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front of the umbones, is called the lunule. To learn these various parts, compare the following explanation.


Fig. 1, A Univalve ; Purpura crispata. a, apex ; $p, spire ; ap, aperture ; o. I, outer lip ; co,, canal; u, umbilicus; <?, columella ; b. w, body whorl ; Sj suture.

Fig. 2, A Bivalve, Tapes tenerrima. u, uinbo ; lu, lunule ; a, a, adductor muscular impressions ; j9, pallial line ; p. s, pallial sinus ; I. t, lateral tooth ; £, cardinal teeth ; /, ligament

Moll nsks, like plants, have two names; the first is the generic, or the name of the genus ; the second is the specific, or the name of the species. For example, Myiilus Calif ornianus, the " California mussel." By a species is meant a group of individuals which have such similarities that they may be supposed to have descended from a single pair. A genus is a group of sim- ilar species. The abbreviation after a name des- ignates the author who first gave that name to the species.


Fig. 2.




~TT'T~E know but little of the creatures which live V V at the bottom of the deep sea, and only a few persons have an opportunity to dredge in the more shallow waters. Most of us must be con- tent to search that narrow strip of shore which is daily left bare by the|ebbing tide. But this ground will yield us many pleasant surprises if we work it carefully. To extend our field of observation as far as possible, we should take advantage of the lowest tides, such as come in the early morn- ing. A pair of long rubber boots, and a good staft with a hook at one end are valuable assist- ants. A sharp lookout should always be Jcept for the waves, for many sad accidents have happened to those who have ventured too far to- wards the breakers, or have remained too long in * dangerous clefts and caves.

The collector should follow the retreating tide as far as convenient, and carefully notice all the hiding places of the shy mollusks. Loose stones should be turned over and searched, Of course, innumerable crabs will scamper off* sidewise and make an ominous rustling, but they will do no harm. Pools left by the tide often contain val-


liable prizes and should not be overlooked. Liv- mg mollnsks are most to be sought for, but dead shells are often worth picking up. Do not mis- take the brisk litle Hermit Crabs which live in empty shells for the original inhabitants ; such a mistake has sometimes been made by those who have spent many years on the sea-shore.

Some bivalves, like the chamas, are found firmly attached to rocks, and so closely do they resemble the surface to which they cling that it is difficult to detect them. Others spin a byssus, or cable of threads, and anchor themselves firmly to some rock or post. Many species live in mud or sand and send up siphons to the overlying water. After the tide retreats, watch for their holes, or observe the jets of water which they sometimes throw up when disturbed. When you have found the lurking place, dig out the rnollusk with a spade.

Gasteropoda are usually found clinging to stones or seaweed. Some kinds can be found plenty enough, but for other species you must turn over masses of sea-moss and peer into curi- ous cracks and crannies. The discovery of the real live animal, in his own proper home, brings a joy which is never felt by those who merely search the sandy beach, or catch their shells with the silver hook.

Limpets can easily be detached by a thin, flat knife ; the more unexpected the attack, the better. Abalones must be sought in the cletts of rocks, and be dett ached by a sudden pry writh a long wedge. Many minute shells may be gathered by putting sea-weed into a pail of fresh


water, as the little shells are apt to foil to the bottom. The sand of little coves should be searched for small shells which the waves have brought in. Some fine mollusks live on the kelp, outside the low water mark ; these may be gathered when the sun shines, with the aid of a boat. The stomachs of large fishes often yield rich treasures of deep sea shells, and help us gain some knowledge of those depths which can only be reached by a dredge.

In collecting mollusks, carefully note their habitat ; whether they live on rocks, weeds, sand or mud, also in what depth of water. Learn if possible their habits and the nature of their food. It is always well to put some of the living speci- mens into a pan or jar of sea water, and watch their movements. Note carefully, in collections, whether the shell resembles in form or color the objects near which it is found. It has been ob- served by some naturalists that the imitative col- oring of a shell apparently has much to do with its chances of remaining unnoticed, arid therefore'of preserving its existence. If this be true to a con- siderable extent, it may give many hints as to the probable places in which to iincl certain spe- cies,

Mollusks may be preserved in alcohol entire, but generally the shell is the only part which is kept for the cabinet. To remove the soft parts is an undesirable, but necessary work. It is best done by placing the shells in boiling wator tor a few minutes, and then thowing them into cold water to cool and harden. The boiling water al-


most instantly coagulates the albumen, and loos- ens the connection between the mantle and the shell. The soft parts can then be removed with a little wire hook or a bent pin. If possible, they should be wholly removed, but if it cannot be done, and the shell is particularly desireable, it may be plugged with cotton. The operculum should be fastened to the cotton by a drop of mucilage. The operculum should be preserved in like manner, in all cases where a perfect shell is required. Bivalves gape after boiling, so when the flesh has been removed, the shells should be closed with a string. Chitons are hard to preserve in proper shape; it may be done, however, by tying them flat to -a shingle with candle wicking, arid placing them in fresh water. After they areT dead, and the muscular mantle has lost its contractile power, they must be loosen- ed from the shingle and the viscera removed with a sharp knife.





PTERONOTUS festivus, Hds., Fig. 1, PL II, is a representative of the great family of the Muricidae or Rock Shells, which abound in the warm waters around Panama, and furnish so many parlor ornaments. Most of the family have very rough exteriors, and are smooth and brilliantly tinted within. This species is about an inch and a half in length, irregularly spindle- shaped, i. e. tapering toward both ends, with large, reflexed frills, and a tubular canal. Color, whitish, with various dark markings. It is found chiefly in the southern part of the State.

Ranella California*, Hds., Frog Shell, Fig. 2, PI. II, sometimes glows to a length of six inches. It is a solid, light colored shell, with two heavy folds on opposite sides, long canal, the edge of the aperture crenulated ; spire of about four whorles. Common length, three inches.

Chrysodomus dirus, II ve., Golden Spindle- Shell, Fig. 3, PI. II, has an ominous name, but the only ill luck we ever experienced while gathering theso shells was getting caught by the tide on Dux- bury Reef, at Bolinas, and being obliged to wade ashore. It is spindle shaped, from one to two


inches long, the spire consisting of five or six in- distinct whorls, cut into waves by shallow furrow*--. Spiral lines, numeious ; coluiurlla, enamelled ; outer lip of a rich brown color within,with twen- ty light ridges. The outside of the shell is gen- erally covered with a whitish powder, which can he removed, showing the dark brown shell. It may be found alive, at low tide, on the surface of rocks which are covered with coarse sea moss. Operculum, sin? 11 and horny.

One of the most common shell on this coast is Pur pur a saxieola, Yah, The Rock Purple, shown in Fig. 4, PI. II. It derives its generic name from the fact that the ancient Tyrians ob- tained a purple dye from the bodies of a similar species, while its specific name is peculiarly ap- propriate, tor it is ever 'found clinging to the rocks, and hiding in. their clefts. Length, less than an inch ; spire, short ; coluinclla , flattened ; outer lips, thin ; canal, short ; umbilicus, small. The inside is reddish brown, while the outside varies greatly both in form and color. Sorrietim.es it is smooth and almost black, sometimes white and coronated, but usually it is decorated with double spiral bands of a dark color, often accom- panied 'with spiral grooves. These many varieties probably all belong to one species. It is found on rocks- which are covered only at high tide.

Purpura canaliculata, Du'cl., Grooved Purple, Fig. 5, PL II, is much more rare; than the last species, probably living in deep -water. In size it is about the same, but it is more smooth and symmetrical. The' spire consists of three whorls with a deep suture between them. From apex


to aperture run thirteen spiral grooves, giving it the appearance of C. dims. It can easily be dis- tinguished by its shorter spire, smooth lip, and deep suture. It is of light color, sometimes streak with reddish brown.

Purpura crispata, Ohem., Rough Pur] le, Fig. 0, PI. II. is found in San Francisco Bay, but is more common in more northern regions. It is often two or three inches long, strong and heavy. The spire consists of four strongly grooved whorls. The body whorl is sometimes smooth; but often very rough and foliated. It is said to change the habit of its growth, when moved into new localities. Its color is white or light brown. In old shells, the umbilicus is conspicuous. Like the other. purples it has a horny, elongated oper- culuin. Fig. 1, PL I, represents the same species.

Next comes a genus of mollusks, almost pecu- liar to the west coast ot America. A good rep- resentative is shown in Fig. J , PI. Ill, Mono- ceros lapilloideS) Conr., Pebbly Horn Shell. It is so named on account of a little horn, near the base of the outer lip. It is a pretty little shell, found on the rocks between tides, having a spire of four whorls, a rather small white mouth, set with seven teeth. The outside is marked with spiral grooves, and the lines of growth break up the brown color into little blocks. The shells are very thick and strong, well fitted to resist the force of the waves. Thin and delicate shells are generally found in deep water, where there is little danger of l.eing dashed against the rocks. Shore shells are usually strong and solid. When- ever you examine a shell, notice theee points


and try to finds its adaption to its surroundings. In this way, shell-gathering becomes something more than a mere pastime, tor it brings us face to face with the great questions of lite, of design, and of final causes.

