IS**"""***' iJ^UIiLS £^^02 JOHN BROOKS HENDERSON GONCHOLOaiA ICONICA: ILLIJSTEATIONS SHELLS OF MOLLUSCOUS ANIMALS. PHILIXE. BULLINA. NUCULA. UTRICULUS. OSTR.EA. LIXTERIA. VOL. XVIII. CONTAINING MONOGRAI'IIS OF TUE GENEHA SC.VPHANDER. PHOLAS. YOLDIA. L-EDA. PL AC UNA. ETHERIA. ]\IIILLERIA. SOLENELLA. NEILO. •pholadomya. succinea. :magilus. CLAVAGELLA. LIMN.EA. LIMA. DENTALIUM. CORBIS. LOVELL AUGUSTUS KEEVE, F.L.S., F.G.S., CORRESPONDING MEMBER OF THE NATURAL HISTORY SOCIETY OF WURTEMBDEG, OF THE LYCEU] NEW YORK, OP THE ACADEMY OF NATURAL SCIENCES OF PHILADELPHIA, ANI ZOOLOGIOO-BOTANICAL SOCIETY OF VIENNA. OF NATURAL HISTORY OF OP THE CONTINUED BY G. B. SOWERBY, F.L S. " Each shell, each crawling insect holds a rank Important in the plan of Him who framed This scale of beings ; holds a rank, which lost, Would break the chain, and leave behind a gap Which Nature's self would i-ue." Stniinciflecl. LONDON: L. REEVE & CO., 5, HENRIETTA STREET, COVENT GARDEN. 1873. MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS P H I L I N E, ■ Oh ! what a happy life were mine Under the hollow-hung ocean green." — Tennyson ^^; PhihiuPi.l. Sowerby, del el lith . Vmceiit Brooks. Day* Soii.lmp P H I L I N E. Genus PIIILINE, Ascaimis. Testa spiralis, pateliifonnis, ovata, vel suhquadrata, alba, tenuis, spird ccetatd, anfractibus paucis, jmioribiis parvis, magna, late aperto. Shell spiz-al, patelliforin, ovate or subquadrate, white, thin, spire concealed, whorls few, the earlier ones small, the last large, widely open. Besides the PUline aperta of our ovm coasts, we possess several small and very interesting species, such as Ph. Catena, Ph. pminosa, and others well known to British naturalists. It is difficult to distinguish by the shells alone the large Australian species from the Medi- terranean and British Ph. qimdripartita and Ph. aperta, for the variations in form are repeated in each species. Although the fourteen species now enumerated ex- haust the list of those that are now known, there can be no doubt that the number of existing species must in reaUty be much greater that have not been brought to light, owing to the concealment of the shell by the animal intetruments. Species 1. (Mus. Brit.) Philine Pl.\nci.\na. Ph. tet-td ohUmfjA, siibqitadratd, Imvigatd, lateribus rectiiiscidis, labia externa postice subtruncato, supra medium stibcontracto. Planche's PniLiXE. Shell oblong, subquadrate, smooth, sides rather straight, outer lip posteriorly sub- truncated, slightly contracted above the centre. Philippi. Euum. Moll. Sic. i. p. 91. Philine quadripartita 1 A. Adams, not Ascanias. Hah. British Isles. Mediterranean. Philippines. The figure in Chemnitz referred to as the Philine quadripartitn of Ascanias certainly represents the pre- vailing form of the common British and Mediterranean shell. Species 2. (Fig. a, b, c, Mus. Sowerliy.) Philine apeiita. Ph. testa orato-rotundatd, alba, leviter undatd; lateribus rotundatis, labio externa postice October elevato, sahacuminato, suhcontracto, antice late sub- emarginato, anfractu penultimo angustuto. The open Philine. Shell ovately rounded, white, lightly imdulated ; sides rounded, outer lip pos- teriorly elevated, subacuminated, rather con- tracted, anteriorly widely subemarginated, penul- timate whorl narrow. Bulla apeuta. Linnoeus. Systema Naturas. Bidlcea quadripartita. Ascanias. BulluBa Schro'tcri. Philippi. Lobaria quadrilohata. Muller. Hah. Great Britain. Mediterranean. Cape of Good Hope ? Philippines ? This being the prevailing form of British and Medi- terranean Philine, the original name ought to be re- tained, rather than the new one adopted by Philippi. Species 3. (Mus. Sowerby.) Philine coreanica. Ph. iestd oblongd, rectiusculd, stib- complanatd, pallidissime fulvd, postice angastiusculd, lateribus rectiusadis, apcrturd postice siibcontractd, vtrinque rotundatA. The Korean Philine. Shell oblong, rather straight, rather flattened, very pale fawn, rather narrow behind, sides rather straight, aperture contracted posteriorly, rounded at both ends. A. Adams. Sowerby's Thesaurus ; species 139. Bulla, fig. IC6. Hab. Korean Archipelago. Specii 4. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Sowerby ; tig. c, Mus. Cum. in Brit.) Philine Angasii. Ph. testd magnd, ovato-suhquadratd vel acuminatd, albd, spiraliter substriatd, concentr-ice leviter undnlatd, aperturd laid, postice subquadratd, elevatd ; anfractu penultimo elongato. Angas's Philine. Shell large, ovately subquadrate, or acuminated, white, spirally substriated, concen- trically slightly undulated, aperture wide, poste- 1870. PIIILINE.— Plate I. riorly subquadrate, elevated ; penultimate whorl elongated. Adams. Pro. Zool. Sec. Eab. Port Lincoln, &c., Australia. It is difficult, if not impossible, to distinguish the variable forms of this Australian species from Ph. aperta, some of them taking the straighter character of Philippi's Ph. Planciana. The specimens, however, attain a larger size than either of the above mentioned species, and it is probable, from the locality, that the animal is different. Species 5. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Sowerby.) PniLiNE TEirNCATissiMA. Ph. tcstd Iri'vi, subquadrotd, siihcompressd, tenui. diaphand, liiieis conceiitricis opacis distantibiis, antice angidatis notatd ; aperturd antice latissiind, late tmncatd ; labia extemo angii- lato. TuE \-EP,T THDNCATE PniLKE. Shell short, subquad- rate, subcompressed, thin, diaphanous, marked with distant concentric opaque lines which are angular in front ; aperture very wide in front, widely truncated ; outer lip angular. SOWERBT. Ilah. This transparent little species is remarkable for the truncated character of the widened anterior, producing an angle on the lower part of the outer lip ; which is beautifully indicated by the opaque white lines deli- neating the edges of former outer lips. li^ V riillinr PI. II. ^i) l§ ^- \ SowerLydel et. lith Vincent Brooks Diiv* P H I L I N E. Plate II. Species G. (Mus. Cum. in Brit.) PhILINK SCUTUI.UM. rii.'i (,i;it,'-siil„iii,i,lrnl'l, tire lix tninnitn, (illi.'i, ^iih,,, ll,i,l, Mus. Jeffreys.) Philine nitid.\. Ph. testa minutd, oblongo-subqnad- ratA, politd, aperturd postice subcontractd, antice rxpansd, subrotinidatd ; labia e.vtcrno postice depresso, vix (ingnlato ; .<:pind hand ccelatd. The shining Philine. Shell minute oblong-snb- quadrate, smooth, aperture posteriorly subcon- tracted, anteriorly expanded, a little rounded ; outer lip posteriorly depressed, very little angu- lated ; spire not hidden. Jeffreys. British Conchology. Hab. British Isles. Specie (Mus. Cum. ill Brit.) Philine catena. Ph. tcstd paird, cdhd. ovato-sub- pyraniidatd, spiraliter niimite catenifird, apertnrd postice contractd, antice stibcipansd, labia externo piostice rotunda, hand elevato ; anfractu pamltimo subfusifonni. October The chain Philine. Shell small, white, ovate!y-sul)- pyramidal, spirally minutely chain-marked, aper- ture posteriorly contracted, anteriorly a little expanded, outer lip posteriorly rounded, not ele- vated ; penultimate whorl rather fusiform. MiiXTAGUE. (BullKa). Testacea Britanuica, pi. 7, f. 7. BiiUcm catcmdifera. MacgiUivray. Hub. British Islands. This little shell must not be confounded with the Scaphander scabra, ov pectinata. wliich is ornamented by a similar chain-like sculpture, but which is much more Scaphander-like in form, and has protruding denticles on the outer edge of the lip. Species 9. (Mus. Cum. in Brit.) Philine punctata. Ph. testa orato-oblongd, teindssimd, alba, pellucidd, nitidd, lineis punctatis spiralibus scidpfd, postice contractd, obtusd, vix timbilicatd, an- tice expansd, rotundatd. TiiK PUNCTURED Philine. Shell ovate-oblong, very thin, white, pellucid, smooth, sculptured with spiral lines, posteriorly contracted, obtuse, scarcely umbilicated, anteriorly expanded, rounded. A. Adams. Trans. Linn. Soc, pi. 1, f. 6-8. Ilab. Great Britain. Species 10. (Mus. Cum. in Brit.) Philine pruinosa. Pb. pared, subglobosd, bifasciatim subpruinosd, mimitissime reticulatd, supra medium, subconslricta ; margine columellari valde arcuato subreflexo. The plum-coloured Philine. Shell small, subglobose, plum-coloured in two bands, a little constricted above the middle, very minutely reticulated, colu- mellar margin much arched, subreflected. Clark. (Bulla^a) Zoological Journal, 1827, p. 339. Ilab. Great Britain. Species 11. (Mus. Cum. in Brit.) Philine orientalis. Ph. iestd magna, albd, snbcom- pi-essd, ociito-rotundatd, crassiuseuld, subopacd, con- 1870. PHILINE.— Plate II. centrice subliratd ; aperUrd latissimd, labio externa postice subproducto, antice rotundato, margine colu- mellari valde excavato. The oriental Philine. Shell large, white, subcom- pressed, ovately rounded, rather thick, somewhat opaque, concentrically ridged ; aperture very \vide, outer lip posteriorly slightly prodviced, anteriorly rounded, columellar margin much excavated. Adams. MS. Mus. Cum. Hab. ? Wider and of a more rounded oval form than I'h. aperta, Anfjasii, &c. Species 12. