Technical Report No,1 7? -'3 mONTAMA DEPARTMENT OF NATURAL RESOURCES A CONSERVATION ENERGY DIVISION OCTOBER 1978 DNRC ««W'f - '■ n 1 VkC\ MONTANA STATE LIBRARY PlR' ^UJ J.V OU S 333.953 E29CVI1 978 C.IProdgers Circle west vegetation baseline study :t 3 0864 00045101 6 Circle West Vegetation Baseline Study Final Report Richard Prodgers, Plant Ecologist Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation Circle West Technical Report No. 1 Energy Division Montana Department of Natural Resources and Conservation 32 South Ewing Helena, Montana 59601 October 1978 TABLE OF CONTENTS FIGURES iii TABLES iv INTRODUCTION 1 Background 1 Circle West Project 1 Overall Study Scope and Objectives 2 Study Area 3 Objectives of the Vegetative Baseline Study 4 GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CLIMATE, GEOLOGY, SOILS, AND VEGETATION 5 METHODOLOGY 9 Data Collection 9 Classification 13 Species ^Composition 15 Site Description 15 Species Diversity . ; 16 Structure 16 Mapping 17 RESULTS 21 Community Types 21 Species Composition 35 Site Descriptions 36 Species Diversity 63 Productivity 63 Structure 74 Species Lists 74 DATA ADEQUACY, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE MONITORING, AND ENDANGERED SPECIES 77 SUMMARY 79 LITERATURE CITED 81 APPENDICES . 69 Table of Contents (continued) Appendix A. Species Constancy and Averaging Tables .... 90 Appendix B. Species Listed by Family and Life Form ..'.'.''.' 97 Appendix C. Considerations Affecting Study Procedures . . . . . 109 n FIGURES Figure 1. Annual precipitation at Circle and Fort Peck 6 Figure 2. Reconnaissance data form 10 Figure 3. Generalized results of cluster analysis and classification 22 Figure 4. Species diversity of community types 64 m TABLES Table 1. Community type names and abbreviations 24 Table 2. Scirpus americanus community type site description 35 Table 3. Laboratory analysis of the upper four inches of soil for selected plant communities 37 Table 4. Distichlis stricta community type site description 38 Table 5. Bouteloua gracilis community type site description 39 Table 6, Agropyron smithii /Bouteloua gracilis community type site description aq Table 7. Bouteloua gracilis/Agropyron smithii community type site description 41 Table 8. Stipa comata/Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia community type site description 42 Table 9 . Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia/Stipa comata community type site description 43 Table 10. Stipa comata - Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis community type site description 44 Table 1 1 . Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia/Agropyron smithii - Stipa comata community type site description 45 Table 12 . Stipa viridula - Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis community type site description 45 Table 13. Andropogon scoparius community type site description 47 Table 14 . Andropogon scoparius - Calamovilfa longi folia Community type site description 48 Table 15 , Andropogon scoparius - Agropyron spicatum community type site description 49 Table 16 . Agropyron spicatum/Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia community type site description 50 Table 17 . Muhlenbergia cuspidata - Agropyron spicatum community type site description 51 IV Table 18. Juniperus horizontal is/Andropogon scoparlus - Agropyron spicatum community type site description 52 Table 19. Calamovilfa longi folia community type site description .... 53 Table 20. Yucca glauca community type site description ^4 Table 21, Juniperus scopulorum/Agropyron spicatum community type ^ site description ^-^ Table 22. Artemisia cana/Stipa Viridula-Agropyron smithii community type site description 56 Table 23. Artemisia cana/Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis community type site description 57 Table 24. Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis "community type site description 58 Table 25. Artemisia tridentata bad land site description 59 Table 26. Symphoricarpos occidental is - Rosa arkansana community type site description ^0 Table 27. Shepherdia argentea/Symphoricarpos occidental is - Rosa arkansana community type, Shepherdia argenteaTSymphoricar- pos occidental is community type, and Corn us stolon if era phase site description Table 28. 1977 precipitation at three sites ^^ Table 29. Distichlus stricta community type productivity ^^ Table 30- Distichlus stricta, Agropyron smithii ecotone productivity . . 58 Table 31. Bouteloua gracilis community type productivity ^^ Table 32- Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis community type productivity °^ Table 33. Bouteloua gracilis/Agropyron smithii community type producti vi ty 69 Table 34. Stipa comata/Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia community type productivity '^ Table 35. Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia/Stipa comata community type productivity '^ Table 36. Stipa comata - Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis community type productivity ^^ Table 37. Andropogon scoparius community type productivity . 71 Table 38 • Andropogon scoparius - Agropvron spjcatum community type productivity 71 Table 39- Agropyron spicatum/Bouteloua gracim - Carex filifolia community type productivity 71 Table 40 Juniper us horizontal is/Andropogon scoparius - Agropyron spicatum community type productivity . , , ty 72 Table 41 . Artemisia cana/Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis community type productivity ". . . 72 Table 42 • Dimensions of some shrubs 73 Table 43- Average community structure expressed as percent absolute coverage 75 VI INTRODUCTION BACKGROUND In 1974, Ureyer Brothers, Inc., a wholly-owned subsidiary of Bur- lington Northern, Inc., notified the state that it proposed to develop a coal processing facility in McCone County, Montana. Governor Thomas L. Judge subsequently designated the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DiNRC) as the lead agency in any actions taken on the pro- posal. Since that time, DNRC has coordinated its activities on the pro- posal with all state agencies involved and developed an overall study plan that would acquire information sufficient for all state agencies. In the event tnat Dreyer Brothers, Inc. decides to proceed with the Circle West project, DNRC would continue to coordinate state agency action in developing a joint environmental impact statement. At the time this study was made, Dreyer Brothers, Inc. had not applied to DNRC for a certificate under the Major Facility Siting Act. However, in accordance with the act, the company chose to contract with DNRC to initiate the portions of studies which would ultimately be re- quired by law if the project proceeds. In general, the contract called for a baseline study and the coordination of DNRC action with all levels of government as well as other interested parties. Consequently, DNRC conducted baseline studies resulting in information that will be available for preparation of any environmental impact statements. Also, since the contract called for DNRC to consult all levels of government, DNRC contacted the affected federal, state, and local agencies and sought their continued involvement in developing the study plan and conducting studies. CIRCLE WEST PROJECT Although an application for the project had not been submitted at the time this study was made, long-range plans which Dreyer Brother, Inc. provided to DNRC (pursuant to provisions of the Montana Major Facility Siting Act) outlined the scope of the proposed action. The long-range plans for the Circle West Project, as submitted by Dreyer Brothers, Inc. include: 1. The manufacture of up to 3,000 tons per day of ammonia, requiring up to 9,000 tons per day of lignite and up to 9,000 acre feet per year of water; 2. The manufacture of up to 5,000 tons per day of methanol -methyl fuel, requiring up to 10,000 tons per day of lignite and up to 8,000 acre-feet per year of water. 3. The manufacture of up to 30,000 barrels per day of synthetic diesel fuel oil, requiring up to 16,500 tons per day of lignite and up to 15,000 acre -feet per year of water; 4. The development of mining operations to provide the lignite requirements; 5. The development of an irrigation system for both mine reclamation and general agricultural and livestock operations on the Dreyer Ranch requiring up to 35,000 acre-feet per year of water; 6. The construction of a water supply system, based on Missouri River waters, to pump and pipeline up to 67,000 acre-feet per year of water to the plant site and to the reclamation and agricultural and live- stock points of use; 7. The construction of the following ancillary transportation, access and utility facilities: a. A railway spur from the plant site to some point on an existing railway; b. A road connecting tne plant site to some point on a highway; c. An electrical service line connecting the plant site with some point on the existing power grid. d. If the required electrical power cannot be otherwise ob- tained at a feasible cost a captive power plant to meet the facility's needs. 8. To the extent that housing is not otherwise available, the con- struction of a townsite to meet the housing needs of the construction work force. It isBN'shope that the permanent operating work force can be absorbed into the existing communities in the area so that a permanent "company town" can be avoided (Dreyer Brothers, Inc. 1978). OVERALL STUDY SCOPE AND OBJECTIVES Dreyer Brothers, Inc., has submitted long-range plans, preliminary engineering studies, and a conceptual plant design for the Circle West project. Although this material provides substantial guidance, the project and process information are not yet fully defined. Consequently, DNRC has determined that a baseline study is the limit of evaluation that can be made at this time and this study is not of the scope one might expect if Dreyer Brothers, Inc. had applied for a siting certificate. Since the specific nature and scope of the project has not been established, the studies are based on the assumption that the first application will involve only one processing facility, manufacturing either ammonia or methanol. Nevertheless, as the planning process for the project evolves, the scope of the baseline study can be expected to concomitantly evolve. In the event that Dreyer Brother, Inc. decides to proceed with the proposal, the baseline studies will be integrated into the complete evaluation re- quired by the Major Facility Siting Act, the Montana Environmental Policy Act and other applicable statutes. It should be noted that, at this time, only the vegetation, wildlife and a portion of the aquatic resources studies have been completed. In order to meet the statutory mandates and fulfill the contract with Dreyer Brother, Inc., DNRC designed the overall baseline study to: 1. Develop and conduct a cross-disciplinary baseline study comprised of various study components, which is harmonious with the Montana Major Facility Siting Act and the Montana Environmental Policy Act, and will permit initiation of impact evaluations if a facility application is received; and 2. Obtain baseline data that are suitable for assessment of the action under applicable statutes, and acceptable to those local, state, and federal agencies involved in the proposed project. STUDY AREA Initially, the study area--which is properly the focus of impact studies- was defined as the area encompassing the biotic, abiotic, and cultural char- acteristics that a mine and coal-conversion facility, located in McCone County near either the Fort Peck Reservoir of the Missouri River, may influence. Once Dreyer Brothers, Inc. provides a better description of plant design and DNRC understands the area's meteonDlogical characteristics better, the lo- cation of the study area can be refined. If Dreyer Brothers, Inc. changes the location of the proposed conversion facility indicated in the current long range plan, DNRC will make the necessary adjustments in the definition of the study area. Proposed Mining Area In March of 1977, Dreyer Brothers, Inc. defined an eleven and one half square mile (29.8 km^) area encompassing the anticipated twenty-year strip mining activity. This area, termed the proposed mining area, became the primary focus of field study after its definition and contains all exper- imental study plots for the wildlife study. At the time the remaining study components are initiated, much of the monitoring equipment and study plots involved will likewise be sited in this area. Mine Study Area The mine study area, which surrounds the proposed mining area, was studied in nearly as much detail as the proposed mining area. The size of the area somewhat varied depending upon the study component involved. The wildlife study encompassed a ninety-nine square mile (174.3 km^) area; the vegetation evaluation was focused upon a seventy-five square mile (132.0 km^) area. The mine study area contains all control study plots, and most aerial surveys covered this area; it corresponds to the 7.5' field maps used to record data. Reconnaissance Study Area A reconnaissance study area, which corresponds roughly with the bound- aries of McCone County and Montana Department of Fish and Game hunting dis- trict 650, is the largest of the study areas. As implied by the name, this area was studied in less detail than the others. Data gathering in this area was directed toward: 1) Defining critical sites, primary use areas, or major biota in the area such that any later changes in study area boundaries would not make the general baseline results inappropriate; 2) Setting the context for study of the areas more intensively studied; and 3) Providing a baseline for plant siting and assessment of impacts associated with the coal conversion facility or transportation re- lated to coal mining and coal conversion. Throughout this report, the term study area refers to the reconnaissance study area. OBJECTIVES OF THE VEGETATIVE BASELINE STUDY The goal of this baseline study was to collect sufficient information describing the vegetation of the study area so that changes in vegetation can be detected, and further baseline and monitoring studies can be expe- ditiously carried out. This information which will eventually be used to evaluate the impacts of the proposed development, was derived from data collected by: Characterizing the vegetation of the area in a manner that serves the maximum number of needs and most concisely conveys information about the vegetation of any portion in the study area (Classification of vegetation into community types most nearly meets this requirement and other objectives, including the requirements of the Department of State Lands); Characterizing the average sites associated with the various community types ; Comparing the community types with respect to species diversity; Mapping the vegetation of the study area and the range condition of the proposed mine area; Determining the productivity of the major community types of the proposed mine area; and Listing all plant species found in the study area and identifying any rare or endangered plants. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF CLIMATE, GEOLOGY, SOILS, AND VEGETATION The study area has a typical continental climate having hot summers, cold winters and rapid seasonal transition. At Circle, January temperatures average 13.1°F (-10.5°C) with a mean minimum temperature of 2°F (-16.7°C). Temperatures in July average 70°F (21.1°C) with a mean maximum temperature of 88°F (31.1°C). The frost free season lasts about ninety-nine days (Cordell 1971). Precipitation for the area is variable and unevenly distributed and drought strongly influences vegetation. Figure 1 portrays the precip- itation at Circle and Fort Peck for approximately twenty-five years. The fifty-year average at Circle is 12.46 inches (31.65 cm). Between 1952 and 1977 the average was 12.9 inches (32.77 cm) with a standard deviation of 3.6 inches (9.14 cm). At Fort Peck, the average precipitation between 1955 and 1975 was 11.3 inches (28.7 cm) with a standard deviation of 3.4 inches (8.64 cm). The annual precipitation of the study area averages between 12 and 16 inches (30.5 cm 40.6 cm). The proposed mine area has an average annual precipitation of about 14 inches (35.6 cm) (USDA-DNRC 1977). On the average eighty-two percent of the annual precipitation falls between April and September, and fifty-five percent falls between May and July (Cordell 1971). The Circle West study area is underlain by nearly horizontal beds of sedimentary rock which are poorly exposed except in local badlands in the western half of the area. The oldest exposed formation, the Bearpaw Shale, of Late Cretaceous age, is exposed in bluffs along the Missouri River and near Fort Peck. Overlying the Bearpaw are the Fox Hills Sandstone (Cre- faceous), the Hell Creek Formation (sandstone and claystone, some lignite; Late Cretaceous age), and the Fort Union Formation (shale, sandstone, and lignite; Paleocene age). The Fox Hills and Hell Creek Formations have out- crops along the Big Dry Arm of Fort Peck Reservior and along the breaks of 'the Missouri River. The Fort Union Formation occupies the central and southern parts of the Circle West study area, and is divided into three members, tlie Tullock, Lebo and Tongue River. The Tongue River Member con- tains the coal beds of the proposed Circle West strip mine. During Pleisocene continental glaciation, glaciers deposited till throughout the northern half of the study area. Erosion has mostly removed the till along the main streams and rivers and little remains south of the Missouri River. Alluvium consisting of silt, sand and gravel underlies the bottom lands of most of the major streams and rivers in the study area. Saline soils, which result from a combination of poor subsurface drainage and a nearby source of salts, are widespread on poorly drained alluvial terraces. o» PRECIPITATION IN INCHES o ~ Ol O J I I I I J I l_l l_J L Ol o c -s fD n rt- <0 01 Ol O O IQ -5 o ro □J o -s <-+ -a fD o 01 o (0 01 00 o especially in the southern half of the study area. Salts are derived from the leaching of shale beds in the Tongue River Member of the Fort Union Form- ation and from the Bearpaw Shale. Other formations also have saline shales which may locally contribute to salinity buildup. Leaching of salts may be accelerated where permeable zones have been formed by the burning of coal beds within saline shale sequences. Badlands topography is common in areas underlain by the Fox Hills, Hell Creek and Tullock units, primarily in the western third of the area. Silt de- posits, probably wind blown loess (Colliver and Knechtel 1939) mantle many parts of the area and may have influenced the present topography as well as soils. Several major kinds of soils are found in the study area. There are Ertisols and Aridisols (Lithosols and Brown soils), e.g. Bainville silt loam, Mollisols (Chestnut and Chernozem soils), e.g. Bearpaw clay loam, Sprole loam, Vida loam; Ertisols and bedrock outcrops (badlands); Aridisols and some agrids and natragrids (glaciated Brown and Solidized-Solentz soils), e.g. Phillips loam, Scobey clay loam, Thoeny loam, and Fluvents (allivial soils) e.g. Bowdoin clay, Lohmiller clay loam (after Southard 1973). The study area is primarily a temperate grassland, or more precisely a mixed grass prairie (Weaver and Albertson, 1956). A second major biome type in the area is the Artemisia dominated cool semi-desert of Whittaker (1975). Other less abundant vegetation types occur in atypical sites. Several authors have mapped the vegetation of the area at rather small scale, largely using existing data and some new samples or listing of species. Kuchler (1964) has indicated that the area is potentially the Bouteloua qracilis-Stipa comata - Agropyron smithii vegetation type. Morris et al. (1964) has mapped the natural vegetation of the western portion of study area as the Agropyron smithii - Stipa comata - Bouteloua gracil is type and the eastern portion as a Stipa comata - Agropyron smithii - Bouteloua gracilis type. Certainly these are the three major species of the area. Ross and Hunter (1975) have identified three principal range sites for the area; the silty range site having 10 to 14 inches (25.4 cm - 35.6 cm) precipitation; the silty-clayey range site complex having 10 to 14 inches (25.4 cm - 35.6 cm) precipitation; and to a lesser extent the badlands. The three major climax dominants for the first two range sites are Agropyron smithii (and A. dasystachum) , Andropogon scoparius, and Stipa comata. The three principal increasers for these sites are Bouteloua gracilis, Stipa comata , and Carex filifolia. Payne (1973) had indicated three major rangeland types for the area. The southern portion of the study area is the Prairie County grassland, dominated by Stipa Comata, Carex filifolia, and Bouteloua gracilis. The northwest portion of the area is the central grassland, characterized by scattered sagebrush (Artemisia sp. ) , and Bouteloua gracilis, Agropyron smithi i , and Stipa comata. The northeastern part of the study area is the Northeastern grassland, distinguished by Andropogon scoparius and also Bouteloua gracilis, Stipa comata, and Agropyron smithii . The aforementioned mapping efforts attempted to characterize the vege- tation of the area on a broad scale. They are not sufficiently well defined (nor were they intended) for large scale vegetation study or mapping. Al- though many of the community types of the area incorporate the species men- tioned above, a number of less abundant and dramatically different communities occur in the area. This called for a more intensive study of the vegetation of the area. -1 METHODOLOGY DATA COLLECTION Reconnaissance Data A reconnaissance of the vegetation was the first step toward meeting the objectives of the baseline study. Although a classification seemed to be the most desirable way to handle the vegetation to meet the objectives, the techniques to be used for classification had not been chosen. Franklin, Dyrness, and Moir (1971) have outlined a reconnaissance technique suited to community classification of which this study was roughly modelled. They note the objective is to collect maximum data in a minimum amount of time. Lambert and Dale (1964) define efficiency as the optimization of information for a given quantity of work and note that it is often more efficient to work with a large number of samples of low information content than with a smal- ler number of much more elaborate and and time consuming records. These objectives also guided this reconnaissance. The reconnaissance data were eventually used for community type class- ification and definition, estimation of species diversity, and site des- criptions. Tnese data also contributed to selecting productivity sampling locations, making species lists, and served as ground truth for aerial photography interpretation necessary for vegetation mapping. Figure 2 displays a field data form used in this reconnaissance. An explanation of the collection of data follows: Sampled areas. Investigators sampled a total of 552 plots, more than half of which were selected prior to field work from aerial photographs. These aerial photographs were either 1:20,000 or 1:40,000 scale panchro- matic or 1:12,000 scale true color. Sample areas were selected to cover a range of photographic signatures, sites and geographic areas. Investigators chose other sample areas in the field to assure sampling of communities not distinguishable from aerial photographs. Thus sample area location was both objective (though not random) and subjective. Mueller - Dombois and Ellenberg (1974) advocate "subjective sampling with- out preconceived bias." Pfister and Arno (personal communication) also advocate this technique, while rejecting random and systematic methods of sampling because of inherent inefficiency. Upon reacliing a sample area, a team of two investigators observed the general species composition of the stand and randomly picked a plot lo- cation. If both team members agreed that tne resulting plot location did not differ significantly from the stand in general, they sampled the plot. Sample plots were set out along contours to minimize the chance of sampling accross different soil strata, or microclimatic gradients. Figure 2 Reconnaissance data form Location: Aspect of Vegetation: Grazing Pressure: Observations: Plot No.: Dominants: Air Photo No. Picture No. Slope Aspect:_ 1- C Slope: Slope Position: Elevation: crizontal onfigurat Soil: _ ion: Distance to Livestock Water Source: Soil Texture: Precipitation: Life-Form Species Cover Class Life-Form Specip<; Cover Class • .. 1 - Mosses Lichens • Litter , Bare Soil Bare Rock 10 Plot size. The rectangular sample plots measuring 27.5 feet X 13.5 feet (8.4 m X 4.1 m) and covering areas of 371 feet^ (34.5 m^) represented com- promises in sampling technique. Although elongate plots are superior to square plots for sampling (Clapham 1932), a problem arises when the plot cannot be viewed as a whole (Daubenmire 1968). Also, although these rather large plots cannot provide the precision available when using many smaller plots, they can be sampled quickly and enclose many plants with low coverage. Coverage can De accurately estimated for these plots when cover classes are used. Site factors. Investigators recorded general descriptors such as lo- cation, plot number, aerial photograph number, dominants, and observations at each sample plot. A color photograph of each plot was taken with the plot number appearing in the picture. These slides proved to be a useful reference during classification. The investigators sampled the upper 4 inches (10 cm) of the soil at three locations in each plot using a 1.5 inch (4 cm) diameter tubular sam- pling device. The three samples from each plot were grouped into a single sample. A soil scientist later determined the texture of each sample by the feel method. Mechanical analysis of forty-six soil samples indicated that the accuracy of the feel method was adequate. This determination of surface texture leaves much to be desired. A soil profile description of textures to the rooting depth would be pre- ferable. However, work on the soil component of the baseline study has not been initiated to date. The slope aspect of each plot was measured by facing in the direction in which water would run off the plot and shooting azimuth with a compass. Slope was measured in degrees normal to the contour using a clinometer or a abney level . . • . The horizontal configuration was recorded as convex, straight, undulating, or concave. Slope position was recorded as bottom, low, mid, upper, or top. Grazing pressure, which is simply a subjective estimate of intensity or current livestock use and does not necessarily reflect past use, was record- ed at each plot. Ratings of light, moderate or heavy were planned, but the additional categories of light moderate, moderate-heavy, and severe appeared on some data forms, reflecting a continuum of grazing intensities. The distance in air kilometers livestock would actually have to travel to get water under average precipitation conditions was measured for each plot. Precipitation was to be taken from 1:250,000 precipitation maps, but it was not used because it seems that, in the study area, precipitation extremes have a greater effect on vegetation than average precipitation. Annual pre- cipitation over the study area is highly erratic as Figure 1 shows. Lommasson (1947) documents the variation of precipitation in eastern Montana. n Coverage data. Each plot was examined closely and all species present were recorded. Plants were identified to species except for mosses, which were simply listed as mosses, and lichens, which were identified simply as crutose, foliose, or ephphytic. Species not readily identifiable were col- lected along with a card indicating plot number, and an identifying letter if more than one unknown was collected from a single plot. After all species were listed, the plot was further examined and the coverage of each species, as well as tne coverage of litter, bare soil and bare rock was recorded using cover classes (after Daubenmire, 1959), with a trace category for species having less than one percent coverage. Dauben- mire, (1959, 1968) and Bannister (1966) note the effectiveness of using coverage to concisely express some important attributes of the species in a community. Appendix C addresses problems associated with quantitatively measuring the presence, but not absence of species. Productivity Data After classification, the major community types of the proposed mine area, which was revised to 11.5 square miles (29.8 km^), were identified. Thirteen major community types were recognized. Exclosure locations for these types were identified by finding relatively homogeneous stands of vegetation which were similar to the community type as characterized on the Constancy and Average Coverage tables (Appendix A). The tentative exclosure sites were visited by Dennis Hemmar of the Department of State Lands, and Dr. Jack Taylor of Montana State University. The thirteen most suitable sites were chosen and exclosure boundaries were staked by the Department of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) staff. Exclosures were constructed of steel fence posts with wood posts for corner and gate braces prior to any livestock grazing in spring 1977. Fencing consists of woven wire with two strands of barbed wire on top. With one exception, each exclosure has two gates at opposite ends of the enclosure. The gates can be left open to allow grazing in the exclosure to prevent suc- cession away from community type species composition. All exclosures are over one acre in size with the exception of the Distichlis stricta community type exclosure. A grid was superimposed on the exclosure and numbered reference stakes for each row were placed at the fence. Plot locations were selected using random numbers. Numbered stakes identified the plots that were to be clipped. Exclosures were divided normal to the contours into two replicates so that they could be tested for homogeneity. 2 Twenty-three to twenty-five 5.38 square feet (0.5 m ) circular plots were clipped in each exclosure. A Montana State University clipping crew clipped six exclosures in late July, consisting of the Distichlis stricta, Stipa comata/Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia , Agropyron spicatum/ Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia, Bouteloua gracilis - Carex filifolia/ Stipa comata community types and Distichlis stricta - Agropyron smithii ecotone exclosures. Cool season dominants characterize these communities. The seven remaining communities were expected to reach peak productivity somewhat later and they were clipped in late August. These exclosures con- tained the Andropogon scoparius, Juniperus horizontal is/Andropogon scoparius - Agropyron spicatum, Andropogon scoparius - Agropyrcnspicatum, Bouteloua gracil is , Bouteloua gracil is/Agropyron smithii-Bouteloua gracilis, and Artemisia cana/Agropyron smithi i - Bouteloua gracil is community types. Whitman (1975) described the average time of peak production for some species found in the study area. He reported that thirty percent of the seasonal aerial production was achieved by May 20, eighty percent by June 1, ninety- three percent by July 31, and about ninety-seven percent by August 31. Appendix C mentions a few of the shortcomings of this method of measuring grassland productivity. Grasses were clipped to ground level. Plant matter was sorted by spe- cies for the dominant species, and by life form for other species. Litter was also collected. The material was oven-dried and weighed at Montana State University. Statistical summaries were provided by the DNRC. CLASSIFICATION Cluster Analysis The DNRC is aware of the controversy surrounding the classification of vegetation (See Appendix C), but it seems that classification is best suited to meeting the objectives of the study. The Department of State Lands re- quires that vegetation types be defined on the basis of dominance, and so a number of criteria for classification such as this, using fidelity or con- stancy, for example, did not have to be considered. (Whittaker (1962) thoroughly discusses classification schemes.) However, all floristic data from the samples were used, which should better express the relationship of communities to one another and to environment than using only dominants. The sample plot data were agglomeratively clustered by the pair group method and average linkage using Sorenson's (1948) index of similarity. The technique is briefly explained below. Each sample from the reconnaissance data was compared to ewery other sample using Sorensen's index of similarity. The midpoint values of the cover classes were used in the index. Sorensen's index offers the ad- vantage (over Jaccard's (1928) or Gleason's (1926) for example) of equating two plots with the same recorded coverages. The most similar samples were then grouped, their coverages averaged, and the resulting data compared with all other samples. The process was re- peated until all samples joined all others. Species were not weighted prior to clustering because weighting adds an unnecessary element of subjectivity into the analysis and can obscure relationships inherent in the data. This is not to say, however, that weighting is inherently bad. Since species have neither identical ecolog- ical amplitudes nor ranges, weighting could be valuable, but unfortunately, the autecologies of virtually all species under study are not sufficiently understood to allow reliable a priori weighting. 