Monoceros engonatum, Conr., Fig. 3, PI. Ill, resembles the last species in many respects, but is more angular, as its name indicates. The whorls are sharply shouldered, and the shell is smoothish and brown-dotted. By some, it is doubted whether this is more than a variety of the last species. It is more common in the south- ern part of the State than in the northern. A careful study of the variations of the species which are found in different localities, and which live under different conditions, is highly interest- ing, and accurate observations by any one may prove valuable to science. There are many things yet to be learned about our more common animals, and no one need despair of discovering new truths.

Chorus Belcheri, Hds., Fig.2, PL III, is a huge shell, with a long canal and a tapering spire, bristling with a crown of long, sharp points. Col- or, brown ; length, four to six inches ; more com- mon in southern waters.

In sheltered coves the waves often wash up great numbers of little shells, which may be gathered at low tide. A very common as well as very beautiful shell which can often be thus found in great numbers is Amphissa corrugata, Eve., Fig. 4, PL III, Wrinkled Amphissa. If you search among the stones at very low tide, you will find probably find some of them alive,



clinging to the rocks. Such a triumph is not soon forgotten. It is pleasant to gather dead shells on the shore, but that is not enough ; you want to find the little animal at home and see how he keeps house, before you can form a cor- rect notion of his peculiarities. Be not deceived by the little hermit crabs which love to get into dead shells and draw them around as a means of defense, but search till you find the true living mollusk. Amphissa corrugata sometimes grows to a length of one inch, but is usually about half that length. The spire consists of four whorls with a plainly marked suture. Spiral striae may be found at the base of the shell, above which the whole surface is ornamented with wavy rils, from which it receives its name. The common color is reddish yellow, but it shades through brown to black.

Amyda carinata, Hds., Fig. 5, PI. Ill, is about the size of a barley-corn. Its spire is half the length of the shell, and consists of four whorls. The body whorl has a stout keel, which gives the species its name. In some varieties this keel almost wholly disappears. Color, light brown, with fa dark apex and canal ; surface, smooth and glossy ; may be found on the beach, with the last species.

Fig. 6, PI. Ill, represents a rare and beautiful shell,' Cerostoma foliatum, Gmel., Leafy Horn- mouth. The fine specimen which the artist used as a model was found among the rocks off Pacific Grove, at Monterey. It has three broad, winglike varices, or expansions, marking stages in growth. These varices are made up of shelly


plates which overlap like shingles. The surface is rough and deeply sculptured. The aperture is oval, with thin, projecting lips, which make, by a fold, a prominent horn near its base. The slplional canal is long, closed, and curved at the tip. The outside of the shell is of a dull white, and the inside is lined with a beautiful white enamel. The opcrculnm. looks like a thin chip of rose ' wood.

•Cerostbma NuttaUii, Conr. Fig. 1, PL IV, Nut- tail's Horn in'mth, rose. nbles the last bat is small- the varices are not so broad and thin, while the spaces between them are tubercled and marked with but little spiral sculptuing. It was named for the eminent naturlist, Xuttall.

The genus Nassa, which we will next con- sider, has several representatives on the coast of California. The name means u a basket for taking fish," and refers to the netted surface oi most of the species. Among our most common species we mention Nassa fossata, Gld., Basket Shell, shown in Fig. 2, PI. IV. It is the largest of our species. Spire, conical, consisting of live or six whorls ; surface, sculptured by spiral and transverse grooves. The inside of the outer lip is also grooved, and the aperture ends in a short, strongly rcflexed canal, through which the animal sends up its nose-pipe, when it is search- ing the sand for bivalves. Near the base of the body whorl is a deep spiral ditch, or " fossa,": which gives a name to the species. Color, yellow-? ish white, deepening in the mouth to a brown- ish orange. Length, from one to two inches. ..

Nassa perpinguis, lids., Fig. 3, PL IV, reseni-


Lies the last, but is much smaller, being only three-fourths of an inch in length. Its whorls are beautifully rounded and cut into little squares. Shell, thin, light brown, with a trace of orange inside. It is found from San Francisco Bay, southward.

N asset mcndica, Gld., Fig. 4, PI. IV, is a vari- able shell, about the same in length as the last, but more slender. The surface is marked with fine spiral lines and numerous transverse ribs. Its color is light brown, with a white " peristome," or margin of the aperture. Fine specimens of this species have been found at Santa Cruz and Monterey.

Nassci Cooperi, Fbs., Cooper's Basket-Shell, shown in Fig. 5, PI. IV, is a pretty, brownisb little shell, found from Bolinas Bay to San Diego. It is spirally marked, like N. mendica, but its ribs number only seven or eight to a whorl, and are quite, high, giving the shell a tubercled appearance. The white lip is marked internally with small teeth.

We now come to one of the beauties of our Coast, the Purple Olive, Olivella biplicata^ Sby. Fiir. 7, PI. IV. Every one must admire its blu- ish-white, polished surface, and purple mouth. The spire is short, with a distinct spiral groove separating the wrhorls. The inner w^all of the aperture is marked by a bulge of enamel above, and two small folds beneath, which give the shell its specific name. Beds of living Olives can sometimes be found just beneath the surface of the sand, at low tide. They are active little burrowers, throwing up little ridges as they


move. The shells sometimes exceed an inch in length, but commonly are smaller.

Olivella bcetica, Cpr., Slender Olive, Fig. 7, PI. IV, has a thin, slender, brownish white shell. It is smaller and less abundant than the former species, and can easily be distinguished by its longer spire, attenuated form, and brownish color. These two species comprise nil the known California Olive shells.

Gonus Calif ornicus, Hds., Fig. 1, PI. Y, is our only representative of the great Cone family, which has so many beautiful members in tropical waters. Our little species is very humble, being about an inch in length, of a chestnut color, smooth, though sometimes found covered with a hairy epidermis. The dead shells may often be found cast up on the beach.

Fig. 2, PL V, represents a shell often found somewhat broken, named DriUia torosa by Car- penter, which we may translate in part as the Knotty Drillia. Its color is from olive to black ; length, from one inch to an inch and a half, spindle shaped, spire of five or six whorls, orna- mented by a spiral row of knobs. It is found frequently at Monterey.

Drillia penicillata, Cpr., Fig. 3, PI. V, Pen- cilled Drillia, is a very beautiful species, found at Santa Barbara and southward. It is larger and more graceful than the last named, brownish, with delicate markings, spire of eight whorls ; length, one inch and a half.

Lnponia ( or Cypraca ) spadicea, Gray, Fig. 4, PL V, Nut-brown Cowry, is a beautiful shell.




and a worthy representative of the famous genus of Cowries. The back of the shell is well shown by the artist. It is of chestnut brown, sur- rounded by a darker stripe which shades off into light brown and bluish white. The other side is almost wholly occupied by the aperture aud lips. The former is narrow aud extends the whole length of the shell. Tho lips are white and set with about 22 teeth on each side. In the adult shell, the spire is completely concealed by the whorls. It was formerly quite rare, but has Decently been found in considerable numbers in the southern part of the State, living with the large mussel, Modiola modiolus, which it greatly resembles in color. With this circumstance, Mr. R. E. C. Stearns illustrates and enforces the theory of the preserving effects of imitative color. Ordinarily, this shell would be a conspicuous object, and would quickly bo taken by man or beast; when lying among the similar looking mussel shells, however, it is not easy to discover it, or distinguish it from its very different neigh- bois. Perhaps this influence ot color has much to do with the abundance or scarcity of many other shells, and it should be carefully studied. AVe should ask, as we gather, shells, u Do they resemble their surroundings in color or form, and does this resemblance tend to protect them?". The study of this subject may guide us to the proper place to search for shells- whose color and form we know.

The little Trivia Californiea, Gray^ Fig. 5, PI. V, is sometimes known as the Coffee-bean Shell, and its size and appearance warrant this


name. It is very plump and full, with a dozen distinct ribs on each side. Its color is reddish chocolate, with white teeth on the inner wall of the long and narrow aperture. It is a pretty little shell, from one-fourth to one-half inch in length, and is sometimes worn as a jewel.

Erato vitellina, Hds., Fig. 6, PL V, is about half an inch in length, quite smooth, with a large aperture and thickened outer lip. The spire is short ,and largely concealed. The per- istome is white, and the back is chestnut brown. Dead shells may frequently be found along the shore.

