Contributions from the United States National Herbarium Volume 56: 1—184 AK \C7TCE ) 1inae Lol BOT Revision of Festuca (Poaceae Paramos 1Canl South Ameri in Cik Daniel Stan and Paul M. Peterson Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press — Py JAN U9 7008 LIBRARIES A Revision of Festuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American Paramos Daniel Stancik and Paul M. Peterson om Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press WASHINGTON, D.C. 2007 ABSTRACT Stan¢ik, Daniel and Paul M. Peterson. A revision of Festuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American paramos. Smithsonian Contri- butions from the United States National Herbarium, Volume 56, 184 pages (including 97 figures). A taxonomic revision of Festuca L. for the South American paramos of Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, northern Peru, and Venezuela is given. Fifty-six species and six subspecies of Festuca are recognized in the study area. Fifty-three species are native to the flora region and three are introduced and cultivated. Keys for determining the species, a classification, synonymies, descriptions, leaf anatomical descriptions, observations, distribution and habitat, specimens examined, illustrations, and leaf surface micrographs are provided. One species: F turimiqui- rensis Stancik & P.M. Peterson, and one subspecies: F. tolucensis subsp. culata Stancik & P.M. Peterson, are newly described. The following three names were lectotypified: Bromus caldasii Kunth [=Festuca caldasii (Kunth) Kunth], Festuca fratercula Rupr. ex E. Fourn. (~Festuca amplissima Rupr. subsp. amplissima), and Festuca ovina subvar. jamesonii St.-Yves (=Festuca glumosa Hack. ex E.B. Alexeev). KEY worps: Anatomy, Brazil, Classification, Colombia, Ecuador, Festuca, Loliinae, Poaceae, Taxonomy, Venezuela. RESUMEN e Stan¢ik, Daniel and Paul M. Peterson. A revision of Festuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American paramos. Smithsonian Con- tributions from the United States National Herbarium, xxx paginas (incluyendo 97 figuras). Se presenta una revision taxonomica del género Festuca (Poaceae) para los paramos del Sudamérica cubriendo la regién de Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, norte del Pert y Venezuela. Se reconocen 56 especies y seis subespecies. Cincuenta y tres especies son nativas de la region, tres son introducidas y cultivadas. En el trabajo se presenta una clave para la determinacion de las especies, una clasificacion del género en la region estu- diada, sindnimos, descripciones, descripcion de la anatomia foliar, distribucion y ecologia de las especies, lista de los especimenes estudiados, ilustraciones y microfotografias de la epidermis foliar. Se describe una nueva especie: F. turimiquirensis Stancik & P.M. Peterson, y una subespecie F. tolucensis subsp. culata Stancik & P.M. Peterson. También se designan lectotipos para tres nombres: Bromus caldasii Kunth [=Festuca caldasii (Kunth) Kunth], Festuca fratercula Rupr. ex E. Fourn. (=Festuca amplissima Rupr. subsp. amplissima) y Festuca ovina subvar. jamesonii St.-Yves (=Festuca glumosa Hack. ex E.B. Alexeev). PALABRAS CLAVES: Anatomia, Brasil, Clasificacion, Colombia, Ecuador, Festuca, Loliinae, Poaceae, Taxonomia, Venezuela. Published by Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press P.O. Box 37012 MRC 957 Washington, D.C. 20013-7012 The periodical Contributions from the U.S. National Herbarium was first published in 1890 by the United States Department of Agriculture. From July 1, 1902, forward it was published as a Bulletin of the United States National Museum. The series was discon- tinued after volume 38 (1974) and revived with volume 39 (2000) as a venue for publishing taxonomic papers, checklists, floras, and monographs produced by staff and associates at the U.S. National Herbarium. It is externally peer reviewed and published at irregular intervals. Subscriptions and other correspondence should be addressed to Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press. The present issue is available in print for free while supplies last; PDF files are available at Contributions from the United States National Herbarium (ISSN 0097-1618) Cover design by Alice R. Tangerini; front, habit of Festuca fimbriata Nees; back, habit of Festuca fragilis (Luces) B. Bricefio. Illustrated by Anna Skoumalova. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Smithsonian Institution Scholarly Press, P.O. Box 37012, MRC 957, Washington, D.C. 20013-7012. Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Stancik, Daniel. A revision of festuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American paramos / Daniel Stanéik and Paul M. Peterson. p. cm. — (Contributions from the United States National Herbarium ; 56) Includes bibliographical references and index. Summary in Spanish. 1. Fescue—South America—Classification. 2. Fescue—South America—lIdentification. I. Peterson, Paul M. II. Title. QK495.G74S728 2007 584’.9—dc22 2007026985 The paper used in this publication meets the minimum requirements of the American National Standard for Permanence of Paper for Printed Library Materials Z39.48—1992. CONTENTS RNAI RAN ete me en i Me es IR ss Aye sg SAT ER eee a snot acount asc ctiawdeastvesocuveseetbeseuadsvccseces 5 S TEECTOYRITS Sas Cog TSE TE coe A ee i rl, Se 5 Ree geste nae ENe SUNN 5 ee eee Rh Fen Gk ee a a Fed t cites sdeasuscaasestoectadseabceavarsacevdedssacssse 6 reenter e M e FEM a NEE, PA Deis hecaiivasadeaa leva Tivele ovaguseledtvodavsedsuaocl¥eesets 6 pee rE ER rer SN te TARE See deta see sd ric cee ta de sak iste clas sadusucashacedavesdeudadscisaestadictessensdesacoentabooes yj mm Ons oa yds TEIN dee ene, SN TE nec a es Aa cecrde cat eestve des bed insdacdnalitusseterenslidsasapacscessddcoevsedevec 8 Sea ERs err et BN NY Fe os Se doe SEA SREI NS Sv dod daub badd acudee seabed Shu ldase desde cencdouseasdee 8 ee me NETS TEIN Sense ee eeN a oi cas saaT sa ee Se Aideastsucdadsssusssdeidessesudesasstdasseascssaveseccecessavees 1] KEY TO THE SPECIES OF FESTUCA IN BRAZIL, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, AND VENEZUELA.....ccccccceeseeeeees 11 SURVEY OF THE SPECIES AND SUBGENERIC TAXA OF FESTUCA IN SOUTH AMERICAN PARAMOS .......22.2. 16 DESCRIPTIONS OF SPECIES OF FESTUCA FROM SOUTH AMERICAN PARAMOS .........cseccccccceseescscsueeesceeees 17 STEED TEED Cy. UNS TE Re, est oR By aE PR ob Sie 1 YL ORe By an a 146 SCANNING ELECTRON MICROGRAPHS OF LEAF EPIDERMAL SURFACES ...........0..0000..... 147 meer re ee cae ey aN ee The eee scab tM stand ei ta ona tadabdecseendhaisdeacesvectecvsechssecsesetadedvadevactie 173 empires Pam T NTT 5 9 oa eh hss needa, cuban es sade acne eaMa eas Seda sobecccesastasesdnccobsceuessuclesccsedsces 173 APHABETICAL INDEX OF ACCEPTED SPECIES AND SUBSPECIES>.......000...<.0000ccceccssssessccsneseasetacncaesons Wes GEES SETAE AP LDU IEOS 109) KO OILT BIC WOK Sac. 2, ran ccane tt eec a cacs oes cassccssesacdsvuscdisesdsceddcoeleccdssaseisebacseosece 176 aan A 1 ahaa etal ISA A Revision of Festuca (Poaceae: Loliinae) in South American Paramos Daniel Stancik! and Paul M. Peterson? INTRODUCTION Composed of more than 400 species, Festuca is one of the largest genera in the Poaceae (Clayton & Renvoize 1986; Watson & Dallwitz 1992). The genus has cosmopolitan distribution and it is an important component of grass ecosystems of the temperate zone as well as the alpine grasslands of the tropical zone. Although the diversity of the genus /estuca is centered in the Holarctic zone of Eurasia and North America, with about 140 species (Darbyshire et al. 2003), the South American Andes represent a significant center of Festuca diversity. HISTORICAL OVERVIEW.—In South America, taxo- nomic studies of Festuca have been concentrated in the southern part of the continent, 1.e. Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, and Peru (Phillipi 1859-60, 1865; Pilger 1898, 1906; Hitchcock 1927; Saint-Yves 1927; Parodi 1935, 1953; Macbride 1936; Infantes 1952; Foster 1966; Tiirpe 1969; Vareschi 1970; Correa 1978; Matthei 1982; Tovar 1993; Brako & Zarucchi 1993; Zuloaga et al. 1994; Renvoize 1998; Soreng et al. 2003). Taxonomic information on Festuca in the paramo zone of South America (Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, N Peru, SE Bra- zil) has been quite sporadic, although botanical collections have increased in the last 50 years. The oldest specimens of Festuca from Venezuela were collected during 1906-1911 by A. Jahn, H. Pittier. The first list of Venezuelan grasses was published in 1937 (Anonymous 1937) and only two species of Festuca (F. livida and F: tolucensis) were listed. In 1942, Luces distinguished between the Mesoamerican and the Venezuelan popula- tions of F- livida and described a new Venezuelan species, F! fragilis (Luces) Bricefio. Two species (F. fragilis and F- tolucensis) were mentioned in the first Venezuelan paramo flora by Vareschi (1970). Later, Alexeev (1986) in his work on Festuca for Venezuela, Colombia, and Ecuador mentioned only one species from Venezuela (F. tolucensis). The recently published study of Bricefo and Murillo (1994) treats Festuca in the state Mérida (Ven- ezuela) and lists five native species (F. pinetorum Swallen, F’ elviae Bricefio, F: tolucensis, F. fragilis, F. coromotensis Bricefio). Stancik and Peterson (2003) indicated that F’ pinetorum was misidentified and therefore does not occur in Venezuela. In addi- tion, Davidse et al. (1994) mentioned the species F. amplissima Rupr.; the only known Venezuelan specimen (Tillett & Honig 746-765, MO) was collected in Serrania de Perija on the Colombian- Venezuelan boundary. The earliest collections of Festuca from Ecuador and Colombia were made by A. von Humboldt and A.J.A. Bonpland (Expedition to Ecuador in 1802-1803; see Humboldt et al. 1816 and Jorgensen et al. 1999) and J.C. Mutis and FJ. Caldas (Real Expedicion Botanica 1783-1808; see Pinto-Escobar 1976, 1985; and Blanco & del Valle 1991). Seven species are present in Humboldt’s collection, five of which were later described by C.S. Kunth as new (F: andicola, F: caldasii, F- dasy- antha, F- procera, F: quadridentata). The Festuca specimens collected by T. Haenke (Expedicion Malaspina 1789-1794) are of even earlier date, but none of them are from Ecuador or Colombia. The uncertain origin of the type specimen of Festuca presliana Hitche. (= Bromus depauperatus J. Pres) is discussed in Stancik & Peterson (2003). Hitchcock (1927), in his overview of grasses of Ecuador, Peru, and Bolivia, mentioned 17 spe- cies. The Ecuadorian species included F. dasyantha, ' Department of Botany, Charles University of Prague, Benaska 2, 128 01 Prague 2, Czech Republic. ? Department of Botany MRC-166, National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013-7012, USA. 6 Festuca in South American Paramos F ulochaeta, F. eminens, F: procera, F: sublimes, F. andicola, F. dichoclada, F. dolichophylla, F. breviaristata. Festuca eminens 1s also cited for Colombia. Hitchcock’s publication represents the first overview of grasses for this region but does not reflect the entire diversity, since more than 60 species are known from the region today. Additionally, the accepted “broad species” concept results in the inclu- sion of species (such as F. ulochaeta, F: dichoclada, F- dolichophylla), that do not appear in Ecuador. The detailed work of Saint-Yves (1927) has little practical use for Festuca taxonomists in South America, as the work suffers from insufficient spec- imens studied and appears to be focused on minute details rather than estimating species variability and pointing out differences. The taxa were recognized in a confused system of varieties and forms. Later, descriptions of new species were published only occasionally (Swallen 1948) and as checklists of local floras and herbaria collections (Pinto-Escobar 1966, 1985; Acosta-Solis 1969; Burger 1981; Cleef 1981). There treatments mechanically accepted the conclusions of previous authors (principally of Hitchcock) and confusion surrounding species delimitations have continued (e.g., the citation of F. dolichophylla for Colombia). New insight into the taxonomy of Festuca in northern South America was brought by Alexeev (1984, 1986), particularly in terms of lectotypification of previously described species. and description of new taxa at sub-generic and specific levels. Alexeev (1986) cited 19 native species from Ecuador and Colombia. The work was based on the examination and revision of a limited number of herbarium speci- mens without the advantage of field work and it could not reflect the entire diversity of the genus in South America. Alexeev’s conclusions were reflected in the checklists of local floras published later (JOrgensen & Ulloa Ulloa 1994; Jorgensen & Leon Yanez 1999; Luteyn 1999; Rangel 2000). Interest in the study of the Brazilian paramo is recent (Safford 1999a, b). TAXONOMY AND Diversity.—Fifty-three native and three introduced species are recognized in the study area. Among them: five species (F dinirica, F. guramacalana, F: hatico, F. turimiquirensis and F. venezuelana) and two subspecies (F. tolucensis subsp. culata and F: tolucensis subsp. perijae) are recognized as new for Venezuela; twelve species (F. boyacensis, F: chita, F. chitagana, F. cocuyana, F. hatico, F- monguensis, F- nereidaensis, F. pilar- franceii, F- toca, F- sanctae-martae, F: sumapana, and F’ woodii) and one subspecies (F. amplissima subsp. magdalenaensis) as new for Colombia; six species (F. carchiense, F: holubii, F- imbaburensis, F. laegaardii, F: oroana, and F: soukupii) and three subspecies (F’ chimborazensis subsp. micacochensis, F. parciflora subsp. loxana, and F: vaginalis subsp. cayambae) as new to Ecuador; and, one species (F. renvoizii) as new to Peruvian jalca (i.e., humid alpine grass ecosystem of the northern Peru). The species found in South America are attrib- uted to the six subgenera and seven sections of the genus Festuca. About 80% of South American Fes- tuca species belong to the large cosmopolitan subg. Festuca. Remarkably, three subgenera (Festuca subg. Helleria, subg. Mallopetalon, and subg. Erosi- florae) and three sections (Festuca sect. Ruprechtia, sect. Glabricarpae, and sect. Cataphyllophorae) are endemic or largely endemic to South America. The distribution of species diversity is not homogeneous in South America. The Andes between central Peru and northern Argentina has the highest species concentration (almost 50% of all South American taxa). In the northern Andes, there are two areas with high species diversity, central Ecuador (Pichincha with 14 species, and Chimborazo with 13 species) and northern Colom- bia (Boyaca with 14 species). High levels of local endemicity were observed in regions with the high- est species diversity, especially in Boyaca. Similarity of species composition was also analyzed to elucidate the relationships among the South American regions. As expected, strong relationships exist between the Festuca species of Ecuador and Colombia, and the Festuca species from northern South America (“paramo group”) are clearly distinct from the those of central and southern South America. BioceocraPuy.