Historic, archived document Do not assume content reflects current scientific knowledge, policies, or practices. A99.9 F764U Comprehensive Tree Volume Equations for Major Species of New Mexico and Arizona: I. Results and Methodology David W. Hann B. Bruce Bare : - — ees 4 Ripa es ARTA Tite et tes SEY ee eee ee eae muta! tlhe wee ates hia’ Pe oA S es 3 tape? vite XEROX COPY DO NOT REMOVE Merchantable Volume Stump Volume UDSA Forest Service Research Paper INT-209 INTERMOUNTAIN FOREST AND RANGE EXPERIMENT STATION FOREST SERVICE, U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ERRATA SHEET Hann, David W., and B. Bruce Bare. 1978. Comprehensive tree volume equations for major species of New Mexico and Arizona: I.. Results and Methodology. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT=209,.45 p.) Intermt.. For..and Range Exp. Stn..,. Ogden, Utah 84401: Page 9 Table 5.--forked tree merchantable gross cubte foot volume data base and regression results Independent variables = D.b.h. in inches D.. = Top diameter, inside bark, in inches H = Total tree height in feet P.=-Height to,farst fork divided ‘by Ho T = 1 + (number of forks) F Relative eiens :mean squared Species, National Forest, and regression equations ] of A ec ie > observations | PRMSOR) White pine on Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson R. = = Cee? Cao 101 0.9581 ig Co == 0.61725167 + 0.042565845D_ Ci = 0.00598501 - 0.00073445D_ OTR, 2 = 1.04518089 - 7.88395198E-07D" + 8.39079873E-08D8 i a ut Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir on Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson F Ru 2 8 1.15S721355 =-1.5106/496E-08D- 91 Ms: m Ponderosa pine on Coconino, Tonto, Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson i Ro» =O, 997113216. = 0,0253001 25D. + CaT> + Cyr 937 59761 io ee) mas Ga = 0.00564984 + 0.00079885D_ Cy = 0.002886816 + 0.025350015D_, OFR_ 2 = 1.01577735. - 1.68401836E-06D> mM, Douglas-fir on Lincoln; Santa Fe, and carson R_ 2 = 1.04417090 - 9.55965562E-09*D" 118 Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson ab R. » = 1.07666448 - 1.18155616E-05D2-° 184 4: ; White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln a Z 7 ple Re = Cy + C; (8/02) 74 86 Co = 0.673711298 + 0.055948591D_ Cy = 1.709640750 - 0.348154558D or" m R.. . = 01985295776 -- 2.40166266E-05D> CONTENTS Page INDRODWCITONG ces eee A ee re We tA R es ion departs dey poss SOURCE AND NATURE OFZDA TA. o. nctms aye, 06% drasieierysne fe) i oS Re SOME RSs Gane souks Nst Se oa thwciwa het dios oi es caeadrs ov gy, @ a 4 DISCUSSION AND: CONGILUSIONS, ... oc. csunienteicaine) ci "Re.,,.04)o.9 6) pansercte ope 0, 20 PUBLICARIONSICULE DS cx., aioe couon © chaos oipet icy eure” fees sreatyc* age 27 APPENDIXES SU CO et ictais atopsleta ake ae viet oie eae aicis lel ies! hp air eober teh Wh is OL Details Gt Methodology. «wc. ticveg ie: 81g werniseticr arses) “erigd re Biers OA I. --Total Stem Gross Cubic Foot Volume--Unforked Trees .. 32 Il. --Total Stem Gross Cubic Foot Volume--Forked Trees ... 33 Ill. --Merchantable Gross Cubic Foot Volume--Unforked Trees . 33 IV.--Merchantable Gross Cubic Foot Volume--Forked Trees . . 35 V.--Gross Cubic Foot ee Volume--Unforked and Forked Trees ... o (et den ato) OO VI. --Gross ie ceational ie thch Board Foot vonesé Unforked Trees... ; re ee VII. --Gross International {/A-tneh Board Foot volumess Forked Trees ... i ee ae OT VIII. --Gross Scribner Board Foot voline= 638 IX. --Gross Scribner Board Foot Volume--Forked Trees... . 39 X.--Probability of a Tree Being Unsound in Cubic Foot Volume--Unforked and Forked Trees .. . a e < oo XI. --Fraction Cull in Total Stem Cubic Foot voll Given the Tree is Unsound--Unforked and Forked Trees ... 40 XII. --Fraction Cull in Merchantable Cubic Foot Volume Caen the Tree is Unsound--Unforked and Forked Trees ... 2 AL XIII. --Probability of Tree Being Unsound in Board Foot velune -- Unforked and Forked Trees ... - 42 XIV.--Fraction Cull in International /4Siach Bodtd B08e. volunie Given the Tree Is Unsound--Unforked and Forked Trees. . 43 XV.--Fraction Cull in Scribner Board Foot Volume Given the Tree Is Unsound--Unforked and Forked Trees ...... 438 RESEARCH SUMMARY Comprehensive tree volume equations and the methodology used to derive them are presented for the major tree species of New Mexico and Arizona. With these equations, the following gross and net volume types can be computed for both unforked and forked trees: total stem cubic foot volume; mercuantable cubic foot volume to any top diameter between 3 and 8 inches, inside bark; International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top, inside bark; and Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top, inside bark. These equations were developed in such a manner as to eliminate many of the problems of consistency, compatibility, reliability, and flexibility associated with previous sets of volume equations. This approach also allows the user to divide total stem cubic foot volume into top volume, merchantable volume, and stums volume. This last feature is useful for predicting the ievel of residues after harvesting to various top diameters. INTRODUCTION Today, as in the past, the accurate estimation of tree volume is an essential pre- requisite for foresters involved with timber management planning, forest surveys, damage appraisal, timber sale preparation, trespass, and condemnation proceedings as well as growth and yield studies. To be of immediate value, volume estimates must be expressed in units of measure related directly to the products derived from the tree. The board foot and the cubic foot are traditional units of measure, although the latter is increasing in importance as utilization of the total tree becomes more common. However, it is also recognized that cubic foot volume, when combined with square feet of circum- ferential surface and linear feet, provides for more consistent and accurate estimates of a tree's product potential (Grosenbaugh 1954; Davis and others 1962; Bruce 1970). Thus, future needs of foresters may well require estimates in these units of measure as well as the traditional board foot. This paper is concerned solely with tree volume estimation in the Southwest. Surface area equations for selected species in the same area were provided by Hann and McKinney (1975). All of the early volume tables and equations published for exclusive use in Arizona, New Mexico, or both were for the prediction of unforked, gross Scribner board foot volume to an 8-inch top. When volume equations were developed, the logarithmic method described by Schumacicr 274 Hall (1933) was followed (Hornibrook 1936; Lexen and Thomson 1938a, 1938b; Peterson 1939b, 1939c, 1939d; Lexen and Peterson 1939b, 1939c, 1939d; and Krauch and Peterson 1943). When this method did not work, the alinement chart method was used (Peterson 1939a; Lexen and Peterson 1939a; and Krauch and Peterson 1943). These early equations and tables were for "blackjack" or immature ponderosa pine (Hornibrook 1936; Peterson 1939b), ''yellow'' or mature ponderosa pine (Hornibrook 1936; Peterson 1939c), combined ponderosa pine (Peterson 1939d), white fir (Lexen and Thomson 1938a; Lexen and Peterson 1939a), southwestern white pines (Lexen and Thomson 1938b; Peterson 1939a), Apache pine (Lexen and Peterson 1939b), Arizona pine (Lexen and Peter- son 1939c), Chihuahua pine (Lexen and Peterson 1939d), and Douglas-fir (Krauch and Peterson 1934). In addition to these, Meyer (1938) published gross volume tables for unforked ponderosa pine derived from data collected in several western States, including the Southwest. Volumes were given in three units of measure--total stem cubic foot, Inter- national 1/8-inch, and Scribner board foot. More recently, the logarithmic method has been used to develop equations for unforked, gross Scribner board foot volume to an 8-inch top in white fir (Peterson 1958) and in Englemann spruce (Peterson 1961), and for unforked, gross cubic foot volume to both a 4- and an 8-inch top in immature and mature ponderosa pine (Gaines and Peterson 1960). Minor (1961) used weighted, least squares regression to develop an equation for unforked, gross cubic foot volume to a 4-inch top in ponderosa pine, whereas Myers (1963) used ordinary, least squares regression with segmented data to develop unforked, gross volume equations for (a) total stem cubic foot volume, (b) merchantable cubic foot volume to a 4-inch and variable top limit, and (c) International 1/4-inch and Scribner board foot volumes to a variable top limit. (Myers used the term "variable top limit" to indicate that the merchantable top diameter was a fixed function of a tree's diameter breast height and not to indicate that the top diameter was an independent variable in the volume equation. The latter type of equation can be converted to the former by defining the functional relationship between d.b.h. and top diameter.) The purpose of this study was to develop gross and net tree volume equations for forked and unforked trees of the major tree species found in Arizona and New Mexico. Species-National Forest (sp-NF) specific equations were developed for the following units of measure--total stem cubic foot volume, merchantable cubic foot volume for any top diameter between 3 and 8 inches, and International 1/4-inch and Scribner board foot volumes to a 6.0-inch top. The resulting equations and methodology used to derive these equations are described in this paper. Volume tables for use in the field appear in a companion piece, ''Comprehensive tree volume equations for major species of New Mexico and Arizona: II. Tables for unforked trees." The present study provides a complete set of standardized gross and net volume equations for the major species, forked or unforked, in Arizona and New Mexico. In addition, all equations are derived from a common data base. Further, modeling proce- dures were adopted to ensure that (a) net volumes do not exceed gross volumes, (b) reasonable board foot-cubic foot ratios prevail, and (c) Scribner board foot volumes do not exceed International 1/4-inch board foot volumes. Merchantable cubic foot volume equations for any top diameter between 3 and 8 inches also are provided, thus permitting users of the equations to adapt to changing merchantability standards. : SOURCE AND NATURE OF DATA The data were collected from five National Forests of Arizona and New Mexico by field crews of the Division of Timber Management, Southwestern Region, Forest Service, Albuquerque, New Mexico (table 1). The data for the Coconino, Tonto, and Lincoln Nationai Forests are the same as used by Hann and McKinney (1975) in the development of surface area equations. On the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests, the measurement trees were selected by line sampling with a 40 basal area factor angle. The lines were located and trees designated by inventory field crews traveling to randomly selected continuous forest inventory plots. Later, a second crew felled and measured as many of the designated trees as could be finished in one working day, using procedures similar to those described by Stage and others (1968). Tree volumes were computed using a modified version of the NETVSL computer program (Stage and others 1968). Merchantable volumes were determined to various top diameters and to a 1-foot stump on all National Forests except the Lincoln, where stump height was 1.2 feet. Table 1.