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CO Z r W Z ^ ^ Wfa. £ mA. 5 o X Jggk; 1 | I ^2^ 1 , t % _ >- ^ >' 2 X^os^J INSTITUTION U>N0llfUUSNl_NVIN0SHllWs"s3 I UVa 8 IT_LI B RAR I ES^SMITHSO SSB/fc, w \k 111 th 114 .o^ll S3iavaan libraries Smithsonian iNSTiTUTi0N_N0iiniiiSNi_NViN0SH i— 3?*’ r~ XQ^5cjx ^ n ^ Xoit^x m CO ± CO ± CO INSTITUTION NOliniliSNI . NVIN0SH11WS S3 I 9V9 9 ,1.1 L I B RAR I ES^SMITHSC Z ,\v CO -r (n Z S3 [HVyailZuBRAR1 E S^SMITHSON I AN __ INSTITUTION NOI mills Nl__NVINOSI to co CO o Xfr-P-SX ” "<^rr O o INSTITUTION^ NOliniliSNI^NVINOSHill/MS _^S3 I UVd a IT^LI B RAR I ES^SMITHS O Q Nq ifSl Sf-7'73 C-z-l-Z£f NUMBER 219 JANUARY 26, 1972 NEW SPECIES OF SALAMANDERS (GENUS BOLITOGLOSSA ) FROM COLOMBIA, ECUADOR and PANAMA By Arden H. Brame, Jr. and David B. Wake / CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIGNCC NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— ( 1 ) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries, in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor by DOBBS BROS. LIBRARY BINDING CO., INC., St. Augustine, I®ffia 9. 7*5, < 2 8. 2 * I NEW SPECIES OF SALAMANDERS (GENUS BOLITOGLOSSA ) FROM COLOMBIA, ECUADOR AND PANAMA By Arden H. Brame, Jr.1 and David B. Wake2 Abstract: Several undescribed species of plethodontid sala- manders are reported from South America and Panama. Boli- toglossa medemi is a dark species with rather large, extensively webbed hands and feet and a broad head. It is known from several sites in northwestern Colombia and extreme southwestern Panama, where it occurs between 50 and 800 m elevation. Bolitoglossa ramosi is a somewhat smaller species, with lighter coloration, small but extensively webbed hands and feet, and a broad head. It occurs in sympatry with Bolitoglossa vallecula in the Cordillera Central east of Medellin, Colombia, at eleva- tions of about 1930 m. Bolitoglossa silverstonei is a slender, long-tailed species with light pigmentation, broad and extensively webbed hands and feet, and a head of moderate breadth. It is known only from a site near Quibdo, in northwestern Colombia, at an elevation of 400 m. Bolitoglossa walked has less exten- sively webbed hands and feet and fewer maxillary teeth than the other species. It has dark dorsal and light ventral coloration. This species occurs near Cali, Colombia, at elevations near 2000 m. Bolitoglossa equatoriana has more extensively webbed hands and feet than B. walked, but shares similar low numbers of teeth and coloration. It occurs sympatrically with B. peruviana at elevations of about 260 m in Amazonian Ecuador. These new species permit a re-evaluation of relationships among South American members of the genus Bolitoglossa. Characters used for analysis of relationships among the twenty-two species are discussed, and five species groups are recognized. The palmata and altamazonica groups are divided. B. silverstonei is assigned to a new sima group, along with B. sima, B. chica, and B. biseriata. The other newly described species are the only mem- bers of the medemi group. Salamanders from the Neotropics have been known for over 140 years, but until recently they have been considered to be rare and insignificant. However, it is increasingly evident that the salamander fauna of the New World Tropics is extensive and diverse. The plethodontid salamanders, which range from northern Mexico to Bolivia, account for over 40 percent of all salamander species. This diverse group is of interest to evolutionary biologists jjj Research Associate, Section of Herpetology, Natural History Museum of Los e" Angeles County; and Supervisor, Eaton Canyon Nature Center, 1750 North ^ Altadena Drive, Pasadena, California 91107. 2 Research Associate, Section of Herpetology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; and Director, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720. 1 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 219 in that it provides an opportunity to analyze an adaptive radiation in great detail. Many generalized salamanders, probably similar to ancestral forms, survive in extratropical habitats. In addition, many populations intermediate between adaptive extremes are known to occur in the tropics. A major hindrance to intensive analysis of evolutionary patterns has been the absence of basic biological information concerning the tropical species. Most are poorly known, and are represented in collections by only a few specimens. For some areas, our knowledge of species composition is fragmentary and new populations continue to be discovered. One such area is northwestern South America where the known fauna has increased from one (Dunn, 1926) to nearly twenty species in recent years. In this paper we describe five additional species and discuss the relationships of South American members of the genus Bolitoglossa. Many specimens used for this study were provided by Philip A. Silver- stone, who collected salamanders incidental to his work with Colombian frogs. Brame obtained additional specimens in Colombia in the spring of 1971 and W. R. Heyer collected a fine series in Ecuador in the summer of 1971. These specimens are deposited in the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (LACM). Specimens also have been loaned to us by the following curators and museums: Charles F. Walker, University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology (UNMZ); Hobart M. Smith and Dorothy M. Smith, University of Illinois Museum of Natural History (UIMNH) ; William E. Duellman, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History (KU). Additional material is deposited at the Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley (MVZ). We thank these curators and institutions for their assistance. We are grateful to William F. Presch for assistance in providing x-rays, and Les Siemens and Gene Christman for assistance with illustrations. Carlos Martinez provided the Spanish summary. Aspects of the work have been supported by NSF grant GB 17112 to David B. Wake. The first species occurs in low coastal mountains of northeastern Colom- bia and neighboring Panama. We are pleased to name it in honor of our good friend, Professor Federico Medem, of the Universidad Nacional de Colombia (Villavicencio), who has aided and encouraged us in our studies of Colombian salamanders. Bolitoglossa medemi , new species Figures 1 and 2 Holotype— LACM 42276, an adult female from Finca Chibigui, approx- imately 76° 30' W, 6° 15' N, on the Rio Arquia, Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. The specimen was collected on April 23, 1968, by Philip A. Silver- 1971 New Species of Salamanders 3 stone, Jorge E. Ramos, and Nacianseno Borja. It was active on the ground during daylight hours. Elevation approximately 300 m (980 ft). Paratypes -COLOMBIA: LACM 42277-78, same data as holotype; PAS 237 (cleared and stained, LACM 72067), Belen, downstream from Finca Chibigui, and very near Vegaes on the Rio Arquia, Dept. Antioquia, about 100 m (328 ft) elevation; LACM 42280, along trail between Rio Opogodo and Rio Napipi, near the latter, approximately 77° 10' W, 6° 43' N, Dept. Choco, 30 to 80 m (100-260 ft); LACM 42279, along Rio Opogodo at base of eastern slope of the Serrania de Baudo, approximately 77° 18' W, 6° 50' N, Dept. Choco, about 60 m (200 ft) ; LACM 70565, N slope Alto de Buey, Dept. Choco, 400 m (1312 ft); LACM 70566, Camino de Yupe, Dept. Choco, 350 m (1148 ft); LACM 70567, Camino de Yupe, Dept. Choco, 400-500 m (1312-1640 ft); LACM 70568, Camino de Yupe, Dept. Choco, 605 m (1984 ft). PANAMA: KU 116533-34, Rio Jaque, 1.5 km above Rio Imamado approximately 77° 57' W, 7° 25' N, Prov. Darien, 50 m ( 164 ft) ; KU 116530, Jaque -Imam ado divide in Cordillera de Jurado, above Rio Jaque, Prov. Darien, 730-800 m (2394-2625 ft). Diagnosis— A moderately small species (5 adult males: 33.7-46.7, mean 40.4 mm SL [standard length, measured from tip of snout to posterior angle of vent]; 5 adult females: 34.2-48.2, mean 43.3 mm SL) with moderate numbers of maxillary (mean 41) and vomerine (mean 31) teeth. Distin- guished from B. ramosi by having fewer maxillary teeth and a darker dorsal ground color; from B. walkeri by its broader head, more extensively webbed feet, and longer legs; from B. equatoriana by its more numerous maxillary teeth and somewhat longer legs. Bolitoglossa medemi is distinguished from other Panamanian and South American species by the combination of large, extensively to completely webbed hands and feet, relatively broad head, long legs, distinctive coloration (very dark, unmarked dorsum, much lighter venter with a few widely scattered, irregular light pigment spots), and size and dentitional features (Table 1). Description of Holotype— Adult female with moderately long, somewhat pointed snout and small nostrils. Labial protuberances of nasolabial grooves small, poorly developed. Moderately long canthus rostralis gently arched. Head broad (SL 5.8 times head width) and moderately long (SL 4.2 times snout- gular fold length). Deep groove below eye extends for almost full length of orbit, following curvature of eye, but does not commu- nicate with lip. Large eyes slightly protuberant. Well-defined postorbital groove extends posteriorly from eye as shallow depression for 2.2 mm, then sharply ventrad at level of posterior end of mandible and across gular area as nuchal groove, parallel to, and 4.8 mm anterior to sharply defined gular fold. Vomerine teeth number 23, arranged in single rows that extend to lateral borders of internal nares; rows form slightly curved arches that terminate in center of palate, where they nearly meet. Small maxillary teeth number 4 1 ; extend posteriorly to point about two-thirds through eye. No premaxillary 4 Contributions in Science No. 219 teeth can be seen. Relatively short tail (0.75 times SL) has strong lateral compression and is moderately constricted at base. Postiliac glands poorly developed. Limbs long with limb interval (costal folds between appressed limbs) of one; SL 4.0 times right forelimb, 4.0 times right hind limb, 10.0 times right foot width. Webbing of hands and feet nearly complete, but all digital tips extend beyond thin web. Longest digits with long, pointed tips (Fig. 2). Large hands and feet; rather narrow and long compared with those of other extensively webbed species. No subterminal pads. Fingers, in order of decreasing length, 3, 4, 2, 1 ; toes, in order of decreasing length, 3, 4, 2, 5, 1. Measurements (in mm) are as follows: Head width, 8.3; snout to gular fold (head length), 11.5; head depth at posterior angle of jaw, 4.0; eyelid length, 3.4; eyelid width, 2.2; anterior rim of orbit to snout, 3.7; horizontal orbital diameter, 2.6; interorbital distance, 3.0; distance between vomerine teeth and parasphenoid tooth patch, 0.8; snout to forelimb, 15.5; distance separating internal nares, 2.1; distance separating external nares, 2.7; snout projection beyond mandible, 0.8; snout to posterior angle of vent (SL), 48.2; Figure 1. Dorsal and ventral views of holotype of Bolitoglossa medemi (LACM 42276). 1971 New Species of Salamanders 5 snout to anterior angle of vent, 44.9; axilla to groin, 26.6; tail length, 36.3; tail width at base, 3.0; tail depth at base, 3.7; forelimb length, 12.2; hind limb length, 12.2; width of right hand, 3.6; width of right foot, 4.8. Coloration of Holotype (in alcohol) .-This is a very dark salamander which has the dorsum and upper two-thirds of the lateral sides of the trunk Figure 2. Outlines of hands and feet of species of Bolitoglossa drawn from cleared and stained specimens through use of microprojector, a. Right hand of B. ramosi (LACM 64603). b. Right foot of B. ramosi (LACM 64603). c. Right hand of B. medemi (LACM 72067). d. Right foot of B. medemi (LACM 72067). 6 Contributions in Science No. 219 uniformly colored a deep, leaden black. The dorsal surfaces of the head, tail, and legs are similarly colored. Small, indistinct guanophores are scattered on the snout, eyelids, and around the insertion of the limbs. Ventral surfaces are distinctly lighter than dorsal ones, and have a general grayish cast. Scattered guanophores are conspicuous on the throat and anterior part of the venter. Posteriorly and on the tail small to moderately sized, irregularly shaped patches of golden cream to grayish silver pigment occur. The ground color of the tail is darker than that of the throat and belly. Ventral surfaces of the limbs are mottled black and light gray, and the hands and feet are medium gray. The iris is golden with melanic mottling. Variation — Specimens from the Departamento de Choco have somewhat lighter venters with fewer light patches that the animals from the Depto. Antioquia. The Panamanian individuals are similar in coloration to the holotype, but lack light ventral patches and have indistinct guanophores. The distinction between the dark dorsal and lateral and lighter ventral coloration is somewhat sharper than in the Colombian specimens. A total of ten adult specimens are available, nine of which are from Colombia. The single adult from Panama will be discussed separately. Males have small, well-defined, rounded mental hedonic glands. Females are larger (4 females, 34.2-48.2, mean 42.7 mm SL; 5 males 33.7-46.7 mean 40.4 mm SL) and have longer legs (SL 3. 5-4.3, mean 3.9 times hind limb length in females versus 3.4— 4.0, mean 3.7 in males) than males. Limb interval is zero to 1.5 in males and one to 1.5 in females. Males have premaxillary teeth which penetrate the upper lip, but females lack them. The single adult female from Panama differs from the Colombian females in having premaxillary teeth. It is about the same size as the Colombian speci- mens but has a narrower head (SL 6.4 times head width) than any Colombian individuals (SL 5.6-6. 1, mean 5.8, times head width). The feet of the Pana- manian adult are somewhat narrower than those of the Colombian specimens. The juveniles are uniformly dark dorsally and lighter ventrally, with no distinctive markings. Osteology— Information concerning osteology has been derived from one cleared and stained female and from stereoscopic radiographs of all adults available. The heavily ossified, well sutured skull is as well developed as that of any member of the genus. The premaxilla bone has a dental part that is well developed. It is closely aligned with the maxillae on either side. This align- ment is typical of female Bolitoglossa. However, the toothless condition of the relatively large premaxilla is unusual. Frontal processes of the premaxilla are stout. They ascend along the margins of the cartilaginous nasal capsule, then proceed posteriorly. Near their tips they are dilated and in close apposi- tion. As a result, the internasal fontanelle is very small and is restricted to the anterior end of the snout. The ascending part of each frontal process bears a winglike, flattened process lying against the anteromedial surface of the car- 1971 New Species of Salamanders 7 tilaginous nasal capsule. These processes meet similar enveloping processes of the nasal. Posteriorly the frontal processes broadly overlap the expanded anterior part of the frontals in a firm articulation. The processes fall short of the ends of the nasals, but extend beyond the anterior margin of the orbits. Nasal bones are very large and protuberant. They extend far anteriorly where they overlie the enlarged nasal capsules. The area occupied by the nasal and prefrontal of more primitive species of the genus is included within the area of the nasal. Medially and anteriorly the nasals overlap the middle parts of the frontal processes of the premaxilla. The overlapping pieces are in medial contact for a short distance, an unusual arrangement in this genus. Posteriorly the nasals overlap the frontals and terminate in rounded borders beyond the margin of the orbits, approximately at the level of the eyes. Large ventro- lateral lobes of the nasals overlap the anterior margin of the relatively large facial processes of the maxillae. The nasal is evacuated posterior and medial to these lobes. The nasolacrimal duct extends from the nasal capsule through this evacuated area, then posteriorly through the lower layers of the skin to the anterior corner of the eye. The route of the duct is free of bone. This bone-free area extends from the anterior end of the evacuation in the nasals, between the nasals and the maxillae to the eyes. The maxillae are well- developed bones that extend posteriorly to the limit of the eyes. Anteriorly the maxillae are produced into a flattened sheet of bone which partially under- lies and envelops the cartilaginous nasal capsule. The palatal processes are small, but the facial processes are moderately large and relatively high. Vomers are well developed and completely separated from each other, except posteriorly where the toothed portions are in slight contact. The inter- vomerine fontanelle is broad. Preorbital processes extend beyond the lateral margins of the vomerine bodies. Vomerine teeth are in patches which barely extend onto the preorbital processes. Frontals are large and stout, with a strong sutural joint along the mid- line. The facial portions are stout, but are not especially large, in contrast to more northern species (Wake and Brame, 1969). No marked lobes are present posteriorly, where the margin is irregular. Parietals are well developed and have the parietal spurs that are characteristic of the genus. The occipito-otic bones bear low crests over the anterior vertical and lateral horizontal semi- circular canals. The ridges over the latter form braces for the relatively well- developed, vertically oriented squamosals. The large parasphenoid is very narrow anteriorly. The anterior terminus is blunt, rather than pointed. Where the parasphenoid is narrowest, the orbitosphenoids nearly contact each other on the midline. Posterior vomerine teeth are in large patches on the para- sphenoid. They narrowly fail to come into medial contact. The right patch bears 91 and the left, 96 ankylosed, bicuspid teeth, in the single cleared indi- vidual. The operculum has no stilus. Quadrates are stout. They are connected to the skull by the cartilaginous parts of the suspensorium, and by the rela- tively large squamosals. The squamosals are very attenuated dorsally where 8 Contributions in Science No. 219 they fit into a depression in the wall of the otic capsule, and they are broadly expanded where they overlap the quadrates. The hyobranchial apparatus is typical of other members of the genus (Wake, 1966). Vertebrae are similar to those of other species of Bolitoglossa. The cen- tra are spool-shaped, the intervertebral cartilages are unmineralized, and no articular condyles are formed. There are one cervical, fourteen trunk, one sacral, two caudosacral, and 26 caudal vertebrae in the cleared individual. Caudal vertebrae in other specimens number 25 (LACM 42276, 42279, both adults), 24 (LACM 42278, adult, last 5 regenerated), 22 (LACM 42277, juvenile), 19 (LACM 42280, all regenerated; KU 116534, juvenile), and 17 (KU 116537, all regenerated). The first caudal vertebra is shorter than the next eleven vertebrae, but is the same length as the second caudosacral. All but the last two trunk vertebrae are longer than the longest caudal vertebrae (two to six), but caudal vertebrae two to ten are longer than the sacral and caudosacral vertebrae. Ribs are present on all but the last trunk vertebrae. One specimen (LACM 42279) has a small rib on one side of the last trunk vertebra. Transverse processes are short on all but the first two or three caudal vertebrae, but they are clearly present on all but the last vertebra. Transverse processes of the first caudo- sacral vertebra are long and directed almost perpendicularly to the body axis. Those of the second are much shorter and are directed somewhat posteriorly. The large, stout, non-bifurcated processes of the first caudal vertebra arise from the anterior margin of the vertebra (in contrast to the more central location of the caudosacral processes). From their anterior origin the proc- esses extend first anteriorly, then sharply in a lateral direction. They do not cross those of the more anterior vertebra. This distinctive pattern of processes on the first three postsacral vertebrae is one not seen in any related or neigh- boring species. Processes on succeeding vertebrae arise from anterior positions and are anteriorly directed. They progressively diminish in size posteriorly. Hypapophyseal keels are absent only on the first and last two caudal ver- tebrae. Hands and feet are large and distinctive. They are characterized by rela- tive narrowness, accentuated by the presence of inordinately long central digits. Some variation in phalangeal formulae is encountered. The usual formula is 1, 2, 3, 2 for the hands and 1, 2, 3, 3, 2 for the feet. Two adults have a foot formula of 1, 2, 3, 2, 2 on one side, and several other individuals have very small penultimate and terminal phalanges in the fourth digit. Terminal phalanges are rather well developed but are erratically shaped (Fig. 2). There are seven carpals and eight tarsals, the generalized Bolitoglossa numbers (Wake, 1966). The tibia bears a prominent, sharp-edged crest, but has no free spur. Remarks — PAS 237 (LACM 72067) was captured by Norman J. Scott on a tree leaf where it was exposed at night. Other Colombian specimens were 1971 New Species of Salamanders 9 collected during daylight hours, exposed on the surface. KU 116530 was collected in cloud forest (Myers, 1969) where it is sympatric with B. phalarosoma. Range— The Choco region of extreme northwestern Colombia, in the Rio Atrato (Caribbean) drainage, and the Rio Jaque (Pacific) drainage of extreme southeastern Panama (Fig. 8). The species ranges from about 30 to 800 m ( 1 00 to 2624 ft) in elevation. Bolitoglossa vallecula has been the only species known from uplands of the Cordillera Central of Colombia. A second species was collected in 1968 and 1971. We name it after Jorge Eduardo Ramos, who contributed much toward the success of the Silverstone and Brame— Newcomer trips to Colombia. Bolitoglossa ramosi, new species Figures 2 and 3 Holotype .— LACM 64601, an adult male from near Represa de Santa Rita ( = Santa Rita Dam Site), Departamento de Antioquia, Colombia. This site is between Guatape and San Rafael at about 75° 7' W, 6° 17' N, ca. 16 km by road NE of Guatape. The specimen was collected by Brame and Jorge E. Ramos from the rolled-up base of a large palm frond on the ground of a forested hill near the dam construction site, April 3, 1971. Elevation about 1930 m (6330ft). Paratypes — LACM 64600, 64602-03, same data as holotype; LACM 42287-90, collected from bromeliads at the same locality by Philip A. Silver- stone and Jorge E. Ramos, June 9, 1968. Diagnosis A moderately small species (5 adult males: 37.1-45.4, mean 40.4 mm SL; 2 adult females: 37.2-46.7, mean 42.0 mm SL) with relatively high numbers of maxillary (mean 47) and vomerine (mean 32) teeth; distin- guished from B. medemi by its greater numbers of maxillary teeth and lighter dorsal ground color; from B. equatoriana and B. walkeri by its broader head and more numerous teeth. B. ramosi is distinguished from other Panamanian and South American salamanders by the combination of its extensively webbed hands and feet with the third digits long and pointed, its broad head, and distinctive coloration (rich rusty red to medium gray-black dorsally, with a darker venter, and a sprinkling of orange-red color on the dorsum and bright yellow patches on the venter) . Description of Holotype— Adult male with moderately long, truncate snout and small nostrils. Large mental hedonic gland present (2.9 mm long and 3.3 mm wide). Labial protuberances of nasolabial grooves large and well developed, extending beyond margins of jaw. Moderately long canthus ros- tralis gently arched. Head moderately broad (SL 6.4 times head width) and moderately long (SL 4.5 times snout-gular fold length). Deep groove below 10 Contributions in Science No. 219 eye extends for almost full length of orbit, following curvature of eye, but does not communicate with lip. Large eyes slightly protuberant. Well-defined postorbital groove extends posteriorly from eye as shallow depression for 1.8 mm; proceeds sharply in ventral direction at level of posterior end of mandible and across gular area as nuchal groove, parallel to, and 3.3 mm anterior to well-defined gular fold. Vomerine teeth number 26, arranged in single rows that become patched laterally. Patches extend slightly beyond lateral margins of internal nares; then row forms gentle arch to center of palate, where it is directed posteriorly. Small maxillary teeth number 55; extending posteriorly Figure 3. Dorsal and ventral views of paratype of Bolitoglossa ramosi (LACM 42289). 1971 New Species of Salamanders 11 to point about three-fourths through eye. Premaxillary teeth (2) well anterior to projected curvature of maxillary tooth row; piercing lip. Moderately long tail (0.94 times SL) with strong lateral compression, moderately constricted at base. No postiliac glands evident. Limbs moderately long (limb interval one); SL 4.2 times right forelimb and hind limb, and 9.7 times right foot width. Webbing of hands and feet nearly complete, but tips of longer digits pointed, extending beyond limits of relatively thick web. Third digit unusually long and pointed. Hands and feet moderate in size. No subterminal pads. Fingers, in order of decreasing length, are 3, 2, 4, 1; toes, in order of decreas- ing length, are 3, 4, 2, 5, 1. Measurements (in mm) are as follows: Head width, 7.1; snout to gular fold (head length), 11.2; head depth at posterior angle of jaw, 3.8; eyelid length, 2.8; eyelid width, 1.8; anterior rim of orbit to snout, 3.2; horizontal orbital diameter, 2.1; interorbital distance, 2.3; distance between vomerine teeth and parasphenoid tooth patch, 0.6; snout to forelimb, 13.8; distance separating external nares, 2.8; distance separating internal nares, 1.8; snout projection beyond mandible, 1.2; snout to posterior angle of vent (SL), 45.4; snout to anterior angle of vent, 41.2; axilla to groin, 24.2; tail length, 42.8; tail width at base, 3.2; tail depth at base, 3.7; forelimb length, 10.8; hind limb length, 10.8; width of right hand, 3.7; width of right foot, 4.7. Coloration of Holotype (in life).— This is a brightly colored salamander with a rich rusty red dorsal color on head, trunk and tail. A few dark black spots of ground color show through in some areas (especially on the snout). The venter is a dark gray-black. Ventral surfaces of the throat, trunk, and tail have widely scattered, irregularly shaped small spots and patches. These are bright pale yellow. The head is mottled rusty red and black except for the white-tipped nasolabial protuberances. The borders of the mouth are dark- ened. Dorsal surfaces of the upper arm and leg are light red, but lower parts of the limbs and the entire ventral side match the respective surfaces of the trunk. Dorsal and ventral surfaces of the webbed pad are relatively dark, and the phalanges tend to be outlined by some darker pigment dorsally. The eyes are dark, with heavy concentrations of melanin. Variation— Pertinent data are presented in Table 1. The males have longer snouts than the females. No hedonic glands are evident on the two small males but they are large and prominent on the three large ones. The largest male (the holotype) and the three largest male paratypes have pre- maxillary teeth which protrude from the lip. One of the small males and also LACM 64603 differ in coloration from the remaining paratypes and the holo- type in having a pair of broad, white stripes extending from the tips of the nasolabial protuberances to the eyelids. The paratypes (except LACM 64603) differ from the holotype in having a lighter gray dorsal color and light orange- red patches about the base and first one-third of the tail, and also by having larger pale yellow patches ventrally. 12 Contributions in Science No. 219 Table I. j X CJ Cfi Measurements and data for specimens of new species of Bolitoglossa Xi ■*-» +•» U 0) CS _ 6 1 .§ -g g’ss&eS A-S ^ *->£ la 3 Js JTg P M 3 M ^ ^ 68 a Oli ” fi’Scid oa-sc $ e a ^ c ng SsSg CW % a « O d) cd 5 5 5 .9 | Limb Interval Foot Width B. silver stonei LACM 42283® 3 49.3 27.0 7.8 10.8 10.6 55.7 51 24 3 5.3 B. medemi LACM 70565 $ 46.7 24.5 8.1 12.5 12.5 47.5 59 34 0.5 5.3 LACM 42278 S 41.7 21.4 7.4 12.4 12.0 34.66 43 22 0 4.3 LACM 42280 $ 41.3 21.6 6.9 10.6 10.6 17.8& 33 32 0.5 3.7 LACM 70567 $ 38.5 20.1 6.3 9.6 9.2 36.2 35 27 1.5 3.9 LACM 42279 $ 33.7 16.7 6.0 9.3 9.4 33.2 41 29 0.5 3.3 LACM 42276® $ 48.2 26.6 8.3 12.2 12.2 36.3 41 23 1 4.8 LACM 72067c $ 47.3 26.0 7.9 11.2 11.3 36.5 50 26 1 4.8 KU 116533 $ 47.0 26.3 7.3 12.0 11.8 16.P 38 50 1.5 4.4 LACM 70568 $ 39.7 19.7 7.0 11.4 10.2 32.3 45 42 1 4.1 LACM 70566 $ 34.2 17.8 6.1 8.9 8.0 28.7 28 27 1 3.3 LACM 42277 juv. 30.0 14.1 5.3 7.3 7.1 20.6 14 20 0.5 2.7 KU 116530 juv. 28.9 16.1 5.5 7.1 7.0 7.06 23 28 1 2,7 B. ramosi LACM 64601® $ 45.4 24.2 7.1 10.8 10.8 42.8 55 26 1 4.7 LACM 64602 $ 41.4 21.4 7.1 10.4 10.3 32.26 50 31 1.5 4.1 LACM 64603c S 40.0 21.3 6.9 10.7 10.7 29.56 38 25 1 4.0 LACM 42290 $ 37.9 19.0 6.7 9.6 9.2 29.8 47 26 1 3.2 LACM 42289 $ 37.1 20.4 6.6 9.4 9.3 33.9 41 31 2 3.2 LACM 64600 $ 46.7 24.7 7.8 11.2 10.8 36.0 50 51 2.5 4.3 LACM 42288 $ 37.2 19.5 6.6 8.8 8.6 29.7 45 37 1.5 3.2 B. walkeri UMMZ 128833® 3 40.2 21.3 6.4 10.2 9.8 32.86 29 22 1.5 4.5 MVZ 68628 $ 41.4 23.1 6.3 9.0 8.6 19.26 33 36 2.5 3.7 MVZ 68627 $ 38.9 22.0 6.2 8.7 7.9 37.0 18 28 2.5 3.2 B. equatoriana LACM 70561 $ 42.8 22.7 7.1 10.6 ' 10.0 35.8 23 18 2 4.3 LACM 70562 $ 40.2 21.2 7.1 10.7 10.4 33.6 26 24 1.5 4.2 LACM 70550® $ 57.9 32.8 9.1 13.2 13.2 49.6 48 11 3 5.7 UIMNH 54296 $ 45.9 24.4 7.4 11.2 10.2 41.0 27 28 2 4.2 UIMNH 86692 $ 44.0 23.0 7.0 10.6 10.5 35.2 27 26 2 4.1 KU 98951 9 43.0 22.8 7.5 10.6 10.1 b 23 24 2 4.3 LACM 70552 9 42.6 23.5 6.7 10.1 9.7 16.36 24 18 3 3.8 LACM 70551 9 42.4 23.1 7.0 10.3 10.0 34.9 27 21 2 4.0 UIMNH 86694 9 41.4 22.1 6.7 9.8 9.8 28.76 19 24 2 3.9 LACM 70553 9 40.3 20.9 6.8 9.4 9.6 33.7 20 19 3 3.9 LACM 70555 9 39.7 21.8 6.4 9.1 8.9 35.0 27 23 3 3.6 LACM 70556 9 39.3 21.2 6.7 9.7 9.0 29.9 14 21 1.5 4.0 LACM 70554 9 39.0 21.7 6.6 10.1 9.9 29.0 24 17 2.5 3.6 UIMNH 86696 9 38.3 20.6 6.2 9.2 9.1 22.16 23 20 2 3.9 LACM 70557 9 37.5 21.2 6.3 9.0 8.8 28.2 22 17 3 3.4 LACM 70558 9 36.8 19.7 6.1 8.9 9.0 29.3 19 17 2.5 3.5 UIMNH 86695 9 36.5 19.3 6.3 8.7 8.6 29.2 27 23 2 4.0 LACM 70559 juv. 34.0 18.9 6.2 8.6 8.3 28.3 18 16 2 3.3 LACM 70560 juv. 32.4 16.7 5.9 7.9 7.3 25.0 4 16 2 3.0 °holotype; ^regenerated tails or tails missing; Ccleared and stained. 1971 New Species of Salamanders 13 Osteology— Information has been derived from one cleared and stained adult male (LACM 64603) and from stereoscopic radiographs of all adults available. The skull is well formed and bones in the posterior portion are closely sutured. The snout is short and anterior cranial elements are small, with slight or no articulations. In comparison with B. medemi the snout region is poorly developed. The premaxilla is small and slender, with short, distally expanded frontal processes. The processes are well separated for their entire length, but the internasal fontanelle is very small. The irregularly expanded terminal parts of the processes are small and barely overlap the anterior ends of the frontals. Lateral parts of the frontals extend anteriorly so that the tips of the processes lie more or less enclosed by the frontals. The processes extend beyond both the anterior border of the orbit and the posterior margin of the nasals. Nasal bones are of moderate size and, relative to the premaxilla, they are strongly protuberant. Their only articulation is by means of a ventrolateral lobe which barely contacts the facial process of the maxilla. The pointed pos- terior tips of the nasal bones extend to the anterior border of the orbits. The separation between the nasals is great, approximating their length. The pos- terolateral margins of the nasals and the anterodorsal margins of the facial process of the maxilla are evacuated for the passage of the nasolacrimal duct. Prefrontal bones are very erratic in shape, and they are very small. In the one cleared specimen the prefrontal of one side is an elongate bone with about one-quarter the area of the facial process of the maxilla and less than one- tenth the area of the nasal. On the other side the bone is reduced to a tiny dot that is less than one-tenth the size of its pair. Prefrontals have no contacts with other bones in this species. The maxillae extend about three-quarters through the eye. They are very slender, with well developed facial processes. The anterior ends of the maxillae are flattened, terminating in narrowed points. Palatal processes are poorly developed. Vomers are of moderate size and are completely separated from each other. The toothed portions are drawn into processes medially, where they converge, but remain well separated. The intervomerine fontanelle is very large. Preorbital processes extend beyond the lateral margins of the vomerine bodies. Vomerine teeth are in a single row that extends beyond the lateral margin of the internal nares. Frontals are large and well sutured to each other. Facial portions are relatively smaller than B. medemi. Posteriorly the bones are well sutured to the parietals. There are slight lateral lobes on the posterior margins of the frontals. Parietals are well developed and closely articulated with each other. There are no crests on the occipito-otics. The nearly vertical squamosals rest in depressions in ridges on the lateral margins of the occipito-otics. The large parasphenoid has a rather narrow, blunt-tipped anterior end. The orbitosphe- noids are well separated at their ventral margins. Posterior vomerine tooth patches are not in contact medially. The right patch bears 74 and the left, 82 14 Contributions in Science No. 219 ankylosed, bicuspid teeth in the cleared specimen. The operculum has no stilus. Quadrates and squamosals are moderately developed. There are one cervical, fourteen trunk, one sacral, two caudosacral and 28 (LACM 42289, 42290, 64601), 27 (LACM 64600), 25 (LACM 42288), 23 (LACM 6460, tip regenerated), or 19 (LACM 42287, juvenile) caudal vertebrae; the tail of LACM 64603 is regenerated beyond caudal vertebra seventeen. Ribs are present on all but the last trunk vertebra. The transverse processes on the first caudosacral vertebra are very long and are oriented nearly perpendicularly to the body axis. Those of the second caudosacral ver- tebra are shorter and extend sharply in an anterior direction. The very long, unbranched processes of the first caudal vertebra are slanted anteriorly. The slant is sharper than on the preceding vertebra. Their tips extend nearly to a level equivalent to the anterior end of the second caudosacral vertebra. The processes of these adjacent vertebrae do not overlap. Processes on the second caudal vertebra are much smaller than those on the first, and they become progressively smaller on the remaining vertebrae. The last vertebra to have distinct processes varies from the eighth to the eighteenth. The last caudo- sacral and first caudal vertebrae are shorter than neighboring vertebrae. Ver- tebrae in the anterior one-half of the tail are as long as any but the first three trunk vertebrae. The fourteenth caudal is the first vertebra that is shorter than the first caudal. The tibia has a distinct crest but no spur. Phalangeal formulae are 1, 2, 3, 2 (or 1), and 1, 2, 3, 3 (or 2), 2 (or 1). The more distal phalanges are poorly developed, but there is a tendency for reduction and loss (Fig. 2). Terminal phalanges are extremely small and poorly ossified, with erratic shapes. Penultimate phalanges are reduced in the longer toes. Proximal pha- langes are short and stout, often as broad as long. They are somewhat flat- tened. The distance between bony areas of a given digit is great, and often the cartilage between elements is longer than the adjacent bones. Metatarsals and metacarpals are flattened, with lateral bony webs. The outermost metapodials have characteristic shapes resulting from a large, rounded web along the margin of the bones. There are seven carpals and seven or eight tarsals. In one tarsus, D 4-5 is fused with D 3, and D 1-2 is partly mineralized in several tarsi (Fig. 2). Remarks. —All specimens were collected either in bromeliads located within a few feet of the surface, or in the rolled bases of palm fronds on the surface of a forested hill. In 1968 the specimens were collected in sympatry with Bolitoglossa vallecula, a species that is widespread in the northern part of the Cordillera Central of Colombia (Brame and Wake, 1963). No B. vallecula were found associated with B. ramosi during the 1971 visit. Range — Known only from the type locality in the Cordillera Central of Colombia (Fig. 8). The following most distinctive of the new species is named in honor of 1971 New Species of Salamanders 15 Philip A. Silverstone, in appreciation of his assistance to us and in recognition of his important contributions to Neotropical herpetology. Bolitoglossa silverstonei, new species Figures 4 and 5 Holotype .— LACM 42283, an adult male from Quebrada Bochorama, Loma de Encarnacion, Departamento de Choco, Colombia, about 51 km (32 mi) SE Quibdo at approximately 76° 23' W, 5° 20' N. This site is a “one- hour walk” SE Playa de Oro. The specimen was collected in a rolled planta- nillo leaf on a steep hillside near a stream at about 400 m (1312 ft) elevation by Philip A. Silverstone and Jorge E. Ramos on May 31, 1968. The species is known only from the holotype. Diagnosis— A moderate-sized species (49.3 mm SL) with moderate numbers of maxillary (51) and vomerine (24) teeth; distinguished from B. biseriata by its larger feet and more numerous maxillary teeth; from B. sima by its shorter legs and more numerous maxillary teeth. Bolitoglossa silver- stonei is distinguished from other Panamanian and South American species by the combination of its extensively webbed hands and feet, distinctive ven- tral coloration (cream with a light peppering of small brownish spots), and size and dentitional features. Description of Holotype— Adult male with moderately long, somewhat truncate snout and small (2.0 mm wide), nearly circular mental hedonic gland and small nostrils. Labial protuberances of nasolabial grooves mod- erately large, extending below lower jaw margin. Head moderately broad (SL 6.4 times head width) and long (SL 4.3 times snout-gular fold length). Deep groove below eye extends for almost full length of orbit, following curvature of eye, but does not communicate with lip. Eyes moderately small, slightly protuberant. Well-defined postorbital groove extends posteriorly from eye as shallow depression for 2.2 mm, then sharply ventrad at level of pos- terior end of mandible and across gular area as nuchal groove, parallel to, and 4.2 mm anterior to sharply defined gular fold. Vomerine teeth number 24, in moderately patchy rows that extend slightly beyond lateral borders of internal nares. From lateral terminus, rows extend medially in nearly straight line to near center of palate, then bend sharply posteriad and closely approach (1.0 mm separation) parasphenoid tooth patch. Small maxillary teeth num- ber 51; extending posteriorly to point about three-fourths through eye. Large premaxillary teeth (two) pierce lip. Long tail (1.1 times SL) rounded and moderately constricted at base. Postiliac glands indistinct. Limbs moderately short (limb interval three). Standard length 4.6 times right forelimb, 4.5 times right hind limb, and 9.3 times width of right foot. Webbing of hands and feet extensive, nearly complete, with only tips of longer digits extending slightly beyond web (Fig. 5). No subterminal pads present. Fingers, in order 16 Contributions in Science No. 219 of decreasing length, are 3, 2, 4, 1; toes, in order of decreasing length, are 3,4, 2,5, 1. Measurements (in mm) are as follows: Head width, 7.8; snout to gular fold (head length), 11.5; head depth at posterior angle of jaw, 4.8; eyelid length, 3.2; eyelid width, 2.0; anterior rim of orbit to snout, 3.8; horizontal orbital diameter, 2.7; interorbital distance, 3.3; distance between vomerine teeth and parasphenoid tooth patch, 1.0; snout to forelimb, 14.5; distance separating internal nares, 2.4; distance separating external nares, 3.0; snout projection beyond mandible, 0.9; snout to posterior angle of vent (SL), 49.3; snout to anterior angle of vent, 45.1; axilla to groin, 27.0; tail length, 55.7; tail width at base, 3.9; tail depth at base, 3.9; forelimb length, 10.6; hind limb length, 10.8; width of right hand, 4.1; width of right foot, 5.3. Coloration of Holotype (in alcohol).— This is a rather light-colored sala- mander. A reddish brown dorsal mottling overlies the blackish purple ground color. The dorsal pigmentation is distinctly darker than that of the ventral surfaces. Lateral surfaces of the trunk and tail are light reddish brown with some scattered melanophores. An indistinct ventrolateral stripe of blackish purple sharply separates the dark dorsal and lateral from the light ventral pigmentation. The broad stripe of the trunk becomes narrow and discontinu- ous on the tail. All ventral surfaces are light golden cream to grayish white, peppered with minute, widely scattered melanophores that are clearly visible over the entire surface. Some coalescence of melanophores occurs laterally, producing larger spots of pigment. The head is colored like the trunk, dark dorsally and light ventrally. The whitish ventral coloration of the throat ex- tends along the upper lip region and in front of the eyes. The small eyes have a reddish brown iris, with a gold ring surrounding the horizontally elliptical pupil. Limbs are dark dorsally and light ventrally, with other markings similar to the respective parts of the trunk. The hands and feet are light dorsally and ventrally, and there are no obvious ventral melanophores. Osteology— Stereoscopic radiographs have provided all of the following information. The skull is comprised of well-articulated bones and is generally well developed. The premaxilla has a very small dental process which is placed well ahead of the maxillae. Frontal processes of the premaxilla are separated for their entire lengths. The processes are large and expanded near their tips. Nasal bones are large and strongly protuberant. No prefrontal bones can be seen. Vomers are well separated on the midline. The preorbital processes of the vomers extend laterally well beyond the limits of the internal nares. No stilus is present on the middle ear bone. Ribs are present on all but the last trunk vertebra. There are one cervical, fourteen trunk, one sacral, two caudosacral, and 38 caudal vertebrae. The transverse processes on the first caudosacral vertebra are very long and slant posteriorly. Those on the second caudosacral vertebra are much shorter and slant slightly in an anterior direction. The long, unbranched processes of the first caudal vertebra arise near its anterior end and extend sharply in an anterior direction. They termi- 1971 New Species of Salamanders 17 Figure 4. Dorsal and ventral views of paratype of Bolitoglossa silverstonei (LACM 42283). nate beyond the point of attachment of the processes of the second caudo- sacral vertebra. The tips of the processes of the last caudosacral and first caudal vertebrae do not cross. Transverse processes of the remaining caudal vertebrae are progressively smaller. All are located near the anterior end of the vertebrae and are oriented sharply forward. They are discrete on the first 30 vertebrae. As is usual in species with constricted tail bases, the last caudo- sacral and first caudal vertebrae are shortened, relative to neighboring verte- brae. Posterior to this region the vertebrae are longer. The fourth through seventh caudal vertebrae are as long as the longest trunk vertebrae (two and three). The first vertebra shorter than the first caudal vertebra is the seven- teenth caudal. From that point the vertebrae are progressively shorter to the tail tip. No tibial spurs are present. Phalangeal formulae are 1, 2, 3, 2 and 1, 2, 3, 3, 2. All phalangeal elements are small and poorly developed, and the abrupt decrease in size from the proximal to the distal elements in the longest digits is striking (Fig. 5). Terminal phalanges are all minute and unexpanded; most are tiny points of bone. Much cartilage is present at the ends of the 18 Contributions in Science No. 219 metapodials and phalanges, and the distance from one bony area to another is always greater than the length of the distal bony element. Metapodials are dumbbell-shaped with only slight lateral expansion. Remarks — Playa de Oro is located in the Choco forest area of Colombia, in a region identified as wet tropical forest (Holdridge System) by Espinal and Montenegro (1963). Previously only B. biseriata has been known from this area, but discovery of B. silverstonei, B. medemi, and B. phalarosoma from northwestern Colombia and from Panama suggests that this has been a region of lowland diversification. Two additional species, B. sima and B. chica, occur in the Ecuadorian portion of the Choco. Range— Known only from the type locality in the lowlands of north- western Colombia (Fig. 8). During the past ten years we have been generously aided in our efforts by the cooperation and encouragement of Professor Charles F. Walker of the Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan. It is a pleasure to name the following Colombian species in his honor. Bolitoglossa walkeri, new species Figures 5 and 6 Holotype — UMMZ 128833, an adult male from “Television Tower Mountain,” 15 km WNW Cali and 0.9 km S El Jordan, Departamento de Valle, Colombia. The specimen was collected from a bromeliad in cloud forest at an elevation of 2050 m (6724 ft) by Walter Moberly and Kraig K. Adler on July 17, 1965. Paratypes — MVZ 68627-28, 4 km NW San Antonio, Depto.Valle, Colom- bia, 1982 m (6500 ft) elevation. Diagnosis— An apparently small species (3’ adults 38.9-41.4, mean 40.2 mm SL) with low numbers of maxillary (mean 27) and moderate numbers of vomerine (mean 28) teeth. Distinguished from B. equatoriana by its nar- rower head, less extensively webbed, slightly smaller hands and feet, and ventral coloration (dirty white to gray, with some streaks of darker pigment and an overlay of brassy pigment, but without the encroachment of dark pig- ment which leaves the large, whitish spots characteristic of B. equatoriana)', from B. medemi by its narrower head, less extensively webbed feet, and shorter legs; from B. ramosi by its narrower head and less numerous teeth. Bolitoglossa walkeri differs from other Panamanian and South American Bolitoglossa by the combination of its extensively webbed hands and feet, color, and its size and dentitional features (Table 1). Description of Holotype — Adult male with moderately short, truncate snout and pronounced, rounded, mental hedonic gland; small nostrils. Labial protuberances of nasolabial grooves well developed, extending below lower jaw margin. Strongly arched canthus rostralis moderately long. Head mod- 1971 New Species of Salamanders 19 erately broad (SL 6.3 times head width) and long (SL 4.4 times snout-gular fold length). Deep groove below eye extends for almost full length of orbit, following curvature of eye, but does not communicate with lip. Eyes relatively large, moderately protuberant. Well-defined postorbital groove extends pos- teriorly from eye as shallow depression for 1.8 mm, then sharply ventrad at Figure 5. Outlines of hands and feet of three species of Bolitoglossa, drawn from radiographs through use of microprojector. Bony parts of digits are outlined, a. Right hand of holotype of B. walkeri (UMMZ 128833). b. Right foot of holotype of B. walkeri. c. Right foot of holotype of B. silverstonei (LACM 42283). The left side of the drawing is distorted as a result of fixation artifact, d. Right foot of B. equatoriana (KU 98951). The foot is slightly distorted on the left and slightly foreshortened as a result of fixation artifact. 20 Contributions in Science No. 219 Figure 6. Dorsal and ventral views of holotype of Bolitoglossa walked (UMMZ 128833). level of posterior end of mandible and across gular area as nuchal groove, parallel to, and 3.2 mm anterior to sharply defined gular fold. Vomerine teeth number 22, arranged in single rows extending from one-half to two-thirds diameter of internal nares; from lateral terminus, rows form moderately strong arches to center of palate, where two rows nearly meet. Small maxillary teeth number 29; extending posteriorly to point about one-half through eye. Single premaxillary tooth pierces lip. Relatively short tail (0.82 times SL) has slight lateral compression and is slightly constricted at base. Postiliac glands small, indistinct. Limb length moderate with limb interval of 1.5. Standard length 1971 New Species of Salamanders 21 4.1 times right forelimb, 3.9 times right hind limb, and 9.0 times width of right foot. Webbing of hands and feet extensive, thin. Tips of all digits dis- cernible, longer digits protruding substantially from web. Digital tips broadly rounded. Hands and feet relatively large. No subterminal pads. Fingers, in order of decreasing length, are 3, 4, 2, 1; toes, in order of decreasing length, are 3, 4, 2, 5, 1. Measurements (in mm) are as follows: Head width, 6.4; snout to gular fold (head length), 9.2; head depth at posterior angle of jaw, 3.6; eyelid length, 3.2; eyelid width, 1.8; anterior rim of orbit to snout, 3.0; horizontal orbital diameter, 2.3; interorbital distance, 2.8; distance between vomerine and parasphenoid teeth, 0.5; snout to forelimb, 11.8; distance separating in- ternal nares, 2.0; distance separating external nares, 2.7; snout projection beyond mandible, 1.1; snout to anterior angle of vent, 35.8; snout to posterior angle of vent (SL), 40.2; axilla to groin, 21.3; tail length, 32.8; tail width at base, 2.8; tail depth at base, 3.2; forelimb length, 9.8; hind limb length, 10.2; width of right hand, 3.6; width of right foot, 4.5. Coloration of Holotype In life (from field notes of Kraig Adler) : “Golden brown above in different shades, with blackish spots and blotches. Cream white streaks running lengthwise, especially over vent and on tail; black “V’s” on neck, pointing outwards; some faint reddish pigment on dorsum, especially in midline. Dark golden below, light tan golden between eye and nasolabial groove, nose region speckled with various shades of golden. Belly dirty white overlaid with much brassy pigment; some few black streaks, also at posterior end of anus [sic]; throat heavily flecked with golden, espe- cially at anterior end; mental gland bright golden; soles of hands and feet pinkish ( = blood) and golden.” After several years in alcohol the brighter pigments have faded, but the pattern remains distinct. The impression is of a rather dark tannish brown animal with a much lighter venter. The whitish ventral pigment is more sharply demarcated from the lateral dark pigment of the tail than of the trunk. The mental gland is light and prominent on the relatively dark throat. Variation. —Pertinent data are presented in Table 1. The holotype is a male and the two paratypes are females. The paratypes have proportionally shorter limbs (limb interval 2.5 rather than 1.5) and narrower feet (SL 11.2-12.2 times right foot width, rather than 9.0) than the holotype. Both features are sexually dimorphic in similar ways in most species of Bolito- glossa. Premaxillary teeth are absent in one paratype and fail to protrude from the lip in the other; these are also female characteristics. One specimen, MVZ 68628, is colored like the holotype, but has a some- what darker venter which lacks dark streaks, whereas MVZ 68627 has a lighter dorsal ground color than the holotype, but has a similar ventral colora- tion. This animal is briefly described in the field notes of the collector, A. H. Miller, as follows: “The light areas of the back, belly and undertail surface 22 Contributions in Science No. 219 were yellow or bronze in life so that the whole animal was distinctly light and bright.” Osteology All information has been derived from stereoscopic radio- graphs. The skull is well developed with well articulated bones. The small, slender premaxilla has relatively short, divergent frontal processes. The dilated tips of these processes fall short of the posterior margin of the nasals. The large, protuberant nasals have distinct lateral lobes that articulate firmly with the maxillae. No prefrontals are evident. Vomers are well separated for their entire lengths, but the toothed parts approach the midline posteriorly. Pre- orbital processes of the vomers extend well beyond the lateral margins of the internal nares and bear teeth for most of their lengths. Maxillae extend about to the posterior margin of the eyes. The operculum has no stilus. Ribs are present on all but the last trunk vertebra, but those on the next to last vertebra are very small in the holotype. There are one cervical, fourteen trunk, one sacral, two caudosacral and 28 caudal vertebrae in the single specimen that has a complete tail. The long, stout, transverse processes on the first caudosacral vertebra are nearly perpendicular in orientation, but have a slight posterior slant. The shorter and more slender processes on the second caudosacral vertebra have a sharp anterior slant. These processes are stouter and less slanted in the holo- type than in the paratypes. Their tips reach to a point about one-third through the preceding vertebra. The very long processes of the first caudal vertebra are long and sinuous. They slant strongly in an anterior direction. Tips of the processes extend beyond the bases of the processes on the second caudosacral vertebra, but the processes of the adjacent vertebrae do not overlap. The processes are not branched. Processes on succeeding vertebrae are progres- sively shorter. They are visible to about the nineteenth vertebra, but are minute beyond the seventh. All lie at the anterior end of the vertebrae and slant anteriorly. The second caudosacral and first caudal vertebrae are shorter than all but the first trunk vertebra, which equals them in length, and the seventeenth and succeeding caudal vertebrae. The second through eighth caudal vertebrae are as long as the longest trunk vertebra (the seventh), and the third caudal vertebra is the longest in the entire column. No tibial spur is present, but a small ridge is present in mid-shank on the left tibia in the holotype. Phalangeal formulae are 1, 2, 3, 2 and 1, 2, 3, 3, 2. Digits are well developed. Phalangeal elements are increasingly shortened toward the digital tip. Most are dumbbell-shaped. Terminal phalanges are expanded at their tips. Distance between the bony parts of the digits is always less than the length of the shortest phalanx of the digit. Lateral weblike proc- esses of the metatarsals extend into the fleshy web (Fig. 5). Remarks— All of the specimens were collected in cloud forest at inter- mediate elevations. The holotype was taken from a bromeliad. Alden and Virginia Miller collected MVZ 68627 during the day (March 9, 1958) while 1971 New Species of Salamanders 23 it was exposed on the surface of a large (five inch) leaf hanging from a flower- ing epiphyte that was not noticeably moist. Dr. Miller collected the other paratype (MVZ 68628) during the day (September 9, 1958) in a brushy, thick part of the forest. It was apparently dislodged from its position in the foliage, since it was found on the ground as a path was retraced. The indi- vidual had, as yet, not righted itself. Range.— This species is known only from neighboring localities in cloud forest of intermediate elevation (about 2000 m) WNW of Cali, Depto. de Valle, Colombia (Fig. 8). Examples of an undescribed species of salamander have been collected in sympatry with Bolitoglossa peruviana on several occasions. This species, named for its geographic location, is the sixth form discovered in Ecuador. Bolitoglossa equatoriana, new species Figures 5 and 7 Holotype — LACM 70550, an adult female from Limon Cocha, 0° 24' S, 76° 37' W, Provinicia de Napo, Ecuador. The specimen was collected at a secondary-primary growth border, 1 m above the ground, on August 5, 1971 by W. Ronald Heyer. Elevation 260 m (850 ft) . Paratypes — LACM 70551-64 (14 specimens) collected by W. Ronald Heyer between June 11 and August 5, 1971; KU 98951, UIMNH 86692, UIMNH 86694-96 collected by different collectors between July 1 8 and July 28, 1965 at the type locality. Diagnosis— A moderate-sized species (15 females: 36.5-57.9, mean 41.7 mm SL; two males: 40.2-42.8, mean 41.5 mm SL) with low numbers of maxillary (mean 25) and moderate numbers of vomerine (mean 21) teeth. Distinguished from B. walked by its broader head, more extensively webbed and slightly longer hands and feet, and spotted ventral color pattern; from B. medemi by its less numerous maxillary teeth and somewhat shorter legs; from B. ramosi by its narrower head and less numerous maxillary teeth; from B. peruviana by its broader head, larger hands and feet, and less numerous maxillary teeth, as well as by its spotted ventral color pattern; and from B. altamazonica by its broader head, larger hands and feet, and spotted ventral color pattern. Bolitoglossa equatoriana is distinguished from all other Pana- manian and South American species of Bolitoglossa by the combination of its extensively webbed hands and feet, coloration, and its size and dentitional features (Table 1). Description of Holotype— Adult female with moderately short, relatively broad, truncated snout. Nostrils rather small, nasolabial protuberances mod- erately developed. Slightly arched canthus rostralis of moderate length. Head of moderate width (SL 6.4 times head width) and length (SL 4.3 times snout- gular fold length). Deep groove below eye extends for almost full length of orbit, following curvature of eye, but does not communicate with lip. Mod- 24 Contributions in Science No. 219 erately large eyes only slightly protuberant. Well-defined postorbital groove extends posteriorly from eye as shallow depression for 2.8 mm; then sharply ventrad at level of posterior end of mandible and across gular area as nuchal groove, parallel to, and 5. 1 mm anterior to sharply defined gular fold. Vomerine teeth number 1 1 , arranged in single rows that extend to center or to lateral margin of internal nares. Slightly arched rows extend nearly to midline on palate, but have no posterior extension. Small maxillary teeth number 48; extending to point about one-half through eye. Three premaxillary teeth. Relatively* short tail (0.86 times SL) is laterally compressed, with strong basal constriction. Postiliac glands not evident. Limbs are of moderate length (limb interval 3); SL 4.4 times right forelimb, 4.4 times right hind limb, and 10.2 times right foot width. Webbing of hands and feet extensive, moderately thick. Finger and toe tips, especially of third digits, protrude substantially from webbed pad. Tips of third fingers and toes pointed, others rounded. No subterminal pads. Hands and feet moderately large. Fingers, in order of decreasing length, are 3, 4, 2, 1; toes, in order of decreasing length, are 3, 4, 2, 5,1. Measurements (in mm) are as follows: Head width, 9.1; snout to gular fold (head length), 13.4; head depth at posterior angle of jaw, 4.6; eyelid length, 3.8; eyelid width, 2.0; anterior rim of orbit to snout, 3.7; horizontal orbital diameter, 2.2; interorbital distance, 3.3; distance between vomerine teeth and parasphenoid tooth patch, 0.8; snout to forelimb, 16.7; distance separating internal nares, 2.4; distance separating external nares, 3.1; snout projection beyond mandible, 1.0; snout to posterior angle of vent (SL), 57.9; snout to anterior angle of vent, 53.4; axilla to groin, 32.8; tail length, 49.6; tail width at base, 3.7; tail depth at base, 4.4; forelimb length, 13.2; hind limb length, 13.2; width of right hand, 4.2; width of right foot, 5.7. Coloration of Holotype (in alcohol).— The dorsal color consists of a dis- tinct though irregular beige to gray dorsal band divided down the middle by a dark blackish brown thin stripe of ground color. The ground color of the lateral surfaces is much darker than that of the dorsal and ventral surfaces. The venter appears somewhat light because of the many tiny bluish white cells covering much of the blackish ground color. The tiny spots are grouped together as patches on the last three-fourths of the tail venter. The front of the head is a medium brown and the back of the head is covered by the anterior end of the dorsal band. The hind limbs have a considerable amount of beige and gray to brown mottling dorsally, but the dorsal area of the front limbs is mostly a blackish brown ground color. The inside half of the hands and feet are covered dorsally with many tiny light colored spots overlying the ground color. The limbs all have some of these spots ventrally but the ventral surfaces of the hands and feet are an immaculate gray-black. Variation— Pertinent data are presented in Table 1. The female holotype is considerably larger (57.9 mm SL) than the largest paratype (45.9 mm SL). Most of the paratypes are adult females except for two males and four juve- 1971 New Species of Salamanders 25 niles. Standard length is from 5.7 to 6.4 (mean 6.1) times head width in the entire sample. Limb length is somewhat variable in the series, and the holo- type has relatively broad hands and feet (SL 10.2 times right foot width in holotype, 9.1 to 11.2, mean 10.4 in paratypes). The holotype has the third longest tail (0.86 times SL, versus 0.58 to 0.89, mean 0.79 in paratypes). 1 Cm Figure 7. Dorsal and ventral views of a paratype of Bolitoglossa equatoriana (UIMNH 54296). 26 Contributions in Science No. 219 Digital tips of the holotype are like most of the paratypes. The tip of digit three is pointed with the other digits having more rounded tips. There is considerable variation in dorsal coloration. The holotype has a distinct though irregular beige to gray dorsal band divided by a dark blackish brown stripe of ground color down the middle; one other specimen has a uniform broad beige dorsal band; six specimens have weak or partial dorsal bands of beige to gray; two have a few dorsal light brown patches; two are uniform blackish brown dorsally. The type series varies in ventral coloration as follows : five specimens have a few to moderate numbers of mostly small, bluish silver to white spots or patches; thirteen have an irregular row of moderate-sized, bluish silver to white patches on either side of the midline (see paratype ventral view, Fig. 7) ; and the holotype is covered ventrally by hundreds of tiny iridophores. Osteology— All information has been derived from stereoscopic radio- graphs of the type series. The skull is well ossified and the bones are well articulated. The premaxilla is small and slender but frontal processes may be well developed. The frontal processes of UIMNH 54296 are slender and are not expanded at their tips. Those of some other specimens are expanded at their tips. The processes are separated for their entire length in all specimens. The large, protuberant nasals have a strong, extensive articulation with the maxillae. Prefrontals are definitely present in some individuals but absent in others. Vomers are well separated for their entire lengths. Preorbital processes of the vomers extend laterally well beyond the limits of the internal nares. Maxillae are of moderate size and extend about to the posterior margin of the eyeball. There is no stilus on the operculum. All but the last trunk vertebrae bear ribs. There are one cervical, fourteen trunk, one sacral, two caudosacral and from 23 to 30 caudal vertebrae in those specimens with complete tails. The long, stout transverse processes of the first caudosacral vertebra are directed nearly perpendicularly to the body axis, but with a slight posterior slant. The shorter processes on the second caudosacral vertebra slant in an anterior direction. Very long, unbranched processes are present on the first caudal vertebra, and these slant sharply toward the head. They do not cross the processes of the second caudosacral vertebra even though they extend in front of the base of the latter. Processes of succeeding vertebrae are progres- sively smaller. They lie at the anterior end of each vertebra and slant anteri- orly. Caudal transverse processes are visible as far as the seventeenth vertebra in one adult, but they are small and highly variable in degree of development past the tenth vertebra. In the basal part of the tail the vertebrae increase in length, and the fourth and fifth caudal are as long as the longest (anterior two to six) trunk vertebrae in some, but a little shorter in others. About the thir- teenth caudal is the first that is shorter than the three vertebrae immediately behind the sacrum. Vertebrae are progressively shorter from that point to the tail tip. No tibial spurs are present. Phalangeal formulae in some individuals are 1, 2, 3, 2; 1, 2, 3, 3, 2. A tendency toward phalangeal reduction is apparent and formulae may be 1, 2, 3, 1 and 1, 2, 3, 2, 1 in extreme instances. Terminal 1971 New Species of Salamanders 27 phalanges are usually small and short, often being broader than long. They are rounded at their tips, and usually neither pointed nor expanded. Penulti- mate phalanges of the longest digits are small and often broader than long. Distance between the bony parts equals or surpasses the length of the penulti- mate phalanges in the longest digits. Terminal phalanges are shorter and smaller than penultimate ones in most instances. Metapodials are flat and broad, with some lateral bony growth extending into the fleshy web. Remarks— Found between 7:30 and 9:30 pm, from 0.5 to 2 m (IV2 to 6V2 ft) above the ground on broad leaves, palm leaves and stems, along the stream banks in secondary growth, secondary-primary border, and in agricul- Figure 8. Distribution of five new species of Bolitoglossa in Panama, Colombia, and Ecuador. Symbols: • Bolitoglossa medemi\ O ramosi\ A B. silver stonei\ A B. walkeri; * B. equatoriana. 