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Jeffreys.) Philine angul.^ta. Ph. testa parvd, subquadratd, sub- compressd, diapliand, jwstice fascid opacd rimatd ; spind partim conspicud, truncatd ; labio externa pos- tice depresso, cuneato, antice obliqub truncato. The angular PuiLrNE. Shell small, subquadrato. .subcompressed, diaphanous, posteriorly bordered with an opaque band ; spire partly visible, trun- cated ; outer lip posteriorly rather depressed, cuneated, anteriorly obliquely truncated. Jeffreys. British Conchology. Ilab. Great Britain. Species 13. (Mus. Jeffreys.) Philine quadrata. Ph. testd parvd, albd, subquadratd, postice contractd, truncatd, antice expansd, late truncatd, subanijulatd ; anfractu tdtimo subventricoso, mwijiue columi'llari subtortuo, excavato, tenuissimo. The qqadr.we Philine. Shell small, white, subquad- rate, posteriorly contracted, truncated, anteriorly expanded, widely truncated, rather angular ; last whorl rather ventricose, columellar margin slightly tortuous, excavated, very thin. Jeffreys. British Conchology. Hah. Great Britain. MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS B U L L I N A. Like the long waves on a sea-beach, Where the saud as silver shines, With a soft monotonous eadence Flows its unrliymed lyric Vines."— Lotigfellow. BnUinaPlJ. Vmcent -Brooks , Day ' * f* '. * ' ^ - >'^- ^y^) r'Ay'^^ <'^'?-w ^'^"^ v^,:>P %•' • ' ^ - V * " f" ' ■ •'! **''' f^fc?f *^ -.'i"-^,'// ■:V: a- (' . ^-t- .v;j 'I?. Sowe^b^? , del . e.t litli Vmcenl Brooks . Pay & Soji 1 m]i 0 S T R ^ A. Genus OSTR.EA, Linntem. Tesia hivalris, unimmatlnsa, foliacea, ad .titxart, rniicli ^.-^^v ^^■^ ()sint(i PI IV /^"-y %^' ^^-^^-..^f^ G-B.Sowerby.dde.tlitli \iiicenl Brooks I)ay& Suu Imy^ 0 S T R ^ A. Plate IV. Species 6. (Mus. Cuming in Brit.) OsTRfiA CALLOCHROA. Ost. tesfd suhorhiculo/ri, com- pressd, solidd, valvis mbceqiialibus ; valvd supe- riori vix convexd, purpurea alboque-luteo radiatd, eoncentrice depresso - lamellatd ; valvd injeriori moderate convexd, plus rainusve jnirpureo tinctd, costis obtusis radiantibus armatd, intiis albd, mar- gine squaniifero subpurpureo ; maryinibus latera- libus prope umbones distincte deniiculates.. The fine-coloured Ostii^a. Shell suborbicular com- pressed, solid, valves nearly equal, upper valve very little conve.x; rayed with purple and yellow- ish white, concentrically flatly laminated; lower valve moderately convex, more or less tinted with purple, armed with obtuse radiating ribs ; white within, margin scaly purplish ; lateral margins distinctly denticulated near the umboes. Hanlet. Pro. Zool. Soc. 1845. Hah. Chili. Species 7. (Mus. brit. • OstRjBa hyotis. Ost. testd irregulariter mbquadratd, solidd, spinis tuhiformibus, super angulos plicarum magnarum septem circa extanlibus armatd, fusco- viridi; auriculis svhcompressis, foliaceis pliciferis ; intus lalefusco marginatd. The htodoid Ostr^l\. Shell irregularly subquadrate, solid, armed wth tube-shaped spines standing out iipon the angles of about seven large folds; greenish brown ; auricles rather compressed, foUaceous plicated ; widely bordered with brown inside. LINN.EUS. Systema Naturje. Hab. Indian Ocean. The colouring of this shell is rather peculiar, being of a imiform greenish brown, and the deep angular plaits are surmounted generally with tubular spines. October, 1870. Ostrmi PI. V. SowerLy, del et lith Vinc«m Brooks. DaySSon Imp 0 S T R ^ A. Plate V. Species 8. (Fig. as, 6, c, d, e,f, Mus. Jeffreys.) OsTRiE.\ EDULis. Ost. tcstd ovato-suUrigotid, soUdd, intils plerumque nived, ad latera jyrope cardinein plm minusve deniiculatd, viargine ventrali sub- rotundo et expanso ; margine dorsali subauricu- lato ; valvd inferiori plerumque concavd, obtvse radiatim costata, lamellis undulatim plicatis, laxe hnbricatd, purpurea irregulariter strigatd ; valvd superiori rrdiiori, plerumque valde complanatd fusco - viridescenti, purpurea obscure radiatd, squumis compresds, laxis, subquadratis, mullilo- baiis, radiatim di!'2)osilis laniinatd. The edible Ostr^\. Shell ovately subti-igonal, solid, generally snow-white within, near the hinge at the sides more or less denticulated, ventral margin rather rounded and expanded ; dorsal margin subauriculated ; lower valve generally concave, obtusely radiately ribbed, loosely imbricated with wavily plicated lamellae, irregularly striped with purple ; upper valve smaller, mostly very flat, greenish brown, obscurely rayed with purple, laminated with flattened, loose, many-lobcd, radiately-disposed scales. LiNN^us. Systema Naturte, No. 1148. Ostrcea parasitica, Turton. Ostroea hippopus, Lamarck. Hab. Europe. The common eatable European oyster may be consi- dered as presenting a fair specimen of one characteristic of its tribe, namely, extreme variabihty of form. The principal varieties are arranged as follows by Mr. Jefifreys, premising that the tjqie is of a dull greenish- brown and a little inclined to a trigonal form. Var. \. pardsitica (fig./), which adhering by a large part of its undersurface to various shells and other substances, modifies its form by them. In the beauti- fully leafy and variegated specimen here figured may be seen the traces of the ribs of Fccten opercularis to which it is attached, showing through both valves. Var. 2. OsfrcB(zAip^qp»;s, Lamarck, is not gregarious, like the ordinary forms, but solitary, and living in deep water ; is very rough and ponderous, not at all flaky or scaly ; very deep in the lower valve and thick in the upper. Var. 3. defomiis, Lam. (a term which might apply to irregularly growing shells of any of the species). Two examples are given (/, r, d,) one elongated per- pendicularly, and the other laterally, the latter being formed upon the operculum of a living whelk and con- fined in its growth to the shape of the aperture. Var. 4. nitupina, Jefir. A small, regiilarly formed, not very flaky variety, to which our '• Natives" belong. Var. 5. tinrfa, Jeffr. Like var. rutiipina, rather regularly formed and flat, but having the inside coloured with purplish brown. (Fig. o.) October, 1870. Ostrce^Pl. VI. #1 \V r4 Sawerby, del eL litli TmcentBroote .Day &Son,Imp , 0 S T R M A. Species y. (Fig. a, b, c, Mus. Brit.) OsTn^A ROSTrrATA. Ost. testd elongato-sukriffond, valde foliaced, plermnque arcuatd, albidd ; valvuld mpe- rioii breviusndd, compregsd, inferiori crassd, ex- cavatd ; cardine ekmgato, in rah-uld inferiori medio profundi excavato, mpei-inri medio tmmdo; im- pressione musculuri utnh/iir valvuld phrumque attc- nuatd, castaned. The rostrated Cstk^a. Shell elongate-subtrigonal, very foliaceous, generally arched, whitish ; upper valve rather short compressed, lower thick, exca- vated, hinge elongated, in the lower valve deeply excavated in the middle, in the upper tumid in the middle; muscular impression in each valve generally attenuated, chestnut. CiiEMN-iTZ. Conch. 8. t. 73. f. 677. "0. rostrata, parva et maxima.'" Oiftiwa Virginiana, Gmelin. Ostrcea Virgintca, Lamarck. Ostrcea Canadensis, Lamarck. Ostrwa hm-ealis, Lamarck. Hah. New York. Virginia. Canada. The shell of early growth represented at fig. e, being attached by a small part of its surface to a smooth substance has a form very similar to our edible oy.ster. The elongated laterally compressed boat form, fig. a, b, represents 0. Virginica, Lamarck. We have not thought it necessary to give a figure of the form Canadensis, Lamarck, which is shorter, more curved, and thicker, very foliaceous in the lower valve. In the Virginica form, the attenuated beak with central ridge, and groove and side ridges, presents a curious feature. The largest specimen in the British Museum is more than a foot long. January, 1.S71. ,4 OstrceaPl.YII. Sowerby. dd et lith Vincent Brooks J,'ay»Sori. I mp 0 S T R yE A. Plate VII. Species 10. (Fig. a, i, Mus. Brit.) OstrjEa Columbiensls. Oft. testd compressd, Icevigatd, invgulwiter subovatd, albidd, nonnunquam radiis pinpureis dvplicatis ornaid, tenui ; valvuld inferiori fnliaced ; cardine parvo, apice aciito ; iniiis albd, mm-ginihus hitcralikis hmul dentinilatis. The Columbian Ostr^a. Shell compressed, smooth, irregularly subovate, whitish, sometimes orna- mented with duplicate purple rays, thin ; lower valve foliaceous, hinge small, apes acute ; white within, with the lateral margins not denticu- lated. Hanlev. Pro. Zool. Soc. 1845. Hah. St. Helena, Cuming. iMazatlan. Lower California. It is difficult to distinguish shells of this variable species from young specimens of Ostrwa rostrata. They are, however, believed to be different by those who have studied every series of both species in various stages, and when tolerably free in their growth their tendency seems to be rather towards an oval than a triangular form. January Species 11. (Mus. Ilanley.) OsTRJ2A Belcheri. Ost. testd 7na.nmd, compressd, spa- thulatd, elongato-suhtrigond, crassmsculd, foliaced, squamis