. .pa '.I iii'i i! any rale during- till' spaw lina . a-..i. -tin- npp. r a,.!, r ! ... i r-. f - k' d, until lli' r-e i- -)i iit. the 1 kal'li 111.!.' I., p.'ii' 1 1'.ii.. d.'.i a ki V'l • nil' -I' .11. Irr- d.'i.tli. I>ii Lilam-in:;" at a P nip.-r it ill'.- -i-ri.- l'r..iii lii- /'m',-...-.- -•.-li.iu :'.>'. wker.' ..'.-a i.f I'lid am! m.i.-krr. I \-.-.'ri' Paial in ..ii.' a; .1 tli.'' -aiiipk', tli" pli.'n.'m.M'.ii will .a-'ly bo rxi.laim-.!. t f-l 1 ■' - 7 lie-,' L'.".-|. It \v ' 11. iw appiv t.. tli.-f fiiriin- what we kii'.w ..f ih.- hi. .|. .try ..f the e...l and niiiii;. r. 1. il will i e .iii-ii'lall.' t ii.-liidi' thai the ma. I r. 1 la . p t.i the iippir hiyeif - ih-.v.-ii '..: iik.eit. L'." m. " !:•'!■■ t|i" l.'mp.ratiir. i- fia . .iiivil.k' t.. it. i U, wliik' tlu' i-...l ?oek ihr l.i»er -Irata. lindin^ there m..r.' -iiitidile .'.iiiditii.ns in thi- re-prel. fMVI/)/IV risliritirs EXI'EIHTIOS, IHI',-15 37 'I'll.' vicUl (if .-nil inul iiiiu-kcrcl iri-'- :it tlii- stiiti.Mi i.'.ivc> tin' t'ollowiiij; nmiiliers:— At su. face :■■ tKi:s. IT'J . «n.s, 1 I larva-. •• 30-0 nutrcs 1- " *> [[ '^ •' r.ii-0 " -■' " 1 Maclicrel cfrs^' ami .viiiifl mc liy Inr iimst miiiii'icni- at tin- ^iirlacL' (.in tin' lioriznu- lal liauU) tli«! ood c^'fr-. (ni tln' otlitT liaiul. luiiiK t'..UMo iMiiiid in water of spe-itii- f-'ravity equal to their ouu. Tin- >|ie<-itie {iravity of ova, l,..u.\vr. i- n..t a i-on-tant niatriutuih- : that of cod ejrk'-, Inr in-!ane.-, whieh normally vjiir- l.iit very -lightly, may le affi-et^ d hy a 1-w de-ror ,.f salinity in th.- wat.r, which Im- iho <-lhit ..f -radnally redn.-in^' tho w, ii.-h.t of tlir f^;-'-. If rX|...M-d t.. -tronp- sun- li-hl. a^airi. nr to .-..miiarativi ly lu;;h t, ini).ratnr. . they will Miik. even in wator of hiudi salinity; and the pnmo applies to newly hatehed young. Tiii> hist i- a very well- !.i,.>\ve pliiii..nicniiM in marine liatrlario-; I am, hoWi vi-r. unalple to i;ive any ihtinilo liu r. -, having' had no .ipportimily this s.-ason of making (•.\iM-riini-nts in this direetion. The .-p.-.ili.'\ and variation of -anu- -in eod egiis at Fli.devigen will ho -.,1, from till- foil,. wing e\p.-rimont- (l)ahl iV Dannevig; rndir-r.keU. - over nytton a\ Tov-kntlakningi ()-tland>ke fjordi-, Hil. 1, |). -■•). Thi r.'o and xouui; were pl.i.-ed in threi- s. parale re>-eptn.-le- in ord- ■ to drtrrmuie ilii IV ,!|'pro\iniato -pcritii- ;;ra\ii,v. I. Sp. gr. 1 (ir.t at -^ ."oT f^p. gr. in situ. lOlTlHV). (Jill, ahoiit one-third th.atjng. other.s snsp, ndod, the remainder at the hottoin. -> iiiiiin. mo-t at lotiom. -onio sn-pendeil and at snrfa^e. 11. Sp. -r. l-n-Ji) at + .".-1' l sji. gr. in silii, 1 ols'.iT). "(■(, more than half lloaliiii;. the nmiindir at tho or -uspi nd<'d. ) ",.«./. ahout half lloaling. the n-t at hottoin .ir in >nspension. 111. Sp. gr. I-Ol':.' at + ."■!' ( sp. 2t. in ■•■ihi. 1 (L'iMit!5). "'■'/, pr.ielirally all tloating. 1 'Olio/. ])raetieal!y all lloaling. Sialio I ;',it, ahovo nieiilioned. the speeilio gravity of the water near the .snrface .'oi;iali> ahont thr value for ^-pecillo gravity (.f eod egg- a< notiil in Norway: we iniuhl therefore have eNp< clod to iind a greater niimher of ova at tho snrfae". Tliat ihi-- wa< not the case -lioidd pos-ihly he a-erihed t> the iidhienec- of the 1 igh tempera- 1 :iii-. ihiri- prevailiiiL:-. \Vr Iind, tlion, that the -imultane-iu- spawning of coil anlingnish hetwcen winter and sprinir-spaw- 1 iiiir li-h. ii-i is i;rncrally ilonc in l-'iirope: if any such hiidcmical distinction is to he inatlc-. it mn^t he hased n|>.ni the liinit-^ oi tcnipi-rature hetwcen whieh spawning takes I-Imo . a nn^thod which wonld of conr-e he e.nudly .instillahlc on the eastern ^ide of the Ailaiilli'. Tlio 111 r-.ti,,n ari-c-, h.iwcvcr, whcllnr ll:r len;peratiire of the water really ilooa , -oit -indi inlluinc,. n|)on the -p.iwning of the ti-h ; whether other causes might not !.■ iinin:incil. and the c.xplanatioo ahove >nggi-sted he found insiiflicient. In this comici-iion, it vill h,- natural to recall the annmi^ periodicity in the di vclopment of the sexual ori-'ans. whieh might he suii|iosed U^ proceed iudepemlently of all externnl factors. It has. hovever, ripeatedly heen found, hy investigation m 38 HI r\i.'mi\r iir I III \nw siinicr (,t!i, 1- -I'll. iv-. i!i;ii wli.r,- r.milaiitx ..l tl..- -r;i-.iiiii:iy \..r>iii- pliv-'h-.i! mndil i-u- in ;iiiiliKil- .ii- l.l:iiit- .,■;,»-. !lir :ii;iin;il p.riM.l ,li-:i|.iK ;ir-. ■•v lM.-..iri, - in.;:iil;il' .iiid iii(ii>tiiirt. 'I'h,. nillii.ii.-, ol t.iii),, raliiiv ii|»'ii llii- iliil> inhii-il> "f lli.- ~|.;i\\ niuL' uiiiv I'li-ily ],- •■\~,i\,,] ill ;i, r.%. :it aii.v rU. ■ lin'r ;i -p:i\Mi:iiir lin-iii i- iin|ilii,M(l Wt-k ti..' ilcyi-fi- t.i wliirh -piiwuiii!.' (lc|.iii.K up.. II t'. iiiprr^iturc i- in iiMrtiriil:ir iiKi-t .M>ily<'r;ll.l.' wluiT ll.r hlllrl- 1:1. -I, .r IMll^i-- 1.. W.rll H llll'l ■ ■"■ . L. ;i ll- ■ lit wluii l.rt\\ .11 •'■ 1.11. 1 111 . OiIhi- iiillu.ii. . - iiiii.v iiiiiki' lliiiii-.-lv^ 1'. \'.il Inl. 'I'lii- liiay. li...' .v .v, \h- iliic 1.. pin. ly> ^i.-iil .■..n.iili.ii-. Ill iiiiy rat.-, a-; a- tlir am. .mil ..I I' 1 .•.>ii-iiiiii..i i- >nlli.iriil ii..iiri-liiiii-iit. a- ll.r i\|.aiiM \ \\»- will , \rr< a ].ri — hit up..ii tin- ..\ari('s. FiirtliiTiii..r... li..- -aliiiily ..I' tin- ual.r may I..- siipp..-..! |.. liavi' > c ilVri'l ih.iiuli thi- will -.-ai ly 1 i any ini|...i-tan.-.. ;,- l.m- a- di.' variali..n iiiv..K.'.l i- ii..! t".. un at. Kir :;:;. 'I'lir rnrv.- h. IV -li..wii aiv l.a-.-.l !;|...n .laily ..l.-rrva!i..ii- at lln' liaL-lirry ..f FI...I1 \ii;. II .liii-iiiir til.' >pi'iiiir ..t' r.i.''.i. aial imli.-al.' llic llai'tiiatioii- in trin|itTaliire and -|.aunin- tlir..n^li. .ut tli,. .■>-. iillal ].ai' ..t ili.' >pa\\nini:' liin.'. I '.l.'i- t.. piv-..nt 111,- clian'-t ]..'— iMr -nrv. >■. 1 liavr 1» r.' mark..! ..ll. 11. .1 the 'iaily Mniu-, wlii.'li vary ,'..|.-id. nut a m. an Miln.- .al.'iilat. .1 .a.'li day tin- ..l.-.i'x at i..n- .'I' that dale phi- 111..-,' ..t til,' PA.. pn'\ i.m.- and lli,- l\v.. -iil.-.'.|ii.iil ,lay-. ia'. ..vaMn imaM .'Xlciul- iii)^ iiv.-r liM' .lay-. V.' l'..--inii,iTii:- ,.K ni;\i,'Mi,M'. wn ini vtim. nn.iji i:m v ..|- Tin; Pin-iitrAi' stalks. Ill liif t..|,'i; <-i.'i;- in tlic -niiarat.. -i.,..i,'S tak,.s iilac'i'. and what , -111111008 tluTc ill',' l'..i- thi'ir l.,-iii)r hat.'h.'d. l'>..iii ill., li-nr,'- in laM, II. w,- ..I.Iain lli. l'..ll..\viiiL' iiiiii;l.,'rs ,.f i'ITl'- ami larvir till' -ix iii.i-t i'i.inin..n'v nrrin^' -p.>,'i,'-: ,lva\';,' ri.„.,M-,'..v _t-^_\ ■•\l l"-nmbrr lI'-';; ' i:n,l ,s '.illnnai (tnil n .i.i(. liinis ','!-- "l.\ '^l!':^„rri,„:. ::.'.'.:'.:'.:'.:'..".. '..'■^. '.'■ .'■ vs^i 'o It will he Hf'oii thai tiic mid..i.U li,'r,. prcilnminalc ami iun..ii}i tiic-i', iis we havp »lr(-a,lv -,.,'11. tho <■>>) i- ..f in..-t t'ri<.