iI ee HM ye nl nn COMMERCIAL BEV EEA “Tl NY 3 mri AJ mr Sp) cut wn Vol.12, No. 10 OCTOBER 1950 FISH and WILDLIFE SERVICE United States Department of the Interior W ashington, D.C. UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR OSCAR L. CHAPMAN, Secretary FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE ALBERT M. DAY, Director COMMERCIAL@ cy ‘FISHERIES EVIE A REVIEW OF DEVELOPMENTS AND NEWS OF THE FISHERY INDUSTRIES PREPARED IN THE BRANCH OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES A. W. Anderson , Editor R.T. Whiteleather, Associate Editor Wm.H. Dumont and J. Pileggi, Assistant Editors Applications for COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, which is mailed tree to members of the fishery industries and allied interests,should be addressed to the Director, Fish and Wildlife Service, United Stotes Department of the Interior, Washington, 25, D.C. The contents of this publication have not been copyrighted and may be reprinted freely; however, reference fc the source will be apprecioted. The Service assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of material from outside sources. The printing of this publication has been approved by the Director of the Bureau of the Budget, December |5, 1949 CONTENTS COVER: UNLOADING SKIPJACK TUNA CATCH AT ABURATSU, MIYAZAK| PREFECTURE, KYUSHU, JAPAN. FISH WERE CAUGHT IN THE RYUKYU AREA BY THE POLE-AND-LINE SKIPJACK VESSEL TIED UP AT THE LANDING. (SEE P. | OF THIS ISSUE.) PAGE SOME PROCESSING AND TECHNOLOGICAL METHODS 1N THE JAPANESE FISHERIES, BY DAVID T. MIYAUCHI ..ccererererererereroce se ee 8 PAGE PAGE RESEARCH UN SERVI(CE, LABORATORIES o)e/areelelctaysiclereisielcietererare mae lina | MROREMIGN suacistevererctaciciololoieicialettiersieiteisieiselisisie cisiecine a ctciec el 4 TRENDS AND DEVELOPMENTS: ...ececececececererecesevece 24 AUSTRALIA ADDITIONS TO THE FLEET OF U. S. FISHING VESSELS ... 24 AMERICAN INTERESTS REQUEST PERMISSION TO FISH FOR ATLANTIC COAST MARINE FISHERIES POLLUTION STUDY ... 24 TUNA IN AUSTRALIAN WATERS ..ccesesecerecereseress 41 CALIFORNIA CANNING INDUSTRY REQUESTED NOT TO USE SPINY LOBSTER AND TUNA EXPLORATIONS PLANNED ...... 42 SUBTILIN IN FOOD PRESERVATION .....e.esee . 26 UNITED STATES LEADING IMPORTER OF AUSTRALIAN SPINY FEDERAL AID BRANCH TO HANDLE FISHERY AND WILDLIFE. POBSTERMMAMUSHetsintejemncrslacioctinciecietieclcteicnieie ic eae RESTORATION PROGRAMS ......e.000. 4 26 FISH CANNERS URGE PROTECTION FROM IMPORTS ......-. 44 FEDERAL PURCHASES OF FISHERY PRODUCTS ... 2 27 CANADA GREAT LAKES FISHERY INVEST!GATIONS: FISHERIES DEPARTMENT ESTIMATES FOR 1950-5! EX- PROGRESS IN THE GREAT LAKES SEA LAMPREY |NVESTI- PENDITURES ...... isoclalicisisicieisiele mate ctelteleteiicicemme 44 GATIONS AS OF YJULYAIGSOR RE snes onicte cis cckeeecienn cee ee FISHERIES SUPPORT PROGRAM, FISCAL YEAR 1950 ...... 45 GWLF EXPLORATORY FISHERY PROGRAM: CHILE: 5 nOREGON,, LOCATES GROOVED SHRIMP (CRUISE NO. 3) . 28 DEVELOPMENT OF FISHERIES FLANNED .ecseseceeecevess 46 "OREGON" EXPLORES FOR SHRIMP IN DEEP WATER (CRUISE COSTA RICA: NOSIS) ceteralelsreioteloleln ste cialeiencdsle alate ie sere eee ee eo GROUP OF DANISH FISHERMEN INVITED TO DEVELOP COSTA LIMIT OF EXPANSION FOR EAST COAST ROSEFISH FISHERY RIGANTEVSHERIES cc\sleiveniniiemiticcioniccitctiene io aen een tto REACHED Insrieienciseiatiacieen eeiccien pomsobasadodSuoba. SO) ECUADOR: NORTH ATLANTIC FISHERY INVESTIGATIONS: FISH MARKETING SITUATION ..ccesecccccecececccecces 47 ALBATROSS 111 COMPLETES FISH POPULATION CENSUS EL SALVADOR ON SOUTHERN NEW ENGLAND BANKS (CRUISE NO, 38) .. 31 LEGISLATION PASSED TO ENCOURAGE FISHERIES ENTER- SCROD HADDOCK TAGGED BY THE ALBATROSS 111" (CRUISE PRITSES P cttnctorersiorctele/enielestcieleteiere cTolesaloieiete cieicisieteistersie Cie amneLo) RRA) ioocneceneose ace daponoodeahodeea. ei GERMAN FEDERAL REPUBLIC: NORTH PACIFIC EXPLORATORY FISHERY PROGRAM: GOVERNMENT MEASURES AFFECTING THE FISHERIES ...... 49 ALBACORE TUNA EXPLORATIONS CONTINUED DURING SEP- | CELAND: MEMBERMBYaeJOHNEN ci COBB aichalcielatercieleictereiercteteictchinisie sian Ge HERRING © PRIICESS RAISED iecercisseteto elalelclelcielelejoraicleicveletaletleyemn oO) PACIFIC OCEANIC FISHERY INVESTIGATIONS: JAPAN: HENRY O'MALLEY SCOUTS FOR BAIT AND FISHES FOR EXPORT OF SKILLED FISHERMEN TO INDIA cecsecececees 5! » TUNA (CRUISE,NO, IV) ...... neloseliciisiscineacion sieemas MEX CO: HUGH M. SMITH" STUDIES ABUNDANCE OF TUNA SPAWN EXPORT: DUT:NES “ON. SHRIMP» ¢s\2\. Tetrodonin and tetrodopentose are not poison- ous so that removal of these two leaves a purer and stronger poison-= tetrodotoxin, Another method of extraction: Chop the ovaries of globefish and soak in a 3 percent formalin solution, Heat to 80° C, to coagulate the protein and filter, Lead acetate and dilute ammonium hydroxide are added to the filtrate in order to precipitate the poison as a lead compound, Filter and wash, Remove the excess lead with hydrogen sulfide, Concentrate the filtrate using vacuun, Add about three times as much methyl alcohol and filter, To the filtrate add a solution of saturated lead acetate and methyl alcohol and keep the solution neutral by adding am- monium hydroxide, Filter the precipitate, To the filtrate add a little ammonium hydroxide and an excess of methyl al- cohol saturated with lead acetate to precipitate the poison, Dry the precipitate at a temperature under 60° C, Dissolve the precipitate in water and filter to remove the water-in-~ soluble impurities, Remove the excess lead with hydrogen sulfide, Decolorize the solution with activated carbon, Evaporate the solution until syrupy, Add alcohol and ether, and tetrodotoxin is precipitated as a white, pure substance, An article by Y, Suyehiro, All types of animals were injected with tetrodotoxin, The globe fish were not affected by the injections, but poisonous spiders were killed, When a solution of tetrodotoxin was poured on the shell of a hermit crab, it left its shell, The octopuses are killed by the in- jection but other mollusca are not; neither are the animals of a lower order tnan the mollusca, Snails are put into a coma but are not killed even if the amount injected is large, The tetrodotoxin is carried by the blood streamafter it is injected into an organism, The author tied the leg of a frog so that the blood circulation was stopped, The frog was injected with tetrodotoxin “but it did not die, When the string was cut and the blood allowed to cir- culate, the frog died, October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 21 RESEARCH IN SERVICE LABORATORIES a MLL a ee van September 1950 PRESERVATION: Samples of preserved salmon eggs have been assayed at weekly intervals to determine the effect of the preservative on the riboflavin, niacin, biotin, and vitamin Bj. content. No significant changes have as yet occurred. x * * FRESH FISH: Three additional species of Pacific rockfish were tested for palatability. These were S. saxicolus, S. paucispinis, and S. ruberimis. The first of these appears to have palatability comparable to the S. alutus. The last two are of somewhat inferior palatability and apparently are in the same category as S. diploproa. * Ok O* ANALYTICAL METHODS: The presence of hydrochloric acid, acetic acid, and formic acid in acetone used to extract oil from fish meal by refluxing was com pared. Use of formic acid gave the most complete extraction of ether soluble material by this method. * * * REFRIGERATION: Organoleptic tests were carried out on several of the Pa- eific rockfish species which had been in cold storage for one month. No adverse changes had occurred in any of the species after this short storage period. * * * Pink salmon fillets were prepared for further freezing and storage studies. x * OX A series of red salmon (0. nerka) samples were frozen for further study of the effect of freezing and storage-on the quality of the canned product. Two additional variables are being studied: (1) A comparison is being made of the effect of storing the glazed salmon in the round at -20° F, with that of salmon stored at 0° F, during a period of 24 weeks. (2) A comparison is being made of the effect of quick and slow freezing on the quality of the final canned product, * * 22 ' COMMERCIAL FISHERINS REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 Acceptable palatability scores are still being obtained for all lots of frozen oysters treated in various ways with ascorbic acid and glazes. The oysters have now been in 0° F, storage for five months. Though the scores are showing some va- riation between lots, as well as having varied from month to month during this pe- riod of storage, no particular trend has as yet become evident. Slight darkening of the oysters has occurred, but the color is no worse than that found in fresh oysters from certain areas. As an approach to the problem on studies of the toughening of blue crab meat, it was decided to investigate the effect of freezing on the pH and respi- ration of the meat. Samples of frozen blue crab meat were prepared by approxi- mating as closely as possible the process used by certain commercial crab-meat packers. After one month of storage, there was no detectable change in the taste, color, odor, or tenderness of the frozen crab-meat samples, nor were there any Significant changes in pH or respi- ration. Additional funds have been made available for carrying out research on freezing North Atlantic fish species at sea(freezing-fish-at-sea project). More detailed and comprehensive studies are to be initiated on the methods of freezing and storing whole fish at sea, and the effect on the fillets cut from these fish and refrozen (frozen whole fish will be defrosted ashore, filleted, and the fil- lets refrozen), Pilot-plant and commercial-scale operations are planned as soon as personnel are recruited and equipment is made available. * * OX SANITATION AND BACTERIOLOGY: Additional funds have been made available to the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission for continued operation of the project to study the extent and effect of pollution on the marine fisheries of the Atlantic Coast. These studies are being carried out under the ‘supervision of the Chief of the Service's Boston Fishery Technological Laboratory. The work for this fiscal year will consist of the completion of the exploratory studies in the Atlantic Coast States and the submission of the reports to health and fish- eries authorities, *x OK x LABORATORY NOTES: The construction of the second floor of the Ketchikan (Alaska) Fishery Products Laboratory has been completed. The additional facil- ities include a modern test kitchen, laboratories, photographic dark room and offices.. An "open house" was held at the laboratory on September 21 to give the general public an opportunity to inspect the new facilities and to become better acquainted with the work of the laboratory. Operated jointly by the Fish and October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 235 Wildlife Service and the Fisheries Experimental Commission of Alaska, the basic aims of the laboratory are: 1. Improvement of existing fishery products and processes. 2. Development of new fishery products from existing fisheries. 5. Development of new and especially off-season fisheries. * * * MAYAGUEZ FISHERY LABORATORY TRANSFERRED TO UNIVERSITY OF PUERTO RICO: The Service's Fishery Research Laboratory and facilities at Mayaguez, Puerto Rico, has been transferred for an indefinite period (on a loan basis) to the University of Puerto Rico in the same city. The University will use the laboratory for ma- rine research in connection with University programs, The funds of the Service's Branch of Commercial Fisheries have not been suf- ficient to make it possible to operate the laboratory on other than a very skele- ton basis for some time. It is felt that the most benefit can be derived by loan- ing the laboratory and facilities to phe University. ESS CANNED CRAB INDUSTRY OF JAPAN Crab canning in Japan dates from 1880, when a sample of canned erab meat, produced in the Fisheries Laboratory at Nemro, Hokkaido, was exhibited at the Second Industrial Exposition in Tokyo. The first crab cannery was established in 1884 in Fukui Prefecture. This event was followed bythe opening of several other canneries in the immediate area, and the industry flourished briefly. However, the crab canned there, the zuwai-gani (Chionectes opilio), was of poor quality and was far inferior for canning to the taraba-gani (Paralithodes camtschatica) of the northern regions. With the establishment of canning factories in Hokkaido, Karafuto, and Kamchatka after the Russo-Japanese War, canning activities in the Fukui district ceased. The Hokkaido industry was centered near the city of Otaru until 1891, but with the increasing demand for the superior taraba crab, canneries spread rapidly northward along the coast. Canned crab was exported to the United States for the first time in 1906. The annual pack in this area increased from 37,4357 cases in 1916 to 172,885 cases in 1934. As early as 1922, fear of overproduction and evidence of depletion of the supply caused the Government to take restrictive measures which resulted in the amalgamation of all canneries under one controlling organization. The control of the industry changed hands several times until 1941, when the Government ordered all land-based crab and salmon canneries in the northern Pacific area placed under control of the Nichiro Fishing Company. --Fishery Leaflet 314 2h, COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 DEVELOPMENTS Additions to the Fleet of US. Fishing Vessels First documents as fishing craft were received by 87 vessels of 5 net tons and over during July 1950--40 less than in July 1949, the Treasury Department's Bureau of the Customs reports. California led with 26 vessels, followed by Washington with 12, and Texas, Florida, and Alaska with 8 vessels each. A total of 529 vessels were documented, during the first seven months of 1950 compared with 622 during the same period in 1949. ___Vessels Obtaining Their First Documents as Fishing Craft Jul 1950 Seven mos. ending with July | Total | Section 1949 1950 1949 1949 Hawaii Oe Oe ee ee ee ee) Araes 2 3 9 25 38 8 i [8%] Total e@eeeaovnevenecdee 0080 Vessels have been assigned to the various a SeuIGae on the =e of their home port. Atlantic Coast Marine Fisheries Pollution Study / The Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission is conducting a study and in- vestigation on the extent and effect of pollution on the marine fisheries of its member States. Specifically, the program has for its objective an over-all study of the problem and determination of the extent and effect of pollution, of indus- trial and domestic origin, upon the economy of the fishing industry of the Atlantic Coast States. Under provisions of Public Law 845 (Highty-First Congress, First Session), the Commission received a grant—in-aid from the U. S. Public Health Service making it I/THIS 1S AN ABSTRACT OF A REPORT (“REPORT ON PROGRESS OF THE POLLUTION STUDY PROJECT") PRESENTED BY THE SANITATION COMMITTEE OF THE ATLANTIC STATES MARINE FISHERIES COMMISSION AT THE MEETING OF THE COMMISSION HELD JUNE 8, 1950, AT OLD POINT COMFORT, VA, October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 25 possible to carry out this work and the program was started in December of last yeare Administrative operations connected with this study are conducted by the Com- mission, while technical direction of the survey is under the supervision of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, acting in its official capacity as the primary research agency for the Commission. For practical purposes, the study was arbitrarily divided into two closely related phases, with the third and final phase presenting the over-all findings compiled from information gathered during the’preliminary surveys. A brief de- scription of these steps is as follows:- 1. RECORD OF PREVIOUS POLLUTION ACTIVITIES AND CURRENT STATUS OF PROBLEM: A review in each state of all previous ac- tivities relating to pollution and the fisheries, including a report containing presentation of the facts evolving from the study. This will reveal what remedies have been proposed to abate or prevent pollution, to what extent they have been adopted, and the resulting effect upon the fisheries. In short, an inventory and analysis of the current pollution situation relative to marine fisheries. will be made to determine the extent of the fisheries involved, and to obtain realistic estimates on the amual monetary loss directly attributal to pollution. Fishermen, fish processors, state and municipal officials will be interviewed to obtain pertinent data relative to the problem. The anticipated re- sults accruing from this part of the study would bring to the attention of the proper officials the value of the fisheries affected and assure proper recognition of the industry in the event of subsequent formulation of pollution-abatement programs. 3. ASSEMBLY OF FINDINGS: The objective will be to assemble all findings resulting from work undertaken in the first two phases of the study. This will include a historical sunmary and report on the current status of all fisheries pollution activities; evaluation of the efficacy and urgency of current sectional programs with recommendations and suggestions to the proper authorities that action be taken for corrective measures, where such are indicated to be necessary. SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES: Work during the first five months this year has been directed towards completion of the initial study phase, covering the collection of pertinent material from federal, state, and interstate agencies and summarization of these data into reports on individual states. Starting in Massachusetts in January, field work has been conducted in twelve of the member states, with Penn- sylvania, New York, and New Jersey still to be covered. Preliminary reports have been compiled for Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, Rhode Island and North Carolina, while data from Virginia, Florida, and Maryland is available for completion of subsequent reports. 