Fig. 7, PL V, represents the natural size of the pretty little Erato columbella, Mke. This species has a visible spire, long aperture with finely toothed edges, white lips and olive back. Still smaller, but somewhat resembling this species, is the pure white Marginella Jewettii, Cpr., not figured. It is ore-fifth of an inch long, has a rounded spire and four distinct folds near the base of the columella. It resembles the Kice Shell, Olivella oriza, but is shorter and thicker.

Fig. 1, PL YI, represents a moderate sized specimen of Lunatia Lewissii, Gld., Moon-shell. It sometimes grows to be five or six inches in diameter, and is a powerful enemy to helpless, burrowing bivalves. Plowing along through the wet sand by means of its enormous foot, it no sooner strikes an unfortunate clam than the head is stretched out, and the drill which it car- ries in its trunk started on its errand of destruct- ion. Its color is yellowish white ; spire, shcrt ;


form, spheroidal ; surface, sinoothish ; operculum, horny ; umbilicus, large. It somewhat resembles the similar species, Natica clausa, Brod. & Sby., which may be distinguished by its closed um- bilicus and shelly operculum.

The black, corkscrew-like shell shown in Fig. 2, PI. VI, which we may call a Horn Shell, is known by the name of Cerithidea saerata, Gld. There are ten whorls, numerously ribbed, with a deep suture between them. This shell contrasts strangely with the moon-shell, the greater part of that being the body whorl, while there is little to this except the spire. The outside is dull black ; the inside, glossy brown. Length, one, to one and a half inches. Unlike the pre- vious species, this one delights in the brackish waters of bays and marshes. The writer gather- ed them in great numbers on the muddy flats at the head of Lake Meriitt, in Oakland, where they seemed to be enjoying the fresh air, after the tide had left them on the surface of the mud. Some similar species in other countries spend so much time in the air that they have been mis- taken for land shells. Owing to their form, they are very difficult to clean. After boiling, as much of the soft parts as possible should be removed, and the space plugged with cotton, to which the horny, circular, multi-spiral opercu- lum should be attached by a drop of glue.

Bittium filosum, Gld., Fig. 3, PI. VI, is a little, brownish, spiral shell, living in the sea, and marked by spiral grooves, without ribs. It is a bout half an inch long, strong and solid.


There are several other species of Bittium, mcst of which have ribs.

Fig. 4, PL VI, represents a Scalaria or Stair- case Shell, probably of tho species named crebri- eostata, "close-ribbed," by P. P. Carpenter. It is a beautiful, pure white shell, commonly smaller than the figure, marked with about 15 sharp ribs, which form a sort of crown at the suture.

Opalia borealis, Gld., Fig. 5, PL VI, is about an inch long, white, strong, with fewer and blunter ribs than Scalaria. It also differs from it by not having a continuous peristome.

Upon the rocks, from the region of low tide to the surface of cliffs washed by the highest spray, may bo found great numbers of little, dark colored shells, about the size of peas. They belong to the genus Littorina, which obviously means Shore-shell. Our English cousins call them Periwinkles. The aperture to these shells is entire, and the operculum is thin, horny, and few-whorled. We have two common species, both of which are nearly black, though many specimens may be found which are spotted, strip- ed, and even almost white.

Littorina planaxis, Nutt., Fig. 6, PI. VI, has a short spire, round body whorl, and sharp out- er lip ; it is distinguished however, as its name indicates, by its flattened and scooped columella. Its length is from three-fourths of an inch down- ward ; the interior of the mouth is brown. The other species, Littorina scutulata, Gld., Fig. 7, PL VI, is generally smaller and more pointed. The spire is as long as the aperture, the colum- ella not excavated, and the interior of the aper-





tare is purple. Both of these species are very interesting for study. They can easily be ex- amined in little tide pools, while in motion, and their method of clinging to the rock when the water has left them should he noted. A near relative to the above is the little Lacuna unifas- ciata, Cpr., or Chink-shell, represented in Fig. I, PI. VII. It is a very lictle thing, about one- sixth of an inch long, very few whorled, brown and glossy, with the color sometimes broken into dots on the keel of the body whorl. The aper- ture is semi-lunar, and the columella flattened, with an umbilical fissure, from which it takes its generic name. It is worth looking for. Lacuna solidula, Lov., is sometimes halt an inch in length, but often of less size. It is three whorled, strong, smooth, with small um- bilicus, brown surface and white columella.

We have now come to the Trochidce or Top- shells, one of the most prominent and numerous families on the coast. They vary greatly in many respects, but still have the family traits, and family features. Some of them are the first to greet you as you climb down the rocks to the shore, others are rare and shy enough ; some have little beauty, while others rival the rainbow in their tints. They are mostly conical, with entire apertures, and nacreous, or pearly, interi- ors. When the outer coats are removed with acids, the inner pearly layers appear. The ani- mals feed on marine vegetation. We will begin our description with the smallest species, Pliasi- anella eornpta, Gld., Pheasant-shell, shown some- what magnified in Fig. 3, PI. VII. It is BO small


that it often escapes the collector, but when found and examined by a glass, it shows its beauties. Its color is white, with large zigzag stripes of bright, cherry red.

Pachypoma gibberosum, Chern., Fig. 2, PI. VII, is a strong, brick-red shell, often found dead, and commonly somewhat broken. It is broadly conical, its whorls roughened with nu- merous coarse, short ribs, and its base marked by five or six deep, concentric furrows. The opcr- culum is oval, horny within, with a white shelly bulge on the outside. Breadth of shell, from two to three inches.

Fig. 4, PI. VII, represents the large wavy Top-shell, Pomanlax undosus, Wood. It some- times grows to a size much greater than the fig- ure, and the large animal may be seen stretched out upon the rocks, feeding. When perfect, the whitish pearl shell is covered with a brown, fi- brous epidermis. In form, it is flatly conical, with a long, triangular aperture ; the outer lip is thin, the whorls covered with undulating ribs, and the base ornamented with beaded circles. The opereulum is very striking, horny within, and strengthened without, by two strong, curved, shelly ribs, as shown in the figure. This species abounds at Santa Barbara, and southward, though it has been found at Monterey.

In Fig. 5, PI. VII, we can not fail to see a model of the old friend who is so ready to greet us as we step our feet on the rocky shore. " Thousands of thousands " would hardly give us a correct idea of the numbers of this Black Turban, or Chlorostoma funebmle, A. Ad.


Firm and solid, well fitted to resist the buffer- ings of the waves, it clings to the rocks which are daily left bare. In the water, the little black animal, with its short head and lively feelers, may be seen crawling briskly along; while in the air, it can wholly secrete itself within the strong shell and close the door with its circular oper- culum. The color is dark purple, almost black, with white pearly layers within ; whorls, four, often eroded at the apex ; body whorl, often puckered near the suture ; umbilicus, nearly clos- ed ; columclla, marked by two teeth near its base, operculum, horny and rnultispiral

Its neighbor, Chl<yros1oma brunneum, Phil., Crown Turban, Fig. 6, PI. VI, is a finer species, but is much less abundant. The best specimens are got by hunting the kelp at low water, by means of a boat or long rubber boots. It is of a rich brown color, with a white mouth and very oblique lines of growth, which give the shell a fine striated appearance.

Chlorostoma aureotinctum, Fbs., is more flat- tened than the last species, with rough ribs on the sides, and distinct grooves on the base of the body whorl. Fig. 1, PI. VIII, well illustrates its form and size. Its color is dark olive, often worn and faded ; the umbilicus is conspicuous, and touched with bright orange, which gives ri*e to its pretty name. This species is gener- ally found to the south of Monterey Bay.

The next species, Omphalius fuscescens,~P\ri]., shown in Fig. 6, PI. VIII, is also a southern va- riety. The artist has given the basal view, showing the large umbilicus, circular aperture,


and concentric grooves. The low whorls are marked by spiral, raised lines, broken into numerous points, which give the shell a character- istic appearance; rounded teeth also line the lower part of the aperture. Its color varies, from light to dark brcwn.

Three fine species ot Top-shells, which always delight the heart of one who loves to study and collect these graceful forms of nature, have the common name Calliostoma. They are shown in Figs. 2, 3, and 4, PI. VIII. They commonly live outside the low water mark, upon the kelp, where the rocks can not injure their delicate shells.

At times, they are very difficult to obtain, prob- ably sinking to the bottom ; but it is said that when the sun shines brightly they crawl up near the surface, and can easily be captured by the aid of a boat.

CMiostoma costatum, Mart., Fig. 2, PI. VIII, is quite thick and strong. It has four whorls rounded and marked with fine spiral ridges. The thin, reddish brown, outer coat is easily peeled off, showing the bright, pearly blue shell underneath. The aperture of dead shells is often inhabited by the White Slipper-shell, Crepidula namcelloides.