--Data sources National Forest Specues : Coconino : Tonto : Lincoln : Santa Fe: Carson Blackjack pine! (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) xX xX xX X X Yellow pine! (Pinus ponderosa Laws.) X xX xX xX X Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menztestt var. glauca [Mirb.] Franco) Xx x xX x White fir (Abtes concolor [Gord. and Glend.]) X X X Southwestern white pine (Pinus flextlis var. reflexa Engeln.) 4 x X Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannit Parry) x x x Aspen (Populus tremulotdes Michx.) é x X Corkbark fir (Abtes lLastocarpa var. artzontca [Merriam] Lemn.) X x ltn the Southwest, blackjack and yellow pines are distinguished by their bark colors; blackjack pines have very dark bark and yellow pines heavily Plated, orange bark. This distinction is based on age, growth, and vigor differences rather than botanical differences, but foresters have found it useful in forest management planning. RESULTS Final equations for predicting the various types of tree volume follow, along with an explanation of how to apply them. Details concerning the methodology can be found in the appendixes. A statistic that will be presented whenever possible is the relative mean-squared residuals (RMSQR) of the final equation. RMSQR is the quotient of mean-squared resid- uals divided by the variance of the dependent variable and, as such, is an index of fit similar to the coefficient of determination (R2). In the case of RMSQR, however, perfect fit would result in a value of 0. A fit that would not reduce the squared residuals below the value around the mean would result in a value of 1, and a value greater than 1 would indicate that the model has increased variability. The advantage of RMSQR over R* is that only the former will reflect the loss in degrees of freedom that results from adding another independent variable; therefore, it serves as a better measure for comparing equations of different numbers of independent variables to see if the added variable(s) reduced variance about the regression model. The standard error of the estimate is not reported here because the methodology used precluded the calculation of a meaningful statistic. Gross volwnes.--The appropriate equations for computing gross volume are chosen by the user on a tree-by-tree basis. If the tree is unforked, then the unforked tree vol- ume equation is chosen based on the sp-NF combination of the tree. If the tree is forked, the unforked tree volume is first computed for the tree and then corrected for forking by the appropriate forked tree equation for the sp-NF combination of the tree. These seemingly trivial facts are brought out because the choice of which net volume equation to use is not on a tree-by-tree basis, but instead is determined for an entire data set. A tree is considered forked if a fork of any severity occurs between breast height and the tip of the tree. For most of the species, two equations are given. The first equation utilizes tree size information only, while the second equation incorporates two independent variables that relate to the severity of forking. In all cases, the second equation has a lower RMSQR value. The position of the first fork variable, P, is defined as the height to the first fork divided by totai tree height. The number of tips variable, T, can be counted directly or computed by adding 1 to the number of forks. All forks between breast height and the tip of the tree should be counted regardless of their severity. Total Stem Gross Cubte Foot Voluwme--Unforked Trees The total stem gross cubic foot volume of unforked trees is predicted from the model: V, = a + a,D*H where Predicted total stem gross cubic foot volume of an unforked tree Diameter at breast height (d.b.h.) in inches Total tree height in feet. The sp-NF specific, weighted least squares regression coefficients, ag and a,, are found in table 2, along with the number of trees used in their development and the resulting RMSQR. Methodological details can be found in appendix I. Table 2.--Unforked tree total stem gross cubte foot volwne data base and regression results : N ae : Relative , : National : f eee :mean squared Species of Regression coefficients ; E Forest SS Grane residual : (RMSOR) a9 a) White pine Lincoln, Santa Fe, Carson 43 0.160888987 0.00203250045 0.0177 Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir Lincoln, Santa Fe, Carson 155 - 225466084 - 00216969983 -0329 Yellow pine Coconino, Tonto, Lincoln, 201 - 237204154 -00221122919 -0292 Santa Fe, Carson Blackjack pine Coconino, Tonto, Lincoln 680 - 0810724804 - 00198351037 -0266 Blackjack pine Santa Fe, Carson 220 - 0483082948 - 00204968419 -0435 Douglas-fir Lincoln, Tonto 108 - 438373815 - 00175642739 -0162 Douglas-fir Santa Fe, Carson 81 - 341133398 -00191796994 -0368 Aspen Santa Fe, Carson 109 0327 - 00231123522 -0199 White fir Lincoln 43 - 210903832 - 00183995833 20213 White fir Santa Fe, Carson 58 -157776859 - 00200912252 30277 Total Stem Gross Cubte Foot Volumne--Forked Trees The model for total stem gross cubic foot volume of forked trees is V =V,x .R tf t tsf where Vy f = Predicted total stem gross cubic foot volume of a forked tree 3 VG = Predicted total stem gross cubic foot volume of an unforked tree Ry f = Predicted ratio of actual total stem gross cubic foot volume in a forked sg tree divided by predicted total stem gross cubic foot volume in an unforked tree of same dimensions. The sp-NF specific equations for Ry f? their RMSQR, and the number of trees used are SJ found in table 3. An examination of RMSQR values indicates that, in some cases, models are only slightly better than the mean of ratios. Therefore, the mean values for Ry f 3 are also included in table 3 for those who do not feel comfortable using the equations. Methodological details can be found in appendix II. Table 3.--Forked tree total stem cubte foot volwne data base and regression results Independent variables D = D.b.h. in inches H = Total tree height in feet P = Height to first fork divided by H T = 1 + (number of forks) : lative Number Rene : ; F : : Mean : :mean squared Species, National Forest, and regression equations of t 7 R, Z a pees residual , . : . : : (RMSQR) White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln ‘ po = 8.72597123E-01 + 2.96964121E-03(H) 1.03680 7, 0.8803 ad oes 7 0-83242764 + 2.81237312E-05(H2) + 1.67572359E-01 (P) 1.03680 17 .8137 SI Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Ri f = 9.92085233E-01 + 1.87806305 (D/H) 2 1.12229 16 - 7702 sd mR o = 0.49137954 + 3.73898958E-02(D) - 5.87687943E-05 (H2) + 5.08620456E-01 (P) 1.12229 16 ~5139 ad Ponderosa pine on Lincoln, Coconino, Tonto, Santa Fe, and Carson R. f = 9.86799996E-01 + 4.82642048E-01 (D/H) 2 1.02667 158 -9889 > as 7 0790259661 + 1.24540324E-02(T2) + 9.74033859E-02 (P) 1.02667 158 .9374 a Douglas-fir on Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln, and Tonto R.. p = 9.40292266E-01 + 3.38586950(1/H) 1.00723 23 -9790 ad Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson R. f = 9,49182022E-01 + 2.82537481E-05 (H2) 1.02097 37 ~9559 >’ OFR, > = 1.36944003 + 3.87833769E-05(H2) - 5.61174592E-02 (T) a +3.69440030E-01(P2) - 7.38880060E-01 (F) 1.02097 37. ~8975 White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Rep = 9+10060854E-01 + 2.67134214E-01 (H/D2) -97591 13 8752 3 NHS UE EE EEE IEEE ne een nyeInInInEnI III IEI EIEN SSIES SSSEIEESNEENSEERS SNIDER Merchantable Gross Cubic Foot Volwne--Unforked Trees By definition, merchantable gross cubic foot volume in an unforked tree is equal to total stem gross cubic foot volume minus the cubic foot volume in both the top and the stump (Husch 1963). where < iT] unforked tree << = non This relationship can be written as Predicted total stem gross cubic foot volume in an unforked tree Predicted merchantable gross cubic foot volume to a specified top in an Predicted unmerchantable gross cubic foot volume in an unforked tree (that is, the gross cubic foot volume in the top and stump of an unforked tree). Weighted least squares regression was used to develop the following model for unmer- chantable gross cubic foot volume in an unforked tree: Dabok. oO z= o <= iH} 3 iT] u in inches D3H V2 bo + by + bab? D Total tree height in feet An sp-NF specific power on d.b.h. Any specified top diameter between 3 and 8 inches inside bark Predicted unmerchantable gross cubic foot volume in an unforked tree The appropriate regression coefficients, their RMSQR, and the number of observa- tions used can be found in table 4. of trees used because each tree has an unmerchantable volume for each of thc diameters computed for the tree. Methodological details can be found in appendix III. Table 4.--lmforked tree wmerchantable gross cubic foot volwne data base and regression results The number of observations differs from the number several top N = Regression coefficients Relative Species National of b : b : b :mean squared Forest : : 0 1 2 residual observations : : (RMSOR) White pine Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln 250 -0.213005397 0.00491211378 0.00606061971 0.0229 Engelmann spruce- Santa Fe, Carson, corkbark fir Lincoln 810 - .266475206 - 00612895037 - 00743111599 0503 Yellow pine All 1,206 -0185465259 .000788175798 .00505513624 1004 Blackjack pine Lincoln, Coconino Tonto 4,086 -.125349396 - 00360421889 - 00540634204 0591 Blackjack pine Santa Fe, Carson 1232 -.133967845 - 00650174839 - 00490223789 0657 Douglas-fir Lincoln, Tonto 648 - .083148657 -00121904459 - 00541744598 0547 Douglas-fir Santa Fe, Carson 424 - .187630869 - 00671872085 - 00536451038 0580 Aspen Santa Fe, Carson 528 -.236432433 .