28 Contributions in Science No. 219 tural clearings. It occurs in sympatry with the smaller and more slender B. peruviana. Range— Known only from the type locality in the Amazonian lowlands of Ecuador (Fig. 8). Discussion In 1963 we discussed the relationships of the South American members of Bolitoglossa, and our views have recently been elaborated (Wake and Brame, 1966; Wake, Brame and Myers, 1970). The continued discovery of new populations and undescribed species points up the tentative nature of such discussions and the need for continuing revision. Nevertheless, it is use- ful to present our current views concerning species relationships, even in a developmental state, for they may aid in planning research projects and in zoogeographic work. Small samples and incomplete knowledge make full documentation impossible. However, we can present the basis for our char- acter analysis and the kind of reasoning used. Characters subject to interspecific variation are divided into discrete states for analytical purposes. Direction of character state change is deter- mined in several instances. Usually this is based on out-group comparisons, with conditions that are present in more generalized relatives (such as the extratropical plethodontids) considered to be primitive. In some instances it is possible to identify one or more highly specialized states, but operationally the primitive state is identified by following the trend in specialization back to the simplest or most generalized condition by phenetic methods. Correlation of character state trends with other trends, for example, geographic patterns, is sometimes used in initial analysis. We have come to expect more ancestral states among northern and upland members of a given group, and derived states in species that are southern, lowland, or both. Finally, as a working hypothesis we expect the more derived state of a given character to be present in species in which derived states of many other characters are present. This last criterion involves some circularity in reasoning, and is used only tenta- tively and when other criteria are not applicable. Our knowledge of the neo- tropical salamanders is not sufficient to detect all of the parallelism and convergence which we suspect are present, and the fact that few characters are used in our analysis increases our chance of error. Hopefully future work will improve our ability to detect these phenomena, and will also increase the number of characters, thus diminishing the chance of error. Larger series will permit quantification and the use of continuously variable characters. Characters : Size— Average adult size is small (ca. 40 mm SL), moderate (50-60 mm SL), or large (ca. 70 mm SL). Intermediate conditions (e.g., moderately small) are recognized. Moderate size is characteristic of many generalized neotropical salamanders, and is probably close to the ancestral condition. 1971 New Species of Salamanders 29 Either extreme is considered derived, but examples of parallelism are sus- pected. The character has low reliability on a genus-wide basis, but may be of use within a species group established on other grounds. Structure of Hands and Feet— This is one of the most complex and use- ful sets of characters. Much information can be derived from detailed consid- eration of both external and internal structure of the appendages. Categories of foot-webbing have been outlined previously (Wake and Brame, 1969). The primitive hand and foot has little webbing, large and discrete digits and a full complement of phalangeal and mesopodial elements. Terminal phalanges are primitively large and well developed, and cutaneous subterminal pads are well developed. Derived characters include increase in webbing, decrease in number and size of phalangeal and mesopodial elements (through loss and fusions) and loss of digital integrity. Many types of reduction trends, all con- sidered to be derived, are found. These include reduction in size, or loss, of the subterminal pads; reduction in size and degree of development of certain phalanges, for example, the terminals; reduction in total phalangeal bone relative to metapodial bone; disproportionate digital reduction, for example the central relative to the first digit. Also important are the shape of the toe tips, the cutaneous outline, the degree of flattening, and the proportions of limbs, feet and digits. Numbers of Maxillary and Vomerine Teeth— Numbers of maxillary teeth in adults are low (mean 0-30), moderate (30-60), or high (above 60). Similar categories for vomerine teeth in adults are low (0-20), moderate (20-30), and high (above 30). Moderate numbers characterize generalized relatives and are considered ancestral; both extremes are derived. Teeth in- crease in number with increasing size, but at different rates in different species. The values given here are not absolutes, but must be considered relative to size of the species. Thus the number of teeth in adults of a small species may be considered to be high, while the same number for a large species might be considered moderate or even low. Eventually we hope to deal with such onto- genetically variable characters in a more satisfactory manner. Head Width— Heads are narrow (greater than 6.7 times SL), moderate (6. 3-6.6), or broad (less than 6.3). The character must be used with caution, since the proportion changes with age and size, to a degree. Moderate heads are closest to the ancestral condition and either extreme is considered to be derived. Coloration.— We are unable to break the color continuum into discrete states. Nevertheless, certain features, such as unusual pigmentation, bands, stripes, spotting and streaking patterns, etc., are frequently used when com- paring species within groups. Behavioral Attributes— Terrestrial habits are considered to be primitive for Bolitoglossa. Arboreal habits, varying from a tendency toward arboreality to complete arboreality, are considered to be derived. Comparative Osteology Large numbers of osteological features have 30 Contributions in Science No. 219 potential value in systematic work (see Wake, 1966), but unfortunately the small samples available for most South American species preclude extensive use of such characters. In general, any reduction, fusion, loss or elaboration of the presumed ancestral condition is considered derived. Osteological fea- tures that are used for these species include presence or absence of prefrontal bones and tibial spurs, shape of the nasals, premaxillae, maxillae, and vomers, and arrangement of the transverse processes of the caudosacral and caudal vertebrae. Features associated with the hands and feet have been discussed above. Certain other characters are used within species groups for the purposes of comparing close relatives in some detail. These include some relatively subjective features, such as snout shape and degree of protuberance of the eyes, as well as proportional relationships, such as relative leg, tail, and head lengths. Most characters have been used in a phenetic manner, and those species which have high similarity are considered to be more closely related than those with low similarity. All of the following groups have been recognized on the basis of total similarity, with group borders recognized by discontinui- ties. In a fluid situation, such as obtains in the genus Bolitoglossa in South America, undescribed species might easily fill one of these discontinuities, necessitating changes in this arrangement in the future. Within the species groups, attention is focused on direction of change in characters, and relative degree of derivation of the various species. Attention is also given to the degree of derivation of one group relative to others. The genus Bolitoglossa is by far the largest in the Order Caudata, with over 60 species. It is convenient to recognize informal species groups, which in turn form major assemblages. The species groups are not of equivalent rank, but are comprised of from one to many species. Most have discrete geographic patterns, and close relatives are not usually sympatric. Many of the species groups appear to have resulted from the fragmentation and diversification of what once were more or less continuously distributed populations. This pat- tern is apparent in the helmrichi group of Nuclear Central America (Wake and Brame, 1969) and in the adspersa group of northern South America (Brame and Wake, 1963; Wake, Brame and Myers, 1970). Because of our fragmentary knowledge of South American species we defer characterization of these groups to a later date. The following species groups and subgroups occur in South America and adjacent Panama: A. The adspersa group (subgroup 1. hypacra, adspersa, vallecula, sava- gei, taylori, borburata, orestes; subgroup 2. palmata; subgroup 3. nicefori, capitana, pandi ). B. The sima group ( sima , chica, biseriata, silverstonei) . C. The medemi group ( medemi , ramosi, walkeri, equatoriana) . 1971 New Species of Salamanders 31 D. The altamazonica group ( altamazonica , peruviana) . E. The phalarosoma group (phalarosoma) . The major departures from our arrangement of 1963 are: 1 ) the descrip- tion of B. taylori and its addition to the ads per sa group; 2) the dissolution of the palmata group and the assignment of B. orestes and B. palmata to different subgroups of the adspersa group; 3) the division of the altamazonica group and the uniting of the coastal species (B. sima, B. chicd) with B. biseriata, formerly of the adspersa group, to form the sima group; 4) the description of B. silver stonei as a member of the sima group; 5) the description of B. ramosi, B. medemi, B. walkeri, and B. equatoriana, members of the medemi group. The major division is between the relatively primitive adspersa group and the other, more derived groups. The sima and altamazonica groups share numerous derived features in proportions and foot structure, all perhaps related to lowland, arboreal existence. They are separated by coloration and osteological differences. The medemi group is more similar to these two groups than to any other, although it also has some similarity in coloration, proportions and foot structure to B. phalarosoma. The medemi group is the only one of the four derived groups that contains some relatively primitive, upland species. These species have slight similarities to members of the adspersa group, but such species as B. biseriata also are similar to members of the adspersa group in some features. The adspersa group contains the most generalized South American species ( B . hypacra, B. vallecula, B. adspersa) which resemble highland Middle American species (B. marmorea, B. cer- roensis) in many features, mostly primitive states. The adspersa group con- tains several highly derived species, both in the lowlands ( B . borburata, B. capitana) and the highlands ( B . orestes, B. palmata). The revised organizational scheme for South American species presented here is based in large part on our expanded knowledge of many species as the result of recent collection. Since our last survey of South American sala- manders we have seen, in addition to specimens already reported, good series of specimens that were living, preserved, or both, of the following species: B. altamazonica, B. peruviana, B. sima, B. chica, B. vallecula, B. adspersa, B. orestes, B. savagei, and B. biseriata. Additionally we have seen a few recently collected specimens of B. phalarosoma and both living and preserved specimens of B. capitana. Recently many specimens of B. hypacra and B. nicefori, previously known from their holotypes, have been collected, and living and preserved specimens have been studied. Species which remain poorly known include B. palmata and B. pandi, the latter known only from the holotype. Further comments in this paper will be focused on the newly described species and their relatives. Members of the sima group share similarity in size, webbing and other features of their hands and feet, head proportions, and coloration. Bolitoglossa silverstonei has more teeth than the other three members of the group, and has a broader foot than either B. chica or B. biseriata. It is larger than B. 32 Contributions in Science No. 219 chica. In South America the group is restricted to the wet forest west of the Cordillera Occidental, but B. biseriata is widely distributed in Panama. All species of the group are restricted to the lowlands, below 1000 m. Members of the medemi group share similarities in proportions, denti- tion and coloration. Bolitoglossa medemi and B. ramosi form one subgroup, and B. walked and B. equatodana another. The former pair are similarly pro- portioned and have generally similar color patterns. Both have extensively webbed feet with reduced phalangeal numbers and flattened digits. The feet of B. ramosi are smaller and much less well developed than those of B. medemi. Bolitoglossa walked and B. equatoriana are somewhat more gen- eralized than the other species pair. Bolitoglossa walked has the least web- bing, the most discrete digits, and the most highly developed phalanges of any species of the group. It has a somewhat narrower head than B. equatoriana, and there are some color differences, but otherwise the species are similar. While all members of the medemi group are allopatric, only B. walked lacks sympatric associates. Bolitoglossa walked and B. ramosi occur at about 2000 m elevation, and the other species are lowland forms of the Choco and the Amazonian basin. The description of these five species brings the total number of species of Bolitoglossa known from South America to 21, and another, B. taylori, occurs nearly on the Colombian border in Panama. Of these, three ( equatoriana , peruviana, altamazonica) are extensively webbed, lowland Amazonian species, six ( medemi , silver stonei, phalarosoma, biseriata, chica, sima) are extensively webbed, lowland Chocoan species, and three ( hypacra , vallecula, adspersa) are generalized, slightly webbed upland species from the Cordillera Occi- dental, Cordillera Central, and Cordillera Oriental, respectively. The remain- ing species range from diminutive, specialized highland species ( orestes ) to giant species of intermediate elevation ( capitana ), and the degree of diversity is relatively great. Many species inhabit cloud forest formations, and it is these areas that are likely to produce additional populations. While some of the generalized species are terrestrial, most species are occasionally to almost exclusively arboreal. Species known to occur in bromeliads include B. nicefori, B. savagei, B. ramosi, B. vallecula, B. borburata, and B. walked, and most, if not all, of the lowland species are arboreal. Recent field work has disclosed that sympatry, unknown in 1963, occurs in the following combinations: B. medemi-B. phalarosoma, B. vallecula-B. ramosi, B. peruviana-B . equatoriana, and B. sima-B. chica. We can expect future field work to yield much additional information concerning ecology and distribution, and, doubtless, new populations and undescribed species will be found. The five groups of South American Bolitoglossa present a rather broad array of species. The adspersa group is diverse and its species are allopatric, distributed broadly across Colombia to Panama, Venezuela, and Ecuador. The sima and phalarosoma groups are specialized lowland forms of the wet 1971 New Species of Salamanders 33 northwestern forests. The medemi group is rather broadly distributed, eco- logically and geographically, with species in the uplands in areas of Caribbean and Pacific drainage, in the Choco, and in the Amazonian Basin. Finally, the altamazonica group has the most peripheral distribution within the genus, mostly within the Amazonian Basin. Resumen En el presente reporte se describen nuevas especies de salamandras ple- todontidas para America del Sur y Panama. Bolitoglossa medemi es una especie de color oscuro con manos y pies grandes y extensivamente palmeados y con la cabeza ancha. Se le conoce en varias localidades en el noroeste de Colombia y en el sudoeste de Panama, donde se le encuentra entre 50 y 800 m. de elevacion. Bolitoglossa ramosi es una especie de menor tamano, de color mas claro, con manos y pies pequenos, pero tambien extensivamente palmeados, y con la cabeza ancha. Esta especie es simpatrica con Bolito- glossa vallecula en la Cordillera Central al este de Medellin, Colombia, a altitudes de aproximadamente 1930 m. Bolitoglossa silver stonei es una especie delgada, de larga cola y color claro, las manos y los pies son anchos y extensi- vamente palmeados y la cabeza es moderadamente ancha. Ha sido encontrada solo en una localidad cerca de Quibdo, a una altura de 400 m., en el noroeste de Colombia. Bolitoglossa walkeri no tiene las extremidades tan palmeadas y generalmente posee menos dientes maxilares que las otras especies. El color es oscuro en el dorso y claro en el vientre. Se le encuentra a elevaciones de cerca de 2000 m., cerca de Cali, Colombia. Bolitoglossa equatoriana tiene extremidades mas palmeadas que B. walkeri, pero tiene como esta ultima, un numero bajo de dientes y la misma coloracion. Es simpatrica con B. peruviana en localidades de una elevacion de aproximadamente 260 m. en la Amazonia ecuatoriana. La descripcion de estas nuevas especies permite una reevaluacion de las relaciones sistematicas entre los miembros sudamericanos del genero Bolitoglossa. Se discuten ademas los caracteres usados en el analisis siste- matico de veintidos especies ye se reconocen cinco grupos de ellas. Los grupos palmata y altamazonica son divididos. B. silver stonei es incluida en el nuevo grupo sima, junto con B. sima, B. chica y B. biseriata. Las otras especies nuevas son los unicos miembros del grupo medemi. Literature Cited Brame, A. H., Jr., and D. B. Wake. 1963. The salamanders of South America. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 69: 1-72. Dunn, E. R. 1926. The salamanders of the family Plethodontidae. Northampton, Mass. Smith College Publ. 441 p. Espinal, L. S., and E. Montenegro. 1963. Formaciones Vegetales de Colombia. Instituto Geografico, Bogota, Colombia, 201 p. 34 Contributions in Science No. 219 Wake, D. B. 1966. Comparative osteology and evolution of the lungless sala- manders, family Plethodontidae. So. Calif. Acad. Sci., Mem. 4: 1-111. Wake, D. B., and A. H. Brame, Jr. 1966. Notes on South American salamanders of the genus Bolitoglossa. Copeia 1966, 360-363. 1969. Systematics and evolution of Neotropical salamanders of the Bolitoglossa helmrichi group. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 175: 1-40. Wake, D. B., A. H. Brame, Jr., and C. W. Myers. 1970. Bolitoglossa taylori, a new salamander from cloud forest of the Serrania de Pirre, Eastern Panama. Amer. Mus. Nov. 2430: 1-18. Accepted for publication August 30, 197 1 Printed in Los Angeles, California by Continental Graphics NUMBER 220 FEBRUARY 8, 1972 (! zL fgue, P. Galindo, T. H. G. Aitken, R. X. Schick and W. A. Powder. 1965. Mosquito studies (Diptera, Culicidae) II. Methods for the collection, rearing and preservation of mosquitoes. Contrib. Amer. Entomol. Inst. 1(2): 19-78. Accepted for publication January 18, 1972 So 7 ,73 CzL-ftf NUMBER 225 MARCH 2, 1972 / DORSADENA YAQUINAE, A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF MYCTOPHID FISH FROM THE EASTERN NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN By Leonard R. Coleman and Basil G. Nafpaktitis CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCICNCC 8 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— ( 1 ) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor DORSADENA YAQUINAE, A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF MYCTOPHID FISH FROM THE EASTERN NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN By Leonard R. Coleman1 and Basil G. Nafpaktitis2 Abstract: A new genus and species of myctophid fish, Dorsadena yaquinae, from the eastern north Pacific Ocean is described. Relationship between the new form and Lampadena Goode and Bean is suggested by similarities in the structure, size and position of the supra- and infracaudal luminous glands, in the arrangement of the body photophores and in otolith mor- phology. Dorsadena yaquinae, like Lampadena and Taaningich- thys, seems to be one of the deepest dwelling myctophids. Its isolated occurrence off Oregon may be attributed to inadequate sampling of depths exceeding 1500 meters in the central and western north Pacific. On the other hand, the eastern north Pacific specimens may represent an expatriate population. Recent collections of oceanic fishes by the Department of Oceanography, Oregon State University, have yielded specimens of an undescribed lantern- fish. This fish is so distinct from any other myctophid as to preclude its place- ment in any of the approximately thirty genera of the family. The new species is represented by five specimens, 58.0-101.5 mm in standard length, collected between latitudes 44°N and 45 °N, and longitudes 134°W and about 139°W where subarctic water predominates in at least the upper 300 meters. Counts and measurements were taken according to Nafpaktitis (1968). Photophore and otolith terminologies follow those of Bolin (1939) and Frizzell and Dante (1965), respectively. The otoliths are deposited in the collections of John E. Fitch of the California Department of Fish and Game. Dorsadena , new genus Diagnosis: A large, elongate luminous gland immediately in front of adi- pose fin. Large, undivided supra- and infracaudal luminous glands. Four to five Prc, in three groups : first two close together and about at level of dorsal mar- gin of infracaudal luminous gland, third at midlateral line, fourth posterior to, and about at level of ventral margin of, supracaudal luminous gland; often a fifth Prc develops close to, and at level of, fourth Prc. Numerous minute sec- ondary photophores on head, trank and base of caudal fin. The name Dorsadena [dorsal and adena, from the Greek a$v)v (aden) = gland] refers to the unique preadipose gland. Type species: department of Oceanography, Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon 97331. department of Biological Sciences, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007; and Research Associate in Ichthyology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 225 Dorsadena yaquinae , new species Figures 1-4 Holotype: Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History (LACM) 30841-1; 77.0 mm, R/V YAQUINA, haul MT-866, between 45°05/N, 138°33'W and 44°44'N, 138°32'W, 0453-1205 hrs, 25 July 1966; 10' Isaacs- Kidd Midwater Trawl, depth of haul 0-2700 m, 8000 m of wire out; bottom depth approximately 4207 m. Paratypes: Oregon State University Department of Oceanography (OSUDO) 1226, 101.5 mm, and 1227, 58.0 mm. Collection data for both are the same as for the holotype. U.S. National Museum (USNM) 204869; 87.0 mm, R/V YAQUINA, station NH-450, haul OTB-163, between 44°39'N, 134°34'W and 44°45/N, 134°46'W, 1835-0400 hrs, 1-2 March 1967; 22' shrimp-type otter trawl, depth of haul 0-3860 m, 6000 m of wire out. Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) 46681; 62.0 mm, R/V YAQUINA, sta- tion NH-450, haul MT-1040, between 44°45'N, 134°46'W and 44°43'N, 134°42'W, 0223-0305 hrs, 2 March 1967; 6' Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl, depth of haul 0-180 m, 800 m of wire out; bottom depth approximately 3800 m. Diagnosis: As for genus. Description: D. 14-15; A. 12-14; P. 15-16; V. 8 (9 on one side of one specimen); gill rakers (4)5+1 + 11, plus 1-3 rudiments on the upper limb and 3-4 rudiments on the lower limb of the first (right) gill arch; PO 6-8; VO 3-5; SAO 3; AO 5-7 + 3-5, total 9-11; Prc 2+ 1 + 1-2. A moderately large myctophid fish. Head large, about 3.3 in standard length (SL). Eye large, 12.3 (11.6-13.5) in SL, 3.8 (3.7-4.1) in length of head and 2.5 (2.3-2. 8) in length of upper jaw. Mouth large, terminal, some- what oblique; length of upper jaw about 5 in SL, 1.5 in length of head, extend- ing 1.0 to 1.3 times the diameter of eye behind vertical through posterior margin of orbit. Length of snout 1.4 (1.2-1. 5) in diameter of eye. Posterior opercular margin forming a blunt point somewhat above base of pectoral fin. Pterotic spine well developed. Caudal peduncle 10.0 (9.0-11.0) in SL. Origin of dorsal fin over base of ventral fin. Origin of anal fin on, or slightly in advance of, vertical through end of base of dorsal fin. Pectoral fin short, its delicate, fragile rays about as long as diameter of eye. Ventral fins extending to anus. Base of adipose fin over end of base of anal fin. Dn absent. A very small, poorly developed Vn immediately above, or in contact with, dorsal margin of COl (lacrimal) bone. Opj poorly defined, about at level of angle of mouth and close behind preopercular margin. Op2 twice as large as general body photophores, at least twice its own diameter above and behind Opx. Body photophores generally small and ill defined, at least in preserved specimens. PLO slightly in advance of vertical through upper end of base of pectoral fin and about its own diameter below lateral line. PVOj under, or slightly in advance of, PV02, which is located about its own diameter in front 1972 New Genus and Species of Myctophid Fish 3 Figure 1. Dorsadena yaquinae; holotype, 77.0 mm in SL; LACM 30841-1. 4 Contributions in Science No. 225 Table 1. Measurements of Dorsadena yaquinae OSUDO MCZ OSUDO LACM USNM 1226 46681 1227 30841-1* 204869 101.5 mm 62.0mm 58.0mm 77.0mm 87.0mm Character Measurements in percent of standard length Mean Diameter of eye 7.4 8.4 8.6 8.2 8.0 8.1 Length of upper jaw 20.7 19.8 19.8 20.6 19.5 20.1 Length of head 30.5 30.6 31.6 31.2 30.5 30.9 Depth of caudal peduncle 11.0 11.3 9.7 10.4 9.2 10.3 From tip of snout to base of pectoral fin 33.5 33.1 33.6 33.0 32.2 33.1 From tip of snout to base of ventral fin 48.3 48.4 46.9 50.6 47.7 48.4 From tip of snout to origin of dorsal fin 48.3 48.4 46.6 50.6 48.3 48.4 From tip of snout to origin of anal fin 63.1 64.5 63.8 63.6 64.4 63.9 From tip of snout to base of adipose fin 77.8 79.0 75.0 77.9 75.6 77.1 Length of caudal glands 5.4 4.8 5.2 4.2 4.6 4.8 Length of preadipose gland 1 8.4 8.1 6.2 7.8 7.8 7.7 Character Measurements in percent of head length Mean Length of upper jaw 67.7 64.7 62.8 66.3 64.2 65.1 Diameter of eye 24.2 27.4 27.3 26.3 26.4 26.3 Length of snout 21.0 18.4 19.1 18.8 18.9 19.2 *Holotype of middle of base of pectoral fin. Six to eight PO, variably spaced on a wavy line. VLO about 1.5 times its own diameter below lateral line. Three to five, usually four, VO, level. SAO forming an obtuse angle; SAOi over anus and slightly raised above level of last VO; distance between SA02 and SAOs 1.5 to 2.0 times as large as that between SAOx and SA02; SAOs somewhat in advance of, or behind, vertical through center of SA02 and about its own diameter below lateral line. First and last AOa interspaces sometimes distinctly enlarged; first AOa, or last, or both slightly raised. Pol behind last AOa, under base of adipose fin and about its own diameter below lateral line. AOp evenly spaced, level; last AOp over anterior portion of infracaudal luminous gland. PrCj-Prc., interspace less than one photophore diameter; Prc2 slightly higher than Prcx; Prc3 well behind Prc2 and at level of lateral line; one or two additional Prc 1972 New Genus and Species of Myctophid Fish 5 organs posterior to supracaudal luminous gland and under dorsal procurrent caudal rays. Supra- and infra caudal luminous glands undivided, of equal size, their length 1. 6-2.0 times in diameter of eye, directly apposed to each other, and framed by darkly pigmented tissue; most luminous tissue found within a darkly pigmented “hood” at posterior part of each organ. An undivided luminous gland, about as long as eye diameter, extending from anterior end of base of adipose fin to about midway between end of base of dorsal fin and adipose fin; gland outlined by black pigment, with luminous tissue bulging Large numbers of minute secondary p hot op bores present on head, trunk and proximal part of caudal fin. Along the lateral line, they appear to be arranged in a rather regular pattern (Fig. 2). laws with needlelike teeth, inner ones longer than outer; 5 to 8 broad- based, hook-like, forward-inclined teeth on posterior part of dentary; a long, narrow band of slender teeth on each palatine; mesoptery golds with minute, widely scattered teeth and enlarged, widely spaced ones along periphery and posterior part of each mesopterygoid; vomer toothless. The gonads of all five specimens are either poorly developed or regressed. Circumorbital bones The circumorbital bones (Fig. 3) show some interesting features. In the following discussion the terminology is that used by Paxton (in press). Figure 2. Dorsadena yaquinae ; distribution of secondary photophores on lateral line scales. 6 Contributions in Science No. 225 The anterodorsal part of the first circumorbital, COl (lacrimal of some authors), is folded over to form a large, lateral flap anteroventrad to the eye. This flap is clearly visible on intact specimens. Paxton (in press) found that in myctophids “The anterodorsal margin is folded ventrally, so that the ante- rior end of the COl approaches a closed tube in some forms. In a number of species, the Vn orbital organ lies on top of the folded edge of the COl.” How- ever, with the exception of those members of the genus Diaphus with a well developed Vn (ventronasal) and those of the genus Gymnoscopelus, e. g., G. ( Gymnoscopelus ) opisthopterus, G. ( Nasolychnus ) piabilis, with extensive luminous tissue along the anterior and anteroventral orbital margin, in no other myctophid form is this flap so extensively developed. It is conceivable that the ancestral stock from which Dorsadena evolved had a well-developed Vn. Interestingly, the COl lateral flap appears relatively well developed in Lampadena anomala, the Vn of which is very small, poorly developed and lies anterodorsad to the COl. According to Paxton (op. cit. ) , the lateral margin of the orbital portion of the third circumorbital, C03 (jugal of some authors), in lantern fishes, is solid or split. In many forms “A keel or flag of bone projects posteriorly from the lateral margin at the level of the split. ...” In Dorsadena yaquinae the lateral margin of the orbital portion of the C03 is split. At the level of the split, the two parts contribute to the formation of a large, spine-like, posteroventrally-directed bony process (Fig. 3), also clearly visible on intact specimens. A relatively well-developed similar process is found also in Lampa- b.n. Figure 3. Dorsadena yaquinae; circumorbital bones. 1972 New Genus and Species of Myctophid Fish 7 dena, e.g., L. urophaos and L. anomola, and in some Lampanyctus. The other circumorbital bones show no marked peculiarities. Otoliths Dorsadena yaquinae has a small sagitta (Fig. 4), which is almost as high as it is long— length to height ratio 1.03:1. It is not notched posterodorsally and its ventral margin is smooth. The rostrum is well developed; the anti- rostrum bluntly rounded but distinct. The collum divides the sulcus into two almost equal sections. The lateral face of the otolith is smooth and some- what convex. Nafpaktitis and Paxton (1968) have briefly discussed the trends in otolith morphology within the genus Lampadena. The sagittae of all the species of this genus, with the exception of L. anomala, are relatively large and clearly longer than they are high. Their ventral margins and, in at least two cases, dorsal margins as well, are scalloped. The rostra are little to moderately devel- oped and the antirostra are in some cases indistinct. L. anomala has a rela- tively small otolith with a length to height ratio of 1.2:1, a smooth ventral margin and a greatly developed rostrum. The otoliths of L. anomala and D. yaquinae are markedly similar. Fig- ure 4 shows the otoliths of the two forms and also that of Taaningichthys sp., a genus closely related to Lampadena. Relationships Until thorough osteological studies are made on cleared and stained specimens of Dorsadena, interpretations regarding relationships of the new genus are of necessity based almost solely on external morphology. There are several morphological similarities between Dorsadena and Lampadena. The most striking similarity is found in the structure, size and position of the supra- and infracaudal luminous glands. The body photophores in both genera are rather poorly developed and similarly arranged. With very Figure 4. Medial views of left otoliths, anterior end to the right: (A) Dorsadena yaquinae, otolith 2.40 mm long, specimen 101.5 mm in SL; (B) Taaningichthys sp., otolith 1.90 mm long, specimen about 50 mm in SL; (C) Lampadena anomala, otolith 1.95 mm long, specimen about 48 mm in SL. 8 Contributions in Science No. 225 few exceptions, the PO and VO series are, in terms of numbers, remarkably constant within the Myctophidae. In Dorsadena, as in Lampadena and the closely related Taaningichthys , even the PO and VO vary in numbers. Limited osteological observations (circumorbital bones) also revealed close similarities. Nafpaktitis and Paxton (1968) pointed out the marked differences in otolith morphology between L. anomala and all the rest of the species of Lam- padena. In fact, the otolith of L. anomala may, in some important respects, be considered as intermediate between the long, scalloped otoliths of the rest of the species of Lampadena and the almost round, smooth-edged otolith of Taaningichthys sp. (Fig. 4). In the same manner, the otolith of Dorsa- dena yaquinae has features which may be considered intermediate between L. anomala and Taaningichthys sp., perhaps somewhat closer to the former than to the latter. Most species of Lampadena appear to be among the deepest dwelling of myctophids. The very few known captures of L. anomala with open nets have been made below 750 meters. Shallow captures of large specimens during the night, indicative of extensive vertical migration, are known for L. luminosa and L. urophaos. Young (20-35 mm) specimens of L. speculigera, L. dea and L. chavesi have been taken during the night in the upper 200 meters. If we assume that the body photophores of Lampadena, which are poorly developed (especially in L. anomala) and variable in numbers, reflect deep mesopelagic, or bathypelagic, existence with limited or nonexisting migratory habits, then the correlation is stronger in Taaningichthys. The two known species of this genus show marked degeneration of body photophores and lateral line. The photophores are small, highly superficial and their numbers as well as their arrangement vary considerably. A third species (Davy, in press) appears to have completely lost its body photophores. The lateral line components are extremely reduced. The eye, in contrast, is very large and well developed. Members of the genus Taaningichthys are seldom taken above 800 meters and they do not seem to undertake diel vertical migrations. With the exception of a single specimen (MCZ 46681) taken with a 6' Isaacs-Kidd Midwater Trawl between the surface and about 200 m, the speci- mens of Dorsadena yaquinae were captured with larger gear and at depths exceeding 2000 meters. The possibility does exist that the animals may have been caught anywhere between the surface and the maximum depth of each trawl, since the collecting gear used remained open throughout the operation. However, with the exception mentioned above, Dorsadena has not been taken in shallower hauls, which greatly outnumber the deep tows. In addition to capture data, several features of the body photophores suggest that Dorsadena occurs at depths similar to those occupied by Lampadena and Taaningichthys. If this is the case, then evolutionary convergence could account for the state of development of body photophores in the three genera. On the other hand, a detailed osteological study may support our conclusion that Dorsadena is closely related to Lampadena. 1972 New Genus and Species of Myctophid Fish 9 Following is a synoptic list of external characters that both relate and distinguish the three genera, Lampadena, Dorsadena and Taaningichthys, as they are understood at this time. Lampadena Goode and Bean, 1896 1. Body moderately robust. 2. Ventral fins inserted under origin of dorsal fin. 3. Teeth on vomer present (absent in L. deal). 4. Lateral line well developed. 5. Preadipose luminous gland absent. 6. Crescent of white tissue on dorsal half of iris present in only one species, L. chavesi. 7. PO 5-6; VO 3-6; SAO 3; AOa 3-8; AOp 2-5; Prc 2+ 1. 8. Secondary photophores absent or, if present, restricted to head. Dorsadena, new genus 1. Body moderately robust. 2. Ventral fins inserted under origin of dorsal fin. 3. Teeth on vomer absent. 4. Lateral line well developed. 5. Preadipose luminous gland present. 6. Crescent of white tissue on iris absent. 7. PO 6-8; VO 3-5; SAO 3; AOa 5-7; AOp 3-5; Prc 2+1 + 1-2. 8. Secondary photophores present on head, trunk and proximal part of cau- dal fin. Taaningichthys Bolin, 1959 1. Body slender. 2. Ventral fins inserted in advance of origin of dorsal fin. 3. Teeth on vomer absent. 4. Lateral line absent or very poorly developed. 5. Preadipose luminous gland absent. 6. Crescent of white tissue present on posterior half of iris. 7. PO 5-6; VO 2-10; SAO 1; AOa 1-8; AOp 1-5; Prc 2+1; or photophores absent. 8. Secondary photophores, if present, restricted to head and interradial mem- brane of caudal fin. Discussion Most lanternfishes perform diel vertical migrations of several hundred meters. During their vertical migrations, these animals cross a wide range of temperature and salinity. It is therefore difficult to understand how a given set of physico-chemical factors at a particular depth could limit the horizontal distribution of these organisms. The answer, or answers, to the puzzle prob- ably lie in the reproductive physiology on the one hand, and in the tolerance 10 Contributions in Science No. 225 limits of the early, epipelagic stages on the other. While a large portion of the epipelagic larvae remain within the ecologically optimum area where they grow, sink and subsequently metamorphose, many may be transported by currents to waters of different physico-chemical properties. In this alien envi- ronment, some young will perish, others will survive, sink and metamorphose. However, these expatriates are usually unable to reproduce. As Bolin ( 1959b) points out: “While straggling adults may exist for long periods in waters far beyond the normal range of the species, permanent populations are restricted to the proximity of the areas where spawning can be successful.” It is there- fore necessary to exercise extreme caution in discussing ranges and distri- butional patterns, especially when we are dealing with oceanic, midwater organisms with epipelagic larval stages, such as myctophids, because the area in which a species can exist may be much larger than the area in which it can spawn. For instance, are the subarctic waters off Oregon within the “normal” range of Dorsadena yaquinael Does this fish spawn there? The poorly devel- oped and, in the larger specimens, regressed gonads do not seem to indicate that spawning takes place in that area. If it does, then the absence of larvae and young in the California Current System may perhaps be accounted for by the change in the physico-chemical properties of the subarctic water along the course of the California Current. On the basis of the available data, however, it seems more likely that here we are dealing with an expatriate population originating in deep, seldom sampled waters either of the Subtropic Region or of the central and western Subarctic Region. Acknowledgments We thank the captain, crew and scientists of the R/V YAQUINA, Oregon State University, for assisting in the work at sea. We are thankful also to William G. Pearcy of Oregon State University, Richard H. Rosenblatt and Robert L. Wisner of Scripps Institution of Oceanography for review- ing the manuscript, and to John E. Fitch and Jack W. Schott of the Cali- fornia Department of Fish and Game for supplying comparative otolith material and for taking the otolith photographs. Financial support by grants from AEC [AT (45-1) 1750; RLO/56] and NSF (GB-1588) is here grate- fully acknowledged. Literature Cited Bolin, R. L. 1939. A review of the myctophid fishes of the Pacific Coast of the United States and of lower California. Stan. Ich. Bull. Vol. 1 (4): 89-156. 1959a. Iniomi. Myctophidae from the “Michael Sars” North Atlantic Deep-Sea Expedition 1910. In Rep. Sci. Res. “Michael Sars” N. Atlantic Deep-Sea Exped. 1910, Bergen, 4, pt. 2 (7): 1-45. - 1959b. Differential bipolarity in the Atlantic and Pacific as expressed by the myctophid fishes. In International Oceanographic Congress, Reprints, 31 August-12 September 1959, Mary Sears, ed., American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., p. 142-143. 1972 New Genus and Species of Myctophid Fish 11 Davy, B. A review of the lanternfish genus Taaningichthys (family Myctophidae) with the description of a new species. U.S. Dept. Com., Fish. Bull. Vol. 70 (1), (in press). Frizzell, D. L., and J. H. Dante. 1965. Otoliths of some early Cenozoic fishes of the Gulf Coast. J. Paleontol. 39: 687-718. Goode, G. B., and T. H. Bean. 1896. Oceanic Ichthyology. U.S. Nat. Mus., Spec. Bull. 553 p. Nafpaktitis, B. G. 1968. Taxonomy and distribution of the lanternfishes, genera Lobianchia and Diaphus, in the north Atlantic. Dana-Rep. 73. Copenhagen. 131 p. Nafpaktitis, B. G., and J. R. Paxton. 1968. Review of the lanternfish genus Lampadena with a description of a new species. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 138: 1-29. Paxton, J. R. 1972. Osteology and relationships of the lanternfishes (Family Myctophidae). Natural History Museum, Los Angeles Co., Bull. 13, (in press). Accepted for publication Nov. 16, 1971 Printer! in T os Aneeles. California by Continental Grap cJ 0 7' 73 CxL tcf NUMBER 226 MARCH 21, 1972 THE AMPHINEMURA VENUSTA COMPLEX OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA (PLECOPTERA: NEMOURIDAE) By Richard W. Baumann and Arden R. Gaufin CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCI6NCC NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.-(l) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. VrRGiNiA D. Miller Editor THE AMPHINEMURA VENUSTA COMPLEX OF WESTERN NORTH AMERICA (PLECOPTERA: NEMOURIDAE) By Richard W. Baumann1 and Arden R. Gaufin2 Abstract: The Amphinemura venusta complex of Western North America contains six species where only one was previ- ously recognized. A comparison of the Amphinemura venusta (Banks) holotype female with available specimens led to the re-definition of this species. The male of A. venusta is described and the species is recorded from Mexico, with the type locality in Southern Arizona being the northern limit of distribution. Two species, A. mexicana and A. puebla are described from near Mexico City. The material from the Rocky Mountains called A. venusta (Banks), as a result of the Needham and Claassen mono- graph (1925), is given the name A. banksi. Two species are named from Southwestern United States: A. apache and A. mogollonica. The species in the complex are apparently restricted to per- manently running waters. In the United States, the flight period is short, extending from July to September. The data available for Mexican species indicate that the emergence period is en- larged and may extend throughout the year. Members of the genus Amphinemura occur throughout the Holarctic and Oriental regions (lilies, 1965). This study deals with a species complex found in the Western United States and Mexico. The complex is characterized by its peculiar “windowed” forewings. This type of wing, darkly infuscated with numerous clear spots in the cells (Fig. 1), is also present in some ne- mourids from the Himalayas. The included species represent the only North American species possessing this characteristic. Until now, these species were all included under the specific name Amphinemura venusta (Banks). The range of A. venusta was recorded by Ricker (1952) as extending from the Rocky Mountains in Wyoming to the mountains around Mexico City. This study, which was begun as part of a doctoral thesis by the senior author (1970), delineates this distributional pattern using the six species presently known in the complex. Acknowledgments The authors are grateful to Dr. Paul H. Arnand, Jr., California Academy of Sciences (CAS); Dr. William F. Barr, University of Idaho (UI); Dr. C. J. D. Brown, Montana State University (MSU); Dr. P. J. Darlington, Jr., Mu- seum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard University (MCZ); Dr. Oliver S. Flint, Jr., United States National Museum (USNM); Dr. W. J. Hanson and department of Life Sciences, Southwest Missouri State College, Springfield, Mis- souri 65802. department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 226 Dr. George F. Knowlton, Utah State University (USU); Dr. Charles L. Hogue, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM); Mr. Stanley G. Jewett, Jr., Portland, Oregon (SGJ); Dr. Richard W. Koss, Johns Hopkins University; Dr. Carlos Sosa Moss, Escuela Nacional de Agricultura de Mexico (ENAM); Dr. L. L. Pechuman, Cornell University (CU); Dr. William E. Ricker, Fisheries Research Board of Canada (WER) ; Mr. Vincent Roth, Southwest Research Station, Portal, Arizona (SWRS); Dr. Robert C. Schuster, University of California, Davis (UCD); Dr. Donald W. Webb, Illinois Natural History Survey (INHS) for making their specimens available for this study. Abbreviations for collections of the authors are: Richard W. Baumann (RWB) and University of Utah (UU). Special thanks are given to Dr. Joachim lilies and Dr. Peter Zwick of the Max-Planck Limnology Institute, Schlitz, Germany, for their help and the use of Institute facilities for the preparation of this manuscript. The Spanish abstract was translated by Luis Benedetto. The drawing of the complete adult male was done by Michael Miner, a graduate student at the University of Utah. This work was supported by FWPCA grant No. 1-F-2-WP-26, 393-01, NSF grant No. GB-7782 and a Sigma Xi grant-in-aid of research to the senior author. Amphinemura apache Baumann and Gaufin, new species Figures 2-5 Male.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 6.0-6.5 mm; length of body 4. 5-5. 5 mm. Body brown; legs yellowish brown, femora dark at tip, tibiae dark at base. Forewings dusky brown with 35-40 clear rounded spots in cells distributed regularly over surface; hindwings uniform dusky brown, except for 1-2 clear spots in costal space. Ninth abdominal tergite produced at pos- terior margin into blunt raised knob, bearing stout dark spinules. Subgenital plate rounded, broad at base, tapering gradually to narrow tip, extending to base of epiproct; lobe at base of 9th sternite four times as long as broad, lateral margins slightly sinuate, tip rounded. Paraprocts with three sclerotized proc- esses; inner process narrow, tip blunt, lying alongside and extending slightly beyond tip of subgenital plate; middle process with large broad base, tapering abruptly to narrow tip, bearing rows of 16-18 stout spines on anterior third; outer process long and very thin, bearing 2-4 stout spines at tip (Fig. 4). Epiproct large and mostly membranous; dorsal aspect rectangular, with deep narrow sclerotized slit at bilobed tip; lateral aspect narrow at base, becoming increasingly larger, ending in large bulbous tip, lateral sclerotized band very narrow, anterior half as dark line; ventral aspect with sclerotized plate, broad at base, lateral margins sinuate, tapering to narrow tip, bearing 2-4 rows of short stout spines (Figs. 2, 3a, 3b). Female.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 7.5 mm; length of body 6.0 mm. Body, appendages and wings similar to male. Seventh sternite very large and expanded, posterior margin extending over and completely covering 1972 AMPHINEMURA of Western North America 3 middle of 8th sternite, lateral corners formed into large swollen hornlike pro- jections (Fig. 5). Subgenital plate with median notch and lateral sinuate margins, posterior-lateral margins produced, with narrow sclerotized band. Types.™ HOLOTYPE $ and ALLOTYPE $ , Rucker Creek, above Rucker Lake, Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise Co., Arizona, USA, 18-VII-1968, R. W. Baumann (LACM). PARATYPES: ARIZONA, Cochise Co., same data as holotype, 6 $$ (UU) (RWB); Cave Creek, Herb Martyr Campground, Chiricahua Mountains, 18-VII-1968, R. W. Baumann, 1 $ (dissected from mature nymph) (RWB); Upper Cave Creek, Chiricahua Mountains, 17-VIII-1970, K. Clarke and D. Sail, 1 A , 1 9 (SWRS); Upper Cave Creek, below Cave Creek Falls, 23-VIII-1970, V. Roth, 5 $$, 3 2 2 (SWRS) (RWB). Amphinemura mogol Ionics Figure 1. Amphinemura mogollonica, n. sp., adult male. 4 Contributions in Science No. 226 Figures 2-5. Amphinemura apache, n. sp. 2. Epiproct, lateral view. 3a. Epiproct, left half, ventral view. 3b. Epiproct, right half, dorsal view. 4. Paraproct, ventral- lateral view. 5. Female terminalia, ventral view. Figures 6-9. Amphinemura banksi, n. sp. 6. Epiproct, lateral view. 7a. Epiproct, left half, ventral view. 7b. Epiproct, right half, dorsal view. 8. Paraproct, ventral- lateral view. 9. Female terminalia, ventral view. Figures 10-13. Amphinemura mexicana, n. sp. 10. Epiproct, lateral view. 11a. Epiproct, left half, ventral view. 1 lb. Epiproct, right half, dorsal view. 12. Paraproct, ventral-lateral view. 13. Female terminalia, ventral view. (Scale in mm). 1972 AMPH1NEMURA of Western North America 5 Distribution .—Amphinemura apache has been collected only in the Chiricahua Mountains of Southeastern Arizona. These mountains are known for their interesting endemic fauna and it is possible that this species is restricted to this area. The absence of extensive collections from the Amer- ican Southwest and Mexico, however, makes such an assumption questionable. Diagnosis. —The male of A. apache has an epiproct which is rectangular and narrow in dorsal view and enlarged apically in lateral view. It can be separated from the similar species. A. mexicana and A. venusta, by the broadly rounded apical portion of the epiproct as seen in lateral view. The apical por- tion is distinctly angular in A. mexicana and A. venusta and is produced into a downward directed process. The female can be distinguished by the greatly expanded seventh abdominal sternite which bears two hornlike processes at the posterior corners. The females of all other known species have a seventh sternite which is only slightly expanded with a broadly rounded posterior margin. Etymology.— The specific name “apache” is a noun in apposition. It was chosen because of the importance of the Chiricahua Mountains in the history of the Apache Indians. Amphinemura banksi Baumann and Gaufin, new species Figures 6-9, 23 Nemoura venusta, Needham and Claassen, 1925: 209 (not holotype), 363, figs. 5-8. Nemoura ( Amphinemura ) venusta, Ricker, 1952: 27 (in part). Nemoura ( Amphinemura ) venusta, Gaufin, Nebeker and Sessions, 1966: 34, 35, 37 (distribution); figs. 62, 63, 72. Amphinemura venusta, lilies, 1966: 189-190 (in part). Additional references: Nemoura venusta, Dodds and Hisaw, 1925: 382; Claassen, 1931: 124 (in part); Claassen, 1940: 66 (in part); Gaufin, 1955: 117 (in part); Ricker, 1959: 949 (in part); Gaufin 1964: 222 (in part); Baumann and Gaufin, 1971: 106 (in part). Male.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 5. 0-6.0 mm; length of body 5. 0-6.0 mm. Body brown; legs yellowish brown, femora dark at tip, tibiae dark at base. Forewings dusky brown with 20-25 clear rounded spots in cells beyond cord, cells between cord and base hyaline, veins brown; hindwings mostly hyaline, brown area in costal space beyond cord. Ninth abdominal tergite produced slightly at median-posterior margin, bearing fringe of small dark spinules. Subgenital plate with broad rounded base, tapering abruptly in anterior third, extending to base of epiproct, tip rounded; lobe at base of 9th sternite four times as long as broad, lateral margins parallel, tip rounded. Paraprocts with three sclerotized processes; inner process fairly broad, bluntly forked at tip, lying alongside and extending slightly beyond tip of subgenital plate; middle process with large broad base, apical portion narrow, tip located 6 Contributions in Science No. 226 on small membranous knob bearing 3-4 stout spines, anterior sclerotized por- tion with row of 4-5 stout spines; outer process short, base broad, tapering slightly from angular bend to bluntly rounded tip, bearing 3-5 stout apical spines (Fig. 8). Epiproct fairly large and mostly membranous; dorsal aspect as rounded triangle, rounded tip divided by deep narrow sclerotized slit; lateral aspect quite narrow, width constant throughout, tapering to pointed tip, lateral parallel sclerotized band narrow, dorsal margin of band at base even with ventral margin of epiproct; ventral aspect with narrow sclerotized plate, broad at base, tapering gradually to pointed tip, anterior half bearing triangular patch of short stout spines (Figs. 6, 7a, 7b). Female. —Macropterous. Length of forewings 6.5-7. 5 mm; length of body 6.0-7. 5 mm. Body appendages and wings similar to male. Seventh ster- nite large, posterior portion broadly rounded and lightly sclerotized, extend- ing over anterior half of 8th sternite. Subgenital plate with median notch and rounded lateral sclerotized knob-like projections on posterior margin (Fig. 9). Vagina with characteristic sclerotized pattern; dorsal aspect almost square, base slightly broader, lateral-basal corners as lightly sclerotized tri- angles covering elongate darkly sclerotized areas, apex composed of two blunt projections which meet at junction of seminal receptacles, projections ending in blunt tips (Fig. 23). Types.— HOLOTYPE $ and ALLOTYPE 9, Hidden Valley Creek, Rocky Mountain National Park, Larimer Co., Colorado, USA, 5-VIII-1953, A. R. Gaufin (LACM). PARATYPES: ARIZONA, Apache Co., Lukachukai Creek, Wagon Wheel Campground, 7-VIII-1969, R. W. Baumann, 4 3$, 6 9 9 (RWB). COLORADO, (Rocky Mountain National Park) : Grand Co., Onahu Creek, Hwy. 34, 24-VIII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 13,19 (UU). Larimer Co., Cub Creek, beaver dams, 25-VII-1938, H. H. & J. A. Ross, 1 $ (INHS); Glacier Creek, 17-VIII-1940, T. H. Frison & T. H. Frison, Jr., 1 $ (INHS); same data as holotype, 10^^,16 9 9 (UU) (RWB); Hidden Valley Creek, 24-VII-1960, A. R. Gaufin, 1 $ (UU); Fall River, Hwy. 34, 24-VII-1960, A. R. Gaufin, 1 $ ; 24-VIII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 1 $ (UU); creek, Hwy. 34, near Hidden Valley, 24-VIII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 4 $ 3, 3 9 9 (RWB); Big Thompson River, Moraine Park, 24-VIII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 1 3,2 9 9 (UU); Mill Creek, near Glacier Basin, 24-VIII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 29 $ (UU): Glacier Creek, near Bear Lake, 24-VIII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 1 9 (UU). UTAH, San Juan Co., Pack Creek, Pack Creek Campground, 8-VIII-1969, R. W. Baumann, 4 $ 3,4 9 9 (RWB). WYOM- ING, Uinta Co., small creek 2 miles east of Bridger, 21-VII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 60 $ $, 19 9 9 (RWB). Additional specimens.— COLORADO, numerous specimens were exam- ined from the following counties: Boulder, Chaffee, El Paso, Gilpin, Grand, Jackson, Larimer, Las Animas, Mineral, Rio Blanco, Routt, Summit and Teller [(MCZ) (USNM) (CU) (UU) (RWB) (INHS) (WER) (CAS).] IDAHO, Clark Co., 2.5 miles northwest of Kilgore, 15-VII-1956, W. F. Barr, 1972 AMPHINEMURA of Western North America 7 6 $ 8, 15 $ $ (UI). MONTANA, Gallatin Co Hyalite Creek, 9-VIII-1951, R. Hays and C. I. D, Brown, 1 2 (MSU); West Gallatin River, 9- VIII- 195 1, R. Hays and C. I. D, Brown, 1 $ (MSU); Beck and Border Canal, 17-VIII- 1951, I. Spindler and W. D. Clothier, 8 $ 8, 6 $ $ (MSU); Allison-Lewis Ditch, 12- IX- 1951, J. Spindler and W, D. Clothier, 8 8 8, 1 $ (MSU). Glacier Co Kennedy Creek, 4 miles north of Babb, 13-VII-1963, A. R. Gau- fin, 1 9 (UU). Judith Basin Co., Martin Creek, 10 miles above Geyser, 7-VII-1966, I. R. Grierson, 1 8 (UU). SOUTH DAKOTA, Lawrence Co., Roughlock Falls, near Savoy, Black Hills, 21 -VIII- 1954, M. W. Sanderson, 1 8, 3 2 2 (INKS). UTAH, records checked from the following counties: Cache, Daggett, Duchesne, San Juan, Summit, Uintah, Utah and Wasatch i’(WHR) (INHS) (UU) (RWB) (USU) (CAS).] WYOMING, numerous specimens from the following counties: Albany, Fremont, Johnson, Lincoln, Park, Sublette, Teton and Uinta [(LACM) (WER) (UU) (CAS) (USNM) (MSU) (INHS) (UCD).] Distribution.— yi mphinemura banks i has been recorded from Northern Montana to Northern Arizona and from Idaho to Colorado. Further collecting will probably confirm the presence of this species in Northern New Mexico. A sister species, A. mogollonica, is present in Arizona, New Mexico and Southwestern Utah but without an overlap in distributional area. Diagnosis.— Amphinemura banksi is very similar to A. mogollonica. The males can be separated by the shorter and broader outer lobe of the paraprocts. The lateral projections of the female subgenital plate are simple and broadly rounded in A. banksi where they are bilobed and narrowly rounded in A. mogollonica. The female of A. puebla is also similar but can be distinguished by the presence of a dark triangular patch over the genital opening. Remarks.— Needham and Claassen ( 1925) in their Plecoptera monograph gave descriptions and drawings of a male and female under the name Nemoura venusta Banks. They included collection records from Colorado, from which the descriptions and drawings were probably made. These drawings and descriptions did not agree when compared with the type female of N. venusta at the Harvard Museum of Comparative Zoology. This left the species figured without a name. Etymology .—Amphinemura banksi was chosen in honor of the late Dr. Nathan Banks, who contributed greatly to the knowledge of the neuropteroid insects of Western North America. Amphinemura mexicana Baumann, new species Figures 10-13 Male.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 6.5-7. 5 mm; length of body 4. 5-6.0 mm. Body brown; legs yellowish brown, femora with 3 dark dorsal stripes, median stripe short, lateral stripes extending length of femur; tibiae dark at base; tarsi blackish. Forewings dark brown with 40-45 clear rounded spots in cells distributed regularly over surface; hindwings uniform dusky 8 Contributions in Science No. 226 brown, except for 1-2 clear spots in costal space. Ninth abdominal tergite produced slightly at median-posterior margin, bearing a fringe of small dark spinules. Subgenital plate with broad oval base, tapering abruptly in anterior third, extending to base of epiproct, tip broadly rounded; lobe at base of 9th sternite four times as long as broad, lateral margins parallel, tip rounded. Paraprocts with three sclerotized processes; inner process fairly broad, forked at tip, inner prong longer than outer, lying alongside and extending beyond tip of subgenital plate; middle process with large broad base, tapering to long narrow anterior portion, tip situated on small membranous knob bearing 1-2 sharp spines, anterior sclerotized portion with 5-7 stout spines; outer process long and narrow, anterior portion located on broad membranous knob, dorsal aspect of apex bearing rows of 13-17 stout spines (Fig. 12). Epiproct large and mostly membranous; dorsal aspect rectangular, with V-shaped notch at bilobed tip, lobes covered with very small spinules, M-shaped sclerotized internal structure visible directly behind apex; lateral aspect narrow at base and greatly enlarged in anterior two-thirds; greatest width near middle, tip bluntly pointed, lateral sclerotized band narrow, widest at base and apex; ventral aspect with narrow sclerotized median portion, base broad, tapering toward apex, with enlargements near middle and slightly behind tip, bearing large patch of stout spines on anterior two-thirds (Figs. 10, 11a, lib). Female.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 8. 0-9.0 mm; length of body 6.0-7. 5 mm. Body, appendages and wings similar to male. Seventh ster- nite large, lightly sclerotized, posterior portion broadly rounded, extending over anterior half of eighth sternite. Subgenital plate with median notch, lateral posterior margins with two sclerotized knoblike lobes, both lobes equal in size (Fig. 13). Types.— HOLOTYPE $ and ALLOTYPE $ , La Marquesa, Las Cruces National Park, Mexico, MEXICO, 5 to 9-VII-1965, Flint and Ortiz (USNM). PARATYPES: FEDERAL DISTRICT, Desierto de los Leones National Park, 30-VII-1939, 1 $ (SGJ); III to V-1965, N. L. H. Krauss, 1 $ ; X-1965, 1 8, 1 $ (USNM). MEXICO, same data as holotype, 6 $ 8, 10 $ $ (USNM); La Marquesa, Las Cruces National Park, 13-VII-1966, Flint and Ortiz, 5 8$, 3 9 $ (USNM) (RWB). MORELOS, Laguanas de Zempoala National Park, 18-VIII-1939, 1 $ (SGJ); 10 & ll-VII-1965, Flint and Ortiz, 2^,2$$ (USNM). Additional specimens.— MICHOACAN, Tuxpan, 8-VII-1965, 6 8 $, 4 $ $ (ENAM). MORELOS, Xochitepec, 14-VII-1965, 1 8,1 9 (ENAM). Distribution.— Amphinemura mexicana is known only from the moun- tains of Southern Mexico in the vicinity of Mexico City. The known range of this species will probably be greatly expanded with intensive collecting throughout Mexico. Based on present records, this species is the most com- mon Amphinemura present in Mexico. Diagnosis.— This species is most similar to A. venucta. The epiproct of the A. mexicana male has a large angular ventral projection. The ventral proc- 1972 AMPHINEMURA of Western North America 9 ess of the epiproct is narrow and pointed in A. venusta. Females can be sepa- rated by the shape of the sclerotized knobs on the lateral corners of the subgenital plate. In A. mexicana, the knobs are equal in size and rounded, while in A. venusta the inner lobe is large and broadly rounded and the outer lobe is long and narrow. Etymology.— The name is derived from Mexico where all specimens have been collected. Amphinemura mogollonica Baumann and Gaufin, new species Figures 1, 14-17, 24 Nemoura venusta, Ricker, 1952: 27 (in part); Ricker 1952: 949 (in part); Gaufin, 1964: 22 (in part); Gaufin, Nebeker and Sessions, 1966: 35 (in part). Amphinemura venusta , lilies, 1966: 189-190 (in part). Male.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 6.0-7. 0 mm; length of body 5. 5-6. 5 mm. Body brown; legs yellowish brown, femora dark at tip, tibiae dark at base. Forewings dusky brown with 30-35 clear rounded spots in cells distributed regularly over entire surface; hindwings uniform dusky brown except for 1-2 clear spots in the costal space (Fig. 1). Ninth abdominal tergite produced slightly at median-posterior margin, bearing narrow patch of small dark spinules. Subgenital plate with broad rounded base, tapering abruptly in anterior third, extending to base of epiproct, tip rounded; lobe at base of 9th sternite four times as long as broad, lateral margins slightly sinuate, tip rounded. Paraprocts with three sclerotized processes; inner process fairly broad, bluntly forked at tip, lying alongside and extending beyond tip of sub- genital plate; middle process with large base, apical portion narrow, tip located on small membranous knob bearing 2-4 sharp spines, anterior sclero- tized portion with row of 4-5 stout spines; outer process long, base broad, tapering to narrow anterior portion, tip small and rounded, bearing 2-3 stout apical spines (Fig. 16). Epiproct fairly large and mostly membranous; dorsal aspect as rounded triangle, rounded tip divided by deep narrow sclerotized slit; lateral aspect quite narrow, width constant throughout, tapering to pointed tip, lateral parallel sclerotized band broad at base, dorsal margin of band at base even with dorsal margin of epiproct; ventral aspect with narrow sclerotized plate, broad at base, tapering gradually to pointed tip, anterior two-thirds bearing triangular patch of short stout spines (Figs. 14, 15a, 15b). Female.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 7. 5-8. 5 mm; length of body 6. 0-8.0 mm. Body, appendages and wings similar to male. Seventh sternite large, posterior portion broadly rounded and lightly sclerotized, extending over anterior half of 8th sternite. Subgenital plate with median notch and bilobed lateral sclerotized projections on posterior margin (Fig. 17). Vagina with characteristic sclerotized pattern; dorsal aspect with broad base and broadly rounded apex, lateral-basal corners as lightly sclerotized triangles 10 Contributions in Science No. 226 partially covering elongate darkly sclerotized areas, apex with two broad projections, tips rounded above and pointed below, meeting at junction of seminal receptacles (Fig. 24). Types.— HOLOTYPE 8 and ALLOTYPE 9 , Christopher Creek, Hwy. 160, Christopher Creek, Gila Co., Arizona, USA, 19-VII-1968, R. W. Bau- mann (LACM). PARATYPES: ARIZONA, Apache Co., Hall Creek, Hwy. 373, near Greer, 19-VII-1968, R. W. Baumann, 3 ^ (RWB). Cochise Co., stream lA mile below Rustler Park spring, Chiricahua Mountains, 27-VIII- 1969, R. & D. Koss 1 8 (RWB). Gila Co., same data as holotype, 21 $ $ , 7 $ $ (UU) (RWB). Graham Co., Wet Canyon Campground, Graham Mountains, 13-IX-1952, B. Malkin, 1 $ (CAS); Shannon Campground, Gra- ham Mountains, 13-IX-1952, B. Malkin, 2 8 8 , 1 $ (CAS). UTAH, Beaver Co., Birch Creek, below Birch Creek Lake, Kents Lake road, 4-VIII-1969, R. W. Baumann, 13,19 (RWB). Emery Co., Joes Valley, 6-IX-1945, G. F. Knowlton, 2 $ $ (WER). Sanpete Co., Ephraim Canyon summit, 6-XX-1945, G. F. Knowlton, 2 8 8, 3 $ $ (WER). Sevier Co., Fish Lake, 2-IX-1930, 18 (INHS); Seven Mile Creek, above Johnson Valley Reservoir, 24-VIXI- 1962, R. F. Gaufin, 2 $ $ (UU). Washington Co., North Fork Virgin River, Watchman Campground, Zion National Park, 30-VII-1967, R. W. Baumann, 1 $ (RWB). Additional specimens.