—The known range of several Festuca species is expanded contributing to a better understanding of the biogeography of the genus in South America. Festuca amplissima was found in northern Colombia (Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta) and on the Colombian—Venezuelan boundary (Serrania de Perija). This species represents the biogeographical Festuca in South American Paramos 7 connection between Mesoamerican and South Amer- ican flora. The species was originally known from Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, and Panama. Festuca fragilis was found in Nevado del Cocuy (Dept. Boyaca, Colombia) and was previ- ously reported only from the state of Mérida in Ven- ezuela, ca. 250 km from the Colombian locality. Festuca ulochaeta was found in the Cordil- lera Oriental of the Colombian Andes as well as the northern Andes and Cordillera de la Costa of Venezuela, and in Costa Rica. Formerly, this species was known only from the region of Brazilian Shield of southeastern Brazil and northeastern Argentina. This information might be important in determining the origins and phylogeny of other South American species of Festuca sect. Subulatae. The first collections of the genus Festuca in Colombian Cordillera Occidental are reported: F. asplundii (Farallones de Cali and Macizo de Tamana), F. sodiroana (Paramo Frontino), and F. andicola (Paramo Frontino). Festuca caldasii, F- glumosa, and F: sodiro- ana, which were formerly regarded as endemic to Ecuador, were confirmed in Colombia, showing the biogeographical relationship between Colom- bian Cordillera Central and Ecuadorian Andes. Similarily, Festuca asplundii, which was originally considered endemic to Colombia and Ecuador, was confirmed in the Andes of northern Peru. Festuca dinirica and F- guaramacalana are the first records of the genus reported from the mountains of National Park Dinira and from the massif of National Park Guaramacal in Venezuela, respectively, and represent the most easterly Andean records of Festuca. Important extra-Andean findings of Festuca in Venezuela were made in Cordillera de la Costa en Venezuela. The localities Colonia Tovar and Ser- rania de Turimiquire represent the most easterly, mountain forests that include Festuca in northern South America. These localities are located 250 km and 600 km east of the nearest Andean locality, respectively. The following species that were formerly mentioned in the floras of Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, or Peru were not confirmed: F. andicola (excluded from Peru), F’ casapaltensis Ball (excluded from Ecuador), F’ dasyantha Kunth (excluded from Colombia), F: dichoclada Pilg. (excluded from Ecuador), F: dolichophylla J. Presl (excluded from Colombia and Ecuador), F’ ortophylla Pilg. (excluded from Ecuador), F peruviana Infantes (excluded from Ecuador), F: pinetorum (excluded from Venezuela), F. quadridentata Kunth (excluded from Colom- bia), F. rigescens (J. Presl) Kunth (excluded from Ecuador), F’ vaginalis (Benth.) Laegaard (excluded from Colombia), and F: ulochaeta Nees ex Steud. (excluded from Ecuador). MATERIAL AND METHODS The work presented here summarizes the results of taxonomic and biogeographic research on the genus Festuca in paramos of South America that was carried out between 1998 and 2004. Exten- sive field and herbarium studies were performed to assess the diversity of the genus in this geographic area of South America. The area studied included Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, northern Peru, and Ven- ezuela. An exhaustive bibliographic search for lit- erature on the taxonomy of Festuca was performed, with special focus on the genus in Mesoamerica and South America. The protologues, local floras, and monographs were consulted to document all reports of Fectuca from this area. More than 1,500 specimens of Festuca from the study area and 1,000 specimens from other Mesoamerican and South American countries were studied. Specimens are located at AAU, B, BA, BAA, BOG, BOL, CAUP,.C, CAR, COL, CUVC, CTES; — FAUC, FMB, HUA, HERZ, JAUM, JBGP, K, LOJA, LP, LPB, MA, MEDEL, MER, MERC, MERF, MY, NY, QCA, QCNE, QAP, QPLS, P, PORT, PR, PRC, PSO, R: RB, TOLT, TULY, U; USS; UPTC, US, UTMC, VALLE, VEN, and W (abbreviations according to Holmgren et al. 1998 onwards). The type specimens of all recognized species and nearly all types of their synonyms were examined. The taxonomic analysis is based on exten- sive morphological and anatomical comparisons. Twenty-six morphological characters were selected as useful for the descriptions and differentiation among the species. The selected characters were: height of plants, formation of shoot innovations, number and position of the nodes, presence/absence of auricles, length and diameter of the leaf blades, 8 Festuca in South American Paramos shape and length of ligule, color and structure of veins, vestiture of culms, length of panicle, length of spikelets (measured total length of spikelet) and number of florets, length, shape and vestiture of glumes, lemma and palea, length of anthers, and length of hilum. After preliminary observations (Stancik 1999), five anatomical characters of the leaf cross sections (number of vascular bundles, number of ribs, distribution of the sclerenchyma, relative density, and length of trichomes) were also included in the study. Anatomical sections were prepared from dry herbarium specimens after hydratation in a soap solution and observed under microscope at 100 magnification. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS We would like to thank the Faculty of Science, Charles University of Prague, for institutional sup- port during realization of this research. We also thank the grant agency of Czech Republic (projects GACR 206/03/0197, GACR 206/06/P293), Minis- try of Education of Czech Republic (project MSM 0021620828), and the Smithsonian Institution for financial support. Our thanks belong also to Anna Skoumalova for providing plant illustrations. We wish to thank the Laboratory of Electron Micro- scopy (LEM) of the Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic (Dr. O. Benda, O. Kofronova, majority of photos on Fig. 72-97), LEM of Aarhus University (A. Sloth — Fig. 76E, 77A,B, 85C,D, 89C,D, 94A,B, 97C), LEM of Royal Botanic Gardens Kew (Dr. H. Banks — Fig.74A—D, 93E, F) for assistance during prepa- ration of micro photos. This study could not have been completed without the kind assistance of the curators and researchers at the following herbaria: AAU, B, BA, BAA, BOG, BOLV, CAUP, C, CAR, COL, CONC, CUVC, CTES, FAUC, FMB, GB, HUA, HERZ, JAUM, JBGP, K, L, LOJA, LP, LPB, MA, MEDEL, MER, MERC, MERF, MO, MY, NY, QCA, QCNE, QAP, QPLS, P, PORT, PR, PRC, PSO, R, RB, SGO, TOLI, TULV, U, UIS, UPTC, US, UTMC, VALLE, VEN, W. Finally, the Smith- sonina Institution Scholarly Press is acknowledged for preparing the final version for printing. REFERENCES Acosta-Solis, M. 1969. Glumifloras del Ecuador. 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Eu-Festuca) de |’ Amérique du Sud. Candollea 3: 151-315. Salamanca, V.S. 1991. The vegetation of the paramo and its dynamics in the volcanic massif Ruiz- Tolima. (Cordillera Central Colombiana). Ph.D. Thesis, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. 122 pp. Sanchez, M.R. and J.O. Rangel. 1990. Estudios ecologicos en la cordillera Oriental Colom- biana V. Analisis fitosociologico de la vegeta- cidn de los depdsitos turbosos paramunos de los alrededores de Bogota. Caldasia 16(77): 155-192: Sodiro, P.L. 1889. Gramineas ecuatorianas de la provincia de Quito. Anales de la Universidad de Quito 3(25): 474-484. Soreng, R.J, P.M. Peterson, G. Davidse, E.J. Judziewicz, F.O. Zuloaga, T.S. Filgueiras, and O. Morrone. 2003. Catalogue of New World grasses (Poaceae) IV. Subfamily Pooideae. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 48: 1-730. Stan¢ik, D. 1999. La problematica del uso de las secciones transverzales de hojas en el estu- dio taxonomico de Festuca L. (Poaceae) en Colombia. In: Rangel Ch., J.O. et al., eds. Libro de resumenes. Ist Congreso Colombiano de Botanica. ICN U.N. Bogota. 160 pp. Stancik, D. 2004. New taxa of Festuca (Poaceae) from Ecuador. Folia Geobot. 39: 97-110. Stancik, D. and P.M. Peterson. 2003. Festuca den- tiflora (Poaceae: Loliinae: sect. Glabricarpae), a new species from Peru and taxonomic status of F. presliana. Sida 20(3): 1015-1022. Sturm, H. and J.O. Rangel Ch. 1985. Estudios ecolégicos en los paramos andinos: Una vision preliminar integrada. Biblioteca J.J. Triana 9: 167-224. ICN Univ. Nacional de Colombia. Swallen, J. R. 1948. New greasses from Hondu- ras, Colombia, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, and Brazil. Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 29(6): 251276. Tovar, O. 1972. Revision de las especies peruanas del géenero Festuca, Gramineae. Mem. Mus. Hist. Nat. “Javier Prado” 16: 1—93. Tovar, O. 1993. Las gramineas (Poaceae) del Peru. Ruizia 13: 1-480. Turpe, A. M. 1969. Las especies argentinas de Fes- tuca. Darwiniana. 15(1—2): 189-283. 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(lectotype: designated by Nash, Ill. Fl. U.S. Canad., ed. 2, 1:269. 1913; also Jarvis et al., Watsonia 16: 300. 1987). Perennial herbs, densely or loosely caespitose (forming often large tussocks) or rhizomatous, com- monly monoecious, exceptionally dioecious (not in South America). Culms unbranched 0.1—2 m high, below panicle glabrous or finely scabrous, with 1 or more (2—6) glabrous nodes. Innovations extra- vaginal, intravaginal or mixed. Sheaths with free or partially united margins, non-auriculate (except in Festuca subg. Schedonorus); basal sheaths occa- sionally thickened into a bulb; ligules membranous; normally less than 1 mm, rarely to 10 mm long; leaf blades flat but often conduplicate or setaceous and then basal, without cross nerves, 0.2—-15 mm wide, basal cataphyls rarely present. Inflorescences an open or contracted panicle. Spikelets usually with 2 or several bisexual or unisexual florets and an apical rudiment, chasmogamous, some species cleistoga- mous or viviparous 1.e., vegetative proliferation of the spikelets, laterally compressed, disarticulating above the glumes and below the florets; glumes lan- ceolate to ovate, pointed, carinate or non-carinate, shorter than adjacent lemma; lower glume shorter, 1(rarely 3)-nerved; upper glume 3(rarely 5)-nerved; lemmas commonly membranous (rarely coria- ceous), rounded (exceptionally carinate), 5-nerved, entire (rarely bidentate), acute, shortly mucronate or awned; awn continuous with midnerve, terminal, rarely subterminal, up to 15 mm long; paleas mem- branous, two-carinate, two-dentate, as long as the lemma or a little shorter, scabrous at keels, awnless; lodicules two, small, about 1 mm long, two-dentate, hyaline.; stamens 3, anthers 0.4—6 mm long; ovaries glabrous, rarely hairy at apex, styles terminal with- out an apical appendage; stigmas 2, white. Fruit a caryopsis, free or with lemma adherent, with a linear or sometimes oblong hilum. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross sections with five or more vascular bundles, with or with- out adaxial ribs over the vascular bundles; bul- liform cells present or absent; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis continuous or discontinuous, adaxial sclerenchyma fascicles present or absent; sclerenchyma sometimes extending to the vascular bundles abaxially and also sometimes adaxially forming girders; hairs on adaxial epidermis dense or scattered, 20—200 um long, prickles on abaxial epidermis present or absent. KEY TO THE SPECIES OF FESTUCA IN BRAZIL, COLOMBIA, ECUADOR, AND VENEZUELA la. Plants rhizomatous; culms solitary 30-100 cm tall or loosely caespitose herbs with culms 80—250 cm tall; plants often in mountain forests ......... lb. Plants densely caespitose, without rhizomes (only several species exceptionally forming short rhizomes inside the tussocks); culms short 8—50(—60) cm tall or culms tall 60-170 cm tall; plants Shea Wa nOGMalE SLAs ANS sted, sie hongscicuieleds eter pers eehle ahead Mdbiiwel, Mnowareedtig kus WMatiesdes. od 24 2a. Cataphylls (basal shoots coriaceous or with coriaceous-membranous scales) present................. 2 Bc aR SN eB aera See ang ach oc cl reaealdalatta ie tcl nad stele ah duc Vaiieawhondansbosexts 6 3a. Panicle branches densely hairy; ligules 1—1.5(—2) mm long...............cceeeeeseeeeeee 27. F. laegaardii 3b. Panicle branches glabrous or scabrous; ligules less than 1 mm long..............ccccecccceeseeeseeeeeeeeteeeees 4 12 Aa. Ab. Sa. Sb. 6a. 6b. 7a. Tilsys 8a. 8b. 9a. Ob. 10a. 10b. lla. 11b. 12a. (2b: iar [3ib: 14a. 14b. 15a. 15b. 16a. 16b. iva 17b. 18a. Festuca in South American Paramos Spikelets with 4-6 florets; lower glumes 2—3 mm long; upper glumes 34 mm long; lemmas 4-5 mm lone tawned;paleasas long as adjacent lemima ..522222 28 Ai ieiese aeeee corners eee ee 30. F. toca Spikelets with 24 florets; lower glumes more than 3 mm long; upper glumes more than 4 mm long; lemmas more than 5 mm long, short-awned; paleas shorter than adjacent lemma...................0... 5 Panicles nutant and nodding, 9-12 cm wide; lower glumes 4—5 mm long; upper glumes 5.5—6.5 mm long; lemmas 6—7 mm long; anthers I[—1-6 mm long’. :2ee ee eee 23. F. chitagana Panicles erect, 0.5—1 cm wide; lower glumes 3—3.6 mm long; upper glumes 4.5—5 mm long; lemmas 6~-6.5 mm long xanthers' 3: Soman Lome A os ascesce ates scene eocosee ce eae eee 26. F. hatico Auricles large; more than 1 mm) long; faleate .....0.......c.c.c00.ccsee.ceereeceree stot Auricles absent or small, less than 1 mm long and inconspicuous, not falcate................:cseeeeeeee 8 Margins of auricles hairy; upper glumes 4.5—6.5 mm long................seeeeeeeeees 12. F. arundinacea Margins of auricles without hairs; upper glumes 3.5—4 mm long@...............::::ceeee 13. F. pratensis Apex Of TOdiCules Wainy ccsccicssasesteagtesssau-sgenndoeneccoscuerssosme ee toe ee eee ee 18. F. fimbriata Apex of lodicules @labrouss.........c.<2c -section. A—H 26 Festuca in South American Paramos -80 -75 COLOMBIA -80 -75 200 400 Kilometers -70 -65 -60 Figure 6. Distribution of Festuca sodiroana (@), F- elviae (A), and F: guaramacalana (). 5. Festuca guaramacalana Stancik, Novon 14(3): 343. 2004. (Figs. 6, 7, 74E—-F, 75A & B). Type: Venezuela. Trujillo, Mun. Bocono, Parque Nacional Guaramacal, 09°14°15’N, 70°11°14"W, Andean mountain forest, margin of the brook with Neurolepis sp., Cortaderia sp., 2880 m, 29 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4286 (holotype: PRC!; isotypes: CAR!, COL!). Rhizomatous perennial, forming small tus- socks with extravaginal innovations. Culms 100— 130 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 3 or 4 nodes in distal half. Leaf sheaths membranous-coriaceous, purplish-brown, striate, fibrous at base, margins free; auricles absent; ligules 1-1.5 mm long, mem- branous, sometimes coriaceous, apex acute; blades 30-40 x 0.6—0.7 cm, conduplicate to involute, green, sometimes olive-green, abaxially glabrous. Panicles 15—20 x 2—5 cm, flexuous, pendant, elon- gate, branched; branches finely scabrous. Spikelets 13-15 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, florets 5—7; rachilla pilose; glumes 3.7—7 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, purplish, membranous to coriaceous, sparsely scabrous, apex acute; lower glumes 3.7— 4.7 mm long, 1|-nerved; upper glumes 5—7 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 9.5—10 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, 5-nerved, purplish, papil- lose, apex entire, mucronate or shortly awned, the awn 0.5—1 mm long; callus sparsely pilose; paleas finely pilose, almost as long as the lemma; lodicules ovate, two-dentate; anthers 2.5—2.8 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 4/5 as long as the grain. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with about 11 vascular bundles and 5 ribs above; scle- renchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis discontinuous and extending to some vascular bundles forming girders; bulliform cells absent; Festuca in South American Paramos 27 H | y) tN! i IIl\\ \f i 7 y, CIN Ht H \ \ | | \ f WAN Aa | \)} | H WWW I \ A { ) \ | i} i ! t | iN \ i | 4 h yA \ , \ Nii} I Y Qi I\ Hl if it \ | \\\y Mi Vix Y H iy f . \) it] Vr | Ky i} if) 5 “Alli \ X\ i \ NU j VAL TA \ | | NV I\ { | | i A \\ ] \ any il | \) \ \\ Figure 7. Festuca guaramacalana. A. Growing form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A—H, Stancik 4286 (PRC). 