isiiiii wit; nil r5" MM551.B1 t f) PURCHASEDFROM Boston Public Library Do not write in this book or mnrk it with pen or pencil. Penalties for so doing are imposed by the Revised Laws of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This book teas issued to the borr last stamped below. ower on the date FORM NO. 609; 9,20,38: 1O0M. COMPENDIUM OF HISTOLOGY. TWENTY-FOUR LECTURES HEINRICH FREY, PROFESSOR. TRANSLATED FROM THE GERMAN, BY PERMISSION OF THE AUTHOR, GEORGE R. CUTTER, M.D., 9 ASSISTANT SURGEON NEW YORK EYE AND EAR INFIRMARY ; OPHTHALMIC AND AURAL SURGEON N. Y. DISPENSARY, ETC., ETC. ILLUSTRATED BY 208 ENGRAVINGS ON WOOD. NEW YORK: G . P. PUTNAM'S SONS, \ iSS f ik^rrt 'Avenue. ■ . ■ '.- , >, \£>L*\ \ 0^> | .fSf COPYKIGHTED BY G. P. PUTNAM'S SONS, 1876. TRANSLATOR'S PREFACE. The science of Histology has made rapid advances of late years, and many new facts have been acquired in this depart- ment. This will be readily appreciated by those who are familiar with the excellent and exhaustive text-books of Frey and Strieker. But many are intimidated by the very copiousness of such works. Even in Germany, where thoroughness is the great excel- lence, there is a demand for a compendium. That Professor Frey's little book meets this want, is proved by its enormous sale and the favorable notices of the press. I hope that this translation may meet with the same kind reception as did that of our Author's work on Microscopic Technology. GEORGE R. CUTTER, M.D., No. 228 East Twelfth Street, New York. August, 1876. AUTHOR'S PREFACE. HISTOLOGY has, in the course of a few decades, triumphantly won its field ; it has become an integral part of medical studies. The hand-books have necessarily become constantly more voluminous, in consequence of the immense wealth of materials. A short compend of the most essential facts is desirable for students and practicing physicians. I have often heard this wish expressed. May the attempt, which I herewith venture, be, therefore, indulgently received. The defects of this little book are very well known to the author. H. FREY. Zurich, July lot/i, 1875. CONTENTS. PAGE Translator's Preface iii Author's Preface v FIRST LECTURE. General : the protoplasma, the cell, and its derivatives I SECOND LECTURE. Classification of the tissues. — Blood, lymph, chyle 20 THIRD LECTURE. The epidermis, or the epithelium 28 FOURTH LECTURE. The connective-substance group. — Cartilage, gelatinous tissue, reti- cular connective tissue, fat 41 FIFTH LECTURE. Connective tissue 51 SIXTH LECTURE. Bone tissue 60 SEVENTH LECTURE. Dentine, enamel, lens tissue 72 EIGHTH LECTURE. Muscular tissue ' 79 NINTH LECTURE. The blood-vessels 89 TENTH LECTURE. The lymphatics and the lymphatic glands 102 ELEVENTH LECTURE. The remaining lymphoid organs, with the spleen. — The so-called blood-vascular glands , 112 viii CONTENTS. PAGE TWELFTH LECTURE. Gland tissue 128 THIRTEENTH LECTURE. The digestive apparatus, with its glands 139 FOURTEENTH LECTURE. Pancreas and liver 1 50 FIFTEENTH LECTURE. The lungs 157 SIXTEENTH LECTURE. The kidney, with the urinary passages 163 SEVENTEENTH LECTURE. The female generative glands, the ovary with the efferent apparatus. . . 173 EIGHTEENTH LECTURE. The male generative glands, the testicles with the efferent apparatus. 183 NINETEENTH LECTURE. Nerve tissue 192 TWENTIETH LECTURE. The arrangement and termination of the nerve fibres 202 TWENTY-FIRST LECTURE. The central organs of the nervous system, the ganglia, and the spinal cord 215 TWENTY-SECOND LECTURE. The central organs of the nervous system, continued — the medulla oblongata, and the brain 224 TWENTY-THIRD LECTURE. The organs of sense — skin, gustatory, olfactory, and auditory ap- paratus 234 TWENTY-FOURTH LECTURE. The organs of sense, continued — the eye 246 Index , 265 Compendium of Histology. FIRST LECTURE. GENERAL : THE PROTOPLASMA, THE CELL, AND ITS DERIVATIVES. A DEEP abyss separates the inorganic from the organic, the inanimate from the animate. The rock-crystal on the one side — vegetable and animal on the other ; how infinitely different the image ! Is it, then, many will inquire, possible to bridge over this gulf? We answer, not at the present time. It is, perhaps, reserved for future generations of men to fill up this yawning chasm, by the aid of a more thorough knowledge of nature, and to comprehend the sphere of the material world as a unit. What, we ask further, is the primary beginning of the organic ? An admirable English naturalist, Huxley, suc- ceeded, in the year 1868, in making a marvelous dis- covery. The bottom of our seas, at the most considerable depths, is covered over large tracts with a strange shiny substance. When this thing, called the ba- thybius, is drawn up by the I Fig. 1. — Bathybius. FIRST LECTURE. dredge, and placed under the microscope — under that instru- ment which has conquered the mighty world of minuteness for natural science — a very peculiar image is presented to the astonished eye. We perceive a transparent jelly, with diminutive granules, in its interior. We also frequently meet with small cor- puscles, surrounded by this, consisting of carbonate of lime. They look like our modern sleeve buttons. And this mass lives ! It changes from one shape to another in slow metamorphosis, exhibiting a constant, though sluggish restlessness. Separated portions present the same slow mu- tability, the same life. The mass formed by this bathybius is a nitrogenous carbon compound, distended in water, and of an extremely compli- cated chemical structure. It belongs to the group of albumin- ous bodies, and is called protoplasma. It coagulates in death, and also at a relatively slight elevation of temperature. The granules it encloses consist partly of coagulated albuminous substances, partly of fat ; mineral substances are also not wanting. Leaving the dark deep, and turning to the sunny surface of the seas, we here meet with numerous small lumps of protoplasma, which show the same vital transformations , shooting out process- es, sometimes short, sometimes longer, and drawing the m i n such is the protamceba of our Fig. 2. These are the simplest organisms or forms of life. They increase by division. One of our most distinguished investigators, Haeckel, has called such a lowest being a cytode. We meet with similar organisms intermingled with these cytodes in the water ; as, for example, the amoeba (Fig. '3), again ; Fig- 2. — Protamoeba. A, undivided : I?, commencing, and C, completed division. THE PROTOPLASMA AND THE CELL. Fig. 3. — Amoeba ; a, nucleus ; !', vacuoli ; r, alimentary bodies taken in. though in the interior of this constantly change- able protoplasma, to- gether with excavations (/>), and small foreign bodies (c), accidentally taken up from the neigh- borhood, a roundish structure with small punctiform contents (a), is found. The contained body bears the name of the kernel or nucleus ; the small bodies enclosed within the latter are called nucleoli. The entire creature has the significance of a simple naked cell. What service the nucleus renders the amoeba we are, at present, unable to say. We now leave these lowest creatures, and pass, at a bound, to the highest animal form — to examine the human body. Its parts have been called organs since the primitive days of medicine. They correspond to the separate pieces of one of our machines. It was also long since known that certain substances of our bodies, such as bone, cartilage, muscle, and nerves, were re- peated in all portions of the organism and, slightly or not at all changed, enter into the structure of the most different parts of the body. These substances, which maybe compared to the different materials of which the machine is formed, were early known to be composed of still smaller parts. They were compared to the products of the loom, and designated as tissues. This name has been retained, and that branch of anatomical science which treats of these homogeneous parts, is called the science of tissues, or Histology. On attempting, with the aid of the knife and scissors, to separate such tissues, we, at first, succeed very readily ; the fragments permit of a new division, and this may, perhaps, be repeated on those thus obtained. But at last — sometimes sooner, sometimes later— a period arrives when even the finest and sharpest tools become unserviceable ; they are too blunt, too coarse. 4 FIRST LECTURE. Here, where the mechanical analysis terminates, the optical begins, by means of the microscope. The latter is an extra- ordinarily delicate one ; the fragment, which the anatomist's scissors are unable further to divide, now proves to be infi- nitely compounded ; it may still consist of thousands of the smallest elements. These elements are again, in their turn, cells or their derivatives. Thus, this structure, which forms in an independent manner the body of an amoeba, now constitutes our tissues, although in a very conditional independence. The cell has, therefore, entered into the service of a mighty unity ; it has to sub- ordinate and conform itself; nevertheless, the thing remains a living individual, comparable to the officer of a modern state department. As he fulfils his individual duty in the service and as a member of a great whole, so, also, does the small cell labor unremittingly until its death. It appears of interest that these very small living foundation- stones in the body of the higher animals always form cells, and that the cytodes of Haeckel have disappeared. We have just said that the cells of the human organism were very small. Their diameter varies, in fact, a & from 0.076, 0.0375, 0.0228 down to 0.0057 mm. Thus it becomes possible that a small particle of the substance of the body, about a cubic milli- metre, may contain an extraordinary multitude of them. It has been computed that such a \{°] *•-«. particle of space of the human blood is capable of containing five million red cells, though it is true they only measure 0.0077 mm. e '-^\^ 1 The cells present very considerable variations. The latter are gained subsequently with the devel- ^0P _ opment of the body. In the earliest period of ^!9 embryonic life they were all still very similar. ceUs'^vftiTnucl'eus The primitive form of a cell is that of a globe andprotopiasma. or of a body approximating a sphere. Thus ap- pear the cells d, e, g, b of our Fig. 4. The cell, also, from THE P ROTO PLASMA AND THE CELL. 5 which in a momentous manner the bodies of all the higher animals have proceeded, the ovum (Fig. 5), presents itself as an elegant spheroidal structure. From this primitive form two other forms, resulting from compression and adaptation, may be readily traced ; the tall, slender, or, as we say, cylindrical cell (Fig. 6, b), and the flattened. The latter finally assumes the form of a lamella or scale (Fig. 7). The bodies of other cells grow in two opposite directions, like processes. We thus obtain the spindle-shaped cell (Fig. 4, c, f). When such processes are numer- ous and are also branched, a singular thing appears, the stellate cell (Fig. 8). Fig. 5. — Young ova, from the ovarium of a rabbit. Fig. 6. — Cylindrical cell-, from the human small intestine; 6, ordinary elements ; a, so-calkd Kecher-cells. Fig. 7. — Epithelial scales from the human mouth. The quantity of the cell protoplasma, and hence the magnitude of the body of the cell, is subject to great variation (Fig. 4). While protoplasma occurs originally in every cell, it may subsequently be replaced by other materials. Thus, in the cells of our Fig. 7, a harder, more water- less substance — keratine — has been substituted. Other cells obtain a lodgment of dark, black pig- a,an'dvmpha ment granules of great chemical resistance (Fig. 9). These dark molecules are called melanin. One of the most widely diffused structures of the human body is the Fig. 8.— Stel- late cell from lie FIRST LECTURE. colorless globular lymphoid cell. It also occurs in the blood (Fig. io, d), and is at last transformed into a disc-shaped Fig. 9. — Pigmented connective- tissue corpuscle (stellate pigment cell from the mammalial eye). a jpJm* a Fig. 10. — Disc-shaped cells of human blood, a, a, a. At b, half from the side ; at r, seen entirely from the side ; d, lym- phoid cell. structure {a,b, c), whose cell body contains a homogeneous red substance, of an extremely complicated chemical constitution, haemoglobin. Other cells subsequently become reservoirs of fatty matters, often in a high degree. We now pass to the kernel or nucleus. Its medium diameter may be assumed to be from 0.007 to 0.005 mm- It is originally a vesicle (Figs. 4 and 5), that is, a structure en- veloped by a delicate covering. Nucleoli occur singly, double, or in greater number (Auerbach). Attention has very recently been directed to a circle of small molecules deposited between the nucleolus and the wall of the nucleus, and called the granule-sphere. The nucleus may subsequently lose this vesicular character and assume a different arrangement. Thus it not unfrequently changes, later, into a firmer, more homogeneous structure (Fig. 7), or becomes granular. Should the growing cell be- come considerably lengthened, the nucleus also frequently assumes a more elongated form. As a rule, the nucleus remains a definite, tolerably con- servative constituent of the cell. Nevertheless, we meet with others of the latter which have lost by age the nucleus of an earlier period of life. Such non-nucleated cells form the most THE PROTOPLASMA AND THE CELL. 7 external layers of the epidermis covering our skin (Fig. 11). Other. -cells (Fig. 12) contain, in complete contrast, double nuclei. Their signification will occupy us later. Very singu- lar structures, of irregular form, and, in part, of extraordinary Fig. 11. — Non-nucleated cells of the epidermis. Fig. 12. — Cells with double nuclei : a, from the liver, b from the choroid of the eye, and c, from a ganglion. m Fio. 13. — Multi-nuclear giant cell from the bone marrow of the new-born. dimensions, occur in the bone marrow, and also in many ab- normal tumors. They have been called myeloplaxes and giant cells (Fig. 13). Their larger specimens may contain a multitude of nuclei. In these two things, the protoplasm and the nucleus, we have become acquainted with the essential constituents of the cell. The youthful cell shows nothing further. Later, it may become different. The surface of the cell body hardens, or from this vicinity is formed a firmer envel- oping layer. Thus we have, when this remains very thin, what is called a cell membrane, while to a thicker covering is given the name of the cell capsule. We just said, " this may occur ; " but it need not. At the present time we occupy a standpoint different from that of 8 FIRST LECTURE. our predecessors. Towards 1840, Schwann, the founder of modern histology, erroneously ascribed the cell membrane as a third essential constituent to every cell, so that the cell would have two concentric envelopes, that of the vesicular nucleus and the external one of the cell body. The still fre- quently used name of "cell contents" is derived from that period. It is impossible for any one to demonstrate where such a membrane really begins ; that the surface of a cell protoplasm in contact with the surrounding objects may, and, in fact, often does become more solid, would not be denied by any one ac- quainted with the great changeability of protoplasm. We may only speak of a cell membrane when we are able to iso- late the thing, and thus place it with certainty before the mi- croscopist's eye. A smooth, sharp, dark line of demarcation on a possibly strongly changed cell corpse gives us neverthe- less no proof of a membrane. We shall find later, it is true, that the isolation of an envelope on a fat cell, for instance, is very easy. Tak- ing, by way of example, our Fig. 14, the lateral surfaces of the cylindrical structure a are provided with a cover- FiG. 14. — Cylindrical epithelium • i • i • ■ i i_ i from the small intestine of tne "ig which is certainly recognizable. rabbit; a. Side view of the cells A , .11 1 •. • ^1 with the thickened and somewhat AbOVe, at the broad part, it IS Other- elevated seam, which is permeated . TT t. , , , by p.,rous canals; b, view of the wise. Here the cell membrane is cells from above, whereby the ap- . , . . , enures of the porous canals appear wanting ; and a thicker covering piece, as small points. , . . . . . ... permeated by very delicate longitudi- nal canals, overlays the protoplasm. We perceive a cell cap- sule on the mammalial ovum (Fig. 5, 2), while a more youthful ovulum (1) still appears membraneless. In cartilage tissue- cell capsules are quite ordinary occurrences ; we shall there be more intimately occupied with them. We proceed further; we inquire after the life of the cell. A life we have already ascribed to it, although a limited one in the service of the whole. Can this, however, be demonstrated ? This question is asked by many. We answer, yes. We recall to mind that THE PROTOPLASMA AND THE CELL. which we remarked above concerning the bathybius and protamoeba, that constant mutability, that vital power of contraction of the protoplasm. Numerous cells of our body, as, for instance, the lymphoid cells (Fig. io, d), show the same, and possess an " amoeboid" change of shape. When, by an artificial experiment, we produce an inflam- mation of the eyeball of a frog, instead of the clear aqueous of the normal condition, the contents of the anterior chamber soon appear more cloudy. In this less transparent fluid, we now meet with innumerable lymphoid cells which, in this case, are called pus corpuscles. If we subject these cells in a conservative manner to micro- scopical examination, we rec- ognize the vital metamor- phosis, already familiar to us, of the protoplasm. Every shape which our Fig. 15 pre- sents— and innumerable oth- ers also — may, one after the other, be assumed by one and the same cell, till finally, in death, it comes to rest as a spherical body (/). Formerly only these corpses were known. Still other remarkable things are connected with these pe- culiarities of the protoplasm. If to this cloudy aqueous of the eye we add inoffensive col- oring matters in a condition of the finest division, indigo or carmine, for instance, we see that the always restless proto- plasm gradually takes up into the cell body one colored gran- ule after the other (b). Even larger structures may be thus introduced. Fragments and even whole red blood corpuscles may thus enter into the lymphoid cells of the spleen. The amoeba (Fig. 3), received its small alimentary corpuscles in exactly the same way. This introduction may take place, in Fig. 15. — Pus cells fiom the inflamed eye of the frog ; a, to A\ the changes in the form of the living cell ; /, dead cell. * 10 FIRST LECTURE. both cases, at any portion of the outer surface ; the latter is, indeed, similar throughout. By means of this vital transformation, our lymphoid cell is able, like an amoeba, to shove itself over whatever it rests on ; and thus, very slowly and sluggishly, it is true, wander about. This may be observed in the pus cell in the cloudy aqueous mentioned. In the magnificently transparent cornea of the normal eye of a frog, the lymphoid cells may be seen to wander through the corneal canals in the most distinct manner, so that they gradually pass over the entire micro- scopic field. This has been rather drastically expressed by the words, " the cells devour and march." Such amoeboid cells may wander into other cell forms which have come to rest. The surfaces of the body have cell layers which are called epidermis or epithelium. This tis- sue participates actively in the catarrhal irritations of the mucous membranes. Lymphoid cells then wander from the deeper layers of the latter into the bodies of these epithelial cells (Fig. 16). These strange cells had already been ob- served before the vitality of the protoplasma was conjectured. The process was then naturally not understood. It was then imagined that the lymphoid cells were produced within those of the epithelium. A form of cell has long been known, a species of epithelium, which presents the most strik- ing vital phenomena. This is the ciliary cell (/). Very small and thin cilia, which cover the free surface of the cell body, are constantly occupied in a to and fro motion. These vibrations are repeated with such extraordinary rapidity that the human eye is unable to dis- Fig. 16. — Pus corpuscles in the interior of epithelial cells from the human and rnam- malial body ; a. Simple cylinder cell of the human biliary canal ; b, one with two pus cells ; r, with four, and d, with many of these contained cells ; e, the latter isolated ; f, a ciliated cell from the human respiratory apparatus with one, and g, a flattened epi- thelial cell from the human urinary bladder, with numerous pus corpuscles. THE PRO TO PLASMA AND THE CELL. \\ tinguish the individual ones. It is only on the death of the ciliated cell, when these oscillations are retarded, that they can be counted. We now know that these fine ciliae are pro- toplasma threads, and that their movements fall within the vital sphere of that remarkable substance. The rapid work of these small hairs and the sluggishness of ordinary proto- plasm, it is true, present a difference which is still inexplicable. Where there is motion in the domain of animal life, there is also sensation. Have the cells, the vitalized, minimal cor- ner-stones of our bodies, the latter capacity ? We may affirm this unreservedly. When these changeable figures, as they were represented in our Fig. 15, are subjected to a weak electrical irritation, they rapidly return to the spherical form, to subsequently recommence the old play of forming processes. Every organism, even the smallest and most simple, has a transmutability ; that is, it gives off altered unserviceable par- ticles of matter, it receives into itself new matter, and trans- forms it into the constituents of its own body. The mass of the organism then increases, it grows. All this happens, likewise, to the cell. The perception of these vital actions is rendered difficult by the smallness and the obscure existence of our structures. That the cells grow may be abundantly shown and with the greatest certainty, as, for example, in the fat and cartilage tissues. That they take up and transmute matter ; that is, make it something chemi- cally different, may also be perceived without trouble. Melanin, , the black pigment we mentioned above, is wanting in the blood. It is formed by the cell (Fig. 9). Choleic acid salts and biliary pigment, the former, at least, certainly not present in the blood, are productions of the living hepatic cell. The latter presents us, furthermore, with a striking example of the exchange of matter. Both the substances just mentioned appear later as ingredients of the bile. We could readily cite many such occurrences, but these few remarks may suffice ; they show, at least, the coming and going of the materials. The law of destruction adheres like a curse to the heels of 12 FIRST LECTURE. the Organic, from the infusoria, whose life is counted by- hours, to the oak, whose existence lasts centuries, throughout this limited duration of life. Concerning the human organ- ism, this highest cell-complex, there is a very ancient, well- known saying that it lives seventy years, and at the furthest eighty. We now encounter the question : Are the cells, those vital corner-stones of our body, once for all present, to remain with us permanently as faithful companions to the day of death ? Or does our body-cell, that delicate little thing, pos- sess a more limited and, perhaps, compared with human life, only a very short existence ? We answer unreservedly in the latter acceptation. The life of the body is long, under fortunate circumstances; that of our cells is short. We can present but a very defec- tive proof of this, however, at the present time. We again present a few examples. We have said above that the outer surface of our body is covered by layers of cells. The superficial layers are in loose connection ; they are cells in old age. The friction of our clothing daily removes im- mense numbers of them. A cleanly person, who uses sponge and towel energetically every day, rubs off still greater quan- tities. This takes place very actively in our mouth every day. We swallow ; our tongue acts in speaking ; drink and food pass this entrance of the digestive apparatus. Every one knows this. The mucous membrane of the mouth is, again, covered with a thick layer of epithelial cells. Here, also, many thousand senile cells are rubbed off daily. That which began at the entrance is continued throughout the entire di- gestive apparatus. An excess of cells is thus lost daily. To show the duration of life of a cell variety, let us turn to the human nail. The latter, growing from a fold of skin, is a cell-complex. In the depth of the furrow, youth prevails ; at the upper border — which we trim — old age. The deceased physiologist of Gottingen, Berthold, proved that a nail cell lives four mont'is in summer and five in winter. A person, THE PROTOPLASMA AND THE CELL. 13 dying in his eightieth year, has changed his nail two hundred times, at least — and the nail appeared such an inanimate, ap- parently unalterable thing ! We consider the nail cell a relatively long-lived constituent of the body. We believe that most of the cells of our body have a very much shorter existence. We repeat, however, that it is a matter of belief, for no one can prove it, at pres- ent ; but everything compels the view that, for example, the red blood corpuscles, of whose multitude we spoke above, have a much shorter existence than the elements of the nails, and they are certainly resembled by many other cell- varieties. Most cells being destined to an early death, how do they die ? Science can give to this, at present, but an insufficient answer. Certain cells, those of the outer surface of the body and of many mucous membranes, dry up in their old age ; the connection with the vicinity dissolves, the thing falls from its bed. The red blood cells die by being dissolved in the blood plasma. Others stick fast in the complicated tissue of the spleen, and are likewise children of death ; for the blood corpuscle lives only in the perpetual motion of the current ; rest stamps it with the impress of death. Other cells show in their old age granules of lime salts. They mummify. In this condition they may, as cell corpses, possibly remain for a still longer time constituents of the body. Generally, however, they soon afterwards become dissolved. A very disseminated form of death of ani- mal cells, in healthy as in unhealthy life, is the so-called fat degeneration. In the place r . . ... Fig 17 — Fatty degen- 01 the protoplasma, we perceive, in increas- crated cells from theGraa- • . fian follicles of the ovary. ing quantity, molecules of fatty matter (Fig. 17). They finally destroy the cell life and cell body. The human body daily loses, therefore, immense numbers of its living corner-stones. How does it replace this loss ? We here enter a very interesting department of our science. 14 FIRST LECTURE. Schwann, the founder of modern histology, taught : " What the crystal is in regard to the inorganic, so is the cell in the sphere of life." As the former shoots forth from the mother- lye, so also, in a suitable animal fluid, are developed the constituents of the cell, nucleolus, nucleus, covering, and cell contents. This view was embraced during many years. It explained everything so conveniently ! This was, however, over-hasty. Two highly endowed in- vestigators, Remak and Virchow, exposed the error ; the former for the embryonic, the latter for the diseased human body. The organic kingdom forms a continuity from the Bathybius to man. We do not hesitate an instant to acknowledge that this is also our conviction. There is an old well-known saying : " Omne vivum ex ovo," and in imitation of this sentence : " Omnis cellula e cellula." The cell arises from the cell ; a spontaneous origin, in the sense of Schivaun, does not occur. We know but one certain method of increase of the cells of our body. The protamceba, Haeckel's non-nuclear cytode (Fig. 2), divides itself into two beings by constriction. Each portion grows, by a predominant reception of material, to a new protamoeba. This is also the method of propagation of the nucleated cell of the human body. Nucleus and protoplasm divide ; from one structure are formed two, and so forth. Our figure (Fig. 18) shows this multiplying process of embryonic blood corpuscles. When, however, the cell has once become surrounded by an a young deer embryo fat a, the envelope or a capsule, when the proto- most globular cells ; b to J, their 1 l l process of division. plasma is imprisoned, then (Fig. 19) the contrast of the active and the passive is strikingly presented. The capsule remains stiff and quiet, the cell in prison Fig. 18. -Klood corpuscles of THE PROTOPLASMA AND THE CELL. 15 maintains the old life. This multiplying process was, in old times, badly z enough designated " endogenous cell for- mation." Mother and daughter cells were spoken of. The so- called mother cell is nothing but the cell capsule. Does the process of division of the human cell take place slowly or rapidly ? We be- lieve the latter ; al- Fig. 19. — Diagram of dividing mcapsulated bone cells ; tllOUcrll a proof Can *■ ce" body; " cells ; e, supplementary capsule formation. scarcely be presented here. In the lower animal groups, at all events, processes of division occur which are completed with great rapidity. We cannot yet leave the process of division, for we now encounter the question : Which constituent of the cell, nucleus, or protoplasm, here assumes the chief role f That a non-nucleated lump of protoplasma is capable of dividing, is shown by the protamceba. It is poss'ble that the nucleus is only passively simultaneously con- stricted, an opinion to which we are inclined. Meanwhile cells which, in the undivided body, present two sep- arated nuclei (Figs. 12, 18, 19), and the multi-nuclear myeloplaxes (Fig. 13), constitute a certain objection. Once more, therefore, uncertainty. The blood, lymph, and chyle consist of cells suspended in a large quantity of fluid ; in the blood, as we already know, these bodies are present in enor- mous numbers. Something similar is presented by a pathological product — pus. Should one speak here of tis- Fig. 2c. — Simple flattened epi- thelium ; «, of a serous mem- brane ; b, of the vessels. i6 FIRST LECTURE. sues? According to our opinion it is permissible; still, we readily admit, the opposite view may be defended. Other tissues, such as the epithelium or the epidermis (Fig. 20), present the cellular elements in close conjunction. At the same time, even the first examination teaches us that our cells are not loosely crowded together ; they are intimately united ; they are plastered or cemented together. This Fig. 21. — Capillary vessel from the mesenlerium of the Guinea- pig, after the action of the ni- trate of silver solution ; a. vascu- lar cells : l>, their nuclei. Fig. 22. — Cells of the enam- el organ of a four months' hu- man embryo. substance, which is of very frequent occurrence in a minimal thin layer, is called either the tissue cement or the intercellu- lar substance. If a portion of such tissue is placed for a short time in a very dilute solution of nitrate of silver and then exposed to the light, the tissue cement becomes black. This excellent accessory is nowadays very frequently used. In this manner we years ago recognized that the finest blood- THE PROTOPLASM A AND THE CELL. 17 vessels, the capillaries, were formed of cemented, elongated cell lamellae which become curved and joined together as a tube (Fig. 21). Stellate cells (Fig. 22), may blend together through their processes, and form a very delicate net-work. The meshes may be filled up with homogeneous gelatinous matter, and also with a multitude of lymphoid cells. In the former case we again have a variety of intercellular substance. The latter acquires a considerable thickness in many tissues, as in cartilage. At first (Fig. 23), this intermediate substance is homogeneous throughout. This condition is either main- Fig. 2 j. — Cartilage of a young sheep toetus. Fig. 74. — Cartilage from the auricle of a calf's ear ; a, cells , b, intercellular substances ; c, elastic fibres of the latter. tained, or else fibres subsequently shoot out from the inter cellular substance. Frequently (Fig. 24), we meet with them crossed in a felt-like or reticu- lated manner. They present an obstinate power of resistance to reagents. Such fibres are called elastic. Therefore— we repeat it— the elastic fibre is the result of a subsequent metamorphosis of an originally homogeneous substance. Connective tissue is infinitely diffused through the human body. A small piece of this, taken from the embryonic body, shows us, together with cells, bundles of very fine fibrillae, the connective-tissue fibres (Fig. 25). They have a quite similar origin. Subsequently, the con- FlG. 25. — From the tendon of a hog's em- bryo ; , escape of the contents through a rent in the latter. THE PROTOPLASMA AXD THE CELL. 19 We will add one more example of a widelv diffused cell transformation ; wc allude to the transversely striated volun- tary muscle. This, a thick, cylindrical fibre, not unfrequently of considerable length, consists of a contractile, longitudinal and transversely striated substance. In the outer portions of the latter lie numerous nuclei with adherent proto- plasma remains. It is surrounded by a hyaloid sheath. The whole, how- ever, arises from a single cell (Fig. 27). This (a), with a continual increase of the nuclei, grows into a thread ; the proto- plasma is transformed into the longitudi- nally and transversely marked substance (V) ; only a scanty remnant surrounds the nucleus, forming it into a rudimentary cell, and the homogeneous covering of the thing is derived from a transforma- tion of the adjacent connective tissue. The examples presented may suffice. They show, at least, how the most het- erogeneous may result from what was originally similar, through subsequent cell metamorphosis, and they attest the high signification of the cell in the structure of the organism. FlG. 27. — Development of the transversely striated mus- cular fibre (sheep embryo). SECOND LECTURE. CLASSIFICATION OF THE TISSUES. — BLOOD, LYMPH, CHYLE. A CLASSIFICATION of the tissues was, in the course of time, often attempted ; but it is, and remains, a very difficult thing. A scientifically adequate arrangement can be founded only on the course of development of the elements. The latter is unfortunately not yet accurately established throughout. One might nevertheless proceed with strictness, by the aid of the history of development ; the three well-known germinal plates from which the embryo arises might be employed as a basis of the arrangement. Still the representation of the tis- sues thus arranged would be attended with not inconsiderable difficulties. We will, therefore, employ a preponderating artificial classification, which, with all its defectiveness, possesses, at least, the advantage of presenting the material in a more convenient form to the learner. We distinguish : A. Tissues of simple cells with fluid intermediate sub- stance : I. Blood; 2. Lymph; 3. Chyle. B. Tissues of simple cells with scanty, firm, structureless intermediate substance : 4. Epithelium; 5. Nails; 6. Hair. C. Tissues of simple or metamorphosed cells, with partly still homogeneous, partly fibrous, and, not rarely, more firm intermediate substances (connective-tissue group) : 7- Carti- lage ; 8. Gelatinous tissue and reticular connective substance ; 9. Fat tissue; 10. Connective tissue; 11. Bone tissue; 12. Dentinal tissue. D. Tissues of metamorphosed, as a rule, unfused, cells, with scanty structureless intermediate substance: 13. Enamel tis- sue ; 14. Lens tissue ; 15. Muscular tissue. CLASSIFICATION OF THE TISSUES. 21 E. Compound tissues : 16. Vessels; 17. Glandular tissue ; and 18. Nerve tissue. We shall, therefore, proceed in this manner, and turn first to the blood. " Blood is quite a peculiar sort of juice," Goethe lets his Mephistopheles say. Modern science, after nearly a hundred years, endorses the apothegm completely. If a little drop of this fluid, which appears homogeneous to the naked eye, is spread out in a thin layer under the micro- scope, we are surprised by a peculiar image. The homoge- neous red has disappeared ; we perceive innumerable yellow- colored cells in a colorless fluid. The fluid is called plasma, the cells bear the name of the colored or red blood corpuscles (Fig. 10, a, b, c). Among the colored companions, still another, though not abundant, colorless structure may be noticed by closer examination. This is the lymphoid cell of the blood, the so-called white blood corpuscle id). The human red blood cells are diminutive structures ; they measure only 0.0088 to 0.0054 mm. Their smallness and their innumerable quantity renders it possible that a small space — a cubic millimetre of blood — may contain five millions of them. Their form, as Fig. 10 showed, is spherical, the periphery appears yellow, the centre bright and nearly colorless. When the blood corpuscle rolls over the microscopical glass slide, the side view presents the appearance of c. Our cell, conse- quently, represents a cir- cular disc, with excavated central portions of both broad surfaces. Fig. 28. — Red blood corpuscles of man with water ; b, in evaporating plasma ; a, treated dried ; it, after coagulation ; e, rouleaux-like arrangement. The red blood corpuscle is, besides, a very changeable 22 SECOND LECTURE. thing. In evaporating blood it becomes indented (Fig. 28, b). Rapidly dried, it presents the appearance of c. On the addicioii of water, the cell becomes globular and loses its color. The coloring material, an extremely complicated sub- stance, called haemoglobin, has now become dissolved. Something similar is also seen in previously frozen blood. The colorless residue is called stroma. A series of reagents, which have been applied to our structures during many years, act similarly, some distending, others shrinking ; but by no treatment does a nucleus make its appearance. The human red blood corpuscle is, therefore, a non-nucleated cell. Has the thing a membrane — does it possess a covering ? we ask further. We answer negatively. An interesting ex- periment is here, according to our opinion, decisive. When living blood cells are warmed to 520 C, they commence a marvelous transformation. Indentations of the border rapidly Fig. 29. — Colored blood cells ; i, from man ; 2, camel ; 3, pigeon ; 4, proteus ; 5, water salaman- der ; 6, frog ; 7, cobitis ; 8, ammoccetes. At a, surface view ; b, profile (mostly after Wagner). occur, and partial constrictions of the cell body rapidly follow, which either immediately break off or remain in connection CLASSIFICATION OF THE TISSUES. 23 with the main portion by means of a thin, pedicle-like bridge. The strangest appearances are hereby presented to the eye. It is plain that only a membraneless cell body can present such constrictions. The cells, these living corner-stones of our body, are other- wise quite similar in the various vertebrate animals ; it is not so, however, with the blood. The differences in most of the mammalia are certainly slight. The form remains ; only the diameters vary somewhat. A few ruminants, the camel, al- paca, and llama, have oval cells (Fig. 29, 2). The blood corpuscles of birds (3), amphibia, and most fishes (3), appear elliptic ; but in the middle of both broad surfaces we meet with an elevation. The diameter changes in an interesting manner. In birds, it is 0.0184 to 0.0150 mm.; in the squamigerous amphibia, 0.0182 to 0.0150; in osseous fishes <7j, 0.0182 to 0.01 14. Our cells reach prodigious dimen- sions in the ray and shark, 0.0285 to 0.0226 mm.; then among the batrachia, the frog (6) and the toad have blood corpuscles of 0.0226; the triton (5), up to 0.0325 mm.; and the salamander has still larger. The group of the pisciform amphibia have the largest of all. In the proteus they measure 0.057 mm. The cyclostomen, a low group of fishes, have, strangely, again, spherical bi-concave discs measuring 0.0113 mm. (8). All these blood corpuscles behave, with reagents, similar to those of man and the mammalia. But in them all, on the contrary, there is a nucleus. Even in the dying cell it is visible. Many reagents — for example, water, very dilute acetic acid — let it show out from the now discolored cell as a granular structure (Fig. 30, a, b). The second element of the blood, the lymphoid cell, is much more homogeneous. The form is, throughout, spherical ; the size is, in man (Fig. 10, d ; Fig. 31, 1 to 4), rarely FlG. 30._Kio?d „ „ n j_ __,__ , „„„ i-i cells of the fro^ with 0.005, generally 0.0077 to 0.012 mm. I he granular nuclei, most of our structures, according to this, exceed the dimensions of the colored corpuscles. It is the same in the mammalia. In the remaining classes of the 24 SECOND LECTURE. vertebrates, however, the lymphoid cell is smaller than the colored element. 7 j They show a molecular proto- © © ^^ plasma, with a granular contour. s , s A few lymphoid cells harbor, in ®[0J ^p W^j addition, fat molecules (4). If water s~\> sj\ s-^f ^e a^owe<^ to act on them, the t>, v_y ^ty (~ ) nucleus immediately begins to de- « /2 tach itself (5). After this we have JSyr^'ft'SdiS anVO nuclear forms> s«ch as the cells 6, 7, 9aprhTnuc.ts^!n:\6o%^:,11kewi^ and 8 possess. Other cells show a £i»"^7«^fc£d£ reniform (9), or triplicate nucleus substance- (10, ID. This artificial production may finally break up into a number of small fragments (12). The lymphoid cells adhere readily, they are of a somewhat sticky nature. Their specific weight is less than that of the red blood corpuscles. During life we meet with the already described amoeboid change of form, as well as a locomotion thereby induced ; this takes place most actively in diluted plasma (Thoma). The cells can also be made to take up small foreign particles. There are one, two to three colorless blood cells to 1,000 red ones in man. The number increases after a plentiful meal, after the loss of blood, and also under conditions which indicate a more active blood formation. An interesting phenomenon is presented by the spleen. The blood flowing into it shows the usual small number of lymphoid cells, while in the blood of the splenic vein 5,7, 12, 15, and more of them occur. In the lower groups of vertebrate animals, the number of the color- less cells is more considerable ; in the frog, the proportion of lymphoid cells to red blood corpuscles is I : 4-10. The web of the frog and the tail of its larvae are adapted to examinations of the circulation. The wonderful spectacle (Fig. 32), shows how the colored blood corpuscles readily and rapidly pass along and among each other, while the viscous lymphoid cells move much less rapidly, and not unfrequently adhere for a time to the inner surface of the vessel. CLASSIFICATION OF THE TISSUES. 25 cells originate ? First, is, from the lymphatic Fig. 32. — The blood current in tSe web of the frog ; a, the vessel ; b, the epithelial cells of the lissue. But whence do our lymphoid from the lymph and chyle, that glands, then from the spleen and bone marrow. They are carried away from both the latter parts by the blood cur- rent. What becomes of our cells in the veins ? They become, in part, grad- ually transformed into red blood corpuscles, and cover the loss of the latter. Whether, however, a greater or only a lesser portion undergoes this metamorphosis, we are not yet able to say ; for this, we must first learn more accurately the duration of the life of the red blood corpuscles. The manner of this metamorphosis we can state in some degree. The globular form changes to the specific one of the red blood cell, and the protoplasma is replaced by a homo- geneous colored substance. In mammalia and man, finally, there is also a loss of the nucleus. Isolated examples of such intermediate forms have been recognized in the blood for years, especially in that of the spleen, the mammary ducts and the bone medulla. The bright red color of the arterial, and the dark of the venous blood is caused by a combination of oxygen with the haemoglobin, or a reduction of the latter. Prolonged changes in the form of the blood corpuscles likewise exert a modifying effect on the color. Distended, they lend a darker color to our fluid ; shriveled, a brighter one. When a drop of blood is left to itself, it coagulates. The filiform separation of the fibrine is shown in our Fig. 28, d. When blood is beaten, that is, the fibrine caused to coagu- late, the cells sink, the red ones more rapidly, the colorless, 26 SECOND LECTURE. lighter ones more slowly, the former arranging themselves in rolls (e). We come, finally, to the blood formation of the embryo. The fiat germinal layer, from which the human body arises, consists of three membranous cell layers lying one over the other, the horn layer (Hornblatt), the middle germinal layer, and the intestinal gland layer (Darmdriisenblatt) (Remak). The heart, vessels, and blood proceed from this middle layer, from which, besides, many parts of the body originate. The first blood appears very early, and consists only of colorless cells, formed of protoplasma and a vesicular nucleus. The homogeneous yellow substance gradually replaces the molecular protoplasma. We have now before us, nucleated colored blood corpuscles (Fig. 18, a), of 0.0056 to 0.016 mm. At this period an increase also takes place by the way of division (a to_/). Later, this procedure becomes extinct, and the cells assume more and more the specific form, the nucleus at the same time disappearing. Let us now proceed to the lymph and chyle. The fluid of the living blood, the plasma, constantly passes through the thin capillary walls into the adjacent tissues. It brings to the latter the nutrient materials, to the one these ; to the second, again, others. The fluid becomes impregnated, however, with the products of decomposition of the tissues. The latter are again different. The tissue fluids, which are in consequence so variable in their chemical constitution, finally collect in the fissures and spaces of the body. Thin-walled vessels are gradually de- veloped from these ; and then, uniting in larger trunks, they finally enter the blood passages. These are the lymphatic vessels; and the fluid contents, whose nature we have just de- scribed, are called lymph. The walls of the intestines also have their lymph districts. Towards the close of active digestion they contain tempora- rily another cloudy or white fluid, which is very rich in albu- men and fat. This is the lacteal juice or chyle. The canals bear the name of the chyliferous system of vessels. CLASSIFICATION OF THE TISSUES. 