— ARIZONA, Apache Co., 3.8 miles southeast of Nutrioso, 17-V-1964, S. G. Jewett, Jr., 1 8,299 (dried) (SGJ); Rosey Creek, Hwy. 373, near Greer, 7-IV-1968, R. W. Baumann, 2 9 9 (dried) (RWB); 19-V-1970, R. W. Baumann, 1 8,2 9 9 (dried) (RWB). NEW MEXICO, Grant Co., Pinos Altos, Pinos Altos Mountains, 28-VIII-1951, E. L. Kessel, 1 $ (CAS). Distribution.— Amphinemura mogollonica is the most common Arnphine- mura species in Arizona. It has also been recorded from the Southwestern parts of New Mexico and Utah. Diagnosis.— This species is similar to A. banksi but can be distinguished by the shape of the male paraprocts and the projections on the female sub- genital plate. The outer lobe of the paraproct is long and thin in A. mogollonica Figures 14-17. Amphinemura mogollonica, n. sp. 14. Epiproct, lateral view. 15a. Epiproct, left half, ventral view. 15b. Epiproct, right half, dorsal view. 16. Paraproct, ventral-lateral view. 17. Female terminalia, ventral view. Figures 18-21. Amphinemura venusta (Banks). 18. Epiproct, lateral view. 19a. Epiproct, left half, ventral view. 19b. Epiproct, right half, dorsal view. 20. Paraproct, ventral-lateral view. 21. Female terminalia, ventral view. Figure 22. Amphinemura puebla, n. sp., Female terminalia, ventral view. Figure 23. Amphinemura banksi, n. sp.. Vagina, dorsal view. Figure 24. Amphinemura mogollonica, n. sp., Vagina, dorsal view. Figure 25. Amphinemura puebla, n. sp., Vagina, dorsal view. (Scale in mm). 1972 AMPHINEMURA of Western North America 11 and short and blunt in A. banksi. The A. mogollonica female has bilobed projections and the A. banksi female has single lobed projections. Some vari- ation exists in the size of the outer lobe in A. mogollonica but usually both lobes are of similar size. Etymology.— The name “mogollonica” is taken from the Mogollon Rim of Arizona. 12 Contributions in Science No. 226 Amphinemura puebla Baumann, new species Figures 22, 25 Male.— Unknown. Female.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 7. 0-8. 5 mm; length of body 6. 0-6. 5 mm. Body brown; legs yellowish brown, femora dark at tip, tibiae dark at base and tip, tarsi dark. Forewings dusky brown, with 25-30 clear rounded spots in cells distributed regularly over surface; hindwings uniform dusky brown. Seventh sternite large, posterior portion rounded and lightly sclerotized, extending over anterior half of 8th sternite. Subgenital plate with deep median notch and blunt lateral sclerotized projections on posterior margin (Fig. 22). Eighth sternite with elongate triangular sclerotized patch over genital opening. Vagina with characteristic sclerotized pattern; dorsal aspect short and wide, base broad, apex very broadly rounded, lateral basal corners as small sclerotized triangles covering elongate oval darkly sclerotized areas, apex with two narrow projections, tips rounded, meeting at junction of seminal receptacles (Fig. 25). Types.— HOLOTYPE 9, 5.2 miles west of Acultzingo (Veracruz), Pue- bla, MEXICO, 6-VII-1962, J. M. Campbell (INHS). PARATYPES: PUE- BLA, same data as holotype, 2 9 9 (INHS) (RWB). Distribution.— Amphinemura puebla is known only from the three type females from Puebla, Mexico. Diagnosis.— This species is similar in the female to A. banksi and A. mogollonica. The shape of the lobes of the subgenital plate is somewhat more angular in A. puebla but falls within the range of variation found in the above species. The vagina is, however, quite distinctive and can be recognized by the ratio of width to length. In A. puebla, the width is nearly twice the length while in A. banksi and A. mogollonica the width and length are about equal. The prolonged lobes which meet at the junction of the seminal receptacles are narrow and of equal length throughout in A. puebla while in A. banksi and A. mogollonica they are enlarged apically. Etymology.— The name “puebla” is taken from the Mexican state where the types were collected. Amphinemura venusta (Banks) Figures 18-21 Nemoura venusta Banks, 1911: 337. Nemoura venusta, Needham and Claassen, 1925: 209 (holotype only). Nemoura ( Amphinemura ) venusta, Ricker, 1952: 27 (in part). Amphinemura venusta, lilies, 1966: 189-190 (in part). Additional references: Nemoura venusta : Claassen, 1940: 66 (in part); Ricker, 1963: 949 (in part); Ricker, 1950: 205; Gaufin, 1964: 222 (in part). 1972 AMPH1NEMURA of Western North America 13 Male.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 6.5-7. 0 mm; length of body 5.0-5. 5 mm. Body brown; legs yellowish brown, femora dark at tip, tibiae dark at base and tip, tarsi black. Forewings deep brown, with 35-40 clear rounded spots in cells distributed regularly over surface; hindwings uniform dusky brown, except for 1-2 clear areas in costal space. Ninth abdominal tergite produced slightly at median-posterior margin, bearing sparse fringe of small dark hairs, lateral-posterior margins with 2-3 long black hairs. Sub- genital plate with broad oval base, tapering abruptly in anterior third, extend- ing nearly to base of epiproct, tip broadly rounded; lobe at base of 9th sternite four times as long as broad, lateral margins parallel, tip rounded. Paraprocts with three sclerotized processes; inner process fairly broad, with slight inden- tation at blunt tip, lying alongside and extending beyond tip of subgenital plate; middle process broad at base, tapering abruptly to narrow median portion, tip forked and situated on large membranous bulbous lobe bearing 3-7 sharp spines, anterior sclerotized portion with row of 12-15 stout spines; outer process fairly long, broad at base, tapering slightly towards apex, with 6- 9 stout spines on blunt tip (Fig. 20). Epiproct large and mostly membra- nous; dorsal aspect rectangular, deep sclerotized slit at bilobed tip, lobes bearing few very small dark spinules; lateral aspect narrow at base, tapering abruptly to slanted angular apex, with large median-ventral projection, lateral sclerotized band broad at base and tip, narrow medially; ventral aspect with narrow sclerotized portion, base broad, tapering towards apex, slight enlarge- ment at anterior third, enlarged area bearing patch of short stout spines (Figs. 18, 19a, 19b). Female.— Macropterous. Length of forewings 7. 5-9.0 mm; length of body 6. 0-8.0 mm. Body appendages and wings similar to male. Seventh sternite fairly large, lightly sclerotized, broadly rounded and extending over half of 8th sternite. Subgenital plate with deep median notch, two lateral knoblike projections on posterior margins, inner projections large and broadly rounded, outer projections long and very narrow (Fig. 21). Types.— HOLOTYPE $ , Huachuca Mountains, Cochise or Santa Cruz Co., Arizona, USA, Oslar (MCZ, #11357). ALLOTYPE $, La Marquesa, Las Cruces National Park, Mexico, MEXICO, 5 to 9-VII-1965, Flint and Ortiz (USNM). Additional specimens.— FEDERAL DISTRICT, St. Rosa Nr., 24-1-1932, A. Dampf, 1 $ (INHS); Canada Contraras, 14-VI-1947, T. H. Hubbell, 1 8, 1 $ (WER). MEXICO, La Marquesa, Las Cruces National Park, 5 to 9-VII-1965, Flint and Ortiz, 1 4, 2 $ $ (USNM). MICHOACAN, Tuxpan, 7- VIII-1965, 2 $ $ (ENAM). Distribution.— Amphinemura venusta is known from the United States by a single record from Southern Arizona (type). The species is recorded from three Mexican states in the vicinity of Mexico City. The distribution patterns of Trichoptera species (Flint, 1967) indicate that further collec- tions in Northern Mexico should fill this distribution gap. 14 Contributions in Science No. 226 Diagnosis.— The males of this species are easily recognized by the details of the epiproct and the distinctive bulbous paraprocts. The epiproct of the most similar species, A. mexicana, has a wide angular ventral projection while the epiproct of A. venusta is narrow and pointed. Amphinemura venusta is the only species in this complex which has large membranous enlargements at the tip of the middle lobe of the paraprocts. The females are similar to A. mexi- cana but can be distinguished by the thin outer lobes on the median-posterior margins of the subgenital plate. These lobes are short and broad in A. mexicana. Remarks.— Amphinemura venusta was named by Nathan Banks from a single pinned female. The apparent lack of close examination of the type by Needham and Claassen and the very general key character by Ricker (1952) led to the consideration of all specimens of Amphinemura from Western North America with “windowed” wings under this name. Key to Species Males ( puebla unknown) 1. Dorsal aspect of epiproct with broad base and narrow apex; lateral aspect of epiproct of equal width throughout length; paraprocts bearing 14 or less spines 2 Dorsal aspect of epiproct with broad base and apex; lateral aspect of epiproct with narrow base and enlarged apex; paraprocts with 18 or more spines 3 2. Outer sclerotized process of paraprocts short, broad and blunt at tip (Fig. 8) banksi Outer sclerotized process of paraprocts long, narrow and pointed at tip (Fig. 16) mogollonica 3. Lateral aspect of epiproct broadly rounded at apex, without definite ventral projection (Fig. 2). apache Lateral aspect of epiproct angular at apex, with definite ventral projection. 4 4. Ventral projection at apex of epiproct narrow and pointed; middle sclero- tized process of paraprocts located on large bulbous membranous lobe, outer sclerotized process broad with large tip (Figs. 18, 20) .... venusta Ventral projection at apex of epiproct broad and angular; middle sclero- tized process of paraprocts located on small narrow membranous lobe, outer sclerotized process narrow with small tip (Figs. 10, 12). . . . mexicana Females 1. Produced portion of 7th abdominal sternite bluntly forked completely covering 8th sternite (Fig. 5) apache Produced portion of 7th abdominal sternite broadly rounded, partially covering 8th sternite 2 1972 A M PH IN EM URA of Western North America 15 2. Posterior-lateral margin of subgenital plate with one sclerotized projection on each side (bilobed in mogollonica) 3 Posterior-lateral margins of subgenital plate with two sclerotized projections on each side 5 3. Projections on subgenital plate with bilobed tip, lobes of about equal size (Fig. 17) mogollonica Projections on subgenital plate rounded or slightly angular, sometimes with small lateral extensions 4 4. Vagina rectangular with broad base, lateral triangles small and dark, ante- rior projections narrow and rounded at tip; triangular sclerotized patch on 8th sternite over genital opening; projections on subgenital plate angular (Figs. 22, 25) puebla Vagina square with broad base and apex, lateral triangles large and light, anterior projections wide and blunt at tip; sclerotized patch absent from 8th sternite; projections on subgenital plate rounded (Figs. 9, 23). banksi 5. Outer subgenital plate projections equal in size or slightly smaller than inner projections (Fig. 13) mexicana Outer subgenital plate projections very narrow, inner projections large (Fig. 21) venusta Resumen El complejo Amphinemura venusta del oeste norteamericano muestra contener seis especies conocidas de las cuales solo una fue previamente identi- ficada. La comparacion del holotipo hembra de Amphinemura venusta (Banks) con los ejemplares disponibles lleva a la rediagnosis de esta especie en Mexico, siendo la localidad tipica en la parte sur de Arizona el limite boreal de su distribution. Se describen dos especies A. mexicana y A. puebla de las cercanias de la ciudad de Mexico. Los especimenes de las Rocalloses llamados A. venusta (Banks) como resultado de la monografia de Needham y Claassen ( 1925) son llamados A. banksi. Dos especies llamadas A. apache y A. mogol- lonica provienen del Sudoeste de los Estados Unidos. Las especies del complejo estan aparentemente restringidas a corrientes permanentes de agua. En los Estados Unidos, el periodo de vuelo es corto, extendiendose desde julio a septiembre. Los datos disponibles sobre especies mexicanas indican que el periodo de emergencia es prolongado y puede exten- derse durante todo el ano. Literature Cited Banks, N. 1911. New species of North American Neuropteroid Insects. Trans. Amer. Entomol. Soc. 37:335-360. Baumann, R. W. 1970. The Genus Nemoura (Plecoptera) of the Rocky Mountains. Ph. D. Thesis. Univ. Utah. 192 p. Univ. Microfilms. Ann Arbor, Mich. (Diss. Abstr. 3L3068-B). 16 Contributions in Science No. 226 Baumann, R. W., and A. R. Gaufin. 1971. The Stoneflies (Plecoptera) of the Wasatch Mountains, Utah. Proc. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. 46:106-113 (1969). Claassen, P. W. 1931. Plecoptera Nymphs of America (North of Mexico). Thomas Say Found. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 3. 199 p. 1940. A Catalogue of the Plecoptera of the World. Mem. Cornell Agr. Exp. Sta. 232. 235 p. Dodds, G. S. and F. L. Hisaw. 1925. Ecological Studies on Aquatic Insects, IV. Altitudinal Range and Zonation of Mayflies, Stoneflies and Caddisflies in the Colorado Rockies. Ecology 6:380-390. Flint, O. S,, Jr. 1967. Studies of Neotropical Caddis Flies, VI: On a collection from Northwestern Mexico. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash. 69:162-176. Gaufin, A. R. 1955. The Stoneflies of Utah (Checklist). Proc. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. 32:117-120. 1964. Systemic List of Plecoptera of Intermountain Region. Proc. Utah Acad. Sci., Arts and Lett. 41:221-227. Gaufin, A. R., A. V. Nebeker and J. Sessions. 1966. The Stoneflies of Utah. Univ. Utah Publ. Sci. Ser. 14. 93 p. Illies, J. 1965. Phylogeny and Zoogeography of the Plecoptera. Ann. Rev. Entomol. 10:117-140. 1966. Katalog der rezenten Plecoptera. Das Tierreich, 82. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin. 632 p. Needham, J. G. and P. W. Claassen. 1925. A Monograph of the Plecoptera of America North of Mexico. Thomas Say Found. Entomol. Soc. Amer. 2. 397 p. Ricker, W. E. 1950. Some Evolutionary Trends in Plecoptera. Proc. Ind. Acad. Sci. 59:197-209. 1952. Systematic Studies in Plecoptera. Ind. Univ. Publ. Sci. Ser. 18. 200 p. 1959. Plecoptera, p. 941-957. In W. T. Edmundson (ed.) Freshwater Biology. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Accepted for publication January 14, 1972 NUMBER 227 APRIL 12, 1972 KARYOTYPIC VARIATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE LIZARDS IN THE FAMILY XANTUSIIDAE By Robert L. Bezy CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCICNCC 8 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— ( 1 ) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor KARYOTYPIC VARIATION AND EVOLUTION OF THE LIZARDS IN THE FAMILY XANTUSIIDAE By Robert L. Bezy1 Abstract: Diploid chromosome numbers of ten species of the family Xantusiidae range from 36 to 40 with 16 to 18 macro- chromosomes, 18 to 22 microchromosomes, and 50 to 58 chromosome arms. Seven pericentric inversions, the loss of two pairs of microchromosomes, two centric fusions, and the forma- tion of satellites on one pair of chromosomes explain the varia- tion observed. Intraspecific karyotypic variation occurs in Xan- tusia vigilis and Xantusia henshawi. Chromosomal differences suggest that Lepidophyma smithi and Lepidophyma occulor are specifically distinct. Chromosomal similarities are consistent with the inclusion of ( 1 ) Klauberina riversiana in the genus Xantusia, and (2) Gaigeia gaigeae in the genus Lepidophyma. Of the sev- eral groups of lizards that have been considered related to xan- tusiids, the microteiids have the most similar karyotypes. At pres- ent, there is no evidence to indicate that hybridization preceded the evolution of unisexuality in Lepidophyma flavimaculatum from Panama and Costa Rica, in that (1) the karyotype is primarily diploid and homomorphic; and (2) there are no plausi- ble parental species known to occur in the area. INTRODUCTION In Camp’s (1923) monumental classification of lizards, the species of the family Xantusiidae bridged the morphological gap between the two divi- sions (Ascalabota and Autarchoglossa) of the suborder Sauria, a systematic dilemma which he resolved by arbitrarily depositing them in the Autarcho- glossa. Subsequent workers have also found this morphologically ambivalent family annoying and have shifted it between these divisions. In actuality, these lizards may well be relicts of the departure point of the two major lines of saurian evolution and thus might reasonably be placed in a third division, a taxonomic honor which many systematists might be hesitant to bestow on this small family. Not only have xantusiid lizards been troublesome to students of “higher classification,” but those unforutnate taxonomists who have been lured into extensive studies of the systematics of the family have suffered greater torments. Within this handful of species there occurs nearly every conceivable degree of morphological divergence. Many problems are encoun- tered by a systematist attempting to define subspecies, species, and genera in 1 Associate Curator of Herpetology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 227 this small family because the morphological differences between populations do not tend to fall into discrete sizes that can be easily assigned rank. In par- titioning this array of only about 14 species into genera, one must steer between the Scylla of monotypic genera and the Charybdis of a monotypic family. Cope (1895) recognized five Recent genera, all of which were mono- typic except Xantusia , and one of which ( Amoebopsis gilberti) contained what is currently recognized as only a subspecies ( Xantusia vigilis gilberti ). Savage (1963) recognized four Recent genera of which two ( Xantusia and Lepidophyma) were polytypic and two ( Cricosaura and Klauberina ) were monotypic. In this study, these lizards are treated as two groups: Xantusia (inclusive of Klauberina ) and Lepidophyma (inclusive of Gaigeia)\ Crico- saura typica has not yet been studied karyotypically. Xantusiids have extremely disjunct distributions, a characteristic gen- erally attributed to primitive, receding groups. Ranges of most of the species are extremely fragmented and populations are often isolated by hundreds of miles. Particularly spectacular examples are the occurrence of Xantusia vigilis and Xantusia henshawi in Durango, Mexico, ca. 400 to 800 air-line miles southeast of the nearest known populations of these species (Webb, 1965, 1970) and the insular isolation of Xantusia riversiana and Cricosaura typica. The occurrence of the Eocene fossil, Paleoxantusia fera (Hecht, 1956), in Wyoming, ca. 300 miles north of the present northern limit of the family, adds a time dimension to the receding of xantusiids. Sympatric contacts have been reported for only two pairs of currently recognized species in the family Xantusiidae: Xantusia henshawi and X. vigilis in southern California (Klauber, 1931) and Durango, Mexico (Webb, 1970) and Lepidophyma tuxtlae and L. pajapanensis in southern Veracruz (Werler, 1957). When the lack of sympatry in this family is combined with extreme variability in morphological divergence at the population level, the task of defining evolutionarily meaningful (or even morphologically con- sistent) species becomes difficult (Bezy, 1967b). Further, strong selective pressure for saxicolous adaptations in highly isolated populations of xantu- siids has led to morphological convergence at the subspecies level ( Xantusia vigilis arizonae and X. v. sierrae, Bezy, 1967a, b), at the species level ( Xan- tusia vigilis arizonae and X. henshawi, Klauber, 1931 ), and at the near-generic level ( Xantusia and Gaigeia, Smith, 1939). This analysis of karyotypic variation has been undertaken in the hope of finding new data to help establish meaningful phylogenetic relationships in this small but puzzling family. Karyotypes of ten species of xantusiids are reported and discussed herein: Xantusia henshawi Stejneger, X. vigilis Baird, X. riversiana Cope, Lepidophyma flavimaculatum A. Dumeril, L. gaigeae Mosauer, L. micropholis Walker, L. occulor Smith, L. pajapanensis Werler, L. smithi Bocourt, and L. tuxtlae Werler and Shannon. The biogeographical, morphological, and karyotypic information indicates that these are all valid species as will be discussed in a separate paper on the systematics of the genus 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 3 Lepidophyma. Karyotypic data are not yet available for five rare forms of uncertain status: Cricosaura typica Gundlach and Peters, Lepidophyma don- tomasi (Smith), L. radula (Smith), L. sylvaticum Taylor, and an undescribed species of Lepidophyma from Guatemala. I wish to emphasize that the karyotype data can be meaningfully inter- preted only by comparison with information from other sources, that is, by the process which Hennig (1966) dignified with the term “reciprocal illu- mination.” I consider the comparison of patterns emerging from data of radically different sources to be a vital step in the establishment of meaning- ful phylogenetic relationships, and do not accept Sokal and Sneath’s (1963) view that this is merely circular reasoning. Convergence, for example, can occur in morphology and in karyotypes, but, because of the radically different factors governing morphological and karyotypic evolution, the probability is quite low that convergence between two taxa will occur in both parameters. For these reasons data on morphological variation are discussed in this paper where the major focus is on karyotypic evolution. Moreover, the phylogenetic relationships suggested herein are based not only on an appraisal of data from both of these sources, but also on biogeographical and ecological field impressions. MATERIALS AND METHODS Chromosomes of cells from bone marrow, spleen, and testicular tissue were prepared in vivo by Patton’s (1967) modification of the colchicine- hypotonic citrate technique of Ford and Hamerton (1956) as has been adapted for lizards by Lowe and Wright (1966) and by Lowe, Wright, and Cole (1966). The karyotype of Lepidophyma flavimaculatum was also deter- mined in vitro from lung tissue culture by Dr. T. C. Hsu of the M. D. Ander- son Hospital and Tumor Institute of Houston. Good karyotype preparations were especially difficult to obtain from xantusiid lizards due, in part, to an unusually low level of mitotic activity in the bone marrow. By increasing the stressing of the peripheral circulatory system, mitotic activity was increased; unfortunately, this also increased the mortality among the lizards. The limbs of Xantusia vigilis and Lepidophyma gaigeae are quite small, and the bone marrow is consequently difficult to “flush out.” Pooling of the bone marrow from several individuals was neces- sary to obtain the somatic karyotype of L. gaigeae , while the karyotype of populations of X. vigilis was derived primarily from study of testicular tissue. Whenever possible, a minimum of at least ten cells was studied from each specimen “run.” For each cell, the permanent slide number, the cell coordinates, the diploid chromosome number (2 n), the number of macro- chromosomes (macros) and microchromosomes (micros), the occurrence of secondary constrictions, and the numbers and relative sizes of metacentric (M), submetacentric (SM), sub telocentric (ST) and telocentric (T) macro- 4 Contributions in Science No. 227 chromosomes were recorded. The karyotype of the specimen was then deter- mined on a modal basis. For the family Xantusiidae the following classification of chromosomes was found to be the most useful and was employed throughout the study: metacentric S/L (= ratio of short to long arm of chromosome), 0.76-1.00; submetacentric S/L, 0.51-0.75; subtelocentric S/L, 0.01-0.50; and telocen- tric S/L, 0.00. Both pairing and classifying the chromosomes, however, was done “by eye” rather than by actual measurement. In counting chromosome arms (CA), metacentric to subtelocentric macrochromosomes were consid- ered bi-armed, while telocentric macrochromosomes were considered uni- armed. Because I could not consistently distinguish their centromere positions, all microchromosomes were considered uni-armed. KARYOTYPE DESCRIPTIONS Xantusia vigilis. Study of 525 cells from 30 individuals (29$ , 1 $ ) repre- senting eleven populations (including X. v. arizonae, X. v. extorris , X. v. sierrae , and X. v. vigilis ) indicates that the 2 n of this species is 40, with 18 macros and 22 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 1). The macro pairs were num- bered from largest to smallest (Fig. 1); the micro pairs were not numbered as their small size precluded recognition of individual pairs. Pair 1 is by far II 0 II l! II II U tl 23 456789 10-20 11 li 11 l» 11 •« 4 5 B 10-20 Figure 1. Karyotypes of Xantusia vigilis. A. Karyotype UAZ 24216, $ , 1 1.3 mi (by Hwy 93) SE Burro Creek, 3200 ft, Yavapai Co., Arizona. Line represents 10 ti. B. Karyotype /3; UAZ 24861, $ , vie. Yamell, 4750 ft, Yavapai Co., Arizona. 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 5 the largest in the complement and is metacentric to submetacentric. Pair 2 is about half the size of pair 1 and is consistently metacentric. Pair 3 is only very slightly smaller than pair 2 and is consistently subtelocentric. On the basis of size and centromere position these first three pairs are always clearly distinguishable from one another and are distinctly larger than the remaining six pairs. Pairs 4 and 5 are larger and more distinctly bi-armed than the last four pairs (6-9). Pair 4 is subtelocentric and pair 5 is submetacentric. Pairs 6, 7 and 8 are nearly identical in size and are subtelocentric; the largest (6), however, has only minute short-arms and thus occasionally appears telocentric. If II VI li li la ** i* 1 2 3 4 5 6789 • • •'# •• ,* * * ,,,,.4, ; . 10-20 U 41 <» u It 2 3 4 S 6 4« m in 7 8 9 •• *• »• ft 41 B 10-20 II ii li aft ift aa a* mm mm c • • M m* •• .. 10-20 •• Figure 2. Karyotypes of two species of Xantusia. A. X. riversiana ; UAZ 21688, $ , N end of San Clemente Island, Los Angeles Co., California. Line represents 10 /a. B. X. henshawi; karyotype .a; LACM 72325, $ , 6.5 mi NE Pedricena, Durango, Mexico. C. X. henshawi', karyotype /?; UAZ 21694, $ , 2 mi (by rd to Idyllwild) S Banning, San Jacinto Mts., Riverside Co., California. 6 Contributions in Science No. 227 The smallest pair (9) varies among the populations of Xantusia vigilis studied. It appears telocentric (karyotype a. Fig. 1) in individuals from eight popula- tions ( X . v. sierrae; X. v. vigilis from the Mohave and Sonoran Deserts in Arizona, California, and Baja California), and subtelocentric (karyotype /3 ) in three populations (X. v. arizonae ; X. v. extorris\ and X. v. vigilis from Desemboque, Sonora). Xantusia henshawi. Study of 117 cells from 8 individuals (6$, 2$) 11 II II 12 ftl II Ift a* A 10-19 ill! ft! IS ift ftft ii A* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a* .*:* 10—19 II It M 11 Mm 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10-19 in IM Mf IM 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 D 10-19 Figure 3. Karyotypes of Lepidophyma flavimaculatum. A. Bisexual population; UAZ 28805, $ , 25 mi (by rd to Malpaso) NW Ocozocoautla, Chiapas, Mexico. B. Unisexual population; UAZ 27642, $ , 3 mi (air line) SE Achiote, Canal Zone, Panama. C. Unisexual population. Diploid cell from UAZ 27640, $ , same locality as UAZ 27642, above; line represents 10 /x. D. Unisexual population. Triploid cell from UAZ 27640. 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 7 from two populations ( X . h. henshawi and X. h. bolsonae) indicates that the 2 n of this species is 40, with 18 macros and 22 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 2). The karyotype of X. h. bolsonae (= a) appears identical to the (3 karyo- type of X. vigilis, while that of X. h. henshawi ( = /3) differs in that pair 7 has longer short-arms and is submetacentric. Matthey (1931) reported that Xantusia henshawi has a 2 n of 42 with 18 macros and 24 micros. Until his count can be verified, I prefer to disregard it. Xantusia riversiana. Study of 135 cells from 9 individuals (4 3,5$) of one population indicates that the 2 n of this species is 40 with 18 macros and 22 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 2). The karyotype appears identical to the / 3 karyotype of X. vigilis. Lepidophyma flavimaculation. Study of 276 cells from 10 individuals (03, 10$) representing three populations (bisexual L. /. flavimaculatum XK xx M IH ft* A! ft* All 1 2 3 456789 * • ** •• •• •• ** •• ♦ ♦ *• g!< A 10-19 IS 18 M M s* aa it at to 1 2 34567 89 B -J22S- ft& II IS iA AA AA AA 1 2 3456789 *• 9A mm mm mm •• .» .. g 10-19 Figure 4. Karyotypes of three species of Lepidophyma. A. L. tuxtlae. UAZ 28770, 3, 2 mi (by rd) SE Sontecomapan, Veracruz, Mexico. B. L. pajapanensis. UAZ 28810, 3, same locality as L. tuxtlae, above. Line represents 10 n. C. L. gaigeae. UAZ 28868-73, $ , 2 mi N Durango, Hidalgo, Mexico. 8 Contributions in Science No. 227 from Chiapas and unisexual L. /. obscurum from Panama and Costa Rica) indicates that the 2 n of this species is 38 with 18 macros and 20 micros (rather than 22 as in Xantusia ; Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 3). The macros in this species appear identical in morphology to those of the a. karyotype of Xantusia vigilis except that pair 3 bears a distinct terminal satellite. The karyotypes of the unisexual populations appear to be homomorphic and identical to those of the bisexual population. However, bone marrow tissue of one individual from the all-female population in Panama appears to be composed of both diploid (2 n = 38) and triploid (3n = 57) cells (Fig. 3). Eighty-two diploid and 25 triploid cells were examined from one bone marrow preparation, yielding a ratio of 3.28 diploid to 1 triploid. This condition was observed in only one of the 8 individuals studied from this all-female population. The karyotype of another individual from this same population was also determined in vitro from lung tissue culture by T. C. Hsu and found to be identical to the diploid bone marrow cells. Lepidophyma pajapanensis. Study of 87 cells from 4 individuals ( 1 $ , 3 9 ) of one population indicates that the 2 n of this species is 3 8 with 1 8 macros and 20 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 4). The macros appear identical to those of L. flavimaculatum. Lepidophyma tuxtlae. Study of 200 cells from 8 individuals (5$, 3$) representing two populations (Veracruz and Chiapas) indicates that the 2 n of this species is 38 with 18 macros and 20 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 4). The karyotype of this species also appears identical to that of L. flavimacula- tum. No differences were found between the two populations of L. tuxtlae. Lepidophyma gaigeae. Study of 77 cells from 4 individuals (2$, 2$) of one population indicates that the 2 n of this species is 38 with 18 macros and 20 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 4). The morphology of the macros appears identical to that in L. flavimaculatum except that: (1) pair 7 has longer short-arms, appearing submetacentric more often than subtelocentric; (2) pair 9 is subtelocentric rather than telocentric. Lepidophyma micropholis. Study of 83 cells from 3 individuals ( 2$, 1 9 ) of one population indicates that the 2 n of this species is 36 with 16 macros and 20 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 5). The macros appear identical to those of L. flavimaculatum, except that: (1) pair 2 A is a large metacentric that probably was formed by the fusion of pairs 6 and 8; (2) pair 3 lacks terminal satellites; (3) pair 7 is submetacentric to metacentric, thus resembling pair 7 of L. gaigeae. Lepidophyma smithi. Study of 151 cells from 7 individuals (4$, 39) representing two populations (L. s. smithi and L. s. tehuanae ) indicates that the 2 n of this species is 36 with 16 macros and 20 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 5). The macros appear identical to those of L. flavimaculatum except that pair 2A is a metacentric to submetacentric and probably was formed by centric fusion of pairs 6 and 9; thus only its long-arms are homologous with pair 2 A of L. micropholis. That chromosome pair 2A is formed by fusion of pairs 6 and 8 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 9 in L. micropholis and pairs 6 and 9 in L. smithi is conjectured from the following: (1) pair 2 A appears somewhat more submetacentric in L. smithi than in L. micropholis ; (2) the smallest chromosome pair in L. micropholis usually appears slightly smaller than the smallest pair in L. smithi, and is telocentric in the former and subtelocentric in the latter. All of these differ- ences could also be explained as resulting from inversions occurring after one centric fusion, except the difference in the size of the smallest chromo- some pair. This could be made more concrete by comparing measurements from photomicrographs of the karyotypes of the two species, but the size HI XX XX ftX M XA U A* 1 2 6 + 8 3 4 5 7 9 9-18 0 ii ii It l| in 18 ftft 1 ft * 6+9 9 -18 B Xt M A-*- Kx M Xi m *x 10-18 c Figure 5. Karyotypes of three species of Lepidophyma. A. L. micropholis. UAZ 28762, $ , cave at El Pachon, 8 km (by rd) NNE Antigua Morelos, Tamaulipas, Mexico. Line represents 10 ft. B. L. smithi. UAZ 28812, $, 4 mi NW Mapastepec, Chiapas, Mexico. C. L. occulor. TCWC 35605, $ , 2.5 mi S Conca, 2000 ft, Quere- taro, Mexico. 10 Contributions in Science No. 227 differences involved are so small that truly convincing identification of homologous chromosomes would probably require observation of synapsis in artificially produced hybrids. Lepidophyma occulor. Study of 101 cells from one male indicates that the 2 n of this species is 36 with 18 macros and 18 micros (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 5). The macros are identical to those of L. flavimaculatum, except that (1) pair 3 lacks terminal satellites; (2) pairs 7 and 8 are submetacentric instead of subtelocentric; (3) pair 9 is submetacentric instead of telocentric. DISCUSSION Construction of the Karyotype Phytogeny: The special utility of karyotype information in the study of systematics and evolution lies in three things : ( 1 ) since differences in chromosome num- ber and form can result in decreased fertility or even sterility of hybrids, detec- tion of karyotypic differences between two taxa increases the probability that they are not conspecific; (2) because chromosomal and morphological changes result from different evolutionary mechanisms, comparisons of the relation- ships indicated from karyotype analyses with those from other sources of systematic information (e.g. morphology, behavior, immunology, electropho- resis) aids in the detection of convergence; and (3) because some chromo- Figure 6. Phylogeny of the karyotypes of ten species of the family Xantusiidae. The symbols in the parentheses indicate the derived states occurring in each of the karyotypes: 18m and 20m = reductions in number of micros; 3 = formation of satellites on this pair; 6 + 8 and 6 + 9 = centric fusions of macros; 7, 8, 9 = peri- centric inversions shifting the position of the centromeres on these macros. The numbers beneath the concentric half circles indicate the total number of derived states in each of the karyotypes. Data from Tables 1 and 2. 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 11 somal changes appear to be much more common than others, designation of primitive and derived character states is possible. Although many cogent criticisms of Hennig’s ( 1966) theory and methods have been presented (Darlington, 1970), he has, if nothing else, re-empha- sized the necessity of identifying primitive (plesiomorphic) and advanced (apomorphic) character states before constructing phylogenies. In the formu- lation of karyotype phylogenies of lizards, two approaches have been taken to estimate the direction of evolution. One approach is to regard as primitive that karyotype which occurs most widely among the families of lizards and to derive all other karyotypes from this, using whatever cytogenetic mech- anisms (centric fusion, centric fission, and inversions) are required (Gorman, Atkins, and Holzinger, 1967; Gorman, Huey, and Williams, 1969; Gorman, 1970). The second approach to the construction of karyotype phylogenies is based on the evidence indicating that centric fusions are of much more common occurrence than fissions (Hsu and Mead, 1969). Earlier cytogenetic studies of vertebrates, especially lizards, have considered centric fusion (whole arm translocation or Robertsonian fusions; Matthey, 1951; White, 1954) to be the predominant mechanism of chromosomal rearrangement. More recently this approach has been applied to the genus Sceloporus (Lowe, Cole, and Patton, 1967; Cole, 1970) and Cnemidophorus (Lowe, Wright, Cole, and Bezy, 1970a). I have elected to utilize this approach in the present study because: (1) I feel the available evidence indicates that fissions are uncom- mon, and (2) the small number of taxa and karyotypes in the family Xan- tusiidae makes it difficult and highly arbitrary to select any one karyotype as being the most common or widespread in the family. I thus prefer to consider karyotypes with higher diploid numbers and higher percentages of acrocentric chromosomes to be primitive, and to derive karyotypes from these by centric fusion and pericentric inversions, invoking centric fission only in those specific instances where there is compelling evi- dence that it has occurred (Lowe, Cole, Wright, and Bezy, 1970b). In spite of the fact that the paracentric inversions of Drosophila salivary gland chromosomes form the basis for perhaps the most concrete phylogenies yet constructed, it is difficult to assign directionality to the unequal pericentric inversions that are presumed to be responsible for the shifts in centromere positions of the chromosomes in the karyotypes of xantusiids. However, as in the case of centric fusions, the general evolutionary trend in karyotypic evolution is that pericentric inversions tend to convert uni-armed chromo- somes into bi-armed chromosomes, not vice versa (White, 1954:192). As with centric fusions, unequal pericentric inversions reduce the number of acrocentrics and increase the number of subtelocentric to metacentric chromosomes. Thus, in constructing the karyotype phylogeny (Fig. 6) for each chromo- some I have always considered the most nearly acrocentric condition observed Table 1. Variation in the chromosomes of ten species in the family Xantusiidae. Centromere position (M = metacentric, SM = submetacentric, ST = subtelocentric, T = telocentric) and presence of satellites (*) for the macrochromo- some pairs. Centromere positions in parentheses are those observed less frequently for the chromosome pair. 12 Contributions in Science No. 227 C/3 H H H H H 1 o\ H oo C/3 00 00 H H H 03 H 1 03 H H H H H H H H I H s 00 C/3 00 03 03 03 03 03 03 1 03 03 f-H H 03 P 03 s s H H P H s H H H s s H s t"- C/3 C/3 oo 00 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 P H p H H H H H H H H H H VO OO C/3 oo oo 00 03 03 03 03 1 1 03 s s s s S s s s s s s S 03 C/3 03 03 oo 03 03 03 03 03 03 03 H H H H H H H H H H H H T C/3 00 C/3 03 03 03 00 03 03 03 03 03 H H H H H 03 CO CO 03 03 H H H C/3 C/3 C/3 H H H H w m w w MISS s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s s C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 s s s s s s s s C/3 C/3 C/3 s s s s C/3 C/3 C/3 C/3 s s s s s s s § 5 5 &0 &Q a oa. & s .<* « .ft E3 & 1 g "I s S, j* 11-11 o -si ft. ! | s i Table 2. Summary of karyotypic variation in ten species of the family Xantusiidae. Diploid chromosome number (2 n)\ number of macrochromosomes (macros); number of microchromosomes (micros); number of pairs of metacentric (M), submetacentric (SM), subtelocentric (ST), and telocentric (T) macrochromosomes; presence ( + ) or ab- sence ( — ) of satellites (Sats) on macrochromosome pair 3; number of chromosome arms (CA); and total derived states (TDS). 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 13 o CH M M t ri m ^ \c oo oo oo oo »o ^ in vi vi ^ I I I I + + + + I + I O O O © -h — I o -• o o >n 'O 'C vo »n in in in in N t t'l • •S3 s* a £ o, .2 * a s o -s: cx b * occulor 14 Contributions in Science No. 227 among the various forms to be the primitive condition for that chromosome and have considered fused chromosomes to be a derived condition. From this line of reasoning, primitive karyotypic states in the family are: (1) a 2n of 40; (2) 22 micros; (3) 18 macros; (4) pairs 1 and 2, metacentric; (5) pair 5, submetacentric; (6) pairs 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8, subtelocentric; (7) pair 9, telo- centric; and (8) no satellites. All of these states are present in the a karyotype of Xantusia vigil is. From this primitive condition, the observed karyotypes can be derived by centric fusions and pericentric inversions using those pathways that would require the minimum number of chromosomal rearrangements and yet pro- duce the minimum amount of karyotypic convergence (Fig. 6). A total of seven pericentric inversions, two fusions of macros, two fusions or losses of micros, and one instance of satellite formation is required to account for the chromosomal evolution observed thus far in the family Xantusiidae; a total of four instances of chromosomal convergence result (chromosomal convergence occurs when a specific derived state of a given chromosome is independently evolved in separate lineages). The phytogeny (Fig. 6) is superimposed on a scale (total derived state or TDS) that is simply the total number of character states in each karyotype that can be considered to be derived. Species: Although recognized species were used to some extent as guides for the sampling of populations of xantusiids for chromosomal variation, I have attempted to study as many populations as possible of each of the species. Two karyotypes (a and /3 ) were observed among the eleven populations of Xantusia vigil is. The more primitive karyotype (a) occurred in seven populations of X. v. vigil is from the Mohave and Sonoran Deserts of Califor- nia, Arizona, and extreme northern Baja California (for localities see Speci- mens Examined ) and in X. v. sierrae from the foothills of the Sierra Nevada in the Central Valley of California. The derived karyotype (/ 3 ) was found in the three most eastern populations sampled: X. v. vigilis from Desemboque, Sonora, Mexico; X. v. arizonae from Yarnell near the southern edge of the Colorado Plateau in Arizona; and X. v. extorris from Durango, Mexico. The similarity of the karyotype of X. v. sierrae to X. v. vigilis rather than to X. v. arizonae tends to substantiate the hypothesis (Bezy, 1967a) that the two races specialized for living under granite spalls ( arizonae and sierrae ) were derived independently from the widespread yucca-dwelling race ( X . v. vigilis). The apparent lack of correspondence of chromosomal races with morphological subspecies of X. vigilis is interesting, and karyotypic studies of the other subspecies ( gilberti , utahensis, wigginsi) are planned. The two populations of Xantusia henshawi studied also had karyotypic differences that would appear to involve one pericentric inversion. The more primitive karyotype (a) occurs in X. h. bolsonae from Durango, Mexico, while the more advanced karyotype (/ 3 ) occurs in the morphologically more 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 15 specialized X. h. henshawi from southern California. Chromosomal differences of this magnitude have been found in a single population of Sceloporus clarki (Cole, 1970) and thus may not constitute an effective reproductive barrier. Two forms that were considered by Walker (1955) to be subspecies of L. flavimaculatum have different chromosome numbers: L. occulor (2 n of 36 with 18 macros and 18 micros) and L. smithi (2 n of 36 with 16 macros and 20 micros). The three populations of L. flavimaculatum studied have a 2n of 38 with 18 macros and 20 micros. Such chromosomal differences rarely occur within species and may constitute genetic isolation mechanisms. Mor- phological and biographical data that also indicate these are distinct species will be presented in a separate paper on the systematics of the genus Lepidophyma. Genera: Mayr (1969:92-94) listed several criteria of an “ideal” genus: (1) monophyly; (2) separation from other genera by a morphological gap, the size of which is inversely proportional to the number of included species; (3) reasonable internal homogeneity; and (4) occupation of a distinctive adaptive zone. Application of these criteria to genera of xantusiids is made difficult by several factors. Convergence appears to be unusually common in the family, increasing the difficulty of accessment of monophyly. Because of the small number of xantusiid species, it is difficult to judge what size of a morphological gap should delineate a genus. Due to their secretive habits, little is known of the adaptive zones of xantusiids. Comparisons of karyotypic phylogenies with those resulting from mor- phological analyses are quite useful in making decisions about monophyly and convergence, because radically different factors govern morphological and chromosomal evolution. However, for this same reason, caution must be employed in formulating generic classifications based entirely on homo- geneity and gaps in chromosomal variation. For example, relying exclusively on the chromosomal data, the 10 species in this study would be partitioned into the following groupings: (1) X. henshawi, X. river siana, X. vigilis', (2) L. occulor ; (3) L. micropholis\ (4) L. flavimaculatum , L. tuxtlae, L. paja- panensis, L. smithy, and (5) L. gaigeae. Although these groupings appear to be monophyletic on both karyological and morphological grounds, they do not entirely correspond to morphological clumps and gaps. I feel that a more reasonable approach to the taxonomic interpretation of the chromosomal data is to consider the genera that have been proposed on morphological grounds as hypotheses which are, to varying degrees, testable by the chromosomal data. During the last 50 years, a maximum of 5 Recent genera of xantusiids have been recognized (in parentheses are listed the Recent species that I consider valid) : Lepidophyma A. Dumeril, 1851 (flavimaculatum, micro pho- lis, occulor, pajapanensis, smithi, tuxtlae, species novum); Xantusia Baird, 16 Contributions in Science No. 227 1859 ( henshawi , vigilis)-, Cricosaura Gundlach and Peters, 1863 ( typica ); Gaigeia Smith, 1939 ( dontomasi , gaigeae, radula ); and Klauberina Savage, 1957 {riversiana) . In the most recent review of the genera of the family, Savage (1963) recognized 4 of these 5, placing the species formerly included in Gaigeia into the genus Lepidophyma. No chromosomal data are yet available for Cricosaura typica. This is especially unfortunate because Savage (1963) considered this species to be morphologically the most distinctive in the family and placed it in a mono- typic subfamily, Cricosaurinae, leaving all other species of the xantusiids in the Xantusiinae. The obtaining of chromosomal data for this species will allow further testing and comparisons of both the chromosomal and mor- phological phylogenetic hypotheses. Among xantusiids the most primitive number of microchromosomes (22) is found in three of the ten species studied to date: Xantusia henshawi, X. vigilis, and X. riversiana. The similarity of the karyotypes of the three species of Xantusia and the consistently lower number of microchromosomes of the other 7 species xantusiids studied does not support Savage’s (1957) partioning of X. riversiana into the monotypic genus Klauberina. The chro- mosomal evidence does not, however, unequivocably support the inclusion of riversiana in the genus Xantusia for two reasons: (1) the microchromosome number present in X. henshawi , vigilis, and riversiana is a shared primitive character state and this increases their phenetic similarity but does not neces- sarily indicate a close phylogenetic relationship; (2) as was discussed above, homogeneity and gaps in karyotypic variation do not always correspond with those of other data (morphological, ecological, behavioral, etc.). What can be said is simply that the chromosomal data lacks the pattern that Savage (1957) has reported for the morphological data, in that X. henshawi and X. vigilis do not share any chromosomal state that could be considered derived from a primitive state occurring in X. riversiana. In addition to the pattern present in the chromosomal data, there are several other reasons why I prefer not to recognize the genus Klauberina. Genera are predictive hypotheses based on monophyly, similarities, and gaps. Monotypic genera are often the result of classifications in which there has been an overemphasis of differences. One increasingly popular solution to this problem is to use numerical techniques for quantifying species differ- ences and then to compare these differences with standards for the minimum acceptable size of generic gaps. Short of such an analysis, I can argue against the partioning of the genus Xantusia only by pointing out the many similar- ities of the three species (X. henshawi, riversiana, and vigilis ) and their differ- ences from other xantusiids. This has already been done for the chromosomal data. The morphological evidence indicated that Xantusia riversiana ( = Klauberina ) is more closely related to X. vigilis and X. henshawi than any of these three species are to any of the other xantusiid (Savage, 1963). The Eocene Wyoming fossil Paleoxantusia ferra has been considered intermediate 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 17 between X. riversiana ( Klauberina ) on the one hand and X. vigilis and hen- shawi on the other (Savage, 1963:34), suggesting that these lines diverged later than did Lepidophyma, Cricosaura, and Xantusia. The distributions of the species of the family suggest that each of the above three genera also occupies a somewhat consistent and distinctive adaptive zone. Species of the genus Lepidophyma occur primarily in wet tropical forests; Cricosaura typica is isolated in the Cabo Cruz area of Cuba apparently occurring under rocks and decaying leaves in forest (Barbour and Ramsden, 1919:178); while the three species of Xantusia have largely allopatric ranges in the arid and semi- arid southwestern U.S. and northwestern Mexico. I am not trying to ignore such distinctive species ecologies as the montane limestone cap-rock habitat of L. gaigeae or the less restricted microhabitat enjoyed by Xantusia riversiana in its insular isolation, but wish simply to point out the biogeographical con- sistency of the three Recent genera that I feel should be recognized. Regal (1968) has recently pointed out that the pupils of some members of the genus Lepidophyma (perhaps exclusive of L. gaigeae ) are round while those of other xantusiids are elliptical, an observation originally made by Cope (1900) but apparently overlooked by Savage ( 1963). This is a morphological observation that has broad ecological and evolutionary implications in that Regal (1968:85-86) presents the viewpoint that in xantusiids the elliptical pupil is a derived condition associated with the evolution of basking behavior. It may, then, be a derived character state shared by Cricosaura typica, Xan- tusia henshawi, X. vigilis, X. riversiana , and perhaps L. gaigeae. Further studies of pupil shape and retina structure in xantusiids are needed to deter- mine the direction and degree of convergence in the evolution of eyes in this family. I feel that the chromosomal, morphological, and biogeographical infor- mation summarized above indicates that the evolutionary relationships of the three species of Xantusia ( henshawi , riversiana , and vigilis ) are best reflected by their inclusion in one genus Xantusia, with two subgenera, Xantusia ( X . henshawi and X. vigilis ) and Klauberina (X. riversiana) . Smith (1939) proposed the monotypic genus Gaigeia in which he placed Lepidophyma gaigeae. He considered the genus to be intermediate between Lepidophyma and Xantusia in scale characters, having three of the distinctive character states of each of these genera, plus one unique scale character and a unique habitat. Because he felt that ( 1 ) three subsequently described species (L. dontomasi, L. radula, and L. sylvaticum, considered by Smith, 1942, as species of Gaigeia ) bridged the gap in scalation between the two genera ( Lepidophyma and Gaigeia) and (2) “the two supposed genera are practically identical in their skeletons,” Savage (1963:33) placed all these species in Lepidophyma, a conclusion that was anticipated by Hecht (1956:2). Although I have karyotypic data for only one (L. gaigeae) of the four species that Smith ( 1942) considered to be in the genus Gaigeia, it is per- haps the most distinctive one of this group. The chromosomal information is 18 Contributions in Science No. 227 more conclusive in this instance than it is in the case of Xantusia riversiana, in that L. gaigeae shares one definitely derived chromosomal state (loss of one pair of microchromosomes) with all other species of Lepidophyma stud- ied. It also shares one character state that is probably derived (the presence of secondary constrictions on chromosome pair 3) with four other species of Lepidophyma ( flavimaculatum , pajapanensis, smithi, and tuxtlae). The karyotype of L. gaigeae is one of the most highly derived in the genus Lepi- dophyma (Tables 1 and 2, Fig. 6). Interestingly enough, the karyotype of L. gaigeae shares two derived chromosomal states with the /3 karyotype of Xantusia henshawi in that chromosome pair 7 is submetacentric and chromo- some pair 9 is subtelocentric. However, the pattern existing in the number of microchromosomes and the occurrence of secondary constrictions on the third pair of chromosomes make the conclusion inescapable that these two derived karyotypic states shared by Xantusia h. henshawi and Lepidophyma gaigeae must be the result of a certain amount of chromosomal convergence that has accompanied their morphological convergence. In this case I feel that the chromosomal data largely agree with the osteological information (Savage, 1963:33), and that L. gaigeae (and thus perhaps the other three species of Gaigeia recognized by Smith, 1942) should be included in the genus Lepidophyma. Two species, L. micropholis and L. occulor, share ( 1 ) the loss of at least one pair of micros, a derived state characteristic of other species of Lepidophyma-, (2) the absence of satellites on pair 3, a primitive state char- acteristic of the species of the genus Xantusia ; and (3) submetacentric pair 7, a derived state also present in X. henshawi and L. gaigeae. Chromosomally L. occulor and L. micropholis thus appear to form a distinct species group in the genus Lepidophyma, a hypothesis which is to be tested by morpho- logical data. Inter-familial Relationships: The evolutionary relationships of the Xantusiidae remain obscure. Cope (1900) placed the xantusiids in the suborder Leptoglossa within which he considered them to be most closely allied to the lacertids. Camp (1923) pointed out the similarities of xantusiids to both (1) the gekkonids (of the division Ascalabota) and (2) the scincids, teiids, and especially the lacertids (all of the section Scincomorpha of the division Autarchoglossa). Although the family Xantusiidae bridged the morphological gap between his two major divisions of the Sauria, Camp (1923) placed it in the Autarchoglossa, of which he considered it to be the most primitive family. McDowell and Bogert (1954) anticipated that future workers would refer the Xantusiidae to the Gekkota. Underwood (1957) placed the xantusiids in the Ascalabota; Savage (1963) referred them to the Gekkota. More recent morphological evidence has been presented which ally the family with both Gekkota (St. Girons, 1967) and Scincomorpha (Miller, 1966; Etheridge, 1967). 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 19 Available karyotype data for xantusiids, scincids, lacertids, teiids, and gekkonids are summarized in Table 3. Although there is overlap in both chromosome number and number of chromosome arms, gekkonid karyotypes differ from those of xantusiids in (1) usually being composed entirely of telocentric chromosomes; and (2) having a smooth gradation in chromosome size, thus precluding a distinction between marcros and micros. Scincid karyotypes differ in having (1) usually fewer micros, and (2) fewer chro- mosome arms. Those of lacertids differ in having (1) fewer micros, (2) more macros, and (3) fewer chromosome arms. Teiid karyotypes overlap those of xantusiids in all regards (numbers of chromosomes, macros, micros, and chromosome arms). Derivation of the primitive xantusiid karyotype from known gekkonid karyotypes would require the fusion of telocentric chromosomes to form longer bi-armed macrochromosomes and the retention of the centromeres (devested of most of their euchromatin) as microchromosomes, thus increas- ing the number of chromosome arms while chromosome number remains approximately constant. However, because they have many primitive states, the karyotypes of gekkonids could be considered ancestral to those of most families of lizards. Among the lizard families thought by various workers to be closely related to xantusiids, teiids appear to be karyotypically the most similar. That these two families may be closely related is suggested by: (1) the existence of macroteiids having primitive (unfused) karyotypes with numbers of chro- mosome arms approximating those of xantusiids; and (2) the complementary geographical distribution and the similarities in macrochromosome configura- tion, external morphology, and ecology of microteiids and xantusiids. I must stress that I present this simply as a phylogenetic hypothesis that should be tested by further comparisons (anatomical, karyotypic, serological, etc.) between xantusiids and other lizards, especially microteiids. Table 3. Diploid chromosome number (2 n), numbers chromosome arms (CA), macrochromosomes (Macros), and microchromosomes (Micros), and literature source (Reference) for five families of lizards. Family In CA Macros Micros Reference Xantusiidae 36-40 50-58 16-18 18-22 This paper Gekkonidae 32-63 32-63 32-63 Kluge and Eckardt, 1969 Scincidae 24-32 36-46 10-32 0-18 Dutt, 1969 Lacertidae 24-38 38 24-36 0-3 Gorman, 1969 Teiidae 34-56 46-66 12-32 22-26 Gorman, 1970 20 Contributions in Science No. 227 Origin of Unisexuality in the Genus Lepidophyma: Telford and Campbell (1970) reported an all-female population of Lepidophyma flavimaculatum in the Canal Zone (3 miles SE Achiote, Colon Province) of Panama. To help elucidate the evolutionary origin of unisexual xantusiids, I have studied karyotypes of specimens from this population and have analysed variation in sex ratio in the genus Lepidophyma. As was pointed out above (see Karyotype Descriptions) the karyotypes of specimens from this all-female population of L. flavimaculatum are, with one exception, diploid and appear identical to those of individuals of this species from a bisexual population in Chiapas. This same karyotype was also found in recently obtained material from a unisexual population of L. fla- vimaculatum in southeastern Costa Rica. Thus, this case of presumed parthenogensis appears generally not to involve polyploidy. The pos- sibility that this population is allodiploid, however, cannot be ruled out by Table 4. Sample size (N), number of males ( $ ), number of females ( $ ), and percent females ( % 9 ) for ten species samples of Lepidophyma and 13 populations of L. flavimaculatum. Asterisk (*) indicates a sex distribu- tion that is significantly different (.05 level) from that of L. gaigeae (see text). N $ $ % $ dontomasi 1 0 1 100 gaigeae 260 110 150 58 micropholis 10 6 4 40 occulor 6 3 3 50 pajapanensis 13 4 9 69 radula 1 0 1 100 smithi 144 63 81 56 tuxtlae 53 24 29 55 species novum 5 1 4 80 flavimaculatum 174 29 145 83* Tamaulipas 15 2 13 87 Queretaro 9 0 9 100* Nuevo Leon 2 1 1 50 San Luis Potosi 1 1 0 0 Veracruz 3 0 3 100 Oaxaca 3 1 2 67 Tobasco 3 1 2 67 Chiapas 12 5 7 58 Guatemala 18 5 13 72 Honduras 17 10 7 41 Nicaragua 5 1 4 80 Costa Rica 49 2 47 96* Panama 37 0 37 100* 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 21 the evidence at hand, since at least two other species, L. tuxtlae and L. pajap- anensis, have karyotypes identical to the one under consideration. Hybridiza- tion between any of these species could result in an allodiploid in which the two separate chromosomal complements, although not distinguishable mor- phologically, are sufficiently different genetically to reduce the efficiency of meiosis and thereby increase the selective advantage of parthenogenetic reproduction. Both triploid (3 n = 57) and diploid (2 n = 38) cells were observed in the karyotype slides from one of the eight individuals that was analysed from the Panama population (see Karyotype Descriptions above). It is difficult to hypothesize a reasonable mechanism for the origin of these two levels of ploidy that were observed in this one bone marrow preparation. Although the triploid and diploid cells were found in a bone marrow preparation, some type of mosaic may be involved and the two levels of ploidy may represent different types of leukocytes derived from different embryonic tissue lines. I am not aware of any really comparable phenomena among vertebrates, except perhaps the tissue mosaics involving centric fusions in Salmo irideus, reported by Ohno, Stenius, Fiast, and Zenges (1965) and the exparabiotic diploid-triploid leukocyte chimeraras of Rana pipiens reported by Volpe and Gebhardt (1966). To survey the genus Lepidophyma for the occurrence of unisexuality, the sex of 666 adult specimens of the 10 recognized species was determined by examination of gonads (Table 4). Because many of the samples are small and most have greater than 50 per cent female, statistical tests were used to determine which samples have significantly different sex ratios. Choice of the appropriate test was somewhat difficult because the per cent female is greater than 50 in 9 of the 10 species. These observed deviations from the 50 per cent female (that would be theoretically expected to occur at birth in a bisexual species) may be due to: (1) chance; (2) alteration of sex ratio by a basic genetic mechanism ( e.g . meiotic deive); (3) differences in sur- vivorship of the sexes; or (4) differences in the “collectability” of the sexes. Since chi-square analysis ordinarily requires the use of a theoretical value, it does not aid in the task of distinguishing between ( 1 ) sex ratio deviations resulting from a basic genetic mechanism and (2) those of non-genetic origin (differential sampling and survivorship). The other available statistical test, the contingency test (Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin, 1960:186-191), requires the selection of one of the samples as a standard with which the other samples are to be compared. Although this procedure has several pitfalls of its own, it does maximize the probability of making correct distinctions between genetic and non-genetic deviations in sex ratio, if it is accepted that the samples and the standard have a similar collecting bias. The sample of Lepidophyma gaigeae was chosen as the standard because it (1) is the largest available species sample; (2) was drawn from a relatively small geographic area (mountains of Queretaro and Hidalgo, Mexico); and 22 Contributions in Science No. 227 (3) was collected throughout the year. Using a 2x2 contingency test, with Yates’ correction where applicable (see Simpson, Roe, Lewontin, 1960:186- 191), the number of males and females in each species sample was tested against that of L. gaigeae. For only L. flavimaculatum was the per cent female found to be statistically different (.05 level) from that of L. gaigeae. As this polytypic species ranges from Tamaulipas, Mexico, to Panama, the species sample was divided into 13 geographical samples (based on the states of Mexico and the countries of Central America). When the number of males and females in each of these geographical samples was compared with that in L. gaigeae , only Panama (100% female), Costa Rica (96% female), and Queretaro (100% female) were found to be significantly different; Tamaulipas (87% female) almost reached the accepted level of significance (.05). The only other geographical samples large enough to allow reasonable estimates of sex ratio (Chiapas, Guatemala, and Honduras) do not differ significantly from L. gaigeae. Twenty of the 29 known males of L. flavimaculatum occur among the samples of these apparently bisexual populations. Thus L. fla- vimaculatum appears to be a polytypic species composed of (1) a central diploid bisexual population, L. f. flavimaculatum, in Chiapas (58% female), Guatemala (72% female), and Honduras (41% female); (2) a northern all-female or nearly all-female population (of unknown level of ploidy), L. f. tenebrarum, in Tamaulipas (87% female) and Queretaro (100% female); and (3) a southern all-female or nearly all-female diploid population, L. /. obscurum, in Costa Rica (96% female) and Panama (100% female). Sam- ples are inadequate to determine the sex ratios of the intervening populations with any degree of accuracy. Analysis of large samples from local populations throughout the exten- sive range of the polytypic L. flavimaculatum is required to determine whether changes in sex ratio and morphology are gradual or abrupt, and to allow an appraisal of the taxonomic status of the included forms. The two known male specimens from Costa Rica are among the northernmost available from that country, suggesting that the occurrence of males in “highly female” popula- tions in Costa Rica might be nothing more than an artifact resulting from the accidental grouping of samples from bisexual and unisexual populations. In Tamaulipas, on the other hand, there is better evidence that males may actually occur in quite low frequency in local populations, since among the 10 adult specimens available from the Gomez Farias region, only one male was found. Comparison of sex ratios in several age classes could help to determine the relative importance of pre- and post-natal mechanisms in altering the sexual composition of the population. Before any of these ques- tions can be addressed, adequate samples must be collected. This task is made both difficult and urgent as the devastation of the lowland tropical forests of Middle America approaches completion. Unisexuality in the genus Lepidophyma appears to be similar to that of the lizards of the saxicola group of Lacerta in that (a) all forms are diploids 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 23 with two identical sets of chromosomes, (b) there are forms intermediate between bisexual and unisexual; (c) the formation of small isolated popula- tions appears to have been an important factor in the evolution of partheno- genesis (Darevsky, 1966). Known unisexual gekkos (Kluge and Eckardt, 1969) and agamids (Hall, 1970) are triploid rather than diploid. In the genus Cnemidophorus diploid unisexuality has been reported for C. neomex- icanus and some C. tesselatus, but these, however, have been convincingly demonstrated to be allodiploids resulting from inter-specific hybridization (Lowe and Wright, 1966; Wright and Lowe, 1967), while karyotypic hetero- morphism is not apparent in the unisexual L. flavimaculatum (Fig. 3). Vanzolini (1970) recently reported an apparently rapid shift from bisexuality to unisexuality in some Amazonian populations of Cnemidophorus lemniscatus and suggests that such a shift is probably not the result of inter-specific hybridization. However, Denise Peccinini (1971) reported that although these unisexual populations are diploid, they have one to three pairs of heter- omorphic chromosomes and “it is possible, therefore, that the hybridization has been between subspecies of C. lemniscatus or even intraspecific poly- morphic variants.” For Lepidophyma flavimaculatum there is, at present, no morphological, cytogenetic, or biogeographical evidence that hybridization preceded the evolution of unisexuality. However, the paucity of the data leaves the question still open and it is certainly not unfeasible that the diploid unisexual population in Panama arose by hybridization between forms that are karyotypically similar but sufficiently different genetically to impair synap- sis and thus add selective pressures for the evolution of unisexual reproduction. During my approximately 10 years of experience with xantusiids, a number of field impressions have been formed about their ecology and prob- able evolutionary history. Although it is perhaps somewhat premature, I wish to here present those impressions that may help to explain the evolution of unisexuality in the family. Xantusiids characteristically occur in localized but frequently dense populations. This distributional pattern is dictated by their narrow micro- environmental requirements. The ecological conditions to which the family is adapted were probably more widespread in the early Tertiary. This group of lizards appears to have responded to the increasingly arid continental climates of the middle and late Tertiary by becoming increasingly specialized for, and restricted to, specific limited ecological situations (e.g., under cap rocks of boulders, under bark, beneath yucca-like plants, in caves) in which their unaltered microenvironmental requirements could be met. These stresses have produced a disjunct relictual pattern of distribution. Moreover, the resulting isolated populations are frequently under tremendous pressure for colonization of new areas because of fluctuations in climate, vegetation, and habitat availability. For example, the narrow ecological requirements of Xantusia vigilis result in a disjunct geographical range and in “clumped” distributions within 24 Contributions in Science No. 227 any given area. These local “clumps” appear to occur in areas having optimal edaphic and microclimatic conditions and relatively large numbers of yuccas or other suitable plants. Because of climatic and vegetational changes, the concurrence of all these conditions is not only a rare condition, but probably also an extremely transitory one. Field experience with Lepidophyma flavimaculatum leads me to believe that these generalizations are particularly valid for this species. The popula- tion located by Telford and Campbell near Achiote appears highly localized and rather dense. To date approximately 50 individuals have been collected from this population while only ca. 20 are known from the rest of Panama. My efforts to locate other individuals of this species even short distances from this population were unsuccessful (see also Telford and Campbell, 1970). Optimal conditions of forest canopy, humidity, and soil, as well as the presence of a number of extremely large logs in the proper state of decay appear to be involved; all of these factors may be related to a particular stage in the suc- cession of this nearly mature secondary forest. Judging from the large number of Lepidophyma found around them, each of these logs would appear to form a “colony.” As forest maturation and log decay continue, the individuals of this population are under considerable selective pressure to establish new colonies, perhaps at great distances, where the soil, humidity, forest canopy, and logs are livable. These selective pressures would favor the evolution of unisexuality, thereby facilitating colonization by allowing each individual to reproduce in isolation and by doubling the reproductive potential. The occurrence of unisexual populations at the northern and the southern periphery of the range of L. flavimaculatum is thus probably indicative of a continuing contraction rather than expansion of its range. This is in marked contrast to the situation in the genus Cnemidophorus in which the evolution of unisexuality appears to have resulted from interspecific hybridization and expansion into new habitats (Wright and Lowe, 1968). SPECIMENS EXAMINED The following specimens were used in the karyotypic analysis and are deposited in the Herpetological Collection, Department of Biological Sciences, the University of Arizona (UAZ); the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM); and the Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection (TCWC), Texas A & M University. Lepidophyma flavimaculatum : MEXICO: Chiapas : 25 mi (by rd to Malpaso) NW Ocozocoautla (UAZ 28805-06). PANAMA: Canal Zone : 3 mi (air line) SE Achiote (8 mi NNW Escobal) (UAZ 27637-42, 27644, 28826). COSTA RICA: Puntarenas Prov .: 6 km S San Vito de Java (LACM 72323). Lepidophyma gaigeae : MEXICO: Hidalgo : 2 mi N Durango, 13 mi 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 25 (by Hwy 85) S Jacala (UAZ 28868-72); Durango, 15 mi (by Hwy 85) S Jacala (UAZ 28880-84, 28895-905). Lepidophyma micropholis : MEXICO: Tamaulipas : Cave at El Pachon, 8 km (by rd) NNE Antigua Morelos (UAZ 28762, 28767, 28769). Lepidophyma occulor : MEXICO: Queretaro : 2.5 mi S Conca, 2000 ft (TCWC 35605). Lepidophyma pajapanensis : MEXICO: Veracruz : Coyame, 9 mi SE Catemaco (UAZ 28804); 2 mi (by rd) SE Sontecomapan, 14 mi (by rd.) NE Catemaco (UAZ 28808-10). Lepidophyma smithi : MEXICO: Chiapas : ca. V2 mi (by Hwy 200) NW Escuintla (UAZ 28788); 9 mi (by Hwy 200) NW Escuintla (UAZ 28797); 4 mi NW Mapastepec, 24 mi (by Hwy 200) NW Escuintla (UAZ 28812-15); Oaxaca : IV2 mi (by Hwy 190) E Tapanatepec (UAZ 28794). Lepidophyma tuxtlae : MEXICO: Chiapas : 25 mi (by rd to Malpaso) NW Ocozocoautla (UAZ 28780, 28782); Veracruz: 2 mi (by rd) SE Sonte- comapan, 14 mi (by rd) NE Catemaco (UAZ 28770-76). Xantusia henshawi : MEXICO: Durango : 6.5 mi NE Pedricena (13.7 mi by rd SE Chocolate) (LACM 72324-25). UNITED STATES: California : Riverside Co.: 2 mi (by rd to Idyllwild) S Banning, San Jacinto Mts. (UAZ 21653, 21694, 21700); 3 mi (by rd to Idyllwild) S Banning, San Jacinto Mts. (UAZ 21690, 21692). Xantusia riversiana : UNITED STATES: California : Los Angeles Co.: N end of San Clemente Island (UAZ 21679-81, 21683-84, 21686-89). Xantusia vigilis: MEXICO: Baja California del Norte : ca. 14 mi (by rd) E La Trinidad, Valle de La Trinidad (UAZ 28961-62); Durango : 6.5 mi NE Pedricena (13.7 mi SW Chocolate) (LACM 72326-331); Sonora : 1-2 mi (by rd) S Desemboque del Rio San Ignacio (UAZ 24858, 24860, 24868, 24894). UNITED STATES: Arizona : Yavapai Co.: 11.3 mi (by Hwy 93) SE Burro Creek, ca. 3200 ft (UAZ 24210, 24216, 24231); vie. Yarnell, 4750 ft (UAZ 24184, 24196, 24227, 24854, 24861); Yuma Co.: E end of Palm Canyon, Kofa Mts. (UAZ 24215, 24240); California : Kern Co.: 0.5 mi (by rd) E Granite Station (LACM 72332-33); 0.9 mi (by Hwy 178) SE of the summit of Walker Pass (LACM 72334); 6 mi W Mojave (LACM 72335); Los Angeles Co.: 1.8 mi (by Hwy 14) N Palmdale (LACM 72336); Riverside Co.: 1 mi S, % mi W Whitewater (LACM 72337-338). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This paper is an expansion and revision of a part of a dissertation submitted to the University of Arizona. During my graduate work, several individuals have been exceptionally generous with their time, ideas, and con- structive criticisms. I am particularly grateful to my dissertation advisor, Dr. Charles H. Lowe, for imparting an ecophysioevolutionary perspective to my interest in reptiles and amphibians; to Dr. C. Jay Cole, for his patience in 26 Contributions in Science No. 227 helping me to find my way out of corn fields and in tutoring me in all aspects of cytotaxonomy including the art of making a pastie; to Dr. James L. Patton for discussing ideas and principles of cytogenetics; to Dr. Philip J. Regal for discussing with me his thoughts on the ecology and evolution of spectacled lizards; and to Dr. David S. Hinds for sparing me from the tragedy of the “double-nested do-loop.” Dr. John Wright has helped greatly with the diffi- cult task of revising and preparing the paper for publication, by offering encouragement, advice, and constructive criticism. Xantusiid lizards are collected with crowbars and hard work; I am indebted to many blister-handed field friends: Kathryn Bolles, Eldon Braun, Duke Campbell, Jay Cole, Steven Goldberg, Charles Lowe, Roy McDiarmid, Philip Regal, Michael Robinson, Wade Sherbrooke, Sam Telford, David Whistler, and John, Brian, and Keith Wright. I am especially grateful to James Dixon for making available a live specimen of the rare Lepidophyma occulor for chromosomal analysis. I express my thanks also to those who have read and criticized this manu- script: Drs. L. A. Carruth, L. A. Crowder, H. K. Gloyd, W. B. Heed, C. H. Lowe, J. L. Patton, F. G. Werner, and J. W. Wright. The skillful editorial efforts of Dr. Gloyd are especially appreciated. The following persons permitted me to examine specimens under their care: Dr. James R. Dixon, Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas A & M University; Dr. Charles L. Douglas, Texas Natural History Collection, University of Texas; Dr. William E. Duellman, University of Kansas Museum of Natural History; Dr. Donald F. Hoffmeister, University of Illinois Museum of Natural History; Dr. Charles H. Lowe, University of Arizona; Dr. James A. Peters, United States National Museum; Dr. William F. Pyburn, University of Texas, Arlington; Dr. Douglas H. Rossman, Louisana State University Museum of Zoology; Dr. Jay M. Savage, University of Southern California; Dr. Sam R. Telford, Florida State Museum; Dr. Charles F. Walker, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology; Dr. Richard G. Zweifel, American Museum of Natural History. Dr. T. C. Hsu of the M. D. Anderson Hospital and Tumor Institute of Houston generously determined the karyotype of an individual of Lepido- phyma flavimaculatum by lung tissue culture. The Computer Center of the University of Arizona facilitated the data reduction. This study was partially supported by a NASA traineeship at the Uni- versity of Arizona. 1972 Karyotypic Evolution of the Xantusiidae 27 Literature Cited Barbour, T., and C. T. Ramsden. 1919. The herpetology of Cuba. Mem. Mus. Comp. Zool. 47(2): 77-166. Bezy, R. L. 1967a. A new night lizard (Xantusia vigilis sierrae) from the southern Sierra Nevada in California. J. Ariz. Acad. Sci. 4:163-167. 1967b. 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Hennig, W. 1966 Phylogenetic systematics. Univ. 111. Press, Urbana. Hsu, T. C., and R. A. Mead. 1969. Mechanisms of chromosomal changes in mam- malian speciation, p. 8-17. In Comparative Mammalian Cytogenetics (Kurt Benirschke, ed.). Springer-Verlag, N. Y. Klauber, L. M. 1931. A new species of Xantusia from Arizona, with a synopsis of the genus. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 7:1-16. Kluge, A. G., and M. J. Eckardt. 1969. Hemidactylus garnoti Dumeril and Bibron, a triploid all-female species of gekkonid lizard. Copeia 1969:651-664. 28 Contributions in Science No. 227 Lowe, C. H., and J. W. Wright. 1966. Evolution of parthenogenetic species of Cnemidophorus (whiptail lizards) in western North America. J. Ariz. Acad. Sci. 4:81-87. Lowe, C. H., C. J. Cole, and J. L. Patton. 1967. Karyotype evolution and specia- tion in lizards (genus Sceloporus ) during evolution of the North American Desert. Syst. Zool. 16:296-300. Lowe, C. H., J. W. Wright, and C. J. Cole. 1966. Chromosomes and karyotypes of sceloporine iguanid lizards in the North American Southwest. Mamm. Chrom. Newsletter 22:201-203. Lowe, C. H., J. W. Wright, C. J. Cole, and R. L. Bezy. 1970a. Chromosomes and evolution of the species groups of Cnemidophorus (Reptilia: Teiidae). Syst. Zool. 19:128-141. 1970b. Natural hybridization between the teiid lizards Cnemidophorus sonorae (parthenogenetic) and Cnemidophorus tigris (bisexual). Syst. Zool. 19:114-127. Matthey, R. 1931. Chromosomes de Reptiles Sauriens, Ophidiens et Cheloniens. L’evolution de la formule chromosomiale chez les Sauriens. Revue Suisse de Zoologie 38:117-184. Matthey, R. 1951. The chromosomes of the vertebrates. Adv. Genet. 4:159-180. Mayr, E. 1969. Principles of systematic zoology. McGraw-Hill, New York. McDowell, S. M., and C. M. Bogert. 1954. The systematic position of Lantha- notus and the affinities of the anguinomorphan lizards. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 105:1-142. Miller, M. R. 1966. The cochlear duct of lizards. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 23: 255-359. Ohno, S., C. Stenius, E. Faisst, and M. T. Zenzes. 1965. Post-zygotic chromo- somal rearrangements in rainbow trout ( Salmo irideus Gibbons). Cytogenetics 4:117-129. Patton, J. L. 1967. Chromosome studies of certain pocket mice, genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). J. Mamm. 48:27-37. Peccinini, D. 1971. Chromosome variation in populations of Cnemidophorus lem- niscatus in the Amazon valley. Ciencia e Cultura 23(2) : 133-136. Regal, P. J. 1968. An analysis of heat-seeking in a lizard. Ph.D. dissertation, UCLA. St. Girons, H. 1967. Morphologie comparee de Fhypophyse chez les Squamata: Donnees complementaires et apport a la phylogenie des reptiles. Ann. des Sci. Nat. Zool. (Paris) 12:229-308. Savage, J. M. 1957. Studies on the lizard family Xantusiidae. III. A new genus for Xantusia riversiana Cope, 1883. Zoologica 42:83-86. 1963. Studies of the lizard family Xantusiidae IV. The genera. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 71:1-38. Simpson, G. 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Evidence from cultured leucocytes of blood cells chimerism in ex-parabiotic frogs. Science 154:1197-1199. Walker, C. F. 1955. Two new lizards of the genus Lepidophyma from Tamaulipas. Occ. Pap. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich. 564:1-10. Webb, R. G. 1965. A new night lizard (genus Xantusia ) from Durango, Mexico. Amer. Mus. Nov. 2231:1-16. 1970. Another new night lizard ( Xantusia ) from Durango, Mexico. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 194:1-10. Werler, J. E. 1957. A new lizard of the genus Lepidophyma from Volcan San Martin Pajapan. Herpetologica 13:223-226. White, M. J. D. 1954. Animal cytology and evolution. 2nd ed., Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge. Wright, J. W., and C. H. Lowe. 1967. Evolution of the allodiploid parthenospecies Cnemidophorus tesselatus (Say). Mamm. Chrom. Newsletter 8:95-96. 1960. Weeds, polyploids, parthenogenesis, and the geographical and eco- logical distribution of all-female species of Cnemidophorus. Copeia 1968(1): 128-138. Accepted for publication July 12, 1971 - ' SpSj NUMBER 228 JUNE 7, 1972 son 3 C 2 Lur TYPE SPECIMENS OF AVIAN FOSSILS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY By Hildegarde Howard CONTRIBUTIONS IN SC16NCC 0 NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— ( 1 ) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor TYPE SPECIMENS OF AVIAN FOSSILS IN THE COLLECTIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY By Hildegarde Howard1 Abstract: Fossil bird types in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County are listed with their catalog numbers under the original published names. Included, in addition to the type series, are subsequently described or figured specimens that provide information concerning skeletal elements not included in the original description. Bibliographic references and locality data are provided throughout. The International Code of Zoological Nomenclature (1964, Art. 72D) recommends not only that each institution mark and carefully preserve all type specimens deposited therein, but that it publish a list of all such material in its possession. Accordingly, the following catalog of avian fossil types in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM) is presented. The help of Pierce Brodkorb in reviewing the completed manu- script is gratefully acknowledged. Included are holotypes, syntypes, paratypes, and lectotypes as defined by the International Code (op. cit., Arts. 73 and 74) as well as casts of specimens in these categories designated with the prefix plasto. In Avian Paleontology, specimens remaining after designating the holo- type are usually listed as “referred.” The term paratype (or in older publica- tions, cotype) is reserved for outstanding specimens in the type series. How- ever, in strict adherence to recommendation 73D of the International Code, all specimens (other than the holotype) listed in the original description of a species should be known as paratypes. This catalog follows the Code recom- mendation, but the term will appear in quotes (“paratype”) unless it is also used by the original describer. Also included are described or figured specimens, recorded subsequent to the original type description, that provide additional information regarding the species. This material falls within the definition of the hypotype (Zullo and Hertlein, 1970:3) and is listed under this term. As complete fossil skele- tons are rarely found, paratypes and hypotypes, which often represent different skeletal elements than the holotype, are of particular importance in Avian Paleontology. Tentatively identified paratypes and hypotypes are included if figured. Species are grouped according to Order and Family and arranged alpha- betically by genus as first described. The following information is included for each entry: author, bibliographic reference, type category, skeletal element (and portion thereof if incomplete), geologic age, Formation (if known) and Research Associate in Palaeornithology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, Calif. 90007. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 228 locality. Specimen numbers refer to the latest LACM Vertebrate Paleontology- catalog. Specimens described from the former California Institute of Tech- nology collection (now incorporated with the LACM collections) are prefixed (CIT). Each holotype bears an individual catalog number; a few “paratypes” or hypotypes have been grouped under one number. Wherever possible, ele- ments described without designation of catalog numbers have been traced and their numbers included here. However, hypotypes in this category are omitted unless figured. For plastotypes, the catalog number of the original institution is provided as well as the LACM cast number, and all data included in the entry refer to the specimen from which the cast was made. In a few instances, the specimens for which we have plastotypes were not illustrated in the orig- inal description; reference to a review by a later author is, therefore, included. The catalog includes 53 holotypes, 3 syntypes, 525 paratypes, 214 hypo- types (168 figured) and 46 plastotypes of 112 species and two subspecies. In a few instances a specimen is listed with more than one species, owing to reidentification. Parenthetical reference to the most recent assignment is given under the earliest listing. In the alphabetical species index at the end of the catalog, the latest taxonomic designations are given in brackets. Holotypes, syntypes and plastotypes are housed in a separate case in the Department of Vertebrate Paleontology apart from the general collections. Paratypes and hypotypes are filed by locality within the Vertebrate Paleon- tology collections, except that some Rancho La Brea hypotypes have been used in the composite mounts of the several species from that locality, and “paratypes” and hypotypes of Mancalla from the San Diego Formation are included in the composite mount of that flightless bird. See Howard (1962, figs. 8, 10-21) for illustrations of the mounted specimens. Avian fossils have been recorded from 50 LACM collecting areas, 33 of which contain the material listed herein. Broken down into separate localities, the number is considerably greater, as for example, the various pits at Rancho La Brea and the separate street roadcuts in San Diego where the San Diego Formation was accessible. Another 20 or more LACM collecting sites contain unrecorded avian fossils. List of Abbreviations AMNH ANSP BM CAS CIT CM FGS LACM American Museum of Natural History Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia British Museum California Academy of Sciences California Institute of Technology Canterbury Museum, Christchurch, New Zealand Florida Geological Survey Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (formerly Los Angeles County Museum) 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 3 MCZ SBMNH SDSM SU UCLA/VP UCMP UF USNM YPM (dist.) (prox.) (frag.) (tent.) Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History South Dakota School of Mines Stanford University University of California, Los Angeles, Vertebrate Paleontology Department University of California Museum of Paleontology (Berkeley) University of Florida United States National Museum Yale Peabody Museum distal end preserved proximal end preserved fragmentary specimen tentative identification GAVIIFORMES : GAVIIDAE Gavia concinna Wetmore WETMORE, 1940: 25, figs. 1-4. Plastoholotype ulna (prox.) USNM 16160; cast C681 Early Pliocene, Etchegoin Formation, Sweetwater Canyon near King City, Monterey County, California. HOWARD, 1949b: 185-187, pi. 3, figs. 5, 6, 6a. Hypotypes (tent.) upper mandible 2110 (figs. 6, 6a), and humerus 2133 (fig. 5) (see G. howardae Brodkorb); Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. BRODKORB, 1953: 211. Hypotypes: cranium, rostrum and mandible 2109, rostrum 2110 (figured tentatively, Howard 1949b, pi. 3, figs. 6, 6a), humerus (prox.) 2444; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. Gavia howardae Brodkorb BRODKORB, 1953: 212-213, fig. IB. Holotype humerus (dist.) 2111 (fig. IB); “paratypes” humeri (dist.) 2133, 2175; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. MILLER and BOWMAN, 1958: 4, fig. 1 (p. 11). Hypotype tibiotarsus (dist.) 2314; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. PODICIPEDIFORMES: PODICIPEDIDAE Colymbus sub parvus Miller and Bowman MILLER and BOWMAN, 1958: 6, figs. 5a, 5b (p. 11). Holotype femur (dist.) 2568 (figs. 5a, 5b); paratype femur (dist.) 2118; “paratypes” tibiotarsus (prox.) 2129, coracoid 2354; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. 4 Contributions in Science No. 228 PROCELLARIIFORMES : DIOMEDEIDAE Diomedea calijornica Miller HOWARD, 1966d: 2, fig. 1-1. Hypotype humerus (dist.) 16468; Middle Miocene, Temblor Formation, Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California; Loc. 1625. Diomedea milleri Howard HOWARD, 1966d: 2-4, fig. 1C. Holotype ulna (prox.) 7319 (fig. 1C); “paratype” tarsometatarsus (prox.) 16474; Middle Miocene, Temblor Formation, Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California; Locs. 1655 and 1625. PROCELLARIIFORMES : PROCELLARIIDAE Fulmarus hammeri Howard HOWARD, 1968b: 9, figs. 2F, 2K (p. 4). Holotype carpometacarpus (prox.) 18262 (figs. 2F, 2K); “paratype” humerus (dist.) 18263; Late Miocene, Leisure World, Laguna Hills, Orange County, California; Loc. 1945. Puffinus cal ho uni Howard HOWARD, 1968b: 6, figs. 2A-2E (p. 4). Holotype humerus (dist.) 17508 (figs. 2A, 2E); “paratypes” tarso- metatarsus (prox.) 17582 (figs. 2B, 2C, 2D), humerus (dist.) 17539, ulna (prox.) 17530; Late Miocene, Leisure World, Laguna Hills, Orange County, California; Loc. 1945. Puffinus conradi Marsh MARSH, 1870: 212 (figured SHUFELDT, 1915, pi. 8, figs. 63-64). Plastoholotype humerus (dist.); plasto “paratype” ulna (dist.), both ANSP 13360; cast C688; Middle Miocene, Calvert Formation, Calvert County, Maryland. Puffinus diatomicus Miller MILLER, 1925b: 111, pis. 1-2. Plastoholotype complete skeletal impression UCMP 26541 (pi. 1), 2 casts (one in relief, one impressed) C692; plastoparatype impression left wing bones SU 1 (pi. 2), cast (in relief) C693; Miocene, diatomaceous shales, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California. Puffinus felthami Howard HOWARD, 1949b: 194, pi. 2, figs. 4, 6. Holotype humerus (dist.) 2037 (fig. 6); paratype tarsometatarsus (prox.) 2038 (fig. 4); Early Pliocene, Repetto Formation, 3 miles north of Corona del Mar, Orange County, California; Loc. 1067. Puffinus inceptor Wetmore WETMORE, 1930: 86, figs. 1-3. Plastoholotype humerus (dist.) CAS 5223; cast C678; Middle Miocene, Temblor Formation, Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 5 Puffinus kanakoffi Howard HOWARD, 1949b: 187, pi. 2, figs. 3, 5. Holotype tarsometatarsus 2122 (fig. 3); paratypes, humerus (dist.) 2120 (fig. 5), femur 2124; “paratypes” tarsometatarsus 2126, tibiotarsus (prox.) 2123, 4 humeri 2114, 2116, 2146, 2160; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. Puffinus mitchelli Miller MILLER, 1961: 400, fig. 1. Plastoholotype humerus (dist.) UCMP 58184; cast C684; Middle Mio- cene, Temblor Formation, Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California. Puffinus priscus Miller MILLER, 1961: 399, fig. 1. Plastoholotype humerus (dist.) UCMP 58185; cast C683; Middle Mio- cene, Temblor Formation, Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California. Puffinus tedfordi Howard HOWARD, 1971: 2, figs. 1A, IB, IE, IF. Holotype tarsometatarsus (prox.) 15386 (figs. IB, IE) ; paratype tarso- metatarsus 15387 (figs. 1A, IF); Early Pliocene, Almejas Formation, SE corner Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico; Loc. 65151. PELECANIFORMES: ELOPTERYGIDAE Elopteryx nopcsai Andrews ANDREWS, 1913: 195, figs. 1-2. Plastoholotype femur (prox.) BM A 1234 (fig. 1); cast C699; plasto- paratype tibiotarsus (dist.) BM A1234 (fig. 2); cast C700; Late Creta- ceous (Maestrichtian) Szentpeterfalva near Hatszeg, Transylvania, Rumania. LAMBRECHT, 1929: 1266, figs. 2-10 (p. 1263). Plastohypotypes 2 tibiotarsi (dist.) BM A1588 (figs. 2, 6, 9, 10); cast C702; BM A1528 (figs. 3, 5, 7, 8); cast C701; Late Cretaceous (Mae- strichtian) Szentpeterfalva near Hatszeg, Transylvania, Rumania. PELECANIFORMES: CYPHORNITHIDAE Palaeochenoides mioceanus Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1916: 347, pi. 15. Plastoholotype femur (dist.) YPM 2176; cast C742; Early Miocene, Hawthorne Formation, Stono River, Charleston County, South Carolina. HOPSON, 1964: 8, fig. 2. Plastohypotype (tent.) tarsometatarsus (dist.) MCZ 2514; cast C741; Early Miocene, Hawthorne Formation, Ashley River, Charleston County, South Carolina. PELECANIFORMES : PSEUDODONTORNITHIDAE Osteodontornis orri Howard HOWARD, 1957a: 3, figs. 2-8. 6 Contributions in Science No. 228 Plastoholotype nearly complete skeleton in shale SBMNH 309 (skull, figs. 4, 6; foot bones, figs. 7, 8; complete skeleton, figs. 2, 3); casts (sec- tions from skeleton) C703-C714; Miocene, flagstone quarry, west side Tepusquet Creek, Santa Barbara County, California. HOWARD and WHITE, 1962: 4-11, figs. 2, 3, 5. Hypotypes upper and lower jaw fragments 2707B and 2707A (figs. 2, 3), atlas vertebra 2707D (fig. 5); Miocene diatomaceous shales, Del Gado Drive near Sepulveda and Ventura Blvds., Sherman Oaks, Los Angeles County, California; Loc. 1267. Pseudodontornis stirtoni Howard and Warter HOWARD and WARTER, 1969: 348, pis. 1-3. Plastoholotype incomplete skull and jaws CM AV20569; cast C690; ?Pliocene Greta Siltstone, Waitotaran Stage; concretion found on Motu- nau Beach, 36 miles north of Christchurch, New Zealand. PELECANIFORMES: SULIDAE Miosula media Miller MILLER, 1925b: 114, pi. 5. Plastoholotype impression of incomplete skeleton UCMP 26543; cast (in relief) C696; Miocene diatomaceous shales, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California. Miosula recentior Howard HOWARD, 1949b: 190, pi. 2, figs. 1, 2. Holotype tibiotarsus 2117 (pi. 2, figs. 2, 2a) partype ulna (prox.) 2112 (pi. 2, fig. 1) (see Sula humeralis ); Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California; Loc. 1071. Moris reyana Howard HOWARD, 1936: 213, figs. 37a-b. Holotype coracoid 991 (figs. 37a-b); “paratype” pedal phalanx 996; Late Pleistocene, Lincoln Blvd., Del Rey Hills, northeast of Playa del Rey, Los Angeles County, California; Loc. 1024. HOWARD, 1949a: 21, 24. Hypotypes tarsometatarsus (prox.) 2052, radius 2043; Late Pleistocene, Newport Bay Mesa, Orange County, California; Loc. 1066. Moris vagabundus Wetmore HOWARD, 1966d: 5, figs. 1A, IB, 1J. Hypotypes humerus 7432 (figs. 1A, 1 J ) , ulna (prox.) 16473 (fig. IB), 3 humeri (incomplete) 16467, 13980, 16471, 2 ulnae (prox.) 16472, 16470; Middle Miocene, Temblor Formation, Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California. Sula humeralis Miller and Bowman MILLER and BOWMAN, 1958: 9. “Paratypes” femur 2522, ulna (prox.) 2112; Pliocene, San Diego Forma- tion, San Diego, California. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 7 Sula lompocana Miller MILLER 1925b: 114, pi. 4. Plastoholotype impression of incomplete skeleton UCMP 26544; cast (in relief) C697; Miocene, diatomaceous shales, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California. Sula pohli Howard HOWARD, 1958: 4, fig. 1. Holotype wing bones on slab 2674 (fig. 1); “paratype” humerus 2532; Middle Miocene, Ventura Blvd. between Whitsett and Coldwater Canyon Road, Studio City, Los Angeles County, California; Loc. 1229. Sula stocktoni Miller MILLER, 1935: 75, fig. 2. Plastoholotype part skeleton in shale UCMP 32105; cast C743; Miocene, Lomita diatomite, Los Angeles County, California. HOWARD, 1958: 12, fig. 3. Hypotype humerus 2533; Miocene, Round Drive near Chester St., El Sereno, Los Angeles County, California; Loc. 6455. Sula willetti Miller MILLER, 1925b: 112, pi. 3. Plastoholotype impression of nearly complete skeleton UCMP 26542; cast (in relief) C698; Miocene, diatomaceous shales, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California. PELECANIFORMES: PLOTOPTERIDAE Plotopterum joaquinensis Howard HOWARD, 1969a: 68, fig. 1. Holotype coracoid (dist.) 8927; Early Miocene, Vaqueros Formation, Pyramid Hill, Kern County, California; Loc. 1626. PELECANIFORMES: PHALACROCORACIDAE Graculus macropus Cope COPE, 1878: 386 (figured, SHUFELDT, 1892, pi. 15, figs. 7, 8; lecto- type selected, HOWARD, 1946: 153). Plastolectotype tarsometatarsus AMNH 3555; cast C665; Late Pleisto- cene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Phalacrocorax femoralis Miller MILLER, 1929: 167, fig. 58. Plastoholotype posterior skeletal impression UCLA/ VP 2754; cast C736; Late Miocene, Modelo Formation, Poyer quarry, near Calabasas, Los Angeles County, California. Phalacrocorax goletensis Howard HOWARD, 1965a: 51, figs. 1A-1D. Holotype coracoid 4632 (figs. 1A-1D); “paratype” humerus (dist.) 8 Contributions in Science No. 228 3166; Pliocene, Goleta Formation, Morelia lacustrine basin near La Goleta, Morelia, Michoacan, Mexico; Loc. 1136. Phalacrocorax kennelli Howard HOWARD, 1949b: 188, pi. 3, figs. 7-8. Holotype coracoid (dist.) 2127 (pi. 3, figs. 7, 7a); “paratype” humerus (prox.) 2121 (pi. 3, figs. 8, 8a); Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California; Loc. 1080. MILLER and BOWMAN, 1958: 12, fig. 3. Hypotypes tibiotarsus 2566 (prox.) (fig. 3), femur 2528, ulna 2529; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. Ardea paloccidentalis Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 411, pi. 17, fig. 31. Plastoholotype tarsometatarsus (dist.) AMNH 3484; cast C670; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. ARDEIFORMES : CICONIIDAE Ciconia maltha Miller MILLER, 1932: 215, fig. 23C. Hypotype lower mandible (CIT)293; Late Pleistocene, McKittrick asphalt deposits, Kern County, California; Loc. (CIT)138. MILLER, 1938: 458, pi. 37B. Hypotype cranium (CIT)1894; Late Pleistocene, McKittrick asphalt deposits, Kern County, California; Loc. (CIT)138. HOWARD, 1942: 193-195, figs. 1, la. Hypotype rostrum (CIT)1894; Late Pleistocene McKittrick asphalt de- posits, Kern County, California; Loc. (CIT)138. Jabiru? weillsi Sellards SELLARDS, 1916: 146, pi. 26, fig. 1. Plastoholotype humerus USNM (FGS) 5961; cast C682; Late Pleisto- cene, stratum 2, canal bank, Vero, Florida. Mycteria wetmorei Howard HOWARD, 1935b: 253, fig. 47. Holotype lower mandible (frag.) K3527 (fig. 47, 1 and 2); “paratype” tarsometatarsus (prox.) K3528 (fig. 47, 3 and 4); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. PHOENICOPTERIFORMES : PALAELODIDAE Megapaloelodus connectens A. Miller A. MILLER, 1944: 86, figs. 1-2. Plastoholotype tarsometatarsus (dist.) UCMP 37367; cast C689; Early Miocene, Upper Rosebud Formation, Flint Hill, Bennett County, South Dakota; UCMP Loc. V3417. Megapaloelodus opsigonus Brodkorb HOWARD, 1971: 6, figs. IK, 1M, IN. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 9 Hypotype (tent.) tarsometatarsus (dist.) 15423; Early Pliocene, Almejas Formation, SE corner Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico; Loc. 65148. PHOENICOPTERIFORMES : PHOENICOPTERIDAE Phoenicopterus minutus Howard HOWARD, 1955b: 202, pi. 50, figs. 1-7. Holotype tibiotarsus (fig. 3-7) and associated (prox.) tarsometatarsus (figs. 1, 2) 2445; “paratype” tarsometatarsus (prox.) 2473; Pleistocene, Manix Lake, Mohave Desert, California; Loc. 1093. Phoenicopterus stocki Miller MILLER, 1944b: 77, figs. 1-2. Holotype tibiotarsus (dist.) (CIT)3245 (fig. 1); “paratypes” (cata- logued subsequent to publication) tibiotarsi (prox.) 4623 (fig. 2), (dist.) 4624, 4626, humeri (dist.) 4629, 4630, ulna (prox.) 4627, carpometa- carpus 4628, tarsometatarsus (dist.) 4625; Middle Pliocene, Rincon- Yepomera area, Chihuahua, Mexico; Loc. (CIT)289. HOWARD, 1966a: 3. Hypotypes scapula (frag.) 9731, radii (prox.) 9732, (dist.) 9733; Middle Pliocene, Rincon- Yepomera area, Chihuahua, Mexico; Locs. (CIT)289 and 276. ANSERIFORMES : ANATIDAE: CYGNINAE Cygnus paloregonus Cope HOWARD, 1946: 162, 164. Plastohypotypes furcula AMNH 3536, carpometacarpus AMNH 3554; casts C666 and C664; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Olor matthewi Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1913: 151, pi. 35, fig. 422. Plastosyntype, carpometacarpus AMNH 3554 (see Cygnus paloregonus ) ; cast C664; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. ANSERIFORMES: ANATIDAE: ANSERINAE Anser condoni Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 406, pi. 16, fig. 19. Plastoholotype furcula AMNH 3536 (see Cygnus paloregonus Cope); cast C666; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Brant a dickey i Miller MILLER, 1944a: 27, fig. 6. Hypotype coracoid (CIT)3236; Pliocene, Owyhee, east side Dry Creek, Malheur County, Oregon; Loc. (CIT)62. Branta minuscula Wetmore WETMORE, 1924: 6, figs. 3-4. Plastoholotype humerus (prox.) USNM 10548; cast C679; Early Pleisto- cene (late Pliocene?) 2 miles south of Benson, Arizona. 10 Contributions in Science No. 228 Branta propinqua Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 407, pi. 15, fig. 17. Plastoholotype humerus AMNH 3547; cast C667; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Eremochen russelli Brodkorb HOWARD, 1966a: 4, fig. 1J. Hypotype (tent.) scapula 9734; Middle Pliocene, Rincon- Yepomera area, Chihuahua, Mexico; Loc. (CIT)289. Presbychen abavus Wetmore HOWARD, 1966d: 8, figs. 1D-1F (p.3). Hypotype tarsometatarsus (prox.) 16466; Middle Miocene, Temblor Formation, Sharktooth Hill, Kern County, California; Loc. 1625. ANSERIFORMES : ANATIDAE: TADORNINAE Anabernicula gracilenta Ross ROSS, 1935: 107, fig. 6. Holotype tarsometatarsus (CIT)1169 (fig. 6); paratypes two tarsometa- tarsi (CIT)1168, (CIT)1170; “paratypes” tarsometatarsi (CIT)1171- 1175; Late Pleistocene, McKittrick asphalt deposits, Kern County, California; Loc. (CIT)138. HOWARD, 1964b: 286, pi. 7A-H. Hypotype humerus 27349 (pi. 7A, 7B); Late Pleistocene, McKittrick asphalt deposits, Kern County, California; Loc. (CIT)138. Hypotypes carpometacarpus K4744 (pi. 7C, 7D), femur K4789 (pi. 7E, 7F), tarsometatarsus K4797 (pi. 7G, 7H); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Anabernicula oregonensis Howard HOWARD, 1964d: 5, figs. 1A, IB. Plastoholotype humerus AMNH 3548; cast C676 (figs. 1A, IB), “para- type” coracoid (CIT)3279; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Brantadorna downsi Howard HOWARD, 1963: 8, pi. 1, figs. G, H, I. Holotype humerus (prox.) 3911 (fig. G); paratype coracoid (dist.) 3910 (figs. H, I); “paratype” humerus (dist.) 3911; Middle Pleistocene, Upper Palm Spring Formation, Mesquite Oasis, Vallecito Creek, Anza- Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California; Loc. 1323. ANSERIFORMES: ANATIDAE: ANATINAE Nettion bunkeri Wetmore HOWARD, 1966a: 7, figs. IF, 1G. Hypotype coracoid 4621; Middle Pliocene, Rincon- Yepomera area, Chi- huahua, Mexico; Loc. (CIT)289. Wasonaka yepomerae Howard HOWARD, 1966a: 5, figs. 1A-1E, 1H, 1-1. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 11 Holotype humerus 4620 (figs. 1A, IB); paratypes furcula 4618 (figs. 1H, 1-1), ulna 4619 (figs. 1C, ID, IE); Middle Pliocene, Arroyo de las Bar- rancas Blancas, Va mile east of Yepomera, Chihuahua, Mexico; Loc. (CIT)286. ANSERIFORMES : ANATIDAE: MERGINAE Bucephala fossilis Howard HOWARD, 1963: 11, pi. 1, figs. A-C. Holotype carpometacarpus (prox.) 2787 (figs. A, B); paratype humerus (prox.) 2885 (fig. C); “paratypes” two carpometacarpi (prox. 2886, 2887); Middle Pleistocene, Upper Palm Spring Formation, Arroyo Tapiado, Vallecito Creek, Anza-Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California; Loc. 1430. Chendytes lawi Miller HOWARD, 1947: 76, fig. 15. Hypotypes coracoid (dist.) 2042 (fig. 15), humerus 2030; Late Pleisto- cene, Newport Bay Mesa, Orange County, California; Loc. 1066. HOWARD, 1949a: 21 and 25. Hypotypes pelvis and synsacrum (frag.) 2055, 3 pedal phalanges 2025; Late Pleistocene, Newport Bay Mesa, Orange County, California; Loc. 1066. HOWARD, 1955a: 136, figs, lb, lc, lh, 2a, 2d. Hypotypes humerus 2455 (figs, lb, lc), premaxilla 2059, femur 2015 (figs. 2a, 2d); Late Pleistocene Newport Bay Mesa, Orange County, California; Loc. 1066. Hypotype scapula 2006 (fig. lh) ; Late Pleistocene, Lincoln Blvd., Del Rey Hills, northeast of Playa del Rey, Los Angeles County, California; Loc. 1024. MILLER, MITCHELL and LIPPS, 1961: 4-10, pis. 1-2. Hypotypes coracoid 2697 (pi. 1, fig. b), humerus 2698 (pi. 1, fig. c), cranium and part lower jaw (missing) (pi. 1, figs, a, d) and associated atlas, axis and cervical vertebra 2699, pelvis 2696 (pi. 2, figs, a, b), eight associated vertebrae 2702; Late Pleistocene, north shore of east end of West Anacapa Island, California. HOWARD, 1964c: 372-376, fig 1. Hypotypes sternum 2725 (figs, la, lh), humerus 4868 (figs, lb, lc), ulnae 2736 (fig. Id), 2764, carpometacarpus 5536 (figs, le, If, Ig), scapulae 2713, 2733, 2733a, 5538, coracoid 2730; Late Pleistocene, north shore of east end of West Anacapa Island, California. Chendytes milleri Howard HOWARD, 1955a: 137, figs. 1-3. Holotype humerus 2364 (figs, la, Id); paratypes femur 2378 (figs. 2b, 2c), ulna 2387 (figs. If, lg), scapula 2386 (figs, le, li); “paratypes” incomplete coracoids, scapulae, humeri, ulnae, pelvis, femora, tibiotarsi, fibula, tarsometatarsi, phalanges and vertebrae 2379-2385, 2388-2390, 12 Contributions in Science No. 228 2392-2415 (including illustrated pelvis 2395, figs. 3a, 3b); Early? Pleistocene, north side San Nicolas Island, California; Loc. 1085. ANSERIFORMES: ANATINAE: OXYURINAE Oxyura bessomi Howard HOWARD, 1963: 13, pi. 1, figs. D, E. Holotype carpometacarpus 2785 (figs. D, E); “paratypes” ulna (dist.) 2784, coracoids 2535 and 4966, carpometacarpus (prox.) 2888; Middle Pleistocene, Upper Palm Spring Formation, Vallecito Creek, Anza- Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California. FALCONIFORMES: TERATORNITHIDAE Cathartornis gracilis Miller MILLER, 1910: 14, figs. 4a, 4b (p. 9). Plastoholotype tarsometatarsus UCMP 12598 (figs. 4a, 4b) ; cast C686; plastocotype tarsometatarsus UCMP 12600; cast C687; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, California. Teratornis incredibilis Howard HOWARD, 1952: 51, pi. 10. Holotype cuneiform (07)5067; Late Pleistocene, Smith Creek Cave, White Pine County, Nevada; Loc. (07)251. HOWARD, 1963: 16, pi. 2 A, 2C. Hypotype radius (dist.) 3803; Middle Pleistocene, Upper Palm Spring Formation, Vallecito Creek, A nza Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California; Loc. 1318. HOWARD, 1972: (in press). Hypotype (tent.) incomplete rostrum 26697; Late Pliocene (Blancan), Fish Creek, Anza-Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California; Loc. 6747. Teratornis merriami Miller MILLER, 1925a: 87, pis. 1-4. Hypotypes skull B1380 (pi. 1), furcula B1366 (pi. 2A-B), coracoid B1369 (pi. 2C), sternum B1365 (pi. 2D-E, and pi, 3A), partial pelvis B1368 (pi. 3B); humerus B1370 (pi. 3C-F), carpometacarpus B1373 (pi. 4A), femur B1374 (pi. 4C-D), tarsometatarsus D542 (pi. 4G-H), wing phalanx B1376 (pi. 4B), tibiotarsus B1372 (pi. 4E-F); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. FALCONIFORMES: VUL7URIDAE Coragyps occidentalis mexicanus Howard HOWARD, 1968a: 124. Holotype tarsometatarsus 20455; paratypes 21 tarsometatarsi 3358 and 20307-20326, 38 coracoids 3354 and 20327-20363, 15 humeri 3352 and 20364-20377, 20 ulnae 3356 and 20378-20396, 21 carpometacarpi 3355 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 13 and 20397-20416, 23 femora 3353 and 20417-20438, 17 tibiotarsi 3357 and 20439-20454; Late Pleistocene, San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Loc. (CIT)192. Gymnogyps amplus Miller FISHER, 1944: 290, figs. 43, 45, 46. Hypotypes cranium B5415 (figs. 43, 45, 46), rostrum B6513, mandible B7591; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Sarcorhamphus clarki Miller MILLER and HOWARD, 1938: 171, pi. 2a-c. Hypotypes cranium and rostrum K3158 (pi. 2a), cranium B2148 (pi. 2b, 2c) ; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. HOWARD, 1969b: 5. Hypotype axis vertebra 4638; Late Pleistocene, Tequixquiac, Mexico; Loc. (CIT)310. Vultur kernensis Miller MILLER, 1931: 70, fig. 16. Holotype humerus (dist.) (CIT)454; Pliocene, Pozo Creek, Kern River Divide, Kern County, California; Loc. (CIT)49. FALCONIFORMES: ACCIPITRIDAE: BUTEONINAE Aquila pliogryps Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 416, p. 17, fig. 33. Plastoholotype pedal phalanx 1, digit 1 AMNH 3471; cast C668; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Aquila sodalis Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 417, pi. 15, fig 5. Plastoholotype tarsometatarsus (prox.) AMNH 3470; cast C663; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Buteo typhoius Wetmore WETMORE, 1923: 489, figs. 3, 4. Plastoholotype tarsometatarsus (dist.) AMNH 1754; cast C680; Late Miocene, Snake Creek beds, Sioux County, Nebraska. Geranoaetus fragilis Miller HOWARD, 1932: 16-25, pis. 1-6. Hypotypes cranium D1184 (pi. 1, figs. 1, la), rostrum D1142 (pi. 1, figs. 2, 2a), mandible D2029 (pi. 1, fig. 3), furcula C8184 (pi. 1, figs. 4, 4a), scapula C5485 (pi. 1, figs. 5, 5a, 5b), sternum C7929 (pi. 2, figs. 1, la), coracoid E4079 (pi. 2, figs. 2, 2a, 2b), humerus C8735 (pi. 3, figs. 1, la), carpometacarpus E1091 (pi. 3, fig. 3), ulna C5261 (pi. 4, figs. 1, la, lb), radius D8354 (pi. 4, figs. 2, 2a), pelvis C6481 (pi. 5, figs. 1, la, lb), femur C684 (pi. 5, figs. 2, 2a, 2b), tibiotarsus C7332 (pi. 6, figs. 2, 2a, 2b, 2c), tarsometatarsus E893 (pi. 6, figs. 1, la, lb); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. 14 Contributions in Science No. 228 Geranoaetus grinnelli Miller HOWARD, 1932: 33-43, pis. 14-19. Hypotypes crania E3600 (pi. 14, fig. 1) and D4284 (pi. 14, figs, la, lb), rostrum F3071 (pi. 14, figs. 2, 2a), mandible C5852 (pi. 14, fig. 3), furcula C2508 (pi. 14, figs. 4, 4a), sternum D5981 (pi. 15, figs. 1, la), coracoid C5842 (pi. 15, figs. 2, 2a, 2b, 2c), scapula C4450 (pi. 15, figs. 3, 3a, 3b), humerus D2365 (pi. 16, figs. 1, la), carpometacarpus C1587 (pi. 16, figs. 2, 2a), ulna C1937 (pi. 17, figs. 1, la, lb), radius D9637 (pi. 17, figs. 2, 2a), pelvis C1036 (pi. 18, figs. 2, 2a, 2b), femur C1028 (pi. 18, figs. 1, la), tibiotarsus C3103 (pi. 19, figs. 1, la, lb), tarsometa- tarsus C6804 (pi. 19, figs. 2, 2a, 2b); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Miohierax stocki Howard HOWARD, 1944: 236, fig. 40. Holotype tarsometatarsus (dist.) metatarsal 1 and 9 phalanges (CIT) 1396; Miocene, Tick Canyon Formation, Vasquez Canyon, Los Angeles County, California; Loc. (CIT) 201. Morphnus daggetti Miller MILLER, 1915: 179, fig. 63. Holotype tarsometatarsus K3114 (old no. A380); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. MILLER, 1925a: 97, pi. 5, fig. F. Hypotype tibiotarsus J9744; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. HOWARD, 1932: 16 (footnote), text figs. 1A, IB. Hypotype coracoid D1217; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Morphnus woodwardi Miller HOWARD, 1932: 25-30, pis. 7-12. Hypotypes cranium F3172 (pi. 7, figs. 1, la), rostrum C6846 (pi. 7, figs. 2, 2a), mandibular symphysis D1019 (pi. 7, fig. 3), furcula D3056 (pi. 7, figs. 4, 4a), coracoid D4676 (pi. 7, figs. 5, 5a, 5b), sternum D2398 (pi. 8, figs. 1, la), scapula D4816 (pi. 8, figs. 2, 2a, 2b), humerus D6743 (pi. 9, figs. 1, la), radius (prox.) C4224 (pi. 9, fig. 2), carpo- metacarpus D1702 (pi. 9, fig. 3), ulnae (prox.) C9264 (pi. 10, figs. 1, la, lb), and G7554 (pi. 10, fig. 2), (dist.) D5177 (pi. 10, figs. 3, 3a, 3b), pelvis C8858 (pi. 11, figs. 1, la), tibiotarsus D1974 (pi. 11, figs. 2, 2a, 2b), femur Cl 111 (pi. 12, figs. 1, la, lb), tarsometatarsus C6644 (pi. 12, figs. 2, 2a, 2b); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Spizaetus willetti Howard HOWARD, 1935a: 207, fig. 40. Holotype tarsometatarsus (dist) (CIT) 1791; Late Pleistocene, Smith Creek Cave, White Pine County, Nevada; Loc. (CIT) 251. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 15 FALCONIFORMES: ACCIPITRIDAE: PALAEOPLANCINAE Palaeoplancus sternbergi Wetmore WETMORE, 1933: 7, figs. 15-16. Plastoholotype (part) tarsometatarsus (dist.) from skeleton USNM 12479; cast C677; Middle Oligocene, Brule Formation, Plum Creek, Niobrara County, Wyoming. FALCONIFORMES: ACCIPITRIDAE: GYPAETINAE Arikarornis macdonaldi Howard HOWARD, 1966c: 2, figs. 1A-1D. Holotype tarsometatarsus (dist.) 9357; Early Miocene, Middle Sharp’s Formation, Sharp’s Cut-off Road, Shannon County, South Dakota; Loc. 1821. Neogyps errans Miller HOWARD, 1932: 45-62, pis. 20-25. Hypotypes cranium C2053 (pi. 20, figs. 1, la), rostrum D4615 (pi. 20, figs. 2, 2a), mandible C694 (pi. 20, fig. 4), furculae D6522 (pi. 20, fig. 3), B8633 (pi. 20, fig. 3a), sternum Cl 118 (pi. 21, figs. 1, la), cora- coid C5467 (pi. 21, figs. 2, 2a), scapula C7922 (pi. 21, figs. 3, 3a), humerus C2946 (pi. 22, figs. 1, la), ulna C4049 (pi. 23, figs. 1, la, lb), radii (prox.) C3849 (pi. 23, figs. 2, 2a), (dist.) C1528 (pi. 23, fig. 3), carpometacarpus D3374 (pi. 22, fig. 2), pelvis Cl 3 14 (pi. 24, figs. 1, la, lb), femur J7555 (pi. 25, figs. 2, 2a, 2b), tibiotarsus C4982 (pi. 25, figs. 1, la, lb), tarsometatarsus F2017 (pi. 24, figs. 2, 2a); Late Pleisto- cene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Neophrontops americanus Miller HOWARD, 1932: 62-70, pis. 26-29. Hypotypes cranium D7752 (pi. 26, figs. 1, la), rostrum J9068 (pi. 26, figs. 2, 2a), mandible C7398 (pi. 26, fig. 3), sternum E2033 (pi. 26, figs. 4, 4a), furcula E3859 (pi. 26, figs. 5, 5a), coracoid E2661 (pi. 27, fig. 1), scapula E3453 (pi. 27, figs. 2, 2a), humerus G1987 (pi. 27, figs. 3, 3a), ulna D8188 (pi. 28, figs. 1, la, lb), radius D7841 (pi. 28, figs. 2, 2a), carpometacarpus H2477 (pi. 27, fig. 4), pelvis E2051 (pi. 29, figs. 1, la), femur D9765 (pi. 29, figs. 2, 2a, 2b), tibiotarsus F1958 (pi. 29, figs. 3, 3a, 3b), tarsometatarsus E2159 (pi. 29, figs. 4, 4a); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Neophrontops vallecitoensis Howard HOWARD, 1963: 17, pi. 3, fig. B. Holotype tarsometatarsus (dist.) (pi. 3B) with associated metatarsal 1 and 8 phalanges 2866; paratype tarsometatarsus (dist.) 3769; Middle Pleistocene (Irvingtonian), Upper Palm Spring Formation; Vallecito Creek, Anza-Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California; Locs. 1299 and 1356. 16 Contributions in Science No. 228 FALCONIFORMES: FALCONIDAE Polyborus prelutosus Howard HOWARD, 1938: 226, pis. 1-3. Holotype humerus E4398 (pi. 1, fig. 1, pi. 2, fig. 3); “paratypes” humeri E3927 (pi. l,fig. 3, pi. 2, fig. 1),E4356 (pi. l,fig. 2, pi. 2, fig. 4), E9852 (pi. 1, fig. 4), E3255 (pi. 1, fig. 5), E1318 (pi. 2, fig. 2), E1804 (pi. 2, fig. 5), rostrum E4485 (pi. 3, fig. 2), carpometacarpus E3556 (pi. 3, figs. 4, 4a), femora E1210 (pi. 3, fig. 6), E4012 (pi. 3, fig. 7), E651 (pi. 3, fig. 8), tarsometatarsi E681 (pi. 3, fig. 10), E3446 (pi. 3, fig. 11), and 747 specimens not listed by catalog numbers. It is impossible to trace all of these specimens. However, the following, derived from the author’s notes, are representative of the unillustrated elements described : coracoids E3080, E9884, H4545, H4606, ulnae E905, E1339, E1583, E3367, pelves D9083, D9619, E4678, E9617, tibiotarsi E3954, E4267, E4327, E4493; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Polyborus prelutosus grinnelli Howard HOWARD, 1940: 41. Holotype tarsometatarsus (CIT)2709; “paratypes” 10 tarsometatarsi (CIT) 27 10-27 19, 3 humeri (CIT) 2720-2722, 3 ulnae (CIT) 2723-2725, 5 carpometacarpi (CIT) 2726-2730, 4 femora (CIT) 273 1-2734, 2 tibio- tarsi (CIT) 2735-2736, coracoid (CIT)2737; Late Pleistocene, San Jose- cito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Loc. (CIT) 192. GALLIFORMES : CRACIDAE Procrax brevipes Tordoff and Macdonald TORDOFF and MACDONALD, 1957: 179, pi. 10, fig. 1. Plastoholotype incomplete skeleton in matrix SDSM 511; cast C538; Early Oligocene, top of Chadron Formation, Pennington County, South Dakota. GALLIFORMES: TETRAONIDAE Palaeotetrix gilli Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 415, pi. 17, fig. 34. Plastoholotype carpometacarpus AMNH 3474; cast C672; Late Pleisto- cene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Pediocaetes lucasi Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 414, pi. 17, fig. 30. Plastoholotype ulna AMNH 3476; cast C675; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. GALLIFORMES: PHASIANIDAE Miortyx aldeni Howard HOWARD, 1966c: 5, fig. IE. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 17 Holotype humerus (prox.) 9388; Early Miocene, Middle Sharp’s Forma- tion, gully beside Sharp’s Cut-off Road, Shannon County, South Dakota; Loc. 1982. GALLIFORMES : MELEAGRIDIDAE Agriocharis anza Howard HOWARD, 1963: 19, pi. 3, fig. A. Holotype humerus 3753 (pi. 3, fig. A); paratypes humerus (prox.), sternum (frag.), sacrum and ulna collected with type 3753; Middle Pleistocene, Upper Palm Spring Formation, Vallecito Creek, Anza- Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California; Loc. 1358. Meleagris eras sipes Miller MILLER, 1940: 154, fig. 45 A. Holotype tarsometatarsus (CIT)2708; Late Pleistocene, San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Loc. (CIT)192. Pavo calif ornicus Miller HOWARD, 1927: 3-27, pis. 1-13. Hypotypes cranium E5226 (pi. 1, fig. 3, and pi. 2, fig. 1), two sterna E5173 (pi. 3, fig. 1), E5691 (pi. 4, fig. 1), furcula J6535 (pi. 5, figs. 4 and 7), scapula E5445 (pi. 7, fig. 5, and pi. 8, fig. 1), coracoid E7239 (pi. 6, figs. 1, 5, and pi. 7, fig. 3), humerus E7108 (pi. 2, fig. 5), ulna E6192 (pi. 8, fig. 5), radius D9790 (pi. 7, figs. 9, 13), carpometacarpus E6666 (pi. 9, fig. 1), femur old no. 3 + 4 (pi. 9, fig. 5), tibiotarsus F6993 (pi. 10, fig. 1, pi. 11, fig. 1), tarsometatarsus E6839 (pi. 12, fig. I, pi. 13, fig. 1 ) ; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. HOWARD, 1928: 90. Hypotypes five beaks K2474-2478; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. HOWARD, 1945: 597, pi. 25. Hypotypes tarsometatarsi (age stages) K1681 (upper fig. a), K8364 (upper fig. b), G6282 (upper fig. c), E7224 (upper fig. d), E8569 (upper fig. e), E6732 (upper fig. f), E6697 (upper fig. g), E7737 (upper fig. h), E6793 (lower fig. a), E5075 (lower fig. b), E6801 (lower fig. c), E6173 (lower fig. d), E5333 (lower fig. 3); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. GRUIFORMES: PHORUSRHACIDAE Titanis walleri Brodkorb BRODKORB, 1963: 113, fig. 2. Plasto“paratype” pedal phalanx 1, digit 3 UF 4109; cast C427; Late Pleistocene, Santa Fe River, Gilchrist/ Columbia County line, Florida. 18 Contributions in Science No. 228 GRUIFORMES: RALLIDAE Epirallus natator Miller MILLER, 1942: 43, fig. la. Holotype tarsometatarsus (CIT)2943; Late Pleistocene, San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Loc. (CIT) 192. Fulica hesterna Howard HOWARD, 1963: 22, pi. 1, fig. F (p. 10). Holotype tibiotarsus (dist.) 2873 (pi. 1, fig. F) ; par atype tarsometatarsus and 5 pedal phalanges 2873; “paratype” tibiotarsus (dist.) 2875; Middle Pleistocene, Upper Palm Spring Formation, Vallecito Creek, Anza- Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California; Locs. 1433 and 1299. Fulica minor Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 412, pi. 17, fig. 32. Plastoholotype humerus AMNH 3480 (name preoccupied; see Fulica shufeldti Brodkorb); cast C673; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Fulica shufeldti Brodkorb BRODKORB, 1964b: 186. Plastoholotype humerus AMNH 3480; cast C673; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. CHARADRIIFORMES : SCOLOPACIDAE Palnumenius victima Miller MILLER, 1942: 45, fig. lb. Holotype tarsometatarsus (CIT) 2944; Late Pleistocene, San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico; Loc. (CIT) 192. CHARADRIIFORMES: LARIDAE Larus oregonus Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 398, pi. 15, fig. 3. Plastoholotype humerus (prox.) AMNH 3494; cast C662; Late Pleisto- cene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. Larus robustus Shufeldt SHUFELDT, 1892: 398, pi. 15, figs. 1-2. Plastoholotype coracoid AMNH 3497; cast C674; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. CHARADRIIFORMES: STERCORARIIDAE Stercorarius shufeldti Howard HOWARD, 1946: 184, pi. 2, figs. 1, 2. Plastoholotype humerus AMNH 3491; cast of proximal end only C671; Late Pleistocene, Fossil Lake, Oregon. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 19 CHARADRIIFORMES: ALCIDAE: ALCINAE Aethia rossmoori Howard HOWARD, 1968b: 16, figs. 2-1, 2-J (p. 4). Holotype ulna 18948 (fig. 2-J); “paratype” humerus (dist.) 18949 (fig. 2-1); Late Miocene, Leisure World, Laguna Hills, Orange County, Cali- fornia; Loc. 1945. Brachyramphus pliocenus Howard HOWARD, 1949b: 191, pi. 3, figs. 1, 2. Holotype humerus 2119 (pi. 3, fig. 2); “paratypes” cranium 2166 (pi. 3, fig. 1), humerus (dist.) 2152, articular end mandible 2172; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. Cerorhinca dubia Miller MILLER, 1925b: 115, pi. 2. Plastoholotype impression of leg bones in shale UCMP 26546; cast (in relief) C695; Late Miocene, diatomaceous shales, Lompoc, Santa Barbara County, California. Cerorhinca minor Howard HOWARD, 1971: 9, figs. ID, 1G, 1H, 1J. Holotype humerus (prox.) 15408 (fig. 1 J ) ; “paratypes” ulna (prox.) 15406 (fig. 1G), tarsometatarsus 15407 (fig. ID), humerus (prox.) 15420, coracoid (dist.) 15421 (fig. 1H); Early Pliocene, Almejas For- mation, SE corner Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico; Locs. 65153 and 65148. CHARADRIIFORMES: ALCIDAE: MAN C ALLIN AE Alcodes ulnulus Howard HOWARD, 1968b: 18, figs. 2G, 2H, 2L (p. 4). Holotype ulna 18277 (fig. 2H) ; “paratypes” ulna (dist.) 18279, carpo- metacarpus (prox.) 18278 (figs. 2G, 2L); Late Miocene, Leisure World, Laguna Hills, Orange County, California; Loc. 1945. Mancalla californiensis Lucas LUCAS, 1901: 133, figs. 1, 2. Plastoholotype humerus (prox.) USNM 4976; cast C685; Early Pliocene, Repetto Formation, Third Street Tunnel, Los Angeles, California. HOWARD, 1949b: 196, pi. 3, figs. 3, 3a, 4, 4a. Hypotypes carpometacarpus (prox.) 2033 (figs. 3, 3a), tarsometatarsus (shaft) 2034 (figs. 4, 4a), vertebra 2035; Early Pliocene, Repetto For- mation, 3 miles north of Corona del Mar, Orange County, California; Loc. 1067. HOWARD, 1970: 2. Hypotypes humeri (prox.) 2576, (dist.) 2577, coracoid 2581, ulna 2580, radius 2579, carpometacarpus 2578, tibiotarsus 2424, tarsometatarsus 2250; Early Pliocene, Repetto Formation, 3 miles north of Corona del Mar, Orange County, California; Loc. 1067. 20 Contributions in Science No. 228 Mancalla cedrosensis Howard HOWARD, 1971: 11, figs. 1L and 2A-K. Holotype incomplete skeleton 15373 including essentially complete right scapula (fig. 2H), coracoid (figs. 2C, 2G, 2J), humerus (fig. 2B), ulna, femur (fig. 2K), and tibiotarsus (figs. 2A and 2D), left ulna (fig. 2E), radius (fig. 2F) , carpometacarpus (fig. 21) , distal end right radius, carpo- metacarpus and left tibiotarsus, proximal end right tarsometatarsus and left femur, and fragmentary vertebrae; “paratypes” complete right tarso- metatarsus (fig. 1L) and associated fragmentary pelvis, femur, tibiotarsi and vertebrae 15425; associated leg bones 23739; associated furcula, sternum, scapulae, coracoids, carpometacarpus 15410; and 50 separate elements nos. 15364-15372, 15374-15385, 15388-15402, 15408-15409, 15411-15412, 15415-15419, 15424, 15427; Early Pliocene, Almej as For- mation, Cedros Island, Baja California, Mexico. Mancalla milleri Howard HOWARD, 1970: 7, figs. 1A-1C. Holotype femur 2185 (figs. 1A, IB; figured Miller and Howard, 1949, pi. 5, fig. 3 as Mancalla diegense ); paratype humerus 2813 (fig. 1C); “paratypes” (Miller and Howard, 1949, pis. 1-6, figured as M. diegense', see Pliolunda diegense ) scapula 2070 (pi. 4, fig. 4), humeri 2066, 2096 (pi. 2, figs. 2, 3), ulnae 2069 (pi. 1, fig. 1) 2082 (pi. 1, fig. 2, pi. 3, fig. 8), 2079 and 2101 (pi. 3, figs. 9-10), 2179 (pi. 5, fig. 2) , carpometa- carpus 2068 (pi. 4, fig. 15), femur 2097 (pi. 4, fig. 1), tibiotarsi 2083, 2100, 2108, 2134 (pi. 4, figs. 8, 10, 13, 14), sterna 2063 (pi. 2, fig. 7), 2180 (pi. 6, fig. 1), pelvis 2182 (pi. 6, fig. 2) ; “paratypes” cranium 2204, sterna 2325, 2661, scapulae 2167, 2252, 2257, 2278, 2297, 2506, 2536, coracoids 2208, 2229, 2243, 2276, 2338, 2498a, 2555, 2559, 2627, humeri 2096a and b, 2206, 2219, 2292, 2303, 2326, 2427, 2442, 2480a, b, and c, 2504, 2553, 2679, 2850, ulnae 2342, 2439, 2484, 2497a and b, 2552, 2558, 6426, radii 2335, 2632, carpometacarpus 2825, femora 2508, 2848, tibiotarsi 2088, 2209, 2286, 2478, 2549, 2628, tarsometa- tarsi 2327, 2488, 2548, 2682, 6454; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. Pliolunda diegense Miller MILLER and HOWARD, 1949: 201-228, pi. 1-6. Hypotypes scapulae 2176, 2049 (pi. 4, figs. 5, 7), coracoids 2087, 2067 (pi. 3, figs. 2, 3), ulna 2064 (pi. 3, fig. 7), carpometacarpus (prox.) 2068 (pi. 4, fig. 16), tibiotarsi 2125 (pi. 4, fig. 9), 2177 (pi. 5, fig. 1), tarsometatarsi 2178, 2177 (pi. 5, figs. 4-5); (see Mancalla milleri for reassignment of other figured specimens); Pliocene, San Diego Forma- tion, San Diego, California. HOWARD, 1970: 7, fig. ID. Hypotype humerus 2670; Pliocene, San Diego Formation, San Diego, California. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 21 Praemancalla lagunensis Howard HOWARD, 1966b: 4, figs. 1A, C, D, E, G. Holotype humerus (dist.) 15288 (fig. IE, 1G); paratype carpometa- carpus (prox.) 15287 (fig. 1A); “paratypes” carpometacarpus (prox.) 15290, coracoid (dist.) 15289 (figs. 1C, ID), scapula 15294, lower mandible (articular end) 15428; Late Miocene, Leisure World, Laguna Hills, Orange County, California; Loc. 1945. CUCULIFORMES : CUCULIDAE Geococcyx conklingi Howard HOWARD, 1931: 208, fig. 50. Syntypes humerus (dist.) 118 (figs. 50c, 50c'), ulna 119 (fig. 50b), femur 113 (figs. 50a, 50a'); “paratypes” femora (shafts) 114, 115, humerus (shaft) 117, tibiotarsus (dist.) 116; Late Pleistocene, Conkling Cavern, Dona Ana County, New Mexico; Loc. 1009. STRIGIFORMES: PROTOSTRIGIDAE Protostrix californiensis Howard HOWARD, 1965b: 350, pi. 49, figs. 1, 3. Holotype humerus 6171; Eocene, Poway Formation, 300 yards north of intersection of Lake Shore and Jackson drives, San Diego, California; Loc. 1723. STRIGIFORMES: STRIGIDAE Asio priscus Howard HOWARD, 1964a: 28, fig. 1. Holotype tibiotarsus 4712; Late Pleistocene, Arlington Canyon, Santa Rosa Island, California; Loc. (CIT) 106. Strix brea Howard HOWARD, 1933: 66, fig. 15. Holotype tarsometatarsus E9379 (fig. 15); “paratypes” rostra C7125, K2713, sterna E2477, D9615, coracoids E9273, E9687, H4850, H4872, H4881, H4889, H4904, H4911, H4923, scapulae E2720, H6610, H6613, H6629, H6636, H6656, H6659, H6673, humeri E8911, E9051, E9425, E9804, F9305, G1229, carpometacarpi H3096-H3098, H3107, H3126. femora E9439, E9647, E9909, F4884, tibiotarsi El 139, E9267, E9414, E9545, E9606, E9758, E9888, E9919, E9932, E9942, F7456, tarso- metatarsi E9416, E9417, E9575, E9892, E9911, G3933, G3957, G3958; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. PASSERIFORMES: PALAEOSCINIDAE Palaeoscinis turdirostris Howard HOWARD, 1957b: 6, figs. 1-2. Holotype complete skeleton on two slabs of matrix 2604; Miocene, Tepusquet Creek, Santa Barbara County, California; Loc. 1127. 22 Contributions in Science No. 228 PASSERIFORMES: ICTERIDAE Pandanaris convexa A. Miller A. MILLER, 1947: 22, fig. 4a-d. Holotype upper mandible K7278 (figs. 4a, 4b, 4c); “paratype” lower mandible K7279 (figs. 4b, 4d); Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Pyelorhamphus molothroides A. Miller A. MILLER, 1932: 39, pi. 4, figs. 1-5. Holotype lower mandible 320 (pi. 4, figs. 1, 2, 3); “paratype” upper mandible 338 (pi. 4, figs. 2, 4, 5); Quaternary (?Late Pleistocene), Shelter Cave, Dona Ana County, New Mexico; Loc. 1010. PASSERIFORMES: FRINGILLIDAE Pipilo angelensis Dawson DAWSON, 1948: 59, fig. 16. Holotype upper mandible K7291 (fig. 16); paratype upper mandible K7292; “paratypes” six upper mandibles, all K7293; Late Pleistocene, Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles, California. Literature Cited Andrews, C. W. 1913. On some bird remains from the Upper Cretaceous of Tran- sylvania. Geol. Mag. decade 5, 10 (5): 193-196, figs. 1-2. Brodkorb, P. 1953. A review of the Pliocene loons. Condor 55:211-214, fig. 1. 1963a. Catalogue of Fossil Birds, Part 1. Bull. Fla. St. Mus., Biol. Sci. 7 (4): 179-293. 1963b. A giant flightless bird from the Pleistocene of Florida. Auk 80:111-115, figs. 1-2. 1964a. Catalogue of Fossil Birds, Part 2. Bull. Fla. St. Mus., Biol. Sci. 8 (3): 195-335. — . 1964b. A new name for Fulica minor Shufeldt. Quart. J. Fla. Acad. Sci., 27 (3): 186. _. 1967. Catalogue of Fossil Birds, Part 3. Bull. Fla. St. Mus., Biol. Sci. 11 (3) : 99-220. 1971. Catalogue of Fossil Birds, Part 4. Bull. Fla. St. Mus., Biol. Sci. 15 (4): 163-266. Cope, E. D. 1878. Descriptions of new extinct vertebrata from the Upper Tertiary and Dakota formations. Bull. U.S. Geol. and Geog. Surv. Terr. 4 (2):379-396. Dawson, W. R. 1948. Records of fringillids from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. Condor 50:57-63, fig. 16. Fisher, H. I. 1944. The skulls of the cathartid vultures. Condor 46:272-296, figs. 42-47. Hopson, J. A. 1964. Pseudodontornis and other large marine birds from the Mio- cene of South Carolina. Postilla, Peabody Mus. Nat. Hist., Yale Univ. No. 83, 19 p., figs. 1-3. Howard, H. 1927. A review of the fossil bird, Parapavo calif ornicus (Miller) from the Pleistocene asphalt beds of Rancho La Brea. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bull. Dept. Geol. Sci. 17:1-56, pis. 1-13. 1928. The beak of Parapavo californicus (Miller). Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 27:90-91. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 23 1931. A new species of road-runner from Quaternary cave deposits in New Mexico. Condor 33:206-209, figs. 48-50. 1932. Eagles and eagle-like vultures of the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 429, 82 p., 3 figs, in text, 29 pis. 1933. A new species of owl from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea, California. Condor 35:66-69, fig. 15. 1935a. A new species of eagle from a Quaternary cave deposit in eastern Nevada. Condor 37:206-209, fig. 40. 1935b. The Rancho La Brea Wood Ibis. Condor 37:251-253, fig. 47. 1936. A new fossil bird locality near Playa del Rey, California, with description of a new species of sulid. Condor 38:211-214, fig. 37. 1938. The Rancho La Brea Caracara, a new species. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 487:217-240, 3 pis. 1940. A new race of Caracara from the Pleistocene of Mexico. Condor 42:41-44. 