V<]S'\\£\^^^^'^'^^ Cliff-Nesting Raptor Survey of the Sioux District, Custer National Forest: 1994 A Report to: USDA Forest Service Custer National Forest 2602 First Avenue North P.O. Box 2556 Billings, MT 59103 Submitted by Paul Hendricks and Keith H. Dueholm December 1995 Montana Natural Heritage Program 1515 East Sixth Avenue P.O. Box 201800 Helena, MT 59620-1800 ca\ » •• s 598.9 NllCNRSD 1995 1 ^ft,XUfl. Montana State Ltbrar\ 3 0864 1004 7132 8 oi aanssi © 1995 Montana Natural Heritage Program This document should be cited as follows: Hendricks, P. and Duehohn, K. H. 1995. Cliff-nesting raptor survey of the Sioux District, Custer National Forest: 1994. Montana Natural Heritage Program. Helena, MX. 42 pp. 11 ABSTRACT Field surveys of potential cliff nesting-sites for diurnal raptors were conducted in June and early July 1994 in the Chalk Buttes, the Ekalaka Hills and the southern half of the Long Pines of the Sioux District, Custer National Forest, Montana. All surveys were conducted on foot. About 300 separate sites were surveyed, falling into roughly 42 concentrations of cliffs and/or outcrops. Only three active Prairie Falcon nest sites and one probable Merlin nest site were identified. Because of time limitations of the 1994 field survey, it is anticipated that a comprehensive survey of greater duration of both the Montana and South Dakota portions of the Sioux District will identify additional nests not discovered in this preliminary effort. Nevertheless, the few nesting pairs detected are cause for concern, especially when contrasted with historical nesting data, and indicate the need for a more thorough field effort. Published literature and unpublished nest records indicate that significant numbers of Prairie Falcons, Merlins, and Golden Eagles have nested on and near Custer National Forest lands in recent decades. Ferruginous and Swainson's Hawks nest mostly off of the Custer National Forest. The Northern Goshawk is also a potential breeding species in low densities in mature pine stands, and future raptor inventory efforts should include surveys of its potential nesting habitat; one adult was seen in the Long Pines in June during the survey. TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT 1 TABLE OF CONTENTS 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 3 INTRODUCTION : 4 METHODS 5 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 6 Species Occurring on the Sioux District, Custer National Forest 7 Swainson's Hawk 7 Ferruginous Hawk 8 Golden Eagle 10 Merlin 11 Prairie Falcon 12 Species Potentially Present on the Sioux District, Custer National Forest 13 Northern Goshawk 13 Peregrine Falcon 14 MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS 15 BIBLIOGRAPHY 17 APPENDIX 1. Cliff sites visited during 1994 raptor surveys , 21 APPENDIX 2. Locations and summary of breeding evidence by raptors in 1994 24 APPENDIX 3. Element occurrence records for nesting raptors. Carter County, Montana and Harding County, South Dakota 26 APPENDIX 4. Sightings of other bird species of Special Interest 41 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Clint McCarthy for his help throughout the study and his comments on an earlier version of this report. Additional help was provided by Jim Farrell of the Sioux District and the South Dakota Natural Heritage Program. D. M. Becker generously shared his unpublished nest records for the Montana units of the Sioux District. D. D. Dover, C. Jones, K. Jurist, and S. Thweatt assisted with element occurrence and map preparation. Financial support for the project came from the Custer National Forest (U.S. Forest Service, Northern Region) and the Montana Natural Heritage Program (Montana State Library, Natural Resources Information System and The Nature Conservancy). INTRODUCTION Interest in raptors became widespread in the 1 970s when it was realized that many species were exhibiting dramatic population declines. At the time, reproduction of some species was reduced due to eggshell-thinning. Thinning of eggshells was a response to the accumulation of pesticides in the body tissues, originally acquired through contaminated prey. Along with corrective management to enhance reproduction came the realization that raptors, being at the top of the food web, could act as barometers of environmental health (Call 1978). Since then, raptor populations have continued to receive special attention. Populations of several raptor species are still in decline, including some species breeding on or near the Sioux District, Custer National Forest, in Montana and South Dakota (Dobkin 1994, White 1994). The data on which population trends are based, however, are spotty and sometimes give conflicting results, depending on the scale in space and time to which they are extrapolated. For example, using a survey of the historical literature. White (1994) concluded that Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsonii) is in significant decline in some western regions (especially California and Oregon), whereas Dobkin (1994) used Breeding Bird Survey data to conclude that the species is increasing in Montana and western North Dakota. To understand factors affecting populations of raptors on the local (Forest or District) scale and to establish a baseline from which future monitoring and management efforts can be implemented, it is necessary to first identify historical use of the area by raptors and then to conduct thorough surveys of the populations currently present. This report presents previous documentation and current evidence of habitat use and breeding activity on or near the Sioux District, Custer National Forest, by five species of diurnal raptors: Swainson's Hawk, Feraiginous Hawk {Buteo regalis) (C2 Federal Status, USFS Sensitive Status), Golden Eagle {Aquila chrysaetos), Merlin {Falco columbarius), and Prairie Falcon {Falco mexicanus). Two additional raptor species of special interest. Northern Goshawk {Accipter gentilis)(C2 Federal Status) and Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) (Endangered Federal Status), have nested previously on the Sioux District. The 1994 field survey focussed on cliff-associated species (Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Merlin); nesting Swainson's and Ferruginous hawks were not surveyed. METHODS Historical records of nesting activity by the raptor species of interest on or near the Sioux District, Custer National Forest, Carter County, Montana and adjacent Harding County, South Dakota were found in the literature (see Bibliography) and the databases of the Montana and South Dakota Natural Heritage Programs. The search for nest records was comprehensive but should not be considered complete. Primary emphasis was placed on records and published studies from southeastern Montana and northwestern South Dakota, secondarily on studies from adjacent regions of the northern Great Plains, and finally on raptor studies from the western United States and Canada. Special attention was given to reports describing nest sites, nesting habitat, productivity/nest success, and food habits during the breeding season. A ground survey of potential cliff nest sites was initiated in 1994. Areas examined were chosen following study of USGS topographic maps (7.5' quads). Cliffs were assigned to one of three size categories; small— (up to 3 m high), medium--(ahout 4-10 m high), large--(l\-30 m high). Because of limited time, only the Chalk Buttes, Ekalaka Hills, and the southern half of the Long Pines (all in Carter County, Montana) were surveyed in 1994. Usually several hours were spent on foot visiting aggregations of cliffs. Cliffs were scanned with binoculars for evidence of nesting (whitewash, accumulations of nesting material) and monitored for vocalizing birds. Species-association with a particular nest site was based on direct observation of adult birds and/or characteristic nest structure (see Call 1978). Because the focus of 1994 ground surveys was cliff habitat, habitats used for nesting by species other than Prairie Falcons and Golden Eagles were not searched. Nest sites from all sources (including 1994 ground surveys) were plotted on maps when locations were provided (see Appendices 2 and 3). Becker (1978) did not include nest location information for 1977-1978, but Becker (pers. comm.) provided this data for the entire period he was active on the Sioux District (1977-1981); site characteristics and reproductive data cited in species accounts are from Becker (1978). Sites positioned on maps in this report are to the nearest quarter-section; site descriptions are on file with the Montana Natural Heritage Program and the Custer National Forest. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION A total of 42 concentrations of cliffs, termed "cliff sites" (see Appendix 1), comprising >300 individual outcrops, was surveyed for nesting raptors in June and early July 1 994 in the Montana units of the Sioux District. Only four sites appeared to be in use (see Appendix 2) at the time of the survey (two sites in the Chalk Buttes and two sites in the Ekalaka Hills); three sites were used by Prairie Falcons and one by a pair of Merlins. No field survey was conducted in South Dakota in 1994. Element Occurrence (EO) Records for the Harding County, South Dakota portions of the Sioux District, obtained from the South Dakota Natural Heritage Program (see Appendix 3), provided locations for 50 Golden Eagle nests, 1 1 Merlin nests, and 13 Prairie Falcon nests in use between 1973 and 1989. Some of the nest sites are known to have been used in multiple years. Evidence also exists for Northern Goshawk and Peregrine Falcon breeding in the Slim Buttes, South Dakota units of the Sioux District (in 1976 and 1925, respectively). Previous studies in and near the Carter County, Montana portion of the Sioux District (see Becker 1978, Becker and Sieg 1985, 1987, Sieg and Becker 1990, and Wittenhagen 1992) indicated that several pairs of the five raptor species of special interest nested in the area in recent years. Becker (pers. comm.) provided data on 25 Golden Eagle nest sites, 59 Merlin nest sites, and 40 Prairie Falcon nest sites in use during 1977-1981 (see Appendix 3). As in South Dakota, several of the sites in Montana were used in multiple years. Discrepancies between the literature and the 1994 Heritage Program survey in Montana could be the result of several factors, including (1) the date of the survey (June and eariy July) relative to nesting phenology, (2) lack of thorough coverage of the Long Pines, (3) concentration of survey effort on one specific nesting habitat (cliffs), and (4) actual dramatic declines in numbers of nesting pairs of raptors on the Sioux District. Factors 1-3 seem unlikely to account for the low numbers of nesting raptors encountered. First, the survey was conducted when pairs should have been nesting, either with nestlings (Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon) or eggs (Meriin). Second, many areas were visited in the Chalk Buttes, Ekalaka Hills, and Long Pines where raptors nested previously. Third, although Merlins may have been under-represented as a result of the survey methodology (they nest in pines below cliffs). Golden Eagles and Prairie Falcons should have been detected in greater numbers if they were present. An actual decline in the number of cliff nesting raptors seems a real possibility. Further field work seems warranted, given the lack of coverage in the South Dakota units, the limitations of the 1994 field effort, and the uncertainty of the current status of nesting raptors on Sioux District lands in general. If time is a constraint for survey efforts, helicopter or fixed-wing aircraft may be used effectively to assess the presence of Golden Eagles and Prairie Falcons (for example, see Call 1978). These two species nest in similar sites on the Sioux District (see species accounts). The species accounts that follow are presented as summaries, and include data on nesting habitat, nest site specifications, and nesting success gleaned from the literature (see Bibliography). Heritage Program rank Global (G) and State (S) codes range from 1 (critically imperiled) to 5 (demonstrably secure, though possibly rare in parts of its range). Other codes are B (breeding occurrences), N (non-breeding occurrences for migratory species), Z (ranking not applicable), and X (believed to be extinct, historical records only). Species Occurring on the Sioux District, Custer National Forest Swainson's Hawk (Buteo swainsoni) Distribution: Breeds locally in Alaska, the Yukon, and adjacent Macken2de District south to northern Mexico, mostly west of the 100th meridian. Widespread during the breeding season in Montana (Bergeron et al. 1992) and South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Winters primarily on the pampas of southeastern South America. Habitat Use: This is a hawk of open grassland and sagebrush, often seen perched on fence posts and telephone poles. During summer, birds seem to prefer mixed and short-grass prairie where they frequently forage for small rodents and insects. During the breeding season they prey mostly on ground squirrels and pocket gophers in North Dakota (Gilmer and Stewart 1984), and ground squirrels and voles in Montana (Restani 1991). Density of nesting pairs correlated with ground squirrel abundance in Alberta, Canada where grasslands are interspersed with agricultural fields (Schmutz and Hungle 1989). Nest Sites: Prefers to nest in areas of open grassland with scattered trees. Swainson's Hawks are more likely to be found nearer agricultural habitat or human habitation than other Buteos (Bechard et al. 1990, Schmutz 1984, 1987). Wooded draws are considered important nesting habitat in North Dakota (Gaines and Kohn 1982), where nests are placed in green ash or American elm. In central North Dakota, 100% of 270 nests were in trees and 7.1 ± 3.3 m above ground (Gilmer and Stewart 1984). In southeastern Washington, 100% of 67 nests were in trees and 8.7 ± 0.5 m above the ground (Bechard et al. 1990). In southeastern Wyoming, 43 nests were in trees, 5 in willow shrubs, and 1 on a telephone pole crossbar (Dunkle 1977). In the Centennial Valley, Montana, >95% of nests were in willows (Restani 1991). While it nests lower in shorter trees than other Buteos in Alberta (Schmutz et al. 1980), the opposite is true in Oregon (Green and Morrison 1983). It will use artificial nest platforms (Schmutz et al. 1984). Nests are relatively flimsy compared to other Buteo nests in the region (Call 1978). Nest Success: Usually lays 2-3 eggs. Seven nests produced 8 fledglings in North Dakota hardwood draws (Gaines and Kohn 1982); 1.6 young/active nest fledged in