27 The lymph appears colorless and clear as water. Taken from the smallest vessels, it may be without cells. It con- tains large quantities of them when drawn from the larger vessels, especially just after the passage of the latter through lymphatic glands or allied structures. Nevertheless, it is infi- nitely less rich in cells than the blood. They are the same lymphoid cells we became acquainted with in the blood (Fig. 31) ; further description is therefore unnecessary. The lymph presents nothing further. In the chyle, on the contrary — and they cause the cloudy or whitish appearance of the fluid — we meet with innumerable infinitely fine dust- like molecules. With a strong magnifying power they show a peculiar, dancing, driving about, the so-called Brunonian molecular movement. But there is nothing strange in this. It is natural to all very small bodies suspended in water, small particles of fat, the smallest crystals, carmine granules, and the like. These dust-like particles consist of fat, sur- rounded by a very thin albuminous covering. Red blood corpuscles may be met with in the lymph and chyle as incidental constituents, and occasionally as transition forms. I have seen the latter in the thoracic duct of the rabbit. Red blood cells, pressed out from the blood-vessels, may also finally reach the lymphatics. There is no doubt that the actively emigrated colorless blood cells often penetrate these passages, and thus again commence the journey back into the blood. THIRD LECTURE. THE EPIDERMIS, OR THE EPITHELIUM. Under epithelium we understand closely-arranged cell lay- ers, held together by a minimal quantity of cement (p. 16); it covers the surface of the body, the external as well as the internal. All three plates of the germinal layer (p. 26), participate in the production of the tissue under examination. The horn layer supplies the covering of the corium, the so-called epidermis. The lower germinal plate forms the epithelium of the diges- tive apparatus and the organs arising from the latter. Not less important is the role of the middle cell layer. Manifold cavities originate in it; the passages of the vascular system, the so-called serous sacs, the articular cavities, down to innu- merable small and diminutive tissue spaces. All these again have their epithelial cell covering. The latter is now called endothelium. The principle is correct ; but the boundaries cannot yet be sharply drawn throughout. Epithelium consists either of a simple cell layer, or the cells are stratified more or less manifoldly over each other. We distinguish, therefore, unstratified and stratified epithe- lium. The latter originates in the horn layer. The former is due to the intestinal gland, as well as the middle germinal, plate. The form of the cell varies. Many kinds of epithelium present only thin, flat, scale-like cells (Figs. 7 and 20). We speak now of flattened or pavement epithelium. In other varieties the cell is tall and slender. This is called cylindrical epithelium (Figs. 6 and i structureless membrane covering them . spaces. A white hair thus re- ceives its appearance, while in colored hairs the serrated sub- stance glistens through the coloring of the cortex, as if tinged. We have still one structure remaining, the epidermis or cuticle of the hair (Fig 39,/, 40, b). A double layer of hy- aline obliquely standing cells covers the hair, as long as it is surrounded by the sac. With the latter terminates the outer cell layer, but not so the inner one. This covers the free hair, as a system of quite obliquely arranged, flat, non-nu- cleated lamellae, covering each other in a tile-like manner, like a scaly coat of mail. Not unfrequently, after pressure and maltreatment, the lamellae present the appearance of regular transverse fibres (Fig 39, /*). Hairs are found over nearly the whole body, as so-called lanugo hairs, and in limited places as thicker, coarse hairs. 40 THIRD LECTURE. Its smooth or frizzled condition depends on the cross section In the former hair it is round, in the latter oval or reniform. The growth of the hair takes place by a cell increase from the lower portion of the hair bulb. So long as the sac with its papilla remains uninjured, it regenerates the lost hairs ; that is, such as are stunted in their hair bulbs and are separated from the papillae. This power of reproduction is tolerably ener- getic, for the physiological loss of hair is not inconsiderable. The origin of the embryonic hair commences at the end of the third or the beginning of the fourth month (Fig. 41). The epidermis forms with its deeper cells (b) a knobby down- ward growth. A structureless boundary layer, furnished by the impressed corium (/), leads to the formation of the hair sac. From the cell aggregations (m, m), are developed both the root-sheaths and the entire true hair with its cuticula. The hairs, like the nails, are, therefore, secondary epidermoi- dal structures. FOURTH LECTURE. THE CONNECTIVE-SUBSTANCE GROUP. — CARTILAGE, GELA- TINOUS TISSUE, RETICULAR CONNECTIVE TISSUE, FAT. CONNECTIVE TISSUE, fat tissue, cartilage, bone, dentine, are well known constituents of the body. Their finer structure proved extremely heterogeneous at the commencement period of modern microscopy. It was in the year 1845 tnat: Reichert recognized all these things as members of a natural unity. Science is indebted to him for the exposition of a " connective-substance group." Here Virchow accomplished further progress in the domain of pathology ; and, indeed, also committed errors. Much labor has subsequently been bestowed upon this group ; we have made further progress, but are still far enough removed from a conclusion. All these tissues mentioned — and to these are to be added, as new acquisitions, gelatinous tissue and the reticular con- nective substance — arise from the middle germinal layer (p. 26). They are originally similar, but then, pressing on to- wards maturity, they assume quite variable forms. Connect- ing intermediate forms, however, remain. No one can, for example, draw a sharp boundary between gelatinous and ordinary connective tissue, or between the latter and carti- lage. We meet in places, therefore, with a continuous tran- sition of one connective substance form into another. Truly different tissues never do this. We meet, furthermore, in the animal kingdom, very frequently a substitution of one tissue of our group by another. That, for example, which in one creature is connective tissue is in another gelatinous tissue, or even bone. A temporary substitution also occurs. The parts of our skeleton were, for the most part, formerly cartilage. In morbid growths we meet with extraordinary frequency with such substitutions of the one for the other. 42 FOURTH LECTURE. The connective-substance group, occurring throughout, forms a large part of our body, the general frame-work, in which the other tissues are embedded. They have rightly been called the scaffold and supporting substance of the body. Let us now examine their individual varieties. Cartilage tissue makes its appearance very early in the con- struction of the body, though frequently to disappear after a short duration of life. Most cartilage, accordingly, does not become old. Even at the hour of birth a considerable por- tion of the cartilage has fallen a sacrifice to a new secondary tissue, the osteoid or bone tissue. A portion of the cartilage lasts, however, till the death of the person, and may thus reach a great age. The texture is distinguished, according to several varieties of the mature tissue, into : a, the hyaline ; b, the elastic ; c, a rather uncertain variety, the connective-tissue cartilage, an intermediate thing between cartilage and connective tissue. In its first embryonic appearance, the progressing cartilage presents small spherical protoplasmic formative cells with vesicular nuclei and rather scanty homogeneous intermediate substance. The latter is still soft, and consists of albuminous matter. Soon, however, the cells increase in size ; the inter- mediate substance is augmented, and becomes more firm (Fig. 23). A chemical change also takes place gradually ; it becomes a gelat- inous tissue ; on boiling, it yields chondrine. When the intercellular substance retains its original homogeneous character, it forms hyaline cartilage. Thin sections appear transparent like glass. The cells (Fig. 42) have also, in the mean time, assumed quite a variation in their appearance. They appear larger, round, oval, wedge-shaped. A portion of them show capsules, and not Fig. 42. — Diagram of a perfectly mature hyaline curtilage, with quite a variety of cells. THE CONNE CTI VE-S UBS TA NCE GR O UP. 43 unfrequcntly the latter envelop so-called daughter cells (comp. Fig. 19)- WW Fig. 43.— Thyroid cartilage of the hog The basis sub- stance is divided into cell- districts. fShki How have these capsules and the intermediate substance been formed ? Concerning this there has been much discussion. Nowadays we must say that both are cell products, are substances yielded by the cell, and were formerly a part of the cell body itself. In the ensiform process of the sternum of the rabbit, it is easy to recognize, without re- agents, that the intercellular substance is formed only of the cemented capsules of the cartilage cells (Remak). By the aid of macerating media this can also, with greater difficulty, it is true, be demonstrated in other mammalial and human cartilage (Fig. 43). Here, also, the appar- ently homogeneous intermediate substance becomes divided into a system of concentric capsule lay- ers, which embrace within them the cell or the cell group. The individual capsular systems are cemented to each other and like- wise the external capsules of ad- joining cells. From the similarity of the power of refraction is caused the phantasm of homogeneous- ness ; the cartilage cell lies in a chasm. When the innermost, last-formed capsule has preserved an additional, peculiar exponent of refraction, we perceive this (Figs. 42, 44) as something dif- ferent from the remaining intermediate substance. This division of the cells within their cavities, or, which amounts to the same, within their capsules, gains consider- Fig. 44. — From the costal cartilage of an old man. 44 FOURTH LECTURE. able dimensions in many mature cartilages (Fig. 44, a), so that we may meet with enormous capsules of O. I to 0.2 mm. with whole troops of contained cells. Not unfrequently, how- ever, this exuberant increase foretells the approaching disap- pearance of the tissue. Depositions of fat in the cell body, especially in the vicinity of the nucleus, then form very common transformations. They may begin very early. Later, the nucleus frequently becomes invested by a coherent spherical shell of fat (Fig. 44). A subsequent metamorphosis of the apparently homoge- neous intercellular substance into firm, delicate fibrillae, which resist acetic acid, is frequently observed ; this is especially constant in the interior of old costal cartilage (Fig. 44). Calcification is, finally, a quite frequent occurrence in car- tilage undergoing retrogression. Dark granules or crumbs of lime salts surround the cells or cell groups, at first in an areolated man- ner. They increase in quantity ; the whole intermediate substance acquires a dark, granular appearance ; the cap- sules also become implicated in the deposition, and finally all is black and opaque ; only the cells glisten through as bright gaps. The older investi- gators could not master this. Now- adays we readily succeed by the aid of decalcification with chromic or lactic acids. This calcified cartilage is, however, far from being or from becoming bone. We shall hereafter return to this subject. Hyaline cartilage substance constituted originally almost our entire skeleton, with the exception of the portions form- ing the vault of the cranium and the bones of the face. This is the transitory cartilage. Remains of the same form the articular and costal cartilages and others. Other masses of cartilage have nothing to do with the skeleton. To these belong the larger cartilages of the larynx, and the cartilage Fig. 45. — Commencing calcifi cation ot hyaline cartilage. THE CONNECTIVE-SUBSTANCE GROUP. 45 of the trachea and bronchia. The cartilage of the nose also appears to be hyaline. The young, healthy, hyaline cartilage, but not that which is growing old, is without vessels. An interstitial growth is evident ; the increasing size of the cartilage cells, the expansion of the capsules, and the increase of the intermediate substance remove every doubt. Is there, besides, an increase of substance by apposition ? This is not known. The nutrition takes place either from the blood- vessels of a connective-tissue covering, the perichondrium, or, when the cartilage envelopes the bone, from the adjacent vessels of the latter. Elastic or reticular cartilages arise from a supplementary metamorphosis, which commences during the embryonic pe- riod. Their number is not large. Among these are the epi- glottis, the Santorinian and Wrisbergian cartilages of the larynx, the Eustachian tube, and the cartilage of the ear. The arytenoid cartilages of the larynx and the symphyses of the vertebras present the same peculiarity only partially. In reticular cartilage (Fig. 24) we generally meet with more abundant cartilage cells, surrounded by a homogeneous area, and the remaining intermediate substance permeated by a close net-work of fine elastic fibres. Considerable variations occur, however, in the different varieties of animals (Hertwig). By connective-tissue cartilage is denoted a substance which presents small cartilage cells, surrounded by bundles of a con- nective tissue which becomes homogeneous in acetic acid. This variety is met with, for example, in the cartilaginous lips of the joints, and locally in the vertebral symphyses ; other parts of the latter present hyaline cartilage ; still others, only ordinary connective tissue. In the so-called cartilages of the eyelids only connective tissue can be recognized. We pass to the gelatinous tissue and reticular connective tissue. Cartilage presented the quality of solidity ; gelatinous tis- sue shows the character of softness in the highest degree. Its most simple variety, the vitreus of the eye, is the richest 46 FOURTH LECTURE. in water of all the tissues of the body ; it contains only 1. 5 per cent, of solid constituents, of which a part must still be referred to a delicate pellicle surrounding and permeating the whole. And yet the origin of the cartilage and corpus vit- reum are similar. We again meet with rounded, indifferent cells with a homogeneous, intercellular substance. In car- tilage (Fig. 23) the latter early solidifies ; in the vitreus it becomes watery and swells up, so that in a human embryo of four months (Fig. 46) the protoplasmatic cells, meas- uring 0.0104 to 0.0182 mm., are separated by considera- ble intermediate gelatinous tissue. The latter gives the reaction of mucous sub- man^A^Ti5SUe °f ^ vltre°US b°dy °f 3 hU" stance or mucin, that sub- stance with which we have already become acquainted (p. 36), as a product of the meta- morphosis of the epithelial cells. For this reason our tissue has already been given the name of mucous tissue. In the vitreus of the mammalia after birth, the formative cells become arrested, and, widely separated by the interven- ing gelatinous tissue, are only with difficulty recognized. A higher development of the gelatinous tissue is consti- tuted by the so-called enamel organ of the progressing tooth. The teeth, as is known, are formed and concealed in the jaws ; the crown is first formed and the root last. The former is covered, at its commencement period, by a cap or bell-shaped structure, from the concave under surface of which the for- mation of the enamel takes place. Hence the name. Here (Fig. 22) we meet with a net-work of delicate, nucle- ated stellate cells with a varying number of processes. Some- thing like a cell division ib) is occasionally seen. The meshes are filled with a homogeneous gelatinous tissue containing mucus. The same condition prevails, at an early period, in the Whartonian jelly of the umbilical cord. Later, we meet, in THE COXXECTIVE-SUBSTANCE GROUP. 47 ddli^ addition, with connective-tissue bundles which lie externally to the now flattened cells. The system of spaces is again rilled with gelatinous substance. This is a tissue, therefore, which early disappears. Under reticular connective tissue (Fig. 47) we understand a cellular tissue, in the meshes of which lie innumerable lymphoid cells. His has called this adenoid tissue. It appears to be frequently a second- ary formation, proceeding from metamorphosed common connect- ive tissue of the fcetal body. Reticular connective tissue pre- sents, in addition, many changes, according to age and locality. As its element (Fig. 8), we meet with a delicate, stellate cell with a nucleus of 0.0059 t° 0.0075 mm- and a moderate-sized protoplasma body. The latter sends out numerous processes, which repeatedly divide and thereby become constantly finer. By the conjunction of such adja- cent branches, which have often arisen under a right angle, smaller nodal points are frequently formed, in which a nucleus is naturally wanting. The delicate, mostly polyhedral meshes are usually rounded, but may also assume an elongated form. They are smaller in the new-born than in the adult. In the latter, during the period of health, the nucleus and cell body are usually shrunken, so that they may be overlooked. In irritated con- ditions, however, the former tense condition is rapidly re- established in the swelling tissue. Such reticular connective tissue is met with in the lymph glands, as well as in a series of allied parts of the body, which we will combine as lymphoid organs, such as the tonsils, thymus gland, and Peyer's follicles. The Malpighian cor- Fig. 47. — From a lymphoid follicle of the vermiform appendix of the rab- bit. Fig. 1. reticular tssue with the meshes, b, and the rema'nder of the lymph cells, a ; most of the latter h ve been artificially removed. Fig. 2. more superficial. 43 FOURTH LECTURE. puscles of the spleen also belong here. The tissue of the spleen pulp is still more strongly modified. The mucous membrane of the small intestine also contains our tissue ; although the number of lymphoid cells is here much less, and the cell processes not unfrequently appear broader, lamelliform. In the large intestine, finally, something inter- mediate between our tissue formation and ordinary con- nective tissue is met with. We now turn to the adipose tissue. True connective tissue, to the consideration of which we shall soon arrive, appears partly as a firm, partly as a loose texture. In the latter case^ as under the corium, under mucous and serous membranes, etc., it encloses irregular communicating spaces. These are frequently occupied by groups of peculiar cells, overladen with fat. This is fat tissue (Fig. 48, a). The cells appear large, measuring 0.076 to 0.13 mm., with nuclei of 0.076 to 0.009 mm. A thin covering closely en- velops a single large drop of fat. The latter, from its strong refractive power, conceals the nucleus and the outlines of the envelope. An appearance is thus caused as if there were free drops of fat, with a dark periphery by transmitted light, yellow- ish, silvery and bright by incident illumination. Still, the always considerable diameter, a slight polyhedral flattening of the elements which are closely pressed together, avert the mistake. Free fat forms spherical drops of every possible size (b). The envelope, after its rupture and the escape of the con- tents, may be demonstrated as a thin, collapsed sac (c), like- wise in an intact condition, after drawing out the fatty con- tents with alcohol or ether. The nucleus, lying quite excen- trically, is readily recognized after tingeing with carmine. FlG. 48. — a, human fat cells, lying together in groups ; b, free glabules of fat ; c, empty envelopes. THE CONNECTIVE-SUBSTANCE CROUP. 49 The fat of the human body is a mixture of an oleaginous substance, triolein, which contains in solution certain quanti- ties of more solid matter, tripalmitin and tristearin. When the latter increase, there are, on the cooling of the body at first, depositions of tuberculated forms, and finally of crys- talline. We now perceive irregular needles, at one time tuft- shaped and stellate, radiating from a central point, again in crowded aggregations filling the whole cell. On warming they again disappear. Adipose tissue takes a very active part in the material changes of the body ; it is likewise a very vascular substance. As a result of prolonged starvation, in exhausting diseases, a portion of the fatty contents disappear from the cell (Fig. 49). The fat drop (d) is at first but slightly re- moved from the membrane. A spherical cortex of gela- tinous, finely granular sub- stance (protoplasma?), sur- rounds the former ; the nu- cleus nOW becomes Visible. FlG- 49— Impoverished fat cells from ^the sub- cutaneous cellular tissue ol a human cadaver. The progressing deprivation of fat is shown by the cells a to/ and h. Finally {g), only a {cw fat globules remain ; the entire cavity is now occupied by the gelatinous matter. Such examples have been designated, not especially happily, as fat cells " containing serum." If the body outlasts this condition of emaciation, and sub- sequently, by a more abundant nourishment, resumes the old full appearance, the cells have again become filled with the fatty contents. The massiveness of the adipose tissue varies considerably. It is greater in children and women than in men ; more con- siderable in the blooming period of life than in senility. Here, above all, individuality asserts itself very powerfully. In high degrees of obesity, fat cells frequently occur in places where they do not belong, as, for example, between the mus- cular fibres. In far advanced emaciation, the panniculus adi- 50 FOURTH LECTURE. posus disappears ; though certain parts, like the orbital cavity and the medulla of the central portion of the hollow bones, still obstinately retain the fatty contents within their cells. Adipose tissue is of a secondary nature. It is entirely wanting in the earlier embryo- nic life. The fat cell arises from a metamor- phosis of the cells of the connective tissue. The ordinary flat, lapped and pointed ele- ments of the latter (Fig. 50, a) take up fat drops in increasing quantity (b) ; these flow together, the cell becomes rounder, losing its processes (c), and finally assumes the well-known appearance (d). There is also another coarsely granular connective-tissue cell, to which more attention has only re- cently been called, and which may possibly be transformed into a fat cell. We regard the so called cell membrane as a boundary layer formed from the adjacent connective tissue. Fig. 50. — Transfor- mation of the connect- ive tissue corpuscles into fat cells, from a human muscle, serving at the same time as a diagram of the embryo- nic origin. FIFTH LECTURE. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. TRUE connective tissue, the " cellular tissue " of the older anatomists, is very extensively diffused throughout the body. As a member of the whole tissue group, it also consists of cells and intercellular substance. The latter, on boiling, does not yield the chondrin of cartilage (p. 42), however, but ordinary glue or glutin. The intercellular substance here shows a further metamorphosis in a double direction ; firstly, into the so-called connective tissue bundles and ffbrillae ; and secondly, into the multiform elastic elements. The latter form fibres, reticular fibres, perforated membranes, limiting layers around connective- tissue bundles, and also around spaces which con- tain cells. The longest known is the gelatine yielding fibrilla, the constituent which im- mediately attracts the eye. It appears in the form of a very fine, hyaline, un- branched filament, 0.0007 mm. in diameter, often very extensible, and at the same time possessing elas- ticity (Fig. 51, to the left). These very readily isolat- able fibrillae very commonly unite into sometimes thinner, sometimes thicker bundles (in the figure to the right). Their elasticity very frequently produces an undulated or curly 52 FIFTH LECTURE appearance in separated portions of the tissue. The inter- weaving of the fibres varies considerably. When loosely in- terwoven, the bundles running in one plane are united by homogeneous, membranous intermediate substance. Acetic acid, an important reagent, causes the bundles to swell up rapidly and the fibrous appearance to disappear. By washing out, or neutralizing that reagent, the former ap- pearance is restored. Previously, the excess of connective-tissue fibrilla very fre- quently concealed the intermingled elastic elements. Now, in the acid preparation, the latter make their appearance Fig. 52. — Human elastic fibres. (Fig. 52). We perceive, firstly, the finest, frequently corru- gated fibrillae without ramifications (a). They remind one of the connective-tissue fibrillae ; but the darker appearance, and the power of resisting acetic acid, permit of no mis- take. Other elastic fibres are larger. Very frequently there are ramifications, and by the com- munication of the branches an elastic net-work is formed. We perceive such an one at b, with large meshes, and fibres which measure only 0.0014 to 0.0025 mm. in thickness. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 53 fibres are embedded as ledge-like thickenings occur homogeneous \ If we search further, we meet with transitions to broader and thicker ramified fibres (c), which, in contradistinction to the extensible finer ones, gradually assume a considerable inflexibility and brittleness. Their diameter may increase to 0.0056 to 0.0065 mm. In other places, the walls of the larger arteries, we find co- herent elastic membranes, in which fine fibrillar and reticular There also layers of elastic sub- stances which are perforated with little holes (Fig- 53) !)- Between these and a small- meshed reticulum of very broad, flat elastic fibres (2) it is, indeed, often impossible to make a demar- cation. These changing elastic ele- ments are met with in still another condition. They form a structureless sheath around many connective-tis- sue bundles. As surely as an innumerable quantity of these bundles are without envelopes, and exhibit only a fibrillated cord, even so little can the presence of a sheath around others be doubted ; as on those which pass from the arachnoid, at the base of the brain, to the larger blood-vessels, on the fasciculi of the tendons, on much of the subcutaneous cellular tissue, agents which produce considerable swelling strange appearance is caused (Fig. 54). The sheath is torn into transverse portions, and these rapidly contract between the protruding portions of the connective-tissue bundle to Fig. 53.— Elastic net- work fi\,m the aorta ; I, of the ox ; 2, of the horse. Fig. 54. — Acon- nective-:issue bun- dle, from the base of the humanbrain, treated with acetic acid. If we apply re- as acetic acid, a 54 FIFTH LECTURE. very delicate rings, which have a striking resemblance to an elastic fibre. Cotton fibres undergo a very similar change on the addition of ammoniac copper ; only, everything is here more massive and easier to observe. The most difficult part in the investigation of the connective tissue is formed by the cellular elements, the connective-tis- sue corpuscles of an earlier period. After manifold strayings, a greater light has only of late years been disseminated. Since the cells were, as a rule, usually concealed by the substance of the fasciculi, acetic acid was formerly generally used for the recognition of the former. This, and even water, immediately distorts the cells into caricatures. The latter have been almost universally known and described for tens of years ; and capital has been made of them ! The cellular elements are distinguished into non-essential migratory, and essential fixed. The former are lymphoid cells, which, having escaped from the blood and lymphatic vessels, slowly wander through the channels of our tissue. The ordinary fixed connective-tissue cell appears as a simple or complicated lamellar structure. An oval nucleus is surrounded by some protoplasma. The thin structure becomes extremely pale and veil-like at the periphery, and runs out into points or fibrillar. Very frequently, how- ever, there is also a vary- ing number of lateral plates resting at different angles over the middle of these chief plates (Fig. 55, a), so that .a certain resemblance to an irregular, crumpled shovel edge is produced (Ranvier, Waldeyer). Such cells lie in the firm connec- tive tissue, in the spaces between the fasciculi, and have, according to our views, as- sumed the described forms subsequent to the growth in thick- ness of those fasciculi. The procedure may be illustrated by Fig. 55. — Cells of human connective tissue : a, flat and shovel-shaped elements ; 6, coarse granu- lar cells. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 55 placing a lump of warm, soft wax between the points of three fingers and pressing them together. There is still another cell formation met with in connective- tissue structures ; they are often very rare ; in places, how- ever, quite numerous. They are larger, coarse granular structures, with a nucleus and an either rounded or spindle- shaped body, without that system of lamellae and processes of the previous form (b). They have been met with in the vicinity of vessels, especially arteries, and have received the name of plasma cells (Waldeyer). Fat cells may proceed from both varieties of cells, the flat and the coarse granular (p. 49). Connective-tissue cells also assume an extremely peculiar appearance from receiving melanine granules into their body (Fig- 9). This is the "stellate pigment cell" of the earlier histolomsts. The coal or brown- black molecules are smaller than in the pigmented epithelium (p. 30). In man such cells are limited almost exclusively to the eye. In the lower ver- tebrates, such as many of the amphibia, this process of pig- ment embedding is enormously diffused, so that in every little piece of connective tissue the strangest cells are met with, occurring in every possible stellate form. The fiat connective-tissue cells and their colored associates (Fig. 56), show a slow, but unmistakable vital contractile power. This is not yet recognized in the plasma cell. Connective tissue, whose immense diffusion in the human body we have al- ready mentioned, by the arrangement and interlac- ing of its bundles, by its very dissimilar proportion of elastic elements, the extremely variable vascularity, and, finally, by the commingling of insol- uble elements, forms substances which appear to the naked Fig. 56. — Gradual change of form of a pigmented connective-tissue corpuscle from a water newt, during 45 minutes. 56 FIFTH LECTURE. eye as quite dissimilar things, and which in reality are very nearly related. The usual system of anatomy recognizes primary bundles, that is, simple fibrous cords. A portion of these, held together by loose connective tissue, constitute secondary bundles, and from these latter tertiary are formed. We have, firstly, as a badly selected name runs, "form- less " connective tissue. Soft and extensible, it forms the general filling up substance of the organism. Membraniform connective-tissue bundles with homogeneous interstitial sub- stance (Fig. 51), form thin lamellae, which superimposed on each other at various angles, incompletely limit cavities. These are the so-called " cells" of the older anatomists, who gave our tissue the name of cellular tissue. The lamellae are often nearly in contact with each other, but the space enclosed by them may also be completely filled by collections of fat cells. Where structureless connective tissue occurs in greater quan- tity it has received special names. Thus, one speaks of sub- cutaneous, submucous and subserous connective tissue. Elastic elements are here met with, sometimes scanty, some- times more profuse, but never in excess. We now come to the formed connective tissue, with its nu- merous varieties. This constantly arises from the formless variety without any sharp demarcation, so that this division of the anatomists is entirely artificial. We enumerate here : 1. The corneal tissue. The cornea has on its anterior surface stratified pavement epithelium, on its posterior a simple cell covering. Under both epithelial coverings there is a hyaline layer. The anterior is called the lamina elastica anterior, the posterior the Descemet's or De- mours' membrane. The hyaline corneal tissue consists of a net-work of decussating bundles, which may be divided into fibrillae of extreme delicacy. The whole is permeated by a system of passages which have a sort of parietal layer. In these lie the " corneal capsules," which are flattened cells, comparable to a paddle-wheel. Wandering lymphoid cells are also not wanting. CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 57 2. Tendinous tissue. Longitudinal bundles of a fibrillary connective tissue with an elastic boundary layer arranged in a compact manner are met with. Between them one recog- nizes in transverse sections a system of indented and stellate spaces. In these lie, arching over the connective-tissue bundles, ordinary lamelliform and shovel-shaped connective- tissue cells, and also isolated lymphoid corpuscles. Only scanty, fine, elastic fibres occur in this extremely bloodless tissue. 3. The ligaments are, with the exception of the elastic, formed like the tendons. 4. The connective-tissue cartilage (see p. 45). 5. The so-called fibrous membranes. Firmly woven, non- vascular structures with a varying intermixture of elastic ele- ments. Among these are the dura mater of the brain and spinal cord, the sclerotic of the eye ; the firm envelopes of many organs, for example, of the kidneys, testicles, and spleen ; furthermore, the fasciae of the muscles, the coverings of the nerve trunks (the perineurium or neurilemma), the covering of the cartilage and bone (the perichondrium and periosteum). The latter is permeated by numerous blood- vessels, but which serve principally for the nutrition of the invested bone. 6. The serous membranes, which formerly were erroneously considered as entirely closed sacs, consist of a but slightly vascular net-work of connective-tissue bundles, occasionally with a considerable contingent of elastic-reticular fibres. The free surface is covered by endothelium. To this variety be- long the pleura, pericardium, peritoneum and tunica vaginalis propria of the testicle. As more incomplete structures, we mention the arachnoid membrane of the brain and spinal cord, the synovial capsules (having a serous membrane only at the sides, and here covered by a simple layer of epithelial cells), and also the mucous pouches and the sheaths of the tendons. The serous cavities, like the passages between the connective-tissue bundles, must be regarded as belonging to the lymphatic apparatus, as we shall perceive hereafter. 3* 58 FIFTH LECTURE. 7. The corium. More firmly interwoven, decussating con- nective-tissue bundles with numerous elastic fibres. The closely interwoven, very vascular tissue projects towards the surface in small papillae of varying shape, in the form of the tactile bodies. It is continuous below, without any sharp demarcation, with the subcutaneous cellular tissue. Other foreign constituents consist of hairs, involuntary muscles, glands, nerves. As a covering, we are already familiar with the epidermis, the thickest pavement epithelium of the body (P- 32). 8. The mucous membranes. Also extremely vascular, but less compactly arranged, and with fewer elastic elements. In places it is enormously rich in glands. Smooth muscles form a widely diffused constituent. The surface frequently projects in papillae. The ordinary connective tissue of the mucous membranes may, however, be replaced by reticular connective tissue (p. 47). We already know that the epithe- lial covering differs exceedingly (pp. 30, 33, and 34). 9. The vascular membranes of the central nervous organs and of the eye ; that is, the pia mater, choroidal plexus and choroid. A thin, soft connective tissue, in the choroid a reticulum of pigmented cells, here shows throughout an enor- mous wealth of blood-vessels. 10. In the structure of the vascular zualls connective tissue plays an important role. Nevertheless, the elastic element often increases to such an extent, that the connective-tissue bundles and cells recede. One speaks then of "elastic" tissue. 11. This predominance of the elastic elements is also pre- sented by the ligaments and membranes of the respiratory organs, and likewise by the tissue of the lungs. The same is also seen in the outer layer of the oesophagus, the yellow ligaments of the vertebral column, and the ligamentum nuchae of mammalial animals. Many of the latter structures have lost all connective-tissue bundles. Connective tissue possesses but slight vital dignity ; it comes into consideration in the structure of the organism, in CONNECTIVE TISSUE. 59 consequence of its physical properties. Only the more vas- cular connective-tissue structures take a more active part in the normal material changes. During abnormal conditions, however, our tissue assumes a new and more vigorous life. From the cells other tissue elements may be formed. To determine the magnitude of this participation more accurate studies . are indeed necessary, for the wandering lymphoid cells also play their part, and, in our opinion, in a very important manner. We also mention the origin of the con- nective tissue. The terminations are again similar to those of cartilage. Mem- braneless protoplasmatic stellate and spindle cells are noticed at an early peri- od, held together by a scanty intercellular substance, which is at first homogeneous. A transformation soon takes place in the latter and in the cells, the processes of the latter dividing into groups of fine connective-tissue fibrillar (Fig. 25, /;). These bundles of fibrillar gradually ap- proach the cell nucleus. The original cell protoplasma also becomes changed into bundles of fibrillar ; new protoplas- ma, taking the place of the old, surrounds the nucleus, to subsequently pass through the same process of metamorphosis (Fig. 57, A), till at last the cells lie outside of their children, that is, the bundles formed from them, in the shape of lamellae, with notched margins, or irregular, paddle- wheel-like structures (see above). In this intercellular substance, the genesis of which we now understand, the formation of elastic fibres and reticular fibres also takes place subsequently (B). How far the cellu- lar elements participate in this requires still more accurate investigation. Fig. 57. — From the liga- mentum nuchae of a hog's embryo. A. side view ; a. spindle cells in a fibrous ba- sis substance, b ; B, the elastic fibres c, brought out by boiling in a solution of potash (alcohol preparation). SIXTH LECTURE. BONE TISSUE. We now turn to the most complicated variety of connective substance : we refer to the osteoid or bone tissue. It is distinguished for its considerable hardness and firm- ness. In man, this member of our tissue group is, with the exception of a covering to the tooth root, limited exclusively to the bones. The anatomists divide the latter into long or cylindrical, broad or flat, and, finally, short or irregular bones. Let us begin with the middle portion or diaphysis of the former, taking a radial longi- tudinal section sawn out from the dry femur (Fig. 58). A very peculiar appear- ance is presented. The thin lamella is permeated by a system of longitudinal ca'nals, connected, in a reticular man- ner, with a medium width of O.i 128 to 0.0149 mm. (a). The transverse branches open out onto the surface of the bone, as well as inwards into the medullary canals, and re- ceive the nutrient vessels from both sides. They bear the name of the medullary or Haversian canaliculi. Tr; nsverse sections (Fig. 59) naturally present an entirely different appearance. The rounded and oblique spaces (c) -«H«' \--ii mmmhl mum Fig. 58. — Vertical section through the human femur; a, medullary canals ; b, bone corpuscles. BONE TISSUE. 6r M .*- v,_s <*>^ * ----.. >> -_. Fig. 59- — Transverse section of a human metacarpal bone ; a, outer surface ; c. medul- lary canals with the special lamellae ; d, inter- nal general lamellae ; e, bone corpuscles. are transversely or obliquely opened longitudinal canals. Communicating horizontal canals are now also seen opened in a longitudinal direction or obliquely. The bone substance pre- sents, as is shown by the transverse section, a lamel- lated structure. There is a double system of layers, however. Firstly, we meet with plates which pass through the entire thickness of the bone, in contact ex- ternally with the periosteum and internally limiting the great medullary canals. They are called general or funda- mental lamellae {a, d). An- other uncommonly abundant system of lamellae surround the individual medullary canals with a varying number of layers. These are the special or Haversian lamellae (around c). The thickness of both varieties of lamellae varies from 0.0065 to 0.0156 mm., and the ar- rangement is often far removed from making any claim to regularity. This stratification may also be recognized in longitudinal sections as a system of lines, though with less distinctness. A plate of dry bone, let it be taken from where we will, always presents a further extremely peculiar structural con- dition ; it appears black by transmitted and white by incident light, and consists of a marvellously complicated very fine canal-work with indented and radiated nodal points. The former passages are badly enough named calcareous canali- culi : the dilatations bear the name of the bone corpuscles cr lacunae (Figs. 58, 59). The form of the lacunae (Fig. 60, a) may be illustrated by calling them lens-shaped, or by comparing them to the figure 62 SIXTH LECTURE. Fig. 60. — Lacunas (, the same with narrow cells ; c, remains of the calcified cartilage ; d, larger medullary spaces, on the walls of which are depo- sitions of thinner or thicker bone tissue, and in the latter case stratified; e, developing bone cell ; /, an opened cartilage capsule, with an embedded bone cell ; g; a partially filled cavityv covered externally with bone substance and containing a narrow cell; //, apparently closed cartilage capsules containing bone cells. The latter must naturally first become physiologically decalcified before undergoing solution. This removal of a but just deposited lime salt is, up to the present time indeed, somewhat enigmatical. Let us look at Fig. 63. At the upper part, the cartilage BONE TISSUE. 67 still presents the old soft appearance. The cartilage cells lie here, in an epiphysis, irregularly. In a diaphysis they would be seen pressed together in longitudinal rows, or " ranked," as it has been expressed. Below, however, we meet with a cavernous tissue, the spaces of which, as a result of the prepa- ration, in places no longer lodge the cartilage marrow con- tents (a), while it still remains preserved in others (&, d). Cloudy, dark trabeculae of the most irregular form constitute the last remains of the liquefying decalcified cartilage (c). Even these trabecular remains are deprived of further re- pose. Fig. 64. — Transverse section from the femur of a human embryo of about eleven weeks ; a, a transverse, and l>, a longitudinally divided medullary canal ; c, osteoblasts ; d, the more trans- parent, younger, e, the older bone substance ; f, lacunae with the cells ; g, cells still limited to the Osteoblast. If the contents of these cavernous passages are attentively examined at this period, their peripheral cells are found to have assumed an anomalous shape. They resemble, with their cubical bodies (Fig. 64, c), an irregular, badly developed cylinder epithelium. Gegenbaur, their discoverer, has 68 SIXTH LECTURE. called them osteoblasts— and rightly, for they form the osteoid tissue. As in a line of inordinately crowded soldiers, one or another will be pressed out in front, so does it happen to cer- tain of these osteoblasts (g). They now assume indented or stellate shapes ; homogeneous, but very soon diffusely calci- fied intercellular substance then appears around them. The latter as a thin layer — we might say, covering the irregular surfaces of the still remaining calcified cartilage trabecular like a wax impression — is the first lamella of the osteoid sub- stance ; the indented osteoblasts form the first bone cells, however. Our Fig. 6$ shows this at its upper portion (a, a, a), also at the left, half way up (c, d). Concerning the conception of the intercellular substance, whether it arises from a secretion ot the cells or from the metamorphosed cell bodies, the same uncertainty of opinion prevails as with other members of the connective substance group. We have here still more peculiar illusive appearances to consider. It is comprehended that by the continual lique- faction of the cartilaginous trabecular the cavities of the tissue become opened, and must then serve for the deposition ot bone cells and homogeneous basis substance. When the conditions are as zXf of our Fig. 63, the matter is at once clear, the places is also, in a measure, appreciable. When, however, the cavities are ruptured from below or above, this does not fall within the plane of the section, and we have the deceptive appearance of closed cartilage cavities with endo- genous bone cells. This, which thus occurred for the first time, is repeated in rapid sequence manifoldly after each other. Lamella upon lamella with enclosed bone cells result (Fig. 63 in the lower half). We obtain in this way a stratified osteoid tissue. The remains of the cartilaginous tabecular disappear more and more with the continuing process of liquefaction. But this thing, in its wild, confused irregularity is very dif- BONE TISSUE. 69 ferent from the bone tissue which appears in such elegant regularity at a later day.* Now, how does the latter arise from the former ? Two different opinions exist on this subject. According to the first, and we adhere to this for the most part, the osteoid tissue, which is formed at the expense of, and within the fcetal cartilage, the so-called endochondral bone, has not a happy life. It yields to an early death, a speedy process of lique- faction, in order to permit the formation of the large medul- lary canals. On its surface is deposited, by the periosteum, into which the perichondrium has now become changed, and with the aid of a deeper osteoblastic layer, new bone tissue which, with a supplementary loss of its inner layers, persists in the outer portions and causes the regular, beautiful struc- ture of the bone. This may be denoted as the apposition theory of osteogenesis. Koelliker has recently re-entered the lists for this with great energy. Another view rejects the resorption of the endochondral osteoid tissue absolutely, and explains the transformation of the irregular cavernous bone of the commencement period into the regular of the later period of life, by interstitial growth alone. An industrious Russian investigator, Strelzoff, supported by German predecessors, has recently endeavored to substantiate this with greater accuracy. We cannot enter further into this actually burning contro- versy. The truth, according to our views, lies more towards the former side. Nevertheless, the young bone certainly has an interstitial growth, which Koelliker also, naturally, acknowledges ; but to what degree this occurs no one can, at the present time, state with accuracy. A resorption is surely, also, not wanting in the normal bone. This is proved by the Haversian spaces of healthy bone, if we disregard the long known abnormal resorption processes. Those who deny the demonstrative force of such facts are, in our opinion, not to be reasoned with further. * The central portion of the cylindrical bone has also once had the same cav- ernous structure that is presented by the epiphysis. 