maximis, quadratis, purpureo-subviridis ar- matd ; valvuld inferiori planidatd, superiori con- vexd ; cardine lata ; margine ventrali expan^o. Belcher's Ostr^a. Shell very large, compressed, spathulate, elongate-subtrigonal, rather thick, foliaceous, armed with very large, square, rather purplish green scales ; lower valve flattened, upper convex ; hinge broad ; ventral margin ex- panded. Sowerbt. Hub. Eastern Seas ? — Captain Belcher. It is to be regretted that this magnificent shell, now in the collection of Mr. Hanley, has had no specific locality assigned to it by Captain Belcher, who brought it home among the fruits of his expedition. It is re- markable for its large flat scales. The specimen is attached to a broad flattened stem of mangrove. , 1871. O.slrmiFLVUl Sowerby del et litl-i VmcenLHroolw.Day SlSou. Imp 0 S T R ^ A. Species 12. (Fig. a, h, Mus. Brit.) OsTE^EA ANGULAT.4.. Ost. tcstd tngoiid, hrevi, temtius- culd, albidd, strigis jnirpureis paucis invgnlaribus radiatd ; apicilms incvrvis, mbspiralibus ; valvuld superiori depressd, parvd, ad marginem ventralem leviter plicatd ; inferiori profundd ad apiceni arcua- tim productd, ad marginem ventralem leviter plicatd, expansd, valvam inferiorem longe siiperante ; car- dine tenui. Thk angular Ostr^a. Shell trigonal, short, rather thin, whitish, rayed with few, irregular, purple streaks ; apices incurved, subspinal ; upper valve depressed, small, slightly plicated at the ventral margin ; lower valve deep, produced in an arch at the apex, slightly plicated at the venti-al maririn, expanded, far exceeding the lower valve ; hinge thin. Lamarck {Gnjphmi arujulata). Anim. s. vert. Grypha^a, sp. 1. n„b. ? The great peculiarity of this shell is the depth of the lower valve under the hinge, above wliich the apex curves upwards and sjiirally. Species 13. (Mus. Brit.) OsTR^A sp.WHULATA. Ost. testd magnd, compressd, sub- quadratd, solidd, valvuld inferiori planulatd, mar- ginibus albis perfoliaceis ; margine dorsali lato ■ valvuld sujjerioii aureo-fulvescenti, concentrice lineis i-vbescentibus pictd, prope margines laxe squamatd, late, expansd; cardine lato subplanulato ; intuf partim subviolaced, marginibus denticulatis. The si'ATiiULATE OsTR^A. Shell large, compressed, subquadrate, solid, lower valve flattened, with white very foliaceous borders ; dorsal margin wide ; upper valve golden-brown, painted concen- trically with reddish lines, loosely scaly towards the margins ; a little violet in parts within, with denticulate borders. Lamarck. Anim. s. vert. Ost., No. 16. Bab. Guacomayo, Co. of America. It is not possible to speak with certainty respecting this species, which may quite possibly be a very aber- rant variety of 0. prismatica. I am led to assign Lamarck's name and description, however vague, to the shell, because that author remarks that his species approaches the preceding one, the 0. denticulata of Born, which our shell unquestionably does, differing, however, in the flat and spathulate form. It might, perhaps, be feasible to link together 0. denticulata, 0. spathiilata, and 0. iridescens, under the first of the three names ; but the worn state of the ponderous and richly coloured specimens of the third which we have hitherto met with, prevents a decisive conclusion on the subject. January, 1871. Ostrmi'Pl.a. :^ '^^'^^-^^ J ■/" nm^' Si)werby,del etlitb VincttiilBrooks.Da-yfcSun.lmp 0 S T R ^ A. Plate Species 14. (Mus. Brit.) OsTP.,EA DENTicuLATA. Ost. testd subrotuiidd, cTassd, glahrd, submargaritaced ; intus parlim fusco- purpureo subiridescenti ; valindd inferiori magnd, planatd, niarginibus albidis viridescentibus, late foliaceis ; valvuld superiori convexd, obscure tidier- culatd, aureo-fulvd Jusco rubescenle concentrice strigatd; cardine planulato ; margine intemo valide denticulato. The denticulated OsTRiEA. Shell subrotund, thk-k, glabrous, a little margaritaocous ; within, in parts brownish purple, rather iridescent; lower valve large, flattened, with greenish-white borders, widely foliaceous ; upper valve convex, obscurely tuberculated, golden-brown, concentrically striped with reddish-brown ; hinge flattened, internal margin strongly denticidated. Born. Mus. tab. C, f. 910. Hob. America ? The figure of Chemnitz fairly enough represents the species in a very worn state ; while that copied in the Encyclopaedia might almost have been drawn from our shell. Species 15. (Mus Brit.) OsTR.ffiA LURIDA. Ost. tesld tenidusculd, luride, glaucd, sublcevigatd, prope marginem veniralem leviter plicatd ; postice plerumque productd, valvuld inferiori profundd, margine dorsali angusto ; valvuld superiori subcequali, leviter convexd. The lurid Ostr.«;a. Shell rather thin, darkly glaucous, rather smooth, lightly plicated near the ventral margin; mostly produced posteriorly; lower valve deep, dorsal margin narrow ; upper valve nearly equal in extent to the under, slightly conve.x. Carpenter. ? MS. Mus. Brit. Hab. Mazatlan. The chief characteristic of this species is the pecu- liarly lurid glaucous tint pervading the inner and outer surface of both valves. Species 16. (Mus. Brit.) Ostr^a fyxidata. Ost, testd orbiculari, inxquivalvi, January IX. pallide fulva ; valvuld inferiori convexissimd radiatim costatd, costis nodulosis, scepe duplicatis ; valvuld superiori pland, divaricatim costatd, costis nodidosis ; marginibus ventralibus crenulatis. The box-shaped Ostr^a. Shell orbicular, inaqui- valve, pale fulvous; lower valve very convex, radiately ribbed, ribs nodulose frequently dupli- cate ; upper valve flat, divergently ribbed, ribs nodulose ; ventral margins crenulated. Adams .wid Keeve. Zool. Voy. Samarang. p. 72, PI. xxi. f 19. Hah. Philippine Islands. A very characteristic little species, sculptured with finely beaded diverging ribs, with very deep under, and flat opercular upper valve. Species 17. (Fig. a, Mus. Brit, b, Sowerby.) Osti:.i:a rhizophorje. Ost. testd elongato-subtrigond, tenuiuaculd, lax issime foliaced ; sordide J'ulvd, prope marginem ventralem squamatd, suhpUcatd, compressd, expansd, strigis purpureis inierruptis vershs apicem medio divisis pictd ; intus albidd ; valvuld inferiori profundd cardine producto ; valvuld superiori planulafd. The Mangrove Ostr^a. Shell elongated-subtrigonal, rather thin, very loosely foliaceous ; dull fulvous, squamose, slightly plicated, compressed, expanded near the ventral margin, painted with purple interrupted stripes divided in the middle towards the apices ; whitish within ; lower valve deep, hinge produced ; upper valve flattened. GuiLDiNG. Zool. Journal, vol. 3. p. 512. HcdL Caribbean Islands. West Indies. The species is not found exclusively attached to the roots of mangrove, although that may possibly be regarded as its normal habit. From the South African species of the same general habit, 0. parasitica, it may be distinguished by its less solid and less elongated form. The large specimen, fig. b, represents the appearance of the shell when attached by a small por- tion of its surface to rocks. , 1871. Ostrce/iPl.X. ^. ^, '^A #■ ^1^. Sowerby. del , et lith . VmcentBrooks.I'ayM>^^''^^ "^"fiTi-rt^* ^J Sowerby, del et liLh Vince.iilhi-ook:;,l)ay)iSun.l 0 S T R .E A. Species 22. (Fig. a, Mus. Brit. Fig. b, c, Sowerby.) ()sTR«A CRiSTA-GALLi. Ost. testd plerumque subqua- dratd, valklissime plicatd, plicis angulatis profun- dis, divaricatim granoso-striatd jmrpweo-fuscA vel fulvA vel albidd, versiis marginem pallide violaced ; iniils pallidiori, ad marginem granu- hiid ; cardine lato, complanalo ; valvuld inferiori per lobis foliaceis productis ad niadreporas mpes- que adhmrenti. The cock's-comb OsTr.^.\. Shell generally subqua- drate, strongly plicated, folds angular and deep, divergently granularly striated, purple brown, or fulvous, or whitish, pale violet towards the margin ; paler within, granulated at the margin ; hinge wide, flattened ; lower valve adhering to madrepores and rocks by produced leafy lobes. LinnjEus (Mytilus) Systema Naturaj. Hah. Indian Ocean. Oysters of this species occur in fine groups, attached to each other by a portion of their surface, and to madrepores by lobelike projections. Species 23. (Mus. Cuming in Brit.) OsTR^A viitESCENS. Ost. tesld suboibiculari, solidd, intits viridi ; valvuld inferiori profwndd, margine laqueato ; valvidd superiori planulatd, divaricatim costatd, costis crebris, rotundis, crassis lineis rube- scentibus notatis ; cardine lato, medio excavato. The virescent Ostr^ea. Shell suborbicular, solid, green, within ; lower valve deep with fluted margin ; upper valve flattened, divergently ribbed, ribs close, rounded, thick, marked with reddish lines ; hinge wide, excavated in the middle. Angas. Proc. Zool. Soc., 1868. Uab. Port Jackson, Australia. In some respects resembling Ostrcea pyxidata, but the ribs are thick and close tosrether. January, 1871. '■/ OstnmPlJIL Sowerby, delet lith. Vincent BrooksJ)ay(£Soii.Inip 0 S T R ^ A. Plate XII. Species 24. (Mus. Brit.J OsTR^A MEGODON. Ost. testd solidd subcequivalvi, obscure 2mr2nired vel viiidi fulvescenti, transverse elmgatd, arcuatd, reniformi, margine ventrali qumque ad sexplicatd, pHcis viaximis, rotimdts, ad marginem externum perfoliaceis ; intus alhd, partim subviridi; impressione /nuscutari magnd, reniformi. The large-toothed Ostr^ea. Shell solid, nearly equivalve, dull purple or greenish fulvous, trans- versely elongated, arched, reniform, ventral margin with five or six plaits, very large, rounded, foliated at the outer margin ; white within, partly greenish ; muscular impression large, reniform. Hanlev. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1845. Ostrcea galliis, Valenciennes. Hab. Peru. t5pecies 25. (Mus. Brit.) OsTR^A RUFA. Ost. testd trigond, solidd, rugoso-sqm- mosd, riifd, aut fusco-purpured ; ijit-ds medio fusco- suipurpiired, ad marginem albidd ; valmdd inferiori profundd, ad marginem vahain superiorem supei-anti ; valvuld superiori subplamdatd, versics margine?!? squamis brevibus crassis armatd. The rufous Ostr^a. Shell trigonal, solid, roughly- squamose, rufous or brownish purple; within, brownish purple in the middle, whitish at the margin ; lower valve deep, overlapping the upper at the margin ; upper valve rather flattened, armed with short thick scales near the margin. Lamarck. Anim. sans vert. Ostrsa, No. 25. Ostreea tubercidata, Lamarck; Ostrcea Australis, Lamarck. Ilab. America, January, 1S71. OstrmtPiXin. ^"^m. / Sowewby , lith . Vinceiu Brooks. iJav & 0 S T R .E A. (Fig. 4. a, h, Mus. D'Orb. in Brit.) In figuring tliese two shells it was intended to repre- sent as a distinct species the OstrcBa Puelcha7iaoi D'Or- bigny, who has so named the specimens. I cannot, however, on further consideration, regard them in any other light than as intere.'^ting varieties of the South American Ostrcea parasitica. Sp, •20. (iMus. Brit.) 0sTR.4;.\ DiscoiDEA. Ost. leslA rolundA, complanatA, tenuiter striatd, albo-fulvescenti, pallide pur- purea radiatd, subcequivalvi ; carding parvo ; valvidd in/eriori convexd, ii)i]»-essioiie muscu- lari maximd ; valvidd superiori valde compressd. The discoid Ovsteu. Shell rounded, ilattened, finely striated, whitish brown, rayed with pale purple, I subaeqiiivalve ; hinge small ; lower valve convex, muscular impression very large ; upper valve miich compressed. ; Gould. Hab. Fijee Islands and New Zealand. j A rounded species with a flat upper valve and very contracted hinge. ' Januarv Species 27. OsiK^A Ano.\ssi. Ost. testd magna, compressd ro- tundo-suhtrigond, cinered, vershs margines vix purpured, incequivalvi ; intus albd ; valvvld in- feriori crassd, costatd, margine expanso, laqueato limbo cceruleo ; valvuld superiori depressd, squamis latis, tenidbus, Icevigatis, versus margines laqtieatis armatd ; cardine lato, complanafo ; imjiressione musculari utrdque valvd magnd. Axgas's Ostr^a. Shell large, compressed roundly subtrigonal, cinereous, a little purple towards the margins, insquivalve, white within ; lower valve thick, ribbed, its margin expanded, fluted, with bluish border ; upper valve depressed, armed with broad, thin, smooth scales fluted towards the margin ; muscular impression large in both valves. SoWEIiBY. Eab. Port Jackson. 3Ir. G. F. Angas. The sculpture of this large species is much less coarse than in equally large specimens of 0. edulis, and the upper valve is more convex than in that species. OstrmvPlXN. VmceniBrooks.Day&Soti.lmp Soworby. delet lith 0 S T R vE A. Species 28. (Miis. Brit.) OsTK^A SOLIDA. Ost. testd crai>!!d, ohlongo-suhovatd, swprh subaUe7iuatd, versus marginem venirahm expansd, plicis numerosis, suhrotundif, radiantibus laqueatd ; valvuld inffriori hand profunda, cras- sissimd, intiis medio juseo nigricanti s^tbulatd turn subaureo-fuscd, margine ventrali /usco-piirjmred : marginibiislateralibuscrenulatis;marginecardinali angusto, subelongato, complanato ; valvuld snpe- riori irregulariter tiiberculald, alhidii, puUtdissinie purpurea svhulald. The solid Osth^a. Shell thick, oblong-subovate, rather attenuated above, expanded towards the ventral margin, fluted with numerous rounded radiating ribs; lower valve not deep, very thick, clouded within by blackish brown in the centre, then golden brown, ventral margin pvirplish brown, lateral margins crenulated ; hinge margin narrow, rather long, flattened ; upper valve irregularly tuber- culated, whitish, very lightly clouded with purple. SOWERBT. Hob. Gulf of Panama. There is a second specimen in the British Museum col- lection, which is straighter, and less distinctly wrinkled than the one figured, with considerably less colour within. Species 20. (Mus. Brit.) OSTR.EA TURBiN.\TA. Ost. testd fuscd, muximd, crassd medio complanatd, versiis marginem plicis paucis, maximis, acute angulatis, armatd; valwJd infer iori crassissimd. ad marginem alteram jyaiilo superanti; intiis medio albidd, limbo deme fmcato, ma/rgine cardinali elongato, angusto; valmdd superior!, medio albido, planulato, impressione musculari The turbinated Ostr^a. Shell brown, very large, thick, flattened in the middle, armed towards the border with few very large acutely angular plaits ; lower valve very thick, a little exceeding the other at the margin ; within whitish in the middle, deep brown at the border, hinge margin elongated, narrow ; upper valve whitish in the middle, flat- tened ; muscular impression very large. Lamarck. Animaux sans vertebres. Ostrsce, No. 44. HaJj. ? No locality is assigned to the specimen in the British Museum of this large oyster, which differs from Ostrwa Sinensis chiefly in the magnitude and angularity of the plaits. February, 1871. (\slnvaPI\y. J^^ '5.'^ ri^M Wk Sowci-bv. do. et litl; \';:>.VJi'.Hroofe.l);.vi;;.>n,lmp 0 S T R iE A. Species M. (Fig. . .' I do not find that any author has yet named this species, which appears fairly to merit distinction. Pig. It, however, is not very cliaracteristic, the plaits being nearly obsolete. Species :V2. (Mus. D'Orbigny in Brit.) OsTR.«!A SPRETA. Ost. testd. sfi,bquadratd, antic'e sub- productd, cuneatd ; margine cardinali anguxto, apicibus acuminatw ; valvidd in/eriori subpro/undd, intils vai-iegatd; valvuld superiori purpureo strigatd, rugosd, versils marginem irregulariter plicatd. The .slighted Ostr^a. Shell subquadrate, rather pro- duced and cuneated anteriorly ; hinge margin Species SI. (Fig. a, h, Mus. Urit.) !.«A MOUDAX. Ost. testd pei-pendicularitcr oblongd, compres.-)d, ad marginem profundi; lohntd, intvs inter lobas acute denticulaiil : valruld inferiori crassd, medio albidd. Umbo inter denticulas dense fuico-purpureo; margine cardinali recto, ad terminos quaJrato ; valmdd guperiori subcinnamoned, pnr- pureo variegntd, valde planulatd. BITING Ostr^a. Shell perpendicularly oblong, compressed, deeply lobed at the margin, acutely denticulated within between the lobes ; lower- valve thick, whitish within, the border between the denticles deep purple-brown ; hinge margin straight, squared at the ends ; upper valve slightly cinnamon-tinted, variegated with purple, very flat. LD. Wilson's Expedition. », California ? narrow, apices acunnn deep, variegated witl striped, rough, irregul margin. D'Orbigny. Voy. .Vnu'r. "SU llnh. Kio de .buieirn, P,r;izil lowiT v.ilve rathe upper valve ])urpl [ilicated tow.'irds tl: A very gi- IS species of irregular growth. (Mus. Brit.) Ostr.-ea Ciiii.okx^is. (>!it. tisfd valde foliaced, elongato- subtrigonA, albidd, iidhs partim viridesccnti, mar- ginibus haud denticulatis, valvuld inferiori alteram, ad margineni superanti, vix profnndd ; valvuld superiori planulatd, sublctvigatd, taxi sqv/imatd The Chiloe O.str/ea. Shell very foliaceous, elongated, subtrigonal, whitish, partly greenish within, mar- gins not denticulated ; lower valve exceeding the other at the margin, not very deep; upper valve flattened, rather sinodth. loosely scaled. Hub. Chiloe. There is truly very little to distinguish this sjieci from the " Xative" variety of our edible oyster. It : however, of thinner growth and more tapering towar the hinge. February, \X~i\- ()s/frn< tIJVI. Sawerby, (IbI et ktVi. Vincont -Broote.DayASon.Imp 0 S T R iE A. Species 34. (Mus. Brit.) OsTR^A CUCULLATA. Ost. testd subtrigmiA solidisdmd, pUccUd, plicis angtdaribus, pJenunqve magnis prope apicem cdbidd, versits itiarginem purpured fasciis den»ioribus strigatd ; vahnild inferiori crassd, al- teram ad marginem, giiperanti, sublus margmem cardinalem cucidlafd cardine elongato, frequenter ad umbonem valde prodnctd, plicis elcmgatis, nonnun- quam rotundatis et imbricalis ; valvuld superiori medio planulatd versus marginem piicatd. The hooded O.str^a. Shell subtrigonal, very solid, plaited, plaits angiilar, generally large, whitish near the apex, jnirple toward.s the margin, striped with deeper bands; lower valve thick, overlapping the other at the margin, hooded under the hinge margin, hinge elongated, frequently nuich pro- duced at the apex; plaits elongated, sometimes rounded and imbricated ; upper valve fiat in the middle, plaited towards the margin. Born. Mus. Ind. Cses. Tab. G, f. 11, 12. Osticea cornucopia. Chemnitz, f. 679. Ostrcea Forskali. Chemnitz, f. 671 bis 6. Considering the great variation observable in this species, particularly in the elongation of the hinge, I think Mr. Hanley right in referring to it the Ostnea comucopiw and the Ostrcea Forshali of Chemnitz. The latter is represented by our fig. a, from a specimen in the collection of the British Museum, which has the hinge elongated to an enormous extent, the result of the specimen having been attached only by a small part of its surface. Species 35. (Mus. Sowerby.) Ostr.