southcentral North Dakota (Gilmer and Stewart 1 984); 1 .4 young/laying pair fledged in southeastern Wyoming (Dunkle 1977); 42 nests produced 1.4 fledglings/active nest in Montana (Restani 1991). Breeding Phenology: Usually breeds later than other Buteo species in region; arrives in Wyoming in late April (Dunkle 1977); nests in South Dakota May- July (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991); average laying date mid-May in Montana (Restani 1991); eggs hatch in late June to early July in Alberta (Schmutz et al. 1 980). Status: Expected to be fairly common and widespread in region; Becker (1978) suspected nesting near the Carter County, Montana units of the Sioux District, but most (all?) pairs probably nest off of Forest Service land. Numbers are increasing in Montana and North Dakota, as it is more tolerant of agricultural landscapes than the Ferruginous Hawk (Dobkin 1994). White (1994), however, indicates that populations may be declining regionally, particularly in California and Oregon. Natural Heritage Program rank: G4; S5B,SZN in Montana, S4B South Dakota. Ferruginous Hawk (Buteo regalis) Distribution: Breeds from eastern Washington, southern Alberta and Saskatchewan, and western North Dakota south to northern Arizona and New Mexico. Locally common in Montana (Bergeron et al. 1992) and western South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Winters from Nevada, Colorado, and Kansas south to northern Mexico. Habitat Use: This is a hawk adapted primarily to semiarid grasslands with scattered trees and outcrops in the Great Plains. Less tolerant of agriculture than Swainson's Hawk (Schmutz 1984, 1987). Frequently seen in open terrain hunting for jackrabbits and ground squirrels (Gilmer and Stewart 1983, Schmutz and Hungle 1989, Smith et al. 1981, Woffmden and Murphy 1977); density of nesting pairs correlated with ground squirrel or jackrabbit abundance (Schmutz and Hungle 1989, Smith et al. 1981) in Alberta, Canada and Utah, respectively. Major foods in Carter County, Montana were Northern Pocket Gophers {Thomomys talpoides) and White-tailed Jackrabbits (Lepus townsendii) (Wittenhagen 1992). Nest Sites: Uses the widest variety of nest sites of any of the raptors (Call 1978), including trees, buttes and cliffs, chimneys, windmills, hay stacks, power poles, abandoned buildings, large sagebrush, and sheepherder monuments. Of 45 nests in westem North Dakota, 21 were on powerline towers, 15 on haystacks, 5 on the ground, and 4 in trees (Gilmer and Wiehe 1977); in another study in southcentral North Dakota 123 nests were in trees, 39 on the ground, 7 on haystacks, and 31 on powerline towers (Gilmer and Stewart 1983); for 27 nests in northern South Dakota, 12 were on the ground, 13 in trees and 2 on haystacks (Lokemoen and Duebbert 1976); of 29 nests in southeastern Washington 18 were on cliffs, 1 on a man-made structure, and 10 in trees. South of Ekalaka in Carter County, Montana, most of 26 nests (2 years in a study area of 463 km^) were on the ground (Wittenhagen 1992). Over 70% of 24 nests in southcentral Montana were in willows (Restani 1991). Nest height is quite variable; 29 nests in southeastern Washington ranged from 2-56 m above the ground. This hawk will use artificial nest platforms (Schmutz et al. 1984). Nests are bulkier than Swainson's Hawk nests but can be confiised with Red-tailed Hawk {Buteo jamaicensis) nests when in trees (Call 1978). Nest Success: Usually lays 2-3 eggs. Young fledged/successful nest in Carter County, Montana in 4 years was 1.1 and 1.7 in 1981-82 (Ensign 1983), and 1.8 and 2.5 in 1990-91 (Wittenhagen 1992); nest success was 25-27% in the eariy 1980's and 75-93% in the early 1990's. Fledglings/active nest in 1987-88 was 2.2 in southcentral Montana (Restani 1991), 2.6 in southern Alberta in 1 975-77 (Schmutz et al. 1980), and 2.0-2.5 in southcentral North Dakota in 1 977-79 (Gilmer and Stewart 1 983). Breeding Phenology: In the Sioux District area (southeastern Montana and northwestern South Dakota), adults arrive in mid to late March, eggs are laid in mid-late April, hatching occurs between mid-May and early June, and young fledge in late June through mid- July (Becker 1978, Wittenhagen 1992). Status: Breeds locally in the region. Numbers are up significantly in Montana, but only slightly in North Dakota (Dobkin 1994); trends variable throughout the entire West (White 1994), with large increases in the northern prairie provinces of Alberta and Manitoba. Olendorff (1993) indicated stable populations in Montana, South Dakota, and North Dakota, with a large increase in Wyoming. As with Swainson's Hawk, most (all?) pairs of this species 8 probably nest off of Forest Service lands. U.S.F.S. Sensitive Status; U.S.F.W.S. C2 Status (candidate for Federal Listing). Natural Heritage Program rank: G4; S3B,SZN in Montana, S3B in South Dakota a OJ (0 •a m •* T3 O) (T> ^ 1 o> 0) r- Q. • o O (0 Q o z o© jr o 9>- B;o>iBa L|;nos "W CM o E 0) u a E a o o 'iZ 0) X "5 3 ■*-• (0 Z a c a ♦J c o 0) E o eue;uo|/\| o O O 1 "®(^ o G G OD O 0(9 G O .-■-.G CO c o a o _o m 0) "5 (U a (A G G 0O( m Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) Distribution: Breeds in North America at high latitudes from Alaska to Labrador south to Baja California and west Texas. Common and widespread breeding bird in Montana (Bergeron et al. 1992) and South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Winters throughout the breeding range and into the eastern United States. Habitat Use: Occurs in most habitats in the western states, from desert grasslands to above treeline in the mountains, possibly avoiding only dense forest where hunting would be difficult. During summer, it is often associated with outcrops and a dependable food supply. Primary foods from Carter County nests (Becker 1978) were white-tailed jackrabbits, white-tailed or mule deer fawns, cottontail rabbits, pronghom fawns, £ind white-tailed prairie dogs. Along the Tongue River in northern Wyoming and southeastern Montana, prairie dogs and cottontail rabbits represented 80% of the prey biomass at 4 nests (Phillips et al. 1990). Nest Sites: Prefers to nest on cliffs or large trees. Of 42 active and inactive nest sites in 1977-78 in Carter County (Becker 1978, pers. comm.), 76% were on cliff walls (12.0 ± 6.5 m above ground) and 24% in trees (1 1.1 ± 3.1 m above ground); near Livingston, Montana 62% of 92 nests were on cliffs, 2% on the ground, and the remainder in trees (McGahan 1968); in northeastern Wyoming 86% of 170 nests were in trees (13.4 ± 2.5 m above ground) (Menkens and Anderson 1987); elsewhere in northeastern Wyoming, 82% of nests were in trees (2/3 in deciduous, 1/3 in ponderosa pine), 8% on rock outcrops, 7% on man-made structures, and 3% in creek banks (Phillips and Beske 1990). Nest-site choice appears to depend on site availability. Golden Eagles will build several nests on a single territory, and rotate use of these over several years. Orientation of nests may be temperature dependent; over half of the nests in Montana faced south to west (McGahan 1968, Becker 1978). Will use artificial platforms (Phillips and Beske 1990). S.D. Natural Heritage Program EO's provided 5 nest records from the South Cave Hills, 5 from the North Cave Hills, 4 from the East Short Pine Hills, and 36 from Slim Buttes between 1974-89; 34% of nests were active in more than one year. Nests are larger and bulkier than Buteo nests (Call 1978). Nest Success: Usually lays 2-3 eggs. Young/nest was 1.43 for 67 active nests between 1974-89 in Harding County, South Dakota units of the Sioux District (Appendix 3); 40 nests contained 1 young, 25 nests contained 2, and 2 nests contained 3. Average number of fledglings/nest was probably less. Becker (1978) reported 1.25 fledglings/nest in 1977 (4 nests ) and 1.33young/nest (21 nests) in 1978 in Carter County, Montana. McGahan (1968) ■ reported 1.37-1 .38 young/nest in Park County, Montana in 1963-64. In northeastern Wyoming the number of young/successfiil nest was 1.33-1.65 for 331 nests in 1981-85 (Phillips and Beske 1990). Breeding Phenology: In Carter County, laying begins in mid-March, with hatching from late April to early May, and fledging in late June through July (Becker 1978). In northeastern Wyoming, the mean egg-laying date is mid-March, with mean hatching in late April, and mean fledging early July (Phillips and Beske 1990). Status: A common, widespread breeding species in the area (Becker 1978, Phillips and Beske 1990, Phillips et al. 1990). Slightly declining in Montana, but steady in North Dakota (Dobkin 1994); apparently stable throughout the west (White 1994). Natural Heritage Program rank: G4; S4 in Montana; S4B,S3N in South Dakota. 10 CD CO XJ m 'd- X3 O) o> ■* T— O) 1 O) a> T— flu o O Q x: tr o M o o tf^ o '^' rfi* eio>|Ba qinos in en CN o E « u O E E o BUBJUO|/\| O o o o a ^*^-QQr^.v j^ C o ■•l-> (0 u _o (0 V o Q. Merlin {Falco columbarius) Distribution: In North America, breeding occurs from western Alaska east to Labrador and south to northern Maine, New York, Minnesota, southern Wyoming and Oregon. Widespread but local during the breeding season in Montana (Bergeron et al. 1992), and locally uncommon or rare in western South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Winters within southern breeding range south through Mexico and the Gulf coast to northern South America. Habitat Use: Uses relatively dense coniferous forest to mixed grasslands with scattered trees for nesting, depending on the race. Needs open areas for hunting. The race breeding in southeastern Montana and northwestern South Dakota, richardsonii, uses grasslands and shrubsteppe habitats. In Carter County, Montana patchy shrub/grassland is the preferred hunting habitat (Becker and Sieg 1987), where sagebrush and grasses are interspersed; 92% of prey items were birds (mostly grassland species), 5% insects, and 3% mammals (Becker 1985). Ponderosa pine is probably not important hunting habitat, but it is used for nesting. Home ranges (13-28 km-) include both habitat types. Some populations in Canada breed in urban habitat (Sodhi et al. 1993). Nest Sites: Does not build nests; rather it uses old corvid and hawk nests. All nest sites (48) reported in Carter County, Montana (Becker 1978, Sieg and Becker 1990) were in old American Crow or Black-billed Magpie nests high (10-17 m above ground) in the crowns of . live ponderosa pines. Nine nest sites described from Harding County, South Dakota units of the Sioux District (see Appendix 3) were in old magpie nests in ponderosa pines; nests are documented from the South Cave Hills (6 nests), North Cave Hills (3 nests), and Slim Buttes (2 nests) between 1979-1989. Merlins in northeastern Wyoming also use old magpie nests in pines (Phillips and Beske 1 990, Phillips et al. 1 990). Nest Success: Usually lays 3-6 eggs. Mean clutch size in Carter County, Montana ranged from 4.1-4.5 in 1978-1981 for 48 clutches; 43 (90%) of the clutches produced an average of 3.6 fledglings/nest (Becker and Sieg 1985). Productivity in Alberta and Saskatchewan was 3.6-3.8 young/nest for 276 nests (Sodhi et al. 1993). Breeding Phenology: For Carter County, Montana, egg-laying occurs from mid-April to early June, eggs hatch from late May to late June, and fledging occurs in late June through July (Becker and Sieg 1985). In South Dakota, the nesting season extends from late April through July (Pettingill and Whitney 1965, S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Fledging usually occurs in July in Saskatchewan (Sodhi et al. 1993). Status: Locally rare to common. Pulkrabuk and O'Brien (1974) estimated 52 nesting pairs in Harding County, South Dakota. Becker (1978) considered the Merlin to be fairly common in the Montana units of the Sioux District. However, more recent Breeding Bird Survey data indicate significant declines in Montana (Dobkin 1994). While numbers have been decreasing in the southern breeding range, such as Wyoming, there are significant increases in Alberta (White 1994). Natural Heritage Program rank: G4; S4 in Montana; S3B,S3N in South Dakota. 11 CO o (0 •a a 1- a. » o JO o o o (0 +-• o (0 Q tr o 2 O ^ a- .rO O O O Bio^iBQ q;nos eue;uo|/\| Tcr^ n °D o o o ■ GO o r "^ CN O E a> u O E a a> o a> X 15 3 *-• (0 Z 'o a> Q. (A © o ». Prairie Falcon {Falco mexicanus) Distribution: Breeds in grasslands, breaks, and shrubsteppe from southeastern British Columbia and southern Saskatchewan south to Baja California and west Texas, west of the 100th meridian. Widespread during the breeding season in Montana (Bergeron et al. 1992), while uncommon in western South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Winters in grasslands and open country within the breeding range east to eastern Kansas and Oklahoma, south to southern Mexico. Habitat Use: Generally found in rather open grassland, sagebrush desert, and other arid habitats with sparse tree cover and nearby cliffs and outcrops, including terrain above upper treeline in high mountains. Habitat use varies with the availability of prey and cliff nest sites. Prey items from nests in Carter County, Montana (Becker 1978, pers. comm.) included 76% birds (Western Meadowlarks, bluebirds. Lark Buntings, Rock Doves, and American Kestrel) and 24% small mammals (Thirteen-lined Ground Squirrels and Least Chipmunks). In northcentral Montana small mammals (at least 5 rodent species and cottontail rabbits) comprised 57% of the prey items, while birds (at least 4 passerine species, American Kestrel, Gray Partridge, and unidentified ducks) comprised the remaining 43% (Harmata 1991). Nest Sites: All Prairie Falcon nests (n = 26) reported by Becker (1978) from Carter County, Montana were on cliffs ranging from 7-52 m high; mean nest height was 12.8 ± 10.8 m above ground, with a range of 5-50 m. The 3 nest areas found in the Chalk Buttes and Ekalaka Hills in 1994 were cliff faces, and the 4 nests from Harding County, South Dakota with site descriptions (see Appendix 3) were also on cliffs. Harding County nests include 3 from South Cave Hills, 4 from North Cave Hills, and 6 from Slim Buttes between 1973-1989; at least 15% of these nest sites were used during multiple years. Cliffs are also . the sites used in northeastern Wyoming (Phillips and Beske 1990, Phillips et al. 1990), western North Dakota (Allen 1987), and other western states (Enderson 1964, Runde and Anderson 1986). Nesting has occurred in old magpie nests (MacLaren et al. 1984) and on transmission towers (Roppe et al. 1989). Nest exposures tend to be southerly (Runde and Anderson 1986); 89% of the nests reported by Becker (1978) in Carter County, Montana faced south to west. Most nests are scrapes (depressions) without twigs or sticks (Call 1978). Nest Success: Usually lays 3-6 eggs. Becker (1978) reported a mean clutch size of 4.8 in Carter County, Montana in 1978; 65% of 20 active Prairie Falcon nests produced fledglings, with a mean of 3.3 fledglings/nest. The mean brood size for 10 nests in Harding County, South Dakota (Appendix 3) was 3.2; the mean number of fledglings/nest in northcentral Montana was 2.8-4.3, depending on distance from oil and gas activity (Harmata 1991). Breeding Phenology: In Carter County, Montana, egg-laying was from mid-March to mid-April, hatching from mid-May to mid-June, and fledging from late June to late July (Becker 1978). In northcentral Montana, egg-laying took place in late April, with hatching in late May, and fledging in early July (Harmata 1991). Nesting season lasts from mid- April through July in South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Status: Widespread and locally common in region; populations appear to be stable in Montana and North Dakota (Dobkin 1994), and throughout westem North America (White 1994). Natural Heritage Program rank: G5; S4 in Montana; S3 S4B,S4N in South Dakota. 