|iirnt ,H-,.iirivmv. i)\a .'f .1/i'Wiirr/i(s are iilso vory ( i\i/irii>s, ini'i-i; 39 iiucT'.ii-, liut t' niai' ri ,1 ,,1 til. t, lic.ucvcr, liavo been present in tirrnt nnin- I.. r- 'l'lii> |iroiinrti"ii letueeii I'Va ai 111 vuunK varies i;reatly; in tiie ea'ie of Clennhihrux, nearly a~ jnany larva' ; e(.'i;s u s while of Mfiiiiiriiis. on llic other hand, only epRS Sllrtl tabl ie eannot. Avever. he n?i il witliout reserve as n im-ans of ealenlatini,' he jien "pnien entiijre ha t of th. tehed ("T t; iva will nei'( different spceies the )ieriod of time reiiuired fur deve taken into consideration, as lUo the aye of tl \ii!niir will ■n eaptured. Witli nio-l species it is true these pciuits a bnt in th- .f the eod we have ltrnction of cod 111 of th( y luiiiT nni-t he enorinou- ith coil. .\s to the part were thi.s not ietdar stain the sea wcinlu soon Id s. f develn])mpnt at which iifortuiiately, all too little leeome ovcr-popii tlie Rorm rly stap-s of latetion. 1 have, in determiniiiR the ova, noted throiipliout the number of efjtjs lelonjjinfr to earlier and later stages; in the smaller samples all the ova examine d. in the case of the larf;er, only n represent- ative portion was measured off and investigated, the figures thus obtained being then utilized for calculation of values for the whole. In order to keep the work within a reasonable scope, distinction has hero been made between three stages only: the lirst being the '• germinative disc" stage, before the formation of the embryo digs. 1-2), the second from the early pigmented embryo t. well-developed pigmentation (tigs. ;'.-l), and the third with pigmentation char.ieter- itic of the siiec'ies ftigs. .".-•', i. The-e stages •re-p..nd to .\pstein*s figs. l-!>, 10-.18 a'ld I'.l l'J, from whi.-h thc>e text figures have been taken. 40 /)/ i'\i;nii SI '.I "I; h.. .itliir i.riiicipl.' than ll:ai -l' c.l'Uiiiiiii.^. i>s (■a>ilv as p(i--il.l. . ;, -urv.v ..f tli.- i.nm. ri.-al va'iur- at tlic .lilTiTiMit >la,-v>. tlu'M' last boiiiK .-.. s,l.-t,a a- I.. !.,■ iii-t:ii^iii-li„lil.- V, Mil II. > ijnat .lilli'-'ill.v wlim sliijlilly inaf.'iiiric; - Vlr-r < tais - S ii'i rniiso. i,.u:, i.:'.:u T'',' "I" i:: ":; Wr liial ih'ai. ..II l...!h .aaM-..-, an ,. .a' \ !,. I'liiii- inai.rit.v ..l' ..\.a in tlir early staucs. II. w i- tliis t.. l.i' rxphiii.rci; 1- it t . h. tah. a a- .iilir.l\' iliii' !.■ iii..rtality .ir tlc'stni.'ti..n l.> -..111.' iii.aiis. i,v .!.. nth. i- lart..r- Imt.' f\rvt th.ii' iiillacia-i-. rc'iHlcriiip tha iinnii'ijii.t.. iiiipri--i..ii pn..l!icc.l hv tla' aimw- in.-.irrt I't < A- ua- -liall -f. a lahh' ..f this -.rt -I1..MM !..■ tr. at..| v.'itli tu.- l-pmI^-i raiitinii. 'riic'. .11 l.rlivc, n th.. ilithr. 1,1 -la'J.- i- ivt "u\v il. 11. lah iil. t'..r in-laii...'. iiinrlality. l.iil als.. t.. a hiL-ii .lim... ill.- tiin.- al whi.'li tli.- iiiM-ti-ati.)n>; were 111a. 1,.; in a.l.liii-ii t.. ulii.-li. v.v liavi> al-.. i n-i.l.T tli.. p..-^ili..ii of tin- -tati..iis ia r..lati..ii t . thr -pa-.'. iiinL' ■jr-'Miai-. Wlii'ii t!i.' inv.-ti..:ati..ii- an .-irii.'.! -.lit .'avlv in tla' -pawniiiL' -.'a-.m, then naturally tli'-n' v. ill 1.- a v.ry lii.:li j.. r.-..ntai:.' ••{ n.'« ly -i>a'.via-.l and iu> late M;;^;as. I ii\ i-t ii;at i. .11- lat. r in tli.' -i.a-..i., ..n tli.' .'tlirr han.l, will '^tw the ..j.p.isito r.a-iilt. A f. u rh-li hauls mail.- ..i: tl va.-t -p..t wli.r.' ^pawiiini.' taki - pla.'o wi'i L'lve a .lilT.'i-cnt n -lilt t.. that ..htaiia .1 I'l-.m lia'il- made out ..vcr the jireater depth-- wliore c. IN. 1/1/ IS n>iii:i:ii:> i:\rh:inii<>\. H'l',-!-; 41 ,1... ti^h .lo uut .spawn: th.- I.-"' ..'.-. fou.i.l .mt.i.le ll..- l.uiks. will l.av<. Urn .•arrn-.l Ihitli.r l,v tl.r .•urr.nt. .n.l tl.- Iny.vr tluy linv Ixcn iulrift Mn.v' Vavintf U»' Muuvninf.' .-rounds.'tl,.. f.rMw.,- «.ll ,i..v..1o,,n...nt l„.vr .uIvmu..-.!. Oh ll,;- spawn.njr groun,!, ,l„,vf..r,-. we nnist .aim'.i tn tin.l n-'ulv-Mmu n,.l .W^ m the nw.jnr.ty: uut.nlc tl.oe Iccalitii's. till' hitcr >tiit;v- will pri'iinniiiuili . The invrstifWlnm- in '1„- ;.'nlt ,.f St.," m.v. Iiowvv.m- to a x.-r.v trnat ..xfnt W iron, th-- -..n, - ..f M-.-.f, I. wHI U, .,■,■„ f..n, tl... :,1„.. Mm 1. spawning wa. in f»ll pr...n- .lm-i„^ .ho tir.t rrni.,. ..) ,!,.. fnnr.y ,n ...,,,.. a.M that .,, f,.w lit,. M;,...- urn- Ion,:,!, nuis !..■ rNplain.,! a- .hu' lo tho ta.-t of tho iiaiiK n ,„„.M,on 1., inL' -Ma,l paratnolv .arU in tl.,. --a-.n,. On tho August .-rut^.- of he i-rlunss. howov,.,-. tlu^ ,.l,.ir.-t;..n i> no 1,., ..,.,• va1i,l; tl,,' nuniU-r ..t ova ha~ ercatly ,l,r>-..a-.o,l, th,- M-u^-on l-inu' n.w n,ari.,i.' it- -Iom.. a.ul a far groaKr .juanCly ,,1 ,^1.- in th,> later slajr"'- niiRht liav,' I", ii .vp, I'lcl. . , „ . . u ,■ ,\ i C.n p,in^' Ihrouuh •!■,. tahl, - (■•<■ th,- ,Tui-^ ..t th,. I'nnr... ,t w,ll lurtluT h- „„ti,-,.,i that th.' proportion Utu,on n,.wly.-p..w.u.,l yva :m,l tho>,. ,n tW ^"-•'' ^ ;'^';- i. tlw -am,, at all -talion-. onlv ,.v,.,.p, „.nally -lo w,. tunl th,. lat,.r .taM - i„ ,1„. ,„aj,.rity. No .in,l,' nation i- - ri-h in ,u.wK-pawn,.,l ova a, ... ,.x,..- a ,l,.„,i„a.,t inllu..n..e upon ■• ■ r-ul; ..- a uh..lo. nn.l tl,,.,-,- .- thu- no r.-a-on to ,|,a.-t.o„ tlu.ropr..s,.ntativo value. .f th,. i,iat,r:al ou thi- li.a.h ; 1 ,. ,1 1,. A, re,^,nU the nu-u!.,..- ..f iarva-. tin- w.ll aluay- h,- M,l.,,e,.t to ..on-nl,.,:! , ,.n-or. as tl,e larva^ are ,n..r.. or l,.-s ,.,.,|.,w,..l with pow,.r ol n...t,.,n, ..Mah-nnir capture ,. ,litll,.ulf. in a,l,lition to whi..!,, th.'ir au,. is oft,-n (l.llieult t,. .letern.tiu.. < oni- .,,„ I„.tw....n ova an,l .vo.tnn will th.-refur,. h.' -ul..i,.,.t t,. ^-n-ater uticertainty than that h,.tw,.,.n at ;;"'";\'';"^ h,.tl,.r:, howevi-r. w.- nm-t .'..n-hli.r si>|.,.i,.s heiii.u' indistinj-'iiishal in-.r |Mrl-on ,..1,1 ami hailil..ek tonetlier as on,., the-c tw.) .1,. ,.ni- fr.mi another in the early stajres uf the ,)va. .\ .;,.lia I. .\, II. Sla-.. I sn,„'.. II l.;,l^.. I l,;„l.i,.i.k in: ..•l.s;! I.I I 7s I 4 I 1 I :(<>: IS 1 -■2 •ji;,i 1 i:, 1 For th,.-,. ,-rui-,.s, th,- r,-uh- ar,. a- tni.hf have l.e.-n ,.xpe,.t,.,l, tl,.. May enus.^ .lowin.' a ,.omparativ,.lv larp,. i.n,nl.,r ..arly -ta^',.^. with -otn.- a.lvan.-, ,1 an,l a few larva, whil,- that of .Inly ha- many lat.-r sta;r,.s and still m.uv larva.. ]!,.f,.r,. pro,.e,.,l.n::- P- .•.■ th.- [...-sihlo ,-Nplan-,- ha, .-t tin- ,hth.,vn..e Uetw....n th.- o....urn.n,.,. of early an.l l.,.er s.a^,-s in (a ■ -„lt .-t St. Lawnu-,- ,t n,ay b,- of int,.,-est t . c.tunar,. the in Cn.uulian waters will, tla-s,. ol.s.rve.l .,n tlie prlneipal ^pa\vniIlK L-round- ..f tie eo'l iu Eni-oi oan w.iteis. viz,;- - l.dFOTKN'. The mat, .rial upon wl.ieh the foll.,wii:B .lis,.u-i..n will lo has,.d eo,isi-t- .-f hut a rt ,h,rin.' the winter ami spring: ..f l'.»l:l, the remain.ler l,avin^r m.tyct hc-n^eomp et,.ly .lepth with a- r,-},'ar,ls the ^tau',- ,.f ,l..veiopm..nt .■! Ih.- .-Va. (1 uir nU> ...aan, llj-r.. riuetuati,.,:- in the Rreat Fish. ri<'3 of Xortliprn Kuropc.) 42 1/7' I '■; .( \ ; "/ / in: ^ " "• >/'.''/r/; ,,or ,-,„. m iIh. t^v.. w;,..v.. lurth.r atlor.l ,n, .s.- ll-nl ,n.:-.rm.M, ■! "l.n 1.:,- I.;..