7o SIXTH LECTURE. Let us then investigate these Haversian spaces. Our figure (Fig. 65), shows us three Haversian lamellar systems. The two hatched ones (a, a), present inter- nally an indented resorption line {b> b). New bone lamellae, maintaining the outline, have been deposited on this. To the right (c), a second liquefaction has overtaken the latter, for which a new lamellar formation endeavors to compen- sate. Fig. 65. — A human metacarpal bone in transverse section ; a*, a Haversian lamella system of the ordinary variety ; a, a, two others which have undergone absorption internally (6, />), and thus form Haversian spaces, which are rilled up by new lamellae ; c, supplementary absorption in one of these with deposit of new bone substance ; d, irregular, and c, ordinary intermediate lamellae. Koelliker has ascribed to the multi-nuclear giant cells (Fig. 13), the property of dissolving the bone substance, and called them osteoclasts. We do not share in this view. Between the bone-producing osteoblasts of Gegenbaur and the bone- destroying elements of the first mentioned investigator, transi- tion forms exist. We hold fast to the absorption of the endochondral bone, therefore, and now inquire into the particulars of the peri- pherical reparation. This is produced by the periosteal bone ; that is, the osteoid tissue, which is subsequently furnished from the inner surface of the periosteum. An. eminent French observer, Oilier, informs us that the detached living periosteum, whether it be retained in the body BONE TISSUE. n of its owner, or whether it be transplanted into that of another animal; again produces new bone tissue, only the deepest layer must be uninjured. If we examine this deepest layer with the help of the microscope, we discover our old friends, the osteoblasts. This cell layer then grows downwards in a conical form into a re- trogressing, indifferent cell substance. With the bone-producing force of the osteoblasts we are already familiar. Therefore the osteoblast-cones {sit venia verba) produce the Haversian lamellae, while the general lamellae are produced by the flat osteoblast layer, which is immediately beneath the periosteum. In this manner is also explained the regular structure of the diaphysis and its increase in thickness. Concerning the latter, further remarks are scarcely necessary. We may, therefore, say : The endochondral bone dis- appears as an embryonic structure, the periosteal remains during the subsequent life. As we have already learned above, a number of cranial and face bones never were cartilage. They arise from a soft, foetal connective substance, and have been badly named the "secondary" bones. Here, also, when there is to be a production of osteoid tissue, we meet with osteoblasts and the same process of origin of the bone tissue as when formed from the periosteum. The development of the bone substance commences centrically in certain places, and advances from these peripherically. These are, therefore, true points of ossification, in contra- distinction to the false, or the calcifying centres of endo- chondral bone. That connective-tissue fragments are frequently hardened with the periosteal and secondary bones, we readily under- stand. These things — they sometimes appear like a board with nails driven in — have received the name of Sharpey's fibres. Many modern investigations also favor an immediate trans- formation of one or another cartilage into osteoid substance, 72 SIXTH LECTURE. and likewise of a connective-tissue structure. Still, a calcified connective tissue has not thus become bone. The proliferous formative life of bone is met with more frequently in the abnormal than in the normal processes. Un- fortunately, we cannot here enter into this subject. SEVENTH LECTURE. DENTINE. — ENAMEL.— LENS TISSUE. The tooth as a whole is known to everybody. We distin- guish, (a) the crown, the free part, {b) then a middle portion surrounded by the gum, the neck, and, finally (c), the simple or multiple fang wedged into the alveolus of the jaw. Through the centre of the tooth passes a canal which has a caecal termination above and below, corresponding to the fang ; it is simple or multiple in form, and has a free opening at the apex of the root. This is filled with a soft connective tissue, rich in vessels and nerves, the pulp. The chief mass of the tooth, which is limited internally by the cavity, and is covered exter- nally by a thin cortical layer, consists of the so-called tooth- bone or dentine, a modified osteoid tissue. The crown is invested by the enamel, the fang by the cementum ; both substances meet at the neck. Let us first of all examine the dentine (Fig. 66, d). It contains in a collagenous matrix a still greater quantity of lime salts than the osteoid substance. It is permeated by extraordinarily numerous, very fine canaliculi, O.oon to 0.0023 mm. broad, the so-called dentinal canals (e, e). Their course, 4 Fig. 66. — Human tooth-fang d, with ce- ment covering a. At b the granular or Tomes' layer with interglobular spaces ; at c and e the dentinal canals. 74 SEVENTH LECTURE. disregarding the most acute-angled ramifications and looped communications, is on the whole regular. They are, in gen- eral, perpendicular to the surface of the pulp cavity and therefore vertical on the vertex of the crown, oblique on its marginal portions, horizontal over the neck and fang, and at the apex of the latter reassuming an obliquely descending direction. A transverse section shows them radially arranged. By more careful examination, however, we meet with a number of smaller interesting variations (Koll- man). Filled with air they appear dark, saturated with fluid as transparent, readily disappearing canals. The condition of the lacunae of bone is, therefore, repeated here. An elastic, calcified parietal layer, like that of the bone, is also not wanting in the dentinal canals. They are now- much more easily recognized with the greater diameter of the tubuli. Our dentinal canals open internally into the central cavity. The latter may be very well compared to a Haversian canal of the bone. The fang is covered by cement, as we have already remarked. This (a), is a thin layer of bone substance, increasing downwards towards the apex of the root, gen- erally without lamellar structure, but with delicate bone cor- puscles. A portion of the lacunae of the latter communicate with the dentinal tubuli which have entered the cement or — more cor- rectly said — pass over into the latter. At the margin of the bone covering and the dentine, numerous spaces occur, the so-called interglobular spaces (b), which may be mistaken for bone corpuscles. Let us leave the enamel covering of the crown for the present, and turn to the contents of the dental cavity, the pulp. In the progressing bone, as the previous lecture taught, the ruptured cavities were filled with unripe tissue, on the surface of which the osteoblasts appeared. Now the tooth pulp pos- DENTINE.— ENAMEL.— LENS TISSUE. 75 Fig. 67. — Two dentinal cell-., b, which pass with their processes through a portion of the dentinal canals at a. and protrude from the fragment of dentine at c ; af- ter Beale. sesses — and at a later stage as well — a similar cell covering. These (Fig. 67 , b), are the dentinal cells or, as they have been characteristically named (Waldeyer), the odontoblasts, the sculptors of the tooth bone. Our cells, oblong, measuring 0.02 to 0.03 mm., are stra- tified. One or more of their fine, thread-like processes penetrate the dentinal tubuli peripherically. An able English investigator, Tomes, first saw such " soft fibres " here. The crown is covered with enamel, the hardest substance of the body. The organic form-deter mining basis amounts to only a slight per cent. (3.5 to 6), against a prodigious excess of bone earths. The enamel (Fig. 68), a petrified epithe- lial production, consists of long, closely crowded polyhedral cylinders, the enamel prisms or enamel columns {b). They fre- quently appear to pass through the entire thickness of the enamel covering ; their di- ameter is 0.0034 to 0.0045 mm. Transverse polished sections of the enamel show a delicate hexagonal mosaic (Fig. 69). A peculiar transversely striated appearance may be recog- nized in the isolated enamel prisms. The surface of the enamel, finally, is cov- ered by an uncommonly tough membrane. This is the cuticle of the enamel (Fig. 68, a). Beneath the enamel the dentinal tubules form loop-like and reticular transitions (Fig. 68, d). In the hard brittle substance of the former, there has been a formation of numerous clefts (c), which may communicate with the canals of the dentine. With the tolerably simple structure of the teeth, which has y. Fig. 68. — Peripheral portion of the dentine d, from the crown; with enamel covering,/': a, enamel membrane ; c, the cavities filled with air. Fig. 69. — Transverse section of the human enamel prisms. 76 SEVENTH LECTURE. been described, is connected a very complicated history of their origin. We here mention only the chief points. That the teeth are formed in the maxillary bones, that in the infant the eruption first takes place after months and years, that the first teeth are for the greater part replaced by permanent ones, is known to all. Two of the three germinal plates participate in the produc- tion of our structures, the corneous layer and the middle ger- minal layer. The former produces the enamel, the latter the pulp, dentine and cement. On the free borders of the embryonic jaw ap- pears at first a mound- like thickening of the pavement (Fig. 70, a). epithelium It presses Fig. 70. — Tooth formation of a hog's embryo ; a, epithelial mound ; b, younger cell layer ; c, the lowermost ; e, enamel organ ; f, tooth germ ; g, inner, and h, outer layer of the progressing tooth sac. Fig. 71. — Tooth sac of an older human embryo, partly diagramatic ; a, connective-tissue parietes nf the tooth sac. with the outer layer at a1 and the inner at a'1 ; b, enamel organ, with its external, c, and inferior cells, d ; e, dentine cells ; f. dentine with the capillary vessels,^; i, transition of the connective tissue of the parietes into the tissue of the dentine germ. downwards into the soft substance of the maxillary tissue as a vertical elongated ridge. The former has been named the tooth papilla, the latter the enamel germ. From place to place, springing up from the depths of the tissue of the jaw, convex papillar structures, the so-called tooth germs (/), grow towards the enamel germ. Here and there, increasing in diameter, they press in the under surface DENTINE.— ENAMEL.— LENS TISSUE. 77 of the enamel germ, and thus give this locally the form of a cap or bell. The latter is called the enamel organ (e). Leaving the intermediate forms aside, let us pass at a bound to a later period. Here (Fig. 71) the enamel organ (I?) has long since become separated by constriction from its point of origin, the epithelium of the jaw, and also thrown off the lateral bridge connecting it with the ridge of the enamel germ. It is covered on the upper convex and inferior concave surfaces with cylindrical epithelial cells (c, d). In the interior (/?) we find gelatinous tissue (Fig. 22). Below (Fig. 71, f) we perceive the thick tooth germ, the progressing tooth crown. Both are enclosed within a connective-tissue capsule (a), the so-called tooth sac, with external (a1) and internal (a2) layers. The sac and tooth germ finally become continuous with each other below. The tooth germ bears on its surface the layer of odonto- blasts [e). From them is produced the first thin cortical layer of the dentine. Layer on layer are subsequently formed over the longitudinally growing tooth germ. By this growth it finally obtains the neck and fang ; its soft, vascular tissue remains more and more retarded in its further development, and becomes the pulp. From the epithelium at the concave surface of the enamel organ, occurs the formation of the enamel prisms (below d), whether these represent calcified portions of the cell body or secreted cell substances. The tooth, growing up, kills the enamel organ at last, and makes its eruption. Its cement may originate from the lower portion of the tooth sac. This per- sists, for the most part, as the peri- osteum of the alveolus. For the permanent teeth, a secondary enamel germ appears to branch off from the original one at a very early period. Fig. 72. — Crystalline lens ; a, cap- sule ; b, epithelium of the anterior half; c, lens fihres, with the anterior, d, and posterior ends, e ; _/, nuclear zone. 78 SEVENTH LECTURE. To close with the epithelial productions, we here notice briefly the tissue of the crystalline lens of the eye. This (Fig. 72), arising from an ingrowth of the corneal plate of the foetus, is invested by a structureless capsule {a, a), which is thicker anteriorly and thinner posteriorly. The inner surface of the anterior segment of the capsule has an unstratified, low, cubical pavement epithelium (b). The marginal zone of the latter, advancing towards the equator, undergoes a gradual transition into elongated nuclear elements, the so-called lens fibres (c). These are pale, hyaline elements, in the external portion55 of the organ, 0.009 to 0.0113 mm. ; in the inter- nal, where they appear more firm, only 0.0056 mm. broad. The lens fibre, surrounded by a fibres in trans- sort 0f envelope, has the value of a full-grown verse section. * ' ° cell. The nuclei (f) lie adjacent to the equatorial zone. The arrangement is, in general, meridional. Trans- verse sections of the lens fibres present an elegant band of elongated hexagons (Fig. 73). Fig. 73.— Lens ibres in tr; verse section EIGHTH LECTURE. MUSCULAR TISSUE. We now return to the mid- dle germinal layer of the em- bryonic germ, and discuss one of its most important and extensive productions ; we refer to the -muscular tissue. This presents, in man and the higher animals, two quite different appearances. In the one we recognize as elements elongated, spindle-shaped cells of a homogeneous appear- ance (Fig. 74) ; in the other we meet with a longer, larger, striated fibre (Fig. 75, a). One speaks, accordingly, of smooth and transversely stri- ated muscles. Do not believe, however, that we have here to do with two entirely different things ! In the first place, we meet with quite a number of intermediate varieties in the great multiform animal world ; and then the two different representatives of the mus- cular tissue originate from ex- tremely similar initial struc- tures. The smooth element Fig. 74. — Smooth muscular tissue of man and the mammalia , a, a developing cell from the gastric region of a two-inch long hog's em- bryo ; 6, a more advanced cell ; c to g, various forms of the human contractile fibre cell ; h, one with fat granules ; i, a bundle of smooth muscular fibres ; k, transverse section through such a one from the aorta of the ox, with many nuclei in the plane of the section. stops at a lower stage ; the So EIGHTH LECTURE. transversely striated has become further developed. The latter contracts rapidly and energetically, the former slow- ly and sluggishly ; the latter constitutes the voluntary mus- cle, the former the involuntary acting. The heart, with transversely striated involuntary fibres, makes, it is true, an exception. Pale, nucleated bands were formerly assumed to be the elements of the smooth muscles (Fig. 74, i). In the year 1847 Koelliker reduced the band into a series of cellular elements, lin- early arranged behind each other, his con- tractile fibre cells. At that time this was an important discovery, a proof of the dis- tinguished observer's sharp-sightedness. We perceive these contractile fibre cells at a to h. They are sometimes short, some- times longer, not infrequently immensely long, spindle-shaped structures, 0.0282 to 0.2256 mm. and more in length, and of moderate diameter, 0.0074 to 0.0151 mm. The appearance of the membraneless cell body is, as a rule, entirely homogeneous, except when a deposition of fat (It) has taken place within it. An elongated nu- cleus (it is called rod-like) is readily seen. fig. 75.— Two trans- Jt contains one or more nucleoli. Occa- versely striated muscular nbriite («), with the con- sionallvwe find the nucleus double or in nective-tissue bundles [l>). J even greater number. Smooth muscles are widely diffused throughout the human body. From the oesophagus till near the end of the rectum they form the long known thick muscular layer, and, besides, a still finer one — the muscularis mucosae — in the tissue of the mucous membrane. Smooth muscles are met with, further- more, in the respiratory apparatus, as in the posterior walls of the trachea, in the circular fibrous membrane of the bronchi and their ramifications. According to many, our tissue is not wanting even in the respiratory vesicles of the lungs, MUSCULAR TISSUE. 8 1 although we never could convince ourselves of this. The middle layer of the vessels, especially of the arteries, contains smooth muscle. Small bundles of the same occur in the co- rium ; thus, in the hair-sacs, arrectores pilorum, furthermore, from the surface of the corium to the subcutaneous cellular tissue (J. Neumann), then, more connectedly, on the nipple and the areola, and especially in the so-called tunica dartos of the testicle. The walls of the gall-bladder are also muscu- lar. In the urinary apparatus, in the calices, and pelvis of the kidneys, the ureters, and the bladder our tissue acquires a greater development. The male generative apparatus is likewise abundantly provided with smooth muscular sub- stance ; still more so that of the female. Even the ovary, according to our view, harbors this tissue. It forms con- nected layers in the oviducts. Altogether the most massive collection of the tissue is met with in the womb. During pregnancy it acquires a still greater increase. The lymphatic glands, the eye (sphincter and dilator pupillae, choroid, the ciliary, orbital, and palpebral muscles) also have smooth muscles. We meet with transversely striated tissue in all the muscles of the head, trunk, and limbs, the auricle, the external mus- cles of the eye, in the tongue, the pharynx, the upper por- tions of the oesophagus, the genitals, the termination of the rectum. Our tissue likewise forms the diaphragm and, modi- fied, the heart. As element (Fig. 75, a) we recognize in man at once a long, unramified, cylindrical, filamentous element of O.oi 13, 0.0187 to 0.0563 mm., transverse diameter. This is the muscular filament, the muscular fibre, or, as is badly said, the primi- tive bundle. Here, however, we at once notice a peculiarly complicated texture. We meet with an envelope and contractile contents ; the sarcolemma and sarcous element. The former, closely applied to the living muscular filament as a constant companion, may, in death, become elevated in a vesicular manner by the 4* 82 EIGHTH LECTURE. Fig. 76. — Muscu- lar fibnlla torn across ; b, b, sarcous portion ; a, sarco- lemma. Fig. 77. — A muscular fasciculus of the frog by 800-fold enlargement ; a, dark zones, with sarcous elements ; /', bright zones; c, nuclei; d. interstitial granules (alcohol preparation). absorption of water. When the sarcous por- tion has been torn by traction, the sarcolemma, or primitive sheath (Fig. j6, a), appears most distinctly. It is a hyaline, aggregated, elastic membrane. Directly superimposed on this envelope, one meets with numerous oval nuclei (Fig. JJ, c), measuring 0.0074 to o. 01 13 mm. The lateral surfaces, and the pole of the latter, are sur- rounded by a small quantity of a protoplas- matic substance (d). This, a cell rudiment, has been called a muscle corpuscle (M. Schultze). This is the condition of the human muscle. In the lower animals, however, the nucleus also lies in the interior, and the same is the case in our heart muscle. All this is readily understood. Extraordinary difficulties are, on the contrary, presented by the sub- stance surrounded by the sarcolem- ma, the sarcous elements. It is, in the first place, very changeable, and, with its infinitely delicate structure, we soon arrive at the limits of the microscopic solution possible at present. In many cases, and regularly after the use of certain reagents, the sarcous elements appear as a bundle of fine, transversely striated, elongated fibrillae, measuring o.ooi I to 0.0022 mm. It would appear, therefore (after the manner of the connective tissue), to be a primi- tive bundle. With other methods of treatment, and also in the living muscle, we MUSCULAR TISSUE. 83 see little or nothing of these fibrillae. The filament permits the recognition of transverse lines only. It now appears, comparable to a Volta's pile, to consist of discs piled upon each other. The fibrillar, as well as the transverse discs, were both re- garded as normal, pre-existing structures, and in this, accord- ing to our view, a double error was committed. In the living muscle there are neither fibrillae or discs. The first who here trod the correct path, a generation since, was the Englishman, Bowman. It is true that, with the opti- cal aids of that period, he was unable to exhaust the subject ; but we are also unable to do so at the present time, although we have at our disposal much more perfect microscopes. According to the view of this distinguished investigator, the muscular filament consists essentially of an aggregation of small bodies, the sarcous prisms or sarcous elements which, united and holding to- gether in the transverse direc- tion, afford the appearance of a disc or a thin plate {disc according to Bowman) (Fig. yy, a) while, disposed in the longitudinal direction, they pre- sent that of the fibrillae (Fig. 78, I, a, b). Accordingly, neither fibrillae or discs pre-exist. There is merely a disposition present in the muscular filament to become divided, sometimes in the transverse, sometimes in the longitudinal direction. The cohesion in the latter direction is certainly the strongest ; for the fibrillae in the dead element are met with more fre- quently than transverse plates. Let us next examine the muscular filament somewhat more closely, with the aid of the highest magnifying powers. The transverse lines are readily resolved into dark trans- verse zones, separated by more transparent ones (2, a, b). Fir.. 78. — Two muscular fibrillae, from the proteus. i, and the hog, 2, magnified 1 odo times ; a, sarcous prisms ; i, bright longitudinal connecting medium. At a* the sarcous elements are further apart, and the transverse connecting medium is visi- ble ; c, nucleus. 84 EIGHTH LECTURE. The former consist of sarcous elements (a*) placed nearer each other. This may also be recognized without trouble by the aid of good and strong magnifying powers. They are elon- gated prismatic bodies, measuring 0.0017 nim. in the proteus, 0.0013 m the frog, o.ooii to 0.0012 mm. in the mammalia and man. The sarcous elements must, naturally, be joined one to the other. If we split off one of the finest longitudinal filaments, that is a so-called muscular fibrilla (1), the longitudinal series of sarcous elements (a) are held together by the transparent longitudinal connecting medium (b). If we examine a mus- cular filament split up into transverse plates, the dark and light transverse zones are found to be connected by a trans- verse connecting substance, which extends over the outer surface from a and b of our Fig. 78, 2. Here the longitudinal connection is naturally, completely dissolved. Up to about ten years ago, we thought the matter might thus be passably explained ; but newer observa- tions have been added and further doubts have arisen. In the year 1863, the Englishman, Martyn, had already seen a dark trans- verse line in the transparent longitu- dinal connecting medium. These ob- servations were afterwards corroborat- ed and extended by Krause (Fig. 79). Let us name this thing (a), therefore, Krause's transverse line or disc. But with this we have still not reached the end. At the same time another competent investigator, Hen- sen, found the dark transverse zone, the transverse series of sarcous elements, divided by a transparent transverse This is the Hensen's middle disc. Granules which Fig. 79. — Krause's transverse discs ; a, a, i, a muscular fibrilla without; 2, one with strong longi- tudinal traction, both very strong- ly enlarged (Martyn) ; 3, muscu- lar filament of the dog imme- diately after death. line. were contiguous above and below to Krause's transverse line MUSCULAR TISSUE. 85 F11, 80.— Piece ' f a dead muscular til 1- ment from the fly, after Engelmann ; a, trans- verse discs ; />, acces- sory discs. were subsequently designated by Engelmann as accessory discs (Fig. 80 b). From these singular observations, which touch and, perhaps, in part, exceed the limits of microscopic analysis, we are at present un- able to derive an anyways reliable conclusion. An old observation of Bruecke's is also in- teresting. The Bowman's sarcous elements refract the light double, the longitudinal con- necting medium refracts simply. We pass, finally, to some more simple structural conditions of the transversely striated muscle. Among these are the so-called interstitial granules, small fat molecules (Fig. JJ, d), which, commencing at the nuclear poles of the muscular corpuscles, permeate the filament in a linear longitudinal direction over shorter or longer distances. The preparation of transverse sections through the frozen muscle (Fig. 81) was taught by Cohnheim. Groups of sarcous elements {a) are here recognized as a mosaic of small areas of transverse to hexagonal shape. Enclosing these are noticed a system of transparent, glistening lines (c) which must belong to the transverse connecting medium. A modification of the transversely striated muscles is met with in the tongue and heart of the mammalia and man. These are rami- fied and reticularly connected filaments. In the former organ are noticed frequently sarcous elements : c, 0 *■ J transparent trans- repeated divisions at aCUte angles. verse connecting me- r ° dium ; 0, nucleus. In the heart (Fig. 82), a narrow-meshed net-work is constituted by the abundant formation of anasto- moses. A sarcolemma is probably wanting in these dimin- ished filaments. The latter, furthermore, show strongly pro- nounced transverse and longitudinal markings. It is an interesting circumstance, finally, that this muscular reticulum consists of cemented cells (Fig. 82, to the right). Fig. 81.— Trans- verse section through a frozen muscle of the frog ; a, groups of 86 EIGHTH LECTURE. ^^: Fig. 82. — Muscular filaments of the heart. To the right appear transparent boundaries and nuclei. The remaining transversely striated muscles show the fila- ments arranged parallel, slightly prismatically flattened against each other (Fig. 83, a), and in man containing the muscular cor- puscles \e) in their periphery. Between them occurs a scanty amount of connective tissue, the highway for vessels {d) and nerves. With rich living this may develop fat cells (Fig. 50). A varying number of muscu- lar fibres unite into bundles, measuring 0.5 to 1 mm., which are separated from the neighborhood by abundant connective tissue. Such primary bundles then unite into secondary ones. The con- nective tissue covering of the muscle bears the name of peri- mysium externum, in contradistinction to the perimysium internum of the inner connecting substance between the fila- ments and bundles. Smooth muscles also show a bundle-like grouping. We come, finally, to the con- nection with the tendons. The latter tissue has already been de- scribed above, page 57. With a rectilinear insertion (Fig. 75) the sarcous substance (a) appeared to pass immediately over into the tendinous bundle [b) ; not so, however, with an oblique insertion, where an inter- rupted muscular end becomes ap- parent. Weismann first obtained convincing appearances here by Fig. 83. — Transverse section through the human biceps brachii ; «, the muscu- lar fibres ; />, section of a larger vessel ; c, a fat cell lying in a large connective- tissue interstice; d, capillaries cut across in the thin connective-tissue layer be- tween the several fibres; e, the nuclei (muskelkorperchen) of the latter lying on the sarcolemma. / MUSCULAR TISSUE. 87 means of potash solutions (Fig-. 84). The end of the filament, sometimes rounded, at others pointed, and again irregularly shaped, is always covered by sarcolemma (/' 1. The tendinous bundle is attached by a corresponding excavation (c, d). During life the whole is united in the firmest manner by means of a cement substance. The muscular filaments are of various lengths, but according to Krause do not exceed four centimetres. Thev termin- ate, therefore, repeatedly far from the end of the entire muscle, in its interior and in the form of points. The muscular filament consists of vari- ous albuminous bodies. The sarcous elements, transverse and longitudinal connecting medium, are formed of modi- fied members of this so little understood group of substances. The proportion of water present is considerable, corresponding to the softness of the tissue. We turn to the embryonic development of our tissue. The elements of the smooth muscles present nothing but cells grown into a spindle shape (Fig. 74). The rounded or oval developing cells (a, b) simply exchange their protoplasma with the homogeneous sarcous substance, the nuclei assume the rod form, and an envelope is altogether wanting. We have already (Fig. 27) briefly mentioned the origin of the transversely striated fibre. After the example of Schwann, they were formerly considered to arise from the fusion and metamorphosis of formative cells arranged in rows. In the heart muscles, as we have already seen, something of the kind does, in fact, take place ; but not so in the remaining voluntary muscles. Here the element is a single cell, which, it is true, undergoes a much more extended development than the contractile fibre cell of the smooth tissue. Fig. 84.— Two muscular fibrillas (a, b) after treatment with solution of potash, the one still in connection with the tendon (r), the other separated from the same {d). 88 EIGHTH LECTURE. In small embryos one obtains thin (0x045 to 0.0068 mm.), but long (0.28 to 0.38 mm.) spindle cells, with one or two vesicular nuclei, and in the centre commencing for- mations of transverse lines, that is with a transformation into sarcous elements. With an increase in nuclei, the structure increases not only in length but also in breadth. The transverse striation advances towards the ends, but leaves the axial portion still free. We still meet here with the old protoplasm. Later, however, after the longitudinal markings have also appeared, this protoplasma has disappeared, with the exception of a slight residue, which surrounds the nucleus and thus forms the muscle corpuscle. We find the latter, at last, in mammalia and man, displaced towards the periphery. We have already above (p. 82), declared the sarcolemma of the transversely striated filament to be a homogeneous boundary layer furnished by the adjacent connective tissue. All investigators do not, however, coincide with our view. The muscular filaments of the new born are still much finer than those of the adult. The subsequent increase in thick- ness explains in great part the growth of the muscle in transverse diameter. New fibres are also subsequently developed (Budge). This has, it is true, been recently disputed. Weismann observed that the muscles of the frog divide in a longitudinal direction, with a prodigious increase in their nuclei. One then sees regular columns of nuclei de- scending near each other. The filament di- vides, one becomes two, which subsequently acquire the normal diameter by a growth in thickness. The two products of division may afterwards repeat the same cleaving pro- cess. A single muscular filament may in this way finally become a whole group of filaments. Among the forms of retrogression of our tissue, fatty degeneration is the most frequent (Fig. 85). Fig. 85.— Fatty degen- erated human muscular fibre ; a, slighter ; /;, increased ; c, highest degree. NINTH LECTURE. THE BLOOD-VESSELS. ONE cannot really speak of a vascular tissue. Only the innermost layer consists of a simple layer of closely cemented endothelial cells. This is the original stratum ; it forms the simplest, finest vascular tube. All the remaining layers, on the contrary, which by their further aggregation reinforce the walls of the vessel — and they commence very soon — belong to tissues which we have already discussed ; they consist of connective tissue and elastic substances, as well as layers of smooth muscles. The blood is conducted from the heart, as is known, by immensely ramified systems of arteries. Its return is consigned to the not less ramified veins. Between them is intercalated, but without any sharp demarcation, the district of the capillaries. They maintain the nutrition of the organs and tissues, as well as the secretion of the glands. The finest capillaries — they do not by any means occur in all parts of the body, however — have a calibre which just suffices to permit the passage of the blood cells, one after the other, though often with a certain lateral compression. Their lumen may, therefore, be assumed to be for man 0.0045 to 0.0068 mm. In other parts of the body, however, the finest capillaries present double this diameter. Without being treated with a suitable reagent, their struc- ture appears extraordinarily simple. A hyaline, structure- less, extensible and elastic membrane contains embedded, from place to place, rounded or elongated oval nuclei of 0.0056 to 0.0074 mm., with nucleoli. In the finest capil- laries the nuclei lie in the simplest manner behind each 90 NINTH LECTURE. other ; in somewhat larger ones an alternating position begins to take place. If, however, we force a stream of dilute nitrate of silver solution through our capillary, it then appears to be com- posed of the plates and curved, nucleated, endothelial or vas- cular cells represented in Fig. 21. With stronger magni- fying powers (Fig. 87), one recognizes in places, between the Fig. 86. — 1, capillary with a thin wall, and the nuclei a and b ; 2, capillary with double contoured walls ; 3, small artery, with the endothelial layer a, and the middle layer b. Fig. 87. — Capillary from the mes- entery of th< frog \t a and b, small apertures, '"Stomata." endo" elia, larger and smaller, mostly rounded, dark cor- puscles (a, a) or light circular markings (b). There are small openings here, through which the lymphoid cells, by their vital migration (p. 10), probably make an active exit, and the colored elements of the blood are passively forced out (p. 27). The former marvellous emigration has been known for years (A. Waller, Cohnheim). In other capillaries (Fig. 86, 2) the walls are circumscribed by a double line. Here, there already appears to be the pri- mary rudiments of a so-called tunica interna or serosa. THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 91 More frequently, there are capillaries where the endothelial tube is surrounded by a connective-tissue layer, a so-called adventitia capillaris. The latter is, for a certainty, the primary rudi- ment of the layer, which with in- creasing complexity occurs in all the larger vessels as the most external layer or adventitia. We here meet at first with either ordinary connec- tive tissue, which has indeed re- mained at an earlier stage, with lon- gitudinally arranged nuclei or cell remains (Fig. 89, d), or, when capil- laries of lymphoid organs are con- cerned (Fig. 88, b), the reticular con- nective substance has become spread over the endothelial tube in an ele- gant manner, and the capillary is kept distended by this cellular reticu- lum, like the embroidery in a frame. Passing, now, to somewhat larger trunks, numerous variations of the structure occur. They coincide in part with the nature of the vessel, whether arterial or venous branches ; they are also, in part, of a more individual or local nature. Frequently, when we follow the capillaries towards the arterial tubes, we perceive branches where a layer, striking the eye by its transversely arranged nuclei (Fig. 86, 3, b), is met with around the endothelial tube (a). The former con- stitutes the very commencement of the muscular middle layer or tunica media of the vessels. An equally large venous branch usually has in the place of the latter layer a con- nective-tissue adventitia. Still, it often enough occurs in the finer arterial branches also, spread out over the muscular layer. Let us take a small arterial trunk, after the manner of our Fig. 89. The endothelial tube is not drawn here. Lying on Fig. 88. — Capillary vessels and fine branches of the mammalia ; a, capil- lary vessel from the brain ; />, from a lymphatic gland : c, a somewhat larger branch with a lymph-sheath from the small intestine ; and d, a transverse section of a small artery of a lymphatic gland. 92 NINTH LECTURE. this, and consequently as the innermost layer of the figure, we recognize at b a homogeneous, longitudinally striated, elastic membrane, the tu- nica serosa of the older anatomy. The same is surrounded by a layer of transversely running con- tractile fibre cells at c. The connective-tissue laver d, with longitudinally ar- ranged cells, forms the last. Under certain circumstan- ces, it may be very much thicker than in our figure. Other small arterial trunks show the muscular layer to be constituted by several layers of fibre cells, Fig. 89.— A small arterial trunk. At f>, the homo- lying Over One another, aS geneous, nun-nucleated inner layer; c, the middle la\e-, consi>ting of contractile fibre cells ; d. thecon- \x\ Figr 88 d where tile nsctive tissue external layer. ° ' adventitia is again formed of reticular connective tissue. Larger trunks, finally, can no longer be surveyed in their totality, under the microscope. One must, therefore, exam- ine singly the separately prepared layers, or make longi- tudinal and transverse sections through the hardened walls. The further transformations, from those immediately fol- lowing up to the most remote of the largest blood-vessels, consist in the following : The endothelial tube always remains a single layer; the connective-tissue adventitia does the same, but it increases in thickness; the connective-tissue bundles become more distinct, and elastic fibre reticula are more and more frequent, especially in the arteries. Both the middle layers, the serosa and media, begin on the contrary to become stratified ; each of them consists of an increasing number of layers lying over each other. On this depends the growing thickness of the vascular walls. The inner THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 93 group of layers essentially preserve in their membranous layers the nature of the elastic tissue, and present the most heterogeneous varieties of the same with a longitudinal arrangement. The middlemost group changes into a system of alternating layers of elastic tissue and smooth muscles, both with a transverse direction, or also of connective tissue. The tunica media remains much thinner in veins than in arteries of similar size, and the result is that the walls of the former vessels are thinner. The endothelial cells of the arteries appear as narrow, lancet-shaped lamellae ; those of the veins are shorter and broader (p. 29). Taking a small vein of about 0.25 mm. in calibre, we find succeeding the epithelium a serosa with fine, elastic, longi- tudinal reticula. The middle layer consists of several mus- cular layers, which have between them elastic reticula and connective-tissue layers. The adventitia shows longitudinally running connective tissue and a contingent of elastic fibres. The appearance is different in middle-sized veins. The serosa has here become a group of layers. We now meet with homogeneous or striped layers with longitudinally arranged spindle cells, elastic membranes or elongated reti- cula. Indeed, even the elements of the smooth muscles may be continued in these inner groups of layers. The middle layers consist of connective tissue running transversely, with elastic reticula arranged in the same manner, and smooth muscles. Nevertheless, isolated elastic layers with longitu- dinal fibres also occur here. The adventitia is as usual ; still it may also harbor contractile fibre cells. The largest veins possess a similar serosa, though without the smooth muscles, while the media remains undeveloped and may he entirely absent. It shows scanty muscular elements, permeated by transverse connective tissue. Elastic longitudinal fibro-reticula have likewise maintained their posi- tion here. In the thick adventitia of many veins, one meets toward the interior with thick longitudinal muscles, as, for instance, that of the pregnant uterus, while the sinuses of the dura mater arj entirely without muscles. 94 NINTH LECTURE. In the smaller arteries, the serosa and adventitia remain toler- ably unchanged. Still, there frequently occur in the former reticular perforated elastic layers, so-called " fenestrated mem- branes," or free elastic longitudinal reticula; the media pre- sents several layers of transversely directed muscles, lying over each other, and an elastic net-work is also developed in the fihrillated outer layer. In the larger branches, the stratification of the inner and middle layers increases. In the latter, elastic plates with transverse fibres, are now interpolated between the muscular layers, and the elastic reticulum of the adventitia becomes thicker. The largest arteries (Fig. 90') show under the endothelium (a), strongly stratified, the group of the inner vascular mem- brane (b). The several lamel- lae, in varying texture, present the entire multifariousness of the elastic tissue. Inwards, towards the endothelial cover- ing, one may, indeed, meet with more homogeneous, or more striated layers with cellu- lar reticula imbedded over each other (Langhans, von Ebnen. In the more middle group of layers the membranous character of the elastic fibrous net-work (d) becomes more and more prominent. Their fibres may be thinner or thick- er; the membranous connect- ing substance may appear whole or perforated. The num- ber of these elastic layers may increase to 30, 40, 50, and more. The muscles of the middle layer (e) appear unequally developed ; frequently not e m Fig. 90. — Transverse section through the walls of a large artery : a, endothelium ; /. sa ; c. outer layer of the same ; d. elastic, e, mus- cular layers of the media : g, adventitia ;/, their elastic fibro-reticula. THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 95 to a high degree. The direction of the fibres is by no means exclusively transverse. In the outer portions of the media, fibrillated connective tissue occurs (Schultze, von Ebner). In the adventitia {g), finally, the elastic fibro-reticulum (/) acquires in an inward direction, in large mammalia, a very prodigious development. The valves of the vessels consist of connective tissue with elastic intermixtures, and the endothelial covering. Vasa vasorum is the name given to the capillary vessels which occur in the middle and outer layers of the larger trunks, and supply the nutritive materials to the walls of the vessel. The vascular nerves terminate at the muscles of the media. We pass to the arrangement of the capillary vessels in the human body. It is known that they do not occur everywhere. Thus, the epithelial struc- tures, with the crystalline lens, the cornea of the eye, and the permanent cartilages are non-vascular. A peculiarity of the capillary division Fig. 91. — Vascular net- work of a transversely stri- ated muscle ; a, arterial, 6, venous vessel; c, d, the capillary net-work. Fig. 92. — A pulmonary alveolus of the calf ; a, larger blood-vessels, which run in the pari- etes of the alveoli ; b, capil ary net-work ; c, epithelial cells. consists in this, that the tubes by giving off branches do not become narrowed to a noticeable degree, and that by g6 ninth lecture. the conjunction of the branches there are formed reticula of more regular, and frequently of extremely characteristic form. The diameter of the capillaries (see above) is by no means the same in the different portions of the human body. The brain and retina present the finest of 0. 0068 to 0.0065 mm., and less. The muscles have somewhat larger ones of 0.0074 mm. The calibre is again increased, somewhat, in those of the connective tissue, the external integument, and the mu- cous membranes. The lumen is greater in the capillaries of most of the glands, such as the liver, the kidneys, and the lungs. Here we have a diameter of 0.0099 to 0.0135 mm. The most considerable ones, finally, of 0.0226 mm., are seen in the bone medulla. That, with the larger blood corpuscles, even the finest capillaries of animals have a more considerable calibre, it is hardly necessary to remark. The capillaries are sometimes more profuse, sometimes more scanty, in a part of the body. The size of the portion of the tissue comprised within their net-work is, accordingly, quite variable ; it is small in the vascular, large in the non-vascular parts. The former have an energetic, the latter a sluggish assimilation. The lungs (Fig. 92) appear uncommonly vas- cular. Their capillary net- work,- serving for respiration, is the most compact of the organism. The other glands approxi- mate. The fibrous membranes, the tendons, the neurilemma are quite non-vascular. The form of the capillary net-work is determined by the shape of the parts to be circumvoluted, the nature of the several elements, or of their arrangement. We have, firstly, the straight, capillary net-work. A trans- versely striated muscle (Fig. 91) may represent this. The several filaments are surrounded by the uncommonly elongated meshes (c). The involuntary, smooth muscles also possess the same capillary net-work. Here, however, from the thin- ness of the elements, a bundle of fibres takes the place of the transversely striated filament. Other parts with elongated elements — for example, the gas- THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 97 Fig. 93. — Vessels of the fat cells. The arterial (a), venous branches (6-), with the rounded capillary net- work of a fat lobule. trie mucus membrane, with its long, thin, tubular glands — show a similar straight net-work. We are familiar, from Fig. 48, with the fat cells, large, rounded structures. Their capillary reticulum, in correspondence with this, forms rounded meshes (Fig. 93). The small, ar- terial branch (a), and the small, venous branch (/;) of an aggregation of these fat cells appear very dis- tinct. We shall later, at the glands, become acquaint- ed with very extended organs of a racemose structure. A rounded or elongated saccule (acinus) surrounds an aggregation of smaller parenchyma cells. The acini are likewise circumvoluted by a complete, quite similar, round net- work, like the indi- vidual fat cells. A handsome, very characteristic ar- .rangement is pre- sented by the capil- laries of the liver (Fig. 94). The liver — we shall return to it in greater detail subsequently — is di- vided into so-called lobules, into collections of radially arranged cells. The ex- tensively developed capillary system maintains the same arrangement— a rounded, stellate one. 5 Fig. 94. — The capillary net work of the rabbit's liver, crossed by a branch of the portal vein. 98 NINTH LECTURE. The human corium projects in microscopically small papil- lae, which the thick epithelium (p. 32) surrounds with a smooth surface. The greater part of these papillae contains a capillary vessel, which ascends on one side, bends over the top of the papilla, and descends on the other side. This is the capillary loop. Larger papillae occur on many of the mucous membranes ; thus, on the dorsum of the tongue, as the so-called gustatory papillae, the whole small intestine, as intes- tinal villi, to omit others. The simple capillary loops are here no longer suffi- cient (Fig. 95). Between them are inter- posed communicating capillaries and capil- lary net-works. Thus arises the looped net-work. A quite peculiar formation is presented by the cortical layer of the kidney, in the so-called glomerulus or vascular coil (Fig. 96). A microscopic arterial branch (to the right) divides, and each branch forms a convolution of closely crowded capillaries. These portions, with educting canals, reunite, at last, into a single abducting vascular tube. We here speak, therefore, of a centripetal (vas afferens) and a centrifugal vessel (vas efferens). From the" latter arises, further below, a new capillary reticulum. To study the capillaries, they must be injected from the larger trunks with transparent, colored (with carmine, Prussian blue) gel- atine, at an elevated temperature. Opaque, granular masses (cinnabar, white lead, chrome yellow) were the more imper- Fig. 95. — An intestinal vil- lus ; a, the cylindrical epi- thelium with its thickened seam : b, the capillary net- work ; c. longitudinal layers of smooth, muscular fibres ; li, central chyle vessel. Fig. 96. ney. -Glomerulus of the hog's kid- THE BLOOD-VESSELS. 