ha ie *, wie) ab nz4 94 As, Cath 3 ahaa NAS yea atte i oF id rie extars SERRE SS "ed , 2 = if hiiest pute Rae Lae * a toa 4 + Mia LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN no.6G@ - 9A SURVEY < ee | RATURAL HISTORY SURVEY JUL 31 1970 LIBRARY Asncontnations of | Chomical Elomonts ue DWEASANT TISSUES William L. Anderson Peggy L. Stewart BIOLOGICAL NOTES NO. 67 ILLINOIS NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY URBANA, ILLINOIS APRIL, 1970 Pa reat et Meee ete ett ee OF ILLINOIS DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION NATURAL HISTORY SURVEY DIVISION Concentrations of Chemical Elements in Pheasant Tissues The elemental constituents of biological material are of vital concern to many disciplines of research, par- ticularly physiology, nutrition, and medicine. It is common knowledge that certain inorganic ions must be available for plants and animals to grow, survive, and reproduce. Conversely, many ions are toxic when present in excess —an axiom of primary concern to researchers in environmental pollution. The advent of the Atomic Age, and the realization that all elements can be made radioactive, magnified the importance of ions in living material, especially in man. Chemical elements that occur in living material are commonly divided into two groups, major elements and trace elements, the line of demarcation being some- what arbitrarily set at 0.01 percent of an organism (Schroeder 1965:217), or at roughly 5,000-10,000 ppm in tissue ash. However, as Schroeder points out, this distinction is not always applicable when high concentrations of trace elements occur in special cases. Some trace elements — those having a physiological function for at least one organism — are known to be essential, while others — those for which no function has yet been discovered — are “nonessential.” Many of the “nonessential” ions accumulate in living organ- isms as the organisms increase in age, a phenomenon that has recently been associated with certain diseases in man (Schroeder 1965:225-226). This paper reports the concentrations of five major elements and 18 trace elements in selected body parts (blood, bones, fat, feathers, muscles, and internal organs) of 54 hen pheasants (Phasianus colchicus) collected from three areas in Illinois. The analyses were conducted during an investigation of the possible effects of inorganic ions on the distribution and abundance of pheasants in this midwestern state. Por- tions of the analyses, as well as analyses of soil, grit, and corn, have been published elsewhere under the title “Relationships between Inorganic Ions and the Distribution of Pheasants in Illinois’ (Anderson & Stewart 1969). Because of their potential contribution to many areas of research, the analyses of the pheasants’ body parts are presented in their entirety in this publi- cation. So that comparisons of data may be made easily, all tables follow the Literature Cited section. This paper is published by authority of the State of Illinois, IRS Ch. 127, Par. 58.12. William L. Anderson is an Associate Wildlife Specialist. Section of Wildlife Research, at the Illinois Natural History Survey, Urbana, and Peggy L. Stewart is a Research Associate at the Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. i) William L. Anderson and Peggy L. Stewart ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Acknowledgments are made to the following per- sonnel of the Illinois Natural History Survey: to William R. Edwards for administrative support and encouragement, to Dr. Glen C. Sanderson, Robert M. Zewadski, and O. F. Glissendorf for editorial assist- ance, to Dr. Richard R. Graber for technical advice during preparation of the manuscript, to Richard M. Sheets for the cover design, and to Mary Ann Johnson for assistance in dissecting pheasants. Appreciation is also extended to the staff members and students employed in the Spectrographic Laboratory of the Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, for their enthusiasm and wholehearted cooperation during all aspects of the analytical work. Dr. Isabel H. Tipton, Department of Physics, Univer- sity of Tennessee, and Dr. Robert E. Johnson, Depart- ment of Physiology and Biophysics, University of Illinois, kindly reviewed the manuscript. This research is a contribution from Illinois Federal Aid Project No. W-66-R: the Illinois Department of Conservation, the U.S. Bureau of Sport Fisheries and Wildlife, and the Illinois Natural History Survey, cooperating. METHODS Pheasants used in this study were collected by night- lighting (Labisky 1968b) from three areas — good pheasant range, fair range, and poor range — in Illinois (Table 1). The birds were of three age groups: 4-month-old juveniles, 7-month-old juveniles, and adults (Table 1). Juveniles were separated from adults by bursal examination. The 4-month-old juveniles were further