beeaahs te aber aanasiat bi ste Wniad acke glasehy } 2 aA ANe BAS ens ed en cally Ne ~ ee) ee y nn Leet \ 4 eat N ig RRR SS ais See ae ee we es, ee es has aS tee? ae ange 2 ie Up A? K 4 a ; } i ier. tr Lutes ¥ \ a v > i : y et " i ' ‘by A ‘ ,/ _ My aA'S { ' “ 4 t i } £ ie 2) a aa a if ’ ‘ i PI wi ' f Mt A ' \ ‘ Vol. XVI, No. 1 SATURDAY, JUNE 28, 1941 Annual Subseription, $2.00 Single Copies, 30 Cents. THE SPRING CRUISES OF THE ATLANTIS TO GEORGES BANK Dean F. Bumpus Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution The Atlantis made four cruises to Georges Bank this spring, one in March, one in April, and two in May, in order to continue the studies of the productivity of Georges THE PHYSIOLOGY COURSE AT THE M. B. L. IN 1941 Report of the Staff, Physiology Course The Physiology Course is centering its work around topics in cellular and comparative physiol- ogy of marine organisms. Two two-week periods of laboratory are planned. The Bank, that very productive shoal water region extending 189 miles to the east of Cape Cod. This series of cruises curing the spring months when MW. B. FE. Calender THURSDAY, July 3, 1941 | first of these is already pro- ceeding under the direction of Drs. K. C. Fisher, C. L. Pros- ser and F. J. M. Sichel. They have designed their individual productive rate of plants and or group student research animals is very great is a con- 8:00 P. M. along the lines of Cellular tinuation of a program com- He 8 lke Mme nteouruien Respiration, Comparative menced in the spring of 1940 Lecture: Physiology of Nervous Sys- under the direction of Dr. George L. Clarke, of Harvard University, aided by Dr. Gor- don Riley of the Bingham Oceanographic Foundation of Yale University, Dr. Mary Sears of Wellesley College, Mi George C. Whiteley, Jr, | of the Hill School, and Mr. Dean F. Bumpus of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institu- | July 8. “Current approaches to the Plant Hormone Problem.” | Dr. George S. Avery, Jr., Professor of Botany, Connecticut College for Women, New London, Connecticut | The first weekly seminar of the | season will be held on Tuesday, | tems and the Physiology of Muscle and Peripheral Nerve, respectively. The second two-week peri- od of the course will be de- voted to studies in Cytochem- istry; Water Balance in Ma- rine Organisms; Properties of Cell Membranes and Blood Gas Studies. This will be | conducted by the new mem- tion. As in 1940 a network of about 34 stations was made during each cruise over the bank in order to measure the tem- (Continued on page 9) bers of the staff, Drs. R. Bal- lentine, R. T. Kempton and A. K. Parpart. In the above program the wealth of marine material available is being exploited to its fullest TABLE OF CONTENTS Hans Driesch, Philosopher, Ralph C. Busser.... 8 M. B. L. Department of Chemical Supplies and The Physiology Course at the M. B. L. in 1941 The Spring Cruises of the “Atlantis” to Georges Bank, Dean F. Bumpue..................0 Relation of Macronuclear Regeneration in Paramecium aurelia to Macronuclear Struc- ture, Amitosis and Genetic Determination, Dr. T. M. Sonneborn Notes on Eulima oleacea Embryology, George M. Gray National Education Association at Woods Hole 1 1 3 4 it Scientific wAlpparabusy crests 8 Physiology Class Notes . . 10 Botany Class Notes ...... ¢ ial Embryology Class Notes Introducing Dr. Olga Janowitz 12 Ttem'ssofiinteres te tive erescieeseecsccceercers 3 Cold Spring Harbor Symposium .... 14 DinectoryahOne lO Alien eres a ne reaeoe er ecco 15 GHIOH SGOOM NI SHIYOLVYORVT TVOIDOTIOL AHYHL AHL FO NOILVOOT AHL SNIMOHS MOAIA TVINHVY NV “SSRTV ‘DIOTNIG MON ‘POOM ‘WW PreMOoT, Aq YdeR1s0,04q June 28, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET |W extent. It is hoped that by a well-rounded lab- oratory plan the interest and enthusiasm of the student will be kept at a high pitch. The labora- tory work is supplemented by daily lectures by the staff and as many as possible of the research specialists working at the laboratory. Following the first four weeks, the final period of the course will entail individual work by the students on a problem of his or her choice under the guidance of a member of the staff. RELATION OF MACRONUCLEAR REGENERATION IN PARAMECIUM AURELIA TO MACRONUCLEAR STRUCTURE, AMiTOSIS AND GENETIC DETERMINATION Dr. T. M. SONNEBORN Department of Zoology, Indiana University In recent years the study of unusual types of nuclei has been remarkably fruitful in the field of cytogenetics. The present paper is the first step in a study of a long known but still almost com- pletely enigmatic type of nucleus. The nuclei in Paramecium and other ciliate Protozoa appear in two forms, as micronuclei and macronuclei. Every normal individual has at least one nucleus of each of these two kinds. The micronuclei are in all important respects typical nuclei with chromosomes that behave as do chro- mosomes in higher organisms. But the macro- nucleus, though it develops from a micronucleus, shows no chromosomes and no indication of the precise mitotic and meiotic nuclear behavior typi- cal of other nuclei at the time of cell division and gamete formation. Moreover, at times of fertili- zation it unravels into a complex skein which breaks up into many pieces; and the latter are absorbed in the cell. The lost macronuclei are then replaced by new ones formed from products of the micronucleus. In spite of its peculiar or- ganization and behavior, the macronucleus is clearly essential for the life of the cell, while the micronucleus, though a typical nucleus, can be dispensed with. Of the many perplexing ques- tions raised by such a strange situation, the pres- ent paper deals primarily with the following: (1) How does it happen that the macronucleus appears to divide directly without going through the complex processes of mitosis? (2) How do the micronuclei and macronuclei share and inter- act in the determination of hereditary characters ? As will appear, the answers to these questions, in so far as they can now be given, depend upon the discovery here reported of a new and unique method of nuclear reorganization. Paramecium aurelia undergoes fertilization dur- ing the processes of conjugation and autogamy. For present purposes the only important aspect of these processes is the behavior of the macronu- cleus already mentioned: its unravelling into skeins, fragmentation of the skein into pieces, absorption of the pieces, and development of a new macronucleus from the micronucleus. I have found that, at times of such reorganizations, oc- casionally the micronuclei fail to produce new macronuclei. This of course is inevitable when micronuclei are absent, as they sometimes are; but it also happens sometimes even when micro- nuclei are present. In the latter case, there is some evidence to indicate that the micronuclei did not fuse in fertilization, but remained and multi- plied in the reduced condition. In either case, the cell commonly solves the problem of getting a new macronucleus, so essential for its life, by an alteration in the behavior of the many fragments of the old macronucleus. Instead of becoming absorbed in the cell, they grow up into new ma- cronuclei. Thus, as many as 35 or more new macronuclei may arise from the 35 or more frag- ments of the old disintegrated macronucleus. These are segregated out to the various cells formed at successive fissions, until only one re- mains per cell and they then begin to divide at fissions like regular macronuclei. This behavior is repeated at subsequent reorganizations: the re- generated macronucleus or its descendant unravels into a skein and breaks up into fragments which again regenerate new macronuclei. By inducing another reorganization early in the process of macronuclear regeneration, before the fragments have reached full growth and, indeed, before their number has been reduced to one per cell, one can observe that the disintegration of these incom- pletely developed macronuclei varies with their degree of development: when quite small, they form no skein at all; when larger, they form a very simple skein; when still larger the skein be- comes more and more complex until at full growth it closely resembles the skein of normal macronuclei. For comparison, one may observe the behavior of still unabsorbed macronuclear fragments in individuals that have in addition a THE COLLECTING Nev was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Single copies, 30c by mail; subscription, $2.00. 1938. It is devoted to the scientifie work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 4 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vot. XVI, No. 138 macronucleus formed in the normal way. When such animals are induced to conjugate, the old fragments never form skeins, but behave just as do the regenerating fragments before much growth has occurred. These observations dem- onstrate therefore, that the complexity of the ma- cronuclear disintegration skein reflects a corre- sponding complexity in the organization of the macronucleus; and, what is more important, they prove that the macronucleus is a compound structure with each of its component parts (cor- responding to the more than 35 fragments it forms) containing all that is required for the de- velopment of a complete and functional macro- nucleus, that is, a complete genome. This is the clue to the answer of our first ques- tion. The macronucleus appears to divide ami- totically because it is a compound nucleus, not a simple one; it contains more than 35 sub-nuclei and at division all that is required to yield ge- netically equivalent functional macronuclei is to segregate these multiple subnuclei into two groups. Of course multiplication of the subnu- clear components must take place at some stage of the nuclear cycle and this must now be sought for, not in the behavior of the nucleus as a whole, but in the behavior of the parts within it. Per- haps it occurs during the profound and little un- derstood changes known to precede the gross amitotic division. Further study should now be directed on this point. Animals in which macronuclear regeneration has taken place often die or produce some non- viable progeny ; but many live and produce a line of descent in which all subsequent reorganizations are invariably by the same method. Such cul- tures are always of the same mating type as the original parent cell, thus further supporting the view I have previously maintained, that the ma- cronucleus directly determines mating type. On the other hand, a whole complex of new charac- ters invariably appears in these cultures: reduced size, fission rate and viability; very short inter- reorganization periods ; and extremely intense sex reactivity. The direct cause of these characters is not fully known, but it is of interest that the size and viability appear to be reduced more when micronuclei are lacking than when they are present, thus implying a direct effect of the mi- cronuclei on these characters. Further, the ma- cronuclei in such animals are also reduced in size, suggesting a direct correlation between macronu- clear size and cell size, and an inability of the single macronuclear fragment to grow into a macronucleus of full size. The latter fact may also play a part in determining the low vigor of such animals, their strong mating reactivity and their short interreorganizational periods. Regen- erated macronuclei, though adequate to support life and reproduction, may still lack something re- quired for perfectly normal functioning. The results here set forth show (1) that the macronucleus is compound, (2) that the skein into which it disintegrates is a reflection of the complexity of its organization, (3) that macro- nuclei regenerated from fragments are nearly, but not quite, perfect and so determine corresponding imperfections in the cell, and (4) that micronu- clei, though not indispensible, nevertheless have certain direct effects on cell characters. These are first steps towards a solution of problems of cytogenetics in Paramecium aurelia; further steps in the same direction should follow from the op- portunities here provided for studying separately and in various combinations the physiological and genetic roles played by micronucleus, normal ma- cronuclei and imperfect regenerated macronuclei, and from the methods here reported for attacking problems of macronuclear organization. (Summary prepared for the press of a paper pre- sented before the American Society of Zoologists at the meeting of the American Association for the Advancement of Science on January 1, 1941.) INFORMAL NOTES ON EULIMA EMBRYOLOGY BY THE EMERITUS CURATOR OF THE M. B. L. MUSEUM GrorGE M. GRAY [Note: Mr. Gray has been associated with the Marine Biological Laboratory for fifty years as collector, curator of the Supply Department and lastly as Museum curator.] PREFACE In August 1932 the author published in THE Cottectinc Net an article on the habits and habitat of this dainty little mollusc. There was nothing whatever in the article about its breeding however. The following embryology comprises just a few notes taken during the last two years. Eulima oleacea, of Kurtz and Stimpson, or Melanella oleacea of other authors, is a beautiful small gastropod mollusc of a creamy-white color, with jet black eyes. The shell is finely polished. It tapers to a fine point, and the largest one i have is barely 10 mm. long or 6/16 of an inch, about 3 mm., 1/8 of an inch, at broadest part with 12 whorls, finely and delicately separated by lines. It is certainly a dude among our small molluscs. It can sometimes be taken by dredging but as it is a “quasi parasite or commensal”, on the black sea cucumber (Thyone briareus), it is easier to get them by collecting the sea cucum- June 28, 1941 | THE COLVECTING NET 5 250 Thyone and got seven Eulima, and two of these were on one sea cucumber. I have had better luck at other times. Recent Observations July 14, 1939. On the morning of July 8th just before noon, one of our collectors brought me among other small molluscs, ten Eulima olea- cea, alive and some of them attached to Thyone briareus. I took the snails and put them in a separate finger-bowl of sea water and let them stand. The next morning there were in the bowl sev- eral small white specks or spots, somewhat small- er than the head of an ordinary pin. They did not seem to mean much, but on _ investigation proved to be the egg capsules of the Eulima. There were evidently a number of individuals packed closely together and surrounded by a sort of jelly-like substance—something like that which surrounds the eggs of the frog. There were only a few of these capsules at first. On my next looking, which was the following morning, I found the number had increased to perhaps 18 to 20, which means that a single snail laid more than one capsule. About this time I took six of the snails and placed them in a sep- arate finger-bowl of sea water, leaving four snails in the bowl with the eggs. I examined the eggs for two or three days. I observed no sign of life, but each individual was evidently larger and be- ginning to separate from the others. Though no movement could be observed with the microscope I was using, the eggs were undoubtedly in the cleavage stages. (My microscope was not high powered enough to show.) On Friday morning on looking at them, I found that each individual had separated from its companions and all were whirling around or moving about more or less rapidly. They looked as though they thought they were going places, but all this action was taking place inside of the surrounding jelly. These individuals were rather perplexing to count as they did not stay put. We judged that each cap- sule contained from fifty to sixty separate indi- viduals and were in what is known as the veliger, or larval, stage. : The eggs were laid on the bottom and sides of the finger-bowl below the surface of the water. Up to date (July 14) have noticed no eggs from the six snails which I had separated from the ori- ginal lot. I doubt if any more eggs have been laid by any of the ten original snails. Friday af- ternoon of the 14th I placed a Thyone in the bowl which had the six Eulima. In about a half hour or perhaps longer, two of the snails had settled on the Thyone, and in less than four hours, all but one were on the same sea cucumber. The last three to go on may have gone on in less than the four hours as I was busy at other work, and did not keep too close a watch. July 15. The next morning all six were on the Thyone. I then took the Thyone out, removing the snails, and put all the snails in a bowl of clean sea water with no Thyone to see if by chance their night’s repast had put them a better humor for laying or if they had laid out their supply. I washed the Thyone to see if there were any eggs laid on it, but observed none in the wash water. They would be difficult to find on the Thyone. In the meantime there seemed to be two clusters of fresh laid eggs. The earlier eggs were in the veliger stage, while those that seemed fresh laid were very quiescent, probably in the cleavage stage. (These two capsules of fresh eggs were in the bowl with the original eggs and not in the Thyone lot.) The eggs which I first found in the veliger stage were seemingly more energetic than ever the morning of the 15th, still in the jelly but the whole capsule, or capsules were enlarged over what they were at first (or larger than they were on the 14th). The individual veligers seemed larger also. It would seem that the walls of sur- rounding jelly had been inflated or pushed out all around, something like a toy balloon is made larger. This of course would create a greater space for the veligers to perform their gyrations, though they still bumped elbows. July 16—past 9 A. M. Veligers larger, still in the capsule, and still think they are going places very rapidly. This morning I discovered six egg capsules in the bowl with the six Eulima which I had taken away from the Thyone yester- day. I think one was laid yesterday before 6 P. M. These were evidently in early cleavage stages. There was no individual movement. These capsules were on the sides of the bowl. At 8:30 P. M. there were ten egg capsules in the finger-bowl, three of them on the bottom of the bowl. None of the first laying had left the jelly but had increased in size especially as individuals. Very active. On examination none of the fresh, or last laid eggs, had shown any separate individ- ual motion or swimming, but were all adhering together. July 17 — 8:30-9:30 A. M. None of the veli- gers have left the mother capsule as yet. Still very lively and seemingly larger. Does not seem as though they could get along in their cramped home much longer without serious friction. In the finger-bowl containing the six Eulima which had been on the Thyone there were twenty-one egg capsules as against the ten of last night. Of the eleven additional, most of them were on the sides of the bowl, one or two barely covered with water, one at the very surface. Some of the last laid were very fresh, evidently laid early this morning. All the capsules were still holding the 6 THE (COLERCLING NED [ VoLt. XVI, No. 138 individuals closely packed. No veligers yet (GOSS NG INE. At 6 P. M. one more capsule of eggs with the six Eulima still closely packed, but evidently be- ginning to separate more, but none free-swim- ming. No veligers, though one had clearly sep- arated from the others in one of the capsules. July 18 — 9 A. M. There were twenty-eight capsules of eggs in the finger-bowl with the above six Eulima. Beginning to show clearer individual outlines. Still growing, but not veligers. The Thyone feed was evidently an inspiration to the Eulima., Twelve fresh Eulima were collectly yesterday on Thyone, separated from the Thyone and placed in a finger-bowl of clean sea water, but there were no eggs this A. M. None of the earliest laid eggs have left the home brooder as yet. Still in the veliger stage and going strong. At 5:45 P. M. evidently not much change in the above eggs. No veligers have come forth from the capsules. The snails collected yesterday have not laid. Have been partially changing water daily on all eggs. July 19 —8 A. M. Veligers in first lot of eggs still going strong but still in the doghouse. Seems to be no indication of coming out. A few more egg capsules were in the bowl with the same six Eulima as mentioned yesterday. As I disposed of a half dozen yesterday, it would mean that about ten were laid last night and late P. M. yesterday. No eggs as yet from the Eulima collected on the 17th. This morning I put the four Fulimna (which had been a part of the original ten) into a finger-bowl of fresh sea water, into which I had first placed a small Thyone. These four had been in the same bowl since first collected and in the last two or three days had been quite negligent about laying. It may be that a good feed on the Thyone will pep them up to laying eggs again, like some humans who flourish at others’ expense. It is only about a half hour ago that I put them in with the Thyone and three have already at- tached to the Thyone. At 5:45 still three on the Thyone, one off. May have been on and gone off again, but think not. Of the twelve collected the 17th I gave away two so that I have ten left to care for. At 5:45 P. M. one egg cluster or cap- sule was found with these ten. At 5:45 P. M. oldest ones still in veliger stage and inside the original capsule. Of the capsules from the six Eultma, the individual eggs have separated more, but none free-swimming, i.e., no veligers ; perhaps two or three additional capsules. July 20 — 9:30-10 A, M. Evidently the veli- ger stage with some of the egg capsules mentioned last took place last night or early this A. M. as some individuals of these eggs were freely swim- ming, while others were just barely showing per- ceptible movement. (These are from the six Eulima which had been separated originally.) The Eulima themselves had possibly not laid any more eggs since last night. Of the first lot of veligers some seem dead while others are very slow in their movements. The ten snails collected the 17th had laid six capsules of eggs as I found this A. M. I took these ten Eulima, put them and a small Thyone into another finger-bowl of sea water and now await developments (10:15 A. M.). About noon today noticed the first coming out, or beginning to come out, of the veligers from the capsule, only a few. At 5:40 P. M. there were some with quite lively veligers. Some just movy- ing and some not, the livelier ones are older. These were from the six Eulima which had been separated from the first ten of the 8th, but no Eulima on the Thyone of the ten put in this A. M. (This would mean that twelve days at least from egg to coming out of the capsule.) One went on but is off tonight. July 21 —9 A, M. This morning I found the wall on one side of one of the oldest egg capsules was open and a number of veligers or well-ad- vanced larvae were swimming around freely in the water. I think the veligers had pushed out this wall and were taking advantage of their es- cape from the old homestead and enjoying a swim, though not in forbidden waters. Four out of the ten Eulima were on the Thyone, the other six were sulking on the sides of the finger-bowl, five were under water and one barely above the surface. July 22 — §:30 A. M. This A. M. four of the ten last collected Eulima were on the Thyone. The other six were mostly on the sides of the bowl. But no eggs were found either on the Thyone or on the sides of the bowl. Water was changed and the animals left as before, and of the four Eulima of the first lot, no eggs were found. The Thyone had eviscerated. I threw out this Thyone, washed the inside of bowl, put in another Thyone with the snails, added fresh sea water and left them to their fate. To lay or not to lay— that is the burning question. No more coming out parties, no more debu- tantes, no more veligers coming through the ma- ternal wall of the egg capsule. Those which were in the veliger stage were going lively. These are the ones from the six Eulima which were of the first lot collected on July 8th. Those that left the capsules yesterday are about as they were last night. July 23 — 9:30 A. M. Found no fresh eggs from any of the Eulima. The two lots on the Thyone in different bowls had no egg capsules, neither on the Thyone nor on the bowl. These lots were: one lot of four from the catch of July June 28, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 7 8th, one lot of ten Eulima from the collecting of July,17th. The veligers from the lot of six Eu- lima are still lively and some have come out of the capsule and are swimming ecstatically about in the water outside though most of them are in the capsule. Many of the veligers were out skylarking around in the water outside of the capsules, seem- ingly having a grand outing. ‘Several, three at least, of the capsules were empty with one excep- tion, which had only a few. The others will have to be examined under a better light than tonight, though I did not notice any new eggs. July 24. Things seemed to be about as yester- day. Some veligers of the first lot appeared dead. Of the egg capsules in the bowl containing the six Eulima of the original lot they seem to be in about the same condition as yesterday, but of course a little more advanced. Some in, some out of the capsules. Discovered no eggs in the lot of four Eulima with Thyone, or in the lot of ten. Added fresh sea water and left them. July 25. Noticed no particular change in any lot and found no fresh eggs in any lot changed as above. No eggs for several days. July 28. The ten Eulima collected the 17th and which had been on the Thyone and then taken off and put in a finger-bowl by themselves lately had two egg capsules in with them. I discovered this A. M. some of the other veligers are still living. August 4. So far as I could judge no new eggs of Eulima have been laid for several days. On July 31st six Eulima just collected were brought to me and put in a separate dish. On August Ist and 2nd more just collected Eulima were brought to me and on August 2nd one more freshly col- lected Eulima was given to me. These were all placed in the same dish with those of July 31st, and could not discover that any of them had laid. On August 3rd two additional freshly collected Eulima were left in a three-ounce corked vial of sea water overnight; I found one or two egg cap- sules on the side of the vial. I at first thought only one but on pipetting them out was surprised to find two whole capsules. These two Eulima and their eggs I am keeping in a separate finger- bowl from the others. August 6. Two egg capsules in the bowl of six Eulima. None from last collected Eulima. August 11. I think it was on August 7th or not later than the 8th that I gave the last collected lot of Eulima (those of July 31st and August Ist and 2nd) a change to a bowl of sea water con- taining a Thyone. Up to this time none of this lot had laid eggs. There were very small patches or spots of jelly or mucus, but no well authenti- cated eggs in them. (Concluded Next Week) THE NATIONAL EDUCATION ASSOCIATION AT WOODS HOLE At the suggestion of Mabel Studebaker, for- merly a worker at the Marine Biological Labora- tory, and now Northeastern Regional Director of the Classroom Department of the National Edu- cation Association, the executive board of that organization decided to hold its business sessions at Woods Hole for the two days preceding the Boston Convention. Dr. Charles Packard of the Marine Biological Laboratory very generously extended the facilities of his institution to the group. Meetings were held in the Committee Room of the Administra- tion Building. The ten members of the commit- tee representing teachers from the four corners of the United States were housed in the new dor- mitory. On Thursday afternoon, when the last member had arrived, the Executive Board seated around the table were: Mrs. Mary D. Barnes, President of the Department, from Elizabeth, New Jersey. Miss Margery Alexander, Vice-President, Charlotte, N. C Mrs. Eleanor F. Edmiston, Secretary, San Diego, Calif. Miss Mabel Studebaker, Northeastern Regional Di- rector, Erie, Pa. Miss Katy V. Anthony, Southeastern Regional Di- rector, Richmond, Virginia. Harold H. Blanchard, North Central Regional Direc- tor, South Bend, Ind. Miss Florence B. Reynolds, South Central Regional Director, Omaha, Neb. Miss Mary E. Bond, Northwestern Regional Direc- tor, Bellingham, Wash. Wilber W. Raisner, Southwestern Regional Director, San Francisco, Calif. Miss Elphe K. Smith, former President and Director ex officio, Tigard, Oregon. The Department of Classroom Teachers is the largest of the twenty-seven departments of the National Education Association. It is composed solely of class room teachers. They comprise 80% of the National Education Association’s total membership, which includes over 200,000 educa- tors. All teachers, public and private, in the United States or in its possessions are eligible to membership in the Association and to consequent membership in the Department of Classroom Teachers. The Department works constantly for the ad- vancement of the teaching profession. Its service to the teachers of this country in the establish- ment of adequate salary and retirement benefits has been inestimable. —Mary D. Barnes. 8 THE COLLECTING NET [ Voc. XVI, No. 138 HANS DRIESCH, PHILOSOPHER AND SCIENTIST : RALPH C. BUSSER American Consul General at Leipzig, Germany, until 1940, Philadelphia, Pa. On the 16th of April, 1941, Hans Driesch, the world renowned German philosopher and _ scien- tist, died in his 74th year at Leipzig, Germany. In October, 1933, he had retired from his position as professor ordinarius at the University of Leip- zig, receiving from the Saxon Ministry of Edu- cation the title of “professor emeritus.” Driesch stands out as one of the greatest thinkers and educators of the world, and very few university professors have done as much in promoting in- tellectual cooperation between nations and a sym- pathetic understanding of the mentality, ideals and achievements of his own and other countries in the realm of science and culture. Hans Driesch was born in 1867 at Kreuznach (Rhineland). His father was a wholesale mer- chant in Hamburg, where he got his early edu- cation. Hans Driesch, who became a doctor of law, medicine and philosophy, began his career as a zoologist and was engaged in research work at the zoological station in Naples from 1891 to 1900. Later he devoted his studies to philosophy, teaching it from the viewpoint of natural science rather than as a dogmatic metaphysician. His most famous work is “The Science and Philoso- phy of Organism” (1907/8), which was first published in Great Britain, as it consisted of the “Gifford Lectures” for which he received the Gifford Prize at the University of Aberdeen, where he taught philosophy from 1907 to 1908. In 1909 Driesch became a Privatdozent (lec- turer) at the University of Heidelberg, where in 1911 he was appointed professor extraordinarius. In 1912 he published his second principal work called “Ornungslehre” (Logic), then in 1917 the “Wirklichkeitslehre’”’ (Metaphysics), both of these works together forming a complete system of philosophy. In 1920 Driesch became professor ordinarius of philosophy at the University of Cologne. In 1921 Driesch was appointed to the same position at the University of Leipzig, but in 1923 he was abroad for more than a year giving lec- tures in China, Japan and the United States. While in China, Driesch was guest professor at the Chinese State University in Nanking and Peking, where he succeeded Professor John Dewey, the famous American writer on philo- sophic and political subjects. In recent years Professor Driesch has taken a great interest in the problem of psychology and wrote “Leib und Seele” (Mind and Body), and “The Crisis in Psychology” (Princeton, 1924). Driesch is also famous for his studies in psychical research. His book on “Para-psychologie” cre- ated a sensation in the scientific world. In 1926 Driesch was granted a term’s leave of abscence from the University of Leipzig, which period he spent at the University of Wisconsin in Madison, to which he was appointed “Carl Schurz Memorial Professor’. He has also lec- tured at the English universities of London, Man- chester, Leeds and Cambridge, at the national University in Buenos Ayres, in Italy, Switzer- land, Czecho-Slovakia, and other countries. Until his recent retirement Professor Driesch was Director of the Philosophical Institute at the University of Leipzig. He received the title of honorary doctor at a number of universities, was formerly president of the Society for Psychical Research in London, and up to the time of his death was a member of many other scientific and learned societies. Driesch was a fine linguist, speaking English, French and Italian fluently as well as his own mother tongue. Driesch was one of the most popular professors at the University of Leipzig, students flocking there from all parts of the world to listen to his lectures. He was an international personage not only through his experience as a lecturer at num- erous American and foreign Universities, but more through his celebrated works on philosophy and psychology, which have challenged old theo- ries and opened up new paths of thought. During the past ten years I had many conver- sations with Dr. Driesch in Leipzig, where I was stationed as American Consul General until my retirement from the Foreign Service in January, 1940. As Dr. Driesch never accepted the Nazi philosophy but clung to his lifelong belief in lib- eral and democratic principles, he was never per- mitted, after 1933, to lecture or hold public ad- dresses in his country. The loss of academic freedom in Nazi Germany, even in non-political fields of learning, and other restrictions upon in- tellectual and religious activities had a stifling effect upon Dr. Driesch, whose literary work be- June 28, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET Y) came practically sterile. No philosophy except that of despair could thrive in such a prison-like atmosphere. Meeting Dr. Driesch frequently at our respec- tive homes and elsewhere in Leipzig, I greatly enjoyed his friendship and learned to appreciate his splendid character, broad-minded views, and intellectual and social qualities. Dr. Driesch was a popular figure in University and other circles in Leipzig, and his conversation was always sprightly and entertaining. Although one of the greatest intellectuals of his time, he never made a display of his knowledge in society, rather talk- ing on subjects most interesting to his par- ticular listener. Dr. and Mrs. Driesch frequently entertained at their home, which was on the floor above my home in Leipzig, and their guests were always sure of a hearty welcome and the tradi- tional German hospitality. Their children, Kurt and Ingeborg Driesch, have already achieved con- siderable success in the musical world, the former as a conductor and composer, and the latter as a violinist ; each of them has held many concerts in Germany during recent years. + THE SPRING CRUISES OF THE ATLANTIS TO GEORGES BANK (Continued from page 1) perature and salinity of the water at regular in- tervals. From these same levels samples of water were taken in order to measure the concentration of Oz, Nitrate, Phosphate and chlorophyll as an indicator of the abundance of plant pigment which in turn is an indicator of the abundance of phy- toplankton. Samples of sea water were also taken from these same levels for numerical and taxo- nomic studies of the phytoplankton and nanno- plankton species, the latter in which Dr. James B. Lackey, of the U. S. Public Health Service, is interested. Oblique tows for zoo-plankton, copepods, schizopods and decapod larvae, other small crus- tacean forms, sagittae, Haddock eggs and larvae, were made with the recently developed quantita- tive Plankton Samplers from two or three strata depending on the depths in order to sample the whole water column. Other tows were made from the bottom to the surface with meter and a half stramin nets in order to sample the larger mem- bers of the plankton population, It is hoped that not only will a good picture of the productivity of the region be developed, but that factors influencing the survival of young haddock be obtained. At present it is not at all clear whether biological or physical factors or both are responsible for the large loss of young haddock in this peculiar marine aquarium. We hope soon in the future to continue the collection not only of the plankton on Georges but also a study of the fauna living on and in the first few centimeters of the bottom. Photographs made last spring by Dr. Maurice Ewing of the bottom of Georges Bank have whetted our inter- est and enthusiasm for a complete survey of this phase of the problem which is so important in the economy of the sea. We plan this summer to develop a clam shell dredge for just such a quan- titative study. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL SUPPLIES AND SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS Apparatus, Room 3; Chemicals, Room 8 Office, Room 1, Marine Biological Laboratory This department loans without charge to prop- erly qualified research workers at the Marine Biological Laboratory, chemicals and ordinary glassware in reasonable amounts. Certain types of special apparatus, required by investigators for their research are also available for short periods of time, depending on the prior allocation and ad- vance requests for such apparatus. Members of classes are not entitled to supplies other than those provided in their regular class work. Beginning investigators will receive sup- plies only on the authorization of the person un- der whom they are working for the season. Expensive and fugitive supplies such as, liquid air, dry ice, and gas mixtures, are paid for by the investigator. Chemicals in large quantities and those not generally carried in stock, if expensive, are also charged. In order to carry out the usual services, the co- operation of investigators is urged in the three following requests: That 1. Supplies and apparatus no longer in use be returned. Jn emergencies these may be recalled for redistribution. 2. Glassware, including aquaria and museum jars, be cleaned thoroughly before returning to the Chemical or the Apparatus Room. Failure to cooperate in this regard means added costs and subsequent loss of efficiency and service. 3. If certain supplies from the Chemical Room are to be used by an investigator during the next succeeding summer he may reserve them when arrangements can be made to do so. Supplies thus required must be packed in boxes or cartons and properly labeled. A Kept Out Card, obtain- able from the Chemical Room for this purpose, must be properly filled in and left with these con- tainers. All supplies not thus listed, packed, and marked, will be returned to stock. 10 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 138 PHYSIOLOGY CLASS NOTES “This is a course in Physiology,” quoth Dr. Parpart, as we, on the morning of June 17th, sat in the lab patiently awaiting our first day of work. After our first week of strenuous labor in said laboratory we have come to agree not only with Dr. Parpart, but also with the janitor who said, quote * that course in slopology ;” unquote. One can easily understand the janitor’s point of view when, at the end of the day, we observe the tidy lab, with the remains of starfish, frogs and dead dogfish hanging out of the waste baskets, and the rest of the day’s rubbish ankle deep on the floor. It is without a doubt the janitor’s paradise. The prevailing atmosphere in our lab is, of course, one of peace and calm,—with someone quietly yelling out manometer readings, the dog- fish splashing water over everyone in protest of their tank existence, the embryologists looking for things we never heard of, Bill Keezer scratch- ing his beard, the centrifuge centrifuging and the aspirator aspirating. If Mr. Warburg were only here he certainly would be proud of Dr. Fisher’s busy students. They have run the Warburg apparatus almost to the point of exhaustion, as observed by the mighty screech it developed and the more than once broken belt. And the results!—Enough to make Mr. Warburg sit up and take notice. To quote the cellular respirationists:—‘The cells respire while we perspire.” And on the other side of the lab, trying to con- centrate between the ten minute readings of the Warburg enthusiasts, we find the quieter type of student daintily gaining entrance to a limulus with a can-opener, eagerly trying his surgical skill on an unsuspecting dogfish, or solemnly studying his waves on a smoked drum. These are Dr. Prosser’s students. Back in a little room all by themselves we find half of Dr. Sichel’s students—all tangled up in electrical wirings and muscles. The other half are in the air-conditioned dark room, avoiding the summer heat, measuring tensions developed by frog muscles, and developing a few of their summer snapshots on the side. This year the laboratory work has been organ- ized into seven sections. For the first two weeks, three sections have been running parallel, and for the last two weeks, there will be four sections. A wide choice is therefore given to each student as he may select two sections for each two week period. The staff of instruction has been changed con- siderably this year. With the departure of Drs. Hober, Irving, and Shannon, have come Dr. A. K. Parpart, Associate Professor of Biology, Princeton, to take charge of the course; Dr. Rob- ert Ballentine, Procter Fellow, Princeton; and Dr. R. T. Kempton, Professor of Zoology, Vas- sar. One thing it didn’t take us long to learn is that to be a physiologist one must be not only a biolo- gist, but also an electrician, a mechanic, a chem- ist, a physicist, and, above all, an optimist. —J. E. H. BOTANY CLASS NOTES Skepticism, instilled by certain members, is fast becoming the outstanding characteristic of this year’s botany class. Accusations of overacting imaginations are many and severe, with the result that “Are you sure you saw that?” and such dis- paraging remarks are fast becoming botany by- words. Though they began quite locally and were only sporadic, the skepticism is increasing in di- rect proportion to the difficulty of the algae. Tuesday, June 17, was the first day of a course that wasted no time in going full-steam ahead into work. Prefaced in the morning by a short intro- duction from Dr. Taylor, not without the inter- polation of some of his inimitable quips, the study of the “Morphology and Taxonomy of the Algae” started with observation of gametes and zoospores of Chlamydomonas feverishly dashing across the slide like army men heading for town on a day off, and those who had never before met Chlamy- domonas can now recognize that primitive algal cell form with its typical cup-shaped chloroplast, red eye-spot and two flagella. It is fast being discovered that a so-called “‘day’s schedule” really includes half the night as well, and yet, Bill Gil- bert, the assistant, promises that “the worst is yet to come.” Field trips, it seems, are the dessert of the course, and the first one, held last Friday, was all that the algologists had been warned it would be. So the class was eagerly anticipating the first one via boat to have been held Wednesday, the day after this report was due. However, the an- ticipation was slightly flavored with fervent pray- ers for a sunny day, after the build-up Dr. Taylor gave about the lunch question. The Mess, it seems, is quite willing to pack a lunch for its pa- trons, but it dislikes having excess food on hand because of rain, so that once the lunch is made, June 28, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 11 it’s made, and the multitude either eats it that day or holds it for the first decent day thereafter. If that day doesn’t arrive for several moons or so, a stale Mess lunch is just another of those things one meets in a good botany course at the M.B.L. Crest la vie, c’est la vie. The first field trip, already mentioned, luckily fell on a beautiful day, and the initiation was spoiled by neither rain nor cold, or even by chilly winds. Following the speedy pace set by Dr. Runk and Dr. Tseng was quite invigorating and seemed second nature to a few people, but it was soon evident that most of the class was of the rear guard variety. The general collecting technique, one soon dis- covered, is to wade into the water or muck of the particular habitat, snatch up a few samples, get a “squeezing” or two, scribble a label, and then dash off on a dog-trot to catch up again with the leaders. It was when the first Rhus toxicoden- dron was encountered that the preliminaries of thoroughly covering one’s exposed anatomy with the special poison ivy preventative, which gives such a lovely yellow jaundice or golden tan effect —depending on the individual’s aesthetic sense— seemed less humorous and more of a pretty good insurance. Highlight of the trip was the visit to Cedar Swamp—a real swamp, by gar, through which one carefully kept well within the limits of the knee-deep, brown-water trail, or else sank his er- rant foot into the depths of nothingness. EMBRYOLOGY Dr. Goodrich opened the course in Embryology with a bang bright and early on the morning of June 17, 1941. After recalling to our so-called minds the history and terms with which some of us had been vaguely familiar in the past, Dr. Cos- tello was introduced and we were plunged into the entangling alliances of sperm and egg. The Panzer divisions of the sperm being eventually victorious we moved on to cleavage and the prob- lems of the Germinal Vesicle. Following recent work in Amphibia certain talented members of our group removed these vesicles very success- fully, at first with trepidation and later with greater facility. The animal under observation was Nereis limbata which we observed with mixed emotions in its natural nightly activities at the dark of the moon. The main part of the week was concerned with the highly interesting Teleost fish, species Fun- dulus heteroclitus. The struggle was long and drawn out especially when there was a traffic jam in the vitelline veins, which only Dr. Goodrich could straighten. Friday being a special day for the botanists, what with the field trip and all, ended up with a bang by the first seminar meeting, at which Dr. Taylor showed some fine movies—he claims to have been an amateur when he took them, but that tale is hard to believe—and he kept up a running commentary of informative and funny re- marks so that several hours were spent as none, in looking at algae, tropical flowers in gorgeous colors, and details of the Allan Hancock Explora- tion Trip ¥2 to Central and South America. (General note: Tf there’s a chance for everyone to see these films, no one should miss it.) And so a wonderful time was had by all, substantially augmented afterwards by tea, Ritz cracker sand- wiches, and cookies, an elaboration of the regular daily 10 p.m. custom which offers time out to late lab workers. Of all the interesting things viewed through a lens to date, it must be admitted that one of the best was a submarine suddenly seen by Dr. Runk. Indeed, its rare appearance in the waters of Woods Hole was sufficient reason to give those who were truly scientific-minded an extra field trip to Juniper Point for closer observation. Rumor has it that a car loaded with ten people— only girls visible—caused family difficulties when viewed unexpectedly by the owner’s wife. But it’s these unexpected events that give the class good subject matter for dinner conversation while they’re waiting for the tenth refill on the beans. —J. W. and C. S. CLASS NOTES Dr. Schotté ended the first week with a pre- cedent-shattering lecture for those brought up upon the theory of concrescence and was nobly aided by one battered chapeau which in the course of the lecture was caused to gastrulate, envagin- ate, delaminate, and enfiltrate. The chapeau re- covered but the class is still considering. Social life which started with a few hesitant dips into a cold sea and tennis by George and Neil (without a net) received a new lease on life at the mixer Saturday night. It really was a mixer! “Cutting in,” an American custom at dances, was strongly objected to by some of our more distinguished members because of variances from the international norm. The class wishes to express its gratitude to its two superior assistants—to the fatherly benevo- lence of Ray the success of our observations is largely due. As for Trink, it has been encourag- ing to see such a brilliant mind in all phases of rest and play. —Patricia Hollister and Elizabeth Kirkpatrick IZ THE COLLECLING NET [ Vor. XVI, No: 138 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 238, 1938. Introducing Dr. Orca JANowi1tTz, formerly Secretary of Uni- versity Extension Courses in the University of Vienna and Lecturer in Biology in a Realgymna- sium in Vienna; now Instructor of mathematics and Latin, Potomac School, Washington, D. C. Dr. Janowitz is a native of Vienna, Austria, where she studied at the University of Vienna and received her doctorate of philosophy in both zoology and botany. After she received her degree, she taught in a Realgymnasium in Vienna, which was attended by girls eleven to nineteen years old, and was also appointed by the school department in charge of training teachers in biology for Austrian second- ary schools. While she was also interested in conducting research, she found that her inclina- tion was for adult education. She felt that the principles of biology would be extremely useful in providing a Weltanschauung for the disillu- sioned and bewildered people of post-war Aus- tria. In this connection she became secretary of the University Extension Courses and there she gave a series of lectures each year on biology, genetics, and heredity. Prominent in her lectures were the arguments that there was no dictator- ship in nature and that there was no _ biological basis for racial prejudice. Such lectures naturally brought her into con- flict with the Nazis after they effected the Ansch- luss in 1938, and she left Austria a year later for England. There, under a grant from the British Federation of University Women, she conducted research with Dr. H. Hardy at the Hull Univer- sity College. He had devised apparatus to col- lect plankton off the shores of England. This work had hardly started when it was brought to a standstill by the outbreak of war. In March of last year she arrived in the United States, and in a few weeks she obtained a posi- tion in the Potomac School in Washington. She is interested not only in teaching, but in various other types of work. For instance, this summer, in addition to conducting research at Woods Hole, she is organizing a group to practice German conversation based on biological topics, which is meeting weekly in the Old Lecture Hall. Through this type of work she hopes to find persons who will be able to visit Europe after the war to spread democratic ideals there. M.B.L. CLUB SPONSORS MIXER The social season of the M. B. L. Club was opened last Saturday night with a mixer, to which everyone was invited. Miss Lucille “Sunny” Nason, the general chairman, saw to it that the long-anticipated event lived up to all expectations. Upon entering the club, each person was given a name card to wear during the evening. The drawings of whales, plant cells, etc., to designate the various classes were done by Mary Chamber- lin, Roger Cole, Arthur Woodward, and Mrs. T. H. Bullock. Immediately catching the eye of newcomers were the unique decorations of fish nets suspend- ed from the ceiling, holding sea urchins, horse- shoe crabs, and other sea animals. The Supply Department of the Laboratory furnished the ma- terials and those who arranged them were Dick Lee, Dr. W. W. Ballard, Dr. C. Hyman, Warren Healy, Dr. Lauren Gilman, Barbs Schraff, and Mary Donovan. While chatting with various groups of young and old, the guests were served refreshing punch and cookies. Those in charge of the refreshments were Mrs. H. B. Goodrich, Mrs. T. H. Bullock, Mrs. Edward Warner, H. Duncan _ Rollason, Theodore Genther, Mrs. Karl Wilbur, Jane Henry, and Jacqueline Waldron. - Dr. E. R. Brill, Dr. K. M. Wilbur, and Mr. Richard Henry had arranged for the latest rec- ords to be played on the phonograph and before long the gathering turned into an informal dance. As a result of the mixer, everyone met a host of new people and newcomers began to feel more a part of the Laboratory colony. Mrs. K. M. Wixzur has been appointed the new hostess for the M.B.L. Club this year. CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: Date ALM esi June 28 . 7:04 = 7:20 June 29 7250) F809 June 30 8:37 S950 July on 1 9EZOMRSESS July . 10:23 10256 July ) PLS SS) July IZED July LEG July 2:12 July 3:08 . 12:59 1:56 . 2:54 In each case the current changes approxi- mately six hours later and runs from the Sound to the Bay. June 28, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 13 ITEMS OF Dr. Artuur K. Parpart, in charge of the Physiology Course of the Marine Biological Lab- oratory, has been promoted from assistant to as- sociate professor of biology at Princeton Univer- sity. Dr. Rita GuTTMAN was promoted from tutor in physiology to instructor in physiology at Brooklyn College on the first of this year. Dr. Cart G. Hartman, of the department of embryology of the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington at Johns Hopkins University, has been ap- pointed professor of zoology and head of the de- partments of zoology and physiology at the Uni- versity of Illinois beginning September 1. ProFEssOR ROBERT CHAMBERS left for New York on Thursday. At Washington on Saturday he will take part in a conference on shock under the auspices of the medical division of the Na- tional Research Defense Committee. Fourteen persons attended the first meeting of the course in conversational German conducted by Dr. Olga Janowitz on June 20. The class will continue to meet weekly on Fridays between seven and eight in the evening. Miss MarGareT HENSON is organizing a group of people interested in taking a Red Cross first aid course. Fifteen or twenty people are required to make a complete class, which will meet two hours a week for ten weeks. Anyone interested in taking the course should see Miss tlenson in room 217 of the Brick Building, or Mrs. D. Mor- ris as soon as possible. The course in protozoology at the Marine Bio- P gy at the logical Laboratory has been discontinued. Choral Club Rehearsals Scheduled Persons interested in singing good music are cordially invited to join the Woods Hole Choral Club, which will hold its first rehearsal at the Canteen Building of the United States Bureau of Fisheries on Tuesday, July 1. It is sixteen years since the Club held its first meeting, and during its existence it has provided an opportunity for persons connected with the laboratory to sing worthwhile music under competent direction. This summer, as usual, the Club will rehearse for a concert which will be presented in the latter part of August. Prof. Ivan T. Gorokhoff, Director of Choral Music at Smith College, will again direct the Club this year. There are no dues. Rehearsals are held twice a week, on Tuesdays at nine o’clock and on Thursdays at eight. While the first re- hearsal will be held Tuesday, the one on Thurs- day this week will not be held because of the hol1- day. INTEREST Rurus H. Tuompson, teaching assistant in botany at Stanford University, was injured in an automobile accident while he was a_ passenger en route to Woods Hole. He is convalescing in a hospital in Laramie, Wyoming, from a broken leg and a cracked shoulder blade. The absence of Mr. Thompson would have seriously interfered with the routine of the work of the Algae course, except for the fact that As- sistant Professor C.-K. Tseng of Lingnan Uni- versity and Mr. W. J. Gilbert of the University of Michigan had come to Woods Hole to continue their doctorate studies under the direction of Pro- fessor Taylor. They are devoting part of their time to substituting for Mr. Thompson on the laboratory staff. On July 3rd Dr. S. C. Brooks will be a guest lecturer before the physiology class. He will talk on “Some Problems in Permeability”. Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn lectured to the class this morning. The first botany seminar was held last Thurs- day evening; Robert H. Williams of Cornell Uni- versity spoke on the “Carbohydrate Metabolism of the Large Brown Algae.” Mr. Epwarp CHAmBers, son of Dr. Robert Chambers, married Miss Zoya Zarudnaya on June 3rd in New York. Miss Zarudnaya has been studying sculpturing in New York. They are expected to return to Woods Hole from New York in July. Mr. Chambers is a medical student of New York University. Mtss EpiruH Bittrnes, who has been secretary in the Administration Office of the Marine Bio- logical Laboratory for a number of years, was married on June 21 to Mr. James J. Reilly, local contractor, at St. Joseph’s Church in Woods Hole. Tennis Courts Reopen Both the mess courts and the Colas courts of the M.B.L. Tennis Club are now open, and it is expected that the beach courts will be ready for play in about a week. The first court was put into condition last Saturday, two weeks earlier than last year. ; Membership rates this year are $6.00 for full membership, and $4.00 for persons wishing to play only on the Colas courts.. A special rate of $3.00 is being quoted to students taking the courses at the Marine Biological Laboratory. Guests may play on the courts for twenty-five cents an hour. The President of the Club this year is Dr. D. E. Lancefield; Dr. T. K. Ruebush is Secretary- Treasurer. Albert Stunkard continues as grounds- keeper. 14 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 138 THE SYMPOSIUM ON GENES AND CHROMOSOMES AT THE COLD SPRING HARBOR BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY As part of its policy of fostering a closer rela- tion between biology and the basic sciences, the Laboratory invites each summer a group actively interested in a specific aspect of quantitative biol- ogy, or in methods and theories applicable to it, to carry on their work and to take part in a Symposium at the Laboratory. The aim is that every important aspect of a given subject should be adequately represented, from the physical and chemical, as well as from the biological point of view. The Symposium this year, June 18- July 2, will deal with genes and chromosomes. As a rule the participants will be in residence at Cold Spring Harbor during all of the two weeks’ per- iod. Each day's program begins at 9:30 A. M. When three papers are scheduled for the same day, the third one will be read at 2:15 P. M. STRUCTURE OF CHROMOSOMES AS REVEALED BY OPTICAL METHODS Wednesday, June 18th Warmke, H. E. External morphology of chromo- somes. Nebel, B. R. Structure of plant chromosomes, with particular emphasis on the number of chromo- nemata. Huskins, C. Leonard. The coiling of chromonemata. Thursday, June 19th Berger, C. A. Multiple chromosome complexes in animals and polysomaty in plants. SALIVARY GLAND CHROMOSOMES Metz, C. W. Structure of salivary gland chromo- somes. Mazia, Daniel. Enzymatic studies of chromosomes. Friday, June 20th Painter, T. S. Chemical studies of chromosomes. Schultz, Jack. The evidence of the nucleoprotein nature of the genes. Cole, P., and Sutton, E. Variation in the absorption of ultraviolet irradiation by the bands of salivary gland chromosomes. SPONTANEOUS AND INDUCED CHANGES IN CHROMOSOME STRUCTURE Saturday, June 21st McClintock, Barbara. Spontaneous alterations in chromosome size and form in Zea. Kaufmann, B. P. Induced chromosomal breaks in Drosophila. Monday, June 23rd Sax, Karl. Effect of irradiation on plant chromo- somes. Carlson, J. Gordon. Effects of irradiation on grass- hopper chromosomes. Fano, U. On the analysis and interpretation of chromosomal changes in Drosophila. Tuesday, June 24th Delbruck, M. Biophysical analysis of chromosome behavior. MUTATIONS Plough, Harold H. Spontaneous mutability in Dro- sophila. Rhoades, M. M. The genetic control of mutability in maize. Wednesday, June 25th Demerec, M. Unstable genes in Drosophila. Muller, H. J. Induced mutations in Drosophila. Thursday, June 26th Stadler, L. J. Comparative studies of the genetic effects of X-rays and ultraviolet radiation. Hollaendar, Alexander. Wavelength dependence for mutation production with special emphasis on fungi. Gowen, John. viruses. Mutation in Drosophila, bacteria and PHYSICAL ASPECTS AND TOOLS Friday, June 27th Schmitt, F. O. Birefringence and viscosity as a tool for the study of submicroscopical structures. Zworykin, V. K. Electron microscope. Fankuchen, I. X-ray diffraction studies of biological substances. PROPERTIES OF GIANT MOLECULES AS RELATED TO CHROMOSOME PROBLEMS Saturday, June 28th Mark, H. Structure and reactivity of long -chain molecules. Fruton, Joseph S. Proteolytic enzymes as specific agents in the formation and breakdown of pro- teins. Monday, June 30th Wrinch, Dorothy M. The native protein as a mega- molecule. Greenstein, Jesse P. Physical changes in thymonu- cleic acid induced by proteins, salts and ultravio- let irradiation. Stanley, W. M., and Knight, C. A. The chemical composition of different strains of tobacco mosaic virus. Tuesday, July 1st Claude, Albert. Particulate components of cyto- plasm. Rothen, Alexandre. Specific properties of proteins in films. Mirsky, A. E. Some observations on protein folding and unfolding. Wednesday, July 2nd Rittenberg, D. The state of the proteins in animals as revealed by the use of isotopes. CONCLUSION Muller, H. J. Resumé and prospectives. June 28, 1941 ] Lap COLEECRING NED 15 DIRECTORY FOR 1941 Laboratories Residence Botany Building.......... Bot Apartment Brick Building... ...Br Dormitory ..... Lecture Hall...... L Drew House... NiewneRoem in Fisheries Fisheries Residence ...... F Laboratory.............0000 M ne Old Main Building......OM Kahler Rockefeller Bldg.....Rock Kidder ..... Supply Dept.................08 Ss MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY THE STAFF Packard, C. director. asst. prof. zool. Dept. Cancer Research, Columbia. ZOOLOGY Investigation Calkins, G. N. prof. proto. Columbia. Conklin, E. G. prof. zool. Princeton. Grave, C. prof. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Jennings, H. S. prof. zool. California. Lillie, F. R. prof. emb. Chicago. McClung, C. E. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Mast, S. O. prof. zool. Hopkins. Morgan, T. H. dir. biol. lab. California Tech. Parker, G. H. prof. zool. Harvard. Woodruff, L. L. prof. proto. Yale. Instruction Bissonnette, T. H. prof. biol. Trinity. in charge. Crowell, P. S., Jr. asst. prof. zool. Miami. Jones, E. R., Jr. prof. biol. William and Mary. Lucas, A. M. assoc. prof. zool. Iowa State. Martin, W. E. asst. prof. zool. DePauw. Matthews, S. A. asst. prof. biol. Williams. Mattox, N. T. instr. zool. Miami. Rankin, J. S., Jr. instr. biol. Amherst. Waterman, A. J. asst. prof. biol. Williams. EMBRYOLOGY Investigation (See Zoology) . Instruction Ballard, W. W. asst. prof. biol. & anat. Dartmouth. Costello, D. P. asst. prof. zool. North Carolina. Goodrich, H. B. prof. biol. Wesleyan. in charge. Hamburger, V. assoc. prof. zool. Washington. Schotté, O. assoc. prof. biol. Amherst. PHYSIOLOGY Investigation Amberson, W. R. prof. phys. Maryland Med. Bradley, H. C. prof. phys. chem. Wisconsin. Garrey, W. E. prof. phys. Vanderbilt Med. Jacobs, M. H. prof. phys. Pennsylvania. Lillie, R. S. prof. gen. phys. Chicago. Mathews, A. P. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Instruction Ballentine, R. fel. biol. Princeton. Fisher, K. C. asst. prof. exper. biol. Toronto. Kempton, R. T. prof. zool. Vassar. Parpart, A. K. assoc. prof. biol. Princeton. in charge. Prosser, C. L. asst. prof. zool. Illinois. Sichel, F. J. M. asst. prof. phys. Vermont Med. BOTANY Investigation Brooks, S. C. prof. zool. California. Duggar, B. M. prof. phys. & econ. bot. Wisconsin. Goddard, D. R. asst. prof. bot. Rochester. Sinnott, E. W. prof. bot. Yale. Instruction Gilbert, W. J. grad. bot. Michigan. Runk, B. F. D. instr. bot. Virginia. Taylor, W. R. prof. bot. Michigan. in charge. Tseng, C.-K. asst. prof. biol. Lingnan. INVESTIGATORS Allee, W. C. prof. zool. Chicago. Br 332. A 101. Allen, Joan OM Base. Alsup, F. W. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. Dr Attic. Amberson, W. R. prof. phys. Maryland Med. Br 109. Baker, Gladys E. instr. plant sci. Vassar. lib. Baker, H. B. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 221. Baker, L. A. res. asst. phys. chem. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 319. Ball, E. G. asst. prof. biochem. Harvard Med. lib. D 314. Ballard, W. W. asst. prof. biol. & anat. Dartmouth. OM 40. Ballentine, R. fel. phys. Princeton. OM 2. Barron, E. S. G. asst. prof. biochem. Chicago. Br 110. Bartlett, J. H., Jr. assoc. prof. theoretical physics. Illinois. OM 43. Benedict, D. Milton Acad. (Mass.). Br 309. Berger, C. A. prof. cytol. Fordham. Br 225. Bernheimer, A. W. grad. bact. Pennsylvania. Br 234. D 209. Bissonnette, T. H. prof. biol. Trinity. OM 28. (July 15). Bliss, K F. lect. biophysics. Columbia. Br 314. Ho 2. Bowen, W. J. asst. prof. zool. North Carolina. Br 329. Bradford, Audrey A. Vassar. Br 227. Bradley, H. C. prof. physiol. chem. Wisconsin. Br 122-A. 16 THE COOLER CIING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 138 Brill, E. R. grad. biol. Harvard. Br 217-M. Brooks, Matilda M. res. assoc. zool. California. Br 322. Brooks, S. C. prof. zool. California. Br 322. D 107. Brownell, Katherine A. res. asst. phys. Ohio State. Brey Budington, R. A. prof. zool. Oberlin. Br 218. (Sept. 1). Bullock, T. H. fel. zool. Yale. Br 217-n. Cable, R. M. assoc. prof. parasit. Purdue. Br 223. Carothers, Eleanor res. assoc. zool. Iowa. Br 340. Chase, A. M. instr. biol. Princeton. Br 231. Claff, C. L. res. assoc. biol. Brown. Br 312. A 208. Clark, E. R. prof. anat. Pennsylvania Med. Br 117. Clark, L. B. asst. prof. biol. Union. Br 315. D 109. Clowes, G. H. A. dir. res. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 328. Cohen, I. res. asst. biol. New York. Br 310. Cole, K. S. assoc. prof. phys. Columbia Med. Br 114. Colwin, A. L. instr. biol. Queens (New York). OM 45. D 210. Colwin, Laura H. instr. biol. Vassar. OM 45. D 210. Commoner, B. tutor biol. Queens (New York). Br 121. Compton, A. D., Jr. grad. zool. Yale. lib. Conger, Martha techn. N. Y. State Dept. Health. Br 122-B. Conklin, E. G. prof. biol. Princeton. Br 321. Copeland, M. prof. biol. Bowdoin. Br 334. Cornman, I. asst. zool. Michigan. K 7. Br 228. Costello, D. P. asst. prof. zool. North Carolina. Br 123. D 202. Crawford, J. D. Milton Acad. (Mass.). Br 309. Crowell, S. asst. prof. zool. Miami. OM 25. Curtis, W. C. prof. zool. Missouri. Br 335. (Aug. 1). Dewey, Virginia C. res. fel. proto. Brown. OM 22. D 308. Donnellon, J. A. asst. prof. biol. Villanova. Rock 3. Donovan, Mary K. grad. biol. Villanova. Rock 2. DuBois, A. B. Milton Acad. (Mass.). Br 309. DuBois, E. F. prof. med. Cornell Med. Br 317. Duggar, B. M. prof. plant phys. & applied bot. Wis- consin. Br 304. (Aug. 1). Dumm, Mary E. grad. biol. Bryn Mawr. Br 118. D 311. Dytche, Maryon grad. phys. Pittsburgh. Rock 6. WA. Pub. Dziemian, A. J. fel. zool. Pennsylvania Med. Br 204. Edwards, G. A. grad. asst. biol. Tufts. Br 217-0. Evans, T. C. asst. prof. radiol. Iowa. Br 340. D 302. Ferguson, F. P. asst. zool. Minnesota. Br 210. Fisher, K. C. asst. prof. expt. biol. Toronto. OM Phys. D 214. Forbes, J. asst. prof. biol. Fordham. Br 225. Frasier, Doris A. instr. biol. Russell Sage. OM 44. Frisch, J. A. prof. biol. Canisius (Buffalo). OM 39. Gabriel, M. L. asst. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Garrey, W. E. prof. phys. Vanderbilt Med. Br 215. Gates, R. R. prof. bot. London (Ont.). lib. Gilbert, W. J. grad. bot. Michigan. Bot. Dr 6. Gilman, L. C. grad. zool. Hopkins. OM 36-b. Glancy, Ethel A. tutor biol. Queens (New York). OM 36. Goldin, A. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 313. Goodrich, H. B. prof. biol. Wesleyan. Br 210. D 204. Goulding, Helen J. grad. phys. Toronto. Grave, C. prof. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Br 327. Groupé, V. grad. immun. Pennsylvania. Br 234. Guttman, Rita instr. phys. Brooklyn. Br 110. Haas, W. J. M.I.T. Br 116. Hager, R. P. res. asst. zool. Pennsylvania. Rock 2. Hamburger, V. assoc. prof. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Br 308. Hamilton, Pauline G. grad. res. asst. zool. Pennsyl- vania. Br 220. Harris, D. L. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 217-e. Herman, F. A. prof. phys. Ohio State. Br 111. D 18. Harvey, E. N. prof. phys. Princeton. Br 116. Harvey, Ethel B. indep. invest. zool. Princeton. Br 116. Hassett, C. grad. asst. zool. Hopkins. Br 315-B. Hayashi, T. grad. asst. zool. Missouri. Br 110. K 21. Hayes, E. R. grad. asst. anat. Ohio State. OM 46. Haywood, Charlotte assoc. prof. phys. Mt. Holyoke. Br 335. A 207. Heilbrunn, L. V. assoc. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 220. Hendley, C. D. grad. asst. biophysies. Columbia. Br 314. Henry, R. J. Pennsylvania Med. OM Phys. Ho 6. Henson, Margaret fel. biol. New York. Br 217-E. H 9 Hibbard, Hope prof. zool. Oberlin. Br 218. Hickson, Anna K. res. chemist. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 319. Hill, S. E. prof. biol. Russell Sage. OM 44. Hinchey, M. Catherine grad. biol. Temple. Br 214. (Aug. 9). Hohwieler, H. J. grad. asst. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Br 207. Hopkins, D. L. prof. biol. Mundelein (Chicago). Bot 5 Houck, C. R. fel. phys. Princeton. Br 231. Howe, H. E. ed. Indus. & Engineering Chem. Br 2038. Hunninen, A. V. prof. biol. Oklahoma City. Br 217-k. Hutchens, J. O. grad. zool. Hopkins. Br 325. Hyman, C. res. asst. biol. New York. Br 348. Illick, J. T. assoc. prof. zool. Syracuse. OM 36-h. Dr 2. Jacobs, M. H. prof. gen. phys. Pennsylvania. Br 205. Jandorf, B. J. res. asst. biochem. Lilly Res. Labs. Br 333. Janowitz, Olga instr. Potomac School (Washington, D: C.). 24. D) 318: Jenkins, G. B. prof. anat. George Washington. Br 122-D. Jones, E. R., Jr. prof. biol. William & Mary. OM 33. D 206. Katzin, L. I. jr. biologist. U. S. Pub. Health (Cin- cinnati). Br 217-g. Kempton, R. T. prof. zool. Vassar. OM 3. Knowlton, F. P. prof. phys. Syracuse Med. Br 226. Krahl, M. E. res. chemist Lilly Res. Labs. Br 333. A 301. Lansing, A. I. asst. zool. Indiana. Rock 6. Dr Attic. Lerner, E. M., Il. Harvard. Br 122. Levin, E. grad. phys. Ohio State. Br 111. Lewis, Lena A. res. asst. phys. Ohio State. Br 111. Liebmann, E. res. fel. anat. Tulane Med. Bot. 1. Lillie, F. R. prof. emb. Chicago. Br 101. Lillie, R. S. prof. phys. Chicago. Br 326. MacHaffie, R. grad. biol. Columbia. Br 110. Markell, E. K. grad. zool. California. Br 217-m. Marmont, G. res. assoc. phys. Columbia Med. Br 114. Marsland, D. A. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br 344. Martin, Rosemary D. C. dem. phys. Toronto. OM Phys. Martin, W. E. asst. prof. zool. DePauw. OM 31. Mast, S. O. prof. zool. Hopkins. Br 329. Mathews, A. P. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 341. Mattox, N. T. instr. zool. Miami (Ohio). OM 32. (July 15). Mavor, J. W. prof. biol. Union. Br 315. McClung, C. E. prof. zool. Illinois. Br 219. McNutt, W. S., Jr. asst. biol. Brown. Br 331. Melkon, B. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. OM 36-e. Ho 1. Menkin, V. asst. prof. path. Harvard Med. L 27. Messer, Anne C. techn. Harvard Sch. Pub. Health. Br 110. June 28, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 17 Metz, C. B. fel. emb. California Tech. Meyerhof, O. H. res. prof. biochem. Med. Br 108. Miller, J. A. instr. anat. Michigan. Br 228. Milne, L. J. assoc. prof. biol. Randolph-Macon. Br 23, 1D) PANY Miriam Elizabeth (Sister) assoc. prof. biol. Chest- nut Hill (Phila.). Rock 3. Mitchell, P. H. prof. biol. Brown. Br 331. Molnar, G. W. instr. zool. Miami (Ohio). OM 36-f. Molter, J. A. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. OM Base. Moog, Florence grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. H 9. Moore, W. G. instr. biol. Loyola. Br 110. Morgan, T. H. prof. biol. California Tech. Br 320. Morrill, C. V. assoc. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 317. Mullins, C. P. instr. phys. Rochester. Br 322. Nachmansohn, D. res. fel. phys. Yale Med. Br 110. D 112B. Navez, A. E. tutor. Milton Academy (Mass.). Br 309. Nelson, G. H. Milton Acad. (Mass.). Br 309. O’Brien, J. P. grad. zool. Hopkins. Bot 1. Oesterle, Paul D. (Sister) instr. biol. Chestnut Hill (Phila.). Rock 3. Olson, M. instr. zool. Minnesota. Br 217-n. (Aug. 1). Osborn, C. M. instr. anat. Ohio State. OM 46. Osterhout, W. J. V. mem. Rockefeller Inst. York). Br 207. A 203. Osterud, Dorothy W. res. asst. zool. New York. Br 232. Osterud, K. L. grad. asst. zool. New York. L 21. Oxford, A. E. fel. biochem. Rockefeller Found. Br 342. D 309. Parker, G. H. prof. zocl. Harvard. Br 213. A 308-9. Parmenter, C. L. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 221. D 201. Parpart, A. K. assoc. prof. phys. Princeton. OM 2. Phelps, Lillian A. asst. prof. biol. Washburn. OM Base. Philips, F. S. fel. biol. Yale. Br 110. (July 15). Plough, H. H. prof. biol. Amherst. Br 330. Pollister, A. W. prof. zool. Columbia. Br 313. (Sept. 1). Prosser, C. L. asst. prof. zool. [linois. OM 7. Rankin, J. S., Jr. instr. biol. Amherst. OM 24. Recknagel, R. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. OM Base. Ho 3. Ris, H. asst. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Dr 5. Rona, Elizabeth fel. geophysics. Carnegie (Washington). Br 108. Ronkin, R. R. grad. zool. California. Br 322. K 24. Rothstein, A. grad. asst. biol. Rochester. Br 322. Ruebush, T. K. instr. zool. Yale. L 26. Dr 7. Runk, B. F. D. instr. bot. Virginia. Bot 26. D 110. Sayles, L. P. asst. prof. biol. C.C.N.Y. Rock 6. D 304. Schaeffer, A. A. prof. biol. Temple. Br 214. D 313. Schaffel, M. res. asst. biol. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Schechter, V. asst. prof. biol. C.C.N.Y. Br 315-a. D 102. Scott, A. asst. prof. biol. Union. Scott, Florence M. (Sister) prof. biol. Seton Hill (Greensburg, Pa.). Br 225. Shapiro, H. instr. phys. Vassar. Br 227. Shaw, Myrtle senior bact. N. Y. State Dept. Health. Br 122-B. D 303. | Shelanski, L. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. OM Base. Dr 5 Pennsylvania (New Inst. | 15. Shelden, F. F. instr. phys. Ohio State. Br 111. K 24. Sichel, Elsa K. head sci. dept. State Normal Sch. (Johnson, Vt.). OM 4. K 8. | Sichel, F. J. M. asst. prof. phys. Vermont Med. OM Yy 4, Slaughter, J. C. grad. asst. zool. Iowa. Br 340. Slifer, Eleanor H. asst. prof. zool. Iowa. Br 217-a. D 203. Sry J. A. instr. phys. & pharmacol. Chicago Med. r 6. Solberg, A. N. asst. prof. biol. Toledo. lib. (Aug. 3). Speidel, C. C. prof. anat. Virginia. Br 106. D 315. Steinbach, H. B. asst. prof. zool. Columbia. Br 313. Stern, K. G. res. asst. prof. physiol. chem. Yale Med. Br 110. (Aug. 1). Stokey, Alma G. prof. bot. Mt. Holyoke. Bot 1. Stowell, R. E. res. asst. Barnard Hospital Louis). lib. Stunkard, H. W. prof. biol. New York. Br 232. Sturtevant, A. H. prof. biol. California Tech. Br 126. Tashiro, S. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 341. Taylor, W. R. prof. bot. Michigan. Bot 25. penne Lois E. asst. prof. zool. Smith. Br 217-b. 205. Thivy, Francesca grad. bot. Michigan. Bot. Trinkaus, J. P. grad. zool. Columbia. OM 41. Troedsson, Pauline H. grad. zool. Columbia. Br 314. Trombetta, Vivian V. instr. bot. Smith. Bot 1. Le ee asst. prof. bot. Lingnan (China). Bot 1. r 6. Wald, G. instr. biol. Harvard. Br 318. Walker, R. instr. biol. Rensselaer. OM 38. Warner, E. N. instr. zool. Ohio State. OM 36. Waterman, A. J. asst. prof. biol. Williams. OM 26. (July 20). Watterson, Ray asst. biol. Hopkins. OM 41. Weisiger, J. R. grad. fel. physiol. chem. Hopkins. (St. Br 224. D 111. Wenrich, D. H. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 219. (Aug. 1). Whiting, Anna R. guest invest. zool. Pennsylvania. Rock 2. Whiting, P. W. assoc. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Rock 2 Wichterman, R. asst. prof. biol. Temple. Br 217-h. Wiercinski, F. J. res. asst. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 220. K 7. Wilbur, K. M. res. assoc. biol. New York. Br 342. Kea 2: Willier, B. H. prof. zool. Hopkins. Br 324. A 302. Wilson, W. L. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. OM Base. Wolf, E. A. assoc. prof. biol. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Wolf, Opal M. asst. prof. zool. Goucher. Br 122-C. A 206. Woodruff, L. L. prof. proto. Yale. Br 323. Woodward, A. A. grad. asst. biol. New York. L 21. Dr 3. Woodward, A. E. asst. prof. zool. Michigan. (Aug. 20). Wrinch, Dorothy lect. chem. Hopkins. lib. Yntema, C. L. asst. prof. anat. Cornell Med. Br 317. D 310. Young, W. C. assoc. prof. primate biol. Yale. lib. (Aug.). 5 Zarudnaya, Katya Radcliffe. OM 36. H 6. Zinn, D. J. grad. zool. Yale. OM 38. Zorzoli, Anita asst. zool. Columbia. OM 36. H 7. Zweifach, B. W. res. assoc. biol. New York. Br 310. STUDENTS Abbott, C. C. Haverford. bot. Algire, G. H. grad. anat. Maryland Med. phys. Bayard, Ellen B. U. of Connecticut. bot. H 8. Bergstrom, W. H. Amherst. emb. Birmingham, L. W. Rochester. emb. Dr 3. Bull, Nancy B. Wellesley. bot. H 2. Burns, J. E., Jr. grad. asst. biol. Wesleyan. phys. Coe, F. W. Ohio Wesleyan. phys. Ho 6. Cole, R. M. teach. fel. biol. Harvard. emb. Ka 3. 18 THE COLLECING NER [ Vor. XVI, No. 138 burg, Pa.). emb. H 1. Crumb, Cretyl Wellesley. emb. H 1. Deyrup, Ingrith J. Barnard. phys. Egan, R. W. res. asst. biol. Canisius (Buffalo, N. BYeS))s phys. Dr 2. Eldred, E. asst. biol. Northwestern. emb. Dr 3. Enzenbacher, Jean A. Smith. bot. W B. Frantz, Ruth E. Elmira. bot. D 307. Gibbs, Elizabeth Wheaton. emb. W C. Gordon, H. T. teach. fel. biol. Harvard. phys. Ho 1. Green, J. W. Davis-Elkins. phys. Gregg, J. R. asst. biol. Alabama. phys. Gross, J. B. De Pauw. emb. Harrison, R. W. grad. asst. biol. Wesleyan. phys. Ke Tie Hartmann, J. F. asst. zool. Cornell. phys. Dr 1. Hasse, G. W. grad. asst. zool. Illinois. emb. Hendricks, Anne L. Cincinnati. emb. Henry, Jane E. Gettysburg. phys. H 3. Hollister, Patricia Sarah Lawrence. emb. Hopkins, Marjorie G. grad. asst. biol. Mt. Holyoke. emb. H 7. Jacobs, J. teach. fel. biol. New York. phys. Dr 1. Josephson, N. Wesleyan. emb. K 5. Karezmar, A. G. grad. biol. Columbia. emb. Katz, Elaine J. Goucher. bot. D 307. Keezer, W. S. Indiana. phys. K 15. Kezer, L. J. instr. biol. State Teachers (Newark, N. J.). emb. K 9. Kieffer, R. F., Jr. Franklin and Marshall. emb. Ho 2. Kirkpatrick, Elizabeth M. Connecticut College. emb. Lambie, M. W. Harvard. emb. Lein, J. C.C.N.Y. phys. Ka 22. Lerner, Eleanor D. grad. biol. Brooklyn. emb. W D. Leuchs, Augusta V. H. A. grad. biol. Radcliffe. bot. lel 7 Linthicum, Anne H. Goucher. emb. D 106. Lorenz, P. B. Swarthmore. phys. Ho 3. Martin, R. G. Harvard. emb. Dr 15. Martin, T. S. Oberlin. emb. K 15. Medlicott, Mary grad. asst. biol. Mt. Holyoke. emb. Val iff Morgan, T. W. Washington and Jefferson. emb. Dr 10 Mothes, Arlene M. Massachusetts State. emb. W E. Muchmore, W. B. Oberlin. emb. K 7. Muir, R. M. grad. bot. Michigan. bot. Dr 6. Perkins, Patricia J. grad. chem. Cincinnati. phys. W F. Plough, I. C. Amherst. emb. Power, M. E. grad. asst. zool. Yale. emb. Ka 2. Regnery, D. C. lab. instr. biol. Stanford. emb. K 9. Reiner, E. R. lab. asst. biol. Alabama. emb. Rollason, H. D., Jr. grad. asst. biol. Williams. phys. Dri. Rosenblum, E. D. Brooklyn. phys. K 10. Royle, Jane G. grad. biol. Bryn Mawr. emb. Salvin, S. B. grad. asst. biol. Harvard. bot. Ka 3. Saunders, Grace S. teach. fel. biol. New York. emb. H 9. Schepartz, B. Ohio Wesleyan. phys. Dr 5. Schlosser, Adele P. Vassar. phys. Smith, F. B. prof. biol. Florida. bot. Smithcors, J. F. Rutgers. emb. Ka 2. Stanton, Constance L. Bryn Mawr. bot. W G. Stenger, F. R. prof. biol. St. Mary of the Lake Sem- inary (Mundelein, Ill.). bot. Stern, J. R. res. asst. med. Toronto. phys. K 6. Svihla, G. res. asst. zool. Illinois. emb. Ho 2. Thorne, R. F. Dartmouth. bot. Ka 21. Timanus, Alice L. Converse. emb. D 106. Tuttle, L. Constance grad. asst. biol. Mt. Holyoke. phys. W H. Waldron, Jacqueline M. American. bot. H 3. Wasserman, E. asst. biol. Wesleyan. emb. K 5. Weiner, H. M. Harvard. phys. Dr 1. Williams, R. H. instr. bot. Cornell. bot. D 208. Zimmerman, G. L. Swarthmore. phys. Ho 3. Zingher, J. M. C.C.N.Y. emb. K 10. OFFICE OF ADMINISTRATION Crowell, Polly L. asst. to bus. mgr. MacNaught, F. M. bus. mgr. Packard, C. director. Reilly, Edith Billings sec. Whitcomb, Mary sec. W I. LIBRARY Lawrence, Deborah sec. Montgomery, Priscilla B. librarian. Rohan, Mary A. asst. Thombs, S. Mabell asst. WF. MUSEUM Gray, G. M. curator emer. DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL SUPPLIES AND SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS Chemical Room Ballard, K. C. teach. sci. Lawrence H.S. (Falmouth). Beazley, Dorothea B. Falmouth. Cherry, Betty Tufts Med. WD. Hatch, Milford H. Brown. Heimberg, Felix Harvard Med. Dr 3. Smith, J. A. prof. biol. & pharmacol. Chicago Med. Thompson, John Lawrence H. 8S. Weisiger, J. R. fel. physiol. chem. Hopkins. Br 224. 1D a bila le Apparatus and Technical Service Boss, L. F. techn. Br 6. Bridgman, Jane grad. biol. Harvard. photographer. H Graham, J. D. Pennsylvania. glass blower. Br 22. Lefevre, Dorothy E. sec. Br 1. Liljestrand, Robert S. Br 3. Pond, S. E. tech. mgr. Br 1-3. EXPERIMENTAL RADIOLOGY Failla, G. Memorial Hosp. Br 307-8. Little, E. P. instr. Phillips Exeter. Br 307-8. MAINTENANCE Alper, C. janitor. Dr Attic. Bacchus, S. janitor. Ka 1. Blanchard, L. A. janitor. Cannon, F. janitor. Fink, F. janitor. Ka 4. Genther, T. janitor. Ka 4. Hemenway, W. C. carpenter. Kahler, R. S. asst. Larkin, R. janitor. Larkin, T. E. supt. Br 7. Roth, P. janitor. Ka 1. Spier, R. janitor. Ka 4. Tawell, T. E. head janitor. Taylor, R. night mechanic. Dr Attic. JuNE 28, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET Travis, R. F. mail. Trinkaus, W. janitor. Ka 1. Wynn, J. fireman. SUPPLY DEPARTMENT Bissonnette, J. animal house. Bulmer, Gladys teacher H.S. (Philadelphia). collec- tor. Carlson, B. C. Phillips Exeter. collector. Crowell, Ruth S. sec. Egloff, F. collector. Gilbert, W. J. Michigan. bot. collector. Dr 6. Glass, B. A & M College (Texas). collector. Ho 9. Goodrich, A. animal house. Ho 5. ; Gray, M. B. collector. Harman, Grace sec. WH. Hilton, A. M. collector. Kahler, W. E. collector. Kyllonen, A. Harvard. collector. Ho 4. Kyllonen, D. collector. Ho 4. Leathers, A. W. head shipper. Lehy, G. collector. Leonard, E. collector. Ho 4. McInnis, J. mgr. Metcalf, W. G. Oberlin. collector. Ho 5. Parker, J. collector. Poole, Margery bot. collector. Ross, F. collector. Sheldon, D. collector. Ho 4. Talbert, J. D. Columbia (Mo.). collector. Ho 5. Wamsley, F. W. supervisor of schools (Charleston). preparator. Young, E. Worcester Acad. collector. THE BIOLOGICAL BULLETIN Boyden, Louise E. ed. asst. Br 120. Redfield, A. C. managing ed. Br 120. THE JOURNAL OF INDUSTRIAL AND ENGINEERING CHEMISTRY Anderson, Stella B. sec. Br 203. Bruff, Eleanor G. sec. Br 203. Gordon, Gladys sec. Br 203. Howe, H. E. editor. Br 203. Martenet, Dorothy sec. Br 203. Newton, Helen K. ms. ed. Br 203. Parkinson, Nellie A. sec. Br 203. THE COLLECTING NET Cattell, W. managing ed. Scientific Monthly. Gorokhoff, B. I. Yale. Woodring, Judy Maryland. WOODS HOLE OCEANOGRAPHIC INSTITUTION Barnes, C. H. physical oceanographer, U. S. Coast Guard. 302. Bumpus, D. F. biol. techn. 108. Clarke, G. L. marine biologist. 107. Dooley, D. asst. submarine geol. 206. Ewing, W. M. assoc. submarine geol. 102. Hagelbarger, D. fellowship holder. 103. Hamilton, W. asst. submarine geol. 212. Irving, L. physiol. investigator. 315. Iselin, C. O’D. director. 114. Ketchum, B. H. assoc. marine biol. 203. Lee, R. fel. 310. Montgomery, R. B. physical oceanographer. 208. Myers, Dr. & Mrs. E. H. visiting invest. 308. Orr, E. chemical techn. 207. Osborn, C. M. biol. invest. 111. Parker, G. H. biol. invest. 111. Phleger, F. geol. invest. 212. Rakestraw, N. W. chem. oceanographer. 109. Redfield, A. C. assoc. marine biol. 309. Renn, C. E. assoc. marine bact. 211. Schallek, W. visiting invest. 306. Sears, Mary planktonologist. 305. Seiwell, H. R. physical oceanographer. 301. Soule, F. M. principal physical oceanographer, U. S. Coast Guard 303. Stetson, H. C. submarine geol. 212. Von Brand, Th. chem. invest. 110. Waksman, S. A. marine bact. 211. Weiss, C. M. bacteriol. techn. 201. Whiteley, G. fel. 305. Whitney, J. chem. asst. 109. Woodcock, A. J. oceanographic techn. 207. Zabor, J. W. fel. 109. Office of Administration Bird, Ethelyn sec. to bus. mgr. 113. Phillips, H. F. sec. to the dir. 112. Schroeder, W. C. bus. mgr. 113. “Atlantis” Backus, H. first engineer. Cook, H. second engineer. Kelley, T. N. first officer. Mandly, H. second officer. McMurray, F. S. captain. “Anton Dohrn” Atheran, E. captain. Daggett, R. engineer. Poole, S. mate. Buildings and Grounds Condon, W. asst. to supt. Schroeder, W. supt. U. S. BUREAU OF FISHERIES SCIENTIFIC STAFF Algire, Dorothy H. asst. biol. U.S.B.F. 122. F 27. Bliss, C. I. indep. invest. 119. F 43. Galtsoff, Eugenia assoc. zool. George Washington. 123. F 23-24. Galtsoff, P. S. biol. U.S.B.F. acting director. 118. F 23-24. Pupchick, Anna sec. 118. F 30. BUILDINGS AND GROUNDS Armstrong, J. apprentice fish culturist. Bellinger, H. H. fireman. Collins, E. J. apprentice fish culturist. 135. Conklin, P. fireman. Hatchery 137. Goffin, R. A. superintendent. 117. F. Hamblin, R. P. apprentice fish culturist. Howes, E. S. coxswain. 116. Jackson, R. fish culturist. Lowey, J. engineer. 20 20 SOE ESS EE SSS 1 OSES > OD SD) ) ED 0D ( 0 O-SEE > | } RHE TOLLE GIING INE Immunity against Animal Parasites This new book by James T. Culbertson, Assistant Professor of Bacteriology in Columbia University, is designed to pro- vide both the fundamental principles of immunity to parasitic infection and a re- view of the literature of the last twelve It will be published in the early Price, $3.50 years. fall. Protozoa in Biological Research Written by twenty leading specialists, under the editorship of Gary N. Calkins M. this book summarizes the latest developments and and Francis Summers, discoveries in protozodlogy. It brings recent about the structure and bodily functions together the most information of the protozoa and their relations with their environment and analyzes it for its biological — re- Price, $10.00 significance in general search. Genetics and the rigin of Species In its original form this work by Theo- dosius Dobzhansky, Professor of Zool- ogy in Columbia University, has been This new, up-to-date edition takes into con- and developments that have taken place since widely circulated and acclaimed. sideration all progress made new completion of the manuscript of the first Price, $4.25 edition. Columbia University Press ° | 0 D-0 90 >) 0 00D 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-0-0 0-00-00 0-0-0000 0-0-0 00-00 SEDO SD 0D 00 O-EEDO. 0: EE) DD) ) ED) D0 0) 00 OD) OST DOS [ VoL. XVI, No. 138 Kern Scientific Instruments Since 1819 Polarimeter for sunlight or sodium light. Verniers read- ing to 0.05° by magnifier. Tripartite identity field. Tubes up to 200 mm. n Micrometer KERN COMPANY 84 136 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS Biological, Medical, Zoological, Botanical, ete. Complete Sets, Volumes and Odd Copies. There may be some Single Copies needed to complete your sets, or an Important Article which you may need. Prices are reasonable. B. LOGIN & SONS, Inc., 29 E. 21st St., New York City ASE POLARIMETER DALEY’S Patent Medicines and Hospital Supplies STATIONERY COSMETICS SUNDRIES POLAROID GLASSES MRS. WEEKS’ SHOPS HOSIERY, DRY GOODS Toilet Necessities Cretonne, Chintz, Lingerie FALMOUTH ROWE’S PHARMACY Cigarettes - Cosmetics - Magazines Home Remedies Developing and Printing Snapshots im A fourwun Server Falmouth - Woods Hole - No. Fal. THE TWIN DOOR Main Street Woods Hole fan Special 6 A. M. Weekly to Rates 11:30 P. M. Club Breakfast 7 - 9:30 STEAKS LOBSTERS CHICKEN June 28, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 21 1 0 ORD GEE RED ED OEE OSE ED) ND) EE VeRO -ED (6% See our Hahibit in the Old Lecture Hall, July 14th to 26th. GOLD SEAL Cover Glasses Made in U. S. A. WE ARE PROUD to be able to offer you careful laboratory testing and control... cover glasses entirely made in the United Physically, the glass is practically free States. Formerly GOLD SEAL cover glasses of stria, bubbles, and curvature. were cut, gauged, sorted, and packed in our Prices have been kept low when it own workshop from imported glass. Now, is considered that the cost of domestic after considerable research and development production is many times the import prices. work a glass, worthy of the name, GOLD See page 22 of our new Catalog No. 102 SEAL, is made in the United States .. . We CN for prices — if you haven't a copy are proud of this accomplishment. please write for one on your letterhead. American made GOLD SEAL Cover Glasses are at least equal in NON-CORRO- SIVE quality to the glass formerly imported a statement based on the results of CO... 44. East 23rd St. inc. .New. York, Ni ¥: CLAY-ADAM y 0D () 0-0 D0 99 5000 R. P. M. on D. C. with underguard No. CT-1055 with six 15 ml. tubes loaded. 