12 a CO CD •o in ^ "n o> m -* <7> 1 O) fH t- Q. o CO O CO Q JC t o WW's J-' S '*. Bio>|Ba qinos o o E CD *; 'C o X "5 CD z CD c CD c o :e E o eue;uo|/\| i3« » CO c o CD O _o (0 0) '5 m o. ■•'A,W. -T^ Species Potentially Present on the Sioux District, Custer National Forest Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) Distribution: Breeds in North America from western Alaska east to eastern Labrador within the boreal forest, south in the west to northern Arizona, New Mexico, the mountains of western Mexico, and in the east south down the Appalachian Mountains to northern Georgia. It is widespread in Montana during the breeding season mostly in the western mountains and southeastern pine hills (Bergeron et al. 1992); present year-round in the Black Hills of South Dakota (Pettingill and Whitney 1965, Bartelt 1974, S.D. Omithol. Union 1991), rare in Harding County. Habitat Use: Uses a variety of forested habitats, prefering conifers, but also using deciduous forest stands (see Younk and Bechard 1994). Breeding season prey tend to be woodland species; in northern Arizona coniferous forests (Boal and Mannan 1994), ground squirrels, chipmunks, tree squirrels, and cottontail rabbits comprised the majority of mammalian prey (94% of prey biomass), while jays and woodpeckers accounted for the majority of the birds (6% of prey biomass). Mammalian prey are also predominant in Nevada aspen forests (Younk and Bechard 1994). Nest Sites: Nests are in trees and composed of small and medium-sized twigs, forming a platform about 0.6 m diameter (Call 1978). In western Montana and northern Idaho (on both sides of the Continental Divide), prefers to nest in mature forest stands with high canopy closure (78-80%) and large forest openings < 1 km distant (Hayward and Escano 1989); nest trees (9) averaged 22 m tall, and nest height averaged 10 m above ground. Breeding Phenology: Nesting lasts from late March to early August in the Black Hills, South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Status: May breed in low numbers in units of the Sioux District. Becker (1978, pers. comm.) reported no breeding records from Carter County, Montana. Historical breeding season records exist from the "Cave Hills" (Visher 1914), and an adult with two fledglings was seen in the Slim Buttes in 1976 (see Appendix 3). During the 1994 survey one adult was observed along Capitol Rock Road (T3S R62E S6) in the Long Pines on 12 June, but no evidence of nesting was indicated. In 1976, a nest was found in a dense stand of ponderosa pine in the Wolf Mountains, Big Horn County, Montana (Phillips etal. 1990) about 225 km (140 miles) west of the Sioux District. Seven nests have been reported from the Ashland District (Custer National Forest) about 120 km (80 miles) west in Rosebud and Powder River counties, Montana during 1985-1991 (McCarty, pers. comm.). Two nests were found in 1981 in adjacent Campbell County, Wyoming (Phillips and Beske 1990). Northern Goshawks probably have nested on the Sioux District more frequently than current records indicate. Extensive loss of forest canopy from wildfire, however, has greatly reduced suitable nesting habitat on the district. Numbers appear to be declining significantly in Montana and western North and South Dakota (Dobkin 1994). Nonetheless, White (1994) suggested that populations may be relatively stable over much of their range. U.S.F.S. Sensitive Status; U.S.F.W.S. C2 Status (candidate for Federal Listing). Natural Heritage Program rank: G5; S3S4 in Montana, S3B,S2N in South Dakota 13 Peregrine Falcon (Falco peregrinus) Distribution: Breeds or formerly bred in North America from western Alaska east to eastern Labrador and south, in the west along the coast and interior mountains and breaks, and in the east in the Appalachian Mountains, to northern Mexico. Widespread but rare and local during the breeding season in Montana (Bergeron et al. 1992); formerly bred in the Black Hills, South Dakota (S.D. Omithol. Union 1991). Habitat Use: Closely associated with water and tall cliffs, which serve as nest and perch sites (Call 1978). Hunts almost exclusively for birds, typically in relatively open terrain (Johnsgard 1990). Nest Sites: Usually a shallow scrape on cliff ledges (Call 1978). Cliffs used for nesting often exceed 30 m in height. Breeding Phenology: Eggs laid in early April, with young fledging in June (Call 1978). Status: Could potentially reestablish in low numbers in the Sioux District and adjacent areas. There is one historical breeding record for 1925 in the Slim Buttes of Harding County, South Dakota (see Appendix 3). Increasing throughout western North America (White 1994). U.S.F.S. Endangered Status; U.S.F.W.S. LE (Endangered). Natural Heritage Program rank: G4; S1S2B, SZN in Montana, SXB,SZN in South Dakota. 14 MANAGEMENT CONSIDERATIONS Sensible regulation of human activity with regard to breeding raptors requires knowledge of two types. First, it is necessary to understand the breeding biology of the birds in the area where human activity may occur; this knowledge is obtained through survey and monitoring efforts. Second, it is important to know the sensitivity of different raptor species to disturbance, identifying the stages in the life cycle when sensitivity is most acute. This knowledge is more difficult to obtain, requiring sophisticated sampling and a large time investment, and is generally beyond the resources available to managers. Information on response to disturbance is available in the literature (see Bibliography). It should be kept in mind, however, that conditions vary in space and time, and that the manner in which raptors respond to disturbance may vary accordingly. Survey and Monitoring Efforts: Field surveys and monitoring will provide information on habitat use, nest site use, nesting phenology, and reproductive success. Aerial and ground surveys can be used to obtain these types of information (Call 1 978), but it is important to minimize the disturbance to raptors during nesting studies in order to obtain accurate measures of reproductive success (Fyfe and Olendorff 1976). Disturbance of nesting birds should be avoided during nest-building, egg-laying, and incubation. Adults are least likely to abandon nests once eggs have hatched. Low-flying fixed-wing aircraft are useful for survey and monitoring of Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Swainson's Hawk, and Ferruginous Hawk nests and appear to be tolerated by nesting birds (Call 1978, Gilder and Wiehe 1977, Phillips and Beske 1990, Phillips et al. 1990). Merlin nests must be located by ground surveys (Becker 1978, Call 1978), and this approach is useful for locating nests of Northern Goshawk, Ferruginous Hawk, and Swainson's Hawk. Nests approached from the ground could lead predators to nests (Call 1978, Fyfe and Olendorff 1976). Response to Human Activity: Availability of quality disturbance-free habitat is probably the most important variable for maintaining nesting raptors. Nesting sites and foraging sites around nests need separate consideration (Call 1979). Recommended buffer zones, in which disturbance should be avoided, are about 1 km or greater around nests (including noise disturbance) for the raptors considered in this report (Suter and Joness 1981), and 400 m around important prey concentrations. Ferruginous Hawks are generally considered the raptor most sensitive to nest disturbance (Fyfe and Olendorff 1 976, Harmata 1991, Olendorff 1 993), however Northern Goshawks are sensitive to low levels of canopy removal (Block et al. 1994, Crocker-Bedford 1990, Reynolds 1983) and may be precluded from nesting if dense stands of conifers are no longer available. Old Black-billed Magpie nests are used extensively by Merlins for nesting (Sieg and Becker 1990), and have been used as nest sites by other falcon species as well (Becker 1987, MacLaren et al. 1984). The importance of old corvid nests for a variety of diurnal and nocturnal raptor species needs to be quantified, but the use of "artificial magpie nests" might help mitigate disturbances at traditional nesting areas. Golden Eagles, Ferruginous Hawks, Swainson's Hawks, and Prairie Falcons sometimes use artificial nest substrates (e.g.. Gilder and Wiehe 1977, Olendorff 1993, Phillips and Beske 1990, Poppe et al. 1989, Schmutz et al. 1984); use of artificial substrates may be a way to maintain nesting pairs in suitable habitat. Areas 15 chosen for artificial nest sites, however, must include consideration of the suitability of adjacent habitat for prey populations. 1^ BIBLIOGRAPHY Allen, G. T. 1987. Estimating Prairie Falcon and Golden Eagle nesting populations in North Dakota. J. Wildl. Manage. 51:739-744. Allen, G. T. 1987. Prairie Falcon aerie site characteristics and aerie use in North Dakota. Condor 89:187-190. Bartelt, P. E. 1974. Management of the American goshawk in the Black Hills National Forest. M.S. Thesis, Univ. South Dakota, Vermillion. 102 pp. Bechard, M. J., R. L. Knight, D. G. Smith, and R. E. Fitzner. 1990. Nest sites and habitats of sympatric hawks {Buteo spp.) in Washington. J. Field Omithol. 61 : 159-170. Becker, D. M. 1978. A survey of breeding raptors on and adjacent to Custer National Forest lands in Carter County, Montana. Unpub. Report to the Sioux Ranger District, Custer National Forest, Billings, Montana. 82 pp. Becker, D. M. 1985. Food habits of Richardson's Merlins in southeastern Montana. Wilson Bull. 97:226-230. Becker, D. M. 1987. Use of Black-billed Magpie nest by American Kestrels in southeastern Montana. Prairie Nat. 19:41-42. Becker, D. M., and C. H. Sieg. 1985. Breeding chronology and reproductive success of Richardson's Merlins in southeastern Montana. Raptor Res. 19:52-55. Becker, D. M., and C. H. Sieg. 1987. Home range and habitat utilization of breeding male Merlins, Falco columbanus, in southeastern Montana. Can. Field-Nat. 101:398-403. Beecham, J. J., and M. N. Kochert. 1975. Breeding biology of the Golden Eagle in southwestern Idaho. Wilson Bull. 87:506-513. Bergeron, D, C. Jones, D. L. Center, and D. Sullivan. 1992. P. D. Skaar's Montana bird distribution, 4th edition. 1 1 8 pp. Block, W. M., M. L. Morrison, and M. H. Reiser, eds. 1994. The Northern Goshawk: ecology and management. Stud. Avian Biol. No. 16. 136 pp. Boal, C. W., and R. W. Mannan. 1994. Northern Goshawk diets in ponderosa pine forests on the Kaibab Plateau. Stud. Avian Biol. No. 16:97-102. Call, M. W. 1978. Nesting habitats and surveying techniques for common western raptors. Bur. Land Manage., Tech. Note TN-3 16. 1 1 5 pp. Call, M. W. 1979. Habitat management guides for birds of prey. Bur. Land Manage., Tech. NoteTN-338. 70 pp. Cameron, E. S. 1905. Nesting of the Golden Eagle in Montana. Auk 22:158-167. Cameron, E. S. 1907. The birds of Custer and Dawson Counties, Montana. Auk 24:241-270. Cameron, E. S. 1908. Observations on the Golden Eagle in Montana. Auk 25:251-268. Cameron, E. S. 1913. Notes on Swainson's Hawk {Buteo swainsoni) in Montana. Auk 30:167-176. Cameron, E. S. 1914. The Ferruginous Rough-Leg, y^rc/j/iw/eoyerrw^mewj' in Montana. Auk 31:159-167. Craighead, J. J., and F. C. Craighead, Jr. 1956. Hawks, owls and wildlife. Stackpole Co., Harrisburg, PA. 443 pp. 17 Crocker-Bedford, D. C. 1990. Goshawk reproduction and forest management. Wildl. Soc. Bull. ,18:262-269. Dobkin, D. S. 1994. Conservation and management of Neotropical migrant landbirds in the northern Rockies and Great Plains. Univ. Idaho Press, Moscow, Id. 220 pp. Dunkle, S. W. 1977. Swainson's Hawks on the Laramie Plains, Wyoming. Auk 94:65-71. Enderson, J. H. 1964. A study of the Prairie Falcon in the central Rocky Mountain Region. Auk 81:332-352. Ensign, J. T. 1983. Nest site selection, productivity and food habits of Ferruginous Hawks in southeastern Montana. M.S. Thesis, Montana State Univ., Bozeman. 85 pp. Fyfe, R.W., and R. R. Olendorff. 1976. Minimizing the dangers of nesting studies to raptors and other sensitive species. Can. Wildl. Serv., Occ. Pap. No. 23. 17 pp. Gaines R. C, and S. C. Kohn. 1982. Raptor use of hardwood draws in central North Dakota. Prairie Nat. 14:55-58. Gilmer, D. S., and R. E. Stewart. 1983. Ferruginous Hawk populations and habitat use in North Dakota. J. Wildl. Manage. 47:146-157. Gilmer, D. S., and R. E. Stewart. 1984. Swainson's Hawk nesting ecology in North Dakota. Condor 86:12-18. Gilmer, D. S., and J. M. Wiehe. 1977. Nesting by Ferruginous Hawks and other raptors on high voltage powerline towers. Prairie Nat. 9:1-10. Graham, R. T., R. T. Reynolds, M. H. Reiser, R. L. Bassett, and D. A. Boyce. 1994. Sustaining forest habitat for the Northern Goshawk: a question of scale. Stud. Avian Biol. No. 16:12-17. Green, G. A., and M. L. Morrison. 1983. Nest-site characteristics of sympatric Ferruginous and Swainson's Hawks. Murrelet 64:20-22. Harmata, A. R. 1991. Impacts of oil and gas development on raptors associated with Kevin Rim, Montana. Unpub. report prepared for the Bur. Land Manage., Great Falls Resource Area, Montana. 98 pp. Hayward, G. D., and R. E. Escano. 1989. Goshawk nest-site characteristics in western Montana and northern Idaho. Condor 91 :476-479. Jehl, J. R., Jr., and N. K. Johnson, eds. 1994. A century of avifaunal change in western North America. Stud. Avian Biol. No. 15. 348 pp. Johnsgard, P. A. 1990. Hawks, eagles, and falcons of North America: biology and natural history. Smithsonian Institution Press, Washington, D.C. 403 pp. Lokemoen, J. T., and H. F. Duebbert. 1976. Ferruginous Hawk nesting ecology and raptor populations in northern South Dakota. Condor 78:464-470. MacLaren, P. A. , D.E. Runde, and S. H. Anderson. 