GIFT OF MRS. JOHN W. GILMORE UNIVERSITY FARM LIBRARY OF JOHN 7f. GILMORE *-//' (S - f" COLCORD'S SYSTEM OF PRESERVING GREEN FORAGE HEAT OR FERMENTATION EY THE USE OF THE SILO GOVERNOR BY SAMUEL M. COLCORD DOVER MASS. CHICAGO ILL. HOWARD & WILSON PUBLISHING Co. 1889 UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE DAVIS COPYRIGHT BY SAMUEL M. COLCORD 1889 DEDICATION. THIS VOLUME IS DEDICATED TO THE HOWARD & WlLSON PUBLISHING COMPANY* CHICAGO, FROM MY WARM RE- GARD AND GRATITUDE TO THEM AS THE FIRST PERSONS TO PERCEIVE AND CANDIDLY ACKNOWLEDGE, THROUGH THE COLUMNS OF THEIR VALUABLE JOURNAL, THE GREAT IMPORTANCE AND MERIT OF MY SYSTEM OF PERFECTLY PRESERVING GREEN FORAGE. THE AUTHOR. CONTENTS. PACK PREFACE, 7 THE SYSTEM AND DEVICE, 13 OF SILOS, 15 FILLING AND EMPTYING THE SILO, 19 THE FEED-BOX, 21 CUT OF THE FEED-BOX, 24 DESCRIPTION OF THE FEED-BOX, 25 WEIGHTING THE SILO, 26 THE CROP TO PRESERVE, 30 MANAGEMENT OF THE CROP, 31 FERMENTATION IN SILOS, 34 THE SILO GOVERNOR, 37 CUT OF SILO GOVERNOR, 41 DESCRIPTION OF THE SILO GOVERNOR, 42 A HALF EMPTY SILO, 48 SILAGE versus DRY FODDER. By Professor Arnold, . 48 EXPERIMENTS WITH ENSILAGE. By Dr. E. L. Sturte- vant, Director of the State Experimental Station at Geneva, N.Y., 50 THE OPINIONS OF EMINENT AGRICULTURISTS, ... 51 SWEET FORAGE IN WINTER. From the Farm, Field, and Stockman 53 MY EXPERIMENT SILO, 55 BUILDING SILOS, 64 DIRECTIONS FOR PUTTING IN AND REMOVING THE SILO GOVERNOR, 69 CUT OF THE TABLE-TOP CORN-CART, 74 DESCRIPTION OF THE TABLE-TOP CORN-CART, .... 75 FAULTY SILOS AND FAULTY MANIPULATIONS, ... 76 6 Contents PAGE REMEDY FOR FAULTY SILOS, 80 ENSILAGE AND ITS IMPORTANCE. From the Dairy World, 82 ELIMINATING THE AIR, 85 PRESERVING GREEN FOOD. Something New and Impor- tant in Live Stock Economy. From the Indiana Farmer, 1887, 85 THE COLCORD ENSILAGE EXPERIMENTS. From the Farm, Field, and Stockman, 1888, 87 WHAT MY NEIGHBORS SAY, 90 WHAT THE BUTCHER SAYS, 97 PRIVATE CORRESPONDENCE, 99 WHAT LARGE DAIRYMEN SAY, 108 PRESERVED GREEN FORAGE FED TO YOUNG CALVES, . no THE SILO GOVERNOR. From the Massachusetts Plough- man, 112 ABOUT FERTILIZERS, 115 SILOS AND ENSILAGE. From the New England Farmer, 122 SWEET ENSILAGE. From the New England Farmer, 127 ENSILAGE A PROMOTER OF DIGESTION AND ASSIMI- LATION, 130 COLCORD'S PRESERVED GREEN FORAGE. From the Farm, Field, and Stockman, 1889, 132 EXPERIMENTS WITH MILK AND CREAM. From the Farm, Field, and Stockman, 1888, 138 PATENT SILAGE. From the Rural New Yorker, ... 141 A SUGGESTION FOR THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS. From the New England Farmer and Rural New Yorker, 1889, 142 THE PRESERVATION OF ENSILAGE. From the Report of the State Board of Agriculture of Pennsylvania, in 1888. By S. M. Colcord, 143 PROGRESS MADE IN PRESERVING GREEN FORAGE IN SILOS, 157 PREFACE. THIS little treatise is designed to give full in- formation and explanation of Colcord's method and device for Preserving Green Forage; and I have endeavored to write in plain, direct language, so that all persons interested in the subject may be able to readily understand and work by this system without difficulty. The treatise is arranged to give our present knowledge on its first pages ; then the means pursued by which the knowledge was obtained; the proofs, tests, experiments, progressive ex- perience, theories, and certificates are given later on. This arrangement necessarily causes considerable repetition, as well as apparent contradiction ; but, as much of the matter em- braced in this treatise has been published from time to time, as facts have been developed, I prefer to reprint some of the original articles, with the comments made by the press at the time of their first appearance, remarking that 8 Preface any investigator will be a lucky man who will investigate as many years as I have and not find occasion to change his theories and opin- ions quite as often as I have done. It should be remembered that it consumes one whole year's time to make each experi- ment, or each class of experiments, and that it is necessary to verify the work in our own silo by the labors of other men with other silos. My silo, manipulations, and results are always open to the investigations of others. Everybody ought to know how utterly im- possible it is for any one man to make success- ful experiments in opposite directions at the same time, with opposite systems, theories, and modes of operation: one with heat, an- other without heat; one cutting forage very fine, another packing it in whole ; one weight- ing with portable weights of bags, boxes, or barrels, another pressing with screws ; one cut- ting down vertically, another forking off from the whole top ; one making an ensilage more or less repulsively odorous, another pressing out juice in quantity, bringing it throughout to the top of the silo, removing the air and free gases, and producing a wholesome, nutri- tious food, without waste or odor. I take great pleasure in thanking the press Preface 9 for what they have done to bring my system and device to the notice of agriculturists ; espe- cially the Farm, Field, and Stockman, the Dairy World, the Indiana Farmer, the New England Farmer, the Rural New Yorker, the State Board of Agriculture of Pennsylvania, in their Report of 1888, the Scientific American, and several papers in foreign languages that have volunteered to publish and illustrate this in- vention as a public benefit ; also, those papers that have advertised my system and governor, without admitting me to their editorial columns, although they state that they advertise nothing that they cannot recommend. All the editorial and other matter herein presented as copied from those papers has been published for the benefit of the readers of the above-named papers without expense to me, excepting the use of my engravings for illustration. I also insert, with these previously published accounts, the remarks of the former editor of the Massachusetts Ploughman in relation to the meeting and investigations of the farmers as to the merits of the silo governor, at which meeting the following closing remarks were made by Mr. Ware: — " The chairman of the meeting, at its open- io Preface ing, stated that what was wanted was real experience instead of theory. It is but fair to state that Mr. Colcord has confined his remarks to practical experience and proofs, with corroborating testimony about the gov- ernor." It may seem contradictory, or merely a mat- ter of opinion, that capillary attraction should be stated as the cause of bringing the juice from the bottom to the top of the silo, and holding it there, when it is also stated that carbonic acid had taken the place of the air in the silo, and that under pressure the car- bonic acid was absorbed by the juice, causing a partial vacuum, which is the cause of the rising of the juice to the top of the silo ; but both these statements are true, either separately or combined. When I had 30 inches of juice at the bot- tom of the silo, and was pressing heavily, it happened that the juice began to disappear very rapidly. I did not believe that capillary attraction could be the cause of it, and sup- posed that the pressure had burst a hole in the bottom of the silo ; but, when the silo was empty, I could find no leak. I allowed the water from the aqueduct to run into the silo for an entire day, kept the water in it for a Preface 1 1 month, and found the silo perfectly tight. I then remembered that, before the silo was opened, carbonic acid had disappeared, and that acetic acid had remained in, or continued to come to the top of the perpendicular pipe above the silo. This was proof positive of what had taken place. We wash down the walls of the silo with water, using for that purpose a long-handled whitewash brush. This water is all drawn off through the governor drip pipe, and this is what is meant by using the governor to draw off water. We never put water into the forage; the corn contains more than we have occasion to use, and this year (1889) we have been feed- ing as high as 100 pounds daily of juice, but reduced the rations to 50 pounds until the excess of juice was used up. The difference in the corn crop between 1887 and 1888 was very marked, and accounts for much of the difference in our results. The last year's crop was badly frost-bitten, quite immature, gathered and packed very wet, con- sequently it required much less pressure and gave a much larger proportion of free juice; but the screws and the governor entirely con- trolled these inequalities, and, so far as the preservation was concerned, the result was perfectly satisfactory. 