28 Festuca in South American Paramos adaxial epidermis with scattered microhairs, ca. 0.09 mm long. Observations.—Festuca guaramacalana belongs to Festuca sect. Subulatae and among the South American members of this section, F) guara- macalana has the largest spikelets and longest glumes (Stancik & Peterson 2002). The lemmatal awns of F! guaramacalana are short (0.5—1 mm) and this is in contrast with most other members of sect. Subulatae, although F: sodiroana typically has acute lemmas. Morphologically, F’ coromotensis appears to be most similar to F’ guaramacalana but the former has shorter ligules (0.5—0.7 mm long), ligules with truncate apices, shorter spikelets (9-11 mm long) with 3 to 4 florets, and shorter lemmas (7.5—8.5 mm long). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca guara- macalana is endemic to Venezuela and is known only from Parque Nacional Guaramacal where it occurs near small brooks with Neurolepis sp. and Cortaderia sp. between 2600-2880 m. This species is a narrow endemic and is vulnerable to extinction due to loss of habitat. Additional specimens examined. VENEZU- ELA. Trujillo: Mun. Bocono. Parque Nacio- nal Guaramacal. Paramo El Pumar. 2870 m, 2004, M. Ramirez & N. Cuello 3523, 3524, 3528 (PORT). 6. Festuca sodiroana Hack. ex E.B. Alexeev, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 69: 1545. 1984. (Figs. 6, 8, 75C-—F). Type: Ecuador. Pichincha, silv. super. et pasq., 1884, Sodiro 36/6 (holotype: W!; isotypes: MO-923640!, PRC ex QPLS!, QPLS!, US!). Rhizomatous perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culms (40—)50—120(—150) cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 2 or 3(-4) in distal half. Leaf sheaths membranous, brown, striate, pilose at base, margins free; auricles absent; ligules 0.2—1.1 mm long membranous to coriaceous, apex truncate, ciliate; blades 15—25 x 0.4—0.7 cm, flat, green, abax- ially glabrous. Panicles 15—20 x 1—2 cm, lax, con- tracted and something nutant, branched; branches scabrous. Spikelets 7.5—9(—10) mm long, florets 4 or 5(—6); rachilla pilose; glumes 1.3—2.9(-3.5) mm long, lanceolate, green, membranous to coriaceous, glabrous, apex acute; lower glumes 1.3—1.8 mm long, l-nerved; upper glumes 2.2—2.9(—3.5) mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 5—6(—6.5) mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, green, awnless, apex acute, entire, muticous, scabrous; paleas almost as long as the lemma, glabrous or inconspicuously scabrous, apex hairy; lodicules lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 0.8—1.2 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 4/5 of total length. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with numerous vascular bundles, without ribs above; sclerenchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epi- dermis, discontinuous, extending to the vascular bundles; bulliform cells present; abaxial epidermis with scattered prickles, adaxial epidermis without hairs or with scattered hairs. Observations.—Specimens that belong to this species were originally determined by Hackel and Sodiro as either F. sodiroana or F. pichinchae, but these names were not validly published. Alexeev recognized that these specimens belonged to the same species and validated the name F. sodiroana. Festuca sodiroana differs from others in sect. Subulatae by having muticous lemmas. Distribution and habitat.—Known from southern Ecuador to northern Colombia where it is found in all three cordilleras. It occurs in forest clearings, margins of brooks in Andean mountain forests, roads banks, and trails at an altitude of 2600-3800 m. Festuca sodiroana is known to occur in vegetation communities: Neurolepido aristatae—Oreopanacion nitidii (Cleef et al. 1983) and Chusquea scandentis—Weinmannion roilottii (Cleef et al. 1983). Additional specimens examined. COLOM- BIA. Antioquia: Mun. Urrao, Paramo Frontino, Llano Grande, 3520 m, 10 Sep 1986, Roldan et al. 360 (HUA); Campanas, La Laguna, 3500-3800 m, 3 Mar 1989, MacDougal et al. 4504 (HUA, MO). Cauca: Macizo Colombiano, Paramo de Las Papas, entre Boqueron y La Hoya, 2910 m, 11 Sep 1958, Idrobo et al. 3026 (COL); Parque Nacional Puracé, termales de San Juan, 3100-3300 m, 6 Apr 1985, Wood 4792 (COL, K); Paramo de Moras, between Mosoco y Pitayo, 3000-3500 m, Feb 1906, Pittier 1511 (US). Mt. Puracé, 3100-3300 m, 16 Jun 1922, Killip 6709 (US). Cundinamarca: Paramo de Tablazo, 3200 m, 8 Apr 1984, Wood 4347 (COL, FMB, K). Narino: El Encano, road from Pasto to Virgen, vereda Caltapamba, 3100 m, 23 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2992 (COL, PRC, PSO, US); D. Stancik 2991 (COL, PRC, PSO); El Encano, road to village Colon, km 4, 2650 m, 13 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2866 (COL, PRC, PSO); km 6, 2900 m, 13 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2858 (COL, PRC, PSO); Mun. 29 Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 8. Festuca sodiroana. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Stancik 2992 (PRC). 30 Festuca in South American Paramos Cumbal, vereda Las Huertas, 3600 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2754 (COL, PRC, PSO); Cumbal, lake- shore, 4000 m, 24 Mar 1941, Sneider 430 (NY); Mun. Pasto, paramo Puerto Frio, between villages Las Almas and Alisales, 2900 m,14 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2870 (COL, PRC, PSO); Mun. Tuquerres, Volcan Azufral, road from vereda San Roque Alto, 3500 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2772 (COL, PRC, PSO); 2650 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2776 (COL, PRC, PSO); Vereda El Carmelo and La Florida, Volcan Dona Juana, 2900 m, 18 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2902 (COL, PRC, PSO); Paramo de Bord- oncillo, Mun. Santiago, vereda San Antonio de Bellavista, 1°11°N, 77°06’ W, 3200-3400 m, 18 Mar 1964, Alberto et al. 144 (COL); Mun. Guachu- cal, paramo de Infernillo, 3200 m, 5 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2632 (COL, PRC). Norte de Santander: between Pamplona and Mutiscua, 2700 m, 1 Apr 1984, Wood 4326 (COL, FMB, K). Putumayo: Paramo de Tabano, 15 May 1935, Archer 3402 (US). Santander: Valle California, 2800 m, 14 Sep 1985, Wood 5066 (FMB, K). Tolima: Mun. Ibague, Nevado del Tolima, 04°37.4’N, 75°19.8°W, 3400 m, 8 Jun 2000, D. Stancik 3595 (COL, PRC, PSO); 3400 m, 16 Dec 1984, Wood 4648 (COL, FMB, K); W slope of Paramo Rico, 3200 m, 15-19 Jan 1927, Killip & Smith 17861 (NY). sin. loc.: Cerro Nevada, Bos. La Pefia, 2900 m, Lindig 1116 (K, P); Lindig 1117 (P); Mutis 5544 (US). ECUADOR. Azuay: Road Cuenca — Saraguro, km 6, S of Cumbe, 03°04’S, 79°00'°W, 3150 m, S. Laegaard 105132 (AAU); Parque Nacional Cajas—Laguna Llaviuco, 3150 m, 22 Apr 1990, P.M. Peterson 8872, CR. Annable & M.E. Poston (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); Ganadel, 3250 m, E. Asplund 17846 (S); between Cuenca and Hiugra, 2700-3000 m, A.S. Hitchcock 21682 (US); road Sigsig—Guada- quiza, 02°09’S, 78°43’ W, 3300 m, 29 May 1992, S. Laegaard et al. 103032 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Mun. Cuenca, Parque Nacional Cajas, Laguna Llaviucu, 02°50°30"S, 79°08’°45’ W, 3100-3150 m, 3 Aug 1999; Palice | (@R@); Palices (PR). Palice 4 (PRC). Bolivar: Road Guaranda—Pueblo Viejo, km 21.6, 01°35’S, 79°09’ W, 2500 m, 6 Mar 1988, S. Laegaard & S.A. Renvoize 70580 (AAU); km 20.1, 01°35’S, 79°05’ W, 2700 m, S. Laegaard & S.A. Renvoize 70577 (AAU, K, QCA, QCNE). Cafar: Road Cafiar—Biblian, Fuganillas, 02°36’S, 7T8°54°W, S. Laegaard 52754 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Tipococha—Hacienda Shical, 3000 m, Acosta-Solis 16963 (US); Acosta-Solis 16974 (US). Carchi: El Angel, Hacienda la Esperanza, 00°39’N, 77°54 'W, 3300 m, S. Laegaard 53118 (AAU, QCA); El Voladero, 00°38'°N, 67°53'°W, 3400-3800 m, Davalos 22 (US); wooded hills about 5 mi S of Tulcan, 2500 m, A.S. Hitchcock 21094 (US); Road Las Juntas—El Angel, 00°46’N, 77°46’ W, 3180 m, 11 Mar 1992, S. Laegaard 101711 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); La Rinconada, 3200 m, EF. Asplund 7195 (F, S); 3000 m, A.S. Hitchcock 20798 (NY, US). Cotopaxi: Road Pilalo—Zumbagua, 15 km above Pilalo, 00°59’S, 78°58°W, 3350 m, Holm-Nielsen 24604 (AAU); km 9, 0°59°S, 78°57’ W, 3150 m, 7 Apr 1992, S. Laegaard 102227 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Road Pilalo—Latacunga, 00°57’S, 78°58’ W, 3400 m, Holm-Nielsen 1482 (AAU, MO, S); Road Quevedo-—Latacunga, 3600 m, Harling et al. 8904 (GB); Rio Chalupas, 00°50’S, 78°21°W, 3700 m, S. Laegaard 101781 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Mun. Lasso, Volcan Cotopaxi, margin of the forest at the road to National Park entrance, 00°39’6’S, 78°30°55"W, 3530 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3885, 3886 (PRC, QCA). Chimborazo: Road Chunchi—Zhub, km 22, 02°22’S, 78°57’ W, 2780 m, 27 May 1992, S. Laegaard et al. 103010 (AAU, QCA); Urbina towards Mt. Chimborazo, 3750 m, E. Asplund 7878 (S); Pallatanga—comunidad Jesus del Gran Poder, 01°58’S, 78°56’ W, 2800-3200 m, Clark et al. 1372 (QCNE). Imbabura: Road Otavalo—Selva Alegre, km 25.2, 00°16’S, 78°24’ W, 3300 m, S. Laegaard et al. 70813 (AAU, K, QCA); Paramo de Angochagua, 2900-3600 m, Acosta- Solis 18839 (US); Cayambe—Laguna San Marcos, 11200 ft, Cazalet & Pennington 5417 (K, NY, US); Mun. Urcuqui, road to Cerro Yanaurcu, 00°26'28'°N, 78°15'24'"W, 4100 m, 15 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4095 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Otavalo, road from Laguna Mojanda to Cochasqui, 00°04’55’N, 78°17'50"W, 3450 m, 19 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4105 (PRC, QCA); D. Stanctk 4113 (PRC, QCA). Loja: Road to Fierra Urcu, 03°33’S, 79’15’W, 3100 m, S. Lae- gaard et al. 18855 (AAU, LOJA, QCA, QCNE); Road Saraguro—Yacuambi, 03°34’S, 79°06’ W, 3050 m, S. Laegaard 20688 (AAU, LOJA); between San Lucas and Ona, 2200-3100 m, A.S. Hitchcock 21512 (US); Udo de Sabanilla, 04°27°S, 79°09'W, 2700 m, 1 Sep 1998, S. Laegaard et al. 19095 (LOJA); Mun. Saraguro, road to Fierra Urcu, 03°42°40"S, 79°18°12"W, 3400-3450 m, 24 Aug 2000, D. Stancik 3771, 3781 (PRC, QCA); 3000— 3100 m, D. Stanctk 3792 (PRC, QCA). Morona- Santiago: road Gualaceo-Limon, km 12 of pass, 03°01°S, 78°37°W, 2590 m, S. Laegaard et al. 103079 (AAU); Mun. Alao, way from Alao to Festuca in South American Paramos EY Parque Nacional Sangay, 3500-3700 m, 23 Jul 1999, D. Stancitk 3292 (PRC, QCA, W); Parque Nacional Sangay, patches of the forest above the Quebrada Tablamitza, 3600 m, 22 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3352 (PRC, QCA). Napo: km 45 on road Salcedo—Napo, 6 km NE, 00°56’S, 78°23 'W, 3600 m, S. Laegaard 53372 (AAU, QCA, QCNE). Pichincha: Near Quito, Jun 1922, Harteman 39 (US); Paramo Guamani, 00°15’S, 78°12’W, 3700 m, S. Laegaard 105069 (AAU); 3530 m, S. Lae- gaard 102318 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Volcan Pich- incha, 3250 m, Asplund 6155 (AAU, MO); above Lloa, 3200 m, E. Asplund 7537 (F, S); 3250 m, E. Asplund 6155 (F, MO, S, US); Mt. Pichincha, Sodiro s.n. (NY, MO); 3400 m, Sodiro s.n. (US); Milles et al. 281 (US); Sodiro s.n. (US); 3600 m, Sodiro 282 (US); 3300 m, E. Asplund 16163 (S); At base of Mt. Pichincha—La Carolina, Sodiro s.n. (S); road Chillogallo—Chiriboga, km 3 E of San Juan, 3100 m, Sparre 16950 (S); Sparre 16920 (S); San Juan towards Quito, 3400 m, E. Asplund 16094 (S); Tambillo, 2700 m, E. Asplund 6215 (AAU, F, MO, S, US); road Pifo—Pintag, 00°19’S, 78°17°W, 3100 m, S. Laegaard 102293 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); road Santo Domingo—Quito, between Saloya and Chiriboga, 2800 m, Harling et al. 10415 (GB); Volcan Corazon, 11000 ft, Prescott 913 (NY); road km 13.5 ESE of Machachi, and 10 km NE towards Sangolqui, 3350 m, 25 May 1990, PM. Peterson 9313 & E.J. Judziewicz (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); road Quito—Nono, 00°06’S, 78°31°W, 3300 m, 17 Jun 1984, S. Laegaard 52285 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Nono, 2600 m, E. Asplund 7462 (S); Vol- can Pasochoa, 00°21’S, 78°29’ W, 3100-3400 m, 23 Feb 1992, S. Laegaard 101406 (AAU, QCA); 00°27°S, 78°30°W, 3200 m, S. Laegaard 55282 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Sodiro s.n. (QPLS); High- way Aloag—St. Domingo, 2900 m, Sparre 15076 (S); Mun. Pifo, Paramo Guamani, Polylepis forest, 00°19°S, 78°15’ W, 3700 m, 19 Jun 1999, D. Stancik 3010 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Amaguajna, volcan Pasa- choa, 3400 m, 14 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3667 (PRC, QCA); Mun. San Antonio, Res. Geobotanica Pulu- lahua, 00°02’20’N, 78°29°33’W, bottom of the crater, 2700 m, 13 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3656 (PRC, QCA). Tungurahua: sin loc., Spruce 5938 (K, W). Mun. Bafios, Volcan Tungurahua, on way to refugium, E side of the volcan, 3300 m, 29 Jul 1999, Palice 9 (PRC); Mun. Pillaro, Las Llangana- tis, 01° 09°43”S, 78°15’9" W, 3600 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3985 (PRC, QCA). Zamora—Chinchipe: road Loja—Zamora, ca. 2-6 km E of pass, 03°59’S, 79°09°W, 2750 m, S. Laegaard 18748 (AAU, LOJA); 2600 m, S. Laegaard 18727 (AAU, LOJA); Road Loja—Zamora, | km E of pass, 04°00’S, 79°09'W, 2700 m, S. Laegaard 18483 (AAU, LOJA, QCA, QCNE). 7. Festuca tovariensis Stancik & P.M. Peterson, Sida 20(1): 24. 2002. (Figs. 9, 11). Type: Peru. Huan- cavelica, Prov. Tayacaja, Chuspi—Hda. Tocas, entre Colchabamba y Paucarbamba, monte bajo, 2800 m, 22 Apr 1954, O. Tovar Serpa 2057 (holotype: US-2181286!; isotype: USM!). Loosely tufted perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culms 70—90 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 2-4 nodes in basal half. Leaf sheaths mem- branous, brown, margins free; auricles absent; ligules 1-2 mm long, membranous, margins ciliate, apex truncate; blades 8-15 cm long, 1.5-4.5 mm wide, flat, green, abaxially scabrous with ribs on abaxial surface. Panicles 15—20 x 7—10 cm, open, pendant; branches scabrous. Spikelets 7.5—9.5 mm long, florets 3; rachillas 1.1—1.4 mm long, densely pilose; glumes 1.5—4.5(—5) mm long, narrowly lanceolate, coriaceous, purplish, glabrous, apex acute sometimes scabrous; lower glumes 1.5—1.8 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 3.5—4.5(—5) mm long, 1—3-nerved; lemmas 5.5—6.5 mm long, lanceolate, coriaceous to membranous, inconspicu- ously 5-nerved, purplish-green, scabrous, apex entire, awned, the awn 5—7 mm long, terminal, sca- brous, straight; paleas as long as the lemma, keels scabrous, apex hairy; lodicules ca. 0.8 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 1.5—1.6 mm long; ovary apex sparsely hairy. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 2/5—1/2 of total length. Observations.— Festuca tovariensis 1s mor- phologically similar to other long-awned species that have short glumes, such as: F. ulochaeta from Brazil, Colombia, and Venezuela; F. cochabambana from Bolivia; and F! flacca from Ecuador. Distribution and habitat.—This species is known only from the Andean forest zone of north- ern and central Peru between 2500-3850 m. Additional specimens examined. PERU. Ancash: Prov. Yungay, Parque Nacional Huascaran, Llanganuco sector, Maria Josefa trail between Chinancocha and Pucayacu, 09°05’S, 77°39’ W, 3700-3850 m, 5 Jul 1985, Smith 10561 (MO). Ayacucho: Prov. Huanta/La Mar, Tambo, Wolken- Nebel-Buschwald, 37 km to Ayna, 3250 m, 23 Mar 1977, Ellenberg 7024 (USM). Cajamarca. Prov. 32 Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 9. Festuca tovariensis. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Caryopsis. A-H, Vega et al. 1544 (F). Festuca in South American Paramos 33 Cajamarca, Yumagual, entre San Juan y El Gavilan- Gavilan, ladera con arbustos, 2500 m, 6 Oct 1975, Vega et al. 1544 (F); Prov. Contumaza, alrededores de Guzmango, ladera, 2600 m, 25 Jul 1992, Saga- steguii 14785 (F); Carretera a Yumagual, 2500 m, 26 Jun 1966, Vega 249 (USM). 8. Festuca ulochaeta Nees ex Steud., Syn. Pl. Glu- mac. 1:305. 1854. (Figs. 10, 11, 76A—D). Tye: Brazil. Sellow s.n. (isotypes: B!, K!) Festuca leptothrix Trin. ex Doll, Fl. Bras. 2(3): 115. 1878. Type: Brazil. Sao Paulo, G.H. von Langsdorffs.n. (holotype: LE-TRIN-2818.01!; isotypes: K!, US-91399 fragm!). Vulpia ulochaeta Nees ex Doll, Fl. Bras. 2(3): 115. 1878, nom. inval. Type: Brazil. Sellow s.n. (holotype: B!, BAA-3489 fragm ex B). Locsely tufted perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culms 60-120 cm tall, erect, gla- brous; nodes 24 nodes. Leaf sheaths membranous, brown, striate, glabrous; auricles absent; ligules 0.5—1(-2) mm long, membranous, apex truncate; blades 15-30 x 0.5—1.1 cm, flats, green, abaxially scabrous. Panicles 15—25(—35) x 15—25 cm, flexu- ous, pendant, ovate; branches scabrous. Spikelets 9-12 mm long, florets 3—5; rachilla shortly hairy; glumes 2.5—4.5(—6) mm long, membranous to coriaceous, narrowly lanceolate, green, apex acute, upper third scabrous; lower glumes 2.5—3.5(-4) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 3.5—4.5(—6) mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 6—8(—9) mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, green, papil- lose, apex scabrous, awned, the awn 7-15 mm long, scabrous, flexuous; paleas almost as long as the lemma, glabrous, margins and upper third scabrous; lodicules lanceolate; anthers 1.1—1.5(—2) mm long, ovary apex sparsely hairy. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 3/4 of total length. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with numerous vascular bundles, without ribs above; sclerenchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epi- dermis, discontinuous and extending to thevascular bundles; bulliform cells absent; abaxial epidermis with scattered prickles. Observations.—Festuca ulochaeta has spike- lets with short glumes and long-awned lemmas, characteristics shared with F’ flacca, F. cuzcoensis, and F? cochabambana. Festuca ulochaeta differs from these other species by having lemmas with extremely long (7—15 mm) and distinctly flexuous (versus straight) awns. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca ulochaeta is known from the humid forests of SE Brazil and NE Argentina between 700-2200 m. In Colombia and Venezuela this species occurs in clearings, mar- gins of the streams, and roadsides in Andean forests (Cordillera Oriental and Aragua, Mérida) between 2600-3100 m. Festuca ulochaeta is reported from Costa Rica for the first time here. Additional specimens examined. ARGEN- TINA. Misiones: Dpto. Gral. Manuel Belgrano, Santo Andresito, 26°12’S, 53°40’ W, 720 m, 15 Feb 1996, O. Morrone & A.M. Cialdella 854 (CTES, MO). Salta: Dpto. Santa Victoria, camino de Toldos a Lipeo, a 15 km de Toldos, 1650 m, 11 Nov 1974, A.M. Ttirpe 2932 (W); Arroyo Latas, 20 Feb 1924, L. Parodi 5673 (US). BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Xanxere, Pinheiral, 9 km E of Xanxere, 600-800 m, 26 Feb 1957, Smith & Klein 11836 (B, R, US); Serra de Caparao, 2100—2220 m, 4 May 1925, A. Chase 9659 (W); 2100 m, 4 May 1925, A. Chase 9672 (US); 2100-2200 m, A. Chase 9673 (US); Monte Verde, Sep 1997, Wagner 5010 (ICN); Vila Mon- teverde, Pico da Pedra Salada, Burman 880 (SP). Parana: ca. 85 km of Guarapuava, 800-1050 m, 6 Mar 1967, Linderman et al. 4658 (K, W, US); Ypiranga, 9 Feb 1904, Dusen 3624 (R); Dusen 3515 (R); Piraquara—Estrada a Monte Algre, Apr 1950, G. Hatschbach 1912 (BAA); Tres Barras, 27 Jan 1916, Dusen 17561 (BAA); Iraty, in silvula subu- liginosa, 26 Feb 1909, Dusen 7808 (US); Curitiba, woods along stream, Estacao Experimental, 13 Feb 1946, J.R. Swallen 8540 (US); Curitiba, colonia Muricy-—S. José dos Pinhais, na beira da Estrada, | Mar 1965, Scito & Kuniyoshi 1315 (K); Curitiba, Orla do brejo, 15 Jan 1975, Maguire 3487 (K); Orla Guarapuava, fazenda Capao Redondo, 20—23 Mar 1946, J.R. Swallen 8859 (US); Mun. Palmas, 1100 m, 16 Feb 1958, G. Hatschbach 4715 (US); Curitiba, Parque Barigui, area degradada, proxima a orla da foresta con Araucaria, 25°22°S, 49°13°W, 2 Apr 1997, Kozera & Izernhagen 476 (NY); Piraguara, ad marginam, | Jul 1909, Dusen 7783 (K, NY); Mun. Rio Branco do Sul, Dombrowski 2432 (ICN, K); Sao Mateus do Sul, Rio Potinga, 760 m, do interior da mata, 9 Feb 1966, G. Hatschbach 13820 (K). Rio de Janeiro: Serra de Itatiaia, 1960 m, 16 Jan 1925, A. Chase 8276 (RB, US); Parque Nacional de Itatiaia, entre Agulhas Negras e Abrigo Massena, campo alto 11—12 Feb 1985, Burman 905 (SP). Rio Grande do Sul: Highway BR-116 to Lajes, 1000 m, 10 Mar 1976, G. Davidse et al. 11074 (K, SP, VEN); Entre J. Kroeff et Roncinka, 18 Mar 1964, 34 Festuca in South American Paramos SS A 1mm Figure 10. Festuca ulochaeta. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Inflorescence. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A—I, Stancik 4179 (COL). Festuca in South American Paramos 35 Brescia & Marches 4212 (K, P); Farroupilha, in araucarieto, 700 m, 15 Feb 1957, Camargo 59992 (B); Vila Oliva, Caxias do Sul, 24 Feb 1954, Rambo 54999 (B, BAA); Rambo 54989 (B, US); Mun. Cruz Alta, campos de Cruz Alta, 500 m, Feb 1906, Jurgens 6258 (W, US); Serra de Caparas, Espirito Santo, 27 Nov 1929, A. Chase 10101 (W, US); Sao Leopoldo—Boni Jesus, Dutra 331 (ICN, R); Dutra 402 (R, US); Taimbe, Sao Francisco de Paula, 18 Dec 1950, Rambo 49315 (BAA); Sao Francisco de Paula—Tainhas, Dec 1953, Barreto 1871 (BAA); Mun. de Caxias do Sul, Ana Rech, 780 m, 18 Mar 2000, Scur 656 (US); Taimbesinho, in araucarieto aperto, 20 Feb 1953, Rambo 54011 (US); Esmer- alda, estaccao ecologica De Aracuri, 2 Dec 1979, Winge et al. 1362 (ICN); Winge 1272 (ICN); km 60 W of Passo Fundo along highway BR 285 to Vacaria, intersection with Rio Igeiro, 11 Mar 1976, G. Davidse & D’Arcy 11166 (SP); Sao Francisco da Paula to Eletra, Araucaria woodland 31 Jan 1965, Clayton 4491 (K, SP); Cambara do Sul, 29°00’S, 50°00°W, 27 Jan 1948, Rambo 36446 (K); Cam- bara do Sul, Itaimbezinho, Bela Vista, 1 Dec 1981, Wagner 944 (ICN); Itaimbezinho, Bela Vista, Valls 2386 (ICN); Wagner et al. 298 (ICN); 1 Dec 1981, Wagner 946 (ICN); Wagner 947 (ICN); Valls 56 (ICN); Lagoa dos Patos, Saco de Tapes, Dec 1980, Goergem & Wagner 50197 (ICN); Mun. de Caxias do Sol-Ana Rech 780 m, 18 Mar 2000, Scur 656 (MO). Santa Catarina: Campo Ere, 29 Feb 1964, Castellanios 24729 (COL, K); Cacador-Curitibafios, 33 km SE of Cagador on the road to Lebon Regis (47 km), 700-900 m, 16 Mar 1957, Smith & Klein 12188 (R, US); Serra de Boa Vista, Sao José, 3 Mar 1961, Reitz & Klein 10832 (B, US); 10 Nov 1960, Reitz & Klein 10399 (B, US); Palmares, Campos Novos, 900 m, 11 Apr 1963, Reitz & Klein 14611 (B, US); Mun. Cacador, km W of Cacador, ruderal, 900-1000 m, 6 Feb 1957, Smith & Klein 10887 (R); Bog. 8 km N of Cagador, 950-1100 m, 7 Feb 1957, Smith 50 -40 -30 10 -80 -70 60 600 Kilometers + + -30 Figure 11. Distribution of Festuca ulochaeta (@), F- tovariensis (&), and F- caldasii (m). 36 Festuca in South American Paramos & Klein 10956 (R, US); Mun. Joacaba, campos of palmas, 55 km W of Cacador, 1000-1200 m, 18 Feb 1957, Smith & Klein 11384 (R, US); Mun. Chapeco, Fazenda Campo Sao Vicente, 24 km W of Campo Ere, 900-1000 m, 20 Feb 1957, Smith & Klein 11611 (R, US); Mun. Lajes, E of Capao Alto, 900—1000 m, 12 Feb 1957, Smith & Klein 11335 (R, US); Mun. Campo Alegre, lower fazenda of ernesto Scheide, 900 m, 10 Mar 1957, Smith & Klein 12024 (R, US); Morro Juco Prudente, steep slopes of wooded arroyo, | Jan 1946, /.R. Swallen 8033 (US); Coxilha Rica, open woods, 6 Jan 1946, J.R. Swallen 8168 (US); Picadas, km 181 da ERF, Papanduva, 1000 m, 26 Feb 1962, Reitz & Klein 12509 (US); Sao Joaquim, Urupema, matinha, 1200 m, 24 Dec 1962, Reitz & Klein 14585 (US); Rio Cagador, 21 Jan 1946, J.R. Swallen 8231 (MO, NY, US); km 21, NE of Santa Cecilia, along Highway BR-116 to Curitiba, open grassland with rocks outcrops, marshy area and patches of trees, 1250 m, 3 Oct 1976, G. Davidse et al. 11082 (NY, SP); km 18, NE of Santa Cecilia, along Highway BR-116 to Curitiba, grassy roadside, 1200 m, 3 Oct 1976, G. Davidse et al. 11087 (NY, SP); Campo Dos Padres, Bom Retiro, 1900 m, 20 Dec 1953, Reitz 2611 (NY). Sao Paulo: 1816-1821, Saint-Hilaire 312 (P); Saint-Hilaire 304 (P); Sao Paulo prope Apiahy, Puiggari s.n. (W); Serra de Bocaina, Apr 1951, Segadas 2827 (R); Campos do Jordao, subida para o pico do Itapeva, Kuhlmann 2242 (SP). COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca: Paramo del Tablazo, W of Subachoque, 3100 m, Wood 3842 (COL, FMB, K); between La Calera—Choachi, ca. 1 km above Mundo Nuevo, 2600 m, 1983, Wood 5104 (COL, K). sin. loc., Lindig 1862 (P). COSTA RICA. Limon: Canton de Talamanca, Sabanas de Durika, | km aguas abajo de la confluencia de los Rio Uk y Rio Kuk, 83°19°30°W, 09°25 '20°N, 2250 m, 20 Oct 1989, Herrera 3730 (K, MO). VENEZUELA. Ara- gua: Colonia Tovar, trayecto El Lagunazo - Colonia Tovar, 2100 m, Feb 1953, Aristeguieta 763 (VEN). Mérida: Mun. Tabay, Laguna Coromoto, moun- tain forest, 3000-3100 m, 7 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4177 (AAU, CAR, COL, PRC, W); 2800-3000 m, D. Stancik 4179 (CAR, COL, PRC, US); Laguna La Coromoto, 3200-3300 m, 3 Jul 1987, B. Briceno & Adamo 2011 (Herbarium Bricefio). 9. Festuca caldasii (Kunth) Kunth, Revis. Gramin. 1: 132. 1835. (Figs. 11, 12, 76K & F,77A & B). Bromus caldasii Kunth Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 151. 1816. Schedonorus caldasii (Kunth) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 2: 709. 1819. Festuca quadridentata var. caldasii (Kunth) St.-Yves, Candollea 3: 266. 1927. Festuca quitensis Willd. ex Kunth, Enum. Pl. 1: 407. 1833, nom. inval. Type: Ecuador. crescit locis altis regni Quitensis, prope Chillo, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (lectotype: P!, designated here; isolectotypes: B!, US-865519 fragm. ex P!). Bromus procerus Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 150. 1816. Schedonorus procerus (Kunth) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 2:708. 1819. Bromus procerus Humb. ex Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1:357. 1825. nom. illegit. Festuca quadridentata subsp. eminens (Kunth) St.- Yves, Candollea 3: 266. 1927. Festuca eminens Kunth, Révis. Gramin. 1: 132. 1829. Type: Ecuador. Pichincha, 2410 m, Feb, Humboldt & Bonpland 2296 (holotype: P!; isotypes: B!, BAA-1206 fragm. ex B, P!, US-2875405 fragm. ex P!). Rhizomatous perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culms 70-150 cm tall, erect, sca- brous; nodes 3 or 4 in distal half. Leaf sheaths coriaceous, scabrous, chestnut-brown to brown, striate, fibrous near base, margins free; ligules 2.5—3 mm long, membranous, abaxially hairy, apex acute, lacerate; blades 20-35 x 0.3-0.9 cm, flat, green, scabrous, with prickles on both abaxial and adaxial epidermis. Panicles 13-17 x 5—8 cm, ovate; branches erect or sometimes spreading, scabrous. Spikelets 15—17 mm long, oval, florets 5—7(—8); rachilla pilose; glumes 3.5—6.5 mm long, membranous, lanceolate, green with transparent membranous margins; lower glumes 3.5—4(—-5) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 4.5—6.5 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 10—14 mm long, lanceolate, membranous to coriaceous, 5-nerved, green, sca- brous or shortly densely hairy, apex entire, awned, the awn 1—3 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas 4/5 as long as the lemma, membranous, scabrous; lodi- cules 0.8—1 mm long, oblong-lanceolate; anthers (2.8-)3.5—4.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with many vascular bundles, with just small ribs; scle- renchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epider- mis, discontinuous; bulliform cells present, few; epidermis without hairs. Observations.—Festuca caldasii 1s morpho- logically similar to F’ woodii, a species that occurs in northern Colombia. However, /. woodii has 37 Festuca in South American Paramos S YY E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with Figure 12. Festuca caldasii. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Laegaard 20405 (F). 38 Festuca in South American Paramos smaller spikelets (12-14 versus 15-17 mm long), shorter lemmas (8.5—9 versus 10—14 mm long), and shorter lemma awns (1 versus 1—3 mm long). In Costa Rica and Panama there are two other species in sect. Glabricarpae: F- breviglumis Swallen and F. chiriquensis Swallen. However, both of these species have shorter (0.5—1 mm long) and acute ligules. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca caldasii occurs sporadically from southern Colombia (Cauca, Narifio) to southern Ecuador (Caniar, Chim- borazo, Loja, Pichincha). This species is known from the margins of Andean forests and matorral vegetation between 1900-3000 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOM- BIA. Cauca: Tierra Dentro, below Pitaio, 2400 m, Feb 1906, Pittier 437 (US); Rio Paez Valley, between Huila and Bitonco, 1900-2300 m, Feb 1906, Pittier 1320 (US); near Jambalo, 2200 m, Feb 1906, Pittier 1444 (US). Narino: Mun. Buesaco, a 2 km de la poblacion, 2000 m, Ramirez 1404 (COL); Mun. Pasto, Morasurco hill, 2550 m, 24 Feb 1986, Wood 5309 (COL, FMB, K). ECUA- DOR. Canar: El Tambo—Carshao road, km 1.5—3, 02°28'S, 78°59 W, 3100 m, 10 Jun 1999, S. Laegaard & Sklenar 20302 (LOJA); Chimbo- razo: Canyon of Rio Chanohan, about 5 km N of Hiugra, 5000-6500 ft, CAMP (F, K, NY, US); road Sipambe—Hiugra, km 10, 02°15’S, 78°57’°W, 2050 m, S. Laegaard 20405 (AAU, PRC); Huigra, 1200 m, A.S. Hitchcock 20746 (US); km 6 NE of Pallatanga and 5.4km W on road to Chillanes, 1950 m, PM. Peterson & E.J. Judziewicz 9259 (QCA, US). Cafion of the Rio Chanchan, about 5 km N of Huigra, moist forested valleys in the afternoon fog belt, 5000-6500 ft, 19-28 May 1945, Camp 3327 (K). Loja: Road Catacocha-La Toma, km 28, 03°58’S, 79°31 °W, 2200-2250 m, S. Laegaard 102535 (AAU, QCA); Zumba road, km 6 above Jimbura, 04°40’, 79°26’W, 2400-2450 m, S. Lae- gaard 105256 (AAU); road Amalusa—Jimbura, km 7-9, 04°36’S, 79°28’W, 1900 m, S. Laegaard 105235 (AAU, QCA). Pichincha: Cotocollao, Sodiro s.n. (QPLS, US); Sodiro s.n. (W). 10. Festuca reclinata Swallen, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 29(6): 254. 1949. (Figs. 13, 14, 77C—F). Type: Colombia. Santander: Paramo de Almorz- adero, Cordillera Oriental, 3500-3700 m, 20 Jun 1940, J. Cuatrecasas & H.G. Barriga 9970 (holotype: US-1798714!; isotype: COL!). Rhizomatous perennials forming small tussocks with extravaginal innovations. Culms 30-40 cm tall, decumbens to erect, glabrous; nodes 2 or 3 in distal half; leaf sheaths membranous, greenish-white, scabrous, upper sheaths closed for 1/2 the length; auricles absent; ligules 1-2.5 mm long, membra- nous, apex acute, ephemeral; blades 5—15 x 0.3-0.5 cm, flat, green, abaxially scabrous. Panicles 9-10 cm x 2-3 cm, flexuous, ovate, branched; branches gla- brous. Spikelets 10—13 mm long, obovate, florets 4; rachilla papillose; glumes 1.3—3.5 mm long, mem- branous, lanceolate, green, glabrous, upper margins hairy; lower glumes 1.3—2 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 3—3.5 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 7—8.5 mm long, 5-nerved, lanceolate, membranous, green, sca- brous, apex two-dentate, awned between the teeth, the awn 1—2 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas 4/5 as long as the lemma, membranous, keels scabrous; lodicules lanceolate; anthers 3—3.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with many vascular bundles, with small ribs; scleren- chyma under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis, discontinuous, small, extending to the vascular bundles forming girders; bulliform cells absent; epidermis sparsely hairy. Observations.