1984. A record of tree-nesting Prairie Falcons in Wyoming. Condor 86:12-18. McGahan,J. 1968. Ecology of the Golden Eagle. Auk 85:1-12. Menkens, G. E., Jr., and S. H. Anderson. 1987. Nest site characteristics of a predominantly tree-nesting population of Golden Eagles. J. Field Omithol. 58:22-25. Olendorff, R. R. 1993. Status, biology, and management of Ferruginous Hawks: a review. Raptor Res. and Tech. Asst. Cen., Spec. Rep. U.S. Dept. Interior, Bur. Land Manage., Boise, Id. 84 pp. . . 18 Olendorff, R. R., R. S. Motroni, and M W. Call. 1980. Raptor management--the state of the art in 1980. Pp. 468-523, In Management of western forests and grasslands for nongame birds. USDA Forest Service General Technical Report INT-86. 535 pp. Pettingill, O. S., Jr., and N. R. Whitney, Jr. 1965. Birds of the Black Hills. Cornell Lab. OmithoL, Special Pub. No. 1. Phillips, R. L., and A. E. Beske. 1990. Distribution and abundance of Golden Eagles and other raptors in Campbell and Converse Counties, Wyoming. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish Wildl. Tech. Rep. 27. 31pp. Phillips, R. L., A. H. Wheeler, N. C. Forrester, J. M. Lockhart, and T. P. McEneaney. 1990. Nesting ecology of Golden Eagles and other raptors in southeastern Montana and northern Wyoming. U.S. Fish Wildl. Serv., Fish Wildl. Tech. Rep. 26. 13 pp. Pulkrabek, M., and D. O'brien. 1974. An inventory of raptor nesting in Harding County, South Dakota-1974. Pittman-Robertson Project W-95-R-8. S.D. Dept. Game, Fish and Parks Report. 5 pp. Restani, M. 1991. Resource partitioning among three Buteo species in the Centermial Valley, Montana. Condor 93 : 1 007- 1010. Reynolds, R. T. 1 983. Management of w^estem coniferous forest habitat for nesting accipter hawks. USDA Forest Service Gen. Tech. Report RM-102, Ft. Collins, CO. 7 pp. Roppe, J. A., S. M. Siegel, and S. E. Wilder. 1989. Prairie Falcon nesting on transmission towers. Condor 91:711-712. Roth, S. D., Jr., and J. M. Marzluff 1989. Nest placement and productivity of Ferruginous Hawks in western Kansas. Trans. Kansas Acad. Sci. 92:132-148. Runde, D. E., and S. H. Anderson. 1986. Characteristics of cliffs and nest sites used by breeding Prairie Falcons. Raptor Res. 20:21-28. Schmutz, J. K. 1984. Ferruginous and Swainson's Hawk abundance and distribution in relation to land use in southeastern Alberta. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1 180-1187. Schmutz, J. K. 1987. The effect ofagriculture on Ferruginous and Swainson's Hawks. J. Range Manage. 40:438-440. Schmutz, J. K., R. W. Fyfe, D. A. Moore, and A. R. Smith. 1984. Artificial nests for Ferruginous and Swainson's Hawks. J. Wildl. Manage. 48:1009-1013. Schmutz, J. K., and D. J. Hungle. 1989. Populations of Ferruginous and Swainson's Hawks increase in synchrony with ground squirrels. Can. J. Zool. 67:2596-2601. Schmutz, J. K., S. M. Schmutz, and D. H. Boag. 1980. Coexistence of three species of hawks (Buteo spp.) in the prairie-parkland ecotone. Can J. Zool. 58:1075-1089. Sieg, C. H., and D. M. Becker. 1990. Nest-site habitat selected by Merlins in southeastern Montana. Condor 92:688-694. Smith, D. G., J. R. Murphy, and N. D. Woffmden. 1981. Relationships between jackrabbit abundance and Ferruginous Hawk reproduction. Condor 83:52-56. Sodhi, N. S., L. W. Oliphant, P. C. James, and I. G. Warkentin. 1993. Merlin (Falco columbarius). In The Birds of North America, No. 44 (A. Poole and F. Gill, Eds.). Philadelphia: The Academy of Natural Sciences; Washington, D.C.: The American Ornithologists' Union. 19 South Dakota Ornithologists' Union. 1991. The birds of South Dakota, 2nd edition. Aberdeen, S.D. 411pp. Suter, G. W., II, and J. L. Joness. 1981. Criteria for Golden Eagle, Ferruginous Hawk, and Prairie Falcon nest site protection. Raptor Res. 15:12-18. Thome, P. M. 1895. List of birds observed in the vicinity of Fort Keogh, Montana, from July 1888, to September, 1892. Auk 12:211-219. Visher, S. S. 1914. A preliminary report on the biology of Harding County northwestern South Dakota. South Dakota Geol. Surv. Bull. No. 6. 126 pp. White, C. M. 1994. Populationtrendsandcurrent status of selected western raptors. Stud. Avian Biol. No. 15:161-172. White, C. M., and T. L. Thurow. 1985. Reproduction of Ferruginous Hawks exposed to controlled disturbance. Condor 87:14-22. Wittenhagen, K. W. 1992. Final report on the Ferruginous Hawk in southeastern Montana. Unpub. Report for Bur. Land Manage. Powder River and Big Dry Resource Area, Miles City, Montana. 3 1 pp. Woffmden, N. D., and J. R. Murphy. 1977. Population dynamics of the Ferruginous Hawk during a prey decline. Gr. Basin Nat. 37:41 1-425. Younk, J. v., and M. J. Bechard. 1994. Breeding ecology of the Northern Goshawk in high-elevation aspen forests of northern Nevada. Stud. Avian Biol. No. 16: 119-121. 20 APPENDIX 1 SITES VISITED DURING 1994 RAPTOR SURVEYS 21 APPENDIX 1 . Cliff sites visited during 1 994 raptor surveys. USGS 7.5' Quad Location Date Cliff Size' Ekalaka Hills Stagville Draw T1NR58ES21 03 June 1994 small Stagville Draw TIN R58E S28 SE4, S33 NE4 03 June 1994 small Stagville Draw T1SR58ES2NW4 03 June 1994 small Stagville Draw T1NR58ES17SW4, S18NE4 03 June 1994 small Stagville Draw TIN R58E S8 SW4, S17 NW4 03 June 1994 small, medium Stagville Draw TIN R57E S25 S2, S36 NE4 03 June 1994 medium Stagville Draw T1SR58ES5N2 03 June 1994 small, medium Camp Needmore T1NR59ES19SW4 04 June 1994 large Camp Needmore TIN R59E S19 SW4, S30 NW4 06 June 1994 large Camp Needmore TIN R58E S25 SE4, TIN R59E S30 NW4 06 June 1994 medium, large Camp Needmore TIN R58E S25 S2, S26 S2, S35 NW4, S36 NW4 06 June 1994 large Camp Needmore T1NR58ES1 SW4 08 June 1994 small Terrell Creek T2NR59ES31 SE4 01 June 1994 medium Camp Needmore TIN R59E S20 SE4, S28 NW4, S29 E2 14 June 1994 large Camp Needmore T1NR58ES12SE4 18 June 1994 medium, large Camp Needmore TIN R59E S7 NE4 18 June 1994 medium, large Stagville Draw TIN R58E S3 SW4, SIO NW4 19 June 1994 small, medium Stagville Draw T1NR58ES33E2, S34N2 21 June 1994 medium, large Terrell Creek T2N R58E S23 N2, S24 SW4 21 June 1994 medium, large Chalk Buttes Chalk Buttes TIS R57E S28 SW4, S29 SE4, S31SE4,S32NE4 04 June 1994 small, medium Chalk Buttes T2S R57E S6 NE4 04 June 1994 small, medium Chalk Buttes T1SR57ES28NW4 04 June 1994 medium, large Chalk Buttes TIS R57E S29 SE4, S30 SW4, S31 S2NE4, S32 N2SW4 15 June 1994 large Chalk Buttes T1SR56ES25SE4, S36E2 15 June 1994 large * small—up to 3 m, medium—about 4-10 m, large— 10-30 m Long Pines 22 APPENDIX 1 (cont.). Cliff sites visited during 1994 raptor survey. USGS 7.5' Quad Location Date Cliff Size" Rustler Divide Rustler Divide Rustler Divide Rustler Divide Capitol Rock Capitol Rock Timber Hill Timber Hill Timber Hill North Slick Creek North Slick Creek Capitol Rock Capitol Rock Timber Hill Timber Hill Timber Hill Timber Hill Capitol Rock T2S R6 1 E S20 S W4 02 June 1 994 T2S R6 1 E S20 W2, S29 NE4 1 2 June 1 994 T2S R61E S28 NW4 02 June 1994 T2S R6 1 E S27 S W4, S28 NE4 1 2 June 1 994 T3S R62E S6 SE4 02 June 1994 T3 S R62E S8 SE4, S 1 6 NW4, 1 2 June 1 994 S17N2SE4 T3SR61ES10NW4 03 June 1994 T3S R61E S4 SE4, S9 N2 13 June 1994 T3S R61E S5 S2, S6 SE4, S7 NE4 13 June 1994 T20N RIE S32 W2 24 June 1994 T 1 9N R62E S27 N2SE4 24 June 1 994 T2S R62E S32 E2, S33 W2 24 June 1 994 T2S R62E S34 NE4 04 June 1 994 T2S R6 1 E S3 1 SE4, S32 SE4 02 July 1 994 T3SR61ES5NW4, S6NE4 02 July 1994 T2S R6 1 E S33 NE4, S34 NW4 02 July 1 994 T3S R61E S13 NE4SW4, S24N2 03 July 1994 T3S R62E SI 9 SE4, S20 S2, S21 03 July 1994 NE4SW4 small, medium small, medium medium medium small small, medium medium, large medium, large small-large small, medium small, medium small, medium small, medium medium medium medium small, medium medium, large small—up to 3 m, medium— about 4-10 m, large— 10-30 m 23 APPENDIX 2 LOCATIONS AND SUMMARY OF BREEDING EVIDENCE BY RAPTORS IN 1994, SIOUX DISTRICT, CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST 24 APPENDIX 2. Locations and summary of breeding evidence by raptors in 1994, Carter County, Montana, on the Sioux District, Custer National Forest. Species Forest unit Location Date Breeding evidence T1SR57ES28 4 June active nest. NW4 adult calling T1SR57ES31 14 June adult distress SW4 calls TIN R59E S30 6 June adult distress W2, at radio tower calls TIN R58E S34 21 June adult pair with NE4 fledgling Prairie Falcon Prairie Falcon Prairie Falcon Merlin Chalk Buttes Chalk Buttes Ekalaka Hills Ekalaka Hills 25 APPENDIX 3 ELEMENT OCCURRENCE RECORDS FOR NESTS OF SELECTED RAPTOR SPECIES, SIOUX DISTRICT, CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST, IN CARTER COUNTY, MONTANA AND HARDING COUNTY, SOUTH DAKOTA (LOCATIONS PLOTTED ON TEXT FIGURES) 26 Natural Heritage Program 1 2/1 4/1 995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report Covmty Precision Date Breed Data Type NORTHERN GOSHAWK Carter < .5 mile. 6/12/1994 No Observation Tree along Capitol Rock Road GOLDEN EAGLE Carter < .5 mile. 6/20/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 1.9 mi. from Camp Needmore on Carter Rimrock Rd. Carter < .5 mile. 6/20/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mile W. of Molstad Ranch. Carter < .5 mile. 7/ 1/1977 Yes Observation Go W. from Lamkin Well to gate of FS boundary. Nest in cliffs south of gate Carter < .5 mile. 7/7/1977 Yes Observation Floyd Pierce Ranch, NE of house. Carter < .5 mile. 6/19/1972 No Observation Ca. 1.24 mi. N. of Plainview School Carter < .5 mile. 6/19/1977 No Observation NE of Padden Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/19/1977 Yes Observation Base of cHffs N. of B. Padden Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/ 1/1972 No Observation Ca. 1.5 mi. E. of Gross Ranch Carter < .5 mile. II 1/1977 No Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. E. of Burditt Reservoir N. of Kennedy Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/ 1/1976 No Observation On cliffs between Lampkin Well and FS boundary 27 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type GOLDEN EAGLE (continued) Carter <.5mile. 7/5/1977 No Observation S. of Box Elder Creek, ca. 0.5 mi. SE of McNary School Carter < .5 mile. 8/2/1977 Yes Observation N. side of Box Elder Cr. and ca. 0.5 mi. SW of Knipfer Ranch buildings Carter < .5 mile. 7/13/1977 Yes Observation Ellis Burch Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/13/1977 Yes Observation NE of buildings of Ellis Burch Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/15/1977 No Observation 2.9 mi. W. of Camp Needmore on rimrocks Carter < .5 mile. 7/15/1 9''6 No Observation W. of Camp Needmore 4.5 mi on SE side of large rock outcrop Carter < .5 mile. 7/18/1977 No Observation Ed Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/18/1977 Yes Observation SEof TrenkPass Carter < .5 mile. 8/ 1/1976 No Observation Over hill from Camp Needmore of HWY 323. Carter < .5 mile. 8/8/1977 Yes Observation N. of large butte, ca. 1 mi. N. of Carlisle Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/6/1977 No Observation Butte on W. side of Kortum Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 5/14/1978 Yes Observation ca. 0.5 mi. N. of Where Lamkin Well Rd. crosses FS boundary 28 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type GOLDEN EAGLE (continued) Carter < .5 mile. 5/25/1978 Yes Observation Draw on E. side of long butte SW of Ed Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/15/1978 No Observation Ca. 1 mi. E. of Steig Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/15/1978 No Observation Ca. 1 mi. E. of Steig Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/14/1978 Yes Observation S. and W. of Camp Needmore across wide canyon Carter < .5 mile. 7/7/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mi. N. of Ed Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/18/1978 No Observation NW face of long butte SW of Molstad Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/18/1978 Yes Observation NW face of long butte SW of Molstad Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/23/1978 No Observation Near FS boundary fence on 4th rocky outcrop Carter < .5 mile. 7/23/1978 No Observation Long Pines, just inside forest boundary Carter < .5 mile. 7/23/1973 No Observation Long Pines, just inside forest boundary Carter < .5 mile. 7/23/1978 No Observation 1 mi. N. of Lampkin Well. 29 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type GOLDEN EAGLE (continued) Carter <.5mile. 7/23/1978 No Observation 1 mi. N. of Lampkin Well. Carter < .5 mile. 7/23/1978 No Observation Halbert Gulch Road to road above rimrocks Carter <.5mile. 7/23/1978 No Observation Halbert Gulch Road to road above rimrocks Carter < .5 mile. 5/14/1977 No Observation Ca. 50 yds below point where Devil's Canyon Rd. overlooks Dave Gross Ranch Carter <.5mile. 5/20/1978 No Observation Ca. 1 mi. NW of B. Padden Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/25/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 0.75 mi. W. of old Stewart Ranch near Wickham Gulch. Carter < .5 mile. 7/24/1978 No Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. NW of Walter White Ranch on Mill Iron Rd. Carter < .5 mile. 5/29/1978 No Observation Ca. 2 mi. SE of Walt Gundlack Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/28/1978 Yes Observation From Lampkin Well Rd, go S. along W. FS boundary ca. 1 mi. Carter <.5mile. 6/11/1979 Yes Observation Ca. 0.75 mi. from old Stewart Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/ 1/1979 Yes Observation 1 mi. NW of Lampkin Well Carter < .5 mile. / /1 978 Yes Observation Major butte on Kortimi Ranch 30 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type GOLDEN EAGLE (continued) Carter < .5 mile. 6/25/1979 Yes Observation Whitcomb Road Carter <.5mile. 6/27/1979 Yes Observation N. of Bergstrom Ranch Carter < .5 mile. / /1 979 No Observation Just below eagle nest GE-37, ca. 2 mi. E. of Snow Cr. Rd. Carter <.5mile. / /1 978 No Observation Butte near D. Woodworth Ranch Carter < .5 mile. / /1 979 No Observation Cliff along Whitcomb Draw Road Carter < .5 mile. / /1 979 No Observation S. of Camp Needmore Carter < .5 mile. / /1 979 No Observation 1 mi. SW of Knipfer Ranch along Boxelder Creek Carter < .5 mile. 6/17/1980 Yes Observation S. Fork off Hidden Springs Road Carter < .5 mile. 6/17/1980 Yes Observation S. Fork off Hidden Springs Road Carter < .5 mile. 7/2/1980 Yes Observation Ca. 0.25 mi. NW of old homestead in Flasted Draw 31 Natural Heritage Program 1 2/ 1 4/ 1 995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report Coimty Precision Date Breed Data Type MERLIN Carter < .5 mile. 6/15/1977 Yes Observation 50 yds. SW of pinacle on S. side of first ravine on Carter Rimrock Rd. Carter < .5 mile. / /1 979 No Observation W. of D. Woolworth Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/24/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 1.6 mi. W. of Camp Needmore Carter <.5mile. 6/24/1977 Yes Observation W. of Camp Needmore Carter < .5 mile. 7/25/1977 Yes Observation S. of T. Heggen Ranch (NE of Ekalaka) Carter < .5 mile. 6/22/1979 Yes Obserx^ation Ca. 0.25 mi. S. of Trenk Pass Carter < .5 mile. 6/29/1977 Yes Observation Draw W. of Kortum Ranch Carter <.5mile. 6/17/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. N. and 0.5 mi. W. of buildings on Padden Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/17/1977 No Observation Ca. 0.75 mi. N. and 0.5 mi. E. of B. Padden Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/17/1977 Yes Observation Near mouth of ravine near Lindsay Reservoir Carter < .5 mile. 7/11/1978 Yes Observation E. side of small ridge N. of gate W. of Lampkin Well Carter < .5 mile. II 1/1978 Yes Observation 1.5 mi. E. of D. Gross Ranch 32 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type MERLIN (continued) Carter <.5mile. 7/9/1978 Yes Observation On E. side of Rustler Divide along Mobray Road Carter <.5mile. 7/10/1978 Yes Observation On E. side of Rustler Divide along Mobray Road Carter < .5 mile. 6/15/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mi. E. of E. Steig Ranch, and then 1.5 mi. S. to ridge Carter < .5 mile. 6/15/1978 Yes Observation Cliffs across valley from Bell-Tower Butte Carter < .5 mile. 6/4/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. from forest boundary of Stagville Rd. Carter < .5 mile. 7/7/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mi. N. and 0.75 mi. E from driveway of E. Peabody Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 5/23/1978 Yes Observation E. slope of large butte ca. 0.75 mi. N. of E. Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 5/25/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. W. and 0.5 mi. S. of E. Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 5/25/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 0.25 mi. W. and 0.5 mi. S. of E. Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/9/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 3 mi. SW of Camp Needmore of Carter Rimrock Rd. on cliff on S. side rd. Carter < .5 mile. 6/15/1978 Yes Observation N. part Long Pines, take Halbert Gulch Rd. to rimrocks Carter <.5mile. 6/ /1 979 Yes Observation S. on Whitcomb Draw Rd. to steep hill and fence; then hike NE ca. 0.5 mi. 33 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type MERLIN (continued) Carter < .5 mile. 6/11/1979 Yes Observation W. of Lampkin Well to FS boundary, then hike S. ca. 0.75 mi. Carter < .5 mile. 5/29/1979 Yes Observation Ca. 1.7 mi. E. of tumoff for Woolworth's Ranch thenN. 1.5 mi. Carter < .5 mile. 6/11/1979 Yes Observation Ca 0.75 mi. W. of Stewart Ranch. Carter < .5 mile. 5/24/1979 Yes Observation NE of Kettel Ranch, rimrocks Carter < .5 mile. 7/5/1979 Yes Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. SW of Knipfer Ranch along Boxelder Creek Carter <.5mile. 6/7/1979 Yes Observation Ca. 1.5 mi. NW of major butte on Kortum Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/16/1979 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mi. NW of major butte on Kortum Ranch Carter <.5mile. 6/13/1979 Yes Observation Major butte on Kortum Ranch, southern peninsula Carter < .5 mile. 6/13/1979 Yes Observation Major butte on Kortum Ranch, cliff on W. end Carter < .5 mile. 5/16/1979 Yes Observation S. on Whitcomb Draw Rd. to steep hill and fence, then E. ca. 1 mi. to cliff Carter <.5mile. 6/14/1979 Yes Observation Gergen Spring Carter < .5 mile. 7/5/1979 Yes Observation Mobray Reservoir Road 34 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type MERLIN (continued) Carter < .5 mile. / /1 979 Yes Observation Butte near White Ranch Carter <.5mile. 7/1/1979 Yes Observation Cliff on W. side of major butte on Kortum Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/16/1979 Yes Observation Dugan Draw Carter < .5 mile. 6/ 1/1980 Yes Observation Butte near Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/12/1980 Yes Observation Steep slope N. of Trenk Pass Carter < .5 mile. 5/27/1980 Yes Observation Trenk Pass Carter < .5 mile. 5/26/1980 Yes Observation E. side of draw below rock pinnacle near Carter Rimrock Rd. Carter < .5 mile. 5/27/1980 Yes Observation SW end of Chalk Buttes at W. end of long S. butte Carter < .5 mile. 5/28/1980 Yes Observation Stagville Draw Carter < .5 mile. 5/27/1980 Yes Observation Butte N. of J. Carey Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 5/27/1980 Yes Observation Draw due N. of Kortum Ranch Carter <.5mile. 5/27/1980 Yes Observation Draw 0.75 mi. NW of Carey Ranch 35 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type MERLIN (continued) Carter < .5 mile. 6/4/1980 Yes Observation E. end forested ridge ca. 0.5 mi. N. of Chessman Draw entrance Carter < .5 mile. 6/4/1980 Yes Observation Below low cliffs in basin due N. of B. Padden Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 5/28/1980 Yes Observation Ca. 0.25 mi. N. of old ranchhouse in Flasted Draw Carter < .5 mile. / / 0 No Observation Ridge below cliffs S. of Hidden Springs Loop Road Carter < .5 mile. / / 0 No Observation Ridge below cliffs SW of Hidden Springs Loop Road Carter < .5 mile. / / 0 No Observation On S. side trail between long butte and westernmost butte in Chalk Buttes Carter < .5 mile. 7/14/1981 Yes Observation Up draw from old well house NE of Kortum Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/13/1981 Yes Observation Ridge NW of J. Carey Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/16/1981 Yes Observation W. side of ridge N. of Trenk Pass Carter < .5 mile. 6/14/1981 Yes Observation Devil's Canyon Carter < .5 mile. 6/30/1981 Yes Observation Below N. rim of long butte S. of Molstad Ranch in Chalk Buttes Carter < .5 mile. 6/21/1994 Yes Observation Ekalaka Hills (NE4 of section) 36 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type PRAIRIE FALCON Carter <.5mile. 6/15/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 2 mi. NE of Kettleman Ranch, rimrocks Carter <.5mile. 6/16/1977 Yes Observation 4.5 mi. from Camp Needmore of Carter Rimrock Rd, then S along E side canyon Carter < .5 mile. 6/17/1977 Yes Observation 2.9 mi. from Camp Needmore on Carter Rimrock Rd. and up ridge to left Carter < .5 mile. 6/19/1977 Yes Observation 1.5 mi. E. of Kennedy Ranch on Speelman Cr. Rd., then to cliffs across cr. Carter < .5 mile. 6/24/1977 Yes Observation SE of Ekalaka on Rt. 323 ca. 2.5 mi. to point N. of Carlisle Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/29/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mi. W. of Kortum Ranch, then 0.75 mi. N. of bins on cliffs Carter < .5 mile. 6/29/1977 Yes Observation W. end of major butte on Kortum Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/30/1977 Yes Observation Cliffs at W. of FS boundary NW of Molstad Ranch; Fighting Butte Carter <.5mile. 6/30/1977 Yes Observation 1 mi. E. of Molstad Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/ 1/1977 Yes Observation W. of Lampkin Well at FS Boundary at second sandstone cliff Carter < .5 mile. II 1/1977 Yes Observation N. Arpan Spring; ca. 0.75 mi. W. of Snow Cr. Rd. Carter < .5 mile. 7/1/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mi. E. of Gross Ranch 37 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type PRAIRIE FALCON (continued) Carter <.5mile. 7/ 1/1977 Yes Observation Halbert Gulch Rd. to rd. above the rimrocks Carter <.5mile. 7/8/1977 Yes Observation 2.6 mi. from Camp Needmore on Carter Rimrock Rd., then sideroad on left Carter < .5 mile. 7/10/1977 Yes Observation ca. 0.75 mi. S. of buildings of B. Scheie Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 7/12/1977 Yes Observation Ca. 1.25 mi. NE of buildings of Allen Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/17/1978 Yes Observation Camp Needmore on Carter Rimrock Rd. 1.1 mi to flat ridgetop W of radiotower Carter < .5 mile. 7/25/1977 Yes Observation NE of Belltower Butte Carter < .5 mile. 5/20/1978 Yes Observation 0.5 mi. W. of Stewart Ranch to long slim butte Carter < .5 mile. 6/14/1978 Yes Observation 0.75 mi. S. on Plum Creek Rd. then W. ca. 0.5 mi. on high cliffs Carter < .5 mile. 5/14/1978 Yes Observation From Lampkin Gulch Rd. follow FS boundary fence S. ca. 0.75 mi to 2nd cliff Carter < .5 mile. 5/21/1978 Yes Observation N. end Long Pines, up valley 0.75 mi. to W: edge of butte, then to top Carter < .5 mile. 5/22/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. N. of Peabody's Ranch driveway Carter < .5 mile. 5/23/1978 Yes Observation Through gate at Lamb's Ranch to FS boundary, then to large butte 38 Natural Heritage Program 12/14/1 995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type PRAIRIE FALCON (continued) Carter < .5 mile. 6/7/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 0.25 mi E from HWY 323 on Prairiedale Rd, turn rt. Continue to plateau Carter < .5 mile. 6/7/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 1 mi. W. of D. Woolworth Ranch then NW ca. 0.75 mi. Carter < .5 mile. 6/10/1978 Yes Observation Ca. 1 .25 mi. W. of Knipfer Ranch on Boxelder Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/27/1978 Yes Observation Maverick Gulch Carter < .5 mile. 6/20/1978 Yes Observation 0.25 mi. from White Ranch, turn left and continue 0.5 mi. to cliffs to N. Carter < .5 mile. 6/15/1978 No Observation Ca. 1 mi E of E. Steig Ranch Driveway on Mill Iron Rd then SE thru pasture Carter < .5 mile. 6/2/1979 Yes Observation 0.5 mi. SE and 0.25 mi. W. of Ekalaka Park Campground Carter < .5 mile. 6/24/1979 Yes Observation NW of Lamb Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/25/1979 Yes Observation N. of B. Padden Ranch Carter < .5 mile. 6/27/1979 Yes Observation Lost Farm Road loop Carter < .5 mile. 7/7/1979 Yes Observation N. of Kortum Ranch Carter <.5mile. 7/13/1979 Yes Observation N. of White Ranch 39 Natural Heritage Program 1 2/ 1 4/ 1 995 Montana Animal Atlas (Bird) Species Report County Precision Date Breed Data Type PRAIRIE FALCON (continued) Carter <.5mile. 7/29/1979 Yes Observation Ca. 0.5 mi. from Camp Needmore, take left fork, rimrocks Carter < .5 mile. 6/25/1980 Yes Observation N. of Carey Ranch site on cliff face Carter < .5 mile. 6/8/1980 Yes Observation S. from sm. chimney across flat plateau along Carter Rimrock Plateau Carter <.5mile. 7/9/1981 Yes Observation Bowl shaped draw on W. side of Chalk Buttes Carter < .5 mile. 7/9/1981 Yes Observation W. side of central butte oin W. wall of Chalk Buttes Carter < .5 mile. 6/13/1981 Yes Observation Cliffs E. of Ellis Ranch on S. side of Ekalaka Hills Carter < .5 mile. 6/18/1981 Yes Observation Ca. 0.25 mi. w. of Woolworth Ranch in SW part of Ekalaka Hills Carter < .5 mile. 6/4/1994 Yes Observation Chalk Buttes (NW4 of section) Carter < .5 mile. 6/14/1994 Yes Observation Chalk Buttes (SW4 of section) Carter < .5 mile. 6/6/1994 Yes Observation Ekalaka Hills (W2 of section, at radio tower) 40 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: ACCIPITER GENTILIS Common Name: NORTHERN GOSHAWK Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S2N Federal Status: C2 Element occurrence code: ABNKC12060. 037 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: IRISH BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E Precision: G Survey date: Elevation: 3500 First observation: 1976 Slope/aspect: P39L00 Last observation: 1976-07-24 Size (acres) : 0 Location: SOUTHERN SLIM BUTTES IN SE HARDING COUNTY. Element occurrence data: ADULT AND TWO RECENTLY FLEDGED YOUNG OBSERVED IN PONDEROSA PINES BY C.L.BLAIR. General site description: Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : NO NEST WAS FOUND BXJT OBSERVATION STRONGLY SUGGESTS NESTING IN THIS AREA. Information source: SD BIRD NOTES. V33:37. SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 033 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MOREAU PEAK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 003E 10 SW4SW4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1987-SUM Elevation: 3580 - First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: P51U02 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: EAST SHORT PINE HILLS; 10 MI W AND 15 MI S OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner /manager: EAST SHORT PINE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751. SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 034 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank : B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MOREAU PEAK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 003E 13 SW4NVI4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1982-SUM Elevation: 3820 - First observation: 1982 Slope/aspect: P51N07 Last observation: 1982-SUM Size (acres) : Location: EAST SHORT PINE HILLS; 8 MI W AND IS MI S OF BX^'FALO Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land ovmer /manager: EAST SHORT PINE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751. SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22 010 . 040 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MOREAU PEAK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 003E 14 SW4NW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3800 First observation: 1982 Slope/aspect: P51U01 Last observation: 1982-SUM Size (acres) : Location: EAST SHORT PINE HILLS; 9 MI W AND 16 MI S OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data : ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manage r : EAST SHORT PINE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#3 5GE10 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 .035 Element occurrence type: Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : Co\inty : USGS quadrangle: MOREAU PEAK Tovmship: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 004E 07 SE4SW4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1987-SUM Elevation: 3540 - First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: P51N00 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: EAST SHORT PINE HILLS; 7 MI W AND 15 M S OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: EAST SHORT PINE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 087 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 007E 01 SE4NE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3500 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: P52H00 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 11 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22 010 . 