-, ;„,.,m .! >n .h,. ^,v^.i„.' .- n.Mva- tlu. . vv.t ... nlu-l, tl... r,-,.. . t,v,- uunwrHMl vain.. ■•■ tl,, ,l,)r,i-.-i;t tl-.- .Irir.,,!- ..„ timr ;M,.l ,.!..— .|'lniir/ \^ s vv. ^r J, ■it ' ,- ■'■..^:^>'/ " ' .' ot'.- X a" ■-^"' ", ,- ; 'v 'J JA' l!v u:,v ..f ,llu-tn,li,)i; th.-s,- .■,.».l,t...»- u,mI.t v.>>i!:u rir.-n,,,-la„. .;. 1 !...v,^ .ho-.M, , „.,,;,.„ ;■,.„- th,. V,-.f.,..r.|. :,- ..,;,.■!>. ,1 ..n thr .■l,;.rt. aiM ..- th.. -irl.M-.. l.:,,.l, (1 m. ,„.., :. linn., uiv,. II.. -r,Mt,.-t anwunl ..I m :!■. ■,:,!. 1 liav,- , ii„.l a. .1 •';'-■;::'>• M. -,:,t,..|i> ai-.- >,..U.| ..n t: liavt. all li-.i, A,.,'.! -•. ... Apnl .'1, ' ■"•••'"• .;''■'' ,„,„.,"„, ,.,.,1 ...< ,vi- :. -nil-. -Mia,.- hanl Wu.. a,.,.. M.I..1 m ra.^h .'a-. It will be ,„,,i,,,l ,„at -tat,.,n •;:., nu tl,,- ...l..'. 1m~ a ,.r..i, .1 ,naMim;m. witl. :.,HiO ^^t^-u^ a Mi.iil,. hau!. an.f whi.'!, th. nu„,l..T .-api.ll.v ,1,.,t, a-. - ... . lilar -,.K a~ ur oaM" t h. ,'„•,..„. it v.a- lr..,uvntly n.,t,.l thai Ha' .rral. -t i.nini., ■- ... ..'.- w, r,. t^>l--'"" ' ' ti-lm,.. .r...i„.l- tl„>n-,.K,.-. v.Iht,. th.- ti>h u.r, ni-t .l.a,-.l.v , .^i-. L'at...l. 1 M- „„„i„, ,|i,„i„i-l,..- .i-a.luaHy ..v,.r t..war.l- -' .n..n 'H, ..,, r.-a.-hini. v n-li w,. .,...:„ tin.l ,.M--K.- lla- . M.. . H. r. w,. ini.l,- thn- a.ain hav .N,vrtr,l t.. lua a iiiaxnnuin; a^ a inatt,.,- ..t f,..,. h..w,.v,.v, tli.av ..,- ..i.ha.tly ^.a-y,. >;1'"-"";*-'- '' .„y. ..,, tli... Thi' bai.U 1, iv. l,v th.- v,av. ai,- ,.1 v.-ry iv.ln..t.-.l .xt.i.t. iho l,„ttom -l,.p!ii- al.rui.tly ,i..un Ir.-iii lan.l t.. a •-;ival .l.plU. With r.sai.l t„ tlio pi-..p.Tti .n l..tuv.a, tho .litTcnnt -ti^'-s at .-iH, ot tlie-o >tati..,i., W(. fill.! thi. t'..llo»ini: tiniirr- i p''"' riail I :-- ii. pr. ,.r..m thi- it NviU !..■ that thr .-arlh-t • ..■ ^tajzvs an- fmnul in tlu> l.i^'W „,v,rti..., at the v, t-y plar.s «he-o the t.tnl min.l.or was u-r.^t.-t; the a.lvan-ea r ^y<'- ~^ri%vt:;n:r (V>«)T. rising n'MO t'ov i:\rhi>iTi(>\. vm)i-. 43 -t;i^'i-. ..n l!i(' "til' r I .-[■MWIlillL; LZl-'iMll'l- iiHTca i,,ii.l. iM'in- ..f LTcit rrlativr fr-inonry a- tlw .liMiin.'c fnnii tlio 5t Total number 4O50 V. ■ A Germinative disH Cod eqgs in late s • 60 / ' \ ages SO \ \ ^^ 40 1 ■ N X ," v_ / / / / / / / / I 1 X ' 50 20 10 64 65 66 63 62 61 4O50 9800 1384 \th lOS 8a Fiff. S,.„, ;■' .Uir.-.- -liulnlv frnn, ihr iv,aaii..l.r. inMM.nirl, a- w,. I.t.. tuM m irrcat.T hnv. l,r„u«l.t .low,, tlu,. .,..vvly >,.aw>,..d .vgs from tl,. bunks ..uthwo^t -t t ho >t.U.o i^ Tl,.. ,urr..„t at tl.i. .pot .-a,, at ti..!.. l,e very strong. a>„l m. tl,,. vory ;>';'"^ ;■""• /;^^ „un,l„.rs. l,ow..v,.r. hotl, at >tatiu,.s (i.- a„.I .11. a>-o „ot .uttuM.nitly frrrat to fur„-l, a,. (•\art pirtiin- of till- -toi'l; tlierc. , , , ■ i . ,\ , ^ ,i;.. .llv .,■;„, „„,.,.■ -or ti.. lat.r .-ta..~ .nil M.ow- ihrn,,.'!:or,t what ,n-,f.'l.t the Toti. allj havo iu.,n ,spo.., a, ,ho iat.^r -la^v, tiua„-olv,.< h.ins prnport,o„ t.wv.t where ,„o-t , w,.,v lo,.n,l. Tlu- our.o ri-c.> a- wo move away from the spaw,.,„« hank., a. tar a- -t,ti..„ .„'. falli,,?; a,iai„ ovor t. nanU the latul thus i„.heatn,« that we a>-e „,„!,„■ „.,.a|.proa,.hi„.' .,-o,„„ls whe,-e. i„ >o,„e .liuht ,h«ree. spaw,u„K takes ph,ee \. wo hav.. ,o..„. the proportion hotwe,, the .litTerent >taKes var.e. >.reatly at ,li.To,v,„ plaoo.. evo„ for tako,, o„ one and the san.e .lay; the vana >on ,s. h„w..v,-r. M,tli.-i,.ntly ro.nlar to p,.nnit of ..ur lorn.m.' op.nn.n as to th. <.ue^ ■n... exami.lo |„.,v >how„ i- tak.„ fron, a L.^ality wh.Te th,. .-on.ra-t ,s marke.l. ^-n at ''.„,ti;L „f I spawnin.^ within a re4riet,.l area, .•lose to the very ,i...,yvater uh,.,., 1 n, v.T spawn, bnt in whi,'!, a .-.-rtain .p.antity ..f ej-'Ks may he toun.k hav,„K 1,...,, carrie.l thith.T hy the .-nrront. A state of th.n.s -'-^^^^l^, ,„„.„„„„,v,l the spawning- tak..s phu'e sparsely ov.^r areas of ,.le «^t ' • "; ..iallv if fornunp part ..f a r.Mriete.l .vein,, of s.'a : at sneh ph,oes. there wonhl never l; Ih.' ,r..a, .liffen.noe l.twe..,, the relative freqneney of the sta..^s at the var.ons ^*""slations .;4-.;5 an.l .l.i w.-re al-o pr.^viously investigate.!, vi..: 25 '2-12 3 an.l 29'3. N„t u til the la>t-n„.ntion...l .late h.avever. were eo.l e.^^s fouml ,n K-"* ""•>";■-• ^J^ pri noipal spawning, was th.., inst e„,nmeneinK. At these three statmr, .W-ni-n2) (•.., ;n w.. Iin.1 the followinir yiehl for the .iitf.Tent stafr.^s (here state,! ,n ',). station ui> . - Station fi4 ) . Station 31 ( ^Station «.'.) . Hlaiion :;2 \ -^iaii"i: '''■) No. I. u. 2.i.fini) 19,4110 2.340 7 ^'r r.O'r n 0 0 Th.. prineipal spawning this ti,t,e takes plnee farther in on the hanks; we find, how^vr, a^-ain the same featnre as before noted; where the epK3 are found m 44 hi r\i;i \ii \ I " I I III. \ 1 1 I/, >;/.•! /'■'.' (.'nail -1 liUinirr lllllilllH.lll Ijliili'J I 111--, lliiT. ;i!->' llM' nun iIm r mI" 1I1..M iii\\l\ -|':i«iir.l •- ;it a in.i\iuiiiMi. it-. l„.l,. »lriv ll.. ,i .-. a ■.>!.. > 1 ■' -'■ W, II <\ui . 11 tllat a.i\alM.,l >l,iu'. - aiv li'.l v,l |.r. -.1, t ill llli- -al "I ,lr-. till- I'lillL illl'll till- la.( lliat til- i^.iii i- t>\ ]\ iii-1 .-..iiiiri ' iiii;'. w,' 1..1W .■..ii-Hli r ll,,' !■. -nit- t|-"iii I ah ih- ■!- Lyu:- at .,t —l .i^^^ ami til.. LT. -Mh •>'■ lla- .mhuii-'. \-f iM.llMi. ,.r Tl Mi-IKAll III. VMi>MIMi\ M- .N I 1 1 I. I )l A I L' 'i' ^H M • a ' K' ' -S A M> ( "iiii.w I II 01 I III; Yoim;. In ,„■,],. ,■ t,. a-a.rtaiii r ^..-t tl..- 1 .u t.-n,|" ratun- ini-l.l 1 — iMy liavr ,„„„, ,1a. il.Ml.Tiii.ut ..f th,. in tli- .iiH '•( St. I aiwivn.v. Df, 1 1,.., t a,.,.r..a.;l,i'.l I., .1.,, ,. an.l 1 'f. K r. .li. of ( ■,.,1, uIl. IkhI ,ir,M..n-l> at ilia A". I' iv~,..a.- .,.i,..,l I :.l„,,.a.. i-x thrr,-. .■.lira-.! a «1.-Ia -'-vu -^ <■( ixiM-nin.-nt- v itl, liat.-l.iia: ,.1 r^^'-a, r..n-iant t.-iin ..raniP-. ^^ill, tl„- iv.,a.-t tliat tiny vv..iil.l n i.,.il tlair mva-ti- ^Mtii.n- l.aviiiL' tlia .-I'.iaiil iil'jii't -it l.n-i'nt in \iiw. W,. ..,-,■ avara till. .-.M in tl,.- ltuII ..l St. I.a« v, n.-a -|iav. ,1 t|. ...t,.an. uv v> u-it.r in..!., nlK l.i.u i' ; tlia inlHaviit iipuanl t, laliii-y ..I tl va laa. Ihain t,' tlia wa'. .■ lawr- .,1,.,m.. NvlaTr tl.-v il.aa!,,,. at liiirla-r t. ,M|..TaturPs. |)r .l,,l.inM". an.l I>r. K'f'-'li tli, n ■ .iniianar,! .-xp. riniaiit - uilli t.rtili/ata.ii 'it ova at l„w t,-n„«Ta„Mv.. n t„ : J < ' . tlia ..^:r- !., in^ llaivaft,-,- aillar , n- taii.i.l at vari.ia, l.v, t, m,. rat nr. - ..r -vailaally Iran-r.Tr,.! t.. warinar ual.r, ii|. t,. c, .1; c. A,-.-n,..lin- t., l>r. .Lilian- n. tla- iv-ii'.t- -li.aM,!: — 1. That iartili/ata.n aaii taka I'laa,. at a t. i,i|.,r.,tara l.ctua.n : M '.< and " -^ That full .h.v.h.iim.nt aaii h' nhlaiiial hy ova f.r(ill/.il at -la-h loini-ar- ■ittir. mil ;hir,.aft.r rNi)o>, d f,,r iiiiio days t,, a t..ii)|'«-ratNro l.itnooii ; "., < ■ '.,,,,i i-;. ,11, ,,1, v..;a, : i . ■■■A afi-v- av.l- traa-frrr...! ta uarsn-r waUt ,,,,,_r. II to :'..:!^ ('."1 , - r. 1 :l. That full i!,-v..l, lima 111 .