- 00580208490 - 00608042504 0435 White fir Lincoln 244 -.182699690 - 00124824607 - 00624477874 3681 White fir Santa Fe, Carson 298 -.187563245 - 00632648558 - 00604132385 0293 Merehantable Gross Cubte Foot Volwme--Forked Trees The equation form for forked tree merchantable gross cubic foot volume is where ve f = Predicted merchantable gross cubic foot volvyme of a forked tree F = Predicted merchantable gross cubic foot volume of an unforked tree a f = Predicted ratio of actual merchantable gross cubic foot volume in a forked ° tree divided by predicted merchantable cubic foot volume in an unforked tree of same dimensions. The sp-NF specific equations for Ra f? their RMSQR, and the number of observations used e] can be found in table 5. For those who do not feel comfortable using these equations, equations that predict RS f as a function of top diameter alone can also be found in 3 table 5. Methodological details can be found in appendix IV. Table 5.--Forked tree merchantable gross cubte foot volwmne data base and regression results Independent variables D.b.h. in inches dD, = Top diameter, inside bark, in inches Total tree height in feet P = Height to first fork divided by H T = 1+ (number of forks) : : Relative 8 8 oe :mean squared Species, National Forest, and regression equations . of - ; : ‘ : residual observations : (RMSOR) White pine on Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson R = Co + C,H 101 0.9581 m, f Co 0.61725167 + 0.042365845D__ 0.00598501 - 0.00073445D__ i] Cy °FR = 1.04518089 - 7.88395198E-07D’ + 8.39079873E-08D8 m,f m m Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir on Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson Ra perc oe Cy (D/H) 2 91 .9719 Co = 0.88977465 + 0.01260886D_ C, = 2.02369991 + 0.00029092D_, ooh ve = 1.09275293 + 1.66824359E-06D7 - 2.22920473E-07D8 Ponderosa pine on Coconino, Tonto, Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson Raf 7 50 + Cy (D/H) 2 937 9968 Co = 1.025717571 - 0.01509060D_, C, = 0.13600973 + 0.09709709D_, Rg 2 = 0.997113216 - 0.923300125D, + CoT? + C1P 937 .9761 Cy = 0.00564984 + 0.00079885D__ C, = 0.002886816 + 0.02330013D_ * Ree = 1.01577735 - 1.68401836E-06D° Douglas-fir on Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson Ra, = Co + CHO! + Conm!D, 118 .9064 Co = 0.552116849 Ci en@ 2225535301 C2. = 0.284962111 or, 2 = 0.951125601 - 7.62321367E-04D4 + 2.09712628E-03D3-5 Ms | 7 m Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson Ron macy & Crh" 184 .9165 altgyy Co = 1.143728271 - 0.08851433D__ Cy = -0.000006413 + 0.000018827D or m R_ .-= 1.07666448 - 1.18133616E-03D2-° m,; m White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Row = Co # C) (H/D2) 74 . 7286 of et Co = 0.673711298 + 0.055948391D_ (om) = 1.709640750 - 0.348134538D or m R_ » = 0.983293776 - 2.40166266E-05D* Gross Cubte Foot Stump Volwne--Unforked and Forked Trees Unmerchantable gross cubic foot volume is composed of both stump volume and top volume. Information concerning the amount of top wood left after logging can be very useful for residue and fire assessments. Weighted least squares regression was used to fit the following gross cubic foot stump volume equation: = 2 Leen Jo . g,D where Predicted gross cubic foot stump volume in an unforked or forked tree ae | iT] B.D.h. In inches, The appropriate regression coefficients, their RMSQR, and the number of trees used can be found in table 6. Stump height was 1.2 feet on the Lincoln National Forest, and 1.0 foot on the other National Forests. Methodological details can be found in appendix V. Equations for predicting d.b.h. from stump diameter have been reported previously by Hann (1976). Table 6.--Unforked and forked tree gross cubte foot stwmp volwne data base and regression results * Number’ Regression Soe Ripoten oes Species National Forest 3 he 90 3 91 : se : : (RMSOR) White pine Santa Fe, Carson 18 -2.20720716E-02 6.02924330E-03 050553 White pine Lincoln 42 -9.81087640E-03 6.92301900E-03 -0159 Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir Santa Fe, Carson 161 -1.26475621E-02 6.47928905E-03 .0658 Yellow pine Santa Fe, Carson, Coconino, Tonto 220 -7.19317815E-02 5.21911020E-03 -0417 Yellow pine Lincoln 11 -8.93559070E-02 6.21218970E-03 03521 Blackjack pine Santa Fe, Carson, Coconino, Tonto 963 -8.24872240E-03 4.87880288E-03 -0505 Blackjack pine Lincoln 57 -3.04689829E-02 6.05850250E-03 .0268 Douglas-fir Santa Fe, Carson, Tonto 115 7.56124690E-04 5.27297220E-03 .0648 Douglas-fir Lincoln 93 -2.21569699E-02 6.09390425E-03 -0311 Aspen Santa Fe, Carson 145 5.55975850E-03 5.30326265E-03 0797 White fir Santa Fe, Carson 66 -6.57525870E-03 5.48812315E-03 -O512 White fir Lincoln 48 -3.25893626E-02 6.52844110E-03 -0171 Gross International 1/4-Inch Board Foot Volume--Unforked Trees Gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree is predicted by << " Mr Nei) 1/6 in an unforked tree eo) " Predicted gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top Predicted gross merchantable cubic foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree Predicted ratio of actual gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree divided by predicted gross merchant- able cubic foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree. This equation The resulting where Dabeh. The sp-NF specific, weighted regression coefficients for R = TR = do = d,D_ I/C in inches. Ric? 1 sxaape> = aap number of trees used can be found in table 7. is also included to help bridge several gaps where comparable values of RMSQR were not computed. Species White pine Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir Yellow pine Blackjack pine Blackjack pine Douglas-fir Douglas-fir was fitted using weighted least squares ratio equations, are of the form: 3 regression through the origin. , their RMSQR, and the The coefficient of determination, R%, Methodological details can be found in appendix VI. Table 7.--Unforked tree arose International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-ineh top data base and regression results National Forest Santa Fe, Carson, Santa Fe, Carson, All Lincoln, Coconino, Santa Fe, Carson Lincoln, Tonto Santa Fe, Carson Santa Fe, Carson Lincoln Santa Fe, Carson Lincoln Tonto : Number i of trees — Lincoln 39 a Ww a a fon) w - 69196746 - 98736288 -10051404 - 84751736 - 58122078 - 58735344 -59717456 - 68808485 - 24687520 - 73644537 N _ @ 7 1. ay -52011366 -84791839 -97921881 - 69491322 -51941410 - 89271640 - 89404735 - 27685063 - 01994022 72093361 Regression coefficients dz + 348366 - 8128080 -556497 ~ 377226 097535 +514909 .877967 - 5048044 - 9587285 - 57378982 2,855. 1,423. 00 342464 985244 00 : mean squared : Relative * Coefficient of residual esas enc (RMSOR) 0.0179 ee .1018 9338 aes .9756 0753 9265 =F 9339 = 9711 0536 9543 0492 9649 0290 Poqae 0488 Koel a —— TTT. ree Gross Internattonal 1/4-Inch Board foot Voluwme--Forked Trees The model for gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top for forked trees is Vy oe Predicted gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top in ' a forked tree Vy = Predicted gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree ; Ry f = Predicted ratio of actual gross International 1/4-inch board foot voiume to : a 6-inch top in a forked tree divided by predicted gross International 1/4- inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree. The appropriate equations for Ry f? their RMSQR, the number of trees used, and the mean, ratio Ry ~? can be found in table 8. Methodological details can be found in appendix VII. -~_ Table 8.--Forked tree gross International 1/4-inch board foot volwne data base and regression results Independent variables D = D.b.h. in inches P = Height to first fork divided by H H = Total tree height in feet T = 1 + (number of forks) : Mean N ex anes Species, National Forest, and regression equations r 2 of ; seh : OR residual 1.f : : : a : Frees 7 (RMSOR) White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln R f = 2.21682508E-01 + 5.95430677E-05(H2) + 2.29900234 (H/D2) 1.16873 17 0.4462 Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Rf = 3.70906603E-01 + 7.71762038E+01 (1/D2) 1.23734 16 -4278 OTR, f = -.46864127 + 1.74260009(H/D2) + 1.46864127 (P) 1.23734 16 ~4154 Yellow pine on Lincoln, Coconino, Tonto, Santa Fe, and Carson Ry f = 1.16393889 - 2.03944633 (D/H) * -95773 31 ~6744 Blackjack pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto Ry f* 5.49502730E-01 + 1.09541429E-01 (H/D) - 99776 62 -8895 ae f = .61350474 + 9.60847876E-02(H/D) - 1.52902459E-01(T) -99776 62 .8238 " + 7.72990514E-O1(P) - 3.86495257E-01 (P2) Blackjack pine on Santa Fe and Carson R, ¢ = 4-15854140E-01 + 8.37338276E+01 (1/D*) 1.03576 63 +7438 od Douglas-fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln -1.30844077 Ry ¢ = 5.38416406E+02 (H ) ; 2.12047 20 .7158 od Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson Ry ¢ = 5-13375186E-01 + 4.20725160E+01(1/D*) 1.08110 31 -9188 fe White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Ry ge 6.81631222E-01 + 1.35049045E-02(D) -95691 12 .7677 oR, ¢ = 3.05788475E-01 + 2.34528327E-05(H2) + 6.94211525E-01(P) 95691 12 .7643 8 12 Gross Sertbner Board Foot Volume--Unforked Trees Gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree is predicted by ea ea where Vo = Predicted gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree Vy = Predicted gross International board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree Rory = Predicted ratio of actual gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree divided by predicted gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree. Like International 1/4-inch board foot volume, this equation was fitted using weighted least squares regression through the origin. The resulting ratio equations, Rei? are of the form: -1 -1.177748 = Rep = 20 - e1D - end Seep where D = D.b.h. in-inches. -- The sp-NF specific, weighted regression coefficients for R their RMSQR, and the S/T’ number of trees used can be found in table 9. Methodological details can be found in appendix VIII. Table 9.