. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE PART OF VOLUME XXXIV A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON BY N. S. SHALER PROFESSOR, HARVARD UNIVERSITY (No. 1438) CITY OF WASHINGTON PUBLISHED BY THE SMITHSONIAN INSTITUTION 1903 V Commission to whom this memoir has been referred GEORGE P. MERRILL, C. G. ABBOT. ADVERTISEMENT. For more than twelve years past I have been preparing the material for the publication of a work, on the part of the Smithsonian Institution, which it was hoped would consist essentially of photographic views of the moon, so complete and, it was expected (with the advance of photography), so minute, that the features of our satellite might be studied in them by the geologist and the sele- nographer, nearly as well as by the astronomer at the telescope. This hope has only been partially fulfilled, for photography, which has made such eminent ad- vances in the reproduction of nebulae and like celestial features, has indeed progressed in lunar work, but not to the same extent as in other fields. The expectation that such a complete work could be advantageously published for this purpose has, then, been laid aside for the present. It has been decided to draw from the material prepared for this larger work, some photographs taken at the Lick Observatory and the Paris Observatory, and particularly some recently obtained by Professor Ritchey at the Yerkes Observa- tory, for which I have to express the thanks of the Institution. These illustra- tions are attached to the present paper by Professor Shaler, and may, then, be considered to be a separate contribution by the Institution to the study of selenography. Professor Shaler's memoir gives the results of personal studies carried on for a third of a century. He has devoted about one hundred nights to telescopic study of the moon with the Mertz equatorial of Harvard College Observatory, his later researches having been chiefly by means of photographs at Harvard Uni- versity, with which he has so long been connected. In accordance with the rule adopted by the Smithsonian Institution, the memoir has been submitted for examination to a committee consisting of Dr. George P. Merrill, Head Curator of Geology in the U. S. National Museum, and Mr. C. G. Abbot of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. S. P. LANGLEY, SECRETARY. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, December, 1903. LIST OF PLATES. Plate I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. XI. XII. XIII. XIV. XV. XVI. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXIII. XXIV. XXV. General View of Moon, Age 6 days. Moon's Age, 7 days. Moon's Age, 8 days, 4 hours. Moon's Age, 8 days, 22 hours. Moon's Age, 10 days, 12 hours. Moon's Age, 14 days, i hour. Moon's Age, 21 days, 5 hours. Moon's Age, 23 days, 7 hours. Moon's Age, 21 days, 16 hours. Mare Crisium and Neighboring Parts. Enlarged View of Part of Apennines. Hyginus and the Neighboring Field. Part of Moon Photographed with Yellow Screen and Isochromatic Plate. Part of the Shore of the Oceanus Imbrium. Central Portion of Moon from Mare Serenitatis to Stofler. Copernicus and Kepler. Crater Region about Theophilus. Mare Serenitatis. Ray System about Tycho. Copernicus and Surroundings. Mare Nubium and Surroundings. Mare Tranquilitatis and Surroundings. Mare Imbrium and Surroundings. Aristoteles, Eudoxus, and Surroundings. Clavius, Longomontanus, Tycho, etc. OF THE UNIVERSITY OF A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. BY N. S. SHALER. PRELIMINARY NOTE. The object of this paper is to set forth the general results of certain studies concerning the form and structure of the lunar surface with reference to various terrestrial problems. These studies were begun in 1867 with the Mertz equatorial of the Harvard College Observatory, at the time when my lamented friend and colleague, Joseph Winlock, was director, and have been continued in a desultory manner, from time to time, for a third of a century. Between 1867 and 1872 about one hundred nights were devoted to telescopic work ; since that time what has been done has been almost altogether by means of photographs, which have of recent years become much more convenient and for my purpose more serviceable than the opportunities afforded by an instrument even if it were as good as the Harvard Mertz. It should be observed that so far as possible my task has been kept apart from problems of selenology or selenography strictly so called. The ends sought have been those alone which had distinct reference to geology. Certain ques- tions, as, for instance, that concerning the antiquity of the lunar surface, necessa- rily touch upon matters which relate to the history of the moon as an individual sphere. In fact almost all the questions brought up by studies on the satellite are more or less entangled with those relating to the evolution of the planet, so that except for the detailed account of the features of either body they must needs be considered together. These features may be compared by types, and in the main the following essay consists of such comparisons. If other duties permit I hope to present the matters discussed in the follow- ing pages in a more extended form, one in which it will be possible to illustrate the facts here set forth, as well as to discuss the conclusions attained in an ampler manner. Almost all the points I have endeavored to make clear demand this 2 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. more extended treatment. As many of them are debatable, some of them, indeed, requiring more observations and comparisons than I have been able to give, I may hope that the criticism this paper may receive will enable me to better the work which it describes. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF THE MOON. Although the moon has been the most studied of all celestial objects, few persons, except astronomers, have a clear idea of even the general results which have been derived from the vast body of observations that have been made upon it. On this account it appears desirable to preface the account of the special inquiries which are set forth in the following pages by a statement of what is known concerning this nearest neighbor of our earth. This account will necessa- rily be limited to the facts which can be set forth in other than mathematical form ; fortunately, these include all that the reader needs to have in mind in order to obtain a fairly clear understanding of the questions which are to be discussed. The history of primitive astronomy shows that the moon, of all celestial objects, from the beginning of man's intellectual development has been the most closely observed. Although the sun was doubtless recognized by the lowliest man as the most important feature of the heavens, as the giver of life, the condi- tions under which it is seen, especially its blinding light, long made any extended study of it impossible. So, except for the very evident changes of its course across the sky and the consequent succession of the seasons, little was known of the solar center two hundred years ago, and, save its approximate distance from the earth, its mass, and its general relations to the planets, not much knowledge was gained until the last century. On the other hand, the moon, because of its nearness, being only about one four-hundredth part as remote from the earth as the sun, has in a noteworthy way entered into the records of men. Its relatively short period of change and the very pronounced character of its alterations made it the first index of time beyond the round of the day. It is evident, indeed, that as soon as men began to reckon time they used the lunar month to make their tally, rather than that of the solar year. Moreover, the surface of the moon reveals much to the naked eye, not clearly, but sufficiently well to afford the basis for speculation and to tempt the imagination to create there a world like our own. It is therefore not surprising that a host of myths concerning the nature of our satellite grew up in the days before the telescope. It is interesting to note the fact that many of these myths have not only become fixed in the minds of unin- structed people, but they have had a remarkable influence upon the minds of modern astronomers, limiting their capacity to interpret what their instruments clearly reveal to them. At every stage in the advance of selenography we note the curious persistency of the endeavor not only to interpret the lunar features by the terrestrial, but to warp the observed facts into accord with those seen on the earth. There is perhaps no better instance of the extent to which prepos- sessions and prejudices may affect the judgment of the most conscientious ob- server, blinding him to evident truth, than the history of lunar inquiries affords. or rut ( UNIVERSITY ) OF A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 3 The story of the physical conditions of the moon had best be begun by noting that the relation of our satellite to a larger sphere is not exceptional, but the most characteristic of all the relations of one stellar body to another. Of the planets in the solar system, all save the two nearest to the sun, Mercury and Venus, have one or more smaller spheres circling about them. The relation of the sun to the several planets in a larger way repeats this plan of grouping lesser about greater orbs. It is generally believed by astronomers that the celestial spheres have been formed by a process of condensation, due to gravitation, of matter which was originally widely diffused ; that our solar system, before it was organized into the sun and lesser bodies, was in the form of a diffused nebulous mass of spheroidal form which extended beyond the orbit of the outermost planet. As this matter gathered towards the center, the material now in each of the planets and its satel- lites parted from the parent body, probably at first in the form of a nebulous ring, or spiral, which in time broke and gathered into a spheroidal mass. In that detached portion of the parent nebula the process of concentration was repeated, with the result that satellites, or, as we may term them, secondary planets, were formed substantially as the greater spheres were set off from the sun. There are many questions and doubts concerning the details of this nebular theory, but that the evolution of our solar system and probably of all stellar sys- tems took place in substantially the manner indicated appears to be eminently probable ; it is, indeed, fairly well established by what we know of the distant nebulae and by the rings of Saturn, which apparently contain the material which normally should have formed one or more of its satellites, but which for some unknown reason have remained unbroken. It is not certain at just what stage in the concentration of a nebula a planet or a satellite may be set off from the parent body ; nor can the present distance of the satellite from the main sphere be assumed as that at which the parting took place. It is possible that the concentration of the parent body had gone so far that the diffused or nebulous stage of its materials had been passed by and the more advanced stage of igneous fluidity entered on. It is, however, more likely that in all cases the separation occurred while the particles of matter were di- vided as they are in a gas or vapor. As soon as the two spheres are separated from one another, and so long as they remain in any measure fluid, the difference in their gravitative attraction on the nearer and more remote part of their masses induces tides, and the effect of these tidal movements, as has been shown by Professor George Darwin, is necessarily to impel the two bodies farther apart. It seems certain that before the earth and the moon became essentially rigid, as they now are, the effect of these tides in driving them apart must have been great enough to account for a considerable part of the interval which now separates them. In the present condition of the moon, it is a sphere having a computed diameter of 2159.6 miles and its mean distance from the earth 238,818 miles. So far as has been determined, the moon exhibits no trace of flattening at the poles 4 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. such as characterizes the earth, unless, as is possible, there are irregularities of figure on the unseen part of the sphere. It is essentially globular in form. The fact that the moon is not flattened at its poles probably indicates that if it once rotated in the manner of the planet it ceased to do so before it became solid. The measure of density of the moon — i. e., the proportion of its weight to its bulk — is only about six-tenths that of the earth. While the earth's mean density is nearly 5.7 times that of water, that of the moon is about 3.5 times as great. Thus the total gravitative force of the lunar mass is to be reckoned as only about •g'j- that of our planet. As the moon revolves on its polar axis but once in about a month, and at a rate that tends to keep the same part of its surface turned towards the earth, we should, but for the phenomenon of librations, see no more than one-half of its superficial area. Owing, however, to this feature, which is due to certain complications of the moon's exceedingly varied movements, the satellite in effect sways in relation to the earth so that at certain times we see farther to the east and at others farther to the west of its center, and in the succession of these movements we are able to behold somewhat more than one-half the total area, in fact about six-tenths of it. It is impossible to set forth in this writing the reasons for the librations of the moon, as the matter cannot be explained without giving in mathematical form a full account of the motion of our satellite, which is one of the most compli- cated of astronomical problems. An excellent non-mathematical presentation of the question, which affords a sufficient idea of it, may be found in The Moon, by Richard A. Proctor, pp. 117 et seg., D. Appleton & Co., New York, 1878. As noted below, there is some accessible information going to show that even beyond the extreme field revealed by the librations the surface of the moon has the same character as that which is visible. Thus we find that up to the limits of the visible part there is no sign of change in the nature of the surface. It is therefore reasonable to conclude that the same characteristics extend for some distance beyond the limits of vision. We also note on the verge of the unseen field the hither margins of certain ring-shaped structures, evidently of large size, the so-called volcanoes, so that it is fair to conclude that these features are con- tinued on the unseen part. Moreover, there are some light-colored bands, such as on this side of the moon always radiate from crater-like pits, which apparently come over from such centers on the unseen part. These several facts, taken to- gether, make it eminently probable that the unseen four-tenths of the lunar sur- face in no essential way differs from that we observe. It is, indeed, altogether likely that we see every type of structure that exists on the moon, and that a view of its whole area would add nothing essentially new to our knowledge of the sphere. Seen by persons of ordinarily good vision, even at a distance of abour 240,000 miles, the moon reveals much of its surface shape, structure, and color ; it is evi- dent that the color varies greatly from very bright areas to those which are rela- tively dark, that the latter are somewhat less in total extent than the former A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 5 and that they are disposed in a general way across the northern hemisphere.1 (See plates i. to vn. inclusive.) Persons of more than usually good vision may, under favorable conditions, see on the edge of the illuminated area the ragged line of the sunlight, which indicates that the surface is very irregular, the high points coming into the day before the lower are illuminated. Such persons at time of full moon can also note, though faintly, some of the bright bands which, radiating from certain crater-like pits, extend for great distances over the surface. So, too, they may see at the first stage of the new and the last of the old moon, the light from the sunlit earth slightly illuminating the dark part of the lunar sphere, or, as it is often termed, the old moon in the arms of the new. With the best modern telescopes under the most suitable conditions of observation, the moon is seen as it would be by the unaided eye if it were not more than about forty miles from the observer. The conditions of this seeing are much more favorable than those under which we behold a range of terrestrial moun- tains at that distance, for the reason that the air, and especially the moisture, in our atmosphere hinders and confuses the light, and there is several times as much of this obstruction encountered in a distance of forty miles along the earth's surface as there is in looking vertically upwards. Seen with the greater telescopes, the surface of the moon may reveal to able observers, in the rare moments of the best seeing, circular objects, such as pits, which are perhaps not more than five hundred feet in diameter. Elevations of much less height may be detected by their shadows, which, because there is no trace of an atmosphere on the moon, are extraordinarily sharp, the line between the dark and light being as distinct as though drawn by a ruler. Elongate objects, such as rifts or crevices in the surface, because of their length, may be visible even when they are only a few score feet in width, for the same reason that while a black dot on a wall may not make any impression on the eye, a line no wider than the dot can be readily perceived. Owing to these conditions, the surface of the moon has revealed many of its features to us, perhaps about as well as we could discern them by the naked eye if the sphere were no more than twenty miles away. Separated from all theories and prepossessions, the most important points which have been ascertained as to the condition of the moon's surface are as follows : The surface differs from that of the earth in the fact that it lacks the envel- opes of air and water. That there is no air is indicated by the feature above noted, that there is no diffusion of the sunlight, the shadows being absolutely black and with perfectly clean-cut edges. It is also shown by the fact that when a star is occulted or shut out by the disc of the moon it disappears suddenly without its light being displaced, as it would be by refraction if there were any sensible 1 It is well to note the fact that in a celestial telescope objects are seen in reverse position, or "upside down." For convenience they are usually so depicted on maps and pictures of the moon; the north pole at the bottom, and the east where it is customary to place the west on terrestrial maps. 6 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. amount of air in the line of its rays. This evidence affords proof that if there is any air at all on the moon's surface it is probably less in amount than remains in the nearest approach to a vacuum we can produce by means of an air-pump. Like proof of the airless nature of the moon is afforded by the spectroscope applied to the study of the light of an occulting star or that of the sun as it is becoming eclipsed by the moon. In fact a great body of evidence goes to show that there is no air whatever on the lunar surface. The evidence of lack of water at the present time on the surface of the moon appears to be as complete as that which shows the lack of an atmosphere. In the first place, there are evidently no seas or even lakes of discernible size. There are clearly no rivers. If such features existed, the reflection of the sun from their surfaces would make them exceedingly conspicuous on the dark back- ground of the moon, which for all its apparent brightness is really as dark as the more somber-hued rocks of the earth's surface when lit by the sun. Moreover, even were water present, without an atmosphere there could be no such circula- tion as takes place on the earth, upward to clouds and thence downward by the rain and streams to the ocean. Clouds cannot exist unless there be an atmos- phere in which they can float, and even if there be an air of exceeding tenuity on the moon, it is surely insufficient to support a trace of clouds. Some distin- guished astronomers have thought to discern something floating of a cloud-like nature, but these observations, though exceedingly interesting, are not sufficiently verified to have much weight against the body of well-observed facts that shows the moon to be essentially waterless. The well-established absence of both air and water in any such quantities as are necessary to maintain organic life appears to exclude the possibility of there being any such life as that of plants and animals on the lunar surface. The reader will find below a further discussion of this question, and it may therefore here be passed with the statement that very few astronomers are now inclined to believe that the moon can possibly be the abode of living forms. Being without an effective atmosphere, for the possible but unproved rem- nant that may exist there would be quite ineffective, the moon lacks the defense against radiation of heat which the air affords the earth. Therefore in the long lunar night the outflow of heat must bring the temperature of the darkened part to near that of the celestial spaces, certainly to some hundred degrees below Fahrenheit zero. Even in the long day this lack of air and consequent easy radiation must prevent any considerable warming of the surface. The temper- ature of the moon has been made the matter of numerous experiments. These, for various reasons, have not proved very effective. The most trustworthy, the series undertaken by S. P. Langley, indicate that at no time does the heat attain to that of melting ice. Turning now to the shape and structure of the moon's crust, we observe that it differs much from that of the earth. Considering first the more general features, we note that there are none of those broad ridges and furrows, — the continents and the sea basins. A portion of the surface, mainly in the northern hemisphere, A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. J is occupied by broad plains which in their general shape are more nearly level than any equally extensive areas of the land, or, so far as we know, of the ocean floor of the earth, though they are beset with very many slight irregularities. These areas of rough, dark-hued plains are the seas or maria of selenographers, so