Fig. 3, PL VIII, is,a fine picture of Calliosto- ma annulatum, Mart., Banded Top-shell, It is a very pretty shell-, thin and delicate, sharply conical, marked by fine spiral lines, which are cut into minute grains. Color, light brown, with darker dots, and a spiral line of violet. The aperture is nearly square, and the short columel- la is pearly.





Cattwstoma canaliculatum, Mart., Grooved Top-shell, Fig. 4, PI. VIII, is upwards of an inch in length and breadth. It is very thin and light, conical in shape, and marked by very strong spi- ral lines alternating with lesser ones, with a dis- tinct suture between the five whorls. Exterior color, light brown ; interior of aperture, brightly iridescent.

Trochiscus Norrisii, Sby., Fig. 5, PI. VIII, abundant southward, rare at Monterey, is alarge, smooth, brownish shell, with low spire, rounded whorls, very large umbilicus, and ample aperture, which is closed by a mossy, circular operculum. It is found on the rocks, like the Turbans. The The last shell; No. 7, figured on plate VIII, is Leptonyx sanguineus, Linn., alias Leptoihyra sanguined. The figure shows the natural size, though it sometimes grows larger. It is strong and solid, few whorled, marked by regular spiral stride. It may be distinguished from small spec- imens of C. costatum, by its rounded whorls, white interior, and white, shelly operculum. Its color is red or purple. It may be found living on the surface of rocks, at low water.




largest and most beautiful of our native I shells next claim our attention. In the East, they are commonly called u California Shells,'" and are much used as decorations for mantel shelves, and bookcases. Our earliest recollection of them carries us back to the parlor of a par- sonage in New England, where, after the quar- terly u children's meeting," the great shell was passed around, and in it we deposited our big- copper cents, which went to help establish schools for heathen childrei:. Full well did we admire its rich, pearlv lustre, and wonder at the row of mysterious holes which perforated its side. Such hallowed memories cling around the shell illustrated in Fig. 2, PL IX. Here in California, where they are so common, we are apt to lose some of the idea of their exceeding beauty, but in truth, they are crystallized rainbows, rich in all the tints of the spectrum.

In a commercial point of view, these shells are becoming of more and more value, vast quanti- ties of them being worked into buttons, jewelry. inlaid and ornamental work.


Ilaliotis Cmcherodii, Loach, commonly called the Black Abalone, Fig. 1, PI. IX, isthe'snialler and more abundant of tlie two species. It may be found from one-fourth of an inch, to six inches in length. The back is quite smooth, marked only by lines of growth ; spire, very short ; aper- ture, very large; holes, five to nine ; color, dark greenish black without, pearly within. It may easily be found clinging to the rocks by its broad foot; and when examined alive, in the water, its black fringed mantle, stalked eyes, and slender tentacles are most interesting for study. Note in the shell the strong central scar, showing where the muscle of the foot was attached to the shell.

The Red Abalone, Ilaliotis ntfescens, Swains , Fig. 2, PI. IX, sometimes grows to a length ot nine inches. Outer coat, red, projecting over the inner, pearly layers, and giving the shell a red edge. Back, somewhat roughened, often overgrown with vegetation ; holes, commonly three in num- ber; muscular impression, prominent. Great numbers of these shells in a partly decayed con- dition, may be found in the Indian shell heaps along the coast. These may be gathered and pulverized to form the pearl powder used in or- namenting boxes, and frames.

Ilaliotis splendens, Rve., is a more southern species, found below tide, on rocks. It is more flat, thin, and grooved, and beautifully lustrous within. It has 4 7 holes. Ilaliotis corruf/ata, Gray, also lives below tide. It is large, arched, very rough and corrugated ; holes 3 5. Fishes


eat the deep water species, and perfect shells may sometimes be found in their stomachs.

The coast of California abounds in limpets ; they may be found in countless numbers clinging to the rocks, their cup-shaped shells protecting their soft bodies from injury. They crawl along the surface of the rock, and many of them, like the famous birds, " come home to roost." Some old ones may be found settled some little dis- tance into that spot on the rock which has long been their home ; sometimes the roost is on the shell of another limpet, which becomes indent- ed in the same manner. We will first note those which have a hole in the shell, and are thus con- nected with the preceding genus. Lucapina crenulata^ Sby., Fig. 4, Pi. IX, is a )huge mol- lusk, six inches or more in length. It is brick- shaped, with a broad yellow foot, black mantle, and has a shell on the back, largely concealed by the folds of the mantle, This shell, shown in the figure, is marked by radiating ribs, crenulat- ed edge, oblong hole, and concentric lines of growth. Internally, it is of a pure, glossy white, with a thick rim of enamel around the hole. This mollusk is not abundant.

The next Key-hole Limpet, Fissurella volca- no, Eve, Fig. 3, PL IX, has a very suggestive name. It is of an oblong, conical form, smooth- ish, about an inch in length, with red stripes running from the fissure to the edge, resembling streams of hot lava from a crater. It may occa sionally be found living at very low water. Gly- phis aspera, Esch., is larger, with a small, oval hole; white, with some color rays; very rough and


coarsely sculptured . Glyphis densidathrata, Rve., is small, white, oval, with fine, close sculp- turing. Gadiniaradiata, Cpr., has no hole. It is circular, low conical, pure white, finely sculp- tured, with radiating ribs, and concentric lines of growth. Its breadth is one-half 'of an inch.

The Slipper-shells are provided with a shelly partition, partly shutting off the ap(x from the aperture. We haves two very common species, the first of which is Crepidula adunca^ Sby., Hooked Slipper-shell, Fig. 5, PI. IX. The apex is strongly recurved; the aperture is oval arid variously distorted to fit the surface on which the animal roosts. Its color is brown, sometimes mottled, with a white partition inside. Its length is from one half to a whole inch. It may be found between tides, on rocks and shells. The White Slipper-shell, Crepidul&navicelloides, Nutt., is flattened, boat-shaped, with a deck half way across. It is very variable in shape, adapting ifself to circumstances. Small, smooth specimens inhabit d^ad univalve shells, while rough, large ones may be found on the rocks. Color, white; length, same as last species.

Cruc'ibidum spinosum, Sby., '4 Cup and Sau- cer Limpet," is a more southern species. The saucer is limpet-shaped, brownish, set with many points or spines. Within, instead of a deck, as in the last species, is a little triangular cup, fastened near the apex. Size, from half an inch to an inch and a half.

IRpponyx cranioides, Cpr., Fig. 1, PI. X, takes its name from its resemblance in shape to a horse's hoof. The horse-shoe shaped muscular


scar, within the shell, is very evident. This species is thick and solid, white, more or less flat- tened and distorted, with rough lines of growth and indistinct radiations. 'Breadth, from one- half to three-quarters of an inch. The members of this genus build a shelly layer under the foot, which also shows the peculiar muscle-scar. There is a good deal of uncertainty respecting the number of our California species, as they are variable in appearance in the different stages of growth, and different species appear to run into each other. These doubtful questions present a good iield for study.

Scwrriamtira, Esch., Fig. 2, PI. X, has a pure white, conical shell, which is sometimes worn as the drop of an ear-ring. It is said to live on the roots of sea weeds. I found one living specimen on a rock, at extreme low tide. It can easily be distinguished from other shells, by its sharp con- ical form, pure white color, and nearly circular outline. Dead shells are common on the beach ; common length, one inch.

Nacella incessa, Hds., Sea-weed Limpet, Fig. 3, PI. X, lives on sea-weeds. It is oblong, coni- cal, horny in appearance, brown, thin, one-half to three-fourths ot an inch in length.

Most of the limpets live near the shore, be- tween high and low water marks. Almost all of our species may be collected with moderate pains; many of thorn are very pretty, and they have one advantage for the collector, namely, they are easily cleaned. They may be dislodged from the rock by a sudden lift, with a broad blad- ed knife, but if previously disturbed, they cling


with great force, and submit to have their shells broken before they will yield. In some countries they are eaten, and also vast numbers are gath- ered as bait by the fishermen. Notice carefully the broad foot, the mantle and gills, the short head and tentacles, and the horse-shoe shaped muscular impression, inside the shell.

Acmaa patina, Esch., Plate Limpet, Fig. 6. PI. X, is oval, flattened, with the apex nearly central, and more or less distinct, radiating striae. Externally it is dark, often overgrown with moss &c; internally, near the edge, there is a dark rin<r; often broken into blocks, then a broad, blue- white enameled space, and within the muscular impression is a patch of brown. Length of shell, one to two inches.

Acmtm pelta, Esch , Shield Limpet, Fig. 4, PI. X, is more conical and pointed,, with about 25 blunt ribs, sometimes obsolete. The outside is brownish or striped ; the inside white, with a narrow, dark thread round the edge, and a brown patch in the center. At Duxbury lieef, in Marin Co., I found some old specimens, with very thick shells, living in deep depressions which they had made in the rock. A small, black, conical shell, supposed by Carpenter to bean abnormal growth of the young of this species, is now known as Acmma Asmi, Midd.