--Unforked tree cress Scribner board foot volwne to a €-inch top data base and rearession results : 5 Regression coefficients 4 Relative a er z mean squared : : : : : : : z Species National Forest of eo 2) e2 23 ww : H 7 Fi : : residual trees : : : : : : (RMSQR) White pine Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln 32 1.00608608 2.38465985 0.00 0.00 0.0204 Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln TL -878453705 00 00 15.9984577 - 1638 Yellow pine All 200 - 982101210 -926027395 +00 14.49443523 - 0486 Blackjack pine Lincoln, Coconino, Tonto 402 - 96579222 - 40579028 -00 16.93678414 -1035 Blackjack pine Santa Fe, Carson 168 - 993986685 1.463486622 -00 12.40584877 -1196 Douglas-fir Lincoln, Tonto 83 1.000897473 -00 4.100072359 0.0 +0324 Douglas-fir Santa Fe, Carson 48 -870259997 -00 -00 19.49594193 -0455 Aspen Santa Fe, Carson 38 -887891 00 -00 17.19374 -0831 White fir Lincoln 36 1.0 1.88814412 +00 8.85144911 +0233 White fir Santa Fe, Carson 31 1.01724769 1.87056853 -00 8.51445088 - 0376 13 Gross Sertbner Board Foot Volume--Forked Trees The model for gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top for forked trees is V =V.xR Sar S ew where Sf = Predicted gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top in a forked tree Ve = Predicted gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree, and R = Predicted ratio of actual gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top Sf in a forked tree divided by predicted gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree. The appropriate equations for R their RMSQR, the number of trees used, and the mean S,f? ratio, Rg ~? can be found in table 10. Methodological details can be found in appendix IX. : Table 10.--Forked tree gross Sertbner board-foot volwne to a 6-ineh top data base and regression results Independent variables D = D.b.h. in inches P = Height to first fork divided by H H = Total tree height in feet T = 1+ (number of forks) Mean Nummer. 2 Rope Species, National Forest, and regression equations . . of c aa : Ro rs 4 trees : residual : (RMSOR) White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Re f = 6.69426337E-01 + 1.41693541E-02(H) - 3.10631659E-02 (D) 1.00494 14 0.5093 Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Re > = 3.27406045E-01 + 9.24980748E+01(1/D2) - 98096 aL -9191 wd oR, f = -0.53128818 + 2.17203301E-02(D) - 1.53128818 (P*) + 3.06257636 (P) - 98096 TL .- 3868 Yellow pine on Lincoln, Coconino, Tonto, Santa Fe, and Carson R, f = 1.16596696 - 2.01070651 (D/H) 2 - 96266 31 ~7025 | Blackjack pine on Santa Fe and Carson Re f = 4.24761670E-01 + 1.23016529E-01 (H/D) 86497 53 8029 TR. f 7 6+97723772E-01 = 1.79745211E-02(D) + 8.11255589E-05 (H) .86497 53 7426 , + 3.02276228E-01 (P) Blackjack pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto Re f = 1.50684356 - 1.94318670 (D/H) 1.00836 59 - 8484 , oR. = 5.46618888E-01 + 1.15209503E-01(H/D) - 1.75749455E-01 (T) 1.00836 59 7476 td - 4.53381112E-01 (P*) + 9.06762224E-01 (P) Douglas-fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln R, ro 6.39052346E-01 + 1.18994308 (H/D*) ; -99510 17 -6622 vr Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson Re r = 4.03747500E-01 + 1.17109771E-01 (H/D) 1.01472 pS -7935 J White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Re f = 6.31636481E-01 + 1.50605156E-02(D) - 93862 12 -7142 eee Net volwmes.--The general form of the net volume equations is the same for all volume types: NV = V[1.0 - (PrC) (FC)] where NV = Predicted net volume of an unforked or forked tree V = Predicted gross volume of an unforked or forked tree PrC = Predicted probability that a tree of given characteristics will have some cull (that is, the probability that the tree will be unsound) FC = Predicted fraction cull of a tree given that it does have some cull. The product (PrC) (FC) estimates the average cull proportion for any tree of given char- acteristics. The advantage of separating the average cull rate into its components is the added flexibility it provides when sampling a stand or forest. This method not only allows the user to predict average cull proportion, but it also allows him to separate the sampled population into completely sound and unsound trees. For example, suppose a sample tree, Xs represents n, trees of the same characteristics. The values PrC and FC are computed for the sample tree's characteristics and then the following estimates are made: Number of sound trees = n,(1.0 - Prc) Number of unsound trees = n-(Prc) (1.0) (2.0 =; FC) n,(1.0 = Pre) n,(PrC) (1.0 - FC) x Net volume in one sound tree Net volume in one unsound tree Total net volume in sound trees ul ANN <<< x x x Total net volume in unsound trees where V = Gross volume of a tree of given characteristics. It is obvious that this kind of data provides the forest manager with much more infor- mation concerning the structure of a population's net volume than does average cull proportion. As mentioned earlier, for a given species, National Forest, and volume type, the specific equations chosen for PrC and FC are not determined on a tree-by-tree basis, but rather by the type of information collected during sampling. In addition to d.b.h. and total tree height, there are two types of additional information that a user could collect and use. One is the forking information previously discussed and the other is information about tree damaging agents. The specific equations chosen will depend upon whether the user collects all, one, or none of these additional pieces of information. Once the choice has been made, the equations will then apply to all trees, whether they be unforked, forked, undamaged, or damaged. 1S Probability of a Tree Being Unsound in Cubie Foot Volume--Unforked and Forked Trees The model form for the probability of a tree being unsound in cubic “sot volume to be applied to both total stem and merchantable predictions is Pre = 1,0/ (1.0 +e. -) u~ 8 io) iT} Predicted probability of a tree being unsound in cubic foot volume o< iT] A function of the tree's measured attributes. Weighted, nonlinear regression procedures (Hamilton 1974) were used to determine the equations for Xo The resulting equations, along with the number of trees used, are presented in table 11. An F-statistic was used to test the significance of the models. The equation for blackjack pine on the Lincoln National Forest was significant at the 95 percent level, and all other equations were significant at the 99 percent level. Methodological details can be found in appendix X. 16 D = D.b.h. Table 11.--Probability of a tree being unsound in ecubte foot volwne--regresston results Independent variables in inches H = total tree height in feet T = 1+ (number of forks) Species, National Forest, and regression equations White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln aS -2.955536 + 0.05898932H -3.765521 + 0.05932042H + 0.6089821T spruce on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln -1.655268 + 0.001678439DH = -2.931385 + 0.1798041D + 0.3704742T Corkbark fir on Santa Fe and Carson xiai= Xo = -2.994364 + 0.3277421D -5.310682 + 0.3746394D + 1.414157T Yellow pine on Santa Fe and Carson Xo = 0.9767974 + 0.03559618D Yellow pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto Xo = Blackjack Xo = Xe = Blackjack Xe = Blackjack Xo = Blackjack Xo = X — Cc 0.3547862 + 0.003783644D pine on Coconino -5.640547 + 0.04713862H -6.206244 + 0.04502878H + 0.6055332T Pine on Lincoln -2.672635 + 0.05792241H Pine on Tonto -4.768802 + 0.2093156D pine on Santa Fe and Carson -1.418322 + 0.00006223427D°H -3.627838 + 0.1540565D + 0.6277967T Douglas fir on Lincoln and Tonto Xa = -1.606318 + 0.0008139147DH Douglas-fir on Santa Fe and Carson Xe = Xo = =2. 591352 + 0.1359878D -2.919862 + 0.001301024DH + 0.8573843T Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson Xo = White fir Xe = 1.202390 + 0.2220774D on Lincoln -1.730640 + 0.1221281D on Santa Fe and Carson -3.118569 + 0.04665243H 17 :Number of trees 60 60 136 136 35 35 53. N79 306 306 oy) 380 283 283 114 96 96 146 48 66 Fraction Cull tn Total Stem Cubie Foot Volume Given the Tree ts Unsound--Unforked and Forked Trees To predict the fraction of an unsound tree's total stem cubic foot volume that is in cull, the following functional relationship is used: a FC, = (1.0 - e *) where FC, = Predicted fraction cull in total stem cubic foot volume given the tree is unsound h, = a constant Y, =A function of the tree's measured attributes. t The sp-NF specific values and functions of h, and Y,, respectively, the number of trees t? used, and the resulting RMSQR values are found in table 12. An examination of the RMSQR values indicate that many of the equations might not reduce the squared deviations more than a mean value of FC,. This is due both to the general difficulty of modeling cull rates and to the relatively small number of sample trees with cull. It is felt, however, that the equations do represent cull trends in at least the sample trees and that they also seem to behave reasonably well. It is recommended, therefore, that the equations be used but, for those who choose not to do so, mean values of FC, have also been included in table 12. Methodological details can be found in appendix XI. Table 12.--Fraction cull in total stem cubte foot volwne, given the tree ts unsound, data base and regression results Independent variables D = D.b.h. in inches H = Total tree height in feet : ; Re v : Mean 3M ear m ee d Species, National Forest, and regression results a 7 of 2 een ava’ FC}, : residual Hy t : : frees; _(RMSOR) White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln h, = 0.573840391 Y. = (-7.66323806E-04) D2 0.14358 34 0.8358 Engelmann spruce on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln h, = 0.938462956 Y, = -3.01894250E-01 + 4.30560743E-03(H) -13981 44 -8359 -6.43668344E-04 (D2) Corkbark fir on Santa Fe and Carson h, = 0.961637598 Y. = 1.36557290E-0l - 5.67626653E-02 So +09807 21 -8472 Yellow pine on Lincoln, Coconino, Tonto, Santa Fe, and Carson a, = 0.915201231 Y, = (-1.63671565E-01) + (3.25503506E-05) DH +09303 154 -9716 + Blackjack pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto h, = 0.970852066 Y, = (-9.71749091E-03) - (6.33508782E-07)D“H -01878 80 +9364 Blackjack pine on Santa Fe and Carson h, = 0.959154988 Y, = (-2.67485517E-02) - (7.47306053E-02)H/D2 - 04676 90 -9727 Douglas-fir on Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln, and Tonto h, = 0.236595402 Y, = (-2.74212212E-01) - (6.75308810E-06)D7H 08489 66 -9818 Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson h, = 0.885502084 Y. = (-2.1547562E-01) - (9.32233189E-03)D* + (1.31076200E-03)DH . 