—Festuca reclinata superficially resembles Aphanelytrum procumbens Hack. The spikelets and panicles of F. reclinata are similar to Aphanelytrum, but the glumes in the former are clearly nerved (versus unnerved), which is the differ- ence between the two genera. Alexeev (1986) placed F. reclinata in sect. Glabricarpae and we consider the Alexeev’s decision to be only provisional. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca reclinata 1s known only from the type locality in the Colombian Cordillera Oriental, Dept. Santander were it was found in a paramo. 11. Festuca woodii Stancik, Darwiniana 41(1-4): 107. 2003. (Figs. 14, 15, 78A—D). Type: Colombia. Boyaca, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Hda. La Esperanza, 3700 m, in crevices of limestone pavement on a steep, open dip slope. Vigorously tufted perennial more than 1 m, inflorescence purple brown, 29 Oct 1985, J.RI. Wood 5254 (holotype: COL!, isotypes: FMB], K!). Rhizomatous perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culm 70—90 cm tall, erect, scabrous; Festuca in South American Paramos 39 Figure 13. Festuca reclinata. A. Growing form. B. Ligule. C. Spikelet. D. Glumes. E. Lemma. F. Lemma with palea and rachilla. G. Leaf blade cross-section. A-G, Cuatrecasas & Barriga 9970 (COL). 40 Festuca in South American Paramos -75 COLOMBIA -85 N 400 Kilometers Figure 14. Distribution of Festuca pratensis (e), F. woodii ( &), and F. reclinata (m). nodes 2 or 3; leaf sheaths membranous, glabrous, grayish, fibrous and ephemeral at base, margins free; auricles absent; ligules ca. 0.5 mm long, mem- branous, apex truncate; blades 50-60 x 0.25—0.5 cm, flat, conduplicate near apex, green, scabrous, with prickles on both abaxial and adaxial surface. Panicles ca. 20 cm long and 15 cm wide, flexuous, ovate, branched; branches scabrous. Spikelets 12— 14 mm long, ovate, florets 4 or 5; rachilla densely hairy; glumes 4.5—7.5 mm long, membranous, nar- rowly lanceolate, green, sparsely scabrous; lower glumes 4.5—5.5 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 6—7.5 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 8.5—9 mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, green, scabrous and short-hairy, apex two-dentate, awned, the awn 0.5—1 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas as long as the lemma, membranous, papil- lose; anthers 3.5—4 mm long; ovary apex sparsely short-hairy. Caryopses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with many vascular bundles and small ribs above; scle- renchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis, discontinuous, extending to the vascular bundles forming girders; bulliform cells present; epidermis without hairs. Observations.—Festuca woodii is morphologi- cally similar to F’ caldasii known from southern Colombia and Ecuador. However, F: woodii has shorter ligules (0.5 versus 2.5—3 mm long), truncate (versus acute) ligules, smaller spikelets (12-14 versus 15—17 mm long), and longer glumes. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca woodii is endemic to the Colombian Cordillera Oriental (Boyaca, Cundinamarca) occuring in matorral and grass paramo vegetation types on rocky slopes and calcareous outcrops between 2700-3700 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca: Bogota, 2730 m, 16 Sep 1915, Festuca in South American Paramos 4] a “ << oS, y, _——<$<———S—= SY < == = = = — — WS y > y "A > — Figure 15. Festuca woodii. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Spikelet. D. Glumes. E. Lemma. F. Leaf blade cross-section. A-F, Wood 5254 (COL). 42 Festuca in South American Paramos Apollinaire & Arthur 18 (US). Boyaca: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Hda. La Esperanza, 3700 m, 29 Dec 1985, Wood 5354 (FMB). 12. Festuca arundinacea Schreb., Spic. Fl. Lips. 57. 1771. (Figs. 16, 17, 78E & F, 79A & B). Bromus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Roth, Tent. Fl. Germ. 2: 141. 1789. Schedonorus arundi- naceus (Schreb.) Dumort., Observ. Gramin. Belg. 106. 1824, nom. conserv. Festuca elatior var. arundinacea (Schreb.) Wimm., Fl. Schles. 3: 59. 1857. Festuca elatior subsp. arundi- nacea (Schreb.) Celak., Prodr. Fl. Bohmen 1: 51. 1867. Festuca elatior subsp. arundinacea (Schreb.) Hack., Monogr. Festuc. Eur. 152. 1882. Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Dar- bysh., Novon 3(3): 241. 1993. Tyre: Scheuzer, Agrostographia, tab. 5, fig. 18. 1719. (lecto- type: designated by Reveal, Terrell, Wiersema & Scholz, Taxon 40: 136. 1991). Festuca elatior L., Sp. Pl. 1: 75. 1753, nom. rej. Poa elatior (L.) Moench, Enum. PI. Hess. 37. 1777. Avena secunda Salisb., Prodr. Stirp. 22. 1796. Bromus elatior (L.) Koeler, Descr. Gram. 214. 1802. Schedonorus elatior (L.) P. Beauv., Ess. Agrost. 99, 156, 162, 177. 1812. Festuca pra- tensis vat. elatior (L.) Gaudin, Fl. Helv. 1: 293. 1828. Bucetum elatius (L.) Parnell, Grasses Scotl. 107, pl. 46. 1842. Tragus elatior (L.) Panz. ex B.D. Jacks., Ind. Kew. 2: 1098. 1895. Gnomonia elatior (L.) Lunell, Amer. Midl. Nat. 4: 224. 1915. (lectotype: LINN-92.17, designated by Terrell, Brittonia 19: 131. 1967; again by Linder, Bothalia 16: 59. 1986). Poa phoenix Scop., Fl. Carniol., ed. 2, 1: 74. 1771. Schedonorus phoenix (Scop.) J. Holub, Preslia 70: 113: 1998: Bromus littoreus Retz., Fl. Scand. Prodr. 19. 1779. Schedonorus \ittoreus (Retz.) Tzvelev, Nov. Sist. Vyssh. Rast. 31: 258. 1998. Festuca littoralis Wahlenb., nom. illeg. hom., Nova Acta Regiae Soc. Sci. Upsal. 8: 211. 1821. Festuca pseudosclerophylla Krivot., Bot. Mater. Gerb. Bot. Inst. Komarova Akad. Nauk SSSR 17: 73. 1955. Leucopoa pseudosclerophylla (Krivot.) Bor in K. H. Rech., Fl. Iranica 70: 13. 1970: Poa hybrida var. vallesiaca Bronm., Repert. Spec. Nov. Regni Veg. 16: 301. 1919. Festuca elatior subsp. arundinacea var. genuina subvar. orientalis Hack., Monogr. Festuc. Europ. 154. 1882. Festuca orientalis (Hack.) Krecz. & Bobrov, Fl. URSS 2: 531. 1934. Festuca arundinacea subsp. orientalis (Hack.) Tzvelev, Fl. URSS 18: 17. 1970. Festuca regeliana Pavl., Byull. Moskovsk. Obshch. Isp. Prir., Otd. Biol. 41(1): 80. 1938. Loosely tufted to shortly rhizomatous peren- nials with extravaginal innovations. Culms (50-) 100-150 cm tall, erect, scabrous; nodes 3. Leaf sheaths coriaceous, striate, glabrous or scabrous; auricles present, falcate, margins ciliate; ligules ca. 0.5 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, apex truncate; blades 25—30 cm long, 5—11 mm wide, flat, green, abaxially scabrous. Panicles 10-17 x 4-6 cm, narrow, with erect branches; branches scabrous. Spikelets 9-12(—15) mm long, florets 6—8(—10); rachilla scabrous; glumes 3.3—6.5(—7) mm long, lanceolate, membranous to coriaceous, green, gla- brous, apex acute; lower glumes 3.3—5(—5.5) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 4.5—6.5 mm long, 3-nerved, sometimes scabrous on back; lemmas 6—7.5(—8) mm long, 5-nerved, lanceolate, membra- nous to coriaceous, green, apex scabrous on midrib, mucronate or short-awned, the awn 0.5—1.5 mm long; paleas almost as long as the lemma, scabrous on margins and keels; lodicules lanceolate, acumi- nate; anthers 2.7—3.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with numerous vascular bundles, with small ribs above; sclerenchyma discontinuous, extending to the vascular bundles under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis; bulliform cells present. Observations.—This species is often treated by many authors as a separate genus, Schedonorus arundinaceus (Soreng et al. 2003). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca arundi- nacea 1s introduced from Europe and cultivated in pastures, fields and rarely escaping along roadsides between 2300-3600 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Cundinamarca: Mun. de Suba, Hda. Las Mer- cedes, 16 May 1964, E. Forero et al. 45 (COL); 8 Oct 1964, E. Forero et al. 82 (COL); 15 Oct 1964, E. Forero et al. 92 (COL); between Guasca and La Calera, Vereda Santa Helena, 2950 m, 9 Dec 1984, Wood 4639 (COL, K). Narifio: Mun. Ipiales, “Las Lajas”, 2740 m, 8 Aug 1939, Garcia-Barriga 7838A (COL). ECUADOR. Cajiar: S of El Tambo, km 1.5—3 on road to Carshao, 02°28’S, 78°59’ W, 3100 m, S. Laegaard & Sklenar 20301 (AAU); Mun. El Tambo, road from El Tambo to Ingapirca, km 1, Festuca in South American Paramos 43 Figure 16. Festuca arundinacea. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Inflorescence. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-I, Stancik 4102 (PRC). 44 Festuca in South American Paramos burned matorral and paramo, 3400-3500 m, 29 Aug 2000, D. Stanctk 3798 (PRC, QCA). Chimborazo: km 5 N of Tixan, meadows, 02°06’S, 78°46’°W, 3280 m, S. Laegaard 101818 (AAU, QCAQCNE); S. Laegaard et al. 103003 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); km 22 on road Alausi—Riobamba, 02°08’S, 78°46’ W, 3250 m, S. Laegaard 18667 (AAU,LOJA, QCA, QCNE); pasture near Riobamba, Sodiro s.n. (QPLS). Cotopaxi: Salcedo, 2650 m, Acosta-Solis 10206 (F, US). Loja: La Argelia (Escuela de Agronomia), 04°02’S, 79°12°W, 2100 m, S. Laegaard 18704 (LOJA). Morona-Santiago: Hda. Huargualla—Hda. San Eduardo, 01°57’S, 78°32.2’W, 3600 m, 19 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3309 (PRC, QCA); D. Stancik 3310 (PRC, QCA). Pichincha: Quito, 00°10’S, 78°30'W, 2850 m, 30 Mar 1998, S. Laegaard 18623 (LOJA); Quito—Santa Catalina, 00°22°S, 78°21 °W, Feb 1981, Vivar & Marin 1305 (LOJA); Quito—El Batan, 2850 m, Acosta-Solis 19821 (US); Acosta- Solis 19832 (US); Acosta-Solis 19835 (US); W side of Mt. Pichincha, 3070 m, Sodiro s.n. (QPLS); Pichincha, Aug 1888, Sodiro s.n. (QPLS); 3000 m, 1904, Sodiro s.n. (US); Road Lloa—Guagua Pichin- cha, km 6, 00°13’S, 78°35’ W, 3600 m, S. Laegaard 102716 (AAU). Mun. Otavalo, Ruchanda-—road to Quito, 3100 m, 14 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3221 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Otavalo, road from Laguna Mojanda to Cochasqui, 00°04°55’N, 78°17°50°W, 3450 m, 19 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4102 (PRC, QCA). Tungu- rahua: Tungurahua, Aug 1901, Sodiro s.n. (QPLS, US); Slope of Mt. Tungurahua above Bajos, 2300 m, FE. Asplund 8425 (S); Pillaro, 2850 m, E. Asplund 8150 (NY, QCA, S). Zamora-Chinchipe: Old road Loja—Zamora ca. 1 km E of pass, 03°59'S, 79°09'W, 2750 m, 26 Apr 1998, S. Laegaard 18744 (AAU, LOJA, QCA, QCNE). VENEZUELA. Barinas: 74 km NW of Barinas on Hwy 1 and 71 km NE of Mérida, slopes with Festuca, Espe- letia, Loutegia, Stevia, and Sporobolus, 2740 m, 24 Nov 1991, PM. Peterson 11181 (US). Mérida. Entre Pedregal y Apartaderos, praderas de fuentes del Chama, asociado a Juncus, Rumex etc., 3240 m, 23 Aug 1981, Ponce & Trujuillo 245 (MY); Dept. Rangel, Paramo de Mucubaji, Mesa del Caballo, El Pedregal, 3350 m, 12 Jun 1981, B. Bricerio & Adamo 286 (Herbarium Bricefio, PRC). 13. Festuca pratensis Huds., Fl. Angl. 37. 1762. (Fig. 14). Festuca fluitans var. pratensis (Huds.) Huds., Fl. Angl. (ed. 2) 47. 1778. Schedonorus pratensis (Huds.) Beauv., Ess. Agrostogr. 99, 163, 177. 1812. Bromus pratensis (Huds.) Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1: 359. 1825, nom. illeg. Bucetum pratense (Huds.) Parnell, Grass. Scotland 105, t. 46. 1842. Festuca elatior var. pratensis (Huds.) A. Gray, Man. Bot. (ed. 5) 634. 1867. Festuca elatior subsp. pratensis (Huds.) Hack., Bot. Centralbl. 8: 407. 1881. Festuca elatior subsp. pratensis (Huds.) Hack., Monogr. Festuc. Eur. 150. 1882, isonym. Tragus pratensis (Huds.) Panz. ex B.D. Jacks., Index Kew. 2:1099. 1895. Lolium pratense (Huds.) Darbysh., Novon 3(3): 242. 1993. Type: Great Britain (BM-SL), Buddle s.n., (lectotype: BM-SL!, Herb. Sloane. 125.16, designated by Reveal, Terrell, Wiersema & Scholz, Taxon 40:135. 1991). Festuca poaeoides Michx., Fl. Bor.-Amer. 1: 67. 1803, nom. illeg. Festuca poaeoides vat. americana Pers., Syn. Pl. 1: 94. 1805. Festuca americana (Pers.) F. G. Dietr., Nachtr. vollst. Lex. Gartn. 3: 332.1817. Schedonorus ameri- canus (Pers.) Roem. & Schult., Syst. Veg. 2: 706. 1817. Schedonorus radicans Dumort., Obs. Gramin. belg.: 106. 1824. Festuca radicans (Dumort.) Steud., Syn. Pl. Glum. 1: 309. 1854. Festuca glabra Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1: 353. 1824, nom. illeg. hom. Rhizomatous perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culms 60—120 cm tall, erect, scabrous; nodes 3 in the basal half. Leaf sheaths (lowermost) coriaceous, brown, striate, scabrous, margins free, sometimes fibrous; auricles falcate, without hairs on margins; ligules 0.3—0.5 mm long membra- nous, sometimes coriaceous, apex truncate; blades 20-25 x 0.4—0.8(—1) cm, flat, green, abaxially sca- brous. Panicles 15—20 x 3—5 cm, contracted, narrow; branches scabrous. Spikelets 9-11 mm long, florets 5 or 6; rachilla scabrous; glumes 2.7—-4 mm long, lanceolate, membranous, sometimes coriaceous, green, glabrous, apex acuminate; lower glumes 2.7—3 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 3.74 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 6—6.5 mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, green, apex scabrous, mucronate; paleas almost as long as the lemma, scabrous on margins and keels; lodicules lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 2.7—3.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous or sparsely hairy. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with numerous vascular bundles, without ribs above; sclerenchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epi- dermis, discontinuous, extending to the vascular bundles forming girders; bulliform cells present. Festuca in South American Paramos 45 N 300 600 Kilometers Figure 17. Distribution of Festuca dichoclada (¢), F: arundinacea ( &), and F: venezuelana (m). Observations.—Modern authors generally treat this taxon as a separate genus, Schedonorus pratensis (Soreng et al. 2003). Distribution and habitat.—This species is introduced from the Europe and sporadically cul- tivated at an altitude around 3000 m. Additional specimens examined. ECUADOR. Chimborazo: Riobamba, Sodiro s.n. (US). Pich- incha: Quito—Santa Catalina, 00°22’S, 78°31°W, Vivar & Marin 1306 (LOJA); Canton Tabacundo— Picalqui, 2750 m, Acosta-Solis 16268 (US). 14. Festuca dichoclada Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37: 514. 1906. (Fig. 17). Festuca quadridentata var. dichoclada (Pilg.) St.-Yves, Candollea 3: 265. 1927. Type: Peru. Ancachs (Ancash), in declivibus montium Cordillera blanca supra Caraz in faucibus umbrosis fruticibus altis obtectis, 3300-3600 m, 9 Jun 1903, A. Weberbauer 3230 (holotype: B!; isotypes: BAA-1196 fragm. ex B, US-2875396 fragm. exe, Large rhizomatous, loosely caespitose perenni- als with intravaginal innovations. Culms 150-200 cm tall, erect, scabrous; nodes 3 or 4 in distal half. Leaf sheaths coriaceous, scabrous; auricles absent; ligules 8-12 mm long, membranous, apex acute; blades 40—100 =< 0.5—1.4 cm, flat occasionally par- tially conduplicate, green, abaxially scabrous, with prickles on abaxial and adaxial epidermis. Panicles 20-40 x 20—25 cm, ovate; branches scabrous. Spike- lets 11-14 mm long, oblong, florets 3—5; rachilla hairy; glumes 5—9 mm long, lanceolate, greenish- white, smooth to papillose, apex acute; lower glumes 5—7.5 mm long, l-nerved; upper glumes 6.5—9 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 8.5—10 mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, scabrous, apex entire, awnless; callus glabrous; paleas as long as the lemma, smooth to papillose; 46 Festuca in South American Paramos lodicules ovate, obtuse; anthers 3.5—4.2(-4.7) mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses oblong; hilum nearly as long as the caryopsis. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with many vascular bundles and ribs above; scleren- chyma under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis, discontinuous; bulliform cells present; epidermis without hairs. Distribution and habitat—Known only from northern and central Peru. It occurs along margins of Andean forests, clearings, rocky slopes, and paramos between 3000—4000 m. Additional specimens examined. PERU. Ancash: Prov. Bolognesi, Jerusalem, cerro al E de Aquia, arcilloso—pedregoso en monte pluvifolio, 3200-3250 m, 18 May 1950, R. Ferreyra 7526 (US); Casca, abajo de Chiquian, 3100-3200 m, 9 May 1950, R. Ferreyra 7281 (US); Prov. Yun- gay, Huascaran Parque Nacional, between Lake Llanganuco and Portachuelo, 77°36’W, 09°03’S, 4200-—4329m, 16 Aug 1984, Smith 8233 (US). Prov. Huaraz, Huascaran Parque Nacional, Que- brada Shallap, 77°24’ W, 09°30’S, 3700-4000 m, 22 May 1985, Smith et al. 10769 (F); Prov. Huaylas, Huascaran Parque Nacional, environs of Auquispuquio, 77°57’ W, 08°49°S, 3900-4000 m, 4 Sep 1986, Smith et al. 12110 (F); Prov. Yungay, Huascaran Parque Nacional, Llanganuco sec- tor, Maria Josefa trail between Chinancocha and Pucayacu, 77°39’ W, 09°05’S, 3700-3850 m, 5 Jul 1985, Smith 10537 (F); Prov. Carhuaz, Huascaran Parque Nacional, Quebrada Ulta, on road to Ulta Pass, 77°32°W, 09°07’S, 4000-4400 m, 29 Jul 1985, Smith 11389 (F). Cajamarca: Prov. Con- tumaza, Guzmango, cerro Campanillas, 3050 m, 1 Jun 1959, SagasteguiiSagasteguii 2991 (US); Prov. Cajamarca, SAIS José Carlos Mariategui, km 20—40 on Sunchubamba—San Juan road, jalca with small patches of ceja de selva in rocky area, 3300-3500 m, 5 Jun 1984, Smith 7534 (US); Prov. Cajamarca, Distr. San Juan, carretera San Juan— Cajamarca, arriba de San Juan, ladera arcillosa- pedregosa, 2350 m, 6 Dec 1993, Vega 730 (F); Prov. Cajamarca, Cumbe Mayo, 21 km al W de Cajamarca, ladera con arbustos disersos, 3100 m, 4 Nov 1977, Vega 1966 (F). Huancavelica: Conaica, Carhuay—pampa arriba de Conaica, 3700-3750 m, 18 Mar 1951, O. Tovar 143 (US). Junin: Prov. Huancayo, Hda. Acopalca, 4000 m, 20 Jul 1945, Infantes 435 (US). La Libertad: Prov. De Otuzca, cerca a Usquil, falda de cerro, junto con Chusquea, Loasa, Cajophora, 3000-3100 m, 9 Jun 1950, R. Ferreyra 7642 (K, US); R. Ferreyra 7664 (K, US); Otuzco, entre piedras, 2600 m, 6 Apr 1990, Leiva & Leiva 96 (F); Otuzco, cerro de los Enamo- rados (al norte de Salpo), ladera, 3440 m, 16 Jun 1993, Leiva 797 (MO); Near Usquil, Utusco, hill- side, 3200 m, 9 Jun 1950, Anderson 1271 (US). 15. Festuca quadridentata Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 154. 1816. (Figs. 18, 21, 79C-F, 80A). Festuca flexuosa Willd. ex Kunth, Enum. Pl. 1: 407. 1833, nom. inval. pro syn. Type: Ecuador. Chimborazo, 2860 m, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (holotype: P!; isotypes: B!, P!). Large tussocked perennials with intravagi- nal innovations. Culms 170—200 cm tall, erect, scabrous; nodes 3 or 4 in distal half. Leaf sheaths coriaceous, striate, scabrous; auricles absent; lig- ules (8—)9—13 mm long, membranous, apex acute; blades 40-150 x 0.7—1.4 cm, flat to conduplicate, green, scabrous with prickles on abaxial and adax- ial epidermis. Panicles 20-40 x 15—20 cm, ovate; branches scabrous. Spikelets 11—13(—15) mm long, oblong, florets (3—)4 or 5(—6); rachilla with short, scattered hairs; glumes (3.5—)4—6.5 mm long, lanceolate, greenish-white, smooth sometimes papillose, apex acute; lower glumes (3.5—)4—5 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 5—6.5 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 8.5—9.5 mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, scabrous or papillose, apex erose and dentate, awnless or sometimes mucronate; callus glabrous; paleas as long as the lemma or longer, smooth or papillose; lodicules ca. 0.7 mm long, ovate, apex obtuse; anthers 3.5—4.2(-4.7) mm long; ovary apex gla- brous. Caryopses oblong; hilum nearly as long as the caryopsis. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with many vascular bundles, corresponding to the num- ber of ribs above; sclerenchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis, discontinuous; bulliform cells present; epidermis without hairs. Observations.—Festuca quadridentata 1s morphologically similar to the Peruvian species F: dichoclada, however the former differs by having shorter lower glumes (5—7.5 mm long in F- dicho- clada), shorter upper glumes (3.5—5 mm versus 6.5—9 mm), and dentate lemmas (versus entire). Distribution and habitat.—This species is endemic to central Ecuador (Cafiar, Chimborazo, Morona-Santiago, Pichincha) where is known from 47 Festuca in South American Paramos Wi . EA FZ) i yy Yj jl F. Lemma. G. Lemma E. Glumes. if 20308 (PRC); H, Stancik 3317 (PRC). Figure 18. Festuca quadridentata. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-G, Laegaard & Sklena 48 Festuca in South American Paramos Andean mountain forests, between (1500—)3000- 3400 m. Additional specimens examined. ECUADOR. Canar: S of El Tambo, ca. 1.5—3 km road to Car- shao, 02°28’S, 78°59’ W, 3100 m, 10 Jun 1999, S. Laegaard & Sklenar 20308 (AAU, LOJA, PRC); 10 Jun 1999, S. Laegaard & Sklenar 20287 (AAU, LOJA, PRC). Chimborazo: near Alao, along Rio Alao, 01°52’S, 78°30°W, 3200-3400 m, 22 Sep 1985, S. Laegaard 55290 (AAU, QCNE); km 10 N of Sipambe, 02°08’S, 78°52°W, 3400 m, 11 Nov 1985, S. Laegaard 55567 (AAU, QCA); road Alao—Chambo, km 10, 01°50'S, 78°34 'W, 3000 m, 11 Oct 1985, S. Laegaard 55411 (AAU, QCA); in prov. Riobamba, Sodiro s.n. (QPLS); Alao, Hab. Llactapamba, 3200 m, Acosta-Solis 7581 (F, US); eastern Cordillera of Riobamba, 3200 m, Rimbach 54 (F, US). Morona-Santiago: Parque Nacional Sangay, Hda. Huargualla—San Eduardo, 02°0025'S, 78°27 W, 37000m, DD. Stancil 33:17 (AAU, QCA, PRC, US). Pichincha: Gualea, Sodiro s.n. (QPLS); 1500 m, Mille s.n. (QPLS). Sin. loc. Sodiro 20/5 (P). 16. Festuca venezuelana Stancik, Darwiniana 41(1-4): 111, f. 15b-1. 2003. (Figs. 17, 19, 80B-—F). Tyre: Venezuela. Tachira, Mun. La Grita, Paramo La Negra, cross of the roads to La Grita and Pogonero, 08°13 '22°N, 71°52’51°W, shrubby margin of the road with Asteraceae, Melastomataceae, Cordia sp., 2800 m, 11 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4262 (holotype: PRC!, isotypes: AAU!, CAR!, COL!, W!). Tussocked perennials with extravaginal inno- vations. Culms 130-180 cm tall, erect, scabrous; nodes 3. Leaf sheaths coriaceous, fibrous, scabrous, brown; auricles absent; ligules 3—5 mm long, mem- branous, apex acute; blades 25-40 x 0.5—1.1 cm, flat, green, abaxially scabrous. Panicles 20-25 x 10—15 cm, lax, nutant; branches scabrous. Spikelets 14-16 mm long, oblong-lanceolate, florets 5—7; rachillas 1—1.2 mm long, scabrous; glumes 3—9 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, coriaceous, margins membranous, apex acute; lower glumes 3-4.5 mm, l-nerved; upper glumes 7—9 mm long, 3-nerved, apex scabrous; lemmas 10—11 mm long, 5-nerved, lanceolate, coriaceous, brownish-green, scabrous, apex two-dentate and awned, the awn 2-8 mm long, some plants awnless; paleas as long as the lemma, scabrous on margins and keels; lodicules lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 3—3.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses oblong-lanceolate; hilum 3/4 of caryopsis length. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with many vascular bundles, with shallow ribs; scleren- chyma under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis, discontinuous; bulliform cells present; epidermis with prickles on abaxial and adaxial surfaces, macrohairs absent. Observations.—Festuca venezuelana 1s mor- phologically similar to the Bolivian F: steinbachii. However, F: steinbachii has shorter ligules (ca. 1 mm long), shorter spikelets (11-13 mm long), and shorter awns (0.5—1.3 mm long). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca venezu- elana ranges from Colombian Cordillera Oriental (N de Santander) to the western part of the Venezu- elan Andes (Tachira). It occurs in Andean forest clearings between 2800-3400 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Norte de Santander: between Mutiscua and Pam- plona, edge of wood, 3400 m, 32 Feb 1927, Killip 19719 (K, US). VENEZUELA. Tachira: Grita, Porqueras-Aldea Agua Diaz, 22 Sep 1942, Tamayo 2326 (US, VEN). 17. Festuca fragilis (Luces) B. Bricefio, Ernstia 4(3-4): 7 8-79. 1994. (Figs. 20, 21, 81A—F). Helleria fragilis Luces, J. Wash. Acad. Sci. 32(6): 157, f. 1. 1942, nom. inval. Hellerochloa fragilis (Luces) Rauschert, Taxon 31(3): 561. 1982. Type: Venezuela. Mérida, Paramo de Tucani, 4500 m, 17 Dec 1910, A. Jahn 62 (holotype: VEN!; isotype: US!). Small tussocked perennials with intravaginal innovations. Culms 20—25 cm tall, erect, finely sca- brous; nodes 1, basal. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, stramineous, glabrous, inconspicuously striate; auricles absent; ligules 4-5 mm long, mem- branous, apex acute, ciliate; blades 10—15 cm long, 0.6—0.7 mm wide, conduplicate to involute, abaxi- ally scrabrous, olive-green, only 2 or 3 per culm, apex acute. Panicles 5—8 x 1-2 cm, contracted, dense, lanceolate, branches scabrous. Spikelets ca. 3 cm long, obovate, florets 5—7; rachilla densely hairy; glumes 7.5-13 mm long, membranous, lanceolate, margins dentate, apex acute; lower glumes 7.5—9.5 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 10-13 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 17—20 mm long, 5-nerved, lanceolate, membranous, upper 1/2 and margins scabrous, apex shortly two-dentate and awned, the awn 5—7 mm long; callus glabrous; 49 Festuca in South American Paramos F. Glumes. G. Lemma. Figure 19. Festuca venezuelana. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Inflorescence. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross section. A-I, Stancik 4263 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos 50 Add: tg PEA 77 WF pe ALO LEG, SGT Kel L/ Ii y A ig H i ( J | xX iil O Figure 20. Festuca fragilis. A. Habit. B. Ligule. C. Spikelet. D. Glumes. E. Lemma. F. Lemma with palea and rachilla. G. Leaf blade cross-section. A—G, from Stancik 4192 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos 51 -80 -75 COLOMBIA ECUADOR -80 -75 N 200 400 Kilometers Figure 21. Distribution of Festuca quadridentata (@), F- fragilis (A), and F. rubra (m). paleas 3/4 as long as the lemma, membranous, lanceolate, papillose, upper third and along keels scabrous; lodicules lanceolate; anthers 1.5—2.2 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 2/3 of total length. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 7 vascular bundles and 5 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial and adaxial epidermis, continuous, girders absent; epidermis with hairs on adaxial surface, scattered, the hairs 0.03 mm long. Observations.—The Mexican species, F livida (F: subg. Helleria) is morphologically simi- lar to F: fragilis but differs from it by having shorter culms (10—15 cm tall), shorter lemmas (8-14 mm long), and shorter lemmatal awns (1—4 mm long). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca fragilis is known only from the state of Mérida, Venezu- ela and the Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Colombia, from dry rocky slopes of super-paramo between 3600-4800 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Arauca: Sierra Nevada del Cocuy, Laguna La Plaza, 4300 m, 31 Dec 1985, Wood 5259 (COL). VENEZUELA. Merida: Mun. Mucuchies, Paramo de Piedras Blancas, mountain ridge towards Alto Mucunano, 08°49'54’"N, 70°57'33"W, 4350 m, 4 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4182 (CAR, COL, PRC, US, W); Laguna Negra, 08°49°16'N, 70°57°02’W, 4270 m, D. Stancik 4192 (AAU, CAR, COL, PRC); Mun. Merida, Sierra Nevada—Pico Espejo, 8°42°N, 71°12’W, 4 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4248 (AAU, CAR, COL, PRC, W); Barclay & Juajibioy 10180 (US); Pico de Las Piedras Blancas, 4740 m, 25 May 1952, Vareschi 1232 (VEN); Camino a Pico Bolivar, 4100-4300 m, 10 Oct 1953, Little 15717 (MER); paramo Media Luna, pendiente N del Pico 52 Festuca in South American Paramos El Toro, 08°32'27'N, 71°04°19"W, super-paramo con Lachemilla equisetifolia y Coespeletia morit- ziana, 4350 m, 21 Dec 1994, Berg 470 (K); Sierra Nevada de Santo Domingo, between Apartaderos and Timotes, E facing rocky slope, 21—26 Nov 1959, Barclay et al. 9677 (US); Laguna Coromoto, 3600 m, Oct 1956, Aristeguieta 2596 (VEN); 3400 m, Oct 1956, Aristeguieta 2603 (VEN); Paramos mas altos cerca de El Gavilan, 4200 m, 25 Jan 1929, Pittier 13276 (VEN, US); Paramo de Pie- dras Blancas, 4300 m, 25 Sep 1952, Vareschi et al. 1233 (VEN); 4200 m, 28 Feb 1976, Baruch 46 (VEN); 4400 m, 8 Dec 1979, Barreto 656 (MERC); 4000-4600 m, 31 Oct 1981, B. Briceno et al. 358 (MERC); 4150-4250 m, 13 Nov 1976, Ricardi & Carrez 5930 (MER); Paramo de Mucuchies, Pico Aguila, Pico de Aguila, 3800-3900 m, 22 Jan 1986, Bono 5662 (VEN); 4300 m, 17 Oct 1984, Bono 4328 (VEN); 4700 m, 12 Feb 1976, Teran 13215 (MERF); 4118m, 6 Dec 1980, Badillo et al. 7562 (MY); Pico Espejo, 4765m, 17 Dec 1969, J. Steyer- mark & Koyama 102389 (VEN); 4680-4780 m, 31 Dec 1961, Teran & Melchior 833 (MER, HERZ); Teran & Melchior 848 (MER); 4400 m, 16 Dec 1952, Bernardi 268 (MER); Loma Redonda—Alto de La Cruz, 4040-4300 m, 11 Nov 1994, B. Briceno 3074 (Herbarium Bricefio); Mun. Rangel, Paramo El Banco, entrada por la Toma baja, 4420 m, 21 Oct 1997, B. Briceno & Molinillo 346] (Herbarium Bricefio); Paramo Mucubaji, camino a Mucunuque, 3600 m, 25 Oct 1980, B. Briceno & Adamo 244 (Herbarium Bricenio, US); 4200-4300 m, 4 Nov 1992, Meier 3025 (VEN); Distr. Campo Elias, Sierra La Culata, Pico El Campanario, 4325m, 20 Oct 1972, Teran 7732 (MERF); 3600-4100 m, 26 Oct 1972, Teran 7909 (MERF); 18. Festuca fimbriata Nees, Fl. Bras. Enum. Pl. 2(1): 472.1829. (Figs. 22, 23, 82A—E). Type: Brasilia meridionales, Montevideo, F: Sellow s.n. (holo- type: B!; isotypes: K!, LE-TRIN-2806.01!, LE- TRIN-2806.02!, US-557541 ex B!, US-1441522 ex B!, US-1126679 fragm. ex W!, W!). Festuca ampliflora Doll, Fl. Bras. 2(3): 116, pl. 34. 1878. Type: Brazil. Minas Gerais, Caldas, Regnell III 1409 (lectotype: S! designated by Alexeev, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 69: 348. 1984; isolectotypes: P!, US-2875375 fragm. ex M!). Rhizomatous perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culms (60—)90—150(—250) cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 3 or 4 in distal half; cataphylls sometimes present, about 4-6 cm long. Leaf sheaths membranous, brown, striate, glabrous; auricles absent; ligules 0.1—0.5(—1) mm long, coriaceous, apex truncate, ciliate; blades 20-50 x 0.4—1.5 cm, flat, green, abaxially scabrous with prickles on abaxial epidermis. Panicles 20-40 x 10—15 cm, ovate; branches scabrous. Spikelets 11—15(—20) mm long, oblong or ovate, florets (S—)6—7(—9); rachillas 1—1.3 mm long, glabrous; glumes (3.5—)4-8(9) mm long, lanceolate, scabrous, apex acute; lower glumes (3.5—)4—6(—7) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 5.5—6(—7.5) mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 6-8 (—9) mm long, membranous to coriaceous, lanceo- late, 5-nerved, scabrous, papillose, apex entire, awn- less; callus glabrous; paleas as long as the lemma, scabrous; lodicules ca. 1mm long, lanceolate, with scattered hairs at apex; anthers 2.5—3.5(4) mm long; ovary apex pilose. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum nearly as long as the grain. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with numerous vascular bundles with small ribs above; sclerenchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epi- dermis, discontinuous and extending to the vascular bundles; bulliform cells present; epidermis with scattered prickles. Observations.