99 feet accessories of an earlier epoch. They are rarely used at present. Other vehicles for the coloring material, resin- ous, waxy masses, or etherial oils, are, at the most, only here and there employed for very special purposes. The embryonic origin of the vessels is still attended with many obscurities. The heart, a production of the middle germinal layer, is formed very early, and enters soon afterwards into activity. It is hollow from the commencement, and the large, adjacent blood-vessels likewise appear to possess the same charac- teristic. With regard to the more particular details of this process, we must state that our present knowledge is little satisfactory. According to Klein, the first large vessels of the hen's em- bryo are formed from cells of the middle germinal layer. The contents of the latter soon liquefy. A protoplasma shell now invests the enlarged and macerated cell-body with the original nucleus. From such cells are derived the first vascu- lar wall, or endothelial tube, as well as the first blood corpus- cles. The cell is said to swell, and the nuclei increase, and, as during this increase the nuclei assume a regular position, the protoplasma mantle finally divides into flat, endothelial cells. From these endothelial walls the first blood corpuscles are also said to take their origin by a process of constriction. They are said, however, to have another origin, also. The first vascular walls and the first blood corpuscles, therefore, derive their origin from the same cells. We add to this the important fact that it is only subse- quently to the use of nitrate of silver solution that the pri- mary vascular wall is resolved into the familiar endothelial cells. A process of aggregation then leads, in a secondary man- ner, to the formation of the additional external vascular layers, a serosa, media, and adventitia. There is here, also, a great want of accurate observations. Capillaries — we assume, at first, a homogeneous, nucleated protoplasma tube — are present at an early period. 100 NINTH LECTURE. They soon present further metamorphoses. These may- be beautifully recognized in the transparent tail of the tad- pole (Fig. 97). It is a sort of budding process. Fig. 97. — Development of finer capillaries in the tail of the tadpole ; /, p, protoplasma buds and cords. From the parieties of already mature neighboring capilla- ries is supplied a protoplasma, capable of further independent development, in the form of pointed cones (Fig. 97, I, 2, p, p). By their confluence (2) the latter are, at first, trans- formed into solid cords. If, then, the axial portion of the meanwhile enlarged cord melts down, we have the proto- plasma tube (3,P). By a further metamorphosis of the lat- THE BLOOD-VESSELS. IOi ter, the formation of new nuclei appears to take place. The endothelial tube is finally established by the protoplasma walls and the young nuclear formation. 1 The abnormal new formation of vessels in later life likewise follows the old embryonic law. TENTH LECTURE. THE LYMPHATICS AND THE LYMPHATIC GLANDS. WHAT is understood by lymph we have already mentioned in our second lecture (p. 27). It was the blood plasma which had passed out through the capillary walls, and which gave off the dissolved nutritive constituents to the tissues, and took up in exchange the products of the decomposition of the lat- ter. We even then mentioned that this fluid, which is unin • terruptedly supplied from the blood current, must necessarily be removed. The arrangement serving this purpose must now be discussed. Our present course will, however, be the reverse of that followed in the previous lecture ; for the large and medium lymphatic discharge tubes are more accurately known, while numerous uncertainties still prevail concerning the knowledge of the finer and finest elements. Let us commence with the ductus thoracicus, the terminal large discharge tube of the lymphatics. We here meet with a condition corresponding to the walls of the veins. The endothelium is surrounded as a serosa by several layers of a striated substance, and then by a net-work of longitudi- nal elastic fibres. As a middle layer, we have next, longitu- dinally running connective tissue, and then transverse mus- cles. The adventitia also shows remains of the latter tissue. Valves are not wanting here, nor afterwards in the finer lymphatics. Descending to the latter, the stratification, as in the veins, becomes more simple ; but more accurate studies are here still necessary. In small trunks of 0.2 to 0.3 mm., the four characteristic vascular layers have been found still present. The adventitia, media and serosa gradually disappear, and THE LYMPHATICS AND LYMPHATIC GLANDS. 103 we have remaining only the endothelial tube with cells simi- lar to those of the blood-vessels. Here also we still meet with valves and isolated nodal or ampulla-like enlargements. Such vessels remain distinctly demarcated from the immedi- ate neighborhood. The relation of these passages to the blood-vessels varies greatly. For the most part, both vessels simply run alongside of each other. Not unfrequently an arterial branch is accompanied by a pair of lymphatic canals. One may then readily commit an error, namely, the assump- tion that the blood current is invested by a lymphatic. The latter condition does, indeed, actually take place (Fig. 88, c), although rarely, as many assert. At last, however, the appearance of the lymphatics changes ; the outer surface of our vascular cells has now grown firmly together with the surrounding tissues ; thus there arises at the first examination the impression of a cavity and cleft. For- merly this was generally considered to be the true interpretation, until the employ- ment of the dilute solution of nitrate of silver opened our eyes (Fig. 98, a). For the examination of the finest termi- nal lymphatics, artificial injections are nat- urally again requisite ; and, indeed, to a higher degree than in the capillaries of the blood passages, where under favorable conditions the colored cells permit the fine tubes to stand out. The lymph, a colorless fluid, poor in cells, does not do this, as is known, and only the chyle ves- sels, overladen with fat, become at times distinctly prominent without any further assistance. But, as is known, the lymphatics have no affluent tube comparable to an artery ; they show merely a capillary divi- sion and effluent canals, comparable to the veins. Filling the latter downwards is, almost without exception, prevented by the resistance of the valves. A highly celebrated modern anatomist, Hyrtl, rendered the service of discovering a very Fig. 98. --Lymphatic ca- nal from the large intestine oi the Guinea-pig; a, vas- cular cells ; 6, spaces be- tween the same. 104 TENTH LECTURE. simple and at the same time extremely effective method of injection. We allude to his " puncturing method." The point of a fine canule is carefully forced into a tissue which is thought to contain lymphatics, and an attempt is made to carefully and slowly inject a wounded lymphatic. Many of the attempts are, it is true, thoroughly unsuccessful, still practice makes the master, and with patience and perse- verance the object is finally accomplished. Teichmann's ele- gant work on the lymphatics, not to mention others, has shown this. Let us commence first with the chyliferous vessels which, at the termination of an abundant digestion, by their fatty contents stand out as dark canals. In the intestinal villus (Fig. 95), there lies, occupying the axis, a caecal canal (d), surrounded by a looped reticulum of capillaries (b, b\. Its transverse diameter is 0.0187 to 0.0282 mm. At the first cursory examination it is a lacuna; with more accurate investigation one recognizes here, as elsewhere, the thin walls formed of plates of cemented endothelial cells. The condition just mentioned also characterizes the re- maining portion of the lymphatics. The canals of the latter are more irregular, angular and wider, and situated nearer the interior. They are again surrounded by the external, much finer and more regular capillary net-work of the blood current. Let us now pass from the intestinal villi, further down- wards, and examine the infe- rior flatter portion of the mucous membrane of the small intestine in which these caecal lacteals from the intes- tinal villi bury themselves. Let us look at Fig. 99. Here, in connective tissue con- Fig. 99. — Transverse section through the mu- cous membrane of the small intestine of the rabbit (near the surface); ay the reticular con- nective tissue containing lymph cells; b, lymph canal ; c, transverse section of a Lieberkuhn's gland ; the same with the cells ; e, f, g, blood- vessels. THE L YMPHA TICS AND L YMPHA TIC GLANDS. 105 taining lymphoid cells (a), we discover the sections of blood- vessels (e, f, g) and of glands (d and c). Our attention is then attracted by an oblong cleft (b). It is a lymphatic canal consisting of endothelium. Our three drawings, Figs. 100, 101 and 102, contain further representations of such lymphatic passages. The caecal commencements are quite perceptible in the first two figures. Fig. 100. — A colon papilla of the rabbit, in perpendicular section ; a, arterial ; b, venous trunk of the submucous tissue ; c, capillary net-work ; d. descending venous branch ; e, horizontal lymphatic Fig. 101. — Trachoma gland from the conjunctiva of (sheathing an artery) ; /, lymph canals of the ox, with injected lymphatics, in vertical section ; the axial portion ; g; their caecal com- a, submucous lymphatic vessel ; c, its distribution to mencements. the passages of the follicle b. Thus far all is clear and intelligible. But we now come to an uncertain and much disputed territory. Fig. 102. — From the testicle of the calf. Seminiferous canals seen in more oblique, a, and more transverse sections, b ; c, blood-vessels ; d, lymphatics. The connective tissue, this substance which is so infinitely 5* io6 TENTH LECTURE. diffused throughout the human body, is permeated by- millions of clefts and spaces. They receive nutritious plas- matic or lymphatic fluids, and contain wandering lymphoid cells. In the serous cavities and sacs we meet with an im- mense lymphatic lacunar system ; nevertheless, the quantity of fluid is small. Now, do these latter lymphatic passages, lined with endothe- lium, pass over continuously into these connective-tissue canals, and do the former open into the system of serous caverns ? It is just these questions which we are now to answer. Let us tarry for an instant at the latter relations. A communication of the lym- phatics with the cavity of the serous sac has, for several years, been recognized with certainty. The names of Recklinghausen, Ludwig, Dybkowsky, Schweig- ger-Seidel and Dogiel deserve mention here. Recklinghausen discovered at the under surface of the centrum tendineum of the rabbit (Fig. 103, i), between the epithelium, aper- tures (a) of not inconsiderable size, or at least greater than the diame- ter of a red blood corpuscle. He saw how the milk and color gran- ules entered here and reached the lymphatics of the diaphragm. Other short lateral passages of the lymphatics were then found to open into these apertures (2, b). No further doubt can, therefore, exist here. The question assumes a different shape, however, concern- ing the relation of the above mentioned connective-tissue chasm to the vascular system. Fig. 103. — 1. Epithelium of the under surface of the centrum tendineum of the rabbit ; a, apertures or stomata ; 2. sec- tion through the pleura of the dog ; b, free opening, short, lateral passage of the lymphatic canal ; 3, epithelium of the me- diastinum of the latter animal ; a, pores. THE L YMPHA TICS AND L YMPHA TIC GLANDS. \ 07 According to Recklinghausen, these passages are directly connected with the lymphatics. He has given them the name of the "juice canals," a denomination which Waldeyer sub- sequently changed into "juice clefts." I regret to be obliged to contradict the former investigator. The conservative injection teaches nothing of the kind. I dare to assert this after numerous personal studies, and I ap- peal, besides, to the testimony of distinguished investigators in this department of the technology of injection. I mention the names of Hyrtl, Teichmann, His and Langer. By immod- erate pressure (in normal life it should never be attained), it is true, these chasms or stomata become filled with the colored mass. For an illustration, we refer to the small spaces be- tween the vascular cells of the lymphatics (Fig. 98, b). We have distended them inordinately or, perhaps, forced out a soft substance filling the spaces. The normal blood-vessels act in a similar manner. Here, by careful injection, no one fills the "juice clefts" of the connective tissue. No one could show a direct transition of the vessel into these passages. Under abnormal conditions of the living body, however, with a vascular tube over-filled with blood, the stomata even here become permeable. If, now, the cadaver be artificially injected, the colored substance penetrates these juice passages (von Winiwarter, Arnold). Thus we regard the matter at present. Important constituents of the lymphatic apparatus of the mammalia are represented by the lymph-nodes or, as they were earlier less happily named, the lymphatic glands. They interrupt the course of the vessels simply or manifoldly. They are to be denoted as one of the chief forming places of the lymphoid cells. Within them takes place, furthermore, a lively reciprocative action between the lymph and the blood. A lymphatic gland may appear globular, oval, or bean-shaped (Fig. 104). In the latter case it presents a so-called hilus most distinctly. When the former has reached a certain size, io8 TENTH LECTURE. induction lymphatic vessels, vasa afferentia, penetrate, for the most part manifoldly, into its convex surface (f,f). The educting vessel at the hilus (A) remains, at the same time, frequently single. Fig. 104. — Section through one of the smaller lymphatic glands, with the current of the lymph — half diagramatic figure ; a, the capsule; 6, septa between the follicles of the cortex (d) ; c, system of septa of the medullary substance as far as the hilus of the organ ; e, lymph tubes of the medulla ; f, lymphatic passages, which surround the follicles and flow through the spaces of the medulla ; g, union of the latter into an afferent vessel (/i) at the hilus. It is surrounded by a connective -tissue sheath (Fig. 104, *, T05, f) with a muscular admixture. This capsule continues inwards in a similarly constituted but perforated septum (Fig. 104, b, c, 105, g, k), which finally unites towards the hilus in a thicker connective tissue mass (" hilus-stroma " of His). In the lymphatic glands of large animals this " septum system " is immensely developed ; in small creatures it is often uncom- monly slight. We distinguish in the lymphatic glands a cortical and a medullary layer. The former consists of rounded or irregular bodies of 0.5 to 2 mm. and more, the follicles (d), which in the smaller organs are placed in single, and in larger glands in double or manifold rows. The medullary substance is composed of reticularly united strands, which spring from the inner side of the follicle, pass through the septum, and thus constitute a connection be- tween these structures of the cortical layer (Fig. 104,^,105, d, e). The transverse diameter of the strands varies extraor- dinarily, from 0.04 too. 13 mm. and more. THE L YMPHA TICS AND L YMPHA TIC GLANDS. \ 09 The follicles and medullary strands are never closely applied to the sheath and septa (Figs. 104, 105 ) ; a system of clefts is always left. We shall soon learn their signification. The follicle (Fig. 105) consists of reticular connective tissue Fig. 105. — Follicle from a lymphatic gland of the dog, in vertical section ; a, reticular frame- work of the more external, ^, of the internal portion ; c, fine reticulum of the surface of the follicle ; ei, origin of a larger, and e of a finer lymph tube ; f, capsule : g; septa ; k, division of the one ; i, in- vestment space and its tenter-fibres ; k, vas afferens ; /, attachment of the lymph tubes to the septa. (Fig. 105, b and a), containing an excessive number of lym- phoid cells. At the surface the meshes of the connective tissue reticulum become much more narrow (c). From it arise fibres which, attached to the inner side of the capsule and the outer surface of the septa, keep the follicle stretched, as the frame does embroidery. I once named them " tenter-fibres," and the cup-like spaces permeated by them, the "investment spaces" of the follicle (?'). The follicles themselves are held together in numbers, side by side, by connecting bridges of their own tissue. The same tissue, containing lymphoid cells, and having either its own vessel in its axis (Fig. 105, d, e, 106, a) or an entire rectilinear capillary reticulum (Fig. 107, a), forms the no TENTH LECTURE. strands and reticulum of strands of the medullary substance. These "lymphatic tubes" are again, according to my dem- onstration, attached by similar tenter-fibres (b) to the septa (Figs. 105, /, and 107, £),and also connected together by a connective-tissue cellular net- work. Kig. 106. — Lymph tube from a mesenteric gland of the dog : a, capillary vessel ; b, reticular connective tissue, forming the tube. Fig. 107.- — From the medullary sub- stance of an inguinal lymphatic gland of the ox ; a, lymph tube with the com- plicated system of vessels ', c, piece of another: d, septa; 6, connecting fibres between the tube and septum. The lacuna system between the lymphatic tubes we call the lymphafics of the medullary substance. That this arises from the investment spaces of the follicle is taught by the Fig- ures 104, e, and 105, i, I. The blood-vessels attain the interior of the organ, for the most part, from the hilus. The arterial affluent, and venous effluent tubes are contained in isolated lymphatic tubes. In the follicles they form a broad-meshed, rounded, capillary net- work. Besides these, other smaller vascular branches, surrounded by tenter-fibres, may enter our organ from the capsule. What purpose is served by these spaces or canal -work be- tween the capsule and septum system, on the one hand, and the follicles and lymph tubes on the other ? We have already answered this. It is the path of the lymph in the interior of the organ. On perforating the capsule, the vasa afferentia lose their walls (Fig. 105, h)\ they become lacunar passages, but are, it THE L YMPHA TICS AND L YMPHA TIC GLANDS. \ \ \ is true, still lined with the familiar endothelium in the cortex. In the medullary substance the latter cells are absent. The vas efferens, with its independent parietes, is again formed towards the hilus by the conjunction of the medullary canals. The formation of the vas efferens is not easy to examine, as I, the discoverer of this condition, know from former studies. Fig. 104,/,^, k, represents this current. Under natural conditions, there are also lying in the cav- ernous passages of our organ, numerous lymphoid cells. Whence come the latter ? They have simply, we remark, emigrated actively and passively through the narrow-meshed, reticular surfaces of the follicles and lymphatic tubes. We thus comprehend that a vas afferens may present merely a few lymphoid cells, while the vas efferens may subsequently appear relatively rich in these cellular elements. I do not need to remark that the current of fluid through the lymphatic gland can only be determined by the aid of troublesome artificial injections, as His and I can affirm. My studies were, at that time, the first. ELEVENTH LECTURE. THE REMAINING LYMPHOID ORGANS WITH THE SPLEEN. THE SO-CALLED BLOOD-VASCULAR GLANDS. STRUCTURES, which are identical with the follicles of a lym- phatic node, and appear partly single, partly grouped, but are always without the medullary substance of the former, are met with manifoldly in the human and mammalial body. In older times they were given the erroneous name of "glands." Among these are included, as isolated occurrences, the so-called lenticular glands of the gastric mucous membrane; furthermore, the follicles in the mucous membrane of the small and large intestine, to which has been assigned the name of the solitary glands. Groups of lymphoid follicles form the amygdale or tonsils, then the Peyer's glands of the intestinal canal, as well as the so-called trachoma glands or lymphoid follicles of the conjunctiva. A large allied organ of the earlier period of life is presented in the thoracic gland or thymus. Finally, the spleen, with a similar although con- siderably modified structure, terminates this series. We comprehend all these, including the lymphatic nodes, under the denomination of the " lymphoid " organs. Commencing with a so-called solitary gland of the gastric or intestinal mucous membrane, we find it to be an ordinary lymphoid follicle surrounded by a cup-like cavity. The latter is again permeated by connective-tissue fibres which, passing to the tissue of the adjacent mucous membrane, con- stitute the connection with the neighborhood. The so-called solitary glands of the small intestine — as I ascertained years ago by injection — are again washed by the lymph. In regard to the "lenticular glands" of the stomach, the authen- LYMPHOID ORGANS. i'3 tication has not yet been furnished, but the facts are undoubt- edly the same. Let us now pass from the simple to the complicated. Let us take the amygdale or tonsils (Fig. 108). These, subjected to many changes in the mammalia, show in the Fig. ioS. — Tonsil of the adult (after Schmidt); a, larger excretory duct ; b, more simple one ; c, lymphoid parietal layer, with follicles ; d, lobule, reminding one of a lingual follicle ; e, superficial ; f, deeper mucous follicle. human body a complicated system of fossse in the surface of the mucous membrane. The passages of these depressions open in part conjointly (a), in part separately (b). At the peri- phery of the follicular aggregation, there are often still smaller and shallower fossae (c). The cavities are lined with the pavement epithelium of the mouth. A thick, lymphoid parietal layer (c), surrounded externally by a connective- tissue capsule, invests the entire system of fossae. In this lymphoid tissue occur rounded bodies of a large-meshed structure and a brighter appearance. These are the follicles. In the narrow-meshed connecting tissue, one recognizes reticular passages which circumvallate these bodies. They form the paths for the lymph, as the injection shows. Simplified formations are presented by the lingual follicles on the posterior portion of the dorsum of the tongue. Their structure reminds one of the place d of our Fig. 108. The so-called trachoma glands have a similar structure, but spread out flatter, and are without fossae (Fig. ioi). They likewise present brighter follicles (b), as well as a narrower- meshed and therefore, again, more opaque connecting layer. In the latter runs a more developed lymphatic canal-work (c), U4 ELEVENTH LECTURE. which surrounds the follicle with a reticular passage, and com mences in a caecal manner just beneath the epithelium. Let us also discuss the Peyerian glandular plates. They belong to the lower portions of the human small intestine, and consist, according to their extent, of a very unequal number of aggregated lymphoid follicles. In mammals, where however great mutability prevails, they may also be met with in the large intestine. The human processus vermi- formis, and in still higher development that of the rabbit, forms an enormously developed continuous Peyer's plate. The shape of our follicle changes according to the species of animal. They are rounded in man (Fig. 109) and in the Guinea-pig, and strawberry-shaped in the small intestine of the rabbit, while in the vermiform process of the latter animal Fig. 109. — Vertical section through a human Peyer's patch : a, intestinal villi; h, Lieberlciihn- ian glands ; c, muscular layer of the mucous membrane ; d, apex of the follicle ; f, basis portion ; g; lymph-passages around the follicle ; i, at the base of the same ; k, lymphatics of the sub-mucous tissue ; /, lymphoid tissue of the latter. an elongated thing, reminding one of the sole of a shoe, is met with. A similar appearance is presented by the Peyerian follicles in the ileum of the ox. Let us now pass to a closer analysis of our structure. LYMPHOID ORGANS. 115 In the follicle (Fig. 109), we distinguish three parts, the apex (d), covered only by epithelium, and projecting between adjacent villi (a) into the lumen of the intestine, then a middle zone (at the elevation of c), and, finally, a basis portion (/). The middle zone and basis portion are buried in the sub-mu- cous cellular tissue. Here — and we are reminded of the tonsils and trachoma follicles — the middle and lower portions are united by a more narrow-meshed lymphoid tissue. The sur- faces of both these parts are again surrounded by a lymphatic canal-work in a reticular form. Not so in the follicles in the small intestine of the ox, and in the processus vermiformis of the rabbit. In these the basis portion is surrounded, similar to the follicles of a lymphatic gland, by a connected cup-like JU Fig. iio. — Transverse section, through the equatorial plane of three Peyerian follicles of the rabbit ; a, the capillary net-work ; b, the larger annular-shaped vessels. lymphatic investment space, while in the middle zone, it is true, the reticular passages are still retained. The lymphatic injection shows interesting conditions, re- minding us of those of the lymphatic glands, and the discover- 1 1 6 ELE VEN TH LECTURE. ies made in the tonsils and trachoma follicles confirm what follows. The chyle vessels of the intestinal villi (a), are the vasa afferentia (p. 108). Passing further down, they form the lymphatic net-work {g, i), which surrounds the follicle, as the thread does the toy ball of the child. From these arise, at the base of the follicle, the efferent lymphatics (/<;), compar- able to the vas efferens of the lymphatic gland. The capillary net-work of the Peyer's plates appears extra- ordinarily developed. Fine capillaries permeate the follicle in a radial direction (Fig. no, a) ; additional tubes (b) form a no less elegant interfollicular net-work. The thymus consists of lobular groups of a reticular con- nective tissue containing lymphoid cells. The interior of the lobule is hollow, connected on all sides with a convoluted main canal. Here we also meet with an elegant capillary retic- ulum, which differs in man and the calf in the arterial and venous arrangement. The lymphatic passages require more accurate investigation. The retrogression of the enigmatical organ begins before and with puberty. Fat cells in great quantity are developed at the expense of the lymphoid tissue. The spleen constitutes the most difficult organ of the lym- phoid group. It has been the object of many researches in old and modern times. We have, indeed, progressed further than our predecessors, but much still remains a matter of contro- versy. I here give only what I, after numerous personal studies, regard as correct. Similar to a lymphatic gland, our organ is surrounded by a fibrous envelope containing sometimes more, sometimes less smooth muscular tissue. This sends off again, in an inward direction, an interrupted system of septa. The latter, also called the trabecular system of the spleen, is extensively de- veloped in large mammals, while in small creatures (marmot, rabbit, Guinea-pig, rat and mouse) only scanty rudiments of it are met with. We are, therefore, once more reminded of the lymphatic glands (p. 108). It is best to commence the investigation with one of the latter L YMPHOID OR GA NS. 117 creatures, a rabbit (Fig. in), for instance. In the larger mammals, this system of septa considerably impedes our com- prehension of the relations, which is already difficult. The soft spleen tissue proper consists of two substances. In the first place, we find, scattered throughout the entire thickness of the organ, rounded, oblong or irregular structures Fig. nr. — Rabbit's spleen ; a, Malpighian corpuscles ; b, reticular frame-work of the pulp. of a whitish color. Sometimes they stand out sharply, at others they can only be recognized with difficulty. In many species of animals they are observed crowded, in others more scanty. Their size slowly decreases in the smaller mammalia. These are the Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen or — let us say at once — the lymphoid follicles of our organ (a). Between them appears a very soft, and in consequence of its immense wealth of blood, dark red mass, the so-called spleen-pulp. The microscopic analysis of the same shows a system of reticularly connected canals (&), which connect adjacent Malpighian corpuscles with each other, and leave a likewise retiform space — 01 cavernous system between them. The pulp is, therefore, suggestive of the medullary substance of the lymphatic glands, as are the Malpighian corpuscles of the follicles of the latter. n8 ELEVENTH LECTURE. Both portions of the spleen tissue are, however, shoved through each other ; it is, therefore, impossible to speak here of a special, cortical, or medullary layer. We next examine the lymphoid follicle ; and here we again meet with the old familiar reticular connective tissue, filled with an excess of lymphoid cells, forming in the interior a larger meshed, on the surface a more narrow meshed reticu- lum. The capillaries of the interior are also readily recog- nized. The tissue — we repeat — of the pulp strands (Fig. 112,0) 112. —From the pulp of the human spleen brushed preparation (combination); a, pulp with the delicate reticular frame-work ; b, transverse section of the caverni ; c, longitudinal Fig. Strand Wltll UlC LlCIIUdlU ICUtUlitl UdUlCV^UlK . t/, L! J 1 1.1 V^i SC 3CULIU11 KJl LIIC L4VCHI1 , L I ' ' I I ^ 1 I i 1 ' 1 1 1 I . I section of such a one; d, capillary vessel in a pulp tube dividing up at e ; f, epithelium of the venous canal; g, side view of the latter ; h, its transverse section. arising from the surfaces of the Malpighian corpuscles pre- sents, on the contrary, a considerable modification of the reticular connective substance, of extremely fine delicate tex- ture and with very small meshes, so that only one or a few lymphoid cells find room in the latter. The surface of this pulp tube preserves the same reticular character. If we adjust the focus to the fundus of the caverni invested by them, we find numerous transversely arranged fibres (c). These pas- sages are lined with flat, spindle-shaped cells (/), which, indeed, as the transverse section {b) teaches, have globular nuclei. We have once more before us a vascular endothelium ; LYMPHOID ORGANS. 119 only its cell borders are, by way of exception, not cemented to each other. If we also add to this that capillaries run in the axis of the pulp strands, and that in the narrow reticulum of its tissue regular red blood corpuscles are met with, some- times fresh and unchanged, sometimes shrivelled and in va- rious stages of disintegration, we have then described the most essential portion of the structure of the tissue of the spleen. In order, however, to gain a further insight, we must now turn to the vascular arrangement of this strange organ. This is very complicated and quite peculiar, and it is just here that the views of investigators are diametrically opposed to each other. The arteria lienalis buries itself, in the ruminantia unrami- fied, otherwise, as a rule, with several branches, directly into the so-called hilus. The latter become further divided in the interior, and finally break up, at an acute angle, into a number of fine terminal branches. These, called penicilli, and pecu- liarly formed, resemble the branches of a willow stripped of its foliage. On these branches (but no longer on the penicil- lus) sit the familiar Malpighian corpuscles, like the berries on the stem of the grape. The arteries and the veins are still invested by a connec- tive-tissue sheath, which is continuous with the septum sys- tem of the organ. This sheath, like the entire vascular expansion, is very different in the several varieties of animals; it is slight and rudimentary in the small, complicated and thick in the large mammalia. Pausing now, however, at that of man, we find the arteries and veins, already divided into 4 to 6 branches, passing in and out of the organ. Up to trunks of 0.2 mm. they are invest- ed in common by a connective-tissue sheath. The latter has at first a parietal thickness of about 0.25 mm., diminishing to O.i mm., whereby arteries of 0.2 and veins of 0.4 mm. are still invested in common. There is now a gradual sepa- ration of the venous from the arterial branches. The sheath in its original condition is continuous for a less distance over 120 ELEVENTH LECTURE. the arteries ; it is gradually changed into a reticular connec- tive tissue containing lymphoid cells, a metamorphosis in which the adventitia soon participates. The sheath struc- ture is extended somewhat further over the venous branch ; at last its fibres begin to separate, and it is also lost in the sep- tum or trabecular system of our organ. From this lymphoid metamorphosis of the artery arise the already familiar Malpighian corpuscles of the spleen. They lie in part on the point of ramification of arterial branches, in part laterally on the unramified vascular tube. Finally — and it is a frequent occurrence — the arterial branch passes through the centre of the follicle. If we examine more closely, we find that no line of demarcation can be drawn between the separate follicles and this elongated lymphoid covering of the arterial branch. Every Guinea-pig's spleen teaches us this. In the follicle, we never meet with a venous branch, but, rather, a capillary reticulum with rounded meshes, sometimes scantily and poorly developed, sometimes more abundantly. The source of supply varies ; sometimes it is branches of the follicular artery, sometimes it is through the adjacent pulp- tubes. We have now to follow the further course of the arterial offshoots, the so called penicilli of the spleen. They enter the pulp-tubes of our organ, to pass through their axis and to become capillaries. The capillary reticulum of the Mal- pighian corpuscle also, at last, sends its offshoots down into the adjacent pulp-tubes (Fig. 113, e). Now, these capillaries of the pulp-tubes are quite peculiar. We follow them by the greatest attention for a certain dis- tance (on an uninjected spleen or in a good injected prepara- tion), then the capillaries (Fig. 112, d) commence to be uncertain and indistinct [e). Separated cell-demarcations may still be recognized ; but soon even these disappear. We are in the presence of a lacuna — a finest blood current with- out walls (Fig. 113, e). Let us recall to mind that the tissue of the pulp-tube pre- L ] 'MP HOW OR GA NS. 121 sents a reticulum with very narrow meshes, in the interspaces of which one, or, at the most, a few lymphoid cells find place; and let us not forget that the pulp-tubes possess, su- perficially, the same reticular character, covered by an en- dothelium consisting of separate, uncemented cells. Fig. 113. — From the spleen of the hedgehog ; a, pulp, with the intermediate currents ; h, fol- licle ; c, boundary layer of the same : g, its capillaries ; e, transition of the same into the interme- diate pulp-current ; f, transverse section of an arterial branch, at the border of the Malpighian corpuscles. If we adhere to this previously described textural condi- tion, the lacunar capillary blood current, which arises after the loss of the capillary walls, will present no further con- siderable difficulty. As the failing branch of a drying brook wanders at last between the pebbles of its bed, slender and scanty, so is it with these finest blood currents. The lym- phoid cells resemble the pebbles. Still, the blood current contains cellular elements and the red blood corpuscles in excess. A portion of the latter slip through with their pliable, smooth surface ; others stick fast. For our colored elements, however, as we have already learned, movement is life, rest is death. Thus are explained those numerous corpses and fragments of the colored blood cells in the spleen, which we mentioned above (p. 119). Something additional is also satisfactorily explained by this. The closely crowded amoeboid lymph cells are capable of taking up into themselves the imprisoned blood corpuscle 6 122 ELEVENTH LECTURE. or the fragments of its corpse (p. 9). These are the blood- corpuscle-containing cells of the spleen, occurrences which, many years ago, caused so much racking of the brains, and yet are, at present, so easy to interpret. Let us remember the amoeba of our Fig. 3. We have remembered the dead : let us now return to the living. What becomes of these finest blood currents after they have successfully passed through the narrow mesh-work of the pulp-tubes ? If our description has thus far been altogether comprehen- sible, the answer follows of itself. These currents enter the system of caverni, which Fig. 1 12 shows between the pulp- tubes b and c. Let us pause for a moment. If we inject a rabbit's and a Guinea-pig's spleen, or the organ of a new-born child, from the vena lienalis, it is a mere child's play to instantly fill these reticular spaces between the pulp-tubes (Fig. 114, c). Thus — we return to the inverted course once more — the lacunar pulp current passes over into these spaces of the pulp, into the " cav- ernous veins " of Billroth. From the latter, presenting many di- versities, it is true, according to the variety of animal, arise two veins {d), enclosed in continuous although very thin walls. We said previously (p. 121) the spleen was a burying- place of the red blood corpuscles. This requires no further discus- sion now. On the other hand, however, the spleen forms a generating focus of these elements, since it contributes lym- phoid cells, the substitutes of those colored elements, to the blood current. This also requires no further discussion ; cer- tainly not, when we recall to mind the reticular surfaces of the Malpighian corpuscles, and of the pulp-tubes, and when — d Fig. 114. — From the sheep's spleen (double injection) ; a, reticular frame- work of the pulp ; i, intermediate pulp current ; c, its continuation into the ve- nous roots, with incomplete walls ; d, venous branch. LYMPHOID ORGANS. 1 23 we think that milliards of lymphoid cells are here surrounded by perforated surfaces. When our organ becomes enlarged in its pulp, the contact surfaces between the blood current and the lymphoid tissue increase materially. The latter now sends off more con- siderable quantities of its cells into the former. The number of the colorless blood corpuscles is thus necessarily increased. This is the lienal leucaemia, as it is called by the doctors, a disturbance of the equilibrium between the blood and spleen tissue, with the saddest consequences. Lymphatic passages occur with certainty in the capsular and trabecular systems of the spleen. As to what is thought to have been met with in the true lymphoid tissue, it stands on a weak foundation. In the embarrassment of our knowledge we here include several parts of the body which a former epoch has, like the lymphoid organs described, also called "glands," and for which their successors found the likewise very unsatisfactory name of the "blood-vascular glands." We speak of the thyroid gland, the suprarenal capsule and the apophysis cerebri, structures which to the present time mock all physiological explanation, and once more confirm the old saying, that even the trees do not grow up into heaven. The thyroid gland, the glandula thyroidea of the anatomist, lies, as is known, in front of the respiratory passage leading to the lungs. Every one in the Canton of Zurich knows that it forms the goitre, that national decoration. We physi- ologists are, unfortunately, scarcely able to say more con- cerning it than the people. Let us, then, examine the strange organ somewhat more closely. In a connective tissue frame-work we meet, closely ap- proached to each other, rounded, oblong or even more irreg- ular cavities of 0.05 to o. 1 mm. The inner wall is beset with a single layer of low cylindrical cells, 0. 02 mm. high and O.oi wide. The cavity is filled at an early period with a I2/| ELEVENTH LECTURE. Fig. 115. — Colloid metamor- phosis of the thyroid gland ; a, gland-vesicle of the rabbit ; b, commencing colloid metamor- phosis of the calf. homogeneous firm mass, an obscure derivative of the albu- minous bodies, the so-called colloid. In the interstitial con- nective tissue we meet with a developed, round-meshed reticulum of blood capil- laries 0.02 to 0.023 mm- broad ; together with these there is a widely extended lymphatic canal-work. How far it stretches, whether it finally circumvo- lutes each cavity in a cap-like manner, as Boechat recently asserted, requires more accurate investigation. Previous injection studies by myself and Pere- meschko showed nothing of the kind. At a later period of life — and the thyroid gland appears to grow old early — this colloid substance seems to increase more and more. The cavities become distended, the small parietal cells are more and more compressed, and with them the in- terstitial connective tissue. In the further progress, these cavities flow together, forming larger ones. It is assumed of the thyroid gland, like the apophysis cere- bri and the suprarenal capsule entirely hypothetically, that it removes matters from the blood which, when the same are further metamorphosed, either indirectly or directly, are afterwards restored to the central fluid of the organism. Hence the denomination of the " blood-vascular glands," a proof of our ignorance at that time. Just as obscure are the suprarenal capsules, glandular suc- centuriales, structures which once at an earlier foetal period possessed an immense size, and subsequently remained more and more behind. Here, also, we meet with a double mass, a cortical and a medullary layer. The former appears to have a radiated dis- position, brownish, reddish or yellowish. The latter, much softer, is usually more transparent, grayish, red or yellowish. The least resistance is possessed by a border zone which in LYMPHOID ORGANS. 125 i— J man is clouded and narrow. It liquefies very readily after death. A connective-tissue envelope, permeated by elastic ele- ments, surrounds the organ. Inwards it forms a frame-work (Fig. 116, b); in the spaces of the latter lie soft cells. The superficial cavities are, as a rule, short ; further inwards they acquire a radial elongation (a). Transverse sec- tions of these spaces, which are con- nected at acute angles, frequently present oblong and bean-shaped formations. In- wards, towards the medullary border, the spaces again become smaller, more rounded, and the frame-work substance delicate and reticular, forming a sort of reticular connective tissue (Joesten). The contents consist of coarse, granu- lar, membraneless cells, closely pressed against each other, and containing mole- cules of albumen and fat. The cells measure 0.0135 to 0.0174 mm., with nuclei of 0.0056 to 0.0090 mm. In the boundary zone, towards the medullary substance, our cells lodge abundant brownish pigment mole- cules. A delicate connective tissue fibro-reticulum also per- meates these cavities, which have no membrana propria. It is likewise not easy to investigate the soft medullary substance. The connective-tissue frame-work having again become somewhat more resistent, and at last fused with the connec- tive tissue surrounding the veins, forms large oval cavities. They are larger than the peripheral ones of the cortical layer, without the radiated disposition of the latter. They turn their broad side, on the contrary, towards the surface of the organ. The medullary cavities are, however, rounder and smaller in man. Fig. 116. — Cortex of the hu- man suprarenal gland ; d, gland cylinder ; 6, interstitial connective tissue. 126 ELEVENTH LECTURE. In them occur, closely crowded, delicate granular cells, measuring 0.018 to 0.035 mm., with fine vesicular nuclei. The cells appear, in contradistinction to the cortical elements, very poor in fat molecules. The behavior of these medul- lary cells with chromate of potash is very remarkable, as Henle discovered. They become deeply browned, while the cortical cells are very slightly changed. The vascularity is great, and the arrangement of the ves- sels peculiar in the suprarenal capsules. Numerous small arterial branches arising from various sources form a capillary reticulum in the cortex, with elongated meshes. These capil- laries first combine in the medulla into considerable, but very thin-walled venous canals. The latter, having likewise a ra- diated direction, unite at acute angles, and thus largely devel- oped occupy a considerable portion of the medulla. The latter large trunks finally open into the very wide veins situ- ated in the centre of the organ. The lymphatics are still little known. In many mammals the medullary mass appears very rich in nerves, which may form considerable microscopic plexuses. There was, therefore, an inclination to consider it as related to the sympathetic. The pituitary gland, the hypophysis cerebri, is smaller in the higher vertebrates than in the lower, and consists of two lobes ; a small posterior one, of a nervous texture, and a larger anterior one, with the structure of a blood-vascular gland. Through the latter passes a canal lined sometimes with flattened epithelium (mammals), sometimes with ciliated cells, and which sinks into the infundibulum (Peremeschko). Rounded and oval, 0.0496 to 0.0699 mm. large gland spaces are enclosed by a connective tissue, rich in capillaries. In its interstices lie cells measuring 0.014 mm., with a consider- able finely granular body. Colloid metamorphosis may be noticed. The name of the coccygeal gland, glandula coccygea, has been bestowed on a small thing situated at the apex of the coccyx. It consists of a system of diverticulated arterial LYMPHOID ORGANS. 