26 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 California Canning Industry Requested Not To Use Subtilin in Food Preservation The California canning industry has been requested by that State's Bureau of Food and Drug Inspections, Department of Public Health, not to use subtilin for preserving low acid food products until more information has been developed on this method. The Bureau of Agricultural and Industrial Chemistry, United States Department of Agriculture, has done considerable work on subtilin at its Western Regional Re- search Laboratory in Albany, California, and on December 29, 1949, released a report suggesting the use of subtilin supplemented by mild heat for preserving foods. Since this release, their work has been given wide publicity and a number of food processors have expressed great interest in the subtilin-mild heat method for pre- serving food. Following the December 29th release, the National Canners Association labora- tories undertook a study of the effect of subtilin supplemented by mild heat onfood spoilage organisms-—including Cl. botulinum. Test packs of a variety of vegetable products to whitch subtilin had been added in the amounts used in the tests at the Western Regional Laboratories were inoculated with suitable spoilage organisms, and heated for the recommended time. The results showed marked variations in the in- itial sensitivity of different spoilage organisms to varying concentrations of sub- tilin, but after incubation the majority of the organisms had grown and spoiled the food. At the Cannery Board meeting on June 21, 1950, Dr. K. R. Meyer called attention to the serious health hazard involved in the use of this method for the preservation of low acid foods. The Board directed the Department to advise California canners that, based upon the experimental findings to date, no early application of this method of preservation could be expected—particularly for products packed under California State Cannery Inspection. The investigations are being continued to determine under what conditions, if any, subtilin might be made destructive against food spoilage organisms, including Cl. botulinum. Federal Aid Branch to Handle Fishery and Wildlife Restoration Programs Administration of the Dingell-Johnson program, which provides Federal aid for State sport fisheries beginning July 1, 1951, will be handled by the Branch of Fed- eral Aid of the Fish and Wildlife Service, according to an announcement made on September 12 by the Secretary of the Interior. The new work will be merged with the administrative activities now performed by the Service under the Pittman-Robertson Federal aid to wildlife program which has been in operation since 1938. "By placing the responsibility of handling both these cooperative programs in a single Federal Aid organization, augmented by fishery specialists qualified October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 27 toappraise the various projects submitted by the States, we believe that the two lines of endeavor can be administered with the greatest economy and efficiency," Albert M. Day, Service director, said. Plans are being worked out for a series of meetings between Service officials and groups of officials responsible for fishery work in the States for the purpose of discussing the new law and the types of activities which will be approvable under the language of the law. This same procedure was followed prior to inaugura- tion of work under the Pittman-Robertson Act. Growing out of these discussions, rules and regulations required by the law for adoption by the Secretary of the Interior will be drafted and a fishery policy manual prepared for issuance to the cooperating States. The Service expects to have all of this accomplished by early next spring. The Dingell—Johnson Federal Aid to Fisheries Act (Public Law 681, 8lst Congress) was approved by the President on August 9, 1950. Funds to carry out the purposes of the act, however, will not be available until an ee aa thsohs is made by the Congress ees the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1951.4) 1/SEE COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 1950, P. 26. Federal Purchases of Fishery Products DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY, JULY 1950: A total of 1 » 326,003 pounds (valued at $527,611) of fresh and frozen fishery products were purchased by the Army Quarter- master Corps during July this year for the U. S. Army, Navy, Marine Corps, and Air Force for military feeding (see Table). Purchases during July, as compared with the previous month, were down 13.5 percent in quantity and 16.1 percent in value; and compared with July 1949, this July's purchases were 9 percent lower in quantity, but 9 percent higher in value. Purchases of Fresh and Frozen Fishery Products by Department of the Army July and the First Seven Months, 1949 and 1950) Qcoraran re Tey VALUE Er a Jul 1949 1950 1949 Purchases for the first seven months this year were still below the correspond- ing period a year earlier--the quantity purchased was 17.6 percent lower, but the value was 2.8 percent higher. 28 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, Noe 10 Great Lakes Fishery Investigations weirs and traps operated within and without the first Experimental Control Zone, according to the Chief of the Service's Great Lakes Fishery Investigations. These devices took a total of 31,518 spawning-run sea lampreys in Michigan streams. Seven weirs and traps operated in Wisconsin, on a cooperative basis with the Wisconsin Conservation Department, captured 16,391 sea lampreys. One weir and trap operated during a portion of the season in Indiana took 896 sea lampreys. Of 2,853 migrant sea lampreys tagged from a blockaded run in the Cheboygan River, 291 (10.2 percent) have been recovered to date at distances as great as 150 miles from the point of tagging. Data on weir operations and the tagging experiment are currently being tabulated and analyzed. Field surveys to locate and catalog actual and potential sea lamprey spawning streams were conducted throughout the second quarter this year in the Lake Superior basin and will probably be continued until well into the fall. Reports from the survey parties and from other sources indicate that the lamprey is more firmly es- tablished in Lake Superior than heretofore suspected. Plans are progressing for installation of an electric fish screen and a checking weir and trap in the Chocolay River, a tributary of Lake Superior, near Marquette, Michigan, known to have a siz- able spawning run. Fishing operations were begun in July in the inshore waters of Lake Huron be- tween Hammond Bay and Cheboygan, Michigan, for the purpose of obtaining from es- tablished sampling areas data on the abundance and degree of scarring of fish at- tacked by the sea lamprey. All lamprey-scarred fish taken are brought into the laboratory for studies, currently under way, on the feeding habits of the sea lam- prey . Reconstruction and improvement of control devices and installations have been carried on with the object of refining these structures for more efficient and eco- nomical operation. Spot checks made of 19 south-shore tributaries of Lake Superior between Munising, Michigan, and Cornucopeia, Wisconsin, revealed evidence of sea lamprey spawning in three of them (all between Munising and Marquette). —— Gl " Gulf Exploratory Fishery Program "OREGON" LOCATES GROOVED SHRIMP (Cruise No. oye A series of shrimp-trawl drags were made by the Service's Gulf exploretory fishery vessel Oregon on its third cruise from July 5 to August. 31. The Oregon operated during this period in waters south of the Alabama-Missis- sippi coasts in depths from 10 to 232 fathoms. Most of this area lies east of the delta of the Mississippi. Observations on Grooved Shrimp: Exploratory drags were made with 40-foot and 55-foot shrimp trawls. A single cable and a bridle were used with weighted trawl October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 29 doors. After locating shrimp, drags were made with a 100-foot shrimp trawl (12- foot trawl doors set with two cables were used). The style of rig used was simi- lar to that employed extensively by larger shrimp boats in the northwest Gulf area. Relatively higher concentrations of grooved shrimp were found at night with the 40-foot trawl between 10 and 20 fathoms and between 35 and 50 fathoms, and no grooved shrimp were taken in deeper water in this series of dragsek The grooved shrimp taken in the 10-to 20-fathom range were mixed Peneus aztecus and Peneus duorarum, and the smaller ones were mostly P. aztecus. In the 35-to 50-fathom range, the grooved shrimp taken were all Peneus aztecus running from 7 to 14 count, heads on. A series of five night drags in 36 to 45 fathoms with the 100-foot shrimp trawl produced shrimp at a rate of 128 pounds per hour. These drags were made at widely spaced intervals between longitude 88° W. and longitude 88° 50' W., and indicate that the shrimp in the area were widely scattered in these depths. Inone drag, the weight of shrimp exceeded the weight of scrap, but a ratio of approxi- mately one pound of shrimp to three pounds of scrap was usual in the 35-to 50- fathom depth range. Of 52 drags made in this series, trawls were damaged six times and one trawl was lost. Rocks or coral were encountered in 48 fathoms. Observations on other Shrimp: As expected the white shrimp were only taken in small quantity, since the shallower water drags were made at night. None were taken in more than 20 fathoms. Try-drags in 195 and 232 fathoms produced 8% and 12 pounds of a bright red species of shrimp large enough to be of possible commer- cial interest. Hurricanes in the Gulf of Mexico in August restricted the exploratory fishing operations of the vessel. Although the Oregon did not receive any damage from the storms, much time was lost in returning to port forhurricane preparations. 250 fathoms. The greater amount of time will be spent in fishing west of the Mis- sissippi River. The vessel left on September 11 and is expected to return to Pascagoula on October 2.. Investigations will be carried out on grooved shrimp in depths greater than 25 fathoms in order to determine whether the stocks of large grooved shrimp (Peneus aztecus), found in depths from 36 to 50 fathoms east of the Mississippi River, are also present west of the Mississippi and to determine the extent and concentration of such stocks. Work also will be continued on related problems concerning the fishing of grooved shrimp indeeper waters. A preliminary report from the vessel indicated that during the early part of September hurricanes in the general area of operations caused interruptions to the fishing effort, but also resulted in interesting observations regarding the migra- tion of shrimp under storm conditions. It was found that populations of large brown shrimp, Peneus aztecus, found in 38 to 50 fathoms south of the coast of Mississippi 30 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 in late August, moved into water 7 to 10 fathoms shallower following the hurricane that approached that Coast on August 30. In order to verify the indications previously obtained by exploratory drags that stocks of shrimp in deeper water may be large, the Oregon fished continuously one night in 32-34 fathoms in a position centered at 28°56.5' N. latitude, and 899 36.5! W. longitude. This fishing effort resulted in a catch of 2,700 pounds of 12- to 14-count heads—on shrimp. Limit of Expansion for East Coast Rosefish Fishery Reached Rosefish (Sebastes marinus), an East Coast spiny-rayed fish which is filleted and marketed. as "ocean perch," " now exceeds the once-dominant haddock in the amount landed. From a small beginning in the mid—30's, the catch has exceeded 327 million pounds for the past two years. This species is one which is widely distributed over the northern Atlantic and is taken in large quan- tities by the European fish- ery as well as by our own, the Section of Marine Fish- eries of the Service's Branch of Fishery Biology reports. The European fish average much larger insize than do those on the Atlantic Coast of America. The catch has been main-— ROSEFISH (SEBASTES MARINUS) tained by expanding the fish- ing area for this species from the original Gulf of Maine operation to include the more distant Nova Scotian grounds. As the reserve of older fish has been removed from the local grounds, the fleet has been forced farther afield until now the apparent limit of expansion has been reached. Being a very slow-growing fish, the rosefish requires something like 10 years to attain sexual maturity. Because of this, the rate of replacement is slow, and sustained heavy catches, after the accumulated stock of older fish has been removed, seems unlikely. A decline in production of this valuable resource seems inevitable. October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIAS REVIEW 31 North Atlantic Fishery Investigations "ALBATROSS III" COMPLETES FISH POPULATION CENSUS ON SOUTH@RN NW. ENGLAND BANKS (Cruise No. 38): Completion of a census of fish populations on the southern New England banks was the purpose of Cruise No. 38 (August 21-30) of the Albatross III, research vessel of the Service's North Atlantic Fishery Investigaticns. During this cruise, 79 half-hour tows were made at 58 stations from Cape Ann to Block Island. A concentration of large rosefish (redfish) was found 35 to 50 miles east of the Highlands. The catch of large and scrod haddock was very poor. Baby haddock (young-of-the-year) were taken in large numbers southeast of Nantucket Lightship in 60-75 fathoms, south of No Mans Land in 35 fathoms, and south of Block Island in 35-45 fathoms. The taking of these small fish may indicate a good year class. In 1948, baby haddock were taken as far west as Ambrose Lightship and at the present time this 1948 year class is very abundant, e.g., the recent large landings of scrod at the Boston Fish Pier. Data on the size, numbers, and weight of all species of fish, bottom temper-— atures, and bottom samples were also obtained at each station. TAGGING HADDOCK ABOARD THE ALBATROSS Ji}, RESEARCH VESSEL OF THE SERVICE'S NORTH ATLANTIC FISHERY |NVESTIGATIONS. 32 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 fishing produced lively fish which made possible this record tagging operation. The biologists are confident that these fish have survived the tagging operations and will be recaptured in the future in large enough numbers to determine much about their migration routes. Fishermen and: fish handlers are urged to be on the lookout for these tagged haddock which bear red tags, 1/2 inch in diameter, on their left-hand gill covers. The Service will pay $1.00, for the return of each tag and would appreciate infor- mation as to where and when each fish was caught. One of the difficulties encountered in getting these haddock back to the bot- tom alive was numerous sharks that appeared after each tow and ate the tagged fish as they were released. Of three sharks taken on a hand line, one was found tohave 40 scrod haddock in its stomach. Following this discovery, various methods were used to discourage the sharks, and in one 30-hour tagging period, 68 sharks were shot, of which 58 are believed to have been killed. As usual en route to the haddock grounds, surface lines were trolled for pe- lagic fish and on this cruise a large concentration of bluefin tuna were encountered. About 58 fish were hooked while steaming along the Southwest Part of Georges and 25 that averaged approximately 11 pounds apiece were landed. This is the first record of concentrations of tuna in this area to the knowledge of the personnel of the vessel... The Albatross III headed for port whenhurricane warnings were received, but was able to get no closer than 60 miles off Race Point. The vessel successfully rode out thehurricane with gale and hurricane winds up to over 100 m.p.h. on September 2 _ and 12, and then continued on to Woods Hole. G Je>* North Pacific Exploratory Fishery Program of the Service's exploratory fishing vessels. The vessel operated during themonth from Cape St. Elias in the Gulf of Alaska to Cape Blanco in southern Oregon. Only scattered tuna were caught in Alaskan waters. These were found 50 to 70 miles offshore in the Forester Island to Cape Bartolome area, and were taken in a surface-water temperature of 55° F. The amount of warm water in the Alaskan area was found to be very limited and decidedly affected by meteorological conditions. Following storms in the area of operations, surface temperatures were found to be several degrees lower. During most of the month, albacore were still being taken, often in good quan- tities, by the trollers fishing off the Queen Charlotte Islands in northern British Columbia, but these fish did not penetrate in any quantity the barrier of colder water to the northward in the Alaskan area, In working to the southward as far as Cape Blanco, favorable water temperatures as high as 62° F. were the rule, but latest reports stated that tuna seemed gener- ally absent from the area. Indications of feed or birds were also extremely scarce. On the southward phase of the operations, the vessel did not find tuna in any quan- tity south of Cape St. James in the Queen Charlottes. October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 33 Several days were spent fishing long-line gear on the new seamontl/ located 280 miles west of Willapa Bay on the Washington Coast. The location of the seamount is 46°44! N. latitude, 130947! W. longitude. Good catches of red rockfish (Sebas— todes ruberrimus) were again made at 70 fathoms. No concentration of halibut was found, although three good-sized prime halibut were taken. Gear set at 100-110 fathoms came up clear, indicating fairly good bottom. Possibilities for trawling the grounds remain ve uestionable. I/SEE COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, AUGUST 1950, P. 18. Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations "HENRY O'MALLEY" SCOUTS FOR BAIT AND FISHES FOR TUNA (Cruise No. IV): The Henry O'Malley on its Cruise No. Tv (July 1-August 30) scouted for bait in the waters of French Frigate Shoals and Midway Island; worked Canton Island lagoon for bait; made a preliminary bait reconnaissance at Hull Island; and conducted tuna fishing around Canton, Birnie, and Enderbury islands (in the Phoenix Group), and near Kingman Reef (Line Islands) on the return trip. Operational difficulties forced the Henry O'Malley, a research vessel of the Service's Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investi- gations, to Honolulu two weeks ahead of schedule. The islands at French Frigate Shoals were scouted for bait on July 4 and 5 with no success. Large numbers of larval fish wete seen which were identified as immature piha (round herring). Baiting operations were conducted at Midway Island over a period of five days, approximately 422 buckets of bait fish were caught. They consisted of piha (Spratel- loides delicatulus), iao (Pranesus insularum), aholehole (Kuhlia sandvichensis), weke or goatfish (Pseudopeneus pleurostigma), and mullet (iMugil spe). This bait was caught during the day with 40- and 80- fathom seines in both shallow and deep water. All the piha died or were lost through the screens (some fish were very small) en route to Canton Island. Other species lived well in the bait tanks andsuffered only a small mortality. At Canton Island baiting activities were conducted in Canton lagoon for a pe- riod of one week, during which time a total of approximately 125 buckets of bait were caught in shallow water with a 40-fathom seine. This bait consisted of mullet, weke or goatfish (Mulloidichthys auriflamma), iao (Atherina ovalaua), and asnapper (Lutianus vaigiensis). Bait was rather scarce here, and the distance for transfer- ring it to the vessel was from 1-2} miles in a coral-studded lagoon. Baiting ac- tivities could be conducted with a force 4 easterly wind blowing but anything stronger than this curtailed all operations. A preliminary bait reconnaissance was made of the lagoon at Hull Island. Only small scattered schools of mullet were observed. Bait Fishing: In the Phoenix Islands, the weather was generally unfavorable for fishing activities, with usually an easterly wind of greater than Beaufort force 4 prevailing, and swells from 10-15 feet high outside the lee of the islands. Near Canton Island, a total of 31 small, scattered, fast-moving schools of 34 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 skipjack and yellowfin, located by feeding birds, were approached and chummed, but only nine skipjack, of approximately 25 pounds each, were caught with pole and line in this area, due to the inability of drawing fish into racks by chumming. Five small schools of tuna were observed at Birnie Island and six small schools were seen at Enderbury Island. These were subsurface schools brought up by trolling jigs. During the one day at Birnie Island, approximately 2,100 pounds of two-pole yellow- fin tuna were caught from one school, and on the following day at Enderbury Island, a catch was made of approximately 1,600 pounds of one-pole yellowfin tuna fram one school. The weather during these two days of fishing was good. There were no in- dications of any large amount of tuna around any of these islands, and of the schools worked it was found difficult or impossible, in most cases, to chum the fishin close to the stern of the vessel. Also, large number of sharks in the area tended to dis— perse the schools when chummed. The vessel left Canton Island for Honolulu via Palmyra and Kingnan Reef on Au- gust 20, and only one morning ‘was spent scouting for tuna at each place. Several small schools of both yellowfin and skipjack were observed around Kingman