termed because of old they were, from their relatively level nature, supposed to be areas of water. These maria occupy about one-third of the visible sur- face. Their height is somewhat less than that of the crust outside of their area. The remaining portion of the moon is extremely rugged. It is evident that the average declivity of the slopes is far greater than on the earth. This is apparent in all the features made visible by the telescope, and it likely extends to others too minute to be seen by the most powerful instruments. Zollner, by a very ingenious computation based on the amount of sunlight reflected, estimates that the average angle of the lunar surface to its horizon is fifty-two degrees. Though we have no such basis for reckoning the average slope of the lands and sea bottoms of the earth, it is eminently probable that it does not amount to more than a tenth of that declivity. This difference, as well as many others, is prob- ably due to the lack on the moon of the work of water, which so effectively breaks down the steeps of the earth, tending ever to bring the surface to a uniform level. The most notable feature on the lunar surface is the existence of exceed- ingly numerous pits, generally with ring-like walls about them, which slope very steeply to a central cavity and more gently towards the surrounding country. These pits vary greatly in size ; the largest are more than a hundred miles in diameter, while the smallest discernible are less than a half-mile across. The num- ber increases as the size diminishes ; there are many thousands of them, so small that they are revealed only when sought for with the most powerful telescopes and with the best seeing. In all these pits, except those of the smallest size, and possibly in these also, there is within the ring-wall and at a considerable though variable d%pth below its summit a nearly flat floor, which often has a central pit of small size or in its place a steep rude cone. When this plain is more than twenty miles in diameter, and with increasing numbers as the floor is wider, there are generally other irregularly scattered pits and cones. Thus in the case of Plato, a ring about sixty miles in diameter, there are some scores of these lesser pits. On the interior of the ring-walls of the pits over ten miles in diameter there are usually more or less distinct terraces, which suggest, if they do not clearly indi- cate, that the material now forming the solid floors they enclose was once fluid and stood at greater heights in the pit than that at which it became permanently frozen. It is, indeed, tolerably certain that the last movement of this material of the floors was one of interrupted subsidence from an originally greater elevation on the outside of the ring-wall, which is commonly of irregular height with many peaks. There are sometimes tongues or protrusions of the substance which forms the ring, as if it had flowed a short distance and then had cooled with steep slopes. The foregoing account of the pits on the lunar surface suggests to the A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. reader that these features are volcanoes. That view of their nature was taken by the astronomers who first saw them with the telescope and has been generally held by their successors. That they are in some way, and rather nearly, related to the volcanic vents of the earth appears certain. The nature of this relation is discussed below. We have now to note the following peculiar conditions of these pits. First, that they exist in varying proportion, with no evident law of distribution, all over the visible area of the moon. Next, that in many instances they intersect each other, showing that they were not all formed at the same time but in succession ; that the larger of them are not found on the maria but on the upland and apparently the older parts of the surface ; and that the evidence from the intersections clearly shows that the greater of these structures are pre- vailingly the elder and that in general the smallest were the latest formed. In other words, whatever was the nature of the action involved in the production of these curious structures, its energy diminished with time, until in the end it could no longer break the crust. All over the surface of the moon, outside of the maria, in the regions not occupied by the volcano-like structures, we find an exceedingly irregular surface, consisting usually of rude excrescences with no distinct arrangement, which may attain the height of many thousand feet. These, when large, have been termed mountains, though they are very unlike any on the earth in their lack of the features due to erosion, as well as in the general absence of order in their associa- tion. Elevations of this steep, lumpy form are common on all parts of the moon. Outside of the maria they are seen at their best in the region near the north pole, where a large field thus beset is termed the Alps. From the largest of these elevations a series of like forms can be made of smaller and smaller size until they become too minute to be revealed by the telescope ; as they decrease in height they tend to become more regular in shape, very often taking on a dome-like aspect. The only terrestrial elevations at all resembling these lunar reliefs are certain rarely occurring masses of trachytic lava, which appear to have been spewed out through crevices in a semi-fluid state, and to have been so rapidly hardened in cooling that the slopes of the solidified rock remained very steep. As noted in more detail below, the only reliefs on the moon's surface that remind the geologist of true mountains are certain low ridges on the surfaces of the maria. The surface of the moon exhibits a very great number of fissures or rents, which when widely open are termed valleys, and when narrow, rills. Both these names were given because these grooves were supposed to have been the result of erosion due to flowing water. The valleys are frequently broad, in the case of that known as the Alpine valley, at certain places several miles in width : they are steep-walled and sometimes a mile or more in depth ; their bottoms, when distinctly visible, are seen to be beset with crater-like pits, and show in no in- stance a trace of water work which necessarily excavates smooth descending floors such as we find in terrestrial valleys. The rills are narrow crevices, often so narrow that their bottoms cannot be seen ; they frequently branch and in some A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 9 instances are continued as branching cracks for a hundred miles or more. The characteristic rills are far more abundant than the valleys, there being many scores already described ; the slighter are evidently the more numerous ; a cata- logue of those visible in the best telescopes would probably amount to several thousand. (See plates xn, xxi, and xxn.) It is a noteworthy fact that in the case of the rills and in great measure also in the valleys the two sides of the fissure correspond so that if brought together the rent would be closed. This indicates that they are essentially cracks which have opened by their walls drawing apart. Curiously enough, as compared with rents in the earth's crust there is little trace of a change of level of the two sides of these rills — only in one instance is there such a displacement well made out, that known as the Strait Wall, where one side of the break is several hundred feet above the other. (See plate xxi.) In the region outside of the maria much of the general surface of the moon between the numerous crater-like openings appears in the best seeing with power- ful telescopes to be beset with minute pits, often so close together that their limits are so far confused that it appears as honeycombed, or rather as a mass of furnace slag full of holes if greatly magnified, through which the gases developed in melting the mass escaped. (See plates ix, xm.) Perhaps the most exceptional feature of the lunar surface, as compared with that of the earth, is found in the numerous systems of radiating light bands, in all about thirty in number, which diverge from patches of the same hue about certain of the crater-like pits. These bands of light-colored material are gen- erally narrow, not more than a few miles in width ; they extend for great dis- tances, certain of them being over a thousand miles in length, one of them attaining to one thousand seven hundred miles in linear extent. In one instance at least, in the crater named Saussure, a band which intersects the pit may be seen crossing its floor, and less distinctly, yet clearly enough, it appears on the steep inside walls of the cavity. In no well-observed case do these radiating streaks of light-colored material coincide with the before-mentioned splits or rifts. Yet the assemblage of facts, though the observations and the theories based upon them are very discrepant, lead us to believe that they are in the nature of stains or sheets of matter on the surface of the sphere, or perhaps in the mass of the crust. At some points the rays of one system cross those of another in a manner that indicates that the one is of later formation than the other. (See plates vi, xvi, and xix.) Perhaps the most puzzling feature of the radiating streaks, where everything is perplexing, is found in the way they come into view and disappear in each lunar period. When the surface is illuminated by the very oblique rays of the sun they are quite invisible ; as the lunar day advances they become faintly discernible, but are only seen in perfect clearness near the full moon. The reason for this peculiar appearance of these light bands under a high sun has been a matter of much conjecture ; it is the subject of discussion in a later chapter of this memoir, where it is shown that inasmuch as these bands appear IO A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. when the earth light falls upon the moon at a high angle, the effect must be due to the angle of incidence of the rays on the shining surfaces. It should be noted that the light bands in most instances diverge from more or less broad fields of light color about the crater-like pits, fields which have the same habit of glowing under a high illumination ; in fact, a large part of the surface of the moon, per- haps near one-tenth of its visible area, becomes thus brilliant at full moon, though it lacks that quality at the earlier and later stages of the lunar day. In the above considered statement concerning the visible phenomena of the moon no account is taken of a great variety of obscure features which, though easily seen with fairly good instruments, have received slight attention from selenographers. As can readily be imagined, observers find it difficult to discern obscure features which cannot be classed in any group of terrestrial objects. Whosoever will narrowly inspect any part of the lunar surface, noting every- thing that meets his eye, will find that he observes much that cannot be explained by what is seen on the earth. It is evident, indeed, that while in the earlier stages of development this satellite in good part followed the series of changes undergone by its planet, there came a stage in which it ceased to con- tinue the process of evolution that the parent body has undergone ; the reason for this arrest in development appears to have been the essential if not complete absence of an atmosphere and of water. The difference in height between the lowest and highest points on the lunar surface is not determined. To the most accented reliefs, those of the higher crater walls, elevations of more than twenty-five thousand feet have been assigned ; it is, however, to be noted that all these determinations are made from the length of the shadows cast by the eminences, with no effective means of correcting for certain errors incidental to this method. It may be assumed as tolerably certain that a number of these elevations have their summits at least twenty thousand feet above, their bases and that a few are yet higher. We do not know how much lower than the ground about these elevations are the lowest parts of the moon. My own observations incline me to the opinion that the difference may well amount to as much as ten thousand feet, so that the total relief of the moon may amount to somewhere between thirty and forty thousand feet. That of the earth from the deepest part of the oceans to the highest mountain summits is probably between fifty-five and sixty thousand feet ; so that notwithstanding the lack of erosion and sedimentation which in the earth continually tends to diminish the difference between the sea-floor and land areas, the surface of the satellite has a much less range of elevation than the planet. If the forces which have built the mountains and continents of the earth had operated without the erosive action of water there is little doubt that the difference in height between the highest and lowest parts would now be many times as great as it is on the moon. AGE OF THE EXISTING LUNAR SURFACE. Several of the most important problems to be considered in this writing in- timately depend on a determination of the age of the moon's surface. If we A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. I I accept the commonly adopted view as to the nature of the prevailing topo- graphical features of that sphere and regard them as essentially volcanic, i. e.t as due mainly to the expulsion of heated vapors or gases from the interior of the sphere, we have a basis on which to found a determination of that age sufficiently accurate to serve our immediate purpose. It appears eminently probable that the lunar surface must have attained to something like its present condition long before the earth came to the state in which its igneously fluid mass was crusted over. And this for the following reasons : At the time when the material of the moon and earth separated from the previously united mass we have to believe that the amount of heat they severally contained was in general proportionate to the mass of each body. Now the mass of the moon is to that of the earth as one to eighty, and its diameter about as one to four. From this, by the well-known law of cooling bodies, it follows that the moon must have acquired a permanent rigid crust, if indeed it did not become entirely frozen, long before the earth ceased to have a molten surface. There are too many doubtful elements in the computation to make any seemingly accurate reckoning trustworthy, but it appears altogether likely that the moon cooled far beyond the point where volcanic action was pos- sible ages before the earth's surface could have frozen or perhaps have passed from the gaseous to the fluid state. At present all the volcanic action of the earth is apparently limited to the sea-floor or regions within three hundred miles of the shore ; effectively to regions where the central heat is brought upwards into strata containing water laid in them when they were deposited ; the rise of the heat being due to the slow conductivity of the imposed beds. There is reason to believe that since the earliest recorded ages the earth has mainly, if not altogether, depended on such action for the volcanic outbreaks which have occurred upon it. While there may in this particular matter be some reason for doubt, there is none as to the fact that if the so-called lunar volcanoes are due to the central heat of that sphere, they must have been shaped before the crust of the earth was formed, or long before the earliest geological records. It has, however, been suggested by G. K. Gilbert 1 and others that what appear to be volcanoes on the moon are not really such, but are, in effect, punctures caused by the falling of large meteorites or bolides. This interesting suggestion commends itself at first sight as a possible explanation of the pits on the moon, structures which differ in many regards from those due to terrestrial volcanic action, in that they are often of much greater diam- eter, have relatively much smaller encircling cones, and show little, if any, clear evidence of lava flows, or ash showers, proceeding from them. As I propose fur- ther on in this paper to discuss the question of their nature in more detail, I shall now give only in brief the reasons why, as it seems to me, the hypothesis that they were caused by bodies falling from the sky is not verified. It is to be noted that these so-called volcanoes of the moon, vulcanoids, as I shall term them, have generally very steep walls around their crater-like pits ; 1 See Bull. Phil. Sac. of Washington, vol. 12, p. 241, et seq. 12 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. the average outer slope, according to my estimates, exceeding forty degrees, the inner slope being generally somewhat steeper. On this hypothesis this inner slope must mark the path of the impinging bolide, and the cone that surrounds it be the result of the outthrusting action of that body, such as we note when a pebble is thrown into soft clay or a shot from a cannon enters an armor plate. We have under Gilbert's hypothesis to suppose that the impinging bodies came into con- tact with the moon at something like planetary velocity. Such bodies having a diameter of even a mile — and some of them must, on this hypothesis, have been of fifty or more miles diameter — would, by the conversion of their momentum into heat, have served to melt a wide field of the crust about their points of contact.1 As there is no trace of any such bolides in the bottoms of these craters, but com- monly a floor, as of hardened lava, we have to suppose that they penetrated to a great depth and that the lava flowed up after their entrance. But the necessary effect of the entrance of a mass sufficiently large to have punctured these open- ings would, if they had penetrated to a molten zone, have been to send up a quantity of lava far more than sufficient to fill the opening they made, while in fact with few, if any, exceptions, this lava appears at no time to have risen to the general level of the surrounding rampart. Furthermore, if the cones about the craters were due to outthrusts caused by such impacts on material stiff enough to maintain the steep walls of the crater, then we should have evidence of radial cracking in the form of open rents, such as would inevitably be developed under the assumed conditions, but have evidently not produced in far the greater number of the vulcanoids. There is another and, taken alone, conclusive argument against the suppo- sition that the lunar craters are due to the impact of bolides ; this is found in the facts presented in the series which may be traced in the sizes and distribution of the fractures which it seeks to explain. As regards their sizes, the pits grade from the smallest that can be discerned by the most powerful telescope, probably not over five hundred feet in diameter, to rings that are one hundred miles across. The steepness of the inner slopes of these cavities does not perceptibly differ, nor is there more evidence of lava having been poured out from the larger than from the smaller craters. Moreover, there is no better evidence of radiating fractures in the case of the larger than in the smaller pits. Furthermore, there is no such relation in the masses of material composing the enveloping cones or rings as we would expect to find if they were due to the impact of bodies varying in size as we have to suppose. In many instances the walls of a pit scores of miles in diameter are no thicker or higher than in the case of other pits less than a mile across. As regards their distribution, the craters of the moon are generally placed in such apparent lack of order as to give some warrant for the hypothesis that 'Assuming that the impinging body came upon the surface of the moon at planetary velocity, and that all the resulting heat was applied to its mass, the resulting temperature would exceed, according to my reckoning, 150,000 degrees. A bolide fifty miles in diameter would be likely to melt an area many times its diameter. A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 13 they must owe their origin to other than volcanic action, for on the earth we find volcanoes very generally disposed along lines which, in most if not all cases, appear to be determined by faults. In many instances, however, the lunar vul- canoids have a linear arrangement. The vulcanoids of larger size which are arranged in linear order are not numerous. Among these may be cited the train extending from Herschel through Ptolemffius, and Alphonsus to Arzachel ; that from Thibet to Stofler ; that from Atlas to Franklin ; and that from Vendalinus to Casatus, near the limb in the third quadrant. (See plates i and xxi.) In all these instances there are four or more pits in fairly true alignment : in alignment and in number they appear to exclude the supposition that their order is due to chance. Pass- ing from the examples in which the greater vulcanoids are grouped in trains and taking the pits of smaller size, we find the instances of such arrangement be- coming more numerous as the structures are of smaller diameter. It is, however, in but few of the pits over ten miles in diameter that there are more than three or four so placed in relation to one another that they can be said to be linearly arranged. When, in following down the series of vulcanoids as regards size, we come to the pits less than a mile in diameter, those commonly termed craterlets, we note that the linear order, hitherto exceptional, becomes so common that the exceptions are rather to be found in the departures from it. The observations of W. H. Pickering and others, as will be noted below, make it evident that there is a causal relation between the smaller visible pits and the cracks that form on the surface of the moon. There can be no question that there are thousands of these smaller of the craterlets which are thus disposed in lines, some of the series extending for hundreds of miles. (See plate xx.) It may be taken as evident, that in the time when the larger vulcanoids were in process of formation the conditions of strain in the moon's crust were not such as to determine that the points of outbreak should to any great extent be linearly arranged and that when thus arranged they tended to follow the meridians, rather than the parallels. In the later stages of the surface when the smaller openings were made they obviously tended to a linear order, but the direction of the lines was exceedingly varied, some of them being radially disposed with the greater vulcanoids as centers, others along lines of weakness which lie in extremely diverse positions. Reckoning great and small, there are some hundreds of these