aged to the nearest week according to advance- ment of molt of the primary flight feathers (Labisky 1968a:465). After being held overnight in a wooden crate, the pheasants were weighed, then sacrificed by decapita- tion. Samples of whole blood were collected at the time of sacrifice and saved for analysis. To obtain an indi- cation of size, the wing length of each bird was recorded. This measurement was taken as the distance from the anterior edge of the wrist joint of the wing to the tip of the longest primary feather after the curve of this feather had been flattened out along a ruler (Baldwin, et al. 1931:77-78). The pheasants were then placed individually in polyethylene bags, frozen, and held for 2-4 months until they could be dissected. Bony tissues that were analyzed were the right foot, bones of the right leg (femur, fibula, and tibiotarsus), skull (including beak), and sternum. Skeletal muscles utilized were those of the right leg (all muscles attached to the femur, fibula, and tibiotarsus) and the larger muscles of the right half of the sternum (pectoralis thoracica, supracoracoideus—ventral head, and cora- cobrachialis posterior, see Hudson & Lanzillotti 1964: 13-15, for detailed descriptions). A sample of fat was obtained from deposits around the neck, on the postero- ventral surface of the sternal muscles, and in the viscera. Organs excised were the adrenals, brain, bursa (from juveniles only), gizzard (muscular portion and lining were separated), heart, intestine (including colon and ceca), kidneys, liver, lungs, pancreas, spleen, reproductive organs (ovary and oviduct), thyroids, and thymuses. Samples of feathers were obtained by clip- ping the larger feathers, mainly the primaries and secondaries, from both wings. After being excised, the body parts were carefully freed of all extraneous material and rinsed, if necessary, in doubly distilled water (ion concentration < 5 ppm). They were then rolled on a paper towel to remove excess moisture and blood. The heart and liver were opened to remove clots of blood, and the gall bladder was removed from the liver. After most of the con- tents were stripped from the intestine, ceca, and colon, these organs were opened and thoroughly rinsed. Bony tissues and feathers were dried in an oven (65° C.) until successive weighings indicated they had stopped losing’ weight. The other body parts were weighed immediately after being excised and cleansed. All body parts were placed in polyethylene bags or vials and stored in a freezer. Analyses of the body parts were conducted in the Spectrographic Laboratory, Department of Physics, University of Tennessee, Knoxville. The samples were thawed, then pooled according to body part, geo- graphical region, and, when the samples were large enough, age of the birds. (The smaller body parts — all internal organs except gizzard muscles, intestines, and livers—were pooled at the time they were extracted from the birds. Leg muscles and sternal muscles were pooled on a weight basis after they had been reduced to ash.) Pooling was necessary because (1) many of the body parts were too small to be adequately analyzed individually, and (2) the cost, in time and funds, of analyzing each body part of each bird was prohibitive. All samples were weighed immediately before ashing procedures began. The resulting weights, which seldom differed more than 3 percent from the ones recorded at the time the birds were dissected, served as a check on the accuracy of the wet (or dry) weights of the tissues. The samples were exposed to temperatures of increasing intensity, then ashed in a muffle furnace at 550° C. for 12-72 hours, the length of time depending on the nature of the body part. Early phases of the ashing procedure were accelerated by adding distilled concentrated sulfuric acid to the samples. Concentra- tions of major elements in the ash were determined by flame photometric (calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium) and colorimetric (phosphorus) proced- ures. Analyses for trace elements were accomplished by atomic absorption (zinc) and emission spectro- graphy (aluminum, barium, boron, cobalt, chromium, copper, iron, lead, manganese, molybdenum, nickel, silver, strontium, tin, titanium, vanadium, and zir- conium). The ashing and analytical procedures were based on techniques developed by Peggy L. Stewart and Isabel H. Tipton (unpublished data) for analyzing human food (used for fat, feathers, muscles, and internal organs), feces (used for bones and feet), and urine (used for blood). Care was taken throughout all phases of the dis- secting, ashing, and analytical procedures to prevent contamination of the samples. Dissecting instruments were thoroughly washed and then rinsed in doubly distilled water before opening each bird; new scalpel blades were also used with each bird. Except when the dissecting