Acmcea persona, Esch., Mask Limpet, Fig. 5, PI. X, can easily be distinguished from the pre- ceding species, by the posterior position of the a}: ex. The ribs on the front of the. shell are prominent, but rough and irregular. Its outside color is brownish, or mottled; internally it resem-


lies A. pelta, with a wider border round the margin. This shell seldom grows more than an inch in .length, and is often smaller.

Acmcea spectrum, Nutt., Fig. 7, PL .X, is a small species, frequently found growing on the shells of other species. It is flattened, with very strong, irregular n'bs, which project so as to give it a serrate edge. It is of a gray color outside, and the inner surface is irregularly marked with black and white. --7

Loitia gigantea, Gray., Fig. 1, PI. IX, is a fine species, dirty brown or spotted outside, but within it is of a very dark and glossy brown, with a distinct, long, horse-shoe shaped muscular impression. The shell is long, and flattened, with the apex near one end. Length, one to three inches.

The Chitons are very strange animals, some- what resembling limpets in shape, and like them clinging to the rocks by a broad, flat foot. Their shells, however, are not single, but com- posed of eight plates, which overlap like the scales on a coat of mail. These plates are sur- rounded and partly covered by a muscular man- tle, which is often fringed and ornamented. In their early life the young chitons have little re- semblance to the more adult forms, for then they consist of only two parts, head and body. Grad- ually the body becomes covered with seven plates, and the head takes shape and developed the eighth. Chitons are a very inoffensive class of animals, and like to live in retired places, especially under stones. Our species are quite numerous, but we will mention cnly those which





are most lik' 1 y to be met with by those who read this little book.

Ischnochiton Magdalensis, lids.. Fig. 3, PL XT, Lean Chiton, isfvery common, and may be found abundantly by turning over stones at low tide. It is long and lean, as its name implies. The valves are light colored, spotted without, and wh'te within. The grayish mantle is set with minute scales. It varies in length from one to three incites.

Mopalia muscosa, Gld., Fig. 4, PI. XI, Mossy Chiton, is common all along the* west coast of the United States. It is more compact than the last species and the plates are more highly sculp- tured. The mantle is set with strong hairs or points, like a chestnut bur. Outside, its color is dark, but within the valves are of a light green. Length, two inches.

The large chiton shown in Fig. 5, PI. XI, was named Katherina Doglasice by Dr. Gray of the British Museum, in honor of Lady Khtherine Douglass, who first sent a specimen to that in- stitution. It is now called Katherina tunicata, Sby., an older specific name having been discov- ered and applied. If we were to put her lady- ship's rather lengthy name into familiar Erglish, we could do no better, perhaps, than to call this famous mollusk, the Black Katy. Its form is well shown in the figure, long and oval. The mantle is black .and heavy,*nearly covering the white shell-plates ; the foot is reddish ; common length, two to three inches. If may bp found on the rocks at the entrance to the Golden Gate, when the tide is low, but its peculiar home is


farther northward, on the Oregon coast, and even about Sitka. And here we may say that a large number of the descriptions contained in this little book apply as well to the shells of Or- egon and Washington Ty., as to California. Some of the species are much finer on the northern coasts, than on our own. Tonicia lineata, Wood, Painted Chiton, (not figured), is a small species, about an inch in length, with smooth and naked mantle, and eight polished valves, beautifully striped and painted. The chief color is orange, and the markings are white and dark reddish brown. Within, the valves are white, shaded with orange. Living specirners are found at very low water, but single red valves are often washed ashore.

White, butterfly - shaped shelly plates may often be picked up among the rocks, from one to two inches in length ; and from their singular appearance they have been called " Butterfly Shells." They are, really, single valves washed from the dead body of the Giant Chiton, Cryp- lochiton Stelleri, Midd., a huge mollusk some- times found entire. It is six inches in length, and three in breadth ; the white valves are wholly concealed beneath the reddish brown, hard, gritty mantle, which covers the whole back of the animal. Thus the mystery of the " Butterfly Shells " is explained, and they be- come of more interest, since we know their true origin.

The little shell shown in Fig. 2, PI. XI, be- longs to the sub-class which also includes the Bubble-shells, and the Sea-slugs, or naked mol-


lusks. Some of the latter may be caught at low water, and they show very fine colors and paint- ing. This species is named Tornatella punctocce- lata, Cpr., and from its peculiar stripes is com- monly called the Barrel-shell. It is about one half an inch in length, oval, very few whorled, with a fold on the columella, pure white, with two series of fine, black, spiral bands.

Bulla nebidosa, Gld., Clouded Bubble-shell, Fig. 6, PI. XI, is a large, thin, globular shell, abounding in southern waters. Its color is brown, mottled with black and yellow clouds. The spire is depressed, leaving a hole ; length, one to two inches.

Haminea vesicula, Gld., White Bubble-shell, resembles the last in form, but is smaller, nearly white, very thin and delicate. This species lives in slimy mud, and eats animal substances.

With this shell we must take leave of the Gas- teropods and turn our attention to the less highly organized, but equally interesting La- mellibranchs.


olivaceous, and sometimes stained with purple. The Eastern Oyster, Ostrea virginiana, is the common exotic species. They are brought here by the car load, when young, and planted in the shallow waters of San Francisco Bay. They mature in from one to three years, and though they thrive in our bays ; very few of their ova develop, probably on account of the coldness of the water.

Somewhat resembling the oyster, is the cu- rious genus of which we have one representa- tive, Anomia lampey Gray. The shells are thin and translucent, silvery or golden. The lower valve is Hat and pierced by a hole; the upper valve is arched and marked by several muscular impressions. This species is generally found in southern waters and on the coast of Mexico, but I found one living specimen at -Monterey. The shells are somewhat circular in form, about an inch and a half in diameter. A more northern species belonging to this family is Placuanomia macroschisma, Desh., Fig. 1, PI. XII, gives an internal view of the upper valve of one speci- men, showing the curious star-shaped muscular impression, with a smaller one below it. The form of the shell varies very greatly, though its normal shape is circular. The under valve is pierced, and both of them are strong, pearly within, and of a greenish white color. It some- times grows to the size of a large oyster. It can always be recognized by the muscular impress- ion, which looks like the imprint of a se#l.

Of the pretty Comb-shells or Scallops, there is a good deal of variety in form and color. We


venture however to illustrate two species, trust- ing that the student will carefully notice the ine- quality of the ears of the shell, and especially the little notch beneath one ear, through which the animal moors itself at times, by a series of threads, called byssus,

Pecten cequisulcatus, Cpr., Fig. 2, PI. XII, is an inch or two in diameter, strong, full, brown- ish, and marked by about twenty equal ribs.

Pecten latiauritus, Conr., Fig. 3, PI. XII, is very thin and delicate, having about iii'teen rounded ribs. The ears are broad and unequal, the shells but little arched, while the color is brown, variously mottled with white like the feathers of a hen ; size, from one-half to one inch in diameter. These little shells live attached to sea-weed ; occasionally a storm tears up the weed and washes it ashore, thickly studded with these little beauties.

Pecten hastatus, Sby., is a much larger and stronger shell, elongated, with very unequal ears, many line, and a lew prominent ribs. Color, pinkish.

We now come to a notable California species, Ilinnites giganteus, Gray, Fig. 4, PI. XII, some- times called the Rock-oyster. In its early life it has a free, symmetrical shell looking like a Pecten. It is then distinguished by its very un- equal ears, and the twelve prominent, serrate ribs on the upper valve. It soon settles down for life in some convenient and sheltered spot, such as the inside of an old Haliotis shell, fastens its lower valve to this support, and yields itself up


to circumstances. It soon looses its regularity of form, and becomes oyster-shaped ; sometimes developing one valve and sometimes the other, as opportunity offers ; twisting itself to the right or left, and becoming so distorted that it seems to have wholly forgotten its youthful grace. In color, it varies from yellow to brown, on the out- side; while within, it is pure white, with a rich purple area at the hinge line. This purple color is very permanent, and fragments of shells may often be found, still showing it; the ligament is in- ternal, in a deep, narrow pit ; the muscular im- pression is smooth, and very large. This species sometimes grows to the size of a large oyster ; it is occasionally cast up alive from ctaep water, but dead shells are much more common.

The last shell of this group which we shall mention is Lima orientalis, Ad. & Eve., File- shell, an inside view of which is shown in Fig. 5, PI. XII. This little shell is pure white, and is thrown up from the sea attached to sea-weed. The valves are obliquely oval, thin, gaping, and sculptured like a file ; length, three-fourths of an inch.