lines of pits, a number sufficient to make it evident that they cannot be accounted for by chance. It is evident that to explain this linear order of vulcanoids by the hypothesis we are considering is difficult if not impossible, for that would require us to sup- pose the bolides to have been thus arranged during their movements through space. It is also to be noted that in very many instances there are pits within the larger cavities so centrally placed that they cannot be explained by the chance in-falling of bolides. Therefore, while the relation of lunar volcanoes to those of the earth is a perplexing question, there seem on the face of the facts to be 14 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. sufficient reasons for rejecting the suggestion that they are due to the impact of falling bodies. In addition to the features of the lunar volcanoes there is another though more remote reason why such falls of celestial bodies on the moon's surface have not occurred. Of these we may here mention two ; these are as follows : It is evident that these vulcanoids were formed at successive times, and under some- what diverse conditions. So far as I have been able to determine, the largest were, at least in a general way, first produced, and the smaller, approximately, in the order of diminishing size, the smallest in most instances being formed last. Now, as will be more particularly noted hereafter, the light bands which radiate from certain craters and which are clearly mere strips of material which at full moon reflect the sun's light more intensely than the general surface have evidently not been covered by deposits of ordinary meteoric matter, such as falls on the earth in considerable quantity. It thus appears that for some reason the moon, provided its surface has anything like the antiquity it appears necessary to assign to it, has not been the seat of such deposits ; for the accumulation of a small amount of meteoric matter would mask such stains. We would thus, according to the Gilbert hypothesis, have to suppose a succession of showers, each sending bolides of smaller size than the preceding, and with them no considerable amount of ordinary finely divided meteoric material such as comes to the earth. It is also to be noted that since the earth's surface came to its present state there is good reason to believe that no such falls of large bodies as are supposed by the bolide hypothesis to have fallen upon the satellite have ever come to the planet. There are no traces of like craters, for even the greatest calderas, such as that which holds Lago Bolsena or Kilauea, are evidently volcanic and in no way related to meteoric action. Moreover, the fall of a bolide of even ten miles in diameter would, by the inevitable development of heat due to its arrest, have been sufficient to destroy the organic life of the earth, yet this life has evidently been continued without interruption since before the Cambrian time. The point to be last noted is that so far as I have been able to determine from an extended inspection of lunar craters, including several hundred of the more determinable, they all have the axes of their pits at right angles to the surface. Now if these pits had been formed by bolides encountering the moon in their movement, that movement necessarily being at planetary velocity, it does not seem possible that they could all have come upon the sphere in a path normal to its surface. Even with the resistance of the earth's atmosphere, which is far denser than that of the moon ever could have been, the small meteors which enter it mostly come at high angles to the surface of the planet, although its attractive power is more than eighty times as great as that of the satellite. It seems, indeed, incredible that if the lunar vulcanoids were due to bolides they should not have fallen in some- what greater numbers on the earth because of its greater gravitative attraction. The number received would probably be nearly in proportion to the area of the two spheres, with a slight preponderance in the number falling on the earth because of its greater mass and consequently the greater effect of its gravity. It A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 15 is, however, as before remarked, evident that no such falls as have formed the hundreds of pits over ten miles in diameter which exist on the moon's surface have occurred on the earth since the Cambrian age. The foregoing considerations justify us in rejecting the hypothesis of falling bolides as a means of accounting for the so-called craters on the moon. There are, however, certain other features of lunar surface which may be explicable by the impact of large bodies falling from space. These we will now proceed to consider. MARIA OR SEAS. A large part of the surface of the moon is occupied by the so-called maria or seas. These are extensive irregular, indistinctly circular areas of relatively level nature and of a perceptibly darker hue than the other more rugged fields. This dark hue is shared by the floors of a number of the craters which lie near the seas, as for instance by that of Plato, and more rarely by craters which lie remote from their margins. Though vulcanoids exist on the maria of the moon they are of relatively small size, none, in my opinion, which have clearly been formed since the material of which the maria are composed came to its present level posi- tion, exceeding ten or fifteen miles in diameter. So far as I have been able to reckon, the proportion of these pits on the seas does not exceed one-fifth that we find on the other part of the lunar surface. The average discernible inclination of the surface of the maria is relatively so small they are more nearly true plains than any equally extensive land areas on the earth. It is a noteworthy fact that the maria, though they occupy about one- third of the visible part of the moon, i. e., including what is shown by the libra- tions, rarely, if at all, lie on the margin, in positions enabling us to infer that they are parts of like areas on the unseen portion of the lunar surface. On the western limb of the sphere the so-called mare Australis is generally mapped as extending around the margin, as it in fact does at certain stages of the libration, but under the most favorable conditions the ordinary rough surface of the satellite appears to me to be visible beyond this small mare, so that the statement as to none of these seas crossing the limb apparently does not admit of exception. The ill- named mare Humboldtianum is evidently a vulcanoid. It therefore appears probable that if such maria exist on the unseen portion they are less extensive than on the part of the orb which we see. The most interesting feature of the maria is found in their contact with the higher, rougher surface areas which bound them. Whenever I have been able to observe this contact in a sufficiently exact manner there appears to be good evidence that the material of which their surfaces are formed flowed in against or upon the rough ground as very liquid lava would do. In a general way this fact had been often noted. It fills in the lower ground forming numerous bays. In many instances, as, for example, in the case of Doppelmeyer, it distinctly ap- pears to have melted down the side of the crater's wall next to it, and to have filled the cavity to its own level. Whoever will inspect these lines of contact of l6 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. the maria with the higher parts of the moon throughout the several thousand miles of their extent will . probably come to the conclusion that they were formed by the once fluid matter of the sea inundating firm land. Assuming, as I shall do, that these maria are made up of vast bodies of lava, which came upon the surface after the greater vulcanoids were made and, as we shall hereafter see, after some of the radiating light streaks were formed, how shall we account for the produc- tion of such bodies of igneous material ? The quantity of this matter was evidently very great and in each of the seas it seems to have appeared all at once, there being no mark of successive flows such as compose the extensive lava fields of the earth. So far I have not been able clearly to trace any signs of contact or over-lapping of the lava of the several maria. The search is, how- ever, difficult ; no more has been ascertained than that the material must have been extremely fluid, far beyond what is seen in ordinary terrestrial flows. This is shown by the fact that although gravitative attraction is only one-sixth what it is on the earth, there is no steep face at the front of the fields, such as oc- curs from cooling of an ordinary stream of lava. As for the origin of the lava of the maria there are few facts on which to base an hypothesis. What have been gathered may be briefly set forth. First, it is to be noted that none of the vulcanoids of the moon give forth freely flow- ing lava streams ; it is, indeed, doubtful if any true lava flows have come from them. The features which suggest such streams are rare and rather inconclu- sive ; they justify the statement that even the greatest, in general the earliest of the craters, and therefore those which should have had the largest amount of molten rock beneath them, show little or no signs of a tendency to extrude free flowing lava at the time when they were formed. Nor do any of the numerous fissures or faults of the lunar surface, some of which evidently penetrate deeply, distinctly give rise to lava flows. And we shall see when we come to consider the conditions of these volcano-like openings they appear always to have retained their lavas within or near their vents. Clearly these vulcanoid openings do not indicate any tendency of lava to pass up to the surface in large quantities. It is an important point that there is no evidence in any of the maria that the lava comes from a central pipe or from an elongate fissure ; their general form would seem to indicate that if the fluid came from within it should have emerged as from a terrestrial volcanic pipe, for if it came from fissures these should have been of elongate shape. But if it came either from fissured or from pipe-like openings there should be a grade to the flow extending from the center of the field to its margin ; owing to the slight value of gravitation this grade should be steep. There seems to be no trace of such a slope ; on the contrary, the curve of the terminator or margin of the illumination shows that they are essentially horizontal. It is difficult to believe that lava flowing from an opening for hun- dreds of miles could have this absence of slope. When it flows from a terrestrial crater the course is always short and very steep. In view of all the facts, I am disposed to hold with Gilbert and other inquirers that the maria are the result of large masses falling upon the surface of A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 17 that sphere. All the facts indicate that these vast sheets of lava did not come from the interior, and that the interior at the time when they were formed was not in a condition to yield any such masses of liquid rock. We are therefore fairly driven to this working hypothesis. In its favor we may adduce the follow- ing considerations : The fall of a considerable body or bodies competent by the conversion of its momentum into heat to produce an extensive melting of the lunar surface, would be likely to develop melted lava under conditions quite different from that which is exuded from volcanoes. Assuming that the bolide came upon the surface at planetary velocity and that it was some miles in diameter, the heat due to the arrest of its movement would, we may fairly suppose, convert the whole of the body into a liquid if not into a gaseous state. A like result would occur in the part of the sphere which received the blow. Moreover, for some distance beyond the seat of impact the shearing strains would probably be sufficient to convert much of the material of the surface into the fluid state, with the result that a mass of lava at very high temperature, equal at least to the bulk of the invading body, and probably several times as great, would be sent at the speed determined by the gravitative value of the sphere radially from the point where the impact took place. It seems also, perhaps, a fair supposition that a great collision of this nature would temporarily form a heated atmosphere enveloping the moon, which would serve to delay the cooling of the molten rock until it had time to find its level. Yet the absence of any deposits of these temporarily volatil- ized materials is indicated by the fact that the light streaks are not obscured! In favor of the hypothesis above suggested, it may also be said that the evi- dence of melting effected by the material which forms the plains of the maria is considerable at several points, notably in the case of the vulcanoids on the mar- gins of the seas. It seems quite certain that the walls of these craters next the sea have been in some manner effaced by contact with the material which came against it. Again, as in Flamsteed in the Oceanus Procellarum, the crater wall has been almost melted down, but still rises slightly above the surface of the appar- ent inundation. At many points the material forming the mare comes against extended steep-faced cliffs, which have the same general character as the inner slopes of the great craters, where the form of the declivity pretty certainly has been determined by the melting action of the lava at the base. Furthermore, where there are depressions in the area on the borders of the maria, the material of which they are composed flows into them as a fluid would have done. It is also to be noted that at many points where the maria come against gently inclined slopes the material of which they are composed appears to have at first flowed over these low but now unsubmerged areas and then retreated from them, leaving them in a measure smoothed as if by the in-filling of their cavities or perhaps by a partial melting of their projecting features. If such apparent inundation really occurred, it may have been brought about by the frontal wave of the lava which mounted, after the manner of those produced by earthquakes in the sea, for some distance above the permanent level of the inundation. 1 8 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. It may further be said in favor of this hypothesis as to the origin of the maria, that the material of which they are composed appears to have had throughout the whole extent of the several areas a singularly uniform fluidity. As before remarked, there are no signs of successive flows such as have always characterized the accumulation of the relatively much less extensive lava deposits on the sur- face of the earth. In this connection it should again be noted that none of the vulcanoids show any tendency to send forth extended flows, and the matter which appears to have been ejected to form the cones has evidently consolidated on very steep slopes. Thus, if the material of the maria was fluid when it came to rest, of which there seems no reason to doubt, it cannot have been poured forth from the interior in the manner of volcanic effusions. The fact that the surfaces of the maria are of a distinctly darker color than the other and higher extended areas of the moon has some value as evidence that they have a peculiar origin, one not connected with the interior of the sphere. Certain of the crater floors have, it is true, about the same tint ; this is con- spicuously the case with Plato. In this, as in certain other instances, the like- ness may be due to the penetration by subterranean passages of the material of the neighboring mare into the cavities of the craters. There are, however, exam- ples, as, for instance, the great vulcanoid Grimaldi, where the resemblance cannot be thus explained. Although these exceptions weaken the value of this evidence derived from the color of the maria, the uniformity of a tint which is evident in all of them and the seldomness of the exceptions tend to support the hypothesis that the rocks of which they are composed have not come from the interior of the sphere. This point will be further discussed below. We turn now to consider the objections which may be made to the hypothe- sis that the maria were formed by molten rock produced by the impact of large bodies falling upon the surface of the moon. Of these objections, the first and, in many regards, the strongest is derived from the general consideration that like bodies competent to generate a great deal of heat have not fallen upon the earth's surface in the time which has elapsed since the beginning of the geological periods. There is indeed no geological reason for supposing that they have ever so fallen upon the planet. Against the above-noted objection that the geological record of our sphere affords no trace of evidence of any such falling-in upon its surface of bodies of sufficient mass to produce widespread melting, and the proof that no -cataclysms of this nature have occurred since the development of organic life, we may set the following considerations : first, that the moon's surface probably took its shape long before the beginning of our geological record ; and, second, that even in this late stage in the evolution of our solar system there remain bodies in that system in order of size such as would in falling upon the surface of the larger spheres produce the effect which we observe in the maria. Thus the- group of asteroids which lie between Mars and Jupiter, though generally of far greater mass than would be required by impact to melt the larger of the mare fields, probably contains many bodies which, in case of collision with our satellite, A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. IQ would bring about the consequences we note. At least one such mass of matter, Eros, apparently not to be classed either with planets or satellites, has recently been discovered at no great distance from the earth. It is possible that in the relatively ancient state of the solar system, when the surface of the moon acquired its crust, these detached masses of matter were more abundant than they are at present. The tendency would be for those near the greater spheres to be drawn in upon them, with the result that they would become rarer near the planets and the larger satellites. As for the origin of detached bodies of the bolide type, we have no basis for more than conjecture ; we may, however, fairly suppose that the explosive action, which is of not infrequent occurrence in the fixed stars, may have hap- pened in the case of our sun or even of the planets, with the result that masses of matter, perhaps originally gaseous or possibly in the molten state, were flung so far away that they acquired independent orbits. Although the direct evidence going to prove that the maria are the result of the in-falling of large meteoric bodies is not complete, the hypothesis appears to me to have distinct value for the reason that the cause is sufficient to produce that evidently sudden development of large bodies of very fluid matter, which, for reasons before given, cannot fairly be supposed to have come from the in- terior of the lunar sphere. It is, in a word, the only working hypothesis that I have been able to find which in any way serves to explain these remarkable features of the lunar surface. In considering the details of the maria it is to be noted that it is not neces- sary to account for all of them by supposing a single falling body brought about the melting. In several instances, especially in the case of the Mare Australis, and sundry other indistinct patches of the mare quality, the hypothesis can best be applied by assuming that a number of such bodies fell at about the same time and relatively near together. In this way we can account for the fact that in place of normal, rudely circular fields of melting, as in the case of the M. Crisium, we find an irregular, somewhat ragged field of this nature ; in some instances with a periphery that suggests that there were several centers of dispersion of the fluid. Gilbert has maintained that the connected seas were formed by the in-falling of a mass upon the region occupied by the M. Imbrium. This view seems to me to be contradicted by the fact that in the passages between the connected maria there is no evidence of scouring action such as would have been brought about by the swift movement of great masses of lava. It may also be said that the evidence of melting down of the pre-existent topography on the margin of the maria varies much. It appears most clearly in the case of the large, distinctly circular field of the Mare Crisium, and is least in- dicated in the irregular areas. Such are the conditions we should expect to find brought about by the fairly supposable variations in the size and number of the masses in any one fall. Thus, so far as my examination of the problem has gone, the supposition that the maria have been formed by sudden melting of col- liding bodies and of the lunar surface about the point of collision appears to be 2O A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. warranted as a working hypothesis, though it has, perhaps, not been established as a theory. To the suggestion that the surface of the maria is in general lower than that of the regions surrounding them, and that this fact is inconsistent with the addition to the quantity of matter in the area they occupy, such as would be brought about by the falling in of a bolide, the following answer may be made. In the first place, it is to be noted that the outer part of the moon is, except in the maria and in the crater floors, evidently characterized by a very open struct- ure. It is prevailingly much occupied by volcanic openings, greatly rifted and probably composed of scoriaceous materials. If any such section as that about the Apennines were completely fused to the depth of some miles, it is likely that we would have a subsidence of the surface quite as great as that exhibited by the maria. In the second place, the bulk of the material brought by the bolide to the lunar surface would be small as compared with the volume of matter which would be melted by its impact. The proportion would probably be less than one to ten ; so that the contribution from the impinging body would be so small that it would not be likely much to affect the general level of the melted area. The nature of the lunar surface in the maria and on the other more extensive regions will be further considered in the section on volcanic action. As before noted, there is no series connecting the ordinary craters, however