«;a Mexicana. Ost. testd ad lapides adhcerenti, ovatd, tenui, subcompressd, ad marginem laxe pii- catd ; valvuld inferiori cos'atd, haud profunda, albidd, purpurea pictd, alteram ad marginem su- peranti ; valvuld superiori medio convexo, versus marginem plicate, albido, velfulvo, lineis strigisque fuscis vel purpureis, et versiis apicem fascid mediand siibpurpured, fasciis albis duabus marginald, rudlatd ; apicibus incurvis, cardine tenui, angusto. The Me.xican OstrjEa. Shell adhering to pebbles, ovate, thin, subcompressed, loosely plaited at the margin ; lower valve ribbed, not deep, whitish, painted with purple, overlapping the other ; upper valve convex in the middle, plaited towards the margin, whitish, or fulvous, rayed with brown or purple lines and stripes, and towards the apex a central purplish band edged with two white bands; apices curved inwards ; hinge thin, narrow. Sowerby. Hab. Tehuantepec, Mexico. A rather variable shell, having some relations with the preceding. It is a much thinner shell, witli no tendency to a trigonal form, to a prolongation of the hinge, or to any depth of hollow under the hinge. February, 1871. Osircro PJ.XMI. Sowerby.del etlilli Vmceiit,Bvook",.DayJi;Son,Ii]ip 0 S T R .E A.. Species : (Fig. n, Mus. Brit.; Ii, Mus. Taylor.) OsTii^A IMBRICATA. Os^t. testi'i foliuad, teiiiii, lii.r<' radiatim plicatd, 7-osea, uiamlis jmrpureis imym's irreqularibus ornatd, vel pallide ftdvA super plicas nibrnfusco tinctd : plifin mediank marjuis, bifurcntii', angulatim mtuwldli.'', ml •uii/n/ns iiiihriratiin tiihu- losis ; valvA iiijirifri /'f i/m ul, r/d/inrcii. The imbuiCATED Ovsti.u. Shell t'oliace«ms, thin, loosely radiately plicated, pink, ornuiiu'iited with large purple irregular spots, or ]>ale fawn tinted with reddish brown ; middle folds large, bifurcated, angularly rounded, with inibrii-ated tuhes at the angles ; lower valve often foliaeeotis. Lamarck. Anini. sans vert. (Jstra^a, No. 4(1. Bab. China. Like Ostrcea f/i/otis, but of looser and less solid tex- ture, variegated in colours, and the dee]i central plicse less angular. R])ccics ."7. (Mus. Ilanley.) OsTR^A Ctrnl'sii. OsI. tratd nb/onr/o-subtrlgond, pallide rorncil, phtiinhitim Kijiiiinnhitd, pondmm ; vdlvii .•'iiii.':trd '■ra>'si^siind, exttis landmitiin. fulinced: rurdiii, ,ln/iili,, lato, in mediuin pi-njaiidn : imj)ii^.te,Dav* Soii.i 0 S T R .E A. Species 38. (Fig. a, b. Mus. Taylor). OsTii^.v suBTHKiONA. Ost. testd subtrigotid, obtimgd vel mbquadratd, ponderosd, versus umbones sub- angustaid, ad marginem ventralem lata, qvadratd ; margine valide plicato ; valvA inferiori profundd, albido-subviridi, pu/-piireo marginatd, extits nidia- Hm plicatd, fulvo et purpiireo concentrke fusciatd; cardine acuminato, latcribtts prope cardinem crenu- latis. The .suBTniGONAL 0.sTn.i';A. Shell subtrigoiuil, oblong or subquadrate, ponderous, rather narrowed toward the umboes, broad at the ventral margin, quadrate; margin strongly plicated, lower valve deep, greenish white, edged with purple, without radiately plicated, concentrically banded witli fawn and purjjlc ; hinge acuminated, sides crenu- lated near the hinge. SoWEliBV. Hah. Australia. The sculpture of this shell is bold and large ; and the square character of the ventral margin is striking. Species 31). (:\Ius. Ilanley.) OsTR^A TCLU'A. Ost. tistd tctiiii, ilougato-subovatd, Icevigatd, purpurea, versus margincs pallidd, pi-ope umbonem fascid albd mediand radiatd ; valvuld in- feriori profundd, margine tenvissimo ; intus albin,ld, con>,>n's,,l, obsrure pitrpured ; valcd inferiori sidicnni/ilniKitd. supcrurri ivnrt'jdlisculd ; intus querriimx, m, in/in,' albido, striijato, findiriatn : iinjircssiuiii' iiiiisri(/(trvd. The rosy O.STRiEA. Shell irregularly plicated, rough, subtrigonal, purplish pink, interior white, with margin red-bordered ; lower valve deep, upper compressed ; "hinge small ; muscular iiufiressiou rather round, small. I CuKMNiTZ (Parasitica var.). Conch, f. 997. ' O.-itrwa pticatula var., Lamarck. 1 Hah. Lord Hood's Island. I Species 45. (Fig. a, h, Mus. Ilanley.) OsTRA\ lima. OsI. testd pared, fused, longitridinaliter subovatd, subceqiuvalvi, tenui, valvd iifiTiuri pro- fumld, mimite striatd ; valvd superion subcomprcsi^d, tubercidis parvis aaitimarginatis trigonis nigatd ; cardine parro. The file Ostr.ea. Shell small, bro-wn, longitudinally subovate, subequivalve, thin ; lower valve deep, minutely striated ; upper valve subcompressed, roughened with small .sharp- edged trigonal tubercles ; hinge small. Sowerby. Mab. Sandwich Islands. The pecuUar rasp-like sculpture which roughens the upper valve in this interesting little species does not appear, as might at first be suspected, to be the resultof any structure in the substances to which it is attached. Species 47. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Hanley.) OstRvEA Chemxitzii. Ost. testd tcnvi, comphmatd, de- pressd, plicatim et xmdulatim rugosd, pkrumque sinistrorsd, ad margincs lobatd ; valvd superiori sicbviridi, prope umbones obscuri purpureo ; margine dorsali post umbones e.rpanso : vmbmiibus jJ'irvis ; cardine lineari. Chemnitz's 0.str.ea. Shell thin, flattened, depressed, roughened with plaits and undulations, generally sinistral, lobed at the margins; upper valve greenish, dull purple near the umboes ; dorsal margin expanded behind the umboes ; umbues small ; hinge linear. n.\NLEY. Proc. Zool. Soc, 1845. Ilab. China. I understand by Mr. Hanley's expression "shell generally sinistral," that whereas in most species the ape.x is turned towards the posterior side as indicated by the position of the adductor muscle, in this species it is generally turned away from that side. September, 1871. Oslriiu ri.XKI. ~'^i^iM^%>^ SoweTiiy, delel,liih Vinr.cni Brooks DayA Son, Imp 0 S T R .E A. Species 48. (Fig. n, b, Uus. Taylor.) OsTR.EA L.\CTE.\. Ost. testd ad Rhizoporas adJucrenti, radialim plicatd transverse subovatd, solidd, lactea- roseo fulvoqiie lincfd, subtils ccendced, inths cas- taneo auroque subviridipicld, margiaibus cairuleis ; impressione musculari utraque valvd dense cas- taned ; marginibus lateralibus versus umbones den- ticulatis ; valva superioris costis rotundis depres- smsculis, valvcB inferioris subangulath, profimdis rugatis, ad triargiuem ratcam .superiorem stiper- antibtcs. The milk Ostu.e.^. Shell adlieriug to numgrovcs, radiately plicate, transversely subovate, solid, milk-white, tinted with rose and fawn, bluish underneath, inside jiaintcd chestnut and greenish gold with blue margins ; muscular impression in each valve deep chestnut ; lateral margins den- ticulated towards the umbocs ; ribs of the upper valve rounded, rather depressed, of the lower valve slightly angular, deep wrinkled, overreaching the upper valve at the margin. SowEunT. //„/,. ? The blue tinted and rather regular ribs of the under valve, and the golden tinted chestnut painting of the interior, render this rather a pretty species. Species 49. (Fig. a, h, Mus. Taylor.) OsTRiEA ATTENDATA. Osi. testd !i>tl,Jl/>/Ji il.lli/, r (itteUU- atd, angustissimd solidd, lateral ili r ari imln. jmllu/d superne fusco concentrice drigald, iul'us ■marjiue crenato, nigrescenti, impressionibus muscularibus nigris, cuneatis ; cardiue lato, producto, quad7'ato, valvw inferioris elongato. The attenuated Ostr^a. Shell longitudinally attenu- ated, very narrow, solid, laterally arched, pale, concentrically striped with brown, margin within crenulated,, muscular impressions black, cuneate ; hinge wide, produced, square, that of the lower valve elongated. SoWEIUiV. Hab. .' The long narrow tbrm of this species, and the den- ticulations of its darkly coloured inner border, mark it as very distinct. The concentric stripes described would not probably appear if the outer surface of the upper valve were not worn. Species 50. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Hanley.) OstRjEa tuberculahis. Ost. testa ovato-subtrigond, valde ina'.quivah'i, foliaced, subobliqud ; valvd superiori parvd, cowplanatd, rugoso-squamosd, pallide subvindo-fuscatd, apice sid>spirali ; valvd i7iferioriprofundd,utrinque uuriculatd, ad inargines expansd, intils versus margines radiis violaceis pictd, exttis fere oiauiiw /mrpai-ed, Icevigatd, plicis divergentibus, liifi'n'ii/i/nrinibi(s, distantibus ar- matd; margine ]i/ii atu, cndiue parvo. The tubercular Ostr^a. Shell ovally subtrigonal, very inequivalve, foliaceous, suboblique ; upper valve small, flattened, roughly squamose, pale greenish brown, with subspiral apex ; lower valve deep, auriculated on both sides, expanded at the margins, painted towards the margins inside with violet rays ; outside nearly all over purple, smooth, armed with divergent tuborculiform distant plaits ; margin plaited ; hinge small. Lamarck. Hab. Island of Timor. This shell is supposed by I\Ir. Hauley to be the Ostrcea plicatida of Philippi, but not of the earlier authors. It appears to me very fairly to represent the LamarcJcia7i species to which I have ventm-ed to September, 1871. (Mrna PiXXn. -BTOck,-. D.oyiSon.Iinl 0 S T R yE A. Plate XXII. Species 51. (Mus. Taylor.) OsTR^A LACERANS. Oft. tcstA elongato-suhtrigond, longitudinaliter attemiatd, tenui, foliaced, pallida, inlus purjiureo tinctd ; ad marginem veidralem lobatd, cardine trigono, producto ; valvd supenori depressd, suhconcavd ; valvd inferiori costis acutt's, imbricatis, subspini/eris, distantibiis sculptd. The torn Oyster. Shell elongate subtrigonal, longi- tudinally attenuated, thin, foliaceous, pale, tinted inside with purple, lobed 'at the ventral margin ; hinge trigonal, produced ; upper valve depressed, rather concave ; under valve sculptured with sharp, imliricated, and rather spiniferous distant ribs. Hanlev. Proc. Zuol. Soc. 1845. Ilab. Senegal. Species 52. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Brit.) OsTRiEA. glomerata. Ost. testd crassd, irregulari, acuti- costatd, margine dentaio vel lobato, valde inoiqui- valvi, valvd superiori opercidari compressd, laminis eraitsis concentricis fugatA ; valvd inferiori cucul- latd, purpured, intils albidd, purpurea aut nigra marginatd ; mnrginibus l(deralibun denticulatis, cardine plemmque attenuato, producto, acuminata. The conglomerated Ostr^a. Shell thick, irregu- lar, sharp-ribbed, with the margin dentated or lobed, very inequivalve ; upper valve opercular, compressed, wrinkled with thick concentric lamina; ; lower valve cucullated, purple, while witliin edged with purple or black ; latera mar- gins denticulated ; hinge generally attenuated, produced, pointed. GdULD. AVilkes' Expedition. Hab. ? It is ditScuIt to distinguish this species from Ostriea cucullata, if indeed they be not identical. The ribs of 0. glomerata are more numerous and strong, not broadly angular as in Fig. o4, a, b. The young are often spinose as in Fig. 52, b. Never, perhaps, so much so as in the true 0. spinosa. September, 1871. OstrfxaFLJKIIl. Vinceni Brooks T)av* '. 0 S T 11 /E A. Plati: XXIII. Sjiecies :,?,. (Fig. a, l>, ^[lls. Taylor.) Osrn-EA BiCOLOiv. Ost. tedA ocato-suhtrujottil , soliili), compressd, albidd, purpurea latissimi biradiatd, vix lamellosd, margine simplici, nonnunquani un- dulato ; umhonibus acyiiminatis : valvulls intuis alhis, marginihus lateralibus Iccvigatis. The two-coloui!EI) Ostr^.v. Shell ovate-subtrigonal, solid, compressed, whitish, with two very broad purj)le rays, scarcely lamellar, margin simple, sometimes undulated, umboes acuminated ; valves white within, the lateral margins smooth. Hanley. Conchological Miscellany. Ost. fig. 2. Hab. Senegal (?). The original specimen described by Mr. Ilauley was attached by its entire surface to the bottom of a ship. One of Mr. Taylor's specimens has portions of wood adhering to it, which have been pierced by speci- mens of a Teredo. Species 54. (Mus. Hanley.) OsTR.EA LAMELLOSA. Ost. tcsld utrdquc valvA valdc foliaced et squamiferd, albidd, purpurea leviter variegatd, ovaid, crassd ; valcd superiori subde- pressd, versus umbonem Iceviv^culd, concentrice strigald squamis purpureis, extantibus laminatd ; valvd inferiori profuride excavatd, laminibus ex- tantibus lobatis ornatd. The LAMELLAR OsTR^EA. Shell very foliaceous and squamil'erous in both valves, whitish, slightly variegated with purple, ovate, thick ; upper valve subdepressed, rather smooth and concentrically striped towards the umbo, laminated with purple outstanding scales ; lower valve deeply excavated, ornamented with outstanding lobed lamina;. Biioccui, as in Philippi. Moll. Sic. Ilab. Lake Fusaro, near Naples. It may bo considered an open question whether this form, like Ostnra Cyruusii, should be regarded as a distinct species, or merely a variety of Ostrcea edulis. The specimen in Mr. Hanley 's collection was identified by Philippi himself. Species 55. (I\Ius. Hanley.) O.STi;.EA DKiMiESSA. Ost. testd suborbicidariter svhtri- gond, complanatd, deprensd, nlbida, radiis tribun SlljH viht jmrpvi-iis hills iiirl,} : valciih'i concfiitrici.'i ,-.oiiiliii^ ppearance of this specimen is, however, remarkable for the broad purple rays, which are not seen in Ostrma edulis., except in very yoimg specimens, such as represented in our Plate v. fig. 8 d. Andin that case there are not, as here, three distinct rays with broad intervals, but the young shell is nearly covered with purple divided by a light ray in the centre. Ostrcea depressa may possibly be a species hereditarily dis- tinct. '.dulis, af the The September, 1871. Ostne^iFl.XXIV. SoT."»:-by, del etJitli. 0 S T R .E A. Species 5('>. (Fig. a, b, c, Mils. Ilanley.) OsTi'.^A PAL5IIPES. Ost. tesid compressUsimd suhquad- ratd, tenui, valdc incequivalvi, in(equilaterali,fulvd, purjmreo vel nigro radiatd ; latere ant ico b rev is- dmo declivi, margine dorsali recto, margine ven- trali suhrotundo, lobalo ; uvibonibus parvis, acuminatis; valvuld superiori hevigatd, parvd ; valvuld inferiori majits expant-d, extus radiatim striata et distanter costatd ; costis septem, tubercu- latis, ad margiiiem produclis, inlerstitii^ conipla- natis. The P.\lm-footed Osti!JE.\. iSliell much compressed subquadrate, thin, very inequivalve, inequilateral, fulvous, rayed with purple or black ; anterior side very sliort, sloped ; dorsal margin sti-aight, ventral magin rounded, lobed ; uniboes small, acuminated ; upper valve smooth, small, lower valve more ex- panded, radiately striated and distantly ribbed without ; ribs 7, tuberculated, produced at the margin, interstices flattoned. SOWERBT. Hah. Philippines. The peculiar characteristic of tliis rather pretty oyster is found in the outer surface of the lnwcr valve, which from the radiating ribs endiiij,' in l(;ln's and the flattened surfaces between, [ireseiits ilic appearance of the webbed foot of a bird. Species 57. (Fig. «, b, Mus. Ilanley.) OsTRJiA KENiFORMis. Ost. testd cvassd, cloiigntd, an- gustd, lateraliter amiKl,!, tilbidil, incequivalvi; valvuld superiori ami/'nss.i. tumpUmatd, prpio margines sub/uliaced, inli/s /mf/mrt'o marginald ; valvuld inferiori profiuide cxcaratd ; margine ventrali utrdque valvd acuminata, margine cardi- nuli recto ; impressioiiilms innscidarihus purpurco- nigrescenlibus. The i;eniform Ostu.ea. Shell thick, elongated, narrow, laterally arched, whitish, inequivalve ; upper valve compressed, flattened, a little leafy towards the uuirgins, edged within with purple ; lower valve deeply excavated, ventral margin in each valve acuminated, hinge margin straight, mus- cular impressions blackish purple. SOWERIIV. Hab. ? The specimen is peculiarly arched inwards on the posterior, and outwards on the anterior side. Species 58. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Ilanley.) OsTRjEA LENTiGiNosA. Ost. lestd obUque ovato-subor- hiculari, subleiUicu/ari ; albidd, subrugosd, intus luteo ■punctatd, marginibus radiathn striatis, ex- 2)ansis, sublaqueatis ; impressio/nibus inuscularihus rolundis ; cardine elongato, angusto, recto ; latere antico brevi, rotunda ; latere postlco producto, valvd inferiori foliaced. The freckled Ostr^ea. Shell obliquely ovate-subor- l:)icular, sublenticular; whitish, rather rough, inside spotted with yellow, margins radiately striated, expanded, a little fluted ; muscular impressions rounded; hinge elongated, narrow, straight; an- terior side short, rounded ; posterior side pro- duced ; lower valve leafy. SoWERBV. Hab. ? The interior surface of this species is distinguished by a sprinkle of yellowish or purplish spots. The shell is otherwise of a dull stone-coloured white. September, 1871. Ostra'.a PL IXl' iiosvferby.rlelcu iiUi Vi:_ce;\.t.8TookEl)ayi.Son,lmp. 0 S T U .E A. Pi.vri.: Species 59. (Mus. Taylor.) OsTnj!A MULTiiiADiATA. Ost. tcstd vugosd, comprcssd, tenui, ftilvd, strigis numerosis puvpureis radiatd ; marginibus expansis, laqueatis,foliaceis; latere an- tico superne expanso, alato ; latere postico infrSt expan., c, Mils. Ilatilcy.) OsTRiE.v GuiNEENsis. Onl. tculd mulci/oriid, vavie tov- tuosd, j)leramqiie oblonyd, soltdiusculd, soixlide alba, suhlamellosd ; inlics viridi, margine inliis denlicuiato et indentato; impressiune musculari rcni- formi ; cardine parvo, trigono ; apice acuminato. The Guinea Osti!.