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U' K UJ XCvnrS^s. rn 'Sg. UJ ^ . z CO z CO H 5 CO L52X NH Number 32:4 10 My 1980 M NTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF CHELID TURTLE FROM QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA By John M. Legler and John Can.n • • • I Published by the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY • 900 EXPOSITION BOULEVARD - LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 mi ‘ 1 viliilHBHp ft sS livJa ’4|* SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY The scientific publications of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County have been issued at irregular intervals in three major series; the articles in each series are numbered individually, and numbers run consecutively, regardless of subject matter: • Contributions in Science, a miscellaneous series of technical papers describing original research in the life and earth sciences. • Science Bulletins, a miscellaneous series of monographs describing original research in the life and earth sciences. This series was discontinued in 1978 with the issue of Numbers 29 and 30; monographs are now published by the Museum in the Contributions in Science series. • Science Series, long articles on natural history topics, generally written for the layman. Copies of the publications in these series are available on an exchange basis to institutions and individual researchers. Copies are also sold through the Museum Bookshop. jeurv*. 1 A NEW GENUS AND SPECIES OF CHELID TURTLE FROM QUEENSLAND, AUSTRALIA1 2 By John M. Legler1 2 3 and John Cann4 Abstract. The Fitzroy Tortoise, Rheodytes leukops, new genus and species (Family Chelidae), is de- scribed from a large series of adults and juveniles from the Fitzroy drainage of Queensland, Australia (type locality 23°09'S, 149°55'E). No previous mention of this taxon appears under any name in the scientific literature. Each of the following characteristics alone will distinguish R. leukops from all other chelids: interlateral seam contacts on posterior parts of marginals 6 and 8; rib tips of costals 2-4 forming gomphoses with centers of peripherals 4-6; splenial bone lacking. Rheodytes leukops occurs in microsympatry with Elseya dentata and Emydura kreffti. Chelodina longicollis, C. expansa, and Elseya latisternum occur nearby in the same drainage. Rheodytes leukops is completely carnivorous (feeding chiefly on aquatic insect larvae), occurs in fast, clear water, and seems to be specialized for bottom probing and scraping. Annual reproductive potential is 46-59 eggs in 3-5 clutches. The eggs are small and have a mean incubation time of 47 days at 30°C. Rheodytes leukops is seemingly most closely related to the eastern Australian short-necked chelids (gen- era Elseya and Emydura ), but the phylogeny of Rheodytes is not yet understood. The following related generic groups of short-necked Australian chelids are defined on the basis of shell and scute proportions, form, skull and shell osteology, integumentary topography, color, and reproductive and dietary habits: (1) Rheodytes; (2) Elseya dentata group; (3) Elseya latisternum group; and (4) Emydura. Pseudemydura constitutes the fifth short-necked genus and seems not to be closely related to any other group in Australia. Cann received a moribund specimen of an unusual turtle from a reptile park in 1973; the specimen had been collected on the Fitzroy River “near Rockhampton” and is now cataloged as AM R41274. Another specimen (AM R41794) was received by the Australian Museum in April 1974. We examined these two specimens in July 1974 and quickly recognized them as a strikingly new and different taxon. Seemingly, no other speci- mens of the Fitzroy Tortoise were in existence at that time. We obtained the specimens upon which this account is based in Oc- tober 1976. An illustrated popular account of this expedition and the specimens collected appeared in Cann (1978). METHODS AND MATERIALS Abbreviations used for museums are as follows: AM, Aus- tralian Museum, Sydney; LACM, Los Angeles County Museum of Natural History; NMV, National Museum of Vic- toria, Melbourne; QM, Queensland Museum, Brisbane; UU, University of Utah, Salt Lake City; WAM, Western Australian Museum, Perth. Other frequently used abbreviations: CL, car- apace length; CW, carapace width; CBL, condylobasilar length; M, marginal; P, peripheral. Measurements of the shell and terminology of shell elements, unless specifically explained, are as outlined by Carr (1952). Lengths of plastral scutes are interlaminal (i.e., an average of right and left scutes as measured on their common midventral seam). Skull measurements that are not self-evident from their ter- minology are: Condylobasilar Length — from posteriormost point of occipital condyle to anteriormost point of premaxillary region; Squamosonasal Length — from a line joining posterior tips of squamosals to the anteriormost projection of the nasals; Height of Snout — from top of nasal bones to tomial edge of maxilla, in a line perpendicular to basicranial-palatal plane; Maxillary Breadth — width of skull across posteriormost edges of maxillary tomium; Length of Dentary Symphysis — mea- sured with mandible oriented on a plane surface and parallel to that plane surface (i.e., not maximal); Greatest Length of Mandible — on midlongitudinal axis from line joining posterior- most points of rami to anterior tip of dentary symphysis; Great- est Width of Mandible — maximum outside breadth — the base of the mandibular triangle. Tinkle (1962) demonstrated the utility of expressing the points at which the five interlateral seams of the carapace inter- sect the marginal scutes. The terminology used here is as fol- 1 Review Committee for this contribution: Ernest E. Williams John W. Wright George Zug 2Send reprint requests to Legler at Utah address. department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, and Department of Zoology, University of New England, Ar- midale, NSW 2351 Australia; Research Associate in Herpetology of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. 426 Yarra Road, Phillip Bay, NSW 2036 Australia. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324: 1-18 ISSN: 0459-8113 2 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid lows: P, contact on posterior half of marginal; M, contact at midpoint; A, contact on anterior half (this terminology is a sim- plification of that used by Tinkle). The type locality and most of the other localities mentioned in this paper can be found on the following maps. Australia 1:250,000, Series R 502, Ed. 1-DNM: Duaringa SF 55-16; Rockhampton SF 56-13. World Aeronautical Chart ICAO 1:1,000,000: Rockhampton, 3235 5th Ed.; Operational Naviga- tion Chart 1:1,000,000: ONC-Q15: ONC-P15; The Reader’s Digest Complete Atlas of Australia, 1968, Reader’s Digest Assn. Pty. Ftd. Sydney, 183 pp (ca. 1:1,265,000): Clermont, pp 84-85; Brisbane-Rockhampton, pp 60-61. All the aforemen- tioned maps have longitude and latitude and permit precise reckoning of localities. The Reader’s Digest Atlas and the 1:1,000,000 aeronautical sheets are especially recommended. Coverage of the latter is worldwide. SYSTEMATICS Rheodytes, new genus Figures 1 through 7 TYPE SPECIES. Rheodytes leukops, new species, by monotypy. VERNACULAR NAME. Fitzroy Tortoise. DIAGNOSIS. A short-necked Australian chelid dis- tinguished from all other members of the Chelidae by the fol- lowing characters (each character marked with an asterisk (*) is alone diagnostic among chelids): (1)* interlateral seam con- tacts on the posterior parts of the sixth and eighth marginal scutes; (2)* rib tips of costals 2-4 forming gomphoses with the centers of peripherals 4-6; (3) a narrow, unridged maxillary triturating surface that becomes even narrower in the premaxil- lary region; (4)* splenial bone lacking; (5) a long completely coossified dentary symphysis; (6) a maxillary tomial edge that is straight in profile; (7) a white ring around the iris; (8) rela- tively small eggs and short incubation period; (9) huge cloacal bursae. ETYMOLOGY. The generic name is derived from the Greek roots rheos (current or stream) and dytes (diver) and alludes to the speed and agility of these animals in fast currents. The spe- cific name is derived from the Greek leukos (white) and ops (eye) and refers to the distinctive white ring around the iris. RELATIONSHIPS. Superficially similar to and probably most closely related to the genera Emydura and Elseya but dis- tinguished from them by the above phenotypic characters (in combination or by each of the first four diagnostic characters alone). Of these, Elseya dent at a seems most closely to resemble R. leukops (Table 1). Rheodytes leukops occurs microsym- patrically with Elseya dentata and Emydura krejfti. Rheodytes leukops, new species Figures 1 through 7 HOLOTYPE. QM J31701, whole adult female with car- apace length of 253 mm, collected 7-8 October 1976 by J.M. Legler and J. Cann: Fitzroy River, 63 km N and 25 km E of Duaringa, Queensland, Australia, elevation 40 m (23°09'S, 149°55'E). Bearing also the numbered tags “UU Field JML 8217” and “UU 17111” (Fig. 1, Table 2). ALLOTYPE. QM J31702, whole adult male with carapace length of 235 mm, same data as holotype (JML 8215 and UU 17109). PARATOPOTYPES. LACM 127779, UU 17131, AM R44651, whole adult males; UU 17103 male skeleton; UU 17104-7 males, dry shell with soft parts and viscera in liquid (hereinafter “S & P” specimens); LACM 127778, UU 17110, 17113, 17122, AM R44650, whole adult females; UU 17114-5 female skeletons; UU 171 16-21 females, S & P specimens. UU 16805-820, 17150-86, 17197-226, QM J31704-7, AM R44652, hatchlings representing six clutches of eggs from paratopotypic females. OTHER PARATYPES. Fitzroy River, Glenroy Crossing, 60 km N and 23.5 km E of Duaringa, Queensland, elevation 40 m (23° ITS, 149°56'E), 9 October 1976, Legler and Cann: UU 17124-6 females, S & P specimens. UU 17132-49, 17227-45, LACM 127780, NMV 50435, UU 17248-66, hatchlings repre- senting three clutches of eggs from paratypic females. Dawson River, 2 km N of Gainesford, Queensland, elevation 64 m (23°47'S, 149°46'E), 10 October 1976, Legler and Cann: UU 17127 male, 17128 female, QM J3 1 703 female, all prepared as S & P specimens. Windah Creek, near Gogango, Queensland, elevation 80 m (23°37'S, 150°02'E), 15 September 1976, AM R44650 whole adult female. “Mackenzie River, Dawson Valley, Queensland” 3 April 1974, R. Stokes: AM R41794 whole adult male. “Fitzroy River, Queensland” November 1973, R. Ohl: AM R41274 whole adult female. DIAGNOSIS. See diagnosis of genus Rheodytes. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES (based on hypo- digm). Dorsal silhouette of adult carapace a tapered ellipse lacking any distinct, straight, lateral edge. Widest point at M7 or M7-8. Juvenile carapace nearly round. Plastron never visible in dorsal view of either whole animal or dry shell (Figs. 1, 5, and 7). Edge of carapace smooth in adults, extremely serrate in juve- niles up to 95 mm long and 2-Vi years old (older juvenile stages unknown at this writing); serrations consist of single projections on individual marginal scutes as follows: Ml unmodified; M2-4 slightly pointed; M4-6 sharply pointed with spines directed pos- teriorly; spines on individual marginals 7 through 12 become progressively broad and blunt (Fig. 3). Optical cross section low (Table 3 and Fig. 5) either peaked or slightly flattened middorsally; marginal index (vertical height of margin expressed as a percentage of total height), 0.45. Plastral lobes relatively narrow, tapered, and straight-sided. Forelobe foreshortened and tapered to a blunt point (rather than truncated). Anal notch semicircular, never angular (Figs. 1 and 7). Head narrow and high. Orbits small and (because of narrow rostrum and interorbital region) appear to be directed more an- teriorly than in other short-necked chelids. Maximum breadth of head at midposterior border of tympanum (at quadrato- squamosal suture); optical cross section of head suggests a high rectangle with sides angled slightly inward dorsally. In profile, there is a continuous even slope formed by dorsum of rostrum and head (no supraorbital or rostral bulges). In general, the head appears relatively small and the neck relatively large, the combination suggesting a powerful instrument for digging or prying (Figs. 3, 4, and 6). Posterior edge of maxillary sheath (near angulis oris) forms angle of about 45 degrees with main axis of maxillary tomial Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mas. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324: 1-18 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid 3 edge. From that angle to premaxillary region, the tomial edge is almost perfectly straight in profile (no concavity, no convexity). In anterior view, the sheath is flat or slightly concave in pre- maxillary region. Maxillary tomial edge lacking distinct notches or denticulation of any sort. Tomial edge of mandibular sheath concave in profile, gently curved from angulis oris to tip; tip bluntly rounded, neither a hook nor a crushing device. In general, the tomial edges of the jaw sheaths appear to be worn in adults; in the largest adults, the anterior parts of the tomial apparatus barely occlude. Precentral scute present in 27 (93 percent) adults. Modal carapacal seam contacts 2M 5A 6P 8P 1 1 A (see “Methods and Materials”). Modal formula for three longest scutes on plas- tron Fern » An > Ab. Length of femoral scute approximately 20 percent of carapace length (Table 3). A slight plastral con- cavity along midline in adults of both sexes. Epidermal laminae relatively thin. Intercostal sutures visible through lateral scutes in adults except in most heavily pig- mented specimens. Plastral and interperipheral sutures easily discernible through scutes. Epidermal laminae thickened and weltlike over interosseous sutures. Surface texture of carapace (under low magnification) con- sisting of a primary series of sharp parallel ridges (longitudinal or diagonal, depending on scute) separated by narrow sulci; smaller secondary cross ridges create a series of pits that ap- pears as a reticulation to the unaided eye. Plastron smooth, lacking a distinctive texture. Growth zones weakly evident in captive-reared juveniles but not at all evident in adults. Feet and hands large and fully webbed. Claws 5-4. An exten- sive ulnar fringe of enlarged scales on foreleg. Tibial edge of leg lacking a distinct series of enlarged scales (Figs. 3 and 4). Two musk gland orifices — one below posterior part of M3 and one below anterior part of M7. Triturating surfaces of maxillary sheath relatively narrow and at right angles to plane of tomial edge, about as wide as tomial edge is deep. A slight expansion in width of triturating surface just anterior to internal nares at which point the sheath is about 1 mm thick. From that point anteriad, triturating sur- face narrows quickly and significantly to about 25 percent of its narrowest posterior width. The “U” formed by the two triturat- ing rami anteriorly bounds a thick pad of buccal mucosa that covers nearly the entire premaxillary region of the palate. This anterior extension of palatal mucosa is rounded and tumescent- appearing in live specimens but is dented or collapsed in most preserved specimens. The tumescence consists of a thick (16 to 20 cell layers) pad of nonkeratinized epithelium underlain by loose connective tissue and a large vascular sinus. Choanal papillae lacking; mucosa of buccal and pharyngeal Figure 1. Rheodytes leukops, new genus and species: Holotype QM J31701, adult9, carapace length, 253 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324: 1-18 4 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid Table 1. Comparison of selected characters in four major groups of Australian short-necked chelids, excluding Pseudemydura (see also “Discus- sion”). Remarks under Emydura kreffti apply to all known members of the genus in Australia and New Guinea. Rheodytes leukops Elseya dentata Elseya latisternum Emydura kreffti Cross section relatively low, slightly peaked, relatively steep-sided; marginal index, 0.45 (see description). Anterior lobe of plastron not extending anterior to edge of carapace, not visible in dorsal view. Cross section evenly rounded from margin to margin, never peaked or depressed mid- dorsally; marginal index, 0.44 Anterior lobe of plastron with anterior projection to or beyond anterior edge of carapace, usually visible in dorsal view. Cross section evenly rounded from margin to margin; often flat- topped or with a midlongitudinal depression; marginal index, 0.53 Cross section rounded above (never peaked or depressed) and steep- sided; marginal index, 0.40 Anterior lobe of plastron not extending anterior to edge of carapace, not visible in dorsal view. Lateral and posterior marginal serration extreme in hatchlings but completely lost in adults. Marginal serration moderate to No marginal serration at any extreme posteriorly in young and stage, adults. Precentral scute usually present (93%). Precentral scute usually absent (94%). Precentral scute geographically variable; usually absent in far northern populations (Cape York, 93%) usually present and well developed in populations south of 29 °S (98%). Precentral scute usually present (99%). Interlateral seams C and D forming contacts with marginals 7 and 9, usually medially or anteriorly, contacts with M6 and M8 occurring only rarely or as anomalies. Interlateral seams (C and D after classification of Tinkle 1962) contacting posterior parts of marginals 6 and 8 (Fig. 7). Modal plastral formula Femoral *■ Pectoral * Anal (41%); Femoral always longest (100%). Modal plastral formula Femoral *■ Pectoral * Abdominal (50%); Femoral (79%) or Pectoral (21%) longest. Modal plastral formula Anal » Pectoral » Intergular (24%); Anal (73%), Femoral (10%), or Pectoral (10%) longest. Modal plastral formula Pectoral *• Femoral » Abdominal (48%); Pectoral (78%) or Femoral (21%) longest. Maxillary tomial edge nearly Maxillary tomial edge curved in profile from premaxillary region to angulis oris (a “smile”); premaxillary straight in profile from region depressed at least slightly, premaxillary region to posterior end (not curved, not indented) where it forms a 45° angle with straight posterior edge of sheath extending to angulis oris. No median alveolar ridge. Diet carnivorous, insectivorous; no known malacophagous tendencies. Always one pair of distinct, conical, small to medium barbels; little variation. No rostral pores. A well defined median ridge on alveolar surfaces of maxilla and dentary, evident on both osseous and keratinous parts of jaw apparatus (evident in all populations of E. dentata but less well developed in northwestern Australian E. dentata and in E. novaeguineae). Diet herbivorous (Legler 1976). One, two, or three barbels; often a single median barbel in northwestern Australian populations; a tendency toward thick, fleshy, variable barbels. Rostral pores rare. No median alveolar ridge. Diet chiefly carnivorous with insectivorous tendencies (vegetation rare in guts examined); no malacophagous tendencies. Number of barbels variable but usually two in a balanced pair, never single and median; usually well developed and tending to be long. No median alveolar ridge. Diet omnivorous, opportunistic, geographically variable; aquatic vegetation common in guts; malacophagous modifications in several populations. Barbels poorly developed or absent, rounded tubercles at most; seldom conical, never single and median; often indistinguishable from other scales on skin. Rostral pores evident and well developed (Winokur and Legler 1974). Head shield fully keratinized and extensive at all ages; gnarled in older individuals. Head shield usually absent; weakly developed only in largest adults (usually females); never gnarled. Continued Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid 5 Table 1 continued Rheodytes leukops Elseya dentata Elseya latisternum Emydura kreffti Inguinal buttress nearly as Inguinal buttress much narrower than axillary buttress in transverse section. Posterior part of sternal cavity broad transversely as axillary much less commodious than anterior part, buttress; posterior part of sternal cavity almost as commodious as anterior part. Rib tips of costals 2 through 4 Rib tips of costals 2 to 4 form articulations with the interperipheral sutures, articulate with gomphoses formed in the centers of peripherals 4 through 6, respectively. Dentary symphysis coossified in adults, never visible. Dentary symphysis an unmodified Dentary symphysis coossified in suture in most adults; coossified adults; never visible. (but still visible) in a few large individuals. Splenial bone lacking, probably Splenial bone present as a distinct separate element of lower jaw. fused with prearticular. A well-developed retroarticular Mandibular retroarticular process small or lacking, process on mandible. Ventral processes of prefrontals Ventral processes of prefrontals not closely approximated, not constricted, permitting virtually unobstructed view closely approximated at posteriorly through fissura ethmoidalis. midpoint of fissura ethmoidalis to create keyholelike aperture in fossa nasalis. Ventral ridges of frontal bones vertical, not turned inward, not closely approximated. Ventral ridges of frontal bones Ventral ridges of frontals as in R turned sharply inward and closely leukops. approximated, nearly closing sulcus olfactorius at midpoint. Prefrontals narrowly exposed Prefrontals broadly exposed on anterior part of dorsal orbital rim. dorsally, forming only a small part of dorsal orbital rim. At least a narrow maxillary- Prefrontals and nasals in contact, excluding a maxillary-frontal contact on dorsal exposure of skull, frontal contact preventing prefrontal-nasal contact on dorsal exposure of skull. Iris ivory in adults, silvery in young. Iris dark (brown to black) even in young specimens. Iris pale, usually yellowish, never ivory, silver or dark roof more or less smooth. Tongue fleshy, unspecialized, bearing transverse or oblique folds that are devoid of complex, mac- roscopically visible papillae. Nictitating membrane lacking; lower eyelid semitransparent (juvenile) to translucent (adult), permitting view of eye even when closed. One pair of distinct uniformly pale barbels; in form of flat- tened cones with rounded tips, basal diameter 60 to 80 percent of length. Other slightly pointed tubercular scales (quite dis- tinct from the barbels) along medial edge of each mandibular ramus just behind barbels. Barbels tend to point slightly for- ward in living specimens (Figs. 3, 4, and 6). Surface topogra- phy of barbels (under magnification) consists of shallow anastomosing grooves on distal half and a series of juxtaposed scalelike structures on basal half. No sign of rostral pores (Winokur and Legler 1974) in any specimen examined; soft skin of snout absolutely smooth be- tween natural boundaries of maxillary sheath and rostral exten- sion of head shield. Entire epidermis pitted in adults, degree of pitting seemingly directly correlated with age; cause of pitting unknown but probably pathologic; most evident on head shield and plastron; reflected secondarily on underlying dermal bone. Large pointed conical tubercles on dorsum of neck, a few of which may have flattened apices but none of which were found to have specialized follicular centers (Legler and Winokur 1979). Each tubercle set on a small hillock, which bears also a number of smaller granular scales; the larger the neck tubercle, the larger the hillock. Rows of large tubercles seemingly trans- verse in nape region and longitudinal elsewhere — five discern- ible rows on posterior part of neck, seven in region of nape. Neck tubercles of adults upright in most cases; those of juve- niles in shape of flattened triangles or flattened cones, de- pressed, soft, and lying down upon the skin — not rigid and upright as in adults. Ventral surface of neck bearing a series of very low conical or hemispherical tubercles, each on a hillock that is surrounded by many very low granular scales. Granular scales have a rough feel, which is probably imparted by micropustules. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 6 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid In juveniles, the primary topography of the neck skin seems to be that of rather low plaquelike juxtaposed scales, which are in turn covered with discernible (under low magnification) mi- cropustules. The shape of the scales and their pustulate second- ary topography gives the skin the appearance of crystallized sugar. This is less distinct in specialized areas such as the dorsal neck, where tubercles occur, but the tubercles regardless of size also have the micropustulate secondary topography. Head shield well developed and fully keratinized, smooth to slightly pitted and rugose in females, extremely gnarled in older males. Head shield extends posteriorly from rostrum (an- terior edges of nasal bones) and corresponds thence to the gen- Figure 2. Rheodytes leukops, new genus and species: Paratype UU 171 149, condylobasilar length 41.6 mm; three views of entire cranium, three views of mandible, and a view directly into the narial aperture (note keyhole-shaped fissura ethmoidalis formed by descending processes of prefrontal bones). Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Figure 3. Rheodytes ieukops juveniles approximately 16 months old and 60 mm carapace length (UU 17219-22). Top: Three juve- niles swimming rapidly apart after clinging together in a tight group; one individual is inconspicuous at bottom; note shell serration and relative proportions of juveniles. Bottom: Three of above individuals in gregarious clinging postures; note development of mandibular symphysis. Contrib. Sci. Natitr. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324: 1-18 8 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid Table 2. Selected measurements (in mm) of the holotype (QM J317019) and nine topotypic paratypes of Rheodytes leu- kops , new genus and species. Widths of plastral forelobe and hindlobe were measured at humeropectoral seam and at midfemoral scute, respectively. Plastral Plastral Collection and Carapace Carapace Plastron Forelobe Hindlobe Shell Head Catalog No. Length Width Length Width Width Height Width Females UU 17110 257 201 211 75 81 88 33 QM J31701 253 203 205 73 80 70 31 UU 17112 245 204 208 73 76 80 33 UU 17113 241 187 198 72 73 73 31 UU 17114 253 198 216 71 78 78 33 Mean 249.8 198.6 207.6 72.8 77.6 77.8 32.2 Males UU 17104 251 200 208 69 77 72 36 UU 17105 262 207 212 72 80 76 38 UU 17106 246 200 198 68 77 78 37 UU 17107 238 188 195 63 70 77 38 QM J31702 235 195 188 67 71 64 33 Mean 246.4 198.0 200.2 67.8 75.0 73.4 36.4 eral dorsal exposure of dermal skull roofing elements, closely following free upper edge of orbit, having a slight ventral exten- sion at origin of postorbital bar, corresponding to lateral edges of parietals, and ending more or less evenly with the posterior edges of parietals. A slight posteroventral extension along post- temporal bar. Occasionally a blunt extension near base of su- praoccipital spine. Posterior edge of head shield usually broken up partly or completely into scalelike divisions. In general, all extensions, ridges, and other surface topography of head shield are intensified in older males to produce an overall gnarled ap- pearance. Anterior vertical extension of maxillary shield (ex- tending between eye and snout) also higher in old males than in females (Fig. 6). In profile, tympanum and head shield delimit a distinct re- gion, in the shape of an inverted parenthesis, beginning at an- gulis oris and extending to posterior temporal region — about 8 mm wide. This is an area of soft skin in which there are rather widely spread low, pointed, conical tubercles or very low rounded tubercles, with a few soft longitudinal ridges. Tym- panum covered by a series of soft longitudinal skin ridges, none of which is ossified. Tympanum bordered by tubercular scales but lacking such scales on its surface. Large scales of temporal region separated by smaller granular scales and small longitu- dinal ridges. KARYOTYPE. One juvenile was karyotyped (see Bull and Legler, 1980, for account of karyotypic relationships in pleurodires). Diploid number 50; fundamental number 72; 11 pairs of biarmed macrochromosomes of which the first three are metacentric, submetacentric, and subtelocentric, respec- tively. The remaining 14 pairs are microchromosomes. The karyotype is virtually indistinguishable from those of other short-necked Australian chelids. OSTEOLOGY. The following account is based on 3 com- plete and 16 partial skeletons (lacking skull). Phalangeal for- mula 2- 3- 3- 3-3 on hand and foot. Cervical central articulations typically chelid (Williams 1950) — 5 and 8 biconvex, 7 amphi- coelous, 6 procoelous, the others opisthocoelous. Sclerotic ossi- cles 13. Shell thin and in general lightly built. Plastron typically chelid, having four pairs of osseous elements plus an ento- plastron. Hyo- and hypoplastral bones greatly thickened along median interosseous sutures, the anteroposterior extent of the thickening corresponding almost perfectly to anteroposterior limits of bridge. Inguinal buttresses almost as broad trans- versely as axillary buttresses; posterior part of sternal cavity almost as deep (commodious) as anterior part. Neural bones lacking. Rib tips of costals 2-4 forming gomphotic articulations in the centers of peripherals 4-6, respectively (not in the inter- peripheral sutures; Fig. 7). Carapacoplastral articulation sutural but containing enough soft connective tissue to permit some kinesis. Dried shells pre- pared in caustic solutions show considerable gaps between car- apace and buttresses. Skull definitely prognathous in profile (Figs. 2, 4, and 6) due to anterior projection and overhang of premaxillary region; su- praoccipital process relatively short; trigeminal foramen not visible in lateral view. In dorsal aspect, maxillary bone contacts frontal and separates prefrontal from nasal; prefrontals very narrowly exposed dorsally, forming only a small anterior part of dorsal orbital rim. Ventral ridges on frontal bones (forming sul- cus olfactorius [Gaffney 1972]) straight, not turned inward, not closely approximated. Descending processes of prefrontals having transverse plates forming posterior wall to nasal cavity and bounding a keyhole-shaped fissura ethmoidalis (Gaffney 1972). Occipital region of skull bearing massive facets for at- tachment of nuchal muscles (see Shah 1963) as follows: deep facets on posterior faces of squamosal and opisthotic bones; a large concave facet and four heavily developed posterior pro- cesses on ventral surface of basioccipital (Fig. 2). Internal nares large. Anteriormost part of palate thin and forming a distinct semicircular depression bounded anteriorly and laterally by low ridges for attachment of maxillary sheath. Prepalatine foramina bordered by premaxillaries anteromedial- ly and by maxillaries posterolaterally. Palate and maxillary re- gion relatively narrow. Base of skull especially narrow at pterygoid “waist” just posterior to trochlear processes of pterygoids. Mandibular ramus straight and lightly built; in dorsal as- pect, lines drawn from tip of symphysis to centers of articular facets lie almost entirely within the ramus (and form a mean Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid 9 angle of 46.5 degrees; Table 4). Intermandibular articulation long and coossified without trace of suture or symphysis. Splenial bone absent as individual bone in lower jaw. Meckelian canal and fossa broadly exposed below coronoid on media! face of mandibular ramus; coronoid-prearticular contact lacking in two specimens, a narrow contact in one specimen. Angular long, extending well past anterior extent of coronoid; tip of cor- onoid (1.5 mm) clearly visible in lateral view. Mandible bearing well developed retroarticular processes formed chiefly by the angular bones. COLOR IN LIFE. The following color description is based on live, fresh-caught material. Adults were examined indoors in diffuse summer daylight. All parts described were viewed when slightly moist (after wiping with a damp cloth). Descriptions of hatchlings are based on numerous close observations in an aquarium lighted by a fluorescent bulb (Vita light). See Cann (1978) for color photos. ADULT FEMALES (UU 17110, 17113, QM J31701, LACM 127778). Overall ground color of carapace medium to dark brown with a suggestion of olive in palest specimens; car- apace dull (probably due to complex surface texture); slightly paler over interosseous sutures; no regular markings on car- apace; a few specimens showing one to three small (5 to 15 mm diam.) elliptical black spots irregularly placed on carapace. Plastron unicolored in general aspect, ground color dark neu- tral straw to horn, somewhat darker near bridges; no distinct dark markings; no distinct darkening of interlaminal seams; areas where interosseous sutures are clearly visible through scutes are suffused with pink; inframarginal surfaces slightly darker than ventral plane of plastron, interperipheral sutures showing through as distinct pale lines. Soft parts (other than head) generally pale to medium slatey olive-grey, not at all bright or distinctive. Interdigital webbing paler than rest of foot; enlarged scales on fore and hind limbs darker than ground color; ventral surface of thigh paler than dorsal surface — a slightly brighter pale ground color than plastron; skin of ingui- nal pocket dull yellowish cream. Dorsal aspect of head and neck uniform brownish (same shade as carapace), olive in pal- est specimens; ventral ground color pale yellowish-orange, the division between dark and pale colors along a line extending posteriorly from angulis oris; orange color intensified in a verti- cal bar on anterior edge of tympanum and just posterior to mandibular symphysis where it is nearly pink; barbels paler at tips than bases. Jaw sheaths pale neutral olive where underlain by bone, straw at free edges; maxillary sheath streaked with slatey gray; mandibular sheath uniform. Iris a narrow ivory- colored band surrounded by rich brown. Tongue and inside of mouth pale salmon pink. HATCHLINGS (approximately 150 from 9 clutches). Carapace tan to pale brown; marked with blackish-brown flecks; each lateral and central scute bearing a keel on which there is an intensification of dark color; this results in a series of five vague black dots along middorsal line and four such dots on each side; dots not necessarily more evident than general fleck- ing. Plastral ground color pale neutral slate; yellowish suffusion produced by translucency of plastron and underlying yolk mass; Figure 4. Rheodytes leukops, one of the individuals shown in Figure 3; note heavy development of neck and limbs and prognathous appearance of head. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Table 3. Comparisons of scute, head, and shell proportions for adults of four species of short-necked chelids (means and extremes for each sex). All specimens are from the Burnett, Fitzroy, and Raglan Creek drainage systems (latitudinal range 23° IT to 26° 19'S). Note average size of adults (E. dentata largest, E. latisternum smallest) and degree of sexual dimorphism in size (least in R. leukops). Greatest Diameter of Carapace Length (mm) Head Width h- CL Least Inter- orbital Breadth -h Head Width Orbit + Length of Mandibular Symphysis Carapace Width -h CL Shell Height CL Femoral Scute Length h- CL Anal Scute Length h- CL Rheodytes leukops Males, N = 9 243 0.15 0.20 0.73 0.81 0.29 0.21 0.12 235-262 0.13-0.16 0.18-0.21 0.55-1.02 0.79-0.83 0.27-0.30 0.20-0.22 0.11-0.13 Females, N = 19 249 0.13 0.19 0.82 0.80 0.31 0.22 0.12 231-259 0.12-0.14 0.17-0.21 0.75-1.02 0.76-0.85 0.30-0.34 0.19-0.24 0.11-0.14 Elseya dentata Males, N = 9 263 0.17 0.27 0.91 0.79 0.33 0.22 0.10 249-269 0.15-0.19 0.24-0.29 0.81-1.17 0.77-0.85 0.31-0.36 0.19-0.23 0.09-0.12 Females, N = 9 343 0.17 0.26 0.85 0.79 0.35 0.21 0.10 309-374 0.15-0.19 0.23-0.30 0.64-0.99 0.75-0.83 0.31-0.40 0.18-0.24 0.09-0.12 Elseya latisternum Males, N = 6 164 148-172 0.19 0.24 0.22-0.26 0.97 0.91-1.09 0.80 0.79-0.83 0.30 0.29-0.31 0.15 0.13-0.17 0.18 0.17-0.19 Females, N = 3 232 0.20 0.24 0.80 0.80 0.31 0.14 0.18 172-271 0.20-0.21 0.23-0.26 0.70-0.98 0.78-0.81 0.30-0.32 0.13-0.15 0.16-0.19 Emydura kreffti Males, N = 10 221 0.15 0.25 0.90 0.73 0.36 0.19 0.1 1 187-256 0.13-0.17 0.22-0.28 0.75-1.07 0.75-0.79 0.34-0.38 0.17-0.21 0.10-0.13 Females, N = 16 272 0.17 0.26 0.73 0.76 0.38 0.18 0.12 234-277 0.15-0.19 0.22-0.30 0.59-0.95 0.71-0.82 0.36-0.41 0.15-0.20 0.09-0.13 Table 4. Skull proportions in adults of four species of short-necked chelids from eastern Australia. Means and extremes are given for each sex. See “Methods and Materials” for explanation of measurements. Condylo- basilar Length (mm) Squamoso- nasal Length - CBL Height of Snout - CBL Mandible: Greatest Width - Greatest Length Length of Dentary Symphysis Greatest Width of Mandible Maxillary Breadth - CBL Mandibular Angle (degrees) Rheodytes leukops Males, N = 1 40.0 0.94 0.16 0.85 0.33 0.49 46.3 Females, N = 2 42.3 41.6-42.9 0.92 0.91-0.94 0.15 0.13-0.17 0.85 0.84-0.87 0.35 0.34-0.35 0.50 46.4 46.3-47.0 Elseya dentata (Burnett and N. Johnstone drainages) Males, N = 2 49.3 48.5-50.1 1.05 1.01-1.08 0.19 0.16-0.21 0.95 0.24 0.23-0.25 0.53 0.52-0.55 51.0 50.9-51.1 Females, N = 3 63.9 56.7-69.0 1.03 1.03-1.07 0.20 0.20-0.21 0.96 0.90-1.03 0.26 0.21-0.32 0.54 0.53-0.55 51.2 48.8-54.2 Elseya latisternum (Cape York Peninsula) Males, N = 2 40.3 38.9-41.8 0.98 0.95-1.01 0.22 0.21-0.23 0.95 0.95-0.96 0.28 0.27-0.29 0.57 0.55-0.59 51.1 50.8-51.3 Females, N = 4 48.4 46.6-49.2 1.01 0.99-1.03 0.21 0.20-0.22 0.95 0.92-0.98 0.31 0.29-0.32 0.59 0.57-0.61 50.9 49.7-52.3 Emydura kreffti (Burdekin drainage) Males, N = 3 39.3 39.0-39.4 0.99 0.97-1.02 0.21 0.19-0.23 0.90 0.86-0.93 0.25 0.23-0.27 0.54 0.53-0.55 48.8 46.5-49.7 Females, N = 4 43.9 41.5-46.5 0.99 0.98-0.99 0.19 0.18-0.19 0.95 0.91-0.98 0.27 0.26-0.27 0.59 0.57-0.61 50.7 49.0-52.5 Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid 11 irregularly flecked with melanin, flecks tending to be concen- trated on anterior lobe and bridge (posterior lobe immaculate in some individuals). Iris a metallic silvery-blue, not the clear ivory of adults. Hatchlings placed under water on fine brownish river sand were well camouflaged. ONTOGENETIC COLOR CHANGE. There seems to be a gradual paling of colors in females as they grow older, but this is not at all distinct. There is a rather distinct change that oc- curs in males with age, culminating in a series of bright con- trasting colors on the head and neck. This seems to be a process of progressive melanin loss and its replacement by orangish- yellow or rosy pigment in some areas. In general, these areas are the upper eyelids, the region around the tympanum, and to a lesser extent, the snout and throat. The oldest and brightest males we have examined (not necessarily the largest) present a rather handsome, striking, tricolored appearance with an im- maculate greenish-olive maxillary sheath, an orange-ringed eye, and to a lesser extent, an orange-ringed tympanum (giving the animal a clown-faced appearance; Fig. 6). Although the color of the iris does not change in older males, it is set in a more contrasting situation (the pale iris, the surrounding dark part of the eyeball, the surrounding orange ring on the eyelids, and the very dark brown ground color). ECOLOGY HABITAT. In the region of the type locality, the Fitzroy River flows northwestward; large deep pools alternate with fast shallow riffles. The type locality is a riffle 15 to 27 m wide and 400 m long, grading from a depth of 0.3 to 0.6 m at its up- stream limit (where the stream is fordable) to 2.5 to 3.0 m at its downstream limit (Fig. 8). Above the riffle, there is a pool about 1 km long with high, earthen, wooded banks. The riffle flows into a similar downstream pool, which is 2 to 3 km long. Current in the large pools is undetectable, and depths are in excess of 10 m; the bottom is rocky, with a heavy layer of silt, especially near the banks. Current in the riffle varies from very fast at the upper end (difficult to wade without support) to slow at the downstream end (scarcely noticeable when diving). A total of 35 adults of Rheodytes leukops was obtained; 28 of these were retained for study, and 7 were released at point of capture. Most of the specimens were captured by diving with a face mask and snorkle (one was caught in a gill net). We there- fore had the opportunity to observe all resident turtle species under water. We dived once in the lower part of the large up- stream pool and repeatedly in the entire length of the riffle. Gill nets were set in the downstream pool, but we did not dive there because of the presence of large crocodiles (Crocodylus por- osus, 3 to 3.6 m total length). Underwater visibility in the riffle was 1.2 to 2.4 m; water temperature was 25.5 °C. Rheodytes leukops definitely prefers fast water. None were seen in the upstream pool; one was taken in the downstream pool in a gill net (no other turtles of any kind were captured in the net). The remaining turtles at the type locality were taken in the riffle — some from the fastest water, most from water of medium depth and medium current, and none in a still backwa- ter. About half of these were on clean sand or gravel bottom facing upstream. Others were on the downstream sides of rocks or actually under such rocks. In slower water, the turtles were in a greater variety of places (near dead wood, etc.). About half of the R. leukops broke cover when we were 1 to 2 m away and swam off about as fast as we could pursue on a straight chase. However, typical escape behavior was a long ris- ing curve and then an abrupt return to the bottom; if at this point a diver were directly over the turtle, it would reverse its course 180 degrees and swim away on the bottom. We consider R. leukops to be faster than any other Australian chelid, but Elseya dentata is almost as fast. The terminal reverse in escape behavior is virtually identical in all short-necked chelids (Legler has also observed it in kinosternids, emydids, and trionychids). The short-necked species Elseya dentata and Emydura kreffti were also common in the river. Both occurred in the rif- fle, but R. leukops was the commonest turtle there. Emydura kreffti was most likely to be found in association with dead wood or undercut banks and was never in the fastest water. Elseya dentata tended to be in slower water but was seen or caught in the entire range of microhabitat described. Chelodina longicollis occurred in quiet, clear backwater situations where there were no R. leukops but where a few of the other short- necks were observed. We saw no Elseya latisternum in large rivers (Fitzroy and Dawson) at this latitude but found them to be common (with Emydura kreffti) in smaller tributary streams where there were no R. leukops. Rheodytes leukops was also taken or seen on the Fitzroy River at Glenroy Crossing (23 ° 1 l'S, 149° 56'E), 3 to 4 km up- stream from the type locality, and on the Dawson River, 2 km N Gainesford, Queensland (23°47'S, 149°46'E). Habitat at Glenroy Crossing was virtually identical to the riffle at the type locality. The Dawson River consisted of deep pools connected by shallower stretches in which there was no noticeable current; R. leukops, Elseya dentata, and Emydura kreffti were all found, in small numbers, in association with dead wood. Figure 5. Optical cross sections and silhouettes of four short-necked chelids from eastern Australia (prepared from photographs); length and width of carapace (in millimeters) are given for each specimen. In order from top to bottom rows: Elseva latisternum, UU 170749, CL 271, CW 219; Elseya dentata. UU 170989, CL 309, CW 243; Emydura kreffti, UU 169099, CL 262, CW 200; Rheodytes leukops, paratype, UU 171189, CL 238, CW 196. All specimens obtained at or near the type locality of R. leukops. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mas. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 12 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid Figure 6. Heads of live short-necked Australian chelids, from left to right. Top row: Elseya dentata, UU 148629, Malanda, Queensland — note piebald coloration characteristic of old females; Elseya latisternum, UU 151319, Bloomsbury, Queensland. Middle row: Pseudemydura umbrina, A. Burbidge field number 46cf, Twin Swamps Reserve; Emydura krefftiQ from the series UU 15881-8, Eton, Queensland. Bottom row: Rheodytes leukops, UU 171 129, paratype; Rheodytes leukops UU 171070”, paratype — note texture and coloration, which is typical of old males. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mits. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324: 1-18 Table 5. Eggs of five species of chelids occurring on the Fitzroy River drainage system of Queensland. Mean and standard deviation are given above the extremes (in parentheses). Data for Elseya dentata are from other drainage systems. Annual reproductive potential is the sum of corpora lutea and potentially preovulatory ovarian follicles (minimum considers all follicles greater than 10 mm; maximum considers all follicles greater than 5 mm). Eggs from nest on Fitzroy R. are assumed, by elimination, to be those of R. leukops. Mean and Std. Deviation Sample (N) Annual Reproductive Potential Incubation Time Species Weight (g) Length (mm) Width (mm) Eggs Clutches at 30.0°C Minimum Maximum Rheodytes leukops 7.50±0.582 (4.70-9.84) 29.67 ±0.969 (23.2-33.1) 2 1 . 1 7 ± 0.595 (19.0-23.8) 188 10 46.7 (44-50) 45.9±6.25 (34-53) 58.6±8.76 (44-70) Nest on Fitzroy R. — 30.7 (30.0-31.2) 21.8 (21.4-22.0) 5 1 Emydura kreffti 9.75±0.374 (8.74-11.35) 36.45±0.936 (32.9-39.6) 2 1 . 1 3 ± 0.27 3 (20.0-22.4) 82 5 47.25 (46-48) 5 1 .0 ± 15.79 (29-66) 56. 2± 16.9 (35-75) Elseya latisternum 1 2.05±0.980 (11.22-15.70) 35.85 ± 1.320 (35.0-40.8) 23.98±0.535 (23.2-25.7) 17 1 60.5 (60-61) 46 53 Chelodina longicollis 7.51 ±0.384 (6.73-8.09) 30.81 ±0.829 (29.0-32.0) 20.40±0.272 (19.9-20.7) 12 1 67.0 (66-68) 24 33 Elseya dentata 15.7 48.6 (48.1-50.2) 27.7 (27.2-28.1) 5 309 1 19 160 (160-161) Insufficient data DIET. Stomachs of eight fresh-caught live adults were mm. The nests were on a flat sand and gravel bar approx- flushed (Legler 1977) at the type locality on 7 October 1976. Stomach contents consisted purely of animal material and were entirely of insects except for fragments of freshwater sponge. Of these, the commonest were Trichoptera (larvae and pupae) of the families Helicopsychidae, Hydropsychidae, Hydrop- tilidae, and Leptoceridae, the first family being of commonest occurrence. By estimate, a single stomach might contain at least 100 larvae and their cases (most of which were un- crushed). Large aquatic lepidopteran pupae (Pyralidae?; 10 to 20 mm) were found in most of the stomachs and made up the bulk of the food in some stomachs. Lepidopteran larval cases were constructed partly of leaves, which were passed un- digested in the feces. Dipteran and ephemeropteran larvae oc- curred as occasional items as did adult terrestrial coleopterans. Plant materials found in stomachs (bark, algal filaments, pieces of fibrous stem) were either closely associated with insect lar- vae or actually incorporated in their cases and were therefore assumed to have been ingested incidentally. REPRODUCTION. A female obtained in mid-September was gravid, and 1 1 of the 18 females (61 percent) collected on 7-9 October were gravid. Eggs were obtained by hormonal in- duction of oviposition (Ewert and Legler 1978) or by dissection and were incubated under controlled laboratory conditions. All of the dissected females bore corpora lutea, indicating that they had produced at least two clutches of eggs by early October, and enlarged ovarian follicles, suggesting that they would pro- duce at least one more clutch in the same season. Multiple clutches are, in fact, the rule for all species of chelids at this latitude (Legler, personal observation). The reproductive char- acteristics of five species of chelids occurring in the Fitzroy drainage are given in Table 5. Reproduction in Australian chelids will be the subject of a separate paper by Legler. Two nests were found at the type locality; they had been con- structed and robbed within the preceding 48-hour period (prob- ably the previous night). Five eggs in one of the nests identified the nest (by elimination) as that of a Rheodytes leukops. One nest contained a slanting cavity with a maximum depth of 170 imately 9 m from the fast water of a riffle and slightly closer to some stagnant water. They were less than 1 m above the level of the flowing water. BEHAVIOR OF YOUNG. Of the eggs incubated and hatched in Armidale, 26 juveniles (representing two clutches) were transported to the United States on 5 January 1977 and have been under observation in aquaria at the University of Utah since then. Several hatchlings from each of the same clutches were retained by Cann for observation in Sydney. An attempt was made to maintain captives in an environment like that (temperature and physical characteristics) of the original habitat. Juveniles show a distinctive gregarious behavior, especially when no individual refugia are available (e.g., a bare aquarium or plastic bucket): They cling together, the claws of one grasp- ing the shell of another — at various angles — to form a roughly spherical mass of individuals (Fig. 3). On some occasions, an entire clutch of hatchlings was involved in this clinging behavior. Small juveniles spend much of their time under cover. They can conceal themselves effectively; in a 5-gallon (19-liter) tank containing 10 to 13 individuals, few can be seen. Rock caves and crevices are favorite retreats. When such retreats are not available, the turtles are quite capable of burrowing into the sand beneath a rock or piece of dead wood. Hatchlings were also observed burrowing into the sand without the aid of lever- age from a rock; as they dig into the substrate, sand is thrown up and settles on the carapace. This behavior is reminiscent of sand burrowing in Trionyx and Carettochelys (personal obser- vation) but not nearly as efficient. The young are violently aggressive toward one another at times. This behavior could have been territorial, and it was nearly always observed on a feeding day (when most of the ani- mals were out of their refugia). The behavior consisted of a visually oriented chase (begun in some instances from a dis- tance of 15 cm) and violent biting of the head, neck, and fore- quarters of one juvenile by the other. The bitten animal did not Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Figure 7. Rheodytes leukops, new genus and species: Paratype UU 171 149, carapace length, 247 mm. Dorsal and ventral views of scuteless shell. Dots on left indicate where rib tips form gomphoses with peripherals. Small crosses indicate position of dorsal tips of plastral buttresses. The crescent- shaped break on left ninth marginal probably resulted from a Crocodylus porosus bite. Figure 8. Type locality of Rheodytes leukops (Fitzroy River, 23°09'S, 149°55'E) looking downstream from the riffle. Water in left foreground is about 1 m deep and very fast; water near dead wood in right background is much deeper and slower. Two nests of R. leukops were found on the sandy area just to the right of this picture. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid 15 retaliate and was seldom chased very far. The dominant animal seemed not to return to any set place. Aggressive behavior was commonest just after feeding, occurred occasionally before feeding (and at other times) but never occurred during feeding (the animals were not fighting for food). Fighting after feeding lasted from 2 to 5 minutes, after which the turtles disappeared into refugia. Some refugia were shared by as many as three or four turtles. When the small captives were active, they engaged in a lot of probing at the substrate with the snout. This probing seemed to involve both olfactory and visual cues. Although there was little or nothing for them to eat between feedings, they often stopped and bit at objects on rock faces (presumably algae). This be- havior is tentatively interpreted as foraging. The hatchlings are easily able to move underwater objects at least ten times their own weight (average weight of hatchlings in April 1977, ca. 5.0 g); to do so, they first wedge the head and forelimbs under an object, then apply force with all four limbs. They moved the small half flower pots (50 g) that were supplied as caves about the aquarium in this way and were easily able to burrow com- pletely into coarse gravel (individual stones 6 to 10 g). The ability of young to secrete themselves in sand, gravel, and crevices probably explains our failure to find any immature stages at all in the field. This behavior also suggests some of the methods that the turtles use in foraging for insect larvae. DISCUSSION RELATIONSHIPS. The “short-necked” Australian chelids comprise the genera Elseya, Emydura, Rheodytes, and Pseudemydura (Figs. 6 and 9). Although the necks of these taxa are quite obviously relatively shorter than those of the “long-necks” (genus Chelodina), necks are quite difficult to measure accurately in live or preserved specimens. The groups are better categorized as follows: Frontal bones fused; no parietosquamosal articulation; no posterior temporal arch; claws 4-4; intergular scute iso- lated from anterior free margin of plastron by anterior union of gular scutes; diploid chromosome number 54 (Bull and Legler 1980) Chelodina Frontal bones separate; a parietosquamosal articulation forming a posterior temporal arch (or contributing to more extensive skull roofing in Pseudemydura)-, claws 5-4; inter- gular scute completely separating gular scutes (partly sep- arating humerals) and contributing to anterior free edge of plastron; diploid chromosome number 50 Short-necked taxa Of the short-necked taxa, Pseudemydura is rare (probably nearing extinction), isolated, and the least understood of the group (Burbidge 1967; Burbidge et al. 1974). Legler’s studies of Pseudemydura (based upon all available specimens and to be reported elsewhere) suggest that it is not especially closely re- lated to other short-necked Australian chelids. The genera cur- rently recognized as Emydura, Elseya, and Rheodytes bear enough in common to be regarded tentatively as having com- mon ancestry. In no case, however, is this similarity sufficient (in Legler’s opinion) to warrant the lumping of these generic groups (Table 1). Within the genus Elseya, there seem to be two major groups as follows; (1) Elseya dentata group — a series of populations (probably discontinuous) from the Burnett R. drainage, in the coastal lowlands and tablelands, northward and westward at least to the Victoria drainage of the Northern Territory; at least two Australian species; closely related to Elseya novaeguineae in New Guinea; (2) Elseya latisternum group — Elseya latister- num plus undescribed taxa in the Murray-Darling headwaters and eastern coastal drainages from approximately 32 'S north- ward to the tip of Cape York and westward to approximately 140°E; possible relationships to undescribed taxa in New Guinea. In the comparisons made in Table 1, the species names Elseya dentata, Elseya latisternum, and Emydura kreffti are used, but the characters discussed or compared are shared by the entire genus or proposed generic group. MANDIBLE. Gaffney (1976) stated that the splenial bone was a common feature of chelids but occurred in no other ex- tant group of chelonians. We have personally confirmed the oc- currence of the splenial in all Australian chelids except R. leukops. Lack of a splenial would seem to be a derived charac- ter within the Family Chelidae. The shape of the prearticular in Rheodytes suggests that the splenial has become fused with that element (Fig. 2). SEAM AND SUTURE CONTACTS. A midperipheral gomphosis for the rib tips of costals 2-4 occurs elsewhere in the Chelidae only in Chelodina; it is the usual condition in cryp- todires. The same rib tips are interperipheral in all other chelids and in pelomedusids. Modal seam contacts on the pos- terior parts of M6 (75 percent of sample) and M8 (96 percent) are unique to Rheodytes among chelids; in other chelids, these contacts occur only as occasional variations, and they are rare among other living chelonians (Tinkle 1962; illustrations in Boulenger 1889). We regard these two unusual situations in Rheodytes as re- lated, derived characters. The relationships of lateral scutes to costal bones and of marginal scutes to peripheral bones remain fairly constant in all chelonians — the scutes tend to straddle the sutures in a way that seems to create maximal structural ef- ficiency. However, either of these series may (and often does) shift upon the other. In Rheodytes, it is quite evident that the marginal-peripheral series has shifted anteriorly (or conversely the lateral-costal series has shifted posteriorly) for a distance equal to one-half the length of a peripheral bone in the bridge region. It is not clear what this shift has accomplished func- tionally or structurally. CLOACAL BURSAE. One of our vivid early impressions of Rheodytes was that adults of both sexes swam with a widely gaping cloacal orifice (up to 30 mm in diameter). The orifice remains open when individuals are out of water. We first be- came aware of the large cloacal bursae when a female was ex- amined in bright sunlight; the carapace transmitted enough light to illuminate the coelomic cavity and to produce a spec- tacular view internally for at least 100 mm, via the cloaca, re- vealing a large sac fined with a vascular, villose mucosa. We at first thought this was an oviduct, but dissection revealed it to be a large and unusual cloacal bursa. The structure and function of these organs is under investigation and is summarized else- where (Legler 1979). Water is pumped in and out of the bursae of captives and experimental animals at rates of 15 to 60 times per minute. Captives seldom breathe air, and we saw no heads Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mas. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324: 1-18 16 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid of Rheodytes at the surface under natural conditions. These facts suggest a respiratory function for the cloacal bursae. Elseya dentata also displays a gaping cloaca while swimming but has smaller cloacal bursae than R. leukops. EYELIDS. The lack of a nictitating membrane is charac- teristic of all chelids (Legler, personal observation) and is un- mentioned thus far in the literature. Early but brief mention of the translucent lower eyelid in Chelodina was made by Gadow (1909) and Walls (1942; “tertiary spectacle”). The anatomy of eyelids and the distribution of nictitating membranes in living chelonians is presently under study in Legler’s laboratory. ADAPTATIONS. Rheodytes leukops has relatively massive cervical vertebrae and a relatively small head in comparison to Elseya dentata. If the condylobasilar length of the skull is di- vided by the sum of the lengths of the centra of cervical ver- tebrae 2-8, the following figures are obtained (mean, extremes, number of specimens): Rheodytes leukops — 0.393 (0.38-0.40), N = 3; Elseya dentata — 0.495 (0.47-0.52), N = 2. The described structure of the skull and cervical vertebrae, the observations on behavior, and the examination of fresh stomach contents all strongly indicate that Rheodytes has be- come adapted to bottom probing and possibly the scraping of rocks and dead wood for insect larvae. The function of the pad of erectile tissue on the anterior part of the palate is unknown. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Localities for two of the paratypes in the Australian Museum collection are uncertain, and attempts to ascertain them more specifically have failed. Concerning AM R41794 (“Mackenzie River”), if this part of Figure 9. Skulls and mandibles of three species of short-necked Australian chelids, in vertical rows. Left: Elseya dentata, UU 147999, Auvergne, Northern Territory, condylobasilar length 64.5 mm. Middle: Elseya latisternum, UU 150379, northern New South Wales, CBL 46.3: Right: Emydura kreffti, UU 156509, Cooktown, Queensland, CBL 44.8. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid 17 the locality is correct, it establishes the presence of the genus in another major tributary of the Fitzroy River. The Mackenzie River begins at the confluence of the Nogoa and Comet Rivers, flows northeastward to its confluence with the Connors River and then southeastward to its confluence with the Fitzroy River (24°24'S, 149°53'E). AM R41274 was probably taken in the general region of the type locality (i.e., downstream from the confluence of all major tributaries). Except for the collection sites of these two specimens, all localities used in this descrip- tion may be regarded as exact. The specimens listed in this paper define the entire known range of R. leukops (Fig. 10). Little collecting has been done elsewhere on the Fitzroy drainage. Emydura kreffti was taken in traps (UU 15847-61) from the Nogoa River near Emerald, Queensland (23°31'S, 148° 1 l'E), in July 1973, and a specimen of Elseya dentata (QM J28449) is known from the same lo- cality. The river was murky and without current in 1973 when Legler observed it (due possibly to the first filling of Fairbairn Dam immediately upstream). It seems likely that, if Elseya dentata could survive in this kind of microhabitat, Rheodytes could also. Some of the tributaries of the Connors River (ca. 22°00'S, 148°53'E) contain permanent, clear running water and may provide suitable habitat for Rheodytes. It seems vir- tually certain that Rheodytes occurs farther upstream in the Dawson River than here reported (say, southward at least to Taroom [25°39'S, 150° 1 l'E], where Elseya dentata is known to occur [Legler, personal observation]). It seems likely that R. leukops is confined to the Fitzroy drainage. We have observed, dived, and trapped in the Burnett drainage and short drainages between the Burnett and Fitzroy (e.g., Raglan Creek) to the south and in the Burdekin drainage and short drainages between the Burdekin and the Fitzroy to the north. Thus far, there is no evidence that Rheodytes occurs in any of these places. COMPARATIVE MATERIALS EXAMINED Legler’s work on Australian chelids since 1972 has produced a collection of approximately 3,000 specimens (currently housed at the University of Utah but to be divided among that institu- I i 8° 130° 142° Figure 10. Known geographic distribution of Rheodytes leukops, new genus and species, in Australia. Localities from which specimens examined were taken are represented by four solid dots on the Fitzroy River and its tributaries. Arrows show mouths of Burdekin and Burnett Rivers. Circles showing MacKay and Brisbane are for orientation only. Drainage map of Australia adapted from Vari 1978. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324:1-18 18 Legler and Cann: New Australian Chelid tion and various Australian collections eventually). Data have been taken on approximately 1,500 other specimens in Aus- tralian and American museums. This large bank of specimens and data was consulted ad libitum in the preparation of this paper. Specimens used especially for the comparisons made in this paper are mentioned specifically in the text and legends and are listed below by major drainage system and museum number. Elseya dentata. NORTHERN TERRITORY. Victoria R.: UU 14777, 14793-800; NMV 10386-90, 10397-99, 10403-6, 10828-30, 10832-35, 10847-48, 10850, 10859-60, 10870-74, 10885. Daly R.: UU 14809-844. Finniss R.: UU 14776. Ade- laide R.: UU 14772-5. South Alligator R.: UU 14784-92. Roper R.: UU 14778-83. QUEENSLAND. Gregory R.: UU 14801-08. North Johnstone R.: UU 14845-71. Fitzroy R.: UU 17093-102. Burnett R.: UU 14872, 17085-92. Elseya latisternum. QUEENSLAND. Cape York Peninsula: UU 14873-929. Mitchell R.: UU 14930-79. Endeavour R.: UU 14980-991. North Johnstone R.: UU 14994-15008. Burdekin R.: UU 15079. Andromache R.: UU 15124-51. Pioneer R.: UU 15081-123. Fitzroy R.: UU 17049-64, 17074-76. Raglan Cr.: UU 17070-73. Burnett R.: UU 15199-201, 17065-69. Brisbane R.: UU 15152-169. Nerang R.: UU 15170-71. Tallebudgera Cr.: UU 15172-98. NEW SOUTH WALES. Tweed R.: UU 15026-78, 17042-48. Richmond R.: UU 15009-25, 17077-80. Emydura kreffti. QUEENSLAND. Normanby R.: UU 15674-722. Endeavour R : UU 15619-673. Burdekin R.: UU 15723-32. Pioneer R.: UU 15867-98. Fitzroy R.: UU 15847-61, 16892-904, 16906-59, 16978-17029. Raglan Cr.: UU 16883-91. Burnett R.: UU 15834-46, 16866-882, 16905, 16960-77, 17066. Emydura macquarii. NEW SOUTH WALES. Murray- Darling drainages: UU 15954-16085, 16863. Emydura australis. NORTHERN TERRITORY. Victoria R.: UU 15462-95. Finniss R.: UU 15437-57. QUEENSLAND. Wen lock R.: UU 15319-69. Mitchell R.: UU 15371-405. Pseudemydura umbrina. All specimens from Twin Swamps and Ellen Brook Reserves, ca. 29 km NE Perth, Western Aus- tralia: WAM 1 1092-3, 11386, 13385, 13744-5, 21559-64, 21859, 29320, 29337-40, 29342-3, 29345, 29348, 29350, 29376, 36159, 36179, 36338, 37495, 37977, 39040, 39956, 40535. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful to the Queensland Fisheries Service and the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service for permission to collect and export specimens, to A. Burbidge, H.G. Cogger, J. Covacevich, and G. Storr for permission to utilize collections in their care, to R. Ohl for assistance with field work, and to Steve Johnson for identification of insects. A.F. Legler assisted substantially in all phases of the work in Australia and pre- pared the line drawings of the skull and shell. H.G. Cogger, E.E. Williams, J.W. Wright, and G. Zug read the manuscript and made useful comments on it. Special thanks are due the University of New England for permitting the use of laboratory facilities in Armidale, New South Wales. This work resulted from projects supported partly by the National Geographic So- ciety and the University of Utah Research Committee. LITERATURE CITED Boulenger, G.A. 1889. Catalogue of the chelonians. rhynchocephalians and crocodiles in the British Museum ( Natural History ). London. Bull, J.J., and J.M. Legler. 1980. Karyotypes of side-necked turtles (Testudines: Pleurodira). Canadian Jour. Zool. 58:828-41 Burbidge, A. A. 1967. The biology of south-western Australian tortoises. Ph.D. Thesis, Univ. Western Australia, Nedlands. Burbidge, A. A., J.A.W. Kirsch, and A.R. Main. 1974. Re- lationships within the chelidae (Testudines: Pleurodira) of Australia and New Guinea. Copeia 1974(2):392-409. Cann, J. 1978. Tortoises of Australia. Sydney: Angus & Robertson (92 color photographs). Carr, A. 1952. Handbook of turtles. New York: Comstock Publ. Assn., Cornel! Univ. Ewert, M.A., and J.M. Legler. 1978. Hormonal induction of oviposition in turtles. Herpetologica 34( 3): 3 1 4— 1 8 . Gadow, H. 1909. Amphibia and reptiles. London: MacMillan. Gaffney, E.S. 1972. An illustrated glossary of turtle skull no- menclature. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2486. . 1976. Cranial morphology of the European Jurassic turtles Portlandemys and Plesiochelys. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1 57(6):487-544. Legler, J.M. 1976. Feeding habits of some Australian short- necked tortoises. Victorian Nat. 93(2):40-43. . 1977. Stomach flushing: A technique for chelonian di- etary studies. Herpetologica 33:281-84. . 1979. Cloacal gills in Australian chelid turtles. 15 min. video tape and abstract. University of Utah Educational Media Service, Salt Lake City. Legler, J.M., and R.M. Winokur. 1979. Unusual neck tu- bercles in an Australian turtle, Elseya latisternum (Test- udines: Chelidae). Herpetologica 35(4): 325-29. Shah, R.V. 1963. The neck musculature of a Cryptodire (De- irochelys) and a Pleurodire (Chelodina) compared. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 1 29(6):343— 68. Tinkle, D.W. 1962. Variation in shell morphology of North American turtles, 1: The carapacial seam arrangements. Tulane Stud. Zool. 9(5):33 1-49. Vari, R.P. 1978. The Terapon perches (Percoidei, Teraponid- ae): A cladistic analysis and taxonomic revision. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 159(5): 175-340. Walls, G.L. 1942. The vertebrate eye and its adaptive radia- tion. Bull. Cranbrook Inst. Sci. 19. Williams, E.E. 1950. Variation and selection in the cervical central articulations of living turtles. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 94(9):505-562. Winokur, R.M., and J.M. Legler. 1974. Rostral pores in turtles. Jour. Morph. 143:107-119. Submitted 21 September 1978. Accepted for publication 18 May 1979. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 324: 1-18 t SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY The scientific publications of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County have been issued at irregular intervals in three major series; the articles in each series are numbered individually, and numbers run consecutively, regardless of subject matter: • Contributions in Science, a miscellaneous series of technical papers describing original research in the life and earth sciences. ■ Science Bulletins, a miscellaneous series of monographs describing original research in the life and earth sciences. This series was discontinued in 1978 with the issue of Numbers 29 and 30; monographs are now published by the Museum in the Contributions in Science series. • Science Series, long articles on natural history topics, generally written for the layman. Copies of the publications in these series are available on an exchange basis to institutions and individual researchers. Copies are also sold through the Museum Bookshop. A NEW TURTLE (GENUS KINOSTERNON) FROM NORTHWESTERN MEXICO1 By James F. Berry 2>3 and John M. Legler3 Abstract: The Alamos Mud Turtle, Kinosternon alamosae, new species, is described from southern Sonora and northern Sinaloa, Mexico. The species is a member of the Kinosternon scorpioides complex (males lacking clasping organs) and differs from other Kinosternon in its rounded, noncarinate carapace, widely separated axillary and inguinal scutes, narrow first central scute, and reduced chin barbels. Kinoster- non alamosae is known to occur in the Pacific coastal region from Guaymas, Sonora, southward at least to Guasave, Sinaloa, at elevations from sea level to 1,000 m. It is at least partly sympatric with K. integrum. Kinosternon alamosae seems to inhabit temporary aquatic situations; all existing specimens were taken in the wet season (July to September). Follicular development and oviposition coincide with the wet season. A dichotomous key is presented for the identification of the adults of Kinosternon species occurring in Sonora, Sinaloa, and Chihuahua, Mexico (K. alamosae. K. flavescens, K. hirtipes, K. integrum, and K. sonoriense). Three species of Kinosternon are currently recognized from Sonora, Mexico. These are K. flavescens (Agassiz) 1857, K. sonoriense LeConte 1854, and K. integrum LeConte 1854 (Bogert and Oliver 1945; Langebartel and Smith 1954; Zweifel and Norris 1955; Conant and Berry 1978; Iverson 1978, 1979). Kinosternon hirtipes Wagler 1830 is not presently known from Sonora but may occur there considering its known distribution in the Rio Papigochic (Rio Yaqui drainage) of extreme western Chihuahua (Legler and Webb 1970; Van Devender and Lowe 1977; Iverson 1978). Of these four species, only K. integrum was thought to occupy the Pacific slopes of the Sierra Madre Occidental and the coastal plain from Guaymas southward (Conant and Berry 1978; Iverson 1978, 1979). Heringhi (1969) reported both K. integrum and K. hirtipes from the vicinity of Alamos, Sonora. We examined his and other specimens from that region and found that most speci- mens of K. integrum have been correctly identified but that most specimens of “K. hirtipes ” (total of 32) represent a pre- viously undescribed species. In the course of preparing this pa- per and in preparing much more extensive analyses of Kinosternon, we have seen no specimens of K. hirtipes from southeastern Sonora. METHODS AND MATERIALS Shells were measured using the method outlined by Carr (1952) and described in detail by Berry (1978). Plastral scute lengths are interlaminal (i.e., average length of right and left scutes, as measured along their common midventral seam). Condylobasilar length was measured in a straight line from the posteriormost point of the occipital condyle to the anteriormost point of the premaxillary region. The contact of nuchal and first neural bones is easy to ob- serve on any whole preserved specimen by gently loosening the tapered posterior edge of the first central scute with a blunt blade and curling it forward. If the condition of the first neural is not immediately evident, a gentle scraping of the soft tissue over the bone will usually reveal it. In most cases, the reflected scute can be laid back in place without any damage to the specimen. Tinkle (1962) demonstrated the utility of expressing the points at which the five lateral seams of the carapace intersect the marginal scutes. Our terminology is as follows: R contact on posterior half of marginal; M, contact at midpoint; A, con- tact on anterior half; or, e.g., 9-10, on the seam between M9 and M10. This terminology is a simplification of that used by Tinkle. Materials examined are in the collections of the American Museum of Natural History (AMNH), Arizona State Univer- sity (ASU), John B. Iverson, Earlham College, Richmond, Ind. (JBI), University of Kansas (KU), Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM), Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley (MVZ), University of Ari- zona (UAZ), University of Colorado Museum (UC), Univer- sity of Illinois Museum of Natural History (UIMNH), 1 Review Committee for this contribution: Carl H. Ernst John B. Iverson John W. W right 'Present address: Department of Biology, Elmhurst College, Elmhurst, Illinois 60126, U.S.A. 'Department of Biology, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, Utah 84112, U.S.A. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 ISSN: 0459-8 II 3 2 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon Table 1. Comparisons of scute and shell proportions for adults of the three species of Kinosternon of the scorpioides group in Mexico. The specimens of K. integrum are from Sonora and Chihuahua and those of K. scorpioides are all from Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, and represent the subspecies K scorpioides cruentatum. Values are means and extremes. K. alamosae K. integrum K. scorpioides Males Females Males Females Males Females (N = 15) (N = 16) (N = 24) (N = 36) (N = 22) (N = 46) Carapace length (CL; mm) 118 113 150 140 123 124 90-135 89-126 110-183 109-161 109-133 105-138 Shell height 0.562 0.604 0.579 0.584 0.633 0.667 -h carapace width 0.496-0.653 0.523-0.644 0.516-0.613 0.521-0.633 0.557-0.727 0.615-0.717 Length of ant. 0.290 0.298 0.316 0.326 0.319 0.317 plastral lobe -s- CL 0.273-0.313 0.282-0.318 0.296-0.351 0.287-0.353 0.274-0.339 0.295-0.362 Length of gular 0.557 0.564 0.489 0.488 0.465 0.495 scute -5- length of ant. plastral lobe 0.468-0.643 0.482-0.592 0.400-0.556 0.435-0.634 0.395-0.512 0.400-0.615 Length of pectoral 0.109 0.106 0.235 0.201 0.074 0.065 scute -r length of post, plastral lobe 0.028-0.180 0.057-0.156 0.100-0.364 0.105-0.366 0.000-0.167 0.000-0.167 Length of anal 0.726 0.746 0.741 0.800 0.835 0.897 scute -5- length of post, plastral lobe 0.623-0.838 0.686-0.815 0.682-0.800 0.731-0.878 0.738-0.905 0.795-0.976 First central scute, 0.880 0.969 0.991 0.987 1.020 1.077 width -s- length 0.726-1 . 1 19 0.751-1.255 0.903- 1161 0.833-1.167 0.857-1.167 0.923-1.360 CW -5- CL 0.633 0.676 0.630 0.658 0.688 0.731 0.562-0.673 0.614-0.766 0.592-0.700 0.619-0.702 0.634-0.721 0.684-0.772 Bridge -s- CL 0.270 0.301 0.243 0.256 0.299 0.321 0.255-0.290 0.276-0.327 0.221-0.273 0.212-0.279 0.271-0.315 0.283-0.346 University of Michigan Museum of Zoology (UMMZ), Uni- versity of New Mexico (UNM), National Museum of Natural History (USNM), and University of Utah (UU). SYSTEMATICS Kinosternon alamosae new species Figures 1 through 3 VERNACULAR NAME. Alamos Mud Turtle. HOLOTYPE. LACM 127639, adult female, preserved whole; obtained at Rancho Carrizal, 7.2 km north and 1 1.5 km west of Alamos, Sonora, Mexico [27°05'N, 109°03'W] on 9 July 1966 by Harold L. Heringhi. Formerly ASU 6383 and bearing a small tag with that number. ALLOTYPE. LACM 127640, adult male, preserved whole; same date and locality as holotype. Formerly ASU 6390 and bearing a small tag with that number. PARATOPOTYPES (total of 6). UU 142809; UU14281? skeleton; ASU 6385o", 63869, 6387o", 63899. OTHER PARATYPES (total of 17 from Sonora). MVZ 509079, 509089, 509099 im, 509100"; AMNH 641639, 64164o', 64165-6899; ASU 67819: Alamos [27°01'N, 108°56'W], UU 142790": 0.5 mi. W Alamos. LACM 105403a", 1054049: La Esmeralda Ranch, 1.2 mi. N Alamos. ASU 6547o": 8 mi. S Alamos. UU 1 1853o" skeleton: La Casa de la Huerta, Sierras de Alamos [26°59'N, 109°00'W], UAZ 39891a": 4.5 mi. W Minas Nuevas (by road). DIAGNOSIS. Kinosternon alamosae is a medium-sized spe- cies (males to 135 mm, carapace length; females to 126 mm). It is a member of the K. scorpioides complex (with K. scor- pioides and K. integrum ) in which adult males lack clasping organs (sensu Legler 1965) on the posterior thigh and leg. Kinosternon alamosae is most similar to K. integrum but differs from it and all other Kinosternon by the following unique com- bination of characteristics in adults: (1) carapace of both sexes broadly rounded or flat-topped in cross section; noncarinate; (2) movable plastral lobes extensive in area, closing or nearly clos- ing anterior and posterior orifices of shell (almost completely concealing head, limbs, and tail); (3) anal notch small or lack- ing; (4) bridge relatively long, 26 to 33 percent of carapace length (Table 1); (5) axillary and inguinal scutes widely sepa- rated, the inguinal narrowly in contact with sixth marginal (M6) but never in contact with M5; (6) rear margin of car- apace straight or evenly curved in profile, never recurved or flared outward; (7) first central scute usually not in contact with M2; (8) clasping organs lacking in both sexes; (9) adult tail terminating in horny spine in both sexes. GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF SPECIES (based on hypo- digm). Carapace relatively narrow (Table 1), oval in dorsal as- pect, evenly rounded or flat-topped in cross section (large adult females may have slight concavity in middorsal region); no evi- dence of carapacal keeling. Growth zones evident on all plastral Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon 3 and carapaca! scutes in most medium-sized individuals and on some of largest adults. Scutes imbricate. First central scute narrow, not in contact with second marginal scute (M2) or just reaching the Ml -M2 interlamina! seam. Modal formula for carapacal scute contacts: IP, 5M, 7M, 9A, I0P. Marginal scutes 1 through 9 of approximately same height, their dorsal margins forming an even line; M10 abruptly higher than M9 but only slightly higher than Mil. Carapace slightly flared lat- erally (viewed in cross section) in region of M8-10, but extreme posterior edge (the pygal region viewed in profile) straight, often vertical, not flared, not recurved; suprapygal region abruptly rounded where horizontal dorsal edge of profile meets posterior vertical edge. Plastral lobes extensive, nearly closing orifices of shell, al- most completely concealing soft parts when closed in live ani- mals. Plastral lobes evenly rounded; anal notch small or absent. Plastron deeply concave in males, fiat or slightly convex in females; posterior plastral lobe of females extending nearly to extreme posterior edge of carapace (shorter in males; Fig. 1). Plastral scutes ranked from longest to shortest: abdominal, anal, gular, humeral, femoral, pectoral. Rostrum short and broad in dorsal aspect; rostral pores well developed. Premaxillary hook of upper jaw weakly to moder- ately developed, occasionally lacking. Keratinized head shield extensive, covering entire area underlain by frontal and pre- frontal bones, abutting upon superiormost part of maxillary sheath and upon soft skin of snout; posterior edge of head shield straight, bulged posteriorly, or with blunt extensions onto postorbital arches and onto parietal region, creating a trilobate configuration; posterior edge of head shield never concave or V- shaped. One pair of small chin barbels, occasionally pointed (Fig. 2) but more often low, flat, tubercular or wartlike, almost never longer than basal width. Two rows of low, weak, indistinct pa- pillae on each side of neck. Anterior part of tongue papillose. Hands and feet small and fully webbed; digital claws well developed. Clasping organs lacking on posterior thigh and op- posed leg in both sexes. Spadelike falciform scales on ante- brachium and heel typically kinosternine, variably keratinized. A horny spine at tip of tail, that of male broader and more massive than that of female; tail of male elongate and prehen- sile, longer than one-half the length of posterior plastral lobe; tail of female much shorter than one-half the length of pos- terior lobe. COLORATION OF PRESERVED SPECIMENS. Ground color of carapace neutral tan, pale brown, or pale brownish olive with interlaminal seams distinctly darkened. Plastral ground color yellowish, golden, or yellowish brown, unmarked except for distinctly darkened interlaminal seams. Interosseous sutures often visible beneath translucent carapacal scutes. Skin of soft parts medium to pale slatey gray or brown, darker dorsally than ventrally, lacking a distinct pattern. Skin of head and neck grayish to cream below, pale neutral brownish above, pale and dark fields blending gradually on side of head and neck without sharp contrast. Dark ground color of head unmarked (most preserved specimens) or with a pattern of pale vermiculations. Individual pale marks fused to form vague lon- gitudinal temporal stripes in some specimens. Pale vermicula- tions coalesce into what is a pale field marked with remnants (dots) of the original darker ground color in largest specimens. Jaw sheaths bearing vertical dark streaks in males, uniformly straw colored in females. Head pattern never as bright, bold, or contrasting as in K. integrum. COLORATION OF LIVE SPECIMENS. The following de- scriptions are based on observation of two live adults of K. al- amosae (JBI 858c$ Fig. 2, and JBI 859$) made available through the courtesy of John B. Iverson. All observations were made in aquaria with clear water under white fluorescent il- lumination. The shells of these specimens were free of dirt and epizoic algae. Coloration of shell and skin not greatly different from that of preserved specimens. Carapace in both sexes olive to brown with dark brown to black interlaminal seams; paler at margin. Plastron yellowish with dark brown seams; growth rings con- taining melanin and distinctly visible. Skin of head pale gray above with numerous dark spots; sides of head mottled pale gray and yellowish cream with fewer dark spots. An indistinct pale stripe extending from posteroventral edge of orbit, above maxillary sheath to jaw articulation. Horny jaw sheaths yellowish cream to pale gray, male with nu- merous faint brown vertical streaks. Dorsal surface of neck pale gray grading into immaculate yellowish cream of ventral sur- face of head and neck. Skin of limbs overall pale gray, slightly darker above. Iris of female dark orange with four evenly spaced con- centrations of darker pigment immediately peripheral to the pupil, forming a stellate figure. Iris of male darker orange than that of female but bearing the same stellate arrangement of dark pigment. OSTEOLOGY. The following description is based on two complete adult skeletons of Kinosternon alamosae (UU 1 1853cf and UU 14281$). Comparisons are with K. integrum and are based on 13 complete skeletons (UU 7680, 7696, 7827, 7850-51, 11678dcf; UU 7737, 7750, 7833, 7872, 7875, 1 1 855$$; AMNH 64161$$). When the skeletal characters of K. integrum are judged to differ significantly from those of K. alamosae, those of K. integrum appear in brackets. See Table 2 for a comparison of skull proportions in K. alamosae and K. integrum. The appendicular skeleton of K. alamosae is typically kinosternine and does not differ significantly from that of K. integrum. The phalangeal formula is 2- 3- 3- 3 -3 on hands and feet. Skull (Fig. 3) in general relatively broad, low, robust, and compactly built. Dorsal and ventral aspects: skull tapers abruptly from posterior edge of orbit to snout [a gradual taper- ing from anterior edge of tympanum to snout]; temporal bars nearly parallel or bowed outward [temporal bars angled for- ward towards snout, not bowed outward]; snout short, broad, and prominent [relatively longer and narrower]. Lateral aspect: dorsal edge of profile at least slightly convex from rostrum to parietal-supraoccipital suture [slightly concave]; supraoccipital spine relatively short and low, its dorsal edge concave posterior to parietal-supraoccipital suture [spine longer and higher, dor- sal edge highest just posterior to suture then angling postero- ventrad as a straight or slightly convex blade of bone]; orbit relatively large; posterior edge of postorbital bar lies anterior to posterior edge of foramen interorbitale (Gaffney 1972; the de- scending process of the parietal and the ascending process of the palatine), permitting one to see through a properly oriented skull [postorbital bar posterior to foramen interorbitale— no such view possible]; jugal contributing extensively to dorsal free Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 Figure 1. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral head views of Kinosternon alamosae. new species. Left column — UU 14279a' para- type, 0.8 km W of Alamos, Sonora, Mexico; CL, 126 mm. Right column — LACM 1276399 holotype; Rancho Carrizal, 7.2 km N and 1 1.5 km W of Alamos, Sonora, Mexico; CL 122 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon 5 edge of temporal arch where it is joined by postorbital arch [excluded from free edge or making a small contribution]; pos- terior tips of squamosals do not project posterior to occipital condyle [project far posterior to condyle]. Surangular bone high and with straight-sided dorsal edge, concealing prearticular in lateral view [emarginate above, pre- articular exposed in lateral view], Dentary crushing surface well developed, equal to or wider than ventral part of mandibu- lar ramus or mandibular symphysis [not as well developed, nar- rower than ventral part of ramus or symphysis]. Mandibular hook well developed but blunt [sharper]. Maxillary crushing surfaces broad and well developed. Premaxillary beak moder- ately to strongly developed. Caudal vertebrae 18 (male) to 20 (female), terminal ver- tebrae (2 in female, 4 in male) fused to form skeleton of termi- nal spine. Second cervical vertebra opisthocoelous, third biconvex, all others procoelous; sixth and seventh doubled pos- teriorly, seventh and eighth doubled anteriorly. Male with six hexagonal neural bones, posteriormost round and lying between sixth costals; female having five hexagonal neurals, the hindmost narrowly contacting sixth costals. First neural separated from nuchal by suture between first costals, the suture greater than one-half the length of first neural. All hexagonal neurals long-sided and tapered anteriorly. Pygal bone nearly square, slightly notched posteriorly. Suprapygal five-sided, partially fused to eighth costals in female. Eight pairs of costals; pairs 1, 6, 7, and 8 in middorsal contact, pairs 2 through 5 separated by neurals. First peripherals in narrow contact with first costals, narrowly separating nuchal from sec- ond peripherals. DISCUSSION RELATIONSHIPS. The absence of clasping organs on the hind limbs of males of Kinosternon alamosae seems clearly to ally it with members of the K. scorpioides complex. In Mexico, the other members of the complex are K. integrum and K. scor- pioides (Figs. 4 and 5). The relationships among all members of the K. scorpioides complex have been considered in a sepa- rate report (Berry 1978). Kinosternon alamosae bears a super- ficial resemblance (general coloration and shell shape) to K. flavescens, but we ascribe this to convergent adaptation to tem- porary aquatic habitats. Tables 1 and 3 summarize the dif- ferences and similarities of the three species of the K. scorpioides complex in Mexico (see also the taxonomic key). We regard the significant morphological differences between K. integrum and K. alamosae and the sympatric occurrence of these populations to be sufficient evidence for their distinction as species. Berry (1978) used multivariate techniques in the analysis of relationships within the K. scorpioides species complex and demonstrated that K. alamosae is phenetically more similar to K. integrum than to any other member of the complex but that the two species are nonetheless phenetically distinct. Berry hy- pothesized that K. integrum had reached the Mexican Plateau via the Rio Balsas drainage and had then descended the Rio Grande de Santiago drainage and spread northward along the northern Pacific coast of Mexico. It is not clear which species first colonized the region of Alamos or how K. alamosae may have gotten there. The two best possibilities are the route sug- gested by Berry for K. integrum, or downstream dispersal from Figure 2. Kinosternon alamosae, new species, live adult male; JBI 858, 14.8 mi. W, 1 .8 mi. S Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. Width of head 21 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 Figure 3. Lateral, dorsal, and ventral views of Kinosternon skulls: Left column — K. alamosae, new species, UU 1428l9paratopotype; condylobasilar length 26.2 mm. Right column — K. integrum UU 77509, Laguna Rio Viejo, 2 km N of Eldorado, Sinaloa, Mexico; con- dylobasilar length 35.3 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon 7 Table 2. Skull proportions in Kinosternon alamosae (two specimens) and K. integrum (ten specimens from Sinaloa and Guerrero). Selected measurements are expressed (means and extremes) as proportions of condylobasilar length (see Figure 3). K. integrum K. alamosae Males (N = 5) Females (N = 5) Males (N = 1) Females (N = 1) Greatest width 0.80 0.77-0.83 0.80 0.77-0.83 0.78 0.82 Width, maxillary crushing surface 0.15 0.15-0.16 0.15 0.14-0.17 0.17 0.16 Vertical diameter of orbit 0.19 0.19-0.20 0.20 0.19-0.23 0.2! 0.23 Width of rostrum 0.25 0.23-0.25 0.24 0.21-0.27 0.27 0.28 Greatest height 0.53 0.50-0.56 0.51 0.47-0.54 0.49 0.50 the headwaters of the Rio Yaqui, Rio Mayo, or Rio Fuerte as suggested for fishes (Meek 1904) and for other freshwater tur- tles (Legler and Webb 1970). Since no member of the K. scor- pioides complex presently occurs in the Rio Yaqui, Rio Mayo, or Rio Fuerte on the Mexican Plateau, the former explanation seems more plausible. We regard K. alamosae as a population that has been iso- lated in the Alamos region for a long period. Wider (un- detected) geographic distribution of K. alamosae is unlikely since Berry has examined most existing specimens of Kinoster- non from within the range of K. integrum. TYPE LOCALITY. Data associated with the holotype and paratopotypes are “Mexico, Sonora, Rancho Carrizal, 7 mi. [11.3 km] W Alamos, 9 July 1966, Heringhi.” Heringhi ( 1969) states the following concerning Rancho Carrizal: “27°05'N, 109°13'W, 360 m. A ranch 6 mi. [9.7 km] W Alamos on the Alamos-Navojoa Road; Shorttree Forest.” The longitude and latitude stated by Heringhi would place the locality more nearly 29 to 32 km NNW of Alamos. We conclude therefore that Heringhi’s coordinates were in error and that he used odometer distances. The NIS Gazetteer for Mexico (1956) lists a village (“popl.”) named Carrizal at 27°05'N, 109°03'W, and we regard this as the type locality as it lies approximately 1 1 km NNW of Alamos by road. The locality is just north of the point where an intermittent tributary of the Rio Mayo crosses the main Alamos-Navojoa road (“Agua Marin” fide Heringhi 1969). Our statement of the type locality in metric distance from Alamos (7.2 km N and 1 1.5 km W) is based on all of the above information. GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. Kinosternon alamosae is now known from seasonal aquatic habitats on the Pacific Coastal Lowlands of Mexico from the vicinity of Guaymas, Sonora, southward at least to Guasave, Sinaloa (Fig. 6; pos- sibly as far south as Culiacan — see “Other Specimens Exam- ined”) at elevations of sea level to slightly higher than 1000 m (in the Sierras de Alamos). The northern limit of the range of K. alamosae corresponds to the limit of thorn scrub forest and to the northern limit of many tropical vertebrates (Stuart 1964). ECOLOGY. Kinosternon alamosae occurs partly within the northern part of the known range of K. integrum. The two spe- cies are known from the same localities in some cases (e.g., “Alamos,” and 8 mi. S of Alamos, Heringhi 1969). It is not known whether the two species ever occur microsympatrically. Legler has worked near Alamos on three occasions. On 21 -24 January 1959 and 1 5-19 June 1961, baited traps set in the Rio Cuchujaqui (10 km SE of Alamos, 26°57'N, 108°53'W) caught many specimens of K. integrum but no K. alamosae. On 19-26 May 1978, conditions were extremely dry near Alamos. The Rio Cuchujaqui was barely flowing, and the water was clear enough (visibility 1 to 2 m) for diving. No turtles of any kind were seen at the aforementioned locality nor at a locality farther downstream (26°58'N, 108°51'W). During the 1978 visit, we did locate large concentrations (up to two individuals per square meter of surface area) of K. integrum near Alamos in a small (10 by 10 m) spring-fed impoundment in thorn for- est, and in a large-mouthed deep well on a ranch. No K. al- amosae were present in the approximately 100 specimens we examined from these two localities (we were aware of K. al- amosae at that time and were seeking it). Exploration of the deep mud bottoms (with hands, feet, and seine) of two drying cattle reservoirs produced no turtles. Heringhi (1969) stated that the two species of Kinosternon he collected near Alamos (his "K. hirtipes " = K. alamosae) “do not separate geographically" but was otherwise vague on the ecological differences (if any) of the two species. In one instance, he obtained Kinosternon from the bottom mud of a drying odorous cattle reservoir containing decaying vegetation. Wiewandt et al. (1972) show a photograph of a temporary, wet season pool in thorn forest near Alamos in which "Kinosternon sonoriense" were seen mating in July 1969 (there is no other evidence that K. sonoriense occurs in that region — the turtles could have been K. alamosae). July, August, and September are the wettest months of the year in the coastal region from Guaymas to Culiacan. All of the specimens of K alamosae known to us were obtained dur- ing these months. From these data and from our field observa- tions, it seems likely that K alamosae is active only or mainly in the wet season, occurs chiefly in temporary aquatic habitats, and probably occurs in microsympatry with K. integrum only where the latter enters temporary aquatic situations in the wet season. REPRODUCTION. A female paratype (AMNH 64168) collected “27 Aug. -2 Sept. 1942” contained five oviducal eggs; dimensions of two of these were 25.7 by 16.5 and 27.6 by 16.4 mm. The ovaries bore fresh (but no old) corpora lutea plus five follicles 6 to 1 I mm in diameter (mean, 9.4 mm) that were regarded as potentially ovulatory in the same season. The ova- ries of another female (UU 14281, paratopotype) collected 9 July 1966 bore five follicles 12 to 13 mm in diameter (mean, 12.2), five follicles 8 mm in diameter, and an additional three follicles of 5 mm diameter. No corpora lutea were visible. The eggs of K. alamosae would rank among the smaller Kinosternon eggs listed by Moll and Legler (1971). We hypoth- esize that follicular development begins when the turtles be- come active in the early wet season, that at least some females lay more than one clutch per season, and that laying is proba- bly completed by the end of the wet season (Oct to Nov). This Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 8 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon Figure 4. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral head views of Kinosternon integrum from Rio San Lorenzo, 1 7 mi. km ENE of Eldorado, Sinaloa, Mexico. Left column— UU 77780"; CL 176 mm. Right column— UU 77839, CL 163 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon 9 Figure 5. Dorsal, ventral, and lateral head views of Kinosternon scorpioides eruentatum from vicinity of Tonala, Chiapas, Mexico. Left column — UU 763 1 cf; CL 1 16 mm. Right column — UU 76339; CL 103 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1 — 12 10 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon Table 3. Comparison of selected characters in Kinosternon alamosae, K. integrum, and K. scorpioides cruentatum. Values in parentheses are percent- ages of total specimens examined with the given character. See also Table 1 for proportions, and “Other Specimens Examined” for further information on samples. K. alamosae K. integrum K. scorpioides Intermediate adult size; carapace length to 1 35 mm inc/c/ and 1 26 mm in 99 (Table 1 ). Large adult size, 183 mm c/d', 164 mm 99. Intermediate adult size; 151 mm c/d' and 1 33 mm 99. Carapace noncarinate, broad, and evenly rounded or flat-topped in cross section. Carapace tricarinate but keels may be obscured in older individuals. Not broad and evenly rounded in cross section. Carapace strongly tricarinate, not evenly rounded in cross section. Axillary and inguinal scutes never in contact. Axillary and inguinal scutes usually in contact on one (16%) or both (50%) sides. Axillary and inguinal scutes rarely (2.5%) in contact. First central scute excluded from (80%) or barely in contact with second marginal (20%). Cl in substantial contact with M2 on one (11%) or both (66%) sides. Cl in substantial contact with M2 on one (25%) or both (45%) sides. One pair of small chin barbels; barbels absent in 13% of sample. Two (35%) or three (60%) pairs of chin barbels in most specimens; barbels never lacking. Two (30%) or three (70%) pairs of chin barbels; barbels never lacking. Posterior plastral hinge curved posteriorly (Fig. 1). Posterior plastral hinge curved posteriorly (Fig. 4). Posterior plastral hinge nearly straight (Fig. 5). Anal scute relatively short when expressed as a percentage of posterior lobe length (Table 1 ). Anal scute relatively long. Anal scute relatively long. Interpectoral seam relatively short; humerals never completely separating pectorals. Interpectoral seam relatively long; pectorals always in contact. Interpectoral seam relatively short; humerals completely separating pectorals in 21% of sample. Head dull, neither contrastingly marked nor including red and orange. Head bright and contrastingly marked but pale colors do not include red and orange. Head brightly marked, pale colors are usually yellow, orange or red. reproductive cycle does not differ substantially from that we have observed in a few K. integrum (UU 7808, Guasave, Sin- aloa, 20 July 1965 — gravid; ASU 6077 and UU 7677, Alamos, Sonora, 16 June 1966 and 17 June 1961, respectively — devel- oping follicles in 5 to 10 mm class). REMARKS. Several collections of Kinosternon from Sonora identified as “K. integrum" include specimens of K. alamosae. Of the specimens listed by Bogert and Oliver (1945) and Zweifel and Norris (1955), AMNH 64163-68 and MVZ 50907-10 (Alamos) are here identified as K. alamosae, while AMNH 64161-62 (Alamos) and AMNH 63755-58 and MVZ 50889-902 (Guirocoba) are K. integrum. A shell lacking soft parts from 23.7 km S of Empalme, Sonora (UIMNH 24456), identified as K. integrum by Langebartel and Smith (1954) is tentatively identified as K. alamosae based on scute proportions. OTHER SPECIMENS EXAMINED Kinosternon alamosae (10). SONORA: JB1 859? live, 3.5 mi. W Alamos; JBI 858a* live, 14.8 mi. W, 1.8 mi. S Alamos [JB1 858-9 will ultimately be deposited in the Florida State Museum, Gainesville]; UAZ 31741 cT, ca. 23 mi. E (by road) Navojoa; UAZ 39889cf, 7.6 mi. NE (by road to Tezapaco) Es- peranza (ca. 27°40'N, 109°55'W); UC 35122c/ im, San Carlos Bay [27 ° 56'N, 1 1 1 °04'W]; UIMNH 24456c/, 14.7 mi. S Em- palme; UC 16145c/, 28 mi. S Navojoa. SINALOA: UAZ 27956, 7.4 mi. S Guasave (by road) [25°34'N, 108°27'W]; LACM 105396-97, “Culiacan” (locality incorrect fide R.L. Bezy, personal communication). Kinosternon integrum (292). SONORA: AMNH 64161-62, ASU 6075, UU 7677, 1 1855, Alamos [27‘01'N, 108°56'W]; ASU 6545, 0.8 mi. S Alamos; ASU 6077, 6107, 4 mi. SE Al- amos; KU 47589-90, 47592-94, 9 mi. SE Alamos, Rio Alamos; JBI 862, 1 km E Alamos; LACM 105406, 8 mi. SSE Alamos, Rio Cuchujaqui; UAZ 39892, ca. 2 mi. NE Alamos Church, Alamos; UU 1 1678, 1 1852, 1 1854, La Casa de la Huerta, Sier- ras de Alamos; UAZ 36480, N slope Sierras de Alamos; MVZ 28937, 50889-902, AMNH 63755-57, Guirocoba [26°53'N, 108°41'W]; LACM 75350, Barranca del Cobre, 2 km E Guirocoba; LACM 105402, UAZ 38189-90, La Aduana; UAZ 38705-6, mine, 14 mi. NW La Aduana [27°03'N, 1Q9°01'W]; UNM 5787, UAZ 28015, 28019, 28022-23, ]ti mi. N La Aduana; UNM 14492, abandoned mine nr. La Aduana; UMMZ 79514, nr. Pilares Mine; UAZ 38864, 20 mi. by rd. to Yecora, NE Nuri [28°02'N, 109°22'W]; UAZ 39890, 12 mi. (by rd.) SW Santa Ana de Yecora; UAZ 28008-9, 10.5 mi. W (by rd.) Rosario [27°59'N, 109'20'W], SINALOA: KU 63637-46, 3 mi. NE San Miguel [25°56'N, 109°03'W], Rio Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon 11 del Fuerte; KU 80772-73, 13 km NNE Vaca; AMNH 82142, Guasave, Rio Sinaloa; UU 7786-7818, 12 mi. NE Guasave, trib. Rio Sinaloa; UMMZ 122242, trib. Rio Bacaburito, Rio Sinaloa ca. 13 mi. NE Palmar; LACM 75351, La Huerta, Rio Mocorito; UMMZ 122235-39, 0.9 mi. N San Benito, trib. Rio Mocorito; UAZ 36511, Rancho los Pocitos, 14.2 mi. WNW Pericos Jet.; AMNH 82143, LACM 105394-95, Culiacan [24°48'N, 107°24'W]; LACM 105393, 5.5 mi. N Culiacan; UMMZ 121922, 7.6 mi. N Culiacan; UU 3799-3800, 11 mi. NW Culiacan; KU 45398, Eldorado [24"17'N, 107°21'W[; UU 7678-7774, 13007-8, 2 km N Eldorado, Laguna Rio Viejo; UU 7775-85, 17 mi. ENE Eldorado, Rio San Lorenzo; KU 63633-36, 1 mi. SE Camino. CHIHUAHUA: UAZ 28238, Milpillas [27 ° 1 3'N, 108’38'W]; UAZ 28141-74, vie. Milpillas; UAZ 39893-94, 1.5 mi. (by rd. to San Antonio) SW Milpillas. Kinosternon scorpioides cruentatum (78). OAXACA: UMMZ 1 18633-34, USNM 109106-23, Tehuantepec [16°20'N, 95‘14'W]; UMMZ 82226-35, vie. Tehuan- tepec; UMMZ 82183-224, Tehuantepec, Tehuantepec R.; UMMZ 82225, 12 km NW Tehuantepec; UMMZ 82238, Nisa Pipi, 8 km NW Tehuantepec; UMMZ 82236-37, “5 leagues” [ca. 20 km] S Tehuantepec, Rancheria Lamanga; USNM 113278, San Mateo del Mar [16‘12'N, 95°00'W]; UU 7950, 12 mi. NE Juchitan [16°26'N, 95°01'W]. KFY TO THF SPFCIFS OF KINOSTERNON OF SONORA, SINALOA, AND CHIHUAHUA, MEXICO The following key is applicable only to adults or individuals longer than 90 mm. 1. Marginal scute 9 distinctly higher than M8, about same height as M10, forming a distinct peak where it meets seam between laterals 3 and 4; head shield consisting of crescent over each orbit, joined or not joined to shield on rostrum K. flavescens Marginal scute 9 approximately same height as M8, much lower than M10, not distinctly peaked where it meets seam be- tween laterals 3 and 4; head shield V-shaped, rhomboidal, or with trilobate posterior margin; all parts of head shield inter- connected 2 2. Adult males with discrete clasping organs on posterior thigh and leg (opposed patches of horny scales); bridge relatively short in both sexes (less than 25 percent of carapace length in 93 percent of sample); known distribution at higher elevations east of continental divide or north of Guaymas on coastal plain. 3 Adult males lacking discrete clasping organs on posterior leg and thigh; bridge relatively long in both sexes (greater than 25 percent of carapace length in 96 percent of sample); known dis- tribution at lower elevations west of continental divide from Guaymas southward 4 3. Head shield deeply notched posteriorly (V-shaped); usually three pairs of relatively short chin barbels (longest barbel less than one-half the vertical diameter of orbit); male plastron rel- atively narrow (midfemoral width less than 60 percent of car- apace width at same level, anterior hinge width less than 65 percent of carapace width at same level); first neural not in contact with nuchal (96 percent of sample, see “Methods and Materials”) K. hirtipes Head shield triangular or rhomboidal, straight-sided or with a single lobe posteriorly; usually 3 to 4 pairs of relatively long chin barbels (length of at least one pair greater than one-half the vertical diameter of orbit); male plastron relatively exten- sive (midfemoral width greater than 60 percent of carapace width at same level, anterior hinge width greater than 65 per- cent of carapace width at same level); first neural usually in contact with nuchal (73 percent of sample, see “Methods and Materials”) K. sonoriense 4. Inguinal and axillary scutes in contact on at least one side (66 percent of sample); inguinals extending anteriorly beyond seam between marginals 5 and 6; first central scute wide, in contact with marginal 2 on one or both sides (80 percent of sample); at least two pairs of well-developed chin barbels .... K. integrum Inguinal and axillary scutes never in contact; inguinals not extending anteriorly beyond seam between marginals 5 and 6; first central scute narrow, never in contact with marginal 2 (in contact with seam between Ml and M2 in 20 percent of sam- ple); barbels lacking or wartlike and inconspicuous K. alamosae ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the following persons for permission to examine spec- imens in their care: Robert L. Bezy and John W. Wright, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; Martin J. Fouquette, Arizona State University; T. Paul Maslin and Shi- Kuei Wu, University of Colorado Museum; Charles H. Lowe, University of Arizona; William G. Degenhardt and James S. Jacob, University of New Mexico; William E. Buellman, Uni- versity of Kansas; Donald F. Hoffmeister, University of Illinois Figure 6. Geographic ranges of Kinosternon alamosae (dots) and K. integrum (triangles) in northwestern Mexico. Star is type locality of K. alamosae; half circle is locality at which sympatry occurs. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 12 Berry and Legler: A New Mexican Kinosternon Museum of Natural History; Arnold J. Kluge, University of Michigan Museum of Zoology; and George R. Zug, National Museum of Natural History. We are especially grateful to John B. Iverson, who loaned us live specimens of Kinosternon al- amosae, and to John K. Cross, who facilitated a large loan and examined a number of University of Arizona specimens for us. John B. Iverson, Carl H. Ernst, John W. Wright, and Roger Conant made useful comments on the manuscript. We also thank Sr. Ignacio Ibarrola Bejar and the Direction General de la Fauna Silvestre, Mexico DF, for issuing Scientific Collecting Permit No. 68-78/160 for our work in May 1978. The large collections of specimens and field data at the Uni- versity of Utah were made with the substantial aid of the fol- lowing grants to Fegler for studies of Mexican and Central American turtles: National Science Foundation GB 4859, GB 2608, G 17659; American Philosophical Society, Grant 341, Johnson Fund. RESUMEN Una especie nueva de casquito, Kinosternon alamosae, es de- scribida del sur de Sonora y del norte de Sinaloa, Mexico. Fa especie es miembra del complejo K. seorpioides (machos fal- tando organos abrazadores) y es en parte simpatrica con otros Kinosternon la cual se diferencea por su carapacho redondo, ax- ila y escudos inguinal anchamente separados, primera escuda central angosta, y barbilla reducida. Kinosternon alamosae se conoce en la region pacifica costal de Guaymas, Sonora hacia el sur por lo menos hasta Guasave, Sinaloa, de elevaciones de nivel de mar hasta 1000 metros. Fa especie parece occurrir en habitates acuaticas temporales; todos los ejemplares existentes fueron obtenidos durante la temporada de lluvia en los meses de julio, agosto, y septiembre. Desarrollamiento folicular y puesta de huevos coincide con la temporada de lluvia. Una Have di- cotomica se presenta para la identification de adultos de Kinosternon en Sonora, Sinaloa, y Chihuahua, Mexico (K. al- amosae, K. flavescens, K. hirtipes, K. integrum, y K. sonoriense). LITERATURE CITED Agassiz, F. 1857. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America, vol. 1 and 2. Boston, Mass: Fit- tie, Brown and Co. Berry, J.F. 1978. Variation and systematics in the Kinosternon seorpioides and K. leucostomum complexes (Reptilia: Test- udines: Kinosternidae) of Mexico and Central America. Ph.D. dissertation, Univ. of Utah. [See Dissertation Ab- stracts 39(7), No. 7824683]. Bogert, C.M., and J.A. Oliver. 1945. A preliminary analysis of the herpetofauna of Sonora. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 8 3 (6) : 30 1 — 425 . Carr, A. 1952. Handbook of turtles. New York: Comstock Publ. Assoc., Cornell Univ. Conant, R., and J.F. Berry. 1978. Turtles of the family Kinosternidae in the southwestern United States and adja- cent Mexico; identification and distribution. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2642. Gaffney, E.S. 1972. An illustrated glossary of turtle skull no- menclature. Amer. Mus. Novitates 2486. Heringhi, H.F. 1969. An ecological survey of the herpeto- fauna of Alamos, Sonora, Mexico. Master’s thesis, Ari- zona State Univ. Iverson, J.B. 1978. Distributional problems of the genus Kinosternon in the American southwest and adjacent Mex- ico. Copeia 1 978( 3):476— 90. . 1979. A taxonomic reappraisal of the yellow mud tur- tle, Kinosternon flavescens (Testudines: Kinosternidae). Copeia 1979(2):2 12-25. Fangebartel, D.A., and H.M. Smith. 1954. Summary of the Norris collection of reptiles and amphibians from Sonora, Mexico. Herpetologica 10(2): 125-1 36. FeConte, J. 1854. Description of four new species of Kinoster- num. Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci., Philadelphia. 7:180-90. Fegler, J.M. 1965. A new species of Kinosternon from Central America. Univ. Kans. Publ. Mus. Nat. Hist. 1 5(1 3):61 5— 25. Fegler, J.M., and R.G. Webb. 1970. A new slider turtle (Pseudemys scripta) from Sonora, Mexico. Herpetologica 26(2): 1 57—68. Meek, S.E. 1 904. The fresh-water fishes of Mexico north of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Field Columbian Mus. Publ. 93, Zool. Ser. 5. Moll, E.O., and J.M. Fegler. 1971 . The life history of a Neo- tropical slider turtle, Pseudemys scripta (Schoepff), in Panama. Bull. Los Angeles Co. Mus. (Nat. Hist.) 11. N1S Gazetteer, Mexico. 1956. Official standard names ap- proved by the U.S. Board on Geographic Names. Office of Geography, Dept, of Interior, Washington, D.C. Stuart, F.C. 1964. Fauna of Middle America. In Handbook of Middle American Indians, vol. 1 : Natural environment and early cultures, ed. R. Wauchope and R.C. West, pp. 316-62. Austin: Univ. of Texas Press. Ti nkle, D.W. 1962. Variation in shell morphology of North American turtles, 1: The carapacial seam arrangements. Tulane Stud. Zool. Bot. 9:331-49. Van Devender, T.R., and C.H. Fowe, Jr. 1977. Amphibians and reptiles of Yepomera, Chihuahua, Mexico. J. Her- petology 11(1 ):41— 50. Wagler, J.G. 1830. Natiirliches System der Amphibien, mit vorangehender Classification der Saugethiere und Vogel. Ein Beitrag zur vergleichender Zoologie. Munich. Wiewandt, T.A., C.H. Fowe, and M.W. Farson. 1972. Oc- currence of Hypopachus variolosus (Cope) in the short tree forest of southern Sonora, Mexico. Herpetologica 28(2): 1 62—64. Zweifel, R.G., and K.S. Norris. 1955. Contribution to the herpetology of Sonora: Descriptions of new subspecies of snakes (Micrurus euryxanthus and Lampropeltis getulus) and miscellaneous collecting notes. Amer. Midi. Natur. 54(1 ):203— 49. Submitted 10 August 1978; accepted for publication 18 May 1979. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 325:1-12 NH iis'w. ft e';' S»’:- tftli - Ip; , i iffiC lit! m PP i i m i- SPECIES LIMITS IN THE PEROMYSCUS MEXICANUS GROUP (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA: MUROIDEA) By David George Huckaby laHKE I: giiil mm If! 2S iliSfl Published by the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY • 300 EXPOSITION BOULEVARD * LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 iillMli:: SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY The scientific! publications of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County have been issued at irregular intervals' in three major series; the articles in each series are numbered individually, and numbers run consecutively, regardless of subject matter; « Contributions in Science, a miscellaneous series of technical papers describing original research in the life and earth sciences. . Science Bulletins, a miscellaneous series of monographs describing original research in the life and earth sciences. This series was discontinued in 1978 with the issue ol Numbers 29 and 30; monographs are now published by the Museum in the Contributions in Science series. . Science Series, long articles on natural history topics, generally written for the layman. Copies of the publications in these series are available on an exchange basis to institutions and individual researchers. Copies are also sold through the Museum Bookshop. SPECIES LIMITS IN THE PEROMYSCUS MEXICANUS GROUP (MAMMALIA: RODENTIA: MUROIDEA)1 By David George Huckaby2 Abstract. To estimate species limits within the Peromyscus mexicanus group of Hooper ( 1968) as modi- fied by Musser (1969, 1971), 1 compared over 4000 specimens by conventional and multivariate techniques. I based the comparison on a suite of characters chosen from the skull, male reproductive system, and exter- nal morphology of preserved specimens. Hooper (1968) recognized 14 nominal forms (P. allophylus, furvus, grandis, guatemalensis, gymnotis, latirostris, megalops, melanocarpus, mexicanus, nudipes, ochraventer, stirtoni, yucatanicus, and zarhy fi- chus). 1 follow Hall (1971) in synonymizing P. latirostris with furvus and Musser (1971) in synonymizing P. allophylus with gymnotis. I recognize all the rest as full species except P. nudipes, which 1 synonymize with P. mexicanus. I also recognize P. melanurus (formerly viewed as a subspecies of P. megalops) as a full species. Osgood (1909) grouped the species of the genus Peromyscus into six subgenera and further subdivided the nominate sub- genus into eight species groups. Three of these groups (the P. lepturus group with lepturus, lophurus, simulatus, nudipes, fur- vus, guatemalensis, and altilaneus; the P mexicanus group with mexicanus, allophylus, banderanus, and yucatanicus; and the P. megalops group with megalops, melanocarpus, and zarhyn- chus ) contained species herein considered. Hooper (1958), using characters derived from the glans pe- nis of some of these species, suggested that many aspects of Osgood’s arrangement did not fit with these new data. Hooper and Musser (1964), again using data from the glans penis but from many more species of the genus, submerged the P. mega- lops group of Osgood into the P. mexicanus group. They then raised the lepturus group to subgeneric rank with the new name Habromys but removed P. nudipes, furvus, guatemalensis, and altilaneus from the subgenus and added them to their P. mex- icanus group. They removed P. banderanus from the P. mex- icanus group and made it the type of their new subgenus Osgoodomys. Finally, they added to the P. mexicanus group seven species described since Osgood’s study (1909) (P. stirtoni Dickey 1928, P. grandis Goodwin 1932, P. hondurensis Good- win 1941, P. latirostris Dalquest 1950, P. ochraventer Baker 1951, P. sloeops Goodwin 1955, and P. angustirostris Hall and Alvarez 1961). Their revision resulted in the P. mexicanus group totaling 17 species. Musser (1964) synonymized P. angustirostris with furvus. Hooper (1968) transferred P. hondurensis to his boy lii group and suggested synonymizing P. sloeops with mexicanus. Mus- ser (1969) synonymized P. hondurensis with oaxacensis of the boy Hi group and P. sloeops with mexicanus. Hall (1971) syn- onymized P. latirostris with furvus. Finally, Musser (1971) res- urrected P. gymnotis as a full species from its previous subspe- cific status under P. mexicanus and synonymized P. allophylus with it. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 ISSN: 0459-81 13 I started with the 12 resulting nominal species now recog- nized as members of the P. mexicanus group (P. furvus, grandis, guatemalensis, gymnotis, megalops, melanocarpus, mexicanus, nudipes, ochraventer, stirtoni. yucatanicus, and zarhynchus). 1 attempted to arrive at a better delimitation of the species by an analysis of most of the specimens of these species in museums in the United States. MATERIALS The data for the study came primarily from standardly pre- pared skins and skulls. 1 examined museum specimens repre- senting every named form suspected of belonging to the P. mexicanus group, as well as representatives of most other well- defined species of Peromyscus. I also examined the holotypes of all named forms in the group except those of Hesperomys mex- icanus Saussure, Peromyscus gymnotis Thomas, and Per- omyscus cacabatus Bangs. Lists of the skins and skulls examined, in alphabetical order by species, country, and province, state or department follow each species account. I abbreviated the institutions as follows: The University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology (UM); The Museum, Michigan State University (MSU); American Mu- seum of Natural History (AM); National Museum of Natural History (NM); Field Museum of Natural History (FM); Uni- versity of Kansas, Museum of Natural History (KU); Loui- siana State University, Museum of Zoology (LSU); Texas ' Review committee for this contribution: Michael D. Carleton Guy G. Musser Donald R. Patten 2 Department of Biology, California State University, Long Beach, Cal- ifornia 90840. 2 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas Agricultural and Me- chanical University (TCWC); Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley (MVZ); California Acad- emy of Sciences (CAS); Natural History Museum of Los An- geles County (LACM); University of California, Los Angeles (LJCLA); California State University, Long Beach (CSULB). I obtained data on the male reproductive system from fluid- preserved specimens consisting of either whole animals or spe- cially preserved tracts. Hooper (1958) described the techniques used here for preparing the glans penis for observation. I list here the samples of glandes penis, all contained in The Univer- sity of Michigan, Museum of Zoology. P.furvus: 13 mi NE Metepec, 13; 2-7.3 mi SE Huauchinan- go, 6; Xilitla, 1 . P. grandis: Finca Concepcion, 4. P. guatemalensis: Cerro Mozotal, 5; Finca El Injerto, 6; Barillas, 1; Yayquich, 2; Cumbre Maria Tucum, 3. P gymnotis: 13 km N Huixtla, 10; 1 mi E Escuintla, 2; Finca El Rosario, 1. P. megalops: near Puerto Chico, 1 6; Campemento Rio Mo- lino, 13; 4 mi S Jalatengo, 3; 23 mi N San Gabriel Mixtepec, 8; vicinity Santa Rosa, 6. P melanocarpus: 116 km SW Tuxtepec, 3; 23 mi S Valle Nacional, 2. P. mexicanus: 5 mi N Berriozabal, 1 1 ; vicinity of Tuxtla Gutierrez, 15; 3 km E Riso de Oro, 2; Volcan Agua, 1; Santa Maria de Ostuma, 1; 2 mi N Teocelo, 5; Barranca Texcolo, 2; vicinity of Tenochtitlan, 5. P. nudipes: Volcan Irazu, 1; Moravia de Chirripo, 7; 3 mi SE Turrialba, 3; Tapanti, 1; Cerro de la Muerte, 3; Monte Verde, 1. P. ochraventer: El Carrizo, 4; Gomez Farias, 5. P. yucatanicus: Chichen Itza, 1; vicinity of Escarcega, 9. P. zarhynchus: Yerba Buena, 10; Cerro Tzontehuitz, 6. The following list contains the examples of male accessory glands, all in The University of Michigan, Museum of Zoology. P.furvus: Zacapoaxtla, 1. P. guatemalensis: Cerro Mozotal, 1; El Injerto, 2. P. grandis: Finca Concepcion, 2. P. megalops: Campemento Rio Molino, 2; vie. Santa Rosa, 2. P. melanocarpus: 23 mi S Valle Nacional, 1. P. mexicanus: 5 mi N Berriozabal, 2; Solusuchiapa, 2. P. ochraventer: Rancho del Cielo, 2. P. yucatanicus: Chichen Itza, 2. P. zarhynchus: Cerro Tzontehuitz, 1. ANALYSIS OF CHARACTERS Method of Selection In selecting characters, I accepted local population samples of like kinds as the operational taxonomic units. I pooled local population samples with their geographic neighbors until I ob- served a discontinuity in character states. If any apparent dis- continuities in character states, not obviously related to age or sex within a single sample, suggested the presence of two or more species in the sample, I then treated the respective sub- samples as separate samples for the remainder of the study. As the selection of qualitative and quantitative characters may involve different methodologies, I shall discuss each sepa- rately. To select qualitative characters, I visually compared se- ries of specimens representing the various populations and noted similarities and differences. Desirable characters re- mained fairly constant within samples but varied between sam- ples. This follows the principle of conservancy (Farris 1966). To qualify as qualitative, a character had to have relatively dis- crete states. Otherwise, I considered the character quantitative. Students have used at least two methods in selecting mor- phometric characters. One method consists of measuring many dimensions of the specimen, running correlations between each pair of characters within samples, and discarding all highly cor- related characters as redundant. This technique may involve the expenditure of a large amount of effort and could result in a much smaller list of acceptable measurements than represented on the original list. In addition, if the method is not used in combination with a considerable amount of visual comparison of samples, there is a risk of overlooking interesting differences involving the relation of various anatomical parts. For these reasons, I obtained my list of morphometric characters by the same method I used to determine qualitative characters, namely, by direct visual comparison. In observing series of skulls representing different populations, I noted whether one sample appeared to have a broader brain case or a narrower interorbital area, for example, than another. By this procedure, I obtained a list of 1 1 skull measurements that singly or in com- bination seemed to separate samples. I then measured each of the 1 1 characters on all of the skulls in all of my samples. In addition to the character differences that I discovered more or less on my own, some previous morphological work done on the group (Hooper 1958; Hooper and Musser 1964; Linzey and Layne 1969; and Carleton 1973) suggested other differences. In considering all except the last, however, I ampli- fied the published results with my own observations; I accepted Carleton’s results as published. Skull Measurements I made 1 1 cranial measurements with the aid of a measuring microscope (Anderson 1968). The skull rested ventrum down on the microscope stage for measurements one to five (see be- low), and dorsum down for seven to eleven. The suture between the nasals, frontals, and parietals or maxillaries paralleled the vertical line of the eyepiece crosshair for all lengths and the horizontal line of the crosshair for all widths. For measurement 1 1, the skull rested on a piece of plasticene with ventrum up and the longitudinal axis of the tooth parallel to the horizontal line of the crosshair. These measurements resulted: 1. Length of skull, from the anterior tip of the nasals to the posterior tip of the supraoccipital. 2. Rostral length, from the anterior tip of the nasals to a plane through the anterior face of the zygomatic plate. 3. Length of brain case, from the posterior edge of the trans- verse depression in the frontal bone, which indicates the antero- dorsal limits of the frontal lobes of the brain, posteriorly to the tip of the supraoccipital. 4. Interorbital width, least interorbital width of the frontals. 5. Width of brain case, greatest width of the brain case dor- sal to the root of the zygomatic arch. 6. Length of incisive foramen, greatest length of the left in- cisive foramen. 7. Molar row, greatest crown length of the left maxillary mo- lar row. 8. Length of interpterygoid fossa, from the posterior limit of the hard palate to the posterior tip of the left alisphenoid. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 3 D E F Figure 1. Dorsal view of Peromyscus skulls to illustrate distally expanded nasals (A), distally unexpanded nasals (B,C,D,E,F); hourglass interorbital (A); unbeaded supraorbital ridge (C,D); beaded supraorbital ridge (B,E); and partially beaded supraorbital ridge (F). A, Peromyscus fur- vus, CAS 13791, Veracruz; B, P. melanurus, CAS 16412, Oaxaca; C, P. mexicanus, LACM 14263, Chiapas; D, P gymnotis, LACM 18892, Chiapas; E, P. megalops. CAS 16409, Oaxaca; F, P. melanocarpus, CSULB 8900, Oaxaca. 9. Intermolar width, greatest distance between the lingual- most projection of the first upper molars. 10. Width of interpterygoid fossa, greatest width of the soft palate. 1 1 . Molar width, greatest width of the crown of the first up- per molar. Skull Morphology I discerned three mutually exclusive forms of skulls with re- spect to the architecture of the supraorbital region (Fig. 1): no ridge or bead, exhibiting a smooth hourglass shape; a ridge often extending well out into the supraorbital area and occa- sionally forming a slight bead at the suture between the frontal and parietal bones; a strongly beaded shelf extending the length of the interorbital area. These differences appear constant at the population level. The distal part of the rostrum remains unexpanded in most populations, but old animals in some samples exhibit expanded nasals (Fig. 1 ). Dental Morphology In assessing variation in dental patterns in the P. mexicanus group, I recorded the presence or absence of the mesoloph, ec- tolophid, and mesolophid in most of the populations at hand using Hooper’s (1957) terminology. The presence of styles and lophs appears much too variable for use, except in conjunction with other details. The dental pattern of those samples referable to P. furvus (Fig. 2) and P ochraventer differs from that of the other sam- ples and requires further discussion. These samples have strongly developed lophs that nearly always extend, uninter- rupted, from the mure to the appropriate style. In P. fun’us Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 4 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group (less well-developed in P. ochraventer), the style in the minor fold of the first lower molar resembles the two halves of the anterior cingulum in size and so closely joins the labial half as to appear an extension of it. The anterior cingulum of the first upper molar in P. furvus has a smaller lingual and a larger la- bial cusp and frequently has a small style anterior to the cleft between the two cusps. The other species have less strongly de- veloped and frequently interrupted lophs with the style in the minor fold of the anterior cingulum of the first upper molar usually single (corresponding to the labial half of the other type, but occasionally with a small lingual cusp). These differ- ent types of cingulum structure correlate strongly with com- plexity in the accessory lophs. Accordingly, I differentiate between the relatively complex teeth of P. furvus and P ochra- venter and the relatively simple teeth of the remaining species. External Measurements I relied mainly on three external measurements taken from data recorded by the collector on the specimen tag: head and body length, tail length, and hind feet length. I judged the ear lengths recorded by collectors as too variable for use. Pelage Color dorsal coloration. With large samples of properly prepared material comparable in age and season of collection, color vari- ation would provide one or two more characters for understand- ing relationships. I made use, however, of subjective impres- sions of both hue and intensity of the overall coat color in assessing the samples. The adults of P. ochraventer exhibit an ochraceous wash over the venter, whereas no individuals in any other species exhibit such a wash. A concentration of pectoral buff occurs in many samples of other species and ranges from a faint suggestion to a patch covering the chest. Only some populations from Oaxaca (P. megalops melanurus) completely lack a pectoral patch. Some individuals from various geographic areas exhibit dark hairs, instead of the usual whitish hairs, on the carpus and tar- sus. Darkness of carpus and tarsus correlates well with dark- ness of dorsal pelage. Tails consistently exhibit dark dorsal coloration. Ventral hairs on a given tail range from all pale to all dark. Ventral scales also range from pale to dark, the areas appearing as light and dark. All populations, with one or two exceptions, resemble one another closely. Specimens from low elevations tend to have short, sparse hairs, and the basic color of the tail, which derives almost wholly from that of the scales, usually appears mono- colored dark or dark with pale ventral blotches. Specimens from higher elevations possess hairier tails that usually appear more bicolored to the unaided eye. Dorsal coloration varies considerably between populations, but many factors render this variation practically useless for this study. Age variation, with at least the four discernible pelages of juvenile, subadult, young adult, and old adult, greatly re- duces the sample size of comparable material. The addition of the clearly darker pelages of specimens collected in the rainy season results in only a few samples having truly comparable pelages. Because of this ontogenetic and seasonal variation and because the variation induced by the unstandardized methods of stuffing the skins precludes the use of a reflecting meter for a more precise hue, 1 found no satisfactory, objective measure of Figure 2. Diagram of the crown patterns of upper left molar teeth to illustrate complex (A) and simple (B) conditions. 1, anterocone; 2, mesoloph and style; 3, anterior; and 4, lingual. Mammary Glands Mammae occur either as one pair axillary and two pairs ingui- nal or as two pairs inguinal. Number of mammae remains constant within populations. Stomach Morphology Carleton (1973) recognized three types of stomach in the P. mexicanus group. Most forms have the glandular portion of the stomach evaginated into a pouch, others lack the pouch, and a third type exhibits a partial pouch. Glans Penis Figure 3 illustrates the extreme states for all but the last char- acter of the glans penis. Dorsal lappets occur either as two distinct elongate structures in most forms (Fig. 3A) or as a se- ries of fingerlike projections from the scalloped edge subtending the protractile tip of the glans in P. yucatanicus (Fig. 3B). Most species have a relatively narrow baculum with an at- tenuate tip (Fig. 3B and C); P. furvus has a relatively broad baculum with a slightly enlarged and upturned distal tip (Fig. 3A). The shape of the base of the baculum varies considerably within samples. The cartilaginous tip varies from a moderate cone in most species (Fig. 3A and C) to a tiny, barely discernible cap pro- jecting into the protractile tip in P. yucatanicus (Fig. 3B). I found no correlation between the relative length of the protrac- tile tip and the length of the cartilaginous tip. Most species have a relatively long glans (Fig. 3E and F); P. ochraventer has a short one (Fig. 3D). The total length of the Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 5 Figure 3. Glandes penis to illustrate: 1, dorsal lappet; 2, baculum; 3, cartilaginous tip; 4, length of glans; 5, length of protractile tip; and 6, length of spinous portion of glans. Spines not illustrated. A, Peromyscus furvus, UM 1 12940; B, P. yucatanicus, UM 122434; C, P grandis, UM 1 17949; D, P. ochravenier, UM 122427; E, P melanurus, UM 1 18072; F, P. megalops, UM 1 17299. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1 24 6 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group short glans corresponds only to the combined lengths of the spiny portion and the protractile tip of the long glans. The length of the protractile tip varies from less than one- fourth to one-third the length of the glans. Since the apparent length of the tip varies with the amount of protrusion, I used only fully protruded specimens. Most species have a tip one- third the length of the glans (Fig. 3F); P. megalops melanurus has a tip less than one-fourth the length of the glans (Fig. 3E). In general, the longer protractile tips appear more attenuate, with a smaller bulb at the end, than do the shorter tips. Most species have relatively large spines; P. ochraventer ex- hibits relatively small ones (see Hooper and Musser 1964). Male Accessory Glands Linzey and Layne (1969) describe differences in the male re- productive tracts exclusive of the glans penis for specimens of A A A II Figure 4. A projection of 30 samples on the first (I) and second (II) principal components. The data consist of means of 1 1 skull measure- ments. Component I accounts for 97.3% of the variance; component II for 1.0%. Table 1 lists the correlations of the characters with the com- ponents. Size correlates negatively with component I. Squares repre- sent Peromyscus gymnotis; open circles, P. mexicanus; closed circles, P. guatemalensis; closed triangles, P. zarhynchus; and open triangle, P. grandis. Table 1 . Correlations of Peromyscus skull characters with the principal components for the analysis illustrated by Figure 4. Components Characters I II Length of skull -0.99 0.02 Rostral length -0.98 0.16 Length of braincase -0.98 -0.11 Interorbital width -0.89 -0.17 Width of braincase -0.95 -0.26 Length of incisive foramen -0.97 0.09 Molar row -0.96 -0.11 Length of interpterygoid fossa -0.92 -0.22 Intermolar width -0.87 -0.11 Width of interpterygoid fossa -0.88 -0.01 Molar width -0.94 -0.11 the P. mexicanus group. I examined the specimens that they used (deposited either in the United States National Museum or the Museum of Zoology, The University of Michigan) and agree with all identifications except three of the four specimens they assigned to P. mexicanus. I regard the specimen from Chiapas, Mexico, as P. mexicanus, the two from Baja Verapaz, Guatemala, as P. oaxacensis, and the one from Sacatepequez, Guatemala, as P. boylii. These three misidentified specimens contributed most of the variation observed by Linzey and Layne in the P. mexicanus group. Layne* informed me that the specimen from Chiapas had two pairs of ventral prostates. Thus, since the number of ducts for the prostates tends to vary as much individually as it does between populations, only the bifurcation of the penis bulb tends to vary along species lines in this group. My examinations lead me to consider the assignment of “bifurcated” versus “nonbifurcated” to a specimen as subjective. In addition, the degree of bifurcation of the bulb appears to correlate with the relative state of enlargement of the testes (related to season- ality of sperm production?), but the few specimens preclude a more definitive correlation. For these reasons, I used no charac- ters of the male accessory glands in my estimates of relation- ships. In addition, species that I examined but that Linzey and Layne did not (P. gymnotis, melanocarpus, ochraventer, and yucatanicus) conform to the general pattern they reported for members of the P mexicanus group, as well as to the pattern of much of the rest of the subgenus Peromyscus. Statistical Analysis I analyzed the morphometric data with the principal compo- nents program in the MIDAS package of computer programs of The University of Michigan. Morrison (1967) discusses the methodology. ANALYSIS OF POPULATIONS In arriving at my estimates of species limits, I pooled local sam- ples until I discerned a discontinuity in character states. The species that I recognize consist of populations that I cannot dis- tinguish among on any basis other than slight average dif- ferences in size and/or color. The ranges of most of the resulting species do not overlap. For most cases of allopatry, two or more distinct qualitative differences not due to age, sex, or season suggest that the forms in question probably would not interbreed if they ever did contact one another. These tech- niques allowed me to easily separate seven species (P. ochraven- ter, stirtoni. yucatanicus, furvus, megalops, melanocarpus, and melanurus ) both from one another and from the remainder of the populations. No really distinct qualitative characters other than size and color distinguish the remaining populations. Yet their range of variation greatly transcends the amount usually found within species of Peromyscus. Figure 4 and Table 1 illustrate the out- come of the analysis of the remaining populations that occur in Chiapas and Guatemala. The five species that I recognize form a clearly graded series from small (P. gymnotis) to large (P. grandis ), yet their respective geographic distributions only par- tially correspond to the size differences (refer to species ac- counts). The three largest forms (P. grandis, guatemalensis, and zarhynchus) do occur at generally higher elevations than *J.N. Layne, Archbold Biological Station, Lake Placid, Florida, per- sonal communication. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 7 do the smaller two (P. mexicanus and gymnotis ), although the largest one ( P . grandis) occurs at elevations commonly oc- cupied by P. mexicanus in other areas in Guatemala. The allopatric ranges of P. zarhynchus, guatemalensis, and grandis suggest the fragmentation of the range of a single spe- cies once occurring over their combined areas, and 1, therefore, earlier synonymized them as subspecies of P. zarhynchus (Huckaby 1973). On the basis of size (Fig. 4 and Appendix) and color (see species accounts below), P. guatemalensis differs more from P. zarhynchus and grandis than the latter two do from one another, yet P. guatemalensis occurs between them. This suggests that P. guatemalensis arose independently of the other two and now occupies an area once inhabited by popula- tions that intergraded between the present P. zarhynchus and grandis. 1 cannot choose between these possibilities with the data at hand. 1 also cannot discount the possibility that all three arose independently of one another by separate invasions of their montane habitats from one or more lowland forms and owe much of their similarities to convergence. Since I can dis- tinguish the three, albeit mostly on size and color, I now con- sider them full species. Size alone (Fig. 4) easily separates P. mexicanus from gran- dis and zarhynchus, and P. mexicanus occurs with zarhynchus at Tumbala. Figure 4 demonstrates, however, some overlap in size between populations assigned to P. mexicanus and those assigned to P. guatemalensis. The population of P. mexicanus (Finca San Rafael, Guatemala) that falls within the size range of P. guatemalensis appears, at first glance, to bridge the gap between the two supposed species. Thus, P. guatemalensis may grade into P. mexicanus in the eastern part of its range but not elsewhere. I suggest, however, that the populations from the southeastern volcanoes of Guatemala (slopes of Acatenango- Fuego and Agua) and adjacent highlands, here assigned to P. mexicanus , resemble true P. guatemalensis from further west (highlands around Lake Atitlan) simply because they occur at higher elevations in habitats commonly occupied by P. guatemalensis and have responded to selection pressures similar to those that produced P. guatemalensis in the first place. Al- though these populations of large dark P. mexicanus resemble P. guatemalensis closely, they generally lack the fairly bi- colored tails and gray pelage of P. guatemalensis. They closely resemble P. mexicanus from the highlands of Honduras and Nicaragua in color (dark brown to nearly black, rather than the gray to black of P. guatemalensis). More specimens from the critical area in southern Guatemala could force the altera- tion of these conclusions. Peromyscus gymnotis resembles a diminutive, dark P. mex- icanus, and Osgood (1909) arranged it as a race of the latter while recognizing a second small dark species ( P . allophylus) from the same area. Musser (1971) demonstrated that only one species, P. gymnotis, occurs on the coastal plain of Chiapas and Guatemala. Peromyscus mexicanus and gymnotis occur para- patrically to one another in the area south of Guatemala City and both occur on the south slopes of Volcan Agua (P. mex- icanus above gymnotis) with no suggestion of intergradation. Further collecting in Chiapas between Tonala (where P. mex- icanus occurs) and Pijijiapan (where P. gymnotis occurs) may demonstrate a similar distribution there. From the time of its description, all previous workers have considered P. nudipes as a species separate from P. mexicanus, although frequently commenting on the similarity of the two forms. Peromyscus nudipes supposedly consists of larger, darker animals than P. mexicanus does. I compared the skull measure- ments of samples of the two forms by principal component analysis (Fig. 5 and Table 2). The five samples of P nudipes did not cluster together on either of the first two components and four P. mexicanus samples had larger overall skulls than any of the P. nudipes. I can detect no qualitative characters that will separate P nudipes from mexicanus. I, therefore, consider the populations formerly assigned to P. nudipes as the southern- most extension of P. mexicanus. SPECIES ACCOUNTS Peromyscus ochraventer Brown-bellied Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus ochraventer Baker 1951:213. HOLOTYPE. An old adult female, skin and skull, in good condition, KU 36958, collected 12 January 1950, 70 km S of • • o • • • • • • • o • o II Figure 5. A projection of 38 samples on the first (I) and second (II) principal components. The data consist of means of 1 1 skull measure- ments. Component I accounts for 75.7% of the variance; component II for 9.5%. Table 2 lists the correlations of the characters with the com- ponents. Size correlates negatively with component I. Closed circles in- dicate Peromyscus mexicanus; open circles, “P. nudipes.” Table 2. Correlations of Peromyscus skull characters with the principal components for the analysis illustrated by Figure 5. Components Character I II Length of skull -0.99 0.10 Rostral length -0.90 0.28 Length of braincase — 0.81 -0.20 Interorbital width -0.38 -0.48 Width of braincase -0.45 -0.82 Length of incisive foramen -0.67 -0.41 Molar row -0.58 -0.53 Length of interpterygoid fossa -0.76 0.04 Intermolar width -0.63 -0.22 Width of interpterygoid fossa -0.49 -0.01 Molar width -0.50 -0.30 Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 8 Huckaby: Species of Peromvscus mexicanus Group Ciudad Victoria and 6 km W of Interamerican Highway at El Carrizo, Tamaulipas, Mexico, 2800 ft. DIAGNOSIS. A medium-sized species of the subgenus Per- omyscus with unexpanded nasals in adults; a smoothly hourglass-shaped interorbital area; relatively complex teeth with divided anterocone; ochraceous ventral color in adults; a pair of pectoral mammae; a discoglandular stomach; a rela- tively short glans penis with small spines, a relatively short pro- tractile tip, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with a slight distal enlargement and a small car- tilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. The moist temperate and adjacent humid tropical forests along the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental from the Rancho del Cielo area in Tamaulipas south to the vicinity of Platanito in San Luis Potosi (Fig. 6). Known range probably conforms closely to actual range. VARIATION. Dalquest (1953:152) allocated eight speci- mens from 10 km E of Platanito to P. mexicanus. I have exam- ined the specimens (LSU 5782-9) and consider them P. ochra- venter. They differ in no essential respect from specimens of P. ochraventer from Tamaulipas and differ from the specimens of P. mexicanus from 3 km N Tamazunchale, San Luis Potosi, by their more hourglass-shaped interorbital region, more complex teeth, and ochraceous ventral color in adults. I can detect no important geographic variation within the small known range of this species. IDENTIFICATION. The Appendix provides descriptive sta- tistics for morphometric variables useful in identifying P. ochraventer. Table 3 summarizes the major qualitative dif- ferences between the species herein considered. The moderately large size, ochraceous ventral color, hourglass-shaped interorbi- tal areas, and heavy complex teeth easily separate it from all the other species of Peromyscus known to inhabit the same area {P. boylii, pectoral is, and leucopus). The ochraceous ventral Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 9 color and hourglass-interorbital areas together with heavy com- plex teeth separate it from geographically adjacent and similar sized species (e.g., P. mexicanus). SPECIMENS EXAMINED (114): MEXICO. San Luis Potosi: 8 mi W El Naranjo, 1 (MSU); 10 km E Platanito, 8 (LSU). Tamaulipas: El Carrizo, 15 (KU); 3 mi W El Carrizo, 1500 ft, 8 (UM); Gomez Farias, 7 (UM); 5 mi NW Gomez Farias, 4 (UM); Rancho del Cielo, 3 (UCLA), 62 (UM), 6 (AM). Peromyscus stirtoni Stirton’s Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus stirtoni Dickey 1928:5. HOLOTYPE. An old, adult female, skin and skull, in good condition, UCLA 10634, collected 29 October 1925, 13°30N on the Rio Goascoran, La Union, El Salvador, 100 ft. DIAGNOSIS. A small species of the subgenus Peromyscus with strongly beaded supraorbital ridges; relatively simple teeth; a hairy, bicolored tail; and no pectoral mammae (one female from Honduras). No data on glans penis or stomach. DISTRIBUTION. Dry to semiarid valleys from south- eastern Guatemala to southern Honduras (Fig. 7). Limits of range unknown. IDENTIFICATION. Only Peromyscus mexicanus, boylii, oaxacensis, and lophurus have known ranges that broadly over- lap the known range of P. stirtoni. Of these, only P. mexicanus probably occurs in the same habitat as P. stirtoni. The small size of P. stirtoni (Appendix) together with its beaded supraor- bital ridges and hairy, bicolored tail (Table 3) will easily dis- tinguish it from any of the above species. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (31): EL SALVADOR. La Union: Rio Goascoran, 2 (MVZ), 1 (UCLA); Pine Peaks, 3 mi W Volcan de Conchagua, 3200 ft, 4 (MVZ). Morazan: 1 mi SE Divisadero, 850 ft, 1 (MVZ). San Miguel: Lake Olomega, 200 ft, 1 (MVZ). Santa Ana: Lake Guija, 1450 ft, 1 (MVZ). GUATEMALA. Jutiapa: Santa Catarina Mita, 2450 ft, 1 (FM). Zacapa: Trujillo, 1 mi E Progresso-Zacapa border, 700 ft, 1 (NM). HONDURAS. Francisco Morazon: 3 mi S La Venta, 1 (TCWC); La Piedra de Jesus, Sabana Grande, 19 (AM). Peromyscus yucatanicus Yucatan Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus yucatanicus J.A. Allen and Chapman 1897a:8. Peromyscus yucatanicus badius Osgood 1904:70. Apazote, Campeche, Mexico. HOLOTYPE. An adult male skin and skull, in good condi- tion, AM 12001/10434, collected 17 March 1896, Chichen Itza, Yucatan, Mexico. DIAGNOSIS. A small species of the subgenus Peromyscus with unexpanded nasals; a moderately developed supraorbital shelf without beading; moderately complex teeth usually with single anterocone; no ochraceous ventral color; no pectoral mammae; a discoglandular stomach; a relatively long glans pe- nis with large spines, a relatively long protractile tip, divided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a small cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. The semideciduous to semievergreen for- ests of the Yucatan Peninsula of Mexico (Fig. 7). Southern lim- its of range unknown. Apparently no species of Peromyscus occurs in the southern part of the peninsula including Belice and El Peten, Guatemala, making this the largest area in Mid- dle America north of Panama without any Peromyscus. VARIATION. Lawlor (1965) discussed variation in P. yuca- tanicus and concluded that, although certain trends existed, they did not warrant subspecific recognition. As Lawlor (1965:430-31) noted, the mice from the northern part of the range have brighter, buffier coats as adults than do those from southern Campeche. I have observed live animals in the labora- tory obtained from near Escarcega, Campeche, by J.A. Lackey and from near Chichen Itza, Yucatan. Those from Yucatan start life with a paler coat of gray than those from Campeche and develop bright buff over the dorsum as they mature. In contrast, animals from Campeche over a year old show only slight traces of buff, and at all ages appear much darker and grayer than specimens from further north. Osgood (1904) seg- regated these dark southern animals off as a separate sub- species P. y. badius. Lawlor (1965) concluded that, since the variation in size did not correlate with the variation in color, he could not recognize distinct subspecies. For the present, I agree with Lawlor. Those wishing to do so can, however, easily sepa- rate the specimens from southern Campeche from those of more northern localities on the basis of color and apply the sub- specific epithet P. y. badius to them. IDENTIFICATION. Of all Peromyscus. apparently only P. leucopus occurs sympatrically with P. yucatanicus. Peromyscus Figure 7. Geographic distributions of Peromyscus yucatanicus (cir- cles) and P. stirtoni (squares). Vertical hatching indicates known range of P. mexicanus. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 10 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group Table 3. Selected characters for the species of the Peromyscus mexicanus group. CHARACTERS OF THE GLANS PENIS Species Length of Glans Protrac- tile Tip Spines Dorsal Lappets Tip of Baculum Cartila- ginous Tip P. ochraventer Short Short Small Undivided Slightly expanded Small P. stirtoni Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown Unknown P. yucatanicus Long Long Large Divided Unexpanded Small P. furvus Long Short Large Undivided Expanded Medium P. megalops Long Long Large Undivided Unexpanded Large P. melanocarpus Long Long Large Undivided Unexpanded Large P. melanurus Long Short Large Undivided Unexpanded Medium P. zarhynchus Long Long Large Undivided Unexpanded Large P. guatemalensis Long Long Large Undivided Unexpanded Large P. grand is Long Long Large Undivided Unexpanded Large P. gymnotis Long Long Large Undivided Unexpanded Large P. mexicanus Long Long Large Undivided Unexpanded Large OTHER CHARACTERS Supra- Relative Tip of orbital Complexity Pectoral Species Nasals Area of Teeth Mammae Stomach P. ochraventer Unexpanded Hourglass Complex Present Discoglandular P. stirtoni Unexpanded Beaded shelf Simple Absent? Unknown P. yucatanicus Unexpanded Nonbeaded shelf Simple Absent Discoglandular P. furvus Expanded Hourglass Complex Present Discoglandular P. megalops Unexpanded Beaded shelf Simple Absent Pouched P. melanocarpus Unexpanded Beaded shelf Simple Absent Half-pouched P. melanurus Unexpanded Beaded shelf Simple Absent Half-pouched P. zarhynchus Unexpanded Nonbeaded shelf Simple Absent Pouched P. guatemalensis Unexpanded Nonbeaded shelf Simple Absent Pouched P. grandis Unexpanded Nonbeaded shelf Simple Absent Pouched P. gymnotis Unexpanded Nonbeaded shelf Simple Absent Pouched P. mexicanus Unexpanded Nonbeaded shelf Simple Absent Pouched leucopus is on the average, smaller in most dimensions (Appen- dix), lacks supraorbital ridging, and has three pairs of mammae and undivided dorsal lappets (Table 3). SPECIMENS EXAMINED (159). MEXICO. Campeche: La Tuxpena, 1 5 (NM); Apazote, 21 (NM); San Juan, 5 (FM); 6 km S Chompoton, 2 (UM); 3 km W Escarcega, 1 (UM); 7 km W Escarcega, 11 (UM); 7.5 km W Escarcega, 4 (UM); 7 km W, 2 km N Escarcega, 1 (UM); 7 km W, 1 km N Escar- cega, 1 (UM); 9.8 km W, 3.3 km N Escarcega, 1 (UM). Quin- tana Roo: La Vega, 29 (NM); 20 km S Peto, Santa Rosa, 19 (UM); 45 km S Peto, Esmeralda, 9 (UM). Yucatan: Chichen Itza, 24 (NM), 1 1 (UM); Calcehtok, 5 (UM). Peromyscus furvus Blackish Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus furvus J.A. Allen and Chapman 1897b:201. Peromyscus latirostris Dalquest 1950:8. Apetsco, San Luis Potosi, Mexico. Peromyscus angustirostris Hall and Alvarez 1961:203. 3 km W Zacualpan, Veracruz, Mexico. HOLOTYPE. An adult male, skin and skull, in good condi- tion, AM 1 2450a / 1 0769, collected 2 April 1897, 1.5 mi E Ja- lapa, Veracruz, Mexico, 4400 ft. DIAGNOSIS. A large species of the subgenus Peromyscus with distally expanded nasals in old adults; a smoothly hourglass-shaped interorbital area; relatively complex teeth with divided anterocone; no ochraceous ventral color; a pair of pectoral mammae; a discoglandular stomach; a relatively long glans penis with large spines, a relatively short protractile tip, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a laterally flattened baculum with a bulbous distal end and a moderately elongate cartilagi- nous tip. DISTRIBUTION. The cool, humid forests between 1200 and 2200 m along the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre Ori- ental from southeastern San Luis Potosi to northern Oaxaca (Fig. 8). Southward dispersal probably limited by the deep can- yon of the Rio Santo Domingo-Quiotepec through the Sistema Montanoso in Oaxaca. The known range probably corresponds to the actual range. VARIATION. Goodwin (1969:192) allocated four subadult specimens (AM 207440-3) from 20 mi E Teotitlan, Oaxaca, to P. melanocarpus. On the basis of their complicated teeth and lack of supraorbital shelving, I allocate them to P. furvus. In discussing variation in P. furvus. Hall (1971) concluded that the small amount attributable to geography did not warrant the recognition of subspecies. I fully concur but do not discount the possibility of slight size differences between some of the scat- tered localities. In particular, specimens from San Luis Potosi have the distally expanded nasals carried to the greatest degree. IDENTIFICATION. Its large size (Appendix) easily sepa- rates P. furvus from most other Peromyscus known to inhabit its restricted range (P. boylii, aztecus, simulatus, leucopus, and Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 1 1 pectoralis). Peromyscus mexicanus, which occurs lower on the eastern slopes than P. furvus, has unswollen nasals, usually some supraorbital ridging, relatively simple teeth usually with single anterocone, no pectoral mammae, and a round bacular shaft unexpanded distally (Table 3). Peromyscus thomasi oc- curs sympatrically with P. furvus and differs by having larger dimensions throughout, a larger skull with supraorbital ridging, and a large thick glans penis with a base much broader than tip. Peromyscus difficilis occurs in drier habitat to the west of P. furvus and differs in its relatively more inflated auditory bullae, unexpanded nasals, and simpler teeth with less tendency for a divided anterocone. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (187). MEXICO. Hidalgo: 13 mi NE Metepec, 6600 ft, 29 (UM). Oaxaca: 20 mi E Teotitlan, 4 (AM). Puebla: Huauchinango, 1 (UM), 2 (NM); 2-2.5 mi SW Huauchinango, 5500-7000 ft, 10 (UM); 5.7 mi SW Huauchinango, 6600 ft, 6 (UM); 7.3 mi SW Huauchinango, 6800 ft, 7 (UM); Honey, 1 (UM); 2 mi NW Zacapoaxtla, 1520 m, 1 (UM). Queretaro: 6 mi W Ahuacatlan, 5800 and 5600 ft, 2 (LSU). San Luis Potosi: 3.5 mi SW Xilitla, 740 m, 1 (UM); Llano de Conejo, 6000 ft, 5 (LSU); Lower Llano, 2 (LSU); Xilitla, 1 (LSU); Apetsco, 8 (LSU); Cerro Miramar, 6 (LSU); Rancho Miramar Grande, 6000 ft, 7 (LSU); Cerro San An- tonio, 3 (LSU). Veracruz: Jalapa, 13 (AM), 4 (NM); 5 km N Jalapa, 1 (UM), 5 (KU); 5 km S Jalapa, 1 (UM); 0.5 mi Ja- lapa, 4500 ft, 1 (UM); 2 mi SE Huayacocotla, 6500 ft, 4 (UM); Xico, 2 (NM); 1 mi W Xico, 1340 m, 15 (UM); 2 km W Jico, 4200 ft, 26 (KU); Zacualpan, 6000 ft, 7 (KU); 3 km W Zacualpan, 6000 ft, 16 (KU); Puente San Bernardo, 1 mi ? Cacahualco, 2 (CAS). Peromyscus megalops Broad-faced Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus megalops Merriam 1898:119. Peromyscus auritus Merriam 1898:119. 15 mi W Oaxaca, Oaxaca, Mexico. Peromyscus comptus Merriam 1898:120. “Mts” W Chilpancingo, Guerrero, Mexico. HOLOTYPE: An old adult male, skin and skull, in good con- dition, NM 71592, collected 26 March 1895, at a ranch called La Cieneguilla at 10,000 feet in the Sierra Madre del Sur, near the village of Santa Maria Ozolotepec, Oaxaca, Mexico. DIAGNOSIS. A large species of the subgenus Peromyscus with unexpanded nasals; strongly beaded supraorbital ridges; moderately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone; no ochraceous ventral color; no pectoral mammae; a fully pouched stomach; a relatively long glans penis with a long pro- tractile tip, large spines, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a large cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. Geographically disjunct populations dis- tributed in the cool, moist forests of conifers and angiosperms at elevations from 1800 to 3000 m in the Sierra Madre del Sur of Guerrero and Oaxaca (Lig. 8). Limits of range probably known. Taken with P. melanurus near Juquila. VARIATION. As pointed out by Musser (1964), sampled populations of P. megalops resemble one another closely. Aver- age darker color of specimens from near the type locality of P. megalops warrants mention but not formal subspecific designa- tion. Except for color, differences ascribed to P. auritus and comptus fall within the range of individual variation seen in specimens from near the type locality of P. megalops. The iso- lated nature of the populations of P megalops suggests that future studies utilizing very large samples might demonstrate slight average differences between them in spite of the seem- ingly very similar habitat. IDENTILICATION. The combination of large size of most dimensions (Appendix) and beaded supraorbital ridges (Table 3) easily separates this species from most species possibly sym- patric with it (P. boylii, evides, oaxacensis, maniculatus, leuco- pus, truei, difficilis, melanophrys, mexicanus, and thomasi). Of these, only P. thomasi averages larger in most dimensions, and none have beaded supraorbital shelves (although P. thomasi. melanophrys, mexicanus, evides, and oaxacensis often have nonbeaded supraorbital shelves). Three species occur close to the known range of P. megalops and share its beaded supraor- bital ridges. Peromyscus melanurus occurs on the mountain slopes below P. megalops, averages slightly smaller than mega- tops in most dimensions, and has slightly shorter, lighter pelage. The supraorbital ridges of P. melanurus show a much greater tendency to curve than those of P. megalops (Lig. 1). The rela- tively long protractile tip of the glans penis of P. megalops also contrasts with the relatively shorter tip of melanurus (Lig. 3). Peromyscus melanocarpus occurs in the mountains to the north of the known range of P. megalops. It averages slightly smaller than megalops, has a much darker pelage usually with dark hairs on the dorsal surface of the carpus and tarsus, and has somewhat less well-developed beads on its supraorbital shelves (Lig. 1). Peromyscus banderanus occurs on the coastal plain below P. megalops at least in Guerrero, its strongly beaded su- praorbital ridges show a tendency to curve, and its very elon- gate skull with oval braincase contrasts with the broader one of megalops. The tiny awl-shaped glans penis of P. banderanus Figure 8. Geographic distributions of Peromyscus furvus (triangles), P melanocarpus (open circles), P. megalops (closed circles), and P. melanurus (squares). Vertical hatching indicates known range of P mexicanus. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 12 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group (Hooper 1958, Plate X) also contrasts strongly with that of P. megalops. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (244). MEXICO. Guerrero: mts. near Chilpancingo, 18 (NM), 1 (AM); Omilteme, 24 (UM), 13 (NM), 23 (KU); 18 km SSW Chichihualco, 2500 m, 18 (KU); Cuapongo, 9 (FM); near Puerto Chico, 46 (UM). Oaxaca: 15 mi W Oaxaca, 6 (NM); Santa Maria Ozolotepec, 4 (NM); Santo Tomas Teipan, 3 (AM); 3 km S San Miguel Suchixtepec, Rio Molino, 9 (AM), 35 (UM); Cerro Madrena, 7000 ft, 4 (AM); Santo Domingo Chicahuaxtla, 2 (AM); San Andres Chicahuaxtla, 1 (AM); 2 km NE San Andres Chica- huaxtla, 2300 m, 15 (UM); 19 mi SW Cuquila, 7800 ft, 3 (MSU); Juquila Rd., 10 mi from Hwy. 131, 4000 ft, 6 (CAS); Juquila Rd., between Yolotepec and Juquila, 7000 ft, 4 (CAS). Peromyscus melcinoearpus Black-wristed Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus melanocarpus Osgood 1904:73. HOLOTYPE. A young adult female, skin and skull, in good condition, NM 68610, collected 8 July 1894, Mt. Zempoaltep- ec, Oaxaca, Mexico. Goldman (1951:209) describes the locality as somewhere between the elevations of 7700 and 10,500 feet on the western slopes of the mountain above the Indian village of Yacochi. DIAGNOSIS. A large species of the subgenus Peromyscus with unexpanded nasals; weakly beaded supraorbital ridges; moderately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone; no ochraceous ventral color; no pectoral mammae; a partially pouched stomach; a relatively long glans penis with large spines, a long protractile tip, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a large cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. The “cloud forest,” at 1500 to well over 2000 m, on the northern slopes of the Sistema Montanoso Poblano Oaxaqueno southeast of the gorge of the Rio Quiotepec-Santo Domingo (Fig. 8). The gorge of the Rio Ca- jonos splits the range into a segment on the Sierra de Juarez and another on the slopes of Mt. Zempoaltepec. Limits of range probably known. VARIATION. I had available only 31 specimens of this spe- cies and could detect no significant geographical variation. I would not expect much in a species with such a small geo- graphic range extending over apparently similar habitat. Mus- ser (1969), however, demonstrated significant differences between the two populations of P. lepturus occurring on the same two mountain ranges that constitute the known range of P. melanocarpus. Larger samples might provide evidence for similar differences in the latter. IDENTIFICATION. The combination of large size (Appen- dix), weakly beaded supraorbital ridges, and the lack of pec- toral mammae (Table 3) will distinguish P. melanocarpus from most other Peromyscus that may share its habitat {P. boylii, lepturus, oaxacensis, and chinanteco). Peromyscus thomasi oc- curs in much the same habitat and averages larger in most di- mensions, lacks beading on its supraorbital ridges, and has heavier more complicated teeth, a glans penis much thicker proximally than distally, and pectoral mammae. Peromyscus mexicanus occurs at lower elevations on the same mountain slopes and lacks beading on its poorly developed supraorbital ridges (Fig. 1); in addition, its white tarsus and carpus contrast with the dark ones of P. melanocarpus. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (31). MEXICO. Oaxaca: To- tontepec, 6 (NM); 104 km SW Tuxtepec, 1620 m, 2 (UM); 1 16 km SW Tuxtepec, 2000 m, 12 (UM); San Isidro, 5 (AM); 10 mi N Ixtlan de Juarez, 9300 ft, 2 (MSU); 23 mi S Valle Nacional, 5600 ft, 2 (LACM), 2 (UM), 2 (CSULB). Peromyscus melanurus Black-tailed Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus megalops melanurus Osgood 1909:215. Peromyscus mexicanus putlaensis Goodwin 1964:5. San Vicente, Oaxaca, Mexico. HOLOTYPE. A moderately old adult male, skin and skull, in good condition, NM 71385, collected 20 March 1895, below Pluma, Oaxaca, Mexico, 3000 ft. DIAGNOSIS. A large species of the subgenus Peromyscus with unexpanded nasals; strongly beaded supraorbital ridges; moderately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone; no ochraceous ventral color or buffy pectoral spot; no pectoral mammae; a partially pouched stomach; a relatively long glans penis with a short protractile tip, large spines, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a moderate cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. The humid “coffee belt” at medium ele- vations (700 to 1900 m) on the Pacific slopes of the Sierra Madre del Sur de Oaxaca (Fig. 8). May occur in similar hab- itat in coastal Guerrero (perhaps on the slopes below the range of P. megalops in the mountains west of Chilpancingo). Other- wise, the known distribution probably conforms closely to the actual distribution. Taken with P. mexicanus at Pluma Hidalgo and Kilometer 212 on the Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido Road and with P. megalops near Juquila. VARIATION. The seven specimens from San Vicente, Oa- xaca, that provide the basis for the name P. mexicanus putlaen- sis Goodwin 1964 differ in no essential characters from other specimens of P. melanurus. As seen in Goodwin’s (1964) photo- graphs, the type specimen clearly shows the beaded supraorbi- tal ridges characteristic of P. melanurus but not of P. mexi- canus. I noted no striking individual or geographic variation in this species. The small geographic range and relatively uniform habitat suggest that little differentiation has occurred. IDENTIFICATION. The beaded supraorbital ridges to- gether with the lack of a buffy pectoral spot, lack of pectoral mammae, and a long glans with short protractile tip (Table 3) will separate P. melanurus from some other species of Per- omyscus with which it may occur (P. boylii, evides, and melan- ophrys). Of the others, only P. banderanus and megalops have beaded supraorbital ridges, and both species lack pectoral mammae. Peromyscus banderanus has a much narrower skull with oval braincase, and its small glans penis (Hooper 1968, Plate X) contrasts strongly with that of P. melanurus. Per- omyscus megalops averages larger (Appendix) and has longer, darker pelage frequently with a buffy pectoral spot, very straight as opposed to slightly curved supraorbital ridges (Fig. 1), and a longer protractile tip on its glans penis (Fig. 3). Per- omyscus mexicanus also lacks pectoral mammae but almost al- ways possesses a buffy pectoral spot, has distinct but nonbeaded supraorbital ridges, and has a relatively long protractile tip on its glans penis. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (237). MEXICO. Oaxaca: San Vicente Putla, 9 (AM); 7 mi S Chicahuaxtla, 4700 ft, 1 (MSU); km 123 Tlaxiaco-Putla Rd., 4350 ft. 6 (CAS); La- chao, 9 (AM); 20 mi S and 4 mi E Sola de Vega, 4800 ft, 12 (KU); Santa Rosa, 7 (UM); 5 mi NW Santa Rosa, Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 13 14 (UM); 10 mi NW Santa Rosa, 7 (UM); 10 km E Nopala, 7200 ft, 16 (CAS); 9 mi W San Gabriel Mixtepec, 2 (CAS); 23 mi N San Gabriel, 6100 ft, 1 (MSU); 8 mi SSW Juchatengo, 6300 ft, 4 (MSU); 9 mi S Juchatengo, 5900 ft, 4 (MSU); 10 mi S Juchatengo, 5350 ft, 11 (KU); km 178 Oaxaca-Puerto Es- condido Rd., 6200 ft, 1 (CAS); km 183 Oaxaca-Puerto Escon- dido Rd., 6000 ft, 35 (CAS); km 184.5 Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido Rd., 6000 ft, 9 (CAS); 5759 ft, 3 (CAS); km 187 Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido Rd., 5400 ft, 8 (CAS); km 193 Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido Rd., 4200 ft, 29 (CAS); km 195 Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido Rd., 3475 ft, 10 (CAS); km 212 Oaxaca-Puerto Escondido Rd., 2400 ft, 3 (CAS); Pluma Hidalgo, 18 (NM); 4 mi S Jalatengo, 6 (UM); 22.5 mi N Can- delaria, 1630 m, 3 (KU); Juquila Rd., 10 mi from Hwy. 131, 7000 ft, 9 (CAS). Peromyscus zarhynchus Long-nosed Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus zarhynchus Merriam 1898:117. Peromyscus zarhynchus cristobalensis Merriam 1898:1 17. San Cristobal de las Casas, Chiapas, Mexico. HOLOTYPE. An adult female, skin and skull, in good con- dition, NM 76117, collected 26 October 1895, on mountain slopes above village of Tumbala, Chiapas, Mexico, 5500 ft. DIAGNOSIS. A very large species of the subgenus Per- omyscus with unexpanded nasals; nonbeaded supraorbital ridges; moderately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone; basically brown dorsal pelage with no ochraceous ventral color; no pectoral mammae; a fully pouched stomach; a relatively long glans penis with a long protractile tip, large spines, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a large cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. “Cloud forests” of higher elevations of mountains of north central Chiapas (Fig. 9). Limits of range probably known. Collections made on the ridges north and east Figure 9. Geographic distributions of Peromyscus zarhynchus (tri- angles), P. guatemalensis (closed circles), P. grandis (open circles), and P. gymnotis (squares). Vertical hatching indicates known range of P. mexicanus. of Comitan lack P. zarhynchus. and these ridges probably do not have the appropriate habitat. Taken with P. mexicanus at Tumbala. VARIATION. Peromyscus zarhynchus apparently occurs only as several disjunct populations in northern Chiapas. Speci- mens from the type locality are, on the average, darker in color than those from elsewhere, perhaps reflecting the wetter en- vironment near Tumbala. I can appreciate little other geo- graphic variation in the specimens at hand and do not recom- mend the recognition of subspecies. IDENTIFICATION. The large size (Appendix) of P. zarhynchus readily separates it from other Peromyscus known to inhabit its restricted range ( P . boylii, oaxacensis, lophurus, and mexicanus). Peromyscus zarhynchus differs from the geo- graphically adjacent P. guatemalensis in its slightly larger over- all size and brown as opposed to grayish dorsal pelage. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (190). MEXICO. Chiapas: San Cristobal, 9500 ft, 21 (NM), 1 (AM); 4 mi W San Cristobal, 1 (AM); 8 mi SE San Cristobal, 2 (UM); 10 mi SE San Cristobal, 2300 m, 2 (UM); Cerro Tzontehuitz, 2900 m, 20 (KU), 41 (UM); Tumbala, 15 (NM), I (AM); vicinity of Pueblo Nuevo, 50 (AM); 1 mi N Pueblo Nuevo, 5500 ft, 11 (UM); 5 mi N Pueblo Nuevo, 3 (UM); 11.6 mi N Pueblo Nuevo, 3 (UM); 4 mi SE Rayon, 19 (MSU). Peromyscus guatemalensis Guatemalan Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus guatemalensis Merriam 1898:1 18. Peromyscus altilaneus Osgood 1904:74. Todos San- tos, Huehuetenango, Guatemala. HOLOTYPE. An adult male, skin and skull, in good condi- tion, NM 76861, collected 31 December 1895, on slopes above village of Todos Santos, Huehuetenango, Guatemala, 10,000 ft. DIAGNOSIS. A large species of the subgenus Peromyscus with unexpanded nasals; nonbeaded supraorbital ridges; moder- ately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone; basi- cally gray dorsal pelage with no ochraceous ventral color; no pectoral mammae; a fully pouched stomach; a relatively long glans penis with a long protractile tip, large spines, and un- divided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a large cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. Humid forests from 1300 to over 3000 m in the mountains of southern Chiapas and southwestern Guate- mala (Fig. 9). Limits of range probably known. Taken with P. gymnotis at Finca Helvetia, Guatemala, and within 5 miles of P. mexicanus at El Injerto, Guatemala. VARIATION. Osgood (1904) named Peromyscus altilaneus based on one specimen from Todos Santos, Guatemala, the same locality from which Merriam (1898) had named P. guatemalensis. In his description, Osgood noted that P. al- tilaneus differed from P. guatemalensis mainly in its smaller size. The holotype of P. altilaneus has dark, subadult pelage on the dorsum of its head and relatively unworn teeth. Carleton and Huckaby (1975) speculated that the type of P. altilaneus might represent a mismatched skin and skull. Due to the diffi- culty of proving this for forms that differ as slightly as these, I now think that synonymization of P. altilaneus represents the best solution. After direct comparison of the two types to one another and with the 1 1 other specimens taken with them, I believe the type of P. altilaneus Osgood 1904 represents a sub- adult individual of the same species as the type of P. guatema- Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 14 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group lensis Merriam 1895. The other specimens adequately bridge the size gap between the two holotypes. 1 can appreciate no geographic variation within the small known range of P. guatemalensis. The disjunct nature of the populations suggests the possibility of such, particularly since P. guatemalensis contacts the much smaller P. gymnotis in part of its range and the only slightly smaller P. mexicanus elsewhere. IDENTIFICATION. The larger size of P guatemalensis (Appendix) readily separates it from some species of Per- omyscus known to inhabit its range ( P . boylii, oaxacensis, lophurus, and gymnotis). At the western edge of the range of P. guatemalensis, P. mexicanus averages smaller in most dimen- sions and has a brownish dorsal pelage. The populations here assigned to P mexicanus from the departments of Chimaltenango, Escuintla, and Sacatepequez, Guatemala, re- semble P. guatemalensis closely in size and to a lesser extent in color. 1 can distinguish between them on average differences only. Specimens assigned to P. guatemalensis have a decided grayish cast to the pelage and have a strong tendency toward a bicolored tail. Specimens assigned to P mexicanus have dark brown pelage and a monocolored or ventrally blotched tail with no tendency toward bicoloration. In contrast to the geograph- ically adjacent P. zarhynchus, P. guatemalensis exhibits a gray rather than brown dorsal pelage. Peromyscus guatemalensis differs from the geographically adjacent P grandis in its smaller dimensions and gray rather than brown dorsal pelage. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (502). GUATEMALA. Chimaltenango : 5 mi N Tecpan, 4 (UM). El Quiche: Cotzal, 3 (UM). Huehuetenango: Barillas, 25 (UM); San Mateo, 4 (AM); Yayquich, 2900 m, 17 (UM); 2 mi S San Juan Ixcoy, 9500 ft, 61 (KU); 3.5 mi S San Juan Ixcoy, 10,120 ft, 8 (KU); 27 mi N Chiantla, 4 (NM); Todos Santos, 12 (NM), 1 (AM); 5.5 mi N and 1 mi E Chiantla, 9700 ft, 3 (KU); Hda. El ln- jerto, 1600 m, 38 (UM). Quezaltenango: Finca Helvetia, 5500 ft, 8 (NM); Calel, 22 (NM); 1 mi S Quezaltenango, 2 (NM); Zunil, 1 1 (NM); Volcan Santa Maria, 1 1 (NM). San Marcos: Volcan Tajumulco, 10,000 ft, 11 (UM), 10 (FM); 13.5 mi N and 0.75 mi E San Marcos, 9500 ft, 10 (KU); 4 mi W San Marcos, 4 (AM). Solola: 3.2 mi E Panajachel, 1 (NM); Volcan San Lucas, 51 (AM); San Lucas, 75 (AM). Totonicapan: 8 mi S Momostenango, 9000 ft, 7 (KU); 10 mi E and 4 mi S Totonicapan, 10,000 ft, 3 (KU); Cumbre Maria Tucum, 2770 m, 4 (UM). MEXICO. Chiapas: Pinabete, 8 (NM); Volcan Tacana, 8 km N Union Juarez, 2000 m, 32 (KU); Cerro Mozo- tal, 2850 m, 31 (UM); Triunfo, 1950 m, 21 (UM). Peromyscus grandis Giant Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus grandis Goodwin 1932:4. HOLOTYPE. An old adult female, skin and skull, in good condition, AM 79341, collected 16 June 1928, Finca Concep- cion, ca. 3 miles S San Miguel Tucuru, Alta Verapaz, Guate- mala, 3750 ft. DIAGNOSIS. A very large species of the subgenus Per- omyscus with unexpanded nasals; nonbeaded supraorbital ridges; moderately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone; basically brown dorsal pelage occasionally with brown color extending onto venter but no ochraceous ventral color; no pectoral mammae; a fully pouched stomach; a rela- tively long glans penis with a long protractile tip, large spines, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a large cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. Forests of northeastern Baja Verapaz and adjacent Alta Verapaz, Guatemala (Fig. 9). Limits of range unknown. Allopatric to all other species here considered. Southern range probably limited by drier habitat in central Baja Verapaz and the gorge of the Rio Chixoy o Negro. VARIATION. Too few specimens, all taken within a small area, preclude any analysis of geographic variation of this form at present. IDENTIFICATION. At present only known to occur with P. oaxacensis, a much smaller species. Large size (Appendix) sep- arates this species from the geographically adjacent P. mex- icanus. Its larger size in most dimensions together with its brown pelage distinguish it from the smaller, grayer P. guate- malensis. In the genus, only P. thomasi (subgenus Megadon- tomys) equals the dimensions of P. grandis and only P. flavidus and pirrensis (subgenus Isthmomys ) really exceed it. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (30). GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz: Hda. Concepcion, 3 (AM), 18 (UM); 11.5 mi S and 3.5 mi E Coban, 4925 ft, 4 (KU). Baja Verapaz: 2 mi W Pu- rulha, 4950 ft, 3 (KU); 12.5 mi N Salama, 2 (NM). Peromyscus gymnotis Naked-eared Mouse SYNONYMY. Peromyscus gymnotis Thomas 1894:365. Peromyscus allophylus Osgood 1904:71. Huehuetan, Chiapas, Mexico. HOLOTYPE. A young adult male, in fluid with extracted and cleaned skull. British Museum, collected in “Guatemala” by Bernoulli. DIAGNOSIS. A moderately small species of the subgenus Peromyscus with unexpanded nasals; nonbeaded supraorbital ridges; moderately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone; basically dark brown dorsal pelage with whitish ventral pelage; no pectoral mammae; a fully pouched stomach; a relatively long glans penis with a long protractile tip, large spines, and undivided dorsal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a large cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. Foothills and adjacent coastal plain of southern Chiapas and southwestern Guatemala (Fig. 9). Limits of range probably known and likely determined by the presence of P. mexicanus to the north and south of it on the coastal plain and by the presence of P. guatemalensis in the mountains above it. VARIATION. I can detect no geographic variation within the small known range of this species. IDENTIFICATION. The known range of P. gymnotis con- tacts the known range of five other Peromyscus. P. gymnotis differs from P guatemalensis and mexicanus primarily in its smaller size in most dimensions (Appendix) and from P. guatemalensis in having short brown rather than long gray pel- age with monocolored or ventrally blotched as opposed to usu- ally bicolored tail. Positive separation of P. mexicanus and P. gymnotis may frequently require direct comparison with known specimens. Peromyscus boylii differs in having an hourglass- shaped interorbital area and usually a bicolored tail. Per- omyscus oaxacensis normally has very reddish pelage in adults and heavier teeth with more accessory lophs and cusps. Per- omyscus lophurus has a very hairy tail usually with a tuft on the end. In addition, the glans penis of P. gymnotis differs con- siderably from those of P. boylii, oaxacensis, and lophurus (see Hooper 1958 and Hooper and Musser 1964 for figures and de- Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 15 scription), and the females of these three species possess a pair of pectoral mammae. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (208). GUATEMALA. Escuintla: 11 mi SW Escuintla, 615 ft, 2 (FM); 4 mi W Es- cuintla, 880 ft, 8 (KU); Finca El Salto, 4 (UM); Finca El Zapote, 2400 ft, 1 (FM); Finca Santa Cristina, 330 ft, 6 (FM); Tequisate, 4 (FM); Astillero, 65 ft, 5 (KU); Hda. El Rosario, 950 m, 12 (UM); San Jose, 6 (NM); 45 km S Guatemala, 2950 ft, 1 (KU); 48 km S Guatemala, 2300 ft, 1 (KU); 50 km S Guatemala, 2000 ft, 6 (KU); 52 km S Guatemala, 1650 ft, 1 1 (KU). Quezaltenango: Finca Helvetia, 3500 and 5500 ft, 7 (NM). Retalhuleu: 20 km NW Retalhuleu, 3 (TCWC). San Marcos: Hda. California, 12 (AM); Finca El Porvenir, 3700 ft, 1 (UM), 13 (FM). Suchitepequez: Finca El Cipres, 1 (AM); 12' mi NE Mazatenango, 19 (NM). MEXICO. Chiapas: Huehue- tan, 4 (NM); Finca Esperanza, 1 (UM); Mt. Ovando, I (UM); Pijijiapan, 9 (UM); Mapastepec, 20 (UM); 13 km N Huixtla, 14 (UM); Tapachula, 2 (AM); 7 mi ENE Tapachula, 7 (KU); 1 5 mi S Tapachula, 1 (AM); Talisman, 6 (AM); Chicharras, 20 (NM). Peromyscus mexicanus Mexican Mouse SYNONYMY. Hesperomys mexicanus Saussure 1860:103. Peromyscus mexicanus, Thomas 1894:364. Hesperomys nudipes J.A. Allen 1891:213. La Carpintera, Cartago, Costa Rica. Peromyscus nudipes, Thomas 1894:365. Peromyscus mexicanus totontepecus Merriam 1898:120. Totontepec, Oa- xaca, Mexico. Peromyscus mexicanus orizabae Merriam 1898:121. Orizaba, Veracruz, Mexico. Peromyscus tehuan- tepecus Merriam 1898:122. Near Tehuantepec (8 mi up Rio Tehuantepec, Cerro Giengola), Oaxaca, Mexico. Peromyscus cacabatus Bangs 1902:29. Boquete, Chiriqui, Panama. Per- omyscus banderanus angelensis Osgood 1904:69. Puerto Angel, Oaxaca, Mexico. Peromyscus mexicanus teapensis Osgood 1904:69. Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico. Peromyscus nicaraguae J.A. Allen 1908:658. Matagalpa, Nicaragua. Peromyscus mex- icanus philombrius Dickey 1928:3. Los Esesmiles, Chal- atenango, El Salvador. Peromyscus mexicanus salvadorensis Dickey 1928:4. Mt. Cacaguatique, San Miguel, El Salvador. Peromyscus guatemalensis tropicalis Goodwin 1932:3. Chimoxan, Alta Verapaz, Guatemala. Peromyscus nudipes ori- entalis Goodwin 1938:3. El Sauce Peralta, Cartago, Costa Rica. Peromyscus nudipes hesperus Harris 1940:1. Hacienda Santa Maria, Guanacaste, Costa Rica. Peromyscus banderanus sloeops Goodwin 1955:2. Rio Mono Blanco, Oaxaca, Mexico. Peromyscus megalops azulensis Goodwin 1956:6. Cerro Azul, Oaxaca, Mexico. Peromyscus banderanus coatlanensis Good- win 1956:7. Agua Zarca, Oaxaca, Mexico. HOLOTYPE. A mounted skin with separate skull, Geneva Museum 510/95, Mirador, Veracruz, Mexico (locality re- stricted to 10 km E Mirador by Dalquest 1950:8). DIAGNOSIS. A large species of the subgenus Peromyscus with unexpanded nasals; nonbeaded supraorbital ridges; moder- ately complex teeth usually with undivided anterocone (divided anterocone more common from Guatemala south); light to dark brown dorsal pelage and whitish ventral pelage; no pectoral mammae; a fully pouched stomach; a relatively long glans pe- nis with a long protractile tip, large spines, and undivided dor- sal lappets; and a cylindrical baculum with no great distal enlargement and a large cartilaginous tip. DISTRIBUTION. Tropical lowlands of the Gulf side of Mexico from San Luis Potosi south through Veracruz and northern Oaxaca into the Isthmus of Tehuantepec; Pacific coast of Mexico at least from the Guerrero-Oaxaca border south to the vicinity of Tonala, Chiapas; the northern and eastern low- lands of Chiapas and adjacent Tabasco probably eastward through the foothills of the Guatemalan highlands to the Puerto Barrios area; central valley of Chiapas and adjacent Guatemala; southeastern volcanoes and highlands of Guatemala throughout El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua south to the moderate to high elevations of Costa Rica and ex- treme western Panama (Fig. 6). Apparently absent from El Pe- ten, Guatemala, and Belice. Limits of range probably known except possibly northern extension on Pacific coast in Guerrero and eastern extension in highlands of western Panama. Taken sympatrically or closely parapatrically with all other species herein considered except P. ochraventer, grandis, yucalanicus, and megalops (taken lower on same slopes as P. megalops). VARIATION. Musser (1969) provided evidence that the named forms P. banderanus angelensis Osgood, P. b. coatlanen- sis Goodwin, P. b. sloeops Goodwin, and P. guatemalensis trop- icalis Goodwin consist solely of specimens of the wide-ranging P mexicanus. I have examined the specimens concerned and agree completely. In addition, I would arrange P. megalops azulensis Goodwin as a species-level synonym of P. mexicanus (Saussure). Goodwin ( 1956) described this form from one spec- imen from the mountains in the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, but later (1969:191) he referred another specimen from further west in Oaxaca to it. I have examined both specimens and con- sider them fairly ordinary examples of P mexicanus. Neither exhibits the beaded supraorbital ridges characteristic of P. megalops. Overall size varies locally in P. mexicanus (Appendix) with no particular macrogeographic trend. I can detect geographic variation in no other characters except dorsal coloration. Ac- cordingly, I will limit my admittedly cursory discussion of geo- graphic variation in this species to the variation in dorsal coloration. Specimens of P. mexicanus from warm areas have a pale buffy brown dorsum, and those from moist warm areas have a dark reddish brown dorsum. Specimens from cool areas tend to have a grayish cast to the pelage, which ranges from light gray in dryer areas to nearly black in humid regions. The palest specimens come from the Pacific coastal region of Oaxaca — from near Tehuantepec west to the Guerrero border. Somewhat darker specimens come from the dry interior valley of Chiapas and the southeastern highlands of Guatemala and adjacent El Salvador. All of these areas have a long dry season and open scrubby deciduous vegetation with some open savannah. The mice exhibit a seasonal difference in pelage color in that the wet season pelage appears considerably darker than that of the dry season. I could not satisfactorily determine whether this difference results from molting or from wear and fading of the dark, wet season pelage as the dry season progresses. The darkest specimens of P. mexicanus come from the north- ern slopes of the Sistema Montanoso in Oaxaca, the northern lowlands of Chiapas and adjacent Tabasco, and Costa Rica. These areas have a short dry season, high rainfall, and ever- green forests. Specimens intermediate in color occur in the other areas, apparently associated with intermediate habitats in regard to climate and type of vegetation. Most mammalian taxonomists, in dealing with species such as P. mexicanus that exhibit considerable variation in size and/ or color over a wide range of habitats, have broken these spe- Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 16 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group cies up into numerous subspecies. I have chosen not to do so primarily because of the apparent complexity of the variation, and because I do not think that I had enough large samples to adequately describe the morphometric variation. Size does not correlate well with color in this species, which would necessi- tate the recognition of a fairly large number of subspecies. In fact, most of the large samples available to me differ from one another on the basis of some combination of characters. This microgeographic variation seems best described, for the pres- ent, as I briefly attempted above and not further complicated with the addition of many new and poorly defined trinomials. IDENTIFICATION. The appropriate species accounts con- tain the characteristics that distinguish P. mexicanus from other species herein considered. The known ranges of P. aztecus, boylii, oaxacensis, evides, melanophrys, banderanus, leucopus, and flavidus overlap that of P. mexicanus. Per- omyscus aztecus, evides, and oaxacensis closely resemble one another and may represent geographical variants of the same species. All three differ from P. mexicanus in having three pairs of mammae, a short glans penis with a flared and scalloped dis- tal end that lacks dorsal lappets (Hooper 1958, Plate VII), usu- ally smaller dimensions, heavier more complicated teeth, usually more parallel tooth rows and a decidedly reddish cast to old adult pelage. Peromyscus boylii and P. leucopus have much smaller dimensions in most measurements than P. mexicanus, three pairs of mammae, and usually very hourglass-shaped in- terorbital areas. Peromyscus melanophrys has a very long and relatively more hairy tail, three pairs of mammae and a rela- tively shorter rostrum than P. mexicanus. Peromyscus ban- deranus has a narrower skull with very strongly beaded supraorbital ridges, a short, relatively simple glans penis (Hooper 1958, Plate X), and a completely naked as opposed to slightly hairy heel. Peromyscus flavidus has much larger di- mensions in most measurements. SPECIMENS EXAMINED (2381). COSTA RICA. Alajuela: Palmira de Zarcero, 2 (UM); Volcan Poas, Rio Poasito, 2000 m, 10 (UM); Lajas Villa Quesada, 22 (AM); Zapote, 4 (AM); Tapesco, 1 (AM). Cartago: San Ramon de Tres Rios, 1 (NM); El Sauce Peralta, 3 (AM), 8 (NM); Cer- vantes, 13 (NM), 2 (AM); La Carpintera, 1 (AM); Volcan Irazu, 9400 ft, 30 (AM); 2350 m, 7 (UM); 2850 m, 3 (UM); Rancho de Rio Jimenez, 5 (AM); Islo Nievo Irazu, 1 (AM); El Muneco, 8 (UM); Las Vueltas, 5 (UM); Santa Teresa Peralta, 8 (AM); Juan Vinas, 4 (AM); 3 mi SE Turrialba, 602 m, 11 (UM); Tapanti, 2100 m, 3 (UM); Moravia, 1116 m, 15 (UM). Guanacaste: Hda. Santa Maria, 5 (UM); Cerros de San Juan, 2 (UM). Puntarenas: Monteverde, 1400 m, 1 8 (UM). San Jose: San Joaquin de Dota, 1 (UM); Los Higuerones Escazu, 20 (AM); San Jose, 1 (AM); Cerro de la Muerte, 5 (UM). EL SALVADOR. Chalatenango: Vi mi N San Ignacio, 3200 ft, 3 (MVZ); Los Esesmiles, 1 (UCLA), 6 (UM), 98 (MVZ); San Jose del Sacare, 3600 ft, 9 (MVZ). La Union: Pine Peaks, 31 (MVZ). San Miguel: Mt. Cacaguatique, 1 (UCLA), 6 (UM), 106 (MVZ); Volcan de San Miguel, 33 (MVZ). San Vicente: Hacienda El Carmen, Volcan San Vicente, 3300 ft, 10 (MVZ). Santa Ana: V2 mi NE Cerro del Aguila, 5900 ft, 7 (MVZ); Cerro de los Naranjos, Volcan de Santa Ana, 5800-6150 ft, 60 (MVZ). Sonsonate: Hacienda Chilata, 6 (UM), 43 (MVZ). GUATEMALA. Alta Verapaz: Chimoxan, 23 (AM). Es- cuintla: Volcan Agua, 1200 m, 1 (UM); 1520 m, 1 (UM); 1990 m, 1 (UM); 2100 m, 12 (UM); 2300 m, 22 (UM); 1800 m, 16 (UM). Guatemala: 4 mi S Guatemala, 4700 ft, 10 (KU); 5 mi S Guatemala, 4950 ft, 1 8 (KU); 6 mi S Guatemala, 4680 ft, 1 3 (KU); 7 mi S and 6 mi E Guatemala, 5800 ft, 5 (KU); 24 km S Guatemala, 4100 ft, 18 (KU). Huehuetenango: Hda. Guailia, 14 (UM); Hda. El Reposito, 5 (UM); Nenton, 4 (NM); Jac- altenango, 33 (NM); Chanquejelve, 7 (AM). Izabal: Escobas, 3 (FM). Jalapa: 6 mi E Mataquescuintla, La Soledad Grande, 8600 ft, 9 (FM). Jutiapa: 1 mi SE Jutiapa, 2950 ft, 11 (FM). Sacatepequez: Finca San Rafael, 7000 ft, 33 (FM), 1 (UM). Santa Rosa: Finca El Progresso, 10 (FM). HONDURAS. Dis- trito Central: Cantoral, 18 (AM), 1 (UM); La Flor Archaga, I (UM); La Cueva Archaga, 5 (AM); Hatillo, 1 (UM); Rancho Quemado, 2 (UM). Cortes: La Lima, 9 (AM). Francisco Mor- azan: El Caliche Orica, 9 (AM); Cerro Santa Maria, 4 (UM); Cerro Uyuca, 10 (UM). La Paz: Muye, 37 (AM). Lempira: Cerro Puca, 60 (AM); Monte Linderos, 12 (AM); Cementerio, 5 (AM); Puca, 11 (AM); Las Flores, 2 (AM). Ocotepeque: Monteverde, 5 (AM). Olancho: 40 km E Catacamas, 1 (TCWC). Santa Barbara: Santa Barbara, 3 (AM). MEXICO. Chiapas: Villa Corzo, 4 (AM); Tres Picos, 4 (AM); Morelia, 4700 ft, 2 (KU); 4 mi S Altamirano, 10 (KU); 2 mi W Agua Escondido, 2 (KU); 2 mi SE Las Tasas, 1 (KU); El Paraiso, 4050 ft, 1 I (KU); Finca San Antonio, 1 (KU); Tonina Ruins, 7 (KU); La Victoria, 3 (KU); San Vicente, 3 (NM); Canjob, 14 (NM); San Bartoleme, 7 (NM); Catarina, 1300 m, 12 (UM); Prusia, 1100 m, 21 (UM); Bochil, 1320 m, 3 (UM); 17 mi W Bochil, 14 (AM); 1 1 mi E Bochil, 4 (AM); Palenque, 1 1 (KU); El Salto, 2 (NM); Tumbala, 1 (NM); 5 km S Solusuchiapa, 6 (UM), 2 (KU); 4 mi S Pichucalco, 3 (KU); mts. near Tonala, 8 (NM); 9 mi SE, 10 mi NE Tonala, 21 (LACM); Ocozocoautla, 4 (NM), 3 (UM); Cinco Cerros, 20 (AM); Cintalapa, 10 (AM); Cerro Pecho Blanco, 6 (AM); 3 km E Riso de Oro, 3 (UM); 5 mi N Berriozabal, 26 (UM); Tuxtla, 4 (NM), 13 (KU); 1 mi N Tuxtla Gutierrez, 14 (UM); 5 mi NW Tuxtla Gutierrez, 34 (KU); 10 mi W Tuxtla Gutierrez, 2 (UM); 11 km W Tuxtla Gutierrez, 1 (UM). Guerrero: 9 mi SE Omete- pec, 1 (NM). Oaxaca: Comaltepec, 2 (NM); Choapam, 1 (NM); Vista Hermosa, Tarabundi, 20 (AM); Puerto Elijio, 1 (AM); 4 mi S Valle Nacional, 2600 ft, 8 (MSU); Totontepec, 10 (NM); Estancia, 1 (AM); Ixcuintepec, 39 (AM); 12 de Julio, 8 (AM); Lagunas, 2 (NM), 6 (FM); 2 mi S Tollocita, 26 (KU); Santa Efigenia, 13 (NM); Guichicovi, 8 (NM); Santo Domingo, 19 (NM); 7 mi E Santa Maria Chimalapa, 5 (AM); 15 mi N Tapanatepec, Cerro Baul, 14 (AM); 20 mi N Tap- anatepec, 2 (AM); 22 mi N Tapanatepec, 1 (AM); 25 mi N Tapanatepec, 6 (AM); Rio Mono Blanco, 4 (AM); Tap- anatepec, 1 (AM); Zanatepec, 8 (AM); mts. N Zanatepec, 5000 ft, 35 (AM); Ubero, 1 (AM); 8-9 mi S Veracruz border, 6 (AM); Mogone, 1 (AM); Laguna Sol y Luna, 3 (AM); Arroyo Encantado, 1 (AM); Chivela, 1 (AM); Nizanda, 5 (AM); Cerro Azul, 25 mi NW Zanatepec, 2 (AM); 18 mi N Matias Romero, 1 (AM); Arroyo Cardon, 3 (AM); 8 mi up Rio Tehuantepec, Cerro Giengola, 5 (NM); 10 mi W Tehuantepec, 2 (UM); Santiago Lachiguiri, 7000 ft, 6 (AM); Agua Zarca, 5 (AM); Santa Lucia, 44 (AM); Cerro Arenal, 5 (AM); San An- tonio, 1 (AM); Arroyo San Juan, 3 (AM); Tenango, 7 (AM); Tres Cruces, 5 (AM); Las Cuevas, 2 (AM); Escuranos, 4 (AM); Mixtequilla, 1 (AM); Cerro San Pedro, 10 (AM); Sal- azar, 3 (AM); Guigovalaga, 3 (AM); Media Loma, 3 (AM); El Companario, 1 (AM); Santa Maria Ecatepec, 7 (AM); San Felipe Lachillo, 1 (AM); Puerto Angel, 19 (NM); Chacalapa, 650 ft, 6 (KU); 4 mi S Candelaria, 1300 ft, 6 (KU); 3 mi S Candelaria, 1200 ft, 12 (KU); Pluma Hidalgo, 1 (NM); Escon- Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 17 dido Bay, 3 (UM); Nopala, 3 (AM); 2 mi E San Gabriel Mix- tepec, 10 (AM); 5 mi E Rio Grande, 2 (MSU); 10-11 mi N Puerto Escondido, 2000 ft, 4 (MSU); Pinotepa, 1 (NM); Rio Verde, 1 (AM); 4 mi SSW Cacahuatepec, 1000 ft, 2 (MSU); 2 mi SE Jamiltepec, 900 ft, 1 (MSU). Puebla: 6 km E, I km N Villa Juarez, 17 (KU); Metlaltoyuca, 7 (NM); Pahuatlan, 1 100 m, 7 (UM). San Luis Potosi: 3 km N Tamazunchale, 18 (LSU); 2 mi W Tamazunchale, 2 (UM). Tabasco: 12 mi S Villa Hermosa, 1 (KU), 6 mi S Cardenas, 4 (KU); 5 mi SE Macuspana, 8 (KU); Montecristo, 2 (NM); vicinity of Teapa, 25 (KU), 34 (LSU); Teapa, 17 (NM). Veracruz: Papantla, 8 (NM); Xico, 7 (FM); Barranca Texcolo at Puente Texcolo, 1 1 (UM); 2 mi N Teocelo, 1000 m, 13 (UM); Teocelo, 2 (NM); 0.5 mi E, 3 mi NW Plan del Rio, 2 (UM); Carrizal, 9 (NM); Mirador, 4 (NM); Orizaba, 20 (NM); Barranca Metlac, 4 (UM); 9 km WNW Potrero Viejo, 1700 ft, 9 (UM); Cordoba, 9 (AM); Presidio, 23 (UM); Motzorongo, 11 (NM); San An- dres Tuxtla, 4 (NM); Volcan Tuxtla, 6 (NM); Catemaco, 5 (NM); Lake Catemaco, 31 (AM); 15 mi N San Andres, 19 (AM); 18 mi N San Andres, 17 (AM); Achotal, 18 (FM); 2 km SSW Tenochtitlan, 9 (UM); Suchil, 7 (AM); Pasa Nueva, 9 (AM). NICARAGUA. Matagalpa: Matagalpa, 20 (AM); Santa Maria de Ostuma, 1400 m, 26 (UM). PANAMA. Chiri- qui: Boquete, 4 (UM), 26 (FM); Rio Chiriqui Viejo, 1700 m, 7 (UM); Quebrada El Chiquero, 1800 m, 2 (UM); Cerro Punta, 1825 m, 6 (UM); Volcan de Chiriqui, 2000 m, 7 (UM). SUMMARY The Peromyscus mexicanus species group of Hooper (1968) consists of 12 species with largely allopatric or parapatric ranges. Peromyscus mexicanus has by far the widest distribu- tion, and its range contacts or closely approaches the ranges of all the other species. Peromyscus mexicanus occurs in lowland areas of Mexico and northern Central America and occurs from moderate to high elevations in southern Central America. Peromyscus mexicanus ranges into highland areas only in places where the other species of this group do not occur, mainly in the southern part of Central America. Of the other 1 1 species, only P yucatanicus, stirtoni, and gymnotis occur at low elevations. Peromyscus yucatanicus oc- curs on the Yucatan Peninsula where its range does not contact that of any other member of this group. Peromyscus stirtoni occurs in low valleys on the Pacific slopes of Guatemala, El Sal- vador, and Honduras where it comes in contact with P. mex- icanus alone of the species herein considered. Peromyscus gymnotis occurs on the Pacific coastal plain of eastern Chiapas and western Guatemala; this species contacts P. mexicanus on its western and eastern edge and contacts P. guatemalensis on a broad front in the mountains to the north. The remaining eight species inhabit upland areas within or adjacent to the northern part of the range of P mexicanus. Per- omyscus ochraventer has a small known range immediately ad- jacent to the northern known limit of the range of P. mexicanus on the eastern side of Mexico. Peromyscus furvus occurs on the eastern slopes of the Sierra Madre Oriental from San Luis Po- tosi south to Oaxaca. Peromyscus mexicanus occurs lower down the same slopes. Peromyscus melanocarpus occurs on the northeastern slopes of the mountains of northern Oaxaca where its range appears as an extension of the range of P. furvus (the deep canyon of the Rio Santo Domingo/Quiotepec separates the two), and where it also occurs at higher elevations than the more lowland P. mexicanus. Peromyscus megalops occupies disjunct patches on the Pacific slopes of the mountains of south- ern Oaxaca and Guerrero. In Oaxaca, P. megalops contacts P. melanurus, which occurs lower down these same Pacific slopes. Peromyscus melanurus occupies a range on these Pacific slopes of Oaxaca sandwiched between P. megalops at higher and P. mexicanus at lower elevations. Further south, P. zarhynchus occupies part of the higher ele- vations of the mountains of northern Chiapas. Peromyscus mexicanus occurs at lower elevations on these same mountains. P. guatemalensis occurs in the higher elevations of the western part of the mountains of southern Guatemala and the moun- tains of southern Chiapas. Peromyscus mexicanus contacts P. guatemalensis at the eastern, northern, and western edge of this area but not in the southern part. Peromyscus gymnotis oc- cupies the coastal plain and slopes below the southern edge of the range of P. guatemalensis. Finally, P. grandis occupies a small range in the northeastern part of the main highland mass of southern Guatemala; P. grandis does not contact any of the other species herein considered, but P. mexicanus occurs in the adjacent lowlands to the north. RESUMEN Para estimar los limites dentro del grupo de Peromyscus mex- icanus de Hooper (1968), modificado por Musser (1969, 1971) compare mas de 4000 especimenes a traves de tecnicas conven- cionales y multivariadas. Base la comparacion en una serie de caracteres elegidos del craneo, del sistema reproductive mas- culino y de la morfologia externa de especimenes preservados. Hooper (1968) reconocio 14 formas nominales (P. al- lophylus, furvus. grandis. guatemalensis. gymnotis. latirostris, megalops, melanocarpus. mexicanus, nudipes, ochraventer, stir- toni, yucatanicus, and zarhynchus ). Sigo a Hall (1971 ) en iden- tificar a P. latirostris con furvus y a Musser (1971) en identificar P. allophylus con gymnotis. Reconozco todo el resto como especies en si con excepcion de P. nudipes que hago si- nonimo de P. mexicanus. Tambien reconozco P. melanurus (an- terioramente considerado como una susespecie de megalops ) como una especie en si. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This report derives mostly from a dissertation submitted to the Horace H. Rackham School of Graduate Studies, The Univer- sity of Michigan, 1973, in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Zoology. 1 wish to thank C.W. Hib- bard, E.T. Hooper, A.G. Kluge, D.M. Lay, G.R. Smith, and R.W. Storer for services rendered in this regard. E. Barriga-B., M.D. Carleton, and A.L. Gardner gave valu- able field assistance. J.A. Lackey collected valuable specimens from Tamaulipas and Campeche. J.A. Arnold collected valu- able specimens from Oaxaca proving the sympatry of P. mega- lops and melanurus. M.D. Carleton illustrated the glandes penis, and A. Solis photographed the skulls. I appreciate the loan of specimens from the following indi- viduals and their respective institutions: J.R. Patton, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology, University of California, Berkeley; R.L. Orr and L.C. Binford, California Academy of Science; D.R. Patten and L. Lester, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County; T.R. Howell, Dickey Collection, University of Califor- nia, Los Angeles; J.K. Jones, Jr., and R.S. Hoffmann, Museum Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 18 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group of Natural History, University of Kansas; L. de la Torre, Field Museum of Natural History; R.A. Baker, The Museum, Michi- gan State University; G.H. Lowery, Jr., Museum of Zoology, Louisiana State University; D.J. Schmidly, Texas Cooperative Wildlife Collection, Texas A & M University; G.G. Musser, American Museum of Natural History; C. Jones, National Museum of Natural History; R. Hardy, California State Uni- versity, Long Beach. I acknowledge support of the National Science Foundation through NSF GB-6230 to N.G. Hairston, Museum of Zoology, The University of Michigan. R.H. Corzo, El Director General de la Fauna Silvestre, Departemento de Conservacion y Pro- pagacion de la Fauna Silvestre provided collecting permits for Mexico. Finally I thank M.D. Carleton, G.G. Musser, and D.R. Pat- ten for their helpful reviews of this paper. I accept, of course, all responsibility for the final result. 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No. of Speci- Std. Std. mens Mean Dev. Error Range Peromyscus ochraventer. Rancho del Cielo Head and body 14 104 6.01 1.61 94-113 Tail 14 118 7.51 2.01 103-130 Hind foot 17 24.4 1.27 0.31 23-28 Skull length 16 30.3 0.63 0.16 28.7-31.2 Rostral length 16 9.2 0.31 0.08 8. 5-9.8 Braincase length 17 13.8 0.23 0.06 13.3-14.1 Interorbital width 17 4.8 0.14 0.03 4. 6-5.0 Braincase width 17 13.2 0.25 0.06 12.6-13.6 Incisive foramen length 17 6.3 0.27 0.06 5. 6-6. 6 Molar row 15 4.4 0.13 0.03 4. 1 -4.6 Interpterygoid fossa length 16 5.0 0.23 0.06 2.4-5. 3 Intermolar width 15 3.0 0.14 0.09 2. 7-3. 2 Interpterygoid fossa width 17 1.9 0.10 0.02 1. 7-2.0 Molar width 14 1.3 0.04 0.01 1.2-1. 4 Peromyscus stirtoni, all El Salvador specimens Head and body 8 101 4.70 1.57 93-110 Tail 8 95 6.22 2.20 92-108 Hind foot 8 23.4 0.75 0.26 22-24 Skull length 8 28.9 0.86 0.31 27.4-29.9 Interorbital width 8 4.9 0.09 0.03 4. 8-5.0 Braincase width 8 13.0 0.23 0.08 12.7-13.3 Molar row 8 4.0 0.12 0.04 3.8-4. 1 Intermolar width 8 3.2 0.08 0.03 3. 1-3. 3 Peromyscus yucatanicus, Escarcega Head and body 20 99 7.39 1.65 80-1 10 Tail 20 100 8.12 1.81 80-110 Hind foot 24 22.0 0.97 0.19 20-24 Skull length 25 28.2 1.15 0.23 25.0-29.7 Rostral length 25 8.3 0.50 0.10 7. 0-8. 9 Braincase length 25 13.2 0.34 0.07 12.4-13.8 Interorbital width 25 4.8 0.17 0.03 4. 5-5. 2 Braincase width 25 12.5 0.27 0.05 12.1-12.9 Incisive foramen length 25 5.6 0.34 0.07 4. 7-6. 3 Molar row 25 3.7 0.13 0.03 3. 4-3. 9 Interpterygoid fossa length 25 4.9 0.30 0.06 4. 2-5. 4 Intermolar width 25 3.1 0.22 0.04 2.7-3. 5 Interpterygoid fossa width 25 1.9 0.15 0.03 1. 7-2.3 Molar width 25 1.2 0.04 0.01 1.0-1. 2 Peromyscus furvus, Xilitla Head and body 13 128 1 1.71 3.25 114-152 Tail 13 131 10.03 2.78 112-142 Hind foot 9 23.4 1.01 0.34 22-25 Skull length 14 34.5 1.58 0.42 31.9-36.8 Rostral length 14 10.8 0.78 0.21 9.4-11.9 Braincase length 14 15.7 0.38 0.10 15.2-16.2 Interorbital width 14 5.4 0.16 0.04 5. 1-5.7 Braincase width 14 14.4 0.34 0.09 13.6-14.8 Incisive foramen length 14 7.0 0.38 0.10 6.4-7. 8 Molar row 14 5.1 0.14 0.04 4.9-5. 3 Interpterygoid fossa length 14 5.7 0.36 0.10 4. 8-6. 3 Intermolar width 14 3.4 0.18 0.05 3.2-3. 7 Interpterygoid fossa width 14 2.2 0.20 0.05 1 .9-2.6 Molar width 14 1.5 0.07 0.02 1.4- 1.6 Continued Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 20 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group Appendix continued. No. of Speci- mens Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error Range Peromyscus furvus, Hidalgo Head and body 28 129 7.25 1.37 115-143 Tail 28 130 7.51 1.42 115-147 Hind foot 28 29.5 0.96 0.18 27-32 Skull length 28 33.8 0.96 0.18 31.6-35.6 Rostral length 28 10.5 0.45 0.09 9.4-1 1.4 Braincase length 28 15.1 0.35 0.07 14.4-15.7 Interorbital width 28 5.2 0.19 0.04 4. 8-5. 5 Braincase width 28 14.1 0.32 0.06 13.6-14.9 Incisive foramen length 28 6.8 0.32 0.06 6. 4-7. 4 Molar row 28 5.1 0.13 0.02 4.8-5. 3 Interpterygoid fossa length 28 5.7 0.28 0.06 5. 3-6. 2 Intermolar width 28 3.3 0.16 0.03 3.0-3. 5 Interpterygoid fossa width 28 2.2 0.13 0.02 2. 0-2. 6 Molar width 28 1.5 0.06 0.01 1.4-1. 7 Peromyscus furvus, Xico Head and body 15 125 6.1 1.60 113-136 Tail 15 133 9.7 2.50 115-145 Hind foot 15 28.3 0.98 0.25 27-30 Skull length 15 33.9 1.25 0.32 31.5-35.6 Rostral length 15 10.7 0.52 0.13 9.8-11.6 Braincase length 15 15.0 0.50 0.13 14.1-15.9 Interorbital width 15 5.2 0.1 1 0.03 5. 0-5. 4 Braincase width 15 13.9 0.20 0.05 13.5-14.2 Incisive foramen length 15 6.9 0.43 0.11 6. 1-7.4 Molar row 15 5.0 0.18 0.05 4. 8-5. 3 Interpterygoid fossa length 15 5.7 0.35 0.09 5. 2-6.2 Intermolar width 15 3.5 0.21 0.05 3. 1-3.8 Interpterygoid fossa width 15 2.2 0.14 0.04 2. 0-2. 5 Molar width 15 1.5 0.05 0.01 1.4- 1.6 Peromyscus megalops, Rio Molino Head and body 32 131 7.49 1.32 112-141 Tail 32 137 9.19 1.62 1 16-151 Hind foot 32 29.7 0.79 0.14 28-31 Skull length 32 33.7 1.03 0.18 31.2-35.3 Rostral length 32 10.8 0.56 0.10 9.4-11.5 Braincase length 32 15.1 0.32 0.06 14.4-15.8 Interorbital width 32 5.6 0.18 0.03 5. 2-5.9 Braincase width 32 14.3 0.35 0.06 13.5-14.9 Incisive foramen length 32 7.2 0.27 0.05 6. 6-7.8 Molar row 31 4.9 0.12 0.02 4.6-5. 1 Interpterygoid fossa length 32 5.9 0.31 0.06 5. 1-6.4 Intermolar width 31 3.5 0.19 0.03 3. 1-3.9 Interpterygoid fossa width 32 2.2 0.16 0.03 1. 9-2.5 Molar width 31 Peromyscus melanocarpus, 116 km SW of Tuxtepec 1.5 0.15 0.01 1.4- 1.6 Head and body 1 1 124 9.70 2.92 100-133 Tail 11 122 8.81 2.66 100-130 Hind foot 1 1 29.1 0.83 0.25 28-30 Skull length 1 1 32.9 1.46 0.44 29.8-34.4 Rostral length 11 10.2 0.83 0.25 8.4-1 1.2 Braincase length 11 15.1 0.34 0.10 14.7-15.8 Interorbital width 1 1 5.3 0.13 0.04 5. 1-5.6 Braincase width 11 14.2 0.44 0.13 13.7-15.0 Incisive foramen length 11 7.1 0.42 0.13 6. 0-7. 6 Molar row 10 4.8 0.1 1 0.03 4. 6-5.0 Interpterygoid fossa length 10 5.5 0.47 0.15 4.6-6. 1 Intermolar width 1 1 3.3 0.12 0.04 3. 1-3. 5 Interpterygoid fossa width 11 2.1 0.24 0.07 1. 7-2.5 Molar width 1 1 1.5 0.03 0.01 1.4-1. 5 Continued Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 21 Appendix continued No. of Speci- mens Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error Range Peromyscus melanurus, Km 1 83— P. E. Head and body road 36 123 9.01 1.50 95-138 Tail 36 127 9.18 1.53 111-146 Hind foot 36 27.3 0.88 0.15 26-29 Skull length 33 32.4 1.22 0.21 29.9-34.3 Rostral length 33 9.8 0.54 0.09 8.4-10.6 Braincase length 33 14.9 0.35 0.06 14.3-15.6 Interorbital width 33 5.2 0.14 0.02 4. 9-5. 4 Braincase width 33 14.2 0.29 0.05 13.6-14.7 Incisive foramen length 33 6.8 0.30 0.05 6. 1-7.4 Molar row 29 4.6 0.14 0.03 4. 3-4.9 Interpterygoid fossa length 33 5.5 0.35 0.06 4.7-6. 2 Intermolar width 29 3.3 0 13 0.02 3. 1-3.6 Interpterygoid fossa width 33 2.0 0.13 0.02 1. 8-2.3 Molar width 29 1.4 0.06 0.01 1.3-1. 5 Peromyscus zarhynchus, Cerro Tzontehuitz Head and body 40 140 5.77 0.91 130-153 Tail 40 146 10.08 1.59 129-165 Hind foot 40 32.8 0.89 0.14 31-35 Skull length 36 36.4 0.77 0.13 34.5-37.0 Rostral length 36 11.6 0.63 0.1 1 10.7-14.4 Braincase length 36 15.9 0.39 0.07 15.0-16.9 Interorbital width 36 5.3 0.15 0.02 4. 9-5. 6 Braincase width 36 14.9 0.32 0.05 14.2-15.6 Incisive foramen length 36 7.9 0.58 0.10 5. 0-8. 6 Molar row 35 5.4 0.16 0.03 5. 0-5. 6 Interpterygoid fossa length 36 6.5 0.34 0.06 5.8-7. 3 Intermolar width 33 3.8 0.17 0.04 3.4-4. 3 Interpterygoid fossa width 36 2.4 0.16 0.03 2. 1-2. 7 Molar width 33 1.6 0.06 0.01 1. 5-1.7 Peromyscus guatemalensis, Injerto Head and body 38 128 6.74 1.09 112-141 Tail 38 137 13.12 2.93 1 10-156 Hind foot 38 30.3 0.63 0.10 29-32 Length of skull 40 34.0 0.83 0.13 32.4-36.2 Rostral length 40 10.4 0.47 0.07 9.5-1 1.7 Braincase length 40 15.1 0.44 0.07 14.3-16.2 Interorbital width 40 5.2 0.16 0.03 4.9-5. 5 Braincase width 40 14.4 0.25 0.04 13.9-14.9 Incisive foramen length 40 7.3 0.33 0.05 6. 6-8.0 Molar row 38 4.9 0.22 0.04 4. 5-5.3 Interpterygoid fossa length 40 6.1 0.25 0.04 5. 6-6. 6 Intermolar width 38 3.6 0.15 0.02 3. 2-3.9 Interpterygoid fossa width 40 2.3 0.15 0.02 2. 0-2. 6 Molar width 38 1.5 0.08 0.01 1 .4-1.7 Peromyscus guatemalensis, Volcan Lucas Head and body 40 129 1 1.59 1.83 80-149 Tail 40 124 12.51 1.98 104-180 Hind foot '40 30.2 1.32 0.21 27-34 Skull length 40 33.3 1.04 0.16 31.2-36.0 Rostral length 40 10.1 0.50 0.08 9.1-11.4 Braincase length 40 14.7 0.33 0.05 14.0-15.5 Interorbital width 40 5.2 0.24 0.04 4. 3-5. 7 Braincase width 39 14.2 0.34 0.05 13.6-15.0 Incisive foramen length 40 6.8 0.36 0.06 6.1-7. 5 Molar row 40 5.0 0.18 0.03 4.6-5. 5 Interpterygoid fossa length 39 5.8 0.33 0.05 5. 1-6.7 Intermolar width 40 3.4 0.25 0.04 2. 7-3. 9 Interpterygoid fossa width 40 2.2 0.14 0.02 1. 8-2.4 Molar width 39 1.5 0.08 0.01 1.3-1. 7 Continued Conlrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 22 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group Appendix continued. No. of Speci- mens Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error Range Peromyscus grandis, Concepcion Head and body 14 143 13.12 3.50 132-165 Tail 14 152 5.48 1.47 142-160 Hind foot 14 33.2 1.37 0.37 30-35 Skull length 14 37.2 1.18 0.31 36.0-39.0 Rostral length 14 12.0 0.57 0.15 11.1-13.0 Braincase length 14 15.9 0.56 0.15 15.3-16.9 Interorbital width 14 5.6 0.26 0.07 5.0-6. 1 Braincase width 14 15.4 0.58 0.16 14.6-16.3 Incisive foramen length 14 7.8 0.31 0.08 7. 2-8. 4 Molar row 1 1 5.4 0.15 0.05 5.2-5. 7 Interpterygoid fossa length 14 6.7 0.24 0.06 6. 3-7. 2 Intermolar width 1 1 3.7 0.21 0.06 3.4-4. 1 Interpterygoid fossa width 13 2.5 0.15 0.04 2. 3-2. 8 Molar width 1 1 1.7 0.04 0.01 1.6-1. 8 Peromyscus gymnotis, El Rosario Head and body 1 1 109 1 1.36 3.42 93-125 Tail 11 108 13.25 3.99 86-130 Hind foot 11 24.8 0.60 0.18 24-26 Skull length 11 29.4 1.95 0.59 25.9-32.1 Rostral length 1 1 8.8 0.85 0.26 7. 2-9. 9 Braincase length 1 1 13.6 0.58 0.17 12.8-14.7 Interorbital width 1 1 4.9 0.23 0.07 4. 5-5. 4 Braincase width 1 1 13.0 0.55 0.17 12.3-14.1 Incisive foramen length 11 5.9 0.44 0.13 5.0-6. 3 Molar row 10 4.3 0.18 0.06 4.0-4. 5 Interpterygoid fossa length 9 5.2 0.30 0.10 4. 6-5. 6 Intermolar width 1 1 3.2 0.26 0.08 2.8-3. 5 Interpterygoid fossa width 10 2.0 0.27 0.08 1. 7-2.5 Molar width 1 1 1.3 0.04 0.01 1. 3-1.4 Peromyscus mexicanus, Teocelo Head and body 22 115 10.23 2.18 101-136 Tail 22 117 8.12 1.73 100-132 Hind foot 22 26.0 1.25 0.27 24-29 Skull length 22 32.1 0.65 0.14 31.0-33.1 Rostral length 22 9.8 0.33 0.07 9.1-10.3 Braincase length 22 14.5 0.27 0.06 14.0-14.8 Interorbital width 21 4.9 0.19 0.04 4.6-5. 3 Braincase width 22 13.5 0.24 0.05 12.9-13.9 Incisive foramen length 22 6.4 0.30 0.06 5. 9-7.0 Molar row 20 4.5 0.14 0.03 4. 2-4. 8 Interpterygoid fossa length 22 5.6 0.29 0.06 5.0-6. 3 Intermolar width 22 3.5 0.16 0.03 3.2-3. 8 Interpterygoid fossa width 22 2.0 0.12 0.03 1. 8-2.4 Molar width 22 1.4 0.05 0.01 1. 3-1.5 Peromyscus mexicanus, Ixcuintepec Head and body 19 115 6.90 1.58 104-128 Tail 19 124 6.29 1.44 113-136 Hind foot 19 27.3 0.99 0.23 25-29 Skull length 19 32.7 0.58 0.13 31.2-33.4 Rostral length 19 10.1 0.37 0.09 9.2-10.7 Braincase length 19 14.7 0.24 0.06 14.2-15.0 Interorbital width 19 5.2 0.15 0.03 4.8-5. 5 Braincase width 19 13.8 0.27 0.06 13.3-14.4 Incisive foramen length 19 6.4 0.25 0.06 5. 9-6. 8 Molar row 19 4.6 0.14 0.03 4.4-4. 8 Interpterygoid fossa length 19 5.9 0.27 0.06 5. 4-6. 4 Intermolar width 18 3.5 0.14 0.03 3. 3-3.7 Interpterygoid fossa width 19 2.1 0.16 0.04 1.9-2. 5 Molar width 19 1.5 0.05 0.01 1.4-1. 5 Continued Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group 23 Appendix continued. No. of Speci- mens Mean Std. Dev. Std Error Range Peromyscus mexicanus. Santa Lucia Head and body 35 112 1 1.00 1.86 87-128 Tail 35 122 12.30 2.08 101-152 Hind foot 35 26.7 0.70 0.12 25-28 Skull length 35 32.3 1.36 0.23 29.5-34.1 Rostral length 35 9.9 0.62 0.10 8.7-10.8 Braincase length 35 14.7 0.36 0.06 13.9-15.5 Interorbital width 35 5.2 0.16 0.03 4.9-5. 5 Braincase width 35 13.7 0.32 0.05 13.0-14.1 Incisive foramen length 35 6.2 0.31 0.05 5.6-6. 7 Molar row 35 4.3 0.09 0.01 4. 1-4.4 Interpterygoid fossa length 35 5.6 0.37 0.06 4. 8-6.3 Intermolar width 35 3.6 0.14 0.02 3. 3-4.1 Interpterygoid fossa width 35 2.0 0.14 0.02 1.6-2. 2 Molar width 35 1.3 0.04 0.01 1 .3-1.4 Peromyscus mexicanus. Teapa Head and body 30 109 8.24 1.50 94-123 Tail 30 117 9.92 1.81 98-136 Hind foot 30 26.3 1.11 0.20 25-28 Skull length 31 31.8 1.04 0.19 29.5-33.8 Rostral length 31 9.8 0.45 0.08 8.8-10.8 Braincase length 31 14.4 0.35 0.06 13.5-15.3 Interorbital width 31 5.1 0.17 0.03 4.8-5. 5 Braincase width 31 13.4 0.35 0.06 12.8-14.2 Incisive foramen length 31 6.2 0.26 0.05 5. 5-6. 8 Molar row 29 4.5 0.12 0.02 4. 2-4. 6 Interpterygoid fossa length 31 5.7 0.30 0.05 5. 2-6.3 Intermolar width 31 3.3 0.16 0.03 3. 0-3. 6 Interpterygoid fossa width 31 2.1 0.13 0.02 1.9-2. 4 Molar width 31 1.4 0.04 0.01 1 .3-1.5 Peromyscus mexicanus. Volcan Agua Head and body 43 122 8.65 1.32 95-135 Tail 43 125 9.04 1.38 102-139 Hind foot 43 26.4 1.08 0.16 24-29 Skull length 43 32.5 1.22 0.19 29.7-35.0 Rostral length 43 9.9 0.57 0.09 8.4-10.7 Braincase length 43 14.8 0.42 0.06 14.2-16.0 Interorbital width 44 5.2 0.21 0.03 4. 7-5. 6 Braincase width 44 14.1 0.35 0.05 13.1-14.7 Incisive foramen length 44 6.7 0.35 0.05 6. 0-7. 4 Molar row 43 4.7 0.18 0.03 4.3-5. 1 Interpterygoid fossa length 44 5.8 0.40 0.06 5. 1-6.6 Intermolar width 43 3.6 0.21 0.03 3. 1-3.9 Interpterygoid fossa width 44 2.2 0.17 0.02 1.9-2. 5 Molar width 43 1.5 0.08 0.01 1. 3-1.6 Peromyscus mexicanus. Mt. Cacaguatiq Head and body ue 59 1 1 1 6.84 0.89 94-125 Tail 60 1 16 8.77 1.13 95-132 Hind foot 62 25.3 0.87 0.11 23-27 Skull length 61 30.5 1.05 0.13 26.7-32.2 Rostral length 61 9.2 0.44 0.06 79-9.9 Braincase length 61 14.0 0.41 0.05 12.6-14.7 Interorbital width 60 5.2 0.14 0.02 4.6-5. 5 Braincase width 61 13.4 0.35 0.04 12.4-14.2 Incisive foramen length 61 6.2 0.29 0.04 5. 5-6.8 Molar row 61 4.4 0.13 0.02 4. 0-4. 7 Interpterygoid fossa length 61 5.4 0.28 0.04 4. 6-6.0 Intermolar width 61 3.3 0.17 0.02 2. 9-3. 8 Interpterygoid fossa width 61 2.0 0.11 0.01 1. 8-2.3 Molar width 61 1.4 0.05 0.01 1.2-1. 5 Continued Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 24 Huckaby: Species of Peromyscus mexicanus Group Appendix continued. No. of Speci- mens Mean Std. Dev. Std. Error Range Peromyscus mexicanus, Santa Maria de Ostuma Head and body 19 120 4.91 1.13 111-131 Tail 19 125 7.28 1.67 1 14-138 Hind foot 19 26.7 0.73 0.17 25-28 Skull length 23 32.1 0.89 0.19 30.8-33.9 Rostral length 23 9.6 0.42 0.09 9.0-10.6 Braincase length 23 14.6 0.33 0.07 13.9-15.1 Interorbital width 23 5.0 0.15 0.03 4. 8-5. 4 Braincase width 23 13.7 0.26 0.04 13.1-14.3 Incisive foramen length 23 6.7 0.29 0.06 6. 1-7. 2 Molar row 23 4.5 0.12 0.03 4. 3-4. 8 Interpterygoid fossa length 23 5.8 0.22 0.05 5. 5-6.4 Intermolar width 23 3.3 0.20 0.04 2. 9-3. 6 Interpterygoid fossa width 23 2.0 0.14 0.03 1.8-2. 4 Molar width 23 1.4 0.05 0.01 1.3-1. 5 Peromyscus mexicanus, Monteverde Head and body 17 118 7.94 1.93 105-131 Tail 17 119 4.76 1.15 107-127 Hind foot 17 26.0 0.71 0.17 25-27 Skull length 16 31.8 0.59 0.15 30.7-32.9 Rostral length 16 9.7 0.41 0.10 8.9-10.2 Braincase length 16 14.3 0.15 0.04 13.0-14.6 Interorbital width 16 5.1 0.14 0.03 4. 9-5. 4 Braincase width 16 13.6 0.28 0.07 13.1-14.0 Incisive foramen length 16 6.6 0.26 0.07 6.2-7. 1 Molar row 16 4.6 0.12 0.03 4. 3-4. 7 Interpterygoid fossa length 16 5.6 0.28 0.07 5. 0-5. 9 Intermolar width 16 3.4 0.12 0.03 3. 1-3.6 Interpterygoid fossa width 16 2.0 0.14 0.03 1. 7-2.3 Molar width 16 1.4 0.03 0.01 1.3-1. 5 Peromyscus mexicanus, Volcan Irazu Head and body 21 125 7.68 1.68 111-137 Tail 21 125 9.71 2.12 103-140 Hind foot 21 28.0 1.14 0.25 26-30 Skull length 22 32.9 0.97 0.21 30.8-34.5 Rostral length 22 10.1 0.43 0.09 9.4-11.0 Braincase length 22 15.1 0.34 0.07 14.3-15.8 Interorbital width 22 5.3 0.22 0.05 4. 8-5. 7 Braincase width 22 14.2 0.43 0.09 13.6-15.4 Incisive foramen length 22 6.9 0.34 0.07 6.2-7. 5 Molar row 22 4.9 0.1 1 0.02 4. 7-5.0 Interpterygoid fossa length 22 5.7 0.34 0.07 5. 0-6. 2 Intermolar width 22 3.6 0.18 0.04 3. 2-3.8 Interpterygoid fossa width 22 2.2 0.14 0.03 2.0-2. 5 Molar width 22 1.5 0.05 0.01 1. 5-1.7 Submitted 20 September 1977. Accepted for publication 29 May 1979. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 326:1-24 The scientific publications of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County have been issued at irregular intervals in three major series; the articles in each series are numbered individually, and numbers run consecutively, regardless of subject matter: • Contributions in Science, a miscellaneous series of technical papers describing original research in the life and earth sciences. • Science Bulletins, a miscellaneous series of monographs describing original research in the life, and earth sciences. This series was discontinued in 1978 with the issue of Numbers 29 and 30; monographs are now published by the Museum in the Contributions in Science series. • Science Series, long articles on natural history topics, generally written for the layman. Copies of the publications in these series are available on an exchange basis to institutions and individual researchers. Copies are also sold through the Museum Bookshop. 1 THE BEE GENUS BICORN ELIA (HYMENOPTERA: COLLETIDAE)1 By Roy R. Snelling2 Abstract. The diphaglossine genus Bicornelia was described by Friese in 1899 from two males from Mexico and has remained essentially unknown since then. The genus is redescribed from recently collected material that includes males of the type species, B. serraia, from Mexico and both sexes of a newly de- scribed species, B. inusitata, from Panama. Pertinent structures of both species are illustrated. The genus Bicornelia was proposed by Friese (1899) for a new species, B. serraia, based on two males from “Tuzantlu Lau- rel,” Mexico, collected by Bilimek. It was placed near Caupolicana from which it differs in details of wing venation and in the modifications of the legs. Bicornelia has remained unstudied and known only from the types, which have not been seen by recent workers. Michener (1966) included it in the tribe Mydrosomini on the basis of the original description and its presumed relationship to Mydrosoma. Several males of B. serrata are now available, as well as both sexes of an un- described Panamanian species. The following generic descrip- tion is patterned after those of Michener (1966) to facilitate comparison with other diphaglossine genera. SYSTEMATICS Bicornelia friese DIAGNOSIS. Diphaglossinae, Mydrosomini. MALE: Api- cal segments of flagellum strongly serrate beneath; mid trochanter with lamelliform apical spine; hind femur moder- ately to strongly swollen; hind tibia strongly swollen or moder- ately swollen and with median tubercle at midiength. FEMALE: Flocculus of hind femur absent from dorsal face, hairs sparse on anterior and ventral faces, the longer hairs plumose apically only; inner hind tibial spur finely, evenly serrate. DESCRIPTION. (1) Clypeus evenly convex, weakly ele- vated above adjacent parts of face, not continuous with su- praclypeal area in profile. Clypeoantennal distance in female slightly greater than diameter of antennal socket. (2) Pre- stigma about twice as long as stigma; marginal cell not pro- longed basally as a narrow sinus to apex of stigma. (3) Hind basitarsus of female a little more than twice longer than wide; second hind tarsal segment of female expanded, but a little longer than wide, third much narrower than second. (4) Outer hind tibial spur of male normal, articulated at base like inner spur. (5) Abdomen without metallic tints, or with extremely Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 327:1-6 ISSN: 0459-81 1 3 weak bluish to greenish tints basally on terga (B. inusitata). (6) Lateral extremities of terga of male without areas of short, dense erect hair. (7) Sixth sternum of male with posterior mar- gin neither thickened nor sulcate. (8) Seventh sternum of male with complex paired lobes. (9) Eighth sternum of male uni- formly and moderately pigmented, median process down- curved, longest hairs of distal half shorter than width of process. (10) Gonoforceps swollen apically, truncate. The only other genus in the tribe Mydrosomini is My- drosoma F. Smith (1879), which I have not seen. The flagellum of male Mydrosoma is simple, not serrate beneath as in Bicor- nelia. Neither Smith’s description of Mydrosoma, nor Moure’s (1945) description of the synonymous Dissoglotta, mention the presence of a spine on the mid trochanter. However, the trans- parent, lamelliform spine present in Bicornelia is easily over- looked, and it is possible that such a spine may also be present in males of Mydrosoma. The very superficial description of the female of M. metallicum is not very helpful. The metasomal dorsum is stated to have a metallic green luster. Apparently, also, the first recurrent vein of the forewing is interstitial with Rs. These differences are weak; it may be that, when more ma- terial is available, Bicornelia will prove to be a synonym of Mydrosoma. Subsequent to the original description of Bicornelia and its type species, Friese (1925) described four additional species in this genus, all from South America. As no material of any of these species has been available to me, the following comments are based wholly upon the original descriptions. Bicornelia sericata was described from a female collected at Guayaquil, Ecuador, by von Buchwald, April 1923, at flowers of Cucurbita. The specimen apparently resembles the female of B. inusitata (described below), but the thorax is weakly punc- 1 Review Committee for this contribution Charles L. Hogue Charles D. Michener Robbin W. Thorp 2EntomoIogy Section, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California 90007 2 Snelling: Bee Genus Bicornelia Figures 1 through 5. Head and antennae, Bicornelia species. Figure 1, B. serrata male, head, frontal view. Figure 2, B. serrata male, antenna Figure 3, B. inusitata male, head, frontal view. Figure 4, B. inusitata male, antenna. Figure 5, B. inusitata female, head, frontal view. Scale lines Figures 2 and 4, 1.00 mm; Figures 1, 3, and 5, 0.50 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 327:1-6 Snelling: Bee Genus Bicornelia 3 tate, the first flagellar segment is equal to the second, and the first abdominal segment is shinier than the second. Bicornelia aterrima was described from a female from Tar- ata, Bolivia, collected by Priewasser. This bee, if correctly placed in Bicornelia, may be recognized by the coarsely sculp- tured abdomen, the dark wings and pilosity, and the short, dense, plumose (?) hairs covering the gastric terga. Bicornelia andina was described from males from Sierra Par- ime, Venezuela, and Tarata, Bolivia; the type locality is here restricted to Sierra Parime. Although Friese stated that this is a typical Bicornelia, the flagellum is described as simple and the abdomen almost nude. If this is truly a Bicornelia (not My- drosoma ?), these features will render it easily recognized. The legs are apparently not much modified. Bicornelia longitarsis was described from one male from Blumenau, Brazil. It is said to be similar to B. serrata but with the abdomen black, with weak bluish reflections and with broad bands of appressed hairs on the first four segments. Nothing is known of the biology of Bicornelia. The yellowish color and enlarged ocelli of the two species studied suggest that these species are crepuscular, nocturnal, or matinal. The three specimens of B. serrata collected near Tequila were taken in the evening. Floral preferences are unknown. The type of B. sericata was collected at flowers of Cucurbita. Pollen grains from males taken in Mexico are apparently congeneric with those from pol- len loads removed from females from Panama. These have not been identified but apparently are of a legume. The heads and antennae of B. serrata and B. inusitata, new species, are shown in Figures 1 through 5. Legs and sternum segments of both species are illustrated in Figures 6 through 11, and genital capsules are compared in Figures 12 and 13. Bicornelia serrata friese Figures 1 and 2, 10 through 12 DIAGNOSIS. MALE. Flagellar segments 7-10 serrate be- neath; hind femur without transverse lamella beneath in middle; hind tibia swollen but without median tubercle ante- riorly. FEMALE. Unknown. DESCRIPTION: Measurements (in millimeters) are as fol- lows: Head length (HL), 3.18-3.28; head width (HW), 3.85— 4.10; wing length (WL), 10.6-11.2; total length (TL, head 4- thorax + terga 1 and 2), 12.2-13.0. (1) Inner eye margin sinuate; lower interocular distance 0.88 to 0.92 times greatest interocular distance. Ocelli large; inter- ocellar distance almost twice diameter of anterior ocellus; ocellocular distance a little greater than diameter of anterior ocellus; ocelloccipital distance about equal to diameter of ante- rior ocellus. (2) Extreme basal part of labrum with one or two weak transverse ridges. (3) First flagellar segment less than half as long as scape, about half as long as following segment; flagellar segments 1-6 strongly bulging beneath, segments 7- 10 serrate beneath; apical segment a little longer than second flagellar segment, apex pointed, with low median convexity be- neath (Fig. 2). (4) Anterior femur, seen from above, about twice longer than thick. Middle trochanter beneath with a thin, apical, transparent spine which is about half as long as greatest thickness of trochanter. Middle femur distinctly flattened be- neath and about 2.7 times longer than thick. (5) Hind femur, in dorsal view, about twice as long as it is thick, ventral surface slightly concave. Hind tibia in lateral view much broadened over lower half, length about 2.9 times apical width. (6) Hind basitarsus about three-fourths as long as hind tibia, about four times longer than it is wide, widest beyond middle, narrowed somewhat toward apex. (7) Propodeal triangle without trans- verse ridges. (8) Posterior margins of sterna 2-4 transverse; sternum 5 evenly and shallowly concave on posterior margin. (9) Apical margin of sternum 6 weakly convex; disc with a low, shiny prominence on either side of middle at about mid length. (10) Hidden sterna and genitalia shown in Figures 10 through 12. (11) Integument of head black; pale yellowish color on basal two-thirds of mandible, labrum, clypeus, supraclypeal area, side of face to slightly above level of upper margin of an- tennal socket, lower genal and hypostomal area. Antenna pale ferruginous, with blackish blotches on outer side of flagellar segments 2-7. Thorax black. Legs, tegula, and abdomen red- dish yellow; abdomen with sublateral brownish marks on basal face of first tergum and dorsally at about mid length on terga 1-5; tergum 6 with transverse, preapical brownish fascia, which is strongly curved cephalad in middle to join median lon- gitudinal bar; tergum 2 with small lateral spot; tergum 7 mostly brownish; with medioapical yellowish spot. Sterna mostly reddish yellow, but with large, transverse, median brownish blotches. Wings light yellowish brown, slightly darker beyond cells; veins and stigma darker yellowish brown. (12) Pubescence abundant, yellowish, paler on sides and venter. Hairs of tergum I long, plumose, erect; remainder of terga with subdecumbent, shorter, simple reddish yellow hairs which be- come longer caudad. Sterna 2-4 with abundant suberect to erect, long, weakly plumose, yellowish hairs, discs with scat- tered appressed, simple, short hairs; sternum 5 with conspic- uous apicolateral tufts of erect, reddish, simple hairs; sternum 6 with patches of sparse, simple, subappressed to suberect yellow- ish hairs and a weak row across apical margin; sterna 2-5 with marginal fringe of very short, widely spaced, whitish hairs. TYPE MATERIAL. “2d'cf im Mus. Wein von Mexico (Bilimek 1871, Tuzantlu Laurel).” This may be the village of Tuzantla, Michoacan, situated about 48 km SSW of Zitacuaro. The types have not been studied. SPECIMENS STUDIED. MEXICO, Jalisco: 3o”cf, 7 km NW of Tequila, 1275 m elev., 10 September 1974 (E.M. Fisher; LACM). DISCUSSION. The three males from near Tequila are the basis for the above description. These males correspond closely with the original description of B serrata. The bees were taken at dusk flying about plants. The yellowish color and large ocelli suggest the possibility that the species is matinal, crepuscular, or both. Bicornelia inusitata , new species Figures 3 through 9, 11 and 13 DIAGNOSIS. MALE. Flagellar segments 5-10 serrate be- neath; hind femur with transverse lamella beneath in middle; hind tibia with conspicuous tubercle on anterior margin a little beyond middle. FEMALE. Scutum and scutellum with scat- tered fuscous hairs; hairs of scopa mostly dark brownish; meta- soma mostly brownish; anterior width of second and third submarginal cells subequal. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 327:1-6 4 Snelling: Bee Genus Bicornelia Figures 6 through 10. Legs and sternites of males of Bicornelia species. Figure 6, B. inusitata, apex of mesotrochanter. Figure 7, B. inusitata, metafemur, metatibia, and metabasitarsus. Figure 8, B. inusitata. sternum 8, left half. Figure 9, B. inusitata. sternum 8, lateral view. Figure 10, B. serrata. sternum 8, right half. Scale line. Figures 8 through 10, 0.50 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 327:1-6 Snelling: Bee Genus Bicornelia 5 Figures 11 through 13. Sternum 7 and genital capsules of males of Bicornelia species. Figure 1 1, Sternum 7 of B. serrata (left) and B inusitata (right). Figure 12, B. serrata genital capsule, ventral (left) and dorsal (right) views. Figure 13, B. inusitata genital capusle, ventral (left) and dorsal (right) views. Scale lines: Figure 11, 0.50 mm; Figures 12 and 13, 1.00 mm. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 327:1-6 6 Snelling: Bee Genus Bicornelia DESCRIPTION. MALE. Measurements (in millimeters) are as follows (values in parentheses refer to holotype): HL, 2.87; HW, 3.49- 3.59 (3.49); WL, 9. 5-9. 7 (9.5); TL (HL + thorax + terga 1 and 2), 9.9-10.1 (9.9). (1) Inner eye margin sinuate; lower interocular distance about 0.90 times greatest interocular distance. Ocelli large; in- terocellar distance 1.9 to 2.0 times diameter of anterior ocellus; ocellocular distance about 1.5 times diameter of anterior ocellus; ocelloccipital distance a little greater than diameter of anterior ocellus. (2) Extreme basal part of labrum with two dis- tinct, short transverse ridges in middle. (3) First flagellar seg- ment less than one-fifth as long as scape, about half as long as following segment; segments 1-4 strongly bulging beneath, seg- ments 5-10 serrate beneath; apical segment about twice length of second segment, strongly bulging beneath, profile sinuate (Fig. 4). (4) Anterior femur, seen from above, about 2.8 times longer than thick. Middle trochanter (Fig. 6) flattened beneath, apically with a thin, broad, transparent projection that is about as long as maximum thickness of trochanter. (5) Hind femur, in dorsal view, about twice longer than thick, flattened ventrally, with a low, weakly convex, transverse lamella in middle and preapical, flattened, spiniform process. Hind tibia moderately expanded toward apex in lateral view, length about 3 times api- cal width; anteriorly with a large, blunt tubercle a little below middle (Fig. 7). (6) Hind basitarsus about 5 times longer than wide, widest in basal third. (7, 8 and 9) About as in B serrata. (10) Hidden sterna and genitalia shown in Figs. 8, 9, 11, 13. (11) Head as in B serrata but flagellar segments 2-10 dark brownish above. Thorax black, with extremely faint greenish reflection on side of propodeum. Coxae, trochanters, and hind femur light brownish, remainder of legs reddish yellow. Meta- somal terga mostly brownish, with faint bluish green reflec- tions, segments 1-5 with broad, transparent, yellowish apical margins, tergum 7 with medioapical reddish spot. Sterna mostly brownish, with translucent yellowish apical margins. Wings light brownish yellow, veins and stigma yellowish brown. (12) Pubescence about as in B. serrata. FEMALE. Measurements (in millimeters) are as follows (values in parentheses refer to allotype): HL, 2.77-2.92 (2.92); HW, 3.61-3.64 (3.64); WL, 8.7; TL, 9. 8-9.9 (9.9). (13) Inner eye margin weakly sinuate, lower interocular distance about 0.90 times greatest interocular distance. Inter- ocellar distance 1.8 to 2.1 times diameter of anterior ocellus; ocellocular distance 1.8 to 1.9 times diameter of anterior ocellus; ocelloccipital distance slightly greater than diameter of anterior ocellus. (14) First flagellar segment about one-fifth as long as scape. Second segment broader than long, remaining segments a little longer than broad. (15) Labrum with two fine transverse ridges at extreme base. (16) Base of clypeus more finely and closely punctate than remainder of clypeus; su- praclypeal area with scattered fine punctures; integument slightly shiny and sharply tessellate. (17) Anterior coxa with a short, blunt, hairy apical process. (18) Propodeal triangle with very weak traces of transverse wrinkles along midline. (19) Head and thorax blackish brown, side of propodeum with ex- tremely faint greenish reflections, middle of mandible reddish; underside of flagellum yellowish. Legs brown, tibial spurs yel- lowish, tarsal claws red. Metasoma brown, terga 1-4 with translucent yellowish apical bands, wider in middle; sterna paler brown than terga, with narrow translucent apical bands on segments 2-5. Wings clear, brownish, darker beyond cell area, veins and stigma brown. (20) Hairs on head mostly whitish, some yellowish hairs apically on clypeus, hairs of oc- ciput dusky. Hairs of thoracic dorsum dark ochreous, becoming paler, whitish, beneath; mesoscutum and scutellum with numer- ous fuscous hairs. Hairs white on femora and anterior margin of hind tibia and hind basitarsus; remainder of hair of legs light to dark brown. Hairs of basal face of tergum 1 whitish, plumose; on summit of tergum 1 and on terga 2-4, yellowish, simple, appressed to subdecumbent, with scattered erect fuscous hairs, terga 5-6 with hairs suberect, plumose, fuscous; terga 1-4 with narrow apical fringe of appressed, short, plumose, whitish hairs, tergum 5 with dense fringe of long, coarse, apically branched, yellowish red hairs. Hairs of sterna short at base of segment, becoming longer toward margin; mostly whitish to yellowish, but with numerous fuscous hairs on segments 4-6, hairs simple mesially, plumose laterad; sterna 2- 5 with weak marginal fringe of very short, whitish, simple hairs. TYPE MATERIAL. Holotype male. Madden Forest Pre- serve, Canal Zone, PANAMA, 12 December 1957 (W.J. Hanson). Allotype female, 1 male and 1 female paratypes, same locality, 1 January 1958 (W.J. Hanson). Holotype and al- lotype in Snow Entomological Museum, University of Kansas; paratypes in Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (LACM). ETYMOLOGY. From Latin, inusitata. strange or extraordi- nary, due to the modified antenna and hind leg. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I am indebted to the following for their assistance: E.M. Fisher, for donation of Bicornelia serrata to the LACM; C.D. Michener, for the loan of, and permission to describe, B. in- usitata. Pollen samples were examined by A.R. Moldenke, and his assistance is gratefully acknowledged. LITERATURE CITED Friese, H. 1899. Monographic der Bienengattungen Mega- cilissa, Caupolicana und Oxaea. Ann. K. K. Hofmus. Naturh. Wein 14:239-246. 1925. Neue neotropischen Bienenarten, zugleich II. Nachtrag zur Bienenfauna von Costa Rica (Hym.). Stett. Entomol. Zeit. 86:1-41. Michener, C.D. 1966. The classification of the Diphaglossinae and North American species of the genus Caupolicana (Hymenoptera, Colletidae). Univ. Kans. Sci. Bull. 46:717- 751. Moure, J.S. 1945. Contribuicao para o conhecimento dos Di- phaglossinae, particularmente Ptiloglossa (Hym. — Ap- oidea). Mus. Paranaense Arq. 4:137-178. Smith. F. 1879. Description of new species of Hymenoptera in the collection of the British Museum, London. Accepted for publication 23 April 1980. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County 1980. 327:1-6 SRI LANKA AND INDIA (HYMENOPTERA: COLLETIDAE) Roy R. Smelling Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County * 9(90 Exposition Boulevard f, Los Angeles, CaESoraia 904)07 at irregular intervals in three major series; the articles in each series are numbered individually, and numbers run consecutively, regardless of subject matter: - Contributions in Science, a miscellaneous series of technical papers describing original research in the life and earth sciences. • Science Bulletins, a miscellaneous series of monographs describing original research in the life and earth sciences. This series was discontinued in 1978 with the issue of Numbers 29 and 30; monographs are now published by the Museum in the Contributions in Science series. • Science Series, long articles on natural history topics, generally written for the layman. Copies of the publications in these series are available on an exchange basis to institutions and individual researchers. Copies are also sold through the Museum Bookshop. NEW BEES OF THE GENUS f IV LA US FROM SRI LANKA AND INDIA (HYMENOPTERA: COLLETIDAE)1 Roy R. Snelling2 ABSTRACT. The following new species of Hylaeus Fabricius 1793 are described and illustrated: H. krombeini from Sri Lanka; H oresbius, H. porcatus, H thyreus, H. peltates, and H. parmatus from males only, all from India; H. eurygnathus, H. sedens, and H. pannuceus, from females only, from India. A key is given for the separation of these species. INTRODUCTION Hylaeine bees appear to be rare, or at least are rarely encoun- tered, in southern India and Sri Lanka. Most of the species de- scribed below are represented by single specimens that I have had for many years. More recently, Karl V. Krombein3 sent a small series from Sri Lanka. That species is described below so that the name might be available for Dr. Krombein’s use. The other species are described at this time in the hope that some interest in the species of southern India might be generated. Two species have been described, under the old generic name Prosopis Fabricius 1 804; from Sri Lanka: P. monilicornis Mor- awitz and P. mixtus F. Smith. As Meade- Waldo (1923) has in- dicated, P. mixtus is an allodapine anthophorid. Morawitz’s description of P. monilicornis is so vague that nothing about the bee seems certain other than that it may be Hylaeus. A few forms have been previously described from India and Pakistan; these seem to be related to the Palearctic fauna and do not appear to have much in common with those treated here. This opinion may, of course, be modified if more material be- comes available. The types of most of these species are in the British Museum (Natural History) and should be subjected to modern study and redescribed. These previously described spe- cies are: H. advocatus (Nurse 1903). 9 . Kashmir. H. basimacula (Cameron 1904). 9. Darjiling. H. bellicosus (Cameron 1896). 9 . Barrackpore. H. buddhae Meade- Waldo 1923. 9 . Barrackpore. — Prosopis absoluta Cameron 1896, preoccupied. = Prosopis butea Warncke 1970. Unnecessarily proposed to replace P. absoluta Cameron. NEW SYNONYMY. H.feae (Vachal 1895). 9 . Deesa. = Prosopis striatifrons Cameron 1896. 9 . Barrackpore. H. gujaraticus (Nurse 1903). 9 . Deesa. H. kashmirensis (Nurse 1903). 9 . Kashmir. H. montanus (Nurse 1903). 9 . Mt. Abu. H. repent ens (Nurse 1903). 9 . Deesa. Contributions in Science, Number 328, pp. 1-18 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1980 H. secretus (Nurse 1903). 6 . Kashmir. H. strenuus (Cameron 1896). 9. Barrackpore. H. vetustus (Nurse 1903). 9. Kashmir. Warncke (1970) dealt with the western Palearctic Hylaeus, under the name Prosopis. In that paper, he proposed new names for some species, the original names of which were secondary or tertiary homonyms. Since Meade- Waldo (1923) had already proposed new names for some of the involved species, the Warncke names become objective synonyms. Those names not considered elsewhere are disposed of below. H. binominatus Meade- Waldo 1923 = Prosopis laticeps Perkins 1899, not Morawitz 1876 = Prosopis avara Warncke 1970. NEW SYNONYMY. H. promontorii Meade-Waldo 1923 = Prosopis longula Friese 1913, not Perez 1903 = Prosopis corpana Warncke 1970. NEW SYNONYMY. H. nivicola Meade-Waldo 1923 = Prosopis nivalis Perkins 1899, not Morawitz 1867 = Prosopis farinosa Warncke 1970. NEW SYNONYMY. H.simplior Meade-Waldo 1923 = Prosopis simplex Bingham 1912, not Perkins 1899 = Prosopis postica Warncke 1970. NEW SYNONYMY. H. tristissimus Meade-Waldo 1923 = Prosopis tristis Schrottky 1906, not Frey-Gressner 1900 = Prosopis tritica Warncke 1970. NEW SYNONYMY. H. insulae Meade-Waldo 1923 = Prosopis vicina Perkins 1899, not Sichel 1867 = Prosopis trigona Warncke 1970. NEW SYNONYMY. TERMINOLOGY Most of the terms utilized in the descriptions below are those established in my earlier papers on this genus, such as Snelling (1970). However, those earlier descriptions are clumsy and, too often, characters are described in vague or subjective terms. Much of the terminology can be standardized, and I propose to 1. Review committee for this contribution: Jack C. Hall, Charles L. Hogue, and F.D Parker. 2. Entomology Section, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California 90007. 3. National Museum of Natural History, Washington, D.C. ISSN 0459-0113 do so here. Descriptions can also be simplified by omitting many nonessential statements. Houston (1975) proposed a few modifications of terminology within the hylaeines and introduced a few new terms, some of which require comment. Houston proposed to call the dorsal and posterior lobes of the pronotum the “collar” and “posterior lobes,” respectively. Since Michener (1965) has already uti- lized the term “pronotal collar,” following a well-established tradition, the usage is continued here. “Pronotal tubercule,” however, seems an unnecessary substitution for the older term, “pronotal lobe.” For the elevated and marginate area of the face between and above the antennal sockets, Houston has proposed “elevations of the interantennal area.” I find the term cumbersome and will use, instead, “frontal shield.” The frontal shield is elevated above the frons and is often sharply marginate. The length of the frontal shield is measured, somewhat arbitrarily, from the level of the lower margin of the antennal socket to the upper termination of its lateral margin on the frons. Houston has noted that the width of the frontal shield (FSW) at its apex on the frons. when compared to the width of the antennal socket (ASD), is a useful specific character. Except for noting the obvious differences related to puncta- tion and other macrosculpture, 1 have not devoted much atten- tion to superficial difference of texture. Surface texture, in my experience, varies greatly within a species, and the differences between closely allied species may be too subtle for good char- acterization. Instead, I find that simple statements on the re- flectiveness of the surface work well enough. General terms such as dull, slightly shiny, moderately shiny, shiny, etc., seem to be adequate. The elaborate terminology proposed by Houston (1975) may work well enough for the Australian fauna but seems difficult to apply to the bees described below. I continue to use “puncture” in preference to Houston’s “pit”; the former is long established. Houston illustrated the relative sizes of punctures, but I find the system difficult to ap- ply, even though it is a great improvement over the old, wholly subjective terminology. I propose to use a different system. Puncture diameters were measured with an ocular micrometer at 120X and the following terminology developed: minute 0.010-0.019 mm fine 0.020-0.035 mm moderate 0.036-0.055 mm coarse 0.056-0.070 mm very coarse over 0.070 mm Since punctures are rarely of one size on a given segment or stipulated area, they may be described as “fine to moderate” (puncture diameter varying between 0.020 and 0.055 mm), though usually a more limited size range, such as “moderate,” prevails. Areas that are rugose, reticulorugose, or reticulate are de- scribed on the same basis as the punctation. Thus, “coarse re- ticulae” have a transverse measurement of between 0.056 and 0.070 mm. More or less quadrate reticulae, such as found on the basal area of the propodeum, over about 0.090 mm are areolae. The relative density of punctation has typically been de- scribed in subjective terms and has often been a source for con- fusion. For Hylaeus I propose the following standardization: Contiguous — punctures so close that they are often de- formed; interspaces are compressed and sharp-edged. Subcontiguous — punctures separated by more or less flat in- terspaces up to about 0.30 times a puncture diameter; some punctures may be deformed. Dense — punctures separated by more or less flat interspaces between 0.30 and 0.70 times a puncture diameter; punctures usually round but may be elongate. Close — punctures separated by more or less flat interspaces 0.70 to 1.50 times a puncture diameter. Sparse — punctures separated by more or less flat interspaces 1 .50 to 3.00 times a puncture diameter. Scattered — puncture interspaces are very irregular and range from about 3.00 to 6.00 or more times a puncture diameter. Variation in puncture density is expressed by combining terms, as for example, sparse to scattered. Clypeal punctation is described from the middle one-third of the segment. The “face” includes all areas below the vertex except the clypeus, supraclypeal area, and frontal shield. The “vertex” in- cludes the area between the tops of the eyes, on a tangent to the lower margin of the anterior ocellus, and back to the preoccipi- tal ridge. Mesoscutal punctation is described from the area between the parapsides at the level of the tegula. Scutellar and mesono- tal sculpture is described from the mesal one-third of each seg- ment. The middle of the mesopleural disc is the standard for that segment as is true for the side of the propodeum. The first tergum has an oblique anterior or basal face and a more or less horizontal posterior face; the latter is referred to as the disc of that segment. The second tergum is crossed, usually at about its anterior one-third, by the curved and depressed gradulus. Anterior to the gradulus is the pregradulus, usually duller and more finely punctate than the postgradulus or disc. Punctation of the disc is described from the mesal one-third, anterior to the apical de- pression of the segment. The distribution of the hairs, whether simple or plumose, is monotonously uniform in most Hylaeus. and pilosity is here ac- corded minimal descriptive attention. Only those differences that are noteworthy are mentioned here, such as the presence or absence of apicolateral patches on the first tergum or the presence of long, erect hairs across the basal face of that segment. Some terms used in the descriptions have been abbreviated to the following: ASD — Antennal socket diameter. The maximum diameter, between outer margins, perpendicular to the longitudinal axis of the head. BCW — Basal clypeal width. The distance between the sub- antennal sutures along the basal margin of the clypeus. COD — Clypeocular distance. Distance from laterobasal an- gle to nearest point on eye margin. CW — Clypeal width. The maximum width of the clypeus, near its lowermost point. HL — Head length. Maximum length between highest point of the vertex and lowermost extremity of the clypeus. 2 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Sneiling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India HW — Head width. Maximum width of the head, across the eyes. LFW — Lower facial width. The minimum distance between the eyes at their lower end. This term is utilized in its relation- ship with UFW (q.v.) to express degree of convergence of the inner eye margins: weakly convergent — UFW 1.01-1.29 times LFW; moderately convergent — UFW 1.30-1.49 times LFW; strongly convergent — UFW 1.50-1.70 times LFW; very strongly convergent — UFW more than 1.70 times LFW. OD — Ocellar diameter. Transverse diameter of anterior ocellus. SL — Scape length. The usual method, length of scape shaft, exclusive of basal condyle. TL — Total length. This is the least satisfactory of the mea- surements used; it is certainly the least exact. The method used here differs from the conventional but seems less subject to the vagaries resulting from wide variations in death posture of the specimen. TL is the sum of the following: HL + thoracic length (in dorsal view, from anterior margin of pronotal collar to posterior extremity of propodeum) 4- length of first tergum (dorsal view, along midline with the summit of the anterior or basal face just occluding the basal attachment) 4- length of second tergum (along midline, from gradulus to apical margin). UFW — Upper facial width. The minimum distance between the upper ends of the eyes, at about the level of the anterior ocellus, not at a point of greatest width as Houston (1975) has it; consistent with my use of the term in earlier papers (e.g., 1970). WL — Wing length. The length of the anterior wing from margin of tegula to apical extremity. SYSTEMATICS Hylaeus (Paraprosopis) krombeini new species Figures 1-5 DIAGNOSIS Lateral and oblique propodeal carinae present; disc of first tergum uniformly and densely punctate; lower end of eye sub- contiguous with margin of clypeus. Male first flagellar segment about half as long as second; second and third together about as long as scape; scape about twice longer than thick. DESCRIPTION Male Measurements (mm): HL 1.07-1.20; HW 1.20-1.35; WL 2.7— 2.9; TL 3. 4-4.2. Head. Broad, HW 1.12-1.13 x HL; scape short, SL 0.19-0.24 x HL; SL 1.88-2.29 x SW. Eyes very strongly convergent be- low, UFW 2.30-2.67 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.92-0.96 x CL; BCW 0.43-0.50 x CW, 1.11-1.50 x ASD, 0.83-1.00 x IAD, 1.11-1.50 x COD. Clypeus slightly shiny between fine, subcontiguous to dense punctures; supraclypeal area slightly shinier, with fine, close to sparse punctures. Margins of frontal shield abruptly reflexed. apex narrow, about 0.50 times ASD, disc slightly shiny between fine, contiguous to subcontiguous punctures. Face with fine, contiguous punctures, which become slightly coarser and sub- contiguous on maculate areas at side. Interocellar area dull, minutely and contiguously punctate. Gena moderately shiny between fine, subcontiguous punctures, which become slightly larger and elongate below. Preoccipital carina not attaining hy- postomal carina. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.3 times wider than long. Scutellum weakly convex, 0.3-0. 4 times length of mesoscutum. Metanotum weakly convex. Mesoscutum slightly shiny be- tween fine, subcontiguous punctures; scutellum a little shinier between fine, subcontiguous to dense punctures; metanotum dull, finely rugosopunctate; mesopleuron moderately shiny be- tween fine, dense to close punctures; metapleuron finely, and contiguously punctate. Side of propodeum moderately shiny, minutely and contiguously punctate; stigmatal area moderately shiny, coarsely reticulorugose; basal area coarsely areolate; disc slightly shiny, finely rugosopunctate. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum smooth and shiny between min- ute, subcontiguous to dense punctures; disc of second tergum moderately shiny between ultraminute, close to sparse punctures. Pilosity. Sides of propodeum not densely pubescent; first and second terga without apicolateral patches of appressed pubescence. Color. Blackish. The following pale yellowish: mandible, ex- cept reddish apex; small spot on labrum; clypeus; side of face, ending narrowly slightly above level of upper margin of anten- nal socket; minute supraclypeal spot (if present); underside of scape; pronotal collar, broadly interrupted in middle; most of pronotal lobe; tegular spot; complete stripe on protibia; basal and apical spots on mesotibia; basal stripe on metatibia; all basitarsi. Remaining tarsal segments yellowish ferruginous. Flagellum brownish, paler beneath. Wings clear, slightly brown, veins and stigma medium brown. Female Measurements (mm): HL 1.20-1.27; HW 1.33-1.37; WL 3.1- 3.2; TL 4. 1 -4.4. Head. Broad, HW 1 .08-1 . 11 x HL; scape short, SL 0.24-0.25 x HL; SL 3.0 x SW. Eyes very strongly convergent below, UFW 1 .73-1 .80 x LFW. Clypeus, narrow, CW 0.88-0.97 x CL; BCW 0.60-0.64 x CW, 1.80-2.25 x ASD, 1.00-1.29 x IAD, 1.80- 2.00 x COD. Clypeus slightly shiny between fine, dense punctures; su- praclypeal area slightly shiny between fine, dense to close punc- tures; margins of frontal shield weakly bowed, slightly reflexed, FSW about equal to ASD, disc slightly shiny, finely and con- tiguously punctate; face dull, minutely and contiguously punc- tate, becoming slightly shiny and finely, contiguously punctate in area of sinus; maculate area slightly shiny between fine, sub- contiguous punctures; vertex slightly shiny, finely and con- tiguously punctate; gena slightly shiny, punctures fine, slightly elongate, contiguous to subcontiguous, becoming coarser below. Facial fovea very short, ending on eye margin below summit of eye. Thorax. Mesoscutum 1.2-1. 3 times wider than long. Contributions in Science, Number 328 Smelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 3 Figures 1 through 5. Hylaeus krombeini. Figure 1, male head, frontal view; Figure 2, female head, frontal view; Figure 3, male, sternite 7; Figure 4, male, sternite 8; Figure 5, male, genitalic capsule, ventral view. 4 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling; Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India Scutellum slightly flattened about 0.3 times length of meso- scutum. Metanotum narrow and convex. Mesoscutum slightly shiny between fine, subcontiguous punctures; scutellum a little shinier, punctures slightly larger and less close; metanotum dull, moderately rugosopunctate; mesopleuron slightly shiny between fine, subcontiguous punc- tures; metapleuron dull, finely rugosopunctate. Side of pro- podeum dull, minutely rugosopunctate; stigmatal area coarsely reticulorugose; basal area coarsely to very coarsely areolate; disc dull, minutely rugosopunctate. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum polished and shiny between minute to fine, subcontiguous to dense punctures; disc of sec- ond tergum moderately shiny between minute, close punctures. Pilosity. First and second terga without apicolateral patches of dense appressed pubescence. Color. Blackish. The following pale yellowish: longitudinal median bar on clypeus, not attaining base or apex; lateral face mark, terminating above at about middle of antennal socket; pronotal collar, broadly interrupted in middle; most of pronotal lobe; tegular spot; long stripe on protibia; base of mesotibia; basal half, or less, of metatibia; metabasitarsus. Remaining tar- sal segments light to dark brownish ferruginous. Flagellum brownish, paler beneath. Wings clear, light brownish, veins and stigma light to dark brown. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype male, allotype female, five male and four female par- atypes: Hunuwiligama, Anuradhapura Dist., SRI LANKA, 22-26 May 1976 (K.V. Krombein, P.B. Karunaratne, S. Ka- runaratne, D.W. Balasooriya). Holotype, allotype, and most paratypes in U.S. National Museum of Natural History; one paratype of each sex in Natural History Museum of Los An- geles County. ETYMOLOGY This species is dedicated to Karl V. Krombein, who kindly made the specimens available for study. DISCUSSION The small size and dense punctation of the first tergum are very suggestive of species of the Holarctic subgenus Paraprosopis, and male genitalic structure confirms this placement. This spe- cies is most like H. oresbius, described below. But, in H. krom- beini, the punctures of the first tergum of the male are both coarser and denser than those of the second tergum. The op- posite is true of the male of H. oresbius, of which the female is unknown. Hylaeus oresbius new species Figures 6-9 DIAGNOSIS Male. Disc of first tergum with punctures close to sparse, ul- traminute to minute; lateral and oblique propodeal carinae present; mandible and tegula immaculate; first flagellar seg- ment half as long as second, second and third together about as long as scape. Female. Unknown. DESCRIPTION Measurements (mm). HL 1 .20; HW 1 .37; WL 3.5; TL 4.2. Head. Broad, HW 1.14 x HL; scape short SL 0.25 x HL; SL 2.00 x SW. Eyes very strongly convergent below, UFW 2.33 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.89 x CL; BCW 0.56 x CW, 1 .75 x ASD, 1.00 x I AD, 1.40 x COD. Clypeus moderately shiny between moderate to coarse, sub- contiguous punctures; supraclypeal area moderately shiny and finely lineolate with subcontiguous, moderate punctures above and at side. Margins of frontal shield slightly reflexed, apex narrow, about 0.5 times ASD, disc finely and contiguously punctate. Face finely, contiguously punctate, punctures shiny within, becoming moderate on maculate area; vertex finely, contiguously punctate, grading to moderate punctures on pre- occiput and upper gena, interspaces shiny on lower gena. Preoc- cipital carina not attaining occipital carina. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.3 times wider than long. Scutel- lum slightly flattened, about 0.4 times length of mesoscutum. Metanotum weakly convex. Mesoscutum and scutellum dull between fine to moderate, contiguous to subcontiguous punctures, which are shiny within; metanotum dull, coarsely rugosopunctate; mesopleuron slightly shiny between fine to moderate, subcontiguous punctures, metapleuron dull, finely rugosopunctate. Side of propodeum slightly shiny, minutely to finely rugosopunctate; stigmatal area very coarsely reticulorugose; basal area very coarsely areolate and with prominent longitudinal median ridge; disc moderately to coarsely rugulose. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum with ultraminute to minute punctures of variable spacing, from subcontiguous to sparse, in- terspaces smooth and shiny; disc of second tergum smooth and shiny between minute, dense, sharply defined punctures. Pilosity. Side of propodeum without dense appressed hairs; first and second terga with apicolateral patches of appressed pubescence. Color. Blackish. The following bright yellow: minute spot at base of mandible; mediobasal spot on labrum; clypeus, except apical margin; lateral face mark to about level of middle of antennal socket; underside of scape; pronotal collar, broadly in- terrupted in middle; most of pronotal lobe; complete external stripe on protibia; basal spot on mesotibia; basal third of meta- tibia; meso- and metabasitarsi. Remaining tarsal segments brownish ferruginous. Flagellum brownish, paler beneath. Wings clear, brownish, veins and stigma dark brown. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype male: Cinchona, 3500 ft, Anamalai Hills, S. INDIA, Contributions in Science, Number 328 Smelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 5 Figures 6-9. Hylaeus oresbius, male. Figure 6, head, frontal view; Figure 7, sternite 7; Figure 8, sternite 8; Figure 9, genitalic capsule, ventral view, gonobase omitted. 6 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India May 1956 (P.S. Nathan), in Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. ETYMOLOGY From the Greek oresbios (mountain dweller). DISCUSSION This bee is superficially very similar to H. krombeini, but the genitalic structures are quite different, and this species cannot be placed in subgenus Paraprosopis. Externally, H. oresbius has distinct apicolateral patches of appressed pubescence on the first and second terga, lacking in H. krombeini. The first two terga of both species are sharply punctate, but the punctures are coarser on the second tergum than on the first in H. ores- bius, opposite to the condition in H krombeini. The female of H. oresbius is unknown but should have abun- dantly punctate first and second terga, each of these segments with an apicolateral patch of appressed pubescence. Hylaeus porcatus new species Figures 10-13 DIAGNOSIS Male. First flagellar segment shorter than pedicel; basal area of propodeum transversely strigose; scape less than twice longer than wide. Female. Unknown. DESCRIPTION Measurements (mm). HL 1 .40; HW 1.50; WL 3.9; TL 4.7. Head. Broad, HW 1.07 x HL; scape very short, SL 0.19 x HL; SL 1.59 x SW. Eyes strongly convergent below, UFW I 61 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.93 x CL; BCW 0.50 x CW, 1 .60 x ASD, 1.33 x I AD, 1.45 x COD. Clypeus distinctly separated from eye. Clypeus and supraclypeal area moderately shiny, sharply and longitudinally lineolate and with sparse to scattered, minute and line punctures. Frontal shield very short, narrow and high, terminating abruptly immediately above level of upper margin of antennal socket, apex less than 0.25 times ASD; disc rough- ened and with a few dense, fine punctures. Face shiny, finely rugosopunctate in middle, punctures a little coarser, subcon- tiguous laterad; maculate area lineolate and with scattered minute punctures; gena shiny between fine, dense punctures. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.3 times wider than long. Scutellum weakly convex, about 0.4 times length of meso- scutum. Metanotum moderately convex. Mesoscutum slightly shiny between moderate, subcontiguous to dense punctures; scutellum slightly shiny between contiguous to dense, coarse punctures; metanotum moderately rugosopunc- tate; mesopleuron moderately shiny between moderate to coarse, contiguous to subcontiguous punctures, which are shiny within; metapleuron moderately shiny, finely rugosopunctate. Lateral propodeal carina present to stigmatal area; side and disc moder- ately shiny between fine, contiguous to subcontiguous punctures; stigmatal area coarsely reticulorugose; entire basal area crossed by about six high, sharp, transverse ridges. Abdomen. First tergum shiny, nearly impunctate, the few punc- tures very widely scattered, ultraminute; disc of second tergum shiny, with only very scattered ultraminute piligerous punctures. Pilosity. First and second terga without apicolateral patches of appressed pubescence. Color. Blackish. The following yellow: large trefoil mark on clypeus; lateral face mark, ending narrowly on eye margin slightly above level of upper margin of antennal socket; large mark on underside of scape; pronotal collar, broadly interrupted in middle; most of pronotal lobe; tegular spot; outer stripe on protibia; basal spot on mesotibia; basal one-third of metatibia; metabasitarsus. Remaining tarsal segments reddish. Flagellum brownish, lighter beneath. Wings clear, slightly brownish, veins and stigma brown. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype male: Cinchona, 3500 ft, Anamalai Hills, S. INDIA, May 1957 (P.S. Nathan), in Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. ETYMOLOGY From the Latin porca (ridge between furrows) because of the transversely ridged basal area of the propodeum. DISCUSSION The sharply, transversely ridged basal area and virtually impunc- tate first two abdominal segments of this species are distinctive. Although H. pannuceus may be the female, such seems unlikely, as noted in the discussion of that species. Of previously described species, only H. bellicosus is men- tioned as having a transversely rugose propodeal base. In that species, the abdomen is, apparently, more clearly punctate than in H porcatus, and the scape is wholly blackish. Hylaeus thyreus new species Figures 14-17 DIAGNOSIS Male. Mandible broad, without obvious external ridges and grooves; frontal shield longer than greatest width; distance be- tween clypeus and lower end of eye about equal to OD. Female. Unknown. DESCRIPTION Measurements (mm). HL 1 .50; HW 1 .60; WL 4.6; TL 5.7. Head. Broad, HW 1.07 x HL. Scape short, SL 0.24 x HL; SL 2.75 x SW. Eyes moderately convergent below, UFW 1.38 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.83 x CL; BCW 0.67 x CW, 1.82 x ASD, 1.18 x I AD, 1.25 x COD. Clypeus separated from lower end of eye by about OD. Mandible about twice longer than broad, lower margin curved, cutting margin oblique and broadly rounded into upper margin, preapical notch weak; outer face without obvious ridges or grooves, with fine longitudinal striae. Clypeus moderately shiny, longitudinally striate, with close, moderate punctures. Frontal shield long, about 1.6 times longer than wide, the lateral ridges reaching clypeal base; punctures Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 7 Figures 10 13. Hylaeus porcatus, male Figure 10, head, frontal view; Figure 11, sternite 7; Figure 12, sternite 8; Figure 13, genitalic capsule, ventral view, gonobase omitted. 8 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India Figures 14-17. Hylaeus thyreus, male. Figure 14, head, frontal view; Figure 15, sternite 7; Figure 16, sternite 8; Figure 17, genitalic capsule, ventral view. Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snellimg: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 9 Figures 18-21. Hvlaeus parmatus, male. Figure 18, head, frontal view; Figure 19, sternite 7; Figure 20, sternite 8; Figure 21, genitalic capsule, ventral view. 10 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling; Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India moderate, in subcontiguous rows; apical width about 1.3 times ASD. Face and vertex shiny between moderate, subcontiguous punctures (in rows in middle); maculate area slightly shiny be- tween fine, dense punctures; gena shiny between moderate, sub- contiguous punctures. First and second flagellar segments each about equal to ped- icel in length; third a little longer; combined, second and third shorter than scape. Interocellar and ocellocular distances subequal. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.3 times wider than long; scutellum flattened about 0.4 times length of mesoscutum; metanotum flattened. Mesoscutum shiny between fine, subcontiguous to dense punctures; scutellum shiny between fine to moderate, dense punctures; metanotum shiny between fine, subcontiguous to dense punctures; mesopleuron shiny between moderate, dense punctures; metapleuron with fine punctures in subcontiguous rows. Side of propodeum, stigmatal area, and disc shiny be- tween dense, moderate punctures; basal area very irregularly reticulorugose at base, but mostly free of sculpture, shiny. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum shiny between close to sparse, fine punctures; disc of second tergum shiny between sparse, minute to fine punctures; disc of third tergum with conspicuous minute, sparse, piligerous punctures. Pilosity. First tergum with apicolateral patch of appressed pubescence. Color. Blackish. The following bright yellow: large preapical clypeal spot; lateral face mark, ending on inner eye margin at about level of upper end of frontal shield; pronotal collar, nar- rowly interrupted in middle; most of pronotal lobe; tegular spot; outer stripe on basal three-fifths of protibia; basal spot on meso- tibia; basal one-third of metatibia. Mandible, labrum, and un- derside of scape reddish. Flagellum dark brownish, a little lighter beneath. Wings clear, slightly brownish, veins and stigma dark brown. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype male: Singara, 3400 ft, Nilgiri Hills, S. INDIA, May 1954 (P.S. Nathan), in Natural History Museum of Los An- geles County. ETYMOLOGY From the Greek thyreos (an elongate shield), in reference to the long frontal shield. DISCUSSION The similarities in mandibular structure and punctation suggest rather strongly that H. eurygnathus is the female of this spe- cies. It is also possible, however, that H. sedens may belong here. Since there clearly are several species in this complex, no attempt has been made to associate sexes with the limited ma- terial available. The elongate frontal shield of H. thyreus will separate it from similar forms such as H. peltates and H. parmatus, both described below. The mandibular structure of H. thyreus is also distinctive. Hylaeus parmatus new species Figures 18-21 DIAGNOSIS Male. Mandible broad, without obvious external ridges or grooves, preapical notch deep; frontal shield about as wide as long; macula whitish, scape immaculate. Female. Unknown. DESCRIPTION Measurements (mm). HL 1 .43; H W 1 .60; WL 4.4; TL 5.3. Head. Broad, HW 1 .12 x HL. Scape short, SL 0.26 x HL; SL 2.00 x SW. Eyes very strongly convergent below, UFW 1.93 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.74 x CL; BCW 0.46 x CW, 1.09 x ASD, 0.86 x IAD, 0.75 x COD. Clypeus separated from lower end of eye by about 0.3 x OD. Mandible a little more than twice longer than broad, lower margin weakly curved, large preapical tooth on cutting margin; outer face without obvious ridges or grooves, smooth and shiny over much of disc. Clypeus and supraclypeal area moderately shiny between moderate, subcontiguous to dense punctures. Frontal shield about as wide as long, margin strongly bowed and distinctly reflexed, apex about equal to ASD. Face and vertex moderately shiny between subcontiguous, moderate, irregular punctures; maculate area moderately shiny between dense to close, moder- ate, round punctures; gena moderately shiny between subcon- tiguous, fine to moderate punctures. First flagellar segment about equal to pedicel in length, sec- ond about 1.4 times first, third about 1.8 times first. Interocel- lar distance slightly greater than ocellocular distance. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.3 times wider than long; scutellum flattened about 0.4 times length of mesoscutum; metanotum flattened. Mesoscutum slightly shiny between fine, subcontiguous punctures; scutellum moderately shiny, punctures fine and sub- contiguous in middle, moderate and close on either side; meta- notum slightly shiny between minute to fine, dense punctures; mesopleuron moderately shiny between fine, close punctures; metapleuron shiny, with a few obscure, moderate punctures in center, otherwise smooth. Side and disc of propodeum moder- ately shiny between subcontiguous, fine punctures grading into moderately reticulopunctate stigmatal area; basal area, in mid- dle, about as long as scutellum, shiny, with a few irregular, transverse reticulae near anterior margin. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum smooth and shiny between fine, close punctures; disc of second tergum slightly shiny between sparse, minute punctures. Pilosity. First tergum with long, erect, sparse hairs across basal face; with apicolateral patch of appressed pubescence. Color. Blackish. The following whitish: most of outer face of mandible; large preapical clypeal mark; lateral face mark, ter- minating on eye margin at level of sinus; pronotal collar, broadly interrupted in middle; approximately one-half of prono- Contributions in Science, Number 328 Smelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lamka and India 1 1 Figures 22-25. Hylaeus peltates, male. Figure 22, head, frontal view; Figure 23, sternite 7; Figure 24, sternite 8; Figure 25, genitalic capsule, ventral view. 12 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling; Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India tal lobe; tegular spot; outer stripe on protibia; basal spot on mesotibia; basal half of metatibia; metabasitarsus. Remainder of tarsi reddish brown. Flagellum dark brownish above, reddish brown beneath. Wings clear, brownish, veins and stigma dark brown. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype male: Singara, 3400 ft, Nilgiri Hills, S. INDIA, May 1954 (P.S. Nathan), in Natural History Museum of Los An- geles County. ETYMOLOGY The specific epithet is a Latin word for one armed with a small shield. DISCUSSION Some of the differences between this species and the similar H. peltates have been noted in the section on that species. The mostly smooth metapleuron is unique among the species I have seen from southern India. If consistent, it would prove a good diagnostic feature. The minute punctures on the disc of the sec- ond tergum are distinctive within the group of species with broad mandibles. Hylueus peltates new species Figures 22-25 DIAGNOSIS Male. Mandible broad, without obvious external ridges or groove, preapical notch weak; frontal shield about as wide as long; distance between clypeus and lower end of eye about 0.5 times OD. Female. Unknown. DESCRIPTION Measurements (mm). HL 1 .45; HW 1 .57; WL 4.5; TL 5.3. Head. Broad, HW 1.08 x HL. Scape short, SL 0.24 x HL; SL 2.10 x SW. Eyes very strongly convergent below, UFW 1.93 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.78 x CL; BCW 0.57 x CW, 1.60 x ASD, 0.94 x IAD, 1.33 x COD. Clypeus separated from lower end of eye by about 0.5 x OD. Mandible about twice longer than broad, lower margin curved, cutting margin oblique and with weak preapical notch; outer face without distinct ridges or grooves, smooth and shiny. Clypeus and supraclypeal area moderately shiny, finely line- olate between dense, fine, linearly arranged punctures, which become contiguous laterad. Frontal shield about as broad as long, margins distinctly bowed, not reflexed, apex about 1.25 times ASD; disc moderately shiny between fine, subcontiguous to dense punctures. Face, vertex, and gena moderately shiny between fine to moderate, subcontiguous punctures; punctures of maculate area in rows, somewhat elongate, with extensive impunctate areas. First flagellar segment about equal to pedicel in length, sec- ond about 2.3 times first, third about 3.0 times first. Interocel- lar distance slightly greater than ocellocular distance. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.4 times wider than long; scutellum flattened, about 0.4 times length of mesoscutum; metanotum flattened. Mesoscutum slightly shiny between moderate, subcontiguous punctures; scutellum similar but punctures become dense on either side of middle; metanotum slightly shiny between fine, dense punctures; mesopleuron moderately shiny between dense, moderate punctures; metapleuron moderately shiny between fine, subcontiguous punctures. Side and disc of propodeum moderately shiny between fine to moderate, subcontiguous to dense punctures grading into coarsely reticulopunctate stigma- tal area; basal area moderately shiny, with a few coarse re- ticulae basomedially and few weak, oblique rugulae laterad that converge toward posterior middle. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum smooth and shiny between fine to moderate, close to sparse punctures; disc of second tergum moderately shiny between sparse, fine punctures. Pilosity. First tergum with long, erect, sparse hairs across basal face and with apicolateral patch of appressed pale hairs. Color. Blackish. The following bright yellow: outer face of mandible (which has reddish apex); large, irregular preapical clypeal spot; lateral face mark, ending acutely on eye margin slightly above ocular sinus; large apical spot on scape; pronotal collar, broadly interrupted in middle; most of pronotal lobe; outer stripe on protibia; small basal spot on mesotibia; basal half of metatibia; basal one-third of metabasitarsus. Remainder of tarsi reddish brown. Flagellum brown, slightly paler beneath. Wings clear, brownish, veins and stigma brown. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype male: Naduvatam, 6000 ft, Nilgiri Hills, S. INDIA, May 1958 (PS. Nathan), in Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. ETYMOLOGY From the Greek peltates, a warrior with a shield, in reference to the large, broad frontal shield of the species. DISCUSSION This bee is related to H. thyreus and H. parmatus. It differs from H thyreus in the shorter frontal shield, the shorter dis- tance between the clypeus and lower end of the eye, and the longer second flagellar segment. It is much more similar to H parmatus, in which the mandible, however, has a sharp preapi- cal tooth, the macula are distinctly whitish, the scape immac- ute, etc. Hylaeus sedens new species Figures 26-27 DIAGNOSIS Female. Mandible broad, outer face without distinct ridges. Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 13 29 Figures 26 30. Hylaeus spp., females. Figures 26 and 27, H. sedens, head in frontal view and head in frontal view and mandible. Figure 30, H. pannuceus, head in frontal view. 14 Contributions in Science, Number 328 mandible. Figures 28 and 29, H. eurygnathus. Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India inner tooth strong; first tergum with apicolateral pubescent patch. Male. Unknown. DESCRIPTION Measurements (mm). HL 1.65; HW 1.75; WL 4. 6; TL 6. 1 . Head. Broad, HW 1.06 x HL; scape short, SL 0.26 x HL; SL 3.25 x SW. Eyes moderately convergent below, UFW 1.42 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.77 x CL; BCW 0.61 x CW, 1.83 x ASD, 1.10 x I AD, 1.22 x COD; clypeus distinctly separated from eye margin. Mandible broad, less than twice as long as greatest width, lower margin strongly curved; outer face without obvious ridges or grooves, obliquely and finely striate over apical half; cutting margin oblique and subangulate with upper margin; preapical notch deep, defining preapical tooth. Clypeus coarsely lineolate, slightly shiny, with moderate punctures in rows, dense basally, coarser and subcontiguous preapically; supraclypeal area very short, lineolate, and with subcontiguous, moderate punctures. Margins of frontal shield bowed, flat, apex 2.00 times ASD; disc with distinct rows of moderate, subcontiguous punctures, interspaces shiny. Face shiny between fine to moderate, subcontiguous punctures, finer in middle; gena shiny between moderate, irregularly shaped, subcontiguous punctures. Interocellar distance equal to ocellocular distance. Facial fovea ending less than halfway between eye and lateral ocellus. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.4 times wider than long. Scutellum flattened, about 0.4 times length of mesoscutum. Metanotum weakly convex. Mesoscutum moderately shiny between fine, subcontiguous punctures; scutellum with fine, subcontiguous punctures in middle and moderate, dense punctures on either side, inter- spaces moderately shiny; metanotum dull, with fine, subcon- tiguous to dense punctures; mesopleuron shiny between moderate, subcontiguous punctures; metapleuron similar, but punctures mostly contiguous. Propodeum without transverse, oblique, and lateral carinae; side shiny between moderate, sub- contiguous punctures, which grade to contiguous punctures on stigmatal area and disc; basal area slightly depressed in middle and with a few irregular longitudinal and oblique rugae, sur- face shiny. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum shiny between irregularly spaced (subcontiguous to close) punctures of several sizes (ul- traminute to moderate); disc of second tergum moderately shiny between sparse, minute punctures. Pilosity. First tergum with apicolateral patch of appressed, plumose pubescence; first tergum with patch of sparse, erect hairs in middle of anterior face. Color. Blackish. The following whitish; small preapical spot on clypeus; lateral face mark, extending narrowly along inner orbit to lower end of fovea; interrupted stripe on pronotal collar; nar- row posterior margin of pronotal lobe; tegular spot; short basal stripe on protibia; basal spot on mesotibia; large basal spot on metatibia. Mandible piceous, paler near apex. Flagellum dark brownish above, medium brownish beneath. Wings clear, faintly brownish, veins and stigma dark brown. TYPE MATERIAL Holotype female; Karikal, Pondicherry State, INDIA, January 1956 (P.S. Nathan). Paratypes: 2 2 9, Singara, 3400 ft. elev., Nilgiri Hills, S. INDIA, May 1956 (PS. Nathan). All types in collection of Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. ETYMOLOGY From the Latin prefix se (apart) and dens (tooth), in reference to the distinct preapical mandibular tooth. DISCUSSION Although obviously related to H. eurygnathus, described below, this species is distinct. The principal differences include man- dibular structure, pale maculae, and greater interocellar distance. One additional specimen that seems to be conspecific with the types has been available: Peak View Motel, Kandy, elev. 1800 ft., Kandy Dist., SRI LANKA, 15-24 January 1970 (Davis and Rowe; U.S. National Museum of Natural History). Aside from the fact that the mandibles are blackish brown, rather than ferruginous, this seems to be a normal specimen of H. sedens. Hylaeus eurygnathus new species Figures 28-29 DIAGNOSIS Female. Mandible broad, outer face without distinct ridges, inner tooth weak; first tergum with apicolateral pubescent patch. Male. Unknown. DESCRIPTION Measurements (mm). HL 1.13—1.75; HW 1 .27-1 .95; WL 3.6— 5.5; TL 4.4-6. 8. Head. Broad, HW 1.1 1 — 1.12 x HL; scape short, SL 0.29-0.41 x HL; SL 2.80-3.00 x SW. Eyes moderately convergent below, UFW 1 .42 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.76-0.80 x CL; BCW 0.74-0.76 x CW, 2.33-2.55 x ASD, 1.17 x IAD, 1.56 x COD. Clypeus distinctly separated from eye. Mandible broad, about twice longer than greatest width, lower margin strongly curved; outer face without obvious ridges and obliquely and finely striate over apical half; cutting margin oblique and broadly rounded into upper margin; notch between apical and preapical teeth weak. Clypeus moderately shiny, lineopunctate, width of punctures less than 0.020 mm; punctures of supraclypeal area fine, in sub- contiguous rows. Margins of frontal shield bowed, flat, apex about 2.0-2. 1 times ASD, disc finely punctate, punctures in sub- contiguous rows. Face and vertex moderately shiny between fine to moderate, subcontiguous punctures of irregular shape that become round and dense on maculate areas; gena shiny between fine, irregularly shaped, subcontiguous punctures. Contributions in Science, Number 328 Smelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 15 Interocellar distance less than ocellocular distance. Facial fovea ending less than halfway between eye and lateral ocellus. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.3-1. 4 times wider than long. Scutellum flattened, about 0.4 times length of mesoscutum. Metanotum weakly convex. Mesoscutum slightly shiny between moderate, subcontiguous punctures; scutellum moderately shiny, punctures fine and sub- contiguous in middle, moderate and dense on either side, meta- notum slightly shiny between fine, dense punctures; mesopleuron moderately shiny between fine to moderate, subcontiguous to dense punctures; metapleuron moderately shiny, lineolate, and finely, subcontiguously punctate. Propodeum without lateral, oblique, and transverse carinae; side, stigmatal area, and disc shiny between moderate, subcontiguous punctures; basal area shiny, with a few longitudinal rugulae, which are evanescent posteriorly. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum shiny between ultraminute and minute punctures, which vary widely in spacing, from close to scattered; disc of second tergum moderately shiny between min- ute, sparse punctures. Pilosity. First tergum with apicolateral patch of dense, ap- pressed pubescence and with erect hairs across anterior face. Color. Blackish. The following bright yellow: large preapical spot on clypeus; lateral face mark, upward along inner orbit to lower end of facial fovea; pronotal collar (interrupted in middle in holotype); most of pronotal lobe; tegular spot; basal three- fourths of protibia externally; basal spot on mesotibia; basal half of outer face of metatibia. Mandible mostly ferruginous. Flagellum brownish, paler beneath. Wings clear, brownish, veins and stigma dark brown. TYPE MATERIAL Flolotype female: Naduvatam, 6000 ft, Nilgiri Hills, S. INDIA, May 1 958 (P.S. Nathan). Paratype female: Ammatti, 3 1 00 ft, S. Coorg, S. INDIA, March 1952 (P.S. Nathan). Both specimens in Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. Head. Broad, HW 1.10 x HL; scape short, SL 0.28 x HL; SL 3.25 x SW. Eyes moderately convergent below, UFW 1.43 x LFW. Clypeus narrow, CW 0.89 x CL; BCW 0.68 x CW, 2.09 x ASD, 1.21 x IAD, 1.44 x COD. Clypeus distinctly separated from eye. Clypeus dull to slightly shiny between fine to moderate, sub- contiguous to dense punctures; supraclypeal area similar. Frontal shield short and narrow, about 1.5 times longer than wide; margins very weakly convex, subcarinate, not reflexed; disc dull between fine, contiguous punctures; apex very narrow, about 0.3 times ASD. Face slightly to moderately shiny be- tween moderate, contiguous to subcontiguous punctures; inter- ocellar area tumescent, weakly depressed along midline, area on either side dull, densely tesselate, and nearly impunctate; gena moderately shiny between fine to moderate, somewhat elongate, contiguous to subcontiguous punctures. Interocellar distance greater than ocellocular distance. Facia! fovea ending about one-third of distance between eye and lat- eral ocellus. Thorax. Mesoscutum about 1.3 times wider than long. Scutel- lum flattened, about 0.4 times length of mesoscutum. Meta- notum weakly convex. Mesoscutum slightly shiny between fine to moderate, dense punctures; scutellum a little shinier, punctures fine to moderate, dense to close, but subcontiguous in middle; metanotum dull between subcontiguous to close, minute punctures; meso- pleuron moderately shiny between moderate, subcontiguous to dense punctures, which are shiny within; metapleuron slightly shiny between fine, contiguous punctures. Transverse and oblique propodeal carinae absent, lateral carina present but weak in upper two-thirds; side and disc slightly shiny, moder- ately to coarsely rugosopunctate, grading into coarsely rugose stigmatal area; basal area shiny, with a transverse row of coarse, quadrate areolae, behind which is a series of widely spaced, very irregular, transversely oriented, coarse to very coarse areolae. ETYMOLOGY From the Greek eurys (broad) and gnathos (jaw), because of the peculiar mandibles. DISCUSSION The only known species with similar mandibular structure is H. sedens, described above. In that species, the mandibular struc- ture is different, and the macula are paler whitish. Hylaeus pannuceus new species Figure 30 DIAGNOSIS Female. Interocellar area with a pair of low, densely tesselate tumescences; frontal shield short, narrow; basal area of pro- podeum transversely rugose. Male. Unknown. Abdomen. Disc of first tergum shiny between minute to fine punctures, very irregularly spaced (subcontiguous to scattered); disc of second tergum moderately shiny between minute sparse to scattered punctures. Pilosity. First tergum with long apicolateral patch of dense ap- pressed white pubescence. Color. Blackish. The following very pale yellowish: large pre- apical clypeal spot; large transverse supraclypeal mark; lateral face mark, ending on eye margin at lower end of fovea; prono- tal collar, narrowly interrupted in middle; almost entire prono- tal lobe; large tegular spot; stripe on outer three-fourths of protibia; stripe on outer half of mesotibia; basal half of meta- tibia. Tarsal segments brownish. Preapical one-third of clypeus and most of mandible dark reddish. Flagellum reddish brown above, lighter beneath. Wings clear, slightly brownish, veins and stigma medium to dark brown. DESCRIPTION TYPE MATERIAL Measurements (mm). HL 1 .55; HW 1.70; WL 7.3; TL 5.5. Holotype female: Jabalpur, 1600 ft, central INDIA, October 16 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 1957 (PS. Nathan), in Natural History Museum of Los An- geles County. ETYMOLOGY The specific name is a Latin word for wrinkled, in allusion to the transversely wrinkled propodeal base. DISCUSSION The propodeal structure and tumescent interocellar area seem to be unique within the Indian fauna. It is possible that H. por- catus, described above, is the male, but this seems unlikely. In that species, the metanotum is rugulose, the first tergum lacks an apicolateral hair patch, and the propodeal side is not rugoso- punctate. The opposite sexes of Hylaeus usually more or less agree in these characters. The species treated and described above may be separated by the following key. KEY TO HYLAEUS OF SOUTH INDIA AND SRI LANKA la. Antenna 13 segmented (male) 2 b. Antenna 12 segmented (female) 7 2a. Lateral margin of clypeus contiguous with inner eye mar- gin (Figs. 1, 6); oblique propodeal carina present 3 b. Lateral margin of clypeus separated from inner eye mar- gin by at least 0.3 times OD (Figs. 10, 14); oblique pro- podeal carina absent 4 3a. Mandible and labrum mostly yellow; tegular spot present; disc of first tergum subcontiguously to densely punctate; mesoscutal punctures fine krombeini b. Mandible and labrum with minute yellow spot; tegular spot absent; disc of first tergum closely to sparsely punc- tate; mesoscutal punctures moderate oresbius 4a. Basal area of propodeum with a few weak longitudinal rugulae 5 b. Basal area of propodeum with sharp, transverse ridges .... porcatus 5a. Distance between lateral margin of clypeus and inner eye margin no more than 0.5 times OD; supraclypeal shield no longer than greatest width; length of second flagellar seg- ment at least 1.5 times first 6 b. Distance between lateral margin of clypeus and inner eye margin subequal to OD; supraclypeal shield longer than greatest width; second flagellar segment slightly longer than first thyreus 6a. Preapical tooth large, distinct, macula whitish, scape im- maculate; metapleuron mostly smooth and shiny parmatus b. Preapical tooth very low, obscure; macula yellowish, scape maculate; metapleuron finely, subcontiguously punctate. .. pel fates 7a. Lateral margin of clypeus distinctly separated from inner eye margin; oblique propodeal carina absent 8 b. Lateral margin of clypeus contiguous with inner eye mar- gin; oblique propodeal carina present krombeini 8a. Interocellar area uniformly and subcontiguously punctate, not swollen; outer face of mandible without ridges or grooves, minutely striate in part 9 b. Interocellar area swollen and bearing a dull, sparsely punc- tate area on each side; outer face of mandible with distinct ridges and grooves, without minute striations . . .pannuceus 9a. Preapical notch of mandible weak; markings yellow eurygnathus b. Preapical notch of mandible strong, a distinct preapical tooth present; markings whitish sedens GENERAL DISCUSSION Although the material treated here obviously involves several subgenera, any attempt to define subgenera within this fauna would be premature. When more material becomes available and sexes are definitely associated, such a study could be initiated. The Holarctic subgenus Paraprosopis is clearly represented by H. krombeini. Superficially similar to H. krombeini is H. oresbius and, in nearly every feature defining subgenera in Hylaeus, this species, too, would be placed in Paraprosopis. The eighth sternum, however, is definitely not like that of other Paraprosopis since it is not apically bifurcate (Fig. 8). For the present, H. oresbius may be tentatively assigned to Paraproso- pis. but may ultimately prove to be an aberrant species of the subgenus Prosopis. None of the remaining species appear to belong to existing subgenera as they are currently defined. Among the females, H. eurygnathus and H. sedens clearly belong together; H pan- nuceus is not related and would form another group. The broad-mandible males (H. thyreus, H. parmatus, and H peltates) are very similar in external features and at first would seem to form a natural group in which the females would be represented by such species as H. eurygnathus and H. sedens. Unfortunately, H. thyreus does not fit this scheme, for the sev- enth sternum (Fig. 15) is very different from that of the other two species known only from males. Possibly two subgenera are involved. One would include H. thyreus, H. eurygnathus, and H. sedens. The second would ac- commodate H. peltates and H. parmatus: females for this group are unknown if I have correctly associated the two broad- mandible female species with H. thyreus. Considerably more material will be necessary before this problem can be clarified; there are likely more species with broad mandibles, and possi- bly there are annectant forms between what now appear, based on males, to be separate groups. A final group would be represented by H. porcatus. It is pos- sible that this species belongs to the Holarctic subgenus Pro- sopis and that the peculiarly narrow, elongate eighth sternum (Fig. 12) is merely an exaggeration of that of Prosopis. How- ever, the distally narrowed gonocoxites of H. porcatus (Fig. 13) are also unlike those of Prosopis. Although the material available for study does include spe- cies with unusual characteristics (broad mandibles, elongate Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India 17 gonocoxites), the affinities of these species seem to be with the Palearctic hylaeine fauna rather than with groups originating in southeast Asia or the Australian-Papuan faunas. LITERATURE CITED Houston, T.F. 1975. A revision of the Australian hylaeine bees (Hymenoptera: Colletidae). 1 Austr. Jour. Zool., Suppl. ser. 36:1-135. Meade-Waldo, G. 1923. Fam. Apidae, Subfam. Prosopidinae. In P. Wytsman, Genera Insectorum, Brussels, fasc. 181:1 — 45. Michener, C.D. 1965. A classification of the bees of the Aus- tralian and South Pacific Regions. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Bull. 130:1-362. Snelling, R.R. 1970. Studies on North American bees of the genus Hylaeus. 5. The subgenera Hylaeus, s. str. and Para- prosopis. Los Angeles County Mus., Contrib. Sci. 180:1- 59. Warncke, K. 1970. Beitrag zur systematik und verbreitung der bienengattung Prosopis F. in der Westpalaarktis (Hymenoptera, Apoidea, Colletidae). Bull. Rech. Agron. Gembloux 5:745-768. Accepted for publication 19 June 1980. 18 Contributions in Science, Number 328 Snelling: Hylaeus of Sri Lanka and India Q 11 L52X NH Number 325) 29 August 1980 III i L : : . . . .< I EOCENE NEOSELACHIANS FROM THE LA MESETA FORMATION, SEYMOUR ISLAND, ANTARCTIC PENINSULA El Bruce J. Welton and William J. Zinsmeister B ■ ■ SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY at irregular intervals in three major series; the articles in each series are numbered individually, and numbers run consecutively, regardless of subject matter: • Contributions in Science, a miscellaneous series of technical papers describing original research in the life and earth sciences. • Science Bulletins, a miscellaneous series of monographs describing original research in the life and earth sciences. This series was discontinued in 1978 with the issue of Numbers 29 and 30; monographs are now published by the Museum in the Contributions in Science series. • Science Series, long articles on natural history topics, generally written for the layman. Copies of the publications in these series are available on an exchange basis to institutions and individual researchers. Copies are also sold through the Museum Bookshop. ■ ill ll!i Kill ■ i asm if \\ : Milii ,:il nil M ‘iraiill Hill iliillli “li * 'fev Castle Press-, Pasadena, Catift ' ■ ■ 1 1 EOCENE NEOSELACHIANS FROM THE LA MESETA FORMATION, SEYMOUR ISLAND, ANTARCTIC PENINSULA1 Bruce J. Welton2 and William J. Zimsmeister3 ABSTRACT: Neoselachian teeth from the La Meseta Formation, Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, include those of the following taxa: Carcharodon auriculatus (Blainville 1816), Eugomphodus ma- crota (Agassiz 1843), Lamnidae indeterminate, Squalidae indetermi- nate, Squatina sp., and Myliobatoidea indeterminate. The lamniforms Eugomphodus macrota and Carcharodon au- riculatus are cosmopolitan species and indicate a middle to late Eocene and possibly early Oligocene age for the La Meseta Formation. INTRODUCTION During the austral summer of 1974-1975, a joint field party from the Institute of Polar Studies at The Ohio State Univer- sity and the Argentine Antarctic Institute visited Seymour Is- land, located on the northeast side of the Antarctic Peninsula. A geological survey of the Tertiary sequence at the northern end of Seymour Island was undertaken by William Zinsmeister and, during the course of the season, a small collection of shark and ray teeth was made from Unit II of the La Meseta Forma- tion. The fossils are deposited in the Museum of Paleontology of the University of California, Berkeley (UCMP) and in the Institute of Polar Studies at The Ohio State University, Colum- bus, Ohio. The description and taxonomic evaluation of these fossils constitute the basis for this paper. REVIEW OF PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED SHARKS FROM SEYMOUR ISLAND Cretaceous and Eocene fishes were first collected from Seymour Island by the Swedish South Polar Expedition be- tween the years 1901 and 1903. Woodward (1906) described several large selachian vertebrae from Cretaceous material contained in the above collection and referred them to the genus Ptychodus Agassiz (1835). He based this identification upon shared characters of internal and external calcification observed in the Seymour Island specimens and in vertebrae found in association with fossil teeth of Ptychodus decurrens Agassiz 1835 from the English Chalk (Woodward 1902:228-29, pi 52, fig. 6). The presence of large, biconcave vertebrae with a very short anteroposterior length, thin concentric calcified lamellae with perforated walls within each intermedialia, weakly developed radii, and basilia for neural and hemal arch cartilages are characters that Woodward (1906:1-2) used to di- agnose vertebrae of Ptychodus. As Woodward (1902:229) noted, this calcification pattern is also very similar to that found in vertebrae of Corax (= Squalicorax). In addition, con- centric calcification patterns are also known in modern and fos- Contributions in Science, Number 329, pp. 1-10 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1980 sil species of the basking shark Cetorhinus (Hasse, 1882, pi. 32, figs. 1-8; Ridewood 1921:360, fig. 13a; White 1935:79), the an- gel shark Squatina (Ridewood 1921:376-78, fig. 25b), and the whale shark Rhincodon typus (White 1930:136, pi. 29, fig. m). Vertebrae found in association with teeth of Ptychodus chap- pelli Reinhart (1951) from the Turonian of San Luis, Tolima, Colombia (UCMP 39525), possess numerous thin concentric lamellae; however, the vertebrae are proportionately antero- posteriorly longer and dorsoventrally shorter than those at- tributed to Ptychodus by Woodward (1902:228-29) from either the English Chalk or the Cretaceous rocks of Seymour Island. At present, articulated skeletons of Ptychodus are not known, and the finding of teeth and vertebrae in association should not be regarded as demonstrable proof that all are from the same genus. The presence of relatively undistorted concentric calcifica- tions in the vertebrae from Seymour Island (Woodward 1906, pi. 1 , figs. 1 -3) suggests that their short anteroposterior length is not due to compression from sediment load. In most respects, the Seymour Island vertebrae resemble those found in an artic- ulated skeleton of Squalicorax cf. S. kaupi from the Niobrara Formation of Kansas (Section of Vertebrate Paleontology, Natu- ral History Museum of Los Angeles, County, LACM 120090). In light of the above data, continued allocation of the Seymour Island vertebrae to the genus Ptychodus must be considered tenuous. Elliot et al. (1975) were the first to mention the occurrence of fossil shark teeth in the early Tertiary rocks of Seymour Is- land. Subsequently, del Valle et al. (1976:8) identified Scapano- rhynchus raphiodon (Agassiz) 1844, S', subulatus (Agassiz) 1844, Isurus mantelli Agassiz 1843, Isurus sp., and Carcharias sp. based upon a small number of fragmentary shark teeth from the La Meseta Formation. Unfortunately, their taxonomy was based largely upon Ameghino’s incorrect identifications of teeth from the Patagonian marine formation of Argentina (Ameghino 1906). Cione et al. (1977:9-14) published the first comprehensive description of sharks from the La Meseta For- mation and recognized three genera and two species: Eu- 1. Review Committee for this contribution: Lawrence G. Barnes, Leonard J.V. Compagno, and David J. Ward. 2. Section of Vertebrate Paleontology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, Los Angeles, California 90007 3. Institute of Polar Studies, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, and Research Associate, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County ISSN 0459-01 1 3 gomphodus macrota (Agassiz 1843), Isurus novusl (Winkler 1873), and Procarcharodon Casier 1960. As a result of the pre- sent study, five taxa of neoselachians are recognized from Unit II of the La Meseta Formation. In addition to Carcharodon au- riculatus and Eugomphodus macrota , the angel shark Squat- ina, an indeterminate squaloid close to Centrophorus Muller and Henle 1837, and a myliobatoid ray are recorded for the first time. LOCALITY UCMP V77014, Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula, 64°15'S, 56°45'W. Fossil shark and ray teeth were collected from a coarse, pebbly, fossiliferous shell bank in Unit II of the La Meseta Formation, approximately 1 50 m above the base of the Seymour Island Series on the north side of the island, di- rectly across from Corkburn Island (6.5 km east, 3 degrees from Bodman Point and 4.1 km south, 61 degrees from Cape Wiman). The shell bank, being slightly more resistant to weath- ering, forms a distinct break in slope that can be traced for several kilometers along strike (Fig. 1). STRATIGRAPHY The sequence of tertiary rocks on Seymour Island was first de- scribed by Anderson (1906). He proposed the name “Seymour Island Series” for the loosely consolidated sands and sandy silt- stones of Tertiary age at the north end of the island (Fig. 1). Elliot and Trautman (in press) have proposed that the term “Seymour Island Series” be dropped in favor of “Seymour Is- land Group,” which includes the Cross Valley and La Meseta Formations. Since the present paper is primarily concerned with the fossil shark assemblage in the La Meseta Formation, only a brief de- scription of the Cross Valley Formation is given. For a more detailed description of the stratigraphy of the Cross Valley For- mation, see Elliot and Trautman (in press). The Cross Valley Formation crops out in a series of fault splinters in Cross Valley (Fig. 1). It consists of approximately 105 cm of immature sand- stones and pebbly sandstones unconformably overlying the Up- per Cretaceous “Snow Hill Island Series.” The sands of the Cross Valley Formation contain a high percentage of volcanic glass and pumice with locally abundant concentrations of fossil wood and plant debris near the base, and the Cross Valley For- mation is interpreted as representing a predominantly non- marine deltaic deposit. The presence of marine molluscs near the top of the formation indicates that its uppermost part is marine. The La Meseta Formation consists of at least 450 m of loosely consolidated sandstones, sandy siltstones, and interbed- ded conglomerates. Discontinuous concretionary horizons are present throughout the section. Elliot and Trautman (in press) have informally divided the formation into three lithologic units. Unit I, near the base of the formation, consists of at least 160 m of unconsolidated fine sands and silty sands. Unit II con- sists of approximately 200 m of fine laminated sands with prominent discontinuous fossiliferous conglomerates that may extend for a kilometer along strike. These highly fossiliferous conglomerates are interpreted as representing accumulations in a nearshore, high-energy marine environment. All the shark material described in this paper was surface-collected from the lowermost shell banks at the base of Unit II. Local cross-bed- ding, oscillation ripple marks, and small to large cut and fill channels are present in the finer grained facies of Unit II. Unit III, the upper 80 to 125 m of the La Meseta Formation, is characterized by fine sands with intervals of fine clays and sandy gravel horizons. All fossil penguin material collected dur- ing the 1974-1975 field season came from Unit III (Elliot et al. 1975). The invertebrate fauna of this unit differs significantly from that of Units I and II; the differences are of such a magni- tude (Zinsmeister and Camacho, in press) that a hiatus of un- known duration may have occurred between the deposition of material in Units II and III. AGE AND CORRELATION There has been considerable controversy over the age of the Tertiary rocks on Seymour Island. Until recently, Antarctic workers have accepted Wilckens (1911) assignment of the se- quence to the Miocene. Ihering (1927) suggested that the mol- luscan faunas from Seymour Island were Eocene, and this interpretation has been confirmed for at least part of the se- quence in a recent series of papers (Simpson 1971; Zinsmeister 1977, 1978; Hall 1977). It appears from the available data that the Tertiary rocks on the island range in age from Paleocene (Cross Valley Formation) to late Eocene to possibly lowermost Oligocene (La Meseta Formation), with the Early Eocene missing. The presence of two species of nautiloids (Aturia sp. and Eu- trephoceras argentinae del Valle and Fourcade 1976) supports Simpson’s 1971 assignment of the La Meseta Formation to the Eucene. Aturia sp. from Unit II is very similar to A. bruggeni Ihering from the Eocene of Tierra del Fuego. The occurrence of the genus Eutrephoceras in the La Meseta Formation is an important indication of the age of the fauna. Except for a single species of Eutrephoceras in the Oligocene from the west coast of North America, the genus is confined to the Paleocene and Eocene of the western hemisphere (Zinsmeister and Camacho, in press). In a discussion of some remarkably well-preserved specimens of Eutrephoceras from the La Meseta Formation, Zinsmeister (1978) showed that E. argentinae is very similar to the Eocene E. allani Fleming from New Zealand. The data summarized in this study and the joint occurrence of two cosmopolitan lamnoid species, Carcharodon auriculatus and Eugomphodus macrota , in Unit II of the La Meseta For- mation strongly suggest a middle to late Eocene age (Lutetian to Bartonian Correlative) for Unit II deposits. A middle to late Eocene age is also indicated for Unit III by the occurrence of a mandible of an archaeocete whale at this horizon (Elliot et al. 1975). The shark and ray assemblage of Unit II of the La Meseta Formation falls within the stratigraphic interval included in the provisional Antarctodarwinella nordenskjoldi molluscan zone of Zinsmeister and Camacho (in press). Examination of pal- ynomorphs from Seymour Island suggests that the La Meseta Formation is correlative with the Rio Turbio Formation of 2 Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister: Seymour Island Neoselachians southwest Patagonia and the Lena Dura Formation of Tierra del Fuego (Hall 1977). SYSTEMATIC PALEONTOLOGY Family Squalidae Leach 1818 Genus and species indeterminate Figure 2 REFERRED SPECIMEN: UCMP 121795, one worn lower left anterolateral tooth lacking most of the root and labial crown flange. DESCRIPTION: Tooth large, mesodistal crown length 6.02 mm; cusp broad-based, triangular, and distally inclined at an angle of 53 degrees; mesial cutting edge weakly sinuous, almost straight and smooth; distal cutting edge weakly convex and basally serrated; distal blade well developed, apically flat with low distobasal inclination, and mesially serrated; cusplets ab- sent; labial flange present, but size, shape, and basal develop- ment indeterminate because of poor preservation and breakage; labial crown root forming moderately strong ledge and bor- dered basally by five foramina on the distal root lobe; lingual crown face very badly eroded, obscuring all details of the cen- tral lingual foramen, lingual protuberance, and crown-root rela- tionships; distal crown depression well developed as in Centrophorus and many other squaloids; root almost com- pletely absent and lacking all taxonomically significant characters. DISCUSSION: The intermediate apicobasal crown height, moderate distal cusp inclination, presence of a well-developed distolingual depression for the articulation of the adjacent (next distal) tooth, and absence of cusplets are characters that, when taken in combination, distinguish this specimen from upper or lower teeth belonging to species of Centroscyllium , Etmop- terus , Dalatias, Scymnodon , Heteroscymnoides , Scym- nodalatias, some Centroscymnus, Oxynotus , Squaliolus , Eu- protomicrus , Euprotomicroides , Aculeola, Somniosus , and Isistius. The absence of a distinct short and detached flange, the height of the distal root lobe (as preserved), and the pres- ence of a strong distolingual depression separate this specimen from Squalus, Cenlrosqualus , and Cirrhigaleus. In most char- acters, UCMP 121795 most closely resembles the lower antero- lateral teeth of Centrophorus or Deania. — i — 0° Atlantic Ocean Seymour-"-; Island South | .» ^// o '?!$ / Warl Ha II America 'l Antarctica % Africa Australia La Meseta Formation (A— A1) Cross Valley Formation ^ (B-B1) 100- Tr~T^ Upper Tertiary to Quaternary glacial deposits on top of the meseta | La Meseta Formation t-V-l Cross Valley Formation Y/X Cretaceous strata ^ Tertiary Cretaceous undifferentiated 0 Km 5 1 I I J I I Shell bank S Pebble horizon l/'/'v ; •] Conglomerate | Resistant sandstone | Unconsolidated sand i— j Unconsolidated sand, silty ^ — clay, clayey sand Figure 1. Index map and geologic map showing the distribution of the Cretaceous, Tertiary, and Quaternary rocks on Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. The collecting locality, UCMP V77014, for the fossil sharks described in this paper is shown on both the map and the stratigraphic section A-A1. Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister: Seymour Island Neoselachians 3 Figure 2. Squalidae, genus and species indeterminate, UCMP 121795; incomplete lower left anterolateral tooth: a, lingual view; b, labial view. Scale line - 1 mm. Root morphology is extremely important for determination of specific, generic, and subfamilial levels of identification among the Squalidae. The incomplete root in the Seymour Is- land specimen precludes a more specific identification. Family Squatinidae Bonaparte 1838 Genus Squatina Risso 1810 Squatina sp. Figure 3 REFERRED SPECIMENS: UCMP 121796, one incomplete tooth with a worn cusp apex and lacking tip of mesial root lobe; UCMP 121797, one incomplete tooth with a badly eroded root and lacking cusp apex. DESCRIPTION: Teeth small, mesodistal root length 5.16 + mm (UCMP 121796) and 4.94+ mm (UCMP 121797); api- cobasal tooth height 3.58+ mm (UCMP (121796) and 2.59 + mm (UCMP 121797); cusp short, broad based, weakly inclined distally, and weakly recurved labially; lingual and labial faces strongly convex, smooth; transverse ridges and grooves absent; labial flange weak, basally rectangular (as preserved, UCMP 121796) or weakly rounded (UCMP 121797), with a strong, short median apicobasal ridge on the labial flange face that does not extend onto cusp; mesial and distal cutting edges of cusp continuous from apex to mesial and distal edges of blades; blades low and narrow; root typically Squatina ; central lingual protuberance prominent with a strongly developed labiolingual ridge extending to crown foot and laterally below each blade; lateral root ridges bordered by numerous irregular foramina (UCMP 121796); large foramina on apicolingual surface of root prominence; basal face of root moderately concave with a very large central basal foramen; labial root face apicobasally low with deep grooves paralleling crown foot both mesially and distally. DISCUSSION: UCMP 121796 is distinguished from Orec- tolobus Bonaparte 1837 and similar to Squatina in having a short tapering cusp, in lacking an elevated mesial or distal blade, in having mesodistally narrow rather than expanded and tabular root lobes; and in possessing a deep pit rather than a shallow, generally triangular, lingually pointed transverse groove on the midline of the labiobasal root surface. Features of the crown shape — its short broad base, apically acute cusp, short and rectangular labial flange, and moderately concave basal root face — are characters that appear to separate these specimens from the Paleocene-Eocene Squatina prima (Winkler 1873), as well as from all other nominal fossil species of Squatina. Difficulties in recognizing dental differences between species of Squatina are best overcome by analysis of large numbers of teeth. It is our contention that the poorly preserved Seymour Island specimens do not provide a sufficient morphological basis for such an analysis and that it would not be prudent at this time to make a specific determination. Family Odontaspididae Muller and Henle 1841 Genus Eugomphodus Gill 1861 Eugomphodus macrota (Agassiz, 1843) Figures 4g through p SYNONYMS: Otodus macrotus Agassiz 1843:273. Lamna ele- gans Agassiz 1843:289. Odontaspis (Synodontaspis) macrota Casier 1946:66. Casier 1958:18. Striatolamia macrota Glick- man 1964:102. Odontaspis ( Synodontaspis ) macrota Casier 1966:69-71. Odontaspis macrota Applegate 1968:32-36. Odon- taspis ( Synodontaspis ) macrota Edwards and Stinton 1971:449-53. Odontaspis macrota Cione et al. 1977:10. For a more extensive synonomy encompassing the years 1889-1946, see Casier 1946:66. REFERRED SPECIMENS: UCMP 1 16454-58, incomplete an- terior teeth; UCMP 116459 and 116460, incomplete lateral teeth; and 225 broken tooth crowns in the collection of The Ohio State University, Institute of Polar Studies. DESCRIPTION: The sample includes numerous broken ante- rior and lateral teeth (tooth group terminology follows Apple- gate 1965 and Compagno 1970). Symphyseals, intermediates, and posteriors are not present in the sample. Crowns of the an- terior teeth are small (15 mm, UCMP 116456) to very large (54+ mm, UCMP 1 16454); A2, A3, and ?L' mesiodistally very broad and labiolingually compressed. Labial faces weakly con- 4 Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister: Seymour Island Neoselachians Figure 3. Squalina sp., UCMP 121796; anterolateral tooth; a, basal view; b, labial view; c, distal view; d, apical view; e, lingual view. Scale line = 1 mm. vex or almost flat; crown foot nearly smooth (UCMP 1 16454 and 116458) or with well-developed, short, shallow to deep transverse grooves extending from the crown foot in an apical direction for a distance of approximately 5 to 13 percent of the crown height (UCMP 116455, 1 16459, and 116460); lingual face moderately to strongly convex just apical to crown foot; lingual transverse ridges parallel to subparallel, strong (UCMP 1 16455, 1 16457) to weakly developed (UCMP 116454, 1 16458-60) and extending from crown foot almost to cusp apex (UCMP 1 16458) or well developed near crown foot and becom- ing very faint toward distal half of the crown; mesial and distal cutting edges extend from crown apex to crown foot in laterals (UCMP 1 16459 and 1 16460) but are not continuous to crown foot in any of the anterior tooth positions; cusplets of anteriors very small, conical — there is only one on the mesial and distal edges of the crown foot; lingual neck (term after Glickman 1964a and b) narrow but well developed on all anterior teeth; roots robust, anteriors with weak to strong lingual pro- tuberance; root morphology variable according to tooth position. DISCUSSION: Although none of the teeth are complete, most of the important morphological characters are well enough pre- served to allow for definitive taxonomic assignment. In com- bination, the broad flat lingual crown face with weakly devel- oped transverse ridges, one pair of small conical lateral cusplets, large and robust lingual protuberance, nearly flat or weakly concave labial crown face, and extremely large anterior and lateral teeth are characters consistent with Eugomphodus macrota (Agassiz 1843) and separate this taxon from all other species of Eugomphodus. Family Lamnidae Muller and Henle 1838 Genus Carcharodon Muller and Henle 1841 Carcharodon auriculatus (Blainville 1816) Figures 4a through c SYNONYMS: Squalus auriculatus Blainville 1816:384. Car- charodon auriculatus Agassiz 1843:254. Procarcharodon au- riculatus Casier 1960:13. Otodus auriculatus Glickman 1 964a : 1 14-16. Carcharodon auriculatus Keyes 1972:237-40. Procarcharodon sp. Cione et al. 1977:13. REFERRED SPECIMEN: UCMP 116453, an incomplete ante- rior tooth lacking one cusplet, portions of both root lobes, and part of the ingual crown foot and neck. DESCRIPTION: Tooth large, greatest apical basal length 70 + mm (as preserved, apex of cusp worn); crown high and narrow, labial face smooth, moderately convex on mesial and distal edges, nearly flat or slightly concave along the central axis just above crown foot; labial face of crown strongly convex; trans- verse grooves and ridges absent; mesial and distal cutting edges coarsely serrated; serrations badly worn but appear to have been pointed; cutting ridges extend basally to crown foot and are continuous with one large coarsely serrated, bladelike, bi- convex cusplet (one cusplet missing); root bilobate and narrow but too poorly preserved to warrant further description. DISCUSSION: In combination, a high narrow crown, coarse Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister: Seymour Island Neoselachians 5 pointed serration, and large lateral cusplets are characteristic of Paleogene and early Neogene species of Carcharodon ( = C. auriculatus and C. angustidens Agassiz). Carcharodon au- riculatus has higher and narrower crowned anterior teeth than C. angustidens, and UCMP 1 16453 is tentatively referred to the former species. Since the early 1800’s, approximately 54 nominal fossil spe- cies of Carcharodon have been described, and many have sub- sequently been recognized as junior synonyms of C. megalodon Agassiz. Many of the remaining nominal species are of ques- tionable validity, and their phylogenetic relationships to one an- other and to the modern species of the genus Carcharodon, as well as the interrelationships of the latter genus to all other members of the Lamniformes, are poorly understood. Casier (1960) deduced that the fossil species of Carcharodon could be divided into two genera ( Procarcharodon and Car- charodon) based entirely on the morphology of the teeth. As a result, he removed all Paleogene and Miocene and some Pliocene species from the genus Carcharodon, leaving it com- posed of “phyletically interrelated” Pliocene to Recent species. Based on this interpretation, Casier derived modern Car- charodon from early Isurus hastalis ( Oxyrhina hastalis) and then recognized a separate lineage for the remaining species of Procarcharodon. Casier’s study necessarily emphasized the Figure 4. Carcharodon auriculatus (Blainville 1816), UCMP 1 16453; a, lingual view; b, labial view; c, distal view; Myliobatoidea family indetermi- nate, UCMP 1 16461; d, lingual view; e, basal view; f, apical view; Eugomphodus macrota (Agassiz 1843); g, UCMP 1 16459, lingual view; h, UCMP 1 16456, lingual view; i, UCMP 1 16460, labial view; UCMP 1 16454; j, lingual view; k, distal view; 1, labial view; UCMP 1 16455, m, lingual view; n, labial view; o, mesial view; p, UCMP 1 16458, lingual view. Scale line = 10 mm. 6 Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister; Seymour Island Neoselachians dentition, because teeth form the major part of the fossil rec- ord, but no attention was paid to details of ontogeny and com- parison of homologous tooth positions, or most importantly, dental formulae. We do not find Casier’s interpretations con- vincing, and we agree with Keyes (1972) that the similarities between /. hastalis and Carcharodon (in the restricted sense of Casier 1960) might be indication of convergence rather than phylogenetic relationship. The phylogeny of Carcharodon is best interpreted through detailed analysis of tooth morphology and dental formulae using specimens collected only under con- ditions of demonstrable superpositional control. A detailed study of ontogenetic heterodonty in the living C. carcharias and Isurus spp. would be extremely useful in resolving these prob- lems. We have chosen to retain the older nomenclature of Car- charodon and reject, at this time, placement of C. auriculatus in the genus Procarcharodon Casier. Superfamily Myliobatoidea Compagno 1973 Family Indeterminate Figures 4d through f REFERRED SPECIMEN: UCMP 1 16461, one incomplete me- dial tooth lacking distal end of crown and one side of root. DESCRIPTION: Isolated, worn medial plate of typical my- liobatoid morphology with a smooth (as preserved) occlusial crown surface and polyaulacorhizous root (as defined by Casier 1947c). Tooth not chevron shaped in occlusial or basal view as in the upper dentition of Aetobatis Blainville (see Garman 1913, pi. 49, figs. 1-3) but mesiodistally straight as in My- liobatis Cuvier 1817, Aetomylaeus Garman 1908, Pteromylaeus Garman 1913, and Rhinoptera Cuvier 1829. Oc- clusial surface of tooth weakly concave in labial or lingual view — apicobasal height only slightly greater in middle of tooth than at either mesial or distal end. DISCUSSION: Approximately 118 nominal fossil species of myliobatoid rays have been described from Cenozoic marine deposits throughout the world. Of the five extant genera of my- liobatoid rays, Aetomylaeus has never been reported from the fossil record. The apparent absence of a paleontological record for this genus is a result of our past and present inability to recognize generic differences in myliobatoid dentitions. Most isolated or associated ray plates have been assigned to a species in the genus Myliobatis, and what appears to be high specific diversity among Cenozoic Myliobatis (approximately 91 nomi- nal species) is in reality an artifact of this procedure. No doubt, the 91 species are indicative of extreme oversplitting brought about by (1) misinterpretation of individual variation for spe- cific differences, (2) failure to decipher patterns of heterodonty, and (3) failure to understand the comparative dental morphol- ogy of extant myliobatoids. A preliminary analysis of over 300 individual jaws of the ex- tant California bat stingray Myliobatis californicus Gill from two populations along the central and northern California coasts revealed that the arrangement of tooth row-groups and the number and morphology of teeth in each row are highly variable (results of research by Leonard J.V. Compagno, Tiburon Center for Environmental Studies, and Welton). In fact, the range of variation within the tooth row-group pattern found in Myliobatis californicus transcends virtually all sup- posed “generically distinct” dental patterns of other my- liobatoid rays (including the lower but not the upper dentition of Aetobatis). In addition to displaying a surprisingly high level of polymorphism, the M. californicus specimens have dental abnormalities that range from total disruption of the typical row-group pattern (some jaws bore a superficial resemblance to those of the dasyatid “ Hypolophus Muller and Henle”) to the presence of sinuous medials bearing the primary generic char- acters of the Maestrichtian genus Igdabatis Cappetta 1972 (this same developmental abnormality also occurs in Rhinop- tera steindachneri Evermann and Jenkins (1892), and a weakly developed version of it was illustrated by Gudger (1933:75, fig. 10) for a Pliocene specimen of Myliobatis crassus Gervais 1859). Analysis of the large sample also revealed the presence of dental sexual dimorphism: Males had labiolingually shorter teeth than females of equivalent size. This finding has particu- larly strong implications, as length-width ratios of fossil teeth have been used as a method for distinguishing one taxon from another. In M. californicus , at least, the length-width ratios of teeth in the same row in the same jaw may vary widely, suggest- ing, among other things, seasonal variation in the rate of tooth production (Leonard J.V. Compagno, personal communi- cation). It appears at this time that specific assignment of UCMP 116461 by comparison with fossil dentitions of equivalent or different age would have practically no validity and that its placement in the superfamily Myliobatoidea without generic allocation provides the best arrangement. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS The sharks from the La Meseta Formation that were de- scribed but not illustrated by del Valle et al. (1976) were all incorrectly identified according to the redescription and reiden- tification of the same specimens by Cione et al. (1977). Accord- ing to the latter authors, the shark assemblage of the La Meseta Formation includes Eugomphodus macrota, Eu- gomphodus sp., Isurus novusl, Isuridae indet., and Pro- carcharodon sp. We recognize the occurrence of Eugomphodus macrota and Carcharodon ( = Procarcharodon of Cione et al. 1977) in the La Meseta Formation, and a well preserved tooth of Carcharodon is more specifically referred to Carcharodon auriculatus. A tooth shown by Cione et al. (1977, fig. 3g) and identified as Isurus novusl is too poorly preserved in our opinion to warrant specific or generic identification and should be included under Lamnidae indeterminate. Teeth referred to Eugomphodus sp. (Cione et al. 1977, fig. 3a and b) are probably Eugomphodus macrota. One indeterminate squaloid tooth, two poorly pre- served teeth of Squatina sp., and disassociated pavement teeth of a myliobatoid or rhinopterid stingray are new additions to the neoselachian assemblage of the La Meseta Formation. The total fossil shark assemblage from the La Meseta Formation, therefore, now includes Eugomphodus macrota , Carcharodon auriculatus, Lamnidae indeterminate, Squalidae indetermi- nate, Squatina sp., and Myliobatoidea genus and species indeterminate. Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister: Seymour Island Neoselachians 7 The geologic range of Carcharodon auriculatus differs de- pending on whether the species is broadly or narrowly inter- preted. According to Casier (1960:13), C. auriculatus ranged approximately from middle to upper Eocene, and the species ultimately evolved into C. angustidens in the Oligocene. Car- charodon auriculatus was a cosmopolitan taxon and has been reported from the Eocene and Oligocene of New Zealand (Keyes 1972:238), from the middle and upper Eocene of North America, Europe, and Africa (Avnimelech 1959:36-37, Casier 1960:13), and the Oligocene of Europe (Leriche 1910:291) and Patagonia (Ameghino 1906:181). According to Glickman (1964b), “ Otodus auriculatus ” occurs in deposits of Paleocene to middle Oligocene age in the Volga area and the Ukraine, Caucases, and Kazakhstan. Reports of Carcharodon au- riculatus from the Oligocene to lower Miocene of Australia (Chapman and Pritchard 1904; Chapman and Cudmore 1924; Pledge 1967) may actually represent records for C. anguistidens. According to Casier (1946:67), Eugomphodus macrota (Agassiz) has been reported from deposits of Ypresian to Barto- nian age in Belgium, Northern France, the Paris Basin, and England and from deposits of Lutetian age in Africa. Teeth of Eugomphodus macrota are abundant in deposits of Lutetian and Bartonian age in California and Oregon (Welton, un- published data) and have also been reported from the Eocene of the east coast of North America (Leriche 1942), Chile (Schneider 1936), and the Volga Area, Ukraine, Central Asia, and Kazakhstan (Glickman 1964a and b). The three nonlamnoid taxa in the La Meseta Formation are too incompletely known at this time to allow comparisons with faunas elsewhere. Generally, myliobatoid rays and Squatina are well represented in most Cenozoic neoselachian assemblages. The tooth referable to ?Squalinae is of interest as it appears to represent a non -Squalus squaloid — a taxon that has not been recorded previously from Cenozoic rocks of South America, New Zealand, or Australia. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank the University of California’s Museum of Paleon- tology for support of this study and the University’s Department of Paleontology for use of their photographic darkroom. This study was aided by the staff of the Section of Vertebrate Paleontology, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. We are particularly grateful to Mrs. Dianne McDonald and Mrs. Betty Marsh for sorting and picking fossils from bulk ma- trix samples of the La Meseta Formation. The line drawings and photographs were prepared by Welton. We also express our gratitude to Argentina’s Direccion Nacional del Antartico and Instituto Antartico Argentine for their field support of Zinsmeister during the 1974-1975 field season. This work was also supported by National Science Foundation Grant OPP74-21 509 to The Ohio State University and the Institute of Polar Studies. We also thank Mr. David Ward, Dr. Leonard J.V. Compagno, and Dr. Lawrence G. Barnes, for critically reading the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Agassiz, L. 1833-1845. Recherches sur les poissons fossile. 3:390. Ameghino, F. 1906. Les formations sedimentaires du Cretace superieur et du Tertiaire de Patagonia. An. Mus. Nac. Buenos Aires, Ser. 3 8:1-508. Anderson, J.G. 1906. On the geology of Graham Land. Upp- sala Univ. Geol. Inst. Bull. 7:19-71 Applegate, S.P. 1965. Tooth terminology and variation in sharks with special reference to the sand shark, Carcharias taurus Rafinesque. Los Angeles County Museum, Contrib. Sci. 86:1-18. . 1968. 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Interrelationships of the elasmobranchs with a key to the Order Galea. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 74(2):25-l 38. Wilckens, O. 1911. Die mollusken der Antarkischen Tertiarfor- mation. Wiss. Ergebn. Schwed. Sudpolar exped. 1901-1903 3( 1 3): 1 -62. Winkler, T.C. 1873. Memoire sur des dents de poissons du ter- rain bruxellien. Arch. Mus. Teyler, Haarlem 3(4): 1-10. Woodward, A.S. 1902. The fossil fishes of the English Chalk, Part 1. The Paleontolographical Society, London: 1-264. 1906. On fossil fish-remains from Snow Hill and Seymour Islands. Schwed. Sudpolar Exped. 1901-1903 3(4): 1 -4. Zinsmeister, W.J. 1977. Note on a new occurrence of the Southern Hemisphere aporrhaid gastropod Struthioptera Fenlay and Marivick on Seymour Island, Antarctica. Jour. Paleontol. 51(2):399-404. 1978. Eocene nautiloid fauna from the La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. Ant- arctic Jour. U.S., 13(4). Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister: Seymour Island Neoselachians 9 Zinsmeister, W.J., and H.H. Camacho. Preliminary report on the upper Eocene (to possibly lower Oligocene) molluscan fauna of the La Meseta Formation of Seymour Island. Pro- ceedings of the Third Symposium on Antarctic Geology and Geophysics, August 22-27, 1977, Madison, Wisconsin, in press. Accepted for publication 19 June 1980. 10 Contributions in Science, Number 329 Welton and Zinsmeister: Seymour Island Neoselachians If i to n * M .::::. :> • i;i;;i! 11 L52X NH Si !!jfjfiiiili!i!ij!l ■ "fi-: mmMMmrn : '•' li Hia Hiiii'irH KlSi'iti ij’iii jiKfctfa : Hi Number 330 IS September 1980 iMi -ii’ ^ H11* • ’ *• : ?1 5t:i : ? v ! : :!>;f : f - , • -jj m sjl $1 $5M ’•'■ Wpiil ! &: 128 ; ‘ '.; , ! jjl:lijww' *" ■'* - ! ' PM f m-4 1 MIM r 1 i1 | ' 1 :m a M MlpISi® ii pIMMM hW VI OF LGS ANGELES COUNTY Cvr ii 9 II I'Cij ; Itil ■ fE mmm Bi,i T BfeVfe}! SHliiSH Biiigliii'i jffKto : ■■ aw j fjfrHir tH? fHl/tiBifiji! iMi! $![ 1 1 liliii AVIAK PALEONTOLOGY m.DEGARDE HOWARD ©ill Mm..., fc;l m 11 ill 1, 1 Campbell,: Jr. ;ii»p a Ml lIliiliiliHiti few ||§|j|jfi “hDi! i4' M 111) 1 Vi wmi'WItS loijii + 1 1 ;'!' 1 1 1 ■ . ' j HwiFi® *1 I ' psij;: : . ? : i 'W^jWJWW' -wj-- ;.I:J : ■=' ■■ !-:‘ : •:: ; ' it!":1;'-. lliiliii r !!,l : ? !'ur^Sls i Ii fehii 111 life1, IS m ' :|ii ifc iiif::'' ' || WMMmiPisBai; 'ibfe few wlilE rfw;1 nf,r HH9: bttTWn* *4 '! '(h ' \ ,!« ...I1 (1 > t«l»! \ H BlEKSlpfflif# n>? IS »i| P^!i!i| e #» : f- ! Ah ' ■ ^ojE«? Ji 1 ,iu iji JI 1 8 ft,] 1 1 ' jdflJ1 Mnnil |! ; I . H I m \m ii i!!!i!iiji}{j;j VL IHKi, mm iwraw$vts iiv. i ,^1™ i;|3i mi mramnua W hilSiilS1 «i JM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY . 900 EXPOSITION BOULEVARD • COS ANGELKS, CALIFORNIA S0007 ■ SERIAL PUBLICATIONS OF THE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY The scientific publications of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County have been issued at irregular intervals in three major series; the articles in each series are numbered individually, and numbers run consecutively, regardless of subject matter: • Contributions in Science, a series of miscellaneous technical papers describing original research in the life and earth sciences. ® Science Bulletins, a series of miscellaneous monographs describing original research in the life and earth sciences. This series was discontinued in 1978 with the issue of Numbers 29 and .50; monographs are now published by the Museum in the Contributions in Science series. • Science Series, long articles on natural history topics, generally written for the layman. Copies of the publications in these series are available on an exchange basis to institutions and individual researchers. Copies are also sold through the Museum Bookshop. Number 330 15 September 1980 CONTRIBUTIONS IN SCIENCE NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY PAPERS IN AVIAN PALEONTOLOGY HONORING HILDEGARDE HOWARD edited by Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr. Published by the NATURAL HISTORY MUSEUM OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY • 900 EXPOSITION BOULEVARD • LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA 90007 ABSTRACT: Nineteen papers in avian paleontology — including theoretical as- pects, faunal studies, reviews of specific groups, the description of several new forms, and archaeological studies — are presented here to honor Hildegarde Howard. Preceding these are appreciations by Theodore Downs, Jean Delacour, and Herbert Friedmann; a review of the contributions of Hildegarde Howard by Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr.; the bibliography of Hildegarde Howard; an index to avian taxa described by Hildegarde Howard; and the illustrations of avian osteology from “The Avifauna of Emeryville Shellmound” by Hildegarde Howard. George G. Simpson reviews the development of the field of paleornithologv, discusses the evolution of birds, and reviews the evolution of penguins. Joel Cracraft reviews the principles of cladistic analysis and discusses their application to studies in avian paleontology. Cecile Mourer-Chauvire reviews the ar- achaeotrogonids of the Eocene and Oligocene Phosphorites du Quercy, France, erecting a separate family for the group and describing the fourth known species of Archaeo- trogon. Ella Hoch reviews the middle Eocene oilshale deposits of Messel, West Ger- many, and describes a new genus and species of shorebird with columboid features from that site. Storrs L. Olson rediagnoses the family Plotopteridae Howard, describes a new genus and species of plotopterid from late Oligocene deposits of Washington, and discusses plotopterid adaptations. Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr., and Eduardo P. Tonni review the family Teratornithidae L. Miller, describe a new genus and species of teratorn from the Huavquerian (late Miocene) of Argentina, and briefly review ter- atorn cranial adaptations. E.N. Kurochkin describes new species of Palaeoaramides, Rallus, and Crex from middle Pliocene deposits of Western Mongolia, and comments on what these fossil rails indicate as to the paleoclimate and paleoecology of that region. Larry D. Martin and Robert M. Mengel describe a new species of Anser from the late Pliocene (Blancan) Broadwater Local Fauna of western Nebraska, and reconstruct the body proportions of the new goose by comparing the size of its limb bones to those of Recent geese. Pierce Brodkorb describes a new species of Ardea from the Plio/Pleisto- cene deposits of Shungura, Ethiopia, and changes the systematic position of four fossil species previously assigned to the Ardeidae. Pat Vickers Rich reviews the family Dro- mornithidae, extinct large ratites known from Miocene to late Pleistocene deposits of Australia, and comments on relationships between the various groups of ratites. Ed- uardo P. Tonni reviews the present state of knowledge of Cenozoic birds of Argentina and presents preliminary data on new finds. Alan Feduccia describes a new species of Burhinus from Pleistocene (Sangamon) deposits of Kansas and discusses the paleoeco- logical and paleoclimatic implications of the presence of this tropical genus in North America during the Pleistocene. Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr., reviews the Rancholabrean avifauna of the Itchtucknee River, Florida, and notes the presence of the tropical genus Milvago in Florida. David W. Steadman reviews the osteology and paleontology of all known species of living and fossil turkeys, concluding that the Meleagridinae is com- prised of three genera, Rhegminornis Wetmore, Proagriocharis Martin and Tate, and Meleagris Linnaeus; that all diagnostic specimens of Blancan and younger ages, in- cluding both living species, are referable to Meleagris \ and that M. gallopavo has been present in southeastern United States since at least the Blancan. Amadeo M. Rea analyzes turkey remains from 17 southwestern late Quaternary sites; concludes that all pre-agricultural turkeys are referable to Meleagris crassipes ; and proposes that M. gallopavo was imported into the southwest by paleoindians and became a feral popu- lation, M . g. merriami, with the breakdown of southwestern cultures. Charmion R. McKusick analyzes remains of three different forms of turkeys from southwestern ar- chaeological sites, and discusses how the three forms may have developed. Paul Par- malee analyzes the avian remains from Archaic and Fremont sites of Utah, and dis- cusses how birds may have been utilized by the prehistoric inhabitants of Utah. Pat Vickers Rich and A.R. McEvev describe a fossil Plain Wanderer (Pedionomidae), and use the specimen to date the Morwell Fire-hole deposits of southeastern Victoria, Aus- tralia. Lyndon L. Hargrave and Steven D. Emslie discuss the first Holocene records of the Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius, from New Mexico. ISSN 0459-8113 PREFACE In July 1980, Hildegarde Howard entered her fifty-second year with the Natural His- tory Museum of Los Angeles County. She began her career by spending many of her student years working with the Museum’s collections, and went on to become one of the Museum’s best known and most respected scientists. Her interests in the Museum and her chosen field, avian paleontology, have never diminished, and her continuing research is an inspiration to us all. To honor her past achievements and to show our appreciation for her continuing contributions to avian paleontology, we present this festschrift. The editor is especially indebted to Joanne Baker who dealt so effectively with the preparation of the manuscripts and the voluminous correspondence related to the festschrift. He also expresses his appreciation to the contributors who have worked so hard to make this festschrift possible, and thanks Lidia Lustig and Antonia Tejada- Flores for translation of foreign language manuscripts. The frontispiece is by Lawrence Reynolds, Museum Photographer, who also provided copies of the earlier photographs of Dr. Howard. The editor gratefully acknowledges the assistance of the following people who formed the review committee for this publication: William A. Akersten Pierce Brodkorb Charles T. Collins Joel Cracraft Theodore Downs Alan Feduccia Larry D. Martin Robert M. Mengel G. Victor Morejohn Storrs L. Olson John H. Ostrom Paul W. Parmalee Amadeo M. Rea Pat Vickers Rich George G. Simpson David W. Steadman Fred S. Truxal Eduardo P Tonni Stuart L. Warter Elizabeth Wing Glen Woolfenden Grateful acknowledgment for funding of this publication is given to: Mr. Ed N. Harrison The Giles W. and Elise G. Mead Foundation Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County Foundation in CONTENTS Appreciations, by Theodore Downs, Jean Delacour, and Herbert Friedmann ... vii The Contributions of Hildegarde Howard, by Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr xi Bibliography of Hildegarde Howard xvii Index to Avian Taxa Described by Hildegarde Howard xxv Illustrations of Avian Osteology Taken from “The Avifauna of Emeryville Shell- mound” by Hildegarde Howard xxvii Fossil Birds and Evolution, by George Gaylord Simpson 3 Phylogenetic Theory and Methodology in Avian Paleontology: A Critical Ap- praisal, by Joel Cracraft 9 The Archaeotrogonidae of the Eocene and Oligocene Phosphorites du Quercy (France), by Cecile Mourer-Chauvire 17 A New Middle Eocene Shorebird (Aves: Charadriiformes, Charadrii) with Columboid Features, by Ella Hoch 33 A New Genus of Penguin-like Pelecaniform Bird from the Oligocene of Wash- ington (Pelecaniformes: Plotopteridae), by Storrs L. Olson 51 A New Genus of Teratorn from the Huayquerian of Argentina (Aves: Tera- tornithidae), by Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr., and Eduardo P. Tonni 59 Middle Pliocene Rails from Western Mongolia, by E. N. Kurochkin 69 A New Goose from the Late Pliocene of Nebraska with Notes on Variability and Proportions in Some Recent Geese, by Larry D. Martin and Robert M. Mengel 75 A New Fossil Heron (Aves: Ardeidae) from the Omo Basin of Ethiopia, with Remarks on the Position of Some Other Species Assigned to the Ardeidae, by Pierce Brodkorb 87 The Australian Dromornithidae: A Group of Extinct Large Ratites, by Pat Vickers Rich 93 The Present State of Knowledge of the Cenozoic Birds of Argentina, by Eduardo P. Tonni 105 A Thick-knee (Aves: Burhinidae) from the Pleistocene of North America, and Its Bearing on Ice Age Climates, by Alan Feduccia 115 A Review of the Rancholabrean Avifauna of the Itchtucknee River, Florida, by Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr 119 A Review of the Osteology and Paleontology of Turkeys (Aves: Meleagridinae), by David W. Steadman 131 Late Pleistocene and Holocene Turkeys in the Southwest, by Amadeo M. Rea . . 209 Three Groups of Turkeys from Southwestern Archaeological Sites, by Charmion R. McKusick 225 Utilization of Birds by the Archaic and Fremont Cultural Groups of Utah, by Paul W. Parmalee 237 A Fossil Plain Wanderer (Aves: Pedionomidae) from Fire-hole Deposits, Morwell, Southeastern Victoria, Australia, by Pat Vickers Rich and A. R. McEvey . . 251 Passenger Pigeon Bones from Archaeological Sites in New Mexico, by Lyndon L. Hargrave and Steven D. Emslie 25 7 v VI APPRECIATIONS HILDEGARDE HOWARD Hildegarde Howard first became involved in the activities of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County in 1921, just 11 years after the ground-breaking ceremony for the original Museum structure. Her very distinguished career in avian paleontology began in 1924 when she initiated her stud- ies of the fossil birds from Rancho La Brea under the careful tutelage of Loye Miller. Her enthusiasm for and participation in the field of avian paleobiology is undiminished to this day. Dr. Howard was born 3 April 1901 in Washington, D.C., and in 1906 moved to Los Angeles with her parents. Her father was a writer, often composing and editing scripts for the movie studios in Hollywood; her mother was a musician and com- poser. Dr. Howard published the first of her 140 papers on avian paleontology, general science, curation, and other mat- ters in an international high school natural history bulletin in 1923. In 1924, she began working at the Museum with the title of “Day Laborer.” She met her husband, Henry Anson Wylde (who became Chief of Exhibits at the Museum), during that year, when they were both assigned to sorting La Brea fossils in the basement of the original Museum building. From 1924 to 1928, Dr. Howard received her BA., M.A., and Ph.D. degrees at the University of California, Berkeley. Dr. Howard worked as an assistant in Zoology at the Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles, and as a research associate at the Los Angeles County Museum during the same period. In Berkeley and in Los Angeles, she was greatly influenced by association and study with Loye Miller, Pirie Davidson (later Mrs. Maverick), Chester Stock, William Diller Matthew, Jo- seph Grinnell, and William H. Burt (to name a few). Loye Miller was especially inspirational to her in her scientific and philosophical outlook. Dr. Howard assumed her first official permanent position with the Museum, entitled Junior Clerk, in February 1929, although she actually began working full- time in the Museum in 1928. Despite the titles, she was in reality a curator, perhaps the first true specialist in avian pa- leontology. Dr. Howard has been the most productive curator-scientist associated with this museum. It is fortunate for avian paleon- tology that she has resided for so long in the Los Angeles area, thus being readily available to identify and study the fossil birds constantly being uncovered in the environment of erosion and man’s development in the southern California marine coastal sediments. Throughout her career, Dr. Howard (along with the late Chester Stock) championed the scientific, educational, and historical aspects of the Rancho La Brea site in Hancock Park. Unlikely as it may seem, defenses had to be constantly imple- mented to preserve the site in the proper manner. As a result of Dr. Howard’s efforts, the birds from Rancho La Brea were by far the best curated fossil vertebrates in the Museum’s col- lection. During her tenure as Chief Curator of Science in the 1950’s, Dr. Howard was largely responsible for the important increase in the professional staff of the Museum. I have always been impressed by her ability to effectively set aside time for con- centration on research in spite of the days in her career that demanded administrative function or service to the public. After retirement in 1961, Dr. Howard became a Guggen- heim Fellow, completing the research for her paper entitled “Fossil Birds from the Anza-Borrego Desert,” an important southwest avifauna of the early to mid-Pleistocene, and car- rying on research on other fossil birds of the western United States. Her research on Rancho La Brea birds continues: for example, in 1974 she described new elements of the relatively rare La Brea Condor, Breagyps clarki. We count on her work- ing one day per week at the Museum as Chief Curator Emer- itus, and she has a complete study at her home in Laguna Hills, California. Dr. Howard has long been a member of the American As- sociation for the Advancement of Science (fellow); Society of Vertebrate Paleontology (Honorary Life Member); California and Southern California Academies of Sciences (fellow); Amer- ican Ornithologists’ Union (fellow); Cooper Ornithological So- ciety (Honorary Life Member); Geological Society of America (fellow); Phi Sigma; Phi Beta Kappa; and Sigma Xi. For her outstanding contribution to avian paleontology, she was awarded the distinguished Brewster Memorial Award in 1953 by the American Ornithologists’ Union. She is an honorary member of the Soroptimists Club of Miracle Mile near Rancho La Brea, a member of the Church of the Brethren, and she is active in a diversity of group programs in the community in which she lives. She is also proud to be a Research Associate of the Santa Barbara Museum of Natural History. In 1973, the California Academy of Sciences honored Dr. Howard as a distinguished California Scientist and featured a special public exhibit of her works. This not only substan- tiated our pride in Dr. Howard but fulfilled a rarely recognized need for joining the layman and scientist in an effective yet simple way. The Hildegarde Howard Cenozoic Hall in the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County was opened in 1977 and honors her as this museum’s most eminent pale- ontologist. The imaginative new exhibits at the George C. Page Museum of La Brea Discoveries, which appropriately highlight the diversity of the La Brea avifauna, also boldly accentuate the results of Dr. Howard’s scientific work. Dr. Howard is relatively little known as a private person, except to a few close colleagues and friends. She is not a dev- otee of meetings or conferences and seems to treasure privacy and select friends or associates (part of this relates to a long- standing hearing problem). However, when asked, she always presents a clearly stated view of her opinion or observation and rarely spends time in argumentative ramblings. She has a good feeling for the problems of a museum and the people in the trenches — for many years she was there. There are some people whose presence seems to add respectability to any sit- uation or organization; this is certainly true of Hildegarde Howard. My original introduction to fossils was a master’s thesis study of a late Pleistocene avifauna from Kansas in 1947-1948. I benefited from the counsel of Hildegarde Howard in that study, as I have many times since. Perhaps this early study unconsciously influenced her decision to hire me for my first job as Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology at the Museum in 1952, even though I had already wandered “astray” into the field of paleomammalogy. I consider it a privilege to be a part of this recognition of the outstanding contributions made by Hildegarde Howard to the science of avian paleontology and to the growth and stature of all the sciences at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County during the past SO years. Reviewing the papers in this volume has rekindled my appreciation of our “unfeathered friends” and the investigators of their fragile remains. And it reminds me of how Hildegarde has often declared, when in less serious mood, that she pre- ferred to see the birds without the feathers when identifying a specimen. It was in 1976 that papers were published to honor another eminent scholar, the late Dr. Alexander Wetmore. Again, in 1980, we have published records herein that further support Dr. Storrs Olson’s comment in the Wetmore volume that “avian paleontology is truly experiencing a renaissance.” We are very grateful for Dr. Howard’s contribution to the foun- dation of the renaissance and for her continued participation. THEODORE DOWNS j Chief Curator Emeritus Earth Science Division Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County A TRIBUTE TO DR. HILDEGARDE HOWARD Mv memory of Dr. Hildegarde Howard is a long one. I first met her in 1936, when she was a young assistant curator at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. I was spending the winters in Pasadena, in the company of the late Masauji Hachisukse, a Japanese ornithologist educated in France and in England, and, at that time, we met many of our colleagues in southern California. Most of the younger generation had been trained by Love Miller, a prominent pro- fessor at the University of California, Los Angeles, who was their patriarchal mentor. They called him “Padre,” and Hilde- garde was one of his preferred students. Her interests in or- nithology are specialized: she is a paleontologist, one of the world authorities on fossil birds. I can only say that my ap- preciation of her knowledge is such that I asked her, some 25 years ago, to contribute a special chapter on all known fossil anatids for my four volume work, “The Waterfowl of the World.” I want, however, to state particularly here my appreciation of Dr. Howard’s achievements as Chief Curator of Science (Natural History) at the Natural History Museum of Los An- geles County, a position she held during the 9 years of my directorship of that institution (1952-1960). Science in those days was one of the four divisions of the Museum, the others being History, Art, and Education. I had to attend to all of them. Although I am a biologist, I could only devote a part of my time to the Science Division. I therefore relied upon Dr. Howard for its management. I sincerely believe that no one could have done it better — her experience, her authority, and her understanding of people and problems were perfect. Dur- ing all those years, we worked together in complete harmony, and I trust that our combined efforts resulted in a definite improvement of the collections and of their presentations to the public, as well as in a better standing of our Museum in the scientific world. Dr. Howard retired 1 year after I, having reached the man- datory retirement age, had myself left the Museum. I cannot help feeling grateful that she was still there at the time of my departure. I would have missed her tremendously. I am happy to pay here a tribute to a prominent scientist, to an outstanding administrator, and also to a very dear friend. JEAN DELACOUR Director Emeritus Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County viii HILDEGARDE HOWARD AND THE MUSEUM: FIFTY YEARS The prestige and scientific importance of a great natural history museum are made by, and depend on, two main assets: the scope and quality of its research collections, and the ex- pertise and devotion of its professional staff. Without these, no matter how extensive and excellent its exhibits and related programs may be, the museum would be purely a local edu- cational institution and would never command a position of eminence in the learned world as a center of scholarship and as a treasure house of irreplaceable, original materials awaiting elucidation. Seldom has the development of any major museum been so closely related to one individual member of its curatorial staff as has that of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County to the presence and the work of Dr. Hildegarde How- ard. For half a century, from August 1929 to the present, she has been constantly concerned with the study of its ever grow- ing collections of fossil birds. Indeed, for some of the early years of her association with the institution, she was practically the entire scientific staff of the museum, and later, as its pro- grams and collections expanded and specialists in fields other than her own were added to the staff, she became the ac- knowledged head of the museum’s scientific faculty. Although Dr. Howard officially retired in 1961, she has remained an active and productive contributor to the museum’s research work, coming in to examine specimens at least once a week, and often taking them home for further study during the in- tervening days. In a very real sense the museum has been identified with her career, her scientific life, and although she has modestly kept from public acclaim, her colleagues on the museum staff and the knowledgeable members of its Board of Governors and of that of the Museum Alliance are well aware of how much the museum owes to her. The importance of her research on fossil birds is not only abundantly recognized by the enthusiastic response of the worldwide contributors to the present “Festschrift,” but was signally acknowledged by the American Ornithologists’ Union many years ago, in 1953, by their bestowal on her of their prized Brewster Medal. Also, shortly after her retirement from her position in the museum, the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation awarded her a fellowship with a travel and study stipend to enable her to continue and to extend her researches in paleornithology. As another testimonial to her work and influence, the museum officially named in her honor “The Hildegarde Howard Ce- nozoic Hall,” an exhibition gallery devoted to a display of Cenozoic vertebrate fossils, the fauna of one of the geological periods to which she has devoted much study over many years. It says much for Dr. Howard’s ability to handle the many, and sometimes irksome, problems of people and events that inevitably arise in any sizeable institution that after her long association with the museum she is able to look back on 50 years remarkably free of personal animosities or institutional dilemmas. Her path was not always easy, but she knew how to make it not only smooth but steadily progressive. Her many friends and colleagues thank her for all she has done and ex- tend their best wishes for a further continuation of this fine relationship. HERBERT FRIEDMANN Director Emeritus Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County IX THE CONTRIBUTIONS OF HILDEGARDE HOWARD By Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr. Within the broad held of vertebrate paleontology, paleor- nithology was long considered to be a relatively minor sub- discipline. Few workers contributed to the held in a regular manner, and almost all of the early contributors worked with avian fossils as an aside to their main interests. Studies were conducted only when particularly interesting or complete spec- imens were found, or a notable collection of avian fossils was made from a single site. This rather haphazard growth in our knowledge of fossil birds continued well into the hrst half of this century. Slowly, however, there began a trend among a few workers to devote more and more of their efforts to the fledgling held of avian paleontology. The earliest of the American workers who went on to be- come leaders in avian paleontology were the late Drs. Alex- ander Wetmore and Love H. Miller. Their studies of fossil birds will continue as models of scientihc integrity for gener- ations to come. But these remarkable men were equally, if not more, prolihc in their research and writing on modern birds. In 1976, a volume such as this present was dedicated to Dr. Wetmore in honor of his contributions to avian paleontology. That volume can be considered as marking the coming of age of paleornithologv. But it is to Dr. Love Miller that we owe a debt of gratitude for the hrst true specialist in avian paleon- tology: Dr. Hildegarde Howard. Dr. Love Miller began his work in fossil birds when the large collections of fossil vertebrates from the asphalt deposits at Rancho La Brea became available. The great quantity of bird fossils in these collections undoubtedly played an enor- mously influential role in the development of Dr. Miller’s methods and approaches to the study of avian fossils, just as they were to play such an important role in Dr. Howard’s career. By the time Dr. Miller became acquainted with a young student by the name of Hildegarde Howard, he had already published 16 papers on fossil birds from the Pacihc states. Although most of these papers were concerned with the fossil birds from Rancho La Brea, he had barely scratched the surface of this large collection. When Hildegarde Howard began attending the Southern Branch of the University of California (now known as Uni- versity of California at Los Angeles, or UCLA) in 1920, she was not the least bit inclined toward a career in biology. Her first biology instructor, Miss Pirie Davidson, made the subject so interesting, however, that Dr. Howard not only became deeply interested in the subject but also began to work as a laboratory assistant in the class. At that time, Dr. Love Miller was the chairman of the Biology Department. Through the efforts of Miss Davidson, Dr. Howard obtained a part-time job working for Dr. Chester Stock, a well-known mammalian paleontologist. Beginning in 1921, Dr. Howard worked for Dr. Stock sorting bones from Rancho La Brea in the basement of the Los Angeles Museum of History, Science and Art (now known as the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Coun- ty), even though he was at the time teaching at the University of California, Berkeley. In 1922, Dr. Howard went to Berkeley to finish her degree (UCLA was a two-year school at the time). At Berkeley, she took classes from Dr. Stock, while continuing to work for him. When Dr. Howard completed her B.A. degree in 1924, Dr. Love Miller offered her a position working part time at UCLA and part time at the Museum. During the school year 1924— 25, her work for Dr. Miller at the Museum consisted primarily of research on the California Turkey from Rancho La Brea, Meleagris ( =Parapavo ) californicus. She obtained credit to- ward her Master’s degree at Berkeley for this work, and it became the subject of her first major publication. It was this year that set Hildegarde Howard firmly toward her career in avian paleontology and a long period of collaboration with Loye Miller. Dr. Howard returned to Berkeley in the fall of 1925 to con- tinue her graduate work; she obtained her M.S. degree in 1926, her Ph.D. degree in 1928. Her dissertation, entitled “The Avi- fauna of Emeryville Shellmound,” was not only a landmark achievement for her, but when published it became one of her most popular works. The work was a model of careful com- parative research, and it has become a classic. One of the reasons for its impact was a series of drawings illustrating the bones of a bird skeleton, with clearly labeled osteological fea- tures (see p. xxvii, this vol.). For the first time avian paleon- tologists had a standard terminology, a clear point of reference for the works of different authors. This paper remains as the principle reference of its kind. After returning to Berkeley in the fall of 1925, Dr. Howard continued to work at the Museum part time during breaks in her academic schedule. Upon receiving her Ph.D. degree she returned to Los Angeles where she began working fulltime at the Museum in 1928. She obtained a permanent position with the Museum in 1929: her title, Junior Clerk; her initial assign- ment, the curation of the fossils from Rancho La Brea and research on the birds of this collection. Hildegarde Howard’s achievements in avian paleontology, including those that pre- date her formal association with the Museum, have made her one of the most recognized and respected scientists on the staff of this museum. Her works have contributed significantly to the status of this museum as a major research center, and for this we extend our deepest appreciation. Over the span of her long career, Dr. Howard has published on a wide variety of problems in avian paleontology, but her papers can be grouped into general topics. While it is not possible to survey her many diverse achievements in detail, we can bring focus upon her major contributions. Throughout the remainder of this text, her papers are referred to by a number enclosed in parentheses; the numbers correspond to those found in her bibliography (see p. xvii, this vol.). It was the tremendous collection of bird fossils from the as- phalt deposits of Rancho La Brea, a collection numbering over 100,000 specimens, that formed Dr. Howard’s training ground. Indeed, the names Hildegarde Howard and Rancho La Brea are readily recognized and connected by paleontologists of all XI Hildegarde Howard at work on the birds of Rancho La Brea, 1939. specialities the world over. It was this large collection that taught Dr. Howard the caution, restraint, and thoroughness in methodology that came to characterize her works. For, as many paleontologists have learned, it is far easier to describe a species when only one or two specimens are available than it is when hundreds of specimens are available. Few, however, have had the opportunity to learn this so early in their career as did Dr. Howard. She learned this lesson even before she began her graduate studies when she studied the fossil turkey from Rancho La Brea (2). Working with over 800 specimens representing all the major bones of the body, she discovered the critical importance of considering variability within a species before drawing any hard and fast conclusions. Consid- ering the osteological variability found in turkeys (see the pa- pers by Steadman, Rea, and McKusick herein), one can only speculate that perhaps Love Miller had just this lesson in mind when he assigned her this group for her first research project. Many of Dr. Howard’s later works on the fossil birds from Rancho La Brea also involved studies of large numbers of specimens. For example, her studies of the eagles and eagle- like vultures of Rancho La Brea (12) involved the analysis of over 14,000 fossil specimens, and the study of the Rancho La Brea caracara (24) involved over 900 bones. These studies clearly reinforced the lessons of osteological variability that she had learned earlier. Although much of Hildegarde Howard’s career, and Love Miller’s as well, was devoted to the study of the fossil birds from Rancho La Brea, these collections are far from complete- ly studied While over 133 species have been reported from the site, major groups, such as the anatids, small raptors, and shorebirds, have yet to be analyzed in detail. This is not a result of a lack of continuing interest on Dr. Howard’s part, but rather, of a lack of what she considered to be an adequate series of comparative material of extant species. The lack of sufficient series of skeletons of modern birds has always been the bane of paleornithologists, with the result that taxa are often described without due consideration for intraspecific variability. Although still true today, this problem was partic- ularly acute during the early days of paleornithology. And when you have far more fossil specimens of a species than modern specimens, as did Dr. Howard, you learn to proceed with caution. Dr. Howard’s technical works on the fossil birds of Rancho La Brea fall into two categories: descriptive (2, 3, 5, 12, 14, 18, 22, 23, 24, 26, 38, 109, 137) and synthetic (7, 19, 96, 105). Her descriptive papers range from short notes (e.g., 3, 22) to monumental works encompassing more fossil specimens than any other paleornithologist has ever been privileged to study in a lifetime (e.g., 2, 12, 24). Characteristic of these papers, and all of her later descriptive papers, is the care with which she documents the assignment of a fossil to a species. Diag- nostic osteological characters were always presented to justify the assignment of specimens to a species, along with an ex- planation as to why she considered the characters to be im- portant. And, importantly, the explanations often carried ref- erences to the functional aspects of the features she discussed. If Dr. Howard felt any hesitancy in making her identifications, the reasons for this were clearly stated, thereby facilitating the labors of later workers. The initial synthetic papers concerning Rancho La Brea pre- sented analyses of the paleoavifauna as if it were representa- tive of a single deposit, even though the collections from Ran- cho La Brea actually came from many different excavations, termed “pits.” Many years after the early excavations ceased, it was discovered that the pits were not of the same age (96), nor were the compositions of the various pits necessarily sim- ilar (105). This discovery led to a program, now nearing com- pletion, of radiocarbon dating of specimens from various levels of numerous pits. The completed series of dates will allow us to look for trends in avian evolution over the past 40,000 years. The fact that such trends exist and can be documented was first observed by Howard in her studies of the fossil birds from Rancho La Brea. This work led to the development of her concept of chronoclines, or temporal subspecies (see below). Howard’s comparison of avian assemblages from the various pits of Rancho La Brea (105) has provided significant infor- mation pertaining to the paleoecology of the Los Angeles area and, by inference, much of southern California during the late Pleistocene. These studies have also provided information con- cerning the timing of late Pleistocene extinctions. The second major focus of Dr. Howard’s career has been the Tertiary marine birds of southern California. The explo- sive development of southern California as a major urban cen- ter, which began in earnest in the 1920’s, has proven to be quite beneficial to paleornithology, although perhaps not to neornithologv. The numerous new road cuts and excavations for industrial and housing developments have provided the paleontologists associated with the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County and other institutions with the oppor- tunity to collect fossils from deposits that would have other- Hildegarde Howard in 1951. wise remained inaccessible. Regrettably, most of the sites are covered shortly after exposure, thus limiting the size of the collections from any one site, but the ever-increasing rate of population growth in southern California is assurance that new sites will continue to be found. And, most fortunately, the increasing importance being attached to paleontological re- mains by local governmental institutions will ensure that more fossils will be collected in the future. Most of the Tertiary deposits in southern California from which fossil birds have been collected are Miocene and Plio- cene strata of marine origin. Consequently, all but a few of the Tertiary avian fossils found are seabirds. Most of the groups represented in collections from these deposits are com- mon to the Pacific coast of North America today: e.g., loons, grebes, albatrosses, shearwaters, boobies, and auks. Fasci- nating extinct groups also formed an important part of the Tertiary avifauna of coastal California. These groups include the flightless auks of the subfamily Mancallinae, the “toothed” odontopterygiform birds of the genus Osteodontornis, and the flightless pelecaniform plotopterids. It is no exaggeration to state that Hildegarde Howard has led the way for our under- standing of all of these groups, although she would be quick to point out that Love Miller was also responsible for much of our knowledge of these seabirds. It has indeed been fortunate for avian paleontology that Dr. Howard has been actively involved with the paleoavifaunas of the Pacific coast for such a long time. The continuity thus obtained has undoubtedly been of great assistance in devel- oping her (and our) understanding of many of the fossil groups. For example, Dr. Howard’s first published mention of the flightless diving auks of the genus Mancalla was in 1939 (2 7), Love Miller presents Hildegarde Howard with the first fossil he col- lected at Rancho La Brea. The specimen, a vertebra of a sabertooth cat, was rescued from the spoilbank of J.C. Merriam’s first excavation at Rancho La Brea in 1906, and presented to Dr. Howard in 1957. her most recent work on members of the group was published in 1976 (138), and she is presently involved in new studies of these auks. Through Dr. Howard’s careful work, it is now possible to visualize the evolution of the flightless diving auks of the subfamily Mancallinae. The most primitive form known, de- scribed by Howard in 1966 (119), is the late Miocene Prae- mancalla lagunensis. This species shows distinct specializa- tion toward flightlessness, but not to the degree found in the later species of Mancalla. A second species of Praemancalla, P wetmorei, was described by Howard in 1976 (138). This late Miocene species was intermediate in characters between P. lagunensis and the early species of Mancalla. Of the four known species of Pliocene Mancalla, Howard described two, M. milleri and M. cedrosensis (132), and Love Miller described one, M. diegense (Miller 1937). The first known species of Mancalla, M. calif orniensis Lucas 1901, was the first fossil bird to be described from California. In 1968, Dr. Howard described a third genus of mancalline auk, Al- codes (123). The continual collection of new material of Man- calla has resulted in hundreds of specimens of this genus. As the collections grew, two reviews of the genus were published. The first was by Miller and Howard in 1949 (49), the second by Howard in 1970 (129). And, as mentioned above, Dr. How- ard is presently hard at work on additional aspects of these auks. We look forward with great anticipation to her update on these interesting species of flightless birds. But the mancalline auks were not the only species of flight- less Tertiary marine birds revealed to us by Dr. Howard. Per- haps one of the most remarkable of Dr. Howard’s achieve- ments was her correct diagnosis of the group of flightless diving birds belonging to the family Plotopteridae from only the hu- meral end of a coracoid (126). Her diagnoses of plotopterid relationships and adaptations have been fully substantiated by recent discoveries of associated partial skeletons and single elements of at least three genera of plotopterids (see Olson, this vol.). Many of the avian fossils from the Tertiary of the Pacific coast occur as skeletal impressions, or molds, on slabs of shale Hildegarde Howard at the time of her retirement in 1961 or diatomite. These specimens are difficult to work with be- cause, although much of the skeleton may be represented by the impressions, it is not possible to obtain the fine details of structure necessary for description or comparison between specimens. Partial skeletons also occur, and although these provide more detailed structural information, the bones are only exposed on one side and they are quite often crushed. It was from just such a specimen as the latter type, and a most remarkable specimen at that, that Howard described the first odontopterygiform, or “toothed,” bird from North America. Osteodontornis orri was described by Howard (86) on the basis of an associated skeleton preserved on opposing surfaces of a shale slab. Although feather impressions were visible on the slab, osteological details were not well preserved. The unique “toothed” skull did, however, provide much infor- mation about the species and its relationships with other odon- topterygiform species. Based on the lengths of the wing bones and feather impressions, Howard calculated the wingspread of 0. oiri to be upwards of 5—5 Vz meters, making it one of the largest flying birds known. It was only a few years later that a second specimen of Osteodontornis was found. This specimen, which consisted of several skull fragments, was described by Howard and White (101) and referred to O. orri. In 1969, a third specimen of “toothed” bird was described by Howard, in conjunction with Stuart Warter (127). This specimen, from New Zealand, was also part of a skull, although of a different genus (Pseudodon- tornis)\ it provided additional information concerning the re- lationships of the odontopterygiform birds. We are indebted to Dr. Howard for her part in developing our understanding of these unique birds. A number of Dr. Howard’s papers on Tertiary marine birds (e.g., 8, 20, 48, 121, 123, 132, and 139) were faunal studies from particularly important fossil sites. Faunal studies are often difficult and time-consuming because of the variety of taxa involved and the small number of specimens of each tax- on usually available from each site. Nevertheless, whenever a sufficient number of specimens accumulated from a site, or a site was only exposed for a short while before being lost, Dr. Howard felt it important that the available specimens be put on record. As a result of her persistent work with these small collections, we now have a basic, albeit limited, knowledge of the Tertiary avifaunas of the west coast, including information on many extinct species. For example, Dr. Howard described five extinct species of shearwaters in the papers listed above, along with new species of loons, albatrosses, sulids, and auks. A distinctive feature of these works, as in all of Dr. How- ard’s studies, is the caution she used in describing new forms. If a specimen did not possess good, solid diagnostic characters, it was not given a name, even if she was convinced it repre- sented a new form. Rather, such specimens were simply de- scribed, thus being put on record in the event similar, more diagnostic material should appear in the future. This approach has kept other workers abreast of new finds without cluttering the literature with names based on undiagnostic material. Non-marine Tertiary avian fossils are normally relatively rare. An early exception to this rarity was a large collection of avian fossils from the Eocene of Patagonia, from which Dr. Howard described (80) a water bird of phoenicopterid char- acter, now known as Presbyornis antiquus (Howard). Al- though recent work on Presbyornis by Alan Feduccia has re- sulted in the synonymy of the genus Howard erected for the species she described, her interpretations as to the nature of the species and its systematic relationships have been borne out. Howard’s contributions to our knowledge of other Tertiary birds include the description of the first Eocene birds known from California (116); the description of a Miocene hawk (35) and a Miocene thrush (87) from California; the description of a Miocene raptor and quail from South Dakota (120); and reports on Pliocene birds from Mexico (114, 118). The major Pleistocene and prehistoric avifaunas that Dr. Howard described (excluding Rancho La Brea) came from sev- eral sources, including marine deposits, Pleistocene lake de- posits, and cave deposits. In western North America, many large lakes were formed and maintained by the climatic conditions that prevailed dur- ing periods of Pleistocene glacial activity. The lacustrine de- posits that accumulated in these lakes have produced large collections of avian fossils. The most notable of these collec- tions described by Dr. Howard are those from Fossil Lake, Oregon (39), and Manix Lake, California (83). The paleoavifauna from Fossil Lake was particularly chal- lenging because not only was it very large (over 2500 specimens identified to the family level, over 1800 of these to species), it was scattered through seven separate collections that had been made over a period of 60 years. Portions of this paleoavifauna had been described by E.D. Cope and R.W. Shufeldt in the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. The latter was not a particularly careful worker, and many of his species assignments were in error. Also, types were missing from the collections, or they had not been clearly identified in the original description of the species. Through her careful, meticulous work, Dr. Howard brought order to what had been a rather chaotic situation, and she placed the Fossil Lake avifauna in perspective with the other Pleistocene avifaunas known at the time. It was in this paper that Dr. Howard first used the trinomial to designate chronoclinal variation. She knew that some late Pleistocene forms varied in predictable but relatively minor ways from their living counterparts and that overlap often existed between the fossil and living forms. In such cases, xiv separation of the forms at the species level was considered unwise even though a difference clearly existed. Dr. Howard chose to make note of these differences by designating the fossil forms in question that had been previously named as new species as temporal subspecies. This represented a turnabout from an earlier opinion expressed by Dr. Howard that such subspecific relationships were “wholly untenable” (24:239). Although she had described a fossil subspecies in an earlier paper (28), she considered that case to be one of geographic, not temporal, variation (the second subspecies she named (122) was also an example of geographic variation). She discussed the chronocline concept in a later note (43), and it has played an important role in her analyses of late Pleistocene taxa (41). In the discussion of the Fossil Lake avifauna, Dr. Howard described a number of specimens of a “pigmy goose” of the genus Anabernicula, but left the question as to their species assignment until she could give more time to the problem. In her later thorough review of the genus (112), she described the Oregon form as a new species and clarified the relationships of the genus within the Anseriformes. Although the paleoavifauna of Manix Lake was small, it was important because it contained two species of flamingos. These were the first records of that group for California, al- though one of the species had been previously recorded from Fossil Lake, Oregon. Another large collection described by Dr. Howard from Pleistocene deposits came from the Anza-Borrego Desert of southern California (107). She described several new species in this paper, and she also applied a technique for dating the paleoavifauna that she had used earlier in dating the various “pits” from Rancho La Brea (105). Based on relative numbers of extinct species, the technique cannot provide an exact age, but it can assist in correlating one paleoavifauna with another. For collections where absolute dating techniques are unavail- able, this technique can prove to be useful in establishing rel- ative ages. The Pleistocene marine deposits, including those that occur on the Channel Islands off the coast of southern California, have proven to be important sources of avian fossils. Sum- maries of the avian fossils from these marine deposits were presented by Dr. Howard in 1949 (46) and 1958 (89). From these deposits have come large collections of the flightless div- ing geese of the genus Chendytes. In 1955 (82), Dr. Howard described the second known species of the genus Chendytes, C. milleri, from early Pleistocene deposits of San Nicolas Is- land. Interestingly, C. milleri was structurally more primitive, i.e. , with less advanced wing reduction, than the late Pleis- tocene species, C. lawi L. Miller. Both before (42, 46) and after (111) her description of C. milleri, Howard described various limb elements of Chendytes. Recently, very large col- lections of Chendytes have become available, and they will undoubtedly tell us much more about the evolution of these flightless geese. Cave deposits in New Mexico and Nevada provided large collections of avian fossils that were described by Dr. Howard (9, 13, 17, 66, 107, 131). The great majority of the specimens from these caves were assigned to living species, but there was also a consistent representation of extinct species. Thus, the cave deposits were considered to be of late Pleistocene, or possibly early Holocene, age. Dr. Howard pursued the de- scription of these collections because she believed the fossil birds they contained would provide important distribution rec- ords for the species represented, living as well as extinct. The collections also contained an occasional new species, the most surprising of which was Teratornis incredibilis Howard (66). This species, to which Dr. Howard later referred two addi- tional specimens (107, 135), was about 40% larger than Ter- atornis merriami Miller from Rancho La Brea, and about twice as large as the condor, Gymnogyps calif ornianus . As she clearly stated, however, the relationships of this species cannot be accurately determined because no truly diagnostic element has been found. On three occasions Dr. Howard published general reviews (21, 53, 140) of advances in avian paleontology, bringing non- paleornithologists up to date on progress in the field. She also undertook an even more extensive and difficult review of all fossil species of the order Anseriformes (110); several years later she updated this work (136). This review was not just a listing of all known fossil anseriform species. Rather, in the Howard tradition, all known osteological details of each fossil species were presented along with measurements and com- ments on possible relationships. Hildegarde Howard also contributed numerous articles of a non-technical nature to the Museum’s publications. These served to inform the public as to the Museum’s activities and some of the intriguing fossils she and others were working on. In 1945, she published a general review of fossil birds with an emphasis on the birds of Rancho La Brea (37). This work was updated and expanded in 1955 (81) and 1962 (100). It remains a very popular publication with visitors to the Museum. Through these efforts, and her generous willingness to spend time with students and interested members of the general pub- lic, she engendered public support for the Museum. Such a brief overview as this of a career as long and pro- ductive as that of Dr. Howard’s can only hint at its depth and breadth. To survey Hildegarde Howard’s contributions to pa- leornithology is to see a perfection of technique, the evolution of ideas, and devotion to a science. As the preeminent student of paleornithology, she has served her chosen field well It is heartening and reassuring to know that her work continues. xv BIBLIOGRAPHY OF HILDEGARDE HOWARD 1923 1. The fossil beds of La Brea. International Assoc. High School Nat. Hist. Clubs, Bull. 2. (November) 1927 2. A review of the fossil bird, Parapavo californicus (Miller) from the Pleistocene asphalt beds of Rancho La Brea. Univ. California Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol. Sci 17(1): 1—62 , 13 pis. (September 30) 1928 3. The beak of Parapavo californicus (Miller). Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 27:90- 91. (December 31) 1929 4. The avifauna of Emeryville shellmound. Univ. California Publ Zool. 32(2):301- 394, 4 pis., 55 text figs. (July 19) 5. Additional bird records from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. Condor 31:251— 252. (November 15) 1930 6. An abnormal wing development in a Pintail Duck Condor 32:58-61, 2 text figs. (January 20) 7. A census of the Pleistocene birds of Rancho La Brea from the collections of the Los Angeles Museum. Condor 32:81-88, 3 text figs. (March) 1931 8. Pliocene bird remains from Santa Barbara, California. Condor 33:30-31. (Janu- ary 15) 9. A new species of Road-runner from Quaternary cave deposits in New Mexico. Condor 33:206-209, 3 text figs. (September 15) 10. Cryploglaux funerea in New Mexico. Condor 33:216. (September 15) 1932 11. A new species of Cormorant from Pliocene deposits near Santa Barbara, Califor- nia. Condor 34:118-120, 1 text fig. (May 16) 12. Eagles and eagle-like vultures of the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea, California. Carnegie Inst, of Wash., Publ. 429:1-82, 29 pis., 3 text figs. (October) 1933 13. Bird remains from cave deposits in New Mexico. Condor 35:15-18. (With Alden H. Miller) (January 16) 14. A new species of owl from the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea, California. Condor 35:66-69, 1 text fig. (March 17) 15. Bird remains from an Indian shellmound near Point Mugu, California. Condor 35:235. (With Leigh Marian Dodson) (November 15) 1934 16. Characters differentiating certain species of Stercorarius. Condor 36:158-160. (With George Willett) (July 16) 1935 17. A new species of eagle from a Quaternary cave deposit in eastern Nevada. Condor 37:206-209, 1 text fig. (July 15) 18. The Rancho La Brea Wood Ibis. Condor 37:251-253, 1 text fig. (September 16) XVII 1936 19. Further studies upon the birds of the Pleistocene of Rancho La Brea. Condor 38:32-36. (January IS) 20. A new fossil bird locality near Plava del Rev, California, with description of a new species of sulid. Condor 38:211-214, 1 text fig. (September IS) 21. A new record for Parapavo californicus. Condor 38:249-250. (November 16) 1937 22. A Pleistocene record of the Passenger Pigeon in California. Condor 39:12-14, 1 text fig. (January 15) 1938 23. The status of the extinct condor-like birds of the Rancho La Brea Pleistocene. Publ. Univ. California at Los Angeles, Biol. Sci. 1:169-176, 1 pi., 2 text figs. (With Love Miller) (February 18) 24. The Rancho La Brea Caracara, a new species. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 487:217-240, 3 pis., 1 text fig. (July 7) 1939 25. A prehistoric record of Holboell Grebe in Nevada. Condor 41:32. (January 17) 26. The avifauna associated with human remains at Rancho La Brea, California. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 514:39-48, 4 text figs. (With Alden H. Miller) (May 18) 27. Aves. Fortschritte de Palaontologie 2(1937/1 938):309— 3 2 2 . 1940 28. A new race of Caracara from the Pleistocene of Mexico. Condor 42:41-44. (Jan- uary 19) 1941 29. The horse, a biography. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 1:10-13, 2 text figs. (April) 1942 30. A review of the American fossil storks. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 530:187-203, 1 pi., 2 text figs. (January 19) 31. Rancho La Brea birds. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 2:16-20, 2 text figs. (January) 1943 32. Review of “Fossil Birds of California” by Love Miller and Ida de May. Condor 45:79-80. (March 19) 1944 33. The ascent of Equus. A story of the origin and development of the horse. Los Angeles County Mus., Sci. Ser. 8, Paleon. Publ. 5:1-38, 30 text figs. (With Chester Stock) (March 31) 34. The Rancho La Brea bird mounts. The Museum News 21(19):8. (April 1) 35. A Miocene hawk from California. Condor 46:236-237, 1 text fig. (September 27) 36. Miscellaneous avian fossil records from California. Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 43:74-77, 1 pi. (September 30) 1945 37. Fossil birds. With especial reference to the birds of Rancho La Brea. Los Angeles County Mus., Sci. Ser. 10, Paleon. Publ. 6: 1 — 40, 18 text figs. (May) 38. Observations on young tarsometatarsi of the fossil turkey, Parapavo californicus (Miller). Auk 62:596-603, 1 pi., 1 text fig. (October) xviii 1946 39. A review of the Pleistocene birds of Fossil Lake, Oregon. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 551:141-195, 2 pis. (January 25) 40. George Willett: May 28, 1879-August 2, 1945. Condor 48:49-71, 11 text hgs. and frontispiece portrait. (April 2) 1947 41. A preliminary survey of trends in avian evolution from Pleistocene to Recent time. Condor 49:10-13. (February 6) 42. Wing elements assigned to Chendytes. Condor 49:76-77, 1 text fig. (March 31) 43. An ancestral Golden Eagle raises a question in taxonomy. Auk 64:287-291. (April) 44. California’s flightless birds. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 6(2): 7— 1 1 , 3 text figs. (Summer) 1948 45. Later Cenozoic avian fossils from near Newport Bay, Orange County, California. Abstract. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 59:1372-1373. 1949 46. Avian fossils from the marine Pleistocene of Southern California. Condor 51:20- 28. (January) 47. The spring “Robin.” Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 7(3): 1 7 . (March) 48. New avian records for the Pliocene of California. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 584(6): 177—199, 3 pis. (June 22) 49. The flightless Pliocene bird, Mancalla. Carnegie Inst. Wash. Publ. 5 84( 7):20 1 — 228, 6 pis., 1 text fig. (With Love Miller) (June) 50. Adaptations. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 7(4): 1 1-15, 5 text figs. (October) 51. The California Turkey. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 7(4): 15-16. (October) 1950 52. Personalities in Paleontology (E.E. Hadley). Soc. Vert. Paleon. Bull. 27:26-27, 1 text fig. (October) 53. Fossil evidence of avian evolution. Ibis 92:1-21, 5 text figs. (January) 54. Foreword. Pp. v-vi in Lifelong Boyhood by Love Miller. Univ. California Press, Berkeley and Los Angeles. 55. Gayle Benjamin Pickwell. Auk 67:280-281. (April) See also No. 75, 1954. 56. Charles Dean Bunker. Auk 67:425-426. (July) See also No. 75, 1954. 57. Thomas Tonkin McCabe. Auk 6 7 :42 7 — 42 8 . (July) See also No. 75, 1954. 58. The Hall of Evolving Life. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 8(l):6-7, 1 text fig. (Spring) 59. Teratornis, the wonder bird of the Ice Age. Los Angeles County Mus. Leaflet Ser., Sci. 3:1-4. (December) 1951 60. Chester Stock (1892-1950). Soc. Vert. Paleon. Bull. 31:33-34, 1 text fig. (Feb- ruary) 61. Pleistocene duck bones from Ohio. Condor 53:205. (July) 62. Chester Stock. January 28, 1892-December 7, 1950. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 8(3-4): 15-18, 1 text fig. (May) 63. E.E. Hadley (1864-195 1). Soc. Vert. Paleon. Bull. 33:32. (October) 64. Louis Bennett Bishop. 1865-1950. Auk 68:440-446, 1 text fig. (October) 65. Elza Ellsworth Hadley, 1864-1951. Bull So. California Acad. Sci. 50(3): 172 — 173, 1 text fig. (December). 1952 66. The prehistoric avifauna of Smith Creek Cave, Nevada, with a description of a new gigantic raptor. Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 5 1(2):50— 54, 1 pi. (May) 67. Dorothea Minola Alice Bate. Auk 69:491. (October) See also No. 75, 1954. 68. Mary Louise Fossler. Auk 69:493. (October) See also No. 75, 1954. XIX 1953 69. Paintings depict “Life through the Ages.” Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 10(l):6-8, 6 text figs. (March) 70. Forty years at Rancho La Brea. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 10(2):6-12, 17 text figs. (June) 71. Southern California Academy of Sciences. Science 1 18(3072):3. (November 13) 72. An early bird. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 10(4): 1 2— 1 3 , 3 text figs. (De- cember) 1954 73. Albert Ernest Colburn. Auk 71:111. (January) See also No. 75, 1954. 74. John M. Davis. Auk 71:236. (April) See also No. 75, 1954. 75. Biographies of members of the American Ornithologists’ Union. Reprinted from “The Auk,” 1884-1954. Pp. 35, 100, 135, 161, 212, 380, 455. Lord Baltimore Press, Washington, D C. (With T.S. Palmer and others) 76. James Charlwood Marsh, 1867-1954. Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 53(3): ISO- 182, 1 text fig. (December 31) 77. The Hall of Evolving Life in the Los Angeles County Museum. Museum 7(4): 209— 217, 11 text figs. (Including French translation) (December) 1955 78. Rancho La Brea Tar Pits. Los Angeles County Employee 28( 1 ): 10—1 1 , 50, cover photo and 3 text figs. (January) 79. History of scientific work at Rancho La Brea. Issued with Miracle Mile Milestones No. 4. (January 6) 80. A new wading bird from the Eocene of Patagonia. Amer. Mus. Nov. 1710:1-25, 8 text figs. (March 11) 81. Fossil Birds. With especial reference to the birds of Rancho La Brea. (Revised edition) Los Angeles County Mus., Sci. Ser. 17, Paleon. Publ. 10:1-40, 22 text figs. (April 27) 82. New records and a new species of Chendytes, an extinct genus of diving geese. Condor 57:135-143, 3 text figs. (May 25) 83. Fossil birds from Manix Lake, California. U.S. Geol Survey Prof. Paper No. 2 64J : 199—205 , 1 pi., 1 text fig. (June 8) 84. Job analysis of curatorial positions. Clearing House for Western Museums, News- letter 189:877-880. (November) 85. Summary of vertebrate remains. Pp. 14-18 in Preliminary report of the Schuiling Cave by Gerald A. Smith. Quarterly, San Bernardino Co. Mus. Assoc. 3(2). (With Theodore Downs) (Winter) 1957 86. A gigantic “toothed” marine bird from the Miocene of California. Santa Barbara Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. Dept. Geol. 1:1-23, 8 text figs. (February 1) 87. A new species of passerine bird from the Miocene of California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 9:1-16, 2 text figs. (June 28) 1958 88. A hundred million years of California’s prehistory in a famous collection. Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 1 4( 1 ):2— 5 , 5 text figs. (February) 89. Further records from the Pleistocene of Newport Bay mesa, California. Condor 60(2): 136. (March) 90. Standards for curatorial positions. Committee Report (Chaired by Hildegarde Howard). Clearing House for Western Museums Newsletters 217-218:2032-2051. (First issued in mimeograph form to members of Western Mus. Conference, May 1957.) 91. Miocene sulids of southern California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 25:1 — 16, 3 text figs. (August 15) 92. Condensed version of chapter on “Origin and Evolution of Birds” from “Fossil Birds,” Los Angeles County Mus., Sci Ser. 17, Paleon. Publ. 10:1-40. Published xx in program of 1958 Annual Pheasant Show, Arcadia, California, November 22- 23, 1958. 93. An ancient cormorant from Nevada. Condor 60:411-413. (November 26) 1959 94. Quaternary animals from Schuiling Cave in the Mojave Desert, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 29:1-21, 8 text figs. (With Theodore Downs, Thomas Clements, and Gerald A. Smith) (April 14) 95. What is Hancock Park? Los Angeles County Mus. Quarterly 15(4): 10—12 . (Au- tumn) 1960 96. Significance of Carbon-14 dates for Rancho La Brea. Science 13 1(3402): 7 12—7 14. (March 11) 97. The Division of Science. Los Angeles County Mus. 50th Anniversary Quarterly 16(2): 19-23. (Spring) 98. What about standards for small museums? Clearing House for Western Mus. 1(1): 7 — 10. (July) 1961 99. Howard Rice Hill, 1891-1961. Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 60:193-195. (July) 1962 100. Fossil Birds. With especial reference to the birds of Rancho La Brea. (New edition with addendum) Los Angeles County Mus., Sci. Ser. 17, Paleon. Publ. 10:1-44, 23 text figs. 101. A second record of Osteodontornis, Miocene “toothed” bird. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 52:1-12, 5 figs. (With John A. White) (February 26) 102. Bird remains from a prehistoric cave deposit in Grant County, New Mexico. Condor 64:241-242. (May) 103. A comparison of avian assemblages from individual pits at Rancho La Brea, California. Abstracts of Papers, XIII Internat. Ornithol. Congress. June 17-24, 1962. Ithaca, New York. 104. A new Miocene locality record for Puffin us diatomicus and Sw/a willetti. Condor 64:512-513. (November) 105. A comparison of prehistoric avian assemblages from individual pits at Rancho La Brea, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 58:1-24, 5 text figs. (De- cember 2 1) 106. Contributions from the Los Angeles Museum-Channel Island Biological Survey. 36. A fossil bird, Caracara, from Santa Rosa Island. Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 6 1 (4): 2 2 7 —228. (December 31) 1963 107. Fossil birds from the Anza-Borrego Desert. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 73:1-33, 3 pis., 1 text fig. (December 30) 108. Ascent of Equus. Second edition. Los Angeles County Mus., Sci. Ser. 22, Paleon. Publ. No. 12:1-38, 15 text figs. (With Chester Stock) (July) 1964 109. A fossil owl from Santa Rosa Island, California, with comments on the eared owls of Rancho La Brea. Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 63( 1 ):2 7 —3 1 , 1 text fig. (April 21) 110. Fossil Anseriformes. Pp. 233-326 (Chapter 10) in Waterfowl of the World by Jean Delacour. Vol. 4. Country Life Ltd., London. Second edition, 1973. 111. Further discoveries concerning the flightless “diving goose” Chendytes lawi. Con- dor 66:372-376, 1 text fig. (September) 112. A new species of “Pigmy Goose,” Anabernicula, from the Oregon Pleistocene, with a discussion of the genus. Amer. Mus. Nov. 2200:1-14, 2 text figs. (Decem- ber 15) 113. Hilda Wood Grinnell. Auk 81:586. (October) XXI 1965 114. A new species of cormorant from the Pliocene of Mexico. Bull. So. California Acad. Sci. 64( 1):50— 5 5 , 1 text fig. (April 26) 115. Laurence Markham Huey. Auk 82:323. (April) 116. First record of avian fossils from the Eocene of California. J. Paleon. 39(3):350- 354, 1 pi. (“May,” distributed June (late, undated)) 117. Egmont Zachary Rett. Auk 82:686. (October) 1966 118. Pliocene birds from Chihuahua, Mexico. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 94:1-12, 1 text fig. (April 4) 1 19. A possible ancestor of the Lucas Auk (Family Mancallidae) from the Tertiary of Orange County, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 101:1-8, 1 text fig. (May 5) 120. Two fossil birds from the Lower Miocene of South Dakota. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 107:1-8, 1 text fig. (July 22) 121 Additional avian records from the Miocene of Sharktooth Hill, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 114:1—11, 1 text fig. (December 28) 1968 122. Limb measurements of the extinct vulture, Coragyps occidentalism with a descrip- tion of a new subspecies. Papers Archaeol. Soc. New Mexico 1:115-128. (May 9) 123. Tertiary birds from Laguna Hills, Orange County, California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 142:1-21, 2 text figs. (June 14) 124. Fossil Birds. Pp. 42-45 in Prehistory of Santa Rosa Island by Phil C. Orr. Santa Barbara Mus. Nat. Hist. Publ. (September) 125. A preliminary report of Pleistocene birds of Central Mexico. Abstracts, Annual Meeting Geol. Soc. Amer., Mexico City, 1968:142. 1969 126. A new avian fossil from Kern Co., California. Condor 71:68-69, 1 text fig. (Feb- ruary 14) 127. A new species of bonv-toothed bird (Family Pseudodontornithidae) from the Ter- tiary of New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 8(4):345-35 7, 4 pis. (With Stuart L. Warter) (May 31) 128. Avian fossils from three Pleistocene sites in central Mexico. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 172:1-11, 1 text fig. (June 30) 1970 129. A review of the extinct avian genus, Mancalla. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 203:1-12, 1 text fig. (November 24) 1971 130. In Memoriam: Love Holmes Miller. Auk 88:276-285, photo. (April) 131. Quaternary avian remains from Dark Canyon Cave, New Mexico. Condor 73:237-240. (May 21) 132. Pliocene avian remains from Baja California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 217:1-17, 2 text figs. (November 12) 1972 133. Type specimens of avian fossils in the collections of the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles Co. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 228:1-27. (June 7) 134. The bibliography of Love Holmes Miller. Condor 74:268-271. (September) 135. The Incredible Teratorn again. Condor 74:341-344, 1 text fig. (September 18) 1973 136. Fossil Anseriformes. Pp. 233-326 (Chapter 10), and New General Corrections and Additions, pp. 371-378 (Chapter 12) in Waterfowl of the World by Jean Delacour. Second Edition. Vol. 4. Hamlyn Publ. Group, Ltd. (Country Life Ltd.), London. xxu 1974 137. Postcranial elements of the extinct condor, Breagyps clarki (Miller). Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 256:1-24, 9 text figs. (May 22) 1976 138. A new species of flightless auk from the Miocene of California (Alcidae: Mancal- linae). Smithsonian Contrib. to Paleobiology 27:141-146, 1 text fig. (May 21) 1978 139. Late Miocene marine birds from Orange Co., California. Los Angeles Co. Mus., Contrib. Sci. 290:1-28, 4 text figs. (March 21) 1979 140. Aves. Pp. 60-70 in The Encyclopedia of Paleontology (R.W. Fairbridge and D. Jablonski, Eds.). Dowden, Hutchinson, and Ross, Inc., Stroudsburg, Penn. xxiii INDEX TO FOSSIL AVIAN TAX A DESCRIBED BY HILDEGARDE HOWARD Listed below in alphabetical order are the fossil avian taxa described by Hildegarde Howard. Species are listed in the genera to which they were originally referred. Fol- lowing each name is the publication number (from Dr Howard’s bibliography) and page in which the name was proposed. Families Palaeoscinidae 87:15 Telmabatidae 80:23 Plotopteridae 126:69 Genera Alcodes 123:18 Arikarornis 120:2 Brantadorna 107:8 Breagyps 23:171 Miohierax 35:236 Osteodontornis 86:3 Palaeoscinis 87:6 Paleosula 91:12 Plotopterum 126:68 Praemancalla 119:4 Telmabates 80:3 Wasonaka 118:5 Species aldeni, Miortyx 120:5 antiquus, Telmabates 80:3 anza, Agriocharis 107:19 barnesi, Puffinus 139:7 bessomi, Oxyura 107:13 brea, Strix 14:66 brodkorbi, Gavia 139:4 calhouni, Puffinus 123:6 calif orniensis, Protostrix 116:350 cedrosensis, Mancalla 132:11 conklingi, Geococcyx 9:208 downsi, Brantadorna 107:8 felthami, Puffinus 48:194 fossilis, Bucepliala 107:11 goletensis, Phalacrocorax 114:51 hammeri, Fulmarus 123:9 hesterna, Fulica 107:22 incredibilis, Teratornis 66:51 joaquinensis, Plotopterum 126:68 kanakoffi, Puffinus 48:187 kennelli, Phalacrocorax 48:188 lagunensis, Praemancalla 119:4 macdonaldi, Arikarornis 120:2 magnus, Morus 139:17 milleri, Chendytes 82:137 milleri, Diomedea 121:2 milleri , Mancalla 129:7 milleri, Urubitinga 12:25 minor, Cerorhinca 132:9 minutus, Phoenicopterus 83:202 oregonensis, Anabernicula 112:5 oregonus, Falco 39:178 oiri, Osteodontornis 86:3 pliocenus, Brachyramphus 48:191 pohli, Sula 91:4 prelutosus, Polyborus 24:226 priscus, Asio 109:28 recentior, Miosula 48:190 reyana, Moris 20:213 rogersi, Phalacrocorax 11:118 rossmoori, Aethia 123:16 sliufeldti, Stercorarius 39:184 stirtoni, Pseudodontornis 127:348 stocki, Miohierax 35:236 tedfordi, Puffinus 132:2 turdirostris, Palaeoscinis 87:6 ulnulus, Alcodes 123:18 vallecitoensis, Neophrontops 107:17 wetmorei, Mycteria 18:253 wetmorei, Praemancalla 138:142 willetti, Spizaetus 17:207 vepormerae, Wasonaka 118:5 Subspecies grinnelli, Polyborus prelutosus 28:41 mexicanus, Coragyps occidentalis 122:124 ILLUSTRATIONS OF AVIAN OSTEOLOGY TAKEN FROM “THE AVIFAUNA OF EMERYVILLE SHELLMOUND” Of the many significant and invaluable contributions Hildegarde Howard has made to the field of avian paleontology, her paper entitled “The Avifauna of the Emeryville Shellmound” was one of the most important. This paper was published in 1929, and is especially cherished by those fortunate enough to obtain a copy. This work was not only a particularly valuable early contribution to avian paleontology, it contained a series of illustrations of the major bones of the avian skeleton with the major diagnostic features of each bone indicated and named. Over the past 50 years, these illustrations have proven very valuable, especially to new students of avian osteology. To this day they have not been surpassed for their usefulness as the terminology used in current studies of avian osteology remains based on that introduced by Dr. Howard. And anyone who has tried to orient a bone to determine view designations without the help of a mounted skeleton has often had cause to give thanks for the illustrations. That such a work remains so important after a period of 50 years testifies to its thoroughness and accuracy, two characters that have typified Dr. Howard’s works through the years. Even after 50 years Dr. Howard continues to receive many requests for copies of the Emeryville Shellmound paper; it is perhaps her most sought-after paper. For this reason we reproduce here the illustrations of avian osteological features from that paper. When speaking of the illustrations, Dr. Howard always credits William H. Burt for working with her in devising the nomenclatural system used in the illustrations, and Frieda Abernathy for executing the drawings. Quoted below are the explanatory notes for the illustrations, taken from page 325 of “The Avifauna of Emeryville Shellmound,” by Hildegarde Howard, 1929, Univ. of California Publ. Zool. 32(2):301— 394: Description of Species The terms employed in describing the diagnostic characters of the various rep- resented species will be found in the accompanying series of labeled figures, drawn by Mrs. Frieda Abernathy. The system of nomenclature here set forth was devised by the writer in collab- oration with Mr. William H. Burt, of the University of California. Papers by the following authorities were consulted: Furbringer (1888), Heilmann (1926), Lam- brecht (1914), Lowe (1928), Miller (1925a, 1925b, 1927a), Milne-Edwards ( 1867— 68), Owen (1866), Shufeldt (1890, 1909), Stresemann (1927), and Wetmore (1922, 1923). Dr. Miller and Dr. Wetmore were also consulted personally. The Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos) and the Snow Goose ( Chen hyperboreus) have been used for illustration. Such parts as cannot well be shown on Aquila are labeled on Chen, and vice versa. Of the Golden Eagle, Museum of Vertebrate Zoology specimen no. 28884 has been used except for figures 5 and 8, where MVZ no. 40866 was substituted; of the Snow Goose, MVZ no. 45555 has been drawn, except in figure 12 where MVZ no. 22446 has been used. Grateful acknowledgment for permission to reprint the illustrations is given the Uni- versity of California Press. Larry Reynolds provided unblemished photographs of the illustrations for reproduction here from a very well-worn copy of the original publi- cation. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:xxvii-xxxviii premaxi I lary frontal parietal supraoccipital external naris nasal process of premaxillary maxillary maxillo palatine palatine vomer- lachry mal ba si pterygoid process pterygoid Sphenoidal rostrum postorbital process ^ff|| openings for Eustachian tubes— ^ quadrate mm basitemporal plate basioccipital occipital condyle- foramen magnum supraoccipital-^ lexoccipitol orbitosphenoid-i postorbital process-, interorbital septurrc ethmoid^ achrym at opisthotic parietal- premaxillary- palatine 5phenoidal rostrum-1 opisthotic squamosal quadrate alisphenoid ^quadratojuga Skull of Chen hyperboreus. Fig. 1, dorsal view; fig. 2, ventral view; fig. 3, lateral view. X 1. xxviii neural spine neural cana transverse process NjDOStzyg apophysis centrum pterygoid articulation mandibular articulation' haem apophyses pleurapophysis diapophysis parapophysis prezygopophysis articular surface of centrum . orbital process otic process socket for quadratojuga.1 neural canal squamosal\ A articulation driK'/lrf' articular surface crest haemal orifice haemal canal diapophysis neural arch costal facets -neural canal neurapophysis^ centrum hypapophysis neural spine anapophy sis postzygapophysis prezyg apophysis odontoid process vertebrarterial canal 10 hypapophysis Figs. 4-11, Aquila clirysaetos. Fig. 4, 6th cervical vertebra, dorsal view; fig. 5, caudal vertebra, anterior view; fig. 6, 6th cervical vertebra, ventral view; fig. 7, left quadrate, external view; fig. 8, pvgostvle; fig. 9, atlas, posterior view; fig. 10, 4th thoracic vertebra, anterior view; fig. 11, axis, left side; fig. 12, Chen hyperboreus, mandible. X 1. xxix carinal apex ventral manubrial spine ventral lip] , ... . , . ./[orcoracoidal sulcus dorsal lip] dorsal manubrial spine pneumatic foramen sterno-coracoidal process costal process costal margin intercostal space manubrium dorsal manubrial spine-^ sterno-coracoidal process - corocoidal sulcusj ^or^al J'P [ventral lip ventral labial prominence sterno-coracoidal impression intercostal space costal margi costal process ventral m anubrial spme anterior carinal margin sternal plate intermuscular line posterior lateral process carinal apex cari na Sternal notch - ^p^-^-post pectoral line -xiphial area Sternum of Chen lijipcrboreus. Fig. 13, dorsal view; fig. 14, lateral view. X 1. XXX ■Scapular tuberosity- clavicle Furcular process coroco-humeral surface left clavicle symphysis furcular facet- brachial tuberosity pneumatic foramina triossea! canal coracoid a I articulation Aquila chrysaetos. Fig. 15, furcula, dorsal view; fig. 16, coracoid, internal view; fig. 17, coracoid, dorsal view; fig. 18, scapula, ventral view; fig. 19, scapula, dorsal view. X 1. XXXI external tuberosity pectoral attachment median crest- attachmentof, latissimusdorsj. posterioris deltoid crest line of- latissimus dorsi anterioris capital groove internal tuberosity pneumatic fossa pneumatic foramen attachment of infraspinatus attachment of supraspinatus external tuberosity bicipital furrow \ ,i 'deltoid crest VI shaft- shaft ectepicondylar ft' ... prominence ecte pi condyle ,^^h,^=fexternal condyle trochlea^ internal condyle attachment of pronator brevis attachment of anterior articular ligament entepicondy lar prominence internal condyle entepicondyle impression of brachialis antlcus brachi al depression intercon dyl ar furrow ectepicondylar prominence external condyle ectepicondyle Humerus of Chen hyperboreits. Fig. 20, anconal view; fig. 21, palmar view. X 1. XXX11 internal cotyla i ntercotylar area- prominence for anterior articuloc. ligament bicipital attachment impression of brachiolis anticus external condyle^ internal condyle corps' >^tlculalion 27 ligamental prominence Aquila chrysaetos. Fig. 22, radius, anconal view; fig. 23, ulna, palmar view; fig. 24, radius, palmar view; fig. 25, ulna, anconal view; fig. 26, cuneiform; fig. 27, scapholunar. Figs. 22-25 X %; figs. 26-27 X 1. xxxiii carpaltrochlea, internal I iga mental Fossa] ligamental attachment-"6f pisiform process . , TTT -metacarpal II metacarpal III- intermetacarpal space distal metacarpal symphysis metacarpal facet- anterior carpal fossa extensor attachment process of metacarpal I pollical facet metacarpal facet 29 process of metacarpal I metacarpal 1 s\/ tuberosity of metacarpal n * facet for digit II v facet for digit III metacarpal II [digital facet A tuberosity of 1 J metacarpal II facet for digitl! digital facet .carpal trochlea external llgamenta! attachment flexor attachment intermetacarpal "tuberosity tendinal groove-f < digital facet intermetacarpal space' metacarpal III distal metacarpal symphysis facet for digit III Aquila chrysaetos. Pig. 28, carpometacarpus, internal view. figs. 29-32, phalanges of manus: fig. 29, digit 2, phalanx 1; fig. 30, digit 3; fig. 31, pollex; fig. 32, digit 2, phalanx 2; fig. 33, carpometacarpus, external view. X 1. XXXIV median dorsal ridge prezygapophysis •anterior portion of synsacrum costal facets synsacral thoracic vertebrae lumbar vertebrae jftj^parapophysis ^ 'isacrai ■vertebrae renal depression ischial angle Pelvis of Chen hyperboreus. Fig. 34, lateral view; fig. 35, ventral view. X 1. XXXV trochanter- iliac facet obturator ridge nutrient foramen shaft fibular condyle fibular groove neck attachment of round ligament head posterior intermuscular ine popliteal area internal condyle intercondylar fossa external condyle tubercle uncinate process articular surface for sternal rib -costal facet first phalanx second phalanx third phalanx digital condyle attachment of round ligament- head 43 neck sternal — f acet 42 Figs. Fig. 36, 42, digit view. X ungual phalanx nternal condyle ligamental attachment pit for tibialis antic -trochanter ■trochanteric ridge anterior intermuscular ine ■rotular groove flexor attachment external condyle 36-42 and fig. 45, Chen hyperboreus; figs. 43-44, Aquila chrysaetos. femur, posterior view; figs. 37-38, rib and sternal rib no. 4; figs. 39- 3^of pes; fig. 43, patella; fig. 44, metatarsal I; fig. 45, femur, anterior XXXVI inner cnemial crest head of fibula external articular surface fibula fibular crest foramen for medullary, artery internal / V articular surfacex^’ interarticular area ligamental attachment flexor attachment head of fibula external articular surface outer cnemial crest rotular crest inner cnemial crest- outer cnemial crest spine of fibula fibula fibular crest intermuscular ine posterior intercondylar sulcus external condyle external ligamental prominence groove for peroneus profundus external condyle internal igamental prominence internal condyle 48 supratendinal bridge internal ligamental prominence internal condyle spine of fibula i /tendinal groove Id i/ -groove for _ peroneus* profundus anterior inter- ,'fTcondylar fossa ^external condyle Tibiotarsus and fibula of Chen liyperboreus. Fig. 4(5, posterior view; fig. 47, proximal end, proximal view; fig. 48, distal end, external view; fig. 49, anterior view. X 1. xxxvn internal cotyla proximal ligamental attachment tubercle For tibialis anticus anterior metatarsal groove inner extensor groove metatarsal Facet- intertrochlear notches: [external [interna external cotyla attachment oF external ligament proximal Foramen internal cotyla intercotylar area calcaneal ridges of hypotarsus outer extensor roove distal Foramen trochleae For digits 2 3 4 intercotylar area intercotylar depression hypotarsus intercotylar prominence innerl proximal outer] Foramen calcaneal ridges ^ distal foramen trochlea For digit 4 yving of trochlea For digit 2 J trochlea For digit 2 Tarsometatarsus. Figs. 50, 51 and 54, Aquila cliri/saetos ; figs. 52-53, Chen liypcrboreus. Fig. 50, anterior view; figs. 51 and 52, proximal end, proximal view; fig. 53, proximal end, posterior view; fig. 54, posterior view. X 1. trochlea For digit 3 posterior metatarsal groove metatarsal Facet intertrochlear notches: external] internal] xxxviii PAPERS IN AVIAN PALEONTOLOGY HONORING HILDEGARDE HOWARD FOSSIL BIRDS AND EVOLUTION By George Gaylord Simpson1 PALEORNITHOLOGY One of the first textbooks of vertebrate paleontology, that published in 1898 by A. (later Sir Arthur) Smith Woodward devoted 14 pages, 3 percent of its text pages, to birds. It dis- cussed particulars of only Archaeopteryx, Hesperornis, Ichthy- ornis, Aepyornis (not figured) and three moas. When I studied vertebrate paleontology at Yale in the mid-1920’s the class received even shorter coverage of birds. As much time was devoted to “Tetr apteryx,” a “bird” that never existed, as to the two real fossil birds that were discussed. It was generally felt that fossil birds were too rare to have any great evolution- ary interest beyond that engendered by Archaeopteryx, of which more later. That depreciative view is still sometimes encountered, but now rarely and without justification. A decided change in this subject, and in attitudes toward it, began in the late 1920’s and has been accelerating ever since. It is true that the late Alexander Wetmore published a short paper on a fossil bird as early as 1917 (Wetmore 1917) and long continued such studies, but he was primarily a neon- tologist and his career was centered on Recent birds. Hilde- garde Howard published a long paper on a fossil bird in 1927, the start of a great career. She was certainly one of the first, perhaps the very first, to adopt paleornithology as a full-time specialty and to occupy a salaried position explicitly devoted to that speciality. That many fossil birds were in fact known by 1930 is evident from Lambrecht’s massive Handbuch der Palaeornithologie (1933). Even so, the first sentence of that work begins (in Ger- man), “As is known, the number of remains of fossil birds is comparatively very limited. . . .” The fossil record of birds is indeed still markedly incomplete, as is that of even such richly documented groups as, for instance, echinoderms or mam- mals. Nevertheless it is now far from negligible, as witness Brodkorb’s Catalogue of Fossil Birds (1963, 1964, 1967, 1971a, 1978) and Fisher’s chapter on Aves in the symposium volume on The Fossil Record (1969). At present the fossil record of birds not only throws consid- erable light on the history of birds, a subject of great interest in itself, but also provides evidence bearing more broadly on the principles of evolution. In what follows I shall exemplify both of those aspects of the subject. THE EARLY BIRD A tantalizing and perhaps incorrect reference to Jurassic birds was published by Schlotheim as early as 1820. A partial 1 The University of Arizona and The Simroe Foundation, S1S1 East Holmes St., Tucson, Arizona 85711. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:3-8. but considerable skeleton of the Jurassic Archaeopteryx was found in 1855, but was not recognized as avian until 1970 (see Ostrom 1972). The first specimen of a Jurassic bird to be rec- ognized as such was a splendidly preserved, nearly complete skeleton with impressions of feathers that was found in 1861 and acquired by the British Museum (Natural History). It was named and briefly described by von Meyer (1862) and more fully described by Owen (1863). Numerous other studies of that and a second specimen similar in origin have appeared since 1863. The definitive study of the British Museum spec- imen, made after further preparation, was by de Beer (1954a). It is interesting that this was Sir Gavin’s only excursion into paleornithology. One might say that he studied this specimen only because it was there: he was at the time director of the British Museum (Natural History). It was at once recognized, and is obvious at first sight, that Archaeopteryx has resemblances both to birds and to reptiles. It was early agreed that Archaeopteryx had evolved from some reptilian stock, but beyond that point opinions long differed. An occasional minority view was that Archaeopteryx was a pseudo-bird, independently derived from reptiles with no close relationship to true birds. However, there now seems to be no dissent from the majority view that it was in or near the an- cestry of some, and probably of all, later birds and should itself be classed in the Aves. As to the reptilian ancestry, it was suggested as early as 1863 (Weinland) and still maintained as late as 1950 (Petronievics) that Archaeopteryx was derived from some lacertilian stock. Owen (1874) hinted, although not clearly in evolutionary terms, at a pterosaur ancestry. Neither of those views is tenable in the light of later studies. Abel (1919) suggested derivation from a pseudosuchian, but possibly from some dinosaur itself evolved from a pseudosuchian (or other early thecodont). Heilmann (1926) more positively en- dorsed derivation from a pseudosuchian. T.H Huxley (1868), somewhat vaguely, and Marsh (1877) and others following him, more positively, supported descent from some early di- nosaurs. There has long been a strong consensus, now virtually unan- imous, that birds, including Archaeopteryx, evolved either from a dinosaurian (theropod) stock, or from a common an- cestry with such a stock but within prior thecodonts. Ostrom (e.g., 1975), the most recent to study this question in depth, is insistent on a dinosaurian origin. He considers the skeleton of Archaeopteryx more dinosaur-like than bird-like, but con- tinues to classify the genus as an ancestral, or near-ancestral, bird. Whether birds arose from dinosaurs or from the immediate common ancestry of birds and dinosaurs is a phylogenetic de- tail of no great importance from a broader view of evolutionary 4 Simpson: Fossil Birds and Evolution Table 1. Some data on first appearances of families of birds in the fossil record, based mainly on Fisher (1967). Geologic Period or Epoch Number of First Known Appearances Percent Extinct before the Holocene Percent Surviving into the Holocene Jurassic 1 100 0 Cretaceous 12 75 25 Paleocene 3 66.7 33.3 Eocene 41 31.7 68.3 Oligocene 18 38.9 61.1 Miocene 24 25 75 Pliocene 9 0 100 Pleistocene 38 2.6 97.4 Holocene 54 0 100 theory. In either case it is clear that Archaeopteryx stands in an intermediate position between the classes Reptilia and Aves. During the transition from one class to another, evolu- tion may have been, and quite likely was, accelerated, but there was a transition, not a saltation as has from time to time been claimed for the origin of taxa at upper hierarchic levels. There are no known instances of such origins that cannot have been transitional, many known cases, of which this is only one, in which the origin was almost certainly transitional, and no known cases in which the evidence makes saltation more probable. The old saw that the first bird was born from a reptile’s egg is not true. That is the most important theoretical bearing of the early bird, but it has another also of some importance. When there is a transition from one high taxonomic category to another there are two extreme theoretical possibilities, although some- thing between the two extremes is also quite possible. At one extreme, all characteristics of the ancestral form may evolve uniformly into the different characteristics of the descendant, so that an animal like Archaeopteryx would be in all respects intermediate between one high taxon, in this case the Class Reptilia, and another, here the Class Aves. As a matter of fact Archaeopteryx is not intermediate in that sense. Many of its characters had changed hardly at all from the reptilian grade, although I think that Ostrom, as previously cited, has some- what overstated that case. On the other hand, some characters of that genus were already completely avian, notably the fur- cula, the presence of feathers, and their arrangement on the wing. De Beer (1954a) did not discuss just this point in his mono- graph on the London specimen, but he did in an address to the British Association for the Advancement of Science (de Beer 1954b). He proposed the term “mosaic evolution” for the apparently disharmonious sort of transition exemplified in Ar- chaeopteryx. He also gave other examples, and many more have been pointed out since then. In fact it had long been recognized, although not always so clearly, that different char- acteristics of organisms often, indeed usually, evolve at quite different rates even within a single lineage. (Although I was not the first to notice this, I did clearly state it in 1944, 10 years before the restatement by de Beer.) De Beer’s term is apt and is a handy designation for this phenomenon. De Beer did not himself claim that his observation of the phenomenon was original, although some subsequent users of the term have mistakenly ascribed the principle, and not only the term, to him. Two other points involving Archaeopteryx are to be men- tioned here only briefly. It is fairly obvious that/ 4 rchaeopteryx could not have been capable of long, sustained flight in the manner of most modern birds. There was, however, a clear consensus that it was capable of brief gliding or leaping flight and that its strongly feathered forelimbs were a stage in the evolution of sustained flight. Recently, however, Ostrom (1976) has maintained that the origin of those feathered fore- limbs had nothing to do with flight but were adaptations of a running animal for garnering insects. If that were true, those forelimbs would be only adventitiously preadapted for flight. I do not pretend to authority on this point, but I do find Os- trom’s hypothesis incredibly bizarre. (See Feduccia 1979 — note added after completion of this manuscript.) The other point is that it has several times been suggested that various birds without aerial flight (although many of them with wings) were primarily flightless either because they evolved from reptiles independently of true Aves or because the ancestral Aves were flightless (for example, Lowe 1944, and earlier papers there cited). With special reference to pen- guins, but incidentally to other supposedly flightless birds, I (Simpson 1946) strongly opposed that view, and I do not know of any more recent adherence to it. BITS OF AN OUTLINE OF HISTORY There have been several fairly recent reviews of the whole history of birds, most notably that by Brodkorb (1971b). I am not capable of writing a review in equal or greater depth and have no intention of trying. There are, however, some points bearing on evolutionary principles and on the interpretation of the fossil record that suggest brief comment here. Some data on the first appearances of families of birds are given in Table 1 . I have based these on Fisher (1967), primarily because Brodkorb’s catalogue was not complete when this pa- per was written. Even now the earlier parts (at least Brodkorb 1963, 1964, and 1967) are out of date. The data from Fisher, more complete than Brodkorb’s when this paper was written, seem to be sufficient for the general points here made. It is not surprising that the percentage of pre-Holocene ex- tinctions decreases, and that of survival into the Holocene increases almost regularly from Jurassic to Holocene. (A few families known only from the Holocene but now extinct are here counted as Holocene survivals.) The only somewhat ev- ident irregularity is in the Oligocene, and this is probably a sampling error. For one thing, the Oligocene was shorter than either the Eocene or the Miocene, and so would have fewer first appearances even if the rate per annum were constant. The very high numbers of first appearances in the Pleisto- cene and Holocene are a measure of the incompleteness of the record. It is highly improbable that these families actually originated in either of those epochs. Thus with no probable and few possible exceptions, their pre-Pleistocene members simply have not yet been found, to put the matter optimisti- cally. To put it pessimistically, in many instances pre-Pleis- tocene representatives may not exist as accessible fossils. (Even for vertebrates it is certain that not all species or genera, prob- able that not all families, and possible that not all orders were Simpson: Fossil Birds and Evolution 5 fossilized and are now present in rocks accessible for explo- ration.) It is a reasonable conclusion from these figures and from the more detailed data on which they are based that most and perhaps all of the families of birds that have ever existed, and hence of course those now surviving, had arisen by the end of the Miocene. That agrees with the well-informed opinion of Brodkorb (197 1 b:43), who wrote that, “By the end of the Mio- cene all of the nonpasserine families were probably estab- lished, as well as most, if not all, of the passerines.” He then estimated that there were about 155 families extant in the Miocene, the number being reduced moderately to 148 in the Holocene. For comparison, I have given in Table 2 similar data for Mammalia, a class with a better but still quite incomplete fossil record. The figures are tentative only, because there is no recent and reliable listing of all known mammalian families and their distribution in the Cenozoic, although Lillegraven (1972) has published graphs based on a fairly recent tabulation. (There is one by Lillegraven, Lindsay, and Simpson, as yet unpublished, for the Mesozoic.) My arrangement is conser- vative, with fewer families than are now sometimes recognized in the Tertiary, but I believe that the pattern is significant. Even so my arrangement for mammals has many more families (259) than Fisher’s for birds (200). The patterns are similar in some respects but strikingly different in others. A considerable number of bird families first known in the Cretaceous, Paleo- cene, and Eocene — 32 families or 57 percent of those first ap- pearing during those times — survived into the Holocene. For mammals the corresponding figures are 116 families and 26.7 percent. Both proportionately and absolutely, many more mammalian than bird families first appear in the record at those times, but fewer of them survived into the Holocene. For both classes most of the Holocene families had appeared by the end of the Miocene, but some of the mammalian fam- ilies probably did become differentiated in the Pliocene where- as it is not clear that any bird families did. In both cases it is unlikely that any family emerged after the Pliocene. The much lower numbers and percentages of first appearances of mam- malian than of bird families in the Pleistocene and Recent is evidence that the fossil record for mammals, although still incomplete, is better than that for birds. As Brodkorb (1971b) has pointed out, more living families of birds appear in the record for the Eocene than at any other time. (It is understood that comparison with the higher num- bers for the Pleistocene and Holocene is not valid.) For mam- mals there is a marked difference: the greatest number of living families appear in the record for the Miocene. There are in fact many more Miocene first appearances than Pleistocene or Holocene. As relatively few Eocene mammalian families are still living, it is clear that there has been a much more marked faunal turnover since the Eocene for mammals than for birds. The bird record is strongly biased both taxonomically and geographically. The most striking taxonomic bias is that rel- atively far fewer passeriform families than nonpasseriform families are known before the Pleistocene. On Fisher’s data only 22.8 percent of recognized passeriform families are known before the Pleistocene but for nonpasseriforms the figure is 67 percent. That may be a sampling bias, caused in part by non- passeriforms (such as many shore birds) being more likely to be preserved in sediments, by a higher proportion of nonpas- Table 2. Some data on first appearances of families of mammals in the fossil record. Geological Period or Epoch Number of First Known Appearances Percent Extinct before the Holocene Percent Surviving into the Holocene Rhaeto-Lias 4 100 0 Jurassic 11 100 0 Cretaceous 19 94.7 5.3 Paleocene 33 100 0 Eocene 63 82.5 17.5 Oligocene 44 56.8 43.2 Miocene 38 28.9 71.1 Pliocene 21 9.5 90.5 Pleistocene 7 0 100 Holocene 26 0 100 seriforms in regions that have been sampled, or by smaller average size of passeriforms making them harder to find and identify. However it is also evident that the differentiation of passeriform families probably occurred, on an average overall, at later dates than for nonpasseriforms. The geographic bias largely, although not entirely, follows the intensity of paleontological field work. Fossil birds are fairly well known in North America and Europe but less so in South America, Asia, Africa, and Australia. Yet even in Australia there is a fair sampling from the Miocene onward, as was recently tabulated by Rich (1975). The evidence sug- gests that by mid-Miocene, at latest, the Australian fauna was fairly modernized and largely endemic. Virtually all the known fossils are nonpasseriform. From Antarctica some fossil pen- guins are known, but no deposits likely to contain nonmarine birds have yet been found. EVIDENCE FOR SUCCESSIVE RADIATIONS Descriptions by Marsh (1872, 1880) of Hesperornis and Ichthyornis, supposedly toothed birds, created a sensation and these have been the most discussed fossil birds except Ar- chaeopteryx. It was already known that Archaeopteryx had teeth, but Marsh’s “Odontornithes” were much later, and some authorities did not consider Archaeopteryx wholly (or at all) a bird. More recently Gregory (1952) suggested that, although Hesperornis had teeth, Ichthyornis probably did not. Bock (1969) still later questioned whether Hesperornis had teeth. Brodkorb (1971b) attacked “the fable of the toothed birds.” The fable was simply the claim that all Mesozoic birds had teeth. In fact both Hesperornis and Ichthyornis did have teeth (Gin- gerich 1972, 1973; Martin and Stewart 1977). Although pos- sibly tooth-bearing parts are not known in the likewise Cre- taceous genera Baptornis (referred by Brodkorb 1963 to the Podicipediformes), Enaliornis (referred bv Brodkorb to the Gaviiformes), or Neogaeornis (referred by Brodkorb to the Podicipediformes), Martin and Tate (1976) have established that these genera, too, probably belong in the Hesperornithi- formes. Added indication of the archaic nature of the genera listed in the preceding paragraph is given by evidence that the skull of Hesperornis was in fact palaeognathous (Gingerich 1973, 1976) although faulty reconstruction had led to belief that it 6 Simpson: Fossil Birds and Evolution was neognathous. Although the skull structure of Archaeop- teryx is not known in clear detail, Gingerich has also mar- shalled evidence that a palaeognathous skull was probably ancestral for birds in general, and hence probably was present in Archaeopteryx. (I am, however, informed that Martin and Whetstone, in a study not published when this paper went to press, deny that Hesperornis was palaeognathous, which would also cast doubt on the possible palaeognathy of Ar- chaeopteryx. ) Thus in the Cretaceous there was a group of archaic birds apparently sharing ancestral characters, although divergent to the ordinal level in derived characters. Among the Hesperor- nithiformes and the Ichthyornithiformes long known, some, at least, and possibly all were palaeognathous, and some and possibly all retained teeth. To them may now be added Go- biopteryx from the late Cretaceous of Mongolia (Elzanowski 1977). It, too, was palaeognathous, but it was toothless. El- zanowski proposed for it a new order, Gobiopterygiformes, but it might well be put in the still living order Casuariiformes, or the Struthioniformes if, as has been defended by Bock (1963) among others, all the ratites were put in one order. (The def- inition of such an order becomes difficult if some palaeognath- ous birds are excluded from it.) Brodkorb (1978:224) has ex- pressed his belief that Gobiopteryx is not a bird, but a small dinosaur. The most economical hypothesis is that the living palaeog- nathous birds, the ratites (whether classified as one order or as up to six) and the tinamous, are survivors of an archaic radiation. Most of the known Mesozoic members of that ra- diation were aquatic or at least littoral and most were found in marine rocks. Of earlier known members of the radiation, Archaeopteryx and Ichthyornis were most likely to have been land birds, but they have been found only in definitely marine beds. The known later, Eocene to Holocene, palaeognathous birds are land birds; all but the tinamous are flightless, and the tinamous are poor fliers. Thus we can return, with Gingerich (1976), to the essence of views already expressed by T.H. Huxley (1868) and by- Marsh (1880) long ago. The palaeognathous birds are the relics (“waifs and strays” of Huxley) from an archaic (mainly Cre- taceous) radiation of the Aves. Although Brodkorb’s view that almost all the known Cre- taceous birds were referable to, or near the ancestry' of, Ce- nozoic neognathous birds is an overstatement, it seems estab- lished that, near the end of the Cretaceous, some were (Brodkorb 1976). Because of the bias of sampled environ- ments, the known Cretaceous members of probably neognath- ous groups are almost all aquatic, marine, or shore birds. They strongly suggest that a major radiation of neognathous non- passeriforms was under way before the end of the Cretaceous, reaching its height in the early Cenozoic. Starting within that radiation, one basic line, that of the passeriforms, underwent its own radiation from mid-Cenozoic to Holocene and became the dominant group in later Cenozoic and Recent avifaunas. A WORD ABOUT PENGUINS The oldest known penguins are late Eocene in age (not early Eocene, as indicated by Fisher 1967; Fisher also errs in listing Palaeeudyptes marplesi as a neospecies). At that time they already had all the derived characteristics of the family Sphe- niscidae as a whole. Some, at least, of the known late Eocene through Miocene species had a few characters that seem to have been more primitive than recent penguins, but at the generic level they also had derived characters that make them all quite distinct from any recent genus. Some of them, even in the late Eocene, had quite specialized generic characters. It is unlikely that any of the known forms of those ages were closely related to recent penguins at the generic level, and those that are adequately known were probably not ancestral to known post-Miocene penguins. Only in the late Pliocene of New Zealand do two species occur in the known record that are close to, and have been referred to, living genera: Pygos- celis and Aptenodytes. (On those two see Simpson 1972, and on fossil penguins in general Simpson 1975, and earlier pub- lications there cited; for a less technical discussion see also Simpson 1976.) It is curious that those two genera now live much farther south than where their known fossil species were found, although by the late Pliocene New Zealand must have been in nearly the same latitudes as now. No pre-Pleistocene fossils are known for the genera now breeding in New Zealand: Megadyptes, Eudyptes, and Eudyptula. The family Spheniscidae and order Sphenisciformes must have evolved before the late Eocene when they first appear in the record, and some, if not all, Holocene genera must have had distinguishable ancestors before the late Pliocene. As pen- guins are marine and littoral, they would seem well-suited for preservation as fossils. Nevertheless two special circumstances make the almost complete lack of ancestral or transitional se- quences explicable. First, penguins are predominantly insular. One genus each now occurs on the coasts of three continents: Africa and South America (Spheniscus), and Australia (Eu- dyptula). Only two genera (Aptenodytes and Pygoscelis) occur in continental Antarctica, where, furthermore, no appropriate fossil-bearing post-Eocene rocks are known. All six living gen- era are now much more common on islands than on continents, and twelve of the (nominally) sixteen to eighteen living species are almost or quite confined to islands when ashore anywhere. The prolific polvtypy of the group now, and even more its speciation in the past, are evidently the result of the isolation of island populations, with some subsequent dispersal. The islands on which ancestral speciation leading to later genera occurred probably no longer exist for the older part of the record, at least, and for the later part those that exist are not known to have fossiliferous rocks of appropriate ages. A sec- ond point is that all known fossil penguins are well within the geographic ranges of Recent penguins, and the whole order has probably always been almost entirely restricted to areas now in the Southern Hemisphere. But the known fossil record of birds in general in that hemisphere is exceptionally poor. It is surprising that so many, rather than so few, fossil penguins are known. Until recently penguins were usually considered particularly primitive birds. That view is evident even in the the fairly recent compendious summary by Fisher previously cited. Pen- guins are there listed in the heart of orders belonging to the earliest radiation, between the Ichthyornithiformes and the Struthioniformes. That and similar arrangements may be a not wholly conscious hangover from the speculation that pen- guins are primitively (ancestrally) flightless. In fact they are carinate and neognathous and they fly with great power, but in water rather than in air. They quite surely had ancestors Simpson: Fossil Birds and Evolution that did fly in air. The picture of avian evolution here adopted is a succession of three radiations of differing character and scope: ancient and largely or wholly palaeognathous, neog- nathous nonpasseriform, and neognathous passeriform. It is clear where penguins belong in that scheme: in the neogna- thous nonpasseriform radiation. Within that group their de- rived characters are unique in detail and association. They make the penguins among the most specialized birds. Only in some of the Alcidae (including Mancallinae), another branch of the neognathous nonpasseriform radiation, did some similar derived characters evolve (but see Olson and Hasegawa 1979; Olson this vol — Ed.). That development was clearly indepen- dent and convergent on the part of sea birds that were geo- graphic, Northern Hemisphere, vicars of the Southern Hemi- sphere penguins. NOTE The manuscript was written early in 1978. Although a few changes have been made since that time, it has not been pos- sible to update fully. LITERATURE CITED Abel, O. 1919. Die Stamme der Wirbeltiere. Verein. Wis- sensch. Verleger, Berlin and Leipzig. 914 pp. Beer, G. de. 1954a. Archaeopteryx lithographic a. A study based upon the British Museum specimen. British Mu- seum (Nat. Hist.), London. 68 pp. . 1954b. Archaeopteryx and evolution. The Advance- ment of Science, 11:160-170. Bock, W.J. 1963. The cranial evidence for ratite affinities. Proc. XIII Internat. Ornith Cong. 1:39-54. . 1969. Origin and adaptive radiation of birds. Ann. New York Acad. Sci. 169:147-155. Brodkorb, P. 1963. Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 1 (Ar- chaeoptervgiformes through Ardeiformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 7:179-293. . 1964. Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 2 (Anseriformes through Galliformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 8:195-335. . 1967. Catalogue of fossil birds Part 3 (Ralliformes, Ichthvornithiformes, Charadriiformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 11:99-220. . 1971a. Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 4 (Columbi- formes through Piciformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 15:163—266. . 1971b. Origin and evolution of birds. Pp. 19-55 in Avian Biology (Farner, D.S., and J.R. King, Eds.). Ac- ademic Press, New York and London. . 1976. Discovery of a Cretaceous bird apparently an- cestral to the orders Coraciiformes and Piciformes (Aves Carinatae). Smithsonian Contrib. Paleobiol. No. 2 7:67— 73. . 1978. Catalogue of fossil birds. Part 5 (Passeri- formes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 2 3(3): 139— 228. Dec. 15, 1978. (I had not received this publication when the present manuscript was completed.) Elzanowski, A. 1977. Skulls of Gobiopteryx (Aves) from the upper Cretaceous of Mongolia. Palaeontologia Polonica No. 37:153-165. Feduccia, A. 1979. Feathers of Archaeopteryx : asymmetric vanes indicate aerodynamic function. Science 203:1021 — 1022. (Received after this manuscript was completed.) Fisher, J. 1967. Aves. Pp. 733-762 in The Fossil Record (Harland, W.B. et ah, Eds.) Geol. Soc. London. Gingerich, P.D. 1972. A new partial mandible of Ich- thyornis. Condor 74:471-473. . 1973. Skull of Hesperornis and early evolution of birds. Nature 243:70-73. . 1976. Evolutionary significance of the Mesozoic toothed birds. Smithsonian Contrib. Paleobiol. No. 27:23- 33. Gregory, J.T. 1952. The jaws of the Cretaceous toothed birds, Ichthyornis and Hesperornis. Condor 54:73-88. Heilmann, G. 1926. The origin of birds. Witherbv, London. 208 pp. Howard, H. 1927. A review of the fossil bird Parapavo cal- ifornicus (Miller) from the Pleistocene asphalt beds of Rancho La Brea. Univ. California Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol. 17:1-30. Huxley, T.H. 1868. Remarks upon Archaeopteryx litho- graphica. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4)1:220-224. Lambrecht, K. 1933. Handbuch der Palaeornithologie. Borntraeger, Berlin. 1024 pp. Lillegraven, J.A. 1972. Ordinal and familial diversity of Cenozoic mammals. Taxon 1:261-274. Lowe, P R. 1944. Some additional remarks on the phylogeny of the Struthiones. Ibis 86:37-43. Marsh, O.C. 1872. Discovery of a remarkable fossil bird. Amer. Jour. Sci. 3:56-57. . 1877. Introduction and succession of vertebrate life in America. Proc. Amer. Soc. Advan. Sci. 1877:21 1-258. . 1880. Odontornithes: a monograph on the extinct toothed birds of North x^merica. Report of the geological exploration of the 40th parallel by Clarence King: i-xv, 1-201. Government Printing Office, Washington. (Also published as Yale University Peabody Museum Memoirs, No. 1.) Martin, L.D., and J.D. Stewart. 1977. Teeth in Ich- thyornis (Class: Aves). Science 195:133 1-1332. (Received after this manuscript was completed.) Martin, L.D., and J. Tate, Jr. 1976. The skeleton of Bap- tornis advenus (Aves: Hesperornithiformes). Smithsonian Contrib. Paleobiol. No. 27:35-66. Meyer, H. von. 1862. Archaeopteryx lithographica aus dem lithographischen Schiefer von Solenhofen. Palaeonto- graphica 10:53-56. Olson, S.L. 1980. A New Genus of Penguin-like Pelecani- form Bird from the Oligocene of Washington (Pelecani- formes: Plotopteridae). (this vol.) Olson, S.L., and Y. Hasegawa. 1979. Fossil Counterparts of Giant Penguins from the North Pacific. Science 206(44 1 9):688 — 689. Ostrom, J.H. 1972. Description of the Archaeopteryx spec- imen in the Tevler Museum, Haarlem. Proc. Konikl. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Amsterdam B75:289-305. . 1975. The origin of birds. Ann. Rev. Earth and Planetary Sci. 3:55-77. . 1976. Some hypothetical stages in the evolution of avian flight. Smithsonian Contrib. Paleobiol. No. 27:1-20. Owen, R. 1863. On the Archaeopteryx of von Meyer, with a description of the fossil remains of a long-tailed species Simpson: Fossil Birds and Evolution from the lithographic stone of Solenhofen. Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London 1 5 3 : 3 3 — 4 7 . . 1874. Monograph of the fossil reptiles of the Liassic formations II. Pterosauria. (Pterodactylus). Paleont. Soc. Monogr. 2 7 :i— vii, 1-14. Petronievics, B. 1950. Les deux oiseaux fossiles les plus anciens (Archaeopteryx et Archaeornis). An. Geol. Pen. Balkan 18:89-127. Rich, P.V. 1975. Antarctic dispersal routes, wandering con- tinents, and the origin of Australia’s non-passeriform avi- fauna. Mem. Nat. Mus. Victoria 36:63-126. Schlotheim, E.F. von. 1820. Die Petrefaktenkunde auf ihrem jetzigen Standpunkte durch die Beschreibung sei- ner Sammlung versteinerter und fossiler Ueberreste des Thier- und Pflanzenreichs der Vorwelt erlautert. Gotha. 437 pp. Simpson, G.G. 1944. Tempo and mode in evolution. Colum- bia Univ. Press, New York. 237 pp. . 1946. Fossil penguins. Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 87:1-99. . 1972. Pliocene penguins from North Canterbury, New Zealand. Rec. Canterbury Mus. 9:159-182. . 1975. Fossil penguins. Pp. 19-41 in The Biology of Penguins (B. Stonehouse, Ed.). Macmillan, London and Basingstoke. . 1976. Penguins, past and present, here and there. Yale Univ. Press, New Haven and London. 150 pp. Weinland, D.F. 1863. Der Greif von Solenhofen (Archaeop- teryx lithograpliica H. von Meyer). Zool. Gart. Frankfurt 4:118-122. Wetmore, A. 1917. The relationships of the fossil bird Pa- leochenoides miocenus. Jour. Geol. 25:555—557. Woodward, A.S. 1898. Outline of vertebrate palaeontology for students of evolution. Cambridge Univ. Press, Cam- bridge. 470 pp. PHYLOGENETIC THEORY AND METHODOLOGY IN AVIAN PALEONTOLOGY: A CRITICAL APPRAISAL By Joel Cracraft1 ABSTRACT: The thesis of this paper is that the application of the theory and method of cladistic analysis (phylogenetic systematics) will greatly improve systematic practices within avian paleontology. Specifically, cladistic analysis will (1) facilitate the formulation of more precise phylogenetic hypotheses of Recent taxa, and these in turn will clarify the array of hypotheses that must be considered when analyzing the systematic position of fossil taxa; (2) draw attention to the concept that phylogenetic rela- tionships are postulated on the basis of shared derived characters and to the realization that the mor- phology of fossil taxa will have to be studied in these terms; and (3) de-emphasize the importance of considering intermediate taxa as possible ancestors and focus attention instead on assessing their cladistic relationships. The major methodological problem in avian paleontology is the belief that relationships can be determined by some measure of overall similarity. Cladistic theory and methodology provides a solution to this problem: similarity must be partitioned into primitive and derived conditions at each hierarchical level. Consequently, there is a nested pattern of derived similarities for any set of taxa, and the primary methodological goal of systematics is the search for this pattern. There has been scant discussion about the theory and meth- od of phylogenetic analysis in avian paleontology. Avian pa- leontologists seem to operate comfortably within the concep- tual framework established by post-Darwinian vertebrate and invertebrate paleontology. In general this can be characterized by the assumption that the phylogenetic process is slow and gradual, with species being arbitrary segments of an evolu- tionary continuum. This transformational or gradualistic phi- losophy engenders the view that phylogenetic analysis is pri- marily an empirical endeavor, with fossils our only recourse to reconstructing the history of life: The morphology, physiology, zoogeography, and be- havior of living birds tempt us to deduce phylogenetic relationships, but without paleontological support such conclusions must remain hypothetical. Only the fossil re- cord will teach us, eventually, what has in fact happened. (Brodkorb 1971:20) As mentioned, the gradualistic philosophy constrains our approach to phylogenetic methodology, and manifestations of this philosophy are common in the literature of avian paleon- tology and phvlogeny. Because fossil data are often considered superior to neontological data and because it is assumed that fossils are the best evidence for discerning the geometry of phylogeny, paleontologists frequently do not attempt to ana- lyze the relationships of fossil taxa within some prior phylo- genetic hypothesis of Recent taxa. The time dimension itself is emphasized, and fossil taxa, simply because of their age, serve as the basis for speculations about morphological trans- 1 Department of Anatomy, University of Illinois at the Medical Cen- ter, P.O. Box 6998, Chicago, Illinois 60680. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:9-16. formation sequences or changes in geographical distribution; such analyses are seldom, if ever, carried out within the con- text of testing alternative phylogenetic hypotheses. Finally, the gradualistic philosophy emphasizes a search for ancestors. Unfortunately, it is doubtful whether a single case within the literature of avian paleontology approaches the problem of the identification of ancestral taxa within a testable framework. On the contrary, ancestors are specified either because they occur earlier in time and seem to possess some primitive fea- tures or because they seem to be morphologically intermediate between two or more Recent taxa. In this paper I shall outline some theoretical aspects of phylogenetic analysis that are cur- rently being discussed in the systematic literature, discuss their implications for paleontological analysis within ornithology, and apply them to a critique of some current paleontological practices in order to suggest that theorectical ideas can have a significant impact on real-world data analysis. One of my conclusions is that, if practicing paleontologists paid more at- tention to theory, their methodology would be improved sub- stantially. HYPOTHESES ABOUT PHYLOGENETIC PATTERN The Nature and Expectation of Pattern Species taxa can be hypothesized to be discrete evolutionary units in space and time if it is assumed that the period of differentiation is itself short relative to the period of species existence. The evidence for this seems relatively strong (El- dredge and Gould 1972; Gould and Eldredge 1977; Stanley 1978). Methodologically, the majority of fossil vertebrate 10 Cracraft: Phylogenetic Theory Species 1 Species 2 Species 3 a' a' ab' Figure 1. The expectation that evolutionary novelties (derived char- acters) exhibit a nested pattern can be assumed from evolutionary theory. Species 1 and 2 are hierarchically nested within a larger group (species 1 + species 2 + species 3) on the basis of sharing a derived character, a'. No other aspect of morphological comparison that is used to form nested sets of taxa seems consistent with evolutionary theory. species taxa, and certainly nearly all those of birds, can be viewed as discrete. If so, then the adoption of discrete species in phylogenetic analysis, particularly within paleornithology, would seem to be logically and empirically well-founded. A proper analysis of phylogenetic pattern is a prerequisite for all subsequent discussion about the nature of evolutionary trees. By phylogenetic pattern, I mean the nested pattern of evolutionary novelties (derived characters) exhibited by the taxa in question. Indeed, the existence of such a nested pattern might be taken as a fundamental deduction of the theory of evolution (Fig. 1). The pattern of nested evolutionary novelties for any group of taxa must be inferred as it is not subject to direct empirical investigation. Hypotheses about this pattern are termed clado- grams; this usage of cladogram need not refer specifically to a statement about evolutionary history, as will be discussed be- low. Constructing Cladistic Hypotheses The methods used to construct cladograms have been dis- cussed in considerable detail by various workers (Hennig 1966; Schaeffer et al. 1972; Cracraft 1972, 1974a; Wiley 1975; El- dredge 1979; Eldredge and Tattersall 1975; Eldredge and Cra- craft 1980; Bonde 1977; Gaffney 1979), so only the salient features will be mentioned here. Clearly, the central methodological problem of cladistic analysis is the identification of evolutionary novelties. Some paleornithologists have questioned our ability to recognize de- rived conditions by comparative analysis: I doubt that a methodology exists for actually deter- mining primitive-derived sequences in more than a hand- ful of cases in the entire class Aves. In comparisons across broad groups of birds it may be impossible to determine unequivocally which character states are primitive and which are derived. . . . (Feduccia 1976:598) But such an extreme position is clearly unjustified, for many of the defining characters of countless avian taxa, at all taxo- nomic levels, are almost certainly derived, despite the fact that previous workers have not presented extensive corroborative evidence. Within a cladistic view of phytogeny reconstruction, the issue is not whether we can “establish unequivocally” the polarity (i.e., whether primitive or derived) of observed simi- larities (Feduccia 1976:598; 1977:20), for clearly scientific anal- ysis cannot establish such issues with certainty. This is not to deny that evidence for character polarity may be difficult, or perhaps impossible, to gather in individual cases. Neverthe- less, the methods of cladistic analysis seek to establish hy- potheses about character polarity and then use these hypoth- eses to evaluate alternative phylogenetic hypotheses; these latter hypotheses, in turn, tell us something about our esti- mations of character phvlogenv. Perhaps the most critical cognitive issue in the theory of phylogeny reconstruction is the realization that monophvletic groups can be defined only by shared derived characters (svn- apomorphies). As was illustrated earlier (Fig. 1), this conclu- sion is a simple expectation of evolutionary theory. If so, then difficulties in determining polarity would seem to be beside the point, for no other type of similarity can define monophvletic taxa and be, at the same time, theoretically compatible with what we know of the evolutionary process. In cases of diffi- culty, therefore, it would appear we simply have to work harder. Three types of data traditionally have been recommended as being useful in determining polarity: ontogenetic, paleon- tological, and the comparative distribution of homologous characters. Because this discussion is primarily concerned with the analysis of fossil material, ontogenetic data will not be considered further (see Nelson 1978). Because of the importance often attached to paleontology as the final arbiter of phylogenetic questions (e.g., the quote of Brodkorb above), data from fossils traditionally have been considered important in postulating polarity sequences. Those characters occurring earlier in the stratigraphic record are thought to be primitive relative to those occurring later. That primitive characters must occur earlier in time cannot be de- nied. The relevant question is whether the observed distribu- tion of characters in the fossil record accurately parallels char- acter phylogeny. The answer is that we cannot have a priori knowledge about the degree to which this parallel exists. Rel- atively greater confidence in the parallel traditionally has ex- isted when the fossil record is dense or when the alternative characters are distributed stratigraphicallv in widely separated time intervals. But most vertebrate fossil records, and certain- ly that of birds, do not fall into the categories set by these extremes. It has been repeatedly stated in the literature that there is no theoretical reason why we should not expect derived characters to occur sometimes in earlier strata than primitive conditions: indeed, if species extinctions or survival, proba- bility of fossilization, and probability of recovery by paleon- tologists are all statistically independent of whether the species possessed a primitive or derived condition for a given feature, then this expectation must be admitted. Thus, there is no rea- son why the reverse order of discovery cannot be of fairly common occurrence. One problem with paleontological inquiry in this regard is that the fossil record is too often assumed to give us an em- pirical picture of history. The pattern of the fossil record — the distribution of taxa and characters in space and time — must be evaluated critically. Paleontological data can be used to Cracraft: Phylogenetic Theory 11 hypothesize polarity sequences, but then these hypotheses need to be evaluated by comparative “out-group” procedures. What must be avoided is axiomatic acceptance of fossil data as a true picture of character phylogeny. Without question, comparative analysis of taxa offers the best source of data for inferring character phylogeny. As men- tioned earlier, the justification for comparative analysis follows from the expectation that evolutionary novelties (derived char- acters) are nested. Thus, for a given character transformation, a condition postulated to be primitive within a group, say AB, may characterize (define) a taxonomic group (ABC) broader than, and including, group AB, which itself must be defined by a derived condition of a second character. What this means is that all postulated homologies are derived (svnapomorphous) at one level and primitive (symplesiomorphous) at all lower levels. Out-group comparison has been discussed extensively in the literature (see references cited above). Only one com- ment is necessary here: out-group comparison does not neces- sitate definitive knowledge or acceptance of a higher-level phy- logeny, because such phylogenetic hypotheses are themselves open to critical testing (Wiley 1975; Gaffney 1979). Once primitive-derived sequences are postulated, one or more phylogenetic hypotheses are usually suggested. It is rare for a single phylogenetic hypothesis to be compatible with all the polarity sequences. The problem then becomes one of eval- uating alternative cladistic hypotheses. Evaluation of Cladistic Hypotheses If a postulated synapomorphv is consistent or congruent with a proposed cladistic hypothesis, say A + B, then that synapomorphv conflicts or is incongruent with alternative hy- potheses such as A + C, B + C, A + D, B + D. . . . The goal of cladistic analysis is to find that hypothesis with the fewest conflicts, or expressed in more affirmative terms, to find that hypothesis which best accounts for the pattern of nested synapomorphv. It is necessary to minimize conflicts in svn- apomorphy because for each conflict an explanation must be found, and there seem to be only two: (1) the similarity is homologous, but not a synapomorph; therefore, it is a shared primitive similarity (a symplesiomorph), in which case it is not relevant in evaluating the alternative cladistic hypotheses at this hierarchical level, or (2) the similarity is not homologous in the first place and must be explained as a convergence. To invoke convergence as an explanation of a conflict in a given cladistic hypothesis is ad hoc for that hypothesis because we must therefore accept that the taxa sharing the similarity are not monophvletic, i.e. , we must assume some other cladistic hypothesis to be true. Thus, the choice of the cladistic hy- pothesis that minimizes conflicts in postulated convergences is simply a method of minimizing ad hoc assumptions. This discussion emphasizes the reciprocal nature of testing cladistic hypotheses and evaluating hypotheses of character phylogeny. Although character phytogenies are postulated on the basis of comparative data, their ultimate evaluation rests on the extent to which they are nested by a cladistic hypothesis. If, within a specific cladistic hypothesis, an observed character does not define a set of taxa at some hierarchical level, then that character cannot be interpreted as derived. On the other hand, within the framework of an alternative hypothesis, that character may be interpreted as derived. The major problems within ornithological systematics and paleontology with regard to phylogenetic reasoning are (1) hy- potheses of relationships are seldom precisely stated, and the taxa being analyzed are not always strictly monophyletic, or assumed to be (see Example 1 below), and (2) these hypotheses are frequently not evaluated by derived characters (see Ex- amples 1 and 2 below). More often than not, decisions about relationships are based on overall resemblance, or the char- acters used to unite groups are primitive, in which case the argument for relationships is severely weakened. Finally, it is often not appreciated that the phylogenetic position of a fossil taxon is impossible to assess without some understanding of the relationships of the Recent taxa. This, it can be suggested, is one of the primary reasons we have had difficulty in eval- uating the relationships of many fossil taxa. And this is also reflected in the attitude of considering fossils as inherently primitive or ancestral in morphology (if Recent taxa are mo- saics of primitive and derived characters, why not also fossil taxa?). That a knowledge of relationships of Recent taxa is of critical importance is elementary: a fossil is first identified as a bird, then perhaps as a nonpasserine, then as a piciform, then as an “advanced” piciform, and finally as a picid. The extent to which we do not understand the relationships of Recent taxa increases the difficulty of testing alternative hy- potheses of relationships involving fossil taxa (see Examples 1, 3, and 4 below). The Nature and Importance of Monophyletic Groups The delineation of strictly monophyletic groups (Hennig 1966) represents a central goal of systematics in reconstructing the history of life. The importance of monophyletic groups cannot be overestimated because they alone have reality in that such groups are part of the “genealogical nexus” (M. Ghi- selin’s term). In recent years it has become fashionable in some circles to speak of “minimal” monophylv or of paraphvletic groups, but such groups are classificatory constructs (artifacts of the mind if you will), have no basis in genealogy, and for this reason are to be avoided. Strictly monophyletic groups are of special concern to pa- leontologists beyond their contribution to an obvious under- standing of cladistic interrelationships. Their recognition is central to the question of constructing and evaluating hypoth- eses of ancestry and descent, a subject high in the mind of most paleontologists. HYPOTHESES ABOUT EVOLUTIONARY TREES What are Evolutionary Trees? I will begin by distinguishing the concept of evolutionary trees from that of cladograms. As was noted above, clado- grams are hypotheses about the pattern of nested synapomor- phy. Cladograms need not necessarily be interpreted as a direct expression of phylogenetic history, although certainly most systematists have a predilection to treat them as such. How- ever, cladograms can be viewed strictly in terms of the analysis of pattern, and it therefore becomes necessary to examine the 12 Cracraft: Phylogenetic Theory Figure 2. Schematic diagram showing the conceptual difference be- tween a cladogram and an evolutionary tree. In Part a is shown a cladogram of three taxa depicting the nested patterns of synapomorphv (dark rectangles). In the cladogram only synapomorphic pattern is implied. In Parts b through g are shown six evolutionary trees, each one of which reflects the pattern of the cladogram. In the tree hy- potheses decisions are made whether to postulate speciation events (symbolized by branch points) or directly ancestral taxa (elimination of branch points). possible evolutionary implications of that pattern. These im- plications are expressed in terms of evolutionary trees. Any single cladogram can have a variable number of evo- lutionary interpretations (Fig. 2). The basic question is to de- cide whether branch points are to be recognized and a specia- tion event thus hypothesized, or whether branch points are to be eliminated and an ancestral species specified. Thus, the cladogram of Figure 2a has six possible evolutionary interpre- tations (Fig. 2 b— g). In Figure 2b both branch points are re- tained and interpreted in terms of speciation events, whereas in Figures 2c-g one or both branch points are eliminated and direct ancestry and descent is specified. Note that all six evo- lutionary trees are fully consistent with the synapomorphv pat- tern of the cladogram: in all cases species A and B possess derived characters not shared with species C. Constructing and Testing Evolutionary Trees In attempting to construct evolutionary trees it is essential that a corroborated species-level cladistic hypothesis is first proposed. In constructing evolutionary trees all ancestral and descendant taxa must be of species rank; terminal taxa may be of any rank. This follows from elementary evolutionary theory: species, not supraspecific taxa, are considered the evolving units of the evolutionary process. The “evolution” of supraspecific taxa is merely the statistical summation of the evolutionary histories of the included species. Thus, genera, families, and so on cannot be designated as ancestral to any other taxon. It has been customary within paleontology to identify supraspecific ancestral taxa, but such a practice almost certainly means (1) the cladistic relationships of the included species are not properly understood, (2) the hypothesis of re- lationships is imprecisely stated, and/or (3) the supraspecific ancestral taxon is not strictly monophyletic. All of these are to be avoided if the goal is to reconstruct evolutionary history. Given a cladistic hypothesis (cladogram) for a group of taxa, what might be some of the considerations in evaluating the possible evolutionary trees (see Engelmann and Wiley 1977, and Platnick 1977 for extended discussions)? Ancestors usually have been recognized on two criteria: primitive or intermediate morphology and/or earlier stratigraphic occurrence. Such fac- tors might serve as a basis for postulating ancestor-descendant relationships such as are expressed in Figures 2c-g. How are such hypotheses to be tested? Consider, for example, the simple hypothesis for Figure 2f in which species B is postulated to be the ancestor of species A. The hypothesis implies that species B is primitive in all features relative to the condition in A. If species B possessed a unique derived character (termed an autapomorphy), we must postulate two evolutionary events to account for its dis- tribution: the evolution of the derived feature in the lineage leading to B and its subsequent loss leading to A. This hy- pothesis is less parsimonious than one postulating that the autapomorphy evolved after a speciation event producing both A and B (Fig. 2b). On this basis, then, the presence of autapo- morphies can be used to reject an ancestor-descendant hy- pothesis in favor of a hypothesis involving a speciation event. If we cannot find any autapomorphies in B, does this mean the hypothesis of Figure 2f is to be accepted? Not necessarily, because whereas the hypothesis shown in Figure 2f would ap- pear to be acceptable, so would the hypothesis in Figure 2b. In fact, it does not appear possible to accept an ancestor-de- scendant hypothesis without at the same time accepting the speciation hypothesis. Indeed, seemingly the only way to reject the latter is to reject the cladogram on which it is based (Plat- nick 1977). What this means, therefore, is that there are no theoretical grounds for preferring only an ancestor-descendant hypothesis. Stratigraphic data do not help our evaluation of evolution- ary trees as much as it might first seem. Although paleontol- ogists often rely heavily on stratigraphic data to specify an- cestral taxa, clearly the problem of ancestry and descent is first and foremost a morphological problem. If, as in Figure 2 f, we assume taxon B to be primitive morphologically and to occur earlier in the fossil record, then the hypothesis would appear to be highly acceptable. But, how do we reject the hypothesis shown in Figure 2b? Indeed, it would seem we cannot (see Example 5 below). Furthermore, if B occurred later in time than A, could we therefore reject the hypothesis shown in Figure 2f? Yes, but only if (1) we had certain knowledge of the stratigraphic ranges of A and B, and (2) we had certain knowledge that A and B both occurred only within the same stratigraphic sequence and were not geographically distributed elsewhere. But all this seems highly conjectural and would almost certainly call for ad hoc assumptions. Perhaps an important consideration of this discussion should be that paleornithologv does not deal with a dense fossil record extending over large periods of time. The theoretical and prac- tical questions posed by such a situation simply do not exist (even in paleomammalogy such occurrences are very rare). If so, then concern with identifying ancestors is perhaps a moot point. Cracraft: Phylogenetic Theory 13 THE FUTURE OF AVIAN PALEONTOLOGY The future contributions of avian paleontology in decipher- ing the evolutionary history of birds seem inescapably linked to progress in avian systematics in general. Until we have highly corroborated phylogenetic hypotheses of Recent taxa, our attempts to understand the phylogenetic significances of fossil taxa will be only partially successful (see Examples 1 and 4 below). This is a minority viewpoint within vertebrate pa- leontology in general, and paleornithology in particular. Tra- ditional opinion holds that only the discovery of more fossil material will ultimately reveal the course of avian phvlogeny (Brodkorb 1971:20). I consider this concept to be mistaken for the theoretical reasons presented above. The purpose of this paper, up to this point, has been to stress the importance of systematic theory in the methodology of avian paleontology. In the final section these theoretical ideas will be given expression in specific examples in order to demonstrate that traditional paleontological analysis has some- times led to questionable conclusions. The purpose of this sec- tion is not to refute the specific conclusions of the examples, but to point out that different theoretical approaches call for alternative hypotheses that generally have not been consid- ered. Thus, the examples were chosen not for their taxonomic interest but solely to illustrate the theoretical points raised in this paper. SOME EXAMPLES OF PALEORNITHOLOGICAL METHODOLOGY EXAMPLE 1. The phylogenetic analysis of fossil taxa: the relationships of Alexornis (Brodkorb 1976). Brodkorb (1976) recently described a new species, Alexornis antecedens, from the Upper Cretaceous of Baja California. Based on a comparison of six elements, he concludes (1976:70) that: The resemblances of Alexornis are closest to certain members of the Piciformes and Coraciiformes. Within those two orders the piciform family Bucconidae and the coraciiform family Momotidae have the most similarity to the fossil. The fossil shares certain characters with both Bucconidae and Momotidae, some with Bucconidae alone, and some with Momotidae alone; but more of its characters are unique [italics added]. After a tabulation of similarities among Alexornis, Momot- idae, and the Bucconidae, the hypotheses that Alexornis is related to the Coraciiformes, on the one hand, or to the Pici- formes, on the other, are rejected. On the basis of a “mixture” of “coraciiform” and “piciform” similarities, Brodkorb con- cludes (1976:73): “Both morphology and the temporal sequence thus suggest Alexornis as the presumptive ancestor of the or- ders Coraciiformes and Piciformes.” There are two separate questions that need to be discussed when analyzing the phylogenetic position of a fossil taxon such as Alexornis, neither of which were considered in this study. First, what are the precise cladistic relationships of the fossil taxon? Second, once the cladistic relationships have been de- termined, what can we say about the various hypotheses re- garding ancestry and descent that might be formulated? Brodkorb’s analysis of phylogenetic relationships was based entirely upon an assessment of overall similarity, and no at- tempt was made to distinguish between primitive and derived similarities. A second major problem is the attempt to postu- late relationships of a fossil taxon in the absence of a corrob- orated cladistic hypothesis for the Recent taxa. Whereas the Bucconidae are more or less primitive morphologically within the Piciformes (S. Simpson and J. Cracraft, in prep.), the Momotidae are relatively advanced within the Coraciiformes (Cracraft, in prep.; P.J.K. Burton, in prep.; David Maurer, in prep.); thus the use of these two families to characterize the two orders is questionable. Furthermore, the precise interre- lationships of coraciiform groups, the piciforms, and the pas- seriforms are as yet unsettled. Thus, any fossil such as Alex- ornis must be evaluated in light of these observations. It would seem that the phylogenetic position of this fossil is still an open question. Finally, what about the hypothesis that Alexornis is an- cestral to both Coraciiformes and Piciformes? Brodkorb him- self presents sufficient evidence to reject this hypothesis; his support for it, on the other hand, is derived from two tradi- tional paleontological arguments: apparent “intermediate” morphology and earlier stratigraphic occurrence. But Brod- korb notes that there are a minimum of 20 features “unique” to Alexornis. Assuming that these are autapomorphies of Al- exornis, then if A. antecedens is an ancestor, we must postulate at least 20 character reversals. This hypothesis is clearly less parsimonious than assuming Alexornis is the sister-taxon of some group and that these features evolved only in the Alex- ornis lineage. EXAMPLE 2. Character-analysis and the determination of relationships: the case of Protornis (Olson 1976). Olson (1976) recently restudied the lower Oligocene fossil bird, Protornis glariensis, a species known from a slab con- taining limbbones and various other elements found in Swit- zerland about 140 years ago. He makes a strong case that Protornis is related to the Todidae and Momotidae within the Coraciiformes, and then states (p. 115): The proportions of the bill and of the hindlimb and toes preclude its assignment to the Todidae. In all of its im- portant features it agrees with the Momotidae. It differs from the modern forms of the family mainly in the shorter mandibular symphysis and the higher, more expanded sternocoracoidal process of the coracoid. Protornis gla- riensis should, therefore, be assigned to the family Mo- motidae. Olson concludes (p. 188) from this that “. . . the existence of Protornis in the lower Oligocene of Switzerland now pro- vides evidence that the family Momotidae, presently confined to the New World, actually had its origins in the Old World.” Although he may be entirely correct in his phylogenetic as- sessment and zoogeographic conclusions, Olson’s own data and analysis permit an alternative hypothesis. As mentioned, Olson presents evidence that Protornis, the Todidae, and the Momotidae shared a common ancestor, and the latter two fam- ilies have been considered sister-groups within the Coraci- iformes by previous workers. An alternative hypothesis to be considered is a sister-group relationship between Protornis on the one hand and Todidae + Momotidae on the other. This hypothesis certainly would make more sense zoogeographicallv 14 Cracraft: Phylogenetic Theory by restricting the todid-momotid lineage to the New World. On the basis of the present evidence this hypothesis cannot be rejected for it has not been shown that Protornis actually shares one or more derived characters with the Momotidae. It would seem that the absence of a primitive-derived char- acter analysis prevents a more specific statement about the relationships of Protornis. EXAMPLE 3. The logic of evaluating phylogenetic hypothe- ses: Gingerich (1976) on palaeognath phvlogenv. A number of workers have argued for the monophvly of the ratite birds and tinamous (palaeognaths) by suggesting that some shared characters, including the palaeognathous palate, rhamphothecal structure, and enlarged ilioischiatic fenestra, are derived or unique to these birds (Bock 1963; Parkes and Clark 1966; Cracraft 1974b). Gingerich (1976:31-32) presents two opposing arguments: (1) the three similarities are in fact not derived to the ratites but are primitive, and that therefore (2) “it is possible, even probable, that the groups of living ratites and the tinamous are paraphyletic” (1976:32). The discussion here is not concerned with the evidence Gin- gerich raises against the hypotheses about character polarity proposed by previous workers. After all, it is important to examine and criticize such hypotheses. But it is one thing to argue that the hypothesized derived characters of a group are primitive and quite another to conclude that the group is not therefore monophyletic. The second argument does not follow necessarily from the first and to link them confuses two sep- arate aspects of phylogenetic analysis: on the one hand, the acceptance of a hypothesis of svnapomorphy and its use in defining monophyletic groups, and on the other, the preference of one phylogenetic hypothesis over another. If the three shared similarities discussed by Gingerich are primitive, then he is correct in stating that evidence for rat- ite-tinamou monophvly remains to be discovered. Neverthe- less, this does not mean we must reject that hypothesis of monophylv, because preference for, or rejection of, any par- ticular phylogenetic hypothesis is dependent upon its status relative to alternative hypotheses. Thus, without undermining the importance of an evaluation of character polarity, the ul- timate criticism of a phylogenetic hypothesis is the presentation of evidence that one or more of the taxa are more closely related to other taxa of birds: in effect to argue preference for an alternative hypothesis based on shared derived characters. As far as the tinamous or ratite taxa are concerned, no alter- native hypotheses were proposed by Gingerich nor are any given strong support in the literature. This bring us back to a consideration of the three observed similarities said by Gingerich to be primitive. If they are prim- itive within tinamous and ratites, this implies they are svn- apomorphous (derived) at some higher taxonomic level, per- haps to birds as a whole or to birds + some reptilian taxon. Indeed, Gingerich attempts to suggest this, but an identifica- tion of the taxonomic level is not made explicit (in fact, no argument is presented against the peculiar rhamphotheca being derived). Nor was it suggested that the large number of postulated derived characters interrelating the ratites them- selves (Cracraft 1974b) are also primitive or convergent, which logically would be the case if the ratites are not related to one another. Thus, Gingerich’s criticism of palaeognath monophylv, while well-intentioned with respect to examining the validity of some of the postulated polarity sequences, is theoretically in error with regard to using those sequences to evaluate al- ternative phylogenetic hypotheses. EXAMPLE 4. The analysis of “intermediate” fossils: the case of Presbyornis (Feduccia 1976, 1977, 1978). The search for “missing links” has been a relentless preoc- cupation of paleontology for over a century. Darwin (1859:280) set the tone for paleontological methodology: “I have found it difficult, when looking at any two species, to avoid picturing to myself, forms directly intermediate between them” (italics in original]. So it has been that paleontologists have sought to find fossil intermediates between Recent taxa, for it is com- monly thought that only by such discoveries can the distant connections of phylogenetic history be discerned. However, Darwin saw a problem to the search for intermediates between Recent taxa, and he followed the above statement with the observation: “But this is a wholly false view; we should always look for forms intermediate between each species and a com- mon but unknown progenitor. ...” Despite Darwin’s exhortation, the temptation to seek inter- mediate fossils has remained high, and has found some expres- sion in several recent studies of fossil birds. Perhaps the most publicized such fossil is Presbyornis, a genus containing sev- eral species known from the Eocene of western North America and possibly the Eocene of South America. The importance of this fossil is stated explicitly by Feduccia (1978:300): Although almost all the vertebrate groups are replete with so-called ‘missing links’ that have added greatly in elucidating their phytogenies, Presbyornis represents the first known avian fossil to form a link between a number of major living orders of birds. Presbyornis is an evolu- tionary mosaic, combining a strange montage of morpho- logical characteristics of shorebirds, modern ducks and allies, and modern flamingos. The arguments and empirical support for regarding Pres- byornis to be intermediate between shorebirds, ducks, and flamingos are extremely complex. In essence, Presbyornis is said to have a cranium very similar to that of a duck and the postcranial skeleton of a recurvirostrid shorebird and flamin- go. Postcranial material of Presbyornis is abundant and as- sociated in the same matrix, but little, if any, of it is directly articulated. Consequently, an incontrovertible argument for the conspecificity of the cranial and postcranial material has not been presented at this time. It is not the purpose of this example to discuss the morpho- logical evidence relating to Feduccia’s claim of intermediacy. Rather, I wish to cite some difficulties with his argumentation that illustrate potential problems in the phylogenetic analysis of fossils, in particular the interpretation that certain fossils may be intermediate in character. The major problem presented by the example of Presbyornis is our lack of understanding of the phylogenetic relationships among Recent taxa. Nevertheless, our present conceptions about these interrelationships define an array of hypotheses not considered by Feduccia. Three major criticisms can be made. First, Feduccia implies (1976:600) that recurvirostrids (avo- cets, stilts) are the sister-group of other “shorebirds,” but this is almost certainly not true; moreover, non-shorebird charad- riiforms are excluded from his argument. Recurvirostrids have Cracraft: Phylogenetic Theory 15 often been thought to be among the more advanced charad- riiforms, and certainly their skeletal anatomy has not been considered primitive within the order. If so, this creates a devastating difficulty for Feduccia’s hypothesis, because the argument for intermediacy depends upon showing that the similarities of Presbyornis and charadriiforms are primitive, not advanced. Thus, the acceptance of at least the outlines of a phylogeny of the Charadriiformes becomes essential, and what we think is understood about that is not favorable to Feduccia’s hypothesis. Virtually all previous workers, for ex- ample, Lowe (1923) and Stresemann (1927-34), have believed the shorebirds (i. e. , recurvirostrids, scolopacids, charadriids) to be among the more advanced charadriiforms. Second, Feduccia’s argument in support of a link between Presbyornis and flamingos borders on the circular in that some of his conclusions seem imbedded or implied in his premises. The conclusion of interest here is that flamingos are not at all closely related to ciconiiform birds, as has been thought by many previous workers. He argues that Presbyornis is similar to flamingos and recurvirostrids but not to ciconiiforms. His unstated premise is that because there is no perceived similar- ity between Presbyornis and ciconiiforms, the latter cannot have a relationship to flamingos. Presbyornis essentially be- comes the arbiter of relationships among these Recent taxa before the relationships of the fossil are fully assessed. Any argument for intermediacy must treat the problem of a ciconi- iform-flamingo relationship more rigorously, principally by showing that ciconiiforms are more closely related to some other taxon. Third, the hypothesis of a link between Presbyornis and anatids is weakened, it would appear, by Feduccia’s exclusion from his argument of the anseriform family Anhimidae and of the order Galliformes. Few, if any, modern workers have se- riously doubted a sister-group relationship between anatids and anhimids. The latter family is generally considered to be primitive in most of its features relative to the anatids, partic- ularly in cranial characteristics. The purported skull of Pres- byornis is compared to an advanced condition within the an- seriforms and not one that is primitive, a line of argumentation counter to the concept of intermediacy. Furthermore, many previous systematists such as Beddard (1898), Simonetta (1963), and Prager and Wilson (1976) have called attention to a possible close relationship of the anseriforms and galliforms. Thus, any argument for a link between Presbyornis and an- atids must also be presented in the context of an analysis of these previous hypotheses. The point of this example is to indicate the complexity of arguments that are involved with any hypothesis linking Re- cent taxa with fossils. Most of this complexity, if not all of it, relates to evaluating the interrelationships of Recent taxa be- fore assessing the phylogenetic affinities of fossils. If fossil taxa are to have significance as intermediate links, then they must share some of the primitive features of the taxa being linked. This does not seem to be the case with Presbyornis, and given present evidence it is difficult to assign the material of Pres- byornis to the charadriiforms, Anatidae, or the Phoenicopter- idae. Certainly, the assertion that Presbyornis is an important link between modern groups of birds is in need of reevaluation. EXAMPLE 5. The identification of ancestors: the case of Lim- nofregata azygosternon (Olson 1977). In an excellent descriptive systematic paper Olson (1977) described a nearly complete skeleton of a frigatebird-like species from the early Eocene of Wyoming. The species is similar to frigatebirds in many respects but also shares some features with Phaethon and Sula. Following a detailed com- parative analysis Olson concluded (1977:31): There is nothing that I can detect in the skeleton of Limnofregata that precludes its being directly ancestral to Fregata. The fact that by the early Eocene it was already markedly specialized along much the same lines as the modern genus renders this possibility plausible. Olson’s argument for a direct ancestry by L. azygosternon is one of the better examples of such a claim to be found in the paleornithological literature. He specifically points out that most of the features shared between L. azygosternon and other pelecaniforms are probably primitive, whereas those shared with Fregata seem derived solely to that lineage. Whether L azygosternon has any unique features all its own is uncertain, but Olson seems not to have found any for none are specifically mentioned. The hypothesis that L. azygosternon is the direct ancestor of the modern genus Fregata would not seem to be capable of rejection based on any evidence presented by Olson. On the other hand, for the theoretical reasons presented above, nei- ther can the hypothesis thatL. azygosternon and Fregata share a sister-group relationship be rejected. It is just as “plausible” as the hypothesis of direct ancestry, and reasons are not pre- sented by Olson for preferring the latter. In this case Olson’s decision to invoke direct ancestry is not significantly mislead- ing because the relationship between the fossil and Recent taxa seems to be properly analyzed. CONCLUSIONS Very little attention has been paid within avian paleontology to problems of systematic theory and methodology. The prac- tices of avian paleontologists are frequently empirical in ap- proach and are governed by assumptions that fossils are in- trinsically important in matters of phylogenetic inference, character phylogeny, or the analysis of intermediate taxa. However, an alternative perspective is possible, one that does not eliminate the importance of fossil taxa but integrates them into a testable method of phylogenetic inference focused primarily on Recent taxa. This alternative is cladistic analysis (phylogenetic systematics). Monophyletic groups, whether fos- sil, Recent, or a mixture of both, are defined in terms of shared derived characters (synapomorphv). From an analysis of nest- ed synapomorphv patterns, cladistic hypotheses (cladograms) are formulated. These hypotheses in turn can be used to eval- uate hypotheses about evolutionary history (trees). It can be shown that the application of cladistic theory to paleontological practice increases the precision of phylogenetic research. This precision is manifested particularly in discus- sions about the phylogenetic relationships of fossil and Recent taxa, the analysis of morphologically intermediate fossil taxa, and the postulation of ancestral species level taxa. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank Bruce Manion, Robert Raikow, and Sharon Simp- son for their comments on the manuscript. I am also grateful to the National Science Foundation, through grant DEB 76- 16 Cracraft: Phylogenetic Theory 09661, for their support of the research leading to this paper. I thank E. Penny Pounder for executing the figures. LITERATURE CITED Beddard, F.E. 1898. The structure and classification of birds. 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Cinesi e morfologia del cranio ncgli uccelli non passeriformi Studio su varie tendenze evolu- tive. Parte 1. Arch Zool. Ital. 48:53-135. Stanley, S.M. 1978. Chronospecies’ longevities, the origin of genera and the punctuational model of evolution. Pa- leobiology 4(l):26-40. Stresemann, E. 1927-1934. Aves in Handbuch der Zool- ogie, Vol. 7, No. 2 (W. Kiikenthal and Th. Krumbach, Eds.). W. de Gruvter, Berlin. Wiley, E.O. 1975. Karl R. Popper, systematics, and clas- sification: a reply to Walter Bock and other evolutionary taxonomists. Syst. Zool. 24:233-242. THE ARCHAEOTROGONIDAE OF THE EOCENE AND OLIGOCENE PHOSPHORITES DU QUERCY (FRANCE)1 By Cecile Mourer-Chauvire2 ABSTRACT: The genus Archaeotrogon Milne-Edwards was described in the last century from the fossiliferous deposits of “Phosphorites du Quercy.” New excavations carried out at these sites have resulted in additional avian specimens that we have been able to assign to the three previously described species of Archaeotrogon. The temporal distribution of these species is discussed, and a new species is described. The species of Archaeotrogon do not have the heterodactyl structure of the foot characteristic of modern trogons, although this structure had already been acquired in some contemporaneous forms. It appears that archaeotrogons constituted a distinct family, the Archaeotrogonidae, that evolved parallel with the family Trogonidae, or true trogons. RESUME: Le genre Archaeotrogon Milne-Edwards a ete decrit au siecle dernier dans les gisements des Phosphorites du Quercy. De nouvelles fouilles effectuees dans ces gisements ont permis de retrouver les trois especes precedemment signalees et de leur attribuer un certain nombre d’elements du squelette. Leur position chronologique a pu etre precisee et une nouvelle espece a ete decrite. Les Archaeotrogon ne presentent pas la structure du pied heterodactvle caracteristique des trogons actuels bien que cette structure soit deja acquise chez des formes fossiles du meme age. On peut done penser que les Archaeotrogon constituent une famille differente ayant evolue parallelement a celle des Trogonidae ou vrais trogons. The “Phosphorites du Quercy” are deposits that filled sink- holes in the karst topography of the departments of Tarn-et- Garonne, Lot, and Aveyron, to the southwest of the central French massif. These deposits were very actively exploited for the extraction of calcium phosphate between approximately 1870 and 1880. During the course of mining, many specimens of fossil vertebrates, as well as molluscs and insects, were discovered in these localized deposits. The first discoveries of bird bones were announced by Lydekker (1891), followed by Milne-Edwards (1892). The birds of the Phosphorites du Quer- cy were thereafter the subject of an important work by Gail- lard (1908). But the bones of the early collections did not bear precise data as to which sinkhole they were collected from, and the phosphorite deposits at Quercy include faunas that extend from the Upper Bartonian (Robiac’s mammal zone) all the way to the Upper Stampian (Boningen’s mammal zone). New work was undertaken at Quercy by the group RCP 311 (Recherche cooperative sur programme 311) of the CNRS (Centre national de la Recherche scientifique), composed of researchers from the universities of Montpellier, Paris VI, and Lyon I. In the course of this recent work, the beds were ex- cavated separately and each was well dated by means of its mammalian fauna (Crochet et al. 1972; de Bonis et al. 1973; 1 Translated by Antonia Tejada-Flores. 2 Centre de Paleontologie stratigraphique et Paleoecologie de l’Universite Claude Bernard, associe au CNRS (LA 11), 27-43 Bou- levard du 11 Novembre, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:17-31. Hartenberger 1973; Cavaille et al. 1974; Hartenberger et al. 1974; Sige 1974, 1976; Vianey-Liaud 1976; Sudre 1977; Cro- chet 1978). I had undertaken the revision of the avifaunas of Quercy, and for that reason I was able to collect together the older documents kept in the collections of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, the Natural History Museum and the Department of Earth Sciences of Lyon, and the University of Utrecht, as well as the newer documents amassed by the researchers of the University of Montpellier and the University of Paris VI. The living trogons belong to a single family, the Trogonidae, a group of eight genera. Five of these live in Central America, South America, and the Antilles; two in tropical Africa, and one in southeast Asia (Peters 1945); see Figure 1. Trogons appear to have been a constant element of the paleoavifauna of Europe, ever since they were first described by Milne-Ed- wards (1867-1871) from the lower Miocene (Aquitanian) de- posits of the department of Allier under the name of Trogon gallicns. (The generic name of this fossil form was later changed to Paratrogon by Lambrecht (1933).) Milne-Edwards (1892) subsequently discovered the presence of trogons in the Phosphorites du Quercy and created for these forms the genus Archaeotrogon. The new excavations at Quercy have shown that the trogons are often the most abundant elements in the avifauna, particularly in those beds that date from the upper Oligocene, such as Pech Desse, and above all, Pech du Fraysse. Futhermore, Olson (1976) has shown that one of the 18 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae birds found in the “Glarner Fischschiefer” in Switzerland (see Fig. 1), and known as Protornis glaronensis von Meyer 1884, possessed the heterodactyl foot structure characteristic of the living trogons. Therefore, that specimen should be considered to be a member of the Trogonidae, even though the holotype of the species should be placed among the Momotidae; Peyer (1957) believed this species to be a member of the Alcedinidae. The age of the “Glarner Fischschiefer” is believed to be lower Oligocene (Sannoisian) because of the fish fossils found there. In addition to extinct forms of the European Tertiary, two living species of trogonids have been found as fossils in Pleis- tocene deposits: Trogon surrucura Vieillot in Brazil and Tem- notrogon roseigaster (Vieillot) in the Dominican Republic (Brodkorb 1971). SYSTEMATICS Order Alcediniformes Feduccia 1977 Superfamily Trogonoidea Feduccia 1977 Archaeotrogonidae new family TYPE GENUS: Archaeotrogon Milne-Edwards 1892 DIAGNOSIS: Trogons, that differ from all species of the family Trogonidae by lacking the heterodactyl foot character- istic of that family. TEMPORAL AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Upper Eocene to lower Oligocene. Phosphorites du Quercy, France. REMARKS: The family Archaeotrogonidae contains only the type genus. Although the archaeotrogons were character- ized by the primitive structure of their tarsometatarsus, i.e., the lack of heterodactylv, in deposits of the same age as those at Quercy there existed a trogon whose foot already had a heterodactyl structure. One may therefore consider the forms of Quercy as a line parallel to that of the true trogons, which belong to the family Trogonidae. The Trogonidae contains the fossil bird from the Glarner Fischschiefer (Olson 1976), the extinct genus Paratrogon, as well as the living genera ( Phar - omachrus, Euplilotis, Priotelus, Temnotrogon, Trogon, Apa- loderma, Heterotrogon, and Harpactes). Genus Archaeotrogon Milne-Edwards 1892 TYPE SPECIES: Archaeotrogon venustus Milne-Edwards 1892 DESCRIPTION: Archaeotrogon has been described pri- marily on the basis of its humerus, and humeri are very abundant in the older collections. In addition to the humeri, Lydekker (1891) referred some coracoids (not figured) and Milne-Edwards (1892) some carpometacarpi (not figured) to the genus. Gaillard (1908) described and figured a tarsometa- tarsus that he attributed to the species A. cayluxensis. In cer- tain sites at Quercy, specimens of Archaeotrogon are very nu- merous and represent more than half of the bird bones found in these beds. It is logical to assume that, if the most common humerus belongs to the genus Archaeotrogon, then the most common ulna, the most common carpometacarpus, the most common coracoid, etc., should likewise belong to that genus. I have therefore attributed to that genus a certain number of skeletal elements collected from all the sites where the humerus of Archaeotrogon was found, but it is also true that these elements show analogies with the corresponding bones of liv- ing trogons. I must point out that I have never found articu- lated bones in the Phosphorites du Quercy. This is probably due in part to the way the fossiliferous cavities were filled, and is partly a result of the methods of excavation, which included washing and screening techniques. There cannot, therefore, be an absolute certainty that the bones attributed to Archaeo- trogon truly belong to that genus, but there is a strong prob- ability that they do. Comparison with Living Trogonidae. At the Natural History Museum of Leiden I was able to study skeletons be- longing to the genera Harpactes, Trogon, Pharomachrus, and Prioteles. The genus Archaeotrogon, when compared with the Trogonidae, shows the following similarities and differences (characters of the Trogonidae in parentheses). Humerus. Similarities: (1) same general form; (2) head en- larged and flattened; (3) internal trochanter very prominent; (4) tricipital fossa large; (5) pectoral crest lengthened; (6) distal extremity transversely widened; (7) tricipital grooves forming a large depression. Differences: (1) proximal end very wide transversely (prox- imal end less wide transversely); (2) head rather flattened (head more swollen); (3) internal trochanter more strongly bent back- wards and downwards; (4) no pneumatic orifice in the sub- trochanteric fossa (pneumatic orifices in the sub-trochanteric fossa); (5) tricipital fossa larger; (6) ligamental groove very long (ligamental groove rather short); (7) section of shaft flattened (corresponding section of shaft more circular); (8) impression of M. brachialis anticus long and shallow (impression of M. brachialis anticus more circular and sharply marked); (9) radial condyle rather long and narrow in the center (radial condyle much more rounded); (10) epitrochlea and epitrochlear promi- nence little developed (epitrochlea and epitrochlear promi- nence more developed and prominent on the internal side); (11) tricipital grooves very large and deep (tricipital grooves wide but not very deep); (12) external tricipital groove sharply marked and bordered by two raised crests (external tricipital groove less marked); (13) epicondyle well developed (epicondyle not very developed). Ulna. Similarities: (1) general shape very similar; (2) same positioning of internal and external glenoid facets; (3) promi- nence for anterior articular ligament well marked; (4) shaft circular; (5) same general shape of distal end. Differences: (1) proportionately shorter and more curved (longer and less curved); (2) glenoid surfaces oriented obliquely to long axis of bone (glenoid surfaces oriented almost parallel to long axis of bone). Radius. Differences: (1) general form rectilinear (general form curved at distal end); (2) distal end spatulate, practically symmetrical to long axis of bone (distal end assymmetric). Carpometacarpus. Similarity: Short and wide in both groups. Differences: (1) radial apophysis forms a spur comparable to that seen in Hoplopterus spinosus, the Spurwing Plover; this radial apophysis was noted by Milne-Edwards (1892) (no spur in the genera Harpactes, Trogon, Pharomachrus, and Pri- oteles); (2) metacarpal III lies almost parallel to metacarpal II (metacarpal II at a very oblique angle to metacarpal III; the gap between the metacarpals is very wide at the distal end, and the distal end is very wide); (3) internal digital facet lies in the same plane as the external digital facet (internal digital facet lies at a different level than external digital facet). Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae 19 Figure 1. Geographic distribution of living trogons (hatching) and fossil trogons: (*) Archaeotrogon, Eocene and Oligocene, Phosphorites du Quercy, France; (*) Paratrogon, Miocene of 1’Allier, France; A Trogonidae, Oligocene, Glarner Fischschiefer, Switzerland. Coracoid. Similarities: (1) same general shape of the head, glenoid facet, and scapular facet; (2) no sub-clavicular fora- men; (3) distal end large and paddle-shaped; (4) sternal facet almost perpendicular to the long axis of the bone. Differences: (1) proportionately slightly shorter and more massive (proportionately longer and more slender); (2) sub-cla- vicular apophysis usually broken at the extremity, but rather wide at its origin (sub-clavicular apophysis narrow); (3) sternal facet short and strongly curved (sternal facet longer and not very curved); (4) hvosternal apophysis weakly developed on the external side and barely present on the internal side (hyos- ternal apophysis very well developed both externally and in- ternally); (5) strongly marked groove for the ligament of the sterno-coracoidal muscle on the upper surface of the bone (very shallow groove for the sterno-coracoidal muscle). Femur. Similarity: General shape very similar. Differences: (1) proximal end rather flattened (proximal end more swollen); (2) no pneumatic orifice under the trochanter (pneumatic orifice present in the genus Trogon, but not in Har- pactes)\ (3) fossa present below the articulation on the posterior side (no fossa present below the articulation on the posterior side); (4) shaft slender (shaft heavy in the genus Trogon , but slender in Harpactes)\ (5) distal end flattened (distal end more swollen). Tibiotarsus. Similarities: (1) relatively short in both groups; (2) proximal articulation perpendicular to the long axis of the bone; (3) tibial crests poorly developed; (4) supratendinal bridge lies on the internal side of the bone; (5) shallow groove for the extensor muscle of the digits. Differences: (1) shaft relatively slender and slightly widened toward the distal end (shaft heavier and widens toward the distal end); (2) external rugosity of oblique ligament well de- veloped (external rugosity of oblique ligament poorly devel- oped). Tarsometatarsus. Similarity: Same general proportions as compared to the femur and tibiotarsus. Differences: (1) internal trochlea turned slightly backward; digit I points backwards, digits II, III, and IV forwards (in- ternal trochlea turned completely toward the rear; digits I and II point backwards, digits III and IV forwards); (2) hypotarsus with a channel pointing externally between two subequal cal- caneal ridges (hypotarsus with a very strong median ridge (ridge 1) and two canals situated externally to that median ridge (see Fig. 2); (3) two very evident superior foramina, the 20 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae Figure 2. Diagram showing the position of the calcaneal ridges of the hvpotarsus in the genus Archaeotrogon (A) and in the living genus Trogon (B). Right tarsometatarsus, proximal views. internal foramen larger than the external foramen (two hardly noticeable superior foramina of equal size); (4) inferior foramen wide and in a deep groove, foramen lies clearly proximal to the trochleae (inferior foramen very small and in a shallow groove; foramen very close to trochleae); (5) shaft flattened anteropos- teriorlv (shaft rather flattened mediolaterally); (6) internal co- tvla prominent and sharply defined (internal cotvla weak); (7) metatarsal facet well marked (metatarsal facet poorly marked). It is the tarsometatarsus that shows the greatest contrast between the Archaeotrogonidae and the Trogonidae. Archaeo- trogon does not have the heterodactyl foot characteristic of the living trogons and unique among all the birds. Comparison with the Genus Paratrogon Lambrecht 1933. This genus contains the single species Paratrogon galli- cus Milne-Edwards 1871, described from the Aquitanian de- posits of Allier, and is known only from two humeri (Milne- Edwards 1867-1871:395-396, pi. 177, figs. 18-22). The genus Archaeotrogon is noticeably different from Par- atrogon, and contrary to the opinion of Lambrecht (1933), I believe that Paratrogon is closer to the living trogons than to Archaeotrogon and should therefore be placed in the family Trogonidae. When comparing the humerus of Archaeotrogon to that of Paratrogon one finds almost the same differences as noted between the humeri of Archaeotrogon and the living Trogonidae. The characters of the humerus are shown in Ta- ble 1. Comparison with the Coraciiformes and the Capri- mulgiformes. Feduccia (1977) has shown that the shape of the stapes, the middle ear ossicle in birds, can be used to show phylogenetic relationships. The trogonid stapes has a bulbous and hollow basal part with a large orifice on the posterior side, and a stapedial process arising from the edge of the basal part. This morphology is very different from the primitive mor- phology of the stapes, which is that of a flat discoidal plate with the stapedial process arising from its center. The trogon morphology of the stapes is found in four avian families pre- viously assigned to the order Coraciiformes: Meropidae (bee- eaters), Alcedinidae (kingfishers), Momotidae (motmots), and Todidae (todys). According to Feduccia (1977:21), this simi- larity “argues strongly for monophyly of the trogons and bee- eaters/kingfisher/motmot/tody assemblage.” The earlier clas- sification has therefore been modified, and the four families mentioned above have been removed from the Coraciiformes and joined with the Trogonidae in the new order Alcedini- formes. It would be interesting to know if the osteology of the primitive trogonids can support this relationship. I was unable to compare Archaeotrogon with the Momotidae or the Todidae, which are restricted to the tropical zones of Central America and the Antilles, but I did make the com- parison with the Meropidae and the Alcedinidae. There are similarities in the bones of the hindlimb of the latter two fam- ilies and those of Archaeotrogon, but there are very great dif- ferences in the shape of the humerus. In Merops, the proximal end of the humerus is not trans- versely widened, there is no tricipital fossa, the internal tro- chanter is low, the pectoral crest is short, the distal end is not very wide transversely and sits obliquely to the long axis of the shaft, the epitrochlea is very prominent toward the base, and the tricipital grooves do not occupy a deep and wide depression. In the genera Alcedo and Dacelo, the head of the humerus is globular, the internal trochanter weakly developed, the sub- trochanteric fossa very small, the pectoral crest very short, and the distal end is very different from that of Archaeotrogon . On the other hand, there is a certain similarity between the humeri of Archaeotrogon and the living Caprimulgiformes ( Caprimulgus and Chordeiles). This resemblance is particularly strong in the new species of Archaeotrogon, which has a crest obliquely crossing the tricipital fossa (see Figs. 4t-w, 10) as in the genus Caprimulgus. There are likewise other characters in common in both the humerus and other bones of the skeleton. The ancestral forms of the Caprimulgiformes are unknown, since the Aegialornithidae of the Eocene and Oligocene that have previously been placed in this order (Brodkorb 1971; Collins 1976) should actually belong to the Apodiformes (Har- rison 1975; Mourer-Chauvire 1978). One may therefore spec- ulate as to the possibility of Archaeotrogon being related to the Caprimulgiformes. Archaeotrogon venustus Milne-Edwards 1892 Figure 3 1891 Genus b Lydekker, p. 78, fig. 3 1892 Archaeotrogon venustus Milne-Edwards, p. 5-7 1908 Archaeotrogon venustus Milne-Edwards, Gaillard, p. 66-67, fig. 14, pi. 3, figs. 20-23 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae 21 Table 1. Morphological characters of the humerus of Archaeotrogon, Paratrogon, and the living Trogonidae. Characters of the Humerus Archaeotrogon Paratrogon Living Trogons Proximal end Very large and very recurved medially Not large, slightly recurved medially Not large, slightly recurved medially Tricipital fossa Large and usually shallow Narrower Narrower Bicipital surface Very wide transversely Less wide transversely Less wide transversely Ligamental groove Very long Not very long Not very long Head of humerus Rather flattened More swollen More swollen Sub-trochanteric fossa Without pneumatic orifices Apparently without pneumatic orifices Pneumatic orifices present Impression of M. brachialis anticus Long and shallow More circular and deep More circular and deep Radial condyle Lengthened and narrowed in the center More globular More globular Epitrochlea Poorly developed Strongly developed Strongly developed Olecranal fossa Very deep Apparently rather deep Rather shallow Tricipital groove Well marked externally and bordered by two prominent ridges Weakly marked externally Weakly marked externally and bordered by a ridge 1933 Archaeotrogon venustus Milne-Edwards, Lambrecht, p. 625 1971 Archaeotrogon venustus Milne-Edwards, Brodkorb, p. 247 1971 Archaeotrogon venustus Milne-Edwards, Crochet, p. 316 MATERIAL: Early collections without provenance: com- plete left humeri, QU 15797, QU 15799, QU 15805; incomplete left humeri, QU 15802, QU 15785; complete right humeri, QU 15781, QU 15782; incomplete right humerus, QU 15804; in- complete left carpometacarpi, QU 15917, QU 15939; complete right carpometacarpus, QU 15882; incomplete right carpo- metacarpi, QU 15915, QU 15918, QU 15940 (Museum of Paris). Incomplete right humerus, PQ 987; incomplete left hu- merus, PQ 991 (Museum of Lyon). Two left humeri and one right humerus almost complete (Department of Earth Sciences, Lyon). Deposits of Pech du Fraysse: left humeri more or less com- plete, PFR 577, 578, 11034, 11147, 11186; proximal left hu- meri, PFR 11018, 11031, 11142, 11164, 11112, 11196; distal left humeri, PFR 580, 5105, 5109, 11040, 11188, 11187, 11055, 11056, 11123, 11155, 11062, 11160, 11201, 11116, 11117, 11229, 11230, 11231; shafts of left humeri, PFR 11042, 11191, 11093; right humeri more or less complete, PFR 5106, 5108, 11022, 11195; proximal right humeri, PFR 581, 9545, 1 1070, 11071, 11080, 11081, 11102, 11121, 11180, 11232, 11233, 11234; distal right humeri, PFR 579, 582, 583, 5107, 7218, 9802, 11029, 11033, 11045, 11046, 11051, 11061, 11066, 11080, 11108, 11149, 11150, 11157, 11189, 11190, 11191, 11192, 11194, 11197; shaft of right humerus, PFR 11063; left coracoids more or less complete, PFR 5 1 12, 5113, 8583, 1 1058, 11083, 11084, 11085, 11100, 11109, 11124, 11161, 11235; proximal left coracoids, PFR 585, 7050, 11129, 11236; distal left coracoids, PFR 11237, 1 1238; right coracoids more or less complete, PFR 5111, 11076, 11088, 11095, 11133, 11162, 1 1166, 1 1168, 11172, 1 1205; proximal right coracoids, PFR 584, 8359, 11239; distal right coracoids, PFR 7465, 1 1126, 11174, 11251, 11240, 11241; left ulnae more or less complete, PFR 3998, 11047; proximal left ulnae, PFR 11098, 11111, 11125, 11204; distal left ulnae, PFR 5118, 9409, 11075, 11130, 11200, 11213; right ulnae more or less complete, PFR 11043, 11136, 1 1 15 1; proximal right ulnae, PFR 8358, 11110, 11114, 11169, 11198, 11212; distal right ulnae, PFR 593, 594, 3999, 8360, 11068, 11170, 11208, 11242; left carpometacarpi more or less complete, PFR 576, 5110, 11073, 11074, 11167, 11216; proximal left carpometacarpi, PFR 7560, 1 1243, 1 1244, 1 1245, 11246, 11247; distal left carpometacarpi, PFR 586, 587, 7222, 11248, 1 1249; right carpometacarpi more or less complete, PFR 574, 575, 9546, 11086, 11089, 11090, 11115; proximal right carpometacarpi, PFR 1 1099, 11 127, 1 1 128, 11202, 11250, 11251, 1 1 2 5 2 ; distal right carpometacarpi, PFR 1 1105, 1 1253; proximal scapulae, PFR 11103, 1 1254, 1 1255, 11256, 1 1257; distal radii, PFR 11258, 11259, 11260, 1 1261, 1 1262, 11263; left femora more or less complete, PFR 11082, 11105; proximal left femur, PFR 1 1107; distal left femur, PFR 11264; right femora more or less complete, PFR 11060, 11113; prox- imal right femur, PFR 11265; distal right femora, PFR 11211, 11214, 11266; proximal left tibiotarsus, PFR 11131; distal left tibiotarsus, PFR 11267; almost complete right tibiotarsus, PFR 11203; distal right tibiotarsi, PFR 11096, 11132, 11268; almost complete left tarsometatarsi, PFR 11091, 11 175, 11269; distal left tarsometatarsi, PFR 11270, 11271, 1 1272, 11273; distal right tarsometatarsi, PFR 11274, 11275, 11276, 11277 (Museum of Paris). Deposits of Escamps A: proximal scapula. Deposits of Itardies: distal left humerus ITD 548; distal right humeri, ITD 569, 617; proximal right coracoids, ITD 542, 573, 704, 709; distal right coracoid, ITD 691; proximal left ulnae, ITD 678, 684; proximal right ulna, ITD 538; distal right 22 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae 23 ulna, ITD 673; proximal left carpometacarpi, ITD 696, 710; distal left carpometacarpus, ITD 541; proximal right carpo- metacarpus, ITD 575. Deposits of Mas de Got B: complete right carpometacarpus, MGB 1545; distal right femur, MGB 1558. Deposits of Mounavne: proximal right carpometacarpus, MOU 1. Deposits of Pech Desse: complete left humeri, PDS 1226, 1236; distal left humeri, PDS 1218, 1227, 1234; almost com- plete right humerus, PDS 1212; proximal right humerus, PDS 1257; distal right humeri, PDS 1223, 1232, 1274; almost com- plete left coracoids, PDS 1230, 1237; proximal left coracoid, PDS 1243; complete right coracoid, PDS 1244; proximal right coracoid, PDS 1275; distal right coracoid, PDS 1242; proximal left ulna, PDS 1235; distal left ulnae, PDS 1249, 1252, 1269, 1270; distal right ulnae, PDS 1241, 1260; distal right carpo- metacarpus, PDS 1264; proximal scapulae, PDS 1271, 1278, 1281, 1289; almost complete left femur, PDS 1277; distal right femur, PDS 1280; distal left tarsometatarsus, PDS 1273. Deposits of Perriere: distal left ulnae, PRR 2599, 2609; prox- imal left carpometacarpus, PRR 2608; proximal left femur, PRR 2607. Deposits of La Plante 2: distal left humerus, PLA 1047; shaft of right humerus, PLA 1062; proximal right coracoid, PLA 1071; distal right coracoid, PLA 1066; proximal right ulna, PLA 1065; distal right ulna, PLA 1063; complete right car- pometacarpus, PLA 1064; proximal left carpometacarpus, PLA 1073; proximal right carpometacarpus, PLA 1070; prox- imal scapula, PLA 1069; wing phalanx?, PLA 1067. Deposits of Roqueprune 2: complete left coracoid, ROQ310; distal right coracoid ROQ 317; proximal left ulna, ROQ 315; distal right ulna, ROQ 312; distal left femur, ROQ 313; prox- imal right femur, ROQ 311; proximal scapula, ROQ 318 (Uni- versity of Montpellier and Paris VI). Deposits of Boussac 1: almost complete left carpometacar- pus. Deposits of Boussac 2: distal right ulna and distal left ulna. Deposits of Escamps 3: distal right humerus. Deposits of Fonbonne 1: proximal left coracoid. Deposits of Garrigues; proximal right carpometacarpus (University of Utrecht). DESCRIPTION: Archaeotrogon venustus is the smallest species in the genus. It is also the species most abundantly represented in the recently collected material and the best known in regards to the skeleton. All the characters previously indicated in the description of the genus Archaeotrogon apply to this species. MEASUREMENTS: For measurements of this species see Table 2. Archaeotrogon zitteli Gaiiiard 1908 Figure 4a-j 1908 Archaeotrogon zitteli Gaiiiard, p. 69, fig. 16; p. 70-72, fig. 17, pi. 3, figs. 24-25 and 26-27 1933 Archaeotrogon zitteli Gaiiiard, Lambrecht, p. 626 1971 Archaeotrogon zitteli Gaiiiard, Brodkorb, p. 246-247 MATERIAL: Early collections without provenance: almost complete left humeri, QU 15787, 15790, 15791, 15792a, 15792b, 15795; proximal left humerus, QU 15788; distal left humeri, QU 15784, 15793, 15947; almost complete right hu- meri, QU 15783, 15789, 15798, 15801; almost complete left coracoid, QU 15911; almost complete left carpometacarpi, QU 15647, 15927; almost complete right carpometacarpi, QU 15659, 15662, 15928, 15934, 15942, 15944; proximal right car- pometacarpus, QU 15946 (Museum of Paris). Complete left humerus, PQ 1053, cast of no. 128 from the Museum of Mu- nich, holotvpe; complete right humerus, PQ 1052, cast from the Museum of Munich (referred to A. venustus by Gaiiiard (1908), but its size actually corresponds to A. zitteli ); distal right humerus, PQ 990; 3 left and 2 right tarsometatarsi, 4 of which are almost complete, PQ 1069 (One of these was figured by Gaiiiard (1908, fig. 16 and pi. 3, fig. 26-27) and attributed to A. cayluxensis, but it has suffered a little damage since then.) (Museum of Lyon). Deposits of Pech du Fraysse: complete left carpometacarpi, PFR 11069, 11097; distal left ulna, PFR 11092 (Museum of Paris). Deposits of Mas de Got B: complete left ulna, MGB 1548; complete right ulna, MGB 1555; almost complete left coracoid, MGB 1553 (University of Montpellier). Deposits of Belgarite IVa: incomplete right humerus (Uni- versity of Utrecht). DESCRIPTION: According to Gaiiiard (1908:70), the hu- merus of Archaeotrogon zitteli is quite well distinguished an- atomically from that of A. venustus. He stated that ind. zitteli the head of the humerus is much more widened transversely, the tricipital fossa is shallower, and on the anterior face, the bicipital surface is much reduced. I was able to study a large number of humeri of both species, and these morphological differences seem to me to be attributable to individual varia- tion. The head of the humerus does not appear to be wider transversely, nor the bicipital surface smaller inT. zitteli. The tricipital fossa is perhaps slightly shallower in A. zitteli, but this character is rather variable. Certain specimens such as QU 15798 (Fig. 4d) have a shallow tricipital fossa, while others such as QU 15795 (Fig. 4c) have a much deeper tricipital fossa. It appears to me that the principal character that distin- guishes A. zitteli from A. venustus is size, the former species Figure 3. Specimens of Archaeotrogon venustus. Complete right humerus, QU 15782 (formerly QU 3282), Museum of Paris, X3.9, in anconal (a) and palmar (b) view. Complete right coracoid, PFR 11168, Museum of Paris, X3.6, in anterior (c) and posterior (d) view. Complete right ulna, PFR 11047, Museum of Paris, X3.7, in external (e) and internal (f) view. Complete right carpometacarpus, MGB 1545, University of Montpellier, X3.7, in internal (g) and external (h) view. Proximal right scapula, PFR 11254, Museum of Paris, X3. 6, in dorsal (i) view. Distal radius, PFR 11258, Museum of Paris, X3.7, in external (j) and internal (k) view. Complete left femur, PFR 11082, Museum of Paris, X3.7, in posterior (1) and anterior (m) view. Complete left tarsometatarsus, PFR 11091, Museum of Paris, X3.7, in anterior (o) and posterior (p) view. Distal right tibio- tarsus, PFR 11132, Museum of Paris, X3.7, in anterior (q) view. Incomplete right tibiotarsus, PFR 11203, Museum of Paris, X3.7, in posterior (r) view. 24 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae Table 2. Measurements (mm) of A. venustus and A. zitteli bones. Archaeotrogon venustus Archaeotrogon zitteli variance variance n min. max. mean s2 n min. max. mean s2 Humerus Length 20 25.0 29.7 27.82 1.31 12 30.1 33.4 31.43 0.84 Width head 27 8.4 9.4 8.85 0.07 9 9.4 10.3 9.98 0.06 Width distal end Width shaft in 56 5.8 7.2 6.30 0.11 16 6.8 7.5 7.13 0.03 the middle 92 2.6 3.3 2.91 0.02 18 3.2 3.7 3.48 0.03 Ulna Length 4 28.0 29.5 28.80 0.66 2 30.7 30.9 30.80 0.02 Width head 21 4.0 4.7 4.30 0.03 2 4.5 4.9 4.70 0.08 Width distal end 30 3.4 4.0 3.73 0.02 3 4.0 4.4 4.17 0.04 Depth distal end Width shaft in 30 3.6 4.2 3.84 0.03 3 4.1 4.3 4.20 0.01 the middle 39 2.0 2.4 2.17 0.01 3 2.3 2.4 2.33 0.003 Radius Width distal end Width shaft in 6 3.0 3.5 3.18 0.03 the middle 6 1.1 1.2 1.17 0.003 Carpometacarpus Length 21 17.8 19.8 18.84 0.18 10 19.5 20.9 20.27 0.36 Width head 32 6.2 7.8 7.08 0.20 10 7.5 8.3 7.85 0.08 Width distal end Width metacarpal 2 25 3.6 4.5 4.01 0.07 7 4.0 4.8 4.46 0.08 in the middle 42 1.5 2.0 1.85 0.02 10 1.9 2.1 1.98 0.006 Coracoid Length 23 18.8 21.7 20.50 0.42 2 22.7 24.0 23.35 0.85 Width head 38 3.8 4.9 4.30 0.07 2 4.3 4.5 4.40 0.02 Width sternal end Width shaft in 19 4.7 6.2 5.34 0.16 2 6.2 6.2 6.20 0.00 the middle 46 1.9 2.7 2.22 0.03 3 2.3 2.6 2.43 0.02 Femur Length 5 22.0 22.4 22.34 0.16 Width head 7 4.4 4.8 4.59 0.03 Width distal end Width shaft in 7 4.2 4.5 4.36 0.01 the middle 13 1.7 2.0 1.83 0.01 Tibiotarsus Length 1 ~ 29 Width head 2 3.4 3.9 3.65 0.13 Width distal end Width shaft in 4 3.7 4.1 3.83 0.04 the middle 4 1.6 1.7 1.65 0.003 Tarsometatarsus Length 2 16.2 16.6 16.40 0.08 5 15.8 16.7 16.26 0.15 Width head 3 4.0 4.4 4.23 0.04 4 4.0 4.2 4.08 0.01 Width distal end Width shaft in 5 3.8 4.1 3.96 0.02 4 3.8 4.5 4.18 0.09 the middle 7 1.7 1.9 1.79 0.005 5 1.9 2.3 2.04 0.02 Figure 4. Specimens of Archaeotrogon. A. zitteli: Complete right humerus, QU 15801 (formerly QU 3301), Museum of Paris, X1.7, in palmar (a) and anconal (b) view. Complete left humerus, QU 15795 (formerly QU 3295), Museum of Paris, X1.9, in anconal (c) view. Complete right humerus, QU 15798 (formerly QU 3298), Museum of Paris, X1.9, in anconal (d) view. Almost complete left carpometacarpus, QU 15927 (formerly QU 3427), Museum of Paris, xi.8, in internal (e) and external (f) view. Almost complete left tarsometatarsus, PQ 1069, Museum of Lyon, X1.3, in anterior (g) and posterior (h) view. Complete left coracoid, QU 15910 (formerly QU 3410), Museum of Paris, xl.7, in posterior (i) and anterior (j) view. A. cayluxensis : Complete right humerus, holotype, PQ 2, Museum of Lyon, xl.7, in palmar (k) and anconal (1) view. Complete left humerus, QU 15800 (formerly QU 3300), Museum of Paris, X] 9, in anconal (m) view. Distal right ulna, PFR 11054, Museum of Paris, X1.9, in internal (n) and external (o) view. Complete right carpometacarpus, QU 15949 (formerly QU 3449), Museum of Paris, xl.7, in external (p) and internal (q) view. Complete left coracoid, QU 15908 (formerly QU 3408), Museum of Paris, xl.7, in posterior (r) and anterior (s) view. A. hoffstetteri new species: Almost complete right humerus, holotype, QU 15796 (formerly QU 3296), Museum of Paris, xl.7, in anconal (t) and palmar (w) view. Almost complete right humerus, paratype, QU 15786 (formerly QU 3286), Museum of Paris, xl.7, in anconal (u) and palmar (v) view. Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae 25 26 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae Figure S. Scatter diagram for the humeri of the different species of Archaeotrogon from the Phosphorites du Quercy. Depth of distal end Figure 6. Scatter diagram for the distal end of the ulnae of Archaeo- trogon venustus, A. zitteli, and /l. cayluxensis. being the larger. In the scatter diagrams (Figs. 5-9), they form distinct clusters of points. The measurements of the bones at- tributed to A. zitteli are shown in Table 2. They are slightly larger than those of A. venustus, and on the whole there is very little overlap in the measurements of the two species. This cannot be an example of evolution, i.e., the smaller, 4. venustus evolving into the larger A. zitteli, as both species have been discovered together in at least two sites in the new excavations at Quercy: Mas de Got B, of the lower Oligocene, and Pech du Fraysse, of the upper Oligocene. I have referred to A. zitteli five tarsometatarsi from the Museum of Lyon (PQ 1069), one of which was figured by Gaillard (1908) and described as A. cayluxensis. The size of A. cayluxensis is much larger than that of either ,4. venustus or A. zitteli. Practically all the specimens of Archaeotrogon found at Pech du Fraysse belong tod. venustus, and it seems likely that the tarsometatarsi, especially the two complete ones (PFR 11091, 11175), likewise belong to this species. In the scatter diagram of the tarsometatarsus (Fig. 9), it is evident that the specimens numbered PQ 1069 have a total length comparable to that of thed. venustus from Pech du Fraysse, but their shafts are much thicker. It seems to me, therefore, that these tarsometatarsi belong tod. zitteli, all the more so since d. zitteli is far more numerous in the early collections than d. venustus. It is logical to assume that if one finds many humeri one should also have a few foot bones. Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae 27 Total length Figure 7. Scatter diagram for the carpometacarpi of Archaeotrogon venustus, A. zitteli, and A. cayluxensis. Archaeotrogon cayluxensis Gaillard 1908 Figure 4k-s 1908 Archaeotrogon cayluxensis Gaillard, p. 67-70, fig. 15, pi. 4, figs. 1-4 1933 Archaeotrogon cayluxensis Gaillard, Lambrecht, p. 625- 626 1939 Archaeotrogon cayluxensis Gaillard, Gaillard, p. 17-18, fig. 7 1971 Archaeotrogon cayluxensis Gaillard, Brodkorb, p. 246 MATERIAL: Early collections without provenance: almost complete left humeri, QU 15 778, 15 779, 15800; distal left hu- meri, QU 15780, 15803, 15806; distal right humerus, QU 15794; complete left coracoid, QU 15908; complete right cor- acoid, QU 15907; complete right carpometacarpi, QU 15916, 15924, 15948, 15949, 15950; proximal left carpometacarpi, QU 15668, 15944 (Museum of Paris). Complete right humerus, PQ 2 (Holotype of Gaillard); distal left humerus, cast without number (Museum of Lyon). Almost complete right humerus, figured in Gaillard (1939, fig. 7) (Department of Earth Sci- ences, Lyon). Deposits of Pech du Fraysse: distal right ulna, PFR 11054 (Museum of Paris). DESCRIPTION: Gaillard (1908:67) says that the humerus ofd. cayluxensis differs from that ofd. venustus, not only in size, but also in the following anatomical characters: in A. cayluxensis, the head of the humerus is thicker anteroposte- riorlv, the tricipital fossa and the sub-trochanteric fossa are large and shallow, the pectoral crest is long with a rounded edge, the bicipital surface is smaller in a vertical direction, the body of the humerus is more slender and widened toward the distal end, the epitrochlea and epicondyle are more prominent, and the inferior groove of the triceps is deeper. Having been able to examine more material, certain of these distinctive characters seem valid and others less so. I would agree that the head of the humerus is thicker anteroposteriorly in A. cayluxensis, the bicipital surface is proportionately small- er, the epitrochlea and the epicondyle are more prominent, and the triceps groove is deeper Further, the radial condyle is proportionately much more developed anteroposteriorly. The form of the tricipital fossa is rather variable among individuals, being very shallow in the holotype, PQ 2 (Fig. 41), but much deeper in other specimens, such as QU 15800 (Fig. 4m). The shape of the sub-trochanteric fossa appears no different than that of A. venustus, and the pectoral crest is not especially longer, nor is its border more rounded. The shaft is slender in the holotype, but it is much heavier in other indi- viduals, for example, QU 15800 (Fig. 4m). It does not seem to widen more toward the base than does A. venustus. The most important distinguishing character is certainly the size, which is clearly superior to A. venustus and A. zitteli (Figs. 5-8). Archaeotrogon cayluxensis is known mostly from the early collections. Only a single bone attributable to this species has been found in the recent collections from Quercv. It is a distal ulna from Pech du Fraysse (PFR 11054, Fig. 4n-o). Its mor- phology corresponds to that of the genus Archaeotrogon, and its size is very important (Fig. 6). If one calculates the ratios of the means of the measurements of all the bones of the two species A. cayluxensis and A. ve- nustus, the result varies from 1.28 to 1.52. If the same ratios are taken between A. cayluxensis and A. zitteli, the results vary from 1.14 to 1.43. This means thatd. cayluxensis is an average of 1.28 to 1.52 times as large as A. venustus, and 1.14 to 1.43 times as large as A. zitteli. If one takes the only two measurements possible on the ulna from Pech du Fraysse and 28 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae A. cayluxensis ★ Museum de Paris A. zitteli * Museum de Paris A. venustus O Pech du Fraysse + Pech Desse v Divers gisements Total length Figure 8. Scatter diagram for the coracoids of Archaeotrogon venustus, A. zitteli, and A. cayluxensis. compares them with the mean values for the corresponding measurements of the other two species, the following ratios result: with .4. venustus, 1.58 (depth) and 1.54 (width); with A. zitteli, 1.41 (depth) and 1.40 (width). The ratios between the measurements of the ulna from Pech du Fraysse and those of the other two species are therefore slightly larger than those generally observed between A. cayluxensis on the one hand, and 4. venustus andd. zitteli on the other. But the ulna falls within the range of individual variation. It may belong to a particularly robust individual of A. cayluxensis. MEASUREMENTS: For measurements of this species see Table 3. Archaeotrogon hoffstetteri new species Figure 4t-w HOLOTYPE: Complete right humerus, QU 15796, Nation- al Museum of Paris. PARATYPE: Slightly incomplete right humerus, QU 15 786, National Museum of Paris. TYPE LOCALITY: Phosphorites du Quercy, France. TYPE STRATA: Upper Eocene or Oligocene. DIAGNOSIS: A species of the genus Archaeotrogon, char- acterized by having a humerus of about the same size as that of A. venustus or A. zitteli, but with a much more slender Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae 29 Figure 10. Diagram of the proximal end of the humerus of Archaeo- trogon hoffstetteri new species, in anconal view. shaft and with the proximal end much more recurved inter- nally. ETYMOLOGY: This species is named in honor of Dr. Rob- ert Hoffstetter. DESCRIPTION: These two humeri are sharply separated from the other humeri of Archaeotrogon by their slenderness and by the sigmoid curve of their shafts. Where the other humeri of Archaeotrogon are massive, these appear much more slender. Further, the proximal end of the bone is strongly twisted inwards. On the posterior side of the bone, the tricipital fossa is very shallow. The sub-trochanteric fossa, under the internal tro- chanter, is bordered by two crests, an internal crest and a crest that Milne-Edwards called the internal trochanteric crest (Fig. 10). In A. hoffstetteri, another crest arises from the base of this internal trochanteric crest and leads toward the head of the humerus, crossing the tricipital fossa obliquely. Below the external trochanter is a muscle insertion surface that is rather elongate and lies parallel to the long axis of the bone in A. venustus, A. zitteli, and /l. cayluxensis. Ind. hoff- stetteri this surface is proportionately shorter and lies more obliquely. Ind. hoffstetteri, on the external face of the bone, the pec- toral crest is very prominent and its upper edge shows a marked swelling. This pectoral crest is equally as prominent on the anterior side of the bone, and the bicipital surface is rather poorly developed. The distal end of the bone does not show any particular characters, the more so since it is imperfectly preserved in both humeri attributed to this species. RELATIONSHIPS AND DIFFERENCES: This species can be distinguished from A. cayluxensis by its much smaller size. The total length of the humerus is comparable to the largest among d. venustus or the smallest among d. zitteli, yet though the length is comparable, the shaft is far more slender in d. hoffstetteri (Fig. 5). Further, the bone has a character- istically sinuous shape. In addition, there are the other distinct morphological characters, i.e. , a crest that obliquely crosses the tricipital fossa, the length and orientation of the muscle insertion scar below the external trochanter, and the very strong development of the pectoral crest ind. hoffstetteri (Fig. 10). MATERIAL AND LOCALITIES: This species is repre- sented only by the two humeri in the collections of the National Museum of Natural History in Paris, and is not represented in the newer collections from the Phosphorites du Quercy. The original locality is unknown, and it is impossible to assign it a precise geological age. It is possible that among the skeletal elements, other than the humeri, at present assigned to d. venustus and A. zitteli, certain bones may prove to belong to d. hoffstetteri. There is always the hope that this species may Table 3. Measurements (mm) of d. cayluxensis and d. hoffstetteri bones. Archaeotrogon cayluxensis Archaeotrogon hoffstetteri variance variance n min. max. mean s2 n min. max. mean s 2 Humerus Length 5 35.6 37.9 36.68 0.87 2 30.0 30.5 30.25 0.13 Width head 3 11.8 12.0 11.90 0.01 1 8.7 Width distal end Width shaft in 10 7.5 8.5 8.18 0.12 2 6.3 6.8 6.55 0.13 the middle 10 3.7 4.3 4.05 0.04 2 2.9 3.0 2.95 0.005 Ulna Width distal end 1 5.9 Depth distal end 1 5.9 Carpometacarpus Length 5 24.7 25.7 25.42 0.24 Width head 6 10.0 10.9 10.58 0.13 Width distal end Width metacarpal II 4 4.9 5.4 5.13 0.05 in the middle 6 2.4 2.6 2.53 0.01 Coracoid Length 2 26.6 29.7 28.15 4.81 Width head 2 6.0 6.6 6.30 0.18 Width sternal end Width shaft in 2 7.4 8.8 8.10 0.98 the middle 2 3.1 3.3 3.20 0.02 30 Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae Table 4. Temporal distribution of Trogoniformes in the deposits of the Phosphorites du Quercy. Mammal zones after Fahlbusch (1975). -o c < c/i -9 < 2 c «4-i • rj ° c L iS, JS .™ C aS §2. N C £ nj ^2 2 * Mammal Zones Deposits of the Phosphorites du Quercy Species of Trogoniformes W 2 w u o o re o w 2: re u o w 26 32 a o ■Q 39 2 £ 41 03 JJ re e « NP 24 NP 23 grande coupure” 36 NP 22 NP 21 NP 20 NP 19 NP 18 NP 17 Boningen Antoingt Heimersheim Montalban Hoogbutsel Frohnstetten Pech du Fraysse Pech Desse Itardies Mounavne Montmartre — San Cugat La Debruge Perriere Fons 4 Grisolles Escamps Perriere A. venustus A. zitteli A. cayluxensis A. venustus A. venustus A. venustus Mas de Got B 1 A. venustus \ A. zitteli Villebramar : La Plante 2 A. venustus Roqueprune 2 A. venustus A. venustus A. venustus reappear in the course of new research on the phosphorites, and that we may then learn more of its skeleton. MEASUREMENTS: For measurements of this species see Table 3. TEMPORAL DISTRIBUTION The distribution of the different species of the genus Ar- chaeotrogon in the sites of the Quercy phosphorites is shown in Table 4. It is evident that A . venustus, which is the species most numerous in the recent collections, has a very large tem- poral range. It is already present in the Perriere zone, and persists at least until the Boningen, stretching across a length of at least ten mammal zones. In absolute terms this time span can be evaluated at nearly IS million years. The species A. zitteli andT. cayluxensis, quite common in the early collections, have been rediscovered in the course of the recent excavations in only two sites (Mas du Got B and Pech du Fraysse). It is therefore not possible to precisely de- termine their temporal distribution. Mourer-Chauvire: The Archaeotrogonidae 31 The Archaeotrogonidae are relatively rare, but are nonethe- less found in beds antedating the “grande coupure,” or “great change,” such as those of Perriere and Escamps. This great change is practically on the Eocene-Oligocene boundary and is characterized by a large-scale replacement among the mam- malian fauna. In the upper Eocene beds at Quercy, the pre- dominant forms among the birds belong to the Aegialornithi- dae. In contrast, after the great change, it is the Archaeotro- gonidae that become predominant while the genus Aegialornis disappears. The Aegialornithidae still existed, but they are represented only by the genus Cypselavus, which is always rather rare. As for the mammals, the “grande coupure” seems to correspond to a rather important change in the avian world. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I thank J.P Lehman, Director of the Institute of Paleon- tology of the National Museum of Natural History of Paris; L. David, Director of the Natural History Museum of Lyons; and H. de Bruijn of the University of Utrecht for having kind- ly loaned me part of the material studied herein. I thank as well my colleagues from the University of Paris VI and the University of Montpellier for having kindly entrusted me with the study of the materials that they collected in their excava- tions. The Netherlands Organization for Scientific Research (ZWO) made it possible for me to visit the Rijksmuseum van Natuurlijke Historic of Leiden in order to compare the fossil birds from Quercy with living exotic forms. Finally, I thank K.A. Hiinermann of Zurich for the precise data he gave me regarding the age of the “Glarner Fischschiefer.” LITERATURE CITED Bonis, L. de, J.Y. Crochet, J.C. Rage, B. Sige, J Sudre, and M. Vianey-Liaud. 1973. Nouvelles faunes de Ver- tebres oligocenes des Phosphorites du Quercy. Bull. Nat. Hist., 3° ser., n° 174, Sci. Terre 28:105-113. Brodkorb, P. 1971. Catalogue of fossil birds, Part 4 (Co- lumbiformes through Piciformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol Sci. 15(4): 163-266. Cavaille, A., B. Geze, L. de Bonis, B, Sige, J. Sudre, L. Ginsburg, M. Brunet, and J.Y. Crochet. 1974. Ta- ble ronde sur les Phosphorites du Quercy. Geologie, Car- nivores, Insectivores, Ongules. Palaeovertebrata 6(1- 2): 1—160. Collins, C.T. 1976. Two new species of Aegialornis from France, with comments on the ordinal affinities of the Aegialornithidae. Smiths. Contrib. Palaeobiol. 27:121- 127. Crochet, J.Y. 1971. Les Vertebres de l’Oligocene superieur du Pech du Fraysse poche a phosphate du Quercy (com- mune de Saint- Project, Tarn-et-Garonne). C.R. Somm. Soc. Geol. Fr. 197 1(6):3 16— 3 1 7. . 1978. Les Marsupiaux du Tertiaire d’Europe. These Sci. Montpellier. 360 pp. Crochet, J.Y., J.L. Hartenberger, J.A. Remy, B. Sige, J. Sudre, and M. Vianey-Liaud. 1972. Catalogue des Mammiferes du Quercy. Pretirage. Table ronde du CNRS, Montauban. 73 pp. Fahlbusch, V. 1975. Report of the International Sympo- sium on mammalian Stratigraphy of the European Ter- tiary. Newsl. Stratigr. 5(2°): 160—167. Feduccia, A. 1977. A model for the evolution of perching birds. System. Zool. 2 6( 1 ): 1 9—3 1 . Gaillard, C. 1908. Les Oiseaux des Phosphorites du Quer- cy. Ann. Univ. Lyon, nouv. ser. 23:1-178. . 1939. 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Insectivores primitifs de l’Eocene superieur et Oligocene inferieur d’Europe occidentale. Nyctitheriides. Mem. Mus. Nat. Hist. Natur., Nouv. Ser., Ser. C, Sci Terre 34:1-140. Sudre, J. 1977. Les Artiodactvles de l’Eocene moven et su- perieur d’Europe occidentale; systematique et evolution. These Sci. Montpellier. 257 pp. Vianey-Liaud, M. 1976. Evolution des Rongeurs a l’Oligocene en Europe occidentale. Article de synthese. These Sci. Montpellier, n° AO 12290. 113 pp. A NEW MIDDLE EOCENE SHOREBIRD (AVES: CHARADRIIFORMES, CHARADRII) WITH COLUMBOID FEATURES By Ella Hoch1 ABSTRACT: Plumumida lutetialis new genus and species is the third fossil bird to be described from the Messel site in West Germany. It is based upon a fractured postcranial skeleton and is referred to the Charadrii on the basis of numerous skeletal features. It deviates from all living and known fossil shorebirds by having a strong perching foot and skeletal structures in the pelvis and hindlimb considered to be connected with such specialization. By the form and supposed function of the foot the fossil bird shows similarity to the doves, but other dove apomorphies are lacking. Two skeletal features that may be autapomorphies for the group to which Plumumida belongs set the bird apart from the doves. Plumumida is believed to be related to those early shorebirds that are thought to have given rise to, among others, the doves; the genus is placed incertae sedis in the Charadrii. The depositional environment of the fossil is reviewed. ZUSAMMENFASSUNG: Ein neuer Stelzvogel, Plumumida lutetialis gen. et sp. nov., wird als dritter fossiler Vogel aus dem Messeler Olschiefer beschrieben. Die Art griindet sich auf ein postkraniales Skelett, das massig verdriickt und unvollstanding ist. Die osteologischen Merkmale deuten auf eine Verwandt- schaft mit den Charadrii hin. Der Vogel unterscheidet sich jedoch von alien heutigen und fossilen Cha- radrii durch einen SitzfuB. Zu einer solchen Spezialisierung passen auch die gefundenen Skelettstrukturen im Bein und Becken. In Form und mutmaBlicher Funktion des FuBes ahnelt Plumumida den Tauben, doch sind keine anderen Columbiformen Apomorphien am Fossil nachweisbar. Zwei Skelettmerkmale, die Autapomorphien der taxonomischen Gruppe sein konnten, zu der Plumumida eigentlich gehort, un- terscheiden den fossilen Vogel von den Columbiformen. Plumumida ist zu den friihen (jungkretazisch- alttertiaren) Stelzvogeln zu rechnen, aus welchen auch andere Formen, wie allem Anschein nach die Tauben, abgeleitet werden konnen. Plumumida lutetialis wird incertae sedis den Charadrii eingegliedert. Ein Uberblick iiber die Lebens- und Einbettungsumstande des Fossils wird gegeben. Two birds have previously been recorded from the Lutetian (Middle Eocene) deposits at Messel in the West German Bun- desstaat Hessen. They are the alleged shorebird Rhynchaeites messelensis Wittich 1898, and Diatryma cf. steini Matthew and Granger 1917 (Berg 1965). The purpose of this paper is to describe a new shorebird from the Messel oilshale that is about the size of Rhynchaeites messelensis, but differs from that form in skeletal morphology and relative proportions, and from living shorebirds by having a perching foot. The Messel site has yielded large quantities of fossil animal and plant remains, many of which have only recently been discovered. The total number of bird fossils so far secured from the site comes to over one hundred. Among these, more than fifty were kept by Frau E. Soergel in Freiburg im Breis- gau (Tobien 1969:165), but these have now been returned to the Hessisches Landesmuseum in Darmstadt, West Germany, and about forty are under investigation by Dr. D.S. Peters at 1 Geologisk Museum, University of Copenhagen, 0. Voldgade 5-7, DK-1350 Copenhagen K, Denmark. Contrib Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:33-49. the Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, West Germany. Such abundance, and the tragic fate now threatening the Messel pit from local authorities in one of in- dustrial Europe’s most densely populated areas, justifies a brief introductory description of the site. THE MESSEL SITE The Messel pit is located about 9 km NE of Darmstadt and 22 km S of Frankfurt am Main. It now appears as a 1000 by 700 m crater, 60 to 70 m deep, the bottom of which became covered by a shallow lake after mining was stopped in 1971 (Fig. 1). The pit was formerly exploited for oilshale, and pro- duced about 1 million tons of crude oil used as fuel and for the manufacture of various products for the dyestuffs, elec- tronics, chemical, and pharmaceutical industries until the site was closed down. The oilshale was discovered in the mid-1870’s, and exploi- tation began in 1886. The shale deposit is known to have had a maximum thickness of 190 m in the Messel pit, and there are other, smaller oilshale pits in the area. The shale occurred 34 Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird Figure 1. The Messel site at the end of February 1978. Photograph by J.L. Franzen (Senckenberg Museum, Nos. 296-297). below Middle Eocene strata containing brown coal lenses up to 2 m thick (Franzen 1976a). Through the years 1886-1971, many specimens of fossil leaves, wood, insects, fish, frogs, tortoises, lizards, snakes, crocodiles, birds, and mammals were found and recovered by those working in the open air Messel pit (Tobien 1957), and by the Darmstadt Museum. Fossils were also obtained from the nearby Prinz von Hessen oilshale pit in the years 1912-24 (Franzen 1978). Unfortunately, be- cause of the large water content (up to 40 percent) and the chemical constituents of the shale (marcasite in particular), combined with the state of knowledge of preservation tech- niques at that time, many of these fossils are now in a most miserable condition. With the introduction of the “cast resin transfer method” (see Bornhardt 1975) developed in England in the 1950’s (Toombs and Rixon 1950; see also Rixon 1976) and first applied to the Messel fossils by Dr. Walter Kiihne in the early 1960’s (Kiihne 1961, 1962), a new period of preservation of the oil- shale specimens began. The resin impregnates and locks the bones of one level of the fossils, thus hardening and supporting them sufficiently for further manipulation and studies, as well as for exhibition purposes. However, the parts of the fossil specimens that are not impregnated by the resin, or that do not adhere to it, are often lost. A veritable fossil-rush followed the closing of the mine works in 1971. A multitude of collectors, most of them laymen, searched for traces of ancient life in the pit, not always to the good of the desired objects. Authorities finally had to take steps to safeguard, not so much the site, but the lives of the fossil hunters. At the end of 1974 the admittance of non-au- thorized persons to the site was prohibited. Permission to collect fossils in the Messel pit was granted to the Hessisches Landesmuseum Darmstadt in 1913. This insti- tution was the sole authorized collector until 1975 when the Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, the University of Hamburg, and the Museum fur Naturkunde Dortmund also obtained the right to conduct scientific investigations of the site. A large project is now in progress, financially supported by the foun- dation “Volkswagenwerk,” involving many scientists and good amateurs working under the leadership of Dr. Jens Lorenz Franzen, Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg (Franzen 1978, 1979). More than 18,000 fossils have been recovered to date, the most conspicuous fossil group being perhaps the perisso- dactvls, Propalaeotherium spp. (first thoroughly described by Haupt 1925), although the holosteans Amia and Atractosteus (Lepisosteidae) and the salmoniform Thaumaturus are the most numerous vertebrates. Among the tetrapods, birds and bats dominate (Franzen 1979). A list of fossils is given by Koenigs- wald (1979). Several forms hint at a NW Europe-North American land connection that persisted until about the end of the Early Eocene (West et al. 1977; Berggren et al. 1978). The fossils of the Messel oilshale are often, except for a certain flattening, exceedingly well preserved when found. Not only do major parts of bony skeletons occur, generally in ar- ticulation, but in many cases the specimens show substantial “shadows” of the organisms’ soft tissues. Hair, feathers, and traces of colors in chitinous insect parts may occur at the site (Haupt 1925; Franzen 1976b, 1979). Even the cuticular struc- tures of partly digested leaves in the intestines of some fossil herbivores can be studied in detail. For example, there have been investigations into the stomach contents of Propalaeothe- rium messelense (Franzen 1976b, Sturm 1978). These studies have, in turn, given material support to the hypothesis (first ad- vanced by Kowalevsky 1873-1874; see also Strelnikov and Hecker 1968) of a habitat and food change during the evolution of horses (sensu lato) from pre-Miocene softground forests to grass plains, and from “omnivorous” to purely graminivorous equids, respectively. Presented against this background, recent proposals for the future of the Messel pit evoke the quotation of a heading in the catalogue for the Senckenberg Museum Messel exhibition (Franzen 1977:24): “Wen interessiert eigentlich der Magenin- halt des Urpferdchens?” — “To whom is the stomach content of the protohorse of any real interest?” There are very few sites in the world where remains of an Eocene continental flora and fauna occur in such abundance and good state of preservation as at Messel. These fossils permit a multitude of scientific in- vestigations and conclusions concerning evolution and the eco- logical, climatological, and physico-chemical aspects of the paleoenvironment. But, instead of preserving the Messel site and its fossils for the progress of knowledge, there are now official plans for the Frankfurt-Darmstadt-Dieburg-Offenbach Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird 35 metropolitan area to use the Messel pit for a large scale garbage disposal! This would also include so-called “non-dangerous in- dustrial waste products.” It may be true that large refuse ac- cumulations are an inevitable result of modern environmental policy, but it is questionable if it is really necessary to install a giant garbage dump exactly in the Messel pit! Such short- sighted solutions to man-made problems are highly tragic, es- pecially when viewed against the history of life. AGE AND ORIGIN OF THE MESSEL OILSHALE Judged from its fossil content, the bituminous deposit is of Lutetian age, 43 to 49 million years ago (Berggren 1972, and following the time scale agreed upon by workers presently studying the Eocene North Sea tetrapods in the “Projet 124 du Programme international des correlations geologiques”). To- bien (1968, 1969:169) refers the oilshale to early Lutetian age on the basis of contained mammals. This is questioned by Franzen (1976a:422), however. During middle to late Eocene times, Tertiary Europe ex- perienced its maxima of temperature and marine transgres- sion. Surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea, and the Tethys Sea, the two latter being connected over present- day Poland (Russell 1975; Bond 1978; Heissig 1979), the “Mid- European land” had a humid subtropical-tropical climate (Nemejc 1970; Buchardt 1978), as is also indicated by the rich bitumen and lignite deposits formed at that time. The Lutetian Messel lake and neighboring lakes developed concurrently with tectonic rifting of the area, as part of a larger river system (Tobien 1969). Detailed investigations, in partic- ular of the location and orientation of fish fossils in situ in the oilshale, reveal the influx of two main water currents in the Messel lake, one from the northeast and another from the northwest, and the outflow of a current at the southern edge of the lake (Franzen 1979). Related studies (ibid.) have also shed light upon the distribution and probable local geographic derivation of the fossil organisms in the oilshale. The Messel flora and fauna were part of a warm, damp Eocene jungle environment. In its rivers and lakes the near-surface life was abundant, but the deep bottom waters were quiet and dark with anaerobic conditions. Thin strata of mineral particles and organic debris accumulated, embedding those parts of larger carcasses that were not devoured on their way down through the waters. Towards the end of the Middle Eocene the lakes developed into swamps that were invaded by land plants. These plants gave rise to the lenses of brown coal that overlie the oilshale. OTHER SITES IN WESTERN EUROPE WITH EOCENE BIRD REMAINS European geography was subjected to great changes during Paleogene times. The interrelated Alpine folding and Rhine- graben rifting determined the formation of the central Euro- pean tectonic features (lilies 1978; lilies and Greiner 1978), including the primary Messel lake. And North Atlantic rifting continued the rupture of the northern landbridge between Eu- rope and North America. Diatryma occurred at Messel (Berg 1965), Geiseltal (Fischer 1967, 1978), and in France (Gaillard 1936) during the Middle Eocene, and is recorded from Upper Paleocene and Lower Eocene beds in north America and France (see Brodkorb 1967). Briefly mentioned below are some Eocene sites in western Europe of interest to paleornithologists; faunistic or chrono- logic intercorrelations have not been made, nor have correla- tions with Eocene sites outside western Europe. Relevant lit- erature older than that referred to can be found in the cited works. British deposits yielding Eocene birds are known from the southeastern part of England; these fossils have most recently been discussed by Harrison (1971), and Harrison and Walker (1977). In France, Eocene bird remains are recorded from the Paris basin (Louis 1969; Brunet 1970; Hoch 1975); the bone- fissures of Quercv, or “les Phosphorites de Quercy” (Gaillard 1939; Collins 1976; Mourer-Chauvire this vol.); the Lower Eocene egg-bearing beds of Provence that are part of an upper Cretaceous-lower Tertiary series containing bones and egg- shells of dinosaurs and eggshells of large birds (Touraine 1960, 1961; Dughi and Sirugue 1962); the Lutetian Strait of Carca- sonne sediments with bird tracks (Plaziat 1964); and the sites that produced Diatryma referred to above. From Switzerland are known the Egerkingen siderolithic bone-fissures (Schaub 1940). A reputed bird-yielding locality in East Germany is Geiseltal, where fossils are occasionally even better preserved than in Messel (Lambrecht 1935; Fischer 1962). Fissure-fillings in the Schwabischen and Frankischen Alb in southern West Germany also contain bird bones (Dehm 1935). Within the Eocene North Sea area, fossil birds occur, outside England, at various sites in Denmark and northern Germany (Hoch 1975; the lower Mo-clay and Clay with Tuff deposits with bird fossils are now assigned to the Upper Paleocene, Hansen 1979). GENERAL REMARKS ON THE FOSSIL BIRD AND ITS CLASSIFICATION The specimen considered here (Fig. 2) is an incomplete, par- tially articulated skeleton of a small to medium size bird. It is flattened in an oblique, dorsoventral direction, and is shown from the ventral side in Figure 2. The dorsal side, the one exposed when the fossil was excavated, is now embedded in an artificial matrix (plast resin). The right fore- and hindlimbs (Fig. 2, r.hu, r.fo, r.h) are turned out and rest beside the body. The left hindlimb (l.h) crosses over the abdominal area to lie alongside the right hind- limb. Soft tissue evidently still remained when the carcass was embedded in the lake sediments, and it determined the almost natural position of the limb bones relative to the body. The toe complex of the left foot (f) apparently became displaced not too long after deposition, and is now located around the distal end of the left tibiotarsus. No skull is preserved, which seems to be fairly usual for bird fossils from the Messel site (Franzen 1978:126). Other skeletal elements lacking or being unidentifiable in the fossil include most of the pre- and post- synsacral sections of the vertebral column, the ribs, the entire left forelimb, and two toes of the right foot. Generally speak- ing, the bones are fragmented and more or less incomplete, and their ends, in particular, are poorly preserved. In some places molds made of the embedding resin render the missing bone parts in indistinct contours. The state of preservation of the fossil seems similar to that described by Russell and Sige (1970) for bats from the same locality. 