large they may be, with the maria. That this is the case is well indicated by the fact that selenographers have in only a few instances been in doubt into which group individual examples of these two species of lunar forms should be placed. The fields classed as seas, with the evidently related embayments thereof, termed sinuses or paludines, have always been regarded as readily distinguishable from the craters. This decision has not been made on the basis of well-described categories, jimt on the immediately evident differences between the two groups of forms. It is recognized that while nearly all the vulcanoids are essentially circular, or with only moderate distortions of that outline, the seas are as gen- erally irregular in outline. So, too, it is patent that the vulcanoids, at least those of large size, have in all cases a fairly well-marked external slope or cone. None of the seas are thus characterized except where their periphery in part corresponds to some antecedent feature, such as the wall of a large pit which they have invaded, as in the case of Fracastorius, on the margin of the Mare Humorum, or where it encounters an elevation such as the Haemus Mountains, on the southern border of the Mare Nectano. (See plate xxv.) This gen- eral acceptance of an essential difference between the vulcanoid floors and the seas, and the very slight doubt as to the classification of the level surfaces in one or the other, is excellent evidence as to their difference in nature. The only areas of a level surface on the moon which may not be on mere inspection classed as maria or vulcanoid floors are a few large crater-iorm de- pressions situated near the eastern limb of the moon, of which the most import- ant and doubtful is Schickard. Even a slight examination of this feature shows that it has a distinct continuous wall, and that the irregularities of its outline are A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 21 due to the melting down of the borders of other craters as its area was extended in the manner which we shall hereafter see to have been common in the develop- ment of the larger crater-form pits. In other instances, as in Ptolemseus, the irregularity of the crater's shape may lead to doubt as to its classification, yet it is regarded by Elger as one of the most characteristic walled plains, its rampart being exceptionally good. A further analysis of the instances which at first sight appear to lead to some doubt as to the existence of a sharp line parting the maria from the vulcanoid floor leads to the same conclusion as the facts previously set forth, that these groups of level areas are, as structures, completely separated from one another, and therefore cannot have had like histories. In the one there has been a long-continued local volcanic-like action leading to the formation of an external rampart ; in the other, a swift production of an igneous fluid, which has swept away until it found its level and shaped its margin by melting down the pre-existing reliefs. Although in general the material which forms the floors of the several maria appears to be confluent, i. e., to show no marks of overlapping at the lines of junction, there is reason to believe in the opinion of many observers that there is some diversity in the level of their floors. Thus the Mare Nectaris is supposed to be decidedly deeper than the others. This is not inconsistent with the view that they were all formed at nearly the same time. The greater depth of the last-named mare may be explained by the supposition that the absorption of the fluid matter into the ancient crust was relatively greater there than elsewhere. While the surfaces of the maria are, as compared with the general surface of the moon, decidedly plain-like, they are, in fact, the seat of many irregularities. Of these the more important are a multitude of more or less continuous low- arched ridges, probably in no instance more than two thousand feet hjgh, but uni- formly of relatively great width, often several miles in transverse section. The nature of these ridges will be hereafter discussed. There are also on the maria numerous craters, none of them approaching in magnitude those on the old, more elevated portions of the crust. The ratio of craters on the maria is only about one-fifth as great as on equal areas of the original surface, and their average size is in about the same proportion. It is also to be noted that rifts or open cracks are apparently rarer on the maria than on the high lands and that the light bands and patches are of relatively seldom occurrence. CLASSIFICATION OF VULCANOIDS. In considering the so-called volcanoes of the moon (I shall term them vul- canoids), the first step should be a classification of their features. Selenologists have generally agreed to distribute them in seven categories termed as follows : walled plains, mountain rings, ring plains, craters, crater-cones, craterlets, crater pits. Besides these groups they recognize the existence of a less characteristic group to which they give the ill-defined name of depressions. Under the term 22 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. walled plains, those who use this classification include the greater pits with the ring of high land about them. Elger selects Ptolemaeus as the type of this group. He states that it is the distinguishing characteristic of this group that there is " no great difference in level between the outside and the inside of the walled plain " ; he proceeds to cite notable exceptions to the rule, accepting Schmidt's term of transitional forms for them. These many exceptions range from Gassendi, where the interior plain lies at about two thousand feet above the floor of the Mare Humorum, which three-fourths surrounds it, to Clavius, where the interior is some three thousand feet below the general level of the area in which it lies ; such variations are so numerous that they include practically all the differences in the altitude of the enclosed plain which we find in any of the groups. Nor are the other criteria of this category more characteristic. The irregularities in the walls, the clefts, breaches, and greater breaks, are, in propor- tion to the length of the encircling ridges, hardly more frequent than in the mountain rings or ringed plains. So, too, with the minor craters, cones, and ridges on the floors and rims ; they are abundant, as inspection proves roughly, in proportion to the area and the age of the structure. A careful ex- amination of this group of walled plains will satisfy the observer that they are essentially like the mountain rings except for certain accidents which have be- fallen the members of the last-named group. Nearly all the so-called mountain rings, all, indeed, that I have been able to group in this category, lie in the maria. They appear, as has been considered by several selenologists, notably by Elger, to be the more or less ruined rem- nants of what were originally to be classed as walled plains. From their posi- tion in the maria and even more from their topographic features, they are fairly to be regarded as akin to the first-named group in origin and general history, save that at the time when the maria were in igneous fusion their rings were in part melted down and it may be in part breached by the tides of lava which surged against them. In some instances these mountain rings appear to have been suffused by the lava when it stood at its highest level, and afterwards bared as the surface of the fluid was lowered. The maria of the second and third quadrant particularly abound in these structures, in every stage of assault and demolition, from those which stood so high above the flood of lava that their exterior slopes show only slight signs of attack, to the intermediate stage of the broken ring immediately north of Flamsteed, and thence to sundry unnamed and scarcely recognizable fragments of rings in other fields of the maria. There seems, indeed, hardly any room for doubt that to establish this group we shall have to accept the principle that the state of obliteration of lunar forma- tions affords fit basis for their classification. It appears to me that for my purpose this group must be rejected. In the group of ring plains selenographers have grouped all the strongly walled vulcanoid pits of the lunar surface ; they find the criteria for separating them from the walled plains in the more continuous nature of their ramparts and the steep declivity of their inner walls. They note also that there are often A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 23 terrace-like structures on these walls such as would be produced by the succes- sive stages of descent of the lava of the crater. Here again by the use of the method of series we may intimately connect the vulcanoids of this group with those of the two preceding groups. None of the students of this classification whose writings are known to me has failed to observe that there exist examples which may be classed as wall plains quite as well as ring plains. There is no doubt that these ring plains have in general better defined, more volcano-like cones than the wall plains, and that the contact phenomena of the lava of the floor with the inner slope of the rampart are more characteristic of volcanic action as we know it on the earth, yet these differences seem to me so to graduate together in the two groups as to afford no basis for distinct classification. In the group of craters selenographers have placed so far the greater number of the vulcanoid pits. They have included in them nearly all the distinct pits from about fifteen to about three miles in diameter. So far as I have found, they suggest no definite criteria for the members of this group, save that they are widely distributed, occurring even on the walls of the large structures, and that on this and other accounts they appear to be newer than the wall plains or the ring plains. Inspection shows that there is no structural difference between the vulcanoids of this and the preceding groups, their rela- tively smaller size and apparent newness of formation affording no good basis for instituting a category in which to place them. Following down in the order of size, the next accepted group is that of crater-cones. The objects included in this category are all of small size. Elger compares them to the parasitic cones of ^Etna, which seems to me not a happy comparison, for their origin is in no wise related to the vEtna " parasites." As the pits are generally less than a mile in diameter it is difficult to determine the shape of their bottoms. My own observations agree with those of the selenog- raphers, that these pits are usually in the form of inverted cones, terminating downward obtusely, i. e., with no very distinct floors, and further that they are occasionally found with rounded, saucer-shaped bottoms, as if there had been lava in the cups, which had withdrawn with the cessation of activity into the deeper part of the crust. There is enough of this obscure flooring to connect by series the crater-cones with the craters, showing clearly that the difference between the two is one of dimensions alone and does not indicate any essential difference in the nature of the constructive actions. As regards the distribution of the crater-cones and craterlets, it is to be noted that they in certain instances appear to be associated with the light streaks ; of this feature we shall take account hereafter. The smallest of the observable pits on the surface of the moon are termed craterlets, or crater pits. These features are extremely numerous, the actual number on the visible part of the sphere, which might under favorable conditions be counted, amounting to many thousands. In the most characteristic specimens of this group there is no distinct wall or cone surrounding the pit, the opening often being abrupt, as if it were brought about by a mere subsidence of the area 24 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. in which it lies. Yet here, too, there is a gradation, for in sundry instances there is trace of a ring wall as if some material had been extruded. In many instances these pits are not circular, but with irregular outlines, which further suggest that in certain cases there was no explosive discharge, but an in-falling of the covering of a pre-existing cavity. It is further to be noted that these craterlets often, per- haps oftenest, lie upon ridges, either the walls of the larger vulcanoids or the numerous elongate elevations which occur in great numbers on various parts of the surface and appear not to be connected with any large vents. In general it may be said that the craterlets are the smallest observable members of the series which has for its largest term the ring plains, and that they are among the newer features of the lunar topography. Looking upon the variety of form of the vulcanoids of the moon in the light of our knowledge concerning the shape of terrestrial volcanoes, it may be said that the range in form is not very much greater in the case of the satellite than in that of the planet. Between the great caldera craters, such as those of the Sandwich Islands or the Bolsena group of Italy on the one hand, and the smaller cones on the flanks of ALtna. on the other, we have a range in width of cup less considerable but approaching what is found on the moon ; or, comparing the nearly coneless craters of the Eifel, the products of a single eruption, with the peaks of the Teneriffe type or those of the Andes, we note a difference in the ratio of the enveloping cone to the interior which is also comparable to that exhibited by the lunar vulcanoids. It is evident that the series of lunar craters has much ampler range in diameter than those of the earth, but the correspond- ences are sufficiently evident to justify us in including all such features of our satellite in one group, assuming that the conditions of their formation were prob- ably as near alike as in the several varieties of terrestrial volcanoes. An inspec- tion of the lunar vulcanoids shows us that the most important features which separate them from those of the earth are to be found in the amount and nature of their extrusions ; the order, or lack of it, in their positions on the surface ; and the influences which have served to deform or to destroy their features. These peculiarities will be considered below. The presence of a level surface of frozen lava in all of the lunar vulcanoids save perhaps the very smallest is, as compared with the volcanoes of the earth, their most conspicuous feature. This clearly indicates the relatively languid nature of the eruptions from those craters. There are, it is true, a number of terrestrial volcanoes where such a floor exists, but in all cases the facts justify us in supposing that the last eruptive action was of the milder type, as in the case of Kilauea in the Sandwich Islands. Eruptions of even slight intensity meas- ured by terrestrial standards result in blowing out all of the fluid rock. Thus we are justified in regarding the level interiors of these vulcanoids as evidence that the normal lunar crater did not discharge explosively in true volcanic fashion. If such violent discharges took place at any stage of the history of our satellite they appear to be unrecorded in its existing features. Not only is the presence of lava shaped on a floor in all the hundreds if not A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 25 thousands of distinctly observable lunar pits proof of the non-explosive nature of their eruptions, but we have other evidence to the same effect in the lack of all signs of ejected masses and of dust-showers, such as are the most striking phe- nomena of terrestrial outbreaks. If we select any of the vulcanoids situated in a region of much accidented topography, which evidently existed before the vent was formed, and examine the surface about the opening, we readily note that it is not masked as it would be in case it had been subjected to a succession of ash showers such as come from a normal terrestrial volcano. In many instances I have observed that there was no trace of such ash-covering up to the very foot of the ring wall. Like evidence of a more affirmative nature is to be had in the very numerous instances in which one vulcanoid cuts another. So far as I have been able to note the details of these instances, the earlier existing crater, except where its walls have been deformed by the encroachment of its neighbor, never suffers from any distinct obliteration. Its ring wall — craterlets, vents, terraces, and other slighter features, which should be hidden or distinctly changed in aspect by an accumulation of even a few score feet of ash — remains, so far as can be discerned, unaltered. When we remember that there has evidently been no erosive action on the moon such as has normally washed away thousands of feet in thickness of ash about yEtna and other large terrestrial volcanoes, we see how clear is this evidence that the lunar vulcanoids have not been the seat of ordinary volcanic explosions. The lack of considerable lava flows on the moon appears to be almost as well established as the absence of ash ; in but a few instances have structures which can possibly be classed as flows of really fluid matter proceeding from craters been reasonably suspected, and these on inspection appear to be more than doubtful. As will be noted below, the material in the craters appears not to have had a high order of fluidity, so that it quickly consolidated on very steep slopes — according to my observations generally exceeding 20° of declivity — as soon as it passed out of the cup. None of the rills or other fractures appear to have afforded passage to the interior fluid material ; they seem, indeed, to have been formed long after the larger vulcanoids had ceased to be active. DISTRIBUTION OF VULCANOIDS. In considering the distribution of the lunar vulcanoids it is first to be noted that, unlike those of the earth, they are scattered over the whole of its visible surface. The fact that here and there all around the limb we may trace the hither borders of great ringed plains fairly leads to the supposition that like structures exist on the unseen portion of the sphere. Except that on the maria there are no large vulcanoids formed since those great plains were produced, — probably none as much as ten% miles in diameter that postdate their fluid period, — there is little to be said concerning the distribution of these features on their surfaces. There are, it is true, considerable areas of the lunar surface outside of the maria where the only vulcanoids are the craterlets. With slight exceptions 26 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. these are the regions of so-called mountains, or in fields where there exist very many low dome-like elevations, often circular in outline but occasionally some- what elongate. Of those regions where vulcanoids of considerable size are rare, the most noteworthy are the field of the Haemus Mountains, the region on the west side of the Mare Fcecunditatis, and that to the northwest of the Caucasus Mountains, though there are many others of about the same extent. (See plate xvm.) Several of these regions are of more than fifteen thousand square miles in area. It should be understood, however, that none of these fields entirely lacks vulcanoids ; it is indeed doubtful if there is any part of the moon's surface, except it may be some portions of the maria, where craters of large or small size may not be found in every circle of twenty miles in diameter. In many accounts of the distribution of the lunar vulcanoids it is stated that the greater of them exhibit a distinct train-like arrangement. As before noted, I have been unable to find any satisfactory evidence of such order being at all common. Here and there, as in the group of Ptolemseus, Alphonsus, and Arza- chel, there is a trace of linear order, but a study of the facts shows that so far as the larger structures are concerned there is no reason to believe that there is any prevailing definite order in their placement. There is, however, good reason to believe that the smaller vulcanoids, commonly termed craterlets, are not infre- quently arranged in linear order. This is not true of all of them, but is clearly so in the case of those which are in some way related to the rills or other crevices, and to the light rays of this point I shall have more to say below. As regards the order of distribution in time of the lunar vulcanoids, it may be said that all the facts point to the conclusion, if they do not establish it, that the largest of them commonly were formed first. This is shown by the fact that in only a few instances does a large ring plain cut a decidedly smaller structure of the same nature, while the instances in which the smaller have intersected the larger are very numerous. So far as I have been able to apply this method of determin- ing the relative age of the rings, it establishes the fact that the greater number, if not all, of the vulcanoids of say over fifty miles in diameter were completely formed before the most, if not all, of those say twenty miles in diameter were built, and further that very many of the craterlets were opened after the greater structures were completed. Still further it appears likely, though not certain, that before the greater vulcanoids were formed the so-called mountain districts and the general surface of the moon had acquired the topography we now find them to have, at least as regards the larger features of the surface. In very many of the great vulcanoids we find evidence that the neighboring country has had its surface somewhat distorted by the intruding structure. In a word, there appears to have been an ancient surface antedating the distinct ring plains, though it is possible that this surface was itself largely made up of such rings which have been obliter- ated by the agents of decay, which have in many instances partly demolished structures which are still recognizable, though often but faintly. The number of these faint rings too indistinct to be named, and rarely affording more than the merest traces of their original form, is so great as to warrant the conjecture that A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 2"J those now existing are but the last of a long series which has been formed and destroyed. Close attention to these features in the moments of good seeing, which occasionally reward the observer, will reveal a series connecting such still distinct though extensively demolished rings with other more numerous fragments of circles which would not be interpretable save for the connecting links. It