-an h- attain. il hy .,va lirtili/iil at 0 C. mul (Mii.-tmiliv Ki'iil in uiitor at that toiiilH-raturi'. I- 1 \ i/)/i\ //-;///.•//•- r\i-i!iirin\. fir,f, 45 Til.- IIP'T t.ilily (il.-iTMil ill tl if llir^o cxiMriiiiriit-i wa^ (Irralile ii*. limvivi r, l„. I,-, f.lV.M lliisi' wen' I'arrii ,1 out uii.liT ■ litiMii- wlii.-li III ri-!><'''l' """•' tliaii tlici-i' ini'Vailiii).' ill tlu> m'ii. «•■ -I" ilil iii't, as l>r. .Inhaiixi'ii nlw) IK.iui, ,,u1. altji-li loo lull ■h \M L'iit to till-. 1' till' liii.-t lav.iiiralili' t(tii|ir. Kmi-'li. ^till ,lli|r llr. .I"li.iii~i ii'i r\|ii'riiiiiiit^ -liiiw, li'iMiirr. iha it till' low triiip' ratnrc at. tin |..,lt. Ill II' till' l^Ml il Si. I .!« mill' " li' !,■ t li,. ,.,„| nil- t.i 1.1- I'niiiiil iliiriiii; ^Ila^MllIl); t iliir. iMiiii till' nva. ,t l.r r. L-.irii.i ,1- a tri'iHiM 1 liiiuli-aii' ■■ to t' l|" (1< v.loiiiii. lit ainl liati'liiiiL' of Willi |-o-a|-.| I., iho ii!l1ii.-n.o , f lii'ili t. ii'l"r:itiif'- H|" iho iloVl'lipIlH lit I'f till ov.i. v.. ina> 11 111- I I'lio liilliii iH-i' of r.iiiiM IIIOMI of till- |v.o-- of |-,-|,, lo iIji 1 \pi rim. lit- ]iri' iai-l> 111: ,|o I., .loi, ii-oii ami Krou'V U'll rlani oi!„ r l-'aotor- iipoi, tlio Kato • f Devi lo], il.. II- .lo ( 'ir.-oii-t.iii .\.,. r,-). '! Ill-, -hov; that I ..-- iiiM.N l.o ill \\atrr mi. to IJ C II. • ', I lamn'v 11' i laio I'ircrtor of -111 !-ii - i'oi- All-trail. I I 'i :- 1 \ ■anl. i:i!li K.p.rt l-'M.) lal.'lii .1 til. Ill ill \^ II' r al II ( ', S.-..tti-li I-' iii|ioial iili-^ il I V, In-vi- o \ . ral liiin.!i. il n I'li ii I t-'U- ar.' aii'iiiii .\M1 1.. II ('.: lii,. l.,A. -I ;"-;i|io .il v-liii'li «.' liaM' Iv li.iK-hi.l. L.'.v i| I II. M-r -11 III ■\- ill Iviiii. iital . !i. ■■' : I II,. Ill .-1 f.noiiral'Io I. iii|iiraliii-i u-.iilil .-I'.'iu t> In ilviii :; - . ( '.. \iliilo t. iii|i. raUir- - up !• • r III .H-i a-l 11 a l:ii.'!ii-r.l 111 .riaMiy. .\- th. (ll.r I '1\ ot ov.l ill 1 11.' a i> M it, llio ilir. .■! laii o of uili i!ii)rt..lit.v iiuijli; p..--ii Is !'.■ iai-k .\V ;.'• 11. or pol-o!ll!,L'. .1' -P till- fii.-t tliat III.- waf.a- \-> .|l-I;M!tl\ Iliat till' ViUi,..' 1 :;ii tiirno at ■I V.;oi-r I- -h.oMl I. ■\p r'nioiit » lii.'M iMv I'l-jli. r ti'iiip. rafiir. - 1 111 ,,|.- I'l llii' .-irniir- ;.:i-i,i at •jr. .It. r iiia-- iinii^ Mai ami a iii.j 1 111,1. r 1-1 11 !- ~ll !l it.-il 111 till' ojfc II air; it im-a-u !1 l.v V .. ill. a' .1 '- in 111" lial'-liiii ill. ratioa- :■ • a " ..'■ r n-orvoir till- app; It 1- -ni.pii. .1 u itii ■. .1 \i 1 l.v Ml. an- -f a -l. .ini piiinp. ai • ii-laiiliy r' .1. .1- 'V. 1! t';. •■ na-oi!-. till u ,| ill o-iloi- lliat till' ^^.ltl■l ilri- foi- il;.- Iiah-'iiimj .IpplllMlll- 1 ( In t!... ill.. ririMilal l\\ :i\ - ijrav. a 1 1' 'a li. n f \!i\, \.\, ■. till' h il.hiiiU' 1 vpi-niiioiil- w.n .roii-lil lo a 1.11 ol till' wa 1.1. vo-.o lil-r. j.,|i, ■!>.., I 1,11,1 l.ioll -IMWIl tllo oo'V f ;,l'..|it l.llio tor '■ Ml-, iii.iitly I'oa- il. :il' Tol i.. -la l.a-ill. •rin- 1 .1 at al.oiit 7- (■ , ami tl ,111 lil'l.ll ll> y..'.ll fr.ii!i V. lia-ii ill I r..iii oil., t. v.. ana- k,\-< 'plliol I lii'.l takiai pia. .la\ ~ a! tl iiipora .f lil.aMi ioii. tl;.- u-.:ti-r -ii lar-- 1,1-twi itl (', .\t till' tiino III. ,!i-ptli lia.l a -iii-.-i!;i' uravi tv ot 1-iiL'i; nt \ oKiar 1 .11 M 11.. w 1. rv ilav ill tlio wati-r. at ar-' mar till- -urf; i| lat.'i' -.--.i iiiiiiiii (■•r till' lii-.-t p:iit in ;;r.-at< ii 1-1 ill til.- iat.-riin-iliati' wati-r lavi-r- 1„. ir.ili .,f ,1 1,1-. 1 i.,.l,-,l in 11',- j.-nnial tliat up t.i iifty yuiiii^' I'milil be 1 witli lim-ly i'!io|ipi-(l .uiili-i| at i-m' tiiii" (ill that I'av al-.i, t-.-.liiiL'- iva- i-iiminom ir,7;/iiv .,,'./'(-•. Till- \-.,it,-r in til.- Ill, -in. 1,>- tin- "ay, v.a- i-\i roiiioly rnli in plankloi illv lar\a- ..f n.--lln-''- ami rra-la.-. .in-, \ -h of till- yoiini Iho i'"ti liiy, till' uap r In ti-nl- m -II h. with -.nil- f.-\v i-op.-p-iii-. iiiaili- uii li-li a- wiTi' i-\aniinril. t >a tin' -miii- till- lia-iii liail rrai-lio I a 1,-iiipi ratlin' ot ('. at till' -urfai-i-, "itli 1, ma\ii: nil. a; 1 in. of I'M ('.. ami a ln'tt- -m tniiporatiin' of I'l ■ 1 ( '. On till- l-lli "f •liiiii'. li^ilit tl-li \Mr.' taki-n np ami m.-.i-iiri il ; tl.i-y -lioui-il tin' f..!l.,\vino li-nmh-: J.-., l'.'i. l'7. l'1. :.M. l'o. l':1. --' unii. Tlii> ti-h wn-i' by tlii> tiiiu- nioviii!; m-ai-i'i- I 111- 'I'lii' wiallirr iiou- -ft in .-olil.-r f-'r a tiim-. ultli i-Ioinly >ky. ami the ti'iniM-ratiirc ,.f till' waiir vaiiU soimmliat. On tin- iiioniiii!.' of the I'lst, tlic siirfacf slnnved l^-n" nil of 10-".' at -2 111. On that iLiv. fresh sea water was piiiiipeil in (tem- ( . : iiiaMiiiiii |>erataro :;' (".I ami in the i-vi-niiii.'. a.fti-r tlm -nrf.n'e water hail been ilrawn nff, aiid ...1. ii-piii.iii i.y a u.-v: sapiav. '.■■.■■ -.••■!a-'> ..-.ap--'-"-aro w: wiiili' at :; till, a iiiliiiiiiiiin of 15-7' C. was rceordod 1-; P.*- !' this lieiiiir the inaxiniitiTi, 40 /)/ /• \i:i \!i \ I III I III. \ 1 1 1/. ^a;/,m hi: (In (III- J'.uh .lull''. |>iiiii|i'n;i «.i- r.iii>\i>l. I'Ut .1- l\,<- >'UnK vm ri- .■.■i,-iilri ..lil.v liu.T. 'ami al\v;i.\- .il ill' l''ll 111. lAi" riiiM hi u:i- i.r.iiitlil !•■ .1 < \"-' I In- I'-ni l..'r;Uiiiv ,,i tlir nil- Ii.hI. iliinii;' lli. la-l | ..l' tin- liiii.'. 1.. 11 M 1 ,\ hii;li. villi -nii -lull'' .iiril .-lii;)!! 'V mil Tills i\|i. riiiii 11! -li.'A- llii r. I"li' ll.i \-ini;.' I'.iii IIii-Im' .iii'l rviii Ul'-A \''i\ ..,|n,|!\ ji I. nil"'ir. - I'l' I -' ' • '1" ii.' :' "11 n' "I i-''"Mli Ir^iii Mav -."■. \ilii 11 lli.' liiiulli \\a- :'. 1.1 I linn, iihlil -liihi- 1'. an iit- t.. al"iiit L'i> nun, •■<■ ali..iii n - iiiiii. s- r ila.v. 1 |.,,i,i ,!.,. Ill .i-ur. ni' hi- .i\ .ii!ali!i 1-r ;;r.Aiili . 1 >. iihi: in :. In . -lat' . llir liiUrr u.Milil .,,111 1.. i^r.i.s !■ -- r.iipil>. |.i-r-inii.iM,v aluuii " :■ iniii. i' r li.i.v. Am.iiii; "llnT laii-i- uhi.-li miulit In' iinamn'l .1- al'i'linu llh i|i v . I'luiiiiil "I .'V.I. "1- mav r.-. K 'U lli. -alinil.v ..I' tin' \v idr. 1 1' .'...I -I'.iuii ,11 wat'T .'1 I'.ui r -aliiiil^ llian u lii.h .'.rr.-ii.'ir.U ;.. tin «|ii ;iti.- -ia\itv ,1! th'' .^j-. tliin ill.-.' latl.v ui'.l 11. •■. --ari l.v -InU I., llir l"' .iinl 1..' ili-- tri.M.l. .\i..l a:;,ilii. 1! 11:^- -li"iili! l.v '.ny Ma^m- 1..' ti-an-li-rrcil li 1 "al.f ..I llnir .iwn -i«.ii;'-'v I'lv li-.-li, !■ \\a\'V. ill. iii..rt i!ii,v h. 1. lik. ui-. \ LI |.l. \,'S Lll'.l.l. .\- an illa-lrali"h "'' lln- liiann.r in \'lii.|i I r. -ii ual.r .'an all.'.-l 'In' ..\a. 'la f.ill..» in.^- .lata I i-..iii an .'Nliiri mnnl I .-.irri. .1 "nl in Mai.-li. r.'"'.', at tl,.- Iial.-lirrv liiav I..' 'Ui.'t.-.l. Al I m. U.' I1..111- al'lif r. rlili/ali.'ii. ."-':;- ui r.- .li-tril.iit.'il in l' '^la-i- <-i'n- tuiiiilic wntir "f liitT. r. nt -| iti.' u'ravity. ami al a|.i.r..\iniat. I> tin' -.Min' |.-m|H ratnrc. ■I'll,, iila-.'- U.I.' pla 1 in a .ol.t r ri I.'Mi|h'Im1 nr.' "f air al.'.nt i> • ', 'I'll.' wat.T \(a- 11. 't .'hanL.'. 'I. ..n'v a. ral.'.l liin.' t.. linn- Nvitli a larir. niix'tt.'