1 2 Preface I will here express my thanks to those gen- tlemen who have encouraged me to prosecute my investigations, also to those who have given the governor a fair trial and are now giving me their aid and encouragement. I wish also to draw the particular attention of the reader to the certificate of the marketman who butchers my cows, fatted upon this forage and wheat bran, (no corn meal being used); also to the New York Experiment Station, in making the experiment of mixing acetic acid with green corn forage. It is valuable as showing the good effects of a limited quantity of acetic acid, and coincides with my experi- ence. But I don't think it safe to recommend such large addition of acetic acid, as a steady diet, to ensilage as commonly prepared; the cows, as a general thing, get too much of it. Seeing little or nothing more to be accom- plished, I now offer this as my Perfected Sys- tem of making Preserved Green Forage without Heat or Fermention. SAMUEL M. COLCORD, DOVER, MASS. THE SYSTEM AND DEVICE. THE name of " ensilage " has been applied to all kinds of green forage crops that have passed through silos. It was first introduced into this country about twelve years ago, through the publications of Monsieur Auguste Goffart, of Sologne, France. The art of pre- serving green forage without desiccation has often been attempted, and has been traced back to remote antiquity; but to M. Goffart belong the invention and introduction of ensilage through silos, and to him we accord the honor. Any person who has made a study of his theory and practice, and who has studied the art as practised in this country up to the present time, will agree with me that the closer one follows M. Goffart's system, and the less he follows the professed improvements on his system, as practically illustrated in this coun- try, the better will be his ensilage. And I feel warranted in making the assertion that 14 . Colcord^s System of M. Goffart was producing better ensilage in France, twelve years ago, than is being made by a vast majority of his followers in this country to-day, notwithstanding all their ex- periments and attempted improvements upon his system. M. Goffart, in his writings, makes this state- ment : — " The end to be attained is to prevent ALL KINDS OF FERMENTATION, before and after en- silage. Fermentation preserves nothing ; on the contrary, it is always a preliminary step towards a decomposition more or less putrid^ towards a REAL DESTRUCTION." M. Goffart always worked to attain the end above expressed, as nearly as possible ; and, although he claimed a perfect system and was very particular in his manipulations, his writ- ings show that he 'never fully realized the end he sought, but always speaks of his ensilage as heating up when exposed to the air, taking on the alcoholic fermentation, then running into the acetic, and finally passing into the ( lactic and other putrid fermentations. This would not, could not, have been the case if he had never had heat and fermentation in his silo. My experience is that, when there has been Preserving Green Forage 15 no fermentation in the silo, the forage does not heat up and pass through the alcoholic and acetic fermentation to lactic and putrid, but sometimes takes on a mouldy condition, which develops black rot and causes destruc- tion in that way. This may be called fermen- tation, but it is not a true fermentation. That I have succeeded, after years of study and costly experimenting, in perfectly remov- ing air from the silo, preventing heat and fermentation, and Preserving Green Forage Corn in perfection, will be demonstrated in the following pages. OF SILOS. A really good silo must be tight and strong and impervious to air and water. It should have a good foundation, perfectly drained and perfectly perpendicular, smooth, level-faced walls. If these conditions are fulfilled, it is not very material of what they are made ; but, when made of masonry, all forms of lime must be excluded, as acetic acid dissolves the lime. Cement must be used instead of lime mortar. Good silos are somewhat expensive ; but true economy points in the direction of dura- bility, convenience and assured success. Their 1 6 Colcord's System of attachment to the barn, for convenience, should be provided for ; and also the means for press- ing the forage, which is a very important item in economy, time, and convenience. Pressing by jack-screws, if properly arranged, is the most simple, convenient, economical, and suc- cessful. It is accomplished by putting iron rods, 1 34 inches in diameter, in the centre of the side walls, from fhe foundation up to from 4 to 6 feet above the top of the silo, said rods being made with broad flanges on their lower ends, and long screws on their upper ends provided to receive double nuts and large washers, these rods to be placed in rows commencing and ending 4 feet from each end of the silo, and not more than 8 feet apart, arranged on both sides alike. The opposite rods should be tied together across the top, with 8x8 timbers provided with holes, so that they may slip loosely upon the rods. The cap of the wall should be 6 x 8 timber, set back 2 inches from the inside face of the walls, to receive the 2-inch plank placed around the top of the silo for the purpose of building a light annex, or head-room, from 3 to 6 feet higher 'than the silo proper, said annex to be filled with forage and answering the purpose of so much solid wall. The forage placed in the Preserving Green Forage 17 annex, when pressed, will all come down inside the solid walls. Under strong pressure, these walls are held up very firmly by the iron rods, the timber across the top acting as a spring upon the forage. In this way, we feel sure of the strength of our walls, and we can get all the pressure we want. The governors convey the abundance of juice to all parts of the silo evenly. 2x8 plank studding, to support the roof of the silo, should be placed upon the cap, so as to support the planks placed round the top, and bring them just level with the silo wall. In this way, all time, trouble, and ex- pense of weighting are avoided. In weighting, when the governor is used, it requires about 100 pounds to each square foot of surface, which is equal to 200 or 300 pounds where there is no governor. In the very centre of the bottom of the silo is placed one end of the drip pipe (seen in cuts, Figs, i, 2, letter k, page 41, to come flush with the surface of the bottom. This pipe should be about 3 inches long, made of rj£- inch pipe, screwed into an elbow at the bottom of the silo, and from this elbow should run a horizontal pipe declining 6 inches to any con- venient place outside and from underneath the wall. This pipe should end in a J. to turn up, 1 8 Colcord's System of with a stop-cock in the end of the J_ to draw off the juice, and an upright pipe from the _L to come up outside the silo (see cut, Figs, i, 2, letter 1, p. 41), for the escape of the air and gases. The drip pipe forms a part of the silo governor, and the stop-cock comes over a little well for convenience in drawing off juice. It is usual to have 8 or 9 feet head-room above the silo wall, for convenience, and to fill the silo above the wall up into the annex, for economy. This head-room is also useful for storing the plank covering for the silo; the planks that go around the top of the silo to build the annex ; the 6x8 timber that runs the length of the silo across the cover upon which the jack-screws are placed, and any other tim- ber or article of use. The jack-screws and blocking are placed upon the cap between the studding, so that all the timber and tools are kept at the top where they are wanted and do not have to be lowered or hoisted. Each plank, as it is removed, is placed in the head- room ; and, when the forage is all fed out, everything is in place for the next season, and the silo is entirely empty. Viewed from the bottom, it appears impossible for any one to get at the top for theft or disarrangement. Preserving Green Forage 19 FILLING AND EMPTYING THE SILO. We do not care to tread down the corn as we fill the silo, but only keep it level and walk over it for the purpose of finding soft spots, which we fill up level. When we get the silo full, we tread it hard and level, rounding it up over the top, even above the cross timbers, and allow it to remain until the next morning, when we level it and tread again ; then put on cover, and then the 6x8 cross timbers 2 feet from the side walls, placing the jack-screws between the timbers. The governor being in place, we drop a thermometer, appended to a string, into the governor, to the centre of the silo. We also put a stick in the upright pipe of the bottom governor, said stick being long enough to touch the bottom of the pipe, for the purpose of measuring the juice. We take this measure daily ; also take the temperature daily, and press as often as required. All the corn is cut to half-inch pieces, and is therefore a homogeneous mass. When we press it, we mark a long stick to feet and inches, setting it opposite to one of the screws. We then turn down that screw to the mark we wish them all to go to, taking the stick to the next screw, and so on, pressing all alike, measuring from the top of the silo around the wall. By so 2O Colcord's System of doing, we press all the contents of the silo to a uniform density, the forage slipping in the silo, and finding its level and density like mor- tar in a bucket. Now, we are supposed to have a silo full of this preserved forage, 20 feet deep, consisting of from i to 400 tons. We have a door 4*4 x 6 feet, in one end of the silo, said door opening upon the barn floor, the door-sill being 10 feet from the bottom of the silo. We now roll the door to one side, and find some boards tacked onto the edges of 2 x 8 plank, fastened with 4-inch lag-screws to the 3x12 inch door jams, on each side, leaving the 2-inch matched plank flush with the inside of the silo. We remove the boards, then the wet sand between the boards and plank, then the side plank, fastened with the lag-screws, then the inside plank, the removal of which presents a solid wall of green forage, with every particle