127 branches of capillaries and veins, invested externally by gran- ular cells. The so-called ganglion intercaroticum also has a nearly related structure. The granulated cells, such as we are familiar with in the suprarenal capsule, apophysis cerebri, and the two last named organs, belong to the form of coarsely granular connective- tissue cells that are so often met with in the neighborhood of the vessels (Fig. 55, b). TWELFTH LECTURE. GLAND TISSUE. In olden times they were very liberal in their conception of the glands. We have already learned this in the lym- phoid organs, as well as the thyroid gland, suprarenal capsule and apophysis cerebri, which preceding generations of anato- mists erroneously regarded as glands. A rounded, limited form, and a considerable vascularity was at that time suffi- cient to stamp a thing as a gland. We thus obtained the lymphatic, Peyerian, and thyroid glands, etc. Later, the physiological importance came more into the foreground. The true glands take materials from the blood, not alone or only principally in the interest of an egotistical nutrition, but rather in the service of the whole, whether it be to simply free the blood from decomposed substances, or to restore the latter, more or less metamorphosed, and serving for other pur- poses. On this rests the old distinction of excretion and secretion. The gland requires an efferent canal system to remove its contents. We must lay great weight on this canal in connec- tion with the gland ; still the former may, under certain cir- cumstances, be wanting, or may remain separate from the organ. This is shown by the human ovary. Here the wall of the glandular cavity is ruptured. The contents of the lat- ter now escape through a rent. It does not thereby cease to be a gland, for we know of ovaria- enough in lower ani- mals which contain quite common glandular formations, pro- vided with continuous canals. No doubt can therefore prevail here. How weak the matter is, however, with the so-called blood-vascular glands has already been taught by the previ- ous lecture. GLAND TISSUE. 129 In modern times, however, the so advanced microscopic analysis has furnished characteristics which, in our opinion, permit of the certain recognition of a gland. Each of our organs (Fig. 117) consists of two elements: 1st, of an, as a rule, hyaline and thin membrane, the so-called gland membrane, membrana propria id) ; and 2d, of cellular contents (b) enclosed within the latter. Without a blood supply, however, secretion does not take place. A non-vascular gland would be a nonentity. We therefore meet with a vascular net-work (c), circumvoluting the membrana propria, as a third integral constituent. As further constituents, we have lymphatic vessels, muscular elements and nerves. Let us now pass to the individual analysis. The gland membrane appears, at the first examination, homogeneous, and, as a rule, very delicate. Exceptionally, however, it may acquire a thickness of 0. 001 to 0.002 mm. It may also be replaced by undeveloped con- nective tissue (sebaceous glands of the skin). Finally, ordinary connective tis- sue or a muscular layer may form a re- inforcing stratum around this limiting membrane. In more recent times, a manifold sys- tem of quite flat stellate cells (Fig. 118) has been met with which, embedded in or resting on the homogeneous mem- brana propria, form rib-like thickenings of the latter, as for example, in the sub- maxillary and lachrymal glands. Firm, extensible, and formed of a very unchangeable mate- rial, probably related to the elastic substance, the membrana 6* Fig. 117. — A mam- malian I.ieberkiihniun gland ; , commencement of the glandular canal. GLAND TISSUE. 133 retrogression of the tissue elements in a normal wav here, as by a pathological process elsewhere. The gland cell swells with the increasing embedment of fat, and finally falls from its matrix. Suspended in the cavity of the acinus, it has now become a corpse. We meet, accordingly, in the Fig. 123. — A, the vesicle of a sebaceous gland; a, the gland-cells resting on the wall; b. those which have been cast off, containing fat and filling the cavity ; B, the cells more highly mag- nified ; a, smaller ones, poorer in fat and belonging to the wall ; ^.larger ones, more abundantly filled with fat; c, a cell with larger fat drops joined together, and d one with a single drop of fat; e,f, cells whose fat has partially escaped. sebum with these cells fatty degenerated to a high degree, with their fragments, their nuclei which have become free, and fat molecules with an albuminous connecting substance. This is the origin of the sebum cutaneum, a relatively unimpor- tant secretion. The lacteal gland consists of a group of enlarged sebaceous glands, destined for a higher performance. Even before the final period of pregnancy, the human organ forms the so-called colos- trum. We meet in the latter with globular cellular elements ofo.0151 to 0.0563 mm. in size (Fig. 124, b). These " colostrum corpuscles " are simi- lar to the detached, highly fatty, sebaceous follicle cells. Subsequently, soon after the delivery, the milk contains millions of the so- called milk globules (a). They are drops of fat which have become free, and are surrounded by a very thin shell of a coagulated albuminous body, which is usually o 9 O 0 ,0 ,0 Fig. 124. — Elemen- tary forms of human milk ; a, milk globule ; b, colostrum corpuscle. 134 TWELFTH LECTURE. called caseine. Their size varies between 0.003 to 0.009 mm. The gland cells should now, with a far more energetic secre- tion in the acinus, have been early destroyed. A different view might, however, be entertained. The membraneless cells may have thrown out the elaborated secretion, as the crater of the volcano does the lava — -only the cells, like the volcano, may persist. I regard this as indeed very plausible. We have just spoken of probably the most perishable gland elements, immediately after the discussion of more permanent elements. Let us now return to the latter for an instant, taking up the liver cells. One meets in them, from time to time, with brownish molecules and drops of fat. Both ap- pear subsequently in the bile ; the former is the " biliary coloring matter " (to repeat a crude expression of former days), the latter becomes " cholesterine." Therefore, even here, the gland cell once enclosed in its body the secretory substance which subsequently becomes free. Here the com- ing and going of the latter through the permanent cell body is not to be doubted. A still further confirmation of the persistence of many gland cells has been more recently obtained. Extraordinarily fine permanent canaliculi, "the gland capillaries" (first found in the liver), occur between the gland cells as the terminal offshoots of the excretory ducts. Our Fig. 125 represents such from the pancreas. We shall, later, refer to the matter more in detail. With the membrana propria and the secretory cells we are, therefore, finished. Let us now refer to the capillary reticu- lum, the art and manner in which the in- dispensable blood current reaches the surface of the secreting organ. We repeat what we said at page 96. The form of the tissue elements deter- mines the arrangement of the capillaries. With thin and long glandular tubes, such as stand close to tn. e Fig. 125. — From the pan- creas of the rabbit ; a, larger excretory duct ; £, finer one of an acinus ; c, finest secre- tory canal. GLAND TISSUE. 135 each other in the gastric-mucous membrane, the individual tubes occupy about the position of the transversely- striated muscular filament (Fig. 91). The reticulum (Fig. 126) becomes similarly elongated ; only the rings around the gland apertures, together with anomalous arterial and venous branches, produce a considera- ble difference in the thing. Turning to Fig. 126 — The vascular of the mu- cous membrane of the human stomach— semi- di.uramatic. The (finer) arterial trunk di- vides into the elongated, capillary net-work, which passes over into the rounded reticulum of the gland apertures, from which the vein (the wider, darker vessel J arises. the racemose glands, with the generally rounded form of the element, the small acinus, the capillary net-work must, as we have already remarked, correspond to the form of a fat lobule (Fig. 93). Our Fig. 127 represents the capillary arrangement of a larger lobular group of the pancreas. The figure might, with equal propriety, be used for the vascular arrangement of a conglomeration of the lobules of fat cells. The immense assimilation of glandular organs renders a considerable wealth of lymphatic passages, which are to re- store the superfluous transudation to the blood passage, very appreciable. A portion of these lymphatic passages have been discovered very recently. Smooth muscular fibres, which either invest the gland body or occur in the parieties of the excretory ducts, scarcely require a further physiologi- cal explanation. They are of great importance for the ex- pulsion ot the secretion. Concerning the gland nerves, this most obscure portion of the structure of the organ in question, we shall speak later. The last which remains for discussion is the excretory duct. If we take a simple gland tube (Fig. 128), such as are con- 136 TWELFTH LECTURE. j Jm. tained in infinite numbers in the gastric mucous membrane, and examine a so-called " peptic-gastric gland " (it may also, it is true, be somewhat more complicated), we readily recognize from d to b the secre- tory cells. Over b we meet with a cylindri- cal epithelium, the same which covers the surface of the gastric mucous membrane. A further explanation is, therefore, super- fluous. Let us, furthermore, cast a glance back to our Fig. 122. The drawing represents a so- called "gastric-mucous gland." A long, a m Fig. 127. — The vascular net work of the rabbit's pancreas. Fig. 128. — A lateral view ol a gastric glnnd of the cat ; a. stomach cells : b, inner ; r, ex- ternal inierca'ary por- tion ; d, the g an, the division ; c. the isolated tubes lined with pep- tic cells ; d, the escaping contents ; 2, the aperture a in transverse section ; 3. transverse section through the in- dividual glands. THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 145 The second glandular formation, the gastric mucous glands, were long since discovered in the hog. In the dog, cat, rabbit and Guinea-pig they occupy a large extent of the pyloric region ; in man, on the contrary, but a small zone here. They are, again, in part ramified, in part unramified tubes. One may also recognize here in the excretory duct (and it may acquire a very considerable length) the ordinary cylindrical epithelium of the gastric mucous membrane (Fig. 122, a). The lower true portion of the gland shows, on the contrary, lower cubical cells (b) richer in fine granules. They become cloudy in acetic acid, and call to mind the " chief cells " of the peptic-gastric glands. Small racemose glandules appear in the human pyloric re- gion. Isolated lymphoid follicles form the lenticular glan- dules, familiar to us from p. 112. At the border of the mucous membrane, towards the sub- mucous tissue, there is a net- work of smooth muscular fibres, the muscularis mucosae (p. 80). Thin strips pass up between the gland tubes. The arrangement of the vessels in the gastric mucous mem- brane (Fig. 126) is elegant and characteristic. Thin and slen- der arterial branches, rising up through the submucous tissue,, terminate in a long-meshed capillary net-work, circumvolut- ing the gland tubes, and forming rings around the apertures of the latter. The transition into venous roots takes place on the surface only, and these rapidly unite into large de- scending veins. The latter form a broad-meshed reticulum of wider tubes beneath the mucous membrane. The lymphatic passages were recently discovered by an eminent Swedish investigator, Loven. Large net-works, situated in the submucous tissue, send upwards considerable caecal canals, which pass between the glands and reach nearly to the gastric surface. The gastric juice, an acid fluid, contains a peculiar fermen- tative body, pepsine. The granules in the covering cells (and possibly in the chief cells) are this substance, which has been formed by the gland cells. The power of the secretion to 7 146 THIRTEENTH LECTURE. digest albumen must be left for discussion in another lec- ture. Let us pass to the small intestine. Its serous covering and the smooth muscles, forming a double layer, we here omit. The mucous membrane, on the con- trary, requires an accurate description, for its structure is more complicated than in the stomach. In the first place, we meet with innumerable large crescen- tic folds (increasing downwards in height), the valvulae con- niventes Iverkringii. The surface of the small intestine, be- sides, projects in millions of complicated papillae, the intes- tinal villi. In the mucous membrane we meet, furthermore, with an infinite number of small glandular tubes, the Lieber- kuhnian glands; and in the duodenum, with small racemose organs, the Brunonian glands. Finally, the small intestine contains solitary and aggregate (Peyerian) lymph follicles. The tissue of the mucous membrane of the small intestine also shows a muscularis mucosae, but it is thinner than in the stomach, and then a reticu- lar connective substance containing numerous lym- phoid cells (Fig. 47, a). The villi (Fig. 137) — we have already mentioned them in a previous lecture — also consist of a similar tissuu. Even the surface is distinctly fenestrated, although with narrower meshes. In the axis we find the chyle vessel (Fig. 95, d), single or multiple, in the latter case sometimes connected in an arched and bridge-like manner, covered by thin slips of smooth muscle {c) derived from the muscularis mucosae, and finally circum- voluted by a looped net-work of capillaries (b . We are already familiar with this from what has preceded. U~o Fig. 137. — Lieberkiihnian glands (a) of the cat, with the intestinal villi [b) situated over them. THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. H7 That the whole intestinal canal is lined with cylindrical epi- thelium, was mentioned in the second lecture. We also de- scribed the peculiarity which the cylinder cells of the small intestines presented, the thickened seam, permeated by porous canals, of the free broad surface. We now turn to the glands. By far the more important formations are the Lieberkuhnian tubular glands (Fig. 137, a). They are infinitely numerous, and occupy not only the mu- cous membrane of the small, but also that of the large intes- tine. We are thus reminded of the gastric glands ; the capillary net-work is also the same. The Lieberkuhnian glands are smaller, however ; they are only 0.38 to 0.45 mm. long, and 0.056 to 0.09 mm. broad. Their membrana propria also appears more delicate ; the tube remains undivided, and is lined by a simple layer of cyl- indrical gland cells (Fig. 117, b). The opening occurs regu- larly in the narrow vales which are enclosed by the adjacent villi. They secrete the intestinal juice. The racemose or Brunonian glands (Fig. 138) of the small intestine are of far more subordinate importance. They com- Fig. 138. — A human Brunner's gland. mence, in man, just beyond the stomach, and form, in a crowded sequence, a regular glandular cushion embedded in the submucous tissue. They thus extend to about the en- 143 THIRTEENTH LECTURE. trance of the biliary duct, becoming more scanty further downwards. The mammalia show numerous variations. The size varies in man from 0.25 to 2 mm. The acini ap- pear rounded, elongated, sometimes regularly tube-like (0.56 too. 14 mm.) The duct and gland body have the same cover- ing of low cylindrical, pale and irregular cells. If I am not mistaken, the Brunonian gland stands in the middle, between the ordinary racemose mucous gland, the gastric-mucous gland and the serous gland. Concerning the secretion we know very little. Isolated lymphoid follicles (solitary glands) may occur throughout the entire small intestine. These, as well as the aggregated lymphoid follicles (the Peyer's plates) have already been mentioned in the eleventh lecture. We have already mentioned that the Lieberkuhnian tubu- lar glands have an elongated net-work of blood-vessels. From it arise, and to it return, the afferent and efferent vessels of the intestinal villi, which form the looped net-work (Fig. 95, b). The lymph or chyle vessels of the intestinal villi, having descended into the mucous membrane, likewise form a net- work, very much more incom- plete it is true, of wider tubes. Our Fig. 109 (a, b, c, k, to the left) may represent this toler- ably. During the resorption of the chyme, its fat, in a con- dition of the finest division, penetrates first the body of the cylindrical epithelium ; it then enters a wall-less passage through the reticular connective substance of the villi, and, at last, the csecal chyle canal (Fig. 1 39) occupying the axis of the latter. ■ ' Preformed passages " for this process of wandering have frequently been searched for, it is true, and they have often been thought to be found, Fig. 139. — The very slender intestinal villus of a kid, killed during digestion, with- out epithelium, and with the lymphatic ves- sel tilled with chlye, in the axis. THE DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. 149 Fig. 140. — Glands of the large intes- tine of the rabbit. One tube with cells ; the others drawn without cells. but subsequently nothing of all this was confirmed. These were simply microscopic observations such as should not be made, instituted for the purpose of filling up a gap in the present physiological knowledge at any price. The Lieberkiihnian tubes continue throughout the mu- cous membrane of the whole large intestine, but now receive, most superfluously, a new name, that of the glands of the large intes- tine (Fig. 140). They have not be- come changed in the least. The reticular connective sub- stance of the mucous membrane of the small intestine has, however, been further transformed into an ordinary connective tissue ; the reticular character is less pronounc- ed, and the number of lymphoid cells contained in the tissue has de- creased enormously. The intesti- nal villi of the small intestine have finally entirely disappeared. If the mucous membrane, as in the upper part of the rabbit's colon, still projects as papillae, the latter appear broader and as prominences of the ordinary mucous mem- brane permeated by tubular glands (Fig. 100). The colon presents isolated lymphoid follicles. In the vermiform process of man and the rabbit, on the contrary, there is an enormous Peyerian plate, as we remarked at page 114. The blood-vessels of the large intestine correspond with those of the stomach (Fig. 126) for an interchange. Lym- phatics have also been subsequently met with in the carni- vora and herbivora. Those of the upper colon of the rabbit are represented by our Fig. 100, g, f, e. In the anus the simple cylinder epithelium is sharply de- marcated from the modified epidermis. At the lower end of the intestine, the smooth and transversely striated muscles become intermixed, reminding us of the oesophagus. FOURTEENTH LECTURE. PANCREAS AND LIVER. We have still left the two largest glandular organs of the digestive apparatus, the pancreas and liver. We shall soon finish the pancreas ; the liver, on the contrary, requires a more accurate discussion, in consequence of its peculiarities. The pancreas is an enormous racemose structure. It re- minds one of the salivary glands. The rounded acini meas- ure 0.06 to O.09 mm. The membrana propria is likewise said to have flat stellate cells. The rounded vascular net- work was represented in our Fig. 127. The lymphatics re- quire still more accurate investigation. The gland vesicles are lined with indistinctly separated, very- granular cubical cells. In the adult rabbit the latter show fatty molecules in their interior, that is in the parts turned to- wards the lumen. The middle and external portions remain transparent. Between them appears the net work of finest secretory tubes, already familiar to us from Fig. 125 (Sa- viotti). The thin-walled excretory duct of the human pancreas contains no muscular elements. Below, it presents mucous glandules. It is covered by a low cylindrical epithelium. If followed, in animals, into the gland, these cells are found to become more and more flat in the branches. Finally, in the gland vesicles themselves, we meet with thoroughly flattened ele- ments, reminding us of the endothelia of the vessels. These are the so-called " centro-acinary " cells (Langerhans), which are found widely extended, not only in the pancreas, but also in the parotid. The character of the gland cells in a quiescent and active condition requires further investigation. PANCREAS AND LIVER. 151 Let us now turn to the liver. The liver — as its natural external surface, or that of an arti- ficial section teaches — consists of individual, crowded areae, the so-called hepatic islets or hepatic lobules. In many crea- tures, as the pig, the demarcation of the lobules is very dis- tinct. The borders of the lobules appear tolerably distinct in the human organ during the infantile period of life, but very indistinct, on the contrary, in the adult. Our liver islets are as- sumed to measure, as a mean, 2.2 mm. A hepatic lobule (Fig. 141), however, consists essentially of innumera- ble gland cells and, cross- ing them, an uncommon- ly complicated capillary net-work. The latter unite at the central point of the lobule to form Fig. 141. -Hepatic lobule of a boy ten years old, S11 initlal branch of the Wiethe transverse section of the central hepatic vein hepatic Vein J the limits are shown externally by the branches of the portal vein and the fine biliary branches. The liver cells have already been noticed at Fig. 121. These thick, obtuse-angled structures, whose mean measure- ment is 0.018 to 0.023 nim., contain nuclei of 0.006 to 0.007 mm., with nucleoli. The soft, granular cell body remains membraneless and endowed with a slow contractility (Leuc- kart). The brown molecules of the biliary coloring matter in the cell body, as well as the fatty embedments, we have already mentioned. The latter occur in the suckling infant, in adults whose diet is rich, and also in fattened animals. They form the so-called fatty liver (Fig. 142). The cell sup- ports such an overloading with fat (c, d) relatively well. 152 FOURTEENTH LECTURE. Fig. 142.— Cells of the fat- ty liver ; a, t>. with smaller fat molecules and drops ; c, rf, with large drops. abundantly (pig). With an altered manner of life, the unusual contents soon disappear again. In the lobule (Fig. 141) the cells lie crowded together in a radiated manner, forming simple rows. Reticular combinations gradually become more frequent externally. These are the so-called cellular trabecular and cellulo- trabecular reticula of our organ. Between the lobules we meet with in- terstitial connective tissue, sometimes only slightly developed (man), sometimes This connective tissue derives its origin, in part, from the investing membrane of the liver ; it is, in part, the continuation of a connective-tissue sheath which sur- rounds the blood-vessels and biliary passages entering the porta hepatis (Glisson's capsule). The liver receives its blood from two unequally developed supply tubes, the wide portal vein and the narrow hepatic artery. The first forms, around the lobules, partly shorter or longer branches (Fig. 94), sometimes, however, nearly and actually assuming a ring-shaped arrangement (pig). These branches rapidly divide into the compact capillary net-work of 0.009 to 0.0126 mm. wide tubes. They approach the cen- tre of the lobule in a radial manner to bury themselves in the commencing portion of the hepatic vein, which is situated at this point. The latter, like its larger trunks, has uncom- monly thin walls, and has coalesced externally with the parenchyma of the liver. The branches of the hepatic artery, running along with the portal vein and biliary ducts, form, in the first place, nu- tritious vessels for both the last mentioned parts, and then capsular capillaries ; finally, they penetrate the lobule itself. They either bury themselves here in the branches of the por- tal vein, or pass over into the peripheral portion of the capil- lary net-work. Both varieties of net-work, that of the hepatic cell tra- becular and that of the blood-vessels, are most intimately PANCREAS AND LIVER. 153 zfeOYJ interwoven with each other, so that every space of the one meshwork is occupied by portions of the other. After suitable treatment, as Beale and Wagner found, thin sections of the hard- ened hepatic tissue show an uncommonly elegant reticu- lar tissue of a right delicate, homogeneous, nucleated, connective substance (Fig. 143, a). In the last period of fcetal life, or in the new-born (Fig. 143), this consists distinctly, in places, of a double mem- brane. The one layer corresponds to the capillary walls (and shows here and there a combination of the flat, vascular cells — Eberth) ; the other, investing the hepatic cell-trabeculse, represents a finest membrana propria. Fig. 143. — Frame-work substance from the rab- bit's liver ; <7, homogeneous membrane with nu- clei : 6, thread-like strands of the latter ; e, sev- eral hepatic cells still retained. Fig. 144. — Biliary capillaries of the rabbit's liver. 1. A part of the lobule ; <7, vena hepatica : b. branch of the portal vein ; c, biliary ducts ; d, capillaries. 2. The biliary capillaries (i) in their relation to the capillary blood-vessels (a). 3. The relation of the biliary capillaries to the hepatic cells ; a, capillaries ; b, hepatic cells ; c, biliary ducts ; d, capillary blood-vessels. Great difficulty was encountered, during a long period, in the investigation of the finest biliary passages (Fig. 144). A n* 154 FOURTEENTH LECTURE. reliable result was at last secured here by means of trouble- some injections* (Gerlach, Budge, Andrejevic, MacGillavry). The finer ramified system of the biliary passages may, it is true, be still readily recognized (Fig. 144, 1). They run with the branches of the portal vein (b\ in the intervening spaces of adjacent hepatic lobules. From them arise fine branches which circumvolute the branch of the portal vein (V). They are continuous inwards with a marvelously delicate net-work of finest canals, the so-called biliary capillaries (d). The diameter of the latter is 0.0025 to 0.0018 mm. (rabbit). They surround the individual liver cells (3, b) with elegant cubical meshes (a), so that the cellular element comes into contact at one point or another of its surface with these finest tubules. We thus have, in addition to the two coarse net- works of the cellular trabecular and capillary vessels, this third, finest one, of the biliary capillaries. They are also not wanting in the other classes of vertebrate animals. There is, nevertheless, considerable variation (Her- ing, Eberth). We now encounter the question : do the biliary capillaries possess a proper wall, or are they only the finest lacunar canals? Furthermore, what is their more exact relation to the hepatic cells ? I have not doubted that there was a special, although extremely thin wall, from the instant that I began to study the biliary capillaries of the rabbit. One sees here, not only the artificially injected, but also the adjacent empty tubules (often to a considerable extent), regularly demarcated by sharp, straight lines. A lacunar system between contractile cells would otherwise scarcely present the regularity of the biliary net-work. We therefore coincide with Eberth and Koelliker in the assumption of a wall. The same is also shown bv the cat's liver. * These may be made from the biliary passages in the fresh animal cadaver. This was the earlier procedure. An injection may also be made into the vein of the living animal of indigo sulphate of soda, which is soon (as in the kidney) secreted by the liver (Chrzonszczewsky). ■AJ A1*^ ^ . .a. rau PANCREAS AND LIVER, 155 Fig. 145. — Finest biliary passages of the rabbit's liver ; itii,cus\ injected with quick- cUV CUldl pUbbd^Cb ^OCIlLUZe^. silver; a, endxif a bronchial twig ; c, al- npi • i i ■/» ,• veoiar canal ; %, infundibuia. I heir acute-angled ramifications (c) are familiar. Communicating with them laterally and also terminally are short, conical hol- low structures (b), the primary pulmonary lobules or, as they are commonly called, the infundibuia. As the gland lobule consists of the gland saccules or acini, so does the just mentioned infundibulum consist of similar structures, the pulmonary vesicles, pulmonary cells or alveoli. They are less isolated from each other, however, and to a certain extent present more diverticulations of their walls, which meet in common cavities. At a later period, indeed, there is not unfrequently an absorption of individual portions of the walls. Such expansions of the wall of the alveolar passage into pulmonary vesicles (c) are met with every- where. On making a section through the lung tissue, we meet with the alveoli in the form of rounded and oval spaces (Fig. 147, b, b). Their diameter varies from o. 1128 to 0.3760 mm., and increases with the age. The hermetic enclosure of the respiratory organs in the THE LUNGS. 159 thoracic cavity compels the pulmonary alveoli to maintain a certain expansion permanently. In consequence of their great distensibility, the lungs follow the expansion of the thorax. By means of their elastic power, and assisted by the muscles of their canals, they contract at each expiration, Fig. 147. — Transverse section through the pulmonary substance of a child of nine months. A number of pulmonary cells, b, surrounded by the elastic fibrous net-work, which bound them in a trabecula-like manner, and, with the thin structureless membrane, forming their walls {11) ; d, por- tions of the capillary net-work with their vessels curved in a tendril-like manner, projecting into the cavities of the pulmonary cells ; c, remains of the epithelium. as far as the thoracic walls permit. It is only when the tho- racic cavity is opened that the lungs with their alveoli com- pletely collapse. The parietes of the pulmonary vesicles, a continuation of the terminal canal system, is a very thin connective-tissue mem- brane. It is surrounded by elastic fibres, finer and coarser, sometimes single, sometimes aggregated in groups. The latter are met with in the interalveolar septa. The fundus of the pulmonary alveolus shows only the finest elements, measur- ing 0.0011 mm., in part more isolated, in part connected in a reticular manner. l6o FIFTEENTH LECTURE. The primary pulmonary lobules of the new-born — later the nature of the arrangement becomes more indistinct — united by connective-tissue intermediate substance, form larger or secondary lobules. The latter appear on the surface of the organ in the human adult as areae. measuring I to 2 mm. and more, demarcated by a black substance, and often appearing quite distinct. They form, at last, the large lobes. Their delineation belongs to descriptive anatomy. We have just mentioned the black substance in the inter- lobular connective tissue ; it may occur between and in the walls of the pulmonary vesicles, and even in the bodies of their epithelial cells, as we shall mention hereafter. This is the so-called black lung pigment. We have just used the epithet "so-called." In fact these substances are not melanine, the complicated, dark ferrugi- nous coloring matter of the organism. They have rather an extraneous origin ; they are carbon, breathed in in a finely divided condition, which is induced by our artificial life in enclosed place's. Mammals living wild show nothing of this, but it is seen in their kin when domesticated by man. In human beings constantly surrounded by smoke and soot, or in laborers in coal mines, the lungs may at last become quite black. If we shut a dog up in a place in which there is a constant genera- tion of soot, a similar change of the respiratory organs takes place with relative rapidity. In a condition of the finest division, these particles of car- bon penetrate the epithelial cells, and from them enter the pulmonary tissue. A great portion of them here become permanently quiet. Others enter the lymphatics, and pass from these into the lymphoid bronchial glands. They also become fixed in the latter organs. This is the so-called mela- nosis of these structures. Let us now examine the vascular arrangement. By the continual division of the pulmonary artery, there arises a system of fine blood-vessels, which encircle the in- dividual pulmonary vesicles, and frequently combine into THE LUNGS. 161 Fig. 148. — A pulmonary alveolus of the calf; a, larger blood-vessels, which run in the alve- olar septa ; b, capillary net-work ; c, epithe- lial cells. incomplete or more complete rings (Fig. 148, a). From them arises an uncommonly close capillary net-work of tubes 0.0056 to 0.0113 mm. wide, which are scarcely separated from the atmospheric air by the thin membrane of the alveolar walls (b). The respiratory in- terchange of gases takes place here. These capillaries appear elongated when the lung vesi- cles are strongly expanded. When less expanded they pro- ject, in a tendril-like manner, into the cavity, reminding us of a relative condition in the muscles. The pulmonary veins commence with small branches in the interalveolar septa. Gradually combining into larger trunks, they accompany the ramifications of the bronchia and the divisions of the pulmo- nary arteries. The bronchial arteries are regarded as the nutritive vessels of the respiratory organ, but there is no very sharp demar- cation between them and the respiratory pulmonary arteries. The former supply the walls of the larger blood-vessels, the adjacent lymphatic glands, the connective tissue between the pulmonary lobules and beneath the pleura. Finally, they form the capillary net-works of the various parietal layers of the efferent bronchial system ; but the most superficial net- work of the mucous membrane arises, in a peculiar manner, from the respiratory system of vessels. The bronchial veins appear to be quite peculiar. They are conjectured to be only the reflux vessels of the arterial branches from the larger bronchial ramifications, from the lymphatic glands and from the pleura nearest the hilus of the lungs. The venous roots from the walls of the finer bronchi pass, on the contrary, into the respiratory pulmonary veins. The lungs are rich in lymphatics, beneath the pleura as well l62 FIFTEENTH LECTURE. as in the bronchial system. Lymphatic lacuni also occur in the pulmonary vesicles, and their efferent vessels subsequently invest the blood-vessels (Wywodzoff). We have, finally, to mention the epithelial lining of the alveoli. This has occasioned much discussion. In the mam- malial and human embryo there is a continuous covering of flat, protoplasmatic, nucleated cells. A change occurs after birth, however, with the commencement of aerial respiration. FlG. 149. — The epithelium from the basis portion of an infundibulum. situated just beneath the pleura of the developed cat ; treated with nitrate of silver. Only a small contingent of our cells now retain their old characteristics (Fig. 149). The epithelial element, over the incurvations of the pulmonary vessels, and over all the other prominences, has become a much more considerable proto- plasmless and non-nucleated scale. SIXTEENTH LECTURE. THE KIDNEY, WITH THE URINARY PASSAGES. The structure of the mammalial kidney is extremely com- plicated. This bean-shaped organ is covered by a not very thick, but resistent, connective-tissue envelope. The blood- vessels and lymphatics pass in and out at the hilus, and the efferent canal, the ureter, also has its exit at this point. The kidney (Fig. 150), consists of two different layers, a cortical, and a medul- lary substance. The former (above, /), appears to the naked eye dark and homo- geneous ; the latter (a, b), paler, displays a radiated fibrous arrangement. In most mammals it projects in a single point into the pelvis of the kidney (a). In man the medullary substance is divided into a num- ber of conical portions, with their bases turned towards the cortex and their points towards the hilus. These are the Malpighian or medullary pyramids. The columnae Bertini are de- pressions of the cortical substance between the latter portions of these cones. The cortex and medulla are, further- more, permeated by a connective-tissue frame-work. The elements of the cortex, as well as of the medulla, are long, glandular tubes, the so-called uriniferous canals or Bellinian tubes. In the medulla they divide frequently, and run in a radial direction (b). They continue through the Fig. 150. — Diagram of the mammalial kidney : a, papilla; b, straight uriniferous canals of the medulla ; c, so-called medullary rays of the cortex ; d, outermost cortical layer ; e, cortical pyramids, with the arte- ries connected with the glomeruli ; f, border layer. 1 64 SIXTEENTH LECTURE. d — cortex from point to point, in the form of straight bundles (c). They are here called medullary rays. Between them, al- though incompletely demarcated, remain considerable portions of the cortical substance (e), comparable to a truncated pyra- mid. These are the so-called cortical (| P pyramids. In them run the glandular 1 I 11 • 1 , -r , , tubules, with the most manifold turnings, which finally encompass, with their knob- like dilatations, the Malpighian vascular coil or glomerulus (Fig. 96). The latter structures occur in this portion of the organ only. Let us now commence the discussion of the particulars with the most internal division, with the apices of the medul- lary pyramids, the renal papillae. Here, alone, in the form of 10 to 15 apertures, the efferent canal-work of this organ, which is so complicated in its structure, opens as a system of short canals (Fig. 151, a). Very soon afterwards they break up, by acute-angled ramifications, into branches of the first and second order [b, c), and this is repeated several times more. The whole thus acquires a brush-like appearance. The canals be- come narrowed, in consequence of this continual subdivision, from 0.3 and 0.2 to 0.05 mmv About 4 to 5 mm. from the apex of the papilla the process oi division ceases, however ; the straight canals now maintain their diameter un- changed for a long distance. Between them — and this was dis- covered by Henle — occurs an additional system of much finer loop-shaped canals (d). In order to facilitate a further insight, let us give to that particular part Fig. 151. — Vertical section through the medullary pyra- mids of the pig's kidney (semi- diagramatic) ; a, trunk of a uriniferous canal, opening at the apex of the pyramid ; b and c, its system of' branches ; d, loop-shaped uriniferous ca- nals ; e, vascular loop, andyj ramification of the vasa recta. THE KIDNEY AND URINARY PASSAGES. 165 of the tube which descends from the convoluted cortical por- tion, and the side of the loop which passes off from this, the name of the descending, and that portion which returns towards the surface of the organ the name of the ascending side. The former usually has the least, and the latter the greatest diameter. The number of the looped canals in- creases in proportion as we examine the cortical layer further upwards towards the medullary layer. The terminal trunk of the efferent canal-work is invested by the connective-tissue frame-work of the papillary apices, and is without a membrana propria. The latter gradually makes its appearance at the system of branches, and is more distinct as well as more compact at the looped canals. Low cylinder cells of 0.03 to 0.02 mm. border the transverse section of the efferent canal system (Fig. \$2,a). In the further system of branches the lining cells are still lower (down to 0.016 mm.) Let us now, for an instant, leave the efferent apparatus and examine the secretory portion of the kidney. We will now turn to the cortical layer of our organ and, first of all, examine more closely the so-called cortical pyramids (Fig. 150, e). In their axis is seen a branch of the renal artery, to which the glomeruli are attached by lateral branches, like the berries on the stem of the grape (Fig. 150, e\ Fig. 155). A cortical pyramid, however — we repeat what was pre- viously said — consists, for the rest, entirely of convoluted uriniferous canals. They take their origin with a balloon- shaped portion which surrounds the glomerules, as a bag does a sponge. This is the Miiller's or Bowman's capsule. Its con- Fig. 152. — Transverse section through a re- nal pyramid of the new-born child ; a, collec- tive tubes with cylindrical epithelium ; b, de- scending side of the looped canal with flat cells ; c, returning side of the loop with granu- lar celU ; d, transverse sections of vessels ; e, connective-tissue frame-work substance. 1 66 SIXTEENTH LECTURE. tracted transition into the uriniferous canals (the so-called neck) was discovered at a relatively recent period. Only the most external cortical portion of our organ (Hyrtl named it the cortex corticis) is without this peculiar vascular coil (Fig. 150, d\ Fig. 155, d). The inner surface of this capsule has a lining of large, fiat, endothelial cells. The external surface of the glomerulus presents an invest- ment of smaller cells which are not so flat. I found them thus, formerly. According to Heidenhain, however, the lat- ter elements are likewise quite flat. In the convoluted uriniferous canals we meet with a clouded, granular, cubical epithelium, and the lumen is quite narrow. Following this glandular tubule downwards, we find it as- suming a straight and direct course. At first it still remains wide, and the gland cells are unchanged. Then, having en- tered the medullary substance, it diminishes in width, exceed- ingly, and now becomes the narrow descending side of Henle's looped canal. A re- markable transformation of the epithelial lining has taken place at the same time ; quite thin, flat scales, appearing like vascular endothelium, now line the canal (Fig. 152, #.) Following the loop further, we arrive at the ascending wider side. Its epithelium is again the old, clouded, glandular variety of the convoluted uriniferous canals, as we must maintain in contradistinction to Ludwig. The returning side finally passes over in the cortex — some- times deeper, sometimes quite near the surface — into an expanded, gut-like convoluted structure, the so-called " inter- I ig. 153. — From the kidney of the pig (scmi- diagramatic) ; «, arterial branch : b. afferent vessels of the glomerulus, c ; d, vas efferens ; e, breaking up of the same into the straight capillary plexus of the medullary ray ; _/, rounded plexus of the convoluted canals ; /', ,f, commencement of the venous branch. THE KIDNEY AND URINARY PASSAGES. 167 calary piece." Several of these intercalary pieces open into a collective tube, and the latter combine into larger canals. We have thus presented the whole connection of the kidney. Heidenhain has quite recently made an interest- ing discovery concerning the epithelium of the con- voluted uriniferous canals, of the returning side of the loop, and of the inter- calary piece. Its proto- plasm is in great part metamorphosed into a con- siderable number of very fine cylinders or rods. Around the nucleus, which these "rod cells" invest, as well as between the rods, there remains a residue of unchanged pro- toplasm. These rods, with which the gland cells rest on the membrana, give the transverse section of these uriniferous canals a radio- striated appearance. The medullary rays pene- trate the cortex, like groups of pegs driven close to- gether into a board. They consist of two different elements. In the first Fig. 154. — Diagram of the uriniferous canals in a vertical section of the kidney; R, cortex: M, medulla ; *. border : a, efferent canal-work, with the system of branches b ; c. transition canal (or inter- calary pieced in the ascending or returning side d\ e. descending ; /, convoluted uriniferous canal of the cortex ; g, capsule with the glomerulus. place we have the cortical branches of the efferent canal-work of the medullary substance pushing forwards to near the sur- face of the kidney ; these are accompanied by the upper portions of the ascending looped canals, which have a smaller diameter. 1 68 SIXTEENTH LECTURE. I cannot presume that the highly complicated structure of the mammalial and human kidney is hereby rendered appre- ciable to every one ; let us, therefore, make a brief repeti- tion. From the glomerulus (Fig. 154, g) and convoluted cortical canals (/) the secretion reaches the descending (nar- rower) side (, coil-bearing artery ; c, vasa afferentia of the glomeruli ; d, capillary reticulum of the external cortical layer ; c, vein of this p;irt ; f, elongated capillary net-work of the medullary rays ; g, rounded net-work around the convoluted uriniferous canals of the cortical pyramids ; h, venous branch of the cortex ; z, efferent vessels of the deepest glomeruli ; /■. their capil- lary net-work ; /, venous tubes of the medulla ; «', capillary net-work of the papilla. 