may here be said that the phenomena of dilapidation exhibited by the relicts of ring walls in the fields of the maria differ essentially from what we find on the outlying surface of the moon. In the last-named areas, the ruining of the ancient ramparts has evidently been in large measure brought about by the encroachment and possibly by some shearing pressure of later-formed vulcanoids, which actions have broken down and shoved about the fragments of the once complete circumvallations. In addition to these processes of burial and displace- ment, there have apparently been at work some influences which have slowly broken down the rings, so that they have lost the original steepness of their profiles. In and on the borders of the maria we find evidence that the destruc- tion was brought about by the immediate and swift assault of the originally fluid material that now forms these plains of frozen lava. The rings are not deformed but more or less broken down, in part breached, by the stroke of a tide of fluid rock, as in the case of Doppelmeyer and Hippalus on the shores of the Mare Humorum, or simply overflowed and melted down, as is the case with the great unnamed ring north of Flamsteed, the more effaced ring between that structure and Damoiseau, or the many other like instances in other maria. As we pass from the largest rings downward in the series towards the small- est craters which have distinct floors, we note a progressive increase in the fresh- ness and finish of these structures. The departures from the original form become less frequent, the walls are less breached, and the slopes of the ramparts steeper and more even. The interference of rings of like size becomes rare, so that with those less than five miles in diameter it does not appear to occur. All these facts point to the conclusion which finds expression in the writings of many selenographers, that in general the larger the rings the greater their age. PHYSICAL HISTORY OF THE VULCANOIDS. Comparing the lunar vulcanoids with the terrestrial volcanoes and adding to the considerations no more than a reasonable amount of conjecture, it seems to me that we may interpret the phenomena as set forth below. In this explana- tion care has been taken to introduce into the interpretation nothing in the way of action that does not appear to be warranted by the processes of our own sphere. It is, in the first place, evident that while the lunar vents indicate some process of eruption it cannot be regarded as in its nature identical with that of ordinary terrestrial volcanoes. These last-named craters are, while they remain active, with rare and questionable exceptions, on sea-floors or near their shores. What we observe in their action and their distribution leads us to believe that 28 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. they are — mainly if not altogether — the points of discharge of water-vapor or of its dissociated gases, and that this water has been buried by aqueous sedimentation. The result is that when heated to a high temperature the fluid commonly explodes with a great tension, scattering large amounts of morcellated rock to great distances from the place of escape. On the other hand, in the lunar vulcanoids, the evidence goes to show that there were no explosions competent to drive fragments in extended trajectories. It is evident, indeed, that the movement of the lava in the pits was almost exclusively up and down in the cavities, often with successive haltings on a particular level, followed by a sinking to a considerable depth. In these stationary periods, the terraces of the frozen fluid on the inner slopes of the ramparts apparently were formed. That the position of the lava was not in all instances determined by a common interior deep level of the fluid seems to be shown by the fact that in some of the rings its surface is several thou- sand feet below the surrounding area, while in the case of Wargentin, just south of Schickard, the floor apparently lies high above the surface of the surrounding country. That there was some kind of boiling or up-welling action in these crater lavas is well shown by the fact that in a number of instances, more numerous than the records show, the surface of the floor is flexed upward, so that the center is some hundred feet above the rim of the sheet, as if the final much weakened impulse was sufficient to arch the frozen crust but not great enough to rend it from its adhesions to the shore. Such tumefying action is also shown by the numerous instances in which a mountainous mass of lava has been forced up in the central part of the crater floor. These medial heaps of lava are so common in the vulcanoids of middle size as to be the rule rather than the exception in these structures. In many instances they are replaced by central craters, or now and then, as in the case of Theophilus, there is a mass spewed up, as are some terres- trial trachytic cones, with only a faint trace of crater pipes leading downward into the interior. (See plate xvn.) Finding as we do evidence of some swelling and sinking process competent to lift and lower the lava in the craters of the vulcanoids, and seeing at the same time that this action did not take place with anything like the energy of terrestrial eruptions, the question arises as to the nature of this eruptive force which has operated on the crust of the moon. The only hypothesis which has suggested itself is some kind of boiling, such as will take place in any fluid mass which is heated below and cooled on the surface, as in molten iron, where substances in the vaporous state, though they exist, are not present in sufficient quantities greatly to affect the movement, or there is a circulation mainly impelled by the escape of imprisoned vapors. Mere convection of heat in an igneous fluid does not seem to be sufficient to account for the rise and fall of the lava jn the craters, especially as in the case of Wargentin, for there the lava floor lies at a height of some thousands of feet above the general level of the surface. We will therefore consider the possibility of there being materials vaporized by heat in the lava, not enough to produce the type of terrestrial explosions, but sufficient A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 29 to lift the lava to the tops of the existing rings and to produce a circulation suf- ficient to keep the material for a long time in a molten state. On this point we have some direct evidence from the fact that many types of lavas that form dykes, such as granites, are violently forced into rocks of the earth's crust without there being any evidence of vaporous or gaseous materials impelling them ; it is more likely, however, that what we see in the way of eruptions on the moon are the results of extrusions brought about by the pressure of gases originally contained in the fluid mass of the sphere. It is commonly assumed that for a long time after any celestial sphere has entered on its fluid state, in passing from its nebulous or fragmentary previous condition, the process of separation of its materials volatilizable at the temper- ature established by the concentration must necessarily go on with the result that some such vulcanoid phenomena as appear on the lunar surface will be likely to occur. It is a fair working hypothesis that every crater-like opening on the moon was formed by the relatively mild outbreak of vapor such as keeps open the terrestrial craters of the Kilauea type ; in such vents there may be vapor enough to induce some movement of the lava, but not enough to cause very great ejections of the fluid. It may be assumed that the lava of the moon far more than that of the earth would tend to retain its gases and to form the viscid, slow-moving material known as pumice, which even when near a melting temperature is of a wax-like stiffness. The reason why the blebs of vapor could not separate from the lunar lava as readily as from the fluid rock of our planet is to be found in the relatively slight value of gravitation, which on the surface of the moon is only a little more than one-sixth what it is on the earth. The tendency of bubbles to separate from a fluid depends in large measure on the difference between the weight of the contained vapor and that of the mass in which they lie ; so that it may well be that the lavas of the satellite were on account of their contained vesicules of vapor less fluid and more like pumice than those we have a chance to observe in volcanic action. When the lavas were lifted to the edge of the encircling rampart it is evident that they flowed out. That they were in the periods of activity so lifted and discharged is plain from the height of the terraces in many lunar craters, and from the elevation at which the lava floor has remained in the case of Wargentin. The normal well-preserved vulcanoid of sufficient size to permit a study of its features shows, in most instances, buttress-like ridges extending not more than a few miles outwardly from its rim ; these are fairly to be taken as flows which have passed over that rim or through breaches in it. It is to be noted that all of these buttresses have very steep slopes, both in the radial direction from the crater and laterally from the center of the ridge. To those accustomed to the gradual slope of lava streams, such as break forth from the base of volcanic cones where the angle of declivity is often not more than two or three degrees, the twenty to thirty degrees of inclination of these supposed lunar flows may seem to negative the hypothesis that they can be lava streams. Lyall and 3O A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. others have, however, shown that lavas may, flowing over the edges of terrestrial craters, consolidate in slopes of eighteen degrees of declivity. Now the angle at which the stream comes to rest will, other things being equal, be determined by the value of gravity ; reckoning this as before at one-sixth that of the earth's surface, we see that a very much increased slope may well be allowed in the case of the lunar discharges. The conception thus formed of the process by which a lunar vulcanoid of the larger size was produced, a conception founded on an extended study of their phenomena, is as follows : the first stage of the action probably consisted in the production of a slight dome-shaped elevation such as abound on the lunar surface, being, indeed, the commonest of the smaller features on many parts of the areas outside of the maria. These dome-like elevations appear to be due to some accumulation of vapors beneath the superficial layer, formed perhaps when the whole crust was still partly softened by heat. At a certain stage of the process this arch fell in, or was broken to pieces and thrown outwardly, leaving a pit with lava in it. When in its oscillations of height this lava overflowed the edge of the pit, the material so passing from the heated interior quickly consoli- dated and began the formation of a ring-shaped rampart. With the continuance of this action the lava would tend to melt down the interior faces of the rampart, gradually extending the diameter of the opening, destroying and remaking the wall as the process of enlargement went on. Finally, as the supply of melted rock was by unknown causes reduced, the lava fell to its lowest depth and gradu- ally froze ; the last stage in the activity being usually marked by a small central crater, a low dome, or by a spewed-out cone, such as so commonly occupies the central part of the floors of the greater rings. It is to be noted that the present position of the lava in the vulcanoids is not to be taken as its average height, for practically all of the craters which preserve what seems to be a fair semblance of their original form show the remains of terraces that indicate higher levels of their floors. The objection may be made that the summits of the ramparts abound in peaks which rise far above the general level of the rings. It is evident that these salient points present serious difficulties ; in some instances they may be accounted for on the supposition that the parts of the ridge now much lower have been broken down by lava which has poured over its crest. In other cases we may find the explanation in the fact that there is an obvious tendency to form small craters on the crust of the ring wall, there being many such that are plainly visible. Now, as we see elsewhere, particularly in the center of the vulcanoids of middle size, sharp, irregularly shaped masses of extruded lava, sometimes, as in Theophilus, many thousand feet high, often take the place of small craters. (See plate xvn.) Thus these isolated peaks may be masses of lava which have been spewed up to a great height. The origin or the small vulcanoids on the ramparts of the greater is a difficult matter to explain ; it may perhaps be accounted for by reference to terrestrial volcanoes, where we find some evidence of a like tendency to form secondary craters around the margins A COMPARISON OF THK FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 31 of a plug of frozen lava which fills the cup. If we suppose a ring widening by the process of melting and rebuilding its walls, we may conceive that the fluid is likely to extend at points beneath the ramparts, so that when, after a period of repose, in which the lava was frozen and had shrunk, activity was resumed, the easiest way upward for the vapors would be by passages leading vertically through the wall. The curious fact may here be noted, that in no observed instance is there distinct evidence of any lava flow which has broken under and through the ram- part or cone surrounding a vulcanoid. When we consider that practically all the lava streams from terrestrial volcanoes break out through the base of their cinder cones, this condition of affairs on the moon demands an explanation. This may, like many other of the lunar events, be explained by the fact that the weight of the fluid, which is the impelling agent of its flowing, is only one-sixth that of terrestrial lavas, while the cohesion of the rocks may be, and most likely is, quite as great as on the earth ; certainly these cones, which apparently are far more firmly built than the ash heaps of volcanoes, must have resisted the relatively slight hydrostatic pressure of the lavas they enclose far better than the like structures of the earth. We may here turn aside for a moment to consider the hypothesis that the evi- dent and often probably repeated up-and-down movement of the lava in the vulca- noids was due to tidal action effected by the earth. While it cannot be doubted that the effect of the earth's attraction, at present six times as great on the moon as is that exercised by that body on our sphere, and may of old have been yet greater, would be competent to lift any internal united mass of fluid to a considerable height, there are reasons why it cannot well have served to pump the lava up to the elevations it attained in the lunar craters. To be operative, we have to suppose that the terrestrial attraction took effect in a central mass of igneous fluid, the sur- rounding crust being essentially rigid, not flexing to any great extent with the pull, which seems to be an unwarranted assumption. Under these conditions the lava would mount and descend in each lunar day, which, before the moon ceased to have a diurnal rotation, may have been of almost any length less than what exists at present which we have a fancy to reckon. It is, however, to be observed that the lavas of the vulcanoids, from time to time, froze at exceedingly varied levels, there being a range of several thousand feet in altitude in craters which are near to one another. These stations of repose, long enough to permit the freezing, are not to be explained on the hypothesis of incessant tidal pumping ; nor have I been able to account for the facts by any warrantable subsidiary hypothesis. Moreover, the smaller vulcanoids, the craterlets, which are evidently in the same series as the greater, having little or no lava in their bases, cannot be thus explained. Furthermore, the central cones of many of the larger vulcanoids, the formation of which was evidently in some way connected with the actions which built the whole structures, apparently cannot be brought under this explanation. The most reasonable view as to the interior condition of the moon when its 32 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. vulcanoids were in activity is that it was in a state of essential fluidity with a relatively thin crust. This fluidity may not have been that of terrestrial lavas ; it may have been, and apparently was, more viscous or pumiceous. That such was the case is suggested by the behavior of the extruded lavas ; it is further sup- ported by the form of those other extrusions which occur in the so-called moun- tains, as will be further noted in the study of those structures. Thus the crust, despite its being of greater weight than the interior lavas, may have attained a considerable thickness ; it may have had a depth of some miles. Yet it is hard to believe that it would have formed a sufficiently rigid enclosure of the interior fluid to have caused the sphere to remain undeformed by the earth's attraction to the extent necessary to bring about a great up-and-down play of the lava in the passages leading to the surface. It is furthermore to be noted that no trace of tidal action has been observed in terrestrial volcanoes — though this fact may be accounted for by the difference in the nature of their origin. I have already, in preparation for the study of the maria, considered the argu- ments against the supposition that the vulcanoids are due to the in-falling of meteoric bodies, the main point being that they fail to exhibit any trace of the great melting due to the collision of bolides of sufficient size to make such pits. The maria being, according to my view, due to such in-fallings, showing all the evidences of a vast and sudden development of very fluid material of high tem- peratures, it follows on this hypothesis that the vulcanoids cannot be due to like action. The objection to this explanation in the case of all the crateriform open- ings seems to me to be so insuperable that it may not be further discussed. It is important to consider the group of vulcanoids which have been formed on the surface of the maria since the lavas of the maria were produced. We note, at the outset, that these openings are all of relatively small size. Leaving out many doubtful cases, where it is not easy to determine whether the structure was in age antecedent to the maria in which it lies or no, these vulcanoids, so far as I have observed, never exceed ten miles in diameter, and even those of such width lie in positions where the covering of lava proper to the mare may be thin. It is there- fore possible that they are due to actions occurring beneath this marial sheet which have manifested themselves on the new surface. The only vulcanoids which may be with some confidence regarded as having their origin in the lavas of the maria are the numerous small craters and craterlets, those in general of less than a mile in diameter, which are abundantly found scattered over their fields, though they are there less numerous than on certain other parts of the lunar surface. It may here be noted once again that in certain instances the likeness of color and the relation of height of the lavas of the maria and those of large nearby craters leans to the suggestion that the igneous fluid from the neighboring mare passed under the ring wall, or through clefts since effaced, into the area it encloses. This view is most distinctly suggested in the case of Plato and Grimaldi, but there are other instances to which it would be applicable. Such a passage of lavas by underground ways is made doubtful by the fact before adverted to, that in no A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 33 instance has the molten rock contained within a ring been observed to discharge itself through the rampart, as is often the case in terrestrial volcanoes. It is per- haps more likely that any communication with the maria was by fissures in the walls which have since been closed, or, if remaining, are so narrow as to escape observation. It may be said, however, that the great heat of the marial lavas and their evident high fluidity would have enabled them to burrow through passages not permeable to the viscous lavas of the vulcanoids. The evident fact that the order of succession in time of the vulcanoids is, in a general way at least, in the order of succession of their size, the larger being the more ancient, enables us approximately to determine at what stage in the lunar surface the maria were formed. All of these several areas which have originated independently one of another appear to have about the same sizes of minor vulcanoids on their surfaces. The small craters apparently originated after the greater rings had been formed, but certainly before the discharge of materials from the interior had ceased. It is possible, however, that all the vulcanoids in the maria, except those which were situated on such elevated ground that they were not suffused by their lavas, owe their origin to boiling action within the liquefied zone of the seas themselves. In this case it is possible that the time when these fields were formed was after vulcanoids ceased to be produced on other areas of the lunar surface. The general sharpness of these structures on the maria is in favor of their relatively recent origin, though it affords no data for a precise determination of their age. I have, in considering the origin of the maria, referred to what appears to me to be evidence that the fluid of which they were originally composed had extended upward along portions of and perhaps all of their shores, so as to pro- duce a smudged effect on parts of the relatively low-lying ground. So far as I have observed, this apparent effect is most evident on the southern shores of the Mare Nubium and the Mare Humorum. (See plate xxi.) My observations suggest that these apparently inundated fields lack craterlets, such as occur on the areas of the distinct maria. If this observation should be confirmed, it would make it likely that the seas were formed after the activity of the moon, as a whole, had ceased, and that the craterlets of the maria were due, as just above suggested, to boiling within their masses, and not to the internal fluid of the sphere. A careful reckoning of the number of very minute craterlets on the maria, as compared with those on other parts of the moon, will probably show that they are on the average more numerous on them than on some other