28482 139 7441 White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln h, = 0.440697488 Y* (-1.21221834E-03) D2 .15895 51 .7790 ee 18 Fractton Cull tn Merchantable Cubic Foot Volume Given the Tree Is Unsound--Unforked and Forked Trees The following model form is used to predict the fraction of an unsound tree's mer- chantable cubic foot volume that is cull: Y m cam = h (1.0 -e ) where - FC. = Predicted fraction cull in merchantable cubic foot volume to a specified top diameter given the tree is unsound h, = A constant se = A function of the tree's attributes and a specified top diameter between 3 and 8 inches, inside bark. The appropriate values of he and functions for 1 the number of observations used, and the resulting RMSQR values are found in table 13. While these models are recommended for use, equations predicting mean EC as a function of top diameter are also included in table 13 for those who choose not to use the FC equations. Methodological details can be found in appendix XII. 19 Table 13.--Fraction cull in merchantable cubie foot volwne, given the tree ts unsound, data base, and regression results Independent variables D = D.b.h. in inches D. = Top diameter, inside bark, in inches H = Total tree height in feet Relati : y en :mean s cue Species, National Forest, and regression equations : of 5 fe residual “observations * : (RMSQR) White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln h_ = 0.525456732 ae ae Ys ¥, = dy 204 0.8386 d, = -7.62194840E-04 - 1.72E-10D’ or m FC, = 0.139967204 + 1.40417133E-07D> Engelmann spruce on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln h, = 0.809722162 Si d,p* 246 .8881 Jog = 74.79663334E-01 J, = 5.99578762E-03 is jy = -3-54716909E-04 ~ 2.30591722E-0SD_, FC, = 1.10092261E-01 + 4.70167336E-04D* -8.80762813E-05D° + 4.83607897E-07D/ or Corkbark fir on Santa Fe and Carson h 0.945856475 5 Fe = Jg + J,H/D 120 -8010 Jo = -2.04082904E-02 + 4.51477415E-02D_, J, = -1.16845115E-02 - 1.29460840E-02D__ FC, = 7.39331940E-02 + 6. 95210968E-03D_, Yellow pine on Lincoln, Coconino, Tonto, Santa Fe, and Carson h = 0.912935298 or ad J + j ,DH 924 - 9696 jg = -1-67513064E-01 - 2.39E-07D> J, = 3.368982527E-05 + 8.684E-11D° or m FC. = 9.41334189E-02 + 4.35158264E-06D? Blackjack pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto h 0.294142214 t= J. Feo 475 .9351 Jo = -3.39989415E-02 + 1.48516345E-04D* = -2.19796372E-06 - 8.55224950E-09D2 m FC. = 1.92501222E-02 (con. ) 20 Table 13.--(con.) Species, National Forest, and regression equations Blackjack pine on Santa Fe and Carson h = 0.943058463 Y = jo + gj H/D2 Jo = -1.80176132E-02 - 1.626286 43E-06D° + 2.00018357E-07D" Jj, = -9.68124280E-02 + 6. 49858343E-06D® -8.00723544E-07D7 or Hi FC,, = 4.19699099E-02 + 1.20336014E-05D? -3.54771919E-O6D> + 2.55488876E-07D’ Douglas-fir on Santa Fe, Lincoln, and Tonto ie = 0;.2433921.21 = . @) Je On tay OSH Jo = —2.80555445E-01 - 1.2792366E-06D> " 1.24888494E-07D’ = -5.87585480E-06 + 8.02594124E-11D* 6x! FC = 7.88426507E-02 + 4.88150784E-05D? Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson 0. 881568806 ay i} a o. 5 2: < j, = 1.77859273 - 1.93330892D9.5 0 m + 4.42422923E-O1D,, J, = 79-36182562E-03 + 2.23064483E-08Dé -3.90157892E-09D,, ord> = 1+38034680E-03 + 9.42523449E-11D/ FC, = 2.87277280E-01 + 5 .42205159E-04D2- > White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln hm = 0.438946854 Re 200 Ym = J 1D Jy = -1.211898445E-03 - 9.066E-09D* or PC = 1.54156056E-Ol + 8. 17555326E-06D* 8 se Relative :mean squared Of ; ‘observations’ Bopeduel o : (RMSOR) 532 0.9864 390 -9785 682 - 7639 301 - 8046 Probability of a Tree Betng Unsound tn Board Foot Volume--Unforked and Forked Trees The probability of a tree being unsound in board foot volume, to be applied to both International 1/4-inch and Scribner board foot predictions, is predicted by -X, Pec, = 1.0/0.0 #e.*) vu 4 (a) " B Predicted probability of a-tree being unsound in board foot volume os iT] B A function of d.b.h., total tree height, number of tree tips, and the presence or absence of significant damage. The equations for X, were also fitted using weighted, nonlinear regression procedures, and the results are given in table 14, along with the number of trees used. Again, the equation for blackjack pine on the Lincoln National Forest proved to be significant at the 95 percent level, whereas all the other equations were significant at the 99 percent level. Two damaging agents, sweep (or crook) and porcupine, proved to be useful in predict- ing whether a tree was sound or not. A damaging agent is recorded only if it is severe enough to (1) prevent the tree from surviving; (2) preclude the production of a market- able product; or (3) diminish the quality or quantity of that product. Damage is entered into the equations through the usage of dummy variable(s). If the tree has the particular damage, the dummy variable is set to 1.0, otherwise it is 0. Only one damag- ing agent is recorded per tree, and, therefore, equations with two or more dummy variables in them would have at most only one of them set to 1.0 and the rest to 0. Methodological details can be found in appendix XIII. 22 D = D.b.h. in inches S = 1.0 Tree with sweep or crook Pd = 1.0 0.0 Tree with no sweep or crook = 0.0 Table 14.--Probability of a tree betng unsound in board foot volune--regresston results Independent variables Species, National Forest, and regression equations White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln x, = Engelmann Xe = or x, = -4.421720 + 0.1001612H spruce on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln -2.057921 + 0.1664132D -2.412705 + 0.1689685D + 0.2973478T Corkbark fir on Santa Fe and Carson xX = B -2.724328 + 0.3295897D Yellow pine on Santa Fe and Carson xX = B 1.416597 + 0.08953296D Yellow pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto x, = Blackjack ».4 — B Blackjack Xo = Blackjack x, = Blackjack or Xe = or XB 7 or *B x = B Douglas fi x = Douglas-fi or XB 7 Xe = Aspen on S x = B White fir X = B White fir x = B 2 x, s. -0.3255527 + 0.09002528D pine on Coconino -3.790069 + 0.002540676DH Pine on Lincoln -1.195571 + 0.03548680H Pine on Tonto -4.866131 + 0.06649043H Pine on Santa Fe and Carson -3.023414 + 0.05290037H =3-5551965 + 0.1806999D + 0.6451722T = -3.650835 + 0.06016044H + 1.278169(Pd) + 1.7851585S -3.625993 + 0.1844583D + 0.5517561T + 1.474701S r on Lincoln and Tonto -4.201783 + 0.3419626D r on Santa Fe and Carson -1.185559 + 0.0001857571D°H -1.363273 + 0.0001709440D2H + 2.3055845 anta Fe and Carson -3.889285 + 0.9000166D on Lincoln -2.260617 + 0.05019542H on Santa Fe and Carson -955732 + 0.2320741D -3.023744 + 0.2225154D + 1.2603675 5) H = total tree height in feet T = 1 + (number of forks) Tree with porcupine damage Tree with no porcupine damage :Number of trees 56 103 103 3 53 179 260 49 320 27. 271. 27k 271: 106 84 84 119 45 54 54 Fractton Cull tn Internattonal 1/4-Inch Board Foot Volwne Given the Tree Is Unsound-- Unforked and Forked Trees To predict the fraction of an unsound tree's International 1/4-inch board foot vol- ume that is in cull, the following model is used: Mt FC, = hy (e ) where FC, = Predicted fraction cull in International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top given the tree is unsound hy = A constant Yr = A function of the tree's attributes. The sp-NF specific values and functions of #, and Y_, respectively, the number of trees used, and the resulting RMSQR values are found in table 15. The models for Engelmann spruce and corkbark fir were too poor to be useful and, therefore, only their mean FC values are included. Mean values of FC, for the other sp-NF combinations are also found in table 15. Methodological details can be found in appendix XIV. Table 15.--Fraction cull in Internattonal 1/4-ineh board foot volume, given the tree ts unsound, data base, and regression results Independent variables D =D.b.h. in inches H = Total tree height in feet : A Relative Number : F ; : Mean A : mean squared Species, National Forest, and regression results of 5 7 FC, Be es residual : : : (RMSQR) White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln hy = 0.181977197 ay = 9.53653005E-04 (D<) 0.30592 39 0.9776 Engelmann spruce on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln No model--Use mean FC, - 41094 45 So Corkbark fir on Santa Fe and Carson No model--Use mean FC, -55402 2 -- Yellow pine on Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto hy = 1.05452734 Y_ = -1.89706097E-92(H) - 28490 202 -9199 Blackjack pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto hy = 0.420800123 Y_ = -1.74436591E-02(H) - 15676 138 - 9430 Blackjack pine on Santa Fe and Carson hy = 0.467888236 yy = -1.89407426E-01 (H/D) -22145 114 -9992 Douglas-fir on Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln, and Tonto ny = 0.839814911 Y, = -2.92010520E-01(H/D) - 26258 116 -9479 Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson hy = 1.39801055 Ys = -8.79518535E-03(H) -89429 114 - 9364 White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln A_ = 0.251235533 YS = 5.01411097E-06 (DH) - 34497 62 9972 Fraction Cull tn Sertbner Board Foot Volwne Gtven the Tree Is Unsound--Unforked and Forked Trees The following model form is used to predict the fraction of an unsound tree's Scribner board foot volume that is cull: Ys FC, = he ) where FC, = Predicted fraction cull in Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top given the tree is unsound he = A constant Yo = A function of the tree's attributes. The appropriate values of he and functions for Y,, respectively, the number of trees SZ used, and the resulting RMSQR values are found in table 16. Again, the models for Engelmann spruce and corkbark fir were too poor to be useful and, therefore, only their mean FC, values are included. Several other models proved to be no better than the mean so the user may also want to use the mean FC. values in table 16 rather than the models. Methodological details can be found in appendix XV. Table 16.