13 The samples were clustered using a computer using a program written by the DNRC and a rather awesome forty-six foot dendrogram was constructed by hand. In order to aid interpretation, the dominant species and their cover classes were entered on one axis along with plot numbers. The dendrogram showed both discrete types and areas of gradation. This dendrogram is too large to be included in this publication. It may be found in DNRC files in Helena. Interpretation Sokol and Sneath (1963) recognize the advantage of a program that, for given data, yields an unequivocal similarity scheme, but this should not be confused with a thoroughly objective process. Anyone using the same data and techniques in this study, could produce a dendrogram identical to the one used for classification. It would be possible to pick one or more similarity levels and conclude that there dire as many types as there are stems intercepted by a line cutting across that similarity level. The argu- ment for doing so would be to maintain the objectivity of the data analysis. Due to the number of choices necessary for sampling and data analysis, however, the supposed objectivity of the data analysis is not there to main- tain. (Appendix C contains a discussion of this topic.) And so it seems that the major advantage of the multivariate analysis is that choices and assumptions are closely presented, and the data are graphically portrayed. In practice, the dendrogram guided the making of a preliminary class- ification, and was used as a reference for any revisions. In comparing clusters, the significance of changes in coverage or dominance had to be considered along with the possibility of associated changes in site, pro- ductivity, structure, or diversity. No single similarity level is appro- priate for classification; rather, the similarity levels were most meaning- ful in the context of the clusters being considered. Vegetation authorities at Montana State University and the University of Montana reviewed the preliminary classification and eventually a classification for the grass- land types was chosen. Samples with shrub layer presented a special problem because the under- story was often similar to other types, but the addition of a shrub layer seemed to be important not only from a phytosociological standpoint, but also from the aspect of animal ecologists and managers who might use the vegetation classes. For example, the Symphoricarpos occidental is - Rosa arkansana community type is very similar floristically to the Shepherdia argentea/Symphoricarpos occidentalis - Rosa arkansana community type but for the addition of Shepherdia argentea. They may share over one hundred percent (absolute coverage) of their species in common. A similar sit- uation occurs when Cornus stolonifera, Fraxirius pennsylvanica , or Populus deltoides are added. These species represent important additions to the lower strata of plants. Daubenmire (1963) emphasizes the importance of taking synusiae (or layers) into account. 14 Consequently, samples with shrub or tree dominants (cover class 2 or greater) were segregated hierarchically. The order of segregation was: Populus deltoides, Fraxinus pennsyl vanica, Juniperus scopulorum, Shep- herdia argentoa and associated (Prunus virginienus, Cornus stolonifera, Amelanchier ainifolia) , Symphoricarpos occidental is, Artemisia tridentata, and Artemisia cana. Samples with these dominants were separately clustered, and the result compared with the original dendrogram. The classification resulted in recognition of twenty-seven community types and one phase containing 452 (eighty-two percent) of the sample plots. The remaining plots contained vegetation that was not recognized to form discernable units repeated on the landscape, f^ore sampling may have re- sulted in recognition of more types or other revisions. SPECIES COMPOSITION The species composition of the twenty-seven community types has been summarized in a constancy and average coverage table (Appendix A). Con- stancy refers to the percent of reconnaissance samples in which a species is found for a given community type. Average coverage is based on absolute cov- erage as taken from the midpoints of cover classes in reconnaissance samples constituting a type. SITE DESCRIPTIONS Data collected in the vegetation reconnaissance were summarized for form site descriptions for each ty^e. The data Are usually given in per- centages by category or in means (X), standard deviations (s), and ranges. Site descriptions will be useful in reclamation, especially if native species are used. The Department of State Lands requires a discussion of environmental factors for species and types. Site requirements for dom- inant species can be inferred from these site descriptions. Unfortunately, the soil series for the samples were not obtained. The only derived descriptor for each site is the slope-slope aspect value. It is commonly recognized that slope aspect is of little descrip- tive value if the slope is not also known. Stage (1975) describes a useful index for combining both factors. The expression, tan (slope) (sin aspect + cos aspect), where slope and slope aspect are measured in degrees, results in positive values for cool aspects and negative values for warm aspects. Level ground results in a value of zero. A slope of 45° is taken to be the coolest slope aspect and 225° the warmest slope aspect. This equation works well for the slopes en- countered in the study area. By examining the slope-slope aspect value in conjunction with slope values, one can determine whether a low mean slope-slope aspect value is the result of low slopes and consistent slope aspects, or steeper slopes and ran- dom slope aspects. The slope-slope aspect values, together with the soil texture data are judged to be the most important site descriptors of those evaluated. 15 Measuring slope-slope aspect, horizontal configuration, and slope posi- tion can present problems in coulees and on ridges, which are not bottom or top slope positions. This can be explained in field notes but does not make for neat summaries. SPECIES DIVERSITY A rough measure of species diversity has been formulated for the com- munity types using reconnaissance data. The data were collected between mid-June and late August in 1976. Although diversity can change notice- ably from spring to summer (Munshower and De Puit, 1975), the data are ade- quate for comparing community types. Diversity was expressed three ways. Richness is simply the number of plant species encountered in standard size plots. Means and standard devia- tions are given. The Simpson index is basically a measure of dominance: C = Z ^2 N where C = index of dominance; •^i - value (coverage) for the ith species; and N = total value (coverage) for all species. Resulting values are between zero and one, and high values indicate that most coverage is concentrated in one or a few species. The Shannon-Wiener index can be thought of as a measure of equitability: H = -I (P^- log Pi) where H = index of equitability; and P. = n^ as in the preceding equation. W This scale is open-ended and high values indicate that similar coverages are shared by many species. STRUCTURE Plant community structure is useful in comparing community types and for making reclamation baseline. Structure is often related to animal abundance and diversity and these data have been used in the wildlife study. Raunkier's (1934) life forms were used as primary structure cat- egories. 16 Raunkier's life form system is based on the height of the perennating bud above the ground surface. This classification reflects the exposure of the perennating bud to direct action environmental factors during the most unfavorable season. In order of increasing height of the perennating bud, the life forms used in this paper are therophytes, geophytes (crypt- opnytes), hemicryptophytes, chamaephytes, microphanerophytes and mesophane- rophytes. In general, this ordering reflects the suitability for plant growth of sites associated with community types. Life forms can be used to evaluate ecological dominance, susceptibility to disturbance, and succes- sional status (Arnold 1955). In addition to life forms, structure cate- gories include crustose lichens, foliose lichens, mosses, lianas and epi- phytes, litter, bare soil and bare rock. MAPPING Vegetation Maps Using the definitions of Kuchler (1969), the vegetation maps portray cultural vegetation, primarily actual semi-natural vegetation and actual messicol vegetation. Three vegetation maps have been made as part of the baseline vegetation study; a 1:24,000 scale map of the entire reconnaissance area, a 1:12,000 scale map of the 75 square mile (194.3 km^) mine study area proposed earlier, and a 1:4800 scale map of the currently proposed 11.5 square mile (29.3 km^) minearea. The classification of vegetation was designed to be sufficiently precise for the large scale mapping. The general technique for constructing the three vegetation maps was the same, although the imagery and amount of ground truth for mapping varied. First, the location of the vegetation reconnaissance samples was indicated on the imagery being used for mapping. In some cases it was possible to asso- ciate a certain imagery signature with a certain community type and map on that basis. In cases where the signature was not obvious or did not reliably indicate a specific community type and ground truth v/as absent, community type site factor descriptions were used to infer which community types would most likely occur in the area under examination. The mapping categories used were community types identified in this report and, where vegetation does not predominate, other physical features e.g. water, cropland, or badland. More than one mapping category often ap- pears in a single mapping unit. This seems to be unavoidable except in a very simple vegetation or at a very large scale. The maps were drawn on overlays to aerial photographs, corrected, and transferred to, in most cases topographic base maps. In areas where ade- quate base maps were unavailable, 1:25,000 scale aerial photographs served as base maps. In the case of tiie 1:4800 vegetation map, the aerial photo- graphs were enlarged to base scale and the topographic map and ground truth were simultaneously overlayed on the air photos. 17 The 1:4800 scale vegetation map, an extremely accurate map, prepared to meet the Department of State Lands requirements, was based on perhaps two thousand observations as ground truth. These observations consisted of recording the dominant community type and marking the location on a map. The base map used a scale of 1:4800 and had 10 foot (3.0 m) contour inter- vals. The aerial photographs were taken in 1975. Color infra-red trans- parencies were enlarged to 1:4800 scale prints. The 1:12,000 scale vegetation map was based on approximately 225 recon- naissance plots, 1:12,000 color intra-red transparencies and true color prints taken in 1975. Additional field observations were used as ground truth. The base map was a 1:24,000 topographic map enlarged to 1:12,000. When they were available;, 7.5' topographic maps were used as a base. For the unmapped portions of McCone County, the vegetation was mapped on overlap to 1:25,000 panchromatic air photos taken in 1974-1975. The 1:24,000 scale vegetation map was based on approximately 325 recon- naissance samples which served as ground truth and a variety of panchromatic imagery. The scales and dates of the aerial photographs were: McCone County 1:40,000 1970; Garfield County 1:21,000 1968; Roosevelt County 1:21,000 1967 and Valley County 1:40,000 1969. Copies of the maps made as a result of this study are available from the DNRC, Helena. Range Condition The Department of State Lands suggests in its vegetation guidelines submission of range trend and range condition as determined by the Soil Conservation Service range site system or a comparable method although the Soil Conservation Service range site system is primarily designated to be a tool for range management. Hemmer has stated that range trend need not be determined in this case. The Soil Conservation Service system of range evaluation has been outlined by Dyksterhuis (1949, 1958), and more recently by Shi f let (1973). The Soil Conservation Service National Range Handbook (USDA 1976) is definitive in this respect. The range site is the basis of this system. "A range site is a distinc- tive kind of rangeland that differs from other kinds of rangeland in its ability to produce a characteristic natural plant community. A range site is the product of all the environmental factors responsible for its develop- ment.* It is capable of supporting a native plant community typified by an association of species that differs from that of other range sites in the kind or proportion of species or in total production." (USDA 1976). The statistical considerations raised by the latter part of this definition are not addressed (See Appendix C for a discussion of problems in classification). In fact, range sites are usually identified on the basis of soils and moisture. * This raises the question of what non-living entity is not the product of all the environmental factors responsible for its development. 18 Range condition refers to the state of vegetation on a range site rela- tive to the theoretical climax association for that range site. For each range site, the Soil Conservation Service has identified species that de- crease, increase and then decrease, or invade under grazing. The relative percentage by weight of plants in these categories determines the condition of a range site, or its subdivision. Estimates of species composition by dry weight* made at the time of reconnaissance sampling, and other reconnaissance data were used for deter- mining range condition. Range sites were taken from the ongoing Soil Con- servation Service soil mapping effort in McCone county. Range condition mapping was done on an overlay to the soil map at a scale of 1:24,000. * Estimating weight is hazardous (Daubenmire 1968), but estimating each species contribution relative to the total weight may be more reliable. 19 RESULTS COMMUNITY TYPES The previously described cluster analysis and classification resulted in the identification of twenty-seven community types whose names, along with their abbreviations are listed in Table 1. Figure 3 shows the general results of the dendrogram and classification. The types are discussed in general followed by separate discussions of species composition, sites, species diversity, and productivity. Figure 3 is a rendition of the dendrogram as classified. "ZAP Plots", which appear in the figure, refer to floristic data for the study sites in trie Zonal Air Pollution System (Taylor et al. 1975). These data were used in the cluster analysis in the hope that, based on their similarity to other communities, impact predictions could be based in part upon studies near Colstrip. Unfortunately, the ZAP communities were segregated from the types in the study area on the basis of their high coverages of Bromis tectorum and B^. japonicus. The term community type refers to an abstract grouping of communities which are similar enough in their species composition to warrant recognition as a class. Community types are not habitat types or units of land named for the climax plant association. Although speculation is sometimes made about successional status, no study of population dynamics or successional trends has been made. General Discussion of Community Types Scirpus americanus Community Type (Scam c.t.). The Scam c.t., a minor type having a restricted extent within the study area, is a monocul- ture, or nearly so, occuring on alkaline areas that are flooded at least part of the year, and on heavy soils along salty streams. The soils of the Scam c.t. have low redox potential. Soil moisture at rooting depth is seldom below field capacity and at other times S^. americanus is emergent. Sites for the Scam c.t. are moister than sites for the Distichlis stricta community type, which can often be found adjacent to Scam c.t. sites. The Scam c.t. appears to be similar to the S^. paludosus {S_. maritimus L. ) community type of Ungar (1974). Coupland (1950) notes S^. paludosus dom- inance in the moister or better drained parts of salt flats. Stewart and Kantrud (1972) identified S^. americanus as a dominant associated with grazing and sandy soil in moderately brackish, shallow marshes in North Dakota. Communities of Juncus, Carex, and Eleocharis are occasionally found along brackish streams near the Scam c.t. Triglochin maritimum. and Schedonnardus paniculatus are sometimes present in this type. 21 O-i 10- 20- 30- t 40- s V) SO- SO - 70- 80- 90- 100- BOGR/ AGSM CT BOGR- CAFI/ STCO CT ARCA/ AGSM/ BOGR CT BOGR- CAFI/ STCO CT AGSP/ BOGR- CAFI CT AGSM/ BOGR CT STCO/ BOGR- CAFI CT STCO/ BOGR- CAFI CT BOGR- CAFI/ AGSM- STCO CT AGSP/ BOGR- CAFI CT ZAP PLOTS ARCA/ STVI- AGSM CT BOGR- BOGR BOGR/ AGSP/ UNCLAS- ARTR/ STCO- STCO- BOGR- UNCLAS- ARTR STVI- CAFI/ CT AGSM BOGR- SIFIED AGSM/ AGSM/ AGSM/ CAFI/ SIFIED BAOLAND AGSM AGSM- CT CAFI BOGR BOGR- BOGR- STCO CT. STCO CT CT CAFI CAFI CT CT. CT CT Figure 3 Generalized results of cluster analysis and classification ARCa/ AGSM/ BOGR C.T YUGL C.T ANSC- CALO CT ANSC- AGSP CT JUHO/ ANSC- AGSP CT AGSP/ BOGR- CAFI CT (MUCU) SHAR/ SYOC- ROSA CT FRPE/ ROSA- SYOC CT PODE/ ROSA- SYOC CT DIST CT 1-0 -10 -20 -30 -40 •50 CO -60 -70 -80 -90 -100 SCAM CT MUCU- CALO ANSC ANSC ANSC- JUHO/ SYOC- SHAR/ SHAR/ UPLAND JUSC/ AGSP CT CT CT AGSP ANSC- ROSA SYOC- SYOC- SALINE AGSP C.T CJ. AGSP CT CT ROSA ROSA C.T CT COST PHASE C.T Figure 3 (Cont'd. ) Table 1. Community Type Names and Abbreviations Scirpus americanus Community Type (Scam c.t.) Distichlis striata Community Type (Dist c.t.) Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Bogr c.t.) Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Agsm/Bogr c.t.) Bouteloua gracilis/Agropyron smithii Community Type (Bogr/Agsm c.t.) Stipa comata/Bouteloua gracilis-Carex filifolia Community Type (Stco/Bogr-Cafi c.t.) Bouteloua gracilis-Carex fi1ifo1ia/Stipa comata Community Type (Bogr-Cafi/Stco c.t. ) Stipa comata-Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Stco-Agsm/Bogr c.t.) Bouteloua gracilis-Carex f i 1 i f o1 i a/Agropyron smithii -Stipa comata Corrmunity Type (Bogr-Cafi/Agsm-Stco c.t.) Stipa viridula-Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Community Type TStvi -Agsm/Bogr c.t.) Andropogon scoparius Community Type (Ansc c.t.) Andropogon scoparius-Calamovilfa longifolia Community Type (Ansc-Calo c.t.) Andropogon scoparius-Agropyron spicatum Community Type ((Ansc-Agsp c.t.) Agropyron spicatum/Bouteloua gracilis-Carex filifolia Community Type (Agsp.Bogr-Cafi c.t.) Muhlenbergia cuspidata-Agropyron spicatum Community Type (Agsp-Mucu c.t.) Juniperus horizontal is/Andropogon scoparius-Agropyron spicatum Community Type (Juho/Ansc-Agsp c.t.) Calamovilfa longifolia Community Type (Calo c.t.) Yucca glauca Community Type (Yugl c.t.) Juniperus scopulorum/Agropyron spicatum Community Type (Jusc/Agsp c.t.) Artemisia cana/Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Conmunity Type [Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t.) Artemisia cana/Stipa viridula-Agropyron smithii Community Type (Arca/Stvi-Agsm c.t. ) Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t.) Artemisia tridentata Badland Community Type (Artr Badland c.t.) 24 Table 1. Community Type Names and Abbreviations Symphoricarpos occidental is-Rosa arkansana Community Type (Syco-Rosa c.t.) Shepherdia argentea/Symphoricarpos occidental is-Rosa arkansana Community Type (Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t.) Fraxinus pennsylvanica/Rosa arkansana -Symphoricarpos occidental is Community Type (Frpe/Rosa/Syoc c.t.) Populus deltoides/Rosa arkansana-Symphoricarpos occidentalis Community Type (Pode/Rosa-Syoc c.t.) 25 DistJchlis stricta Community Type (Dist c.t.). The Dist c.t. may be a near monoculture. Occasionally other salt tolerant grasses such as Puc- cinellia nutalliana, Poa j unci folia. Spartina gracilis, or Muhlenbergia asperi folia in small amounts. In some communities, P. j unci folia may be co-dominant, but its abundance appears to be related to soil disturbance. The Dist C.T. occurs on alkali bottoms near water courses. Dist c.t. ap- pears to be similar to the Distich! is stricta communities of Ungar (1974) and Dodd and Coupland (19667! The transition from the Dist c.t. to mixed prairie communities may be abrupt or gradual. If gradual, coenoclinal associates of D. stricta are Agropyron smithii and some bluegrasses, including Poa j unci folia, P_. Scab- reVU, and possibly £. gracillima,* although the latter species would seem to be off-site. The proposed mine area contains some bottomland that was plowed over thirty years ago and now has a community of D. stricta, A. smithii , Poa spp. , and to a lesser extent Bromus tectorum, Plantago "spp. , and some memBers of the Cnenopodiacae family. An identical community could not be found outside the mine area and so a D. stricta - A. smithii community was sampled for productivity. Dodd and Coupland (1966) identified a Distichlis- Agropyron community, and Smoliak et al. (1976) identified a type dominated by A. smithii , D^. stricta, Artemisia cana, and Sarcobatus vermiculatis. D. stricta can be found with the typical prairie species in areas of gradual transition, progressing outward from the Dist c.t. D. stricta can act as an increaser species in some situations. The occasional occurance of D. stricta in badlands should not be con- fused with the Dist c.t., which occurs in lowland saline areas. Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Bogr c.t.). The Bogr c.t., seems to be a grazing disclimax on a number of sites. Soil texture ranges from loams to silty clay loams. Field observations suggest that parent community types can be Bouteloua gracilis/Agropyron smithii community type (Bogr/Agsm c.t. ) , the Agropyron spicatum/Bouteloua gracilis - Carex fili folia community type (Agsp/Bogr-Cafi c.t.), and to a lesser extent other types. Poa sand- berg ii is commonly present in this community type. Carex filifolia and B.. gracilis dominated a few reconnaissance plots which may represent a severe grazing disclimax on sites once dominated by Stipa comata. The loss of S_. comata due to grazing seems to be rare, how- ever, and sheep appear to favor C_. filifolia. B^. tectorum and B^. japonicus are absent or very rare even on the most heavily grazed areas. Although this results from the precipitation pattern, the species can prosper on abandoned cultivated land, suggesting that soil disturbance is involved. * Hitchcock (1951) notes, "There are several groups of Poa that present many taxonomic difficulties." One of the groups cited as an example is Scabrellae, which contains P^. scabrella, P^. gracillima, P^. secunda, and P. canbyi. Hitckcock et al .(1959), in referring to Poa, notes "Taxonomically, the genus is notoriously difficult, particularly because many of the species re- produce in large measure by other than true sexual means..." They note that due to the high variability involved, keys must accomodate exceptions under more than one lead. They discuss further problems in identifying reliable characters in the P^, sandbergii complex. 26 Aqropyron sm1 thi i/Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Agsm/Bogr c.t.). The Agsm/Bogr c.t., a major community type in the study area, usually oc- cupies low to mid slope positions. Coupland (1961) identified a Bouteloua- - Agropyron faciation suggested the impermeable subsoils associated with this faciation are unsuited to Stipa dominance. Hanson and Whitman (1938) identified a western wheatgrass-grama-sedge type which typically contains more Carex than the Agsm/Bogr c.t. The authors noted heavier soils in their wheatgrass-grama-sedge type than in their grama-needlegrass-sedge type. They suggest that the western wheat- grass-grama-sedge type is successional to the grama-needlegrass-sedge type and is especially sensitive to drought. It is often said that an A. smi thi i is found on heavier soils than Stipa comata. As a generalization this may be true; however, there is a good deal of overlap in this respect, and it may be that generalizations oversimplify the complex interactions involved. Morris (1976) has indicated that soil color and texture, precipitation, and grazing should be taken into account in summarizing the relative order of plant dominance. The existence of ecotypes might make interpretations even more difficult. Stipa comata/Bouteloua gracilis-Carex filifolia Community Type (Step/ Bogr-Cafi c.t. ). The Stco/Bogr-Caf i c.t. and the Bogr-Cari/Stco c.t. are the most abundant types in the study area as reflected by the number of reconnaissance samples falling into these categories. It is similar to the grama-needlegrass-sedge type of Hanson and Whitman (1938), which they con- sider to be the stabilized type on uplands given the climatic fluctuation of the area. Coupland (1961) identified a Stipa-Bouteloua faciation and noted that perhaps Carex should be added to the name. Coupland' s (1950) Stipa-Bouteloua faciation appears to be similar to, but moister than this type, as evidenced by the abundance of S^. spartea and A. dasytachyum in his faciation. He suggests it is post climax to his Bouteloua-Stipa faciation. Wright and Wright (1948) recognize a B. gracilis-S. comata type with larger amounts of C. fil i folia on the sandier sites. Mueggler and Hand! (1974) identified a S. comata/B. gracilis habitat type for western Montana. Smoliak et al. (19767 identified a Stipa - Bouteloua type associated with medium textured soils in the drier Brown zone, coarser soils of the Dark Brown zone and on sandy loam solonetzic soils. In our study area, the Stco/Bogr-Cafi c.t. occurs mainly on loams and on mid to upper slope posi- tions. Coryphantha vivipara exhibited fidelity for the S^. comata dominated community types. (Fidelity was rarely observed for any species in this study). Agropyron dasytachyum was sometimes present in the Stco/Bogr-Cafi c.t. Boutelcua gracilis-Carex filifol ia/Stipa comata Community Tvpe (Bogr- Cafi/Stco c.t.). The Bogr-Cafi/Stco c. t. is distinguished by a greater coverage of B^. gracilis and C. filifolia than S^. comata. This shift in dominance is probably the result of grazing (Smoliak 1965, 1974, Smoliak et al. 1976), although S^. comata can persist under heavy grazing (Peter- son 1962) through selection of grazing resistent ecotypes. This may not be true in all habitats, however. 27 While grazing may cause the reversal of dominants in this and other community types, weather may also be a strong determinant (Houston and Woodward, 1966). Reed and Peterson (1961) observed that major weather cycles set major trends in mixed prairie vegetation characteristics, while grazing intensity determines the rate of change within trends. Coupland (1950) associated his Bouteloua-Stipa faciation with drier sites than the Stipa-Bouteloua faciation. Poa sandberqii was more abundant in the Bogr/Agsm, Bogr-Cafi/Stco, and Bogr-Cafi/Agsm-Stco c.t.'s than in the Agsm/Bogr, Stco/Bogr-Caf i , and Stco-Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s. Stipa comata-Aqropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Stco- Agsm/Bogr c.t. ) In the Stco-Agsm/Bogr c.t. the two midgrasses share dom- inance, with S^. comata usually having the higher coverage. The Stco-Agsm/ Bogr c.t. perhaps represents an area of gradation between the Stco/Bogr- Cafi and Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s. If so, the Stco/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is a fairly con- stant and recognizable area of gradation. Coupland (1961) recognized a Stipa-Bouteloua-Agropyron faciation, and Smoliak et al. (1976) identified a Stipa-Agropyron type. Morris (1976) re- cognized the unequally shared dominance of S. comata and A. smithii on both sandy and clay loams under moderate grazing. The Stco-Agsm/Bogr c.t. may also be related to the A. smithii -A. dasytachyum phase of the S. comata/B. gi^acilis habitat type of Mueggler and Handl (1974). Bouteloua qracilis-Carex filifolia/Agropyron smithii-Stipa comata Com- munity Type (Boqr-Cafi/Aqsm-Stco c.t.). The Bogr-Cafi/Agsm-Stco c.t. is identified by a greater coverage of B. gracilis and C. filifolia than A. S"iithii and S^. comata, and occupies warmer sites than sites for the Stco- Agsm/Bogr c.t. This type juay represent a heavily grazed phase of the Stco- Agsm/Bogr c.t. Stipa-Carex-Agropyron dominated climax stands became dom- inated by Carex and Bouteloua under grazing (Coupland et al . 1960). The simultaneous increase in abundance of C. filifolia and reversal of dominance between S^. comata and A. smithii raises a problem in inter- pretation if A. smithii is taken to be suggestive of heavy soils and C. filifolia of light soils. The western wheatgrass-grama-sedge type of Hanson and Whitman (1938) may indicate that the association of C. filifolia and A. smithii is not unusual, but Morris (1971) associated the species with different soils. Stipa viridula - Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Community Type (Stvi-Aqsm/Bogr c.t.). The Stvi-Aqsm/Boqr c.t. is generallv found in areas with above average moisture and heavier than average soils. A depression of soil carbonate levels might also be associated with S^. virdula. It is not restricted to vertisols in the study area. This type is often found in swales and coulees. Morris (1971) associated communities of i. virtlula, A. smithii . and variable amounts of B^. gracilis, with moderately developed soils on benches and near level plateaus in southeastern Montana. Echinacea pallida and Ratibida col un if era, usually associated with moister than average sites, are sometimes present in the Stvi -Agsm/Bogr c.t. 28 Field observations suggest that this type would be more widespread if grazing were less intensive. Reed and Peterson (1961) notes that while the response of most vegetation to grazing is variable, S. viridula consistently decreases with increased grazing. Andropogon scoparius Community Type (Ansc c.t.). The Ansc c.t. is most common on cool, well -drained uplands, although found on many different kinds of sites, Hanson and Whitman (1938) associate a similarly named type with areas where snow accumulates. They feel that this type is successional on eroded soils. These authors note that A. scoparius is an important species because it stabilizes runoff and erosion, holds drifting snow, and hastens soil development. White (1961) suggests that A. scoparius may be associated with low soil fertility on clay-textured soils. Hanson and Whitman (1938) suggest that A. scoparius is little grazed except in time of drought, but many consider it to be a decreaser under grazing and it is noticeably scarce on overgrazed range. Because cattle graze mostly the leaves of this species until late August, when they begin to graze the stalks (Jameson and Huss 1959), the Ansc c.t. appears to be little grazed even when it is being used by cattle. Psoralea esculenta, and to a lesser extent Echinacea pallida, are associated with A. scoparius dominance. Some species associated with above average soil moisture, such as Psoralea argophylla, Solidago missouriensis, and Cirsium undulatum, are often a component of the Ansc c.t. Other minor associates are Asclepias verticillata, Antennaria spp. , Artemisia dracun- culus, and Yucca glauca. Andropogon scoparius - Calamovilfa longifolia Community Type (Ansc- Calo cTt. ). Many Ansc c.t. communities contain C. longifolia, but stands must contain over 5% absolute coverage of C^. longifol ia to be a member of the Ansc-Calo c.t. The average from reconnaissance plots contained 17.5% absolute coverage of C^. longifolia. Typically this species becomes a dom- inant with erosion and a reduction in A. scoparius coverage. The amount of bare soil for this type is over twice the amount of bare soil for the Ansc c.t. and average soils are a bit lighter in texture. Slope-slope aspect values for the Ansc-Calo c.t. sites indicate de- cidedly warmer sites than values for the Ansc c.t. sites. This can be taken at face value, or it may be that livestock use is intensified on the warmer aspects in the Ansc c.t. sites especially when snow is present resulting in habitats better suited to C^. longifolia. Soil Ph may be low on Ansc-Calo c.t. sites, and plant nutrition can be a problem. The genera Astragalus and Petal ostemon are usually present in Ansc- Calo c.t. Aristida longiseta was present in about half the stands sampled. Lygodesmia juncea, found usually on light soils, was most constantly pre- sent in this type. Juniperus horizontal ii. and some Ansc c.t. associates were usually present. Andropogon scoparius - Agropyron spicatum Community Type (Ansc-Agsp c.t. ) The Ansc-Aqsp c.t. is often found on warm aspects of scoria hills 29 having modest soil development. It can also occur in badlands, usually on ridgetops or upper slopes where erosion is evident. Because of the low number of sample stands for this type, every species encountered in a sample plot found its way into the Constancy and Average Coverage Tables (Appendix A). This makes compositional comparisons difficult. Most Ansc c.t. associates are present. Hedeoma spp. , Astragalus striatus, and Echinacea pallida are often found in this type. Artemisia frigida