fields of higher ground, and also that they are of prevailingly smaller size. As a group they appear to me to grade less distinctly into the flat-bottomed craters than do those of the high- lands. My observation on these points are, however, not sufficient to more than suggest these possibilities. Anything like a determination of them demands better seeing than is to be had at the Harvard College Observatory and bet- ter sight than is now mine. Should these variations really exist, they would tend to show that the maria had developed their vulcanoids from their own ma- terials. In further inquiries concerning these pits on the maria, it will be well to 34 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH A\I) THE MOON. have them compared with like structures in the lava floors of the larger ring plains. My inspection shows them to be very similar in aspect, as they may be in origin, probably being both alike due to actions taking place within a moderate distance from the surface. MOUNTAINOUS RELIEFS OF THE MOON. Next in topographic importance to the vulcanoids come the reliefs, which have received the general name of mountains. In this group we find at least three distinct categories, which probably are due to as many separate causes. First and most important of these species of salient forms come those which have generally been named after terrestrial ranges or erogenic systems, as, for instance, the Alps, Apennines, Caucasus, etc. Although these groups of elevations have a considerable local diversity in character, varying in elevation from two or three thousand to twenty-six thousand feet or more, and in shape of their individual peaks from seldom nearly conical forms to much extended ridges, they in general have the character of elongate masses rudely elliptical in horizontal section, the several units of each field showing a tendency to a rude parallelism of their axes. These units are rarely distinct from one another, but connected at their bases, so that the field they occupy is by their confluence considerably raised above the general surface of the country in which they lie. The number of these fields of mountains which have been named by sele- nographers is about twenty-five. There are, however, probably at least twice as many areas which exhibit this type of structure in a tolerably clear manner. One of the most important of these is the area between Schroter on the south and Marco Polo on the north, the area in part forming an isthmus-like barrier between the Mare Nubium and the Sinus ^stuum. The facts go to show that while the tendency to form this type of topography is more evident in the northern than in the southern hemisphere, it has existed in some measure on all parts of the moon except those now occupied by the maria ; in these fields, though there appear to be ill-preserved remains of such structures, they are very imperfect. It may also be said that structures of this nature seem to be more frequently developed near the limb than elsewhere, but this may be due to errors in classi- fication, consequent on the difficulty of determining whether elevations in that part of the surface are the borders of vulcanoids or mountain ridges. In considering the relation of the mountains of the moon to the vulcanoids, it is important first of all to note the fact that where they are extensively devel- oped there is a prevailing absence of larger crater-form structures, and that in certain instances we may at least suspect that they have broken up such struc- tures. At a number of points involved in these tangles of ridges there are features which look very much like fragments of the rampart of ringed plains which had been involved in the apparently tumultuous movements attending the building of the mountainous reliefs. Instances of this nature occur in nearly all the larger mountainous areas ; good examples exist in the Haemus Mountains A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 35 and in the unnamed district between the Lacus Somniorum and the Mare Crisium. As it is the habit of the ridges to be rather straight, the occurrence of curved fragments, varying from those of a few degrees of arc to half circular, appears to warrant the hypothesis that antecedently existing vulcanoids have been broken up in this peculiar constructive work. In some instances vulcanoids which were evidently once fairly perfect, as such structures necessarily are at the time of their formation, have been appar- ently invaded by the mountain ridges. This is the case in Marco Polo, just above mentioned. Here an originally normal ring plain has been broken into on its northern versant, and thereby so deformed that its original nature is not readily perceived on casual observation. The great walled plain of Hipparchus appears to have been in large measure destroyed by the development of mountain ridges, which traverse its walls and in part the enclosed plain. Many other instances could be cited to show that these mountain-building actions, whatever their nature may be, have been very effective in deforming if not in destroying the vulcanoids of large area. Even the generally well-preserved Plato appears to me to exhibit in its wall evident traces of dislocation arising from the disturbance of the moderately accidented region about it. There is no evidence sufficient to determine the stage when the building of lunar mountains ceased. There is, however, reason to suspect that they were not formed after the maria came into existence. There are, it is true, a number of groups of such structures which lie within the boundaries of the seas, but there is some reason to believe that these are the survivals from an antecedent time, being parts of systems which were not entirely buried by these widespread lava fields, though they show to my eye distinct evidence of having been effected by the inundations of liquid rock. If this judgment as to the history of the intramarian ranges be accepted, then we may safely conclude that the mountain-building periqd was passed before the seas were formed. There is some reason to suppose that this stage of the lunar development did not extend down to the time when the smaller vulcanoids, at least those which lie outside of the ring plains, were produced. In no instance have I observed any of the mountainous folds break- ing in upon craters less than ten miles in diameter, though my observations are not sufficient to completely exclude such occurrences. In many instances, how- ever, very well-shaped craters of several miles in diameter occur in mountain-built areas. They often are so well preserved that we have to exclude the supposition that they were formed before the ridges were developed. The second group of prominences which may be termed mountains has for its type the isolated masses which often occur in the central parts of lava floors of the greater vulcanoids, and more rarely in excentric positions on those floors. These reliefs were evidently produced by some action connected with the forma- tion of small craters which they appear to replace. Such craters on the floors of the vulcanoids are, as is well known, extremely common ; in many instances there are more than a dozen within the ring, and in the Stadius Schmidt says he counted fifty, and forty-one have been delineated. Commonly there is either a 36 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. considerable pit or a mountain in the center of the ring, the probability of this central feature occurring being greater with the decrease of the size of the vulcanoid, until the diameter of the plain becomes less than about ten miles, when it tends to disappear. The facts indicate that the central pit and mountain of the vulcanoid floor are interchangeable features. In some cases the peak has a more or less distinct craterlet upon its summit, or, as is shown in the central compound structure of Theophilus, there may be traces of a crater masked in the extruded heap. The third group of reliefs on the lunar surface is typified by the long, low, apparently continuous ridges which are found on all the maria, but which are particularly well developed on the Mare Imbrium, the Mare Serenitatis, and the Mare Nectaris. (See plates xvm and xxiv.) The characteristic features of these ridges are their prevailingly low-arched forms, their slight height, and their remarkable continuity ; they very often attain a length of one hundred miles, and in some cases of twice or thrice that extent, while the greatest elevation assigned to them is less than two thousand feet. As their flanks grade rather indistinctly into the general surface of the maria, their precise width cannot be stated ; it is evidently variable, with a probable maximum of five to ten miles. So far as I have been able to ascertain, well developed continuous ridges are limited alto- gether to the maria and practically so to the larger fields of this nature ; in the small maria they are much less distinct, though there are instances of slight undu- lations which may belong in the same category of structures. In fact all the extended plains, even those of the greater vulcanoids, exhibit more or less wrinkled surfaces, when seen with powerful telescopes under very oblique illumin- ation, such as serves to bring out irregularities only a few score feet in height. The distribution of the continuous ridges indicates that they belong to two distinct groups which may be due to diverse causes, or at least to different methods of action of some general cause. The most evident of them are often nearly rectilinear, or with broad curves, which have no evident relations to the outlines of the shore of the mare in which they lie. Of these, the great examples extending from near Lambert in the Mare Imbrium, or those of the Mare Sereni- tatis lying between Posidonius and the promontory of Acherusia, may be taken as types. Another group, well indicated on the borders of many of the maria and some of their embayments, has the folds following the shores and seems to be limited to a somewhat distinct field lying near those shore lines. Elger sug- gests that in the case of Mare Nectaris these shore-following ridges are due to the settlement of the lava in the central part of the basin. It is undoubtedly the fact that the lava has been lowered in the Mare Crisium since the surface has frozen, as it probably has in all the maria ; traces of like action seem to me to be more than conjecturable in the floors of the larger vulcanoids as well ; but it is not to me clear that these shore-following wrinkles are, as Elger suggests, caving- in steps, such as those formed on the edges of a frozen pool or stream as the water in the basin subsides. If they are, as some of my sketches indicate, arranged in the manner of a carpet on a stairway, as monoclinal folds of terres- A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 37 trial rocks, we have reason to suppose that they are due to faults which skirt the shores and which occurred in the basement rocks while the lava sheet was still in a plastic state. This supposition has its difficulties, for there is no evident reason why such faultings should occur ; faults with vertical displacement are very rare on the surface of the moon, and in no case are they found in any such order as we need to have them to account for the shore wrinkles like those curving around the borders of the maria. Less distinct than the typical continuous ridges, but probably to be connected with them, as lesser phenomena of the same order, we have, as before noted, on all the maria and on some of the greater vulcanoids' floors, faint wrinkles of great linear extent. The relation of these to the larger ridges appears to be confirmed by a series in which it is impossible to determine any break. I am therefore disposed to place all the elongate wrinkles in one group, regarding the typical examples hundreds of miles in length as structurally related to the slight, relatively short foldings which are barely revealed by the telescope. On close examination of the more characteristic elongate ridges it appears likely that they are not, as they appear at first sight to be, even arches, but in some instances at least are com- pounded of smaller wrinkles arranged in a more or less parallel order. As these minute features are discernible only by their shadows, it is as yet undetermined whether they are subordinate ridges forming a kind of chain or fractured blocks. I am inclined to think it probable that they are of the last-named nature, for the reason that analogy with terrestrial lavas would indicate that solidified superficial lava would fracture and not fold into arches. Some of these ridges appear to have craterlets on their summits. It is also to be noted that, while the systems of low elevation which we are considering have great continuity, there is an evident tendency to break the con- tinuity, so that the chain is composed of separate links, each parted from the other, as in terrestrial mountain chains. Here and there these units are arranged in an echelon order, as is the case in many terrestrial mountain chains such as the Alle- ghanies. This arrangement makes the likeness of these lunar elevations to ter- restrial mountains more evident than any other of its reliefs. A third group of lunar elevations, possibly akin to the long ridges above described, is found in the domes which abound in many parts of the surface ; they are, according to my observations, commonest on those parts where vulcan- oids are rare. I have suggested that certain, or perhaps all of them, may be incipient craters. These domes are found on the maria, though here they are of prevailingly smaller size, as well as on the older, more elevated surfaces ; in num- ber they rival the crateriform structures. Following the plan of grouping the lunar features, when possible, into series, I have endeavored so to connect the domes with the elongate arches before described. There are many examples of domes which are somewhat elongate, say with the major axis near twice the extent of the minor, but I have not been able to unite the two groups by any complete series of transitional steps and therefore am led to consider them as possibly distinct. 38 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. ORIGIN OF LUNAR MOUNTAINOUS RELIEFS. As regards the origin of the first-described groups of lunar reliefs, those which form the massive elevated mountains, it may be said that they cannot be placed in the category of terrestrial structures due to folding and faulting com- bined with aqueous erosion. If there be any one certain fact concerning lunar topography it is that it nowhere exhibits the results of water erosion. If oro- genic action such as operates on the earth has acted on the moon, as it may have done in the case of the elongate ridges of the maria, it could give us no more than arches and the fractures incident on their formation. It could not possibly have developed the steep, lofty, and extremely serrate structures such as are found in the greater fields of the so-called mountains. So far as geology enables us to interpret them, these elevations must be due to the ejection of exceedingly viscous lavas, forming heaps such as we have in certain masses of trachytic rocks on the earth. That such ejections do occur on the moon is well shown by the very numerous and often high peaks which have evidently been thrust up in the central part of the lava field enclosed by the greater vulcanoids. In character of summits and slopes these tumefactions of the ring plains are to my seeing essentially like the so-called mountains. They often attain to near the average height of the peaks in the Alps or the Apennines or other lunar fields of crowded elevations. The facts have led me to the following considera- tions and to a working hypothesis based on them : Noting that the peaks formed in the central part of the lava floors of the greater vulcanoids clearly indicate that, after a period when tolerably fluid lavas existed beneath the crust, there came a time when these lavas were so viscous that while they might be extruded they would not flow, but retained the shape in which they were spewed out ; noting also that the evidence from the invasion of the vulcanoids by mountain ridges indicates that these elevations were among the more recently formed structures of the maria, we are led to the suggestion that they represent a stage of the eruption when the ejected materials were so viscous that they could no longer form vulcanoids, but poured forth masses which not only did not flow but heaped up near the vent, just as they evi- dently did in the central field of many craters. It is true that small craters are here and there, though rarely, found amid these mountainous elevations ; they may represent the localized remnants of the once general fluid state, remnants sufficient to produce slight eruptions of the earlier type. I have already called attention to the fact that the distribution of the ex- ceedingly numerous small bleb-like domes on the lunar surface suggests that they are the first stage in the development of craters, the imprisoned vapors serving to lift the surface although it was not broken through. It appears to me likely that it is in such elevations that we have also the beginnings of the other group of vulcanoids, the ejected peaks. In several parts of the moon, notably in the region where mountainous elevations occur, these domes abound. In some cases small craters occur in the same field, which suggests, as before noted, A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 39 that these bleb-like elevations may have been the first stage of such vents ; in other cases the cones appear to pass by a series of transitions into the mountain- ous form. I have not been able to verify this passage from the dome to the peak, but the indications of it appear to me to be noteworthy. In this connection it may be remarked that the structures in the centers of the middle- sized vulcanoids lend support to the view that a dome-shaped elevation may, by further development, pass into a peak. When these prominences are low and small they often have a rather evenly arched form, but when they are of consid- erable magnitude they take on a complicated shape with serrate crests substan- tially like the structures classed as mountains, the only evident difference being that the masses are not so commonly elongate in horizontal section, as the indi- vidual mountainous ridges commonly are. The observed facts concerning the mountainous protuberances of the lunar surface lead me to the opinion that they are classifiable in one group, of which the simplest and most interpretable examples are found in such peaks on vul- canoid lava plains as that of Theophilus, where we have a mass of ejected ma- terials which shows no trace of flowing for it has very steep walls. (See plate xvn.) This great viscid ejection covers an area of more than three hundred square miles, and rises to -a height of six or seven thousand feet above the floor of the crater ; it is particularly interesting for the reason that while it is essen- tially a group of peaks it retains traces of what seems to be a volcanic type, as it has an indistinct crater on the summit of the mass. Other instances could be cited to show this passage from the conditions of a crateriform structure to a rugged cone. In fact the series appears to be sufficiently fairly complete to establish the point that the last stage of activity in the craters of the vulcanoids was that in which the interior lavas, primarily hot enough to flow in the manner necessary to form very level surfaces, had become so viscous that they would maintain themselves at angles of sixty degrees or more to the horizontal. As for the ejections of viscous lava which took place outside of the craters, forming mountain-like elevations, the evidence appears to warrant the conclusion that they represent, as do the craterless cones within the rings, a survival of a tendency to eruptions after the time when the lava was liquid enough to produce the normal vulcanoid structures. In these later eruptions, because of this ex- ceeding viscosity of the ejected material, there could be no ring wall or interior lava plain formed. All the material which would have gone to such construc- tions was heaped in the viscid mass which was forced out of the opening. The natural result of these conditions is that the mountainous elevations, while less in diameter than the larger vulcanoids and having no more material than goes to the formation of an ordinary lunar cone and lava plain, present normally very elevated peaks. It may seem that if the craters and the mountains are the result of es- sentially the same expulsive energy, with no other difference in the conditions than the suggested variation in the fluidity of the lavas, we should find a series of intermediate forms between the crater and the peak. Such intermediate 4O A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. stages are, as I have noted, to be found in the central structures of the normal vulcanoids. I have here and there suspected like transitional shapes among the mountains, but can cite none that is conclusive. There are, however, in the region of the Alps and other fields in the northern hemisphere of the moon vari- ous instances which may be of this nature. My eyes are no longer fit for such difficult observations, so I must leave this point, along with many others, unveri- fied. It is well, however, to note that the passage from the state in which the lava of the moon's interior was sufficiently fluid to bring about the formation of the ordinary vulcanoids, to that in which peaks only would be formed, does not involve any great change of temperature. In terrestrial conditions, a lowering of a few degrees in heat at the critical point in a progressive cooling would be suffi- cient to bring about the change in the nature of the eruption. The frequently elongate shape of an individual mountain seems at first sight to be, and perhaps really is, an objection to the above-described theory of their origin. It is, however, to be remarked that a large part of these elevations have rudely circular bases, and that where they depart from this figure they do not take the shape of long, continuous ridges, the major axis rarely exceeding the minor in the ratio of more than two to one ; moreover, some of the mountains of the crater floors show the same tendency to elongation. Later on in this writing I shall note that the phenomena of "rills" and other rifts show that the surface of the moon was very generally in a state of contractile tension, and this before the formation of the smaller vulcanoids was arrested, and