--Fractton cull tin Scribner board foot volwne, gtven the tree ts unsound, data base, and regresston results Independent variables D = D.b.h. in inches H = Total tree height in feet Mean N i ecetne Species, National Forest, and regression results ¥ of i ae : FC. caper prt residual : (RMSQOR) White pine on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln he = 0.245464500 Y = 9.55078847E-04 (D2) 0.41683 39 1.0027 Engelmann spruce on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln No model--Use mean FC. -42864 45 -- Corkbark fir on Santa Fe and Carson No model--Use mean FC. -57057 21 -- Yellow pine on Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto he = 1.38266375 Yo = -1.94422273E-02(H) - 36288 202 -9028 Blackjack pine on Lincoln, Coconino, and Tonto he = 0.617372520 YX = -1.96681561E-02 (H) - 20529 138 ~9310 Blackjack pine on Santa Fe and Carson he = 0.646540139 Y = -2.20260760E-01 (H/D) - 27296 114 1.0062 Douglas-fir on Santa Fe, Carson, Lincoln, and Tonto he = 1.24325723 Yy = -3.45196887E-01 (H/D) -31653 116 -9126 Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson he = 1.23056500 X, = -5.46784441E-03(H) -93059 114 -9904 White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln he = 0.294076429 Yo = 4.60611418E-06 (DH) - 39036 62 1.0026 25 DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS A summary of the methodology for predicting the various volume types is given in table 17. The advantage of this approach to developing volume equations is that it avoids or eliminates many of the problems of consistency, compatibility, reliability, and flexibility found with previous sets of volume equations. The disadvantage is that the method does not lend itself well to hand computations of tree volumes. To minimize this problem, we have prepared volume tables for unforked trees (''Comprehensive tree volume equations for major species of New Mexico and Arizona: II. Tables for unforked trees''). For those with access to a computer, a FORTRAN subroutine has been written and can be obtained in versions for the CDC 6400 or the UNIVAC F108 by writing: Southwest Volume Subroutine Forest and Range Evaluation Unit z Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station 507 = 25th Street Ogden, Utah 84401 Table 17.--Swnmary of methodology for predicting various tree volwne types Predicted value : Method for prediction Total stem gross cubic foot volume, unforked trees Ve Total stem gross cubic foot volume, forked trees Vv =V, xR, > tsf t ts] Merchantable gross cubic foot volume, unforked trees oe = v, - + Merchantable gross cubic foot volume, forked trees Vv =v xR. m, f mi Ms] Gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume, unforked trees Vy = WG") x Rive Gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume, forked trees v, f = Vy x Ry ¢ ’ ad Gross Scribner board foot volume, unforked trees Ve = vy x Rot i Vv =v R Gross Scribner board foot volume, forked trees s,f s x s,f Total stem net cubic foot volume, unforked trees NV, = v, x [1 - (Prc, x FC,)] Total stem net cubic foot volume, forked trees NV =V2 p X —veanre:. x FC) ty tJ ec t Merchantable net cubic foot volume, unforked trees NV, = Vm x ie= (Prc, x Fo )) Merchantable net cubic foot volume, forked trees Win, f = Vn f x {1 - (Prc, x Fc] Net International 1/4-inch board-foot volume, unforked trees NV = Vy x (1 - (Prc,, x FC,)] Net International 1/4-inch board foot volume, forked trees NV, f = Vy f x. [i= (Prc,, x FC)] , , Net Scribner board foot volume, unforked trees NV, = Vs x [l - (Pre, x FC.)] Net Scribner board foot volume, forked trees NV =v x (lL .=2(Prei x: FOX) s,f S,f B s PUBLICATIONS CITED Assman, Ernst. 1970. The principles of forest yield study. Translated by Sabine H. Gardiner. 506 p., Pergamon Press, New York. Avery ,«-li., Eugene: 1967. Forest measurements. 290 p. McGraw-Hill Book Co., San Francisco. Bruce, David. 1970. Predicting product recovery from logs and trees. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. PNW-107, 15 p. Pac. Northwest For. and Range Exp. Stn., Portland, Oreg. Cunia., 1. 1964. Weighted least squares method and construction of volume tables. For. Sci. 10:180-191. Davis, Kenneth P., Philip A. Briegleb, John Fedkiw, and L. R. Grosenbaugh. 1962. Determination of allowable annual timber cut on forty-two western National Forests.: *‘USDA For. Serv., Washington, D.C. Board Rev. Rep. M-1299, 38 p. Gaines, Edward M., and Geraldine Peterson. 1960. Cubic-foot volume tables for southwestern ponderosa pine. USDA For. Serv., Res: “Pap? 50; 1S ps "Rocky "Mt. For. and’ ‘Range’ Exp.’ 'Stn.., Fort Collins, Colo. Gray, H. R. 1956. The form and taper of forest-tree stems. Imperial For. Inst. Pap. 32, 79 p. Univ. Oxford, Great Britain. Grosenbaugh, L. R. 1954. New tree measurement concepts: height accumulation, giant tree, taper and shape’. . -USDA For Serv., South. *For. ‘ard ‘Range: Exp. Stn. Oceas.. Pap. 134, 32 p. New Orleans, La. Grosenbaugh, L. R. 1967. REX-FORTRAN-4 system for combinatorial screening or conventional analysis of multivariate regressions. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. PSW-44, 47 p. Pac. Southwest For. and Range Exp. Stn., Berkeley, Calif. Hamilton, David A., Jr., 1974. Event probabilities estimated by regressions. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-152, 18 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Hann, David W. 1976. Relationship of stump diameter to diameter at breast height for seven tree species in Arizona and New Mexico. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note INT-212, 16 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Hann, David W., and Robert K. McKinney, Jr. 1975. Stem surface area equations for four tree species of New Mexico and Arizona. USDA For. Serv. Res. Note INT-190, 7 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Hornibrook, Ezra M. 1936. Scribner volume tables for cut-over stands of ponderosa pine in Arizona. J. Agric. Res. 52:961-974. Husch, Bertram. 1963. Forest mensuration and statistics. 474 p. The Ronald Press Co., New York. 27 Jensen, Chester E. 1964. Algebraic description of forms in space. 57 p. USDA For. Serv., Cent. States For. Exp. Stn., Columbus, Ohio. Jensen, Chester E. 1973. MATCHACURVE-3: Multiple-component and multidimensional mathematical models for natural resource studies. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-146, 42 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Jensen, Chester E. 1976. MATCHACURVE-4: Segmented mathematical descriptors for asymmetric curve forms. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-182, 16 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Jensen, Chester E., and Jack W. Homeyer. 1970. MATCHACURVE-1 for algebraic transforms to describe sigmoid- or bell-shaped curves. 22 p. USDA For. Serv., Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Jensen, Chester E., and Jack W. Homeyer. 1971. MATCHACURVE-2 for algebraic transforms to describe:curves of the class Xo USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-106, 39 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. Kmenta, Jan. 1971. Elements of econometrics. 655 p. The MacMillan Co., New York. Krauch, Hermann, and Geraldine Peterson. 1943. Two new board-foot volume tables for Douglas-fir. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 107,-7-p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Lexen, Bert R., and Geraldine Peterson. 1939a. Total height volume table for white fir. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 54, 2 p. Southwest For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Lexen, Bert R., and Geraldine Peterson. 1939b. Merchantable height volume table for Apache pine. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 55, 2p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp.. Stn, ,. Tucson,.Ariz. Lexen, Bert R., and Geraldine Peterson. 1939c. Merchantable height volume table for Arizona pine. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 56, 2 p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Lexen, Bert R., and Geraldine Peterson. 1939d. Merchantable height volume table for Chihuahua pine. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 57, 2 p. Southwest. For and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Lexen, Bert R., and Walter G. Thomson. 1938a. White fir merchantable height volume table. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 27, 2p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Lexen, Bert R., and Walter G. Thomson. 1938b. Merchantable height volume table for the southwestern white pines (Pinus strobtformis and Pinus flexilts). USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 28, 2 p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson Ariz. Meyer, Walter H. 1938. Yield of even-aged stands of ponderosa pine. U.S. Dep. Agric. USDA Tech. Bull. 630, 59 p. Washington, D.C. Minor, Charles O. 1961. Pulpwood volume tables for ponderosa pine in Arizona. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 69, 6 p. Rocky Mt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Colo. Myers, Clifford A. , 1963. Volume, taper and related tables for southwestern ponderosa pine. Revised 1972. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. RM-2, 24 p. Rocky Mt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Colo. Peterson, Geraldine. 1939a. Total height volume table for the southwestern white pines. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 53, 2 p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Peterson, Geraldine. 1939b. Merchantable height volume table for immature ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.). USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 73, 2 p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. = Peterson, Geraldine. 1939c. Merchantable height volume table for mature ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.). USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 74, 2 p. Southwest. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Peterson, Geraldine. 1939d. Merchantable height volume table for ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa Laws.). USDA For. Serv. , Res: Note’ 75,02 p.' ¢Southwest.. For.. and Range Exp. Stn., Tucson, Ariz. Peterson, Geraldine. 1958. Board-foot volumes of white fir to an 8-inch top. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 50; 2>p.. Rocky Mt. For. “and: Range!'Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Colo. Peterson, Geraldine. 1961. Board-foot volumes of Engelmann spruce to an 8-inch top. USDA For. Serv., Res. Note 56, 2p. Rocky Mt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Fort Collins, Colo. Schumacher, Francis X., and Francisco dos Santos Hall. 1933. Logarithmic expression of timber-tree volume. J. Agric. Res. 47:719-734. Stage, Albert R., Richard C. Dodge, and James E. Brickell. 