36 Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird 37 In spite of its incompleteness, sufficient morphologic skeletal characters can be observed in the fossil for an allocation of the bird to taxonomic order. The concept presented by Bock (1974:383) at a symposium on contemporary systematic phi- losophies in 1973, advocating the presentation of the classifi- cation in the introduction instead of at the end of taxonomic papers, will be followed here: . . the reader [then] knows what statements are available for disproof, what tests will be attempted and hence why certain empirical evidence is being presented.” After comparison with relevant Recent and fossil birds, the specimen is referred to the Charadriiformes, and to the sub- order Charadrii therein. Decisive for this taxonomic allocation is a suite of observable characters, which may or may not be unique for the Charadrii, but which taken together occur only within the group of birds traditionally regarded as shorebirds. I am here following Strauch (1978:270) when he states, refer- ring to works by D.H. Colless, that one is forced to start with some sort of phenetic estimate of relationship as a beginning of a phylogenetic study. The fossil’s state of preservation does not permit sophisticated morphologic deductions. Rather, it seems that the present paleontological work is one of those where, as pointed out by Cracraft (1972a:384), the use of over- all resemblance is inevitable. The fossil bird is considered to be related to those early Cenozoic “lapwings” and “coursors” that, according to Fjeldsa (1976, pers. comm.), were specializing towards the sandgrouse/ dove complex. In these “basal waders,” the hindtoe had not been reduced and specialized to a cursorial life, as is the case in modern shorebirds. The Lutetian bird can be characterized as a robust member of the Charadrii with specializations sim- ulating the doves: “a perching shorebird.” Features that refer the fossil to the Charadrii are: 1. A U-shaped furcula with a sturdy svmphyseal part (Fig. 2, fu; Fig. 3, fu). In general morphology this latter part resem- bles those depicted by Strauch (1978: Fig. 22b, c) as typical of shorebirds. In doves, the furcula is weak. 2. A long sternal plate (Fig. 2, from s along the length of s.c), a good-sized carina with a distinctive pillar-like strength- ening of the anterior edge (Fig. 2, ca, s.c; Fig. 3, ca, a.c), and the morphology of the anterior articular area. In ventral view the sternum shows, as exposed in the fossil, a fragmented strong anterior medial “lip” (Fig. 3, v.m), believed to be the base of a large ventral manubrial spine that overhangs the coracoidal sulcus (Fig. 3, c.s). The observable part of the sul- cus for the left coracoid suggests a structure that was unbarred in lateroventral direction, and had a voluminous dorsal lip (see Description), both features also in harmony with shorebird morphology. No trace of a dorsal manubrial spine can be dis- tinguished in the fossil, most probably because it was never there, which would agree with conditions in the Charadrii. In doves there are both ventral and dorsal manubrial spines, and the ventral one is small and does not “overhang” the coracoidal sulcus. 3. The relative proportions and the morphology of the wing bones (Fig. 2, r.hu, r.fo), in particular those of the hand. Part of the proximal end of the right humerus (Fig. 3, h.h, e.t, d.c) is preserved in the fossil. In the right elbow joint area (as determined by the position of the ulna and radius), there are crushed bone material and contours that are difficult to distin- guish in the figures; these in all probability indicate the location of the distal end of the humerus. This will permit the statement that the ulna-radius segment is the longest of the forelimbs, with the humerus and hand segments about equally long and somewhat shorter than the ulna and radius (see Measurements below). Similar relative forelimb proportions are encountered in a large number of bird taxa, but other taxa differ from the common pattern, e.g., rails, where the humerus is longer, and doves, where the hand is longer. In doves the humerus is noticeably large and “swollen,” but it is by far the shorter of the three mentioned segments. In the fossil, those traces of the humerus that are preserved testify to a fairly “ordinary” shape and to proportions corresponding to humeri in shorebirds (see Description). The carpometacarpus (Fig. 4, cm), by its long distal symphysis of metacarpals II and III, its fairly straight metacarpal III, and other morphologic features, suggests re- lationship with the Charadriiformes as well as with the An- seriformes. The strong basal part of metacarpal I (unfortu- nately its process is not preserved in the fossil), as pointed out to me by Jon Fjeldsa, could very well indicate that this part of the carpometacarpus had a spur-like process as is found in, among others, many lapwings, and, as a potential preadap- tation, throughout the plovers and allied groups. Such a char- acter might not, however, exclude the Anseriformes from con- sideration, among which Anseranas has spurs on metacarpal I. The character may be primitive within the shorebirds, ducks, and a few other groups, corresponding to their sup- posed phvletic relationship and derivation from a common stock (Fjeldsa pers. comm.). The observable morphology of the proximal phalanx of digit II (Fig. 4, d. II) corresponds to that in shorebirds such as Vanellus and Pluvialis. The element is believed to have been unfenestrated (a small hole (x) in the preserved lamellar bone in the fossil is a fracture), a state that excludes the bird from the Lari (Lvdekker 1891), and in part the Glareolidae, within the Charadriiformes. There is general agreement that a non-fenestrated proximal phalanx of the hand-digit II (Strauch 1978:314: “digit III” error for digit II) is primitive in the Charadriiformes. The same element in doves shows a certain morphologic similarity to that in shorebirds but seems more “elaborated,” with, e.g., the internus indicis process (corresponding to p, Fig. 4) much stronger than in unspecialized shorebirds, as is also indicated by Stegmann (1969:10 and Fig. 8). In doves the bone is also non-fenestrated. The coracoids, pelvis, and long bones of the hindlimbs are reminiscent of those in shorebirds, but may at first sight be ascribed some dove traits. The coracoids (Fig. 2, l.c, r.c) are fairly long and straight with a short external lip of the glenoid facet (Fig. 3, g.l). Both in relative proportions and in detailed Figure 2. Plumumida lutetialis new genus and species. Holotype. Middle Eocene oilshale at Messel, Hessen, West Germany. S.G.P.I. Kat. Nr. 2183, Hamburger Geologisches Institut (Section of Palaeontology). The specimen is mounted on a slab of plast resin with a thin sediment coating ca, sternal carina; f, toe complex left foot; fu, furcula; l.c, left coracoid; l.h, left hindlimb; pe, pelvis; r.c, right coracoid; r.fo, right forelimb, sub- elbow part; r.h, right hindlimb; r.hu, right humerus; s, sternum: anterior end; s.c, sternum: broken base of the sternal carina. 38 Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird Figure 3. Shoulder girdle of the holotype of Plumumida lutetialis. a.c, anterior carinal margin of sternum; ar, articular markings at sternal edge of coracoid; ca, sternal carina; c.h, coracohumeral surface; c.s, coracoidal sulcus; d.c, deltoid crest of right humerus; d.l, dorsal lip of coracoidal sulcus; e.t, external tuberosity of right humerus; fu, furcula; g.f, glenoid facet; g.i, glenoid lip; h.h, humeral head; l.c, left coracoid; q, Pprocoracoid; r.c, right coracoid; v.l, ventral lip of coracoidal sulcus; v.m, base of ventral manubrial spine; x-x, natural depression in coracoidal bone wall. Figure 4. Right forelimb of the holotype of Plumumida lutetialis. cm, carpometacarpus; c.t, carpal tuberosity; cu, cuneiform; d.l, digit I; d. II, digit II; i.c, internal condyle; l.p, ligamental prominence; p, internus indicis process; p.f, process pertaining to pollical facet; p.p, pisiform process; ra, radius; sc, scapholunar; u, ulna; x, fracture in lamellar part of proximal phalanx of digit II. Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird 39 40 Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird morphology, as far as they can be discerned in the fossil, they are closer to those in shorebirds, e.g., Charadrius, than to those of doves (see Description). The pelvis (Fig. 2, pe) is a robust, short and wide element with distinct and fairly large iliac and ischiatic posterior processes. The robustness of the pelvis corresponds to that of the bones of the fossil in general. Robustness characterizes the pelvis, as well as the entire skel- eton, of many doves, but such shorebirds as the oystercatchers, which some authors (e.g., Fjeldsa pers. comm.) regard as primitive among Recent Charadrii, also have fairly robust skeletons. The visual impression of wideness of the fossil pelvis is exaggerated because of the flattened condition of the speci- men. The shape of the posterior pelvic processes are, in fact, dove-like, as are some other details of the pelvis. The hind- limbs are dove-like, although some fine morphological features in the long hindlimb bones are shorebird-like. The relative proportions of the bones and the shape of the foot show sim- ilarity to the condition in doves. The taxonomic status of the fossil at the family level has been subject to considerable circumstantial consideration. Judged from observed characters the bird does not fit into any of the generally acknowledged shorebird or dove families, and no living birds are found that exhibit intermediate shorebird- dove morphology (Stegmann 1969). Some paleontologists pre- fer the erection of a separate family for such a form, in order to (1) indicate that the bird is an aberrant but valid member of the order and suborder to which it is referred, and (2) secure it from being consigned to oblivion by being placed incertae sedis somewhere in the system when future reorganizers of the avian hierarchy find it a burdensome misfit. Another point of view is that such a monotypic bird family, based upon a single incomplete fossil exhibiting aberrant features, will be a nui- sance to anyone who wants to make practical use of the bird system, and consequently that the bird should be included in one of the existing families. According to Fjeldsa (1976, pers. comm.) the early shore- birds, from which a coursor/sandgrouse/dove line can be de- rived, constituted the basic charadriiform group, together with the stone curlews that are close to the lapwings (compare Cra- craft 1972b). Fjeldsa groups some Recent Old World species (generally regarded as lapwings), which “must be very close to the basal late Cretaceous wader stock,” in the genus Xiphid- iopterus, while even the living stone curlews, oystercatchers, avocets, and certain others are “basal” in several aspects, al- though each group has its own specializations. Fjeldsa’s system is based on studies of Recent birds. It seems unjustifiable, on the basis of present evidence, to refer the Lutetian bird to any of Fjeldsa’s charadriiform taxa. The bird, by the structure of its foot, is evidently different from known shorebirds and their allies, the foot resembling that of doves. But a number of clearly apomorphic traits of doves (and sandgrouse and cour- sors) are missing. Reduction of the hindtoe is apparently ha- bitually conditioned in plovers and other shorebirds: it tends to disappear in cursorial inhabitants of arid plains, whereas a small hindtoe remains in inhabitants of marshy environments (Fjeldsa 1976). A well-developed hindtoe is considered a ple- siomorphic character within the Charadriiformes, in accor- dance with Strauch’s view (1978:320). The strong development of the hindtoe in the Lutetian bird, as part of a perching foot type, may be a plesiomorphic state. But rather, the whole foot structure should be regarded a specialization, paralleling that in doves, that sets the fossil bird apart from the Charadriidae sensu Fjeldsa (including oystercatchers, stilts, and avocets). The fossil bird will be placed incertae sedis in the suborder Charadrii, a provisional status open to reconsideration when further evidence becomes available through new finds of fossil material. There are good possibilities for this, if paleontolog- ical work can be continued at the Messel site. SYSTEMATICS Order Charadriiformes Suborder Charadrii — Shorebirds Family incertae sedis Plumumida new genus TYPE SPECIES: Plumumida lutetialis new species. INCLUDED SPECIES: Type species only. DIAGNOSIS: Shorebirds with a robust skeleton, the fore- limbs longer than the hindlimbs. The coracoid has a long and distinct glenoid facet with a glenoid lip that is short in basal extension. The carpometacarpus has a distal metacarpal sym- physis that is about one-fifth its length. The pelvis and hind- limbs show features reminiscent of doves. The synsacrum has the anterior part of the caudal section broad and flat ventrally, with two pairs of ventral parapophvses. The foot is a strong perching foot. DISTRIBUTION: So far confined to the Middle Eocene (Lutetian) of Germany (BRD). ETYMOLOGY: Latin, pluma, feather; and Latin, (h)umida, moist. The name alludes to the only true story we know of the bird, i.e., that it was post-mortem soaked in the Eocene Messel waters. The sound of the name may invoke the impression of the plumpness that characterizes the fossil bird skeleton, but it also conveys the feeling of the deep, dark mud that softly veiled the dead bird on the lake bottom and held it for over 40 million years. Plumumida lutetialis new species HOLOTYPE: An incomplete, articulated, obliquely dor- soventrally flattened and partially crushed skeleton now pre- served on a slab of artificial resin. Hamburger Geologischen Institut (Section of Paleontology), S.G.P.I. Kat. Nr. 2183; col- lected by Mr. Hans-Peter Schierning, Hamburg, West Ger- many, in 1972. TYPE LOCALITY: The Messel oilshale pit, West Ger- many. According to the finder (letter of 24 November 1978): “Die Fundstelle liegt am westlichen Hang der Grube Messel auf der vierten Sohle des friiheren Tagebaus. Die Schichten sind nicht bestimmbar, da eine Festlegung wegen fehlender Merkmale bisher nicht erfolgen konnte. Alle Ablagerungen fallen stark nach Osten ein.” — “The fossil was found on the western slope of the Messel pit at the fourth exploitation level of the ancient open mine. The layers [with the fossil bird] cannot be correlated with others in the pit because stratigraph- ic indicators are lacking. All strata dip strongly towards the east.” DIAGNOSIS. As for genus. ETYMOLOGY: Latin, Lutetia, Paris (that gave name to the Middle Eocene stage, the Lutetian, of western Europe); Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird 41 and Latin, -alls, belonging to. In reference to the time when the bird lived. MEASUREMENTS (in mm): Since all bones measured in the fossil are in some state of fragmentation and/or incom- pleteness, the measurements given are approximate. Shoulder girdle and forelimb: coracoid (shortest distance from top of bone to edge with sternal facet) 30; humerus (from top of head to elbow joint as determined by the proximal ends of ulna and radius) 58; ulna (maximum extension) 61; radius (maximum extension) 59; carpometacarpus (maximum extension) 34; pha- lanx 1 in digit II (length between metacarpal and digital facets) 15; total hand (from top of carpometacarpus to end of digit II) 58. Hindlimb: femur (see Description) 36; tibiotarsus (from proximal articular surface to, and including, distal condyles) 56; tarsometatarsus (maximum extension) 36; phalanx 1 in dig- it I 9. DESCRIPTION: The bone terminology used is primarily that of Howard (1929). The Shoulder Girdle. In this section of the holotvpe (Fig. 3), the furcula (fu) is seen displaced a little toward the right side of the bird relative to the coracoids, so that the right and median parts of the furcula are now resting on top of the right coracoid (r.c). The left furcular branch is located alongside the medial edge of the left coracoid (l.c). In the symphyseal region lies the anterior and stronger part of the sternum, turned out of its original position and partly crushed. The thickened an- terior carinal margin (a.c) occupies a more or less transverse position in the figure, corresponding to an overturning of the carina toward the right side in the fossil. The left coracoidal sulcus (c.s) is exposed and can be followed into the matrix above the anterior part of the ventral lip (v.l). Mediad to the latter is the broken base of the ventral manubrial spine (v.m), as referred to above. The remains of the left dorsal lip (d.l) show that this structure attained its largest size toward the lateral termination of the coracoidal sulcus. The anteroventral termination of the carina is difficult to determine. Lamellar bone now adhering to the inner side of the deltoid crest (d.c) of the right humerus and covering the area between this and the anterior carinal margin is believed to belong to the carina (ca). Its natural edge is not preserved. Most of the carinal base (Fig. 2, s.c), including its triangular xiphial part (Fig. 2, lower s.c; Fig. 6, s.c), can be seen. Lamellar bone alongside the carinal base is either parts of the sternal plate or, as may be the case along its right side, remains of the overturned carina. The coracoids are strong elements. Compared with cora- coids in Recent shorebirds they seem little specialized in their sternal ends, where they show a similarity to the coracoids of such forms as Haematopus, Pluvialis and Charadrius. As seen in ventral view, their broader sternal part (not naturally de- limited in the fossil in its present state of preservation) appears to have been moderately rounded from side to side, with a stronger rounding toward the medial edge of the bone. This is visible on the left coracoid, whereas the right one has suf- fered flattening in this area. The articular markings (Fig. 3, ar), visible in the right coracoid, are relatively small and al- most identical in shape with those in Haematopus ostralegus. Toward the middle of the shaft, as seen in the left coracoid (Fig. 3, x-x), is a natural depression, also a morphologic cor- respondence with Haematopus ostralegus. An intermuscular line extends along the length of the bone (distinct in the left coracoid, Figs. 2 and 3). The humeral end of the left coracoid is comparatively well preserved, whereas in the right coracoid the humeral end is mainly in replica and shows no fine mor- phologic details of the original bone. In the left coracoid the glenoid lip (Fig. 3, g.l), of which only the base remains, is short in basal extension, and the neck of the bone, which is broken, diverges from the mainstem of the coracoid very close to its upper termination. The coracohumeral surface (c.h, only partially visible in the figure) is broad. The shortness of these structures is in contrast to the remarkably long glenoid facet (g.f) sharply set off from the surrounding bone wall. Bordering it sternallv is a distinct, oblong-triangular sidewall of the cor- acoid. The structure indicated “q” in Figure 3 may be the distal part of the procoracoid. The U-shaped furcula is very stout, or robust, judging from the preserved right side of its middle part and the remains of its branches. A ridge can be followed on the exposed surface of the bone, extending to the lower part of the symphyseal area. The ridge from right and left sides delimits a shallow symphyseal depression in the anterior wall of the furcula. No distinct furcular process can be observed. The Forelimb. Part of the proximal end of the right humerus can be discerned (Fig. 2, r.hu; Fig. 3, h.h, e.t, d.c). And of the sub-elbow section (Fig. 2, r.fo; Fig. 4), the radius (Fig. 4, ra), ulna (u), cuneiform (cu), scapholunar (sc), carpometacar- pus (cm), and digit I (d.l) and digit II (d.II) are comparatively well preserved. No trace is left of digit III. The proximal end of the humerus is represented by the in- complete head (Fig. 3, h.h), external tuberosity (e.t), and del- toid crest (d.c). The external tuberosity is protruding, forming a “corner” or “shoulder” of the bone; in this character, the bone is similar to the humeri in shorebirds, but differs from those in doves. The base of the deltoid crest, as preserved in the fossil, appears broad and strong. It is fractured and ap- parently artificially widened, thus seeming broader than it originally was. It is about the same relative length as the del- toid crest in shorebirds. Possible crushed remains and vague imprints of the distal end of the humerus in the elbow area have been mentioned above. No bone fragments or structures in the area between the proximal and the presumed distal end of the humerus can be reliably referred to that bone. The radius (Fig. 4, ra) and ulna (u) are fairly complete in outline, although their bone walls are fragmented and, espe- cially in the radius, partially in replica. A fracture zone cuts across the middle of the radius and ulna, and disturbs the impression of the form of the bones. The radius was an almost straight bone with a swollen ligamental prominence (l.p). The ulna is crushed in its proximal end, where its limits can be traced against the background only with difficulty. In the dis- tal end of the ulna, the carpal tuberosity (e.t) and internal condyle (i.c) are visible. The carpal tuberosity is a bulging structure with a large terminal ligamental attachment. The fossil ulna exhibits no papillar markings. The anconal papillae, if present, will be situated beneath the plast matrix. The two free carpals, the cuneiform (cu) and the scapholu- nar (sc), are incompletely preserved. Compression of the spec- imen has caused a combined crushing and plastic deformation; where several bones were originally situated one on top of the other, their individual surfaces and limitations may now be difficult to trace in the fossil. This is evident in the wrist. The cuneiform in situ in the living bird is a U-shaped bone that 42 Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird Figure 5. Pelvis of the holotype of Plumumida lutetialis. ?c.v, Pcaudal vertebrae; d.p, dorsal parapophyses; f.h, head of right femur; fi, left fibula; l.f, left femur; l.il, left ilium; l.ti, left tibiotarsus; m, replica structure representing posterior svnsacral vertebra(e); p. 1-3, lumbar par- apophyses; r.il, right ilium; r.is, right ischium; r.pu, right pubis; 3.s, bases of third pair of single parapophyses in the caudal section of the synsacrum; s.c, xiphial part of sternum with broken base of sternal carina; s.p, sternal plate; sy.v, anterior synsacral vertebra; t.v, thoracic vertebra; v.p, ventral parapophyses; y, posterior iliac crest; z, interior pelvic ridge. embraces part of the carpal trochlea, with one branch lying on the underside of the wing. This branch can be seen in the fossil, a little distal to its original position because of a 90 degree turning over of the bone. The other branch, beneath part of the carpal trochlea, supposedly together with the ex- ternal condyle of the ulna, has been pressed into the trochlear bone material, causing a swelling proximal to the visible branch of the cuneiform. The deformed trochlear bone mate- rial is difficult to delimit from the fractured part of the cunei- form bone. Where unfragmented, the cuneiform shows a bulky shape with a median furrow, clearly visible in Figure 4, where may have lodged, judging from conditions in Haematopus os- tralegus, the tendon that passes along the length of metacarpal II and fastens at the medial edge of digit II, together with (or forming part of) the exterior indicus longus tendon. The carpometacarpus (cm), although easily identifiable in Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird 43 the fossil, is not too well preserved with respect to details. The trochlear section, as stated above, has suffered a good deal of deformation; the terminal parts of ridges and processes are lacking, as can be observed in the trochlear ridge, the process of metacarpal I, the pisiform process (p.p) and the process pertaining to the pollical facet (p.f). The shaft of metacarpal II is fractured, with part of the bone wall lacking or covered by plast matrix. The proximal part of the shaft of metacarpal III is in replica. And, in the distal end of the carpometacarpus, part of the bone wall is lost, and the tuberosity of metacarpal II is either lost or, as it appears, is covered by plast. The distal metacarpal symphysis is fairly long, surpassing in length that in some Recent shorebirds, including Haematopus ostralegus and Charadrius hiaticula. Scolopax rusticola has a similarly long distal metacarpal symphysis that might indicate that this condition is a specialized character within the shorebirds. In doves the distal metacarpal symphysis is short. Digit I (d.I), the pollex, is recognizable in the fossil, but is incomplete. It has not been possible to free its distal end (if preserved) from the resin. Both phalanges of the second digit (d. II) are relatively well preserved. The proximal phalanx, as mentioned earlier, is of some diagnostic importance within the Charadriiformes. The medial part of the bone is strong and forms the axis of the element, with strong and elaborate metacarpal and digital fac- ets. The lateral part consists of a thinner lamellar section, laterally bordered by a thicker edge or rim. In the fossil, the proximal lateral part of the bone is lacking. Distallv, the lateral bone section terminates in the internus indicis process (p) that in the living bird was connected by ligamental tissue to the distal end of the second phalanx, thus, together with the latter, forming a good support for the base of the distal remex. The chevron-formed mark close to the interphalangeal joint was the base for a strong tendon to the proximal edge of phalanx 2. This bone in the fossil is partly covered by resin and cannot be seen in its full extent. Remiges were also fastened to the upper side of phalanx 1 (and to the first finger, carpometacar- pus, and ulna). Its elaborated and strong articular ends, well developed tendon mark, and entire morphology, reminiscent of that in shorebirds, together with the morphology of the other preserved bones of the wing and shoulder girdle, indicate that Plumumida lutetialis was a capable flyer. A “stray” bone fragment occupies the original position of the third finger. The Pelvic Girdle. A good deal of the pelvis (Fig. 5), including the synsacral (sy.v- — m) and post-acetabular right portions (r.il, r.is, r.pu), is comparatively well preserved. In the synsacrum, the sacral section is covered by part of the shaft of the left femur (l.f). A structure regarded to be the broken base of the posterior right parapophysis (p.l) of the lumbar section can be identified anterior to it (above it in the figure), together with the bases of the second-to-last (p. 2 ) and third-to-last (p. 3) right lumbar parapophvses. The bone wall of the right side of the corresponding part of the synsacral body is preserved, although fragmented, whereas most of the wall in the left side is in replica. The structure marked “sy.v” is considered to be the anterior synsacral vertebral element (or it may be the posterior free thoracic vertebra). In spite of frag- mentation, its posterior limitation can be perceived; modern birds may also have a terminal marking of the first synsacral vertebra. Between this and the three lumbar synsacral ele- ments, represented by their right parapophyses, are the re- mains of still another element. Thus intepreted, the number of presacral vertebrae included in the synsacrum is five. A fairly well preserved vertebral body (t.v) is closely attached to the anterior end of the structure marked “sy.v,” but not fused with it as is seen from its position a little out of line with the synsacral axis, and from the presence of terminal bone walls in the intervertebral joint area. It has preserved a large right anterior projection for the support of the rib. The pelvis in birds exhibits some individual variation in morphologic details (see also Boas 1933). Thus the number of synsacral thoracic vertebrae may vary within a species. One available pelvis of Haematopus ostralegus has five fused pre- sacral vertebral elements, whereas another pelvis of the same species has four fused presacral elements and one vertebra whose body is not fused with the synsacrum, but whose trans- verse processes and ribs support the anterior parts of the ilia. The vertebral body structure marked “sy.v” in Figure 5 may not have been completely fused with the axial structures be- hind it, but its position suggests that it was part of the pelvis. Fragments of lamellar bone (s.p) situated along the right side of the axial structure in the fossil are most probably parts of the sternal plate and do not belong to the ilium, thus giving no indication of the anterior extension of the pelvis. The mor- phology of the presacral part of the synsacrum, as far as it can be observed, is reminiscent of that in shorebirds, although the elements are more robust in the fossil than in shorebirds. As stated for Haematopus ostralegus, the synsacrum in modern shorebirds may include five presacral vertebral elements. In some shorebirds, such as Vanellus vanellus and Calidris al- pina, the number is generally four. The corresponding part of the synsacrum in doves is shorter and more compact than that in shorebirds, with only three, or in some cases four, included vertebrae. Posterior to the superimposed left femur is the caudal section of the synsacrum (sensu Howard 1929). Anteriorly, in the fos- sil’s right side, remains of two pairs of dorsal (d.p) and ventral (right v.p) parapophyses, and in the left side, the undisturbed proximal parts of two ventral parapophyses (left v.p), can be distinguished. The presence of both dorsal and ventral par- apophyses shows that the corresponding two vertebral elements are the first and second synsacral caudal vertebrae. The num- ber of ventral parapophyses in this region in birds is also sub- ject to some intraspecific variation, so that, e.g., some mem- bers of a species that generally has only one pair of ventral parapophyses may have two pairs, or one pair and a right or left ventral parapophysis in front or behind it. The two pairs of ventral parapophyses in the fossil were strong structures, which indicates that they represent a normal condition of two pairs for this species. Fragmented remains of their distal ends in the right side show that the two ventral parapophyses of each side converged distallv, where, as known from Recent birds, they joined the inside of the ilium, thus forming struts from the synsacral body to the acetabular region. The ventral wall of the anterior part of the caudal section of the synsacral body is broad and flat. It is only slightly disturbed in the fossil and thus gives a fairly correct idea of the morphology of that part in the living bird also. Posteriorly, remains of three pairs of “single” (i.e., not “split into” dorsal and ventral) par- apophyses can be seen. No synsacral bone material was pre- served posterior to the third pair of single parapophyses (3 . s), 44 Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird and an indistinct replica contour (m) gives no morphologic details of the skeletal structure. But, judging from the shape of the neighboring part of the right ilium, which in the living bird was attached to the svnsacrum, hardly more than one posterior vertebral element is lacking in the synsacrum. This would make six the number of caudal vertebrae included in the synsacrum. Fragmented bone walls remain in the two hindmost preserved interparapophvseal spaces (right side in the fossil), showing that these spaces in all probability were closed or nearly closed in the living bird. This also seems to have been the case in the most anteriorly preserved interpar- apophyseal space (between the double parapophvses). Matrix fills out the “background” in the intervening space, but la- mellar bone fragments in the left side may also indicate the original presence of a bone wall in this interparapophyseal space. A structure in the fossil (?c.v), discernible in Figure 5 below and to the left of the caudal section of the synsacrum, is presumed to be the remains of the caudal vertebrae. Most modern shorebirds have one pair of strong synsacral struts in the acetabular region of the pelvis, although two pairs of struts may occur. Doves have one, rarely two, pair(s) of comparatively weak synsacral struts. The number of synsacral vertebral elements posterior to the struts is generally four to five in shorebirds and five to six in doves. The interparapoph- yseal bone walls are usually fenestrated in the shorebirds, whereas in doves they tend to be closed. The ilium, ischium, and pubis of each side are fused in Plumumida lutetialis, as are the corresponding bones in Re- cent birds. This leaves an ilio-ischiatic fenestra and a posterior incisure between the ilium and ischium, and an ischio-pubic fenestra or incisure between the ischium and pubis. Only frag- ments of the ilium (l.il) occur in the left side of the fossil. In the right side, because of compression, there is a large opening between the posterior part of the ilium and the synsacrum, which in many birds, including the shorebirds and (all?) doves, are not completely fused. The ilio-ischiatic fenestra has been closed by the ischium being pressed onto the lateral edge of the ilium (the presence of plast matrix obscures the details here). Most of the bone wall of the postacetabular part of the ilium is preserved (although fragmented), including a large posterior iliac process that in the present flattened condition exhibits transverse ripples, testifying to a certain degree of introflexion of the process in the living bird. The acetabulum has been protruded by the right femoral head (f.h), and the proximal parts of the right femur and of the left tibiotarsus (l.ti) and fibula (fi) have been pressed into the pelvic bone in the acetabular region causing fragmentation. The iliac bone wall between the distal ends of the right synsacral struts and the acetabulum is much disturbed and gives no information as to the original position of the struts relative to the acetab- ulum (see Strauch 1978:315). The interior pelvic ridge (z) has also been damaged in the acetabular region. The postacetab- ular part of this ridge, as far as it is preserved, is a strong and conspicuous structure in the fossil. It is almost straight, and continues posteriorly, where it is now broken, into the poste- rior ischial process. A bone structure beneath the posterior ridge fracture in the fossil may be the displaced fractured end of this process. Remains of a posterior iliac crest (y), which is the posterior limitation of the renal depression, can be ob- served connecting with the medial wall of the interior pelvic ridge. Along the lateral side of this latter structure is a fairly large lamellar bone wall of the ischium, somewhat disturbed by the xiphial part of the sternum (s.c). The preserved section of the right pubis (r.pu) indicates by its strength that the pubes were well developed, and apparently extended a good distance behind the medial part of the pelvis. In many pelvic features Plumumida lutetialis shows good correspondence with conditions in doves. The innominate bone, as far as it can be studied, is close in morphology to that bone in, e.g., Columba loricata. The synsacrum, by its broad ventral wall of the anterior caudal section and apparently closed interparapophyseal walls, is reminiscent of the synsa- crum in, e.g., Columba palumbus. The presence of two pairs of strong synsacral struts in the acetabular region is, however, atypical of doves. In some modern columbiforms the pair of main synsacral struts extends from the vertebral element an- terior to that corresponding to the main strut element in shore- birds. Following Strauch (1978:314), the condition in these doves is the relatively derived of the two. He states (ibid.) that, in the most widely distributed and presumably primitive state for the Charadriiformes, the pair of main struts arises from the fifth vertebra from the posterior end of the synsa- crum. The interpretation given above of the number of caudal synsacral elements in the fossil would permit the conclusion that the two pairs of synsacral struts in Plumumida lutetialis correspond to a combination of those of the shorebirds and those of the advanced doves. Thus, in this particular feature, Plumumida lutetialis may represent a form intermediate be- tween shorebirds and advanced doves. Another interpretation is that both pairs of struts that may occur in specimens of modern shorebirds were strongly developed in Plumumida lu- tetialis as a consequence of the general robustness of the pelvis, which might also be said for other features that give the impression of strength. Recent shorebirds may have more than four, and doves more than five, caudal synsacral elements posterior to the strut element, suggesting that the number of caudal vertebrae included in the synsacrum is of limited di- agnostic significance. Unfortunately, the sacral section, which would permit a correct determination of the homology of the vertebral elements in this region, is covered in the holotype. The Hindlimbs. The greater portions of both hindlimbs (Figs. 5 and 6) are visible in the fossil, but their state of preservation permits few fine details to be studied. The right hindlimb (Fig. 6) is positioned in articulation with the pelvis, with the femoral head (f.h) located in the acetabulum as described above. Sec- tions of the right femur (r.f) are seen as bone fragments oi impressions in the matrix to the left of the superimposed left tibiotarsus (l.ti). The distal condylar part of the femur is crushed into more or less complete fusion with the crushed proximal articular part of the right tibiotarsus (r.ti). The femur length of 36 mm is measured between the visible extremes of the femur in the fossil, indicated in Figure 6 as the end points of the white lines “r.f.” The original femur may have been slightly longer. In the proximal part of the right tibiotarsus, which is seen in anterior view, a distinct mark for the attach- ment of the M. flexor cruris medialis (f.a) can be observed. A ridge (on various fragments of bone), the intermuscular line (i.m), terminates proximally in the base of the (broken) inner cnemial crest (c.c). Because of the serious crushing of the prox- imal end of the tibiotarsus, the proximal continuation of the inner cnemial crest cannot be reliably indicated. A replica con- Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird 45 Figure 6. Hindlimbs of the holotype of Plumumida lutetialis. c.c, inner cnemial crest; e.o, external oblique ligament apophysis; f.a, flexor cruris medialis attachment; f.h, femoral head; fi, fibula; i.m, intermus- cular line; 1.1, left hindtoe; l.e, linea extensoris; l.f, left femur; l.ta, left tarsometatarsus; l.ti, left tibiotarsus; mt, metatarsal I; o.c, outer cnemial crest (in the right tibiotarsus the interpretation is based upon a vague replica structure); r.I, right hindtoe; r.f, right femur; r.t, right toe; r.ta, right tarsometatarsus; r.ti, right tibiotarsus; s.b, supratendinal bridge; t.II-III, trochleae II and III; II— III— IV, left toes II, III, and IV. 46 Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird tour is tentatively interpreted as the imprint of the outer cne- mial crest (?o.c). The shaft of the right tibiotarsus has under- gone a special fragmentation because of lateral pressure from bones of the left hindlimb, resulting in a slight bending and some extension in a zone close to the present location of the proximal end of the left tarsometatarsus (l.ta), where little bone material is preserved. Part of the original bone wall remains near the distal end of the tibiotarsus, but around the intertarsal joint, most morphological details are obscured by intense crushing of the opposing ends of the tibiotarsus and the tar- sometatarsus. One bone structure, the supratendinal bridge (s.b), appears strangely unaffected by the crushing. Rounded structures (set off in the figure) apparently represent the con- dyles. No trace of a right fibula can be seen. The remains of the right tarsometatarsus (r.ta) show an element with a wide median furrow. Some bone material is preserved, but most of the element appears in replica. Distally, the trochleae have not been preserved. Their termination was originally located a little distal to the base of the hallux (r.I). A fracture now occurs in the tarsometatarsus above the hallux articulation. The hal- lux, also in replica, has been determined on the basis of the presence of a small body (mt) interpreted as metatarsal I, and on the structure of the toe that seems to consist of one larger element and a curved and pointed distal segment, correspond- ing to the first and the ungual phalanges, respectively. The terminal structure (r.t), ending in a “claw,” is also a toe replica, but the number of the toe cannot be determined since no re- liable traces of articulation can be discerned. In the left hindlimb (Figs. 5 and 6), the femur (l.f) is incom- pletely preserved, with the proximal part lacking, and the bone wall in the remaining part strongly fragmented. The left tib- iotarsus (l.ti) is seen in its full length. Proximally, the base of the inner cnemial crest (c.c) can be traced, together with parts of the bone wall, medial and lateral to the crest. A broken structure (o.c) represents the outer cnemial crest. The bases of these two crests extend about similar lengths distad in the tibiotarsus. An intermuscular line (i.m) can be followed as a distal continuation of the inner cnemial crest for some length of the bone. The middle part of the shaft is much fragmented, with pieces of the bone wall lacking. Towards the distal end of the bone, a very clear linea extensoris (he) can be traced in three fragments, terminating distally in the broken internal oblique ligament apophysis. The external oblique ligament apophysis (e.o) is preserved in the fossil, as well as the supra- tendinal bridge (s.b). The distal condyles, although incom- plete, are recognizable, as is the condylar fossa between them. Both condyles have suffered some deformation because of pressure against the surrounding bones. Sections of the fibula (fi) are preserved in what appears to be the complete original extension of the bone. Its proximal “head” is rather large. The left tarsometatarsus (l.ta), in its exposed anterior side, has much bone material preserved. Proximally, the external cotvla has become somewhat deformed by the external condyle of the tibiotarsus being pressed into it. The internal cotvla is little disturbed. The depth and length of the anterior median furrow was artificially increased during the fragmentation of the bone by the left lateral wall being turned into the furrow. There was probably a median furrow in the upper part of the undisturbed tarsometatarsus, perhaps as wide as that seen in the remains of the right tarsometatarsus. But in the distal end of the bone, metatarsal III protrudes, thus making the front side of the bone convex. The remains of trochlea II (t. II) and trochlea III (t. Ill) show that the latter was the distalmost of the two, and presumably of all three trochleae. Trochlea IV is not preserved. No digits are found in natural articulation with the left tarsometatarsus, but partially articulated toe bones located around the distal end of the left tibiotarsus are considered to belong to the left foot. A long bone (left portion of 1.1), situated transversely between the right and left tibio- tarsi, is believed to be the proximal phalanx of the left hallux, corresponding in size to that in the right hallux (r.I). Its ungual phalanx may be the one exposing its hemispheric flexor tuber- cle (1.1), with a central foramen, close to the lateral side of the left tibiotarsus and pointing its distal tip along this bone in its proximal direction. Below it are two articulated toe structures that show strong, curved, and pointed ungual phalanges with transversely rounded undersides and deep lateral furrows. Four phalanges, of which the two middle ones are compara- tively short, can be seen in one, and, in the other, two pha- langes and the ungual phalanx are visible. In birds, four bones may occur in toes III and IV, and three bones may also occur in toe II. The interpretation of the two articulated toes shown in Figure 6 as toes II and IV, and the free phalanx representing toe III (or with numbers II and III interchanged) would cor- respond to conditions in, among others, doves. No morphologic peculiarities of diagnostic interest can be studied in the fossil femora. The tibiae exhibit features that show similarity to the shorebirds and, for some of them, dis- tinguish the fossil from the doves. In shorebirds, the M. flexor cruris medialis attachment is primarily a distinct oblong mark- ing situated on the bone as it is in the fossil, whereas in doves the marking is different in shape, and is often more diffuse in outline than in shorebirds. Some shorebirds, such as Vanellus vanellus and Calidris alpina, have the bases of the inner and outer cnemial crests about equally long; this may, however, also be the case in some doves. The internal oblique ligament apophysis is in Plumumida lutetialis and Recent shorebirds situated rather closely above the level of the supratendinal bridge; in doves it is located farther proximad on the shaft of the bone. It appears in the fossil that the external condyle of the tibiotarsus is larger than the internal condyle; such is the case in shorebirds, but not in doves, where the internal condyle tends to be the larger. The foot in Plumumida lutetialis is reminiscent of the foot in doves. Characters encountered in a moderately advanced perching foot include a relatively short and strong tarsometa- tarsus, and robust digits consisting of a long hallux and, as it also appears, three anterior toes of medium lengths, all with strong, curved, and pointed (although not to the extent seen in passeriforms or birds of prey) claws. Specialized perchers, as the Passeriformes, have all three trochleae of the tarso- metatarsus in one line, whereas groundbirds, as the Charadrii, have trochlea III longer and more anteriorly protruding than trochleae II and IV (compare Stegmann 1969:25 ff). The dove foot seems intermediate in morphology and evolutionary stage between that in groundbirds of the shorebird type and the advanced perching foot. The tarsometatarsus in Recent doves has no well developed anterior median furrow as has the tarsometatarsus in Recent shorebirds and, apparently, in Plumumida lutetialis. In doves the tarsometatarsus is shorter than the femur, whereas in shorebirds it is longer, in some cases much longer, than the Hoch: Middle Eocene Shorebird 47 femur. In Plumumida lutetialis the two bones are of about equal length. As stated above, Recent shorebirds exhibit var- ious degrees of reduction of the hallux, showing that the ple- siomorphic state in this group of birds is the presence of a hallux. In skeletal morphology and proportions the foot of Plumumida lutetialis appears to be intermediate between that of shorebirds and doves. CONCLUSIONS There seems to be fairly wide agreement that the Colum- biformes developed from early Charadriiformes, perhaps dur- ing late Cretaceous times (for various elaborations of the idea, see cited works by Fjeldsa and Stegmann, and works referred to therein). It is tempting, on the basis of the above descrip- tion, to see in Plumumida lutetialis a form “on the line” from early shorebirds to doves. Only one pre-Lutetian columbiform, Microena goodwini Harrison and Walker 1977, described from the British Lower Eocene on the basis of a left tarsometatarsus lacking the trochlea for the 4th digit, has been recorded. Shore- birds are known as far back as the late Cretaceous (see Brod- korb 1967 and later works such as Brunet 1970 and Harrison and Walker 1976, 1977). Rhynchae'ites messelensis, stated by Wittich (1898:144) to be intermediate between shorebirds and rails, is referred to the Scolopacidae by Brodkorb (1967) (on the basis of Wittich’s investigations), an allocation that is, however, questioned by some workers. Most features in the fossil specimen used to refer it to the shorebirds are believed to be plesiomorphic characters within the shorebird complex (i. e. , the shorebirds and groups derived from them). A perching foot is a relatively apomorphic char- acter therein. Perching birds are found in various taxa of typically non- perching groups, such as the Cairinini within the Anseri- formes, and Anous spp. within the Lari. In both the perching ducks and geese and the noddies, the hindtoe is markedly long and the claws are more robust than in other ducks and terns. The whole foot, however, is not very different from the foot in their close relatives. Yet it is said about the young of these birds that they have very strong claws and are good at climb- ing. Very advanced perching feet are encountered in the Pas- seriformes, less advanced in the Columbiformes. A perching foot with corresponding structural modifications in the hind- limb and pelvic girdle is a specialization that evidently devel- oped more than once in bird history. One feature in the fossil, the short glenoid lip-long glenoid facet structure in the coracoid, does not have a morphologic parallel in the investigated shorebirds and doves. Although encountered in other bird taxa, it seems to be unique for Plu- mumida lutetialis among known shorebirds and doves. The character is considered an autapomorphv for the taxon to which the fossil belongs. The long distal metacarpal symphysis distinguishes Plu- mumida both from doves and from those shorebirds that are generally regarded as unspecialized. Specialized shorebirds, such as Scolopax, also have a long symphysis of the distal ends of metacarpals II and III. The character, presumably, is rel- atively apomorphic within the shorebirds, but is encountered within other bird taxa also. Formally, following the above given statements, Plumu- mida lutetialis should be placed within the shorebird-complex as a separate taxon (because of autapomorphv) with sister- group status relative to either (1) the doves (svnapomorphy: the perching foot), or (2) the Scolopax group (svnapomorphy: the long distal metacarpal symphysis). For the present, how- ever, acknowledging the incompleteness of the fossil, Plumu- mida lutetialis will be placed incertae sedis in the Charadrii. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I express my gratitude to the collector of the fossil, HP. Schierning, Hamburg, who permitted me to study and de- scribe the specimen, and to J.L. Franzen and D.S. Peters of the Forschungsinstitut Senckenberg, and O. Feist, Miihltal, who readily undertook correspondence and co-work with me on the Messel fossils. The following individuals are also heartily thanked: Joel Cracraft for inspiring me to undertake the present work. Jon Fjeldsa who discussed his ideas of charadriiform phvlogenv with me, and let me read an unpublished manuscript. C.A. Walker of the British Museum (Natural History) for showing me the collections of fossil birds, and L. Ginsburg of the Mu- seum National d’Histoire Naturelle for placing fossil and Re- cent bird material at my disposal. G.S. Cowles and C.J.O. Harrison for permitting me to study Recent bird material at the British Museum Ornithological Department, Tring, and J. Fjeldsa and U. Mphl for doing the same at the Zoological Museum of Copenhagen. C.J.O. Harrison is thanked for his kind interest in discussing my ideas of the Messel bird. S.E. Bendix-Almgreen, Niels Bonde, Ulrik Mphl, and Kaj Strand Petersen have critically commented on the text. Bente Bang, O. Bang Berthelsen, and P Nielsen carried out the photo- graphic work connected with the study of the fossil, and Chr. Rasmussen carefully made the important details of the fossil stand out clearly in the illustrations. John Bailey helped with the English language, and Annemarie K. Brantsen carefully typed the manuscript. A grant from Statens Naturvidenskabelige Forskningsrad (J. Nr. 511-10475) allowed me to visit the British and French museums. LITERATURE CITED Berg, D.E. 1965. Nachweis des Riesenlaufvogels Diatryma im Eozan von Messel bei Darmstadt/Hessen. Notizbl. hess. 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The Plotopteridae is rediagnosed and a new genus and species, Tonsala hildegardae, is described from a partial associated skeleton from the late Oligocene of Washington. Postcranial morphology shows the Plotopteridae to be closest to the Anhingidae, although the specialized spearing apparatus of anhingas is lacking. Plotopterids are known only from the North Pacific and only from deposits of late Oligocene to early Miocene age. The apparently simultaneous disappearance of the Plotopteridae in the Northern Hemisphere and the giant penguins in the Southern Hemisphere may be correlated with the rise of seals and porpoises. Brief comments are appended on convergence in the evolution of diving birds. A little more than ten years ago, Hildegarde Howard (1969), in a brief and succinct note, introduced to science a new genus and species of bird, Plotopterum joaquinensis, based on the humeral end of a coracoid from an early Miocene deposit in Kern County, California. From this single specimen she con- cluded that Plotopterum should be made the type of a new family of Pelecaniformes, the Plotopteridae, related to anhin- gas and cormorants but with convergent similarities to pen- guins and alcids that suggested Plotopterum was a wing-pro- pelled diver with a paddle-like forelimb. Although having no further information, Brodkorb (1971) assigned Plotopterum to a separate subfamily in the Phalacrocoracidae. However, sub- sequent discoveries of fossils from Japan and Washington have fully substantiated Dr. Howard’s extraordinary perspicacity in recognizing the affinities and adaptations represented by the original fossil fragment. Most of the new material of Plotopteridae, and also the best preserved, comes from several late Oligocene and early Mio- cene localities in Kyushu and Honshu, Japan, which I am studying in collaboration with Dr. Yoshikazu Hasegawa of the National Science Museum, Tokyo. We have summarized else- where some of our overall findings (Olson and Hasegawa 1979). The general nature of the Japanese specimens, with details of locality and stratigraphy, have been documented by Hasegawa et al. (1979). A more complete description of the Japanese material awaits preparation and study of recently discovered specimens. In the present paper I shall concentrate on the only specimen of Plotopteridae yet known from the eastern side of the Pacific, apart from the original fossil de- scribed by Howard. 1 Department of Vertebrate Zoology, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. 20560. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:51-57. The following diagnosis of the family Plotopteridae is based partially on characters ascertained from the as yet unnamed Japanese specimens, while that for the new genus is based on characters of the coracoid, the only element known for the sole taxon of the family hitherto named. SYSTEMATICS Order Pelecaniformes Sharpe 1891 In the following characters the Plotopteridae resemble the Pelecaniformes and differ from the Sphenisciformes and Cha- radriiformes: (1) absence of supraorbital furrows for salt glands; (2) deep transverse naso-frontal hinge; (3) sternum with large, pointed carina projecting far anterior to coracoidal sulci; (4) furcula articulating solidly by a large rounded facet with apex of carina (Fig. 1); (S) scapula with very large acromion projecting anteriorly well beyond coracoidal articulation; (6) coracoid with large flat furcular facet; (7) procoracoid process simple, without foramen (foramen lacking in certain alcids and incomplete in some penguins); (8) femur with proximal and distal ends proportionately broader, neck elongate; (9) internal condyle of tibiotarsus with marked medial deflection, and ten- dinal groove and openings wide; (10) tarsometatarsus with fol- lowing combination of characters — metatarsals completely fused, hvpotarsus with large medial crest, outer trochlea ele- vated well above others, inner trochlea elongate and at same level as middle trochlea. Suborder Sulae Sharpe 1891 Family Plotopteridae Howard 1969 INCLUDED GENERA: Plotopterum Howard (1969); Ton- sala, new genus; genus or genera unnamed (Japanese speci- mens). 52 Olson: Oligocene Plotopteridae Figure 1. Right lateral view of the sternum (s) and furcula (f) in a plotopterid (specimen from Ainoshima Island, Japan), showing the far anterior projection of the carina (c) and its solid articulation (a) with the furcula, a characteristic of the Pelecaniformes. DIAGNOSIS: Medium to extremely large, flightless, wing- propelled diving Pelecaniformes with forelimbs modified into penguin-like paddles. Humerus with shaft greatly flattened and curved, proximal end very heavy and rounded as in Spheniscidae, distal end appearing more similar to certain Alcidae. Ulna shortened, with row of distinct pits for attach- ment of secondaries. Radius flattened and expanded. Carpo- metacarpus short and flattened, with metacarpal I extending nearly half the length of the bone. Coracoid very straight and elongate; furcular facet projecting far ventrad; triosseal canal with lower part markedly convex, separated from glenoid facet by distinct longitudinal groove; procoracoid process long and acuminate. Scapula with blade thin and greatly expanded, somewhat as in Spheniscidae but acromion greatly elongated and narrow. Skull and cervical vertebrae not greatly narrowed and elongate as in Anhingidae; temporal fossae deep and post- orbital processes large as in Sulidae. Caudal vertebrae very large. Pelvis broad and shallow with anterior portions of ilia expanded as in Anhingidae and Phalacrocoracidae; acetabu- lum lying entirely anterior to obturator foramen, unlike other Pelecaniformes. Femur and tibiotarsus most similar to Anhin- gidae. Tarsometatarsus somewhat similar to Anhingidae, but much heavier, not as excavated anteriorly, and with distal foramen continuous with intertrochlear notch. TEMPORAL AND GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION: Known only from late Oligocene and early Miocene deposits of the North Pacific: Kyushu and Honshu in Japan; Washing- ton and southern California, in the United States. Tonsala new genus TYPE SPECIES: Tonsala hildegardae new species. DIAGNOSIS: Distinguished from Plotopterum by having coracoid with (1) glenoid facet more elongate, with margins not as distinctly raised above shaft, and (2) sternal margin not sinuate; (3) furcular facet projecting farther ventrad; (4) cor- acohumeral surface relatively longer and narrower. ETYMOLOGY: Latin, tonsa, oar, and ala, wing, feminine; so named for the paddle-like development of the forelimb. Tonsala hildegardae new species Figures 2a-f, 3a-h, 4a-c, 5b HOLOTYPE: Partial associated skeleton, vertebrate pa- leontological collections, USNM 256518. The specimen con- sists of the distal two-thirds of a right humerus, right ulna, proximal and distal ends of right radius, right ulnare and ra- diale, right carpometacarpus lacking most of the proximal end, proximal and distal (pathological) portions of left humerus and shaft of left ulna (pathological), humeral ends of right and left coracoids (both worn), right scapula, anterior portion of syn- sacrum, and right patella; also, several vertebrae, ribs, and unidentified bone fragments still in matrix. Collected 1 Janu- ary 1977 by Douglas Emlong (field number E-77-1). The con- dition of the holotype suggests considerable predepositional breakage and wear of the bones, although some of the elements remained nearly in articulation. The left humerus is in two pieces, possibly due to a premortem break as the distal end is grossly pathological and so grown over with spongy bone as to be almost unrecognizable. Likewise, the left ulna appears to be atrophied. The specimen was preserved in an excessively refractory sandstone, necessitating laborious preparation by grinding. DIAGNOSIS: As for the genus. Much larger than Plotop- terum joaquinensis. TYPE LOCALITY: Washington, Clallam County, Olym- pic Peninsula, south side of Strait of Juan de Fuca. On Disque Quadrangle, U.S. Geological Survey 7.5-minute series to- pographic map, 1950 edition, the locality is about 0.4 km E of first point of land extending into strait, slightly more than 3.2 km W of mouth of Lyre River, and immediately W of the mouth of Murdock Creek. HORIZON: Late Oligocene, Pvsht Formation of Twin Riv- er Group (see correlation chart in Snavely et al. 1978). Spec- Olson: Oligocene Plotopteridae S3 Figure 2. Humerus of Tonsala hildegardae, holotype (USNM 256518), and a late Eocene penguin, a, proximal end of left humerus of Tonsala hildegardae, external view; b, same, internal view; c, same, proximal view; d, distal portion of right humerus of Tonsala hildegardae , external view; e, same, internal view; f, same, distal view; g, internal view of proximal end of left humerus of a late Eocene penguin (gen. and sp. indet., USNM 244144) from Seymour Island, Antarctica, to show overall similarity in morphology to Tonsala . All figures xl except g, which is about x'/2. The specimens are actually dark, but in this and the following two figures they have been coated with ammonium chloride to enhance detail. imen found in float about 10 m from bank. Matrix barren of microfossils (C.A. Repenning pers. comm ). The locality is in the reference section of the “upper member” of the Twin River “Formation” in the terminology of Brown and Gower (1958). It is close to or at “locality A3690” of Durham (1944) and is in his Echinophoria rex zone. It is also very near or at “locality f 11810” of Rau (1964), regarded as upper Zemorrian in the California benthic foraminiferal stages. The most recent data would make the age of this deposit greater than 30 million years (Addicott 1977). ETYMOLOGY: In honor of Dr. Hildegarde Howard, in recognition of her many contributions to the study of fossil birds, but more particularly of her correct diagnosis of an en- tirely new family from a single fragment of bone. MEASUREMENTS OF HOLOTYPE (in mm): Humerus: proximal width 27.9, proximal depth 19.0, distal width (through external condyle) 22.7, distal depth (through internal condyle) 13.3, shaft width just distal to palmar crest 16.8, shaft depth at same point 7.9. Coracoid: distance from head to distal extent of glenoid facet 41.8, length of glenoid facet 24.6, breadth below head across triosseal canal 12.7. Scapula: total length (as preserved) 141.1, width at narrowest point 10.7. Ulna: length 72.5, proximal depth 18.7, proximal width 12.5. Carpometacarpus: distance from distal end of metacarpal 54 Olson: Oligocene Plotopteridae Figure 3. Distal wing elements and patella oiTonsala hildegardae, holotvpe (USNM 2S6518). a, right ulna, internal view (the lunate incision in the middle of the shaft is an artifact of preparation); b, same, proximal view; c, same, external view (note the pits for the attachment of the secondaries — these are obscured distally by breakage); d, right radius, external view (part of shaft missing); e, right carpometacarpus, lacking proximal end, internal view (arrow indicates distalmost portion of metacarpal I; retouched to eliminate matrix in intermetacarpal space); f, same, external view; g, right ulnare, ventral view; h, right patella, anterior view. All figures XI except g, which is X2. I to distal end of metacarpal II 24.8, distal depth 14.4, distal width 6.0, length of intermetacarpal space 25.9. Radius: great- est diameter of proximal articulation 8.6. Radiale: greatest diameter 13.2. Patella: greatest diameter 25.5. DESCRIPTION: Through modification for underwater lo- comotion, the wing elements of Tonsala hildegardae have lost all resemblance to those of any other pelecaniform birds and have become remarkably similar to those of other wing-pro- pelled divers, i.e., penguins and auks (Sphenisciformes: Spheniscidae and Charadriiformes: Alcidae). This is most ap- parent in the proximal end of the humerus (Fig. 2a-c), which is very heavy, with a deep, rounded head having a resem- blance among known birds only to penguins. The ligamental furrow is very deep and diagonally oriented and the bicipital surface is well demarcated — in contrast to Recent penguins but quite similar to the condition seen in certain late Eocene penguins (Fig. 2g). The capital groove is better developed than in living or fossil penguins, but the tricipital fossa is consid- erably smaller and shallower. The shaft of the humerus is sigmoid and very compressed Olson: Oligocene Plotopteridae 55 dorsoventrally, having a large anterior crest most similar to that seen in the humerus of the flightless alcids of the fossil genus Mancalla, but better developed (Fig. 2d, e; see Miller and Howard 1949, for illustrations of Mancalla). At the distal end, the tricipital grooves are very deep, as in penguins and alcids. The entepicondvle extends slightly more distad than the ridge between the tricipital grooves, Tonsala being inter- mediate in this respect between the flightless alcid Pinguinus and the more specialized flightless alcid Mancalla. The bra- chial depression is still fairly well developed, as in Pinguinus and unlike either Mancalla or penguins. Overall, the humerus is more specialized for wing-propelled diving than in any birds except penguins, although the distal end is slightly less modified in this direction than in Mancalla. The ulna is quite distinctive (Fig. 3a-c). The shaft is not curved, and it tapers evenly from a broad proximal end to a relatively small distal articulation. Along the dorsal surface is a row of approximately 13 deep circular pits for the attachment of secondaries. This is a unique condition in birds, and quite unlike that in penguins, in which the remiges can no longer be differentiated morphologically from other feathers of the wing. The olecranon is reduced. The internal cotvla is quite large and deep, but the external cotvla is so modified as to be convex in proximal view. The radius of the holotype (Fig. 3d) lacks a section of shaft, so that it is not possible to determine its exact shape. It is highly distinctive in being flattened and in having both a prox- imal and a distal expansion on the anterior edge. This is much more modified than the radius in Pinguinus, but somewhat similar to, though still more specialized than, that of Mancalla. In the latter the radius is also expanded, but by a single crest located farther distally than the proximal crest in Tonsala. The radius and ulna in Tonsala are not nearly as modified as in the flattened, almost unrecognizable structures of pen- guins, nor are they quite as foreshortened as in Mancalla, although in other respects they are perhaps more modified than in that genus. The ulnare (Fig. 3g) is flattened, with a large posterior ex- pansion, foreshadowing the even more specialized structure of penguins. The ulnar condyle is a distinct lunate incision that is on a line with the notch for the carpal trochlea, quite in contrast to typical birds in which these two articulating sur- faces are nearly perpendicular to each other. This indicates that the distal portion of the wing in Tonsala was held parallel to the ulna and was probably capable of very little flexion. The carpometacarpus of the holotype lacks most of the prox- imal end, but the distalmost part of metacarpal I is preserved (Fig. 3e, f). From this, and one Japanese specimen in which the carpometacarpus is complete, it is seen that metacarpal I was greatly elongated — to about the same extent as in Mancalla. The entire metacarpus is flattened and the distal end, partic- ularly the tuberosity of metacarpal II, is much more expanded than in Mancalla. The scapula of Tonsala has a very thin, sheetlike, greatly expanded blade (Figs. 4a, 5b), unlike that of any other birds except penguins. This is also an adaptation for wing-propelled diving; the dorsal elevators of the wing arise mainly from the scapula and are enlarged because the upstroke must be made against water and also provides propulsive force. The very long, narrow acromion in Tonsala is a pelecaniform feature, this process being small and poorly developed in both penguins and alcids. The acromion in Tonsala is longer and Figure 4. Pectoral girdle of Tonsala hildegardae , holotype (USNM 256518). a, right scapula, dorsal view (most irregularities in margins of blade are probably artifacts of preservation); b, humeral end of left coracoid, dorsal view; c, same, lateral view. All figures xi. more slender than in any of the other members of the Pele- caniformes. Both coracoids of the holotype of Tonsala are poorly pre- served and lack the sternal two-thirds. The left coracoid, how- ever, shows the distinctive features of the Plotopteridae as discussed by Howard (1969) and in the familial and generic diagnoses above. In this specimen (Fig. 4b-c), the procoracoid process is preserved. It is a large, anteriorly curved spine, much larger than in the Anhingidae or Phalacrocoracidae, but not too unlike that in the Sulidae. The patella was the only element of the hindlimb preserved in the holotype of Tonsala hildegardae . It is a large and heavily ossified bone with a distinct small transverse perforation for the tendon of the ambiens muscle (Fig. 3h). An ossified patella occurs only in the Sulidae, Anhingidae, and Phalacrocoraci- dae, among the Pelecaniformes. The form of the patella of Tonsala is more similar to that in the Anhingidae, differing mainly in being a heavier bone and in having the dorsal por- 56 Olson: Oligocene Plotopteridae Figure 5. Ventral view of right scapula of (A) Anhinga anhinga, An- hingidae, Pelecaniformes; (B) Tonsala hildegardae, Plotopteridae, Pel- ecaniformes; (C) Eudyptes chrysolophus, Spheniscidae, Sphenisci- formes. The acromion (a) is well developed in the two Pelecaniformes, in contrast to the penguin; however, the very broad but thin blade occurs only in penguins and the convergentlv similar Plotopteridae. Not to scale. tion projecting anteriad as a distinct knob. In the Sulidae the patella is a more flattened, simpler structure, lacking the en- closed canal for M. ambiens. The patella in the Phalacroco- racidae, while varying within the family, is quite different, taking the form of a pyramid with a tetragonal base and pro- jecting much farther anteriad than in Tonsala. DISCUSSION Tonsala hildegardae was a much larger bird than Plotop- terum joaquinensis and also exceeded in size any of the living penguins except the two species of Aptenodytes. It is generi- cally distinct not only from Plotopterum, but also from a much larger and as yet unnamed Japanese species for which com- parable elements are known. The holotvpe of Tonsala hilde- gardae is the only specimen of bird yet known from the Oli- gocene marine deposits of the eastern Pacific. It is somewhat older than Plotopterum joaquinensis, but probably nearly con- temporaneous with most of the plotopterids from Japan. In the deposits in which they occur, plotopterids are the only birds so far known. Yet they are absent from later deposits and thus evidently became extinct toward the end of the early Miocene. The giant penguins in the Southern Hemisphere died out at the same time. There is a strong possibility that the disappearance of these two unrelated groups in different hemi- spheres is linked with the contemporaneous ascendency of seals and porpoises (Simpson 1974; Olson and Hasegawa 1979). The Plotopteridae not only belong in the Pelecaniformes, but are clearly derived from members of the suborder Sulae, which includes the Sulidae, Anhingidae, and Phalacrocoraci- dae. The species in the latter two families are entirely foot- propelled divers, but at least some of the Sulidae, all of which are plunge divers, are known to use the wings occasionally underwater to extend the depth of their dives (Thomas R. Howell pers. comm.). Increased specialization for such loco- motion in some early pelecaniform group led ultimately to the development of the Plotopteridae. In the course of modifying the forelimb into a paddle-like propulsive organ, plotopterids, penguins, and alcids have evolved numerous “shared derived character states,” but only by blind adherence to cladistic methodology could these three families be classified as a monophvletic group. The profound differences between plotopterids and penguins or alcids and the many characters, including presumably derived ones, that link the Plotopteridae and the Pelecaniformes have been out- lined above. To ignore such differences in favor of emphasiz- ing similarities in what are clearly locomotor adaptations is to disregard the very information that leads to a true understand- ing of the evolutionary history of these taxa. This is neverthe- less what Cracraft (1972:387) has done in attempting to res- urrect the hypothesis that foot-propelled diving birds of the orders Gaviiformes, Podicipediformes, and Hesperornithi- formes “evolved from a common ancestor” that was also a foot-propelled diver. The physical constraints of extreme specialization of one or the other set of limbs for underwater propulsion obviously impose a certain morphological uniformity on those organs in the bird that happens to adopt such a mode of locomotion, regardless of relationships. Storer’s (1960) analysis of evolution in diving birds, which does not ignore differences and which requires independent development of similarities in locomotor adaptations, is logical and in full accordance with observed facts. To this the Plotopteridae add a striking new example of the significance of convergence. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Douglas Emlong collected, and G.B. Sullivan prepared, the holotype oiTonsala hildegardae . Emlong’s field work was sup- ported by a grant from the Smithsonian Research Foundation. Clayton E. Ray kindly provided detailed stratigraphic infor- mation. I gratefully acknowledge the cooperation of my col- league Yoshikazu Hasegawa, National Science Museum, To- kyo, who has supplied information, casts, and specimens of the Japanese plotopterids as well as much generous hospitality during my visit to Japan in 1976. Robert McKenzie, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, supplied a cast of Plotopterum. For their comments on the manuscript I thank John Farrand, Jr., Clayton E. Ray, and David W. Steadman. The line drawings are by Bonnie Dalzell. I am particularly indebted to Victor E. Krantz for his skillful photography of specimens. LITERATURE CITED Addicott, W.O. 1977. Neogene chronostratigraphv of near- shore marine basins of the Eastern North Pacific. Proc. First Intern. Congr. Pacific Neogene Stratigraphy, To- kyo, 1976. Pp. 151-175. Olson: Oligocene Plotopteridae 57 Brodkorb, P. 1971. Catalogue of fossil birds: Part 4 (Co- lumbiformes through Piciformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 15(4): 163-266. Brown, R.D., Jr., and H.D. Gower. 1958. Twin River Formation (redefinition), Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington. Bull. Amer. Assoc. Petrol. Geol. 42(10):2492- 2512. Cracraft, J. 1972. The relationships of the higher taxa of birds: problems in phylogenetic reasoning. Condor 74(4):3 7 9—392 . Durham, J.W. 1944. Megafaunal zones of the Oligocene of Northwestern Washington. Univ. Calif. Publ., Bull Dept. Geol. Sci. 25(5): 101-212. Hasegawa, Y., S. Isotani, K. Nagai, K. Seki, T. Suzuki, H. Otsuka, M. Ota, and K. Ono. 1979. Preliminary notes on the Oligo-Miocene penguin-like birds from Ja- pan. Bull. Kitakyshu Mus. Nat. Hist. 1:41-60. [In Jap- anese.] Howard, H. 1969. A new avian fossil from Kern County, California. Condor 7 1( 1):68— 69. Miller, L., and H. Howard. 1949. The flightless Pliocene bird Mancalla. Carnegie Inst. Washington Publ. 584:201- 228. Olson, S.L., and Y. Hasegawa. 1979. Fossil counterparts of giant penguins from the North Pacific. Science 206(44 19):688-689. Rau, W.W. 1964. Foraminifera from the Northern Olympic Peninsula, Washington. U.S. Geol Surv. Prof. Paper 374G:Gl-G33. Simpson, G.G. 1974. Fossil penguins. Pp. 19-41 in The Bi- ology of Penguins (B. Stonehouse, Ed.). Macmillan, Lon- don. Snavely, P.D., Jr., A.R. Niem, and J.E. Pearl. 1978. Twin River Group (Upper Eocene to Lower Miocene) — Defined to include the Hoko River, Makah, and Pvsht Formations, Clallam County, Washington. Pp. A 1 1 1 — A120 in Changes in stratigraphic nomenclature by the U.S. Geological Survey, 1977 (N.F. Sohl and W.B. Wright, Eds.). Geol. Surv. Bull. 1457-A. Storer, R.W. 1960. Evolution in the diving birds. Proc. Xllth Intern. Orn. Congr., Helsinki 1958:694-707. A NEW GENUS OF TERATORN FROM THE HUAYQUERIAN OF ARGENTINA (AVES: TERATORNITHIDAE) By Kenneth E. Campbell, Jr.,1 and Eduardo P. Tonni2 ABSTRACT: A review of the family Teratornithidae, heretofore known only from two genera and three species restricted to North America, is followed by the description of a new genus and species, Argentavis magnificens, from the Huayquerian (late Miocene) of Argentina. The new teratorn possessed cranial adaptations similar to those of Teratornis merriami L. Miller. It was approximately twice as large as T. merriami, with a probable wingspan of 6.5 to 7.5 m, the largest flying bird known to science. A possible second occurrence of a teratorn in late Pleistocene deposits of South America (La Carolina, Ecuador) is noted. RESUMEN: Se realiza una revision de la familia Teratornithidae, solo conocida hasta el momento a traves de dos generos y tres especies restringidas a America del Norte. Se describe un nuevo genero v especie, Argentavis magnificens , procedente de sedimentos de Edad Huavqueriense (Mioceno tardio) de la Argentina. Este nuevo teratorno poseia adaptaciones craneanas similares a aquellas de Teratornis merriami L. Miller, siendo su tamano aproximadamente el doble que el de esta ultima especie. Argentavis magnificens tenia una envergadura probable de 6. 5-7. 5 m, por lo que representa el ave voladora de mayor tamano conocida hasta ahora. Se hace referencia tambien a otro posible registro para un teratorno en el Pleistoceno tardio de America del Sur (La Carolina, Ecuador). The teratorns are members of an extinct avian family, the Teratornithidae Miller 1925, long considered to be related to the New World vultures of the family Vulturidae. This rela- tionship was based primarily on the raptorial appearance of the beak and certain parts of the postcranial skeleton, although it was questioned even as it was originally proposed (Miller 1909). All known species of the family were very large to gi- gantic birds, a fact that led many people to consider the ter- atorns as necessarily having a condor-like style of flying. To date, the family Teratornithidae has been composed of only two genera, Teratornis and Cathartornis . The former contains two species, Teratornis merriami L. Miller 1909 and T. incredibilis Howard 1952. Teratornis merriami was the first described and is the best known species of the family, being represented by hundreds of specimens recovered from the as- phalt deposits at Rancho La Brea, California, as well as spec- imens from other late Pleistocene localities in California, Flor- ida, and Nuevo Leon, Mexico (Brodkorb 1964). In his original description of Teratornis merriami, Miller (1909:315) stated: “ Teratornis , if it be considered raptorial, displays characters more or less distinctive of each of these groups [other families of the order Accipitriformes], though a preponderance of cathartid affinities is evident.” While even then believing that Teratornis should be placed in its own 1 Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 900 Exposition Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90007. 2 Division Paleontologia Vertebrados. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo, 1900 - La Plata, Argentina. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County . 1980. 330:59-68. family, he hesitated to take that step because of the lack of any hindlimb elements assignable to T. merriami. The follow- ing year, Miller (1910) described a new genus and species, Pleistogyps rex, based upon the hindlimb elements of T. mer- riami, an error he later recognized and corrected (Miller 1925:92). At that time, he established the family Teratornith- idae, stating that “ Teratornis . . . shows very bold divergence in its osteology from the closely knit family of the Cathartidae [ = VulturidaeJ, the divergence taking a number of different pathways. The degree of divergence is in excess of those os- teological differences to be noted between most families of living birds classified under one order” (Miller 1925:94). Teratornis merriami was a very large bird, standing about 0.75 m tall, with a wingspan of 3.5 to 3.8 m. Early estimates (Fisher 1945; Stock 1956; Howard 1972) placed its weight at about 23 kg, but new data and calculations (John Anderson pers. comm.) indicate that 15 kg is a more accurate estimate. The California Condor, Gymnogyps californianus (Shaw), reaches a wingspan of 2.75 to 3. 1 m and a weight of 9 to 10.5 kg (Koford 1953). Because of its size, it was long thought that T. merriami must have been a soaring bird, using wind cur- rents and updrafts to maintain flight, much as the condors do. The tendency to equate large size with soaring flight probably played a significant role in maintaining the concept of Tera- tornis as a condor-like bird. After a study of the postcranial osteology, Fisher (1945) concluded that T. merriami was better adapted for flapping flight than condors. He suggested that the type of flight of T. merriami may have been similar to that in modern herons and pelicans, and also that it was not ca- 60 Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn pable of soaring under conditions that would keep Gymnogyps in the air indefinitely. With this background, the discovery of the even larger Ter- atornis incredibilis was quite astounding. Unfortunately, T. incredibilis is known from only three specimens, none of which is particularly diagnostic. The species was named on the basis of a complete cuneiform bone from Smith Creek Cave, Nevada, a site that is “certainly no older than late Pleis- tocene” (Howard 1972:343). The second specimen referred to the species came from Irvingtonian deposits in the Vallecito Creek valley of the Anza-Borrego Desert, San Diego County, California. This specimen, a distal end of a radius, was re- ferred to T. incredibilis “based on its general resemblance to that of Teratornis merriami and its tremendous size” (Howard 1963:16). The third specimen, the anterior portion of a beak, came from Blancan deposits in the Fish Creek beds of the Anza-Borrego Desert. This specimen was also referred to T. incredibilis on the basis of its general resemblance to T. mer- riami and its large size (Howard 1972). Whether all of the three specimens referred to T. incredibilis are actually from the same species is problematical. As dis- cussed by Howard (1972:343), if the three specimens are from the same species, its longevity would be in excess of three million years. However, these specimens are so undiagnostic that they may not even all belong to the same genus, much less the same species, and if they are all of the same species they may belong to a genus other than Teratornis (see Howard 1972:343). We hasten to add that we believe Howard’s method of describing the specimens was most appropriate; she brought their existence to the attention of the scientific community, while at the same time leaving the resolution of higher level taxonomic categories until the discovery of more diagnostic material. The three specimens referred to T. incredibilis are each ap- proximately 40 percent larger than corresponding specimens of T. merriami. The large size of the cuneiform and radius indicates that T. incredibilis was a flying bird, and Howard (1952:52) has suggested that it had a wingspan of about 4.9 to 5.2 m, an estimate based upon the size of its cuneiform relative to that of T. merriami. Teratornis incredibilis, then, was ri- valed only by Osteodontornis orri Howard 1957, a gigantic marine bird from the Miocene of California, for the title of the world’s largest flying bird. Howard (1957:15) suggested that 0. orri may have had a wingspan near 5 m. The genus Cathartornis is composed of only one species, C. gracilis Miller 1910, a taxon based upon two tarsometatarsi from Rancho La Brea, California. In a reevaluation of C. gracilis, Miller and Howard (1938) considered it to be gener- icallv distinct from Teratornis. They also considered Terator- nis and Cathartornis to be sufficiently similar to warrant the transfer of the latter from the Vulturidae, wherein it was orig- inally placed, to the Teratornithidae. Based upon the size of the tarsometatarsus, which is as long as but more slender than that of Gymnogyps calif or nianus, C. gracilis is the smallest of the known teratorns. Brodkorb (1964) reduced the Teratornithidae to subfamilial rank within the Vulturidae. On the other hand, Jollie (1977:111) considered T. merriami to be “the most extreme cathartic! in some respects” and the teratorns to be distinct at the familial level within the Accipitriformes. Olson (1978:168), however, has suggested that the teratorns may be a pelecani- form group. This suggestion was based in part upon the shape of the sternum of T. merriami, about which Fisher (1945:727) noted, “There is nothing cathartid about this bony element ...” The senior author of the present paper recently initiated detailed studies of the osteology of T. merriami, with the in- tended goal of further determining its functional morphology and phylogenetic relationships. Preliminary results indicate that T. merriami was condor-like in its locomotory but not its feeding behavior, and that the teratorns may not be related to any of the families of Accipitriformes. In fact, T. merriami does have many structural similarities to pelecaniform birds, both in its cranial (as noted below) and postcranial osteology. However, these similarities appear to be a result of conver- gence and probably do not reflect phylogenetic relationships. In summary, the Teratornithidae has been comprised of three species of very large to gigantic flying birds placed in two genera, all known from North America. Two of the species, Teratornis incredibilis and Cathartornis gracilis, are known from only a few specimens, and may or may not be related to T. merriami. The latter is known from hundreds of specimens, but its physical characteristics and relationships with other avian groups are still poorly understood. To the Teratornithidae we can now add a new genus and species of such staggering proportions that one can only marvel that such a bird could have existed, and at the good fortune of finding a fragmented associated skeleton of it. SYSTEMATICS Order Accipitriformes (Vieillot 1816) Family Teratornithidae L. Miller 1925 DESCRIPTION: Family characters listed by Miller (1925:94) include: (1) lateral and backward extension of post- auditorv prominences; (2) close approximation of maxillopal- atines; (3) reduction of cerebellar region; (4) compression and vaulting of beak; (5) elliptical foramen magnum; (6) broaden- ing and shortening of sternum; (7) weakness and openness of furcula; (8) ruggedness of humeral head; (9) elongation and attenuation of ulna and metacarpus; (10) relative weakness of posterior limbs; (11) reduction of trochanter of femur; (12) re- duction of tibial crests; (13) columnar character of tarsometa- tarsus. Additional characters not listed by Miller include (14) skull broad and dorsoventrallv flattened; and (15) quadrate with an L-shaped mandibular articulation extending without break from quadratojugal socket to anteromost point of ven- tral surface. Argentavis new genus TYPE SPECIES: Argentavis magnificens new species. DIAGNOSIS: Differs from Teratornis L. Miller 1909 by having skull (Fig. la, b) (1) broader, more flattened dorsoven- trally, with greater posterolateral extension of postauditory prominences; with (2) foramen magnum lying in a plane facing more posteriad, i.e., more vertical; (3) foraminal openings im- mediately anterolateral to occipital condyle large, but possibly enlarged by breakage (very small in Teratornis)', (4) occipital condyle as wide as widest portion of foramen magnum (about Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn 61 Table 1. Measurements (in mm) of Argentavis magnificens new genus new species, Teratornis merriami L. Miller,1 and Gymnogyps californianus (Shaw) (n = 1). Argentavis magnificens Teratornis merriami Gymnogyps californianus Skull Length 435 ± 20 222.0 158.0 Maximum width through postauditory prominences 150 ± 10 ,86.7 50.0 Top of cranium through ventral tip of 66 ± 5 55.7 45.0 occipital condyle Maximum width of foramen magnum 15.5 ± 1 12.2 11.4 Height of foramen magnum 17.5 ± 1 13.4 12.5 Width of occipital condyle 15.0 9.5 6.1 Height of occipital condyle 11.0 6.1 5.0 Quadrate Maximum distance from squamosal articulation to tip of mandibular articulation 66 ± 2 36.7-39.2 38.3 27.8 Anteroposterior ventral length 46 ±3 24.2-28.5 26.4 18.0 Center of socket for quadratojugal to anterior end of mandibular articulation 53 ± 2 25.5-28.3 26.8 15.3 Humerus Length 570 ± 10 310.0-330.0 318.2 271.0 Least width of shaft 49.0 22.9-26.7 24.6 21.0 Depth of shaft at point of least width 35.0 17.6-20.5 19.5 16.0 Coracoid Head to internal distal angle 325 (est.) (as preserved, 205) 151.3-163.5 156.5 98.0 Head to medial opening of coracoidal fenestra 125.0 70.1-77.7 74.4 53.2 Maximum width of glenoid facet 31.0 17.9-18.8 18.3 13.4 Dorsal end of glenoid facet to ventral end of procoracoid 78.0 39.1-42.6 40.5 35.7 T arsometatarsus Length 240 (est.) (as preserved, 133) 130.4-145.8 139.8 121.5 Width at distal end of distal foramen 42.0 20.8-23.4 22.0 22.5 1 Measurements for the skull were taken from specimen No. LACM HCB1381. For the other elements, measurements were taken from five complete specimens of each from the collections in the George C. Page Museum, Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County. This group of measurements is not intended to be definitive for the species, but only to demonstrate its general size. one-third narrower than foramen magnum in Teratornis)', (5) transverse ridge connecting the postauditorv prominences ab- sent; (6) postauditorv prominence with posterolateral corner less angular, not projecting ventral to occipital condyle in pos- terior view; (7) quadratojugal with quadrate articulation pro- jecting much less sharply ventrad. Tarsometatarsus (Fig. 4l-m) with (1) center of shaft in an- terior view distinctly elevated above those portions of shaft leading to internal and external trochleae, resulting in the dis- tal foramen lying well below the elevation of the center of the shaft (in Teratornis the shaft is well rounded in this area, with opening for distal foramen lying at same level as anterior edge of center of shaft); (2) distal foramen of uniform width through- out its length, with outer extensor groove leading to it restrict- ed in width by elevated center of shaft (distal foramen wider proximally than distally in Teratornis, with outer extensor groove wide proximally, narrowing significantly at distal fo- ramen); (3) shaft with anterior half at most proximal preserved point quite convex, with medial side extending farthest ante- riad (in Teratornis, anterior metatarsal groove extends distad to become outer extensor groove, so anterior half of shaft is not convex at any point proximal to distal foramen); (4) shaft appears elliptical in cross section at most proximal point pre- served, with long axis of ellipse running anteromedially-pos- terolaterallv (roughly rectangular in Teratornis, being wider than deep); (5) shaft edge external to distal foramen more con- vex. Differs from Catharthornis Miller 1910 by having tarso- metatarsus with anterior surface of shaft convex (strongly grooved, or channeled, throughout length in Cathartornis). ETYMOLOGY: Latin, argentum, silver; avis, feminine, bird. In reference to Argentina, the country of origin. MEASUREMENTS: For measurements of the holotvpe see Table 1. 62 Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn 0 CM 10 B Figure 1. Holotvpe (Museo de la Plata No. 65-VII-29-49) skull of Argentavis magnificens new genus new species in lateral (a) and posterior (b) view. xO.30. In this and all other figures the hatched areas represent portions of the specimen where the bone has flaked away, but the matrix remains to show form; the dotted lines show estimated outline of bone where missing, based upon corresponding bones of Teratornis merriami. Argentavis magnificens new species Figures 1, 2a-c, 3, 4 HOLOTYPE: Associated partial skeleton, consisting of por- tions of skull, right quadrate, humeral end and shaft of right coracoid, left humerus with badly damaged proximal and dis- tal ends, portion of shaft of left(?) ulna, portion of shaft of right radius, distal end of left metacarpal II, midportion of left metacarpal III, shaft of right tibiotarsus, shaft of right tarso- metatarsus. Original in the Division Paleontologia Vertebrados del Museo de La Plata, No. 65-VII-29-49; cast in Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, LACM 120074. Col- lected by Rosendo Pascual and Eduardo Tonni. TYPE LOCALITY: Salinas Grandes de Hidalgo, Depar- tamento Atreuco, La Pampa Province, Argentina. Located about 15 km south of the Hidalgo station on the railroad con- necting Carhue (Buenos Aires Province) with Doblas (La Pam- pa Province), approximately 37°14'S, 63°36'W; see Figure 5. HORIZON AND AGE: Epecuen Formation (fide Pascual 1961) (lowest level outcropping at locality). Huayquerian (late Miocene). DIAGNOSIS: As for genus. For measurements see Table 1. ETYMOLOGY: Latin, magnificens, magnificent. DESCRIPTION: All of the bones have been severely frac- tured, but, except for the skull, crushing has been minimal. The fracture lines have been omitted from the illustrations. In some places the bone has flaked away, leaving only a replica in matrix to indicate its general form. Where this has happened in areas without diagnostic characters, the illustrations were prepared as if the bone were still present. Hatching indicates where bone has broken away in diagnostic areas, leaving only the general form. Unfortunately, all the bones of the postcra- nial skeleton lack their most diagnostic portions. Were it not for the partial skull and quadrate, the specimen would have to be considered indeterminate; but these two elements provide strong evidence that relates Argentavis to Teratornis. The quadrate (Fig. 2a-c) of Argentavis differs from that of Teratornis by having (1) quadratojugal socket positioned far- ther from main body of quadrate, i.e., with short leg of L-shape proportionately longer, giving appearance of having a “neck;” (2) mandibular articulation extending farther antero- ventrad, but not as far anteriad proportionately, giving greater degree of curvature to ventral edge in medial view; (3) ptery- goid articulation positioned more laterally; (4) squamosal ar- ticulation with medial portion hemispheric, mounted on co- lumnar-like structure (medial portion elongated, positioned on more massive extension of main body of quadrate in Terator- nis)', (5) mandibular articulation with anterior one-half of me- dial portion, i.e., its long leg, proportionately much larger, lying at less of an angle to horizontal. The coracoid of Argentavis (Fig. 4a-d) is characterized by having (1) shaft laterally compressed at humeral end, nearly fiat anterior to glenoid facet (not compressed, and well rounded anterior to glenoid facet in Teratornis ); (2) procoracoid re- duced, with ventral margin lying at about 45 degrees to main axis of shaft (not reduced, with ventral margin straight and lying at 90 degrees to main axis of shaft in Teratornis)', (3) glenoid facet deeply concave in lateral view, with deepest point lying just ventral to horizontal midline of facet (slightly con- cave in lateral view, with deepest point lying near ventral end in Teratornis)', (4) glenoid facet in posterior view with medial edge roughly vertical and in line with coracoidal fenestra, and parallel to main axis of shaft (sloping significantly mediad from dorsal to ventral points in posterior view, not in line with Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn 63 Figure 2. Holotype (Museo de la Plata No. 65-VII-29-49) right quadrate of Argentavis magnificens new genus new species in posterolateral (a), lateral (b), and ventral (c) view; quadrate of Teratornis merriami L. Miller (LACM HCB747) in lateral (d) and ventral (e) view; quadrate of Gymnogyps californianus (Shaw) (LACM Bil800) in lateral (f) and ventral (g) view. All xl. coracoidal fenestra or main axis of shaft in Teratornis)', (5) coracoidal fenestra lying much nearer procoracoid, and open- ing mediae! more posteriorly; (6) ridge leading ventrad from procoracoid toward internal distal angle small, but distinct (absent in Teratornis). The humerus of Argentavis (Fig. 3a-b) differs from that of Teratornis by having (1) shaft in anterior view with proximal two-thirds relatively straighter and distal one-third curving more sharply dorsad; (2) shaft in dorsal view appearing more strongly sigmoid; (3) external tricipital groove appearing to extend proximad to ectepicondvlar prominence, which is bro- ken away (does not extend proximad to ectepicondvlar prom- inence in Teratornis)', (4) deltoid crest with very pronounced knob, the distal portion of which is broken away (similar, but with knob less elevated above and less sharply demarcated from shaft proximallv in Teratornis ); (5) shaft slightly less but still deeply convex between deltoid crest and bicipital crest. The preserved portion of the ulna of A rgentavis (Fig. 4i) has no diagnostic characters, displaying only three papillae of the secondaries spaced about 30 mm apart (spaced about IS to 18 mm apart in Teratornis merriami) . The carpometacarpus of Argentavis (Fig. 4e-h) differs from that of Teratornis by having metacarpal II with (1) tendinal groove deeper, bordered by more pronounced ridges, and lying more anteriorly on external side of shaft; (2) shaft with pos- terior half more rounded, with a small ridge lying on posterior side and extending a short distance proximad to most proximal point preserved (ridge absent in Teratornis ); (3) distal meta- carpal symphysis lies closer to center of shaft proximallv; (4) facet for digit II with that portion preserved having anterior end extending farther posteriad at a greater angle. Metacarpal III has (1) shaft more triangular in cross section; (2) anterior surface more excavated, bordered externally by more pro- nounced ridge). The tibiotarsus of Argentavis (Fig. 4j-k) lacks any diagnos- tic characters, but can be seen to differ from that of Teratornis by having (1) shaft slightly curved in anterior view, although some curvature seen in Figure 4j-k may be a result of breakage (essentially straight in Teratornis)', (2) fibular crest much less developed, although this may be a result of breakage; (3) ten- dinal groove with proximal end more symmetrical and lying near center of shaft rather than near internal edge of shaft. AGE AND ASSOCIATED FAUNA The holotype of Argentavis magnificens was collected from the brownish to reddish terrestrial sediments of the late Mio- cene Epecuen Formation (fide Pascual 1961). This formation 64 Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn C M Figure 3. Holotype (Museo de la Plata No. 65-VU-29-49) left humerus of Argent avis magnificens new genus new species in anconal (a) and palmar (b) view. X0.30. is composed primarily of fine sand with minor amounts of silt and rare lenses of clay. Irregular thicknesses of caliche-like concretions occur at several levels; isolated concretions may also occur. The late Miocene age assignment of the Epecuen Formation is based on the following mammalian fauna reported for the deposits of Salinas Grandes de Hidalgo by Zetti (1972): Order Marsupialia, Family Borhvaenidae: Borhyaenidium muste- loides Pascual and Bocchino, Thylacosmilus aff. atrox Riggs; Order Carnivora, Family Procyonidae: Cyonasua brevirostris Moreno and Mercerat; Order Notoungulata, Family Toxodon- tidae: Pisanodon n. sp.; Family Hegetotheriidae: Hemihege- totherium n. sp., Paedotherium borrelloi Zetti; Order Litop- terna, Family Macraucheniidae: ?Promacrauchenia sp.; Order Edentata, Family Mvlodontidae: Elassotherium altirostre Ca- brera; Family Dasypodidae: Proeuphractus sp., Macroeu- phractus sp.; Family Glyptodontidae: Sclerocalvptinae gen. et sp. indet.; Order Rodentia, Family Caviidae: Orthomyctera Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn 65 J K Figure 4. Holotype (Museo de la Plata No. 65-VII-29-49) of Argentavis magnificens new genus new species: right coracoid in anterior (a), lateral (b), posterior (c), and medial (d) view; distal end of left metacarpal II in internal (e) and external (f) view; medial portion of left metacarpal III in lateral (g) and medial (h) view; portion of shaft of left(?) ulna in anconal (i) view; shaft of right tibiotarsus in anterior (j) and posterior (k) view; shaft of right tarsometatarsus in anterior (1) and posterior (m) view. X0.30. sp., Paleocavia sp.; Family Hydrochoeridae: PProtohvdro- choerinae gen. et sp. indet.; Family Chinchillidae: Lagosto- mopsis sp.; Family Octodontidae: Phtoramys sp., Pseudopla- taeomys sp.; Family Echimyidae: ?Eumysops sp. This assemblage of mammalian taxa is characteristic of the Huayquerian (sensu Pascual et al. 1965), a South American land mammal age conventionally referred to the late Miocene (Marshall et al. 1979). In addition to Argentavis magnificens and the mammalian fauna, reptiles and other birds are known from the deposits, but have yet to be described. 66 Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn Figure 5. Map showing location of type locality, Salinas Grandes, in Argentina. DISCUSSION The similarities of the skull and quadrate of Argent avis to those of Teratornis are very striking when characters of these two genera are contrasted with those of genera of the other accipitriform families. Although the unique structure of the teratorn skull has been commented on since its description (Miller 1909), there has been no attempt to analyze it as there has been for its postcranial skeleton (Fisher 1945). The studies now in progress on Teratornis merriami will attempt to fill this void. A few preliminary comments about functional morphol- ogy that apply to both Argentavis and Teratornis are presented here. Teratornis appears to be more specialized than Argentavis, e.g. , by having the postauditory prominences ending in a more angular corner that projects ventral to the occipital condyle and a prominent transverse ridge connecting the postauditory prominences. Teratornis also has the posterior portion of the skull much more rounded, in both lateral and posterior view (for illustrations of T. merriami see Miller 1909, 1925; Jollie 1978). It is not possible to make additional cranial comparisons because of the damaged nature of the holotvpe skull of Argen- tavis magnificens . The posterior extension of the postauditory prominences is an adaptation to increase the gape of the mouth by moving the hinge line of the jaw posteriad. In both Argentavis and Teratornis the quadrate articulates with the squamosal pos- terior to the occipital condyle, giving the maximum possible gape without actually having the squamosal lying farther pos- teriad than the parietal or supraoccipital. The articulation of the quadrate with the squamosal is such that, when the ventral end is swung through its arc, it moves posterolaterallv at an angle of about 45 degrees to the long axis of the skull. This contrasts with the condition found in other accipitriform families where the quadrate movement is almost parallel to the long axis of the skull, and is far more restricted. By rotating the quadrate so that the ventral end moves laterad as much as it moves posteriad, pressure is exerted on the ar- ticular of the lower jaw, forcing the rami of the lower jaws apart posteriorly. A similar, but less developed, condition is found in pelicans (Pelecaniformes: Pelecanidae), and the peli- can quadrate bears a strong superficial resemblance to the ter- atorn quadrate. The Frigatebird, Fregata magnificens (Pele- caniformes: Fregatidae), and albatrosses (Procellariidae: Dio- medeidae) also have a similar condition. As illustrated by Gymnogyps (Fig. 2f— g), in the family Vul- turidae the mandibular articulation is not “L-shaped” or con- tinuous, and the two portions do not lie perpendicular to each other. All genera of vulturids have a distinct shelf on the me- dial side of the anterior portion of the mandibular articulation, a character limited to that family within the Accipitriformes. The lateral component of the articular movement on the quad- rate, and of the quadrate on the squamosal, in Gymnogyps and other vulturids is minimal. In the teratorn quadrate, the quadratojugal socket is much less restrictive than in vulturids, an adaptation that assists the lateral movement of the quadrate. A similar condition exists in frigatebirds and albatrosses; in the pelicans there is no sock- et present, only a flat or convex articular surface. The lower jaw of Argentavis is unknown, which is perhaps to be expected if it resembled that of Teratornis. The lower jaw of Teratornis merriami is very weak, as noted by Howard (1950), and even at Rancho La Brea no complete specimens are known; the portion immediately anterior to the mandibular foramen was apparently such a thin sheet of bone that it was never preserved, or it was lost in collection and preparation. This character is also an adaptation for lateral movement of the posterior portion of the lower jaw; it provides a weak spot where the jaw can flex without having a weak symphysis. This condition is also present in frigatebirds and albatrosses. The exact function of this character complex in feeding remains to be worked out, but it appears very unlikely that teratorns fed in a manner similar to any other accipitriform. A comparison of the measurements of Argentavis magnifi- cens and Teratornis merriami reveals that the former is almost twice the size of the latter in almost all measurements. If we were to assume that it is reasonable to extrapolate directly from the estimated size of T. merriami (isometric scaling), we could say thatT. magnificens had a wingspan of 7 to 7.6 m, a height of 1.5 m, and a weight of 120 kg. Of course, there is the possibility that isometric scaling may not be applicable in this case. Also, because the size of T. merriami was calculated with the consideration in mind that it was a condor-like bird, its estimated wingspan may be quite erroneous; and the esti- mate may as well be too small as too large. The estimate of the height and the new weight estimate of T. merriami are probably much more accurate. In spite of these qualifications, A. magnificens is certainly the largest flying bird known to have existed. The question as to how such a tremendously large bird like Argentavis magnificens could fly remains unanswered. It is often believed that very large flying birds must depend on wind currents to become airborne and remain aloft, and that Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn 67 “the maximum size attainable by Hying birds is limited by surface-volume ratio and the speed of flight” (Storer 1971:152). Or, “The larger the bird, the faster it must fly to stay airborne” (Pettingill 1970:2). As noted above, however, Fisher (1945) suggested that T. merriami was capable of flapping flight, pos- sibly similar to that of herons and pelicans, both of which may fly at speeds considerably slower than that observed for many smaller species. Storer (1971:153) commented that “Under present conditions, the larger albatrosses, pelicans, storks, swans, condors, turkeys,, and bustards must represent about the largest size to which flying birds can evolve.” While it is certainly true that environmental conditions in La Pampa Province of Argentina were very different in the Huayquerian than they are today, it is questionable whether the mechanics of avian flight have changed. Rather, there is a greater prob- ability that our understanding of avian flight is still very in- complete. The presence of a teratorn in South America should not be considered too surprising. Campbell (1979), in a study of the late Pleistocene avifauna of the Talara Tar Seeps of north- western Peru, described a new species of Gymnogyps and a new genus and species of large eagle, Amplibuteo hibbardi ; both genera were previously known only from North America (G. ampins and G. calif ornianus\ Amplibuteo ( =Morphnus ) woodwardi). Many Recent species previously reported as fos- sils only from North America were also reported from the Talara Tar Seeps. Earlier, Campbell (1976) reported an in- determinate fragmentary vulturid tarsometatarsus from La Carolina, Ecuador, that differed markedly from the three gen- era of condors later reported from the Talara Tar Seeps. A recent comparison of this specimen with tarsometatarsi of T. merriami from Rancho La Brea, California, shows that al- though it is not referable to Teratornis merriami, there is a very good possibility that it is from a different species of Ter- atornis. As collections of avian fossils, particularly those from South America, increase, we can expect to find many more examples of what have been considered North American groups appearing in South America, and vice versa (e.g., see Campbell this vol.). Although there is a good possibility that the Teratornithidae should not be placed within the Accipitriformes, it is prudent at the present time to leave it there pending completion of more detailed studies. It can be stated that there are almost no points of similarity between the cranial osteology of tera- torns and that of the members of the Falconidae, Accipitridae, Serpentariidae, or Vulturidae. And, although there are simi- larities between the postcranial skeleton of teratorns and those of the other families of Accipitriformes, there are many more striking differences. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We express our deepest gratitude to Jill Littlewood, who gave so freely of her time and talent to produce the drawings for this paper. Without her enthusiastic effort this work would not have been possible at this time. William Akersten read an early draft of this paper and dis- cussed various points of osteology. Lidia Lustig assisted the senior author by providing valuable information and discus- sions about Argentina. A National Geographic Society grant to the senior author made possible, in part, his trip to Argentina, which resulted in this study. LITERATURE CITED Brodkorb, P. 1964. Catalogue of Fossil Birds. Part 2 (An- seriformes through Galliformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 8(3): 195-335. Campbell, K.E., Jr. 1976. The Late Pleistocene Avifauna of La Carolina, Ecuador. Smith. Contrib. Paleobiology 27:155-168. . 1979. The Non-Passerine Pleistocene Avifauna of the Talara Tar Seeps, Northwestern Peru. Royal Ontario Mus., Life Sci. Contrib. 118:1-203. . 1980. A Review of the Rancholabrean Itchtucknee River Avifauna, Florida, (this vol.) Fisher, H. 1945. Locomotion in the Fossil Vulture Terator- nis. Amer. Mid. Nat. 33:725-742. Howard, H. 1950. Wonder Bird of the Ice Age. Los Angeles County Museum Leaflet Series. Science No. 3:1-3. . 1952. The prehistoric avifauna of Smith Creek Cave, Nevada, with a description of a new gigantic raptor. Bull. So. Calif. Acad. Sci. 51:50-54. . 1957. A Gigantic “toothed” Marine Bird from the Miocene of California. Santa Barbara Mus. Nat. Hist., Bull. Dept. Geol. 1:1-23. . 1963. Fossil birds from the Anza-Borrego Desert. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., Contrib. Sci. 75:1-33. . 1972. The incredible teratorn again. Condor 74(3):341-344. Jollie, M. 1977. A Contribution to the morphology and phv- logeny of the Falconiformes (Parts 2, 3). Evol. Theory 2(4,5): 115-300. . 1978. A Contribution to the morphology and phv- logenv of the Falconiformes (Part 4). Evol. Theory 3( 1): 1 — 142. Koford, C. 1953. The California Condor. National Audu- bon Society. Reprinted by Dover Publ., New York. 154 PP Marshall, L.G., R.F. Butler, R E. Drake, G.H. Curtis, and R.H. Curtis. 1979. Calibration of the great Amer- ican interchange. Science 204(4390):272-279. Miller, L. 1909. Teratornis, a new avian genus from Ran- cho La Brea. LTniv. Calif. Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol. 5(2 1):305— 317. . 1910. The Condor-like Vultures of Rancho La Brea. Univ. Calif. Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol. 6(1): 1-19. . 1925. The Birds of Rancho La Brea. Carnegie Instn. Washington Publ. 349:63-106. Miller, L., and H. Howard. 1938. The status of the ex- tinct Condor-like birds of the Rancho La Brea Pleisto- cene. Publ. Univ. Calif. Los Angeles, Biol. Sci. 1:169- 176. Olson, S.L. 1978. Multiple origins of the Ciconiiformes. Proc. Colonial Waterbird Group 1978:165-170. Pascual, R. 1961. Un nuevo Cardiomvinae (Rodentia, Ca- viidae) de la Formacion Arroyo Chasico (Plioceno inferior) de la provincia de Buenos Aires. Ameghiniana 2(4): 101— 132. Pascual, R., and A. Bocchino. 1963. Un nuevo Borhvae- 68 Campbell and Tonni: Huayquerian Teratorn ninae (Marsupialia) del Plioceno medio de Hidalgo (La Pampa). Ameghiniana 3(4):97— 107. Pascual, R., E.J. Ortega, D. Gondar, and E. Tonni. 1965. Las Edades del Cenozoico mamalifero de la Ar- gentina con especial atencion a aquellas del territorio bon- aerense. An. Com. Inv. Cient. Prov. Buenos Aires 6:165- 193. Pettingill, O.S. 1970. Ornithology in Laboratory and Field. 4th ed. Burgess Publ. Co., Minneapolis. 524 pp. Stock, C. 1956. Rancho La Brea. A Record of Pleistocene Life in California. 6th ed. Nat. Hist. Mus. of Los Angeles County, Sci. Series No. 20; Paleontology, No. 11:1-81. Storer, R.W. 1971. Adaptive Radiation of Birds. Pp. ISO- 188 in Avian Biology (D.S. Farner and JR King, Eds.). Vol. 1. Academic Press, New York. Zetti, J. 1972. Los mamiferos fosiles de Edad Huayqueri- ense (Plioceno medio) de la Region Pampeana. Thesis No. 240, Fac. Cs. Nat. and Museo de la Plata. 86 pp. (un- published) MIDDLE PLIOCENE RAILS FROM WESTERN MONGOLIA By E.N. Kurochkin1 ABSTRACT: The fossil remains of three new species of rails from three Middle Pliocene localities in the Ich Nuuryn Tochom of Western Mongolia are described. These include Palaeoaramides tugarinovi new species, Rallns risillus new species, and Crex zazhigini new species. Rails are practically absent from Ich Nuuryn Tochom today, and the presence of three species of rails in Western Mongolia during the Middle Pliocene indicates that there has been a change in the climatic and ecological conditions found there since that time. Soviet and Mongolian paleontologists and geologists have discovered many fossil localities (Chirgis Nuur II, Chono Ha- riagh, Dzavchan, “point 1080 m” in Sargyn Gov’ Desert, Javor l, and others) in the western part of the Mongolian People’s Republic (MPR) in the Ich Nuuryn Tochom (The Great Lakes Depression) in the past few years. These workers have re- covered numerous fragmentary remains of Middle Pliocene vertebrates. The fossil localities are located on the eastern border of the Tochom, and run in a line from north to south for almost 400 km. The vertebrate remains occur in the Middle Pliocene (Devjatkin and Zhegallo 1974) sand and aleurite sediments of the lacustrine and nearshore-lacustrine facies. These deposits are stratigraphicallv apportioned by Devjatkin (1970) to the Chirgis Nuur series. The majority of the vertebrate remains from these localities are mammalian, but fossils of hsh, reptiles, amphibians, and ostracods, as well as a considerable number of birds were also collected. The birds are represented by approximately 200 fragments of postcranial bones, as well as by numerous ratite egg shell fragments. The total number of birds identified from the avifauna include 55 species belonging to 11 orders and 15 families (Phalacrocoracidae, Ardeidae, Ciconiidae, Anatidae, Phasianidae, Gruidae, Ergilornithidae, Rallidae, Scolopaci- dae, Phalaropodidae, Pteroclidae, Strigidae, Psittacidae, Cor- vidae, and Turdidae). Water birds and shorebirds are predom- inant in the collection, and the waterfowl are most numerous, with 14 species. Part of the paleornithological material has been described previously (Kurochkin 1971, 1976), and a de- scription of all of the material is now being prepared for pub- lication as a monograph. The present paper contains the de- scription of the rallid remains from three localities: “point 1080 m, ” located in the central region of the Sargyn Gov’ Desert in the south of the Tochom; “Chono Hariagh,” located on the northern shore of the river with the same name between Chovd Dalaj Nuur and Char Nuur Lakes; and “Chirgis Nuur II,” located on the northern shore of Chirgis Nuur Lake. 1 Paleontological Museum of the USSR Academy of Sciences, Lenin- sky Avenue, 16, 117071, Moscow, USSR. SYSTEMATICS Order Ralliformes Suborder Ralli Family Rallidae Subfamily Rallinae Genus Palaeoaramides Lambrecht 1933 Palaeoaramides tugarinovi new species Figures 1, 5a HOLOTYPE: Distal end of right humerus, No. 2614-121, Collection of the Paleontological Institute of the USSR Acad- emy of Sciences (PIN). LOCALITY: “point 1080 m” in Sargyn Gov’, the Gov’ Altaj ajmak, MPR; Middle Pliocene. DIAGNOSIS: Humerus with (1) sulcus anconeus externus shallow; (2) processus supracondylus externus well devel- oped, forming prominent transverse step; (3) attachment of M. pronator brevis distinctly separated. MEASUREMENTS (in mm): Greatest width of distal end 5.5; anteroposterior depth of condylus radialis 3.3; anteropos- terior depth of condylus ulnaris 1.9; distance from top of facies ligamenti interni to distal edge of condylus ulnaris 3.2; least depth of distalmost portion 2.1. ETYMOLOGY: This species is named in honor of the mem- ory of Professor A.Y. Tugarinov. COMPARISON: Four species of Palaeoaramides are known from the Lower (Aquitanian) and Upper Miocene of Europe (Olson 1977). Three of these have been described and com- pared on the basis of tibiotarsi and tarsometatarsi, but P. beaumontii (Milne-Edwards 1869) was described from a hu- merus from the LTpper Miocene (Helvetian) of France (Sansan locality in the Gers Department). Illustrations of the humerus of P. beaumontii are given in the Atlas by Milne-Edwards (1869-1871), as well as by Cracraft (1973) in stereophoto- graphs. These illustrations proved to be sufficient for the de- termination and comparison of the rallid humerus from Sargyn Gov’. The humerus of P. tugarinovi new species and P. beau- Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mas. Los Angeles County . 1980. 330:69-73. 70 Kurochkin: Pliocene Mongolian Rails Figure 1. Palaeoaramides tugarinovi new species, holotype, distal end of right humerus, No. 2614-121 PIN; locality “point 1080 m,” Sargyn Gov’, Mongolia, in dorsal (a), palmar (b), ventral (c), and distal (d) view. 1, incisura intercondylaris; 2, processus supracondylus ex- ternus; 3, eminentia M. pronator brevis. montii are very similar in the structure and disposition of both condyles, as well as in the structure of the epicondvlus ulnaris (or processus flexoris). The latter is notably elongated distally and salient on the internal surface of the specimen. The facies ligamenti interni is similar in both. It is oval in outline, extends high externally, with its plane directed laterad and dorsad. The impression of M. brachialis inferioris also has the same outline and dimensions in both. The condylus ulnaris and epi- condylus ulnaris in both species are separated by a distinct groove that is very characteristic of the genus. Structural differences in the distal end of the humeri be- tween P. tugarinovi and P. beaumontii were presented in the diagnosis. The sulcus anconeus externus is notably smaller in P. tugarinovi than in P. beaumontii. The processus supra- condylus externus and eminentia M. pronator brevis are more Figure 3. Rallus risillus new species, holotype, proximal portion of left carpometacarpus, No. 2614-100 PIN; locality “point 1080 m” in Sargyn Gov’, Mongolia, in proximal (a), internal (b), and posterior (c) view. 1, facies articularis pollicis; 2, fossa carpalis interna; 3, fossa carpalis posterior. developed in P. tugarinovi, as compared with P. beaumontii. Palaeoaramides tugarinovi was smaller than P. beaumontii (width of distal epiphysis 6.2; anteroposterior depth of the con- dylus radialis 3.6; anteroposterior depth of the condylus ulnaris 1.9 (from Cracraft 1973). DISCUSSION: Cracraft (1973) pointed out the general sim- ilarity of Palaeoaramides and Recent Rallus Linnaeus. This position is confirmed with this specimen. Of all modern species of the Rallinae, Palaeoaramides is most similar to Rallus, as concluded from the general proportions of the condyles, from the outline and dimensions of the fossa olecrani, from the cur- vature of the distal part of the diaphysis, and from the outline of the facies ligamenti interni. But these two genera can well be distinguished by the structure of the epicondylus ulnaris, which is narrower and elongated internally in Palaeoaramides and weakened in Rallus. In Palaeoaramides the visible depres- sion lies between the epicondylus ulnaris and condylus ulnaris. Rallus does not have such a depression, which results from the distal prolongation of the ventral edge of the condylus ulnaris. The impression of M. brachialis inferioris in Palaeoar- amides is shallower and broader than in Rallus. Figure 2. Cf. Palaeoaramides tugarinovi, referred humeral end of right coracoid, No. 3222-55 PIN; locality Chirgis Nuur II on the shore of Chirgis Nuur Lake, Mongolia, in internal (a), anterior (b), and posterior (c) view. 1, foramen supracoracoideum; 2, processus procor- acoideus; 3, facies glenoidalis; 4, cotyla scapularis; 5, tuber brachialis. Figure 4. Crex zazhigini new species, holotype, distal end of left humerus, No. 2614-90 PIN; locality Chono Hariagh in Chovd ajmak, Mongolia, in ventral (a), palmar (b), dorsal (c), and distal (d) view. 1, entepicondylus; 2, ectepicondylus; 3, processus supracondylus exter- nus; 4, transversal line tuberosity. f Figure 5. a. Palaeoaramides tugarinovi new species, holotype, No. 2614-121 PIN, palmar view; b-c. cf. Palaeoaramides tugarinovi, referred coracoid, No. 3222-55 PIN, in internal (b) and posterior (c) view; d-e. Rallus risillus new species, holotype, No. 2614-100 PIN, in internal (d) and external (e) view; f. Crex zazhigini new species, holotype, No. 2614-90 PIN, palmar view, (all X4). cf. Palaeoaramides tugarinovi Figure 2, 5b, c MATERIAL: Humeral end of left coracoid, No. 3222-55 (PIN). LOCALITY: Chirgis Nuur II, MPR; Middle Pliocene. DISCUSSION: The coracoids of the four described fossil species of Palaeoaramides remain unknown. The specimen here referred to P. tugarinovi has its most pronounced struc- tural similarity with Rallus, but it still differs in certain mor- phological characters from that genus. The similarities include ( 1) the identical structure of the dorsal portion of the diaphysis, with the same localization and form for foramen supracora- coideum; (2) the same degree of development and form for processus procoracoideus; (3) the same form for cotyla scapu- laris; and (4) the same proportions of the acrocoracoideum. However, the details of the acrocoracoid are different: (1) The facet on the external side of the acrocoracoid is narrower and more extended in P. tugarinovi. (2) This is also the case with the facies glenoidalis, which is more extended distally over the level of processus procoracoideus in P. tugarinovi, whereas in Rallus aquaticus Linnaeus the facies glenoidalis and processus procoracoideus are positioned at one transverse level. (3) The tuber brachialis in P . tugarinovi is smaller and more extended along the diagonal. It is more elongated internally and projects somewhat over the foramen triosseum, as compared with that of R. aquaticus. This specimen is referred to P. tugarinovi on the basis of a unique combination of morphological characters that occur in the coracoid and humerus of modern rails. This conclusion results from similar comparisons, taking into account the ap- propriate relative measurements of the holotype of P. tugari- novi and the referred coracoid. MEASUREMENTS (in mm): Transverse width of di- aphysis 2.4; length of dorsal epiphysis (from ventral edge of cotyla scapularis) 5.6; width of facies articularis scapularis 2.4. On the basis of measurements, this specimen appears to have come from a bird between the size of R aquaticus and R. longirostris Boddaert, being slightly closer to the former. This is also true for the holotype humerus of P. tugarinovi . 72 Kurochkin: Pliocene Mongolian Rails Rallus Linnaeus 1758 Rallus risillus new species Figures 3, 5d-e HOLOTYPE: Proximal end of left carpometacarpus, No. 2614-100, Collection of the Paleontological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. LOCALITY: “point 1080 m” in the central region of the Sargvn Gov’ Desert, the Gov’ Altaj ajmak, MPR; Middle Plio- cene. DIAGNOSIS: Carpometacarpus with (1) facies articularis pollicis appearing as small step, not sharply set off from meta- carpal II; (2) fossa carpalis posterior lengthened and shallow; (3) fossa carpalis interna small; (4) anteroproximal end of trochlea radialis lying on same longitudinal axis as apophysis pisiformis; (5) size very small. MEASUREMENTS (in mm): Transverse width of trochlea carpalis 1.5; anteroposterior width of trochlea carpalis (with processus metacarpalis I) 4.0. ETYMOLOGY: From Latin, risillus, masculine, very small. COMPARISON: The fossil rails are one of the best known groups of fossil birds (Feduccia 1968; Olson 1973, 1974, 1977). Unfortunately, no carpometacarpi of described fossil rails are available for comparison with Rallus risillus. We compared it with Recent R. elegans Audubon, R. longirostris , R. aqua- ticus, and!?, limicola Vieillot. Rallus risillus differs from these species in the details of the carpometacarpus listed in the di- agnosis. Size is a very important character of R. risillus, it being 1.5 times smaller than the American R. limicola, the smallest modern representative of the genus. Measurements (in mm) of the carpometacarpus of the four species of Recent rails are as follows. Transverse width of trochlea carpalis: R. elegans 3.1; R. longirostris 2.8; R. aquaticus 2.2; R. limicola 2.1. Anteroposterior width of trochlea carpalis (with processus metacarpalis I): R. elegans 7.1; R. longirostris 6.2; R. aqua- ticus 4.6; R. limicola 4.3. In Recent Rallus the articulating surface of facies articularis pollicis is widened on each side, with the surface of metacarpal II sharply set off at almost a right angle to it. This contrasts with the narrow surface in R. risillus that is not set off from the surface of metacarpal II by a sharp angle. But a small R. limicola has this angle somewhat blunted. The fossa carpalis posterior, located on the interior side of trochlea radialis, is much shorter and deeper in Recent Rallus than in R. risillus. Only in R. aquaticus is it slightly elongated, tending toward that of R. risillus. The fossa carpalis interior, on the interior face of trochlea carpalis, of modern Rallus is deeper, larger, and farther from the apophysis pisiformis than that of R. ris- illus. In R. risillus the anteroproximal angle of the trochlea carpalis lies on the same longitudinal axis as the apophysis pisiformis, approximately the same position found in/?, aqua- ticus. The three other species of Rallus have this angle shifted more caudad. REMARKS: The comparative material of the modern Ral- linae used for the description of R. risillus was naturally in- sufficient. Most of the modern tropical genera of this subfamily were not represented in the comparative series. However, I am quite certain that R. risillus is closest to the genera Rallus and Porzana Vieillot. Rallus risillus resembles Porzana, as indicated by comparison with P. porzana Linnaeus, P. parva (Scopoli), P. Carolina Linnaeus, and P. flaviventer (Boddaert), by having (1) the same structure of metacarpal II, which also rises gradually to the facies articularis pollicis, (2) relatively similar dimensions, and (3) the fossae carpalis posterior et in- terior similar in form. However, the relative dimensions of metacarpal I and metacarpal II, and their position with respect to the carpal trochlea, indicate that R. risillus should be re- ferred to Rallus. In addition, the groove running between metacarpal I and metacarpal II begins at approximately the same position in modern Rallus as it does in R risillus, but in Rallus it begins notably more proximal than in Porzana. The proximal articulating surface of trochlea carpalis is divid- ed on its sides in modern Rallus, as in R. risillus, and it is relatively wider than in Porzana. Crex Bechstein 1803 Crex zazhigini new species Figures 4, 5f HOLOTYPE: Distal end of left humerus, No. 2614-90, Col- lection of the Paleontological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences. LOCALITY: Chono Hariagh, on the northern shore of the Chono Hariagh River in Ich Nuurvn Tochbm, Chovd ajmak, MPR; Middle Pliocene. DIAGNOSIS: Humerus with (1) impression of M. brachialis inferioris deep and clearly outlined; (2) ectepicondylus short- ened; (3) entepicondylus expanded and protruding externad; (4) processus supracondylus externus obtuse and broad; (5) transversal line tuberosity lying proximal from processus su- pracondylus externus extends across approximately one-third of the shaft at that point. MEASUREMENTS (in mm): Greatest distal width 6.2; anteroposterior depth of condylus radialis 3.1; anteroposterior depth of condylus ulnaris 1.8. COMPARISON: Crex zazhigini closely resembles Recent C. crex (Linnaeus), but differs by having (1) impression of M. brachialis inferioris deep, with clearly marked borders (shal- lower, without clearly marked borders in C . crex); (2) entepi- condylus elongated and produced (shortened and not produced in C. crex); (3) ectepicondylus shortened (elongated and narrow in C. crex); (4) processus supracondylus forming step, wid- ened and blunted medially (pointed in C. crex); (5) transversal line tuberosity extending across one-third of the shaft, ending internally at impression of M. brachialis inferioris, and exter- nally at edge of shaft (that tuberosity is lower and narrower in C. crex); (6) somewhat larger size (transverse width of distal end of humerus in C. crex, 5.3 to 5.5 mm). This is the first record of the genus Crex from Neogene deposits. ETYMOLOGY: This species is named in honor of paleo- mammalogist V.S. Zazhigin in recognition of his contributions to collecting of Neogene birds in Mongolia. CONCLUSIONS Porzana pusilla (Pallas) is the only rail inhabiting western Mongolia today. The presence of several specimens of species of the subfamily Rallinae in upper Middle Pliocene deposits of the Ich Nuurvn Tochom indicates that the ecological and climatic conditions, and the zoogeographical character, of this region may have been quite different than now. It appears Kurochkin: Pliocene Mongolian Rails 73 that at the end of the Middle Pliocene the climate of Western Mongolia was not as continental, with milder winters than occur there today. The lakes were probably not as salty, and their shores and the valleys of rivers and streams were covered with rich grass and bush vegetation. Additional evidence of such an environment are the large numbers of waterfowl and gallinaceous birds found in the same deposits. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I extend thanks to E.V. Devjatkin and V.S. Zazhigin of the Geological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, and to V I. Zhegallo of the Paleontological Institute of the USSR Academy of Sciences, who contributed the fossil material for the study. I am also grateful to T.D. Rakova and V.A. Pres- njakov for preparing the illustrations, and to B.D. Delazari for helping with the English translation. LITERATURE CITED Devjatkin, E.V. 1970. Geologia kainozoja Zapadnoi Mon- golii. Trudy Sovmestnoi Sovetsko-Mongolskoi nauchno- issledovatelskoi geologicheskoi ekspeditzii. 2:44-102. Devjatkin, E.V., and V.I. Zhegallo. 1974. Novie dannie o mestonahozhdenijah neogenovih faun severo-zapadnoi Mongolii. Trudy Sovmestnoi Sovetsko-Mongolskoi pa- leontologicheskoi ekspeditzii. 1:330-356. Cracraft, J. 1973. Systematics and evolution of the Grui- formes (Class Aves). 3. Phylogeny of the suborder Grues. Bull. American Mus. Nat. Hist. 15 1(1): 1-127. Feduccia, J. A. 1968. The Pliocene rails of North America. Auk 85(3):441-453. Kurochkin, E.N. 1971. K avifaune pliotzena Mongolii. Trudy Sovmestnoi Sovetsko-Mongolskoi nauchno-issle- dovatelskoi geologicheskoi ekspeditzii. 3:58-67. . 1976. Novie dannie o ptitzah pliotzena Zapadnoi Mongolii. Trudy Sovmestnoi Sovetsko-Mongolskoi pa- leontologicheskoi ekspeditzii. 3:51-67. Milne-Edwards, A.M. 1869-1871. Recherches Anato- miques et Paleontologiques pour Servir a l’Histoire des Oiseaux Fossiles de la France. T. 2, 632 ss., Atlas t. 2, pi. 97-200. Paris, Librairie de G. Masson. Olson, S.L. 1973. A classification of the Rallidae. Wilson Bull. 85(4):38 1-4 16. . 1974. The Pleistocene rails of North America. Con- dor 76(2): 1 69— 175. . 1977. A synopsis of the fossil Rallidae. Pp. 339-373 in Rails of the World by S.D. Ripley. D.R. Godine, Bos- ton. A NEW GOOSE FROM THE LATE PLIOCENE OF NEBRASKA WITH NOTES ON VARIABILITY AND PROPORTIONS IN SOME RECENT GEESE By Larry D. Martin1 and Robert M. Mengel2 ABSTRACT: A nearly complete but moderately crushed skeleton of a late Pliocene (Blancan) goose from the Broadwater Local Fauna of western Nebraska is described and named as Anser thompsoni new species. This rather large goose was larger than Recent Anser caerulescens (Linnaeus) and smaller than the larger races of Recent Branta canadensis (Linnaeus). Particularly distinctive characters include a relatively short bill and a relatively very small furcula. The wing resembled A nser caerulescens and Anser rossii Cassin in its relatively long ulna. The leg was relatively short as in Recent Anser albifrons (Scopoli) and Branta canadensis. Among Hildegarde Howard’s many contributions to avian paleontology is her excellent review (1964) of the fossil anser- iforms, in which she lucidly considered the strengths and weaknesses of the fossil record of waterfowl and summarized all that was then known. This has been helpfully supple- mented by Woolfenden’s (1961) thorough study of the quali- tative osteology of modern anseriforms. We have recently begun to study the fossil birds of the Blan- can Broadwater Local Fauna of western Nebraska. Most of these are water birds, including a remarkably complete skel- eton of a goose that appears to represent a new species of the widespread Holarctic genus Anser Brisson. The completeness of this specimen provided the rare op- portunity for a fairly accurate reconstruction of the body pro- portions of a fossil species. Comparing these with those of Recent geese, however, posed problems. Although Verheyen (1955a, 1955b) has extensively surveyed the rather variable proportions of Recent geese, his sample sizes (one or two, rare- ly up to four specimens per species) provide little indication of the limits and nature of variation. For comparative purposes we have therefore been obliged to undertake a limited analysis of the relevant aspects of variation in several Recent geese presently represented by major populations in interior North America. The description of this unusually complete fossil seemed es- pecially appropriate for the present volume in recognition of Howard’s long interest in and study of fossil waterfowl and in appreciation of her often stated and intelligently tempered con- cern (e.g., Howard 1964:235-237) about the problems posed in study of often fragmentary individual specimens. Only two Blancan local faunas have extensively studied avi- 1 Associate Curator of Vertebrate Paleontology, Museum of Natural History, and Associate Professor of Systematics and Ecology; The University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045 2 Curator of Birds, Museum of Natural History, and Professor of Sys- tematics and Ecology; the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas 66045. faunas: the Rexroad Local Fauna ( sensu lato ) and the Hag- erman Local Fauna. Feduccia (1975) has summarized the in- formation pertaining to birds for these two faunas. Other Blancan sites are probably also rich in bird material; this is certainly true of the Broadwater Local Fauna (for correlation chart see Schultz and Martin 1977), which is one of the least studied. In addition to the birds, the Broadwater Local Fauna has a large mammalian component (list modified from Schultz and Stout 1948:563-564): Sorex sp. (shrew), Paramylodon sp. (ground sloth), Megalonyx sp. (ground sloth), Hypolagus sp. (rabbit), Spermophilus sp. (ground squirrel), P aenemarmota barbouri Hibbard and Schultz (giant ground squirrel), Geomys sp. (pocket gophers), Procastoroides sweeti Barbour and Schultz (giant beaver), Castor sp. (beaver), Peromyscus sp. (white-footed mouse), Neotoma sp. (wood rat), Pliopotamys meadensis Hibbard (Extinct muskrat), Pliophenacomys sp. (extinct vole), Pliozapus ? sp. (jumping mouse), Canis lepopha- gus Johnston (extinct coyote), Borophagus diversideus (Cope) (extinct canid), Satherium piscinaria middleswarti Barbour and Schultz (extinct otter), Lutravus sp. (extinct mustelid), Is- chorosmilus crusifonti Schultz and Martin (scimitar-toothed cat), Stegomastodon mirificus (Leidy) (short-jawed mastodon), Pliomastodon sp. (ancestral American mastodon), Equus (Dol- ichohippus) simplicidens (Cope) (extinct horse), N annippus sp. (extinct horse), Platygonus sp. (peccary), Camelops sp. (extinct camel), Tanupolama sp. (extinct camel), Titanotylopus spatulus (Cope) (giant camel), Capromeryx arizonensis schultzi Skinner (ancestral pronghorn). The presence of the more advanced muskrat Pliopotamys meadensis in the Broadwater Local Fauna and of the less ad- vanced P. minor in the Hagerman Local Fauna suggests that the Broadwater is the younger of the two. These faunas are near the age of, or somewhat younger than, the earliest evi- dence of extensive continental glaciation (Boellstorff 1976; Mercer 1978), approximately 3.5 million years ago. The Broadwater fossils come from unconsolidated sands and Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:75-85. 76 Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose fine-grained silts that were deposited in or adjacent to a large Pliocene river system. The goose skeleton was found in the “marly” facies, suggesting an area of local ponding. In asso- ciation with it were many specimens of the extinct muskrat Pliopotamys Hibbard, and it probably also shared its habitat with the giant aquatic beaver Procastoroides Barbour and Schultz and the extinct river otter Satherium Gazin. MATERIAL In addition to the fossil (see Systematics section), the ma- terial studied consisted of relevant specimens from the neo- osteological collections of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, Division of Birds. Available was a series of 17 male and 12 female “lesser” Snow Geese from Kansas and Missouri (Anser caevulescens caerulescens (Linnaeus)), migrant representatives of the population breeding on the southwestern shore of Hudson’s Bay (Palmer 1976:137, 140). These provided a comparatively good picture of variability in a fairly homogeneous population of modern geese. Also avail- able were a good series (7 males, 8 females) of Ross’s Goose (Anser rossii Cassin), a heterogeneous assemblage of Canada Geese (Branta canadensis (Linnaeus)), including 8 sexed ex- amples of several of the larger subspecies and several addi- tional specimens of the smaller ones, 3 Brant (B. bernicla (Linnaeus)), and 2 White-fronted Geese (A. albifrons (Scopoli)). These were supplemented by a loan of selected elements of a Greylag (A. anser (Linnaeus)) and a Bean Goose (A. fabalis (Latham)) from the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, and measurements taken for us in that museum of 3 additional Canada Geese and 3 more White- fronted Geese. Because of the nature and preservation of the fossil’s ele- ments, the literature proved adequate for consideration of the fossil forms that seemed relevant, primary sources being al- most all at hand, as well as having been conveniently sum- marized by Howard (1964). Terminology is that of Howard (1929). All measurements were taken to the nearest 0.1 mm with dial calipers. SYSTEMATICS Order Anseriformes Family Anatidae — Ducks, Geese, and Swans Genus Anser Brisson 1760 Anser thompsoni new species Figures 1-4 HOLOTYPE: Most of a skeleton UNSM (University of Nebraska State Museum) 1110, including skull, furcula, cor- acoid, humerus, carpometacarpus, tibiotarsus, and other ele- ments. Collected in 1939 by Joseph Johnson. LOCALITY AND HORIZON: Broadwater Quarry 4 (NE 14, Sec. 20, T.19N., R.47W. — on the Dan Bowman ranch, 8.4 km E and 1.2 km N of Broadwater, Morrill County, Ne- braska), from the Lisco Member, Broadwater Formation, late Pliocene (Blancan). A cast of this specimen is on deposit at the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History (KU 24669). DIAGNOSIS: A moderately large goose, smaller overall than the larger subspecies of modern Branta canadensis but larger than any known subspecies of Anser caerulescens or A. albifrons. Compared with all other geese examined, Anser thompsoni is characterized by having bill from fronto-nasal hinge to tip shorter in relation to skull length (total length/bill length 2.13; 1.87-1.97 in Recent geese seen). Posterior rami of lower jaw deeper. Furcula relatively very small. Humerus with impression of M. brachialis anticus more elongate and more nearly parallel with the shaft; attachment of anterior articular ligament nearly circular (oval in all other geese examined); pectoral attachment not extending as far an- conad. Carpometacarpus with the process of metacarpal I longer and narrower, with its proximal edge angling proximad (as opposed to vertically or distally); distal metacarpal symphysis relatively and absolutely longer. Tibiotarsus with the tendinal foramen beneath the supra- tendinal bridge circular rather than oval, and the groove for M. peroneus profundus relatively broad, shallow, and short. MEASUREMENTS (in mm): Skull: from posteromost point of supraoccipital to fronto-nasal hinge (articulation with beak) 63.9; beak from this point to tip 56.4 (total 120.3). Lower jaw: depth of right mandibular ramus at posterior margin of coronoid process 14.4. Coracoid (left): anterior end of brachial tuberosity to middle of furcular facet 68.4. Humerus: total length 167.0 (left); greatest width near head, at right angles to shaft 36.3 (right). Ulna (left, on slab): estimated length 166 ± 1 (the olecranon process and the condyles are somewhat erod- ed). Carpometacarpus (left): total length 97.8; apex of process of metacarpal I to posterior margin of internal carpal trochlea 23.7. Proximal phalanx of digit II: length 40.0. Second phalanx of digit II: length 27.2. Femur (left, on slab): estimated length 83 ± 1. Tibiotarsus (left): length from external condyle to prox- imal articulating surface (i.e. , exclusive of cnemial crests) 133.9; width across condyles 15.5; greatest anteroposterior depth between condyles 11.0. Tarsometatarsus (right, on slab): length 90.3. ETYMOLOGY: Anser thompsoni is named for Max Clyde Thompson, Southwestern College, Winfield, Kansas, in grate- ful recognition of his many contributions to the bird collection of the University of Kansas Museum of Natural History, in- cluding its extensive osteological component. DESCRIPTION: UNSM 1110 is a nearly complete, but moderately crushed skeleton (Fig. 1). Crushing, while not af- fecting most of the articular surfaces, has generally flattened the shafts of the long bones, precluding meaningful measure- ments of their diameters. The bones, while associated, are generally not in precise articulation. The general orientation is with the left side up. The head and neck are extended and the limbs are folded into a mass, rendering their removal and study difficult. The humeral end of the right coracoid and a fragment of the synsacrum have been displaced to the region of the head. While the sternum is missing, the undamaged furcula is nearly in correct anatomical position. The relation- ship of the elements is not inconsistent with the notion that the breast, viscera, and hip region were removed by some predator prior to burial. Present in some form are all of the long bones; the shoulder girdle lacking the sternum; and the skull, lower jaw, and many of the cervical vertebrae. The synsacrum is missing, except for the above-mentioned fragment (which was removed from the slab (Fig. 1) before the photograph was taken), as are most of the ribs. The following elements, at least one of nearly every Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose 77 Figure 1. The holotype, UNSM 1110, of Anser thompsoni new species approximately as it appeared in situ one successfully removed from the matrix and associated bones, are sufficiently well preserved to permit meaningful comparisons. Skull. This is crushed and flattened in a plane between ver- tical and horizontal, but considerable detail is preserved, es- pecially on the under (right) side (Fig. 2). In every respect it resembles Anser rather than Branta. The relative size is com- parable to the present-day Snow Goose, but the bill is decid- edly short relative to total length. Nareal opening ovoid, rel- atively short and broad, like A. caerulescens rather than B. canadensis. Profile of forehead and proximal bill straight as in living species of Anser (concave in B. canadensis ); supraor- bital region not noticeably excavated as in Anser (in B. can- adensis this is moderately excavated, presumably for a nasal gland); orbit large and lachrymal short and broad as in Anser ; lateroventral margin of maxilla moderately arched as in A. caerulescens andd. albifrons (it is nearly straight in B. can- adensis). (The so-called “grin patch” on the bill of the Recent Snow Goose appears to be a ramphothecal feature and not an osteological one.) Lower jaw. Rami short and massive (Fig. 2) with the pos- terior portion deeper than in other geese examined. Dentary curved as in Anser caerulescens. Coronoid process with a straight anterior margin as in A . caerulescens andd. albifrons, and a gently sloping posterior margin as in Branta canadensis andd. caerulescens (A. albifrons has a more abruptly curving posterior coronoid margin). Posterior margin of dentarv below the lateral process of the surangular as in Anser (anterior to the lateral process in Branta). Cervical vertebrae. These suggest a neck of average length for a species of Anser of comparable size. A number are miss- ing; only 10 are visible on the slab. Recent species of Anser have 18, 19, or 20 (Verheyen 1955b: 10-1 1). Furcula. Somewhat warped and distorted, the furcular rami of Anser thompsoni are relatively thick, relatively short, and relatively uncurved anteroposteriorlv. Somewhat surprisingly, the wishbone was clearly smaller than those of Recent d. cae- rulescens, which is considerably smaller than the fossil in other measurements; it is little larger than that of a large A. rossii. In short, the fossil seems to have had a remarkably small furcula, indeed, relative to Recent geese examined. Qualita- tively the element seems closest to that ofd. albifrons. (The furcula of Branta canadensis differs from all of those discussed 78 Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose Figure 2. Upper, restoration of the skull and lower jaw of Anser thompsoni new species (x%). Lower, right side of the skull of the holotvpe of Anser thompsoni new species. in having the rami relatively long and set comparatively close together.) Scapula. The one scapula present is robust in comparison with those of other geese examined and its pneumatic foramen is relatively very small. The posterior end is missing. Coracoid. As do all of the living species of Anser, A. thomp- soni has, just posterior to the brachial tuberosity, a distinct fossa that contains pneumatic foramina (Fig. 3b). However, the foramina are not as large and numerous as they are in modern species of Anser. In Brant a canadensis (and its dimin- utive relative B. bernicla), the size and number of pneumatic foramina reaches an extreme; the whole furcular facet is gen- erally undercut with pneumatic foramina along its entire pos- terior margin (noted by Woolfenden 1961:49). In .4. thompsoni the furcular facet is less depressed than in A. caerulescens. The procoracoid is short and blunt, and the glenoid facet is narrow and AnserAWse (less nearly circular than in Branta ). Breakage precludes measurement of its greatest length, but the coracoid is relatively long, approximately equal to that of B. canadensis specimens that are considerably larger in most other dimensions. Humerus. Humeri badly crushed but entire (Fig. 3c). They appear to have been robust. Impression of M. brachialis an- ticus more elongate and more nearly parallel to the shaft than in other geese examined (one specimen of Old World Anser anser approaches it in this respect); attachment of anterior articular ligament nearly circular (oval in other geese, so that its proximal border extends well proximad to the external con- dyle); ectepicondyle narrow as in A. caerulescens', pectoral at- tachment does not project as far anconad as in other geese; pneumatic foramen (proximal end) small and capital groove relatively small. Ulna. The left ulna, exposed on the slab, possesses no rel- evant features other than length sufficiently intact for com- parisons. C arpometacarpus . Relatively rather long (Fig. 3a). Internal carpal trochlea does not project as far beyond the plane of metacarpal III as in Recent geese; internal ligamental fossa more nearly circular (less oval) than in other geese studied; process of metacarpal I longer and narrower than in modern geese, its proximal profile angling proximad (it angles verti- cally or posteriad in living geese); extensor attachment rela- tively large (resembling Branta esrneralda Burt in these par- ticulars); distal metacarpal symphysis longer, absolutely and relatively, than in other geese examined. Proximal phalanx, digit 11 Comparatively large and broad, not as elongate, relatively, as in Branta, but too badly crushed to make detailed comparison useful. Distal phalanx, digit II. This element resembles the com- parable one in Anser caerulescens. Femur. Still attached to slab. Imperfect and badly crushed but comparatively large and (though not precisely measurable) at least as long as that of a fairly large specimen of Branta canadensis, which is considerably larger in most other dimen- sions. Tibiotarsus. Distal end and about two-thirds of the shaft of the left tibiotarsus present (Fig. 4a). The proximal end, badly crushed, could not be saved during removal; however, the total length was ascertained. The element is relatively very short. Also of interest is the shape of the distal articular surface when viewed end-on. In Anser thompsoni andT. caerulescens it is more compressed than in Branta canadensis and A. al- bifrons (the width across the condyles divided by the depth of the shaft between them in randomly selected specimens gives ratios of 0.61 in B. canadensis, 0.63 inT. albifrons, and 0.72 in both A. caerulescens and A. thompsoni). That this feature is rather variable among living geese, however, is indicated by ratios of 0.69 and 0.79 respectively for single specimens of A. fabalis and .4. anser. The tendinal foramen beneath the su- pratendinal bridge is circular in A. thompsoni, rather than oval as in other geese. The external condyle is relatively round- ed, and the groove for M. peroneus profundus is relatively broad, shallow, and short. Tarsometatarsus. Relatively elongate as in Anser caerules- cens (Fig. 4b). Detailed characters not well preserved. DISCUSSION Comparisons with Extinct Taxa No extinct goose seems particularly close to Anser thompsoni on the basis of available evidence. The fossil species of greatest chronological and systematic relevance are represented by only one or a few elements (some of them referred to these species by later workers), most of which are not directly comparable. Nearest in age is Anser pressus Wetmore (1933), known by a femur (length 66.9 mm) from the Hagerman Lake Beds Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose 79 Figure 3. Some elements of the holotype of A user thompsoni new species ( x 1 ). a, left carpometacarpus, in internal and external view, b, left coracoid, in dorsal, ventral, and internal view, c, left humerus, in palmar and anconal view. (Blancan) of Idaho. Although the crushed condition of the present specimen prevents comparisons other than in size, A. thompsoni was a much larger bird (femur approximately 83 mm). It was also much larger than Branta propinqua Shufeldt (1892) from the late Pleistocene of Oregon (humerus 106.2 ver- sus 167.0 mm) and B. esmeralda Burt (1929) from the Miocene of Nevada (carpometacarpus 77.6 versus 97.8 mm). The latter species also seems to have had a relatively shorter carpometa- carpus. The shape of the process for digit II is similar in A. thompsoni and B. esmeralda. Eremochen Brodkorb and Het- erochen Short (Brodkorb 1961:174; Short 1970) are distinctive extinct genera that do not appear to be closely similar to Bran- 80 Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose Figure 4. Some elements of the holotype of Anser thornpsoni (XI). From left to right: anterior, internal, and posterior view of left tibiotarsus and left tarsometatarsus, posterior view. ta or Anser. Presbychen abavus Wetmore (1930) from the Mio- cene of California and B. dickeyi L. Miller (1924) from the Pleistocene of California and Oregon are giant species much larger than Anser thornpsoni. Anser e quit um Bate (1916), from the late Pleistocene of Malta, if all its elements belonged to the type, was a weirdly proportioned bird perhaps incapable of flight. Brant a howardae L. Miller (1930) from the late Miocene is based solely on the distal end of a carpometacarpus and few comparisons are possible. The distal metacarpal symphysis, however, is shorter than that of A. thornpsoni. Anser azer- baidzhanicus Serebrovsky (1940), from the Pleistocene of Azer- baidzhan, USSR, apparently had a much larger cranium and more bulging frontals (see Howard 1964:269). Comparisons with Recent Taxa Most if not all living geese have been recorded from the Pleistocene and one or two from earlier time (Brodkorb 1964:234-237). Recent workers are increasingly reluctant, however, to credit the existence of living species before the Pleistocene (Brodkorb 1966; Feduccia 1975). Although Anser thornpsoni shares osteological characters with various living geese (see Systematics section), several are diagnostic, individ- ually or in combination. Features of the carpometacarpus alone separate it from Recent forms. Because fossil remains of birds usually consist of a few ele- ments at most, these often fragmentary, comparisons are gen- erally restricted to a few characters and often to relative esti- mates of general size. The relative completeness of Anser thornpsoni, however, permits unusually extensive comparison, at least with Recent geese (Tables 1 and 2). SOME STATISTICAL CONSIDERATIONS: A full-scale statistical study of proportions in modern geese, while much to be desired, is far beyond the scope of this paper. Although we restricted ourselves to readily available samples of the liv- ing geese presently numerous in continental North America, we think we have gained some insights into the probable range of dimensions in Anser thornpsoni and its general proportions compared with some familiar living forms. A few explanations are necessary. 1. A modest, but significant, sexual difference in size re- quired that males and females of both A. caerulescens and A. rossii be separated in statistical analysis of direct measure- ments (Table 1). Sexes of Branta canadensis andd. albifrons were not so separated because the sample of the former in- cluded several of the larger subspecies, while that of the latter consisted of unsexed individuals. Hence both would be ex- pected to show exaggerated variances. 2. We combined sexes when considering relative proportions (ratios) because there was no evidence of significant sexual dimorphism in any of these species. This improved the sample sizes (Table 2). 3. Ratios, individually determined for each specimen and summed, were treated statistically in the same way as (more or less) normally distributed linear measurements. Although numerous precedents exist in similar cases (e.g., Engels 1940 and citations therein), caution is required (Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin 1960:163-165; Sokal and Rohlf 1969:17-18). In the Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose 81 Table 1. Measurements (in mm) of various geese with means ± standard errors, standard deviations, and N (Anser caerulescens, A. rossii)\ or mean, N, and range ( Branta canadensis, A. albifrons).* Character Anser thompsoni (new species) Anser caerulescens Anser rossii Branta canadensis (large races) Anser albifrons Anser anser Anser fabalis Skull + bill 120.3 66 116.3 ± 2.6 (15) 0.7 66 86.2 ± 1.8 (7) 0.7 120.5 (10) 116.2-128.9 105.6 (5) 102.2-110 .2 — — $9 111.8 ± 3.6 (8) 1.3 9 9 83.7 ± 3.7 (8) 1.4 Bill 56.4 66 61.8 ± 5.2 (15) 1.3 6 6 44.4 ± 0.9 (7) 0.3 63.2 (7) 56.9-69.0 56.9 (2) 55.2, 58.5 — — 99 58.0 ± 1.0 (8) 0.4 99 42.7 ± 2.6 (8) 1.0 Humerus 167.0 6 6 148.3 ± 4.9 (17) 1.2 6 6 128.0 ± 2.2 (6) 0.9 181.8 (11) 168.6-194.9 147.9 (5) 143.8-152.7 117.6 (1) 161.4 (1) 99 144.0 ± 3.9 (12) 1.1 9 9 124.4 ± 3.9 (8) 1.5 Ulna 166 ± 1 (estimate) 66 148.3 ± 4.9 (17) 1.2 6 6 127.3 ± 3.3 (7) 1.3 171.8 (11) 157.3-182.6 143.0 (5) 138.3-146.2 — — 99 143.5 ± 4.4 (12) 1.3 9 9 124.0 ± 4.1 (7) 1.7 Carpometarcarpus 97.8 6 6 83.1 ± 3.5 (16) 0.9 6 6 73.4 ± 2.4 (7) 0.9 101.1 (10) 92.9-104.8 83.1 (5) 78.9-84.7 98.5 (1) 91.3 (1) 99 80.0 ± 2.5 (12) 0.7 99 70.4 ± 1.9 (8) 0.7 Femur 83 ± 1 (estimate) 66 73.0 ± 2.8 (17) 0.7 62.5 ± 1.2 (7) 0.5 84.1 (8) 77.8-91.9 71.1 (2) 68.4, 73.9 — — 99 71.1 ± 1.2 (12) 0.3 9 9 61.0 ± 2.1 (8) 0.8 Tibiotarsus 133.9 66 132.5 ± 5.3 (17) 1.3 66 114.2 ± 2.3 (7) 0.9 148.6 (11) 140.7-159.8 121.7 (5) 118.7-124.2 149.6 (1) 133.4 (1) 99 129.9 ± 3.8 (12) 1.1 9 9 113.2 ± 3.0 (8) 1.1 T arsometatarsus 90.3 6 6 84.0 ± 4.7 (17) 1.1 6 6 71.6 ± 1.2 (7) 0.5 90.9 (11) 83.6-98.8 72.4 (5) 70.6-74.5 91.9 (1) 72.9 (1) 99 80.9 ± 2.6 (12) 0.7 99 68.8 ± 3.9 (8) 1.5 * The abridged statistical treatment of B canadensis and A. albifrons is explained in text. present case, although the distributions of our ratios somewhat resemble normal ones (their coefficients of variation average somewhat smaller than those of the direct measurements), we regard their confidence limits with some suspicion and have avoided firm conjectures except where differences and t values were considerable. GENERAL SIZE: Relations among the Recent taxa and their elements are observable in Table 1. Standard deviations in populations of equal variability are directly proportional to size (i.e. , the mean). Thus, in comparing the fossil with Recent geese, one may infer the standard deviation (Fisher 1952) of a single specimen from that of a near relative (e.g., Anser caerulescens, assuming similar variability) and plot the theo- retical ranges of its population within any chosen limits (here ±2cr or 95 percent of a theoretically normal population). This may be done considering the single specimen either as an av- erage, a very small, or a very large example (Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin 1960:207-208). The results, for the absolute size of the fossil humerus compared with that of the Snow Goose, are shown in Figure 5a. Clearly, if the holotvpe of Anser thompsoni is a relatively very large example, the measurements of its population would extensively overlap those of male A. caerulescens and other geese of comparable size. In short, while there is no question that Anser thompsoni (humerus length 167 mm) averaged very much to considerably larger than .4. caerulescens (mean length of humerus, 6 6, 144 mm), even given the seemingly large difference of 23 mm (16 percent above the Snow Goose mean), very extensive overlap of individuals is not ruled out. This assumes particular im- portance whenever size is the only meaningful character in a comparison, and is especially worth noting among geese, which are usually polytypic and often highly so (individual Canada Geese from various populations range from 1.3 to more than 10 kg in weight). PROPORTIONS: Of special interest here are ratios involv- ing the limbs and their components (Table 2), characters re- lated to locomotion. Anser thompsoni lacks any conventional index of “absolute” body size (e.g., trunk length, Engels 1941:63), so we have expressed the lengths of appendicular 82 Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose Table 2. Proportions of various geese (as percent) with means ± standard errors, standard deviations, and N. Character (Ratios of lengths) Anser thompsoni (new species) Anser caerulescens Anser rossii Branta canadensis (large races) Anser albifrons Anser anser Anser fabalis Skull/bill 213.2 190.3 ± 2.0 8.5 (23) 196.8 ± 1.6 5.7 (11) 192.0 ± 2.2 5.8 (7) 186.9 (2) 186.5, 187.3 — — Ulna/humerus 99.4 (estimate) 100.0 ± 0.5 2.8 (29) 99.0 ± 0.7 2.6 (11) 94.5 ± 0.4 1.2 (11) 96.7 ± 0.7 1.6 (5) — — Carpometacarpus/humerus 58.6 55.9 ± 0.2 1.0 (28) 56.7 ± 0.2 0.5 (12) 56.0 ± 0.3 0.8 (10) 56.2 ± 0.6 1.2 (5) 55.5 (1) 56.6 (1) Femur/humerus 49.7 (estimate) 49.4 ± 0.5 2.5 (29) 48.8 ± 0.2 0.7 (12) 46.4 ± 0.4 1.2 (8) 48.2 (2) — — Tibiotarsus/humerus 80.2 89.9 ± 0.4 1.9 (29) 90.0 ± 0.5 1.8 (12) 81.6 ± 0.5 1.7 (11) 82.3 ± 0.8 1.8 (5) 84.2 (1) 82.7 (1) Tarsometatarsus/humerus 54.1 56.5 ± 0.3 1.5 (29) 55.2 ± 0.4 1.3 (12) 50.0 ± 0.5 1.7 (11) 48.9 ± 0.5 1.1 (5) 51.7 (1) 49.5 (1) “Index of locomotion”* 140.2 (estimate) 130.7 ± 0.5 3.0 (28) 131.7 ± 0.7 2.2 (11) 140.4 ± 1.5 3.8 (7) 141.0 (2) 141.0, 141.0 145**, 146** 142** Humerus/trunk — 77.6 (5) 80.6 (2) 76.6 (2) 79.4 (2) — — * Humerus + Ulna + Carpometacarpus/Femur + Tibiotarsus + Tarsometatarsus. ** From Verheyen, 1955b. elements as percentages of the length of the humerus. This element has been found to be a fair indicator of general body size in comparatively homogeneous groups of anseriforms (Humphrey and Clark 1964:189). In assessing the validity of the humerus as an indicator of absolute size, we measured the trunk lengths of a few of the Recent geese in our samples and obtained humerus/trunk length ratios (Table 2). The differences found between species in these small samples are uniformly insignificant (p < 0.20 to 0.40). Trunk length is difficult to measure even in articulated specimens and prohibitively difficult in disarticulated ones. For present purposes, therefore, we accept the humerus as at least a moderately good standard of overall size in these geese. Even if it were not, the ratios presented here provide direct intramembral ratios for wing elements and standard- ized, indirect ones for hind limb elements and intermembral comparisons. As such, all of them are directly comparable among the species considered. Three sets of relationships are of special interest. 1. The length of the hind limb and its elements. Anser cae- rulescens and A. rossii, virtually sibling species, are distinctly long-legged geese. This is clearly perceptible in the field when the birds are standing. The “index of locomotion” (i.e. , wing length/leg length; see Verheyen 1955b: 10—12) ford, caerules- cens compared with Branta canadensis in the present samples shows this very clearly (p < 0.001). Anser thompsoni differs from A. caerulescens in this respect, being short-legged like the Canada Goose (0.001 < p < 0.01), a difference also re- vealed by comparison of the tibiotarsus/humerus ratios (Fig. 5b). The relative length of the leg in these geese results princi- pally from different combinations of tibiotarsal and tarso- metatarsal lengths (Table 3), since their femora seem to be comparatively uniform in relative size. In long-legged Anser caerulescens (and A. rossii, which, being relatively similar in most respects is omitted from further comparisons), the tibio- tarsus and tarsometatarsus are both long. In short-legged Branta canadensis and A. albifrons (and probably in A. anser and A. fabalis), both elements are short. The fossil also has a short leg, but this results from a very short tibiotarsus offsetting Table 3. Differences and their significances for each comparison of the relative length of the tibiotarsus (lower left) and tarsometatarsus (upper right) among Anser thompsoni and several Recent geese.* Anser thompsoni Anser caerulescens Branta canadensis Anser albifrons Anser thompsoni — longer shorter shorter n.s. 0.02 < p < 0.05 0.01 < p < 0.02 Anser caerulescens shorter — shorter shorter p < 0.001 p < 0.001 p < 0.001 Branta canadensis shorter longer — shorter n.s. p < 0.001 n.s. Anser albifrons shorter longer shorter — n.s. p < 0.001 n.s. * Read down (e.g. , the tibiotarsus of A. thompsoni is relatively shorter than that of A. caerulescens, etc.). The letters n.s. stand for not significant. Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose 83 Figure 5. Some statistics of A user thompsoni and Recent taxa. A, length of humerus, compared with ,4. caerulescens caernlescens males. B, length of tibiotarsus/length of humerus, compared with A. c. caerulescens. C, length of ulna (estimatedl/length of humerus, compared with Branta canadensis. For Recent taxa: white boxes = mean ± 2 standard errors; black rectangles = mean ± 2 standard deviations; vertical lines = means. For A. thompsoni new species, M, , M2, and M3 = theoretical means with the holotype regarded, respectively, as average, 2a below, and 2a above the mean (a inferred from A. caerulescens)', horizontal line = M, ± 4a. The horizontal scale is logarithmic. For details see text. the lesser effect of a comparatively long tarsometatarsus . In Table 3 and the text, probabilities are those resulting from Student’s t test of the difference between means (for its variant formula for comparing single specimens with samples, see Simpson, Roe, and Lewontin 1960:182-183; or Sokal and Rohlf 1969:224-225). It is difficult to assess these differences in a functional con- text with present knowledge. Our initial tendency to regard the long legs of the Snow Goose as an adaptation for grazing per se was dampened by indications (Palmer 1976:150, 233) that the Snow Goose is more addicted than the Canada Goose (and probably more than the White-fronted Goose) to aquatic feeding. We now hazard the guess that short legs in geese are related to grazing on comparatively bare ground or in low cover on land or in shallow water, where a long neck, as in Branta canadensis, usefully increases the area covered. Longer legs appear better suited to marshy substrates and higher cov- er. A user thompsoni seems to belong in the first category. 2. Relative lengths of forelimb elements. Anser caerulescens and A. rossii have long ulnae in relation to their humeri (Ver- heyen 1955b: 10-12). In our samples this relative difference in length is highly significant when either is compared with Bran- ta canadensis (p < 0.001). Anser albifrons has an intermediate ulna/humerus index, but its ulna, relatively, is still signifi- cantly shorter than that of the Snow Goose (0.01 < p < 0.02). With its long ulna, A. thompsoni resembles A. caerulescens, in comparison (Fig. 5c) with/?, canadensis (0.001 < p < 0.01). The length of the ulna of A. thompsoni is approximate, but even if it were 2 mm shorter than estimated, or 164 mm, it would still be significantly longer than that of B. canadensis (p < 0.02). The carpometacarpus of Anser thompsoni is also relatively 84 Martin and Mengel: Pliocene Goose longer than those of Recent geese considered, which are rather uniform in this regard. Compared with A. caerulescens, this difference in length is significant (0.01 < p < 0.02). Proportions in wing elements are related to the mechanics of flight in ways that are often obscure. Further complications are introduced by feather geometry, which is little studied in present-day forms and unknown in nearly all fossils (see Engels 1941 on hawks and Fisher 1946 on New World vultures). All anseriforms, however, are comparatively short-winged and heavily wing-loaded, conditions resulting in rapid, flap- ping flight. Their wings are therefore in the same general cat- egory (Boker 1927) as those of falcons and swallows (“Schwirrflug”). With this wing-form, speed and maneuver- ability are evidently increased by lengthening of the outer ele- ments, particularly those of the hand, and the primary feath- ers. In geese, this would mean a more duck-like wing. (Mengel, after many hours of field observation, thinks that the Snow Goose is more agile and maneuverable aloft than the Canada Goose.) Further, the proximal extension and relative length of the extensor attachment of the process of metacarpal I in Anser thompsoni, in comparison with all Recent geese, are features associated with maneuverability and quick response. These features are not as well adapted to sustained heavy work loads (Fisher 1946:559), however, as the more distally situated and elongate processes of Recent geese and, particularly, swans. From these considerations we conjecture that A. thompsoni was probably a rapid and, for its size, a comparatively ma- neuverable flier. Its skeleton, as noted above, also appears to have been less pneumatic than those of the modern geese we have studied. We hestitate to assess the significance of this, particularly since Prange et al. (1979) have recently posed searching questions concerning the whole relationship of flight and pneumaticitv. The very small furcula of A. thompsoni is also of interest here because a very appreciable portion of M. pectoralis major, the principal adductor of the wing, inserts on this element. Conceivably this late Pliocene goose did not perform annual migrations as long as those of Recent geese. If this is true, the features discussed above may somehow be related to long distance migratory flight. 3. Cranial proportions. The type oi Anser thompsoni is very short-billed. Although the ratio of bill length to total head length is rather variable in Recent geese, the difference be- tween this ratio in the fossil and its mean in the Recent Snow Goose is very significant (0.01 < p < 0.02). This, together with inspection of the values for other Recent geese supports the supposition that A. thompsoni was indeed a short-billed goose. The only comparably short-billed Recent Anser is the little A. canagicus, or Emperor Goose, a tidal flat grazer and grubber of the Bering Sea region. We are not prepared to consider the possible functional significance of these facts. SUMMATION While our total picture of Anser thompsoni is blurred by imperfect preservation, it is still the most complete of any known fossil goose. This bird seems to have been a big, dumpy, short-legged, rather long-winged, short-billed Anser, larger than a Snow Goose but resembling that species in flight silhouette and maneuverability. In size certainly, and in gen- eral appearance probably, it resembled the Old World Greylag (A. anser). It may not have been highly migratory. The proportional configurations of Recent geese are rather variable and doubtless represent subtle adaptations to behav- ioral modes that could easily be rather plastic. Anser thomp- soni displays a unique and perhaps rather specialized combi- nation, particularly in its short tibiotarsal-long tarsometatarsal combination. The carpometacarpus is also intriguing, specifically the shape of the process of metacarpal I, which distinguishes Anser thompsoni from at least the Recent species of both Anser and Branta, and which we suspect may be the primitive condition for geese. Whether or not improved knowledge of fossil geese supports this position, we suspect that further information on this and other characters will require some systematic realign- ments consistent with the distribution of shared-derived char- acters when, and if, these characters can be identified. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Mike Voorhies and C.B. Schultz for permission to study the fossil birds in the University of Nebraska State Mu- seum, and Orville Bonner for skillful preparation of the ho- lotvpe of Anser thompsoni. Jeannie Robertson and Dawn Adams provided the drawings, except Figure 5 for which we thank Caryn Lowther. John Chorn assisted in various ways. Jessica Harrison and J.D. Stewart assisted in checking refer- ences. We also thank John Bucher and Tracy Lynn Mengel for assistance with measurements of Recent geese, the former on a visit to the National Museum of Natural History, Smithson- ian Institution; Richard Zusi for a loan from the same museum; Norman A. Slade for statistical consultation; and Marion A. Jenkinson for a helpful reading of the manuscript. LITERATURE CITED Bate, D.M.A. 1916. On a small collection of vertebrate re- mains from the Har Dalam Cavern, Malta; with note on a new species of the genus Cygnus. Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon- don 1916:421-430. Boellstorff, J. 1976. 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A NEW FOSSIL HERON (AVES: ARDEIDAE) FROM THE OMO BASIN OF ETHIOPIA, WITH REMARKS ON THE POSITION OF SOME OTHER SPECIES ASSIGNED TO THE ARDEIDAE By Pierce Brodkorb1 ABSTRACT: Ardea howardae new species, from the Pliocene/Pleistocene of Shungura, Ethiopia, is the largest known fossil heron. Changes are made in the systematic position of some other fossils assigned to the Ardeidae. Goliathia andrewsi Lambrecht of the Paleogene of Egypt is transferred to Balaenicipitidae as the earliest member of that family. Ardea lignitum Giebel from the Miocene of Germany is transferred to the family Strigidae, order Strigiformes, as Bubo lignitum (Giebel), new combination. Ardea brunhuberi Ammon from the Miocene of Germany is transferred to the family Phalacrocoracidae, order Pelecani- formes, as Phalacrocorax brunhuberi (Ammon), new combination; Phalacrocorax praecarbo from the same locality is synonymized with it. Ardeacites molassicus Haushalter from the Miocene of Germany is placed with the Aves Incertae Sedis. RESUMEN: Ardea howardae , especie nueva del plioceno/pleistoceno de Etiopia, es la mas grande de todas las garzas fosiles conocidas hasta la fecha. Ademas necesitan cambios en la posicion sistematica de unos miembros o miembros presuntos de la familia Ardeidae. Goliathia andrewsi Lambrecht del eoceno/ oligoceno egipciano se refiera a la familia Balaenicipitidae. Ardea lignitum Giebel del mioceno de Alemania esta traspasada a los buhos del orden Strigiformes con denominacion de Bubo lignitum (Giebel), combi- nacion nueva. Ardea brunhuberi Ammon tambien del mioceno aleman no es garza, es corbejon (pato coche) del orden Pelecaniformes; denominole con la combinacion nueva Phalacrocorax brunhuberi (Am- mon). En conformidad de la ley de prioridad Phalacrocorax praecarbo de la misma formacion debe ser sinonima del precedente. Ardeacites molassicus Haushalter, tambien del mioceno aleman, esta colocado con las Aves Incertae Sedis. The Omo River rises in the Ethiopian highlands and flows southward to discharge into Lake Rudolf (elevation 370 m) along the border between Ethiopia and Kenya. The Lake Ru- dolf trough and its extension up the lower Omo Valley are part of the Kenya Rift. Repeated volcanic episodes began in the early Miocene (Butzer 1971), providing sediments suitable for radiometric dating. The littoral, alluvial, and deltaic beds in the Omo Basin have been extensively studied by the international Omo Re- search Expedition because of the presence of early hominid remains (Brown, Heinzelin, and Howell 1970). The Omo Group includes four formations. The eroded uppermost basalt of the Mursi Formation has K/Ar dates of 4.05-4.25 million years and is unconformably overlain by the Nkalabong For- mation (3.90-3.99 million years). The Shungura Formation includes many dates between 3.75 and 1.84 million years; its upper members are thus contemporaneous with the classic Bed I of Olduvai Gorge. The Kibish Formation has dates of Middle 1 Professor of Zoology, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32611. (130,000 B.P.) and Upper (30,000 B.P.) Pleistocene and Ho- locene (9,500-3,250 B.P ). Although great progress has been made in our knowledge of the evolution of man in Africa, it remains the least known continent in regard to its present-day unique and rich avifau- na. Nevertheless, many thousands of avian fossils from East Africa are now at hand and include members of nearly all the nonpasserine families that occur in Africa today, as well as a rich representation of the Passeriformes. This paper is the first in a projected series on the Pliocene/Pleistocene birds from African hominid localities. Reports on other taxa are planned to appear at frequent intervals. SYSTEMATICS Order Ardeiformes (Wagler) Family Ardeidae Vigors The new heron is referable to the family Ardeidae by the following characters: (1) upper portion of coracoid very wide; (2) acrocoracoid (caput) slightly elevated; (3) coracohumeral groove deep; (4) brachial tuberosity with very slight posterior Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:87-92. 88 Brodkorb: Ethiopian Fossil Heron Table 1. Measurements (mm) of the coracoid of several species of Ardea. Species Length Width of Head Depth of Head Width through Glenoid Facet Width through Scapular Facet and Procoracoid Maximum Width of Glenoid Facet A. goliath (3) 86.3-95.5 14.7-15.3 8. 3-8. 8 14.9-17.3 13.3-14.1 10.7-11.3 A. howardae (type) (80)1 12.8 6.4 12.3 10.3 9.4 A. sumatrana (2) 73.6-73.8 11.9-12.4 5. 4-5. 6 11.4-11.9 9.5-10.3 7. 2-7. 8 A. cinerea (9) 56.4-63.4 10.3-11.9 5. 5-5. 9 10.3-11.9 8. 9-9.6 7. 2-7. 8 A. melanocephala (3) 59.7-60.5 10.5-11.2 5. 2-5. 9 10.5-11.0 8. 2-8. 7 6. 0-6. 9 A. pacifica (3) 47.3-48.1 10.3-10.4 4. 8-5. 2 9. 2-9. 5 8.3 (1) 6. 1-6.2 A. purpurea (2) 54.7-55.4 9.0-9. 2 4. 1-4.6 8. 7-9. 8 6. 9-7. 7 5.4-6. 7 ' Estimate; length as preserved 40.4. overhang; (5) glenoid facet almost flat; (6) scapular facet a deep, round cup; (7) procoracoid well developed, curved, im- perforate, and unnotched; (8) triosseal canal almost flat. Genus Ardea Linnaeus As I have been unable to find generic characters in the upper part of the coracoid in the Ardeidae, the species is referred to Ardea Linnaeus on the basis of its very large size, which ex- ceeds that of all known herons except the living Ardea goliath Cretzschmar of Africa and India (see Table 1). Ardea howardae new species Figure 1 HOLOTYPE: Upper (cephalic) half of left coracoid, Uni- versity of California Department of Anthropology, No. F504- 27. TYPE LOCALITY: Shungura, Omo Basin, southwestern Ethiopia. Shungura Formation, Member G, unit 27; age about 1.94 million years. DIAGNOSIS: Differs from A. goliath as follows: (1) size about 20 percent less; (2) head less swollen but relatively wider, extending laterally almost to level of scapular facet (narrower in A. goliath, occupying only the medial two-thirds of the width of the bone); (3) scapular facet with lower margin hor- izontal, then swinging upward to glenoid facet, where it forms a prominent notch (in A. goliath the anterior margin of the scapular facet forms a smooth arc that continues to the glenoid facet, where it cuts only a slight notch); (4) procoracoid much less developed; (5) triosseal canal shallower. Differs from Recent Ardea sumatrana Raffles of southeast Asia to Australia as follows: (1) size larger; (2) head more swol- len, and relatively and absolutely wider; (3) notch separating scapular and glenoid facets much larger; (4) triosseal canal shallower. Differs from Recent Ardea cinerea Linnaeus of Eurasia and Africa as follows: (1) size larger; (2) head more swollen; (3) coracohumeral groove shallower; (4) glenoid facet nearly flat (more concave in A. cinerea); (5) brachial tuberosity reduced, merging gradually with shaft (forms a swollen lip that over- hangs posterior face of shaft in A. cinerea); (6) procoracoid less developed and less recurved. Differs from Recent Ardea melanocephala Vigors and Chil- dren of Africa as follows: (1) size larger; (2) head of coracoid more swollen although of about the same relative width; (3) scapular facet much wider with its lateral margin curved (al- most vertical in A. melanocephala); (4) notch separating gle- noid and scapular facets much larger. Differs from Recent Ardea pacifica Latham of Australia as follows: (1) size very much greater; (2) head more swollen but of similar lateral extent; (3) inner corner of head merging grad- ually with shaft (inner corner of head forms a swollen lip over- hanging shaft in A. pacifica); (4) scapular facet much wider and rounder (laterally compressed in A. pacifica, with lateral and medial edges nearly vertical); (5) notch separating glenoid and scapular facets much more developed; (6) procoracoid less developed and slightly curved (well developed and straighter in A. pacifica). Differs from Recent Ardea purpurea Linnaeus of southern Eurasia and Africa as follows: (1) size very much greater; (2) head more swollen with its inner corner gradually merging with shaft; (3) notch between glenoid and scapular facets larg- er; (4) procoracoid less developed and less recurved. Ardea howardae is very much larger than the known Plio- cene herons. These are Ardea polkensis Brodkorb (1955) and Nycticorax fidens Brodkorb (1963) from the early Pliocene of Florida, Nyctanassa kobdoenus Kurochkin (1976) from the early Pliocene of Mongolia, and Botaurus hibbardi Moseley and Feduccia (1975) from the late Pliocene of Kansas. Ardea rupeliensis Van Beneden (1873) from the Oligocene of Belgium barely escapes being a nomen nudum and has been relegated to the Aves Incertae Sedis (Brodkorb 1978). ETYMOLOGY: On the occasion of the 52nd anniversary of her association with the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, I dedicate this species to my friend Dr. Hilde- garde Howard, in recognition of her many contributions to our knowledge of the fossil birds of the Pliocene/Pleistocene. COMMENTS ON SOME OTHER FOSSILS ASSIGNED TO THE ARDEIDAE My conclusions on the proper systematic position of some other fossils described in the family Ardeidae are presented below. Goliathia andrewsi Lambrecht Lambrecht (1930:30, Fig. 7) described Goliathia andrewsi as a new genus and species of heron based on a very large ulna from an unknown locality in the Upper Eocene/Lower Oligocene Faiyum series of Egypt. Earlier in the same paper he erected a new genus and species of large stork, Palaeoephip- Brodkorb: Ethiopian Fossil Heron 89 Figure 1. Ardea howardae new species. From left to right, anterior, preserved, 40.04 mm. piorhynchus dietrichi, based on a skull and mandible from “Kasr el Querun” ( = Kafr el Qeren?) in the Faiyum. He cor- rectly thought the ulna too small to go with the skull of the stork. He further stated that the olecranon, internal cotyla, and cubital tubercles were all weakly developed as in herons, rather than prominent as in Ciconiidae. Andrews (1907) had previously remarked that the ulna was somewhat smaller and notably stouter than that of the Recent Ardea goliath, but the muscle scars were similar. It is not possible to judge the depth of the internal cotyla from Lambrecht’s drawing, but it clearly shows the reduction of the olecranon and cubital tubercles. These characters are not found in species of the family Ciconiidae, but they are shared by and are even more pronounced in the Recent Ba- laeniceps rex Gould (Ardeae: Balaenicipitidae) than they are in Ardeidae. The stoutness of the bone mentioned by Andrews is appar- ent in the drawing, and this too more closely resembles that of Balaeniceps than it does the slender ulna of Ardeidae. In respect to the muscle scars I see no trenchant differences be- tween Balaeniceps and Ardeidae. lateral, posterior, medial, and below, cranial views of coracoid. Length as In view of the above considerations I believe that Goliathia andrewsi should be placed in the family Balaenicipitidae. The only previous fossil record for the family is the tentative re- ferral of the distal end of a tibiotarsus from the Miocene of Tunisia (Rich 1974). Ardea lignitum Giebel This species was based on the distal half of a left femur from the Brown Coal of Rippersroda in Thuringia, Germany (Giebel 1860:152, PI. 1, Fig. 2, erroneously called Fig. 3 in his text). He attributed the site to the Pliocene, but the formation is now placed in the Sarmatian, i.e. , Upper Miocene (Thenius 1959). Lambrecht (1933) was unable to locate any of Giebel’s types so we must rely on published sources. Giebel wrote of the type (in my translation), “This so strikingly resembles the femur of the Gray Heron, Ardea cinerea, that comparison with other genera seems completely superfluous. Still it is not identical.” He then described several differences and illustrated anterior and posterior aspects of the type. 90 Brodkorb: Ethiopian Fossil Heron Table 2. Measurements (mm) of the femur of several species of Ardea and large owls. Species Length Least Width of Shaft Distal Width Ardea goliath (2c? 9 ) 126.8-135.0 10.2-10.4 23.1-23.9 A. herodias (17c? 9 ) 100.0-114.2 6. 7-7. 9 17.1-18.8 A. cinerea (9c ? 9 ) 79.1-92.8 6.4-7. 1 14.4-16.0 A . purpurea (2 c? 9 ) 84.3-93.4 5.5-6. 1 12.5-14.0 ''Ardea” lignitum (l)1 (100) 8 18 Bubo bubo ( 1 9 ) 100.2 9.6 21.2 B. bubo (19)2 99.9 9.0 20.7 B. b. davidi ( 2 —5 )3 106.0 9.5 22.6 B. binagadensis (l)4 98.8 9.2 — B. lacteus (1 9 ) 88.8 8.6 20.1 B. virginianus (lie? 9) 78.9-85.5 7. 1-8.4 16.2-18.0 B. africanus (9c ? 9) 65.0-69.6 5. 3-6.0 12.4-13.8 Nyctea scandiaca (4c? 9) 82.6-90.9 7. 6-8. 6 16.8-20.1 N. s. gallica (2-3)5 92.4 8.5 19.3 Strix nebulosa (2c? (?) 83.9-84.4 5.7-6. 1 15.5-15.9 S. uralensis (3)6 — 6.3 14.9 S. brea (4)7 75.6-76.6 — — S. varia (13c? 9 ) 69.6-77 .2 5. 6-6.2 13.1-14.7 5. intermedia (l)8 — 5.0 12.5 S. aluco ( 1 152 mm); (D) Dromornis stirtoni, CPC 13851 (Type), Alcoota, Northern Territory, Late Miocene or early Pliocene (distal width 202 mm); (E) Ilbandornis woodburnei, CPC 13850 (Type) Alcoota, Northern Territory, late Miocene or early Pliocene (distal width 112 mm); (F) Dromornis australis, AM F 10950, Peak Downs, Queensland, probably Pliocene (distal width 120 mm); (G) Genyornis newtoni, SIAM 61, proximal right humerus, Lake Callabonna, South Australia, Pleistocene (depth from external to internal tuberosity 25 mm); (H-K (Ilbandornis sp., UCMP 67038, characteristic ungual phalanx of pes, Alcoota, Northern Territory, late Miocene or early Pliocene (total length 28 mm); (L-M) Dromornis stirtoni, UCMP 113049, sternum, Alcoota, Northern Territory, late Miocene or early Pliocene (maximum width across sternocoracoidal processes approx. 225 mm); (N) Dromornis stirtoni, UCMP 113050, scapulocoracoid, Alcoota, Northern Territory, late Miocene or early Pliocene (total length >239 mm); (O) Ilbandornis lawsoni, UCMP 70118, proximal view of left tibiotarsus, Alcoota, Northern Territory, late Miocene or early Pliocene (maximum depth about 88 mm); and (P) Ilbandornis sp., UCMP 70649, distal end, right tibiotarsus, Alcoota, Northern Territory, late Miocene or early Pliocene (distal width 76 mm). 96 Rich: Australian Dromornithidae Figure 2. Stratigraphic distribution of the Dromornithidae in Australian Cenozoic deposits. Black squares represent occurrences of most dro- n979)thld m3teriaL B’ Bamwertornis’ Bu- Bullockornis ; Dr, Dromornis; D, Dromornithidae ; G, Genyornis; I, Ilbandornis. Modified from Rich Rich: Australian Dromornithidae 97 Figure 3. Geographic distribution of the Dromornithidae in Australia. A, Pleistocene; ▲ , Pliocene; ■ , Miocene localities. Same abbreviations for generic names as in Fig. 2. (1) Diamantina River, D; (2) Warburton River, D; (3) Lancefield, D; (4) Cooper Creek, D; (5) Lake Callabonna, G; (6) Brother’s Island, Pt. Lincoln, G; (7) Cuddie Springs, G; (8) Riversleigh, B; (9) Bullock Creek, Bu; (10) Canadian Lead (Gulgong, Mudgee), D; (11) Endurance Pit, South Mt. Cameron, D; (12) Wellington Caves, D; (13) Lake Ngapakaldi, D; (14) Snake Dam Locality, D; (IS) Baldina Creek, G; (16) Normanville (Salt Creek), G; (17) Alcoota, Dr and I; (18) Big Cave (Naracoorte), D; (19) Penola, D; (20) Mt. Gambier, D; (21) Peake Downs, Dr; (22) Lake Palankarinna, D; (23) Scott River, ? D; (24) Mammoth Cave, D; (25) Thornbindah, D. in the history of ratites, however, and thus possibly were pos- sessed by a large number of the members of this group, would be misinterpreted by this method. The third method involved an initial phenetic analysis of 56 characters (chosen because they could be used to diagnose the Dromornithidae; Rich 1979). The 56 characters studied were summed for each ratite group regardless of their polarity (primitive or advanced ( = derived)), in essence a strictly nu- merical taxonomic approach. Only the sternum, synsacrum, and hindlimb elements were considered because of the lack of information about other elements of various fossil groups, and because of the near or total loss of the forelimb in the Dinor- nithidae-Emeidae lineage as well as its marked reduction in other ratites. The primary purpose of using the three different methods was the determination of the avian group most closely related to the Dromornithidae. Thus, relationships between the re- maining ratite groups are only briefly mentioned in the follow- ing discussion. The analysis using Method I indicates that the Dromornith- idae share decidedly more derived characters (19 of the 56 studied) with the Casuariidae (including emus) than with any other ratite family, but that the two families share few prim- itive characters (7) (see Table 1). The Casuariidae and the Dromornithidae show a large number of derived characters within the ratites, with 33 and 38 (respectively) of the 56 char- acters derived rather than primitive. The Struthionidae and Rheidae have nearly the same number of derived characters (37 and 33, respectively), but the Aepyornithidae, Apterygi- dae, Dinornithidae-Emeidae have fewer derived characters (30, 23, and 22, respectively). Among the 19 derived characters shared between the Casuariidae and Dromornithidae are four unique to these two groups. These are: (1) synsacrum with ilium, ischium, and pubis all protruding about the same dis- 98 Rich: Australian Dromornithidae Table 1 . Number of characters of the sternum, synsacrum, and hind- limb shared by the ratites and their sibling group, the Tinamidae. Method I approach a. Shared derived characters (determined by lack of occurrence in the Tinamidae). J3 '3 Rheidae Casuariidae Dromornithidae Aepvornithidae Apterygidae Dinornithidae- Emeidae 4 7 9 12 IS — 8 7 10 13 18 20 17 19 7 9 13 17 — 20 29 tance posteriad; (2) femur with internal condyle triangular, or elliptical closely approaching triangularity, with apex forming distalmost projection of condyle; (3) tibiotarsus with inner cne- mial crest extending far proximad of proximal articular sur- face; and (4) tarsometatarsus with hvpotarsus and intercotylar prominence extending about equal distances proximad to prox- imal articular surfaces. The remaining 15 derived characters Figure 4. Phylogenetic hypotheses expressing possible interrelation- ships of the ratites. idae (16 and 8, respectively) and Rheidae (18 and 11, respec- tively), which are quite closely related to one another (sharing 26 derived characters). Without further, more expanded anal- ysis, however, it is difficult to determine how many of the characters shared by the Struthionidae-Rheidae and the Casu- ariidae are the result of convergent evolution. Three phyletic hypotheses are suggested (Fig. 4) based on the Method I ap- proach. The Method II approach, i.e. , using commonality of a char- shared between Casuariidae and Dromornithidae are likewise shared with at least one and often more ratite groups. For each group of ratites, the following number of the 56 characters mentioned above for Method III were present in the derived condition using the Method I approach: Struthion- idae 37; Rheidae 33; Casuariidae 33; Dromornithidae 38; Ae- pyornithidae 30; Apterygidae 23; Dinornithidae-Emeidae 22. Thus, the analysis of Method I indicates that the Dromor- nithidae are most closely related to the Casuariidae. A single, common ancestral stock could have given rise to each of these two groups, and two separate colonizations within Australia- New Guinea are not necessary to account for their presence. The Australian ratites appear decidedly distinct from the New Zealand moas and kiwis (which form a close-knit osteological group) and are apparently the most primitive of all the ratite groups. The Casuariidae, but not the Dromornithidae, in turn share a large number of derived characters with the Struthion- Table 2. Number of derived characters (determined by commonality of occurrence within the ratites) of the sternum, synsacrum, and hind- limb shared by several ratite groups. Method II approach 1) 3 C o 3 c n . a " o3 S £■ "O (L» 5 c £ c • 2 S, Q | JJ 43 -5 D. co a; o -O •rj u -n 13 ^ L 5 I _. - .2 * 1 c^j -— ; >. "c a> — i T3 .3 > o 1 C .3-0 : o B +£ £ ‘ u ^ 2 " v <* £ S' g" o P o3 w c a j- co dJ d> a jD 1 1 ’ - > £ 73 ^ a i: «2 £ £ D O o3 *-. o3 bo g — Table 7. Humerus (PB 1222) — Table 8. Ulna (PB 1264) — Table 10. Radius (PB 846) — Table 12. Carpometacarpus (PB 1756, 9013-9015, UF 2437) — ' Tables 14, 15. Femur (PB 1094, 9017, 9018, UF 2437) — Tables 16, 17. Tibiotarsus (PB 291, 699, 1123) — Table 18. Tarsometatarsus (PB 292, 494, 685) — Tables 20, 22. This series of specimens falls within the range of quan- titative and qualitative variation of Recent M. gallopavo with two exceptions: the humerus resembles specimens from Inglis in character 3; the tarsometatarsus resembles specimens of M. crassipes in character 3. These differences are outweighed by the similarity in size of these fossils, especially elements of the leg, to Pleistocene and Recent specimens of M. gallopavo. Re- ported asM. gallopavo by Brodkorb (1957, 1964a) and Hamon (1964). Although listed herein as “Reddick IB,” some of these fossils are labelled simply “Reddick” or “Reddick I” and may be from another of the several localities within the Reddick limestone mine. 148 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology MELBOURNE, Brevard County. Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. Scapula (USNM 17035, 17036) — Table 7. Humerus (USNM 12123) — Table 8. Ulna (USNM 12113). Carpometacarpus (USNM 17028, 17038, 17039) — Tables 14, 15. Tibiotarsus (USNM 121 14, 17034). Tarsometatarsus (USNM 12108, 17037, 17040) — Table 20. No characters apparent other than size. Reported as M. gallopavo by Wetmore (1931a, b) and Brodkorb (1964a). ARREDONDO, Alachua County. Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. Humerus (PB 1630) — Table 8. No characters apparent other than size. Reported as M. gallopavo by Brodkorb (1959, 1964a). SABERTOOTH CAVE, Citrus County. Meleagris cf. M. gal- lopavo. Tarsometatarsus (USNM 12188) — Tables 20, 22. No characters apparent other than size. Reported as M. gallopavo by Wetmore (1931a, b) and Brodkorb (1964a). AUCILLA RIVER IA, Jefferson County. Meleagris gallopavo. Humerus (USNM 209602) — Table 8. Radius (USNM 209709) — Table 12. Tibiotarsus (USNM 209607, 209705) — Tables 18, 19. Tarsometatarsus (USNM 209605, 209609) — Tables 20, 22. Referral of these specimens to M. gallopavo is based on size and proportions of the tarsometatarsus, in which they differ from those of Inglis or Coleman. ICHETUCKNEE RIVER, Columbia County. Meleagris gallopavo. All specimens have either UF or PB numbers. Numbers in parentheses are numbers of specimens examined. Individual catalogue numbers available on request. Sternum (1). Coracoid (11) — Tables 4, 5. Scapula (1) — Table 7. Hu- merus (1 1) — Tables 8, 9. Ulna (9) — Tables 10, 11. Radius (1) — Table 12. Carpometacarpus (14) — Tables 14, 15. Femur (8) — Tables 16, 17. Tibiotarsus (37) — Tables 18, 19. Tarsometa- tarsus (44) — Tables 20-22. This large series of fossils generally agrees very closely with specimens of Recent M . gallopavo and differs in many ways from the fossils from Inglis or Coleman. They usually resemble M. g. silvestris in size and proportions more than M. g. osceola. Reported as M. gallopavo by Wet- more (1931a, b), McCoy (1963), Brodkorb (1964a), and Camp- bell (this vol ). KENDRICK IA, Marion County. Meleagris sp. Tibiotarsus (PB 1410) — Table 19. Tarsometatarsus (PB 1409) — Table 20. These fragmentary specimens resemble M. gallopavo except in character 4 of the tarsometatarsus. Reported as M. gallopavo by Brodkorb (1964a). VERO, Indian River County. Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. Car- pometacarpus (PB 8467) — Table 15. No characters apparent other than size. Shufeldt (1917) unknowingly was the first to report a turkey from Vero, describing the worn distal half of a meleagridine tibiotarsus as Ardea sellardsi, a supposed new species of heron. Wetmore (1931a) recognized Shufeldt’s inter- ordinal error and synonymized Ardea sellardsi with Meleagris gallopavo, and also reported several other specimens from this site as M. gallopavo. Also listed as M. gallopavo by Wetmore (1931b) and Brodkorb (1964a). SEMINOLE FIELD, Pinellas County. Meleagris gallopavo (includes the synonym M. tridens). All are USNM 244387 ex- cept a humerus (USNM 12207), a tibiotarsus (USNM 12214), and a tarsometatarsus (USNM 12052). Numbers in parenthe- ses are numbers of specimens examined. Coracoid (3) — Tables 4, 5. Scapula (1) — Table 7. Humerus (3) — Tables 8, 9. Ulna (7) — Tables 10, 11. Carpometacarpus (10) — Tables 14, 15. Femur (8) — Tables 16, 17. Tibiotarsus (7) — Tables 18, 19. Tarsometatarsus (28) — Tables 20-22, Fig. 13; Fig. 13 of Wet- more (1931a). This series of fossils, reported as M. gallopavo (all specimens except USNM 12052) and M. tridens Wetmore (USNM 12052 only) by Wetmore (1931a, b) and Brodkorb (1964a), agrees qualitatively and quantitatively with specimens of Recent M. gallopavo. Brodkorb (1964a) noted that M. tri- dens may merely be a specimen of M. gallopavo with an ab- normal development of three tarsal spurs. Williams (1967) doc- umented the occurrence of double spurs in living M. g. osceola from Florida. There is also a tarsometatarsus from Inglis (UF 20680) with two spurs. Figure 13 illustrates the holotype ofM. tridens next to a specimen of M. g. osceola with three spurs, and a specimen of M. ocellata with two spurs. I agree with Wetmore (1931a) in noting the lack of differences other than the aberrant spurs between M. tridens and M. gallopavo. Meleagris tridens is therefore a synonym of M. gallopavo. Mention may be made here of a record of M. gallopavo at “Pleistocene cavern deposits at Ocala, Florida” by Shufeldt (1918:358; for further references to this site, see Ray 1957). These specimens could not be located at the United States National Museum, where Shufeldt said they would probably be deposited. Pending re-examination of these specimens, this record should not be considered as a valid occurrence of M. gallopavo. The following are 13 Pleistocene localities in Florida whose faunas are either very limited or unstudied. All are regarded herein as Rancholabrean (M. Frazier and S.D. Webb pers. comm.), an age that is not refuted by the turkey specimens from these sites. Because their ages are not as refined as the other Floridian sites discussed above, they are simply listed in alphabetical order. BOWMAN IA, Putnam County. Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. Tarsometatarsus (PB 8606) — Tables 20, 22. No characters ap- parent other than size. DAVIS QUARRY, Citrus County. Meleagris gallopavo. Cor- acoid (UF 22702, 22703) — Table 4. Femur (UF 22074) — Table 16. These specimens agree with those of M. gallopavo in all ways, and differ from specimens from Inglis and Coleman in character 11 of the coracoid. ECONFINA RIVER, Taylor County. Meleagris sp. Tibiotar- sus (USNM 243754) — Table 19. No characters apparent other than size. FLORIDA LIME COMPANY, Marion County. Meleagris sp. Coracoid (PB 8439) — Table 5. Radius (PB 8440) — Table 12. Carpometacarpus (PB 8441, 8442) — Table 14. The coracoid resembles those from Coleman, not those of Recent M. gallo- pavo, in character 1, while the opposite is true in character 10. No other characters are apparent. Reported as M. gallopavo by Brodkorb (1964a). HAILE IIA. Alachua County. Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. Ulna (PB 1577) — Table 10. Tarsometatarsus (PB 1575). No characters apparent other than size. Reported as M. gallopavo by Brodkorb (1964a). HOG CREEK, Sarasota County. Meleagris sp. Femur (USNM 12096) — Table 17. Tibiotarsus (USNM 12098) — Table Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 149 19. No characters apparent other than size. Reported as M. gallopavo by Wetmore (1931a, b) and Brodkorb (1964a). MEFFORD CAVE I, Marion County. Meleagris cf. M. gal- lopavo. All are UF 2119. Premaxilla. Mandible. Coracoid — Table 4. Scapula — Table 7. Ulna — Table 10. Radius — Table 12. Carpometacarpus — Table 14. Synsacrum. Pelvis. These elements agree with those of Recent M . gallopavo in all re- spects except that the premaxilla is wider. OAKHURST QUARRY, Marion County. Meleagris sp. Tib- iotarsus (PB 8495) — Table 18. No characters apparent other than size. ST. MARK’S RIVER, Leon and Wakulla Counties. Meleagris sp. Femur (USNM 209922) — Table 16. Tibiotarsus (USNM 209921). No characters apparent other than size. SANTA FE RIVER IA, Gilchrist County. Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. Femur (UF 22080) — Table 17. Tibiotarsus (UF 10664) — Table 18. Tarsometatarsus (UF 10667) — Tables 20, 22. Although these specimens lack qualitative distinctions, their size and proportions, especially of the tarsometatarsus, are more similar to those of Recent M. gallopavo than to those of Inglis or Coleman fossils. This site contains a mixture of Blancan and Rancholabrean fossils (Webb 1974), but the tur- key fossils are regarded herein as Rancholabrean because of their similarity to M. gallopavo. These are probably the same specimens as those upon which Brodkorb (1963) reported M. gallopavo from Santa Fe I. SANTA FE RIVER IVA, Gilchrist County. Meleagris sp. Ulna (UF 16806) — Table 10. Femur (UF 22079). Tibiotarsus (UF 16806, 22079) — Tables 18, 19. No characters apparent other than size. STEINHATCHIE RIVER, Taylor and Dixie Counties. Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. Radius (USNM 243755) — Table 12. No characters apparent other than size. WEKIVA RUN III, Levy County. Meleagris sp. Tibiotarsus (UF 14214) — Table 18. No characters apparent other than size. Holocene WACISSA RIVER, Jefferson County, Florida. Meleagris gal- lopavo. Tarsometatarsus (USNM 239842) — Tables 20, 22. This specimen differs from those of Inglis and Coleman and agrees with Recent M. gallopavo in size and proportions. NICHOL’S HAMMOCK, Dade County, Florida. Meleagris gallopavo. All are UF 22075. Numbers in parentheses are numbers of specimens examined. Coracoid (5) — Tables 4, 5. Scapula (1) — Table 9. Ulna (5) — Table 11. Radius (1) — Table 12. Carpometacarpus (3) — Tables 14, 15. Femur (2) — Table 17. Tibiotarsus (8) — Tables 18, 19. Tarsometatarsus (3) — Ta- ble 21. This series agrees in every way with specimens of Re- cent M. gallopavo, being more similar in size to those of M. g. osceola than to those of late Pleistocene M. gallopavo, such as from Ichetucknee River. Reported as M. gallopavo by Hirschfeld (1968). GOOD’S SHELLPIT, Volusia County, Florida. Meleagris gallopavo. Coracoid (PB 1709, 2163) — Tables 4, 5. Humerus (PB 1646, 1723, 1734, 1776)— Tables 8, 9. Ulna (PB 1757, 1828) — Tables 10, 11. Carpometacarpus (PB 1617, 1725) — Tables 14, 15. Femur (PB 1698, 1710, 1735, 1777, 1810) — Tables 16, 17. Tibiotarsus (PB 1758, 1778) — Tables 18, 19. These specimens agree in every way with those of Recent M. gallopavo. Reported as M. gallopavo by Brodkorb in Neill et al. (1956) and by Brodkorb (1964a). SILVER GLEN SPRINGS, Lake County, Florida. Meleagris sp. Femur (PB 8498, 8499) — Table 16. No characters apparent other than size. Reported asM. gallopavo by Brodkorb in Neill et al. (1956) and Brodkorb (1964a). BUFFALO SITE, Putman County, West Virginia. Meleagris gallopavo. All specimens are SBU. Numbers in parentheses are numbers of specimens examined. Individual catalogue numbers available on request. Coracoid (234) — Tables 4, 5. Scapula (30) — Tables 6, 7. Humerus (277) — Tables 8, 9. Ulna (116) — Tables 10, 11. Radius (69) — Tables 12, 13. Carpometa- carpus (308) — Tables 14, 15. Femur (63) — Tables 16, 17. Ti- biotarsus (113) — Tables 18, 19. Tarsometatarsus (131) — Ta- bles 20-22. All major elements are illustrated in Figs. 1-10 of Kooliath (1975). This large series of bones, although repre- senting birds eaten by 1 7 th century Amerindians, are regarded by Kooliath (1975) and me as representing a wild population of M. gallopavo. They thus provide an unexcelled sample of M. g. silvestris from the period prior to extensive contact with Europeans. These bones were measured and described by Kooliath (1975), who compared them with modern M. g. sil- vestris from New York, finding the modern birds to be 2 to 3 percent smaller in all linear measurements (generally only total length considered) than those of AD 1650. My data in- clude more types of measurements on a larger number of bones and yield the same slight difference in size. Kooliath suggested that selection for increased wildness because of increased hunt- ing pressure since European contact may be the main factor leading to the apparent reduction in size. HARTMAN’S CAVE, Monroe County, Pennsylvania. Mele- agris gallopavo. Coracoid (ANSP 761) — Table 4. Humerus (ANSP 758-760, 771) — Tables 8, 9. Carpometacarpus (ANSP 753) — Table 14. Tibiotarsus (ANSP 753) — Table 19. Tarso- metatarsus (ANSP 753) — Tables 20-22. Originally reported as M. gallopavo by Leidy (1889), who noted that this deposit, apparently collected without any stratigraphic control, con- tained extinct genera of mammals (Mylohyus, Castoroides) as well as advanced Amerindian artifacts, including ceramics. Although Leidy (1889) gave no provenience for the turkey bones contained therein, this site is listed as a Pleistocene rec- ord for M. gallopavo by both Wetmore (1931b) and Brodkorb (1964a). Upon examination of the specimens involved, I dis- covered that some of the turkey bones not only bear butcher marks made from steel knives, but also have obviously been shot by a shotgun, lead pellets from which are still contained within several of the bones. Thus Hartman’s Cave can no longer be regarded as a Pleistocene locality for M. gallopavo. The lack of mineralization of these bones further supports their recency of deposition, as does the fact that they are inseparable from modern skeletons of M. gallopavo. The alternative hy- pothesis of Pleistocene firearms is rejected. Holocene Mayan Archaeological Sites DZIBILCHALTUN, Yucatan, Mexico. Meleagris ocellata. All specimens have UFZA numbers. Coracoid (31 M-101, 603 150 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology M-825, 726 M-626)— Tables 4, 5. Humerus (728 M-567, 172 M-101)— ' Table 8. Ulna (M-110, 339 M-176) — Table 10. Car- pometacarpus (M-110, 341 M-176, 164 M-101, 724 M-558) — Table 14. Femur (517 M-179) — Table 17. Tibiotarsus (340 M-176, 759 M-176, 174 M-101, 335 M-1336)— Tables 18, 19. Tarsometatarsus (775 M-300, 170 M-101, 725 M-645, 401 M-108D, 783 M-2027) — Tables 20-22. Reported asM. ocellata by Wing and Steadman (in press), this series agrees with mod- ern skeletons of M. ocellata. MAYAPAN, Yucatan, Mexico. Meleagris ocellata. All are MCZ 2536-2539, 2543, 2445. Numbers in parentheses are numbers of specimens examined. Coracoid (41) — Tables 4, 5. Scapula (39) — Tables 6, 7. Humerus (31) — Tables 8, 9. Car- pometacarpus (27) — Tables 14, 15. Tarsometatarsus (20) — Ta- bles 20-22. This very large series of bones, reported as M. ocellata by Pollock and Ray (1957) and as Agriocharis ocellata by Brodkorb (1964a), includes many specimens that are larger and stouter than the corresponding elements in comparative skeletons of wild M. ocellata. This is strong evidence for ar- tificial fattening of these birds, such as by feeding them corn, in combination with a sedentary existence. This in turn sug- gests that these birds were kept in some state of confinement by the people of Mayapan. To what extent M. ocellata was tamed at Mayapan is presently impossible to ascertain. Mele- agris ocellata is famous for its wildness, and numerous refer- ences attest to the impossibility of taming this beautiful bird. However, an example of its potential to attain at least some degree of tameness has been observed by the author at Tikal National Park, Peten, Guatemala, where because of protection from hunting for about 20 years, the two local flocks of M. ocellata living near the ruins are so tame as to come up to homes and be fed corn and rice by the residents. These birds may easily be approached to within about 8 meters, while birds from flocks in adjacent areas, which are subjected to hunting, are extremely wary and fly or run away at first sight of a person (Steadman et al. 1979). The presence also at Maya- pan of apparently wild M. ocellata suggests that wild birds were eaten along with those supposedly reared. The sample of wild turkeys hunted by the Maya was probably biased to- ward those birds that fed heavily in the corn fields and were thus in good flesh. CANCUN ISLAND, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Meleagris cf. M. ocellata. Tarsometatarsus (UFZA Q-509) — Table 20. No char- acters apparent other than size (immature). TULUM, Quintana Roo, Mexico. Meleagris cf. M. ocellata. Ulna (MCZ 25 13) — Table 10. Carpometacarpus (MCZ 2531) — Table 15. These specimens lack distinctive qualitative char- acters, and are very tentatively referred to M. ocellata on the basis of their very small size. BARTON RAMIE SITE, Belize. Meleagris cf. M. ocellata. Tarsometatarsus (PB 8492) — Table 21. No characters appar- ent other than size. Reported as Agriocharis ocellata by Brod- korb (1964a). MACANCHE, Peten, Guatemala. Meleagris cf. M. ocellata. Both are UFZA unnumbered. Carpometacarpus — Table 14. Tibiotarsus — Table 18. No characters apparent other than size. SYSTEMATICS The nomenclatural status of the turkeys from each of the sites listed above and in Table 1 is based on data in the Com- parative Osteology section (roughly quantified in Tables 2 and 3) and also on the measurements presented in Tables 4-22. As previously noted, turkeys are very similar osteologically, and most quantitative differences are only average ones. With the exception of the problematical Rhegminornis calobates, from which only one element is known, each taxon of turkey av- erages more than partial agreement (i.e., a similarity index value greater than 50) with all other known forms. Tables 2 and 3 are based only on those characters in which a difference was seen between at least two forms. The degree of similarity would be much higher if previously published characters that do not hold were included. It must be understood that biases exist in Tables 2 and 3 because of differences in elements and characters being compared between any two taxa. These tables present only an approximate, but useful, estimate of the degree of similarity between the various forms of turkeys. Recognition of the genera Rhegminornis and Proagriocharis is based on their low overall resemblance to other forms (Ta- bles 2-4, 20-22). A more detailed discussion of their affinities is given in the accounts of individual sites above. Meleagris is the only other genus recognized in this study. It includes all known diagnostic turkey fossils from Blancan through Recent times, as well as the two living species. The two other genera recognized by Brodkorb (1964a) and most other workers, Agri- ocharis and Parapavo, are herein regarded as synonyms of Meleagris, for reasons outlined as follows. Agriocharis was originally diagnosed on the external mor- phology of M. ocellata. Chapman ( 1896:288) described the new genus as follows: “The differences in the form and distribution of the warty excrescences of the head and neck, and in the character of the erectile appendages of the forehead, the more highly graduate tail and the more rounded rectrices, the ab- sence of a beard in the male and the presence of rudimentary spurs in the female are all characters which entitle ocellata to generic distinction. ...” Rudimentary spurs in females, dis- cussed earlier in the Comparative Osteology section, are not always present in females of M. ocellata, and they may be present in females of M. gallopavo. Meleagris ocellata is char- acterized by a lower average amount of similarity to other turkeys than any other post-Hemphillian form (Tables 2 and 3), being approached in this respect only by M. crassipes. However, M. ocellata resembles post-Hemphillian forms more than it does Rhegminornis calobates or Proagriocharis kim- ballensis, and the rather low level of agreement between M. ocellata and M. gallopavo is skewed downward because com- plete skeletons of these living species permitted me to find characters that were imperceptible in fossil forms. In Table 2, M. ocellata and M. gallopavo are compared in 85 different characters, ten more than are used between any other forms. All of these ten characters have a similarity value of 0 to 50. Regardless, the amount of dissimilarity between the various Pleistocene and Recent forms and M. ocellata is not enough to justify generic separation. Although both M. ocellata and M. crassipes appear to be somewhat unique within the genus, I feel that the similarities between these species, which in the past have been largely overlooked in a search for differences, Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 151 may best be emphasized by their inclusion in a single genus. Ridgway (Ridgway and Friedmann 1946:458) recognized Agri- ocharis but said, “Agriocharis is, in fact, so closely related to Meleagris that I am somewhat doubtful as to the expediency of recognizing it as a genus.” Paynter (1955) found the char- acters of M. ocellata to be of no more than specific value after several years of field and museum work with the birds of the Yucatan peninsula. Nearly two months of observation of M. ocellata at Tikal, Guatemala, has revealed many similarities between the life histories of M. ocellata and M. gallopavo (Steadman et al. 1979). Thus, non-osteological data exist that support the inclusion of Agriocharis in Meleagris. Meleagris californica is more similar to M. gallopavo than to M. ocellata (Tables 2 and 3), and is consistently intermediate between the two living species in size (Tables 4-22). L. Miller (1916a) said that because M. californica was intermediate be- tween M. ocellata and Pavo cristatus, species that are in dif- ferent subfamilies, it was necessary to erect the genus Para- pavo for that species. Howard (1927) correctly regarded M. californica as distinctly meleagridine, not phasianine. Howard (1927) considered M. ( Parapavo ) californica to be generically separable from M . gallopavo and M . ocellata, although resem- bling M. ocellata more than M. gallopavo, and stated (1927:27): “Grouping the characters for each element together, we find that the following elements [of M. californica ] possess characters of each of the modern genera: sternum, coracoid, humerus, radius, femur, tibiotarsus, tarsometatarsus; another element (furcula) is in all characters nearer Meleagris [gallopavo 1; others in all characters approach Agriocharis [ocellata]: skull, scapula, ulna. The remaining elements either possess characters distinct from both genera (fibula), or have structure features common to all three genera (carpometacar- pus, pelvis, pygostyle).” Thus, M. californica was supposedly distinct from both M. gallopavo and M. ocellata only in the fibula. However, the fibula of these species is not as definitely different as stated by Howard (see page 137). The lack of diagnostic features in M. californica, especially as compared to M. gallopavo, strongly argues for its inclusion in Meleagris. A. Miller and Bowman (1956) found no generic differences between the tarsometatarsi of Meleagris (gallopavo) and Par- apavo (californica). I concur with this and add that I cannot find generic differences between M. californica and M. gallo- pavo in any skeletal element. The general recognition of the genus Parapavo for the past 60 years can perhaps be attributed largely to two factors. First, it was originally described as a peacock in the genus Pavo (L. Miller 1909); when its true subfamilial affinities became ap- parent (L. Miller 1916a), to synonymize Pavo with a living genus of turkey probably seemed to be a bit drastic, if indeed it was even considered. Second, throughout the subsequent systematic history of M. californica (Howard 1927, 1928; Sushkin 1928), the two living species of turkeys were placed in separate genera. Thus comparisons among M. californica, M. gallopavo, and M. ocellata were carried out with a bias toward thinking in terms of differences on the generic level (Parapavo vs. Meleagris vs. Agriocharis). I have shown above that the majority of those differences either do not hold at all, or are only average differences that must therefore be consid- ered on a specific, not a generic, level. Revised Classification Order Galliformes (Temminck 1820) Family Phasianidae Vigors 1825 Subfamily Meleagridinae (Gray 1840) Rhegminornithidae Wetmore 1943 (23 June), Proc. New En- gland Zool. Club, vol. 22, p. 60 (type Rhegminornis Wet- more). — Rhegminornithinae Brodkorb 1967 (12 June), Bull. Florida State Mus., Vol. 11, no. 3, p. 201 (new rank). Genus Rhegminornis Wetmore 1943 Rhegminornis Wetmore 1943 (type Rhegminornis calobates Wetmore) Rhegminornis calobates Wetmore 1943 Rhegminornis calobates Wetmore 1943 (23 June), Proc. New England Zool. Club, vol. 22, p. 61, pi. 9, figs. 1-5 (type from Thomas Farm, distal end of right tarsometatarsus, Mus. Comp. Zool. no. 2331). — Rhegminornis calobates, Olson and Farrand 1974 (June), Wilson Bull., vol. 86, no. 2, p. 114 (reassignment from Charadriiformes to Meleagridinae). Early Miocene (Hemingfordian): Thomas Farm local fau- na. Florida: Gilchrist County: Thomas Farm, 8 miles N of Bell. Genus Proagriocharis Martin and Tate 1970 Proagrio charts Martin and Tate 1970 (type Proagriocharis kimballensis Martin and Tate) Proagriocharis kimballensis Martin and Tate 1970 Proagriocharis kimballensis Martin and Tate 1970 (5 June), Wilson Bull., vol. 82, no. 2, p. 215, fig. 1 (type from S of Lime Creek, left coracoid, Univ. Nebraska State Mus. no. 20033). Late Miocene or early Pliocene (Hemphillian): lower part of Kimball Formation, Univ. Nebraska Coll. Loc. Ft-40. Nebras- ka: Frontier County: S of Lime Creek. Genus Meleagris Linnaeus 1758 Meleagris Linnaeus 1758 (type Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus) Agriocharis Chapman 1896 (type Meleagris ocellata Cuvier) Eumeleagris Coues 1903 (type Meleagris ocellata Cuvier) Meleagrops (Marsh ms.) Shufeldt 1913 (type Meleagris celer Marsh) Parapavo L. Miller 1916a (type Pavo californicus L. Miller) Meleagris progenes (Brodkorb 1964) Meleagris gallopavo ; Meleagrididae, sp.P, Wetmore 1944. Univ. Kansas Sci. Bull., vol. 30, pt. 1, no. 9, p. 98 (Rexroad ranch, misidentification). Agriocharis progenes Brodkorb 1964b (4 Nov.), Quart. Jour. Florida Acad. Sci., vol. 27, no. 3, p. 223, pi. 1, figs. 1-3 (type from Rexroad ranch, distal part of right tarsometatar- sus, Univ. Michigan Mus. Paleo. no. 31034). Late Pliocene (Blancan): Rexroad Formation, Rexroad local fauna. Kansas: Meade County: Rexroad ranch, locality 3. 152 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Meleagris leopoldi A. Miller and Bowman 1956 Parapavo calif ornicus , L. Miller and Johnston 1937, Condor, vol. 39, no. 5, p. 229 (Cita Canyon, misidentification). cf. Meleagris, Johnston and Savage 1955, Univ. Califor- nia Publ., Geol. Sci., vol. 31, no. 2, p. 39. Meleagris leopoldi A. Miller and Bowman 1956 (5 March), Wilson Bull., vol. 68, no. 1, p. 42, figs, la-lc (type from Newton Harrell-Edd Reynolds ranch, distal end of right tarsometatarsus, Panhandle Plains Hist. Mus. no. 753) — Agriocharis leopoldi, Brodkorb 1964a (26 June), Bull. Flor- ida State Mus., vol. 8, no. 3, p. 324. — Brodkorb 1964b (4 Nov.), Quart. Jour. Florida Acad. Sci., vol. 27, no. 3, p. 225. Late Pliocene (Blancan): Cita Canyon beds. Texas: Ran- dall County: Cita Canyon local fauna, UCMP locality V-3721, at Newton Harrell-Edd Reynolds ranch, 2.2 km S and 21 km E of Canyon. Meleagris anza (Howard 1963) Agriocharis anza Howard 1963 (30 Dec.), Los Angeles County Mus., Contr. in Sci., no. 73, p. 19, pi. 3, fig. A (type from Arroyo Tapiado, right humerus, Los Angeles County Mus. no. 3753). Early Pleistocene (Irvingtonian): upper Palm Spring For- mation, upper 4000 ft. of Vallecito-Fish Creek section, Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County Loc. no. 1358. California: San Diego County: Anza-Borrego State Park: Arroyo Ta- piado. Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus 1758 Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus 1758, Systema Naturae, ed. 10, vol. 1, p. 156 (type from Mexico). Meleagris altus Marsh 1870a (March), Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, p. 11 (nomen nudum). — Marsh 1870b (July), Amer. Naturalist, vol. 4, no. 5, p. 317 (type from Mana- lapan, New Jersey, portions of 3 skeletons). — Marsh 1872 (October), Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 4, no. 22, p. 260 (descr. humerus, coracoid, femur, tibia, tarsometatarsus). — Mercer 1899, Jour. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, ser. 2, vol. 11, pt. 2, p. 280 (referred tarsometatarsus from Port Kennedy Cave, Pennsylvania). Meleagris superbus Cope 1871, Trans. Amer. Philos. Soc., n.s., vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 238 (types from Manalapan, New Jersey, 2 tibiae, 2 femora, 1 coracoid). — Peterson 1926, Ann. Carnegie Mus., vol. 16, no. 2, p. 254, pi. 17, figs. 1-10 (referred 1 scapula, 1 humerus, 1 pelvis, 2 femora, 2 tibio- tarsi, 2 tarsometatarsi from Frankstown Cave, Pennsylva- nia).— Meleagris superba, Shufeldt 1915, Trans. Connecti- cut Acad. Arts Sci., vol. 19, p. 66, pi. 10, figs. 71 — 73; pi. 11, figs. 74-77 (Marsh’s types from Manalapan, 3 humeri, 1 radius, 1 ulna, 1 coracoid, 1 scapula, 2 femora, 2 tibiotarsi, 1 tarsometatarsus, Yale Peabody Mus. nos. 533-536); M. altus considered a synonym. Meleagris celer Marsh 1872 (October), Amer. Jour. Sci., ser. 3, vol. 4, no. 22, p. 261 (types from Manalapan, New Jersey, tibiotarsus and tarsometatarsus). Meleagrops celer (Marsh ms.), Meleagris celer. — Shufeldt 1913, Auk, vol. 30, no. 1, p. 29, pi. 3, figs. 3-5 (Marsh’s type tarsometatarsus from Manalapan, Yale Peabody Mus.). Ardea sellardsi Shufeldt 1917, Florida Geol. Surv., Ninth An- nual Rept., p. 38, pi. 2, fig. 15 (type tibiotarsus from Vero Beach, Florida). — Meleagris gallopavo, Wetmore 1931a, Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 85, no. 2, p. 33 (Shufeldt’s type from Vero Beach, formerly Florida Geol. Surv. no. 7551, now in U.S. Nat. Mus.). Meleagris Widens Wetmore 193 la (13 Apr.), Smithsonian Misc. Coll., vol. 85, no. 2, p. 33, fig. 13, pi. 6 (type from Seminole Field, Florida, tarsometatarsus, U.S. Nat. Mus. no. 12052). Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) through Holocene: east- ern, central, and southwestern United States, and parts of eastern and western Mexico. Meleagris calif ornica (L. Miller 1909) Pavo californicus L. Miller 1909 (14 Aug.), Univ. Calif. Publ., Bull Dept. Geol., vol. 5, no. 19, p. 285, pi. 25 (type from Rancho La Brea, right tarsometatarsus, Univ. Calif. Mus. Paleo. no. 11300). — Parapavo californicus, L. Miller 1916a (10 March), Univ. Calif. Publ., Bull. Dept. Geol., vol. 9, no. 7, p. 96. Meleagris richmondi Shufeldt 1915 (Feb.), Trans. Connecticut Acad. Arts Sci., vol. 19, p. 67, pi. 2, fig. 19 (type from Mission San Jose, California, fragmentary sternum, Yale Peabody Mus. no. 905). — Parapavo californicus, Brodkorb 1964a (26 June), Bull. Florida State Mus., vol. 8, no. 3, p. 326. Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean): asphalt pits, Rancho La Brea local fauna. California: Los Angeles County, Ran- cho La Brea (L. Miller 1909). Meleagris ocellata Cuvier 1820 Meleagris ocellata Cuvier 1820, Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat., vol. 5, no. 1, p. 4, pi. 1 (type from Gulf of Honduras). — Agri- ocharis ocellata, Chapman 1896, Bull. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist., vol. 8, p. 287. — Eumeleagris ocellata, Coues 1903, Key to North Amer. Birds, vol. 2, ed. 5, p. 727. Holocene: Belize, northern Guatemala, eastern Chiapas, and eastern Tabasco through Campeche, Yucatan, and Quintana Roo, Mexico. Meleagris crassipes L. Miller 1940 Meleagris crassipes L. Miller 1940 (15 May), Condor, vol. 42, no. 3, p. 154, figs. 44-45 (type from San Josecito Cavern, tarsometatarsus, Calif. Inst. Techn. no. 2708, now in Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County). — Agriocharis crassipes, Brodkorb 1964b (4 Nov.), Quart. Jour. Florida Acad. Sci., vol. 27, no. 3, p. 225. Late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean): cave deposit, San Jo- secito Cave local fauna. Mexico: Nuevo Leon: San Josecito Cave, near Aramberri. EVOLUTION Rhegminornis calobates is morphologically unique among the species included in this study (Tables 3, 21). Its relation- ships to younger species are poorly understood, although there is a suggestion of relatively close affinities to Proagriocharis kimballensis (Table 3). The somewhat younger (Clarendoni- an?) tibiotarsus from Westmoreland Park, Virginia, is much too large for R. calobates and is also larger than P. kimballen- sis. Typically for a tibiotarsus, this specimen suffers a lack of Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 153 diagnostic characters that prevents further elucidation of its place in meleagridine phylogeny. The relationships of Proagriocharis kimballensis to any of the younger turkeys are also quite uncertain. If a trend of increasing size with decreasing age occurred in late Hemphil- lian and early Blancan times, as it did from the late Blancan through the Rancholabrean in the M. gallopavo lineage, P. kimballensis could qualify as a possible ancestor of M. pro- genes on the basis of its size and age. But the low similarity between these two species (Table 2), although probably due at least in part to the sample sizes involved, does not give strong support for such a lineage. Sadly, other Hemphillian turkey fossils, all larger than P. kimballensis, are represented only by tibiotarsi from Bone Valley, Florida, and Buckhorn, New Mexico. These previously unreported fossils, both of which are tentatively referred to Meleagris, and the Upper Miocene (Clarendonian?) tibiotarsus from Virginia, suggest that Proagriocharis and perhaps Rhegminornis represent a sib- ling group of the larger main line of turkeys. Meleagris progenes is most similar to M. leopoldi and fossils from Inglis and Coleman (Table 2), suggesting that only one lineage is represented by these four populations, with M. leo- poldi intermediate, both morphologically and temporally, be- tween M. progenes and the Inglis-Coleman forms. The turkeys from Inglis and Coleman are very closely related and certainly represent only one lineage. The qualitative char- acters of the Vallecito Creek specimen (. M . ansa) are within the range of variation of Inglis specimens. All humeral char- acters that supposedly distinguish the Vallecito Creek turkey from Inglis turkeys are either definitely or quite possibly due to the crushing of the Vallecito Creek fossil, hence the tentative referral of the Inglis specimens to this species. Extending the range of a species of fossil turkey from California to Florida is not unreasonable in light of the present distribution and varied choice of habitat of M. gallopavo. The paleoecological evidence (Downs and White 1968; Hibbard 1970; Hibbard and Dalquest 1966; Howard 1963; Klein 1971; Martin 1974) sug- gests fairly similar habitats for these Irvingtonian sites, further increasing the likelihood of a single, wide-ranging species or an osteologically similar superspecies of turkey existing during the early and middle Irvingtonian. In this regard, however, I must say that turkeys are very limited in their utility as paleoecological indicators. Aside from needing trees in which to roost, it is quite difficult to generalize about the habitat of M. gallopavo, discussions of which are found in Hewitt (1967), Leopold (1948), and Schorger (1966); see also Leopold (1948), and Steadman et al. (1979), for habitat requirements of M. ocellata. The use of M. ( uAgriocharis ”) ansa by Hibbard and Dalquest (1966) to suggest environmental conditions in the ear- ly Pleistocene of north-central Texas as being perhaps similar to those of the modern Yucatan peninsula is particularly in- appropriate, not only because of the above mentioned vague- ness in the definition of turkey habitat, but also because the femur from Gilliland, Texas, which Brodkorb (1964b) referred to M. ( llAgriocharis ”) ansa, is not even safely identifiable to genus (see discussion of Gilliland in Systematics section). No turkey fossils older than Rancholabrean are even ten- tatively referable to M. gallopavo, although the Colemen spec- imens, when compared to earlier forms, are definitely ap- proaching the M. gallopavo grade and are clearly intermediate between specimens from Inglis and M. gallopavo. There is little doubt that M. gallopavo evolved from the Coleman-tvpe turkey. How much of the present range of M. gallopavo was occupied by this form in late Irvingtonian times is not known. Perhaps the M. gallopavo grade was attained initially in only a small portion of this present range. This contradicts the fol- lowing statement of Hibbard and Dalquest (1966:14), “It ap- pears that these southern members [M . progenes, M. leopoldi, and M. anza', at the time thought to be more closely related to M. ocellata than to M. gallopavo] were slowly displaced south- ward by the progressively cooler climates produced by each successive glaciation. The more northern turkey, Meleagris gallopavo, was able to extend its range southward with the development of the strong continentality of the climate during Wisconsin time.” This statement implies that the earlier forms (“southern members”) were dead-end taxa that existed contem- poraneously with M. gallopavo. It is a basic thesis of my stud- ies, however, that these Blancan and Irvingtonian turkeys are not drastically different from the living M. gallopavo and, in fact, probably represent its direct ancestors. Holman (1964) noted that the pneumatic foramen on the dorsal base of the shaft of the scapula distinguishes living Meleagridinae from other gallinaceous birds. As noted in the Comparative Osteology section, Meleagris progenes of Rexroad (Blancan) and Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M. anza from Inglis IA (earliest Irvingtonian) lack this foramen, which is present in the late Irvingtonian species of Meleagris from Haile XVIA and Coleman IIA, as well asM. californica (Ran- cholabrean), and the living M. gallopavo and M. ocellata. All species of Phasianinae that I have examined lack this foramen except Pavo cristatus and P. muticns. Increased pneumaticity of the scapula may be related to increased size, as Pavo and M . gallopavo are the largest phasianines and meleagridines, respectively, and Meleagris sp. of Coleman is larger than M. progenes or the Inglis specimens. The foramen in Pavo is be- tween the glenoid facet and the furcular articulation, but, in meleagridines, the foramen lies more posteriorly on the base of the shaft, away from articulating surfaces. This difference in position, combined with documentation from fossils from Rexroad, Inglis, Haile XVIA, and Coleman on the develop- ment of this foramen during Irvingtonian times, and the lack of a foramen in all Phasianinae but Pavo, suggests that a non- foraminate scapula is the primitive condition in both the Pha- sianinae and Meleagridinae, and the foraminate scapula is the derived state. The presence of a pneumatic foramen in M. gallopavo, M. ocellata, and M. californica thus strongly argues for their common ancestry in the middle Irvingtonian. Both M. ocellata and M. californica are smaller than Inglis speci- mens. If they branched off from the Inglis-Coleman lineage before reaching the foraminate condition, the foramen may not have been expected to evolve in these species. Therefore, M. gallopavo, M. ocellata and M. californica are probably derived from isolated populations of a Coleman-like turkey, after the development of the foraminate scapula. This is fur- ther supported by these three forms each being more similar to specimens from Coleman than to those from Inglis (Table 2). The ancestors of M. californica and M. ocellata in the late Irvingtonian were not necessarily identical to the Coleman tur- key, because as much variation probably occurred in this widespread species or superspecies as occurs in M. gallopavo today (compare tarsometatarsal measurements and ratios of M. g. silvestris and M. g. osceola in Tables 20 and 22). 154 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Meleagris ocellata, which has no fossil record in the Pleis- tocene, may have evolved from a population of turkeys similar to those of Coleman that became isolated in the Yucatan region by a high stand of the sea during an interglacial period in middle to late Irvingtonian times. No turkeys live today in the very wet coastal lowlands of western Tabasco to central Ve- racruz, Mexico. Thus it appears that this wet tropical forest forms a barrier between present populations of M. ocellata in the Yucatan region and M. gallopavo intermedia in coastal northern Veracruz and Tamaulipas. This barrier probably did not exist continuously in the Pleistocene, as documented by Martin (1974), who found strong western and neotropical af- finities in the Coleman mammals, many of which probably entered Florida via a Gulf Coast savanna corridor. This im- plies somewhat more xeric conditions than at present, increas- ing the likelihood that turkeys were living in even the wettest portions of the Gulf Coast. Thus, it is likely that the Coleman- type turkey occurred around the entire Gulf Coast area when the “savanna corridor” existed. The distance involved would not be great, as a drop in sea level of 100 meters during a glacial period would have decreased the land distance from Tampa, Florida, to Merida, Yucatan, from about 3600 to about 2400 kilometers (Webb 1974). Meleagris californica undoubtedly evolved from populations that became isolated in California, where turkeys are known to occur as early as the Hemphillian or Blancan (University Drive site). The high degree of similarity between M. califor- nica and M. gallopavo suggests either that these two species were subject to fairly similar selective forces after populations of their common ancestors became isolated, or that the ances- tors of M . californica became isolated in California only after reaching the M. gallopavo grade. Meleagris gallopavo is not known west of central Arizona today. The quite arid condi- tions in western Arizona and southeastern California that pre- vail today could easily have provided a barrier to gene flow between the turkeys of southwestern California and south- eastern Arizona. The relationships of M. crassipes to other turkeys is difficult to assess at this point. It is the smallest of the various species of Meleagris and is perhaps best characterized by its rather distinctive tarsometatarsus. It resembles M. californica more than other congeners (Tables 2 and 3), but it also has a fair degree of qualitative and quantitative similarity to M. pro- genes, a form known only from Kansas and Arizona. A more complete discussion of M. crassipes is found in Amadeo Rea’s paper in this volume. The idea of a phasianine origin of the Meleagridinae is sup- ported by the phasianine nature of the furcula (characters 3, 5, 9), scapula (character 3), and tarsometatarsus (characters 4, 6, 7) in the first meleagridines in which these elements are known, as well as general osteological similarity. Therefore, I propose that turkeys originated from a phasianine stock that either (1) became isolated in the New World and evolved in situ or (2) invaded the New World after reaching the mele- agridine grade in the Old World. The presence of the above mentioned phasianine characters in various turkeys favors the first hypothesis, as does the lack of recognized meleagridine fossils in the Old World. If one considers turkeys as having come to North America via a land corridor over the Bering Strait, then they would have dispersed through North America from west to east, rather than vice versa. Details of this dis- persal cannot be presently defined. However, the apparent turkey from the late Miocene of Virginia and Rhegminornis from the early Miocene of Florida suggest the potential for Miocene and perhaps earlier turkey-like fossils from central and western North America. A plausible alternative to the Bering Strait dispersal route is that of an early Tertiary route from western Europe to eastern North America. Available fos- sil evidence favors neither hypothesis. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is with great pleasure that I dedicate this paper to Pierce Brodkorb for his supervision during early phases of this study, and to Hildegarde Howard in recognition of her innumerable contributions in avian paleontology, especially her monograph in 1927 of Meleagris californica, which still remains the most useful single reference on the osteology of turkeys. Kenneth E. Campbell, David W. Johnston, and S. David Webb critically reviewed my Masters Thesis at the University of Florida, upon which much of this paper is based. Storrs L. Olson and Amadeo M. Rea read and commented on the manu- script. Discussion and correspondence with Michael K. Fra- zier, David D. Gillette, Jean-Georges Klein, H. Gregory McDonald, Thomas R. Van Devender, S. David Webb, and Elizabeth S. Wing have helped to answer many paleontolog- ical questions, and discourse with Stephen W. Eaton and Lov- ett E. Williams, Jr., has enriched by knowledge of living tur- keys. Working with Amadeo M. Rea, whose complementary study appears in this volume, has been most productive. Ken- neth E. Campbell, Alison Habel, Charles Krantz, and Victor E. Krantz helped with the photographs, and Thomas Ritchie aided with the illustrations. I also thank John Anderson, Edward Steadman, and The- resa Steadman for aid in calculations, and Deborah Gaines for her courageous typing efforts. Partial financial support was provided by teaching assistantships from the Department of Zoology of the University of Florida, and the Josselyn Van Tyne Memorial Fund of the American Ornithologists’ Union through James King. For working space and other resources during preparation of this manuscript, I thank the Division of Birds and the Division of Vertebrate Paleontology of the Na- tional Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, and the Laboratory of Paleoenvironmental Studies of the De- partment of Geosciences, University of Arizona. This is con- tribution number 842 of the Department of Geosciences, Uni- versity of Arizona. I am especially grateful to my parents, Norman and Theresa Steadman, and to my revered friend and colleague, Storrs L. Olson, whose constant encouragement have made this study possible. Listed below are abbreviations of collections from which specimens were studied, followed by the names of persons who kindly made them available. All of these people have my sin- cere gratitude. AMNH American Museum of Natural History (Charlotte Holton, Malcolm McKenna). ANSP Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia (David Gillette, Storrs Olson). CM Carnegie Museum of Natural History (John Guilday, Mary Dawson, Wendy Pollock, Mary Clench, Ken- neth Parkes, Miriam Stern). Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 155 F:AM Frick Collection, American Museum of Natural His- tory (Malcolm McKenna). GW Glen Woolfenden. ISUM Idaho State University Museum (H. Gregory Mc- Donald, John White). LACM Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County (Robert McKenzie, David Whistler). MCZ Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard Univer- sity (Raymond Paynter). PB Pierce Brodkorb. PPHM Panhandle Plains Historical Museum (James Han- son, Gerald Schultz, Jackie Wilson). PU Princeton University, Museum of Natural History (Donald Baird). SBU Saint Bonaventure University, Department of Bi- ology (Stephen Eaton). TMM Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas (Ja- nette Bannan, Ernest Lundelius). TTU Texas Tech University. UCMP University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Pa- leontology (J. Howard Hutchison). UCMVZ University of California, Berkeley, Museum of Ver- tebrate Zoology (Ned Johnson, Victoria Dziadosz, National Science Foundation Grant BMS 2700102). UF University of Florida, Florida State Museum (S. David Webb, Chandra Aulsbrook). UFZA University of Florida, Florida State Museum Zooar- chaeological Collection (Elizabeth S. Wing). UK University of Kansas, Museum of Natural History (Marion Mengel). UMMP University of Michigan, Museum of Paleontology (Claude Hibbard). UNSM University of Nebraska State Museum (C. Bertrand Schultz). USNM United States National Museum of Natural History (John Barber, Storrs Olson, Robert Purdy, Clayton Ray). WWR Welder Wildlife Refuge (W. Caleb Glazener). YPM Yale University, Peabody Museum. LITERATURE CITED Brodkorb, P. 1957. New passerine birds from the Pleisto- cene of Reddick, Florida. Jour. Paleontol. 21(1): 129-138. . 1959. The Pleistocene avifauna of Arredondo, Flor- ida. Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 4(9): 269— 2 9 1 . . 1963. A giant flightless bird from the Pleistocene of Florida. Auk 80(2): 111—115. . 1964a. Catalogue of fossil birds: Part 2 (Anseriformes through Galliformes). Bull. Florida State Mus., Biol. Sci. 8(3): 195-335. . 1964b. Notes on fossil turkeys. Quart. Jour. Florida Acad. Sci. 27(3):223— 229. . 1967. 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Williams, L.E., and D.H. Austin. 1969. Leg spurs on female wild turkeys. Auk 86(3):56 1—562 . Wing, E.S., and D.W. Steadman. In press. Faunal re- mains from the Dzibilchaltun site. In Excavations at Dzi- bilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico, by E.W. Andrews IV and E.W. Andrews V, Publ. No. 48 of Mid. Amer. Res. Inst., Tulane Univ. Woolfenden, G.E. 1959. A Pleistocene avifauna from Rock Spring, Florida. Wilson Bull. 7 1(2): 183—187. 158 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Figure 1. Distribution of fossil and living turkeys, omitting late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) and Holocene records of Meleagris gallopavo and M. ocellata within their modern range. Numbers correspond with those in Table 1. Only sites from which specimens have been examined by the author are listed. See Rea (this vol.) for distribution of M. crassipes. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 159 III Figure 2. Measurements of the coracoid and scapula. I. Left cora- coid, dorsal view: A — Head to external end of sternal facet; B — Head to internal distal angle; C — Head to pneumatic foramen; D — Head through scapular facet; F — Least width of shaft. II. Left cora- coid, medial view: E — Depth of head. III. Left scapula, dorsal view: A — Proximal width; B — Tip of acromion to external tip of glenoid facet; D — Least width of neck. IV. Left scapula, proximal view: C — Depth of glenoid facet. Figure 3. Measurements of the humerus. I. Left humerus, anconal view: A — Total length; B — Proximal width; C — Width of midshaft; E — Distal width. II. Left humerus, ventral view: D — Depth of mid- shaft. 160 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Figure 4. Measurements of the ulna and radius. I. Left ulna, palmar view: A — Total length; B — Proximal width; C — Width of midshaft. II. Left ulna, anconal view: D — Depth of midshaft; E — Distal depth. III. Left ulna, distal view: E — Distal depth. IV. Left radius, palmar view: B — Proximal width; D — Least width of shaft; F — Distal width. V. Left radius, medial view: A — Total length; C — Proximal depth; E — Least depth of shaft. FTT Figure 5. Measurements of the carpometacarpus and femur. I. Left carpometacarpus, internal view. A — Total length; B — Proximal depth; C — Length of metacarpal I; E — Least depth of metacarpal II; G — Distal depth; H— Protrusion of M III beyond knob of M II. II. Left carpometacarpus, cross section near center of metacarpal II: D — Least width of metacarpal II. III. Left femur, anterior view: A — Total length; B — Proximal width; D — Width of midshaft; F — Distal width. IV. Left femur, lateral view: E — Depth of midshaft; H — Depth of external condyle; J — Depth of fibular condyle. V. Left femur, proxi- mal view: C — Depth of head. VI. Left femur, distal view: G — Depth of internal condyle; H — Depth of external condyle; J — Depth of fibular condyle. VII. Left femur, medial view: G — Depth of internal condyle. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 161 Figure 6. Measurements of the tibiotarsus. I. Left tibiotarsus, an- terior view: C — Width of midshaft; E — Distal width. II. Left tibio- tarsus, posterior view: A — Length without cnemial crest. III. Left tibiotarsus, proximal view; B — Width of head. IV. Left tibio- tarsus, distal view: F — Depth of internal condyle; G — Depth of external condyle. V. Left tibiotarsus, medial view: F — Depth of in- ternal condyle. VI. Left tibiotarsus, lateral view: G — Depth of external condyle. Figure 7. Measurements of the tarsometatarsus. I. Left tarsometa- tarsus, posterior view: A — Total length; B — Proximal width; C — Least width of shaft; E — Proximal end to middle of spur core; F — Top of spur core to end of middle trochlea; G — Middle of spur core to end of middle trochlea; L — Distal width. II. Right tarsometatarsus, cross section through spur core: H — Width of spur core; J — Length of spur core; K — Angle of spur core. III. Left tarsometatarsus, me- dial view: D — Least depth of shaft; M — Depth of inner trochlea; N — Depth of middle trochlea. IV. Left tarsometatarsus, distal view: L — Distal width; M — Depth of inner trochlea; N — Depth of middle trochlea; P — Depth of outer trochlea. A B C -• D Figure 8. Lateral views of furculae of males: A. Pavo muticus (PB 19183); B. Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M. ansa (Inglis IA; UF 20117); C. Meleagris ocellata (PB 23S42); D. Meleagris gallopavo osceola (PB 27938). 162 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 163 O o o Figure 10. Posterior views of tarsometatarsi of males: A, B. Meleagris cf. M. progenes (Benson; USNM 10551, AMNH 6330); C. Meleagris leopoldi (Cita Canyon; PPHM 3169); D. Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M. anza (Inglis IA; UF 20713); E. Meleagris sp. (Coleman IIA; UF 11601N); F. Meleagris crassipes (San Josecito Cave; LACM UC-100023). 164 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology CM (uSjm"o16m“d “mX”' STSSiir* A' “ Mrf"S“ (PB ”819' PB 23U7)' C- Mde‘grh “Uotam “h'sMs Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 165 r~ 10 I o o Figure 12. Lateral views of tarsometatarsi of males: A. Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M. anza (Inglis IA; UF 20713); B, C. Meleagris sp. (Coleman; UF 11601N, UF 11603C); D. Meleagris californica (Rancho La Brea; LACM E-5775); E. Meleagris gallopavo silvestris (USNM 501686). 166 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Figure 13. Medial views (A, B) and lateral view (C) tarsometatarsi of males: A. Meleagris gallopavo osceola (USNM 487663); B. Meleagris gallopavo (Seminole Field; USNM 120S2 — holotype of Meleagris “ tridens ”); C. Meleagris ocellata (PB 2354 2). Figure 14. Anterior views of tarsometatarsi of females: A, B, C. Rhegminornis calobates (Thomas Farm; PB 8448, PB 8447, MCZ 2331 — not certainly females); D. Proagriocharis kimballensis (UNSM Coll. Loc. Ft-40; UNSM 20037); E. Meleagris progenes (Rexroad; UMMP 48189); F. Meleagris crassipes (San Josecito Cave; LACM UC-100022); G. Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M. anza (Inglis IA; UF 20789); H. Meleagris sp. (Coleman II A; UF 11601Z); I. Meleagris californica (Rancho La Brea; LACM E-7122); J. Meleagris gallopavo osceola (PB 23114); K. Meleagris ocellata (PB 30884). 168 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 1 Fossil localities discussed in text. Numbered localities are shown in Fig. 1. Fossil Locality Age Species of Turkey References* 1. Thomas Farm, Florida early Miocene (Hemingfordian) Rhegminornis calobates Olson and Farrand 1974; Patton 1969; Wetmore 1943. 2. Westmoreland State Park, Virginia late Miocene (Clarendonian?) Meleagridinae, cf. Meleagris Lauck Ward pers. comm.; this paper. 3. UNSM Coll Loc. Ft-40, Nebraska late Miocene or early Pliocene (Hemphillian) Proagriocharis kimballensis Martin and Tate 1970. 4. Buckhorn, New Mexico late Miocene or early Pliocene (Hemphillian) Meleagridinae, cf. Meleagris This paper. S. Clifton Country Club, Arizona late Miocene or early Pliocene (Hemphillian) Meleagridinae, genus and species indeterminate This paper. 6. Bone Valley (Palmetto Mine), Florida late Miocene or early Pliocene (Hemphillian) Meleagridinae, cf. Meleagris This paper; G. Morgan pers. comm. 7. University Drive, California Pliocene (Hemphillian or Blancan) Meleagris sp. This paper 8. Haile XVA, Florida late Pliocene (Blancan) Meleagris sp. Campbell 1976; Robertson 1976; this paper. 9. Benson, Arizona late Pliocene (Blancan) Meleagris cf. M. progenes Brodkorb 1964b; Lindsay et al. 1975; Wetmore 1924, 1944; this paper. 10. Cita Canyon, Texas late Pliocene (Blancan) Meleagris leopoldi Brodkorb 1964b; Lindsay et al. 1975; A. Miller and Bowman 1956; this paper. 11. Rexroad, Kansas late Pliocene (Blancan) Meleagris progenes Brodkorb 1964b; Lindsay et al. 1975; this paper. 12. Gilliland, Texas early Pleistocene (early Irvingtonian) Meleagridinae, genus and species indeterminate Brodkorb 1964b; Hibbard and Dalquest 1973; this paper. 13. Inglis IA, Florida early Pleistocene (early Irvingtonian) Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M . anza Klein 1971; Webb 1974; this paper. 14. Vallecito Creek, California early Pleistocene (Irvingtonian) Meleagris anza Howard 1963; Opdyke et al. 1977; this paper. IS. Port Kennedy Cave, Pennsylvania early Pleistocene (Irvingtonian; possibly Rancholabrean?) Meleagridinae, cf. Meleagris D. Gillette pers. comm.; Mercer 1899; this paper. 16. Haile XVIA, Florida early Pleistocene (Irvingtonian) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier pers. comm.; this paper. 17. Williston, Florida middle Pleistocene (late Irvingtonian) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier pers. comm.; this paper. 18. Coleman IIA, Florida middle Pleistocene (late Irvingtonian) Meleagris sp. (intermediate between leopoldi-anza and gallopavo) Martin 1974; this paper. 19. Sante Fe River IIA, Florida middle Pleistocene (late Irvingtonian) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. 20. American Falls Lake Beds, Idaho late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean; Illinoian glacial?) Meleagris gallopavo Hopkins et al. 1969. Papago Springs Cave, Arizona late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. Skinner 1942; Rea this volume; this paper. Arizpe, Sonora, Mexico late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Cracraft 1968; Rea this volume; this paper. Burnet Cave, New Mexico late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo ; also M . crassipes Rea this volume; Schultz and Howard 1935; this paper. Howell’s Ridge Cave, New Mexico late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) and Holocene Meleagris sp.; also M. crassipes Rea this volume; Van Devender and Worthington 1977; this paper. Ingleside, Texas late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris gallopavo Feduccia 1973. Sheffield Gravel Pits, Texas late Pleistocene? (Rancholabrean?) Meleagris sp. This paper. Carlisle Cave, Pennsylvania Pleistocene (probably Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Leidy 1889; this paper. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 169 Table 1. Continued. Fossil Locality Age Species of Turkey References* Frankstown Cave, Pennsylvania late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Hibbard et al. 1965; Peterson 1926; this paper. Manalapan, New Jersey late Pleistocene? (Rancholabrean?) Meleagris gallopavo This paper Bradenton, Florida late Pleistocene (early Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. Webb 1974; this paper. Rock Spring, Florida late Pleistocene (early Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Withlacoochee River, Florida late Pleistocene (early Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. Webb 1974; this paper. Haile VIIA, Florida late Pleistocene (early Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. Webb 1974; this paper. Reddick IB, Florida late Pleistocene (early Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Melbourne, Florida late Pleistocene (middle Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Arredondo, Florida late Pleistocene (middle Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Sabertooth Cave, Florida late Pleistocene (late Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Aucilla River, Florida late Pleistocene (late Rancholabrean) Meleagris gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Ichetucknee River, Florida late Pleistocene (late Rancholabrean) Meleagris gallopavo Webb 1974; Wetmore 1931a. Kendrick IA, Florida late Pleistocene (late Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. Webb 1974; this paper. Vero, Florida late Pleistocene (late Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Seminole Field, Florida late Pleistocene (late Rancholabrean) Meleagris gallopavo Webb 1974; Wetmore 1931a. Bowman IA, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Davis Quarry, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris gallopavo M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Econfina River, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm., this paper. Florida Lime Company, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Haile II A, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Hog Creek, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Mefford Cave I, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Oakhurst Quarry, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier, S.D Webb pers. comm.; this paper. St. Mark’s River, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Santa Fe River IA, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Webb 1974; this paper. Santa Fe River IVA, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Steinhatchie River, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Wekiva Run III, Florida late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. M. Frazier, S.D. Webb pers. comm.; this paper. Wacissa River, Florida Holocene Meleagris gallopavo This paper. Continued 170 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 1. Continued. Fossil Locality Age Species of Turkey References* Nichol’s Hammock, Florida Holocene (pre-1900) Meleagris gallopavo Hirschfeld 1968. Good’s Shellpit, Florida Holocene (approx. 3500-5000 BP) Meleagris gallopavo Neill et al. 1956. Silver Glen Springs, Florida Holocene (approx. 3500-5000 BP) Meleagris sp. Neill et al. 1956; this paper. Buffalo Site, West Virginia Holocene (approx. AD 1650) Meleagris gallopavo Kooliath 1975. Hartman’s Cave, Pennsylvania Holocene (post-European contact) Meleagris gallopavo Leidy 1889; this paper. 21. Rancho La Brea, California late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris californica Hibbard et al. 1965; this paper. 22. Imperial Highway, California late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. W. Miller 1971; this paper. 23. Carpinteria, California late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris californica L. Miller 1927; Hibbard et al. 1965. 24. Workman and Alhambra Streets, California late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagridinae cf. Meleagris W. Miller 1971; this paper. 25. La Mirada, California late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris cf. M. californica W. Miller 1971; this paper. 26. Potter Creek Cave, California late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris sp. Hibbard et al. 1965; L. Miller 1911. Dzibilchaltun, Yucatan, Mexico Holocene (approx. BC 1000-AD 900) Meleagris ocellata Wing and Steadman in press. Mayapan, Yucatan, Mexico Holocene (approx. AD 1200- 1500) Meleagris ocellata Pollock and Ray 1957. Canciin Island, Quintana Roo, Mexico Holocene (approx. AD 300-900) Meleagris cf. M . ocellata This paper. Tulum, Quintana Roo, Mexico Holocene (approx. AD 1300- 1500) Meleagris cf. M ocellata This paper. Barton Ramie site, Belize Holocene (approx. AD 500- 1000) Meleagris cf. M . ocellata Brodkorb 1964b; this paper. Macanche, Peten, Guatemala Holocene (approx. AD 300-900) Meleagris cf. M. ocellata This paper. 27. San Josecito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico late Pleistocene (Rancholabrean) Meleagris crassipes Hibbard et al. 1965; L. Miller 1940. * Includes only literature from which this table was compiled; see references cited in this table for additional literature on the fossil sites. Earlier published records of turkeys from these sites, if recorded under a different name, are mentioned in the site by site accounts. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 171 Table 2. Analysis of similarity. For every character in the comparative osteology section, except those that are similar in all forms, each form was rated against the others as follows: 100 = complete agreement; 75 = much agreement; 50 = partial agreement; 25 = slight agreement; 0 = no agreement. The first value in each case is the mean of all such agreement values. The number in parentheses is the number of characters on which the mean agreement value is based. Rhegmi- nornis calo- bates Thomas Farm, Florida Pro- agrio- charis kimbal- lensis UNSM Coll. Loc. Ft-40, Nebra- ska Mele- agris pro- genes Rex- road, Kansas Mele- agris leo- poldi Cita Canyon, Texas Mele- agris anza, Valle- cito Creek, Cali- fornia Mele- agris cf M. leo- poldi or M. anza Inglis IA Florida Mele- agris sp., Cole- man IIA, Florida Mele- agris gallo- pavo Recent speci- mens Mele- agris cali- fornica, Rancho La Brea, Cali- fornia Mele- agris ocellata Recent speci- mens Mele- agris cras- sipes San Jose- cito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Proagriocharis kimballensis, UNSM Coll. Loc. Ft-40 75 (8) Meleagris progenes Rexroad 59 (11) 50 (14) Meleagris leopoldi Cita Canyon 71 (13) 84 (11) 92 (12) Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M. anza Inglis IA 56 (13) 73 (21) 78 (30) 87 (17) 68 (7) Meleagris sp. Coleman IIA 54 (13) 63 (21) 78 (26) 85 (17) 50 (7) 89 (64) Meleagris g allopavo, Recent specimens 56 (13) 58 (21) 73 (30) 87 (17) 64 (7) 68 (73) 82 (65) — — — Meleagris californica, Rancho La Brea 54 (13) 54 (21) 75 (29) 82 (17) 57 (7) 78 (72) 82 (65) 80 (75) Meleagris ocellata Recent specimens 48 (13) 58 (21) 72 (30) 78 (17) 57 (7) 68 (73) 72 (65) 62 (85) 72 (75) — — Meleagris crassipes San Josecito Cave 52 (13) 46 (21) 73 (24) 69 (17) 57 (7) 74 (47) 72 (47) 73 (47) 79 (47) 62 (47) — 172 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 3. Analysis of similarity in the tarsometatarsus. See Table 2 for explanation of values. Rhegmi- nornis calo- bates Thomas Farm, Florida Pro- agrio- charis kimbal- lensis UNSM Coll. Loc. Ft-40, Nebr- aska Mele- agris progenes Rex- road, Kansas Mele- agris leopoldi Cita Canyon, Texas Mele- agris cf. leopoldi or M. anza , Inglis IA, Florida Mele- agris sp. Cole- man IIA, Florida Mele- agris gallo- pavo Recent speci- mens Mele- agris cali- fornica Rancho La Brea, Cali- fornia Mele- agris ocellata Recent speci- mens Mele- agris cras- sipes San Jose- cito Cave, Nuevo Leon, Mexico Proagriocharis kimballensis UNSM Col! Loc. Ft-40 75 (8) Meleagris progenes Rexroad 59 (11) 83 (6) Meleagris leopoldi Cita Canyon 71 (13) 84 (11) 92 (12) Meleagris cf. M . leopoldi or M. anza Inglis IA 56 (13) 77 (12) 96 (12) 87 (17) Meleagris sp. Coleman IIA 54 (13) 73 (12) 94 (12) 85 (17) 96 (18) — Meleagris gallopavo Recent specimens 56 (13) 71 (12) 98 (12) 87 (17) 89 (18) 93 (18) — — — — Meleagris californica Rancho La Brea 54 (13) 67 (12) 94 (12) 82 (17) 83 (18) 88 (18) 92 (18) Meleagris ocellata Recent specimens 48 (13) 79 (12) 83 (12) 78 (17) 79 (18) 78 (18) 76 (18) 72 (18) — — Meleagris crassipes San Josecito Cave 52 (13) 56 (12) 83 (12) 69 (17) 72 (18) 74 (18) 78 (18) 85 (18) 58 (18) — Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 173 Table 4. Measurements (in mm) of coracoids of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 2 for explanation of measurements. Head to External End Head to Head to Head through of Sternal Internal Pneumatic Scapular Depth Least Width Facet Distal Angle Foramen Facet of Head of Shaft Proagriocharis 71.7* 67.2* 57.9* 23.1* 9.1 6.4 kimballensis UNSM Coll. Loc. Ft-40 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagridinae, genus — — — 24.5 9.8 ~8.2 and species indet. Clifton Country Club3 1 1 1 Meleagris progenes 79.8* — 65. 0b 31. 0b 10. 8b 10.1" Rexroad 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. 101.93 94.26* ± 2.52 76.21 ± 2.54 35.95 ± 1.27 13.62 ± 0.86 10.44 ± 0.45 leopoldi or M. anza 94.2-110.7 80.4-97.4* 72.6-80.2 33.9-37.8 11.8-15.0 9.6-11.2 Inglis IA 6 10 8 13 20 27 Meleagris sp. 103.72* 97.30 79.35 37.80 14.84 ± 0.49 11.12 ± 0.84 Coleman IIA 101.2-105.4* 95.3-99.0 76.0-80.8 37.0-38.7 14.2-15.8 10.0-1 1.9 5 4 4 7 8 8 M . gallopavo 115.2* — — 40.8 15.5 10.8 Ingleside 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 118.5 — 90.0 43.2 16.2 12.6 Manalapan 1 15c-122d 2 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 117.05* 110.10 89.40 41. 18 15.55 11.83 Ichetucknee River 113.9*— 120.2 108.3-111.9 87.1-91.7 39.1-42.7 14. 1-17.0 11.4-12.3 2 2 2 5 6 3 M. gallopavo — — — 38.1 14.6 — Seminole Field 1 1 M . gallopavo 104.30* 97.25* 77.10* 37.95* 14.55 11.30 Davis Quarry 101.0*— 107.6* 94.8*-99. 7* 75.5-78.7* 36.3-39.6* 13.5-15.6 11.0-11.6 2 2 2 2 2 2 Meleagris cf. M. — — — 41.7* 16.6 — gallopavo Mefford Cave I 1 1 M . gallopavo — — — 39.1* 14.2 — Nichol’s Flammock 1 1 M . gallopavo 106.5 98.6 82.0 37.7 14.3 9.7 Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 112.7* 102.8* 85.8* 40.0* 14.6 10.9 Garfield Site 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 115.19 ± 2.97 108.12 ± 1.98 88.94 ± 3.67 41.68 ± 1.00 16.15 ± 0.85 11.71 ± 0.46 Buffalo Site 110.0-118.5 103.7-11 1.0 83.2-97.5 39.9-43.3 14.1-17.7 10.5-13.3 12 9 16 27 27 81 M. gallopavo 112.3 106.8* 91.0 40.8 16.0 10.4 Flartman’s Cave 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo silvestris 112.37 ± 4. 14 104.79 ± 3.89 85.12 ± 3.39 40.71 ± 1.33 15.94 ± 0.64 11.29 ± 0.54 New York, Pennsylvania, 104.2-120.8 97.2-111.5 77.8-90.4 38.4-43.1 14.6-17.2 10.2-12.5 Virginia 26 27 27 27 28 28 M. gallopavo osceola 109.19 ± 4.29 101.19 ± 3.90 83.01 ± 2.94 37.94 ± 1.33 14.50 ± 0.77 10.68 ± 0.45 Florida 104.9-117.0 97.1-107.3 80.0-89.5 35.2-39.9 13.3-15.9 10.0-1 1.2 9 9 9 9 9 9 M. gallopavo intermedia 114.7 — 87.3 38.6 15.1 10.9 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo mexicana 113.65 104.70 83.15 40.40 16.00 11.35 Chihuahua, Mexico 111.8-115.5 103.0-106.4 81.5-84.8 39.8-41.0 15.6-16.4 10.8-1 1.9 2 2 2 2 2 2 M. gallopavo 111.74 ± 4.25 103.93 ± 4.06 84.59 ± 3.31 40.00 ±1.74 15.60 ± 0.89 11.15 ± 0.57 Total skeletal 104.2-120.8 97.1-111.5 77.8-90.4 35.2-43.1 13.3-17.2 10.0-12.5 specimens 38 38 39 39 40 40 Continued 174 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 4. Continued Head to External End of Sternal Facet Head to Internal Distal Angle Head to Pneumatic Foramen Head through Scapular Facet Depth of Head Least Width of Shaft M . californica 101.01 ± 3.97 94.26* ± 3.06 76.54 ± 3.44 35.94 ± 1.19 13.21 ± 0.85 10.08 ± 0.46 Rancho La Brea 92.0-106.1 85.8*-98.8 68.2-82.4 32.3-38.2 1 1.7-14.6 9.1-11.0 15 29 27 29 24 29 M. californica 99.17 92.42* ± 2.11 74.34 35.16 ± 1.09 13.61 ± 0.72 10.02 ± 0.48 Carpinteria 96.7-101.4 89.4-94.9 72.7-76.4 33.5-37.3 12.4-14.8 9.2-10.6 7 8 7 8 8 8 M . californica 100.42 ± 3.48 93.86* ± 2.96 76.08 ± 3.24 35.78 ± 1.20 13.31 ± 0.82 10.07 ± 0.46 Total specimens 92.0-106.1 85.8*-98.8 68.2-82.4 32.3-38.2 11.7-14.8 9.1-11.0 22 37 34 37 32 37 M . ocellata 93.4* 87.7 70.9 34.0 12.55 9.1 Dzibilchaltiin 1 1 1 1 12.4-12.7 2 1 M. ocellata Mayapan 95.0 88.45 87.3-89.6 70.09 ± 2.23 67.2-73.2 32.74 ± 1.28 30.0-34.9 12.26 ± 0.68 10.9-13.3 9.14 ± 0.56 8.2-10.2 1 2 10 21 21 13 M . ocellata 89.25 ± 3.90 84.08 ± 3.21 68.43 ± 3.17 31.99 ± 1.31 12.03 ± 0.74 8.81 ± 0.61 Yucatan, Mexico and 81.3-93.7 78.9-87.7 62.0-72.2 30.0-34.1 10.6-12.9 7. 9-9. 8 Peten, Guatemala 10 10 10 8 10 10 M. crassipes 79.6* 76.0* — 29.1 9.8 8.3 San Josecito Cave 1 1 1 1 1 a May possibly represent a female; (1915). * Slightly damaged specimens. b from Brodkorb 1964b; c from Cope 1871; d from Marsh 1872. Probably the same bone measured by Shufeldt Table 5. Measurements (in mm) of the coracoid of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 2 for explanation of measurements. Head to External End of Sternal Facet Head to Internal Distal Angle Head to Pneumatic Foramen Head through Scapular Facet Depth of Head Least Width of Shaft Meleagridinae, genus 72.0** 70.4** — — — 7.9 and species indet. 1 1 1 Gilliland Meleagris cf. M . 77.90* 75.20* 60.73* — 10.30 8.40 leopoldi or M . anza 76.9*-78.9* 74. 7*— 75. 7* 60.2*— 61. 1* 10.0-10.6 00 Oo 1 00 O' Inglis IA 2 2 3 2 5 Meleagris sp. 86.25 80.50 66.95 31.40 11.85 8.95 Coleman IIA 83.7-88.8 78.2-82.8 64.2-69.7 31.0-31.8 11.8-11.9 8. 7-9.2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Meleagris cf. — — — 31.20 11.55 — M . gallopavo 30.8-31.6 11.5-11.6 Rock Spring 2 2 Meleagris cf. — — — 31.0 12.1 — M . gallopavo 1 1 Reddick IB M. gallopavo 86.45* 81.95* 65.35 31.30 11.70 9.20 Ichetucknee River 83.1-89.8* 79.9-84.0* 65.3-65.4 30.4-32.1 11.2-12.2 O' 1 O' 00 2 2 2 3 4 4 M. gallopavo — — 64.8 31.05 10.2 8.35 Seminole Field 30.0-32.1 8. 1-8.6 1 2 1 2 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 175 Table 5. Continued. Head to External End of Sternal Facet Head to Internal Distal Angle Head to Pneumatic Foramen Head through Scapular Facet Depth of Head Least Width of Shaft Meleagris sp. — 77.5* 63.5* 30.1* 11.1* 8.2 Florida Lime Company 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 81.25 76.00* 62.57* 28.33* 10.57 8.08 Nichol’s Hammock 81.2-81.3 75.8*— 76.2 59.6*— 64. 1 28.0*-28.6 9.8-11.0 8.0-8. 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 M. gallopavo 83.9 77.6 62.3 29.2 10.8 8.0 Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 92.11 ± 2.29 86.22 ± 2.37 70.11 ± 2.27 32.74 ± 1.09 12.44 ± 0.64 9.25 ± 0.45 Buffalo Site 86.1-96.1 80.7-91.5 65.4-74.0 30.2-35.3 10.8-13.7 7.9-10.5 15 16 IS 32 31 56 M. gallopavo silvestris 87.68 ± 1.71 81.57 ± 1.71 66.51 ± 1.88 32.18 ± 0.33 12.08 ± 0.46 8.78 ± 0.48 New York, Pennsylvania, 85.8-90.2 80.0-84.7 64.2-71.0 31.6-32.7 11.3-13.0 8. 1-9.6 Virginia 13 12 13 13 13 13 M . gallopavo osceola 83.40 ± 2.24 77.92 ± 2.18 63.73 ± 2.23 29.73 ± 1.10 10.94 ± 0.76 8.37 ± 0.49 Florida 80.6-88.0 74.7-82.7 60.7-67.6 28.0-31.6 10.0-12.4 7. 8-9. 3 10 10 11 11 11 11 M. gallopavo intermedia 85.8* 80.5* 65.9* 31.1* 12.0 8.2 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo mexicana 87.80 81.77 65.37 31.83 12.57 8.70 Chihuahua, Coahuila, 85.2-92.5 79.3-86.3 63.3-68.4 30.0-34.2 11.6-13.8 8. 2-9.0 Mexico 3 3 3 3 3 3 M. gallopavo merriami 88.67 83.00 66.70 31.53 11.50 8.50 Arizona 85.2-90.6 79.6-85.0 63.3-70.2 31.0-31.8 11.1-11.9 8. 2-8. 7 3 3 3 3 3 3 M. gallopavo 86.10 ± 3.24 80.21 ±3.11 65.16 ± 2.79 31.08 ± 1.52 11.64 ± 0.84 8.56 ± 0.48 Total skeletal 79.8-92.5 73.7-86.3 58.1-71.0 28.0-34.2 10.0-13.8 7. 8-9. 6 specimens3 31 30 32 32 32 32 M. californica 81.64 ± 3.42 76.16 ± 2.50 61.84 ± 2.24 28.85 ± 1.06 10.86 ± 0.60 8.08 ± 0.47 Rancho La Brea 73.1-84.8 68.9-79.2 56.7-66.1 25.4-30.2 9.5-11.8 6. 8-8. 8 11 27 25 24 27 27 M . californica — — — 29.46 11.13 8.25 Carpinteria 28.3-30.0 10.6-11.7 8.0-8. 5 7 7 4 M . californica 81.64 ± 3.42 76.16 ± 2.50 61.84 ± 2.24 28.99 ± 1.00 10.92 ± 0.57 8.10 ± 0.44 Total 73.1-89.1 68.9-79 .2 56.7-66.1 25.4-30.2 9.5-11.8 6. 8-8. 8 specimens 11 27 25 31 34 31 Meleagris sp. — 73.9* 59.8* 29.4* 10.2 7.8 Potter Creek Cave 1 1 1 1 1 M. ocellata — — 7.5 Dzibilchaltun 1 M. ocellata 80.9 73.60 59.38 26.86 ± 2.40 10.14 ± 0.72 7.61 ± 0.74 Mayapan 71.7-75.7 56.9—61.2 22.2-29.1 9.0-11.1 6. 2-8. 7 1 4 5 11 11 11 M. ocellata 77.76 ± 1.94 72.93 ± 1.73 59.04 ± 1.97 26.74 ± 0.71 10.05 ± 0.46 7.39 ± 0.32 Yucatan, Mexico and 74.8-80.8 70.6-75.9 55.5-61.6 25.9-28.0 9.1-11.0 7. 0-7. 