. 'I'll., iu'.' an.l tlh' .l.-M-L .| 'ni. nt i;i'nrially w.ri- . ,1.-. |\ .■,! niii|.-|- tin niiiTo^.Tiln'. Aft' r ill.' lap-.- .'f lu. Illy li.'iir- - r >ain|'l.- \ur,- l.ikc 11 an.l tran>tV'ri'.i tn fro-li sea wilt. 'I- in .'f.l. I- I., a-.', rtain wli.lli.T tlic .l.v.l..|.in. nt .' tlur.' |.r i-il n..rniall,\. In tlic .-a-.' ..I -amp!.' IV. till-' wii< rrpiati-illy ilmii'. Til.' r. -nit ..(' til.' iNpcriini-nt will li.' -I'.'ii t' tlii> l'"ll..winL' Mar. h P.I. U' p n. 7 pill. 10 p.l.. \ 1. ■.'". Ill;, ill. L'l, 10:, 11. .. L'::. 1 p in •Jl. 10 a III Nmnl.. I I II ..1 j Sp. i;r 1 0-ji: , .«.\t-|..|.lii*ait ..ft. n alni..ltii:tl Si.iii.. .1. ii.l. M,,i. .|.M,|. Kt'W alive. .\ -iinilar i-\p.-riin. nt wiili la w ly lial.'li.'.l \..nim- in watir ..t : II 111. IV.. v.. -p. 1.-1-. l-.i;t2 at T -l-n r. ro^.i ■' J-2 •• roK, '• :■'. ■■ laiiii ■• :■:, " i-i'0\ " -ri ■• uav. til.- i'.li.iwiin; iT-nlt-: - I. .Ml th.' v.. nil'-' -n-p.-n.l.-'l ; alt.T lln lil'-. ■■!' nn tVu at the I... 11. .111. atl.r li..ur- tin- maji.rity la-ar l...ll'.ni. I'lil all livini;. Atli-r tli.' la|>-i: ..1 l"- I.,,,,,., ,,,,..,. 4', iv wiTc ..It-a.!. 1.1. t th" i-.ji.iain.l.r -1.....I ..nt uill nntil tlw cxin'riiniiit wa^ .-..ii. -In. It'll afli-r l4-> limirs. ( I \ 1/1/ 1 \ 1 1- III nil > I \n I'l I ii>\. rii',i'> 47 All 111 tl,.- l.i.iiMni l..\ ill. .III! ..t' Mil !..Mir, -.i IH' C lll|< .IMillI'lllU ll-i- >;illi>' c'..iir-r .1- privi"ii- -iiini'li. ••u\\ -'f^Ul iii.irt:ilil\ .illir •■i«lity I'. .in-, nut. I .il...ui li.ilf ili.d Kv ill. rhil ..I II-' li.Mir-. I I I. Sniiif fi'W su-iH.iiiliij .ill. r :i .|ii:irlrr ..|' .in hoiir. liiit nt llir • ipl ••( iiii Imlir nil :it till' luitt.iiii. S .111.' I', w il'.'il .ill. I- ll.i' l;i|.-.' ..(■ t'..iirl,v- i\ li..ur>, iiinrl.ilitv th..,i iiii-na-- iiii.' rii|iiiil.\ until ail «< i-.' .I.m.I I..\ tin t ml ..I 1 '.-^ lii.iir-. IV. .Ml ..II ill.. .iltrr :\ ipMii. r .l' .in Imiir.' Ir.viiii; In unri, n|«Hiii.l- .•^.riii.- IV« iliiil all.'i- l'..iir h..iir-. iii..|-.. uII.t I'.u In.- Ii..iir-, il..- r. nu '.-r "ill. iiTiriiliir |iiil-.ilii.ii .il' ill.- IlmI'I. a It it llii|-t> lii.iir-. lii.ih.v .1. .1,1. anil l.,\ li..' rli.l ..t' lillvtw.) li'.iir- Irniii ill.- 111. Ill .•in. nl. ipn.' ". r.' lilt aii\. . V. .^Dinc I. u .11. .1 In ill.. ii.iir-i. ..: llu' llr-t -. \.!i li'.iir*. ami all » iiliin I In it: l.nir^ fi..iii ill. -Iiii-i. I ri'in ill.' |-.'-m|i ..I ill. .1- I'Vp.i'iiii.'nt' 'v. in.iy !..■ in -iii.|...-iiii: tliat a r-tiiv .,| ;ii!\ .IntMli .11 in li|M.'ki-li Malir "ill L.' .I.'t ri in. iilal I.. .Li;- an. I nliiiil' ; tlii- uill. Iii.w. \i I-. nnlv Ill- iin.l.i 'iiiil.' p. '.iil'ar I'.n.lil i. m^ ami .-an !..■ ..t' n.. imp- I'lain'.' " ith rrL'ai'.l til till. ii|'cn ~.'a. I'lli.'i- lai'l'ii* uliirh mi^lil I'l- -iipp..-i-il t.i liaM-' clT.'.-l iipiin ih.' .Iim li.pMiint i.r ill, ..;,. ar.': la. k ..I l.'rliU/ali'.n. atii'ti ..l' l.a.'t.'ria. ami intfvnal .'.n.-i ~ in.itiira! il.allii. l'i'..r, .\p-l.'iii lia-. in 111- iiiM'-ti;;atii.n- in tli.- il.'lt Sea ami lln' ui'-l.i'n liallH'. -li.ivMi that .■nil-ill. ralili- .|iinntilii'- nl (Ifii.l nr ii- In ••..n-i.lcf^. uiit. rtili/.'il ..\a in- ill 111., planktiiii ,-aiiipli'>. In hi-" unrk al..n.' .|iinti'il, " I'ii- V.-rl.ri.itiiiiL' .1. r pila;.'i. 'P u ,il.- M. I>. r iiii riHiir.»i»'* t"'*! plilt)'MM.t. I I ;« :is .". •_it i; 2S 4 l"~ n. II.- I'l ji it 41 pi n 1.11 !l IT .") (;;l.l . .' (•|,1,»':. -pniltii-. It :; :a ; PJ H :ti II 1 I 'rii.'sc tiL'iir..-. lii.u.'V.r, appiar alimifiiiall.v \i\n\t, l'..r it iiiii.-t l.c r.iii.iiil.i rt.l that (liail (ivM at aii.v rat.' tlmsc- nf cml ami plai.-c ari' niil.v |.xi-i'pti..iia'.l,v fniind sii>p«.|i(lf(l ill the wntor. sinking ..thorwisi' v,-rv sonu tn th.' hi.ttnin. tlii'.v woiiM niiiiL-IH.|i(l.-il r..r al'.int two .lay<; iln.-i' nl' lli.- plai.-i sniiiruhat l.nmi'r. As III h'.u lar iinl. nr il.'a.l I'L'tr- apiM>ar in tli.' saiiipl.'s fr.!!! tin- Canailian watiT-. 1 am unalih' tn -ay on th.' l.a-;- nl' tin' pr.-crv.-il material; tlm i|i..'-ti..n wniilil liavi' t.i 111' ilfiilt with hy iiiian- nl' t'r.'-li plaiiktnii -ainpli'S. That i'imI I'sri;- shniiM \t, the ninrtality iH'rcriitn'j.' at Kl.iil.'vi.L'-iMi aiiiiniiits animally to -niiirtliiiitf like \2 per riiit for till' i>ntir.' iw-rind ..: hatriiiiiL'. ini'hi.liiiir iiiifcrtilizo.l rfir.;. Tlip ti^'uri'- fnr the thri'o last ynars arc as fnllrnvs: r.-r o.-nt. --.« I'l*". lin:;, 101 1. 11 '11 1 48 nri-\iri Ml \ r or iiii: \ \\m. sritvicr 'I'll,-..' jirr.^htji:.- ;in' cnli'iil:' 1 lr..iii vrr.v Inn;.' i|\i:iiiliti.-, in V.'V. for iii>t;nn-f. 1.-_'-Jl' litri'-. ;,1 .iiT ."..•.o iinlli..ii-^ ..I . --. and thcv <|.> imt vmvv ^'r.Mtly from vc:ir t.. vi'iir. \Vli.h inurli hnnKi-li waicr ("■.■111- ili.'.^oa-l. liir iiior!;ility iiiii.v iii.-rnis.' < sidonibl.v r tlii- 1-. liouov. r. rarrlv of l,.im^ .li;: • .ii. Simihirly. if tlio wrallur for any loiifith of tinio i- (larU .iml . l..n.i,\, tlio o^i;- ' iv liooomo cnliiolv oviTi;ro\vii with liai'loria. Iroiii ul.i.'li. Ii..\v, V. r. lii. y may !..• Iroo.l '■ ■ \,.-\\vj: plaonl in a lialli witli Wiitor of liiilli siilinity. A-; to ;!u- (1. iji .f iiii!n-n.'0 cX' l.v tlio-,. l.actoria ' I.' lilitHiri.rf) in ;i iiatiirMl .talc I oaii -a\ iiotlrirj ..xi.! ri,no,. : i.o--il.;y ibr .■..n.lil ion~ at tlio liatcluM^.s Miav In' I -1". riallv lav.'Uralilf to tiuMii. A^ rf:;ar.l- tlio -rowin- r,p .f tl.o yonnL', «.■ 1 ;no li. ro I -id. r aii..tli. r viz.. that .f n..iirl-!ini.'iil. Tliat t!n- i. ..f .jr. .ii iiii|...rtan.^.. t.. tli.' -rowlh ..f lli<- y..,:u- I- ai:.l ].. — iM> ll.. ni.-t .-rili.-al l-ri...l ..f all in tliN ri'M"'''t I- t''i' ti -,vi„-M til.. yoniiLT lir-t .•..inii..i:-.. lo uv.'- f 1; tli.-y ,|,, n..t li'..^ I..111-' -.vitlLiiil la.m-i-liiiii lit afl.-r tli.- y,ilk--a • lia- 1.. ■: n-:iir,..i. 1,1 t|„. -prin- ,.l' r.ill. a ■, ■nnl'.T •■( ]u■■.^\^■^lir.l y..nii^' w.r.. pla. . .1 rn;.l r ..i.-,T\.-,T;.'n at KIM.' i--' II f..r !!"■ p-arp ■-.■ "i a-..rtaihiiiir wln^u lli.-y .■■.nii!ioi..vd t.. tak,. f. ...1. a' .1 '.vlait -'i.'h tl..'n ,■■ .11 -!-l, .! ..f^ T'u' iiu .-tiu.-il i. .li- w.vr .arri.'.l Ly l'|.,,|-. II II i.iai!. a...l 1..1 1 ■ lli.^ v.-n!t tliat tii.' .v-un;.' .li.l not tak.^ any t' I nntd til,. y..',l<-.i.' :a.l liO^'ii al.-.H .■.!. ai.l tliat ..n .■..!). n:' in in^' I ■ f". .1. tli.y anp.'arrd fp.m Ih,. ii|-.| p, p:, :. y aikiiL.I inai:. r. -a.^li a- m-llii-.^ law;,'. uau|.lii. . P'.. ■.■.■•niir_-. -t raHL'. 1y ,.,„,„:^1,. p.'.l, .,,;... tl,. ;,raniii.^i-aM.. f.Tin- ■^h!.■ll aio liki.'.i-r pr.-int in tii.i w.itor. >,,,.!, ]■ , d a- -Aa- p;:Mp-.l in «!lli I la- -. ■.•! wao :■ wa- ak.ii.^ ,i\:;ilaka' to In.' yaiiii.' p.k; P;,| .,, Ill, :ii-,:i-, ;■ pavl <( Ha pl.ui!;t.'n v>;.~ ntaiia'd ill ill.' apparalii-. lli<' .,;iinlo,.' n.:i". :■ \>.i- ;.^'.ri> .■■in.-.'ii' i.iP'd .In i'.'- _\., ,., i!„. iip' ,...■.■ . s o 1 l.y .-ii.liii.ii.- ..f la.iii-lini lit upon tlio L-'i-owin;.' of tlu' x..iiir.:- in a ■ aliiral -:ai.'. tii- pi.-Taa. iia- li..l yl l..-n in'. .