170 SIXTEENTH LECTURE. A variety of views prevail, however, concerning the vascular relations of the medulla. Elongated vascular tufts, which appear in the upper portion of the medullary substance, the so-called boundary layer (Fig. 150,/), are called vasa recta (Fig. 151, f\ 155, k and /). They pass, sometimes further upwards, sometimes further downwards, in a looped or noose-like manner, into each other, and may be mistaken for the looped canals of the urinary passages (Fig. 151, e). Our vasa recta then form an elegant net-work (Fig. 155, m) around the apertures of the uriniferous canals at the apex of the medullary pyramids. These vasa recta have frequently, if not predominantly, a venous character (/) ; they are continuations of the capillary net-work of the cortical pyramids. Then — and we regard this source of supply as the more important — the medullary vessels arise from the breaking up of the vasa efferentia of the deepest glomeruli (Fig. 155,0- Quite isolated arterial branches, which have left the coil- bearing arteries before the giving off of the glomerulus branches, are, according to our views, of little consequence, though many investigators have considered these so-called arteriolae rectae to be of great importance. The combination of the vasa recta into venous roots (/) presents a similar condition. They frequently have a tuft- like character. Their affluent tubes are the returning sides of the looped vessels and the effluent canals of the papillary apices. These venous roots empty in part into the lower terminal portion of the cortical veins, in part into the arched communications at the margin between the cortex and the medulla. We are familiar with the lymphatics of the dog's kidney (Ludwig and Zawarykin). They occupy the interstices of a connective tissue full of clefts, which is situated beneath the capsule, and from here are in communication with the capsu- lar passages, and then form in the cortical pyramids finer, deeper canals between the uriniferous canals, capsules of the THE KIDXE Y AXD URINAR Y PASS A GES. \ 7 r glomeruli and blood-vessels. Later, in making the injection, the narrower passages of the medullary rays become filled, and at last the lymphatics of the medullary substance itself. The whole reminds us of the arrangement in the testicle (see be- low). True lymphatics with valves first appear, however, at the hilus. The question now arises, which of the two systems of ves- sels, that of the glomerulus or the net-work circumvoluting the uriniferous canals, secretes the urine ? This role has been assigned to the glomerulus, and only the signification of an absorbing arrangement ascribed to the capillary net-work of the uriniferous canals (Ludwig). According to another view (Bowman), however, the glomeruli secrete the water chiefly, and the cells of the uriniferous canals, as true gland cells, fur- nish the characteristic solid constituents of the urine, which are washed out by the water flowing past. A new, and as I can say correct, observation of Heidenhain's is of signifi- cance for this theory of Bowman's. Indigo sulphate of soda injected into the veins of a living mammal is not excreted by the glomeruli, but through the convoluted glandular canals of the cortical pyramids. Let us finally take a hasty glance at the passages which convey away the urine. The calices and pelvis of the kidney present a connective- tissue outer layer, a middle layer of crossed smooth muscles (especially in the pelvis of the kidney), then a mucous mem- brane with the pavement epithelium mentioned at p. 30. Mucous glands may also occur. The muscular coating is thicker in the ureter. An external layer shows longitudinal, and an inner layer transverse fibres. Further downwards, a third, innermost, longitudinal layer is added. The urinary bladder has a relative structure. The muscular layer, considerably thickened, consists of oblique and transverse reticularly connected bundles of fibres. The sphincter vesicae appears at the neck of the bladder as a thicker annular layer. The longitudinal layers of the detru- sor urinoe run over the vertex and anterior wall of the organ. 172 SIXTEENTH LECTURE. The mucous membrane and epithelium remain the same. Simple mucous glandules are likewise met with. The female urinary canal, the urethra, presents a longitu- dinally folded mucous membrane with papillae. The mucous membrane is very vascular, and has numerous mucous gland- ules, the largest of which bear the name of Littre's glands. A strongly developed muscular layer consists of longitudi- nally and transversely arranged fibres. The epithelium is of the stratified flattened variety. SEVENTEENTH LECTURE. THE FEMALE GENERATIVE GLANDS. — THE OVARY WITH THE EFFERENT APPARATUS. The ovary, a peculiarly constructed organ, forms the most important portion of the female sexual apparatus. It has a flattened oval, occasionally bean-shaped form, and therefore has a hilus through which considerable blood-vessels and lymphatics enter and leave the organ. We may distinguish in the ovary a sort of medullary sub- stance, that is, a connective tissue, uncommonly vascular sub- stance or the vascular zone of Waldeyer ; and then an invest- ing glandular layer, the parenchyma zone. The medullary substance begins at the hilus. Its large vascular canals remind us of the later-to-be-mentioned cav- ernous tissue of the urinary and sexual passages. It radi- ates outwards into a frame-work permeating the glandular cortical layer. At the surface of the organ the frame-work reunites into a more solid continuous substance (Fig. 156, b). The entire ovary is covered by a simple layer of low cylin- drical cells (a). This was formerly erroneously called a serous membrane, but now bears the name of the germinal epithe- lium, a designation the correctness of which we shall learn later. We have next to describe the glandular constituents of the ovary, which are by far the most important. Beneath the firmer connective-tissue border layer we meet with an almost non-vascular layer of youngest ovules, the cortical or primordial follicle zone (Fig. 156, c). We here discover the young ova, already represented in Fig. 5. They are small globular elements (0.0587 mm. large), with an elegant globular and vesicular nucleus (0.0226 mm.). 174 SEVENTEENTH LECTURE. The cell body is constituted by a membraneless protoplasma containing fat granules. Each of these ovules is surrounded by a corona of small nucleated cells. The whole is finally enveloped in connective tissue. These are the so-called pri- mordial follicles which, often occurring quite crowded here, present an enormous excess of egg-germs. Other primordial follicles (Fig. 5, 2) become larger ; the ovule, which has meanwhile also increased somewhat in size, appears to be surrounded by a thicker hyaline rind. The small investing cells now form a double row (a). In the further development, however, both the cell layers @; ■\ •"-* FlG. 156.— Ovary of the rabbit ; a, germinal epithelium (serosa) : b, cortical or external fibrous layer; c, youngest follicles ; head ; b J * middle piece; c, tail. in the animal kingdom. Let us confine ourselves to the class of mammalia. The filamentous, diminutive thing here shows a so-called head (a), then a somewhat thicker, thread-like, middle ap- pendage, the middle piece {b), and finally, extraordinarily thin, and becoming finer, the terminal piece or tail (c). There was formerly no distinction made between these fila- mentous portions. Whether this remarkable structure also has an internal complication is not determined, but is improbable. The head of the human seminal element appears as an oval disk, somewhat widened backwards, 0.0045 mm. long and about half as much in breadth, and not more than 0.0013 to 0.0018 mm. thick. The entire filament may have a length of 0.0451 mm. ; but its terminal end is infinitely thin and dif- ficult to recognize. In the fruitful copulation, the seminal filaments penetrate the zona pellucida of the ovum, conducted through the very fine porous canals of this envelope (Fig, 158, a), and pass into the yolk, that is, into the true ovum cell. They here finally disintegrate by fatty degeneration. The process of division which we have already mentioned i88 EIGHTEENTH LECTURE. at p. 14 may, indeed, commence without spermatozoa, and even in the mammalial animal ; but it soon ceases. When, however, the seminal elements have mingled their expiring body with the yolk, then (in an enigmatical manner, it is true), the multiplying process of the segmentation of the vi- tellus is continued, until at last innumerable building stones have been acquired, of which we have already spoken (p. 179). Whence comes the seminal filament ? For more than one generation this question has been very correctly answered : from the convoluted canals of the testi- cle. But the hozv has called forth the most diversified an- swers among the older investigators, their successors, as well as the present generation of histologists. The incipient, crude and bad methods of examination certainly led the pio- neers to the grossest delusions. That we at present understand the whole, I certainly doubt very much ; still we have made some progress. Let us listen, therefore, to the results of the most recent studies (Neumann, von Ebner, Mihalkovics). We have already mentioned (p. 185) that the most external gland-cell layer of the quiescent seminiferous canal presents a prismatic radiated form. This cell is the spermatozoa-producing structure. All the numerous inner cells of this glandular canal appear to have no future ; they form merely an indifferent redundant substance. When the seminal gland becomes active — in mammals this is only pe- riodically the case, generally once a year, in man in uninterrupted se- quence throughout the entire pro- creative epoch — when, therefore, the testicle is active, a remarkable metamorphosis occurs in these pris- matic parietal cells (Fig. 165, b). The epithelial cell-body grows inwards, that is towards the Fig. 165. — From the seminiferous canals of the rat ; «, parietes with the cell nuclei ; parietal cells and sperma- toblasts , c, the latter with small nar- row nuclear corpuscles ; d, inner cell layer. THE MALE GENERA TIVE GLANDS. 189 axis of the glandular canal, into a pedicle or neck-like proto- plasma process. It might remind one of a rude and clumsy- candelabrum — but the comparison is a lame one. These modifications of our peripherical cell layer have been appropriately named spermatoblasts (von Ebner). In each club-like projection there is formed a nucleus (c) — how, we do not know. It becomes the head of the seminal element. The protoplasma, further inwards, is changed into the filament or tail. Thus each of our spermatoblasts pro- duces a number (8 to 12) of seminal filaments. At last the latter are set free, and lie in the lumen of the convoluted canals of the testicle, the caudal end in the axis of the canal, and directed downwards (Fig. 166, 1, b, c, 2). Ova and spermatozoa are, there- fore, according to their origin, quite different things. The former repre- sent very highly developed cells ; the latter proceed from portions of a more simple cell body. Let us finally turn to the efferent apparatus. The vas deferens presents an exter- nal connective-tissue layer, a middle layer consisting of three strata of muscles, and, finally, a mucous mem- brane covered with cylinder cells. The latter acquires below a greater development. The seminal vesicles and ejacula- tory duct have a similar structure. The prostate presents a system of small racemose glands embedded in an abundance of connective tis- sue, which first acquire their com- plete development at the period of puberty. The epithelium has a double layer (Langerhans). The Cowper's glands likewise belong to the racemose for- Fig. 166. — Development of the rat's spermatozua. i. Spermato- blast a, with head b, and filament c. 2. Nearly mature seminal fila- ment with adherent protoplasma re- mains. 190 EIGHTEENTH LECTURE. mation. Their cells are cylindrical, but become lower in the efferent canal-work. The male urethra presents a pars prostatica, a consecutive membranous middle portion (pars membranacea), and a terminal division running through the penis (pars cavernosa). The latter portion is surrounded by a cavernous tissue (corpus spongiosum urethrce), which takes the shape of the glans an- teriorly. Two similar cavernous structures, the corpora cav- ernosa penis, are added. The mucous membrane of the urethra has at first flattened, and further downwards cylindrical cells. It is surrounded by loose connective tissue, which might be called cavernous in consequence of its great vascularity, and over this there are smooth muscles. Racemose glandules occur in the prostatic portion, as well as in the colliculus seminalis. The mucous membrane presents folds. In the middle and lower portions the muscular coating diminishes more and more. The mucous membrane of the lower portion contains excavations (lacunae Morgagnii) and small, undeveloped Littre's mucous glandules. Towards the orifice of the urethra stratified flattened epithe- lium again commences. The skin of the penis, thin and flaccid, has a loose subcuta- neous cellular tissue, free from fat, and permeated by smooth muscular fibres. An extensible connective tissue, free from fat, unites the two plates of the prepuce ; it also contains mus- cular elements. The thin skin of the glans has numerous papillae, which dis- appear in the epithelial covering ; the inner, mucous-mem- brane-like surface of the prepuce also shows such papillae. The Tyson's glands occur on the inner surface of the pre- puce, occasionally also on the glans, especially on the frenu- lum. They participate in a very subordinate manner in the formation of the fatty smegma praeputii. Let us also mention, in conclusion, the structure of tile corpora cavernosa. These structures are surrounded by a firmer, elastic element, which is however poor in muscular elements, a so-called albuginea. It sends off innumerable THE MALE GENERATIVE GLANDS. 191 processes in an inward direction, which are sometimes larger sometimes smaller, in the form of trabeculae and plates. Con- nective tissue, elastic fibres and smooth muscular substance combined form the latter. This incomplete system of septa, as we must call it, is divided and interconnected in the most multifarious manner. We have, therefore, a system of spaces and cavities, remind- ing one of a bathing sponge, lined with vascular cells, des- tined to receive venous blood. Herein consists just the pecu- liarity of the so-called cavernous tissue. The various " cavernous bodies " present small subordinate structural peculiarities. We pass over these minutiae. Constantly filled with blood, they become periodically over- charged with the same, and cause the erection of the male or- gan. The cavernous bodies receive their blood supply to a slight extent from the arteria dorsalis penis, essentially from the arteria profundae. These arterial branches, enclosed in the tissue of the septum, pass into the cavernous spaces, partly through a capillary net- work, partly with an intermediate opening (Langer). Corkscrew-like, crooked arterial branches, the so-called arteriae helicinae of J. Miiller, constitute artefacts (Bouget, Langer). The various venae emissariae serve for the removal of the blood from the caverni. Abundant lymphatic net-works are not wanting in the male urethra and the organ of copulation (Teichmann, Belajeff). The theory of the erection we leave to physiology. NINETEENTH LECTURE. NERVE TISSUE. We turn to the final and highest histological formation of the animal body : we refer to the nerve tissue. This has been included among the so-called " compound tissues," that is those which possess more than one element. And, in fact, we here meet with two such, namely, fibres and cells. The former bear the name of the nerve fibres, nerve tubes or primitive fibres ; the latter are called nerve cells or ganglion bodies. The human nerve fibres appear either as dark contoured medullated elements (Fig. 167) or as pale non-medullated ones (Fig. 172, b). Since the former constitute by far the most widely extended and impor- tant peripheral elements, let us begin our discussion with them. They are, like the non-medullated, for long distances unramified fila- ments, but of very unequal diameter, from 0.0226 to 0.0018 mm. and less. We distinguish, accordingly, broad or coarse nerve fibres (Fig. 167, a) and fine or narrow ones {c, d, c). Inter- mediately between these appear the ill \lj nerve tubes of medium width (b). V \ II I"' (\ Let us commence our investigations of the structure with the coarse, medul- lated elements. Fresh and living, it appears like a thread of a homogeneous milk-glass-like substance. We recognize in it no further composition. a Fig. 167.— Human nerve fibres : a, broad ; 6, medium breadth ; c, d, e, fine. NERVE TISSUE. 193 The nerve tube is, however, a marvelously changeable thing. Under our eyes, and against the will of the observer, it changes its original appearance most rapidly into a second, third cadaveric image. It is at present established that every broad nerve tube con- sists of three elements. It is invested by a, as a rule, very fine homogeneous con- nective-tissue envelope, the neurilemma, the Schwann's or primitive sheath (Fig. 169, b, 171, e). The latter contains, from point to point, an elongated nucleus. Occasionally the neu- rilemma appears considerably thickened (Fig. 171, c). In the axis, occupying a fifth to a fourth of the entire diameter, we recognize a pale cylindrical filament, formed of Fig. 168. — Human nerve fibres in various stages of coagulation. Fig. 160. — Various nerve fibres ; a, after treatment with absolute alcohol : £, with collodion ; c, fibres of the lamprey ; d, from the olfactory nerve of the calf; e and y", from the human brain. an albuminous substance. This is the axis cylinder, the sole essential portion of the nerve tube (Fig. 169, a, b, c, e, 171, e). It is surrounded by the so-called nerve medulla or medullary sheath, a peculiar and very delicate combination of albumin- 9 194 NINETEENTH LECTURE. ous bodies, as well as lecithin and cerebrin. This investment originally conceals the axis cylinder. As soon as we isolate broad nerve tubes, we encounter the cadaveric form of the medullary sheath (Fig. 168). "They are now coagulated," is a customary expression of the histolo- gists. We meet with the most varying stages of coagulation, often close to each other, and even in the course of one and the same primitive tube. As a commencing stage, we discover on both sides a double contour, a sharp but dark external, and a closely applied finer border (Fig. 167, a, b, 168, b, above). Later, the double contours no longer run parallel with each other, and the inner one appears frequently interrupted (Fig. 168, b, below). The latter becomes constantly more and more irregular, and in the previously homogeneous axis por- tion, dark bordered, lumpy substances are formed (a, b). The process of coagulation may, it is true, be arrested at an earlier stage. The cortex then forms to a certain extent, a protective mantle around the axis portion. In other cases, the latter also does not escape its final destiny ; together with the cortex it is completely disintegrated into clots (c). It was a long time before the just described structure of the nerve tubes could be agreed upon. The existence of the axis cylinder, especially, gave rise to heated debates. It is to-day a child's play to recognize the latter in any transverse section of a hardened peripheral nerve or — which amounts to the same — each primitive tube in a white column of the spinal cord (Fig. 170). The nerve tubes of medium size have a similar constitution. A similar structure— envelope, axis cylin- der and medullary sheath — is also perceived in the fine filaments of the nerve trunks. Fig. 170. — Trans- verseiy divided nerve The medullary sheath ( Fig. 167, c,d) remains fibres from the postern ir ' column of the human clear, and simply demarcated, even with spinal cord. l J advanced post-mortem changes. Osmic acid, which rapidly blackens the medulla of the broad nerve NERVE TISSUE. 195 fibres, as it does other fatty substances, here acts much less thoroughly and more slowly ; there must certainly, therefore, be a difference in the constitution of these two different fibrous substances. Our fine nerve tubes present an additional peculiarity. Every mistreatment, pressure, pulling or reagent to which it is subjected causes a certain displace- ment of the medulla, so that unnaturally thinned spaces interchange with rounded bulgings (e). The latter have been desig- nated as varicosities, and varicose nerve fibres are spoken of. Nothing of the kind exists during life. We here touch upon another unsettled question. Ranvier, at present the first histologist of France, called attention to a familiar phenomenon, to constrictions which occur in the course of broad medullated (peripheral, but not central) fibres. Formerly, however, these con- strictions were always regarded as a product of the methods of preparation. Now, these constricted places (Fig. 171) are pretty regularly situated, and be- tween every two, very nearly at half the distance, one meets with a nucleus of the sheath of Svvann (a). It is thus in mammals, birds, and amphibia ; but in fishes the number of nuclei is greater between every two of these constric- tions. These Ranvier's " constriction rings," as the Germans have christened them, deserve — although we are at present far removed from an accurate knowledge of them — every consideration. The medullary sheath certainly isolates the axis cylinder ; but this medullary space permits the penetration of nutrient Fig. 171. — Nerve fibres of the frog; a, after treatment with picro carmine : b, c, d, with osmic acid ; e, with nitrate of silver. 196 NINETEENTH LECTURE. constituents and the giving off of the products of decomposi- tion. Let us now pass to the pale non-medullated nerve fibres. Originally, in the foetal period, all the primitive tubes of the entire nervous system were thus constituted. If we take one of the lowest fishes, the lamprey (petromyzon), we meet with this condition throughout its entire life (Fig. 169, c). A nucleated sheath invests the axis cylinder. Medullated nerve fibres are here entirely wanting. Let us turn, at a bound, to the highest animal being, to man. In us, the olfactory nerve, alone, consists throughout of pale, non-medullated fibres, as does in great part the sympathetic with its ramifications. These pale structures have been called Remak's fibres. They appear as delicate 0.0038 to 0.0068 mm. wide, nucleated fila- ments (Fig. 172, b). Does what has been mentioned above, however, contain the entire structure of the nerve fibre ? We now encounter this diffi- cult question. It does not appear so ; nevertheless, we are once more at the limits of the microscopy of the present day. The axis cylinder, the best portion of the nerve tube, most probably consists of a bundle of extremely fine filaments. They (Fig. 173) appear to be embedded in a delicate granular substance. They have been called axis fibrillae (Waldeyer) or primitive fibrillae (Schultze). Here, also, the incitation was furnished by a bril- liant investigator, who has by no means been honored by his cotemporaries in proportion to his merits, Remak, the founder of the modern history of development. Many years ago he saw this combination in the nerve fibres of the river- crab. Fig. 172. — A sympa- thetic nerve branch of a mammalial animal ; two dark bordered nerve fibres, a, with an excess of the Remak's formation, b. NERVE TISSUE. 1 97 Diagnostic weight has subsequently been laid on the finest varicosities of these primitive fibrillar (M. Schultze). We shall subsequently return to this. We are now, so far as it is at present possible, familiar with the fibres. Let us turn to the cellular elements. They belong solely to the gray substance of the nervous system (the peripheral, as well as the cen- tral) ; the white substance consists through- out solely of nerve tubes. SI : . ; ; ■ Fig. 173. — Fibrillated arrangement of the axis cylinder ; a, a thick axis cylinder from the spinal cord of the ox ; b, nerve fibre from the brain of the torpedo. Fig. 174. — Ganglion cells of the mamma- lia ; a, cells with connective-tissue envelopes, which are continued in fibres, d, d ; a, a cell without a nucleus ; b, two single nucleated ones ; and c, one with two nuclei ; b, a gan- glion body without an envelope. We frequently encounter, in a very characteristic form, those cellular elements, the ganglion bodies (Fig. 174, B). It is one of the handsomest cell-forms which the organism pos- sesses. The dimensions of most of the globular, ovoid or pear-shaped elements lies between 0.0992 to 0.0451 and 0.0226 mm. In a very delicate granular, thickly gelatinous, generally colorless, occasionally brown or black pigmented mass, we meet with a globular, delicate walled nuclear vesicle, 0.0180 to 0.009 mm- in diameter. In it occurs, as a rule single, a dull glistening granule, the nucleolus, 0.0029 to 0.0045 mm- m size- 198 NINETEENTH LECTURE. Our structure is surrounded by an envelope. It appears thick, a sort of nucleated connective tissue at the first glance ; however, the nuclei may have another signification, for, on the inner surface of the capsule, a lining of endothelial cells has subsequently been noticed. This envelope appears more simple and thinner around the ganglion cells of the lower vertebrates, fishes (Fig. 175) and amphibia. At the first, most cursory examination — and the older his- tologists, with their bad methods of investigation, arrived no further — all the peripheral ganglion cells appear to have no processes or, as a scholastic expression runs, are apolar. We have subsequently adopted an entirely different view ; apolar ganglion cells either do not occur at all, or only exceptionally as embryonic, arrested in their development, and possibly futureless ele- ments. About 1845, Koelliker, one of the most cele- brated histologists, dis- covered in the sympa- thetic of the vertebrates ganglion bodies which sent off from one of their ends a pale filament, which after a sometimes shorter, sometimes longer course, was enveloped in a me- dullary sheath, and be- came a nerve fibre (Fig. 175,4 In vertebrate creatures something of the kind has, it is true, been previously seen. These are the so-called unipolar ganglion cells. Soon after this, R. Wagner, Robin and Bidder, with Rei- Fig. 175. — From the peripheral nerve ganglion of a fish, godus lota ; a, b, bipolar ganglion 'cells ; c, uni- polar ; d, e, abnormal forms. NERVE TISSUE. 1 99 chert, met with other conditions. They discovered the bi- polar cells. The spinal nerves arise by a double root ; an anterior, which passes over the spinal ganglion, and a posterior, which passes through the ganglion. Frc. 176. — Multipolar ganglion cell from the anterior horn of the spinal cord of the ox, with the axis cylinder process [it), and the branched protoplasma process, from which, at b, the finest filamenis arise. As has been known since the days of Charles Bell, the former consists of motory, the latter of sensory filaments. 200 NINETEENTH LECTURE. ■ On teasing out the spinal ganglion of a fish (the ray is most to be recommended) we recognize (Fig. 175) that each nerve fibre penetrates a ganglion cell, to again pass out at the other pole (a, b). Broad fibres connect with larger cells, narrow nerve tubes with smaller ones. The latter nerve fibres are probably sensory constituents of the sympathetic. Numerous individual, otherwise consti- tuted combinations occur, in addition to these, perhaps as anomalous products of development {d, e). Both varieties of ganglion cells show distinctly that their envelope passes over into the primitive sheath of the nerve fibre connected with them. As a third form, we have to mention the multipolar gan- glion cells. They were seen for the first time in the year 1838 (Purkinje). They are met with in man in the sympathetic ganglia, in the retina of the eye, and in the gray substance of the brain and spinal cord. In the so-called anterior cornu of the latter is found the elegant form of our Fig. 176. A membraneless cell body sends off a varying, often quite considerable number of delicate granular processes (b), which undergo repeated divisions and continual ramifications, until they at last disappear from view in the form of the finest fila- ments. The finest lateral filaments were regarded as primi- tive fibrillar of the axis cylinders (Deiters), but hardly with accuracy, for all is here obscure. Together with this system of processes — they have been called protoplasma processes — we also meet with a long pro- cess, which is always single, and usually arises from the cell body, more rarely from the origin of another thick offshoot. It never ramifies, and is conspicuous from its sharper, homo- geneous appearance. This is the axis-cylinder process (a). Later it is invested by the medullary sheath, and becomes a nerve' fibre. This has also, however, been recently doubted (Golgi). In the sympathetic of the frog Beale and Arnold met with an interesting, although not yet accurately determined struc- NERVE TISSUE. 201 ture of the cells (Fig. 177). From the interior of its rounded, or pear and kidney-shaped body passes a straight axis-cylin- der process (c), which subse- quently acquires a medullary sheath. From the surface of the cell arises, singly or doubly, with close spiral convolutions, an- other filament, which surrounds the straight axis cylinder with wider turns ; it may also run alongside of the latter (d), and subsequently leave it (/), pass- ing further in a straight form. Whether these spiral fibres are elastic or — which we regard as more probable — are actually of a nervous nature, is still unde- cided. Subsequent German in- vestigations have, unfortunately, not determined this. Finally, the fine, fibrillated formations, such as are pre- sented by the axis cylinder (p. 196), have also been most re- cently observed, continuing into the interior of the cell body, and more especially in the cortical portion of the latter. The finest fibrillae which stream in from the protoplasma, as well as the axis-cylinder process, run sometimes divergently, some- times crossing each other. Fig. 177. — Ganglion cell from the sym- pathetic of the hyla or green tree-frog ; a, cell body ; b, sheath ; c, straight nerve fibre : and d, spiral fibre ; continuation of the former, e ; and of the latter, f. TWENTIETH LECTURE. THE ARRANGEMENT AND TERMINATION OF THE NERVE FIBRES. The spinal nerves and those of the brain appear white through the medullary sheaths of their tubular constituents ; the trunks of the sympathetic appear gray from the excess of non-medullated fibres. The former, at their exit from the central organ, become invested in a delicate connective-tissue envelope ; they are subsequently surrounded by an additional reinforcement of connective tissue, furnished by the dura mater. This affords together the nerve sheath, perineurium or neurilemma. This connective tissue penetrates, in a lamellar or sheath-like man- ner, between the bundles of nerve fibres, becoming, at the same time, looser and softer. Its modified boundary layer forms at last the primitive sheath of the nerve tube. A scanty, straight net- work of finest capillary vessels permeates the whole. Injections made from the lymph spaces likewise penetrate beneath the perineurium and between the nerve bundles (Key and Retzius). The primitive fibres run alongside of each other in the nerve trunk, undivided and indifferent. The nerve trunks usually send off their branches at an acute angle, the bundles of fibres bending away from the main path to the lateral. When anastomoses take place, groups of fibres pass, at the point of communication, from the one nerve to the other, or we have a double interchange of fibres. The perineurium becomes finer and finer in proportion as we proceed from the larger trunks to the finest systems of branches. Finally, it appears as a striated or more homo- geneous connective substance with rather stunted cells. ARRANGEMENT OF THE NERVE FIBRES. 203 The investigation of the peripheral termination of the nerve tubes — in the crude, incipient period they were erro- neously regarded as a noose or loop-shaped connection be- tween each two fibres — cost the histologists much trouble and labor, and even at the present day we are still far removed from a satisfactory scientific possession. We present only the most important facts, and leave numerous, in part very uncertain, minutiae to the more comprehensive text-books on this subject. Let us commence with the termination of the motory nerve fibres in the transversely striated muscle. If we follow the small nerve branches which have entered the latter, in suitable objects, for example, many quite thin membranous muscles of the frog, we meet with a few broad, double contoured nerve fibres, subsequently surrounded by a hyaline sheath. If the branch divides again, we not infre- quently perceive that something new comes over the nerve tube ; it becomes narrower, forming a Ranvier's constriction ring (p. 195), and, at the same time, divides into branches, two as a rule. With the continued division of these smallest nerve trunks, this diminution of the nerve branches is con- tinued ; they divide into branches of a new order, and so on. The latter hereby become finer, but still retain the double contours for a distance; at last they are bordered by a simple boundary line. In the lower vertebrates this ramification of the primitive tubes is very extensive. In fishes, the latter may finally divide into fifty and even one hundred branches. Reichert, many years ago, examined the so-called thoracic cutaneous muscle of the frog. It contains from 160 to 180 muscular filaments, but only from 7 to 10 nerve tubes pass in for their supply. While, therefore, in the lower vertebrates a motory primi- tive fibre supplies with its system of branches quite a number of transversely striated muscular filaments, the arrangement is different and higher in mammals (and even in reptiles and birds). The primitive fibre is much less divided ; the mis- 204 TWENTIETH LECTURE. proportion between the number of the nerve and muscular filaments is accordingly very much less. In regard to the termination, the lower vertebrates present a different condition from that of the higher. The termina- tion takes place regularly, however, in the interior of the muscular filament, beneath its sarcolemma. We consider only the mammalial muscle (Fig. 178). 1, cmallpr rlimptisinns skm of the volar surface of the index finger. In the W1U1 Smaild aimeilSlOIlb, interior of the papilla is the tactile body, into the ~r\t\nAc*A Tfc rlinmptpr tissue of which the nerve fibres enter. rOUnaea. IIS UlclIIlCLCr Fig. 183. — Human skin in perpendicular section; a, superficial layers of the epidermis ; b, Malpighian rete- mucosum. Beneath the latter is the corium, forming the papillae above at c, and terminating below in the subcu- taneous connective tissue, in which at A, aggregations of fat cells appear ; g, sudoriparous glands, with their excre- tory ducts e andy"; ti, vessels ; c, nerves. ARRANGEMENT OF THE NERVE FIBRES. 213 varies between 0.0133 and 0.0037 mm- It l'cs in the axis por- tion of the papilla, and consists of homogeneous connective substance, with transverse and obliquely disposed nuclei. The whole thing acquires thereby a peculiar appearance, which reminds one of a fir cone. The nerve fibres (with their trunks passing from below upwards) arrive at our structure singly, doubly, or three or four together. Their neurilemma passes over into the capsule. They themselves, after previous curved excursions or- looped windings, enter the tactile bodies manifoldly. Having become pale and transformed into axis cylinders, they soon disappear from the eye. We have thus become familiar with this most peculiar man- ner of termination of the sensory nerves. How do the millions of other simple sensory nerve fila- ments terminate ? We now raise this question. Unfortunately, we know but little concerning this at the present time. Much has been stated concerning the terminal plexuses of the finest nerve fibres, in the frog as well as in mammals. It is, furthermore, settled that occasionally the terminal filaments of the sensory nerves pass into the epithelium and end in it. We have already become familiar above (p. 207) with the most beautiful example of this kind, in the cornea of the eye (Fig. 36). The primitive fibrillar here run out between the epithelial cells. Others speak of a penetration of these filaments into the cells, and of a termination in the nucleolus ; thus Hensen concerning the skin of the frog, Lipmann concerning the posterior corneal epithelium of the same animal. Other cutaneous nerves appear finally in the form of fine non-medullated filaments, which terminate in small cells, 0.0088 to 0.0033 mni. in size, embedded in the human rete Malpighii ; a portion of them may also pass further downwards. They have been called Langerhans' corpus- cles. Something similar has been subsequently observed in quite different mucous membranes, where these Langerhans' struc- 214 TWENTIETH LECTURE. tures have sometimes been met with, and sometimes also not found. The dental nerves appear to be peculiarly constituted (Boll). We have long been familiar with medullated nerve tubes, 0.0067 to 0.0038 mm. in diameter, situated in the parietes of the dental sac. They form below an elongated nerve plexus. From the dichotomous separation of these nerve tubes arise innumerable very fine primitive fibrillar. They press through the covering of the odontoblasts (p. 75), reach the inner surface of the dentine, and probably penetrate the den- tinal tubules. The latter have, according to this, a double variety of contents, one part being the filamentous processes of the odontoblasts, and then the remains of these nervous filaments. The sensitiveness of the dentine has also been long known by the dentists. TWENTY-FIRST LECTURE. THE CENTRAL ORGANS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM. GANGLIA AND THE SPINAL CORD. -THE WHEREVER the ganglion cells accumulate, the formation of a central nerve organ commences. Therefore, from these smallest cells, only to be discovered by means of the micro- scope, up to the brain and spinal cord, with their immense, frequently combined, gray substances, proceeds a continuous series of developments. Our knowledge concerning the latter is at present, however, very insufficient ; methods for manag- ing such complicated structures are wanting. Let us discuss, first, the peripheral ganglia or nerve nodules (Fig. 185). A connective-tissue envelope, a modified peri- neurium, surrounds the organ. It sends into the interior, fenestrated, leaf-like processes, the bearers of a tolerably de- veloped capillary net-work. The irregular and also con- nected cavities are filled with ganglion cells (d, e,f), placed close to each other, and in- vested by connective tissue. Between them run isolated nerve fibres or bundles of the same. At an earlier period it was believed that both these elements, the cellular and the fibrous, merely lay alongside of each other. At that time they distinguished penetrat- ing primitive fibres, which passed for the most part in bundles and straight through the nodules, and circumgyrating, which passed singly, with Fig. 185. — A sympathetic ganglion of the mammalial animal (diagramatic) ; a, S, c, the nerve trunks ; d, multipolar cells ; d*, one with a dividing nerve fibre ; e, unipolar ; /, apolar. 2i6 TWENTY-FIRST LECTURE. manifold turnings, through the narrow spaces between the ganglion bodies, to subsequently reassociate themselves with the out- coming (single or multiple) nerve trunks. This arrangement does in reality (combined, it is true, with transitions) occur. We already know that the ganglion cell enters into communication with the nerve fibre (Fig. 1 75)- In the ganglia of fishes and amphibia, the connective tissue is weakly developed ; the elements are, therefore, more readily isolated, still we have by no means any satisfactory results to report. The ganglia of higher animals are, how- ever, permeated by an exuberant fulness of firm connective tissue ; picking them apart yields us, unfortunately, only the fragments of the nervous contents. The requirements of the physiologist, who desires an in- sight, cannot at present suffice here for the microscopist, and, indeed, should not. For he would have to combine an im- perfect perception with hypotheses into an abstract image. For the coming races of men, the light of a better intelli- gence will be kindled at some future day. We grope about in the dark. Let us take a spinal ganglion of the fish, with its ganglion bodies. The greater portion of the latter are certainly bi- polar, that is, the cell is interpolated into the course of a broad sensory fibre of the spinal cord (Fig. 175, a). Since the elements of the sympathetic in fishes exhibit narrow medullated nerve fibres, we should accordingly de- clare the nerve fibres connected with ganglion bodies to be sensory elements of this division of the nervous system {U). One meets in our ganglia, furthermore, with smaller uni- polar cells (c). Their narrow, sympathetic nerve fibre passes downwards and spreads out peripherically. The ganglion might, with these latter constituents, be one of the many centres of the sympathetic, like all the remaining ganglia of the fish's body. Even in the frog, however, the matter becomes much more difficult. The presence of bipolar ganglion cells, interpo- lated into the course of a sensory fibre of the spinal cord, CENTRAL ORGANS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM. 217 is not determined with certainty ; neither is that of sympa- thetic bipolar ganglion cells. We are only familiar here with the unipolar cells with the descending, narrow, sympathetic nerve fibres. We know next to nothing, at present, about the similar nerve ganglia of the mammalial animal. Let us now pass to the sympathetic in the sense of the older anatomy. In the frog we can, at least, demonstrate unipolar ganglion cells. Others give us the impression of the apolar, whether rightly or not we leave undecided. Sixteen years ago, by the aid of Remak's investigations, I drew the diagramatic figure 185, as a sympathetic ganglion. I repeat the figure here ; not because I regard it as complete (I am far removed from this), but because I am unable to present any better substitute in a more reliable manner. So slight has been the advance made during this long epoch ! Remak, that excellent observer, here met with multipolar ganglion cells. He attributed to them 3 to 12 processes, which might be increased two or threefold by further ramifi- cations. They are said to at last become nerve tubes. Ac- cording to what we have learned above (Fig. 176) concerning the protoplasma and axis-cylinder processes of the ganglion cells, this cannot very well be correct. Repeated, more accu- rate investigations appear, in consequence, to be urgently necessary ; but who will make them ? With the larger sympathetic ganglia are associated a num- ber of smaller and smallest ones. This is the case in the ciliary muscle and in the choroid of the eye, in the expan- sions of the glosso-pharyngeal nerve passing to the oesopha- gus, in the lingual branches of the ramus lingualis of the fifth nerve. We also meet with similar small ganglionic en- largements in the walls of the larynx, and of the bronchi, in the interior of the lungs, and in the heart muscles. In the walls of the digestive apparatus there is a developed plexus of ganglia belonging, in the first place, to the sub- mucous tissue ; then there occurs in the muscles, between the longitudinal and annular layers of fibres, the plexus my- 10 218 TWENTY-FIRST LECTURE. entericus, discovered by Auerbach, with its manifoldly mul- tipolar cells (L. Gerlach). The former plexus appears to be of a motory and sensory constitution ; the latter possesses predominantly the former nature. Such small ganglia are also encountered in the urinary and generative organs, as well as in glandular structures. Our Fig. 186, a ganglion Fig. 186. — Ganglion from the submucous plexus of the small intestine of an infant ; a. ganglion with the ganglion cells ; b, c, nerve trunk, with the pale, nucleated fibres ; 2, a nerve trunk from a boy five years old. from the submucous plexus, may represent this. At a, we perceive the ganglion with the non-medullated, nucleated fibres ; at 2, a similar nerve trunk is isolated. Let us now turn to the cerebro-spinal system, to the spinal cord and brain. The spinal cord (Fig. 187) presents a cylindrical cord, con- sisting of an inner gray and an outer white substance. Both form connected layers of substance throughout the entire length of the spinal cord. The gray substance forms an irregular Latin H, in transverse sections. One distinguishes accordingly, anterior (d) and posterior (e) horns. The latter are then invested by Rolando's " gelatinous " substance. In the centre of the whole we perceive, lined with cylinder cells, the axis canal (a), the last remains of a much wider cavity in the earlier foetal period. Two deep furrows, the fissura anterior (b) and posterior (c), cut nearly into the centre. In CENTRAL ORGANS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM. 219 front of this exists a crossing of nervous fibres, the commis- sura anterior (f) ; behind the axis canal we meet with a pre- dominantly connective-tissue mass, the so-called commissura posterior (h). The white investing substance presents the Fig. 187. — Transverse section through the lower half of the human spinal cord : a, central canal ; 6, fissura anterior : c, fissura posterior ; d, anterior horn, with the considerable ganglion cells ; e, posterior horn, with the smaller ones ; f, anterior white commissure ; g, frame-work sub- stance around the central canal; k, posterior gray commissure; i, bundles of the anterior, and k, posterior spinal roots ; /, anterior, vi, lateral, and «, posterior column. anterior column (/), the lateral (in), and the posterior (n), consisting essentially of longitudinally arranged medullated nerve fibres. At the margin of the anterior and lateral col- umns, the motory roots of the spinal nerves pass through to the gray substance (i) ; between the middle and posterior systems of columns we perceive, shining through, the poste- rior sensory roots of these nerves (k). A delicate connective tissue permeates the whole organ as a supporting and frame-work substance. It is the bearer of the nutritive system of blood-vessels. Let us first discuss this connective-tissue substratum. 220 TWENTY-FIRST LECTURE. Our supporting substance comes forward most purely in the vicinity of the axis canal ; externally, toward the periph- ery of the gray substance, it becomes profusely permeated by nervous elements. It has been given the name of the neuroglia (Virchow). As we here naturally pass over the subordinate varieties, we will characterize this supporting tissue as a very delicate and extremely decomposable, fine reti- cular substance, with nuclei at the nodal points, so that cell-bodies must be present here (Fig. 188). The fine clefts are permeated by a chaotic maze of the finest nerve fibrillar ; in the larger Fig. 188.