1942. A review of the American fossil storks. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 530:187-203, 2 text figs., 1 pi. 1944. A Miocene hawk from California. Condor 46:236-237, fig. 40. 1945. Observations on young tarsometatarsi of the fossil turkey, Parapavo calif ornicus (Miller). Auk 62:596-603, 1 text fig., pi. 25. 1946. A review of the Pleistocene birds of Fossil Lake, Oregon. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 551:141-195, 2 pis. 1947. Wing elements assigned to Chendytes. Condor 49:76-77, fig. 15. 1949a. Avian fossils from the marine Pleistocene of southern California. Condor 51:20-28. 1949b. New avian records for the Pliocene of California. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 584:177-199, 3 pis. 1952. The prehistoric avifauna of Smith Creek Cave, Nevada, with a description of a new gigantic raptor. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 51 (2):50-54, pi. 10. 1955a. New records and a new species of Chendytes, an extinct genus of diving geese. Condor 57:135-143, figs. 1-3. 1955b. Fossil birds from Manix Lake, California. U.S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Paper No. 264-1:199-205, pi. 50, and text fig. 42. 1957a. A gigantic “toothed” marine bird from the Miocene of California. Santa Barbara Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. Dept. Geol. 1 : 1-23, figs. 1-8. 1957b. A new species of passerine bird from the Miocene of California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 9:1-16, figs. 1-2. 1958. Miocene sulids of southern California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 25:1-15, figs. 1-3. 1962. Fossil Birds. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Sci. Ser. 17, Paleontol. 10, 44 p., 22 figs. 1963. Fossil birds from the Anza-Borrego Desert. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 73:1-33, 1 fig., 3 pis. 1964a. A fossil owl from Santa Rosa Island, California, with comments on the eared owls of Rancho La Brea. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 63(1) : 27-3 1 , 1 fig. 1964b. Fossil Anseriformes. In “Waterfowl of the World,” by Jean Dela- cour, vol. 4, p. 233-326, 5 text figs., 10 pis. Country Life Ltd., London. 1964c. Further discoveries concerning the flightless “diving geese” of the genus Chendytes. Condor 66:372-376, 1 fig. 1964d. A new species of the “Pigmy Goose,” Anabernicula, from the Oregon Pleistocene, with a discussion of the genus. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2200:1-14, 2 figs. 24 Contributions in Science No. 228 1965a. A new species of cormorant from the Pliocene of Mexico. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 64 (l):50-55, 1 fig. - 1965b. First record of avian fossils from the Eocene of California. J. Paleontol. 39(3) :350-354, pi. 49. - 1966a. Pliocene birds from Chihuahua, Mexico. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 94:1-12, 1 fig. — 1966b. A possible ancestor of the Lucas Auk (Family Mancallidae) from the Tertiary of Orange County, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 101:1-8, 1 fig. 1966c. Two fossil birds from the Lower Miocene of South Dakota. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 107:1-8, 1 fig. 1966d. Additional avian records from the Miocene of Sharktooth Hill, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 114:1-11, 1 fig. . 1968a. Limb measurements of the extinct vulture, Coragyps occidentalis, with a description of a new subspecies. Papers Archaeol. Soc. New Mex. 1:115-128. ... 1968b. Tertiary birds from Laguna Hills, Orange County, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 142:1-21, 2 figs. - 1969a. A new avian fossil from Kern County, California. Condor 71:68-69, 1 fig. 1969b. Avian fossils from three Pleistocene sites in central Mexico. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 172:1-11, 1 fig. 1970. A review of the extinct avian genus, Mancalla. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 203:1-12, 1 fig. 1971. Pliocene avian remains from Baja California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 217:1-17, 2 figs. 1972. The Incredible Teratorn again. Condor 74: (in press). Howard, H., and S. L. Warter. 1969. A new species of bony-toothed bird ( Family Pseudodontornithidae) from the Tertiary of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 8(4) : 345-357, 4 pis. Howard, 11., and J. A. White. 1962. A second record of Osteodontornis, Miocene “toothed” bird. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 52:1-12, 5 figs. International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature. 1964. International code of zoological nomenclature, adopted by the XV International Congress of Zoology. Int. Trust Zool. Nomenclature, London. 176 p. Lambrecht, K. 1928. Mesozoische und tertiare Vogelreste aus Siebenburgen. Proc. X International Congr. Zool., Budapest, 1927, Sect. VIII, Paleozoologie et Zoogeographic, p. 1262-1275, figs. 1-16. Lucas, F. A. 1901. A flightless auk, Mancalla calif orniensis, from the Miocene of California. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 24(1245) : 133-134, figs. 1-2. Marsh, O. C. 1870. Notice of some fossil birds from the Cretaceous and Tertiary formations of the United States. Amer. J. Sci. ser. 2, 49(46) : 205-2 17. Miller, A. H. 1932. An extinct icterid from Shelter Cave, New Mexico. Auk 49:38-41, pi. 4. ... .... 1947. A new genus of icterid from Rancho La Brea. Condor 49:22-24, fig. 4. Miller, L. H. 1910. The condor-like vultures of Rancho La Brea. Univ. Calif. Publ. Bull. Dept. Geol. 6:1-19, figs. 1-5. 1915. A walking eagle from Rancho La Brea. Condor 17:179-181, fig. 63. — . 1925a. The birds of Rancho La Brea. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 349: 63-106, pis. 1-6, 20 text figs. 1925b. Avian remains from the Miocene of Lompoc. Carnegie Inst. Wash., Publ. 349:107-117, pis. 1-9, 1 text fig. 1929. A new cormorant from the Miocene of California. Condor 31: 167-172, figs. 58-59. 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 25 1931. Bird remains from the Kern River Pliocene of California. Condor 33:70-72, fig. 16. 1932. The Pleistocene storks of California. Condor 34:212-216, fig. 23. 1935. New bird horizons in California. Publ. Univ. Calif. Los Angeles, Biol. Sci. 1(5) :73-80, 2 figs. 1938. A study of the skull of the Pleistocene stork, Ciconia maltha Miller. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 8:455-462, pi. 37. 1940. A new Pleistocene turkey from Mexico. Condor 42: 154-156, fig. 45. 1942. Two new bird genera from the Pleistocene of Mexico. Univ. Calif. Publ. Zool. 47:43-46, fig. 1. 1944a. Some Pliocene birds from Oregon and Idaho. Condor 46:25-32, fig. 6. , 1944b. A Pliocene flamingo from Mexico. Wilson Bull. 56:77-82, figs. 1-2. 1961. Birds from the Miocene of Sharktooth Hill, California. Condor 63:399-402, fig. 1. Miller, L., and R. I. Bowman. 1958. Further bird remains from the San Diego Pliocene. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 20:1-15, figs. 1-5. Miller, L., and H. Howard. 1938. The status of the extinct condorlike birds of the Rancho La Brea Pleistocene. Publ. Univ. Calif. Los Angeles, Biol. Sci. 1 : 169-176, pi. 2, 2 text figs. 1949. The flightless Pliocene bird Mancalla. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 584(7) :201-228, pis. 1-6. Miller, L., E. D. Mitchell, and J. H. Lipps. 1961. New light on the flightless goose, Chendytes lawi. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 43:1-11, pis. 1-2. Ross, R. 1935. A new genus and species of pigmy goose from the McKittrick Pleistocene. Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 8(15) : 107-1 14, figs. 1-6. Sellards, E. H. 1916. Human remains and associated fossils from the Pleistocene of Florida. 8th Ann. Rept. Fla. Geol. Surv., p. 121-160, pis. 15-31, text figs. 1-15. Shufeldt, R.W. 1892. A study of the fossil avifauna of the Equus beds of the Oregon desert. J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 9(3) :389-425, pi. 15-17. 1913. Review of the fossil fauna of the desert region of Oregon, with a description of additional material collected there. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 32(6): 123-178, pis. 9-43. 1915. Fossil birds in the Marsh collection of Yale University. Trans. Con- necticut Acad. Arts and Sci. 19:1-110, 15 pis. 1916. New extinct bird from South Carolina. Geol. Mag. n.s. 3(8): 343- 347, pi. 15. Tordoff, H. B., and J. R. Macdonald. 1957. A new bird (family Cracidae) from the early Oligocene of South Dakota. Auk 74:174-184, pi. 10, and text fig. 1. Wetmore, A. 1923. Avian fossils from the Miocene and Pliocene of Nebraska. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 48( 12) :483-507, figs. 1-20. 1924. Fossil birds from southeastern Arizona. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 64(5): 1-18, figs. 1-9. 1930. Fossil bird remains from the Temblor Formation near Bakersfield, California. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci. 19(8) : 85-93, 7 text figs. 1933. An Oligocene eagle from Wyoming. Smithsonian Misc. Coll. 87(19) : 1-9, figs. 1-19. 1940. Fossil bird remains from Tertiary deposits in the United States. J. Morphol. 66:25-37, figs. 1-14. Zullo, V. A., and L. G. Hertlein. 1970. Catalog of specimens in the type collec- tion of the Department of Geology, California Academy of Sciences. Cephalo- poda. Occas. Papers Calif. Acad. Sci. 82:1-130. 26 Contributions in Science No. 228 Species Index Names in brackets indicate latest taxonomic assignments (see Brodkorb, 1963a, 1964a, 1967, 1971). abavus, Presbychen, p. 10 aldeni, Miortyx, p. 16 americanus, Neophrontops, p. 15 amplus, Gymnogyps, p. 13 angelensis, Pipilo, p. 22 anza, Agriocharis, p. 17 bessomi, Oxyura, p. 12 brea, Strix, p. 21 brevipes, Procrax, p. 16 bunkeri, Nettion, p. 10 calhouni, Puffinus, p. 4 californica, Diomedea, p. 4 californicus, Pavo [Parapavo], p. 17 californiensis, Mancalla, p. 19 californiensis, Protostrix, p. 21 cedrosensis, Mancalla, p. 20 clarki, Sarcorhamphus [Breagyps], p. 13 concinna, Gavia, p. 3 condoni, Anser [Cygnus paloregonus], p. 9 conklingi, Geococcyx, p. 21 connectens, Megapaloelodus, p. 8 conradi, Puffinus, p. 4 convexa, Pandanaris, p. 22 crassipes, Meleagris [Agriocharis], p. 17 daggetti, Morphnus [Wetmoregyps], p. 14 diatomicus, Puffinus, p. 4 dickeyi, Branta, p. 9 diegense, Pliolunda [Mancalla], p. 20 downsi, Brantadorna, p. 10 dubia, Cerorhinca, p. 19 errans, Neogyps, p. 15 felthami, Puffinus, p. 4 femoralis, Phalacrocorax, p. 7 fossilis, Bucephala, p. 1 1 fragilis, Geranoaetus [Buteogallus], p. 13 gilli, Palaeotetrix [Dendragapus], p. 16 goletensis, Phalacrocorax, p. 7 gracilenta, Anabernicula, p. 10 gracilis, Cathartornis, p. 12 grinnelli, Geranoaetus [Spizaetus], p. 14 grinnelli, Polyborus prelutosus [Caracara], p. 16 hammeri, Fulmarus, p. 4 hesterna, Fulica, p. 18 howardae, Gavia, p. 3 humeralis, Sula, p. 6 inceptor, Puffinus, p. 4 incredibilis, Teratornis, p. 12 joaquininsis, Plotopterum, p. 7 kanakoffi, Puffinus, p. 4 kennelli, Phalacrocorax, p. 8 kernensis, Vultur [Sarcoramphus], p. 13 lagunensis, Praemancalla, p. 21 lawi, Chendytes, p. 11 lompocana, Sula [Morns], p. 7 lucasi, Pediocaetes [Dendragapus], p. 16 macdonaldi, Arikarornis, p. 15 maltha, Ciconia, p. 8 macropus, Graculus [Phalacrocorax], p. 7 matthewi, Olor [Cygnus paloregonus], p. 9 media, Miosula, p. 6 merriami, Teratornis, p. 12 mexicanus, Coragyps occidentalis, p. 12 milleri, Chendytes, p. 11 milled, Diomedea, p. 4 milleri, Mancalla, p. 20 minor, Cerorhinca, p. 19 minor, Fulcia [F. shufeldti], p. 18 minuscula, Branta [Anabernicula], p. 9 minutus, Phoenicopterus, p. 9 mioceanus, Palaeochenoides, p. 5 mitchelli, Puffinus, p. 5 molothroides, Pyelorhamphus, p. 22 natator, Epirallus, p. 18 nopcsai, Elopteryx, p. 5 opsigonus, Megapaloelodus, p. 8 oregonensis, Anabernicula, p. 10 oregonus, Larus, p. 18 orri, Osteodontornis, p. 5 paloccidentalis, Ardea [Botaurus lentiginosus], p. 8 paloregonus, Cygnus, p. 9 pliocenus, Brachyramphus, p. 19 pliogryps, Aquila [Spizaetus], p. 13 pohli, Sula, p. 7 prelutosus, Polyborus [Caracara], p. 16 priscus, Asio, p. 21 priscus, Puffinus, p. 5 propinqua, Branta, p. 10 recentior, Miosula, p. 6 reyana, Moris [Morus reyanus], p. 6 robustus, Larus, p. 18 rossmoori, Aethia, p. 19 russelli, Eremochen, p. 10 shufeldti, Fulica, p. 18 shufeldti, Stercorarius, p. 1 8 sodalis, Aquila [Hypomorphnus], p. 13 sternbergi, Palaeoplancus, p. 15 1972 Type Specimens of Avian Fossils 27 stirtoni, Pseudodontornis, p. 6 stocki, Miohierax, p. 14 stocki, Phoenicopterus, p. 9 stocktoni, Sula [Palaeosula], p. 7 subparvus, Colymbus [Podiceps], p. 3 tedfordi, Puffinus, p. 5 turdirostris, Palaeoscinis, p. 21 typhoius, Buteo, p. 13 ulnulus, Alcodes, p. 19 vagabundus, Moris [Morus], p. 6 Accepted for publication March 24, 1972 vallecitoensis, Neophrontops, p. 15 victima, Palnumenius, p. 18 walleri, Titanis, p. 17 weillsi, ?Jabiru [ciconia maltha], p. 8 wetmorei, Mycteria, p. 8 willetti, Spizaetus, p. 14 willetti, Sula, p. 7 woodwardi, Morphnus, p. 14 yepomerae, Wasonaka, p. 10 so *]* J3 £zL NUMBER 229 JUNE 12, 1972 A NEW SPECIES OF SWIFT OF THE GENUS CYPSELOIDES FROM NORTHEASTERN SOUTH AMERICA (AYES: APODIDAE) By Charles T. Collins CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCI6NC6 Q NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— ( 1 ) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor A NEW SPECIES OF SWIFT OF THE GENUS CYPSELOIDES FROM NORTHEASTERN SOUTH AMERICA (AVES: APODIDAE)1 By Charles T. Collins2 Abstract: A review of the Chestnut-collared Swift, Cypse- loides rutilus, indicates that the labelled type specimen of Hirundo rutila Vieillot, 1817 is from Trinidad, that Vieillot’s original description agrees with the type, and that the distinctive population from the Pantepui area of southern Venezuela and neighboring Guyana and Brazil, long believed to the the same as the Trinidad population and also called by that name by recent authors, is deserving of separate species status. Although charac- terized nearly 100 years ago, this species lacks a valid name, and Cypseloides phelpsi, the Tepui Swift, is here proposed. In the course of field studies of the Chestnut-collared Swift ( Cypseloides rutilus) in Trinidad (Collins, 1968) I became increasingly aware that the plumages of some individuals, particularly those of females and juveniles, were sharply at odds with some published accounts. A subsequent review of the molts and plumages of this species throughout its range (Collins, in preparation) has also pointed out a particularly distinct population which, although accurately characterized nearly 100 years ago, lacks a valid scientific name. Correcting this situation entails first a review of the taxonomic history of C. rutilus and this distinctive population. The Chestnut-collared Swift ( Cypseloides rutilus) was first described by Vieillot (1817) under the name of Hirunda rutila. The type specimen, stated by Vieillot to be in the collections of the Museum National d’Histoire Natu- relle, (Paris), is extant in the collections of that museum, mounted on a small stand as was then the custom. No locality for the type was given by Vieillot although “La Trinite” (i.e., Trinidad) is written on the underside of the base of the stand. This omission is not surprising as it is well known that Vieillot often described new species from mounted specimens he did not handle but only observed in locked exhibit cases in the Paris museum. In any event Vieillot’s description agrees with the specimen. Also appearing on the under- side of the stand are the determinations “Chaetura rutila Vieillot” and “ Hirundo robini Lesson,” the latter being a long accepted junior synonym published in 1831 with type locality given as “Pile de la Trinite.” Later authors Editorial Committee for this Contribution Eugene Eisenmann Herbert Friedmann Kenneth E. Stager 2Research Associate in Ornithology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; and Department of Biology, California State College, Long Beach, Cali- fornia 90801. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 229 (Sclater, 1855; Salvin and Sclater, 1860; Orton, 1871) state that this species was collected by M. Robin in Trinidad and that his specimens form the types of Vieillot’s and Lesson’s descriptions. I have been able to find only the single specimen. There is no evidence that there were ever more and I suggest that both descriptions were based on the same specimen, as indicated by the labels on the stand. As indicated below there is no reason to doubt that the specimen described by Vieillot is that marked as type in the Paris museum and labeled as being from Trinidad, and this should be designated as the type locality for Hirundo rutila Vieillot and H. robini Lesson in future studies. In the next 100 years Chestnut-collared Swifts were collected in most parts of their present known range: in mountainous country from Mexico to Bolivia. Additional taxa were described from Colombia ( Chaetura brunni- torques Lafresnaye, 1844 = Cypseloides rutilus ; and from Mexico ( Cypselus brunneitorques (sic) griseifrons Nelson, 1900 = Cypse- loides rutilus griseifrons ; Chaetura nubicola Brodkorb, 1938 = Cypseloides rutilus nubicola ). A full review of these taxa and a yet to be described sub- species from South America will be presented later (Collins, in preparation). During this period authors have not been in full agreement as to whether brunnitorques and rutilus were races of a single species, C. rutilus, or alter- natively, separate species, with griseifrons and nubicola being races of C. brunnitorques. Species limits will be discussed in detail below. Although several fairly recent authors, mostly following Peters (1940), have included these birds in the genus Chaetura, as was also done by some very early work- ers, the current consensus favors inclusion in Cypseloides. This is based both on various aspects of the reproductive biology (Lack, 1956; Snow, 1962; Collins, 1968) but also on more traditional morphological characters (Zim- mer, 1953; Eisenmann and Lehmann, 1962). In the last century two specimens of an allied but strikingly different swift, one of which is presently located in the collections of the British Museum, were collected by H. Whitely in the Merume Mountains of British Guiana (Guyana). As described by Salvin and Godman (1882:82), these specimens differed from those of other areas in having a “brighter” chestnut collar and a tail “much longer and distinctly forked.” Also, the chestnut of the collar included the chin, an area normally brown in specimens from all other populations. These are in fact some of the salient characteristics of this population. However, the following statement made by Salvin and Godman with regard to the correct name applicable to these specimens was evidently made without examining Vieillot’s type and in disregard of a salient aspect of his description: “There can be little doubt that the species described as Hirundo rutila by Vieillot was the Guiana bird, though the origin of the specimens was unknown.” This view is contradicted by Vieillot’s original description of Hirundo rutila in which, among other things, the tail is stated to be square (not forked), and the chin is not chestnut colored. Salvin and Godman further suggested 1972 A New Species of Swift from South America 3 that the name Hirundo robini be applied to these Guianan birds as well and that the island of Trinidad be included in the range. The erroneous assumption was made that the two populations were the same. The designation of “Guiana” as the type locality for H. rutila by Peters (1940) following Salvin and Godman, is not supportable on the basis of the known facts. Peters did correctly include Trinidad in the range of this form, not realizing that two very different forms were included under one designation. I have examined most of the available specimens of the Chestnut-collared Swifts from all portions of their range and they are in agreement with Vieillot’s original description of H. rutila and the type specimen, which I have also examined. It is important to note that in all populations the tail is relatively short, essentially square and unforked. In worn plumages the rectrices may become abraded thus exposing the terminal portion of the shafts of some feathers. This gives them the superficial appearance of having the bare ter- minal “spines” typical of species of Chaetura. The specimen described by Vieillot had these characteristics, for he stated “la queue carree; les deux pennes intermediares terminees en pointe; les autres arrondies a leur extremite,” which I translate as “the tail square; the two middle feathers ending in a point; the others rounded at their ends.” Personal observations made on numerous living birds netted in the field confirm that these characteristics are also true of the Chestnut-collared Swifts presently breeding on the island of Trinidad. Surprisingly there are but two museum specimens of these swifts from Trini- dad, and only one is of an adult. I have examined both and they are of the form described by Vieillot. The correct view that Cypseloides rutilus (Vieillot) is applicable to the birds inhabiting the island of Trinidad has been uniformly accepted by all authors considering the avifauna of this island from Leotaud (1866) to the present day. However, the erroneous conclusion of Salvin and Godman (1882) that Guianan birds were the same was repeated by Salvin (1885), and unfortunately was uncritically followed by Peters and nearly all later authors. This gave rise to the view that the name Cypseloides rutilus was applicable not only to the Trinidad form (which is square-tailed), but to the distinctive, fork-tailed birds now known from many specimens from the tabletop moun- tains (tepuis) south of the Orinoco River in Venezuela and the immediate adjacent parts of Guyana and Brazil (“Pantepui Area” of Mayr and Phelps, 1967). This situation was abetted by a near absence of specimens of these swifts from the mountains of northern Venezuela, thus giving the impression that there existed a large discontinuity in the range of these swifts and that the nearest continental population to Trinidad was in fact that inhabiting Pantepui. With the collection of specimens of C. rutilus from various localities in northern Venezuela (Phelps and Phelps, 1958), and the filling of this seeming discontinuity in their range, it is now obvious that the zoogeographical affini- ties of the population in Trinidad ( Cypseloides rutilus sensu stricto ) are with northern Venezuela and Colombia (so-called brunnitorques) . There is much 4 Contributions in Science No. 229 less morphological resemblance and less close relationship with the distinctive population inhabiting Pantepui. In fact, rutilus and brunnitorques are so similar as to be doubtfully distinct even as subspecies, and after further study the latter may prove to be synonymous with rutilus which has priority. The Pantepui swifts, characterized by Salvin and Godman (1882) form a dis- tinctive allopatric population for which I now propose the name: Cypseloides phelpsi, new species TYPE: Adult male, AMNH 324213, original expedition number 1594; collected 14 February 1938, on Cerro Auyan-tepui, Bolivar, Venezuela at an elevation of 1100 meters by the Phelps Venezuela Expedition. DIAGNOSIS: Adults of C. phelpsi are readily separable from those of all populations of C. rutilus (whatever the subspecies) in having a longer “softer” (less stiffened) and deeply forked tail lacking the stiffened, and sometimes bare-tipped shafts and square tail of C. rutilus and in longer wings. Moreover, in color they also differ from all populations of C. rutilus in 1) having the plumage more nearly black rather than a blackish brown, 2) the collar a more orange-chestnut tone rather than a deep red-brown or chestnut-brown, and 3 ) in having the coloration of the collar extend upward over all of the chin or interramal area. The extent of this coloration is the same in both sexes although the breast is a bit paler and mixed with brown in some females. The white supraocular streak is present in nearly all individuals. In C. rutilus only exceptional females have the full male coloration; most females have no chestnut collar, or only a partial one confined to the nape and part of the sides of the neck. In both C. phelpsi and C. rutilus there is a tendency for males to be larger than females in most linear measurements, although even the smallest females of C. phelpsi are generally larger than the largest males of C. rutilus. Table 1 presents measurements of the available specimens of C. phelpsi (both from Venezuela and Guyana) and, for comparison, a series of C. rutilus from the mountainous areas of northern Venezuela in the states of Tachira, Merida, Barinas, Yaracuy, Carabobo, Aragua, Distrito Federal, Miranda and Sucre. As mentioned earlier, specimens from all parts of the range of C. rutilus have been examined in this study, although only measurements from this one nearby part of the range are presented here. The darkness of the body and flight feathers, the more orange color and extent of the collar, the length of wing and tail, and depth of forking of the tail, individually as well as collec- tively, serve to separate C. phelpsi from this or any other population of C. rutilus throughout its range. The degree of whiteness of the supraocular stripe in C. phelpsi is approached in one population of C. rutilus in Middle America ( nubicola ). As also usually (but not invariably) true in C. rutilus, the outermost (tenth) primary of C. phelpsi is shorter than the ninth (see tip measurement, Table 1). 1972 A New Species of Swift from South America 5 Table 1 Measurements8 of Cypseloides phelpsi and Cypseloides rutilus from Venezuela phelpsi Males (N = 12)c phelpsi Females (N= 18) rutilus Males (N = 22) rutilus Females (N = 20) Wing (Flattened) 136.92 ±0.61 (133-140.5) 133.92 ±0.64 (129.5-138) 122.50 ±0.89 (116-130.5) 119.15 ±0.71 (112-124.5) Wing Tipb 5.15 ±0.42 (3.0-7. 5) 4.86 ±0.28 (2.5-7. 5) 4.98 ±0.53 (2.5-10.0) 4.31 ±0.18 (2. 5-5. 5) Tail 61.31 ±0.81 (56.5-66) 58.87 ±0.36 (56.5-61.5) 44.84 ±0.58 (39.5—48.5) 42.68 ±0.49 (37.5-47.0) Depth of Tail Fork 9.61 ±0.45 (7.0-11.5) 9.71 ±0.48 (5.5-13.0) 2.79 ±0.62 (1. 0-3.0) 1.36 ±0.29 (0.0-4. 5) Culmen (from nostril) 4.18 ±0.06 (4.0-4.5) 4.21 ±0.06 (3.7— 4.5) 4.17 ±0.09 (3.7-4. 5) 4.16 ±0.05 (3. 7-4. 5) Tarsus 13.76 ±0.13 (12.7-14.5) 13.60 ±0.11 (12.7-14.3) 12.33 ±0.11 (11.5-13.0) 12.03 ±0.11 (11.3-13.0) a. All measurements in millimeters; presented are: Mean± standard error and (range). b. Difference in length of ninth and tenth primaries (ninth longest). c. Does not include extralimital specimen from Aragua: wing, 139; wing tip, ? (primary 10 not full length) ; tail, 59.2; depth of fork, 9.8; culmen, 4.0; tarsus, 14.0. DESCRIPTION OF TYPE: Dark sooty black all over except for pro- nounced orange-chestnut collar including nape, upper breast, throat, chin and sides of head up to level of eyes; light white streak above eyes on edge of dark crown. Tail deeply forked; shafts of rectrices not markedly stiffened nor pro- jecting beyond vane. Soft parts (on label) : iris brown, bill black, feet purplish gray. Wing (flattened) 136 mm, tail 61.5 mm; culmen (from nostril) 4 mm; tarsus 14.5 mm; depth of tail fork 8.5 mm; gonads not fully enlarged; no appreciable molt but not in fresh plumage. RANGE: Pantepui area of southeastern Venezuela, northwestern Guyana, and probably (no specimen) extreme northeastern portion of Terri- torio Federal de Roraima, Brazil. A single extralimital specimen has been taken at Rancho Grande, Aragua, in northern Venezuela. SPECIFIC STATUS: C. phelpsi is unquestionably a distinctive popula- tion, but, it may be argued, no more so than numerous insular or otherwise isolated populations of other birds entitled to only subspecific rank. It should be remembered, however, that swifts are exceedingly mobile animals and that the geographic distances which restrict gene flow between populations of many bird species may be encompassed by the daily foraging flights of swifts. Thus it is unlikely that in itself the distance between Pantepui and the nearest 6 Contributions in Science No. 229 breeding populations of C. rutilus in northern Venezuela (900 ± kms) is enough of a barrier to gene flow to justify considering the striking differences of C. phelpsi as simply those of a geographically isolated but potentially interbreeding population. The Mexican and Bolivian populations of C. rutilus are more like those of Trinidad and northern Venezuela than is the com- paratively nearby Pantepui population of C. phelpsi. As has also been pointed out by Orr (1963) and Brooke (1971), good species of swifts frequently show little divergence in appearance so that seemingly minor morphological difference may be of greater importance in delimiting species than in other avian taxa. Thus the striking difference in wing and tail length, degree of forking of the tail, and decreased sexual dimorphism in plumage of C. phelpsi seem especially significant in appraising specific limits in this case. Two further bits of evidence are available. Firstly, if the Pantepui area is as isolated for swifts as it is for the other less mobile species, we should expect to find similar degrees of difference in other swift species living there. Such is not the case! Aeronautes montivagus and Chaetura chapmani show little or no geographic variation over this part of their ranges. A second bit of evidence that C. phelpsi is not sedentary is the existence of a single specimen collected at the Rancho Grande Biological Station in Aragua on 16 February 1960. This specimen, now housed in the collection at that station, is typical in every way of the Pantepui specimens of C. phelpsi. Rancho Grande is well within the breeding range of C. rutilus, which has also been collected there (Beebe, 1949; Collins, in preparation). This indicates that at least an occasional indi- vidual of C. phelpsi may occur in the range of C. rutilus and that the appre- ciable morphological differences between these birds are maintained despite this possible sympatry and potential for genetic interchange. For these rea- sons I feel that tentatively full specific status is warranted for Cypseloides phelpsi. This is essentially a reversion, although with new nomenclature, to the treatment prevailing before Peters (1940). REMARKS: There is no information available on the ecology, feeding habits, or body weight of C. phelpsi. It was observed flying in large flocks around Cerro Auyan-tepui in the non-breeding season by Gilliard (1941). Although Mayr and Phelps (1967:297) include the Tepui Swift in a list of “cliff dwellers,” this, although probably true, is still a supposition, for its nesting and roosting habits are presently unreported. In all likelihood, it will show the same affinities for nest and roosting sites in damp, dark areas with high relief, near or behind waterfalls, exhibited by other Cypseloides swifts including C. rutilus (Snow, 1962; Collins, 1968). Nest sites of C. phelpsi should be looked for in the vicinity of the numerous waterfalls coming off the tepuis. Two specimens showing early stages of molt of the wing feathers, typical of the end of the breeding season, were taken on 26 July. This probably indi- cates a late “spring”- early “summer” breeding season (in the northern hemi- sphere sense) closely tied to the onset of the rainy season in this area. Only 1972 A New Species of Swift from South America 7 one of a large series collected in February showed even slightly enlarged gonads (Gilliard, 1941 ). Two specimens show from three to six white feathers in the central breast region at the lower border of the collar. These specimens, both of female (AMNH 323327 and 324266), were collected on Cerro Auyan-tepui on 14 February and 13 March 1938. Such cases of partial albin- ism have been recorded for several other neotropical swifts including C. rutilus (Eisenmann and Lehmann, 1962; Collins, 1967). The name Cypseloides phelpsi, based on information provided by me, has appeared as a nomen nudum in two recent faunal lists but without any diagnosis or description (Brooke, 1970a, 1970b). Since most of the possible vernacular names incorporating the color of the collar have been used in reference to C. rutilus, Tepui Swift would seem the most appropriate English name for Cypseloides phelpsi in recognition of its range in Pantepui. ETYMOLOGY: It is my pleasure to name this swift after William H. Phelps, Jr., who, by so ably continuing the efforts devoted by his father, the late William H. Phelps, to the study and preservation of the avifauna of Venezuela and the Pantepui area in particular, has contributed so much to our ornithological knowledge of these areas. Specimens Examined Cypseloides phelpsi Venezuela, Bolivar, Mt. Auyan-tepue: 9 males, 14 females (AMNH, R.G.) Cerro Duida: 1 female (AMNH) GranSabana: 1 male, 1 female (P.) Cerro Serrania: 1 male, 1 female (P.) Territory Amazonas, Cerro Yapacana: 1 female (R.G.) Aragua, Rancho Grande: 1 male (R.G.) British Guiana (Guyana): Merume Mountains: 1 male (B.M.) Cypseloides rutilus Over 250 specimens from all parts of the range of this species have been examined in this study including a sample of 44 from northern Venezuela (localities listed in text). A complete analysis of this species will be presented later (Collins, in preparation). (AMNH = American Museum of Natural History, New York; P. = Phelps Orni- thological Collection, Caracas; R.G. = Estacion Biologica de Rancho Grande, Aragua; B.M. = British Museum, Tring.) Acknowledgments This study of Cypseloides rutilus and C. phelpsi, part of a wider study of the biology of Neotropical swifts, has been generously supported by re- search awards for field studies in Trinidad and Venezuela and a post-doctoral fellowship from the Frank M. Chapman Memorial Fund of the American Museum of Natural History. Without this support this work would not have been possible. I am grateful to the curators of the many museum collections 8 Contributions in Science No. 229 from which I borrowed specimens for this study, and patricularly the authori- ties of the Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle for allowing me to examine Vieillot’s type of Hirundo rutila. I am also most grateful to E. Eisenmann and R. K. Brooke for their most helpful comments which improved an earlier draft of this paper. Resumen Una revision del vencejo de collar castano, Cypseloides rutilus, ha indi- cado que el especimen tipo ( Hirundo rutila Vieillot, 1817) es de Trinidad, y que la poblacion distintiva del area de Pantepui del sur de Venezuela, la vecina Guayana y Brasil, desde hace mucho asociada con este nombre, merece ser separada en categoria de especie. Aunque caracterizada hace cerca de 100 anos, esta especie carece de nombre valido y Cypseloides phelpsi es propuesto aqui para el vencejo tepuiano. Literature Cited Beebe, W. 1949. The swifts of Rancho Grande, North-Central Venezuela, with special reference to migration. Zoologica 34: 53-62. Brodkorb, P. 1938. New birds from the district of Soconusco, Chiapas. Oc. Papers. Mus. Zool., Univ. Mich. 369: 1-7. Brooke, R. K. 1970a. Zoogeography of Swifts. Ostrich, Supplement 8: 47-54. 1970b. Taxonomic and evolutionary notes on the subfamilies, tribes, genera and subgenera of the swifts. Durban Mus. Novitates 9: 13-24. 1971. Geographical variation in the Little Swift Apus affinis (Aves: Apodidae). Durban Mus. Novitates 9: 93-103. Collins, C. T. 1967. Partial albinism in the Chestnut-collared Swift in Trinidad. Bull. Brit. Orn. Club 87: 122-123. 1968. The comparative biology of two species of swifts in Trinidad, West Indies. Bull. Fla. St. Mus. 11: 257-320. Eisenmann, E., and F. C. Lehmann V. 1962. A new species of swift of the genus Cypseloides from Colombia. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2117: 1-16. Gilliard, E. T. 1941. The birds of Mt. Auyan-tepui, Venezuela. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 77: 439-508. Lack, D. 1956. A review of the genera and nesting habits of swifts. Auk 73: 1-32. Lafresnaye, M. de 1844. Nouvelles especes d’oiseaux de Colombie. Revue Zoo- logique 1844: 80-?? Leotaud, A. 1866. Oiseaux de Lisle de la Trinidad. Chronicle Publishing Office, Port of Spain. 560 p. Lesson, R. P. 1831. (type description of Hirundo robini ) Traite d’Ornithologie, Paris. Mayr, E., and W. H. Phelps, Jr. 1967. The origin of the bird fauna of the south Venezuelan highlands. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 136: 269-328. Nelson, E. W. 1900. Descriptions of thirty new North American birds in the Biological Survey collection. Auk 17: 253-270. Orr, R. T. 1963. Comments on the classification of swifts of the subfamily Chaeturinae. Proc. XIII Internat. Ornith. Cong. 1: 126-134. Orton, J. 1871. Notes on some birds in the Museum of Vassar College. Amer. Nat. 4: 711-717. Peters, J. L. 1940. Check-list of Birds of the World. Vol. 4. Harvard Univ. Press, Cambridge. 1972 A New Species of Swift from South America 9 Phelps, W. H., and W. H. Phelps, Jr. 1958. Lista de las aves de Venezuela con su distribucion. Tomo 2, Parte 1, No Passeriformes. Salvin, O. 1885. A list of the birds obtained by Mr. Henry Whitely in British Guiana. Ibis 3 (5th Ser.): 418-439. Salvin, O., and F. D. Godman. 1882. Notes on birds from British Guiana. Ibis 6 (4th Ser.): 76-84. Salvin, O., and P. L. Sclater. 1860. Contributions to the ornithology of Guate- mala. Ibis 2: 28-45. Sclater, P. L. 1855. On the birds received in collections from Santa Fe de Bogota. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1855: 131-166. Snow, D. W. 1962. Notes on the biology of some Trinidad swifts. Zoologica 47: 129-139. Vieillot, L. J. P. 1817. Nouveau Dictionnaire D’Historie Naturelle, Vol. 14. Zimmer, J. T. 1953. Studies of Peruvian birds. No. 64. The Swifts: Family Apodidae. Am. Mus. Novitates 1609: 1-20. Accepted for publication April 17, 1972 7, ys C L NUMBER 230 JUNE 23, 1972 HYPSOCEPHALUS ATLANTICUS, A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF LUTJANID FISH FROM MARINE EOCENE LIMESTONES OF NORTHERN FLORIDA By Camm Swift and Brooks Ell wood CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE iff zo U; Piiil NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— (1 ) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS.- — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor HYPSOCEPHALUS ATLANTICUS, A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF LUTJANID FISH FROM MARINE EOCENE LIMESTONES OF NORTHERN FLORIDA1 By Camm Swift2 and Brooks Ellwood3 Abstract: A single neurocranium (and a few other bone fragments) representing an undescribed genus and species of hoplopagrine lutjanid was discovered in solution caverns in Eocene limestones in Jackson County, Florida. It is quite dis- tinct from the only living member of this subfamily, Hoplopa- grus guntheri, known from southern Baja California to Panama in the eastern Pacific Ocean. The Hoplopagrinae are distinct from other lutjanids in possessing: 1) strong, blunt, conical teeth on the premaxillary, dentary, vomer and palatine; 2) a largely vertical posterior face on the basioccipital; 3) exoccipital condylar surfaces which fail to meet in the midline; 4) relatively small otic capsules; and 5) a strong, globular, ventral swelling near the posterior end of the parasphenoid, apparently serving as a brace for the upper pharyngeals. In Eocene times when the sea was deeper and warmer, the hoplopagrine lutjanids were present near the northern Gulf of Mexico of today. For some reason the group disappeared on the Atlantic side but persisted in the eastern Pacific Ocean. This subfamily is not known outside the New World. The snappers, family Lutjanidae, are common, worldwide fishes in tropical and subtropical marine shore waters. A few species enter estuaries, and several others are little known species occurring about hard substrate in deep water. Despite this recent abundance, snappers are scarce in the fos- sil record, and only two records could be found for fossil snappers in North America (Gregory, 1930; Jordan and Gilbert, 1919). Elsewhere in the world three genera ( Caesio , Lednevia, Lutjanus ) have been recorded from Eocene and Miocene deposits of Europe, and Lutjanus has been noted from the Miocene of Australia (Romer, 1966). Summary works on fossil fishes by Smith-Woodward (1901), Casier (1966), Danil’chenko (1967), and Lehman (1966) mention no lutjanid genera. Six other doubtful fossil records for the family are based on otoliths (Weiler, 1968), five from the London Clay and one of Lutjanus from Borneo. 1Editorial Committee for this Contribution William A. Gosline Robert J. Lavenberg Stanley H. Weitzman 2Associate Curator of Fishes, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. 3Graduate School of Oceanography, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, Rhode Island 02881. 1 Contributions in Science No. 230 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 3 The lutjanid fossils known from North America come from the Miocene of California, Lutianus hagari Jordan and Gilbert, 1919, and the Oligocene of Florida, Lutjanus avus Gregory, 1930. The first known fossil of a hop- lopagrine snapper (described below) comes from within a few miles of the site of collection of Lutjanus avus in northwest Florida (Figure 1). The Hop- lopagrinae are otherwise known only by the sole living species, Hoplopagrus guntheri Gill (1862a) which ranges from Abreojos (UCLA S-392) and Mag- delena (LACM 32086-3) Bays on the west coast of Baja California and Guaymas (CAS IU 7749) in the Gulf of California south to Panama (Wal- ford, 1937). It occurs about reefs from shore to “deep, cold water near the Pearl Islands” (Walford, 1937) in the Gulf of Panama. Previous authors have compared the hoplopagrines with other lutjanids and with the sparids when searching for the affinities of the subfamily (Gill, 1862a, 1862b; Jordan and Evermann, 1898; Regan, 1913). All agree that the hoplopagrines resemble lutjanids more than sparids, and this seems to be true based on our comparison of the skeletons of most of the North American genera of both families. The new fossil has been compared primarily with North American lutjanids, but osteological resemblances to sparids and pom- adasyids have been recorded. References to characters of those families are based on examination of materials listed below. Several old world genera of both families have not been examined, and this should be considered in assessing the comparisons. Materials and Methods The comparison below of the fossil with recent species of lutjanids, pomadasyids and sparids are based on the following specimens. Neuro- cranium length was measured from the anterior end of the vomer to the posterior end of the basioccipital. Abbreviations are: California Academy of Sciences (CAS), University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA), and Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM). Lutjanidae Hoplopagrus guntheri Gill: CAS 14158, 460 mm SL, Mexico, Cerralvo Is., 4 March 1945; LACM-VP-F422, Mexico, Gulf of California, Cabo Lobos, 14 Feb. 1970, S. P. Applegate; UCLA S-392, about 410 mm SL, Mexico, Baja California, Abreojos Bay, May, 1954; LACM 31774-1, 208 mm SL, Mexico, Gulf of California, Baja California, just S Pta. Arena, R/V Searcher Sta. 44, 2 Feb. 1971. Lutjanus apodus (Walbaum) : LACM 31732-1, SL unknown (neuro- cranium 48.9 mm long), Bahamas, San Salvador Island, Graham Harbor, 10 June 1966, E. S. Wing. Lutjanus campechanus (Poey): LACM 31737-1, 523 mm SL, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Middle Grounds, Sept. 1969, P. McCaffrey. Lutjanus griseus (Linnaeus): LACM 31735-1, 393 mm SL, Florida, Monroe Co., Tortugas, 17 or 18 Dec. 1968, C. Combs, H. Austin, H. Mattraw; 4 Contributions in Science No. 230 LACM 31852-1, 460 mm SL, Broward Co., off Hollywood Beach, 18 March 1969, H. Yaffa; LACM 31736-1, 215 mm SL, Florida, Okaloosa Co., mouth Choctawhatchee Bay, 12 Oct. 1968, R. Hastings. Lutjanus synagris (Linnaeus) : LACM 31731-1, ca. 335 mm SL, Florida, Volusia Co., vie. Daytona Beach, summer 1966, M. Gomon. Ocyurus chrysurus (Bloch) : LACM 31853-1, 461 mm SL, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Middle Grounds. 28° 25' N, 84° 18' W, 10 Nov. 1969, J. Bishop, H. Austin; LACM 31734-1, 245 mm SL, Panama, Atlantic Ocean, San Bias, Holandes Cay, 27 Sept. 1970, J. E. McCosker. Pristipomoides aquilonaris (Goode and Bean): LACM 31730-1, ca. 110 mm SL, Oregon Station 10892, Gulf of Mexico. Rhomboplites ciurorubens (Cuvier): LACM 31738-1, 190 mm SL, Florida, Okaloosa Co., vie. Destin, 2 April 1966, C. Swift; LACM 31733-2, 219 mm SL, and LACM 31733-1, 165 mm SL, Gulf of Mexico, 23 mi SSE of Pensacola, 29 June 1969, S. Bortone. Pomadasyidae Anisotremus davidsoni (Steindachner) : LACM 32587-1, 319 mm SL, California, Orange Co., Huntington Beach, 8 Aug. 1970, C. Swift, et al.; LACM 32588-1, 298 mm SL, California, Orange Co., Huntington Beach, 5 July 1970, J. Fitch. Brachydeutereus corvinaeformis Steidachner: LACM 32585-1, neuro- cranium 38 mm long, Panama, Atlantic, Bahia Limon, 1970, J. E. McCosker. Haemulon aurolineatum Cuvier: LACM 32584-2, 129 mm SL, Florida, Franklin Co., 15 mi S Alligator Harbor, 10 May 1969, S. Bortone; LACM 31849-6, 151 mm SL, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Middle Grounds, 12, 13 June 1969, C. Swift and party. Haemulon plumieri (Lacepede) : LACM 32584-1, neurocranium 72 mm long, Florida, Franklin Co., ca. 15 mi S Alligator Harbor, 10 May 1969, S. Bortone; LACM 31849-5, 383 mm SL, Florida, Gulf of Mexico, Middle Grounds, 12, 13 June 1969, C. Swift and party. Haemulon sciurus (Shaw) : LACM 32586-1, neurocranium 52 mm long, Florida, Monroe Co., Vaca Key, June, 1964, K. Ainslie and party. Orthopristis chrysoptera (Linnaeus): LACM 31848-3, 177 mm SL, LACM 31848-4, 170 mm SL, Florida, Franklin Co., mouth Alligator Harbor, 4 July 1968, C. Swift and party; LACM 32583-1, 188 mm SL, LACM 32583-2, 179 mm SL, Florida, Franklin Co., St. George Island, 11 June 1968, F. W. Vockell. Sparidae (all from Florida) Archosargus probatocephalus (Walbaum): LACM 31591-3, 270 mm SL, Okaloosa Co., mouth Choctawhatchee Bay, 11 Sept. 1969, C. Swift and party; LACM 31850-1, SL unknown (neurocranium 32.9 mm long), Santa Rosa Co., Santa Rosa Sound at Gulf Breeze, 15 July 1966, R. W. Hastings. Calamus nodosus Randall and Caldwell: LACM 31849-2, 242 mm SL, 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 5 Gulf of Mexico, Middle Grounds, 28° 3 O' N, 84° 15' W, 12, 13 June 1969, C. Swift and party. Calamus arctifrons Goode and Bean: LACM 31537-36, 137 mm SL, and LACM 31537-38, 159 mm SL, Wakulla Co., 5.5 mi WSW St. Marks Light, 6 Sept. 1969, C. Swift and party. Diplodus holbrooki (Bean): LACM 31848-2, 123 mm SL, Franklin Co., mouth Alligator Harbor, 4 July 1968, C. Swift and party; LACM 31851-1, 159 mm SL, Franklin Co., off mouth Ochlockonee River, 4 Oct. 1969, J. Wiese, R. Lazor. Lagodon rhomboides (Linnaeus): LACM 31845-1, 143 mm SL, Bay Co., St. Andrews Bay, 14 Oct. 1967, C. Swift and party, LACM 31848-1, 151 mm SL, Franklin Co., mouth Alligator Harbor, 4 July 1968, C. Swift and party. Pagrus sedecim Ginsburg: LACM 31738-2, head only (neurocranium 51.8 mm long), Okaloosa Co. ca. 15 mi S Destin, 2 April 1966, R. W. Yerger and class; LACM 31849-1, 292 mm SL, Gulf of Mexico, Middle Grounds, 28° 3 O' N, 84° 15' W, 12, 13 June 1969, C. Swift and party. Anatomical Abbreviations : following abbreviations are used in figures 2 to 5 : bo basioccipital para parasphenoid bs basisphenoid pro prootic epo epiotic pto pterotic exo exoccipital seth supraethmoid fr frontal soc supraoccipital int intercalar spho sphenotic leth lateral ethmoid VO vomer pa parietal Hypsocephalus , new genus Diagnosis: A hoplopagrine lutjanid distinguished from the living and only other known genus of the subfamily, Hoplopagrus, by: 1) a skull which is high and deep rather than elongate; 2) supra- and lateral temporal fossae shallow and flattened rather than deeply excavated; 3) a supraoccipital crest extending anterior to a vertical through the center of the bony orbit rather than forward beyond the anterior edge of this orbit; 4) the globular swelling at the posterior end of the parasphenoid excavated posteriorly rather than a solid protuberance; 5) vomerine teeth in a roundish patch rather than a transverse band; 6) molariform palatine teeth present rather than lacking altogether; 7) two rather than one row of teeth for most of the length of the dentary; 8) three rather than two rows of teeth for most of the length of the premaxillary; and 9) a deeply excavated cavity in the basioccipital broadly confluent with the myodome rather than only narrowly excavated and slightly confluent. Type species Hypsocephalus atlanticus. The name Hypsocephalus (vif/os, high or elevated, + cephalus, head) refers to the high, deep skull 6 Contributions in Science No. 230 and the specific name atlanticus refers to the Atlantic Ocean, the general locality of the fossil, in contrast to the eastern Pacific Ocean, the area where the only living relative, Hoplopagrus, occurs. Hypsocephalus atlanticus , new species Figures 2-7 Holotype: LACM VP 27859, a single neurocranium, 49.4 mm long, with the right posterolateral side broken off, thus the epiotic, exoccipital, pterotic, and intercalar are absent from this side (see below). Other bones found in definite association with, and certainly part of, this one fish are: a left cleith- rum about three-fourths complete, the middle half of the right cleithrum, a fragmentary anterior one-third of the right maxillary, the middle two-thirds of the right premaxillary, the anterior one-fifth of the left premaxillary, the middle three-fourths of the right dentary, a small fragment of the antero- dorsal edge of the left dentary, the anterior half of the right articular, the distal two-thirds and the anterior and proximal one-fourth of the right hyo- mandibular, impressions of three anterior premaxillary teeth, about half of the right exoccipital with the articular facet for the atlas vertebrae intact, one complete neural arch and spine with the dorsal one-fifth of an anterior abdominal vertebrae attached, several fragmentary branchiostegal rays imbedded in a small piece of limestone, one dorsal spine pterygiophore, and the posterolateral corner of the skull also imbedded in a limestone block. Locality: LAV Loc. 7189 Florida, Jackson Co., T: 5N, R: 1 1W, Sec. 13, 2.7 airline miles NW of Marianna (Figure 1), collected by Brooks and Suzanne Ellwood and Edward M. Renner on 2 April 1970. The skull was taken from Milton’s Cave (Figure 1) in the lower member of the Crystal River formation, the uppermost Eocene formation in this north Florida area. The locality is a small, intricate cave, and the skull and associated bones were found in a solution cavity of the cave 13.2 ± 0.5 meters below the surface of the ground. Diagnosis: As for the genus. Description Vomer: The ventral surface of the vomer is roughly circular and covered with stout bluntly pointed teeth (Figure 4). The anteriormost tooth is longest and largest in diameter. It is flanked posterolaterally on each side by a tooth slightly smaller in diameter, and about half as high. Posterior to these three, and partially between the posterior two, is a cluster of six small teeth. A seventh small tooth was present as evidenced by a small empty socket just posterior to the lateral robust tooth on the right side. Ventrally a low, rounded keel on the vomer is continuous with that on the parasphenoid. Laterally a low rounded ridge extends posterodorsally to, and is continuous with, that of the lateral ethmoid. The vomer bears a broadly rounded bridge middorsally as well, and with the ventral and lateral ones, the vomer is diamond shaped in cross section just above the tooth patch. Posterodorsally the dorsal ridge 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 7 bifurcates narrowly around the narrow rostral fenestra (of Starks, 1926) to meet the supraethmoid. Comparison: In Hoplopagrus the vomerine tooth patch is narrow antero- posteriorly and wider laterally; an anterior transverse row of three or four stout, almost molariform teeth is followed by a row of four to six much smaller teeth similarly proportioned. All the living snapper genera known have villi- form vomerine teeth (when they are present), and the vomerine tooth patch assumes a variety of shapes (Gill, 1884; Regan, 1913; Norman, 1966; Ander- son, 1967). Parasphenoid: The anterior half of the parasphenoid bears a wide, thin ventral keel, which is least developed anteriorly at the vomer-parasphenoid articulation (Figure 2). The keel extends further ventrally to the posterior and abruptly ends in 90° angle ventral to the ascending parasphenoid processes articulating with the prootics. Just posterior to the keel, the parasphenoid expands into a globular swelling that is concave posteriorly, and the para- sphenoid continues posteriorly as a narrow, dorsoventrally flattened flange ventral to, and articulating dorsally with the basioccipital. Comparison: The parasphenoid of Hoplopagrus is similar to Hypsoce- phalus except that the swollen brace for the upper pharynageals is not as strongly developed. The parasphenoid of Lutjanus lacks this swelling, is rela- tively longer, and is keeled ventrally. In Ocyurus a strong, rounded ridge extends laterally and posterodorsally from the posterior end of the para- sphenoid along the ventral and anterolateral edge of each otic bulla. In Ocyurus the keel on the parasphenoid is very low. In all of the above except Ocyurus the parasphenoid is straight, and the ventral edges of the vomerine tooth patch, of the parasphenoid keel, and of the basioccipital lie along a straight line. The ventral surface of the anterior half of the parasphenoid is slightly concave in Pristipomoides and Rhomboplites. In Rhomboplites, Pris- tipomoides, and Ocyurus the longitudinal profile of the parasphenoid is a shal- low V. The ventralmost point is at the posterior end of the keel, just ventral to the ascending processes. Lateral Ethmoid: The lateral ethmoid is essentially rectangular antero- posteriorly. The ventral edge broadly articulates with the parasphenoid, and its anteroventral and posteroventral angles bear short robust pillars which articulate with the palatine. The posterior pillar is shorter and its flat, longi- tudinally oval facet faces ventrally. The flat oval surface of the anterior pillar faces about equally anteriorly, laterally, and dorsally. The anterior pillar lies on a ridge extending from the lateral corner of the vomer, through the facet, and posterodorsally to the posteromedial portion of the lateral ethmoid where it converges with a thick vertical ridge on the posterior edge of the lateral ethmoid. This vertical ridge narrows ventrally, terminating in the posterior facet. Dorsally it thickens, extends laterally, and its cancellous dorsal surface articulates with the lateral edge of the frontal. A space separates the two lateral ethmoids medially just under the frontals. The lateral ethmoids meet 8 Contributions in Science No. 230 along the middle one-fourth of the vertical distance between the frontals and the parasphenoid. Ventral to this midline contact the lateral ethmoids are separated narrowly to their ventral articulation with the parasphenoid. Ventral to and slightly lateral to the anterior opening of the supraorbital lateral line canal in the frontal, the olfactory canal courses anteriorly from v seth ieth 1cm soc Figure 2. Lateral view of the neurocrania. A, Hypsocephalus atlanticm (LACMVP 27859); B, Hoplopagrus guntheri (LACM 31774-1). 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 9 the orbital cavity through the lateral ethmoid. This canal is a vertical oval in cross section, 3 mm high and 1 mm wide. Comparison: The two facets for articulation with the palatine are similar to Hypsocephalus in Hoplopagrus , but in the latter both face slightly more laterally. In Ocyurus and Lutjanus the anterior facet faces anteroventrally and slightly laterally, and the posterior one faces ventrally and slightly anteriorly. The facets are at the ends of ridgelike struts of bone in the above genera. Rhomboplites and Pristipomoides bear these two facets in the same orientation as in Hypsocephalus, but they are only slightly raised from the lateral bone surface. The third facet which receives the medial side of the lachrimal lies slightly more dorsal than the anterior palatine facet and is dorsal, lateral and slightly posterior to the posterior palatine facet in Hypsocephalus, Hoplop- agrus, Ocyurus , and Lutjanus . In Rhomboplites and Pristipomoides the lachrimal facet is on the same level as the anterior palatine facet, and is above and lateral to the posterior one. Hoplopagrus shares with Hypsocephalus the strongly developed dorsal and dorsolateral portion of the lateral ethmoids. In Lutjanus, Ocyurus, and Pristipomoides, this surface faces laterally and slightly anteriorly, meeting about perpendicularly with the lateral edge of the frontals. In Rhomboplites the lateral ethmoid faces more dorsally than in Lutjanus and Ocyurus, but still meets the frontal with an abrupt angle rather than through a continus surface as in the hoplopagrines. The olfactory nerve foramen is large in Hoplopagrus (which has an exceptionally large nasal cap- sule) and about the same relative size as in Hypsocephalus in the remaining recent genera. Supraethmoid: The dorsal surface of the supraethmoid is shaped like a posteriorly directed arrowhead, its posterolateral surfaces bounded by the frontals (Figure 3). The supraethmoid is widest just anterior to the frontals; immediately anterior to this widest point it narrows in width by about one-third. Here the anterolateral transverse edges each bear a short pointed process. A thick median ridge extends anteriorly a short distance and then bends perpendicularly and continues ventrally. The ridge narrows ventrally and the anterior edge flattens out anteroventrally around the rostral fenestra. This thick anterodorsal ridge of the supraethmoid narrows slightly postero- ventrally before the lateral surfaces of the bone flare laterally to meet the lateral ethmoids. Comparison: The dorsal surface of the supraethmoid is similar to Hyp- socephalus in Pristipomoides and is reduced to a small square in Rhomboplites and Ocyurus. In Hoplopagrus it is oblong, gently rounded anteriorly and directed posteriorly between the frontals. It is long and slender in Lutjanus, where it is widest between the anterior tips of the frontals and gradually nar- rows posteriorly. In the recent genera the anterior end of the dorsal surface of the supraethmoid meets at right angles with the vertical, mid-longitudinal ridge of the anterior surface which slopes ventrally and anteriorly. The rostral fenestra is large in Hoplopagrus and Pristipomoides (as in Hyposocephalus) , 10 Contributions in Science No. 230 small in Ocyurus and L. synagris, and absent in Rhomboplites, L. campe- chanus, and L. griseus. In Hoplopagrus a low ridge is present parallel and lateral to the median ridge. It is absent in Hypsocephalus and is absent or only present as a slight suggestion of a raised area in the other recent genera. Frontal: The frontals are thin and dip medially to produce a shallowly concave interorbital region. The articulation between them extends posteriorly and slightly dorsally from the posterior apex of the supraethmoid to a vertical through the middle of the bony orbit and the beginning of the supraoccipital crest. Each frontal continues posteriorly and laterally of the supraoccipital crest to a vertical between the two facets for articulation of the hyomandibular. Anteriorly, laterally, and ventrally the frontals firmly articulate with the lateral ethmoids, and continue posteriorly to rim the orbit. Along the posterodorsal edge of each orbit they meet the sphenotics, the articulation itself continues Figure 3. Dorsal view of the neurocrania. A, Hypsocephalus atlanticus (LACMVP 27859); B, Hoplopagrus guntheri (LACM 31774-1). 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 11 medially and posteromedially of the dorsal edge of the orbit as a shelf forming the anterolateral edge of the supratemporal fossae. This shelf continues pos- teriorly and laterally on the pterotic bone. Comparison: In all the recent lutjanid genera examined except Pristipo- moides the frontals contribute to the anterior portion of the supraoccipital crest, slightly in Rhomboplites and considerably in the remaining genera. In Pristipomoides and Lutjanus a pod us the crest extends anterior to reach the posterior third of the orbit. In Rhomboplites and Lutjanus griseus the crest reaches only to a vertical line through the anterior third of the orbit diameter. The longitudinal ridge which extends ventrally to meet the pterosphenoid from the medial portion of each frontal is short in Rhomboplites and Ocyurus. This ridge extends more ventrally in Hoplopagrus and Lutjanus to form about the dorsal third of the wall separating the braincase from the orbit. The anterior supraorbital canal foramen in the frontal opens over the anterior third of the orbit in Rhomboplites and Lutjanus griseus, dorsal and slightly medial to the anterior edge of the orbit in L. synagris and L. apodus, and slightly anterior to the front edge of the orbit in Pristipomoides, Ocyurus , Hoplopagrus, and Hypsocephaus. Parietal: Each parietal is largely a flat shelf which extends laterally and slightly dorsally from near the posterodorsal margin of the orbit to the epiotic posteriorly. The shelf forms the ventral and lateral surface of the shallow supratemporal fossa. From the lateral edge of this shelf, the parietal extends ventrally toward the pterotic about as far as it does medially toward the supraoccipital. The vertical, laterally facing portion forms (with the frontal anteriorly and the epiotic posteriorly) the medial boundary of the lateral temporal fossa. This ridge diverges laterally toward the posterior region of the skull. Dorsally the parietal bears a shallow longitudinal trough. Comparison: Only the parietal of Rhomboplites resembles that of Hyp- socephalus, largely covering the floor of the supratemporal fossae and extend- ing laterally and slightly dorsally into the low ridges extending from the epiotics to the frontals. In Hoplopagrus, Ocyurus, and Lutjanus these ridges resemble each other and are oriented vertically and slightly laterally. In Pristipomoides this ridge is largely restricted to the parietal bone, with a slight contribution from the frontals anteriorly and no involvement of the epiotics posteriorly. The ridges are parallel to the supraoccipital crest in Rhomboplites, Ocyurus, Lutjanus griseus, L. synagris, and L. campechanus. They diverge slightly laterally to the posterior in Hoplopagrus, Pristipomoides, and L. apodus. Epiotic: The dorsal surface of the epiotics inclines slightly posteriorly and slightly laterally. The lateral half of the dorsal surface is shallowly excavated for articulation with the dorsal limb of the posttemporal. The medial half of the dorsal surface is slightly depressed, and there is no trace of a posteriorly directed spine. The epiotic articulates ventrally with the exoccipital via a strong columnar strut directed ventrally and slightly medially 12 Contributions in Science No. 230 and posteriorly. This strut along with that of the exoccipital, forms the posterolateral corner of the temporal region. Comparison: Just ventromedial to the epiotic facet for receiving the upper limb of the posttemporal, Hoplopagrus, Ocyurus, Rhomboplites, and Lutjanus bear a posteriorly directed process. This spine is lacking in Hypso- cephalus and Pristipomoides. The facet for the posttemporal faces posteriorly and dorsolaterally in Ocyurus, Hoplopagrus, and Lutjanus and almost directly dorsally in Rhomboplites and Pristipomoides. Prootic: The prootic is gently inflated laterally and dorsally to accommo- date the anterior end of the otolith. Posteriorly the prootic articulates with the basioccipital below and the exoccipital above. It joins broadly with the parasphenoid ventrally. A narrow portion directed dorsally and slightly laterally occupies the ventral half of the anterior hyomandibular facet and articulates with the sphenotic dorsally. A short shelf extends laterally from and borders the posteroventral aspect of this facet. Medially the prootics meet as a flat shelf forming the floor of the anterior one-third of the brain- case and abut against the basisphenoid anteriorly. Each posterior and vertical edge of this shelf extends anterolaterally from the anterior end of a thin medial process of the basioccipital to form the anteromedial wall of the chamber for the saccular otolith. Anteriorly and dorsally the prootic forms a transverse squarish plate articulating with the basisphenoid ventromedially, the pterosphenoid dorsomedially, and the sphenotic dorsally. Just dorsolateral to the tripartite juncture with the basisphenoid and pterosphenoid the prootic bears a large foramen. The pars jugularis, with its two large foramina, is overlain by a narrow arch which extends ventrally, anteriorly, and medially from the anteroventral corner of the anterior hyomandibular facet, and broadly inserts on the anterolateral edge of the prootic. The shelf bordering the posteroventral edge of the anterior hyomandibular facet bears a thin blade which extends ventrally parallel and posterolateral to this arch. This blade terminates in a free end about half way along the arch. The prootic bears another free ending blade which originates on the medial side of the antero- lateral edge of the prootic. It extends dorsally, parallel, and anteromedial to this arch. Comparison: The arch over the pars jugularis consists of a single pillar of bone in Rhomboplites, Pristipomoides, Ocyurus, and Lutjanus. In Hop- lopagrus the two incomplete arches parallel to the main one (as in Hypso- cephalus) are present but not as extensively developed. In Hoplopagrus the pars jugularis is partly bridged over anteriorly by three narrow flat shelves of bone: a ventrolateral projection of the pterosphenoid, a ventromedial extension of the sphenotic and a medial extension from the prootic where it abuts the pterotic anterior to the hyomandibular facet. This arrangement is only present in large Hoplopagrus. The posteroventral portion of the prootic is inflated to accommodate the large otolith in Rhomboplites, Ocyu- rus, Pristipomoides, Lutjanus synagris, and L. campechanus. In L. griseus 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 13 and L. apodus it is only slightly expanded, but more so than in Hoplopagrus which has a small otolith, as apparently did Hypsocephalus. Sphenotic: The sphenotic is a flat bone which occupies the middle one- third of the posterior face of the orbit and the dorsal one-half of the anterior hyomandibular facet (Figure 2). The large eye and foreshortened skull leave the sphenotic (and pterotic) with greatest dimensions in a vertical rather than longitudinal direction. The sphenotic articulates with the pterotic posteriorly via a suture proceeding vertically and then anteriorly from the posterior mar- gin of the anterior hyomandibular facet. The sphenotic articulates with the prootic ventrally via the anterior hyomandibular facet and via an articulation extending medially from this facet to the articulation with the pterosphenoid. Dorsally the sphenotic articulates with the frontal. Comparison: In Lutjanus griseus, L. campechanus, Ocyurus, and Rhom- boplites the sphenotic lies more dorsal and more anterior in the posterodorsal quarter of the orbit. In Lutjanus synagris, L. apodus, Pristipomoides, and Hoplopagrus it is placed only slightly more dorsal than in Hypsocephalus. In all of the recent lutjanid genera examined the sphenotic bears a laterally directed spine which originates on the posterior surface at the anterodorsal corner of the anterior hyomandibular facet. This region is broken on both sides in Hypsocephalus. Pterotic: Like the sphenotic, the pterotic is oriented largely vertically. Its dorsal two-thirds directly posterior to the sphenotic, and the ventral one- third is posterior to as well as slightly ventral to the anterior hyomandibular facet. The pterotic bears the entire posterior hyomanidbular facet. This facet is horizontally elongate, and slightly wider posteriorly. It lies directly posterior to the anterior facet, from which it is slightly separated. The short pointed process of the pterotic just below and lateral to the articular surface for the ventral limb of the posttemporal (on the intercalar) is directed ventrally and only slightly laterally and posteriorly. Just ventral and medial to the posterior hyomandibular facet, a shelf of the pterotic extends medially and slightly ventrally to articulate with the intercalar and exoccipital posteriorly, and the prootic anteriorly. The pterotic occupies the posterolateral edge of the skull and has a ridge which bears the temporal lateral line canal. From this ridge the pterotic dips ventromedially to meet (anterior to posterior) the frontal, parietal, epiotic, and exoccipital, and forms the lateral border and floor of the lateral temporal fossa. Comparison: The pterotic in Rhomboplites, Ocyurus, Pristipomoides, and Lutjanus extends almost directly posterior from the dorsal half of the orbit. In these genera the process on the posterior lateral border of pterotic extends largely posteriorly and only slightly laterally and ventrally. In Hoplo- pagrus this spine projects much more ventrally as it does in Hypsocephalus, and the pterotic is posterior to the middle half of the orbit in both of these genera as well. Intercalar: The intercalar is flat and occupies an almost horizontal, ven- 14 Contributions in Science No. 230 trally facing surface (Figure 4). It is narrowly pointed laterally just ventral and posterior to the posterolateral spine of the pterotic. The intercalar rapidly widens medially and slightly ventrally to articulate broadly with the prootic anteriorly and exoccipital posteriorly. This articulation lies just dorsolateral to a shallow longitudinal groove marking the dorsal edge of the otic bulla. The transversely oval, concave facet which receives the lower limb of the postemporal faces directly posterior and about three-fourths of the facet lies above the spine of the pterotic just lateral to the facet. v leth 1cm fr spho pro pto Figure 4. Ventral view of the neurocrania. A, Hypsocephalus atlanticus (LACMVP 27859); B, Hoplopagrus guntheri (LACM 31774-1). 