Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. sly ats ee ate , RTMENT OF AGRICULTL _ BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLBTIN NO. 40. : ae - B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief off Bureau. i: : ea \ ie « | COLD STORAGE, WITH SPECIAL REFER | . ENCE TO THE PEAR AND PEACH. fps eel ic BY La ee 2) HAROLD POWELL Assistant Pomo.oeist In Cuarcr or Kirip INvESsTIGATIO ch Po hee NUP oe , ‘ SAND 'S. H. FULTON, ASSISTANT IN PomoLoey. ©. as x POMOLOGICAL, INVESTIGATIONS. : Issurp SerremBer 18, 1903, om Fi, ? Avelh| =e jee WASHINGTON (000 #9 Uae ete GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE. cf oaks SING Saas Pa RA herr ANS Nair i Se ae yt ble, | | a ae Gardens and Gr ounds, aa of one were a bara mei and also: Seed and Plant: Introduction end Distribution, the eae oe p me No. sie ‘The Relation of Lime. ined “Manede to Plant Growth, »L Liming: of So me from a Physiological Standpoint. I. Experimental Study of the Bee _ of Lime and Magnesia to Plant Growth. 1901. Price, 10 cents. — , meenae 2. Re jeraukstonbats and Fecundation of: Zamia. 1901. (Price; 20 cents. a ae 3. Macaroni Wheats. 1901. Price, 20 cents. 4. Range Improvement in Arizona. (Cooperative Experiments wae the ri zona Experiment Station.) 1902. Price, 10 cents. 6. Seeds and Plants Imported Through the Section of Seed and Plant. Intro: —- duetion for Distribution in Cooperation with the Agricultural Experimen % é - $tations. Inventory No. 9, Numbers 4351-5500. 1902. Price, 10 cents. a ~~» 6. A List of American Varieties lof Peppers. 1902..oPrice, 10 cents. S29 77 Si 7. The Algerian Durum Wheats: A Classified List, with Descriptions. Price, 15 cents. Gee Collection of Economic aod Giher Fungi Prepared for Distribution. “Uv . Price-10 cents. tg 9. The. North American Species of Spartina. 1902. Price, 10 cents. Ui 10. Records of Seed Distribution and Cooperative Experiments with Grasses a Forage Plants. 1902.. Price, 10 cents. .~ ara Johnson Grass: Report of. Investigations Made During the Season of 1901, % Poy 1902. <-Price, 10° cents. a aie. Stock Ranges of Northwestern California: Notes on the Grasses and Forage: | Plants and Range Conditions. 1902... Price, 15 cents. Rae “1B. Experiments and Range Improvements i in Central Texas. 1902. | Price, ai Ba aS A een ts. fe i 14. ears Decay of Timber and ‘Methods of Preventing Mtl 1902. Price, 5b cents, : * Ansa o pe : ) eyes Report upon Investigations Made During July and Aaa 1901, 3 in ‘the “Region Between Winnemucca, Nera and. Ontario, Oregon. : _ 1902. Ne Price, 15, cents... * Noles A oten, eliminary Study of the Ger etna of the Spores of Agaricus Campes- ree tris and Other Basidiomycetous Fungi. 1902. Price, 10 cents. a SN TOY 17. Some Diseases of the Cowpea: I. The “Wilt Disease of the Cowpea and Its ts. 05". ¢Control, Il. A Cowpea Resistant to Root Knot (Heterodera Radicicola). 1902... Price, 10 cents. te: 18. Observations on the Mosaic Disease of Tobaceo.. 1902, Price, 15. cents, ee , 19. oe es Bluegrass Seed: Harvesting, Curing, and Cleaning. Be Price, “* 10 cents. ates 20. Manutachire of Semolina and Macaroni. 1902. Price, 15 cetas cap ah 21. List of American Varieties of Vegetables for the Years ee te 1902. pe See ties 35 cents. [Continued on p. 3:0f cover.) Cee sd i . t Bul. 40, Bureau of Plant Industry, U. S. Dept. of Agriculture, PLATE |. ELBERTA PEACHES, STORED FOR TWO WEEKS IN A TEMPERATURE OF 36° F. (UPPER FIGURE) AND 32° F. (LOWER FIGURE.) NATURAL SIZE. oo Diva i vMENT OF AGRICULTURE. BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY—BULLETIN NO, 40. B. T. GALLOWAY, Chief of Bureau. COLD STORAGE, WITH SPECIAL REFER- ENCK TO THE PHAR AND PEACH. BY G. HAROLD POWELL, ASSISTANT POMOLOGIST IN CHARGE OF FIELD INVESTIGATIONS, AND Se Ee UE LON, ASSISTANT IN POMOLOGY. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. IssuED SEPTEMBER 18, 1903. Nw WASHINGTON: GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE, LA DOROr, BUREAU OF PLANT INDUSTRY. B. T. Gauttoway, Chief of Bureau. POMOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS. SCIENTIFIC STAFF. G. B. BracKkerr, Pomologist. Wma. A. Taytor, Pomologist in Charge of Field Investigations. G. Haro_p PowEL.L, Assistant Pomologist in Charge of Field Investigations. H. P. Gouxp, Assistant Pomologist in Charge of Fruit District Investigations. GEORGE C. HusMann, Expert in Charge of Viticultural Investigations. S. H. Fuuron, Assistant in Pomology. PER Obs ANS MITTAL U.S. DepaRTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, Bureau oF Puant InpustTrY, OFFICE OF THE CHIEF, Washington, D. C., May 11, 1903. Str: I have the honor to transmit herewith a paper entitled ‘‘ Cold Storage, with Special Reference to the Pear and Peach,” and respect- fully recommend that it be published as Bulletin No. 40 of the series of this Bureau. This paper was prepared by Mr. G. Harold Powell, Assistant Pomo- logist in Charge of Field Investigations, and Mr. S$. H. Fulton, Assist- ant in Pomology, and has been submitted by the Pomologist with a view to publication. The illustrations which accompany this report, comprising’ five col- ored and two half-tone plates, are considered essential to a full under- standing of the text. Respectfully, B. T. GaLtLoway, Chief of Bureau. Hon. JAMES WItLson, Secretary of Agriculture. Go eke eC he The protection of fresh fruits, through the agency of low tempera- tures in cold storage houses, against their normal deterioration and decay has become in recent years one of the most important factors affecting the prosperity of the commercial orchardists of the United States. Practical experience has demonstrated the necessity for more complete and accurate knowledge regarding the possibilities of pre- serving fruit in wholesome condition in this way and the underlying principles that govern the behavior of fruits thus stored, as well as the effect of different cultural and climatic conditions upon the behavior of stored fruit. The investigation of different phases of this subject was begun in the summer of 1901 and is still in progress. While the completion of these important investigations, which involve repeated experiments with different varieties of fruit grown under the varying climatic con- ditions of different parts of the country and stored in different ware- houses, will of necessity extend over a considerable period of time, the important economic results thus far attained make the publication of this preliminary report upon the subject advisable at this time. In this report certain general principles are stated for the benefit of fruit growers, dealers, and storage men, and such specific application is made of these principles to the peach and pear in storage as experi- ence thus far has proved desirable. Other phases of the work are in progress and will be discussed in future publications. This bulletin has been prepared by Mr. G. Harold Powell, Assistant Pomologist in Charge of Field Investigations, and Mr. 5. H. Fulton, Assistant in Pomology, as the result of investigations made by them under the direction of Mr. William A. Taylor, Pomologist in Charge of Field Investigations. The work, in so far as these fruits are con- cerned, has been closely associated with the experimental export ship- ments of fruits, which will be reported upon in a future bulletin. G. B. BRACKETT, Pomologist. OFrFIcE oF PomoLogicaL INVESTIGATIONS, Washington, D. C., March 19, 1903. CONTE NICS. Page. Mneaiinichlonol colds storage ss: 25.3. 2-06 ea tee eek Le cee eee 9 Meg ouEpoOsesvonminultstorages 2.26001 ooh eS a ee 10 imMilwence Of cold'storage:on the pear industry #22222 /0222 223 252 bis 11 rccuical. diunewlttes im pearstOrage 2552. 22.08 he! eee ens 11 Outlineoexperiments in pear storage. 225 2 ses fae nee ee oe Se 12 The influence of the degree of maturity on keeping quality ..........--- 13 The influence of delayed storage on keeping quality .........--.--.----. 14 The influence of different temperatures on keeping quality............-- 15 The influence of the type of package on keeping quality.............--. 16 The influence of a wrapper on keeping quality ........---.--------..--- 18 The influence of cold storage on the flavor and aroma of the Pant te ; 19 The behavior of the fruit when removed from storage ............------ 20 STON DOU OVEN AY RS Sis ASE 8 ee GN cg Ao sear eee 21 imiuence ot cold storage on the peach industry --.-..!.-2.-.----..---+----- 23 Practical difficulties in peach storage... --.. Toren serene MIE Me ontans Cyd 23 Minulineotexperiments im peach storace = 6 22224. 2- 2). : 24 Generalsstatement ol results. fo. 8 wt ea oe ee knees ee tied cides eae 24 WESCRIOUOMeOlap ALES aye eens eee een eee Sees ae eit ee 28 7 PLATA SaEeATE Oss: 3 Page. Pirate J. Elberta peaches stored for two weeks in a temperature of 36° F. (upper figure)-and 32°2h4(lower eure). 