-! i-.i'. .1. a:al ii uill . :■. kal.'v '' "11 ■ ' ..f ill.' .arao-t - :i.,io.-!- f..r fiitiir,' 'i-ii.Tv ii:v. Mi-at a.ns. It ■- '. , i;,av -av, ,■•: priiiio iliij ■•vlaia^.' m .\. ..x way to a .■.■rlaiii Nvkat fa. ■tor or •a.-o.r- i.'.naaliy'k lal.r iko f.rm- ..; .-ir 111..-I iiiipTMnl^ ii-U in lia a- .|.A.I..|.ni.-nl. 10 ili-.- .\.T a' vvliat -tau.. li .■ d.-ini.^ti. .| ■-.■.■•ir-. aial !■> wkat in. •.in- it !ak.- pla.^o. '1 i.i- v.^ill !i.o.. !•• l..^ .l':a- o\ i'o,, -tiiaii. 11 '■< ta.' pn i.::LMl ioii ..f iMi ill tho .^-a. aial 1 v',-,po-iiia.i.t- aii.l arli •-ial ■■ 'u.'. Loth kraia-!,,- of tin' work pr...^,r.|iii- in I'OlljllllOtiotl. , . . , , . 1; i, ,|,,,,, ,;,,.k a '■■•iat ■••: vi.'v tii.p 1 laiM' in tno l..r.'._'. iiilt paji. -^ .'lal. ;ivoiir.> Caiia.liaii ,Ap>"li' i""^ ''ufov- tiinat.-lv 1 1.. »-,.-,. a'. nil i.n ■«■ lav P-.> litil.' <■( t!i.-,- (|n.sti..n-. an.l my v,..i-k .an th.a' ..nU !..■ r.-L'ai.k.l a- f;i. iii-i.ii.-r. In llii- r.-p..^t. a ]r-. liminaiy -iirMy .,! tin- ,. ,„,,,, ,,..,p.,|. \,t Ir-iii,. iiiPr.-tin^, roalili'ii,- "ki'li prosail ".ii lli<- Allantl.' foast i.f fanada.;Arri;K. Ak\ 1- A^.,-i.-. I-7-. I. I'll tia^ ^^i'■.;.a■ Slai,'.- . l' ll'iiy l'i-li<-. I--'.', ill. <'ii ill.' ^^■lln•-' Sl,i-.'~ of > O--1..1H I'i-li.-. .I..r!aii aa.l (.i!o< rl . 1--J. Symp .- li-la- of Xorlh .\liiori.-a. ]■.. W. I.. II. .;t. I^Pl, tt;. tl;.- V.'^J- aial larva' of 'ri'l...> 1-p:;. Hi, ik.- Kjt:- ami\a> aial l'..-t-larval Spii;.- ..f Tel. ..-loan?. ' 1':..' S.ii iitili.^ rran-a.^tion- ..f tlio K.yal IhiMiii .'^...■iily. V..1-. IV ami V.i rivwi/iv nsiirinis i:\rh:inrio\. loii-is 49 \V. Lillj.•lM,r^'. 1S!»I. Svcrit'i'- oih Xor^es Fisknr I-llI. •lorihiii mill Kvcriiuiiin. IVKM'.MH*. Til.' I'islii's of Nortli nii.l Midillf Amoricii. Vols. I-IV. C. (i. .lull, i'.'tcr^c'ii. lOilt. Oil till" Liirval and l'o>t-larviil Sta^'^■s of the Ixmg Hough Dnh mid the (loiiin Plenronccli'.i. ( ^^l■d(l(■ll•l-c■l• Siirfiw'. . . . :tii 11 St.itnni (i Siirfiio- , . . IW (I Siiitiuii 7 Siirfiici SO 0 .Statii.ii X Siirfai?*'. . . 411 11 H (I l."i- SiirfiiOf . . HO II Station Hi — SiirfaCf KKI 0 ... Stall. .11 17 SurfinH' . . . Im. II S, .at I. .11 IM Surfacf . . . ."»l 0 Staliiiii 111 Surlaci' Ml II Slat 1. .11 '.'li Siirfaei- . . 1

, Z ' #*. ■t 1 ~^l l(>(l II I I I I I i:i -I I 1 Mix il I I 1 I i:i:ti M:itlc.ll L".l K4 13 s a St.ili.,ii .^1 .:ri II "I III ; 1*1 II • ti h lili II I'i M I. ^|.( r.ii . In II \ , .1 ,,.ri !i \|. I Tit II II Im.,.I ^' K f .1 . "-■.ll'.,ll i> Sill I.I. , S'ili..ii I'I ^' ill. 11 '11 'Mill I, , I I II.: |IH| II >i,,i,.,|, ■_-;■ 1.-. Sl.,li.,,, •_., |i»i :•., St.Ui,,,, -J;, ^■irl.i. .■ .'l.'l I) .ill S'lil.i,., \...„ ,.: Si. 111. .11 ..1 ^tiili.'. \ • I'l,..' Si. III. ,11 :cj ^iiii.i. . 1 1 HI -.■. s.iil... .. S'.iii,.i, :;i S^iit.i,. liai II St. ,11.. I, .;.'i s.irli,.. 1:'. ■.'.-. Sl.ili.,ii .ii; Smi-I,.,.. llHI l.'l •I I 1,.. ;i. ■Ill I I I i is !■■ • I :;;('- I ■■ I .... :. .'11 ■Ji;,' X> IlLSil >.iiiii.i.. Ill i„„i ,.,i„,iiti,,„. "^■" " " I I i ' ! I I I -J I I I' :i ! I •'I m I .Ml i ^!. ! ... i ' I ii I i " I 4lU-.'j ,1 ,1 'i.-.t.-.i i),.,„i, „ ,„ ,,, „;., ,.^^,.|,^ ^-_^_j^^ .str4T^, I :i . iii:r\i!i \ii-:\'r itr nir vnii, skrvice TAlU.i: I'. ■ I'nii, Dal. ' - KlTK r.Ki.'i 'KkkI Snrfil .1 10 .lull'' \'i .1 MP' IM .liui. M .lull. II .1.11,. 11 I I I'l 17! S>:itr..|i 11 S'.,tl(iM r.' Hi ■ \>iw 11. .lull.' 11 .liili. 11 .lull. II Id .hill. I'J •-'4 ■ II .imi. l:; ULM 111'.: ■il;.!!!!!! Ill ■\'iw i:i. -;i;lll..ll '.'ll Slll'f.ic.', . '111. i:i >l;il|..n 'Jl 10 •_';! Iiat II Si :,li.,n '.'4' i; Ui-J nil.' t'"l 21 .lull.' !.•) li 1 i 10 1 •ii\ rm 4» M27i lllS 21 HO 318 vr or I ur \ irir sKHVirE TAIU.i: I/. 11. t« u,,.., .,.. I 1 1 ■; I I — ■ K.L'tr 4 I i 1 1> I 4:. r.i iiji r.T Mill 4 3Sl 31) L 9 1 ont oz Stutiiiii Xp lldiiz. t'. I'llll Stmion MS Ht.riz. s -3) l.l.ily 7 llulyS'. 17 &3 4 »!• «»•*. t » I nvimiv tisin.KiKa t:xpr:niTins, «/).« TABLE !<•. ''iirf^ict- . , M n . >■»< II IKi Jll Stall. ,11 *< >*'ll'llCi' . IWI II . . INI II Sutinn .111 .Siirfiui- 26 0 . 100 11 Sutiuti 411 Snrfm-.- 12". II . \'£,U HtHtioii 41 Siirfmt- IKI-O :!iill'0 Stiitii.n i-> Siirf»cf . :>Ki II , . SiHtii.ii 4;i_ Sitrfiioc Slatinii 44 Surfac. . . »(ni« 0 i:>« „ 0 Static m 4."i- Surfttct- ■'• !• fin- l.'iii 0 .. ., StHtioii 4i; Surfatv l.Vi fiiiH II Statidii 47 - Surfatf ."lOfiii. 0 711 .. II Statiiiti 4* - Siirfaif . 'St fiii> II ISO .. II. Station 414 Surfaci' 70- 0 fill. . 70 II fniH Sutinn 5* - Surfao- . .•» Ofli., HO 0 , SO 311 . Station 51 — Surface . 7»> Ofiu, ... 70-30 . Station 52 Siirfacv. ■><'Ofii,» Station ">.'V- Surfaw "K» <>t<. lulv L'l ■filly 21 i i! k 5. 5i ■ •'illy 21. iiii.v -a. lulv 22 'illy 22 . y-tf* Inly 22. Fiilv 22 luly 23 ' ( j ^ V.itu July 23. 'illy 23.. V-tm I u !S l^i Tilly 23 'illy 2:4 'illy -a l-'uly 23. Iiily 24. •'illy •U. 'illy 24 10 ! « Is Kw •'uly 24. •'uly 24. 'illy 24 ! 'uly 24 'uly »; 'uly 25. Ill i B > I ^. •« 1- y**\ Miiv 25 ii i(Hmark< > 2 T, 1500 IW 2ie 22 24 4 1000 aooo V6 I,t\ HK-i ;i:i II til,. M II 111,. IH«I lltlll. S1..I1..11 71 |-nrf;ii'f M> liflll- IMI II (1,1, Stjtiiih 7"' Snrf.i... :*• iiflii- 1111 Ofih- ■~t.iii..ii 7i' Siirlui.- mi II fill. I "HI II fill. Suif»fi Isil iifii.. St.ttliil) 'Ml Surfiu>- :iii II fu,, NO 11(111. Sliith.ii ■«| S:rfa.. :sil Ilfiii4 1*1 iifii :tll II I'm !l«l 'ifi„. :ti) II till. :«i II iiii- ■'.latioii >*:. Surf.irt ■M 11 hii- irm ■■in,. nfii,' ;«i iMii.- imi 11 In,- Sl^ltl.ill KM Siirf.i.-. ■HU II fin. im II fin, Stitt|,>ii StI Siirfac :*l llfin- IkS II fin.,,ii ;m Siirf.^Cf St;>ti,,Ti .l.,h ■InU L>» 'if* .Inly JH Inly M ■ h>\\ T.I \X. 11 » 1: Hi l:'i Ul •-••.•! 1; 124; -Jilt *) 141 •■' 1 1:11 311) 1 in 2 S6JS aM _1 ■ 7I1 26U Ih I •;> I ! I i |i> 41 li .-il 3li I mm »niii ti«l »7M IM M ll I 18821 hllllkli lllil>J< NiiliiiiiU «•< 1 2 MICROCOPY RESOLUTION TEST CHART ANSI (ind ISO tfSI CH4RI No 1 1.0 I.I li 1^ III 2^ l!ff li I. I. 1: 1^ 1 2.0 1.25 il.4 1.8 1.6 ^ APPLIED IM^GE Inc ■\r I Ill I'M; I !' Imi'M |i,t. II '<< !■ .'II . iV..' 1 11 ■' ■ 1 MM' .1 :m. :i. <.ni. ,.. .I'lli' s -,,'. .\<:u . "t -^.itt s .Inn '1 S III <( .Inn , ., ^M 1 1 111 luM . ,, h ■ '.mifi' -•« fit mil I itr. ^t, n iMI" •< -i'lll.u • -r.iMii 1-' .l.tll.' •*. Siul.l'-f . 1 n S. ,ti..n !:■. > irlii ■ Stil i"li 1 1 , HV S'llMi-i' .li; 1. H>. Stiiiiiff .^1 ,•:..!, lii .lull.- m. >url;..-._ ^'iM 17 .Inn. 1". Surf...-. Si.tfi'-n 1'.' .1.111. --'4. Snll,..'.' .lini.-:'''. >'ii t.f.' . >l!ll.l..' St.lM'Ml 'S-''— .Inn- -■>. Sinl.ii.- ■ ■. SmU'iii -■'. .lull" '-'■ Surl.i.'. 1 •i|; StHli.iii -li .; nil.' -'• Silll';.!-. I(..n/. 1^ ;«iih. .Inn.-:*". Su. !..■■■ 1 , 1.. ~ -it itli'H X' .1 iii\ t 11... 1/ !• s. i.ii.ii ;ii'. t.-.ii. .l.,l\ s' .i 11..../ - .'" r \\ Mil \\ ri^lll I VW^. ■ i t i \Ml.'l,-t I n^in an ■■ i \ri '■mux. ini', r, 55 I Alil.K I. — ; '■ i;^v'. \.jj Kkk- Kkk. I IJ 411 r.i .(1 :.l :.Ti Xi 5 I 5 ! , •J.< 172 1 « 1 . I lui> 2 •» ■> 11 i ■ i I ■ ■-•!■■ - 14 102 ! i ■ 1 lit u I .. ! 1 3K 20 12 '^1 4 1 y.^^r \..-.'i„i :; ^ ,1 I.t' ..It II I. It tl .l..