Reef, and one of these schools yielded approximately 260 pounds of one-pole yellowfin tuna and 350 pounds of rainbow runners, before all of the remaining bait was expended. Numerous sharks came close to the stern of the vessel causing the tuna to disperse and submerge. Other Activities: Surface trolling was conducted during each day of travel from sunrise until sunset; fish were observed and caught mainly near the island areas, but some were seen up 400 miles offshore. A good series of morphometric measurements of yellowfin tuna was collected in the Phoenix Group for comparison with other areas as part of the study of racial differentiation of this species. Stomach contents and ovaries of a considerable number were also preserved for use in food-habits and spawning studies. Series of subsurface temperature observations were taken across the equatorial counter-equatorial current system both en route to and returning from the Phoenix Groupe These will enable the oceanographers to determine the positions of the current boundaries at this season as part of the study of the variation of this major current system, and its relationship to productivity of the sea. "HUGH M, SMITH" STUDIES ABUNDANCE OF TUNA SPAWN AND NEW DEVICE (Cruise No. VI): The primary mission of the early part of Cruise VI (August 18-September 5) of the Hugh M. Smith was to sample the waters in the vicinity of the Hawaiian Islands for tuna larvae and eggs in order to determine the areas and depths of greatest abundance of tuna spawn. The vessel, one of three research vessels operated. by the Service's Pacific Oceanic Fishery Investigations, in addition took measurements of the forces and angles involved in towing a system of three plankton nets on a 1/i, inch cable to furnish data for computing levels at which the nets were fished. The latter portion of the vessel's cruise was for the purpose of determining the operational characteristics of bronze high-speed depressors for use with sub- surface collecting equipment, and testing their practicability for high-speed deep trolling for tuna. The device used is shaped to exert a downward pull when towed through the water, acting like a kite in reverse. Although it weighs only 30 pounds in air and less in water, it exerted a 400-pound downward pull at a speed of 83 knots. The depressors proved stable and capable of being towed at depths up to 25 fathoms and at a speed of 8 to 9 knots. From September 1 to September 5 the vessel did some deep trolling with a single lure attached to a depressor at speeds of October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 35 between 53 and 7 knots and a depth of 100 feet in the vicinity of Waianae, Oahu, and Penguin Bank, Molokai. No fish were taken by this means. A continuous watch was kept for schools ami signs of tuna while running during the day. The greatest number of schools (skipjack) were seen in the waters lying to the north of the Island of Kauai. Night-light fishing with a 200-watt submarine incandescent light and dip nets was conducted when sea and other conditions permitted for the purpose of collecting juvenile tunas and tuna-food organisms. . y. —=_ San Service to Make Massachusetts Seafoods Film The colorful commercial fishery fleets of Massachusetts will figure in a new educational motion picture which the Fish and Wildlife Service is planning to pro- duce next summer, according to an announcement made early in September. The film, to be financed by the State of Massachusetts and the Massachusetts seafood industry, will be produced and distributed under the direction of the Serv— ice's Branch of Commercial Fisheries. It wiil deal with major phases of commercial fishing in Massachusetts. Tentatively titled "Seafoods from Massachusetts," the 16-mm. sound and color film is planned to run about 25 minutes. The Gloucester fishing fleet landing ocean perch, the haddock and whiting op- erations of the trawler fleet from Boston Fish Pier, the scallop draggers of New Bedford, the Provincetown draggers, and the lobstermen and shellfish fishermen along the Massachusetts coast offer many opportunities of portraying the State's fisheries. To plan the film's production, a motion picture advisory group, with members representing the fishing industry of New Bedford, Boston, and Gloucester, and the Service, has been established by the Massachusetts Fisheries Committee appointed by Governor Dever. The Fish and Wildlife Service will supervise the filming of the picture, and distribute prints of the movie through its distribution centers and through private film libraries. "Shipbuilders of Essex" Awarded First Prize at Venice Film Exhibition Among the U. S. Government films awarded first prizes at the Eleventh Inter- national Exhibition of Cenematographic Art at Venice, Italy, August 8 toSeptember 10, 1950, was Shipbuilders of Essex, in the technical films class (one of several classes), according to a State Department press release. This film shows skilled craftsmen of Essex, Massachusetts, constructing a wooden fishing trawler, and was produced for the Department of State's Information Service. Among the 20 United States films selected for showing at this Exhibition was also the Fish and Wildlife Service film Food for Thought. gill 36 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 Social Security Act Amendments of [950 Affect Fishing Industries The "Social Security Act Amendments of 1950" (Public Law 734—8lst Congress) , approved by the President on August 28 this year, will affect the fishery industries. Some relatively minor administrative features are already operative, but most of the more important ones affecting the fishery industries will go into effect Janu- ary De gS. The law brings self-employed persons in the fishery industries under the Fed- eral Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System. A tax of 2i percent will be imposed on self-employment income for the first three years. Self-employment income is defined by the law as "net earnings from self-employment derived by an individual. (other than a nonresident alien individual) during any taxable year beginning after December 31, 1950; except that such term shall not include: "], That part of the net earnings from self-employment which is in excess of: (A) $3,600, minus (B) the amount of the wages paid to such individual during the taxable year; or "2. The net earnings from self-employment, if such net earnings for the taxable year are less than $4 It is estimated by the Fish and Wildlife Service's Branch of Commercial Fish- eries that about 36,000 self-employed fishermen will be covered by the law. These individuals will contribute to the Social Security System about $2,000,000 during the first year. In addition to self-employed fishermen, proprietors of fisheries processing, wholesaling, retailing, and allied businesses operated as individual concerns or partnerships will be subject to this tax. According to information available at present, the collection of the social security tax on self-employment income will be administered and collected in con- junction with the Internal Revenue Bureau's income tax collection system. The maximum amount of wages of employees on which the tax for Old-Age and Sur- vivors Insurance is calculated is raised by this new law from $3,000 to $3,600 per annum. The effect of this will be to raise present contributions both by the em- ployer and employee by 20 percent for all employees earning $3,600 or more per year, but these increased contributions will provide a higher base on which annuity pay- ments will be computed and paid when benefits become due. Fishermen employed on vessels under 10 net tons (except vessels in the halibut or salmon fisheries) have been excluded from the Old-Age and Survivors Insurance System and the tax under the Social Security Act and continue to be so exempt under the new law. However, self-employed fishermen owning these vessels are now covered, and these individuals are reyuired to pay the tax on self-employment income. October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 37. Wholesale and Retail Prices WHOLESALE PRICES, AUGUST 1950: From July to August this year wholesale prices of nearly all fishery products increased substantially. The edible fish and shell- fish (fresh, frozen, and canned) wholesale index for August was 105.6 percent of the 1947 average--8.3 percent higher than the previous month and 6.7 percent above August 1949 (see tablel), according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics of the Depart- ment of Labor. Sharp advances in all food prices, which started in July, continued aa August, and edible nia products followed the same trend. Drawn, Dressed, or Whole Finfish: Haddock, large, offshore, drawn, fresh Boston Halibut, Western, 20/80 lbs., dressed, fresh or frozen New York City Salmon, king, lge. & med., fresh or frozen Lake trout, domestic, mostly No, 1, drawn (dressed), fresh Whitefish, mostly Lake Superior, drawn (axenaed))s fresh Whitefish, mostly Lake Erie pound nec Tound, freESh seeseerereseves-ereree Yellow pike, mostly Michigan (Lakes Michigan & Huron), round, fresh ........ Processed, Fresh (Fish and Shellfish): .. Fillets, haddock, small, skins on, 20-lb. tins Boston Shrimp, lge. (26-30 gout); headless, fresh OF FTOZEN eeccerccccsecccrsnccccces New York City Oysters, shucked, standards Norfolk srea gal. . * Prinsesed eer zenl (Leh and | Siel Ptah) |*\aise cas scls cis aiis ck lsielsbisineics ns Spiess oeinw ls abieiny aaa Gabiseiomlcmicais es! ees Fillets: Flounder (yellowtail), skinless LO-1b, DOXOS sececesceseseccees Boston Haddock, small, 10-1b.cello-pack i! Rosefish, 10-lb. cello-pack Gloucester Shrimp, lge. (26-30 count), 5- to 10-lb.bxs Chicago Canned Fishery Products: “Salmon, pink, No. 1 tall (16 oz.), 48 Gana POT CASE se-seeee Seattle Tuna, light meat, zelda: rack No. i os (7 0z.), 48 cans per CAS© seeeseescnvess ase Los Angeles Sardines (pilchards), California, tomate pack, No. 1 oval (150z.), 48 cans per case .. Sardines, Maine, keyless oil, No. 4 drawn Sf oz.), 100 cans per case 1/Revised Because of the Korean conflict and the resulting increased demand for canned fishery products, and the small salmon pack reported through the end of August this year, canned fish markets were even stronger during August than in July. The big- gest increases during August occurred in the canned fishery products subgroup. The August index for canned fish was 106.3 percent of the 1947 average—16.0 percent higher than July, but 0.4 percent below August 1949. Prices for all canned fish in this subgroup rose, with canned pink salmon selling in August at prices that were 28.4 percent higher than in July and 8.7 percent higher than in August a year ago. In spite of the fact that the Maine sardine pack at the end of August was more than 50 percent higher than the previous year at the same time, wholesale prices of canned Maine sardines also showed an increase during August. Prices of items under the drawn, dressed, or whole finfish subgroup continued to rise (August prices were 4.2 percent higher than for the previous month). Com- pared to the previous month, yellow pike prices at New York City during August were considerably higher, while prices of all other items in this subgroup increased moderately in most cases, except for whitefish prices at New York City which de- clined slightly. In August, prices for this subgroup were still 15.1 percent higher than in August 1949. The Canadian railroad strike in August curtailed the supply of fresh-water fish available in United States markets and no doubt accounted for the increased prices in almost, all of the fresh-water items in this subgroup. 38 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 Fresh processed fish and shellfish prices were 3.5 percent higher during Au- gust as compared with July and 8.3 percent higher than in August 1949. Among the individual items in this subgroup, only haddock fillets sold at lower prices during August. August prices for the items in the frozen processed fish and shellfish sub- group were 2.1 percent higher than in July and 9.6 percent higher than in August a year earlier. Except for shrimp, all of the products included in this subgroup wholesaled at higher prices during August. More liberal supplies of frozen shrimp resulted in a drop in the wholesale prices of 5.6 percent fran July to August, and prices during August this year were 3.7 percent below the corresponding month the previous year. RETAIL PRICES, AUGUST 1950: Retail food prices declined 0.5 percent on the average between July 15 and August 15, 1950--the first drop in the food index since February 1950. The retail food price index on August 15 was 209.0 percent of the 1935-39 average, 3.2 percent higher than a year earlier, and 2.2 percent above mid- June 1950 (table 2), just before the Korean conflict started. Fish and shellfish retail prices, however, continued to increase, following the general trend established at wholesale for these commodities, but the increase in retail prices-was not as great. For all fish and shellfish (fresh, frozen, and canned), the August 15 retail index was 302.5 percent of the 1935-39 average--2.0 percent higher than on July 15, but still 2/1 percent lower than on August 15,1949. Table 2 - Retail Price Indexes for Foods and Fishery Products, August 15, 1950, with Comparative Data All fish and shellfish (fresh, frozen, & canned) .. esh and frozen fish ..cccoce Canned salmon: pink .ecrccoce ‘ Prices of fresh and frozen fishery products at retail rose 1.3 percent from mid-July to mid-August this year, and on August 15 were 9.8 percent higher than on the same date a year earlier. The biggest increase in retail prices of fishery products was for canned pink salmon. Retail prices for this item rose 3.7 percent from mid-July ‘to mid-August this year, but on August 15 were still 22.3 percent below mid-August 1949. However, the small salmon pack this year (the smallest since 1921) will no doubt result. in more substantial increases in the retail prices of all canned salmon. In fact, the increased demand for canned fishery products in general will probably result in price increases for almost all of these commodities. October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 39 ECA Procurement Authorizations for Fishery Products No procurement and reimbursement author- izations for fishery products (edible and inedible) were announced by the Economic Cooperation Administration during September 1950. In addition, no cancellations or de- creases affecting previous authorizations for fishery products were reported. Total ECA procurement authorizations for fishery products from April 1, 1948, through September 30, 1950, amounted to $28,016,000 ($16,267,000 for edible fish- ery products, $10,209,000 for fish and whale oils, and $1,540,000 for fish meal). European Recovery Program Notes AMERICAN RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY PLACED AT SERVICE OF WESTERN EUROPE: Estab-— nology at the service of Western European manufacturers was announced by the Economic Cooperation Administration on September 30. The aim of the service is to answer technical- problems—-already solved by American industry— which are constantly arising to plague European plant managers and engineers. It is one part of an over-all program, the objective of which is to enable Western Europe to increase out-— put at a lower unit cost, permitting lower prices, as well as equitable wages andprofits. The "Mail Answer Service" will be operated by the Office of Technical Services of the U. S. Department of Commerce, whose facilities will be opened to plant managers, union technicians, and others having production problems in the participating countries. Therefore, the Office of Technical Services will be able to give the same assistance to European industry that it has given, and is giving, American industry by supplying solutions to many of the problems which hinder production. The new service will have some benefits for the U. S. businessmen too, accord- ing to the Director of ECA's Technical Assistance Division. Plans are now under way to make European production information available to American industry. The Organ- ization for European Economic Cooperation, which requested approval of the service under ECA's technical assistance program, has recommended to the participating countries that they open an inter—European network of information centers which will provide services in Europe similar to those of the Office of Technical Services. The Office of Technical Services is prepared to answer questions in 35 major categories of industry, including food preserving. 40 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 EUROPEAN PAYMENTS UNION IN OPERATION: L/ With the Paris signing of the agree- ment by the 18 Marshall Plan countries on September 19, the European Payments Union was placed in formal operation, according to the Economic CooperationAdministration. Out of the $500 million that Congress has appropriated to ECA for use in the form of transfers of funds to international institutions to promote transferability of European currencies and trade liberalization, ECA has made available $350 million for the European Payments Union's operations. According to the ECA Administrator, "the agreement, which is retroactive to last July, now brings the long-sought goal of currency convertibility and increased intra-European trade much nearer....By making the various European currencies in effect convertible among themselves, the Union will promote freer trade in Europe. In addition, the progressive removal of trade barriers, such as, quantitative re- strictions on goods between countries in the Union, will increase the efficiency of manufacturing and trading and will benefit the consumer." I/SEE COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, AUGUST 1950, P. 14. THE EFFECT OF A SEAFOOD DIET ON THE RED CELL COUNT, HEMOGLOBIN VALUE, AND: HEMATOCRIT OF HUMAN BLOOD Seafood products are of major importance for their nutritional value. It is reasonable to suppose that marine animals living in a medium contain- ing all the mineral elements needed by the human body would be a highly nu- tritious class of food. Since the minerals may be supplied to us in a usable form, by marine animals, we can get iron and copper to prevent nutritional anemia, iodine to prevent goiter, as well as phosphorous, copper and magnesium which are needed to regulate other body functions. Oysters, shrimp, and crab meat,in addition to being rich sources of iron, copper and iodine contain one-half as much calcium, three times as much mag- nesium, and much more phosphorus than an equal quantity of milk. The oyster is comparable to liver and to milk, in its rich sources of nutrients. One pound of oysters provides about 12 percent of the energy needed by a man for one day; alsc, 50 percent of the protein, 26 percent of the calcium, 40 percent of the phosphorus, over 184 percent of the iron, and about 110 } percent of the iodine, as well as vitamin A, thiamine, riboflavin and ascor- bic acid. Fish, as well as shellfish, are good sources of protein, phosphorus, iron, and iodine. The protein content of fish is comperable to beef and liver, and is higher than that of milk. --Fishery Leaflet 334 October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 41 —— ee = FOREIGN = a — An opportunity has arisen to test pole fishing with live bait and purse seining for tuna in Australian waters, the July 1950 Fisheries Newsletter of the Australien Director of Fisheries reports, Negotiations are now taking place between American interests and the various Australian Departments concerned to facilitate the entry of the tuna vessels in that country's waters, The offer to test live-bait pole fishing has been made by the general manager of the Fiji-Samoa tuna enterprises (see Commercial Fisheries Review, September 1950, p.52). These companies plan to bring a tuna clipper, live-bait boat, anda re-~ frigerated carrier, Wanned by experienced crews, to see if they can catch in Aus- tralian waters the tuna that they have failed to take in sufficient quantity in Fijian waters, SOUTHERN BLUEFIN TUNA ( THUNNUS MACCOY 11) 1S CAUGHT NEAR AUSTRALIA. A somewhat similar offer has been made by one of California's largest tuna packers through a company in Sydney, This company plans to send a purse~seine skipper and vessel, and a skilled crew, In addition to proving if tuna can be taken in Australian waters in commercial quantities by either or both of these two fishing methods, the exploratory fishing planned would provide a valuable opportunity for training Australian crews in both pole fishing and purse seining, provide employment for Australian fishermen, and greatly increase Australia's dollar-earning capacity, It is pointed out that neither of the above methods is within the financial resources of the average Australian fisherman, but for him there will always re- main trolling, which is capable of considerable expansion in New South Wales and can be introduced to other States, 42 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol, 12, No, 10 SPINY LOBSTER AND TUNA EXPLORATIONS PLANNED: To investigate the prospects of finding ne new spiny lobster er (crayfish) grounds in nds in Western Australia, the Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization has chartered the Villaret, a 139= metric-ton vessel, The vessel will operate in an area of 1,200 square miles which extends from North-West Cape to Onslow, and northwards to Barrow and Monte Bello Islands, the Western Australian Fisheries Department reports, The vessel is being equipped with the latest quick-freezing and processing equipment and will be as modern and up-to-date as any on the Australian coast simi- larly engaged, In addition to the standard type of lobster pot, experiments will be made with a recently designed pot not previously used in Western Australia, Special lighted buoys for night hauling will be used, Trolling for tuna and the operation of fish traps will also be undertaken with a view to gauging the commercial possibilities of these two methods of fishing, Should the investigations prove favorable, it is believed that the spiny lob- ster fishing areas of Western Australia (already a valuable dollar-earning source) could be almost doubled, the July 1950 Australian Fisheries Newsletter states, Oe OK Ok UNITED STATES LEADING IMPORTER OF AUSTRALIAN SPINY LOBSTER TAILS: Frozen spiny lobster tails are fast becoming one of Australia's “most i important items in Se AUSTRALIAN F|SHERMEN HAUL UP A LOBSTER POT INTO THEIR CUTTER. CATCHES ARE VARIABLE, DE- PENDING ON THE CONDITIONS AT SEA. THEY'RE LIGHT WHEN A TURBULENT SEA KEEPS THE LOBSTERS IN THEIR CREVICES OR CLINGING TO THE ROCKY BED, AND GOOD WHEN THEY! RE CRAWLING ON THE SEA BED FORAGING FOR FOOD. October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 43 its postwar trade with the United States, according to a report from R, R, Ellen, Australian Government Trade Commissioner at New York City, A relatively small item in 1947,when less than 100,000 pounds were shippedfrom Australiato the United States, the spiny lobster industry has had a spectacular development over the last three years, In 1948, more than 500,000 pounds were sent to the United States; and in the calendar year of 1949, exports tripled to the record figure of more than 1,500,000 pounds (valued at $1,033,167). Since then, exports have been steadily climbing, with 2,609,996 pounds shipped to the United States from July 1949 to the end of June 1950, The United States is Australia's biggest spiny lobster customer, taking about 96 percent of the season's exports (valued at $1,360,000). In the 1948-49 season, Great Britain, the British West Indies, India, and Singa- pore also took shipments, Early shipments of the tails were absorbed by the restaurant and hotel trades, but the capacity A PACKER DISPLAYS TWO AUSTRALIAN SPINY LOBSTERS READY FOR of the Australian fisher- PROCESSING. ies has not been fully gauged, and exporters have hopes of developing the trade to a point where this Aus- tralian food specialty will be selling in many retail stores, The Australian spiny lobster (or marine crayfish), caught in the cool southern waters, is an entirely different species from the rock lobster caught in and around the Caribbean, It has a flesh color varying from white to pink and pale orange, For export to the United States, only the pure wnite is classified as "fancy grade," Processing of the spiny lobsters takes place within a few hours of catching, and every care is taken in their handling to avoid bruising and marking, As the habitat of the Australian spiny lobster is the dark cool waters of the sea floor, speed in transporting it to processing and freezing points is essential, Specific Department of Commerce and Agriculture reguletions determine the tem- peratures at which spiny lobster tails are frozen, stored, and shipped. The tails, which must be severed from the spiny lobsters while alive, are cleaned in clear water, wrapped in cellophane, and quick-frozen at -209 F, They are shipped to the United States in 20-pound packages. Western Australia is by far the largest shipper of "tails" to the United States, but substantial quantities are also shipped from Tasmania and South Australia. The annual catch of spiny lobsters in Western Australia is more than 6,000,000 pounds, or almost one third of that State's total fish production. Most of these shellfish are Ab COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol, 12, No, 10 taken in the Abrolhos Group--coral islands and reefs extending for about 50 miles and lying 40 miles off the coast near Geraldton, The other fishing areas in Western Aus- tralia are coastal waters west and north of Fremantle, Lobster tails promise to be a valuable dollar earner for Australia, xe OK OK OK "ISH CANNERS URGE PROTECTION FROM IMPORTS: Commenting on the closing of three of aE said the Commonwealth Government would have to take urgent action to protect the industry or its future would be seriously prejudiced, reports the Aus~ tralian Fisheries Newsletter in its July 1950 issue, Referring to the successful development of tuna canning in New South Wales last year, which marked the beginning of exploitation of Australia's tuna resources, he pointed out that this new develop~ ment would be seriously retarded if the Government did not find some means of pro- tecting the industry from imports, The Fish Canners! Association, as a general measure of protection from imports, has asked the Government to fix maximum imports from easy-currency countries at 100 percent of their 1938-39 shipments, and from dollar countries at 50 percent, Of the three canneries that ceased operations, two are now processing frozen fish, and the other was sold to a crayfish-processing company, Australia now has 15 canneries operating, at least to some extent, Canada FISHERIES DEPARTMENT ESTIMATES FOR 1950-51 EXPENDITURES: Main and supplemen- tary estimates of expenditures by the Canadian Department of Fisheries for the fiscal year 1950-51 were approved by the House of Commons during its recent session and in- clude activities in the fields of fish inspection, patrol and protection, fish-cul= ture development, research, education, bait services, and international fisheries commissions, according to that Department! s Trade News of July 1950, The Depart- ment's estimates provide for expenditures totaling er Woy 651,174, including 0$1,547,584 for supplementaries, A joint federal-provincial working committee to unify government operations across Canada in fisheries protection, inspection, and development. generally has been established, The largest amount (C#H,,088,650, an increase of C#86/,,250 over the previous fis- cal year) of the 1950-51 funds will be spent for the maintenance of fisheries in- spection, which includes salaries for fishery officers and guardians and the cost of fisheries patrol and protection services, The East Coast administrative machinery has been revamped, and plans call for the reorientation of areas of administration, and in some cases, the reallocation of duties and the engagement of new staff, In the inland areas, the Department's staff has been increased and services for whitefish inspection have been stepped up, The fisheries of the Northwest Ter- ritories, particularly those of Great Slave Lake, are expanding in economic impor= October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 45 tance and Federal officials feel keenly their responsibilities to encourage the utilization of, but at the same time the perpetuation of, the valuable fish stocks there, In Newfoundland, the Department has made a substantial increase in its in- spection staff, Similarly in fish-culture development, continued expansion of the work re- quires an appropriation of C$779,045 for 1950-51, compared to C$#693,400 last year, The main estimates also provide for an expenditure of C$250,000 by the Depart- ment's Information and Educational Services, This provides for increased activi- ties in technical education of fishermen, The Fisheries Research Board of Canada was provided with an appropriation of C$1,550,600 for operation and maintenance, an increase of C$151,925 over last year's funds, and includes 0$103,000 for the acquisition of research equipment, For con- struction and improvements by the Board, the estimates provide an expenditure of C$503,000, Expansion of both biological and technological services of the Board is provided for in these funds, At Halifax, N, S., provision is made for the exten- sion of the work of the Atlantic Experimental Station, and new construction is being undertaken which, among other things, will provide space for pilot-plant ex- periments, At St, Andrews,N. B,, similar building expansion is planned for the Atlantic Biological Station in order to enlarge their conservation and develop- ment studies activities, Both of these undertakings are the result of demands by the industry for increased fisheries research, In British Columbia, the Department has substantially increased its biologi- cal and engineering activities, The estimates contained C#548,400 for the maintenance and extension of bait services, Three additional bait depots are provided for Newfoundland, Other funds provided were C#180,650 for Canada's share of the expenses of the International Pacific Salmon Fisheries Commission; C$50,000 for Canada's share of expenses of the International Fisheries Commission for the regulation of the North Pacific halibut fisheries; and C$500,000 for Canada's share of ex~ penses of the Provisional Fur-Seal Agreement, The Department again has been given special funds: C#$100,000 to be used to provide assistance in the construction of vessels of the dragger and long-line type; C$100,000 to provide assistance in the construction of bait-freezing and storage facilities; and C480,000 to provide for the extension of educational work in cooperative producing and selling among fishermen, NOTE: VALUES SHOWN ARE IN CANADIAN DOLLARS (c$). VALUE OF | CANADIAN DOLLAR 1S APPROXIMATELY 9C CENTS U.S. * * OK * other species of fish were supported by the Canadian Government during the fiscal year ended March 31, 1950, according to the annual report of the Fisheries Prices Support Board, During the previous fiscal year (1948-49), the Board supported the prices of East Coast fish by purchasing 151,026 cases of canned cod (and related species), herring, and mackerel, While arrangements nad been made to dispose of the entire 46 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vols, Noe) purchase of canned fish before March 31, 1949, certain stocks still remained in warehouses at tnat date pending shipment, The loss incurred in the 1949-50 fiscal year in disposing of this balance amounted to C#$604,985. The loss incurred in the previous fiscal year was C$538,988, bringing the total cost for this program up to Cy1,143,973, according to a July 10 American Embassy dispatch from Ottawa, A linited program to assist Newfoundland fishermen (but not processors) by the purctiase of 1949 carry-over stocks of salt cod was announced by the Minister of Fisheries in the House of Commons on June 28, The Fisheries Prices Support Board will undertake this buying at prices averaging two-thirds of the prices prevailing at the beginning of last year, NOTE: VALUES SHOWN IN CANADIAN DOLLARS (c$). THE CANADIAN DOLLAR AT THE OFFICIAL RATE 1S WORTH $0.9091 U. S. } Chile DEVELOPMENT OF FISHERIES PLANNED: The Chilean Government has maintained its policy of fostering the fishing industry, according to an August 8 American Em-= bassy dispatch from Santiago, Chile's fisheries were surveyed during April and May by a representative of the Food and Agriculture Organization, The Corporacion de Formento de la Pro- duccion, on the basis of recommendations made in this survey, has announced a program which includes the building of fish’processing plants; the development of a whaling industry, hydrogenation of fish oil, and ship construction; aid to fishery schools and organizations; improvement of marketing facilities; and prep- aration of a map of Chilean fisheries, Costa Rica GROUP OF DANISH FISHERMEN IN INVITED TO DEVELOP COSTA RICAN FISHERIES: The Government of Costa Rica invited a group of Danish fishermen to visit Costa Rica, This group is interested in transferring a fishing fleet and processing factories to Costa Rica in order to catch and preserve tuna and other fish, and to manufacture fish meal and oils, a Septenber 11 Ameri- can Embassy dispatch from San Jose reports, However, no def- inite plans have been formula- ted as yet, TYPICAL COSTA RICAN SAILBOAT USED FOR HOOK AND LINE FISHING. October 1950 COMMERCIAL # ISHERIES REVIEW 47 Ecuador FISH MARKETING SITatioy:2/ Ecuadoran public markets in June 1950 had ade- quate supplies of fresh fish and shellfish, Most small fish weishing less than two pounds are sold by the piece without weighing, Since ice is used sparingly, most of the fish and shellfish are sold within 12 hours of being caught, Most fishing is done with hook and line from canoes, or reed floats, The principal fishing ports in the Guayaquil area, other than the estuary and bay of Guayayuil, are Salinas, Libertad, and during the dry season from June to November, Ayangue and Entroda, At other seasons, roads to the latter are impassable, There is a tretiendous fluctua- tion in prices for fish and shellfish in the markets, not only seasonally, but from day to day. This is due to the lack of refrigerated storage fa- cilities so tnat all fish must be sold as soon as possible, Prices drop sharply when supplies are abun- dant and rise steeply on days of scarcity, The lack of processing plants, either canning or reduction, contributes to the general instabil- ity of prices, Ecuador has been a net importer of processed fishery products, and seems likely to continue to be in spite of proven tuna resources in the Galapagos, There appears to be no likelihood of establishing any canning facilities during the re- ee ive ve : mainder of 1950, No dried or salted ING LI ; f : aoehitae ith Bcuec, A oe THEVPUBCIC MARKET © UN fish was being imported during the first half of 1950, but adequate sup- plies were being produced both in Ecuador proper, especially in tne Galapagos Is- lands, Species cormonly used are sharks, bonito, and albacore, Although a fairly wide selection of fishery products was imported in the pre- war period, 1935-39, the actual quantities were relatively small and only sardines reached a respectable amount--varying between 750,000 pounds and 1,500,000 pounds annually. Imports from the United States averaged a little better than 880,000 pounds per year. I/THIS 1S THE ELEVENTH REPORT IN A SERIES TO GIVE |NFORMATION ON CURRENT AND POTENTIAL MARKETS FOR UNITED STATES FISHERY PRODUCTS IN SOUTH AMERICA. MILTON J. LINDNER AND ROBERT O. SMITH, UNITED STATES FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE REPRESENTATIVES, WERE IN SOUTH AMERICA IN JUNE IN= VESTIGATING MARKETS |N CONNECTION WITH A SURVEY SPONSORED COOPERATIVELY WITH THE U. S. DE- PARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE'S OFFICE Of FOREIGN AGRICULTURAL RELATIONS. MORE DETAILED REPORTS WILL BE ISSUED AT A LATER DATE AS FOREIGN MARKET CIRCULARS AND WILL BE AVAILABLE FROM THE BRANCH OF COMMERCIAL FISHERIES, U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, WASHINGTON 2, D. Cos THE ANNOUNCEMENT OF THIS STUDY APPEARED IN COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW JUNE 1950, 5-7 18, AND THE FIRST REPORT IN THIS SERIES ON THE ARGENTINE REPUBLIC ON PP. PP. 33- 4 OF THE SAME ISSUE; THE SECOND ON THE NETHERLANDS WEST INDIES APPEARED IN JULY 1950, PP. 46-7; AND OTHERS AP- PEARED IN THE AUGUST 1950 ISSUE AS FOLLOWS: THE THIRD ON URUGUAY , PP, 6)-2; THE FOURTH ON PARAGUAY, PP. 52-3; THE FIFTH ON BRAZIL, P. 41; THE SIXTH ON BOLIVIA, PP. 39-40; THE SEVENTH ON SURINAM, PP. 57-8; THE EIGHTH ON VENEZUELA, PP. 62-3; THE NINTH ON CHILE, PP. 43-4; AND THE TENTH IN THE SEPTEMBER 1950 ISSUE, PP. 53-5. 