Mytilus edulis. Linn., is the common mussel, known to every one. Spinning its strong, horny byssus, it attaches itself to rocks, posts, and wharves, in countless numbers. Its smooth, dark purple shell and orange colored soft parts are too well known to need description. The com- mon length is two inches.

Mytilus Calif ornianus, Conr., Fig* 6, PI. XII, is found covering the rocks over which the breakers dash the wildest. Moored by its strong


anchor, it enjoys the rush of air and water, arid fears no danger. This species can easily be dis- tinguished from the last by its brown, glossy epidermis and conspicuous ribs. The shell is purple, but more or less whitish. Some old specimens, with nearly obsolete ribs, grow to a length of eight or ten inches. The soft p?,rts are orange colored, and are frequently eaten.

Resembling the mussels are the Modiolas, several species of which are found on the coast. The shells are bulged near the hinge line, and extend beyond the umbo on one side. Modiola capax, Conr., is covered with a glossy, brown epidermis, mossy in parts. The animal binds itself by a strong byssus, and seems to seek se- cluded places under stones, where it can be found at low tide. Modiola recta, Conr., is " long, thin, narrow and angular, with chafi-like hairs."

Among the difficult things to explain is the fact that a mollusk, with a thin, flexible shell, can bore a deep hole into hard rock. That this is done, however, can be proved bv any one who will examine the work of the Pea-pod Shell, Adula falcata, Old., Fi<r. I, PL XIII. The shell is long, narrow and slightly curved ; the in- side is white and pearly, while the outside is cov- ered with a dark chestnut epidermis, which has numerous transverse wrinkles. I found the rocks of Duxbury Raef, at Bolinas, almost alive with this and other borers. The deep, narrow holes are curved to fit the shell, and the animal also spins a byssus, which it attaches to the sides of its burrow ; length, two inches. Adula stylina,



l! I

Or J-ji>


Cpr., probably a variety of this species, is shorter and broader, with a glossy epidermis. It may be found near the entrance to the Golden Gate.

Another mussel-like shell, shown in Fig. 2, PI, XIII, is Septifer bifurcatus. Eve. Its generic name, " partition bearer," was given from the fact that a little, internal, shelly partition stretches across each valve at the apex ; while the specific name, " two-forked," refers to the ex- ternal ribs by which the shell is marked, which often divide into two. It is strong, white and nacreous within, and covered with a dark epi- dermis without ; the average length is one inch. It may be found, at low tide, attached to the rocks by a byssus.

The next species, Chama pellucida, Sby., an internal view of which is shown in Fig. 3, PL XIII, might easily be overlooked when it is firm- ly fastened to a rock. The outer surface is gray or greenish, sometimes dashed with rosy red, very rough, and marked by many close frills, which are translucent, like chalcedony. The hinge tooth is very strong, and the inside is lined with a white, opaque layer, beautifully crenulated at the edge. It grows from one to two inches in diameter, and may be found at low tide, firmly grown to the rocks, which must be broken to get the entire shell. The name " Chama," is very old, having been mentioned by Pliny.

Quite unlike the Cham as are the Cockles, or Heart-shells. Beautiful in outline, regular in growth, and free to move, they but little resem- ble their irregular, Imp-hazard, stationary neigh- bors. The animal has a remarkably long foot,


with which it can dig or jump. Their siphons are short, so they live near the surface ; they pre- fer sandy bays, with shallow water. Cardium corbis, Mart., Fig. 4, PI. XIII, is occasionally found in San Francisco markets. It is very full and round, and varies from one to three inches in length. The ribs are slightly scaly, and number about thirty. There is a sharp cardinal tooth, and two laterals quite distant from the umbo. Muscular impressions, two ; no pallial sinus ; edge, strongly toothed ; color, whitish or light brown. Large broken shells are often found on the beach near the Cliff House.

Liocardium substriatum, Conr., is a smooth little Heart-shell from the southern part of the State. It is half an inch long, of a light drab color, dotted with yellow. Very fine lines of growth may be observed with a glass, from which circumstance it takes its name. It very much resembles a sparrow's egg. Liocardium datum, Sby., is a very large, smooth, yellowish Cockle from the region of San Diego.

A pure white shell, regularly marked by fine, concentric lines is shown in Fig. 5, PI. XIII, and is known as Lucina Californica, Conr. In shape it is nearly circular, and varies from the size of a dime to that of a half dollar ; the car- dinal teeth are small, while the lateral ones are strong. The ligament is external, and the small lunule belongs wholly to the right valve. The anterior muscular impression is long and narrow, and the pallial line is entire. The pure white- ness, symmetrical form, and regular markings make this a very pleasing shell. It can often be


found on the beach, thrown up by the waves.

The Kelly-shell, Kellia Laperousii, Desh., shown in Fig. 6, PI. XIII, belongs to a little mollusk which shelters itself in clefts and holes, as the shell is thin and delicate. It has been mistaken for a borer, and it frequently lives in the empty holes of boring mollusks. The shell is smooth, oval, and light brown in color. It has one lateral and two cardinal hinge teeth, with a ligament between them.

A pretty little shell, not half an inch long, may sometimes be found fastened to the rocks in concealed places. An enlarged figure of it is shown in Fig. 7, PI. XIII ; it is called La- zaria subquadrata, Cpr. It is strong, full, and marked by fifteen strong, rounded ribs, radiating from one angle ot the four-sided shell. Its color is white, variously marked with brown spots. It is used in ornamenting shell frames.

Chione simillima, Sby., is found in the south- ern part of the State. Its length is two inches, and its breadth is nearly the same. The valves are very stiong and thick, finely sculptured in two directions ; the radial lines are rounded, and the concentric ones are thin and sharp. Heart- shaped lunule, conspicuous ; ligament, external, at the base of a broad depression ; cardinal teeth, strong, three in number ; pallial lines, entire ; color, brownish white, deeply stained inside with purple ; edge, slightly crenulated.






Pachydesma (Trigona) crassatelloides, Conr.. Triangle-shell, Fig. 1, PI XIV, has a ponderous shell, sometimes growing to £reat size. The pair of valves from which the figure was drawn are five and one half inches in length, and weigh over a pound. They are very thick and solid, beautifully white internally, with purple muscu- lar impressions. The outside is yellowish white, partly covered by a glossy epidermis, and some- times marked by radiating stripes. The edges of the shell are smooth and rounded; the hinge teeth are very strong, consisting of three cardin- al and one lateral ; the ligament is external and bulged ; the pallial sinus, small. This great moll u sk is sometimes dug up from its home and used for focd.

Another strong, thick shell, though not so large as the last, is Saxidomus Nuttallii, Conr., Fig. 2, PI. XIV, NuttalPs Rock-clam. It some- times grows to a length of four inches. The out- side is of a dirty white, and is marked by numerous irregular, concentric, ridges. The in- terior is white, and the thick part below the external ligament is translucent like agate. The




pallial sinus is very deep, and the posterior end of the shell is slightly gaping.

In all the markets of San Francisco may be found excellent specimens of the next species, Tapes staminea^ Conr., Carpet-shell, shown in Fig. 3, PI. XIV. It is known among the market men as- the u Hard-shelled Clam." Tomales Bay furnishes a good part of the supply, bulb it abounds all along the coast. The valves are rounded, full, strong, and marked by numerous narrow ra- diating ribs, which are cut by successive lines of growth. It has three strongly locked cardi- nal hinge-teeth and an external ligament ; the pallaial sinus reaches to the middle of the shell. The outside of some varieties is very prettily marked by reddish brown chevrons ; others are nearly pure white. These mollusks burrow in stony places, and can be dug out when the tide is low. Length, one to three inches.

Fig. 5, PI. XIY, represents one of the most graceful of our bivalve shells, named Amiantis eallosa, Conr., It is pure white, full in the center but quite thin at the edges. Its sculpturing con- sists of many re uncled, concentric lines, equal in size to the intervening grooves. There are no radial markings whatever. The lunule is small, set beneath the prominent umbones. Ligament, external ; pallial sinus, moderate ; hinge, with complicated cardinal and strong, short, lateral teeth. This species is found to the south, and sometimes is several inches long ; common length, twro inches.

Petricola car dito ides, Conr., is a Rock-shell,


as its name indicates. It would be impossible to give a figure which would illustrate all its phases, for it is exceedingly variable. Normally, it is an oval little shell, with regular sculpturing. But it has a habit of getting into a hole in the recks and growing to fit the premises ; so it fre- quently is much distorted, generally growir.g long and narrow. The ligament is external ; the hinge teeth often become nearly obsolete, as well as the sculpturing, and the shell becomes thick and rough. Color, white ; breadth, from one- half to three-fourths oi an inch ; length, one to two inches.