22 eee Frontispiece. ‘Il. Kieffer pear, March, 1902. Fruit picked October 21, 1901, and placed in storage the following day at a temperature of 52° F____- 28 Ill. Kieffer pear, January, 1902. Fruit. picked October 21, 1901, and placed in storage ten days later at a temperature of 32° F_____.-- 28 IV. Wrapped Kieffer pears, removed from cold storage on March 38, 1902. Fig. 1.—Fruit in both boxes picked October 21, 1901, that on the right being placed in storage on the following day at a temperature of 32° F., while that on the left was not stored for ten days. Fig. 2.—Fruit in both boxes picked October 21, 1901, and stered on the following day, that on the right at a temperature of 32° F., and that on: leftiat' S602 R 2 joes oe Nee oe ee eh a 28 V. Kieffer pears, March 3, 1902. Fruit picked October 21, 1901, and stored on the following day at a temperature of 36° F__.....-.--- 28 VI. Bartlett pears, one week after being placed in cold storage. The upper figure shows the average condition of the fruit in center of barrel; the lower figure, that near the outside of the barrel ....-- 28 VII. Kieffer pears removed from cold storage on January 20, 1902. Fruit picked October 21, 1901, and placed in storage on the following day. Nearly 50 per cent of the unwrapped fruit decayed, while that wrapped in parchment and news paper kept in perfect condition- - 28 8 B. P. 1.—58. Pom. I.—17. COLD STORAGE, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO THE PEAR AND PEACH. THE FUNCTION OF COLD STORAGE. Fruit is placed in cold storage to retard the life processes which as they progress cause it to ripen and decay. The ripening goes forward more slowly in low temperatures, but still continues in the lowest tem- peratures in which the fruit may be safely stored. Fruit is stored also to prevent the rapid spread of fungous diseases which cause its prema- ture decay. A fruit is a living organism, with a life history extending from its earliest growth to final decay, and the cold-storage treatment is designed to retard development: without injuring its usefulness in other respects. The rapidity of ripening in the storage temperature depends principally on the habit of the fruit, the degree of maturity at which it enters the storage house, and the temperature and other conditions in which it is stored. It is influenced also by other factors during its growth and by the treatment it receives before it reaches the storage house. The warehouse is expected to supply a uniform temperature of the desired degree of cold through the storage compartments during the storage season. It is expected to be managed in other respects so that an unusual loss in the aroma and flavor of the fruit, in texture or in color, or through decay, may not be attributed to a poorly constructed or installed plant, or to its negligent or improper management. If the temperatures are maintained reasonably uniform at the point desired by the fruit storer, if the rooms are kept pure and sweet and laden with sufficient moisture, and if the fruit is handled properly within the warehouse, the storage house fulfills its function in the preservation of fruits. If, on the other hand, the temperatures fluctuate unduly and the fruit freezes to the point of injury, or is made to ripen prematurely, or the rooms are not properly managed, or if ordinary care is not exer- cised in other respects in the management of the house or the handling of the fruit, the storage house fails to fulfill its proper function. The warehouseman does not insure the fruit against natural deteriora- tion. He holds it in storage as a trustee, and in that relation is bound to use only that degree of care in the management of the warehouse 9 10 COLD STORAGE OF THE PEAR AND PEACH. that a man of ordinary prudence would exert under the circumstances in protecting the goods if they were his private property. It is frequently assumed that the cold-storage house in some mys- terious way levels the differences that naturally exist in the fruits of - a given kind, causing all.the apples of a variety, for example, to keep alike. No assumption, however, could be more fallacious, and it is probable that no one aspect of the storage business has led to more misunderstandings between the men who store fruit and the ware- housemen than this unfortunate impression. Cold storage can not improve the physical condition of fruit, and is in no way responsible for the deterioration that may arise from