of it in perfect preservation and ready to feed out, the doorway having been secured air-tight. We cut this preserved forage down, vertically and evenly, with a sharp lightning-hay-knife, leaving a solid, smooth face, which prevents the air from getting into the forage. We then discover that more than half the feed has to be elevated from i to 10 feet to the barn floor. Preserving Green Forage 21 We find that we can easily elevate or depress the cross timbers upon the iron rods any re- quired distance, blocking the ends between the cap and the washers. We then run a line of 6x6 timber the whole length of the silo upon the 8x8 cross timbers in the centre, securing them with lo-inch lag-screws. We fasten the hangers of the track to the bottom of the 6x6 timber in the centre with 4-inch lag-screws. We then place the 3/6 x 3 inch iron in the slots at the bottom of the hangers, fastening them by turning up the set-screws, and the track is complete. This track is furnished with a double-roller troll, and is quickly put up by any one of ordinary capacity, and is easily changed or removed with very little time or trouble. The double-roller troll, with the track and hangers, is made by R. J. Davies, Creek Square, Boston, and costs from $15 to $20. THE FEED-BOX. A feed-box, made of stock \y2 inches thick, 2 feet deep, 4 feet wide outside at the top, and 3 1-3 feet wide outside at the bottom, with perpendicular ends grooved into sides 5 feet long, i y2 inches from the ends, with 22 Colcord^s System of the bottom projecting i^ inches all around, securely nailed on, will hold enough to feed 25 head of cattle. Being in constant use, it should be well ironed all around the top and down the ends, at the sides, and securely fast- ened together by ^ iron rods, with nuts upon each end, three of them across each end, going through irons on the outside. This box is suspended (see cut, p. 24) on a y2 ton compen- sated chain hoist by a chain on each side of the box, with a ring in the centre, the ends of the chains going through the eye of an iron at the top of the box, the other end of the iron being fastened to the 3/& rod running across the outside ends of the box in the centre ; also, by bolts near the chain, so that the chains will be in line from the ring in the centre to the 3/% r°ds supporting the box from the four corners at the centre, the rings in the centre being hooked to the chain hoist. An iron axle, with wheels 6^4 inches in diameter, is securely fastened across the bottom of the box, 22 inches from one end; the wheels have i y2 inch tread, and run close to the box, and have a wooden shield to protect them from the chain. The other end of the box should be run upon a good strong castor in the centre. This will enable the box to turn and run in any direction from the silo to every cow. Preserving Green Forage 23 With this device, one man can feed all the cattle with less labor than in any other way ; in fact, it seems more like sport than work. The box runs the whole length of the silo, and remains just where we want it, full or empty, at any elevation we may be removing the forage from the face of the cut. We do not have to lug any of it. Thus arranged, the device seems to be indestructible, and time, trouble, and labor reduced to the minimum. There is no waste, litter, or odor about the barn or silo. The box rolls out of the silo upon a Fairbanks scale, every ration is weighed, and it is all eaten up clean. The cattle require only about one-half the usual quantity of water: ours drink no cold water, and the results are shown at the milk- pail, the scales,- and the manure pit. In fact, so quickly and quietly is this shown in prac- tical operation that it takes less time to show it than it does to tell and explain it. Colcord's System of THE FEED-BOX. Preserving Green Forage 25 DESCRIPTION OF THE FEED-BOX. The cut represqnts a feed-box capable of holding the rations for 25 head of cattle, show- ing its construction, also the compensated chain hoist and the double-roller troll which runs upon the track over the silo. When the box is lowered upon the barn floor, the chains are unhooked from the hoist, and the rings, by which it is shown as suspended, are placed in the hooks upon each side of the box, leaving the top of the box perfectly free and without any obstruction, the wheels at the bottom allowing the box to turn and run in any direc- tion. In practical use, it works perfectly, and is found to be the most convenient and expe- ditious way of conveying the forage from the silo to the cattle. The feed-box is hoisted and lowered by an endless chain. Said chain is shown in the cut as hanging loosely against the sides of the box ; but quite a large portion of its length is omitted in the cut, for the purpose of saving the room it would occupy on the page of the book. The two broken ends from which the omitted portion was severed are shown in the cut as hanging a little below the bottom of the box. 26 Colcord's System of WEIGHTING THE SILO. Weighting has always been the great objec- tion to silos: how to put on and take off 20 to 40 tons of weight, when time is precious, and to do it cleanly and neatly, keeping dirt, stones, chips, etc., .out of the forage, and not making a litter about the barn, to say nothing of the continual expense, especially when the weighting has to be hoisted and lowered. Boxes and barrels are constantly coming to pieces, and not convenient to handle. Of course, the weight upon the forage is what we must have, and the cheapest way to get it there is by some thought to be the best ; but, in taking the weight off, it is very important to keep it upon every plank that you do not take off, to enable you to make the vertical cut on the forage when removing it to feed out I will here suggest the best method of weight- ing. Take a piece of board, i inch thick, 12 inches long, and 16 inches wide, for the bottom of a box, 2 pieces 18 inches long and 24 inches wide for the sides, and 2 pieces 25 inches long and 10 inches wide for the ends. Place the sides on the upper surface of the bottom, and the ends on the vertical ends of the bottom; nail them firmly together, and you will have a Preserving Green Forage 27 box in which none of the nails will be driven into the wood parallel with the grain, and each attachment will act as a cleat across the boards, to prevent their warping or splitting. These boxes are intended to be placed close together upon the 2x12 inch plank covering the silo, said boxes having no cleats on the outside. Put cleats 2^ inches wide, bevelled at the top, across the ends on the inside of the box. Two men can use these cleats as handles, and also to hoist with, by using an A shaped iron having an eye in its top, and turned out one inch each side at the bottom, to go under the cleats. They may be filled with sand or loam for bedding and to absorb liquid manure, or may be used for gravel for weighting only. For strength, durability, and convenience, they are unrivalled. The word "long," as used above, means measuring with the grain, and the word "wide" means measuring crosswise of the grain. As it is sometimes very difficult to find boards 24 inches wide crosswise of the grain, 4 pieces 18 inches long and 12 inches wide will serve to make the sides, instead of the 1 8 x 24 inch stuff. Two hundred and fifty boxes, made in the above manner, at 25 cents each, would cost $62.50. Flour barrels would cost about half 28 Colcord's System of that price, and iron rods and jack-screws would cost about $62.50. The boxes would last 31 years, or $2.00 a year; the barrels, 3 years, or $10.00 a year; the screws and rods, 70 years, or, say, $1.00 a year. But the time, accuracy, and convenience of the screws wrould more than double the economy of the boxes or barrels, and should be reckoned at only 50 cents a year. I esteem the value of the rods, for strength and security, fully equal to their value in pressing the forage; and, if I were building a cheap wooden silo, I should put them in, first building a good 1 8-inch cement wall, 3 feet high, upon a good foundation, well drained, setting my wood silo upon it, putting a timber between each rod and the inside double boarding, with 2 x 12 inch studding, filled around the bottom with cement and gravel, and between the out and inside board- ing with sawdust to keep out the frost. I would also spike 2-inch plank firmly around the outside, at the top, middle, and bottom, because you want to be sure of your 8 or 10 months' food for your cattle, and silos are so difficult and expensive to repair, if the walls give way. Built in this way, wooden silos are easily converted into cement ones, which are sure to be wanted in the future, and are always permanent and require no repairs. Preserving Green Forage 29 There are other methods of getting pressure, — with levers, also with water; but these are no cheaper and not so convenient, because with jack-screws, costing from $2 to $4 each, you can remove the screws and blocking at pleasure, and set them back as you cut down, keeping the pressure on, which is a great advantage. But with water, even if you have an aqueduct to run the water in and out the barrels with a hose, the water may freeze; and the barrels are always in the way and cost more than to press with screws and rods. It does not work well to have a double cover running lengthwise and crosswise the silo, for you cannot remove part of it at a time. The best cover is 2-inch plank, laid directly upon the forage, with 6x6 timber laid across length- wise, about 3 feet from the side walls, to keep the plank level. Uncover no faster than you cut down. I have found by repeated examina- tions that, when you uncover the whole top to feed out, by forking it off, the top, owing to exposure to the air, is about twice as sour as it is about 2 feet below where you fork from, so that the stock get twice as much acid as there is any occasion for, and often more than is healthy. 