4200 R.P.M. on A. C. with same load. ADAMS ANGLE CENTRIFUGE These centrifuges offer important advantages over the conventional units. They utilize the new angle principle — the tubes being suspended at a fixed 52° angle — thus, faster sedimentation is achieved by the shorter distance particles are required to travel . . . creating mass, and reaching the bottom more quickly. When at rest, the tubes remain in the angular position and no stirring up of sediment results. CT-1000. ADAMS SENIOR SAFETY-HEAD CENTRIFUGE for SIX 15 ml. TUBES, complete with six round bottom brass shields with rubber cushions and three each graduated and ungraduated taper bottom 15 ml. glass tubes. Without Underguard . Each $51.00 CT-1001 Same as the above but without shields or SS . asl “i tubes Each $48.00 FOR MICRO and SEMIMICRO WORK — CT-1055 UNDERGUARD for Safety-Head, made of aluminum Each $4.50 The above Centrifuges will accommodate six 15 ml. round bottom or taper bottom test tubes. Micro and Above Centrifuges have universal motors for 110-volt semimicro tubes (5 ml. to 0.5 ml.) can be accommodated AC D.C { Th 1 b lied by purchasing extra shields, prices from 50c to 75c op (2s aoe, ao en SUPP 1¢ each. No adapters are required. to operate on 220-volt A.C. or D.C. current. Additional Other ADAMS CENTRIFUGES and_ laboratory charge of $2.00 is made for 220-volt motors. supplies are described in cur new Catalog No. 102CN. If you do not already have a copy write for one on your letterhead please. See our Exhibit in the Old Lecture Hall, July 14th to 26th. CO., Fa East /23nd':Se. New York, N. CLAY-ADAM Inc. 22 DH COLLECRING INET [ Vor. XVI, No. 138 Adams UTILITY FORCEPS Stainless Steel UR hands eps for han- ens instru- and small) utility ; grasp and hold a fine needle or large dish. Order a few—you will use them of Sturdily stain CLAY-ADAM Stainless Steel B-782—11"’ ea. $1.75, 3 for $5.00, Doz. $18.00. B-783— 8” ea. $1.50, 3 for $4.25, Doz. $15.00. CO., 44 East 23rd St. Inc. New York, N. Y. New! JUSTRITE Replaceable Blade Scalpel Featuring a real surgical blade B-300 Each 35c Dozen $3.50 made of highest quality surgical Heo Meatig qegbatin tied B-300/B Extra blades Dozen $1.00 cold rolled steel. Length including blade is 6”. See our Exhibit in the Old Lecture Hall, July 14th to 26th. A CO.,. 44. East 23rd St. (Som Inc. New York, N. Y. \ AA CLAY-ADAM 2, oe BIOLOGICAL SLIDES Credit for the leadership of Turtox microscope slides in American schools goes to the highly trained individuals who make these slides in the Turtox Slide Laboratory. These men and women have specialized in their particular fields and devote their entire efforts to just one end—the preparation of the best possible biological slides. MITOSIS SLIDES In addition to the usual mitosis material sueh as onion, Tradescantia, Ascaris, crayfish, Amby- stoma and others commonly used for the study of mitosis, we offer our slides of whitefish blastula. Every slide shows every stage of mitosis. Many teachers now using them consider these preparations the finest obtainable for teaching general or animal mitosis. The price is one dollar each. We are always glad to send them for inspection. Every biology teacher or investigator should have a Turtox Catalog for ready reference. Your copy will be mailed promptly if you will simply ask for it. g SUNG! CA 5 Sm %, TuRTax® Ro ucTs GENERAL BroLociege SUPPLY HOUSE 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute Satisfaction o FES ES CS OS OS OS OT SOS OS OO SO OT OL OOS OS LS OL OY CE * =, 0) PE) SD DE) OD OOOO) OT OT OTT OTTO DO DO D-DD ® ——— June 28, 1941 | i : ui THE COLLECTING NET Shown above is Spencer Stereoscopic Microscope No. 26 with a new Spencer lamp attached. Spencer has improved STEREOSCOPIC MICROSCOPES Your very first experience with the newest Spencer Stereoscopic Micro- scopes will reveal many impressive advances. A new balance is attained to give brilliant illumination and good resolu- tion combined with suitable depth of focus. The size of the object field is large. A wide range of magnification is avail- able, from 6.3X to 144X with a total of 28 different powers. Notable mechanical improvements have been accomplished in the dust-proof revolving nosepiece, the longer range of focusing adjustment, and more rigid and better proportioned stand. A booklet describing the complete line of Spencer Stereoscopic Microscopes may be obtained by writing Dept. TS. Spencer Lens Company BUFFALO, NEW YORK Sctentific Instrument Division of AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY Sales Offices: New York, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas, Columbus, St. Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta See exhibit of complete Spencer equipment in Canteen Building, Bureau of Fisheries, June 30 to July 11. THE COLLECTING NET Sand—Symbol of Optical Independence Y itself, only a handful of sand—fine, pure, white crystals of quartz from a Pennsylvania hillside. But, blended with boron, sodium, barium, lead, phosphorus and other elements—fused and fined at white heat—cooled, sorted, annealed and selected—it becomes optical glass, one of the basic indispensable materials of national defense—and of modern civilization. Thirty years ago America was wholly dependent | on Europe for a supply of glass for optical instru- ments. But before the first World War had cut off” that source, Bausch & Lomb scientists, at Roch- ester, New York, were at work on the development of a glass-making technique. By 1918, glass to fill the vital needs of optical manufacturing in the United States was pouring from the B&L glass plant. Today, for binoculars and fire control equipment that are the eyes of the Army and Navy—for metallographic and spectrographic equipment that are the eyes of industrial research—for microscopes that are the eyes of all sclence—for spectacle lenses that are the eyes of the nation’s citizens—America is completely independent of foreign supply. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. * ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION [ Vou. XVI, No. 138 Vol. XVI, No. 2 SATURDAY, JULY 5, 1941 Annual Subscription, $2.00 Single Copies, 80 Cents. PROTOPLASMIC STREAMING Dr. Doucras A. MARSLAND Assistant Professor of Biology, Washington Square College, N. Y. University High hydrostatic pressure, the type of pressure which reaches great intensity in the oceanic depths, has been applied artificially to various living tissues and has proved HOW FEATHERS ARE MADE Dr. FRANK R. LILLIE Professor of Embryology, Emeritus, University of Chicago I. Introduction If this question could be fully answered within the limits of present scientific principles and methods we would have much a useful tool for analyzing some of the reactions which take place in the protoplasma of living cells, — reactions which provide the energy for the characteristic activity of the cell. One type of activity, namely protoplasmic stream- ing, appears to be especially sensitive to the effects of pres- sure. The streaming of the protoplasm of various Amoe- boid cells during active loco- motion, the protoplasmic cur- rents which occur at the time that animals are dividing, the Seminar: Shapiro. Lecture: RM, B. FE. TUESDAY, July 8, 8:00 P. M. | Physiological seminar in which the following tors will take part: mian, Rita Guttman and Herbert FRIDAY, July 11, 8:00 P. M. “The Integration of Neu- rology and Psychology,” Dr. K. | deeper insight into problems of physiology, genetics and de- velopment. But our knowl- | edge is still very incomplete ; | and of the little that we know I shall be able to tell you only a part of my own work, done Calender investiga- | originally with the aid of Dr. A. J. Dzie- | Mary Juhn and recently of Mr. Hsi Wang. Each feather is an autobio- graphical record written in the course of its life history—a sort of diary, in fact. To read it one needs a Rosetta Stone, and this is furnished by study cyclic flow of protoplasm S. Lashley, Research Professor | of its growth and development. which is characteristic of so of Neuropsychology, Harvard | By. plotting rates of axial many plant cells, and the ebb University. growth with reference to the and flow of pigment granules location of simultaneous reac- back and forth in the fine branches which radiate out from the pigment cells of the skin of many fishes,—all of these forms of streaming are re- (Continued on page 31) tions in the germ (isochrones ) it is possible to relate any definitive part of the feather to its place and time of origin, and hence to the conditions of determination when these are TABLE OF How Feathers are Made, Dr. Frank R. Lillie.... 25 Protoplasmic Streaming, Dr. Douglas A. Ra SLAY Chemmecen sees tect ceevodcet eteeseesscessaciterencecessccceress 25 Notes on Eulima oleacea Embryology, George Vibe Grrretiyau (COMMS)! eossstetecreceererececsecsctaeteesescoe carn cacs 29 Grafting of Limbs in Place of the Eye in Amblystoma, Dr. Jean Piatt ....0..... ce eeeeeeee 32 CONTENTS M.B.L. Department of Chemical Supplies and SGlentifie App aratUSpeccc:c-ccc-ssccssssscetereacosessnceceses 33 Children’s School of Science ............. . 04 Items of Interest «0.0... 35 Physiology Class Notes ..... 36 Botany Class Notes ........... . 36 Embryology Class Notes ... 37 AUBUC! of MVWiOOdS) Elole) tasccesceseceotre-cetsscceseceeneee 38 ‘punog paeAourA UO 4yNo Suedo aAOD OYJ, “PUNOASYOVG oY} UI USES eSnoYzYSI] 04} eau yoveq ey} uO oTUdId jenuue a10y} oye} 0} AxOzeIOGe] 9Y} JO sossB[D SNolweA oY} 1OF ATewojsnd useq sey 4 SIveA IO HAOD NITAVdIUVL GUVMOL DNIMOOT ‘NOHSOVN JO SGNVIdN WHHL Jury 5, 1941 ] Dt COLLECTING, NET 27 known. By virtue of these properties, for in- stance, relations between rates of growth and thresholds of reaction have been established, and also between gradients of threshold and structure and pattern in the individual feathers. Regenerating feathers of the fowl are excellent material for study. They can be made available at any time by plucking, and during most of the period of regeneration they are extremely sensi- tive indicators to alterations of physiological con- dition, both natural and such as may be induced by controlled experiments. Experiments with reactions of saddle and neck hackle feathers of Brown Leghorn males to injec- tions of thyroxin illustrate sensitiveness of reaction of growing feathers. (Lantern slides). A single in- jection of 0.5 mg. in a bird weighing 1800 grams produces a spindle-shaped black mark adjacent to the rhachis, the length of which indicates the du- ration of reaction, and the form of-which indi- cates absorption to the center of the spindle and excretion thereafter of the excess thyroxin. The threshold of reaction is least immediately next to the rhachis and becomes increasingly higher to- wards the apex of the barbs. Single injections of 1.0 mg, 1.5 mg, 5.0 mg, etc., produce succes- sively broader areas until the margin of the feather is reached with 5.0 mg. There is thus a gradient of threshold along the axis of each barb to thyroxin. The stated action of thyroxin is on the melano- blasts, which rapidly grow into melanophores, producing pigmentation otherwise absent. This method may be used also to produce in- teresting patterns, as illustrated by neck hackle feathers in which successive injections of 1.0 mg. of thyroxin every seventh day produces a repeated pattern, and 1.5 mg. every sixth day produces a similar repeated pattern but broader and closer. II. General In order to give an account of the experiments which form the principal subject of this lecture it is necessary to introduce a short account of the anatomy and development of the feather. Feathers from different tracts of one bird differ from each other much as animals of two different species do. The account therefore specifies the feathers of the breast and saddle tracts of the Brown Leghorn male. Study of particulars is necessary in order to reach sound general conclusions. 1. Anatomy The feather is not formed by budding and branching as are, for instance, “feathery” hydroids (such as Pennaria), but is composed of parts separately formed and secondarily assembled. It can therefore be taken apart like a machine. These parts are the shaft (rhachis), the barb stem, and the barbules. The barbules do not grow out of the barb stem. The barbs do not grow out of the rhachis. The rhachis is formed of a central and two lateral components. The lateral components carry the barbs and are, indeed, composed of the union of modifications of the bases of barbs called the “barb petioles” which are bound together by long keratin fibers originating within the petioles. (II- lustrated by lantern slides.) 2. Sketch of Normal Development The feather develops from a “papilla” situated at the bottom of a follicle six to eight mm. deep in the case of the breast feather opening on the surface of the skin. It emerges from the follicle in the form of a cylinder covered by a stiff sheath of keratin. As the feather grows the barbs and rhachis burst through the sheath and extend far beyond it. The base of the growing feather is always in the form of a cylinder. A longitudinal section of the feather cylinder (illustrated by lantern slides) shows the relation- ships of the growing parts of the feather, all of which arise from a thick ring of embryonic cells, the collar, the central opening of which (umbili- cus) is occupied by the papilla. When the feather is plucked the papilla remains behind in the bottom of the follicle, consisting of a massive mesodermal core and a thin covering of a single layer of ectodermal cells from which the new feather is to be formed. GHEE The purpose of this lecture is not a general re- view, but to present an account of experiments in which old methods of experimental embryology have been applied for the first time to the develop- ment of feathers. The method of operating is to open the follicle so as to expose the papilla, and operate on the papilla with the finest iridectomy scissors. The follicle heals promptly. There are various kinds of operations that can be performed: (1) transplantation experiments, in which the papilla is completely removed from Operations on the Papilla THe CoLiectinc NEevT was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. marine biological laboratories. Mass. Single copies, 30e by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 28 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 139 the follicle and transferred to some other site on the host; (2) defect experiments, in which parts of the papilla are removed, leaving the remainder within the follicle to develop; (3) isolation ex- periments, in which the papilla is divided longi- tudinally in determinate planes, and both parts left to develop within the same follicle; and (4) recombination experiments, in which part of the papilla from one follicle is removed and replaced with a supplementary part removed from another papilla. 1. Transplantation Experiments The follicle from which a papilla has been re- moved does not regenerate a new papilla or feather. The papilla is the indispensable requisite for the formation of a feather. The feather papil- lae are tract-specific: if one takes a saddle papilla and implants it within a breast follicle from which its own papilla has been removed, the saddle papilla will produce a saddle feather in the breast. These feather germs or papillae behave just as specifically as different kinds of eggs. Wherever papillae are transplanted within the organism, there they produce the kind of feather peculiar to the site of origin. The papilla has a definite bilateral organization. If one dissect a papilla entirely free from all its attachments in the follicle, and rotate it 180° within the follicle, an upside-down feather results, ie., ventral surface up and dorsal surface down. The papilla has no land marks on it like the frog’s egg and so the operations must be made with reference to the position of the papilla with- in the follicle. It lies obliquely inclined with dor- sal surface up, ventral surface down. If one re- moves the ventral half by frontal bisection, the dorsal half will form a normal feather ; and if one divides the feather longitudinally and sagittally, a normal feather will also develop from a lateral half. Dorsal and lateral halves are thus complete- ly regulable. The situation is entirely different in the case of ventral halves. When the dorsal half of the pa- pilla is removed the remaining ventral half pro- duces one of two kinds of feathers, i.e., either “tuft” feathers in which there is no rhachis and the feather consists of a series of independent barbs, or “‘half-vane” feathers in which one lateral half is formed in a fairly normal fashion and the other lateral half is similar to tuft feathers except that the barbs adjoining the half-rhachis are at- tached by their apexes and the bases are free. The production of the tuft feather is explained by the complete removal of the dorsal half of the papilla which is necessary for formation of a rhachis; and the half-vane feather is explained by slight deviations right and left that leave narrow mar- gins of the dorsal half of the papilla, each induc- ing a half-rhachis. Correspondingly, it is found that about half of the half-vane feathers are right- handed and half left-handed. There is a clear analogy with the amphibian egg in respect to the behavior of dorsal and ven- tral halves respectively. Feathers with defects confined to the apex may be produced by amputation of the apical half of the papilla. These are to be interpreted as pro- duced not by loss of a prospectively limited seg- ment of the papilla, but by the delay in formation of the rhachis caused by the experiment, which produces in the apex of the feather conditions similar to the tuft and half-vane feathers. 2. Isolation Experiments Twin feathers may be produced by dividing the papilla sagittally by a single cut and leaving the lateral halves in place. If each half develops in- dependently two normal and complete feathers are produced in a single follicle. But if the halves fuse together to a greater or less extent, as they usually do, twinning is confined to the apex of the feather. Successive generations of feathers from the same follicle produce types of separate or con- joint twin feathers similar to the first generation. 3. Recombination Experiments Interesting chimera feathers may be produced by combining right and left lateral halves of pa- pillae within the follicle of one of them. This was illustrated specifically by chimerae between breast and saddle feathers in which one half-vane was saddle type and the other half-vane breast type. IV. Discussion In all of the experiments described above the defective papillae continue to produce the same types of defective feathers in successive genera- tions. In some cases as many as five successive generations have been recorded. There is a very pronounced lack of regulative ability on the part of operated papillae. From the experiments it follows that the mas- sive mesodermal core of the papilla acts as in- ductor on the ectoderm and determines the estab- lishment of a dorsal field in the ectoderm, within which the rhachis develops. Without this the de- velopment is always abnormal. From various lines of evidence it was concluded that the period of induction by the mesoderm is brief, and that thereafter the ectoderm constitutes a self-regulating system. The effects of the oper- ations within the definitive feather are due to dis- turbances of the inductive action on the ectoderm. This inductive action is general, not specific or mosaic. Out of hundreds of abnormal feathers produced experimentally no two are alike. However, all individual feathers produced in the defect experi- ments fall into the three main classes, “tuft” Jury 5, 1941 ] DAE COOLER CRING NED 29 feathers, “half-vane” feathers, and feathers with apical defects only. These are characterized by defects of the rhachis. Three kinds of barb defects occur in all three classes: branched, united and bundled. In the half-vane feathers, in addition to these barb ab- normalities, there occur also on the defective side of the half-rhachis reversed barbs which are at- tached by their apexes with their bases free. Branched barbs are due to fusion of the grow- ing barbs to form a single base which continues to grow as one, owing to disturbance of the regu- lar tangential movement. United barbs, 1.e., with single apex and two or more bases, are due to division of the growth center of the base, each continuing to grow independently. If the fusion of the growth center that produces branching is followed after a time by division of the common base, “bundling” results. Reversed barbs occur only in connection with a half-vane and are due to the formation of a new apex adjacent to the half- rhachis and fusion of this apex with the out-grow- ing rhachis. From all this it follows that the rhachis is re- sponsible for the normal organization of the feather. It attracts barbs from both sides and is thus responsible for the formation of the ventral triangle to which formation of new barbs is con- fined in the normal development. It induces the formation of petioles on barbs that become at- tached to it and thus terminates the growth of the barbs. It carries the completed barbs apically by its own growth and thus in general preserves the sequential order of barbs. It also determines the distinction between distal and proximal barbules ; and finally, it is to be noticed that each lateral half of the rhachis operates independently, as is shown by the half-vane feathers. The analysis of morphogenesis of the feather is then briefly as follows: 1. The dorsal half of the papilla alone has the capacity of inducing the dorsal field in the ecto- derm, and this is the main morphogenetic func- tion of the papilla. 2. The ectoderm of the papilla is capable of forming barbs which grow independently ; but the mesodermal induction is necessary for the deter- mination of the rhachis which controls the normal behavior of the barbs. 3. The assembly of barbs on the rhachis oc- curs after their independent differentiation. The abnormalities produced are in accordance with the principles of the special mechanism of develop- ment. Reference: Lillie, F. R., and Wang, Hsi. 1941. Physiology of development of the feather. V. Ex- perimental morphogenesis. Physiol. Zool., 14:103- 134. (This article is an abstract of a lecture, illustrated with lantern slides, presented at the Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory on June 27.) INFORMAL NOTES ON EULIMA EMBRYOLOGY BY THE EMERITUS CURATOR OF THE M. B. L. MUSEUM GEORGE M. GRAY (Continued from last issue) On August 10th the Thyone having gone bad and no Eulima eggs that I could discover, I threw out the Thyone, gave the Eulima a clean bill of fare (sea water) and left them. The dish was covered with a glass plate, and they were alone. This morning, on looking at these same Eu- lima 1 discovered three fine-looking bunches of Eulima eggs. These had been laid between the time I changed them and this A. M., probably during the night. So far as I can prove this is the first real egg-laying of this particular lot of Eulima since they were brought to me on July 3lst and August 2nd. This is the second time I have had Eulima lay after being on Thyone, though I think that not all the Eulima went on the Thyonc, but it would be interesting to see if any more are laid by these same snails. At 5:30 P. M. I found two more egg capsules _ in the dish. The last two capsules laid since morning. Now five in all. August 12, About 8 o’clock A. M. this morn- ing there were four more egg capsules of Eulima in this same dish. This makes nine Eulima egg capsules in this dish, up to this morning. Still keep a glass over them. There are nine Eulima in the dish. About all the eggs are laid on the sides of the dish, the majority well up. August 13 — 9:15 A. M. Thirteen egg cap- sules. Some are in veliger stage. These thirteen egg capsules are from the nine Eulima last col- ° lected (July 3lst and August 2nd). August 14 — 8 A, M. Two additional egg capsules were in the dish of the Eulima. This makes fifteen altogether. A few of the older ones of this lot are in the veliger stage. August 16. No eggs from the nine Eulima. September 1. No real good typical egg cap- sules from any Eulima on hand since last record- ed date. On August 31st I put a lot of the old Eulima in one finger-bowl and put a Thyone in sO with them, to see if the change would be any en- couragement to egg-laying. A number of the old- est Eulima have died before now. About August 18th, three new freshly collected Eulima were brought to me. They were in a four- ounce jar. I left them in the jar and changed or partly changed the water, but no eggs up to Au- gust 3lst. That day I changed the water more thoroughly, leaving them in the same jar. On September Ist about 8 A. M. I found one fresh laid egg capsule probably laid late yesterday or early this A. M. September 2. No more eggs from the three Eulima collected the 18th of August. Yesterday four fresh collected Eulima were brought in, but I did not get them until this A. M. Put them in a vessel of sea water and will hope for eggs. No eggs from Eulima which I put in with a Thyone yesterday. Everything else status quo. September 3 — about 9:20 A. M. The egg capsule from the Eulima of September Ist had a few separated individual veligers slowly moving about. No fresh eggs. September 4 — 8:30 A. M. More and faster moving veligers separately on the go this A. M. No new eggs and no eggs from the Thyone Eulima. Took Thyone out, added new sea water and await results. No eggs from any others. September 5. The veligers in the single egg capsule of the three Eulima of August 18th were moving around to some extent within the jelly mass, this A. M. At 5:00 tonight they were much livelier but none have come through the surround- ing jelly walls. September 6. About same conditions prevail with Eulima as above. September 7 — 9:00 A. M. Veligers moving more rapidly, but all are within the surrounding walls of the egg capsule. All other Eulima are same as yesterday. September 16. Eulima veligers came through the walls this A. M. This means that it took from Sept. 5 to Sept. 16 for the larval Eulima to de- velop enough to come out of the capsule and swim around in the open sea. Some Eulima which I gave Dr. Alice Russell laid some eggs on Thyone. This I did not observe at all, though they might do so in their natural outdoor haunts. The Eu- lima seemed to get more pep and act better after a little sojourn on the Thyone. So far August has been the month which I have found to be ideal for egg laying of Eulima, though they may breed in July, but have had no time to investigate that early, though I hope to do this next year. Additional Observations February 28, 1941. Since late last Fall I have been carrying something like 12 to 15 Eulima oleacea alive to date in a finger-bowl. I changed THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 139 the water nearly every day I was at the Labora- tory. There were times when they did not get a change of new water for 4 or 5 days, owing to a cold which kept me home. Also there were Sun- days when I did not go to the Laboratory and some few other times, but most of the time they had a daily change. I usually kept the bowl nearly covered with a glass plate. I think I have kept with them most of the time a live sea cucumber (Thyone briareus) of which they seem to be quite fond. I think I am now on the third one of these for the winter. The Eulima, when a Thyone is placed in a vessel with them, will begin to gather on it and in a few hours all or nearly all the snails will have attached themselves to the Thyone, on which they are par- tially parasitical. In changing the water I simply carefully poured off the water and either let new sea water run in until the dish is full or dip the bowl under water and thus fill it, sometimes mak- ing a double filling. In this way no true clean- ing has been done on the inside of the bowl. Whatever was loose in the bowl went out when the water was poured off. This morning I wondered if perchance there could be any eggs laid during their stay in the Laboratory during the winter. Much to my sur- prise I found something like a dozen egg cap- sules, some several days old and some only a day or two. March 1. I took out the egg capsules, placing them in another and smaller glass dish. In this way I could tell whether any new eggs were laid in the original finger bowl, and also could tell when the larval stages came through the walls of the egg capsule out into the water and really start on their individual careers. In the younger of these capsules the individuals lay closely packed together within the jelly-like walls of the capsule. As they grow older they begin to separate and start swimming about, but inside the walls of the capsule which seems to en- large. It takes several days before they are ready to come out. This morning I found three egg capsules laid near the surface of the water on the side of the bowl, so close that they seemed to touch one an- other. A second mass was on the bottom of the bowl, but I was not sure but what I had over- looked it in the previous lot. On March 3rd or 4th I found five newly laid egg capsules and on March 5th six more of them, laid during the night. Nearly all, I believe, are laid at night. March 6. Four more egg capsules were found on the sides of the finger-bowl this morning. This makes fifteen fresh capsules since the 3rd. Those of February 28 are still going. Jury 5, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 31 March S8. Looked carefully this morning and decided two more egg capsules had been laid since the sixth. There are just 16 Eulima in the bowl with the eggs, proving that one snail at least must have laid twice. The veligers in the lot of February 28 are still swimming well, but all in- side the jelly. A few of the older ones have no movement and seem dead; possibly the water got too warm. I don’t think these snails lay eggs in winter in their natural habitat. I take it that the exceptionally warm temperature of the room started them laying, though of course it is possible that Eulima might lay at this season as some of the Nudibranchs do. But I have my doubts about Eulima doing so. March 10. This morning the egg capsules had increased to 26 at least. This means that at least nine have been laid since the 8th. The whole number are in the finger-bowl with the Eulima and the Thyone. I cannot say that any egg capsules have strictly been laid on Thy- one, but nearly all have so far been laid on the sides of the bowl, a few on the bottom. March 13. I took all of the Eulima and the Thyone from the finger-bowl this P. M. and put them all in another finger-bowl of clean sea water, leaving the egg capsules in the bowl in which they were laid. I have three egg capsules with veligers alive in them. These were of the lot laid in early March. Somehow they get about a certain age and die off without leaving the egg capsule. The water gets quite warm during the night and the water I use in changing is cold. First hot and then cold may have a pernicious effect, though at first they liven up when cold fresh sea water is given them. Squeezed some veligers from a capsule this P. M. They seemed to want to burrow in the bottom of the bowl. It must be that in their outdoor habi- tat they would naturally burrow in the sand or mud. Since putting the Eulima and Thyone in a clean bowl they have laid nine capsules of eggs. (This is up to March 24.) Four more laid two or three days after the change, and the others since. Have still a few of the veligers from the older lot living on March 24 (inside the capsule). After this there seems to be a blank for I did nothing further with the lot except to put them in one finger-bowl and set them in my salt water sink, and now and then letting a little salt water run on them. Thus time passed on until this A. M., June 23rd. On looking at the Eulima to- day which I had put in a finger-bowl in the salt water sink some weeks ago I found eleven egg capsules in different stages, some quite young, some in the veliger stage. Evidently these Fu- lima had been in the sink since last March, and were not in running water. The only change they had was turning a small sea water hose into the bowl for a few seconds every other day or so, but I did not examine the snails or even look in the dish in all the time they were left in this condi- tion. So I was surprised to find the capsules. There were seven dead shells of Eulima, and five live snails. I cleaned the dish, leaving the eggs and took out the dead snails’ shells and put back the live snails with the egg capsules in the clean sea water, and they are still there. This ends for a time the history of this little gastropod mollusc. There is much more to learn about its later larval development, how the shell is formed, etc. This we hope to learn later. Since the above article went to press I have made the following observations. A collection of 10 Eulima was brought to me on June 25th. I put them in a clean finger-bowl of sea water. On the 26th there were no eggs laid. On June 27th there were 8 egg capsules. On June 28th there were 10 egg capsules. On June 29th there were 21 egg capsules. On June 30th there were 39 egg capsules. On July Ist there were 52 egg capsules and one dead Eulima. I think the eggs were laid by the 9 as the dead one had probably been dead when brought in with the other nine. On July 2nd there were 86 egg capsules with the nine liv- ing Eulima. This extends the breeding range for practically another month and perhaps Eulima may even breed in May. This will have to be ascertained another year. There is conclusive proof that each snail lays several egg capsules, for here are 86 egg capsules, and only nine snails for the job. PROTOPLASMIC STREAMING (Continued from page 25) tarded to an equal extent and are finally abolished as the pressure is gradually raised to about 5,000 Ibs. per square inch. The least common denominator in these ex- periments appears to be that pressure has a liquefying action upon gelated parts of protoplasm generally. Or, to state things conversely,—high pressure inhibits gelation processes which normal- ly must occur in cells when the streaming of the more fluid protoplasm is being motivated. In any event, it has been found that the extent to which the streaming is inhibited corresponds ex- 32 THE COLERCRING NEG [ Vot. XVI, No. 139 actly to quantitative measurements of the curtail- ment of the gelation processes. An interesting assemblage of apparatus was necessary for the experiments. The pressure pump was constructed from a hydraulic jack of the type ordinarily used for lifting of heavy trucks. The thick-walled pressure chamber was made of stainless steel and provided with heavy glass windows. Since an ordinary microscopic objective would not be suitable for viewing tis- sues through so thick an intervening layer of glass, a special objective, with a working distance GRAFTING OF LIMBS IN PLACE of more than half an inch, was necessary. This objective, used with an inverted type of micro- scope, gave good images at a magnification of 600 diameters. And lastly, the, measurements on’ pro- toplasmic fluidity required a special centrifuge- pressure chamber. A suitable valve permitted no loss of pressure, even after the chamber, having received its charge from the pump, was discon- nected and placed in the centrifuging equipment. (Summary of paper presented at “The Symposium of Protoplasmic Structure” at the meetings of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, December 30, 1940.) OF THE EYE IN AMBLYSTOMA Dr. JEAN Pratt Departments of Anatomy, University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont and College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York City When a forelimb rudiment is grafted to the head region of salamander embryos, the resultant limb is usually well developed and capable of movement. The range and vigor of movement in the transplant vary considerably from case to case, dependent upon the specific anatomical rela- tions existing between graft and host and upon the particular region of the head involved. A correlation of movement in the transplant with that of other muscle groups usually occurs, but the reason for this phenomenon is not entirely clear. Particularly is this the case when limbs have been transplanted in place of an eye. Nicholas (29, ’30, ’33) made homoplastic and heteroplastic forelimb grafts to the eye region in Amblystoma. In general, the movements of such limbs were found to be rather poor but more dis- tinct in some cases. Some of the transplants ex- hibited individuated movements of the various parts. Nicholas states that when movement of a limb occurred, it was always in coordination with ocular movements of the contralateral eye. In order to prevent the normal appearance or regeneration of the eye muscles, Nicholas cleaned the wound of all mesenchyme cells down to the wall of the brain. Although he does not actually state that the eye muscles were eliminated in the specific animals in question, it is assumed from a supplementary experiment that such was the case. The transplant in a number of cases was innervated partly by eye muscle nerves, chiefly the oculomotor. Nicholas himself states that in the event eye muscles should regenerate and in- sert on the base of the limb, the experiment would be vitiated, since the eye muscles themselves, not the eye muscle nerves, would be causing the co- ordinate movements. Nicholas interprets his re- sults as an argument against Weiss’ Resonance Theory, or theory of Homologous Response. Weiss (736) in an analysis of Nicholas’ work makes the suggestion that in those cases which demonstrated movement synchronous with the eye some of the eye muscles might still be present and insert on the limb, thus accounting for the co- ordinate movements observed by Nicholas. In order to test this Weiss transplanted larval limbs in place of the eye and found that when the al- ready developed eye muscles were not cut away in the operation they found new insertions on the transplant. The movement of these limbs was extremely weak and stereotyped, and the limb moved only as a whole. Weiss concluded that such an arrangement of the eye muscles might possibly explain the seeming discrepancy between his theory of Homologous Response and that of central coordination postulated by Nicholas. It has been the purpose of this investigation to attack this problem anew, repeating the experi- ments of Nicholas but in a slightly altered form and to make a careful examination of both limb movement and the anatomy of the region in- volved. Forelimb rudiments were grafted in place of the eye in embryos of Amblystoma punctatum. In series LHR-1 only the eye and covering ectoderm were removed; in series LHR-2 the same opera- tion was performed but in addition the wound was cleaned of all mesenchyme cells down to the brain wall. Observations were made on the amount and type of limb movement and the full grown larvae were then sectioned and a study was made of the muscles and nerves in the region of the transplant. No significant difference between the two series was revealed, either in movement or anatomy of the region involved. Eye muscle tissue was found to be present in every case studied, and individual muscles could often be identified. The eye muscles either inserted directly on the cartilage of the transplant or in its immediate vicinity. It is Jury 5, 1941 } THE COLLECTING NET 33 thought that contraction of these muscles would account for the feeble, stereotyped movements ob- served in the grafted limbs and for the fact that the limb movements were nearly always corre- lated with movements in the opposite, intact eye. Limbs were always innervated by the opthalmic branches of the V-VII complex, and never by the eye muscle nerves directly, if at all. My experiments sustantiate the contention first expressed by Weiss, that when limbs are put in place of an eye, their movement is extremely weak and stereotyped ; further, that it is difficult to, re- move all the eye muscles in such an operation and’ that the coordinate movement of the limb with the opposite eye is caused by the remaining eye muscles gaining an insertion onto the base of the transplant. If this is so, then the coordination of limb with eye in such cases does not mean that non-homologous muscles are functioning in a homologous response because of innervation by nerves of an identical nature. (This article is a summary prepared for the press of a paper presented before the American Society of Zoologists at the meeting of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science on December 30, 1940.) DEPARTMENT OF CHEMICAL SUPPLIES AND SCIENTIFIC APPARATUS Standard Solutions : The Chemical Room has charge of the order- ing, storing, and distribution of ordinary glass- ware, simple laboratory apparatus, reagents, and chemicals. Drugs, dyes, and certain rarer com- pounds owned by the Laboratory, are all kept in the Chemical Room, ¥8, Brick Laboratory Base- ment. These may be used by investigators and classes during their work at the Laboratory. Supplies to be used elsewhere than at this Lab- oratory are not furnished by the Chemical Room. All such, e.g., bottles, jars, slides, covers, labels, drawing materials, and instruments—can usually be purchased from the Supply Department. The Chemical Room Staff makes up various histological and photographic solutions, and cer- tain standardized reagents used by investigators and classes for ordinary biological and chemical work. Such solutions and reagents are described in “Formulae and Methods,” III, 1936. The Chemical Room does not undertake special chem- ical work for individuals or classes nor the prep- aration of solutions, requiring unusual time or facilities. However, for the period from June 24 to September 1, the chemist will undertake to standardize a limited number of special solutions for individual investigators; and to determine the pH of a limited number of aqueous solutions. It is preferable to submit at least 10 ml. quantities of well-buffered solutions or 20 ml. quantities of unbuffered solutions, although determinations will be made on less solution, if necessary. The sam- ples should be placed in clean, stoppered contain- ers which are labeled with the name of the investi- gator, the room number, the approximate pH if known, and a description of the contents, if of a hazardous nature—cyanide, for instance. The samples should be left at the Chemical Room be- fore noon. The results may be obtained at the Chemical Room the following day. The number of determinations for any one investigator is necessarily restricted. Investigators expecting to use such solutions or standardized reagents after September 1 are requested to notify the Chemical Room, if possible, before August 24. Special Supplies : Dry ice may be obtained at cost in_ limited amounts through the Chemical Room. For dry ice, rare chemicals, etc., ample advance notice of at least three days is required. In the case of ex- pensive reagents such as osmic acid, gold chlor- ide, platinum chloride, special organic compounds and dyes or stains the Laboratory makes a charge at current prices for all above a reasonable amount used by an investigator. This rule may apply also to any other materials which are scarce, difficult to obtain, not likely to be required by other investigators, or are requested in un- usual quantities. Draughting supplies, portable microscope ac- cessories, dissecting equipment, surgical instru- ments including syringes, needles, etc., are not available for loan but may be purchased through the Supply Department. Easily transported ap- paratus such as stop-watches, cameras, and de- vices of special application should be provided by each investigator (before departure for Woods Hole) unless he is assured that they can be fur- nished by the Laboratory. Window Service, 1941: June 30 to August 30 — 8 :30-12:00 a.m./1 :30- 4:30 p.m. Saturdays—8:30 to 12:00 a.m. Holidays excepted. September 2 to 27 — 11:00-12:00 a.m./3 :30- 4:30 p.m. 34 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor, XVI, Nowmis9 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 23, 1938. SYMPOSIUM ON DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH The following is the program of the Sympos- ium of the Society for the Study of Development and Growth to be held at Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H., from July 7 to 11. General Topic: Patterns. Monday, July 7th Morning Session: Francis O. Schmitt (Washing- ton University, St. Louis.) “Patterns of Protein Molecules.” Configurations, orientations, and prop- erties of protein and conjagated protein components in the ultrastructure of cells and tissues. Supple- mentary data from mono- and multifilms and crys- talline protein. Afternoon session: Vance Tartar (University of Vermont). “Intracellular Patterns.” Facts and prin- ciples concerning patterns exhibited in the morpho- genesis and regeneration of ciliate protozoa. Tuesday, July 8th Morning session: Kenneth B. Raper (U. S. Dept. of Agriculture). ‘Patterns of Primitive Cell Col- lectives.”” Developmental patterns in simple slime moulds. Afternoon session: stitution, Cold Spring Harbor). in Plants.” A. F. Blakeslee (Carnegie In- “Growth Patterns Wednesday, July 9th Morning session: N. J. Berrill (McGill Univer- sity). “Growth patterns in Lower Animals.” Spat- ial and temporal patterns in colonial organisms. No session in the afternoon. Thursday, July 10th Morning session: A. H. Hersh (Western Reserve University). “Heterogonic Growth.” The ontogene- tic and phylogenetic significance of differential rates of growth. Afternoon session: L. C. Dunn (Columbia Uni- versity). ‘Abnormal Growth Patterns, with Special Reference to Genetically Determined Deviations in Early Development.” Friday, July 11th Morning session: Paul Weiss (University of Chi- cago). “Nerve Patterns.” Analysis of the factors controlling the development of the nervous system as an example of complex pattern formation. Afternoon session: Assignment not yet decided. THE CHILDREN’S SCIENCE SCHOOL The Children’s Science School opened Monday, with a registration of 57 children. More have been registered during the week. The registration was followed by a showing of lantern slides by Mr. Lower, which was greatly enjoyed by the children. The teachers this summer are Miss Helen Smith, who is also director, Mr. Reginald Mac- Haffie, and Mr. and Mrs. George G. Lower, all of whom were here last year. At the opening meeting Monday afternoon, the teaching staff gave most interesting outlines of the courses they are giving this year. In Miss Smith’s marine ecology course, the specimens are collected on frequent field trips and identified and pre- served at the school. The biology course is also presented by Miss Smith. It consists of an intro- duction to the structures and functions of ani- mals, and to some of the more important biologi- cal principles. Lectures are supplemented by ex- periments and dissections of interesting forms. Mr. MacHaffe is hoping to do quite a bit of culturing of insects in his entomology course, with ant colonies, bees, etc. For the junior laboratory, he has several problems to work out, on which little research has been done. Genetics and em- bryology are particularly emphasized. Mr. Lower is to have his very original system of charts, with teams, tests in various subjects, and awards with special credit given for collec- tions. These are for both the Water Life and Nature Study classes, and he is also thinking of adding a bit on weather, tides and navigation to the more advanced class, explaining the buoys, fog signals, etc. Mrs. Lower in her Introduction to Nature Study initiates the beginners in observation, col- lecting, classification, etc., and says that, with a little training, the youngest children become keen observers and make very creditable collections. She plans to instruct them early in the class on aquaria and keeping sea life at home. These previews of the courses make it appear that the Science School has a particularly stimu- lating season ahead. —Mrs. S. McMurtrie. CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: Date AM.) PaMe July 5 SH2ZESO SIG July 6 150m ZellZ July 7 2:54 3:08 July 8 3:48 4:00 A Cline heacetete weaceene Rye AbEDS) July 10 . 5:28 5:40 italy lb ee cee Gps} |sst0) —— EEE Jury 5, 1941 ] DE COLLE GRNG NET 35 ITEMS OF Dr. EuGcene F. DuBots, professor of medicine at the Cornell University College of Medicine, has been appointed professor of physiology and head of the department of biochemistry and physiology at the College. He succeeds Professor Detlev W. Bronk, who returns to his post as director of the Johnson Foundation for Medical Physics at the University of Pennsylvania. Dr. Donatp P. CosTELLo, assistant professor of zoology at the University of North Carolina, will be on leave of absence next year. He has been appointed a Rockefeller Foundation fellow and will work at the School of Biology at Stan- ford University. The Carnegie Corporation of New York has granted to Dr. L. J. Milne, associate professor of biology at Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, about $900 with which to obtain special equip- ment for biophotography. This summer at Woods Hole he is collaborating with Dr. C. L. Parmen- ter in presenting cell division of salamander epi- dermis as animated diagrams on motion picture film. Dr. T. K. RuEBusH 1s leaving for Washington, D. C., where he has been called to active duty in the Medical Corps of the U. S. Navy. Among the persons who attended the Sympos- ium on Genes and Chromosomes at the Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor and who will spend the summer at Woods Hole are: Dr. and Mrs. P. W. Whiting, Dr. C. W. Metz, Dr. Har- old H. Plough, Dr. R. Ruggles Gates and Dr. Morris Harnly. Notes from the Bureau of Fisheries Mr. Ropert A. Gorrin and his staff had planted 1,293,000 mackerel fry at the end of last week. The mackerel were stripped at the traps and the eggs fertilized and brought to the Hatch- ery. The Bureau of Fisheries carries out this conservation measure each season. A new attraction at the Fisheries pool is the blue shark, approximately six feet long, which was taken in a fish trap in Buzzards Bay off Pen- zance Point. It is unusual for this shark to come so far inland. In addition, there are two seals and a few dogfish in the pool. The registration for the month of June at the Bureau of Fisheries was 3,401. From July 1, 1940 to June 30, 1941, 25,099 persons wrote their hames in the visitors’ book. In general, Mr. Goffin finds that about one in four persons who come to the aquarium register there. INTEREST At the Durham meeting of the American Asso- ciation for the Advancement of Science, the pro- gram of the Section on Medical Sciences included a paper on properties of skeletal muscle fibers by Dr. F. J. M. Sichel, assistant professor of physi- ology at the University of Vermont College of Medicine. Mrs. Sichel went to New Hampshire to read the paper for him owing to his conflicting engagement with the physiology course. Dr. ALBerT NAveEz, of the Milton Academy, presented a paper on “Biology, the Science of Life (Plea for the Experimental Method),’’ on June 25 before the National Association of Biol- ogy Teachers at the Durham meetings. The Spencer Lens Company is holding its ex- hibit at the Canteen Building until Friday, June Mal. The program for the weekly phonograph rec- ord concert at the M.B.L. Club next Monday is as follows: Beethoven, “Overture to Leonore, No. 3”; Beethoven, “Symphony No. 5”; intermission ; Brahms, “Symphony No. 8.” Dr. T. K. RuesusH, the secretary-treasurer of the Tennis Club, announces that a tennis tourna- ment will be scheduled this summer if enough people show interest and apply to take part in it. Anyone who ‘wishes to enter such a tournament should see Dr. Ruebush, Dr. D. E. Lancefield, or Albert Stunkard. The Woods Hole Choral Club opened its sea- son with a very successful rehearsal Tuesday night at the Canteen Building of the Bureau of Fisheries. A group of over thirty persons con- nected with the Laboratory was present, and practiced four of the songs which will be sung at the annual concert late in August. The next re- hearsal of the Club will be held on Tuesday. ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS Clark, Eleanor L. assoc. anat. Pennsylvania Med. Br Tale Erlanger, Margaret instr. West Virginia. Br 312. Finkel, A. J. grad. asst. zool. Chicago. Br 322. Gelback, Elizabeth L. asst. proto. Yale. Br 323. Hamilton, H. L. res. asst. emb. Hopkins. Br 3824. Harnly, M. H. assoc. prof. biol. New York. Br 344. Horn, Annabelle grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Keefe, E. L. res. asst. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Br. 217-j. Klotz, J. W. grad. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Michaelis, L. mem. Rockefeller Inst. (New York). Br 207. Mullins, L. J. asst. phys. Rochester. Br 322. Netsky, M. Pennsylvania Med. Br 205. Sandow, A. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br 344. Spratt, N. T., Jr. res. asst. emb. Hopkins. Br 324. Trager, W. assoc. Rockefeller Inst. (Princeton). Br 208. Weaver, Margaret A. grad. zool. Texas. Br 312. 36 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 139 PHYSIOLOGY CLASS NOTES Our second two weeks’ period of work is now in full swing. The tables have been turned and now we are showing Dr. Fisher how to run the Warburg apparatus. It does our hearts good these days to see him taking down manometer readings, and cleaning vessels. We hope his re- sults are better than ours were. The home-run king, Dr. Parpart, began the lec- tures this week, talking on permeability, and the composition and structure of cell membranes. Thursday Dr. S. C. Brooks lectured to the class, the subject being “Some Problems in Permeabil- ity.” Our first guest lecturer was Dr. L. V. Heil- brunn, who spoke last Saturday on the theory of muscular contraction with special reference to the role of ions. It was he who quoted the great physiologist and chemist, Loeb, as saying that if you don’t have brains, use apparatus. We use apparatus. There are now four sections running parallel under Drs. Parpart, Kempton and Ballentine. One group of Dr. Parpart’s students is studying permeability using dogfish red cells and arbacia. Another group is determining the total lipid and cholesterol contents of dogfish ghosts. Here again is something we can't see. A third group is studying the hemolytic effects of detergents, and a fourth is using cleavage curves of arbacia eggs to determine permeability. Part of Dr. Kempton’s class may be found in the basement micro-manipulating, while the others are upstairs learning why the kidney. Dr. Bal- lentine’s students are determining the intercellu- lar proteases during development of arbacia, and the distribution of dipeptidase in arbacia eggs. This is running along smoothly because at least one member of the group has worked on eggs be- fore—hen’s eggs. To quote this particular mem- ber, ‘‘Arbacia eggs are very tiny.” In the blood gas studies group, with the aid of Drs. Parpart and Ballentine, oxygen dissociation curves of limulus hemocyanin, spectrum absorp- tion curves in oxygenated hemocyanin, and mano- metric methods are being emphasized. “Come on Physie, keep ‘em busy!” yelled the sideline physiologists, as they cheered their team on to victory. It all happened Monday evening when we met our friends the embryologists out upon the baseball field. We are happy to say that we came out on top, with a score of 18 to 14, but not without a few anxious moments. It was a good game, from both sides, and it was only through the able pitching of Bob Harrison, who also hit a home-run and brought three others in; the whole-hearted cooperation of our class and the faculty representative, Dr. Kempton; and the brains back of the team (those of manager Bill Keezer) that we accomplished the deed. —And then came Mr. Trinkaus up to bat for the embryologists. Strike one! Strike two!! Strike three!!!—Just another sad story of The Third Out, or With the Bases Full and (all due apologies to the poem of the same name hanging in Dr. Fisher's office) Nobody Ohm. The embryologists join us in thanking Ted for doing such a good job as umpire. We must not forget the game played last Fri- day afternoon—faculty et all. Maybe it was the practice they gave us that helped us win on Mon- day. The highlights of the game were Dr. Par- part’s home run and Dr. Fisher’s striking out. We are looking forward with a great deal of pleasure to our class picnic which has been planned for next Tuesday. Arrangements are being made by the committee, Bob Harrison and the Black Phantom (his car). —J. E. H. BOTANY CLASS NOTES Sometimes I have to wonder why The artist’s life I did deny, For plants, I find, are not elating And skunky Chara’s most nauseating. True as this is in lab, collecting is another story and a much more pleasant one: the Cutty- hunk expedition was a perfect vacation trip. A picturesque little fishing village clinging to the hillside, the stone-walled road snaking through it and up into nowwhere, the Coast Guard look-out box on the highest point, the flashing twin lakes (Chara gold mines), miniature orchids in the deep sphagnum gullies, a storm-worn monument to Gosnold (probably rich in aerial algae), the long strand of bright, white sand, intensely blue water, lazy gulls—all enough to convince one of the authenticity of a National Geographic illus- tration. But romanticism went by the board when nineteen botanists plunged into the waist- deep muck of Euglena Pool and waded through the waters of Sheep Pond. That night in lab we learned that this disagreeable muck is an algolo- gist’s paradise, having species brought from for- eign parts by none other than the lowly sheep that bathe there on arrival from the mainland. Class field trips, however, are not the only ex- ercise we get. “I'll never in all my life forget the sight of Monti standing on the dock with six girls around him, wildly gesticulating and almost hid- den by the fog!” reminisced Connie Stanton in recalling the Monti Expedition to Nonamesset Island. If you happened to see a gentleman strid- ing down the Main Street last Saturday after- noon, followed by six somewhat feminine-looking Juty 5, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 37 creatures, it was not a sultan with his harem, but just an innocent lad leading a bevy of blue-jeaned botanists to the Oceanographic Pier. The former algology student had in some way procured two skiffs for the trip. Being a true celibate at heart, Monti allotted one to Bob Thorne and very gen- erously sent him out to sea with only two of the fair sex for crew, setting out with the remaining half dozen himself. The greatest fun occurred when the waves—choppy and very wind-blown— proved too much for the overloaded rowboat and forced the hero to sacrifice his adventurous plans for the delights of retaining his harem. Bob, meanwhile, faring better with his smaller group, was able to master the ocean, although the de- feated seven finally persuaded him to quit his ef- forts in favor of a hike to Nobska, via the more tranquil terra firma. Such ideas, especially those of hiking, are typi- cal of the Botany Class. As if the all-day work, five and a half times a week, were insufficient, certain fanatics in the course find it necessary to devote part of the Sabbath to quenching their thirst for knowledge. So that bright and early— about 8:30 A. M.—on beautiful foggy Sundays, Bob Thorne may be seen leading his devotees out to gather the fair posies of local habitats. Last Sunday, however, the presence of Charlie Abbot, welcomed by everyone, seemed to worry Mr. EMBRYOLOGY A new idea was brought to our attention Tues- day morning by Dr. Goodrich in his talk on the _ patterns of chromatophores in goldfish. Appar- ently one can have one’s fish monogrammed ac- cording to order by transplantations of scales. The squirting squid was squarely squelched when Dr. Hamburger demonstrated “How Squids Squirt.” Looking at the various sketches made by the class we were carried back to our child- hood stories and Walt Disney’s interpretation of Mother Goose. To become more scientific, the development of the squid eye was of interest be- cause of its similarity to the mammalian eye, al- though its parts are not homologous. Dr. Hamburger’s lecture on embryonic induc- tion where the history was traced and theories old and new presented was one of the high spots of the week. Coelenterates were presented by Dr. Ballard, whose humorous comments on the life histories of various members of that Phylum were enthu- siastically recetved. How nice to lead a double life as they do by metamorphosis! Tunicates are our ancestors or so we were told. Apparently they are the other extreme of the phylum Chordata, to which Homo sapiens be- longs. Thorne to such an extent that he retired within his anti-female shell and did a much more thor- ough job of collecting. A collection of algae specimens is, of course, the ultimate tangible result of this class, but equally interesting tangents are continually add- ing to the less mountable, general knowledge that the botanists are also collecting. An extra bit was added last Thursday night when Bob Wil- liams gave a very informative lecture about carbo- hydrate metabolism in the large brown algae. What with his illustrative graphs and his slightly _ shaky knowledge of the larger details of organic chemistry, the audience found the seminar far from dull. Tea, as usual, climaxed the program. Evening teas, though, are hardly long-lived enough to stave off the starvation pangs in mid- afternoon. Several would-be-fortunate recipients of boxes from home—chiefly Elaine Katz—were completely submerged and left entirely bare of all food-stuffs when the hungry class descended upon them. Which all goes to prove something, one would suppose. At any rate, there’s no doubt that the competitive spirit runs abnormally high at such times—particularly between Bob Muir and Sam Salvin who with all the grace of true gentlemen, inevitably consume the greatest amount of the booty. But then it’s every man for him- self, with the fastest one the winner. —J.W. CLASS NOTES The week ended with a lecture by Dr. Schotté (sans chapeau—he lost it) opening the work on ° echinoderms, The high spots of the unscientific week were initiated by our first baseball game with the crew. We really didn’t do so bad considering their pre- vious experience. The embryologists work, the crew—well, maybe. The Second Trinkaus has arrived and was promptly put to work collecting towels which Ted distributes. While we are on the subject—the First Trinkaus, together with an eminent in- structor received a biological baptism early in the week when a canoe upset in front of the M.B.L., a very appropriate place. One watch, the only casualty, was given first aid—dehydration. The dance on Saturday night was quieter than that of the preceding week. Embryology was well represented. Our cultural life was taken care of by a con- cert at the M.B.L. Club which, added to the har- mony by Jack, Tom and Dr. Ballard in the lab at night, greatly increased our musical appreciation. As this goes to press we are feeling greatly encouraged. The softball score between classic rivals is swinging in our favor, as was shown in the game tonight with the people in the “back room.” —P. H. and E. K. THE, COLEECLING NET The A. B. C. of Woods Hole for 1941 All Schedules Set to Daylight Saving Time — Bold Type Indicates P. M. Week Days Sundays Mail Arrives 8:00, 10:55, 3:45, 7:15 10:35 Mail Closes 6:30, 9:30, 5:00 5:00 10:30 to 5:15 Station Open 6:00 to 8:00 Window Service 7:30 to 6:00 All mails should be deposited at least ten minutes before closing time to insure dispatch; registered letters should be deposited fifteen minutes before closing time. TELEGRAPH OFFICE Weekdays 8:00 to 9:00 Sundays 10:00 to 12:00 4:00 to 6:00 Holidays 9:00 to 11:00 4:00 to 6:00 POST OFFICE LIBRARY HOURS Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays 3:00 to 5:00 7:00 to 9:00 RELIGIOUS SERVICES Church of the Messiah (Episcopal) - Sundays: 8:00 Holy Communion; 11:00 Morning Prayer (Choral Eucharist, first Sunday in the month). Holy Days: 8:00, Holy Communion. Methodist Episcopal Church Morning Worship, 11:00. Church School, 10:00. First Orthodox Congregational Church Evening Service, 7:30. St. Joseph’s Roman Catholic Church Mass: Sundays, 6:45, 9:30. Weekdays, 7:00. *All trains stop at Falmouth. TRAIN SCHEDULE* {Discontinued after August 31. Ex. Sat. Weekdays Weekdays & ane Weekdays Sundays Sundays Woods Hole 7:06 10:15 12:55 5:45 6:00 7:55 Boston 9:15 12:35 2:52 7:57 8:10 9:55 Ex. Sat. Weekdays Sundays Saturdays] Weekdays & Sun. Weekdays Boston 8:20 8:35 12:25 1:05 4:00 5:00 Woods Hole 10:45 10:45 2:30 3:25 5:59 7:10 Fri., Sat., Daily Weekdayst Sun.£_ Fridays! 2:30 or 7:30 é ene 3:50 7:15 8:45 9:30 4:50 peers ae 10:15 SAcrehe 8:00 9:30 7:00 aioWtehce 12:15 Daily Weekdayst Daily Sundays§ 2:30 Soin 4:45 Pens 4:30 eer 6:45 9:00 5:30 6:45 7:30 9:45 6:45 Sate 8:45 £Runs 15 min. later on Sunday, daily after August 31. $Also runs Labor Day. BOAT SCHEDULE* Leaves Daily Daily Weekdays New Bedford 7:00 9:30 2:00 Woods Hole 8:30 10:50 3:15 Oak Bluffs 9:20 11:40 4:00 Vineyard Haven F Bees 4:30 Nantucket (due) 11:35 2:00 Leaves Daily Daily Sundays{§ Nantucket mpeen 6:45 2:00 Vineyard Haven 6:10 Bet shiefisys Oak Bluffs oe 9:00 4:00 Woods Hole 6:55 10:00 5:00 New B’df’d (due) 8:15 11:15 aan} c *Schedule effective to Sept. 6, incl. {Discontinued after Aug. 30. £Does not run Labor Day. [ Vor. XVI, No. 139 Jury 5, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 39 5000 R. P. M. on D. C. with underguard No. CT-1055 with six 15 ml. tubes loaded. 4200 R.P.M. on A. C. with same load. ADAMS ANGLE CENTRIFUGE These centrifuges offer important advantages over the conventional units. They utilize the new angle principle — the tubes being suspended at a fixed 52° angle — thus, faster sedimentation is achieved by the shorter distance particles are required to travel . . . creating mass, and reaching the bottom more quickly. When at rest, the tubes remain in the angular position and no stirring up of sediment results. CT-1000 ADAMS SENIOR SAFETY-HEAD CENTRIFUGE for SIX 15 ml. TUBES, complete with six round bottom brass shields with rubber cushions and three each graduated and ungraduated taper bottom 15 ml. glass tubes. Without Underguard ......... Each $51.00 CT-1001 Same as the above but without shields or isch i : tubes . : aes Each $48.00 FOR MICRO and SEMIMICRO WORK — CT-1055 UNDERGUARD for Safety-Head, made of The above Centrifuges will accommodate six 15 ml. aluminum Each $4.50 tound bottom or taper bottom test tubes. Micro and Above Centrifuges have universal moters for 110-volt semimicro tubes (5 ml. to 0.5 ml.) can be accommodated by purchasing extra shields, prices from 50c to 75c A.C. or D.C. current. They can also be supplied each. No adapters are required. to operate on 220-volt A.C. or D.C. current. Additional Other ADAMS CENTRIFUGES and_ laboratory charge of $2.00 is made for 220-volt motors. supplies are described in cur new Catalog No. 102CN. If you do not already have a copy write for one on your letterhead please. CLAY-ADAM ee aa East 20rd ae See our Exhibit in the Old Lecture Hall, July 14th to 26th. New Aids for VISUAL INSTRUCTION Miniature Lantern Slides Stereoscopic Photomicrographs SIZE 2 X 2 INCHES Offer the advantages of Prepared by a specialist in photo- (1) Low cost of projection equipment. micrography who is also an expert in (2) Economy of space. stereoscopic photography. (3) Ease of handling. : ; ; (4) Convenience in preparing slides of Subjects available include groups for your own to supplement purchased Bacteriology, Botany, Embryology, Para- sets. sitology, Histology and Zoology with (5) Any standard slide projector can be special sets for the study of Whitefish adapted to use for projecting the mitosis and the Embryology of the chick. 2 x 2 inch slides. Ask for our lists of these new visual instruction aids and equipment for using them in your laboratory. a GENERAL BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE “yy Incorporated (6) 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago vem Sign of whe Lurtoxn Pledges Absolwte Saivsactvon 40 THE COLEECTIING NED [| Vor. XVI, No. 139 INTERNATIONAL MICRO CENTRIFUGE For Semi-Micro and Micro Analysis ® Large capacity for student work—8 - 3 ml. or 5 ml. tubes. ® Quick starting—1780 r.p.m. in 15 seconds. ® Both angle and horizontal sedimentation and COMPACT various combinations of both. (See illus- tration. ) PORTABLE ® Carefully balanced for smooth operation. QUIET Selling Price $35.00 INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY 352 Western Avenue Makers of Fine Centrifuges Boston, Mass. ccurate pH determination MADE EASY The Cambridge Electron-Ray pH Meter combines a high degree of accuracy with many practical conveniences. It is port- able and self-contained in a case 84%” x 10” x 17%”. No batteries are required because it operates from the lighting circuit. Its glass electrode permits uni- versal application and its fine adjustment dial (illustrated) is easily read to .005 pH. A millivolt scale enables the direct reading of oxidation-reduction potentials. Range: 0 to 14 pH and 0 to 1200 milli- Actual size indicates ease of reading. Each volts. sub-division represents 0.01 pH unit. Send for List 910-E which describes the CAMBRIDGE ELECTRON-RAY pH METER CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO., INC. 3732 Grand Central Terminal, New York, N. Y. Pioneer Manufacturers of Precision Instruments Jury 5, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET Important texts for 1941 college biology courses Woodruftf’s FOUNDATIONS OF BIOLOGY. Sixth Edition. accuracy, clarity and readability have won persistent popularity for this new text. The new, thorough revision including considerable new material on plant, animal, and human biology, and many new illustrations, has been carefully checked by eight noted biologists. (773 pages, 469 illustrations. $3.75). Baitsell’s MANUAL OF BIOLOGY. Sixth Edition. The new edition of this extraordinarily complete and useful manual has been revised to coordinate with the new edition of Woodruff’s text, and somewhat rearranged further to increase its effectiveness and convenience in teaching. It is also equally usable with any other standard text in general biology. Ready in August. (450 pages. 12 illustrations. $2.75, probable). Mavor’s GENERAL BIOLOGY. Edition. Additional material on botany and human biology, and many new illustrations increase the value of a very well-liked text. (897 pages. 490 illustrations. $4.00). Laboratory Exercises in Gen- eral Biology, closely coordinating with the text, are also being pre- pared by the author and will be ready in time for use in fall classes. Second COMPARATIVE EMBRYOLOGY OF VERTEBRATES, by Dr. Alfred F. Huettner. A modern approach and interpretation, thorough scientifie accuracy, and original copperplate illustrations, all exceptionally clear, detailed, and accurate, make this an outstandingly fine text for students of embryology. (416 pages, 168 illustrations. $4.50). COLLEGE ENTOMOLOGY, by E. O. Essig This book covers the history and biology of the 33 orders of insects, emphasizing those species which, because of their historical back- ground, economic importance, or unusual and interesting appearance, should be known to all students of natural history. Full lists of families, keys for separating the various categories of insects, and abundant illustrations, largely original, are included. To be ready in September. (c. 860 pages. 311 illustrations. $5.00, probable). 41 New revisions of 2 of the most popular basic texts for general biology, together with new lab- oratory guides. A new text for embry- ology, unique in the ex- cellence of its illustrative equipment. A very comprehensive, completely illustrated new foundation text in entomology. The Macmillan Company, New York 42 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vot. XVI, No. 139 EXHIBIT | | July 14th to 26th at the Ol Lecture Hall e of INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES MODELS CHARTS SKELETONS AN CLAY-ADAMS & f2nzes G2) he —— VINEYARD SOUND HOUSE AND ANNEX FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, MASS. Facing the water. —Excellent Bathing right in front of house. —Homelike atmosphere. *xcellent food. —Open year round. —Restricted clientele. For further information write MRS. MARY FELLOWS WATERMAN Owner and Manager Kern Scientific Instruments Since 1819 Polarimeter for sunlight or sodium light. Verniers read- ing to 0.05° by magnifier. Tripartite identity field. Tubes up to 200 mm. Micrometer serew. 136 Liberty St., New LEN ETN DN OS SN NEN Nc Na N.Y. KERN COMPANY SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS Biological, Medical, Zoological, Botanical, ete. Complete Sets, Volumes and Odd Copies. There may be some Single Copies needed to complete your sets, or an Important Article which you may need. Prices are reasonable. B. LOGIN & SONS, Inc., 29 E. 21st St., New York City MRS. WEEKS’ | ss MRS. WEEKS’ SHOPS _—sid| HOSIERY, DRY GOODS Toilet Necessities Cretonne, Chintz, Lingerie FALMOUTH ROWE’S PHARMACY Cigarettes - Cosmetics - Magazines Home Remedies Developing and Printing Snapshots Falmouth - Woods Hole - No. Fal. oy as Sexvite DALEY’S Patent Medicines and Hospital Supplies STATIONERY COSMETICS SUNDRIES POLAROID GLASSES THE TWIN DOOR Main Street Woods Hole pte Special 6 A. M Weekly to Rates 11:30 P. M Club Breakfast 7 - 9:30 STEAKS LOBSTERS CHICKEN Jury 5, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 4 The Spencer Trunnion Microscope, such as made in 1847. Looking forward rr C,. A. Spencer, the first American microscope maker, 1813-1881. ONeariy 100 years ago Charles A. Spencer began to produce commercially the first American microscopes. Since that day the boundaries of knowledge have widened incalculably. Yet, vast as the advance has been, science foresees even greater development ahead. Because the microscope and kindred optical instruments will continue to be the key to progress throughout nearly every realm of science, the Spencer organization is preparing for its second century by erecting new, modern plants, by perfecting further its methods of precision manufac- ture, and—most important of all—by intensifying its research and development activities. More than ever before, the Spencer trademark represents the highest standards of optical quality. Spencer Lens Company SPENCER BUFEALO, NEW YORK [BUFFALO | G . . O09 Scientific Instrument Division of AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY Sales Offices: NewY ork, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas,Columbus,St.Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta See exhibit of complete Spencer equipment in Canteen Building, Bureau of Fisheries, June 30 to July 11, 44 THE -COLLECTING NET HROUGH the cold dank dusk a watcher scans the gaps between the scattered clouds. His first glimpse of oncoming bombers sounds the alarm that sends thousands to the safety of their shelters and the defenders to their duties. Four thousand miles away, aboard a heavily laden freighter, the captain studies the silhouette of a ship on the horizon, to determine whether friend or foe. This is serious work for binoculars, work worthy of those known as the world’s finest. Bausch & Lomb is a builder of such binoculars. Producer, too, of many other instruments that utilize the principles of optical science to the ITH you, as with us, defense comes first. Our output of optical Instruments is being rapidly increased to meet the defense emergency. We will endeavor to give our customers the best service possible under existing cir- cumstances, and ask your sympathetic cooperation. advancement 'of the common good; of metal- lographic microscopes, through the use of which research physicists obtain more nearly impenetra- ble armorplate—or build extra thousands of miles into your next automobile engine; of spectrographs that analyze the chemical composition of crude oil—or of a die casting; of spectacle lenses that open up a world of learning to a school child whose mind might have been dulled by defective vision. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. e ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION. [ VoL. XVI, No. 139 Vol. XVI, No. 3 SATURDAY, JULY 12, 1941 Subscription, $2.00 30 Cents. Annual Single Copies, THE SOURCE OF PANCREATIC JUICE BICARBONATE Dr. Eric G. BALL Associate Professor of Biochemistry, CURRENT APPROACHES TO THE PLANT HORMONE PROBLEM Dr. GeorGE S. AVERY, JR. Professor of Botany, Harvard Medical School Pancreatic juice that is rapidly secreted is in osmotic equilibrium with blood plasma but con- tains mainly sodium bicarbonate as its inorganic constituent. This means that pancreatic juice may contain five to six times the quantity of bicarbonate ion that is found in blood plasma. What then is the source of this juice bicarbonate? Two possible sources exist. One is the bi- Hone the Atlantic Palolo carbonate of the blood flowing | py Paul S. Galtsoff: “Accumula- through the gland. The other is the CO produced by the metabolic processes of the gland itself. At the start of this investigation we were in- clined to the view that a con- siderable part of the bicarbon- ate of the juice was derived from the metabolic COs of the gland itself, for two reasons. First, because the amount of bicarbonate in the juice varies with the rate of juice secretion. The more rapid the rate of secretion the higher Such a relation can be interpreted to mean that (Continued on page 55) the bicarbonate content. duced in the cells MM. BD. £. Calendar TUESDAY, July 15, 8:00 P. M. Seminar: Dr. L. B. Clark: “A Suggested Mechanism by which the Moon Influences Reproduc- tion of Manganese and the Sex- ual Cycle in Ostrea virginica.” Dr. R. M. Cable and Dr. A. V. Hunninen: “Studies in the Life History of Siphodera, a Trema- tode Parasite of the Toadfish.” Dr. H. W. Stunkard: ‘Pathology and Immunity to Infection by Heterophyd Trematodes.” FRIDAY, July 18, 8:00 P. M. Lecture: Dr. Eric Ponder: “Red Cell Structure in the Light of Shape Transformation.” Connecticut College 3y definition, whether in animals or plants, hormones are chemical substances normally prd= of some part of an organism, and transported to other parts where in one way or another they regulate growth and me- tabolism. Of the many fac- tors which regulate growth, hormones constitute only one; their importance to the devel- opment of living organisms lies first in the fact that they are produced internally (they are not ordinarily taken in from the environment, for ex- ample, as plants take in min- erals, etc., from the soil), and second, that they exercise their regulatory effects when pres- ent in minute amounts. Plants do not possess secre- tory glands, like those of ani- mals, but the embryonic re- gions such as growing points of roots, stems, etc., where new protoplasm is constantly being synthesized, are the centers of hormone production. One of the better understood but not often dis- Current Approaches to the Plant Hormone Problem, Dr. George S. Avery, JY. 45 The Source of Pancreatic Juice Bicarbonate, TABLE OF CONTENTS IDs! IDhave, (Ces) 82) Ie eee er reread sore reerotecy eae 45 Physiology Class Notes The Permeability and the Lipid Content of the H Erythrocytes in Experimental Anemia, Dr. Botany, Class) Notes ANsapobEE Dl, IDVATETTIWIES TY GaccoocnoocoscecncooeccnecooOECEEoDG 50 Symposia at the University of Chicago............ Introducing Dr. Cheng-Kwei Tseng Items of Interest ... Embryology Class Notes ...ccccccccceccsecstccssseesseees 55 “yJo] eular}xe oY} Je USES oq Ud o4BISe SesseqreM\ “Iq JO diy ay} {yuL0g eouezueg SI punossyorq ey} UL puel Fo uogqit oy, ‘spuyls] Wey pues JOO SjIAeq ‘ould :o1e punorsyoeq oY} 04 punoide.10j ay} wory Sulpeet SpULIST oy], “‘qySId oy} UO BADD Ueg desyg YIM punoidse10f; oy} UL Stvedde pues] JossewueUON JO pus YyNOS oY, NUAMLAD SGNVISI AHL GNV ‘LNIOd AONVZNGd “LASSHANVNON AO MATA 'TVINAV Cnn aaa Jury 12, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 47 cussed hormones in higher plants is vitamin By, thiamin. It is normally produced above ground in the green tissues of the plant, and is transport- ed to the roots. Root growth, in many species at least, cannot go on without it. If roots are excised from the parent plant, and grown in cul- ture, thiamin has to be supplied in the nutrient medium. Thus, in im vitro experiments it is no longer a hormone (by definition), but is more nearly akin to the growth factors, or accessory substances, of microorganisms. I mention this only to show that definitions of the past are break- ing down as we learn more about the physiolog- ically active substances produced by living organ- isms. That hormones are “activators” and “cor- relating substances” of one sort or another, all will agree. Let us leave it at that. Before current approaches to the problem are mentioned, those of you who are unfamiliar with the field will want a little more information, par- ticularly about the more commonly discussed auxins. Only three auxins have been isolated from higher plants: auxins a and b of Kogl, and 3-indoleacetic acid. A considerable number have been synthesized. In spite of the chemical differ- ences in the numerous substances known, they all bring about the same general non-specific physio- logical effects, e.g. they promote growth in length of stems, and retard growth in length of roots. The history of the discovery of the auxins has been treated in detail in “Growth Hormones in Plants” by Boysen Jensen e¢ al, and in “Phyto- hormones” by Went and Thimann. It is an in- teresting record of scientific discovery in which the chief object of investigation has been the young shoot (coleoptile) of the grass seedling. The study of the response of the coleoptile to light and gravity has led, over a period of fifty years, to the discovery and chemical identification of growth hormones in plants. Methods of assay. The advance of quantitative biology, whatever the special field, usually rests on the development of methods for measuring. For hormones, chemical methods would be the ideal, but thus far no chemical test has been de- vised which is sufficiently sensitive to detect any of the known plant hormones in the low concen- trations in which they naturally occur. Thus, as in sO many instances in animal physiology, a liv- ing test organism is essential. Went gave us the Avena (oats) coleoptile test in 1928. It has un- dergone a number of modifications since, but ap- parently is still the most dependable and most quantitative test devised to date. In our labora- tory we use the “deseeded” modification suggested by Skoog (details can be omitted here). It still requires a constant temperature constant humid- ity darkroom. A test chamber has been developed which simplifies greatly the equipment needed for making hormone tests, i.e., no humidity control is necessary. The “deseeded” Avena test method makes possible quantitative estimates of indole- acetic acid in concentrations as low as 5 to 10 micrograms per liter of solution, and with such synthetic growth substances as alpha naphtha- leneacetic and indolebutyric acids it will give good quantitative determinations on concentrations down to 25 to 50 micrograms per liter. As for the potency of plant hormones: if it were physically possible to place a million Avena seedlings side by side, with their coleoptiles ac- tually touching one another, they would extend for a distance of about one mile. And if it were possible to cut the tips off all these coleoptiles and place tiny agar blocks containing indoleacetic acid on one side of coleoptile stump, (as in the Went test) one milligram of indoleacetic acid would be enough to cause the mile of coleoptiles to grow on the side to which the hormone was applied, and the final result would be a ten degree curva- ture of the coleoptiles (from the vertical posi- tion). A considerable number of test methods other than with coleoptiles have been devised, at least one of which will detect much smaller amounts of auxin than those just indicated; the difficulty is that it is not very quantitative. Green tissue test objects are also in use, but in general they are not very sensitive. The search for better methods of assay still goes on, and in the past year two new ones have been developed. Parker-Rhodes proposes a test for plant hormones based on osmotic pressure changes in root hairs of wheat. This is a wide departure from previous methods, practically all of which depend upon tissue responses and growth curvatures of one sort or another as the end result. The other new method is that of Tur- fit, who reports, contrary to the earlier studies of others, that cell division in yeast is affected by both naturally occurring and synthetic auxins; thus he measures increased COz output, or after a few hours counts cell numbers in yeast cultures . .. the increase in cell number being very rough- ly proportional to concentration of hormone pres- ent in the culture medium. It is too soon to eval- uate these methods fairly, though it is clear that they are not free from difficulties. Their adop- THE COLLECTING NET was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. marine biological laboratories. Mass. Single copies, 30e by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 48 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 140 tion by other workers will be the index of their success. Units. A standard unit of one sort or another is as necessary as a good and universally used assay method, that is, if workers are to be able satisfactorily to compare their results. Some progress has been made along this line. Overbeek has proposed that hormone content of a tissue be expressed in terms of a compound of known physiological activity, and has selected indoleace- tic acid as that compound. Thus, after assay, one may say that the hormone content of a tissue is so many gamma (or microgram) equivalents of in- doleacetic acid per kilogram of tissue. There is one difficulty in the otherwise ideal proposal Overbeek has made. He originally sup- posed that “gamma equivalents’’ would be inde- pendent of the test method used, but it has since been shown that different test methods give dif- ferent results with the same hormone extract, 1.e., two different modifications of Went’s method give widely different assays when hormone content is expressed in terms of gamma equivalents of in- doleacetic acid. Thus, for the present at least, standardization of units is not possible. Getting hormones out of tissue. The “diffu- sion” method was for a long time the only one used, This procedure consists of standing a piece of plant tissue on a small rectangular plate of agar for a standard length of time; the agar is then cut into small blocks, and applied to decapitated coleoptiles . . . the Avena test. This presumably gives an index of the hormone concentration in the tissue being tested, but does not give any quantitative value for the hormone content of tis- sue. The necessity for quantitative extraction is clear, if we are ultimately to have an understand- ing of the role of hormones in growth. Here are some of the more recent steps in the direction of better extraction methods: Boysen Jensen five years ago proposed an ether extrac- tion method, whereby the tissue being extracted is placed in freshly distilled ether which has been freed from peroxides. The tissue is allowed to stand overnight in two changes of ether. The following day the ether extract of hormone is taken down to dryness, and the residue is taken up in a small amount of 1.5% agar. Avena assay of the agar-hormone mixture follows. It has since been found that if fresh ether is added weekly to a sample of tissue from which the hormone is being extracted, that hormone will continue to be liberated from the tissue for a per- iod of several months, thus suggesting the pres- ence of an ether insoluble compound which is slowly hydrolyzed into auxin. Thimann and Skoog (and others) have struggled with this problem of extracting hormone from green tis- sues, and have recently reported on a number of methods. Some of them gave good yields, but with only one tissue were the results to the satis- faction of the authors. In our laboratory we have sought and found a method for total extraction of hormone from non- green tissues such as the storage tissues of seeds, etc. It give reproducible results and extraction takes only a few minutes. It involves heating an aqueous suspension of the tissue at 100 to 120 degrees C. for fifteen minutes, at a pH of 9 to 10. After heating, the suspension is centrifuged and the pH of the clear extract is adjusted to approx- imately 6; agar blocks are prepared from this aqueous extract of the hormone, and assayed by the Avena method. Corn endosperm extracted by this method gives yields as high as the equi- valent of 150 milligrams of indoleacetic acid per kilogram of tissue (content varies according to variety). This is a higher yield than has yet been reported, and is due to the conversion of a “pre- cursor’ compound into auxin. The auxin pres- ent in such great quantities in maize endosperm has been shown to be indoleacetic acid, and the chemical identity of the precursor is just about to be established. These discoveries of the past few months mark an important advance in the extraction and iden- tification of naturally occurring physiologically active substances. Less recent, but equally im- portant, are the isolation and identification of wound and leaf growth hormones at the Califor- nia Institute of Technology. Auxins a and b are now an old story and may turn out to be less im- portant than originally thought. The chief point is that the plant hormone family is increasing in number, and in addition to those growth promot- ing hormones already mentioned, it seems likely that one or more substances specifically concerned with differentiation may soon be isolated and identified, ¢.g., flower and sex differenting sub- stances. Hormones and normal growth. Methods of extraction and assay would be of little value if they could not be applied to problems of growth and differentiation. What evidence is there for auxins being agents which exercise developmental control in organisms? Here, in brief, are the re- sults of a few studies: It has been shown in cer- tain leaves that the regions of greatest growth in- tensity are also the regions of highest auxin con- centration; that plant shape and rate of develop- ment of plant organs may be correlated with auxin concentration; that the “cambial stimulus” in trees (initiation of lateral growth in the spring ) is related to auxin concentration; that dwarfing in maize is related to destruction of auxin; that “lazy” maize, which as its name implies falls over and grows on the ground, gets its lazy habit at least in part from mal-distribution and mal-trans- port of auxin in its tissues. Other examples might be cited, but this is a quiet sector on the hormone Juy 12, 1941 ] front just now. Better extraction methods must be developed before too much faith is placed in studies on growth in relation to hormone content of tissue. Synthetic plant growth substances. For all practical purposes, we might as well call these substances “hormones” also. Most of them were first reported by Zimmerman and Wilcoxon in 1935. A few of them (indoleacetic acid is now in the “naturally occurring” group for higher plants), in the approximate order of their poten- cy, are alpha naphthaleneacetic acid, indolebutyric acid, indolepropionic acid, phenylacetic acid, etc. A newcomer, beta naphthoxyacetic acid, is bid- ding for an important place; in addition to bringing about responses in the usual curvature and other tests, it will also induce form changes if sprayed on plants in high concentrations (or if the plants are watered with it). Except for the preliminary work of Pearse, this is the first com- pound of a hormone nature with which it has been possible to demonstrate morphogenetic ef- fects in a living intact plant; needless to say, this marks an important advance. Horticultural applications. The use of syn- thetic hormones in the rooting of cuttings of high- er plants is probably the best known of all the new practical applications, and “rooting com- pounds” are on sale in almost all seed stores. When sprayed on, or otherwise applied to flowers, under the proper circumstances, seedless fruits are developed . . . and such seedless tomatoes, I am told, are in commercial production. Egg- plant, squash, peppers, cherries and even orna- mental holly berries are now on the potential “seedless” list, but worse, watermelon tradition is going to be changed . . . for it is possible to have seedless watermelons too. Perhaps the most important horticultural use thus far is spraying these substances on apples etc. to prevent pre-harvest drop of fruit. The manner in which hormones prevent abscission is not yet understood, but that they are abscission- controllers, there is no doubt. Hormones in relation to abnormal growth. Not new, but of increasing significance, is the work of Kraus e¢ al at the University of Chicago. He and his coworkers have applied high concen- trations of synthetic hormones to bean, and other species, and studied the tissue changes which followed. Ultimately the overgrowths produced develop into good-sized galls. They are not “can- cers”, but are perhaps as cancer-like as anything which plants can produce. Chemical analysis of the treated tissues indicate that the applied hor- mones are responsible for mobilizing nitrogen, carbohydrates, etc., at the place of application. This is very suggestive. Is it possible that animal cancers secrete mobilizing substances, 1.e., that once started they continuously secrete such sub- THE COLLECTING NET 49 stances, thus perpetuate themselves ? Treatment of sunflower and rose stems with certain of the animal carcinogens has failed thus far to bring about the response just noted for plant hormones, but the problem needs re-ex- amination with younger test material which might have greater capacity to respond. Of course it may be that the water insolubility of these com- pounds makes it impossible for plant cells to take them in in quantities sufficient to bring about a response. The spontaneous tumors occurring in the hy- brid of Nicotiana glauca * WN. langsdorfii de- serve attention in passing. The role of hormones in the production of plant tumors is as yet but little understood. It is important for a general understanding of growth that we go further into the problem. Alert stu- dents will find a fertile field. Possible roles of hormones in plant growth. Mention of mobilization effects attributable to hormones has just been made, but it seems un- likely that the primary effect of hormones would be on mobilization. Critical studies of hormone influence on metabolic rates must be made, and extended studies on hormone-enzyme relation- ships should prove very fruitful; on this latter point there are some interesting ‘suggestions al- ready. It has been known for some time that auxin is present in higher concentrations in the tip than elsewhere in the Avena coleoptile, and recent studies of peptidase distribution in the co- leoptile show that peptidase activity is also higher at the tip. Is auxin acting as an enzyme activa- tor, as has been suggested? Further promising work along this line has been done by Commoner and Thimann, who give limited evidence of auxin activation of certain events in the respiratory chain. The fact that different auxins can bring about the same general physiological responses in plants (whatever specificity there is, residing in the species) is analagous to the coenzyme-enzyme re- lationship, where a single substance is known to act as a coenzyme for a number of enzymes, and the specificity of the combination resides in the enzyme. Although not often discussed along with the auxins, thiamin is the one plant hormone of which at least one role is understood. It has been shown in im vitro experiments to act as a cocarboxylase. There is nothing in the chemical structure of the various auxins to indicate whe- ther they, like thiamin, may be acting as coen- zymes, but the preliminary evidence favors the view that they act as enzyme activators, or com- ponents of enzyme systems. The really important problems remain to be solved. We know little about the production of such physiologically active substances by organ- 50 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 140 isms, or how to extract and identify them. And we need much more information on the destruc- tion of such substances in living tissues, more on inhibiting substances of one sort or another, and most of all, we need to know what role they play in growth and development. Growth factors for microorganisms. Now just a little material to correlate the foregoing with the studies being made on the growth factors or ac- cessory substances for microorganisms. Certain microorganisms do not possess the ability to synthesize optimal amounts of these growth factors, and it is by supplying such defi- cient substances through the culture medium that we have learned about the necessity for them. Some of the substances in question are known to act as coenzymes or parts of coenzyme systems (thiamin, nicotinic acid, etc.), and it appears as if their roles in the growth of microorganisms were analagous to those of auxins and other hor- mones in higher plants. From the microorganism work have come some interesting results, from the viewpoint of helping us to understand symbiosis and parasitism. Kogl and Fries, for example, grew two totally unre- lated fungi in the same culture. One produced biotin, needed by the other for satisfactory growth while the other produced thiamin, needed by the first for good growth; the result was sym- biosis in vitro. A suggestion for the future. How may such information spur new research approaches on the relation of physiologically active substances to growth and development? Lichens may well be the plants we ought to study in this connection. They are compound organisms which exhibit symbiosis. One of the component organisms, the alga, synthesizes food which it delivers to the fungus component, while the latter supplies min- erals and water to the alga. This relationship has been explained in the past as a perfectly straight- forward nutrient partnership. The situation now seems less simple: it is undoubtedly more than a nutritive bond which holds an alga and fungus together, and produces an organism with new characteristics, an organism which is more than the sum of its parts. So stable is this relation- ship that the resulting plant bodies require gen- eric and specific names. Nowhere else in the plant kingdom, so far as I know, do two com- pletely different organisms live in such intimate relationship and produce specific new physical forms. There are no genes for lichens, and nutri- tion offers only limited possibilities of explaining the mode of their existence . . . it contributes nothing to an explanation of the new physical form assumed. Thus it appears that each com- ponent is secreting one or more substances of a “erowth factor’ nature which are influential in determining the form of the dual organism. If a lichen were a single organism we would say that its form is dependent upon its genetic constitu- tion, its genes. There is a good likelihood, it seems to me, that growth factor studies on the lowly lichen may well provide a means of getting at the problem of the chemistry of the gene. (This article is based upon a lecture delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 3.) THE PERMEABILITY AND THE LIPID CONTENT OF THE ERYTHROCYTES IN EXPERIMENTAL ANEMIA Dr. ARTHUR J. DZIEMIAN Department of Physiology, School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania Bodansky, (J. Biol. Chem., 63:239, 1935) re- ported, a number of years ago, that administration of phenylhydrazine and allied compounds to ani- mals brought about changes in the lipid content of the red blood cells. This paper describes ex- periments on the effect of phenylhydrazine on the permeability of the erythrocyte and its lipid con- tent. Albino rabbits were used in all these experi- ments and phenylhydrazine hydrochloride solution was injected subcutaneously. In five animals changes in the red cell counts, hematocrits, reticu- locyte percentages, erythrocyte diameters, and per- meability of the red cells to glycerol, diethylene glycol, ammonium propionate and ammonium sa- licylate were followed during the onset of and re- covery from phenylhydrazine anemia after a single dose of the drug. The number of red cells decreased rapidly, so that about the sixth day after treatment, the count was only about one quarter of the original value. After the sixth day the number of erythrocytes slowly returned toward normal. Hematocrit changes followed the variation in red cell count rather closely, with differences due to changes in the size of the erythrocytes. About the second day after treatment, the retic- ulocyte percentage increased rapidly, new cells coming in to replace the original phenylhydrazine poisoned red cells. The percentage rose to be- tween 30 and 40% of the total number of red cells on the seventh day, and then dropped back to the normal value of below 1% by the 16th day after administration of phenylhydrazine. The mean diameter of the erythrocytes de- creased for the first few days of the experiment, ory 12, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 51 but as the new reticulocytes entered the circula- tion, the average size of the cells was considerably increased above normal. The reticulocytes are of large size, some being eleven micra in diameter, as compared with a normal average of 6.8 micra. After the 9th day the new cells began to assume normal size slowly. Comparisons of frequency distribution curves of the diameters of the cells on various days after treatment showed that by the 8th day practically all the original shrunken cells were gone, indicating an almost complete new population of erythrocytes. Permeability of the red cells was measured by rates of hemolysis of the erythrocyte in buffered solutions (pH 7.4) of the penetrating substances at 20 degrees C. The time to 50% hemolysis was taken as a measure of permeability. Phenylhydrazine HCl im vitro has no effect upon the permeability of the erythrocyte, nor does it have any hemolytic effect, even after the cells are in contact with it for several days at 38 de- grees C. The theory of its action m vivo is that the hemoglobin of the cell is changed in part to free hemin and reduced globin, which catalyzes the change of the rest of the hemoglobin to methemoglobin. Erythrocytes containing methe- moglobin are supposed to be more readily attacked by the reticulo-endothelial system. The rate of penetration of glycerol into the erythrocyte of the treated rabbits increased great- ly, being fastest about the 8th day after injection of phenylhydrazine. It then became slower, tak- ing about 80 days to reach the original value. In some cases the erythrocytes of the treated animals were from 20 to 29 times as permeable as the erythrocytes of the same rabbits before adminis- tration of the drug. Diethylene glycol penetration followed much the same course as did glycerol. For the first couple of days after treatment, the erythrocytes showed an increase in permeability to ammonium propionate and salicylate, which paralleled the decrease in cell size. But as new cells came into the blood, the time to 50% hemo- lysis increased above the original value, and re- mained above normal for several weeks. Whereas the young cells of the rabbit were more permeable to glycerol and diethylene glycol than were the normal erythrocytes, they were less permeable to ammonium salts of organic acids, the so-called lipid-soluble substances. The erythrocytes of eight normal albino rabbits were analyzed for total lipid, cholesterol, phos- pholipid, and neutral fats by gasometric methods. The permeability of these cells were also ascer- tained. The animals were then injected with phenylhydrazine hydrochloride, and the determin- ations were repeated. Blood was taken at various times after treatment, in some cases when the blood contained a high percentage of reticulocytes and in others after the rate of inflow of immature cells had decreased. In all cases the amount of total lipid per erythrocyte increased, but so did the area of the erythrocyte. When the total lipid, cholesterol, phospholipid and neutral fat contents were calculated per unit area of cell surface, there was no regularity, the distribution seemed random and not outside normal variation. The results on permeability showed that the re- sistance of the treated red cell decreased in every case studied to glycerol and diethylene glycol. The figures for 50% hemolysis of the erythrocytes of the treated animals in the ammonium salt solu- tions indicated that they were taken at different times during the onset of and recovery from the anemia. In some the penetration was faster, the blood having been taken shortly after treatment, and in others, slower, having been drawn about ten to twelve days after injection. No correlation seems possible with these re- sults. They indicate that it is not the amount of lipid in the red cell surface that controls the per- meability of the erythrocyte to the penetrating substances studied. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 8.) SYMPOSIA AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO In connection with the fiftieth anniversary cele- bration of the University of Chicago at the end of September, and a special meeting of the Amer- ican Association for the Advancement of Science convening there, symposia will be held in the va- rious fields of human learning. The symposia scheduled in the field of biology are: “Growth and Differentiation in Plants’—Chair- man, Ezra J. Kraus. Speakers: Charles E. Allen, University of Wisconsin; Edmund W. Sinnott, Yale University; John W. Mitchell, U. S. Department of Agriculture; John M. Beal, University of Chicago. “Levels of Integration in Biological and Social Systems”—Chairman, William H. Taliaferro. Speak- ers: Libbie H. Hyman, American Museum of Na- tural History; James W. Buchanan, Northwestern University; Herbert S. Jennings, University of Cali- fornia at Los Angeles; and Ralph W. Gerard, Wil- liam Burrows, Thomas Park, and Warder C. Allee, University of Chicago. Special lecture: Donald D. Van Slyke, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Re- search. “Visual Mechanisms’—Speakers: Selig Hecht, Columbia University; Ernst Gellhorn, University of Illinois; Samuel H. Bartley, Washington Univer- sity; Karl S. Lashley, Harvard University; and Arlington C. Krause, Heinrich Kluver, Theodore J. Case, and Stephen Polyak, University of Chicago. “Levels of Integration in Biological and Social Systems’”—Chairman, Robert Redfield. Speakers: (Continued on page 52) 92 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vot. XVI, No. 140 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 23, 1938. Introducing Dr. CHENG-KWEI TSENG, Assistant Professor of Botany and Acting Curator of Herbarium, Ling- nan University, China; University Fellow in Bot- any, University of Michigan. A native of Amoy, China, Dr. Tseng has spent most of the last ten years collecting marine algae along the entire coast of China. He has worked on all phases of Chinese algology, including tax- onomy, morphology, ecology and economic uses, and has published a number of papers in Oriental botanical and scientific journals on these subjects. Upon completing his post graduate studies at Lingnan University in 1934, he was appointed lecturer in botany and curator of the herbarium at the University of Amoy. A year later he was made assistant professor of botany and curator of the herbarium at the National University of Shantung, Tsingtao, positions which he held un- til 1938, when he was appointed to Lingnan Uni- versity. During part of this time he was collab- orate algologist at the Marine Biological Station in Amoy. In 1937 he was connected with the newly established Marine Biological Station at Tsingtao, but the station was destroyed by the Japanese soon afterwards. Last September he arrived in the United States to work at the University of Michigan under Dr. Wim. Randolph Taylor. He is particularly inter- ested in correlating species of Chinese algae with those of the United States coasts. He considers it quite likely that a number of Oriental species of algae, which have been given separate specific names, are actually identical with American species, and, conversely, that species hitherto con- sidered to be the same may actually be different. The only way to resolve these questions is to study specimens from both the Pacific and the Atlantic regions, preferably in the living condi- tion. He has studied Chinese forms extensively, and is now working on certain American species for the purpose of comparison. In connection with this work, he brought part of his algae col- lection, amounting to about 3,000 specimens, with him to the United States. He has also been working on monographs of certain Chinese algae, and has already published since his arrival in this country treatises on Lia- gora, Wrangelia, Griffithsia, Codium and Chae- tangiaceae. At Woods Hole this summer he is also assist- ing in the Botany course, together with Mr. W. J. Gilbert, taking the place of Dr. Rufus H. Thompson. Dr. Tseng will spend the academic year 1941-42 at the University of Michigan and will then return to China. ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS Aquila, (Sister) M. grad. biol. Villanova. Rock 3. Bedian, D. asst. prof. anat. Western Reserve Med. ib. Brown, D. E. S. prof. phys. New York. Br 310. Calkins, G. N. prof. proto. Columbia. Br 3381. Chambers, E. New York Med. Br 348. Chambers, R. prof. biol. New York. Br 328. Duncan, G. W. fel. surg. Hopkins. Br 328. Genevieve, (Sister) Mary grad. biol. Villanova. Rock Be Gilbert, P. W. instr. zool. Cornell. OM. Lancefield, D. E. assoc. prof. biol. Queens York). Br 126. Pick, J. instr. anat. New York Med. Br 343. Rahn, H. instr. zool. Wyoming. lib. Stebbins, R. B. grad. asst. biol. New York. Br 328. Stiegelman, S. asst. zool. Columbia. Br 313. (New SYMPOSIA AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO (Continued from page 51) Clarence R. Carpenter, Pennsylvania State College and the School of Tropical Medicine (Puerto Rico); Alfred L. Kroeber, University of California; and Al- fred E. Emerson and Robert E. Park, University of Chicago. “Sex Hormones’ — Chairman, Frank R. Lillie. Speakers: Edward A. Doisy, St. Louis University; John S. L. Browne, McGill University; and Carl R. Moore, Allan T. Kenyon, and Fred C. Koch, Univer- sity of Chicago. “Immunological Mechanisms”—Chairman, George F. Dick. Speakers: Linus Pauling, California In- stitute of Technology; Thomas M. Rivers, Hospital of the Rockefeller Institute; and William Bloom, Paul R. Cannon, and William H. Taliaferro, Univer- sity of Chicago. Special lectures: Charles H. Best, University of Toronto; and Ernst W. Goodpasture, Vanderbilt University. CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: Date July July P.M. LPI 8:10 A.M. 7 :00 7:47 8:35 At eee OEZ3 pte ee ORS aiken. JhILOY ee ESS: In each case the current changes approxi- mately six hours later and runs from the Sound to the Bay. Jury 12, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 53 ITEMS OF Dr. AND Mrs. CHARLES PACKARD will be at home to members of the Laboratory on Sunday, July 13, and on the two following Sundays, from four-thirty to six o’clock. Dr. Rogert GEORGE BALLENTINE was granted a National Research Council Fellowship for the year 1941-42 to work on the chemical organiza- tion of the cell surface at the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research in New York. He is as- sisting in the physiology course at the Marine Biological Laboratory. Dr. Marcery MILNE has been appointed as- sistant professor of biology in the Richmond Di- vision of the College of William and Mary. Dr. Dororuy M. WRiNcH, the English mathe- matician and theoretical biochemist, has been en- gaged jointly by Smith, Mt. Holyoke, and Am- herst Colleges to conduct at each institution next year a series of seminars open to the members of the three faculties and their advanced students. Working under a grant from the Rockefeller Foundation, she is at present a member of the faculty of physical science at Oxford and a lec- turer in chemistry at the Johns Hopkins Univer- sity. Dr. Eucene F. DuBois has been appointed professor of physiology at Cornell University Medical College, and head of the department of physiology and biophysics, not biochemistry and physiology as previously reported. Dr. Joun H. Norturop, of the Rockefeller In- . stitute of Medical Research, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Science at Rutgers Univer- sity on June 8. Next week the physiology class will have the following guest speakers: Dr. M. E. Krahl will speak on Thursday, and Dr. O. C. Glaser will talk on “General Physiological Problems of Growth” next Saturday. Guest lecturers who have spoken previously are Dr. L. V. Heilbrunn, whose topic was “Protoplasmic Viscosity” and Dr. A. C. Red- field who lectured on ‘“‘Respiratory Proteins.” Dr. EE. G. Conklin lectured before the embryology class today on the mapping of eggs. Dr. Atma G. StoKey, of Mount Holyoke Col- lege, will give a paper at the botany seminar on Thursday, July 18. She will talk on “The Game- tophytes of the Filmy Ferns.’ Last week Dr. F. B. Smith of the University of Florida spoke on “Types and Distribution of Microorganisms in Some Florida Soils.’ INTEREST Dr. JoHN S. RANKIN, instructor in the inver- tebrate zoology course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, is being married to Miss Julia Pen- field Smith, (Invertebrate, 1940), today in Rock- ford, Illinois. Miss Murret Vorer, an instructor at Whea- ton College, married Carroll Williams, next year a Harvard Fellow, on June 26th in Middlebury, Vermont. Both the bride and groom took the class in Invertebrate Zoology at the Laboratory in 1939, Mr. Davin J. Braprey, son of Dr. and Mrs. Harold C. Bradley, was married on April 26 to Miss Elizabeth B. McLane in Manchester, New Hampshire. The couple will make their home in Madison, Wisconsin. Dr. Rosperts RuGu and his family will be in New York this summer. Dr. Rugh is teaching a course in embryology in the summer school of the Washington Square College of New York Uni- versity. Mr. W. R. Ditton, chief of the division of administration of the Fish and Wildlife Service, is visiting the station with his wife and son for the month of July. They are staying at the Fish- eries residence. Firms which held exhibits at the Marine Bio- logical Laboratory during the past week included: The Macmillan Company (Mr. Harvey C. McCa- leb); The Spencer Lens Company (Messrs. Charles Riley and Frank Mufioz); and Ward’s Natural Science Establishment. Choral Club rehearsals are continuing on Tues- day and Thursday evenings. An appeal has been issued for more basses and tenors. On Thursday night these parts were filled by a group of soldiers from the 18lst Regiment, who, on the spur of the moment, joined in the singing. The program of the phonograph record concert next Monday at the M.B.L. Club will be as fol- lows: Handel, “Concerto in D for orchestra, with organ’; K. P. E. Bach, “Concerto in D for or- chestra”; J. S. Bach, “Brandenburgh Concerto No, 6”; intermission; Gluck, (opera) : “Orpheus and Eurydice.” The M.B.L. Tennis Club has appointed Dr. E. R. Jones as treasurer until this summer’s elec- tions, to replace Dr. T. K. Ruebush, who was called into service in the U. S. Navy. Dr. D. E. Lancefield, club president, announces that the beach courts are now available for playing. 54 THE COLLECTING NED PHYSIOLOGY CLASS NOTES With our last week of lectures and supervised lab work just about over, we are all busily en- gaged in the scheming of some brilliant and rare bit of research with which to occupy ourselves next week. The problem of finding a problem is difficult enough in itself, but already some of us have reached a decision. Fred Coe, being a great peanut enthusiast, is considering the problem of peanut butter metabolism in crustacea. Bernie Shepartz, who suggested this to Fred, will assist in the experiments by first determining whether the crustacea like peanut butter or not. Frank Hartman, emerging from the depths of the cellar where he has been micro-manipulating all week, thinks he will study tissue regeneration, his ap- paratus for which will consist of one good bed, plenty of time, and an alarm clock set for supper. Ed Burns has become quite interested in the work with dogfish ghosts and so he plans to study the art of ghost-breaking with the aid of the Topper series as reference. Just a word about our favorite delicacy—amicro- manipulation. At the beginning of the week we handled the needles and pipettes as if we had re- ceived our early training stacking cord wood. By the end of the week at least a few members emerged from beneath a stack of broken needles with a triumphant air, proudly holding samples of their work. We enjoyed the work very much even if we did have to get down to such fine points. On Tuesday we changed sections and each one got involved in something new. The second group always gets a break because the apparatus is usually still set up and at least one big head- ache is thereby eliminated. There also seems to be an advantage because advice is available from those who have gone before and know what not to do. Thusly have the new micro-manipulators learned that dirty needles and clogged pipettes cannot be cleaned with a handkerchief, while the new Van Slykers are still wondering about the best method for gathering up mercury from the floor. The new cytochemists received a list of eighteen “don'ts” made out by their passing fel- lows and Dr. Ballentine. It seems both the stu- dent and Dr. Ballentine had a little trouble, so the first “don’t” reads:— “Don’t break glassware, especially burettes (instructor please copy).” Tuesday turned out to be a lovely (?) day for a picnic, so we found ourselves, as usual, listen- ing to a lecture at 9 A. M. Dr. Fisher, while gazing out the window, was heard to say, “I’d even rather work than go on a picnic today.” So the lobsters were placed in a tank where they fought all day, the rest of the food was hidden, and five minutes were appropriated to silent prayer for sunshine on Wednesday. Dr. Kempton delivered the lecture, his subject being observations made from direct investiga- tions of glomerular and tubular renal functions. On Thursday he spoke on “The Concept of Renal Clearance,’ and on Friday, “The Problem of Tubular Secretion in the Kidney.” Dr. A. C. Redfield was our guest lecturer on Saturday, his topic being “Respiratory Proteins.” Many mistakes which we might have made this week were avoided through the kind offices of an ex-officio physiology instructor who managed to find time, despite the exigencies of his embryol- ogy course, to instruct us in all phases of physiol- ogy. We thank him. If, JB, Jal. BOTANY CLASS NOTES Last Sunday, Dr. Runk spread a huge quantity of delectable foods before a group of the younger botanists on their visit to his home in Nantucket. That trip was the highlight of the week—probably of the course, too—and will doubtless be remem- bered by everyone for a long while to come. Being invited to spend the entire day on the island, the class left on the early boat, according to plans made by the ever-efficient Nancy Bull. Upon docking, their first experience was an in- side view of Maria Mitchell’s house, where the telescope with which she discovered her comet is still in its old place. A pleasant surprise was the display of fresh Nantucket flowers on exhibit there. After this, the group left in cars for Dr. Runk’s house, three brave souls—Connie Stanton, Jean Enzenbacher and Bob Thorne—taking a wild ride via the dunes and moors, where the driver tried to prove that travel is much more ex- citing when one doesn’t bother with roads. Swimming, talking, and then the boatride home with that gorgeous sunset in the West was truly the end of a perfect day for the tired algologists who finally reached Woods Hole in the evening. A notable casualty next day was Connie Stan- ton’s fauwa-pas in spilling a new bottle of Scrip ink over the desk, herself, and the general upper end of the Botany lab, while Dr. Taylor, unperturbed at the mishap, calmly continued his lecture. Tis said the lady demonstrated admirable nonchalance by placidly powdering her nose, but that’s unadul- terated gossip. Not being lazy, as are certain unmentionable classes at the M.B.L., the botanists spent the whole damp Fourth in getting acquainted with marine algae at Nonamesset Island and Spindle Rock. In case any morose individual needs cheer- ing, the guaranteed remedy is a position on the docks somewhere watching the chain of six skiffs slowly towed through the Gutter amid cheers and catealls from the Nantucket. Unanimously pro- claimed the best trip yet, this excursion listed only [ Vot. XVI, No. 1407 Jury 12, 1941 | two interesting accidents—Babs Bayard’s fatal slip at the end after so carefully keeping semi-dry, and Sam Salvin’s graceful misstep on Mytilus, which lost him his whole bucket of algae, only part of which he retrieved. Mild excitement was caused when Jackie Waldron and Connie Stanton, rowing one skiff, tried to shanghai “C.-K.”’ Tseng and Bob Williams by heading for New Bedford instead of Eel Pond. They soon decided, though that the project wasn’t worth the effort, and then headed for home like good children. Last Wednesday, the class took another trip on the Nereis, that time to Nashawena, Pasque and THE COLLECTING NET 55 Naushon Islands. Pasque, it seems, proved the most exciting for Bill Gilbert’s group, who were broad-minded enough in their search for algae to stop to appreciate a pair of deer that approached them fairly closely before gracefully bounding off again. Some of the city critters hud never seen wild deer—imagine! Finally and foremost, the week’s activities were climaxed last Monday evening by some more of Dr. Taylor’s color film—gorgeous enough to make any true botanist realize he’d not have to be an esthete, even, to appreciate his algal materials. EMBRYOLOGY CLASS NOTES Acadenmuc Life: The past week has been spent on Echinoderms with Dr. Schotté, who dwelt at first on the illu- sive orange ring of the eggs of Paracentrotus. The structure of Arbacia eggs was explained, and their polarity. It was shown by various experiments the lack of relationship between cleavage patterns and the final development of the egg. In the middle of the week we had a lecture’ by Dr. Chambers, renowned for his work in microdissec- tion. The removal of nuclear material from eggs is as easy for him as an appendectomy is for a surgeon. This particular lecture was on activa- tion of eggs and the surprisingly small part the sperm plays in the whole process of fertilization. We went on with Dr. Schotté on artificial par- thenogenesis. The class as a whole obtained quite good results, showing that the female can carry on. For further reference, Ray has suggested that we read “This New Magnificent World,” by Huxley, in which the future of the Test Tube Embryos can be utilized as our first line of de- fence. Dr. Schotté inspired us with his talks on the regeneration of amphibian limbs, which has been his special field during recent years. He is plan- ning to test his theories on mammals as he feels that some aspects of his field can be applicable to higher vertebrates. As an example, the trans- plantation of periostial tissue will regenerate bone. Social Life: As mentioned in our last issue, our soft-ball prowess is improving, as was further shown when the crew defeated us by only two runs, quite a contrast to our first game with them. If a week’s active training did this, just think what another week will do. Time will tell the tale. (Editorially speaking we hope it will be so-——we disclaim re- sponsibility. ) A peculiar, but very familiar odor greeted us one morning as we came from breakfast. Appar- ently there had been a skirmish in back of Physi- ology. The unmistakable results were obvious: They suffered! ! The Glorious Fourth was ushered in on the third and finished up on the fifth, at the picnic. The Embryology Lab was blitzkrieged from the roof of the Brick Building by some belligerent soul who objected to the industrious way we were spending our National Holiday (we had a radio —even an inspiration for dancing—remember, Trink and George). The climax of our social life reached a peak Saturday with the Embryology PICNIC at Tar- paulin Cove! We took ‘Winnie’ and Sagitta, or rather they took us the long way ’round amid songs and merriment. The duel of boats between Stirling and Fred (being towed) was a jumping off point of hilarity for the rest of the day. Clams, lobsters and Dr. Goodrich’s scientific carving of watermelon formed the nucleus of our excellent and filling meal. Carrying out the theory that fingers were made before forks simplified the mechanics of eating. Trink and Tom chose sides for soft ball in which the sea played an important part as left field. Much fun was had by all. A sleepy, sunburned crowd finally piled into the boats. The Pirates of the Sagitta stormed ‘Win- nie’s’ stronghold, carrying off what food remained. Trink was the star performer—with two cans of beer in one hand and four sandwiches in the other. At that he almost missed the boat. Our hearts and hands to you—Neil—for a grand pic- nic—efficiently organized. Onde THE SOURCE OF PANCREATIC JUICE BICARBONATE (Continued from page 45) when the gland works hardest it produces the most COs and this is reflected in a higher bicar- bonate content of the juice. Second, because the pancreas is one of the few tissues that contain the enzyme carbonic anhydrase. This enzyme cata- lyzes the reaction CO, + H2,O = H2CO3. Now if the metabolic CO. of the gland is to be con- verted to bicarbonate for the juice, the first step in the process would be its hydration according to the above equation. Thus the occurrence of 56 THE COLEECTING NED [ Vor. XVI, No. 140 carbonic anhydrase in the pancreas may be looked upon as an indication that this enzyme is needed there in order to speed up the hydration of meta- bolic CO» for the production of bicarbonate for the juice. If carbonic anhydrase plays such a role in the pancreas then any changes in its activ- ity should be reflected in the composition or the rate of flow of the pancreatic juice. Mann and Keilin have recently shown that the drug sulfani- lamide is a specific and potent inhibitor of car- bonic anhydrase activity. We therefore under- took a study of the effect of sulfanilamide injec- tions on the composition of the pancreatic juice of dogs. Somewhat to our surprise no effect on the rate of flow or the bicarbonate content of the juice was observed even when the concentration of sulfanilamide in the juice itself reached a value of 64 mg%. This concentration is 200 times that needed to completely inhibit the enzyme im vitro. These results therefore indicated that carbonic an- hydrase had nothing to do with production of pan- creatic juice and suggested that the metabolic COs of the gland was not an important source of the juice bicarbonate. If this was the case then the bicarbonate of the juice must be derived mainly from the blood stream. In order to prove this we have made use of radioactive carbon (C13). This was produced by bombarding boron oxide in the cyclotron. Bi- carbonate containing this radioactive carbon was then prepared and injected intravenously into dogs. The distribution of this radioactive bicar- bonate between the pancreatic juice and_ blood plasma could then be followed by measuring the radioactivity of samples of these fluids collected at various intervals after the injection. Now if all the bicarbonate of the juice is derived from the plasma, then we may expect to find the radioac- tive bicarbonate concentrated in the juice to the same extent as the total bicarbonate. If no juice bicarbonate is derived from the serum, then there should be no radioactive material in the juice. If the juice bicarbonate is a mixture derived from both plasma bicarbonate and metabolic CO, then the radioactive bicarbonate content of the juice should be in between these two extremes, and be a measure of the proportion of bicarbonate de- rived from the plasma. The results of four ex- periments uniformly showed that the radioactive bicarbonate appeared promptly in the pancreatic juice in a concentration four to five times that found in the blood plasma. The total bicarbonate of the juice in these experiments was also four to five times that of the blood plasma. The results therefore indicate that the bicarbonate of the pan- creatic juice is largely derived from the blood stream, The pancreas is thus able to effect a four to five fold concentration of the plasma bicarbonate. This raises the question: where does this concentration of bicarbonate occur—on passage of bicarbonate from the plasma to the pancreatic cells or on pas- sage from the cells to the juice? Analysis of pan- creatic tissue for bicarbonate shows that the mil- limols of bicarbonate per Kg of H2O within the cells is 60% of that in the blood plasma (see Table I). Concentration of bicarbonate does not therefore occur on its passage from the blood stream to the cells, but on passage from the cells into the pancreatic ducts. TABLE I. ELECTROLYTE DISTRIBUTION BETWEEN BLOOD PLASMA, PANCREATIC TISSUE AND PANCREATIC JUICE. All values expressed in terms of mM/Kg HO. Pancreatic Juice Blood Pancreatic = Plasma Tissue Slow Rapid Secretion Secretion Na 155: 158. 158. k 5.4 6.0 6.0 Cl 120. TAL 108. 30. HCOs 28. 18. 34. 120. pH = 7.65 pH = 8.40 An explanation for this concentration of bicar- bonate based upon the behavior of the chloride ion may be offered. As shown in Table I, the con- centration of chloride within the pancreatic cells is also about 60% of that in the blood plasma. The pancreatic cell, unlike most tissue cells, would thus appear to be freely permeable to the chloride ion of the blood stream. The passage of chloride from the cells into the ducts would appear, how- ever, to be a slow process since only when juice is secreted slowly does its chloride content re- semble that of the blood plasma. As the rate of secretion increases, the chloride ion appears to be unable to diffuse fast enough to match against its share of sodium and potassium ions. The bicar- bonate ion which appears to be more readily dif- fusible, therefore, takes the place of the chloride ion in order to maintain electroneutrality. There thus results a pancreatic juice high in bicarbonate and consequently possessing an alkaline pH which is more suitable to the action of the proteolytic enzymes which it carries. (This work was performed with the collaboration of Drs. H. Tucker, B. Vennesland, and A. K. Solo- mon. This article is based upon a seminar report presented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 8.) 4 | | Jury 12, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET Bulbs for Sensis (and Other Substage Lamps) Dozen $2.70 Dozen 4.32 Dozen 6.60 A-1493A 10 watts, A-1493B 15 watts, A-1493C 10 watts, (daylight) A-1493H 25 watts, A-1493G 10 watts, 110 Volts, 110 Volts 110 Volts : Each . Each Each 110 Volts, se .. Each 220 Volts . Each See our Exhibit in the Old Lecture Hall, July 14th CLAY-ADAMS tre” NewYork, .Y. Dozen 5.40 Dozen 6.00 to 26th. ADAMS SCOPELITE durable, it is cool Attractively moulded of almost unbreakable Bakelite, and efficient in operation. Can be used either as a substage lamp (with mirror re- moved) or in front of the microscope. Rear curve outlines position of chromium plated concave reflector which serves the dual purpose of intensifying the light escape. Louvers, cause free and preventing its front and _ rear, circulation of cooling air throughout the lamp without loss of light, so that, even after extended use the lamp can be handled. Frosted daylight filter diffuses the light, approximating daylight. giving uniform illumination A-1493. ADAMS _ Scopelite, with 6-foot Underwriters cord and plug, and 10 watt, 110 volt bulb .... Each $2.50 dozen $25.00 complete A-1493/F ADAMS Scopelite, as above, but with Corning daylight filter Each $3.25, dozen $32.50 TURTOX PLASTIC MICRO COVER SLIPS Several thousand schools and hospitals are now using the improved Turtox Plastic Micro cover slips instead of glass covers. Certain limitations in the use of plastic covers must be recognized and may be summarized as fol- lows: They are satisfactory for: 1. Temporary mounts. 2. Examination of specimens on aqueous media. (This should eventually be their chief use.) 3. Paraffin or celloidin sections, mounted in Clarite or Balsam. They are unsatisfactory for: 1. Use with acetone, dioxan, chloroform, creosote, wintergreen oil and venetian turpentine. 2. Covering thick mounts. 3., ee any preparation involving the use of eat. 4. On any “long term” preparation on which frequent cleaning is likely to cause objectionable scratches. If your technique methods are such that you cen use a plastic, you will find these covers more economical than glass covers. Free sam- ples will be sent on request. The following sizes are available for imme- diate delivery: Thick- Per box Catalog No. Size, mm. ness of 100 PerM 320A206A 22 x 22 No. 1 $0.50 $4.50 320A206B 22X22, No. 2 60 5.00 320A207A 24 x 50 No.1 85 8.00 320A207B 24x 50 No. 2 .95 9.00 3820A208A 22 x 40 No. 1 75 7.00 320A 208B 22 x 40 No. 2 85 8.00 Sheets, for cutting cial shapes and sizes: 320A206C Plastic Sheet, size 12% x 20”, thickness. Per dozen sheets Per sheet your own covers in spe- No. 1 320A206D Plastic Sheet, size 12% x 20”, No. 2 thickness.) Pers SHeetierecccccscssosvecescscesrcestecee $0.60 Per dozen sheets 6.00 Incorporated 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute Satisfaction GENERAL BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE OV oo tit COLLEGCRINGSNEDT EXHIBIT July 14th to 26th at the Old Lecture Hall | e | | of | INSTRUMENTS SUPPLIES MODELS CHARTS SKELETONS ANY CLAY-ADAMS co teees: G5) MRS. WEEKS’ SHOPS HOSIERY, DRY GOODS Toilet Necessities Cretonne, Chintz, Lingerie FALMOUTH ROWE’S PHARMACY Cigarettes - Cosmetics - Magazines Home Remedies Developing and Printing Snapshots [eter Seton Wats ele ND al Falmouth - Woods Hole - No. Fal. DOOR Woods Hole | THE TWIN DOOR _ TWIN Restaurant Main Street from Special 6 A. M Weekly to Rates 11:30 P. M. Club Breakfast 7 - 9:30 STEAKS LOBSTERS CHICKEN Ready now--- DR. GEORGE W. HUNTER’S LIFE SCIENCE 815 pages [Illustrated List, $2.08 Again, Dr. Hunter presents a timely new textbook which meets present- day needs of biology teachers. With its emphasis on fundamental prin- ciples, and its constant stress on science as a way of thinking, it makes its approach interesting and useful by its treatment of conditions found in every locality. Conserva- tion, fighting disease, and control of allergies are discussed from a thor- oughly sound, scientific point of view. AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY New York Atlanta Chicago Boston San Francisco Cincinnati Dallas DALEY’S Patent Medicines and Hospital Supplies STATIONERY COSMETICS SUNDRIES POLAROID GLASSES THE BELLOWS Mrs. Hedlund Falmouth Heights Road at Jericho LUNCHEON DINNER For Reservations Call Falmouth 271 SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS Biological, Medical, Zoological, Botanical, etc. Complete Sets, Volumes and Odd Copies. There may be some Single Copies needed to complete your sets, or an Im- portant Article which you may need. Prices are reasonable. B. LOGIN & SON, INC. 29 EAST 21st STREET NEW YORK CITY [ Vor. XVI, No. 140 Jury 12, 1941 ] TWO OF THE WORLD’S MOST WIDELY USED ae Microscopes The Spencer trademark is a familiar sight in medical, scienti- fic, industrial and educational laboratories throughout the world. Thousands of instruments like those illustrated above are being placed in service every year and see continuous use in Many scientific routine and research work. This unusual acceptance has been discoveries since achieved through fine optical performance, sturdy and con- 1847 have been aided by Spen- cer Microscopes. venient mechanical features. Write Dept. U8-2 for catalogs describing Spencer micro- scopes. Spencer Lens Company SPENCER BUFFALO, NEW YORK [ BUFTALO | . . . ‘ajops Scientific Instrument Division of AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY Sales Offices: NewY ork, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas,Columbus,St.Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta 59 60 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 140 Edward Bausch.... HILE Pasteur and his contemporaries were fighting the combined forces of superstition and disease to lay the foundations for modern bacteriology, another young man was designing a microscope that would help immeasurably in spreading the benefits of science to all mankind. While Pasteur was proving that heating would destroy the organisms that were making French wines turn bitter, and perfecting the pasteurizing process that makes his name immortal, in America, Edward Bausch was computing his own objectives, grinding his lenses and fitting the parts for the first Bausch & Lomb Microscope. While Pasteur was proving his procedure for the cure of rabies by saving the life of the little Alsatian . Microscope Maker peasant, Joseph Meister, Edward Bausch was working day and night to demonstrate his belief that quality microscopes could be made in quan- tities and at such prices as to bring them within the reach of all students and research workers. Today—you’ll find Bausch & Lomb Micro- scopes in all the far corners of the world. Scientists in education, medicine and industry alike, know that no better optical instruments can be had than those bearing the Bausch & Lomb Trademark. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. e ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION. Vol. XVI, No. 4 SATURDAY, JULY 19, 1941 Annual Subscription, $2.00 Single Copies, 30 Cents. MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS ON COM- POUNDS OF BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE Dr. L. MicHAELtIs Member, Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism are analo- gous to induced electric dipoles and permanent electric dipoles. In magnetism, there is no phe- nomenon analogous to a free THE MAPPING OF EGGS A LECTURE TO THE EMBRYOLOGY CLASS Dr. E. G. CONKLIN Emeritus Professor of Biology, Princeton University I feel like apologizing for appearing before an audience of people who are doing so much 1m- portant work in this day and age, because I have to report on things which were electric charge. A further dif- ference between magnetism electricity is the fact that elec- tric moments, whether induced or permanent, may vary wide- ly with respect to their magni- tude, whereas diamagnetic mo- Dr. MM. B. E. Calendar TUESDAY, July 22, 8:00 P. M. Seminar: Dr. G. Melanophore System of Teleosts.” R. L. Watterson: pects of Pigment Deposition in done long ago. For nearly fifty years past I have been asked to lecture before this class in embryology and _ al- most always I have spoken on essentially the same subject, though not, of course, in the H. Parker: “The “Some As- ments are always very small, entinss Coun Of Glide isn same terms or under the same always involving repulsion by bryos.” topic. an external magnet pole; and Dr. H. L. Hamilton: “The Influ- I was once introduced as paramagnetic moments, if they exist at all, are always rela- culation tively large and cause attrac- DRUM oeae at RAK: tion by a magnet pole. All matter is diamagnetic, but in certain chemical compounds, | paramagnetism is superim- posed on diamagnetism, and being much larger, makes the latter almost negligible. It may ence of Hormones on the Differ- of Melanophores in bution and Development of the | Melanophore Hormone in the Pi- tuitary of the Chick.” | FRIDAY, July 25, 8:00 P. M. | Lecture: Dr. Dorothy Wrinch: “The Native Protein.” “the friend of the egg,” and I am proud to claim that title. I have always maintained that the egg is after all one of the most marvelous things in the world and there is never an end to thinking about some of the marvels and wonders of development. I am therefore to give you “The Distri- be added that the phenomenon of ferromagnetism exhibited by a few metals, such as iron or nickel, practically only in the free metallic state, is never (Continued on page 72) something of a historical re- view of the backgrounds of modern embryology. The marvel of development never grows old or stale. In a single night an ascidian egg will be- TABLE OF The Mapping of Eggs, Dr. E. G. Conklin........ 61 Magnetic Measurements on Compounds of Bio- logical Significance, Dr. L. Michaelis............ 61 Pathology and Immunity to Infection with Heterophyid Trematodes, Dr. H. W. Stunkard 65 Factors in the Lunar Cycle which may Control Reproduction in the Atlantic Palolo, Dr. L. B. Clark CONTENTS Metabolism and Fertilization in the Starfish Egg, Dr. H. Shapiro Book Reviews Editorial Page Items of Interest Physiology Class Notes Botany Class Notes | Embryology Class Notes Ee || Map of Woods Hole JEAN LOUIS RUDOLPHE AGASSIZ Who 68 years ago founded the Andersen School of Natural History on the Island of Penikese, which was the forerunner of the Marine Biological Laboratory. The bust was unveiled in the Hall of Fame in 1928 and is the work of Anna Vaughan Hyatt. ony 19) 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 63 come a swimming tadpole. At six o'clock in the evening it may be fertilized; at six o’clock in the morning it will be out of its egg membranes. In the case of Molgula, it will be swimming actively only twelve hours after fertilization. In a few days an Arbacia egg is a swimming pluteus. In a month Crepidula becomes a fully formed, swimming veliger. In nine months the human egg becomes a baby. While some of us labor for years to bring forth a brain-child in an article or book, nature brings forth a man-child in nine months. The brain-child is a fleeting thing, the man-child is a link in the endless chain of life. Development as we now understand it means both differentiation and integration. Differentia- tion is the becoming different of various parts. From the times of the ancient Greeks down to the year 1759 it was generally believed that this de- velopment consisted chiefly of growth of a previ- ously formed organism. Hippocrates said that blue-eyed parents produced blue-eyed germs. That was the belief that was held generally. Indeed, it _was thought to be necessary philosophically, logic- ally and theologically. It was supposed that de- velopment must be the unfolding of an infolded organism and consequently it was not nearly so “mysterious and wonderful a process as we now know development to be. In 1680 Antony van Leeuwenhoek, with simple lenses—a simple lens in a copper plate—studied the spermatozoa of man and different animals and described them quite accurately. Other people, taking his study as a basis, claimed that the sper- matozoa of man contained the homunculus, the little man. They reported it with head and body and arms and legs. I was reading only yesterday in our excellent library, some of Leeuwenhoek’s letters in the ear- lier volumes of the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society. He wrote 125 letters which were published in some of the first twenty-four volumes, and in these letters he says that his ob- servations have been made sensational by other people. He knows perfectly well that there is no such homunculus in the spermatozoon. Further- more he says we know that in earlier stages of development the embryo is spherical while these sensationalists maintained that the arms were stretched out and the legs straight. Yet he did say that the man was pre-determined in the sperm and that in the uterus the sperm merely found a place to develop. With the prevalent masculine psychology of the time, the seed was supposed to come entirely from the male, while the female fur- nished a place, a location for its development. Well, this notion of the pre-determination of the man in the sperm was carried still further by van Leeuwenhoek in a letter which is not pub- lished in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, but which I came across in a Dutch publication discussing the work of van Leeuwenhoek. According to this, in 1680 he wrote and published the statement that the sperm are of two kinds, one male-producing and the other female-producing. When I showed this statement to Professor Wilson in 1905 or 1906, following his great discovery, he said, “Verily there is nothing new under the sun.” This dis- covery of male-producing and female-producing spermatozoa was not actually made but was anti- cipated by Leeuwenhoek in 1680. Again those that were making a sensation out of his discover- ies said that Leeuwenhoek had discovered boys and girls in the uterus. That was nonsense, he said, but there are male-producing and female- producing sperm. He was getting at the idea of development by differentiation as contrasted with pre-formation. However, it was not until the middle of the eighteenth century that this doctrine of preforma- tion was carried to such absurd lengths that it simply broke down of its own weight. The Gene- van naturalist, Bonnet, was largely responsible for this. You will find a very fine account of Bon- net’s work by Professor Whitman, in the “Lec- tures from the Woods Hole Laboratory,” for 1896, I believe. Professor Whitman reviews the work of Bonnet and points out the beautiful work that he did but the very erroneous conclusions to which he came. The conclusions were that there was no development. The embryo was infolded and it merely unfolded. Between the halves of a peanut, you can see the little leaves and stem and root of a plant, and you will see how easy it was to believe that in the earliest stages there was the little plant or the little animal in the seed. And this conclusion might have stood even longer than it did, for in addition to Bonnet, it had the sup- port of many others including the physiologist Haller, who said ‘There is no becoming”, that is, the plant or animal has been there from the start. They reasoned that if there was a little homuncu- lus in the sperm or in the egg, of course the little homunculus had sex organs and germ cells, and inside those there was the next generation, and THE CoLLEctTING NET was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Single copies, 30e by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 64 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 141 inside those the next, and so the doctrine of em- boitment or encasement arose, and became so ab- surd that it had to be abandoned. Then a young medical student, Gaspar Fred- erick Wolff, published his doctoral thesis in 1789, entitled “Theoria Generationis”. He made an actual study of the hen’s egg and of certain plant seeds and found that in the earlier stages there was no little animal or plant in the egg, but he found instead what he called globules. These globules we now call cells. He found membranes of some gelatinous material but no trace of an or- ganism, no trace of a living thing. He considered that the development was a process of differentia- tion caused by forces in nature to which he gave the name nisus formativus or vis directrix. These forces from the outside, acting upon these glo- bules or membranes brought about development, and therefore since they were from the outside the whole process was called epigenesis. The word epigenesis meant genesis upon the germ, from outside stimuli. For a hundred years or more after this discov- ery of Wolff, the doctrine of epigenesis was uni- versally accepted and was held to be absolutely true. In the lectures of Professor Whitman you will find his answer to the assertions of Profes- sor Bourne of Oxford, who maintained absolute epigenesis, namely that there is no organization in the egg, and development comes from the out- side. Whitman showed the absurdity of this. He asked how is organization going to be “cooked into the egg” which lacks it? What nisus forma- tivus, what vis directrix is he going to demand to bring into the unorganized egg organization and capacity for development ? I have made a translation from a book which is in the library and which I wish you would see. It was by one of the eminent zoologists of a pre- vious day, Alexander Goette. In 1874 he wrote a very large treatise, together with a volume of plates, entitled ‘‘Entwicklungsgeschichte der Unke,” the “Development of the Toad,” from which I will quote parts of pages 35 and 77. This is what Goette wrote in 1874: The egg of Bombinator igneus ready for fertiliza- tion is neither in whole nor in part, neither in origin nor in its developed appearance a cell, a living or- ganism, but is merely an essentially homogeneous mass enclosed in an externally formed membrane, which first begins, through fertilization, to produce in itself living forms. But before this end is reached, the entire yolk mass and individual yolk pieces are lifeless transition stages from unorganized material to an actual organism. Just think of that, as late as 1874 the egg was not a living thing! In 1898, when Jacques Loeb announced his dis- covery here at this Laboratory of artificial par- thenogenesis, the newspapers immediately took it up. “Jacques Loeb had created life! By putting an egg in a solution of magnesium chloride, he had created life.” But of course the egg was just as certainly alive as is the animal into which it develops, though not as completely alive, for there are degrees of living. In 1883 another distinguished physiologist, Pfluger, maintained that the egg of the frog is isotropic, that is in every direction from the cen- ter there are exactly the same substances and its cleavage cells are indifferent; they are all exactly alike with “no more relation of the cells to the adult body than the snowflakes have to the result- ing avalanche.” The snowflakes are not prede- termined to form an avalanche and the cells of the egg are not differentiated for the building of the body of the animal. In 1893 Hans Driesch, whose death last April has saddened all of his good friends in this coun- try announced a similar conclusion. We knew him and admired him although in many respects his work was wrong, I had my difficulties with him in the matter of the ascidian egg. When I found that parts of the ascidian egg gave rise to only a partial larva, while Driesch maintained that such larvae were entire, I said that the difficulty was that Driesch did not recognize the difference between a half larva and a quarter one; if only these larvae had legs, Driesch would have seen that they were not complete. Driesch replied, “Conklin does not think well of experimentalists, but at least this much we know—the difference between a quarter and a half.” His doctrine was like that of Pfltiger, that the egg was isotropic and all the blastomeres were equivalent, having no specific relation to develop- ing organs. He said that every blastomere of the sea urchin egg is equipotential, i.e., it is capable of giving rise to the entire organism. “Jedes kann Jedes.’ Every cell can give rise to the whole or- ganism, and again he said that blastomeres were “like balls in a pile”, so that you can shift them around any way you please, and still they would develop normally. In order to account for normal development, he had to invent something like a vis directrix. Something of that sort was neces- sary to make equipotential cells differentiate into a normal organism; something had to intervene, presumably from the outside, and direct the de- velopment, and that something Driesch called, as you know, entelechy. The entelechy of Driesch has many resemblances to the vis directrix of Wolff, or the “perfecting principle’ of Aristotle. While I have argued against this in certain writ- ings in the past, maintaining that names of mys- terious forces that you can’t experiment with are no solution of a problem—Driesch said you can’t experiment with entelechy—as I get older I be- gin to see the necessity of something in living Jury 19, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 65 things that has not yet been explained by rigid mechanism. I don’t doubt that sometime it will be explained, that sometime we will find that mat- ter and energy are so constituted that they may account for all vital phenomena. I am greatly impressed with the fact that living things experi- ence satisfactions and dissatisfactions. We know that we have satisfactions and dissatisfactions, and there are evidences that higher and lower ani- mals also experience these. Even Paramecia, swimming in a trough of water which is hot at one end and cold at the other avoid extremes of heat and cold. Why? We would say because the water is getting uncomfortable. There is something subjective, internal in Paramecia that causes them to draw back from things that are uncomfortable. That may be called a tropism, or a negative reaction to extremes in temperature. Why do they have this negative reaction? There is something in the living substance that feels, something that corresponds to the subjective phe- nomena that we have. Don’t you see, I am com- ing around a little to sympathize with Driesch and his entelechy. The future of biology will have to deal with these phenomena which we call subjec- tive feelings—satisfactions. Maybe their causes can be found in chemical and physical phenom- ena, such as “affinity,” saturation, equilibrium, etc. Well, you see, I am getting ’way off into speculative regions. (Concluded in Next Issue) PATHOLOGY AND IMMUNITY TO INFECTION WITH HETEROPHYID TREMATODES Dr. Horace W. STUNKARD Professor of Biology, New York University The term heterophyid refers to a large family of digenetic trematodes which infect fish-eating birds and mammals. Heterophyes heterophyes, the type species, was discovered by Bilharz (1851) in autopsies in Cairo. These trematodes are world wide in distribution and manifest not- able lack of specificity in their final hosts. Every species so far tested will develop in the common laboratory animals; many of them have been re- corded from human hosts and probably all are possible parasites of man. Members of the fam- ily have lophocercous, oculate, monostome cer- cariae which encyst in fishes and so eventually reach their final hosts. Looss (1899) first point- ed out that the infective larvae must be acquired by eating uncooked fish. Yokogawa (1913) found a high incidence of infection with Metagonimus yokogawai in Japan- ese, and, following the dictum of Looss, discov- ered the metacercariae in food fishes of Japan. He traced the development of this species in experi- mental animals and by human autopsy. Yokogawa reported that young worms, after liberation from their cysts, penetrate the wall of the intestine where they develop to sexual maturity, after which they return to the lumen of the intestine and eggs of the parasite are voided with the feces. Essentially similar findings in experiments with related species were reported by Ciurea (1924) in Roumania and by Faust and Nishigori (1926) in the Far East. Ciurea emphasized the possibility of secondary infection of lesions produced in the intestinal wall by migration of the developing worms, Africa and his collaborators, in the Philippines, found intramucosal invasion by various hetero- phyid species, but, according to these authors, the worms which enter the tissues do not return to the lumen of the intestine. Instead, they remain in the intestinal wall where they destroy the glands and erode the tunica propria but elicit only a mild or no inflammatory reaction. As a conse- quence, they are not walled off by fibrosis and their eggs pass into the general circulation. The eggs localize at various places, especially in the walls and valves of the heart. Autopsy of many cases of acute cardiac failure revealed extensive involvement of the heart, and these lesions were regarded as the immediate cause of death. Ex- perimental infection of various animals yielded divergent results and led Africa and his associates to the opinion that when introduced into natural hosts, the young worms remain in the intestine and produce a transitory and relatively harmless infection, whereas when they are liberated in the intestine of unusual hosts, they find the conditions unsuitable and bore into the intestinal wall. Cryptocotyle lingua is a common heterophyid species in the Woods Hole area, where it nor- mally infects gulls, terns and various mammals. Its life cycle was reported by Stunkard (1930) who attempted to infect different experimental animals. The larval stages are produced in Lit- torina littorea, and L. rudis, while the cercariae encyst in the cunner and other fishes. Stunkard and Willey (1929) studied the de- velopment of C. lingua in cats and rats. In these hosts, the worms developed to sexual maturity between the intestinal villi and no intramucosal invasion was observed. Since there is evidence to indicate that cats and rats are not favorable hosts, the studies were continued using terns and dogs. Results of these experiments, done jointly with Dr. C. H. Willey, were illustrated by lantern 66 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 141 slides. Young terns, removed from their nests soon after hatching, were kept in the laboratory and maintained on cunners heavily infected with cysts of C. lingua. They developed a very severe infection from the 6th to the 14th day, when the number of eggs in the feces began to diminish. After the 20th day the feces contained very few eggs and large numbers of young worms recently liberated from their cysts. The results of the ex- periment supplement and clarify observations on infection in nature. Young gulls and terns, yet unable to fly, are always heavily infected while adult birds, although subject to continual rein- fection or if kept in confinement and fed thou- sands of cysts each day, seldom harbor more than 15 to 20 mature worms. It is apparent that after an initial heavy infection, gulls and terns develop a strong resistance to superinfection and the pres- ence of a few worms serves to maintain a substan- tial immunity. In terns, the young worms, when they emerge from their cysts, penetrate between the villi and disappear. Casual examination of the surface shows few parasites but sections of the intestine show that the worms, although they invade deeply between the villi and cause much desquamation, rarely if ever enter the tissues. After the first heavy infection, when resistance develops and almost all of the parasites are shed, the intestinal epithelium is regenerated and the bird does not suffer any apparent ill effect. The experiments with dogs yielded very differ- ent results. A dog, fed enormous numbers of cysts, began to pass eggs of the parasite on the 5th day. It was killed at this time and the intes- tine examined. Large numbers of immature and mature worms were present on the surface of the mucosa and in the crypts between the villous folds. The villi showed acute inflammatory changes, desquamation, hyperemia and excessive mucous secretion. There was no invasion of the intestinal glands or tunica propria. Another dog, similarly fed for 14 days, was in a moribund condition. Killed at that time, autopsy revealed the presence of thousands of sexually mature worms. Sections of the intestine showed a copious exudate, which in places almost filled the lumen. The exudate contained strands of tissue, pieces of sloughed epithelium, and numbers of worms. Many worms were present also between the villi, deep in the crypts of the mucosa. In places, they had pro- duced pressure atrophy, marked hyperemia of ad- jacent villi, extensive desquamation and destruc- tion of the villi. There was some leucocytic in- filtration, accumulation of eosinophils and plasma cells, with regenerative hyperplasia of the intact epithelium. The erosion of the mucosa resulted in an acute catarrhal enteritis with proliferation of fixed tissue elements in the adjacent areas. No parasites were found in the tunica propria or in normal intestinal glands. Dogs were given a mod- erate infection and allowed to recover. Eggs be- gan to appear in the feces on the 5th day, were numerous for about 4+ weeks, after which the number began to decline. At the end of 3 months very few eggs could be found and the feces were negative at the end of 6 months. After resistance had been established in dogs, the feeding of large numbers of metacercariae produced no visible ill effects and very few eggs appeared in the feces. These experiments show that birds and dogs, if the latter survive an initial infection, effect a “self-cure” (as that term was defined by Stoll, 1929) and thereafter are resistant to any substan- tial reinfection. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 15.) FACTORS IN THE LUNAR CYCLE WHICH MAY CONTROL REPRODUCTION IN THE ATLANTIC PALOLO Dr. LEoNARD B. CLARK Assistant Professor of Biology, Union College Of all the physiological influences attributed to the lunar cycle, the coincidence of reproduction of certain marine Polychaetes with specific phases of the moon has been best determined. Of such ani- mals, the palolo worms are perhaps outstanding because of their size, their striking reproductive behavior and the apparent specific relation be- tween the moon’s phases and time of reproduc- tion. The only palolo in the Western Hemisphere is the Atlantic palolo, Leodice fucata, found in Bermuda, the Gulf of Mexico and the West Indies. It is a burrowing form with the gonads limited to the segments of the posterior half of the worm except the last score or so. At repro- duction the sexual segments break from the rest of the body and swim to the surface where they discharge their sexual products. There is gen- erally typical mass activity so that many investi- gators concluded that the reproductive period is concentrated into a few days during which the sexual ends appear at the surface in immense numbers. The work of Mayer, and Clark and Hess shows that at least three factors serve to determine the particular day on which the majority of worms reproduce. Water turbulence induced by wind action will inhibit swarming if the wind velocity Jury 19, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 67 exceeds nine miles per hour unless the reef in- habited by the worms is protected. Records of swarming, 1898 to 1939, show that reproduction occurs most commonly about the time of the third quarter moon, less commonly at the first quarter, seldom at the full moon and never at the new moon, during the period from June 28 to August 1. This indicates that in some way the third quarter moon is most effective, fol- lowed by the first quarter, full moon and new moon. Worms will not reproduce at the third quarter moon less than 353 days from the date of repro- duction of the previous year nor less than 369 days at the first quarter. The maturity of the worms determines the earliest date for reproduc- tion. The difference in time of maturity at which swarming will occur at the third and first quar- ter moon phases is correlative evidence that the third quarter moon phase is more effective than the first quarter in inducing reproduction. Hempelmann believed that the effect of the lunar cycle was indirect on Nereis dumerlu. He considered that tides changing with the moon caused changing nutritive conditions which brought Nereis into phase with the lunar cycle. Friedlaender suggested that changes in hydrosta- tic pressure due to tides controlled reproduction in the Pacific palolo, Eunice viridis. Neither of these hypotheses will hold for the Atlantic palolo. Mayer showed that animals in open floating cars reproduced at the normal time. Obviously there was no change in hydrostatic pressure. The change in nutritive conditions in transferring rocks containing worms from their natural habitat to live cars must have changed the nutritive con- ditions of the worms much more greatly than any change in tides. Also, rocks containing worms were scrubbed clean of the organic debris on which the worms feed, placed in floating cars and the worms swarmed normally. Furthermore, shading the worms in live cars from moonlight for more than two days imme- diately before the time of swarming inhibits rep- roduction. These observations, first made by Mayer, were repeated recently in two successive years with similar results. At the present state of our knowledge, it seems almost impossible to escape the conclusion that moonlight acts directly on the Atlantic palolo to determine the time of reproduction. A number of experiments on artificially chang- ing the light relations of the lunar cycle by illum- inating or shading racks containing worms were undertaken. The results of all the experiments are consistent in that if the average duration of light is increased, reproduction occurs before the controls, and if the average duration of moonlight is decreased, the time of swarming occurs after the controls or not at all. It is concluded, there- fore, that this is a factor involved in reproduction and the effectiveness of the various phases of the moon’s cycle is correlated with the average dura- tion of moonlight during the cycle. However, if this were the only factor involved, the effectiveness of moonlight to induce swarming would increase to a maximum about three days after the full moon and then decrease. But the effectiveness of moonlight is bimodal, the modes centering about the first and last quarter moon, with the latter much more effective. Obviously there must be some other factor operating in moonlight. The only other factor varying in the desired manner is the daily difference in the rate of change of moonlight. This reaches a maxi- mum at the new and full moons and a minimum at the first and third quarter. If it is postulated that the effectiveness of moonlight in determining the time of swarming bears some correlation to the average duration of moonlight during the lunar cycle and bears some correlation to the reciprocal of the difference in the daily rate of change of moonlight, the resultant varies in a manner similar to the incidence of swarming during the lunar cycle. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 15.) METABOLISM AND FERTILIZATION IN THE STARFISH EGG Dr. HERBERT SHAPIRO Department of Physiology, Vassar College In his book “Artificial Parthenogenesis and Fertilization” (1913), Loeb summarized his views on the nature of fertilization by stating that “one essential effect of the entrance of the sper- matozoon into the egg of the sea-urchin is the acceleration of processes of oxidation”. Although this is a good generalization for the sea urchin egg, it is not valid as a generalization for all eggs. Whitaker demonstrated that in the eggs of the clam Cumingia, (J. Gen. Physiol., 15, 183, 1931) and the worm Chaetopterus, (J. Gen. Physiol.,16, 475, 1933) there is not a rise, but a fall of respir- atory activity on fertilization, and in making a survey of all available data, tried to abstract some common element. On plotting out the absolute rates of oxygen consumption of different eggs be- fore and after fertilization, he observed (J. Gen. Physiol., 16, 497, 1933) that while the rates were quite divergent before fertilization, they became much more nearly the same after fertilization, and 68 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vou. XVI, No. 141 proposed that the alteration in rate at fertilization is such as to bring it down or up to a more or less common level, comparable with that of nor- mally growing cells. This thesis has in turn had to be modified owing to the discovery of Rubenstein and Gerard (J. Gen. Physiol., 17, 677, 1934) that the value of the ratio, fertilized rate/unfertilized rate (F/U) is not a constant in the egg of the sea urchin, Arbacia punctulata, but depends upon the temperature, being highest at low temperatures. The significance of these findings is that the res- piration-temperature dependence function must be different in fertilized and unfertilized eggs, and comes about through an alteration in the nature of the active enzyme systems responsible for over- all oxygen uptake, which takes place on fertiliza- tion. Earlier measurements (by Loeb and Wasteneys, (Arch. Entwicklungsmechn. Organ,. 35, 555, 1912) and by Tang (Biol. Bull., 67, 468, 1931) of the egg of the starfish Asterias forbesiu, at a single temperature, had led to the conclusion that in this egg, there is no change in oxidative rate on fertilization. However, if one examines the original data, it is noted that relatively low per- centages of cleavage were obtained and that the respiratory changes were in both directions. It seemed advisable therefore to extend these obser- vations through measurements of eggs from a large number of individuals, and over a_ wide range of temperatures. Warburg respirometers were used, and batches of eggs which showed usually 90% or more development were obtained during May and June, which is the optimal sea- son for starfish eggs. The respiration of unfer- tilized eggs may be constant for periods of over ten hours, whereas that of fertilized eggs is rela- tively constant at first, and then exhibits a grad- ually increasing rate as embryological develop- ment progresses. Measurements were made at about thirty different temperatures, between 11.5 and 27.8° C., and an average increase on fertiliza- tion of approximately 30 to 50% was obtained. The average value of F/U was not constant over the range investigated, but showed a slight decline with elevation of temperature. In view of these data we should include Asterias with other eggs showing metabolic change on fertilization, and not classify it as an exception. On examination of the F/U-temperature curves for the eggs in which these data are available viz., Sabellaria alveolata, Chaetopterus variopedatus, Arbacia punctulata and Asterias forbesi, it ap- pears that these cells show curves which indicate that the temperature dependence of the activity of the respiratory enzymes of unfertilized eggs is different from that of fertilized in all cases, and that hence there is an alteration in the nature of the oxidative enzyme system on fertilization. For Arbacia punctulata, this has been further demon- strated by various investigators by treating the eggs with agents known to affect these enzymes. In the other eggs, this conclusion is an inference from the temperature analysis, and further chem- ical studies are desirable. By itself, therefore, the absolute direction and amount of change is probably not of primary im- portance, but it appears to be rather the nature of the enzyme system. The metabolic aspect of Loeb’s generalization may be retained if we modi- fy his original idea by stating that one of the es- sential features of activation is an alteration of the nature of the enzyme systems. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 8.) BOOK REVIEWS Fisheries Along Our Coast NEW ENGLAND’S FISHING INDUSTRY. Edward A. Ackerman. Illustrated. pp. 294. $4.00. Univer- sity of Chicago. The great diversity of New England’s fisheries can scarcely be appreciated until one reads Mr. Ackerman’s account of this industry. Ina straight- forward easy to read style he has covered virtual- ly every phase of the field, both at sea and on land. His thorough research covers not only the major aspects of the fishing industry but includes many details seldom presented and which add considerable interest and value to his work. To the layman many of these factors are little known, and even for those persons whose business is fish- ing, or the handling of fishery products, there is a rich store of information. About one-half of the book deals directly with the various species of fish, mollusks and crusta- ceans, that are caught off the New England coast and landed in its numerous ports. Seasonal abundance, migrations, and value of catchall are adequately described as are fishing grounds, fish- ermen, gear, methods of capture, and the limita- tions and regulations that govern the fisheries. The description of the various types of gear used for catching fish, clams, quahogs, oysters, scal- lops, squid, crabs, lobsters, etc., is of especial in- terest. In the case of fish, the relative efficiency and seasonal productivity is given for weirs, pound nets, otter trawls, gill nets, trawl lines, Jury 19, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 69 hand lines, and other devices. An account is given of the kinds of fish taken by such kind of gear. The remaining chapters of the book give an account of the marketing and handling of fish and fishery by-products and of the economic aspects of the industry. They explain, for example, how the more perishable or the less desirable species can not compete in distant markets but how, nev- ertheless, fresh fishery products are penetrating farther afield because of improved transportation facilities and methods of handling. Also described is the role of the salt fish trade and the reasons for its great decline during the past few decades. The author has included many illustrations, an index, and after each chapter a list of the more important references. There are likewise many tables giving the amounts and value of the New England catch in recent years, both domestic catches and importations, and in some cases these are segregated according to the methods of cap- ture that were employed. Various points dis- cussed are illustrated on a series of thirty-three charts. They include the distribution and magni- tude of the catch of the more important species, fishing grounds, polluted areas along shore, loca- tion of weirs, and the location of canneries. W. C. Schroeder A Standard Text WOODRUFF, L. L. “Foundations of Biology.” pp. xvii + 773. New York, The Macmillan Company. 