1968. NETVSL--a computer program for calculation of tree volumes with interior defect. USDA For. Serv. Res. Pap. INT-51, 30 p. Intermt. For. and Range Exp. Stn., Ogden, Utah. 29 APPENDIXES St Details of Methodology I. Total Stem Gross Cubie Foot Volwne--Unforked Trees The basic model of Vor, Con? a,D*H (1) where < " ca Predicted total stem gross cubic foot volume in an unforked tree Die behis, in inehes = Total tree height in feet has been used for years for predicting total stem gross cubic foot volume (Husch 1963). Weighting this model by Wee (D2H) (2) was suggested by Cunia (1964) as a means for homogenizing the variance about regression. This model and weighting procedure was applied to each sp-NF combination and a plot of residuals indicated that the variance was homogenized by the weighting. However, Pearson's beta statistics computed for each equation indicated that the residuals were not normally distributed. This problem precluded the usage of this model for testing the possibility of combining species across National Forests or of combining some of the species with others, using analysis of covariance. It was then hypothesized that the following mocel might eliminate the problem: In(V,) = Ag + @,ln(H) + agin(D). (3) The plots of residuals again confirmed that variance was homogenized and Pearson's beta statistics this time indicated that the residuals were closer to being normally distri- buted. Analysis of covariance was then applied to see if species could be combined across forests. The results indicated that blackjack pine, Douglas-fir, and white fir on the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests could not be combined with the same species on the other National Forests. All other species were combined across Forests. Only two "'species'’ combinations were tested. One was whether yellow pine and blackjack pine could be combined. Results of the testing indicated that they could not be combined, a conclusion supported by the findings of Hornibrook (1936) and Myers (1963). The other combination tested was Engelmann spruce with corkbark fir. This test was made because of the small data set for corkbark fir. This test resulted in the combining of Engelmann spruce with corkbark fir. These final data sets were fitted to equation (1) using weighted least squares regression. For aspen, this resulted in a negative intercept. Therefore, an intercept value of 0.0327 (the volume of a tree 2 inches in diameter at the root collar and 4.5 feet tall, assuming conical shape) was forced on the equation instead of forcing it through the origin. All final equations were visually checked by plotting the predicted and actual volumes over diameter by height classes. 52 II. Total Stem Gross Cubic Foot Voluwmne--Forked Trees The ratios of actual forked volume divided by predicted unforked volume were plotted over d.b.h. (D), total tree height (H), position to fork (P), and number of tips (T) and examined for trends. From this examination, a set of 12 potential transforma- tions on D, H, P, and T were developed and all possible combinations of three or less were screened through program REX (Grosenbaugh 1967). Selected models from this screen- ing run were then tabled and the one with the lowest RMSQR that "behaved well'' was picked as the final model. (An equation was judged to "behave well" if it did not produce unrealistic results over the expected range of usage and if it did not exhibit an undulating behavior for different combinations of tree characteristics.) Yellow pine was combined with blackjack pine, and white fir and Douglas-fir were pooled across National Forests because of the need to strengthen the data sets. ~ III. Merechantable Gross Cubie Foot Volume--Unforked Trees Expressing merchantable gross cubic foot volume as the difference between total stem gross cubic foot volume and the unmerchantable gross cubic foot volume in the top and stump is a convenient technique for examining and then characterizing the effect of changing top diameter upon merchantable gross cubic foot volume. To see this advantage, consider the following: Unmerchantable Volume = (Top Volume) + (Stump Volume) Zi kx ) (Toe peed es tenet 4 x 144 in Inches in Feet i eee (Stump bianetes|”(SHimp Honen (4) 4 x 144 in Inches in Feet where k = A form factor. It has been shown that stump diameter and d.b.h. are highly correlated (Hann 1976) and it is also true that stump height is basically a constant; therefore, the second term of equation (4) can be expressed as ag + aD", (S) For top volume, the top diameter is specified by the user; therefore, the unknown quan- tities are top length and the form factor, kK. To help determine the relationship of top length to d.b.h. and total tree height, the following model was fitted for each top diameter: 1In(TL) = ao + a ,1n(D) a az 1n(H) (6) where TL = Top length in feet. 33 By examining the behavior of the coefficients across the various top diameter, it was found that the model E: H TL = ain (7) D where Dd, = Top diameter inside bark, in inches m= "AN “Sp=NF ‘specirti¢e value’ oF 1.0) IS “or 220 was applicable. This model assumes that the top can be approximated by a conic form (Gray 1956; Husch 1963; and Assman 1970). The power on d.b.h., m, can be thought of as determining the diameter of the top cone projected to ground level. This is because total tree height is measured as the distance from the ground level to the tip of the tree and consequently the relationship n (8) will hold for similar triangles only if D” is directly proportional to diameter at ground level. With this background as a basis, the model for unmerchantable volume is therefore:. Li 3_H 2 Mi bo + b\D- x + boD (9) where vs = Gross cubic foot volume in the top and stump for a specified top diameter. Analysis of residuals indicated that weighting was necessary to homogenize variance. A procedure described by Hann and McKinney (1975) was therefore used to obtain the weight: D> H]-1 yp W = = = (10) D D3? H m Weighted least squares regression was used on each sp-NF combination to obtain the regression coefficients for n equal to 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0. The final regression equation was that which minimized RMSQR. Further refinement for a value of m was not necessary because of the small differences in the RMSQR values of the three values tested. The final merchantable gross cubic foot volume equations were visually checked by plotting the data points versus representative curves from the equations over diameter by height classes. A word of caution concerning the interpretation of the terms in this model is appropriate. While the logic behind the two components is clear, the final equations cannot be divided into components because of multicollinearity between the two (Kmenta '1971). This can be seen by comparing the second component of the unmerchantable model to the model derived separately for stump volume. The coefficients are in the same proximity but are not equal. However, the presence of multicollinearity, so long as it is not perfect, does not bias the estimation of unmerchantable volume (Kmenta 1971). 34 IV. Merchantable Gross Cubte Foot Volwne--Forked Trees To maintain consistency across top diameters, the same model used in predicting total stem gross cubic foot volume was fitted to each top diameter data set. The resulting regression coefficients were examined for trends over top diameter. From this examination, the regression coefficients were modeled as linear functions of top diam- eter. The basic model with the coefficients as functions of top diameter was then fitted to the whole data set for a final overall slope correction on the model. Models with forking variables that proved not to be better than models without forking vari- ables were dropped. Because the RMSQR values of the models were high, it was decided to provide an optional model that would predict the mean ratio as a function of just top diameter. To do this, the mean ratio values for the six top diameters were weighted by their respective number of observations and then screened against 12 power transformations on top diameter. Selected models were then examined for reasonableness of behavior and the one that behaved both reasonably and minimized RMSQR was picked as the final model. V. Gross Cubte Foot Stwnp Volwne--Unforked and Forked Trees The basic model: Lee = ag + a,D? (11) where ee = Gross volume of the stump in cubic feet was fitted to the separate sp-NF combinations. The residuals were plotted and they revealed that the basic model was appropriate but that the variance increased with the square of D*. Therefore, the model was refitted using a weight of W=D". (12) The residuals were plotted and this time they were homogeneous. Analysis of covariance was then used to determine if species could be combined across all National Forests except the Lincoln, where stump height was 1.2 feet instead of the standard of 1.0 foot. The results indicated that they could be so combined. Analysis of covariance was also used to check to see if Engelmann spruce and corkbark fir could still be legitimately combined, and the results indicated that they could. VI. Gross International 1/4-Ineh Board Foot Volume--Unforked Trees The approach of modeling the ratio of gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top divided by the gross merchantable cubic foot volume to a 6-inch top was used to provide the needed control on the behavior of the International 1/4-inch model. It has long been recognized that this ratio starts with a zero value at a d.b.h. near 6 inches and increases monotonically, as d.b.h. increases, to an asymptotic ratio value between 6 and 8 (Husch 1963; Avery 1967). It has also been shown that this ratio can be affected by tree height as well (Husch 1963). 