was encountered in all samples, and the equally ubiquitos Gutierrezia sarothrae and Phlox hoodii were encountered in three out of four samples. Agropyron spicatum/Bouteloua gracilis-Carex filifolia Community Type Agsm/Bogr-Cafi c.t.T A. sgicatum is primarily a foothill grassland species in Montana, and it is possible that the A. spicatum in the study area may demonstrate some ecotypic variation. A small percentage of the A. spicatum in the study area is awnless. McMillan (1959, 1969) has substantiated the likelihood of ecotypos in Agropyron spicatum. Morris (1971) suggested that in southeastern Montana A. spicatum is found on ridgetops where rocky subsoil and parent material permit better moisture penetration than on well developed soils. Reduced competition on these sites may also be a factor favoring A. spicatum. The Agsp/Bogr-Cafi c.t. is usually found on ridgetops and on upper slopes of a cool aspect, and may be associated with a stony substrate. The abundance of B. gracilis and C. filifolia is rather clearly related to grazing, which in turn may be related to topography. C. filifolia may also be associated with soils of limited pedogenic development. Chamaephytes such as Artemisia frigida, Eurotia lanata, and Gutierrezia sarothrae are frequently found in the Agsp/Bogr-Cafi c.t. Agropyron dasyta- chyum may be present. The Agsp/Bogr-Cafi c.t. seems to be similar to the A. spicatum-C. filifolia-B. ara c j 1 i s type of Wright and Wright (1948). They suggest that A. spicatum extends into the Great Plains on sandy soils with above average moisture infiltration. The A. spicatum/B. gracilis habitant type, Liatris punctata phase (Mueggler and Handl 1974) is a similar type found in western Montana. Muhlenberqia cuspidata-Agropyron spicatum Community Type (Mucu-Agsp c.t.) The Mucu-Agsp c.t., a type, is found in sites similar to those of the Agsp/ Bogr-Cafi c.t., but soils are more immature and stony. M. cuspidata is less frequently associated with Andropoqon scoparius, Stipa comata, and even Bouteloua curtipendula. In southeastern Montana, Morris (1971) associated M. cuspidata with un- developed soils in grasslands, particularly on dry stony slopes. He noted that M. cuspidata is non-aggressive and is typically found in areas with low ground cover. Coupland (1950) associated M. cuspidata with dry, eroded hill- sides where the A horizon has been lost. 30 Some minor members of this community type are Comandra umbellata. Echinacea pallida, Eriogonum pauciflorum, Gaura coccinea, Petalostemon spp. , Liatris punctata , and Yucca glauca. Juniperus horizontal is/Andropogon scoparius-Aqropyron spicatum Com- munity Type (Juho/Ansc-Aqsp c.t.). The Juho/Ansc-Aqsp c.t. is frequently found on cool aspects of scoria hills and also in badlands, but not bad- lands of the Bear Paw formation. J. horizontal is can also be found in coulees on light soils. Livestock use is light, but deer browse on the juniper. J^. horizontalis can be an important species in prevention of erosion on steep slopes. This type and the Ansc-Agsp c.t. are dominant on scoria hills. Yucca glauca is occasionally a dominant on warm aspects. Ribes cereum is some- times found on outcrops. Hanson and Whitman (1938) observed a Mentzelia decapetala*-Juniperus horizontalis type on scoria buttes and identified the grass dominants as Agropyron spicatum and Muhlenbergia cuspidata. with a number of shrubs also occurring on the scoria buttes. The authors suggested that as the scoria buttes weathered into scoria hills, grasses would become more abundant while shrubs would decrease. J^. horizontalis has a definitely contagious population dispersion. A. spicatum is most often found interspersed with juniper, and Aiiiropoqon scoparius is usually the dominant grass in areas not containing juniper, J. horizontalis apparently hybridizes with J. scopulorum. Some secondary species found in the Ansc-Agsp c.t. are Solidago missouriensis. Echinacea £alj_ida_, Linum perenne, Petalostemon purpureum and Artemisia dracunculus. Bouteloua curtipendula may be present in this type, but it has not been found in the proposed mine area. Calamovilfa lonqi folia Community Type (Calo c.t.). The Calo c.t., a very uncommon type, can be found on eroded, course textured soils on warm aspects. On better developed soils Asclepias verticil lata is a major asso- ciate. The Calo c.t. shows some secondary species with A. scoparius dom- inated community types, and may also contain Chenopodium leptophyllum. Astragalus missouriensis, and Petalostemon candidutp. Yucca glauca Community Type (Yugl c.t.). The Yugl c.t. occurs on sites similar to Ansc-Calo c.t. sites, though soils are usually courser. Calamovilfa lonqifolia, Andropoqon scoparius, and to a lesser extent Carex filifolia and Stj_£3 comata, are frequent associates, and Muhlenbergia cuspidata may be a co-dominant. Possibly Y. glauca acts as an increaser species on these latter sites. Y^. glauca may also be associated with the outcrops of bedrock material. Chrysopsis villosa was present in all samples. Solidago missouriensis, Artemisia dracunculus, Aristida longiseta, Cirsium undulatum, Petalostemon spp. , and Ratibida columnifera are minor associates. Mel i lotus officinales and Agropyron spicatum turned up in a few samples. * Mentzelia decapetala was found only twice on scoria hills in the study area. 31 Juniperus scopulorum/Aqropyron spicatum Community Type (Jusc/Aqsp c.t.) The Jusc/Agsp c.t. is a minor type in the study area, is found mainly in the vicinity of Fort Peck on cool aspects and on grey-black soils often derived from shale. Like other tall shrub types, it provides important wildlife cover. Brown (1971) identified a Juniperus-Aqropyron community in badlands on clayey soils with low sodium content. Similar communities can be found in Montana on a variety of substrates (See for example, DNRC 1976). The Jusc/Agsp c.t. shares some subordinate species with the Juho/Ansc- Agsp c.t. Other distinctive associates are Melilotus officinalis, Comandra umbel lata, Solidaqo missouriensis, Achillea millofolium, Chrysopsis villosa, Artemisia tridentata, Juniperus communis, Rosa spp. , and Prunus yirginiana. Artemisia" frigida was present in all stands. Species diversity is quite high, Artemisia cana/Aqropyron smithii/Bouteloua gracilis Community "lype (Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t."7T The Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t., is found in areas with the auove average moisture and is associated with a low slope position. It is important to a variety of animal species. Productivity is noticeably higher than for adjacent grassland types. Cattle grazing may favor A. cana, but heavy sheep grazing can result in a decrease of this species. Houston (1961) noted that light stocking of livestock can favor A. cana abundance. Species diversity values suggest that this type and the Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. involve more than the addition of a shrub, Artemisia, to the Agsm/Bogr c.t. The sites involved may permit a richer flora, or it may be that the presence of a slirub layer provides special niches for other species. The frequent presence of Achillea mi 11 Of ol ium, Ratibida columnifera, and Symphoricarpos occidental is supports the hypothesis that this community type is associated with above average moisture. Gaura coccinea was sometimes present. Artemisia cana/Stipa viridula Aqropyron smithii Community Type (Area/ Stvi-Aqsm c.t. ) . The relation of this type to the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is similar to the relationship of the Stvi -Agsm/Bogr c.t. to the Agsm/Bogr c.t. It might be considered a phase of the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. occurring under an above average moisture regime and light-moderate livestock use. The Arca/Stvi-Agsm c.t. typically contains more moist site indicators than the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. Some understory associates are Artemisia lud- oviciana, Psoralea argophylla, Achillea millofolium, Poa canbyi , Ratibida columnifera, and Symphoricarpos occidental is. Artemisia tridentata/Agropyron smithii/Bouteloua qracilis Community Type (Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t.). A principal stand distribution of A. tridentata spp. wyominqensis lies on the western edge of the study area (Morris et al. 1976). The Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is most abundant in the area along and west of High- way 24. The Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is found mainly on uplands, in contrast to the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. A. tridentata spp. wyomingensis may be intolerant of high soil moisture. Neither A. smithii nor B^. gracilis has 100% constancy for this type and occasionally upland grasses such as Stipa comata are among the dominants. Aristida longiseta and Selaginella densa may be present. 32 Using data from the Constancy and Average Coverage tables (Appendix A) and Sorensen's similarity index, the Artr/Agsm/Bogr and Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t.s have a similarity of 42%. This rather low similarity is in part due to the different dominants, and if the shrubby Artemisias are not considered, the types are 68% similar. If, in addition to the Artemisias, the shared dom- inants Agropyron smithii and Bouteloua gracilis are not considered, the types have a similarity of 51%. The reconnaissance data suggested the possibility of A. tridentata/ A. spicatum type, but too few samples (4) fell into this cluster to warrant designation of a community type given the variable floristic composition of the Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. Mueggler and Handl (1974) identified an A. tridentata/ A. spicatum habitat type in western Montana. Artemisia tridentata Gadlaod. Badlands and scablands may partially be mosaics of community types, but they also contain vegetational complexes which are not amenable to classification. The cluster analysis grouped a number of these plots on the basis of A. tridentata dominance. Agropyron spicatum, with an average coverage of nine and six tenths percent and constancy of sixty-seven percent, is the next most abundant species. Other associated species are Eriogonum pauciflorum, Grindel ia squarrosa, and Atriplex confertifol ia. E. pauciflorum and A. spicatum are frequently present in badlands. Bronson et al. (1970) identified a buckwheat community in a glaciated area near the study area. Distichlis stricta was present in about a fifth of the plots. Artemisia tridentata badland, often restricted to certain strata within badlands^ is usually associated with some soil development, e.g. 6 to 10 inches (15.24 cm to 25.4 cm) of regolith over bedrock. Brown (1971) identified some Artemisia dominated badland communities, including an Artemisia tridentata-Aqropyron spicatum community. Symphoricarpos occidental is-Rosa arkansana Community Type (Syoc-Rosa c.t. ). Syoc-Rosa c.t. sites are similar to but moister than most Arca/Agsm/ Bogr c.t. sites. Typical members of the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. are often present, but S_. occidentals and R. arkansana dominate. Coupland (1950) identified a coulee type dominated by Rosa spp. and Symphoricarpos occidental is. Some species typically found in decidely moist sites first appear in this type. Among these species are Arctium minus, Asclepias speciosa, Panicum virgatum, Solidago riqida, Urtica dioica, Elymus canadensis, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, and Rhus radicans. Artemisia ludoviciana and Rati bi da columifera are often present in this type. Sufficient attention was not paid to rose identification, and R^. acicularis sometimes may have been identified as R. arkansana on some reconnaissance plots. Shepherdia argentea/Symphoricarpos occidental is-Rosa arkansana Community Type (Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t.). Sites for the Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t., usually more protected than Syoc-Rosa c.t. sites, are usually found in the bottom of steep-banked coulees where a combination of runoff, drifted snow, shade, and decreased wind velocity combine to make a habitat suitable to tall shrubs. 33 Many associate species of the Syoc-Rosa c.t. are found in the Shar/Syoc- Rosa c.t. Other distinctive secondary species are Monarda fistulosa and Rlbes_ aureum. Bromus inermis and Poa canbyi were sometimes present. Prunus virqiniana is co-dominant on the moister and/or most protected sites. It was present in forty-eight percent of the reconnaissance plots comprising the Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t. P. virqiniana is susceptible to tent catepillar infestation and grazing, while the well-armed S. argentea fre- quently has a fungus pathogen. Porcupines may significantly damage all tall shrubs (except S. argentea) and trees. On the driest sites with S. argentea. snowberry and rose may be absent; such communities are not members of this type. With increasing moisture and protection, Cornus stolonifera, Rhus radicans, Ribes spp. , and to a lesser extent Amelanchier alnifolia join the Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t. These highly diverse and productive communities, both from a floristic and wildlife viewpoint seem to warrant recognition and have been designated the C. stolonifera phase. The fauna, too, is diverse. Some moist site indicators were more abundant in the C. stolonifera phase than in the rest of the Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t. Some of these species are Artemisia ludoviciana. Solidago riqida, Achillea millefolium, Glycyrrhiza lepidota, Rhus radicans, Ribes spp. , and Prunus virqiniana. In contrast, Melilotus spp. seldom occurred in the Cost phase, perhaps because of the characteristically heavy grazing. Rhus radicans. Stipa viridula, Ribes spp., and Rhus trilobata were present in all samples, and Elymus canadensis was often present. A comparison of the Cost phase and the rest of the Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t. using Sorensen's index showed only a forty percent similarity. Fraxinus pennsylvanic^Rosa arkansana-Symphoricarpos occidental is Com- munity Type^(Frpe/Rosa-Syoc c.t.). A site description has not been worked jre areas, productivity, -- -^,-- -- _, ..inson and Whitman (1938). munity Type (Frpe/Rosa-Syoc c.t.). A site description has not beer up for the Frpe/Rosa-Syoc c.t. which is clearly tied to high moistur It is found along streams and in the moistest draws. Diversity, pre and animal use are high. A Fraxinus-Acer type is mentioned by Hansc Many associates of the Syoc-Rosa and Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t.s are found in this type. Poa prat.pnsis often had modest coverage. Smilacina stellata and Clematis lingusticifoli a were present in half the sample stands, as were Taraxacum officinale and Rhus radicans. Ribes spp. was present in all samples. Amelanchier alnifolia, Cornus stolonifera, Crataegus douglasii , Sheperdia argentea, Prunus virginiana, and Salix app. were often present. Populus deltoides/Rosa arkansana-Symphoricarpos occidentalis Community Type (Pode/Rosa-Syoc c.t.). The Pode/Rosa-Syoc c.t., chiefly found along the Missouri River and a few other waterways, although scattered individuals oc- casionally occurs in coulees. It can be identified by overstory dominance of P^, deltoides, though ash may be a subdominant. Understory species com- position varies due to land use, grazing, and flooding, which has been re- duced by Fort Peck Dam. P. deltoides appears to be phreatophyte. 34 The Pode/Rosa-Syoc c.t. often shares some secondary species with the ■ Syoc-Rosa, Shar/Syoc-Rosa, and Frpe/Rosa-Syoc c.t.s, Rhus radicans was sometimes an understory co-dominant, and Glycyrrihiza lepidota and Elymus canadensis often attained most coverage with the microphanerophytes, only Salix spp. , Shepherdia arqentea, and Prunus virginiana were often present. The introduced species, Bromus inermis , Agropyron intermedium and Mel i lotus officinal is, were also often present. SPECIES COMPOSITION Species composition of the community types is summarized in Appendix A. Only species with an average coverage of more than one tenth of one percent are listed. Many species play a dominant role in some communities and a secondary role in others. Examples of this behavior are Agropyron smith ii , Calamovilfa longifolia, Distichlis stricta, Agropyron spicatum, Andropoqon scoparius, Bouteloua gracilis, Carex fil ifolia, Koeleria cristata, Stipa comata, Stipa viridula, and Artemisia cana. Other species are typically present in modest quantities in a number of community types. Some species exhibiting this behavior are Tragopoqon dubius, Sphaeralcea coccinea, Polygala alba, Artemisia frigida, Gutierrezia sarothrae, Opuntia polyacantha, Phlox hoodi i , and Rhus trilobata. These species have some indicator value, especially when abundant, but they also have a rather broad ecological amplitude. Some of the more interesting and less ubiquitous associates of the community types are mentioned in the section on community types. 