1941. $3.75. New editions of classic texts are difficult to re- view impartially. The appearance of six editions in less than twenty years is clear evidence of in- trinsic worth so that enthusiastic praise descends from the level of critical judgment to a politically expedient endorsement of public opinion. Ad- verse criticism is even more unfortunate for it can only be justified by laboriously selecting those slight blemishes which can be found in any work and then endeavoring to maintain the case that they are major faults. The soundest test is prob- ably to inquire whether the volume still justifies its title. Biology is a vast subject defined in the first paragraph of the book under review as “the science of matter in the living state”. How far, then, does the volume continue adequately to de- scribe the foundations of this science? This de- pends entirely on what the reader regards as the foundations of biology. Woodruff’s view is very clear for in Chapter II “we now turn directly to the study of life itself in the only form it is known —the bodies of plants and animals”. This leads to a discussion of the cell and its development into a multicellular organism, followed by three chapters on plants and four on animals. Then follow five rather conventional chapters on the comparative anatomy of organ systems leading to two regretably short, but thoroughly enjoyable, chapters on endocrine and nervous co6rdination which serve to link the previous descriptive biol- ogy to the subsequent more philosophical discus- sions. These start with the origin and continuity of life as an introduction to fertilization, develop- ment and genetics, pass logically to adaptation and the origin of species and the book ends with the humanistic and historical aspects of the science, All this, of course, is superbly well done. Woodruff has evidently read everything which is worth reading and possesses the happy knack, shared by the honey bee, of re-presenting what he has digested in a form more palatable than it was before. In this he has been aided and abetted by an excellent artist (Miss Lisbeth Krause) and a publisher who has devoted unusual skill and in- telligence to the design and production of the book. Criticism, however, still remains possible. If we accept “the bodies of plants and animals”, i.e. comparative anatomy, as the true foundation of the study of life we are struck by the anomaly that less than one third of the volume is devoted to this study and that the remaining two thirds, while making pleasant reading, do not inflict a very rigid mental discipline on the student. No one knows better than Woodruff that the basis of all science is logic and that mathematics is the language of logic. Yet nowhere in the non-de- scriptive portions of the book does one find any warning to the freshman that, if he is successfully to continue his biological studies, he will be con- strained to do so in a thermodynamical frame- work as rigid as that which surrounds even the freshman chemist or physicist. An introduction to the mathematics of growth, and an indication that it is possible for a species to have statistical validity, might well have been included among the “Foundations of Biology”. There is no doubt, however, that the sixth edi- tion will retain the high rating among general biology texts which has already been gained by the previous five. Peter Gray 70 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 141 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 238, 1938. M.B.L. CLUB The Annual Meeting of the M.B.L. Club will be held at the Clubhouse on July 21, 1941, at 7:00 P. M. Order of business: Minutes of last annual meeting. Reports of officers. Reports of committees. Election of officers for the next year. Consideration of proposed amendment to constitution. General business. All members are urged to attend this meeting. Proposed Amendment to the Constitution: Ar- ticle X shall be amended to read: “A building fund shall be maintained to be used for the re- pair of, or improvements to the Clubhouse. In this fund the Treasurer shall deposit each year 10% of the dues collected that year. The fund shall be administered by the Trustees and money withdrawn from it only by their action on request from the Executive Committee of the Club. Fur- ther, in accordance with an agreement with the Marine Biological Laboratory, the Treasurer shall pay to the Laboratory 25% of the dues collected each year.” At present Article X provides that 25% of an- nual dues be put into a building fund. In fact this payment has been used in repaying the lab- oratory for repairs and improvements made sev- eral years ago. A year ago the Club came into an agreement with the Laboratory whereby the Club is to regularly make a payment of 25% of its annual income from dues and the Laboratory will take care of the maintenance of the grounds, exterior, and structure of the building. This pay- ment represents a payment of rent to the owners of the building. The Club will continue to be responsible for the interior of the Clubhouse. The second part of the amendment proposed will ratify this agreement. The first part of the amendment as proposed will establish a new building fund that may be used for major repairs or improvements inside the Clubhouse, or for further enlargements. Nominations for next year’s officers will be pre- sented at the meeting by the Nominating Com- mittee, consisting of Drs. H. B. Goodrich, Samuel FE. Hill, T. H. Bullock and J. Hutchens. —Sears Crowell ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS Beck, L. V. instr. phys. Hahnemann. lib. Boche, R. D. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 221. D 112-A. Bronfenbrenner, J. prof. bact. & immun. Washing- ton Med. (St. Louis). Br 305. Garner, H. res. asst. zool. Chicago. Br 332. Ka 22. Goldinger, J. M. res. asst. med. Chicago. Br 125. K 14. Gurewich, V. Cornell Med. lib. Kovac M. J. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br 311. A 106. Kreezer, G. L. asst. prof. psych. Cornell. lib. D 312. Mead, F. W. Ohio State. Br 111. Metz, C. W. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 304. Morgan, Isabel M. asst. path. & bact. Rockefeller Inst. (New York). Br 320. Reiner, J. M. biophysics (New York, N. Y.). lib. Renshaw, B. asst. prof. zool. Oberlin. Br 218. Sturtevant, A. H. prof. biol. California Tech. Br 126. Warren, A. A. asst. path. Harvard Med. L 27. A NOTE FROM DR. DURYEE The following paragraphs are extracts from a letter received by Dr. Robert Chambers from Dr. William RK. Duryee, assistant professor of biol- ogy at Washington Square College, New York University. Dr. Duryee was a reserve officer and is serving as lieutenant in the U. S. Army. Your film was delivered to me in my truck just as my column was about to roll out on the road. We have been moving so often from one bivouac to the next that there has been no time to acknowledge your kindness in sending the film. At present we are moving the 27th Division back from Tennessee to Alabama. What with 28 new 2% ton 6 X 6 “ten-wheelers’” and new 1% ton and command cars along with the old, our regiment looks quite respectable out on the road—about three and a half miles long. As transportation officer I am charged with shuttling our Regiment and several battalions of Infantry. We go day and night for four days. It is good fun for me but pretty hard on the drivers who alternate 2 hours sleep and two driving. Now that our first big maneuvers are over, with all the dust, “jiggers” (by the way what is the biol- ogy of these mites?) and lack of water, there will be quite a let-down. Most of the boys will get ten-day furloughs. Our Colonel has emphasized the need for interesting lectures, films, training of any sort for this in-between period. Your film is therefore exceptionally welcome. Can you send three more 16 mm? Capillaries, microdissection, mitosis—any and all are needed. Can it be that Woods Hole and the M. B. L. still exist? I feel rather remote from cell physiology; but two days ago I found some lizard eggs in an old log and dissected them for some of my company. The lizards were well-developed with large yolk sacs attached and motility had set in. I wish I had these while teaching embryology. CURRENTS IN THE HOLE Date A.M. P.M. July 19 . 12:39 Ze July 20 1:30) aes July 21 . eft 2:20 eZesil WOU ZZ ccastonacse 3:05) (/Sil5 July 23 . 3:49 4:00 uly 245 eee 4:30 4:43 Ss ———__ Jury 19, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 7\ ITEMS OF Dr. AND Mrs. CHARLES PAcKARD will be at home to members of the Laboratory tomorrow and next Sunday from four-thirty to six o'clock. Dr. Curt STERN has been promoted from as- sociate professor of zoology at the University of Rochester to professor of experimental zoology. Dr. Cart G. Hartman, of the department of embryology of the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington at Johns Hopkins University, has been ap- pointed professor of zoology and head of the de- partments of zoology and physiology at the Uni- versity of Illinois beginning September 1. Dr. JoHn B. Buck, instructor in zoology at the University of Rochester, has been promoted to an assistant professorship. Dr. E. E. REINKE, head of the Department of Biology at Vanderbilt University, has been named Chairman of the Division of Natural Sciences of the University. Dr. H. H. Proves presented a lecture at eight o'clock on Thursday evening to the class on em- bryology. He spoke on “Genes and Develop- ment.” Dr. CASWELL GRAVE will be the guest lecturer before the embryology class on Tuesday, speak- ing on “Ascidian Metamorphosis.” Guest speakers before the physiology class next week will include Dr. Samuel E. Hill, who will speak Monday on “The Action Current of Nitel- la,’ and Dr. E. S. Guzman Barron, who will lec- ture Tuesday on “Oxidation-Reduction Systems in Cellular Respiration.” Dr. WM. RANnpoLtPpH TAyLor will give a talk at the botany seminar on Thursday evening en- titled “The 1934 Allan Hancock Expedition.” Dr. Victor JoLLes died in Madison, Wiscon- sin, on July 5. He was formerly on the staff of the Kaiser Wilhelm Institute in Berlin, and later for two years (1937-1938) at the University of Wisconsin. He is well known for his work on Dauermodifikationen in Protozoa and later for work on heat-induced mutations in Drosophila. The 1941 Conference on Spectroscopy and its Applications will be held at the George Eastman Research Laboratories at the Massachusetts In- stitute of Technology from July 21 to July 23. Among the exhibits in progress at Woods Hole this week are those of the Bausch and Lomb Op- tical Company at the Coast Guard Canteen, the Clay-Adams Company at the Old Lecture Hall, and the Macmillan Company in the Lobby of the Brick Building. INTEREST Miss ELEANOR BLEVINS is being married today to Dr. Donald J. Zinn, who has worked at the Laboratory in past years, at St. Barnabas Church in Falmouth, Miss DorotHy WELLINGTON, who is doing re- search work at the Laboratory, was married on June first to Dr. K. L. Osterud at her home in Melrose, Massachusetts. Dr. Osterud, who is from Ashton, Virginia, received his doctor’s de- gree this past June from New York University, is working at the Marine Biological Laboratory this summer, and this coming academic year will teach at the University of Minnesota. Dr. DETLEV W. Bronk, director of the John- son Foundation for Medical Physics at the Uni- versity of Pennsylvania, and Dr. H. S. Gasser, Director of the Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, spent last weekend at Woods Hole. Dr. Paut A. WEIss, associate professor of zoology at the University of Chicago, visited Woods Hole on July 11 and 12. He is teaching at the University this summer. Dr. Leonor MicwHaettis left Woods Hole with his family for northern New England yesterday. Miss Louise °E. BoypEN, editorial assistant on the Biological Bulletin, returned to Woods Hole this week after a two-week trip to Maine where she visited Mrs. H. B. Neal at the Mt. Desert Biological Laboratory and afterwards stayed at Penobscott Bay. At the Dartmouth Conference, the following men were elected to the executive committee of the Society for the Study and the Development of Growth: Dr. Paul A. Weiss, chairman; Dr. K. V. Thimann, secretary; Dr. J. W. Wilson, treas- urer; Dr. B. H. Willier, Dr. O. L. Sponsler and Dr. E. W. Sinnott. The program for the weekly phonograph record concert at the M.B.L. Club next Monday is as follows: Hindemith, “Trauermusik”; Shostako- vich, “Symphony No. 1’’; intermission; Wagner, “Parsifal—Prelude and Good Friday Music’; Wagner, selections from “Gotterdammerung.” A “poverty dance’ will be held at the M.B.L. Club tonight, at which dancers will wear rag cos- tumes. The United States War Department has placed an order for 52,000 laboratory mice with the Jackson Laboratory at Bar Harbor, Maine. These mice will be used for medical purposes in the national defence program. THE COLLECTING NET [ Vou. XVI, No. 141 ITEMS OF The ketch Atlantis of the Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution sailed on July 10 for a cruise to the continental shelf just south of Georges Banks to take borings of the ocean bottom under the direction of Dr. Henry T. Stetson, research associate in paleontology at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Anatomy. Dr. Theodore White, Fred Phleger and Walter Hamilton make up the remainder of the scientific party. The ship is ex- pected to return about July 20. Early this week the power boat Anton Dohrn sailed for a routine trip under the supervision of Mr. F. Fuglister. INTEREST Dr. AND Mrs. THomAs P. HuGHEs are spend- ing the month of July in Woods Hole on their 30-foot motor cruiser anchored in the Eel Pond. Dr. Hughes is a member of the field staff of the International Health Division of the Rockefeller Foundation and for the past two and one-half years has been studying the epidemiology of yel- low fever in the Uganda Protectorate, Africa. He and Mrs. Hughes will return to Uganda for fur- ther work if war conditions permit, and plan to sail from New York on August 20. MAGNETIC MEASUREMENTS ON COMPOUNDS OF BIOLOGICAL SIGNIFICANCE (Continued from page 61) encountered in chemical compounds of biological interest. All chemical compounds with all their valences saturated, and containing only atoms with com- pleted electronic shells, are diamagnetic. There- fore the overwhelming majority of organic com- pounds is diamagnetic. The main interest lies in paramagnetic molecules. They arise under two conditions. The first case is represented by com- pounds containing atoms with uncompleted elec- tronic shells. Of these, iron is most important for the biologist. The second case is represented by chemical compounds, especially organic ones, such as possess an odd number of electrons, in other words, compounds with a free, not occupied valence, usually designated as free radicals. All organic substances that can be reversibly oxidized and reduced, develop such a free radical as an in- termediate step of oxidation-reduction. This very property produces the reversibility of oxidation- reduction, The existence of such free radicals in reversible dyestuffs such as methylene blue, pyo- cyanine, the yellow respiration ferment, has been previously demonstrated by a _ potentiometric method, surveyed last year by the author in one of the Friday-evening lectures in Woods Hole. The detection of paramagnetism during the pro- cess of reduction of such dyestuffs is another method to prove the existence of free radicals. This phenomenon is demonstrated by the lecturer in some lantern slides showing the appearance, and, later on, the disappearance, of paramagnet- ism during the process of reduction. Among the iron-containing compounds it is es- sentially hemoglobin and its derivatives which may show paramagnetism. The magnitude of the magnetic dipole moment can be utilized to eluci- date the chemical structure, especially the nature of the chemical bond between the iron atom and the surrounding complex-forming groups. Paul- ing and Coryell discovered that hemoglobin is strongly paramagnetic, whereas oxyhemoglobin is not paramagnetic at all but shows only the slight diamagnetism characteristic of all non-paramag- netic substances. The speaker extended this study to crystallized catalase from beef liver. The method had to be refined and a differential micro- method has been developed, which was in princi- ple demonstrated in lantern slides. This method showed that catalase is strongly paramagnetic, yet not quite as strongly as hemoglobin, and corre- sponding more to that of alkaline methemoglobin such as found by Pauling and Coryell. The cause of paramagnetism in free radicals is the spin of the odd electron, which is equivalent to a circular electric current. In ordinary valence- saturated molecules, the electrons are arranged in pairs, each consisting of two electrons with oppo- site spin, cancelling the magnetic effect of the spin. In molecules containing iron, the paramagnetism is due to the fact that there is an uncompleted electronic shell. In this case it is not necessarily true that the electrons are arranged in pairs with opposite spins. Some of the electrons may pos- sess spins in equal direction. In this case, the paramagnetic effect of an electron is*not cancelled but even increased, each of the electrons with parallel spins contributing its share. In other cases, the electrons may be paired. In oxyhemo- globin, all electrons are paired; hemoglobin con- tains five unpaired electrons with parallel spins. Catalase has four unpaired electrons. One should remember that the magnetic effect itself may not be of much significance, but the knowledge gained from the magnetic measurement in regard to the nature of the chemical bond will probably be of great value for the analysis of the chemical structure of such compounds. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 8.) Jury 19, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 73 PHYSIOLOGY CLASS NOTES This week Dr. Ballentine, the last member of the staff to deliver lectures, spoke on “Ultra- Micro Analyses for Biological Investigation,” “Recent Advances in Histo- and Cyto-Chemis- try,” and “Enzymes as Analytical Tools.’ Dr. M. E. Krahl was the guest lecturer on Thursday, his subject being “Interactions of Biologically Significant Substances in Surface Films.” Dr. Ballentine is reported to be suffering from writer’s cramp due to his failure to use free-arm movement while filling two blackboards with ref- erences. Tuesday’s lecture was enlivened by a rare demonstration of what almost amounted to sky-writing. The janitors having considerately sponged away his carefully written blackboard lecture supplements, Dr. Ballentine with admir- able aplomb mounted the front table and replaced them amid the cheers of the three members of the class who were awake by that time. After a week of spirited competition in the high breakage derby, your correspondent and partner were successful in carrying off the top honors. Mr. and Mrs. J. Broken Van Slyke (the J. stand- ing for Just) are now at home to visitors in Room 10. ‘ Second prize was awarded to the Limulus blood group for their successful studies of disintegra- tion processes in the Haldane-Henderson appara- tus. Individual honors were given for special effort to Herb Weiner by the contest judge, Mr. Ino Hoodonit, This week’s issue finds the class excused from formal instruction and free to pursue the bypaths of individual research. At this time next week we expect to be able to report all sorts of dis- coveries. This week’s issue also finds Dr. Fisher learn- ing to use the slide rule so that he can calculate in a hurry the results he got. The Physiology High Command in a recent communiqué announces the loss of two runs in a crucial engagement in the Park Street sector, in which a valiant stand was taken against the crew division by Gunner Bob Harrison and Field Mar- shals Ed Burns, Dr. Kempton, Dick Henry, Jim (Ersatz) Green, Dr. Kenneth (Panzer) Fisher, et al. An impressive mass demonstration was staged by a crowd of non-combatants. In other words, we had a very excellent cheering section with banners and everything. The hidden talent of one of our class members, Pat Perkins, has finally come to light in the con- tribution of the following Ode to Arbacia:— The life of a Physie Ever so busy Is incomplete Sans Arbacia neat. We praise ya, Arbacia. —Mr. and Mrs. J. B. V.S. BOTANY CLASS NOTES The halfway mark is passed; five weeks are behind us, and only one is left. What has this time been to the botany students? Weeks spent investigating the Clorophyceae—the green algae, in which chlorophyll is the dominant pigment— and the Phaeophyceae—the browns, in which the chlorophyll is masked by the accessory pigments carotin, xanthrophyll, and fucoxanthin. Now the class is studying the third big group, the Rhodo- phyceae—red algae, most colorful because of the superabundance of phycoerythrin. Studying the algae involves 8:30 lectures every morning by either Dr. Taylor or Dr. Runk. The rest of the day, to say nothing of the wee small hours of the night, is spent in lab where Mr. Gil- bert and Mr. Tseng are kept busy running from table to table, assisting in the identification of species which seem so similar to the untrained students. Each collecting trip is bound to reap several of the innumerable species of Entero- morpha and Polysiphonia, and many a student has been disappointed to find that his cherished mount of Enteromorpha minima is nothing but E. intestinalis which he found on the first trip and has mounted every time since. Dr. Taylor, how- ever, is still optimistically hoping that at least a quorum will cease trying to elevate the weed, Ceramium rubrum to a rare genus before the end of the course. A week ago Wednesday, the collecting trip was to Penikese Island, and, as usual, the Nereis left Eel Pond at 8:30 a.m., with the lazy members of the class just making it. Lucl with good weather held, so that the trip to the island and the walk around it were most enjoyable. Due to a high wind the day before, there was a rich wash of “seaweed” along the shore, with the result that many species not previously found were picked up in sorting out the drying algae. Only three pieces of the feathery Plumaria plumosa were found, however, which made the lucky finders prey to the ravenous sink-collecting scavengers that night in lab. Another rarity was the beauti- ful autumnal oak-leaved Phycodrys. All truly 74 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 141 spirited collectors had a great time getting thor- oughly soaked in grabbing for algae in the quiet second between breakers on the windward side of Penikese. Once a leper colony and formerly the original M.B.L. station, the island is inhabi- ted now by only gulls and terns, whose nests are so numerous that to cover the island without stepping on the protectively colored eggs was a real feat. Dr. F. B. Smith, agronomist and professor at the University of Florida, had charge of the Bot- any seminar last Thursday night. His lecture was on the microorganisms found in the Florida soils. In addition to generally telling about the countless and varied inhabitants of earth, he brought out the fact that their presence largely determines the quality of the soil; hence, Florida ground, which has little life per square inch as compared with that further north, is quite poor for cultivation. After the seminar, his wife served delicious date cake and whipped cream—there went the figures! —with real Chinese tea, prepared by Mr. Tseng. All-day picnics, it seems, with boats for trans- portation are apparently the vogue in this neck of the woods, but since the Botanists had already visited most of the island spots—via boat—on field trips, they made their class picnic last Tues- day a late afternoon and all-evening affair to the EMBRYOLOGY Academic Life: On Tuesday, July 8, Dr. Schotté completed his career at Woods Hole in a blaze of echinodermal glory when he discussed differentiation of chem- ical material within the egg as an example of the influence which the SO, ion has in the polarity of the egg. We are sorry that this course will no longer have the privilege of Dr. Schotté’s in- spiring lectures. This vivacious individual is planning to settle down to hard research (with no distractions) in the hills of Massachusetts. Dr. Costello opened the discussion on Annelids with a detailed description of the future of each blastomere. We were all a little relieved when the Nauplius was finally produced with its three pairs of appendages and a simple eye spot instead of the complicated cell system which preceded. On Thursday we were on the receiving end of a classical lecture by Dr. Hamburger which con- cerned primarily his own work in the field of ex- perimental Neuroembryology. Friday came cell lineage and our minds were spun with spiral cleavage. Without Ray’s beau- tifully stained slides of Crepidula cell stages we never would have been unwound. On Saturday, we had the pleasure of hearing sand dunes near Sandwich. Upon arrival, every- one went either swimming or sliding down dunes in search of wood, then spent two and a _ half hours singing around the bonfire after a huge meal. Sufficient indication that the affair was a success was the remark made by Dr. Taylor, a confirmed picnic-hater, “It wasn’t half as bad as I expected it to be!” Getting back at twelve p.m., however, had no noticeable effect on anyone but Father Stenger who failed to put in appearance by 8:30 the next morning when the Nereis set out for a collecting trip to Gay Head. As is the customary technique, the three skiff-loads of algologists waded through the wash around the Head for several hours be- fore returning to the boat for lunch. Collecting, nevertheless, was not too profitable—except to slow-pokes who still had neither Laminaria nor Cystoclonium—and though the shore waters were laden with algae, few new things were picked up. Later homeward bound, the Nereis stopped in two places to make dredgings, but, unfortunately for the vegetarians, except for a little Phyllo- phora broadaei, the total haul included only star- fish, bryozoans, shells, pebbles, and hermit crabs. In spite of this, and since it’s always fair weather when the botanists are together, no one minded much and the trip was set down as an even better one than last week’s. —J. W. and C. S. CLASS NOTES Dr. Conklin, who gave an introduction on the argument of Preformative vs. Epigenetic Devel- opment and concluded with a brilliant discussion on “The Mapping of Eggs.” This lecture was one of the outstanding features of the course and a memorable experience for us all to have had the opportunity of hearing the man who fathered the School of American Experimental Embryol- ogy. The “Friend of the Egg” amused us all with his account of the “cell lineagists” and the “egg shakers” at this Laboratory. Monday, under the guidance of Dr. Hambur- ger, the Trochophore larva was studied with an air of semiaccuracy midst a cloud of subdued pro- fanity. The little blighter twister and turned and managed to conceal all vital structures beneath yolk and array of pigment. Social Life: The high spot occurred Tuesday when one of the beautiful days, highly valued because of their rarity, called forth a group of truants who, though they departed through the back door of the lab- oratory were unable to escape the vigilance of Dr. Costello. With face wreathed in smiles the good doctor bade them farewell with a “bon voy- age’ and a mild suggestion that the laboratory be continued at sunset. —P. and K. 75 THE COLLECTING NET Jury 19, 1941 } ADIVIOLNYN Ue eT Oe | BY ANIA SVHiUWWw anv S/ auocidad Man sues LvOUWVALS OF y NOWwis avoutivya i NOIND NaZLisaMy NIQNVT NMoL dO*ddvVH NOIL ALILSNI DIHdWYDONVIADO AIOH SQD0M AW OLVYYOBVWI IW91D0701Q aniuvw NOISSIWWOD HSId Fn avn. £LSWOD NON NMOL DNIONY NMOL THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 141 N oO — The — VINEYARD SOUND Owner and Manager ! HOUSE AND ANNEX | EXHIBIT FALMOUTH HEIGHTS, MASS. July 14th to 26th L at the ' . H Old Lecture Ball —Facing the water. { —Excellent Bathing right in front of ft © H house. H of —Homelike atmosphere. SES ! —Excellent food. : SUPPLIES MODELS : —Open year round. CHARTS | —Restricted clientele. \ Ee For further information write MRS. MARY FELLOWS WATERMAN CLAY-ADAMS t22" Nev Yors.¥ Now Ready <= American Made Museum Jars Expertly Made, Well Annealed Cat. No. 6093 We NOW offer AMERICAN MADE MUSEUM JARS of the type that were heretofore available only from European sources. These jars are EXPERTLY MADE of clear smooth glass, properly proportioned for correct balance and maximum strength. After fabrication, these jars are THOROUGHLY ANNEALED to remove possible strains to avoid breakage, due to changes in temperature or shock when placed in storage. The jars are supplied with glass covers, grounded, to fit securely to the jar. A small hole is provided in the corner of the cover for any expansion or filling of jars if necessary. Twenty-seven assorted sizes to accommodate see all types ce Hee to Pe stored Size Number ..... 1 10 11 12 13 14 Outside height, cm. 5 10 i 15 15 16 a 20 20 20 22 25 25 22.5 width, em. 5 4.5 8 10.5 15 10 8 13 15 13 15 22 25 17.5 oo depth, cm. 3 3 5 9 4.5 8 10 13 5.5 10 12 SEK Goonudhaanocoo $.60 75 1.00 1.25 2:00 1.50 1335 92:00 2.20 2.25 1.75 3.50 4.25 3.00 Size Number ........... 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Outside height, cm. .... 25 26 30 30 31 34 36 42 50 40 30 65 40 ne width, cm..... 25 15 20 25 29 25 15 = =10.5 25 30 50 30 40 af depth, cm..... 14 8 TED 6 11 12 10 7.5 12 25 15 2 2 Ha. Chive seyret citrarcn tokens $5.25 2.50 6.00 5.00 8.00 6.50 4.00 5.25 18.00 18.00 19.00 28.50 21.00 STANDARD SCIENTIFIC SUPPLY CORP. Biological, Chemical and Bacteriological Apparatus, Supplies and Reagents WRITE FOR OUR BULLETINS 34 West 4th Street, New York, N. Y. FN NNN NNN NNN NNN NNNNNNNN NN NNNNNANNNNNNANNNNNAANANNNANNAN ANNAN ANNAN NANNNNN NNN NNN) PLIP LLLP LLL L LLL OP Juty 19, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 77 5000 R. P. M. on D. C. with underguard No. CT-1055 with six 15 ml. tubes loaded. 4200 R.P.M. on A. C. with same load. ADAMS ANGLE CENTRIFUGE These centrifuges offer important advantages over the conventional units. They utilize the new angle principle — the tubes being suspended at a fixed 52° angle — thus, faster sedimentation is achieved by the shorter distance particles are required to travel . . . creating mass, and reaching the bottom more quickly. When at rest, the tubes remain in the angular position and no stirring up of sediment results. CT-1000 ADAMS SENIOR SAFETY-HEAD CENTRIFUGE for SIX 15 ml. TUBES, complete with six round bottom brass shields with rubber cushions and three each graduated and ungraduated taper bottom 15 ml. glass tubes. Without Underguard ...... <3 Each $52.50 CT-1001 Same as the above but without shields or tubes) wees -.. Each $49.50 FOR MICRO and SEMIMICRO WORK — CT-1055 UNDERGUARD | tae Safety Head, made of The above Centrifuges will accommodate six 15 ml. aluminum _......... ooo sees . Each $3.50 tound bottom or taper bottom test tubes. Micro and Above Cantituges inate Univeral motors for 110-volt semimicro tubes (5 ml. to 0.5 ml.) can be accommodated AC. D.C. Th 1 es lied by purchasing extra shields, prices from 50c to 75c or current. ey can also supple each. No adapters are required. to operate on 220-volt A.C. or D.C. current. Additional Other ADAMS CENTRIFUGES and_ laboratory charge of $2.00 is made for 220-volt motors. supplies are described in cur new Catalog No. 102CN. If you do not already have a copy write for one on your letterhead please. CO., 44 East 23rd St. See our Exhibit in the Old Lecture Hall, CLAY ADAM LOSS NGS LSI NEG July 14th to 26th. In Selecting your CNew Centrifuge, CONSIDER: Its quality of material and workmanship. Actual capacities at higher speeds. Motor strength for continuous duty. Its adaptability to wide range of accessory equipment. The manufacturer’s policy in design of new equipment to fit older models. Future requirements of your laboratory. INTERNATIONAL SIZE 2 CENTRIFUGE The ‘‘size 2’’ is a very popular model due to its large overload capacity, power, protective starting device, flexible speed control and portability. Research and Control Laboratories demand this particular centrifuge because of its wide field of usefulness. NEW SPEED MEASURING DEVICE An Indicating Tachometer, especially designed for International Cen- trifuges, is now built into the Size 2 and Type SB Centrifuges. It gives at a glance the running speed of the machine at any setting on the rheostat. The new tachometer can be attached to any Size 1 (Type C or Type SB) or size 2 Centrifuge now in service. Tachometer Ask your Dealer for new ‘‘Size 2’’ Bulletin INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT COMPANY 352 Western Avenue Boston, Mass. Size 2 Centrifuge with Portable Stand - . and Indicating Tachometer Makers of Fine Centrifuges NI co THE COLLECTING NET [ Vout. XVI, No. 141 DALEY’S MRS. WEEKS’ SHOPS HOSIERY, DRY GOODS Toilet Necessities Patent Medicines and Hospital Supplies STATIONERY COSMETICS SUNDRIES Cretonne, Chintz, Lingerie POLAROID GLASSES FALMOUTH ROWE’S PHARMACY THE BELLOWS Cigarettes - Cosmetics - Magazines Mrs. Hedlund Home Remedies Falmouth Heights Road at Jericho Developing and Printing Snapshots LUNCHEON DINNER Falmouth - Woods Hole - No. Fal. For Reservations Call Falmouth 271 THE TWIN DOOR SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS Main Street staura Woods Hole Biological, Medical, Zoological, Botanical, Re etc. Complete Sets, Volumes and Odd eae Ex Special Copies. There may be some Single Copies 6 A. M. Weekly needed to complete your sets, or an Im- to . hi - 2 11:30 P. M. Rates portant Article which you may need. Prices are reasonable. Club Breakfast 7 - 9:30 B. LOGIN & SON, INC. STEAKS LOBSTERS CHICKEN 29 EAST 21st STREET NEW YORK CITY se 2, LIVING LABORATORY MATERIAL The enlarged Turtox Live Materials Laboratories insure prompt ! ! | delivery of your orders for living specimens throughout the year —regardless of weather conditions. Protozoan cultures, Hydra, Planaria, frogs, algae cultures, living plants and hundreds of other | live specimens can be shipped to you on a moment’s notice. And it ! pays to remember that Turtox guarantees living delivery to any address in the United States and Canada. GENERAL BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE Incorporated 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute Satisfaction PO) OS 0 0 0ST 0S 0 0-0 0-0 0-0 GEE) SEEDED ED CES) () D-O-D | oy cx) ° Jury 19, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 79 N ae SPENCER—the leader in still projection At the left is the 100- watt Model MK Delin- eascope for 2" x 2” black and white or color ODAY’S high standards of color projection slides. Pi A owe much to the many optical and mechanical In the center is the fan-cooled 300-watt Model MK-3, also for pany. 2" x 2" slides. At the right is the improvements originated by Spencer Lens Com- Spencer offers the utmost in brilliance and clarity 750-watt Model GK of screen images and in operating conveniences. Auditorium Delinea- or = O . . scope for 2” x 2” and The complete Spencer line includes many types of 314" x 4” slides. : ; : ae 4 te : still projectors in addition to the three pictured FROM above. Among them is one which will fit your $9950 to 216800 special requirements. Dept. U8-3 will send you detailed information upon request. Spencer Lens Company ZEEE BUFFALO, NEW YORK [ BUFFALO | ° . e+e Scientific Instrument Division of AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY Sales Offices: NewY ork, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas,;Columbus,St.Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta SO THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 141 The Strange Case of The Invisible Evidence De had struck in the night. A fleck of copper on the suspect’s knife was the only clue. But with this trifling bit of evidence alone, criminologists using the spectrograph were able to prove that the knife had cut copper. By the percentage of constituents and impurities pres- ent, they identified that fleck as having come from that specific telephone wire. The case was solyed— a murderer convicted. Dramatic as has been the record of spectrog- raphy in criminology, such spectacular feats are dimmed by the everyday accomplishments of spectrographers working in science and industry. With spectrographic equipment, metallurgists develop and.control the metal alloys now so vital to our national defense. In the food and chemical industries, spectrography stands guard against contamination and adulterating impurities. Today, Bausch & Lomb optical instruments provide science, industry and education with the precision tools of their trade. The eighty-eight years’ experience of Bausch & Lomb serves Amer- ica in the development and manufacture of fine optical equipment, not only vital in national defense but also essential in normal, everyday living. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. * ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION. Annual Subscription, $2.00 Vol. XVI, No. 5 SATURDAY, JULY 26, 1941 ae Chae eae STORAGE AND DISTRIBUTION OF MAN- GANESE IN OSTREA VIRGINICA Dr. Paut S. GALTSOFF U. S. Fishery Biological Laboratory THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MELANO- PHORE SYSTEM IN BONY FISHES Dr. GEorGE HowArRD PARKER Professor of Zoology, Emeritus Harvard University The common eastern catfish, Ameturus nebulo- sus, can vary in color from pale yellowish green to coal black. This color change, which depends upon the melanophores in the skin of this fish, is excited through at least three recep- tors, the dorsal retina, the ven- tral retina, and the skin. The color changes in CF e Mapping of Eggs, Dr. E ois ee Botany Class Notes ..........c0:cccsseesees . 92 The Rectifying Property of the Giant Axon of Embryology Class Notes . 93 the Squid, Drs. R. Guttman and K. S. Cole.. 86 Supplementary Directory for 1941 .......0.0000.. 94 ule] ydesor ‘tassorg ppeT “‘O Aq ‘“Wedaeg “Y Anyyy “Aq ‘uesqy pareyory ‘Aiuey paleyory ‘UoOstaIe yy “M WOqGoY ‘209 “M Yodteperg “ap ‘suing paempy “f¢ “TYsty “O Yyyouuey “Aq ‘2301 "Y uyor ‘WIN|[quesoy ouedny ‘sqoovr your :MOI yorg PUIS WL A “Ad “ourjuer[eg weqoy “1d ‘uojdwey *L ydjopny “aq ‘zue107 “g diplyg ‘uewareuUIZ a310ey ‘u1s49 “Y ydesor “rp ‘uUOSeT[OY UBound “ ‘IoulOM “I JoqtoAH 2 MOI PAY, ‘UBUIIVE, YURI ‘tozeoy “G WRIT, ‘Wooly “My Soler ‘orld, y “H UUeTX ‘2uredeyog paieudeg ‘UOp1or ploleyE 2 MOT puodsg ‘AIUey ouep ‘apn, voueysuog “YT ‘dnasoq yyltduy ‘sulyted “f Bloliyed ‘IOSSO[YOS “qd VepyY :MOA JUOIY IP6L ‘AUOLVUOAVI TVOIDOIOIN ANIUVW AHL LV ASHNOD AVO'TIOISAHd AHL dO SLNAGALS GNV dHiVLS Jury 26, 1941 ] 3000 bushels of oysters planted on this area rep- resented a homogenous population from which for a period of about 3 years random samples were taken at bi-weekly intervals. Each sample con- sisted of ten oysters which were opened, weighed and placed in an oven for drying within three hours after they were taken out of water. Employing the procedure recommended by Richards (The Analyst, 1930, 55:554) the sam- ples were analyzed for Mn and other metals. The results revealed great regularity in seasonal varia- tions of the manganese content of these samples. The lowest concentration of Mn (between 7 and 11 mg. p.k.d.w.) occurred during cold months (November-April) whereas the highest concen- trations (between 35 and 55 mg. p.k.d.w.) coin- cided with warm seasons (May-August). A study of the sexual cycle of the oyster shows that during the latter period gonads undergo rapid development and the mollusks reach sexual ma- turity. Following the discharge of sex cells the Mn curve rapidly drops to its minimum. The regularity of the Mn-curve suggests that accumu- lation of this metal is somehow associated with the sexual phase of the oyster. This view is cor- roborated by the analysis of separated tissues of the oyster. For this determination samples each comprising 10 or 20 female or male oysters were prepared by excising the mantle, gills, gonad, muscle and visceral mass. The latter part always contained a small amount of gonad tissues which could not be completely removed. It has been found that ovaries had highest Mn content. vary- THE COLLECTING NET 83 ing from 51 to 59.6 mg. p.k.d-w. On the other hand the testes were very poor in Mn, having only from 4.6 to 7.3 mg. p.k.d.w. In the gills the Mn varied from 17 to 18 mg. p.k. in winter and from 35 to 38.6 in summer. In the visceral mass the Mn varied from 8.9 to 18.4 mg. p.k. and in the adductor muscle its content in July was 4.3 to 5.2 mg. p.k. and 4.1 to 9.3 in January. The mantle had a Mn-content of 8.7 mg. in January and from 14.2 to 17.0 mg. p.k.d.w. in September. Since the ovarv is obviously the principal organ in which the Mn is stored, it is reasonable to con- clude that higli content of this metal in mixed samples is primarily due to the presence of ripe females. The Mn cycle in Ostrea virginica is ob- viously associated with the development of the fe- male phase. The exact role of this metal in the metabolism of this mollusk and its possible effect on sex change is not known. It is reasonable to expect, however, that being a strong catalyst, its presence in the ripe female has physiological sig- nificance which we hope will be elucidated by our further experiments. Large quantities of Mn were found by Bradley in fresh water mussels (J. B. Ch. 1907 and 1910, V. 3 and 8) and Dubuisson et Van Heuverswyn (Arch. d. Biol., 1930, 41) have shown that in ‘Anodonta cygnea it is principally stored in the internal demibranchs. Its physiological role in mussels is not known. (This article is based upon a seminar ieport pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 15.) THE MAPPING OF EGGS Dr. E. G. CONKLIN Emeritus Professor of Biology, Princeton University (Continued from last issue) I have spoken about embryologists who believed in extreme epigenesis, under the influence of vis directrix or entelechy. But coincident with their work was that of others who found that the egg and its blastomeres were not isotropic and equi- potential. In 1874, the same year in which Alex- ander Goette published his work on the toad’s egg, Wilhelm His studied the hen’s egg and con- cluded that the surface of the blastoderm could be mapped, certain portions being destined to give rise to the head and others to other parts of the embryo, that is, that the egg could be mapped into Organbildende Keimbezirke, organ-building germ regions. In 1877 Professor Whitman, afterwards the first director of this Laboratory, published his doctoral thesis on the embryology of Clepsine. While it was a little crude as compared with some of our modern work, it was very carefully done. He found that individual blastomeres gave rise to particular parts of the embryo, and he said that while the embryo is not predelineated in the egg, all its parts are predetermined. In 1879 Carl Rabl studied the embryology of Planorbis and found that individual cells gave rise to particular parts of the embryo. Edward van Beneden in 1884 did the same thing for the as- cidian egg, pointing out that the very first cleav- THE CoLLecTING NET was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Single copies, 30e by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 84+ THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 142 age is in the plane of bilateral symmetry, one blas- tomere giving rise to the right half of the body and the other to the left. That was an important discovery, to find bilateral symmetry established at this early stage. In 1887, a young French student, Louis Chab- ry, studied the ascidian egg, following the meth- ods of Driesch. He found that one of the first two blastomeres gave rise to half a larva. Driesch maintained that it was a whole larva, but his pic- tures of ascidian larvae were very crude and in- conclusive. In 1888 Wilhelm Roux stated that the frog’s egg from the four-celled stage on is a “mosaic work”, each of these portions giving rise to a quarter of the adult. Professor Wilson, in a paper which he first gave as a lecture here at the Lab- oratory and published in 1893 under the title, “Amphioxus and the Mosaic Theory of Develop- ment,” criticized this theory. Some person thought that this was the theory of Moses, the author of Pentateuch. In 1892 Wilson published his “Cell Lineage of Nereis,” one of the great classics of embryology. In 1890 and 1891 he did this research at this Lab- oratory. At the same time I was occupying the Johns Hopkins Table at the Fish Commission and was working on the Embryology of Crepidula, but had never met Wilson and knew nothing of his work on Nereis. Wilson heard of what I was doing and one Sunday morning he came over to see my drawings of Crepidula and to show me his of Nereis. I shall never forget our excitement. He had found, as I had, that there were three groups of cells that came off from the macro- meres, that these gave rise to the whole of the ectoderm, and that the very next division of one of these macromeres gave rise to the mesoderm of the body. Here were two animals belonging to phyla as far apart as the annelids and the gas- tropods that gave rise to embryos in an exactly similar way. So we came to the conclusion that seemed necessary in those days, that there must be some phylogenetic relationship, that they came from common ancestors. If homologies are evi- dences of common descent, why should this not be true of cells as well as of organs? Thus arose at Woods Hole the cult of cell lineage, including be- sides Wilson and myself, Lillie, Mead, Holmes, Treadwell, Surface and a number of others who were finding individual blastomeres destined to give rise to particular parts of an animal. But at the same time this was going on, the cult of “egg-shakers” became prominent at Woods Hole. This was about the same time that Driesch had broken eggs apart and found that each blas- tomere gave rise to an entire organism. Morgan was going about the laboratory shaking eggs in test-tubes. Morgan, Loeb, Child and others had all found, as Driesch did, that fragments gave rise to whole animals. who is telling the truth? Apparently what was true of annelids and gas- tropods was not true of echinoderms; conse- quently I proposed the terms “determinate” and “indeterminate” cleavage for these two types. Later work shows that this is not a very useful or accurate distinction. The fact is that all eggs are partly determinate; at least. we now know from the work of Horstadius and others that this is true of echinoderms. In the case of the determinate eggs, they also have a certain amount of power of regulation. Consequently the difference is one of degree. One is relatively more regulative and the other is relatively more fixed. I found, for example, that ascidian eggs are highly mosaic, in consequence very definitely determinate, but in the case of Amphioxus, one-half of the egg will give rise to a whole animal, of half the size but beautifully developed. But if Amphioxus blasto- meres are separated in the four-cell stage, right or left halves will give rise to a whole larva, but anterior or posterior halves will not; the anterior half-embryo would have the notochord and the neural plate but not the mesoderm. In the two- cell stage, each half has all the substances that are found in the other half and it needs only to close up the injured side by regulation to give rise to a whole embryo. The fact is that we are here dealing with a phenomenon that is wide spread throughout the animal kingdom, namely, regeneration, and the beliefs of the egg-shakers in this early period that because you could get a whole larva out of half or a quarter of an egg, that cells were therefore undifferentiated, had about as good a foundation as the view that be- cause you can get a whole Hydra or Planaria or Annelid from a part of an animal, that therefore these animals are undifferentiated. Driesch said that it was impossible to conceive of any machine that could be broken up in the three dimensions of space and the fragments re- main capable of producing whole machines, and he claimed that the egg could be broken up and each part then grow into a whole animal; there- fore he considered that the mechanistic theory of development was false. He did not sufficiently realize that living things are much more complex than a watch. In each cell there is a nucleus which is undifferentiated, which can in some cases remould the cytoplasm so as to bring about res- toration of missing parts, because there is here a machine inside the machine, there is the outer machine which is the cytoplasm and there is the inner machine which is the nucleus, and as long as the nucleus is not broken up we may get re- generation. Well, this all leads to the point toward which I have been aiming, namely that differentiation in development takes place in the cytoplasm. There So the question arose, Jury 26, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 85 is no differentiation in the nucleus. In some way the nucleus does control differentiation in the cy- toplasm; we know enough about what is happen- ing in the egg to recognize some of the steps in the nuclear control of the cytoplasm. In the case of many of the eggs you have been studying in this course you have found that dur- ing mitosis the nuclear membrane disappears and there is left in the cell body the relatively small chromosomes and a large amount of granular achromatic material which came out of the nu- cleus. The chromosomes then swell up and form chromosomal vesicles, and as the swelling goes on they get larger and larger, filling up with ma- terial taken from the cytoplasm until they form the large resting nucleus within which new chro- mosomes appear. At each division a large amount of achromatic material is set free into the cell body. I have followed this achromatic nuclear material in Crepidula up to the twenty-four cell stage and it always goes to that part of each cell which is nearest to the polar bodies; here it re- mains as granular material and ultimately cilia de- velop right over these granules. Thus we get dif- ferentiation from material which came from the nucleus and mixed with material in the cytoplasm. In this way differentiation occurs in the cyto- plasm as a result of this ‘diastole’ (swelling) of the nucleus and its “systole”, when it breaks and releases material into the cell body. A certain amount of this interchange between nucleus and cytoplasm must take place in the absence of mito- sis, but in mitosis you can see it most clearly. In this way differentiation in the cytoplasm comes under the control of the nucleus. The localization of these different cytoplasmic substances in different cells and in different parts of the embryo is always a moving and in some cases a striking phenomenon. Eggs in which movements are rapid are most favorable. I don't know whether the Styela eggs are as good this year as they sometimes are. If you get animals which have a lot of orange color in the body, you will find that the eggs will have a large amount of that orange pigment and then you can see the sorts of things which are shown in this chart. In the early stages the pigment is scattered over the surface of the egg. Immediately after fertiliza- tion, this surface layer flows down to the point where the spermatozoon has entered. This ma- terial containing the yellow pigment then flows to the posterior side of the egg where it forms a crescent which gives rise to mesoderm. Another crescent of light gray material around the anter- ior side of the egg gives rise to the notochord and the neural plate. Between these crescents on the ventral side is the material of the ectoderm, on the dorsal side that of the endoderm. A similar mapping of the egg is found in Amphioxus and Amphibia. Regulation in the case of isolated blastomeres of these eggs depends to a certain extent, at least, upon the fluidity of their cyto- plasm. The late Dr. E. P. Lyon in 1906 used a centri- fuge in some physiological work which he was doing here, and he tried it on sea urchin eggs and found that he could stratify the substances of the egg. This was a new instrument for studying the substances of eggs. Morgan and Lyon in the following year tried this out on eggs of the sea urchin and Cumingia, and they found that irre- spective of where the pigment and yolk went, the embryo was perfectly formed. The conclusion was that these egg substances were not morpho- genetic. I centrifuged ascidian eggs and found that I could throw the yellow pigment, which is the lightest substance in the egg, to almost any point and still get normal development, so that this pig- ment is not morphogenetic. The muscles which normally contain this pigment will form when it is lacking; however when I centrifuged much harder, I found that I did dislocate materials that were morphogenetic, and then I could get animals with the muscles and chorda outside the body, with the ectoderm inside, with the eye spots inside or outside the body, indeed could bring about an abnormal distribution of the organs of the body by bringing about this abnormal distribution of morphogenetic substances in the unsegmented egg. When these substances of the ascidian egg are displaced by high centrifugal force, they pro- duce what Virgil in the Aeneid called membra disjecta, organs scattered around in various ways out of position. I take this as evidence of the fact that we have morphogenetic substances in these eggs. No one has ever questioned the fact that the cytoplasm of the cells of the liver is different from that in the ganglion cells. The question is how early in the development can you find such differences, and I find that certain differences can be carried back to the one- or two-celled stage. Amphioxus eggs are just as plainly mapped-out as are those of ascidians There is here also a mesodermal crescent around the posterior half of the egg and a chorda-neural crescent around the anterior half, an endodermal area on the dorsal side and an ectodermal one on the ventral-anter- ior side. A similar mapping of the Amphibian egg is seen after fertilization in the “gray cres- cent”’ (chorda-neural) around the anterior side and a mesodermal crescent around the posterior. Yung has carried the mapping of these eggs much farther by locating on the egg the presumptive areas of all the principal organs of the embryo, but these areas are not generally marked out by visibly different kinds of ooplasm as is the case with the two crescents and the ectodermal and endodermal areas. In 1901 Boveri found that soon after the fer- 86 THE COLLECTING NET tilization of the egg of the sea-urchin, Strongylo- centrotus, a pigmented zone forms just below the equator. Below this pigmented zone is a clear area which gives rise to the four micromeres which form mesenchyme, the pigmented zone forms endoderm, while the area above the pig- ment becomes ectoderm. The three “germinal layers,’ ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm, are mapped out in this egg before cleavage begins. The localization of morphogenetic substances in Annelids and Molluscs differs from that in Echin- oderms, but in many respects resembles that in Amphioxus and Ascidians. The mesoderm comes chiefly from an area on the posterior side of the egg, while the ectoderm comes from the area around the animal pole and the endoderm from the vegetal portion of the egg. In some of the hydro-medusae (e.g., Linerges) a concentric localization of substances in the egg is visible at an early stage, and in normal develop- ment the outer layer forms ectoderm, the inner, endoderm. In all phyla there is a polar differentiation of the egg before fertilization, the upper or animal pole, at which the polar bodies form, giving rise later to the ectoderm, while the endoderm usual- ly comes from materials of the opposite or vegetal pole. The axis connecting these poles bears a characteristic relation in different phyla to the chief axis of the developed animal. In some eggs bilateral symmetry or asymmetry is plainly vis- ible before cleavage. And in a few favorable eggs even the location of the materials of particular organ-systems such as nervous system and sense organ, muscles and mesenchyme, notochord and endoderm are mapped out on the egg in areas of different colors or textures. In conclusion, the egg is a living organism and its differentiations are the beginnings of the dif- THE RECTIFYING PROPERTY OF [ Vor. XVI, No. 142 ferentiations of the embryo and adult. Its polar- ity, symmetry and pattern give rise to those of the developed animal. This much of pre-formation of the future animal is present at the beginning of development. But the further details of develop- ment are the results of progressive differentiation resulting from the interaction of nucleus and cy- toplasm. The nucleus is the seat of the inheri- tance genes, the cytoplasm of all the differentia- tions of development. The differentiations of the cytoplasm begin at different stages and reach different degrees in dif- ferent species and classes of animals, but always some differention begins before the fertilization of the egg. Therefore, the egg contributes more to development than the sperm does. The differ- entiations of the spermatozoon, i.e., acrosome, middle piece, tail, are lost after it enters the egg, but the differentiations of the egg persist. The spermatozoon reaches the end of its development before it is ready to enter the egg, but the egg reaches the end of its development only with the fully-formed animal. An egg can develop into an adult without the stimulus or contribution of a sperm, but no one has ever been able to get spermatozoon to develop apart from an egg. We derive more from our mothers than from our fathers. We are vertebrates because our mothers were vertebrates and produced eggs of the verte- brate pattern, but the color of our skin and eyes and hair and other features of later development are determined by the chromosomes from the sperm as well as those from the egg. The egg only undergoes embryonic differentiation. I am still “the friend of the egg.” (This article is based upon a lecture delivered before the Embryology Class at the Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory on July 12.) THE GIANT AXON OF THE SQUID Drs. Rita GUTTMAN AND KENNETH S. COLE College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University The permeability of a living membrane to ions may be expected to be proportional to its electri- cal conductivity, since both of these properties depend upon the ease with which ions may pass through the membrane. On passing an electric current through a living membrane, one finds that the electrical conductiv- ity is greater under the cathode and less under the anode than normal. It has been assumed that the ion permeability is correspondingly increased un- der the cathode and decreased under the anode. If the electrical conductivity or resistance (elec- trical conductivity is the reciprocal of electrical resistance) thus varies under the electrodes, the living membrane cannot be said to follow Ohm’s Law. Ohm’s Law states that the current is pro- portional to the voltage in a conductor over a wide range of voltages and currents, and the fac- tor of proportionality may be termed the resis- tance, i.e. E | where E represents electromotive force in volts, I represents current in amperes, and R is the re- sistance in ohms. According to Ohm’s Law, then, the resistance of a conductor should be the same under the elec- | Jury 26, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 87 trodes regardless of the magnitude of the cur- rent and regardless of the direction of the cur- rent but it has been found not to hold for the liv- ing membrane of the squid axon. Since the mem- brane of the squid axon permits current to pass more easily in one direction (outward), than in the other (inward), it is a rectifier rather than a pure resistance. In two papers published in March, Cole, Baker and Curtis demonstrated rectification in the squid axon, using alternating current bridge methods and the needle electrode technique. These papers show that the previous failure of Cole and Hodg- kin to observe rectification in this axon was due to the facts that only small currents had been used and that the effect under the anode was approxi- mately equal and opposite to the effect under the cathode, thus neutralizing it. In the work here reported, which was done at Woods Hole last summer, rectification was ob- served in the squid axon directly by means of a much simpler technique involving a direct current Wheatstone bridge. One end of the fiber was im- mersed in sea water, the interelectrode stretch was in oil and the other end of the fiber was injured by dipping it into KCl, so that a current travelling through the fiber passed across only one mem- brane. Thus neutralization of rectification under one electrode by rectification under the other was avoided. The resistance of the fiber was measured dur- ing the passage of currents of varying magni- tudes. The direction of the current was reversed at every reading thus minimizing polarization of the fiber membrane. Currents were sent in for short times only, and considerable and equal time intervals elapsed between readings, so that even though currents considerably above rheobase were often used, the condition of the fiber did not change materially over long periods of time. Dur- ing a run there were frequent returns to a refer- ence EMF value so that any shifting of resistance values with time and with temperature changes could be compensated for in the calculations. The measuring technique used in these experi- ments has certain advantages. It is simple. It permits one to use an axon immediately after dis- section. On the other hand, runs take about twenty minutes. The immediate problem is to speed up the measurements. Simultaneous readings on excitability, resting potentials and rectification were made on single fibers as the fibers died. As the fiber dies not only does excitability disappear and the resting potential approach zero, but rectification, also, is gradually lost. The completely dead nerve fiber membrane acts like a pure resistance rather than a rectifier. Progressive and partially reversible loss of rec- tification also accompanies narcotization of the nerve fiber with cocaine or veratrine sulphate. The measurements show then that rectification is lost when the nerve fiber becomes inexcitable, when it dies, when it is anesthetized. Rectifica- tion thus seems to be associated somehow with the normal functioning of nerve. Impedance and membrane potential measure- ments indicate that the rectifier effect is situated in the membrane, and it seems reasonable to as- sume that membrane conductance is a measure of ion permeability. These rectification measure- ments then indicate that there is an increased ion permeability under a cathode and a decreased ion permeability under an anode. Interpreting in a similar manner the results of Ebbecke obtained on frog nerve, we find large permeability changes at both anode and cathode, superimposed upon which there was a small permeability difference between anode and cathode regions. Blinks also studied rectification in the giant plant cell, Valonia. In conclusion, rectification may assist in ex- plaining various puzzling alternating current phenomena in nerve, such as change in membrane potential during the passage of an alternating current, the delay of excitation with alternating currents, alternating current block, alternating current break excitation, the time of rise of elec- trotonus being more rapid at the cathode than at the anode. However, an explanation of rectifica- tion, itself, is not as yet available. The explana- tion of rectification will probably also be an ex- planation of the mechanism of the ion permeabil- ity of the membrane. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 8.) THE DISTRIBUTION AND DEVELOPMENT OF THE MELANOPHORE HORMONE IN THE PITUITARY OF THE CHICK Dr. H. RAHN Instructor in Zoology, The intermedin hormone or the melanophore dispersing principle is commonly derived from the pars intermedia of the typical vertebrate pituitary gland. In the birds, however, this hormone pre- sents a peculiar problem, because a structural pars intermedia is absent. Furthermore, its effect upon the bird melanophore or any other function University of Wyoming it may have in the bird or mammal has not been demonstrated. However, this hormone is present in considerable quantities in the chicken pituitary gland as tested by its pigment dispersing qualities in lower vertebrates. It is therefore not to be re- garded as a hormone that has lost its function in the warm blooded animals, but very probably 88 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 142 plays an entirely different role which still awaits discovery. Such a change in hormone function during the course of phylogenetic development must be kept in mind, since, for example, the pro- lactin hormone of the pituitary has been demon- strated to exert widely different effects in the various vertebrate groups. In amphibia, this hor- mone seems to induce the migration urge of the land newt to seek a water environment, in the bird it acts directly on the crop gland of the pig- eon, and in the mammal it is concerned with milk secretion in the mammary gland. The more immediate attack upon the melano- phore hormone problem as presented here may be outlined as follows: (1) where is this hormone found in the absence of a structural pars inter- media? and (2) does a study of the formation of this hormone during development give us any pos- sible clue to its function? Morphology of the bird pituitary. At the time this work was begun the presence or absence of a pars intermedia in the bird was still debated. A detailed cytological study of the development of the chicken pituitary gland revealed, however, that at no time during ontogeny or later on could such a structure be demonstrated. Furthermore there did not exist any connection between the infundi- bular process of the diencephalon and the glandu- lar portion, the pars buccalis. In the typical ver- tebrate there is an intimate connection between these two components contributed by the presence of a pars intermedia. Since the case of the chicken might possibly represent a specialized type (as has been found in some mammals which have no pars intermedia) a comparative study was under- taken to see how widespread this morphological peculiarity is. Altogether 18 species were studied, representing 12 families and five orders. They all revealed a pituitary construction identical in pat- tern to the one found in the chicken. Distribution of the hormone. The infundibular process had for a long time been suspected in higher forms to yield at least part of the melano- phore hormone, since it was never possible to separate it completely from the closely applied pars intermedia. In the chicken this separation is normally present and tests revealed that no melanophore hormone could be found in this nervous component. This then suggested that the pars anterior is entirely responsible for hormone production and it became of interest to find out just where it was found within the glandular com- ponent. From a phylogenetic standpoint one might expect it to reside in the region nearest the infundibular process. Quantitative assays, how- ever, revealed that it is found in all regions, but is 20 times more concentrated in the region fur- thest removed from the nervous lobe. After ascertaining the distribution of this hor- mone within the gland, the next problem con- cerned itself with the quantitative assay of the melanophore hormone during ontogeny. Prelim- inary tests and observations on amphibian larvae revealed that not only is hormone present in the pituitary, but also functioning in melanophore dispersion at an extremely early age. Histologi- cal sections revealed a very much undifferentiated pituitary gland. This rather unusual situation prompted a similar and more detailed investiga- tion in the chick pituitary, since in this form the cytological differentiation had been worked out. Assay Method. For the quantitative determin- ation of the melanophore hormone the Anolis liz- ard was employed. This animal exhibits most striking color changes, from a bright green to a dark brown. The metachrosis is produced by the concentration and dispersion of pigment in the melanophores and is regulated by the melanophore hormone of the pituitary gland. When the pitui- tary complex is removed the animal is perma- nently green and becomes very sensitive to this hormone. In fact 1/10,000 of mg of dried bird pituitary tissue will evoke a darkening response. The degree of darkening is proportional to the hormone concentration injected into such a hypo- physectomized animal and four successive stages of darkening from bright green to dark brown have been assigned arbitrary values of stages 1-4. For the actual test a known fraction of the pitui- tary gland is injected into ten operated animals and their average color response recorded as 1, 2, 3, or 4. From several such determinations the exact concentration can be calculated which will evoke precisely a color response of stage 1. This concentration of hormone is then designated as 1 A(nolis) U(nit). (Anat. Rec., 76, 157). Hormone genesis. By this method the melano- phore hormone was determined for various age groups. The first qualitative test was obtained on the fifth day of incubation, that is five days before the first visible signs of cytological differentiation in the pars anterior. From the seventh day on enough hormone for quantitative assays could be found. The general results throughout develop- ment are tabulated below. The adult gland con- Age in days A.U. per gland A.U. per 100 y of tissue 5 present 7 0.2 — 9 0.8 — 12 5.0 9 15 11.0 13 21 (hatching) 90.0 60 49 166.0 56 adult 909.0 Wa tains about 900 A.U. which means that one gland has enough melanophore hormone to darken 900 hypophysectomized lizards to stage 1. It is of interest to note the second column which shows the A.U. per unit weight of tissue. It may be Jury 26, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 89 seen that the concentration of the hormone per unit mass does not increase after hatching. All apparent increase can be accounted for by the growth of the gland. It seems to suggest that cell for cell the pituitary reaches its peak of pro- duction at the time of hatching and maintains it there. But of even greater interest is the early appear- ance of the melanophore hormone during develop- ment. From analagous observations in the am- phibian it may very possibly be in circulation by the sixth day of incubation. Other hormones which function early in development is the thyroid stimulating factor of the pituitary, but it appears on the 11th day of incubation and the gonadotro- pic factors are probably not needed until later in development. Thus the extremely early appear- ance of the melanophore hormone suggests that its stimulation may be a very general, possibly a metabolic one. Another aspect of this problem concerns itself with the interpretation of cytological differentia- tion. Here we have evidence of hormone forma- tion and, at least in the amphibian, of hormone release long before we can detect or suspect such changes by histological methods. Such circum- stances must question the reliability of cytological interpretation of glandular function in embryonic tissues. (This work was done in collaboration with Dr. Painter, Dr. Kleinholz and Mr. Drager. This article is based upon a seminar report presented at the Marine Biclogical Laboratory on July 22.) THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MELANOPHORE SYSTEM IN BONY FISHES (Continued from page 81) upward therefrom, some enters the eye, passes obliquely upward through that structure and thus reaches the dorsal retina. This reflected light is the significant light in exciting blanching as dem- onstrated in several other fishes than the catfish by Sumner, Hogben, and especially by Butcher. That this is so can be shown in several ways. When a fish is illuminated by light which is thrown exclusively from below so that nothing in the eye except the dorsal retina is effectively il- luminated, the animal will blanch. If the dorsal retina is first destroyed and the eye is then illum- inated from below, no blanching will occur. Fur- ther, if the eye is rotated on its axis through 180 degrees so that the dorsal retina comes to lie ven- trally, blanching occurs only when light reaches this transposed dorsal organ. Thus blanching oc- curs only when the dorsal retina is illuminated and is best seen when this part of the eye is the exclusive recipient of light. Blanching, however, will take place when light reaches the ventral re- tina as well as the dorsal one but the change is not so complete as when this agent impinges ex- clusively on the dorsal retina. From the dorsal retina nerve tracts pass through the central nervous organs and over the autonomic system from which they finally emerge as adrenergic fibers whose terminals are in close proximity to the melanophores. The adrenaline discharged at these terminals (Chang, Hsieh and Lu; and Parker) induces the concentration of melanophore pigment whereby the fish is made to blanch. Such a system of fibers may be designated as a retino-adrenergic arc. The blood of a fully pale catfish when injected into other catfishes either pale or dark will cause no change in their tints. Hence the blood of such fishes must be devoid of any physiological traces of the melanophore-expanding principle of the pituitary gland, intermedine; in other words the activity of this gland appears to be inhibited in the pale state of the fish. It is therefore probable that the dorsal retina not only excites impulses to blanching over the retino-adrenergic arc but also other impulses that check intermedine. The nerve tracts from the dorsal retina to the pituitary gland over which these impulses pass, if this is a nerv- ous operation, may be called collectively the reti- no-pituitary inhibition arc. The dark phase of the catfish involves the two receptors, the ventral retina and the skin, and is best seen when the fish is on an illuminated black background. The action of the ventral retina is most conveniently studied in hypophysectomized fishes. The eyes of such a fish on a black back- ground illuminated from above receive light only on the ventral retina. This light is light direct from the source of illumination. In this case there is no reflected light to pass to the dorsal re- tina, for such light as would be reflected is ab- sorbed by the black background. The ventral re- tina thus excited gives rise to nerve impulses that pass through the central nervous organs and out over autonomic tracts to the melanophores. These tracts contain the cholinergic fibers which dis- charge acetylcholine and thus induce a dispersion of melanophore pigment. This dispersion is, how- ever, only about half that of which the melano- phore is capable as was first shown by Osborn. It may be completed by injecting intermedine into the fish. The tracts that reach from the ventral retina to the melanophores may be designated the retino-cholinergic arc. The second receptor concerned with the dark- ening of the catfish is the skin. This fact can best be demonstrated in eyeless fishes. Pale catfishes, catfishes of intermediate tint, and dark catfishes if completely enucleated and immediately put into perfect darkness, retain their original tint without change for many days. When brought out of darkness and into the light they quickly become (Continued on page 93) 90 IMENS, COMLIRCMUNG, INI [ Vor. XVI, No. 142 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 28, 1938. M.B.L. CLUB NOTES The second “Mixer” of the season will be held this evening, beginning at 8:30 P. M. Designed primarily to help the newly arrived students in invertebrate zoology to meet other biologists at Woods Hole, the Mixer will consist of a social hour, followed by dancing in which the Paul Jones and other dances will help to “mix”’ people. An unusual feature of the decorations will be aquaria with living animals generously provided by the Supply Department. Refreshments will be served. Name cards, with students’ names let- tered on them, are being made by a committee consisting of Mary Chamberlain, Dr. Perry Gil- bert and Dr. James Goldinger. The Annual Meeting of the M.B.L. Club was held Monday evening at 7 P. M. Mr. C. L. Claff was reelected President of the Club; Dr. Sears Crowell, who had been Secretary-Treasurer, was made Vice-President; and Mrs. Elsa Keil Sichel was elected Secretary-Treasurer. Mr. F. M. MacNaught was elected Trustee on behalf of the Club, and Dr. E. R. Clark was made Trustee on behalf of the Laboratory. Reports were presented for the House Committee by Mrs. Karl Wilbur, its chairman, and for the Social Committee by Mrs. T. H. Bullock. The Constitution of the Club was amended to provide for a sinking fund for repairs to the Club House. The ‘Poverty Dance” held at the Club House last Saturday night was thoroughly enjoyed and well attended. Persons attending were dressed in old and bizarre costumes, and prizes were award- ed for the best outfits; an entertainment program was presented which was followed by square dancing. The committee to judge the costumes, consisting of Dr. W. W. Ballard, Dr. James Goldinger, Miss Mary Chamberlain and Mr. Ar- thur Woodward, awarded prizes to the following persons: Mrs. Sears Crowell, for the most beau- tiful costume, Mrs. Karl Wilbur, for the most un- usual costume, with honorable mention to L. Gilman, and Mr. C. L. Claff, for the ‘‘stupidest” costume. Entertainment, under the direction of J. P. Trinkaus, was presented with Teru Hayashi as master of ceremonies. The program opened with songs by the ‘Embryology Trio,” composed of Tom Morgan, tenor, Irving Plough, baritone, and Jack Gross, bass. Then came the “Three Blind Lice,” consisting of Hermann Rahn, Mrs. Jean- ette Renshaw, and Bob Knapp; songs by Arlene Mothes; a jitterbug dance by Dick and Jane Henry; and a skit in which Frank Hartman, Bob Harrison and J. P. Trinkaus took part. The Decorations Committee consisted of Miss Mary Chamberlain, Mrs. C. L. Claff, Mrs. Lau- rence Hobson, Miss Marilyn Bosworth, and Miss Marion Davis. The refreshments were in charge of Mrs. Wilbur. Folk dancing is being revived at the Club this year under the direction of Dr. S. E. Pond. The first meeting was held Wednesday night. Dancing is scheduled to take place on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 P. M. Play for the annual ping-pong tournament at the Club will start on Monday, August 11. All persons interested should see Teru Hayashi for details. The ping pong table will be available until that date for training and practice. The program for the weekly phonograph record concert at the M.B.L. Club next Monday is as follows: Resnichek, ‘‘Overture to Donna Diana” ; Schumann, “Concerto in A for Piano and Orches- tra’; intermission; Mozart, ‘Symphony No. 40”; Sibelius, “Finlandia.” Dr. Henry B. BiGELow, curator of oceanog- raphy at the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard University, was awarded the honorary degree of Doctor of Science at the commencement exercises at Yale University on June 18. He was formerly director of the Woods Hole Oceano- graphic Institution and is now one of its trustees. Dr. Roserr CusHMAN Murpuy, curator of oceanographic birds at the American Museum of Natural History, received the honorary degree of Doctor of Science from Brown University on June 16. Dr. Murphy lectured at the Marine Biological Laboratory in 1937 on “The Gates of the Antarctic.” CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: Date PNSW I 1E% Wile utlve 25: een eee S427 July 26 Hey sil July 27 640 6:58 July 28 7:25 7:48 July 29 8:13 8:40 July 30 9:04 9:36 July 31 2 9258 OES6 August 1 LORS l38 In each case the current changes approxi- mately six hours later and runs from the Sound to the Bay. | Jury 26, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 91 ITEMS OF The formal classwork for students in inverte- brate zoology at the Marine Biological Laboratory began on Friday morning when Dr. Waterman lectured on protozoa. They registered and had their desks assigned to them during the previous afternoon. On Thursday evening the director of the course, Dr. T. Hume Bissonnette, met the class to give them an introductory talk concerning matters of general interest. Dr. Perry W. Gilbert, instructor in zoology at Cornell University, has replaced Dr. Samuel A. Matthews as junior instructor. The laboratory assistant this year is Dr. J. W. Bowen, assistant professor of zoology at the University of North Carolina. Fifty-five students—the maximum number that can be accommodated—are taking the course; many more made application for admission. The class remains in session through August 30. Dr. Orto Graser, professor of biology on the E. S. Harkness Foundation at Amherst College, has been appointed acting president of Amherst College in the absence of the president. Dr. Davin R. Gopparp, assistant professor of botany at the University of Rochester, and in- structor in the Botany course at the Marine Bio- logical Laboratory, has been promoted to an asso- ciate professorship at the University. Dr. James D. Harpy, formerly research asso- ciate of the Russell Sage Institute and now on ac- tive duty in the U. S. Navy, has been appointed assistant professor of physiology at Cornell Uni- versity Medical College. Dr. J. S. RANKIN, JR., who has been instructor in biology at Amherst, has been appointed to an assistant professorship of biology at the Univer- sity of Washington. He is teaching in the inver- tebrate course at the Marine Biological Labora- tory. Dr. T. H. Buttock has received a Rockefeller Foundation Fellowship for the coming academic year, and will work in the department of experi- mental neurology at Yale University. Last year he was at Yale on a Sterling Fellowship in zool- ogy. Dr. Georce E. CoGHiLt, member of the board of advisors of the Wistar Institute, died in Gainesville, Florida, on Wednesday at the age of 69. He had been professor of comparative ana- tomy at the Wistar Institute from 1925 to 1935, and was managing editor of The Journal of Com- parative Neurology from 1927 to 1933. INTEREST Dr. AND Mrs. CHARLES PACKARD will be at home to members of the Laboratory tomorrow from four-thirty to six o’clock. Mr. Ray Watterson will marry Miss Evelyn Goddard next week in Boston. After the cere- monies, the couple will return to Woods Hole, where Mr. Watterson will continue his work. They will be at the Johns Hopkins University during the next academic year. Dr. AND Mrs. Herpert H. Brown are spend- ing a few days at the Bureau of Fisheries Resi- dence as the guests of Dr. P. S. Galtsoff. Dr. Brown has just completed an appointment as di- rector of the sponge fishery investigations of the Bahama Islands. He is a member of the staff of the British Colonial Fishery Service, and is now awaiting instructions. Mr. H. I. ANpERSON, business manager of Bio- logical Abstracts, visited Woods Hole for two days early this week. Dr. AND Mrs. P. B. ARMstTRONG have recently become the parents of a son. Dr. Armstrong will give the Friday evening lecture on August 8 and will work at the Laboratory for several weeks. The Embryology course of the Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory ended on Tuesday, the Physiology course on Wednesday and the Botany course ends today. The Atlantis, after returning from a trip under the direction of Dr. Henry C. Stetson, sailed on July 21 to Brooklyn, where she will be in dry- dock for several days. The Anton Dohrn is still out on a trip under the direction of Mr. F. Fug- lister. At the weekly staff meeting at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Thursday evening, Fred B. Phleger, Jr., of Amherst College spoke on “The Use of Foraminifera in Determining Marine Sediments.” The Yalden Sundial, on the shore opposite the Marine Biological Laboratory, was damaged re- cently by vandals who pried off the bronze plate carrying the chart of instructions. The Labora- tory has taken steps to replace the plate. The J. B. Lippincott Company is holding an exhibit of books at the Old Lecture Hall; the Clay-Adams Company closes its exhibit there to- day. The Bausch and Lomb Optical Company is continuing its exhibit at the Coast Guard Canteen. The Blakiston and Saunders Companies are ex- hibiting their publications in the Lobby of the Brick Building. 92 Wiss; (COMMA CIMUNE, IN1B AT [ VoL. XVI, No. 142 PHYSIOLOGY CLASS NOTES We have become so micro-minded lately that even the news this week seems to be all on the micro side, quantitatively as well as qualitatively. What with a micro Van Slyke (of Hal Gordon’s design), microanalyses, and other things micro going on, we bid fair to present a micro column. On Monday Dr. S. E. Hill spoke on “The Ac- tion Current of Nitella.” The subject of Dr. E. S. G. Barroén’s lecture on Tuesday was ‘“‘Oxidation- Reduction Systems in Cellular Respiration.” Dr. D. Wrinch talked on “Protein Structure’ on Wednesday. With the breakage derby finished we have turned from glassware to records in our destruc- tive endeavors, and have succeeded in shattering a long victory record held by the crew in base- ball. The score: 7-4. A mention of stellar per- formances would be a roster of the entire team, including the faculty representatives, Drs. Kemp- ton and Fisher. Total immersion came, as it must to all kibit- zers, last week to one Jasper P. Trinkaus. On the occasion of the class photograph, his fourth of July left-overs spoiled a couple of fine poses. His subsequent entrance into Eel Pond was unfor- tunately not photographed for posterity. In a way it was a Pyrrhic victory, for our own John Gregg was dragged in, too. The Philip Morris repre- sentative, taking advantage of the occasion, passed cigarettes out among the crowd on the dock, making the incident even more worthwhile. You have probably already glanced over our scientific looking little group of physiologists on the inside front cover and now realize just what a physiology student should look like. Special men- tion should be made of Dr. Fisher, who appears to be expecting something from heaven. The high tide of the summer occurred on Wed- nesday when the course was officially over. It was caused by the salt tears of all the physiolo- gists who, in deep sorrow, packed up and checked out, homeward bound, having finally reached the end of a much enjoyed and long-to-be remembered five weeks. —The ex-Mr. and Mrs. J. B. V. S. BOTANY CLASS NOTES If you’ve got imagination and would like to have some fun, i Just open all the stops and cocks and let it wildly TUN ees We’ll show you whom the Hole will miss when this year’s course is done. Sam, Sam, the algology man, Plays hookey from lab whenever he can; He winks at the women and pitches for crew. What kind of a guy is he? We wish we knew! Nancy, Nancy, with ideas romancy, Dodging the romeos flocking her door; : Though she may have a cock of the head that’s quite pert, We really can’t picture this girl as a flirt. Can you see Robert Muir without his curly hair, Sans cigarette holder and supercilious air? Not resting on a bucket in the middle of the drink, Or collecting his algae at home in the sink? With a falsetto guffaw, algologist Abbott Wouldn’t be our chuckling “Peter Rabbit”, And if, without puffing, he kept up with Taylor, At the end of a field trip, he’d be even paler. Without “Tell me more” eyes on a Saturday nite, With her windblown hair always combed just right, You wouldn’t know Babs of the red peely nose, Who daily for “weeds” to the drugstore goes. Imagine gruff Monti without his sly smile, Not being dead serious and ribbing the while, And telling the girls that he will dare ’em, To leave the lab and join his harem. Picture Connie Stanton with tresses raven black, Deigning—at Muir’s silly cracks—to even answer back, Or robbed of personality, vim, Not dashing from the lab each day to follow some fool whim. without that sparkling Picture Felix keeping quiet and not forever talking, See her going on field trips not complaining of the walking, Picture her without a question, silent and demure, Managing remarks from Monti to patiently endure. Imagine Ruth Franz not a quiet, sweet, girl, Can you see her going round in a wild, frantic whirl? Rebelling ’gainst orders to “Go get my jacket!” Can you picture her ever making a racket? Imagine Jean Enzenbacher far, far less serious, Demanding some scissors with voice most imperious. Picture the girl never catching a cold, Can you see her frivolous or terribly bold? If Axel has shoes on, it’s something quite serious, Can you picture him coming with shoes on the “Nereis”? Without his hip boots and his swordfisher’s cap, Or steering a course with the aid of a map? Can you picture Robert Thorne without his air-con- ditioned pants, Not starting water fights or out a-heckling, say, Ruth Franz? Or making accusations of imaginations rare, When the girls find parts of algae that he didn’t think were there? Picture Dr. Smith, the tall, a mere five feet, no more, Not beaming with that friendly grin, but getting really sore; Or picture him within the mire of lowly family strife, ’Cause work in lab had made him late to luncheon with his wife. Imagine Bob without his Betty at the Mess for lunch, And picture Williams not the clown in any sort of bunch; And picture him a chemist with organic chem down cold— Jury 26, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 93 Without alginic acid, he’s not the Bob of old. Imagine anything collectable—by cracky, Not being collected by our Babe Ruth Jackie; Without flowers in hair or starting a game, It’s surely not Waldron who’s so all-fired insane. Imagine some of us going to the bother, Of fearing the wrath of the tolerant Father, And doing our swearing completely in Spanish, Lest the culprits from Botany lab he should banish. EMBRYOLOGY On Wednesday, July 16th, Dr. Hamburger considered the Molluscan larval stages omitting atypical Loligo studied earlier in the course for attention to the more typical members, Crepidula and Teredo. On Thursday the speaker’s table had its heavi- est use of any day in the course for it supported the references and materials for three solidly packed lectures for three sure scientists. In the morning, Dr. Hamburger started the series with a review of past and recent experimental work in the embryology of the Annelida and the Mollusca. In the afternoon Dr. Walter Landganer’s lecture on disproportionate dwarfism in the chicken came as a surprise to the class. In the evening Dr. Harold Plough lectured on “Genes in Development” to an extra-large audi- ence. Along with many, many other facts Dr. Plough made it clear that the time of gene action varies. Dr. Ballard took over the course on Friday for the presentation of the final materials of the course. This day it was wet Coelenterates and Picture Augusta without the Victoria, Harriette, Antonia, and Leuchs in there, too; Not puffing her corncob each nite after tea, Wewune hair that’s unkempt and expression that’s ue. If you could do as we’ve suggested and imagine this strange crew, You’ll be as glad as we are sad that this Botany course is thru. ‘ =f WV wine! (Oo Se CLASS NOTES they balanced very well with much dry humor. Saturday started out to be a disappointing day for the embryologists for their scheduled towing was cancelled due to high winds from an unfavor- able direction. Yet this was soon forgotten when examination of tows obtained earlier in the day was begun. Every marine biologist, manual, and textbook in sight was practically worn out in two hours, so anxious was the class to learn about oddities they discovered. Dr. Caswell Grave gave the last formal lecture of the course on Tuesday morning. His subject was metamorphorsis in the Ascidians. Throug- out the lecture Dr. Grave said everything to nul- lify his preliminary slogan, “Work with Ascidians and be lonesome.”’ Conditions favoring, I am sure that Dr. Grave would have had thirty-seven co- workers at the end of his lecture. By afternoon the students had begun to depart. Happy for having lived five such edifying weeks, sad for hav- ing to part from such good friends, the students of the 1941 Embryology Class went their scat- tered ways. —E. R. THE ORGANIZATION OF THE MELANOPHORE SYSTEM IN BONY FISHES (Continued from page 89) coal-black. The blood from these fishes when in- jected into pale fishes will darken the recipients, for it contains intermedine. Apparently the pho- toreceptors of the catfish skin when excited by light give out impulses that pass through the cen- tral nervous organs to the pituitary gland which is thereby excited to discharge intermedine. This in turn is carried by the blood to the melano- phores which respond by complete pigment dis- persion. If the brain of a catfish is completely transected immediately in front of the cerebellum, the eyes and the pituitary gland are left intact on the anterior part of the central nervous fragment and the whole skin innervation remains unaltered on the posterior part. Catfishes that have under- gone this operation show no _ obvious color changes, which indicates two important conclu- sions ; first, that the eyes of this fish are not con- cerned with exciting the discharge of intermedine from the pituitary gland, and, second, that the darkening of the skin in the catfish is not a spinal- cord reflex. The tracts by which the skin photo- receptors in the catfish are connected with the pi- tuitary gland and the blood courses by which the intermedine from this gland is carried to the me- lanophores may be called collectively the dermo- pituitary arc. Of the bony fishes whose color changes have been studied within the last few years the follow- ing appear to conform in general to the type of chromatic organization described for the catfish in so far as they possess both adrenergic and cholinergic fibers and intermedine: angelfish (Tomita), eel (Waring), snakefish (Chang, Hsieh and Lu), Japanese catfish (Matsushita), and stickleback (Hogben and Landgrebe). How- ever, in none of these instances is it known that the skin acts as a receptor in the way that it does in the catfish. Certainly in the killifish and prob- ably in flatfishes (Osborn) adrenergic and choli- nergic fibers are present, but intermedine appears to play a very subordinate part in these forms. Further study will probably show that the chro- matic systems of different bony fishes are speci- fically individual rather than that they conform to a single type of organization. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 22.) 94 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 142 SUPPLEMENTARY DIRECTORY FOR 1941 ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS Aquila, (Sister) M. grad. biol. Villanova. Rock 3. Beck, L. V. instr. phys. Hahnemann. lib. Boche, R. D. instr. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 221. D 112-A. Bodian, D. asst. prof. anat. Western Reserve Med. lib. Bronfenbrenner, J. prof. bact. & immun. Washing- ton Med. (St. Louis). Br 305. Brown, D. E. S. prof. phys. New York. Br 310. Calkins, G. N. prof. proto. Columbia. Br 331. Castelmano, Gina zool. Minnesota. lib. Chambers, E. New York Med. Br 343. Chambers, R. prof. biol. New York. Br 328. Clark, Eleanor L. assoc. anat. Pennsylvania Med. Br ible Duncan, G. W. fel. surg. Hopkins. Br 328. Erlanger, Margaret instr. West Virginia. Br 312. Finkel, A. J. grad. asst. zool. Chicago. Br 322. Garner, H. res. asst. zool. Chicago. Br 332. Ka 22. Gelback, Elizabeth L. asst. proto. Yale. Br 323. Genevieve, (Sister) Mary grad. biol. Villanova. Rock 3 Gilbert, P. W. instr. zool. Cornell. OM. Goldinger, J. M. res. asst. med. Chicago. Br 125. K 14. Grand, C. G. res. asst. biol. New York. Br 311. Gurewich, V. Cornell Med. lib. Hamilton, H. L. res. asst. emb. Hopkins. Br 324. Harnly, M. H. assoc. prof. biol. New York. Br 344. Horn, Annabelle grad. asst. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Hunter, G. W., III asst. prof. biol. Wesleyan. Keefe, E. L. res. asst. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Br 217-j. Klotz, J. W. grad. zool. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Kopac, M. J. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br 311. A 106. Kreezer, G. L. asst. prof. psych. Cornell. lib. D 312. Lancefield, D. E. assoc. prof. biol. Queens (New York). Br 126. Lorenz, P. B. Swarthmore. OM Phys. Ho 3. Lucas, A. M. assoc. prof. zool. Iowa State. OM 29. Marvel, R. (Bartlett, N. H.). OM 21. D 211. Mead, F. W. Ohio State. Br 111. Metz, C. W. prof. zool. Pennsylvania. Br 304. Michaelis, L. mem. Rockefeller Inst. (New York). Br 207. Morgan, Isabel M. asst. path. & bact. Rockefeller Inst. (New York). Br 320. Mullins, L. J. asst. phys. Rochester. Br 322. Netsky, M. Pennsylvania Med. Br 205. Northrop, J. H. mem. Rockefeller Inst. Med. Res. Br 209. Pick, J. instr. anat. New York Med. Br 3438. Rabinowitch, E. res. assoc. M.I.T. lib. Rahn, H. instr. zool. Wyoming. lib. Reiner, J. M. biophysics (New York, N. Y.). lib. Renshaw, B. asst. prof. zool. Oberlin. Br 218. Sandow, A. asst. prof. biol. New York. Br 344. Spratt, N. T., Jr. res. asst. emb. Hopkins. Br 324. Stebbins, R. B. grad. asst. biol. New York. Br 328. Stewart, Dorothy R. assoc. prof. biol. Skidmore. Br 205. D 316. Stiegelman, S. asst. zool. Columbia. Br 318. Sturtevant, A. H. prof. biol. California Tech. Br 126. preeer, W. assoc. Rockefeller Inst. (Princeton). Br Turner, Abby H. prof. phys. Mt. Holyoke. lib. Warren, A. A. asst. path. Harvard Med. L 27. Weaver, Margaret A. grad. zool. Texas. Br 312. Wilde, C. E., Jr. instr. zool. Dartmouth. OM 40. Zimmerman, G. L. Swarthmore. OM Phys. Ho 3. Zingher, J. M. C.C.N.Y. Br 315. STUDENTS IN INVERTEBRATE ZOOLOGY Anderson, Dorcas J. grad. asst. biol. Purdue. K 2. Andrews, T. J. asst. zool. Massachusetts State. Aram, H. H. grad. zool. State U. Iowa. Batchelor, W. H. Harvard. Beardsley, Margaret Smith. WC. Berg, W. grad. asst. zool. State U. Iowa. Brainerd, J. W. grad. biol. Harvard. Brown, Henrietta B. Tufts. WB. Burke, R. K. asst. biol. Springfield. Dr 8. Byerrum, R. Wabash. Ka 22. Carpenter, Elizabeth grad. asst. zool. Mt. Holyoke. Cole, L. C. grad. Chicago. Corder, H. R. Williams. Dr 10. Cornish, Helen R. teacher biol. Virginia Intermont (Bristol, Va.). Culberson, A. W. Williams. Dodd, S. G. Wesleyan. Ki 5. Dole, Dorothy K. Bates. H 7. Garman, Elizabeth M. New Jersey Col. Women. WG. Gillette, R. J. res. asst. zool. Washington (St. Louis). Dr 5. Gilligan, Catherine teacher biol. Hyde Park H. S. (Mass.). Goffin, Mary F. Seton Hill. Hahn, Rhea J. Radcliffe. H 1. Harris, N. D. teacher Berkshire. Dr 2. Hauschka, T. S. grad. zool. Pennsylvania. Heaps, Marian E. grad. biol. Lebanon Valley (Pa.). Hinde, H. P. grad. asst. zool. Yale. Dr 2. Humn, D. G. grad. zool. Yale. D 311. Kielich, E. R. asst. biol. Canisius (Buffalo, N. Y.). Dryas King, Ellen E. asst. biol. Sarah Lawrence. H 7. Kohler, C. E. Rutgers. Dr 1. Lumb, Ethel S. grad. asst. zool. Missouri. WD. Mahr, M. M. grad. asst. biol. New York. Mead, A. R. grad. asst. zool. California. Dr Attic. Miller, Helena A. grad. biol. Radcliffe. WC. Miner, H. D., Jr. asst. zool. Wabash. Ka 24. Osmun, J. V. grad. biol. Amherst. Ka 22. Paull, J. grad. biol. Harvard. Ka 2. Perkins, D. D. Rochester. Dr 1. > Pond, S. M. asst. biol. Wesleyan. Ki 5. Powers, W. T. instr. zool. De Paul. Randall, W. C. grad. asst. biol. Purdue. K 7. Roberts, Beryl J. teacher Trade School (Boston). Roberts, H. S., Jr. grad. asst. zool. Duke. Roberts, W. F. grad. asst. zool. Northwestern. Robinson, Margaret H. Wellesley. H 7. Ross, Lucille Barnard. Schlichter, Helena L. Wilson. H 1. Senyard, Juanita asst. biol. Oberlin. H 7. Talmage, R. V. N. instr. zool. Richmond. K 15. Tuttle, Ruth F. Wheaton. WI. Weber, Ann M. Montclair Teachers. WB. Wieder, H. Hamilton (N. Y.). Wilber, C. G. grad. asst. zool. Hopkins. K 15. Williams, R. W. Harvard. Wilson, Mae E. grad. zool. Southern California. K 3. Jury 26, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 33 In 1928, the J. H. Emerson Company was % = established manufacturing experimental ap- #% == paratus, and in 1931 developed the modern, % © diaphragm-type Respirator (“Iron Lung’’). #% = =Since that time, this company has grown #% = yearly, designing and manufacturing hospi- #% = tal equipment, and, in the last year, pro- % = duced more “Iron Lungs” than any other # manufacturer. 53 Due to our desire to continue our con- 3 tacts with those who are doing research, we zz recently set up a new shop to be devoted #% ©entirely to the designing and making of #% = experimental apparatus. % 22 COTTAGE PARK AVENUE 3 eS PE2,00,00,99,99,09, 0909 29,00, 98,24,0 099 2F,99, 90,89 8F OP 20,9009 FOF, 99, 92,90,9 096,00 08,20,99,89,08,00, SMALL NEL ELEN OL OL OL OL OL OL OL EL OL OL OVER OLE OL OL OL OY OL OL OY OL OY EY OV EE OY 2 0,90,29,00,90, 99,0694, AV OV OV OL OS OV OVO OV Oe Oe ,O0,99,90,00,00,00,56,90,%0, eNOS OV eee ee ov ee Vere C erase e < Pa ? 2, es 4, : 4, es First to build the Barcroft- Warburg Apparatus in the United States, the J. H. Emer- son Co. has now developed this greatly improved model. Features include a full range of speed adjustment ; conveni- ent adjustment to obtain any amplitude of shaking, with provision to bring manometers to vertical position for read- ing; motor and drive mounted under tank. : EXHIBIT AT WOODS HOLE : Old Lecture Hall, August 1 to ll In this manner, we will be able to con- tinue the manufacture of Warburg Ap- paratus, the Emerson Micromanipulator, high-speed centrifuges, etc, as well as special apparatus to the customer’s re- quirements. Mr. John Linden, who is in charge of this development shop, will be at our Woods Hole exhibit, and will be glad to discuss special problems and demonstrate our Warburg, Manipulator, and centrifuge equipment. | J. H. EMERSON COMPANY 3% “Tron Lungs” — Fever Cabinets — Vascular Boots — Resuscitators CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS >, 2F,96,04, on'en'es'es'oe'ee's OVO EV OL OL OV OL OL OL OL OL OL OL OY OL OV OY OL OL OD PF,20,97,29,07,90,90, 99, 90,008,099, 09, 20,08, 09, 20,98, 90, 09,00, 20 09, 99,99, 96 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 142 Cambridge Instruments Cambridge archives could yield interesting stories of cooperation with many notable scientists. From its inception this company has specialized in making precision instru- ments for exacting professions. As a result the name “Cambridge” is a respected one in Science, Medicine and Industry, and there are few fields in which Cambridge instru- ments may not be used to advantage. Cambridge products include Galvanometers, Electrometers, Fluxmeters, Vibrographs, Geophysical Seismographs, pH Meters and Recorders, Gas Analyzers and many other mechanical and electrical instruments of Bp. precision. Ka Write for literature of instruments of use CAMBRIDGE POT GALVANOMETER to you. This galvanometer is an inexpensive instru- ¥ ment with the sensitivity of a reflecting gal- vanometer and the ruggedness of a milliam- meter. It requires no levelling or clamping and is accordingly well adapted for general laboratory use. It is fitted with both a pointer INSTRUMENT ee) [Nc and a reflecting mirror suitable for “null” ° °° point indications as well as for use with a lamp and seale. It is only one of many Cambridge 3732 Grand Central Terminal, New York, N. Y. Galvanometers. oe fo Om a 0 0 am 0 Om 0 0 0 0 ae) a 0 ee Oe ee > 0 0S 0D 0D SEDO 0 HUMAN SKULLS For several years it has been increasingly difficult to obtain good skeletal material. Just recently, however, (through a fortunate con- nection with a collector in India) we purchased a lot of nearly 150 skulls, most of which were of unusually fine quality. These are now offered at prices of from $74.00 to $35.00 depending upon the com- pleteness of the dentition and general perfection of the skull. It will pay any school to take advantage of this offer in providing skulls for demonstration purposes. We will gladly send teachers several for inspection with return privileges. Ry s ON GENERAL BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE 0 UCTS Incorporated 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago i The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute Satisfaction | Jury 26, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 97 Porret Kern Pos pee THE RAT-- iz Laboratory sodium light. Verniers read- ing to 0.05° by Tnvestigation --- by a Staff of Thirty magnifier. Tripartite Contributors identity field. CZ “! * We will endeavor to give our |} -- ©. customers the best service = Tee * dha | possible under existing cir- thao ~N¢ ul oo) cumstances, and ask your PA ee 2 , _.-.... sympathetic cooperation. ema ae PSUSPENSO RY LIGAMENTS | Aue Oe a ~H U M # Ry Ng “macula by The Most Precious Optical Instrument in the World HE most important single fact in your life is that you see. Through your eyes come more than 85% of all impressions that reach your brain. To help you conserve your vision at highest efficiency, thousands of professional eyesight spe- cialists offer the skill of long training and experi- ence. Most of them use products of Bausch & Lomb manufacture—eye examination instruments, lenses, eyewear. Such confidence in the products of Bausch & Lomb is matched in many branches of science and industry. In medical laboratories, where Bausch & Lomb microscopes aid in the endless battle against disease; in industrial plants, where research en- gineers use Bausch & Lomb spectrographic and metallographic equipment to perfect newer and stronger metals, where Bausch & Lomb inspection and control instruments help make manufacturing processes more efficient and more exact; in school rooms, where Bausch & Lomb projection equip- ment makes learning easier. Throughout the civilized world, the signature of Bausch & Lomb on a scientific instrument earns respect for precision and scientific accuracy. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. « ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION Vol. XVI, No. 6 EFFECT OF SEA WATER ON THE RADIO- SENSITIVITY OF ARBACIA SPERM Drs. T. C. EVANS AND J. C. SLAUGHTER Departments of Radiology and Zoology, State University of Towa In the course of an investigation of the effects of roentgen radiation on the oxygen consumption of Arbacia sperm it was noted that dilute sus- pensions of sperm were in- SATURDAY, AUGUST 2, 1941 Annual Subscription, $2.00 Single Copies, 30 Cents. STRUCTURE OF THE RED CELL IN THE LIGHT OF SHAPE TRANSFORMATIONS Dr. Eric PONDER The Nassau Hospital, Mineola, New York Since the circular, biconcave form of the mam- malian red cell was first correctly described by Hodgkin and J. J. Lister in 1827 (over 150 years after the discovery of the cell jured more by the radiation than were sperm irradiated in concentrated suspensions. This observation was checked by ir- AU. DB. EF. Calendar TUESDAY, August 5, 8:00 P. M. by Swammerdam and later by Leeuwenhoek) there has been an almost continuous specula- tion as to the reason why this oe Be Seminar: Dr. Victor Schechter: | : radiating sperm in different “Aging Phenomena, and Factors | Special shape should be as- concentrations of sea water Influencing the Longevity of sumed by bodies floating free- and later determining the fer- D Yr. Mactra Eggs.” Frederick S. Philips: ly in a liquid. Generally “Com- tility of each lot. This was done by adding the same amounts of control and irra- diated sperm to similar lots of eggs. The percentage fertili- zation was taken as the num- ber of eggs which raised ferti- lization membranes per hun- dred counted. In a series of five experiments consistent re- sults were obtained which in- dicated that as more sea water Dr. Matilda M. Brooks: parison of Regional Respiratory Rates of the Chick Embryo dur- ing Early Stages of Develop- ment.” “Further Interpretations of the Effects of CO and CN on Oxidations in Liv- ing Cells.” * FRIDAY, August 8, 8:00 P. M. Dr. P. B. Armstrong: “Function in the Developing Gastro-Intestinal Tract of Amblystoma punctatum in Relation to Embryonic Deter- mination and Differentiation.” speaking, the theories which have been advanced have been of two kinds: those which at- tribute the biconcave shape to forces or structures in the in- terior, and those which attri- bute it to forces or structures at the surface. Into the first category falls the “gelatin lozenge” theory of Rollett (1862) “who conceives that a stroma or matrix enters was added to the sperm their into the structure of the color- radiosensitivity increased. The results of one of these experiments are shown in Table I. less elastic extensible substance of the red corpuscle, and that to this the form and the peculiar physical properties of the corpuscles It will be noted also (Continued on page 113) is due. It is supposed that the coloring matter TABLE OF CONTENTS Structure of the Red Cell in the Light of The Influence of Hormones on the Differen- Shape Transformations, Dr. Eric Ponder.... 101 tioren of Melanophores in Birds, Dr. H. L. amiltony Sele ee ees Se ei ree Effect of Sea Water on the Radiosensitivity Conference at the University of Chicago. of Arbacia Sperm, Dr. T. C. Evans and Ttemispof Interest icncsccesscescosscee eee JC wslaughtenm... one te ee 101 Studies on the Life History of Siphodera 3 ve y vinaledwardsii, a Trematode Parasite of the Some Aspects of Pigment Deposition in Toadfish, Drs. R. M. Cable and A. V. Feather Germs of Chick Embryos, Dr. Ray FIM NMIMEN aeeseeeccceeesee cero ‘ Tig WVEMEESTESIOLY. coeeeepeeccren eee eee eee 107 Invertebrate Class Notes — —— =s ee renner eee ‘aanjoid ey} JO Je4yxenb puey-qysi4 geddn ey} FO ToyUSD oY} UL axe selIOZELOGE] [VoISO[oIq ey, “pUnorseLoy ozerpeutUIE oy} UL ToqrIeyy 9]990T pus ‘paeK Aong oj “Quiog szedrune yyIM HIOH SGOOM HO MUIA ANVITdalV Aucust 2, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 103 can be separated from the stroma without causing the latter to lose its essential characters” (quota- tion from Norris, 1882; Thudicum, writing at the same time, goes further, and defines the stroma as a chemical skeleton, with which the hemoglobin is combined, an idea which has been revived by Lepeschkin, Adams, and others). Gough and Teitel-Bernard have suggested that molecules in the cell interior, and particularly hemoglobin mol- ecules, repel one another more in one axis than in another, and so give rise to the discoidal shape in a cell with a fluid interior, but this hypothesis cannot be held in view of the fact that hemoglo- bin-free ghosts are discoidal. The second point of view is by far the older, and although it is associated with the names of Schwann and of Hewson, it was originally ex- pressed by Bidloo in 1685 and by Wells in 1797. It was emphatically defended, particularly against the view of Rollett, by Schafer (1891), whose description of the cells as “vesicular bodies pos- sessing an external envelope enclosing a fluid in- terior” has come to be known as the “balloon theory”. In 1882, Norris was impressed, as sev- eral others have been (Rice, 1914, Gough, 1924), by the similarity of shape between red cells and the myelin forms of lecithin. The latter are often circular discs about 5 to 10u in diameter, and are dumb-bell or ring shaped in cross section. They are apparently formed by physical forces at the interfaces between the droplets and the fluid surrounding them, and Norris suggested that the biconcave shape of the mammalian red cell is brought about in a similar way. “The remarkable properties displayed by myelin at once relieve us from the necessity of considering that one liquid or solution submerged in another must inevitably take on globular or spherical state. The fact is, the substance appears to represent the extending or spreading-out tendency, as opposed to the gathering-up or sphere-forming property. The biconcave and the annular forms seem to be re- lated to a kind of balancing of these two proper- ties... . I consider, too, that the form which these bodies assume is as dependent on the constitution of the liquid in which they are submerged as on their own. . . . It would therefore seem that the biconcave form is to be regarded as an arrested annular form. This annulating property belongs to the corpuscle as a substance (italics mine) for it occurs in fused masses of corpuscles, in single corpuscles, and in fractional parts of them” (Nor- ris). Or, as Gough puts it, there are two sets of forces operating, the first of which tends to pro- duce contraction of the surface and the spherical form, while the second tends to bring about ex- pansion and a very flattened form; balanced against each other, the two sets of forces maintain the discoidal form. It is not difficult to see how mutual repulsion between molecules in the surface layers might arise, for hydrocarbons with polar groups directed towards the water (as in lecithin) might exhibit repulsion of each other. Some idea of the forces involved may be ob- tained by drawing a cross section of the red cell to scale, finding the two principal radii of curva- ture p; and p» at each point, and computing the pressure P which would have to be applied to keep a homogeneous cell membrane, with tension T, in hydrostatic equilibrium: P = T(1/p1 + 1/pz). It appears that we have to have a pressure di- rected outwards over the equatorial regions of the cell, and a smaller pressure directed inwards over the biconcavities, if we are to arrive at the shape in this way. The idea that such pressures really exist is, of course, untenable, but the “outward pressure over the equatorial regions’ is the same thing as Gough’s “expansive force’. What really happens is probably a variation in the tensions from point to point along the membrane, and this is the same as saying that the membrane is not molecularly homogeneous, or has a “liquid crys- tal’ structure. In 1926 (Ponder, 1933) I tried to put this at- tractive idea into mathematical form, with a sug- gestive, if disappointing, result. I evaluated the radii of curvature for the red cell of man, and, on the assumption that the tensions in the membrane are equal at all points, obtained a series of values for the pressures which would maintain the shape; if, as is probably the case, the pressures are equal and the tensions vary, the true relations are de- rivable from the same sets of values, and any theory proposed for the shape of the red cell must be one which gives these relations, at least sub- stantially. I then tried to find the shape of a body of given volume, given area (not necessarily the smallest area for the volume, for then the body would be spherical) and with the smoothest sur- face, and arrived at a form suggestive of that of the red cell; the derivation, however, was faulty in that it dealt with a mathematical surface rather than with a surface with real elastic properties, but the result was interesting in showing how a problem of this kind might be approached, and THE COLLECTING NET was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Single copies, 30ec by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 104 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 143 what a formulation of Norris’ theory might in- volve. The first problem, then, is to decide whether the form of the red cell is due to forces or struc- tures in the interior, or to forces or structures at the surface. Microscopical observation, either with direct illumination, with the dark field, with ultra- violet light, or with the electron microscope, tells us little one way or the other about the existence of a stroma, and evidence from microdissection studies is equally inconclusive; sometimes the red cell disappears altogether when punctured, but sometimes there is a mass left behind which can be teased into shreds. This may be a product of gelation, for the red cell has been shown to con- tain proteins other than hemoglobin, e.g., the stro- matin of Jorpes (1932) and of Boehm (1935), which is capable of forming a remarkably rigid gel in low concentrations. Turning to the sur- face, we find a distinction between the cell “wall” or “envelope” and the cell “membrane”, the for- mer being at least thick enough to be visible (0.05), while the thickness of the latter has been put at anywhere from 30 A. to 300 A. or more. We have no indication as to how forces responsible for the shape of the cell might arise at such a surface, and both Rollett’s theory and Norris’ theory demand some kind of special struc- ture (a “stroma”, or a special molecular configur- ation at the surface), and we do not have much direct evidence that such a structure exists. We may accordingly turn to the shape transforma- tions of the red cell, and see what they tell us. 1. Disc-sphere transformations. As hitherto described, these are five in number, and the study of each brings out some special point which has a bearing on the subject of red cell shape. 1. The spherical form between two surfaces. Mammalian red cells, suspended in 1 p.c. NaCl or any of the ordinary physiological salines, and examined in a hanging or uncovered drop, are discoidal although often crenated; at all events, they are not spherical. If the same cells are cov- ered with a coverglass so that the amount of fluid between the two glass surfaces is very small, the cells become smooth spheres of the same volume as were the original discs. If the two surfaces are in close contact, the change is very rapid, but by constructing a wedge-shaped chamber it can be seen that the transformation involves inter- mediate forms; the discs first crenate, the crena- tions becoming progressively finer until a prickly form, the “thorn-apple” form, is assumed; the crenations then become finer still and are ulti- mately smoothed out, so that a glistening sphere results. If a small amount of serum or plasma is run under the coverglass, the spheres become cre- nated, the crenations become larger, and the dis- coidal form re-appears; these re-converted discs may not be as perfect in shape as the original cells, and they are unusually sticky. Millar (1925) describes them as being mottled when seen with the dark field. Since the original description of the spherical form by Hamburger in 1895, there has been much speculation as to the cause of this transformation, but in 1940 Furchgott showed that it is due to (a) an increase in pH produced by diffusion of alkali from the glass surfaces, and (b) the re- moval from the cells of an “anti-sphering sub- stance”, which he and I later showed to be the carbohydrate-poor fraction of serum albumin, or crystalbumin (Furchgott and Ponder, 1940). This substance is adsorbed from a suspension of red cells by glass surfaces, such as the surfaces of the slide and coverslip or the surface of glass beads, and cells freed of it will adsorb it again, quantities of the order of 800 mg. per 100 cc. of cells being involved. If all this were taken up at the red cell surface, it would form a layer only a few mole- cules thick, but such a layer would have a volume about one-third that of the estimated volume of the red cell membrane as a whole. 2. The spherical form produced by lecithin. A similar disc-sphere transformation, with thorn- apple forms as intermediates, occurs when lecithin is added to red cells suspended in serum, plasma, or saline. The lecithin is most conveniently used in the form of a sol, made by adding 0.5 cc. of a 10 p.c. solution of lecithin in alcohol to 100 cc. of boiling saline. refrigerator, although some of the lipoid may sep- arate out, but the lecithin in it can be estimated from time to time. Again the spheres are formed without any change in volume; they ultimately hemolyse, but not for hours when minimal amounts of lecithin are used. I have recently done a considerable amount of work on the quan- titative aspects of this transformation, and the re- sults may be summarized as follows. (1) The quantity of lecithin required to bring about the disc-sphere transformation is remarkably constant for the cells of one species, and for washed human cells the amount needed is about 4 molecules per A?. of cell surface. This quantity is large, for the smallest cross-section of the lecithin molecule is probably itself about 14 A?. If the cells are sus- pended in plasma, about seven-eighths of the lecithin is adsorbed or otherwise combined with the plasma proteins, and only the remaining eighth is available for the cells. (2) The amount of lecithin needed to complete the disc-sphere transformation is about double that required to initiate it; quantities intermediate give forms with crenations of increasing fineness. (3) About half This sol keeps for weeks in the - Aucust 2, 1941 | the amount is needed at 37°C. as at 4°C., so the temperature coefficient is positive, but not large. (3) If the cells are fixed with fixatives such as formol, the amount of lecithin required to produce spheres is increased roughly as the square of, the formol concentration. As unfixed cells require a certain amount of lecithin to initiate the change from disc to sphere, the effect of formol is simply to increase this yield-point, a fact which has some bearing on the natural rigidity of the cell and on the increase of this rigidity on gelation. The disc-sphere transformation can be reversed by washing the cells in untreated plasma, serum, or saline, and the transformation and its reversal can be repeated several times under favorable cir- cumstances, although each repetition involves more and more lysis. The variations in the amount of lecithin required to transform the red cells of different animals has not been fully worked out, but such differences exist. 3. The spherical form produced by rose bengal. Red cells suspended in plasma, serum, or saline undergo a typical disc-sphere transformation with- out change in volume if small amounts of eosin (M/10?), erythrosine (M/10*), or rose bengal (M/10°) are added in the dark, the effect on washed cells being much greater than on cells in plasma. In the light, smaller quantities of dye are needed, and the quantity of rose bengal which brings about the transformation in the rabbit red cell is such as would cover only about 1/20 of the cell surface, even if it were all concentrated there. The change in shape, in this case at least, is presumably brought about by an effect on a sur- face component. The spheres can be re-converted into discs by the addition of plasma, and the active component seems to be plasma protein; the re- converted discs show the same stickiness, slight crenation, and mottling as is seen in the case of discs re-converted from spheres between slide and coverglass. 4. Spherical forms produced by other lysins. It is now recognized that all forms of hemolysis are preceded by a disc-sphere transformation, sometimes occurring immediately before lysis, as in the case of saponin, and sometimes a long time before, as in the case of lecithin. What happens seems to be that at a certain stage of the action of the lysin on the cell membrane a “shape compo- nent” gives way, and the cell, often quite sudden- ly, becomes a sphere; after further action a “per- meability component” breaks down, and the cell hemolyses. Although this loss of shape and this loss of semi-permeability are two stages of one lytic process, the “‘shape component” can be de- stroyed without any important change in the per- meability properties. Further, there is no appre- ciable change in the resistance, capacity per unit area, or frequency dependence of the capacity, THE COLLECTING NET 105 when the dise-sphere transformation occurs (Cur- tis, 1935), nor of the electrical mobility (Furch- gott and Ponder, 1940), which appears to be un- changed, indeed, even after the cell is hemolysed in several different ways (Abramson, Furchgott, and Ponder, 1938). These observations lead not only to the conclusion that the “‘shape component” is distinct from the “permeability component’, but that the phenomenon of lysis does not necessarily involve the surface of the cell membrane as a whole, and many diverse observations support this view (see Ponder, 1941,a, for a summary of the evidence ). 3. The spherical form in hypotonic solutions. When the red cell is placed in a hypotonic solu- tion, it swells, sometimes as much as would be ex- pected if it were a simple osmometer and some- times less (Ponder, 1940), and in doing so be- comes cup-shaped or bell-shaped. If the solution is sufficiently hypotonic it more or less suddenly becomes spherical, and then hemolyses, and it has been shown (Ponder, 1937, Castle and Daland, 1937) that the surface area of this sphere is sub- stantially the same as that of the original disc, al- though the sphere contains the greater volume (135 - 150 volumes as compared with 100 for the disc). Examination of the cells, now become ghosts, will reveal the fact that they are once more discs, of substantially the same volume as_ they were initially. The re-assumption of the discoidal form is apparently spontaneous, the forces on the membrane having been relieved by the lysis of the cell. If sufficient salt is now added to make the system isotonic, the discoidal ghosts shrink to about 60 per cent of their volume (“reversal of hemolysis”), showing that they retain some semi- permeability, but after a little while they swell to take up the initial volume once more (Ponder, 1941, m.). The remarkable fact is that such ghosts cannot be turned into spheres by placing them between slide and coverglass, by adding lecithin, or by treating them with lysins such as rose bengal and saponin. They seem to have undergone a “per- manent set” in the shape of discs. 2. The ultrastructure of the cell membrane. The study of the disc-sphere transformations lead us to the conclusion that the changes are probably due to the action of substances which act at surfaces, and that the component which main- tains the shape is probably a surface component. This brings us back to Norris’ theory, which de- mands a kind of “liquid crystal” structure of the cell surface layers. Chemical analysis shows the red cell membrane to be a protein-lipoid complex, and since both X-ray analysis and the methods of polarization optics have shown protein-lipoid com- 106 plexes in other membranes (e.g., the axon sheath, Schmitt, 1936) to have a micellar organization, it is not surprising to find that the optical properties of the membranes of the ghost also show the pres- ence of an ultrastructure (Schmitt, Bear, and Ponder, 1936, 1938). This structure may be in- terpreted as consisting of layers of protein orient- ed tangentially, and layers of lipoid molecules oriented radially, the phosphoric acid group of the cephalin molecules being towards the water side of the interface, and dominating the situation so far as the electrophoretic properties are con- cerned (Furchgott and Ponder, 1941). Judging from the quantities of protein and of lipoid found in the membrane by chemical means, there may be several such layers alternating with each other (as in the axon sheath), although not in the form of continuous films, for Parpart and Dziemian’s (1940) figures show that the amount of extract- able lipoid, all of which is contained in the cell membrane as we know it, is not sufficient to make more than a bimolecular layer 30 A. thick. The protein moiety would provide layers with a total thickness of about 90 A., and adding the two con- tributions together, the thickness of the membrane would work out at about 120 A. There has been in the past, and still is, con- siderable doubt as to this total thickness, and this is partly because the analytical figures given by different investigators have not agreed very well with each other, partly because of an insistence on the necessity of continuous molecular films instead of a binding of phospholipoid to protein, which would lead to an orientation of cephalin and le- cithin at particular loci around the protein mole- cules in the membrane (Parpart and Dziemian, 1940), and partly because the contribution of water has not always been taken into account. Es- timates of the extent of this contribution range from 10 p.c. of the thickness to 100 p.c. of the thickness; Waugh and Schmitt (1940) give about 25 p.c. Estimates of the total thickness of the membrane of the ghost range from 30 A. (Gorter and Grendel, 1926, Fricke, 1926), to 120 A. (Par- part and Dziemian, 1940), 120 A. exclusive of the contribution of water (Fricke, Parker, and Ponder, 1939), 135 A. at pH 7 and 220 A. at pH 6 (Waugh and Schmitt, 1940), and even higher values. Recently Zwickau (1941) has ob- tained photographs of fixed and dried membranes of ghosts by means of the electron microscope, and sets the thickness as from 200 to 300 A. If the contribution of water is allowed for, his values would be among the highest yet suggested. The thickness of the membrane in the intact cell may, of course, be greater than it is in the ghost, for substances, perhaps not essential to the resistance, capacity, and semi-permeability of the cell surface may be washed out of it in the process of hemo- lysis. The anti-sphering substance, which makes DHE COLLECIING, NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 up about one-third of the protein content of the membrane of the disc, is one such substance. I therefore feel that it is possible that the cell mem- brane may approach 500 A. in thickness under certain circumstances, and so reach such dimen- sions as to be visible, although not resolvable, by the microscope. 3. The interior. The conclusion that the red cell possesses a membrane with an ultrastructure and that the shape is governed by molecular arrangements and forces in the surface layers does not stand in the way of its possessing an interior structure as well, although the views of Rollett and of those who insisted on the complex nature of the surface have often been thought of as mutually exclusive. There are at least four good reasons for thinking that the interior is not occupied simply by a homogen- eous solution of hemoglobin and salts. 1. There is a correlation coefficient of only about 0.5 between the density of the red cell and its hemoglobin content. In the absence of hemo- globin, its place is apparently taken by other pro- teins of about the same density, and these may be the precursors of hemoglobin found in the devel- oping cell. There is quite an extensive literature showing that “proteins other than hemoglobin” are present in the erythrocyte; one of these is the anti-sphering substance, and another is the stro- matin of Jorpes, which Boehm believes to be anisodiametric and to fill the cell interior. 2. The classical experiments of “cutting a red cell in half”, perforating it with glass spicules, and some of the modern micrurgical observations lead to the conclusion that the cell interior may be gelated under certain circumstances. I have even gone the length of suggesting that such a gelation may contribute to some of the anomalous osmo- tic properties (Ponder, 1940). 3. When ghosts are placed in solutions of hemoglobin, there is an adsorption of greater quantities of hemoglobin than are likely to be bound at the surface (Ponder, 1941, a). The pig- ment may be adsorbed on an internal stroma. In this connection, it is well known that it is exceed- ingly difficult to rid ghosts of the last traces of pigment. 4. The shape of the red cell is not always that of a biconcave disc. In some persons the cells are oval (‘‘ovalocytosis”) like the erythrocytes of camels. These ovalocytes show typical disc- sphere transformations (Ponder, 1939). In ex- perimental and other anemias there appear irreg- ularly shaped cells (poikilocytes) which also show disc-sphere transformations, but where the dis- Aucust 2, 1941 | torted parts of the cell apparently “sphere up” with difficulty, as if there were some restraint. This is very clearly seen in the juvenile red cell, the reticulocyte, in which bands of material, ap- parently situated in the interior, can be stained with brilliant cresyl blue; these persist unchanged in form after lysis of the reticulocyte, and appar- ently interfere with the disc-sphere transformation by binding down the parts of the surface to which the bands are attached. This last observation, that certain parts of the poikilocyte and reticulocyte surface are less mobile than others, brings us back to an important ob- servation by Furchgott (1940, b). He was able, by adjusting the pH of the medium, to make a preparation of cells which would become spheres as alkali diffused from the glass, but revert to discs on the addition of CO2 (by breathing on them). In such preparations he observed that the biconcavities, and even the larger crenations, ap- peared when the sphere turned into the disc at the same points at which they were present before the disc turned into the sphere. This provides excel- lent evidence that the structure of the membrane varies from point to point, and Waugh and Schmitt’s leptoscopic observations (1940) lead to the same conclusion. 4. Conclusion. Although it is impossible to set forth all the evidence in a review of this length, I think that a very fair case can be made out for Norris’ theo- ry of the shape of the mammalian red cell. It is true that he laid rather too much emphasis on the liquid nature of the erythrocyte, and that he says that “its biconcave shape is due to the operation THE COLLECTING NET of physical conditions and not to structural re- straint”, but it is clear that by this he means in- ternal structural restraint, for he describes the “exquisitely delicate physical pellicle’, and it is in this that he supposes the physical conditions to operate. We would speak of an ultrastructure at the surface, and of a special arrangement of mole- cules and forces between them. A real difficulty, however, remains, and_ this is to explain, on some fundamental grounds (and not just by saying “because it was made that way”), why the arrangement of molecules and the forces between them is such as to give rise to the particular biconcave form. This is probably a matter for the physicists and the chemists. There is, however, another line of investigation to which attention is not sufficiently called. The discoidal orthochromatic réd cell is derived from the larger reticulocyte, in which there is a network which can be stained with brilliant cresyl blue; this is derived from a nucleated cell, the normoblast, and this again from another nucleated cell, from which hemoglobin is absent, the pro-erythroblast. The discoidal shape seems to be assumed about the time when the nucleus of the normoblast breaks up and disappears, and we ought not to let the accomplishments of physics and spatial chemistry make us forget that the investigation of the shape of cells still lies in the domain of cytology. Re- markably enough, there are few reliable observa- tions, and no reliable measurements, on the shape of the precursors of the erythrocyte, and this is a line of research upon which the biologist can im- mediately embark with the expectation of adding substantially to our knowledge. (This article is based upon a lecture delivered at the Marine Biclogical Laboratory on July 18.) SOME ASPECTS OF PIGMENT DEPOSITION IN FEATHER GERMS OF CHICK EMBRYOS Dr. Ray L. WATTERSON Assistant in Biology, The Johns Hopkins University A combined histological and experimental study of the developmental history of pigment cells in the wing skin and feather germs of Barred Ply- mouth Rock embryos has demonstrated that po- tential pigment cells, which originate only from the neural crest, begin to migrate into the wing bud epidermis between 79 and 80 hours of in- cubation. Melanoblasts which have successfully invaded the epidermis in this way, and their deriv- atives by mitotic division, begin the formation of pigment between 7 and 71% days, thereby becom- ing definitive pigment cells; and by 8 days the epidermis of the wing is filled with a network of melanophores. Feather germ formation begins about this time and is characterized by a thicken- ing of the epidermis—first by cell elongation, then by cell proliferation—and by an accompanying condensation of the underlying dermis, until a cap of cells finally protrudes above the surface as a definitive feather germ. Any pigment cells which are present in the epidermis increase in number by cell division and are carried along by the morphogenetic changes in the epidermis. By 10 days the feather germ is considerably larger and is filled with a complex network of pigment cells. These much enlarged melanophores appear to be distributed entirely at random, and, although each is packed with pigment granules, no pigment has been deposited as yet. A few hours later this random distribution disappears, and all pigment 108 cells in the upper two-thirds of the feather germ become grouped into 10 or 11 longitudinal rows. In order to understand the nature of this redis- tribution of melanophores, it is necessary to ex- amine the definitive down feather, and to project this structure back upon the feather germ. Each down feather consists of 10 to 15 barbs held together basally, and each barb bears 2 rows of barbules. Each barb plus its barbules is desig- nated collectively as a barb-vane. If these com- ponent parts of the barb-vane are projected back upon the feather germ, they exhibit different spa- tial relationships from those seen in the definitive feather. Within the feather germ each barb-vane is folded up in such a way that it forms a longi- tudinal barb-vane ridge projecting inward towards the pulp and bounded peripherally by the feather sheath. The barb lies at the apex, and one row of barbules occupies each lateral margin of each ridge. Since all barb-vanes are folded up in this fashion within the feather sheath, the circumfer- ence of the feather germ is divided into as many longitudinal ridges as there will be barb-vanes in the completed feather. It is this breaking up of the walls of the feather germ into longitudinal ridges which brought about the change from the random distribution of pigment cells to a definite distribution into several rows, each row corre- sponding to one of these ridges. A somewhat earlier stage, characteristic of 11-day feather germs, represents the one time during develop- ment that the barbule cells can receive pigment. The barbs have not yet differentiated, and the cell bodies of the pigment cells now lie at the apex of each ridge. Their processes extend peripherally and carry pigment to the barbule cells. It is the nature of this relationship between the pigment cell and the barbule cell which attracts our attention. Previously the pigment cell has been considered to be almost a micro-injection ap- paratus capable of injecting pigment granules into passive recipient barbule cells. However, several lines of evidence seem to indicate that a much more active role is played by barbule cells during the pigmentation process. (1) Pigment cells are loaded with pigment granules at an early stage even before longitudinal ridges have formed. Nevertheless, pigment is not deposited into any epidermal cells until certain ot those cells become visibly differentiated in the di- rection of barbule cells, whereupon they begin to receive pigment. (2) Before any definite barbule cell differentia- tion occurs within a ridge, pigment granules ac- cumulate at the tips of pigment cell processes and are pinched off and come to lie freely among the cells of the ridge. Pigment liberated in this man- ner is later taken up by barbule cells. (3) Pigment is deposited in each row of bar- THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 bule cells in a definite sequence. The melano- phore process extends past the most centrally lo- cated barbule cells and first carries pigment to the most peripheral cells, and then progressively to more axial cells. This is the same order in which barbule cells undergo differentiation. The most peripheral barbule cells are the first to elongate and to form keratin, and only when these visible differentiation processes begin can they receive pigment. As this wave of differentiation spreads progressively toward the pulp, the more axial cells in turn become capable of receiving pigment. (4) Pigment cell processes appear to be speci- ically attracted toward barbule cells. Under nor- mal conditions, none are directed toward cells ly- ing between the two rows of barbules. However, occasionally a melanophore process does carry pigment to a group of cells lying in this axial plate region. This at first appears to be contra- dictory to the idea of a specific attraction, but if the fate of these pigmented cells is followed, they are found to divide into two groups, and then the longitudinal ridge is divided apico-basally between them, whereupon these cells which originated in the center of one barb-vane ridge become distri- buted between two ridges and are distinguishable as barbule cells in each ridge. Since normally each barb-vane ridge forms one barb-vane, these split ridges must form split barb-vanes, which they do. Thus, the development of these unusual down feathers clearly demonstrates that pigment cell processes are specifically attracted to barbule cells at this time, even when they must leave their usual paths in order to reach them. (5) Pigment deposition appears to stimulate the melanophores involved to undergo prolifera- tion. If the apico-basal distribution of pigment cells which are undergoing mitotic division is plotted from an 11- and a 12-day feather germ, the mitotic figures are definitely concentrated within a relatively narrow region. It is only within these regions that barbule cells are actively receiving pigment. (6) Finally, a study of the growth curves of down feathers reveals an interesting relationship. During the first day of its development, the feather germ grows slowly, but beginning sudden- ly at 10 days and 18 hours of incubation, the germ elongates rapidly, attaining its full growth by 18 days. Strikingly, the onset of pigment deposition coincides exactly with this onset of rapid growth. Lillie and Juhn have estimated that 90% of the axial growth of regenerating feathers is accom- plished by cell elongation. It would appear that pigment deposition begins suddenly at that phase of development when barbule cells begin to elon- gate rapidly. The down feather of Barred Rocks is solid black in color, whereas the juvenile and adult Aucust 2, 1941 ] feathers of this breed exhibit alternate black and white transverse bars. Willier has demonstrated that rapidly growing juvenile feathers produce a more nearly solid black pattern than more slowly growing ones. The down feather grows more rapidly than any juvenile feather, elongating 5.5 mm. between the twelfth and thirteen days, and it is indeed a tempting thought that this rapid elongation stimulates continuous pigment deposi- tion, so that a solid colored feather results. This hypothesis is strengthened by a recent observation of Mr. James Foulks. If Barred Rock pigment THE COLLECTING NET 109 cells from a regenerating feather germ, where they would normally produce a barred pattern, are transplanted into feather germs of White Leghorn embryos, they deposit a solid black pattern in the host down feathers. These several lines of evidence may indicate that barbule cells are more important in the pig- mentation process than we have previously realized. (This article is based uvon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 22.) THE INFLUENCE OF HORMONES ON THE DIFFERENTIATION OF MELANO- PHORES IN BIRDS Dr. Howarp L. HAMILTON Department of Biology, The Johns Hopkins University An examination of regenerating feathers from birds having red and black in their plumage (e.g., New Hampshire Red fowl, Robin) shows that both red and black melanophores are responsible for the pigmentation. However, when explants of skin from embryos of these birds are grown in a tissue culture medium consisting of embryonic ex- tract and blood plasma, then black melanophores appear, but red ones occur very infrequently in the tissue. If sex hormones are added to the cul- ture medium, then many red melanophores as well as black ones differentiate in the explant. These effects on melanophores are similar to those which are obtained when hormones are either added or removed (by castration) from birds (see Domm, °39, for a discussion of plumage color changes). Several criteria indicate that red and_ black melanophores are two discrete types of cells: (1) the pigments are of different colors—orange- brown and black, (2) the granules are subspheri- cal or pebble-shaped in red melanophores and rod-shaped in blacks, (3) red melanin granules partially dissolve so that their boundaries become blurred when fixed in solutions containing picric and acetic acids, whereas black melanin is insolu- ble in such reagents, (4) the cytoplasm of red melanophores is very fluid as compared with black melanophores, because red granules show extreme Brownian movement, while black ones move slowly due to protoplasmic streaming, and (5) the two types of pigment cells react differently to the various hormones. In general, the sex hormones (estradiol dipro- pionate, estradioi monobenzoate, testosterone pro- pionate, estrone) increase the number of red me- lanophores which differentiate in treated explants from the New Hampshire Red and Rhode Island Red breeds. Sesame and olive oils also produce an appreciable stimulation, possibly due to traces of sterols. The responses of black melanophores from the red breeds to these same hormones are more involved. The two esters of estradiol in- hibit pigment cells, but estrone and testosterone favor their differentiation. Because of the similarity of its chemical struc- ture to that of testosterone, the adrenal cortical hormone, desoxycorticosterone acetate, was used on explants from red breeds. The result was a nearly complete inhibition of both red and black melanophores. A similar reduction in the number of melanophores occurred when skin from White Leghorn and Barred Plymouth Rock fowl was grown in the presence of the cortical hormone. A more extensive study on the Barred Rock, which possesses only the black type of melanophore, showed that sex hormones as well as the cortical hormone decrease the number of pigment cells. The extent of the inhibition depended somewhat on the age of the skin when isolated. Young tis- sue (5-6 days) often yielded no melanophores when grown in the presence of hormone, but more usually (when the hormones were dissolved in sesame oil) there were expanded melanophores, but fewer of them than in controls. Skin from older embryos (7-8 days) already contains differ- entiated melanophores and localized centers where feather germs are to form. However, when ex- plants are treated with hormones, most of the dif- ferentiated melanophores clump and degenerate, and only the newly-appearing ones persist as ex- panded cells. Furthermore, melanophores aggre- gate at loci where feather germs should arise, but no structures are formed. This result cannot be explained on the basis of a general growth inhibi- tion of all cells, because the zone of outgrowth from the explant is approximately the same size in both the treated and control cultures. When crystalline hormones are used there is a reduction in number of melanophores, but this is not as striking as the delay in their differentiation. The red pigment cells in the treated portion of the iso- (Continued on page 112) 110 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 23, 1938. CONFERENCE AT THE UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO As part of the program celebrating the Semi- Centennial of the founding of the University of Chicago, a Conference on the Training of Biolo- gists will be held. According to an announcement of this conference, of which Dr. Paul Weiss is chairman, the preparation of a prospective scien- tist for his future task, to promote, propagate and apply scientific knowledge, requires careful plan- ning based on insight into the nature of science and its aims, methods, potentialities and limita- tions. To discuss the fundamental problems aris- ing in the planning of the education of students in the Life Sciences, twenty-four scientists and educators, representing a variety of disciplines bearing on these problems, will gather for a free exchange of views and integration of ideas. The conference will be held in five sessions, round-table fashion, on Thursday, September 18, Friday, September 19, and Saturday morning, September 20. The general topics are as follows: First Session: Introduction—Presentation of educational programs in biology currently in op- eration in some major universities. Second Ses- sion: Contribution to the training of biologists from the physical sciences and other related dis- ciplines. Third Session: The basic educational needs of the biologist. Fourth and Fifth Sessions: The specific preparation of biologists for profes- sional specialization (research, teaching, medi- cine, etc.) The morning sessions will start at 9:30 A. M., the afternoon sessions at 2:00 P. M. LIST OF PARTICIPANTS From the University of Chicago: Paul A. Weiss, Chairman, Department of Zoology; Emmet B. Bay, Department of Medicine; John M. Beal, Department of Botany; William Bloom, De- partment of Anatomy; Anton J. Carlson, Depart- ment of Physiology; Merle Coulter, Department of Botany; Earl A. Evans, Jr., Department of Biochem- istry; Ralph W. Gerard, Department of Physiology; Victor Johnson, Dean of Students, Division of Bio- logical Sciences; Wilton M. Krogman, Department of Anthropology; George K. K. Link, Department of Botany; Carl R. Moore, Department of Zoology; William H. Taliaferro, Dean, Division of Biological Sciences; Ralph W. Tyler, Department of Education. From Other Institutions: Detlev W. Bronk, Professor of Biophysics and Di- rector of the Eldridge Reeves Johnson Research Foundation, University of Pennsylvania; Karl S. Lashley, Research Professor of Neuropsychology, Harvard University; Dwight E. Minnich, Professor and Chairman of the Department of Zoology, Uni- versity of Minnesota; Karl P. Schmidt, Chief Cura- tor of Zoology, Field Museum of Natural History; Francis O. Schmitt, Professor of Biology and Head of the Department of Biological Engineering, Mas- sachusetts Institute of Technology; Edmund W. Sin- nott, Sterling Professor of Botany, Yale University; Laurence H. Snyder, Professor of Zoology, Ohio State University; C. V. Taylor, Herzstein Professor of Biology and Dean of the School of Biological Sciences, Stanford University; Benjamin H. Willier, Henry Walters Professor of Zoology and Chairman of the Department of Biology, Johns Hopkins Uni- versity. DATES OF LEAVING OF INVESTIGATORS Baker, Gladys: «....s:...scccssscasccvssesssscesaeo eer eneenees July 21 lick, Sis. ‘De. scccccsscsossssssossssccstsgpeeaneesseeesseee eee July 23 Kreezer, G. ... . July 25 Millen sinuses .. June 30 Ronkiny Ri Re. ccsecscecissccvcctescsscecesessueeseeee tees July 25 Rothstein), cA... eee eeeeeeeteeeee July 14 Stowell, R. E. .. . July 27 Warner, E. N. .. .. July 25 Weaver, Margare go. densbucvcoueseceusucteceeneaeeeeeneeeee July 26 ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS Benedict, Dora Milton Acad. (Mass.). Br 309. Birmingham, L. grad. asst. biol. Rochester. OM 39. Dr 3. Boyd, M. J. asst. prof. biochem. Cincinnati. Br 341. Castelnuovo, Gina zool. Missouri. lib. Cole, R. M. grad. fel. biol. Harvard. OM 39. Ka 3. Claude, A. assoc. Rockefeller Inst. Br 206. Davson, H. assoc. prof. phys. Dalhousie. Br 107. Gray, I. E. assoc. prof. zool. Duke. lib. Hendricks, Anne L. Cincinnati Med. Br 341. A 202. Hopkins, Marjorie G. grad. asst. zool. Mt. Holyoke. OM 39. H 3. Humm, Frances D. grad. fel. emb. Yale. lib. D 311. Keosian, J. asst. prof. biol. Newark. Br 315. Morgan, Lilian V. (Pasadena, Calif.). Br 320. Muir, R. M. grad. fel. bot. Michigan. Bot. Dr 6. Saunders, Grace grad. fel. biol. New York. OM 39. H 9. Shapiro, H. S. techn. biol. Williams. OM 26. Dr 15. CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: A.M. 1 dee ee EEO . 12:41 Date P.M. August August August August August August August August In each case the current changes approxi- mately six hours later and runs from the Sound to the Bay. Aueust 2, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 111 ITEMS OF Dr. A. J. WATERMAN, who is instructing in the invertebrate course, has been promoted from as- sistant to associate professor of biology at Wil- liams College. Dr. HENRY EMERSON, instructor in anatomy at the University of Michigan, has been appointed instructor in biology at Amherst College. Dr. Mary Sears, who is at present working in the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, has received a Faculty Fellowship at Wellesley, and in addition has a grant from the Committee for Inter-American Artistic and Cultural Relations to conduct research work on Chincha Island, Peru. The work will consist of an investigation of plank- ton in connection with the feeding habits of Guano birds. Beginning August 15 her study will con- tinue about eight months, after which time she will return to the Oceanographic Institution. Dr. FRANK A. Brown, JR., associate professor of zoology at Northwestern University, is teach- ing a course in comparative physiology and an- other in invertebrate hormonal mechanisms at the University of Chicago. Dr. SaMuEL A. MATHEWS, who instructed last summer in the invertebrate zoology course, spent the month of July at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography. Dr. RatpH H. CHENEY, who has worked at the laboratory in previous summers, is on the Pacific coast visiting the marine biological sta- tions at La Jolla, Corona del Mar, Pacific Grove, and Friday Harbor. Dr. JAMEes A. MILLER, who in previous years conducted work at the Marine Biological Labora- tory, is on the staff of the invertebrate course at the Mount Desert Island Biological Laboratory this summer. In addition to lectures on the co- elenterates, flatworms, and annelids, Dr. Miller is making a Kodachrome moving picture of the activities of the course. Before leaving the East for the University of Michigan, he expects to re- turn to Woods Hole for several days. Mr. J. PAULL, who was registered for the in- vertebrate course did not come to Woods Hole; his place has been filled by Miss Louise E. Gross of Smith College. A new marine biological laboratory is being planned by the University of Texas. Located on the Texas coast of the Gulf of Mexico, the Lab- oratory has been granted $25,000 by the General Education Board. Additional funds will be neces- sary, however, before construction can be started. The Atlantis returned from dry dock at the end of this week, and will leave Sunday or Monday for the other side of the Gulf Stream. INTEREST Dr. AND Mrs. CHARLES O. WARREN visited Woods Hole over the weekend. Both Dr. War- ren and his wife, the former Katherine S. Brehme, have worked at Woods Hole in the past. They are spending the summer at the Biological Lab- oratory at Cold Spring Harbor. Miss ANNABELLE BROOMALL was married to Dr. Richard Horn on June 11 in Wilkinsburg, Pennsylvania. She is working at the Laboratory on the genetics of a parasitic wasp, and this fall will work for her doctor’s degree at the Univer- sity of Pittsburgh. Her husband is now interning in the Pittsburgh Medical Center. At the weekly staff meeting at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution on Thursday evening, Dr. Theodor van Brand, of the Catholic Univer- sity of America, spoke on “Experimental Studies upon the Nitrogen Cycle in the Sea.” Motion pictures on “Seals in Alaska’’ were shown Thursday evening in the M.B.L. Auditor- ium. The film was provided by the Fish and Wildlife Service and explanatory comments were made by Dr. P. S. Galtsoff. Mr. Lower’s Movies of Aquarium Life and Children this summer will be shown on Friday, August 8, 3:00 P. M. in the Schoolhouse for the benefit of the microscope fund. 20c children, 40c adults. The Annual Exhibition of Children’s Work will take place from 2 to 5 P. M., Friday, August 8. The program of the phonograph record concert at the M.B.L. Club Monday night is as follows: Beethoven, “Egmont Overture ;”’ Prokoffiev, “Pe- ter and the Wolf;” intermission; Tschaikowsky, “Symphony No. 4.” M.B.L. TENNIS CLUB The officers of the Tennis Club will appoint a committee to run a tournament of events in ladies’ and men’s singles and doubles, provided enough players care to enter. The entries must be in by Monday, August 4, and drawings will be made that evening. Play will begin immediately in or- der to finish the finals by the middle of August. Entries should be made on the sheets posted by the Mess court. The courts are less crowded than usual this summer, and the club needs the support of the community to reduce its indebtedness. The havoc caused to the new beach courts by the tidal wave in 1938 brought about heavy expenditures for re- construction. During the past two seasons several club members have saved the club about two hun- dred dollars by putting the surface into playing condition. In addition, the club is grateful to several people who have given generous aid and so helped to reduce the club debt. —D. E. L. GEE COOLER CMING NE [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 STUDIES ON THE LIFE HISTORY OF SIPHODERA VINALEDWARDSII, A TREMATODE PARASITE OF THE TOADFISH Drs. R. M. Caste AND A. V. HUNNINEN Purdue University and Oklahoma City University Experimental studies on the life history of Siphodera vinaledwardsu (Linton) have demon- strated that this trematode is related to the Heter- ophvidae as postulated by Manter, Price, and Wilhelm on the basis of morphological and sero- logical investigations. The definitive host in the Woods Hole region is the toadfish, Opsanus tau, practically all of which are infected. The small marine snail, Bittiwim alternatum, serves as_ the molluscan host in which the cercariae develop in simple, elongate rediae. The cercaria is a pleuro- lophocercous form of an unusual type since the tail is inserted ventrally and coiled when at rest, the fourteen penetration glands have two instead of the usual four bundles of ducts in the region of the oral sucker, and the excretory formula is 2[(2+2) + (2+2)] = 16 flame cells. The cer- cariae penetrate and encyst in various species of flounders, developing into infective metacercariae in approximately two weeks. Metacercariae occur in the fins, body wall and even the myocardium of the fish. Feeding experiments thus far completed indicate that toadfish become infected by eating fish containing metacercariae. Three toadfish, isolated for four weeks, were fed fish containing 13-day metacercariae. Two of these have been examined and found to contain large numbers of very young worms in addition to a few mature specimens from previous natural infection. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 15.) THE INFLUENCE OF HORMONES ON THE DIFFERENTIATION OF MELANO- PHORES IN BIRDS (Continued from page 109) late contain fewer melanin granules, so that they appear lighter-colored, and granules are not elim- inated as soon from them. Though chronologi- cally of the same age, these treated melanophores are physiologically younger than the controls. In summary, it is seen that genetic differences in the precursor cells must determine whether they become red or black melanophores, since both kinds develop adjacent to one another in the same piece of tissue and in the same clot. However, certain environmental factors must influence which of the two kinds of melanophores will pre- dominate. For example, fast-growing feathers are mostly black in the Rhode Island Red breed, so that physiological differences in feather germs must favor the differentiation of one or the other kind of pigment cell. This study also shows that hormones (and probably other sterols) increase or decrease the numbers of each kind of melano- phore. Hormones apparently act directly on me- lanophores, since they are fairly well-isolated i vitro from other cell types which might affect them. The evidence suggests that the hormone exerts some intracellular metabolic effect so as either to catalyze or inhibit melanin synthesis. Ap- parently there are no transitional stages between red and black melanophores; hormones do not cause one kind of pigment cell to change into an- other. Red melanophores are not produced by stopping normal melanin synthesis at a red stage. If this were true, all black melanophores should pass through a red phase in their formation, and this is not observed. Hormones cause the appear- ance of red melanophores only in those birds which have genes for red pigment (1.e., possess red-type precursor cells). These precursors or melanoblasts remain latent in the tissue until con- ditions are favorable, either in cultures or in feather germs, for them to synthesize melanin. An examination of human hair follicles shows that both red and black melanophores are present in some individuals, and that different proportions of these two kinds of pigment cells account for the varying shades of brown, sandy, and red_ hair. Dark brown and black hairs contain only black melanophores. The similarity of these two kinds of mammalian pigment cells to those of birds sug- gests that they, too, might be influenced by hor- mones. Graying in hair and whiteness in feathers are similar in that both are caused by loss of pig- ment cells (due to decreased viability of melano- phores or adverse environmental conditions in the follicle) so that those few which remain are un- able to produce enough pigment to color the hair or feather. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 22.) AvuGust 2, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 113 INVERTEBRATE CLASS NOTES We invertebrates, fifty-five in all, representing forty-eight colleges and universities, had our first meeting Thursday evening, July 24. At this time, jovial Dr. Bissonnette introduced our instructors, explaining the workings of the course, warned us about the tides, poison ivy, and making sea water ’ do the work of formalin. Protozoans were the subject of three lectures by Dr. Waterman, in which he not only reviewed the structural and ecological aspects, but also some of the important research problems of this group. For us beginners at least, the lab work became more difficult as we turned from attached forms to parasites and free-swimming forms. The lab was by no means deserted over Sunday, some of us striving to cover a respectable minimum, others to take advantage of the abundant material. In- deed, we have become quite familiar with the customary peroration: “There is sufficient mater- ial for a week’s work. Please hand in your lab records by tomorrow noon.” Dr. Lucas had the tough assignment of crowd- ing into a single afternoon a comprehensive lec- ture on the somewhat anomalous Porifera, to be followed by our investigations of the several types available. To carry out our end of the job, many of us worked well into the night. The fail- ure of the power supply at one A. M. sent the last investigators groping to bed. Spicules and choanocytes duly observed and re- corded, we have turned our attention to polyps and medusae. Guided by Dr. Crowell’s well or- ganized lectures we have been examining the di- verse types and phases of hydroid life. Our first two days were further enlivened by field trips, one to Stoney Beach, the other to Lackey’s Bay. Equipped with the “Ark’’—fully as capable as its Biblical prototype at taking, two by two or as fast as we find them, any and all marine invertebrates—watch glasses, forceps, hand lenses, we readily found representatives of most of the invertebrate phyla. Identification was an- other matter, one largely in the hands of our om- niscient instructors. By the second trip however, the “recording angel” was hard put to keep track of the staccato calls of “Amaroucium’”, “Nassa trevetata,”’ “Diapatra,” scarcely audible above the other sounds associated with a successful field trip. As we're a social noisy group, we received the news of the M.B.L. Mixer with enthusiasm. Few of us went with the sole purpose of meeting cele- brated investigators, but the rest of us preferred the frivolous chatter and dancing. With our back- ground in Protozoology we added an appropriate (purely scientific, of course) finish to the day by swimming in the biluminous sea. Several active souls finished the evening in the+lab, boiling un- wanted lobster claws and playing bridge. During lab hours (i.e., any time) we hear the results of John Osmun’s newly (quite newly) formed quartet with Bob Porter, Howy Miner, and Sid Pond. The one person that will effec- tively interrupt them is Gary Metcalf of the col- lecting crew who never fails to praise the crew’s soft ball team. We have met the challenge by or- ganizing a volunteer eleven (not to mention a complete girl’s team). Dr. Rankin has promised to be our first base man. This stroke of luck should remove all doubt concerning the final scores. A merciful rain postponed our first game. —Louise Gross and Bill Batchelor EFFECT OF SEA WATER ON THE RADIOSENSITIVITY OF ARBACIA SPERM (Continued from page 101) TABLE I. Percentage Fertilization Amount of radiation: 76,500 roentgens. Irradiated Controls Conc. of sperm: “Dry” 135) lO Time of insemi- nation after irradiation: 60 min. : 100 100 87 90 min.: 98 62 19 1:100 Diva 15 1:10 1:100 3 100 100 100 100 2 gy) 100 91 98 from the above data that another indication of in- creased sensitivity at greater dilutions is a de- crease in the ability to survive over a period of time. It appears that some sperm, not killed in- stantaneously, may be injured so that they die later. Because of the possibility that the increase in sensitivity might be due to production of toxic materials in the water, irradiated sea water was added to sperm but no definite injury was ob- served. A quantitative study of the change in resistance 114 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 Tas_e II. Amount of radiation: None 1,160 r a \VA0) se 3,180 r 4,240 r 5,300 r Percent. fert.: 100 69.5 45.0 35.4 41.5 33.8 Cone. Sperm 1:2000 Percent. fert. : 100 7.0 73 3.5 13.2 7.95 Amount of radiation: None 1,195 r 2,390 r 4,780 r 9,560 r 19,120 r Conc. of Sperm 1:10 Percent. fert. : 100 100 100 100 93.0 93.0 Conc. sperm 1:1000 Percent. fert. : 100 73.0 63.8 36.6 TEN 1.77 Amount of radiation : None 1,190 r 2,380 r 4,760 r 9,520 r 19,040 r Cone. of Sperm 1:100 Percent. fert. : 100 97.2 98.3 99.3 92.1 56.9 Conc. of Sperm 1:1000 Percent. fert.: 100 94.7 94.4 ZA? 6.7 0 Amount of radiation : None 5,600 r 11,200r 22400r 44,800 r 89,600 r Cone. Sperm 1:20 Percent. fert. : 100 86.0 86.0 68.5 48.8 40.7 Cone. Sperm 1:200 Perct. fert. : 100 12.6 1.5 0 0) 0 of the sperm at various concentrations was made in the following manner. Sperm were collected in as concentrated a form as possible, such sperm being considered as “dry” or 100% sperm. The desired dilutions were made from the same lot of “dry” sperm, and, after 15 minutes, were irra- diated. Following irradiation, fertilization tests were made. Each lot of sperm was diluted to the same concentration before insemination in order that the same amount of sperm would be used in each case for the same number of eggs. The amount of sperm added to the eggs was not suffi- cient to give 100% fertilization. In this manner, an excess of sperm was avoided and small changes in ability to fertilize could be detected. At least two lots of eggs were fertilized in each case and several counts of each were made. The final counts were made at the time when most of the fertilized eggs were in the two cell stage. The results were expressed as percentage fertilization (as compared to controls). As shown in Table II, the ability to fertilize is markedly altered by the proportion of water present during the irra- diation. It should be noted that the dilution ex- periments were performed in pairs in order to prevent possible differences due to variation in radiosensitivity from one lot of sperm to another. Therefore the values to be compared are those obtained by different dilutions in the same experi- ment and not necessarily from one experiment to another. However, the results of all of these ex- periments are in general agreement. Some experiments have been performed in an effort to obtain some information regarding the mechanisms controlling the change in radiosensi- tivity. It has been found that dilute sperm sus- pensions irradiated immediately after the addition of water (when the rate of oxygen consumption is high) are more susceptible than sperm that have been in sea water for 30 minutes (at which time the rate of oxygen consumption has dropped to a lower level). This, together with the fact that the addition of sea water greatly increases the activity and rate of oxygen consumption, in- dicates that these factors play a part in determin- ing the radiosensitivity of the sperm. Other fac- tors are being investigated in an attempt to eluci- date the mode of action of radiation on the fertil- ity of sperm. Preliminary experiments on Nereis sperm in- dicate a similar relation between dilution with sea water and radiosensitivity. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 29.) Aueust 2, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET in still projection At the left is the 100- watt Model MK Delin- eascope for 2" x 2" black and white or color ODAY’S high standards of color projection slides. c i owe much to the many optical and mechanical In the center is the a ike ae improvements originated by Spencer Lens Com- fan-cooled 300-watt P ie) yee Model MK-3, also for pany. 2" x 2" slides. Voice rinks ist the Spencer offers the utmost in brilliance and clarity 750-watt Model GK of screen images and in operating conveniences. Auditorium Delinea- scope for 2” x 2” and The complete Spencer line includes many types of 344 x 4” slides. iti ; Za tent Socnrcs still projectors in addition to the three pictured FROM above. Among them is one which will fit your $9250 ,, 16300 special requirements. Dept. U8-3 will send you detailed information upon request. Spencer Lens Company SPENCER BUFFALO, NEW YORK ees Scientific Instrument Division of AMEE REC ANG © Pa TiC AL, (COM PrAUN Sales Offices: NewY ork, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas, Columbus,St.Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta LEA & FEBIGER PUBLICATIONS ON EXHIBIT AUGUST 1-15 Richard W. Foster in Charge Bridges’ Dietetics, new (4th) edition Calkins’ Biology of the Protozoa, 2d edition Cowdry’s Histology, 2d edition Craig and Faust’s Clinical Parasitology, 2d edition DeGaris, Lachmann Human Anatomy and Chase’s Principles of Faust’s Human Helminthology, 2d edition Fishberg’s Hypertension and Nephritis, 4th edition Gray’s Anatomy, 23d edition Haden’s Hematology, 2d edition Kendall’s Microscopic Anatomy, new (2d) edition Lucas’ Elements of Human Physiology Lynn's Organic Chemistry McDougall’s Plant Ecology, new (3d) edition Schafer’s Essentials of Histology, 14th edition Whillis’ Elementary Anatomy and Physiology Wigger’s Physiology in Health and Disease, 3d edition And Other Standard Text-Books LEA & FEBIGER Washington Square LIFE cave SCIENCE s. A Social Biology This new book is focused on training boys and girls to become citizens and wise parents. Philadelphia, Pa. Ennnasizes fundamental biological prin- ciples related to the everyday life of the pupil. Uses every possible device for motiva- tion toward desirable attitudes and habits of study. Mrcludes material of several grades of difficulty in order to provide for indi- vidual differences. eave constant stress on science as a habit of thinking. Leively and vigorous in style and_ illustrations 815 pages List price $2.08 AMERICAN BOOK COMPANY New York Cincinnati Chicago Boston Atlanta Dallas San Francisco THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 sosesseeeeee ae ee ees SaSeerSee Perret f MITOSIS A New Turtox Biochrome Chart Based primarily upon Whitefish Mitosis, the chart is executed in full color and, like the other 20 Turtox Biochrome Charts, is printed in waterproof pamts on durable chart cloth. Ten figures cover the stages in animal mitosis and two supplementary drawings show metaphase stages of Ascaris and Tra- clescantia. Ask for a copy of the May, 1941 Turtox News in which this chart is illustrated and described in detail. GENERAL BrioLtocicAL Suppty House (Incorporated) 761-763 East SIXTY-NINTH PLACE, CHICAGO TO TT TT ly ——————— wa ww www we aw a a ww a a nw eae ween nme : ological Slides Clarite and Clarite Resins are available Cy in es lumps or ready - to --use woul . CL ARITE solutions. EDTA Inert, high-melting, water- white; many advantages over Canada balsam and gum damar. Clarites have proper refractive indices and adhe- sion to glass, and will neither become acid nor discolor with age. Clarites are pure, uni- form, perfectly transparent. © reread EE Will not cause stains to fade : with age because they are absolutely neutral and re- main so. rl for booklet ‘‘Neville Clarite Z Mounting Media” *REG. U.S, PAT. OFF THE NEVILLE COMPANY PITTSBURGH ° PA. Aucust 2, 1941 ]. MATE COLEEELING INET 117 TECHNICIAN WANTED Position available in Preserved Material Cooperation with Authors and Publishers Dept. of a leading biological supply house. State education, age, experience in preserv- ing and injecting specimens, experience with quently write to us to ask if we will loan other preparations, salary desired, references, and whether subject to draft. Box 477, Col- lecting Net, Woods Hole, Mass. ! Authors of biology texts and manuals fre- | illustrations for use in their books. We do so in numerous cases. Hundreds of copy- righted Turtox photographs and drawings have been published in dozens of outstand- a ea i i i ah a f Kern Scientific Instruments Since 1819 Polarimeter for sunlight or sodium light. Verniers read- ing to 0.05° by ‘ie magnifier. Teles Tripartite RIMETER identity field. y Tubes up to . 200 mm. Micrometer screw. KERN COMPANY iytitestyyst: ing biology texts. We make no charge for this service to authors or publishers. Write to us if you wish to use any Turtox illus- > OD 0) SP 0-0-0 SD OD 0D) 0-0-0 CD-0 EEO ED aD: articles. GENERAL BiotocicaL SuppLty House (Incorporated) | trations in textbooks, manuals or magazine 2 2 | 761-763 East SIXTY-NINTH PLACE, CHICAGO 0) 0 D0 D1 {oem 0-em me aa ee ema ame ecem amo emoes ee GOLD SEAL Cover Glasses Made in U. S. A. WE ARE PROUD to be able to offer you cover glasses entirely made in the United States. Formerly GOLD SEAL cover glasses were cut, gauged, sorted, and packed in our own workshop from imported glass. Now, after considerable research and development work a glass, worthy of the name, GOLD SEAL, is made in the United States ... We are proud of this accomplishment. American made GOLD SEAL Cover Glasses are at least equal in NON-CORRO- SIVE quality to the glass formerly imported a statement based on the results of careful laboratory testing and control... Physically, the glass is practically free of stria, bubbles, and curvature. Prices have been kept low when it is considered that the cost of domestic production is many times the import price. See page 22 of our new Catalog No. 102 CN for prices — if you haven't a copy please write for one on your letterhead. o— Dy CLAY-ADAMS trer Nee Yorn N.Y (eg) 5 [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 118 THE COLLECTING NET THE TWIN DOOR DALEY’S Patent Medicines and Hospital Supplies Main Street D Woods Hole STATIONERY COSMETICS SUNDRIES Open (>>) + POLAROID GLASSES from x Sa Special 6 A. M. & = Weekly ; to A ris Rates ROWE’S PHARMACY ‘he Cigarettes - Cosmetics - Magazines Home Remedies Developing and Printing Snapshots Prescriptsons F'almouth - Woods Hole - No. Fal. 11:30 P. M. > 5 la Sandwiches Club Breakfast 7 - 9:30 STEAKS LOBSTERS CHICKEN ee *Mac?? MRS. WEEKS’ SHOPS In Quest of Gorillas HOSIERY, DRY GOODS By Toilet Necessities William King Gregory Cretonne, Chintz, Lingerie and FALMOUTH Henry C. Raven An outstanding book on African exploration. THE BELLOWS 251 text pages 112 illustrations Mrs. Hedlund Price $1.75 Falmouth Heights Road at Jericho THE DARWIN PRESS LUNCHEON DINNER 69 School St., New Bedford, Mass. For Reservations Call Falmouth 271 tHe CAMBRIDGE SPOT GALVANOMETER Privioes Laboratory Accuracy See Shop Luggedness _ The Cambridge Spot Galvanometer provides a complete outhit—galvanometer, lamp and scale—in one self-con- tained metal case. It is robust, has a stable zero and does not require accurate levelling. The sharply defined spot can easily be read at a distance. The lamp may be operated on A.C. service current or 4-volt battery. Sensitivity in mm. on scale is from 19 to 170 per micro- ampere using coils of 10, 40 and 700 ohms. Scale can be read to 0.2 mm. | Cambridge makes many other types of galvanometers. Cambridge Instruments are used to measure . . . minute direct and alternating potential, current and power quantities; field strength of magnets; humidity; temperature; hydrogen-ion concentration; dissolved oxygen; gas analysis; horizontal, rotational, and vertical vibration; in- ternal damping capacities of materials; acceleration and deceleration; oscillographic recording of transient electrical phenomena; geophysical prospecting; etc.; etc. Write for literature of instruments of use to you. CAMBRIDGE INSTRUMENT CO., Inc. Pioneer Manufacturers of Precision Instruments 3732 GRAND CENTRAL TERMINAL, NEW YORK, N. Y. Aucust 2, 1941 ] 119 Practically-- Four Centrifuges in One! MICRO — ANGLE — HORIZONTAL CHEMICAL aT TERNATIONAL “Clinical Model” One reason for the continued popularity of the International “Clinical Model” Centrifuge is its wide range of usefulness due to the variety of interchangeable heads. Thus, at low cost, this small centrifuge offers the advantage of being practically four centrifuges in one. Maximum speeds range from 2,000 r.p.m. to 5,800 r.p.m. depending upon the type of head used and whether operated on A.C. or D.C. Micro Heads for swinging .5, 1, 2, 3 and 5 ml. glass tubes either at an angle or in a horizontal position. Angle Heads The illustration at right shows a streamlined Conical Head for swinging 6- 15 ml. glass tubes at an angle. Other Conical Heads with capacities up to 200 ml. are available. Horizontal Heads commonly known as “regular” heads, accommodate 4- 15 ml. or 50 ml. glass tubes or combination of both for horizontal sedimentation. Chemical Basket Heads A Basket Head and Draining Chamber may be easily interchanged with the guard bowl and tube carrying heads to make a Chemical & Centrifuge. Baskets and Draining Chambers are available in man- ganese bronze, Coors porcelain, monel metal, stainless steel and rubber covered steel. Send for Bulletin CC or Ask Your Dealer INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT CO. 352 WESTERN AVENUE Makers of Fine Centrifuges BOSTON, MASS. ES EELS SS a ee | Dee oD Te ene ee 120 THE COLEERELING Nba [ Vor. XVI, No. 143 ITH you, as with us, defense comes first. Our output of optical instruments is being rapidly increased to meet the defense emergency. We will endeavor to give our customers the best service possible under existing cir- cumstances, and ask your sympathetic cooperation. Courtesy of the American When Gori//a savager Visits a City Classroom O city classrooms Bausch & Lomb Balopticons have brought Gorilla savagei and other denizens of the wilds... to dust-shrouded schools of Mid-Western plains, the rainbow-hued marvels of the Bermuda Deep... to mountain schools, the architectural wonders of spired Manhattan. Scenes from the far corners of the earth, photo- graphs requiring costly expeditions to acquire, speci- mens found once in a scientist’s lifetime—are now presented for leisurely, detailed classroom study by beginner and expert alike. All this is made possible because of the Bausch & Lomb Balopticon, a simply operated, economical still projection instrument. So universally is this projector used that the trade name “Balopticon” has become a common noun to be found in the modern dictionary. To the pupil in the classroom, to the scientist working with precision optical instruments and to the wearers of Bausch & Lomb eyewear, the Bausch & Lomb name stands for optical excellence. This name, through the many years of the company’s existence has become a part of the pattern of American living. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. e ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION. Vol. XVI, No. 7 SATURDAY, AUGUST 9, 1941 RETA S ERT EFFECT OF AZIDE ON CYPRIDINA PROTEINS IN ACTION LUCIFERIN Dr. Dorothy Wrincu Dr. AurtN M. CHASE Professor at Amherst, Snuth and Physiological Laboratory, Princeton University Mount Holyoke Colleges Luciferin is the substrate in the bioluminescent One of the most interesting characteristics of reaction. In the presence of an enzyme, lucifer- this golden age of biological research is the way ase, and of oxygen in solution, light is produced. in which a new synthesis of ideas is emerging, Reversible oxidation of luci- as the result of the immense ferin can occur in the absence See ee srogress which has been of luciferase but there is no 4. B. £. Calendar ee by specialist investi- luminescence in this case. (E. gators working in a score of N. Harvey, Ann. Rev. Bio- TUESDAY, August 12, 8:00 P. M. highly technical biological chem., 1941.) Seminar: Dr. W. Trager: “Studies fields and the rise of the new The luciferin and luciferase on Conditions Affecting the Sur- science of structure chemistry. used in the present experi- uve) in vitro of a Malarial Para- | The original barriers between ments were obtained from the Dr. Charles Hassett: “The Effect morphological and functional crustacean, Cypridina hilgen- of Dyes on the Response to Light studies are giving way before dorfu. In the thoroughly dried in Peranema.” font 0 the realization of the fact that organisms the luminescent ma- oe 0. Habehons . Uunzerion of function can only be under- terials remain stable practical- enn ect anos) | wectood im) termsyoimstructine mse ly indefinitely. The luciferin Miss Virginia Dewey and Dr. G. that structure, far from being was extracted and purified by W. Kidder: “The Possibility of | the concern only of certain the method of Anderson (J. Thiamine Synthesis by Ciliates.” | specialists, is seen to be of the Gen. Physiol., 1935) and the first importance in a_ great luciferase was partially puri- FRIDAY, August 15, 8:00 P. M. variety of attacks on biological fied by prolonged dialysis | Lecture: Dr. Franz Schrader: “The | problems. Biological systems against distilled water. The see Movements of Chromo- indeed are now seen to be reaction mixtures, of pH 5.4 superlatively fine examples of and 6.6, were made up from functional architecture. Simul- phosphate buffer, 0.2 M. and the sodium azide taneously structure chemistry, the science which solutions were also made up in these same buffers. studies the geometry of intra- and inter-molecular Luminescence was (Continued on page 131) atomic arrangements, has come of age. This TABLE OF CONTENTS Proteins in Action, Dr. Dorothy Wrinch........ 121 Dates of Leaving of Investigators «0... 128 Effect of Azide on Cypridina Luciferin, Dr. [tems oielnterestaeccsccscccctremccetteee eee ceseeeteserccnccd 129 PASI OM ASC: ce ceecratt seca desdcavcsatestssttvthesieacesvecsebeseee 121 Nominations for Trustees ........cccccccscccssseeeeeeereees 128° Invertebrate Class NOte@S) livtececsesccsceseccesonteseoeteee 130 Review of “Embryology of Insects and My- Additional Investigators 128 MIapOU Sea eters Graiyaencccesste secretes ttceetesetess 13 = ee | AA ALONG WATER STREET DURING THE 1938 HURRICANE Above: The M.B.L. Club House at the height of the storm, with the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution behind it. The building between the two telephone poles at the left is Rowe’s Drug Store, while that to the right of the Oceanographic building is the Institution’s pump house. Below: A churning mass of wreckage being tossed over the sea wall, photographed from the steps of the Yalden Sundail. At the extreme right is the M.B.L. pump house. On the horizon may be dis- tinguished Lawyer Hathaway’s yacht “Rosemay,” which battled the storm successfully by running its engines at full speed throughout the hurricane. (Photographs by L. A. Baker) Auecust 9, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 123 new science, with which the names of Lang- muir, Lewis, and Pauling in this country, and W. H. Bragg and W. L. Bragg in England will always be associated, has already accom- plished for many inorganic materials, such as diamond, graphite, the silicates, and _ water, among countless others, just the type of analysis which is required for the deeper understanding of biological materials. It has shown how mechani- cal and physical properties can be explained in terms of atomic arrangements. The hardness of diamond and the flakiness of graphite, the softness of naphthalene, the water-holding capacity of the clay minerals, the variation in properties in the different classes of silicates, for example the platey character of the micas and the fibrous nature of the amphiboles—all can be and indeed have been seen to be direct consequences of atomic patterns. The new synthesis in biology now developing has as part of its objective the strictly similar task of the analysis and interpretation of biological data in atomic and molecular terms. In innumerable ways the triumphant transition from millimeters to Angstroms of the structure chemist working with inorganic materials and the simpler organic substances offers pointers to the biologist so that he may in due time accomplish a similar transi- tion, the narrower transition from the micron, even perhaps (with the help of the electron micro- scope) the decimicron, to the Angstrom world. Tonight I shall ask you to review with me re- cent findings in a number of experimental fields which can be interpreted in terms of structure chemistry and to consider a number of specific suggestions regarding the possible nature of bio- logical structure systems which result. Cytoplasm in Focus Structure problems in biology find a focus in the nature of cytoplasm in general including par- ticularly the biologically functioning membranes, the cell plasma membranes around all animal and plant cells, the nuclear membrane and the mem- brane of red cells. A great deal is already known as to the mechanical and physical properties of these systems, something also of their chemical nature. Perhaps the most striking data of all are those which indicate an inherent dichotomy in the | nature of cytoplasm in general. Thus if, because | of its high water content, we wish to consider | cytoplasm as a liquid system, we must admit, as | Frey-Wyssling and others have pointed out, it is | a very anomalous one, since it does not satisfy the usual criteria. It is not inelastic, so it is a non- Newtonian liquid. It does not have a constant viscosity at a given temperature, so it is a non- Poiseuillian liquid. Small particles in cytoplasm do not rise or fall with constant velocity, so it is a non-Stokesian liquid. It is not under all cir- cumstances optically isotropic, so in a fourth re- spect it forfeits its title to being considered an ideal liquid. Furthermore, cytoplasm has a cer- tain rigidity ; it evinces under appropriate circum- stances a certain constancy of shape; it possesses some tensile strength. Any attempt to think of cytoplasm in terms of ordinary ideas of solid structures is equally un- successful. Cytoplasm is extremely deformable and very flexible. It is characterized also by the power to shrink and swell reversibly on the grand scale, its essential structure, upon which its func- tional behavior depends, apparently remaining un- disturbed. It has a huge water content which ap- proaches even 97 per cent in the case of certain cells and the water easily allows the passage of certain substances, though not of others. This fact draws attention to the most character- istic property of all, namely the extreme specificity of the cytoplasm as evinced by its permeability properties in general and in other ways, a fact which indicates the necessity for a totally different type of structure from that of classical chemical systems, whether thought of as solids or liquids. The central points about cytoplasm were put in the clearest manner by Wilson many years ago. “Nothing is more remarkable,” said Wilson writ- ing several decades ago, “than that a thing so delicate and plastic should run so true to form through countless generations. How this is pos- sible we can hardly imagine. We can but re- cord the observed fact that it is effected by an in- herent power of adjustment and self-regulation which holds the cell fast to its own type.” What then is the nature of this structure by means of which, as Wilson says, “within certain well-de- fined limits the activities of every cell are of spe- cific type,’ such that “the muscle cell, the nerve cell or the gland cell displays its own characteris- tic performance” ? Proteins, the Clue The clue to the mystery is not far to seek. It resides in this fact ; no consideration of any struc- ture problem in biology or medicine can be com- plete unless due account is taken of the protein constituent. I wish specially to make clear that no one with any appreciation of the recent ad- vances in knowledge of the parts played by many Tur CoLLEctINa Net was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. | Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. i Mass. Single copies, 30c by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 124 THE (COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 144 non-protein components in living systems could be willing to assert that the protein alone is the whole story. We have only to think of the im- portance of the lipoid component in red cell mem- branes and of the carbohydrates, as for example in the pneumococcal polysaccharides, to see the necessity for this qualification. This aspect how- ever has not lacked emphasis. Since the turn of the century there has been a tendency to ignore proteins in physiological problems because exact studies on simpler substances of biological impor- tance have naturally taken precedence. In conse- quence there has been, in some quarters at least, a tardiness to assess at its real value the role of proteins in biological structure problems. Thus enzymes were denied protein status as late as 1926 by no less an authority than Will- statter. Curiously enough, in this same year urease was crystallized by Sumner at Ithaca and insulin was crystallized by Abel at Hopkins. Proof that many enzymes are proteins has since been given by Northrop and others. Certain cel- lular respiratory enzymes which operate through a prosthetic group depend for their specificity on the protein portion of the molecule. Further, several vitamins have been shown to be prosthetic groups which associate with proteins. Similarly, it has recently appeared that most hormones either are proteins, e.g., insulin, the parathyroid and pituitary hormones, or else exist in the body in combination with a protein, e.g., thyroglobulin. The sterol hormones are an im- portant group for which evidence of protein com- bination is lacking, but it is interesting to note recent evidence for a combination between choles- terol and pneumococcal hemolysin. The startling demonstration that the viruses are complex nucleo-proteins has also been a develop- ment of the last few years. The remarkable prop- erty of the viruses of being able to enter cells and increase in concentration, presumably by an auto- catalytic process, puts these molecules on the border line between the living and the inanimate. It may be permissible (as Muller, for example, has maintained) to picture the viruses as the pro- totype of the genic material itself, which is able to go further and elaborate a cellular environment. These developments mean that the time is ripe for a new appraisal of the significance of proteins in biology and medicine. Proteins can no longer be regarded as relatively inert materials “which exert a colloid-osmotic pressure”; they are emerging as the key substances in physiological processes. They are the key even in the sense that many other biologically-active molecules may owe their significance to their relationship to the proteins. It is my opinion that the realization of all the im- plications of these facts will mark the beginning of a new era in the biological sciences. Structure Forming Proteins But the question then arises as to how proteins play this trancendent role in biological systems. The answer has been stated with admirable preci- sion by R. S. Lillie over twenty years ago when he surmised that “the specific characteristics of every animal or plant may be determined ulti- mately by their structure-forming proteins.” We cannot doubt that proteins are the structural units which, with some other subsidiary materials, build the structures, which the histologists meas- ure in microns, out of the ordered atomic patterns, which chemists measure in Angstroms. There can be little doubt that proteins, in their structure- forming capacity, are the main components of the conductile and contractile mechanisms, and of the cell machinery involved in the process of secre- tion and absorption. An understanding of the processes involved in normal growth and the healing of wounds naturally requires a knowledge of the mode of synthesis of tissue constituents, and therefore also of protein synthesis. The recent developments in our knowledge of enzymes, hormones, viruses and genes to which I have already referred are indeed a striking fulfillment of the judgment of a philosopher of the last century who said, already in 1878: “Life is the mode of existence of protein substances.” Just how minutely, recent accessions of knowledge of what we may call “the biology of the proteins” allow us to work out the picture of the proteins as the essential “‘structure-forming” components of living systems, I shall now try to show, even if only in the barest outline. The main sources of our information are the physical chemistry of proteins, studies of anti- bodies and the crystallography of native proteins. While these are by no means the only sources of information relevant to our investigation of the “structure-forming proteins,” I would emphasize one important aspect. All these techniques have proved themselves capable of yielding information about native proteins. In the attempt to under- stand the nature of such biologically active sys- tems as cytoplasm and plasma membranes, im- mense emphasis in recent years has been laid on the surmises and suggestions contained in early work on dead proteins such as wool, silk and gelatin, some of which have recently been retract- ed by the leading worker in the field, W. T. Ast- bury. Even if the whole subject of the structure of these inert proteins were not in a complete state of flux, there is no reason to think that this is a fruitful source of inspiration for those concerned with living systems, since these dead proteins have none of the properties which physiologists and biologists require of actively functioning proteins. It seems to be little realized how far developed is the present day picture of the native protein, and | Aucust 9, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 125 how fundamentally it differs from what is known about the grosser properties of dead proteins and from what has been suggested, admittedly on the basis of very inadequate X-ray and chemical data, for the atomic structure. I understand from the Director that it is not necessary that I try to hide from you the fact that, in my opinion, there is a very real crisis in this field of protein structure today. The tradition regarding these Evening Lectures was in fact laid down in 1893. “Some- what greater freedom in the expression of opinion than might be expected in strictly scientific com- munications must be permitted,’ writes the first Director of the Laboratory in the preface of the first of the familiar blue volumes of “Biological Lectures.” “In fact it is one of the leading ob- jects of these Evening Lectures to bring forward the unsettled problems of the day and to discuss them freely.’’ Discussing, then, this crisis freely, I would offer it, as my opinion, that, of all the elements in the complex protein field today which are holding up the progress of the understanding of structure problems relating to living matter, the one most responsible for the present deadlock is the hypothesis that polypeptide chains are the es- sential constituents of native proteins. The recent developments I mentioned make it quite possible that the picture of the structure of hair and the rest may need the most thoroughgoing revision, far beyond the modifications recently suggested in Nature. These modifications replace one naive picture based upon insufficient evidence by an- other, hardly less naive, and equally ill-ground- ed in fact. Be the situation in this field as it may, there seems to me to be no question but that the polypeptide chain hypothesis of hundreds of residues handcuffed in pairs is not only unproven but extremely mischievous, mis- chievous in its inhibiting effect upon attempts at protein synthesis now long overdue, mischievous also in the influence on the design of experiments in more than one field of physiology. Pressed to define where they stand on the polypeptide chain theory, there prove to be few protagonists of this simple picture who will not admit that the chains (if present) must be interlinked in definite pat- terns. Yet the fact that this admission leads di- rectly to two or three dimensional patterns of the characteristic residues and all the far reaching implications of this obvious idea remain almost universally unappreciated. Tonight, drawing the most definite of lines be- tween dead and dying proteins and _ biologically- active native proteins, I propose to assume that the proteins in cytoplasmic and membrane struc- tures are in the latter form. It may not be pos- sible, in the present crisis, to make out a water- tight case for the assumption, but it seems diffi- cult indeed to see where, in living organisms, they would be in the native state if not here. It ap- pears, however, legitimate for the unprejudiced observer to read a striking confirmation of the as- sumption into the recent work of Bailentine and Parpart who found that erythrocytes subjected to crystalline trypsin at pH 6.8 showed no change in permeability even after 24 hours exposure to the enzyme, a result which incidentally surely should cause acute embarrassment to polypeptide chain supporters. The Plain Unvarnished Facts If then we wish to understand the present day picture of the native protein, let us first consider the results obtained by Svedberg with his ultra centrifuge. This work opened a new era in the understanding of proteins, for contrary to the ex- pectations of many whose techniques consisted in first tearing to pieces the delicate structures of these biologically-active substances and then study- ing the resulting chaos, he found that native pro- teins are made up of well-defined molecular species. Of course the air-tight proof of molecu- lar status for any one protein involves investiga- tions of the highest delicacy, including above all solubility studies. But by and large the picture of protein units as genuine megamolecules emerges unmistakably from his researches. There also emerges a second characteristic of proteins, name- ly the dependence of their stability upon interlink- ing or association with other molecules or ions. The other molecules always, so far as we know, include water; many other types of molecules, in- cluding other proteins, also play a part. This seems to be the meaning of the phenomenon of re- versible dissociation of native proteins, first uncov- ered by Svedberg’s researches, of which there are many examples, including horse hemoglobin, the seed globulins, the hemocyanins and the erythro- cruorins. Such dissociable proteins (which fall, it is claimed into aliquot parts), break up into smaller units which still have the protein charac- ter. They are therefore more properly called pro- tein particles. That the stability of a protein unit or of a protein particle or colony of protein units can be ensured by linking of protein units together instead of the linking of each with a full comple- ment of waters or other “foreign” molecules is shown in such a case as horse hemoglobin, where plain dilution with water causes the presumably dimeric molecule present when the concentration is as high as one per cent to be replaced by (half- sized) monomeric molecules when the concentra- tion is below 0.5 per cent. Dissociations of other proteins by dilution with many other molecular species of polar molecules, including arginine, ly- sine and so on are also known to occur. The picture of the proteins as genuine mole- cules, whether monomeric or polymeric, which comes from these physico-chemical studies is amp- ly confirmed by crystallographic studies which 126 DHE COLEECDING NET [| Vot. XVI, No. 144 paint the same picture, with even greater sureness. These studies have shown that native protein molecules have definite atomic patterns. The X- ray pictures of horse hemoglobin are of such per- fection that there can be no doubt that each mole- cule consists of a highly organized framework of atoms. Further, the transition from the “wet’’ to the “dry” crystals of this and other proteins indi- cates that some or all the R-groups of the resi- dues, although rooted in definite spatial patterns on or in skeleton frameworks (whether of surface or volume type), are capable of considerable elas- ticity and flexibility. The immunological picture is entirely in accord. Marrack, in fact, goes so far as to picture certain constellations of R-groups in definite spatial ar- rangements dotted about on the rigid surface of the native protein as the most natural interpreta- tion of the immunological facts. How otherwise, indeed, can we interpret the subtle differences in the affinities of antibodies formed by an antigen formed from 1-phenyl-2, 3-dimethyl-4-amino- 5-pyrazolon diazotized and coupled with protein and that formed when the haptene changes the position of a double bond. The deduction by Marrack that surfaces of pro- teins carry R-groups in definite patterns leads us to another aspect of the matter which is perhaps one of the most crucial of all for biological struc- ture problems. Evidently we have to assume that the patterns on one patch of a native protein, or shall we not rather say one face (since the sur- face as a whole must have a definite morphology which even in the most general case must be poly- hedral in type) fits with certain faces of certain other proteins but by no means with any face of any protein. Thus specificity in protein surfaces leads naturally to specificity in interlinks and in- terlinking will in general be by means of R-groups located on this or that face of each unit. On this basis, protein units may be expected to form pro- tein particles (as indeed Svedberg has already found in many cases) and structure systems of all degrees of complexity as T. Brailsford Robertson (in 1918) long ago suggested. Such structure systems in the present picture will consist of rigid skeletons held together by interlinking groups. One main feature of all the biologically-function- ing systems we are considering, namely their flex- ibility, is now at once interpretable. A molecule such as methane consists of atoms held in definite directions and at definite distances, allowing very little flexibility within the molecule. But an as- sociation of protein units into a protein particle or framework is of a totally different type so far as its mechanical properties are concerned. Any in- terlinking of protein units by means of R-groups allows some flexibility of the resulting structure. This result offers a reasonable and straight-for- ward interpretation of the deep-lying dichotomy found in cytoplasmic structure. On the one hand, this picture of the nature of association of pro- teins shows that it will be extremely specific, in so far as it involves the compatibility of patterns of R-groups. Association, being dependent upon R-group constellations fitting into each other suffh- ciently well to form a stable combination, is neces- sarily conditional upon the maintenance intact of the characteristic skeleton, i.e., upon the condition that the native protein structure is preserved. Yet, on the other hand, such associations of protein units will give systems with definite flexibility. And this flexibility, let it be noted, is conjoined with and not in any sense incompatible with ex- treme specificity which is inherent not only in the individual units and their disengaged faces, if any, but also in the pattern of the various interlink types in the system as a whole. Putting these two superficially incompatible characteristics of speci- ficity plus rigidity of the skeletons and flexibility of the R-groups together we have a unit which promises well as the chief “structure-forming” in- gredient in biological structure systems. Geometry Will See Us Through From a totally different field of work, my own field of mathematics, there issues the same picture. This synthetic-geometrical attack has excited so much controversy from such able critics, con and pro, that there seems little doubt that, even if some of the arguments in favor of the theory may have so far been missed, practically all the ob- jections which can be brought against it have been meticuously tabled, a great advantage for any who might wish impartially to assess the situation re- garding native protein structure. On examination (see Langmuir, Proc. Phys. Soc. London, 51, 592, 1939; Wrinch, J.4.C.S., 63, 330, 1941) these ob- jections seem to be lacking in force or cogency. Neither do they gain in these respects from con- stant repetition by those who thought them up, or by interested bystanders or workers in totally different fields, who didn’t. Perhaps the most tenuous of the attempted onslaughts is that hav- ing to do with bond energies (known to be vari- — able in different atomic environments) which might be possessed by a structure which has never been synthesized (so that no thermal measure- ments on it can be made) and their relation to a few thermal measurements on a single protein (denatured trypsin) whose structure is totally un- known. But the point which concerns us particu- _ larly in this new field is that the objections have focused attention upon details of the particular “fine structure’ in terms of which the general idea of closed fabric structures for the globular pro- teins was clothed for expository, exploratory and general mathematical purposes. The actual fine structure or atomic pattern is, of course, quite in- Aucust 9, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 127 susceptible of proof or disproof by gross chemical techniques in view of the lability of the native protein. X-ray analysis at first sight appeared to offer some hope of clinching the matter, and in- deed it was shown by Langmuir and myself that the predicted structure for insulin is compatible with the only X-ray data available. However in view of the subsequent pronouncement by a dis- tinguished X-ray authority that these data are too poor to be used for this purpose, this aspect of the matter is held up for the moment until data which these experts consider of value shall be available to test each and all of the predicted structures. I have stated that this concentration of the interest of my distinguished critics and others on the “fine structure’ aspect of the work is of special interest to us here and now, for the following reason. The essential point of the work has, apparently, been entirely missed and it is this which is relevant to the protein structure systems which we now have under consideration, namely the possibility that the essence of these large structural units of proteins lies in a characteristic atomic fabric bent around to form a closed sur- face, a suggestion which could have a powerful in- fluence in the design of experiments. The emer- gence from the fields of physical chemistry, pro- tein crystallography and immunology of the gen- uine megamolecule, a structure consisting of thou- sands or millions of atoms which yet possesses definite physical, chemical and above all specific biological properties poses a new problem to physics and chemistry. The crisis is resolved and a beautiful new field of work is opened when it is seen that any patterned fabric of atoms gives the clue to this phenomenon. For any fabric of atoms will by its own pattern determine the types of closed surface which the metrical requirements of its constituent atoms will allow it to build. If the pattern of the fabric is a small pattern, then the resulting closed structures will give molecules of low molecular weight, like hexamethylene tetra- mine. But if the building units essentially require a large repeat in the pattern, as is the case with amino-acid and imino-acid residues, then the mo- lecular weights will be large. But, whether the molecules are large or small, the number of atoms or units in the skeletons will be determinate and a reason is then seen why even enormous protein structures should consist of perfectly definite num- bers of residue units. Indeed we can see one step further and predict that appropriate residue num- bers for protein skeletons should fall into definite series, necessarily quadratic functions of the na- tural numbers, since we are concerned solely with surfaces, i.e., two-dimensional distributions. It is on this basis that atomic fabrics which have been suggested in my investigations have yielded 72 as the first skeleton residue number, 288 as the sec- ond and so on, as the residue numbers for native protein units and multiples of any of these for protein particles, numbers which accord well with the molecular weights found by Svedberg. There are other striking consequences of this very simple idea. In a sense there is, as our col- league in China, Dr. Wu, was perhaps the first to emphasize, some general structural character which may be regarded as the essence of the pro- tein character. Yet there are astronomically many different proteins, all made up of a strictly limited variety of building stones. The cage or perhaps some other closed fabric structure like an anchor ring, with its obvious significance in terms of denaturation, according to which any break- down of the closed structure destroys the native character, may be, I submit, the essential protein character. So long and only so long as the R- groups have their roots held in this spatial pat- tern, is the specificity of the molecule retained. The ways in which the fixed number of places for residues in this highly organized, multiply-con- nected atomic skeleton can be filled by different complements of the residue varieties, or even by the same complement, are, very evidently, ex- tremely large in number. Each and every pattern of arrangement connotes potentially one very highly individualized and specific native protein unit. It is plain on this theory how the same skel- eton can be used for the construction of native proteins with very diverse physical or chemical properties. Thus a skeleton having some definite number of residues may give rise to a molecular weight class—necessarily of wide spread, if any- thing like the available varieties of individual resi- due weights is made use of—containing proteins entirely distinct in their biological functions and chemical and physical identities. This situation is in fact realized in Svedberg’s molecular weight class at about 36,000 for which the residue num- ber of 288 was predicted in 1936 on the basis of the cyclol theory. This class contains lactoglobu- lin, pepsin, insulin, chymotrypsin and a number of other entirely distinct protein species. A further aspect of the work requires a word of comment, in view of the necessity of relating any proposed structures to known facts regarding the high capacities and low conductivities of some biological structures. I refer to the fact that the fabric cages, which are here suggested, break down into monolayers with the utmost ease, (in- dicating once again the dependence of their sta- bility on interlinks with other molecules, water in this case) and to the possibility that the prodigi- ous insolubility of these monolayers may indicate that the native protein had in its interior a con- siderable complement of hydrophobic R-groups, shielded by the skeleton from contacts with a watery world. (Concluded in Next Issue) 128 THE COLLECTING NET [| Vor. XVI, No. 144 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 8, 1879, and re-entered, July 23, 1938. NOMINATIONS FOR TRUSTEES The Annual Meeting of the Corporation of the Marine Biological Laboratory will be held in the auditorium of the Laboratory on Tuesday, Au- gust 12, at 11:30 A.M., for the election of Officers and Trustees and the transaction of other busi- ness. The Trustees will convene the same morn- ing before the Corporation meeting and again in the afternoon. The Nominating Committee of the Corporation of the Marine Biological Laboratory has posted the following slate: For Trustee Emeritus—W. J. V. Osterhout For Treasurer of the Corporation — Lawrason Riggs, Jr. For Clerk of the Corporation — Philip B. Arm- strong For Trustees of the Class of 1945—W. R. Am- berson, S. C. Brooks, W. C. Curtis, H. B. Goodrich, I. F. Lewis, R. S. Lillie, A. C. Redfield, C. C. Speidel Trustee of the Class of 1943 to replace W. J. V. Osterhout—G. H. A. Clowes Membership in Executive Committee—D. E. S. Brown, B. H. Willier Drs. Clowes and Brooks are proposed for Trusteeship for the first time; the other seven men are presented for reelection. ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS Addison, W. H. F. prof. normal histol. & emb. Penn- sylvania Med. Auger, C. Rockefeller Inst. Br 206. Bongiovennt, A. M. grad. biol. Villanova. Rock 3. Bowser, E. Jr. asst. fel. biol. Pittsburgh. Rock 7. Bowen, E. Bee biol. Gettysburg (Pa.). Deyrup, Ingrith grad. zool. Columbia. OM Phys. Green, J. W. grad. phys. Pennsylvania. Br 205. Gudernatsch, F. prof. biol. New York. Br 344. Kaylor, C. T. instr. anat. Syracuse Med. Br 226. Magnus-Levy, A. res. assoc. Yale. lib. Loewi, O. res. prof. pharmacol. New York Med. lib. Maurer, Jane techn. Yale Med. Br 109. Meed, Marperet R. grad. biol. Brown. Br 312. Memhard, R. (Riverside, Conn.). Br 334. Nash, J. F. et asst. New York Med. Br 234. Oppenheimer, Jane M. instr. biol. Bryn Mawr. Br 118. Ormsbee, R. A. grad. asst. Brown. Br 331. Ka 21. Packard, C. asst. prof. zool. Columbia. Br 102. Perkins, Patricia J. grad. asst. chem. Cincinnati. OM Phys. WF. Reollason, H. D., Jr. grad. asst. biol. Williams. OM Phys. Dr 7. Sevag, M. G. asst. prof. biochem. Pennsylvania Med. For For DATES OF LEAVING OF INVESTIGATORS Costello, D. P. ... Aug.6 Mitchell, P. H..... Aug. 2 IOnbesieeeeseceee Aug.2 Mullins, C. P. ...... July 29 Hager, R. P. ......July 31 Runk, B. F. D..... July 26 Ele niy ul vapeerersescests Aug.2 Schaffel, M. ........ July 29 Hunninen, A. V.... Aug.9 Spratt, N. T., Jr. July 29 IGEN Abs LDS cosososntoa July 29. Warner, E. N..... July 25 REPRESENTATION BY i= AT THE M. B. The following institutions are represented by three or more investigators registered (filled out registration blanks before August 8) at the Ma- rine Biological Laboratory this summer : Institution 1941 Pennsylvania New York .... 1940 Columbia .. Yale Hopkins .... Harvard Ohio State .. @hicagoneeccsss erccrs Rockefeller Institute Michigan Princeton .. Brown Cornell Pittsburgh Cincinnati Lilly Laboratories ... Milton Academy ..... Vassar Villanova Washington California .......... California Tech. Iowa Mt. Holyoke ... Queens Rochester : GUiCs Ne) Yi: Illinois Miami Minnesota .... Missouri Oberlin Syracuse Temple ...... Toronto . Union prowtuaceceserontsasanestsecensetee eee 30 34 23 21 18 22 CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: Date August 10 . August 11 August August August August August August A.M. 6334 7:18 8:01 P. M. 6:54 7:40 8:27 9:15 10:08 11:02 11:58 IZES In each case the current changes approxi- mately six hours later and runs from the Sound to the Bay. Aucust 9, 1941 | ITEMS OF Dr. W. E. Martin, who is instructing in the invertebrate course, has been promoted from as- sistant to associate professor of zoology at De- Pauw University. Dr. Epcar J. BorLtt, who worked here last summer, has been promoted from assistant to as- sociate professor of biology at Yale University. Dr. Franxk H. JoHNSON, instructor of biology at Princeton University, has been promoted to as- sistant professor. Dr. Joun O. HutcueEns, who has been a grad- uate student in zoology at the Johns Hopkins University, has been appointed instructor in phys- iology at the University of Chicago. A Research Institute of Endocrinology has been established at McGill University. Dr. J. B. Collip, who has been chairman of the department of biochemistry, will relinquish his position to become director of this Institute. On August 1, there were 278 investigators present at the Marine Biological Laboratory, as compared with 293 at the same time last year. The Trustees of the Woods Hole Oceanogra- phic Institution will hold their annual meeting on Thursday, the fourteenth of August. The second edition of Dr. James Mavor’s text- book, “General Biology,” was published in June. Dr. Mavor is professor of biology at Union Col- lege and is now working at the Marine Biological Laboratory. At the staff meeting of the Oceanographic In- stitution on Thursday evening, Dr. Alfred C. Redfield spoke on ‘‘The Distribution of Nutrient Substances in the Ocean.” An informal statistical seminar will meet twice weekly during August in the Smoking Room at the Fisheries Residence with Dr. C. I. Bliss in charge. The first meeting was held on Thursday. This summer the design of experiments will be emphasized, but the program can be adjusted to fit the needs of those attending. M.B.L. CLUB NOTES In the ping-pong tournament, competition is planned in men’s singles, women’s singles, and mixed doubles, and perhaps in men’s doubles and women’s doubles. Persons wishing to compete should sign up on the chart at the Club House or see Teru Hayashi. The following composition will be presented at the phonograph record concert at the M.B.L. Club on Monday evening: Beethoven, “Missa Solemnis” in D (Opus 123), performed by the Boston Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Dr. S. Koussevitsky, with the Harvard Glee Club and the Radcliffe Choral Society. THE COLLECTING NET 129 INTEREST PROFESSOR Otto LoEewt, who shared the Nobel Prize in 1936, arrived in Woods Hole last week with Mrs. Loewi. They will spend the balance of the summer here. Dr. JAMes E. Kinprep, professor of anatomy at the University of Virginia, who has worked here for a number of years, is supervising the building of a home in Charlottesville, Virginia, this summer. Dr. Davin Hann, assistant professor of bio- chemistry at Cornell University recently visited Woods Hole with Mrs. Hand on their 32-foot auxiliary cruiser Camara. Miss HELEN S. Morris, teacher of biology at Evander Childs High School, in New York City, visited Woods Hole recently. She took the course in botany in 1927 and returned for research work for several summers afterwards. Mrs. Mitprep W. S. SCHRAM, executive secre- tary of the International Cancer Foundation, who worked at the Marine Biological Laboratory last year, 1s spending this summer at the Mt. Desert Biological Laboratory at Salsbury Cove, Maine. Dr. M. Perrot is working this summer at the Biological Laboratory at Cold Spring Harbor. During the academic year, he teaches at the Uni- versity of Missouri. Dr. Linvitte A. BAKER was called to Anna- polis at the end of last week to take an ability test for second lieutenant in the Medical Admin- istrative Corps Reserve. He was away three days. Miss GrAcE WorKMAN, who was here last year, was recently married to Dr. John W. Scott, of the Toronto General Hospital staff. Dr. Scott took the physiology course at the Laboratory in 1939. The Atlantis sailed on Wednesday on one of its regular cruises to the Gulf Stream under the direction of Dr. Alfred Woodcock. She is ex- pected to return in four weeks. M.B.L. TENNIS CLUB NOTES Play for the tournaments is now under way. Competition is going on in the men’s and women’s singles, and mixed doubles classes; the finals in these classes are planned. for Saturday, August 16. The entries in the men’s doubles are being held open for an additional week; if eight teams sign up this class will also be included in the tournaments. The annual meeting will be held in the Old Lecture Hall next Wednesday at 7:00. A pro- posal to amend the by-laws to permit the mem- bers of the immediate families of M.B.L. Corpor- ation members to hold office will be considered. 130 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vout. XVI, No. 144 INVERTEBRATE CLASS NOTES With our second week at Woods Hole there has come a clearer understanding of the resources of the place, of how best to take advantage of them. In the lab one cannot examine all the material available ; with the aid of the lectures and abundant mimeographed directions one can select material of particular interest. Our work on Coelenterates included a study of the transparent sea anemone Nematostella, much of whose inter- nal structure is discernable without dissection. This ideal lab specimen with very limited geo- graphical distribution (Woods Hole, the Isle of Wight) was found in the Eel Pond three years ago by Dr. Bowen. The beautiful Ctenophore, Mnemeopsis, was also available. Our work with Platyhelminthes has revealed no beautiful specimens comparable to the comb-jelly, but Dr. Rankin has launched on a speedy efficient three-day defense of his pets, his accounts of weird life cycles being confirmed by our own lab studies. Saturday’s collecting trip to Lagoon Bridge on Martha’s Vineyard provided an excellent antidote to a week spent in the lab. The somewhat dubi- ous weather made up its mind, by the time we got there, in our favor. How time flew as we scraped piles, passed mud and sand through the sieve, and turned over rocks! The photographers among us were particularly busy during the picnic lunch on the beach. We got back to work before we had a chance to feel lazy, to be interrupted all too soon two hours later by the whistle announcing de- parture. So great was the force of the flowing tide that one of the boats was unable to point its bow into it, remaining hard against the bridge piles. By dint of much churning and a tow, we finally got headed for a sunny trip home. The trip was not complete, of course, until the speci- mens were placed in clean water, examined and labeled. There were few people to be seen in the lab Monday evening. On this occasion, the hard hit- ting invertebrate team, paced by Bob Corder’s home run in the first inning, trounced the highly touted crew team, ten to two. Much credit is due to the four-hit pitching of the Wabash star Howie Miner. While the crew was popping flies, the “Invert” Sluggers were busy collecting their six- teen hits. Conspicuous feature of the crew’s game was the sparkling and vociferous play of catcher Jasper Trinkhaus. With the restoration of their original line-up, the crew expect to “clean the bases like (they) clean the lab.” Not all the talk in the lab is of worms. There is proud papa Hauschka’s delight in his 16-month old child’s unmistakable flair for biology which has manifested itself in the latter’s eating algae on the beach. It is now an acknowledged fact that Ann Weber was 1940’s champion woman archer. They will never stop twitting Howie Miner about the letter he received from Gypsy Rose Lee. Arthur Culbertson injured his knee rushing to the dock to get a better glimpse of some interesting vertebrates on board an outgoing boat. Six members of the class, none of them ex- pert seamen, set out Sunday morning in one of Hilton’s catboats. As they tacked back and forth they noticed squashes floating with the tide. It soon became apparent there was but one squash; with all the maneuvering they scarcely kept up with the drifting vegetable. After a picnic lunch they commenced their return trip, riding the tide the other way. Just in sight of Woods Hole, one canny mariner discovered the wake was off the bow! To make a long trip short, the suspecting Hilton arrived at 8 P. M. and towed them home. —Louise Gross and Bill Batchelor BOOK REVIEW JOHANNSEN, O. A. and F. H. BUTT. “Embryol- ogy of Insects and Myriapods”. pp. xi + 462. New York, McGraw-Hill Book Company. 1941. $5.00. Periodically a work of real scholarship emerges from the welter of printed matter with which the scientific world is annually presented. That the present volume should fall under this classifica- tion is the more remarkable in that it is stated to be “the outgrowth of a course of lectures” ; most such outgrowths are either pathological, being excised under the scalpel of the publisher’s audi- tor, or insignificant warts which succumb to the caustic of public opinion. Johannsen and Butt are here presenting a source book on arthropod em- bryology which has reached, in its first printed edition, a degree of excellence which shows clearly that it has passed through many editions in manu- script. Two choices, either to write a clear account of the subject or to present both sides of all ques- tions, confront the author of a text of this nature; these choices form a dilemma on which has been caught many a promising volume. Johannsen and Butt avoid this impalement by attacking each horn separately. Their work is divided into two parts, the first ostensibly dealing with embryology under its biological subdivisions, and the second with the same subject under its taxonomic sub- divisions. The first part, however, gives a clear, well documented account of what appears to them to be the most probably true story. Doubtful points are cross referenced to the second part in which some 800 references have been reduced to a coherent and succint summary. Three hundred and seventy well-drawn and clearly labelled fig- Auecust 9, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 131 ures enrich the text: The reviewer, who is after all expected to criti- cise as well as praise, cannot refrain from one grumble. Chapter XII, which is called “Experi- mental Embryology”, does not belong in a book of this general excellence. The authors appear to have been misled in their selection of material by considerations of what would appear most inter- esting to a vertebrate embryologist. Such purely entomological experiments as pupa grafting, trans- plantation of possible endocrine organs and the discovery of a pupal cuticle softening gland in certain coleoptera, have been ignored in favor of the few experiments which have been done on de- termination and organising centres. The publishers are to be congratulated on main- taining the high standard of production which has marked their previous publications in the zoologi- cal sciences. Peter Gray EFFECT OF AZIDE ON CYPRIDINA LUCIFERIN (Continued from Page 121) measured with an apparatus similar to that de- scribed by Anderson (J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 1933), involving a photoelectric cell, condenser, Lindemann electrometer, and potentiometer. There are a number of data now available which bear on the chemical structure of luciferin. First, it is definitely not protein and probably not lipoid, as indicated by its solubility characteristics (Anderson, J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 1936). An- derson has also called attention to the fact that its oxidation-reduction potential is similar to those of certain naturally occurring polyhydroxy ben- zene derivatives studied by Ball and Chen (J. Biol. Chem., 1933). The absorption spectrum of luciferin solutions (Chase and Giese, J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 1940) bears a marked qualitative resemblance to those of certain naphtha- and an- thraquinone derivatives measured by Morton and Earlam (J. Chem. Soc., 1941). The visible ab- sorption spectrum of luciferin solutions undergoes changes during oxidation which may also indicate a quinoid structure (Chase, J. Cell. Comp. Physi- ol., 1940). Finally, Giese and Chase (J. Cell. Comp. Physiol., 1940) found that cyanide com- bines irreversibly with purified luciferin to give a compound incapable of luminescence when lucifer- ase 1s subsequently added. They interpreted these results as indicating an aldehyde or keto group in the luciferin molecule as the point at which cyanide, and probably luciferase, acts. Chakravorty and Ballentine (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1941) have summarized most of the chemi- cal data on luciferin and, on the basis of these and of certain additional experiments of their own, have suggested a partial structure for the luciferin molecule, consisting of a hydroquinone nucleus and a keto-hydroxy side chain. The keto group in the side chain would be the site of action of cyanide and of luciferase, the hydroxy group would be the point of action of benzoyl chloride and other similar reagents, and the hydroquinone nucleus would be capable of reversible oxidation and would thus represent this characteristic of luciferin. Giese and Fisher (unpublished observations) have found that sodium azide markedly inhibits the luminescence of luminous bacteria and _ this observation prompted the present experiments on effects of azide on the luminescent reaction be- tween Cypridina luciferin and luciferase. At pH 6.6 sodium azide, in concentrations from 0.01 to 0.1 M., inhibits the luminescent reaction reversib- ly and in such a way that a combination between the azide and the luciferin is suggested. At pH 5.4 a smaller concentration of sodium azide pro- duces the same degree of inhibition of lumines- cence. Comparison of results at these two pH’s indicates that it is the undissociated HN» which is effective, rather than the NaNs. When the data are tested in terms of the mass law equation by plotting logarithm of percent total luminescence obtained minus logarithm of percent total lumin- escence inhibited against logarithm of sodium azide concentration, they are found to be fitted by straight lines with slopes approximately equal to unity. This might indicate that a single azide molecule or ion combines with a luciferin mole- cule to produce the observed effect. The following interpretation of these results in terms of the supposed structure of the luciferin molecule is intended as purely tentative. Schmidt (Chem, Abstr., vol. 19, p. 3248), Franklin (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1934), and others have de- scribed the effect of hydrazoic acid on certain al- cohols, aldehydes and ketones, for example, but the conditions of the reaction are very drastic compared with those of the present case and it seems unlikely that such a reaction would occur, even though the experiments with cyanide have indicated that an aldehyde or keto group may be present in the luciferin molecule. Fieser and Hartwell (J. Amer. Chem. Soc., 1935) have re- ported the action of hydrazoic acid on benzo- and naphthaquinones. An azido-hydroquinone is first formed and this may change to an amino-quinone with liberation of nitrogen. This type of reaction does not seem to require very drastic methods and, in view of the oxidation-reduction potential of the luciferin system and the absorption spec- trum of purified luciferin solutions, it seems pos- sible tentatively to interpret the effect of azide on luciferin as indicating a reaction with a quinoid structure. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 29.) 132 MNS, COMMACIMUNG, INNTA [ VoL. XVI, No. 144 To be ready for fall use— THE SCIENCES A SURVEY COURSE FOR COLLEGES Edited by Gerald Wendt, Ph.D. e This series of six brief volumes has been planned to present a concise survey of the sciences —not too detailed nor technical, yet comprehensive in coverage. They afford a view of basic principles, concepts and methods of research, without probing into details which only the specialist need know. The books may be studied in any order, depending upon the cur- riculum of the college using them. PHYSICS. By W. F. G. Swann. A new approach to the study of physics. It proposes the broad fundamental laws and concepts underlying all of the various “facts” of physics, without the techni- calities. Ready in September. Approximately 252 pages; Probable price, $1.75. CHEMISTRY. By Gerald Wendt. The book covers concisely atoms and molecules, elements and compounds, the basis of chemical reactions, the structure of the atom, atomic number, valence elec- trons, the periodic system, the formation of compounds, reactions, oxidation and reduction, acids and bases, formulas and equations, physical, organic and biological chemistry, and the future of chem- ical research. Ready in September. Approximately 212 pages; Probable price, $1.75. EARTH SCIENCES. By J. Harlen Bretz. Under the major headings of earth, water and air, this analysis forms a sound and practical survey of geology, oceanography and meteorology, as well as of physical geography. Published November 1940. 260 pages; $1.75. ASTRONOMY. By Clyde Fisher and Marian Lockwood. A short, informative survey of the Earth as an astronomical body, of the solar system and the relations of its members to each other, and their place in the universe. The Moon, Sun, planets, comets, meteors, stars and galaxies are all treated in easy, informal style, together with their motions and celestial events. Published May 1940. 205 pages; $1.75. BIOLOGY. By Howard M. Parshley. The structural organization and chemical composition of living things form the entering wedge in this survey. Reproduction and development receive due attention. Inheritance of characteristics likewise has its place in the discussion. Environment, and the adaptation of the individual organism to it, is described. Evolution and variation are the con- cluding subjects of the book. Published May 1940. 232 pages; $1.75. THE BODY FUNCTIONS. By Ralph W. Gerard. This volume on the human body and on human biology is organized upon the basic concepts of function and its emphasis is chemical rather than anatomical. It is a sound, thorough, though compact survey of physiology as the basis of the medical sciences. Ready in May. Approximately 266 pages; Probable price, $1.75. 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A-1600, but for slides 7 7/16" holds 100 3 x 2” Same details as Sb Pe Pe Gere Cy Se en Dimensions are 85" high x wide x 2%" deep. Each $1.65, dozen $16.50 A-1600/X Slide Box, Booksize, all wood, holds 100 3 x 1” slides. Similar in detail to A-1600 Slide Box, but made of wood throughout. Outside is mahogany stain finish. Dimensions are 8/16’ high x 7¥e'' wide x 13%" deep. Each $1.25, dozen $12.50 Slide Box, 12 Booksize, 50 3 x 1” slides. A-1600/X, but has only one column slide slots instead of two. A handy intermediate size box. Size 89/18 high x 4" wide x 114" deep. Each $1.00, all wood, for Same details as dozen $10.00 These, and other slide boxes and trays given on pages 27 to 31 of our new Catalog No. 102CN. If you haven't received your copy, please write for one on your letterhead. CLAY-ADAMS tre New vores: 134 THE COLLECTING NET [| VoL. 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LATEX INJECTIONS By TURTOX Latex Injected ; 2, pa ad ad Invertebrates The New Turtox Latex Emulsion (liquid rubber) provides an injec- tion medium for practically all forms which so far surpasses any medium In addition to the latex in- previously used that it has already made starch and gelatine masses jected vertebrates commonly obsolete. A few of the characteristics which have made the Turtox Latex so outstanding are: used, the latex injected in- vertebrates listed below are ‘s freely i sven the smallest vessels. . : i i 1. It flows freely into even the smallest vessels available for immediate ship- 2. Completely fills the vessels giving a ‘‘plumpness’’ not evident in pletely fill giving I other injections. ment. Sets to remain flexible and elastic. 4. Retains full, brilliant, non-fading color. Starfish 5. Will not stain or discolor surrounding tissue. Earthworm 6. Not affected by formalin, alcohol or other preservatives. Leech 7. Results equally fine in either embalmed or liquid preserved animals. Crayfish 8. Provides a perfect, permanent cast of the blood vessels. (Cambarus & Astacus) 9. Permits a freedom in dissecting that brings a much more accurate understanding of the circulatory system in less than one half the Lobster time required for dissection of other specimens. Grasshopper Insist on Turtox Latex injected specimens. They cost no more Fulgur than poorly injected animals. Sage GENERAL BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE TURTOX RRODUCTS Incorporated : a 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute Satisfaction BS Aucust 9, 1941 } THE COLLECTING NET 135 esiqned By as well as Spencer Stereoscopic Microscope No. 25-L ee Inclined binocular body. Large level stage, has flush top, providing for the use of mechanical stage. Inclination joint. Hand rests. Thumb screw permits re- moving base, so that instrument can be used for examination of opaque objects or surfaces. Gor those who use STEREOSCOPIC eMICROSCOPES ® When you examine the newest series of Spencer Stereoscopic Mi- croscopes you will find many im- provements which are the result of a long co-operative experience with users of this type of equipment. In addition to their unusual op- tical qualities—the large field, the hair-line sharpness of the image, the enhanced stereoscopic effect, the ease of vision—these modern instruments possess many mechan- ical superiorities. All these optical and mechanical features are described in a booklet which can be obtained by writing Dept. V8-1. Spencer Lens Company SEENEEE BUFFALO, NEW YORK [BUFFALO | . . oe Scientific Instrument Division of AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY Sales Offices: NewY ork, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas,Columbus,St.Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta 136 Half a Glass Bead OUR by hour her temperature has risen while the doctor pits his skill and knowledge against the merciless infection. But now the blood count indicates that the infection has been checked. The crisis is past. Such drama is a 1941 commonplace. Through the magic eye of the microscope, medical science has learned more of the nature of disease and its cure. Through “half a glass bead”—a tiny hemi- sphere of optical precision—science looks beyond superstition and ignorance, to see life processes at work. With Bausch & Lomb’s pioneer application of production methods, the microscope—a nineteenth century rarity—has become the twentieth century [ Vor. XVI, No. 144 lll ITH you, as with us, defense comes first. Our output of optical instruments is being rapidly increased to meet the defense emergency. We will endeavor to give our customers the best service possible under existing cir- cumstances, and ask your sympathetic cooperation. Says, she'll Live? working tool of medicine—of all science. And, paralleling its contributions to microscopy, Bausch & Lomb has served in many other branches of optical science. Today metallographs, photographic lenses, spectrographs, eye examining instruments, eyewear, binoculars, projection equipment, indus- trial research and inspection instruments—and scores of others—are available to science, education and industry. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. * ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION Vol. XVI, No. 8 SATURDAY, AUGUST 16, 1941 Subscription, $2.00 Copies, 30 Cents. Annual Single INTERPRETATIONS OF EFFECTS OF CO AND CN ON OXIDATIONS IN CELLS Dr. Matitpa M. Brooks Research Associate, University of California I. Effects on Rate of Oxygen Consumption. In these preliminary experiments, eight stages in the development of sea urchin or starfish eggs were used to see what effects certain accelerators or inhibitors of Os consump- tion would have. The stages were unfertilized eggs, first cleavages, 32-cell to .morula, blastula, early gastrula, late gastrula, early pluteus, and late pluteus in the case of Ar- bacia, and unfertilized eggs and first cleavages in the case of Asterias. Methylene blue which is assumed to be an ac- celerator and KCN and CO which are assumed to be in- hibitors of respiration were used. The experiments were done in triplicate by the War- burg method using aliquot por- tions of a suspension of eggs or larvae in sea water for each of the 12 Warburg vessels operated simultaneously. Con- centration of methylene blue was .00012 M; of KCN, .00025 M and of CO as near to 100% as was possible to obtain. (Continued on page 150) It was found that THE ORIGIN OF GAPS BETWEEN SPECIES Dr. Ernst Mayr LV CW A. B. E. Calendar MONDAY, August 18, 8:00 P. M. Lecture: Dr. R. W. Wilhelmi: ‘“Ser- clogy Applied to Problems In- volving Phylogenetic ships and Evolution of Animals.” TUESDAY, August 19, 8:00 P. M. Seminar: Dr. D. Nachmansohn: “Electrical Potential and Activity of Choline Esterase in Nerves”; Dr. A. Claude: “Chemical Compo- sition of Mitochondria and Secre- tory Granules”; Dr. D. Wrinch: | “Native Proteins and the Struc- | ture of Cytoplasm.”’ ical Significance of Vitamin K.” FRIDAY, August 22, 8:00 P. M. Lecture: Dr. O. Meyerhof: “Nature, Function and Distribution of Phos- phogens in the Animal Kingdom.” THURSDAY, August 21, 8:00 P.M. | Lecture: Dr. H. Dam: “The Biolog- Relation- | from the question: question: How does evolution proceed ? the question on which the student of evolution American Museum of Natural History, p70) Vork, N. Y. Some day, when the history of the science of evolution will be written up, the historian will have to distinguish various periods. The fact that we seem to be right at the be- ginning of a new one of such periods makes the work in the field of evolution so particu- larly interesting. Up to Dar- win, evolution was, more or less, a speculative subject. The publication of “The Origin of Species” in 1859 started a sec- ond period in the history of the science of evolution. In this period all the heavy artil- lery of the biological disciplines of paleontology, taxonomy, comparative anatomy and em- bryology was assembled to de- molish any doubts and objec- tions that were raised against the principle of evolution. Final victory of this battle was gained by the end of the cen- tury and the discussion moved Is there evolution? to the This is TABLE OF CONTENTS The Origin of Gaps Between Species, Dr. Proteins in Action (Cont.), Dr. Dorothy PBSrana'S al Very tee eestesenstncteeeccaccsasssssascesuscacsicacssacenecer= 137 WINCH oa ees sess eeeecsees eee eeceneeeeceeeenneeneceseenccescencets 143 Interpretations of Effects of CO and CN on Biology at the a crSiLy, Olemlexals seeeemeeeete 146 | Oxidations in Cells, Dr. M. M. Brooks........ 137. Additional Investigators ..........cceeeeseeeeeees 146 | Aging Phenomena and Factors Influencing Dates of Leaving of Investigators.......0...... 146 Longevity in Mactra Egg Cells, Dr. Victor Items of Interest . IS Chie Chik Igmeeeeete ne teeta tartan nceestesncecuanace snaarsvomacerssnee 143 Invertebrate Class Notes .........0...::ccccscscseeeesseeseee 148 Aucust 16, 1941 } THE COLLECTING NET has concentrated since 1900. Darwin entitled his epoch making work not the “Principles of evolution” or the “Origin and de- velopment of organisms.’ No, he clearly realized that the species problem was the core of the prob- lem of evolution, and he, therefore, called his book boldly “On the Origin of Species.” This is a fact that should not be forgotten. Speciation is the name we give to an evolution- ary process by which one former species is broken up into several separate units which have changed sufficiently to be considered different species. There are thus actually two processes involved: the development of diversity as well as the estab- lishment of discontinuities between the newly evolving species. The development of diversity is the more ob- vious one of these two aspects of evolution and the work of the geneticists between 1900 and 1930 was primarily devoted to an elucidation of this aspect. This work consisted in an analysis of the differences between various species and other na- tural units, and in an investigation of the genetic basis of these differences and of the origin of new variants, the so-called mutations. Some phases of this work are still incomplete, in particular what we might call the physiology of mutation and gene action, but the major principles of chromosomal inheritance and mutation are now well established and generally accepted. However, those geneticists who were most in- terested in the evolutionary aspects of genetics, men like Dobzhansky and Sewall Wright, were the first to realize that even if we knew everything about variation and mutation, we would still be far from an understanding of the origin of species. After all, it is quite thinkable that such variation would only lead to a single interbreeding com- munity of immensely variable individuals. But this is not what we find in nature. The taxonomist, who approaches the diversity of organic life, finds that it is not one homogen- eous mass of genetically different individuals, but rather that it can be broken up into smaller, na- tural units, the so-called taxonomic categories of families, genera, species, etc. Each one of these is more or less separated from the other cate- gories ; they form a series of discontinuities. Evo- lution is a continuous process, but the units pro- duced by evolution are discontinuous. I have already said that we seem to be at the beginning of a new phase of the study of evolu- tion and what I meant by this phase is the study of the origin of discontinuities. This is a typical border line field which must be studied jointly by 139 the naturalist and ecologist, by the geneticist and taxononust. Now let us study the question of interspecific discontinuities as exemplified in some of the fami- liar New England birds. The ornithologist unites for example, the thrushes in the genus Hylocichla. But if we examine the variation within this genus in more detail we find that it clusters very closely around five means to which we apply the familiar names wood thrush, veery, hermit thrush, gray- cheeked thrush and olive backed thrush. They are all quite similar to each other, but two or three of them may nest in the same wood without the slightest intergradation. Not a single hybrid is known between these five common species. To take another example: if we sail out to the tern islands of the New England coast, we will find the three species: the common tern, the roseate tern, and the Arctic tern. All three species again are very similar, so similar indeed that only an expert can tell them apart in the field, but there is not a single intergrade or hy- brid known between the three species. Moreover, they differ in their ecology and behavior patterns. In all these cases the related species are separated by clearcut discontinuities or what Goldschmidt would call “bridgeless gaps.” Such observations lead us to the assumption that the species is a basic and objective natural unit. The majority of the animal taxonomists, particularly of the better known groups, subscribe to this opinion. But there is a considerable min- ority of authors who say just exactly the opposite. To them, the individual is the only unit in nature which possesses any reality while species are merely abstractions. They claim that all organ- isms form a continuity, which the taxonomist chops up into species merely for the sake of con- venience, to be able to handle them better in the museum drawers. The real test of the question, whether species have an objective reality or not, can only be made in groups which are taxonomically well known. Birds are, unquestionably, such a group. Now if we ask ourselves, are species objective units in birds or not, we must ask at once, what are the criteria by which the objectivity of a systematic unit can be determined? Thinking this over, we come to the conclusion that such a unit is objec- tive or real, if it is delimited against other units by fixed borders, by definite gaps. Now we mentioned already that such definite gaps exist, if we compare all the New England thrushes or all the New England terns with each other. There is no question that they are good Tue CouuectiInc Net was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Single copies, 30e¢ by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 140 Ti: (COLEECLING NEw [ Voy. XVI, No. 145 species. The same is true, with few exceptions, whenever we compare species that occur at the same localities, what I call sympatric species. But there is a second type of relationship between species, namely between species that represent each other geographically, the so-called allopatric species. Let us look at a bird with which most of you are familiar, the junco, the little gray spar- row, with the white outer tail-feathers, that comes to our feeding stations during the cold season. This bird occurs in a number of populations in the Alleghanies from Georgia north and in the con- iferous zone from New England to the Rocky Mountains and to the northern tree limit. All these populations merge into each other and even though the junco of the southern Alleghanies is slightly different from the Canadian bird, there is no doubt that it belongs to the same species. The trouble starts in the Rocky Mountains. Here we find a series of mountain forms which extend from Alaska south as far as Panama, and some of which are completely isolated from all other junco populations. Most of them, however, inter- breed where they meet each other, even though some of these forms are so distinct that the taxon- omist prefers to call them different species. Clear- ly these allopatric species are not separated from each other by bridgeless gaps; they can not be delimited in an objective way. Such a situation is, of course, not really surprising because it would be exceedingly difficult to understand evo- lution if we did not have such cases of incom- pletely separated species or incipient species. We have learned from this discussion that species can be delimited from two kinds of other species, from sympatric species, where the gap is complete, and from allopatric species, where the gap is frequent- ly incomplete. Let us now look a little more closely at this delimitation and begin with the simple situation of the gap between sympatric species. In well worked groups, such as birds, the taxonomist does not encounter any serious difficulties when he tries to delimit sympatric species against each other. If there are any difficulties the final analysis usually reveals that either (1) several stages or phases of a species are so different that they had been mis- taken for different species or (2) just the oppo- site, that several species that occur in the same locality are so similar that they were considered stages of one species. Illustrations for the first kind of difficulty are easy to find. They are, however, not of great theoretical importance. More interesting is the other class of difficulties where pairs or even larger groups of related species are so similar that they are generally considered as belonging to one species, until the final analysis clears up this mistake. A number of such recently analyzed species groups are known in the genus Droso- phila, such as for example Drosophila “obscura” and D. “affinis.” The species of the flycatcher genus Empidonax are the closest parallel to this that we can find among North American birds, al- though the analysis of this case was completed more than a generation ago. “Sibling species,” as I call these morphological- ly similar species, are common in some classes and orders of animals and rare in others. Their im- portance is the following: In the bygone days of a purely morphological species definition they were considered races of one species. And since many of these species were originally discovered on the basis of biological or ecological differences, they were originally established as biological races. The literature is full of references to “biological races” of this kind, but closer analysis showed in a great majority of the cases that these so-called “biological races’? are perfectly good species on the basis of every single criterion except the mor- phological one. The sibling species around the Malaria mosquito, Anopheles maculipennis, are perhaps the most instructive illustration of this principle. All the various races described by earlier workers, such as atroparvus, messeae, melanoon, sacharovi differ not only in their ecol- ogy and habits, but also fail to interbreed in na- ture, and are completely or partially sterile if they are artificially crossed in the laboratory. A more painstaking analysis has recently revealed fairly constant morphological differences between some of these species. I have discussed these sibling species in a little more detail because their existence has been quoted as evidence in support of the idea of sym- patric speciation, a subject which we will pres- ently examine more closely. Such an assumption is, however, not justified. There is much reason to believe that even in sibling species speciation proceeds by geographical variation. Geographical variation Let us now examine the gap that exists between allopatric, that is, geographically representative species. This can best be demonstrated by ex- amining the distribution maps of some bird species such as Pachycephala and Zosterops. We can summarize these cases and the previously men- tioned case of junco, by stating that we have in all these cases geographically representative forms which, although morphologically well character- ized, are clearly descendents of one common an- cestor and which have not yet lost their sexual affinity. This is proven by the fact of unlimited hybridization wherever such species ranges meet. Morphologically, such forms are species, biologic- ally they are not. These groups of allopatric spe- cies are the final results of a process which we call geographical variation. Let us now examine the beginnings of this process. Aucust 16, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 141 If a number of populations of any widespread species are compared with each other, it is usually found that they show certain genetic differences. This has been proven abundantly by the work of Sumner and Dice on Peromyscus, of Goldschmidt on Lymantria dispar, of Dobzhansky, Timoféeff, Patterson, and others on Drosophila, to mention just a few of many similar investigations. The taxonomist finds the same in his work. Some- times these differences are only slight differences of size, very often they are more pronounced. Populations, with definite geographical ranges and fixed systematic characters, are called geo- graphical races or subspecies. As long as these subspecies are distributed continuously as in the case of the mainland races of /yiolestes, there is no question that they all belong to the same spe- cies ; they are one continuity. But wherever geo- graphical or ecological factors produce barriers, we find allopatric species gaps and we must use our judgment if we want to decide whether or not we consider them species. This is, for example, true for the insular races of Myiolestes. Such isolated populations are of the greatest importance for the question of evolution. When they first become isolated they may not be differ- ent at all from the parent population from which they split off. However, the three factors of mutation, difference of selective factors and differ- ences of random gene loss will produce an in- creasing difference between the two populations. After some time the difference will be sufficiently large to be noticed by the taxonomist. He says the isolated population is a different subspecies. Eventually, this subspecies will be different enough to be called a different species by some taxonomists. But is it really a different species ? Are there any criteria by which we can determine this? The old-fashioned taxonomist will say yes, there is a good criterion. If this isolated pop- ulation is characterized by a well defined charac- ter which in its variation shows no overlap with the parent population, it is a species. But such a purely morphological species definition is not ac- ceptable to the modern biologist, because species are, after all, not the creation of museum taxono- mists, but products of nature. We should, therefore, let nature make the deci- sion what is to be considered a species, and not rely entirely on the subjective judgment of the taxonomust. Reproductive isolation or the lack of it, is nature’s criterion. In other words, if two forms meet in nature and intergrade or freely in- terbreed, they must be considered as belonging to one species. If, on the other hand, two forms meet in nature and act like two different species, that is they do not interbreed, we must consider them as good species. A species definition based on these biological criteria would have to be for- mulated about as follows: ““A species consists of a group of populations which replace each other geographically or ecologically and of which the neighboring ones intergrade or interbreed wher- ever they are in contact, or which are potentially capable of doing so in those cases where contact is prevented by geographical or ccological bar- riers.” On the other hand, we do not include in the same species isolated populations that have changed to the point that they are no longer cap- able of interbreeding with the parent race. We are not concerned here with the question what kind of differences must develop between these isolated populations, to bring about this repro- ductive isolation. This is a question to be ex- amined by the geneticist. The naturalist believes, and the majority of the geneticists endorse this idea, that the mere accumulation of genetic differ- ences will eventually lead to a difference suffici- ent to prevent interbreeding. What the taxonomist is interested in is the purely descriptive fact that the isolation of certain populations together with geographical variation will in due time lead to the formation of new species, in fact that this is the normal process of species formation. This is the concept held by the vast majority of the thinking taxonomists, but this point of view has by no means remained un- challenged. The most severe critic has probably been Professor Goldschmidt in his recent book “The Material Basis of Evolution.” Goldschmidt argues that the small variants which ordinary gene mutations produce are in- sufficient to account for the basic differences which exist between species. He, therefore, pos- tulates that species must originate by revolution- ary changes in the genetic make-up, his so-called systemic mutations, and not by a gradual accumu- lation of differences with the help of geographical isolation. It would lead too far, in this connec- tion, to attempt a point by point refutation of Goldschmidt’s argumentation. I will merely point out that Goldschmidt confuses completely the two kinds of gaps between species, namely between sympatric species and between allopatric species. The gaps between sympatric species are absolute or bridgeless as Goldschmidt says correctly, other- wise they would be no good species; the gaps be- tween allopatric species are relative, otherwise there would not be any evolution. Goldschmidt claims that geographical variation leads only to diversification within the species, but not to the formation of new species, as the taxon- omist claims. Instead of demolishing Gold- schmidt’s arguments we shall try the more direct approach and marshal the evidence of the taxono- mist in favor of the importance of geographical speciation. These arguments are: (1) Every character that is known to separate good species has also been found on close study to 142 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 145 vary - gaaraysisteelll This concerns morphologi- cal and physiological characters and includes in- terspecific sterility. Far distant geographical races of some species may be partly or completely sterile with each other, while neighboring races are, of course, always completely fertile. (2) There is no criterion by which it can be determined whether isolated forms, such as Pach- ycephala, Bombus and Zosterops, are subspecies or species. Geographical variation coupled with isolation, completely blurs the borderline. (3) Well isolated forms may show extreme morphological specializations which under ordin- ary circumstances would be considered as_ of generic value. (4) Isolation on islands leads to species for- mation as proven by double colonizations. (5) Shght overlaps may occur after the breakdown of the isolating barriers. (6) If the final links of a chain of races over- lap, they may act like good species, even though connected by a series of intergrading populations. All these cases prove that if a population of a species becomes isolated and remains large enough in this isolation, it may acquire characters in this isolation which may enable it to exist as separate species beside the parental species, by the time the isolation barrier has broken down. The discon- tinuity which had originally been artifically main- tained by geographical barriers becomes physio- logical and reproductive and the one time single species has developed into two. Occasionally it happens that the geographical barrier breaks down before:the reproductive iso- lation has become completed. The result is ex- tensive hybridization in the zone of contact. A celebrated case is that of the flickers. Sympatric Speciation I have treated speciation, up to this point, en- tirely from the point of view of the ornithologist. We know that in birds all incipient species have to go through the stage of geographical races. New species can develop only in geographical iso- lation. We might call this “geographical” or “‘al- lopatric’’ speciation. The question remains whether it is not possible in other animal groups to have speciation through ecological specializa- tion. The discontinuity, which would eventually lead to a gap between good species, would have to develop, in such cases, within the population of one geographical district. We might call this: sympatric speciation. Some authors believe that this type of specia- tion is very wide-spread. Careful recent studies have tended to disprove this assumption. Many cases that were formerly quoted as proof for sym- patric speciation have now been unmasked as sibling species. Some authors forgot that sym- patric speciation can operate only if some ecologi- cal device exists which makes the cross-mating of the two diverging lines impossible. Such isolating mechanisms are, for example, distinct and non- overlapping breeding seasons, or in the cases of parasitic or monophagous species strict host spe- cificity with the mating taking place on the host. Enough such cases have been described to make me believe that sympatric speciation is of com- mon occurrence in certain animal groups with very specific ecological requirements, but almost completely absent in all other animal groups. Our knowledge on the process of speciation— that is, the establishment of discontinuous natural units—is still very obscure in many animal groups, for example in fresh water and marine forms. Considerable difficulties are also caused by the so-called cosmopolitan groups. The Clado- cera, rotifers, tardigrades, to name just the most prominent ones, are groups that are composed primarily of cosmopolitan species. The same iden- tical species may be found on every single conti- nent and in every latitude from the Arctic to the Antarctic. This is not surprising if we remember that all these forms, or at least their eggs, can encyst. Such dry cysts can easily be carried by wind currents clear around the world. The diffi- culty for the student of speciation lies in the fact that the continuous swamping of every population by new immigrants does not permit the establish- ment of new forms, at least so it seems. No ade- quate explanation for speciation in these families and orders has yet been advanced. There are sev- eral possibilities. One is that there is actually no longer any speciation in the most successful and most widespread of these species. Speciation is restricted to the more localized and, from the point of view of dispersal less successful species. The other possibility is quite different. Most of the above mentioned groups (the tardigrades are a notable exception) have parthenogenetic genera- tions sandwiched in between the bisexual ones. It is possible that a radically new mutation in a single individual affecting, for example, the mat- ing behavior, can build up a_ sufficiently large population during the parthenogenetic period, to be able to survive afterwards as the ground stock of a new species. I have mentioned this case merely to indicate that there are many unsolved problems in the field of speciation. The geneticists have contributed their share, by unraveling a good many of the problems concerning the diversification which leads to new species. However, the origin of dis- continuities is a problem outside of this field, no matter how important it is in relation to genetics. And Dobzhansky says: ‘The aspect of discontin- uity should be emphasized, not because it is the more important of the two [processes of specia- tion], but because it is the less obvious one to the superficial observer.” Actually many of the August 16, 1941 | laboratory workers do not seem to understand the significance of the fact that the vast variability of nature is not continuous, but broken up into a hierarchy of separate groups, of which at least the species has an objective reality. The ornithologists, and to some extent also the students of mammals, butterflies and beetles, have gone a long way toward understanding how the THE COLLECTING NEY discontinuities develop which precede the origin of new species in their groups. It will now be the task