Tapes tenerrima, Cpr., Fig. 2, PI. I, is often four or five inches in length. It is thin, flat, and marked by innumerable fine radiating lines, and many small concentric ridges. The cardinal hinge teeth are near the anterior extremity of the shell ; the ligament is long and external ; the pallial sinus is very deep. : " This species is sometimes thrown up from deep water, by storms. Its color is white, somewhat yellowish in places.

Rupellaria lamellifera, Conr,, Fig. 4, PI. XIV, is a nestler among rocks. It has a strong, white shell about an inch in length, and may be easily known by the ten or twelve large, thin, concen- tric laminae, which mark its sides. It has no ra- dial lines, and can thus be distinguished from the variety ruderata, Desh., of Tapes s'.aminea.

The largest of all that class of mollusks com- monly called clams, is known by the name Schi- zothozrus N^lttall^^, Conr., though by some it is called by the more simple term, " Washington Clam." It is a huge, burrowing mollusk, some-


times living two feet below the surface of the mud. For such a situation it is provided with an enormous siphonal tube through which it pumps water from above. This species is used for food, and a few of them are sufficient for an ex- cellent chowder. The shell is oblong, bulged, rather thin, and gapes widely where the siphons pass. The hinge teeth are small ; the ligament is large, internal, and lodged in a triangular pit. The pallial sinus is very broad and deep, the lower- part of it joining the ventral line. Exter- nally the shell shows only rough lines of growth, and is sometimes covered with an epidermis. It delights in muddy bays, and sometimes grows to a length of ten inches.

The Bodega Tellen, Tellina Bodegensis, Hinds, Fig. 1, PL XV, is a very pretty sand-loving shell, smooth, thick, and heavy, and is about two inches long. The surface is polished, of a Creamy white color, and marked with fine con- centric lines. The posterior extremity of the shell is narrow, and somewhat bent to one side. The ligament is external, the hinge teeth are *'ery small, but the pallial sinus is long and narrow. Old specimens show a tendency to thicken the shell from the inside.

Fig. 2, PL XV, represents the little shell so often found in the sand near the Cliff House, named Macoma inconspicua, Br. & Sby. It is a thin, flat, pinkish little shell, about half an inch long. A variety is white and larger.

Macoma secta, Conr., has a very thin, white, plossy shell, sometimes faintly marked with red. The ligament is short and strong placed just


back of the umbo. The hinge teeth are very, small, and the pallial sinus extends nearly the whole length of the shell. Behind the ligament, the shell narrows into a short, brownish wing. The length varies from two to four inches.

Macoma nasuta, Conr., PI. XV, Fig. 3, is a very common species, reaching from Kamtschatka to Mexico. It is abundant in Sari Francisco Bay, and some of the large shell-mounds of the aborig- inies, on the shores of that bay, are largely com- posed of the valves of this species. It inliabi's muddy flats, burrowing quite deeply, and reaches the water by its two, small, red siphons. The shell is smooth and thin ; the posterior part is narrowed and twisted to one side. The hinge teeth are small, the ligament is external, and the pallial sinus reaches to the forward muscular scar. The common length is two inches.

The Red-lined Sand-shell, Psarnmobia rubro- radiata, JSTutt., is a fine shell, represented in Fig, 4, PI. XV. The figure was drawn from a shell found at Monterey, which measures two and one half* inches in length. The outside of the shell is smooth and whitish, marked with broad, radi- ating, red bands, much resembling the rays of the setting sun. The inside is of a fine, glos.-y white, like choice porcelain. Hinge teeth, small ; ligament, external ; sinus, large.

Sanguinolaria NuMallii, Conr., is a southern species. The shell is thin, rounded and flatten- ed, covered with a glossy, dark brown epidermis, beneath which may bo seen radiating bands of color. Ligament, lar^e and external ; pallial length, three inchos.



Donax Calif ornicus, Conr., the well-known Wedge shell, is shown in Fig. 5, PI. XV. It is short and stumpy, being less than an inch in length. It varies much in color, sometimes being nearly white, and again, striped with bright tints. It is smooth, marked with narrow radiations, and has a finely crenulated edge. It abounds on the sandy beaches in the southern part of the State.

The true Solens, or Razor-shells, are not very numerous on the coast of California, but are found more abundantly in the vicinity of Puget Sound. Solen sicarius, Old., is our best repre- sentative of this curious group of mollusks. The shell of this species is about two inches long, nearly straight, and gapes widely at both ends ; it is thin and delicate, and is covered with a glossy, light brown epidermis. The hinge-teeth and ligament are very near one end of the shell. The Solens are active burrowers, and not easily surprised. A variety, rosaceus, of this species is longer, more slender, and of a pinkish color.

Next to the true Solens, comes Soleciirtus Col- ifornianus, Conr., or the Short Razor -shell, shown in Fig. 1, PI, XVI, natural size. The epidermis of this species is not so glossy as that of the last, and the hinge is in the middle of the shell, instead of being at one end. The wrild ducks love to find a colony of these mollusks, and greatly enjoy the rich feast.

Resembling the former species, but much larger, is the beautiful shell shown in Fig/ 6, PI. X V , known as Mach&ra patula, Dixon., Flat Razor-shell. It grows to a length of four or five


inches, arid is covered with a glossy, rich brown epidermis, which shields the thin and delicate shell. The hinge area is strengthened by a stout rib, which runs nearly across the shell. This brace presents a inoct evident mark of design, for it exactly lits its purpose. This species abounds in the north, and is considered delicious food. Broken shells may often be picked up near the Cliff House, in San Francisco.

Mya arenaria, Linn., well kno\vn in the mar- kets of San Francisco, as the " Soft-shelled Clam," is not a native of this fine country, but, like the Argonauts of 1849, it came, enjoyed, settled, and multiplied. We find no trace of its shells in the old Indian mounds, and the first of the species were doubtless brought with Eastern oysters, and planted in San Francisco Bay. Un- like the oysters, however, the Mya has reproduc- ed its kind with startling rapidity, and though it is only seven years since the first specimens were discovered in our waters, they might now be gathered by the million. Their holes may be seen all over the muddy flats, when the tide is out, and they can easily be captured by digging one or two feet deep. Although to us a soli- tary position in the depths of black mud would seem the acme of all disagreeable situations, our friend, M. arenaria, thrives in it remarkably, and is, no doubt, " as happy as a clam."

The shell is oblong, thin and brittle, gaping, whitish, and covered near the edge with a gray epidermis. Its most conspicuous peculiarity is the flat, spoon-shaped hinge-tooth, in the bowl of which is the ligament.


Closely resembling My a is Platyodon cancel- latus, Conr., Fig. 2, PL XVI. This genus is named fr^iri its broad h in ore-tooth, which is not equal, however, to that of Mya. The hinge is near the posterior extremity of the shell, which is bulged near the um bo. Concentric markings are very plain, but radial lines are faint. It is found abundantly in Bolinas Bay. Its color is white.

Lyonsia Cal!/ornica, Conr., is a delicate little shell, an inch long, which is sometimes found washed up on the shores of San Francisco Bay, as well as at other local ites up and down the coast. It is oblong, bulged at one end, and pearly within. The outer coat, which shows many concentric striae, is easily rubbed off, showing the pearly layers.

We come, lastly, to the boring shells, or Pid- docks. These mollusks have the power of bor- ing holes in rocks and hardened clay. In the cabinet of the California Academy of Sciences, may be seen a piece of brick pierced by one of thesa borers. This shows their operations are mechanical, and not chemical. It is now pretty satisfactorily ascertained that the Piddock bores his hole by turning his shell back and forth, by means of his strong foot. The many little points and ridges en the front of the shell act like the teeth of a tile, and gradually wear away the hard rock.

First, we mention a small but common borer, Pholadidea penita, Conr., Fig. 3, PI. XVI. It is seldom more than an inch and a half in length. When young, the part of the shell in front ol the


file is absent, leaving the foot exposed, and in a good condition for pressing against the side of the burrow. In time, the shell forms a rounded end, probably after most of the hard work of bor- ing has been accomplished, and the animal has a secure home. This species has curious uin- bonal reflexions, which adhere closely to the shell. They do not work to no purpose, for thousands of them are now engaged in t filing away dangerous reefs, along the coast.

Zirphceacrispata,) Linn., Rough Piddock, Fig. 4, PI. XVI, is a widely distributed species. It bores in the hardest blue clay by means of its sharp, rasp-like teeth, which are ranged in rows on the forward part of the shell. Within the umbo is a curious, spoon-shaped plate or tooth. A little supplemental plate covers the hinge area. The shell is white, thin and brittle, and it gapes widely at both ends ; its common length is two or three inches.

The last species which we will mention is the Great California Piddock, Parapholas Calif or- nica, Conr., shown in Fig. 5, PI. XVI. This noble species is some three or four inches in length. The anterior portion is rounded and full, while the posterior parts taper to small di- mensions, and end in brown flaps of epidermis, which project beyond the shell. The rocky dust which the animal excavates is utilized in building up a strong, thick, conical chimney, which protects the siphons.