35 SITE DESCRIPTIONS The sites of the community types are described below using tables and short discussions. TABLE 2. Scirpus arnericarius CoinniumCy Type Site Description SOIL TEXTURE: 20'- fine sandy lodins; 20" loams; 20:': silt loams; 40. clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slops aspect values: Slope-sloce aspect values of 0: :i5gative slupe-sioae asoect values: X = 0.0 S = 0.0 SLOPE Mean : X = 0.0- standard deviation: S = 0.0^ HORIZOMTAL COHFIGURATlOfl; 100:; straight SLOPE POSIT ion : 100'' bottom GRAZING PRESSURE: 20 licnt; 20,= moderate. 50, iiiqh DISTAflCE TO STOCK ViATER Standard deviation: X -- 0.1 iin. (0.1 km) S = 0.1 .ni. (0.1 km) Scam c.t. sites are similar to the Dist c.t. sites but are much moister. Tests run on two soil samples from this type gave average electrical conductivity values in excess of 10-3 mhos/cm and an average sodium-absorption ration of 52. Some soil properties of selected communities are given in table 3. Grazing pres- sure is hard to determine because of trampling caused by proximity to water; utilization is low. 35 Table 3. Laboratory Analysis of the Upper Four Inches of Soil for Selected Plant Communities EC Dominants (cover class) PH (mmhos/cm) SAR Stipa comata (4), Carex filifolia (2) 7.8 0.60 0.5 Bouteloua gracilis (4), Agropyron smithii (3), Distichlis stricta (2) 7.8 0.62 0.6 Bouteloua gracilis Distichlis stricta (3) , Stipa comata (2) , (2) 7.4 0.85 5.3 Distichlis stricta Bouteloua gracilis (3), Stipa comata (2) , (2) 7.6 1.11 8.0 Agropyron spicatum (2), (upland site) (3) , Distichlis stricta 7.9 2.20 0.2 Distichlis stricta (4) 8.4 46.7 58 Distichlis stricta (4) 9.8 29.7 268 Distichlis stricta present) (3) (no other species 10.1 61.8 922 Scirpus americanus (5) 8.2 8.50 60 Scirpus americanus (4) 8.6 19.7 45 In evaluating these data, the following remarks of Sandoval et al. (1973) may be useful: Productive soil have pH values between 6.0 and 8.0. EC values between 2 and 4 are considered slightly saline; 4 to 8 is moderate; 3 to 16 is severe. SAR values greater than about 12 indicate potential problems in structural stability and permeability. See Dodd et al. (1964) for a discussion of saline soils and plant communities, some of which are similar to the communities mentioned here. Ungar et al. (1969) discusses some plant communities and associated soil characteristics for saline areas in Nebraska. Hayward and Bernstein (1958) reviewed the salt tolerance of many plants. 37 Tdble 4. Ui-it ichi is srricta Coimiiuni ty ry[)e \it,:j UL'scription SOIL TlXTURE: 5.. sandy loams; Tj „ fine sandy loams; 37, silt loaiiis; 5;; sandy clay loams 2^'.:, silty clay loams; 11'' clay loams; 16' clays SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean ; Standard deviation: Rdni^e: Sites tiavinq: Positive slooe-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: ieqative siope-slope aspect values: X = -0.01 S = 0.03 -0.11 -J, 04 bZ n SLOPE Mean; X = 0.7" Standard deviation: S = 1.9' HOP.IZOfJTAL C0NFIGURAT!0;i: 100'- straignt SLOPE POSITION: 95o bottom; 5% low GK'AZIIiG PRESSURE: 11: light; 53" moderate; 32-; liiqh; 5;: severe DisrA:;cE to stock svATEr , Mean : X - 0.3 mi (0.5 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.7 mi {1.1 km) The typical Dist c.t. site is a salty flat above a creek, though it can sometimes be found in coulees, especially below ponds. Soil electrical con- ductivity values of greater than 10"-^ mhos/cm are common. Sodium absorption ratios of three soil samples from this community ranged from 58 to 922. Soil texture is variable, but the absence of loams is odd. Ugar et al . (1969) found D_. stricta to have a very wide salt tolerance. While D. stricta does not require excessive salts for normal growth, it appar- ently is not a good competitor in areas of low salinity. Distichlis stricta can be found in uplands, often in badlands and sometimes in association with Agropyron spicatum, Eriogonum pauciflorum or some Chenopods, but Distichlis stricta presence should not be confused with Distichlis stricta c.t. 38 Table 5. Gouteloud gracilis Community Type Site Description SOIL TEXTURE: 17'. fine sandy loanis; 42', loams; 33. silt loams; 3. silty clay loa^s SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: :'AZING PRESSURE: DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER 17"'- light; 50". moderate; 25'-'; nigh; 3'^ severe Mean: Standard deviation: X = 0.5 ;ni (0.3 km) S = 0.3 mi (0.4 km) Soil texture indicates that the Bogr c.t. could be a grazing disclimax of a number of types. Slope-slope aspect values do not differ at a signif- icant probability level of 0.5 from either Bogr/Agsm c.t. or the Agsm/Bogr- Cafi c.c. sites, both thought to be major sources of this type. Straight, nearly level slopes predominate. 39 I'dtjle 6. Agropyron smi thi i/Bouteloua gracTMs Community Type Site Description ':OIL TEXTURt: 3:", fine sandy loams; 54,, loams; 2,. silt loams; 11 silty clay loams; Ti clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : X = -Q.02 Standard deviation: S = 0.13 Range : -0.38^.16 Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: 40" Slope-slope aspect values of 0: 462 .Negative slope-slope aspect values: 14« SLOPE Mean : X = 4.8" Standard deviation: S = 3.7° HORIZOHTAL CO:.FIGL:R.ATIOil: 4'^ convex; 35;- straight. 7r; undulating : 4:,_concave SLOPE POSITION: 7" bottopi; 30'.: ipy,; 4a:; niid; 15' unper; 4": top GRAmC PRESSURE: 25'^: light; 7", light-moderate; 39;: moderate; 21?i high; 1". severe DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER ■'ean: X = 0.6 mi (0.9 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.4 mi (0.6 km) Soils in Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s are often heavier than soils for the Stco/ Bogr-Cafi and Bogr-Cafi/Stco c.t.'s, but there is plenty of room for over- lap. This type is often found lower on slopes than Stipa comata corinunity type sites and is frequently found in swales and coulees. 40 Table 7. Bouteloua graci 1 is/Agropyron snnthii Coinmumty Type Site Description SOIL TEXTURE: 39:, loams; 43:.; silt loams. 12?' silty clay loams; 6:: clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: ,'Segative slope-slope aspect values: 0.00 S - 0.09 -0.34^.19 33'- 35-. SLOPE I'lean: Standard deviation: (fean : Standard deviation: X = 3.1" S = 3.3" HORIZC.NTAL COriFIGiJRATIO:i: 3'„ convex; 91:; straight; 3''^ undulatinn; 3?, concave SLOPE POSITIOrJ: 19:; bottom; 44", low; 28?^ mid; 6=; upper; 3 ; top TaRAZIilG PRESSURE: 3'j liaht; 3'" light-moderate; 31"- moderate; 16': moderate hiqh: w h--- DISTAflCE TO STOCK WATER X = 0.3 mi iCi.b kmi S = 0.3 mi (0.5 k.ii) Soils in Bogr/Agsm c.t.'s are similar to soils of the Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s. Slope-slope aspect values do not differ significantly from values for the Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s even at the 0.5 probability level. Grazing pressure is higher than for the Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s and distance to livestock water is very significantly shorter (.01 probability level). 41 Table 8. Stipa comata/Bouteloua graci 1 is-Carex f 1 1 1 f o 1 i a Community Type Site Description SOIL TEXTURE: 92% loams; Z% silt loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: I'leqative slope-slope aspect values: X = 0.02 S = Q.Qi. -0.20^0.20 51 r, 6?i 53% SLOPE Mean : X = 4.6- Standard deviation: S = 3.7" HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION: 4% convex; 78» straight; 8°/ undulating; 10% concave SLOPE POSITION: 15/. low; 54" mid; 29ft upper; 2" too GRAZING PRESSURE: 23% light, 10" light-moderate; 48" moderate; 15% moderate-high; 4% high ■ DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean: Standard deviation: X ^ 0.6 mi (1.0 km) S = 0.5 mi (O.S km) The Stco/Bogr-Cafi c.t. is the major community type on well drained soils in uplands. It can occur in flat bottom coulees derived from sandstone. 42 Table 9. Bojteloiia qraci 1 is-Car-ox fil ifol ia/Stipa comata Comniunity Type Site Descript-ion SOIL TEXTURE: SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT ]71': fine sanay loams; 73? loams: 10;^ silt loams lie an : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: Negative slope-slope aspect values: X = -0 .03 c = i; .11 -0 .27-0. 12 24-/, 52 'o 24- SLOPE Mean : X = 4.6-' Standard deviation: S = 4.0^ HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION: ]9% convex. 65% straight, 3:; undulatinq, 3" concave SLOPE POSITION: 4% bottom; 22" lov;; 30'.; mid; 26-;:. upper; 19" too GRAZING PRESSURE: 7" light; 4'j light-moderate; 1?" liir;n; 7" <:,ejprfi 37'. moderate; 16% moderate-nigh; DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean : Stanaara deviation : X = 0.5 mi (1.0 km) S = 0.4 ,iii (O.o km) Sites for the Bogr-Cafi/Stco c.t. are warmer (.05 probability level) and tend to be a bit drier than Stco/Bogr-Caf i sties. Grazing pressure is generally greater. 43 Table 10. Stipa comata-Agropyron sun thi i/Coute1oua qracil is Community Type Site Description SOIL texture: 4% fine sandy loams; 682 loams; 24* silty loams; 4X silty clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = 0. ,01 s = 0. ,07 -0. .14-0. 15 44% 36% Negative slope-slope aspect values: 20% SLOPE (■lean: X = 3.0" Standard deviation: S = 2.4° HORIZONTAL COiJFIGURATION: 4" convex ; 76'; straight; K undulating; 16% concave SLOPE POSITION: 8% bottom, 217. low; 46% mid; 25" upper GRAZING PRESSU.RE: 26% light; ^7% light-moderate; 43» moderate; 4?i moderate-high; 132 high DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER •.' Mean: X = 0.5 mi (0.3 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.4 mi (0.6 km) The obvious phytosociological interpretation for the Stco-Agsm/Bogr c.t. is that it is part of a continuum between the Stco/Bogr-Caf i and Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s. This hypothesis is supported by a comparison of sites. Soil textures are intermediate between the Stco/Bogr-Cafi and Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s with a good deal of overlap. Slope-slope aspect values are intermediate and are not significantly different from Stco/Bogr-Cafi site values and are significantly cooler from the Agsm/Bogr c.t. site values only at the 0.2 probability level. There is plenty of overlap. Somewhat suprisingly, slopes for this type are significantly less than slopes for both other types at the 0.05 probability level. Horizontal configuration for this type is not much different than for the Stco/Bogr-Cafi c.t. or Agsm/Bogr c.t. Slope position is generally slightly higher than the Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s slightly lower than Stco/Bogr-Cafi c.t.'s. Differences in livestock use are not significant. 44 Table 11. Bouteloua gracilis-Carex f i 1 ifo1 la/Aqropyron smi th1 i-Stipa conata Community Type Site Description SOIL texture: m loams; 8"„ silt loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = -0.04 s = 0.03 -0.15*0.11 17^4 50:- Negative slope-slope aspect values: 33% SLOPE Mean : X = 3.2- standard deviation; S = 2.7'' HORIZONTAL C0UFIGLIPJ\Ti0ri: 17X convex; 85% straight SLOPE POSITION; 9' bottom; 36'; low; 27:; mid; 21% upper GRAZING PRESSURE: 75"' moderate; ^% moderate-hiqh; 17% high DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean ; X = 0.4 ni (0.5 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.5 mi (0.8 km) The Bogr-Cafi/Agsm Stco c.t. sites are warmer and drier in general than Stco/Agsm/Bogr c.t. sites. Slope-slope aspect values for these sites are significantly warmer than Stco-Agsm/Bogr c.t. site values at the 0.1 prob- ability level. Slope-slope aspect values are not significantly different from Bogr-Cafi/Stco c.t. site values and are significantly warmer than Bogr- Agsm c.t. site values at only the 0.2 probability level. Slope-slope aspect values for the Bogr/Cafi/Stco, Bogr/Agsm, and Bogr/ Cafi/Agsm Stco c.t. sites are warmer respectively than slope-slope aspect values for the Stco/Bogr-Caf i , Agsm/Bogr, and Stco-Agsm/Bogr c.t. sites. This might indicate more grazing and/or slower plant recovery on the warmer exposures, These sites are similar to Bogr-Cafi/Stco and Bogr/Agsm c.t. sites and are usually intermediate between the two. 45 Table 12. Stipa viridul j-Agropyron ^mi thi 1/Doiiteloua gracilis Connunity Type Site Description SOIL texture: 23% louins; 46" silt loams; 23= silty clay loams; 8% clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean: Standard deviation: Range : Sites naving: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = Q 0 S = 0. .04 -0, .06- 0. 11 15% 46% Negative slope-slope aspect val ues: 38, i SLOPE Mean : X = .3.1° Standard deviation: S = 2.1° HORIZONTAL COriFIGURATIOU: 1 5:' convex; , 31:;: straight; 54% concave SLOPE POSITION: Sr^ bottom; 54" low; 23;.. mid ; 15% upper .- GRAZING PRESSURE: 33" light; 17"; light-moderate; 33% moderate; M% heavy DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean: X = 0.8 mi {1.3 km) Stanaard deviation: S = 0.4 mi (0.6 km) The Stvi-Agsm/Bogr c.t. are often found in coulees and depressions where the moisture regime is well above average. With this extra moisture, Stipa viridula can apparently withstand grazing fairly well. Soils for this type are not the dense clayey range soils often associated with S^. viridula (j^hite and Lewis, 1969), nor are they necessarily vertisols. Indeed, in some coulees Andropogon scoparius can be found in close proximity to S. viridula, although this does not imply that the substrates are identical. In comparison to Agsm/Bogr c.t. sites, these sites are moister, have a somewhat heavier soil and are not grazed as heavily. 46 Table 13. Andropogon scoparius Coiimium ty Typo Site Description SOIL texture: 7;„ fine sandy loams; 59" loams; 19"; silt loams; /' silty clay loans; VL clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = .05 S = .62 -0.56-0.29 59% 37°; Negative slope-slope aspect values: 4% SLOPE Mean: X = 4.4° Standard deviation: S = 4.4' HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION: 38". convex; 38" straiaht; 15' ", concave SLOPE POSITION: 3« low; 38% mid; 50'; upper; 4S top GRAZING PRESSURE: 58°; light; 8% light-moderate; 27% moderate; 4% moderate-high; 4'4 high DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean : Standard deviation: X = 0.3 mi (1.3 km) S = 0.5 mi (0.3 km) Tne Ansc c.t. is most commonly found on cool, well drained uplands, but also in rugged sites where competition with other plants is slight. Thus it can be found in badlands and also in sandstone coulee bottoms where coulee bank erosion is quite noticeable. Moreover, it occurs in swales where greater than average moisture is available despite heavy soils. 47 Table 14. Aridropoqoii scoparius-CaiiniovTl fa lonqifolij Co^nniunity Type Site DescripCion SOIL TEXTURt: 11,.' saucy loams; 33'<; fine sandy loams; 33"'. loams; 11;. silt loains; IV.' silty clay loams __^____ SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT -0.34-0.0 Moan : X = -O.K Standard deviation: S = 0.13 Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slopp aspect values; Slope-slope aspect values of 0: 78':'' le^ative slope-slope aspect values: _ 22'' O" SLOPE Mean: ;; = 9.1° Standard devi.^tion: S = 9.0° HORIZOrnAL CO;iFIGL!R>niOM: 33v convex; i^% undulatina; 22'i concave SLOPE POSITiO:J: 11% low; 33'; mid; 44;i upper ; 11 : top . GRAZING PRESSURE: 44" light; 56' moderate DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean: Standard deviation; 0.6 mi (1.0 ki.i) S = 0.4 mi (0.5 kin; Forty-four percent of the Ansc c.t. samples contained some amount of Cal- amovilfa longifolia (X = 1.0% coverage) and there was some question of whether the Ansc-Calo communities were different enough to constitute a separate type. However, slope-slope values are significantly warmer (0.02 probability level) for the Ansc-Calo c.t. sites, although slopes are not significantly different. Soil textures for this type are lighter than Ansc c.t. soil textures. 48 Table 15. Andropogon scoparius-Aqropyron spicatuni Conwunity Type Site Description SOIL TtXTURE: lOOS loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = -0.14 S - 0.25 -0. 