of the students of other animal groups to in- vestigate how far these findings are applicable in their own field, or else what additional evolution- ary mechanism they can discover. (This article is based upon a lecture delivered at the Marine Biological Laboratory on July 31.) AGING PHENOMENA AND FACTORS INFLUENCING LONGEVITY IN MACTRA EGG CELLS Dr. Victor SCHECHTER Assistant Professor of Biology, College of the City of New York The unfertilized egg cells of the clam, Mactra solidissima, go through an interesting series of morphological changes with age. The most out- standing of these are, in time series: (1) Indentation of the cortical region proceeds until the egg is grotesquely collapsed. (2) Inability, upon insemination, to cast off polar bodies. (3) Loss of ability to cleave. (4) Lack of germinal vesicle maturation, upon insemination. Cortex still responds to sperm by partial rounding up. (5) Spontaneous germinal vesicle breakdown at extreme age. Polar bodies occasionally formed. Cortex rounds up. It is conceivable that these changes, on the whole, might be explained by a loss of osmotic materials within the egg, combined with a stiffen- ing of the cortex. The final spontaneous germi- nal vesicle breakdown could be due to a release of salts, like calcium, from the egg cortex to the in- terior. This hypothesis suggests the experimental procedure of varying the concentration of salts in the medium, The results are clear-cut, in showing: (1) A prolongation of life in low calcium solu- tions. (2) A lesser prolongation of life in high cal- cium solutions. (3) The most marked prolongation in low cal- cium combined with high magnesium. The anomalous effect of high calcium is difficult to explain in terms of the working hypothesis adopted above. Its effect might be to decrease permeability and retard the flow of materials across the cell membrane. The effect of magne- PROTEINS sium can easily be thought of as due to the dis- placement of calcium in the egg cortex. It is also known that the breakdown of germinal vesicles by radiation is inhibited by magnesium. There are other factors which are known to in- crease egg cell longevity. Among these are: acidity; KCN; low temperature; thyroxin; egg albumin; alcohol; glucose; gum arabic; reduced bacterial numbers. That any of these are effective in any nutritive way seems ruled out by the facts that an activated egg cell will continue living without food at least through the embryonic stage; and an unfertilized ee cell will live for a longer period when placed in sterile sea water. The relationship of egg cell longevity to the presence or absence of bacteria is an interesting problem in itself. With regard to the other factors listed above it may be significant that several of them affect viscosity and with vis- cosity, pH, iso-electric points and salt binding power are colligative properties. Although many interesting parallelisms may be drawn between growth, differentiation, matura- tion and senescence in the short pre- and longer post-fertilization life of an egg it would be unwise to attempt to extend to the compound animal body, as a whole, the findings with regard to the relationship of calcium to aging in egg cells. This is obviously because of the role of calcium in many functional and organ-forming processes. As a general cellular phenomenon the hypothesis is worthy of further investigation. ego (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 5.) IN ACTION Dr. DorotHy WRINCH Professor at Amherst, Smith and Mount Holyoke Colleges (Continued from last issue) Bonds, Bridges and Links On the basis of this closed fabric structure for the native proteins, there seems then to be no dif- ficulty in interpreting and integrating the findings from the three important experimental fields we have discussed. To see rather clearly what the implications are regarding the ways in which such structural units can build structure systems, it is then only necessary to study what is known, from structure chemistry, as to how the R-groups, 144 ANsls, (COMM RXCAMUNG NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 145 whose nature is well-known, may be expected to interlink or associate. There may, of course, be cases in which such interlinking is covalent in character, e.g., in the case of cystine residues or basic and acidic groups which have formed a pep- tide bond. There are, however, a considerable variety of other types which seem to be indicated. These include hydrogen bridges between gluta- mines and asparagines through their EO: NH groups, similar interlinks between acidic and ale groups, e.g., in glutamic or aspartic acid and argi- nine and, most important for our biological prob- lems, the bolting together of similarly ionized groups by means of div alent ions of opposite sign. It is well-known that hydrogen bridges have a definite energy, say + to 8 keal. /mole. Contrast- ing this with the energy in a carbon-carbon bond, which we may take as (say) 60 kcal./mole, we see that such bridges are essentially weaker links than covalent links. Even the simultaneous for- mation of (say) 6 would give a total energy of less than a single C-C bond. The nature of the treatments by which such protein particles as horse hemoglobin, the seed globulins, the hemo- cyanins and the erythrocruorins can be dissociated into smaller units and particularly their mildness suggest that weaker links of this polar type, rather than covalent bonds, may be the means of asso- ciation in such cases. An inventory of all the types of intermolecular association discovered in crystal analyses calls our attention also to a second type, which is: still veaker, namely that due to van der Waals attrac- tions between hydrocarbon groups, such as exist in hydrocarbon crystals. Such association will depend upon a favorable opposition of what we may call the van der Waals outlines of R-group constellations on opposed faces. While describing such a situation in terms of interlinks, it will be understood that the integrated effect cannot be analyzed into localized associations of individual atoms or links in the usual sense. In this and other aspects, it is interesting to notice the similarities and dissimilarities between these two categories of association to be expected when protein units associate by means of their R-groups. Both types are properly called “weak”, if they are considered in terms of individual pairs of R-groups and if our norm is the covalent bond, but a sufficient amount of simultaneously opposed groupings permits an association of considerable stability. Next, in both cases the specificity of the protein surfaces is the all-important point. While some measure of association may occur between almost any protein surface and another, since acidic and basic groups are present in most cases and non-polar groups can also stick together, it will only be possible to have a comparatively stable association when the particular constella- tions of many R-groups are favorable. This is, to my mind, the essence of the protein as a “struc- ture-forming’” component, to use Lillie’s phrase. The specific pattern of the protein itself deter- mines whether or not it will associate in stable combination with another specific protein or in- deed with any other molecule, such as a sugar, or a phosphatide. This fact is, I think, at the root of the non-antigenic character of certain molecules in certain cases. This also is the essence of the formation of antibody-antigen complexes. It ac- counts, too, for the way in which certain molecules and ions can change the permeability of cell mem- branes. The very low order of magnitude of the number of molecules required in such cases is of great interest. Specificity will also play a role in the van der Waals type of association. A highly organized structure like a sterol may form a comparatively stable association with the surface of a protein if the R-group constellation has an appropriate mor- phology. The difference between the two types of association resides in the higher stereochemical exigency imposed by the polar groupings. Crystal analyses have shown a comparatively small range of variation of the lengths and directions of hy- drogen bridges. There is in fact a special char- acter in hydrogen bridges, which is absent in the van der Waals type of association. We can pic- ture methyl groups so arranged that those from one protein surface pack into pockets of methyl groups from any other protein surface and wice versa, by means of a kind of cushioning effect, such that the surfaces can be pressed rather closer together by means of the spreading of methyl groups, the methyl-methyl distance remaining sub- stantially unchanged. But take a hydrogen bridge association in which (say) 9 or more glutamines from a face of one protein interlink with an equal number from the face of another protein and the situation is quite different. Several arrangements of the -CH»- groups, giving larger and smaller distances between the faces, might be possible, but the transition between the various states would not be a continuous one but rather a snapping into position. It is this last point which makes clear why, in a sense, protein structure systems will have pores which allow the passage of molecules of appropriately small size even though they are not lipoid soluble. Actual attempts to build structure systems in which protein units are inter- linked by polar side chains will show that it is not possible to pack these hedgehog-like units together without interstices. There will inevitably be lacunae or pores surrounded by rigid boundaries of polar groups. In this way we can understand the free penetration of water, a phenomenon which has always proved difficult to account for, when models of membranes involving complete monolayers of lipoids are insisted upon. With molecules which penetrate through points in the framework where the association is of the van der Waals type the situation is quite different. In the Aucust 16, 1941 | case of cushioning associations of this kind there will be no pores of definite size defined by rigid atomic boundaries. The penetration of molecules by means of nosing their way between non-polar groups will thus not be a question primarily of size, but far more a question of affinity to the groups in the surfaces of the cushions, i.e., of lipoid solubility. This picture is offered as a pos- sible interpretation of the generalization regarding permeability of membranes in which Jacobs has “summed up a large number of his own findings, according to which if molecules are sufficiently small they will enter the cell regardless of their lipoid solubility; whereas, if they are sufficiently lipoid-soluble they will enter the cell regardless of their size. Even this slight preliminary discussion of per- meability shows that the most significant essential points in the picture of structure systems of these native protein units is the implication regarding the varied nature of the interlinks. Just as the specificity of a native protein resides, on this theory, in the spatial patterns in which the various R-groups are rooted in precise positions in the rigid skeleton, so the specificity of a membrane, it is suggested, resides partly in these patterns on the skeletons and partly in the nature of the inter- links. With this picture, we can visualize systems which have wholly different specificities in virtue of different patterns of interlinking, even if there is little or no difference in the specificities of the constituent protein units. It follows that great differences in permeability by no means imply correspondingly great differences in the constitu- ents of a membrane or cytoplasmic system. We are all familiar with the classical work of Dakin and Dudley which showed (I think for the first time) that chicken and duck albumin differ in their molecular structures, even though no differ- ence in chemical composition could be found, a finding which points directly to spatial patterns of R-groups. As Parpart has pointed out, species differences as determined by permeability studies are not found to be correlatable with large differ- ences in composition. Evidently, as he remarks, it is the molecular orientation which is the im- portant factor, a suggestion I venture to interpret in terms of spatial patterns, not only of R-groups but also of interlinks. It is this gradually grow- ing conviction among the experts in the field which finds in the present picture a fundamentally simple and straightforward interpretation in that the specificity of any protein structure system whatsoever must necessarily be a function not only of the specificities of its constituents but also of the specific patterns of the interlinkages. The Protein in Modern Dress We are then presented with the native protein in modern dress, a figure markedly akin, as I shall tHE (COLLECTING NET 145 be able to show, to the picture in the minds of many biologists during the last eighty years. This protein unit is large, but of definite skeletal struc- ture which gives it its protein character. It is rigid, so far as the skeleton is concerned, but it is covered by flexible R-groups. It may be that, so far as its skeleton 1s concerned, it exists in very few varieties of sizes, but each such protein genus, covered by this or that selection of the strictly limited number of different R-groups, can give rise to an astronomically large number of highly individualized protein species. Thus we see how the protein character can be conjoined with a variety sufficient to account for even so many pro- teins as would be formed were every suitable molecular species injected in turn into every species of living animal. Finally the native pro- tein, this hedgehog-like structure consisting of hard kernel and softer bristles, depends for its stability on interlinking with other molecules: it cannot exist in isolation. Native proteins will hold native proteins by means of groups of bristles emerging from definite patches on the kernels and so preferentially in certain directions. Since the bristles are themselves of varied types and are rooted in a definite spatial pattern, whatever this may be, it will hold these molecules, on which its life depends, in specific fashion. Not any two faces of any two proteins will be capable of form- ing a stable association, since this depends upon the favorable arrangement of not one but many R-groups on each face. Cases may be expected in which protein faces not adapted to direct inter- linking may be able to unite in a structure system by using as intermediaries molecules with affini- ties to the two faces. The possibility exists that the considerable complement of cephalin known to be present in erythrocyte systems and thought by many experts to be integral parts of the mem- brane structure may be playing just such a role as this, in view of the groups, both polar and non- polar, which are present in these molecules. What then can we do with this native protein unit, if we wish to build structures possibly rele- vant to the nature of cytoplasm and cytoplasmic membranes? The answer is that we can build protein structure systems of a wide variety of types—wide enough I think to provide a starting point for a new experimental attack on the struc- ture of cytoplasm and cytoplasmic membranes in general. Thus we may start in the obvious way by con- sidering systems of the three types, linear, areal and volume. A set of native protein united in a one dimensional array we shall call a molecular fibril, open when it is like the links of a chain, closed when it is like the beads in a necklace. (A molecular fibril or chain, which may be sug- gestive as a hypothesis in a variety of physiologi- (Continued on page 148) 146 HE OLERERING ENE [ Vor. XVI, No. 145 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 38, 1879, and re-entered, July 238, 1938. BIOLOGY AT THE UNIVERSITY OF TEXAS The school year 1940-41 has been an eventful one for biological departments at the University of Texas. Dr. T. S. Painter, professor of zoology and in- ternationally known investigator on salivary gland chromosomes, was named Distinguished Profes- sor by the University Board of Regents, in line with a recently adopted policy of giving recogni- tion and increased remuneration to outstanding members of the regular staff. Dr. Painter is a member of the National Academy of Sciences and five other American scientific societies, has a long list of publications, and was one-time holder of the academy’s Daniel Giraud Elliot Medal. He is starred in American Men of Science. In January the botany and bacteriology depart- ment held its second annual statewide seven-day short course for health officers and laboratory technicians, under joint sponsorship with the State Department of Health. A week’s work in University laboratories was opened to staff men from hospitals, clinics and county health units. The Clayton Foundation of Houston awarded this year a $45,000 grant to the University to make possible an extensive study of the presence and behavior of vitamins in all kinds of living tissue. Dr. Roger J. Williams, University bio- chemist and discoverer of the vitamin, pantothenic acid, was placed in charge of the work. Named to assist Dr. Williams are Dr. Maxwell Pollack, formerly at Northwestern University and_ later employed by the Pittsburg Plate Glass Company of Barberton, Ohio, for research in synthetic resins: and Dr. Alfred Taylor, formerly assistant professor of zoology at Oregon State College. The Clayton Foundation also made an exten- sive grant to establish a new laboratory to study brucellosis, a recurrent fever which blights dairy cattle, under direction of Dr. Vernon T. Schu- hardt, University bacteriologist. Two Eastern experts are employed to assist Dr. Schuhardt— Dr. Norman B. McCullough of Detroit, Mich., and Leo Dick of Marshfield, Wisc., both former employees of Parke, Davis & Company. A $34,520 grant has been received from the Rockefeller Foundation for three years of genetics research, under direction of Dr. J. T. Patterson, professor of zoology; Dr. Wilson Stone, associ- ate professor of zoology; and Dr. A. B. Griffen, research associate in the University’s Research Institute. ADDITIONAL INVESTIGATORS Burt, R. L. jr. res. fel. biol. Brown. OM 22. Ka 2. Furth, J. assoc. prof. path. Cornell Med. Br 317. Lucas, A. M. assoc. prof. zool. Iowa State. OM 29. Velick, S. F. res. fel. biochem. Yale. Br 110. DATES OF LEAVING OF INVESTIGATORS Ballard W. W....... Henry, R. Brooks, M. M Horn A@Bee Bullock, T. H... ‘ Klotz, dine Costello, D. O....... Aug.6 Mitchell, P. H. Dumm, Mary E.....Aug.8 Plough, H. H.. Dytche, Maryon....Aug.7 Wolf, E. A...... F HoT DES swwlayersseceecerece Aug.2 Woodward, A....... Aug. Gilman, L. ............ Aug.11 Yntema, C. L....... Aug. 13 Dr. R. RuccGLes Gates is rewriting this sum- mer at the laboratory his book on “Biological Botany,” which was to have been published by an English firm last fall. The typewritten manu- script, consisting of twenty-five chapters, to- gether with drawings for 150 plates, was burned when the offices of the publishers were destroyed in an air raid on London last December. The handwritten manuscript, from which the typewrit- ten one was made, had been mailed back to the United States, but was lost in transit. Chapters in the book included such topics as chlorophyll, photosynthesis, stomatal action, rare elements in metabolism, hormones, vitamins, viruses, X-ray patterns in relation to cellular structure, chromo- some structure, etc., embodying much recent work, Dr. Joun Buck, assistant professor of zoology at the University of Rochester, with his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Mast Buck, is collecting and making experimental observations on fireflies in Jamaica this summer. His work is supported by a grant from the American Philosophical Society. The Bucks will sail from Jamaica on August 21. Dr. Gardner Lynn, associate professor of zoology at Johns Hopkins University, under the auspices of the Brooks Fund, is also on the island studying the development of frogs which have no free- swimming larval stage. With these two men are John Marbarger and James Dent, both of whom took the course in invertebrate zoology last sum- mer. The group is working at an elevation of about 2,000 feet in the Blue Mountains of Jamai- ca in a mansion on a coffee plantation which has been converted into a laboratory and which has been provided for them by the museum at Kings- ton. CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Vineyard Sound: Date AS P.M. August 17 ; Asis} August 18 lZe0 i 0y/ August 19 = le42e Sea August 20 230) 245 August 21 SEO 3:30 August 22 4:01 4:18 August 23 4:45 5:03 Aucust 16, 1941 } ITEMS OF At the meeting of the Corporation of the Ma- rine Biological Laboratory on Tuesday Drs. G. H. A. Clowes, S. C. Brooks and Columbus Iselin were elected trustees of the Laboratory. ces are in good condition. The number of investigators and students in attendance this summer is only slightly below the average of the past five years, which is 485, though considerably below that of 1937 and 1940. In those sea- sons, more than 500 were reg- istered, and the Laboratory was uncomfortably We may congratulate ourselves that 1 spite of wars and rumors of wars, investigation The Official Meetings of the Marine Biological IR, Sb LP auilbifaS): concsoccecconcenacosacacbas ; Studies on Conditions Affecting the Survival in vitro of a Malarial Parasite (Plasmo- TABLE OF CONTENTS cal Laboratory, Dr. Charles Packard............ 157 Peranema trichophorum, Dr. C. Hassett.... 163 The Utilization of Ammonia by Chilomonas Program of the Summer Meetings of the Gen- paramecium, Dr. John O. Hutchens .............. 157 etics Society of America at Cold Spring Comparison of the Respiratory Rates of Dif- Harbors ongalsland Nem Yen 164 ferent Regions of the Chick Blastoderm Summer Activities of University of Chicago During Early Stages of Development, Dr. BIO] O SISES. oe <8 ss ssee Reece eee ee Items of Interest The Effect of Dyes on Response to Light in Invertebrate Class Notes cesses. 168 dium lophurae), Dr. W. Trager ............000 162 Some Recent Books in the Biological Sciences 168 ge WIOH SGOOM AO SUIMOLVUOAVT IVOIDO'IOIN ANIIVW AHL Aveust 23, 1941 | WiKNE, COMMLIRCIMUNE! INIT AL 159 and instruction have gone on almost unhampered. The completion of the new wing of the Library marks another stage in the development of this important part of our institution. In earlier days it was housed on the Protozoology Laboratory : then in Room 217 of the Crane Building, which soon proved inadequate. When the Brick Build- ing was erected, the shelf space allotted to the Library was deemed sufficient to accommodate the growth of many years. But the rapid increase in the number of back sets, current periodicals, and separates, made imperative a very substantial ad- dition to the stack room. This we now have, thanks to the generosity of the Rockefeller Foun- dation. The excellent arrangement of the journals and the adequate provision for readers make the Library a most attractive place to the investigator. During the past year, the storage battery, which was damaged by the flood of 1938, was disman- tled. This means that we now have no source of light and power other than the town supply. [f this fails, as it has on more than one occasion during the present season, our pump stops, and our supply of running sea water is rapidly de- pleted. Now sea water is our life-blood; without it we could not continue our observations and ex- periments for a single day. It is necessary to keep the storage tank full so that if the pump stops temporarily there may be enough water to supply our needs until the electric current is re- stored. Only by using sea water sparingly can this be done. Investigators can ensure the con- tinuance of their experiments by using a minimum of sea water. The Supply Department has made two changes in the method of collecting and keeping certain kinds of live material. It no longer uses its own fish trap, but relies on the catch taken in the much larger nets of local fishermen. This plan has worked out very well this season. Urchins and stars, dredged from the sea bottom, are either de- livered to investigators directly from the boat, or placed in shallow tanks indoors, where they ap- parently keep in better condition than they did in the wire cages under the floats. Dr. Pond called attention to the fact that many items essential to experimental work are becoming increasingly difficult to secure. For example, copper, brass, tin, rubber and aluminum can be obtained only in odd lots, if at all. Acetic, citric and carbolic acid, solvents and many other chem- icals are in the same class. Fortunately ethyl al- cohol can be purchased, though some restrictions are placed on it. Every effort will be made to obtain these supplies, but obviously investigators can be furnished only very limited amounts. The relation of the Laboratory to the present emergency was summarized by Dr. Lillie in the following words: “During the present international and national crisis it is both the privilege and duty of educa- tional and research institutions to fulfill their nor- mal functions as effectively as possible. We have done so this season and will continue so to act. It is not necessary for me to emphasize to the mem- bers of the Marine Biological Laboratory the value and dignity of our role in the advancement of science and education, nor, I am sure, the re- sponsibility that rests upon us to defend and pre- serve our institution. “We shall, of course, stand ready to make sac- rifices in the interests of national defense if called upon to do so. Our location might make the use of some of our facilities for inshore patrol work valuable to the Navy Department; I understand that there are plenty of rumors about, that they may be requisitioned in whole or in part. We have had no official notification that this is likely to be the case, and we feel assured that our own interests will be respected as far as possible in any demand that might be made. It is my own opin- ion that it is improbable that any such demand will be made this year, but I have no opinion about the subject beyond that time.” COMPARISON OF THE RESPIRATORY RATES OF DIFFERENT REGIONS OF THE CHICK BLASTODERM DURING EARLY STAGES OF DEVELOPMENT Dr. FREDERICK S, PHILIPS Osborn Zoological Laboratory, Yale University; Department of Physiological Chemistry, Vale University, for the academic year 1941-1942 The consideration of the regional differences in embryonic processes which exist in the head- process embryo of the chick, or for that matter in any embryo, demands an analysis of the nature of the biochemical phenomena which must be in- volved in such morphogenetic activity. A few in- vestigators have already attempted the beginnings of this sort of analysis in the chick. Rulon, 1935, and Miller, 1941, have both found that the vital dye, Janus green, under anaerobic conditions is THE CoLLEcTING Nev was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 8, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Single copies, 30c by mail; subscription, $2.00. 1938. It is devoted to the scientifie work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 160 DHE COLEECIING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 146 most rapidly reduced in the region of the embryo which contains Hensen’s node. Jacobson, 1938, has reported a diminution of glycogen and an in- crease in lipoid material in epiblast cells which are invaginating in the primitive streak. The present work is a study of the rate of oxygen con- sumption in different regions of the head-process embryo in order to investigate the existence of possible correlations between one phase of respir- atory metabolism and the various regional differ- entiations in embryonic activity previously de- scribed. A second point of interest in the present work arises out of the recently published observation (Philips, 1941) that there is an increase in the rate of oxygen consumption of the whole chick blastoderm during the first four hours of incuba- tion. In extension of this earlier observation the present investigation considers the question of whether a respiratory enhancement takes place in the area pellucida of the blastoderm during this same early period. It also considers the changes in rate of oxygen consumption of the embryonic material up to the time of the formation of the head-process embryo. After a preliminary period of incubation at 38°C. blastoderms were removed from the yolks of eggs (White Leghorns and in a few cases, White Rocks) in Ringer-buffer solution. Dissec- tions of the embryonic regions were carried out with fine glass and steel needles and the area of the isolated pieces was measured by means of an ocular micrometer. Oxygen consumption was de- termined in the Cartesian diver microrespirometer of Linderstr¢m-Lang with the modifications intro- duced by Needham, Boell, and coworkers. The volume of the divers used was about 30 c. mm. with rate constants of about 20 m. pl. Oy con- sumed for every centimeter change of the levels of the Brodie fluid. The embryonic tissues after isolation from the embryo were placed in the diver bulbs with 2 c. mm. of Ringer-buffer containing 0.4 per cent glucose. A stream of oxygen was passed through the divers before placing the al- kali seals in their necks. After the oxygen con- sumption had been followed for about two hours, the pieces were removed from the divers and their total-nitrogen determined. The nitrogen estima- tion was made by a modification of the micro- Kjeldahl method of Needham and Boell, 1939. Dr. Boell, who plans to publish a description of this modification in the near future, has found it reliable between 0.5 and 25 y N. Since the value of the total-nitrogen was known, the Qo,’ of the embryonic pieces could be calculated as_ the m. wl. Oy consumed/hour/y N. In order to test the reliability of the described techniques for the present analysis the rate of oxygen consumption was compared in right and left halves of the area pellucida of the same head- process blastoderm. The halves were produced by a median cut through the head-process and primitive streak of the isolated area pellucida. Each half contained about 2 y total-nitrogen and consumed about 0.25 c. mm. Oy in two hours. The ratio of the rate of the right half to that of the left half was 1.02 according to the average of results from twenty determinations. Moreover, the average Qo,’ of 24 right halves and 28 left halves was in both instances 78. Since there is such a close agreement in the value for the two halves, it appears that the techniques used for the present determinations give reliable results. It may also be concluded that the rate of oxygen — consumption under the conditions of the present experiments is similar in both halves of the area pellucida of the head-process embryo. The next observations concern the study of the different regions of the head-process pellucida area. The head-process embryos used varied in development from the early head-process to the early head-fold stages. The area pellucida was divided into six pieces containing respectively the head-process, node and anterior streak, middle streak, posterior streak, and right and left lateral regions. In order to obtain sufficient material for the nitrogen analyses the same regions from two or three blastoderms were analysed together in the same divers and Kjeldahl flasks. Two or three pieces of the node and anterior streak region con- tained about 2 y N. In Table I it can be seen that the head-process, node and anterior streak, and middle streak re- gions have very similar Qo,’ values. The other regions have somewhat higher rates, but from the values of the standard deviations it does not ap- pear that the differences are significant. In a few determinations of the latter regions the amounts of material were small enough to give serious er- rors in the micro-Kjeldahl determination used. It is also probable that in these determinations the total nitrogen values were incorrect due to losses of tissue material during the transferring proce- dures which would result in rate values that were too high. However if the small differences noted are real, they may be of considerable importance in the regional differentiation of the head-process embryo. The results of the observations on the Qo,’ of the area pellucida from the stage of the unincu- bated blastoderm to the 37-hour embryo (11-12 somites) show that there is an increase in the rate during the first 17 hours of development and then the rate remains similar through the latest stage determined. For these determinations as much of the area pellucida was used as possible. The Qo,’ of the tissue in the unincubated blastoderm was about 33. By the definitive streak stage the value had increased to about 75. Similarly the values for the head-process, 5-6 somite, and 11-12 somite , Aucust 23, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 161 TABLE I. The Qo,’ (m. » 1. Oz consumed/hour/y N.) of different regions of the area pellucida during the first hour of measurement. Averages of 10 determinations are given with the standard deviations. Head- Node and An- Middle Posterior Right Left Process terior Streak Streak Streak Lateral Lateral 77 75 74 85 89 92 ze OS) SE 7/5 ==) 10/8 se 1165 + 198 + 199 stages were respectively 81, 75, and 78. These latter values may be converted into dry weight Qo, rates by dividing them by the factor 9. (This latter factor is based on the observation that the dry weight of chick embryos older than 4-days contains about 11 per cent total-nitrogen.) It then can be seen that the present observations give values for the stages between 17 hours and 37 hours of development which fall between 8.3 and 9.0 c. mm. Os consumed/hour/mg. dry weight. Using the Fenn respirometer similar values have been found for stages ranging from the 1-day area pellucida to the 3-day embryo, namely 9.2 to 12.1 (Philips, 1941). With the use of the Warburg apparatus Romanoff has shown in unpublished experiments that from the 4-day embryo to the 7-day embryo the Qo, also remains at a similar level, between 9.0 and 10.5. These data indicate that the level of the rate of oxygen consumption of the whole area pellucida and the embryo remains relatively constant between the definitive streak stage and the seventh day of de- velopment. The Qo,’ of the area pellucida of the unincu- bated blastoderm is of the same magnitude as the value for the whole blastoderm at this stage (Philips, 1941). Similarly the increase in rate of the area pellucida during the first four hours of incubation is like that found in the whole blas- toderm. The continued increases in rate of the area pellucida up to the seventeenth hour of de- velopment have a possible explanation. There ap- pears to be very little change in the total nitro- geneous material contained in the whole area pel- lucida during this early period of development when the cell-number is being tremendously in- creased. Thus this region contains about 3 y N in the unincubated blastoderm and about 3.9 y N in the head-process embryo. Accompanying the increasing cell-number there is, however, a marked increase in the total amount of oxygen consumed/hour, from about 100 m. pl. in the pellucida area of the unincubated blastoderm to about 313 m. pl. in the head-process stage. It, therefore, appears that during the first 17 hours of development nitrogenous, as well as other ma- terials, are being converted from inert, storage elements in the form of yolk granules into actively metabolizing cellular constituents. In subsequent stages of development the increase in the total ma- terials of the area pellucida and embryo more or less keeps pace with the increasing cell-number and oxygen consumption. One of the stated objects of the present work was the investigation of possible correlations be- tween differences in the rate of oxygen consump- tion of the various regions of the head-process embryo and the differences in embryonic activity known to exist in these regions. Under the spe- cific conditions of the present experiments no re- gional differences of any significance have been observed with regard to the rate of cellular oxida- tions. However, caution must necessarily be ob- served in relating this condition to the various regionally differentiated embryonic activities of the head-process embryo. It is entirely possible that the embryonic activities may be suspended on removal of the regions from the embryo and during the measurement of their respiration i vitro. Nevertheless, with this possibility in mind it is apparent that these results do not support Child’s axial gradient theory of development. No gradient in the rate of cellular oxidations has been found where according to the theory it ought to exist. Furthermore, on the basis of the theory one might expect that embryonic stages as widely different in embryonic activity as the definitive streak, head-process, and 7-day embryo would possess widely differing rates of oxygen consump- tion. This is not the case. There still remains the apparent discrepancy between the results of Rulon, 1935, and Miller, 1941, and the present experiments. The results of these authors may be used as evidence proving the existence of a respiratory gradient in the chick head-process embryo. There is one objection which may be raised to such an interpretation. The node region which shows the highest rate of Janus green reduction under the induced anaero- bic conditions of their experiments is the thickest 162 THE COLLECTING NED [ VoL. XVI, No. 146 region of the head-process area pellucida. Such a region ought to show the presence of the re- duced form of the dye before other regions since it contains a greater number of cells per unit area of pellucida area material. In confirmation of this morphological picture of the head-process embryo the present observations show that there is the greatest amount of nitrogen per unit area in the node region. Furthermore, the relative thick- nesses and the relative quantities of nitrogenous material per unit area agree with the relative rates of dye reduction reported. It seems unlikely that the dye experiments really show a gradient in the respiratory activity of individual cells in the vari- ous observed regions. It cannot be denied that when it is possible to make determinations on even smaller amounts of material than were used in the present work some significant differences in rate of oxygen consump- tion may be found. Furthermore, oxygen con- sumption is only one respiratory activity of living cells. When other metabolic properties like gly- colysis are investigated for the same stages, re- gional differences may be discovered. By way of conclusion this work is considered a phase of descriptive embryology. It might be called specifically chemical morphology. Com- plete analytical investigations based on the present data can only come sometime in the future when the very general function, the Qo,, can be dis- sected into the component factors from which it is derived. Only these factors can give some insight into the way energy from combusted food sub- stances is used in the various embryonic processes which result in differentiation. Furthermore, un- limited possibilities exist in the manifold consti- tution of all the components of the respiratory systems for the provision of a variety of metabolic differentiations without it being necessary that differentiation be reflected in the over-all rates of oxygen consumption. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 5.) STUDIES ON CONDITIONS AFFECTING THE SURVIVAL IN VITRO OF A MALARIAL PARASITE (PLASMODIUM LOPHURAE) Dr. WILLIAM TRAGER Rockefeller Institute, Princeton, N. J. The malaria parasites comprise a rather homo- geneous group of protozoa which inhabit the blood and blood forming cells of certain verte- brates. They are transmitted from one vertebrate host to another by an insect vector in which they undergo a sexual cycle of development. There are 4+ species of malaria parasites of human beings, no one of which has ever been successfully trans- mitted to any other host. There are several species of malaria parasites of monkeys and these again are highly specific for monkeys. Then there are about 12 species of malaria parasites of birds, which are specific for certain groups of birds. These bird malaria parasites provide good material for experimental studies in malaria and one of them, Plasmodium lophurae, has been used for the work to be reported here. It is an especially good organism for experimental purposes as it is infectious to the young chicken, a cheap and read- ily available host animal. All the malaria parasites have an essentially similar life cycle. In the vertebrate host, a small form, the merozoite, invades a red blood cell and grows in size. Its nucleus then divides repeatedly to form a segmenter having perhaps 6 to 20 nu- clei, depending on the species. A small amount of cytoplasm gathers around each nucleus and the host red cell bursts and liberates the newly formed merozoites. Each merozoite is then capable of infecting a new red cell and repeating the process. This asexual cycle continues freely in any one host until the host succumbs to the infection or develops a resistance. Under laboratory condi- tions, the asexual stages can be kept going in- definitely by the inoculation of blood from an in- fected to a fresh host. Since all the experiments presented in this paper were concerned exclusive- ly with the asexual stages, the sexual stages which occur in the mosquito vector need not be con- sidered. It is evident from this brief review of the biol- ogy of malaria parasites that they are highly spe- cialized organisms. So far as present knowledge goes, they are just as much obligate intracellular parasites as are any of the viruses. No one of them has ever been cultured im witro. Indeed, previous attempts at their cultivation have failed not only of their ultimate object, but have also failed to give much information concerning even the simplest conditions which might favor the sur- vival of the parasites in vitro. It therefore seemed desirable to make a com- parative study of the effects of various environ- mental conditions on the length of life of the para- sites outside of their living host. In these studies I have attempted to find, not conditions for the preservation of the parasites in a state of sus- pended animation, as at very low temperatures, but conditions which would favor their survival under circumstances which would promote either some development or rapid death. Hence, all the experiments were performed at temperatures of Aucust 23, 1941 } iit COLEECIING NET 40-42°C., about the body temperature of the chicken. Now, how can we judge the survival of malaria parasites? They are small and typically non-motile. Something can be said as to their condition on the basis of their microscopic ap- pearance in fresh and stained films, but the only reliable criterion of survival is their ability to in- fect a susceptible host—in this case a baby chick. The experiments were conducted in the follow- ing manner. The media to be tested were placed, with aseptic precautions, in appropriate sterile containers. Blood was taken aseptically from the heart of an infected chicken and the red cells were centrifuged down and resuspended in a special balanced salt solution. Suitable amounts of the parasitized red cell suspension were measured into the experimental containers. These were held in an incubator and removed daily for the taking of a small sample. Each sample was used for the preparation of a stained smear and for the inocu- lation of two 2-day old chicks. If these chicks showed an infection by the 7th day after inocula- tion, the infectivity of the sample was designated +. If they showed no infection on the 7th day, but did show an infection on the 11th day, the in- fectivity was designated +. If they showed no infection by the 11th day, the infectivity was —. The balanced salt-glucose solution, called solu- tion K, used for the preparation of media and parasitized red cell suspensions, was prepared on the basis of available knowledge of the inorganic composition of red blood cells, and of certain gen- eral considerations. It differs from solutions such as Locke’s and Tyrode’s chiefly in having a much higher potassium content, a somewhat higher phosphate and magnesium content and a lower pH (7.2). Comparative tests of survival of P. lophurae in solution K and in Locke’s or Tyrode’s showed always longer survival in solution K. An- other factor which was early found to have a fa- vorable effect on survival was the presence of red cell extract. This was prepared by freezing and thawing chicken red blood cells once. The frozen- thawed material was suspended in solution K and a clear extract obtained by centrifuging out the nuclei and cell remnants. Such red cell extracts were used in tests of all the other factors to be considered. Adequate aeration had a marked effect on sur- vival. For example, parasites in red cell extract 163 in a tube to a depth of 15 mm. showed no in- fectivity by the 3rd day, while those in the same red cell extract in a flask to a depth of 4 mm. still had a +-+ infectivity on the third day. In a preparation held in a vial with air bubbled through the infectivity was + on the 5th day, while in the control without a current of air the infectivity was already — on the 3rd day. But if pure oxygen was bubbled through, survival was shorter than with COy, — free air. If fairly dilute red cell extracts were used, an effect of the added carbohydrate in the solution K could be found. Twelve millimols of glucose per liter gave a +- infectivity on the 4th day, as compared with a — infectivity for 8 millimols of glucose per liter. Again, on the 3rd day, 12 mil- limols of giucose per liter gave a + infectivity, no added glucose a — infectivity, and 24 millimols per liter a — infectivity, showing a toxic effect of high glucose concentration. Glucose could be re- placed by glycogen. Thus, on the 4th day, the in- fectivity with no added carbohydrate was —, with 0.2% glycogen it was ++. In such dilute red cell extracts added glutathione affected survival. With 12 millimols of glucose as added carbohy- drate, the infectivity was + on the 4th day and — on the 5th day in the absence of added glutathi- one, while in the presence of added glutathione it was +-+ on the 4th day and still ++ on the 5th day. In a similar way, it has been found that the sur- vival in vitro of P. lophurae, as judged by infec- tivity, is favored not only by a balanced salt solu- tion of high potassium content, by red cell extract, by adequate aeration, by appropriate concentra- tions of glucose or glycogen and by glutathione, but also by daily renewal of the medium, by a suitable density of parasites per cu. mm. and by certain concentrations of chick embryo extract, chicken liver extract and chicken serum or plasma. In the best preparations, at least 40% of the parasites were alive on the 3rd day, at least 20% on the 4th day, about 1% on the 5th day and about 0.05% on the 6th day, the last day of the tests. In such preparations there was a small in- crease in parasite number on the first day of life in vitro. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 12.) THE EFFECT OF DYES ON RESPONSE TO LIGHT INPERANEMA TRICHOPHORUM Dr. CHarLes C. HAssETT Department of Zoology, The Johns Hopkins University Peranema trichophorum is a colorless flagellate without an eyespot. It moves by swimming or by crawling; when it crawls it moves slowly and is tasily kept under observation. It responds to a sudden increase in luminous intensity by ceasing forward motion, bending sharply and then moving off at an angle to its former line of progression. This response is known as a_ shock-reaction. Mast and Hawk (1936) and Shettles (1937) studied various phases of this response. Shettles 164 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 146 showed that cocaine chloride increases the reac- tion-time and that strychnine sulfate decreases it. In the present work it was decided to study the effects of dyes on the response. Raab, in 1900, found that the dye acridine pos- sessed the power to sensitize paramecia to light and that animals in acridine solutions were un- harmed if kept in the dark, but were killed if il- luminated ; the stronger the light, the more quick- ly they were killed. The object of these experiments was to ascer- tain (1) the nature of the effect of dyes on the reactions of Peranema and (2) the importance of some of the factors involved, e.g., fluorescence, wave-length absorbed by the dye, structure of the dye molecule. Neutral red, eosin, rose bengal, orange G, aura- mine O, brilliant green, methylene blue and Nile blue sulfate were used; each dye was dissolved in Chalkley solution (the culture fluid used in grow- ing the peranemae), and its absorption spectrum was measured on a Coleman spectrophotometer. All of the dyes except neutral red and brilliant green were found to absorb light in relatively limited parts of the visible spectrum; as a group, they cover all parts of the spectrum. The peranemae were mounted on slides in various concentrations of each dye, then were put on the stage of a microscope, brought to focus in weak red light and suddenly stimulated by the application of a light of 20.35 meter candles in- tensity. The reaction-time was measured with a stop watch. This was repeated with 50 animals at each of a number of concentrations of each dye. Two hundred animals from the same cultures were used as controls, they were tested while mounted on slides in the regular culture fluid. The results were as follows: the reaction-time of animals which were not treated with dyes was found to be 12.1 seconds. Several dyes were found to decrease the reaction-time to approxi- mately 1 sec. when the concentration of dye was 2 < 10+ M, these were rose bengal, eosin, neu- _tral red and methylene blue. More dilute solu- tions gave longer reaction-times up to 12 sec. for concentrations of 1 * 10% M. Nile blue sulfate and auramine O were less effective, relatively strong solutions only produced a minimum reac- tion-time of ca. 5 sec. Orange G had no effect. Brilliant green increased the reaction-time at a concentration of 5 & 10° M; more dilute solu- tions produced shorter reaction-times down to 12 sec. at 1 X 10° M. This dye is much more toxic than the others used and the increase in re- action-time which was observed may have been caused by the toxicity of the dye. All the dyes used are lethal to Peranema even in the dark when strong solutions are used. The observations were therefore made with solutions which had no harmful effects after as long as 24 hours in the dark. From these results several conclusions can be drawn. Concerning fluorescence, in this experi- ment the dyes used were of varying degrees of fluorescence, the order being approximately: eosin > rose bengal, neutral red > Nile blue sulfate, methylene blue > auramine O, orange G, brilliant green. Comparing this with the order of effectiveness in decreasing the reaction-time of Peranema, it can readily be seen that there is little correlation. These results agree with those of Raab (1900), who found that fluoresced radiation from dyes not in contact with paramecia had no harmful effects. The molecular structure of the dyes is diverse, (Conn, 1940). Of the four most effective dyes, eosin and rose bengal are similar to each other but differ greatly from neutral red and methylene blue. Hence no specific structural characteristics seem to be involved in photodynamic action. The wave-length of light necessary to produce photodynamic action is dependent on the absorp- tion of the dye being used. Although white light was used in this work, it has been shown (Blum, 1941), that action spectra coincide closely with absorption spectra. The dyes which were effec- tive in reducing the reaction-time of Peranema vary from auramine O, which absorbs light main- ly in the region 3900-4300 A to methylene blue, which absorbs mostly red light of 5800-6400 A. In summary: (1) several dyes were found to exert a photodynamic effect by reducing the reac- tion-time of Peranema; (2) the effect of these dyes is inversely proportional to their concentra- tion; (3) no direct correlation was found between the effect of the dyes and degree of their fluores- cence; (4) several types of dye molecules are ef- fective; (5) the active dyes possess diverse ab- sorption spectra. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 12.) PROGRAM OF THE SUMMER MEETINGS OF THE GENETICS SOCIETY OF AMERICA AT COLD SPRING HARBOR, LONG ISLAND, N. Y., AUGUST 27 TO 29, 1941 Officers of the Genetics Society of America President, TH. DopzHANSKY, Columbia University. Vice-President, E. W. Linpstrom, Iowa State College. Secretary and Treasurer, B. P. KAUFMAN, Carnegie In- stitute of Washington. Wednesday, August 27, 8:30 P. M., Blackford Hall, Evening Lecture A. H. Srurrevant, California Institute of Technology # Comparative Genetics of the Species of Drosophila. Aueust 23, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET Thursday, August 28, 9:30 to 12:45, Davenport Laboratory, Demonstrations (1) Atwoop, SANForD, S., U. S. Regional Pasture Research Laboratory, State College, Pa.: The multiple oppositional alleles causing cross-incompatibility in Tri- folium repens. (2) BrsHop, D. W., University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, Pa.: Cytological demonstrations of chro- mosome breaks soon after X-radiation. (8) BreHMe, KATHERINE S., Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.: A survey of the Malpighian tube color of the eye color mutants of Drosophila melanogaster. (4) BusHNELL, RatpH J., The University of Con- necticut, Storrs, Conn.: Incompatible matings in inbred families of the bean weevil. (5) Drmerec, M., HOLLAENDER, ALEXANDER, HouLa- HAN, M. B., and BisHop, M., Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y., and National Institute of Health, Bethesda, Md.: Effect of mono- chromatic ultraviolet radiation on Drosophila melano- gaster. (6) E1est1, O. J., University of Oklahoma, Norman, Okla.: A comparative study of the effects of sulfanila- mide and colchicine upon mitosis of the generative cell in the pollen tube of Tradescantia occidentalis (Brit- ton) Smyth. (7) FANKHAUSER, GERHARD, and Princeton University, Princeton, N. J.: of spontaneous aberrations of chromosome among larvae of the newt, Triturus viridescens. (8) Gorpon, Myron, New York Aquarium, New York, N. Y.: Dominant and recessive responses of the Sd factor in natural and domesticated fish populations. (9) Hrnton, O. TAyLor, and Arwoop, K. C., Colum- bia University, New York, N. Y.: A comparison of the specificities of terminal adhesions of salivary gland chromosomes in two strains of Drosophila. (10) Kamenorr, Raupu J., City College, New York, N. Y.: A cytological study of the embryonic livers (16- 18 days) of normal and flexed-tailed (anemic) mice. ~ (11) Kimpatt, R. F., Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, Md.: A gene affecting the manner of swim- ming in the ciliate protozoan, Huplotes patella. (12) Laanes, T., and MacDoweEL., E. C., Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.: Screw-tail, a new mouse mutation. (13) Power, MAxweLu E., Yale Universitty, New Haven, Conn.: Neurological effects of mutants reducing facet number in the eyes of Drosophila melanogaster. (14) RippuE, Oscar, DuNHAM, H. H., and ScHooLey, J. P., Department of Genetics, Carnegie Institution of Washington, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.: Genetic her- maphroditism in a strain of pigeons. (15) Roserrson, G. G., Yale University, New Haven, Conn.: Increased viability of homozygous yellow mouse embryos in new uterine environments. (16) SonNENBLICK, B. P., Queens College, Flushing, N. Y.: The question of cell constancy in various em- bryonic and larval tissues of Drosophila melanogaster. (17) Sparrow, A. H., MeGill University, Montreal, Canada: Spiralization in microspore chromosomes of Trillium. e (18) Spencer, W. P., College of Wooster, Wooster, Ohio: Inherited variations in wild populations of Clay- tonia virginica. (19) Wrutson, G. B., and BoorHroyp, E. R., McGill University, Montreal, Canada: Differential reactivity in the chromosomes of Trilliwm species. (20) Wruson, G. B., and Sparrow, A. H., MeGill University, Montreal, Canada: Partial fusion of un- treated root tip chromosomes of Trillium erectum L. CrotrtTa, Riva, The frequency number Afternoon Session, beginning at 2 o’clock INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS prepared by resident investiga- tors of the Department of Genetics, Carnegie Institu- 165 tion of Washington and of the Biological Laboratory of the Long Island Biological Association. Late Afternoon and Evening Swim, Picnic SUPPER, AND DANCE. Friday, August 29, at 9:30 A. M., Auditorium of Blackford Hall (1) BerrnstTeIn, MAariANNE E., Carnegie Institution of Washington, Genetics Record Office, Cold Spring Harbor, N. Y.: The incidence and Mendelian transmis- sion of mid-digital hair in man. (2) LINDEGREN, Cart C., and LINDEGREN, GERTRUDE, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif.: X-ray and ultraviolet induced mutations in Neurospora. (3) Brink, R. A., and Cooper, D. C., University of Wisconsin, Madison, Wis.: Somatoplastic sterility as a function of the endosperm genotype. (4) Neset, B. R., Wiuson, G. B., and MarrNneui, L., New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva, N. Y., McGill University, Montreal, Canada, and Memorial Hospital, New York, N. Y.: X-ray dosage curves in Tradescantia. (5) GiLes, N. H., and Nese, B. R., Yale Univer- sity, New Haven, Conn., and New York Agricultural Ex- periment Station, Geneva, N. Y.: An analysis of the intensity factor in X-ray induced chromosomal aberra- tions in Tradescantia. (6) Caspari, Ernst, Lafayette College, Easton, Pa.: Genetic and environmental factors influencing testis color in Ephest.a kiihniella. (7) Muturr, B. H., and Pontecorvo, G., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass., and the University of Edin- burgh, Edinburgh, Scotland: Recessive genes causing interspecific sterility and other disharmonies between Drosophila melanogaster and simulans. (8) Lewis, E. B., California Institute of Technol- ogy, Pasadena, Calif.: The Star and asteroid loci in Droscphi'a melanogaster. (9) STEINBERG, ARTHUR G., McGill University, Mon- treal, Canada: Further studies on the histological devel- opment of the wild type and Bar eyes of Drosophila melanogaster. (10) Ives, P. T., Amherst College, Amherst, Mass.: Allelism and elimination of lethals in American popula- tions of Drosophila melanogaster. (11) Neetu, J. V., Dartmouth College, Hanover, N. H.: A case of high mutation frequency in Drosophila melanogaster. Afternoon Session INSPECTION OF EXHIBITS Further opportunity to visit exhibits prepared by resident investigators. THE GROWTH OF THE LABORATORY The following table shows the total number of investigators registered at the Marine Biological Laboratory each year since its foundation. 166 Dies COLEECIING NED [ Vou. XVI, No. 146 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 238, 1938. SUMMER ACTIVITIES OF UNIVERSITY OF CHICAGO BIOLOGISTS Dr. Carl Moore, professor and chairman of the department of zoology, is spending the summer in the north woods at Rapid City, Michigan, working in his own private laboratory on the hormone control of reproduction. In January he received the American Academy of Arts and Sciences award for his work which served as a basis for the isolation and identification of “‘tes- tosterone’’, the male sex hormone. Dr. Sewall Wright, Ernest D. Burton Distin- guished Service professor of zoology, is at Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island. Dr. Alfred Emerson, professor of zoology, is conducting an inspection trip of eastern museums, using his summer home at Hewlett Landing in upper New York as a base. He is a specialist in the field of ecology. Dr. Frances Oldham, research assistant in the department of pharmacology, is spending her sec- ond summer at the Eureka Whaling station at Field’s Landing in Northern California. At this station the whales are carved and prepared in public—for an marketed. Dr. Oldham will bring back pituitary glands for her work with Dr. Eugene Geiling, professor and chairman of the department of pharmacology. M.B.L. TENNIS CLUB Two of the five tennis tournaments this year have already been completed; the finals in the other three are scheduled for this afternoon. In the finals of the men’s singles, D. E. Lance- field defeated A. Stunkard, 6-0, 7-5 In the finals of mixed doubles, Lancefield and Te Winkel defeated Lumb and Humm, 6-2, 6-2 The ladies’ singles is one of the tournaments scheduled to be completed this afternoon. Mary Chamberlain will be one of the finalists, having defeated P. Saunders, 7-5, 6-3, and she will play against D. Baitsell, who had previously defeate: G. Gorokhoff, 6-2, 6-4. The finals of the men’s doubles will see Stunk- ard and Evans (who have defeated Jones and Speidel, 6-2, 6-1) playing against the winners of the semi-finals in the other bracket—Humm and Hayashi vs. Lancefield and Krahl. The finals of the junior singles are also sched- uled for this afternoon. WOODS HOLE CHORAL SOCIETY The fourteenth annual concert of the Woods Hole Choral Society will be presented Monday evening at 8:30 in the Woods Hole Community Hall. Twelve numbers, equally divided between secular and sacred music, have been prepared by the members of the Club, who have been rehears- ing twice weekly since the beginning of the sum- mer. The concert will be conducted by Professor Ivan T. Gorokhoff, director of choral music at Smith College. Dr. Eliot R. Clark is president of the Club, and Dr. Charles Packard is secretary- treasurer. Muss Galina Gorokhoff is accompanist. The members of the Society, which is composed primarily of Laboratory workers and members of their families, are as follows: Stella Anderson, Barbara Brainerd, Jane Collins, Grace Crecelius, Emily H. Lower, Edith Mitchell, Louise Thorne Sprenger, Evelyn G. Watterson, Helen Willier, Eleanor Linton Clark, Helen M. Crossley, Eva Stokey Evans, Alma G. Stokey, Wil- liam J. Blake, Stanley Sprenger, Peter J. Wilhousky, William H. Batchelor, John W. Brainerd, Eliot R. Clark, Boris I. Gorokhoff, Arthur Truslow, and George G. Lower. The program is as follows: Break forth, O beauteous, heav’nly light J. S. Bach Hail Holy Light! Rejoice in the Lord alway Ave Verum Corpus William Byrd Gospodi Pomiluy (Lord, Have Mercy) Lyovsky When His loud voice (Jeptha) Georg F. Handel Brightly Dawns Our Wedding Day (The Mikado) Gilbert and Sullivan Orlando di Lasso German Folk-Song Alexander Kastalsky Henry Purcell Good-day, dear heart The Beetle’s Wedding A Legend P. Tschaikowsky Round the Good Father’s Door A. Arkhangelsky Moon Magic Three Russian Folk Songs M.B.L. CLUB The ping pong tournament of the M.B.L. Club is well under way with most of the first and some second rounds played off. The tournaments or- - ganized this year are men’s and women’s singles and mixed doubles. The Monday evening phonograph record con- cert will not be given this week in order to avoid a conflict with the Choral Club concert. CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to vane yard Sound: Date P. M. August 24 .. 5:30) ora0 August (25) 5.) OclommmOromg August 26 ....... HAO © 4 e27/ UIC ISEN 2/7 7AD S29 INDE AS crest sil August ZO 9 So ORIS August 30 LOESS) SES Aucust 23, 1941 | ITEMS OF Dr. Dororuy M. Wrinch was married on Wednesday at 12:30 P. M. in the Laboratory to Dr. Otto Glaser by Rev. Ralph H. Long of Fal- mouth. They are spending their honeymoon on Nantucket Island, and will return later to their house in Quisset. Dr. Wrinch will continue her scientific work as before; she holds a professor- ship in molecular biology in Dr. Glaser’s depart- ment of biology at Amherst, and is also professor at Smith College and Mt. Holyoke College. She was given in marriage by Professor John F. Ful- ton of the Yale University School of Medicine. Katherine Brehme was her only attendant. The marriage is the first to have been performed in the Laboratory. Dr. Henry J. Fry died on August 15 in Hartford, Connecticut, after a long illness. Dr. Fry first came to Woods Hole as a student in 1921 and returned as an investigator nearly every year thereafter until 1939. He received his A.B. degree at Muhlenberg College in 1914, and his Ph.D. at Columbia University in 1925. In 1923 he began instructing at New York University, becoming a professor in 1930. From 1933 until his illness he was a visiting investigator at Cor- nell University Medical College. Dr. Fry was noted for his work in experimental cytology. New members of the M.B.L. Corporation in- clude: R. Ballentine, M. M. Brooks, Aurin M. Chase, K. W. Cooper, Titus C. Evans, Jean M. Fisher, C. G. Grand, J. Friedrich Gudernatsch, Rudolf T. Kempton, Otto Loewi, F. M. Mac- Naught, V. Menkin, Isabel M. Morgan and K. G. Stern. Mr. Davin D. Perkins, who graduated from the University of Rochester this spring, and who is taking the invertebrate zoology course at the Marine Biological Laboratory, has been appointed a graduate assistant in zoology at Columbia Uni- versity. Mr. R. A. Gorrin, superintendent of the Bu- reau of Fisheries, reports that 11,626 visitors to the aquarium registered in the guest book between July 13 and August 16. Since only about one quarter of the visitors register, the actual number probably was about four times as great. The Anton Dohrn left the Oceanographic In- stitution Wednesday for Nova Scotia to conduct research work in connection with national defense. At the annual meeting of the Tennis Club, the following persons were elected officers: President, Eric Ball; Vice-President, Margaret Speidel ; Secretary-Treasurer, Titus Evans. D. E. Lance- field and E. R. Jones were elected to the execu- tive committee. HEHE COLEECDRING NET 167 INTEREST Proressor A. H. SrurtevAnr will give the evening lecture at the summer meetings of the Genetics Society of America at Cold Spring Har- bor on August 27. He will speak on ‘“Compara- tive Genetics of the Species of Drosophila.” Mr. Rosert L. Terry, who was an investiga- tor from the University of Pennsylvania at the Laboratory last year is now a private in the U. S. Army. Dr. T. H. JouHnson, assistant director of the Bartol Research Foundation, has been working at the Oceanographic Institution for brief periods during the summer. Dr. J. H. McGrecor of Columbia University, left Woods Hele on Thursday after a two-day visit. Dr. Hartan T. STETSON, director of cosmic terrestrial research at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, recently visited Woods Hole on his vessel, the Calypso. Dr. AND Mrs. whom were at the Laboratory in Woods Hole briefly last week-end. both of visited M. W. BoswortH, 1940, Among others visiting the Laboratory recently have been Drs. William F. Diller, Irene Corey Diller, H. K. Hartline, I. M. Korr, Felix Bern- stein, Ernst Fischer, and D. Eugene Copeland. Dr. Rogert CHAMBERS will leave Monday for New York to attend a conference on tissue cul- ture. Mr. Cart ALpeR, a student janitor at the Lab- oratory, injured his foot in an elevator and re- turned to his home in New Jersey last Sunday. Dr. KENNETH C. FisHer has left for St. Johns, New Brunswick, to visit his father, who is ill. ProFessoR AND Mrs. L. L. WooprvurFF last Sunday afternoon gave a tea at their home in Gansett for the present and former members of the Osborn Zoological Laboratory, Yale Univer- sity, who are at Woods Hole this summer. About thirty were present. Mr. Epwarp CHAMBERS has received a Rocke- feller Foundation grant to conduct research work at the Columbia County Department of Public Health in Hudson, New York. He and Mrs. Chambers will leave Woods Hole on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Chambers entertained at Edgewood Monday afternoon for about seventy- -five members of the Laboratory and their families with a garden party at which a Craig ae of a Russian fairy tale was presented. Robert Chambers acted as narrator ace ane play. 168 DHE COLLECDRING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 146 INVERTEBRATE CLASS NOTES Dr. Bissonnette’s one-day survey of the Bryo- zoa was for many an introduction to this group. The lab study of the living material fixed in our minds at least some of the salient features of this group. Though the Molluscs are no novelty, Dr. Mat- tox had no trouble keeping us interested in his discussions. Of particular interest in the lab work were the dissections of busycon and the squid, and the study of the Pelicypod heart in its reactions to salt solutions and drugs. Ann Weber's organization and_ the splendid weather proved an unbeatable combination for the picnic at Tarpaulin Cove. Some ambitious stud- ents made plans for competitive collecting teams, but every one was glad to abandon the project in favor of baseball. Several small groups spent the morning collecting or watching the birds. Seventy of us students, instructors and families made a full load for the Nereis and the Winifred. The remnant of forenoon was just sufficient time to build up an appetite for the picnic lunch of sand- wiches and clams. Old friends of the lab aquaria, Mytilus and Mya, made an abundant feast. Mrs. Rankin, Randy Kielich and Bob Williams en- gaged in a watermelon-seed-blowing contest, in which Mrs. Rankin was the victor. After lunch a game of M-ball was begun. To quote from the sports-columnist for the “Inverts,” Johnny Osmun: “Soon to be released through national sports writers are the rules for M-ball. Originating at and named for the M.B.L., this game is played literally and figuratively w ith the head. Nearly every day the varsity and occasionally the fresh- men (faculty, principally) may be seen at Kahler stadium bouncing a ball from head to head. High score of nineteen uninterrupted bounces.” —Louise Gross and Bill Batchelor SOME RECENT BOOKS IN THE BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES Ackerman, E. A $4.00. Chicago. Adams, N. E., and E. M. Bandow. A Study Guide for Applied Biology. $1.75. Burgess. New England’s Fishing Industry. Alexander, G. An Outline of General Zoology. $1.00. Barnes and Noble. Allen, P. W., and G. M. Cameron. Microbiology Laboratory Manual. $1.50. Mosby. Arey, L. B. Developmental Anatomy (4th ed.). $6.75. Saunders. Arnold, J. G., and T. L. Duggan. Laboratory Man- ual of General Biology (4th ed.). $1.50. Mosby. Baitsell, G. A. Human Biology. $3.75. McGraw- Hill. Baitsell, G. A. Manual of Biology (6th ed.). $2.75. Macmillan. Baly, E. C. C. Photosynthesis. $4.75. Van Nostrand. Beaver, W. C. Fundamentals of Biology (2nd ed.). $4.00. Mosby. Beaver, W. C. Laboratory Outlines of General Biol- ogy (2nd ed.). $2.00. Mosby. Bell, D Introduction to Carbohydrate Biochem- istry. University Tutorial (London). Biological Laboratory, Cold Spring Harbor. Sym- posia on Quantitative Biology. Vol. VIII. Darwin Press. Biological Symposia. Vol. II, $2.50. Vol. III, $3.50. Jaques Cattell Press. Blum, H. F. Photodynamic Action and Diseases Caused by Light. $6.00. Reinhold. LBrockleshy, H. N., ed. Bulletin No. LIX: The Chem- istry and Technology of Marine Animal Oils with Particular Reference to Those of Canada. $2.95. Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Burnet, F. M. Biological Aspects of Infectious Di- sease (4th ed.). $3.75. Cambridge (Macmillan). Cable, R. M. An Illustrated Laboratory Manual of Parasitology. $1.50. Burgess. Calkins, G. N., and F. M. Summers, ed. Protozoa in Biological Research. $10.00. Columbia. Cameron, A. T. Recent Advances in Endocrinology (4th ed.). Churchill Ltd. Cameron, G. M. Bacteriology of Public $3.50. Mosby. Carlson, A. J., and V. Johnson. the Body. $4.00. Chicago. Health. The Machinery of Carroll, P. L., and W. P. Horner. $1.25. Mosby. Carter, G. S. A General Zoology of the Inverte- brates. $5.50. Macmillan. Chandler, A. C.—Introduction to Parasitology; with Special Reference to the Parasites of Man. $5.00. Wiley. . Chapman, V. J. Introduction to the Study of Algae. $4.00. Cambridge (Macmillan). Child, C. M. Patterns and Problems of Develop- ment. $8.00. Chicago. Clark, C. C., and R. H. Hall. This Living World. $3.25. McGraw-Hill. Clausen, J., D. D. Keck and W. M. Hiesey. Experi- mental Studies on the Nature of Species. $3.50. Carnegie. Cole, E. C. Text of Comparative Histology. $4.00. Blakiston. Colin, E. C. Elements of Genetics. $3.00. Blakiston. Cenn, H. J. Biological Stains; A Handbook on the Nature and Uses of the Dyes Employed in the Biological Laboratory (4th ed.). $3.40. Biotech Publications. Cress, J. C. An Introduction to Biology. $1.90. Mos- by. Dahlberg, G. Statistical Methods for Medical and Biological Students. $2.75. Interscience. Dobzhansky, T. Genetics and the Origin of Species (vev. ed.). $4.25. Columbia. Eddy, S., C. P. Oliver and J. P. Turner. Atlas of Outline Drawings of the Dogfish Shark, the Necturus, and the Cat for Vertebrate Anatomy. $1.50. Wiley. Elvehjem, C. A., and P. W. Wilson. Enzymes. $3.25. Burgess. Evans, H. M. Brain and Body of Fish. $3.50. Blak- iston. Fasten, N. Introduction to General Zoology. $3.75. Ginn. Felt, E. P. Plant Galls and Gall Makers. $4.00. Comstock. Federal Writers’ Project. Oysters. $0.50. Whitman. Forbes, J. A Laboratory Manual for Histology. $1.25. Fordham. Frazer, J. E. Manual of Embryology (2nd ed.). $9.00. Williams and Wilkins. Atlas of the Frog. Respiratory | Aucust 23, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 169 Frobisher, M., Jr. Fundamentals of Bacteriology (2nd ed.). $2.00. Saunders. Fuller, H. J. Outline of General Botany. $0.75. Barnes and Noble. Fuller, H. J. The Plant World; A Text in College Botany. $3.25. Holt. Gause, G. F. Optical Activity and Living Matter. $2.75. Biodynamica. Gerard. The Body Functions. $2.25. Wiley. Gerard, R. W. Unresting Cells. $3.75. Harper. Glass, H. B. Genes and the Man. Teachers’ College, Columbia University. Graves, J. E., and E. O. Elementary Bacteriology (4th ed.). $3.50. Saunders. Green, D. E. Mechanisms of Biological Oxidations. $2.75. Cambridge (Macmillan). Grimes, C. W. Story Outline of Evolution. $2.00. Bruce Humphries. Gudger, E. W., ed. Archaic Fishes. Breeding Habits, Reproductive Organs and External Embryonic Development of Chlamydoselachus. American Museum of Natural History. Guyer, M. F. Animal Biology (8rd ed.). $3.75. Harper. Hannum, C. A. Comparative Embryology of Verte- brates. $4.50. Macmillan. Harrow, B. Laboratory Manual of Biochemistry. $1.50. Saunders. Hewer, H. R. Practical Zoology. $2.00. Chemical Publishing Company. Hewitt, R. Bird Malaria. $1.10. Johns Hopkins. Hill, J. Germs and the Man. $3.50. Putnam’s. Hogben, L. Principles of Animal Biology. $3.75. Norton. Holman, R. M., and W. W. Robbins. Botany (8rd ed.). $2.75. Wiley. Hoskins, R. G. Endocrinology; the Their Functions. $4.00. Norton. Hubbs, C. L., and K. Lagler. Synopsis of the Fishes of the Great Lakes Basin. $0.50. Cranbrook. Huettner, A. F. Fundamentals of Comparative Em- bryology of the Vertebrates. $4.50. Macmillan. Huff, G. C. Laboratory Guide for General Biology. Swift. Hylander, C. J., and O. B. Stanley. Plants and Man. $3.00. Blakiston. Jennings, H. S. The Beginnings of Social Behavior in Unicellular Organisms. $0.50. Pennsylvania. Johannsen, O. A., and F. H. Butt. Embryology of Insects and Myriapods. $5.00. McGraw-Hill. Johlin, J. M. Introduction to Physical Biochemistry. $2.75. Hoeber. Johnson, P. L. Projects in General Zoology. $1.50. Swift. Jordan, E. O., and W. Burroughs. Textbook of Bac- teriology. Saunders. Kendall, J. I. The Microscopic Anatomy of Verte- brates. $3.75. Lea and Febiger. Kleiner, I. S., and L. B. Dotti. Laboratory Instruc- tions in Biochemistry. $1.50. Mosby. Krogh, A. The Comparative Physiology of Respira- tory Mechanisms. $3.00. Pennsylvania. Landis, Carney, et al. Sex in Development. $3.75. Hoeber. Large, E.C. The Advance of the Fungi. $4.00. Holt. Leach, J. G. Insect Transmission of Plant Diseases. $6.00. McGraw-Hill. Leonard, A. B. Laboratory Guide to Study of De- velopmental Anatomy. $1.50. Burgess. Ley, W. The Lungfish and the Unicorn: an Excur- sion into Romantic Zoology. $2.75. Modern Age Books. Longley, M. H. Laboratory Manual in Bacteriology. $1.50. F. A. Davis. Elements of Glands and Luck, J. M., ed. Annual Review of Physiology, Vol. III, 1941. $5.00. American Physiol. Soc. and An- nual Reviews. Luyet, B. J., and P. M. Gehenio. Life and Death at Low Temperatures. Biodynamica. Mavor, J. W. General Biology (rev. ed.). $4.00. Macmillan. Metcalf, M. M. Further Studies on the Opalinid Ciliate Infusorians and Their Hosts. U. S. Na- tional Museum. Miller, A. H. Speciation in the Avian Genus Junco. $3.00. California. Miller, E. S. Quantitative Biological Spectroscopy. $3.50. Burgess. Naturalists’ Directory (32nd ed.). Press, Salem, Mass. Needham, J. Biochemistry of Morphogenesis. $2.00. Cambridge (Macmillan). Newby, W. W. The Embryology of the Echuiroid Worm Urechis caupo. $2.00. American Philo- sophical Society. Nord, F. F., and C. H. Advances in Enzymology and Related Subjects. $5.50. Interscience. O’Hanlon, M. E. Fundamentals of Plant Science. $4.25. Crofts. Olson, O. S. Methods of Teaching High School Biol- ogy. $1.25. Burgess. Osborn, F. Preface to Eugenics. $2.75. Harper. Parker, T. J. A Text-book of Zoology (6th ed.). 2 vols. $16.00. Macmillan. Parshley, H. M. Biology. $2.25. Wiley. Perry, J. Fish Production. $1.50. Longmans. Perry, L. M. Marine Shells of the Southwest Coast of Florida. $4.50. Paleontological Research In- stitute, Ithaca. Pfeiffer, H. H. Experimentelle Cytologie. Chronica Botanica. Potter, G. E. Essentials of Zoology. $3.75. Mosby. Prescott, S. C., and C. G. Dunn. Industrial Micro- biology. $5.00. McGraw-Hill. Rabinowitch, E. Photosynthesis. Interscience. Ritchie, J. W. Biology and Human Affairs. $2.32. World Book. Salter, W. T. The Endocrine Function of Iodine. $3.50. Harvard. Sass, J. E. Elements of Botanical Microtechnique. $2.50. McGraw-Hill. Schwartz, J. Adventures in Biology. $0.50. Ameri- can Biology Teachers. Sherrington, C. Man on His Nature. $3.75. Cam- bridge (Macmillan). Shull, A. F. Principles of Animal Biology (5th ed. rev.). $3.50. McGraw-Hill. Smith, E. T., and L. M. Weber. Biology. $1.00. Harcourt. Smith, K. The Virus, Life’s Enemy. $2.00. Cam- bridge (Macmillan). Snell, G. D. Biology of the $7.00. Blakiston. Stanford, E. E. Man and the Living World. $3.50. Macmillan. Stiles, K. A. Handbook of Microscopic Characteris- tics of Tissues and Organs. $1.50. Blakiston. Stiles, K. A. Laboratory Explorations in Animal Biology. $2.50. Burgess. Stockard, C. R. The Genetic and Endocrine Basis for Differences in Form and Behavior as Eluci- dated by Studies of Contrasted Pure-Line Dog Breeds and Their Hybrids. $7.50. Wistar. Svedberg, T., and others. The Ultracentrifuge. $11.50. Clarendon. Swingle, D. B. General Bacteriology. $3.00. Van Nostrand. Symposium on Hydrobiology. $3.50. Wisconsin. Thone, F. The Microscopic World. $3.00. Messner. $3.00. Cassino Guide to Modern Laboratory Mouse. 170 Wald, GCOLMIACMONG INI [| Vor. XVI, No. 146 Thorsteinson, E. D. New or Noteworthy Amphi- pods from the North Pacific Coast. Washington. Transeau, E. N., H. C. Sampson and L. H. Tiffany. Text-book of Botany. $4.00. Harper. University of Pennsylvania. Cytology, Genetics and Evolution. $2.00. Pennsylvania. Visual Aids Service. Visual Aids in the Realm of Biology. $0.50. N. J. State Teachers’ College. Waddington, C. H. Organisers and Genes. $3.00. Cambridge (Macmillan). Wheeler, W. F. Immediate Biology. $6.00. Chemical Publishing Company. White, E. G. Principles of Genetics. $2.50. Mosby. Willis, J. C. The Course of Evolution by Differen- tiation or Divergent Mutation Rather Than by Selection. $3.00. Cambridge (Macmillan). Wilson, P. W. The Biochemistry of Symbiotic Ni- trogen Fixation. $3.50. Wisconsin. Windle, W. F. Physiology of the Fetus. $4.50. Saunders. Wodsedalek, J. E. General Guide. $2.90. Burgess. Wolcott, R. H. Animal Biology (2nd McGraw-Hill. Woodruff, L. L., ed. Development of the Sciences, Second Series. $3.00. Yale. Woodruff, L. L. Foundations of Biology (6th ed. rev.). $3.75. Macmillan. Zoology Laboratory ed.). $3.50. THE UTILIZATION OF AMMONIA BY CHILOMONAS PARAMECIUM (Continued from page 157) The material to be presented here is part of a comprehensive study of the carbon and nitrogen metabolism of Chilomonas, begun two years ago at the Harvard Medical School under Prof. A. B. Hastings and continued later at the Johns Hop- kins University under Prof. S. O. Mast. The problem of the source of energy for growth of Chilomonas was attacked by Burrows (Proto- plasma, Bd. 31, S. 20-26, 1938), who used mass cultures of chilomonads grown in a solution like that shown in Table I (Solution A) and in a solution with the acetate omitted but with a gas phase containing a partial pressure of COz equi- valent to 12 cm. of mercury. Growth in both solutions amounted to only 5-6 thousand chilomo- nads/cc. and the conversion of substrates was too small to afford reliable analytical data. Unfortunately this situation still obtains with respect to the inorganic solution, but as shown by Hutchens (J. Cell. and Comp. Physiol., V. 16, pp. 265-267, 1940) (and unpublished results) by use of a solution to which thiamin and iron are added populations up to 1 ae cells/ec. can be ob- tained (Table I, Solution B In addition to the B, and iron it will be ne that the buffering capacity of the solution has been increased. In addition to this it is necessary to add acetic acid from time to time to neutralize the excess base TABLE I. Composition of Solutions Used for Growing Chilomonas Substances mg. % Solution A Solution B CH3COONa:3H20 249 249 NH,4Cl 46 46 (NHy)2SO4 10 10 K»HPO, 20 150 MegCls 1 1 CaCls 1 1 FeCls -- 0.17 Thiamin hydrochloride —— 0.01 left by removal of acetate and to afford additional carbon supply. In contrast with the old solution in which an inoculum of about 500 cells/cc. resulted in a final population of 5-6 thousand cells/ce. or a ten-fold increase in cell numbers, in this solution an ino- culum of 500-1000 cells/cc. results in a final pop- ulation of as much as 1 million cells per cc. or an increase in cell numbers of 1000 times. Thus large numbers of cells, milligrams or even grams of material are available and the amounts of sub- strates used are readily measurable. In experiments which I shall not have space to present it has been found that the chilomonads utilize large amounts of acetic or lactic acids, ap- parently sufficient to account for all of the oxygen consumed and to furnish energy for the growth obtained in media containing these substances. The present experiments deal with the heretofore unanswered question of the possible obtaining of additional energy by oxidation of ammonia. The experimental methods used are as follows: The organisms were grown in sterile, pure, mass cultures in 125 cc. Erlenmeyer flasks containing 50 ec. of the solution shown in Table I (Solution B). Inocula of 1-2 thousand organisms/cc. were used, transfers being made from cultures 48 hours old. Such organisms show no lag phase of growth, and all of the data presented deal with transformations occurring during the logarithmic phase of the growth curve. The chilomonads used were from the Hopkins stock which has been maintained in sterile pure cultures since 1933. There have been two inter- ruptions in the work; consequently the data pre- sented were obtained using three different samples of chilomonads. No differences were noted in the growth of the various samples. Numbers of cells were ascertained by fixing the cells in Lugol’s solution and counting them in a hemacytometer. Wet and dry weights were ob- tained by packing the cells in centrifuge tubes terminating in capillaries, withdrawing the super- natant solution, and weighing the cells before and after drying at 110°. Total nitrogen in the or- ganisms was measured either directly by aerating Aucust 23, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 1/1 TABLE II. Wet and Dry Weights of Chilomonads During the Logarithmic Phase of Growth (48 Hour Cultures) Wet Weights mg./10° cells Dry Weights mg./10° cells 2.64 0.738 2.42 0.559 2.42 0.563 2.60 0.692 BOM 0.530 252 0.595 2.48 0.575 2.49 0.563 2.87 0.767 ellil 0.545 Zeal 0.567 2.48 0.567 average = 2.51 average = 0.605 Dry weight = 24% of wet weight. the ammonia from an alkalized suspension of cells and subjecting the residue to Kjeldahl digestion, or differentially by measuring the ammonia pres- ent before and after Kjeldahl digestion, both methods yielding essentially the same results. The micro-Kjeldahl procedure of Folin was used rou- tinely, and the amounts of ammonia were meas- ured by determining the absorption of Nesslerized solutions at 400 millimu with a Coleman mono- chromater spectrophotometer. Tests for nitrite were made with sulfanilic acid - a naphthylamine and tests for nitrate with diphenylamine and di- phenylbenzidine. Amide nitrogen was estimated by the increase in ammonia nitrogen on subject- ing the organisms to three-hour hydrolysis in 0.5 N HeSOg. The results of the investigation are as follows: Table II shows the average weight of the chilo- monads during the rapid growth of the logarith- mic phase of the growth curve. Thus an average cell would weigh 2.5 & 10° mg. and would be 24 percent solid. Table III shows the total nitro- gen content of the organisms, and assuming all of this to be protein nitrogen, an approximation which seems to be justified by the fact that it is all removed by tungstic acid precipitation, the pro- tein accounts for about 16 percent of the wet weight or 67 percent of the dry weight. Inci- dentally the carbohydrate accounts for about 30 percent of the solids, so linge two Gomponents ac- count for almost all of the solids. The question to be answered, however, is whe- ther the nitrogen in the cells accounts for all of the nitrogen utilized. Table IV gives the answer to this question. Choosing one example from these experiments (Experiment 2), which are all essentially the same, we find that the original total or ammonia nitrogen in the solution was 149y/cc., that added in the organisms being in- significant. After 48 hours’ growth 124y/cc. of ammonia nitrogen remained in the solution; i.e. 25y/cc. had disappeared. Subjection of the total solution, 1.e. solution plus organisms, to Kjeldahl digestion gave a final total nitrogen of 149y/cc. or 100 percent recovery. The population of the culture at this time was + & 10° organisms/cc. or 1 mg. of wet cells/ec. As seen from the previous table, these would be expected to be 2.5 percent N, i.e. to contain 25y of nitrogen, which just ac- counts for the 25y of nitrogen which disappeared from the solution. We can also answer the question concerning the oxidation of ammonia, both indirectly by the fact that all of the utilized ammonia appeared as or- ganic nitrogen and by direct analysis for nitrite and nitrate. We see that no nitrate (less than 0.025y/cc.) could be found before or after growth of the culture and the small increase in nitrite represents less than 0.1 percent of the nitrogen used. You will note that this experiment is the only one in which this increase occurred. There- fore in the most unfavorable experiment the in- crease in oxidation products of ammonia is 1n- significantly small. The conclusion therefore is that i in the solution used Chilomonas does not oxi- TABLE III. Nitrogen Content of Chilomonads During the Logarithnuc Phase of Growth mg. protein/10° Hae NOT EET cells (N X 6.25) 0.056 0.35 0.071 0.44 0.060 0.38 0.066 0.41 0.063 0.39 0.066 0.41 0.063 0.39 0.063 0.39 average = 0.064 average = 0.40 Nitrogen (% of wet weight) = 2.5% Protein % of wet weight) = 16% 172 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 146 TABLE IV. Changes in Nitrogen Content of Cultures of Chilomonas Original Final Final Organic % of Original Final Original Final % Expt. NH:;-N NH:;-N Total N Total N NO:-N NO.