48 COMMERCIAL FISHEXIES REVIEW Vol, 12, No, 10 Postwar import statistics are available only for:1946-47, and do not show the volume of present business, Considering the data at hand, it is evident that the demand for anchovies, smoked herring, shrimp, crabs, lobsters, and caviar is very light, and the total dollar value for each, except caviar, is less than $1,000, Only two other categories, in addition to canned sardines, are represented in suf= ficient volume to warrant interest on the part of United States processors: mis- cellaneous salted and canned fish, The former, now supplied by Peru to the extent of over 148,000 pounds in 1947, is known to consist mostly of shark and bonito, Canned fish consists of such items as mackerel in various forms, fish roe, and other specialty products, Data for 1946-47 show a rapid recovery in sardine imports, so that the 1947 figure of 767,000 pounds is approaching the 1935-39 average of about 1,162,000 pounds annually. However, the quantity from the United States has declined from 83 percent (5-year average 1935-39) to 61 percent (average 1946-47). The chief United States competitors have changed from Japan and Spain (prewar) to Canada, Venezuela, Peru, and Norway, ’ Ecuador's problem with respect to in- ports from the United States is the now familiar one of limited dollar exchange. With the possible exception of sardines, Ecuadoreans prefer to turn dollars into automotive products, machinery, tools, household equipment and supplies, and synthetic materials, The probability is remote that any unusual demand for fish- ery products will develop, The Ecuadoran economy is based on agriculture and is dependent on imports for most types of manufactured goods, All im- ports into Ecuador are subject to exchange CUTTING AND SKINNING A SHARK AT A STALL controls, Import permits must be obtained IN THE GUAYAQUIL PUBLIC MARKET. from the Central Bank, which is the only agency authorized to issue permits, When the import permit is issued, the dollars are granted, There are three classes of commodities under the import permit system: ListA is designated "essential," List B "useful," and List C "non-essential," An import permit for iteris listed under either A or B carries with it permission to buy the hecessary dollars from the Central Bank at the rate of 13,50 sucres per U, S, dol- lar, Import permits for "C" items do not include authority to purchase dollars from the Central Bank, Such dollars zust be purchased in the free market at rates which have fluctuated from 16,50 to 18.50 sucres to the U, S, dollar during the past 18 months, Fishery products are on List "¢,'" except canned fish which is on List "B," Since List © items cannot be imported with Central Bank dollars, the full c.i.f, value of the shipment in dollars must be deposited with the Central Bank at the time the import permit is issued, Ecuador extends 100 miles north and 400 miles south of the equator, ‘The popu- lation was estimated in 1948 at 3,362,000. Of this number, from 250,000 to 300,000 live in and around the port of Guayaquil, October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 49 E| Salvador LEGISLATION PASSED TO ENCOURAGE FISHERIES ENTERPRISES: Legislation designed to encourage the development of commercial fishing and canning industries in El Salvador was passed by the Salvadoran Government, an August 17 American consular dispatcn from San Salvador states, Reports indicate that fish are plentiful in Salvadoran coastal waters, but El Salvador has never had a commercial fishing en= terprise or a canning industry, The law (Decree Law No, 726, published in Diario Oficial of August 8, 1950) provides that during the period of 15 years following its publication, any fish- ing or canning industry established in El Salvador will have the benefit, during that period, of special concessions among which are: (1) tax free operations; (2) duty-free imports of all necessary equipment, machinery and supplies, includ- ing fuel oil; (3) the right to utilize fishing boats and equipment freely and without hampering restrictions in the bays, estuaries, rivers and at sea, In order to qualify for the special benefits awarded, the law specifies that future canning or fishing industries comply with the following conditions: (1) be organized as a corporation under the laws of El Salvador; (2) at least 50 percent of the stock consist of Salvadoran capital, and no stock can be owned or acquired by foreign governments; (3) 80 percent of the employees must be Salvadoran citizens; (4) priority be given to the sale of the production in the domestic market; (5) sell the production to government, social benefit institutions at a discount of no less than 50 percent of the profit obtained from sale to private firms, Article 6 of the Decree declares null and void a law passed in 1921 which gave an exclusive concession to a Salvadoran citizen for the establishment of a canning industry. No cannery was established in El Salvador by this citizen, despite the legislation which had enabled a virtual monopoly, and the fact that such a law remained on the books has militated against the establishment of a canning industry by other interested persons, The present law provides for free competition in both the fisheries and canning fields, It is interesting to note that almost simultaneously with the publication of Decree No, 726 there arrived in El Salvador the first commercial fishing boat des- tined to fish exclusively in Salvadoran waters and sell its production in the local market under the terms of the new law, This boat, a 9-ton, Diesel=-driven fishing craft, purchased in California, is to be operated by two American citizens who re~ portedly have the financial backing of a Salvadoran firm, Although this business is being started on a very small scale, it is important in that it is the first commer- cial fishing enterprise ever begun in this country, and should eventually make avail- able fishery products at a cost low enough to bring them within the range of the low- income groups of El Salvador, =——_—S=- ——_—S|= to 2 cents per pound), as the price of the fish to the processor remained at 4 50 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol, 12, No. 10 prennigs (1 cent per pound), ‘The shipowners are said to object to the decrease, claiming that their break-even point is 15 pfennigs (3.2 cents per pound), reports an August 22 American consular dispatch from Bremerhaven, The Equalization Fund is derived from a charge on each kilo of fish landed in Bremerhaven, Cuxhaven, Hamburg, and Kiel, Collections for the Fund, which ceased on April 1, 1950, following the expiration of the law under which they were made, were resumed on July 1, 1950, upon passage of a new law, It has been possible to continue payments during the interval between laws with the surplus which had been accumulated, From this fund, DM2,000,000 was released ($476,000) for credit to fish whole- salers, fish importers, and the industry. Of this amount, DMi730,000 ($173,740) was for use in Bremerhaven, DM530,000 ($126,140) in Hamburg, DM490,000($116,620) in Cuxhaven, and DM250,000 ($59,500) in Schleswig-Holstein, Loans for the Fisheries: Land Bremen has offered a guarantee of DI2,000,000 ($476,000) for short-term bank loans made through the Fischereihafen-Betriebsgesel- lscheft (the port administrative authority), Bremerhaven, on the current herring catch, The Fischereihafen-Betriebsgesellschaft has been authorized to apply for loans totaling DM5,800,000 ($1,380,400) of which DM,,C00,000 ($952,000) is to be loaned on salted herring and DM1,800,000 ($428,400) on marinated herring, Loans cannot exceed 60 percent of the processed value of the fish, The press reports that Land Niedersachsen has also established a credit of DM2,000,000 ($476,000) for the Cuxhaven herring industry, A credit of DM3,100,000 ($737,800) has been approved for the renovation of motors and eyuipment of the high sea and coastal fisheries of Schleswig-Holstein, Of this sum DM2,000,000 (%476,000) will be advanced by the Federal Government from funds for use in areas of heavy unemployment, and DM1,100,000 ($261,800) by the Land, Subsidy for Coal Used by Fishing Vessels Extended: ‘he law providing a sub- sidy of DM15,00 ($3.57) per tou on coal used by the high sea fisheries has been extended through June 1951. ‘The law was originally due to expire on June 30, 1950, but was prolonged because of the difficult financial position of the fisheries, —=e aa Iceland HERRING PRICES RAISED: Prices of fresh herring for processing into oil and meal were fixed at 65 kronur per mal (approximately $1.34 per hundredweight) by the Icelandic Minister of Fisheries on July 6, according to a July 6 American consular dispatch from Reykjavik, The price last year was 40 kronur per mal (83 cents per cwt.), Two devaluations of the Icelandic krona were primarily responsible for the rise in the price of fresh herring in terms of Icelandic currency, On July 7, the State Herring Board fixed the price of fresh herring for salt- ing at 110 kronur (approximately $6.75) per barrel (209 pounds) without heads (or $3.23 per ewt.). Provided there will be ample fresh herring this summer, the Ice- landers expect to. salt approximately 200,000 barrels for export to countries with which Iceland has concluded Trade Agreements, October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 51 Japan EXPORT OF SKILLED FISHERMEN TO INDIA: ‘Three expert Japanese fishermen and an interpreter departed for Bombay, India, on August 14 to assist in the commercial development of fisheries in that area, according to the August 12 Weekly Summary of SCAP's Natural Resources Section, This is the first "export" of Japanese fish- ermen to overseas fisheries since the termination of hostilities, Reyuest for the fishermen was originated by commercial interests in Bombay with the approval of the Indian Government, The contract provides for the services of the skilled fishermen for a period of one year during which the Japanese tech- nicians will supervise and participate in the exploration of the sea areas about Bombay, The Japanese fishermen will modify fishing boats and gear presently avail- able at Bombay to meet fishing conditions which are peculiar to the Bombay area, The project provides for the Japanese to train Indian fishermen in the new type of operations, JAPANESE GOVERNMENT FA Mexico EXPORT DUTIES ON SHRIMP: Owners and operators of freezing plants in the Mazat- lan area (Sinaloa) on the west coast of Mexico are requesting the Government to put a duty of 3,000 pesos (about $347) per metric tons on fresh shrimp, thus making it impossible to send fresh shrimp to the United States, However, the boat operators fear that a monopoly would result, a September 6 American consular dispatch from Mazatlan reports, The refrigerating plants are willing to pay an export duty of 650 pesos (about $75) per ton on frozen shrimp, To date it is believed that export duties have not been definitely established by the Government, SHRIVP WEIRS TO BE REMOVED: It is reported that some of the weirs placed in the estuaries or lagoons of southern Sinaloa, which prevent the shrimp from migrat- ing to the open sea, will be removed this year and the balance will be eliminated gradually over a period of time, Those operating boats offshore oppose the use of weirs as they claim small shrimp cannot reach the ocean to mature to the size de- manded by the export market, On the other hand, lagoon operators, which fish from small dugout canoes, favor the continued use of the weirs which protect their sup- ply of small shrimp for the local market, Mexican fisheries authorities point out that the removal of the weirs must be gradual and with the cooperation of the canoe fishermen because the many lagoons would make it impossible to enforce any wide- scale removal order, ot SE Se Re == ee OSS ville, Texas, was announced during August, Fishing cooperatives in Carmen have contracted with an air line for 10-ton daily air shipments to Brownsville, This flight will bring to four the number of air carriers hauling shrimp from Carmen to Brownsville, according to a September 9 American consular report from Matamoros, SHRIMP TWDUSTRY EXPANDING: Fishermen at Ciudad del Carmen are reportedly get- ting very large catches, In addition, August reports indicate that schools of "giant" shrimp have recently appeared in large numbers off the coast of Campeche State, a September 7 American consular dispatch from Merida states, Facilities for processing and refrigerating shrimp are being increased at the city of Campeche in order to handle tne contemplated increased production, 52 COMMERCIAL FISHSRIWS RoVIaW Vol. 12, No. 10 Norway WEST COAST BOAT BUILDERS REPORT A SLUMP IN FISHING-VESSEL CONSTRUCTICN: Nor- constructed at the present time, allegedly because of the difficulty fishermen have in raising the required capital. A fishing vessel 75 feet long costs approximately %35,000, Loans up to three-fifths of the needed amount may be secured from the Gov- ernment-operated Fiskeribanken; the remainder must be secured from private sources by prospective purchasers. Another reason given for this slump is that war losses have been replaced and the effectiveness of the fishing fleet is reported to be double what it was before World War II, states an American Embassy dispatch from Oslo dated September 1. It is also very difficult to secure the necessary crews to man the new vessels. WHALING COMPANIES CHALLENGE RIGHT OF GOVERNMENT TO FIX PRICES FOR WHALE OIL: In a suit seeking the highest claims for damages ever presented to a Norwegian court, whaling companies have challenged the right of the Norwegian Price Directorate to levy an export tax and fix lower domestic market prices for whale oil than prevail in the world market. The damage claim is for 115 million kroner ($16,100,000) covering losses allegedly sustained in the first three postwar years. The Norwegian Export Council has called upon the Government to waive all ex- port taxes. Peru REVIEW OF THE FISHSRIES, 1949:1/ Fishing Seasons: Peruvian fishing operations are carried on throughout the year, according to an American consular report dated June 28. The most favorable periods for the catch of the important species are as follows: Bonito - October to March; Swordfish - August to March; Tuna - Sporadically throughout the year. The other species of fresh fish consumed locally are caught throughout the year. However, the period of greatest abundance appears to be from September to March. Number of Vessels: Official data on the number, size, and types of boats cur- rently engaged in fishing are not available. However, an estimate,-gathered from well-informed trade sources, reveals the following: Type Length Total Units Feet: Number Motorized Units: "BOLT CHE! IY DOK e, delciaie civoevelore ele efaiers o nts een 2045 109 "Boniteros" (covered launches) .ccccscee 32 450 DaAlUDOATS icicle wieleterevereierereleleielevsleloictetslelsveitisvaravare 24 1,500 SCa—BOINE *TOWDOATS sics\s divtecleic-s vieve ele cle eleinlals - 750 So 1/ALSO SEE COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 1950, PP. 53-5; APRIL 1950, P. 77. October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 53 Production by Species, 1949: Bonito and yellowfin tuna are the leading snecies of fish produced in Peru (see table), ‘The catch of bonito has steadily increased fror. 32,463,614 pounds in 1946 to 59,940,760 pounds in 1949. Eons Fish Production by Leading 1946-49 (Landed Weight) == 1947, [1946 | Me dale Ss UGimmpONNGs!) a5). .we desis ateleaterots 7,072,285] 1,303,975] 1,875,577 3,012,909 Ane yellowfin tuna) Production of whale Products, 1947. Portugal is an ex- ype of Product ae Be “Tiss Paar porting coumbry Meee in metric tons spect to whale oil and Azores and Madeira Islands: byproducts. Sperm oil @eeeeveeeeoeesteaeeeeeeeaee Ambergris eeeresesrerceeoeeseseseoeee 7; / The current (1950) Continent: = = wholesale price f.0.b. Sperm and finback of] .....seeee Portuguese, pores .for Meat for human consumption ..... paste mele eke BrESCTrVed MAL occ ciciclcies cc ccecee proximately 53 cents MEG WMCA hole Slats = He lancledlaliie dtee per gallon. RONGMMCAL we bieicvaiels’eleule Selerdieiclelaicee Residues for fertilizer .eccoce, Total .for Continent .cccccce i/Data not available. 2/310 pounds. 3/14] pounds. Continental fish- ing began in 1944 in response to the war- time demand for edible finback whale oil and other byproducts. Only one firm is engaged in the business with head offices at Setubal and a branch office in Lisbon. This firm has 3 vessels all equipped with modern whale hunting devices, including cannon for the shooting of harpoons. One of these vessels is a motor-driven ketch purchased in Norway and the other two are converted sardine boats known locally as "traineiras." In addition to this small fleet and fishing gear, the firm has a factory at the mouth of the Sado River near Setubal for the processing of the whales caught and also a small installation at Sacavem near Lisbon for the treatment of edible finback whale oil. It employs 40 men on its vessels and about 200 men at the two factories. Total investment is calculated at approximately 10,500,000 escudos ($363,300). Fishing operations are carried out from March to November but, in conformity with the International Whaling Agreement to which Portugal is a party, they do not extend over more than six months during the year on a daily basis, Fishing is carried out on the continental shelf south of Setubal as far down as Cape St, Vincent but does not extend more than 10-15 miles offshore, Once the whales are harpooned and killed they are towed into Setubal for processing, The whaling grounds are regularly traversed by whales swinming north along the Portuguese coast and they are normally present in fairly abundant numbers, According to the official statistics, 597 men were engaged in whaling in the Azores and Madeira islands in 1947, operating 26 whale-hunting units, consisting of 121 boats with a total tonnage of 471 metric tons, At present, there are about 33 units (armacoes) operating, consisting of approximately 150 small boats manned by 800 men, Whale fishing is carried on from all the isiands of the Azores but centers on the islands of Pico and Faial where about 70 whaling boats have their home ports, At present there are four factories for the processing of the catch with the islands of Flores, Pico, Faial, and Sao liiguel each possessing one, Two more are under construction, one in Pico and one in Madeira, Total capital in~ vested in the industry in the Azores and Madeira is estimated at 20,000,000 ($692,000), Fishing is carried on in the old-time manner of harpooning the whales from small boats and no modern equipment or cannons are utilized, 64 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No, 10 Besides the extraction of oil, the whale industry also produces whale meat for human consumption, either fresh, in brine, or canned, Fresh whale meat is consumed entirely in the Azores, and in the Setubal-Lisbon area as far as the cone tinental area is concerned, The small amount of canned whale meat produced is exported principally to France, Whale meat meal and whale bone meal is used for cattle feed and most of the local production is exported, principally to Germany and Belgium, Residues remaining from tne treatment of the whales are used in Portugal for fertilizer, A Government delegate to the corporative fishing organization addressed the National Assembly at the end of 1949 on the economic crisis of the whale fishing industry, brought about by the decline in foreign demand for sperm whale oil, After describing the difficult situation of the industry and the danger that the capital invested in it might be lost if present conditions continue, he called for the Government to step in and extend financial assistance and relief both to the operators and the fishermen, At the present time Portugal has a stock of about 4,000 tons of sperm whale oil for which no foreign marxets can be found, To provide an outlet for some of this surplus, the Government has recently approved the mixing of 1,000 tons of it with gas oil sold for fuel on the continent, The Government is paying the owners of the oil for the difference in price for the thousand tons thus utilized, Because of the large surplus of sperm oil existing and the limited amount which can be absorbed by such expedients, it is anticipated that fishing for sperm whales will be greatly reduced in 1950 if it is not stopped altogether, A decree published in the Diario Do Governo of September 11 exempts whale and sperm oil from export duty, as a means of relieving the crisis in the industry, World warkets for whale oil are reported, however, to have improved recently to such an extent that the need for the relief is less urgent than it was a few months ago, a September 15 American Embassy dispatch from Lisbon reports, The exemption is also intended to facilitate shipment of whale oil to foreign countries for hydrogenation, there being no hydrogenating equipment in Portugal; a separate clause provides for a reduction of 50 percent from the minimum duty on hydrogenated oil re= imported by the leading manufacturer of margarineandvegetable lard, if made from raw oil exported by that company, EXPERIMENTAL USE OF HELICOPTER FOR WHALE FISHING: Early in April 1950 experi- ments in whale hunting were carried out off the Portuguese coast with a helicopter. The British helicopter, which carries three persons, has facilities for the launch- ing of harpoons from the air and is expected to be extremely effective in locating and killing whales at sea, Its maximum speed is 100 miles an hour, If the experi- ments come up to anticipations, the Portuguese whaling firm on the Continent is ex=- pected to vurchase one of these helicopters for its own use, j Exports: Italy, the United Kingdom, the United States, Belgium-Luxembourg, and France (in that order) were the principal importers of Portuguese canned fish, Bel- gium was the principal purchaser of sardines, followed closely by the United Kingdom and substantial quantities were imported by Italy and France, with the United States in fifth place, ‘The United Kingdom was the principal purchaser of chinchards; Bel- gium of mackerel; Italy of tuna; and the United States of anchovies, The possibility of expanding exports of sardines to the United States is condi- tioned by otner factors than the exchange rate, Most important is the American tariff October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 65 a Se vehis ——] anton orreen padiow —— eee ras ——] ot United States 3,026,439 14,195,000 He KOTO c00icce cine cecic 000 11,332 ,000 3,804 a and similar species 53,573,000 | 2,078,632 189 , 556 i a 78,880,000} 3,060,544 5,017,965 uttlefish and squid wee. 4,184,000 9 ts 61,651 Other species seccoesecce 1,193,000 24,567 TOE LP cisleibslsicialceleioistnia 1,357,811 51,422,118 | 458,659,000 | 17 “= = |__8,523, 982 4 size), each can containing 45 0z. on sardines, About 95 percent of Portugal's exports of sardines to the United States consist of the boneless and boneless-skinless types which are packed chiefly as a specialty for the American market, ‘These enter the United States at an ad-valorem duty of 30 percent, Norwegian canned brislings, on the other hand, pay 15 percent ad-valorem duty as the result of a reduction in the applicable rate under the GATT program, The competitive disadvantage at which the Portuguese products has been placed in the United States is of serious concern to local exporters, The Canned Fish Institute, as a result of a visit of one of its directors to the United States in 1948 to study the market for sardines, has drawn up a plan promoting American sales and has collected approximately $100,000 from its members for this purpose, However, nothing has yet been done to implement this scheme pending a decision b: the Government as to what form Portugal's projected over-all dollar ex- port promotion program should take, Exports of anchovies in 1949 reached one of the highest levels in recent years and might have done much to compensate for the deficit in sardines if the competition among Portuguese exporters had not depressed prices to unremunerative levels, ‘Thus, the price of $11.00 per case for fillets of anchovies, prevailing in April of 1949, was forced down to as low as $7.00 per case at the close of the year, The same situ- ation occurred with respect to the export price of canned mackerel, Exportsof canned tuna fell 28 percent in volume and 19,500,000 escudos (U.S.