instruments were used, the body parts were never allowed to touch metal. The samples were always stored in polyethylene containers, and fused silica dishes that had highly glazed surfaces were used to hold the samples during ashing procedures. FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION Validity of the Data It should be emphasized that, as already mentioned, the analyses were conducted on pooled samples; the larger tissues were pooled according to geographical region and age of the birds, the smaller ones by region only. While this procedure has obvious limitations, the values obtained can be accepted with reasonable confi- dence. Theoretically, the concentrations of elements obtained for the pooled samples should approximate mean concentrations one would get if the tissues were analyzed individually. The consistency of many of the concentrations in comparable body parts—among birds of the three age groups and from the three regions — adds further confidence to the validity of the data (see tables). However, a word of caution is in order. In biological material, mean concentrations of chemical elements, as well as means of percent ash of wet (or dry) weights, may be skewed toward high values (Tipton, et al. 1963:97). For this reason, Tipton, et al. (1963:100) consider the median concentration to be a more appro- priate measure of central tendency than the mean. This was true for at least some of the values for the pheasant tissues; for instance, concentrations of copper in the pooled samples of feet had a median value of <5 ppm, whereas the mean was an unrealistic >46 ppm (Table 13). In the following discussion, median concentrations in comparable body parts — among birds of the three age groups and from the three regions — are used in most instances. This, of course, does not overcome the possibility that concentrations in individual pooled samples may in themselves be skewed toward high values. Size and Weight of the Pheasants Mean wing lengths and body weights indicated that pheasants from the three areas were of similar size and were in the same general physical condition (Table 1). The only exceptions were the two adults from Neoga, which were larger and heavier, on the average, than adults from Sibley and Humboldt. In general, and regardless of the area from which they were collected, adults were larger and heavier than juveniles. Percent Ash of the Wet (or Dry) Tissues Weights of the ash of the pheasants’ body parts are presented in grams and as percentages of the wet (or dry) weights in Table 2. Percent ash of the dry weight of bones had a median value of 62.86. Feet, which comprise considerable keratinous and other tissue as well as bone, contained less ash, the median value being 37.82 percent on a dry-weight basis. Spector (1956:73), after compiling the work of many research- ers, reported the ash content of dry, fat-free bone from several species of vertebrates to be roughly 61—75 per- cent; the ash content of femurs from turkeys was approximately 70 percent. Thus, the percent ash of pheasant bones appears to be similar to percentages for bones of many other vertebrates. Dried feathers from the pheasants contained a median of 1.29 percent ash (Table 2). The ash con- tent of feathers is apparently greater than that of hair, which is also a keratinous appendage of the skin. Human hair has been reported to be 0.2—0.9 percent ash on a dry-weight, fat-free basis (Spector 1956:77). Median concentrations of ash in whole blood and in soft body parts of the pheasants were seldom less than 1 percent, and never more than 2 percent, on a wet- weight basis (Table 2). The only exceptions were fat (median 0.28 percent), intestines (median 0.63 per- cent), and thyroid glands (median 0.41 percent). Pancreases and thymuses contained the highest concen- trations of ash. the median values being 1.77 and 1.93, respectively. It is of special interest that the concen- trations of ash in all internal organs except livers and bursae were greater for birds from Sibley — good pheasant range — than for birds from Neoga — poor range (Table 2). This finding is elaborated upon else- where (Anderson & Stewart 1969:262, 268). The median values for percent ash of soft tissues of pheasants were, in general, similar to those for humans (Tipton & Cook 1963:105-130). Notable exceptions were concentrations of ash in adrenal and thyroid glands, which were 12 times greater and 63 percent less, respectively, in pheasants than in humans. Concentrations of Elements in Tissues Concentrations of the 23 elements in the various body parts are summarized in Tables 3-25. The concentrations are given in grams per 100 grams of ash (percentage in ash) for major elements and in micrograms per gram of ash (ppm in ash) for trace elements. To convert from ppm to percent, move the decimal four digits to the left. Values preceded by < or > indicate the concentrations were beyond the analytical capabilities of the techniques used; the values given are the lower or upper limits of detection attained. Concentrations in the ash may be converted to a wet- weight (or dry-weight) basis with this calculation: concentration in ash >< percent ash of wet (or dry) body part 100. If concentrations in dry tissue are desired for those tissues for which the percent ash is presented on a wet-weight basis (Table 2), percent ash of wet tissue can be converted to a dry-weight basis with the aid of data presented in the literature. It is suggested that percent ash of wet and of dry human tissues published by Tipton & Cook (1963:105-130) be used for such conversions. Of the elements for which analyses were conducted, phosphorus was found to be the most abundant in the pheasants, the median concentrations in ash being more than 12 percent in all samples analyzed for this element except those of blood, fat, and feathers. Potas- sium, with median values exceeding 12 percent in blood and in most soft body parts, was also present in abundance. Calcium was highly abundant in bone, the median concentration being 34.13 percent, and mod- erately abundant in thyroid glands, in which the median concentration was 5.26 percent. Of the other two major elements, magnesium was most abundant in thyroid glands (median 8.42 percent) and sodium was most abundant in blood (median 16.88 percent). High concentrations (median 14.21 percent) of sodium also occurred in the thyroids. It is interesting that the ash of thyroid glands contained the highest concentra- tions for magnesium and the second highest for calcium, potassium, and sodium. Concentrations of phosphorus were not determined for these glands. The highest median concentrations for nine of the trace elements occurred in the ash of gizzard linings (aluminum, 5,000 ppm; barium, 133; boron, 58: copper, 483; and titanium, 700) or of feathers (lead, 317 ppm: vanadium, >100; zinc, 28,125; and zir- conium, 322). These body parts also contained the second or third highest median concentrations for six of the remaining elements. Of these, in the analyses conducted, iron and tin were most concentrated in the ash of lungs (>7,000 and 42 ppm, respectively), nickel and silver in fat (158 and 15, respectively), cobalt in bursae (106), manganese in livers (298), molybdenum in kidneys (124), and strontium in spleens (126). Chromium was extremely low in all tissues, the median values never exceeding 4 ppm. (Iron was probably more concentrated in blood than in lungs. Because of limitations of the analytical pro- cedure used, actual concentrations of iron in blood were not determined. ) If the amounts of elements in ash are converted to concentrations in the wet body parts (dry for bones and feathers), bone, because of its high ash content, becomes the body part containing the highest concen- trations of many elements. However, concentrations in unashed bone, as well as in feathers, were based on dry weights, while those in other unashed tissues were calculated on a wet-weight basis. Thus, concentrations in unashed bones and feathers are not strictly com- parable to those in the wet tissues. If bone is excluded, concentrations of elements in wet (or dry) tissues exhibit patterns of distribution similar to, but in lesser quantities than, those in ash. Exceptions were concen- trations in fat, intestines, and thyroid glands, where the percent ash was exceedingly low (Table 2). Conse- quently, these body parts contained relatively lower concentrations, when compared with those of other body parts, on a wet-weight basis than in ash. A particularly interesting finding was the relatively greater abundance of inorganic ions in leg muscles than in sternal muscles. Calcium was 10 times greater, and six of the trace elements (aluminum, barium, cobalt, copper, vanadium, and zinc) at least 2 times greater in leg muscles. Only one element, titanium, was strikingly more abundant (5 times greater) in sternal muscles than in leg muscles. The behavior of barium and strontium in the pheasants — their wide distribution and relatively uni- form concentrations (Tables 9 and 20) -— is similar to that of essential elements. Tipton & Cook (1963:142, 144) reported the same findings for humans, but added that this might be expected of strontium, which is chemically closely related to the esseutial element calcium. The high concentrations of bariu’a and stron- tium in pheasants, as compared with those in humans, tempt speculation about the essentiality of these ele- ments for birds. Schroeder (1965:218) has stated that strontium is essential or probably essential for mammals. Changes in concentrations with increase in age of the pheasants were evident for several elements. Four of the major elements (calcium, magnesium, phos- phorus, and sodium) were usually