— Neuroglia from the SpaceS are ganglion Cells, gray substance of the human cen- l o o trai nervous system (cerebellum), Proceeding; further towards the peri- with embedded nuclei. <-> '■ phery of the spinal cord, we arrive at the white columnar systems, and here the connective-tissue substratum has become more compact and firmer. Some- times appearing more homogeneous, sometimes more striated, and again containing nuclei in individual nodal points, it forms a system of septa, an incomplete one it is true, which surrounds the descending nerve fibres as a fenestrated system of sheaths (Fig. 170). Thicker, connective-tissue vascular lamellae radiate out to the pia mater which, as is known, sur- rounds the surface of the spinal cord. This envelope finally sends folds with considerable blood-vessels into the anterior and posterior longitudinal clefts of the organ. The vascular net- works of the white substance, which main- tain a radial arrangement, are scanty and large-meshed. The capillary net-work of the gray substance is compact and narrow-meshed ; the latter is very vascular. Let us now consider the nervous contents of the connective- tissue frame-work. The white cortical substance consists essentially of vertically arranged nerve tubes of 0.0029 up to 0.009 nim. diameter. The thickest fibres are presented by the anterior columns ; the finest by the posterior, especially towards the fissura pos- CENTRAL ORGANS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM. 221 terior. The latter here forms the wedge-shaped or Goll's column. The inner nerve fibres, that is, those which are adjacent to the gray cornua, are also usually finer than their external associates. These longitudinally arranged fibrous masses are permeated by the bundles of the transversely and obliquely departing and entering roots of the spinal cord. The anterior or motory roots of the latter reach the anterior cornu (Fig. 187, i), and radiate into the latter in every direc- tion in a brush-like form. Let us now examine this gray substance of the anterior cornu. Here (d) lie groups of large multipolar ganglion cells, after the manner of our Fig. 176. The so-called axis-cylinder pro- cess (a) is the commencement of the motory nerve fibre, its axis cylinder. This is settled, according to my experience, although it has recently been doubted (Golgi). It is certainly not easy to observe, but it is and remains the best portion of our present knowledge concerning the origin of nervous ele- ments in this so infinitely complicated organ. If we turn further backwards towards the posterior cornu, we meet with, for the most part, smaller, not rarely spindle- shaped cells (/), with the same duplicity of systems of pro- cesses. At the base of the posterior cornu, further inwards, there is also a group of smaller rounded ganglion cells. These are the Clarke's columns. The cellular elements of the posterior cornu have generally been considered as sensory, and brought into relation with the origin of the fibres of the posterior roots ; still this cannot be demonstrated. We now encounter the question : What becomes of the second system of processes (Fig. 176), the so-called proto- plasma processes ? Their lateral finest filaments (b), like the terminal radiations of the branch itself, were considered by Deiters, as we already know, to be primitive nerve fibrillar. From them — and they might arise from different cells — an axis cylinder was said to 222 TWENTY-FIRST LECTURE. be at last composed. Gerlach subsequently came to a dif- ferent conclusion. According to him, the terminal ramifi- cations of this system of processes unite into a narrow, fine net-work, from which the nerve fibres arise by the combi- nation of the thinnest filaments. The last-mentioned investi- gator absolutely denies that the proper cells of the posterior cornu have axis-cylinder processes. A fundamental ana- tomical difference is, therefore, maintained for the motory and sensory cells. I trust neither the statements of Deiters or Gerlach. With the present accessories we can, unfortunately, obtain no certain result. Everything remains a conjecture. The manner of arrangement of the bundles of the posterior sensory root is, unfortunately, still more complicated than that of the anterior, and the fibres become considerably nar- rower on their entrance into the gray substance. Our knowl- edge is, accordingly, here still incomplete. The greater portion of the bundles of fibres appear to main- tain a chaotic course through the posterior columns, to later pas^ from the side into the convex part, or portion turned inwards, of the posterior cornu (k). The substantia gelatinosa Rolandi is here seen to be permeated by the finest nerve fibres. The latter are said to pass in part to the base of the posterior cornu, part of them reaching the Clarke's columns. Furthermore, still other bundles of fibres pass over the latter, more in front. Bundles of sensory fibres may even enter both commissures. We now come to the question, what do the white longitu- dinally disposed systems of columns signify ? That they do not represent the bent fibrous masses of the roots of the spinal cord which pass to the brain, as was as- serted at an earlier epoch, requires no further discussion after what we have learned concerning these roots. According to the views of Deiters, these vertical bundles of white fibres come from one transverse plane of the gray substance to subsequently sink into another. The roots of the spinal cord terminated, therefore, in the ganglion cells, and the latter sent off, as a simplified continuation, these ver- CENTRAL ORGANS OF NERVOUS SYSTEM. 223 tical fibres of the white columnar system. These cell groups were accordingly a provisory centre. The further communications of the ganglion bodies, of the equivalent between each other, as well as of the motory with the sensory cells, are up to the present time veiled in the deepest obscurity. Let us mention, finally, in the uncertainty of our knowl- edge, the transverse commissures of the spinal cord. The anterior shows true nerve fibres in the most distinct manner. The bundles of the same arise from the gray substance of the one half (without our knowledge of the manner of their ori- gin), to ascend and descend and gain the fibrous mass of the anterior column at the other side. An endeavor has been made to deduce from this a total decussation of the motory tract of our organ. The posterior commissure also contains, together with con- nective-tissue constituents, bundles of fine nerve fibres. TWENTY-SECOND LECTURE. THE CENTRAL ORGANS OF THE NERVOUS SYSTEM, CON- TINUED.— THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND THE BRAIN. THE spinal cord, as we learned, cannot be mastered with the present methods of investigation. It appears still more dubious with regard to the far more complicated medulla oblongata. As with the subsequently to be mentioned brain, it is scarcely possible to here condense the existing, in part contradictory material, into a short sum- mary view. We limit ourselves, therefore, to a fragmentary discussion. The most recent investigations of this central structure were made by Deiters, of Bonn, and Meynert, of Vienna. The axis canal of the spinal cord opens in the medulla ob- longata, in a dorsal direction, into the sinus rhomboideus or calamus scriptorius, to continue forward as the fourth ventri- cle. By this means changes of position occur in the white columns, as well as the gray substance of the spinal cord. The anterior longitudinal fissure finally closes as the raphe. Large portions form anteriorly and inwardly, with their de- cussations, the pyramids, externally from these the (lower) corpora olivaria. Then follow externally the lateral columns and the corpus restiforme, that is, the wedge-shaped and del- icate columns (the latter is a continuation of Goll's column, p. 221). In the direction of the brain, the pons Varolii rests upon the organ. As a connection with the cerebellum we have the crura cerebelli (with their two portions, the crura cerebelli ad medullam oblongatam and ad pontem). The connection with the cerebrum takes place through the peduncles of the brain. Finally, ten cerebral nerves arise from the medulla oblongata. The homogeneous connected gray substance here changes, THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND BRAIN. 22$ becoming permeated by bands of nerve fibres. This arrange- ment, the so-called formatio reticularis, gradually extends over nearly the whole medulla oblongata. Connected masses of gray substance form what has been called " nuclei." A portion of these are the centres of escap- ing nerves ; in others, systems of fibres of the medulla ob- longata acquire a provisory termination, to become modified at these places, and subsequently pass further on with their derivatives. Among the latter, the so-called "specific nuclei," are included the superior and inferior olivary bodies, the Deiters' nucleus, the pyramidal nucleus, the ganglia post pyramidalia, the gray substances of the pons Varolii, and in further extension also, the corpus dentatum cerebelli, the gray masses of the crura cerebelli, and the greater portion of the eminentia quadrigeminae (Deiters). There is besides a transverse, arched and circular system of fibres, Arnold's stratum zonale. In the formatio reticularis, as well as in the nuclei, we meet with ganglion cells of the most varied form, and in part of considerable size, with axis cylinder and protoplasma pro- cesses. In consequence of the penetration of the gray sub- stance into the funiculus gracilis, the floor of the fourth ventri- cle is almost exclusively formed of gray substance. The neuroglia which surrounded the axis canal of the spinal cord also undergoes a proliferous increase to subsequently form a considerable share of the walls of the aqueductus Sylvii, the third ventricle and the infundibulum. Now, how do the cerebral nerves arise from the medulla oblongata ? Deiters found here not only an anterior and a posterior centre of origin, as in the spinal cord, but also a third lateral one. The latter begins in this organ, at the anterior horn, and gradually acquires a mixed character. From it arise the accessorius, vagus, glosso-pharyngeus, facialis, acusticus and anterior trigeminus root. The sensory portion of the trigeminus is said to be derived from the posterior system of origin. 10* 226 TWENTY-SECOND LECTURE. To the anterior roots of the spinal cord correspond, together with the hypoglossus, the nerves of the muscles of the eye ; the abducens, trochlearis and oculo-motorius. We cannot here enter further into the nerve nuclei. The centres of the hypoglossus and accessorius, with large multi- polar cells, are located furthest below. What becomes of the columns of the spinal cord within the medulla oblongata ? As we have already remarked, there can here be only a simplified continuation of the same. The anterior columns, passing to the side of the raphe, and displaced by the pyramids, may be followed far under the pons ; they are perforated by zonal fibres and gray substance, and finally, after the intercalation of ganglion cells, are still finely fibrillated. They appear to pass towards the cerebrum and cerebellum. The lateral columns, forming the funiculus lateralis, reach, in part, the cerebrum. Their fibres are interrupted and dis- placed by the formatio reticularis, the Deiter's nucleus, the inferior, accessory and superior olivary bodies. The posterior columns of the spinal cord do not, as we formerly conjectured, continue as the crura cerebelli ad medullam oblongatam directly into the cerebellum. Their processes in the medulla oblongata, the funiculus gracilis and cuneatus, are interrupted by intruded gray substance, the so-called ganglia post pyramidalia, and here cease as white fibrous masses. The gray continuations pass in part into these crura, in part (crossed and uncrossed) to the corpora olivia, and, finally, increased in size, to the pyra- mids. The pyramids commence with fine nerve fibres from the for- matio reticularis. With them are associated nerve fibres from the lateral and posterior columns. After the decussa- tion they pass in the pedunculi cerebri to the cerebrum, to probably reach the corpora striata, the nucleus lenticularis, and even the cortex of the hemispheres. The inferior corpora olivaria, in man, contain in their gray THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND BRAIN. 227 substance a peculiarly folded leaf (corpus dcntatum) which encloses white substance. The former substance contains small yellowish pigmented ganglion cells. A system of fibres arising from the olivary bodies is said to pass in part to the cerebellum, in part to the cerebrum. The crura cerebelli ad medullam oblongatam form in part processes of the medulla oblongata into the cerebellum ; they probably also send motory fibres from the latter in a down- ward direction to the medulla oblongata (Meynert). The crura cerebelli ad pontem are of an essentially different nature. They form in the first place a transverse commissure system between both the cerebellar hemispheres ; then they conduct fibrous masses, arising from the cerebellum, up to the cerebrum. The cerebellum can, however, absorb only a portion of the fibrous masses which ascend from below, and subsequently, after the passage of gray substances, sends them off trans- formed to the cerebrum. It is merely — as we must at present assume — an accessory conducting apparatus ; for the other fibrous masses ascend directly through the pedunculi cerebri. The blood-vessels of the medulla oblongata remind us of those of the spinal cord. We know very little indeed concerning the cerebellum. We have already mentioned two of its crura ; a third commissure, the crura cerebelli ad corpora quadrigemina, connects the organ with the cerebrum. The cerebellum consists essentially of aggregations of white nerve substance, with fibres 0.0029 to 0.0902 mm. broad. Gray substance occurs in the roof of the fourth ventricle, in the corpus dentatum, in Stilling's so-called roof nucleus, and as the external covering layer of the convolutions. In the folded gray plate of the corpus dentatum lie ganglion cells in a threefold stratum. We pass over the entirely un- certain course of the fibres. The structure of the cortical layer is interesting. It presents an internal rust-brown, and an external gray stratum. 228 TWENTY-SECOND LECTURE. The former, I to 0.5 mm. thick, has crowded and stratified granules, that is nucleus like structures or, more properly said, small cells ofo.0067 mm. They remind one of the sub- sequently to be described elements of the retina of the eye, and, like the latter, give off the finest filaments from both poles (Fig. 189, below). Whether these granules of the cerebellum are of a nervous or connective-tissue nature is still undecided. The gray stratum contains a simple layer of large remark- able ganglion cells. Purkinje described them forty years ago. They send downwards an axis- cylinder process id), and up- wards or outwards a system of antler-like ramified proto- plasma processes (c). The finest terminal branches of the latter (Hadlich) are said to bend over (a) in a loop-like manner at the surface, and return to the rust-colored layer. Connective-tissue support- ing fibres (r) form a special boundary layer at the surface. The pedunculi cerebri re- ceive ascending masses of fibres from the medulla ob- longata and cerebellum ; they also receive others which de- scend, from the cerebrum to the medulla oblongata. Their Fig. 189. — The cortex of the human cerebellum in perpendicular section. Two Purkinje's cells, SlipeiTOr TOUnded DOl'tlOn beneath them a portion of the granular layer ; d, _ the lower, c. .the upoer process of the former. At (cap) is Separated from tile r, supporting fibres ; at a, the loop-shaped V * ' *■ bends of the finest cell processes; c, tangential inferior Semilunar (basis) pOr- thmnest nerve fibres. ' A tion by a dark substance. Black pigmented multipolar ganglion cells occur here. The so-called cerebral ganglia consist of the corpora -C THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND BRAIN. 229 quadrigemina, the thalamus opticus, the corpus striatum, and the nucleus dentatus. They are only imperfectly known. The crura cerebelli ad corpora quadrigemina simply pass oft" beneath the corpora quadrigemina. They pass to the hemispheres of the cerebrum ; they are in truth the crura cerebelli ad cerebrum. The histological acquisitions in this department remain, up to the present time, scarcely worth mentioning. Small cells, larger multipolar, and spindle- shaped ganglion bodies have been met with here. The thalamus opticus has likewise yielded nothing further in a histological direction. A portion of the optic nerve radiates into it, as well as into the anterior corpora quadri- gemina. The cap of the crus cerebri is intimately connected with the thalamus (Meynert). Fibrous masses of the basal portions of the cerebral peduncles are said to terminate in the corpus striatum and nucleus dentatus. Their finer structure likewise requires more accurate investigation. The so-called rod corona fibres, in their great development in man, are probably connected with his mental abilities. They consist in the first place of fibrous masses which, without having been in contact with the cerebral ganglia, are conducted upwards through the peduncle of the brain, and secondly of the radiations of the ganglionic substances. The trabeculae and anterior commissure are probably true simple commissures, which have nothing to do with either the crura cerebri or these rod-corona fibres. The white substance of the hemispheres consists essentially of medullated nerve fibers, measuring 0.0026 to 0.0067 mm. The gray cortical stratum of the hemispheres may be reduced to a number of single layers. They may be assumed to be six in number. Smaller cells occur in the more superficial layers. In the fourth layer one meets with considerable many rayed gan- glion bodies, measuring 0.025 to 0.040 mm. One of their processes is usually directed towrards the surface, and three others inwards. The central one of these three basal pro- 230 TWENTY-SECOND LECTURE. longations is an axis-cylinder process. Then two other cell layers follow. This is all that we know at present. Here, also, Gerlach assumes the presence of a very fine problematical nerve reticulum, such as we have already mentioned at page 222, in connection with the gray substance of the spinal cord. At the apex of the occipital portion, in the vicinity of the so-called sulcus hippocampi, the cortical stratum becomes still more complicated. The cornu ammonis also has its peculiarities. A remarkable, although in man considerably stunted por- tion, of the cerebral substance is the bulbus olfactorius. The cavity, which is lined with ciliated epithelium, presents pa- rietes consisting of internal white, and external gray substance. The former contains the root bundles, which are two in number, a thicker external one, coming in part from the anterior inferior cerebral convolution, in part from the corpus callosum, and a thinner internal one, which is thought to be derived from the corpus striatum, the chiasma nervorum opti- corum and the pedunculus cerebri. In a strongly developed neuroglia, we meet, in an inward direction, with the longitudinally arranged medullated root fibers, and then, connected with these, a nerve plexus of very fine tubes. We finally meet with granules and multipolar ganglion cells. Below, or rather externally, the gray substance becomes strongly altered. One here meets with globular balls of a granular substance with nuclei (glomeruli nervi olfactorii, ac- cording to Meynert). From these lumps are developed the pale nucleated fibres of the special olfactory nerves. The apophysis cerebri has already been discussed, so far as its anterior portion is concerned, in connection with the blood- vascular glands (page 126) ; the posterior consists of gray cerebral substance. The so-called Pineal gland, conarium, has long been remark- able on account of its calcareous concretions. In its connec- THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND BRAIN. 231 tive-tissue substratum it presents rounded cavities which are sometimes more and sometimes less complete. We here meet with two kinds of cells ; large stellate ones, forming a net-work, and smaller ones. In the adult, the latter have pro- cesses, in the new-born child, however, they were at one time without these (Bizzozero). The blood-vessels of the brain, similar to those of the spinal cord, form very compact vascular net-works in the gray sub- stance ; in the white substance the meshes are much wider. The arrangement in the individual portions of the brain is often, however, very characteristic and elegant, as for ex- ample in the olfactory lobules, the corpus striatum and the cortex of the cerebellum. We cannot here enter into details. We have finally to mention the membranes of the cerebro- spinal system. The dura mater (page 57) of the brain is intimately con- nected with the periosteum of the cranial cavity. Around the spinal cord, on the contrary, with the exception of the anterior side, it forms a freely suspended tube. The spaces of the vertebral canal are filled by connective tissue with fat cells. The vascularity is very moderate in the cerebral por- tion, and very slight in the spinal portion. The lymphatics of the dura mater are very abundant. The dura mater of the brain presents nerves of unknown termination. The dura mater and arachnoid leave a system of cavities, the subdural space (Key and Retzius), between them. The latter membrane, the arachnoid, is very poor in blood- vessels, is thin, delicate and fenestrated in a reticular manner. Over the spinal cord it is separated from the lowermost tunic of the pia mater, with the exception of connecting fila- ments of connective tissue. There is thus formed a consider- able subarachnoidal space. Over the brain, on the contrary, the arachnoid and pia mater are for the greater part coalesced with each other, and spaces occur only in those places where the former membrane stretches over the furrows of the sur- face in a bridge-like manner, while the pia mater descends to the bottom. The considerable subarachnoidal space of the 232 TWENTY-SECOND LECTURE. spinal cord is therefore broken up into numerous smaller spaces. The connective-tissue bundles of the arachnoid are invested in a sheath-like manner by the familiar flat stellate endothe- lial cells (Key and Retzius). The latter also fill the connec- tive-tissue spaces, and after treatment with nitrate of silver, show the familiar areolations. The connected cavities contain a very watery fluid, the cerebro-spinal fluid. The pia mater likewise appears thin and delicate, with similar fiat connective-tissue cells. It is characterized, how- ever, by its immense wealth of blood-vessels ; it is, also, by no means poor in lymphatics. Its numerous nerves are probably desigrred (at least principally) for the vascular walls. Our pia mater covers, in close apposition, the nervous masses of the central organ. His, it is true, formerly as- sumed that there was here an epispinal and epicerebral cavity. This does not exist, however ; it is an artefact. More recent observations teach that the blood-vessels entering the ner- vous substance have connective-tissue adventitia, only loosely spread over their so-called tunica media, and that they thus open into the subarachnoidal space with funnel-shaped dila- tations of the outer layers. They may be artificially injected from the subarachnoidal space far into the interior of the brain. The nerve trunks and ganglia have, according to Key and Retzius, the same external dural and internal arachnoidal sheath, as well as subarachnoidal spaces. The injection also succeeds here. All this, like the serous sacs, belongs to the lymphatic apparatus. The name of the Pacchionian "glands" or granulations has been given to small rounded connective-tissue masses which occur especially at the upper longitudinal venous si- nuses of the brain. According to the two frequently mentioned Swedish in- vestigators, the just mentioned structures form transition THE MEDULLA OBLONGATA AND BRAIN. 233 portcs of these lymphatic spaces into the venous blood cur- rent. This naturally requires further confirmation. The venous plexus, the plexus choroidei, contains an im- mense vascular convolution in undeveloped connective tissue. Its covering is formed by a low cubical epithelium, which runs downwards into numerous points. TWENTY-THIRD LECTURE. THE ORGANS OF SENSE.— THE SKIN; THE GUSTATORY, OL- FACTORY AND AUDITORY APPARATUS. THE human external integument presents the apparatus of feeling and touch. The tongue alone takes a further share in the function of this sense. The course of our lectures required that we should discuss the individual portions of the general protecting organ in different places. We mentioned the epidermis at p. 32, the corium at p. 58, the subcutaneous cellular tissue at p. 56, the nails and hair at pp. 36 and 37. The tactile nerves were alluded to at p. 211, the simple sensory cutaneous nerves at p. 212. Additional information may also be obtained from our Fig. 183. We will also add something here. The corium is thin- nest over the eyelids, the prepuce, the glans penis and inner surface of the labia majora ; it is thickest over the back, the palm of the hand, the buttocks and sole of the foot, which are the seat of the greatest pressure. The thickness of the epidermis (p. 32J varies still more. We have already mentioned that the color of the skin of Europeans is deter- mined by the latter. That the corium is uncommonly vascular is known to everybody. In it occurs a highly developed net-work of ca- pillary vessels, 0.0074 to O.Oi [3 mm. broad, which send loops into by far the greater proportion of the cutaneous papillae. We meet with more independent portions of the vascular system around the flat lobules of the panniculus adiposus, the hair follicles and the bodies of the sudoriparous glands (Tomsa). Lymphatics, which are said to possess independent parietes, are abundant in the corium (Teichmann and J. Neumann), THE ORGANS OF SENSE. 235 forming a double flat net-work. They penetrate the papillae as culs-de-sac and loops, so that one is reminded of relative conditions of the intestinal villi (p. 98). Great variations prevail, however, in the individual portions of the skin. We have, finally, to discuss the glands of the skin, which have thus far been only cursorily mentioned. The more important ones are the convoluted, sudoriparous glands (Fig. 183,^, 190, a, b). They remain small, with the exception of those of the axilla, where they acquire enor- mous dimensions and more fatty contents. Their convoluted gland body is more rarely situated in the depths of the corium, but, as a rule, in the subcutaneous cellular tissue. The excre- tory duct (e, f) , some- times shorter, some- times longer, accord- ing to the thickness of the part, is slightly spiral, and terminates in the palm of the hand and sole of the foot, by way of ex- ception, with funnel-shaped dilatations. It has a double layer of epithelium. The walls of the convoluted gland body present smooth muscles, which apparently increase with the size of the gland body. The gland cells form a simple layer of low, cubical elements. An elegant wicker-work of capillary vessels (V) surrounds the secretory portion. The human skin contains these sudoriparous glands, with few exceptions, but they are quite variable as to number and position. The older Krause — he was a thorough observer— Fig. 190. — A human sudoriparous gland ; a, the coil, sur- rounded by the commencement of venous vessels ; b, the excretory canal ; c, the basket-like capillary plexus, with the arterial trunk. 236 TWENTY- THIRD LE CTURE. once computed that our body contains nearly two and a half millions of these convoluted glands. Considerable sudoriparous glands also surround the anus (Gay). In the external auditory canal, these convoluted glands ac- quire a shorter excretory duct, which is no longer convoluted, and their secretion is fatty and brownish-yellow. These are the glandulae ceruminosae. Let us now investigate the submucous follicles, the glandu- lae sebaceae of the older anatomists. Their secretion, an es- sentially fatty, thickish substance, we have already become familiar with in a preceding lecture (p. 132). They form racemose organs (Fig. 191), which are some- times smaller and more simple, sometimes more voluminous and complicated in their structure. They are situated in the corium, and are, for the most part, but by no means unexceptionally, confined to the vicinity oT the hair, into the sac of which (p. 37) they ex- crete the tough, fat substance. We also meet with smaller examples of our organ connected with thick hairs, and larger glands with lanugo hairs. At last these open freely externally, without the intermediation of a hair sac. Their size varies considerably, from 0.2 to 1 mm. and more. The vesicles differ considerably in dimen- sions and form. Young, striated connective tissue here replaces the so-called membrana pro- pria. Passing now to the gustatory organ, we have again to com- bine what has been previously mentioned. Even at that time (p. 141) we remarked that the posterior portion of the tongue, upwards in the long known papillae circumvallatae, and laterally in the subsequently rediscovered papillae foliatae, contained terminal fibres of the glosso-pharyngeus serving as Fig. 191. — A sebaceous follicle ; a, the gland vesicle ; b, the excre- tory duct ; c, the sac of a lanugo hair ; d, the shaft of the latter. THE ORGANS OF SENSE. 237 Fig. 192. — Vertical section through the so-called papilla foliata of the rabbit. nerves of taste. Both systems of papillae occur in man, though the foliatae are subject to many individual variations. The change is great in mammalial animals. Cats have no papillae foliatae ; Guinea-pigs have no circumvallatae. We have now to examine the above nerve terminations more closely. They are more recent histological acquisitions (Loven, Schwalbe, and others). Complicated cup or bud- shaped organs, the so-called gustatory buds, have been met w i t h here. Large numbers of them oc- cur, as is distinctly represented in our Fig. 192, in the lateral walls of the papillae themselves, and in the inner surface of the surrounding mounds of mucous membrane. The gustatory bud (about 0.08 mm. high in man) is an epithelial structure. It (Fig. 193) permeates the entire thickness of this layer, and its points lie free. We meet, in the first place, with flattened, lancet-shaped, pointed parietal cells (a). They stand like the staves of a barrel. Above, possibly running out into the finest ciliae, they surround a small opening. These supporting or cover cells (2 a) ensheath an inner cell forma- tion, belonging to the axis portion of the gustatory bud, the rod cell, or, as it has also (hypothetically, it is true) been called, the gusta- tory cell (2 b). Above, there is a sort of styliform or rod-shaped process ze Fig. 193. — 1. Gustatory bud of the rabbit ; 2 a, cover cells ; 2 b, rod cells ; 2 c, a rod cell with a fine terminal fila- ment. 238 TWENTY-THIRD LECTURE. (of irregular form, it is true) ; below, there is a filamentous process. It is conjectured that the latter passes over as an axis cylinder or primitive fibrilla (?) into the gustatory nerve fibres, which run beneath the gustatory bud, and, there- fore, that the gustatory cells may be terminal nerve structures. No one has yet seen this, however. We shall first appreciate the consequences subsequently, at the olfactory, auditory, and optic nerves. The circumstance is interesting that so-called mucous glandules (p. 141) occur in both varieties of papillse (von Exner). Accurate facts are wanting concerning the nerve termina- tions in the other papillae of the tongue. The human olfactory apparatus consists of a relatively small part, which contains the termination of the specific nerve of sense. This is the soft parts over the upper portion of the septum, the upper and a portion of the middle turbinated bone. The mucous membrane, which is here yellowish or brownish, bears the appropriate name of the regio olfactoria. All the remainder, the lower divisions of both main cavities, as well as the three adjacent cavities, are unimportant acces- sory parts, as has also been long since taught by compara- tive anatomy. The latter division is lined by a very vascular mucous membrane having ciliated cells (the Schneiderian membrane). It contains an immense wealth of serous racemose glands (p. 142). The mucous membrane is thinner in the accessory cavities, and the glands begin to disappear. We have no intimate knowledge of the terminations of the sensory nerves of the latter parts. Let us now return to the most essential parts, and exam- ine more closely the structure of the regio olfactoria (Fig. 194). The region bordering on the Schneiderian mucous mem- brane, which therefore is unprovided with olfactory fibres, presents the old ciliated covering and the old serous glands. Here, however, it is different. Bowman's gland tubes appear in the mucous membrane, with yellowish cells. A thickened THE ORGANS OF SENSE. 239 (as a rule) non-ciliated epithelial mass finally covers the olfactory region. Let us first examine this epi- thelium. We here meet with two differ- ent elements. Firstly (a), long cylindrical cells (2 a). Their body contains yellowish granules and, in connection with the Bowman's glands, causes the mentioned color of our locality. The lank non-ciliated cylinder sends down- wards a thin process which becomes divided. By the union of such systems of processes a regular horizontal net-work is formed in the connective tissue of the mucous membrane. The cells just described have nothing at all to do with the nerve termination. They are a modified, but indifferent epithe- lium. Between them, however, there appears a second cell formation, the terminal structure of the olfac- tory nerve, the olfactory cell (b) ; thus called, and with probability. times more deeply situated, we meet with a spindle-shaped cell body (1, 2, b). Below (1,2, d) the latter gives off an exceedingly thin filamentous process. It presents, with cer- tain treatment, small varicosities, like a primitive fibrilla of the nerve fibre (p. 196). At the upper pole, our spindle cell sends off a broader, smooth rod (1, 2, c), 0.0018 to 0.0009 mm- wide. Ascending between the epithelial cylin- ders, it reaches the surface of the parts. In many animals, the terminal surface of the rod has Fir;. 194. — 1. Cells of the regio olfac- toria of the frog ; a, an epithelial cell, terminating below in a ramified process ; b, olfactory cells with the descending fila- ment ; d, the peripheral rod, c, and the long vibratile cilia;, e ; ?, cells from the same region of man. The references the same, only sh'.rt projections, e, occur (as artefacts I on the rods : 3, fibres of the olfactory nerve from the dog ; at a dividing into n.,i_ fibrillae. at least, it is at present Sometimes higher, some- 140 TWENTY-THIRD LECTURE. single or multiple long ciliae, as for example in the frog b — The olfactory nerve — we are already familiar with its pale primitive fibres (Fig. 194, 3, Fig- 195,/) from p. 196— gives off branches as it ascends to the cell layer of the regio olfactoria. The axis cylinder (Fig. 195, e) proves to be finely striated. At last, after losing their sheath, the primitive or axis-cylinder fibrillar radiate upwards in a brush-like manner, as exceedingly thin vari- cose filaments (d). It is assumed that they are connected with the descending, similarly constituted finest processes of the " olfac- tory cells " (c). This theory proceeded from M. Schultze. The eminent investigator — he has, unfortu- nately, been prematurely torn from us — could not, however, bring forward a forcible proof here, any more than with regard to the other nerves of sense, after years of arduous hon- est labor. One cannot avoid certain con- clusions, therefore, that by the aid of im- proved methods, the matter may subse- quently become quite different. However, this is my subjective view. Exner has more recently denied the differ- ence between the epithelial and olfactory cells. In contradistinction to him, Von Brunn has subsequently subscribed to the older view of Schultze. Brunn found Over the regio olfac- toria a homogeneous boundary layer after the manner of the retina (see below). It has pores for the olfactory cells only. Let us now pass to the termination of the nervus acusticus, and thus enter the most difficult department of modern his- tology. C Fig. 195. — Probable termination of the olfac- tory nerve in the pike ; a, olfactory cells : b, rods ; r. lower varicose fila- ments ; r, axis fibrillar in the sheath f; d, spread- ing out of these ; at — wanting connection wiih the same fibrillse, c. THE ORGANS OF SENSE. 24 1 Let us fiist make a cursory sketch of the unessential acces- sory parts. The external ear presents the auricle and the external au- ditory canal. The former consists of elastic cartilage covered with rarefied corium. Its muscles are transversely striated. The ceruminous glands of the external auditory canal have been previously mentioned (p. 137). The drum membrane, or membrana tympani, a fibrous diaphragm, is clothed externally by a rarefied cuticular cover- ing, internally by the delicate mucous membrane of the tym- panic cavity with simple pavement epithelium. The vascular net-work of this membrane is complicated (Gerlach). Lym- phatics and nerves are likewise abundant. The termination of the latter is for the most part unknown. The entire "middle ear" is lined with a thin, vascular mu- cous membrane. The vascular net-work shows a considera- ble development of the venous portion. The nervus tym- panicus presents ganglia. The auditory ossicles consist of true compact bone substance ; their muscles are transversely striated. The Eustachian tubes have stratified ciliated epithe- lium and true mucous glandules. Their nerves show small ganglia. The internal ear, as is known, consists of the vestibule, the semi-circular canals and the cochlea. Vesicles filled with watery lymphatic fluid occupy the cavities. The auditory nerve terminates in the ampulla and in the saccules of the vestibule, and then on the spiral plate of the cochlea (ramus vestibuli and ramus cochleae). The vestibule and the inner surfaces of the semicircular canals are lined with periosteum. The fluid contained in their interior is called the perilymph. The periosteum and the tissue of the mucous membrane of the tympanic cavity combined, form the so-called membrana tympani secundaria. The parietes of the saccules of the vestibule (sacculus hemi- ellipticus and rotundus) and the membranous semicircular canals, together with their ampullae, present externally unde- veloped connective tissue, internally a hyaline nucleated layer 11 242 TWENTY-THIRD LECTURE. (in the latter, canals with papilla-like incurvations), as well as a flattened epithelium. A second watery fluid, the endo- lymph, fills this system of cavities. The otoliths are enclosed within a special saccule, and form columnar-shaped crystals, measuring 0.009 to 0.002 mm. They consist of carbonate of lime, though they are said to have an organic basis. Let us pass to the expan- sion of the auditory nerve. The ampullae and sacculus hemi-ellipticus are supplied by the vestibular branch, the sac- culus rotundus, on the con- trary, by a branch of the cochlear nerve. It terminates Fig. 196. — Otoliths, consisting of carbonate .1 1 1 • . r .1 0f lime. in the duphcatures 01 the pa- rietes, that is at the entering angle of the same, the crista acustica. In fishes (rays), M. Schultze, many years ago, observed simple cylinder epithelium and rod cells intermingled with them, reminding one of the probable terminal structures of the olfactory nerves (p. 239). F. E. Schulze subsequently met with a shock of uncommonly long stiff ciliae in osseous fishes and tritons. The otolith sacs of fishes also presented a similar condition. In man the salient points of the vestibular saccules are less developed (maculae acusticae of Henle), but are more dif- fused. Here, also, fine non-medullated nerve fibres penetrate the epithelium. Two kinds of cells and cilia-like processes have also been noticed. We now come to the cochlea. This convoluted structure contains two nerveless winding canals, the two so-called scala of the older anatomists, the scala vestibuli and the scala tympani (Fig. 197, V, T), sepa- rated by an internally osseous, and externally soft membranous spiral plate. Reissner has discovered, in addition, a third cen- THE ORGANS OF SENSE. 243 tral spiral canal, forming on transverse section an irregular triangle, with its apex directed towards the axis of the cochlea. This is Reissner's cochlear canal, canalis cochlearis (Cj, the f\J K I , Reissner's membrane with -its insertion (a) into a projection at the so-called habenula sulcata (c) ; b. connective tissue stratum with a vas spirale at the under surface of the membrana basilaris ; c> ', teeth of the first series ; d, sulcus spiralis, with thickened epithelium, which extends as far as the developing Cortian organ, f; e, habenula perforata ; C »i, Corti's membrane (1. inner thinner, 2, middle thicker portion of the same, 3. its outer end) ; g, zona pectinata ; //, habenula tecta ; k, epithelium of the zona pectinata ; k'. of the outer wall of the canal of the cochlea ; k", of the habenula sulcata ; /, ligamentum spirale (?', transparent connecting portion of the same with the zona pectinata) ; «?, entering projection ; «, cartilaginous plate ; 0, stria vascularis ; /, periosteum of the zona ossea ; ^, transparent outer layer of the same ; q< bundle of the cochlear nerve ; j, place of termination of the medullated nerve fibres ; /, place of the axis cylinder in the canalicula of the habenula perforata ; r, tympanic periosteum of the zona ossea. proper cochlea of the lower groups of amphibia. Here alone, at the bottom, terminates the nervus cochlearis. It is impossible for us to describe here the infinitely com- plicated structure of the fundamental portion of this true cochlea, the more so as, unfortunately, in addition to all the 244 TWENTY-THIRD LECTURE. uncertainty, an extremely complicated nomenclature has also been developed.* The osseous portion of the spiral plate contains the expan- sion of the cochlear nerve. At its peripheral exit its bundles of fibres meet the so-called organ of Corti (Fig. 198, //). 7>9 * mkmSSiW^i Fig. 198. — The Corti's organ of the dog in perpendicular section : a, b, homogeneous stratum of the membrana basilaris ; u, vesicular stratum : 7', tympanic stratum with nuclei and protoplasma ; a, labium lympanicum of the crista spiralis : a, continuation of the tympanic periosteum of the lamina spiralis ossea ; c, thickened commencing portion of the membrana basilaris, together with the place of section, //, of the nerve d, and e blood-vessels ; _/, the nerve: g, epithelium of the sulcus spiralis externus ; i, inner hair cell with the basal process, k, surrounded by nuclei and pro- toplasma (of the " granule stratum "), into which the nerve fibres radiate : », base or foot of the inner pillar of the Corti's organ; m, its "head piece," connected with the same part of the outer pillar, the lower part of which is wanting, while the next following pillar o, presents the middle part and the base : /, q, r, the three outer hair cells ; z, a so-called supporting cell of Hensen ; L, lamina reticularis ; w, nerve fibre terminating at the first of the outer hair cells. In a transverse section it forms a conical elevation of the membranous base of the cochlear canal. It is hollow in its interior, and forms collectively, by the cochlear convolutions, a spiral tunnel. Its structure is infinitely complicated. We here meet with a double row of convergent ascending "pillars" {n, mf o) which meet each other at the top of the Cor- tian organ. There are two of the " external pillars " (o) to three of these internal elements (/i, ni). At their base we meet with cell rudiments. A further diversity is induced by the epithelial cells of the cochlear canals. They become from within outwards (that is from the axis of the cochlea towards its convex external arch) * The cochlear canal has been the object of extraordinarily extensive labors on the part of Reissner, Claudius, Boettcher, Schultze, Deiteis, Hensen, Waldeyer, Gottstein and others. THE ORGANS OF SENSE. 