Purpura crispata. The

1. Com

p a r t s of a univalve

2. Drill


3. Drill


Tapes tenerrima. The in-


terior of the left valve,

4. Lupc

showing the parts of the

5. Triv


6. Erat


7. Erat


Pteronotus festivus. On


1. Lum


Ranella Californica.



Chrysodomus dims. Mos-

2. Cerit

sy rocks.



Purpura saxicola. Rocks

3. Bitti

between tides.

4. Seal*


Purpura canaliculata.

5. Opal

Deeper water.

6. Littc


Purpira crispata. Rocks.



7. Littc


Monoceros lapilloides.


Surface of rocks.


Chorus Belcheri. Very

1. Lacu

large. Southern.



Monoceros engonatum.

2. Phac




A m p h i s s a corrugata.

3. P h a

Dead, on beach.



Amycla carinata.



C e r o s t o m a foliatum.

4. Pom

Rocks ; rare.



5. Chlo


Cerostoma Nuttallii.



Nassa fossata.

6. Chlo


Nassa perpinguis.



Nasea mendica.


Nassa Cooper i.

1. Choi


Olivella biplicata. Bur-


rowing in sand.

2. Calli


Olivella baetica.



Con us Californicus.

•rosa. Beach. Drillia penicillata. South- ern.

Luponia spadicea. Trivia Californica. Beach.

ellina. Beach. Erato col umbel la. PLATE VI. Lunatia Lewisii. Sandy

?. Cerithidea sacrata. Mud

of salt marshes. Bittium filosum. Sand, Scalaria crebricostata. Opalia borealis. Littor ina planaxis.

scutulata. Abundant on rocks.

PLATE VII. Lacuna unifasciata.

Rocks and sand. Phachypoma gibberosum.

Dead, on beach. Phasianella compta. Sand. Very rich color- ing on shell.

s undosus. Ribbed operculum. Chlorostoma fun ebrale. Very abundant on rocks. Chlorostoma brunneum. !p.

PLATE VIII. Cholorostoma aureotinc-

tum. Rocks/ Calliostoma costatum. Low water.


3. Calliostoma annulatum.

Attached to kelp.

4. Calliostoma canalicula-

tum. Thin ; on kelp.

5. Trochiscus Norrissii.


6. Omphalius fusees c e n s.

Basal view.

7. Lept ony x sanguineus.

Rocks. Shelly opercu- lum.


1. Haliotis Cr ach er odii.


2. Haliotis rufescens. Rocks.

3. Fissurella volcano.

4. Lucapina crenulata.

5. Crepidula adunca. Shells.


1. Hipponyx cranioides.

2. Scurria mitra. Roots of

sea weeds.

3. Nacella iucessa. Sea-


4. Acmsea pelta. Rocks.

5. Acma3a persona. Rocks.

6. Acmaea patina. Rocks.

7. Acmsea spectrum. Shells.


1 . Lottia gigantea. Rocks.

2. TornatelJa punctocselata.

3. Ischnochiton Magdalen-

sis. Under stones.

4. Mopalia muscosa.

5. Katherina tunicata.


6. Bulla nebulosa.


1. Placuanomia macroschis-


2. Pecten sequisulcatus.

3. Pecten latiauritus. kSea-


4. Hinnites giganteus Deep


5. Lima orientalis. S e a -


M y t i 1 u s Californianus. Rocks.


1. Adula falcata. In rocks.

2. Septifer bif urea tug.

3. Chama pellucida. Rocks.

4. Cardium corbis.

5. Lucina Californica.

6. Kellia Laperousii. Holes

in rocks.

7. Lazaria subquadrata.


Pachydesma crassatelloi- des.

2. Saxidomus Nuttallii.

3. Tapes staminea Gravel.

4. Rupellaria lamellifera.

5. Amiantis callosa.


1. Tellina Bodegensis.

2. Macoma i nconspi c ua.


3. Macoma nasuta. Mud.

4. Psammobia rubroradiata.

5. Donax Californicus.

6. Machaera patula.


1. Solerurtus Californicus.


2. Platyodon cancella t u s.

3. Pholadidea penita. In


4. Zirphoea crispata. Hard


5. Parapholas Californica.

In rocks.


Abalone . .3 >

Acmaea Asmi 39

patina 39

pelta 39

persona 39

spectrum. ... . . .40

Adula falcata 48

Amphissa corrugata 20

Amycla carinata 21

Amiantis callosa 53

Anomia lampe 45

Barrel-shell 43

Basket-shell 22

Bivalve, description ot.. . . .10

Bittium filosum 27

Bubble-shells 43

Bulla nebulosa 43

Calliostoma annulatum. . .32


costatum 32

Cardium corbis 50

Carpet-shell 53

Cerithidea sacrata 27

Cerostoma foliatum 21

Nuttallii ... .22

Chama pellucida 49

Chione simillima 51

Chitons 40, 42

Chlorostoma aureotintcum.31

brunneum... .31

funebrale 30

Chorus Belcheri 20

Chrysodomus dirus 17

Cockles 49

Comb-shell 45

Conus Californicus 24

Cowry, Nut-brown 24

Crepidula adunca £7

navicelloidee.32, 37

Cryptochiton Stelleri 42

Cup and Saucer, Limpet. ..37

Cypreea Californica 24

Donax Californicus 57

Drillia penicillata. 24

torosa 24

Erato columbella 26

vitelliua 26

File-shell ...47

Fissurella volcano 36

Frog-shell 17

Gadinia radiata 37

Gly phis aspera 36

densiclathrata . . . 37

Haliotis corrugata 35

Cracherodii 35

rufescens 35

splendens 35

Haminea vesicula 43

Heart-shells 49

Hinnites giganteus 46

Hipponyx cranioides 37

Hoof-shell 37

Horn-mouth 21, 22

Horn-shell 27

Ischnochiton Magdalensis..41

Katherina tunicata 41

Kelly-shell 51

Kellia Laperousii 51

Key -hole Limpet 36

Lacuna solidula 29

- unifasciata 29

Lazaria subquodrata .... 51

Leptonyx sanguinea 33

sanguineus. ... 33

Lima orientalis 47

Limpets S6, 40

Liocardium elatum ..50

subst via turn. .50

Littoiina planaxis 28

scutulata'. 28

Lottia gigantea 40

Luctna Californica 50


Lunatia Lewisii. . . ..... .26

Lucapina crenulata 36

Luponia spadicea 24

Lyonsia Californica 59

Macoma incouspicua. ... 55

nasnta 56

Machara patula 57

Martrinella Jewettii 26

Modiola capax 48

modiolus 25

recta 43

Monoceros engonatum. . . .20

lapilluides. ... 19

Moon she] 1 26

Mopalia muscosa 41

Mussel 4~

Mya arenaria 58

My tikis Californianus. . . .47

edulis .., .. ...47

Nacella incessa 88

Nassa Cooped 23

fossa ta 22

mendica 23

perpinguis 22

Natica clausa 27

Olive 23

Olivella biplicata 23

baBtica 24

Opalia borealis 28

Omplialius fuscescens ... .31 Pachydesraa crassatelloides52 Pachypoma gibberosum. . .30

Parapholas Californica 60

Periwinkle 28

^ecten aequisulcatus 46

bastatus 46

latiauritus 46

Petricola carditoides 53

Pbasianella compta 29

Pheasant-shell 29

Pholadidca penita 59

Piddock 59

Placuanomia macroschisma45

Pomaulax undosus 30

Pc-ammobia rubro-radiata.56

Pteronotus festivus 17

Purples 18, 19

Purpura canaliculata 18

crispata... 19

saxicola 18

Ranella Californica 17

Razor-shell 57

Rock-clam 52

Rupellaria lamellifera. . . .54

Sand shell 56

Sanoruinolaria Nuttallii.. 56 Scalar ia crebricostata. . . .28

Scallop 45

Schizothserus Nuttallii - . 54

Scurria mitra 38

Septifer bifurcatus 49

Slipper-shell 37

Solecurtus Californianus. .57

Solen rosaceus 57

sicarius 57

Spindle shell 17

Tapes staminea 53

tenerrima. . ..... .54

Tellina Bode^ensis 55

Tellen 55

Tonicia lirieata 42

Top-shells 29, 33

Tornatella punctocselata. .43

Triangle-shell 52

Trivia Californica 25

Trochiscus Norrisii . . . .33

Turban 31

Trigona 52

Univalve, description of.. .9

Washington clam 54

Wedge-shell 57

Zirphaea crispata 60


Page 6, line 19 ; for " in," read is. Pa^e 8, line 6 ; for "0~<?rdw read op:rculum. Page 24, line 3.2 ; for *" Cypraca" read Cypraea.

* A


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