30 Colcord's System of THE CROP TO PRESERVE. Almost any kind of green forage can be preserved in silos. The general conditions to be observed, in putting it in the silo, are to have it a homogeneous mass when pressed. For this reason it should be cut fine, especially when the stalks are coarse and hard like corn. It is much better to have but one kind of fod- der in the silo at the same time, for the reason that the softest kind, if more than one variety is used, will pack quicker, and hard enough to prevent the escape of air and gas. The air and gas will collect in spots, and set up heat and fermentation ; but, if the mass is in uni- form condition, evenly spread and pressed, the air may all be removed from it without diffi- culty, which will insure good preserved forage. There may be cases where there is a heavy crop of coarse marsh grass, fresh or salt, which does not require cultivation, and is convenient to the silo, that would pay to cut up and pre- serve, in which case it would greatly enhance its value for feeding. There are sections at the South where some heavy crops grow without cultivation that would make good feed for cattle, and would Preserving Green Forage 31 be greatly increased in feeding value by pres- ervation in the silo, but which would be com- paratively valueless preserved by desiccation. A case in point is the Roman wormwood, the common ragweed of the North, which I have known to be ensiloed, and is said to have made a very palatable food. But to raise a crop of anything else for the silo, on land upon which Indian corn will grow, seems to be a waste of time and money. It is better to plough under the crop of weeds before they go to seed, and plant a crop of mammoth ensilage corn. When you do this, you are feeding the land as well as the cattle, at the same time, much more economically. MANAGEMENT OF THE CROP. Indian corn, above all other plants, is the crop for the silo, because it is the best food, is greatly increased in feeding value by soaking in its own juice in the silo under pressure, is a great appetizer in this form, is more assimi- lable as food, and the plant, or corn, in the milk does not have the injurious effect of corn- meal. From 20 to 40 tons can be raised to the acre of land, 3 tons of it being equal in feeding value to i ton' of hay. It is easily 32 Colcord^s System of planted in drills, 3 feet apart, one kernel every 6 inches, by an Eclipse Corn Planter, which plants 500 pounds of fertilizer in the drill, at the same time covering it and the corn, and rolling it all, at one operation, at the rate of 4 acres daily. The best results I have had in crops have been obtained by using J. A. Tucker & Co.'s Bay State Superphosphates, 500 pounds being spread broadcast upon small loads of manure by a manure spreader, harrowed in, 500 pounds also in the drill, as above stated; and I will here add that one of the best things about the Eclipse Planter is that every kernel of the corn comes up evenly, and the crows will never pull up any of it. About the seed I plant, I have had the best results from C. H. Thompson & Co.'s " Mam- moth Ensilage " and the " Red Cob Ensilage " from St. Louis. When there is a good oppor- tunity to market sweet corn, the best of it can be selected for market, leaving the forage in good condition for the silo. The best variety I have found for this purpose is " Stowel's Evergreen." In estimating the capacity of the silo, after the forage is heavily pressed, a cubic foot will weigh about 50 pounds, usually a trifle under, Preserving Green Forage 33 so that it is very easy to calculate how much to plant, how much to feed, and how long it will last. The "Dr. Bailey's Ensilage Cutter" will cut and elevate from 40 to 100 tons daily, with a 6 to 8 horse-power engine and boiler. The corn can be harvested and put into the silo in almost any weather, hot or cold, dry or wet (unless it rains too hard to work in the field), with less trouble, in less time, more security, and greater surety of perfect preservation, than any fodder crop can be harvested in any other way. We have the statement of M. Goffart, who has tried it for many years, that Indian corn can be raised continuously, year after year, upon the same ground, by spreading upon the manure piles, each week, 100 pounds of ground bone to the equivalent of manure used upon an acre of land. I give my authority for this statement, because I have not tried it in this way. M. Goffart also states that he raises about 40 tons of fodder corn to the acre, upon land fertilized in this way, upon the same land continuously, and the forage keeps his cattle in perfect health year after year. 34 Colcor&s System of FERMENTATION IN SILOS. Chemistry teaches us that fermentation takes place in the following order: first, the saccharine; second, the alcoholic; third, the acetic ; fourth, the lactic ; then a variety of other fermentations, either in quick succession or found to exist at the same time in the same substance. These transformations are accom- panied with heat. At the fourth change, the heat is generally above 86°, and germs of bacteria are developed, and we have true fer- mentation, with continued evolution of Car- bonic and Acetic Acids, in connection with a variety of putrid fermentations. These con- tinue with rapid decomposition and recomposi- tion, with increasing heat, until the mass goes to destruction, more or less quickly. In silos, these germs of bacteria are sup- posed to get into the silos with the air, at the time of filling. They develop very rapidly, and multiply indefinitely, by subdivision. The germs will germinate into living activity at 86° of heat, and will germinate after exposure to a heat of 212° for some hours; but the devel- oped bacteria will be killed at a temperature as low as 122°. Bacteria live upon oxygen, Preserving Green Forage 35 which they may get from the air, or they may get it from the sugar and starch in the corn, direct, without air. They live and thrive in an atmosphere of carbonic acid. Now, with this explanation, how is it possu ble for corn to be placed with safety in a silo slowly, when mixed with all the air possible to get in with it, heating in the centre enough to kill bacteria, and toward the sides the proper temperature to develop germs into the greatest activity, the bacteria in the mean time multiplying indefinitely by subdivision in the best medium, sugar and starch, for supporting their life, — I ask how is it possible to stop such fermentation before the contents of the silo spoil ? On the other hand, suppose the heat does not rise above 86°, true fermentation does not take place, but the action of the air upon the forage, with moisture, develops a fungus growth upon the outside of the forage, which may continue, passing through mould and black rot to destruction. This often happens in corn fodder when the process of desiccation has been imperfectly performed, but true fer- mentation in the silo evolves and often ends in a light or dirty yellow residuum, with foul odors, more or less pronounced, nauseating 36 Colcord's System of and offensive. These conditions are usually found after heat and fermentation, just in pro- portion to the amount of air taken into and retained in the silo. I have endeavored to give a rationale, as I understand it, of the process of fermentation found in the silo. But in my practical obser- tions I have found that, as quickly as I could fill my silo, Carbonic Acid was also there, in quantity, the morning after the first day, and Acetic Acid, in quantity, the morning after the second day. My natural senses did not detect the presence of the saccharine or alco- holic fermentation. I did not get up in the night to call the roll, but found the substitutes in the morning, and have never since seen the delinquents to know them. I don't propose to contradict science, but I do propose to apply and use it according to my experience, and the HARD, COLD FACTS which have confronted me. I know that, if I get all the air out of my silo, I do not have heat or fermentation, conse- quently no loss of fodder and no foul odor; and I have come to look upon Carbonic and Acetic Acids as MY FRIENDS, in consequence of their early calls and assistance, in helping me to develop and perfect my system of perfectly Preserving Green Forage in its best condition. Preserving Green Forage 37 THE SILO GOVERNOR. Whenever forage is pressed in a silo, it packs where it is most dense, and becomes so hard that the air can neither get out of the corn nor out of the silo. It therefore re- mains in, and is pressed into the forage, which causes it to heat and ferment; it also prevents the corn from settling as it should, and acts as an air cushion, which causes lateral press- ure upon the silo walls, and prevents settling enough to get juice at the bottom, and bring- ing it throughout the mass to