|„|„ \ilL'-i-l 1 AUL'U-I I -T ,■ ..II :(:; I it.^.,,1. *. I II ■-1 ii .-.1 <.„;,.,„. :iii II t:iii II >l:ll :i.i iilil ;iii II I Ji I' si.iti.iii :«; iii,h,|.|,. 1,11 n ■ii II XII II ■^r.iti-.ii ;w n,.!„|,„ III It ;.i'i II I. .11 :i'.i ^111 till I I llilM|l|l III II l:;ii II -I It!. II 111 < ii.lii|ii.. Ill II 711 n -:> il,..|, tl n, .]..,... .1111 I .11 I. -I.llll.ll I'J I II, l..,.,. • 111 II llll l.;ll II ' i! l.'M II nil 11 ■t IL' .Vilt' 1-J I I l.;ii I. l:;ii 11 --t.,ii..h i» Sim I i. , .;r II l.;ii II , 7" I) .'u,t \\i 117 r>i 1 y.i-:.- 17 Kbk- II t I I •.IK I Hi i;i :u I ;i". M ."'71 •J.i 172 1 lo:. 2 14 •_» iT ti 71' I -J i:i u •-•o la n X 1 4 117 10 III i;!i 51 1 H7 j 17i>4 li .•I 4 5 \r OF iiir. \\\ \i. f^f:kvicF, 'lABLK I. Kw Hi III iii„i- -p. f.(Of r.KK irii;< i.-.ii i:.» 4S "I'- K*K \»'. i. ? i w s t i ■ = L 15 f, ^ t. ^1 7 ^ ■5 9; 5 a A H £ ««; l-l H2 I 291 \V*H l.Vl, i i:iHi7 i:vj:t lltViT Suifiuf. I'i({nifnt>> an; III .■*) •J7ti .V.M 70 774 4t> 177:t ■J'irii!oi>Ul ;..wiiiK» t'.v i""- N" «■ piiihryo 74 ttl •««! Rl 4.') 17 riai) 17 iif. 53 :(iM> 14 IW T.MU.K. II a (n.- -E^g and '•"■•vu. Ctenolahrus adx^rsus. 1 >atf. Surfacf^. Vcrticul haiilii. ilii^k. ' e?iil>ryi> '""'• ' .Miiv21»t<>.lmi«-4. ' Acuilia " I Slation i^> >* •rrimiR"" I ,. . 1 1-, Sutiiiii 1" •-'•' •'"""■ •• '" •'"""' '■' Acadia "II r • « . stati.m m . •Inly -'i f ■ -'"'y 2'-' 'I'riiici'xi'" II , Station •-'7 "jf Auk. 3 «" A'lK- >- "Nil :!3" Station 5^48. .Ill"'' 1 to An(?. 1« 1 li 4 204 245 x\ 11 111 2S7 237 :ii 37 IS 11 2fi 70 2H 74 1 79 6553— 8a i)t: rmnnisT of Tin: sax.m skhmce Table II a (J).— Egg and larvic, Clenolabrua adupeuua. SiirfHCf. i)rni>-i> 1.(1 Ani.ll.i'' I. Stuliiin ••I'nn.-."' I StM 1 1^" ••Ani.lKi" 11 Stilli"!! ''1 •*riiiui-^i* "I I Stall. 'II 27 :«) . HI •»« .. .Ml , . 15 15 (irrimiiHin* \ irliial liJuN. I'l^likt-llti'il ht'ryi l<«r 21 14 I 10 H I Nil. •xv — ! Stall otl .'i ! *J") (> sti 2t> « :t 10 ■.e, , 3lt . . . . .. 4S 1 2.4 •SA7 17 s 1 :< ra 5 1 •J in IS 11 T!> Vertical anil lii.rizoiital J 2 14 2 ■ Ai«ilm" II StHtl'iII Ml. Stacii.n'JH V!» »t .. »l 4M - c.winiw fistitHiKs t.\i-f:inTio\: lon-is Tabi.k 11 a (:i).— I'Ufvir. Clenolabru* adipimiii. Irf-nffth in iimi. •J 3 III II 1-.' I i:t I H 1"' 1)1 17 Moil- thftii 17. T.xm.K in. (1).- Kk>{ ""<> I-"""-. Scomber scomb,u>. I (tttc. < M'tllllllHtlVI di»k. Siiidui I'lRiiK-'it'il |,„r,„. ciiibryi'. Mny ■-".! tc>-Iiin>- 4 .liiiif '.) to .liini- I'i •Ar;.'liii' I HUticm ;t".' ' lViiict't«»* " I Stjitionl'J Si Hti.timi2Kr.4i. Auk. 3 to Aug. 12 I Sutiun23 V.I. -I""'- ' tti AiiR. IX 3 Li 13 i,8;v.' ■-',1:8 201 2, "•-•7 2.231 Vcrticul hn'iU. titTlniimHv< (lixk. 1)1 7ll'.l 771 rijf'"*'"^*^' fiiil»rytt. LarviE. U 31 378 3!l2 31 tir.:>n— s.jn I 60 nt i'ii!T\tt:\r or Tin: \ n i' sukvivk Tabik in> '-) ^"fftf i""l '•""■*"•. Srnmhfr Miomhrut. Smi(;i lifriiiiitiitiw • iiImI ! MiibrV". V. rllial liiul (iiriiiiimiv. I'm "<"' UiK.i. .Ii.k \.,ull» I ' IVinL"**"** " I. Statinn '.'4 a:. ■I'lllic.™ ' II. XI :fj 34 4.'. *x 4!l Stttt •-•:» w .. x>... •Mi .. «n 4U 1 I- ■.M mi I.WMI 4 •_*5 171 •-•Ol 2.1100 •Jt l.M'J I -J.'i-T II ai 1*1 rvft m .'.2.. 141 40 7"» It ;ii2 :t7H VIG. ,iM/./is f7>»A.«/A> t\rti>irio\. loma Tuil>. in> (a). Urvir, fi>„mb>'r Miomhru*. «l l^nK'li in ti II. . -— — — 1 Moi . 3 3 4 ft « 1 7 H !) I<* II 1 13 IS M Ift Ill 17 ilwn 17. „ - - - — I'ltnt"*'*" 1 1- \ Siniii.n 2X . 1 . . 1 H :l 3 1 1 . . . . ■ M . • >l « 3J . » . . . 1 .'.' ■i 5 1 1 . . *. M.. .. ' 1 w 19 . 1 ■ •. i "^ M) . . ; 1 1 ' •'1 . ■ ■■ Aiii'ii* ' I Stntioii 11 ■*• " I'riiu**- ""I Station U -•' '* AciMiiii" n Ht»ti..n :t7 »• '* |*rin*»"»'* "11- StBtiiiii ;<2 J»* X... ••:« ■ Stat inn 1!» 5S ... 1 ABi.K Hi- {D.-SebattiH marinui. I >ntl'. Snrfnf*-. Larvw. ViTtickl Hiuik. Larriv. ^.^ May 'Ai 1" 'iin'' • Mi (.Wl 1» (19) .Jini.d tolimr l."i ll ( li) H»2 93) .r„|y2l tiilnly lf>. 73 (731 l^■> (155) Aug. 3 •" Aii({. 12 SO (BO) 170 (168) .hni. 1 tn AuR. 1« •■ :B7 (37) .'.22 (222) 446 (433) _ Nnuilvin niMwuiwI. 82 l)KI'MiTVK\T or THE .Y.41.1/- SKUVICE Tabi.k III- (■2).—'F!rhasli'S mariiiiis. A ■m\ :i ■■ I - Stutii'ii II M :« :t4 X> Mi 1' rim ,-,»■■ 1 StMtioi lo .. •Jo „ 2\ .. -ja Atiidiii ' 11- Station ;*7 ,. 3S . „ :i'.i . ., w ,. ."lO . :>\. , . r>'j . .. Ml .. Ill) „ la ,. ti.") 72. 7i> w. ss 90 ' Print'*"^'* " n - Statit>n ^M ,. :m . „ SB.. ,. »->.. „ »" ,. ;« . ,. :'.".• . „ 41.. „ 4-2 . ,. 43. „ 44 .. 4.-1 411 47 4S N.v V.I 2-J. 23. 2ti 4S 5S. .Surfttt't'. r.ital nuiiil.T. Miillil'iiKtli. 10 43 1 I 1 N> 1 1 7s ,■< 0 7 0 M 0 tl 0 1 40 7 4 tl :> 3K H 3 1 .■>o 2 I 21 1 ( 11 r> ( .■>> 325 (25) 3 ( 3) 1 ( II 337 (37) Vittica' liiHilH. Total iiuiiilirr. MMf leiintli. 3 1 5 3 MO .S II K II 7 3 M 0 111 34 (25) 8 3 7 ( 7) 33 (;«) 10 (10) 1« (l») 8 ;i « 4 « 1 K 1 ■ |'V5 ■70 7 B 8 2 0 3 M 0 — . ' 102 (93) 52 22 29 3 3 1 3 10 K 9 1 15.-> 7 3 7 •* ~ 'I S 7 70 s 0 i» 7 li 4 t; .■> .•1 3 so 10 B SO K !l S l> 13 3 S II 7 0 H 0 8 0 SO 9 7 80 1 ( 1) ;ro 21 (2n 9 B 14 (14) U 7 8 ( H) 8.8 1 ( 1) 11 0 11 ( li) 7 0 4 ; 41 8 0 ■M (3(i) 10 0 I ( 11 100 24 (24) 10 3 2 I 2) 8 5 40 (III) S 7 .■) ( 5) 2 ( 2) 120 170 (16.-)) VIG. ct.Y.4n/.4.v FISHERIES i:xPEniTiox. tan-is Table U d.—Chirolophis sp. 63 Viltii:il. T,.tal nun.Wr. U.,,.!, in ,.,..,, Total nu,.,.-,. Un«th in m.„. ' Aci«ii» I Station 23 ., :« ., .45^ * l'^inc('^J* i - - Statu in i3 . IS 21 . 25 .. No. "IIS" Statiiin 1;) 10 17. 22 3» 4!l 10 .a. 1" cit. li> ea. 12 :) 1 S 10 1 i 10 n 1 CH. S 10 11 ca. lli 11 13 (;a. 8 1« 1 l!l S 10 c». 12 T.\Bl.K lit:— lAparis sp. ■ Acadia" I Statiiin H M 21 ' rrince!*.-; "' I- - Station 14 „ 24 • .Veaiiia" II- Station SI ' I'rincps"" M Station 36 „ 50 No. ••:« Station 17 . . . „ ;ki .... „ 57.... Total nun.lK-r. UnBtl, i.. m."- , Total nunilH-r. — I I 1 ■■ 10 4 3 25 30 04 i>KrM{iMt:\r oi- riir. .v.4v.i/- .skrvice 'l.Mii r. II f (1). -Kw Mild Larvu". l>ni>aiioiJsctla platrssoldrs. |i;it. statiiiii > :ti'> Ma* •-"■' 1" ■'"'"■ ^ ■ ■ I'lini.-- I . ; Stiltvini H -I'' •lillu- '■ tci .linii' I.' ■A.-...lia ■ II i SlatlMii 4^1 sS.InU -Jl lo.lnlv •.".•. ■ I'vni...-- II Stati.iu :«; ."Kl An.j. :< |o An;;. I'J ■:«■ Stall. .11 :i 17 -li.ii. I I" ^"K- '" llisk ,.,xt\>- ritfui.Mii.'.i ! |_,,fj,,. V.Tlii'llI llaills. tifriniliutiv- rii.'iiiiiitfil click. I i-inliiy... ■.M." Ills Ml ; •j.'i ! L';t '.SI'i lir,ii 10 »i i."> 1 I.arvi»\ 4li •I'^mi; lie ,J|. Ki^i;- Miiil l,^il-v:r. Ihrpnnofsell'l /./d/r.v.sof'r^.s-. • Ai'iidin Station I s. Ill •Jl. 21 •••I •Im ' 21 •.'.^ •_VI ;» . :n :«. IK' :t4 :v\ (.1 1'liiiiatut .li-k. 1 :t Siirfaci'. ri>f.iifiilf.l .'inliiv... IS IS 4 :C2 r.i ii 111 Hi 17 :w V.rtiial liaiil. Ciiiniiiatiii- j IMttn'cntfrt \ j.ufv.,.. .|i«k. viiiKr.M' 1 I 10 ■Pniiot'** Stall. Ill H !». 10 II 12 ITi 1« 17. \» V.t •J I 3 :( 11 2l' l.s'.i 2tl 1 2<» 1 1 '.I liii :viri :( 1 •I 4 1 II 2<.t ir. JVIG. risnt:itiF.s r.M'F.nirws. wn-io 65 (ierniniiitiv* ,li>k. Stttlli.ll 'V-* HI Station Sll ■V.> 4r>. Siirfai-.-. riUimnttil <;i'Viniiiuti\ I.»rvie. ,|j„k. V. rtiinl h:iMl. |*ij;tii»'Ul<'d fiiibrvo, It 13 IH at Kar\it*- No. •■;t:t ■ Stlltlull :t I • -I !i It. 10 u I'J 13. 