less abundant in the ash of intestines and livers of adults than in those of juveniles, perhaps because of higher metabolic rates in the younger birds. Concentrations of sodium also decreased in leg muscles and sternal muscles with increase in age. However, sodium became more con- centrated in bones and feet as the birds became older. Other changes associated with increased age were increases in concentrations of aluminum in intestines, barium in bones, feet, intestines, and gizzard muscles, lead in bones and feet, strontium in intestines, and zirconium in bones. Of these five trace elements, only strontium is known to be essential or probably essential for mammals (Schroeder 1965:218). Schroeder (1965: 227) also reported that at least four of these elements, zirconium being the exception, accumulate in one or more tissues of humans with increasing age. Comparisons With Concentrations in Other Vertebrates In those body parts that were comparable, the median concentrations of elements in pheasants exhib- ited many similarities to median values reported for humans by Tipton & Cook (1963:105-130) and Tipton et al. (1965:410-439). Noteworthy exceptions were magnesium in thyroids (9 times greater in pheasants ), potassium in pancreases (2 times greater), and calcium and potassium in hearts and kidneys (40-50 percent less). Among essential trace elements (those essential or probably essential for mammals, Schroeder 1965:218), important differences between pheasants and humans were in cobalt in kidneys and muscles (10-20 times greater in pheasants); manganese in livers, pancreases, and spleens (2-3 times greater); molybdenum in kid- neys (4 times greater) and in livers (60 percent less); and zinc in kidneys, lungs, muscles, and spleens (50- 70 percent less). In most of the body parts analyzed, copper and iron were 20-70 percent less abundant in pheasants than in humans. As the pheasants were allowed to bleed when they were sacrificed, their body parts would understandably contain less iron than those of humans. “Nonessential” elements exhibiting differences be- tween pheasants and humans were aluminum in livers, muscles, and spleens (2—5 times greater in pheasants); nickel in brains, livers, pancreases, and spleens (2-4 times greater); silver in brains, muscles, and spleens (30 times greater); and titanium in livers, muscles, and spleens (10 times greater). In most of the body parts that were comparable, barium and _ strontium were 2-20 times greater, and lead was 30-70 percent less in pheasants than in humans. It is interesting that of the “nonessential” elements showing differences be- tween pheasants and humans, all except lead were more abundant in the birds. As pheasants ingest appreciable amounts of soil (Harper & Labisky 1964: 726), as well as grit, an accumulation of “nonessen- tial” elements in these birds might be expected. Spector (1956:70-77) has summarized analytical work performed on many species of vertebrates. Although mammals were the most common animals on which analyses were conducted, birds, reptiles, amphibi- ans, and fish were also listed. Concentrations of nine elements (the five major elements, plus copper, iron, manganese, and zinc) in six internal organs (brains, hearts, kidneys, livers, lungs, and spleens), muscle, and bone could be used for generalized comparisons between pheasants and other vertebrates. (Spector (1956:70) points out that the values he presents are rough approximations which are not subject to con- clusive interpretation.) For these elements and these tissues, concentrations in pheasants agreed exceedingly well with those listed for other backboned animals. General exceptions were calcium in hearts (30-80 percent less abundant in pheasants), potassium and sodium in kidneys (35-55 and 50-70 percent less, respectively), and phosphorus and zinc in livers (30-55 and 10-90 percent less, respectively ). The median concentrations of elements in pheasant blood exhibited several striking differences from mean concentrations in mammalian blood reported by Bowen (1966:81-82). Notable examples were phosphorus (3 times greater in pheasants); cadmium, cobalt, and manganese (10-50 times greater); and nickel, silver, vanadium, and zinc (94-99 percent less). LITERATURE CITED ANDERSON, WILLIAM L., and PeGcy L. Stewart. 1969. Relationships between inorganic ions and the distribution of pheasants in Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 33(2) :254-270. BALDWIN, S. PRENTISS, HARRY C. OBERHOLSER, and LEONARD G. Wortey. 1931. Measurements of birds. Scientific Publications of the Cleveland Museum of Natural History, Vol. 2. 165 p. Bowen, H. J. M. 1966. Trace elements in biochemistry. Academic Press, London and New York. 241 p. Harper, JAMES A., and RONALD F. Lasisky. 1964. The in- fluence of calcium on the distribution of pheasants in Illinois. Journal of Wildlife Management 28(4):722-731. Hupson, Georce E., and Patricia J. LANZILLoTTI. 