069 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: IRISH BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E 06 NE4SW4SW4 Precision: Survey date : First observation: Last observation: 1983-SUM 1983 1983-SUM Elevation: 3500 Slope/aspect: P52H02 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 11 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.070 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: IRISH BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E 07 NE4NW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1983-SUM Elevation: 3580 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: P52H02 Last observation: 1983-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 11 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Element occurrence code : Element occurrence type : Federal Status; ABNKC22010.073 Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: SHEEP MOUNTAIN Township: Range: Section: TRS comments; 016N 008E 15 SE4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 198 7 -SUM First observation: 1982 Last observation: 1987-SUM Elevation: 3350 Slope/aspect: P52D00 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BXTTTES; 3 MI E AND 12 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: 1982 -TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 198 7 -TWO YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 072 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : ^ EO rank: C EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: IRISH BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E 17 SE4NW4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1982-SUM Elevation: 2980 First observation: 1982 Slope/aspect: P52D00 Last observation: 1982-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 12 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH, & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 I I SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 075 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: SHEEP MOUNTAIN Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E 24 SE4NW4NE4 Precision Survey date First observation Last observation S 1987-SUM Elevation: 3300 - 1984 Slope/aspect: P52A00 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 5 MI E AND 13 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: 1984-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1987-ONE YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manage r : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 B I I I I I I I I I I I I I I II I SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 074 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: SHEEP MOUNTAIN Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 009E 18 SE4SW4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3190 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: P39H00 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 5 MI E AND 13 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22 010.076 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: SHEEP MOUNTAIN Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 009E 20 SW4NW4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1984-SUM Elevation: 3260 - First observation: 1984 Slope/aspect: P39H00 Last observation: 1984-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 7 MI E AND 13 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 077 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle : J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 007E 12 SE4NW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1983-SUM Elevation: 3440 - First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: R26B00 Last observation: 1983-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 6 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 079 Element occurrence type: Survey site name EO rank EO rank comments County : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township : Range : 017N 007E Precision: Survey date : First observation: Last observation: Location: SLIM BUTTES; 8 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST ^ Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 Section: TRS comments : 14 NE4NW4SE4 S 1989- -SUM Elevation: 3215 - 1989 Slope/aspect : R26B01 1989- -SUM Size (acres) SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.081 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 007E 24 NW4NE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3480 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: R26B00 Last observation: 1983-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 8 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE67 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY , SD 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATXTOAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 082 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 007E 26 NE4NW4SW4 Precision Survey date First observation Last observation S 1984-SUM Elevation: 3300 - 1984 Slope/aspect: P52H00 1984-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 2 MI W AND 8 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 084 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 007E 35 SW4NW4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3150 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: P52H00 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 2 MI W AND 10 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 080 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle : J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 008E 16 SW4NE4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3300 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: P39P01 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 2 MI E AND 6 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES HARDING CO SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LAND #1 Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.078 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 008E 18 SW4NE4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1983 -SUM Elevation: First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: P39Q01 Last observation: 1983-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 7 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: THREE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 .089 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle : J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 008E 29 NE4NE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3360 - First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: P39P02 Last observation: 1979-07-30 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI E AND 9 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED BY D. BECKER; 1989-NO ACTIVITY General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE66 Information source: USES, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, ;'Oi..l» SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.083 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle : J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 008E 29 NE4NE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3380 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: P39P02 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI E AND 9 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manager : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 085 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 008E 31 SE4NW4SW4 Precision Survey date First observation Last observation S 1989-SUM Elevation: 3450 - 1983 Slope/aspect: P39000 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 10 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : 1983 -ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 198 9 -ONE YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#35GE37 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 086 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section 017N 008E Precision Survey date First observation Last observation Location: SLIM BUTTES; 2 MI E AND 10 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : 1983-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1989-TWO YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE65 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 ection: TRS comments : 33 SE4NE4SE4 S 1989- -SUM Elevation: 3280 - 1983 Slope/aspect : P39000 1989- -SUM Size (acres) ; SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 066 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: FLAT TOP BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 008E 34 NE4SW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3230 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: P39000 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 5 MI E AND 11 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: Land owner/manager : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATXJRAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 067 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: FLAT TOP BUTTE Tovmship: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 008E 34 SE4SE4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3300 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: P39000 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 5 MI E AND 11 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#35GE5A Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 060 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: C EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 04 NE4NW4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1982 -SUM First observation: 1982 Last observation: 1982 -SUM Elevation: 3240 Slope/aspect: P39N03 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES, 1 MI E AND 1 MI N OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank : G4 Forest Service status : State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 .025 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 08 Precision: G Survey date: Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1974 Slope/aspect: P39P04 Last observation: 1974-10-04 Size (acres) : 0 Location: NEAR REVA CAMPGROUND AND N OF HWY AT N END OF SLIM BUTTE S . Element occurrence data: SEVERAL ADULTS, 8-9 IMMATURES, AND 3 NESTS OBSERVED 1-4 OCTOBER 1974 BY TOM KUCK-GFP. General site description: Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: ANDERSON, MAURICE E. (ANDY) . END. SPEC. COORD. USFWS. SD FIELD OFFICE, PIERRE, SD. 224-8692 . (MISC . ANIMAL SIGHTINGS) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.061 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 17 SE4NE4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1987-SUM Elevation: 3250 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: R26A02 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: 1983-ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1987- TWO YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 062 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 17 SW4NW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1984 -SUM First observation: 1984 Last observation: 1984-SUM Elevation: 3300 Slope/aspect: R26A02 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: * State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 .064 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 19 SW4NW4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3280 First observation: 1984 Slope/aspect: R26A03 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI W AND 2 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : 1984-ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1989-TWO YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manage r : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 065 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 20 SE4NW4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3380 First observation: 1982 Slope/aspect: R26A02 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 2 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: 1982-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1989- ONE YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE69 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 051 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle : BATTLESHIP ROCK Township : Range : Section: TRS comments 019N 007E 24 SW4NE4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R23A00 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 15 MI E OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data : ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE58 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.052 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 019N 007E 25 NE4SW4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 198 9 -SUM Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: R23000 Last observation: 1984-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 16 MI E OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: 1983-ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1984-ONE YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE57 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751. SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22 010 .053 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: A EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 019N 008E 19 NE4NW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3450 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: R19A00 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 17 MI E OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data : 1987-ONE YOUNG OBSERVED; 1989-TWO YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE89 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD 57701, 394-1751 SOXJTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status State rank: S4B,S3N Element occurrence code : Element occurrence type : Federal Status ; ABNKC22010.054 Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle : BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments; 019N 008E 21 NW4SE4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1987-SUM First observation: 1987 Last observation: 1987-SUM Elevation: 2980 Slope/aspect: R17A00 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 19 MI E OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATXTOAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 055 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 019N 008E 27 NW4SE4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1984-SUM Elevation: 3020 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: R17000 Last observation: 1984-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 3 MI E AND 3 MI N OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: 1983-ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1984-ONE YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 .059 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Tovmship: Range: Section: TRS comments: 019N 008E 32 SE4SE4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1984 -SUM First observation: 1984 Last observation: 1984 -SUM Elevation: 3300 Slope/aspect: P39N03 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BXTTTES; 2 MI N OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22 010. 