improper picking, grading, packing, and handling before the storage house is reached. Fruits of all kinds are profoundly modified by the climate, the soil, the age and health of the trees, and the conditions to which they are subjected during their development, and these acquired differences will manifest themselves in the storage rooms just as they do in nor- mal storage ripening, except that they usually appear later. THE PURPOSES OF FRUIT STORAGE. In the consideration of any storage problem it is important to pay due attention not only to the influences which affect the keeping quality of fruits and to the function of the cold-storage plant, but also to the purpose for which the fruit is stored. The fruit dealer may not always desire to retard the development of the fruit to the greatest possible extent. For the Holiday trade it may be advisable to have certain varieties of apples or pears in condition for immediate con- sumption during the Christmas season, though the same varieties might be retarded until April if stored in a lower temperature. The fruiterer who takes the fruit from the storage house to the fruit stand from day to day may desire it to ripen and color considerably before it leaves the storage house. The dealer, on the other hand, who stores the same varieties in large quantities for export trade or for late domestic markets has a different object in view, and the two distinct purposes would influence the storage treatment of each. | It is equally important to consider the requirements of the market in the storage of different fruits. The commercial use of a particular fruit | is limited principally to the season when people are in the habit of buying it, and beyond that period the demand is restricted, unless | there is a failure in the supply of other fruits that normally fill the market at that time. It is possible to hold many varieties of pears till late winter or early spring, but the usual demand for them at that time would not warrant their storage in large quantities, as apples and oranges are then at the height of their season. In fact, it is doubtful whether it is advisable to store pears of any kind in large quantities | INFLUENCE OF COLD STORAGE ON PEAR. INDUSTRY. 11 after the middle of November. For the same reason it is usually not a good plan to hold apples in large quantities later than the Ist of May, when fresh vegetables and the new crop of Southern fruits begin to fill the markets. The general principles, therefore, which govern the preservation of fruits and their relation to the markets can be under- stood only when these various factors are considered together. INFLUENCE OF COLD STORAGE ON THE PEAR INDUSTRY. Before the advent of the cold-storage business the supply of summer pears frequently exceeded the demand. ‘This condition of the markets, which were demoralized in hot, humid seasons, pertained especially to the early varieties, like the Bartlett, which ripen in hot weather and need to be sold in a short time to prevent heavy losses from rapid decay. The introduction of the refrigerator car and of the cold-storage warehouse, together with the rapid growth of the canning industry, has done much to improve the pear situation by artificially establish- ing a well-regulated and more uniform supply of fruit throughout a longer period of time. The pear acreage of the country has more than doubled within a decade, and is enlarging the relative importance of cold storage to the pear-growing business, though a large part of the increase, especially in California, along the Atlantic coast from New Jersey southward, in Texas, and in the Central West, is primarily related to the canning industry. Pear storage has developed most largely in the Kast. In New York and Jersey City from 60,000 to 100,000 bushels of summer pears, 30,000 to 60,000 bushels of later varieties, and many cars of California pears are stored annually. In Boston, since 1895 there have been stored each year from 5,000 to 15,000 bushels of early pears, principally Bartlett, and from 7,000 to 20,000 bushels of later varieties, such as Anjou, Bosc, Angouleme (Duchess), Seckel, and Sheldon. In Buffalo 10,000 bushels are sometimes stored in a single season, and in Phila- delphia from 30,000 to 35,000 bushels. While there are no accurate statistics available and the quantity fluctuates from year to year, it is probable that as many as 300,000 bushels are stored in a