1964. Muscles of the pectoral limb in galliform birds. American Midland Naturalist 71(1):1—-113. LaBisKy, RONALD F. 1968a. Ecology of pheasant populations in Illinois. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Wisconsin, Madi- son. 511 p. 1968b. Nightlighting: Its use in capturing pheas- ants, prairie chickens, bobwhites, and cottontails. Illi- nois Natural History Survey Biological Notes 62. 12 p. , and WILLIAM L. ANDERSON. 1965. Changes in dis- tribution and abundance of pheasants in Illinois: 1958 versus 1963. Illinois State Academy of Science Transac- tions 58(2):127-135. SCHROEDER, HENRY A. 1965. The biological trace elements or peripatetics through the periodic table. Journal of Chronic Diseases 18:217—228. Spector, WILLIAM S. [ed.]. 1956. Handbook of biological data. W. B. Saunders Company, Philadelphia and London. 584 p. Tipton, I. H., M. J. Cook, R. L. STEINER, C. A. Boye, H. M. Perry, Jr., and H. A. SCHROEDER. 1963. Trace elements in human tissue. Part I. Methods. Health Physics 9:89-101. Tipton, ISABEL H., and M. J. Cook. 1963. Trace elements in human tissue. Part If. Adult subjects from the United States. Health Physics 9:103-145. Tipton, I. H., H. A. SCHROEDER, H. M. Perry, Jr., and M. J. Cook. 1965. Trace elements in human tissue. Part III. Subjects from Africa, the Near and Far East and Europe. Health Physics 11:403-451. All tables are presented on the following pages. TABLES TaBLe 1.— Data for 54 hen pheasants from which body part were excised and analyzed for 23 chemical elements. Sibley, Ill. ‘Humboldt, Ill. Neoga, Il. ; Oct. 1966 Jan. 1967 Jan. 1967 Oct. 1966 Jan. 1967 opplan ai cid, OBB eng Bre Ie eto E eee iene oe cena 9 6 8 8 6 9 6 2 Mean age (months)......-..--. eee see cree eee ees 4.0+0.8* ca.7 >19f ca.7 > 19 4.4+0.5* ca.7 >19T Mean wing length (mm)..........-..--..+-.5+5-- 220+2 221+4 22643 223+2 226+3 221 +1 22242 230+5 Mean body weight (grams)............-.0. 05-2055 841417 875+19 943431 856421 960 +16 838+31 873+18 1,052+41 Location (county, latitude and longitude).......... Ford and Livingston Coles Cumberland 40°35/N., 88°23’W. 39°36’N., 88°19’W. 39°19'N., 88°27'W. Abundance of pheasants}... ...-.. 0... 0.6.2 ee eee >100 1.1-10.0 0.1-1.0 sed according to advancement of molt of the primary of October-collected juveniles from Sibley and Neoga were + Pheasants more than 1 year old could be aged only as adults by approximately 19 months old. t Pheasants observed per 100 miles of driving during April 1 the techniques primary flight feathers (Labisky 1968a:465). Mean lengths of the 10th 84+17 and 118+8 mm, respectively. employed. The youngest adults were 963 (Labisky & Anderson 1965 :132). TABLE 2.— Weights of ash, in grams (numerators) and as percentages of wet (or dry) weights (denominators), of pooled body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Percentages of dry weights are in parentheses. Neoga Sibley Humboldt Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4 Mo. 7 Mo. Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4 Mo. 7 Mo. Adult All Ages Number of hens 9 6 8 8 6 9 6 2 23 14 17 Blood 1.8433 1.3325 1.8107 1.4818 0.9899 1.0942* 1.3996 0.5591 4 Grenals 0.0210 0.0116 0.0097 1.14 ales 1.19 1.18 1.17 ile bre 1.20 1.26 V4 715)” 10:88 Bones, leg 37.86 17.75 33.58 33.09 194300 34.63 18.71 OL ipraina 1.1633 0.7442 0.7130 (82.12) (57.98) (75.78) (77.62) (59.41) (72.86) (57.97) (66.33) 1.59 1.53) 1:25 Bones, skull 12.10 9.99 13.76 13.06 9.58 11.200 8.96 SEM Teasers 0.1040... 0.0787 (57.62) (62.99) (59.90) (60.23) (59.20) (58.74) (61.09) (60.94) 1.77 1.96 Bones, sternum 15.03 10.27 16.02 _ i461 _ 11.02 16.60 10.79 BOL Gieaard 0.4345 0.2820 0.2744 (62.43) (62.72) (67.57) (67.36) (65.96) (66.97) (67.03) (71.33) linings 0.91 1.05 0.78 Fat 0.1826 0.1231 a 0.1212 0.0782 Ons 0.0536 Hearts 1.1640 0.6546, 0.7968 0.47 0.29 0.27 0.59 0.26 0.21 140 1.22 1.29 Reathers 1.0883 0.8218 1.1774 1 0098, 0.8245 1.0581 _ 0.7518 0.3290 Kidneys 1.4670 0.6351, 0.8922 (1.45) (1.48) (1.28) (1.04) (1.29) (1.28) (1.34) (1.28) 1.76 130 144 Feet 18.32 14.65 13.94 17.88 10.71 19.70 9.84 3.89 Lungs 1.0251 0.4627 0.7232 (42.01) (49.18) (31.54) (44.24) (33.62) (43.61) (32.56) (33.58) 1.36 0.97 1.28 9 ‘ 79¢ 9975 ; ‘ Gosandanuscles 1.4249 0.8837 0.9977 _ 0.9851 0.6826, 1.2856 0.7996 0.2975 Reproductive 0.1088 _0.0636 0.0556 1.14 1.18 1.11 1.12 1.06 1.08 1.12 1.02 organs 1.40 1.25 1.27 nntestines 0.5346 0.2861 0.4429, 0.2930. Oe 0.3383 0.2179 0),0959 Pan OreNeR 0.5261 0.2669 0.3247 0.66 0.65 0.72 0.54 0.61 0.50 0.58 0.64 1.94 ee fash aly fry Wears 1.9026 1.0578 1.3979 1.2740 1.0987, 1.5059 1.0150 0.4355 Spleens 0.0811 0.0391 0.0618 1.62 1.25 1.32 1.17 1.40 1.26 1.42 1.52 165 145 1.56 geales leg 948* 7.03 948 8.34" __ 7.32 11.04 7.35 2.85 Thymuses 9-158 0.1472 1.52 1.53 1.52 VE 1.52 1.53 1.53 1.59 1.99 1.86 35* 5 8.77* 2.8: 88 3.73 pate 0. 