9 Peten, Guatemala 10 11 11 9 11 11 M. crassipes — 67.30* 57.10* 25.60 8.83 6.90 San Josecito Cave 65. 1*— 68. 7* 55.4*-58.8 25.1-25.9 8.5-9. 1 6. 2-7. 7 3 2 3 3 3 a Includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to subspecies. * Slightly damaged specimen. ** Moderately damaged specimen. 176 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 6. Measurements (in mm) of the scapula of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 2 for explanation of measurements. Proximal Width Tip of Acromion to External Tip of Glenoid Facet Depth of Glenoid Facet Least Width of Neck Meleagris cf. M. 22.94 ± 0.54 26.26 ± 0.74 10.33 ± 0.51 11.36 ± 0.54 leopoldi or M . anza 22.1-24.2 25.6-27.9 9.6-11.2 10.5-12.3 Inglis IA 11 8 15 17 Meleagris sp. 25.57 28.83 11.20 12.50 Coleman IIA 2 4.1-26.6 27.4-29.6 10.8-11.8 12.2-12.8 3 3 3 4 M . g allopavo 28.5 31.8 12.1* 14.0 Manalapan 1 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. 26.50* 28.95* 11.00 13.5 gallopavo Melbourne 25.6*— 27.4 28. 1 * — 2 9 . 8 10.9-11. 1 2 2 2 1 M. gallopavo — — 10.7 12.0 Ichetucknee River 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. 28.6 31.2 11.9 14.7 gallopavo Mefford Cave 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 28.34 31.58 12.26 ± 0.64 14.50 ± 0.48 Buffalo Site 26.9-29.2 30.2-32.4 11.2-13.2 13.7-15.4 5 6 13 12 M . gallopavo 27.56 ± 0.93 31.00 ± 1.09 12.38 ± 0.76 13.81 ± 0.90 silvestris, New York 25.4-29.3 29.0-33.0 10.9-13.4 12.1-16.0 Pennsylvania, Virginia 29 27 16 29 M. gallopavo 25.61 ± 0.80 28.82 ± 1.06 11.51 ± 0.55 12.66 ± 0.76 osceola Florida 24.0-26.5 27.1-30.1 10.9-12.2 11.2-13.5 8 8 8 8 M . gallopavo — 29.3 — 13.0 intermedia, Texas 1 1 M . gallopavo mexicana 27.7 30.1 12.5 14.6 Chihuahua, Mexico 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 27.0 29.6 11.1 13.2 merriami, Arizona 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 27.15 ± 1.18 30.44 ± 1.38 12.06 ± 0.78 13.56 ± 0.96 Total skeletal 24.0-29.3 27.1-33.0 10.9-13.4 11.2-16.0 specimens 39 38 26 40 M . californica 23.66 ± 0.72 26.17 ± 0.78 10.56 ± 0.50 12.04 ± 0.87 Rancho La Brea 22.4-25.2 24.8-27.9 9.6-11.3 10.8-13.8 16 16 23 14 M . californica 23.80 26.75 10.78 11.85 Carpinteria 23.5-24.4 26.5-26.9 9.6-12.0 11.7-12.0 5 4 6 2 M. californica 23.69 ± 0.66 26.28 ± 0.74 10.60 ± 0.58 12.01 ± 0.82 Total specimens 22.4-25.2 24.8-27.9 9.6-12.0 10.8-13.8 21 20 29 16 M. ocellata 21.75 ± 0.68 24.80 ± 0.73 9.92 ± 0.34 11.14 ± 0.56 Mayapan 20.7-22.8 23.8-26.0 9.3-10.7 10.1-12.2 12 14 28 18 M. ocellata 20.14 ± 1.29 22.96 ± 1.28 9.38 10.23 ± 0.83 Yucatan, Mexico 18.7-22.5 21.1-25.1 8.9-10.2 9.4-11.9 and Peten, Guatemala 10 10 7 10 Slightly damaged specimen. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 177 Table 7. Measurements (in mm) of the scapula of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 2 for explanation of measurements. Proximal Width Tip of Acromion to External Tip of Glenoid Facet Depth of Glenoid Facet Least Width of Neck Meleagris progenes IS. 9 17.9* 7.9 — Rexroad 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi 17.1 23.8 8.1 9.2 or M. anza Inglis IA 1 1 1 1 Meleagris sp. 2 1. IS* 23.40* 9.45 10.30 Haile XVIA 20. 1*— 22.2 22.3*-24.5 8.7-10.2 9.5-11.1 2 2 2 2 Meleagris sp. 22.2 24.6 9.4 — Coleman IIA 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. — — 9.1 — gallopavo Reddick IB 1 M. gallopavo 20.0 22.0 8.1 — Seminole Field 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 19.87 22.20 8.33 9.7 Nichol’s Hammock 18. 9-20. S 21.2-23.0 7.9-9. 1 9. 7-9. 9 3 3 3 3 Meleagris sp. 22.0* — 9.6 -12.0 Howell’s Ridge Cave 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 22.43 2S.23 9.70 11.08 Buffalo Site 22.1-23.0 24.4-26.4 9.1-10.2 10.8-11.3 3 3 7 5 M. gallopavo silvestris, 21.87 ± 0.36 24.30 ± 0.49 9.63 10.32 ± 0.54 New York, Pennsylvania, 21.0-22.3 23.2-2S.O 9.0-10.3 9.4—11.1 Virginia 12 12 6 12 M. gallopavo osceola 20.18 ± 0.64 22.77 ± 0.S4 8.75 ± 0.32 9.97 ± 0.59 Florida 18.9-21.1 22.0-23.8 7.9-9. 1 9.0-11.0 11 11 11 11 M. gallopavo mexicana 21.30 23.60 9.40 10.23 Chihuahua, Coahuila, 20.0-22.6 22.2-24.9 9.0-10.0 9.9-10.6 Mexico 3 3 3 3 M. gallopavo merriami 21.23 23.33 9.53 10.30 Arizona 20.5-21.8 22.3-24. 1 9. 2-9. 9 10.0-10.7 3 3 3 3 M. gallopavo 21.03 ± 1.03 23.46 ± 1.05 9.13 ± 0.60 10.15 ± 0.55 Total skeletal 18.9-22.6 20.8-25.0 7.9-10.3 9.0-11.1 specimens3 30 30 24 30 M. californica 19.25 ± 0.78 21.82 ± 0.94 8.70 ± 0.50 9.40 ± 0.48 Rancho La Brea 17.9-21 .2 20.7-24.6 7.8-10.0 8.7-10.8 19 18 21 22 M . californica 19. S3 22.10 8.98 9.50 Carpinteria 19.0-19.8 22.0-22.2 8. 5-9. 4 8. 9-9. 9 3 4 4 3 M . californica 19.29 ± 0.74 21.87 ± 0.85 8.74 ± 0.49 9.41 ± 0.48 Total specimens 17.9-21.2 20.7-24.6 7.8-10.0 8.7-10.8 22 22 25 25 M. ocellata 17.78 20.42 8.18 ± 0.42 8.72 ± 0.44 Mayapan 16.7-19.0 19.3-21.7 7. 6-8. 8 8. 1-9.2 7 6 10 10 M . ocellata 17.34 ± 0.40 19.51 ± 0.54 8.16 ± 0.27 8.86 ± 0.64 Yucatan, Mexico 16.8-18.9 19.0-20.5 7. 6-8. 5 7. 9-9. 8 and Peten, Guatemala 11 11 9 11 3 Includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to subspecies. * Slightly damaged specimen. 178 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 8. Measurements (in mm) of the humerus of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 3 for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Width Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width Meleagris cf. M. 136.69 ± 1.97 36.42 ± 0.89 15.00 ± 0.55 11.58 ± 0.42 30.05 ± 0.91 leopoldi or M. anza 132.0-141.0 34.9-38.6 14.2-16.1 10.9-12.3 28.0-32.0 Inglis IA 18 22 30 29 23 Meleagris sp. — — — — 28.1 Haile XVIA 1 Meleagris sp. 141.72 36.83 15.21 12.04 31.30 ± 0.52 Coleman IIA 136.9-146.8 33.6-37.8 14.0-15.9 11.2-12.4 30.0-31.9 6 7 7 7 14 Meleagris cf. M. — 38.9 — — — g allopavo, Arizpe 1 Meleagris cf. M. — — 16.1 12.3 — gallopavo Burnet Cave 1 1 Meleagris sp. (juv.) 131 — — — — North Liberty 1 M. gallopavo — 42.3 — — — Carlisle Cave 1 Meleagris cf. M . — — — — 31.4 gallopavo 1 Frankstown Cave M. gallopavo 1S3.2S 42h — — 33b Manalapan 147. 0a — 1 5 9 . 5 b 2 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. — 39.3 16.6 13.1 — gallopavo Reddick IB 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. — — — — 30.1 gallopavo Melbourne 1 Meleagris cf. M. 149.0 — 15.9 12.9 32.7 gallopavo Arredondo 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 144.5 39.6 15.9 12.0 32.1 Aucilla River 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo — 39.30 — — 33.10 Ichetucknee River 38.0-40.6 32.1-34.6 2 3 M . gallopavo — — — — 32.5 Seminole Field 1 M . gallopavo — 36.9 15.95 11.65 — Good’s Shellpit 15.7-16.2 11.6-11.7 1 2 2 M . gallopavo 157.1 ± 5.3 42.11 ± 0.99 16.63 ± 0.79 12.59 ± 0.59 33.59 ± 1.01 Buffalo Site 147-166 39.4-44.0 14.8-18.3 11.1-14.1 32.0-35.5 11 28 107 108 31 M . gallopavo 157.0 — 17.0 13.7 — Hartman’s Cave 1 1 1 M. gallopavo silvestris, 150.67 ± 3.38 40.75 ± 1.14 16.17 ± 0.84 12.56 ± 0.66 32.69 ± 0.84 New York, Pennsylvania, 144.0-159.0 39.0-43.2 14.2-17.4 11.2-13.8 31.3-34.3 Virginia 28 28 29 29 27 M . gallopavo osceola 148.31 ± 6.63 38.42 ± 1.54 15.65 ± 0.71 12.31 ± 0.54 31.18 ± 1.10 Florida 138.0-159.5 36.0-40.8 14.9-16.4 11.5-13.1 29.1-33.0 8 8 8 8 8 M . gallopavo intermedia 156.0 39.2 16.2 12.6 31.8 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo mexicana 152.5 40.5 17.3 13.3 34.1 Chihuahua, Mexico 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo merriami, 149.5 39.3 15.7 12.1 31.4 Arizona 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 150.33 ± 4.26 40.19 ± 1.52 16.08 ± 0.83 12.52 ± 0.63 32.35 ± 1.11 Total skeletal 138.0-159.5 36.0-43.2 14.2-17.4 11.2-13.8 29.1-34.3 specimens 39 39 40 40 38 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 179 Table 8. Continued. Total Length Proximal Width Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width M . California i 135.99 ± 4.24 35.35 ± 1.21 14.79 ± 0.65 11.70 ± 0.56 29.32 ± 0.96 Rancho La Brea 128.0-142.5 33.3-38.5 13.3-15.9 10.8-12.8 26.7-30.8 34 34 34 34 34 M . californica 137.00 36.32 ± 0.60 14.98 12.02 29.75 ± 0.26 Carpinteria 134. 1-138.5 35.5-37.0 14.7-15.6 11.4-12.7 29.2-30.0 5 8 5 5 8 M. californica 136.12 ± 4.00 35.54 ± 1.18 14.82 ± 0.62 11.74 ± 0.55 29.40 ± 0.88 Total specimens 128.0-142.5 33.3-38.5 13.3-15.9 10.8-12.8 26.7-30.8 39 42 39 39 42 M . ocellata 130.0 32.65 13.7 10.9 27.8 Dzibilchaltun 1 31.7-33.6 2 1 1 1 M . ocellata 127.38 ± 2.17 33.63 ± 0.60 13.24 10.10 27.53 Mayapan 123.0-129.5 32.6-34.6 12.3-14.0 9.4-10.9 26.7-28.2 8 1 1 5 5 6 M. ocellata 123.77 ± 3.98 32.51 ± 1.34 12.68 ± 0.73 10.09 ± 0.86 26.60 ± 1.58 Yucatan, Mexico and 118.0-130.5 30.5-34.9 11.1-13.5 8.7-11.7 24.2-28.9 Peten, Guatemala 9 9 9 9 9 M. crassipes 119.07 30.93 12.10 9.70 25.40 San Josecito Cave 117.1-120.2 30.6-31.2 11.3-12.7 9.2-10.5 25.2-25.6 3 3 3 3 2 a From Shufeldt 1915; h from Marsh 1872. Table 9. Measurements (in mm) of the humerus of female turkeys, with mean, 3 for explanation of measurements. standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. Total Length Proximal Width Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width Meleagris cf. M . leopoldi 1 12.0 29.18 12.42 9.38 24.38 or M. anza Inglis IA 26.9-30.3 11.8-13.2 9.0-9. 7 24.2-24.7 1 5 4 4 4 Meleagris anza 112.4 -30.3 14.3 8.5 -24.0 Vallecito Creeka 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris sp. 1 19.8* 31.33* 13.4 10.8 25.70 Coleman IIA 30.1*-32.0 1 24.8-26.2 1 3 1 3 Meleagris sp. 122.0 31.4 13.9 10.5 26.30 Papago Springs Cave1' 1 1 1 1 26.2-26.4 2 Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo 125.50 32.45 13.70 10.65 26.40 Carlisle Cave 124.0-127.0 32.2-32. 7 13.3-14.1 10.3-11.0 26.2-26.6 2 2 2 2 2 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo — — — — 24.9 Rock Spring 1 M. gallopavo 121.25* 31.35 12.68 9.87 26.35 Ichetucknee River 118.7*— 123.8 30.9-31.8 11.9-14.0 9.2-10.6 25.2-27.0* 2 2 4 3 4 M. gallopavo — — — — 25.75 Seminole Field 25.0-26.5 Continued 180 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 9. Continued. Total Length Proximal Width Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width M. gallopavo 120.4 29.4 12.95 9.95 24.85 Good’s Shellpit 12.9-13.0 9.8-10.1 24.5-25.2 1 1 2 2 2 M. gallopavo 127.7 ± 3.4 32.67 ± 0.86 13.26 ± 0.55 10.05 ± 0.48 26.86 ± 0.59 Buffalo Site 123-133 30.9-33.9 11.3-14.2 8.0-11.1 25.9-28.2 12 21 115 115 29 M. gallopavo 131.0 34.1 14.05 10.80 27.9 Hartman’s Cave 13.5-14.6 10.7-10.9 1 1 2 2 1 M. gallopavo silvestris, 121.84 ± 2.29 32.15 ± 0.42 12.51 ± 0.56 9.53 ± 0.51 26.08 ± 0.38 New York, Pennsylvania, 117.0-125.0 31.7-33.3 11.7-13.2 8.9-10.3 25.3-26.8 Virginia 13 13 13 13 13 M . gallopavo osceola, 116.14 ± 2.77 29.79 ± 0.81 12.27 ± 0.45 9.42 ± 0.28 24.53 ± 0.79 Florida 1 1 1.2-120.2 28.2-31.2 11.5-12.9 8. 9-9. 8 22.9-25.8 11 11 11 11 11 M . gallopavo intermedia. 120.8 32.0 12.4 9.9 26.1 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo mexicana, 124.50 32.47 13.27 9.83 26.17 Chihuahua, Coahuila, 121.0-129.8 31.0-34.1 12.9-13.8 9.4-10.3 24.8-27.8 Mexico 3 3 3 3 3 M . gallopavo merriami, 119.7 31.55 13.35 10.20 26.40 Arizona 30.8-32.3 12.8-13.9 10.1-10.3 2 5.8-27.0 1 2 2 2 2 M . gallopavo 119.62 ± 4.13 31.23 ± 1.36 12.53 ± 0.60 9.56 ± 0.45 25.51 ± 1.03 Total skeletal specimens' 111.2-129.8 28.2-34.1 11.5-13.9 8.9-10.3 22.9-27.8 30 31 31 31 31 M. californica 114.52 ± 3.10 28.83 ± 0.74 12.09 ± 0.55 9.31 ± 0.50 24.42 ± 0.54 Rancho La Brea 106.4-121.4 27.0-29.9 10.7-13.4 8.4-1 1.0 23.4-25.4 31 27 30 31 26 M. californica 115.1 28.68 12.0 9.5 24.74 Carpinteria 27.7-29.4 24.2-25.7 1 5 1 1 5 M. californica 114.54 ± 3.05 28.81 ± 0.73 12.09 ± 0.54 9.32 ± 0.49 24.47 ± 0.56 Total specimens 106.4-121.4 27.0-29.9 10.7-13.4 8.4-11.0 23.4-25.7 32 32 31 32 31 Meleagris sp. 116.9 31.9 -13.0 ~9.9 26.2 Potter Creek Cave 1 1 1 1 1 M . ocellata 110.40 27.42 11.33 8.73 22.94 ± 1.68 Mayapan 108.8-112.0 26.1-28.5 11.0-12.0 7. 9-9. 2 19.8-25.0 2 6 3 3 8 M. ocellata 107.59 ± 2.03 27.68 ± 0.54 11.16 ± 0.29 8.94 ± 0.20 22.71 ± 0.78 Yucatan, Mexico and 104.2-110.7 26.9-28.5 10.8-11.6 8. 6-9. 2 21.7-24.1 Peten, Guatemala 10 10 10 10 10 M . crassipes 105.98 27.74 11.26 8.92 22.54 San Josecito Cave 102.1-111. 1 25.8-28.9 10.8-11.8 8. 6-9. 3 21.6-23.4 5 5 5 5 5 a From Howard 1963; b may possibly represent a male; c includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to subspecies. * Slightly damaged specimen. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 181 Table 10. Measurements (in mm) of the ulna of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 4 for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Width Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Depth Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi 134.03* ± 2. 85 18.14 ± 0.75 8.70 ± 0.34 9.70 ± 0.38 15.16 ± 0.65 or M. anza Inglis IA 128.0*-139.0* 16.0-19.0 8. 1-9.1 9.0-10.5 14.3-16.1 15 10 32 32 12 Meleagris sp. 137.40 19.15 8.98 ± 0.43 10.39 ± 0.38 15.95 ± 0.30 Coleman IIA 133.4-139.4 18.7-19.8 8. 2-9. 9 9.9-11.0 15.3-16.3 5 6 12 11 11 Meleagris sp. — 16.5* — — 14.7 Sheffield Gravel Pits3 1 1 M . gallopavo 155.0* 20.00* 9.57 10.63 16.05* Manalapan 153*— 15 7* 19.0*-2 1.0 9.0-10.0 10.3-10.9 15.5* — 16.6 2 2 3 3 2 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo — — — — 16.3* Sante Fe IIA 1 Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo — 19.3 9.5 10.9 — Reddick IB 1 I 1 M. gallopavo 141.50* 19.77 9.30 10.73 16.45 Ichetucknee River 139.0*-144.0 19.0-20.3 8. 9-9. 6 10.5-10.9 16.0-16.9 2 3 3 3 2 M. gallopavo — — — — 16.30 Seminole Field 16.1-16.4 3 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo 10.4 12.0 Haile IIA 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo 150.0 20.0 10.0 11.2 17.4* Mefford Cave I 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris sp. — — — — 16.4* Santa Fe IVA 1 M. gallopavo — — 9.0 10.2 15.8* Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 152.33 20.18 ± 0.45 9.62 ± 0.42 10.90 ± 0.40 17.26 ± 0.68 Buffalo Site 150.0-157.0 19.7-21.1 9.0-10.7 10.1-11.6 16.3-18.8 3 10 45 45 16 M . gallopavo silvestris 148.54 ± 3.63 19.72 ± 0.88 9.43 ± 0.62 11.00 ± 0.56 16.60 ± 0.57 New York, Pennsylvania, 143.0-158.0 18.1-21.7 8.0-10.4 10.0-12.0 15.2-17.9 Virginia 24 24 23 23 23 M. gallopavo osceola, 146.89 ± 5.75 18.89 ± 0.64 8.99 ± 0.49 10.15 ± 0.49 15.54 ± 0.54 Florida 139.8-156.0 17.9-19.8 8. 2-9.8 9.4-11.0 14.9-16.3 8 8 8 8 8 M. gallopavo intermedia, 157.0 20.5 10.2 10.6 16.3 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo mexiana 150.0 19.3 10.0 11.2 17.9 Chihuahua, Mexico 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 148.44 ± 4.36 19.53 ± 0.88 9.36 ± 0.62 10.79 ± 0.64 16.38 ± 0.75 Total skeletal specimens 139.8-158.0 17.9-21.7 8.0-10.4 9.4-12.0 14.9-17.9 34 34 33 33 33 M. californica 132.96 ± 3.81 18.14 ± 0.41 8.73 ± 0.25 9.89 ± 0.28 15.28 ± 0.54 Rancho La Brea 124.6-139.0 17.3-18.7 7. 9-9. 3 9.1-10.4 14.5-16.3 36 18 36 36 22 M. californica 128.50 17.58 8.74 ± 0.30 9.82 ± 0.13 15.14 ± 0.63 Carpinteria 123.6-131.0 16.4-18.3 8. 1-9.1 9.7-10.1 14.3-16.2 7 6 9 9 8 M. californica 132.23 ± 3.98 18.00 ± 0.54 8.73 ± 0.26 9.88 ± 0.26 15.24 ± 0.56 Total specimens 123.6-139.0 16.4-18.7 7.9-9 .3 9.1-10.4 14.3-16.3 43 24 45 45 30 M. ocellata 136.0 17.10* 7.95 9.60 15.3 Dzibilchaltun 16.2-18.0* 7. 3-8. 6 9.2-10.0 1 2 2 2 1 Continued 182 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 10. Continued. Total Length Proximal Width Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Depth Meleagris cf. M. ocellata, 127.0* — Tulum 1 M. ocellata 125.70 ± 3.22 16.32 ± 1.29 7.31 ± 0.31 8.98 ± 0.63 13.50 ± 1.21 Yucatan, Mexico and 120.5-130.5 14.0-17.8 6. 8-7. 7 7. 7-9.6 11.6-15.3 Peten, Guatemala 8 8 8 8 8 M . crassipes 113.95 16.0* 7.40 8.47 13.05* San Josecito Cave 112.9-115.0 7. 3-7. 5 8.2-8. 7 13.0-13.1* 2 1 3 3 2 a May possibly represent a female. * Slightly damaged specimen. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 183 Table 11. Measurements (in mm) of the ulna of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 4 for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Width Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Depth Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi 107.75* 15.47 7.38 8.24 12.90 or M. anza Inglis IA 103.0*— 1 12.5* 15.4-15.6 7. 1-8.1 7. 9-8. 9 12.2-13.6 2 3 6 6 4 Meleagris sp. 121.0 15.47 7.57 8.78 13.38* Coleman IIA 15.3-15.8 7. 3-8.0 8. 2-9. 3 13.0-13.7* 1 3 3 4 4 Meleagris sp. — 13.4** — — 12.2* Howell’s Ridge Cave 1 1 M . gallopavo 1 18.90 — 8.9 8.70 13.7 Ichetucknee River 118.2-119.6 2 1 8.7 2 l M. gallopavo 14.83* 12.9* Seminole Field 14.5*— 15. 1 3 1 M. gallopavo 112.08 14.38 6.88 7.68 12.10 Nichol’s Hammock 107.7-115.1 13.3-15.0 6.4-7. 1 7. 3-7. 9 11.9-12.3 4 5 4 4 4 M. gallopavo 108.6 13.9 7.0 8.0 11.3 Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 122.50 ± 3.37 16.39 ± 0.38 7.75 ± 0.30 8.76 ± 0.34 13.86 ± 0.37 Buffalo Site 116.0-127.0 15.8-17.2 7. 0-8. 2 8. 0-9. 5 13.1-14.5 12 10 52 52 17 M . gallopavo silvestris, 118.71 ± 3.32 15.45 ± 0.42 7.14 ± 0.33 8.39 ± 0.37 13.21 ± 0.36 New York, Pennsylvania, 112.9-123.0 15.0-16.2 6. 8-7. 9 8. 0-9.0 12.9-14.0 Virginia 12 13 12 12 12 M. gallopavo osceola, 113.62 ± 3.29 14.99 ± 0.62 7.06 ± 0.17 7.84 ± 0.28 12.45 ± 0.36 Florida 109.8-120.2 13.9-16.1 6. 7-7.2 7. 3-8. 2 11.9-12.8 11 11 1 1 11 11 M . gallopavo mexicana 123.25 16.80 7.75 8.75 14.25 Chihuahua, Mexico 119.1-127.4 16.1-17.5 7. 3-8. 2 8.4-9. 1 14.0-14.5 2 2 2 2 2 M . gallopavo merriami, 125.5 18.1 7.5 9.1 14.0 Arizona 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 116.82 ± 5.04 15.45 ± 0.86 7.16 ± 0.34 8.18 ± 0.50 12.95 ± 0.69 Total skeletal specimens3 107.8-127.4 13.9-18.1 6. 7-8.2 7.3-9. 1 11.7-14.5 27 28 27 27 27 M. californica 108.95 ± 2.98 14.37 ± 0.42 6.98 ± 0.31 8.03 ± 0.27 12.24 ± 0.36 Rancho La Brea 102.7-115.5 13.6-15.1 6. 2-7.4 7. 6-8. 6 11.7-13.0 21 17 21 21 16 M. californica 110.92 14.98 7.08 8.21 12.61 ± 0.40 Carpinteria 108.1-115.8 14.6-15.6 6. 9-7. 4 8. 0-8. 4 12.1-13.4 4 4 7 7 8 M . californica 109.26 ± 3.06 14.48 ± 0.48 7.0! ± 0.28 8.08 ± 0.26 12.36 ± 0.41 Total specimens 102.7-115.8 13.6-15.6 6. 2-7.4 7. 6-8. 6 11.7-13.4 25 21 28 28 24 M. ocellata 108.39 ± 2.20 13.82 ± 0.73 6.40 ± 0.38 7.88 ± 0.35 11.78 ± 0.37 Yucatan, Mexico and 104. 1 — 112.1 12.8-15.0 5. 8-6. 8 7. 3-8. 3 11.1-12.3 Peten, Guatemala 10 10 10 10 10 M. eras sipes 106.35 13.5* 6.50 7.53 11.63 San Josecito Cave 106.0-106.7 5. 9-6. 8 7. 4-7. 8 11.3-11.9 2 1 6 6 3 3 Includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to subspecies. * Slightly damaged specimen. ** Moderately damaged specimen. 184 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 12. Measurements (in mm) of the radius of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 4 for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Width Proximal Depth Least Width of Shaft Least Depth of Shaft Distal Width Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi 119.93* 9.47 10.64 ± 0.58 5.02 ± 0.18 4.61 ± 0.28 12.72 ± 0.51 or M . anza Inglis IA 1 17.8*— 12 1.5* 9.1-10.2 9.7-11.7 4. 6-5. 3 3. 9-4. 9 11.8-13.7 3 6 10 13 14 1 1 Meleagris sp. 120. SS 10.12 11.02 5.48 4.40 13.40 Coleman IIA 119.3-121.8 9.8-10.4 10.3-11.5 5. 1-5. 7 4. 0-5.0 12.9-13.9 2 4 4 4 3 2 M. gallopavo 142* — — — — — Manalapan 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo — 10.3 — — 4.2 13.1 Rock Spring 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo — — — — 4.7 13.1 Reddick IB 1 1 M. gallopavo 135. S* — — 5.3 4.2 — Aucilla River 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 137.0 11.4 12.1 5.9 4.9 15.0 Ichetucknee River 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris sp. — — — — 5.0 13.1* Florida Lime Co. 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo 133.5 11.0 12.9 6.0 5.0 14.9 Mefford Cave I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo 137.0 11.0* 11.0* 6.4 5.6 13.9* Steinhatchie River 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo — — — 5.1 4.6 13.9 Nichol’s Hammock 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 138.25 11.51 ± 0.55 12.15 ± 0.40 5.66 ± 0.31 4.82 ± 0.22 14.42 ± 0.34 Buffalo Site 136.0-140.0 10.8-12.3 11.1-12.8 5. 2-6. 2 4. 4-5. 2 14.0-15.0 4 15 17 21 25 13 M. gallopavo silvestris. 134.60 ± 4.32 10.90 ± 0.53 11.83 ± 0.49 5.57 ± 0.38 4.72 ± 0.30 13.77 ± 0.44 New York, Pennsylvania, 127.0-145.0 9.8-11.8 10.7-12.7 5. 0-6. 4 4.0-5. 1 12.8-15.0 Virginia 24 23 23 23 23 23 M. gallopavo osceola. 132.94 ± 5.00 9.98 ± 0.57 10.79 ± 0.36 5.14 ± 0.16 4.32 ± 0.24 12.94 ± 0.37 Florida 126.7-141.9 9.3-10.9 10.2-11.2 4. 9-5. 5 4.0-4. 7 12.3-13.4 9 9 9 9 9 9 M. gallopavo intermedia, 142.0 11.7 11.7 5.6 — 13.6 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 134.38 ± 4.63 10.67 ± 0.69 11.54 ± 0.65 5.45 ± 0.38 4.61 ± 0.34 13.54 ± 0.55 Total skeletal specimens 126.7-145.0 9.3-11.8 10.2-12.7 4. 9-6. 4 4.0-5. 1 12.3-15.0 34 33 33 33 32 33 M. californica 117.66 ± 2.62 9.46 ± 0.42 10.58 ± 0.45 4.99 ± 0.24 4.43 ± 0.21 12.55 ± 0.39 Rancho La Brea 1 11.5-121.6 8.7-10.4 9.9-11.8 4. 6-5. 6 4.0-4. 9 11.9-13.3 22 28 28 21 35 30 M . californica 115.98 9.49 ± 0.33 10.62 ± 0.50 5.12 4.60 12.43 Carpinteria 113.8—1 19. 1 8.9-10.0 9.8-11.3 5. 0-5. 4 4. 2-4. 9 12.1-12.8 4 8 8 5 6 6 M. californica 117.40 ± 2.60 9.47 ± 0.40 10.59 ± 0.46 5.02 ± 0.23 4.45 ± 0.23 12.53 ± 0.37 Total specimens 111.5-121.6 8.7-10.4 9.8-11.3 4. 6-5. 6 4. 0-4. 9 11.9-13.3 26 36 36 26 41 36 Meleagris cf. M. 120.5 9.9 10.6 4.9 4.1 12.3 californica 1 1 1 1 1 1 La Mirada Meleagris sp. — — — — — 12.6* Imperial Highway 1 M. ocellata 112.70 ± 2.67 9.00 ± 0.94 9.54 ± 0.73 4.38 ± 0.52 3.69 ± 0.48 11.21 ± 1.32 Yucatan, Mexico and Peten, 108.1-117.0 7.3-10.1 8.6-10.6 3.4-4. 9 2. 9-4. 2 9.1-13.0 Guatemala 8 8 8 8 8 8 M. crassipes 97.8* 8.9 — 4.7 4.1 11.2* San Josecito Cave 1 1 1 1 1 Slightly damaged specimen. Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 185 Table 13. Measurements (in mm) of the radius of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 4 for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Width Proximal Depth Least Width of Shaft Least Depth of Shaft Distal Width Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi 100.9 7.70 8.2 3.94 3.55 10.35 or M . anza Inglis IA 7. 2-8. 2 3. 7-4. 2 3. 3-3. 8 10.2-10.5 1 2 1 5 4 2 Meleagris sp. — — — — 4.0 11.1 Coleman IIA 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo — — — — 3.6 — Rock Spring 1 M. gallopavo 111.60 ± 3.20 8.88 ± 0.38 9.81 ± 0.41 4.55 ± 0.28 3.94 ± 0.20 11.88 ± 0.34 Buffalo Site 107.0-117.0 8. 1-9.5 9.1-10.7 4. 1-5.1 3. 7-4.6 11.4-12.9 10 16 16 13 18 16 M . gallopavo silvestris, 107.70 ± 3.17 8.61 ± 0.32 9.23 ± 0.26 4.22 ± 0.25 3.65 ± 0.27 11.04 ± 0.40 New York, Pennsylvania, 102.0-112.7 8. 2-9. 2 8. 9-9. 8 3. 9-4. 7 3. 2-4.0 10.3-11.8 Virginia 12 13 13 12 12 12 M. gallopavo osceola, 102.89 ± 3.13 7.84 ± 0.41 8.34 ± 0.40 4.07 ± 0.20 3.38 ± 0.23 10.52 ± 0.41 Florida 99.2-108.6 7. 2-8. 6 7.8-9. 1 3. 8-4. 4 3. 1-3. 7 9.9-11.1 11 11 1 1 11 11 11 M. gallopavo mexicana 111.30 9.00 9.70 4.20 3.95 11.55 Chihuahua, Mexico 108.1-114.5 8. 1-9.9 9. 5-9. 9 4. 1-4.3 3. 7-4. 2 11.2-11.9 2 2 2 2 2 2 M. gallopavo merriami, 112.3 8.9 10.4 4.5 3.7 12.1 Arizona 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 106.14 ± 4.23 8.32 ± 0.59 8.91 ± 0.66 4.16 ± 0.23 3.54 ± 0.31 10.87 ± 0.57 Total skeletal specimens3 99.2-114.5 7. 2-9. 9 7.8-10.4 3.8-4. 7 3. 1-4.2 9.9-12.1 27 28 28 27 27 27 M. californica 97.72 ± 2.60 7.74 ± 0.38 8.51 ± 0.38 4.13 ± 0.20 3.59 ± 0.20 10.41 ± 0.30 Rancho La Brea 93.8-104.9 7. 1-8.4 8. 0-9. 2 3. 9-4. 5 3. 3-4.0 9.8-10.8 13 18 15 13 20 17 M. californica 96.05 8.28 8.62 4.07 3.72 10.50 Carpinteria 95.3-96.8 7. 9-8. 5 8. 1-9.1 3. 9-4. 4 3. 5-4.0 10.3-10.9 2 4 4 3 4 4 M. californica 97.50 ± 2.50 7.84 ± 0.42 8.53 ± 0.40 4.12 ± 0.21 3.61 ± 0.21 10.43 ± 0.29 Total specimens 93.8-104.9 7. 1-8.5 8.0-9. 2 3. 9-4. 5 3. 3-4.0 9.8-10.9 15 22 19 16 24 21 M . ocellata 97.20 ± 2.35 7.66 ± 0.40 8.10 ± 0.30 3.80 ± 0.27 3.27 ± 0.24 9.83 ± 0.58 Yucatan, Mexico and Peten, 92.8-100.7 7. 1-8.3 7. 7-8. 8 3.5-4. 1 2. 9-3. 7 9.2-11.0 Guatemala 10 10 10 10 10 10 M . crassipes — — — 4.0 3.5 — San Josecito Cave 1 1 Includes one specimen from Florida not identified to subspecies. 186 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 14. Measurements (in mm) of the carpometacarpus of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. S for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Depth Length of Meta- carpal I Least Width of Meta- carpal II Least Depth of Meta- carpal II Greatest Depth of Intermeta- carpal Space Distal Depth Protrusion of Meta- carpal III beyond Knob of Metacarpal II Meleagris progenes 66. 6a 20. 0a 10.0 80a 5.7 8.0* 17.2 3. 8a Rexroad 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . 72.63 ± 1.86 20.72 ± 0.64 10.80 ± 0.54 8.41 ± 0.43 6.26 ± 0.29 7.18 ± 0.47 18.68 ± 0.86 3.30 ± 0.40 leopoldi or M . 69.S-76.3 19.6-22.0 9.7-11.8 7. 8-9. 4 5. 3-6. 9 6. 4-8.0 17.3-20.1 2. 8-4.0 anza, Inglis IA IS 10 17 27 27 13 12 17 Meleagridinae, cf. 73.6 19.6 12.2 — 6.8 — 18.0 4.1 Meleagris, Port 1 1 1 1 1 1 Kennedy Cave Meleagris sp. 75.64 22.00 11.00 8.55 6.28 7.48 19.80 3.50 Coleman IIA 73.6-77.0 21.4-22.8 10.3-11.6 8. 2-8. 9 5. 9-6. 9 7. 0-8. 5 18.6-20.8 3. 1-3.9 S 6 6 6 6 4 3 6 Meleagris cf. M. — — — 8.0 6.55 — — 3.80 g allopavo 6. 3-6. 8 3. 6-4.0 Rock Spring 1 2 2 Meleagris cf. M. 76.7 22.7 — 8.5 6.4 — — 3.57 gallopavo 3. 3-4.0 Reddick IB 1 1 1 1 3 Meleagris cf. M. 79.0 21.85* 11.60 8.20 6.0 — — 3.9 gallopavo 21.8*— 21.9* 11.3-11.9 8.2 Melbourne 1 2 2 2 1 1 M. gallopavo 78.28 ± 2.40 23.00 11.98 ± 0.44 8.90 ± 0.58 6.59 ± 0.47 8.28 21.05* 3.83 Ichetucknee 74.0-82.1 21.9-24.9 11.3-12.7 8.2-10.0 6. 1-7.9 7.8-9. 1 20.3-22.6* 3. 4-4. 3 River 8 5 8 8 9 5 4 7 M. gallopavo — — 11.4 9.25 6.65 — — 4.03 Seminole Field 9. 1-9.4 6. 3-7.0 3. 8-4. 5 1 2 2 3 Meleagris sp. — — — 8.2 5.90 — — 3.35 Florida Lime Co. 5. 8-6.0 3. 1-3.6 1 2 2 Meleagris cf. M. 83.6 — 13.0 9.5 6.5 8.1 21.5 3.8 gallopavo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Mefford Cave I M . gallopavo — 21.8 12.7 — — — — — Nichol’s Hammock 1 1 M . gallopavo 77.1 — — 7.4 6.1 — — 3.1 Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 82.80 ± 2.13 24.36 ± 0.71 12.31 ± 0.60 8.98 ± 0.54 6.80 ± 0.35 8.22 ± 0.55 21.56 ± 0.68 3.99 ± 0.41 Buffalo Site 79.0-89.5 22.7-26.1 10.8-13.8 7.5-10.1 5. 9-7. 8 6. 5-9. 5 19.8-23.1 3.0-4. 9 59 61 52 115 120 65 34 66 M. gallopavo — — — 8.3 6.6 8.5 — — Hartman’s Cave 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 80.29 ± 2.22 23.60 ± 0.88 11.85 ± 0.48 8.97 ± 0.71 6.34 ± 0.48 8.00 ± 0.70 20.64 ± 0.74 4.24 ± 0.49 silvestris, 76.1-83.7 21.9-25.2 11.0-13.1 7.6-10.2 5. 7-7.5 6. 5-9. 3 18.9-22.1 3.3-5. 7 New York, 26 26 26 26 26 25 26 25 Pennsylvania, Virginia M. gallopavo 79.60 ± 3.00 22.18 ± 0.78 11.68 ± 0.38 8.14 ± 0.32 6.41 ± 0.46 7.51 ± 0.42 19.41 ± 0.79 3.62 ± 0.37 osceola, Florida 74.3-84.2 20.6-23.2 11.0-12.2 7. 6-8. 6 5. 9-7.0 7. 0-8. 2 18.4-20.9 3. 1-4.1 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 M. gallopavo 84.0 23.1 14.5 9.0 6.6 7.4 19.7 4.2 intermedia, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Texas M. gallopavo 80.22 ± 2.46 23.23 ± 1.04 11.88 ± 0.64 8.77 ± 0.72 6.36 ± 0.47 7.86 ± 0.66 20.30 ± 0.92 4.08 ± 0.53 Total skeletal 74.3-84.2 20.6-25.2 11.0-14.5 7.6-10.2 5. 7-7.5 6. 5-9. 3 18.4-22.1 3. 1-5.7 specimens 36 36 36 36 36 35 36 35 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 187 Table 14. Continued. Total Length Proximal Depth Length of Meta- carpal I Least Width of Meta- carpal II Least Depth of Meta- carpal II Greatest Depth of Intermeta- carpal Space Distal Depth Protrusion of Meta- carpal III beyond Knob of Metacarpal II M . californica 72.62 ± 2.03 20.58 ± 0.66 11.28 ± 0.56 8.11 ± 0.54 6.25 ± 0.32 7.45 ± 0.50 19.19 ± 0.63 3.38 ± 0.38 Rancho La Brea 67.5-77.1 19.4-21.9 10.3-12.2 7. 1-9.0 5.6-7. 1 6. 5-8.4 17.9-20.4 2.3-4. 1 32 31 32 32 32 32 23 32 M . californica 73.80 20.76 11.36 8.33 6.32 7.50 19.25 3.33 Carpinteria 71.3-76.7 20.2-21.4 10.5-12.4 7. 9-8. 8 6. 1-6.4 7. 2-7. 8 19.0-19.5 3. 1-3.6 3 5 5 3 5 3 2 6 M . californica 72.72 ± 2.08 20.60 ± 0.64 11.29 ± 0.56 8.13 ± 0.53 6.26 ± 0.30 7.45 ± 0.48 19. 19 ± 0.60 3.37 ± 0.35 Total specimens 67.5-77.1 19.4-21.9 10.3-12.4 7. 1-9.0 5.6-7. 1 6. 5-8. 4 17.9-20.4 2.3-4. 1 35 36 37 35 37 35 25 38 M. ocellata 67.47 20.15 10.43 7.13 5.12 6.80 17.3 2.88 Dzibilchaltun 66.7-68.2 20.0-20.3 10.1-11.0 6. 6-7. 8 4. 7-5.6 6.6-7. 1 2.5-3. 1 3 2 3 3 4 3 1 4 Meleagris cf. M . — — — — 5.4 — — — ocellata, 1 Macanche M . ocellata 68.03 ± 2.63 20.27 ± 0.54 10.80 ± 0.65 7.17 ± 0.64 5.42 ± 0.34 7.07 ± 0.52 18.8 3.22 ± 0.31 Mayapan 62.2-72.1 19.5-21.3 9.3-11.8 6. 1-8.2 4. 9-5. 9 6. 5-8.0 2. 8-3. 9 23 10 19 18 17 12 1 18 M. ocellata 66.42 ± 2.37 19.79 ± 0.96 10.51 ± 0.56 7.40 ± 0.62 5.27 ± 0.46 6.68 16.86 ± 1.30 3.10 Yucatan, Mexico 63.3-69.4 18.8-21.2 10.0-11.6 6.0-8. 1 4. 5-5. 9 6. 0-7. 2 15.1-18.8 2. 2-3. 8 and Peten, 9 9 9 9 9 7 9 7 Guatemala M . crassipes 59.60 18.30* 9.25 7.30 4.75 6.60 16.8 3.35 San Josecito 58.8-60.4 18.2-18.4* 9. 1-9.4 7. 1-7.5 4. 6-4. 9 6. 3-6. 9 3. 3-3. 4 Cave 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 a From Brodkorb 1964b. * Slightly damaged specimen. 188 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table IS. Measurements (in mm) of the carpometacarpus of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 5 for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Depth Length of Meta- carpal I Least Width of Meta- carpal II Least Depth of Meta- carpal II Greatest Depth of Intermeta- carpal Space Distal Depth Protrusion of Meta- carpal III beyond Knob of Metacarpal II Meleagris progenes — — — 6.05 — — — 2.7 Rexroad 5.8-6.3a 2 1 Meleagris cf. M. 61.25 ± 1.71 17.80 9.48 6.48 ± 0.38 5.22 ± 0.20 5.96 15.40 2.46 leopoldi or M. 58.3-63.1 17.7-17.9 9. 1-9.9 6. 2-7. 6 4. 9-5. 6 5. 6-6. 6 14.8-16.0 2. 0-3. 2 anza, Inglis IA 8 2 6 11 12 7 5 7 Meleagris sp. — 18.03 9.87 7.0 5.6 — — — Coleman IIA 17.5-18.3 9.3-10.2 3 3 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . 63.3 — — 7.5 5.2 6.3 — 3.1 gallopavo 1 1 1 1 1 Burnet Caveh Meleagris sp. — — — 7.4 6.0 — — — Haile VIIA 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . — — — — 5.5 — — 3.2 gallopavo 1 1 Reddick IB Meleagris cf. M. 61.3* — — 6.9 4.8 — — — gallopavo 1 1 1 Melbourne M. gallopavo 66.8 18.9* 9.9 7.1 5.2 6.8 16.0* 2.4 Ichetucknee 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 River Meleagris cf. M. 60.0 — — 6.2 4.7 — — 3.2 gallopavo , Vero 1 1 1 1 M gallopavo — 18.7 9.6 7.3 5.10 — — 2.82 Seminole Field 5.1 2.3-3. 1 1 1 1 2 4 M . gallopavo 61.60 17.20 9.05 7.00 4.85 6.4 — 2.70 Nichol’s Hammock 60.3-62.9 17.1-17.3 8.3-9. 8 6. 8-7. 2 4. 8-4. 9 2. 5-2. 9 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 M . gallopavo 62.1 17.9 10.0 7.0 4.9 — — 2.2 Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 67.68 ± 1.82 19.50 ± 0.58 10.36 ± 0.47 7.25 ± 0.40 5.29 ± 0.30 7.00 ± 0.45 17.68 ± 0.67 3.16 ± 0.38 Buffalo Site 63.7-72.7 17.6-20.9 9.3-11.5 6. 2-8. 2 4. 5-6. 2 6. 0-8.0 16.1-19.0 2. 2-4. 4 67 76 79 145 149 88 38 94 M . gallopavo 65.48 ± 1.30 19.21 ± 0.52 10.06 ± 0.32 6.94 ± 0.34 4.74 ± 0.26 6.76 ± 0.42 16.87 ± 0.62 3.23 ± 0.35 silvestris, 63.0-68.2 18.5-20.1 9.7-10.9 6. 3-7. 8 4. 3-5. 2 6. 1-7.5 15.8-18.0 2. 8-3. 9 New York, 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 14 Pennsylvania, Virginia M. gallopavo 63.16 ± 2.75 17.54 ± 0.72 9.40 ± 0.55 6.44 ± 0.25 4.82 ± 0.13 6.05 ± 0.44 15.52 ± 0.67 2.76 ± 0.41 osceola, Florida 59.7-67.8 16.7-19.1 8.7-10.4 6. 1-6.8 4.6-5. 1 5. 4-6. 9 14.4-16.5 2. 3-3. 6 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 M. gallopavo 68.45 19.40 10.35 7.10 5.30 6.75 16.95 3.75 mexicana 66.5-70.4 19.2-19.6 10.2-10.5 6. 8-7. 4 5.3 6. 5-7.0 16.6-17.3 3.3-4. 2 Chihuahua, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mexico M. gallopavo c 64.60 ± 2.64 18.51 ± 1.02 9.76 ± 0.60 6.73 ± 0.41 4.81 ± 0.24 6.45 ± 0.55 16.27 ± 0.95 3.07 ± 0.47 Total skeletal 59.5-70.4 16.7-20.1 8.4-10.9 6. 1-7.8 4. 3-5. 2 5. 4-7. 5 14.4-18.0 2. 3-4. 2 specimens 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 28 M . californica 61.46 ± 1.37 17.34 ± 0.39 9.83 ± 0.30 6.68 ± 0.40 5.18 ± 0.30 6.60 ± 0.23 16.48 ± 0.46 2.68 ± 0.25 Rancho La Brea 59.1-65.5 16.6-18.2 9.2-10.4 6. 0-7. 5 4. 6-5. 9 6. 2-7.0 15.5-17.2 2. 2-3. 2 32 32 31 32 32 32 23 32 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 189 Table IS. Continued. Total Length Proximal Depth Length of Meta- carpal I Least Width of Meta- carpal II Least Depth of Meta- carpal II Greatest Depth of Intermeta- carpal Space Distal Depth Protrusion of Meta- carpal III beyond Knob of Metacarpal II M. californica 61.70 17.80 9.99 ± 0.46 7.07 5.01 6.42 16.58 2.73 Carpinteria 60.8-62.6 17.3-18.7 9.4-10.9 6. 1-7.8 4. 8-5. 3 6. 1-6.8 16.3-17.3 2.5-3. 1 6 7 8 6 7 5 5 7 M. californica 61.50 ± 1.27 17.42 ± 0.45 9.86 ± 0.34 6.74 ± 0.45 5.15 ± 0.28 6.58 ± 0.25 16.50 ± 0.45 2.68 ± 0.24 Total specimens 59. 1-6S.S 16.6-18.7 9.2-10.9 6. 0-7. 8 4. 6-5. 9 6. 1-7.0 15.5-17.3 2. 2-3. 2 38 39 39 38 39 37 28 39 Meleagris cf. M. 56.8* — — 5.2 3.8 5.8 13.7 3.1 ocellata, Tuliim 1 1 1 1 1 1 M . ocellata 53.92 17.2 8.40 5.60 4.07 5.73 15.2 2.80 Mayapan 49.3-59.4 8. 0-8. 8 5. 1-6.0 3. 8-4. 2 5. 1-6.9 2. 7-2. 9 4 1 2 3 3 3 1 2 M. ocellata 57.60 ± 1.27 17.09 ± 0.46 9.12 ± 0.62 6.38 ± 0.27 4.79 ± 0.18 6.02 ± 0.44 14.97 ± 0.60 2.54 ± 0.30 Yucatan, Mexico 56.2-60.1 16.6-18.0 8.3-10.6 5. 9-6. 7 4. 4-5.0 5. 6-6. 9 13.9-16.0 2. 0-2. 9 and Peten, 10 10 10 10 10 8 10 8 Guatemala M. crassipes 56.16* 16.03* 9.13* 6.70 4.48 ± 0.16 6.26 15.75 2.38 San Josecito 54. 4*— 5 7 . 2 15.7-16.7* 8. 6-9. 7* 6. 6-6. 8 4. 3-4. 8 6.0-6. 7 15.7-15.8 2.2-2. 6 Caved 7 3 3 5 8 5 2 7 a From Brodkorb 1964b; b may represent a male; c includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to subspecies; d may possibly include one or more specimens which represent males. * Slightly damaged specimen. 190 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 16. Measurements (in mm) of the femur of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. S for explanation of measurements. Meleagris progenes a Rexroad Meleagris sp. University Drive Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi or M . anza, Inglis IA Meleagris sp. Williston Meleagris sp. Coleman IIA M eleagris cf. M. gallopavo Frankstown Cave M . gallopavo Manalapan Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo, Santa Fe River IIA Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo Reddick IB M . gallopavo Ichetuck- nee River M . gallopavo Seminole Field M . gallopavo Davis Quarry Meleagris sp. St. Mark’s River M . gallopavo Good’s Shellpit Meleagris sp. Silver Glen Springs M gallopavo Buffalo Site Depth of Depth of Depth of Total Proximal Depth Width of Depth of Distal Internal External Fibular Length Width of Head Midshaft Midshaft Width Condyle Condyle Condyle — 25.8* — — — — — — — 1 26.7* 1 22.2 1 19.9 1 123.21* ± 2.57 29.96 ± 0.83 11.29 ± 0.41 12.23 ± 0.50 10.90 ± 0.51 1 18.8*— 127.0* 16 130.0* 1 131.24* 129. 1*-133.0 5 29.0-31.2 10.7-12.1 1 1.2-13.3 10.2-11.9 26.95 25.5-27.9 22.16* ± 0.82 22.55 ± 0.94 19.78 ± 0.86 20.2*-23.3* 21.3-24.6 18.7-21.1 147.50 145. 0-150. 0h 2 133.2* 1 138.5* 1 141.75* 139.7*-143.8* 2 124.60* 124.5*— 124. 7* 2 142.0 14 13 34 34 6 14 13 11 31.2 11.3 12.7 10.9 22.8 20.7 1 1 1 1 1 1 33.03* 12.46 ± 0.41 12.83 ± 0.56 11.56 ± 0.52 28.70 23.56* 23.50 20.47 !. 4-34.0* 11.8-13.2 12.1-13.8 10.5-12.2 28.2-29.4 22.3*-24. 7* 22.4-24.8 19.6-21. 7 9 12.9 1 14 14 5 5 7 6 32.6 13.17 13.60 12.53 30.1 25.2 25.1 21.2* 13.0-13.3 13.2-13.9 12.1-13.0 1 3 3 3 1 1 1 1 32.7 12.2 13.1 11.7 29.6 — 24.3 21.5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 33.7 12.3 14.0 1 1.4 30.55* 24.50 25.0 22.8 30.3-30.8* 24.0-25.0 24.8-25.2 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 1 36.05 13.15 14.07 12.43 30.75* 25.2* 23.88* 20.65=* ). 0-36.1 13.1-13.2 13.3-14.6 11.4-13.0 30. 1*— 3 1.4* 21.0*-25.6* 18.2*— 2 1. 2 2 3 3 2 1 4 4 — - — 12.90 11.05 28.9* 25.5* — — 12.6-13.2 10.3-11.8 1 1 2 2 33.5 12.2 — — — — — — 1 1 31.7* 10.3* — 1 1 _ 10.5 12.15 10.70 26.55 22.80 21.60 19.15 12.1-12.2 10.4-11.0 26.4-26.7 22.0-23.6 20.5-22.9 18.9-19. 1 2 2 2 2 3 2 — — — — 25.5 23.2* 22.1 19.0 1 1 1 1 35.37 12.91 ± 0.40 13.59 ± 0.70 11.91 ± 0.55 30.93 24.28 21.45 1.5-36.9 12.1-13.5 12.0-15.1 11.2-13.4 29.7-31.6 23.4-25.3 20.0-22. 7 11 15 15 3 4 4 1 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 191 Table 16. Continued. Total Length Proximal Width Depth of Plead Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width Depth of Internal Condyle Depth of External Condyle Depth of Fibular Condyle M. gallopavo 139.30 ± 4.37 34.65 ± 1.20 12.79 ± 0.37 13.60 ± 0.77 11.99 ± 0.64 29.91 ± 0.85 24.65 ± 0.85 24.21 ± 0.79 21.06 ± 0.78 silvestris, 127.0-150.0 32.6-37.1 12.0-13.4 12.0-15.2 10.9-13.3 27.9-32.0 23.1-26.0 22.6-25.5 19.7-22.5 New York, 28 28 27 28 28 28 27 27 27 Pennsylvania, Virginia M . gallopavo 135.99 ± 5.32 32.59 ± 1.59 11.59 ± 0.49 13.38 ± 0.58 11.07 ± 0.53 27.76 ± 0.84 23.73 ± 1.20 23.06 ± 0.96 20.17 ± 0.92 osceola, 128.7-146.7 30.8-34.9 10.7-12.2 12.2-14.1 10.0-11.8 26.0-29.3 21.6-25.4 21.4-24.8 19.0-21.8 Florida 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 M . gallopavo 144.0 — — 13.5 11.5 27.2 — — 20.1 intermedia, 1 1 1 1 1 Texas M. gallopavo 145.0 35.6 12.6 14.8 12.9 31.1 25.4 24.7 22.3 mexicana, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chihuahua, Mexico M . gallopavo 143.0 33.8 12.8 14.4 12.3 29.6 24.5 24.2 21.2 mem ami 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Arizona M gallopavo 138.91 ± 4.81 34.18 ± 1.54 12.50 ± 0.64 13.60 ± 0.74 11.80 ± 0.73 29.38 ± 1.29 24.45 ± 1.00 23.93 ± 0.98 20.87 ± 0.90 Total 127.0-150.0 30.8-37.1 10.7-13.4 12.0-15.2 10.0-13.3 26.0-32.0 21.6-26.0 21.4-25.5 19.0-22.5 skeletal 40 39 38 40 40 40 38 38 39 specimens M. cali- 124.19* ± 3.08 31.47 ± 1.25 11.45 ± 0.50 12.18 ± 0.45 10.25 ± 0.43 27.82 ± 0.85 22.28 ± 0.88 22.21 ± 0.87 19.95 ± 0.97 fornica 1 17. 7*— 132. 2* 28.6-33.8 10.4-12.6 11.4-13.2 8.9-11.1 25.8-29.3 21.1-23.7 20.0-23.7 18.1-21.8 Rancho 35 44 48 43 43 34 10 26 33 La Brea M. cali- 127.20* 31.70 11.40 12.38 10.57 27.80 22.2 22.43 19.83 fornica 1 24. 7* — 128.8* 31.4-32.0 11.2-11.7 11.8-13.1 10.2-10.9 27.1-28.2 22.0-22.9 18.8-20.4 Carpinteria 3 3 5 6 6 3 1 3 3 M. cali- 124.43* ±3.11 31.48 ± 1.21 11.44 ± 0.47 12.20 ± 0.45 10.29 ± 0.43 27.82 ± 0.82 22.27 ± 0.83 22.23 ± 0.84 19.94 ± 0.96 fornica 117.7*— 132.2* 28.6-33.8 10.4-12.6 11.4-13.2 8.9-11.1 25.8-29.3 21.1-23.7 20.0-23.7 18.1-21.8 Total 38 47 53 49 49 37 11 29 36 specimens M. ocellata 110.84 ± 3.37 25.96 ± 1.15 9.36 ± 0.44 10.40 ± 0.66 9.49 ± 0.66 23.63 ± 1.05 19.04 ± 1.22 18.86 ± 0.78 16.42 ± 0.95 Yucatan, 105.6-116.9 24.1-27.8 8.9-10.2 9.3-1 1.7 8.3-10.2 22.1-25.2 17.2-20.6 18.0-20.1 15.3-18.1 Mexico, 10 10 8 10 10 10 8 8 8 and Peten, Guatemala M. crassipes 107.8* 26.7 10.2 10.1 9.1 23.10* 19.1 18.5 14.9 San Jose- 23.0-23.2* cito Cave 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 a From Brodkorb 1964b; b larger measurement from Marsh 1872, and Shufeldt 1915. * Slightly damaged specimen 192 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 17. Measurements (in mm) of the femur of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 5 for explanation of measurements. Depth of Depth of Depth of Total Proximal Depth of Width of Depth of Distal Internal External Fibular Length Width Head Midshaft Midshaft Width Condyle Condyle Condyle Meleagris cf. 102.47* 23.35 8.88 9.73 8.45 21.70 17.72* 17.50 15.04 M. leopoldi 99.4*-105.2* 23.0-23.7 8.6-9 .2 9.1-10.2 8. 2-8. 9 21.3-22.0 17.2*— 18.7* 17.0-18.3 14.4-16.1 or M. anza, Inglis IA 3 2 4 6 6 3 4 4 5 Meleagridi- — 25.5* 9.2* — — — — — — nae, gen. and sp. indet. Gillilandab 1 1 Meleagris sp. — 27.4 9.6 11.2 10.6 23.7 21.2* 20.10 16.9* Coleman 1 19.7-20.5 IIA 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 Meleagris sp. -110 -26.2 — — — — — — — Papago Springs Caveb 1 1 Meleagris — — — 10.7 9.6 — — — — cf. M. gallopavo Burnet Cave 1 1 Meleagris sp. 114.4 26.3 9.9 10.3 9.6 24.0 20.2 19.7 17.0 Haile VIIA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris — — — — — 23.5 — 19.1 16.8 cf. M gallopavo Reddick IB 1 1 1 M. gallopavo, — — - — 10.65 9.30 22.5* 18.6* 18.0* 16.0* Ichetuck- 10.3-11.0 8.9-9. 7 nee River 2 2 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo — 26.1 9.2 — — 22.65 — 18.25 15.70 Seminole 22.3-23.0 17.8-18.7 15.2-16.2 Field 1 1 2 2 2 Meleagris sp. — 26.8 9.8 — — — — — — Hog Creek 1 1 Meleagris 1 IS. 4* 25.8* — 11.8 9.9 23.3* — 18.9* 17.4* cf. M. gallopavo Sante Fe IA 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 104. 10* 24.70 8.80 9.75 8.65 21.00 — 17.65 15.45 Nichol’s 101.4-106.8* 24.0-25.4 8. 6-9.0 9.S-10.0 8.2-9. 1 20.2-21.8 17.5-17.8 15.3-15.6 Hammock 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 M. gallopavo — — 8.5 10.2 9.1 — — — — Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 117.27 ± 3.17 27.42 ± 0.57 10.14 ± 0.41 11.22 ± 0.50 9.63 ± 0.42 23.85 ± 0.61 20.00 19.46 ± 0.44 17.02 ± 0.57 Buffalo 112.9-122.0 26.1-28.4 9.5-11.0 10.3-11.8 8.9-10.3 22.9-25.0 19.2-20.8 18.4-20.0 16.3-18.3 Site 9 20 24 29 29 10 5 14 12 M . gallopavo 113.57 ± 3.16 26.28 ± 0.64 9.81 ± 0.31 10.68 ± 0.43 9.31 ± 0.52 22.87 ± 0.50 19.04 ± 0.54 18.52 ± 0.51 15.95 ± 0.51 silvestris, 108.9-119.0 25.1-27.3 9.3-10.2 9.9-11.2 8.6-10.1 22.1-23.5 17.9-19.9 18.0-19.3 15.1-16.7 New York, Pennsyl- 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 vania, Virginia Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 193 Table 17. Continued. Depth of Depth of Depth of Total Proximal Depth of Width of Depth of Distal Internal External Fibular Length Width Head Midshaft Midshaft Width Condyle Condyle Condyle M. gallopavo 108.50 ± 2.49 25.33 ± 0.97 8.81 ± 0.34 10.46 ± 0.41 8.72 ± 0.48 21.16 ± 0.89 18.65 ± 0.83 17.78 ± 0.62 15.55 ± 0.79 osceola, 104.0-113.9 23.9-27.2 8. 2-9. 2 9.8-11.2 8. 1-9. 7 20.0-23.5 17.8-20.5 16.9-19.1 14.8-17.3 Florida 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 11 1 1 M. gallopavo 116.90 26.80 10.03 11.30 9.83 23.67 19.57 19.20 16.93 mexicana, 112.0-124.2 25.4-28.5 9.7-10.5 10.9—1 1.6 9.3-10.2 22.5-25.0 18.1-21.4 17.4-20.6 15.1-18.6 Chihuahua, Coahuila, Mexico 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M. gallopavo 115.80 27.17 10.03 11.20 9.97 23.67 18.73 18.47 16.23 mem ami 112.4-119.3 26.9-27.5 9.8-10.4 11.0-11.4 9.9-10.1 23.3-23.9 18.1-19.1 18.0-18.8 15.9-16.8 Arizona 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 M. gallopavo 112.01 ± 4.54 26.04 ± 1.04 9.43 ± 0.65 10.69 ± 0.49 9.18 ± 0.65 22.36 ± 1.23 18.92 ± 0.80 18.26 ± 0.83 15.90 ± 0.86 Total 104.0-124.2 23.9-28.5 8.2-10.5 9.8-11.6 8.1-10.2 20.0-25.0 17.8-21.4 16.9-20.6 14.8-18.6 skeletal specimens0 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 M. cali- 104.66* ± 2.92 25.35 ± 0.96 9.28 ± 0.42 10.03 ± 0.48 8.47 ± 0.42 22.03 ± 0.89 17.45 17.06 ± 0.70 15.28 ± 0.79 fornica 99.4-111.8* 22.9-27.3 8.3-10.1 9.1-10.8 7. 7-9. 2 20.4-23.4 16.8-18.4 15.7-17.8 13.8-16.0 Rancho La Brea 23 33 33 23 23 14 4 17 16 M . cali- 103.90* 25.60 9.40 10.32 8.52 22.20 17.8 17.58 15.38 fornica 103.1-104.7* 24.3-27.1 8. 7-9.8 9.9-10.8 8.3-8. 9 21.8-22.4 17.2-18.1 15.1-16.0 Carpinteria 2 6 6 4 4 4 1 4 4 M. cali- 104.60* ± 2.82 25.39 ± 0.97 9.29 ± 0.42 10.07 ± 0.48 8.48 ± 0.40 22.07 ± 0.79 17.52 17.16 ± 0.68 15.30 ± 0.72 fornica 99.4*-l 11.8* 22.9-27.3 8.3-10.1 9.1-10.8 7. 7-9. 2 20.4-23.4 16.8-18.4 15.7-18.1 13.8-16.0 Total 25 39 39 27 27 18 5 21 20 specimens M. ocellata 98.0* — — 9.3 9.4 — — — — Dzibil- chaltun 1 1 1 M. ocellata 97.54 ± 1.84 22.26 ± 0.81 8.11 ± 0.43 9.30 ± 0.46 8.37 ± 0.51 20.07 ± 0.47 16.33 ± 0.79 16.34 ± 0.46 14.26 ± 0.51 Yucatan, 94.9-101.1 20.9-23.7 7. 6-8. 9 8.7-10.1 7. 4-9. 3 19.3-21.0 15.5-17.8 15.6-17.0 13.8-15.3 Mexico, and Peten, Guatemala 11 11 9 11 11 11 9 9 9 M. eras sipes 94.05* 23.05 8.70 9.39 ± 0.55 8.51 ± 0.34 20.9* — 16.0* 13.6 San Jose- 91.3*-96.8* 22.5-23.6 8. 5-8. 8 8.6-10.3 8. 1-8.9 cito Cave 2 2 4 8 8 1 1 1 a From Brodkorb 1964b; b may possibly represent a male; c includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to subspecies. * Slightly damaged specimen. 194 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 18. Measurements (in mm) of the tibiotarsus of male turkeys, with mean, standard deivation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 6 for explanation of measurements. Length With- out Cnemial Crestf Width of Head Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width Depth of Internal Condyle Depth of External Condyle Meleagridinae — — — — 18.9* 19. 1* — cf. Meleagris 1 1 Buckhorn Meleagris sp. — — -12.4 -9.9 18.4* 19.5* 17.9* Haile XVA 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . 20S.2 23.43 ± 0.72 11.74 ± 0.47 9.10 ± 0.40 19.58 ± 0.83 19.24* ± 0.58 17.92* ± 0.75 leopoldi or M. 199. 5-208. S 22.5-24.8 10.3-12.4 8. 3-9. 8 18.3-21.7 18.6-20.5* 16.8-19.8* anza, Inglis IA 4 10 24 25 22 11 20 Meleagris sp. — — — — — 18.5* — Haile XVIA 1 Meleagris sp. 208.5 25.10 ± 0.76 12.34 ± 0.52 9.34 ± 0.44 21.09 ± 0.47 21.08 18.95 ± 0.25 Coleman IIA 207.0-210.0 24.2-26.1 11.5-13.0 8. 7-9. 8 20.3-21.6 20.6-21.8 18.6-19.5 4 8 9 8 10 6 12 M. gallopavo — — 12.1 9. 1 21.50* 20.30* 18.85* Ingleside 1 1 2 1.2*— 2 1.8 19.9*-20.7* 18.7 * — 19.0 2 2 2 Meleagris cf. — — — — 21.90 21.05* 19.35* M. gallopavo , 21.9 20.9*— 2 1. 2* 19.2-19.5* Frankstown Cave 2 2 2 M . gallopavo 245 30b 12.5 10.5 17c — 17.3 Manalapan’1 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 243.75* — — — Igc.d — — Manalapan 243‘‘-244.5*e 2 1 M. gallopavo 235.5* 26.3 11.75* 9.95 20.0* 19.4* 17.9* Manalapan1 233*-238* 1 1.4*— 12. 1 9.8-10.1 2 1 2 2 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. 213.0 24.2 12.6 9.1 20.9 19.8* 18.7* M . gallopavo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Sante Fe IIA Meleagris cf. — — 11.8 9.0 — — — M . gallopavo 1 1 Rock Spring Meleagris cf. 233.5 25.30 13.0 10.3 21.9 22.4 20.2 M . gallopavo 24.1-26.5 Reddick IB 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo — — — — 21.0* 20.8* 19.0* Aucilla River 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 230.5 26.33 12.54 ± 1.10 9.85 ± 0.87 21.81* ± 1.06 21.18* ± 1.04 19.92 ± 0.86 Ichetucknee 226.5-233.5 25.7-27.0 10.7-14.1 8.8-11.4 20.4*-23.6* 19.8-22.3* 18.5-21.2 River 4 3 1 1 11 12 9 11 M . gallopavo — — — — 21.43 — 19.10 Seminole Field 21.0-22.1 19.0-19.2 3 2 Meleagris sp. — — — — 21.0* — 19.9* Oakhurst Quarry 1 1 Meleagris cf. — — — — 19.3** 19.8** 17.5** M . gallopavo 1 1 1 Sante Fe IA Meleagris sp. — — -12.2 -9.2 19.7* — — Sante Fe IVA 1 1 1 Meleagris sp. — — — — 20.6* 20.9* 18.1* Wekiva Run III 1 1 1 M . gallopavo — — — — 20.8 — 19.7 Nichol’s Hammock 1 1 M. gallopavo — 23.2 — — — — — Good’s Shellpit 1 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 195 Table 18. Continued. Length With- Depth of Depth of out Cnemial Width Width of Depth of Distal Internal External Crestf of Head Midshaft Midshaft Width Condyle Condyle M. gallopavo 230.0 26.25 12.33 ± 0.63 9.98 ± 0.52 22.50 ± 0.91 22.07 19.80 ± 0.64 Buffalo Site 226.0-234.0 25.5-27.0 10.7-13.2 9.0-11.1 20.2-24.8 21.4-23 1 18. 1-21.3 2 2 15 15 22 6 34 M. gallopavo 220.3 ± 6.9 25.10 ± 0.59 12.15 ± 0.63 9.63 ± 0.46 21.93 ± 0.85 21.63 ± 0.82 19.53 ± 0.40 silvestris, New 200.0-233.0 24.0-26.2 10.9-13.1 8.8-10.4 20.3-23.3 20.1-22.9 18.8-20.1 York, Pennsyl- vania, Virginia 26 23 26 26 26 25 25 M. gallopavo 231.9 ± 10.6 23.20 ± 0.92 11.79 ± 0.69 9.28 ± 0.40 20.70 ± 0.88 20.58 ± 1.29 18.79 ± 1.18 osceola, Florida 221.5-253.0 21.6-24.5 10.9-13.0 8.8-10.1 19.0-22.2 18.1-22.6 17.0-20.2 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 M. gallopavo 231.0 — 12.2 10.0 21.5 20.7 18.8 intermedia, Texas 1 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo, 227.0 26.2 12.8 10.3 23.5 23.1 20.4 mexicana 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Chihuahua, Mexico M. gallopavo 225.5 24.8 12.5 10.0 22.6 22.7 19.6 merriami, 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Arizona M . gallopavo 223.6 ± 9.1 24.62 ± 1.11 12.09 ± 0.64 9.59 ± 0.47 21.66 ± 1.03 21.38 ± 1.10 19.29 ± 0.74 Total skeletal 200.0-253.0 21.6-26.2 10.9-13.1 8.8-10.4 19.0-23.5 18.1-23.1 17.0-20.4 specimens 38 35 38 38 39 38 38 M. californica 203.5 ± 6.2 23.27 ± 0.61 11.26 ± 0.53 8.96 ± 0.36 20.00 ± 0.54 19.79 ± 0.74 18.03 ± 0.72 Rancho La Brea 192.0-212.0 22.6-24.5 10.9—1 1.9 8. 0-9. 4 19.3-20.9 18.8-21.2 17.2-19.9 15 9 18 18 23 14 21 M. californica 202.4 23.56 11.22 9.14 19.70 ± 0.36 19.76 ± 0.52 17.98 ± 0.30 Carpinteria 199.0-204.5 22.8-24.3 11.0-11.3 8. 6-9. 5 19.2-20 .3 19.3-20.7 17.6-18.6 4 5 5 5 11 8 9 M . californica 203.2 ± 5.6 23.37 ± 0.60 11.25 ± 0.47 9.00 ± 0.36 19.90 ± 0.50 19.78 ± 0.65 18.02 ± 0.62 Total specimens 192.0-212.0 22.6-24.5 10.9-11.9 8. 0-9. 5 19.2-20.9 18.8-21.2 17.2-19.9 19 14 23 23 34 22 30 M . ocellata 176.5 — 10.15 8.35 18.35 — 16.40 Dzibilchaltiin 9.6-10.7 8. 1-8.6 17.6-19.1 15.8-17.0 1 2 2 2 2 Meleagris cf. — — — — 19.0* — 16.2** M. ocellata Macanche 1 1 M. ocellata 183.50 ± 5.46 19.86 ± 1.11 10.08 ± 0.69 7.92 ± 0.49 17.86 ± 0.98 17.87 16.30 Yucatan, Mexico 175.0-193.0 18.4-21.8 8.9-10.9 7. 3-8. 6 16.6-19.2 16.9-19.0 15.3-17.6 and Peten, Guatemala 9 10 9 9 9 7 7 M. crassipes 164.0 20.0 10.4 8.0 18.1 17.1* 15.45* San Josecito 163.5-164.5 15.2-15.7* Cave 2 1 1 1 1 1 2 a From Cope, 1871; b abnormally large probably because of a difference in position of specimen during measurement; c abnormally small, probably because of misinterpretation of described measurement or fragmentary nature of specimen; 11 from Marsh 1872; e from Shufeldt 1915. This is probably the specimen which Marsh measured; f specimens measured by the author, t Measurements accurate only to within 0.5 mm. * Slightly damaged specimen. ** Moderately damaged specimen. 196 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 19. Measurements (in mm) of the tibiotarsus of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 6 for explanation of measurements. Length With- out Cnemial Crestf Width of Head Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width Depth of Internal Condyle Depth of External Condyle Meleagridinae — 18.5* — 15.0* 16.1 14.0* cf. Meleagris 1 1 1 1 Westmoreland, Parka,b Meleagridinae cf. — — — 16.8* 16.5* 14.9 Meleagris, Bone 1 1 1 Valley (Palmetto Mine) Meleagris progenes — — — 14.5* 15.2* 13.0* Rexroad 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . — 18.72 9.85 7.80 16.07 15.85* 14.38* leopoldi or M . anza 18.4-19.4 9.5-10.2 7. 7-7. 9 16.0-16.1 15.7*— 16.1* 13.9*— 15.0 Inglis IA 4 2 2 3 4 4 Meleagris sp. — — 10.45 8.40 17.88 17.80* 16.05 Coleman IIA 10.2-10.7 8. 0-8. 8 17.0-18.8 17.2-18.7* 15.6-16.5 2 2 5 4 2 Meleagris cf. M. — — 10.3 8.3 18.4* 18.0* 16.3* gallopavo 1 1 1 1 1 Burnet Cave M . gallopavo — — — — 17.9* 15.9 Ingleside 1 1 M . gallopavo 183 19 9.6 — 16.5 16 Manalapanc 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 180* — — 17.0 17.4* 15.9 Manalapan'1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo — — — — 15.2* 17.0* Aucilla River 1 1 M . gallopavo 178.0 21.4 10.17 8.27 17.42* ± 1.11 17.00* ± 1.03 15.39* ± 0.89 Ichetucknee River 175. 5-180. 5 9.5-11.0 7. 7-8.8 15.2*— 18.8 14.8*— 18.2 13.7*— 16.5 2 1 6 6 12 11 12 Meleagris sp. — — — 17.0 18.0* 15.8 Kendrick 1 1 1 M. gallopavo — — — — 17.0 16.2 15.30 Seminole Field 14.7-16.0 Meleagris sp. 1 1 3 Econfina River 176.0* — — — 14.9* — 14.9* 1 1 1 Meleagris sp. — — — — 18.3* — — Hog Creek 1 Meleagris sp. — — 9.7 7.8 — — — Santa Fe IVA 1 1 M. gallopavo 172.3 17.30 8.54 7.04 15.67 15.93 14.55 Nichol’s Hammock 169.5-174.0 17.1-17.7 8. 2-9.0 6.9-7. 1 15.1-16.8 15.8-16.1 14.1-15.0 3 3 5 5 3 3 4 M . gallopavo — — — — 16.6* 16.1* 14.5 Good’s Shellpit 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 185.7 20.92 10.17 ± 0.42 8.17 ± 0.22 18.03 ± 0.55 18.29 ± 0.84 15.97 ± 0.56 Buffalo Site 182.0-189.0 20.0-22.0 9.5-10.9 7. 9-8. 6 16.9-19.0 17.0-20.1 15.0-17.0 3 6 16 15 28 11 32 M. gallopavo — — — — 18.00 16.45 15.45 Hartman’s Cave 17.9-18.1 16.1-16.8 15.1-15.8 2 2 2 M . gallopavo silvestris, 175.7 ± 6.3 19.48 ± 0.45 9.24 ± 0.41 7.42 ± 0.33 17.42 ± 0.40 17.23 ± 0.39 15.58 ± 0.43 New York, Pennsylvania, 164.0-187.0 18.9-20.2 8.8-10.0 7. 0-8.0 16.9-18.1 16.5-17.9 15.1-16.4 Virginia 12 9 12 12 12 12 12 M. gallopavo osceola, 178.1 ± 4.4 18.04 ± 0.65 9.17 ± 0.24 7.35 ± 0.30 16.44 ± 0.56 16.40 ± 0.62 14.92 ± 0.31 Florida 171.0-186.5 17.3-19.6 8.9-9. 7 6. 8-7. 8 15.7-17.6 15.4-17.5 14.4-15.5 10 11 11 11 10 10 10 M. gallopavo mexicana, 183.5 20.07 10.17 7.90 18.40 18.17 16.13 Chihuahua, Coahuila, 178.0-190.0 19.5-21.2 9.8-10.5 7.6-8. 1 17.2-19.3 17.0-19.6 14.8-17.3 Mexico 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 197 Table 19. Continued. Length With- out Cnemial Crestf Width of Head Width of Midshaft Depth of Midshaft Distal Width Depth of Internal Condyle Depth of External Condyle M. gallopavo merriami, 175.5 19.73 9.83 8.13 17.60 17.55 15.30 Arizona 170.0-181.0 19.1-20.3 9.5-10.1 7. 5-8. 9 17.6 17.2-17.9 15.3 2 3 3 3 2 2 2 M . gallopavo 177.0 ± 6.1 18.94 ± 1.01 9.35 ± 0.47 7.51 ± 0.43 17.12 ± 0.86 17.00 ± 0.86 15.43 ± 0.66 Total skeletal 164.0-190.0 17.3-21.2 8.8-10.5 6. 8-8. 9 15.7-19.3 15.4-19.6 14.2-17.3 specimens6 28 27 30 30 28 28 28 M. californica 168.4 ± 3.1 19.25 ± 0.54 9.25 ± 0.30 7.69 ± 0.37 16.74 ± 0.43 16.60 ± 0.38 15.11 ± 0.40 Rancho La Brea 164.0-173.0 18.4-19.9 8. 8-9. 8 6. 9-8. 3 15.8-17.7 15.6-17.3 14.1-15.9 8 8 16 16 26 25 27 M. californica 168.7 18.8 9.70 7.50 16.66 16.66 15.00 Carpinteria 165.0-174.0 9.5-10.0 7.4-7. 7 16.1-17.3 15.6-17.8 14.3-15.5 3 1 3 3 5 5 6 M. californica 168.4 ± 3.4 19.20 ± 0.53 9.32 ± 0.33 7.66 ± 0.35 16.73 ± 0.43 16.61 ± 0.46 15.09 ± 0.40 Total specimens 164.0-174.0 18.4-19.9 8.8-10.0 6. 9-8. 3 15.8-17.7 15.6-17.8 14.1-15.9 11 9 19 19 31 30 33 Meleagridinae cf. — — — — 16.3 — 14.5 Meleagris, Workman 1 1 and Alhambra Streets M. ocellata — — 7.9 7.0 15.4 14.6 13.2 Dzibilchaltun 1 1 1 1 1 M. ocellata Yucatan, 158.2 ± 4.7 17.14 ± 0.52 8.81 ± 0.23 7.11 ± 0.41 15.02 ± 0.46 14.95 ± 0.72 13.66 ± 0.50 Mexico, and Peten, 150.5-167.0 16.5-18.1 8.5-9. 1 6. 4-7. 6 14.2-16.0 14.1-16.1 13.1-14.5 Guatemala 9 11 9 9 10 8 8 M. crassipes 150.7* 18.6 9.45 7.60 17.45 15.90* 14.18 San Josecito Cave 150.0-152.0* 9. 0-9. 9 7. 2-8.0 17.4-17.5 IS .8*— 16.0* 13.7-14.6 3 1 2 2 2 2 4 a Based on two specimens which may represent opposite ends of the same bone; b may represent a male; c from Marsh 1872; 11 measured by the author — possibly the same as the specimen measured by Marsh; e includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to subspecies, t Measurements accurate only to within 0.5 mm. * Slightly damaged specimen. 198 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 20. Measurements (in mm) of the tarsometatarsus of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range and sample size. See Fig. 7 for explanation of measurements. Total Length A Proximal Width B Least Width of Shaft C Least Depth of Shaft D Proximal End to Middle of Spur Core E Top of Spc Core to End of Middle Trochlea F Proagriocharis kimballensis 98c 14c — — 58 — UNSM Coll. Loc. Ft-40 1 1 1 Meleagris progenes, — — — 4.9 — 53.6 Rexroad 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . progenes, 113. S 18.7 7.45 5.05 64.9 51.90 Benson 7. 1-7.8 5.0-5. 1 50. 0-53. S 1 1 2 2 1 2 M . leopoldi 139. S 21.0 8.7 6.0 88.8 ~56.9 Cita Canyon 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi 151.88 ± 3.88 22.06 ± 0.59 9.24 ± 0.44 5.95 ± 0.25 96.14 ± 2.92 59.82 ± 2. or M . ansa, Inglis IA 146.6-158.0 21.1-23.7 8. 4-9. 9 5. 3-6. 5 91.6-101.1 5 2. 8-63. £ 8 26 26 30 14 13 Meleagris sp. 153.06 23.98 ± 0.30 9.60 ± 0.48 6.32 ± 0.21 90.87 67.04 Coleman IIA 149.4-157.0 23.6-24.5 9.1-10.5 6.0-6. 7 86.5-96.3 59.7-70.^ 5 8 11 13 6 7 M. gallopavo 165.5* — 9.8 6.2 95.5* 74.4 American Falls 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo 161.5 24.3* 9.4 6.2 94.50 72.5 Ingleside 93.0-96.0 1 1 1 1 2 1 M. gallopavo 176. 5e 23.35 — — 110e — Manalapan 1 23e-23.7f 2 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. 8.9 6.1 98.3 67.8 Santa Fe River IIA 1 1 1 1 Meleagris sp. — 23.8 — — — — Bradenton 1 Meleagris sp. — — 7.8 5.1 — -65.8 Withlacoochee River 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo 166.25* 24.8 9.20 6.23 97.75* 73.55 Reddick IB 161.5-171.0* 9. 0-9. 4 6. 2-6. 3 97.2 * — 98 . 3 O' 00 00 1 OO 2 1 2 3 2 2 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo — 23.9 — — — — Melbourne 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo — — — — — - Sabertooth Cave M. gallopavo — — 8.2 6.8 — 77.2 Aucilla River 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 173.75 23.99 ± 0.89 8.90 ± 0.83 5.87 ± 0.40 103.23 73.16 ± 2. Ichetucknee River 170.0-177.5 22.3-25.3 7.5-10.1 5.2-6. 7 101.0-106.7 68.7-77.: 2 8 11 19 3 8 Meleagris sp. — 22.2 — — — — Kendrick IA 1 M. gallopavo — 23.9* 9.0 5.75 — — Seminole Field 5. 7-5. 8 1 1 2 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo — — 8.6 — — — Bowman IA 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo, — — 8.1 5.2 — — Santa Fe River IA 1 1 M. gallopavo — 24.1* 9.2 — 103.1 — Wacissa River 1 1 1 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 199 Table 20. Continued. Middle of Spur Core Angle to End of of Spur Depth of Depth of Depth of Middle Width of Length of Core (in Distal Inner Middle Outer Trochlea Spur Core Spur Core Degrees) Width Trochlea Trochlea Trochlea G Ha J" K L M N P 40c 6.2 15.7* 38" — — — — 1 1 1 1 48.0 7.1 — 49 19.0 8.4 9.1 9.9* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 48.95 — — 56 18.9 8.7 9.45 10.0 48.6-49.3 1 9. 0-9. 9 2 1 1 2 1 50.7 — — 55.75" 21.0 9.5 10.2 11.2 53.0-58.5 1 2 1 1 1 1 55.13 ± 3.12 7.70 ± 0.86 31.21* ± 2.78 47.4 ± 3.4 21.68 ± 0.52 9.56 ± 0.38 10.58 ± 0.37 10.88 ± 0.52 48.3-59.6 6.1-10.3 26.2*— 35.5* 43-56 20.9-22.7 8. 9-9. 9 10.0-11.1 10.1-11.8 13 37 15 28 15 11 20 8 61.86 7.53 ± 0.50 28.82* 52.9 ± 4.0 23.75 ± 1.08 10.68 12.04 ± 0.30 12.98 54.9-65.1 7.0-8 .2 21. 1*— 32.4* 45-58 22.0-24.8 10.0—1 1 . 5 11.7-12.5 12.0-13.9 7 9 4 10 8 5 8 5 70.0 7.0 17.4 50 26.0 — 12.1 13.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 68.5 6.70 — 55.0 23.5 10.0 10.8 12.0 6. 5-6. 9 55 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 66. 5e 1 — — — — — — — 62.9 5.8 58 10.6 1 1 1 1 -60.3 1 — — — — — — — 68.20 65 24.03 10.83 11.77 12.75 63.2-73.2 23.8-24.3 10.4-11.1 11.1-12.1 12.5-13.0 2 1 3 3 2 — 6.5 1 — — — — — — — 6.4 19.0* — — — — — 1 1 68.2 6. 1 20.0* 63 24.8 — 11.9 13.7* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 68.55 ± 2.94 6.70 19.53* 57.1 ± 5.0 23.44 ± 1.50 10.13 11.38 ± 0.69 12.85 63.9-72.5 5. 9-7. 6 16. 1 * — 2 1.7* 46-66 21.1-26.2 9.3-11.0 10.2-12.4 12.3-13.5 8 5 3 12 9 6 12 4 6.32 ± 0.68 16.60* 10.30 11.30 5. 1-7.5 15.0*— 17.9* 10.0-10.6 11.0-11.6 12 5.9 3 58 2 2 68.0 1 1 22.0 10.3* 1 1 1 — 6.1 17.3* 67 — — — — 1 1 1 Continued 200 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 20. Continued. Total Length A Proximal Width B Least Width of Shaft C Least Depth of Shaft D Proximal End to Middle of Spur Core E Top of Spur Core to End of Middle Trochlea F M. g allopavo 168.0 24.72 ± 0.91 9.13 ± 0.47 6.25 ± 0.26 98.8 76.0 Buffalo Site 22.9-26.8 8.0-9. 9 5. 7-6.8 1 22 27 27 1 1 M . g allopavo — — — — — — Hartman’s Cave M. gallopavo silvestris, 160.55 ± 5.92 24.49 ± 1.13 9.34 ± 0.58 6.04 ± 0.39 91.48 ± 4.44 73.14 ± 3.59 New York, Pennsylvania, 146.0-172.5 22.3-27.3 8.0-10.8 5. 2-6. 9 81.3-101.3 65.4-78.0 Virginia 31 32 33 32 25 25 M . gallopavo osceola, 176.55 ± 8.51 23.11 ± 0.99 8.96 ± 0.68 5.94 ± 0.44 105.96 72.92 Florida 166.5-192.5 21.7-24.9 8. 1-9.9 5. 5-7.0 98.2-117.2 70.6-74.0 10 10 10 10 7 5 M. gallopavo intermedia, 172.0 23.8 9.1 6. 1 103.2 72.7 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo mexicana. 160.5 26.2 9.6 6.6 92.6 71.8 Chihuahua, Mex. 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 164.53 ± 9.40 24.20 ± 1.25 9.26 ± 0.61 6.03 ± 0.40 94.84 ± 7.70 73.05 ± 3.22 Total skeletal specimens 146.0-192.5 2 1.7-27.3 8.0-10.8 5. 2-7.0 81.3-117.2 65.4-78.0 43 44 45 44 34 32 M . californica 140.16 ± 4.79 22.05 ± 0.84 8.81 ± 0.34 5.81 ± 0.26 79.41 ± 3.81 64.62 ± 2.89 Rancho La Brea 130.6-149.5 20.5-24.0 8. 1-9. 7 5. 3-6. 3 69.7-86.9 58.7-70.4 50 34 45 49 49 48 M. californica 141.60 22.32 8.74 ± 0.21 5.79 ± 0.19 81.26 64.77 Carpinteria 140.5-144.0 22.1-22.5 8.5-9. 1 5. 6-6.0 80.3-82.7 62.8-66.5 5 5 8 8 5 7 M. californica 140.29 ± 4.60 22.08 ± 0.78 8.80 ± 0.32 5.80 ± 0.25 79.58 ± 3.68 64.64 ± 2.72 Total specimens 130.6-149.5 20.5-24.0 8. 1-9. 7 5. 3-6. 3 69.7-86.9 58.7-70.4 55 39 53 57 54 55 M. ocellata 140.0 20.0 7.8 5.10 84.6 60.9 Dzibilchaltiin 4. 9-5. 3 1 1 1 3 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . ocellata — — — 4.6 — — Cancun Island 1 M . ocellata 136.38 ± 4.96 22.56 ± 0.53 8.42 ± 0.50 6.05 ± 0.35 84.1 65.2 Mayapan 128.0-145.5 21.9-23.6 7. 5-9.0 5. 3-6. 8 17 12 15 17 1 1 M. ocellata 138.12 ± 4.41 20.36 ± 0.88 7.77 ± 0.57 5.30 ± 0.37 85.08 ± 3.86 58.20 ± 2.47 Yucatan, Mexico and 130.2-146.0 19.1-21.9 6. 3-9.0 4. 6-5. 8 78.6-91.0 53.2-61.7 Peten, Guatemala 14 14 14 12 13 13 M. crassipes 108.30* — 7.83 4.70 59.83* 54.15* San Josecito Cave 103.7-114.4 7. 5-8. 3 4. 5-4. 9 57.8*— 61.3* 49.9*-58.4 (spurred specimens only)8 3 3 3 3 2 M. crassipes 102.68 ± 5.18 17.85 7.51 ± 0.42 4.60 ± 0.21 59.83* 54.15* San Josecito Cave 96. 1*— 1 14.4 17.5-18.2 6. 6-8. 3 4. 0-4. 9 57.8*— 61 .3* 49.9*-58.4 (all specimens)11 10 2 16 15 3 2 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 201 Table 20. Continued. Middle of Spur Core to End of Middle Trochlea G Width of Spur Core Ha Length of Spur Core Jb Angle of Spur Core (in Degrees) K Distal Width L Depth of Inner Trochlea M Depth of Middle Trochlea N Depth of Outer Trochlea P 70.15 6.62 ± 0.49 21.97* 60.8 ± 4.4 24.57 ± 0.80 11.27 ± 0.55 12.18 ± 0.54 12.91 ± 0.33 69.2—71. 1 5. 8-7. 9 19.2*— 25.8* 56-69 23.1-25.8 10.2-11.9 11.2-12.9 12.2-13.3 2 18 7 13 13 9 18 8 — — — — 23.6 1 — 12.0 1 — 68.90 ± 3.12 6.64 ± 0.84 20.84 ± 2.52 61.7 ± 5.1 24.53 ± 1.08 10.90 ± 0.69 12.01 ± 0.44 12.85 ± 0.60 62.1-73.2 5. 4-8. 7 16.8-24.9 54-73 21.9-26.6 9.5-12.4 10.8-13.0 11.5-14.0 27 21 14 26 33 32 32 32 70.04 6.32 22.48 63.4 22.46 ± 1. 19 10.18 ± 0.36 11.11 ± 0.55 12.08 ± 0.85 65.8-74.8 6. 1-6.5 22.2-23.0 57-68 20.2-24.1 9.7-10.9 10.1-11.9 11.3-14.1 7 4 4 5 10 10 10 10 68.8 7.5 22.5 55 23.4 — — — 1 1 1 1 1 67.9 6.4 — 56 27.8 12.2 12.3 13.1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 69.09 ± 3.05 6.61 ± 0.76 21.27 ± 2.27 61.6 ± 5.2 24.12 ± 1.49 10.76 ± 0.73 11.81 ± 0.60 12.68 ± 0.73 62.1-74.8 5.4-8. 7 16.8-24.9 54-73 20.2-27.8 9.5-12.4 10.1-13.0 11.3-14. 1 36 27 19 33 45 43 43 43 60.77 ± 2.82 5.94 ± 0.58 18.60* ± 2.16 61.2 ± 4.9 22.53 ± 0.74 10.00 ± 0.48 10.88 ± 0.38 11.74 ± 0.56 55.7-66.5 4. 9-7. 6 14.9*-22.8* 54-70 20.9-24.6 9.0-11.1 10.1-11.6 10.4-12.7 49 47 31 47 46 37 43 35 60.60 6.11 18.87* 61.3 22.63 10.00 11.20 12.03 58.3-62.4 5. 5-6. 9 15.3*— 2 1.8 56-67 21.3-23.3 9.8-10.5 10.8-11.4 11.6-12.4 7 7 7 6 7 6 7 6 60.75 ± 2.67 5.96 ± 0.58 18.65* ± 2.13 61.2 ± 4.9 22.54 ± 0.73 10.00 ± 0.45 10.93 ± 0.37 11.79 ± 0.54 55.7-66.5 4. 9-7. 6 14.9*-22.8* 54-70 20.9-24.6 9.0-11.1 10.1-11.6 10.4-12.7 56 54 38 53 53 43 50 41 55.4 6.70 — 45 21.0 — 9.8 — 6. 2-7. 2 1 2 1 1 1 61.4 55 21.63 ± 0.87 10.90 20.2-22.9 10.7-11.1 1 1 15 2 54.41 ± 2.65 6.16 ± 0.67 27.25 ± 2.68 50.2 ± 4.6 19.91 ± 1.17 9.47 ± 0.64 9.81 ± 0.43 10.83 ± 0.72 SO.2-57.4 4. 8-7. 3 24.1-32.2 43-58 18.0-21.8 8.1-10.4 9.0-10.8 9.1-12.0 13 11 11 13 14 11 12 12 48.47* 7.0 12.6* 36 19.8 9.9 9.40* 11.0 45.5*-54.0 8.8*-10.0 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 48.47* 7.0 12.6* 36 18.70 9.33 8.93 10.38 45.5*-54.0 18.2-19.8 8. 8-9. 9 8.3-10.0 9.9-11.0 3 1 1 1 4 3 6 4 a Only relatively smooth adult spur cores considered; b only fully pointed spur cores considered; c from Martin and Tate 1970; (l from A.H. Miller and Bowman 1956; e from Marsh 1872. Undoubtedly the same specimen as measured by Shufeldt 1915; f specimens measured by the author; s may include a specimen which represents a female; h probably includes specimens which represent females. * Slightly damaged specimen. 202 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 21. Measurements (in mm) of the tarsometatarsus of female turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 7 for explanation of measurements. Total Length Proximal Width Least Width of Shaft Least Depth of Shaft Distal Width Depth of Inner Trochlea Depth of Middle Trochlea Depth of Outer Trochlea Rhegminomis — 8.1* 3.9 2.55 9.5 — 4.40* — calobatesa 2.2- 2.9 4.2*-4.6 Thomas Farm 1 1 2 1 2 Proagriocharis ~ 78 12.95 5.05 3.5 — — — — kimballensis, 12.8-13.1 4. 9-5. 2 UNSM Coll. Loc. 1 2 2 1 Ft-40 Meleagris — — — 3.9 — — 8.1 — progenes, 1 1 Rexroad Meleagris cf. M . 124.83* 17.38* 7.60 5.08 17.85 8.30 8.93 9.2 leopoldi or M. 123.0*-126.0 16.4*— 18. 1* 7. 2-8.0 4. 8-5. 5 17.8-17.9 7. 9-8. 7 8. 9-9.0 anza, Inglis IA 3 5 2 6 2 2 3 1 Meleagris sp. 130.8 19.67 8.0 5.8 19.55 8.1 9.65 10.5 Coleman IIA 18.4-20.5 19.2-19.9 9.6-9. 7 1 3 1 1 2 1 2 1 Meleagris cf. — 18.1 6.8 4.8 18.1 8.6 8.9 9.7 M. gallopavo 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Carlisle Cave M. gallopavo — 19b — — — — — — Manalapan 1 M . gallopavo 136.80 20.76 ± 0.68 7.94 5.30 19.62 8.64 10.12 10.82 Ichetucknee 13S. 1-139.7 20.0-22.1 7. 7-8. 8 4. 9-5. 9 18.0-21.1 8. 2-8. 9 9.6-10.7 10.3-11.7 River 3 8 5 7 5 5 5 5 M . gallopavo — 18.94 7.17 4.80 18.9 8.77 9.25 — Seminole Field 18.1-20.2 7. 1-7.3 4. 6-4. 9 8. 5-9.0 9. 1-9.4 5 3 5 1 3 2 Meleagris cf. M. gallo- — — 7.8 5.0 — — 9.9 10.6 pavo 1 1 1 1 Haile IIA M . gallopavo — — 6.77 4.57 17.50 7.70 8.70 8.4 Nichol’s Hammock 6. 5-7.0 4.4-4. 7 17.0-18.1 7. 2-8. 2 8. 5-9.0 3 3 3 2 3 1 M . gallopavo 136.25 19.91 ± 0.99 7.42 ± 0.44 5.00 ± 0.29 19.87 ± 0.88 8.92 ± 0.58 9.68 ± 0.55 10.88 ± 0.50 Buffalo Site, 133.0-140.0 18.0-22.7 6.5-8. 1 4. 2-5. 7 18.2-21.2 8.2-10.0 9.1-10.5 9.9-11.9 West Virginia 4 15 21 31 15 10 17 13 M . gallopavo — — — — — — 9.8 — Hartman’s Cave 1 M. gallopavo 126.90 ± 5.08 19.46 ± 0.63 7.32 ± 0.45 4.94 ± 0.19 19.72 ± 0.78 8.70 ± 0.51 9.60 ± 0.30 10.15 ± 0.54 silvestris, New 115.2-134.0 18.3-20.7 6. 6-8. 2 4. 6-5. 3 18.2-21.0 8. 0-9. 8 9.1-10.1 9.3-11.1 York, Pennsyl- 19 20 20 19 20 20 20 20 vania, Virginia M gallopavo 131.68 ± 4.00 18.30 ± 0.67 6.96 ± 0.32 4.84 ±0.11 17.76 ± 0.98 8.02 ± 0.46 8.98 ± 0.46 9.64 ± 0.54 osceola 125.0-137.0 17.9-20.2 6. 3-7. 3 4. 6-5.0 15.8-19.0 7. 2-8. 8 8. 2-9. 7 9.0-10.7 Florida 11 11 1 1 11 11 11 11 11 M. gallopavo 134.90 21.55 7.65 5.40 21.85 9.90 10.20 11.15 mexicana 130.3-139.5 20.6-22.5 7. 4-7. 9 5. 1-5.7 21.5-22.2 9.4-10.4 9.9-10.5 10.9-11.4 Chihuahua, 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 Mexico M. gallopavo 128.74 ± 5.58 19.14 ± 1.09 7.21 ± 0.44 4.92 ± 0.24 19.15 ± 1.42 8.51 ± 0.70 9.41 ± 0.50 10.02 ± 0.64 Total skeletal 115.2-139.5 17.2-22.5 6. 3-8. 2 4.3-5. 7 15.8-22.2 7.2-10.4 8.2-10.5 9.0-11.4 specimens0 33 34 34 33 34 34 34 34 M. californica 114.85 ± 3.92 18.36 ± 0.64 7.05 ± 0.32 4.84 ± 0.22 18.75 ± 0.61 8.44 ± 0.40 9.28 ± 0.38 9.98 ± 0.45 Rancho La Brea 105.7-122.3 17.5-19.8 6. 5-7. 6 4. 5-5. 3 17.6-19.9 7. 9-9. 4 8.4-10.0 9.2-10.9 32 25 32 32 32 23 32 24 M. californica 116.00 18.88 7.15 4.95 19.20 8.62 9.62 10.12 Carpinteria 112.3-119.7 18.6-19.2 7. 1-7.2 4.8-5. 1 19.0-19.5 8. 4-9.0 9. 4-9. 8 9.8-10.6 2 4 2 4 4 4 4 4 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 203 Table 21. Continued. Least Least Depth Depth Depth Total Proximal Width of Depth of Distal of Inner of Middle of Outer Length Width Shaft Shaft Width Trochlea Trochlea Trochlea M. californica 114.92 ± 3.91 18.43 ± 0.63 7.05 ± 0.31 4.85 ± 0.21 18.80 ± 0.59 8.47 ± 0.38 9.32 ± 0.37 10.00 ± 0.44 Total specimens 105. 7-122.3 17.5-19.8 6. 5-7. 6 4. 5-5. 3 17.6-19.9 7. 9-9. 4 8.4-10.0 9.2-10.9 34 29 34 36 36 27 36 28 Meleagris cf. — 17.4 — — — — — — M. ocellata Barton Ramie Site 1 M. ocellata 121.50 20.60* 8.15 5.75 20.65 — — — Mayapan 120.5-122.5 20.4*-20.8* 8. 0-8. 3 5. 5-6.0 20.1-21.2 2 2 2 2 2 M. ocellata 116.86 ± 4.14 16.98 ± 0.56 6.31 ± 0.35 4.56 ± 0.36 16.33 ± 0.97 7.97 ± 0.47 8.31 ± 0.35 9.32 ± 0.45 Yucatan, Mexico 111.9-124.5 16.0-18.0 5. 8-7.0 3. 9-4. 9 14.5-17.8 7. 1-8.9 7. 9-9.0 8.7-10.0 and Peten, Guatemala 11 11 11 9 11 9 9 9 M. crassipes 100.27* 17.85 7.44 ± 0.41 4.58 ± 0.22 18.33 9.05 8.70 10.17 San Josecito 96. 1*-103.6 17.5-18.2 6. 6-8. 2 4. 0-4. 8 18.2-18.6 8. 8-9. 3 8. 3-9.0 9.0-10.4 Cave (unspurred specimens only)'1 7 2 13 12 3 2 4 3 a May represent a male; b from Marsh 1872; c includes one specimen from northern Florida not identified to su bspecies; d may include some specimens which represent males. * Slightly damaged specimen. 204 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 22. Ratios (in percent) of the measurements of the tarsometatarsus of male turkeys, with mean, standard deviation, observed range, and sample size. See Fig. 7 for explanation of measurements. B/A B/E Cl A D/A D/C F/A Proagriocharis 14. 3a 24. la — — — kimballensis, UNSM Coll. Loc. Ft-40 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. progenes, 16.5 28.8 6.2 4.5 67.95 44.0 Benson 64.1-71.8 1 1 1 1 2 1 M. leopoldi 15.0 23.6 6.2 4.3 69.0 — 40.8 Cita Canyon 1 1 1 1 1 1 Meleagris cf. M. leopoldi 14.33 22.68 ± 0.85 6.00 ± 0.28 3.82 ± 0.28 64.40 ± 3.92 40.20 or M . anza, Inglis IA 13.8-14.8 21.1-23.6 5. 7-6.4 3.2-4. 1 56.8-71.4 39.2-41.8 7 12 8 8 18 7 Meleagris sp. 15.72 26.37 6.30 4.06 65.58 ± 2.12 44.10 Coleman IIA 15.2-16.2 25.4-27.9 6. 0-6. 6 3. 9-4. 4 61.9-68.5 39.5-46.6 4 3 4 5 9 3 M . gallopavo — — 5.9* 3.7* 63.3 45.0* American Falls 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 14.1* 26.1* 5.8 3.8 66.0 44.9 Ingleside 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 13.0 20.9 — — — — Manalapan1' 1 1 Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo, — — — — 68.5 — Santa Fe River IIA 1 Meleagris sp. — — — — 65.4 — Withlacoochee River 1 Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo 15.4 25.2 5.55* 3.75* 68.00 44.20* Reddick IB 5.3*-5.8 3.7*-3.8 66.0-70.0 42.6-45.8* 1 1 2 2 2 2 Meleagris cf. M . gallopavo — — — — — — Sabertooth Cave M . gallopavo — — — — — — Aucilla River M. gallopavo 14.00 23.47 5.50 3.55 66.74 ± 4.68 42.25 Ichetucknee River 13.4-14.6 22.2-24.4 5. 2-5. 8 3.4-3. 7 63.0-77.3 42.1-42.4 2 3 2 2 9 2 M . gallopavo — — — — — — Seminole Field Meleagris cf. M. gallopavo. 64.2 Santa Fe River IA 1 M . gallopavo — 23.4* — — — — Wacissa River 1 M. gallopavo 14.8 25.2 5.4 3.8 69.11 ± 3.24 — Buffalo Site 64.6-73.8 1 1 1 1 11 M . gallopavo silvestris, 15.27 ± 0.72 27.11 ± 1.23 5.82 ± 0.41 3.76 ± 0.25 64.70 ± 3.06 45.59 ± 1.24 New York, Pennsylvania, 13.8-16.7 23.9-29.1 5. 0-6. 6 3. 2-4. 3 58.8-74.7 43.2-48.1 Virginia 31 25 31 30 32 24 M. gallopavo osceola, 13.10 ± 0.57 21.71 5.08 ± 0.38 3.40 ± 0.31 66.51 ± 5.55 41.78 Florida 12.4-14.2 19.8-23.9 4. 5-5. 7 3. 1-4.0 59.1-77.8 39.6-43.5 10 7 10 10 10 5 M. gallopavo intermedia. 13.8 23.1 5.3 3.5 67.0 42.3 Texas 1 1 1 1 1 1 M . gallopavo mexicana, 16.1 28.3 5.7 4.1 68.7 44.7 Chihuahua, Mexico 1 1 1 1 1 1 M. gallopavo 14.75 ± 1.16 25.91 ± 2.59 5.64 ± 0.50 3.68 ± 0.31 65.25 ± 3.76 44.84 ± 1.94 Total skeletal specimens 12.4-16.7 19.8-29.1 4. 5-6. 6 3. 1-4.3 58.8-77.8 39.6-48.1 43 34 43 42 44 31 M . californica 15.70 ± 0.62 27.85 ± 1.58 6.26 ± 0.21 4.13 ± 0.18 66.04 ± 2.84 46.11 ± 1.62 Rancho La Brea 14.5-17.1 24.0-32.0 5. 9-6. 7 3. 8-4. 6 60.2-74.1 41.8-49.5 34 33 45 49 45 48 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 205 Table 22. Continued. G/A H/J J/A K/A L/A M/A N/A P/A 40. 8a 39.5* 16 o*a-b 38. 8a — — — — 1 1 1 1 42.8 — — - 16.6 7.7 7.9 8.8 1 1 1 1 1 36.3 — — — 15.0 6.8 7.3 8.0 1 1 1 1 1 36.74 25.68* ± 1.83 20.35* 31.98 14.26 6.24 6.86 ± 0.31 6.96 35.6-38.5 23.2-2 9.0 18.5*— 22.2* 28.9-35.1 13.7-14.8 5. 9-6. 7 6. 4-7. 3 6. 7-7.3 7 14 6 6 7 5 8 5 40.47 27.10* 17.85* 36.45* 15.50 6.7 7.75 8.1 36.3-43.1 22.0*-34. 1* 14.0* — 2 1.7* 33.7*-38.4 14.8-15.8 7. 6-7. 9 3 4 2 4 4 1 2 1 42.3* 40.2 10.5* 30.2* 15.7* — 7.3* 7.9* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 42.4 — — 34.0 14.6 6.2 6.7 7.4 1 37.7 1 — — 1 1 1 1 1 40.95* — — 38.0* 14.40* 6.45* 7.00* 7.65* 39.1-42.8* 13. 9* — 14.9 6. 4-6. 5* 6.9-7. 1* 7.3*-8.0 2 33.7* 1 2 2 2 2 — 1 30.5* 1 — — — — — — 39.95 36.5* 9.1* 36.85 13.65 6.00 6.95 7.40 39.9-40.0 36.5-37.2 13.3-14.0 5. 5-6. 5 6. 6-7. 3 6. 9-7. 9 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 38.40* — — — — — — 36. l*-40.0* 3 — 35.3* 1 — — — — — — 41.2 30.90* _ 33.3 _ 7.0 7.4 27.0*-33.8* 1 7 1 1 1 42.92 ± 1.29 32.09 ± 3.08 12.82 ± 1.35 38.57 ± 3.54 15.32 ± 0.69 6.81 ± 0.37 7.51 ± 0.31 8.02 ± 0.40 40.8-45.2 28.7-40.0 10.4-14.7 33.3-45.3 13.6-16.9 6. 2-7. 5 6. 8-8. 2 6. 8-8. 8 25 13 14 25 31 30 30 30 39.81 28.15 13.05 36.28 12.72 ± 0.57 5.77 ± 0.25 6.28 ± 0.20 6.85 ± 0.51 37.3-43.2 27.5-28.4 13.0-13.2 32.8-40.0 11.8-13.4 5.2-6. 1 5. 9-6. 5 6.4-8. 1 7 4 4 5 10 10 10 10 40.0 33.3 13.1 32.0 13.6 — — — 1 1 1 1 1 42.3 — — 34.9 17.3 7.6 7.7 8.2 1 1 1 1 1 1 42.18 ± 1.92 31.28 ± 3. 12 12.88 ± 1.15 37.89 ± 3.67 14.72 ± 1.35 6.58 ± 0.58 7.22 ± 0.61 7.74 ± 0.66 37.3-45.2 27.5-40.0 10.4-14.7 32.0-45.3 11.8-17.3 5. 2-7. 6 5. 9-8. 2 6. 4-8. 8 34 18 19 32 43 41 41 41 43.35 ± 1.60 33.18* ± 3.76 13.18* ± 1.48 43.68 ± 3.59 16.11 ± 0.42 7.10 ± 0.30 7.76 ± 0.27 8.35 ± 0.37 39.2-46.6 27.6*-46.0* 10.2* — 15.3* 37.4-52.1 15.0—16.9 6.4-7. 7 7.2-8 .3 7. 5-9.0 49 31 31 47 46 37 43 35 Continued 206 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology Table 22. Continued. B/A B/E C/A D/A D/C F/A M. californica 15.78 27.58 6.25 4.16 66.31 45.62 Carpinteria 15.5-16.0 27.3-27.8 6. 0-6. 5 4.0-4. 3 63.6-69.8 44.5-46.2 4 4 4 5 7 5 M . californica 15.71 ± 0.59 27.82 ± 1.49 6.26 ± 0.21 4.13 ± 0.17 66.08 ± 2.74 46.06 ± 1.56 Total specimens 14.5-17.1 24.0-32.0 5. 9-6. 7 3. 8-4. 6 60.2-74.1 41.8-49.5 38 37 49 54 52 53 M . ocellata 14.3 23.6 5.6 3.8 67.9 43.5 Dzibilchaltun 1 1 1 1 1 1 M . ocellata 16.71 ± 0.61 — 6.15 ± 0.33 4.44 ± 0.18 71.87 ± 2.76 44.8 Mayapan 15.6-17.5 5. 5-6. 6 3. 9-4. 7 68.2-76.2 12 15 17 15 1 M . ocellata 14.74 ± 0.59 23.99 ± 1.28 5.61 ± 0.31 3.82 ± 0.18 68.30 ± 3.83 41.97 ± 1.99 Yucatan, Mexico 13.9-15.9 22.3-2 6.6 4. 8-6. 2 3.5-4. 1 61.1-73.4 38.2-45.2 and Peten, Guatemala 14 13 14 12 12 13 M . crassipes — — 7.20* 4.33* 60.00 49.55* San Josecito Cave 7.0*-7.4 4.2*-4.5 59.0-61.0 48. l*-5 1.0 (spurred specimens only) 3 3 3 2 M. crassipes 17.55 — 7.40* ± 0.33 4.55* ± 0.20 61.55 ± 3.15 49.55 San Josecito Cave 16.9-18.2 7.0*-8.0* 4.2*-4.9* 54.8-66.7 48. l*-5 1.0 (all specimens) 2 10 10 15 2 Steadman: Turkey Osteology and Paleontology 207 Table 22. Continued. G/A H/J J/A K/A L/A M/A N/A P/A 42.58 32.57* 13.12* 44.80 16.22 7.13 7.88 8.62 41.3-43.3 26.9*-35.9* 10.8*-15 .4* 39.6-47.7 16.0-16.5 7. 0-7. 3 7. 7-8.0 8. 3-8. 8 5 7 4 4 4 3 4 4 43.28 ± 1.56 33.07 ± 3.63 13.17* ± 1.51 43.77 ± 3.56 16.12 ± 0.40 7.10 ± 0.29 7.77 ± 0.26 8.38 ± 0.36 39.2-46.6 26.9*-46.0* 10.2*— 15.4* 37.4-52.1 15.0-16.9 6.4-7. 7 7. 2-8. 3 7. 5-9.0 54 38 35 51 50 40 47 39 39.6 — — 32.1 15.0 — 7.0 — 1 1 1 1 42.2 — — 37.8 15.84 ± 0.66 — 7.75 — 14.5-16.8 7.4-8. 1 1 1 15 2 38.67 ± 1.67 22.90 ± 2.64 19.64 ± 1.80 36.22 ± 3.89 14.40 ± 0.56 6.82 ± 0.38 7.08 ± 0.21 7.82 ± 0.43 36.1-41.4 19.2-27.9 17.3-23.1 29.4-43.6 13.3-15.1 6. 2-7. 3 6. 8-7. 5 7. 0-8. 6 13 9 11 13 14 11 12 12 44.67* 55.6* 11.0* 31.5 17.3 8.6 8.60 9.6 42.6*-47.2 8. 5-8. 7 3 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 44.67* 55.6* 11.0* 31.5 17.83 8.70 8.62 9.80 42.6*-47.2 17.3-18.6 8. 6-8. 8 8. 4-9.0 9.6-10.2 3 1 1 1 3 2 5 3 a Based on at least one measurement of Martin and Tate 1970; b based on different individuals (UNSM 20036, 20038); c from measurements of Marsh 1872; 11 may include one or more specimens which represent females. * Slightly damaged specimen. LATE PLEISTOCENE AND HOLOCENE TURKEYS IN THE SOUTHWEST By Amadeo M. Rea1 ABSTRACT: Late Quaternary turkey remains from 17 southwestern sites are analyzed. All pre-ag- ricultural turkeys, except those from northern Sonora and one cave in southern New Mexico, are found to be Meleagris crassipes L. Miller, an extinct species not closely related to the modern M. gallopavo Linnaeus, which inhabits much of the Southwest today. M. gallopavo is found associated with sedentary agriculturalists with a subsistence base of two or three crops at all other archaeological sites and time horizons. The major southwestern Indian cultures are herein delimited in time and space, emphasizing Mesoamerican components (particularly the four cultivars — maize, squash, gourd, beans — and macaws). It is proposed that the living turkey M. g. merriami Nelson is a parallel Mesoamerican component that was imported and became feral with the breakdown of southwestern cultures that had occurred by A.D. 1450, if not before. It is currently believed that the Common Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo Linnaeus, occurred in the Southwest in the Pleisto- cene as well as the Holocene ( = Recent) Epochs, evolving from local precursors (AOU 1957, Brodkorb 1964a; Schorger 1966; Steadman this vol.). The late Lyndon L. Hargrave long main- tained (1970a: 16, 25) thatM. g. merriami Nelson, the subspe- cies of Common Turkey found today throughout most of the Southwest (Fig. 1), was derived from Pueblo Indian domes- ticated turkeys that became feral at the time of or following the breakdown and dispersal of the Anasazi Culture in the late thirteenth century. Hargrave’s reasoning was that there were no Pleistocene or Pre-Basket Maker II cultural horizon Com- mon Turkeys known from the Southwest. The independent discovery by Storrs Olson of the National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, and by me, of the quite dis- tinct paleospecies Meleagris crassipes L. Mi'iler, in cave de- posits in New Mexico, provided an opportunity to test Har- grave’s hypothesis. Dr. Olson kindly placed the cave materials he was studying at my disposal because of the cultural (ethno- biological) ramifications of this problem. To resolve the ques- tion of the origin of M. gallopavo, a re-examination of all re- puted pre-agricultural specimens of M. gallopavo throughout the range of modern M. g. merriami was necessary, particu- larly since both Olson and I found both M. crassipes and M. gallopavo, in the same cave deposits. In this paper I shall attempt to present arguments that will provide answers to the following questions: (1) What were the geographic and temporal ranges of M. crassipes and M. gal- lopavo in the Southwest? (2) When did M. crassipes become extinct? (3) What was the relationship between the evolution of sedentary agricultural people and the domestication of the turkey in the area? (4) Did Puebloan peoples capture and do- 1 Curator of Birds and Mammals, San Diego Natural History Mu- seum, San Diego, CA 92112. mesticate birds from preexisting local wild populations, or were domestic turkeys imported along with Mesoamerican cul- tigens (maize, beans, pumpkins) and the macaw? On the basis of the examination of existing fossil and ar- chaeological remains, the first two questions can be answered with some degree of certitude, though carefully dated, strati- fied excavations might modify these answers. The third ques- tion will be sketched only in its broadest outlines, with the details left to the study by Charmion R. McKusick (this vol.). The final question cannot be answered directly, but a sugges- tion can be offered on the basis of available remains. MATERIALS AND METHODS Fossil and modern specimens cited in this report are distin- guished by the following initials: AMNH (American Museum of Natural History), AMR (A.M. Rea Collection), FM (Field Museum), LACM (Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County), LLH (L.L. Hargrave Collection, Museum of North- ern Arizona), MALB (Museum of Arid Land Biology, Uni- versity of Texas, El Paso), MWU (Midwestern University), SC (Stanton’s Cave, Museum of Northern Arizona), SD (San Diego Natural History Museum), TMM (Texas Memorial Museum, University of Texas, Austin), UA (Department of Ecology, Llniversity of Arizona), UAPL (Paleontology Labo- ratory, University of Arizona), USNM (National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution), and WAC (Western Archeological Center, Tucson). All fossil and archaeological specimens were compared with the type series of M. crassipes (LACM), M. californica (LACM), and Recent wild M. gallopavo (total 31; M. g. mer- riami, M. g. intermedia Sennett, and M. g. silvestris Vieillot; AMR, UA, SD, LLH). Most of the cave material is not min- eralized, except where noted. For identifications I used both qualitative and quantitative characters with a heavier reliance Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:209-224. 210 Rea: Southwestern Turkeys Figure 1. Historic ( 1 9th— 20th Century) distributions of southwestern subspecies of Meleagris gallopavo. After European settlement, native turkeys were extirpated from the border ranges of southeast Arizona, and the areas were restocked with M . g. merriami starting early this century. Some forested areas of Utah and northwest Arizona, lacking historic populations, have been stocked with M. g. merriami. The Colorado and New Mexico range has been greatly reduced. (After Aldrich and Duvall 1955; Bailey 1929; Bailey and Neidrach 1965; Phillips et al. 1964; Schorger 1966; and other sources.) on qualitative differences between the two species where pos- sible. Most qualitative characters are given by Steadman (this vol.), although a few additional characters are mentioned be- low. Osteometric data are also given by Steadman (this vol.). Radiocarbon dates are followed by the standard deviation, with the laboratory and sample number in parentheses. All measurements are in millimeters. I have used two systems of dating throughout: years before present (B.P.) for dates older than 2000, and A.D. designations of the Gregorian calendar for those younger. Paleontologists more frequently use the for- mer, prehistorians the latter. Breaking at A.D. 1/2000 B.P. appears to be the least awkward compromise. SYSTEMATICS Meleagris crassipes has been known since its discovery and description (Miller 1940, 1943) only from San Josecito Cavern in southern Nuevo Leon, Mexico, on the east flank of the Sierra Madre Oriental. The species is represented by over 50 elements, mostly limb bones. The scapula, one character of Rea: Southwestern Turkeys 211 which is most important in the evolutionary history of turkeys (Steadman this vol.), is unknown. The associated fauna of San Josecito Cavern includes the Rancholabrean land mammals Canis divas, Nothrotherium sp., Equus sp., Tetrameryx sp., Felix atrox, and Smilodon sp. Extinct birds include Coragyps occidentalis (L. Miller) (=C. atratus ? (Bechstein)), Teratornis merriami L. Miller, Spizaetus grinnelli (L. Miller), Neogyps errans L. Miller, Neoplirontops americanus L. Miller, Wet- moregyps daggetti (L. Miller), and Polyborus prelutosus How- ard (Miller 1943). Meleagris crassipes is a distinctive species, showing little similarity to the two living species of turkeys, M. gallopavo and M. ocellata Cuvier, or to their immediate precursors. Instead, it appears to have been a dead-end side branch in the evolutionary history of turkeys (Steadman this vol.). M. crassipes was a small turkey with relatively large legs, and little sexual dimorphism in size. San Josecito Cavern had surface evidence of human occupancy, but all the bird bones were recovered from “below the zone of human activity” (Miller 1943:144). I am convinced that the osteological and external differences between the two living species of turkeys are insufficient to warrant placing them into separate monotvpic genera, Agri- ocharis Chapman and Meleagris Linnaeus. The supposed ge- neric characters are almost exclusively a matter of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the position, angle, and length of metatarsal spur, and the male head and chest ornamenta- tion. The structure and color pattern of the wing, mantle, rump, and breast feathers of the two living species are strik- ingly similar. Osteologically, Holocene M. gallopavo and M. ocellata more closely resemble each other than either does M. crassipes. Ridgway (in Ridgway and Friedmann 1946:458) noted, “ Agriocharis is, in fact, so closely related to Meleagris that I am somewhat doubtful as to the expediency of recog- nizing it as a genus.” Brodkorb (1964a, b) removed the fossil species M. leopoldi A. Miller and Bowman and M. crassipes from Meleagris, leaving in that genus the three species M. alta Marsh, M. tridens Wetmore, and M. gallopavo Linnaeus. I regard Agriocharis as a synonym of Meleagris, thus returning the species M. ocellata Cuvier, M. leopoldi A.H. Miller and Bowman, and M. crassipes L.H. Miller to Meleagris, along with M. progenes (Brodkorb) and M. anza (Howard). I also strongly doubt that M. californica (L. Miller) is sufficiently distinct to merit being placed in the separate genus Parapavo L. Miller, and prefer considering it as well a species of Mele- agris. Steadman (this vol.) has independently reached similar conclusions. Finally, the so-called New World family Meleagrididae seems to me unjustifiable. The two living species and their paleo-antecedents are merely medium to large pheasants. I recommend placing them in the family Phasianidae, together with the spurred fowl of the Old World. FOSSIL AND EARLY ARCHAEOLOGICAL RECORDS OF MELEAGRIS IN THE SOUTHWEST STANTON’S CAVE, Coconino Co., Arizona. Grand Can- yon, 51 river km below Lee’s Ferry. Distal end of tarsometa- tarsus (SC 76). This bone was obtained from a packrat nest in the cave. Individual nests have not been dated, but the cave floor deposit ranges from 38,000 B.P. to present, with the bulk of the material being Pleistocene (Euler 1978). Bird bones re- covered from the cave include Teratornis merriami, Gymno- gyps ampins L. Miller (=G. californianus ? Shaw), G. califor- nianus, and Centrocercus urophasianus (Bonaparte). All of these species are absent from the area today. Mammals include Oreamnos harringtoni and Bison sp. The packrat nest was burned by vandals before the cave was excavated, so the tar- sometatarsus is slightly calcined but not distorted. The speci- men is clearly from M . crassipes on the basis of characters and lies within the upper size range of the specimens from San Josecito Cavern. The only evidence of human activity in Stan- ton’s Cave was the presence of caches of split willow twig figurines, dated 3000-4000 B.P. (Euler 1978:158). The cave was never a habitation site. LAGUNA SALADA, Apache Co., Arizona. Distal end of tibiotarsus (FM uncatalogued). Martin and Rinaldo (1960:115) reported the tibiotarsus of a turkey, M. gallopavo, taken at a playa camp site on the Upper Colorado, radiocarbon dated 3280 ± 60 (Gro. 1614) B.P. I have re-examined this bone and find it to be from a Sandhill Crane, Gras canadensis (Lin- naeus). Certain bones of Gras and Meleagris are superficially similar (Hargrave and Emslie 1979). PAPAGO SPRINGS CAVE, Santa Cruz Co., Arizona. Complete humerus (AMNH 8683, 8687); distal half of right humerus (AMNH 8693); proximal half of right femur (AMNH 8684); proximal two thirds of right femur (AMNH 2685); all mineralized. Steadman (pers. comm.) found these specimens indistinguishable from those of female M. gallopavo or male M. crassipes. I cleaned these fossils of some heavy matrix to expose critical characters for identification. The complete hu- merus is from M. crassipes. It differs from M. gallopavo in: much greater protrusion of head anconad, especially mediad; narrower capital groove; and very much smaller and differ- ently shaped impression of M. brachialis anticus. Its length is about 121.8 mm. The scar of M. latissimus dorsi is not ex- posed. The partial humerus is from M. cf. crassipes. The impression of M. brachialis anticus is very short and broad, not extending up the shaft as in M. gallopavo. Its distal width is 26.5 mm. The femora are from M. crassipes. They differ from M. gallopavo in: very much wider neck, not pinched off; thicker ridge on posterior view separating trochanter from head and neck (2.5 mm vs. a fine line in equivalent-sized M. gallopavo)', and general configuration of obdurator ridge area. The fauna of Papago Springs Cave is late Pleistocene, with abundant fossils of the extinct pronghorn, Stockoceros onus- crosagris, as well as Camelops sp., Bison sp., Platygonus sp., and two species of Equus (Skinner 1942). NORTH PAPAGO (SONOITA) CAVE, Santa Cruz Co., Arizona. Complete tarsometatarsus lacking spur (AMNH 8686). This specimen is from M. crassipes. This cave is an extension of the above and is presumably the same age. ARIZPE, Sonora, Mexico. Rio San Miguel drainage 97 km southeast of Cananea. Head of humerus (AMNH 6823), min- eralized. This bone was identified by Cracraft (1968) as M. gallopavo. I can find no characters to distinguish it from a large male of that species. It is far too large (width of head, 38.9 mm) for M. crassipes, but it could be a very large M. californica. Steadman (this vol.) considers the character dif- ferences of the head of the humerus noted by Cracraft (1968) too inconsistent for a specific identification between M. gal- lopavo and M. californica. I refer the humerus to M. gallopavo 212 Rea: Southwestern Turkeys on geographic probability. This deposit from northeastern So- nora yielded Bison cf. alleni and Equus cf. tau, suggesting a late Pleistocene age. LA BRISCA, Sonora, Mexico. Rio San Miguel drainage about 25 km northwest of Arizpe. Distal end of ulna (IGCU- 2546), mineralized. Size is not diagnostic in this specimen (dis- tal width, 13.0 mm). Steadman’s measurements (this vol., Ta- bles 10, 1 1) indicate that the specimen lies within the size range of female M. gallopavo, female M. californica, or male M. crassipes. The ulna of M. crassipes is distinguishable from both M. gallopavo and M. californica on the basis of the shape of the internal condyle (short, almost squared in the former; broadly rounded in the latter two). The fossil ulna is the latter type. On the basis of this character and geographic probability I refer the La Brisca fossil to M . gallopavo. TULAROSA CAVE, Catron Co., New Mexico. FM 73,2504 and 73,648, tarsometatarsi; 73,647, coracoid lacking part of head; 73,2247, head of coracoid; all from the pre-pottery occupational phase, radiocarbon dated 2300 (±200) to ca. 2150 years B.P. (Additional turkey bones recovered from younger cultural levels not re-examined.) All four elements are M. gal- lopavo. The tarsometatarsi are smaller and appear more gra- cile than in the wild female M. g. merriami living in the area today. The pathological coracohumeral surface of one cora- coid suggests captivity. SAN ANTONIO SITE, Socorro Co., New Mexico. Rio Grande south of Socorro, 5.6 km NE San Antonio. USNM 14690: distal end of humerus; radius, lacking distal end; nearly complete ulna. Steadman (pers. comm.) examined these bones and could find no qualitative characters. Measurements are: humerus, distal width 23.8 mm; ulna: length 101.8+ mm, distal depth 12.3 mm; radius: proximal width 7.9 mm, prox- imal depth 8.3 mm. On the basis of measurements (Steadman this vol., Tables 8 through 13), I refer these specimens to M. crassipes. The fossils are from the base of a pumicite bed and there were no other associated bones. They are presumed to be Pleistocene, perhaps Blancan (Needham 1936). HOWELL’S RIDGE CAVE, Grant Co., New Mexico. There have been three excavations of this cave deposit, two producing bones of Meleagris. Zeller-Howard pit: coracoid head (LACM 33890), scapula (LACM 33889), proximal and distal ends of an ulna (LACM 33891, 33892). Van Devender pit: tarsometatarsus, rodent gnawed on trochleae and most of head (SD uncataloged). No stratigraphic data were recorded on materials recovered from the Zeller-Howard pit, but How- ard (1962) presumed that they were of late Pleistocene or Ho- locene age. Associated (Howard 1962) were Equus sp., Cam- elops sp., abundant Gymnogyps amplus ( =G . calif or ni anus?) (including young), Coragyps occidentalis (=C. atratus?), and single elements of Spizaetus sp. and Anabernicula sp. Howard (1962:242) considered only the possibility that the turkey was either M. gallopavo or M. californica. She very tentatively referred the turkey elements to M. gallopavo. I identified the proximal end of the ulna (33891) as from M. crassipes on the basis of the short, distinctly squared shape of the internal con- dyle. After further cleaning of the head of the coracoid, I am inclined to consider it a specimen of M. crassipes rather than M. gallopavo or M. californica on the basis of the shape of the coracohumeral surface (broader, less triangular). The How- ell’s Ridge scapula has an almost obsolete foramen, unlike the known M. gallopavo and M. californica where the foramen is well developed, and it well may represent M. crassipes. The large galliform bones recovered from the Harris pit (UTEP) are Centrocercus urophasianus . Van Devender (Van Devender and Worthington 1978) excavated additional parts of this cave with careful stratigraphic controls. Several large galliforms were obtained from the 90-100 cm level, midway between radiocarbon dates of 3330 ± 170 B.P. (A-1354) on the 70-80 cm level, and 6697 ± 324 B.P. (average of A-1429 and A-1430) on the 110-112 cm level Both dates are based on endocarps of Celtis reticulata (netleaf hackberry). The 90- 100 cm level includes the nearly complete and excellently pre- served tarsometatarsus of M. crassipes, apparently a mature female (no evidence of spur attachment). The other galliforms from this stratum are Centrocercus urophasianus. Zeller (Howard 1962:241) suspected human association on the basis of a few flint chips and charcoal, but Van Devender and Harris (pers. comm.) found no suggestion of human occupation. SHELTER CAVE, Dona Ana Co., New Mexico. Incom- plete humerus (LACM 1010/653), two pedal phalanges (LACM 1010/657), distal ends of right and left ulnae (LACM 1010/556, 557). The humerus more closely resembles topotypes of M. crassipes than Hargrave’s extensive series of M. gallopavo mer- riami in such characters as: (1) general greater curvature of the shaft; (2) size (least depth of shaft 9.4 mm); (3) very small brachial depression; and (4) small, slender depression for M. latissimus dorsi. The pedal phalanges cannot be identified to species. The ulnae are identical to those of M. crassipes, except one measures slightly larger (16.0 mm) than the largest of six ulnae (14.1 to 15.6 mm) of M. crassipes from San Josecito Cavern. Associated with these specimens are Gymnogyps cal- ifornianus ? and the extinct species Urubitinga fragilis, Geo- coccyx conklingi Howard, and Pyelorhamphus molothroides A. Miller, all indicating Late Pleistocene age, but with evi- dence of Basket-Maker-like (Archaic) material culture over- lying the fore part of the cave (Howard and A. Miller 1933). This cave and the following are on the west and east sides, respectively, of Pyramid Peak in the southern Organ Moun- tains, north of El Paso, Texas. CONKLING CAVERN, Dofia Ana Co., New Mexico. Shaft of humerus (LACM 1009/21), carpometacarpus (LACM 1009/22), distal end of radius (LACM 1009/23). The humerus, from the 20-23 foot level, is far too large (least diameter of shaft, 11.9 mm; Steadman this vol., Tables 8, 9) and too straight for M. crassipes, but agrees with that of male M. gallopavo. The brachial depression is not deep, but its size and shape resemble those found in M. gallopavo. Surface striations indicate immaturity. The carpometacarpi of M. crassipes and M. gallopavo can be distinguished by the outer curvature of the distal end of metacarpal III, but this area is broken on specimen 1009/22. Measurements of the carpometacarpus are: proximal depth 23.4 mm, minimum axial length 75.6 mm, and maximum axial length (78.2+ mm). These measurements are all too large for M. crassipes and greater than the largest M. californica measured by Steadman (this vol., Tables 14, 15). Its provenience is marked “dump” (presumably material out- side the cave disturbed by treasure hunters, lacking strati- graphic data). The radius, also lacking provenience data, mea- sures 12.8 mm in distal width. I consider all three elements to be M. gallopavo. Associated specimens from Conkling Cavern Rea: Southwestern Turkeys 213 are Coragyps occidentalis (=C. atratus ?), Gymnogyps calif or- nianus, Geococcyx conklingi , as well as Centrocercus urophasianus and Cyanocephalus cyanocephalus, two species living today in more northern arid regions (Howard and Miller 1933). Mammals include extinct Equus sp., an ursid, Hem- iauchenia sp., Camelops sp., and Nothrotherium. There were human remains (presumably Paleo-Indian) at the 10 and 2 1 foot levels, but no Late Archaic material culture. At the 20 foot level there was a hard, water-deposited, horizontal lens, precluding the possibility of intrusive burial (Bryan 1929). Howard and A. Miller (1933:17) consider the better stratified lower levels of Conkling Cavern to be Pleistocene. DRY CAVE, Eddy Co., New Mexico. Guadalupe Moun- tains. Distal end of tarsometatarsus (trochlea gnawed by ro- dent) (MALB 5-239). This specimen of M. crassipes was ex- cavated by A.H. Harris from the Sabertooth Camel Maze section of Dry Cave. The fossil remains are dated 25,160 ± 1730 B.P. This portion of the cavern was sealed so that it was not contaminated with younger materials (Harris pers. comm.). Associated animals include Breagyps clarki, Canis dims, Camelops sp., Tapirus sp., and Equus sp. BURNET CAVE, Eddy Co., New Mexico. East slope of Guadalupe Mountains, about 80 road km west of Carlsbad. Shaft of humerus (ANSP 14161); carpometacarpus (ANSP 13495); femur, lacking distal end (ANSP 14134); tarsometa- tarsus with spur (ANSP 13492); tibiotarsus, lacking proximal end (ANSP 14133). The upper 0.5 to 1 meter of the open cave deposit have Basket-Maker-like burials, but lack corn cobs and pottery (Schultz and E. Howard 1935:273-274). Beneath 1 meter, extending to a depth of 3 meters, were numerous hearths and “Folsom-like” artifacts associated with extinct mammals ( Bison antiquus, Preptoceras sinclairi, Stockoceros onusrosagris , Euceratherium collinum) and the condor Gym- nogyps calif ornianus . The spurred tarsometatarsus and the carpometacarpus, both recovered in the 5 ft 9 in. stratum, are from M. crassipes. The femur (stratum unknown) also appears to be from M. crassipes (muscle lines and other characters) and is buff-tan colored like the previous two elements. The tibiotarsus (14133) is too large and too long for M. crassipes (width across distal cotyla 18.4 mm vs. maximum 17.4 mm in M. crassipes ; distance from distal end of scar for attachment of fibula to distal end 122.7+ mm vs. maximum 104.3 mm in M. crassipes; Steadman this vol., Tables 18, 19). The shaft of the humerus (14161) is too straight and too large for M. cras- sipes. Both the tibiotarsus and humerus fit M. gallopavo, the humerus being in the size range of a male. These latter two bones, as Olson (pers. comm.) has pointed out, are quite white in color, in contrast to the brownish (and probably older) M. crassipes from this deposit. These two elements were presum- ably associated with the upper 0.5 meter of deposit containing Archaic cultural remains. DARK CANYON CAVE, Eddy Co., New Mexico. About 25 km southwest of Carlsbad. Nearly complete coracoid (AMR, uncataloged). Howard (1971:237-240) reported on a large portion of this enormous deposit, although thousands of bird bones still remain to be identified. She reported two tur- key bones, listing them as “ Meleagris gallopavo ?” These and certain other galliform bones were returned to the late L.L. Hargrave, and cannot now be found in his collection. The cave contained abundant teeth of Equus sp. , and many extinct avian species, including Anabernicula sp., Gymnogyps ampins (=G. calif ornianus?), Coragyps occidentalis (=C. atratus?), Neophrontops sp., Geococcyx conklingi, and others. The de- posit containing the extinct species was overlain with Basket- Maker-like material culture. A coracoid, lacking part of the sternal facet, was obtained during subsequent excavations at approximately the 15 foot level. The distinctive shape of the coracohumeral surface and additional characters mentioned by Steadman (this vol.) in- dicate that it is from M . crassipes. Measurements of the spec- imen are: head to internal distal angle 70.5 mm; head through scapular facet 26.3 mm; least width of shaft 7.6 mm. It was associated with the coracoid of Gymnogyps sp. PRATT CAVE, Culberson Co., Texas. McKittrick Canyon, south of Carlsbad, Guadalupe Mountains. Fragmental distal end of humerus (WAC 38A1); fragmental distal end of shaft of tibiotarsus (WAC 35 A 1); distal end of tibiotarsus (WAC 2599/34A1). There is some question of the antiquity of this deposit. I have re-examined the extralimital pigeon, Columba flavirostris Wagler (distal end of humerus), and the extinct roadrunner, Geococcyx conklingi (proximal end of tibiotarsus), identified from the deposit by Hargrave. I find the humeri of C. flavirostris and C. fasciata Say, the species of pigeon to be expected at the site, to be indistinguishable, even using the comparative materials from the Hargrave Collection (all the C. flavirostris specimens being from captive birds). The bone from Pratt Cave is undoubtedly C . fasciata. Rob McKenzie and I have compared the roadrunner tibiotarsus with the type series (LACM) of Conkling’s Roadrunner, finding that it in- deed appears to be G. conklingi, though it is slightly larger and somewhat different in characters. This cave lacks an ex- tinct megafauna, and the herpetofauna is also modern. The entire deposit appears to be less than 6000 B.P. (Gehlbach and Holman 1974:191, 195). The late Archaic remains are radio- carbon dated 2320 ± 70 to 1420 ± 60 B.P. A. Schroeder (pers. comm.) provided stratigraphic data on the cave showing that all the turkey bones are from cultural levels in the cave. The fragmentary humerus is the size of a large male M . gallopavo (depth through internal condyle 12.5 mm; depth through ex- ternal condyle 27.6 mm). The shaft of a tibiotarsus is immature and burned at the distal end. It cannot be identified to species. The distal end of tibiotarsus from a test pit is the size of a large female M. gallopavo. Steadman (this vol.) finds no di- agnostic characters in distal ends of tibiotarsi LUBBOCK LAKE, Lubbock Co., Texas. Llano Estacado (southern High Plains), north of the Edwards Plateau. Re- stored fragments of distal end of tibiotarsus (TTU-A1399) and humerus (TTU-A1391); two pedal phalanges (TTU-A1390, 1443). These several fragmentary elements, from the same ho- rizon in a Clovis Man level, are referred to a single individual. They are not identifiable to species. The date is late Pleistocene (12,000-11,000 B.P.). The associated megafauna includes Mammuthus sp., Equus sp., Camelops sp., Bison sp., and Tapirus sp. (Johnson 1977:65). KLEIN CAVE, Kerr Co., Texas. South-central Texas, northwest of San Antonio. Distal end of femur (MWU 9110). The cave deposit is dated at 8000 B.P. (Roth 1972). The lack of an extinct megafauna is attributed to the shallowness of the cave (Roth 1972:77). Mammals from the cave that require a mesic habitat and are no longer found on the Edwards Plateau 214 Rea: Southwestern Turkeys Table 1. Late Pleistocene and early Holocene paleontological remains from the southwest. Cave, Location Species Element Provenience Association Age Original Source STANTON’S CAVE Coconino Co., Ariz. Meleagris crassipes tarsometa- tarsus pack rat midden Teratornis , Gymnogyps, modern fauna 38,000 B.P. to Recent Rea and Hargrave MS LAGUNA SALADA Apache Co., Ariz. Grus canadensis tibiotarsus camp site cultural 3280 ± 60 B.P. Martin and Rinaldo 1960 PAPAGO SPGS. CAVE Santa Cruz Co., Ariz. M . crassipes M. cf. crassipes M. crassipes humerus humerus 2 femora none Pleistocene megafauna Late Pleistocene Skinner 1942 NORTH PAPAGO CAVE Santa Cruz Co., Ariz. M. crassipes tarsometa- tarsus none Pleistocene megafauna Late Pleistocene ARIZPE Sonora, Mexico M cf. gallopavo humerus head none Bison, Equus Late Pleistocene Cracraft 1968 LA BRISCA Sonora, Mexico M. cf. gallopavo ulna surface Strix brea, Equus Late Pleistocene TULAROSA CAVE Catron Co., N. Mex. M. gallopavo 2 tarso- metatarsi 2 cora- coids pre-pot- tery level cultural 2300-2150 BP. Martin et al. 1952 SAN ANTONIO SITE Socorro Co., N. Mex. M. cf. crassipes humerus ulna radius base of pumicite bed none Early? Pleistocene Needham 1936 HOWELL’S RIDGE CAVE Grant Co., N. Mex. M. crassipes M. crassipes ? M. crassipes ulna scapula coracoid none (Zeller- Howard pit) Equus, Camelops, Gymnogyps, Coragyps, Spizaetos presumed late Pleistocene Howard 1962 M. crassipes tarsometa- tarsus 90-100 cm level Centrocercus urophasianus 3330-6697 B.P. Van Devender and Worth- ington 1978 SHELTER CAVE Doha Ana Co., N. Mex. M. crassipes M. crassipes humerus 2 ulnae none Gymnogyps, Pyelorhamphus, Geococcyx conklingi Late Pleistocene to Late Archaic “Basket Maker” Howard and A. Miller 1933 LUBBOCK LAKE Lubbock Co., Texas Meleagris sp. tibio- tarsus humerus fragments Clovis Man level Mammuthus, Tapirus, Equus, Camelops 12,000- 11,000 B.P. Johnson 1977, Rea in press KLEIN CAVE Kerr Co. , Texas M. gallopavo femur ? Synaptomys cooperi, Mustela erminea, Tamias striatus 8000 B.P. (noncul- tural) Roth 1972, Feduccia 1972 SAN JOSECITO CAVERN Nuevo Leon, Mexico M. crassipes >50 elements below cultural zone Teratornis, Gymno- gyps, Smilodon, Tetrameryx, Equus, N othrotherium Late Pleistocene Miller 1943 INGLESIDE PIT San Patricio Co., Texas M. gallopavo 3 tibio- tarsi 2 tarso- metatarsi 1 coracoid Ciconia maltha, Gopherus hexagonata, Geochelone, Mammuthus, Mammut, Camelops Late Pleistocene Feduccia 1973, Steadman (this vol.), Lundelius 1972 CONKLING CAVERN Doha Ana Co., N. Mex. M . gallopavo M. gallopavo radius humerus shaft none 6 to 7 m level Coragyps, Gymnogyps, Camelops, Equus Paleo- Indian 13,000- 9000 B.P. Howard and A. Miller 1933 M . gallopavo carpometa- carpus “dump” Rea: Southwestern Turkeys 215 Table 1 Continued. Cave, Location Species Element Provenience Association Age Original Source DRY CAVE Eddy Co. , N. Mex. M. crassipes tarsometa- tarsus Breagyps, Canis dints, Camelops, Tapirus, Equus 25,000 B.P. Harris 1978 BURNET CAVE Eddy Co., N. Mex. M . crassipes M. crassipes M . crassipes tarsometa- tarsus carpometa- carpus femur 5 ’9" (1.75 m) Folsom-like arti- facts; Bison, Tetrameryx, Gymnogyps Late Pleistocene Schultz and E. Howard 1935, Wetmore 1932 M . gallopavo M . gallopavo tibio- tarsus humerus none (upper 0.5 m?) presumably Late Archaic DARK CANYON CAVE Eddy Co., N. Mex. ? (lost) unknown (2) unknown Gymnogyps, Cora gyps, Anabernicula, Neophrontops, Equus Late Pleistocene Howard 1971 M. crassipes coracoid 4.5 m, new pocket Gymnogyps , Equus Late Pleistocene PRATT CAVE MKA-1 Eddy Co., N. Mex. M. gallopavo Meleagris sp. humerus tibiotarsi cultural Geococcyx conklingi, and modern fauna, Late Archaic 232 0-1420 B.P. Unpublished report include Tamias striatus, Microtus pennsylvanicus, Synapto- mys cooperi, Mustela erminea, Myotis lucifugus, and Myotis evotis. This indicates a climatic shift from cool, moist condi- tions to warm, dry conditions on the plateau. Roth (1972) found no evidence of human habitation in Klein Cave. Fed- uccia ( 1972) identified the distal end of a femur as M. gallopavo within the size range of a female. Steadman (this vol.) consid- ers the depth of the intercondylar fossa to be a diagnostic character between M. crassipes and M. gallopavo, and we could not distinguish the Klein Cave specimen from three re- cent wild female M. gallopavo at hand. This is the westernmost specimen of M. gallopavo from the late Pleistocene/earlv Ho- locene, exclusive of Sonora and southwest New Mexico, not directly associated with man. INGLESIDE PIT, San Patricio Co., Texas. About 1.5 km inland from the Gulf of Mexico. Feduccia (1973:143) reported six bones (all mineralized): coracoid (TMM 30967-1741), tib- iotarsi (TMM 30967-1139, 30967-1063B, 30967-1564), tarso- metatarsi (TMM 30967-1169, 30967-1467) as M. gallopavo. Steadman (this vol.) has re-examined the material and agrees with Feduccia’s identification. The fauna is late Pleistocene. In summary, this critical evaluation of turkey remains from the Southwest (Table 1; Fig. 3) shows that M . crassipes was widespread from Nuevo Leon, Mexico, to the Grand Canyon, Arizona, in the late Pleistocene. In most caves it is associated with other extinct birds and Rancholabrean land mammals. The earliest radiocarbon date for M. crassipes is 25,000 B.P. (Dry Cave, New Mexico), and it persisted at least until some time between 3300 and 6600 B.P. (Howell’s Ridge Cave, New Mexico). Its presence in greater numbers in southern New Mexico reflects the large number of cave deposits with bones of smaller vertebrates in that area. M. crassipes does not ap- pear temporally sympatric with M. gallopavo in any deposit. So far there is no direct evidence that early man played a role in the extinction of this medium-sized turkey. The late Pleistocene to early Holocene turkey specimens re- ferred to M. gallopavo are restricted to southern New Mexico (Conkling Cavern), northern Sonora (Arizpe, La Brisca), the south-central and Gulf portions of Texas (Klein Cave and In- gleside Pit), and points east (Steadman this vol.). Throughout the remainder of the Southwest, M. gallopavo occurs only after Paleo-Indian times in association with the remains of sedentary agriculturalists. There are three hypotheses that might explain the unusual distributions of the two turkey species from the Southwest: 1. M. crassipes and M. gallopavo occurred sympatrically in the Southwest from the late Pleistocene onward, but only M. crassipes was taken into caves by predators; M. crassipes be- came extinct, but M. gallopavo persisted. I consider differen- tial predation unlikely. The male of M. crassipes was as large as a female M. gallopavo. If both species were present there should have been an equal chance of either species being de- posited in caves by predators. 2. M. crassipes was the only turkey present in the South- west. When it became extinct M. gallopavo extended its range from the east or the south to fill the vacated area. There is nothing intrinsically wrong with this hypothesis and it cannot be proven or disproven. However, climatic factors would seem to discredit the idea of a natural invasion by this large and relatively sedentary species. During the Holocene the South- west underwent a general trend toward a warmer, dryer cli- mate, with woodlands giving way to grasslands and deserts and xeric-adapted plants from Mexico migrating northward at about the time M. gallopavo would have been invading (Van Devender 1976, 1977; Van Devender and Wiseman 1977; Wells 1966; Wells and Berger 1967). Forests became more and more restricted to mountain islands in the Southwest and the 216 Rea: Southwestern Turkeys juniper-pinon-oak woodlands retreated upslope 260 to 1000 meters (Van Devender and Spaulding 1979). The modern species of turkey would have been invading as its preferred habitat of woodlands was shrinking. 3. A third hypothesis is that (a) only M. crassipes occupied the niche of a large phasianid bird during the late Pleistocene, but became extinct during the Holocene; (b) man imported M. gallopavo, along with other domesticated plants and animals; (c) these turkeys escaped, forming a feral population north of M. g. mexicana and west of M. g. intermedia. Any serious consideration of this hypothesis requires a look at the evolution of sedentary cultures in the Southwest, the development of Mesoamerican cultivars, the development of trade routes be- tween Mesoamerica and the Southwest, the transmission of cultural items, and finally, the present distribution and char- acteristics of the various subspecies of M. gallopavo. THE EVOLUTION OF SEDENTARY CULTURES IN THE SOUTHWEST Paleo-Indians and Desert Culture The waves of early man sweeping across the North Amer- ican continent from Asia are called Paleo-Indians. These cul- tures are usually characterized by their distinctive lithic arti- facts; Clovis and Folsom people are well-known examples. Paleo-Indians are usually characterized as megafauna (big game) hunters who exploited many now extinct mammal species, beginning sometime between 15,000 and 10,000 B.P. They also hunted smaller game (Jennings 1974:90-92; Johnson 1977). The somewhat younger Desert Culture of the Archaic stage not only included the Southwest and Great Basin (McGregor 1965: 124-125) but extended from southeast Oregon to the Valley of Mexico (Martin and Plog 1973:69). The Co- chise Complex, a part of this widespread Desert Culture, oc- cupied much of the arid Southwest, lasting in places as late as 2000 B.P. Regardless of the names and times, these cultures, until at least late Cochise times (Dick 1965:100; Martin and Schoenwetter 1960:33-34), were pre-ceramic and pre-agricul- tural, dependent entirely on hunting and gathering (especially seeds) for subsistence. Anasazi Culture (Colorado Plateau) Some knowledge of three subsequent cultures, the Anasazi, Mogollon, and the Hohokam (Fig. 2) are critical to under- standing the pre-history of M. gallopavo in the Southwest. The Archaic phenomenon was a general cultural stage that spread across North America from 8-9000 to 2-4000 B.P. It was best developed in the Southwest (or at least is best known there because of the circumstances of preservation in this arid re- gion) (Amsden 1949; A. Morris 1933:39-55; McGregor 1965:170-186; 206-217; Wormington 1978:27-57; Jennings 1974:134; Martin and Plog 1973:81). The late Archaic San Juan peoples from the Anasazi or Four Corners region (San Juan and Little Colorado drainages) developed through several cultural stages (Basket Maker II and III; Pueblo I through IV), ending in the post-conquest pueblos of today such as Hopi, Acoma, and Zuni. (The cultural stage Basket Maker I is a hypothetical proto-agricultural stage that has not been discov- ered.) Basket Maker II people, dating approximately A.D. 300- 500 (McGregor 1965:471) are characterized by finely woven sandals and other textiles, atlatls for hunting, and corn/squash agriculture. The turkey appears in deposits from this time pe- riod only as feathers or feathered artifacts (Hargrave 1970a; Emslie and Hargrave 1978), not as bones. Toward the end of Basket Maker III time (McGregor (1965:215] puts this around A.D. 600-700), the turkey was certainly domesticated in the regions occupied by the Anasazi and evidence of whole turkey skeletons (almost never individual elements) appears (A. Mor- ris 1933:196-197; E. Morris 1939:120). At approximately the same time, Basket Maker III culture underwent three critical advances, one technical (development of fired pottery), and two agricultural (introduction of beans [ Phaseolus sp ] and the appearance of newer and larger varieties of corn [ Zea mays]). The bow and arrow appeared about this time (Amsden 1949:133; Wormington 1978:55) or somewhat earlier. Early Basket Makers used mammal fur cordage for twining blankets and for clothing. Later in the culture, feathers, par- ticularly from turkeys, were used for this purpose (Hough 1914:5-6, 71-73; Wormington 1978:55, 89; A. Morris 1933:197; Amsden 1949; McGregor 1965:181, 215; Lange 1950.) Amsden pointed out that the fur-cord robes were as- tonishingly heavy but that turkey-feather material had the ad- vantage of lightness. At this time turkey feathers were also starting to be used for ceremonial purposes. The intensive use of turkey feathers continues in the complex religious ceremo- nies of today’s Pueblo Indians. Pueblo II and III peoples had their greatest expansion be- tween A.D. 900 and 1100 (see map, McGregor 1965:279). There is evidence (turkey bone awls and individual elements, occasionally charred, disposed of in trash mounds) that, be- ginning in this period, the turkey was used for food, at least locally. But at earlier sites of these peoples only whole birds occur as carefully interred burials (A. Morris 1933: 196-197; Reed 195 1:197, 200-201; McKusick this vol.). Stiger (1979:140) hypothesizes the use of turkeys for grasshopper con- trol by Pueblo III times. Compared to the adjacent Mogollon Culture, the Anasazi were late in overall cultural development. In the acquisition of genetic materials whose ultimate origin was Mesoamerica, they were centuries behind (see discussion beyond and Table 2). An exceptionally early Anasazi turkey (M. gallopavo) is a mummy from Canyon del Muerto in Canyon de Chelly, es- timated to date to A.D. 250 (Schorger 1961, 1966:20, 1970). It is from a race unknown in the wild. McKusick (pers. comm.) believes the dating is correct. Turkey bones are found in late Archaic Basket-Maker-like deposits from southern New Mexico (Burnet Cave, Pratt Cave, and perhaps the dump material from Conkling Cavern). Presumably these people had a good agricultural base and were capable of maintaining captive turkeys, but little ethno- biological material was salvaged from these earlier excava- tions. Mogollon Culture (Mountains) Evidence for the domestication and use of turkeys in the mountainous areas of the Southwest occupied by the Mogo- llon peoples (Fig. 2) is equivocal. Reed (1951:202) states cat- egorically that “the turkey was certainly not domesticated or Rea: Southwestern Turkeys zi7 Figure 2. Generalized southwestern cultural areas, ca. A.D. 700-1100. (Modified from various sources.) Four major cultural areas are shown. The Mimbres is a late local development of Mogollon Culture. The Sinagua sub-area resulted from influences of Anasazi, Hohokam, and Mogollon. Also late was a Puebloid influenced sub-culture (not shown) along the Hohokam-Mogollon interface, often considered a distinct culture, the Salado. kept by the Mogollon Pueblo groups of the forested uplands.” (Such statements rely heavily on the presumption that wild turkeys were available; e.g., Haurv 1936:93.) However, tur- keys clearly were being raised in Tularosa Cave where Hough (1914:5) reported finding desiccated chicks, eggs, and great quantities of droppings. Schorger (1961) reported finding the crop of an adult mummy filled with a variety of colored flint corn grown by the Mogollon people between A.D. 500 and 700. Martin et al. (1952:499) noted that turkeys appear in the Mo- gollon record (Pine Lawn Phase, 2150 B.P. to A.D. 500) sev- eral centuries earlier than in the Anasazi area. The oldest evidence for a primitive maize north of Mexico is from Bat Cave, Catron Co., New Mexico, at levels even older than the Mogollon Culture (Dick 1965:100). This is a 218 Rea: Southwestern Turkeys Figure 3. Localities where fossil to early cultural Meleagris bones have been reported from the Southwest. See Steadman (this vol.) for details on San Josecito Cavern and Ingleside Pit. 1, Stanton’s Cave. 2, Laguna Salada. 3, North Papago Cave. 4, Papago Springs Cave. 5, La Brisca. 6, Arizpe. 7, Tularosa Cave. 8, Howell’s Ridge Cave. 9, San Antonio Site. 10, Shelter Cave. 11, Conkling Cavern. 12, Burnet Cave. 13, Dry Cave. 14, Dark Canyon Cave. IS, Pratt Cave. 16, Lubbock Lake. 17, Klein Cave 18, San Josecito Cavern. 19, Ingleside Pit. pod popcorn brought into the Southwest as a cultivated va- riety, presumably from the south at least by 5500 B.P. (Dick 1965:93; Mangelsdorf 1954:409). There is a continuous and copious record of corn and its varietal progression in Bat Cave. Abundant vertebrate bones were recovered, but the bird and smaller mammal bones are still unanalyzed (Dick pers. comm.). In nearby Tularosa Cave, a primitive pod corn ap- pears around 2000 B.P. Pottery and turkey feathers also occur about this time, their earliest occurrence in the Southwest. Some caves produced large numbers of turkey bones (Martin and Rinaldo 1950:492; Martin et al. 1952:204, 1954:155), oth- ers few or none. The presence of very few turkey bones from Mimbres sites (sometimes considered a separate culture, A.D. 700-1150) has been interpreted as absence of the bird as a domesticate. However, Mimbres people were familiar with the bird and painted it realistically on pottery. Hohokam (Sonoran Desert) Paralleling in time the early Basket Maker developments to the north was the Hohokam Culture in the Lower Sonoran Desert regions of southern Arizona. Like the Mogollon Cul- Rea: Southwestern Turkeys 219 Table 2. Comparison of subspecific characters of male Common Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo.' Subspecies Rectrix Tips Upper Tail Coverts Rump Size2 M. g. merriami buff or grayish white buff to white bluish-black large M. g. gallopavo white pale pinkish buff to white blue-black medium M. g. mexicana white pinkish white coppery and greenish large Eastern races3 cinnamon to chestnut dark chestnut glossy black (intermedia) variable (large to small) 1 After Schorger (1966) and Ridgway and Friedmann (1946). 2 As determined by wing measurements given in Ridgway and Friedmann (1946); there is relatively little size difference between the tarsometatarsi of these subspecies (means of males range from 162 to 173.8 mm). Sample sizes are small, ranging from 1 to 11. Osteological measurements should be more indicative of actual body size of subspecies. 3 M. g. sylvestris, M. g. osceola, and M. g. intermedia. These three subspecies are richly colored, dark-rumped races. ture, the Hohokam had corn agriculture and ceramics by at least 2000 B.P. (Ventana Cave, Haurv 1950:164-165; Snake- town, Haury 1976:117-118; Cutler and Blake 1976:365-366; Bohrer 1970), as well as an elaborate water control technology. Turkey bones are virtually or completely absent from Ho- hokam sites. Several reputed bones require verification, but Haury (pers. comm.) has been unable to relocate the remains reported from the first Snaketown excavation (Haury 1937:156). The second, more thorough excavation produced no turkey bones (McKusick 1976). A supposed turkey bone necklace (Arizona State Museum, Carpenter 1977) from a San Pedro site proves to be lagomorph long bones (pers. obs.). I have identified a coracoid of a female-sized Small Indian Domestic from the Las Colinas Site (Phoenix, Arizona) that is too small and gracile for either a wild M. g. merriami or an intrusive barnyard female. However, it dates from the late period of Salado-Publoid intrusion, A.D. 1180-1450. I know of no good evidence of any turkey element from a pure Ho- hokam horizon (i.e. , one without Salado cultural influence). ORIGINS AND DEVELOPMENT OF MESOAMERICAN CULTIVARS At least five Mesoamerican domesticates or semi-domesti- cates are known to have entered southwestern cultures by dif- fusion or direct trade. These are corn, squash of several species, gourds, beans of several species, cotton, and macaws. Another animal domesticate, the dog, Canis familiaris, is more ancient, and probably of Old World origin. It is known from late Archaic times (4500 B.P. at Ventana Cave, Haury 1950: 158; beginning of Snaketown, Haury 1976: 1 15, 120; from the beginning of Basket Maker II, Amsden 1949:62-65; Wor- mington 1978:46-47). CORN. Various hypotheses have been advanced to explain the origin of this unique cereal. The present best ar- chaeological evidence from the Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, Mexico, indicates a succession from wild pod corn starting ca. 7200 B.P. (Mangelsdorf, MacNeish, and Galinat 1964:541- 543). It is believed that corn diffused from Mesoamerica to the north as a pod corn, with subsequent infusions of genetic traits (Mangelsdorf 1950, 1954, 1974; Mangelsdorf and Smith 1949:2 13-247; Dick 1965:92-98). The oldest southwestern corn is from Bat Cave (late Cochise Culture dated 5500 B.P.). Both the Hohokam and Basket Maker peoples had corn from their beginnings. SQUASH. Squash species (Cucurbita spp.) are thought to be as ancient as maize, again being derived from the south (Whit- aker and Bemis 1975). Squashes were domesticated in Me- soamerica at least 9000 B.P. (Cutler and Whitaker 1961). The earliest domesticated species in the Southwest, C. pepo, is known from Cordova and Tularosa Caves and at Bat Cave (5500 B.P.) in the Mogollon region (Martin et al. 1952; Dick 1965). The earliest verifiable remains of C . mixta and C. mos- chata in the southwest are from Pueblo II times (A.D. 900- 1050), many centuries after the first appearance of C. pepo. BOTTLE GOURD. The one species of bottle gourd, Lagenaria siceraria, is common to the Old and New World (Cutler and Whitaker 1961). It appears in the Mexican ar- chaeological record at 9000 B.P. (Tamaulipas, MacNeish 1958). The bottle gourd appears in remains dated at around 2300 B.P. in Tularosa and Cordova Caves in the Mogollon area (Martin et al. 1952:475). Verifiable remains from the An- asazi area are from A.D. 608-683 and 610 (Cutler and Whit- aker 1961). The Hohokam had the gourd by the Sacaton Phase (A.D. 900-1100; Haury 1976:183). BEANS. Two species of beans were particularly important in Southwestern cultures. The oldest known, a kidney bean (one variety of Phaseolus vulgaris), appears in deposits dated between 3000 and 2500 B.P. in Bat Cave (Dick 1965:98-99). In Tularosa Cave it appears in remains from 2300 B.P., along with maize and pepo squash (Kaplan 1956:2 18). The Hohokam had the kidney bean before 2000 B.P. (Haury 1976:118, 346; Bohrer 1970:425), but the Anasazi probably acquired it later in Basket Maker III times (Amsden 1949:132; Wormington 1978:55). It appears in the archaeological record in Tamaulipas and the Tehuacan Valley of Mexico 5000 to 7000 B.P. (Kaplan 1967). A second bean species important in Southwestern cultures is the tepary (tepari) ( Phaseolus acutifolius). The tepary ap- pears among the Hohokam remains in the Sacaton Phase of Snaketown (A.D. 900-1100; Haury 1976:118, 338; Kaplan 1956:2 19) and in deposits near Tucson dating from about A.D. 900-1200 (Bohrer, Cutler, and Sauer 1969:4-5). Carlson (1963) records teparies from a Basket Maker III site dated ca. A.D. 700. The tepary was apparently absent from Bat Cave (Smith 1950; Dick 1965:98-99) and Tularosa and Cordova Caves (Martin et al. 1952:474-475). Kaplan (1956:218) suggests the tepary was introduced to the Mogollon area after A.D. 1 100. MacNeish (1964:534) recorded it as a domesticate in the Cox- catlan Phase of the Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, between 7200 and 5400 B.P. (see also Kaplan 1967:208-210). 220 Rea: Southwestern Turkeys Two other species of beans, the lima, Phaseolus lunatus, and the jack bean, Canavalia ensiformis , were grown in the Southwest (Kaplan 1956). The lima appears in late deposits (A.D. 1200-1400 in the Verde Valley, Arizona). Canavalia, a tropical derivative, appears in Hohokam, Anasazi, and Salado ruins dated about a century later (Sauer and Kaplan 1969). COTTON. Cotton, Gossypium sp., was a cultivar in the Tehuacan Valley, Puebla, as early as 5400 to 4300 B.P. (MacNeish 1964:536). The Hohokam probably arrived with this crop (Haury 1976:1 18, 346; Bohrer 1970:425). Some cotton fiber is present in Tularosa Cave (Martin et al. 1952:475). Cotton cloth made its initial appearance here at the beginning of the San Francisco Phase (ca. A.D. 700), as did the bow and arrow. McGregor (1965:246) and Wormington (1978:69-70) place the introduction of cotton to the Anasazi region during Pueblo I period (A.D. 700-900). This cultivar is a Meso- american derivative (see Kent 1957 for a discussion of origins). MACAW. The Scarlet Macaw, Ara macao, and the Military Macaw, A. militaris, were kept in captivity by early South- western peoples. The Scarlet Macaw was an important trade item to all the Southwestern cultures beginning about A.D. 1100 (Hargrave 1970b). Of the two, the more southerly and the more brightly colored Scarlet Macaw accounts for most of the identifiable records. In southern Utah, the northern pe- riphery of Anasazi culture, only macaw feathers have been recovered from archaeological sites (Hargrave 1970b:29; Em- slie and Hargrave 1978; Hargrave in press). Di Peso ( 1 974c: 2 72—2 73) discusses use and trade in Mesoam- erica. In northern Chihuahua, 322 Scarlet Macaw skeletons were recovered from Casas Grandes ruins. The presence of all age stages (including eggs, nestlings, and juvenals) as well as adobe breeding pens indicates that this city was an important breeding center for the late macaw trade to the north (Di Peso 1974b: 182-185; Di Peso 1974c:267, 269, 272-273; McKusick 1974) . Macaws were a source of feathers for ceremonial pur- poses. Lifelike macaws, some eating corn, are depicted in late pueblo kiva (ceremonial room) murals (Smith 1952; Hibben 1975) . The descendants of the Anasazi still use macaw and other parrot feathers ceremonially. CULTURAL EXCHANGE BETWEEN MESOAMERICA AND THE SOUTHWEST The advanced civilizations of Mexico and Central America profoundly modified the southwestern cultures through time. Their influence included not only the exchange of ideas, raw materials, and manufactured items, but also the direct trans- mission of cultivars (corn, squash, gourds, beans, and cotton) and live birds (macaws). Although this exchange extended over two millenia, dynamic periods of especially strong influence can be detected. Early in the proto-agricultural and early ag- ricultural record there were considerable temporal differences as to when elements were acquired by various recipient cul- tures (contrast Mogollon with Anasazi, for instance). But by A.D. 700 a definable constellation of derivatives, mostly Me- soamerican, arrived cross-culturally in the Southwest (Table 2). Many of these elements represent genetic modifications of crops from the advanced cultures to the south. Di Peso (1974a: 104) perceives A.D. 700 ± 50 as a period of great transition between Mesoamerica and the northern fron- tier: “Something occurred which stirred some of the northern frontiersmen. Perhaps it was a motivation which emanated from the great cities located south of the Tropic of Cancer. Here the famed Teotihuacan culture of the Mesa Central had just come to a disastrous end. ... In the Tehuacan Valley, it was the time of the Venta Salada Phase, when full-time agriculturalists irrigated their fields and lived in large com- munities associated with separate ceremonial cities. It is thought that in certain areas south of the Tropic of Cancer, the population increased 5000-fold over the original number. Many of these people were engaged not only in agricultural pursuits but in commerce, salt-making, cotton processing, and other industries which raised their living standards.” Di Peso’s Puchteca (merchant) class may have arisen at this time. For earlier periods, actual routes are less well known. At any rate, in the centuries following A.D. 700, an enormous network in trade in turquoise and other minerals, ceramics, birds, feathers, hides, textiles, shell, and slaves developed be- tween the city of Casas Grandes in Chihuahua and the sur- rounding northern frontier, extending throughout Hohokam, Mogollon, and Anasazi country (Di Peso 1974b: note especially pp. 129, 144, 171, and 193). As with the various cultivars, turkeys, a small breed of M. gallopavo, were present in the Mogollon area by 2000 B.P. (Tularosa Cave). There were several breeds imported (Mc- Kusick this vol.), most likely from several source areas. About A.D. 700, whole turkeys, not just feathers, appear in the southern Anasazi archaeological record. Complete turkeys did not arrive in southern Utah until Pueblo II time, around A.D. 900 (Emslie and Hargrave 1978). The turkey spread among agricultural people (except the Hohokam) raising three subsis- tence crops (corn, squash, and beans). The addition of the third crop (beans) apparently gave a sufficient caloric base for maintaining turkeys as a domestic animal, not generally used as food. Another cultigen (or perhaps only a cultivar), the sunflower (Helianthus spp ), may have been an additional source of turkey feed. From around A.D. 1350 to 1450, the entire Southwest underwent a period of population decline and areal contraction known to archaeologists as “The Great Abandonment.” Al- though the decline was most conspicuous in the Anasazi on the Colorado Plateau because of the great number of large masonry sites, the Hohokam also disappeared at this time, and the Mogollon/Mimbres Culture a little earlier (Haury 1976:351-357; Wormington 1978:107, 144, 161, 166; Mc- Gregor 1965:420-421, 426, 428, 433). Thus, the demographic sequence consisted of a slow (±1000 years) population build- up and expansion, followed by a rapid decline. Though inten- sively studied and debated by archaeologists, ecologists, den- droclimatologists, geologists, and palynologists, no simplistic solutions satisfactorily explain the causality of the Great Aban- donment. Perhaps the combined demographic/ecologic model of Martin and Plog (1974:318-333) comes closest. Regardless of causal factors, the results were the same: Pueblo and puebloid-influenced population centers almost completely disappeared. These included the villages with their great herds of turkeys (McKusick this vol.). Flocks were aban- doned to fend for themselves. I propose that at this time, if not before, the turkey became feral locally throughout what is the modern range of the subspecies M. g. merriami (Fig. 1). It filled the niche in suitable habitats left vacant by the Pleis- tocene M. crassipes north of the range of the Sierra Madre Rea: Southwestern Turkeys 221 Occidental subspecies, M. g. mexicana. Meleagris g. mexicana probably occurred as far north as the border ranges of south- west New Mexico and southeast Arizona, below the Mo- gollon Rim (Aldrich and Duvall 1955; Phillips et al. 1964). Such a distributional pattern is shared by a number of other essentially Mexican montane or encinal vertebrates, including Crotalus lepidus, C. pricei, C. willardi, Otus trichopsis, Peu- cedramus taeniatus, Junco phaeonotus , Nasua narica, and Mephitis macroura. Native M. g. mexicana has been extir- pated from these border ranges (Chiricahuas, Huachucas, Ba- boquivaris, Santa Catalinas, Santa Ritas, Pelonciltos, and probably the San Luis Mountains). Some of these areas have been restocked with M. g. merriami. Only a few specimens of M. g. mexicanus were collected and preserved prior to this restocking, and these records suggest the former northern limit of the Sierra Madrean subspecies. MELEAGRIS G ALLOP A VO MERRIAMI: A FERAL POPULATION? The presumption has been that the turkey, M. g. merriami, occurred wild throughout suitable parts of the Southwest and that it was taken captive by the Basket Maker peoples and eventually domesticated. I suggest exactly the reverse of the above assumption. First, that Mesoamerican turkey feathers were brought to the Anasazi area by trade. Next, the live bird was imported as a domesticate, and later it became feral throughout the range of M. g. merriami. S. Emslie, C. McKusick, and B. Wright are of the opinion that turkeys es- caped from domestication quite early, long before the Great Abandonment. The details of when the various domestic breeds and the wild form appear in the different cultural areas are discussed by McKusick (this vol.). Some areas of the Southwest — parts of Utah, and the North Kaibab Plateau and the Hualapai Mountains of Arizona — lack native populations of M. g. merriami yet have suitable conifer or pine-oak habitat to support turkeys. Some of these areas (Fig. 3) have been successfully stocked in recent decades (Schorger 1966:438-439, 459). The historical absence of tur- keys in these ranges tends to support the feral turkey hypoth- esis. M. g. meiriami historically occurred in habitats where aboriginal peoples carried on a turkey industry or in imme- diately contiguous pine-oak habitats. Parmalee (this vol.) found no turkey bones among the numerous Galliformes re- covered from 16 archaeological sites (5 Archaic and 11 Fre- mont) in Utah. Sinaguan, Patayan, Virgin River Anasazi, and Fremont peoples were not turkey raisers (McKusick this vol.). The disjunct forests in these cultural areas historically lacked turkeys. But other, similarly discontinuous habitats within the turkey-raising Anasazi area (e.g., the Lukachukai and Chuska Mountains) did host native populations. A number of plants have become locally feral, self-main- taining populations in the arid West, after the abandonment of Anglo-European mining or ranching sites: various mus- tards, Brassica spp.; horehound, Marrubium vulgare ; iris, Iris sp.; tree of heaven, Ailanthus altissima ; to mention a few. Some southerners brought the opossum, Didelpltis v. virgini- anus, to California early in the twentieth century and it rapidly spread throughout suitable parts of the state (Grinned, Dixon, and Linsdale 1937). The Old World honey bee, Apis mellifera, is now widespread in the feral state. The escaped burro, Equns asinus, maintains stable populations on the Lower Colorado River drainage, partially filling a niche vacated by several Pleistocene species of horses, Equus spp. These examples dem- onstrate how easily feral populations may be established. VARIATION IN EARLY CULTURAL TURKEYS The early M. gallopavo that appeared in the Southwest were hardly uniform in characters. Schorger (1961) reported a rel- atively small mummified adult male turkey from Tularosa Cave, implying that it was a captive bird. Its distinguishing characteristic was a neck feathered to the base of the skull. Later Schorger (1970) formally described this anomaly as M. g. tularosa, based on two specimens from different localities. The original site description (Hough 1914:5-6) leaves little doubt that it was a domestic form: “A desiccated adult bird, parts of other individuals, desiccated chicks, and a number of eggs were found in a portion of the cave which was evidently a pen where turkeys were kept in captivity, there being great quantities of the droppings of the birds in the debris.” Mc- Kusick (this vol.) finds two basic size varieties in prehistoric sites from the Southwest. Her Small Indian Domestic is the same as Schorger’s (1970) M. g. tularosa “subspecies,” and her Large Indian Domestic corresponds to present-day wild M. g. merriami. Hargrave (1970a) examined feathers of a small brown-toned turkey in Sand Dune Cave (Basket Maker II, A.D. 700 or earlier), and gave these the formal name M. g. coltoni. All the feathers appeared to be from a single individual. According to McKusick (pers. comm.) these are juvenal-plumaged. Since normal black and white feathers occurred in the site, Hargrave reasoned that his new “subspecies” was not the result of post- mortem color changes (“foxing”). Emslie and Hargrave (1978) reported additional “M. g. coltoni" feathers from Westwater Ruin, San Juan Co., southeastern Utah (Basket Maker III/ Pueblo I, ca. A.D. 700). I do not advocate formal nomencla- tural recognition of the individual strains “ coltoni ” and "tu- larosa" because they were undoubtedly domestic birds. CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SUBSPECIES OF COMMON TURKEY If the turkeys that now make up the subspecies M . g. mer- riami did not evolve locally, then what was their source? There are two possibilities: from the east or from the south. The eastern woodland cultures had a subsistence base of maize, squash, and beans, but did not domesticate the turkey; they hunted it in the wild (Schorger 1966:137). In the eastern part of the United States the turkey has a long continuous fossil record, extending back to the Miocene (Steadman this vol ). The eastern races (M. g. sylvestris, M. g. intermedia, and M. g. osceola) do not have subspecific characters that would sug- gest that M. g. merriami was derived from them (Table 2). The eastern races are strongly refuscent, intermediate to small in size, and lack the whitish-tipped lower rump. The races to the south appear to me to be better candidates. M. g. merriami may have been derived from the Large Indian Domestic breed, and this, in turn, from M. g. gallopavo and/or M. g. mexicana. The southernmost M. g. gallopavo is colored almost like M. g. merriami on the rump, tail coverts, and the tips of the 222 Rea: Southwestern Turkeys rectrix, but it is considerably smaller. M. g. mexicana, which ranges geographically between M. g. gallopavo and M. g. mer- riami, is the same size as M. g. merriami. The bimodal size variation within each sex of puebloid turkeys (McKusick this vol.) suggests at least two parental stocks. Schorger’s obser- vation (1970:170) that his “M. g. tularosa" had little white in the wings and no apparent white in the rump suggest a non- Mexican source for the Small Indian Domestic breed. Its col- oring, as well as its small size and odd neck feathering, do not match any wild population living today. Modern M. g. mer- riami is apparently homogeneous throughout its extensive range, with no evidence of “M. g. tularosa ” influence. With at least five centuries of selection in the wild, loss of the great variability would be expected. McKusick (pers. comm.) be- lieves it is futile to speculate on the origin of races since the Common Turkey has been domesticated and transported in Mesoamerica for over 4000 years. Little is known of archaeological turkey distribution and domestication in Mexico. Flannery (1967) found turkey in re- mains from about A.D. 180 (Palo Blanco phase) in the Te- huacan Valley. This is south of the range of wild M. gallo- pavo, in habitat that was then, as now, highly xeric (cactus- thornscrub desert). Both the domestic turkey and the dog were eaten with increasing frequency in the Tehuacan area until the time of conquest. In the Valley of Oaxaca, Flannery (pers. comm, to Hargrave) found that domestic M. gallopavo ap- peared around 2400 B.P. These are still farther from the wild range. Apparently agricultural peoples took this domesticate both to the north and to the south. Archaeological turkey re- mains dating A.D. 700-1300 have been found on the coastal lowlands of northwestern Mexico, below the known range of M. gallopavo (Stuart Scott and Elizabeth Wing pers. comm.). This is further evidence for importation and domestication. CONCLUSIONS Two hypotheses are suggested by the present osteological data. The first is that only M. crassipes was present in the Southwest (north of the Sierra Madrean outliers) during the late Pleistocene and the early Holocene. The available data thus far support this idea. No fossil M. gallopavo are known from within the modern range of M. g. merriami. Meleagris crassipes and M. gallopavo have not been found together. Nor hasM. crassipes been found associated with proto-agricultural or agricultural peoples (Archaic stage or later). The second hypothesis is that at least two stocks of M. gal- lopavo were imported into the Southwest from the south, the east, or both, by peoples with a multi-crop subsistence base after the extinction ofM. crassipes. The spread ofM. gallopavo appears to be directional, following the diffusion of Meso- american cultigens. Turkeys from late Archaic deposits in southern New Mexico are undated. The oldest dated turkeys are from the Mogollon cultural area. Trade in turkey feathers preceded the trade in whole birds. After several centuries tur- keys appeared in the southern Anasazi area, then in the north- ern Anasazi regions. Peripheral cultural areas to the west have little or no evidence of turkey. Although the Fremont culture had corn agriculture and apparently suitable habitat for tur- key, the bird itself was probably not taken that far north. However, lacking any barriers, feral turkeys may have spread from the Mesa Verde area of southwestern Colorado through- out much of that state, resulting in the present range of M. gallopavo. A third hypothesis, that domestic strains of M. gallopavo preceded the wild form, M . g. merriami, in each cultural area, is a part of McKusick’s study (this vol.). The idea of the im- portation of Common Turkey stocks by Indians comes from Hargrave (1970) as well as Schorger (1961, 1966, 1970). ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Many people contributed ideas that became incorporated into this study. Credit must first go to the late ethnobiologist, Lyndon Lane Hargrave, who suggested a critical look at fossil turkeys. Storrs Olson and David Steadman both turned over to me their data on M. crassipes from a number of south- western sites, and Steadman assisted with many of the iden- tifications. Charmion McKusick assisted with the cultural as- pects from her years of study of this species in archaeological contexts. Both Steadman and McKusick offered extensive comments on earlier drafts of this paper. Steve Emslie and Barton Wright read the paper and shared their expertise in southwestern archaeology. I thank all the curators who loaned paleontological and ar- chaeological remains of turkey. Evelyn Burnett and Deanne Demere typed drafts of the manuscript. Eric Lichtwardt pre- pared the maps. Portions of this study were supported by Na- tional Science Foundation Grant NSF-BNS-77-08S8S. LITERATURE CITED Aldrich, J.W., and A.J. Duvall. 1955. Distribution of American gallinaceous game birds. Fish and Wildlife Ser- vice circular No. 34:1-30. American Ornithologists’ Union. 1957. Check-list of North American birds. Fifth ed. American Ornithologists’ Union. Baltimore, Maryland. 691 pp. Amsden, C.A. 1949. Prehistoric southwesterners from Bas- ketmaker to Pueblo. Southwest Museum, Los Angeles, California. 163 pp. Bailey, A.M., and R.J. Niedrach. 1965. The birds of Col- orado. 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McKusick1 ABSTRACT: The study of a minimum of 6713 whole or partial turkey skeletons from 95 southwestern archaeological sites dating between ca. 300 B.C. and A.D. 1723 has resulted in the differentiation of three groups of turkeys that are separable from each other and from all other turkeys known to have occurred in the Southwest: (1) The Small Indian Domestic, Meleagris gallopavo tularosa, first appeared between ca. 300 and 150 B.C. in the Mogollon Culture Area of west central New Mexico coincidentally with the establishment of a stable agricultural food supply, peaked in the Eastern Periphery Pueblos, and became extinct with the fall of the Pueblos in 1672. (2) The Large Indian Domestic, Meleagris gallopavo merriami, appeared in the Anasazi Culture Area in northeastern Arizona about A.D. 400 along with the beginnings of agriculture. The Large Indian Domestic is the predominant race of turkey in southwestern archaeological collections dating from its first appearance about 400 A.D. until 1723, the last known date for large flocks of Indian turkeys. (3) Merriam’s Wild Turkey, also Meleagris gallopavo merriami, may have been present as a feral form of the Large Indian Domestic as early as A.D. 500, Wild Turkey existed shortly before A.D. 600. The study of turkeys from southwestern archaeological sites summarized herein was undertaken as the result of the dis- covery in 1967 that the remains of over 900 turkeys recovered from the excavation of Mound 7, Gran Quivira National Mon- ument, New Mexico, were unlike any previously studied from southwestern archaeological sites. This unusually homoge- neous group of small, gracile-boned turkeys with humped backs and short tarsi raised the question of the time and place of their domestication, and the identity of the wild progenitors of southwestern Indian turkeys in general. As is often the case when several investigators are working on the same problem without each other’s knowledge, they tend to arrive at the same conclusion simultaneously, but from different directions. The late A. W. Schorger, an outstanding authority on the wild turkey, wrote to T.W. Mathews of the Southwest Archaeo- logical Center, Globe, Arizona, in the summer of 1969 seeking information relative to a desiccated short-shanked turkey with a fully-feathered neck from a southwestern archaeological site that he was studying. Mathews supplied him with the series of measurements I had taken from the Mound 7 turkeys. From a comparison of characters and measurements it became ob- vious to all three of us that the Tularosa mummy was a spec- imen of the small breed known only from skeletal elements at Gran Quivira. Based on our combined data, Schorger (1970:168-170) described the Tularosa Turkey as a new extinct subspecies, Meleagris gallopavo tularosa, in January of 1970. Although Schorger’s enquiry resulted in a concerted effort to solve the turkey problem, the problem itself had been around a long time. I had discussed the Indian domestic tur- keys, their origin and development with the late Lyndon L. 1 Southwest Bird Laboratory, Route 1, Box 35-D, Globe, Arizona 85501. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:225— 235 and feral turkeys clearly identifiable as Merriam’s Hargrave, Erik Reed, and Mathews in 1963, but no plan of research was proposed. The subject came up again when Al- den C. Hayes submitted his avian collection from the exca- vation of Mound 7 at Gran Quivira National Monument for identification. To complete this study, I found it necessary to isolate diagnostic characters of the three groups of Indian tur- keys. Mathews confirmed the validity of these characters in producing reliable identifications. A.W. Schorger reviewed the entire project before his death, and wrote to us that our find- ings agreed with his. Small Indian Domestic Turkeys, Large Indian Domestic Turkeys, and Merriam’s Wild Turkeys may be distinguished from each other by comparison of characters of the mandible, pelvis, coracoid, scapula, humerus, carpo- metacarpus, femur, and tibiotarsus, as well as by means of mea- surements of sample populations. Illustrations of the age stages of the three groups of turkeys (which are pertinent to the ar- chaeologist’s reconstruction of the yearly round of human ac- tivity), the diagnostic osteological characters of the three groups, and the means of measurements of the sample popu- lations are found elsewhere (McKusick 1980). The capability of segregating the various groups of turkeys that occur at prehistoric habitational sites in the Southwest made it possible for the first time to test the various hypotheses of turkey origins and distribution. 1. Reed (1951), citing Hargrave’s observation that turkey pens are found in areas where wild turkeys do not now exist and where there is no evidence of there ever having been any, hypothesized that turkeys were hunted in areas where they were available as wild birds and were raised in areas where they were not. 2. Reed (1951) further hypothesized that turkeys were eaten mostly by the northern Anasazi and their cultural descendents. 3. Johnson (1965) hypothesized that hunting turkeys rather 226 McKusick: Turkey Domestication Figure 1. Locations of dated southwestern archaeological sites yielding turkey remains. than raising them was a diagnostic trait of Western Pueblo Culture. 4. Hargrave hypothesized (pers. comm. 1963) that aberrant turkey bones recovered from southwestern human habitational sites represented remnants of Pleistocene forms. He did not attempt to explain how the Indians had obtained these forms, or why they had supposedly persisted into the fourteenth cen- tury A.D. 5. Hargrave discussed (pers. comm. 1963), and Rea (this vol.) tested, the hypothesis that modern Merriam’s Wild Tur- keys are descendents of feral domestic turkeys, rather than that Indian domestic turkeys are the descendents of indigenous wild forms. 6. McKusick hypothesized in 1968 (Western Archaeological Center Avian Files) that Indian domestic turkeys were intro- duced into the Southwest as part of the Formative Level Cul- tural Complex or Complexes (corn, beans, squash, permanent housing, pottery, social stratification) from some place or places outside the Southwest. Recently, A.M. Rea’s interest in Meleagris crassipes re- opened the issue of the southwestern specimens identified as Pleistocene and pre-agricultural turkeys. This project made it necessary for me to re-examine all turkey bones from south- western archaeological human habitational sites that had been set aside as Pleistocene remnants, just as Rea was re-exam- ining all pre-Formative Stage specimens that had been for- merly identified asM. gallopavo. Rea did not provide me with a hypothesis to test in this project, rather he asked for a review of the specimens and an objective evaluation of their identi- fication. METHODS In this study, variables such as age stages and sexual di- morphism were determined before subspecific differences or differences between wild and domestic forms of the same sub- species were considered. I raised poults of the modern table breed, Meleagris gallopavo gallopavo, to adulthood to secure data on differential rates of growth of males and females through their developmental stages. I obtained skeletons to represent the desired osteological age classes from free-ranging domestic turkeys. In addition, C.A. Thomas of the Southwest Archaeological Center enlisted the aid of Gila County, Ari- zona, turkey hunters. I examined turkeys from both spring and fall hunting seasons, collecting head, feet, and feather samples, noting the color of vane, rachis, and legs, recording McKusick: Turkey Domestication 227 the sex, and tagging the carcass for matching of the bones and samples after the birds were roasted and eaten. Seven age stages were defined to answer specific questions for the ar- chaeologist about aboriginal turkey usage, turkey culture, and the yearly round of human activity (McKusick 1979). Information on age stages and sexual dimorphism also proved useful in the proper identification of a series of speci- mens that Hargrave had accumulated at the Southwest Ar- chaeological Center, Globe, Arizona, from collections studied between the early 1930’s and 1968. These had been referred to Pleistocene forms in spite of the fact that they were found in collections from human habitational sites in the Southwest, some of which have been dated as late as A.D. 1340. Data on the Small Indian Domestic Turkey, Meleagris gal- lopavo tularosa, are based on an unmixed population of 923 individuals from Mound 7, Gran Quivira National Monu- ment, New Mexico. Data for the Large Indian Domestic Tur- key, Meleagris gallopavo merriami, are based on an early, un- mixed, classic population of 32 individuals from Tse-ta’a, Canyon de Chelley, Arizona. Archaeological samples of Mer- riam’s Wild Turkey, also Meleagris gallopavo merriami, are too fragmentary to be useful in establishing ranges of mea- surements; therefore, modern wild specimens were employed. As the study progressed, it seemed advisable to test methods and criteria against as many collections from as many areas of the Southwest and as many time periods as possible. Ac- cordingly, every turkey specimen available for loan from southwestern archaeological sites was borrowed, examined, and where possible, measured. SOUTHWESTERN TURKEYS IN TIME AND SPACE I derived the time data and geographical locations found in this section from file records and publications of the institu- tions that loaned the specimens I examined, and from personal communication with individuals who performed or were fa- miliar with the excavations of the sites from which the speci- mens were recovered. Site locations are indicated on Fig. 1. For the purpose of easy comparison, I shall discuss the sites by the time periods established by Willey (1966:188) for cul- tural designations of the Anasazi Culture, since in no other cultural area did turkeys assume such an important role in the economy and life of the people. It is recognized that the pop- ulations of some areas, such as Chaco Canyon, reached a given cultural level earlier than the main stream of Anasazi devel- opment, while others, such as the western Basket Maker, lagged considerably. To the non-archaeologist reader, cultural development at some sites may seem slightly out of phase with the main stream of southwestern development, but this is a well-recognized phenomenon that in our modern day culture is illustrated by the contrast between the cultural manifestation in Manhattan, a medium-sized midwestern town, and a back- woods farm in Appalachia. What is important in this study is the date of occurrence of the turkeys, their breeds, and their relationships to the inhabitants of the site at which they were found. Proto-Agricultural and Basket Maker II 300 B.C. to A.D. 400, Fig. 2 The only occurrence of turkey feathers in the Southwest that has been referred to a Proto-Agricultural context is that re- ported from the excavation of Fresnal Cave, LA 10 101, near Cloudcroft, New Mexico, which dates from ca. 2500 B.C. to ca. A.D. 1 (Vorsila Bohrer pers. comm.). Turkey feathers from this cave are mainly the irridescent tips of body feathers; only a few specimens are from wing coverts or the tail. The collec- tion includes rachis sections stripped of their vanes in a manner associated elsewhere with the production of feather cordage. Therefore, I believe these turkey specimens represent a level of cultural development no earlier than Basket Maker II, and I have included them here despite the greater antiquity of the major portion of the collection. In undisputed Basket Maker II levels, turkey feather blan- kets occur in addition to rabbit fur blankets in such areas as Grand Gulch, Utah; Durango, Colorado; and Canyon del Muerto, Arizona (Morris 1939:18). Excavations at Canyon del Muerto have also produced from a Basket Maker II level the headless mummy of a Small Indian Domestic (a “Tularosa Turkey”) with vegetal cordage around its neck. It was dated at ca. A.D. 250 on the basis of associated cultural material by R.G. Vivian (Southwest Archaeological Center Photo Files). R. Richert, who is familiar with the circumstances of the find, believes this is a conservative date; i.e., the bird may be even older (Richert pers. comm.). Bones of four Small Indian Domestics from Tularosa Cave, New Mexico, occur in Pre-Pottery Phase levels dated by Mar- tin et al. (1952:483) at ca. 300 B.C. ± 150-200 years. The more western Basket Maker II peoples of the Kayenta area of northeastern Arizona apparently were behind their eastern counterparts in the use of turkeys, since Guernsey and Kidder (1921:111) did not find any feather-string in these sites. I re-examined the feather collection from Woodchuck Cave, a Basket Maker II burial cave dated at A.D. 200 ± 100 years (Locket and Hargrave 1953). There are two specimens of pas- serine feather cordage, one a Z-twisted skin strip and the other a skin strip with feathers Z-wrapped on a two-ply Z-twist vegetal core, but only one specimen of whole-feather turkey wrapping (Specimen No. 3112/B6.30). No turkey bones were recovered from this cave, and turkey feathers are so few that it is probable that they were trade items, since wild turkeys are not known from this area at any time level. Du Pont Cave in Utah, dated by tree rings at A.D. 217 (Lockett and Har- grave 1953:31), contained no turkey cordage, only the type of cordage wrapped with strips of skin of small birds (Nusbaum et al. 1922:104). Evidence of cultural lag is found at Sand Dune Cave near Navajo Mountain, Utah, where the Basket Maker II period is dated A.D. 300 to A.D. 700 (Hargrave 1970). Here are found only bundled turkey feathers, and no feather cordage even in a time period that was elsewhere Basket Maker III. In this case, far beyond the known range of wild turkeys, feathers are presumably those of domestic birds traded in from another area, probably Canyon de Chelley or Canyon del Muerto, Ar- izona. Basket Maker III A.D. 400-700, Fig. 3 Both at Mesa Verde, Colorado, and at Tse-ta’a in Canyon de Chelley, Arizona, the Large Indian Domestic Breed was predominant. Skeletal remains from this period show no in- dications of food use, and presumably the birds were used only for their feathers. Morris (1941:197, 201, 202) reported turkey pens between the Basket Maker III slab and pole houses ex- 228 McKusick: Turkey Domestication cavated at Tseahatso and the surrounding cave wall. Approx- imately 300 (Lee Abel pers. comm.) natural mummies of tur- keys that had apparently died of old age were excavated from this cave. In addition, one young turkey that had suffered a broken leg was found. The injured limb had been set, bound with soft fiber, and splinted. In spite of this careful attention, the bird died and was buried with the splints still in place. W.D. Lipe excavated the bones of Large Indian Domestic Turkeys from Site GG70-187, about 3 km east of Grand Gulch, Utah, associated with Basket Maker III cultural ma- terials that probably date into the A.D. 600’s. These are classic specimens that compare well with those from Tse-ta’a in Ar- izona. Bones of Merriam’s Wild Turkey were found at AZ P: 16: 1 , Bear Ruin, in east central Arizona, with remains that date from the seventh century A.D. Two tubes cut from the tar- sometatarsi of males, including the spur cores (Haury 1940:14, 116), represent specimens of extremely early worked turkey bone. In the Point of Pines area of Arizona, a turkey bone was recovered from an early Circle Prairie Phase pit house that probably dates before A.D. 600 (Wheat 1954:179). I have re- ferred it to Merriam’s Wild Turkey. Pueblo I A.D. 700-900, Fig. 4 Information on Pueblo I turkeys is scanty. The only material examined is from Site 1205, Site 1678, and Badger House, all on Mesa Verde, Colorado; Tse-ta’a in Canyon de Chelley, Arizona; La 3427, the Favorino Site on the San Juan River, New Mexico; and La 3320, southwest of Duke, New Mexico. Only the Large Indian Domestic Breed is represented. There is no reliable evidence of the use of turkeys other than for feathers in this period. Guernsey (1931:92-93) reported finding feather cord robes in Pueblo I burials at Cave 1, Segi Canyon, in northeastern Arizona. Because fur cord robes were included in the same burials, it is probable that the feather cord examples were items of trade and that live turkeys were not yet known in the area. Pueblo II A.D. 900-1100, Fig. 5 During Pueblo II time the Large Indian Domestic Breed spread from its Four Corners homeland as far west as NA McKusick: Turkey Domestication 229 8604 near Kiet Siel, Arizona, east to TA 32 near Ranchos de Taos, New Mexico, and south to Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico, forming a T-shaped distribution. In contrast to earlier levels that lacked turkey remains, Pueblo II and later levels at Tseh-So in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, contained many turkey bones (Brand et al. 1937:101, 106). Burials of headless female turkeys were also found in the kivas at this site. Tularosa Cave, although now included in the area where Large Indian Domestics were predominant, still yielded a feathered mummy of the Tularosa Turkey, or Small Indian Domestic. The occurrence of a Small Indian Domestic at this site may have cultural significance. Four desiccated poults of erythristic coloration and a specimen of bone from Merriam’s Wild Turkey were also recovered from Tularosa Cave at levels dated at A.D. 1100 (P.S. Martin pers. comm.). The one piece of stripped-vane cordage recovered from NA 863, Medicine Cave, in the area of Flagstaff, Arizona, may have been a trade item (Bartlet 1934:46); however, a turkey bone has also been found at a nearby site at the Grand Falls of the Little Colorado. I have referred the latter to the Large Indian Domestic Breed. These occurrences in the Sinagua Cul- tural Area are out of the main region of turkey raising, and turkeys never assumed any real importance. Pueblo III A.D. 1100-1300, Fig. 6 By Pueblo III times the Large Indian Domestic was gener- ally known throughout the Southwest except in the Sinagua and Hohokam Culture Areas of Arizona. The Sinagua peoples had domestic turkeys available, but did not include turkey raising in their cultural complex. Turkey remains found in Sinagua sites were probably traded in from the north and east. The Hohokam peoples appear to have been even more disin- terested, as no turkey specimens have been found in Hohokam sites except for two or three specimens from Salado cultural deposits, such as those at Casa Grande, Arizona. The butchered and broken condition of Merriam’s Wild Turkey bones recovered from sites along the Mogollon Rim during this time period indicates that wild turkeys were hunted to a limited extent along this upland area from the Galaz Site in southwestern New Mexico to Walnut Canyon in northern Arizona. The Small Indian Domestic appeared at Gran Quivira as a homogeneous, well-standardized breed about A.D. 1275. It has been found in much smaller numbers in Pueblo III deposits at Mesa Verde, Colorado, and at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. 230 McKusick: Turkey Domestication Pueblo IV A.D. 1300-1700, Fig. 7 The large settlements in the Mesa Verde, Colorado; Canyon de Chelley, Arizona; and Chaco Canyon, New Mexico, areas were vacant by the Pueblo IV period. The center of turkey raising had moved south and east to the Rio Grande and the Eastern Periphery of the Southwest Cultural Area. Although the Large Indian Domestic was predominant, wild turkeys were hunted in the Point of Pines area and at Grasshopper in Arizona. The two specimens from the Verde Valley, Arizona, are also probably Merriam’s Wild Turkey, which had been present just to the east as a feral form of the Large Indian Domestic since before A.D. 600. The Small Indian Domestic Breed reached its peak at this time in central New Mexico at the Tompiro Pueblos of Gran Quivira, Pueblo Pardo, and Tabira. It was still present at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico, in small numbers, along with the much more numerous Large Indian Domestics, until the fall of the city ca. A.D. 1340. Single specimens of the Small Indian Domestic have been found at the University Ruin and Reeve Ruin in Arizona (which date to ca. A.D. 1350), but turkey raising never assumed any importance in this area. An immature specimen from Casa Grande, Arizona, is definitely from a domesticated turkey but is too young to assign to breed. A turkey specimen from Gila Pueblo, Arizona, is so young that it cannot be assigned to breed, wild or domestic. DISCUSSION OF HYPOTHESES 1 . Reed’s hypothesis that turkeys were hunted where they were available wild, and raised in areas where they were not. Reed’s discussion (1951) indicated that his thinking centers on the obvious evidence of domestication in the Anasazi Cul- tural Area. Certainly domestic turkeys were present in the Anasazi Area, but data indicate that they were not domesti- cated there, but were brought in as a well-established domestic breed from elsewhere. However, Small Indian Domestics were known in the Mo- gollon Cultural Area about 500 years before they were known in the Anasazi Area, and about 700 years before the favored Anasazi breed, the Large Indian Domestic, appeared in that area. Turkeys were hunted along the Mogollon Rim, but not early (indeed, there were none to hunt) or in any great numbers. A few were hunted by about A.D. 600 after the Large Indian McKusick: Turkey Domestication 231 Domestics were introduced and had an opportunity to become feral. More were hunted during the 12GG’s and 1300’s than at any other period, but their remains never approached the number of those of domestics at the excavations in which they were found. 2. Reed’s hypothesis (1951) that turkeys were eaten mostly by the northern Anasazi and their cultural descendents. This is generally true for the Large Indian Domestic Breed. It is interesting to note that no Small Indian Domestics turn up as food refuse anywhere in the Southwest, with the possible exception of one sample at Antelope House, Canyon del Muer- to, Arizona. Greatest food use of turkeys occurs on the Mesa Verde, Colorado, and at some of the Rio Grande Pueblos in New Mexico, and involves only Large Indian Domestics. Mi- nor food use of Merriam’s Wild Turkeys occurred late, in the 120Q’s and 1300’s, and only along the Mogollon Rim of Arizona and New Mexico. 3. Johnson’s hypothesis (1965) that hunting turkeys rather than raising them was a diagnostic trait of Western Pueblo Culture. Of 17 Western Pueblo avian collections examined, domestic turkeys were present in 16 and wild turkeys in only 6. Thus, turkey hunting does not appear to be diagnostic for Western Pueblo Culture, and is probably a function of geographical location. 4. Hargrave’s hypothesis (1963) that Pleistocene forms were present in southwestern archaeological sites. I have discarded this hypothesis in light of present evidence. The specimens he set aside as not conforming to the general population of turkeys from archaeological sites have subse- quently proved to be either immature forms of the Large In- dian Domestic, or adults of the Small Indian Domestic. 5. The Hargrave/Rea hypothesis (1963) that southwestern wild turkeys are the descendents of feral domestics, rather than that Indian domestics were the descendents of indigenous wild forms. Available data support this hypothesis. Rea (this vol.) has demonstrated that a different species of turkey was the indig- enous inhabitant of most of the Southwest. Further, Merriam’s Wild Turkey appeared in the Southwest subsequent to the spread of the Large Indian Domestic to which it is clearly related. 6. McKusick’s hypothesis (1968) that turkeys were brought into the Southwest already domesticated from somewhere else as part of the Formative Cultural Complex. 232 McKusick: Turkey Domestication Figure 6. Turkey distribution in the Southwest from A.D. 1100 to 1300. This hypothesis has also held up well. All early turkeys are identifiable as members of two well-standardized domestic breeds. The only evidence of local domestication in the South- west is at Point of Pines, Arizona, where feral Large Indian Domestics (i.e., Merriam’s Wild Turkeys) were apparently re- domesticated. No forms of Meleagris gallopavo, domestic or wild, are found in the Southwest proper before the advent of Formative Level Culture, first in the Mogollon Area, and much later, in the Anasazi Area. This is reasonable if one considers that the only way domestic turkeys could have been maintained in the circumstances in which they are known to have occurred is if there were a reliable agricultural surplus (Rea this vol.). Where the domestics came from is still unknown. The Large Indian Domestics in their feral form did well in the mountains of the Mogollon Rim, but the Small Indian Domestics do not appear to have gone feral. Rea (pers. comm.) has suggested that this may indicate physiological as well as morphological differences between the Small and Large Indian Domestics, a possible result of the former having originally come from an area that was ecologically very different from the Southwest. The Small Indian Domestics were a small, dark-plumaged breed that, following Bergman’s Rule and Allen’s Rule (Van Tyne and Berger 1959:358), one would expect to inhabit a warm, moist environment. The arid Southwest was apparently inappropriate for their survival in the wild. CONCLUSIONS A review of the specimens of turkeys known to date from archaeological sites in the Southwest indicates that research into the origin and distribution of turkeys has been adversely affected by a basic misconception. The preconception that In- dian turkeys were domesticated from birds native to the area has stood in the way of fruitful research for more than 40 years. Steadman (this vol.) and Rea (this vol.) have now cor- rected this misconception. The Indian domestics came from elsewhere, probably relatively far away, because the turkeys presently surrounding the area — the Rio Grande Turkey, Meleagris gallopavo intermedia ; Gould’s Wild Turkey, M. g. mexicana', and the South Mexican Turkey, M. g. gallopavo — are clearly not involved in the ancestry of the Small Indian Domestic, M. g. tularosa, and I am unable to find characters connecting any of them with the ancestry of the Large Indian Domestic, M. g. merriami. As introduced domestics, Indian turkeys take on a different McKusick: Turkey Domestication 233 Figure 7. Turkey distribution in the Southwest from A.D. 1300 to 1700. role than that to which the southwestern archaeologist has become accustomed. They are as characteristic of a people as are their pottery designs or their ceremonial paraphernalia. They are useful aids in tracing trade routes and movements of people. Their propagation and use is determined by cultural factors, not by ecological considerations. The study of avian remains from southwestern sites began as an attempt to reconstruct prehistoric climate. Time and experience, however, have made it evident that certain por- tions of the avifauna are poor indicators of prehistoric climate. Southwestern Indians persistently went great distances, in some cases many hundreds of kilometers, to procure the birds they desired while ignoring locally available species. Therefore it is not surprising that the southwest Indians also brought domesticated turkeys from somewhere beyond the general area of their habitation. The keeping of domestic turkeys presupposed a Formative State of Culture, when agriculture was already well enough established to provide a year-round surplus of food. In the Southwest, the Formative Stage is known earliest, about 300 B.C., in the Mogollon Area. As to be expected, the earliest turkeys in any southwest archaeological sites are also found in the Mogollon Area, as exemplified by the Small Indian Do- mestics at Tularosa Cave, that date from 300 B.C. ± ISO to 200 years. The next record of the Small Indian Domestic is at Canyon del Muerto, ca. A.D. 2S0, but the breed was not gen- erally favored by the Anasazi, though a few apparently per- sisted at Antelope House through the Pueblo III occupation. On Mesa Verde, the few Small Indian Domestics present at Long House and Mug House date to ca. A.D. 1275 to 1300. At Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Small Indian Domestics ap- parently interbred with Large Indian domestics. Why this hy- bridization should have occurred here is uncertain, but the peculiar nature of the site may shed some light on the problem. Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, was a trading outpost of Mesoam- erica. Manufactured goods were produced and traded for raw materials and regional specialties. Turkeys from the American Southwest were apparently traded south in exchange for ma- caws. In the Mogollon and Anasazi Culture Areas, Small In- dian Domestics and Large Indian Domestics co-existed for long periods without any discernable mixing, perhaps as the result of a cultural factor: that is, turkey strains may have been the property of kinship groups (in the same manner as, for ex- ample, seed corn), and may have been maintained as separate property. It may be that turkeys traded south to Casas Grandes entered a different cultural configuration, where they were merely merchandise, and where cultural factors that may have kept the strains separate in the north simply did not exist. 234 McKusick: Turkey Domestication Small Indian Domestics were most numerous at the Tom- piro Pueblos of central New Mexico. They were present there from ca. A.D. 1275 until the breed disappeared in A.D. 1672 with the fall of Las Humanas Pueblo at Gran Quivira National Monument. The Large Indian Domestic appeared in the Southwest some time during the Basket Maker III Period, between A.D. 400 and 700. The vast number of turkey burials in Canyon del Muerto (Morris 1941), plus the rapidly increasing numbers of feather cord robes present in remains from the end of the pre- vious period, suggest that a date of A.D. 400 to 500 for intro- duction of the breed is conservative. By A.D. 600 the Large Indian Domestic was already the most numerous turkey race in the Southwest. Its greatest areal expansion is coincidental with the Pueblo II Anasazi expansion that took place between A.D. 900 and 1 100 (see Willey 1966:207, Fig. 5). Large Indian Domestics make up the greatest percentage of turkey remains at nearly all sites from A.D. 600 through 1672, when large flocks of domestic turkeys were last noted (Schroeder 1968:102-103). Merriam’s Wild Turkey was present by A.D. 600; it is not known before the time at which the Large Indian Domestic became the predominant southwestern breed. Analysis of plant remains from Tularosa Cave (Martin et al. 1952:469) outlines a regression of Mogollon Culture in the Georgetown Phase, A.D. 500 to 700, in which the Mogollon people dealt with some crisis in their way of life by retreating for 200 years into the Archaic Cultural Stage. Since we know that Indian do- mestic turkeys were already well established in their culture, it is reasonable to suppose that turkeys that may not have been adequately tended during this more mobile hunting and gath- ering period either died or became feral. No feral Tularosa Turkeys have ever been found, and the Small Indian Domes- tics that were not cared for probably died. However, feral Large Indian Domestics seem to have survived rather well, and are still with us today as Merriam’s Wild Turkey. The only experiment in turkey domestication that can be demonstrated in the entire Southwest, at any period, took place at Point of Pines, Arizona. There, at the base of Nantak Ridge, a classic population of Large Indian Domestics shows late admixtures of wild characters and an unprecedented in- crease in size. These fine big birds have been found at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, and perhaps were traded for macaws, since macaws from AZ W: 10:50 and Chih. D:9:l show simul- taneous identical abnormalities (McKusick 1974). Thus, we have the Small Indian Domestic that may have persisted in small numbers for 1900 years, from as early as 300 B.C. to A.D. 1672; the Large Indian Domestic that was present in the Southwest for only about 1200 years, although in much greater numbers than the Small Indian Domestic; and the feral descendent of the Large Indian Domestic, Merriam’s Wild Turkey, which has been around for 1400 years, and ap- pears likely to persist given modern game management prac- tices. One factor that has become evident, but that was not con- sidered in any of the hypotheses tested, is the relationship of the turkey to Mesoamerican socio-religious practices. While the occurrences of the macaw in the Southwest, both at Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico, and in the United States, are recognized as a function of the ebb and flow of the popularity of the Quetzalcoatl Cult, little attention has been paid to the place of the turkey in this complex. Burland and Forman (1975:55-56) explain Quetzalcoatl, the Feathered Serpent, as the manifestation of the intellectual-conscious side of the hu- man mind. However, Quetzalcoatl has a Dark Twin, Tezca- tlipoca, The Smoking Mirror. The Smoking Mirror is made of polished obsidian and used for scrying (crystal-gazing as an aid to clairvoyance), thus Tezcatlipoca represents the intuitive- subconscious side of the human mind. During the review of desiccated specimens of turkey remains for this paper, I found that there are several occurrences of the desiccated feet of turkeys that were tucked into dark cor- ners of rock shelters, particularly in the area of Canyon de Chelley and Canyon del Muerto. Just as the macaw is the sign of Quetzalcoatl, so the turkey leg with claws is the sign of Tezcatlipoca (Burland and Forman 1975:61). These desiccated turkey feet date to ca. A.D. 1100, the point in time of the greatest frequency of macaw remains in the northern South- west (Di Peso 1974). Certainly it would seem desirable to note occurrences of desiccated turkey feet from future excavations, like those from Tularosa Cave and the area of Canyon de Chelley and Canyon del Muerto to determine if other such parallels are present. This reassessment of turkey remains from archaeological sites in the southwestern United States and some areas of Mex- ico indicates three separate centers of turkey breeding: 1. The South Mexican, where domestic turkeys, Meleagris gallopavo gallopavo, were known in the Tehuacan Valley be- tween A.D. 200 and 700 (McNeish 1964). 2. The Mogollon, where Small Indian Domestics, Meleagris gallopavo tularosa, were present between 300 B.C. ± 150 to 200 years. 3. The Anasazi, where Large Indian Domestics were prob- ably present by A.D. 400 to 500. Breeding per se was not successfully accomplished at all sites where turkey remains were found, and it was probably not even attempted at all sites. The frequency of turkey egg- shells and small poults is highest at sites that could be consid- ered trade centers. These are the same sites that yield such faunal remains as macaws, mountain lion and bear bones in ceremonial contexts, and human-bone artifacts. In most cases, neighboring smaller sites do not have eggshells or small poults. Presumably the birds were brought in as immatures from areas of specialization in turkey culture, at least from ca. A.D. 100 on. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Modern turkey specimens were loaned by Thomas W. Ma- thews and the late Lyndon L. Hargrave of the Southwest Ar- chaeological Center, Charles C. Di Peso of the Amerind Foun- dation, and Richard Zusi of the Smithsonian Institution. Turkey remains from archaeological sites were loaned by Thomas W. Mathews, Charles C. Di Peso, Emil W. Haury, Raymond Thompson, and William Longacre of the University of Arizona; Edward B. Danson and William D. Lipe of the Museum of Northern Arizona; Bertha P. Dutton of the Mu- seum of Navajo Ceremonial Art; Stuart Peckham of the Uni- versity of New Mexico; Alan R. Philips of the Instituto Na- cional de Anthropologfa y Historia, Mexico, D.F., Mexico; the Department of Anthropology, University of Minnesota; and the Chicago Natural History Museum. McKusick: Turkey Domestication 235 Thomas W. Mathews supervised the project for a period of 10 years, until the closing of the Southwest Archaeological Center, and contributed much to the analysis of the data. Chester A. Thomas provided time, funding, and travel ar- rangements during this period, and enlisted the assistance of the Gila County, Arizona, turkey hunters, without the coop- eration of whom the project could not have been completed. LITERATURE CITED Bartlett, K. 1934. The Material Culture of Pueblo II in the San Francisco Mountains, Arizona. Museum of Northern Arizona, Bull. 7:1-76. Brand, D.D., F.M. Hawley, and F.C. Hibben. 1937. Tse So, A Small House Ruin, Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Preliminary Report. University of New Mexico Anthro- pological Series, Bull. 2(2): 1—1 74. Burland, C., and W. Forman. 1975. Feathered Serpent and Smoking Mirror. Orbis Publishing, London. 128 pp. Di Peso, C.C. 1974. Casas Grandes, Vol. 8, Bones-Econo- my-Burials. The Amerind Foundation, Inc. Northland Press 8(9): 1-424. Guernsey, S.J. 1931. Explorations in Northeastern Arizona. Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University 12(1): 1-123. Guernsey, S.J., and A.V. Kidder. 1921. Basket-Maker Caves of Northeastern Arizona. Papers of the Peabody Museum, Harvard University 8(2):1 — 121. Hargrave, L.L. 1970. Feathers from Sand Dune Cave: A Basketmaker Cave Near Navajo Mountain, Utah. Mu- seum of Northern Arizona Technical Series 9:1-52. Haury, E.W. 1941. Excavations in the Forestdale Valley, East-Central Arizona. University of Arizona Social Sci- ence Bull. 12:1-147. Johnson, A.E. 1965. The Development of Western Pueblo Culture. Doctoral dissertation, University of Arizona. University Microfilms, Inc. Ann Arbor, Mich. 95 pp. Lockett, H.C., and L.L. Hargrave. 1953. Woodchuck Cave, A Basketmaker II Site in Tsegi Canyon, Arizona. Museum of Northern Arizona Bull. 26:1-33. Martin, P.S., J.B. Rjnaldo, E. Bluhm, H.C. Cutler, and R. Grange, Jr. 1952. Mogollon Cultural Conti- nuity and Change. Fieldiana: Anthropology 40:1-528. MacNeish, R.S. 1964. Ancient Mesoamerican Civilization. Science 143(3606):53 1-537. McKusick, C.R. 1974. The Casas Grandes Avian Report. Pp. 273-307 in Casas Grandes (C.C. Di Peso, Ed.). Vol. 8(9). The Amerind Foundation, Inc. Northland Press 8(9): 1-424. . 1980. In Press, The Comparative Osteology of South- west Indian Turkeys. Association of Universal Philosophy Press, Globe, Arizona. Morris, A. A. 1933. Digging in the Southwest. Doubleday, Doran & Co., Inc. Garden City. 301 pp. Morris, E.H. 1939. Archeological Studies in the La Plata District, Southwestern Colorado and Northwestern New Mexico. Carnegie Institution of Washington Publ. No. 19:1-298. Nusbaum, J.L., A.V. Kidder, and S.J. Guernsey. 1922. A Basket-Maker Cave in Kane County, Utah. Museum of the American Indian, Heye Foundation, Indian Notes and Monographs 29:1-153. Reed, E.K. 1951. Turkeys in Southwestern Archaeology. El Palacio 58(7): 195-205. Schorger, A.W. 1970. A New Subspecies of Meleagris gal- lopavo. Auk 87(1): 168—170. Schroeder, A.H. 1968. Birds and Feathers in Documents Relating to Indians of the Southwest. Pp. 95-114 in Col- lected Papers in Honor of Lyndon Lane Hargrave, Papers of the Archaeological Society of New Mexico 1(1): 1-1 70. Wheat, J.B. 1954. Crooked Ridge Village. Social Science Bulletin 24, University of Arizona Bull. 25(3): 1—1 83 . Willey, G.R. 1966. An Introduction to American Archae- ology. Vol. 1: North and Middle America. Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey. 530 pp. Van Tyne, J., and A.J Berger. 1959. Fundamentals of Ornithology. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. New York. 624 pp. UTILIZATION OF BIRDS BY THE ARCHAIC AND FREMONT CULTURAL GROUPS OF UTAH By Paul W. Parmalee1 ABSTRACT: Approximately 5050 bird bones recovered from 5 Archaic and 11 Fremont sites in northern and western Utah were identified. Remains of a minimum of 1029 individuals, representing at least 21 families and 75 species, occurred in these prehistoric sites. Sixty-six percent of the elements identified were those of swans, geese, and ducks, thus indicating that species of waterfowl were the major supplemental avian food resources taken by these aboriginal people. Remains of aquatic and semi-aquatic birds comprised 90 percent of all elements recovered from these 16 sites. Some major wing and leg elements, especially those of large species (cranes, eagles, geese), were modified, suggesting a secondary use of birds as a bone resource for the manufacture of artifacts. Except for the Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius (Linnaeus), all of the species represented in the archaeological samples still occur in Utah. The prehistoric avifauna of Utah is poorly known, although large quantities of bird remains have been recovered during intensive archaeological investigations over the past four de- cades. This void has not resulted because of a lack of interest by archaeologists in this material, but rather because there are limited available comparative osteological collections and or- nithologists/osteologists with time to devote to such studies. As has often been, and still is, the case, the archaeologist is faced with the problem of “farming out” much of the faunal material recovered during excavations. Archaeologically derived bird bones have not, for the most part, received much attention. However, there have been a few exceptions, notable among them the studies dealing with feather remains from Sand Dune Cave (Hargrave 1970) and Danger Cave (Sperry 1957), and bones from Hogup Cave (Parmalee 1970), the Levee and Knoll sites (Parmalee 1979), and the Bear River No. 2 site (Lay- bourne 1967). The present study involves the analysis of approximately 5300 bird specimens from the collections of the Department of Anthropology, The University of Utah, Salt Lake City. These avian remains were recovered during site excavations by an- thropology students and faculty at The University of Utah from the late 1930’s to 1973 (Table 1). For various reasons, such as a lack of diagnostic ceramics or lithics, or because of occupation by two or more aboriginal groups, placement of each site within an exact cultural time sequence was not al- ways possible. Based on all available cultural data, however, five of these sites have been determined by the archaeologists as being Archaic (ca. 7500-1000 B.C.) and 11 as having been occupied primarily by peoples of the Fremont culture (ca. A.D. 350-1450). Locations of the 16 sites are plotted in Figure 1. The diversification of hunting practices among and within 1 Professor of Zooarchaeology, Department of Anthropology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37916. historic Indian tribes of North America has been well docu- mented in the ethnographic literature. Hunting activities were carried out either by individuals, by family groups, or as a communal effort, depending upon the types of game sought, its availability at a particular season (e.g., waterfowl migra- tions and major bison herd movements), and/or the use of appropriate techniques that would provide the greatest yield. The species of birds hunted also varied considerably within and among tribes. Weisel (1952:348) stated that “The Flathead ate all the birds and their eggs,” although individuals of most tribes for which there are subsistence data exhibited distinct preferences for certain species while refusing to eat others. Judd (1954:266), in commenting on a list of 13 species of birds identified from osteological remains recovered at Pueblo Bo- nito, New Mexico, suggested that “Presumably these were killed or kept captive for their feathers alone, since the Pueblos have always shunned winged creatures as a source of food.” The southern Paiute were reported to have eaten “many kinds” of birds (Kelly 1964:53, 54), but they would not eat crows, certain woodpeckers, and meadowlarks. Mandelbaum ( 1940: 199) presented a list of avian species, compiled from data obtained from tribal informants, that were and were not hunt- ed for food by the Plains Cree. It is of interest to note that these people would eat the young of some species, e.g., crows and ravens, but not the adults. Kelly (1964:53) stated that “most birds [were] taken from blind . . . usually shot,” [southern Paiute], “The boys [Hidat- sa, North Dakota] practice themselves in the use of the bow by shooting at marmots and small birds, and in winter they set horse-hair snares for snow-buntings” (Matthews 1877:58). Lowie (1909:185), in discussing the northern Shoshone, men- tioned that “Sage-hens were driven into an enclosure, or trapped with nooses.” He also described (Lowie 1924:197) the elaborate communal hunt for ducks and “mud-hens.” In con- trast, Steward (1933:255) makes the following comment on the Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:237-250. 238 Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna Table 1 Data relative to Utah archaeological sites from which avifaunas were recovered. Site Name and Designation Utah County Year Excavated Cultural Designation (C14 Dates) Locale Published References Deadman Cave 42T064 Tooele 1938 Archaic NE Slope Oquirrh Mts. Great Salt Lake Smith, E.R. 1952 Stansbury I 42TOl Tooele 1947 Archaic N. Facing Slope, Stansbury Is. Great Salt Lake Jameson, S.J.S. 1958 Stansbury II 42T02 Tooele 1947 Archaic N. Facing Slope, Stansbury Is. Great Salt Lake Jameson, S.J.S. 1958 Sandwich Shelter 42TOI08 Tooele 1969 Archaic 7040 ± 280 BP Alcove, Flank of Stansbury Mts. Great Salt Lake Marwitt, J.P., G.F. Frye, and J.M. Adovasio 1971 Black Rock II 42T029 Tooele 1938 Archaic N. Slope Oquirrh Mts. Great Salt Lake Black Rock III 42T03 Tooele 1939 Fremont N. Slope Oquirrh Mts. Great Salt Lake Enger, W.D., Jr. 1942 Bear River No. 1 42B055 Box Elder 1964 Fremont AD 885 ± 120 Marshy River Bank Bear River Aikens, C.M. 1966 Bear River No. 3 42B098 Box Elder 1967 F remont AD 500 ± 110 Marshy River Bank Bear River Shields, W.F., and G.F. Dailey 1978 Levee 42BO107 Box Elder 1969 Fremont AD 700 ± 140 Marshy Lake Side Klondike Lake/ Bear River Parmalee, P.W. 1979 Knoll 42BO109 Box Elder 1969 Fremont AD 1310 ± 110 Marshy Lake Side Klondike Lake/ Bear River Parmalee, P.W. 1979 Warren 42WB- Weber 1946 Fremont Near Mouth of Warren River Enger, W.D., Jr., and W. Blair 1947 Injun Creek 42WB34 Weber 1965 Fremont AD 1605 ± 100 AD 1365 ± 90 Alluvium, Weber River Delta, Injun Creek Marsh Aikens, C.M. 1966 Unnamed 42SL19 Salt Lake 1961 Fremont Foothills Wasatch Mts. Jordon River Nephi 42JB2 Juab 1965-1966 Fremont AD 780 ± 85 AD 1670 ± 80 Alluvial Fan; Salt Creek Drainage Sharrock, F.W., and J P Marwitt 1967 Evans Mound 42IN40 Iron 1970-1973 Fremont AD 1095 ± 90 Parowan Valley Alluvial Fan, Summit Creek Berry, M.S. 1972 Pharo Village 42MD180 Millard 1967 Fremont AD 460 ± 80 AD 1260 ± 90 Alluvial Fan, Base of Pavant Mts. Pharo Creek Marwitt, J.P. 1968 manner of taking waterfowl by the Owens Valley Paiute (Ne- vada): “Killed in early morning by hunters concealed in blinds resembling wickiups or summer houses. Decoys, nets, and communal hunts were unknown.” It is apparent from these few ethnographic accounts that great variability in hunting practices and the species of birds used did exist among con- temporaneous aboriginal groups during the early historic pe- riod. Therefore, interpretation of osteological avian remains relative to the possible methods of capturing birds and the preference for or use of certain species by prehistoric peoples is basically speculative. Hayward et al. (1976:25) pointed out that “Since birds are among the most mobile of vertebrates, it is difficult to define many of them in terms of their confinement to any special community.” Although a large portion of Utah is desert, re- ceiving rarely more than 25 cm of annual precipitation, the state possesses both salt and freshwater lakes as well as a series of high mountain ranges, plateaus, and major river systems (e.g., the Bear, Provo, Green, and Colorado) that provide di- verse avian habitats. Aboriginals occupying camp sites and villages established along the larger rivers, mountain streams, or lakes had available to them not only the aquatic species Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna 239 Figure 1. Location of Archaic (triangles) and Fremont (circles) sites from which avian specimens were obtained and examined for this study. Deadman Cave (1), Stansbury I and II (2), Sandwich Shelter (3), Black Rock II and III (4), Bear River No. 1 and No. 3 (S), Levee (6), Knoll (7), Warren (8), Injun Creek (9), Unnamed (10), Nephi (11), Evans Mound (12), Pharo Village (13). that inhabited these bodies of water and the adjacent marsh- lands or riparian habitat, but also upland birds (e.g., Sage Grouse) that occurred in the bordering dry brushlands and desert. Faunal assemblages from archaeological sites in Utah reflect the Indian’s exploitation of these varied habitats or biomes. Environmental changes that have occurred since portions of northern and western Utah were covered with ancient Lake Bonneville are difficult to define and, thus far, none of major impact have been reflected in the animal remains recovered from archaeological sites. Durrant (1970:241, 245) comments on this problem in describing the mammalian fauna from the Archaic Hogup Cave site (Box Elder County, northwestern Utah) and discusses factors that affect interpretation of ar- chaeologically derived faunal material: “Based upon osteolog- ical remains representing 3,440 individual animals, it is evi- dent that the mammalian fauna of the Hogup Cave area throughout Neothermal time was remarkably uniform and similar to that found there today. This indicates that, with some fluctuations, there existed a certain similarity in envi- ronmental factors throughout these past nine millenia. The data lead me to consider that the climate of the Hogup area during Neothermal time was somewhat cooler in the early Anathermal period, then became gradually warmer, reaching a moderately high temperature during the Altithermal, and then gradually cooled through the Medithermal to the present. In addition to the lack of significant qualitative differences within the fauna over time, another factor contributing to un- certainty in interpretation is that, although it is known that the cave vicinity was an autumnal harvesting area for its ab- original occupants, no one knows either the range of these people in their hunting forays and migrations or the number of persons involved. Moreover, no data are available on the cyclic patterns of the mammals of that time, and certain mam- mals occur together in the cave deposits that occupy somewhat discrete ranges at present. Inferences concerning past climatic conditions in the area of Hogup Cave cannot be made easily from the data currently at hand. The tendency of man to en- gage in selective hunting and gathering and to transport items long distances greatly complicates interpretation. Certainly the deposits offer little evidence for sudden and dramatic changes in either vegetation or fauna with the onset of the Altithermal.” In the faunal assemblage from Hogup Cave and other Ar- chaic sites, e.g., Danger Cave (Jennings 1957), remains of un- gulates, especially the Pronghorn (Antilocapra americana (Ord)), and rabbits (Lepus Linnaeus and Sylvilagus Gray) pre- dominated. Although the Bison, Bison bison (Linnaeus), was taken by Archaic peoples, it was not until the later Fremont cultural period that it became the dominant protein source. Also, as Jennings (1978:233) has pointed out, . . all the local variations in favored game do not obscure what seems to be a Fremont preference for mule deer where ever it is available. The adaptability in choice of game may then be toward sub- stitution when deer is rare — a reasonable and expectable ad- justment.” The Archaic populations of the Great Basin appear to have been geared to a mobile hunting-collecting way of life, while the Fremont people, an apparent cultural derivative from the earlier Desert Archaic, were more sedentary and part- ly or perhaps predominantly agricultural. Although hunting and trapping techniques may have varied between the Archaic and Fremont peoples, both groups relied heavily on the en- demic fauna, especially mammals, as a primary food resource. From a strictly “pounds of derived meat” point of view, birds must be considered as a supplemental food resource in the total food economy of these people, but undoubtedly one that was of periodic significance. MATERIAL AND METHODS A combined total of about 5300 bird bones from 16 archae- ological sites were examined and, of this number, 5043 or about 95 percent were identifiable to family, genera, and/or species. At least 75 species from 21 families occurred in the combined samples. Avian osteological collections housed in the Zoology Section, Illinois State Museum, Springfield, and in the Zooarchaeology Section, Department of Anthropology, The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, were used in connec- tion with this study. Utah Binds by Behle and Perry (1975) and Birds of Utah by Hayward et al. (1976) are cited as the latest comprehensive authorities on the known distribution and abundance of birds in the state. Analysis of archaeologically derived avian bone samples often must be conservative because of the innumerable vari- ables and unknown factors affecting each sample and each site. In attempting to compare past avian assemblages and their use by aboriginal man, in this case between Archaic and Fremont peoples, the inequality of sample size may be a sig- 240 Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna Table 2. Birds identified from Archaic and Fremont Sites in Utah, with number of specimens and minimum number of individuals (given in parentheses). Species Deadman Cave 42T064 Stans- bury I 42TOl Stans- bury II 42T02 Sand- wich Shelter 42TO 108 Black Rock II 42T029 Black Rock III 42T03 Bear River No. 1 42B055 Bear River No. 3 42B098 Family Podicipedidae — Grebes Eared Grebe, Podiceps nigricollis Western Grebe, Aechmorphorus occidentalis Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps Grebe sp. 2 (1) 24 (13) 30 (6) 287 (46) 122 16 (10) 1 (1) 1 (1 1 (1) Family Pelecanidae — Pelicans White Pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos 3 (1) 6 (1) 13 (4) 133 (10) F amily Phalacrocoracidae — Cormorants Double-crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus 1 (1) Family Ardeidae — Herons and Bitterns Great Blue Heron, Ardea herodias 2 (1) 1 (1) 3 (1) Little Blue Heron, Egretta caerulea 1 (1) Common Egret, Egretta alba 1 (1) 3 (1) 8 (2) Snowy Egret, Egretta thula 1 (1) Black-crowned Night Heron, Nycticorax nycticorax 1 (1) 3 (1) American Bittern, Botaurus lentiginosus 9 (4) 15 (5) Heron sp. 3 (1) Family Plataleidae — Ibises and Spoonbills White-faced Ibis, Plegadis chilli Family Anatidae — Swans, Geese and Ducks Whistling Swan, Olor columbianus 3 (1) Trumpeter Swan, Olor buccinator 2 (1) Swan, Olor sp. 2 (1) 6 (3) Canada Goose, Branta canadensis 103 (13) 1 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1) 3 (1) 18 (3) 59 (8) Snow Goose, Chen caerulescens 244 (26) 1 (1) 2 (2) 2 (1) 25 (5) Ross’ Goose, Chen rossii Goose, sp. 146 3 20 37 Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, and/or Black Duck, Anas rubripes 79 (24) 1 (1) 1 (1) 9 (3) 2 (1) 35 (9) 97 (28) Gad wall, Anas strepera 2 (1) 4 (4) 2 (1) Pintail, Anas acuta 7 (3) 1 (1) 8 (6) 9 (4) Mallard/Black Duck/Pintail group, Anas spp. 1 (1) 8 (2) 2 (1) 60 (12) 48 (7) Green-winged Teal, Anas crecca 2 (2) 16 (9) 1 (1) 16 (10) 22 (9) Blue-winged Teal, Anas discors, and/or Cinnamon Teal, Anas cyanoptera 1 (1) 2 (1) 5 (3) 3 (2) Teal, Anas sp. 3 (2) 20 (5) 22 (5) 24(3) Wigeon, Anas cf. americana 2 (1) 6 (5) 2 (2) Shoveler, Anas clypeata 2 (1) 7 (2) 4 (2) PWood Duck, Aix sponsa Redhead, Aythya americana 6 (2) 1 (1) Ring-necked Duck, Aythya collaris, and/or Lesser Scaup, Aythya affinis 13 (2) 7 (2) Canvasback, Aythya valisineria 3 (1) 6 (2) Duck, Aythya sp. Goldeneye, Bucephala sp. 2 (1) Bufflehead, Bucephala albeola 2 (1) 2 (1) 2 (1) Ruddy Duck, Oxyura jamaicensis 1 (1) 1 (1) 3 (1) 1 (1) Duck sp. 85 2 17 3 79 183 Hooded Merganser, Lophodytes cucullatus cf. Common Merganser, Mergus merganser 1 (1) 15 (4) cf. Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator 3 (2) Merganser, Mergus sp. 18 (3) Family Accipitridae — Hawks and Harriers cf. Red-tailed Hawk, Buteo jamaicensis Swainson’s Hawk, Buteo swainsoni, and/or Rough-legged Hawk, Buteo lagopus 7 (2) 2 (1) 1 (1) Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna 241 Table 2. Continued. Per- cent Levee 42BO107 Knoll 42BO109 Warren 42WB- Injun Creek 42WB34 Un- named 42SL19 Nephi 42JB2 Evans Pharo Mound Village 42IN40 40MD180 Total No. Specimens of Speci- mens 500 (86) 9.92 2 (2) 2 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 366 (82) 7.26 1 (1) 0.02 10 (2) 11 (3) 0.22 122 2.42 242 (27) 4.80 69 (5) IS (3) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 242 (27) 4.80 22 (5) 0.44 20 (3) 1 (1) 22 (5) 0.44 115 (37) 2.29 6 (3) 0.12 1 (1) 0.02 11 (2) 23 (6) 0.46 8 (5) 9 (6) 0.18 4 (2) 0.08 43 (7) 1 (1) 68 (17) 1.35 1 (1) 4 (2) 0.08 1 (1) 0.02 1 (1) 1 (1) 0.02 3347 (611) 66.40 1 (1) 2 (1) 6 (3) 0.12 2 (1) 1 (1) 5 (3) 0.10 8 (4) 0.16 29 (7) 12 (3) 13 (3) 69 (11) 2 (2) 312 (54) 6.19 114 (18) 38 (7) 8 (2) 6 (2) 1 (1) 441 (65) 8.74 3 (2) 10 (5) 13 (7) 0.26 28 6 6 54 2 302 5.99 94 (27) 16 (5) 10(3) 23 (5) 4 (1) 11 (3) 2 (1) 21 (4) 405 (116) 8.03 11 (4) 5 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1) 26 (14) 0.52 25 (9) 11 (4) 2 (2) 7 (3) 70 (32) 1.39 61 (10) 6 (2) 13 (7) 31 (8) 2 (1) 9 (2) 241 (53) 4.78 45 (13) 1 (1) 4 (3) 1 (1) 4 (1) 112 (50) 2.22 13 (7) 2 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1) 9 (4) 40 (22) 0.79 117 (14) 2 (1) 4 (2) 192 (32) 3.81 5 (4) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 18 (15) 0.36 22 (9) 4 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1) 41 (18) 0.81 2 (2) 2 (2) 0.04 12 (4) 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1) 23 (10) 0.46 20 (5) 3 (1) 59 (12) 4 (2) 1 (1) 107 (25) 2.12 5 (2) 2 (1) 16 (6) 0.32 24 (10) 1 (1) 2 (1) 27 (12) 0.54 2 (1) 3 (3) 7 (5) 0.14 7 (3) 6 (4) 19 (10) 0.38 14 (4) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 24 (12) 0.48 223 11 122 5 8 22 760 15.07 1 (1) 1 (1) 0.02 2 (2) 18 (7) 0.36 2 (2) 1 (1) 6 (5) 0.12 71 (17) 4 (2) 4 (1) 2 (1) 3 (1) 2 (2) 1 (1) 105 (28) 2.08 67 (34) 1.34 1 (1) 1 (1) 0.02 4 (1) 7 (2) 21 (7) 0.42 Continued 242 Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna Species Hawk, Buteo sp. Hawk, sp. Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus Eagle sp. Marsh Hawk, Circus cyaneus Family Falconidae — Falcons Prairie Falcon, Falco mexicanus Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregrinus Falcon, Falco sp. Kestrel, Falco sparverius Family Tetraonidae — Grouse and Ptarmigan Blue Grouse, Dendragapus obscurus Ruffed Grouse, Bonasa umbellus Sharp-tailed Grouse, Pedioecetes phasianellus Sage Grouse, Centrocercus urophasianus Grouse sp. Family Gruidae — Cranes Sandhill Crane, Grits canadensis Family Rallidae — Rails, Gallinules & Coots Sora, Porzana Carolina cf. Purple Gallinule, Porphyntla martinica American Coot, Fulica americana Family Charadriidae — Plovers and Turnstones Black-bellied Plover, Pluvialis squatarola Family Scolopacidae — Snipe and Sandpipers Common Snipe, Capella gallinago Long-billed Curlew, Numenius americanus Willet, Catoptrophorus semipalmatus cf. Greater Yellowlegs, Tringa melanoleucus Family Recurvirostridae — Avocets and Stilts American Avocet, Recurvirostra americana Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus Family Stercorariidae — Jaegers and Skuas cf. Parasitic Jaeger, Stercorarius parasiticus Family Laridae — Gulls and Terns cf. California Gull, Larus californicus Gull, Larus sp. cf. Caspian Tern, Hydroprogne caspia Family Columbidae — Pigeons and Doves Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius Mourning Dove, Zenaidura macroura Family Strigidae — Owls Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus Burrowing Owl, Speotyto cunicularia Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis Long-eared Owl, Asio otus, and/or Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus Family Picidae — Woodpeckers Common Flicker, Colaptes auratus Family Corvidae — Jays, Magpies and Crows Black-billed Magpie, Pica pica Common Raven, Counts corax Clark’s Nutcracker, Nucifraga Columbiana Table 2. Continued. Stans- Stans- Sand- wich Black Black Bear Bear Deadman bury bury Shelter Rock Rock River River Cave I II 42TO II III No. 1 No. 3 42T064 42TOl 42T02 108 42T029 42T03 42B055 42B098 2(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1(1) 1 (1) 7(2) 2(2) 1(1) 6 (2) 1 (1) 3 (2) 5(2) 9(2) 1(1) 4 (1) 3(2) 3(1) 10(2) 1(1) 9(3) 1(1) 7 2 30 (4) 1 (1) 4 (3) 1 (1) 1(1) 1(1) 6(3) 25(5) 2 (1) 1 (1) 4 (1) 1 0) 4(1) 4(1) 4(1) 1 (1) 4 (1) 2(1) 6(2) 3(1) 1(1) 1 0) 1 (1) 1 (1) 7 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1) 3 (2) 2 (1) 2 (1) 3 (1) 1 (1) 5 (3) 5 (3) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 12 (5) 1 (1) 7 (3) 8 (2) 1 (1) 22 (4) 1 (1) 4 (2) 2 (1) Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna 243 Table 2. Continued. Per- cent Levee 2BO107 Knoll 42BO109 Warren 42WB- Injun Creek 42WB34 Un- named 42SL19 Nephi 42JB2 Evans Pharo Mound Village 42IN40 40MD180 Total No. Specimens of Speci- mens 1 (1) 4 (3) 4 (2) 9 (6) 0.18 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1) 7 (5) 0. 14 1 U) 2 (1) 1 (1) 6 (5) 0.12 1 (1) 0.02 1 1 0.02 5 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 3 (1) 1 (1) 21 (9) 0.42 23 (14) 0.46 1 (1) 1 (1) 2 (2) 0.04 2 (2) 9 (5) 0.18 1 U) 3 (2) 2 (1) 1 (1) 10 (7) 0.20 2 (1) 2 (1) 0.04 287 (50) 5.70 17 (4) 2 (1) 76 (10) 110 (20) 2.18 9 (4) 13 (5) 0.26 1 (1) 1 (1) 5 (1) 1 (1) 3 (1) 12 (3) 29 (11) 0.58 4 (1) 8 (2) 11 (2) 6 (2) 50 (14) 0.99 3 2 11 2 58 85 1.69 37 (7) 0.73 1 (1) 6 (2) 37 (7) 0.73 146 (37) 2.90 1 (1) 1 (1) 0.02 6 (2) 6 (2) 0.12 76 (11) 4 (1) 2 (2) 2 (1) 4 (2) 17 (6) 139 (34) 2.76 2 (1) 0.04 2 (1) 0.04 21 (15) 0.42 1 (1) 0.02 2 (1) 2 (2) 1 (1) 1 (1) 14 (9) 0.28 2 (1) 1 (1) 3 (2) 0.06 2 (2) 3 (3) 0.06 32 (12) 0.63 16 (S) 2 (2) 31 (11) 0.61 1 (1) 1 (1) 0.02 1 (1) 0.02 1 (1) 0.02 28 (12) 0.56 4 (1) 0.08 2 (1) 1 (1) 7 (2) 22 (9) 0.44 1 (1) 2 (2) 0.04 4 (4) 0.08 1 (1) 0.02 2 (2) 3 (3) 0.06 54 (26) 1.08 4 (1) 1 (1) S (1) 3 (1) 28 (11) 0.56 1 (1) 2 (1) 4 (3) 0.08 1 (1) 1 (1) 0.02 4 (1) 2 (1) 1 (1) 21 (11) 0.42 4 (4) 0.08 1 (1) 4 (4) 0.08 96 (33) 1.91 2 (1) 1 (1) 2 (1) 7 (5) 0.14 3 (1) 2 (1) 9 (3) 6 (2) 11 (2) 87 (27) 1.73 2 (1) 2 (1) 0.04 Continued 244 Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna Table 2. Continued. Sand- Stans- Stans- wich Black Black Bear Bear Deadman bury bury Shelter Rock Rock River River Cave I II 42TO II III No. 1 No. 3 Species 42T064 42T01 42T02 108 42T029 42T03 42B055 42B098 Family Icteridae — Meadowlarks, Orioles and Blackbirds Western Meadowlark, Sturnella neglecta Yellow-headed Blackbird, Xanthocephalus xanthocephalus Red-winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 (1) 1 0) Order Passeriformes — Perching Birds Indet. Passerines 5 (4) TOTAL 792 (116) 28 (16) 59 (20) 443 (64) 170 (62) 21 (8) 387 (98) 763 (123) nificant factor. Little or nothing is known of early hunting techniques. One group may have devised a method of captur- ing grebes while another learned how to efficiently hunt peli- cans, yet both birds may have been present as a potentially abundant food resource. The role birds played in the total subsistence economy is often problematical; Sharrock and Marwitt (1967:39) and others have commented that, as a group, birds were at best of only secondary importance as a food resource in comparison to mammals. It would require a large number of grebes or ducks to equal the actual number of kilos of usable meat derived from an adult deer or bison, for example. Nevertheless, the value of birds as a constant or seasonal supplemental food resource cannot be discounted. Although all species of birds are edible, individual or tribal preference for or against the taking of a particular species or group of birds is yet another factor affecting an interpretative analysis of any given faunal sample. The bird bones examined were well preserved and in a great many instances complete. However, intraspecific osteological variation because of sex, age, or individual variation often make species determinations uncertain or impossible. For this reason, and because some elements were broken and/or non- diagnostic, many identifications could not be accurately car- ried beyond a general group level (e.g., Duck sp.; Hawk sp.; Duck, Aythya sp.; Table 2). Identification of similar sized specimens of closely related species within a particular genus is also difficult and often limited, depending on the elements with which one must work. Remains of swans, geese, and ducks totaled 3347, 66 percent of all elements identified (Table 3). In addition to the “usual” problems of identification, the high incidence of hybridization among members of the Anatidae and other families (e.g., the Parulidae) may further complicate attempts to arrive at some species determinations. Johnsgard (1960:25) has commented that . . waterfowl of the family Anatidae have provided the greatest number and variety of bird hybrids originating from both natural and captive conditions.” Not only have fertile hybrids resulted between species within the same genus (e.g., Mallard x Pintail), but also between species of different genera (Mallard X Common Merganser). I know of no study on the osteology of hybrid ducks and geese. It is not inconceivable that some “problem” waterfowl elements from aboriginal sites could well have come from hybrids. In spite of certain basic identification problems and the use of tentative determinations in some instances, interesting and useful data have come to light concerning the overall use of birds in the food economy of aboriginal man in Utah. ACCOUNTS OF SPECIES Family Podicipedidae — Grebes The contrast in the utilization of grebes between Archaic and Fremont peoples who occupied sites bordering the Great Salt Lake is striking. About 32 percent of all bird remains from the Archaic sites were those of grebes, the majority of elements occurring in Sandwich Shelter (Table 2). A total of 287 bones (46 individuals) were identified as the Eared Grebe, PocLiceps nigricollis Brehm, a common summer resident in marshes along the east side of Great Salt Lake (Behle and Perry 1975). The 122 indeterminate grebe elements, which are probably also those of P. nigricollis, bring the total number of grebe bones from this one site to slightly over 400. In con- trast, only 19 grebe elements were recovered from all 11 Fre- mont sites. The reason(s) for this apparent differential use of grebes between cultural groups is unclear, as is the paucity of remains of the Pied-billed Grebe, Podilymbus podiceps (Lin- naeus), and the Western Grebe, Aechmorphorus occidentalis (Lawrence) — two species that are also common summer resi- dents in the Great Salt Lake. Family Pelecanidae — Pelicans Elements of the White Pelican, Pelecanus erythrorhynchos Gmelin, comprised 6.5 percent of all remains from the Fre- mont site samples, but less than 1 percent of those from the Archaic sites. The large size of this bird would presumably have made it a desirable food resource, yet less than 30 indi- viduals are represented in the combined faunal assemblages. It is currently a common summer resident of the Great Salt Lake with a breeding colony at Gunnison Island (Behle and Perry 1975). None of the elements were from nestlings or fledg- lings. Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna 245 Table 2. Continued. Per- cent Injun Un- Evans Pharo of Levee Knoll Warren Creek named Nephi Mound Village Total No. Speci- 42BO107 42BO109 42WB- 42WB34 42SL19 42JB2 42IN40 40MD180 Specimens mens 9 (8) 0.18 4 (4) 0.08 3 (2) 0.06 2 (2) 0.04 5 (4) 0.10 5 (4) 0.10 124 3 (233) 154 (48) 82 (37) 449(82) 33 (17) 101(35) 60 (20) 258 (51) 5043 (1030) 100.1 F amily Phalacrocoracidae — Cormorants Behle and Perry (1975) list the Double-crested Cormorant, Phalacrocorax auritus (Lesson), as an uncommon summer res- ident in northern Utah, and a transient and rare winter visitant throughout the state. If this species occurred in greater num- bers in prehistoric times, the Indian made little use of it. Re- mains of P. auritus occurred in only three sites: one element each at the Deadman Cave and Injun Creek sites and 20 (three individuals) at the Levee site. Family Ardeidae — Herons and Bitterns Six species representative of this family were identified from the faunal samples; 90 percent of the remains occurred in Bear River Nos. 1 and 3 and Levee, sites once located on the marshy shore of Great Salt Lake. Specimens of the Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias Linnaeus), Snowy Egret (Egretta thula (Mo- lina)), Black-crowned Night Heron (Nycticorax nycticorax (Linnaeus)), and American Bittern ( Botaurus lentiginosus (Rackett)), reported as common summer residents in northern Utah by Behle and Perry (1975), are not unexpected at sites once located in habitat well suited for these wading birds. A proximal right humerus from Black Rock II compared closely with the Little Blue Heron, Egretta caerulea (Linnaeus), a species of only occasional occurrence in Utah. The Common Egret, E. alba (Linnaeus), is considered a rare transient, but remains of this large, showy species were recovered at four sites and represented a minimum of six individuals. Laybourne (1967) reported four elements of E. alba from Bear River No. 2. Although of potential food value, these birds may also have been prized especially for their plumage. Three bones from a nestling heron or bittern occurred in the faunal sample from Deadman Cave. Family Plataleidae — Ibises and Spoonbills The White-faced Ibis, Plegadis chihi (Vieillot), today is a “Common summer resident in Great Salt Lake marshes” (Behle and Perry 1975), and in view of this the recovery of only one specimen, a complete right humerus from the Levee site, is surprising. Hayward et al. (1976:46) mentioned a com- ment by Allen (1872:172), who stated that the White-faced Ibis was reported to have “. . . become numerous only during the last two or three years,” but no reason for its apparent increase was offered. It is evident that the Indian hunted the marshes for herons, bitterns, and other semi-aquatic species, and it seems unlikely that there would have been a taboo against taking this ibis, so the single record may suggest that P. chihi was a rare species in the vicinity of the Great Salt Lake during early prehistoric times. Family Anatidae — Swans, Geese, and Ducks At least 22 species of waterfowl were represented in the faunal samples, and their remains made up about 66 percent of the total sample. Elements of these birds constituted ap- proximately 51 percent of all avian remains from the Archaic sites and 73 percent from the Fremont sites (Tables 2 and 3). Bones of waterfowl constituted 66 percent of the avifauna re- ported by Parmalee (1970) from Hogup Cave, an Archaic site located about 25 km west of the Great Salt Lake, and 85 percent of the bird remains identified from the Bear River No. 2 site (Fremont) by Laybourne (1967) were those of waterfowl. It can be presumed, on the basis of these percentages and the variety and number of species they represent, that waterfowl, especially geese and ducks, were often hunted and formed a valuable supplement in the food economy of these people. Although the Whistling Swan, Olor columbianus (Ord), oc- casionally occurs in large concentrations in marshes adjacent to the Great Salt Lake, and the Trumpeter Swan, Olor buc- cinator Richardson, was formerly more common (now occa- sional) in northern Utah (Behle and Perry 1975), the Indians who occupied these areas rarely took either species. Remains of one or both swans were identified from five of the Fremont sites, and both are recorded by Laybourne (1967) from Bear River No. 2, but no more than six elements were identified from any one site. Elements of geese, however, were especially numerous and the number of geese specimens represented 21 percent of the total. A large subspecies of the Canada Goose, Branta canadensis moffitti Aldrich, is a common resident of the Great Salt Lake (Behle and Perry 1975) and at least three other races occur in Utah as transients. With the possible ex- ception of the giant Canada Goose, B. c. maxima Delacour, and Hutchins’ Goose, B. c. hutchinsii (Richardson), it is im- 246 Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna Table 3. Families of birds represented in avian samples from 16 Utah archaeological sites. Family No. of Species No. of Specimens Percent of Specimens Minimum No. of Individuals Archaic Fre- mont Archaic Fre- mont Archaic Fre- mont Archaic Fre- mont Podicipedidae: Grebes 2 3 481 19 32.24 0.54 76 10 Pelecanidae. Pelicans 1 1 9 233 0.60 6.56 2 25 Phalacrocoracidae: Cormorants 1 1 1 21 0.07 0.59 1 4 Ardeidae: Herons, Bitterns 3 6 9 106 0.60 2.99 4 31 Plataleidae: Ibises, Spoonbills — 1 — 1 — 0.03 — 1 Anatidae: Swans, Geese, Ducks 12 22 765 2582 51.27 72.71 107 504 Accipitridae: Hawks, Eagles, Harriers 4 4 19 48 1.27 1.35 8 26 Falconidae. Falcons 1 3 9 14 0.60 0.39 4 10 Tetraonidae: Grouse 4 4 48 239 3.22 6.73 13 37 Gruidae: Cranes 1 1 30 7 2.01 0.20 4 3 Rallidae: Rails, Gallinules, Coots 1 3 3 143 0.20 4.03 3 34 Charadriidae: Plovers, Turnstones — 1 — 2 — 0.06 — 1 Scolopacidae: Snipe, Sandpipers 1 3 8 13 0.54 0.37 4 11 Recurvirostridae: Avocets, Stilts 1 2 5 27 0.34 0.76 2 10 Stercorariidae: Jaegers, Skuas 1 — 1 — 0.07 — 1 — Laridae: Gulls, Terns 2 2 17 11 1.14 0.31 7 5 Columbidae: Pigeons, Doves 2 1 2 2 0.13 0.06 2 2 Strigidae: Owls 3 4 23 31 1.54 0.87 12 14 Picidae: Woodpeckers 1 1 3 1 0.20 0.03 3 1 Corvidae: Jays, Magpies, Crows 2 3 51 45 3.42 1.27 16 17 Icteridae: Meadowlarks, Blackbirds 1 3 3 6 0.20 0.17 3 5 Passeriformes: Family Indeterminate 2? — 5 — 0.34 — 4 — TOTALS 46 69 1492 3551 100.00 100.02 276 751 possible to separate these forms or races osteologically. Eight elements (3 to 4 individuals) from an extremely large race of B. canadensis (Linnaeus) compared closely with those of B. c. maxima (Injun Creek site). Seven other specimens of geese from this site and one from Unnamed site are probably B. c. hutchinsii. It is of interest to note that elements of the Snow Goose, Chen caerulescens (Linnaeus), were more numerous than those of the Canada Goose (441 versus 312); the former species is presently considered an uncommon transient in the state. Thirteen bones of Ross’ Goose, Chen rossii (Cassin), re- ported by Hayward et al. (1976) as a casual although regular migrant through L>tah, were identified from the Levee and Knoll sites. Approximately 45 percent of all identified avian remains, representing a minimum of 17 species, were those of ducks. Identification problems involving duck elements have been discussed. Osteological similarities between species such as the Cinnamon Teal (Anas cyanoptera Vieillot) and Blue-winged Teal ( Anas discors Linnaeus), Mallard (Anas platyrhynchos Linnaeus) and Black Duck (Anas rubripes Brewster), and Lesser Scaup (Aythya ajfinis (Evton)) and Ring-necked Duck (Aythya collaris (Donovan)), to cite just a few examples, prompted the combination of some elements of certain closely related species under general categories (e.g., Mallard-Black Duck-Pintail group). None of the identified species of ducks is unusual with regard to current abundance or distribution in the Great Salt Lake and Bear River Refuge marshes. Family Accipitridae — Hawks, Eagles, and Harriers Raptors belonging to this family were poorly represented. Although remains of at least five species were identified, the number of hawk and eagle elements accounted for less than 2 percent of the total sample. The significance of these birds to prehistoric aboriginal groups that once occupied this region is unknown, although ethnographic data indicate that rapto- rial birds were of considerable symbolic and ceremonial sig- nificance to historic groups (e.g., the Hopi: Fewkes 1900). Ea- gle trapping was a well established tradition among most tribes of the Great Plains as well as several others in the Southwest. During such hunts, where the birds were grabbed by hand by a concealed hunter when the hawk or eagle attempted to take strategically placed bait, numerous hawks and eagles were usually captured. In a study of approximately 3100 avian re- mains from 51 South Dakota Arikara sites, a total of nearly 1300 elements (around 43 percent) were identified as those of hawks and eagles (Parmalee 1977). Although several species of Buteo hawks, the Marsh Hawk, Circus cyaneus (Linnaeus), and the Golden Eagle, Aquila chrysaetos (Linnaeus), occur commonly over much of Utah, for whatever reason they ap- pear to have rarely been captured by the prehistoric inhabit- ants of the area. Family Falconidae — Falcons Osteological similarities between the Prairie Falcon, Falco mexicanus Schlegel, and the Peregrine Falcon, Falco peregri- nus Tunstall, often limit the ability reach accurate species de- terminations; incomplete elements further complicate the problem. For these reasons several elements of these falcons were recorded as Falco sp. (Table 2). Nine of the 2 1 falcon specimens compared most closely with F. peregrinus, yet only two could be identified as Prairie Falcon. Behle and Perry (1975:15) list the Prairie Falcon as a common permanent res- ident in Utah today, and the Peregrine Falcon as “formerly a Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna 247 permanent resident . . . but present status essentially a rare transient.” Hayward et al. (1976:67) comment that some of the early investigators in Utah considered the Peregrine Falcon to be “rather common.” As was the case with representatives of the Accipitridae, few falcons were taken by aboriginals inhab- iting these sites. Family Tetraonidae — Grouse and Ptarmigan Bones of four species of grouse made up approximately 6 percent of all identifiable avian remains. Specimens of grouse, not unlike the broken elements of ducks, often defy species determination. Although all four species are now considered by Behle and Perry (1975) as uncommon permanent residents in Utah, the Sharp-tailed Grouse, Pedioecetes phasianellus (Linnaeus), and Sage Grouse, Centrocercus uropliasianus (Bo- naparte), were formerly more widespread and abundant. Ele- ments of grouse occurred in 11 of the 16 sites, but were most numerous in those sites such as Nephi and Pharo Village that were located in more open desert areas. Family Gruidae — Cranes Remains of the Sandhill Crane, Grus canadensis (Linnaeus), occurred in only three sites. The paucity of specimens is sur- prising since this bird was reported as formerly a common summer resident in northern Utah (Hayward et al. 1976:74). The distal end of a left humerus and proximal ulna of a Sand- hill Crane had been cut from the shaft by the “groove-and- snap” technique (Parmalee 1976:152, Fig. 76); the shafts of major wing elements from large birds were often modified for the manufacture of whistles and other bone tube instruments. Except for an incomplete coracoid from Deadman Cave that is referable to the Little Brown Crane, Grus c. canadensis, all other elements were from birds of the large race, G . c. tabida (Peters). Family Rallidae — Rails, Gallinules and Coots Specimens of the American Coot, Fulica americana Gmelin, were the most numerous and occurred in 11 of the 16 sites. Only at the Levee site, however, can elements of this species be considered numerous (76 bones from a minimum of 11 in- dividuals). In light of the summer abundance of this species at the Great Salt Lake and the relative ease with which it can be taken, 1 1 individuals appears to be a small number for such a potential food resource. Behle and Sperry (1975) note only two verified records of the Purple Gallinule, Porphynda martinica (Linnaeus), for Utah and consider its status as accidental. It is of interest, therefore, that two individuals of this species were identified on the basis of six elements (two incomplete humeri, paired distal ends of tibiotarsi, complete left femur, and coracoid) recovered at the Levee site. Family Charadriidae — Plovers and Turnstones A complete left tarsometatarsus and distal one-third of a tibiotarsus of the Black-bellied Plover, Pluvialis squatarola (Linnaeus), a common transient through Utah during spring and fall migrations, were the only elements recovered (Bear River No. 3) of species belonging to this family. Family Scolopacidae — Snipe and Sandpipers The rather large group of birds generally termed “shore- birds” appear to have been of little importance to prehistoric Indian groups inhabiting northern Utah. Although elements of four species, the Common Snipe ( Capella gallinago (Lin- naeus)), Long-billed Curlew ( Numenius americanus Bech- stein), Greater Yellowlegs (Tringa melanoleucus (Gmelin)), and the Willet ( Catoptrophorus semipalmatus (Gmelin)), were iden- tified from nine sites during this study, no more than three individuals were represented at any one site (Table 2). Behle and Perry (1975) state that the Long-billed Curlew was for- merly a common summer resident and transient. In view of its large size and apparent availability, one might surmise that this species was a valuable supplemental food resource, but such was not the case. Family Recurvirostridae — Avocets and Stilts Both the American Avocet, Recurvirostra americana Gme- lin, and Black-necked Stilt, Himantopus mexicanus (Muller), are considered by Behle and Perry (1975) as common summer residents in northern Utah and transient throughout the state. Remains of the American Avocet occurred at six sites and the maximum number of individuals represented at any one site (Levee) was five. Like species belonging to the Charadriidae and Scolopacidae, these birds were seldom or rarely taken by the Indian. The Black-necked Stilt was represented in the fau- nal samples by only a single element, a nearly complete right humerus from the Levee site. Family Stercorariidae — Jaegers and Skuas A complete left carpometacarpus, tentatively identified as a parasitic Jaeger, Stercorarius parasiticus (Linnaeus), oc- curred in the faunal sample from Black Rock II. This species is reported by Behle and Perry (1975) as an occasional visitor in late summer and early fall; the majority of specimens that have been observed or collected occurred in the vicinity of the Bear River Refuge. Family Laridae — Gulls and Terns Elements of gulls were recovered from eight sites. One species, the California Gull, Larus californicus Lawrence, was identified from four bones from Deadman Cave. A furculum and scapula of a gull (Larus californicus ? or L. delawarensis ? Ord) from Sandwich Shelter exhibited butchering cuts, indi- cating that the bird had been processed by the inhabitants. The Caspian Tern, Hydroprogne caspia (Pallas), an uncom- mon summer resident in northern Utah, was represented by a single element at Deadman Cave and the Knoll site. As a group, gulls and terns appear to have been of only minor im- portance; all elements combined amounted to less than 1 per- cent of the total. Family Columbidae — Pigeons and Doves Doves appear to have been of little or no value to the Indians who occupied northern Utah, judging by the paucity of their remains encountered at archaeological sites. Although the Mourning Dove, Zenaidura macroura (Linnaeus), is common throughout Utah during the summer months, it was repre- 248 Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna sented by only three elements in the 16 faunal samples, two humeri from the Nephi site and one from Stansbury II. Har- grave (1970) reported a single humerus from the Sand Dune Cave collections. The recovery of a partial left humerus (miss- ing distal end) of a Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius (Linnaeus), from the Stansbury II site is especially noteworthy. Neither Behle and Perry (1975) nor Hayward et al. (1976) list the Passenger Pigeon as a former inhabitant of Utah. Although Schorger (1973: Fig. 22) provides casual or accidental records for several western states (Wyoming, Idaho, Montana, Ne- vada), there are none for Utah. The specimen from the Stans- bury II site apparently represents the first record of Passenger Pigeon from the state. Family Strigidae — Owls As a group, owls were of special significance to a large num- ber of aboriginal people in North America, not particularly as a food resource but as symbols of the supernatural, of strength and other desirable qualities, and of death and as group to- tems. Sperry (1957) lists owl feathers from Danger Cave, Har- grave (1970) records them from Sand Dune Cave, and elements of several species of owls have been reported from Hogup Cave (Parmalee 1970), Bear River No. 2 (Lavbourne 1967), and other archaeological sites in Utah. Remains of at least four species of owls were encountered in 12 of the 16 avian samples examined during this study. The Great Horned Owl, Bubo virginianus (Gmelin), was the most numerous (28 pieces, a minimum of 1 1 individuals). Elements of the Short-eared Owl, Asio flammeus (Pontoppidan), and/or Long-eared Owl, Asio otus (Linnaeus), both common permanent residents in Utah, were also numerous (21 specimens representing 11 individu- als). Of interest was the recovery of a nearly complete left femur of the Spotted Owl, Strix occidentalis (Xantus), from Pharo Village, a bird reported by Behle and Perry (1975) as being a rare permanent resident in Utah. Two elements of the Great Horned Owl exhibited butchering marks: the distal end of a humerus from Stansbury II (removal of the outer wing) and the shaft and intercotylar process of a tarsometatarsus (removal of the lower leg) from Sandwich Shelter. Removal of these outer limb elements suggests their possible use in cere- monial functions or as decorative items, as evidenced by finds of these bones as human burial accouterments in other regions (Parmalee 1967). Family Picidae — Woodpecker Only one species of woodpecker, the Common Flicker, Co- laptes auratus (Linnaeus), was represented in the avifaunas from four of the 16 sites, and then only one element from each. One Common Flicker element was recovered from Hogup Cave (Parmalee 1970); Hargrave (1970) records six feathers of this bird from Sand Dune Cave and mentions a find of eight rectrices from Cave Dupont, Kane County, Utah, by Nus- baum (1922). The significance of woodpecker feathers for var- ious forms of decoration and the use of “stuffed” skins (possibly as symbolic objects) has been demonstrated by the recovery of such remains from Lovelock Cave, Nevada (Loud and Har- rington 1929) and other archaeological sites in the Southwest (Hargrave 1970). The incorporation of feathers, including those of woodpeckers, as decoration in Porno basketry is well known (Barrett 1908). The paucity of osteological remains of woodpeckers from the sites studied suggests that they were of little importance to these people, although 10, or possibly 11 species of woodpeckers are known to occur in Utah (Behle and Perry 1975). Family Corvidae — Jays, Magpies, and Crows Although three species of corvids were represented in the samples, those of the Common Raven, Corvus corax Linnaeus, were the most numerous and occurred in 12 of the 16 sites. The raven was esteemed or considered by many aboriginal groups as a bird possessing certain supernatural powers or symbolic traits and consequently it often served as a clan to- tem. Feathers, various body parts, and whole skins were worn or carried. These artifacts, occasionally buried with their owner, have been encountered (skulls, wing and leg elements) as burial accouterments (Ubelaker and Wedel 1975). In a study of bird remains from Arikara sites in South Dakota, I reported that elements of corvids made up approximately 15 percent of the 3100 bones examined (Parmalee 1977); those of ravens amounted to 10 percent of the total. Clark’s Nutcracker, Nu- cifraga Columbiana (Wilson), and the Black-billed Magpie, Pica pica (Linnaeus), both common permanent residents throughout most of Utah, were represented by only six indi- viduals. The paucity of remains of these two species and the total lack of Common Crow, Corvus brachyrhynchos Brehm, elements, a common winter visitant, suggests that the Com- mon Raven was the only corvid of significance to these people. Family Icteridae — Meadowlarks, Orioles, and Blackbirds Remains of three species belonging to this family were iden- tified from the avian samples, but the small number of bones recorded (nine pieces, eight individuals) suggests that, as a group, these birds were taken only occasionally. Whether they represent a minor food supplement in the diet or perhaps a source of decorative feathers is a matter of speculation. Har- grave (1970) reported finding pieces of skin and feathers (the red, buff, and black wing coverts) of an adult male Red- winged Blackbird, Agelaius phoeniceus (Linnaeus), at Sand Dune Cave. Family Indeterminate Five indeterminate passerine elements, two of which were incomplete right humeri of a small fringilid (?), were recovered at Sandwich Shelter. The significance of these, or any small passerine birds to aboriginal groups who once inhabited this region, is difficult to evaluate. The apparent scarcity of osteo- logical remains in sites might imply a general disregard for these small birds, yet their poor representation in most avi- faunas may also be attributed to archaeological field excava- tion/recovery techniques. Until fairly recent times, 'A-inch (approximately 0.64-cm) hardware cloth was used to screen the soil being removed during excavation, and elements of small vertebrates simply passed through such coarse screens and were lost. There are exceptions, of course, and one of the most notable is based on the analysis of feathers from Hogup Cave reported by Baldwin (1970). Of the 13 species of birds identified from feathers recovered at Hogup Cave, those of the Gray-crowned Rosy Finch, Leacosticte tephrocotis (Swain- Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna 249 son), were the most numerous (58 percent of the total) and occurred in 15 of the 16 excavated strata. The fact that various passerines were taken for their skins or plumage has been well documented in the ethnographic literature. The strip of skin and feathers of a Rufous-sided Towhee, Pipilo erythrophthalmus (Linnaeus), found as a “choker” at the neck of a human infant in a burial taken from the Catfish Canyon Site, Glen Canyon area (Hargrave 1960) provides an interesting example. However, unmodified re- mains of small birds recovered in cave site deposits, for ex- ample those of Horned Lark, Eremophila alpestris (Linnaeus), reported by Sperry (1957) from Danger Cave and others iden- tified from Hogup Cave, may represent prey individuals taken by raptors, which also periodically use cave sites as roosts (Parmalee 1970). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS In order to reach what might be considered an accurate interpretation of any archaeological faunal sample, the almost limitless number of variables that may have affected that sam- ple— such as preservation factors, length of site occupation, number of occupants, season(s) of occupation, occupants’ hunting methods and preferences for certain animals, per- centage of the site sampled, and field recovery techniques — must be evaluated. Ethnographic accounts of hunting tech- niques and food preparation methods, for example the com- munal duck and coot hunt of the Shoshone described by Lowie (1924), can provide a useful correlation with the osteological record. However, the applicability of ethnographic data in interpreting prehistoric archaeological faunas may indeed be questionable. Therefore, interpretation of an osteological sam- ple must take into account as many of the variables as might be considered applicable. In spite of the unknowns, the iden- tification of species, the number of remains of each, and an estimate of the number of individuals represented can prove indicative of the relative importance of a species or group of animals in the social and/or economic life of a people. The identification of approximately 5050 bird bones from 5 Archaic and 11 Fremont sites located in northern and western Utah has shown a relatively consistent utilization of some avian groups (e.g., geese and ducks) over several thousand years. In contrast, other species were apparently not consis- tently used. Grebe elements made up nearly 33 percent of all avian remains from the Archaic sites, but less than 1 percent of the Fremont samples. Bones of the White Pelican, on the other hand, totaled about 7 percent of the remains from the Fremont sites, but less than 1 percent from the Archaic. Al- though there were more than twice the number of elements from the Fremont sites, it is doubtful that this difference in sample size is a factor in explaining such discrepancies. Nor are differences in seasonal occupation of the sites: both the Eared Grebe and White Pelican are common summer residents and, therefore, would have been available to both cultural groups. Perhaps hunting methods or a preference for other species were factors affecting the taking of one species and not another. All of the species represented in the 16 archaeological sam- ples, except the Passenger Pigeon, either still occur in Utah or represent birds previously reported from the state. Thirteen of the 16 sites were located along or near the Great Salt Lake and Bear River marshes. As one might expect, remains of aquatic and semi-aquatic birds made up the majority of ele- ments (approximately 90 percent in both Archaic and Fremont samples). When concentrations of waterfowl occurred on the Great Salt Lake, its marshes, and the rivers draining into it, the aboriginal peoples occupying these areas realized a valu- able food resource that could be harvested with minimum ef- fort for maximum return. The Indian had to be an opportunist in obtaining food; although preference was certainly a factor, abundance and availability of any given species or group of animals would have affected his procurement efforts as would a sufficient return for the amount of energy expended. Elements of fledgling or juvenile birds were, as a whole, rare in the avian samples. Two young Ravens were repre- sented in the material from Deadman Cave and several im- mature duck bones occurred in the Levee site sample. The largest number of elements of juvenile birds (15) were re- covered at the Evans Mound site and included bones of Sage Grouse, Coot, hawk (Buteo sp. ?), and Raven. This indicates a late spring/early summer occupation of this site. Osteological evidence from some aboriginal sites, for example the Emery- ville Shellmound, San Francisco Bay, California, has shown that the inhabitants purposely hunted nestling birds, in this instance, cormorants (Howard 1929). In addition to the “groove-and-snap” Sandhill Crane wing bone ends described from Pharo Village, two others removed by the same method (distal right ulna of Bald Eagle, Haliaeetus leucocephalus (Lin- naeus); proximal end of a right ulna of a Great Horned Owl) were found in the Deadman Cave material. Three limb bone shafts (goose humerus and tibiotarsus, eagle ulna) from which the ends had been removed were recovered at the Injun Creek site. These and other examples of scored or otherwise modified elements, special utilization of feathers and skins, and the in- ternment of body parts with the dead are evidence that birds played an important role, in addition to subsistence, in the social and ceremonial activities of prehistoric Utah inhabit- ants. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I express my appreciation to Jesse D. Jennings for the loan of the avian materials examined during this study; and to him and his Research Assistant, Frank Hull, I also owe a debt of gratitude for their patience in supplying site information and other pertinent data as well as reference materials. Examina- tion of several of the faunal samples was initiated in 1972 when I was associated with the Illinois State Museum, Spring- field; during this time the late Alexander Wetmore generously provided species determinations for several problem elements. I am also indebted to Amadeo M. Rea for identification assis- tance with certain bones and for the loan of comparative spec- imens. For her assistance in the recording of data and the prepa- ration of Table 2, I gratefully acknowledge my wife Barbara. Special appreciation is extended to Betty Creech for typing the manuscript and to Arthur E. Bogan for the preparation of Figure 1. LITERATURE CITED Aikens, C.M. 1966. Fremont-Promontory- Plains relation- ships including a report of excavations at the Injun Creek 250 Parmalee: Prehistoric Utah Avifauna and Bear River Number 1 sites, northern Utah. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 82:1-102. Allen, J.A. 1872. Notes of an ornithological reconnaissance of portions of Kansas, Colorado, Wyoming, and Utah. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Harvard 3(6): 1 13-183. Baldwin, D. 1970. Bird Feathers from Hogup Cave. Pp. 267-269 (Appendix VI) in Hogup Cave by C.M. Aikens, Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 93. Barrett, S.A. 1908. Porno Indian basketry. Univ. Calif. Publ. Amer. Arch, and Ethnol. 7(3): 133-308. Behle, W.H., and M.L. Perry. 1975. Utah birds: check- list, seasonal and ecological occurrence charts and guides to bird finding. Utah Mus. Nat. Hist., Univ. Utah, Salt Lake City. 142 pp. Berry, M.S. 1972. The Evans site. Spec. Report Dept. An- thro., Univ. Utah: 1-299. Durrant, S.A. 1970. Faunal remains as indicators of neo- thermal climates at Hogup Cave. 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Zool. 32(2):301— 394. Jameson, S.J.S. 1958. Archeological notes on Stansbury Is- land. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 34:1-46. Jennings, J.D. 1957. Danger cave. Univ. Utah Anthro. Pa- pers 27: 1-328. . 1978. Prehistory of Utah and the eastern Great Ba- sin. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 98:1-263. Johnsgard, P.A. 1960. Hybridization in the Anatidae and its taxonomic implications. Condor 62( 1):2 5— 33 . Judd, N.M. 1954. The material culture of Pueblo Bonito. Smithsonian Misc. Collections, Vol. 124. 239 pp. Kelly, I T. 1964. Southern Paiute ethnography. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 69 (Glen Canyon Ser. No. 21): 1-194. Laybourne, R.C. 1967. Unworked bird bone identification. P. 58 (Table 6) in Excavations at Snake Rock village and the Bear River No. 2 site by C.M. Aikens. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 87. Loud, L.L., and M R. Harrington. 1929. Lovelock Cave. Univ. Calif. Publ. Amer. Arch, and Ethnol. 25(1): 1-183. Lowie, R.H. 1909. The northern Shoshone. Anthro. Papers Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 2(2): 165-306. — . 1924. Notes on Shoshonean enthnography. Anthro. Papers Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. 20(3): 185—3 14. Mandelbaum, D.G. 1940. The Plains Cree. Amer. Mus. Nat. Hist. Anthro. Papers 37(2): 155-316. Marwitt, J.P. 1968. Pharo Village. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 91:1-84. Marwitt, J.P. , G.F. Fry, and J.M. Adovasio. 1971. Sand- wich Shelter. Univ. Oreg. Anthro. Papers 1:27-36. Matthews, W. 1877. Ethnography and philology of the Hidatsa Indians. U.S. Geol. and Geograph. Survey, Misc. Publ. No. 7, Washington. 239 pp. Nusbaum, J.L. 1922. A Basket Maker Cave in Kane County Lfiah. Indian Notes and Monographs, Mus. Amer. Indi- an, Heye Foundation 29:1-153. Parmalee, P.W. 1967. Additional noteworthy records of birds from archaeological sites. Wilson Bull. 79(2): 155— 162. . 1970. Birds from Hogup Cave. Pp. 263-266 (Appen- dix Vj in Hogup Cave by C.M. Aikens, Univ. Utah An- thro. Papers 93. . 1976. A general summary of the vertebrate fauna from Cahokia. Pp. 137-155 in Perspectives in Cahokia archaeology (James Brown, Ed.). 111. Arch. Survey Bull. Llrbana. No. 10. . 1977. The avifauna from prehistoric Arikara sites in South Dakota. Plains Anthropologist 22(77): 189-222. . 1979. A preliminary report on the birds from the Levee and Knoll sites, Box Elder county, Utah. Pp. 1 10— 113 (Appendix III) in The Levee site and the Knoll site by G.F. Fry and G.F. Dailey, Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 100. Schorger, A.W. 1973. The passenger pigeon; its natural history and extinction. Univ. Okla. Press, Norman. 424 pp. Sharrock, F.W., and J.P. Marwitt. 1967. Excavations at Nephi, Utah, 1965-1966. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 88:1-60. Shields, W.F., and G.F. Dalley. 1978. The Bear River No. 3 site. Misc. Paper 22, Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 99:57-99. Smith, E.R. 1952. The archaeology of Deadman Cave, Utah. Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 10:1-41. Sperry, C.C. 1957. Feathers recovered from Danger Cave. Pp. 305-306 (Appendix C) in Danger Cave by J.D. Jen- nings, Univ. Utah Anthro. Papers 27. Steward, J.H. 1933. Ethnography of the Owens Valley Paiute. Univ. Calif. Publ. Amer. Arch, and Ethnol. 33:233-340. Ubelaker, D. , and W.R. Wedel. 1975. Bird bones, burials and bundles in Plains archaeology. Amer. Antiq. 40(4):444-452. Weisel, G.F. 1952. Animal names, anatomical terms, and some ethnozoology of the Flathead Indians. Jour. Wash. Acad. Sciences 42(1 1):345 —3 5 5 . A FOSSIL PLAIN WANDERER (AVES: PEDIONOMIDAE) FROM FIRE-HOLE DEPOSITS, MORWELL, SOUTHEASTERN VICTORIA, AUSTRALIA By Pat Vickers Rich1 and A.R. McEvey2 ABSTRACT: Lacustrine deposits previously thought to be of mid-Miocene age from the Morwell open cut mine, southeastern Victoria, Australia, have produced the partial skeleton of a Plain Wanderer (Aves: Pedionomidae) indistinguishable from the living Pedtonomus torquatus Gould. This indicates either a very young age for the Morwell Fire-hole No. 2 sediments (contrary to the mid-Miocene dating based on pollen analysis) or a very slow rate of evolution within the Pedionomidae. The former hypothesis is favored. Lacustrine sediments of disputed age from Fire-hole No. 2, State Electricity Commission Open Cut Coal Mine at Morwell, Victoria (Australia) have produced a partial skeleton of a Plain Wanderer (Aves: Pedionomidae) indistinguishable from the living Pedionomus torquatus. Both avian and marsupial skeletons were contained in finely laminated dark grey clays that formed a lenticular body, prob- ably the remains of a small pond or lake. The depression in which deposition took place apparently formed when the early Miocene (Douglas and Ferguson 1976) brown coal of the Mor- well Formation (Morwell 1A Seam) caught fire and burned in a restricted area. This steep-sided basin must have filled with water and served as a natural trap for animals that chanced to fall in, possibly, in the case of the kangaroos, through a vegetal mat that may have covered part of the pond’s perim- eter (T. Rich pers. comm.). Analysis of the pollen (including Triporopollenites bellus) collected from these lacustrine sediments suggests a middle to late Miocene age (A. Partridge, ESSO, Sydney; pers. comm ), distinctly younger than the Morwell Formation, also palyno- logicallv dated. The marsupial fossils, on the other hand, in- cluding two species of kangaroos (Macropus titan ( =giganteus ) and Protemnodon anak\ T. Rich and T. Flannery pers. comm.), are typical of Pleistocene-aged assemblages. Macro- pus titan might possibly extend into the Pliocene of western Victoria (Buninyong; T. Rich pers. comm.), but this would be the maximum age documented for this species. The following paper evaluates the partial skeleton of the Plain Wanderer from Morwell in light of this conflicting evidence. Abbreviations used below are as follows: NMV, National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne; SAM, South Australian Mu- seum, Adelaide. 1 National Museum of Victoria and Earth Sciences Department, Mon- ash University, Clayton, Victoria. 2 National Museum of Victoria, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. SYSTEMATICS Order Ralliformes (Reichenbach) Family Pedionomidae Gadow DIAGNOSIS: The Morwell fossil bird was assigned to the Pedionomidae because it exhibits the following combination of characters: Sternum with (1) a single sternal notch either side of the midline that extends about half the length of this element; (2) straight posterior lateral processes of equal width over their entire length. Synsacrum with (1) foramina between vertebrae not well developed; (2) morphology broad, flat and not elongate, only slightly longer than wide; (3) anterior iliac crest, particularly near anterior end, prominent and separate from anterior blade of ilium, although the two nearly meet; (4) sacral vertebrae broadly expanded in comparison to remainder of vertebrae associated with synsacrum; (S) small anti-trochanter; (6) three or four vertebrae fused into synsacral complex posterior to sacrals (i.e., the synsacral caudals); (7) illioischiatic fenestra forming a small oval, not greatly elongate, but decidedly larger (at least three times the area) than acetabulum; (8) in ventral view only four parapophvses attaching to ilium anterior to sacral vertebrae, including one pair on anteromost vertebra, which is not completely fused into synsacral complex; (9) only one sacral parapophysis quite prominent, attaching onto ven- tral part of vertebral column; (10) no narrow ridge or distinct haemal processes on ventral parts of synsacral thoracic ver- tebrae; (11) most prominent pair of parapophvses of sacral vertebrae forming large acute angle with vertebral column in- stead of right angle. Ulna (1) elongate and slender; with (2) shaft curved, not straight, particularly at proximal end; (3) shaft not distinctly compressed, but triangular in cross section with rounded edges, particularly at midpoint; (4) secondary papillae not prominent; (5) olecranon small and short, not prominent with palmar borders of internal and external cotyla not existing far Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:251-255. 252 Rich and McEvey: Fossil Plain Wanderer H Figure 1. Pedionomus torquatus (NMV P39121), Fire-hole deposits, Morwell, Victoria: A partial skeleton in matrix including sternum (st), scapula (sc), and fragments of vertebrae and ribs. Stereographic pairs: B, E, tibiotarsus (lateral view); C, F, ulna (proximal fragments, palmar view); D, G, ulna (distal fragment, anconal view); I, H, femur (anterior view). See Table 1 for scale. palmad of shaft; (6) distinct proximal radial depression absent, as is any great pneumatization in this area; (7) shaft surface near proximal end low and rounded palmarly, with only slight indication of median ridge; (8) prominence for anterior artic- ular ligament low, not pronounced; (9) carpal tuberosity not prominent; (10) carpal tuberosity merging with shaft at about level where external condyle originates; (11) lateral margin of external condyle nearly parallel with lateral margin of shaft. Femur with (1) trochanter well developed, deep; (2) prox- imal end not wide, but laterally compressed; (3) anterior and posterior borders of proximal end concave in proximal view, not straight and/or parallel; (4) proximal margin of trochanter, especially posterior half, recurved and overhanging iliac facet; (5) trochanter protruding anteriad of head; (6) trochanter slightly convex laterally, not highly convex, in proximal view; (7) trochanter not expanding much beyond anterior margin of shaft, lying nearly parallel to shaft in anterior or posterior views; (8) trochanter rising to marked peak, in lateral view, rather than being smoothly rounded; (9) trochanter extending farthest proximad just slightly anterior of its midpoint, in lat- Rich and McEvey: Fossil Plain Wanderer 253 B C Figure 2. Pedionomous torquatus (NMV P39121), Fire-hole deposits, Morwell, Victoria: A, left lateral view of synsacrum; B, C, stereographic pair, dorsal view, synsacrum. See Table 1 for scale. eral view; (10) iliac facet and head highly concave proximally, not flat; (11) proximal end lacking any projection anteriad along margin between trochanter and head; (12) shaft lacking deep excavation just internal to trochanteric ridge; (13) shaft lacking pneumatization on proximal end. Tibiotarsus poorly preserved; (1) shaft compressed antero- posteriorly; (2) cnemial crests and rotular crests of moderate proximal extension; (3) interarticular area between external articular surface and rotular crest with relatively deep exca- vation; although there are no characters that exclude it from the Pedionomidae, the tibiotarsus has few diagnostic charac- ters. Genus Pedionomus Gadow GENERIC DIAGNOSIS: As for family, only genus in fam- ily. Pedionomus torquatus Gould MATERIAL: NMV P39121, partial skeleton including: par- tial sternum (left half), ribs, distal fragments of left scapula, vertebral fragments, fused synsacral vertebrae, synsacral frag- ments, proximal end of right ulna, proximal end of left femur and midsection of left femur (not articulated), proximal end of left tibiotarsus (see Figs. 1-2). Found by Thomas Darragh. For measurements see Table 1. LOCALITY: Fire-hole No. 2, State Electricity Commission Morwell Open Cut Coal Mine, Southeastern Victoria. STRATIGRAPHIC HORIZON: Lacustrine sediments overlying Morwell Seam lA (early Miocene) and below the Haunted Hill Gravels (Jenkin 1968). Age uncertain, lying be- tween early Miocene and the pre-late Pleistocene. DESCRIPTION AND COMPARISON: Sternum: Sternal notch slightly deeper, or posterior lateral process more elon- gate, or possibly both, than in P. torquatus ; posterior lateral processes elongate and narrow with nearly straight lateral margin; intermuscular line prominent (variable in modern Pe- dionomus). Scapula: Elongate, narrow, and parallel-sided over much of its length; of same size as in P. torquatus, except more robust, especially at the distal end. Synsacrum: Two pairs of transverse processes anterior to main sacral vertebral attachment to synsacrum present in ven- tral view; prominent groove present along ventral midline be- tween last lumbar and first sacral transverse processes; median dorsal ridge quite prominent; ventral border of synsacrum nearly straight in lateral view, not concave ventrally; synsa- crum deepest at anterior end, narrowing posteriorly; arrange- ment of obturator foramen, acetabulum and ilio-ischiatic fe- nestrae as in P. torquatus, with the latter largest and ovoid in shape; synsacrum broad posterior to acetabulum as in Recent P. torquatus. 254 Rich and McEvey: Fossil Plain Wanderer Table 1. Measurements (in mm) of Recent and fossil Pedionomidae. Measurements Pedionomus torquatus Morwell Victoria NMV P39121 Recent Pedionomus torquatus (n = 2) STERNUM Length of sternal notch measured along internal side of left posterior lateral process 10.8 + 9.6-11.2 Anterior width of posterior lateral process -2.8 2. 8-3. 5 SYNSACRUM Total length of vertebral component of synsacrum, measured along dorsal surface 6.6 6. 3-6. 5 Maximum width across vertebral column just posterior to transverse process of first sacral vertebra 4.2 4. 2-4. 7 Diameter of right acetabulum -2.4 1.8-1. 9 Maximum measurement across right ilioischiatic fenestra ~4.6 5. 1-5.5 Maximum measurement across right obturator foramen -1.2 1.6-1. 7 ULNA Proximal width 4.2 3. 6-3. 9 Proximal depth 2.9 2. 0-2. 9 Length from proximal end of olecranon to distal end of proximal radial depression 4.2 4. 6-4. 7 Depth of external condyle 2.4 + 2. 4-2. 7 Distal width 3.4 3.1 FEMUR Proximal width 4.5 4. 4-4. 6 Depth of trochanter 3.2 3. 1-4.1 Depth of head 1.9 2.0 TIBIOTARSUS Distance from external articular surface to distal end of fibular crest 10.8 9. 2-9. 4 Depth across external articular surface to base of external cnemial crest 4.1 3.9-4. 1 Width of shaft at base of fibular crest 2.5 2.4 Depth of shaft at base of fibular crest 1.6 1.5-2. 5 Ulna: No appreciable differences from P. torquatus, al- though distal end fragmentary. Femur: Although differences exist between the proximal ends of some femora of Recent P. torquatus and the Morwell specimen, it lies within the range of variability found in living P. torquatus ; the shaft shape compares closely with that of the living species, the only visible difference being a slightly great- er anteroposterior flexure in lateral view, being convex ante- riorly rather than straight; direct connection between the prox- imal and distal segments of the femur cannot be established, but the two fragments are very probably from the same bone. Tibiotarsus: Comparison very limited because of erosion of proximal end, but appears similar to P. torquatus. See Bock and McEvey (1969) for a thorough, complete description of the skeleton of the living P torquatus. In summary, then, the Morwell Pedionomus is the same size as the living/5, torquatus and differs only in that (1) the sternal notch is slightly deeper, (2) the ventral border of the synsacrum is not as curved (concave ventrally), and (3) the shaft of the femur may have a slightly greater flexure. Because our sample of living P. torquatus is so small and the differences noted above only slight, we believe there is no reason to propose a new species for the fossil material. The reasoning is strength- ened by the fact that several skeletal elements are represented, and all show only minor differences, if any, from/5, torquatus. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSIONS Detailed comparisons of several skeletal elements of the fos- sil Plain Wanderer from Morwell with those of Recent Pe- dionomus torquatus show few differences, either qualitative or quantitative. The differences noted are insufficient to define a new species. The close similarity between the fossil specimen and Recent P. torquatus suggests two possibilities. The first is that the lacustrine sediments at Morwell are very young. This is because within avian groups with known lengthy rec- ords in Australia, such as the Aegothelidae (Rich and McEvey 1977) and Phoenicopteridae (Miller 1963), pre-Pleistocene forms show significant differences from extant birds. This is also true in areas where the record of fossil birds is far better Rich and McEvey: Fossil Plain Wanderer 255 known, especially in North America and Europe. The second possibility is an extremely slow rate of evolution within the Pedionomidae in comparison with other avian groups. No liv- ing species of bird anywhere in the world is known to extend farther back in time than the late Pliocene, approximately three million years ago. In summary, we favor the hypothesis that the fossil Plain Wanderer from Morwell is of a late Pliocene or younger age. The presence of the fossil pedionomid is, likewise, suggestive of nearby grasslands during the time of deposition of the Fire- hole sediments as this is the ecological zone occupied by the living P. torquatus. Pedionomus torquatus (SAM P126718) has previously been reported from Pleistocene deposits of Victoria Cave in South Australia (van Tets and Smith 1974). Although this synsacral fragment is similar to P. torquatus, it is likewise similar to several species of Charadriiformes. It differs from/5, torquatus in having a narrow, prominent ridge on the ventral surface of the two anterior synsacral thoracic vertebrae and in being slightly more concave ventrallv over the posterior half of the synsacral vertebrae. We hesitate to assign it to any taxonomic group until more material is available, because the specimen lacks so many of the characters diagnostic for the Pedionom- idae. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank T.H. Rich, T. Flannery, A. Partridge, and J. van Tets for discussing aspects of this manuscript; and the M.A. Ingram Trust, Utah Mining, and Danks Trust for their sup- port of the osteological research leading to this publication; P. Thomas, U. Gawronski, C. Armstrong, and K. Mott for typ- ing; and F. Coffa for expertly photographing a difficult spec- imen. LITERATURE CITED Bock, W.J., and A.R. McEvey. 1969. Osteology of Pe- dionomus torquatus (Aves: Pedionomidae) and its allies. Proc. Roy. Soc. Victoria 82(2): 18 2-232. Douglas, J.G., and J. A. Ferguson. (Eds.). 1976. Geology of Victoria. Geol. Soc. Australia, Sp. Publ. 5. 528 pp. Jenkin, J.J. 1968. The geomorphology and upper Cainozoic geology of southeast Gippsland, Victoria. Geol. Sur. Vic- toria. Mem. 27:1-147. Miller, A. 1963. The fossil flamingoes of Australia. Condor 65(4):289 — 299. Rich, P.V., and A. McEvey. 1977. A new owlet-nightjar from the early to mid-Miocene of eastern New South Wales. Mem. Nat. Mus. Victoria 38:247-253. van Tets, G.F., and M.J. Smith. 1974. Small fossil ver- tebrates from Victoria Cave, Naracoorte, South Australia III. Birds (Aves). Trans. Roy. Soc. So. Australia 98(4): 2 25 — 2 2 8 . PASSENGER PIGEON BONES FROM ARCHAEOLOGICAL SITES IN NEW MEXICO By L.L. Hargrave1 and S.D. Emslie2 ABSTRACT: Three bones of the Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius (Linnaeus), were recovered from archaeological sites in Taos and San Juan Counties, New Mexico. The elements represent at least two individuals and could date as early as A.D. 975. These records are the first Holocene records of E. migratorius in New Mexico and increase this species’ known distribution in prehistoric western United States. The extinct Passenger Pigeon, Ectopistes migratorius (Lin- naeus), was a species whose preferred habitat was the forested areas of eastern North America (Ridgway 1916; Schorger 1955). There are only a few known records of this pigeon from western states; these include Idaho (Burleigh 1972), Nevada (Linsdale 1951), Washington (Jewett et al. 1953), and Wyo- ming (Ridgway 1916). Howard (1937) described six elements representing at least two individuals of Ectopistes migratorius from the late Pleis- tocene deposits of Rancho La Brea. These specimens repre- sented the first record of the Passenger Pigeon from California, and the first fossil record of this species from the western United States. A second fossil record from the western United States, also reported by Howard (1971), consisted of one bone from Pleistocene deposits in Dark Canyon Cave, Eddy Coun- ty, New Mexico. Regarding the date of deposits in this cave, Howard (pers. comm.) states, “The Avifauna from Dark Can- yon Cave certainly suggests a Late Pleistocene date of depo- sition. The three best represented species are Coragyps occi- dentalis (Miller), Gymuogyps ampins Miller, and Caracara prelutosa (Howard), which are characteristic of the Rancho La Brea avifauna, and have been found at other Late Pleistocene localities in the United States and Mexico.” MATERIAL The specimens of Ectopistes migratorius reported on here were recovered from the archaeological sites of Una Vida in Chaco Canyon, San Juan County, and Picuris Pueblo (San Lorenzo), Taos County (Fig. 1). The specimens are: Una Vida: right humerus complete, No. C265 (length: 43.0 mm), Room 46, floor. Left ulna with proximal end fragmented, No. C271 (approximate length: 47.3 mm), Room 65. Picuris Pueblo: left tibiotarsus with the ends fragmented, No. 1192, TA III, Area III Test Pit C, bottom layer. 1 Former professor of ethnobiology, Prescott Center College, Prescott, Arizona 86301, now deceased. 2 Department of Biological Sciences, Northern Arizona University, Flagstaff, Arizona 86001. The Passenger Pigeon bone from Picuris Pueblo is currently housed at Adams State College, Alamosa, Colorado 81102 (in the care of Herbert Dick); the two bones from Una Vida are housed at the Chaco Center, University of New Mexico, P.O. Box 26176, Albuquerque, New Mexico 87125 (in the care of James Judge). Una Vida is a large classic Chaco town of the Anasazi cul- ture, Rooms 46 and 65 are contemporaneous and were dated by tree rings, architectural style, and ceramic typology to with- in the period A.D. 950-1030, with a more probable range of A.D. 975-1030 (Gordon Vivian pers. comm.). Picuris Pueblo has been continuously occupied since A.D. 1250. Ceramic evi- dence indicates the provenience in which the bone was found dates at A.D. 1300-1350 (Herbert Dick pers. comm.). IDENTIFICATION Pigeons other than Ectopistes migratorius whose remains might occur in archaeological sites in the western United States include the Band-tailed Pigeon, Columba fasciata Say, the Red-billed Pigeon, C. flavirostris Wagler, and the domestic Rock Dove, C. livia Gmelin. The latter species was introduced into North America but may occur intrusively in a prehistoric site and is especially important to consider here as Picuris Pueblo is also a historic site that is still inhabited. In addition, Hargrave identified bones of the Band-tailed Pigeon at Picuris Pueblo. Comparisons were made with 26 adult skeletons of Ecto- pistes migratorius , 17 of Columba fasciata, 20 of C. livia, and six of C. flavirostris. Five skeletons of the White-crowned Pi- geon, C. leucocephala Linnaeus, were also included in the comparisons. E. migratorius is distinguished from the species of Columba by having humerus with stockier shaft; deltoid crest more rounded, ectepicondylar papilla higher on shaft; and external condyle more elongate. Ulna with a small depression on proximal intercotylar ridge (this depression is absent in Columba flavirostris and there is a small projection on the ridge in C. leucocephala)', and bicip- ital attachment placed closer to impression of M. brachialis anticus. Contrib. Sci. Natur. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles County. 1980. 330:257-260. 258 Hargrave and Emslie: Passenger Pigeons ll 10 9 8 7 6 Figure 1. Archaeological specimens of Ectopistes migratorius from New Mexico (left to right): left tibiotarsus from Picuris Pueblo (No. 1192), right humerus from Una Vida (No. C265), left ulna from Una Vida (No. C271). (Scale in cm.) Tibiotarsus with shaft narrower; and fibular crest less prom- inent. In addition to the generic characters, the humerus of Ec- topistes migratorius may be distinguished from those of Co- lumba livia and C. fasciata by size (Table 1). It is probable that all wing long bones of E. migratorius are smaller, and do not equal or exceed the length of the same elements of C . livia and C. fasciata. The specimens from Una Vida and Picuris agree with characters listed for£. migratorius. DISCUSSION Locations of Pleistocene and Holocene records of Ectopistes migratorius in the western United States are illustrated in Fig- ure 2. Ectopistes migratorius was known to occur regularly only as far west as “along the Missouri River to eastern Mon- tana and to western Texas (Frio Canyon, Tom Green County, 1881)” (Ridgway 1916:336). The western records are: California: Six elements representing at least two individuals from Pleistocene deposits at Rancho La Brea, Los Angeles County (Howard 1937). Idaho: One skin (USNM No. 22006) collected at Pack River by C.B. Kennedy on 17 June 1860. This record was mistak- enly listed by Ridgway (1916) as being from eastern Oregon (Burleigh 1971). Nevada: One skin (USNM No. 53650) collected in West Humboldt Mountains by Ridgway on 10 September 1867 (Ridgway 1916). Table 1. Comparison of archaeological humeri of Ectopistes mig- ratorius with Recent species of Columba. All measurements are in mm. Species N Mean Range Stan- dard Devi- ation Stan- dard Error E. migratorius Length 25 41.4 38.8-43.6 1.12 0.22 Proximal breadth 18 14.4 12.3-16.5 0.90 0.21 Distal breadth 26 9.5 9.0-10.4 0.37 0.07 C. fasciata Length 17 46.2 43.9-48.7 1.56 0.38 Proximal breadth 13 16.3 15.3-17.2 0.56 0.15 Distal breadth 17 11.2 10.6-12.3 0.46 0.11 C. livia Length 20 46.0 43.7-50.9 1.74 0.39 Proximal breadth 18 17.9 15.5-19.3 1.18 0.28 Distal breadth 20 10.9 9.8-12.0 0.53 0.12 C. leucocephala Length 5 42.7 40.3-44.5 1.83 0.82 Proximal breadth 5 13.1 12.0-14.0 0.65 0.29 Distal breadth 5 10.1 9.4-10.5 0.40 0.18 C. flavirostris Length 6 42.8 40.9-43.9 1.12 0.46 Proximal breadth 6 14.8 13.8-15.7 0.56 0.23 Distal breadth 6 10.7 10.0-11.2 0.38 0.16 New Mexico: One bone from Pleistocene deposits at Dark Canyon Cave, Eddy County (Howard 1971); two bones rep- resenting one individual from Una Vida, San Juan County, dated at A.D. 975-1030; one bone from Picuris Pueblo, Taos County, dated at A.D. 1300-1350 (the latter two records re- ported on here). LTah: One bone from Archaic deposits at the Stansbury II site, Stansbury Island, The Great Salt Lake, Tooele County (see Parmalee this vol.). Washington: Two specimens shot, but not collected, at Spo- kane Falls by Lt. A.V. Kautz in 1869; also recorded from Colville and Puget Sound (Jewett et al. 1953). Wyoming: One skin (USNM No. 13382) collected at Horse- shoe Creek, Albany County, by Ridgway on 16 September 1859 (Ridgway 1916). In addition to the above, Schorger (1955) discusses possible sightings, but no skins, of Ectopistes migratorius in western Montana, Idaho (Lemi County), and Wyoming (Fort Lara- mie). The new records from New Mexico are the earliest Ho- locene records from this state. While all the above records seem to indicate E. migratorius was an accidental visitor to the western United States, Phillips (1968) discusses the prob- ability of locating fossils of accidental species. Concerning the Pleistocene record of£. migratorius at Rancho La Brea, Phil- lips (1968:134) states, “The case for considering Ectopistes cas- ual would be stronger if the abundant and similar (in size, and in some degree in habits) Columba fasciata were not repre- sented by exactly the same number and scattering of individ- uals. Further, other notably gregarious birds (shorebirds, terns, blackbirds) are also poorly or not at all represented at Rancho La Brea.” Phillips also points out that while £. mi- gratorius is absent from the younger tar pits, so are remains of the condor, Gymnogyps amplus, the presumed direct ances- Hargrave and Emslie: Passenger Pigeons 259 Figure 2. Locations of Pleistocene and Holocene records of Ectopistes migratorius in the western United States. Line indicates extent of normal distribution (after Schorger 1955). tor (Howard 1962) of G. calif ornianus , which is still found not far from Rancho La Brea. Based on this argument, we can conclude that Ectopistes migratorius may have been a common species in southern Cal- ifornia during the Pleistocene. In fact, the Pleistocene distri- bution of this species may have extended over much of western North America. The presence of£. migratorius in Idaho, Ne- vada, Washington, and Wyoming as late as the 1850’s shows that the species was still able to survive in isolated pockets in the west. The Pleistocene record of Ectopistes migratorius in New Mexico suggests it was a common species of forests and wood- lands there as well. Evidence exists that indicates long pluvial periods in New Mexico and Arizona during the Pleistocene 260 Hargrave and Emslie: Passenger Pigeons (Wright et al. 1973; Harris 1977; Van Devender et al. 1977; Porter 1978; Van Devender and Spaulding 1979), and these periods may have seen the extensive development of forests and open woodlands. However, it is unlikely that the archae- ological records represent relict, post-Pleistocene populations of£. migratorius that resulted from climatic changes and their effect on vegetation patterns. It is more likely that Holocene climatic fluctuations, causing minor mesic intervals, allowed E. migratorius to re-extend its range into the state. Pollen studies have shown increases in moisture at Picuris Pueblo from A.D. 1335-1425 (Schoenwetter 1970) and at Chaco Can- yon beginning about A.D. 1100 (Hall 1977). These periods may represent brief mesic intervals that allowed E. migrator- ius to expand into those areas. CONCLUSIONS Two new records of Ectopistes migratorius are the earliest Holocene records known from New Mexico. Pleistocene rec- ords of this species indicate that it was possibly common in the state at that time. It is questionable, however, that it was able to remain in New Mexico as relict populations following post-Pleistocene climatic changes. Rather, it probably re-ex- tended its range into certain areas because of temporary cli- matic fluctuations that caused minor mesic intervals. We ex- pect there will be other Pleistocene and archaeological records of£. migratorius in the western United States. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are very grateful to the following persons for loans of skeletal material: Herbert Dick, Adams State College, Colo- rado; Robert Finley, U.S. Fish and Wildlife, Ft. Collins, Col- orado; D.L. Hamilton, University of Texas at Austin; Paul W. Parmalee, University of Tennessee at Knoxville; Amadeo M. Rea, San Diego Museum of Natural History; and Gordon Vi- vian (now deceased), formerly of the Southwest Archaeological Center, Tucson, Arizona. Storrs Olson and the late Alexander Wetmore of the Smithsonian Institution confirmed the iden- tifications discussed in this report and pointed out certain dis- tinguishing characters. We also extend our thanks to Thomas Van Devender, Arthur Harris, and Amadeo Rea for their help- ful comments and criticisms on earlier drafts of this paper. Mark Middleton of the Museum of Northern Arizona provided the photograph. The Max C. Fleischmann Foundation funded much of the work reported on here. LITERATURE CITED Burleigh, T.D. 1971. Birds of Idaho. Caxton Printers, Ltd. Cadwell, Idaho. 467 pp. Hall, S.A. 1977. Late Quaternary sedimentation and paleo- ecologic history of Chaco Canyon, New Mexico. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 88:1593-1618. Harris, A.H. 1977. Wisconsin Age environments in the northern Chihuahuan desert: evidence from the higher vertebrates. Trans, of the Symposium on Biol. Resources of the Chihuahuan Desert Region: 23-52. Sul Ross State University, Alpine, Texas. Howard, H. 1937. A Pleistocene record of the Passenger Pigeon in California. Condor 39:12-14. . 1962. A comparison of prehistoric avian assemblages from individual pits at Rancho La Brea, California. Nat. Hist. Mus. Los Angeles Co., Contrib. Sci. No. 58:1-24. . 1971. Quaternary avian remains from Dark Canyon Cave, New Mexico. Condor 73:237-240. Jewett, S.G., W.P. Taylor, W.T. Shaw, and J.W. Al- drich. 1953. Birds of Washington State. Univ. of Wash- ington Press, Seattle. 767 pp. Linsdale, J.M. 1951. A list of the birds of Nevada. Condor 53:228-249. Phillips, A.R. 1968. The instability of the distribution of land birds in the southwest. Pp. 129-162 in Collected Papers in Honor of Lyndon Lane Hargrave (A.H. Schroe- der, Ed.). Papers Arch. Soc. New Mexico No. 1. Univ. New Mexico Press, Albuquerque. Porter, L.S.W. 1978. Pleistocene pluvial climates as indi- cated by present day climatic parameters of Cryptotis par- va and Microtus mexicanus . J. Mammal. 59(2):330— 338. Ridgway, R. 1916. The Birds of North and Middle America. Part VII. Bull. United States Natl. Mus. No. 50:1-543. Schoenwetter, J. 1970. Archaeological pollen studies of the Colorado Plateau. Amer. Antiquity 35(l):35-48. Schorger, A.W. 1955. The Passenger Pigeon. Univ. of Wis- consin Press, Madison. Van Devender, T.R., and W.G. Spaulding. 1979. De- velopment of Vegetation and Climate in the Southwestern United States. Science 204:701-710. Van Devender, T.R., M. Phillips, III, and J.I. Mead. 1977. Late Pleistocene reptiles and small mammals from the lower Grand Canyon of Arizona. Southwestern Nat- uralist 22(l):49-66. Wright, H.E., Jr., AM Bent, B.S. Hansen, and L.J. Maher, Jr. 1973. Present and past vegetation of the Chuska Mountains, northwestern New Mexico. Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer. 84:1155-1180. alp W§ , tee, M' !|) MV" I11'- I 111 jjtRtf ziliwQ. 1 '-' Wife Sill i :::!■ SititP 2f& > ||§L " _ s w ■ •{ .•! .iiM:11 ! ?\l ■ : '.: ii-jj !'l Kmji®! . : iiiifete mm lifc-.-i: :|fctv'- ■..:' :■ .irjJMjrtJii .■■!■; ,; :<;: ' 1 !- .iii;j; = : .' 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