single year throughout the country at large. PRACTICAL DIFFICULTIES IN PEAR STORAGE. There are many practical difficulties in pear storage. The early- ripening varieties which mature in hot weather, like the Bartlett, often ‘‘slump” before they reach the storage house, or are in soft condition, especially if they have been delayed in ordinary freight cars in transit. They may afterwards decay badly in storage, break down quickly on removal, or lose their delicate flavor and aroma. When stored ina large package like the barrel, the fruit, especially of 12 COLD STORAGE OF THE PEAR AND PEACH. the early varieties, often softens in the center of the package, while the outside layers remain firm and green. Frequently no two ship- ments from the same orchard act alike, even when stored in adjoining packages in the same room, and the warehouseman and the owner, not always knowing the history of the fruit, are at a loss to understand the difficulty. It has been the aim in the fruit-storage investigations of the Department of Agriculture to determine as far as possible the reasons for some of the pear-storage troubles, and to point out the relation of the results to a more rational storage business. OUTLINE OF EXPERIMENTS IN PEAR STORAGE. The investigations in pear storage are of a preliminary nature only. The experiments undertaken have been planned with a view to determining the influence in the storage room of various temperatures, of the character of the storage package, of a fruit wrapper, of the degree of maturity of the fruit when picked, and of other factors in relation to the ripening processes in the storage house, and also to ascertain the behavior of the fruit and its value to the consumer when placed on the market. The Bartlett and the Kieffer pears principally were used in the experi- ments, but several other kinds have been under limited observation. The Bartlett represents the delicate-fleshed, tender pears, ripening in hot weather, which are withdrawn from storage before the weather becomes cool. The Kieffer, on the other hand, is a coarse, hard pear, ripening later in the fall in cooler weather, and in which the normal ripening processes are slower. It is a longer keeper, and like other fall varieties is withdrawn in cool weather. The Bartlett experiments extended through the season of 1902. The fruit was grown by Mr. F. L. Bradley, Barker, N. Y:, in a twelve- year-old orchard on a sandy loam, witha clay subsoil. The orchard | is a half mile from Lake Ontario and is 50 feet above the level of the © lake. The fruit, which was full grown, but green, was picked early in | September, and was packed in tight and ventilated barrels, in 40-pound closed boxes, and in slat bushel crates. Part of the fruit in each lot | was wrapped in unprinted news paper, and an equal amount was left | unwrapped. Part was forwarded at once by trolley line to the ware- house of the Buffalo Cold Storage Company at Buffalo, N. Y., anda similar quantity was held four days before being stored. The fruit reached the storage house within ten hours after leaying the orchard. The Kieffer experiments have extended over two years. In 1901, the fruit was grown by Mr. M. B. Waite, Woodwardsville, Md., in a Norfolk sandy soil, on rapidly growing five-year-old trees, from which | the fruit was large, coarse, and of poor quality. It was stored in the cold- storage department of the Center Market at Washington, D.C. In “th EXPERIMENTS IN PEAR STORAGE. 13 1902 the fruit with which the experiments were made was grown by Mr. S. H. Derby, Woodside, Del., on heavy-bearing ten-year-old trees on sandy soil with a clay subsoil. The fruit was smaller, of finer texture, and of somewhat better quality than that used the previous year. It was stored in the cold-storage department of the Reading Terminal Market in Philadelphia, Pa. The Kieffers were picked at three degrees of maturity: First, when two-thirds grown, or before the fruit is usually picked; second, ten days later, or about the time that Kieffers are commonly picked, and third, ten days later, when the fruit was fully grown and still green, but showing a yellowish tinge around the calyx. In each picking, part of the fruit was shipped to storage and was placed in rooms with a temperature of 36° and 32° F. within forty-eight hours. Equal quan- tities stored in each temperature were wrapped in parchment paper, in unprinted news paper, and were left unwrapped.