further that the axis of the mountains often coincides with the direction of the rill-splitting. If this be the case, then the extrusion of somewhat rigid materials such as formed these cones would naturally tend to rend the crust as with a wedge, so that an elongated opening would be formed for the extruded mass and the shape of such opening would determine the outline of the elevation. There is yet another class of reliefs on the lunar surface, those which are typi- fied by the great escarpment of the Altai Mountains in the fourth quadrant. (See plate xvi.) In this Altai relief we find in the southeast a slight and gentle rise of a field, which has few very noteworthy features, for a hundred miles or more to the edge of the steep, and then a sudden fall to the northwest, the descent being on the average at least six thousand feet. The crest of this declivity is much varied ; one peak, at least, is said to attain the height of thirteen thousand feet above its base. It appears likely that the northwest face of the Haemus Mountains and the southeast face of the somewhat similar district lying between Eratosthenes and Mt. Hadley, facing the Mare Imbrium, are structures of a related nature. The most warrantable hypothesis, from the point of view of the geologist, is that these reliefs are due to faulting on a large scale, accompanied by a considerable amount of extrusion of the type that forms lunar peaks. In two of the three evident examples of this group, those last named, the lava of the rflaria has extended to the base of the declivity ; in the case of the Altai steep, the igneous matter of the Mare Crisium, though it once extended much beyond its present limits, did not attain the base of the escarpment. There are divers other steeps A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 41 which may be allied to those above described ; of these perhaps the most inter- esting is that which forms the border of the Sinus Iridum and of the Mare Imbrium, to the northwest and southeast of that remarkable bay; nearly the whole eastern shore of the Sinus Roris and of the Oceanus Procellarum may be of this nature. Though the last-named escarpment does not rise suddenly to any great height above the mare plain, the straightness of the line suggests that it was originally of greater vertical extent and was formed by faulting. The principal objection to the hypothesis above stated, that the above-de- scribed features are due to faulting, is found in the fact that clear instances of such action are rare on the lunar surface. The most conspicuous fault, where there can be no doubt as to the nature of the conditions, is that commonly known as the Strait Wall on the surface of the mare between Birt and Thibet. (See plate xxi.) Here the break has a length of at least sixty-five miles and is quite as rectilinear as any terrestrial fault. The vertical dislocation is at least five hundred feet and may be much greater. It is evident that this is relatively a modern feature, having been formed after the time when the mare had cooled. It is not unlikely that in the earlier ages, when the moon was parting more freely with its heat, the re- sulting faults were of far greater extent than is shown in the Strait Wall. It is to be noted that the break of the Strait Wall did not lead to the extrusion of any considerable amount of igneous matter. Elger has observed craterlets and mounds upon the crest of the escarpment, but it is not clear that these are genetically connected with the break, for such features abound in the Mare Nubium as in other seas. Thus, though there is no basis for certainty, I am disposed to regard the Altai group of escarpments as due to faulting. As to the age of the great escarpments above described, it may be said that they certainly antedate the maria, which have their margins to some extent determined by them. They seem also to antedate some of the larger vulcanoids, for Piccolomini, which is about sixty miles in diameter, being in size among the score of greatest structures, was formed after the Altai escarpment. Plato also, though less clearly, appears to have been formed after the steep which bounded the Alps on the south, now somewhat effaced by the Mare Imbrium, was devel- oped. If this hypothesis, which seeks to account for the steep faces of highlands by faulting, be correct, we must regard these features as among the most ancient, perhaps the very oldest, reliefs on the lunar surface. They are now to a great extent masked by the maria, which have found in them their natural shores, they being, it would appear, bordered by them for near half their total coast line. Further reference to these features will be made in the discussion of erogenic action. VALLEYS, RIFTS, AND RILLS. In addition to the above-described positive reliefs of the moon, the surface of that body presents a multitude of minor depressions which demand considera- tion ; of these the most notable are the cavities which have received the obscurely 42 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. defined name of valleys. The most conspicuous depression ordinarily classed in this group is the great Alpine valley which traverses the mountainous ranges of that name, extending in a northeast direction from near the Mare Frigoris to the Mare Imbrium, a distance of about eighty miles. (See plate xxm.) In width it varies from four to six miles, but at its southern extremity for about one-fourth of its length it is somewhat narrower, being reduced at one point to about two miles in cross-section, and at the mouth it is beset with what seem to be extruded masses, so that it debouches by several narrow clefts into the neighboring sea. The walls of this valley are generally nearly vertical ; from my own comparisons with other measured objects, they appear to average more than a mile in height and to be for the greater part of their extent almost rectilinear. The floor of the depres- sion is approximately level, though with some obscure pits, and by its color as well as its form is evidently covered by an extension of the Mare Imbrium. The Ukert valley, on the east side of the crater of that name, is longer than the Alpine and has about the same width with less depth. The fracture by which it was formed appears to be continued in an obscure cleft, which extends from its northern end to the vicinity of the vulcanoid called Marco Polo, the whole con- stituting what seems to be one structure nearly two hundred miles in length. A similar valley with a length of about eighty miles lies on the west side of Herschel. It has a width of at least ten miles and is rather straight-walled. Yet another notable feature of this group is that lying on the eastern side of Rheita, which is about one hundred miles in length and about twelve miles in diameter. Last of all we may cite the great valley on the southwest side of Reichenbach, which extends in a rather tortuous course for about one hundred miles and has a width of ten or" twelve miles. There are many other similar, though smaller, valleys, varying from a maximum width of ten or twelve miles downwards, until they grade in dimensions into the group of clefts. A full list of these structures is lacking, but they probably number several score. As regards the distribution of the fault valleys, it is noteworthy that all the distinct examples of the group lie outside of the maria. It is true that on those fields there are depressions which have been classed with the vales, but, so far as I have been able to determine, they all fail to exhibit the essential features of this group — i. e., they lack the steep walls and the generally rather level floors char- acteristic of the true valleys. They seem to my eye to be in their nature synclines, or downward foldings, the counterparts of the continuous ridges which are so characteristic of the maria, though they are not found in any definite relations to those up-folds. As to the time of the formation of the valleys, it appears to have been relatively late, posterior to the formation of the mountains, though before the production of the lavas of the maria. It is not certain that any larger vulcanoids than the craterlets were formed at a later stage in the evolution of the surface, for only very small structures of this group appear to have been produced- in their cavities. It is also to be noted that these fault valleys are most developed in the regions where the larger vulcanoids are not very abundant, though it must be said that they are not lacking in the fields where these features are well developed. A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 43 CRATER VALLEYS. In this group may be placed a number of curious though unnoted structures in which one or more craters have been in some way deformed so as to make a broad valley. The range of this action is great and the features to which it gives rise rather obscure. The changes of shape, arising from this deforming action, become very difficult to observe in all the vulcanoids at any distance from the central field of the lunar surface, for the actual elongation is confused with the apparent lengthening of the basins brought about by the obliquity of the view. A fair sample of the crater-valley type is found in Hypatia, in the north- central part of the fourth quadrant. (See plate xvn.) Here the crater is so far deformed that its major axis, extending in a S. W.-N. E. direction, is about twice as long as its minor axis ; moreover, this depression is vaguely continued as a valley for some distance beyond the walls of the crater. There are other like depressions in this neighborhood. Gutemberg in the same quadrant passes on the south into a broad, extensive, ill-defined valley. Palitzch, near the western limb, is a yet more characteristic sample, having, according to Elger, whose reckonings appear always to be accurate, a length of sixty miles and a width of only twenty miles. Capella also exhibits this passage into a valley, and there are, according to my notes, six other like instances in this part of the field. It would be possible to collect not fewer than one hundred instances of the deformation of craters into elongate valleys, or their extension into broad vales, which are in some way evidently connected with them. As I am not undertaking a list of lunar features I cite only such as are needed for illustration of this point. Besides these numerous cases, in which the craters have been so far deformed that they have had the character of valleys imposed upon them, there are about as numerous instances in which the greater vulcanoids have been but slightly deformed — so little changed, indeed, that the alteration has escaped observation. In these cases, which include a large part of the pits over twenty miles in diameter, the northern and southern walls show a distinct, though often slight, change of form, indicating an elongation in that axis. I find that in my rough notes of observations I have termed this the " spooning " of the crater in that meridional direction. This feature may be best noted in the vulcanoids of the central part of the lunar surface. It is distinct in Hipparchus and Albatagnius which approach being crater valleys. Alphonsus and Davy show the same feature, and it may be noted in perhaps one-third of the greater vulcanoids which are so placed as to make it possible to discern this feature in its slightest expres- sion. (See plate xviu.) Without at present undertaking to discuss the condition which has brought about the evident warping of these greater vulcanoids on the meridional line, it may be said that its aspect suggests that they have been involved in certain movements, tending to produce considerable synclines. I have sought for, but failed to find, clear evidence of anticlinal folds correspond- ing to these troughs, yet the inquiry has not been carried far enough to insure that they do not exist. 44 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. CLEFTS AND RILLS. The clefts and rills of the lunar surface are features which seem to me to belong in one group, though they may reasonably be separated from one another by certain differences. Among the clefts we may class the very numer- ous rifts which intersect the walls of the vulcanoids, particularly those of larger size, which often extend for considerable distances beyond the limits of the ramparts in which they occur. In the characteristic examples of this group, the features radiate from the crater, and are thus shown to be in some way connected with its conditions. They closely correspond in appearance with the Val del Bove on the eastern versant of .^Etna and many like structures on other terrestrial volcanoes. In some cases they appear to be essentially akin to the terrestrial Graben or multiple fault depressions, as for instance the Alpine valley, in that the ground between two fractures has been lowered. They may, indeed, be regarded as a variety of that class of depressions determined by the strains originating in a vulcanoid. There are very many examples of the group, ranging from those which produce broad breaches in the crater walls to such as are shown on the flank of Tycho, where the two parallel light streaks, which appear to follow the path of faults, have the ground between them apparently somewhat lowered, in the manner of a rather gentle syncline, without any evident displacement. Related to the several fault groups of depressions in that they are alike the results of fracturing of the crust are the remarkable features known as rills. In this group we have a single fracture with a space separating the walls, but no distinct indications of a floor between them. Perhaps the most characteristic example of the group is that known as the Sirsalis Rill, so named because the Sirsalis vulcanoid lies near to it. Elger's description of this structure — he evi- dently knows it well — is as follows : " Commencing at a minute crater on the north of it [= Sirsalis], it grazes the foot of the Glacis, then passing a pair of small overlapping craters (resembling Sirsalis and its companion in miniature), it runs through a very rugged country to a ring plain east of De Vico [De Vico a] which it traverses, and still following a southerly course, extends toward Byrgius, in the neighborhood of which it is apparently lost at a ridge, thougji Schmidt and Gandilot have traced it still farther in the same direction. It is at least three hundred miles in length and varies much in width and character, consisting in places of distinct crater rows." It has been suggested, according to Elger, who does not state by whom, that the rills are not in fact breaks but a series of small craters so near to one another that the effect on the eye is that of a continuous crevice. This view, according to my observations with the excellent fifteen-inch Mertz refractor of Harvard University, is not maintainable ; while craterlets are often present along the line of the rill, their nature as fractures, when clearly seen, appears certain. The breaks are ragged, as if torn through a row of crater- lets, not usually more than half a mile in diameter and often narrowing at one or both ends, so that their terminations cannot be determined ; but that they are in their essence rents seems to me beyond doubt. A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 45 As regards the number of the rill fissures on the visible part of the moon we have no good evidence. They are probably to be numbered by thousands, and as the fainter seem to be the more plentiful, more effective instruments may reveal many thousands of them. As regards their distribution there are many noteworthy features. First we observe that those which have been mapped show an obvious tendency to be arranged in groups, and in these groups the individual breaks show here and there a tendency to intersect one another, though they are more often arranged in a parallel relation. The next point is that those which are in appearance sufficiently conspicuous to be mapped lie mostly in the cen- tral part of the visible surface between the parallels of 30° north and south of the moon's equator, and within 30° east and 50° west of the central meridian. They are thus remarkably rare in high latitudes and apparently seldom near the east and west margins of the visible part of the sphere. This apparent feature of distribution may be due to the oblique view of those marginal fields. It is also to be noted that all the important fractures are situated on or near the maria, or on the floors of the greater vulcanoids. Of about seventeen examples mapped by Elger, twelve intersect the shores of maria, and none of them lies altogether more than one hundred miles from those lines. The great southern upland has no mapped examples and the central parts of the larger maria are also without them. I am aware that the floors of the greater vulcanoids abound in rills all of small size. I am also aware of the fact that somewhere about a thousand of these rill fractures have already been noted and that their distribution is much wider than that indicated where only the more important are plotted, yet there is probably some significance in the grouping of these greater specimens of the class in or near the maria. As to the time of the formation of the rills, it may confidently be said that they appear to be, with the possible exception of some of the craterlets, the most recent structural features of the moon. If narrower scrutiny than has yet been given to the matter shows that craterlets have developed in the cracks, then the later structures, of course, postdate the rills. If, however, as it seems to me quite possible, the rills have merely followed lines of incipient fracture, such as joint planes would afford, in some instances going around the pits instead of cutting through them, the rills may be the very last of the considerable lunar accidents. Such, indeed, they seem to me to be. OROGENIC ACTION. CAUSES OF DISLOCATIONS. We turn now to consider the possible causes of the dislocations on the lunar surface which are represented by the various kinds of valleys, clefts, rills, and ridges which have been briefly described above. First, as to the valleys of the Alpine type, it may be said that they appear to correspond to the Graben type of terrestrial down-faultings, where there are two or more approximately parallel faults, the included area having been lowered. As to the origin of geological Graben, we have as yet no evidence of value and naturally no consensus of opinion. 46 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. It appears, however, most probable that they are due to the orogenic strains which enter into the complex of actions involved in mountain building, combined with some withdrawal of support ordinarily afforded by the materials of the under earth, as would be brought about by the migration of matter seeking volcanic vents. In the simpler and more applicable case of these down-faulted blocks of the crust, such as occasionally occur about terrestrial volcanoes, we may fairly assume that the sinking was due to the ejections which had made the under earth unable to support the load. That such deficiencies of support would have locally resulted from the lunar eruptions is highly probable. To this action then, with fair probability of its truth, we may for the present refer the valleys of the Alpine type. The minor cleft valleys radiating from the vulcanoids are evidently to be most reasonably explained on the same hypothesis. They are, indeed, so far as I can see, comparable to the Val del Bove of ^Etna. The rills, where we have relatively narrow crevices, which seem to extend indefinitely downward, with no distinct floors, may be regarded as due to the secular refrigeration of the superficial parts of the lunar sphere at a time so late that they found their way to no bodies of lava. They are evidently contraction cracks formed on a very extensive scale. Where they are limited, as is often the case with the smaller of them, to the lava field of a large vulcanoid, they may represent no more than the contraction of that body of lava. When, however, they are on the maria, an indefinitely extended sheet of the frozen material may find relief in the fracture. The predominance of the greater rills on and about the maria may be due to the fact that, whatever was the origin of those vast bodies of once igneously fluid rock, the consequence of their appearance on the moon's surface was, when they cooled, a great necessity for contraction. Not only were the lavas of the maria originally at a high temperature, but they must have communicated this heat to their shores and to the high country near them, with the result that new and extensive readjustments due to cooling would be required in those portions of the crust which had been thus affected. Thus the rills and the Alpine valleys appear to be distinctly diverse in origin, the former being due to loss of temperature of the crust in general, the latter to more com- plicated action. As regards the rare instances of true displacement faults such as the Strait Wall, they appear to be due to ordinary faulting such as so abundantly occurs on the earth. They may in their first stage have been rills where there was some lack of support which caused the rocks on one side of the fracture to change their level with reference to those on the other. The only peculiar feature about them, from the point of view of geology, is that they are so rare and apparently so unconnected with compressive strains. If the surface of the earth as it has been affected by faulting, but without the effects of erosion, could be examined under the conditions in which we behold the moon, the fault dislocations would appear by the hundred thousand and with vertical displace- ments of miles in height. Nothing, indeed, so well illustrates the very great difference in the history of these two neighboring spheres, the moon and the A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 47 earth, as the diversity in the development of this group of structures which they exhibit. The next question is as to the group of lunar reliefs to which the continu- ous ridges of the maria belong. It seems clear that, whatever be the detailed structure of these ridges, they indicate compressive actions of the terrestrial mountain-building type. The great linear extent of these compression ruptures shows that they are due to no local strains but are the result of stresses which pervaded wide fields of the maria. Their narrowness and lack of considerable height may be taken as evidence that they are the result not of deep stresses but of such as resided in the superficial parts of the crust, probably within the lava of which these fields