51-0.05 25", 75,; Negative slope-slope aspect val ues: 07. SLOPE [•lean : X = 10.2" Standard deviation: S = 8.7" HORIZONTAL CONFIGUPJ^TION: 25', convex; 752 straight SLOPE POSITION: 50% mid; SO,: top GRAZING PRESSURE: 75., light; 25'.; light-moderate DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean : iT = 0.5 mi (0.8 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.7 mi (1.1 km) The Ansc-Agsp c.t. is found chiefly on scoria and, to a lesser extent, badlands. Although the Ansc-Agsp c.t. might phytosociological ly be inter- preted as being part of a continuum between the Ansc c.t. and the Agsp/Bogr Cafi c.t. and a close relative of the Juho/Ansc-Agsp c.t., it seems to be found on decidedly warmer sites. Slope-slope aspect values are significantly different than Juho/Ansc-Agsp c.t. site values at the 0.05 probability level and different than the Ansc c.t. site values at the 0.2 probability level. Slope-slope aspect values for this type are most similar to Agsp/Bogr-Cafi c.t. site values. There is no significant difference using all data, but a significant difference appears at the 0.1 probability level if one atypical value is dropped from the Agsp/Bogr-Cafi site values. 49 Table 16. Agropyron spicatum/Bouteloua gracil is-Carex filifolia Comniunit.y Type Site Description SOIL TEXTURE: fine sandy loams; 58", loams; 25'b silt loams; Q% silty clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = -0 .02 s = 0, .35 -1 .02-0. 30 58?: 33?: Neqative slope-slope aspect values: 8% SLOPE Mean: X = 9.0° standard deviation: S = 9.4' HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION: 25/' convex; 42?; straight; 25% undulating; 8?^ , concave SLOPE POSITION: «% Inw: ?5?:; mid: 587, uDner; P,% too V GRAZING PRESSURE: ?S?' liaht: 17?; 1 iaht-mnderate: A2% moderate: 3?:. heavv:. 8',i severe ■ DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean: X = 0.6 mi (0.9 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.3 mi (0.5 km) The Agsp/Bogr-Cafi c tops. Despite a negative suggest that this type is ping a single atypical si standard deviation 0.15. sites for this type. Usi sites are significantly d the 0.2 probability level the values are more simil sites and a significant d Ansc-Agsp c.t. sites. .t. site is generally found on upper slopes and ridge- slope-slope aspect value, repeated field observation not most often found in cooler situations. By drop- ope-slope aspect value, the mean becomes .09, and the These values are thought to more accurately describe ng all the data, slope-slope aspect values for these ifferent than values for the Ansc c.t. sites only at . However, if that same atypical value is dropped, ar with no significant difference for the Ansc c.t. ifference at the 0.1 probability level for the Juho/ 50 Table 17. Muhlenbergia cuspidata-Agropyron spicatum Community Type Site Description SOIL texture: 10» sandy loams; 50X loams; 30" silt loams; IQ'i clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = 0.12 S = 0.35 -0.54-0.73 73% 27°i iNegative slope-slope aspect val lues : 0% SLOPE Mean : X = 15.4' Standard deviation: S = 11.3" HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION: 55;', convex: 30/;- straight; 9" concave SLOPE POSITION: 9% low; 27" mid; 64/^ upper GRAZING PRESSURE: 10:' liaht: fiO"' mnderatp; 10'.; hinli DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean: X = 0.6 mi (1.0 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.5 mi (1 .0 Vm) The site descriptions for the Agsp-Mucu c.t. and those for the Agsp/Bogr- Cafi c.t. do not point to any conclusive difference. These two sites for the two types differ most noticeably in their slope-slope aspect values, but these do not differ significantly if the atypical value is dropped from the Agsp/Bogr- Cafi c.t. site data, and only at the 0.5 probability level if all the data are used. Perhaps the best explanation is that substrates for this type are more gravelly than Agsp/Bogr-Caf i c.t. substrates. 51 Table 18. Juniperus horizontal is/Andropogon scoparius-Agropyron spicatum Coinniunity Type Site Description SOIL TEXTURE: 17% fine sandy loams; 57;'. loams; 13;i silt loams; 92 clay loams; • 4% clay. SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X = 0 26 s = 0 34 ■0 45-0 94 91% y/o Negative slope-slope aspect values: 0°. SLOPE [■lean: X = 17.6' Standard deviation: S = 7.7' HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION: 22°^ convex; 22Z straight; 35% undulating; 22% concave SLOPE POSITION: 9',?; low; 39" mid; 52" upper GRAZING PRESSURE: 70i light; 4% light-moderate; ?5°^ moderate DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER , Mean : X = 0.3 mi (1.3 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.5 mi {0.8 km) The Juho/Ansc-Agsp c.t. is found in cool moist areas with high moisture penetration; the north face of scoria hills, steep coulee banks and sometimes bottoms, and badlands. 52 Taij'ii 19. Cala:'iovi if j lorn: fo i ia ComiMuniiy Type Site Description SOIL TtXlUKt: 33» tine ^Jiidy loams, 50.. loams; 17.; silty clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean ; Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slupe-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: Meaative slose-slope aspect values: c = n ^r, iL.15 33 50: SLOPE Mean: Standard devi,iti.';n : X - 9.5' S =1 HORIZOiiT.AL CONFIGURATIQ;): 33' convex; 32% straight; 17' undulating; 17"- concave SLOPE POSITIO'I: 50": mid; 33'- upper; 17' top GRAZING PRESSURE: G7": 1 ight; 3? ' moderate DISTANCE TO STOCK W.ATER M^an: X = 0.5 mi (8 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.6 mi (1.0 km) Sites for the Calo c.t. are similar to Ansc-Calo c.t. sites. Grazing pressure is slightly lower, distances to water is a bit farther, and the sites may be somewhat drier, but no site differences are conclusive. Slope- slope aspect values and slope do not differ significantly for those two sites, 53 Table 20. Yucca glauca Community Type iite Description SOIL TEXTUKE: Ml loamy sands; 33% fine sandy loams; 33% loams; 1 7:'i silt loams " SLOFE-SLOPE ASPECT • Mean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect v.ilues: Slope-slope aspect values of 0; X = -0.09 S = 0.63 -0.76-0.75 33':. 50% Meqative slooe-slope aspect va ues: 17% SLOPE Mean: X = 25.5' Standard deviation: S = 13.3= HORIZONTAL CONFIGURATION: 17% convex; 50% straight; 33% concave SLOPE POSITION: 33% mid; 50;', upper; 17% top . GRAZING PRESSURE: 50% light; 50% moderate DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER •.' Mean: X = 0.8 mi (1.3 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.7 mi {1.1 km) The Yugl c.t. site occurs on usually steep, warm, well drained uplands. X- glauca distribution may be related to the presence of indurated bedrock and soils showing little expression of pedogenic activity. Soil parent materials are often sandstone or scoria. More samples might have led to a warmer average slope-slope aspect value. Frequent associates with Yucca glauca are Calamovilfa longi folia and Andropogon scoparius, and the Ansc-Calo c.t. may be most closely associated with this type. Slope-slope aspect values for the two type sites do not differ significantly. Most other site factors for the two type sites are similar, but slopes are significantly steeper (0.02 probability level) for the Yugl c.t. sites. 54 Table Z] . Juniperus scopuloriiin/Agropyron spieatum Community Type Site Description SOIL TEXTURE: 20% sandy loams; 20?i fine sandy loams; SOZ clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT ftean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: X ^ O.M S = 0.53 0.19-1.42 100% 0% Neaative slope-slope aspect val ues : 0% SLOPE Mean: X = 26.?'^ Standard deviation: S = 13.9" HORIZONTAL COiJFIGURATION: 25':: straight; 75'2 concave SLOPE POSITION: GRAZING PRESSURE: DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER 802 mid; 20% upper 25% Tight; 25% 1 iqht -moderate; 50°' moderate Mean: Standard deviation: X = 0.9 mi (1 .4 km) S = 0.7 mi (1.1 km) The Jusc/Agsp c.t., a minor community type, is found on cool and moist mid to upper slopes, sometimes in coulees. Soils are derived from shale and are grey-black in color. 55 Table IZ. Art_a^!ijjj^ c£iWSti_g£ \Mj^^ jype site Uc-scriotic SOIL TLXTL''?E: 33„ loams; 42"' silt loams; 82 silty clay loams; 17 clay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT '■'ean : ,< ^ Q.o Standard deviation: s = 0.03 Range: -O.Q5-t3.09 Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: 17" Slope-slope aspect values ot 0: 17'', legative slope-slope aspect valu-r sj 57X SLOPE Mean: Standard deviation: S - 1.6" HOP.IZOimL CONFIGURATIOrl: 33:'; straight; 6T. r.nrave SLOPE POSITION: 67;^ bottom; 33" loiv GR.AZi:)G PRESSURE: 18" light; 27" moderate; 9% moderate-high; 18"'. severe DISTAfiCE TO STOCK WATER '1-: Ji' ■ X ^ 0.4 mi (0.6 km) Standard deviation: S = 0.5 mi (0.8 kni) Like the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. sites, the Arca/Stvi-Agsm c.t. is found in coulees, swales, and on flats above creeks. These moist and/or protected sites are now always well portrayed by the slope-slope aspect and horizontal config- uration descriptions. It is found in uplands even less often than the Area/ Agsm/Bogt c.t. Soils are often heavier than Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. soils, but sites are otherwise similar. It is suspected that this type was once more prevalent, but has been reduced by livestock grazing. 56 rabii; :3. Arr.crrii/.iji ■:.-.ria.'/-.'j^fj"vrrjn '!^ltl-i_i_i /r^j_uta_\oija •jrac i Ij^ Co.Tiniuni ty T/ps Sita D:'scriDnon ■januy lou/is; 6. fine Siiitly loaiiis 3.' silty cifiy loan;; i6i (,idy loams SOIL TLxnj,-L- .. -^anuy lou/is; 6. fine Sci-nly lodiiis; 45% loaus; 23''i silt ;oani3; iLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT ■■■ej" : X = -O.Oi Standard deviation: 5 =; rj.Of, R.iiige: - ').. ^ -0.9 Sites nauing: Positive slope-siope asp'.^ct values: 1""' Slope-slope aspect v.ilues jf 0: 29:; 'legativg s lope-s ! upa aspect values: 54' SLOPE Mean: Stanoara d.iviation: .< ^ 2.0' '..0^ gOjIZOrnVL CO;iFinURAiIO^j__^^^^ T^. convex ;_57:^raiqht,^_2:^un.i,Ma ting; 2V concave SLOPE POSITION: ■ 1i?.'.. bo-ut-a: — i£^ 1 ni-r, '':.-miA:. 7- i;nnpi- GPj^ZI;;g PPESSUR:- 'l.l-^qnt; 4.: I ight-iiinderate; 52,. moderate; 4', moderate high; DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER i'tedn: Stancird deviation: 0.1 mi :i).5 kn) S = 0.4 ini (0.6 km) Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is most often found in coulees, swales and on flats above creeks. The extra moisture and protection afforded by such sites tend to discount the importance of a slope-slope aspect calculation. Furthermore, the horizontal configuration of large flat bottom coulees is straight (and was so recorded) although the coulee itself is of course concave. These sites receive more moisture than most Agsm-Bogr c.t. sites, and soils are heavier on the average. 57 Table -4. Art:i;:1sifi tridontata/ sinittii i/Baiito'loua gracilis Community Ty|:e Site Description SOIL reXTUKE: 14,^ fiP.^, c^pdy loams; J3 .. lodiiis; 24';; silt lod!"s; ir\ clay loams • SLOFt-SLUPt ASl'hCT • Moan: '• - 0.0? Stindard deviatiori; S = 0. iO Range: -O.lJ.j.23 Sites having: Pujitive siope-slope asr.ect vai'jes Slope-sijpe aspect values of 0: 48:' Negative slope-slcoe ascect valu e s SLOPE Mean : X = 5 . ? ■ Standard aeviatlon: S = 4.C' H0R!Z:1flTAL CGMFIGURATIO:'; ; 32" convex; 36" strainbc; 32'? concave SLOPE P0S!TI;N: IT.; low; 53': ,iiid; 32;' upper; 5:: top cr.^i;:,G pressure: 12"- lioht; 50'$ moderate; 12'. moderate-heavy; lu;:; heavy dtstahCE to stock water . ' Mean ; X = 0.7 mi (1.1 km) Standard yeviation: S = 0.5 mi (0.8 km) Sites for the Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. might best be compared to sites of the Agsm/Bogr, Bogr/Agsm, and Arca/Agsm, and Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s. The most noticeable difference between sites for the Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. and the Agsm/ Bogr and Bogr/Agsm c.t.'s is in slope position. The Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is found more often on the higher slope positions. Slope-slope aspect values are cooler for the Artr-Agsm/Bogr c.t. sites, but the difference is significant only at the 0.2 probability level. Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. slopes are steeper than Bogr/Agsm c.t. slopes (.05 probability level), but not significantly steeper than Agsm/Bogr c.t. slopes. Horizontal configuration is more often straight for the Agsm/Bogr and Bogr/Agsm c.t. than for the Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. Soils of the Agsm/Bogr and Bogr/Agsm c.t.'s often have less clay than Artr/Agsm/ Bogr c.t. soils. More intensive grazing is indicated on the Bogr/Agsm c.t. than on the Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. The most striking difference between sites for the Artr/Agsm/Bogr and Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s is once again slope position, with Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t.'s being found at much lower slope position. In fact, when both communities exist in an area, the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is generally found in coulees and on flats above creeks while the Artr/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is found on slopes above the flat or coulee. Partly as a consequence of this, the Arca/Agsm/Bogr c.t. is usually closer to a watering source. 58 Table ,25. Artemisia tridenUta Badland Site Description SOIL texture: SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean: Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: negative slope-slope aspect values: SLOPE (•lean: Standard deviation: HnRI70NTAL CGNFIGURATIOM: SLOPE POSITION: GRAZING PRESSURE: DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER ;iean : Standard deviation: IV;; loams; IVI. silt loams; 22',; silty clay loams; IZZ clay loams; \\t clay X ' n.n4 S = 0.57 -0.65-0.81 44% 44% 11% X = 19.9° S = 13.6° 22" straight; 44"' undulating; 33/^ concave IX bottom; 22% low; 44;^ mid; 22°;. upper. 43% light; 43% moderate; 14% high X = 0.7 mi (1.1 km) S = 0.3 mi (0.5 km) Soil (often parent material) texture is the major site factor that deter- mines the distribution of the Artr Badland. Sometimes this type occurs as a band along a particular soil strata. Other site factors are decidedly subor- dinate in accounting for this type. 59 Tdble .0. Syoiphoricarpos occjdenta m - !_;osa ^konsana Conmunity Type Site Descript ption SOIL TEXTURE: 23;; loams; 31;. silt; 33'; silty day loams; 3; cl ay loams SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean : Standard deviation: Range: Sites having; Positive slope-slope aspect values: Slope-slope aspect values of 0: fleoative sloce-slope aspect values: -i-2_L2L S = SLOPE Mean: Stanaard deviation: HORIZOIJTAL CO.NFI&o'PATION: 33= straight; 67; concave SLOPE POSITION: GR-^ZING PP£<:SURE; 67.-; bo t ton; 33; Ic 13;; liqnt;__ 27°; moderate; 9-1 moderate-high; 21':. hiqh; 18:, severe DISTANCE TO STOCK WATER Mean: Standard deviation: X = 0.4 mi (0.6 km) S = 0.5 mi (0.8 km) Sites for the Syoc-Rosa c.t. are similar to, but moister than, Arca/Agsm/ Bogr and Arca/Stvi-Agsm c.t. sites in coulees and swales. This type is gen- erally not found in the steep banked, flat bottomed coulees typical of Area c.t.'s. Sites for this type are more specifically concave and lack steep em- bankments. 50 Table 27. Shetin_ercri_a_ j rr en t_ ;■ / Sj^hoj^ art.arisana Cuiimunity Type, ShephenJj i .ira-jii' Sjrajpjioj^icarpqs occnicn talis '-linwiumty Type, atvi Cornu^s stoloni'ferj Phrase Site DeicrTption SOIL TEXTURE; 4% sandy loams; 4, fine sandy loams; 41.', loams; 18: silt loa/ts ?:■; silty clay loams; 22" clay loams; 42 clay SLOPE-SLOPE ASPECT Mean ; Standard deviation: Range: Sites having: Positive slope-slope aspect valu'is; Slope-slope jspect valut-s of 0: negative slooe-slope aspect values: SLOPE Mean; Standard deviation: liOR!ZO:iTAL CC:iriG'dRATIO;i: 10Q-, concave SLOPE POSITIO.^i: ''00''-^ co'jliss "iWZING PRESSURE: DISTAfJCE TO STOCK '.vATER I'ean; Standard 'deviation: The Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t. and Cost phase are found usually in steep-banked coulees where special conditions exist. These coulees not only receive extra moisture from over-ground runoff during and after rains, but they also catch a very significant amount of drifting snow. Factors which cause drying are re- duced due to shading and greatly reduced wind velocities. This type most of- ten occurs in the upper reaches of coulees where embankments are steeper and where flash flooding is not so severe. Soils tend to be heavy. The Cost phase is found only in the more moist and most protected of sites. Coulee banks are always steep and usually are on a cool aspect. Many site descriptors useful in characterizing range sites do not serve well for Shar/Syoc-Rosa c.t. sites. Slopes and aspect are impossible to deter- mine for a community that covers both sides of a coulee and bottom. Grazing use and History are difficult to determine and seem to be little related to this type's occurenct3. 