$756,600) in value in relation to 1948, due to a marked decline in exports to the United States and Italy which were not compensated by increased purchases by the United Kingdom, Italian purchases declined because of the difficulty in obtaining exchange, large offerings of Spanish tuna in that market, and canpetition from a new source—refri-~ gerated tuna imported from Norway and Denmark, In the United States, the importation of Japanese tuna practically eliminated the possibility of effective competition as far as the Portuguese product was concerned, Exports of fish in brine in 1949 (output of the coastal fisheries) totaled 1466 metric tons--411 tons of sardines and 55 tons of other species, Greece was the prin- cipal market for sardines in brine, taking 273 tons, The value of exports of fish in brine, 3,559,000 escudos ($138,089), was far below the value for the 1948 exports, which were valued at 27,500,000 eseudos ($1,105,500). Frozen fish exports in 1949 amounted to 259 tons, valued at 4,144,000 escudos ($160,787). These consisted mainly of octopus (120 tons) and sardines (93 tons), The United States was the principal market, taking 161 tons of the total. However, 66 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol, 12, No, 10 the recently established frozen fish industry suffered a marked reduction in its exports in 194.9, chiefly because Argentina, hitherto the principal market, has pro- hibited the entry of the Portuguese frozen fish, Fresh fish exportswere negligible in 1949--72 tons, valued at 606,000 escudos (U.S.$23,513), were supplied to foreign ships in Portuguese ports, In addition, Portugal exported the following fishery byproducts during 1949 (according to official statistics); 2,752 tons of fish meal to the United States; 1,489 tons of sardine oil (1,327 tons to Germany, 139 tons to Norway, and 27 tons to Czechoslovakia); 1,031 tons of sperm whale oil (695 tons to France, 205 tons to Holland, 105 tons to Denmark, and 26 tons to other countries); 156 tons of finback whale oil to Germany; and 58 tons of cod=liver oil to the United States, (Also trade sources report that the exports of cod=-liver oil probably totaled 500 tons), Imports: Portugal imported 27,609 metric tons of fresh and dried cod during 1949, valued at 257,172,000 escudos (U.S.$9,978,274). Imports by country of origin in metric tons were as follows: Norway 9,785; Newfoundland 5,197; Denmark 5,121; Iceland 3,252; France 3,222; Greenland 549; England 180, Imports from Norway, New- foundland, and the United Kingdom were fresh cod (preserved with salt or ice), Imports of fish of the same varieties caught in the domestic sardine fishery during 1949 amounted to 390 tons, valued at 2,619,000 escudos (U.S,.$101,617) and consisted mainly of tuna in brine from the Portuguese African colonies, Spain, and French Morocco, Fresh fish imports in 1949 amounted to 1,606 tons, valued at 10,246,000 escudos (U.S.$397,545). The bulk (1,138 tons) was imported from Spain and the balance from French Morocco and Tangier, Consumption: In one form or another, fish is a very basic element in the Portu- guese diet, Dried cod is by far the most important staple of the diet, Annual con- sumption of dried cod amounts to around 60,000 tons, In recent years, there has been an increasing use of salted fish (salted sardines and chinchards), The amount of can- ned fish consumed in Portugal is small because fish packers operate predominantly for export, The annual consumption of fish is reported to be about 23 times the combined consumption of beef, pork, sheep, goats, and poultry, NOTE: VALUES IN U.S. DOLLARS SHOWN THROUGHOUT THIS ARTICLE ARE BASED ON THE FOLLOWING RATES OF EXCHANGE: -1950--! PORTUGUESE ESCUDO EQUALS 3.46 U.S. CENTS; 1949~--1 ESCUDO EQUALS 3.88 U.S. CENTS; 1948--! ESCUDO EQUALS 4.02 U.S. CENTS. Spain FISHERY BYPRODUCTS INDUSTRY: Introduction: The fishing industry of Spain is not only one of the country's important economic resources, but one of the leading sources of its food supply, The Spanish fishing fleet is composed of some 37,500 units of many types (from row boats to steam-propelled vessels), with a gross tonnage of about 210,000 metric tons, a February 28 American consular dispatch from Vigo re- ports, The annual catch of the fishing fleet is estimated at about 500,000 metric tons, of which about 25 percent is said to be processed in the 200 odd canning and pickling plants operating in Spain, Octover 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 67 Importance of Fishery Byproducts: In spite of the abundance of raw material, the processing of fish waste was not attempted in Spain until about 1935 when the manu- facture of fish meal from the residue of the canneries was undertaken by one of the largest local fish canners, one of whose members spent some time in the United States studying the industrial processing of fish byproducts, Until then, fish scrap and waste, after the fish oil had been extracted, was either dumped into the sea or sold as fertilizer, The peak of the fishing season coincides with the period during which fertilizer is in demand, Because of the scarcity and high cost of nitrogen fertilizers, the agricultural industry continues to be the fish meal industry's biggest competitor for fish residue, The value of fish byproducts was soon realized and the processing thereof was steadily stepped up, However, the outbreak of the Spanish Civil War in July 1936 ana the dislocation of normal sources of supply caused by the outbreak of World War II, which followed the end of the Civil War in 1939, prevented any further development, The plants that were established coutinue, tnerefore, to operate with the same machin-~ ery and equipment that was originally installed in 1935, Raw Material Used in Fish Reduction Plants: Mostly fish scrap and waste are pro- cessed by reduction plants, While the following calculations on the quantities of fish scrap and waste that are available for processing may not be considered too re- liable, they may be of some value in appraising the situation, Of the roughly 125,000 tons of fresh fish that are normally available to the canneries, and picklers and smokers annually, 60 percent are purchased by the former and 40 percent by the picklers and smokers, Fish waste and scrap from picklers and smokers is disposed of as fertilizer, after the fish oil has been extracted, Therefore, the amount of material that would normally be available for processing in fish-meal plants should average 22,500 tons, since fish residue represents, roughly, 30 percent of the weight of the fish purchased by the can- neries, The greater part of this amount, however, is at present sold as fertilizer, The bulk of the fish scrap and waste processed in fish meal plants comes from sar- dines (pilchard) and jurel (Trachurus trachurus), and to a lesser extent from bonito (albacore)--the principal varieties used by the canneries, The scarcity of these varieties during the past two or three years also greatly reduced the possibility of any expansion of the fish-meal processing industry due to its complete dependence on the canneries, Because fish meal must reach the market at prices within the limited purchasing power of the farmers, fish-meal processors have found the processing of even the cheapest fish specimens uneconomical, Only on the very rare occasions when the price of jurel has fallen below pesetas 0,40 per kilo (about $1.66 per cwt,) at first sale, have fish meal processors purchased substantial quantities of this variety for pro- cessing, Fish Reduction Season; Spanish fish meal plants are prepared to work all year round, The busiest months of the year, however, are from the latter part of August to the end of the year, which are the months of the heaviest catches of sardines and jurel, Fish Meal Production: According to the largest fish-meal processing company in Spain, from 16 to 18 tons of fish meal are obtained from 100 metric tons of fish 68 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol, 12, No, 10 scrap and waste, However, due to the competition of the farmers for fish scrap and waste for fertilizing purposes, it is estimated that the output of the fish-meal plants during 1949 was not more than 650 or 700 tons, ‘The demand for fish meal is estimated at about 2,000 tons, Fish Reduction Process: The first step in the processing of the fish scrap and waste is the extraction by a pressure process of all liquid elements which are de= posited in large tanks, The residue is then dried by means of hot-air conveyors be= fore it is passed on to the grinding mill, The second and only other step is the extraction of the oils and greases from the liquid elements deposited in the tanks, which is accomplished by a centrifugal process, The waste, or stickwater, that ree mains is estimated to amount to 400 tons to each 500 tons of liquid, Stickwater; In spite of the fact that the Lassen system for the processing of waste stickwater created an interest among the fish-meal processors, no one has, until recently, given the matter any thought, The possibility of processing fish stickwater, in accordance with Lassen's system, is now being studied by the Spanish processors, but the qpinion is exe pressed that it would not pay to install the necessary equipment at this time due to the limited volume of material available from the fish canneries, if Sweden ee, ee ee. Oe tend the system of price and market regulation (including fishery products) until July 1951 and took certain steps to centralize the exports of fishery products, Exports of fishery products have met with increasing difficulties this year die to the bilateral trade agreements, and licensing and centralization of imports in certain foreign countries, Stocks of fish were high during the first four months this year and surpluses were used for the production of fish meal, an August 15 American Embassy dispatch from Stockholm reports, GOVERNMENT FROPOSES EXTENSION OF "GENERAL WATERS FOR FISHING:" A bill propos- ing, among other things, a certain extension of "general waters" in which anybody should have the right to fish, has been submitted by the Government, me oe ek me Oe, OS eee O_O that Norwegian patrol boats on repeated occasions had intercepted Swedish shrimp trawlers in international waters south of Farder (Norway ) in the Skagerak and ordered them not to operate within eight nautical miles of the Norwegian coast was made by the Central Organization or the Swedish West Coast Fishermen in a letter to the Swedish Government published on August 15. The most recent incidents of this nature were said to have occurred on July 25, when 20 Swedish trawlers were intercepted while fishing in what they regarded as their old fishing groundsin the waters between fourand eight nauticalmiles south of Farder; and on July 27, when ten trawlers were similarly chased away froma point October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 69 b 3 miles south of Farder, One of the Swedish fishing vessels was reported to have been threatened with gunfire by a Norwegian patrol boat,reports an August 18 Ameri- can Embassy dispatch from Stockholm, Fishing, therefore, had to be abandoned and the trawlers returned to their home ports, They reported that a large number of Norwegian shrimp trawlers had been fishing in the same waters at the time and that even a Danish trawler had been allowed to remain although fishing much closer to the Norwegian shore, The Swedish fishermen protested against what they considered discriminatory treatment in their "lawful pursuits" and requested that the Swedish Government approach the Norwegian Government in an effort to rectify the situation, The matter is now being considered both by the Swedish Ministry of Agriculture, to which the Fishery Administration is subordinated, and by the Foreign Office, With regard to the most recent incidents reported, the Foreign Minister was quoted by the press as saying: "Swedish fishermen must naturally for the time being respect the Norwegian regulations pending a settlement of the dispute by agreement between the two Governments, It should be recalled in this connection that a dispute regarding the same question of principle concerning ter- ritorial waters in Norwegian fjords is under consideration by the Hague Court as a case between the United Kingdom and Norway," ea ~ J \ = ae. REAFFIRMS CLAIM TO TWELVE-MILE LIMIT IN BALTIC: ‘The Soviet Government, replying to Swedish-Danish notes of July 24 regarding territorial waters in the Baltic, has reaffirmed its claim to the twelve-mile limit, according to Stockholm press reports quoted by a September 7 American Embassy dispatch from that city, Vy The Soviet reply, as summarized by the Swedish Foreign Office, asserts that no general rules of international law exist regarding extent of territorial waters and that determination thereof falls within "exclusive competence" of each respective state, Reply also states that the extent of Russian territorial waters was estab- lished under decree of 1927, regarding Soviet frontiers, and that no extension has been made of Russian territorial waters, “S Venezuela SSsSE_=€EP(=EO SSO OE OS CS eC fronting the Venezuelan fish canners has two solutions for immediate application: stop importatious and establish rules and regulations for fish, according to an article which appeared in El Nacional of August 27 and which quoted the President of the Association of Fish Canners, He believes that unless measures are promptly taken to solve the problem definitively, the situation of the local fish canners will reach alarming proportions, aSeptember 1 American consular dispatch from Caracas states, 1/ SEE COMMERCIAL FISHER!ES REVIEW, AUGUST 1950, PP. 63-4, 70 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol, (12) Nowe ro In addition, the President of the Association announced that four of the principal fish canners have stopped canning, and that of the three now in operation, two will have to close shortly. All the Venezuelan canners through their association are advertising the fol- lowing wholesale prices: Type of Product Sardines: In peanut OD) ic. cisiv'e cle cleee In hot peppers .cccercccece UMmcOMATOSSictelelelelo ctedereleteiore PACS raters te\chatiole’ evclolekchcreye PACING Aiiteleletelel ieleletaiclctateislereie Natural, in peanut Oi1 wee | | 2/Converted on the basis of 1 Venezuelan bolivar equals 29.8507 U. S. cents. EGYPTIAN FISHERIES Manufacturing operations inthe Egyptian fishing industryare limited | to the canning of sardines at the Suez landing point and in a small factory at Aboukir near Alexandria during the short sardine season last- ing for about four months, h The Aboukir factory was established in 1941 with a paid-up capital of 50,000 Egyptian pounds, With some 100 workers,it has an annual output of 200 metric tons, Gmall takings of sardines during the current season have restricted operations this year, The only other operation is the salting of mullet and sardines in |} a very primitive way, using barrels and empty gasoline cans, There appears to be a need of canning factories during the sardine season, Egyptian waters are also rich in mollusks and crustaceans which | might be preserved, An effort has been made to can shrimp but results so far have not been satisfactory, Other secondary industries are the manufacture of fish oils, fish meal and fertilizers, All of these are projects which shouldreceive the attention of local authorities as well as the National Government for the expansion of Egyptian canning, smoking, salting and preserving in- dustries would absorb thousands of workers and reduce unemployment, --Fishery Leaflet 363 October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 71 por, FEDERAL ef, ACTIONS Department of the Interior FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE FISHERIES TRAINING PROGRAM OF FILIPINOS TERMINATED: The program of providing practical training for Filipinos in fisheries under the Philippine Rehabilitation Act of 1946 was terminated on September 23. On this date, the last group of 23 trainees departed from San Francisco to the Philippines after being presented with certificates of merit awarded by the Director of the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Pa 4 | PRESENTATION OF CERTIFICATES OF MERIT TO FILIPINO FISHERY TRAINEES, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF,, DECEMBER 2, 1948, LEFT TO RIGHT: TRAINEE SUSANO V. CAMILOTES; ENSIGN WILLIS UNCAPHER, U. S. MARITIME SERVICE; DR. STILLMAN WRIGHT, U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE; CAPTAIN M. E. CROSS- MAN, U. S. MARITIME SERVICE; TRAINEE VICENTE B. ALCERA. THE LAST AWARD OF CERTIFICATES WAS MADE TO TRAINEES AT SAN FRANCISCO ON SEPTEMBER 23 THIS YEAR. 72 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 The Service is informed that opportunities for employment in the fisheries exist for these men upon their return to the Philippines. Of the 102 other Fil- ipino trainees who have completed their training previously, all but a very few are now employed in the fisheries or fishery administration, thus utilizing their training to good advantage. This training program would not have been successful without the widespread and generous cooperation of the commercial fishing industry and other interested organizations throughout the United States. fon) Food and Drug Administration "PACIFIC PERCH" NOT APPROPRIATS FOR ROCKFISH ("SEBASTODES ALUTUS") FILLETS: Earlier this year, some me Columbia River processors of rockfish fillets asked the Food and Drug Administration its opinion with reference to the use of "Pacific Perch" as a market name for fillets of the Pacific rockfish Sebastodes alutus,. On August 23, the Food and Drug Administration replied that the name "Pacific Perch" was not appropriate for the species in question. The full text of the reply’ by P. B. Dunbar, Commissioner of Food and Drugs follows: "We have given very careful consideration to the petitions you have submitted on behalf of members of the West Coast fish- eries industry in support of a proposal to market fillets of the species of Pacific rockfish, Sebastodes alutus, as'Pacific Perch.' "After a review of the available facts, it is our opinion that the name ‘Pacific Perch' is not appropriate as applied to fillets of Sebastodes alutus and that the product so labeled