-N NO:-N NO;:-N _ recoy- N Fixed ery y/ ce. 7/ ee. 7/ce. y/ce. 7/ce. 7/ce. y/ee. 7/ce. 1 146 128 146 18 12:3 0.01 0.01 no analysis 100 124 149 25 16.8 0.01 0.03 -- — 100 2 149 124 149 25 16.8 0.01 0.03 — — 100 124 149 25 16.8 0.01 0.03 -— oa 100 113 146 33 226 0.01 0.01 — are 3 146 112 146 34 2353 0.01 0.01 — — 100 112 148 36 24.5 0.01 0.01 — — 101 4 150 ie) 149 30 20.0 no analyses 99 5 147 15 146 31 Zl 98 114 147 33 22.4 no analyses 100 109 149 40 26.9 0.01 0.01 _ -= 99 110 150 40 26.7 0.01 0.01 _ —_— 99 6 151 110 150 40 26.7 0.01 0.01 — — 99 110 151 41 27.2 0.01 0.01 — — 100 110 150 40 26.7 0.01 0.01 — — go) dize significant amounts of ammonia, but all that gen. You will see that this amounts to 25-30 per- it utilizes is incorporated in organic compounds. Finally, to avoid leaving the impression that the problem is solved, I shall present the results of a part of the work on fractionation of the organic nitrogen. It would be of great interest to know just what nitrogen-containing compounds are made from the ammonia. Table V shows the re- sults of the first attempts to characterize the pro- teins. Analyses have been made for amide nitro- TABLE V. Amide Nitrogen Content of Chilomonads Experiment Organic N Amide N N mg. mg. 1 35 al BS) 2 Sil 8 26 3 18 5 28 + 79 20 25 Ue 18 25 5 40 12 30 6 51 12 24 7 87 23 32 average = 28.2 cent of the organic nitrogen. All of it is in the tungstic acid precipitable fraction. This indicates a high proportion of dicarboxylic amino acids in the proteins and I should like to point out that of the common proteins those from grains contain amide nitrogen of this order of magnitude. It seems to me very interesting to find this situation in a starch forming flagellate. Summary 1. As has been previously reported by numer- — ous workers ammonia is a satisfactory source of nitrogen for Chilomonas. It has finally been pos- sible to obtain sufficient growth of the organisms — to show by direct analysis that the nitrogen found — in the organisms came from the ammonia in the culture ‘solution. 2. It has been shown that in the solution used — no significant amounts of ammonia are oxidized to furnish energy for growth. 3. Finally it has been shown that of the nitro- gen in the proteins a relatively high proportion 1s in the form of labile amide groups. Further iden- tification of the various nitrogen containing com- pounds is certainly desirable. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 12.) 4 . Auecust 23, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 173 TURTOX for BIOLOGY © Preserved Material © Apparatus For Botany, Embryology, Zoology, Collecting and laboratory equip- Comparative Anatomy and Biology. ; ® Microscope Slides hale For Bacteriology, Botany, Embry- © Living Material ology, Histology, Parasitology, Bacteria, algae, protozoan cultures, General Science and Zoology. ment for every need, aquarium plants, laboratory ani- © Museum Specimens mals, Including skeletons, life histories, ® ; charts, models and demonstration Lantern Slides preparations of all kinds. For all of the biological sciences. Every biology teacher or investigator should have a Turtox Catalog for ready reference. Your copy will be mailed promptly if you will simply ask for it. : UCTS GENERAL BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute Satistaction A-1600 Slide Box, Booksize, made of cardboard and wood, holds 100 - 3 x 1” slides. 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AMERICA’S MOST MODERN OPTICAL INSTRUMENT PLANT CNoarvy a century ago the first American Microscope was constructed by Charles A. Spencer. The many contributions which he and the Spencer organi- zation have made to the advancement of science have won world-wide recognition and an ever-increasing demand for Spencer microscopes, microtomes, projectors and other scientific optical instruments. Spencer’s steady progress culminated a year ago in the erection of the first unit of a plant specifically designed for the attainment of still higher standards of precision and quality in the manufacture of Spencer products. Additional units now being constructed will complete the view shown above. The new plant provides ideal dust-free, temperature-controlled conditions for the production of lenses; the most advanced facilities for the manufacture of mechanical parts. In the fullest sense of the word, it gives Spencer the most modern optical instrument plant in America. Spencer Lens Company SPENCER BUFFALO, NEW YORK [ BUFFALO | . . GC. On0 Scientific Instrument Division of AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY Sales Offices: NewY ork, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas,Columbus,St.Louis, Philade Iphia, Atlanta 176 THE €OLLECIING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 146 ITH you, as with us, defense comes first. Our output of optical instruments is being rapidly increased to meet the defense emergency. We will endeavor to give our customers the best service possible under existing cir- cumstances, and ask your sympathetic cooperation. Today...I Helped a Man Make Sugar in Cuba EORGE HUGHES has never seen a field of cane bowing in the winds nor heard the crushing rumble of huge cylinders pressing out the juice. But, in the cube of sugar he drops into his cup, he can see the summation of his work. He is one of the many skilled workmen who help to make the Bausch & Lomb Saccharimeters. The Bausch & Lomb Saccharimeter is made by American workmen, in an American plant. It measures standards of quality for the sugar that sweetens America’s coffee—frees the sugar refiners of the New World from European dependence. The Saccharimeter is but one of the thousands of scientific optical instruments made by Bausch & Lomb and widely used in the varied fields of education, science and industry, control, inspec- tion and measurement. Rarely are you directly aware of the benefits that such optical instruments render—yet they make your life fuller—richer—and vastly more complete. The superb beauty of today’s motion pictures—the accuracy of medical diagnosis— the bullet-like speed of airplanes—testify to the advancements in optical science. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. * ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND EYESIGHT CORRECTION _“ Vol. XVI, No. 10 SATURDAY, AUGUST 30, 1941 Annual Subscription, $2.00 Single Copies, 30 Cents. FURTHER IMPLICATIONS OF FLEXIBLE PROTEIN FRAMEWORKS Dr. DorotHy WRINCH Professor at Amherst, Smith and Mount Holyoke Colleges In this short report, it is my purpose to em- phasize two sets of implications following from the flexible protein framework picture of cytoplas- mic and membrane structures. I refer to (1) the synthesis of proteins and (2) the function of me- tallic ions in physiological processes. (1) Ihave suggested that long threads or rods of (globular) native protein units in linear ar- rays, linked by multiple units to form frameworks, account very satisfactorily for high water/pro- tein ratios (Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, 1941, forthcoming) ; may be capable also of ac- counting for the anomalous properties of cyto- plasm; and that fabrics of such units may be the basic structural units in biologically active mem- branes (Cottectinc Nev, 16, 121, 1941). In such cases, the disengaged faces of the native pro- tein units (i.e. those not in use as interlinks of the frame work) are available as templates for synthesis and other reactions. Evidently cases in which high metabolic activity is associated with low cytoplasmic viscosity (Preston, Nature, 147, 710, 1941) here find explanation and interpreta- tion, for the longer the threads, the lower the vis- cosity and the larger the template area. The pro- cess of protein synthesis may be visualized as taking place by means (Continued on page 190) NATURE, FUNCTION, AND DISTRIBU- TION OF THE PHOSPHAGENS IN THE ANIMAL KINGDOM Dr. O. MEYERHOF Research Professor of Biochemistry, University of Pennsylvania In this place, where such a variety and abun- dance of living material is at our disposal, I think it worthwhile to speak about a subject, which at the same time has aspects of general as well as of comparative physiology. It is true that the in- vestigations of the nature and distribution of the two phosphagens of the vertebrate and inverte- brate muscle had their main development in the years 1927-1937 and that after that date nothing of importance was added to our knowledge. Nevertheless I venture to recapitulate before you this clear cut work on account of its bearing on different physiological topics. About the same time, in 1927, the Eggletons in London found a labile organic phosphate in muscle, which they called phosphagen, and Fiske and Subbarow in Boston discovered the same substance, isolated it and proved that it consisted of creatine and phosphate, and named it phospho- creatine. Then rapid progress followed; it was shown that the compound was a monomolecular creatine phosphoric acid with a P-N linkage; that the hydrolysis to creatine and phosphate was in- timately connected with the activity of muscle, and that in the recovery period it was resynthe- sized again. What seemed at first puzzling was that a great part of the creatine phosphate broken TABLE OF Nature, Function and Distribution of the Phosphagens in the Animal Kingdom, Dr. OMMWievier Mote recs Lo scisecssdecessrceccssatsachcessasaveens 177 Further Implications of Flexible Protein Frameworks, Dr. D. Wrinch ............0cc0cc0e 177 Electrical Potential and Activity of Choline Esterase in Nerves, Dr. D. Nachmansohn.... 182 Chemical Composition of Mitochondria and Secretory Granules, Dr. Albert Claude........ 183 CONTENTS Invertebrate Class Notes .............ccccccseccescoeeesseeee 184 Papers and Demonstrations Presented at the General Scientific Meeting...................:ss0cesssee0 185 Books REWIGWS) erisyccccxscssocssoncenseencecccteceestoseneee 186 Academic Rank of M.B.L. Investigators 186 Seminarsvat Mountain Wakely vcscccccaserescescereeets 186 tbemsvot Interestsciisssscccececsesnccctecs costetseess sees eeescss 187 Memorials Read at Corporation Meeting of | the Marine Biological Laboratory ................ 188 178 AEN, COMI CIMING: INI OH OH HN — P= HN — P=0O | \ | N | OH OH 5 = Niel 5 = INJal 7 ¢ (Clala 1 ee (CH2)s COOH iia COOH Creatine phosphoric Arginine phosphoric acid acid FIGURE 1. down was already resynthesized anaerobically af- ter contraction, Since it was shown by heat meas- urements that the splitting was accompanied by a positive heat of +11000 cals pro mol, apparently with a similar loss of free energy, the reversal of this splitting had to be an involuntary endother- mic reaction. This puzzle could be solved very soon by demonstrating, that the synthesis was coupled with simultaneous lactic acid formation, which in itself is a strongly exothermic reaction. Under most favorable conditions two mol of crea- tine phosphate are synthesized for one mol lactic acid formed from glycogen. In this way the whole coupled reaction including the heat of neu- tralization of lactic acid is rather thermoneutral. Before going into more detail of the coupling I may describe the simultaneous development of this problem in the direction of comparative phys- iology. The Eggletons found phosphocreatine in all classes of vertebrate muscle, but found no phosphagen at all in invertebrate. The authors used the method to follow the time course of color development of molybdene blue after molyb- dene sulfuric acid and a reducer had been added to the solution in question. While with inorganic phosphate the intensity of the color rises steeply in the first minutes, the color development in presence of creatine phosphate is much delayed for 20 minutes. In this way they showed that the bulk of the phosphate in fresh muscles of verte- brates consists of the labile organic phosphate, called phosphagen; by the same method they missed this phosphagen in invertebrate without exception. In the year 1927 Dr. Lohmann and I took up the same problem, using muscles of crayfish. Since previously we had established the highly conspicuous role which the breakdown and syn- thesis of phosphocreatine plays in muscle contrac- tion, we were convinced that some substitute must exist in invertebrate muscle and by a good chance we came immediately on the track of it. One day I had left a series of acid filtrates of crayfish muscles on my laboratory table and preferred to go to lunch instead of working them up. Re- turning two hours later on I found to my surprise that by this unintentional acid incubation was lib- erated a similar amount of phosphate, as in frog muscle filtrates by the procedure of Eggleton. So another labile substance was present, a little more acid stable then phosphocreatine. The isolated substance proved to be arginine phosphoric acid. The peculiar constitution of the phosphagens, containing a P-N linkage, was established by com- parison with a synthetic product, aminophosphoric acid. The latter behaved quite analogously with regard to stability, titration curve and heat of hy- drolysis, which amounted here to +15000 cals pro mol. While the constitution of the phospha- gens was established since 1928, the chemical syn- thesis of creatine phosphoric acid was accom- plished by Zeile only in 1937 and thereby the configuration was definitely confirmed. The first experiments proved the presence of arginine phosphoric acid in crustacean muscle only; but in 1928, working at the Zoological Sta- tion in Naples, I found it present also in repre- sentatives of annelids, molluscs and echinoderms. On the other hand, the acrania amphioxus, which is considered the immediate predecessor of the vertebrata, contained only creatine phosphate, no arginine phosphate. Therefore I spoke of a gene- tic “chemical mutation” of the phosphagens oc- curring on the level of the chordates. Indeed, ar- ginine can be regarded as the more primitive sub- stance and creatine as a special derivative of it, since arginine is already a component of protein. As we know now from Schoenheimer’s work with isotopic nitrogen, creatine is formed in the animal body out of arginine, glycine and methionine. In contrast to arginine, creatine is an exceedingly stable substance and is not decomposed at all in the body but only dehydrated to creatinine. Fin- ally, creatine phosphate seems better adapted to its biological purpose, since the heat of hydrolysis is 20% greater than that of arginine phosphate, so that the energy, useful for muscle work, is cor- respondingly greater. This speaks in favor of a biochemical improvement by substituting creatine for arginine. Some years later, in 1932, Joseph Needham and a large group of coworkers in Cambridge, Eng- land, took up this problem of chemical mutation, enlarging the investigations to many more classes of animals. They missed all phosphagen in pro- tozoa and coelenterates, but they found arginine phosphate in all phyla of invertebrates where muscle tissue existed. On the other hand these [ Vou. XVI, No. 1479 Aucust 30, 1941 } THE COLLECTING NET 179 animals did not contain creatine phosphate, which was already known for the majority of them. But there were two interesting exceptions: the hemi- chorda Balanoglossus, an earlier class of chor- dates than the more recent acrania amphioxus, contained arginine and creatine phosphate, and the same was true for the jaw muscles of sea ur- chins, the muscles in the so-called lantern of Aristotle. These muscles contained both phospha- gens, about twice as much arginine phosphate as creatine phosphate. At first sight this seemed to be in contradiction to the concept of chemical mu- tation, but Needham takes it as confirmation of the evolutionary theory of Bateson, who looks on the Echinoidea as the immediate precursors of the primitive chordate since both have the same kind of plutei-larvae. Indeed, an ontogenetic fact serves to support Needham’s interpretation: the larvae themselves contain only arginine phosphate, while creatine appears after the metamorphosis. One other exception, which is not explained or cleared up so far, was found by a pupil of Need- ham in 1937: the brittle stars, belonging to the class Ophiuridea in the phylum Echinodermata, seemed to contain only creatine phosphate. The present state of our knowledge is given in Figure 2 in condensed form (after Needham & Baldwin) : While in general no discussion arose between the different workers in this field owing to the ease, with which both phosphagens can be dis- tinguished one from the other and from other compounds, uncertainty prevailed for several years regarding the phosphagen of the cephalo- pods, like the octopus. In the first investigation in Naples I could not find any phosphagen in their mantle muscle, probably on account of the speed with which it decomposes in dissecting. Baldwin, a coworker of Needham’s, claimed to have found a phosphagen which should differ in some points of arginine phosphate. Such a pos- sibility seemed suggestive, since Japanese authors had discovered in octopus muscle a basic sub- stance, which proved to be a condensation product of arginine and propionic acid, called octopine. This substance was thoroughly investigated and synthesized by Prof. D. Wright Wilson in Philadelphia. But, as was proved by Dr. Loh- mann in our Laboratory, Baldwin was led astray by technical circumstances and the isolated phos- phagen of octopus proved to be normal arginine phosphate. This was confirmed by Dr. Wilson, who showed, moreover, that fresh mollusc mus- Creatine phosphate Arginine Phylum and class phosphate Most invertebrate phyla + == Echinodermata Crinoidea + Asteroidea + Holothuroidea + Echinoidea + Ophiuroidea — Protochordata Tunicata -|- Enteropneusta se Cephalochorda — +++ Vertebrata, all classes — FIGURE 2. cles, of octopus or of scallop, contain mostly ar- ginine, and that octopine is formed post mortem, but probably by an enzymatic condensation, the significance of which is unknown. I shall now discuss the fact that the specificity of the two phosphagens extends also to the en- zymes concerned with their turnover. Therefore I must come back to the coupled reactions, in which the phosphagens take part. Already at the beginning of this paper I stated that in muscle activity phosphocreatine breaks down before lac- tic acid is formed; that the energetic role of lac- tic acid formation consists in the resynthesis of creatine phosphate, a process of anaerobic recov- ery. This connection became especially clear by the discovery of Einar Lundsgaard in 1929 of the “alactacid contraction” by poisoning the muscle with iodoacetic acid. In such a muscle a restrict- ed amount of work can be done anaerobically, while no lactic acid is formed. At the same time creatine phosphate breaks down exactly propor- tionally to the work done and no anaerobic syn- thesis takes place. Lundsgaard established the same relation between arginine phosphate and in- vertebrate muscle work by poisoning the claw muscle of the spider crab with 1odoacetic acid. In the years following these discoveries the single enzymatic reactions, by which the energy and the phosphate are transferred from carbohy- drate metabolism to creatine, were cleared up. Without going into details, I may state, that these Tur CoLLectING NET was entered as second-class matter July 11, 1935, at the Post Office at Woods Hole, Mass., under the Act of March 3, 1879, and was re-entered on July 23, 1938. It is published weekly for ten weeks between July 1 and September 15 from Woods marine biological laboratories. Hole, and is printed at The Darwin Press, New Bedford, Mass. Mass. Single copies, 30c by mail; subscription, $2.00. It is devoted to the scientific work at Its editorial offices are situated in Woods Hole, 180 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 147 ie lel (CIN) OH OH \ (lal OH Ze | ren aires CH—CH—CH—CH,.—O—P | | O I. Adenylic acid = Adenosinmonophosphoric acid N=C:-NHe I HC €—N OH OH | \ Pl CH | OH OH Ye | N—C—N—CH—€H—€H | | CH—€H;—0—P—O— Por | | © © oO II. Adenosindiphosphoric acid aetee | HC C—N OH OH [ee eS | | CH | lal ~@lel Ola! ie lit leek. | | | N—C—N—CH—CH—CH—CH—CH:—O— P—O— P—O— P—OH. | | | | o On” "Ox uae III. Adenylpyrophosphoric acid = Adenosintriphosphoric acid FIGURE 3. reactions are so called “transphosphorylations,” where the phosphate group is transferred from one compound to another without becoming in- termediarily inorganic phosphate. All these trans- phosphorylations proceed by means of one single system, the adenylic system, which I show in Figure 3. It consists of three steps, discovered by Dr. Lohmann in the Heidelberg Institute. This system is to be regarded as phosphorylating coenzyme. Together with different proteins as carriers it is responsible for phosphorylations, dephosphorylations and transphosphorylations in muscle metabolism. The breakdown of phosphocreatine proceeds for instance, as Lohmann showed, in the way of equa- tion A and B of Figure 4. On the other hand, creatine phosphate is synthesized by coupling with two different steps of sugar metabolism. phosphorylated intermediary in lactic acid forma- tion is phosphopyruvic acid. The latter forms pyruvic acid by transphosphorylation with adeny- _ lic acid. Adenosintriphosphate transfers its phos- — phate group to creatine. A careful study by Dr. Lohmann revealed that the adenylic system is exactly the same in inver- tebrate as in vertebrate muscle, only the enzyme proteins are of different stability, and in crab muscle the step to adenosindiphosphate is easier than to adenylic acid (E). On the other hand the enzymes concerned with the phosphagens are specific: an enzymatic extract of frog or rabbit muscle phosphorylates creatine in presence of ade-" nylpyrophosphate but not arginine, and arginine One of © these is explained by equations C and D. The last © | Aucust 30, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 181 phosphate is stable in it whereas creatine phos- phate is split. The opposite is true for extracts from crayfish. Here only arginine reacts. Need- ham and his collaborators used this method of Lohmann’s to reinvestigate in 1937 their former findings of the distribution of phosphagens in the muscle of Echinoderms. While in general the enzymatic muscle extracts of invertebrates could only react with arginine, the jaw muscles of sea urchins gave enzymatic extracts, which were able to phosphorylate creatine as well as arginine; they contain both sets of enzymes. On the other hand the holothurian, also an echinoderm, which pos- sesses only arginine phosphate, gives enzymatic extracts, active towards arginine but inactive to- wards creatine. These experiments give a strik- ing confirmation of the result that in the jaw muscles of Echinoids, both phosphagens are pres- ent as active functioning substances. I may add some words about the distribution of the phosphagens in ontogenesis. According to Needham and his school the developing embryo contains an amount of phosphagen, which is roughly proportional to the amount of muscle tis- sue in the same stage of development. But muscle is not the only tissue to contain phospha- gen. Gerard and his coworkers have found phos- phagen in the peripheral nerves, about 1/4 as much as in the same quantity of muscle; part of this phosphagen breaks down in stimulation and more in prolonged asphyxia. While in mamma- lian nerves the phosphagen was creatine phos- phate, in lobster nerve, as was to be expected, it was arginine phosphate. Still more interesting is the high content of phosphocreatine in the electric organ of fishes. The percentage content in the organ of Torpedo is not much less than in frog muscle and related to the dry weight of the organ may be even higher. The same phosphorylating enzymes as in muscle extract were found in the extract of the electric organ. The evidence that the phosphagen breaks down in connection with the electric dis- charge is so far rather incomplete. This is an in- teresting question, in view of the findings of Dr. Nachmansohn, that the formation and the disap- pearance of acetylcholine are intimately connected with the electric discharge and that with regard to the concentration of cholinesterase the electric organ corresponds to the nerve endplate and not to the muscle fiber. Nevertheless, also in muscle ac- tivity the breakdown of phosphagen apparently is not the first chemical process unchained by stimu- lation and immediately responsible for the contrac- tion, but one of the consecutive steps which follow this unknown fundamental reaction. Therefore the role of creatine phosphate in the electric organ may be a similar one. Finally, as was found by Torres in the Heidelberg Institute, mammalian sperma- A) 2 creatinephosphate + adenylic acid = 2 creatine + adenosintriphosphate B) adenosintriphosphate — adenosindiphosphate + H3PO 4 — adenosinmonophosphate (adenylic ac.) + 2 H3PO, Sa. 2 creatinephosphate — 2 creatine ++ 2 phosphate C) 2 phosphopyruvic ac. + adenylic ac. > 2 pyruvic ac. + adenosintriphosphate D) adenosintriphosphate + 2 creatine > adenylic ac. + 2 creatinephosphate FE) adenosintriphosphate + arginine = adenosindiphosphate + argininephosphate FIGURE 4. tozoa possess a high content of phosphocreatine and a high content of enzymes, to synthesize it. Together with other observations about anaerobic glycolysis and movement of spermatozoa after poisoning with iodoacetic acid this observation favors the view that the same chemical reactions are responsible for the movement of spermatozoa as for the muscular movement. Summarizing our present knowledge, we may say, in short, that creatine phosphate developed out of arginine phosphate on the evolutionary level of the late echinoids and the early chordata and that both phosphagens have exactly the same function, which in muscle is undoubtedly the transfer of chemical energy by means of trans- phosphorylation and which may be similar in other irritable tissue. With growing insight into the biochemical structures of the cell surely more examples of such mutations will be discovered. So far I know only one other, studied by Dr. Wald. He found that fresh water fishes possess a kind of visual purple different from that of other animals, a visual purple, called porphyropsin, not derived from vitamin A, like the normal purple, Rhodop- sin, but from a homologue, vitamin Ay. Also here the physiological function of the chemically mu- tated substance must be essentially the same as that of the original substance. We may hope that by artificially induced chemical mutations in strains of virus, we may learn still more about the meaning of these genetic chemical transforma- tions. (This article is based upon a lecture presented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 22.) 182 THE COLLECTING NET [ VoL. XVI, No. 147 ELECTRICAL POTENTIAL AND ACTIVITY OF CHOLINE ESTERASE IN NERVES Dr. D. NACHMANSOHN Laboratory of Physiology, Yale University School of Medicine Electrical changes during nerve activity occur within a few milliseconds or even within a frac- tion of a millisecond. Chemical reactions con- nected with these changes must have approxi- mately the same rapidity. This time factor is of primary importance for the theory that acetylcho- line (ACh) might be the “mediator” of nerve im- pulses across ganglionic synapses and neuromus- cular junctions. Such a substance must appear and disappear with the speed of the electrical phenomena. No data are available which establish the rate of ACh appearance during nerve activity. But the possible rate of its removal at motor end plates and synapses has been determined. ACh is inactivated by the specific enzyme choline es- terase. Studies on the concentration and distri- bution of choline esterase have revealed that at motor end plates and ganglionic synapses as well as at synapses of the C.N.S. considerable amounts of ACh can be split in milliseconds. These amounts if liberated would have a stimulating ac- tion. The experiments therefore indicate that the removal of ACh can occur at a rate rapid enough for the assumption that ACh is involved in the transmitter process. These results, however, do not imply that ACh is the synaptic transmitter as originally con- ceived. Recent investigations suggest that the theories of Loewi and Dale must be altered to account for the ACh metabolism which closely parallels the electrical changes occurring every- where at or near the neuronal surface. This new conception is based on two lines of observations. (1) The first argument is based on investiga- tions carried out on the electrical organs of fishes. In spite of the great power of the discharge in these organs there is no reason to regard the elec- tricity of these organs as extraordinary compared with that of ordinary nerves. The organ is formed by electric discs or plates which are arranged in series. It is only this arrangement in series by which these organs are distinguished from other excitable structures and by which the high E.M.F. is attained. In strong electric organs (Torpedo and Elec- trophorus electricus (Linnaeus) ) exists a high concentration of choline esterase. These organs can split in 60 minutes an amount of ACh equi- valent to 1-3 times their own weight. The essen- tial point is the fact that in these organs consider- able amounts of ACh can be split during the re- fractory period which is of the order of millisec- onds. This makes possible the assumption that ACh is closely connected with the discharge. The prerequisite for such a conception is the possibil- ity of a quick removal of the active substance. The high concentration of the enzyme appears particularly significant in view of the high water (92%) and low protein content (2-3%) of the organs. In the weak electric organ of rays the enzyme concentration is low. If in the three species num- ber of plates per cm. and E.M.F. per cm. are com- pared with the concentration of choline esterase a parallelism, within certain limits, is obtained. This parallelism has also been demonstrated, with Coates and Cox, on the electric organ of Electro- phorus electricus. If the number of plates per cm. and the E.M.F. per cm. are determined from the head to the caudal end, an S-shaped curve is obtained. The curve obtained for the concentra- tion of choline esterase is essentially the same. Electric organs are highly specialized in their function. The discharge is here the final event. There is no question of a transmitter function as there is no second unit to be stimulated. The fact that a specific enzyme is so highly concentrated in this organ—so poor in protein—is in itself sup- port for the assumption that the substrate is con- nected with its function. The parallelism found between intensity of discharge and activity of the enzyme emphasizes this relationship. It could moreover be demonstrated with the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata, with Fes- sard and Feldberg, that ACh is released during the discharge and that injection of ACh into the organ produces a discharge. The discharge is greatly enhanced if the choline esterase is inac- tivated by eserine whereas eserine itself has no effect. The second line of observations leading to a modification of the original theories is the local- ization of the enzyme inside the nerve cell. Only a quantitative difference exists between the con- centration of the enzyme in nerve fibres and that at synapses. Experiments on the superior cervi- cal ganglion of cats suggested that the difference is related to a concentration of the enzyme at or near the surface of the nerve cell and therefore high at synaptic regions where the endarboriza- tion increases the surface. Direct evidence for this assumption was offered last year here in Woods Hole with Dr. Boell with experiments on the giant fiber of squids. It was found that prac- tically all the enzyme is localized in the sheath and that only negligible amounts occur in the axo- plasm. This localization indicates that ACh me- tabolism occurs not only at synapses but every- where at or near the surface. The difference is Aueust 30, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 183 only a quantitative one. Bioelectric potentials are surface phenomena. The localization of the en- zyme at or near the surface is therefore particu- larly pertinent in view of the parallelism between voltage and enzyme activity. The observations suggest that ACh is intrin- sically connected with the electrical changes oc- curring during nerve activity at the neuronal sur- face. Thus the controversy between “electrical” and “chemical” theory of transmission of nerve impulses becomes meaningless. Both are signs of the same event. According to Eccles and Sher- rington and Lorente de No the excitable proper- ties of central neurons are similar to those of the peripheral axons. Gasser and Erlanger scrutiniz- ing the whole problem at the symposium on the synapse arrived at the conclusion that conduction of nerve impulses along fibers and across synapses is essentially the same process, and that the dif- ference is only a quantitative one. This view is not compatible with the theory of a specific synap- tic transmitter. The new conception agrees well with these conclusions based on the electrical phenomena. How can a relationship be pictured between voltage and action of ACh? According to the equation V=E—IR (where V is = voltage, E = E.M.F., [= current and R = resistance) two as- sumptions can be made about the way in which ACh may act: 1) ACh can produce the E.M.F. directly by action on the surface. This possibility appears to be the less probable. There is a great difference in concentration of strong ions between the inside and the outside of the nerve fiber. It seems more probable that these differences are responsible for the potential differences. 2) ACh can decrease the resistance and this again by action on the surface, for instance by in- creasing the permeability. This way can be easier conceived. The resistance decreases during nerve activity, as shown by Cole and Curtiss. The ac- tion of ACh may be connected with this transient change of resistance. A substance which is re- leased and can be removed within a millisecond could well account for such a quickly reversible alteration of the membrane. It would be com- patible with the ideas on propagation of nerve im- pulses as developed by Keith Lucas and Adrian. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 19.) CHEMICAL COMPOSITION OF MITOCHONDRIA AND SECRETORY GRANULES Dr. ALBERT CLAUDE The Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, N. Y. The chemical nature of mitochondria, and the function which they assume in the economy of the cell, are problems which have failed to be solved by cytological techniques. The experience of the past fifty years leaves little hope that definite in- formation can be gained unless we find ways of isolating these cytoplasmic elements and submit them to direct chemical analysis and_ biological tests. Recent results indicate that mitochondria can be separated from the other components of the cell by means of a simple method of differential centrifugation at high speed. Under proper con- ditions, other particulate components of cyto- plasm, especially the relatively large elements known under the names of plasts, secretory or zymogen granules, can be isolated by the same technique. In previous studies, small particles, ranging in size between 60 and 200 mp diameter were iso- lated from normal and tumor cells. Chemically, these tissue particles are complexes made up es- sentially of phospholipids and ribonucleoprotein. Small particles of this type appear to be general constituents of cells and there is evidence that the elements purified in the high speed centrifuge represent mitochondria, or fragments of mitochon- dria (A. Claude, Science, 90, 213, 1939; Sym- posia on Quantitative Biology, Vol. 9, Cold Spring Harbor, 1941; R. R. Bensley and N. L. Hoerr, Anat. Rec., 60, 449, 1934). In addition to mitochondria and “secretory” granules, the cy- toplasm of normal cells appear to contain also par- ticulate elements of smaller size which would es- cape detection in the ordinary microscope. In the present work three different kinds of granules were obtained from the cytoplasm of liver cells. Liver tissue from guinea pigs was ex- tracted with four times its weight of neutral water. Free nuclei and cellular debris were re- moved by a preliminary centrifugation at low speed. Further fractionation of the liver extract was carried out in a high speed centrifuge, under a uniform centrifugal force of 18,000 x gravity. The first fraction was brought down by a run of exactly 5 minutes at high speed. Under the mi- croscope, this purified fraction was found to con- sist of small spheres of various sizes, ranging ap- proximately from 0.5 to 3, and resembling fat globules. On chemical analysis, these granules were found to contain 12 per cent nitrogen, 0.9 per cent phosphorus, and 53 per cent carbon. Twenty-two to 24 per cent of the material was soluble in alcohol and chloroform. In size and appearance, the large granules correspond to the “secretory” granules, or plasts, which can be demonstrated in the cytoplasm of the hepatic cell 184 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 147 by proper cytological techniques (R. Noél, Arch. Anat. Micros., 19, 1, 1923). The second fraction was sedimented by 45 to 60 minutes centrifugation at high speed. The purified material was a jelly-like substance, color- less and entirely transparent. It was composed of small particles visible, under dark-field illumin- ation, as dense, refractile bodies, spherical in shape, or slightly elongated. The results of chem- ical analysis were 9 per cent nitrogen, 1.2 per cent phosphorus and 56 per cent carbon. Forty to 45 per cent of the material was soluble in organic solvents. Physically and chemically, the second fraction corresponds to the usual “mitochondria” fraction referred to above. The third fraction was sedimented by a run of two hours at high speed. The purified pellet was a perfectly transparent mass, cherry-red in color. In the dark-field mi- croscope, a suspension of the material was found to be composed of small particles which, from their sedimentation rate, appear to range in size between 40 and 60 mp diameter. A ribose nu- cleic acid was isolated from both the first and the second fractions. This nucleic acid was identified by characteristic absorption spectrum in the ultra- violet, and typical color tests. The above observations indicate that the “secre- tory” granules of the guinea pig liver, like the small tissue granules, are complex formations made up of lipids and proteins. Both the secre- tory granules and the mitochondrial material con- tain a ribose nucleic acid in about the same pro- portion. Both elements are equally sensitive to acid. Slight acidification of the medium causes rapid agglutination of the granules or the parti- cles, and in both cases, a point of minimum solu- bility is found at pH 3.5. The differences brought out by elementary analysis are of a quantitative nature, and, to a great extent, result from the fact that the large granules contain 20 per cent lipids, against 40 to 45 per cent for the small particles. The similarity in chemical constitution and be- havior between the large granules and the small particles suggests a possible continuity between these cytoplasmic elements. The findings may give support to the view that mitochondria devel- op into secretory granules, as suggested for the liver by Noél (Arch. Anat. Micros., 19, 1, 1923). If this is the case, we should be able to isolate forms of transition between mitochondria and ma- ture secretory granules. This point will be the matter of further work. An important problem intimately connected with the chemical nature of the cytoplasmic gran- ules is the role they may play in cellular physiol- ogy. In this respect, it may be significant that iron and copper are found in relatively large amounts in secretory granules and mitochondria. The particles isolated from the dried cells of Brewer's yeast had a copper content of 0.116 per cent. In this case, the purified pellet presented a definite blue color, resembling that of hemocy- anins. Similar fractions from other sources were found to contain copper also, but in lesser amounts. The proportion of copper was 0.023 per cent for the particles derived from a mouse leukemia, 0.016 per cent for the small particles of the guinea pig liver, and as much as 0.034 per cent for the secretory granules. This latter quan- tity is not negligible if we consider that it repre- sents approximately 20 per cent of the copper content of the hemocyanin of Limulus (A. C. Redfield, Biol. Reviews, 9, 175, 1934). There is evidence tthat the copper present in the granules occurs in combination with a protein. The pos- sibility that the copper compound, associated with the phospholipoid-ribonucleoprotein complex, may act as a catalyst of respiration is being investi- gated. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 19.) INVERTEBRATE CLASS NOTES The study of Echinoderms and Arthropods, two field trips, beach parties, and a baseball game were the high lights of another “typical” week for the Inverts. The behavior of starfish, the pretty if complex “Aristotle’s Lantern” of the sea urchin, regenera- tion in the sea cucumber, particularly held our in- terest. Dr. Bissonnette’s lecture covered the tax- onomy of the Echinoderms, their unique organ systems, their strange development. Dr. Martin has been following a similar plan in presenting the Arthropods. In addition to the lobster and crab, we have been studying specimens of local crustacea, autotomy in the fiddler crab and_ its color reactions. The field trips to Hadley Harbor and North Falmouth were most fruitful, both in view of the number and variety of specimens. The exhibit in the lobby of the Brick Building will testify to that. The North Falmouth trip was a chilly one. Even the shoulders could scarcely keep warm. The hot coffee went quickly at lunch. The after- noon was warmer, the collecting, appropriately for the last trip, was the best ever. Our versatile group displayed their talents at the “Four O’Clock Club” in Falmouth. Julie and “Stubby” Rankin thrilled the audience with their dancing. Not to be outdone, Jack Osmun, Sid Pond, Howie Miner and Bob Corder sang their favorites, after which John led the enthusiastic patrons in group singing. The Staff-Invert baseball game was great fun. Dr. Martin is some pitcher. The game was close (Continued on page 191) Aucust 30, 1941 ] DHE COLLECTING NET 185 PAPERS AND DEMONSTRATIONS PRESENTED AT THE GENERAL SCIENTIFIC MEETING, 1941 Tuesday, August 26, Morning Session, 9:00 A. M. CASWELL GRAVE: of Ascidian larvae. CASWELL GRAVE: The ‘‘Eye Spot’’ and light re- sponses of the larva of Cynthia partita. LuoyD BIRMINGHAM: Regeneration in the zooids of Amaroucium constellatum. Ivor CORNMAN: Characteristics of the acceleration of Arbacia egg cleavage in hypotonic seawater. ErHEL Browne Harvey: Material inheritance in Echinoderm hybrids. E. 8. GUZMAN BARRON AND J. M. GOLDINGER: Inter- mediary carbohydrate metabolism of sperm and eggs of Arbacia before and after fertilization. J. D. CRAwForD, D. Brenepict, A. B. DuBors AND A. E. NAvez: On contraction of the Venus heart. ALFRED M. LucAS AND JAMES SNEDECOR: Coordina- tion of ciliary movement in the Modiolus gill. Lorus J. Minne: Preparing an animated diagram of somatic mitosis. Tuesday, August 26, Afternoon Session, 2:00 P. M. E. Newton Harvey: Stimulation by intense flashes of ultra violet light. T. C. Evans, G. Faruua, J. C. SLAUGHTER AND E. P. LirtLe: Influence of the medium on the radiosensitiv- ity of Arbacia sperm. C. Lapp Prosser AND G. L. ZIMMERMAN: Compara- tive pharmacology of myogenic and neurogenic hearts. Lois E. TEWINKEL: Structures concerned with yolk absorption in the dogfish, Squalus acanthias. W. H. F. Appison: The distribution of elastic tissue in the arterial pathway to the carotid bodies in the dog. RicHaRD G. ABELL AND IRVINE H. PAGE: Behavior of the arterioles in hypertensive rabbits, and in normal rabbits following injection of angiotinin. Wednesday, August 27, Morning Session, 9:00 A. M. Further studies of metamorphosis early M. H. Jacops anp DorotHy R. StBwaRT: Catalysis of ionic exchanges by bicarbonates. DorotHy R. Stewart AND M. H. Jacogs: The role of carbonic anhydrase in the catalysis of ionic exchanges by bicarbonates. Martin G. Nersky anp M. H. Jacoss: Some effects of desoxycortico-sterone and related compounds on the mammalian red cell. HERBERT SHAPIRO AND HuGH Dayson: of the Arbacia egg to potassium. A. K. Parpart: Lipo-protein complexes in Arbacia eggs. S. E. Hitt: Relation between the action potential and protoplasmic streaming in Chara and Nitella. AuRIN M. CHASE: Observations on luminescence in Mnemiopsis. Permeability Papers Read by Title Frep W. Autsup: Photodynamic studies on Arbacia eggs. Ivor CorNMAN: Disruption of mitosis in Colchicum by means of colchicine. T. C. Evans: The effeet of roentgen radiation on the jelly of the Nereis zygote. R. RuGGLes Gares: Tests of nucleoli and cytoplas- mic granules in marine eggs. Russert P. Hacer: Sex-linkage of stubby (sb) in Habrobracon. E. R. Hayes: The Elasmobranch interrenal; a pre- liminary note. The interrenal body of Alopias vulpinus (Bonnaterre). Dwicut L. HopKINs: rucosa. Grorce W. Hunter, III, anp EDWARD WASSERMAN: The cytology of Amoeba ver- Observations on the mealanophore control of the cunner Tautogolabrus adspersus (Walbaum). FLoreNce Moog: The influence of temperature on reconstitution in T'ubularia. CLintoN M. OssorN: Factors influencing the pigmen- tation of regenerating scales on the ventral surface of the summer flounder. G. H. Parker: MHypersensitization of catfish melano- phores to adrenaline by denervation. LronarpD P. SAyLes: Implants consisting of young buds, formed in anterior regeneration in Clymenella, plus the nerve cord of the adjacent old part. A. A. SCHAEFFER: Chaos nobilis Penard in perma- nent culture. VictoR SCHECHTER: cells. Sipney F. Venick: The effect of centrifugation upon the oxygen consumption of Arbacia eggs. ALLYN WATERMAN: LEctodermization of the larva of Arbacia. RaLPpH WICHTERMAN: Paramecium bursaria, Fioyp J. Wiercrnski: An experimental study of in- tracellular pH in the Arbacia egg. E. ALrrep Wo.ur, MaAryon DytcHE AND MILTON ScHAFFEL: Heat produced by respiring whole blood of Tautoga onitis and Mustelus canis. C. L. Ynrema: Effect of differences between stages of donor and host upon induction of auditory vesicle from foreign ectoderm in the salamander embryo. Further studies in Mactra egg Studies on Zoochlorella-free Wednesday, August 27, 2:00-4:00 P. M. Demonstrations L. F. Boss ann M. H. JAcops: Stabilized source of current for lamps and other purposes. E. R. CLARK AND ELEANOR LINTON CLARK: Behavior of giant cells as observed in the living mammal. E. N. Harvey anp F. J. M. SicHeL: Apparatus for intense flashes of ultra violet light, and the killing of small organisms. E. N. Harvey anp F. J. M. SicHEL: Apparatus for high speed photography with the microscope. Kurt G. STERN: An air-driven high-speed centrifuge for optical observations. Ivor CorNMAN: Disruption of mitosis in Colchicwm by colchicine. SEARS CROWELL: Nematostella, a simple anemone, suitable for laboratory work in general zoology. SEARS CROWELL: The nematosomes of Nematostella. JoHN KrosiAN: Apparatus of simple construction for use in microchemical work. JouHN Krosian: A spot test method for the quantita- tive determination of magnesium in tenths of a micro- gram. ELEANOR H. Suirer: A mutant Drosophila melano- gaster with extra sex combs. Lois E. TEWINKEL: Structures concerned with yolk absorption in the dogfish. Dr. Eric LOEWENSTEIN: Demonstration of fluoro- photometer, and discussion of fluorometric methods of determining biological substances. Dr. LAURENCE IrvING, Dr. P. F. SCHOLANDER, MR. C. Lioyp Cuarr, Mr. GrorGe Epwarps, Mr. Nrets Hav- GAARD: Section A: Sensitive volumetric apparatus de- vised by Dr. P. F. Scholander, as used in the continuous measurement of respiration and in the measured delivery of small quantities of liquid. Section B: A system suit- able for aquatic animals, sensitive to 0.02 cc, used to measure the O, consumption of fishes of 20-200 grams body weight at 10 minute intervals for periods lasting for 12 to 24 hours. 186 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 147 The Collecting Net A weekly publication devoted to the scientific work at marine biological laboratories. Edited by Ware Cattell with the assistance of Boris I. Gorokhoff and Judy Woodring. Entered as second-class matter, July 11, 1935, at the U. S. Post Office at Woods Hole, Massachusetts, under the Act of March 3, 1879, and re-entered, July 28, 1938. BOOK REVIEWS HANNUM, C. A. “Comparative Chordate Anatomy.” pp. vii + 211. Stanford University Press. 1941. $2.00. This is one of the numerous texts of compara- tive anatomy, based on the author’s own course, which have appeared in the last year: in the opin- ion of the reviewer, it is better than most. Too many texts of this type stop short at birds, on the ground that any mammal, all too frequently the cat, should be the subject of a separate semester’s work. Hannum has the courage to put the mam- mal where it belongs: in the last chapter, not in the next book. This makes it possible to give a one year survey of the animal kingdom, offering the student an adequate background for his subse- quent specialised studies—among them, should it be desirable, the cat. This book not only describes the dissection of the usual laboratory types in clear language but also discusses classification, phyletic origins and ontogenesis. All anatomical terms are italicised and the author holds a happy balance between the English and Latin tongues. The absence of illus- trations and the paper binding are not defects for they keep the price within the limit which any student can be asked to pay; and for his money he will get heavier paper and clearer printing than he might expect. There is no doubt that this text deserves care- ful consideration from every teacher who is plan- ning next year’s course in comparative anatomy. Peter Gray STILES, K. A. “Handbook of Microscopie Charac- ters of Tissues and Organs.” pp. vi + 148. Phila- delphia, The Blakiston Company. 1940. $1.50. This work endeavors to apply to the identifica- tion of tissues the principles used by taxonomists in the construction of “keys”. It is very doubt- ful whether anyone not intimately acquainted with the taxonomy of a group has ever successfully identified a species from a key: certainly the stu- dent using this book will require the help of a competent and willing instructor. In his Preface the author states that the book “is actually an ab- breviated text which contains . . . the fundamen- tals of regular histology textbooks, but in a form much more easily and quickly grasped by the reader”: that ‘“‘to the student preparing for State and National Board Examinations, it is invalu- able”: that it “serves primarily to alleviate the welter of confusion which arises when one is pre- sented with a mass of facts and not enough basic knowledge of the subject matter to make an in- telligent choice”. The reviewer cannot go all the way with the author in his opinion of the text but it will doubtless be found useful by those who de- sire a condensed concomitant to their regular lec- ture and laboratory volumes. The few illustrations for which space has been found are excellently drawn and the tabular sum- maries which preceed each section could not be improved. The book is ring bound with a water- proof cover and interleaved with blank sheets. Peter Gray ACADEMIC RANK OF M. B. L. INVESTIGATORS The number of investigators of each academic rank registered (filled out blanks before August 21) at the Marine Biological Laboratory: ProfeSSOES) ....cssccssesscssessassdancceesasostessosceccoumeeeremeteeeeeeaee 66 Associate Professors .. 23 Assistant Professors ... 42 IMStLUCtOrsimeeccseceereeee 35 Research Associates . tl IASSISGANLS) tecessceeesaseres 55 PQMWOWS. ieescessesvicecsesssastadexvsasevasen tre eee 20 Graduate Students (not listed elsewhere).. OU Medical! Students) <.i.s2-cccssecse-cseoessesseereeeneeee a Undergraduate Students ... ee Preparatory Students .............:0 el Not falling in above categories .. 26 SEMINARS AT MOUNTAIN LAKE Recent speakers at the seminars, with their topics, at the Mountain Lake Biological Station have been: Grace T. Wiltshire, “Nesting Habits of Alleghan- ian Warblers.” Edward M. McCrady, Jr., “Physiology and Embry- ology of the Opossum,” and “Leonardo de Vinci as an Anatomist.” Robert K. Burns, “Further Notes on the Embry- ological Development of the Opossum.” H. Eugene Brown, “Progress Report on Termite Investigations.” T. S. Painter, “Salivary Chromosomes.” CURRENTS IN THE HOLE At the following hours (Daylight Saving Time) the current in the Hole turns to run from Buzzards Bay to Nitevard Sound: Date -M. P.M. PNGRAGEE SIL eececdeocects L1s39) eae Septembers lee 12:24 12:42 September Zee 1:25 lh:43 September oy 22s [aay 4339) September 4 3:14 3:30 September Oye ees 4:01 4:18 September 6 ............ 4:42 5:00 September y/aeee ee DE23 ORAZ September 8 ............ 6:05 6:25 September 9)..21...... 6:45 7:09 Aucust 30, 1941 | Wald, COWMLIACAMUNE; Naar 187 ITEMS OF The invertebrate course of the Marine Biologi- cal Laboratory is holding its last session this morning. Dr. Corin M. MacLeop, associate of Rockefel- ler Institute, has been appointed director of the Bacteriological Laboratories at the New York University College of Medicine. Dr. FranK H. CoNNELL has been promoted from assistant professor to full professor of zoool- ogy at Dartmouth College, and Dr. James F. Crow has been appointed instructor there. Dr. SAMUEL R. M. ReyNnotps has been ap- pointed research associate in the department of embryology of the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington (Baltimore). He has been associate pro- fessor in physiology in the Long Island College of Medicine. Recent appointments at Harvard University in- clude those of Drs. Paul J. Allen and Roger W. Sperry as research fellows in biology. Dr. An- thony O. Dahl has been promoted to faculty in- structor in biology and tutor. Mr. WittiAm H. Burt has been promoted from instructor to assistant professor of zoology at the University of Michigan. He is also cura- tor of mammals in the Museum of Zoology. Misses PriscILLA ANDERSON and B. Elizabeth Horner have been promoted to instruciorships in zoology at Smith College. Dr. Exso S. BarGcHoorn, JR. of Harvard Uni- versity has been appointed instructor in the biol- ogy department of Amherst College. Mr. Stipney M. Ponp, who graduated from Wesleyan this spring, and is also in the inverte- brate zoology course, has been appointed graduate assistant in biology at Wesleyan. Miss JUANITA SENYARD, who graduated from Oberlin College in June, has been appointed graduate assistant in histology at Mt. Holyoke College. M.B.L. TENNIS CLUB In the finals of the ladies’ singles, D. Baitsell defeated Mary Chamberlain, 6-2, 6-0. Stunkard and Evans won over Krahl and Lancefield in the finals of the men’s doubles, 7-5, 6-2. Gary Col- ton defeated Huntington Mavor in the junior singles, 6-2, 6-3. A cup was presented to the winner of the junior singles by Dr. D. E. Lance- field. The winners of the other tournaments will have their names engraved on cups owned by the Club. INTEREST Recent visitors at the Laboratory include Drs. H. J. Muller, Gertrude Gottschall, Oscar Bodan- sky, Elvira de Liee, Benjamin C. Gruenberg, Hans Gaffron, R. Leuchtenberger, R. Schoen- heimer, and R. Beutner. Among the new investigators who have recently come to the Laboratory are Dr. Robert Bloch of Yale University, who is doing research work in the library, and Miss Pauline Sullivan, teacher of biology and chemistry at the Choate School, Brookline, Massachusetts, who is assisting Dr. B. H. Grave in histological work. Several men at the Laboratory have recently been called up by their respective draft boards: Lauren C. Gilman went into service at Camp Devens several weeks ago; Robert Spier leaves on September 15 for Camp Devens; H. Duncan Rol- lason, Jr., left last week for Connecticut to take his physical examination. Mr. Ermer Hiccins, chief of the Division of Inquiry respecting Food Fishes of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service will visit the Fisheries sta- tion in Woods Hole early in September. Mr. Higgins was director of the Bureau of Fisheries Station here for several years. Dr. GerALp W. Prescott, who has been on the staff of botany course at the Marine Biological Laboratory for several summers, taught courses in aquatic flowering plants and the taxonomy of the fresh water algae at the biological station of the University of Michigan this summer. Dr. Leonarp I. Karzin, who worked at the Marine Biological Laboratory last year, is at present with the U. S. Public Health Service, as- signed to the Southeast Health District of the State of Virginia. His assignment is on a mos- quito control program. M.B.L. CLUB NOTES The M.B.L. Club House will remain open until approximately September 18. Tonight’s dance is to be the last of the season. Miss Marcaret Mast is the new chairman of the house committee of the M.B.L. Club. The new chairman of the social committee is Mrs. Shirley D. Hobson. In the ping pong tournament Dr. John O. Hutchens was the victor in the men’s singles, de- feating Richard Byrrum, and will have his name engraved on the trophy paddle. In the finals of the ladies’ singles, Katya Zarudnaya defeated Marion Davis. THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 147 IN MEMORY OF DECEASED MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION OF THE MARINE BIOLOGICAL LABORATORY DAVID HILT TENNENT In the premature death of David Hilt Tennent, the Corporation of the Marine Biological Labora- tory has lost the crowning years in the life of a member distinguished for his accomplishment in research and even more for his quality as a man. Tennent was an investigator who proceeded with- out haste, yet unceasingly; for him quality not quantity of publication was the prime considera- tion, yet the volume of his published work is im- pressive. He was honored for his work by the Presidency of the American Society of Zoologists and by similar offices, and most notably by elec- tion to the National Academy of Science. He made outstanding contributions in his studies upon hybridization, fertilization and egg organiza- tion in Echinoderms, and in his later research upon photosensitization in which he took especial satisfaction since he regarded it as the most im- portant work of his life. These contributions, which are familiar to workers in these fields, are not so well known to many investigators in other lines, because i ennent was the most modest and retiring of men. He had none of the flare for self-advertisement that carries some men so far on a modicum of worth. His every publication was marked not only by the critical nature of his observations and experiments but also by the meticulous care with which each phrase was weighed to make sure it meant exactly what he had in mind, no more and no less. What he wrote or said publicly was always as exact as he could make it. Knowing the quality of the man and of his mind, I think one may feel that what he did is likely to stand until it becomes obsolete with the advance of knowledge, as so often hap- pens although the historical importance of the work remains. In his work as a teacher of undergraduates and as a director of graduate students, Tennent was no less effective. The same thoroughness and de- termination to do his best characterized his teach- ing as it did his research. Tennent and I were graduate students together at the Johns Hopkins and fellow members of Drew’s Invertebrate staff at the Marine Laboratory. I well recall his first lecture to the Invertebrate class. He was so scared the chalk rattled against the board, but he Memorials Adopted at the Annual Meeting of the Corporation, August 12, 1941 did better than he thought and after that first summer the rest of us felt we must keep up with him. At the Hopkins he was not satisfied with his first year’s seminar lectures. To be safe the next year, as he confided to me later, he went to the laboratory the evening before each lecture, turned on the lights in the empty seminar room and put himself through a dress rehearsal of his lecture to be given the next morning. It was this kind of determination and performance that char- acterized all his work. It had to be done as well as he could do it. I was told that E. A. Andrews went so far as to say at the time that Tennent was the best assistant he had ever had. Only those of us who were assistants to Andrews can fully appreciate what that meant as to quality of performance. Thus, Tennent had the instinct of workmanship at the beginning of his career. Tennent always commanded the loyalty and admiration of graduate students to a marked de- gree. His great disappointment was that he did not train more students who were able to find places commensurate with their ability. Those in his confidence knew that he often longed for a position where he might have had more “‘disci- ples”. He trained many women of ability, but for the most part, in this man’s world, they could not find positions worthy of their competence. His summers at the Tortugas Laboratory gave him opportunities to extend the kind of contacts he might have had in larger measure throughout the year in some institutions. I have often heard of what a stimulus he was to the younger investiga- tors at Tortugas summer after summer. On the personal side, Tennent was always quiet and reserved, though in his later years as well as in his youth a delightful companion to those who knew him well. He may have seemed austere to those who knew him casually. Yet he had a keen sense of humor for all his quietness. I never knew a man whose sense of obligation to do what he thought just and right seemed to me stronger nor a man whom I would trust further. Thinking of him personally, one felt that here was a man to whom the abused and meaningless phrase “a gen- tleman and a scholar’ might be applied with meaning. To Mrs. Tennent and to his son, who as a Aucust 30, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 189 scientist follows in his father’s footsteps, we ex- tend our deepest sympathy. W. C. Curtis EDWARD BROWNING MEIGS Edward Browning Meigs was born in Philadel- phia September 10, 1879, the son of Arthur Vin- cent Meigs and Mary Roberts Browning. He be- longed to an old and distinguished American fam- ily of South English ancestry, and was a direct descendant of Vincent Meigs who came to Amer- ica and settled in New Haven, Connecticut, in 1644. His father, grandfather, and great grand- father were physicians; his great great grand- father, Josiah Meigs, was professor of mathema- tics and natural philosophy in Yale University in the 1790's. Scientific interests were strong in his ancestry. His father, a pediatrician, was inter- ested in the chemical composition of milk and pub- lished papers on this subject; he also introduced a method of modifying cows’ milk to make it suit- able for infants. In Edward Meigs’ memoir of his father he “finds it difficult to say whether more of my father’s energy was devoted to the practice of medicine or to research”’. Edward Meigs was the fourth physician in his family in the direct line, but his own interests were primarily scientific and he did not engage in practice. He graduated from Princeton Univer- sity in 1900 and took his M.D. at the University of Pennsylvania in 1904. He was Assistant in Physiology in the same University during 1904- 1906 and then spent a year abroad in study and research, working chiefly in Jena with the com- parative physiologist Wilhelm Biedermann. He also spent some time in Cambridge University, chiefly in association with Walter Fletcher and Gowland Hopkins, whose work on the physiology and biochemistry of muscular contraction was of special interest to him. He was instructor of physiology in the Harvard Medical School during 1907-10. In 1910 he joined the Wistar Institute in Philadelphia in order to devote himself entirely to research. From 1915 until his death he was physiologist in the Bureau of Animal Industry of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. He first attended the Marine Biological Labora- tory in 1904, and was elected a member of the Corporation in 1905. During the four summers of 1912-1915 he served as instructor in the physi- ology course. He and his family have been sum- mer residents of Woods Hole for a period of about thirty years, and his interest in the Labora- tory has been constant. In 1910 he married Margaret Wister of Phila- delphia who with two sons and two daughters sur- vives him. He died November 5, 1940, after a _ prolonged illness. Edward Meigs’ early investigations were in the field of general physiology, especially the physiol- ogy of muscular contraction. Later, after he went to Washington, his work had reference chiefly to the physiology of milk production and related topics; problems connected with administration and the organization of research in this field also engaged much of his attention. His early studies on the comparative histology and biochemistry of smooth and striated muscle, both vertebrate and invertebrate, were varied and extensive. His photographs of striated muscle fibres under high magnification are among the best that we have. His belief that changes of ten- sion in muscle were a result of reversible changes of hydration in the fibrils led him to experiment on the influence of variations of osmotic pressure, chemical conditions and temperature on the water content and correlated state of contraction of dif- ferent types of muscle. At one time he was greatly interested in physical models of muscular contraction, especially McDougall’s model, in which increase of volume of inflation resulted in shortening. His interest in the relation of inor- ganic salts to contraction (as shown e.g., in the potassium contraction of striated muscle) led him to make comparative analytical studies of the salt content of smooth and striated muscle, vertebrate and invertebrate. This work had an indirect but important bearing on his later work in the De- partment of Agriculture on mineral metabolism in its relation to milk production. He recognized that the selective action of the muscle cell in ac- cumulating its highly special salt content had the same physiological basis as the selective separa- tion of salts by the mammary gland in milk secre- tion. Problems of permeability also interested him in relation to both the properties of muscle and the processes of secretion; and in work on artificial membranes he showed that impregnation of collodion films with insoluble calcium and mag- nesium salts formed membranes approaching liv- ing plasma membranes in their semipermeability, a property which in the living cell also is de- pendent on calcium. He found, however, that the behavior of smooth muscle in anisotonic Ringer’s solution and sugar solution differed from that of striated muscle and indicated the presence of a much less diffusion-proof surface layer. This dif- ference in physical properties he correlated with other evidence of a fundamental difference in the mechanism of contraction in the two types of muscle. During Edward Meigs’ work of twenty-five years in the Department of Agriculture he and his associates made varied and important contri- butions to the physiology of milk production. Mineral metabolism and vitamin supply in rela- tion to milk production received special attention, and the results of this work were published in a 190 Meals, COMURKINING, INS [ Vor. XVI, No. 147 long succession of special papers and reviews. He was also responsible for the general planning and direction of the work at the experimental farm at Beltsville, Maryland. Many problems of a highly practical kind also came up for consideration; for example the incidence of mastitis in the experi- mental herd led to an investigation of the pathol- ogy of this condition and effective methods for its control were developed, including modification of certain types of milking machine which were found to be largely responsible. The work of these years is too varied to summarize briefly; some of its practical results are seen in the progressive im- provement during recent years in the general methods employed in the dairy industry. Much of Edward Meigs’ success in this work came from the thoroughness, objectivity and free- dom from bias that were characteristic of his scientific activity and outlook. He was _ highly tenacious in his convictions once they were formed, but his conclusions were always based on a clear- sighted and critical consideration of evidence, in the collection of which he spared no pains. Al- though weakened in his later years by illness, he maintained his scientific interest and activity to the last. His personal interests other than scien- tific were remarkably wide; he was fond of na- ture and outdoor life, a great sailor, a man of imagination and culture, widely read, modest, loyal, highminded and devoted to his friends. His characteristic generosity was well shown in his eift to the Marine Biological Laboratory in 1936 of the bathing beach property, including the bath house, on the Buzzards Bay front adjoining his family summer cottage. The use of this beach by members of the Laboratory, as well as of the ten- nis courts which occupy part of his property is thus permanently assured. IRS, Wan ine FURTHER IMPLICATIONS OF FLEXIBLE PROTEIN FRAMEWORKS (Continued from page 177) of intermediates, formed by condensations of suitable materials adsorbed on individual pro- tein faces. This idea fits with the more de- tailed picture now emerging from enzyme studies, according to which there is a division of labor among the enzymes concerned in such syntheses, each enzyme catalyzing the con- densation of certain building blocks only (Fruton, Cold Spring Harbor Symposium, 1941, forthcom- ing). Such a situation explains the existence of symmetric arrangements of R-groups such as are known to be present in insulin, for example It also fits with the existence of precursors such as Svedberg’s prolactalbumin and several other pro- tein intermediates, which curiously enough all have molecular weights in the neighborhood of a thousand, corresponding possibly to individual faces or other precisely defined fragments of 72- residue or 288-residue skeleton cage structures. Further, the protein frameworks offer, not only characteristic and specific individual protein faces as templates for the formation of these interme- diates but, in the branch point protein units, pro- vide nests where such platelet intermediates may find themselves in favorable juxtaposition for the final synthesis into complete cage molecules. In suggesting that such branch points in protein frameworks are the seat of protein synthesis, it may also be pointed out that the adsorption in such nests of a foreign molecule, e.g., any antigen, will in general provide templates of new specifi- cities, leading to the formation of proteins of spe- cificities complementary to those of the foreign molecule, e.g., antibodies. These pointers regard- ing protein intermediates and the mechanism by which a system imposes certain specificities on them could be utilized in the design of experi- ments. (2) As our central and fundamental postulate it has been assumed that the proteins in such structure systems are in their native form. It follows that the interlinking of such units into frameworks also shows specificity. In connection with certain particular cases of one of the three types of such interlinkings, namely the riveting together of ionized groups by some divalent ions, certain suggestions regarding the function of such ions emerge. The fact that young tomato plants grown in pyrex glass containers with nutrient solutions deficient in zinc give a measurable and reproduci- ble response to the addition of one gamma of zine to a plant (giving a zinc concentration in the cul- ture solution of 5 parts per billion) may be taken as typical of many facts regarding the importance of minute concentrations of certain elements (Arnon and Stout, Plant Physiology, 14, 371, 1939). Copper in certain minute concentrations is of the first importance in many cases. As ex- amples we may cite the well-known facts that the flagellate Euglena can live in a concentration of 10-8 M copper sulfate as long as food lasts, but dies in a few minutes when the concentration reaches 10-7 M (Seybold, Biol. Zebtralb., 47, 102, 1927) ; that Amoeba proteus cannot survive when the concentration of CuCl. rises as high as 2 X 10°° M (Chalkley and Voegtlin, U. S. Pub. Health Rep., 47, 535, 1932) ; that lysis of certain red blood cells by glycerol can be inhibited by an amount of copper insufficient to cover more than one-tenth of one per cent of their surfaces; and so on. The fact that a fraction of a milligram of copper is just as necessary for the life cycle of a tomato plant as several hundred milligrams of potassium, for example, and the other facts cited, I would interpret as one more symptom of the Aucust 30, 1941 ] THE COLLECTING NET 191 fundamental superspecificity of biologically active structure systems. For the specificity of individ- ual native protein units, conjoined with specificity of interlinking to give the superspecificity of na- tive protein frameworks implies the existence of certain definite complements of positions capable of accommodating the metallic ions. While we are not yet in possession of complete information as to all the atomic environments into. which ions such as zinc, copper, calcium, etc. can fit there is already sufficient indication in structure analyses to indicate that each ion type has its own individ- ual requirements, shown by the cation radius as- sociated with each cation coordination number. It would seem then that the stoichiometry of native proteins and ions, especially in relation to what is already known about atomic environments appro- propriate to the various ionic species would afford a direct experimental approach to the part played by metallic ions in physiological situations in cer- tain cases. Particularly significant in this connec- tion are the many facts from various fields indi- cating the part played by calcium ions, which may most usefully be studied in the light of structure analyses. These include the increase of the ag- glutination of sperm in the presence of calcium recorded by Loeb in 1914; the capacity of a torn sea urchin egg to mend itself in the presence of CuCly recorded by Chambers in 1924 (Am. J. Physiol., 72, 210, 1924); the studies on calcium caseinates by Philpot and Philpot in 1939 (Proc. Roy. Soc. London, 127B, 21, 1939) showing that particles of increasing weights are formed in solu- tions of increasing calcium concentrations. To my mind, all these suggest some specific inter- linking of R-groups of native proteins, modelled perhaps on the atomic environments characteristic of the ions in Ca(OH)», etc., a suggestion which could be exploited in detail in carefully designed experiments. The fact that calcium is known to be present in the nuclear membrane indeed prompts the suggestion that calcium ions (or some similar ions) may play an important part in holding together the native proteins which no doubt constitute this and other biologically active membranes. In this case, a change in pH reduc- ing the ionization of the acidic R-groups riveted together by the calcium ions, would necessarily lead to a collapse or dissolution of the membrane in dividing cells. The subsequent formation de novo of nuclear membranes in daughter cells would then require the accession of a definite though very small complement of calcium ions. In conclusion, I would record my belief that the present-day picture of the native protein is pregnant with meaning for all structure problems in physiology, because it offers hints as to direc- tions in which explanations of certain so far un- interpreted facts may be sought. I desire to put before those concerned with the design of experi- ments inteuded to throw light on the structure systems of living matter, the suggestion that it is the specific nature and behavior of individual na- tive protein units which is the central theme both for the understanding of the synthesis of proteins and for the understanding of the part played by metallic ions in living matter. It has already been shown that by means of these simple ideas both the high water content and flexibility of living matter and the immense specificity and _ stoichio- metric significance of living structure systems can be explained. Evidence is accumulating day-by- day that it is the intimate atomic structure of the protein molecule which dominates the scene. How such a situation could possibly be explained in terms of the curious hangover picture of polypep- tide chains of immense length I leave to others to explain. How suggestively, on the other hand, the new picture of the native protein fits in and comes to the rescue will, I believe, become in- creasingly clear when the perfectly definite indi- cations regarding its structure are made use of in the design of experiments on these essential con- stituents of living matter. (This article is based upon a seminar report pre- sented at the Marine Biological Laboratory on August 19.) INVERTEBRATE CLASS NOTES (Continued from page 184) —five to four; the Inverts were victorious. Right in the middle of the game, fourteen of the girls strolled quietly to the supply house. A well- dressed young man approached and was about to enter the supply house when the girls grabbed him by the arm and marched to the Eel Pond, while the hurdy-gurdy man played “Who’s Afraid of the Big Bad Wolf?” His adversaries allowed him to remove his outer garments, after which he meekly plunged in. A new M.B.L. record had been established: the girls had thrown a man into the pond. The fellow had taken a former dip into the Pond ungraciously and had taken the matter to the authorities. A meeting was called at which time he was to identify those responsible. It was at this point the Invert Amazons stepped in. To commemorate this deed and to express their gratitude, the “boys that sweep the lab and the boys that bring the ‘fish’’’ arranged a fitting rally on the Brick Lab steps. With the inimitable Jasper Trinkaus presiding, there was much ban- ter, singing, and presentation of flowers. A strange figure looked in on the unusually hilarious group Tuesday evening, remarked: “My God! this course isn’t what it was when I took it forty-five years ago!” Saturday, August 30, is the last day of the course. We are especially grateful to the staff and crew; this has been an unforgetable experi- ence. —Louise Gross and Bill Batchelor 192 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 147 New! JUSTRITE Featuring a real surgical blade made of highest quality surgical steel. Handle is cadmium plated cold rolled steel. Length including blade is 6”. Replaceable Blade Scalpel B-300 B-300/B Extra blades CLAY-ADAM Each 35c Dozen $3.50 Dozen $1.00 CO., 44 East 23rd St. Inc. “New York, N. Y. Shillaber’s Immersion Oils for Microscopy Provide numerous advantages over cedarwood oil. Write for free samples and data or send one dollar for l-oz. each of Grade A (low viscosity) and Grade B (high viscosity). R. P. Cargille, 118 Liberty St., New York, N. Y. Gy ROWE’S PHARMACY Ae win’ 7M. Cigarettes - Cosmetics - Magazines Ped (yg Home Remedies >—*"|| Developing and Printing Snapshots Prescmapaapss Falmouth - Woods Hole - No. Fal. SCIENTIFIC PERIODICALS Biological, Medical, Zoological, Botanical, etc. Complete Sets, Volumes and Odd Copies. There may be some Single Copies needed to complete your sets, or an Important Article which you may need. Prices are reasonable. B. LOGIN & SONS, Inc., 29 E. 21st St., New York City I, oownc ARITEY Ch aa yering Histological For “° n Slides Sections ° Clarite and Clarite “X” Resins are available in NEVILLE , lumps or_ ready - to - use noun’ . CLARITE solutions. MEDIA Inert, high-melting, water- white; many advantages over Canada balsam and gum damar. Clarites have proper refractive indices and adhe- sion to glass, and will neither become acid nor discolor with age. Clarites are pure, uni- form, perfectly transparent. Will not cause stains to fade with age because they are absolutely neutral and re- main so. Pree for booklet ‘Neville Clarite Mounting Media’”’ S. PAT. OFF THE NEVILLE COMPANY PITTSBURGH - PA. © prenmni, SF MRS. WEEKS’ SHOPS HOSIERY, DRY GOODS Toilet Necessities Cretonne, Chintz, Lingerie FALMOUTH DALEY’S Patent Medicines and Hospital Supplies STATIONERY COSMETICS SUNDRIES POLAROID GLASSES THE BELLOWS Mrs. Hedlund Falmouth Heights Road at Jericho LUNCHEON DINNER For Reservations Call Falmouth 271 “In Quest of Gorillas” By William King Gregory and Henry C. Raven An outstanding book on African exploration. 251 text pages 112 illustrations Price $1.75 THE DARWIN PRESS 69 School St., New Bedford, Mass. Aucust 30, 1941 | THE COLLECTING NET 193 Turtox Quiz Sheet Subjects for Every Teaching Need The Turtox series of Key Cards and Quiz Sheets now comprises the most complete set of biological drawings available from any source. The series includes 198 subjects and these cover practically all of the plant and animal forms studied in the biology laboratories For Zoology (including Entomology, Embryology, Parasitology and For Botany there are 67 subjects. For And for Genetics and Heredity of this country. Comparative Anatomy) there are 104 subjects. Human Anatomy and Physiology there are 19 subjects. there are 8 subjects. Thousands of teachers use Turtox Quiz Sheets throughout the school year, for weekly review as well as for quiz and examination purposes. These clear, accurate draw- ings compel the student to concentrate on whatever points the teacher wishes to empha- size and are particularly useful for a review of laboratory dissection. You will find them amazingly helpful and time-saving aids in all biology courses. Refer to your Turtox Catalog for complete listing of subjects available. GENERAL BIOLOGICAL SUPPLY HOUSE Incorporated 761-763 East Sixty-Ninth Place, Chicago The Sign of the Turtox Pledges Absolute Satisfaction TURT GOLD SEAL Cover Glasses Made in U. S. A. WE ARE PROUD to be able to offer you cover glasses entirely made in the United States. Formerly GOLD SEAL cover glasses were cut, gauged, sorted, and packed in our own workshop from imported glass. Now, after considerable research and development work a glass, worthy of the name, GOLD SEAL, is made in the United States ... We are proud of this accomplishment. American made GOLD SEAL Cover Glasses are at least equal in NON-CORRO- SIVE quality to the glass formerly imported a statement based on the results of careful laboratory testing and control... Physically, the glass is practically free of stria, bubbles, and curvature. Prices have been kept low when it is considered that the cost of domestic production is many times the import price. See page 22 of our new Catalog No. 102 CN for prices — if you haven't a copy please write for one on your letterhead. CLAY-ADAMS co evees: Gel 194 THE COLLECTING NET [ Vor. XVI, No. 147 IDEAL FOR RESEARCH — the Size 1, Type SB Centrifuge The International Size 1, Type SB Centrifuge is particularly suited for the busy research laboratory because of its adaptability to the exacting and various demands of this work. Due to its efficiency at high speeds and power for large capacities, this model is most popular with research workers. The regular “Size 1, Type SB” may be reinforced with an all welded steel enclosing guard (as shown here) for safety when operating at the very high speeds obtained with the Multispeed Attachment. The portable stand provides sufficient stability and the convenience of an easily movable unit, without the expense of a permanent mounting. INTERNATIONAL CENTRIFUGES are furnished in many types and sizes, all of the finest ma- terials and designed, so far as possible, to allow for future adaptation of improved accessories as developed by the new principles of advanced technique. CONSIDER these features of the Size 1, Type SB Centrifuge: © motor mounted in rubber to permit self-balancing within reasonable limits @ hand brake for rapid stopping @ brush release to permit slow stopping @ totally enclosed rheostat with 50 steps of speed control @ low-voltage release attachment as protection against current interruption ® portable stand triple cushioned with rubber to practically eliminate transmission of vibration. There is an International for any job Reinforced : . - Size 1, Type SB Centrifuge with Stand Send for bulletins or advice on your particular problems. INTERNATIONAL EQUIPMENT CO. 352 Western Avenue Makers of Fine Centrifuges Boston, Mass. ELECTRON-RAY pH METER - Sensitive to .0OS5 pH This rugged instrument measures pH and millivolt values with a high degree of accuracy. Its glass electrode per- mits universal application and read- ings are reproducible to 0.01 pH. The precise balance point is easily deter- mined with an Electron-Ray Null-Indi- cator that is practically immune to damage from mis-manipulation. A millivolt scale enables the direct read- ing of oxidation-reduction potentials. Range: 0 to 14 pH and 0 to 1200 millivolts, Complete in its well made case, 8%" « 10” x 17%", $ 2 : the instrument weighs 25 Ibs. ‘ Send for further information PIONEER MANUFA 'TURERS CAMBRI D< ) E 3732 GRAND CENTRAL OF PRECISION TERMINAL, INSTRUMENTS INSTRUMENT CoO INC New York, N. Y. Aucust 30, 1941 | Designed to give all types of illumina- tion generally used in microscopy, the Spencer Universal Microscope Lamp fills a long-felt need for a small, stable, lightweight illuminator. The triple lens condensing system is in a spiral focusing mount and_ provides support for filter holder and iris dia- phragm. Cobalt blue, heat absorbing, neutral density or color filters for pho- THE COLLECTING NET le ey tomicrographic work may be inserted. It is a brilliant source which may be focused from a sharp image of the fila- ment to an evenly illuminated spot of light. The well-ventilated lamphouse is provided with fins to dissipate heat, making it cool enough to handle and ad- just at all times. Write Dept. V8-5 for our folder describing the Universal M1- croscope Lamp and its many uses. Spencer Lens Company SPENCER BUFFALO, NEW YORK erg) Scientific Instrument Division of AMERICAN OPTICAL COMPANY Sales Offices: NewY ork, Chicago, San Francisco, Washington, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas,;Columbus,St.Louis, Philadelphia, Atlanta 195 THE COLLECTING NET ITH you, as with us, defense comes first. Our output of optical instruments is being rapidly increased to meet the defense emergency. We will endeavor to give our customers the best service possible under existing cir- cumstances, and ask your sympathetic cooperation. The Shadow That Speeds The Assembly Line ROM the production lines of America’s vast industries, flows part after part so identical in size that the last can be interchanged with the first and work equally well in the assembled product. Interchangeability of parts, the secret of mass production, is attainable only through rigid control of accuracy. This high degree of precision is entirely dependent upon precision instruments such as the Bausch & Lomb Contour Measuring Projector. By projecting a magnified shadow image of a mechanical part upon ascreen, this projector clearly reveals to the naked eye errors of ten-thousandths of an inch. With it, gauging of contours—normally requiring. hours of measurement and computation —can be accomplished in a matter of minutes. It permits many measurements that would otherwise be impossible except at a great expenditure of time and money. And today, if ever, speed and economy are vital to national defense! Such instruments as the Contour Measuring Pro- jector, like the many other Bausch & Lomb pre- cision optical instruments used in science, industry and education have freed America from any dependence on European sources of supply. BAUSCH & LOMB OPTICAL CO. e ROCHESTER, NEW YORK ESTABLISHED 1853 AN AMERICAN SCIENTIFIC INSTITUTION PRODUCING OPTICAL GLASS AND INSTRUMENTS FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE, EDUCATION, RESEARCH, INDUSTRY AND.EYESIGHT CORRECTION [ Vor. XVI, No. 147 it ah ta) Py hk } es f oy phate : Bec ieee altel nt ’ patieh ee { { ffi i ite! eles aaa ¥ He B ait ays Hee aaa Waa ereaganeetae 5 Baas te on oi Hi Nisa cA ER a GS ne os RO nT ut ; n is ae