«;a. Shell multiform, variously tortuous, generally oblong, rather solid, dull white, rather lamellose; green within, margin den- ticulated and indented within, muscular impression renilbrm ; hinge small, ti-igonal, apex acuminated. DuNKEU. PL 43. f. 12-18. Uab. Guinea. This little species assumes various t'ornis, e.xhibits no external painting, and is always tinted with green in- side. Species 63. (Mus. Hanley.) OsTH.SA LUGumus. Ost. testd teiwi, oblique subtrigond, leviter aunculatd, griseo-purpured, obscure radiatd, siiblcevigatd, nitenti, intus albidd ; latere antico ad marginem ventralem producto ; valvuld superiori complanatd, suboperculari, valvuld inferiori con- vexd obscure costellatd ; ad marginem alteram valvam xuperantc, cardine angusto dongato acu- minato ; impressione musculari nni/ornii nigreti- centi. The luguhrious Shell thin, obliquely subtri- gonal, sliglitly auriculated, greyish purple, ob- scurely rayed, rather smooth, .shining, whitish within; anterior side produced at the ventral mar- gin; upper valve flattened, subopercidar, lower valve convex, obscurely ribbed ; at the margin ex- panded beyond the iipper valve ; muscular im- pression reniform, nearly black. SoWERBY. Uab. North America? .Species i; I. (Fig. a, h, Mus. Ilanley.) OsTi:/EA ciiicii.MSUTtTS. Osl. tcstd ovato-obloiigd, ple- rumque augustd, ad rhizoporas adhceraiti, ad mar- ginem jjlicatd, albidd vel pwpured ; intixs albd, purpurea aut viridi tiiwtd, margijie valvules supe- rioris omnino denticulato, valvidm inferior is inden- tato. The stitched Ostr.jea. Slu'll ovately oblong, generally narrow, adhering to mangroves, plicated at the margin, whitish or purplish ; within white tinted with purple or green ; margin of the upper valve denticulated in every part, and that of the lower valve indented. Gould. United States Expedition. llab. Massachusetts ? This species is named from the stitch-like appear- ance of the denticles and corresponding indentations in the inner margin of the valves. Species Oo. (Mus. Hanley.) Ostr^ea Algoensis. Ost. testd, suborbicidari, ventri- cosd, subauriculatd ; valvuld superiori convexd, superne nitenti, versus marginem dense squamosd, valvuld inferiori extus subconcavd, irregulariter tubefrculatd, albd ; valvulis intus albidis, impres- sionibiis muscularibus maximis, reniformibus, con- cenlrice viridi strigatis. The AL(i0A Ostr.ea. Shell suborbicular, ventricose, subauriculated; upper valve convex, shining above, closely squamiferous towards the margin ; lower valve rather concave outside, irregularly tuber- culated, white; valves whitish within, muscular impressions very large, kidney-sliaped, concen- trically striiicd with green. The spocinun is si regularly jjrodi side. the anterior llah. Ala September, \>^~ \ ■ OstirraFl XXVll. X: 11^^ Sowerby, del et. hlh Vniceril Brook "Day tained by Sir David Barclay from the interesting neighbourliood of the Mauritius. OSTP^A pin fen Species 72. (Mus. Ilanley.) IIani.eyana. 0.-/. testd tenui, fused, pur- > pallido subrnaciilatd, subreniforrtii, valvd in- •i complanatd, foliaced, alteram longitudine et ad kitera siiperanti, prope cardinem subauricu- latd, maryiue superne crenulato ; cicatrice incon- sjiicuo, eloiigato, cardine hrevi, valvd superiori tiiberculis inconspicnis divariratis i-ugatd. I Ian ley's OstI(^;a. Shell thin, brown, slightly spotted with pale purple, nearly" reniform, lower valve flattened, foliaceous, exceeding the other in length and at the sides, subauriculated near the hingr, margin crenulated at the upper part, cicatrix inconspicuous, elongated, hinge short ; upper valve roughened with inconspicuous diverging tubercles. SOWERBY. llab. Sandwich Islands. An interesting shell in the collection of Mr. Ilacley which I can reti.T to no other species. Xovember, 1871 Ostra'U P/.XKIX. Vinccnt..B]ooks.Day& Soil bap OST H/EA. I'l-vii: XXIX. The iservt Fig. 64, <•, Mus. Ta)- inner denticulations of tlii? .1, provH it to be a variety ol' not at first Ostrci-(. Species 7;>. (Fig. «. i, Mus. Taylor.) OsTU.K.l CY.MB^FOU.MIS. Ost. tCStd tCVUi, l'n/i(ir< d. , (/,'. 7-a,/ia,itihiis ,1 ,/ir, rit.'^ densis sculptd, /irajii uiiilmni's hrit, r t'di, icululd. margine dor.' OsTU.EA. Shell comj>ressed, dis- coidal, irregidarly rather rounded ; upper valve brown, a little convex. seul].tured with close radiating and diverging stria-, slightly tubercular near the umboes, dorsal margin expanded, ventral .slightly crenulated ; undioos acuminated, small ; lower valve white, flattened. l.KY. Pro. Zool. Soc, 1M4(J. A highly characteristic .shell, different in sculpl )ni any other. Species 7.-). (Mus. Barclay.) ■i;.i:a aifixis. O.v/. Species. 7C. (Mus. Taylor.) OsTR.KA FniRlliENSls. Osl. tcstd subarcuold, lowiitudi- natiier svbatteuuatd, xolidd, i-alde incrquilatirali. valrdinferiari ad marginrmplinitd. purjm rco siiffusta, pradiirld, ad r/,;:.n/,h„ro much depends upon the position in which they are attached. In both our specimens the lower valve rises considerably beyond the upper. 1871. OKtnca n .\X\. Mm \^icai!. Biooks DxViSon.lrap 0 S T R /E A. Fig. r.5. h, Mus. Taylor. A beautiful group of young .sp(.'cimcn.s of Ostnm Alyiinnsis, .'^owerby, growing on :i mangrove root. Species 77. (Fig. a. h, Mus. 15an-lay.) OsTP..E.\ Cm. Ifintd siiUxli'i. urcuald, reni- formi, lonf/itudiitaliter prodactd, ininquilalerali, valvA superiori palliile fnlvA, ml maryinein ven- tralem postire aciiminatd, prop'e et ad marginem costetlU parvis divaricallm duplicalis sndplA ; valvd in/erioii. prope vianjinem ptirpured, ad marginem albd, plicatd, Jenlaid, uUrd valvam superiorem longe productd ; cicatrice utraque valvd reniformi, caslanea : postic? mblateraU, marglne interna valvm supcrioris dcuiiculato. inferiuris in- dentato. Barclay's Ostu.ea. SIigII solid, arched, reniforni, longitudinally produced, inequilateral, U[)pcr valve pale brownish, acuminated posteriorly at the ven- tral margin, near to and at the margin sculptured with little divergently duplicated riblets ; lower valve near the margin jjurple, at the margin white, pHcated, toothed, produced far beyond the upper valve; cicatrix in e.-ich valve ronilbrm, of upi>cr valve dentirulate.l, .,f the under in- dented. SowEltisY. Hah. Point de Fhui, Mauritius. iJy specimen attached to a eautilul 1. The Species 78. (Fig. a. h, Mus. Ilanley.) CsTli.EA i'KS-Tii-,ins. Ost. tr^ld ti'unj, compressd, longi- tadlndlltrr <,/if,i,iij.l. an-iuihi, sii/i<'nir siih:ilt''iiiintd, vershii nmnjinrm vndralrm nhli,,nr c.,-/nni.s,i. j>a/- lidejulfd, jiiir/Jiin',i rndiKtiiib nl dwariailiiti stri- gatd ct liii'iili'i , viilrd inforiorl divaricatini plicald, alhi-iiia iihu/iiiliuliiie sii.pcranli, plici.< tubercidis nigri.)-/iiir/iiirri.s uniiatis, (id h'riniiKis marginales prodm-fis, iiiigi//,i/ls : lutlcis inlus all/is ; cardiiie pnrro. Thi: lAi's-Kdor (),sTi:,EA. Shi-U thin, compressed, longitudinally oblong, arched, attenuated above, oldiquely expanded towards the ventral margin, jiale brown, divergently radlately striped and lineated, lower valve divergently plicated, ex- ceeding the other in size ; plica3 armed with blackish jiurple tubercles which are produced and talon-like at the ends; valves white within; hinge snuill. Hanlky. Proc. Zool. Soc. l.Sl.'j. Hab. .' wliich our tigure is taken does slightest allinity with 0. folium vnbed. ■;i>ecies 70. (.Mus. Hanley.) i^A. i)st. /('sId compresxd, teniii, versus (iriiiiiiiialii, (iijrk sub-otundd, rugatd , ,,.;■„.,■, si,;„i, hd,if,rniis nigro-pnypurei^ oysti sculpture consisting of divirgent riblets near the outer margin of the ujipcr valve, which may have been characteristic of the whole surface if it liad been preserved, is sufficient to distinguish the species, lie- sides its semilunar form and the beautifully fluted and toothed raised margin. I linvc ]ileasure in dedi- cating this species to Sir L):Lvid lianlay, Bart., to whom I am indebted for much valuable inlbrmation, and whose indefatigable researches in the Mauritius and its neighbouring i-slets. have led to the accumula- tion of a magnificent collection. Nov upjper valve armi'il with tube-sluqied blackish- purple outstanding spines. QuoY. Voy. Astrolabe, v. ;!, j.l. 7(i, f l-'l, 14. This may possibly be a young speciiuen of Oslrwa cucullata, or gJoinerntti : but it has none of tlie usu;il characteristics of either of those species when tiilly develoiied. The only indication of a connexion is the fact that a few spines are occasionally developed on some very young specimens of 0. cucullata. See ]ilate xxii. f .jl', h. r. 1S71. Ostrwrf f/.XSXl. Vmoem.BiookDiyiSon.lmp 0 S T W /E A. I'LATK XXXI, (Fig. 2, c, ,1, Mus. JJ;i Ostrcea cucullina, Deshayes. A ay.) this interesting little species was found on the now island that has within the last few years appeared olF the Mauritius, Barclay Island. .See Plate 11.,/. 