35 With this in mind, two models were hypothesized for trial: ie) | = a - a,H/D - apH/(D*) (13) Sl -2 = bo - b,D - aoD (14) Rric = Ratio of actual gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top divided by predicted gross merchantable cubic foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree. The signs on the coefficients a,, a2, and b,, b> must be positive for the model to behave as expected. Before these models were tried, the ratio values were formed for all trees 6.1 inches and larger and plotted for the sp-NF combinations previously delineated. An examination of these plots resulted in the decision to combine blackjack pine data sets with the yellow pine data sets and to combine both Douglas-fir data sets. The plots also showed a few outliers that were eliminated from the appropriate data sets. The two models, (13) and (14), were then fitted to the data sets to determine which of the two minimized RMSQR. The model with tree height (13) proved to be the worst and, therefore, was eliminated. The fits-for model (14) were reasonable for only the ~ ponderosa pine and the Douglas-fir data sets. The other data sets either had a negative sign on bd, or by or the plots of data sets versus the predicted curves indicated a poor fit. The ponderosa pine model was then ''forced'' onto the white pine and the white fir on the Lincoln National Forest data sets with good results. This was done by scaling the ponderosa pine model through an overall slope correction using least squares regres- sion. Techniques similar to those described by Jensen (1964, 1973, and 1976) and Jensen and Homeyer (1970 and 1971) were used to develop better behaved (within a reasonable usage range) ratio models for Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir, aspen, and white fir on the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests data sets. The resulting model form for white fir was the same as model (14) but, of course, these parameter estimates are not least squares estimates in this case. The form of the models for aspen and Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir was: Rye = 20 - Biperwd 5H er 3.030: (15) For both species groups, at least one of the parameters was negative which resulted in an undesirable ''peak"’ and "valley'' in the ratio equation outside the available data range. For aspen, the undesirable points also occurred outside the reasonable usage range, but for Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir, the points did occur within the reasonable usage range. Fortunately, the magnitudes of the "peak" and "'valley'' were small and it was felt that they would not cause serious problems when predicting International 1/4- inch board foot volume. The appropriate ratio models were then multiplied by their predicted merchantable cubic foot volume to a 6-inch top for each sp-NF combination and then fitted to actual International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top, using least squares regression through the origin to provide a slope correction. The resulting basic model form and its error structure, therefore, is the following: Mae = Go MRegd) Sa WV (16) 1/C neyo: 36 where Vy = Predicted gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top Vin(6"") = Predicted gross merchantable cubic foot volume to a 6-inch top dy = Least squares regression coefficient € = Residual about regression. Next, the necessity for weighting this model was examined through the procedure described by Hann and McKinney (1975). This resulted in weights being formed of the type: e e e W = (D 1H Ne (17) Unfortunately, no common set of values €,, @, and @3 could be found for all sp-NF combinations. The final sp-NF weights were used in weighted least squares regression through the origin to obtain the final slope correction. These slope corrections were then incorporated into the ratio models by multiplication. As a final check, the data points and regression equations were plotted over d.b.h. and total tree height to determine adequacy of fit. When considering this approach to modeling International 1/4-inch board foot volume, the basic model form of equation (16) must be kept in mind. If a set of pro- posed ratio equations had been available, then the fitting of equation (16) could have been done by screening the various ratio equations times cubic foot volume to determine which was appropriate for the sp-NF combination. Unfortunately, a proposed set of ratio equations was not available; therefore, the ratio equations had to be developed using the same data set. There is a tendency to think that what is really being fitted is the model involv- ing the 11 to 15 independent variables that would be formed by multiplying the ratio and merchantable cubic foot volume models together. Using this approach, it was found that some independent variables proved to be insignificant while the signs and magnitude of other regression coefficients changed because of multicollinearity problems. The result was an equation with all of the undesirable properties that were to be avoided. The approach adopted here produces a model that behaves in a rea- sonable and consistent fashion, but sacrifices some statistical niceties. VII. Gross Internattonal 1/4-Inch Board Foot Volume--Forked Trees The method used to determine the ratio correction for forking upon International 1/4-inch board foot volume was the same as that used to develop the equations for fork- ing in total stem gross cubic foot volume. All selected equations were tabulated and checked for reasonableness. From this it was discovered that the Douglas-fir equation did not behave as expected. Therefore, the following power model was fitted to Douglas- £iv: ln (R = ag+ a,H (18) 1,f) Ry f = Predicted ratio of actual gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume : to a 6-inch top in a forked tree divided by predicted International 1/4- inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top in an unforked tree. 37 This was transformed back by taking the antilog of both sides and a least squares slope correction was made on the resulting model to correct it for possible log bias. Tabu- lation of this model showed that it did behave reasonably. VIII. Gross Sertbner Board Foot Volune--Unforked Trees As described by Avery (1967), the ratio of Scribner board foot volume divided by International board foot volume starts well below 1.0 at small diameters and then increases monotonically toward an asymptotic value of 1 as diameter increases. This relationship can be expressed as 2 R Sapa aie Saab. S/T (19) Sy alten Predicted ratio of actual gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top divided by predicted gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume to a 6-inch top. The signs on a, and a> must be positive and ag must be near 1 for the model to behave reasonably. Individual values of Re were formed and plotted across d.b.h. for all sp-NF combinations used in gross ehbac foot equation development. All data below 9 inches ~ d.b.h. and certain outliers were eliminated based on the results of the plots. This was necessary because the ratio values below 9 inches started to turn upward and exceed 1 as d.b.h. decreased. This problem was attributed to the way in which Scribner volume is estimated in program NETVSL. The elimination of trees under 9 inches should not cause problems because Scribner volume is seldom computed for trees under that limit. Equation (19) was fitted to the corrected data set. Weights were developed using the basic model: where <= I Sur Predicted gross Scribner board foot volume to a 6-inch top bi € Least squares regression coefficient Residual about regression and the same process as described for International 1/4-inch board foot volume. An examination of the final weighted least squares regression coefficients, after the slope correction was multiplied through the ratio model, revealed that only the models for yellow pine, both blackjack pines, and white fir on the Santa Fe and Carson National For- ests were reasonable. An abbreviated ratio model: R [CONS e\Die S/I (21) was then tried using the same weighted scheme as previously described. This model proved reasonable for Engelmann spruce-corkbark fir, aspen, and Douglas-fir on the Santa Fe and Carson National Forests. 38 A model of the form: In (1.0 = Re 71) = do + dD (22) was then tried on the remaining data sets to determine the power in the model: 2 -dy Roy = @9 - ée,D (23) This was also weighted and proved reasonable for Douglas-fir on the Coconino, Tonto, and Lincoln National Forests. Both white pine and white fir on the Lincoln National Forest proved to be particu- larly troublesome, with all previous attempts failing to provide a reasonable model. In order to force a reasonable model on these two data sets, the following model was fitted: -1 -2 1.0: Rey =g 9D + 9;D (24) This was then transformed to Ring = 1,0 = ogb Sa (25) Sfi.- = J0 91 . “Model (25) could not be corrected with a weighted slope because doing so caused the intercept to exceed l. Again, all final models, with the final slope correction multiplied into them, were checked by plotting. The caution given in the section on gross International 1/4-inch board foot volume for unforked trees concerning the interpretation of this approach applies even more strongly here. In this case, if all of the model components were multiplied out, there would be from 23 to 63 independent variables to fit and the result would be even more unreasonable than in the International 1/4-inch board foot volume case. IX. Gross Serthner Board Foot Volwne--Forked Trees The techniques used were the same as for International 1/4-inch board foot volume in forked trees. In this case, however, the basic model for Douglas-fir behaved reason- ably so no special effort was necessary to model it. X. Probability of a Tree Being Unsound in Cubte Foot Volume--Unforked and Forked Trees By definition, the probability of a tree being unsound must take on a value between 0 and 1. A form that constrains itself between these two values is the logistic function: 2y Pre, = 1.0/(1.0 +e °) (26) where Pre = Predicted probability of a tree being unsound in total stem and in merchant- able cubic foot volume xX = A function of the tree's measured attributes. Hamilton (1974) developed program RISK to fit this function to a dichotomous dependent variable. The approach basically uses the first degree term of the Taylor Series expan- sion of the function in weighted nonlinear regression. Output, in part, consists of the regression coefficients, an F-statistic that tests the significance of the 39 model, t-statistics which test the significance of the regression coefficients from a value of 0, "...and a chi-square table that evaluates goodness-of-fit over the range of predictions" (Hamilton 1974). Of the three, Hamilton suggests use of the chi-square statistic for screening alternative models, but he also states that the final choice we aaets eke to the idiscretionso£ the Douglas-fir on Lincoln, Santa Fe, and Carson a 2 = 1.04417090 - 9, 53965362E-09*D" 118 Aspen on Santa Fe and Carson : R. - = 1.07666448 - 1.18133616E-03D<-° 184 White fir on Santa Fe, Carson, and Lincoln Re a C, (H/D2) 74 . 7286 Co = 0,.673711298 + 0.055948591D_ Cy = 1.709640750 - 0.348154558D or m R. » = 0.983293776 - 2. 40166266E-0SD* ec erTrErenenTEssneenEnsnE en