would be in violation of the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act. "The industry petition stresses the similarity of Sebastodes alutus to Sebastes marinus, commonly marketed as ‘Ocean Perch,’ in support of the proposal of the name ‘Pacific Perch' for the former species. While the two species do resemble one another, they are, in fact, distinct species and the Act as interpreted by the courts does not confer upon us authority to sanction the use of the same or essentially the same name for articles of food of different identities. "The situation which resulted in the industry proposal arises, we understand, from the fact that this fish species has not pre- viously been marketed commercially and, therefore, has no estab- lished common or usual name. In seeking to establish a common or usual name for a new product it is, of course, a basic principle that an erroneous or misleading designation should not be used. The name 'Perch' as applied to Sebastodes-alutus is erroneous since the fish is not one of the perches. In occasional instances, misnomers have become established as common or usual names for fishes on the basis of general acceptance and long usage where the names do not conflict with those of other established species. Such instances are rare and the necessary conditions do not exist in the case before us. "We regret that we cannot make a favorable response to your petition." October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 73 Department of State U. S. REPRESENTATIVES TO FAO H&RRING MEETINGS NAMED: The United States Gov- ernment will be represented at two meetings being convened by the Food and Agricul- ture Organization (FAO) at Bergen, Norway, a September 15 State Department release announced. Harold E. Crowther, Chief, Technological Section, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior, has been designated as delega and Herbert C. Davis, President, Terminal Island Sea Foods Ltd., Terminal Island, ifornia, as adviser. The first meeting, the FAO Meeting on Herring Technology, will begin on Sep- tember 24 and will be concerned with technological problems related to the process- ing, marketing, and distribution of herring. Participants will present papers sum marizing the latest research and technical developments related to herring. The FAO Meeting of Fisheries Technologists will be convened on September 30, immediately following the Meeting on Herring Technology. The purpose of the second meeting is to consider the desirability of arranging for continued cooperation among fisheries technologists on a regional basis. I/SEE COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 1950, P. 58 * * KK * U. S. DELEGATION DESIGNATED FOR FORTHCOMING TARIFF NEGOTIATIONS: 2/ Including the United States, 39 countries are expected to participate in the forthcoming tar- iff negotiations under the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade scheduled at Torquay, England, beginning September 28. The United States has announced its in- tention of negotiating with 24 of those 39 countries, a September 21 Department of State release announced, The members of the United States Delegation have been designated from the De- partments of State, Commerce, Agriculture, Treasury, Labor, Interior ,2/ Defense, and the Tariff Commission and Economic Cooperation Administration. With a view to becoming contracting parties to the General Agreement, 7 coun- tries are expected to participate in the negotiations. These are Austria, the Fed- éral Republic of Germany, Guatemala, Korea, Peru, the Republic of the Philippines, and Turkey. The existing contracting parties will negotiate among themselves for new and broader trade-barrier concessions in addition to those granted at Geneva in 1947. The "new" countries will negotiate among themselves and with the existing contract- ing parties. Each country will negotiate with those others with which its trade provides a basis for mutually advantageous concessions, The United States has announced its intention of negotiating with the follow- ing 24 countries: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Cuba, Denmark, the Dominican Republic, France, the Federal Republic of Germany, Guatemala, India, In- donesia, Italy, Korea, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Peru, Sweden, Turkey, the Union of South Africa, and the United Kingdom. In preparation for the forthcoming negotiations, the Inter-Departmental Trade- Agreements Organization of the United States Government has made an item-by-item study of the products on which the United States may either request or offer con- cessions during the negotiations. In accordance with Executive Order No. 10082, the Tariff Commission has provided, with regard to each import item on which a I/SEE COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, SEPTEMBER 1950, PP. 62-4; JUNE 1950, PP. 68-9; APRIL 1950, PP. 83-6. ‘ 2/ AMENDMENT OF EXECUTIVE ORDER NO. 10082 OF OCTOBER 5, 1949 (1SSUED BY THE WHITE HOUSE ON OCTOBER I2, 1950) PROVIDES FOR THE REPRESENTATION OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR ON THE INTERDEPARTMENTAL COMMITTEE ON TRADE AGREEMENTS AND THE COMMITTEE FOR RECIPROCITY INFORMATION. 7h COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 United States concession may be considered, a study of production, consumption, trade, competitive factors, and probable effects of a concession. The Department of Commerce has made a similar study for each export item on which the UnitedStates may request a concession from a foreign country. It is on the basis of the studies of the various Government agencies partic-— ipating in the trade-agreements program, and of the views and information developed at the public hearings, that the Interdepartmental Committee on Trade Agreements makes its recommendations to the President with regard to concessions which are to be sought or offered during the negotiations. What concessions are actually ob- tained or granted depends, of course, on the success of the negotiations. At the conclusion of the country-with-country negotiations at Torquay all the schedules of concessions will be examined by all the participating countries and, if they are approved, will be integrated into the General Agreement. All conces- sions granted by each country will be applicable to the products of all the other contracting parties and will not be limited merely to the country with which they were initially negotiated. * OK KOK OK TERMINATION OF TRADE AGREEMENT WITH MEXICO TO BECOMR EFFECTIVE: The Presi- dent, on September 6, 1950, signed a proclamation giving effect to the termination as of December 31, 1950, of the trade agreement between the United States and Mex- ico concluded in 1942, states a September 8 news release from the Department of State. The termination was jointly agreed to by the two governments through an ex-- change of notes on June 23, 1950.1 For some articles on which the general United States tariff rates will be in- creased as a result of the termination, the proclamation specifies the increased preferential rates applicable to products of Cuba to which preferential tariff treatment applies. I/SEE COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW, JULY 1950, PP. 58-9. * OK OK OK OX SOME IMPORT DUTIES ON FISH WILL INCREASE WITH CHINESE WITHDRAWAL FROM GATT: The United States proposes to terminate certain tariff concessions granted in the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT), and initially negotiated with China at Geneva in 1947, according to a Department of State press release dated Septem- ber 13. This action will be taken as a result of China's withdrawal from the Gen- eral Agreement, effective May 6, 1950. Among other products, fishery products will be affected as shown on the next page (column 1 lists duties under the Agreement and colum 2 lists the pre-agree- ment duties). A presidential proclamation will be required to give effect to these new rates, which will enter into force as provided in the proclamation, but not less than 30 days after the date of the proclamation. The list issued does not include all concessions originally negotiated with China. Concessions not included in this list will not be terminated at the present time. Such concessions apply to certain items (canned oysters is the only fishery product included) in which contracting parties to the General Agreement, October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 75 Item No. Description of Products 719(5 |Fish, pickled or salted (except fish packed in oil or in oil and other substances, and except fish packed in air-tight containers weighing with their contents not more than 15 pounds each): Other fish (not including fish provided for in subdivisions (1), (2), (3), and (4) of paragraph 719, Tariff Act of 1930): Column 2 Most favored nation) In bulk or in immediate containers li¢_per weighing with their contents more lb. net than 15 pounds each (except ale- weight wives) In immediate containers (not air- tight) weighing with their con- tents not more than 15 pounds 25% each (including alewives) ad val. 1624 Fish sounds Free other than China, have a substantial interest and also certain items on which such other countries have specifically requested consultation with the United States, as provided for in the General Agreement. Action to terminate concessions in the lat- ter category will not be taken until such consultations have been completed. In accordance with the provisions of the Trade Agreements Act, the new rates of duty resulting from termination of the concessions initially negotiated with China will apply to imports from all foreign countries, except for such preferen- tial treatment as may be accorded to the products of Cuba and the Philippines. Oe i W Eighty-first Congress (Second Session) SEPTEMBER !I950 Both the Senate and the Houseadjourned on September 23, 1950, until November 27, 1950, Listed below are public bills and resolutions introduced and referred to com- mittees, or passed by the Eighty-First Congress (Second Session) and signed by the President, that affect in any way the fisheries and allied industries. Public bills and resolutions are shown in this section only when introduced and, if passed, when they are signed by the President; and reports or hearings on any of the bills shown in this section from month to month are also listed. BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS INTRODUCHD: Senate: S. 4167 (Johnson of Colorado) - A bill to au- S. Res. 355 (Malone) - Resolution opposing reduction ~ thorize the waiver of the navigation and ves- of tariff rates during the effective period of the sel-inspection laws; to the Committee on In- Defense Production Act of 1950; to the Committee terstate and Foreign Commerce. on Finance. 76 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW House: H. R. 9681 - same as S. 4167; to the Committee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. H. R. 9724 (Flood) - A bill to create a Sus- quehanna Watershed Commission, and for other purposes; to the Committee on Public Works. (Includes those portions of the watershed of the Susquehanna and its tributaries in Pennsylvania, New York, and Maryland.) The following was introduced prior to Sep- tember 1, 1950, and was not previously reported in this section: H. J. Res. 437 (Latham) - Joint resolution establishing a Federal Motor Vehicle Com mission for the purpose of making uniform laws pertaining to operation, ownership, and control of motor vehicles; to the Com mittee on Interstate and Foreign Commerce. March 13, 1950. SIGNED BY THE PRESIDENT: P. L. 751 (He R. 9134) - An Act to amend title 46 (Section 4311) of U. S. Code relative to foreign fishing vessels in U. S. waters. Signed September 2, 1950. P. L. 759 (H. R. 7786) - An Act making appro- priations for the support of the Government for the fiscal year ending June 30, 1951, and for other purposes. Signed September 6, 1950. (Included are the appropriations for the Fish and Wildlife Service.) P. L. 764 (S, 2633) - An Act to give effect to the Convention for the Establishment of an International Commission for the Scientific Investigation of Tuna, signed at Mexico City, January 25, 1949, by the United States of America and the United Mexican States, and the Convention for the Establishment of an Inter-American Tropical Tuna Commission, Signed at Washington, May 31, 1949, by the United States of America and the Republic of Costa Rica, and for other purposes. Signed September 7, 1950. P. L. 774 (H. R. 9176) - An Act to establish a system of priorities and allocations for materials and facilities, authorize the req- uisitioning thereof, provide financial as- sistance for expansion of productive capacity and supply, provide for price and wage sta- bilization, provide for the settlement of labor disputes, strengthen controls over credit, and by these measures facilitate the production of goods and services necessary for the national security, and for other purposes, Signed September 8, 1950. (Con- tains seven titles: Title I - Priorities and allocations; Title II - Authority to requisition; Title III - Expansion of pro- ductive capacity and supply; Title IV - Price and wage stabilization; Title V - Settlement of labor disputes; Title VI - Control of consumer and real estate credit; Title VII - General provisions.) P. L. 776 (S. 868) - An Act to provide for the Vol. 12, No. 10 dissemination of technological, scientific, and engineering information to American busi~ ness and industry, and for other purposes, Signed September 9, 1950. (The purpose of this Act is to make the results of techno- logical research and development more readily available to industry and business, and to the general public, by clarifying and de- fining the functions and responsibilities of the Department of Commerce as a central clearinghouse for technical information which is useful to American industry and business. ) CONGRESSIONAL REPORTS: Copies of the reports listed available only from the committee submitting the report. Senate Committee on Forsign Relations Report No. 2450 (August 28, 1950), 16 p., printed, to accompany H. J. Res. 354, to amend certain laws providing for membership and participation of the United States to five international or- ganizations of which the United States is a member. This resolution reported favorably with one amendment and passage was recommended by the Committee. (The organizations included in this resolution are the American Interna- tional Institute for the Protection of Child- hood, Food and Agriculture Organization, South Pacific Commission, World Health Organization, and International Labor Organization. In its conclusion, the Committee stated that the U- nited States is making an effort to reduce its share of expenses in most international or- ganizations. The Committee believes that this resolution will give the Department of State the necessary latitude to meet our responsi- bilities to the international organizations covered by this resolution.) House Committee of Conference House Report No. 3042 (Conference Report) (Au- “gust 31, 1950), 40 p., printed, to accompany H.R. 9176, to establish a system of priorities and allocations for materials and facilities, authorize the requisitioning thereof, provide financial assistance for expansion of pro- ductive capacity and supply, strengthen con- trols over credit, regulate speculation on commodity exchanges, and by these measures facilitate the production of goods and services necessary for the national security, and for other purposes. The Coumittee recommended that the House recede from its disagreement to the amendment of the Senate to the text of the bill and agree to the same with an amendment. (This bill to be cited as the "Defense Production Act of 1950," with the following five titles: Title I - Priorities and allocations; Title II - Authority to requisition; Title III - Expansion of productive capacity and supply; Title IV - Price and wage stabilization; Title V - Settle- ment of labor disputes; Title VI - Control of consumer and real estate credit; and Title VII - General provisions, The full text of the bill as submitted by the Committee is given in this report, as well as a statement of the managers on the part of the house.) October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 77 House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries present law the following: "and the proceeds of such sales and of the sales of other products Report No, 3052 (September 11, 1950), 3 p., of the wildlife resources of the Pribilof Is- printed, to accompany S. 3123, to amend Section lands shall be deposited into the Treasury. 5 of the Act of February 26, 1944, entitled "An There is hereby authorized to be appropriated Act to give effect to the Provisional Fur Seal annually an amount, not exceeding the total Agreement of 1942 between the United States of proceeds of such sales covered into the Treas- America and Canada; to protect the fur seals ury during the preceding fiscal year, for the of the Pribilof Islands; and for other purposes," purposes of this Act and for the development Committee reported bill favorably without amend- ef the fur seal and other wildlife resources ment and recommended passage. (Adds to the of the Pribilof Islands and the proper utili- zation of their products.") ———_—__ STATE OF WASHINGTON COMMERCIAL FISHERIES--ECONOMIC VALUE OF PRODUCTION AND CAPITAL INVESTMENT, I949-/ 1. Wholesale value of fishery products and byproducts, including canned, smoked, kippered, mild-cured, and frozen fish; vitamin oils and fish meal. (Includes $30,941,256 paid to fishermen for their-eanch.)|_ sancnad docceecsesdamiensosingeacana. 0 Ol, Oeste Value of fishing vessels, tenders, scows, and other floating equipment e@eeeeeceeseeevrevresseeeeeeeseeeed 63,638,924 Value of fishing” 26ar sc clcadeleiscialeralelcl@ieisiclete siclcs sislse alate 11,932,699 Amount invested in plants and stationary equipment, including freezers, smokehouses, machinery, docks, and OFLICES, accrccccesccccccccccescccccccce 25,092,928 Operating expenses and salaries (does not inolude amount paid to fishermen for fish). weccccccccces 34,899,794 Amount spent annually for provisions, clothing, paint, oil, gasoline, Diesel fuel, electronic gear, replacement of engines, and other me- chanical gear (operating expenses and salaries of supply houses not known or included). ...cecee 16,982 ,436 Amount invested in boat yards, building and over- hauling almost entirely vessels engaged in commercial fishing (operating expenses and salaries of building yards not known or in- cluded). COP HOT OH TAHH HEHEHE HHOH EEE HELLO OE EESEOS 41,458,281 8, Capitalizing and financing at 4 percent wercecccrosere 11,854,328 Total SOeCeeeeeoeSeoaeeeeeeoeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeoees $308 , 212,530 J/ESTIMATED, DOES NOT INCLUDE THE EVALUATION OF RECREATIONAL OR SPORT FISHING. NOTE: ISSUED BY THE DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, STATE OF WASHINGTON, AND BASED ON A SURVEY CONDUCTED BY THAT AGENCY. 