2, a, b, copied from Deshayes, lie de la Reunion. Species 80. (Fig. iriiliin ; valvA injen'on siij)irioiriu superanii, Ius. Ilanley.) OsTii^EA (inKSA. Ost. testd snborbindari, crns.fd, pal- lide fiilvd, 7iigro-purpurasceHti late hiradiald, squamosd, subspiraliter rufjosd, arcuatd, tumidd, margine pliealo ; inlus incequaliter subviridi, cica- trice majusculd, subreaiformi ; cardine parvo, margine inlus prope umbones utrinque crenu- lato. TuK OsTnjJA. Shell suliorbicular, thick, jiale fulvous, widely biradiated with purplish black, squamose, rugose, arched, tumid, plicated at the edge ; unequally greenish within ; scar rather large, rather reiiiform ; hinge small, margin with- in crenulated on both side.- near the umbcies. SowEnBV. Hah. ? The group in the collection of Mr. Ilanley consists of two specimens attached to each other. The ui)[)er is evidently the younger of th mn to exhibit plications du the n: Species 85. (Mus. Ilanley.) Osxn.EA ni(m;omai:i;in'ata. O.v/. tesfd ralud suptriori (■'//»/>;•(•,«(?, siibqiiadrald, iiiijrcsi'i'iitl, undnlo- !<Ki:t:i) OsTli.'EA. Shell with upper valve compres.sed, sulxpiadrate, blackish, undato-squa- mose, white within, with a very wide black mar- gin ; hinge rather oblique, lateral margins armeil on each side near the hinge with rounded, rather distant, small teeth ; lower valve unknown. SoWEUHY. Uab. Arakan. The large single valve figured is the only specimen known, and as it e.xhibits none of the peculiarities of the species which I have named Ost. Arakanensis, with which it is locally associated, it appears worth a provisional designation. Species 8G. (Mus. Taylor.) OsTRiEA DUBIA. Ost. tcstd suborbicuhiri, tenvi, sub- compressd, fuitco-purpurascenti, vel castaned, liiieis niijresceiitihus irregulariius sparsim radiatd, verms umhune.-i temiiter tiiberculatd, verms margines undalo-pUcdtd, cardine parvo, valvd iriferiori lobis tesiaceis armatis. The dubious OsTUJiA. Shell suborbicular, tliin, slightly compressed, purplish or chestnut-brown, sparsely rayed with irregular blackish lines; hinge small, lower valve armed with testaceous lobes. SOWERBV. Ihib. Island of Formosa? The orbicular form, the tuberculated surface near the umbocs, and the dark linear rays distinguish this species from Ostrcea folium, which it otherwise nearly resembles. November, 1871. OSTR/EA.— Platk XXXIII. Species 87. (Mus. Trevost.) O.STRJEA Peevostii. Ost. tcstd soliild, Tugosd, tmnsrerse oblorujd, arcuatd, subcompre.^sd, intiis versus mar- ginem viridi ; valvd superiori versus marginem viridi, purpurea str-igatd, margine ventrali convexn, plicis majusculis angulatis, imbricatis, ad termi- num viaximis undato, margine dorsali concavo, crenatu ; valvd inferiori albidd, medw-angulatim tumido, plids utrinque dioaricatis acute angulatis. Pi'.i:vost's Ostr^a. Shell solid, rough, transversely oblong, arched, slightly compressed, greenish within towards the margin ; upper valve green towards the margin striped with purple, ventral margin convex, undulated with rather large angular, imbricated plaits, very large at the end ; lower valve whitish, angularly tumid in the middle, with divergent, acutely angular plaits on eacli side. SOWEIIBY. Uab. .' Interesting as a second example represented by Oslrtra wcgoddv, known only as a fossil. The specii tion of Dr. Prevost. he peculiar form form otherwise is in the collec- OSTR.^, A. cp.quatoriali.% D'Orh XVIII. affinis, Sowerhi/ XXIX. Algoensis, Sowerhy X X A' I . Angasii, Sowerhi/ XIII. angulata, Lamarck \'l\\. Arakanensis, Soioerbi/ X X X 1 1 1 . ariorsa, Chein. (parasitica) II. attennata,, Soicerbi/ XXI. auriculata, Sowerby XXV. Australis, Lamarck XII. Barclayana, Sowerhy XXX. Belcheri, /Sojcerfty VII. bicolor, //rtji/e?/ XXIII. Boreali.% GoiM \"I. callochroa, lianlcy IV. Canadensis, Lamarck \'l. cerata, Sowerhy XXVIII. circumsHta, Gou/rf XX. Chemnitzii, Hanky XX. Chiloensis, Ms. B. M XV. cochlear, Poll XX. Columbiensis, Hanley \'II. conchapliila, Carpenter XXVIII. coi-nucopia, Chenin XVI. crenulifora, Sowerhy XXVI I. cra«su, Cliem. (rostralis) X. cristii-galli, Z/«H(PHS XI. cucwWmn, Deshayes II., XXXI. cuculluta, .fforra XVI. cymhxioTmis, Sowerhy XXIX. Cyrnusii, Payradan XVII. denticulata, Bo7-n IX. depressa, Philippi XXI 1 1. discoidea, Gould XIII. c?onV/c/i'a, Lamarck (frons) XIX. dubia, Sowerhy XXXIII. eduli.s, ZtnMccifS V. erucella, Lamk. (frons) XIX. exalhida, Gmel. edulis, Yoiunj ■'.. V. Floridensis, Soii'c;% XXIX. folium, Gviel XVII I. Forskali, Chem X \' I. frons, Zinnreus XIX. /itsca, Lamk. (sinensis) III. gallMia, Lamk. (Rhizophora) ... IX. jr(iZ^«.«, Valenciennes XII. glomerata, Gould XXII. Guiueensis, i)««for XXVI. /"'/'/'"/""■'t Lamarck V. hyotis, Linnaeus IV. imbricata, Liinik XVII. inajqiiivalvis, .S'(((c,'r/»/ X.XXII. iuermis, Sowerhy XXVIII. iridescens, CxTa.y |. //«//crt, Desli. (coclih-ar) XX. lahrella, Lamk XVIII. ! lacorans, //<;«/,y/ XXII. lactca, Sowerhy XXI. I lamellosa, /M../,/ XXIII. I lentiginosa, Sowtrhy XX I \'. lima, Sowerhy XX. /iVrtafc/Za, Lamk. ( frons) XIX. lugubris, Sowerhy XX\'I. lurida. Carpenter IX. megodon, llunhy XII. Mexicana, Sowerhy .X\'I. morda.x, (7oi/W X\'. multico.stata, Sowerhy multiradiata, Soinrhy mullistriata mytiloides, iMinarck nigromarginata, Sowerhy .. nobilis, Sowerhy obc rrh>, palmipes, ,Vrlton Prevostii, Sowerhy prismatica, Gray piulrhana, D'Orb jiy.xidata .4(/ams IX. qnt'Tcma., Sowerhy XIX., Sorrerhy XV. reuiibrmis, Sowerhy XXIV retusa, Pta^e XIX. Thv/.oii\\ovx, Giiildiriy IX. I rosacea, Chini XX. j rostralis, Za)//«rc/.- X. j rostrata, Clmiinit: VI. ; ruia, Lamarel: XII. XXV. XXV. XXIX. II. XXXIII XXXII. XXXIIl, X. XXIV. V. II.. XIII XXX. X. XXVIl. XXVII. ill. XXXIIL I. II.. XIII. OSTRiEA— INDEX. r!;S('Wa, Lam. (frons) XIX. Sandvichensis, tSfAMi-liy XXVII. lianleyana, Sotverbi/ XXVIII. Sinensis., Gmelin III. ^\i6.a,, Sowerhij XIV. spathulata, Lmnavck VIII. spinosa, Qmo^ XXX. spreta, Z»"0r6 XV. subtrigona, Sowerlnj XVIII. Talienwahensis, Crat'se X. 41 GG tenuiplicata, iSoifCrij/ XX\1II. 71 twhercxAaxis, Lamarck XXI. 50 tuberctilata, Lamarck XIL 25 tulipa, J^amarc/j XVIIL 39 turbinata, i/umarc^ XIV. 29 Yirescens, Angas XL 23 Virginica, Lamarck VI. 0 Virginiana, GmeWn VI. 9 vitrefacta, ,S'o!('<'% XXXI. 80 Species not identified. Adriatica, lingua, Ru.scuriana, excavata, sinuata, trapezina, gibbosa, niargaritaeea, elliptica, radiata, Braziliana, Australis, fucorum, haliotoidea, numisma, rufa, scabra, glaucina, Lamarck. — stellata, Senegalensis, Gmelin. — taurica, Kryn. — cristata, Born. — crocea, dentifera, Diifo. — uncinata, raricosta, Deshayes. — Webii, Bechis. — cognata, orientalis, Chemnitz. — laticordia, Nuttall. — semicylindrica, Say. — stentina, Paijruvdeau. E R R A T U M. Oitrcen liictca is not in tlie collection of Mr. Taylor, but of Mr. Harford. MONOGRAPH OF THE GENUS L I N T E R I A. ' 0 all ye works of the Lord bless ye the Lord ; praise Him and magnify Him for ever." Song of the Three Children LinUria PI. J. I § Sowerby del el lith Viricfjil Brookb Day A Sou. hup L I N T E lU A. Genus LINTERIA, Ad,v»s. 7'esla oruta, dejiimsa, laxe conroliitd ; a/hiiiird /tili^viiml, antice mbcanaliadatd, iiuiiyiiic labii intivni apjicii- diculo calyci/ormi, inttls irali. Shell ovate, depressed, loosely convolute; aperture very wide, partly canalicuhited in front, margin of the inner lip with a culyciform, inly spiral ap- pendage. The most remarkable of all the generic forms of the family of Bullidas, Linteria is distinguished by the curious projecting cup conspicuous on the inner edge of the body whorl. Of the six species enumerated the localities are wide apart, althougli chiefly southern ; New Ireland, the Philippines, the Sandwich Islands, Algiers, and Japan contributing. Species 1. (Mus. Cum. in Brit.) LlNTEKl.\ MINOR. Lin. testd pamild, Intea, pcUuriild, tenui,oMique ovatd, lo7i(jitudinulilcr tcnuissinic slriald, appendicu lo u nguicu lato. The S.M.4LLER Linteria. Shell small, yellow, pellucid, thin, obliquely ovate, longitudinally very linely striated, appendage unguiculate. A. Adams. In Sowerby's Thesaiu'us Conchyliorum, Bulla, No. 127. Hab. Island of Zebu,— H. Cuming. This small transparent shell is more oblicjue in form than the other species. Mus. Cum. kit.) Species 2. (Fig. a, Linteria acuminata. Lin. testd ovatd, poslice contrarto, exttts viridi, inths subfiiscd, labia ccttrno supra spinam elevato, rotundatim amiuinata, dtim/i' run- tracto, antice oblique expanso ; anj'rai-lu ulti/iiu sub- trigono ; appendicido subexpanso. The acuminated Linteria. Shell ovate, posteriorly contracted, green without, brownish within, outer lip elevated above the spire, roundly acuminated, thence contracted, anteriorly obliquely expanded ; last wliorl subtrigonal ; appendage somewhat ex- panded. October, 1870. Sowerrt. //-(//. Guadaloui San. Islands. The specimens from whieh I name this species are one from Guadakmpe and llie oIIkt from the Sandwich Islands. They differ from Lintiria riridis in the outer lip being acuminated, raised above the spire, and con- fluent with the reflected inner lip on the body whorl. Species 3. (Fig. a, b, Mus. Cum. in Brit.) Linteria viridis. Lin. tistd x)ib(cijiialit