61 SPECIES DIVERSITY The community types cover a ten-fold range of richness. Somewhat sur- prisingly, the tall shrub types are more diverse than the tree dominated types, The Scam, Dist, and Bogr c.t.'s stand apart from the other types with respect to dominance and equitability due to intensive selective pressure caused by soil salts and grazing. Figure 4 shows the relationships among the community types with respect to species diversity. The community types are ordered according to richness. Dominance and equitability generally follow this order, with a few interesting deviations. The Calo and Ansc c.t.'s have higher dominance and lower equitability than their richness might suggest. This is due to the fact that these types have a single dominant. A similar deviation might be expected for the Yugl c.t., but this is not the case. A few grasses are usually codominant with Yucca glauca, and field observations suggest that this type might better be called the Yugl/Calo-Ansc c.t. and Muhlenbergia cuspidata was co-dominent in some stands. More samples would be necessary to determine if this is true generally. An opposite deviation is found in the Pode/Rosa-Syoc c.t. The structure graphs show that the coverage of a nanophanerophytes exceeds that of the trees, The result is lower dominance and higher equitability than the richness would suggest. PRODUCTIVITY Productivity data, expresses as means (x) and standard deviations (s), are given in kilograms per hectare. Coefficients of variation (CV) are pre- sented as decimals. The two replicates of each exclosure were compared for homogeneity using total productivity data, not biomass. The .05 probability level was used for this comparison. The number of samples (N) necessary to give a sampling accuracy of + 20% at the 0.2 probability level have been calculated. This represents a minimal requirement. The effects of drought and grasshoppers, which are discussed below, should be considered before evaluating the productivity data. Drought Reed and Peterson (1961) noted that the major trends in mixed prairie vegetation are set by major weather cycles, while the range of change within trends are set by grazing intensity. Clark et al . (1943) also found that grazing had less than climate in modifying plant cover. Coupland (1959) found that during a period of 12 years characterized by moist, cool weather, the yield capacity of the same stands sampled earlier increased by an average of one hundred and thirty-seven percent. 63 lO OTcg UJ z in >- = is UJ s O -o O Q. o E S5 3» - ♦ MEAN 30 - STANDARD DEVIATION 25 - 20 - . 15 - 10 - , . ■ t ' 5 - \ 1 n - w — 3.0 - 2.5 - 2.0 - . . , • 1.5 - , . 1.0 - " ' ■■ 0.5 - ■ •■ o ~ 1.0 - 0.8 - ■ . • 0.6 - 0.4 - 0.2 - A ^ 1 •■ ^ t i U — ' sc AM BO GR B0( AG 3R/ SM ST 80 CA CO/ GR- Fl 1 STCO- AGSM/ BOGR- CAFI 1 CALO 1 ARCA/ STVI- A6SM OIST A6SM/ BOGR- BOGR- ARTR ARCA/ ARTR/ BOGR CAFI/ CAFI/ BADLAND AGSM/ AGSM/ STCO AGSM- STCO BOGR BOGR COMMUNITY TYPE (listed in order of increasing richness) Figure 4 Species diversity of community types > MEAN STANDARD DEVIATION Mil i } t I STVI- AGSM/ B06R MUCU- AGSP PODE/ ROSA- SYOC YUGL ANSC- AGSP FRPE/ ROSA- SYOC JUSC/ AGSP AGSP/ SYOC- BOGR- ROSA CAFI ANSC JUHO/ ANSC- ANSC- CALO AGSP ,- 35 - 30 - 25 20 - 15 - 10 - 5 0 - 3.0 - 2.5 - 2.0 - 1.5 - 1.0 - 0.5 - 1.0 - 0.8 - 0.6 - 0.4 0.2 0 SHAR/ SHAR/ SYOC- SYOC- ROSA ROSA COST PHASE o a. a. E r- to ^-' o Q. 1/1 l/l c cr; QD <_) =1 OO E S- (/) CD cn O ■=C CQ 1X5 ro 1— I— V V CM I — V UD 00 Ln I — >* r^ CM c — CO ID 1 — CM CM O Ln CM CO o Ch r— V CTi in r-^ I — CM I S- O "3 CQ O C/) O O S- •.- +J O 03 I/) cn o S- E CD (/) O CTl CQ <: E S- (/) CT> C7) O i • r— -(-> +-> >-, •f— • r- i- e o O ra o c_) O UD CM CO CO 00 00 CD to cn CO <^ I— r— o r— 00 C-vJ I — I — CM LD CM UD CM Ln CO .— CM CO CD CM o CO Q. E B o o CM I cri Ln CM Cvj I t£> Ln ■ — ■* V m (/> (/) 4-> cu l/l X) >i >> >> +-> CU c: CO -£Z -C -C >> to +-> ^— jx; ro 0) a. Q. CL J3 O) >^ cu •1— o o o 1 CL +-> -C cu to to to o o CO >, t- 1 S- S- Ol 1/) o >> CL (/) 1/1 c o c s_ oo o; ra jC 1 J= O cu o cu +-> cu cu C Q- o c s- c o cr E 4-> Q. Q- S- 1/1 •r- jr to xz 4-> cu cu n} -1- l/l fO o "3 c (O (T3 >, i >> o s- s- •r- CL ii ■g. •f— -C tj x: -C x: OJ S- cu -C o O -r- S- -r- •r— ro « _1 UJ ^^ a. -^- CL O Q. n: o CJ3 1— U 1 O _1 _l CQ CQ CD n3 O "O CO O O O >-> D- q; oo (1) (O o Q. to O S- o >, Li- q; o) S- O n3 +-) to (O O I/) to ra x: >, o o -c CO 00 Qi ej Q. S- o rtj rt3 o to -C >i o 00 oo a: 1 o to o 00 >> o oo ex: -a c: s_ ■!-> -o S- ra < CQ S- E S_ *-> in O) S- O) o <: ct 03 (O -r- E U > t/1 s_ +J en ■a: oo <: fO E S- O to O) 1- en o < cC CO U Q- to to 3 en C31 >- o O U Q. j: to to C CD ■-D ct CC 3 Q. o to 3 cn 2: <: c o >>•-- 4-> +J >> •1— -f— i- C to o =1 o cr. E Q- 4J ■o >> >> >> c to -C J= JE ro 0) Q. Q. Q. 4J O O O 1 to >, s_ 1 S- S- CU in ra x: 1 ro -r- to (O o fO c ro fO >i •.- Q- * r— 1— O I OO 1 CVJ CM V I— in r— CM V IT) OO ■— «=!•.— V OO oo 0) o >— CM V OO oo tn .— in oo I— in r^ I— 1— >* r- V to lO >— I — to V CO lO oo un to 1 — ■ — to V V , , inc oc l+J -C O CU OO) +->(U •r-Q. ex i- to -i-x: tox: E>> O - S-T- to oo to V I "* CO cr> oo 1 — oo r^ uo un CU oo CTl ■* CM . §■ o o 1 — CM to I — I— 00 IT) >* CO <* CM I o o s- oo q; CU •4-> CU CU -u s- s- •I- to n3 _I CQ CQ DATA ADEQUACY, RECOMMENDATIONS FOR FUTURE MONITORING AND ENDANGERED SPECIES DATA ADEQUACY The baseline study is thought to be adequate. The 1:4800 vegetation map, for example, represents a very high standard of accuracy, and the classifi- cation goes far beyond the usual effort. Drought and grasshopper damage, however, did influence the data. As pointed out in the Section IV-E and Appendix C, the productivity data does not reflect normal conditions unless the effects of grasshoppers are elim- inated from both exclosures and reclaimed land. Also, a much better baseline could be produced from more than two years of productivity data given the year- ly variation in precipitation. The problem of year]y variation in precipitation could, however, be alleviated if both reclaimed land and the exclosures are sampled the same year. FUTURE MONITORING OF EXCLOSURES The exclosures will be clipped again in the summer of 1978. At that time, coverage estimates and pictures will be taken of certain randomly picked, un- dipped plots. The plots will be excluded from clipping now and in the future. The vegetation of the exclosures was chosen for productivity sampling be- cause it typified a community type. A major concern is that the vegetation of the productivity exclosures, which is in some cases serai, will change with time as a result of the exclosures and cease to be indicative of the community type it presently represents. These plots should be re-sampled eyery few years and if a significant change is detected, the appropriate action such as opening the exclosure for grazing by cattle, should be taken to maintain the community initially in the exclosure. Of course, it is imperative that the exclosure be kept free from all unmonitered disturbances. FACILITY-RELATED MONITORING It is possible that a coal conversion facility will have an impact which is subtle and insidious. Since this baseline study is not adequate for de- tecting subtle changes in communities, species, or individuals resulting from air pollution, the baseline information necessary to detect such an impact will have to be in the form of permanent monitoring stations located in re- lation to the facility with regard to pertinent metereological considerations and the pattern and distribution of plant communities. This monitoring will have to evaluate possible impacts at the level of the community (e.g. productivity and species composition), and the species, ecotype, or individual (e.g. phenology, population structure, physiology. 77 chemical composition). The study will require meticulous sampling and ap- propriate statistical evaluation. The actual study design should be devel- oped by the researcher involved. ENDANGERED SPECIES Rare or endangered species are a special concern, but none have yet been found in the study area. Ayensu and De Filipps (1978) were used as authorities for this determination. Using Du Mond's definition of rareness, some species such as Cystopteris ^"^^g^'TS could be considered rare, but no plant species yet identified in the study area is officially rare or endangered. 78 SUMMARY The vegetation baseline study was designed to provide information neces- sary for the prediction and measurement of possible impacts to vegetation re- sulting if a strip mine and a coal conversion facility is located in the area in and surrounding the Dreyer Brothers Ranch near Circle, Montana. The De- partment of Natural Resources and Conservation (DNRC) was contracted to gather this information, although the Department of State Lands is the responsible state agency administering Montana's Strip Mine Reclamation Act. Although this baseline study will provide the information necessary to adequately eval- uate strip-mine reclamation and the widespread vegetation-related considera- tion of a coal conversion facility located in the study area, this broad base- line work may not be adequate to evaluate the impacts on vegetation in the immediate area of a coal conversion facility. More vegetation baseline work may have to be completed under the Major Facility Siting Act to evaluate the local vegetation-related impacts, once a specific site for a coal conversion facility has been selected. In 1976 a reconnaissance sampling of vegetation in the study area was undertaken, with emphasis on the vegetation on and near the Dreyer Brothers, Inc. ranch. These data were used to develop a classification of vegetation using cluster analysis, a technique which graphically portrays affinities and groupings of vegetation samples based on their floristic similarities. The classification resulted in recognition of twenty-seven community types, or grouping of communities based on species composition as measured by coverage. Each type was discussed with respect to species composition, structure, species diversity and site. Techniques and results were explained. In addition, pro- ductivity data was gathered and summarized for the major community types found in the proposed mine area. The community types were also used as mapping units for vegetation maps, which have been prepared at a scale of 1:12,000 and 1:4800 for the area in and near the Dreyer Bros., Inc. ranch. A range condition map has been made for the proposed mine area. Although these maps have not been distributed with this report because of the expense of reproducing them and the limited number of potential users, copies have been provided to Dreyer Bros, Inc. The DNRC will provide copies to other interested individuals upon request. 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Ecology 29 (4):449-460. 88 APPENDICES SCAM DIST BOGR AGSM/ BOGR/ STCO/ 80GR- STCO- 60GR- 5TVI- ANSC ANSC- ANSC- AGSP/ BOGR AGSM BOGR- CAf I / AGSM/ CAF I / AGSM/ CALO AGSP BOGR- CAFI STCO BOGR AGSM- BOGR CAFI STCO number of itands * SPECIES BY LIFE FORM THEROPliVTES Arctium minus Bromus tectorum Chenupudium d1bum Chenopudium leptophy I lum Ciriium vuigare Eriugunum cernuum Erysimum chei rant hu ides Hedeuma hispidd Kuchid scopuria Ldppuld echifidto Ldppuld redowskii Linum rigidLDn Mel 1 lotus dlbd Meli lotus officinal is Plantdgo pdtdgonicd Rumex Sdl icifoHus Sisymbrium dltissimum Thldspi drverse Trdgopogon dubius Verbend bractedtd (4^)0.3 (2n)0, (25)0.1 (?4)0.1 (18)0.2 (24)0.2 (37)0.2 (21)0.1 {20)0.1 (40)0.2 (42)0.4 (25)0.1 (40)0.2 (25)0.1 (33)0.2 (22)0.1 (22)0,1 (50)0.3 (33)0.2 (22)0.1 (25)0.1 (25)0,1 (25)0.1 (25)0.1 (25)0.1 (20)0.6 (100)58.0 Agropyron ddsy tdctiyun Agropyron smithii Alt ium tCAti le Artemisia ludovkidHd AsclepidS speciosd AsclepidS verticilldtd Aster fdlcatus Bouteluud curtipenduld Brumus inennis Buchloe dactyloides Cdldmdgrostis neglectd Ifo lii(igif,,lia Carex eleochdris Distichl IS stricta Comdndra ur.ibel lata Helidfithus Idetiflorus Hel lanthus rigidus Medicago sdti>/d Panicum virgatum Pua pratensis Putent) 1 la anserina Psoralea argophy t la Psoralea escu lentd Psordlea lanceolato Scirpus dmencdnus Sisyrinchium angust if ol lum Smi lacuid stel Idtd Sol idago missouriensi s Sul iddgo ri^idd Spartina gracilis (pectuiata) (20)0.1 (16)2.2 Sphaeralced coccinea Thdlictrum venulosum Thermopsis rhombifolia Trigtochin maritimum Urticd dioice Viola nuttdl li i HEMICRYPTOPHYTES (19)0.3 -----._ (17)2 5 (26)0.5 (60)0.7 (100)54.0(100)23.2(57)1.0 (48)0.13(100)27.7(100)15,0(92)23.2(15)0.4 - - (25)0 3 (25)0.1 (22)0. (11)1.7 (14)0.3 (12)0.6 (17)0.3 (44)1.0 (100)17.5 (50)0.5 (14)0.7 (8) 0.1 (8) 1-3 (17)0 3 (3,) 0.5 - (17)0.3 (7)0.1 (100)78.5 (5) 0.2 (40)0.7 (8) 0.) (17)0.3 (33)0.2 (33)0.2 (25)0.1 (22)0.1 (22)0.1 (-•0)0.3 (200.1 (44)0-3 (44)0.2 (25)0.1 I (8) 0.3 (58)0.3 (30)0.2 (45)0.2 (49)0.5 (24)0.1 (44)0.3 (33)0.2 (58)0.3 (33)0.2 Achll lea millefolium Agropyron caninum Agropyron cristatum Agropyron intermedium Agropyron spicdtum Andropogon scupdrlus Aiitennarid pdrvifolia Antennarid rosea Aristida longisetd Astragalus gi Iv1f lorus Astragdlus missouriensis Astragalus spatulatus Astragalus stridtus Boutetoud gracilis Cdmpanuld rotundifolia Carex fi lifol la Chrysopbis vi 1 loSd Ctrsium unduldtum Curyphanthd vivfpdTj (25)0.1 (7) 0.1 - - - - - (25)0,5 - - 1(100)20. fiKin0)24. 6 (8) 0.3 - - - - (8) 0.1 - (33)1.6 {100)64.4(100)38.1(100)26.3(25)0.1 (22)0.1 - (50)0.3 (26)0.1 (33)0.2 (50)0.3 (22)0.1 (22)0.1 (55)0.3 (50)0.3 (5) 0.2 (100)84,2 (96)27. 0(100)60. 8(100)16, 8(100)56. 4(100)15. 7(100)44 8 (83)18.9 (33)2.3 (55)2.7 (75)4.6 (83)20,8 (25)0.1 (33)0.8 (63)7,7 (45)5.1 (90)13.5 (93)19,3 (56)4,8 (75)16.8 (33)3-3 (56)2.2 (89)5.1 {75)2.3 (92)16.0 (2) 0.3 (14)0.2 - - - (11)0.2 (37)0.3 - (25)0.1 (22)0-1 (21)0.1 (20)0.1 (25)0.1 - - . . - } r' MUCU- AGSP JUHO/ ANSC- AGSP JUSC/ AKA/ AUSP ACSM/ 80GR AliCA/ ARTR/ ARIR SVOC- STVI- AGSH/ BADLAND ROSA AG5M BOGR SMAR/ SYOC- ROSA SHAR/ SYOC- ROSA COST PHASE FRPE/ ROSA- SYOC PnOE/ ROSA- SVOC number of stands • S.f.C.CJ t S. BY. U FE FORM THEROPHVTES Arc min Bra tec Che alb Che lep Cir vol En cer Ery Che Hed his Kuc SCO Lop ech LdP red Lin rig Hel alb Hel off Pla pat Rum sal Sis alt Thl arv Tro dub Ver bra GEOPHYTES Agr Jas Agr sm. All tex Art lud Asc spe Asc ver Ast fal Buu cur Bro ine Buc dac Cdl neg Cdl Ion Cdr ele D.s str Cum umb Hel lae Hel rig Med sat Pin vir Pua pra Pot ans Pso arg Pso esc Pso Ian Scl ame Sis ang Smi ste Sol mis Sol rig Spd gra (pec Sph coc Thd ven The rho Tri mar Urt dio Vio nut HEHICRYPTOPHYTES Ach mil Agr can Agr cri Agr int Agr spi Ai.d SCO Ant par Ant ros An Ion Ast gil Ast mis Ast spa Ast str Bou gra Cam rot Car fil Chr »il Cir und Cor viv (3) 0,2 (25)0.1 (17)0.5 (20)0.1 (9) 0.2 (33)0.2 --.....-... (8) 0.2 - (20)0.1 ..--..... (20)n,! .----.... (33)0.6 (a) 0.1 - (25)0.1 (26)0.1 - (33)0,2 (40)0,2 (11)0,1 - (32)0.2 ...... (20)0.6 - - . - - (17)0.2 (50)0 7 (60)4.2 - (33)0.4 (23)0.2 (33)0.4 (38)1.7 (43)1.7 . (50)0.7 (80)6.2 (8) 0.2 - (33)0.2 (20)0.1 (38)0.2 - (25)0.1 - (20)0.1 (45)0.2 (25)0.1 (4) 0- (9) 1.4 (27)6.1 (17)4.0 (11)0.3 (20)0.1 (81)21.9 (92)16.3 (86)11.0 (56)2.2 (77)14.8 (25)0.3 (33)5.0 (20)0.1 I (6?)2.0 (15)0.3 (15)0.3 (3) 0.5 (9) 0.3 (36)0.2 (57)2.7 (100)58.3 (26)0.4 (26)0.4 (83)15.6(100)7.8 (39)6.2 (42)0.4 (14)0.2 (11)0.3 (38)6.1 (80)1.9 - (8) 1.1 - (9) 0.8 (22)1.7 (8) 0.2 (40)0.2 - - (18)0.2 (70)7.4 (26)0.5 (22)0.3 (13)1.8 (57)1.5 (4)0.1 (4) 0.1 (50) 4.5 (75)1.0 (50)0.3 (50)0.9 (33)3.0 (80)16.5 (17)0.5 (17)0.5 (40)8.1 (20)3 0 (20)3.0 (25)0.1 (8) 3.1 (80)0.4 (10)0-1 (25)0.3 (6) 0.1 (15)2.9 (8) 2 9 (8) 0.2 (151 0.3 (17)0.5 (33)8.8 (26)0.1 (40)0 2 (20)3.0 (20)0,6 (20)3,0 (39)0.4 (33)0.2 (27)0.1 (20)0.1 (33)0.2 (60)0.3 (33)0.2 - (35)0.2 (25)0.1 (45)0.3 (20)0.1 (4) 0.7 (22)0.9 (35)0.4 (23)0.1 (13)0.1 (25)0.2 (75)1.0 (25)0.1 (25)3,8 (50)0,3 (20)0.1 (20)0.1 (20)0 6 (33)0.2 (33)0.6 - - - (60)0.3 (26)0.29 (50)0.9 - (69)0.3 (35)0.4 (75)0.4 (67)0.3 - " - - (23)3.4 (9) 0.2 - - j . (33)0.2 (11)0.3 - - - (17)0.5 (60)1.3 ; (100)22.1 (78)11.3 (50)3.1 (100)33.0 (6) 2.0 (8)0.3 (18)0.8 (67)9.6 - (26)1.0 (45)3.6 (87)17.3 (17)0.5 (67)11.3 (60)6.1 (6) 0.2 (42)5.1 (9) 0.7 (11)0.3 (15)1.2 (52)2.5 (75)4.6 _ - - (20)0.1 . - , . - (33)0.17 . - . . _ . . (20)0.1 (13)0.80 (33)1.0 . (23)0.5 . , _ _ . _ (27)0.1 - . . . . _ _ . . - (30)0.8 (67)0.3 - (6) 0.1 - - - - - - - . (20)0.1 . ; ; '_ ; ; (65)6.7 (17)0.9 (67)3.6 (67)3.2 (61)20.0 (58)7.2 (86)25.2 . (23)1.4 (30)0.4 (25)0.1 . (20)0.1 - . (20)0.1 . . . (55)6.0 (87)4.7 (50)1.1 (50)5.6 (16)3.5 (69) 3.6 (11)1.7 . . . . - (30)0.2 (100)0.5 (60)0.30 (10)0.1 . (11)1.7 . _ (25)0.1 . - - (33)0.2 (50)0.3 - - - - - - (22)0.1 (50)0.3 (33)0.2 . 1 SI number of stands - AGSM/ BOGR BOGR/ AGSM STCO/ BOGR- CAFI BOGR- CAFl/ STCO STcn- AGSK/ BOGR BOGR- CAFI/ AGSn- STCO STVl- AGSM/ BOGR ANSC ANSC/ CALO ANSC- AGSP AGSP/ BOGR- CAFI n SPECIES BY LIFE FORM HEMICRYPTOPHYTES (Cont'd.) Echinoced pd1 1 ida Elymus Cdn