14 15 1t> 17. '.1 1 * 1 I 10 1 . « 310 to '.'5 35 73 1 IHl «6 . nKPARTMEW OF TUK V.IV 1/- SEKYICF, Tahi.e II f (3). — Larva?, Drcjianopsi'tla plalessoide". I. ■niftl ill 1 Itll. ..1 - 1 :< 4 5 i; t s •..! 111 U ' 12 ! 1 ■:;t 1 u ir» 1(J 17 .Miirt' limn 1 1 " - — — - — — — -- — — Acjidia" I- Stilt II .11 «. 'J-') 1 •1 T 1 Aniilia" II — 1 Statiiili 111 ... I M (; s-j .... .s:i . . ;t . 1 « .. ! ^riIlCl•s^" 1 — Station s r. l*iini*»'-*!* ' II — Statiipu :t7. . . i 1 ' 15 2 C.t) 11,111.) m ... 2 1 1 1 •.\eiuii;. " I Statlnn ■>:»") ' Prill. t'Hs" I — .StAtimi ;i 21) ■ A.adia" II — .Statimi 4;i-H4 ' l*riiic*'(M* " 1 1- Statii>ir27-5<> Slatiiill 4-."..S Taiile II (I (1).— KfTf-' ii'xl I.iirvir, Cii.lm ?p. Dat. Kn?. !^ar\»f». Vertical lia "51! =; May 2'.l to.Iiine 4 lunt' '■' t.) .Imi.- I.'t 21 t.i.lul,v2!l. An!<. :< t.. .\UK. 12.. .luiii- 1 t.i .Ann. IM Kiiil 2iJ2o "i!t; 3l! 1 31IHI :i:i ■1; ... « 2.x 1 HTJ 43' 2M! 2."KI :ilii l.-i2 1»! i 4 4o;t2 2;i2| 1 ItiKiT 333!l' i:«i^ .■)!•[ 2«2 lit; 3:t> 23 I5.S 10 Larva .T 4T •li 1 llWll 1H8 ITHj 31 14 14 )i 17731 443^ 2» 4» 111 15 :viG. r.wMH IV risiiritirs i:\i'EniTiny, lon-ts 07 Tahlk II R (2).-EsK and Larvir, (ladus ap. Vertioul liauN Larvip. H '.( l!l 2" 21 .. 22 . 23 24 25 2!t . »•. M . 32 33 34 ' IVinc'i*!*" Station 8. . » . 10 11. 12 13 14 15.. U! . 17. 19. 21. 22. 2»i 3« 3» 4». 49 .W '.\caili.i II. - Station 49. 59 111 . (!2.. ivl , tlli. W). 81. «2 . 83 84 .*• -' ts 1 lis 1 > »» 1 _^-^ 1 ii: 4( 1... 14tl 1 .V)' 471 70 liU '*l 20 ■M\ 611 19 3: 20 2ti l.liOl cu. U)O.Un..iK.-a W. luva.loc;k 11 .. ..j 2;'. -' 711 32 . 44o| 1 n\ 421 2,02.-. 59 (iOl ■•I 1,7(10 mt I.tO 10(1 l.V,i I5t) 30 7 83 -lOO 1151 121 731 21 331 2 116 4,032 110 l.W 47 6(1 ■HI 105 1 232 284 181 43 28 108 178 31 12 20 3 9 260 14 2A\ 10 10 10 68 iii:r\in \if:\ r i>r iiii: \ ii w. sh:i{\icf: 'IMil.i: II ^ IL'). I.:irv;i', (liiiliix .-p. — foil. SuifM l.iinl. Iiiir Kuk'. I^rvii rniM II. 1 Sli tl.Ml :!ll 1 '.' ! :tl 14> ^i> 7 Ai . , - :«T 1 ■ i t" »2 ... W . • 4X ., . 4> .V.I III 411 , ■• ."ill . ; n:t u. '2 1 :'i"i U'J I'.p •ji n I'M 17 ihs; 71 ,■<- IL' 11 .*>L* III) •1 I.I 1 o 1>) 1 .IkSl, IHK, HI ' I'rincr-^- '" I St.ltlMll ."' r, •Jin; ■-'i; 1 * r.l- S'J s ... li'.t 10 HI 4!li n 11. •-".'i :t 1'' M V 1.". ' ■) IS, 1 Ill . .. 34 1.-. 2 17 . l."7" ."ii l,x .... s'l.'i :tii7 Ill 7'>li i.> 17 . . , 1 ■ 4; .■) 1 111 12 1 471 1 i •'! .. ■ i! 4' .") :«)' a . .. ! :«i 4 :t.!i4ii 74;< I 37 ri CVIG. ' Aciniirt " I Siatiim fi s •-•"l ' l'ritiri-i«" I St:itiiiil K „ 211 • Aiadia" II StJitilMl Sll, . HI S'J . , . . M . . . HI . . ■• I'riiict'HH" II -■ Stilt inn 45 . . '■:«■' Staliuii r)7 ■Acii.liii" 1- Stiitiun II . Aiailitt" II Statiiiii 4'.i .■)'.! . SI (M\ i/»MV fisiiritii-s F.\i't:niTin\, wi-is Table II jr (»).— Larvir. (!i caVnnn.i. Ij-ngth ill '""'■ 2 ! ;t M 5 a 1 I 1 ... 8 I !• .,! 3 i 4 ■■■! ••■1 -"O 2 ..| 1 1 •JIC. i I 1 12 ul u\ 1.') 1 ir. M.,r. tliun 17 1 . . . . - ' ■■ 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ■ ■ ■ I '2\ nun) 1 1 T.MUi; 11 n (4).— l-urvii', (/. opijh funis. .. 1 I,i'iii;tli ii' '"'II- II I 10 11 1-* ! 13 H ! !•' •'' I " I 17. TMII.K nil a).- l-V'^' il'l'l I-iTVlV, 0 n n." Datr. " Ara-lia":- statinii ;t '"•>■• •■ I'liiic'-^^ 1" ■ Staticm ti 17.. ••A,;«lw' II siiitHiM J" t;2 " I'lilltt'SM " 1 1 Station 27 ."lO Static.n 1'.' 3il Surface. Ccriii- ; I'ittiiien- ' illative I tell 1 di»li. ; eiiiliryi). i [May 29 1. 1.1 mil- 4. j.luili- ".» tci .luile l."i !.•> i !.hily21to.I«!y2-.'.' ir.x ; .'a Auk. :t to Ante. 12. ■-'•' \ -' Llnnel.oAi.j;. IS.' 1122 j 126!> \ (OTIII Larvtf. illative disk. 1 :v> U Vertitul haul*. I'iiriiieii- I.-.1 eiuliryo. Larvie. i:vj:< isat 4 :«i 1!»4 2'l8 lOll ll'l 53 70 i)t:i'M{r\n:\T or iiii: savm. sKitricK A.a.lii." 1 Station !'• 1" 1H Tabi.k nil (2).— Ktrs aitil Ijirvir. Ono.i. k. 10 4 1 I'itfllifliteii ellllirV" •Aiiiliii" 11 - Statiiiii '.T W f.-J •riiiff II Stat on «7 •M 4!t No. ■•:«•■- StiiSiiiii !'•• 21 •jti •v> .V.I 120 ir>s 4 15 4 " I SIHI 2211 112.' 21 IINIO if m 21*1 1<> 2^"> 1211'.! 25 10 1 11 110 I'X lOK 1 10!l ;»5 M 1 3 1 1 IVIG. CAXAUlAy FISHERIES EXPEniTIOS. tOU-iS Taelk II h (3).— Larva-, Onos. 71 StBtiim •'• . " 1*1 inct'MH " 1 1 Static 111 ■JH .. 31... ;v.'. . . 4'.t. . rio. . No. ••:«■•- Station 2!l . I.i'iigtii ill mill , li 7 N !l to 1 1 12 1 > I 1 ..7 1 I 2 in 14 l."» 111 MniH_ than 17. TAni.K II i.— !•+'« and I-iirvir, Vevhircius merlaccim. Smfai"' •iiiiiiiatui' I'lKim-iiti-il I i^arj.,-. ilisk. i-iiiliiyii ViMtiial liaul IJemiinatuc (ti>k. .\iailia" II Stat inn 44 4? .">;< .v» . Mi. W TiM till 111 liJ •.IkHI 17ii 1 i •-IKI 75" 4>iO ;iiHi 10 ! 41!ll"« ;t."iO VI 1 .~> H,> 70 77» I'lj^iiit'iittii t'llllilVi IIIK) I 100 Larvn". 1 IHim ;v.'.-.2 ■JiK) MO 72 iin-\ur\nM nf iin: vi> '.: skrvic TAni.F. U }.—Ammoiliil''» tnhlanus. Vi nioiil liuiil« T.iliil limnUi. I..llk.'lli 111 "II" T..t;\l "ihiiIk r I,iii«th in imii. ' Acii'ilu ■ I ■JI •il 24 •jr. •-11. :*i ■I'll".." I •*tiiti.'ii 'I \r< ic. Ac.lin M St^ S'J N... ■■;(:! St..tii.ii 1 I i: •ji 1.-. •.••I V.' i.'i IC is I" l."> h >hl r.' 17 «i IS I-.' -I. lit-2" 11' i;) 1 ( li \t> I'll ITi ii 10 H 14 10 i;i 111 12 J1P ra ir. 12 IVIC. *ivi;»nv fisnt:Hins n\rf:niTin\. inn-ir, Tmii.k Ilk. }fiillotu.i vill'iiH^. 73 'Autiliu" I - Statu m 'Mi . 'IVillCfm" I Suii"n 4 "Acailia" II Sutioii l'3 "PriiH-»'i«" 1 1 Stutiiiii M .. 41 H 42. . 46 N.I. -XV Station IT Siirfacf. \'srti<'»l liaiiU. Total niiiiitvr i I^nKtli in mm. I Total iiumUr. I.«ngtli in n.ii. t» 76 ca 7o 42 10 15 -25 ca 8 1 l.-^ 1 12 1.') 1 I ctt 325 '22 IS 12 7 2.-. ca 342 Table III.— .Sropc^u* sp. H-U 13 3 7-14 « 10 1 7 (;-!» 1 H 14 Hi 5-H <» (H6 » r> «-12 i. 6 3 21 83 (',553— 9a 74 i>t:i'\iir\n\r nh iiit: \\\ \i sh:nMrf: KMI.AN.VIU'N OK I'l.ATKS I'l.ATK I. Ki.i 1 «7i iioliihi "' ml«|/i 'Kcin. f I'linor-x Hl.illon. .%<) iHUtf.iii-) i>lii6r"« iiil.«|i' Mil*. » liiln . /•Mill ill- numbriit, f-'Z inm.. /'"nci S.H Statiuii, .0 (»ur:'.i''>'i. •« mm . Kn»li a SialKin, :!J (obl. liaul). iiifj-ii July l!»i:i iiaK.n fium llie .iJult fl»h). atitl b, Stha^lcM umiiituM s mm,. Ill h. ^'biiatfn 'ml 11111.', lii"4 mm •■ :i.t ■■ Stmioii. ml I'nnciat Htalioli. HI »»ili f.u f). tt .*• flKlf llll'fl, •JO mm, rnniisH Station 41 (3il-ii». I'l.ATE II V Chlrnt'-phiit t. 11 mm., VnnrrtH Station 13 (100-n). 111. I't}fptitvnnthiidt9 miK l:'. 1.' ;;U mm. .Umlia Sl.ition, S'J (nurfaci) I'liKii.i, 3s mm I'liiiims Station, S t.Sii-O) ri< iiioHiiUi < v""."'"'"""' "' mil- il'l'ii'i* '""' .ln<|//.ip"fM Kli. 7 mr>> . .Umlm Station. 11 (Hinfacv) i:i IhipiiHiipsriia p((i(r.isojilu, Aciulia Stallcin. J'. (lJii-0). It liKpiiniipnelta p\»li!-0 fms). n mm. ArnMii Slatimi, ,sl (siirfaro). ri..\TK Ml. Ki'i IK •■ 17. '■ l^ ■■ 19 " ll'i. -1 r;.irli.a <-(ill(iria«. 3-8 mm.. The KloileviK Spa i-'inh Hatrlifry. (;,i,(,i.' 2 (30-0 fms > T>(i ciirifii. 76 mm. Ardilin Station, .'.6 (210-140 fms.) •• ::l>l«i'- ■i-5-'^it.Sf»* :^4^ -s^w s 5 '3 nt tfi. PLATE III. CANADIAN FISH EGGS AND LARVAE. DANNEVIG. 16 -.-W -