056 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 019N 008E 33 SW4NW4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1987-SUM Elevation: 3150 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: R17000 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI E AND 2 MI N OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: 1983-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1984-ONE YOUNG; 1987-ONE YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manage r : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 057 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 019N 008E 33 NE4SE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1987-SUM Elevation: 3220 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: R17000 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI E AND 2 MI N OP REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 058 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 019N 008E 33 SW4NW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1987-SUM Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: P3 9N03 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI E AND 2 MI N OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : 1983-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1984-ONE YOUNG; 1987-ONE YOUNG General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manage r : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 .044 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township : Range : 020N 005E Precision: Survey date : First observation: Last observation: Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 10 MI N OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: 1983-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1989-POSSIBLY ACTIVE, BUT UNCONFIRMED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manage r : SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE73 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 Section: TRS comments : 06 NE4NE4SE4 S 1989- -SUM Elevation: 3340 - 1983 Slope/aspect : R25B00 1983- -SUM Size (acres) ; SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22 010 .041 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : Covinty : USGS quadrangle: LADNER SE Township : Range : Section: TRS comments 021N 004E 13 SW4SW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3200 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R24D00 Last observation: 1984-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 10 MI W AND 4 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: 1979-ADULT AND ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT STICK NEST; 1984-ONE YOUNG OBSERVED; 1989-NO ACTIVITY OBSERVED AT STICK NEST General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager : SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE79 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 .042 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle : LADNER SE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 004E 24 SE4SE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 198 7 -SUM Elevation: 3300 First observation: 1987 Slope/aspect: R24D00 Last observation: 1987-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 10 MI W AND 5 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager : SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 045 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank : B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 004E 36 NW4SW4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3330 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R25C02 Last observation: 1979-06-20 Size (acres) : Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 1 MI W AND 11 MI N OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: 197 9 -TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 198 9 -NO ACTIVITY OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE55 Information source: USFS, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 043 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: LADNER SE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 005E 30 NE4SW4NE4 Precision Survey date First observation Last observation S 1989-SUM Elevation: 3260 - 1983 Slope/aspect: R24D02 1984-SUM Size (acres) : Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 9 MI W AND 6 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: 198 3 -THREE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1984 -TWO YOUNG OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manager : SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#GE74 Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.047 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: LUDLOW Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 005E 02 NE4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: Elevation: 3240 - First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: R24E01 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: NORTH CAVE HILLS; 5 MI W AND 1 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: 1983 -ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1989-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010. 048 Element occurrence type: Survey site name : EO rank : B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: LUDLOW Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 005E 11 NE4NW4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: Elevation: 3240 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: R24E01 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: NORTH CAVE HILLS; 4 MI W AND 3 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank : G4 Forest Service status ; State rank: S4B,S3N Element occurrence code : Element occurrence type : Survey site name; EO rank; EO rank comments : B Federal Status ; ABNKC22010.046 County : USGS quadrangle: Township : Range : 022N 005E Precision Survey date First observation Last observation LUDLOW Section: 23 TRS comments : SEC 22 M 1989-SUM 1989 1989-07-12 Elevation: 3200 Slope/aspect: Q26L01 Size (acres) : Location: NORTH CAVE HILLS; 5 MI W AND 1 MI N OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: 1 FLEDGLING, 2 ADULTS OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#35GE56 Information source: USFS, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name : GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010.050 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle : LADNER SE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 022N 005E 20 SE4SW4 Precision: S Survey date: Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1983 Slope/aspect: Q26L00 Last observation: 1989-SUM Size (acres) : Location: NORTH CAVE HILLS; 7 MIW AND 2 MI N OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data : 1983 -ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE; 1989-TWO YOUNG OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOUTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 57701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: AQUILA CHRYSAETOS Common Name: GOLDEN EAGLE Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S4B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKC22010 . 049 Element occurrence type : Survey site name ; EO rank: EO rank comments : B County : USGS quadrangle : LADNER SE Township : Range ; 022N 005E Section: TRS comments: 2 0 SE4NE4 Precision: S Survey date : First observation: 1984 Last observation: 1984-SUM Elevation: 3220 Slope/aspect: Q26L05 Size (acres) : Location : NORTH CAVE HILLS; 7 MI W AND 2 MI N OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: ONE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: BENZON, TED, WILDLIFE BIOLOGIST, GAME, FISH & PARKS, 3305 W. SOtTTH ST., RAPID CITY, SD, 5 7701, 394-1751 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO PEREGRINUS Common Name: PEREGRINE FALCON Global rank: G3 Forest Service status: ENDANGERED State rank: SXB,SZN Federal Status: E/SA Element occurrence code: ABNKD06070. 001 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL BATTLESHIP ROCK IRISH BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: Precision: G Survey date : First observation: 1925 Last observation: 1925-05-09 Elevation: Slope/aspect: P39000 Size (acres) : 0 Location: SLIM BOT-TES, HARDING CO. Element occurrence data : NOTED NESTING IN AREA 9 MAY 1925 BY F.A.PATTON. General site description: Land owner/manager: SLIM BtTTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST I Comments : Information source: ANDERSON, MAURICE E. (ANDY) . END. SPEC. COORD. USFWS . SD FIELD OFFICE, PIERRE, SD. 224-8692. (PEREGRINE FALCON SIGHTINGS) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name : MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030 . 004 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments : Covinty : USGS quadrangle: LADNER SE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: NE4SW4NW4NE4 022N 005E 33 N Precision: SC Survey date: First observation: 1981 Last observation: 1981-10-06 Elevation: 3200 Slope/aspect: R24E00 Size (acres) : 0 Location: 0.25 MI S, 6.5 MI W OF LUDLOW. Element occurrence data : ONE ADULT BIRD SHOWING NEST DEFENSE BEHAVIOR OF TREE NEST. REPORTED BY BENZON. NEST CONTENTS UNKNOWN. General site description: Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : SEE SOURCE REPORT FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION. Information source: SHARPS, JON. END. SPEC. COORD. SDGFP. 3305 W. SOXJTH ST. RAPID CITY, SD. 394-2391. (MERLIN DATA). • (viva Nnaaw) 'leez-^ee "as 'a,iid aidVH 'is HinOS 'M SOC€ "ddOaS •OHOOO'OadS'ONa "NOr 'SdHVHS :aoanos UOTtlBUiaojUl •NoiJLVooa Diaioads Hoa XHOdan aonnos aas : s^usmuioo isaHoa TYNOiiYN Haisno SniH HAVD HXHON : aaBsuBui/aauMO pueq 'STiiH aAVO HiHON JO aNid vosHaoNOd Ni xsaN aidovw ano ■XDIHiSia xnois -sasn 'ah^dvw NaAaxs Aa isaw aanx ni aaAHasao onqoa aaoaarra : B:iBp souaajcnoDO ^usuisxa •MOiom ao M iw s-9 's iw ss"o :uot:4HOO'1 0 : (ssaoB) azTS 81-^0-6^61 :uoT^BAJ3sqo ^sbi OOa^SH :^oadsB/ado-[S 6Z,6t tuoxqBAaesqo ^saxa ooze :uoT:)BA3xa :s:;bp XaAans OS :UOTSTDSad f-MNt-aNt-MS ao HaiJiao C£ asoo nzzo :s:iusuiuiOD SHX luox^oss : sBubh : dTHSUMOX as aaNovn :3i6uEapEnb sosn : X^unoo : stiusuiuioo ipiBJi oa :5(UEa oa :smeu s^Ts AsAjns : sdAq aousjanooo ^usuisxa SOO ■ OtOSOOMNav :spoo souaaanooo ^usuisxa :sn:4B3S lB:i3psa NCS'aes :5(UBa etjBqs :sn:}Bqs sotajiss ^ssaoa ^O iifUBa l^qoxo Nnaaw = suihn uomuioo paoosy eousaanooo ^usuisxa wvHDOHd asvxiHaH TvnnxvN Yxoxva Hxnos • (viva Nnnaw) -lecz-^ee 'as 'axis aidVH -xs Hinos "M soee "d-aoas 'aHOOD'oadS'ONa "Nor 'sdHVHS :soanos uox^Buiaog ■sswsE#xsaN aoHnos 'NOiivooi oidioads Hoa iaodaH aoanos aas : s^u9unu ■Lsaaod TVNOiiVN Haisno saaiH aAVD hxhon : jcaBeuHui/aauMO pu "NMON^Nn siNaxNOD xsaN "NOZNaa Aa xsaN aaHx ni aaAHasao OHia xinov aNO •aixna xsaN saiova ao m iw sz'o 's iw sz"z 0 : (SSaOB) 3Z7S 90-0T-T86X E0r[93Q : :ioadsB/sdoxs I86X OSIC :uOT5HA3xa OS uoTtjBAaasqo qsB uoT^BAJSsqo ^sa s^ep A3Aans UOTSTOa^d I'MNI'MSt'MNI'aN 01 3500 NZ :s5Usmmoo SHX :uot:509S : sBubh : dxiisuMi axxna xsaN saaova :siEuBapBnb soi :A3uni : s^usuiuioo >[uej ( :i[UBa oa ZOO ■ 0€090CMNaY : spoo sousaanoDO rjuauia- snqetJS IBJspaa NCS'aCS :3(ubj s:}Bt tsn^B^s soTA-iss :issaoa f-o ijjuHa l^qo- Nnnaw = suibn uouimc SniHVawmOO OOlVa :suibn oxg-rqusT: pjtoosH sousa:tnooo tjusmexa wvHOOHd aovxiHaH mfHnxvN vxoMva Hxnos SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name : MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State reuik: S3B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030. 014 Element occurrence type: Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township : Range : 021N 004E Precision: Survey date : First observation: Last observation: Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 9 MI W AND 7 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: FOUR FLEDGLINGS OBSERVED IN OLD MAGPIE NEST IN PONDEROSA PINE BY S. MACKEY; 1989-NO ACTIVITY OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#M61 Information source: USES, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724. lection: TRS comments : 35 SEC 36 M 1989- -SUM Elevation: 3400 - 1979 Slope/aspect : R25C02 1979- ■07- 13 Size (acres) : SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name: MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030. 008 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 004E 36 SW4SW4NW4NW4 Precision: SC Survey date: Elevation: 3400 - First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R25C01 Last observation: 1979-07-13 Size (acres) : 0 Location: 10.5 MI N, 1 MI W OF BUFFALO. Element occurrence data : ADULT AND YOUNG OBSERVED IN TREE NEST BY STEVEN MACICEY, USES -SIOUX DISTRICT. NEST VISITED AGAIN ON 13 JULY 1979 AND AT LEAST 4 FLEDGLINGS WERE SEEN. General site description: OLD MAGPIE NEST IN PONDEROSA PINE OF SOUTH CAVE HILLS. Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : SEE SOURCE REPORT FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION. Information source: SHARPS, JON. END. SPEC. COORD. SDGFP. 3305 W. SOUTH ST. RAPID CITY, SD. 3 94-2391. (MERLIN DATA) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name : MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030.015 Element occurrence type: Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 004E 36 SE4SW4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3370 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: R25C01 Last observation: 1989-06-26 Size (acres) : Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 10 MI N AND 1 MI W OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: THREE YOUNG IN NEST General site description: Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : NEST 30 FEET HIGH IN PONDEROSA PINE Information source: MELIUS, M.M. 1989. FIELD SURVEY TO SOUTH CAVE HILLS, JUNE 26-27. SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name : MERLIN Global rank : State rank: G4 Forest Service status : S3B,S3N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030. 006 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: LADNER SE Township: Range: Section: 021N 005E 30 TRS comments : SE4NE4SE4NE4NW4 Precision: Survey date : First observation: Last observation: SC 1979 1979-07-17 Elevation: 3300 Slope/aspect: R24D02 Size (acres) : 0 Location: 12 MI N OF BUFFALO. Element occurrence data: BOTH ADULTS OBSERVED IN TREE BY STEVEN MACKEY, USES -SIOUX DISTRICT. General site description: OLD MAGPIE NEST IN PONDEROSA PINE OF SOUTH CAVE HILLS. Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : SEE SOURCE REPORT FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION. Information source: SHARPS, JON. END. SPEC. COORD. SDGFP. 3305 W. SOUTH ST. RAPID CITY, SD. 394-23 91. (MERLIN DATA) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name : MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030 . 010 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 007E 01 SE4SW4NE4NW4 Precision: SC Survey date: Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R26A00 Last observation: 1979-07-26 Size (acres) : 0 Location: 5.75 MI W, 0.75 MI N OF REVA. Element occurrence data: AT LEAST 3 YOUNG OBSERVED IN TREE NEST BY STEVEN MACKEY, USFS-SIOUX DISTRICT. General site description: OLD MAGPIE NEST IN PONDEROSA PINE. Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : SEE SOURCE REPORT FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION. Information source: SHARPS, JON. END. SPEC. COORD. SDGFP. 33 05 W. SOUTH ST. RAPID CITY, SD. 394-2391. (MERLIN DATA) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name : MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030. Oil Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 29 Precision: SC Survey date: Elevation: 3500 - First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: P39Q00 Last observation: 1979-07-16 Size (acres) : 0 Location: 3 MI S, 5 MI W OF REVA. Element occurrence data: BOTH ADULTS AND AT LEAST TWO COMPLETELY FEATHERED YOUNG OBSERVED IN TREE NEST BY STEVEN MACKEY, USFS-SIOUX DISTRICT. General site description: OLD MAGPIE NEST IN PONDEROSA PINE OF BOBCAT CANYON. Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : SEE SOURCE REPORT FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION Information source: SHARPS, JON. END. SPEC. COORD. SDGFP. 3305 W. SOUTH ST. RAPID CITY, SD. 394-2391. (MERLIN DATA) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name: MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030. 009 Element occurrence type: Survey site name : EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 020N 005E 06 E2SE4NE4SE4 SOS Precision: SC Survey date: Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R25B00 Last observation: 1979-07-16 Size (acres) : 0 Location : 10 MI N OF BUFFALO. Element occurrence data : ONE ADULT AND AT LEAST THREE YOUNG OBSERVED IN TREE NEST BY STEVEN MACKEY, USFS-SIOUX DISTRICT. General site description: OLD MAGPIE NEST IN PONDEROSA PINE OF SOUTH CAVE HILLS. Land owne r /manage r : SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : SEE SOURCE REPORT FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION; AT LEAST 3 SUITABLE NESTS OCCUR CLOSE TOGETHER IN THE DRAW. Information source: SHARPS, JON. END. SPEC. COORD. SDGFP. 33 05 W. SOUTH ST. RAPID CITY, SD . 394-2391. (MERLIN DATA) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO COLUMBARIUS Common Name: MERLIN Global rank: G4 Forest Service status: State rank: S3B,S3N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06030. 007 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: LADNER SE - bLj: 8 Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 004E 24 SW4SW4NW4 Precision: SC Survey date: Elevation: 3300 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R24D00 Last observation: 1979-06-20 Size (acres) : 0 Location: 12.5 MI N, 1.5 MI W OF BUFFALO. Element occurrence data: BOTH ADULTS AND FOUR YOUNG (2 WKS OLD) OBSERVED IN TREE NESTBY DALE BECKER, USFS-SIOUX DISTRICT. General site description: OLD MAGPIE NEST IN PONDEROSA PINE OF SOUTH CAVE HILLS. Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : SEE SOURCE REPORT FOR SPECIFIC LOCATION. Information source: SHARPS, JON. END. SPEC. COORD. SDGFP. 3305 W. SOUTH ST. RAPID CITY, SD. 394-2391. (MERLIN DATA) . SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rsuik: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090.006 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rsmk: B EO rank comments : County : uses quadrangle: SHEEP MOUNTAIN Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E 11 SE4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-06 Elevation: 3320 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: P39H00 Last observation: 1989-06-25 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 3 MI E AND 11 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: 1979-FOUR YOUNG IN CLIFF POTHOLE; 1989-YOUNG OBSERVED IN WEST-FACING CRACK, MIDWAY UP 50 FT. CLIFF General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#PF59 Information source: MELIUS, M.M. 1989. FIELD SURVEY TO SLIM BUTTES, JUNE 22-26. i^ SOUTH DAKOTA NATXHiAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090. 015 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: IRISH BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E 16 NE4NW4NE4 Precision Survey date First observation Last observation S 1989-SUM Elevation: 3590 - 1989 Slope/aspect: P52D00 1989-06-25 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1 MI E AND 12 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : TWO, POSSIBLY THREE YOUNG OBSERVED ON LEDGE MIDWAY UP 100 FOOT CLIFF General site description: Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES HARDING CO SCHOOL AND PUBLIC LAND #1 Comments : Information source: MELIUS, M.M. 1989. FIELD SURVEY TO SLIM BUTTES, JUNE 22-26. SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Conunon Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090.008 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : Coxinty : USGS quadrangle: SHEEP MOUNTAIN Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 008E 24 NE4NE4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1979-SUM Elevation: 3360 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: P52A00 Last observation: 1979-06-11 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 5 MI E AND 13 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: DEFENSIVE ADULTS, FOUR YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land ovmer/manager : SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#35PF49 Information source: USES, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATXJRAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name : PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090. 007 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: SHEEP MOUNTAIN Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 016N 009E 20 NE4SW4SW4 Precision Survey date First observation Last observation S 1977-SUM Elevation: 3400 - 1977 Slope/aspect: P52A00 1077-04-29 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 6 MI E AND 13 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data : DEFENSIVE ADULTS, YOUNG HEARD-NUMBER UNKNOWN General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#35PF40 Information source: USFS, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090. 013 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : Coxinty : USGS quadrangle: J B HILL Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 017N 007E 12 SE4NE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3500 First observation: 1989 Slope/aspect: R26B01 Last observation: 1989-06-23 Size (acres) : Location: SLIM BUTTES; 1.5 MI W AND 5 MI S OF REVA GAP Element occurrence data: ACTIVE NEST WITH YOUNG General site description: Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: MELIUS, M.M. 1989. FIELD SURVEY TO SLIM BUTTES, JUNE 22-26. I \ SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090. 014 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: C EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E Precision: Survey date : First observation: Last observation: Location: SLIM BUTTES; REVA GAP Element occurrence data : ACTIVE NEST WITH AT LEAST THREE YOUNG IN WEST- FACING CRACK IN CLIFF General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS. Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : TWO YOUNG SUBSEQUENTLY FOUND DEAD Information source: MELIUS, M.M. 1989. FIELD SURVEY TO SLIM BUTTES, JUNE 22-26. 08 SW4NE4SW4 S 1989- 1989 1989- ■06 -06- ■22 Elevation: Slope/aspect Size (acres) 3400 - : P3 9N00 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090 .003 Element occurrence type : Survey site name : EO rank: EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: BATTLESHIP ROCK Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 018N 008E 17 SW4NE4 Precision: S Survey date: Elevation: 3340 First observation: 1973 Slope/aspect: P39P04 Last observation: 1973-07 Size (acres) : 0 Location: BATTLESHIP ROCK, SLIM BUTTE S . Element occurrence data : OBSERVED AND PHOTOGRAPHED BY D.ALLEN. General site description: SW-FACING SANDSTONE CLIFFS. Land owner/manager: SLIM BUTTES CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : Information source: ALLEN, DON. RESOURCE STAFF SPECIALIST, PARKS. SDGFP. ANDERSONBLDG . PIERRE, SD. 773-4502. SOUTH DAKOTA NATtJRAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090 . 010 Element occurrence type: Survey site name : EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 020N 005E 05 NE4SW4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R25B00 Last observation: 1979-06-26 Size (acres) : Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 10 MI N OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: NO NEST IDENTIFIED, FOUR YOUNG BIRDS OBSERVED WITH ONE ADULT BY S. MACKEY; 1989-NO ACTIVITY OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#PF4 5 Information source: USES, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name : PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090.009 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: MC KENZIE BUTTE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 004E 26 SE4SE4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3400 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R25C02 Last observation: 1989-06-26 Size, (acres) : Location : SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 10 MI W AND 5 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: UNKNOWN NO. OF YOUNG OBSERVED IN POTHOLE OF SANDSTONE CLIFF BY S. MACKEY; 1989-THREE YOUNG OBSERVED IN ADJACENT POTHOLES OF SOUTHWEST- FACING CLIFF General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#PF44 Information source: MELIUS, M.M. 1989. FIELD SURVEY TO SOUTH CAVE HILLS, JUNE 26-27 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090. Oil Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County: USGS quadrangle: LADNER SE Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 005E 30 NE4NE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: 1989-SUM Elevation: 3300 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R24D02 Last observation: 1979-07-17 Size (acres) : Location: SOUTH CAVE HILLS; 12 MI N OF BUFFALO Element occurrence data: ONE ADULT AND SEVERAL YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE BY S. MACKEY; 1989- NO ACTIVITY OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: SOUTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#PF4 7, POSSIBLY SAME AS CNF#PF48 Information source: USES, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090. 018 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle : LUDLOW Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 005E 10 NE4NE4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: Elevation: 3270 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R24E00 Last observation: 1979-07-24 Size (acres) : Location : NORTH CAVE HILLS; 6 MI W AND 3 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#PF52 Information source: USFS, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name : PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status: Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090. 017 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: LUDLOW Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 021N 005E 12 NW4NE4NW4 Precision: S Survey date: Elevation: 3300 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: R24E01 Last observation: 1979-07-23 Size (acres) : Location: NORTH CAVE HILLS; 4 MI W AND 3 MI S OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data : TWO YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner /manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#PF51 Information source: USES, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFORMATION SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090.019 Element occurrence type: Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: LUDLOW Township : Range : Section: TRS comments : 022N 005E 15 NW4SE4SE4 Precision: S Survey date: Elevation: 3280 First observation: 1979 Slope/aspect: Q26L01 Last observation: 1979-07-29 Size (acres) : Location: NORTH CAVE HILLS; 5 MI W AND 2 MI N OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: THREE YOUNG OBSERVED AT NEST SITE General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owner/manager: NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#PF57 Information source: USES, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD, 57724 SOUTH DAKOTA NATURAL HERITAGE PROGRAM Element Occurrence Record Scientific Name: FALCO MEXICANUS Common Name: PRAIRIE FALCON Global rank: G5 Forest Service status: State rank: S3S4B,S4N Federal Status; Element occurrence code: ABNKD06090.020 Element occurrence type : Survey site name: EO rank: B EO rank comments : County : USGS quadrangle: LXTOLOW Township: Range: Section: TRS comments: 022N 005E 35 NE4SE4NW4 Precision Survey date First observation Last observation Elevation: 3300 1973 Slope/aspect: R24E02 1973-06-25 Size (acres) : Location: NORTH CAVE HILLS; 5 MI W OF LUDLOW Element occurrence data: FOUR FLEDGLINGS OBSERVED General site description: PONDEROSA PINE HILLS WITH STEEP CLIFFS, MIXED GRASS PRAIRIE, SAGEBRUSH AND WOODY DRAWS Land owne r /manage r : NORTH CAVE HILLS CUSTER NATIONAL FOREST Comments : CNF#35PF8 Information source: USFS, CUSTER NF, RAPTOR INFO. SYSTEM, CAMP CROOK, SD 57724 APPENDIX 4 SIGHTINGS OF ADDITIONAL SPECIES OF SPECIAL INTEREST ON OR NEAR SIOUX DISTRICT LAND, SUMMER 1994 41 APPENDIX 4. Sightings of other bird species of Special Interest (Natural Heritage Program lists) during summer 1 994 in the vicinity of Sioux District units. Species Location Date Ferruginous Hawk TO R56E 526 NW4 (Carter Co. , MT) 17 June Common Poorwill T17N R7E S25 NE4 (Harding Co. , SD) Common Poorwill T2 1 N R4E 524 NW4 (Harding Co . , 5D) 13 June 16 June Loggerhead Shrike Loggerhead Shrike Loggerhead Shrike T22N R6E 516, 517 (Harding Co., SD) T3S R62E 526 (Carter Co., MT) T18N RIE 54 (Harding Co., SD) 16 June 17 June 17 June 42