0013 0.0015 Muscles, sternal 13.39 Beh 30 11.18 14.15 8.04 12.83 10 ‘ Thyroids 1.0040 0.0013 0 0019 44 1.47 1.32 1.49 1.38 1.34 1.46 1.26 0.54 0.29 041 *Sample consisted of body marta from one hen less than indicated above ip.°) TaBLe 3.— Grams of calcium per 100 grams of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 7 Mo. Adult 7 Mo. 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult All Ages Blood 0.42 0.63 0.73 0.75 0.63 0.74 Adrenals 1.19 1.29 2.16 Bones, leg 33.00 30.00 36.75 27.25 29.00 33.75 Brains 1.10 0.70 0.75 Bones, skull 33.50 33.00 39.75 34.50 26.00 33.50 Bursae 0.10 ante 0.03 Bones, sternum 36.00 37.00 35.50 34.50 36.50 35.50 Gizzard linings 2.10 4.10 1.50 Fat 0.25 0.25 eae aks ae 0.65 0.50 sists Hearts 0.40 0.15 0.18 Feathers 5.00 3.75 5.25 3.75 4.25 5.00 6.00 7.00 Kidneys 0.40 0.35 0.35 Feet 34.00 27.00 37.00 36.75 6.00 31.25 37.25 35.00 Lungs 0.60 0.83 0.68 Gizzard muscles 1.05 0.53 0.65 0.43 0.53 0.43 0.50 0.65 Intestines 1.25 0.78 0.90 0.93 vet 1.65 1.03 1.00 Livers 0.38 0.33 0.28 0.33 0.35 0.53 0.25 0.33 Pancreases 0.55 0.78 0.73 Muscles, leg 2.95 2.40 3.30 3.05 4.10 2.48 3.00 3.65 Muscles, sternal 0.30 0.38 0.33 0.25 0.33 0.40 0.28 0.20 Thyroids 3.25 7.69 5.26 TABLE 4. — Grams of magnesium per 100 grams of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 7 Mo. Adult 7 Mo. 4Mo. 7 Mo. Adult All Ages Blood 0.45 0.52 0.56 0.54 0.50 0.36 Adrenals 0.88 0.86 1.75 Bones, leg 0.45 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.55 0.50 Brains 0.95 1.00 0.85 Bones, skull 0.50 0.45 0.70 0.65 0.55 0.65 Bursae 0.75 ae 0.40 Bones, sternum 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.60 0.50 Gizzard linings 0.60 0.65 0.56 Fat 0.88 arate Oke : 0.93 1.13 : Hearts 1.00 1.50 1.15 Feathers 3.38 3.13 2.88 ; 3.13 3.38 2.13 Kidneys 1.45 0.60 0.90 Feet 0.60 0.50 0.65 Rh 0.65 0.50 0.55 Lungs 0.95 0.95 1.05 Gizzard muscles 1.15 1.35 1.30 : 1.45 1.25 1.25 Intestines 3.50 2.80 3.45 Sc 3.20 2.25 1.55 Livers 1.35 0.80 1.05 1.40 1.05 0.65 0.80 Pancreases 1.80 1.75 1.90 Muscles, leg 1.25 1.30 1.30 1.15 1.35 1.35 1.30 Muscles, sternal 1.60 1.60 2.30 1.95 1.90 1.40 1.65 Thyroids 3.75 138.08 8.42 TABLE 5.— Grams of phosphorus per 100 grams of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 7 Mo. Adult 7 Mo. 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult All Ages Blood 9.92 10.83 10.09 10.12 9.32 6.19 Bones, leg 13.00 11.38 13.38 12.88 13.38 12.38 Brains 17.25 19.88 19.63 Bones, skull 11.75 13.88 13.88 11.38 13.50 11.75 Bones, sternum 14.13 12.75 13.50 13.75 13.00 16.38 Gizzard : linings 15.13 24.38 de Fat Age a5 oe Sets ae ees Hearts 17.03 19.138 17.25 Feathers 3.30 5.20 2.80 3.95 4.80 4.00 Kidneys 14.00 18.50 17.88 Feet 12.63 14.13 12.63 11.63 1450 13.13 Lungs 16.75 19.88 17.25 Gizzard muscles 16.25 15.50 16.00 14.13 14.13 13.38 Intestines nore) 0 2063 24.38 22.50 18.25 18.25 Livers 6.75 11.63 14.25 14.50 12.38 10.25 Pancreases 21.25 9.30 26.25 Muscles, leg 19.50 31.87 18.75 19.13 20.38 28.25 Muscles, sternal IBS: elon 17.00 13.75 15.50 16.75 Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4 Mo. 7Mo. Adult All Ages Blood 13.75 12.92 15.21 14.25 12.80 12.71 14.58 13.04 Adrenals 14.95 18.53 26.91 Bones, leg 0.19 0.15 0.10 0.14 0.15 0.13 0.14 0.09 Brains 18.00 16.00 21.20 Bones, skull 0.27 0.30 0.24 0.16 0.17 0.20 0.18 0.30 Bursae 11.10 Bi 6.20 Bones, sternum 0.40 0.40 0.22 0.20 0.36 0.25 0.20 0.28 Gizzard linings 5.40 4.60 4.71 Fat 8.55 20.50 ins Bois A 5.25 17.00 AD Hearts 15.50 17.50 12.30 Feathers 4.50 2.50 3.50 2.38 2.38 3.50 2.50 2.63 Kidneys 17.00 10.50 10.30 Feet 0.25 0.17 0.13 0.12 0.21 0.10 0.13 0.14 Lungs 17.90 14.50 18.50 Gizzard muscles 19.80 19.00 19.60 20.20 17.10 19.20 20.00 19.80 Intestines 19.80 17.80 12.10 15.30 no 10.90 10.00 10.60 Livers 15.30 16.70 15.80 14.50 15.50 15.30 11.90 17.75 Pancreases 32.20 32.20 31.60 Muscles, leg 16.50 17.00 = 17.70 16.20 16.00 17.70 16.20 16.80 Muscles, sternal 21.00 16.90 16.60 31.40 17.00 20.00 14.00 19.50 Thyroids 21.89 35.00 2684 TABLE 7.— Grams of sodium per 100 grams of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult 7Mo. Adult 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult All Ages Blood 19.58 16.67 17.08 17.11 =15.85 19.77 16.49 16.39 Adrenals 6.81 9.96 13.76 Bones, leg 0.44 0.48 0.53 0.53 0.54 0.35 0.40 0.46 Brains 7.70 5.55. 