the top. We therefore lose the great benefit of having a quantity of free juice in the silo, which benefit consists in reducing the temperature, making the forage soft and pulpy, rendering it more assimilable, and greatly increasing its feeding value. After Carbonic Acid has performed its office of displacing the air from the silo, it is absorbed by the juice, causing a partial vacuum, which causes the juice to rise gradu- ally to the top, and is kept there, under press- ure, by absorption and capillary attraction. These operations are all brought about and controlled by the silo governor. Its action commences on the first day of filling, 38 Colcord^s System of and goes on continuously for about two months, when the silo is ready to be opened. Briefly stated, it collects the air from all parts of the silo, conveying it to the outside. When the Carbonic Acid appears, being heavier than air, it sinks to the bottom as it permeates the forage, displacing the air, which it does grad- ually and quietly, without mixing with it : the silo governor alao conveys the surplus quantity of Carbonic Acid outside, in the same manner; it also operates in the same way with Acetic Acid. These two acids and air are the only gases we have to contend with when we use the governor, which so perfectly removes and governs them that we never have heat or fermentation ; consequently, no decomposition or development of foul odors. We keep a thermometer in the centre of the silo, and examine it frequently: we also measure the quantity of juice in the bottom of the silo daily, or as often as is necessary, by running a long stick down to the bottom of the per- pendicular pipe of the lower governor. We get all the juice wanted from the corn, allow- ing it to accumulate on the bottom 20 to 30 inches deep. This last season, we had 6 inches of juice before we could put on the cover to press; the year before, we had 2 inches. This year we had a surplus of juice, Preserving Green Forage 39 and have been feeding from 50 to 100 pounds daily, mixed with the shorts, to our milkers. This juice was drawn off, clear, sweet, and odorless, from the bottom of the silo. The governor collects and distributes the juice to and from all parts of the silo, and con- veys the surplus from the centre to the outside, under the cemented bottom, to be drawn off as wanted. In making ensilage where no governor is used, it is seldom that any juice collects in the silo, even with i to 200 pounds' weight upon each square foot of surface ; so that pressing green forage by this system requires not half the pressure to produce better results, with much greater economy. In controlling the operations inside the silo, we are guided quite as much by the quantity and quality of the juice as by the gases, odor, and temperature. Carbonic Acid is perfectly wholesome in the stomach, and performs a good use in the silo; but it is necessary to be very careful working in a silo where it is, as no breathing animal can live in an atmosphere of it more than a few minutes. Acetic Acid is also very plentiful in the silo, and quite wholesome. It is the acid that causes the sour taste in every silo ; and we are apt to get too much of it, as it is readily absorbed by the juice. But a 4 ......... ' ..... I'lsdfliflg ll" "i the i- i"i I- u ..... ill dtt ti" i""f, a«d in time it ••11, With my kitid fei -"J best I ' ' New YuKfc, May 24, 8, M. ( ' •! / ' " - ; • • • itt tweipt trf y^tif lettt I ' I- yo«f la^t the p-' •!•!' • M"-^ 1 have read both with ^ *ed i«-- ' ^ee tf- ' • *yoy t- I'umtf •f publication OH • < gave / , attd was aw iwdw^' ' : ywa §e«d me aH/ ,/•;,- I 33 I pressed the (over down upon the cnrn slowly, and perfectly lev< I uuhl I in I IK bottom ol the hilo -?o im hes ol juice-. There heat and inn. Much oi these acids VV.l'i -il >'.ol I ><•< | |>y the jlIHe, «ai|sim.' ,1 |>. vacuum, vvba b, vvitb the* pj<'v.ui« , -^-t up < .tpil l.ti y .tt 1 I;K t ion, and bi ouidit up t h<* )ui out '•> to lo (jlJU<<'^ ol th<- jilicr from 10 ounces oj the inriiL'i* taken |j<)iu any part of the silo. Having a surplus Quantity of jui< c at tin- Ixittom, w<- di'-vv it oil and b'd O poiindh, mixed With ^hoiK, <|aily to ea< h cow. I 1 1 r . j 1 1 !' < w.r. ' I* .1 1 •, < • I . 1 1 j< I 1 1' .1 1 I y ' >< 1 1 •! [eti, 'I w« lv< oi my * ovy-i v.nned m '.v i:dil, iioin June to l)e(cmber i, i ,u«/) pounds, and wen- in very good condition; but upon this gain, fed upon this forage 60 poundi daily, with a quarts gluten meal and 8 quarts shorts, their ;>..m v/.r, /•;<, pound", additional in lliiily d..y,( 134 Colcord's System of the milkers nearly doubling their milk, the others gaining in weight. Considering the quality of the corn put into the silo, I think this is a remarkable showing ; and it would seem to be an impossibility for any corn crop to be a failure, with a good silo. Green forage preserved by this system is better and of greater feeding value during the last month than during the first month, taking it from the silo. I can see no reason to doubt perfect success every year with the crop, the silo, the system, and the silo governor. By using this system, there is no waste or loss of the corn. By using the governor, all the air and free gases are re- moved, which prevents heat and fermentation (we have never had above 78° of heat): conse- quently, we have no foul odors, and 50 per cent, more of this forage can be fed to the cat- tle than of ordinary ensilage. THE ADVANTAGE OF JUICE. There is also a great advantage in having the juice from the corn taken up evenly throughout the mass, reducing the tempera- ture, producing a condition similar to canned goods and superior, inasmuch as the corn is soaking under pressure in free juice, render- Preserving Green Forage 135 ing it soft and pulpy, more assimilable as food, and of much greater feeding value. My stock was fed upon this forage until July 20. After that time, the milk-flow fell off about half. I commenced feeding the pre- served forage again, November 25 ; and during the next thirty-five days the flow of milk doubled from the same cows, and the dry stock increased in flesh, in proportion to the increased flow of milk from the milkers. As I weigh the fodder every time it is fed, and as the cows are weighed every thirty days, I am able to speak accurately as to results. I have tried to make a comparison with green corn fresh from the field ; but, as my cows would not eat a large part of the green stalks, I could not get at a sufficiently accurate esti- mate for publication. My men who weighed 550 pounds of the fresh green corn, at a feed, thought that amount was about equal to 375 pounds of the preserved green forage. I put into a very good silo, constructed on my system, last year, two governors for W. H. Bent, Natick, Mass. I have examined the forage that he is now feeding from it to a very fine herd 'of blooded Holsteins. The quality of the preserved forage was equal to mine, but I have not compared his feeding results with 136 Colcord's System of mine. They cannot be the same, because he has taken from one of his cows 40 cans (680 pounds) of milk in ten days. None of my cows will hold as much in twenty-four hours, to say nothing of gaining on that. I mention this here to show that others can get just as good feed and results by using my system and device as I do. The gov- ernors are an economical investment in any silo ; but the better the silo, the more perfect will be the preserved fodder. The importance of this system may be seen when we notice how it differs from ordinary ensilage. By this system, the forage is pre- served without heat or fermentation, without foul odor, without any waste; it is contin- ually improving in the silo, is soft and pulpy, and is improving in feeding value while being fed out ; as long as it lasts, its quality is im- proved, its assimilation and feeding value aug- mented, by soaking in its own juice under pressure, under similar but improved condi- tions to canned goods. These conditions are quite the reverse with ensilage. Ensilage is not uniform in quality, and different lots vary very much. Even with the same amount of care, it cannot be de- pended upon for quality in any case, which Preserving Green Forage 137 accounts for the great number of abandoned silos, although it is often quite good, but it will never bear a good comparison with this preserved forage. It is very seldom that a peck of ensilage can be taken into a warm room and kept a few hours without filling the room with very disagreeable odor ; and people who have handled ensilage for a short time, upon entering a warm room, will usually fill it with disagreeable odor, unless their clothing has been previously changed. But this is not the case with this preserved forage. I feed regular rations, weighed, to my cows daily, from 60 to 70 pounds, without any waste, and have fed as high as 85 pounds to large cows. This cannot be done with ensilage. My silo is in my barn; and, even when I am feeding 20 cows in the same barn, people do not notice the odor of ensilage. I am aware that it is difficult for people to understand these state- ments who have not seen it, but people who have seen these things in my barn attest to these facts. This system is in operation upon my farm, and is open to the inspection of any one at any time, or to any officers, agents, or Com- mittees of Institutes, Farmers' Clubs, or Granges, wishing