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 15 Comparison : The intercalar is roughly trapezoidal in Lutjanus, Ocyurus, and Rhomboplites, the anterior and posterior edges roughly parallelling each other, and the medial and lateral ones converging anteriorly. The intercalar is quite similar in orientation and shape in Hypsocephalus and Hoplopagrus. The facet for reception of the postemporal lies entirely above the lateral pterotic process in Hoplopagrus. In the other genera examined the facet lies directly medial to the process, and the facet is directed laterally as well as posteriorly rather than just to the posterior. The facet is immediately medial to the process of the pterotic in Lutjanus, Hoplopagrus, and Hypsocephalus , but is separated by a short, thin, horizontal ridge in Rhomboplites and Ocyu- rus. In Pristipomoides the facet is posterior as well as medial to, and widely separated from the pterotic process. Basisphenoid: Only the dorsal half of the basisphenoid is present, assum- ing the ventral, basal portion was originally possessed. A thin, compressed piece of this basal limb extends anteroventrally. Posterodorsally it is narrowly confluent with the two, dorsolaterally extending wings. From this attachment these two wings spread a short distance, transversely and fanlike, to form a small part of the central anteroventral wall of the braincase. They articulate broadly with the pterosphenoids laterally. Just posterior to the basisphenoid is the large hypophyseal foramen which the ventral and posteroventral tips of each fan virtually encircle before articulating with the two prootics posteriorly. The dorsal tips of the basisphenoid rise only slightly to articulate with the pterosphenoids, and form the ventral border of a large, vertically elongate opening which extends dorsally to the underside of the frontals and lies be- tween the brain and orbital region. Comparison: The dorsal edge of the basisphenoid in Hoplopagrus, as in Hypsocephalus, curves dorsally only slightly towards the pterosphenoids. In Lutjanus, Ocyurus, Pristipomoides, and Rhomboplites the dorsolateral edges of the basisphenoid curve dorsally, entering the ventrolateral as well as the ventral edge of the cavity connecting brain and orbit. The hypophyseal fora- men is larger ( Lutjanus apodus ), about the same size ( Pristipomoides , Rhom- boplites), or smaller ( Ocyurus , Hoplopagrus, Lutjanus synagris, L. campe- charus, L. griseus) than in Hypsocephalus. The foramen is rounded in Hypsocephalus and Hoplopagrus, and is transversely oval in the other snapper genera. A slight projection extends anterodorsally into the orbit from the basal portion of the basisphenoid in Hoplopagrus. There is no such projection on the basal portion in Rhomboplites and Pristipomoides, but a broad flat pro- jection is present in Lutjanus and Ocyurus. Pterosphenoid: The two pterosphenoids form much of the anterior wall of the braincase and, much of the lateral border of the large foramen con- necting the braincase with the orbital region. About the middle of the medial margin of each bears a short, medially directed point of bone. On the left side a small foramen occurs ventral and slightly lateral to this projection, and 16 Contributions in Science No. 230 another foramen is present dorsolaterally about half way between the tip of the projection and the surface of articulation with the frontal. On the right side the corresponding ventrolateral foramen is lacking, and in the position of the dorsolateral one are two smaller foramina. The pterosphenoid articu- lates, in a broad arc laterally (dorsal to ventral) with the frontal, sphenotic, prootic, and basisphenoid, respectively. Comparison: In Lutjanus, Rhomboplites, and Ocyurus the pterosphenoid occupies about the same relative position as in Hypsocephalus, and bears slight ( Lutjanus , Rhomboplites ) to prominent, narrowly pointed medial projections {Ocyurus). The pterosphenoids are straight edged medially in Hoplopagrus, and lack any medial projections. The pterosphenoids are less extensive in Hoplopagrus, where the frontals extend ventrally to occupy the dorsolateral walls of the cavity connecting the brain with the orbit. This cavity is a wide vertical oval in Hypsocephalus, only slightly elongated dorsoven- trally in Hoplopagrus, much elongated dorsoventrally in Lutjanus and Ocyu- rus, and narrowly constricted in Rhomboplites with a roughly circular opening dorsal and ventral to a narrow interspace. In Pristipomoides the pterosphe- noids firmly articulate medially for the middle third of the vertical distance between the dorsal edge of the basisphenoid and the underside of the frontals. Thus the orbit and brain cavity are connected by two subequal circular open- ings occupying the dorsal and ventral one-third of this distance. Basioccipital: The posterior basioccipital facet is vertical, facing directly posterior. Anterior to this facet the bone is almost a vertical rectangle in cross section, compressed to about two-thirds the facet width. Ventrally it is deeply excavated and this cavitation extends anteriorly above the transverse posterior end of the parasphenoid. Further dorsally and anteriorly this cavity opens widely into the posterior myodome. Laterally the basioccipital forms the ventrolateral wall of the posterior portion of the chamber for the saccular otolith. A thin, compressed, medial extension runs anteriorly and slightly dor- sally to articulate with the thick median juncture of the prootics. Comparison: The whole posterior facet of the basioccipital lies in one plane and faces somewhat posterodorsally in Lutjanus, Ocyurus, and Rhom- boplites. The posterior facet faces posteriorly in Hoplopagrus. The antero- dorsal portions which enter the otic bulla are somewhat more expanded in Lutjanus synagris and Ocyurus, but are compressed in Lutjanus griseus and Hoplopagrus. Rhomboplites and Pristipomoides have large otoliths and a widely expanded basioccipital. The basioccipital is only narrowly excavated ventrally in Lutjanus and the cavity is not confluent with the posterior myo- dome. The cavity is small and narrowly confluent in Hoplopagrus, and large and confluent in Ocyurus, Pristipomoides, and Rhomboplites. In Rhombo- plites the basioccipital is wider (almost square) just anterior to the posterior facet rather than being narrowly compressed and rectangular. Supraoccipital: The supraoccipital penetrates anteriorly between the frontals to a position slightly behind a vertical through the middle of the 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 17 orbit. It widens posteriorly and along the posterior edge of the skull occupies the medial half of each supratemporal fossa. The lateral surfaces slope slightly ventrolaterally to the parietal and epiotic. The supraoccipital crest is broken dorsally and is described from photographs taken before it was collected when the crest was more complete. The supraoccipital crest is low, only slightly higher than the dorsal surface of the skull anteriorly. A slight ridge extends posterodorsally from the posterodorsal border of the skull on each side of the crest. About 5 mm along this ridge, another ridge extends from it posteriorly and slightly ventrally. Comparison: The supraoccipital (in the supraoccipital crest) extends anteriorly to a vertical through the center of the orbit in Hoplopagrus, Rhorn- boplites, and Ocyurus. In Lutjanus and Pristipomoides it extends only to a vertical through the posterior one quarter of the horizontal orbit diameter. The ridge extending posterodorsally from the posterodorsal corner of the skull bears a ventral branch distally in Hoplopagrus, Rhomboplites, and Ocyu- rus, but the ventral branch is lacking in Lutjanus. In Rhomboplites, Ocyurus, and Hypsocephalus the main branch extends to the posterodorsal apex of the supraoccipital crest, but in Lutjanus and Pristipomoides this ridge reaches to a point a little below the apex along the vertical posterior edge of the crest. Exoccipital: Although the right exoccipital is fragmentary, the left is com- plete. Clearly both met in the midline over the basioccipital, and the ventral, lateral and at least dorsolateral walls of the foramen magnum were bounded by the exoccipitals (Figure 5). Each flat facet receiving the dorsal portion of the atlas vertebra is a regular transverse oval facing ventromedially. The medial edge terminates a millimeter or two short of the midline and the exoccipital facets did not form a continuous articular surface. From the facet a strong pillar of bone extends anterodorsolaterally and forms the posterolateral corner soc Figure 5. Posterior view of the neurocrania. A, Hypsocephalus atlanticus (LACMVP 27859); B, Hoplopagrus guntheri (LACM 31774-1). 18 Contributions in Science No. 230 of the skull. The ridges soon bifurcate, one branch extending dorsally and slightly anteriorly to the epiotic, and the other laterally and slightly anterior to the intercalar and pterotic. A foramen is present just dorsolateral to the articular facet for the atlas vertebra, and another larger one pierces the exoccipital just anterior to the pillar of bone which extends laterally towards the pterotic. Comparison: Medial extensions from, and about half as wide as, the exoc- cipital facets form a continuous articular surface across the midline in Ocyu- rus, Rhomboplites, Pristipomoides, and Lutjanus. These facets have narrowed medial extensions in Hoplopagrus but do not meet in the midline. The exoc- cipitals have greater antero-posterior extent in Lutjanus and Ocyurus than in Rhomboplites , Hoplopagrus, and Hypsocephalus. Dentary: About three-fourths of the right dentary is present, and its medial side is covered with limestone (Figure 6). Only about one-eighth of the left dentary remains. The dentary is robust and bears a lateral row of robust, bluntly pointed teeth about the size of the larger vomerine teeth. These lateral teeth diminish slightly in size posteriorly. An inner row of robust teeth about half the size of the outer teeth is visible on the fragmentary left dentary. This inner row extends backward to at least half the length of the dorsal limb of the dentary. The symphysis is lacking, but the dentaries seem to be oriented as they were in life, and appear to have met via a deep, strong articulation. The dentary rises sharply posteriorly and it appears that the length of the intact dentary is subequal to the vertical distance between the posterior ends. Comparison: Hypsocephalus and Hoplopagrus have an outer row of bluntly pointed robust teeth. In Hypsocephalus the nature of the dentition on the anterior ends of the dentaries is unknown. In Hoplopagrus two or three larger blunt canines are developed anteriorly in each dentary, and the inner row is restricted to two or three smaller teeth present just behind these canines. In the remaining genera a single row of slender to robust canines is followed by a small number of fine inner teeth restricted to the anterior one-third or less of each dentary. Articular: Only the anterior one-third of the right articular is present, and it essentially occupies its normal position between the posterior limbs of the dentary (Figure 6). The articular is deep and robust like the dentary. Comparison: The most that can be seen from the fragmentary articular is that it is relatively deep, at least anteriorly, as are the articulars in the other genera. Cleithrum: Only a fragment of the left cleithrum is present (Figure 6). More complete and relatively intact cleithra were present in the cave before the skull was collected, and they are described from photographs of two views. Three-fourths of the left cleithrum and the middle third of the right one were present. The upper limb was pointed on the anterodorsal edge. A short dis- tance below it widens perpendicularly backward, so the flat plate of the dorsal limb has a largely horizontal dorsal surface. The posterior edge was about 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 19 anterior portion of the right articular. B, Lateral view of distal two-thirds of the right hyomandibular. C, Posterior view of B. D, Lateral and slightly anterior view of the fragmentary left cleithrum. 20 Contributions in Science No. 230 vertical and the dorsal limb is roughly uniform in width below the narrow anterodorsal point. The posteroventral angle of the dorsal limb bears a short, rounded, flat projection just above the position of the coracoid. The antero- ventral limb possesses a wide flange laterally. Both ventral limb flanges lack the anterior one-fourth of their extent. A shallow groove is present on the lateral edge and it extends dorsally and anteroventrally about one-half the distance of each limb. The dorsal and posterior edge of the upper limb are broken so the exact shape is not known. Comparison: The cleithra of recent genera show only minor differences which are not discernible on the fossil. Hyomandibular: Most of the ventral limb and the anterior third of the proximal articular portion of the right hyomandibular are present. Only the anterior facet which articulates with the skull is present of the three proximal articular surfaces of the hyomandibular. The facet is flat, slightly oval dorso- ventrally, and bears a small notch ventrally. From this facet a ridge extends posteriorly and laterally. It runs into a strong, dorsoventral ridge which is directed anterolaterally, and is broken dorsally and ventrally. The anterior flat blade of the hyomandibular extends ventrally a short distance to a transverse break in the bone. The medial ridge leading from the anterior to the posterior articular facet is broken just behind the anterior facet. The thickened pos- terior edge of the hyomandibular is longitudinally oval in cross section, and is hollow in the distal one-third. The proximal two-thirds is hollow also, and opens out posterolaterally via an elongate oval foramen. Along the posterior edge of the shaft a groove originates near the distal end of this foramen. The groove widens and deepens proximally to the broken end which lies about two- thirds of the estimated total length of the intact bone from the distal end (Figure 6). Maxillary : Only the ventral half of the anterior third of the maxillary is present (Figure 7 C, D, H). The anterior excavation which accommodates the premaxillary was high and narrow. The ventral edge of the medial side bears a low rounded swelling which articulates laterally with the ascending process of the premaxillary. Dorsal to this swelling extends a low, rounded, vertical ridge, which is about as long as the thickness of the shaft of the maxillary. The shelf extending anterolaterally from the head of the maxillary was thin and does not appear to have been expanded distally. Comparison: The medial articular surface and ridge dorsal to it are rela- tively smaller in the fossil than in Hoplopagrus. The ridge is sharp rather than rounded in Hoplopagrus as well. The ridge is rather sharp edged and much higher and longer in all the other recent snapper genera. The ridge is straight edged in the hoplopagrines and Rhomboplites and is a raised semicircle in the other recent genera. Premaxillary: The premaxillary is dorsoventrally flattened and bears an outer row of enlarged teeth about the same size as those on the dentary and an inner double row of molariform teeth about one-third the size of the outer 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 21 Figure 7. Bones of the jaws and palate of Hypsocephalus atlanticus. A, Anterior view of anterior two-thirds of right premaxillary. B, Ventral view of A. C, Dorsal view of the head of the right maxillary. D, Ventral view of C. E, Medial view of anterior end of left premaxillary. F, Ventral view of E. G, Ventral view of posterior portion of left palatine. H, Medial view of the head of the right maxillary. 22 Contributions in Science No. 230 ones (Figure 7 A, B, E, F). The second tooth from the medial end of the bone in the outer row is about twice as large (at least in diameter) as the others. The bases of the two medial teeth are present on the fragmentary anteromedial end of the left premaxillary and most of the shaft is known from the right one. One or two more enlarged teeth may have been present at the anterior end of the premaxillary, but a total of more than three is unlikely. Comparison: Hoplopagrus consistently has only a single row of smaller inner teeth, and usually has two enlarged canines anteriormost in the outer row of each premaxillary. The other recent snapper genera have a single outer row of canines with the anterior one to five teeth enlarged. The inner ones consist of two to five rows of villiform teeth, usually with more rows anterior and medial and less posterior and lateral. Palatine : The small posterior fragment of the left palatine bears 12 small molariform teeth (Figure 7 G). Comparison: This piece could have been from a palatine bone shaped like that of Lutjanus, Ocyurus, Rhomboplites, or Pristipomoides, but it is too fragmentary to discern the original shape. Hoplopagrus lacks palatine teeth and the bone is a narrow shaft without the wide flattened area which bears palatine teeth in other lutjanids. Dorsal Spine Pterygiophore: The left side of the first dorsal spine ptery- giophore and its two dorsal spines are exposed on a small chunk of limestone. The basal two-thirds of the moderately robust spines are present, and articu- lated with the pterygiophore. The pterygiophore is flat with a low, flat, straight ridge running ventrally from the articulation of the second spine. This ridge lies slightly posterior to a line vertically bisecting the lateral surface of the bone, and is slightly enlarged and rounded just ventral to the second spine base. Just ventral to the first spine, the pterygiophore bears a low, rounded protuberance which extends anterodorsolaterally. The length of the dorsal surface of the pterygiophore is about half the height of this bone; the ventral tip is broken and the height cannot be precisely determined. Comparison: The lateral ridge below the second dorsal spine base, and the low protuberance below the first spine are of similar configuration in all the other snappers, except possibly that of Pristipomoides which was not examined. In the recent snaper genera the depth is two and one-half to four times the length of the dorsal edge, rather than about twice as in Hypsocepha- lus. The first two dorsal spines are slightly compressed, long and slender, and the first spine is just about half the length of the second in the recent snapper genera, and this appears to have been true for the fossil although only the proximal two-thirds to three-fourths of each spine is present. Discussion The fossil resembles the living Hoplopagrus guntheri more than any other percoid examined. The living and fossil species together appear closest to lutjanids, although they are distinctive in their own right, and also bear 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 23 some resemblance to sparids and pomadasyids. This conclusion is largely (and necessarily) based on characters in the neurocranium and jaws, the only elements available in the fossil. The nature of the teeth on the premaxillaries, dentaries, vomer, and palatines has been stressed since they are often the only osteological features described for Indo-Pacific percoids (Weber and de Beau- fort, 1931, 1936; Gosline and Brock, 1960; Smith, 1961; Marshall, 1964). Detailed search for relationships has been restricted to three families Lutjani- dae, Pomadasyidae, and Sparidae. Comparative materials has been listed pre- viously and the following works have also been useful: Gregory (1933); Patterson (1964); and Leccia (1961). Characters taken together which distinguish the hoplopagrines from other percoids are: 1) robust, conical teeth on the premaxillaries, dentaries, and vomer; 2) a vertical and transverse posterior facet on the basioccipital; 3) articular surfaces of exoccipitals for the atlas vertebrae not continuous across the midline; 4) a ventral, globular swelling on the posterior end of the parasphenoid; 5) a narrow, compressed otic region; 6) a strong, compact dorsal surface of the lateral ethmoids lateral to the anterior ends of the frontals; 7) lateral ethmoid facets for the palatine oriented as in lutjanids (see below); and 8) supraethmoid (not vomer!) convex in profile. Many of these characters are found elsewhere in percoids. The robust conical teeth occur also among the lutjanids and sparids but show more variation in size in these families. In lutjanids the outer robust teeth are followed by minute villiform teeth, and the vomerine teeth are usually present and villiform. The only exceptions are some species of the lutjanid genus Lethrinus which have canines anteriorly and molariform teeth posteriorly (Weber and de Beaufort, 1936). Pomadasyids resemble lutjanids in having strong canines followed by fine villiform teeth, or having all jaw teeth villiform. Sparids all show considerable range of tooth shapes, with canines or incisors anteriorly and conical or molariform teeth posteriorly. The relatively uniform shape, lack of great dimorphism in size, the teeth diminishing in size posteriorly, and the presence of teeth on the vomer in hoplopagrines makes them similar to lutjanids. The posterior facet of the basioccipital faces posterodorsally in poma- dasyids and lutjanids. This facet is transverse and vertical in sparids as it is in hoplopagrines. In sparids the articular surfaces of the exoccipital facets accom- modating the atlas vertebrae vary. Those of Calamus and Archosargus do not meet in the midline like those of hoplopagrines. They meet narrowly in Lago - don, and form a wide continuous surface in Diplodus. These facets meet through a continuous surface in lutjanids and the pomadasyids Brachydeu- tereus, Orthopristis, Anisotremus, Haemulon aurolineatum, and H. sciurus. They fail to meet middorsally in Haemulon plumieri. The hoplopagrines most resemble some sparids and some pomadasyids in the relations of the facets for the atlas vertebrae. No development of a globular swelling at the posterior end of the para- 24 Contributions in Science No. 230 sphenoid is apparent in the lutjanids examined or in the pomadasyid Aniso- tremus. The remaining pomadasyids and all the sparids examined have such a swelling moderately to well developed. In contrast to the solid rounded protuberance of the hoplopagrines, the swelling in sparids and pomadasyids is bilateral with a midventral longitudinal groove partially dividing it. The hoplopagrines seem to resemble sparids and pomadasyids rather than lutjanids in possessing this swelling, but since it is differently formed in hoplopagrines it may be independently developed and not indicative of relationship. All the lutjanids and pomadasyids examined have moderately to greatly inflated otic regions, but the hoplopagrines resemble the sparids examined in having a compressed otic region. The size and arrangement of the cephalic lateral line system pores in hoplopagrines is within the range of variation seen in the lutjanids and sparids examined. The pomadasyids have distinctive large cephalic canals quite dif- ferent from those in hoplopagrines. The lateral ethmoids have a well-developed dorsal surface lateral to the anterior ends of the frontals in sparids and pomadasyids, and this surface is deeply excavated in all of the genera examined in these two families except in Brachydeutereus where the upper surface is only a shallow depression. In hoplopagrines this surface is rugose and flat or rounded as it is in lutjanids, although the surface faces largely laterally and slightly anteriorly in lutjanids rather than dorsally. The orientation and position of the palatine facets on the lateral ethmoids of the hoplopagrines resemble those of all the lutjanids examined, namely one some distance behind the other with the anterior one slightly more dorsal and slightly more lateral than the posterior one. In pomadasyids the vomer and lateral ethmoid are longer and the facets are much closer together. The ante- rior one is directly anterolateral and slightly dorsal to the posterior one. The anterior facet faces much more laterally than in lutjanids as well. In sparids the anterior facet is strongly developed and faces anteriorly and slightly lat- erally, and the posterior facet is obsolescent. The supraethmoid is similar in size and shape in hoplopagrines and lutjanids, namely with a flat dorsal sur- face between the anterior ends of the frontals with a midventral keel anterior to this. The bone is convex dorsally in profile. In the sparids and pomadasyids examined the supraethmoid is concave in profile and is flat or excavated along the middorsal line, apparently to accommodate the long ascending processes of the premaxillaries. In most of the characters shared by Hoplopagrus and Hypsocephalus and just discussed, the hoplopagrines resemble the lutjanids. A few characters like the swelling at the posterior end of the parasphenoid and the orientation of the posterior exoccipital facets resemble some sparids and some poma- dasyids, but are differently developed or variably developed enough so that they do not seem to be strong indicators of relationship. The characters in the dentition and ethmoid region of hoplopagrines are 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 25 probably the strongest evidence of a relationship with the lutjanids. The eth- moid region, maxillaries, and premaxillaries are basically similar and reflect the capability to expand the oral cavity both ventrally and laterally. The lutjanids, including hoplopagrines, are predaceous and have moderately pro- trusible mouths which also expand laterally, producing a large enough opening to utilize vomerine and palatine teeth which are present in most lutjanids. In both sparids and pomadasyids the mouth is restricted laterally, and the upper jaw is much more protrusible. These fish are largely nibblers and grazers (Randall, 1967), and the restricted lateral movement of smaller mouths has eliminated the need for vomerine or palatine teeth which are uniformly lack- ing in these two families. Thus, the hoplopagrines are interpreted as lutjanids which have retained the typical larger, expansive mouth, but have specialized to feed on resistant prey by developing strong, robust teeth resembling those of some sparids. Hypsocephalus is distinctive among lutjanids in possessing two flanges on the prootic, one anterolateral and another posterolateral to the main col- umnar arch forming the anterolateral wall of the prootic. Sparids typically have two complete arches (Patterson, 1964) and I found this in all the sparids examined except Lagodon in which the posterior one is incomplete, resem- bling the posterior flange of Hypsocephalus. All the pomadasyids examined have a single complete arch with an additional free ending posterolateral flange from the shelf under the anterior prootic facet for the hyomandibular. More variation probably exists than has been suspected and this character should be investigated in as many acanthopterygians as possible. Hypsocephalus is also unique among the lutjanids and sparids examined in lacking a pointed process on the epiotic just medial to the facet for the upper limb of the posttemporal. Among the percoids examined this process is lacking in all the pomadasyids, and the significance of this absence is not known. The living Hoplopagrus guntheri has tubular anterior nostrils, a well- developed knob on the upper interopercle, thick, enlarged, and conical canines on the anterior ends of the dentaries and premaxillaries, conditions which can- not be determined in the fossil. Lutjanids generally possess the interopercular knob, but it is usually less well developed, and the sparids examined lack it. The sparids lack palatine teeth also, and the large canines and tubular nostrils are unique for Hoplopagrus among lutjanids and sparids. The lateral ethmoid canal for the olfactory nerve in Hypsocephalus atlanticus is about the same size as in other lutjanids, and it apparently did not have a particularly large nasal capsule, as does Hoplopagrus (Pfeiffer, 1964). Lutjanids in general feed largely on crustaceans and fishes, with fishes forming a greater proportion of the diet in larger individuals (Randall, 1967). The strong molariform teeth of Hoplopagrus indicates that it eats resistant prey of some kind, as presumably did Hypsocephalus atlanticus. Edmund Hobson (personal communication) found Hoplopagrus to be nocturnal, and 26 Contributions in Science No. 230 believes that its feeding habits may be similar to a nocturnal Hawaiian sparid, namely Monotaxis grandoculis (Forskal). He finds this Hawaiian sparid to feed largely on hermit crabs and sea urchins which move out into the open more at night. Possibly the feeding habits of Hoplopagrus are similar, as perhaps were those of the fossil. The description of the holotype of Lutjanus avus W. K. Gregory, 1930 shows that it consisted of a majority of the cranial bones, and they seem to be typical of the genus Lutjanus. Lutjanus avus had strong outer teeth and fine inner ones on the dentary and premaxillaries, and villiform vomerine teeth. Unfortunately the holotype of L. avus could not be found during a thorough search of the Florida Geological Survey Collections in 1957, (Stan- ley J. Olsen, personal communication), and thus it has not been re-examined. The holotype of Lutianus hagari Jordan and Gilbert, 1919, recently transferred from Stanford University to the California Academy of Sciences, and the counterpart (LACM 1329), were examined and they do not repre- sent a lutjanid as Jordan and Gilbert (1919) believed. The first four or five dorsal spines (11 in all) are longest. The next to the last four are about half the height of the anterior ones. The last spine is a little longer than these four and is very close to the much longer first soft ray, a condition found in percichthids, scorpaenids, percids, and some sciaenids, but not in lutjanids. The anal fin almost certainly had three anal spines, although the anteriormost small spine is difficult to distinguish. The posterior two spines are clearly marked, and the second is about one-third the diameter and about two-thirds the length of the third. A good number of cycloid body scales is present. The scale focus is placed posteriorly and six to nine radii occupy the anterior fields. The skull is badly crushed but at least the dentaries (and probably the pre- maxillaries) appear to have borne villiform teeth along with small canines. The arrangement of dorsal spines and the cycloid scales definitely exclude the fossil from the family Lutjanidae. Percichthids (except Stereolepis ) and percids are extremely unlikely in deep water Miocene deposits from Cali- fornia. All of the characters of the fossil noted above are found in Stereolepis and many scorpaenids, and upon thorough study the fossil of Lutianus hagari may prove to be one of these. Geology and Paleoecology About fourteen and one-half meters of limestones ranging from Oligo- cene to Eocene in age occur within the measured stratigraphic section at Milton’s Cave. The highest beds which outcrop at the surface are the marine Oligocene Marianna limestones about 3.5 meters thick. Under these are upper Eocene limestones which have been extensivly studied (Puri, 1957; Cheetham, 1963). The Ocala group is the uppermost late Eocene bed, and the top of the Ocala group is represented by the Crystal River Formation. The Crystal River Formation is divided into an upper Bumpnose Member and a lower member. The skull of Hypsocephalus atlanticus was discovered in this lower member. 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 27 The lower member is also comprised of an upper and lower zone. The skull came from the upper zone which is a white to light brown, creamy, generally soft, granular relatively permeable and pure limestone. This zone is quite porous, has been carried into solution over large areas of the cave, and is called the Operculinoides ocalanus-Asterocyclina Zone by Puri and Vernon (1964). The two zones of the lower member are hard to distinguish and locally grade into each other. The Operculinoides-Asterocyclina Zone indicates a depositional environ- ment of a continental shelf region between 33 and 66 meters, with salinities from 32 °/00 to 37 °/00 water temperatures of 20°C or more, moderate agitation, and no evidence of reef formation (Cheetham, 1963; Puri and Ver- non, 1964). Conditions found today between the continental shelf margin of Florida and the Bahamas Bank seem to be analogous with those which existed in the late Eocene, namely a gently sloping continental shelf bounded on the outside by a depression (Suwanee Straits of Eocene times) beyond which existed a bank (Ocala Bank of Eocene time). In the late Eocene, the main- land was in southern Alabama and Georgia and the highlands of central Florida were occupied by the Ocala Banks. The specimen of Hypsocephalus atlanticus died and was deposited at moderate depths on a mainland shelf. The excellent three dimensional preser- vation indicated a relatively undisturbed bottom. A fish entombed in a sedi- ment consisting of these fine foraminiferal particles may have been well preserved due to anaerobic bacterial action (Dunkle and Olsen, 1959). Dur- ing late Eocene time the north Florida area was tropical or subtropical and the sea level was gradually falling (Cheetham, 1963). There was a progressive extinction of endemic forms among the cheilostome bryozoa (Cheetham, 1963), and the line of hoplopagrine snappers may have become extinct in the western Atlantic in this period as well. However, the Miocene, Pliocene, and Pleistocene also saw substantial sea level falls ( although at progressively lower levels than the Eocene deposits) which were accompanied by cooling (Tanner, 1968), and the extinction of the hoplopagrines may have taken place at one of these later times. A tropical and subtropical shallow water reef shark genus, Heterodontus, was present through Miocene times in the western north Atlantic, but is known today only from the eastern Pacific, Indo-Pacific, eastern Atlantic and the Indian oceans. Both Heterodontus and Hypsocepha- lus may have been eliminated at the same time, when conditions in the Carib- bean area apparently became unfavorable for warm water forms living about hard substrates at shallow and moderate depths. Acknowledgments We wish to thank the Florida State Cave Club of Florida State Univer- sity, Tallahassee, particularly members Robert Royal, Eugene Neel, and Edward Renner for assisting the junior author in discovery and collection of the fossil. Their interest and concern for making the specimen available to 28 Contributions in Science No. 230 science is highly commendable. Elizabeth Wing, Robert Christensen, David Cupka, and .Tack Rudloe all helped us obtain skeletal material of recent snappers, grunts, and porgies used in this study. An opportunity to collect comparative material of Hoplopagrus guntheri in Baja California was afforded by the generosity of the Janss Foundation, Thousand Oaks, California. Wil- liam Eschmeyer, Lillian Dempster, and Pearl Sonada aided in sorting the old Stanford University collection of fossil fishes now in the California Academy of Sciences. The map of Milton’s Cave was drafted by Edward Renner, James Leaird, and the junior author from a Bruntoe and Tape survey by the Florida State Cave Club made on 5 July 1970. The photographs of the fossil in the cave were made by the junior author. Various editions of the manuscript were typed by Terri Kato, Barbara Savino, and Janet Dock. The excellent drawings of the neurocrania of the fossil and of Hoplopagrus were done by Mary Butler, and the remaining illustrations were made by the senior author. Literature Cited Anderson, W. D. 1967. Field guide to the snappers (Lutjanidae) of the western Atlantic. U.S. Fish Wild!. Ser., Bur. Comm. Fish. Circ. 252, 14 p. Casier, E. 1966, Faune Ichthyologique du London Clay. Brit. Mas. Nat. Hist., London, xiv + 496 p., plus a separate Atlas of 68 pi. Cheetham, A. H. 1963. Late Eocene zoogeography of the eastern Gulf Coast region. Geol. Soc. Amer. Mem. 91: xii + 113 p. Danil’chenko, P. G. 1967. Superorder Teleostei, In: Fundamentals of Paleon- tology, Vol. XI, Agnatha, Pisces. D. V. Obruchev (Ed), p. 603-712, Israel Program for Scientific Translations, Jerusalem. Dunkle, D. H., and S. J. Olsen. 1959. Description of a beryciform fish from the Oligocene of Florida. Fla. Geol. Surv. Contrib. Fla. Vert. Paleontol. Pap. No. 3, 20 p. Gill, T. N. 1862a. On new generic types of fishes. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 13: 77-78. 1862b. Catalogue of the fishes of lower California in the Smithsonian Institution, collected by J. Xantus. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 14: 249-262. _ 1884. The osteological characters of the Lutjaninae. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 7(23): 351-355. Gqsline, W. A. and V. E. Brock. 1960. Handbook of Hawaiian Fishes. Univ. Hawaii Press, Honolulu. 372 p. Gregory, W. K. 1930. A fossil teleost fish of the snapper family (Lutianidae) from the lower Oligocene of Florida. Fla. St. Geol. Surv. Bull. 5:7-17. --- 1933. Fish Skulls. A study of the evolution of Natural Mechanisms. Trans. Amer. Phil. Soc. 23(2) : vii + 481 p. Jordan, D. S., and B. W. Evermann. 1898. The fishes of North and Middle Amer- ica: A descriptive catalog of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the isthmus of Panama. Bull. U.S. Nat. Mus. 47 (Pt. II), i-xxx, 1241-1936. Jordan, D. S., and J. Z. Gilbert. 1919. Fossil fishes of southern California. I. el and Stanford Jr. Univ. Pub. (Univ. Ser.) 38: 1-64. Leccia, F. M. 1961. Osteologia comparada en echo especies de Fomadasyidae (Pisces-Perciformes) del Golfo de Cariaco, Venezuela, y areas adyacentes. Bol. Inst. Ocean. Univ. Oriente. 1(2): 396-473. 1972 New Genus and Species of Lutjanid Fish 29 Lehman, J. -P. 1966. Actinopterygii. In: Traite de Paleontologie. Tome IV, vol. 3, p. 1-242, Jean Piveteau (Ed.) Masson et Cie, Paris, France. Marshall, T. C. 1964. Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and coastal waters of Queensland. Angus and Robertson, Sydney, xiv + 566 p. Norman, J. R. 1966. A draft synopsis of the Orders, Families, and genera of recent fishes and fish-like vertebrates (excluding Ostariophysi, Scleroparei, Ammody- tidae and a few other families, notably Centrarchidae, Percidae and Cichlidae) covering literature up to 1938, and as far as it was available to the author, from 1938 to 1944. Brit. Mus. Nat. Hist., London. 649 p. Patterson, C. 1964. A review of Mesozoic Acanthopterygian fishes, with special reference to those of the English Chalk. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. Lond. Ser. B, 247 (739): 213-482. Pfeiffer, W. 1964. The morphology of the olfactory organ of Hoplopagrus guen- theri, Gill, 1862. Can. J. Zool. 42(2) :235-237. Puri, H. S. 1957. Stratigraphy and zonation of the Ocala group. Fla. Geol. Surv. Bull. 38. 248 p. Puri, H. S., and R. O. Vernon. 1964. Summary of the Geology of Florida and a guidebook to the classic exposures. Fla. Geol. Surv. Spec. Publ. No. 5. ix + 312 p. Randall, J. E. 1967. Food habits of reef fishes of the West Indies. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. Miami 5: 665-847. Regan, C. T. 1913. The classification of the Percoid fishes. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 8th Ser., 12(17): 111-145 Romer, A. S. 1966. Vertebrate Paleontology. Univ. Chicago Press, Chicago, 111. ix + 468 p. Smith, J. L. B. 1961. The sea fishes of southern Africa. 4th Ed. Central News Agency, South Africa, xvi + 580 p. Starks, E. C. 1926. Bones of the ethmoid region of the fish skull. Stanford Univ. Pub., Univ. Ser., Biol. Sci. 4(3) : 139-338. Tanner, W. F. (Ed.) 1968. Tertiary sea level fluctuations. Paleogeography, Paleo- climatol., Paleoecol. 5: 5-171. Walford, L. 1937. Marine game fishes of the Pacific Coast from Alaska to the Equator. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, xxix + 205 p., 69 pi. Weber, M., and L. F. de Beaufort. 1931. The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archi- pelago. Vol. VI, Perciformes (continued). E. J. Brill, Leiden, xii + 488 p. — 1936. The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Vol. VII, Perci- formes (continued). E. J. Brill, Leiden, xvi + 607 p. Weiler, W. 1968. Otolithi Piscium. Fossilium Catalogue 1: Animalia, Pars 117. 196 p. Woodward, A. S. 1901. Catalogue of the fossil fishes in the British Museum Nat- ural History. Pt. IV. Containing the actinopterygian Teleostomi of the sub- orders Isospondyli (in part), Ostariophysi, Apodes, Percesoces, Hemibranchii, Acanthopterygii and Anacanthini. London, xxxviii + 636 p. Accepted for publication April 4, 1972 NUMBER 231 JUNE 23, 1972 ^ ^ 7f 7g CaLrcf THE STATUS OF LEPTODACTYLUS PUMILIO BOULENGER (AMPHIBIA, LEPTODACTYLIDAE) AND THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF LEPTODACTYLUS FROM ECUADOR By W. Ronald Heyer CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCICNCC © NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and character of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Museum, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommended for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be examined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indicate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— ( 1 ) The 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manu- script. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoidable footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS.— All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1964 AIBS Style Manual for Biological Journals in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photo- graphic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF.— Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Changes in the manuscript after galley proof will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor THE STATUS OF LEPTODACTYLUS PUMILIO BOULENGER (AMPHIBIA, LEPTOD ACTYLID AE ) AND THE DESCRIPTION OF A NEW SPECIES OF LEPTODACTYLUS FROM ECUADOR1 By W. Ronald Heyer2 Abstract: Leptodactylus pumilio Boulenger, 1920, is shown to be a junior synonym of Eleutherodactylus parvus (Girard). The Pentadactylus species group of Leptodactylus is redefined and a new species of this group is described from Ama- zonian Ecuador. The presence of dorsolateral folds combined with the uniformly black coloration of the posterior surface of the thigh distinguish the new species from the other members of the group. The karyotype of the new species has a diploid num- ber of 22 bi-armed chromosomes with no secondary constric- tions. A key to the species of the Pentadactylus group is provided. Introduction A preliminary analysis of a cross sectional representation of the genus Leptodactylus indicated that the species could be grouped into five species assemblages (Heyer, 1968). I am presently analyzing each of these groups in detail (e.g.. Heyer, 1970). As in all long-term projects, data are gathered continuously on all groups. The purpose of this paper is to report two findings that are outside of my current main project. First, examination of the holotype of Leptodactylus pumilio indicates a nomenclatural change is necessary. Sec- ond, a new species of the Pentadactylus group is described from specimens recently collected in Amazonian Ecuador. Acknowledgments Several people have helped in the research and preparation of this report. Alice G. C. Grandison was a gracious hostess during my brief visit to the British Museum (Natural History) (BMNH). Philip A. Silverstone, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM), kindly photographed the type of Leptodactylus pumilio. Keith A. Berven, Pacific Lutheran University, helped with the field work in Ecuador. Don Johnson, Director of the Summer Institute of Linguistics in Ecuador, allowed us to undertake field work at their institute base camp of Limoncocha during the summer of 1971. John W. 1 Editorial Committee for This Contribution Robert L. Bezy Roy W. McDiarmid Ian R. Straughan 2 Research Associate, Section of Herpetology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; and Biology Department, Pacific Lutheran University, Tacoma, Washington 98447. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 231 Wright, LACM, aided in the chromosome analysis and reviewed the manu- script. Research support from NSF grant GB-27280 is gratefully acknowl- edged. Leptodactylus pumilio Figure 1 In February of 1969, I had the opportunity to examine the type of Leptodactylus pumilio at the British Museum (Natural History). The speci- men was originally catalogued as 1914.3.20.7 but has been recatalogued as 1947.2.17.35. The salient features of the type (Fig. 1) are: 1) The sternum has a cartilaginous plate; 2) Fingers III and IV have small disks, the toes have large disks; 3) The finger and toe disks have peripheral grooves, the upper surfaces are undivided; 4) The tympanum is not visible on the left, barely visible on the right; 5) The tarsus is smooth; 6) There is a dark triangular patch under the vent. Members of the genus Leptodactylus are characterized in part by having a bony style in the sternum, disks (if present) without peripheral grooves, and (usually) a tarsal fold. The holotype clearly Figure 1. Dorsal {left) and ventral {right) views of holotype of Leptodactylus pumilio (= Eleutherodactylus parvus), BMNH 1947.2.17.35, from Teresopolis, Brasil. 1972 The Status of LEPTODACTYLUS PUMILIO 3 is not a member of the genus Leptodactylus, but of the genus Eleutherodac- tylus. The holotype was collected in Teresopolis, Brasil, where fortunately, few species of EJeutherodactylus occur. The dark seat patch is characteristic of EJeutherodactylus parvus (Girard, 1853) and a comparison of the holotype of L. pumilio with specimens of E. parvus in the collections of the British Museum convinced me that they are conspecific. Leptodactylus pumilio Boulenger is thus a junior synonym of EJeutherodactylus parvus (Girard). The New Ecuadorian Species During two months of field work in the upper Amazon basin, a series of juvenile frogs of a new species of the genus Leptodactylus were collected. With the exception of Leptodactylus laticeps, they are the most distinctively colored species of Leptodactylus in life. As the species is so distinctive and apparently has not been collected previously, I prefer to describe the new species based on the juvenile specimens rather than await collection of adults. The new species belongs to the Pentadactylus species group as provision- ally defined earlier (Heyer, 1968). The group is in need of thorough revision to determine the status of the L.. pentadactylus and L. pentadactylus-Yike populations. In addition to the new species described below, the species group consists of: L. laticeps Boulenger, 1918; L. pentadactylus (Laurenti) 1768 (probably a composite); L. rhodomystax Boulenger, 1883; L. rhodonotus (Gunther), 1868;L. rugosus Noble, 1923; L. syphax Bokermann, 1969. Mem- bers of this group have noticeable fringes on the toes as juveniles, but the fringes are absent in adults. The adult character state of free toes separates members of the Pentadactylus group from members of the Melanonotus and Ocellatus groups which have extensive toe fringes as adults. Species of the Marmoratus group are small, never exceeding 29 mm SV; species of the Pentadactylus group are large, greater than 60 mm SV. The most distinctive characteristic that separates members of the Pentadactylus group from the Fuscus group is the presence of thumb spines and chest spines (usually) in males of members of the Pentadactylus group. Male members of the Fuscus group lack thumb and chest spines. Members of the Fuscus group are mod- erate sized, only one species reaching 65 mm SV. Members of the Pentadac- tylus group have broad, rounded snouts from above, members of the Fuscus group have more pointed snouts. For the new species I propose the name: Leptodactylus knudseni, new species Figure 2 Holotype— LACM 721 17, a juvenile female from Limoncocha, 0° 24'S, 76°37/W, Provincia de Napo, Ecuador. The specimen was collected in a pasture, in a decaying log (15 cm diameter) at 14:38 hrs on 3 August 1970 by Keith A. Berven and W. Ronald Heyer. Elevation 260 m. 4 Contributions in Science No. 231 Figure 2. Dorsal (left) and ventral (right) views of paratype of Leptodactylus knudseni, LACM 72133, from Limoncocha, Provinica de Napo, Ecuador. Specimen is 62.5 mm SV. Topoparatypes — LACM 72118-149 (32 specimens), collected by Keith A. Berven and W. Ronald Heyer between 7 June and 4 August 1971. Diagnosis— In life, Leptodactylus knudseni is the only member of the Pentadactylus group with prominent chartreuse markings on a black back- ground. In preservative, L. knudseni can be recognized by the presence of a pair of dorsolateral folds which differentiates it from L. laticeps, L. rugosus, and L. syphax all of which lack dorsolateral folds. The posterior surface of the thigh is uniformly black in L. knudseni, marbled in L. pentadactylus and rhodonotus, and distinctly light spotted on a dark background in L. rhodomy- stax. Description of Holotype— Snout ovoid from above, rounded in profile; canthus rostralis distinct; loreal concave; tympanum distinct, greatest diam- eter 5/6 eye diameter; vomerine teeth in two arched series extending posterior to choanae; finger lengths in order of decreasing size III > I > II = III, first finger much longer than second; inner metacarpal tubercle large, ovoid, smaller than heart-shaped outer metacarpal tubercle; dorsal surfaces sha- greened, upper surface of tibia scattered with white tipped tubercles; one pair of weak dorsolateral folds extending from eye to sacrum, another pair of folds extending from posterior angle of eye over tympanum to angle of jaw, diffuse gland at angle of jaw; ventral surfaces smooth, belly disk fold distinct; toe tips not expanded; sides of toes with visible fringe, not extensively developed; subarticular tubercles moderately developed; outer metatarsal tubercle dis- tinct, rounded, about two-thirds length of elongate inner metatarsal tubercle, tarsal fold distinct, extending 5/6 length of tarsus; no metatarsal fold; lower 1972 The Status of LEPTODACTYLUS PUM1LIO 5 surface of tarsus scattered with white tipped tubercles; sole of foot smooth except for three or four white tipped tubercles on outermost edge of sole. Measurements (in mm).— Snout-vent (SV), 63.2; head length, 22.9; head width, 22.8; interorbital distance. 5.0; greatest diameter of typmanum, 4.8; diameter of eye, 6.1; eye-nostril distance, 5.0; femur, 24.6; tibia, 27.4; foot, 30.8. Coloration in preservative— Dorsal surfaces black with light gray pat- terns, side of head light gray with dark triangles on upper lip, the dark triangle under the eye extending to the eye; the light gray of the side of the head bordering the lower half of the typmanum; tip of snout with light gray stripe bifurcating at nostrils, extending along canthus rostralis, continuous with light stripe on outer edge of eyelid and light interorbital bar; dorsum with light cross bars, breaking down posteriorly; dorsolateral fold dark; upper arm with light cross bars; upper femur and tarsus with irregular light cross bands; upper tibia with light pattern surrounding dark central area; chin bordered with alternating dark and light blotches; venter profused with melanophores scat- tered with small light dots (visible under magnification, melanophores con- tracted); bottom of tarsus and sole of foot black; posterior surface of thigh uniform black. Variation— The paratypes range in size from 32.8 to 62.5 mm. The variation (minimum-mean-maximum ± 1 standard error) in measurement ratios (expressed as per cent) among the type series is: head length/ snout-vent, 36-38.7-40 ± 1.0; head width/ snout-vent, 35-38.2-40 ± 1.4; femur/ snout- vent, 40-43.0-46 ± 1.4; tibia/ snout-vent, 39-43.3-46 ± 1.6; foot/ snout-vent. 47-50.3-55 ± 2.0. The color pattern is similar among all the paratypes, the greatest variation occurring in the degree of light marking on the dorsum in the sacral region. In several specimens the melanophores are expanded on the belly, producing a black belly with small light dots. The color in life of specimen LACM 72118 was typical of other speci- mens in the type series: posterior surface of thigh jet black; upper surfaces of legs with barely discernible yellowish green cross bands; belly gray with lighter punctations; chin with yellow marks along edge; dorsum with greenish yellow bands enclosing brownish green areas which are black bordered; iris gold- yellow above, rusty gold below; head mostly yellowish green. Karyotype.— Twenty-four cells were examined from marrow and spleen tissue of specimens 72145, 72147, and 72148. The slides will be deposited in LACM. The terminology used is that defined by Patton (1967). Several chromosomes are borderline in their classification and vary according to their state of contraction. Three pairs of metacentrics (Fig. 3, chromosome pair numbers 1, 4, 9), 4 pairs of submetacentrics (Fig. 3, numbers 2, 5, 10, 11), and 4 pairs of subtelocentrics (Fig. 3, numbers 3, 6, 7, 8) are common. The Fundamental Number is 44; there are no secondary constrictions. An analysis of the karyotypic variation found within the genus is in progress and will be reported on separately. Preliminary results indicate that the karyotype of 6 Contributions in Science No. 231 L. knudseni is similar to the karyotypes of other members of the Pentadactylus and Ocellatus groups. Ecology — Two individuals were taken from a selectively logged secon- dary forest. The primary forest at Limoncocha is Tropical Moist Forest according to Holdridge’s classification (1964). The other specimens were collected in a pasture (Fig. 4). All specimens were taken from under cover during the day: one from bark, five from under boards, 21 from under logs ranging in diameter from 15 to 70 cm, five from within rotten logs ranging in diameter from 15 to 30 cm. Other species of Leptodactylus collected in sym- patry with L. knudseni at Limoncocha were L. discodactylus, mystaceus, pentadactylus, and wagneri. Further ecological aspects of the five sympatric Leptodactylus will be reported in a later paper by Heyer and Beilin. Etymology The new species is named for Dr. Jens W. Knudsen, who was the most important influence in my decision to be a professional biologist, and who continues to encourage my research efforts. Remarks —Leptodactylus knudseni raises the number of recognized species from Ecuador to 10. The other nine species as summarized by Heyer and Peters (1971) are: Leptodactylus discodactylus, hylaedactylus, labrosus, ft* A| 5 6 II M 3 4 K 4*** m >. 7 8 ■ft 4L m “ 9 10 m j§ Vljp PlfP II Figure 3. Karyotype of Leptodactylus knudseni. Marrow and spleen preparation from LACM 72147. 1972 The Status of LEPTODACTYLUS PUMILIO 1 Figure 4. Pasture habitat at Limoncocha where most specimens of Leptodactylus knudseni were collected. Note selectively logged secondary forest in background. melanonotus, mystaceus, pentadactylus, rhodomystax, ventrimaculatus, and wagneri. Specimens of Leptodactylus knudseni will key out to couplet 5 in Heyer and Peters (1971 : 169). The uniformly colored posterior surface of the thigh of L. knudseni will separate it from the variously patterned posterior thigh surfaces of L. mystaceus, hylaedactylus, and ventrimaculatus. A Preliminary Key to the Species of the Pentadactylus Group IA. Dorsal pattern of large discrete dark spots on a lighter background (Argentina) L. laticeps IB. Dorsal pattern variable, never with distinct spots 2 2A. Dorsolateral folds lacking 3 2B. A pair of dorsolateral folds 4 3 A. Dorsum very rugose; males with a single thumb spine (Guayana shield) L. rugosus 3B. Dorsum warty, not rugose; males with two thumb spines (Brasil, Mato Grosso) L. sryphax 8 Contributions in Science No. 231 4 A. Posterior surface of thigh uniform (Ecuador) . . . . L. knudseni 4B. Posterior surface of thigh patterned 5 5A. Posterior surface of thigh dark with discrete light spots (northern South America) L. rhodomystax 5B. Posterior surface of thigh marbled, never with distinct light spots 6 6A. Large, adults to 160 mm; males usually with a single thumb spine (widespread) ............ L. pentadactylus 6B. Moderately large, adults to 80 mm; males with two thumb spines (Peru) L. rhodonotus Resumen Se demuestra que Leptodactylus pumilio Boulenger, 1920, es un sinonimo menor de Eleutherodactylus parvus (Girard). La especie Pentadactylus grupo de Leptodactylus es redefinida y una nueva especie de este grupo del Ecuador Amazonico es descrita. La presencia de pliegues dorsolaterales combinada con la uniforme coloracion negra de la superficie posterior del muslo, distingue a la nueva especie de los otros miembros del grupo. El cariotipo de la nueva especie tiene un numero diploide de 22 cromosomas birrameos sin constric- ciones secundarias. Se proporciona una clave para las especies del grupo Pentadactylus. Literature Cited Boulenger, G. A. 1920. Descriptions of two new frogs from Brazil. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. 9(5): 122-124. Girard, C. F. 1853. Descriptions of new species of reptiles, collected by the U.S. Exploring Expedition, under the command of Capt. Charles Wilkes, U.S.N. Second part.— Including the species of batrachians, exotic to North America. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. 6:420-424. Heyer, W. R. 1968. Biosystematic studies on the frog genus Leptodactylus. Ph.D. Dissertation, Univ. So. Calif. 234 p. 1970. Studies on frogs of the genus Leptodactylus (Amphibia, Lepto- dactylidae). VI. Biosystematics of the Melanonotus group. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 191:1-48. , and J. A. Peters. 1971. The frog genus Leptodactylus in Ecuador. Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 84(19) : 163-170. Holdridge, L. R. 1964. Life zone ecology. Tropical Science Center, San Jose, Costa Rica. 124 p. Patton, J. L. 1967. Chromosome studies of certain pocket mice, genus Perognathus (Rodentia: Heteromyidae). J. Mammal. 48:27-37. Accepted for publication April 17, 1972 ■ •t S 0 7, 7 3 CzLiCi NUMBER 232 OCTOBER 17, 1972 PRELIMINARY REPORT ON LATE CRETACEOUS MAMMALS FROM THE EL GALLO FORMATION, BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL NORTE, MEXICO By Jason A. Lillegraven CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and char- acter of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Muse- um, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommend- ed for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be ex- amined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indi- cate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— (1) The 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manuscript. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoid- able footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photographic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF. — Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Any changes or alterations, other than typographical corrections, will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor PRELIMINARY REPORT ON LATE CRETACEOUS MAMMALS FROM THE EL GALLO FORMATION, BAJA CALIFORNIA DEL NORTE, MEXICO1 By Jason A. Lillegraven2 Abstract: A preliminary study of the mammalian fossils from the late Campanian (Late Cretaceous) “El Gallo Forma- tion” west of El Rosario, Baja California del Norte, Mexico suggests the presence of Mesodma, cf. M . formosa (Ectypodonti- dae, Multituberculata), ?Stygimys sp., species probably new (Eucosmodontidae, Multituberculata), Pediomys sp., species probably new (Pediomyidae, Marsupialia), and a new genus of indefinite familial affinities (Insectivora). The sample provides the first knowledge of Mesozoic mammals from the west coast of North America. Despite taxonomic differences from the distant and better known mammalian local faunas of the Rocky Mountain region, the composition of the El Gallo assemblage is basically similar to taxa found in the Western Interior and does not suggest a profound endemism. Introduction Prior to the beginning of the present study, Mesozoic mammals from North America were unknown from rocks west of the Rocky Mountains. Field workers in the summer of 1968 under the direction of Dr. William J. Morris discovered remains of multituberculate mammals in the “El Gallo Formation,” Baja California del Norte, Mexico (Fig. 1). Fossils of therian mammals were discovered in the summer of 1970 by members of another field party working under my supervision. The present paper is a preliminary report to the scientific community of these significant finds. Hopefully, future collecting and study will result in a monographic treatment of the potentially extremely important mammalian local fauna. The “El Gallo Formation” is thought to be middle to late Campanian in age (see Morris, 1967: 1539). An unpublished potassium-argon date of approximately 73 million years is now available from a tuff in the lower one- third of the “formation” (Morris, personal communication). Although principally nonmarine in origin, a small number of marine interbeds are known. Rocks are well exposed in deeply dissected badlands and dip approxi- mately 10° regularly to the northeast. Only a small percentage of the exposed 1 Editorial Committee for this Contribution William A. Clemens Richard C. Fox David P. Whistler 2 Research Associate, Section of Vertebrate Paleontology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; and Department of Zoology, San Diego State University, San Diego, California 921 15. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 232 area is accessible to motor vehicles. Depositional facies shift from dominantly conglomeratic near the basement source area approximately six miles to the east of the fossiliferous area to complex but generally finer clastic facies in the west. Petrified wood is common throughout. The “El Gallo Formation” was proposed by Kilmer in his unpublished Ph.D. dissertation (1963). No description or type section has ever been published, nor is the dissertation available through the microfilm services. Thus, until described in publication form, the unit must be considered informally. Localities Known fish-, amphibian-, lizard-, and dinosaur-bearing localities from the “El Gallo Formation” are numerous and are recorded in the files of the Vertebrate Paleontology Section, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Although dinosaur bones may be expected in nearly any sedimentary 1972 Late Cretaceous Mammals 3 rock in the area, it is interesting and important to note that all small-vertebrate localities discovered to date are in gray to black silty claystone beds. For unknown reasons, fossils of microvertebrates are rare in the paler and coarser- textured rocks. Fossil mammals have been discovered at three localities at various stratigraphic levels, all of which are located within the middle one-third of the formation, well above the dated tuff. Because there are no surveyed maps of the area, localities were plotted on aerial photographs and described in field notes augmented by Polaroid photos. These are also on file in the Natural Flistory Museum of Los Angeles County. The numbers of the mammal-bearing localities are: LAV-7 1 70, LAV-7 171, LAV-7 1 72. Methods Known productive layers were quarried by breaking rocks into walnut- sized or smaller pieces while looking for freshly exposed bones. Bone-bearing clods were wrapped for later preparation in the laboratory. The others lacking exposed bones were dropped into burlap bags and carried to a soaking-tub at camp. Rocks were soaked 24 hours in kerosene, which was then siphoned off and replaced by water. The extent of breakdown of the rocks was then dramatic, for it was practically nonexistent after soaking only in water. The resultant mud was scooped into a table height large stacked screen-box system. The upper seive was of standard gauge window screening, and the lower of 40 wires per inch bronze wire cloth. A small pump carried brackish water from a lagoon via a hose to above the mud, and gentle spraying washed away all but a concentrate of rocks and skeletal fragments. The concentrate was air dried on long burlap strips and sorted for fossils at a later time. Although considerable care to avoid breakage of the fossils was exercised through all stages of the washing process, I feel the “washing table” technique used is less desirable than others. It is necessary to scoop the fossil-bearing mud from the soaking-tub onto the screens, and even the gentlest of water spraying is damaging to small delicate bones and teeth. I feel that the quarry matrix should be soaked, washed, and dried in the same screen box and that during washing the fossil-bearing mud should be agitated gently while completely submerged in water. All measurements (which follow the citation of individual teeth in the various “Referred or available specimens” sections) are in millimeters and were made with an EPOI Shopscope at San Diego State University using the orientations specified by Lillegraven (1969: 16). Abbreviations of measure- ments are as follows: A-P Antero-posterior length Post-W Posterior width W Greatest width W-Tri Width of trigonid Ant-W Anterior width W-Tal Width of talonid 4 Contributions in Science No. 232 The abbreviation LACM is used throughout the descriptions to indicate specimens cataloged in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (Vertebrate Paleontology). Systematic Descriptions Class Mammalia Subclass Allotheria Order Multituberculata Family Ectypodontidae Sloan and Van Valen, 1965 [original name emended. Van Valen and Sloan, 1966] Genus Mesodma Jepsen, 1940 Mesodma, cf. M. formosa (Marsh), 1889b Holotype: Yale Peabody Museum 11812, left P4 (Marsh, 1889b, pi. 8, fig. 36-39). Referred specimens: LACM 27588, M1 fragment (W 1.21); LACM 27589, M2 (A-P 1.33, W 1.33); LACM 27590, M2 (A-P 1.38, W 1.26). Localities: LAV-7 1 70 and LAV-7 171. Distribution of Mesodma formosa: Upper part of Edmonton Formation, Alberta; Hell Creek Formation, Montana, and South Dakota; type Lance Formation, Wyoming; possibly Kirtland and Fruitland Formations, New Mexico (see list, Fassett and Hinds, 1971: 19); “El Gallo Formation,” Baja California del Norte. Comments: The three specimens here identified as Mesodma formosa cannot be distinguished from specimens of that taxon from Upper Cretaceous deposits of the Rocky Mountain region. The size ranges and descriptions follow closely and, until more evidence is forthcoming, I feel no new names should be defined despite the differences in ages of deposits. Because of the lack of equivalent dental elements, comparison is impossible with M. senecta (see Fox, 1971a). Family Eucosmodontidae (Jepsen, 1940) Genus Stygimys Sloan and Van Valen, 1965 ? Stygimys sp. Referred specimens: LACM 27591, M2 (A-P 1.96, W 1 .70) (Figure 2, A., B., C.); LACM 27592, U. Localities: LAV-7170 and LAV-7172. Distribution of genus: Hell Creek Formation, Montana; various lower and middle Paleocene localities. Rocky Mountain region; “El Gallo Forma- tion,” Baja California del Norte. Comments: The M2 here referred to IStygimys sp. (Fig. 2) is strikingly similar in overall morphology with specimens (e.g., LACM 27593) of Stygimys kuszmauli from the Bug Creek Anthills Local Fauna of the Hell Creek Formation, Montana (Sloan and Van Valen, 1965). However, distinct dif- ferences do exist in that the El Gallo specimen is significantly smaller than 1972 Late Cretaceous Mammals 5 Figure 2. A.-C. 1 Stygimys sp., species probably new, LACM 27591 (LAV-7170) right M2: A. lingual view; B. occlusal view; C. labial view. Approximately 13X. the Hell Creek material (the latter are approximately A-P 2.6, W 2.3). Also, the El Gallo specimen has smoother cusp sides with much less ornamentation than the usual Hell Creek M2’s referred to Stygimys. The greater epi- and inter-cusp ornamentation on the Hell Creek specimens is quite possibly a specialization advanced from the primitive condition. Additional, but admittedly weak, evidence suggesting the assignment of the M2 to Stygimys, or at least the Taeniolabidoidea, is a fragmentary lower incisor from Locality LAV-7172 of the “El Gallo Formation” showing a distinct rodentlike eucosmodontid enamel distribution. Stygimys and Catopsalis are the only known North American Cretaceous genera possessing the eucosmodontid-type incisor enamel pattern (see Sloan and Van Valen, 1965:224). Eucosmodontid multituberculate teeth have recently been recov- ered from the Upper Cretaceous Kirtland and Fruitland formations of New Mexico (see list, Fassett and Hinds, 1971: 19). Although I consider the El Gallo specimen to be distinct at least at the specific level from previously described material, I believe it would be wise to refrain from adding a new name to the taxonomic literature until a larger sample is available to allow the writing of a secure diagnosis. Additional Multituberculate Teeth Four other multituberculate teeth have been recovered that should be mentioned but are, in my opinion, unidentifiable generically at the present time. LACM 27594 (LAV-7172) is an isolated P3 (A-P 1.19, W 1.02) with four cusps. It resembles in basic structure the P3 of Mesodma formosa illustrated by Lillegraven (1969:22, Fig. 8, 2) but is proportionately shorter anteroposteriorly. Two P4’s (LACM 27595 from LAV-7170 and 27596 from LAV-7172) are represented by the posterior halves only, and no possibility exists for making serration counts or lobe descriptions. Finally, a fragmentary questionable lower right incisor tip (LACM 27597 from LAV-7172) has been recovered. Little can be said about it except that it lacks a eucosmodontid enamel pattern but has a deep longitudinal trough along what I interpret to be the dorsolateral surface of the tooth. 6 Contributions in Science No. 232 Subclass Theria Infraclass Metatheria Order Marsupialia Family Pediomyidae Clemens, 1966 Genus Pediomys Marsh, 1889a Pediomys sp. Only available specimen: LACM 27598, M1 (A-P 1.67 [est.] , Ant-W 1.44, Post-W 1.61) (Figure 3, A., B.). Locality : LAV-7 172. Distribution of genus: "El Gallo Formation,” Baja California del Norte; Oldman (unpublished) and Milk River formations, Alberta; Judith River Formation, Montana (in press, A. Sahni); upper part of Edmonton Formation, Alberta; Hell Creek Formation, Montana and South Dakota; Lance Formation, Wyoming; North Horn Formation, Utah; possibly Kirtland and Fruitland Formations, New Mexico (see list, Fassett and Hinds, 1971:19). Figure 3. A.-B. Pediomys sp., species probably new, LACM 27598 (LAV-7172), left M1: A. labial view; B. occlusal view. Approximately 17X. Comments: The M1 (Figure 3) almost certainly represents a heretofore undescribed small species of the genus Pediomys. The overall morphology most closely resembles the teeth of P. elegans (see Clemens, 1966), but a series of significant differences exist. The transverse measurements of LACM 27598 are proportionately less than in any other pediomyid save P. exiguus of the Milk River Formation of Alberta (see Fox, 1971b). As in most specimens of P. elegans, stylar cusp B and the stylar shelf labial to the paracone are lacking, but, in contrast, stylar cusp C in LACM 27598 is slightly larger and more robust than stylar cusp D. Stylar cusp D in LACM 27598 is long, low, and anteroposteriorly twinned, giving the appearance of beading. Wear facets are observed both on stylar cusps C and D. Unfortunately, the anterolabial corner of LACM 27598 is broken away. Lingual cingula are lacking. Details of the protocone, conules, paracone, and metacone of LACM 27598 are similar to those of the teeth of P. elegans (see Clemens, 1966:37). Wear facets are illustrated in Figure 3 and indicate strong shearing function along the postmetacrista in the usual therian manner. The tooth is strongly three-rooted and shows numerous differences from teeth identified as marsupial DP3’s 1972 Late Cretaceous Mammals 7 (e.g., Clemens, 1966, fig. 30 and Lillegraven, 1969, fig. 23, 5). I believe the tooth to be part of the molar series. Although the size and general proportions of LACM 27598 are near those of specimens of Pediomys exiguus, I believe different species are represented. P. exiguus possesses a stylar cusp B, although reduced, usually lacks a stylar cusp C, and has an undivided bladelike stylar cusp D (Fox, 1971b: 153). I can see no serious objections to allying the species represented by LACM 27598 closely with Pediomys elegans. I would not unite them as the same species because significant differences in morphology, in geochrono- logic age, and in geographic location exist. On the other hand, the probable new species is known from only a single upper molar, and I consider it prudent to wait until the hypodigm increases before entering a new specific name into the taxonomic literature. Infraclass Eutheria Order Insectivora Family indefinite New genus Available specimens: LACM 27599, M2 (A-P 2.57, W-Tri 1.58, W-Tal 1.65) (Figure 4, A., B., C.); LACM 27600, mandibular fragment with talonid of Mi (W-Tal 1.48), M2 (A-P 2.29, W-Tri 1.50, W-Tal 1.46 [est.]), M3 (A-P 2.43, W-Tri 1.45, W-Tal 1.33) (Figure 5, A., B., C.). Locality: LAV-7172. Distribution: Known only from “El Gallo Formation,” Baja California del Norte. Descriptions: LACM 27599 (Figure 4) is tentatively considered to be M2 and is essentially unworn. The tooth is fairly robust in general construction with a moderately high crowned trigonid. The protoconid is considerably higher than the metaconid. The paraconid is low, somewhat anteriorly- projecting, and anteroposteriorly compressed. The paraconid is well separated Figure 4. A.-C. Insectivora, family indefinite, new genus, LACM 27599 (LAV-7172), right M2: A. labial view; B. occlusal view; C. lingual view. Approximately 10X. 8 Contributions in Science No. 232 from the metaconid and is labial to it. A short, weak cingulum is present at the anterior base of the protoconid. The talonid is slightly wider than the trigonid and the talonid cusps are well defined and separated. The talonid basin is deeply concave. The hypoconulid is close to the entoconid but cannot be strictly said to be twinned with it. The hypoconid is the highest talonid cusp, the hypoconulid the lowest. A cingulum descends steeply from the labial edge of the hypoconulid lateroventrally to the posterolabial base of the hypoconid. The cristid obliqua meets the posterior midline of the base of the protoconid. LACM 27600 (Figure 5) is a mandibular fragment with a last molar and two preceding molars. These are tentatively identified as M1-3. All three teeth are severely worn and Mi is represented only by the posterior margin of the talonid. Cusps are distinguishable as individual units only on M3 but the general cusp arrangement appears to have been similar to that on LACM 27599. Cingula on the available parts of all three teeth are as on LACM 27599. Figure 5. A.-C. Insectivora, family indefinite, new genus, LACM 27600 (LAV-7172), left mandibular fragment with Mi-3: A. lingual view; B. occlusal view; C labial view. Approximately 9X. 1972 Late Cretaceous Mammals 9 The hypoconulid of the M3 is more strongly produced posteriorly than in any other Cretaceous therian known to me, and the proportional width of the talonid of the M3 is considerably greater than in most Cretaceous therians. Comments: LACM 27599 and 27600 are identified as eutherian because: (1) the paraconid is proportionately small and labial !y placed; (2) the hypo- conulid on the M3 is strongly produced posteriorly; (3) the hypoconulid is not closely twinned with the entoconid. The combination of these features is common among placental mammals but rare among marsupials. The signifi- cance of the position of the hypoconulid (criterion “3” above) is not completely certain. As stated in the description, it is not as closely twinned with the entoconid as in most Mesozoic marsupials, yet is nearer the entoconid than in most Cretaceous eutherians yet described. The affinity of the new species at lower categorical levels is uncertain. I placed the species in the Order Insectivora as an act of conservatism. Familial relationships are totally obscure. The specimens suggest somewhat greater similarity with molars of Late Cretaceous palaeoryctid taxa (e.g., Cimolestes magnus, see Lillegraven, 1969) than with other known Cretaceous groups, but evidence is insufficient to warrant even a tentative familial assignment. Con- siderable similarity in general form and size also exists with the “ Champ - Garimond tooth” discovered in Upper Cretaceous rocks of France (Ledoux et al., 1966). The identification of that specimen, however, has also yet to be determined (see McKenna, 1969:228). No striking resemblances have been recognized with described Asiatic Cretaceous eutherians (e.g., see Rician- Jaworowska, 1968) or the one upper molar described by Fox (1970) from the Milk River Formation of Alberta, Canada. Although a strongly developed hypoconulid on the M3 is a feature common to most early primates, the El Gallo specimens have unusually broad and elongated talonids, paraconids well separated from the metaconids, and other features decidedly different from the most primitive known primates. Both specimens are very tentatively referred to the same genus, and perhaps they even represent the same species. The specimens are unquestion- ably representative of a previously unknown genus. However, because of the scanty material at hand, I have declined to name the taxon. Despite any nomenclatorial inconvenience that may be caused, I feel it prudent to wait until adequate reference material becomes available from future field work. Discussion The known El Gallo specimens give a tantalizing but misty first glimpse of the Late Cretaceous mammalian fauna of the West Coast of North America. Although all but one of the species discovered so far are probably new, most of the genera seem referable to those well known from the Rocky Mountain region. The El Gallo peri- Pacific Late Cretaceous collection represents ecological, geographical, and temporal settings previously unsampled. One would thus expect taxonomic differences from the distant and better known 10 Contributions in Science No. 232 Rocky Mountain assemblages and, indeed, they have been found. However, the known assemblage of El Gallo mammals does not suggest great and profound endemism of the Late Cretaceous fauna of Baja California. At the present stage of our knowledge, I see no particular reason to suggest geo- graphic isolation of the peninsula from the remainder of the continent. Acknowledgments The entire project was visualized, implemented, and supervised by Dr. William J. Morris, Department of Geology, Occidental College. Field and laboratory support was generously given by the Vertebrate Paleontology Section, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and by a continuing grant from the National Geographic Society. Dr. Ismael Ferrusquia V. of the Instituto de Geologia, Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico participated in the field work in the summer of 1970, personally found the therian mandible, and contributed in many ways to the success of the summer. Dr. Ferrusquia is currently pursuing further investigations on the El Gallo fauna of small vertebrates. The devoted efforts and friendship of the family of Sr. Pedro Fonseca of El Rosario are deeply appreciated. A number of field assistants added greatly to the success of the expeditions. Principal among these were Messrs. Alan Tabrum, Gregg Franz, Richard Bergreen, and Bruce Burns. Illustrations for the paper were prepared by Miss Linda Thompson. Thanks also go to Drs. Donald E. Savage and William A. Clemens, Jr. of the University of California, Berkeley, and to Dr. Richard C. Fox of the University of Alberta for reading the manuscript and suggesting changes. My wife, Bernice Ann Lillegraven, was helpful in many aspects of the prepara- tion of the manuscript. Most importantly, the governments of Mexico and Baja California and the citizens of El Rosario are gratefully acknowledged for their generous and concerned interest shown in the project. Resumen Un estudio preliminar de los aprovechables fosiles de mamfferos de la “formacion El Gallo” del ultimo Campaniano (ultimo Cretaceo) al oueste de El Rosario, Baja California del Norte, Mexico, sugiere la presencia de Mesodma, cf. M. formosa (Ectypodontidae, Multituberculata), IStygimys sp., especie probablemente nueva (Eucosmodontidae, Multituberculata), Pediomys sp., especie probablemente nueva (Pediomyidae, Marsupialia), y uno genero nuevo de incierto afinidad de la familia (Insectfvora). Esta muestra representa el primero conocimiento de los mamfferos de la Secundaria de la costa oeste de Norte America. A despecho de las diferencias taxonomicas de las distantes y mas conocidas faunas de mamfferos de la region de Montanas Roquenas, la composicion de la coleccion de El Gallo es fundamentalmente semejante a taxa que es hallada an el interior del oeste y no sugiere una endemia profunda. 1972 Late Cretaceous Mammals 1 1 Literature Cited Clemens, W. A., Jr. 1966. Fossil mammals of the type Lance Formation, Wyoming. Part II. Marsupialia. Univ. Calif. Publ. Geol. Sci. 62. v/+ 122 p. Fassett, J. E., and J. S. Hinds. 1971. Geology and fuel resources of the Fruitland Formation and Kirtland Shale of the San Juan Basin, New Mexico and Colorado. U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 676. 76 p. Fox, R. C. 1970. Eutherian mammal from the early Campanian (Late Cretaceous) of Alberta, Canada. Nature 227:630-631. 1971a. Early Campanian multituberculates (Mammalia: Allotheria) from the Upper Milk River Formation, Alberta. Canadian J. Earth Sci. 8: 916-938. 1971b. Marsupial mammals from the early Campanian Milk River Formation, Alberta, Canada. In (D. M. Kermack and K. A. Kermack, eds.) Early Mammals, Zool. J. Linnean Soc. 50, Suppl. 1: 145-164. Jepsen, G. L. 1940. Paleocene faunas of the Polecat Bench Formation, Park County, Wyoming. Am. Philos. Soc., Proc. 83: 217-340. Kielan-Jaworowska, Z. 1968. Results of the Polish-Mongolian Palaeontological Expeditions, Part I. Preliminary data on the Upper Cretaceous eutherian mammals from Bayn Dzak, Gobi Desert. Palaeontologia Polonica 19: 171-191. Kilmer, F. H. 1963. Cretaceous and Cenozoic stratigraphy and paleontology, El Rosario area, Baja California, Mexico. Unpublished Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. Calif., Berkeley. Ledoux, J.-C., J.-L. Hartenberger, J. Michaux, J. Sudre, and L. Thaler. 1966. Decouverte d’un mammifere dans le Cretace superieur a dinosaures de Champ- Garimond pres de Fons (Gard). Comptes rendus des seances de FAcademie des Sciences, Paris 262: 1925-1928. Lillegraven, J. A. 1969. Latest Cretaceous mammals of upper part of Edmonton Formation of Alberta, Canada, and review of marsupial-placental dichotomy in mammalian evolution. Univ. Kansas. Paleontol. Contrib., Art. 50 (Verte- brata 12). 122 p. Marsh, O. C. 1889a. Discovery of Cretaceous Mammalia: Am. J. Sci., ser. 3, 38: 81-92. 1889b. Discovery of Cretaceous Mammalia, Part 2. Am. J. Sci., ser. 3, 38: 177-180. McKenna, M. C. 1969. The origin and early differentiation of therian mammals. Ann. N. Y. Acad. Sci. 167: 217-240. Morris, W. J. 1967. Baja California: Late Cretaceous dinosaurs. Science 155: 1539- 1541. Sloan, R. E., and L. Van Valen. 1965. Cretaceous mammals from Montana. Science 148: 220-227. Van Valen, L., and R. E. Sloan. 1966. The extinction of the multituberculates. Syst. Zool. 15: 261-278. Accepted for publication April 4, 1972 5'cfJ. I3 NUMBER 233 OCTOBER 17, 1972 A NEW GENUS OF CYPRINODONTID FISH FROM NUEVO LEON, MEXICO By Robert Rush Miller and Vladimir Walters CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and char- acter of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Muse- um, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommend- ed for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be ex- amined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indi- cate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— (1) The 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manuscript. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoid- able footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photographic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF. — Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Any changes or alterations, other than typographical corrections, will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor A NEW GENUS OF CYPRINODONTID FISH FROM NUEVO LEON, MEXICO1 By Robert Rush Miller2 and Vladimir Walters3 Abstract: Megupsilon aporus, a new genus and species of cyprinodontid fish related to Cyprinodon, is described from a large series of individuals from an interior basin in Nuevo Leon, Mexico. It is unique in having a huge Y-chromosome in the male and in the sexually dimorphic chromosome number (male 2n = 47, female 48), as well as in lacking pores in the cephalic sensory canal system, possessing two distinctive behavioral traits (jaw-nudge and opercular rotation) not developed in Cyprinodon, and having blackened scales on the side in the nuptial male which also lacks a black terminal band on the caudal fin. Megupsilon inhabits shallower water than does the species of Cyprinodon with which it is sympatric. It also has a much shorter gut than Cyprinodon and is carnivorous, whereas the local Cyprinodon is herbivorous. The new genus is a relict, representing an earlier invasion of the basin than does the species of Cyprinodon. Introduction Cyprinodontoid fishes comprise nearly one-third of the known freshwater fish fauna of Mexico (approximately 115 of 390 species). Of these, the autoch- thonous Goodeidae and the Cyprinodontidae together have about as many species as do the Poeciliidae, whereas the fourth family of the group, the Anablepidae, is monotypic. The novelty described here is the third known endemic Mexican genus of the Cyprinodontidae ( Garmanella Hubbs, 1936 and Cualac Miller, 1956 are the other two); its discovery further emphasizes the richness and diversity of the continental fish fauna of Mexico. The new genus is distinguished from all other members of the family karyotyped thus far by the very large Y-chromosome in the male and the sexually dimorphic chromosome number (Uyeno and Miller, 1971). It is confined to a single, spring-fed pond on a high, endorheic plateau in Nuevo Leon, northeastern Mexico. 1 Editorial Committee for this Contribution Robert J. Lavenberg Robert K. Liu Camm Swift 2 Museum of Zoology, The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan 48104. 3Department of Zoology, University of California, Los Angeles, California; and Research Associate in Ichthyology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California 90007. 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 233 Xx AftAftn* AftrtftftftftAM AAftftftft A<5 AAAAfiAAAAftAO Type species. Megupsilon aporus, new species. Diagnosis. A Cyprinodon-Yike killifish with uniserial tricuspid jaw teeth from which it is distinguished by having: (1) a huge Y-chromosome in the male (unique for cyprinodontoids) and a sexually dimorphic diploid chromosome Figure 2. Photomicrographs of somatic chromosome complements of a, female (2n = 48) and b, male (2n = 47), of Megupsilon aporus x 1900. AAtftftOftftAAA $ XI AdfiOftq JiMAftfirtADD AAAAftflftANftft lift DOftftOA AA Figure 1. Karyotype of Megupsilon aporus. Megupsilon , new genus Figures 1-4 1972 New Genus of Cyprinodontid Fish 3 number, 47 in the male and 48 in the female (Figs. 1-2); (2) the cephalic sensory canal system represented by exposed neuromasts only (no trace of canals or pores); (3) two distinctive behavioral traits (see below); (4) blackened scales on the side between dorsal and anal fins in the male (Fig. 3); and (5) nuptial male without black terminal border on caudal fin. In addition, the following com- bination of characters separates this genus from all others having tricuspid teeth that comprise the North American subfamily Cyprinodontinae (for diagnosis, see Uyeno and Miller, 1962: 528): entire preorbital region scaleless; pelvic fins and girdle lacking; intestine of adult usually shorter than body length; gill rakers few (10-13); anal fin of female about as large as her dorsal fin (Fig. 3). The pelvic fins and girdle are lacking also in Cyprinodon diabolis and in the Old World species Aphonias (Tellia) apodus, and the development of squamation in the preorbital region is variable in Cyprinodon and lacking in Floridichthys. Relationships. The new genus is obviously closest to Cyprinodon with which it shares many traits, e.g., tricuspid teeth, body shape, size and position of fins, squamation, and osteological characters. It has diverged sufficiently Figure 3. Paratypes (UMMZ 189020) of Megupsilon aporus. Above, male, 24 mm SL.; below, female, 27.5 mm SL. Photo by Louis P. Martonyi. 4 Contributions in Science No. 233 STANDARD LENGTH (mm) Figure 4. Size frequency of 216 Cyprinodon sp., UMMZ 189021, and 533 Megup- silon aporus, UMMZ 189020, from El Potosf, all collected 25 March 1968. Stipple, immatures; black, males; clear, females. 1972 New Genus of Cyprinodontid Fish 5 that it is behaviorally and reproductively incompatible with Cyprinodon and both premating and postmating isolating mechanisms prevent its hybridization with that genus. Robert K. Liu (personal communication, 1970) has observed two traits, jaw-nudge and opercular rotation, found in no species of Cyprinodon tested and has failed to obtain hybrids in forced matings between the two genera. Etymology. The generic name is from the Greek prefix peya (mega-), from peyaa (megas) meaning big, great, and vxpiXov (upsilon), name of the Greek letter Y ( v ), in reference to the huge Y-chromosome; gender is neuter. The specific trivial, aporus, is from the Latin, meaning without pores, in reference to the lack of pores in the sensory cephalic canal system. We are indebted to Carl L. Hubbs for proposing the generic name. The material used in the following description is deposited in The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ), University of Cali- fornia, Los Angeles (UCLA), and the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM). Megupsilon aporus, new species Figures 1-3 Types. Holotype, a breeding male, UMMZ 1 890 1 8, 2 1 .4 mm SL, collected by R. R. Miller and H. L. Huddle at El Potosi, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 25 March 1968. Allotype, an adult female, UMMZ 189019, 26.6 mm SL, taken with the holotype. Paratopotypes: UMMZ 189017, an adult male, 19 mm SL, collected by Miller and Huddle at the type locality, 23 February 1961 ; UMMZ 189020, 510 juvenile to adult (including a male and female cleared and stained), 12- 36 mm SL, taken with the holotype; LACM 32147-1, 25 juvenile to adult, 11-28 mm SL, (ex UMMZ 189020); UCLA, W68-21, 124 juvenile to adult, 13- 28 mm SL, collected by Vladimir Walters and John Bleck at the type locality, 15 February 1968. Additional Material (not designated as paratypes). UCLA, W68-74, 151 juvenile to adult, 7-31 mm SL, collected by Vladimir Walters and Bruce J. Turner at the type locality, 29 June 1968. Food studies were performed on 60 of these specimens. Diagnosis. See generic diagnosis (genus is monotypic). Description. The generic diagnosis of this species includes most of the important specific characters. Form and pigmentation are portrayed in Figure 3 and other diagnostic features appear in Figures 1 and 2. Proportional measurements are given in Table 1. Methods of counting and measuring are those used by Miller (1948: 9-13). The last two closely approximated rays in both dorsal and anal fins are counted as a single ray. Dorsal rays: 9(10), 10(29), 11(11), x 10.02, all rays branched in 4 fish, the first one unbranched in 44, and the first two rays unbranched in 2; anal rays: 9(4), 10(39), 11(7), x 10.06, all rays branched in 35, the first ray unbranched in 15; pectoral rays (both fins): 13(15), 14(60), 15(25), x 14.10; 6 Contributions in Science No. 233 Table 1 Proportional measurements, in thousandths of standard length, of Megupsilon aporus. Data for the holotype and allotype are included with the 20 adults. 10 Males 10 Females Measurement Holo- type $ Allo- type $ Range Aver- age Range Aver- age Standard length, mm 21.4 26.6 21.1-27.1 24.0 23.0-31.8 25.7 Predorsal length Anal origin to 626 616 598-628 616 598-616 610 caudal base 397 380 391-419 404 366-393 378 Body, greatest depth 421 410 415-459 434 388-428 408 Greatest width 210 218 210-234 221 211-234 225 Head length 369 357 346-369 358 343-370 358 Depth 350 320 327-350 340 311-336 325 Width Caudal peduncle 234 241 234-253 245 232-263 248 length 257 248 257-289 272 244-263 252 Least depth Interorbital, least 206 199 194-222 208 180-199 191 bony width 93 86 93-103 98 82-95 89 Preorbital width 33 34 30-37 34 29-38 33 Opercle length 117 120 103-119 113 111-126 118 Snout length 84 83 81-96 87 76-87 82 Orbit length 107 105 106-114 i 10 97-114 107 Mouth width 112 120 107-122 116 109-135 123 Upper jaw length 126 128 118-134 128 120-138 130 Mandible length Dorsal fin, basal 126 124 114-131 124 117-134 126 length 178 177 175-203 186 148-181 168 Depressed length Anal fin, basal 285 278 268-303 284 236-278 260 length 140 132 122-144 133 118-138 129 Depressed length Middle caudal rays. 271 244 244-271 254 239-268 250 length 233 229 214-236 227 214-244 225 Pectoral fin length 215 192 188-215 199 182-210 193 caudal rays: 16(1), 17(5), 18(31), 19(10), 20(3), x 18.18. The holotype has dorsal i,9, anal 0,10, pectorals 15-15, and caudal 18. Scales in lateral series: 24(8), 25(41), 26(1), x 24.86; scales between dorsal and anal fins: 10(25), 1 1(24), 12(1), x 10.52; scales around caudal peduncle: 1 4?( 1 ), 15(4), 16(44), x 15.88; scales around body: 26(2), 27(3), 28(28), 29(3), 30(12), 31(0), 32(2), x 28.56; predorsal scales: 18(4), 19(14), 20(14), 21(12), 22(6), x 20.04. The holotype has 25 lateral scales, 10 between dorsal and anal, 16 around peduncle, 28 around body, and 22 predorsal. Vertebral counts (including hypural complex), taken from radiographs. 1972 New Genus of Cyprinodontid Fish 7 are: 25(8), 26(50), 27(3), x 25.92; of these the precaudal vertebrae number 11(42), 12(15) and the caudal vertebrae 13(1), 14(20), 15(33), 1 6(3). Holotype 11+15-26. Gill rakers: 10(8), 11(24), 12(14), 13(4), x 1 1.28. Holotype, 11. All gill rakers on the outer part of the first arch were counted, without distinction between upper and lower limbs. The branchiostegals numbered 4 in 6 specimens and 5 in 34; only one fish had the formula 4-4. In the typical count, 4 branchiostegals insert on the ceratohyal and 1 on the epihyal. Coloration and Dimorphism. The life colors of the new genus were noted in both field and laboratory; the sexes show marked dichromatism (typical also of Cyprinodon ): nuptial males have steel blue iridescence on the back and sides anterior to the blackened area that lies between the dorsal and anal fins; the caudal peduncle, however, has a golden bronze sheen, seen also on top of the head, and the caudal fin is watery orange, with no trace of the terminal black border typical of Cyprinodon; the dorsal and anal fins are chalky bluish white, the base of the dorsal orange. There is a conspicuous, vertical black bar on the eye above and below the pupil that disappears on preservation. There is also an orange spot on the posterior part of the opercle, noted only in the male. Adult females are golden olivaceous over the entire body and have a weak and often interrupted midlateral stripe, from the upper angle of the gill opening to the base of the caudal fin, that is no wider than three-fourths the diameter of the eye; rarely there is a tendency to develop several teardrop-shaped extensions from this stripe toward the anal fin. The male differs most notably from the female in having the side of the body heavily blackened between the tip of the extended pectoral fin and the bases of the dorsal and anal fins (Fig. 3); this mark varies in development, apparently being most intense and expansive in alpha males. Neither young nor adult possess a dorsal ocellus, found in most species of Cyprinodon. The anal fin of the female is as large as or larger than her dorsal fin, whereas in the male the dorsal fin is larger than the anal fin (as typical for both sexes of Cyprinodon ). As shown in Table 1, there is marked sexual dimorphism in the measure- ment of anal origin to caudal base, head depth, caudal peduncle length, least depth of caudal peduncle, least bony width of interorbital, basal length of dorsal fin, and depressed length of dorsal fin. Except for the interorbital measurement, sexual dimorphism is similar in Cyprinodon. In addition, males of Cyprinodon have notably longer anal fins than do females, whereas these fins are virtually the same length in both sexes of Megupsilon. The functional significance of this difference may be related to breeding behavior. Individuals of the new genus are small, attaining a maximum standard length of only 36 mm (1 female); males are smaller than females and may mature at 15 mm SL (Fig. 4). The smaller male size may be correlated with the absence of territorial behavior in this genus (see below). The sympatric species 8 Contributions in Science No. 233 Figure 5. Spring-fed pond at El Potosf, type locality of Megupsilon aporus. View northeast, 23 February 1961 (from Kodachrome by R. R. Miller). of Cyprinodon at El Potosf reaches a larger size and the two sexes are not significantly different in their maximum lengths. Discussion. Megupsilon is known only from a spring-fed pond (Fig. 5) near the northern edge of the small settlement of El Potosf, 95 airline km due south of Monterrey, on the west side (rain shadow) of the Sierra Madre Oriental, in Nuevo Leon. The elevation is about 1,880 m, and the highest adjacent mountains (Cerro Potosf) are about 3,640 m. The pond lies in the endorheic basin named La Hediondilla, which is a high, arid plateau extending northward for about 65 km and southward some 50 km from Potosf. We were told that the pond is the only permanent water in the entire basin, which is lowest toward the southeast. At high level, the pond covers somewhat more than 1 hectare and, in places along its eastern side, is 3.5 to 4 m deep. Its water is very clear though easily roiled because of the firm clay that overlies a limestone base. Vegetation is abundant, particularly Ceratophyllum which forms dense masses in the southeastern sector; Potamogeton is restricted to water deeper than about 1 m, and unidentified “grasses” are restricted to water shallower than about 1 m; floating masses of green and blue-green algae (unidentified) occur among the “grasses” and Ceratophyllum; Nasturtium is also present. An abrupt limestone cliff (Fig. 5) is at the northeastern edge of the pond. The water is moderately alkaline (pH 7. 2-7. 4, indicator strips) and moderately 1972 New Genus of Cyprinodontid Fish 9 Table 2 Temperature Measurements/1 Date Time Temperature (° C) 23 Feb. 1961 1630 20.6 air, 19.4 water 14 Feb. 1968 2230 18.9 water 15 Feb. 1968 1000 20.0 water 25 Mar. 1968 1100 17.8 air, 18.0 water 28 June 1968 1545 26.0 water 28 June 1968 2235 16.5 air, 17.0 water aWater temperatures taken 5 cm below the surface, at the south end of the pond. hard (DH 11-15, approximately 197-269 ppm as CaO). Air and water temper- atures are summarized in Table 2. Each year, starting in July, the pond level is lowered about 1 m as water is pumped out to irrigate the corn fields, according to the residents. This considerably reduces the surface area of the pond. The pond slowly refills, and by October covers the area shown in the photograph; water level then remains stable until the following summer. The commemorative plaque on the wall of the pumphouse states that this structure was dedicated in 1955 and, according to the residents, the partial dam which parallels the limestone cliff and serves to delimit the deeper portion of the pond from the shallower areas was built in 1960. The annual man-caused changes in the level of the pond may have enabled “grasses” to colonize those pond areas which become dry land in summer. On 23 February 1961 Miller and Huddle collected a single Megupsilon and 315 Cyprinodon whereas subsequent collections made in Feburary, March and June, 1968, revealed that Megupsilon was 2 or 3 times more abundant than Cyprinodon. The 1968 collections indicate that Megupsilon predominates in the grassy areas of the pond and in the Ceratophyllum whereas the Cyprinodon, especially the adults, inhabits water deeper than 1 m. It appears to us that yearly pumping of the pond has resulted in an increase in Megupsilon habitat and a decrease in Cyprinodon habitat. During pluvial times (Wisconsin glaciation), when the now restricted pond probably formed a sizable marsh and lake, the habitat suitable for Megupsilon would have been extensive. One other species of fish, the goldfish (Carassius auratus), is present in the pond. Most were greenish bronze but one bright golden one was noted in 1961 and a number of golden individuals were seen in 1968; the brightly- colored goldfish were confined to the deepest part of the pond and were large, perhaps the original propagules. A dwarf species of crayfish, Cambarellus alvarezi Villalobos (1952), is endemic to this pond. Mr. Robert J. Naiman, while a graduate student at UCLA, measured gut length and studied dietary preferences of the 2 cyprinodontids of El Potosi (Tables 3-4). Megupsilon has a much shorter digestive tract than does Cyprinodon: 10 Contributions in Science No. 233 x Gut Length Species (as % SL) Range N Size Range Megupsilon adults 88% 53-130% 55, 16-33 mm SL Cyprinodon adults 211% 137-348% 36, 27-54 mm SL Megupsilon juveniles 78% 53-100% 5, 13-15 mm SL Cyprinodon juveniles 112% 90-133% 14, 10-16 mm SL Mr. Naiman’s data indicate that Megupsilon is carnivorous and feeds mainly on larval chironomids whereas Cyprinodon is herbivorous and feeds mainly on filamentous algae. The average adult Megupsilon contains 3.96 times more animals than does the average adult Cyprinodon, and Megupsilon juveniles, on the average, contain 4.32 times more animals than do Cyprino- don juveniles. On the other hand Cyprinodon adults ingest considerably more plant matter than does Megupsilon; the mean fullness value (filamentous algae plus vascular plants) for Cyprinodon is 22.07 times that for Megupsilon and since an adult Cyprinodon gut is 4.3 times the length of an adult Megupsilon gut (x gut length in adults is 86.5 mm vs. 20.3 mm, respectively) Cyprinodon must ingest about 100 times more plant matter than does Megupsilon. Both species were found to contain appreciable amounts of unicellular algae such as diatoms and desmids but no attempt was made to estimate quantities. When Walters and Bleck arrived at the pond on 14 February 1968, Megupsilon was observed to be actively swimming about at 2230 hrs. No Table 3 Feeding Preferences of the El Potosf Cyprinodontidsa Food Category Megupsilon aporus, juveniles5 Mdn No./Fish x No./Fish Cyprinodon sp., juveniles0 Mdn No./Fish x No./Fish Chironomid larvae 11.0 11.8 0.50 1.21 Other insects plus arachnids 0.3 1.2 0.14 0.50 Copepods (Cyclops) 0.3 4.6 0.14 2.50 Larger crustaceans 0.1 0.2 0.00 0.00 Eggs (cyprinodont?) 0.1 0.4 0.00 0.00 Insect eggs 0.1 not counted 0.00 0.00 Filamentous algae 0.1d 0.5d 9.0d 7.4d Vascular plants 0.0d 0.0d 0.04d 0.29d aFishes collected by seining at 0900-1000, 29 June 1968. bN = 5, 13-15 mm SL; 100% with food in gut; no helminth parasites found. CN = 14, 10-16 mm SL; 92.9% with food in gut; no helminth parasites found. dFullness values. For plant matter, the fullness of the gut was estimated on an arbitrary scale of 0 (gut devoid of algae/vascular plants) to 10 (gut stuffed with algae/vascular plants). 1972 New Genus of Cyprinodontid Fish 1 1 Table 4 Feeding Preferences of the El Potosi Cyprinodontidsa Megupsilon aporus, adultsb Cyprinodon sp., adultsc Food Category Mdn No./Fish x No./Fish Mdn No./Fish x No./Fish Chironomid larvae 9.00 15.71 0.93 4.47 Other insects plus arachnids 2.45 2.25 0.40 1.28 Copepods ( Cyclops ) 0.58 4.58 0.01 0.03 Larger crustaceans 1.13 2.87 0.08 0.56 Eggs (cyprinodont?) 0.22 1.20 0.10 0.39 Gastropods 0.03 0.07 0.00 0.00 Filamentous algae 0. 15d 0.40d 9.64d 8.90d Vascular plants 0.02d 0.04d 0. 19d 0.8 ld aFishes collected by seining between 0900-1000, 29 June 1968. bN = 55; 20 males, 35 females, 16-33 mm SL; 100% with food in gut; 60.0% with helminth parasites. CN = 36; 12 males, 24 females, 27-54 mm SL; 100% with food in gut; 63.9% with helminth parasites. d Fullness values. For plant matter, the fullness of the gut was estimated on an arbi- trary scale of 0 (gut devoid of algae/vascular plants) to 10 (gut stuffed with algae/ vascular plants). reproductive activity was noted then or the following morning, which was marked by light rain and overcast sky. Walters and Turner noted that Cyprinodon males were maintaining territories in deep water on June 28-29, but such behavior was not observed for Megupsilon. The two killifishes are endemic to the El Potosi pond today. The pond undoubtedly represents the last remnant of a larger body of water which may have filled much of La Hediondilla during Pleistocene pluvial periods. At some past Pleistocene time, the hypothetical lake must have had a drainage connection to the north or northwest to permit entry by the ancestor of the El Potosi Cyprinodon. Although this form has not been studied, it appears to belong to the group of species allied to Cyprinodon eximius Girard, which today occurs in isolated drainages and in the Rio Conchos basin, of northern Mexico, as well as in certain Rio Grande tributaries in Texas. The population of Megupsilon aporus can only be regarded as relict and representative of a much earlier cyprinodontine invasion of the Mexican Plateau. That it is most closely related to Cyprinodon is indicated by the many shared morphological characters. Another relict cyprinodontine, Cualac tes- sellatus Miller, inhabits a warm spring area (La Media Luna) near Rio Verde in San Luis Potosi. 12 Contributions in Science No. 233 On the morning of 6 July 1972 Walters revisited the spring pond, accom- panied by Robert E. Brown, Jr., Richard Haas, Robert K. Liu, and Sylvia H. Walters. Conditions had changed since the last visit. The pump has been inoperable for several years and the spring’s flow is now tapped year-round by sluices. Since pond area is now fairly constant there has been a change in the aquatic vegetation. Ceratophyllum demersum, restricted to the area of the pump house in 1 968, now covers most of the pond with a thick mat ; in shallower areas this vegetation was moribund but in fruit, possibly reflecting elevated summer water temperatures. Wide-angle Infrared Ektachrome photographs, taken with a Wratten 12 filter from the hillside about 25 feet above the spring, show the moribund areas as white to pale pink vs. red for healthy areas. In cooler areas the Ceratophyllum is partially overlain by Ranunculus sp. Grasses are diminished. Water temperatures, measured between 9 AM and 12 noon with a YSI telethermometer at several scattered locations, were 22-23 °C (surface), 16- 19°C (shallow depths), and 18°C at the deepest point. Oxygen content, measured at the same times with a Hach Kit, ranged from 4. 5-7. 5 ± /0.5 mg/ 1 = 2. 8-5. 2 ml/1 ; the lower readings were taken in shade, near Ceratophyllum. Four minnow traps, baited with chicken liver and placed in deep water below the Ceratophyllum mat for 90 minutes and then in shallow water in the Cerato- phyllum mat for 90 minutes yielded several hundred Cyprinodon sp., 8 Megupsilon aporus, and 2 dwarf crayfish. The trapping results were surprising, in view of the dietary differences between the two fishes as indicated by earlier gut analyses. Megupsilon aporus was seen to be abundant immediately below and in the Ceratophyllum mat. Cyprinodon sp. abounded in open water, from the surface to the deepest part of the spring; territorial males were tightly packed in shallow water along the western side of the pond. Crayfish abounded in the Cerato- phyllum. The goldfish population seemed unchanged. No specimens were preserved; all trapped fish were released. Acknowledgments We are indebted to Robert K. Liu for allowing us to publish his observa- tions on the behavior of Megupsilon, and to Robert J. Naiman for the data on gut length and food preferences. Our colleague, Teruya Uyeno, prepared the chromosomes. Biologo Juan Luis Cifuentes L., Direccion General de Pescas e Industrias Conexas, kindly issued permits for collecting in Mexico. Field work by the senior author was supported by NSF grant GB-6272X and that by the junior author by University of California Faculty Research Grant No. 1780; laboratory studies were supported by NSF GB 8212 (to The University of Michigan Museum of Zoology for Research in Systematic and Evolutionary Biology). 1972 New Genus of Cyprinodontid Fish 13 Resumen Megupsilon aporus, un nuevo genero y especie de la familia Cyprinodon- tidae mas cercamente relacionado a Cyprinodon, se describe de un estanque aislado en Nuevo Leon Mexico. Solamente otro pez, una especie de Cyprino- don, es indigeno del mismo manantial. Este nuevo genero se distingue por medio de su dimorfismo sexual en numero de cromosomas, 2n — 47 en el macho y 2n = 48 en la hembra, y el macho tambien con una enorme cromosoma Y. Ademas Megupsilon solamente tiene neuromastos expuestos (carece canales o poros) en el sistema canal sensorio cefalico, sin aletas o cenidor pelviano, el intestino del adulto mas corto que el largo del cuerpo, pocos rastrillos branquiales (10-13), el macho nupcial sin margen negra terminal en la aleta caudal pero con una region enegredida en el lado entre las aletas dorsal y anal, y la aleta anal de la hembra aproximadamenta tan grande como su aleta dorsal. Ensena dos caracteristicas de comportamiento que no se encuentran en Cyprinodon y no es territorial. Es carnivoro y prefiere agua mas o menos poco profunda. El nuevo genero es una reliquia representando una invasion mas temprana que la del especie simpatrica de Cyprinodon. Literature Cited Miller, R. R. 1948. The cyprinodont fishes of the Death Valley system of eastern California and southwestern Nevada. Univ. Mich. Mus. Zool., Misc. Publ. 68: 1-155. Uyeno, T., and R. R. Miller. 1962. Empetrichthys erdisi, a Pliocene cyprinodontid fish from California, with remarks on the Fundulinae and Cyprinodontinae. Copeia 1962 (3): 519-531. 1971. Multiple sex chromosomes in a Mexican cyprinodontid fish. Nature 231:452-453. Villalobos, A. 1952. Estudios de los cambarinos Mexicanos. X. Una nueva especie del genero Cambarellus del estado de Nuevo Leon. Anal. Inst. Biol. 22 (2): 525-532. Accepted for publication April 5, 1972 NUMBER 234 OCTOBER 30, 1972 c5^ 7* 7^ c?Lttf INDO-WEST PACIFIC FISHES FROM THE GULF OF CHIRIQUI, PANAMA By Richard H. Rosenblatt, John E. McCosker, and Ira Rubinoff CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and char- acter of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Muse- um, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommend- ed for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be ex- amined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indi- cate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— (1) The 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manuscript. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoid- able footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photographic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF. — Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Any changes or alterations, other than typographical corrections, will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor INDO-WEST PACIFIC FISHES FROM THE GULF OF CHIRIQUF PANAMA1 By Richard H. Rosenblatt2, John E. McCosker2, and Ira Rubinoff3 Abstract: Recent collections indicate the presence of a number of Indo-west Pacific fishes in the Gulf of Chiriqui. The Gulf of Chiriqui is not subject to seasonal upwelling as is the adjacent Gulf of Panama, and supports a relatively rich develop- ment of hermatypic corals. Twenty-four percent (40) of the reef fish species collected there also occur in the Indo-west Pacific, and of them, nine were previously unrecorded at or near the American mainland: Myripristis murdjan, Ctenochaetus cyano- guttatus, Gymnothorax flavimarginatus, G. buroensis, G. an- dulatus, Enchelynassa canina, Uropterygius tigrinus, Malacan- thus hoedti, and Hemipteronotus taeniourus. The last six are heretofore unreported from the eastern Pacific, although none is restricted to the Gulf of Chiriqui. Eastern Pacific records of the following Indo-west Pacific species are regarded as invalid, being based either on misidenti- fication or mislabelings: Brachysomophis crocodilinus, Gymno- thorax chilospilus, Callechelys marmoratus, Myrichthys macalo- sus, Myripristis berndti, Lutjanus kasmira, Runulci tapeinosoma, Abudefduf saxatilis vaigiensis, and Antennatus bigibbus. The ranges of the eastern Pacific endemic species Gymno- thorax castaneus, Petrotyx hopkinsi, and Paraclinus altivelis are extended to Panama. Xyrichthys panamensis Fowler 1944, is synonymized with Hemipteronotus pavoninus (Valenciennes, 1839). Many of the transpacific migrants are localized and limited in their eastern Pacific distributions. Some are seemingly closely associated with the development of hermatypic corals. There is no evidence that any are displacing eastern Pacific endemnic species. The number of new records in the Gulf of Chiriqui collec- tions reflects the inadequacy of current knowledge of the distri- bution of the fishes of the eastern tropical Pacific. Introduction Recent collecting efforts by the Scripps Institution of Oceanography and the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in the Gulf of Chiriqui, western Panama, have disclosed the presence of a large number of Indo-west Pacific species adjacent to or along the continental coastline in the eastern tropical Review Committee for this Contribution William A. Bussing Robert J. Lavenberg C. Richard Robins James C. Tyler Contribution from the Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of Cali- fornia at San Diego, La Jolla, California 92037 3Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, P.O. 2072, Balboa, Canal Zone 1 7 Contributions in Science No. 234 Pacific. Our results are interesting in that many fishes of Indo-west Pacific origin which have previously been reported only from the oceanic Galapagos, Revillagigedo, Cocos, and Clipperton islands are maintaining populations in the coral reef communities in the Gulf of Chiriqui. The Gulf of Chiriqui lies west of the Gulf of Panama and is not subject to the seasonal upwelling conditions which profoundly affect the fauna of Panama Bay and the Perlas Islands (Schaefer et al., 1958; Forsbergh, 1969). Pacific coastal waters west of the Azuero Peninsula, therefore, present a warmer and more stable thermal regime (Renner, 1963) which facilitates extensive develop- ment of certain hermatypic corals (Glynn, in press). The presence of extensive Pocillopora bank reefs (Fig. 1) to depths of 10-15 meters provides a habitat similar, but not identical, to that of the islands of the central Pacific. These reefs, in contrast to well-developed Caribbean or Indo-Pacific formations, comprise relatively few species of Pocillopora, possibly three or four. Associ- ated with them, however, are several species of Porites, Pavona, and the hydro- coral Millepora which contribute to the habitat diversity, to which the in- creased Indo-west Pacific components in the vertebrate and invertebrate fauna may be related. The structure and extent of coral reef development in the Gulf of Chiriqui is discussed in Glynn et al. (in press). Notable Indo-west Pacific invertebrates in the Gulf of Chiriqui include the crown of thorns starfish, Acanthaster cf. plane i, the painted shrimp Hymenocera picta, and the fire corals Millepora intricata and M. platyphylla (Glynn, in press). Eastern Pacific records for Hymenocera and Millepora are based on specimens from the Gulf of Chiriqui, these forms being as yet unreported from Clipperton, Galapagos, and the Revillagigedo islands. A similar restricted distribution pattern also exists for certain fishes. Collections The eastern Gulf of Chiriqui contains seven major island groups. The largest is Coiba which is ca. 30 km in length. The outermost island, Montuosa, is 60 km from the mainland and separated by a channel 80 m deep. We have either collected at or made observations using SCUBA at each island group and several mainland localities (Fig. 2) on three separate occasions, during March and September of 1970 and April of 1971. More than 30 days were spent in the field while aboard the vessels R/V Alpha Helix, R/V Tethys, and USN LST Traverse County. A collection of fishes made by C. H. Birkeland and T. Spight at Isla Viradores Sur, Costa Rica (10°34'50"N, 85°43'30"W), is included in this study. Accessory material from other Pacific island and Gulf of California localities was provided through the extensive collecting efforts of the Scripps Institute of Oceanography (SIO), and the University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA). Fishes discussed in this paper are presently housed at SIO, UCLA, the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute (STRI), the Univer- sity of Miami Marine Laboratory (UMML), the Harvard Museum of Com- parative Zoology (MCZ), the Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR), and the California Academy of Sciences (CAS). In this study we refer to the offshore 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 3 O ON G-g . s- C/3 cd cd *5 o ^ C M >> 45 cd ^ U « cd qj ^ CL, r 1 . pj 2 c n o C O -2 ? -2 £Z; £ S r" sf • «3 Cd -£3 O ^ r * £ 8 O Co Cd X 3 & £ 4 Contributions in Science No. 234 83° 82° 81° Figure 2. Major collection localities in the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama. 100 and 1000 fathom contours taken from hydrographic chart H.O. 1018 (1968 edition). 1, Puerto Armuelles; 2, Islas Ladrones; 3, Isla Montuosa; 4, Isla Parida; 5, Isla Balanos and Isla Berraco; 6, Islas Secas; 7, Isla Brincanco and 8, Isla Uva, Islas Contreras; 9, Bahia Honda; 10, Isla Canal de Afuera; 1 1, Isla Rancheria; 12, Isla Coiba, Bahia de Las Damas; 13, Isla Jicaron; 14, Isla Jicarita; 15, Isla Cebaco; 16, Islas Naranjas. islands of the eastern Pacific ocean. These include: Isla del Coco, Clipperton Island, Islas de Revillagigedo, and Islas Galapagos. Gulf of Chiriqui Fishes We have discovered nine Indo-west Pacific fish species previously un- recorded at or near the American mainland. Six species are first reported from the eastern Pacific in this paper. The Indo-west Pacific fishes of the Gulf of Chiriqui can be placed in two categories (Table 1) based on their distribution, and most likely, their dependence upon the coral reef habitat. These cate- gories are arbitrary in some cases, but for the most part the distinction is rather clear cut. The fishes that are part of the coral reef community of the gulf island groups include 165 species; of these we find that 40 (24 percent) also occur in the Indo-west Pacific region. This high percentage is comparable only to the Clipperton fish fauna, and is probably associated with the extensive coral development at both localities. Other fishes collected in the Gulf of Chiriqui represent range extensions for the eastern tropical Pacific. A single specimen of Paraclinus altivelis 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 5 Table 1 Eastern Pacific distributions of Indo-west Pacific and circumtropical shorefish species. * Indicates species found in the Gulf of Chiriqui. f Indicates circumtropical species. /. Broadly distributed in eastern tropical Pacific f * Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen) Chanos chanos (Forsskal) f Albula vulpes (Linnaeus) * Euleptorhamphus viridis (Van Hasselt) t Ablennes hians (Valenciennes) * Kuhlia taeniura (Cuvier) t * Priacanthus cruentatus (Lacepede) t*A lugil cephalus Linnaeus * Alectis ciliaris (Bloch) * Gnathanodon speciosus (Forsskal) *Scarus ghobban Forsskal *S. rubroviolaceous Bleeker *Sectator ocyurus (Jordan and Gilbert) * Oxycirrhites typus Bleeker * Ci rrh i tick thys oxy cephalus (Bleeker) * Doryrhamplus melanopleura (Bleeker) * Acanthurus xanthopterus (Valenciennes) * Fist ularia petimba Lacepede t Canthidermis maculatus (Bloch) Chilomycterus affinis (Gunther) f *Diodon holacanthus Linnaeus t *D. hystrix Linnaeus *Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus) * A. meleagris (Bloch and Schneider) *Ostracion meleagris Shaw II. Limited to offshore islands and/or certain mainland localities * Triaenodon obesus (Riippell) * Echidna nebulosa (Ahl) *£. zebra (Shaw) Gymnothorax buroensis (Bleeker) * G. flavimarginatus (Riippell) G. pictus (Ahl) *G. undulatus (Lacepede) * Enchelynassa canina (Quoy and Gaimard) * Uropterygius tigrinus (Lesson) Holotrachys lima (Valenciennes) * Myripristis murdjan (Forsskal) Aphareus furcatus (Lacepede) * Malacanthus hoedti Bleeker *Caranx melampygus Cuvier Forcipiger flavissimus Jordan and McGregor * Hemipteronotus pavoninus (Valenciennes) * H. taeniourus (Lacepede) * Thalassoma lute see ns (Lay and Bennett) Calotomus spinidens (Quoy and Gaimard) * Aulostomus chinensis (Linnaeus) * Acanthurus triostegus Linnaeus *A. glaucopareius Cuvier 'fCtenochaetus cyanoguttatus Randall '•'Zanclus canescens (Linnaeus) Antennarius drombus Jordan and Evermann t Xanthichthys r ingens (Linnaeus) f *Melichthys niger (Bloch) t * Alutera scripta (Osbeck) Canthigaster amboinensis (Bleeker) 6 Contributions in Science No. 234 (Lockington), previously known only from deep water in the Gulf of Cali- fornia (Rosenblatt and Parr, 1969), was collected in ten m at Isla Canal de Afuera (SIO 71-52). Numerous specimens of Gymnothorax castaneus Jordan and Gilbert (which we regard as distinct from G. dovii Gunther) were collected at several Gulf of Chiriqui and Panama Bay locations and represent a southern extension from the previously known range in Mexico. A single specimen of the brotulid Petrotyx hopkinsi Heller and Snodgrass from Isla Uva (SIO 70- 135) extends the recorded range of the species from the Galapagos Islands, although it has also been taken between Cape San Lucas and Espiritu Santo Island, Lower California (SIO material). The collections also include a new species of chaenopsid (Stephens and Rosenblatt, MS) and a new species of dactyloscopid, both of which are distinctively different from known genera. Transpacific Shore Fishes Briggs (1961, 1 964) has listed 62 transpacific shore fishes. His list includes certain records that our studies indicate are invalid for various reasons. These are discussed below: Br achy somo phis crocodilinus (Bennett). The eastern Pacific occurrence of this species rests on a report by Gunther (1870) of a single specimen listed as “Galapagos Islands. From the Haslar Collection.” Incorrect provenances of Haslar Hospital collection material has already led to several zoogeographic improbabilities (Kresja, 1960). In light of this, and lacking other records, we remove B. crocodilinus from the fauna of the eastern Pacific. Gymnothorax chilospilus Bleeker. Herre’s (1936) record of this species from Eden Island Galapagos, was based on a small specimen of Muraena lentiginosa Jenyns. We have examined Herre’s specimen (SU 24399, now at CAS) and compared it with other material of M. lentiginosa. Herre’s record of Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepede), also based on M. lentiginosa, is dis- cussed later in this paper. Callechelys marmoratus (Bleeker). Fowler’s (1932) record of this species from Charles Island, Galapagos, pertains to the recently described eastern Pacific species C. galapagensis McCosker and Rosenblatt, 1972. Myrichthys maculosus (Cuvier). Fowler’s (1938) record of M. maculosus from Narborough Island, Galapagos is referable to M. tigrinus Girard, an eastern Pacific endemic. The two nominal species are identical in external appearance. However, eastern Pacific populations have a significantly lower number of vertebrae than central and western Pacific material (McCosker, in preparation). Myripristis berndti Jordan and Evermann. Although Greenfield (1965) did not place Briggs’ (1964) record of M. berndti in the synonymy of M. murd- jan (Forsskal) he does include the three Cocos Island specimens recorded by Briggs in his material of M. murdjan. Lutjanus kasmira (Forsskal). The eastern Pacific endemic L. viridis Valenciennes is very similar to the Indo-west Pacific L. kasmira. Seale (1940) 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 7 regarded the two as synonymous in recording L. kasmira from the Galapagos and Cocos islands. However, Jordan and Evermann (1898) had noted morpho- logical differences between L. kasmira and L. viridis and regarded the latter as distinct. Our material indicates differences in color pattern between the two species. In L. viridis there are five distinct blue stripes, the lowest behind the pectoral base; in L. kasmira this band is absent. The upper three stripes in L. viridis are almost horizontal, contacting the dorsal profile at the base of the ninth dorsal spine, between the ninth and tenth dorsal soft rays, and the anterior one-third of the caudal peduncle respectively. In L. kasmira the corresponding points are the sixth dorsal spine, the fifth or sixth dorsal soft ray, and the end of the soft dorsal. Also in L. viridis the fourth stripe runs forward below the eye to the upper lip, rather than ending at the preopercular margin. Seale’s (1940) record then should be considered a misidentification of L. viridis, and L. kasmira removed from the eastern Pacific list. Runula tapeinosoma (Bleeker). Clark’s (1936) Galapagos record of Petro- scirtes tapeinosoma was without doubt based on a specimen of the wide ranging eastern Pacific Plagiotremus azaleus (Jordan and Boilman). Abudefduf saxatilis vaigiensis (Quoy and Gaimard). The taxonomy of the Abudefduf saxatilis species complex is confused. The Atlantic, Indo-west Pacific, and eastern Pacific populations have been considered to represent distinct species or subspecies (A. saxatilis (Linnaeus), A. vaigiensis and A. troschelii (Gill) respectively) or sometimes united under the oldest name, A. saxatilis. Herre’s listing of Galapagos material with specimens from the western Pacific under the name A. saxatilis is insufficient reason to establish the pres- ence of the Indo-west Pacific form at that locality. Scarops jordani (Jenkins) and Scarus rubroviolaceus Bleeker. These nominal species have recently (Rosenblatt and Hobson, 1969) been shown to be synonymous. The older name is S. rubroviolaceus. Amanses carolae (Jordan and McGregor). This species has been shown by Randall (1964) to be synonymous with Cantherines dumerilii (Hollard), known from east Africa, the Seychelles, Lord Howe Island, the central Pacific and Hawaii. Antennatus bigibbus (Lacepede). The specimen on which the Revillagigedo Island record was based (BC 57-160) was included by Rosenblatt (1963) in his material of the eastern Pacific endemic Antennatus strigatus (Gill). A. bigibbus has not yet been taken in the eastern Pacific. Our findings, in general, agree with the concept of the eastern Pacific barrier to shorefish distribution as proposed by Ekman (1953) and amplified by Briggs (1961, 1964). Most of the Indo-Pacific elements in western Panama possess larval stages adapted to long distance pelagic transport, or juveniles and adults which may be able to accompany floating debris across the equa- torial Pacific using the north equatorial current system (Hubbs and Rosenblatt, 1961). The often mentioned but poorly understood phenomenon of offshore 8 Contributions in Science No. 234 insular confinement in the eastern Pacific (Snodgrass and Heller 1905; Briggs, 1961, 1967; McCosker, 1971; Rosenblatt and Walker, 1963) deserves further mention. It is important to note that Indo-west Pacific migrants are not only confined to the offshore islands, but are also usually less abundant than the congeneric species of the indigenous fauna. An example is the sympatric association of the squirrelfishes Myripristis murdjan and M. leiognathus Valen- ciennes. The former, an Indo-Pacific emigrant, is, in the Gulf of Chiriqui, always found with, but less abundant than, the latter, a widespread eastern Pacific species. The same situation seems to pertain at Clipperton Island, except that the abundant eastern Pacific endemic there is M. clarionensis. A similar picture is also found in the Indo-Pacific morays in the eastern Pacific, except at Clipperton Island. The evidence that the direction of movement across the Pacific has been from west to east has been presented by Briggs (1961) and Hubbs and Rosen- blatt (1961). More recent findings have done little to alter their conclusions. It is, however, difficult to argue a west Pacific origin for Sectator ocyurus. The species has been recorded only from Hawaii and the Marquesas, on the fringes of the area, and might have crossed from east to west. Briggs (1961, 1967, 1969, 1970) has in part ascribed the greater success of the Indo-west Pacific species in crossing the eastern Pacific barrier to their status as “dominant species." He (1967: 575) has stated that “It seems clear that the unusually stable ecosystems and high level of competition (in the Indo- west Pacific region) provide the proper environment for the evolution of domi- nant species that can successfully invade the other regions.’’ Inherent in this argument is the concept that competition between species leads to an increase in general “fitness’’ and the ability to compete in a new habitat with different competitors. This might be true if competition (overlap of requirement(s) for resource(s) in short supply) inevitably led to the extinction of all competitors but one, leaving a generalist occupying a broad niche. How- ever, the widespread phenomenon of character displacement (Brown and Wilson, 1956) indicates that a more common result of competitive interaction is coexistence, with competition reduced by narrowing of niche breadth. Competition thus is more likely to produce specialists than generalists. The richness of the Indo-west Pacific fauna, especially in sympatric congeneric species, indicates that competitive interactions have had the latter result. For example Chave (in press) has carefully studied partitioning of the environment by six species of Apogon in Hawaii. Although all six occur together, there are differences in substrate preference, time of feeding, position in the water column while feeding, and food organisms taken. Her observations indicate that resources are partitioned in such a way as to reduce competition. Hobson’s (1968) observations on Apogon retrosella, an eastern Pacific endemic which overlaps in part of its range with a single congener, A. parri, indicate much less restriction in several of these parameters. It is found over rocks as well as over sand patches at night, and feeds benthically as well as in midwater. Although it 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 9 is difficult to predict the results of invasions (MacArthur and Wilson, 1967, Chap. 5), there is no a priori reason to suppose that any one of the Hawaiian species of Apogon, each with a narrow range of substrate and food preferences, would be able to replace A. retrosella if introduced into the habitat of that species. The data indeed indicate that eastward migrants have not displaced eastern Pacific endemics. As our previous discussion has shown, a large number of eastward migrants are limited in their eastern Pacific distributions. The Muraenidae are instructive in this regard. There are 15 endemic species of muraenids, distributed among six genera, in the eastern tropical Pacific. As might be expected from their pelagic larval stage, the muraenids are repre- sented by more species of migrants than any other family. Seven species dis- tributed among four genera have crossed the east Pacific barrier. However, none of these is widespread and abundant along the mainland coast. The success of Indo-west Pacific forms in colonizing the eastern Pacific seems to be related to several factors, among them the ability to survive in the coral-poor, more variable environment of the eastern Pacific, as well as to the presence of endemic competitors. The idea that these species are behaving as “competitively dominant species” is unwarranted, and not supported by evidence. The paradox that the major equatorial currents flow from east to west but the major faunal movements have been from west to east is more apparent than real. The North Equatorial Current is relatively weak to the east. Movement of water from the mainland of Central America is not strongly unidirectional and more a drift than a current for much of the year (Wyrtki, 1965). In addition a considerable part of the north equatorial current is derived from the California Current, which would not be carrying tropical elements. The South Equatorial Current, which is strong and consistent near its eastern source, originates from the cold Peru Current which flows along the South American coast, where the fauna is essentially temperate (Myers, 1941; Ekman, 1953; Morrow, 1957). It is not surprising that these currents have not been major highways for tropical shore-fish dispersal. The present impoverishment of the coral reef habitat in the eastern tropical Pacific appears to be limiting the diversity of corallophilic fishes and other in- shore faunal elements (as Emerson, 1967, has suggested for the Panamic molluscan fauna). The presence of a suitable reef habitat may be a key to the success of Indo-west Pacific elements in the Gulf of Chiriqui. A similar associa- tion of Indo-west Pacific fishes with notable coral development has been des- cribed for Isla Jaltemba, Nayarit, Mexico by Greenfield et al. (1970), and an association between coral and certain eastern Pacific scarids has been demon- strated by Rosenblatt and Hobson (1969: 438). As was pointed out in the latter paper, the causative factors in this relationship are not clear. It may be that hermatypic corals and the associated fishes have similar requirements with respect to the physical environment. For example, Myripristis murdjan 10 Contributions in Science No. 234 would seem by its distribution to be a strongly corallophilic form. However, it is a nocturnal planktivore which seemingly utilizes coral only as a shelter during the day. Additionally, Indo-west Pacific species form a conspicuous component of the fish fauna at the region of Cape San Lucas, lower California, an area of much poorer coral development than the Gulf of Chiriqui. The interrelation- ships between the biotic and physical factors in determining these associations clearly can only be elucidated by detailed studies. In conclusion, we suggest that our findings of this large number of Indo- west Pacific species in western Panama is representative of the poor state of knowledge of fish distribution throughout western Central America, (Rosen- blatt and Rubinoff, 1972), and may require reevaluation of the role of distance in maintaining the geographic isolation of many species of shore fishes with vagile embryonic or larval stages. ANNOTATED LIST OF INDO-WEST PACIFIC REEF-ASSOCIATED FISHES IN THE GULF OF CHIRIQUI Hemirhamphidae 1 . Euleptorhamphus viridis (Van Hasselt) — Indo-Pacific, widespread in the eastern Pacific. Muraenidae 2. Echidna zebra (Shaw) — known from the Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific, from Isla del Carmen to Cabo San Lucas, Isla Jaltemba Mexico, Clipperton Island, nearshore island localities from Costa Rica (UCR 14-38), the Gulf of Chiriqui, and the Perlas Archipelago. 3. Echidna nebulosa (Ahl) — known from the Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; and the eastern Pacific from Bahia Muertos (SIO 61-253), Bahia San Lucas (SIO 67-136), and Manzanillo (UCLA 56-232), Mexico, Cocos Island, the Gulf of Chiriqui, and the Gulf of Panama. 4. Gymnothorax buroensis (Bleeker) — known from the Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii. In the eastern Pacific, from Clipperton Island (UCLA 58-289), Cocos Island, Isla del Cano and Isla Murcielago, Costa Rica (UCR 423-58 and 382-29), and a single specimen (SIO 71-48) collected in 10 meters in a Pocillopora bank reef at Islas Secas, Gulf of Chiriqui. New record for the eastern Pacific. 5. Gymnothorax flavimarginatus (Riippell) — abundant in Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii, and offshore eastern Pacific islands of Clipperton, Cocos, and Isla del Cano, Costa Rica (UCR 423-125). Observed and photographed, but not collected at Islas Secas and Islas Contreras, Gulf of Chiriqui. 6. Gymnothorax undulatus (Lacepede) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii. In the eastern Pacific, known only from Isla del Cano, Costa Rica (UCR 423- 59) and the Gulf of Chiriqui. We have collected and/or observed this species 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 1 1 at Islas Naranjas, Islas Contreras (SIO 70- 1 35, SIO 7 1 -40), Islas Secas (SIO 70- 136, SIO 70-140), and Isla Coiba (MCZ 44103). New record for the eastern Pacific. Galapagos listings for this species are based on Herre’s misidentification of a juvenile Muraena lentiginosa (SU 24382). 7. Enchelynassa canina (Quoy and Gaimard) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii. In the eastern Pacific known from Clipperton Island (SIO 59-12, UCLA 56-240) and Isla Montuosa, Gulf of Chiriqui (SIO 70-358). New record for the eastern Pacific. 8. Uropterygius tigrinus (Lesson) — Hawaii, Johnston, and the Society Islands. In the eastern Pacific, from Isla Espiritu Santo, Gulf of California (SIO 61-276), Isla Clarion, Islas de Revillagigedo (UCLA 55-131), and Islas Contreras, Gulf of Chiriqui (SIO 70-135, SIO 71-40). New record for the eastern Pacific. Holocentridae 9. Myripristis murdjan (Forsskal) — Red Sea and Indo-west Pacific; eastern Pacific from the major islands groups, nearshore island localities from Costa Rica, and the Gulf of Chiriqui. Kuhliidae 10. Kuhlia taeniura (Cuvier) — Indian Ocean to central Pacific. In the eastern Pacific, from Cape San Lucas to Colombia. Observed at Isla Montuosa and other localities in the Gulf of Chiriqui. The name K. arge Jordan and Bollman is available for the eastern Pacific population. In the absence of a critical study we tentatively regard it as conspecific with the western Pacific form. - Priacanthidae 11. Priacanthus cruentatus (Lacepede) — Pantropical; in the eastern Pacific, from Cabo San Lucas, Isla Jaltemba, and Islas Tres Marias, Mexico, the major offshore islands, Panama Bay, and the Gulf of Chiriqui. Mugilidae 1 2. Mugil cephalus Linnaeus — Cosmopolitan in warm seas; in the eastern Pacific from Monterey, California, to Chile. Branch i ostegidae 13. Malacanthus hoedti Bleeker — Indian and tropical Pacific Oceans. This species, a new record for the eastern Pacific, was observed and collected at numerous localities in the Gulf of Chiriqui (SIO 70-138, SIO 71-42, SIO 7 1- 53) where it is a common associate of the sand bottom and contiguous reef community at depths of 10-25 meters. The finding of Malacanthus initiated a search for additional material in existing collections; as a result of this inspec- tion we now know that M. hoedti in the eastern Pacific ranges from Costa Rica 12 Contributions in Science No. 234 Figure 3. Malacanthus hoedti. A 244 mm individual from Isla Cavada, Islas Secas (SIO 70-138). (Isla Viradores Sur, sight record) to Gorgona Island, Colombia (Argosy 27, now at UMML). In the Gulf of Chiriqui we have observed M. hoedti at numer- ous stations, both near the mainland (Bahia Honda) and at several island groups (Islas Naranjas, Brincanco, Uva, and Canal de Afuera). M. hoedti was encountered in pairs (not known to be male-female pairs in that the sexes are not externally distinguishable) at all localities. When approached by a diver, the fish would retreat into a burrow head-first. The burrow entrances were at the edges of large rocks, and the shallow burrows run beneath the rocks and termi- nate in an enlargement. We have compared our material with a series from Hawaii (CAS 24823) and a single specimen from the Caroline Islands (CAS 24824). All agree in morphology, number of vertebrae, and coloration, especially in the distinctively banded caudal (compare Fig. 3 with Berry, 1958, Fig. 7). There are, however, differences in the mean numbers of dorsal and anal rays (Table 2). The differences are significant at the P< .05 level but not at P< .01. Differences of this magnitude could indicate separation of the Table 2 Total dorsal and anal rays in Malacanthus hoedti. Data for Central Pacific material include counts from Berry (1958). E. Pacific Cent. Pacific 54 55 Total dorsal rays 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 X 95% Conf. interval 1 1 2 1 3 56.5 ± 1.3 112-42 1 59.4 ± 1.2 48 49 Total anal rays 50 51 52 53 54 X 95% Conf. interval 2 - 3 3 49.9 ± 1.0 2 2 3 3 1 51.9 ±0.9 E. Pacific Cent. Pacific 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 13 populations at the specific or subspecific level. Flowever, there is broad overlap of the ranges of the dorsal and anal counts. More importantly, our concept of M. hoedti (sensu stricto) is based on the Hawaiian population (10 of 11 speci- mens). Until adequate samples from throughout the entire range of the species are available, it would be premature to give formal taxonomic recognition to differences between the Hawaiian and eastern Pacific populations. Carangidae 14. Alectis ciliaris (Bloch) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii, widespread in eastern Pacific. Observed and taken at several localities in the Gulf of Chiriqui. 15. Caranx melampygus Cuvier — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific, from the major offshore islands and the Cape San Lucas region of Baja California. Observed and photographed over the reefs at several locali- ties in the Gulf of Chiriqui. 16. Gnathanodon speciosus (Forsskal) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii, and widespread in the eastern tropical Pacific. Observed and collected at numerous localities in the Gulf of Chiriqui (SIO 70-136). Labridae 17. Hemipteronotus pavoninus (Valenciennes) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific, known from Cabo San Lucas, Baja California, several island localities in the Gulf of Chiriqui, and Isla Pedro Gonzalez, Archipielago de las Perlas (as Xyrichthys panamensis Fowler, 1944). We follow Randall (1965) in placing Iniistius and Xyrichthys in the synonymy of Hemipteronotus. 18. Hemipteronotus taeniourus (Lacepede) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific, from Punta Pescadero, Gulf of California (SIO 59-225, SIO 61-252), the Gulf of Chiriqui, and the Archipielago de las Perlas. New record for the eastern Pacific. 19. Thalassoma lutescens (Lay and Bennett) — Indo-west Pacific; in the eastern Pacific from San Jose del Cabo (SIO 61-237), the Gulf of Chiriqui, and the major offshore island groups. Scaridae 20. Scarus ghobban Forsskal — Red Sea and Indian Ocean to eastern Pacific. In Panama, common in the Gulf of Chiriqui and the Archipielago de las Perlas. 21. Scarus rubroviolaceus Bleeker — East Africa to central Pacific and Hawaii; in eastern Pacific, at the major offshore island groups, Cabo San Lucas, and in Panama, in the Gulf of Chiriqui and the Archipielago de las Perlas. Kyphosidae 22. Sectator ocyurus (Jordan and Gilbert — Randall (1961) notes that this 14 Contributions in Science No. 234 species is a senior synonym of S. azureus Jordan and Evermann from Hawaii. Known from Hawaii and the Society Islands in the Indo-west Pacific, and in the eastern Pacific, from Cabo San Lucas to Costa Rica, the Gulfs of Chiriqui and Panama, and Isla La Plata, Ecuador. Cirrhitidae 23. Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus Bleeker — Red Sea and Indo-west Pacific; in the eastern Pacific it extends from the Gulf of California to Colombia, and the major offshore islands. 24. Oxycirrhites typus Bleeker — Randall (1963) and Morris and Morris (1967) have discussed the range and synonymy of this species, now known from the Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii, and in the eastern Pacific from Los Frailes, Baja California to Isla Gorgona, Colombia. We have observed it in relatively shallow water (15-20 m) associated with the gorgonian Lophogorgia cf. alba, at Isla Coiba in the Gulf of Chiriqui, Isla Taboguilla in Panama Bay, and Isla Viradores Sur, Costa Rica. Syngnathidae 25. Doryrhamphus melanopleura (Bleeker) — Indo-west Pacific; wide- spread and common in the eastern Pacific from the Gulf of California to Panama. Fistulariidae 26. Fistularia petimba Lacepede — Indo-west Pacific; in the eastern Pacific from the Gulf of California to Panama. A ulostomatidae 27. Aulostomus chinensis Smith and Swain — Indo-west Pacific; in the eastern Pacific from Clipperton, Revillagigedo, and Cocos Islands, and Islas Contreras in the Gulf of Chiriqui. Acanthuridae 28. Acanthurus triostegus (Linnaeus) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific from Cabo San Lucas, Isla Jaltemba, and Islas Tres Marias, Mexico, to the Gulf of Chiriqui and the offshore island groups. 29. Acanthurus glaucopareius Cuvier — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific from the major offshore islands (except the Galapagos), Isla Jaltemba, Isla Viradores, and the Gulf of Chiriqui. 30. Acanthurus xanthopterus Valenciennes — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific, from the Gulf of California to Panama. This is the only surgeonfish species observed at the Perlas Archipelago. 31. Ctenochaetus cyanoguttatus Randall/Briggs (1961:554) lists the distribution as “Cocos Island. Line Islands to the Marquesas and west to Aldabra in the western Indian Ocean." This species has been collected in the Gulf of Chiriqui (SIO 71-40), at Isla del Cano, Costa Rica (UCR 423), and photographed at Isla Viradores, Costa Rica. 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 15 32. Zanclus canescens (Linnaeus) — Widespread in the Indo-west Pacific; in the eastern Pacific from Las Frailes, Gulf of California (SIO 61-243), Isla Jaltemba, Islas Tres Marias, the Gulf of Chiriqui, and the offshore islands. Diodontidae 33. Diodon holacanthus Linnaeus — Circumtropical; widespread in the eastern tropical Pacific. 34. Diodon hystrix Linnaeus — Circumtropical; widespread in the eastern tropical Pacific. Tetraodontidae 35. Arothron hispidus (Linnaeus) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in eastern Pacific from Cabo San Lucas to Panama and the offshore islands. 36. Arothron meleagris (Bloch and Schneider) — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific it ranges from Cabo San Lucas to Ecuador and the offshore islands. Recent evidence (Tyler, Randall, and McCosker, in preparation) indicates that the polychromatic A. setosus (Smith) is conspecific with the wide ranging Indo-Pacific species A. meleagris. Balistidae 37. Melichthys niger (Bloch) — A circumtropical species usually associa- ted with oceanic islands (Berry and Baldwin, 1968). This species is present at the offshore islands within the Gulf of Chiriqui (Isla Ladrones and Isla Mon- tuosa) where it replaces Sufflamen verres (Gilbert and Starks) on the reef. 38. Alutera scripta (Osbeck) — A circumtropical species. In the eastern Pacific, at the offshore islands and Cabo San Lucas. In Panama, it is infre- quently seen in the Gulf of Chiriqui and the Archipeilago de las Perlas. Ostraciontidae 39. Ostracion meleagris Shaw — Indo-west Pacific and Hawaii; in the eastern Pacific from Cabo San Lucas, Bahia Banderas, Isla Jaltemba, the off- shore islands, and the Gulf of Chiriqui. Resumen Las colecciones recientes nos indican la presencia de un numero de especies de peces del Indo Pacifico Occidental en el Golfo de Chiriqui. El veinticuatro por ciento (40) de las especies de peces de arrecifes tambien se encuentran en el mar Indo Pacifico Occidental. El Golfo de Chiriqui esta fuera del efecto de afloramiento, como si lo esta el Golfo de Panama; siendo asf rela- tivamente mas rico en el desarrollo de corales hermatfpicos. Nueve de las especies del Indo Pacifico Occidental que no han sido regis- trado en o cerca del continente Americano fueron colectadas: Myripristis murdjan, Ctenochaetus cyanoguttatus, Gymnothorax flavimarginatus, G. buroensis, G. undulatus, Enchelynassa canina, Uropterygius tigrinus, Mala- canthus hoedti, y Hemipteronotus taeniourus. Las ultimas seis de las especies 16 Contributions in Science No. 234 mencionadas no han sido reportadas como del Pacifico Oriental; aunque ninguna se encuentra confinada al Golfo de Chiriqui. Los datos de las siguientes especies del Pacifico Oriental son clasificados como nulos, basandose en el hecho de que no han sido correctamente identifi- cados o erroneamente registrados; Br achy somo phis crocodilinus, Gymno- thorax chilospilus, Callechelys marmoratus, Myrichthys maculosus, Myri- pristis berndti, Lutjanus kasmira, Runula tapeinosoma, Abudefduf saxatilis vaigiensis y Antennatus bigibbus. La distribucion de las siguientes especies endemicas del Pacifico Oriental Gymnothorax castaneus, Petrotyx hopkinsi, y Paraclinus altivelis se ha exten- dido hasta Panama. Xyrichthys panamensis Fowler, 1944, es sinonimo con Hemipteronotus pavoninus (Valenciennes, 1839). Muchos de los migratorios transpacifico estan restringidos y limitados en su distribucion Pacifico Oriental. Algunos se encuentran aparentemente en estrecha relacion asociados con el desarrollo de corales hermatfpicos. No existe evidencia que nos indique que dichas especies esten desplazando especies endemicas del Pacifico Oriental. El numero de especies encontradas por primera vez en el Golfo de Chiriqui refleja el poco conocimiento en lo que se refiere a la distribucion de los peces del Pacifico tropico oriental. Acknowledgments We thank C. H. Birkeland, T. F. Dana, P. W. Glynn, S. McCosker, and A. Rodaniche for field assistance, W. N. Eschmeyer (CAS), C. R. Robins (UMML), and B. W. Walker (UCLA) for permission to examine and use material in their care, The National Science Foundation (GB 4408), The Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute, and the U. S. Armed Forces Southern Command (Rodman Naval Station) for shiptime, and P. W. Glynn for his critical reading of a draft of this manuscript. Special thanks are due B. W. Walker, W. Baldwin, and K. S. Norris for information regarding fish distribu- tion in the eastern tropical Pacific, and W. A. Bussing (UCR) who has allowed us to cite unpublished Costa Rican records from his collections. Much of this work was completed during the tenure of J. McCosker as a pre-doctoral fellow with the STRI, whose support is gratefully acknowledged. These studies would not have been possible without the continued cooperation of Lt. Col. R. D. Paredes and Sr. J. L. Obarrio of the Republic of Panama. 1972 Fishes from the Gulf of Chiriqui, Panama 17 Literature Cited Berry, F. H. 1958. A new species of fish from the western North Atlantic, Dikel- lorhynchus tropidolepis, and relationships of the genera Dikellorhynchus and Malacanthus. Copeia (2): 1 16-125. , and W. J. Baldwin. 1966. Triggerfishes (Balistidae) of the eastern Pacific, Proc. Cal. Acad. Sci. 34(9):429-474. Briggs, J. C. 1961. The East Pacific Barrier and the distribution of shore fishes. Evol. 15:545-554. 1964. Additional transpacific shore fishes. Copeia (4):706-708. 1967. Relationship of the tropical shelf regions. Stud. Trop. Oceanogr. Miami 5:569-578. 1969. The sea-level Panama Canal: potential biological catastrophe. BioScience 19(l):44-47. 1970. Tropical shelf zoogeography. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., 4th Ser., 38(7): 131-138. Brown, W. L. and E. O. Wilson. 1956. Character displacement. System. Zool. 5: 49-64. Chave, E. H. 1973. Ecological separation of six species of Hawaiian cardinalfishes. Copeia (in press). Clark, H. W. 1936. The Templeton Crocker Expedition of the California Academy of Sciences, 1932. No. 29. New and noteworthy fishes. Proc. Calif. Acad. Sci., fourth ser., 21(29):383-396. Ekman, S. 1953. Zoogeography of the sea. Sidgwick and Jackson, London. 417 p. Emerson, W. K. 1967. Indo-Pacific faunal elements in the tropical eastern Pacific, with special reference to the mollusks. “Venus,” Jap. J. Malacol: 25(3):85-93. Forsbergh, E. D. 1969. On the climatology, oceanography and fisheries of the Panama Bight. Bull. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm. 14(2):49-385. Fowler, H. W. 1932. The fishes obtained by the Pinchot South Seas Expedition of 1929, with descriptions of one new genus and three new species. Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus. 80(6): 1-16. 1938. The fishes of the George Vanderbilt South Pacific Expedition, 1937. Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 2. 349 p. - 1944. Results of the Fifth George Vanderbilt Expedition (1941). Monogr. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. no. 6:57-529. Glynn, P. W. In Press. Observations on the ecology of the Caribbean and Pacific coasts of Panama. The Panamic Biota: some observations prior to a sea-level canal. Sym. Biol. Soc. Wash. , R. H. Stewart and J. E. McCosker. In Press. Pacific coral reefs of Panama: structure, distribution, and predators. Geol. Rundschau. Greenfield, D. W. 1965. Systematics and zoogeography of Myripristis in the eastern tropical Pacific. Calif. Fish and Game 5 1(4):229-247. , D. Hensley, J. W. Wiley, and S. T. Ross. 1970. The Isla Jaltemba coral formation and its zoogeographical significance. Copeia (1): 180- 181. Gunther. A. 1870. Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum Vol. VIII, Cata- logue of the Physostomi. London, Taylor and Francis. 549 p. Herre, A. W. C. T. 1936. Fishes of the Crane Pacific Expedition. Publ. Field, Mus. Nat. Hist., Zool. ser. 21. 472 p. Hobson, E. S. 1968. Predatory behavior of some fishes in the Gulf of California. U.S. Dept. Interior, Bureau Sport Fish, and Wildlife, Res. Report 73. 92 p. Hubbs, C. L. and R. H. Rosenblatt. 1961. Effects of the equatorial currents of the Pacific on the distribution of fishes and other marine animals. Tenth Pac. Sci. Cong., Abst. of Symposium Papers: 340-341. 18 Contributions in Science No. 234 Jordan, D. S. and B. W. Evermann. 1898. The fishes of North and Middle America: A descriptive catalogue . . . Panama. Part II. Bull. no. 47, U.S. Nat. Mus. 1241-1936. Kresja, R. J. 1960. The eastern, tropical Pacific fishes of the genus Blenniolus, including a new island endemic. Copeia (4):322-3 36. MacArthur, R. H. and E. O. Wilson. 1967. The theory of Island Biogeography. Princeton University Press. 203 p. McCosker, J. E. 1971. A new species of Parapercis (Pisces: Mugiloididae) from the Juan Fernandez Islands. Copeia (4):682-686. , and R. H. Rosenblatt. 1972. Eastern Pacific snake-eels of the genus Callechelys (Apodes: Ophicthidae). Trans. San Diego Soc. Nat. Hist. 17(2): 15-24. Morris, R. A. and D. E. Morris. 1967. A rare hawkfish Oxycirrhites typus Bleeker found in Hawaii. Ichthyologica 39(2):71-72. Morrow, J. E. 1957. Shore and pelagic fishes from Peru, with new records and the description of a new species of Sphoeroides. Bull. Bingham Oceanogr. Coll. 16(2): 1-55. Myers, G. S. 1941. The fish fauna of the Pacific ocean, with especial reference to zoogeograph ical regions and distribution as they effect the international aspects of the fisheries. Proc. 6th Pac. Sci. Congr. 3, 1939:201-210. Randall, J. E. 196 1. A record of the kyphosid fish Sectator ocyurus ( = azure us) from the Society Islands. Copeia (3):357-358. 1963. Review of the hawkfishes (family Cirrhitidae). Proc. U.S.N.M. 1 14(3472):389-451. 1964. A revision of the filefish genera Amanses and Copeia (2):33 1-361. 1965. A review of the razorfish genus Hemipteronotus (Labridae) of the Atlantic Ocean. Copeia (4):487-501. Renner, J. A. 1963. Sea surface temperature monthly average and anomaly charts eastern tropical Pacific ocean, 1947-58. U.S. Fish and Wildlife Serv. Spec. Rept., Fish. No. 442. 57 p. Rosenblatt, R. H. 1963. Differential growth of the ilicium and second dorsal spine of Antennatus strigatus (Gill) and its bearing on the validity of A. reticularis (Gilbert). Copeia (2):462-464. , and E. S. Hobson. 1969. Parrotfishes (Scaridae) of the eastern Pacific, with a generic rearrangement of the Scarinae. Copeia (3):434-453. , and T. D. Parr. 1969. The Pacific species of the clinid fish genus Paraclinus. Copeia (1): 1-20. , and I. Rubinoff. 1972. Pythonichthys asodes, a new heterenchelyid eel from the Gulf of Panama, Bull. Mar. Sci. 22(2):355-364. , and B. W. Walker. 1963. The marine shore fishes of the Galapagos Islands. Occ. Pap. Calif. Acad. Sci. 44:97-106. Schaefer, M. B., Y. M. M. Bishop, and G. V. Howard. 1958. Some aspects of up- welling in the Gulf of Panama. Inter-Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm., Bull. 3(2): 77-132. Seale, A. 1940. Report on fishes from Allan Hancock Expeditions in the California Academy of Sciences. Allan Hancock Pacific Exped. 9(1): 1-46. Snodgrass, R. E. and E. Heller. 1905. Shore fishes of the Revillagigedo, Clipper- ton, Cocos and Galapagos Islands. Proc. Washington Acad. Sci. 6:333-427. Wyriki, K. 1965. Surface currents of the eastern tropical Pacific ocean. Bull. Inter- Amer. Trop. Tuna Comm. 9(5):27 1-304. Accepted for publication September 14, 1972 NUMBER 235 DECEMBER 29, 1972 607. 7 3 Cz Lvc? REVIEW OF THE INSECTIVORA FROM THE EARLY MIOCENE SHARPS FORMATION OF SOUTH DAKOTA By J. H. Hutchison CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM • LOS ANGELES COUNTY CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE is a series of miscellaneous technical papers in the fields of Biology, Geology and Anthropology, published at irregular intervals by the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Issues are numbered sep- arately, and numbers run consecutively regardless of subject matter. Number 1 was issued January 23, 1957. The series is available to scientific institutions and scien- tists on an exchange basis. Copies may also be purchased at a nominal price. Inquiries should be directed to Virginia D. Miller, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, California 90007. INSTRUCTIONS FOR AUTHORS Manuscripts for CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE may be in any field of Life or Earth Sciences. Acceptance of papers will be determined by the amount and char- acter of new information. Although priority will be given to manuscripts by staff members, or to papers dealing largely with specimens in the collections of the Muse- um, other technical papers will be considered. All manuscripts must be recommend- ed for consideration by the curator in charge of the proper section or by the editorial board. Manuscripts must conform to those specifications listed below and will be ex- amined for suitability by an Editorial Committee including review by competent specialists outside the Museum. Authors proposing new taxa in a CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE must indi- cate that the primary type has become the property of a scientific institution of their choice and cited by name. MANUSCRIPT FORM.— (1) The 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) is to be followed in preparation of copy. (2) Double space entire manuscript. (3) Footnotes should be avoided if possible. Acknowledgments as footnotes will not be accepted. (4) Place all tables on separate pages. (5) Figure legends and unavoid- able footnotes must be typed on separate sheets. Several of one kind may be placed on a sheet. (6) An abstract must be included for all papers. This will be published at the head of each paper. (7) A Spanish summary is required for all manuscripts dealing with Latin American subjects. Summaries in other languages are not required but are strongly recommended. Summaries will be published at the end of the paper. (8) A diagnosis must accompany any newly proposed taxon. (9) Submit two copies of manuscript. ILLUSTRATIONS. — All illustrations, including maps and photographs, will be referred to as figures. All illustrations should be of sufficient clarity and in the proper proportions for reduction to CONTRIBUTIONS page size. Consult the 1972 CBE Style Manual, third edition (AIBS) in preparing illustration and legend copy for style. Submit only illustrations made with permanent ink and glossy photographic prints of good contrast. Original illustrations and art work will be returned after the manuscript has been published. PROOF. — Authors will be sent galley proof which should be corrected and returned promptly. Any changes or alterations, other than typographical corrections, will be billed to the author. Unless otherwise requested, page proof also will be sent to the author. One hundred copies of each paper will be given free to each author or divided equally among multiple authors. Orders for additional copies must be sent to the Editor at the time corrected galley proof is returned. Appropriate order forms will be included with the galley proof. Virginia D. Miller Editor REVIEW OF THE INSECTIVORA FROM THE EARLY MIOCENE SHARPS FORMATION OF SOUTH DAKOTA1 By J. H. Hutchison2 Abstract: Five of the seven reported insectivore taxa from the Sharps Formation (early Arikareean) of South Dakota are considered valid: Ocajila makpiyahe, Proscalops evelynae, Quadrodens wilsoni, Domnina greeni, D. dakotensis. One addi- tional genus of shrew, Trimylus, is added to the fauna. Quad- rodens is the senior synonym of Palaeoscalopus and is regarded as a talpid. Introduction In two papers covering the early Miocene (early Arikareean) vertebrate faunas from the Sharps Formation of the Wounded Knee area of south- western South Dakota, Macdonald (1963, 1970) described six new species and three new genera of insectivores. A survey of the more recent paper and subsequent examination of the figured material indicates a need for some taxonomic revision and re-allocation of several of his specimens. Methods Measurements were made with a Gaertner measuring microscope and are given to the nearest hundredth of a millimeter (mm). Length of lower teeth equals the maximum possible length of parallel planes normal to a best fit line along the lingual margin of the tooth, with entoconid perpendicular to plane of view. Width equals the maximum width between parallel planes parallel to the length line. All specimens are conserved in either the Museum of Geology, South Dakota School of Mines and Technology (SDSM) or the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM). Systematics FAMILY Erinaceidae Fischer von Waldheim, 1817 SUBFAMILY Galericinae Pomel, 1848 TRIBE Echinosoricini (Cabrara, 1925) Gill, 1872 GENUS Ocajila Macdonald, 1963 Ocajila makpiyahe Macdonald, 1963 Macdonald (1963) initially described Ocajila makpiyahe on a single dentary fragment with M2-M3, but he made no subfamily assignment of the 1 Review Committee for this Contribution William A. Clemens Jason A. Lillegraven David P. Whistler 2Museum of Paleontology, University of California, Berkeley, California 94720 1 2 Contributions in Science No. 235 genus. Van Valen (1967: 262) placed Ocajila in the tribe Echinosoricini and suggested that the type jaw “may represent the otherwise unknown lower dentition of Brachyerix but is more probably a synonym of the echinosoricine Lanthanotherium .” The lower dentition of Brachyerix has subsequently been identified (Rich and Rich, 1971) and is quite unlike Ocajila. The reduction of the paralophid and low profile of the molars support the placement in the Echinosoricini and close relationship with Lanthanotherium. Subsequently Macdonald (1970) referred two new specimens to Ocajila makpiyahe, one of which he figured. He stated (p. 19) that “the Mi of LACM 9380 represents the first record of this tooth. It is an enlarged version of M2 with no significant variations in the pattern.” LACM 9380 is referable to the soricid species Trimylus (see below). The second referred specimen (LACM 9491) is referable to O. makpiyahe but contributes no new information. FAMILY Talpidae Fischer von Waldheim, 1817 SUBFAMILY Proscalopinae K. M. Reed, 1961 GENUS Proscalops Matthew, 1901 Arctoryctes Matthew, 1907 Before any discussion of the evolutionary position of Proscalops evelynae from the Sharps Formation is undertaken, the probable stratigraphic position of the types of the named species of Proscalops needs clarification. The type localities of P. tertius K. M. Reed, 1961, P. terrenus (Matthew, 1907), and P. secundus Matthew, 1909 lack precise data as to location or formation or both. However, study of isolated teeth (to be published elsewhere) from known formations in South Dakota and adjacent states provides a reference to which the probable chronostratigraphic position of those type specimens may be determined. K. M. Reed (1961) states that P. tertius came from the “ “White River fm.,” possibly Brule, “Badlands, South Dakota.” ” The presence of Oligo- scalops in the lower member (Scenic Member) of the Brule Formation (K. M. Reed, 1961, and unpublished) and the slightly more advanced character of P. evelynae from the Sharps Formation which overlies the Brule Formation indicate that P. tertius is probably from the Poleslide member of the Brule Formation. This assumption is strengthened by a specimen of the P4-M1, LACM 1493 from locality 1990, from the Poleslide Member in the Wounded Knee area that is essentially identical with P. tertius; however, the possibility that the type of P. tertius is from the lower part of the Sharps Formation or is conspecific with P. evelynae (see below) cannot be objectively ruled out with the present small sample sizes. Macdonald (1963, 1970) has concluded that the type skull of P. secundus may have come from the upper portion of the Monroe Creek Formation or the lower Harrison Formation. Although lack of lower teeth of this type prohibit a refined interpretation of its evolutionary stage, Macdonald’s con- clusion is in agreement with the supposed position of P. secundus in the bio- stratigraphic series that has been based upon upper molar and premolar 1972 Insectivora From The Sharps Formation 3 Figure 1. Proscalops evelynae (Macdonald, 1963), LACM 21416, incomplete rostrum with right I3 to P4 and lingual moieties of M4-M2 and left C to M1; A, palatal view; B, lateral view of left side. Scale line equals 1 mm. 4 Contributions in Science No. 235 specializations. P. terrenus is a form species based on the humerus. Specimens referred to this species range in age from Whitneyan (Poleslide Member of Brule Formation) to Hemingfordian (Split Rock Formation, Wyoming). Thus, the concept of P. terrenus more than covers the entire chronostratigraphic span of all the species of Proscalops named on skulls and jaws. Macdonald (1963: 170) stated in regard to the type humerus of P. terrenus that “We can assume that the specimen was found anywhere between Porcupine Creek and the top of the divide east of Wounded Knee creek. The reference to “Upper Rosebud” [by Matthew, 1907] probably precludes the possibility that the type came from beds below the Harrison.” Although Macdonald (1970:24) later suggested on less objective criteria that the type came from the Sharps Formation, I accept his original placement. P. terrenus is probably a valid species. Proscalopine teeth from the Harrison Formation near Agate, Nebraska, represent either an advanced species of Proscalops (more advanced than P. secundus ) or a primitive species of Mesoscalops. At present there are many reasons to assume that the sequence Oligo- scalops galbreathi (C. A. Reed, 1956) — P. tertius — P. evelynae > P. secundus — Mesoscalops K. M. Reed represents a phyletic lineage with gaps. O. gal- breathi was first named on the basis of a humerus as Arctoryctes galbreathi C. A. Reed, 1956 then later named again as Oligoscalops whitmanensis K. M. Reed, 1961 on the basis of a skull from Wyoming and a referred jaw from the same locality as the humerus in northeastern Colorado; there seems to be no reason to assume that the humerus belongs to a different species than the skull. P. miocaenus Matthew, 1901 may also belong in the sequence and on size and available dental characters (K. M. Reed, 1961) would fall between Oligo- scalops and P. tertius. Proscalops evelynae (Macdonald), 1963 Domninoides evelynae Macdonald, 1963 Arctoryctes terrenus Matthew, 1907 in part, Macdonald, 1963 Proscalops evelynae (Macdonald), Hutchison, 1968, including Arctoryctes terrenus of Macdonald, 1963 Proscalops evelynae (Macdonald), Macdonald, 1970 Arctoryctes terrenus Matthew in part, Macdonald, 1970 A previously unpublished rostrum with C-M1 and fragments of the M2 (LACM 21416 from locality 6898 [Fig. 1]), collected by Mr. Robert Machris, aids in comparing Proscalops evelynae (previously known only from the type, incomplete mandible, and from humeri) with other proscalopines known from skulls. The type mandible (SDSM 5338) of Proscalops evelynae was originally described under another genus and has not previously been compared in detail to known jaws of other species of Proscalops. There is a chronological trend in Proscalops towards increasing hypsodonty of the molars. P. evelynae appears to be slightly more hyposodont, has greater extension of the enamel down the 1972 Insectivora From The Sharps Formation 5 labial side of the roots, and has narrower anterior cingula than in P. tertius, P. miocaenus, and Oligoscalops. In size of teeth P. evelynae agrees closely with P. tertius but is significantly larger than P. miocaenus and Oligoscalops (see Macdonald, 1963, and K. M. Reed, 1961 for measurements). The low longi- tudinal crest (entocristid) at the base and lingual opening of the talonid valley is similar in all three species. P. evelynae differs markedly from Mesoscalops scopelotemos K. M. Reed, 1960, which has greater crown height, enamel extension, very high entocristid, and better developed cingular shelf between the labial bases of the protoconid and hypoconid. The rostrum (LACM 21416) lacks the tip of the snout and posterolateral margins of the palate, thus only the left M1 and lingual shelves of the right M1-2 are preserved. Preceding the P4s, three teeth and two alveoli (one with root) are preserved on the left side and four teeth on the right side. Following the dental terminology of K. M. Reed (1961), these are I3, C, P2-3. The I3“P3 are unicuspid and single rooted with ovate to drop-shaped cross-sectional outlines. I3 is the smallest tooth and canine the largest between the I3 and P4 with P2-P3 subequal in size (Table 1). The P4 supports a single labial blade and lingual shelf with cusp. A minute cusp on the anterior side and near the base of the paracone represents the remnant parastyle as in Proscalops tertius, P. miocaenus, and P. secundus but not Mesoscalops in which it is absent. K. M. Reed (1961:286) states that the parastyle is absent in all Proscalops and Mesoscalops but in the types of all Proscalops species my observations indicate Table 1 Measurement (in mm) of the upper teeth of Proscalops evelynae, LACM 21416 Left Right P4* length 2.27 width 2.28 — P3* length 0.87 0.87 width 0.70 0.68 P2 length 0.84 0.87 width 0.60 0.61 PI length 0.93 0.94 width 0.74 0.69 C length — 0.55 width — 0.48 *P4 maximum length between parallel planes perpendicular to the line connecting the parastyle and posterior tip of ectoloph (this is not the parameter used but undefined by K. M. Reed, 1961). Unicuspid tooth length is the maximum cross- sectional diameter 6 Contributions in Science No. 235 Figure 2. Proscalops evelynae (Macdonald, 1963), LACM 9362, damaged right humerus; A, anterior view; B, posterior view. Scale line equals 1 mm. a small vertical ridge or distinct minute cuspation occurred in the ancestral area of the parastyle. The lingual cusp is rather posteriorly situated as in P. tertius but more shelflike, although, not to the extreme as in P. secundus. There is no indication of a second cusp behind the main lingual cusp as in the unworn P4 of Mesoscalops. The molars as preserved agree closely with P. tertius in presence of well-developed metaconules (hypocone of K. M. Reed), proto- conules (protostyle of K. M. Reed), and minute “hypostyles.” Despite the qualitative differences in degree of angulation and development mentioned by K. M. Reed (1961) between the molars of P. tertius and P. secundus , I believe that at present it is difficult to distinguish such features on worn teeth; the relative proportions or distinctness of these cusps change significantly due to differential wear and to stage of wear. Unworn teeth and an analysis of wear progression in larger samples of the various species are needed to evaluate these features. The rostrum agrees in detail with those already described by K. M. Reed (1961) for other species of Proscalops. Measurements (following Reed and Turnbull, 1965) on 11 humeri (Fig. 2) from the LACM collections show a wide range in variation, with measure- ments of the smaller specimens ranging from 74 to 88% of the largest; however, the ratios of these measurements produced ranges essentially identical to those calculated by Reed and Turnbull (1965) for “ Arctoryctes terrenus ” except Figure 3. Quadrodens wilsoni Macdonald, 1970; A, LACM 9331 (Type) occlusal view of Mi-M2; B, SDSM 6244 (referred specimen of Palaeoscalopus) reversed occlusal outline of Mi-M2, hachures indicate edge of apparently anomalous shear wear surface. C-E, SDSM 55135 (Type of Palaeoscalopus ); C, reversed occlusal outline of Mi-M2; D, lingual view of dentary fragment with P4-M3; E, occlusal view of P4 and antemolar alveoli; F, SDSM 6244, occlusal view of P4 and antemolar alveoli. Scale lines equal 1 mm. 1972 Insectivora From The Sharps Formation 7 8 Contributions in Science No. 235 those incorporating the measurement of the proximal shaft width. Reed and Turnbull (1965:132) noted that this measurement is difficult to duplicate objectively. The range in gross size is of the magnitude seen within some living species ( Scalopus aquaticus ) but is unusual for a series from a specific local area. However, nearly all the measurable specimens came from different sites of unknown or differing stratigraphic levels. There is no consistent size relationship with stratigraphic level when both are known. Dentally Proscalops evelynae differs only slightly from P. tertius and might be considered conspecific, but it is axiomatic that a better understanding of the variability of both proposed species needs to be known. Considering the probably older but uncertain age and locality of P. tertius and small samples of the other species of Proscalops, it seems prudent to retain P. evelynae as a distinct species for the time being. Talpidae incertae sedis Quadrodens wilsoni Macdonald, 1970:21 Quadrodens wilsoni Harksen, 1967, nomen nudum Palaeoscalopus pineridgensis Harksen, 1967, nomen nudum Palaeoscalopus pineridgensis Macdonald, 1970:23 Macdonald (1970) described Quadrodens wilsoni on the basis of a dentary fragment containing the Mi and trigonid of the M2. He diagnosed the genus on the basis of the large rectangular Mi with trigonid cusps confined to approx- imately one third of the trigonid. He stated (p. 21) “This form seems to be another variation of the “hedgehog” theme.” A few pages later he described a new genus and species of talpid, Palaeoscalopus pineridgensis, on the basis of two incomplete dentaries including the P4-M3. He diagnosed the Mi of this form as having greatly reduced anterolabial cingulum. In discussion Mac- donald stated that P. pineridgensis is the earliest record of a shrew-mole in North America. There is a great similarity between Macdonald’s figures (Figs. 6, 8) of Quadrodens and Palaeoscalopus and subsequent examination of the types revealed that these two forms are congeneric and probably conspecific. The material referred to Palaeoscalopus is slightly smaller than the type of Quad- rodens, but shows the same overall proportions. The three specimens (Fig. 3) show some variation in the Mi outlines and Mi anterior cingula, but I regard these as insignificant for generic allocation. A fourth specimen of Quadrodens (LACM 9253) consisting of a dentary fragment with M2 and alveoli of P4-M3 was referred to Domnina greeni by Macdonald (1970:21). The structure of the M2 and situation of the mental foramen is nearly identical in all four specimens. Although more than one species may be represented, the sample is too small to meaningfully define even two taxa. The name Quadrodens wilsoni has page priority over Palaeoscalopus pineridgensis and is more des- criptive without implication of relationships; thus I chose Quadrodens wilsoni as the senior synonym. 1972 Insectivora From The Sharps Formation 9 (N ^ W i o h § o a £ * X T3 i x 60 c S £ X 3 Q c C/3 I « £ x "o £ a> 3 O. c go T5 ^ X o CS G C aJ s- s m — 1 0 — 1 ION on — O ion 00 m m On On C/3 U U Q < < ^ J J © © Q Q 10 Contributions in Science No. 235 Macdonald has already fully described the teeth allocated to Quadrodens and Palaeoscalopus; however, the variation in outline of Mi, variable expres- sion of the Mi anterior cingulum, and slight range in size should be noted (Table 2). The two preserved P4’s show some variation of the talonid. The hypoconid of SDSM 55135 (Fig. 3E) is a simple distinct cusp flanked by only one ridge which joins the hypoconid to the protoconid. However, SDSM 5244 (Fig. 3F) has a subdued hypoconid which forms the posterolabial rim of a continuous ridge extending posteriorly from the base of the protoconid curving lingually on the hypoconid to the lingual margin and then deflecting anteriorly, thus forming (but not quite enclosing) a small talonid basin. The dentary is most completely represented in SDSM 55135 and SDSM 6244 but has not previously been described in detail. It shows no transverse curvature and is broadly convex ventrally with the deepest portion below the molars. Its anterior part tapers quite sharply anteriorly, indicating a short antemolar region and reduced dentition, although the tip of the dentary is not preserved. The mandibular symphysis extends posteriorly to below the pos- terior moiety of the P4. Alveoli anterior to P4 are preserved in both specimens but are not identical. SDSM 6244 has one posterior alveolus preceded by two incomplete but apparently subequal and longitudinally aligned smaller ones. Five alveoli (both incomplete and complete) precede the P4 in SDSM 55135. The posterior wall of the anterior-most alveolus indicates a rather large, long, and anteriorly inclined (about 45°) root. This alveolus is followed by three small and tightly crowded alveoli arranged in a equilateral triangle with two of the alveoli labial. This clustering is followed by a larger centrally placed alveolus and P4. There are several ways to interpret these alveoli but analogy with talpids and progressive erinaceids suggests that the enlarged anterior alveolus represents an incisor (I2) followed by two to four crowded antemolars and a P4. The family assignment of Quadrodens wilsoni is troublesome without more data on the morphology of the mandible, skull, or skeleton. Chiroptera are excluded from consideration on the grounds of their probable rarity in the samples and degree of transverse curvature of their mandibles. Low profile of the teeth, relatively equal height of the talonid and trigonid of the molars, reduced molarity of the P4, and overall morphology eliminate from considera- tion most of the more primitive and highly specialized insectivore suborders (fide Van Valen, 1967) except the Erinaeceota. Most families of this suborder except the Erinaceidae and Talpidae are either too generalized in molar morphology and P4 reduction (Nesophonitdae, Adapisoricidae) or too spe- cialized (Soricidae, Dimylidae) for close comparison. Plesiosoricids show a greater and/or more primitive emphasis on development of prominent shearing paralophids on the lower molars (especially the Mi) in contrast to the rather bulbus and crushing-like Mi of Quadrodens. Macdonald’s error in describing the same genus under two different families illustrates the difficulties of separating the Talpidae from the Erinaceidae on the basis of molars alone ( Talpa incerta Matthew, 1924 is a brachyericine hedgehog). Members of both 1972 Insectivora From The Sharps Formation 1 1 families may be characterized by loss of a distinct hypoconulid and merging of the hypolophid and entoconid of the molars. Most talpids and many erina- ceids (Echinosoricinae, Erinaceinae) exhibit quadrate low crowned molars without great disparity between the talonids and trigonids. Quadrodens xvilsoni resembles some erinaceids and differs from known talpids in: 1) even convexity of the lower margin of the dentary; 2) Mi larger than M2; and 3) basined (in one specimen of two) talonid on P4. Quadrodens resembles the Talpidae and differs from the Erinaceidae in: 1) lack of paraconid on P4; 2) transverse basal posterior cingulum and posterolingual accessory cuspid on Mi-M2; and 3) mental foramen small and not depressed into dentary. Although the anterior part of the dentary was apparently short, there is no obvious indication in the area of the P4 suggesting an enlarged incisor as in progressive erinaceids; however, talpids frequently develop a reduced dentition with prominent but not greatly hypertrophied lower incisor (I2). Although the above comparisons may not lead to an obligatory conclusion of talpid affinities, I believe that Quadrodens wilsoni is a talpid and, on theo- retical zoogeographical grounds (Hutchison, 1968: 108), this species is probably aligned with the Proscalopinae. . FAMILY Soricidae Fischer von Waldheim, 1817 SUBFAMILY Heterosoricinae Viret and Zapfe, 1951 GENUS Domnina Cope, 1873 Domnina greeni Macdonald, 1963 Domnina greeni Macdonald, Hutchison, 1966 Domnina greeni Macdonald, Repenning, 1967 Domnina greeni Macdonald, Macdonald, 1970 This species is still known only from the type specimen; the specimen subsequently referred to it (Macdonald, 1970) belongs to Quadrodens. The teeth were described by Macdonald (1963) but the specimen is abraded and much of the lingual side of the M2 is worn away. Macdonald’s (1963, Fig. 5, teeth are incorrectly captioned M2_3) illustration of the type indicates a greater longitudinal compression of the trigonid than exists on the specimen (Fig. 4C). The mental foramen is partly preserved below and just anterior to the Mi hypoconid. For discussion of this species see that of Domnina dakotensis below. Domnina dakotensis Macdonald, 1970 Domnina dakotensis Harksen, 1967, nomen nudum This species, known only from the type mandible, was characterized by its widely open Mi trigonid and closure of the Mi-M2 talonid valleys by the entoconid crest (entocristid). In addition, there is a postsymphyseal foramen below the level of the Mi hypoconid and the root of the large incisor extends posteriorly as far as the Mi hypoconid. Considering relative temporal and geographic proximity of Domnina 12 Contributions in Science No. 235 Figure 4. A-B Domnina dakotensis Macdonald, 1970, LACM 9351 (Type), A, lingual view of dentary fragment with Mi-M2; B, occlusal view of Mi-M2; C, Domnina greeni Macdonald, 1963, SDSM 5895 (Type), occlusal view of Mi-M2. Scale lines equal 1 mm. 1972 Insectivora From The Sharps Formation 13 greeni and D. dakotensis, discussion of relationships of these two poorly known species is necessary. The relative openness of the Mi trigonid of D. dakotensis is not particularly diagnostic and may be the same as in D. greeni when relative differences in wear, preservation, and individual variation are considered. Macdonald (1970) stressed the uniqueness of the closure of the trigonid valley by the entoconid crest, but I fail to see any difference between the two species in the closure or height of the crest (compare Fig. 4B with Macdonald, 1963, Fig. 5). Indeed, Repenning (1967) characterizes the genus by the entoconid “united to the metaconid by a high ridge (entoconid crest).” Although the “diagnostic” characters are nullified, there are subtle differences between the two specimens which may be of specific significance when better samples are available. The postentoconid valley is comparatively well developed in D. greeni (as in D. gradata Cope, 1873) but absent in D. dakotensis (Fig. 4A). The presence or absence of this valley seems to be relatively constant in other species of shrews; however, if these specimens represent transition to a closed- valley condition, then variability in this character is significant. The molars of D. dakotensis appear to be relatively longer (Table 3), more delicate, and have perhaps a better-developed metastylar ridge on the metaconid than in D. greeni , although preservation of the D. greeni specimen is not ideal for com- parison. In the absence of a larger sample of either species, it seems prudent to tentatively retain both species names on the basis of the above characters. The closure of the postentoconid valley and delicacy of the molars suggests that Domnina dakotensis might be on the lineage of Paradomnina Hutchison, 1966, but the relatively greater posterior extension of the incisor root, more posterior position of the postsymphyseal foramen, and perhaps fewer ante- molars are specialized characters over the later Paradomnina. There are no serious obstacles to deriving D. dakotensis from D. gradata. GENUS Trimylus Roger, 1885 Trimylus sp. Macdonald (1970:19, Fig. 4) figured a dentary fragment, LACM 9380, and referred it to Ocajila makpiyake. The deep robust jaw, position of the mental foramen, and construction of the teeth showed remarkable similarity to those features in the heterosoricine shrews, especially Trimylus. Subsequent examination of this specimen confirms its assignment to Trimylus. Macdonald did not describe this specimen in detail and some diagnostic features are misleadingly illustrated or not figured. LACM 9380 consists of a midsection of the horizontal ramus containing Mi-M2. The dentary (Fig. 5) is deep and robust with a large mental foramen set below the ectoflexus of the Mi in the posterior end of an elongate depression extending anterodorsad. A prominent postsymphyseal foramen opens anterolabially near the ventral margin of the dentary below the junction of the Mi-M2. The dentary is broken off just anterior to this foramen with the break extending anterodorsally to just in front of the Mi. No part of the symphysis is preserved. The cavity for 14 Contributions in Science No. 235 Figure 5. A-C, Trimylus sp., LACM 9380, dentary fragment with Mi-M2; A, occlusal view; B, lingual view; C, labial view. Scale line equals 1 mm. the root of the large incisor extends as far as the symphyseal foramen but none of its external margins are preserved. Remains of one antemolar alveolus (P4) are preserved just anterior to Mi. There apparently is room for only one or two additional alveoli between the P4 and Ii. The molars are graded in size (Table 3) with the Mi about one-third larger than M2. Mi resembles other Trimylus in its robust proportions and major features of the trigonid and talonid (see Mawby, 1960, Wilson, 1960, 1972 Insectivora From The Sharps Formation 15 and Repenning, 1967). The anterior cingulum of Mi is well defined but terminates labially to the lingual extremity of the paraconid. The hypolophid is well fused to the entoconid but a small hypoconulid persists in early wear high up the posterolabial flank of the entoconid. M2 resembles Mi but the trigonid is more closed thus shortening and compacting the tooth. A small (adventitous?) cuspid on the posterolabial flank of the paraconid occludes part of the trigonid valley. A slight vertical ridge on the posterolabial wall of the talonid indicates the position of the hypoconulid. Only the anterior root of the M3 is preserved. No pigmentation is evident on the teeth. The massive construction of the jaw, large incisor, posteriorly-situated and recessed mental foramen, postsymphyseal foramen, strong size gradation of the robust molars with nearly complete fusion of the entoconid and hypolo- phid conspire to situate LACM 9380 firmly within the genus Trimylus (Mawby, 1960, Repenning, 1967). The Sharps Formation specimen agrees better with near contemporary forms of Trimylus in North America than with later Miocene and Pliocene species of North America and Europe in its more anterior location of the mental foramen and incisor root and retention of vestiges of the hypoconulid on the molars. The Sharps specimen differs from T. dakotensis Repenning, 1967 in nearly complete fusion of Mi and M2 hypolophjds to the entoconids, slightly larger size, persistent anterior cingulum on Mi, and slightly more anterior position of the mental and postsymphyseal foramina. The Sharps specimen closely resembles T. compressus (Galbreath, 1953) in tooth mor- phology but differs in slightly more anterior situation of the mental and postsymphyseal foramina. The Sharps species differs from T. roperi in the anterior position of the mental and (?) post-symphyseal foramina, more anterior position of the Ii root, and possibly the greater prominence of the hypoconulids. Although nearest in time to Trimylus dakotensis (early Hemingfordian), the Sharps specimen seems a little closer to T. compressus (Orellan) in those meager features available, such as the greater coalescence of the Mi-M2 hypo- lophids and entoconids and persistent Mi anterior cingulum. I think it prudent, however, to leave specific allocation in abeyance until more diagnostic material (i.e., antemolar region) is found and a better understanding of the variation of the named species is obtained. Summary Of the seven insectivores reported from the Sharps Formation by Mac- donald (1963, 1970), I recognize five of which two species are only tentatively retained as distinct. The shrew, Trimylus, is an addition to the Sharps Forma- tion fauna. The revised insectivore fauna is as follows: Family: Erinaceidae Ocajila makpiyahe Macdonald, 1963 16 Contributions in Science No. 235 Family: Talpidae Proscalops evelynae (Macdonald, 1963) Quadrodens wilsoni Macdonald, 1963 (= Palaeoscalopus pineridgensis Macdonald, 1970) Family: Soricidae Domnina greeni Macdonald, 1963 Domnina dakotensis Macdonald, 1970 Trimylus sp. Owing to the small sample sizes, I have only tentatively retained Pro- scalops evelynae and Domnina dakotensis as distinct species on the basis of a few dental characters of questionable significance. Literature Cited Galbreath, E. C. 1953. A contribution to the Tertiary Geology and Paleontology of northeastern Colorado. Univ. Kans. Publ., Paleontol. Contrib., Vertebrata 4:1-120. Harksen, J. C. 1967. Geology of the Porcupine Butte Quadrangle. S. Dak. Geol. Survey map with text on reverse. Hutchison, J. H. 1966. Notes on some Upper Miocene shrews from Oregon. Univ. Oreg. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 2:1-23. 1968. Fossil Talpidae (Insectivora, Mammalia) from the later Tertiary of Oregon. Univ. Oreg. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 1 1:1-1 17. Macdonald, J. R. 1963. The Miocene faunas from the Wounded Knee area of western South Dakota. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 125(3): 139-238. 1970. Review of the Miocene Wounded Knee faunas of southwestern South Dakota. Bull. Nat. Hist. Mus., Los Angeles Co. Mus. 8:1-82. Matthew, W. D. 1907. A lower Miocene fauna from South Dakota. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 23(9): 169-219. Mawby, J. E. 1960. A new occurrence of Heterosore x Gaillard. J. Paleontol. 34(5):950-956. Reed, C. A. 1956. A new species of the fossorial mammal Arctoryctes from the Oligocene of Colorado. Fieldiana, Geol. 10:305-31 1. Reed, C. A., and W. D. Turnbull. 1965. The mammalian genera Arctoryctes and Cryptoryctes from the Oligocene and Miocene of North America. Fieldiana: Geol. 15(2):99-170. Reed, K. M. 1960. Insectivores of the middle Miocene Split Rock Local Fauna, Wyoming. Breviora, Mus. Comp. Zool. 116:1-11. Reed, K. M. 1961. The Proscalopinae, a new subfamily of talpid insectivores. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 125(14):473-499. Repenning, C. A. 1967. Subfamilies and genera of the Soricidae. Geol. Surv. Prof. Pap. 565:1-74. Rich, T. H. V., and P. V. Rich. 1971. Brachyerix, a Miocene hedgehog from western North America, with a description of the tympanic regions of Paraechinus and Podogymnura. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2477:1-58. Van Valen, L. 1967. New Paleocene insectivores and insectivore classification. Bull. Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. 135(5):2 17-284. Wilson, R. W. 1960. Early Miocene rodents and insectivores from northeastern Colorado. Univ. Kans. Publ., Paleontol. Contrib., Vertebrata 7:1-92. Accepted for publication April 4, 1972 Printed in Los Angeles, California, by Anderson, Ritchie and Simon IONIAN INSTITUTION NOlifUllSNI NVINOSH1IWS S3iaVU8n LIBRARIES X^Oi. 11^2 ^ 'N > 2 00 * 2 ** 2 ISONIAN INSTITUTION NOIlDlllSNl NVIN0SH1HNS S3IBVdan LIBRARIES ~ CO — CO “ < )SHims S3 iava an libraries Smithsonian institution NoiiniusNi 2 r- 2 f~ 2 r m x^vosv^x m x^vosv^x ^ r co £ co ± c ■IS0NIAN INSTITUTION NOlifUllSNI NVIN0SH1IWS S3iavaail LIBRARIES 2 \ CO 2 00 2 \ £ ^ E E ^ ^ ''Y^v >' 2 S CO -v"' 2 CO 2 00 dshiiws S3 1 ava a 11 libraries Smithsonian institution NoiiniusNi 4/3 _ ^ CO — CO UJ 1.1 A 2 1,1 HS0N1AN INSTITUTION NOlifUllSNI NVIN0SH1IINS S3IBVaail LIBRARIES co s.\ > PO ^ _ Vb— Ui vo-s—sv - N" M m dshiiws saiavaan u b rar i esc/5smithsonian_institution° NoiiniusNi z w z ... cn < 4!SC... 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