8.60 Bones, skull 0.51 0.56 0.79 0.47 0.74 0.47 0.53 0.62 Bursae 3.03 S06 1.78 Bones, sternum 0.35 0.43 0.53 0.35 0.55 0.47 0.34 0.58 Gizzard linings 1.90 1.35 1.97 Fat 1.68 3.08 Hae Sey Sous 2.50 3.08 oe Hearts 5.10 6.00 4.50 Feathers 6.50 4.50 5.38 5.00 4.63 6.00 5.13 6.25 Kidneys 6.75 4.65 5.10 Feet 0.89 0.85 0.94 0.74 0.80 0.48 0.81 1.00 Lungs 6.25 6.05 7.15 Gizzard muscles 4.50 4.00 4.35 4.35 3.45 4.35 4.00 3.80 Intestines 5.75 5.85 4.15 4.40 sis 4.00 3.20 3.70 Livers 4.65 4.65 4.20 D5 4.70 8.80 2.70 4.65 Pancreases 4.00 2.35 4.25 Muscles, leg 3.30 2.85 3.05 2.90 2.75 3.50 2.70 3.20 Muscles, sternal 2.85 1.65 1.60 2.50 1.95 2.75 1.50 2.00 Thyroids 14.00 23.08 14.21 TABLE 8. — Micrograms of aluminum per gram of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4Mo. 7Mo. _ Adult All Ages Blood 106 182 48 134 81 174 183 182 Bones, leg <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 Brains 25 31 62 Bones, skull <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 Bursae 3,339 Ae 5,000 Bones, sternum <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 <45 Gizzard linings 5,000 4,895 >8,600 Fat 770 ~=—-: 11,012 AS. 341 ite 409 413 626 Hearts 111 169 130 Feathers 5,000 6,096 5,000 2,519 5,000 5,000 5,000 5,000 Kidneys 116 188 141 Feet 198 1,011 <45 419 606 134 659 274 Lungs 2,622 1,926 912 Gizzard muscles 111 140 113 76 40 160 67 144 Reproductive organs 131 787 293 Intestines 149 595 193 327 712 50 112 492 Pancreases 136 95 251 Livers 306 604 195 383 248 198 309 212 Spleens 57 1,825 1,150 Muscles, leg 111 123 94 78 150 97 121 120 Thymuses 71 Bets 112 Muscles, sternal 55 41 42 64 53 70 54 41 10 TABLE 9.— Micrograms of barium per gram of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult All Ages Blood 1.78 0.12 0.03 0.19 1.67 0.01 046 = 19.06 Bones, leg 26 19 29 19 ll 29 37 68 Brains 3 21 23 Bones, skull 19 21 49 30 32 54 48 81 Bursae 39 44 Bones, sternum 110 15 30 23 24 20 15 72 Gizzard linings 91 133 163 Fat 16 67 Sars 78 oe <0.5 48 165 Hearts 9 9 7 Feathers 169 174 158 92 173 87 62 54 Kidneys 4 14 8 Feet 29 29 44 26 45 37 56 107 Lungs 24 14 14 Gizzard muscles 7 46 54 41 43 28 57 67 Reproductive organs 104 47 112 Intestines 19 40 74 35 89 7 38 48 Pancreases 5 24 53 Livers 25 34 15 14 4 4 7 9 Spleens ll 132 38 Muscles, leg <0.5 15 51 53 52 24 34 35 Thymuses 9 aie 4 Muscles, sternal 16 ll ll 30 17 35 16 21 TABLE 10.— Micrograms of boron per gram of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7Mo. Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4Mo. 7Mo._ Adult All Ages Blood 9 22 23 34 8 8 13 5 Bones, leg <2.5 <25 <255 <25 <2.5 <2.5 <25 <2i5 Brains 5 7 3 Bones, skull RO) SAD OD <2.5 <2.5 <25 120 Bc 37 17 >120 Hearts 3 2 6 Feathers 111 15 76 26 >120 103 = >120 >120 Kidneys 6 24 21 Feet WG i120 75 66 95 Pancreases 8 8 6 Livers 5 18 27 22 25 4 Uf 3 Spleens 4.0 0.6 3.5 Muscles, leg 38 6 73 >120 53 35 ll 78 Thymuses 4 aie 5 Muscles, sternal 19 100 22 23 62 15 15 31 TABLE 13.— Micrograms of copper per gram of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7Mo._ Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4Mo. 7Mo._ Adult All Ages Blood 46 37 31 59 32 34 42 28 Bones, leg 500 Fat 2 34 eee 69 shots 34 35 82 Hearts 170 184 149 Feathers 127 116 131 131 140 135 130 137 Kidneys 126 98 168 Feet 371

2,000 >2,000 >2,000 >2,000 >2,000 >2,000 >2,000 >2,000 Bones, leg <50 < 50 7,000 >7,000 Reproductive organs 5,600 6,367 3,517 Pancreases 2,050 2,000 1,775 Spleens 6,575 7,000 5,400 Thymuses 1,919 Pate 2,350 Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7 Mo. Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4 Mo 7Mo._ Adult All Ages Blood 19 21 22 21 19 20 21 21 Bones, leg <0.5 31.0 28.9 <0.5 47 1,2 0.6 74 Brains 7 5 10 Bones, skull 5 <0 29.3 0.6 5.6 2) 1.3 9.1 Bursae 22 ea 2 Bones, sternum <0.5 0.6 60.4 0.6 8.6 vel OS 13.4 Gizzard linings 132 107 477 Fat 3 28 12 care 54 40 151 Hearts 2.9 46 <15 Feathers 168 266 500 62 358 500 478 276 Kidneys 6 17 19 Feet 0.5 0.6 51.3 0.6 7.0 15 1.8 6.6 Lungs 31 27 6 Gizzard muscles 438 20 44 31 29 9 6 38 Reproductive organs 116 76 47 Intestines 3 7 82 39 470 158 19 6 Pancreases 8 26 45 Livers 26 20 64 50 36 59 26 6 Spleens 120 58 36 Muscles, leg 72 12 14 7 41 13 18 15 Thymuses 13 ater 9 Muscles, sternal rt (ses, 700 whet 341 Bones, sternum 22 10 15 8 20 GS} 8 10 Gizzard linings >700 >700 >700 Fat 74. =>700 5a 427 Scie >700 >700 146 Hearts 34 22 39 Feathers >700 >700 >700 >700 >700 >700 >700 >700 Kidneys 19 3 27 Feet 21 24 14 20 17 23 41 16 Lungs 301 316 109 Gizzard muscles 55 44 99 50 282 63 60 87 Reproductive organs 41 15 87 Intestines 81 24 3 56 52 24 74 44 Pancreases df 5 43 Livers 65 66 143 52 38 14 14 21 Spleens 38 109 68 Muscles, leg 69 103 33 <1 101 55 3 67 Thymuses 24 BRS 39 Muscles, sternal 122 448 103 358 277 700 303 483 TABLE 23. — Micrograms of vanadium per gram of ash in body parts of hen pheasants collected from three areas in Illinois. Sibley Humboldt Neoga Sibley Humboldt Neoga 4Mo. 7Mo._ Adult 7 Mo. Adult 4Mo. 7Mo._ Adult All Ages Blood 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 0.01 Bones, leg 92 78 44 102 76 108 89 19 Brains <0.5 0.6 4.4 Bones, skull 47 48 140 113 120 50 137 94 Bursae 5 0 16 Bones, sternum 113 60 138 136 139 50 60 137 Gizzard linings 32.7 <0.5 22.7 Fat 5 4 aid 6 ate 1 1 1 Hearts 1.0 0.8 0.8 Feathers > 100 96 >100 > 100 33 >100 +100 +100 Kidneys 1 2 4 Feet 121 128 42 140 118 37 130 122 Lungs 2.2 0.6 0.8 Gizzard muscles 14 ~<05 8.6