to make examinations. As 138 Colcord's System of there is no secret about it, all information and every facility is freely given to make examina- tions ; and I will answer any calls upon me to explain this, system and device before any meeting of such bodies as Boards of Agricult- ure or Experiment Stations. [From the Farm, Field, and Stockman, July 14, 1888.] EXPERIMENTS WITH MILK AND CREAM. BY S. M. COLCORD. From a herd of grade cows, fed on Colcord's preserved corn, with half-rations of shorts and cotton-seed, sixteen cows were taken from a rich pasture of fresh grass, and kept in the barn, the temperature being an average of 85°. The increase of milk upon 65 pounds daily ration of this forage was one can daily, without turning the cows out. June 15, sixteen pints of milk were taken, one pint from each cow's, from the last quart of each milking. It was mixed together, and set by the Cooley system, submerged at a tem- perature of 48° sixteen hours, the temperature at the end of the setting being 58°. The yield of cream was four and one-half inches to eigh- Preserving Green Forage 139 teen inches depth of milk, just one-fourth, or 25 per cent, cream. June 1 6, sixteen pints of milk taken, one pint each from same cows, fed the same way, setting and temperature the same. This milk was taken from all that the cows gave, the setting was twelve hours, with three inches of cream to eighteen inches depth. Set to twenty-four hours, with about the same amount of cream. The cows not turned out, and held their increase of milk. June 17, sixteen pints taken, one pint from each cow, from the last half of the milking of each cow, mixed and set the same, tempera- ture of the weather 86°, of the water setting 58°. Yield of cream, four inches to eighteen inches, the cows bellowing in the hot barn for cool water and liberty. The yield of milk fell short one can the past twenty-four hours. The cream in all these trials was yellow, sweet, and odorless of any taint, and was used upon the table morning, noon, and night, by all the family (eight persons), upon oatmeal, beans, bread, sweet cakes, in tea, coffee, and in several other ways, the quality uniform in all the samples, and the best I have ever seen. June 17, four days, nine hours, after setting, the milk soured, the cream became acid. Three 140 Colcord's System of days, nine hours, after setting, the milk was sweet, the cream slightly acid. Two days, nine hours, after setting, the milk was sweet, the cream sweet. During this time, the weather has varied 30°, with rain, thunder, and lightning. The setting and refrigerator has varied about 10°. June 20, five days, nine hours, milk and cream both sour. Four days, nine hours, milk acid, cream sour. Three days, nine hours, milk sweet, cream acid. There has been no odor of ensilage or any bad odor, except that of sour milk or cream. Since the i5th and i6th, the temperature has been kept at 58°. The samples are all uni- form, without a taint of foul odor of any kind. The milk and cream are faultless as to color, odor, and taste. June 26, the curd was partially separated from the whey. The samples are all uniform, without a taint of foul odor of any kind. The taste of curd and whey is very pleasant, cheesy ? with no mould, not a suspicion of ensilage taste or odor. The cream is thick, cheesy, of fine odor, and mixed with whey. There is not a shade of taste or smell in the direction of ensilage. These samples are now kept at a temperature of 38°, and are examined fre- Preserving Green Forage 141 quently. I have never seen samples of milk and cream as pure, sweet, and fine-flavored before. They appear to be faultless. The ex- aminations will continue until further changes are noticed. I have been induced to make these examina- tions at the request of parties who furnish the best milk to New York City, for the purpose of knowing whether Colcord's preserved green forage imparts any odor or taste of ensilage to milk or cream. I believe it impossible to get better milk or cream from any other food given to cows. [From the Rural New Yorker. PATENT SILAGE. February i, we received by mail, from Mr. S. M. Colcord, of Dover, Mass., about a pound of silage, which was taken from the silo three days before its arrival. It was the most per- fect specimen of preserved fodder we have ever seen, sweet and fragrant. It was sampled by many visitors, several of whom were per- fectly willing to put it into their mouths and taste it. We have kept that package of silage on a desk in a warm room ever since. It is now perfectly dry, green and sweet, in far bet- 142 Colcord's System of ter condition than any corn fodder we have seen. [Following the above, and in the same paper, there was printed a description of the Colcord process of preserving green forage without heat or fermentation, said description being very similar to that printed on p. 1 1 2 of this treatise.] [From the New England Farmer, April, 6, 1889.] A SUGGESTION FOR THE EXPERIMENT STATIONS. The Rural New Yorker, noticing the ensi- lage ideas of Mr. S. M. Colcord, which have been noticed several times in these columns, says, "We have long believed that this process of preparing silage will some day revolution- ize the ensilage business." The Rural New Yorker says in print what the editors of this paper have frequently said to Mr. Colcord personally, that the experiment stations should test this patent system of ensilage-making, side by side with the ordinary silo. Preserving Green Forage 143 THE PRESERVATION OF ENSILAGE, BY S. M. COLCORD, DOVER, MASS. [Published in the Report of the State Board of Agriculture of Pennsylvania, 1888.] For ten years past, I have made a study of preserving green forage,, and a great deal of my time has been spent in visiting silos and making examinations of their contents. There is a great deal of truth in the claims made for ensilage, especially in the direction of assimila- tion and the digestion of food, analogous in some degree to the difference between grapes and raisins, or between green and dry forage. There is also a great deal of truth in the objections made to ensilage as usually fed to cattle, especially in the direction of its being injured or spoiled by heat and fermentation in the silo, rendering it unfit for wholesome food. It has been found so difficult to preserve it without heat and consequent fermentation that the advice of scientific men has been in the direction of increasing the heat for the purpose of germinating the bacteria in true fermenta- tion and killing them by excess of heat, as 144 Colcord's System of they germinate at a temperature above 80° and are killed above 122° Fahrenheit. The ob- jection to this theory and practice is that true fermentation cannot be controlled or stopped before the ensilage becomes unfit for food, as it has been proved that the germs of bacteria will develop after having been exposed to a temperature of 212° for some hours. I have therefore directed my experiments with a view of preventing heat and fermenta- tion entirely, as the only sure way of preserving green forage; and, in order to ascertain the possibilities of this system, I built a perfectly air-tight silo, with smooth, perpendicular walls, capacity of 6,528 cubic feet, about 150 tons, 384 square feet of top surface, arranged to press with jack-screws, at pleasure, wherever and whenever wanted ; filled it with green corn in full milk, cut in half-inch lengths, lev- elled carefully to level lines, i foot apart, striped around the walls with a plumbago pencil; covered it with 2-inch splined plank, and around the sides with 4^ -inch rubber packing, then covered with two thicknesses of thick paper, kept in place with 4 inches of sand all over it. Three governors, consisting of i-inch iron pipe made into frames 6 by 26 feet, with Preserving Green Forage 145 %-inch holes on the under sides, every 6 inches, were placed one at the bottom, one in the centre, and one on the top of this mass of corn, with outlets at the bottom and top, closed with stop-cocks and plugs. These governors were sleeved together, and so ar- ranged that the corn could not stop the %- inch holes, but would leave a continuous passage under the pipes for the air and gases to get into the pipes and be conveyed through the pipes to the outside through the openings at top and bottom, thus leaving an air-hole within 3 to 4 feet of every part of the forage. It is not usual to get any juice from the corn in making ensilage, even with 200 pounds weighting to the square foot; but, with this device, the action was so prompt and decided that I had 2 to 3 inches of juice from the corn all over the bottom of the silo before it was three-quarters full, and some days before it was covered. I took the temperature daily at dif- ferent depths, in the centre, which was never over 72° in any part of the silo. This was about the temperature outside when we com- menced filling. Six feet from the bottom, the mercury stood 56° to 58°, which is above the highest temperature we now have, four months after filling. The forage does not heat up 146 Colcord's System of when removed from the silo, piled in a heap and left exposed to the air, as ensilage does. The silo being sealed up air-tight, all the gas coming from it had to come out through the governors at the top of the silo. The next morning after commencing to fill, carbonic acid was abundant. The second day, we had acetic