—Festuca fimbriata 1s charac- terised by having pilose lodicules. This unusual feature probably represents a plesiomorphy since elsewhere in the genus it is only known to occur in the Australian F’ subg. Austrofestuca. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca fimbriata is restricted to the area between northern Uruguay, northeastern Argentina, and southeastern Brazil, in forest openings, wet depressions, and swamps between (70—)700—1650(—2400)m. Additional specimens examined. ARGEN- TINA. Corrientes: Dept. Santo Tomé, Ea. Timbo, costa del Rio Uruguay, 26 km SE de Colina Garabi, 16 Sep 1980, O. Ahumada & A. Schinini 4085 (CTES); Arroyo Chimiray y Ruta 40, 8 Oct 1976, Quarin 3409 (CTES); Dept. Santo Tomé, Garruchos, 22 Oct 1954, Burkart 19654 (BAA); Estancia “Garruchos”, swamps and wet medows, T.M. Pedersen 819 (C, MO); Ruta 37, 5 km E de Gdor. Virasoro, 14 Nov 1974, A. Schinini & Car- nevali 10523 (US). Misiones: Dept. Capital, Ruta provincial No. 1, 12 km S de Posadas, 16 Nov 1974, A. Schinini & Carnevali 10687 (CTES). BRAZIL. Minas Gerais: Jan 1880, Regnell s.n. (W); Caldas, 28 Jan 1846, Widgren s.n. (K, US); Monte Verde, Sep 1997, Longhi & Witten 5011 (ICN). Parana: a3 Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 22. Festuca fimbriata. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Inflorescence. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Lodicule. J. Leaf blade cross-section. A—J , .M. Pedersen 11475 (MO). 54 Festuca in South American Paramos 4 0 500 1000 Kilometers el + Figure 23. Distribution of Festuca fimbriata (@), and F: andicola (A). Piraquara, Pinhais,, 25 Nov 1968, G. Hatschbach 20379 (C, K); Mun. Balsa Nova, Bicudo, 6 Dec 1962, G. Hatschbach 9551 (US); 26 Feb 1909, Dusen 8972 (K, US); Mun. Curitiba, Atuba, mar- gin of swamp, 23 Jan 1965, Clayton 4301 (K); Castro, Rio Cunhaporanga, varzea, 26 Nov 1968, G. Hatschbach 20381 (K); Mun. Jaguariaiva, Rio Jaguariaiva, campo, 13 Nov 1974, G. Hatschbach 35575 (K). Rio de Janeiro: Mun. Itatiaia, Pratelei- ras, 2300 m, Mar 1937, Brade & Kuhlman 15631 (B, COL, PRC, RB); Serra de Itatiaia, 1900 m, Mar 1894, Ule 243 (R); Rio de Janeiro, Alto de Itatiaia, 2200-2400 m, 17 Jan 1925, A. Chase 8302 (US). Rio Grande do Sol: Aparados da Rocinha, Bom Jesus, 18 Jan 1950, Rambo 45452 (US); Vacaria, 9 Jan 1946, J.R. Swallen 8189 (MO, US); Mun. Rio Pardo, Fasenda Soledad (Jurgens), 70 m, 1905, Jurgensen G85 (US); Bom Jesus, entre Ausentes e Poste Fiscal da Serra da Rocinha, 4 Dec 1971, Valls et al. 1893 (US); Facenda Carauna—Bom Jesus, Dutra 543 (R); Mun. Julio de Castilhos, between Abacatu & Venado, 13 Nov 1976, 7M. Pedersen 11475 (C, CTES, K, MO, P); Mun. Vacaria, Jul 1954, Barreto 577 (BAA); S. Luiz, 24 Nov 1952, Rambo 53471 (B, US); Faz Englert Sao Francisco de Paula, 1 Jan 1952, Rambo 54704 (B, US); Serra de Rocinha, Bom Jesus, 1200 m, 18 Jan 1950, Rambo 45466 (B); 3 Feb 1953, Rambo 53816 (B, US); Cambara do Sul, Itaimbezinho, 15 Dec 1973, Hitchcock 28 (ICN); Taimbezinho, Nov 1977, Boe- chat 41059 (ICN); Cambara do Sul, Itaimbezinho, 7 Jan 1977, Sampaio & Arzivenco 341, 362 & 404 (ICN); Bom Jesus—Faz. Arechavaleta, Cavauna, Jan 1903, Dutra 538 (ICN); Bom Jesus—estr. Para Vacaria, 15 km apos ponte de saida de B. Jesus, 30 Nov 1975, Longhi & Sampaio 368 (ICN). Santa Catarina: Mun. Mafra, Campo Novo, 7 km from Mafra, 9 Dec 1971, Smith & Klein 15761 (ICN, K, R, US); Campo Novo, Mafra, 750 m, 12 Dec 1962, Klein 3872 (K, US); Mun. Porto Uniao, 45 km S, Festuca in South American Paramos 55 900-1100 m, 5 Feb 1967, Smith & Klein 10855 (US); Campo de Areao, Santa Cecilia, 1100 m, 19 Dec 1962, Reitz & Klein 14172 (US); Mun. Caga- dor, 8 km N of Cacador, 950-1100 m, 7 Feb 1957, Smith & Klein 10958 (US); Mun. Sao Joaquim, source of Rio Capivaras, Serra do Oratorio, 10 km E of Bom Jardim da Serra (Cambajuva), 1200 m, 16 Jan 1957, Smith & Reitz 10127 (US); Mun. Bom Retiro, Fazenda Campo dos padres, 1650 m, 25 Jan 1957, Smith & Reitz 10428 (US); Mun. Marombas, Curitibafios, Banhado, 900 m, 9 Jan 1962, Reitz & Klein 11812 (US); Base of Morro Juco Prudente, 1 Jan 1946, J.R. Swallen 8089 (MO, US); Mun. Bom Jardim de Serra, 10 km S of Bom Jardim at Rio Capivaras, 15 Dec 1971, Smith & Klein 15805 (K, MO, R, US); Mun. Curitibafios, 28 Nov 1971, Smith & Klein 15474 (K, R, US); Mun. Lajes, 8 km S of Painel, 19 Dec 1971, Smith & Klein 15916 (K, R, US); 27 km S of Lajes, 20 Dec 1971, Smith & Klein 15936 (K, R, US); Mun. Chapeco, campo, bog and pinheiral, Fezenda Campo Sao Vicente, 24 km W of Campo Ere, 900—1000 m, 26 Dec 1956, Smith et al. 9389 (R, US); Mun. Ere, 6 km W of Campo Ere, 26°22°S, 53°06’ W, 900—1000 m, 6 Dec 1964, Smith & Klein 13674 (K, P, R, US); Campo de Chatorio, Ule 616 (W); Walde am Capirone, Serra Geval, Mar 1891, Ule 1959 (P); Sao Biento, 22 Jun 1885, Schwaike s.n. (P); Mun. Rio Pardo, 70 m, Nov 1908, Jurgens 175 (W); Campos Dos Padres, 22 Jan 1957, Rambo 60082 (B); Curitiba- fos, Banhadoi, 900 m, 10 Jan 1962, Reitz & Klein 11948 (B, US). SAo Paulo: Campos do Jordao, in paludosis, 1600 m, Feb 1946, Leite 3490 (US); Mun. Sao Roque, 50 km W from, Sao Paulo, 850 m, 12 Feb 1987, Tsugaru & Otsuka B-2265 (MO). PARAGDAY. Caazapa: Tavai, bosque cercano al hospital, 28 Oct 1988, Degen 861 (FCQ, MO); galery forest 1 km N of hospital, 26°10’S, 55°27’ W, 28 Oct 1988, Zardinii 7701 (FCQ, MO). Itapua: Cordill. San Rafael, Estero Yukeri, Bernardi 18618 (MO). URUGUAY. Caticeiras Rivera, 11 Dec 1907, Berro 5994 (BAA). Tacuarembo. Campos de Tacuarembo, terrenos arenosos, Arechavalet s.n. (W); Montevideo, 1826, D’Orbygny 39 (P); Cerro Largo, Cerro de Las Cuentas, 29 Dec 1938, Rosengurtt B-2764 (US). 19. Festuca andicola Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 153.1816. (Figs. 23, 24, 83C & D). Festuca racemosa Willd. ex Spreng., Syst. Veg. 1: 352. 1825, nom. inval. Tyre: Ecuador. Carchi, Paramo de Puntas, 3220 m, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (holotype: P!; isotypes: B!, P!, US-2875373 fragm. ex P!). Perennials with well developed rhizomes, innovations extravaginal. Culms 50-70 cm tall, erect, solitary, glabrous; nodes 2 or (3) in basal half. Leaf sheaths membranous, brown, striate; auricles absent; ligules 0.5-0.9 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, apex truncate, ciliate; blades 10-17 x 0.1—0.4 cm, flat or conduplicate, green, abaxially glabrous. Panicles 12—17 x 0.5—1 cm, contracted, erect, elongate; branches mostly glabrous. Spikelets 7-9 mm long, florets 3 or 4(—5); rachilla glabrous or with scattered hairs; glumes 1.4—-2.5 mm long, mem- branous to coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, purplish, apex obtuse ciliate; lower glumes 1.4—1.8 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 2—2.5 mm long, 3-nerved, apex short-ciliate; lemmas 5—5.5 mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, purplish, upper third scabrous, apex acute or short—-awned, the awn or mucro 0.5—0.7 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas as long as the lemma, membranous, glabrous, scabrous on keels, apex hairy; lodicules lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 0.8—1.1 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 7—9(-11) vascular bundles and 5—7(—9) ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis discon- tinuous, some fascicles extending to the vascular bundles forming girders; adaxial epidermis with scattered hairs, the hairs 0.05—0.09 mm long. Observations.—Saint-Yves (1927, 180) men- tions Festuca dissitiflora Steud., a nom. nud., as belonging to F’ andicola. Examination of the voucher of F. dissitiflora housed at US (W. Lechler 1829, US-2875397 fragm. ex GOET!) confirms that this species has nothing to do with F- andicola and that it is asynonym of F! rigescens (J. Presl) Kunth. His- torically, the name F’ andicola had been applied to a heterogeneous group, and this group was divided into two species by Stan¢cik (2003) where a new type and name, F) soukupii, were designated. Festuca andicola and F: soukupii are morphologically similar to the Venezuelan species, F. e/viae, and the Peruvian F: tenuiculmis Tovar. Festuca tenuiculmis differs from the rest of the group by having ramified, opened panicles. Festuca andicola differs from the others by having solitary culms with rhizomes, whereas F) soukupii is caespitose forming small bunches. Distribution and habitat.— Festuca andicola ranges from southern Ecuador to northern Colom- bia. Tovar (1972) mentions F: andicola as being 56 Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 24. Festuca andicola. A. Habit. B. Ligule. C. Spikelet. D. Glumes. E. Lemma. F. Lemma with palea and rachilla. G. Leaf blade cross-section. A-G, Stancik 3551 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos 57 present in Peru but no Peruvian specimens were found during preparation of this revision. It occurs in swamps and margins of streams in the grass paramo zone and Andean mountain forests between 2900—3800(—4000) m. This species is associated, in addition to many others, with communities of the order Marchantio-Epilobietalia (Cleef 1981). Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Mun. Urrao, Paramo Frontino, La Cueva, 3450 m, 11 Sep 1986, Roldan et al. 396 (COL, HUA, MO); Llano Grande, 3400 m, 10 Sep 1986, Roldan et al. 307 (HUA). Boyaca: Mun. Aquitania, Paramo Los Curies, 3500 m, 8 Feb 1999, D. Stancik 2190 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Mongui, Paramo de Laguna La Colorada, 3600 m, 21 Jan 1999, D. Stancik 2024 (COL, PRC); Mun. Santa Rosa, Paramo Alto Lamadero, 3200 m, 30 Feb 1988, D. Stancik 1455 (COL, PRC); Paramo de Pisba, carratera Socha—La Punta, 3570 m, 11 Jun 1972, Cleef 4376 (COL, U, US); Mun. Arcabuco, way from Laguna Iguaque to Laguna Ojo de Agua, 3650 m, 15 Oct 1998, D. Stancik 948 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Toca, Paramo Cortadero, 5°30'N, 73°15’ W, 3350 m, 14 Nov 1998, D. Stancik 1365 (COL, FMB, PRC). Caldas: Mun. Manizales, Parque Nacional Los Nevados, 4020 m, 18 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3412 (COL, PRC); way from Rio Nereidas to Casa del Cisne, km 5—7, 4000 m, 18 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3399 (COL, PRC); Los Nevados, Villamaria, 3 Feb 1985, Sahn & Hernan 1060 (FMB). Cauca: Macizo Colombiano, Valle de las Papas, alrededores de Valencia, 2910 m, 11 Sep 1959, Idrobo et al. 3678 (COL). Cun- dinamarca: Mun. San Juan de Sumapaz, Parque Nacional Sumapaz, Alto de Toquilla, 3800 m, 15 Nov 1999, D. Stancik 3554 (AAU, COL, PRC); 15 Nov 1999, D. Stancik 3551 (COL, PRC); road from San Juan to Usme, km 5—7, 3650 m, 15 Nov 1999, D. Stancik 3547 (COL, PRC); Parque Nacional Chingaza, mina Palacio, 3700 m, 11 Oct 1992, Figueredo 119 (COL, HPUJ); 3700 m, 5 Aug 1992, Figueredo 126 (HPUJ); Muncipio Fomeque, Valle de los Frailejones, 3150 m, 12 Jun 1989, Bernal & Jimenez 1127 (HPUJ); Monserrate, Aug 1859, Lindig 14 (P); Alto San Juan, 4000 m, R. Fosberg 20749 (US). Meta: Paramo de Sumapaz, Hoya El Nevado, Laguna La Guitarra, 3405m, 24 Jan 1973, Cleef 8285 (COL). Narifio: Mun. Tuquerres, Vol- can Azufral, road from Vereda San Roque to Laguna Verde, km 3, 2650 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2775 (COL, PRC, PSO); El Encano, vereda Catapamba, 2900 m, 23 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2983 (AAU, COL, PRC, PSO, W); Cumbal, 3300 m, 16 Apr 1986, Benavides 6497 (COL, PSO). Norte de Santander: Mun. Chilos, vereda El Hatico on road Pamplona—Bucaramanga, 3500-3700 m, 1 Dec 2000, D. Stancik (COL, PRC). Risaralda: Laguna del Otun, quebrada Juntas, 3750 m, 29 Aug 1985, Sanchez & Hernandez 950 (FMB). Santander: Paramo de Berlin, cerca del Picacho, 3290 m, 29 Sep 1966, Robinson & Beltran 3142 (US). ECUA- DOR. Carchi: road Las Juntas—El Angel, km 14, 3400 m, 11 Mar 1992, S. Laegaard 101731 (AAU, QCA, QCNE). Chimborazo: Mun. Riobamba, Volcan Chimborazo, sector Cruce de Los Arenales, 01°28°14"S, 78°54’06"W, 4300 m, 20 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3712 (PRC, QCA); D. Stanctk 3705 (AAU, PRC, QCA). Cotopaxi: Volcan Cotopaxi, road to Limpiapungo, 00°37’S, 78°27’ W, 3850 m, S. Laegaard 5866 (AAU, QCA). Imbabura: Cordillera Oriental, Paramo de Angochagua, 2900— 3600 m, Acosta-Solis 18836 (US); Mun. Urcuqui, road to Cerro Yanaurcu, 00°28'13’N, 78°18'45’W, 4100 m, 15 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4092 (PRC, QCA). Pichincha: Lloa, 3000 m, E. Asplund 7524 (AAU, F, S); Paramo de Mojanda—Laguna Negra, 00°08’S, 78°16’ W, 3800 m, 14 May 1985, S. Laegaard 54327 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Road Pifo—Papallacta, 3 km W of Paso de la Virgen, 00°18°S, 78°14’ W, 3700- 3900 m, 7 Aug 1985, S. Laegaard 54892 (AAU, QCA); Cerro Ungui, 2860 m, Hartman 7a (US); Mun. Amiguafia, Volcan Pasachoa, 00°29°51°S, 78°29'25’W, 3700 m, 14 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3685 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Amaguana, Volcan Pasachoa, 00°30'23”S, 78°29'28°W, 3350 m, 14 Sep 2000, D. Stancitk 3683 (AAU, PRC, QCA). Tungurahua: Cotalo, 2900 m, Acosta-Solis 9879 (US); Slope of Mt. Tungurahua above Banos, 2800 m, E. Asplund 8427 (NY, S). 20. Festuca rubra L., Sp. Pl. 1: 74. 1753. (Figs. 21,25, 83A & B). Tyre: In paludosis prati regi Upsalia, Anonymous (lectotype: GB!, designa- ted by Jarvis et al., Watsonia 16:302. 1987.) Loosely tufted and rhizomatous perennials with extravaginal (rarely intravaginal) innovations. Culms 20—50 cm tall, erect, glabrous; 1 node in basal half. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, brown, striate, glabrous or pilose, margins united at base; auricles absent, ligules 0.3—0.5 mm long, membranous to coriaceous; blades 7—15 cm long, 0.7—1 mm wide, conduplicate to involute, green, sometimes glaucous, abaxially glabrous, apex 58 Festuca in South American Paramos \ YZ S /, Co J Ch) * a a Se aD Figure 25. Festuca rubra. A. Habit. B. Ligule. C. Spikelet. D. Glumes. E. Lemma. F. Lemma with palea and rachilla. G. Leaf blade cross-section. A—G, Stancik 3457 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos 59 obtuse. Panicles ca. 10 cm long, 3—5 cm wide, erect or spreading; branches scabrous. Spikelets 10-12 mm long, florets 5 or 6; rachilla glabrous or with scattered hairs; glumes 4—5.5 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, purple, apex acute; lower glumes ca. 4 mm long, |-nerved; upper glumes 5—5.5 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 6.5—7 mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coria- ceous, lanceolate, green to purplish, apex scabrous, awned, the awn 2.5—3.5 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas almost as long as the lemma, scabrous on keels, apex hairy; lodicules oblong-lanceolate; anthers 3.5—3.7 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not observed. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 7 vascular bundles and 5 ribs above; sclerenchyma discontinuous under both abaxial and adaxial epi- dermis, not forming girders; adaxial epidermis with scattered hairs, the hairs 0.02 mm long. Distribution and habitat.—This species is introduced from Europe and rarely cultivated. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Caldas: Mun. Neira. Vereda Chupaderos, Sector Campamentos, pasture, 3650 m, D. Stancik 3457 (COL, PRC). ECUADOR. Chimborazo: Paramo de Urbina, 25 km N of Riobamba, ca. 2 km W of Panamerican Hwy., 3500 m, 28 Jan 2000, S. Lae- gaard et al. 20994 (AAU, LOJA, QCA, PRC). Pichincha: Picalqui al S de Tabacundo, 2750 m, Acosta-Solis 16358 (F, US). 21. Festuca soukupii Stancik, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 39(1): 103, f. 2, 1-5. 