are composed. As to their age they of course post- date the formation of the maria and apparently the larger vulcanoids — none, indeed, of great extent — which have developed on their plains. It is obviously important to determine the time of their uplifting in relation to that when the rills were formed. This I have been unable to do in a satisfactory manner. I have no notes of good examples in which either of these groups of structures are found in intersection ; nor does my limited acquaintance with the literature of the subject supply such instances. It appears, however, likely from the fresh aspect of both groups of dislocations that they are not of very diverse age, but that the rills are the newer. The problem presented to us is the existence in the same field of the rills which indicate the shrinkage of the material of which the maria are composed, together with that of the continuous ridges which even as clearly show that this portion of the moon's surface has been in a state of compression that compelled the rocks to buckle upwards and, if we have rightly interpreted the structures, brought about the formation of corresponding synclinal forms, the shallow troughs which exist on these plains. If it is proved, as seems likely 'to be the case, that the rills on the maria were formed after the continuous ridges, then we might conceive that the cooling of the interior of the moon brought about a compressive strain on the already cold outer crust, and that the limited diameter of those wrinkles was due to the fact that there was still some measure of viscosity in the lower part of the lavas of the maria which made it possible for the hard upper part of the sheet to act independently of the subjacent portions of the section, so that this upper part of the sheet as a whole received the compressive stress as a thrust from the shores against which it lay. There is another way in which we may consider this problem of associated compression and shrinkage in the maria. It is to be noted that the most distinct examples of each action lie in fields remote from each other, the rills near the shores and the continuous ridges remote from them, the one in fields where the lava is presumably rather shallow, the others where it is deep. With this difference in conditions it might come about that contraction of the deeper parts of the marial sheet in the process of cooling would be sufficiently strong to fold the surface, while in the quickly-cooling shallow parts of the maria the only effect would be the formation of shrinkage cracks. It is to be noted that 48 A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH A XI) THE MOON. something like these diversities of action is to be seen in terrestrial lava fields, though it is not certain that they are due to like causes. On any frozen expanse of lava we are apt to find at once ridges which cannot well be attributed to the roping of the solidified crust, along with cracks which are evidently due to super- ficial cooling. There are other possible explanations of these contracted dislo- cations of the maria, but I shall here take leave of the subject, for it is one on which I have not been able to form a satisfactory opinion. ADJUSTMENTS OF THE SURFACE TO CONTRACTION. Looking over the whole of the lunar structures, the geologist is naturally surprised to find so little in the way of adjustment of the crust of the sphere to a nucleus diminished by the loss of heat. On the earth he sees in the ample folds of the sea-basins and of the continents, as well as in very many folded mountain chains, what he takes to be evidence of a long-continued accommodation of an anciently cooled crust to a central mass which is ever losing heat. On the moon he finds what, in proportion to the size of that sphere, is surely not the hundredth part of such action. The folding of the marial ridges and furrows is trifling and is probably due to action set up in the lavas of those fields. The features of the crater valleys and the deformed vulcanoids appear to indicate some small measure of folding, but that may have been brought about by the loss of the moon's rotation through tidal action, and the consequent disappear- ance of an equatorial bulging due to that rotation. In any event it does not appear to represent any considerable readjustment of the crust to the interior. It is true that the moon has only one-fourth the earth's diameter, and the fold- ing caused by shrinkage should only be in about that ratio to like action on the earth. Yet on the satellite the process of cooling is probably at an end, while in the case of the earth, reckoning from the time when the crust was formed, it cannot well be more than half accomplished. What then is the meaning of this startling diversity in the erogenic history of the two spheres ? In considering the difficult problem which has been just above suggested, the first question that comes before us is as to the value of the evidence concern- ing the antiquity of the general surface of the moon. We may ask whether the original sphere may not have cooled in its time to a low temperature, making in the process the necessary adjustments of its outer crust to the dimin- ished interior, and whether after that was all done the mass may not have been added to by the in-falling of meteoric bodies, such as has been hypothesized to ac- count for the maria. By such in-fallings a general outer coating of lava might have been formed, only a few-score miles in thickness, and to this may be due all the vulcanoid phenomena down to the time when the later coming of other such bodies formed the maria. On the basis of this conjecture we would not have to look for any extensive marks of readjustment of crust to central mass. It cannot be denied that the body of any celestial sphere is liable to be added to by in-fall- ing masses, at least until it has cleared its path of them ; and the fact that it has A COMPARISON OF THE FEATURES OF THE EARTH AND THE MOON. 49 been found necessary to account for the maria by such action lends a certain countenance to this view. Yet it seems to me safer to suppose that the moo'n has, as a whole, had essentially the same experience in space as our earth. As before noted, the earth, since its organic life, at least in the present series of forms, began to exist, has evidently had no such impacts of foreign bodies as formed the maria. It is, of course, among the possibilities that the earth has been subjected to invasions of large meteoric bodies, as the moon appears to have been, and that an ancient organic period was not only destroyed but the records of its existence entirely effaced. There is, however, no other known evidence on which to found such a conjecture, except what we find on the moon. As regards the failure of the moon to exhibit the marks of adjustment of its crust, which first hardened, to an interior diminished by the loss of heat, it may at first appear that as the value of gravity is only about one-sixth what it is on the surface of the earth the stress which would impel the superficially cooled section to accommodate itself to the lessened bulk of the interior would be proportion- ately smaller, so that the outer shell might remain unsupported while the inner portion shrunk away from it. This view seems inadmissible, for the reason that in the case of the earth, as has been well reckoned, a shell less than a mile thick would, if unsupported, crush and fall in of its own weight, so that in the moon the crust would in a like manner crush at less than six miles of depth. It is thus evidently necessary to form some other hypothesis which will account for the lack of adjustment. I have essayed several of these, which I will now briefly set forth with the reasons why they seem adequate or otherwise. At first it seemed possible that the aggregate wrinkling and crushing exhib- ited in the larger ridges and furrows, as well as in the host of small ridges which are seen with the greater telescopes, might have been sufficient to provide for the necessary contraction through the buckling and shoving of the crust. Yet on carefully examining selected areas of the crust where these features are best shown it does not seem possible that the accommodation or "take up" thus effected can amount to many miles of length. Moreover, the phenomena are not those which would be produced by the folding of a thick crust, as it sank upon a diminished nucleus, but only such as superficial strains would induce on a thin outer layer. It appeared conceivable that for some reason an accommo- dative folding might have taken place on the portion of the moon which is never seen, but this supposition is supported by no evidence whatever ; all we see on the extreme margin of the visible surface leads to the conclusion that the hidden side is essentially like that we behold. Again, it appeared possible that the whole mass of the satellite remained in the boiling condition until it had been brought to a state where the cooling quickly induced rigidity throughout the sphere, all parts down to the center having attained somewhere near the same temperature. In this way we could explain the small amount of internal contraction which has apparently occurred since the most ancient features on the lunar surface, the larger vulcanoids, were formed. Although in a general way we know the law of cooling bodies, we are not 5 H h D O 0 w H PLATE XX. COPERNICUS AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, NOVEMBER 21, igOl, 7 HOURS 32 MINUTES P.M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EXPOSURE, ONE SECOND. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. This plate of Copernicus should be compared with the plates showing the same, structure under more nearly vertical illumination when the light bands appear. In the plate the lower level area is a part of the Mare Imbrium. This is bordered on the left by a portion of the high country known as the Apennines, which extend as far towards the center of the plate as the large crater Eratosthenes. To the left, separated by a little more than the width of Copernicus, is the faintly outlined vulcanoid known as Stadius, which appears to have been in large part melted down by the lava of the Oceanus Procellarum which has invaded this field. On the right hand from Eratosthenes, the margin of the mare is formed by the peaks of the Carpathian Mountains. Immediately above Copernicus is a small, double crater, one of the simpler crater valleys. The area about Copernicus exhibits several very interesting types of structure. The Carpa- thian Mountains show the mare penetrating into several rude craters, the seaward faces of which have had their walls destroyed by the fluid lava. A broken line of small craters lies midway between Copernicus and Eratosthenes. At either end it verges into a narrow crater valley of the " rill " type. The central part of the upper half of the field abounds in very perfect cones which are associated with small crater pits. 120 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, VOL. XXXIV. PLATE XX. COPERNICUS AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901, SEVEN HOURS THIRTY-TWO MINUTES P. M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EXPOSURE, ONE SECOND. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. PLATE XXI. MARE NUBIUM AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RJTCHEY, NOVEMBER 21, I9OI, 7 HOURS 32 MINUTES P.M. EXPOSURE, ONE SECOND. SCALE, ONE-HALF METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. In this plate Copernicus is the large vulcanoid on the lower margin. The large crater near the upper margin, a little to the right of the center, with a cone somewhat to the right of its center and " rill " on its floor, is Pitatus. The three great vulcanoids in a row extending in a north and south direction, are, in succession from the lowest towards the upper margin of the plate, Ptole- maeus, Alphonsus, and Arzachel. The large deep crater below and to the right of Pitatus, with a divided central cone, is Bullialdus. The most noteworthy features in this plate are found in the many instances in which the lavas qf jhe maria have partly destroyed the vulcanoids within their fields. In the upper right-hand fourth of the plate, there are a dozen or more of these ruined craters, some of them with their walls almost effaced. In this part of the field there are several important rills. Some of these are evi- dently rows of craterlets in which the adjacent walls of the pits have been broken down so as to form a ragged cleft. A number of these lines of craterlets are traceable on the external slopes of Copernicus. The long, dark line, sixty-five miles in length, in the upper third of the plate, a little to the left of. the center, is the Straight Wall, the most extensive fault known on the moon. The height of its'cliff is about five hundred feet. The crescent shaped structure at its southern (upper). end is the remnant of a crater, the remainder of the margin having been destroyed by the lava of the mare. To the right of, and near by the Straight Wall, is a rill extending in a slightly curved course for a length of about forty miles, terminating at either end in a distinct craterlet. The brightly illuminated part of the field depicted on this plate, that to the left of the center, exhibits many excellent examples of crater valleys, which in their series afford something like a passage from the condition of rills to those wider depressions. 122" SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, VOL. XXXIV. PLATE XXI. MARE NUBIUM AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY R1TCHEY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901, SEVEN HOURS THIRTY-TWO MINUTES P. M. EXPOSURE, ONE SECOND. SCALE, ONE-HALF METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. PLATE XXII. MARE TRANQUILITATIS AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, AUGUST 3, IQOI, 2 HOURS 30 MINUTES A.M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EXPOSURE, f SECOND. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON*S DIAMETER. This plate includes nearly the whole. of the Mare Tranquilitatis and, on the lower margin, a portion of the M. Serenitatis. The large crater near the strait connecting these maria is Plinius. The highland nearest to it is the promontory of Acherusia. On the southern, or upper, margin the view extends to the flanks of Theophilus. The most noteworthy features in this plate are the mountain ridges on the maria, the manner in which the maria come in contact with the higher ground, the numerous crater valleys, and the great " rills." It may be noted that ridges on the maria exhibit little trace of corresponding troughs between them, such as are usually found in terrestrial mountain chains. The contact of the maria with the high ground has evidently resulted in the partial melting of the walls of several vulcanoids. Where these structures are not thus affected they are, apparently, in origin later than the formation of the maria. The crater valleys are abundant on the right-hand or eastern side of the field. Some of them have been invaded by the lava of the mare. Some of the greater rills are very well shown. That on the extreme right side is Hyginus (see p. 44). It will be observed that the course of these rills is at high angles to the prevailing direction of the ridges on the mare. 124 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, VOL. XXXIV. PLATE XXII. MARE TRANQUIL1TATIS AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY R1TCHEY, AUGUST 3, 1901, TWO HOURS THIRTY MINUTES A. M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EXPOSURE, THREE-FOURTHS SECOND. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. PLATE XXIII. MARE IMBRIUM AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, NOVEMBER 21, I9OI, 7 HOURS 32 MINUTES P.M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EXPOSURE, ONE SECOND. SCALE ONE-HALF METER TO MOON*S DIAMETER. This plate depicts the western two-thirds of the Mare Imbrium : it does not show the interest- ing Sinus Iridum on its northern shore, nor the Harbinger Mountains on its eastern side. The most noteworthy features are the relatively level surface of the mare and the greater vulcanoids and peaks on its margin, or in its midst, and the Alpine valley on its northwest side. The great crater near the lower margin of the mare is Plato. This crater has a diameter of sixty miles, and is very nearly circular. It is separated from the M. Imbrium by little more than its own wall, and from the narrow M. Frigoris on the north by a field of upland that declines gently to that mare. This field is thickly beset by small cones. The interior walls of the crater of Plato rise in general to a height of about four thousand feet above its floor. At some points, however, this wall is over seven thousand feet in height. The floor of the crater appears in the plate to be smooth and of a rather even, very dark hue. It is, however, the seat of rather extensive topo- graphical and color features. There are at least six crater cones, about forty patches of peculiar coloration. The failure of these markings and structures to appear on this admirable plate may be taken as a measure of the difference between what is shown by the best reproductions of photographs now obtainable and the revelations of the telescope under the most favorable conditions. On the sea south of Plato is a group of remarkable peaks. Those on the extreme right are known as the Straight Range ; those on the center as the Teneriffe Mountains ; the solitary peak yet farther to the west is Pico. The wide cleft to the left of Plato, about one hundred miles away, is the Alpine valley. Owing to the high sun it is not well shown. The three great vulcanoids near the left-hand margin of the mare are : the largest Archimedes, the intermediate Aristillus, and the smallest Autolycus. SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, VOL. XXXIV. PLATE XXIII. MARE IMBKIUM AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901, SEVEN HOURS THIRTY-TWO MINUTES P. M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. EXPOSURE, ONE SECOND. SCALE, ONE-HALF METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. see • PLATE XXIV. ARISTOTELES, EUDOXUS, AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, OCTOBER 13, igOO, 2 HOURS 40 MINUTES A.M. EXPOSURE £ SECOND. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. In this plate the large vulcanoid near the top of the lower third of the field, that which cuts the ring of the smaller crater on the left of its wall, is Aristoteles ; the somewhat smaller structure just above is Eudoxus ; that near the upper left-hand corner is Posidonius. On the right hand, at the same level as Aristoteles, the great Alpine valley is partly seen, the illumination being too nearly vertical to show it well. Among the noteworthy features exhibited by this plate the following are the most important : The wall of Aristoteles evidently has broken that of the small unnamed crater adjacent to it on the west (left-hand) side. This shows that Aristoteles was in activity since the smaller vulcanoid was formed. The inner slopes of the first-named crater abound in rude terraces. Its limited floor bears numerous cones. South of Eudoxus is an extensive field of elevations known as the Caucasus Mountains. The western portion of this field peculiarly abounds in cones and craterlets of about the same diameter as these cones, suggesting that the two groups of structure are in origin in some way related. Certain other good examples of these cones are exhibited in the lower part of the plate. To the west of Eudoxus is a great, irregular vulcanoid with a large crater (Burg) somewhat excentrically placed on its floor. On this floor are some remarkable rills. The greater part of the upper third of the plate is occupied by the Mare Serenitatis. A por- tion of its mountain-like ridges is well shown. 128 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, VOL. XXXIV. PLATE XXIV. ARISTOTELES, EUDOXUS, AND SURROUNDINGS. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, OCTOBER 13, 1900, TWO HOURS FORTY MINUTES A. M. EXPOSURE, ONE-HALF SECOND. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. PLATE XXV. Cl.AVIUS, LONGOMONTANUS, TYCHO, ETC. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEV, NOVEMBER 21, I9OI, 7 HOURS 32 MINUTES P.M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. In this plate the large crater, only partly illuminated, on the line of the terminator and cut by the upper edge of the plate, is Klaproth. Just below Klaproth is Blanchianus, which on its lower margin nearly touches the wall of Clavius, the largest structure in the field. Clavius is one hun- dred and forty-two miles in diameter. North of Clavius, on the edge of the illumination, is Longomontanus. Nearly in the center of the plate is Tycho, about which the great ray system, visible under a very high sun, originates. This structure may be recognized by its central, sharp, irregular cone. The large vulcanoid near the center of the lower part of the plate is Pitatus, situated on the margin of the Mare Imbrium. It may be better identified by the " rill " on the northeast part of its crater floor. The most noteworthy features of this plate are as follows : The abundance of relatively large vulcanoids ; the difference in the nature of their floors, some being relatively smooth, others much varied by pits and craters, and the association of small cones and craterlets of like horizontal sec- tion, in all parts of the field where the light is favorable for their exhibition. The effect of the lava of the mare, when it comes in contact with the high ground, also deserves attention. It appears to have more or less completely destroyed the walls of several vulcanoids with which it came in contact. 130 SMITHSONIAN CONTRIBUTIONS TO KNOWLEDGE, VOL. XXXIV. v ; .*$ •I W, -*->-* V > V V PLATE XXV. >i • j* /*. ;'>v, me ' ' r'V •'•/••< A'"' • * ^ • 4 - ' ' • « •%X >'.* ' '•$'-•> •J ?V/ 4sV IT CLAV1US, LOXGOMOXTANUS, TYCHO, ETC. PHOTOGRAPHED BY RITCHEY, NOVEMBER 21, 1901, > SEVEN HOURS, THIRTY-TWO MINUTES P. M., CENTRAL STANDARD TIME. SCALE, THREE-FOURTHS METER TO MOON'S DIAMETER. 14 DAY USE Rt TURN TO DESK FROM WHICH BORROWED LOAN DEPT. This book is due on the last date stamped below, or on the date to which renewed. Renewed books are subject to immediate recall. , g pel LD 2f5Ffc(fin;fi (H241slO)476B K p^_ "' DEC 11'67-r — r nrt-r t i •i W&5W* . ,B£C'D LD ^2^-69 -3PM ' •* "19731 9 JfFC'O LD -MAR-^ '70 .Q DM 1 er " /O »-» r IYI U — Q — DEC 2 3 J97a ^ b 1 R B. cut DEC 1 2 1379 MAY 51978 e — rsity ot Lali Berkeley THE UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA LIBRARY