acid, with no rise of temperature. These two acids appeared to be all that came out of the silo. They were very pure and odorless. It is fair to presume that, as carbonic acid is heavier than air, and was present in quantity, it displaced the air in the silo, and that, being readily absorbed by the water or juice, it had a tendency to form a vacuum, which, com- bined with the pressure and capillary attrac- tion, brought the juice to the very top plank. The silo is now just half empty. The perpen- dicular face of the cut is 13^ feet. From any part of this face, we can take a handful of the corn and squeeze the juice from it with one hand. The lower half of this mass occupies less than half the space it did when put in. The upper half shows much less pressure ; but the weight of a cubic foot of each is about the same, showing the proportion of juice to corn is much greater in the top half. Heavy press- ure was kept on for six weeks. During all this time, acetic acid came out pure and pungent. Preserving Green Forage 147 When that ceased to come, the pressure was discontinued ; and, since the pressure has been removed, the acidity has been growing less, a change not unlike the acidity of a Baldwin apple from November to May. My cattle have never objected to the acid. They seem to like it. The good milkers increase in milk, but do not increase so much in flesh; while the young and dry stock increase in flesh, some of them over two pounds daily for sixty days past. I am keeping nearly double the stock of last year, making nearly double the amount of milk and manure, using about the same amount of grain, and employing the same amount of help as last year. I have no weights to put on and take off the silo, no corn to husk, shell, and take to the mill, — it is all in the silo ; and I have no corn-fodder to handle, cut up, and steam, and no mangels to cut up and feed. I shall have half my hay left over. It was all fed out last year to about half the amount of stock. I also have enough of this fodder to carry twenty head of stock to the ist of August. This system, as developed by experiment and tests, rests mainly upon having tight silos, with smooth, perpendicular, even walls ; the oppo- site walls being at equal distances from each 148 Colcord's System of other in all places, so that under pressure the fodder may descend with the least lateral pressure, and the covering may come down evenly without pressure upon the walls ; the forage kept spread evenly while being placed in the silo, so that it may be pressed to equal density. The cover should be of 2-inch plank laid across the silo, with 6x6 timbers laid across the plank lengthwise of the silo to keep the cover level ; and the pressure should be upon the 6x6 timber. The best pressure is produced by having i ^-inch iron rods built into the side walls from the bottom to 6 feet above the walls, placed perpendicular in the centre of the walls, about 4 feet from the end walls and 8 feet distance apart, with 8x8 timber (to a 12-foot span) connecting opposite rods, the rods passing through i^-inch holes through the ends of the timbers, securely fastened on top by double nuts and large, heavy washers under them. The long screws on the rods should be about six threads to an inch. 2-inch jack-screws should be used between the timbers running lengthwise and across the silo. The heavy strain upon the rods will assist in holding up the walls, the corn can be kept level, and all time, trouble, and expense of weighting avoided Preserving Green Forage 149 The corn should be cut fine, % to ^ inch long. The pressure should give about 30 inches of juice in the bottom of the silo, and is a better guide for pressure than weighting a certain number of pounds, because that amount of juice has been found sufficient under pressure, with the absorption of car- bonic acid and • capillary attraction to carry the juice to the top of the forage, displacing all. air and free gas, representing canned goods by cold pressure instead of heat. This statement must be understood to include the device for removing air and other gases, without which it cannot be done. In large silos, one gover- nor should be placed on the bottom and one in the centre of the silo. These act so promptly that we get juice in the bottom be- fore we get the cover on, and act continuously for six weeks, removing air, carbonic and acetic acid, the forage continually improving in qual- ity from the filling to removing it from the silo. The covering plank is laid directly upon the corn. There is no waste whatever of for- age in the silo, or at the feeding-trough. There is no odor from the forage in the silo, about the barn, or from the hands and cloth- ing after handling it. Cattle will eat one ton per month continuously. If the corn is put in 150 Colcord^s System of mature, the ears upon the stalk, no corn-meal should be fed with it ; but cattle will do better with a light ration of shorts and cotton-seed fed with the forage, as corn in its best con- ditions is not a perfect food, although there is no better food to feed alone. In comparing different samples of ensilage, it is often difficult to decide which is best; and it is usually found to be of better quality during the first month after opening the silo ; but forage preserved by this system is contin- ually improving. In comparing it with ensilage, we can feed one-third more of it in a given time ; it is much more economical, — there is no waste in preserving or feeding it; there are no foul odors about it, and odor is one of the sure tests of quality. By this system, we expel the air, carbonic and acetic acids, from the silo, pure and simple. In ensilage, these are disposed of by heat and fermentation, through decomposition, forming deleterious compounds with foul odors, increas- ing as bacteria fermentation is more or less active. Ensilage usually has heat and active bacteria fermentation in it, which causes nearly all the trouble with it ; but, when the governor is used in a good silo, heat and fermentation never occur. Preserving Green Forage 151 It is of great advantage and a great satisfac- tion to be able to know just the conditions inside the silo at all times, as the amount of juice gives the pressure wanted as well as the acidity. The temperature informs us as to the fermentation, the ability to examine the gases coming from all parts of the silo, at any time, and to know when they cease and hew they can be controlled. The device we call the governor, because it is intended not only to show the conditions, but govern them. It has always acted to prevent heat and fermen- tation, so that we have never had an opportu- nity to test in stopping and controlling, al- though designed for that purpose also. It is also a great advantage to control the pressure at will. The last heavy pressure by the screws gave us acetic acid through the governor, showing no changes beyond, toward decomposition ; and it is to be noted that acetic acid came in the second day after com- mencing to fill. The quantity of acetic acid in all samples of ensilage has appeared to be one of the great objections to ensilage, and, in judging it, other greater objections have been overlooked. I have found that the quality of the preserved forage does not depend upon its acidity. 152 Colcord's System of To ascertain the effect of good preserved fodder fed in large quantity, I fed to a large cow from 66 to over 70 pounds daily for 90 days, during which time she gained in weight 2 pounds 5 ounces daily. Her last feed, an hour and a half before she was killed, was 19 pounds of bright, odorless forage, fed alone, the acidity of which was equal to the acidity in 1 1 ounces of commercial acetic acid. The test was made by pressing 10 ounces of juice from i pound of the forage, neutralizing with liquor potash, and testing with litmus. The contents of the stomach were immediately ex- amined in the same way. One pound of it was pressed the same as the sample before it was fed, with same results, 10 ounces of juke from 16 ounces. Nothing found in the stomach but this forage. The humidity the same as before being eaten, and tested so nearly neu- tral that I could not tell whether it leaned to acid or alkali. The contents of the stomach were not offen- sive, not more so than the forage before being eaten, except the animal heat in it. Every part of the animal was perfectly healthy. The beef was fat, very meaty and well mottled. This cow, before she was fed on this forage, was in quite ordinary condition, and it was Preserving Green Forage 153 feared that she would not fatten enough for fair beef ; but 3 days before she was butchered she weighed 1,418 pounds. How that quan- tity of acid was disposed of in one and one- half hours by the animal will require more time and further experiments. No animal could have been in better health than she was during the 90 days, or show a more healthy condition of every part upon exami- nation. Her gain in weight for the last 90 days was gradual and continuous, averaging 2 pounds 5 ounces daily. Over 3 pounds of the contents of her stomach is now in the same condition as on the day it was taken out. It has been kept in a tin lard-pail 30 days, is odorless, and seems to be just in the condi- tion for mastication. This acid forage was taken from the centre of the silo around the perpendicular pipes that very loosely sleeved the governors