78 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW VoL. 12, No. 10 LANDINGS AND RECEIPTS In Millions of Pounds MAINE - LANDINGS . MASSACHUSETTS - LANDINGS NOT INCLUDING IMPORTS BOSTON , GLOUCESTER , NEW BEDFORD , & CAPE COD AG JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. NEW YORK CITY-RECEIPTS OF FRESH & FROZEN FISH CHICAGO - RECEIPTS OF FRESH & FROZEN FISH SALT-WATER MARKET WHOLESALE MARKET JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG, SEPT. OCT, NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT, NOV. DEC. GULF - SHRIMP LANDINGS SEATTLE - RECEIPTS OF FRESH & FROZEN FISH 12.0 HEADS OFF - FOR ALL USES WHOLESALE MARKET , LANDINGS , & IMPORTS 16 JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. In Thousands of Tons CALIFORNIA - PILCHARD LANDINGS CALIFORNIA- TUNA AND TUNA-LIKE FISH ye JULY AUG, SEPT. OCT, NOV, DEC. JAN, FEB, MAR. APR.MAY JUNE JAN, FEB. MAR, APR, MAY. JUNE JULY AUG, SEPT, OCT, NOV, DEC. eeceacee ESTIMATED October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW fizd COLD STORAGE HOLDINGS and FREEZINGS of FISHERY PRODUCTS In Millions of Pounds U.S. & ALASKA - HOLDINGS OF FROZEN FISH U.S. & ALASKA - FREEZINGS 10} JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. NEW YORK CITY - HOLDINGS OF FROZEN FISH JAN. FEB, MAR. APR, MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. CHICAGO - HOLDINGS OF FROZEN FISH GULF - HOLDINGS OF FROZEN FISH S b a oOo O,u fF aT HD N DO Oo JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. WASHINGTON, OREGON, AND ALASKA - + HOLDINGS OF FROZEN FISH CALIFORNIA - HOLDINGS OF FROZEN FISH 48 42 36 JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 80 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 CANNED FISHERY PRODUCTS in Thousands of Standard Cases MAINE - SARDINES , ESTIMATED PACK UNITED STATES - SHRIMP Eee (ota J i (0) JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. BEG JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE CALIFORNIA - TUNA AND TUNA-LIKE FISH CALIFORNIA - PILCHARDS 1200 1050) JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE CALIFORNIA - MACKEREL ALASKA - SALMON JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR, APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. WASHINGTON - PUGET SOUND SALMON STANDARD CASES Variety No.Cans Can Designation Net. Wat. SARDINES 100 V4 drawn 3.1/4 oz. SHRIMP 48 ease 5 oz. TUNA 48 No. 1/2 tuna 7 oz. PILCHARDS 48 No. 1 oval 15 oz. MACKEREL 48 No. 300 15 oz. SALMON 48 —1-pound tall 16 oz. JAN, FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. eeee see ESTINETED October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 81 PRICES , IMPORTS and BY-PRODUCTS BOSTON - WEIGHTED AVERAGE PRICE MAINE - IMPORTS OF FRESH SEA HERRING ON NEW ENGLAND FISH EXCHANGE IN ¢ PER POUND IN MILLIONS OF POUNDS JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. In Millions of Pounds U.S. - IMPORTS OF FRESH & FROZEN FILLETS U.S.- IMPORTS OF FRESH AND FROZEN OF GROUND FISH, INCLUDING ROSEFISH SHRIMP FROM MEXICO JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT, NOV. DEC. In Millions of Pounds U.S.- IMPORTS OF CANNED TUNA U.S.-IMPORTS OF CANNED SARDINES AND TUNA-LIKE /FISH (Include in oil and not in oil ) O'JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OGT. NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. U.S. & ALASKA - PRODUCTION OF FISH MEAL U.S. & ALASKA - PRODUCTION OF FISH OIL IN THOUSANDS OF TONS IN MILLIONS OF GALLONS JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT, NOV. DEC. JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY. JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. OCT. NOV. DEC. 82 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 Ste eS TB nee a te a oe he Os Se a a ee et OSE IEE Recent publications of interest to the commercial fishing industry are listed below. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PUBLICATIONS THESE PROCESSED PUBLICATIONS ARE AVAILABLE FREE FROM THE DIVISION OF INFORMATION, U. S. FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, WASHINGTON 25, D. C. TYPES OF PUBLICATIONS ARE DESIGNATED AS FOLLOWS: CFS - CURRENT FISHERY STATISTICS OF THE UNITED STATES AND ALASKA. SL - STATISTICAL SECTION LISTS OF DEALERS IN AND PRODUCERS OF FISHERY PRODUCTS AND BYPRODUCTS. SEP.- SEPARATES (REPRINTS) FROM COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW. Number Title Number Title CFS-568 - Fish Meal and Oil, July 1950, 4 p. SL-111 (Revised) - Firms Canning Clam Products, 1949, CFS-570 - Massachusetts Landings, April 1950, 14 p. 2D. CFS-573 - Texas Landings, August 1950, 4:p. Sep. 258 - Salmon Cannery Trimmings -- CFS-574 - Maine Landings, Julv 1950, 4 p. Part I - Relative Amounts of Separated Parts. MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS SERVICE, BUT USUALLY MAY BE OBTAINED FROM THE AGENCIES ISSUING THEM. CORRESPONDENCE REGARDING PUBLICATIONS THAT FOLLOW SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO THE RESPECTIVE AGENCIES OR PUBLISHERS MENTIONED. DATA ON PRICES, IF READILY AVAILABLE, ARE SHOWN. ‘Advance Report on the Fisheries of British Columbia, 1948, 12-1029, 13 p. (mostly statistical tables) , processed, 25 cents. Fisheries Section, Industry and Merchandising Division, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, Canada, 1950. Reports on the fisheries of British Columbia for the year 1948. Included are data on the quantity and value of fish landed and marketed, and capital equipment and employees in the fisheries. dising Division, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, Canada, 1950. Reports on the fisheries of Ontario, the Prairie Provinces, and the North- west Territories of Canada for the year 1948, In- cluded are data on the quantity and value of fish landed and marketed, and capital equipment and employees in the fisheries. The American Ephemeris and Nautical “Almanac (For the Year 1951), 620 p., with tables, printed, $3.25. Advance Report on the Fisheries of New Brunswick, The Nautical Almanac Office, United States Ob- 1948, 12-1032, 12 p. (mostly statistical tables), processed, 25 cents. Fisheries Section, Industry and Merchandising Division, Dominion Bureau of Statistics, Ottawa, Canada, 1950. Reports on the sea and inland fisheries of New Brunswick for the year 1948, Included are data on the quantity and value of fish landed and marketed, and capital equipment and employees in the fisheries. Provinces and the Northwest Territories, 1948, l2- 102X, 16 p. (mostly statistical tables), processed, 25 cents. Fisheries Section, Industry and Merchan- servatory under the authority of the Secretary of the Navy, Washington, D. C., 1949. (Available only by purchase from the Superintendent of Doc- uments, Washington 25, D. C.) This book is sim- ilar in all respects to the one for 1950,with a few minor exceptions. It provides the navigator with a compact publication containing all of the ephemeris (astronomical) material essential to the solution of problems of navigational position. Average Lunar Month Catch by California Sardine Fish- ermen 1952-35 through 1948-49, by Frances N. Clark and Anita E. Daugherty, Fish Bulletin No. 76, 28 p., October 1950 COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW 83 THESE PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, illus., printed. Bureau of Marine Fisheries, Di- vision of Fish and Game, San Francisco, Calif., 1950. This report covers the results of a study using boat catches as in two former investigations for the seasons of 1932-33 through 1941-42, and extending the calculatians through 1948-49, The fisherman's success has been measured both in tons per lunar month and in number of fish per month. For all of California, according to this report, the average lunar month catch in tons increased from 1932-33 to 1934-35, decreased to 1937-38, increased somewhat until 1942-43, and then began a slight decline which accelerated after 1944-45 and continued through 1947-48, A slight upward trend occurred in 1948-49, This general trend was also evident in the average monthly catch in number of fish but the increase from 1937-38 to 1941-42 was greater. Based on numbers of fish caught, the highest peak in total catch occurred in 1941-42 when there was a scarcity of older sardines on the fishing grounds and the fishery depended on the very abundant 1939 year class. This lack of fish with no new abundant year classes entering the fishery is offered as the explanation of the serious decline in the sardine fishery after 1944-45. "Biological and Economic Notes on the Sharks of the Gulf of Mexico, With Especial Reference to Those of Texas, and With a Key for their Identification," by J. L. Baughman and Stewart Springer, article, reprinted from The American Midland Naturalist, July 1950, vol. 44, no. 1, pp. 96-152, illus., printed. University of Notre Dame, Notre Dame, Ind., $6.00 per year. As no comprehensive work has hitherto been attempted on the sharks of the Gulf of Mexico, the authors present in this article all available data on these fish. Wherever possib a photograph or line drawing of the species has been used. In addition, a key has been prepared to aid the student in identifying the various species, and all available information on range, food, breeding habits, embryology, and economic uses has been incorporated, in order to present as complete a picture of each species as possible. According to the authors, "the Texas sharks pre- sent an interesting commingling of Panamanian. West Indian, and South American forms," "Development Plans for Haiti," article, Trade News, July 1950, vol. 3, no. 1, pp. 23-8, processed. Department of Fisheries, Ottawa, Canada. Dis- cusses the importance of Haiti as a fisheries market; and deals with the need of fishery prod- ucts in Haiti, the nature of the local fisheries industry, the expansion of production and mar- keting of fishery products, and the difficulties facing a fisheries development program, Florida Seaweeds and Their Commercial Use, by RobertH. Williams, Educational Series No. 7, 19 p., illus., printed. State Board of Conservation, Tallahassee, Fla. Summarizes the existing information on use- ful seaweeds in Florida--kinds, distribution, and seasonal abundance. Uses, harvesting and process— ing methods, and what the State of Florida is doing for this potential industry are presented in this booklet. "The Harvest from the Sea," article, Monthly Review, July 31, 1950, vol. XXXV, no. 7, pp. 61-6, printed. Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta, Atlanta, Ga. Dis- cusses the fisheries of the Sixth Federal Reserve District (Florida, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana). The catch, processing and mar- keting, financing, problems of the industry, and progress at Pascagoula are some of the subjects covered in this article. "La Pesca de Perlas en Venezuela," (Venezuelan Pearl Fishery}, article, El Agricultor Venezolano, June 1950, vol. XV, no. 143, pp. 10-2, illus., in Span- ish. Ministerio de Agricultura Y Cria, Caracas, Venezuela. Discusses the Venezuelan pearl fishery. Oyster Culture in Japan, by A. R. Cahn, Report No, 134, 80 p., illus., processed. Natural Resources Section, Supreme Commander for the Allied Powers, Tokyo, Sep- tember 1950. (Reports may be purchased in photostat or microfilm from the Office of Technical Services, U. S.-Department of Commerce, Washington 25, D. C.) Because of the direct interest of the United States, Canada, and other nations in Japan's oyster pro- duction, this report discusses the Japanese oyster culture procedures in some detail. The Japanese have been exceedingly efficient in the culture of both edible and pearl oysters, and their methods are therefore of more than passing interest to the occidental world. Because the methods employed today are the result of many hundreds of years of culture, experience, and experiment, this report traces the history of oyster culture in Japan from its beginning to the present-day techniques. Among the subjects covered are species and distribution; biology; culture; utilization and byproducts; pro- duction and export; and enemies and damage. Oysters in Texas, by J. L. Baughman and Byron B. Baker, Jr., Bulletin No. 29, Marine Laboratory Series No. 1, 37 p., illus., printed. The Texas Game, Fish and Oyster Commission, Austin, Texas, 1950. This booklet, the first of a series, gives what information is available on the oysters of Texas. It is the hope of the Commission that it will aid in the successful development of an oyster industry along the Texas coast. In addition to biological data on oysters, the various methods of planting and harvesting oysters are explained, and advice is given on how to obtain oyster bottom on which to grow oysters. What Texas is doing to encourage the oyster industry and a list of recommendations for changes in legislation and biological research also are given. Report of the Council of FAO (Ninth Session 8-17 May 1950, Rome, Ttaly), 32 p., processed. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Washington, D. C., May 1950. A report of the Ninth Session of the Coun- cil of FAO, May 8-17, 1950, in Rome. Among the ac- tivities covered and reported upon in this report are the following: world food and agriculture situation; commodity problems; technical assistance for economic development; improvements in the collection of eco- nomic and statistical information from Member Gov- ernments; and relations with international organiza- tions, In addition, this report gives the discussions on the removal of FAO headquarters to Rome; financial situation of the Organization; revision of the consti- tution; and the next session of the Conference. 8h, COMMERCIAL FISHERIES REVIEW Vol. 12, No. 10 THESE PUBLICATIONS ARE NOT AVAILABLE FROM THE FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE, Transactions of the American Fisheries Society, 1949 Seventy-Ninth Annual Meeting, Winnipeg, Manitoba, September 14-16, 1949), vol. 79, 344 p., illus., printed, 34.00. American Fisheries Society, St. Paul, Minnesota, 1950. (Order from William C. Beckman, Librarian, American Fisheries Society, Colorado Cooperative Fisheries Research Unit, Colorado A and M College, Fort Collins, Colo.) Part I gives the papers presented at the Seventy- Ninth Annual Meeting of the Society. The following are some of the papers presented: "A Consideration of the Hoover Report;" "The Lakes and Lake Fish- eries of Manitoba;" "The Uffect of Lamprey Attacks Upon Lake Trout in Seneca Lake, New York;" "Moen- haden Utilization in Relation to the Conservation of Food and Game Fishes of the Texas Gulf Coast;" "Determination of Optimum Size of Mesh for Gill Nets in Lake Manitoba;" "Observations on Mortality Rates in Fished and Unfished Cisco Populations;" "The Philippine Institute of Fisheries Technology: Its Organization and Progress." Part II reports on the business sessions of the Society. Trade Lists The Commercial Intelligence Branch, Office of International Trade, U. S. Department of Commerce, of fishery products. handled are given for each firm listed. In Cuba, by fish vendors has published the following mimeographed trade lists, and copies of these trade lists may be obtained by firms in the United States from that office or from Department of Commerce field offices at $1.00 per list. Crayfish Processors--Australia, 2 p. (July 1950) Frozen Foods, Processors and Exporters--Mexico, 3 pe (July 1950) Frozen Foods Processors and Exporters--Australia, 8 p. (July 1950) Camneries--Mexico, 6 p. (July 1950) Canneries--Morocco, 26 p. (July 1950) Canneries--Norway, 15 p. (August 1950) Canneries--Spain, 30 p. (August 1950) Canneries--Venezuela, 2 p. (July 1950) The above lists include processors and exporters The name, address, and products fresh fillets are prepared only upon request, The fish is cleaned andthe head and bones re- moved, for fillets is snapper, red all by hand, The limited demand mostly of grouper, cod, muttonfish and kingfish, Small quantities have been shipped spo- radically to the United States, and then only when the local market was congested and prices were low, small quantities of glazed fillets In the pdést, very were also exported to the United States, Frozen fillets are not prepared or sold in Cuba, --Fishery Leaflet 308 October 1950 COMMIRCIAL FISHERIZS RIVIEW 85 CONTENTS, CONTINUED PAGE PAGE FOREIGN (CONT. ): FEDERAL ACTIONS (CONT. ): PORTUGAL: FQOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION: FISHERIES REVIEW, U949) a. = ssinisieteaweie’s pects weit cictsewnnt o> “PACIFIC PERCH” NOT APPROPRIATE FOR ROCKFISH SPAIN: ( SEBASTODES ALUTUS ) FILLETS ...e-cseneceseces 72 FISHERY BYPRODUCTS INDUSTRY ...ccecececesececcerces 66 DEPARTMENT OF STATE SWEDEN: : U. S. REPRESENTATIVES TO FAO HERRING MEETINGS NAMED 73 ECONOMIC CONTROL OF FISHERIES EXTENDED .....-..0.+. 68 U. S. DELEGATION DESIGNATED FOR FORTHCOMING TARIFF GOVERNMENT pueeaEs EXTENSION OF "GENERAL WATERS NEGOTIATIONS y «acs se tuieR Ramer viele cies Gehan mitee cen ane FORME SHING) Ors sale lelovaie cieieciete aicitnrelan ciate ereuemteatis nites 68 TERMINATION OF TRADE AGREEMENT WITH MEXICO TO SWEDISH-NORWEGIAN DISPUTE OVER FISHING RIGHTS IN BECOME EFFECTIVE .sseeeees roan ott! THES SKAGERAK’ laictercrejala ojaeciae oletsinieisivints « Gidea eeetatieersct 6G SOME IMPORT DUTIES ON FISH WILL INCREASE WITH. ULS.S. Ret . CHINESE WITHDRAWAL FROM GATT ... Sacenpnan tk REAFFIRMS CLAIM TO TWELVE-MILE LIMIT IN BALTIC .... 69 EIGHTY-FIRST “CONGRESS (SECOND SESSION), “SEPT. 1950 75 VENEZUELA: GRAPHS sijeteiavcineo aici siniulsie ate ola ciesesic teh ice mtreeiccsaeel 7G FISH CANNERS ASSOCIATION URGES BAN ON CANNED FISH KANDINGSHASRECELPTS! sec ee cnemitivici ee uvieiesinccen ase UMPORTS a ntoethcaiewiseie wittec omes ccrea eine eniceremmrinnin eT aOo COLD STORAGE HOLDINGS & FREEZINGS OF FISHERY FEDERAL ACTIONS: ..seceeececes aeeeabi ask Seepissee meal PRODUCTS igetiels ctteivie cleisinisiclerete islets sic seniictetetetereicia sumnay a) DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR - FISH AND WILDLIFE CANNED FISHERY PRODUCTS ..csecere-ssececerereresess 80 SERVICE: PRICES, IMPORTS & BYPRODUCTS ....sesecsvererececess Bl FISHERIES TRAINING PROGRAM OF FILIPINOS TERMINATED 71 RECENT FISHERY PUBLICATIONS: ... Seepanoaoseen tls FISH AND WILDLIFE SERVICE PUBLICATIONS ......+..226 82 MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATIONS ...ccesecesesecereeereee 82 FOOD VALUE OF FISH AND SHELLFISH DO YOU KNOW e@eoesde That fat fish like salmon and mackerel are excellent sources of vitamins A and D, an average portion supplying 20 percent of the daily quota of vitamin A and all the vitamin D required. The natural oil in canned fish is also a valuable source of these vitamins. .ece eee ee ee en —— Illustrator-- Gustaf T. Sundstrom Compositors-- Jean Zalevsky, Carolyn Wood, Betty Coakley Photograph credits: Cover - Sidney. Shapiro; pp. 4, 6, 7, 12, and13-U. S. Army Signal Corps; p. 31 - H. A. Schuck; p. 42 - Australian official photo, Cliff Bottomley; p. 43 - Australian official photo; p. 46 - Mogens Jul; pp. 47-8 - Robert O. Smith, Other photographs in this issue annonymous, ss SSS SSS SS SS Interior--Duplicating Section, Washington, D. C. JOB #83159 WAL THE CODFISH INDUSTRY IN NORTHERN PORTUGAL 3 9088 01018 1188 The codfish industry in Northern Portugal is one of the most important indus- tries in the country, representing a capital investment of about $14,000,000. Fishery Leaflet 367, The Codfish Industry in Northern Portugal, describes the Por- tuguese cod fishing industry, the curing industry, the distribution of fresh cod and byproducts, and Portugal's interna- tional trade in cod. Seasons, equipment used, methods of ( fishing, port facilities, personnel em- ployed, andthe amount of control the Gov- ernment has over the industry are all dis- | cussed in the section on the cod fishing i} industry to be found in this 23-page leaf- tne let. The section dealing with the curing ie industry covers the equipment andthe meth- 4 ods used, and the personnel employed. In the section on distribution, the system used in handling the cod and byproducts from the time it leaves the vessel until it reaches the retail stores is described. The discussion on international trade brings out the fact that Portugal is a major im- porter of cod and will remain so for some time to come. Included is a short history of the Portuguese cod fishing industry. \ FW w Z Z AX AW \\ ™= Because the Portuguese demand for cod remains considerably in excess of supply, the author of the leaflet points out, the Government controls the cod trade quanti- tatively to the wholesale level and sets the prices paid by the wholesalers, re- tailer, and consumers to assure a relatively equitable distribution. Free copies of Fishery Leaflet 367 are available upon request from the Divi- sion of Information, U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Washington 25, D. C. 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