245 higher and higher (^). To the inner side of the inner pillar of the Cortian organ is applied a long cylinder cell, which is covered at the free upper border with short hairs it). This is the " inner hair cell " of Deiters. The " outer hair cells " {p, q, r), which are also obliquely directed, adhere in three or fourfold rows to the outer pillars of this Cortian tunnel. Fur- ther outwards occur spindle-shaped elements, " supporting cells " of Hensen (s), and then, gradually becoming flattened, lower cubical epithelial cells. The supports of the inner and outer pillars lock into each other in a quite peculiar form. From this point is developed an extremely remarkable horizontally extended membrane, the lamina velamentosa of Deiters (/, /). It is impossible to describe here the marvelous reticular structure. Where do the primitive fibrillae of the cochlear nerves end ? Freed at last from the confinement of the lamina spiralis ossea, it passes between the inner pillars in the tunnel of the Cortian organ. They are said to have previously become partially lost in the inner hair cells. They now terminate in the outer hair cells (zv). Notwithstanding the infinite pains and labor bestowed on this subject, it still stands on a weak foundation. TWENTY-FOURTH LECTURE. THE ORGANS OF SENSE, CONTINUED. — THE EYE. We have still to mention the termination of the optic nerve. In doing this we must of course draw into the circle of our discussion the entire eye, that magnificent and won- derful organ which is so important for the physician. Never- theless, in consequence of its extremely complicated structure, we can only present a cursory incomplete description. The eyeball (Fig. 199) presents first an external capsular Fig. 199. — Transverse section of the eye ; a, sclerotica ; b, cornea ; c, conjunctiva ; d, circulus venosus iridis ; e, choroid, with the pigment layer of the retina ; f, ciliary muscle ; g, ciliary process ; It. iris : z, optic nerve ; i', colliculus opticus ; k, ora serrata retinae ; /. crystalline lens ; m, tunica Descemetii ; «, membrana limitans interna of the retina ; o, membrana hyaloidea ; j>, canalis Petiti ; q, macula lutea. system ; the posterior, opaque, greater portion is formed by the sclerotic {a), while the anterior, smaller, transparent seg- THE EYE. 247 ment (6) is constituted by the cornea. These membranes enclose a black stratum, the so-called uvea. It consists of the choroid (e) with the ciliary processes (g) and, applied exter- nally to the latter, the ciliary muscle (_/") and, finally, a more anterior ring-shaped disk, the iris (//). The contents of the hollow ball are formed by the various light-refracting media. Even the cornea {b) participates in this action. Next to it comes the so-called humor aqueus, that is, the watery contents of the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye (in front of /). Then follows a firmer structure, the most important refracting body, the crystalline lens (/). The completion is formed by a large globular mass, having a concave impression in front, the vitreous body or humor vitreus (behind /). The greater portion of the latter is covered by the cup- shaped expansion of the optic nerve, the retina (/). It termi- nates anteriorly, according to the usual impression, in the region of the origin of the ciliary processes, with an undulated border, the so-called ora serrata (k). A very complicated system of vessels, springing almost exclusively from the arteria ophthalmica, supplies our organ with blood. Lymphatics are, naturally, also not wanting. The cornea, with its two homogeneous boundary layers, was mentioned at p. 56; the stratified pavement epithelium of the anterior surface at p. 31 ; the simple cell layer of the posterior at p. 29 ; the nerves at p. 207. We mentioned at that time the system of passages of the cornea, and ascribed to them a sort of parietes. Differences of opinion prevail concerning this, however. The passages of this system of juice-clefts (Fig. 200) may be artificially filled by the puncturing method, in successful cases, with the pres- ervation of their old shapes, in numerous others, however, distorted, with the appearance of wide misshapen canals. They have been not badly termed "rupture spaces." The circumstance is interesting that a successful injection of the juice-spaces finally leads to the lymphatics of the conjunctiva. The cellular contents of the canal-work has caused endless 248 TWENTY-FO UR TH LECTURE. controversies ; not the lymph corpuscles wandering through them, but rather the "fixed" corneal cells (Fig. 200, to the left and below). They are stellate and water-wheel-like cells, the nucleus of which is always invested by some protoplasm, while the peripheral portions are metamorphosed into homo- Fig. 200. — The human cornea impregnated with silver. The corneal corpuscles, that is, the system of juice-spaces, colorless. To the left, below, four metamorphosed parenchyma cells. geneous veil-like plates. The cells probably have a limited contractility. Their processes do not, according to our views, form any connected net-work. Hence, a portion of the juice- canals remain filled with fluid. All this is disputed by others, however. No one should here leave the decision with confi- dence to one reagent, such as gold, for instance. The sclerotica (p. 57) is a firm connective-tissue membrane, and consists of bundles arranged meridionally, with others crossing them in an equatorial direction. In front they pass continuously over into the modified hyaline connective tissue of the cornea. It also contains regular passages with lymph corpuscles and in part colorless, in part pigmented connective- tissue cells (Waldeyer). It appears to have nerves only at the corneal border. At the margin of both membranes, although belonging to the inner surface of the sclerotica, we meet with a complicated ring-shaped reservoir. This is the sinus Schlemmii (Fig. 199, d). It has been declared to be a venous reservoir THE EYE. 249 (Leber). Others regard it as a lymphatic passage (Schwalbe, Waldeyer). Posteriorly, the sclerotica passes over into the external sheath of the optic nerve, derived from the dura mater. This membrane is finally strengthened by the insertions of the ten- dinous bundles of the ocular muscles. The system of the uvea, with the exception of its most anterior portion, the iris, is characterized by very considerably developed vessels. The entire inner surface (and the posterior surface of the iris) is covered by the pigmented outer epithelium of the retina (p. 30). During a portion of the fcetal period, the latter extended much further forwards than it does at a more mature period. The greater portion of the uvea is formed by the posterior segment, the choroid. The thin membrane consists of sev- eral, not sharply demarcated, connective-tissue layers. We recognize a, an inner hyaline boundary layer, 0.0006 to O.OO08 mm. in thickness, thicker and more uneven in front ; b, a thin homogeneous layer, with extraordinarily developed stellate capillary net-works (choroidea >capillaris) ; c, the choroid proper of the histologists, with stellate, very generally pigmented connective-tissue cells, and a great wealth of arte- rial, as well as venous vessels ; and, finally, d, a loose pig- mented connective tissue, which forms the connection with the inner surface of the sclerotica. It is called the lamina fusca, and also the supra-choroidea ; it forms a lymphatic space. The vascular net-work in the ciliary body, and in the ciliary processes which project inwards from the latter, is greatly developed. The substratum remains similar to that of the choroid, though the pigmented connective-tissue cells dis- appear. Externally to these processes we meet with a peculiar smooth muscular mass, the tensor choroideae, musculus ciliaris, or ligamentum ciliare of an older epoch (Fig. 199, /). The human ciliary muscle arises from the inner side of the 11* 250 TWENTY-FOURTH LECTURE. boundary region of the cornea and sclerotica. Meridional bundles of the former radiate in a posterior direction into the ciliary body. Below and inwards occur interwoven filaments, and still further inwards, circular bundles (Mueller's ring muscle). We meet with colorless connective-tissue cells in the con- nective-tissue substratum of the iris of light eyes, and pig- mented cells in that of dark ones. Besides these, smooth muscular elements occur. Annular bundles (Fig. 201, a) Fig. 201. — Surface of the human iris ; a, the sphincter ; b, the dilator of the pupil. form the constrictor or sphincter of the pupil. From it pro- ceeds the dilator pupillse, an object of controversy of later years. Muscular bundles, which are at first separated, form more peripherically a connected radial layer of fibres (b). At the ciliary, that is the outer border, we finally meet with an an- nular muscular layer. This external or ciliary border of the iris gives rise at its anterior surface to another peculiar tissue, the ligamentum pectinatum iridis (Huek). We have already learned (p. 56) that the posterior surface of the cornea is covered by a hyaline membrane, the mem- brana Descemetica or Demoursii. At its periphery, this posterior covering layer passes over into a peculiar reticular tissue (probably, in man, most intimately connected with the elastic tissue), which passes through the outer margin of the THE EYE. 251 anterior chamber of the eye. This is the ligamentum pcctina- tum, which has just been mentioned. Its trabecular are covered with epithelial cells. The anterior surface of the iris also has such a layer. An incompletely closed, ring-shaped canal, which is bounded by the trabecular of this ligamentum, has been called the canalis Fontanae. Small ganglia of the ciliary nerves occur in the choroid. The ciliary muscle and the iris are more plentifully supplied with nerve fibres, but their manner of termination we do not yet know. Concerning the crystalline lens and the vitreous body in general, we refer to pages 78 and 45. There is one circum- stance which requires more special mention here. According to a widely disseminated acceptation, the hyaloid membrane (Fig. 199 in the vicinity of k), separates into two leaves, a posterior and an anterior, the so-called zonula Zinnii, which is impressed in a ruffle-like manner by the ciliary processes. Both continue on to the crystalline lens at its equatorial zone. The zonula Zinnii presents a peculiar pale and resistant sys- tem of fibres. A three-cornered annular sinus, bounded by both lamellae, bears the name of the canalis Petiti. Much is still obscure here, and the space is, after all, only an artefact (Merkel, Mihalcovics). Let us now turn to the expansion of the optic nerve into the retina. Our membrane has its greatest thickness (0.38 to 0.23 mm.) at the place of the entrance of the optic nerve. It becomes thinner (to about the half) towards the periphery. Passing beyond the equator (thinned to 0.09 mm.) it termi- nates as the so-called ora serrata (Fig. 199, k). Externally from the place of entrance of the optic nerve (z1), about 3 to 4 mm. removed from it, is the macula lutea, the seat of the most distinct vision (g). In its centre there is an excavation, the so-called fovea centralis. The retina, provided with numerous other elements, appears to be an extraordinarily complicated structure, and, at the same time, of extreme delicacy and variability. It has been the object of infinite research in older and more recent times ; 252 TWENTY-FOURTH LECTURE. but, notwithstanding the labors of H. Mueller and M. Schultze, we are still exceedingly distant from a conclusion, as Schwal- be's most recent studies show. The retina (Fig. 202) is invested externally by the simple pigmented epithelial layer already familiar to us (p. 30). Then (1) we have the stratum of rods and cones ; thereupon follows the so-called external limiting mem- brane, the membrana limitans ex- terna (the transverse line between I and 2). Next comes the external granular la}Ter (2), then the inter- granular layer (3). Thereupon fol- lows the inner granular layer (4), then the molecular stratum (5). Further inwards we meet with the stratum of the ganglion cells (6), thereupon the radial expansion of the optic nerve fibres (7). The termination is formed by the inter- nal limiting membrane, the mem- brana limitans interna (10). The layer of rods and cones, as well as the external granular layer, is called by Schwalbe the neuro-epithelial stratum, all the rest the cerebral stratum. In the structure of this thin and wonderfully complicated mem- brane we must, however, distinguish two different elements, connective tissue and nervous. Let us first take the former into account (Fig. 203, A), and commence at the inner surface. The membrana limitans interna (/), an apparently hyaline, o.oon mm. thick layer, deserves mention as the first connec- tive-tissue boundary layer. In an inward direction (to- wards the vitreous body), smoothly demarcated, it passes over Fig. 202. — The human retina in ver- . tical section ; i, layer of the rods cones, demarcated below by the mem- brana limitans externa ; 2, the exter- nal granular layer ; 3, intergranular layer; 4, internal granular layer: 5, tine granular layer ; 6, layer of gan- glion cells ; 7. expansion of the optic nerve fibres ; 8, Mueller's supporting fibres ; 9, their transformation into the inner limiting. membrane ; 10, the mem- brana limitans interna. THE EYE. 253 externally (towards the choroid), commencing with a triangu- lar expansion, and then diminishing into a connective-tissue radial fibre system (e), which is wanting only in the macula lutea. 'Wt Fig. 203. — Diagramatic representation of the retina ; A, connective-tissue frame-work : a, mern- brana limitans externa ; c, radial or Muellerian supporting fibres with their nuclei, e' ; d, frame- work substance of the intergranular, and g, of the molecular layer ; /, membrana limitans in- terna ; B, nervous elements ; 6, rods with outer and inner members ; c, cones with outer member and body ; i\ rod, and c\ cone granule ; rf, expansion of the cone fibre into the finest fibrillae in the intergranular layer ; f, granules of the inner granular layer ; g, confused mass of finest fibres in the molecular layer ; h, ganglion cells ; k\ their axis-cylinder processes ; i, layer of nerve fibres. These are the Mueller's supporting fibres (e). They in- ciease more and more towards the anterior terminal portion. 254 TWENTY-FO UR TH LECTURE. Lateral branches of the latter lead to manifold communica- tions. In the molecular (gf) and the intergranular layer (d) there is thus formed a very fine reticular frame-work, such as we are already familiar with in the gray substance of the cere- brospinal system (p. 220). Nuclei or cell equivalents occur occasionally in the system of supporting fibres, as in the external granular layer (, with the lamellar decom- position of the same. THE EYE. 261 plicated arrangement of the blood vessels of the eyeball. We must leave this to more special works. We would add, however, a few words concerning the lymphatics of. the eyeball (Fig. 208), basing them on Schwalbe's admirable work. We may assume with this investigator an anterior and a posterior system of lym- phatics. The former, arising from the iris and ciliary processes, has its central reservoir in the anterior chamber of the eye. To this division be- long also the lymphatics of the cornea and conjunc- tiva. All that lies behind the ciliary processes forms the posterior lymphatic system. The sclerotic and the cho- roid are perhaps without definite lymphatic canals. The cup-like space between both membranes, with which we are already familiar as the lamina fusca, has, on the contrary, the signification of a lymph reservoir. This is Schwalbe's perichoroideal space (p). From it (at the eleva- tion of m r of our figure) occurs the transition of the lym- phatic fluid into the so-called Tenon's space (/), that is the interval between the outer surface of the sclera and the Te- non's capsule of the eyeball. The connecting lymph canals surround the vasa vorticosa of the choroid in a sheath-like manner. Posteriorly the Tenon's reservoir continues into the supravaginal space (s p v), a cylindrical sheath membrane of the optic nerve.- Key and Retzius, the two able investigators mentioned in Fig. 208. — The posterior lymphatics of the hog's eye : c, conjunctiva ; m r, the recti muscles : 111 retr., retractor bulbi ; a, layer of fat: 7>, the outer sheath of the optic nerve ; t, the '"Tenon's" space, passing backwards into the "supravaginal," s />7' : .? 6 v, " subvaginal " space between the in- ner and outer sheath of the optic nerve ; /. "per- ichoroideal" space connected with the Tenon's space by oblique passages. 262 TWENTY-FO UR TH LECTURE. connection with the lymphatics of the nervous central organs, injected from the subdural space of the brain (p. 231) an intermediate space located between the external and internal sheath of the optic nerve, the subvaginal space of Schwalbe (s b v), and from this they drove the injection mass into the perichoroideal space of Schwalbe. Schwalbe does not, how- ever, accept the latter communication. Injection masses maybe forced beneath the inner sheath of the optic nerve, between the bundles of optic-nerve fibres, and this may be done from the subarachnoidal space of the brain (p. 231). The lymphatics of the retina invest its capillaries and veins, therefore, in a sheath-like manner. We return to the chambers of the eye, the central reservoir of the lymph of the anterior portion of the globe. What is the relation of its affluent passages ? In the first place a cleft system leads from the canal of Petit into the posterior, and thus into the anterior chamber of the eye. Wider and more important introductory passages open from the Fontana's space in the ligamentum pectinatum iridis, probably for the lymph of the iris and ciliary pro- cesses. Injection masses pass from the periphery of the membrane of Descemet into the canal of Schlemm (p. 248). Can a communication between the lymphatic and venous passages actually exist here, similar to that which Key and Retzius admitted, by the aid of the Pacchionian granulations for the membranes of the brain (p. 232) ? Leber, an observer who has rendered great service to the anatomy of the eye, has, it is true, disputed this, and he may be right. We have still to mention, briefly, the external, less import- ant appendices of the eyeball. The eyelids contain, embedded in the firm connective tis- sue of the tarsal cartilage, the so-called Meibomian glands, short sinuous tubes with fatty parenchyma cells, but without a membrana propria or muscular tissue in the excretory duct. Its secretion is the sebum palpebrale. THE EYE. 263 The conjunctiva presents a complete mucous membrane over the posterior surface of the eyelids and the anterior sur- face of the sclera ; only the stratified pavement epithelium remains over the cornea, the mucous membrane having become metamorphosed into corneal tissue. The conjunctival glands are of manifold species. In man and in certain mammals we meet with small mucous glandules, though the cells contain fat granules. Convoluted glands (Fig. 119) occur at the periphery of the cornea in ruminating animals (Meissner). Simple culs-de-sac have been recognized in the hog, externally to the corneal periphery, towards the outer canthus of the eye (Manz). In the tarsal border of the human eye we meet with modified sudoriparous glands (Waldeyer). Concerning the trachoma glands, we have already commu- nicated all that was necessary (p. 113). In man there are probably no true lymphoid follicles (Waldeyer). The ter- minal bulbs of the conjunctiva have been mentioned at p. 209. The tear-gland, glandula lacrymalis, consists of an aggre- gation of single racemose glands. We are not yet familiar with the nerve terminations here. The efferent apparatus presents differences of structure in its different portions. We leave the description of them, like that of so many other things, to more comprehensive text-books. INDEX Acinus of the glands, 130. Adventitia of the capillaries, see Vessels. Air cells, see Lungs. Alveoli of the lungs, 158. Amoeboid changes of form of the cells, 9. Anthracosis of the lungs, 160; of the bronchial glands, 160. AquulaCotunnii (perilymph) of the audi- tory organs, see Auditory apparatus. Aquula vitrea auditiva (endolymph), see Auditory apparatus. Arachnoid, see Nerve centres. Arrectores pilorum, 81. Arteriae helicinae, 191. Arteries, 94. Arteriolar recta? of the kidney, 170. Articular cartilage, 44. Assimilation by the cell, II. Auditory organ, 240 ; external ear, 241 ; membrana tympani, 241 ; auditory ossicles, 241 ; Eustachian tube, 241 ; internal ear, 241 ; vestibule and semi- circular canals, 241 ; otoliths, 242 ; cochlea, 242 ; its structure, 242 ; Reissner's, or the cochlear canal, Corti's organ, termination of the coch- lear nerves, etc., 243. Auditory ossicles, see Auditory organ. Auerbach's plexus myentericus, 218. Axis canal of the spinal cord, 224. Axis cylinder, 193. Axis-cylinder process of the ganglion cells, 200. Axis fibrillar of the nerves, 196. Bacilli of the retina, see the Eye. Bartholinian glands, 181. Bathybius, 1. Becher cells, 5. Bellini's tubes, see Kidney. Biliary capillaries, see Liver. Biliary passages, see Liver. Bladder, see Urinary apparatus. Blood, 21 ; cells and plasma, 21 ; red blood corpuscles and lymphoid cells, 21 ; nature of the former, 22; differ- 12 ences of the same according to the groups of vertebrate animals, 23 ; lymphoid cells of the blood, 23 ; rela- tive number, 24; circulation of the blood, 24 ; fate of the lymphoid cells ; 25 ; genesis of the blood in the em- bryo, 26. Blood- vascular glands, 123 ; thyroid gland, 123; structure, 123; colloid formation. 124 ; suprarenal capsules, 124; cortical and medullary layer, 124; structure, 125; vessels and nerves, 126 ; apophysis cerebri, 126 ; coccygeal gland, 126; ganglion inter- caroticum, 127. Blood-vessels, see Vascular system. Bone tissue, 60; kinds of bone, 60; medullary or Haversian canal, 60 ; Haversian and general lamellae, 61 ; canaliculi, 61 ; bone corpuscles or lacunas, 62 ; bone cells, 62 ; composi- tion of bone, 63; bone cartilage, 64; bone medulla, 64 ; osteogenesis, 64 ; cartilage marrow, 65 ; ossification points, 65 ; formation of bone at the expense of the cartilage tissue, 65 ; osteoblasts, 68; endochondral bones, 69 ; theory of apposition and expan- sion, 69; Haversian spaces, 70; os- teoclasts, 70; periosteal bone forma- tion, 70; Sharpey's fibres, 71. Bowman's glands of the olfactory region, see Olfactory organ. Brain, cerebrum and cerebellum, see Nerve centres. Bronchia, see Lungs. Bruch's trachoma follicles, 113, 263. Brunner's glands, 147. Buccal glandules, see Digestive appa- ratus. Bulbus olfactorious, see Olfactory appa- ratus. Canaliculi, see Bone tissue. Canalis cochlearis, see Auditory appara- tus. 266 INDEX. Canalis Fontanse, see Eye. Canalis Petiti, see Eye. Canalis Schlemmii, see Eye. Canalis semi-circular of the ear, see Auditory apparatus. Capillaries, see Vessels. Carotid gland, 126. Cartilage, 42 ; hyaline, elastic (reticular) and connective-tissue cartilage, 42 ; cartilage cavities and cartilage cells, 43 ; cartilage capsules, 43 ; intercel- lular substance, 43 ; metamorphosis of fibres and calcification, 44 ; occur- rence of hyaline cartilage, 44 ; reticu- lar cartilage, 45 ; connective tissue, 45. Cartilage capsules, see Cartilage. Cartilage cell, see Cartilage. Cartilage medulla, see Bone. Cavernous bodies, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Cavernous passages of the lymphatic glands, see Lymphatic glands. Cells, 3 ; naked cells, 3 ; cell doctrine, 3 ; cell and cytode, 4 ; cell forms, 4, 5 ; globular, flattened and cylindrical forms, 5 ; spindle cells, 5 ; proto- plasma, 5 ; transformation of the same, 5 ; nucleus, 6 ; nucleolus, 6 ; non-nuclear cells, 6 ; multinuclear cells (myeloplaxes), 7 ; cell envelope and capsule, 7 ; porous canals, 8 ; vital (amoeboid) changes in form of the cell, 9 ; pus corpuscles, 9 ; nutrition and locomotion, 9 ; penetration of cells into cells, 10 ; ciliated or vibratory cells, 10; sensibility of cells, 11; assimilation, 11 ; duration of life, 12; kinds of death of the cell, 13 ; spon- taneous genesis, 14 ; processes of divi- sion, 14 ; endogenous cell formation, with mother and daughter cells, 15 ; intercellular substance, or tissue cement, 16; metamorphosis of the cells, and production of tissues, 17 ; metamorphosis of the intercellular sub- stance, 17 ; elastic fibres, 17 ; glands, 18; transversely striated muscular fila- ments, 19. Cerebellum, see Nerve centres. Cerebral ganglia, see Nerve centres. Cerebrin, 194. Cerebrum, see Nerve centres. Cerumen, see Auditory apparatus. Ceruminous glands, see Auditory appa- ratus. Chorio-capillaris, see Eye. Chorion of the ovum, 176. Choroid, see Eye. Chyle, 26. Chyle vessels, 103, 116. Ciliary cells, see Epithelium. Ciliary motion, see Epithelium. Ciliary muscles, see Eye. Circulatory apparatus, see Vessels. Clitoris, see Sexual system of the female. Coagulation of the blood, 25. Coagulation of the nerve medulla, 194. Coccygeal gland, 126. Cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Cochlear canal, see Auditory apparatus. Colloid, 124. Colloid metamorphosis of the thyroid cavities, 124; of the apophysis cere- bri, 126. Colostrum, see Sexual system of the female. Columnar Bertini, see Kidneys. Columns of the spinal cord, see Nerve centres. Commissura anterior and posterior of the spinal cord, see Nerve centres. Commissures of the spinal cord, see Nerve centres. Conarium of the brain, see Nerve centres. Coni of the retina, see Eye. Coni vasculosi, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Conjunctiva, see Eye. Connective substance, 41. Connective substance, lymphoid and reticular, 45. Connective tissues, 51; fibrillse, bundles, elastic elements, 51 ; elastic sheaths, 53 ; cells of two different forms, 54 ; formless connective tissue, 56 ; formed, 56 ; cornea, 56 ; tendons, 57 ; liga- ments, 57 ; connective-tissue cartilage, 57 ; fibrous membranes, 57 ; serous, 5 7 ; corium, 58 ; mucous membranes, 58 ; vascular membranes (pia mater, plexus choroides, and choroid), 58; connective tissue vascular walls, 58 ; elastic structures, 58 ; pathological, 59 ; embryonic conditions of the tissue, 59- . • Constituents of the body, 3. Contour, double, of the nerves, see Nerve tissue. Contractility of the living cell, 9. Convoluted glands, 130. Cornea, 56, 207, and see Eye. Corneal cells, 56, 248. Corneal corpuscles, 56, 248. Corneal nerves, 207. Corneal tubes, see Eye. Corneous layer of the epidermis, 32. INDEX. 267 Cornification of the pavement epithelium, see Epithelium. Cornu ammonis of the brain, see Nerve centres. Corpora cavernosa, 190. Corpora quadrigemina of the brain, see Nerve centres. Corpus callosum, see Nerve centres Corpus ciliare, see Eye. Corpus epididymis, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Corpus Highmori, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Corpus luteum, see Sexual apparatus of the female. Corpus striatum of the brain, see Nerve centres. Corpus vitreum, see Eye. Cortex corticis of the kidney, see Kidney. Corti's cells, see Auditory apparatus. Corti's fibres, see Auditory apparatus. Corti's organ, see Auditory apparatus. Cowper's glands, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Crura cerebri and cerebelli of the brain, see Nerve centres. Cuticula of the hair, see Epithelium. Cytode, 2. 1 Daughter cells, 15. Dehiscence of the ovarian follicles, see Sexual system of the female. Deiter's cells of the cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Dental nerves, 214. Dentinal cells, 75. Dentinal tubes, etc., see Tooth tissue. Dentine, 73. Desquamation of the cells, 12. Digestive apparatus, 139 ; oral cavity, 139; mucous glands, 139; salivary glands, submaxillary and sublingual, 139 ; change of the gland cells, 140 ; parotid, 141 ; tongue with its various papillae, 141 ; serous glands of the tongue, 142; pharynx, 142; oesophagus, 142 ; stomach, 142 ; tubular glands 143 ; frame-work of the mucous mem- brane, 143 ; peptic and gastric-mucous glands, 143 ; blood-vessels, 145 ; lymphatics, 145 ; small intestines. 146; intestinal villi and Lieberkiihnian glands, 146 ; Brunner's glands, 146 ; lymph or chyle passages, 14S ; absorp- tion of fat, 14S ; large intestine and its tubular glands, 149 ; lymphoid follicles of the intestines, 149 ; blood- vessels, 149; anus, 149. Dilator pupillse, see Eye. Discs of the transversely striated mus- cles, see Muscles. Division of the cells, 14. Ductus ejaculatorii of the testicle, 189. Dura mater, 57 and 231. Duverney's glands, 18 1. Ear, see Auditory apparatus. Egg germ, see Sexual organs of the fe- male. Egg-strands, see Sexual organs of the female. Elastic tissue, 52. Emigration of colored blood-cells through the walls of the vessels, 90 ; of lym- phoid cells, 90. Emigration of red and colorless blood- cells, 90. Enamel germ, 76. Enamel of the teeth, 75 ; enamel prisms, 75 ; enamel cuticle, 75 ; transverse sec- tion, 75 ; genesis, 76. Enamel organ, 46, 76. Enamel prisms, etc., see Enamel. Endogenous cell formation, 15. Endothelium, 28. Engelmann's accessory discs of the trans- versely striated muscle, 85. Envelopes of the finer nerve trunks, 57, 202. ' Enveloping structures of the central nervous system, 231. Blpidermis, see Epithelium. Epididymis, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Epithelium, 28; endothelium, 2S ; pave- ment, cylinder and ciliated epithelium, 2S ; cement substance, 31; pigment- ed epithelium, 30 ; stratified, 30 ; stachel and riff cells. 32 ; epidermis, 32 ; ciliary movement, 35 ; nail tis- sue, 36 ; nail cells, 37 ; hairs, 38 ; hair shaft and root, 38 : root sheath, 3S ; cortex and medulla of the hair, 39 ; epidermis, 39 ; appearance of the hairs, lanugo hairs, 40. Erection, 191. Eustachian tubes, see Auditory appara- tus. Eye, 246; parts of the eyeball, 247; cornea, 247 ; sclerotic, 248 ; canalis Schlemmii, 249 ; choroid, 249 ; parts of the same, 249 ; ciliary body, 249 ; ciliary processes, 249 ; ciliary muscle, 249 ; iris, 250; sphincter and dilator of the pupil, 250; ligamentum pectina- tum iridis, 250 ; nerves of the iris, etc., 268 INDEX. 251; crystalline lens, 251; vitreous; body, 251 ; zonula Zinnii, 251 ; cana- lis Pfliti, 251 ; retina, 251 ; arrange- ment, 252 ; macula lutea, 252 ; layers, 252 ; frame-work substance, 252 ; membrana limitans interna, 252 ; Mueller's fibres, 253 ; membrana limitans externa, 254 ; rods and cones, 254 ; external granular layer, 257 ; intergranular layer, 257 ; inner gran- ular layer, 25S ; molecular stratum, 258; layer of ganglion cells, 258; of nerve fibres, 259 ; macula lutea, 259 ; pars ciliaris, 260 ; lymphatics of the eye, 261 ; eyelids, 262 ; glands of the conjunctiva, 262 ; lachrymal glands, 263. Eyeball, see Eye. Fallopian tube, see Sexual organs of the female. Fat tissue, 48 ; fat cells, 48 ; fat drops, 48 ; chemical constitution of the tat of the body, 49 ; cells losing their fat, 49 ; occurrence of fat tissue, 50 ; gen- esis, 50. Fatty degeneration, 13, 88. Fiore cell, contractile, see Muscular tissue. Fibro-cartilage, see Cartilage tissue. Fibro-reticular cartilage, see Cartilage tissue. Follicles, Graafian, of the ovary, see j Sexual organs of the female. Follicles, Malpighian, of the spleen, see ' the latter. Follicles of the lymphatic glands, see the latter. Follicular chains of the ovary, see Sexual organs of the female Follicular rudiments of the ovary, see Sexual organs of the female, forked cells, see Gustatory apparatus. Formatio granulosa of the ovary, see Sexual organs of the female. Fovea centralis of the retina, see Eye. Gall-bladder, see Liver. Ganglia, see Nerve centres. Ganglion body, see Nerve tissue. Ganglion cell layer of the retina, see Eye. Ganglion cells, see Nerve tissue. Gastric glands, see Digestive apparatus. Gastric-mucous glands, see Digestive ap- paratus. Gastric-mucous membrane, see Digestive apparatus. Gegenbaur's osteoblasts, see Bone tis- sue. Gelatinous tissue and reticular connec- tive substance, 45 ; vitreous body, 46; reticular connective substance, 47 ; lymphoid celis and modifications of the tissue, 47. General lamellae, see Bone tissue. Germinal plates, 28, etc. Germinal spot, see Ovum. Germinal vesicle, see Ovum. Giant cells, see Myeloplaxes. Gland capillaries, 134. Gland nerves, 208. Gland tissue, 128; definition, 128; con- stituents of the glands, 129 ; various forms of glands, 130; gland cells, 131 ; secretions, 132; vessels, 134 ; lymphat- lcsi 135; nerves, 135; excretory ducts, 135 ; individual glands of the body, 137 ; genesis, 138. Glands, mucous, 139. Glands, serous, 142. Glomerulus of the kidney, 9S, 164. Goll's column of the spinal cord, see Nerve centres. Graafian follicles of the ovary, see Sexual organs of the female. Granular layer of the retina, see Eye. Growth of the cells, 11. Gustatory apparatus, 236 ; the various papilla;, 236 ; papilhe circumvallatae and foliatte, 236 : gustatory buds, 237 ; nerve termination, 238 ; gustatory cells, 238. Gustatory buds, see Gustatory appar- atus. Gustatory organ (tongue), see Gustatory apparatus. Gustatory papillae of the tongue, see Gustatory apparatus. Habenuke of the cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Haemoglobin, 22. Hair bulb, see Epithelium. Hair sac, see Epithelium. Hair, see Epithelium. Haversian canals, see Bone tissue. Haversian lamellae, see Bone tissue. Haversian spaces, see Bone tissue. Heart muscles, 86. Hemispheres of the cerebrum and cere- bellum, see Nerve centres. Henle's loops of the uriniferous canals, see Urinary apparatus. Hensen's middle discs of the transversely striated muscles, 84. INDEX. 269 Hepatic lobules, see Liver. Hepatic vessels, see Liver. Hilus-stroma of the lymphatic glands, 10S. 1 [istology, 3. Horn laser, 28. Horn layer of the epidermis, 32. Humor aqueus of the eye, see Eye. Humor vitreus of the eye, see Eye. Hymen, see Sexual apparatus of the female. Hypophysis cerebri. 126. Infundibula of the lungs, see Lungs. Interglobular spaces of the dentinal tissue, see Teeth. Intestinal glands, see Glands, and Diges- tive organs. Intestinal villi, 104; and Digestive or- gans. Iris, see Eye. Iris nerves, see Eye. Keratine, 5. Kidney, 16 j ; cortex and medulla, 163 ; Malpighian or medullary pyramids, 163 ; columnse Bertini, 163 ; uriniferous canals or Bellini's tubes, 163 ; medul- lary rays, 164; cortical pyramids, 164; glomerulus, 164; papillae renales, 164; looped canals, 164; excretory passages and secretory portion of the kidney, 165; vascular arrangement of the cortical pyramids, 165 ; Mueller's or Bowman's capsule, 165 ; epithelial relations, 166; intercalary piece, 167; frame-work substance of the kidney, 16S ; blood and lymph vessels, 168 ; blood passages, 168 ; lymph passages, 170; urinary passages, 171 ; renal calices and pelvis, 171 ; ureter, 171 ; bladder, 171 ; female uretha, 172. Krause's transverse line of the muscles, see Muscular tissue. Labia, see Sexual organs of the female. Lachrymal gland, etc., see Eye. Lacunae, see Bone tissue. Lamellae of the bones, see Bone tissue. Lamina elastica of the cornea, see Eye. Lamina fusca of the choroid, see Eye. Lamina recticularis (velamentosa), see Auditory apparatus. Lamina spiralis of the cochlea, see Audi- tory apparatus. Large intestine, see Digestive organs. Larynx, see Lungs. Lens tissue, 7S ; lens capsule, 7S ; lens fibres, 78. Lentiform gastric glands, see Lymphoid organs. Leucaemia, 123. Lieberk tinman glands, see Digestive apparatus. Ligaments, see Connective tissue. Ligaments, elastic, see Connective tis- sue. Ligamentum ciliare, see Eye. Ligamentum pectinatum iridis, see Eye. Ligamentum spirale of the cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Lingual papillae, 141. Liquor folliculi, see Sexual apparatus of the female. Liver, 150; hepatic lobules, 151 ; hepa- tic cells, 151 ; fatty liver, 151 ; hepa- tic cell trabecule, 152; vessels, 152; frame-work, 153 ; biliary passages and biliary capillaries, 154 ; lymphatics, 155- Lungs, 157 ; larynx, 157 ; trachea, 157 ; lungs, 158; alveolar passages and pul- monic lobules, 158 ; pulmonary vesi- cles, p. cells, alveoli, 158; structure, 159; black lung pigment, 160; ar- rangement of vessels, 160 ; pulmo- nary epithelium, 162. Lymph, 27. Lymph corpuscles, see Lymphoid cells. Lymph passages, 102 ; ductus thoraci- cus, 102 ; lymphatics, 103 ; injection of the lymphatics, 103 ; arrangement of the same, 104 ; clefts, 106 ; juice canals or juice clefts, 107 ; lymphatic glands, 107 ; envelope, cortex and medulla, hilus-stroma, 108 ; follicles, 108 ; septa and tenter-fibres, 109 ; in- vestment spaces, 109 ; lymph canals, no; blood-vessels, no. Lymph sheaths of the blood-vessels, see Vessels. Lymph vessels, see Lymph passages. Lymphatic glands, see Lymph passages. Lymphoid cells. 5, 9, 23, etc. Lymphoid follicles, see Lymphoid or- gans, j Lymphoid organs, 112; lens-shaped glandules, solitary and Peyerian fol- licles, tonsils and trachoma glands, 112; structure of the tonsils, 113; trachoma glands in particular, 113; structure of the Peyerian plaques, 114; spleen, 116; Malpighian corpuscles, and pulp, 1 17; vessels, 119; cells containing blood corpuscles, 122 : 270 INDEX. leucaemia, 123 ; lymphatics, 123 ; blood -vascular glands, 123. Macula lutea of the retina, see Eye. Malpighian bodies of the spleen, see Lymphoid organs. Malpighian glomerulus, see Kidney. Malpighian pyramids of the kidney, see Kidney. Malpighian rete mucosum, see Epider- mis. Medulla, see Spinal cord and medulla oblongata. Medulla oblongata, see Nerve centres. Medulla of the nerves, see Nerve tissue. Medullary canals of the bones, see Bone tissue. Medullary substance of the lymphatic glands, kidney, etc., see the organs in question. Meibomian glands, see Eye. Melanin, 5, 30. Membrana Descemetica (Demourisiana), see Eye. Membrana hyaloidea, see Eye. Membrana limitans of the retina, see Eye. Membrana propria of the glands, see Glands. Membrana tympani, see Auditory ap- paratus. Membranes, fibrous, serous, etc., see Connective tissue. Middle germinal layer, 28. Milk, see Sexual organs of the female. Milk glands, see Sexual organs of the female. Milk globules, see Sexual organs of the female. Molecular movement (Brunonian), 27. Mother cells, 15. Mucous corpuscles, see Lymphoid cells. Mucous membrane, see Connective tissue. Mucous tissue, 46. Mueller's capsule of the kidney, see Kid- ney. Mueller's supporting fibres of the retina, see Eye. Muscle nerves, 203. Muscles, see Muscular tissue. Muscular filaments, etc., see Muscular tissue. Muscular tissue, 79 ; smooth and trans- versely striated, 79 ; smooth muscles, contractile fibre cells. 80 ; their occur- rence, 80; transversely striated, 81; muscular filaments (fibres), 8i ; sar- colemma an.d sarcous elements, 81 ; fibrillas and discs, 83 ; transverse discs, 84 ; accessary discs, 85 ; interstitial granules, 85 ; heart muscle, 86 ; transverse section of the muscle, 86 ; connection with the tendons, 86 ; embryonic development, 87 ; increase, 88 ; fatty degeneration, 88. Myeloplaxes, 7. Nail tissue, 37. Nails, 36. Nasal cavities, see Olfactory apparatus. Nerve centres, 215; ganglia, 215; their structure, 215; sympathetic, 217; sympathetic ganglia, submucous and plexus myentericus, etc., 217, 218; spinal cord, 218 ; neuroglia, 220 ; nerve roots of spinal cord, 221 ; white substance of spinal cord, 222 ; medulla oblongata, 224 ; its several parts, 224; cerebellum, 227 ; its several parts, with the cortex, 227 ; cerebrum, 229 ; its several parts, 229 ; blood and lymph vessels, 231. Nerve fibres, etc., see Nerve tissue. Nerve plexuses, etc., see Nerves, ar- rangement of. Nerve sheath, 202. Nerve tissue, 192; nerve fibres and ganglion cells, 192 ; medullated and non-medullated nerve fibres, 192; broad and narrow medullated fibres, 192 ; primitive sheaths, 193 ; axis cylinders, 193 ; nerve medulla (med- ullary sheath), 193 ; coagulation of the medulla, 194; transverse section, 194; varicosities, 195; Ranvier's constriction rings, 195 ; pale (Re- mak's), nerve fibres, 196; axis or primitive fibrillas, 196 ; ganglion cells, 197 ; apolar ganglion cells,. 198 ; origin of nerve fibres, 198 ; uni- and bipolar ganglion cells, 19S, 199 ; mul- tipolar ganglia, 200; protoplasma and axis-cylinder processes, 200. Nerve tubes, see Nerve tissue. Nerves, arrangement and termination of, 202 ; nerve sheath (neurilemma), 193, 202 ; nerve termination, 203 ; ter- minal plates of voluntary muscles, 204 ; nerves of the smooth muscles, 206 ; nerve termination in the cornea, 207; gland nerves, 208; terminal bulbs, 208 ; Pacinian corpuscles, 210 ; tactile bodies, 211 ; other nerve ter- minations, 213; Langerhans' cor- puscles, 213. INDEX. 271 Nerves, see Nerve tissue. Neurilemma 1 nerve sheath), 202. Neuroglia, see Nerve centres. Nipple, see Sexual apparatus of the fe- male. Nucleus dentatus cerebelli, see Cerebel- lum. Nucleus of the cell, 6. Nymphse, see Sexual organs of the fe- male. Odontoblasts, see Dentine. CEsophagus. see Digestive apparatus. Olfactory hairs, etc., see Olfactory ap- paratus. Olfactory nerve, see Olfactory organ. Olfactory organ, 23S ; regio olfactoria, 238 ; its structure, 238 ; olfactory cells, 239 ; termination of the same, 240. Optic nerve, see Eye. Ora serrata retinae, see Eye. Oral cavity, see Digestive apparatus. Ossification process, see Bone tissue. Osteoblasts, etc., see Bone tissue. Otoliths, see Auditory organ. Ovarian follicles, see Sexual organs of the female. Ovary, see Sexual organs of the female. Oviduct, see Sexual organs of the female. Ovulum, see Sexual organs of the female. Ovum, 5, 175. Ovum, primordial, see Sexual organs of the female. Pacchionian granulations, see Nerve cen- tres. Pacinian corpuscles, see Nerve termina- tions. Palatine glands, see Digestive appara- tus. Palpebral, see Eye. Pancreas, 150; contents, 150; centro- acinary cells, 150. Panniculus adiposus, 49. Papilla foliata of the tongue, see Gusta- tory apparatus. Papilla spiralis (Corti's organ) of the cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Papillae circumvallatse of the tongue, see Gustatory apparatus. Papillae filiformes of the tongue, see Gus- tatory apparatus. Papillae fungiformes, see Gustatory ap- paratus. Papillae of the corium, 5S, 212. Papillae renales, see Kidney. Parotid, see Digestive apparatus, Parovarium, see Sexual apparatus of the female. Pavement epithelium, see Epithelium. Pedunculi cerebri, see Nerve centres. Penicilli of the splenic arteries, see Spleen. Penis, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Peptic-gastric glands, see Stomach. Peptic-renic cells, see Stomach. Pericardium, see Connective tissue. Perichondrium, see Connective tissue. Perilymph (aqua Cotunnii), see Auditory apparatus. Perimysium, see Muscular tissue. Perineurijm (nerve sheath), 202. Periosteum, see Connective tissue and Bones. Petit's canal, see Eye. Peyer's glands (follicles), see Lymphoid organs. Pharynx, see Digestive apparatus. Pia mater, see Connective tissue and Nerve centres. Pigment cells, see Epithelium and Con- nective tissue. Pigment epithelium of the retina, see Epithelium. Pineal gland of the brain, 230. Pleura, see Connective tissue. Plexus choroidei of the brain, see Nerve centres. Plexus myentericus, see Nerve tissue. Plexus of the nerves, see Nerve arrange- ment. Plica semilunaris, see Eye. Pons Varolii, see Nerve centres. Porous canals of the cells, 8. Primitive fibnllae of the connective tis- sue, muscles, and nerves, see these tis- sues. Primitive sheaths of muscles and nerves, see these tissues. Primordial kidney, see Kidney. Primordial ova, see Sexual organs of the female. Processus ciliaris of the eye, see Eye. Processus vermiformis, 114. Prostate, see Sexual organs of the male. Prolamceba, 2. Protoplasma, 2, etc. Pulp of the spleen, see Lymphoid or- gans. Pulpa dentis (tooth germ), 74. Purkinje's ganglion cells, see Central nervous system ; germinal vesicle of the ovum, see Sexual organs of the female. Pus corpuscles (lymphoid cells), 9. 272 INDEX. Pyramids of the kidney, see Kidney. Pyramids of the medulla oblongata, see Nerve centres. Regio olfaetoria, see Olfactory apparatus. Reissner's membrane of the cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Remak's nerve fibres, see Nerve tissue. Remak's studies on cell formation, 14. Renal papillae, etc., see Kidney. Respiratory organs, see Lungs. Rete Malpighii, see Epithelium. Rete testis, see Sexual organs of the male. Reticular cartilage, see Cartilage. Retina, see Eye. Retinal vessels, see Eye. Riff cells (stachel cells), see Epithelium. Rod corona fibres, see Nerve centres. Rods of the retina, see Eye. Salivary glands, see Digestive apparatus. Sarcolemma, see Muscular tissue. Sarcous element, see Muscular tissue. Scala media of the cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Schlemm's canal, see Eye. Schneiderian membrane, see Olfactory apparatus. Schwann's cell doctrine, 14; Schwann's nerve sheath, see Nerve tissue. Sclerotic, see Eye. Sebaceous follicles, 236. Sebum cutaneum, 132, 236. Sebum formation of the glands of the skin, 132. Sebum palpebros, see Eye. Segmentation of the yolk, 179. Semen, see Sexual organs of the male. Seminal filaments, etc., see Sexual or- gans of the male. Sexual organs of the female ; ovary, 173 ; cortical and medullary substance of the same, 173 ; germinal epitheli- um, 173 ; cortical or zone of the pri- mordial follicle, 173; ripe Graafian follicle, 175 ; ovum with the chorion, yolk, germinal vesicle, and germinal spot, 176; blood and lymph vessels, 177 ; parovarium, 177 ; genesis, 178 ; follicle chains or ovum strands, 178 ; corpus luteum, 179 ; segmentation of the ovule, 179 ; oviduct, 179 ; uterus, 179; uterine glands, 180; blood ami lymph passages of the uterus, 180 ; pregnancy, 180 ; vagina, 180 ; hymen, clitoris, nymphs, and labia majora, 181 ; vestibule, entrance to the vagina, 181 ; lacteal glands, 1S1 ; colostrum and milk, 182. Sexual organs of the male ; testicle, 1S3 ; corpus Highmori and seminal canals, 183; epididymis, etc., 183; vas defe- rens. 1S4 ; vas aberrans Halleri, 184 ; structure of the seminal canals, 184 ; blood and lymph vessels, 185 ; genesis, 1S6; seminal filaments, 187; copula- tion,, 187; genesis, 188; spermato- blasts, 189 ; structure of the vas defe- rens, 189; seminal vesicles, ejaculatory ducts, prostate, other glands, 189 ; urethra, 190 ; corpora cavernosa, glans 190; colliculus seminalis, 190; Littre's and Tyson's glands, 190; structure of the cavernous tissue, 190; erection, 191 ; vessels, 191. Sharpey's fibres of the bone, see Bone tissue. Sheath of the nerve fibres, see Nerve tissue. Skin, see Connective tissue, 58, and or- gans of sense, 234 ; tactile papilla;, 234 ; blood-vessels and lymphatics, 234 ; glands, 235. Small intestine, see Digestive apparatus. Solitary glands of the intestinal canal, see Lymphoid organs. Sperm (semen), see Sexual organs of the male. Spermatozoa, see Sexual organs of the male. Sphincter pupillse, see E\e. Spinal cord, see Nerve centres. Spinal ganglia, see Nerve centres. Spiral fibres of the ganglion cells, see Nerve tissue. Spiral leaf of the cochlea, see Auditory apparatus. Spleen, see Lymphoid tissue. Splenic follicles, see Lymphoid organs. Splenic vessels, see Lymphoid organs. Spot, yellow, of the retina, see Visual apparatus. Stachel cells (riff cells), see Epithelium. Stelluke Verheyenii of the kidney, see Kidney. Stomach, see Digestive apparatus. Stomata of the vessels, see Blood and lymph vessels. Subarachnoidal spaces, see Nerve cen- tres. Subdural space, see Nerve centres. Sublingual glands, see Digestive appara- tus. Submaxillary gland, see Digestive ap- paratus. INDEX. 273 Submucous ganglion plexuses of the di- gestive organs, see Nerve centres. Suprarenal capsule, see Blood-vascular giands. glands, see Gland tissue. Sympathetic nerve, see Nerve arrange- ment. Tactile bodies, see Nerve terminations. Tactile organs, 234. Teeth, 73. Tendons, see Connective tissue. Tensor choroidife, see Eye. Terminal bulbs of the nervous system, 208. Terminal plates of the muscular nerves, see Nerve terminations. Terminal structures of the nerves, see Nerve terminations. Testicles, see Sexual apparatus of the male. Thalamus opticus, see Nerve centres. Theca of the ovary follicles, see Sexual organs of the female. Thymus, see Blood-vascular glands. Thyroid, see Blood-vascular giands. Tissue, 3 ; simple, 20; compound, 21. Tissue cement, 16. Tissue elements, 4. Tissues, division of the, 20. Tonsds, see Lymphoid organs. Tooth tissue, 73 ; dentine, 73 ; enamel and cement, 73 ; dentinal tubes, 73 ; cement, 74 ; interglobular spaces, 74 ; dentinal cells or odontoblasts, 75 ; genesis of the teeth, 76 ; tooth mound, enamel germ, tooth germ, 76 ; enamel organ, tooth sac, 77. Trachea, see Lungs. Trachoma glands, see Lymphoid organs and Eye. Tubae Eallopii, see Sexual organs of the female. Tunica vasculosa of the eye, see Eye. Tympanum, etc., see Auditory appar- atus. Tyson's glands, see Sexual organs of the male. Ureter, see Kidney. Urethra, 172, 190. Urethra, female, see Urinary apparatus ; urethra, male, see Sexual organs of the male. Urinary apparatus, 163 ; kidneys, 163 ; cortex and medulla, 163 ; medullary pyramids, 163; columns; Bertini, 163; uriniferous canals (Bellini's tubes), 163 ; cortical pyramids and glomerulus, 164; papillae renales, 164; looped canals, 164; their two sides, 165; Mueller's or Bowman's capsule of the glomerulus, 165 ; course of the urini- ferous canals, intercalary portion, etc., 166 ; vascular arrangement, 168 ; cortex corticis, 169; vasa recta, 170; lymphatics, 170 ; theory of the urinary secretion according to Ludwig, Bow- man, 171 ; urinary canals, renal cali- ces and pelvis, 171 ; ureter, 171 ; urin- ary bladder, 171 ; female urethra, 172. Uterine glands, see Sexual organs of the female. Uterus, see Sexual organs of the female. Uvea of the eye,' see Eye. Vagina, see Sexual organs of the fe- male. Varicosities of the nerves, see Nerve tis- sue. Vas aberrans Halleri of the testicle, see Sexual organs of the male. Vas afferens and efferens of the lymph- atic glands, see Lymphatics. Vasa recta of the kidney, see Kidney. Vascula efferentia of the testicle, see Sexual organs of the male. Vascular membranes, see Vessels and Connective tissue. Vascular tissue, see Vessels. Veins, see Vessels. Venae, inter, and intralobulares of the liver, see Liver. Venae vorticosoe of the eye, see Eye. Venous plexus (plexus choroides), of the brain, see Central organ of the nervous system. Vesiculae seminales, see Sexual organs of the male. Vessels, blood, 16 ; arteries, veins and capillaries, 89 ; capillaries, 89 ; vascu- lar cells, 90; adventitia capillaris, 91 ; lymph sheath, 91 ; structure of the large arterial and venous trunks, 91 ; structure of the veins, 93 ; of the arteries, 94 ; valves, 95 ; capillary system, 95 ; capillary net-work, 96 ; various forms of the same, 96 ; genesis in the embryo, 99. Vessels, lymphatic, 102; intestinal villi, 104 ; other localities, 105 ; lymphatic apertures, 106 ; juice canals and clefts, 107 ; lymphatic glands, 107 ; their structure, 10S ; cortex, medulla, fol- licles, medullary strands, septum sys- 2/4 INDEX. tern, investment space, 108, 109 ; lymphatics of the medulla, no; ves- sels, no; lymph current, in. Vestibule of the ear, see Auditory ap- paratus. Visual apparatus, 246. Vitreous body, 45, and the Eye. Wandering of the cells. 10. Wolffian body, 177, 186. Yolk, see Ovum. tf Boston Public Library Central Library, Copley Square Division of Reference and Research Services The Date Due Card in the pocket indi- cates the date on or before which this bock shuuld be returned to the Library. Please do not remove cards from this pocket. BOSTON PUBLIC LIBRARY 3 9999 05987 518 5 V«i,j*i,-s,i*»*i*ci'\J i'iVi'i'i'iV lilli 111 iiiii HI lii'!;, :;!» iliiil ;!;fy |ji|S|}}|:;:jl IsUiim '.'ir.'.'SfififiK