together, giving the forage an opportunity to absorb a larger portion of the acid passing the loose openings. I do not know what the odor of ensilage would be under like circumstances, after being exposed to heat and fermentation, but presume the foul odors would be very much increased, as is the case with juice from ensilage after exposure to the air. 154 Colcord's System of May 15, 1888. — My silo is now three-quar- ters empty. This empty part is dry and odor- less. The last quarter we are now using is much improved by remaining in the silo. The cover is tight, but there is no pressure or weight upon it. The vertical cut is 13^ feet. The lower half of the corn is con- densed to half the space occupied by the upper half, but a cubic foot of the upper half weighs a little more than a cubic foot of the lower half; yet in feeding value they are equal. I feed all the cattle with every ration weighed to them, which is now 65 pounds daily to each animal, reduced from 70 pounds, because the feeding value of the forage is improved by soaking five months in its own juice. The flow of milk is much greater, as well as the gain in flesh. Nothing leaks out or runs down from this vertical cut, and I can now press out n ounces of juice from 16 ounces of the forage taken from any part of the silo. 1 6 of my cows have gained the past 4 months 2,765 pounds, and 16 of them 1,242 pounds during the last 30 days. One of them has gained in weight an average of a fraction over 5 pounds daily during the past 30 days; an- other one, 4% pounds daily; another, 3 5-6 pounds; another, 3 1-3 pounds; another, 3 1-6 Preserving Green Forage 155 pounds ; 2 more, 3 pounds daily each, and so on, — all during the last 30 days, with about half my former rations of grain and about one- quarter ration of hay for a change. The juice from this forage is odorless, agreeable to the taste, and changes but very little upon exposure to the air. It settles clear, and loses much of its acidity. At a tempera- ture of 60° to 80°, it will gradually turn to pure, odorless, weak corn vinegar. The year previous to building this silo, I fed at the rate of 140 bushels of shelled corn, in the shape of a mixture of cob-meal and oats, to eleven cows, with good results; but I thought I was feeding too much corn for the health of the cattle. This year, I think I am feeding mature corn in full milk that, if allowed to glaze and ripen, would yield about 500 bushels of shelled corn. This has been and is being fed to 19 head of cattle, 17 being milch cows giving 20 cans of milk, 17 pints each, the milk increasing at about the same rate as of flesh, as stated above, in the past 30 days. This amount of corn goes into the cows as juice, or extract of corn, as between 60 and 70 per cent, is contained in the forage as free juice, held there by absorption; and, fed in this way, I do not consider that it acts in digestion 156 Colcord^s System of as corn-meal does, and accounts for the greatly increased feeding value of corn forage pre- served in this way. I have not yet tried the experiment of feed- ing a large quantity of grain with this very moist forage, but I think it can be done to some extent without injury to the cattle. There must be some limit to it, but I have not yet found it I am not feeding my usual quantity of grain, on account of the enormous increase of flesh, as stated above. If, as these experiments seem to indicate, the first process of digestion is done in the silo to a great extent, and if it is necessary that a large quantity of acid is required in this first process of digestion, and if we can do it as well or better without using the vital force of the animal, it would seem to be a matter of very great importance. The cattle eat these rations in half an hour. An hour afterward, the cud is in the best possible condition ready to be chewed over. There is no inflation of gas in the stomach, no acid, no odor. The cows are quiet and docile. The increase of milk, flesh, and manure, is very large. The economy in time, trouble, labor, and expense, is very great, and the results foot up from double to treble any other known methods. • Preserving Green Forage 157 I have not yet made any experiments for the quality of milk, cream, and butter;* but I have no reason to doubt a corresponding advance in both quantity and quality. The quantity we are sure of, and the large amount of hydro- carbons that go to make cream and fat are to be found in corn, bran, cotton and flax seed. Cows fed with this forage in proper quantities (not large) will give very rich and yellow milk, cream, and butter. There is not any objection- able odor in this preserved forage, from the silo to the second stomach of the cow ; but it may lack the fine flavor of clover or new-mown hay. PROGRESS MADE IN PRESERVING GREEN FORAGE IN SILOS. Men make progress in any direction when they keep their eyes open in all directions, with the mind in an affirmative state, and the will ready to receive the truth and act upon it, when found. I have had good and abundant reasons for pursuing this course in these in- vestigations, and have found occasion to mod- ify and change my opinions in much of the detail of my work, abandon much that I sup- *See p. 138 for recent experiments on milk and cream. 158 Colcord's System of posed was true and reliable, and to hang up as doubtful some things I had considered scien- tific facts. Any one attempting to fathom the depths and mysteries of fermentation will find him- self in a broad road, with no sharp lines, like wheel-ruts, to guide him, but more like the path of the rainbow, shading and blending, yet never going in a straight line, but always pointing in one direction. I should never have known what I now do about fermentation, as regards its operations in green forage in silos, had I continued to follow in the direction of other investigators ; but when I built a perfect silo, large enough to work the processes in quantity, in which I could try any required experiments, find out all that was going on in the silo, examine all the gases that came from it, ascertain the tem- perature in it at any time and at any depth, press it level, and enough to get free juice in it from bottom to top, to make the forage very nearly represent canned goods, to prevent heat, fermentation, and foul odor of any kind, and be able to remove the forage in perfect condi- tion, and feed it out without change, in the coldest weather in winter or the warmest weather in summer, I found all my theories and hopes more than realized, because two- Preserving Green Forage 159 thirds of all the difficulties I expected to en- counter were removed when all the air was out and my friend, carbonic acid, was in. But let no one think that, when he tries an experi- ment and makes a failure, it has no value. The failures of others have been the land- marks to guide me to success in this matter. Whenever I saw failures in any silo, I was not long in discovering the cause. If it was fun- gus growth or black rot, I found that it was caused by air getting in from the outside. If I found true fermentation, I always found it produced by air not being removed from the silo, producing heat and fermentation, with decomposition and recombinations, evolving foul odors. I spent a great deal of time and study to find some way of curing these evils, when found in the silo; but, when I became the possessor of a perfect silo, in which I could find the truth of every theory, and prove the facts by actual experiment, my theories and practices became very much modified, and I found two-thirds of my work could be done by avoiding the difficulties, and the practical diffi- culties so simplified that they could all be met and perfect results obtained, even by persons of ordinary capacity. I learned that by having strong and tight silos, with smooth, level-faced walls, the forage can settle without leaving 1 60 Colcord 's • System any cracks or vacant spaces for the air to get in and produce black rot; that removing all the air at the time of filling the silo will prevent heat and fermentation ; that press- ing out juice from the corn, and bringing it up uniformly throughout the forage to take the place of the air and gases in the forage, will produce a condition like canned goods. This condition can be developed and controlled with very little trouble, and very great econ- omy, by using the silo governor. The details of the processes are all described and explained under appropriate heads, and the system eluci- dated as well as I know how to do it, in this little book. While I do not claim that further progress is impossible, I do claim that what we now know is quite sufficient to insure very nearly, if not absolutely, perfect results, and ought to be satisfactory to the most fastidious, making sure of the best results attained as yet by any system devised for cheapening dairy products, and improving them in quality and quantity, whether it be milk, cream, butter, cheese, beef, or even manure ; and that whatever progress is made in the future will be made in the direction pointed out in this " System of Pre- serving Green Forage without Heat or Fer- mentation." THIS BOOK IS DUE ON THE LAST DATE STAMPED BELOW AN INITIAL FINE OP 25 CENTS WILL BE ASSESSED FOR FAILURE TO RETURN THIS BOOK ON THE DATE DUE. THE PENALTY WILL INCREASE TO 5O CENTS ON THE FOURTH DAY AND TO $1.OO ON THE SEVENTH DAY OVERDUE. AUG 1 2 196