2004. (Figs. 26, 27, 83E & F). Type: Ecuador. Imbabura, Mun. Cayambe, Volcan Cayambe, 00°31.6’N, 78°55.6°W, swamps below the refuge with Loricaria sp., Festuca glumosa, Distichia muscoides Nees & Meyen, etc., 4450 m, 20 Dec 2000, D. Stancik 4162 (holotype: PRC!; isotypes: AAU!, QCA!). Small tussocked perennials with intra- or extravaginal innovations. Culms 10—50 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 1(—2) in basal half. Leaf sheaths membranous, brown, striate, densely hairy and appearing shaggy, margins free; auricles absent; ligules 0.3—0.5 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, apex obtuse, short-ciliate; blades 5-25 cm long, 0.5—0.8 mm wide, conduplicate to involute, green, abaxially glabrous, apex obtuse. Panicles 2.5—13(—17) cm long, 0.3—0.5 cm wide, erect, contracted, elongate; branches hairy. Spike- lets 6—8(—9) mm long, florets 3 or 4(—5); rachilla glabrous or with short scattered hairs; glumes 1.2—2.5(—2.7) mm long, membranous to coriaceous, ovate to lanceolate, purplish, apex obtuse, ciliate; lower glumes 1.2—2 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 2—2.5(—2.7) mm long, 3-nerved, apex short- ciliate; lemmas 4.5—5.5 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, lanceolate, 5-nerved, purplish, papil- lose, apex awned, sometimes scabrous, the awn (0.5—)0.7—1.7 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas as long as the lemma, glabrous, scabrous on keels, apex hairy; lodicules oblong-lanceolate; anthers 0.8—1.1 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 3/5 of total length. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 5—7 vascular bundles and 3—5 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis discontinuous, under adax- ial epidermis absent [larger plants with 7—9(-11) vascular bundles and adaxial schlerenchyma, some- times forming 24 girders]; adaxial epidermis with scattered hairs, the hairs 0.03—0.05 mm long. Observations.—Festuca soukupii is mor- phologically similar to F andicola. However, F. andicola has well developed rhizomes (versus tussock forming) and glabrous sheaths (versus densely hairy). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca soukupii ranges from the Cordillera Central of northern Colombia, through Ecuador to northern Peru. It is known from humid grass paramo and super-paramo vegetations between 3700-4500 m. In addition, this species is found in large tufts along trails and roads up to the forest zone between 2600-3200 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Caldas: Mun. Manizales, Parque Nacional Los Nevados, Hda. La Esperanza, 3500-3700 m, 18 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3416 (COL, PRC); Mun. Neira, vereda Chupaderos, sector “Campamentos”’, 3650 m, 26 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3455 (COL, PRC); Paramo de Quindio, 3700-4200 m, 20 Aug 1922, Pennell 9951 (US). Cauca: Mun. Popayan, Parque Nacional Puracé, Pilimbala, 02°22.1°N, 76°24.06'W, 3250 m, 6 Jul 2000, D. Stancik 3610 (COL, PRC); Macizo Colombiano, Valle de las Papas, alrededores de Valencia, 2910 m, 11 Sep 1958, Idrobo et al. 3682 (COL, US). Narifio: Mun. Cumbal, Volcan Nevado de Cumbal, NE slopes, 3700 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2744 (AAU, COL, PSO, PRC); Mun. El Encano, between vereda Catapamba and road Pasto—El Encano, 2800 m, 23 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2981 (COL, PSO, PRC); Plain N of Guachucal, 3000 m, 1 Mar 1986, Wood Festuca in South American Paramos F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf ik 4162 (PRC). ca soukupii. A, B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. s-section. A, C—G, Stancik 3887 (PRC); B, Stanctk 3079 (PRC); H, Stané Figure 26. Festu blade cros Festuca in South American Paramos 61 COLOMBIA -80 -75 N 0 200 400 600 Kilometers ee + -70 -65 -60 Figure 27. Distribution of Festuca soukupii (¢), F-: chitagana ( A), and F. hatico (m). 5331 (COL, K). Risaralda: Mun. Pereira, Parque Nacional Los Nevados, below Nevado del Cisne, way from Casa del Cisne to Laguna de Otun, km 5, 4100 m, 19 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3380 (PRC, W)); below Nevado Santa label, crossroads to Villa Maria, Hda. Potosi and Casa del Cisne, 4000— 4100 m, 20 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3373 (COL, PRC, US). Tolima: N side of Nevado del Ruiz, 3800 m, 19 Feb 1984, Wood 4247 (COL, FMB, K); Mun. Ibague, Nevado del Tolima, La Cueva, 04° 39’N, 76°19.5'°W, 3900 m, 8 Jun 2000, D. Stancik 3596 (COL, PRC). ECUADOR. Azuay: Parque Nacio- nal Cajas, slopes near Laguna Luspa, 3700 m, 21 Apr 1990, P.M. Peterson 8858, C.R. Annable & M.E. Poston (QCA, QCNE, US); along Rio Miguir, 3480 m, 21 Apr 1990, PM. Peterson 8870, C.R. Annable & M.E. Poston (QCA, QCNE, US); around lake Llaviaucu, 02°56’S, 79°10’ W, 3400 m, Oxford Expedition 30 (K); El Pan, mountain zone, 2800 m, Harlington 1197 (S); around Lagoon Taglacocha— Tres Cruces, 02°47’S, 79°13°W, 3900-4000 m, 1 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3858 (PRC, QCA); road Cuenca—Saraguro, km 42, 03°10°S, 79°02°W, 3450 m, 19 Feb 1985, S. Laegaard 53580 (AAU, QCA); road Cuenca—Limon, towards antennas, 03°10’S, 79°02’W, 3350 m, 21 Nov 1999, S. Lae- gaard et al. 20824 (LOJA, AAU); Mun. Nabon, antennas on the road Loja—Cuenca, 03°12’S, 79°02’ W, 3300-3450 m, 30 Aug 2000, D. Stancik 3802, 3808 (QCA, PRC). Bolivar: pass on road Guaranda—Riobamba, 01°35’S, 78°50’ W, 4050— 4150 m, 10 Jul 1990, S. Laegaard 71737 (AAU, QCNE); highway to Guaranda km 66.5 and to Fecundo km 2.2, 4300 m, 03 May 1990, PM. Peterson 8996 & C.R. Annable (MO, QCA, QCNE, US); Simiatung, Hacienda Talahua, 3400 m, Pen- land & Summers 583 (F). Caniar: road Canar— Chunchi, 02°24’S, 78°59’ W, 3200 m, 05 Mar 1985, 62 Festuca in South American Paramos S. Laegaard 53837 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); El Tambo, road El Tambo—Ingapirca, 3400-3500 m, D. Stanctk 3800 (PRC, QCA). Carchi: km 21.2 NE of El Angel and 27.8 km SW of Tulcan, above Rio Bolo, 3320 m, 14 May 1990, PM. Peterson 9139, E.J. Judziewicz & R.M. King (MO, QCA, US); km 11.4 NE of El Angel on road to Tulcan, 3240 m, PM. Peterson 9118, E.J. Judziewicz & R.M. King (US); km 14 along road Las Juntas—El Angel, 3400 m, 11 Mar 1997, S. Laegaard 101718 (AAU, QCA, QCNE). Cotopaxi: road Zumbahua— Pujili, km 39, 00°53’S, 78°47°W, 3750-3800 m, S. Laegaard 102087 (AAU); Paramo de Laguna Salayampe, E of Latacunga, 00°56’S, 78°25’W, 4000-4100 m, S. Laegaard 54148 (AAU); Volcan Cotopaxi, N slope, 00°39’S, 78°26’°W, 4200 m, Sklenar & Kosteckova 1905 (AAU); Parque Nacio- nal Cotopaxi, Laguna Limpiopungo, 00°40’S, 78°30’ W, 3800 m, 3 Apr 1982, Fegan & Falconi 9 (QCA); Falda NNW, 4180 m, 03 Jul 1986, Ehren- burg 60 (QCA); Valley NW of Limpiapungo, 00°38°S, 78°28 W, 3900-4000 m, 25 Feb 1992, S. Laegaard 101432 (AAU, QCA); N slope on the left side of the road to refuge, 00°39’S, 78°26’ W, 4200 m, 19 Jul 1995, Sklenar & Kosteckova 85-8, 86-9, 87-6 (NY); Quebrada ca. 3 km de carratera, 00°40’S, 78°30'W, 3400 m, 08 May 1982, Bravo 56, 58 (QCA); railway station Cotopaxi, 3400 m, E. Asplund 6478 (S, US); Cotopaxi, 2500 m, E. Asplund 6400 (S); road Salcedo—Napo, km 27— 39, 4000-4100 m, Sparre 15708 (S); Mun. Chaupi, NE slope of Volcan Illiniza, 37°59"S, 78°42°42°W, 4000-4050 m, 12 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4023, 4028, 4031 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Lasso, volcan Cotopaxi, 00°39’6"S, 78; 78°30'55"W, 3530 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stanctk 3108, 3128, 3879, 3887 (AAU, PRC, QCA). Chimborazo: Volcan Chimborazo, E side, 01°28'S, 78°46’ W, 4260 m, Sklendr & Sklenarova 2262 (AAU); 4300 m, Sklenar & Sklenarova 2168 (AAU); km 42.7 SW of Ambato on Highway to Guaranda, 4020 m, PM. Peterson 8973 & C.R. Annable (MO, QCA, QCNE, US); km 10 E of Lago Colta on road to Pallatango, 3725m, P.M. Peterson 9209, E.J. Judziewicz, R.M. King & P.M. Jorgensen (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); between Urbina and Mt. Chimborazo, 3600-4500 m, A.S. Hitchcock 21981 (US); 3750 m, E. Asplund 7892 (K, S); 3900 m, E. Asplund 8447 (P, S); Paramo de Urbina km 25 N of Riobamba, ca. 2 km W of Panamerican Hwy., 01°29°S, 78°42°W, 3500 m, S. Laegaard et al. 20993 (AAU); S slope of Mt. Chimborazo, 3800 m, Fagerlind & Wibon 934-bis (S); km 9 NE of San Juan de Velasco on road to Lago Colta, 3600 m, 21 May 1990, PM. Peterson 9235, E.J. Judziewicz, R.M. King & P.M. Jorgensen (QCA, QCNE, US); Daldal Valley km 10 E of Licto, 01°48’S, 78°32’ W, 3700 m, Ramsay et al. 104A (K); 00°15’S, 78°28°W, 3450 m, 19 Aug 1987, Ramsay & Smith 245, 247 (K, QCA, QCNE); along Rio Alao, 01°52’S, 78°30°W, 3200-3400 m, S. Lae- gaard 55301 (AAU); near pass between Volcan Chimborazo and Carihuairazo, 01°27’S, 78°48’ W, 4400 m, S. Laegaard & Sanchez 20027 (AAU); Carihuasco above Mashahuasca, 01°29’S, 78°49’ W, 4500 m, S. Laegaard & Sklenar 20363 (AAU); road Guamote—Macas km 15, 02°00’S, 78°40°W, 3750 m, S. Laegaard & Sklenar 20335 (AAU, LOJA); Mun. Riobamba, volcan Chimborazo, sector Cruce de los Arenales, 01°27°51”S, 78°53 58" W, 4150 m, 20 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3713 (PRC, QCA). Imba- bura: Hacienda Mojanda on road to Otavalo, 2900-3000 m, Sparre 13516 (AAU, S); Laguna Grande, 00°08'N, 78°16’ W, 3725-3750 m, S. Lae- gaard 52374A (AAU, QCA); Laguna Cuicocha, 3100 m, F. Asplund 20217 (S); Mun. Urcuqui, road to Cerro Yanaurcu, 00°26'28"N, 78°15'24’W, 4100 m, 15 Oct 2000, D. Stancitk 4090B, 4093 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Cayambe, volcan Cayambe, 00°00'26.5’N, 78°01°21" W, 4300 m, 20 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4158, 4162 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Urcuqui, road to Cerro Yanaurcu, 00°37°46'N, 78°41 °45’°W, 4100 m, 15 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4094 (PRC, QCA). Loja: km 10 along road to Fierra Urcu, 03°41’S, 78°18’W, 3400 m, S. Laegaard et al. 19066 (AAU, LOJA, QCA); Cerro de Arcos W of road Manu—Zaruma, 03°34’S, 79°28’°W, 3500— 3600 m, S. Laegaard & Aguirre 20609 (AAU); Paramo de Carboncillo, km 11 S of Ofia, 2800 m, S. Laegaard 19739 (AAU, QCA); Mun. Saraguro, road to Fierra Urcu, 03°41°S, 79°16’ W, 3000— 3100 m, 24 Aug 2000, D. Stancik 3787, 3780 (PRC, QCA, US). Morona-Santigo: Hda. Huargualla— Hda. San Eduardo, way to Parque Nacional Sangay, 02°00.25'S, 78; 27° W, 3700 mz; 20uigigiS 2 D. Stancik 3320 (PRC, QCA); Parque Nacional Sangay, Plaza Culebrillas, 01°58°S, 78°25’W, 3500-3600 m, 22 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3358, 3359 (PRC, QCA). Napo: Valle Vicioso E of Volcan Cotopaxi, 3600 m, Holm-Nielsen & Balslev 23755 (AAU); El Tambo SE of Volcan Cotopaxi, 00°42’S, 78°18'W, 3650 m, S. Laegaard 55535 (AAU). Pichincha: road Pifo—Pintag, 2.5 hours horseride above Inga Moserat, 00°19’S, 78°17°W, 3950 m, S. Laegaard 102268, 102237 (AAU, QCA); Paramo Festuca in South American Paramos 63 de Guamani, 3960 m, 23 Nov 1991, Leon 1230 (QCA); 4200-4250 m, S. Laegaard 101384 (AAU); 4300 m, S. Laegaard & S.A. Renvoize 70519 (AAU); 4100 m, S. Laegaard 103107 (AAU, QCA); road Quito—Santo Domingo near San Juan, 00°17°S, 78°37’ W, 3450-3500 m, S. Laegaard 52605, 52607 (AAU, QCA); Andinum Quitensium Pichincha, Jameson 296 (P, W); from Pichincha, 4000ft, Jun 1859, Jameson 14 (W); Quito—Panecillo, 2900 m, E. Asplund 6020 (S, US); Mun. Otavalo, shrubby margin and pajonal on the road from Otavalo to Laguna Mojanda, 00°09°54’°N, 78°17°20°W, 3450 m, 19 Oct 2000, D. Stancitk 4111 (PRC, QCA); Nevado Cayambe, W side of the volcano, 00°01°N, 78°01’ W, 4200 m, Sklenar & Kosteckova 66-10 (US); road to Refuge, 4300 m, S. Laegaard & S.A. Renvoize 70519 (AAU); Par- amo de Trujillo between peaks of Illinizas and Cotopaxi, 3450 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 7961 (MO, US); Tunel de agua Quito—Papallacta, 00°22’S, 78°08 W, 16 Mar 1994, Aguirre & Merino 4219 (AAU, LOJA); E slope of Illiniza Sur, 4300 m, Sklenar & Kosteckova 16-1 (US); 4200 m, Sklenar & Kosteckova 15-5 (NY); Volcan Illiniza, N slope, 4000-4100 m, Sparre 15635 (S); road Lloa—Guagua Pichincha, km 10, 00°13’S, 78°35’W, 4170 m, Laegaard et al. 102737 (AAU); Rucu Pichincha, 4400 m, E. Asplund 17313 (S); NE slope, 4300 m, Sklenay & Kosteckova 1-24 (NY); 4600 m, E. Asplund 8606 (S); slope above Lloa, 3200 m, E. Asplund 7558 (S); WNW slope of Antisana, 4600 m, Halloy B-54 (AAU); between La Libertad and San Juan, 3200 m, E. Asplund 16259 (S); Canal on W side of Volcan Atacazo, 00°20’S, 78°38’W, 3750-3800 m, S. Laegaard 55673 (AAU, QCA); slopes of Ruminahui, 3900 m, Sparre 15871 (S); Mun. Pifo, paramo de Guamani, 00°19’S, 78°15’ W, 3700 m, 19 Jun 1999, D. Stancik 3004 (AAU, PRC, QCA); Mun. Amaguanfia, Volcan Pasachoa, 00°30°23”"S, 78°29'28"W, 3350 m, 14 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3686 (PRC, QCA). Tungurahua: km 10 S of Mocha, 3600 m, Harling et al. 10533 (GB); Cotalo, 2900 m, Acosta-Solis 9884 (US); Acosta- Solis 9877 (US); Mt. Carihuayrazo, 4400 m, E. Asplund 8470 (S); Mun. Pillaro, Las Llanganatis, around Aucacocha lagoon, 01°8°55’S, 78°20'00.4’"W, 3800 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3903 (PRC, QCA). Zamora—Chinchipe: Road Loja—Zamora, ca. 2-6 km E of pass, 03°59’S, 79°09'°W, 2600 m, S. Laegaard 18736 (AAU, LOJA, QCA, QCNE). PERU. Cajamarca: 52 km N of Cajamarca on Hwy 3N towards Bambamarca, small lagoon with Ranunculus and open grasslands with Deyeuxia, 3780 m, 16 Mar 2000, PM. Peter- son 14907 & N. Refulio Rodriguez (MO, US, USM); Prov. Chota, Miracosta, entre Miracosta y Pampa del Lirio, 3380 m, 11 Dec 2000, Vega et al. 10320 (F, MO); Pampa Larga, al N de la explota- cion minera Yanacocha, 3900 m, 14 May 1994, Vega 7143 (F); Jalca de Kumullca, ruta a Celendin, 3650 m, 7 Feb 1975, Vega et al. 1638 (F); Cerro Sexcemayo, al W de Cajamarca, jalca graminosa, 3500 m, 4 Feb 1991, Vega 5419 (F); Prov. Celendin, Cajamarca—Celendin road, especially near large rock outcrops, 3000-3450 m, 28 May 1984, Smith et al. 7314, 7321a, 7332 (MO); Celendin, Jalca de Kumulca, mountain pass on the road Cajamarca— Celendin, 07°02°31°S, 78°15°33”W, humid jalca vegetation with tussock grasses, 3700 m, 26 Aug 2004, Sklenar & Cruz 8706 (PRC). 22. Festuca azucarica E.B. Alexeev, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 69: 1546. 1984. (Figs. 28, 29, 84A—D). Type: Colombia. Valle de Cauca, Cordillera Central, cerro Pan de Azucar, 3700 m, 26 Feb 1969, J. Cuatrecasas, Espinal & Ramos 27562 (holotype: US-278!; isotypes: COL!, U-5508!). Dense tussock forming perennials with intra- vaginal innovations. Culms 70—80 cm tall, erect, gla- brous; nodes 1 or 2 in distal half; cataphylls 0.5—1.5 cm long, short, coriaceous. Leaf sheaths coriaceous, brown, glabrous; auricles absent; ligules 0.3—1(—1.5) mm long, coriaceous, apex truncate, short-ciliate; blades 30-50 cm long, 0.9-1.4 mm wide, condu- plicate, rigid, olive-green, abaxially glabrous, apex mucronate. Panicles 10—25 x 1—3(—6) cm, lanceolate to ovate, mostly contracted; branches glabrous or finely scabrous. Spikelets 9-10 mm long, lanceo- late, florets 4—6; rachilla densely hairy; glumes (2.5—)3—5(—6) mm long, coriaceous, narrowly lan- ceolate, dark purple, sparsely scabrous; lower glumes (2.5—)3—3.5(-4) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 4-5(—6) mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas (5.5—)6—7.5 mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, lanceo- late, dark purple, scabrous and densely hairy, apex entire, awnless or short-awned, the awn 0.3—0.5 mm long; callus sparsely hairy; paleas as long as the lemma, papillose, upper third hairy; anthers 2.5—3.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 1/2—3/5 as long as the grain. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 9—15 vascular bundles and 7—14 ribs; sclerenchyma 64 Festuca in South American Paramos 2cm 1 cm WW | Wi Figure 28. Festuca azucarica. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Cataphylls. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-I, Stancik 3377 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos 65 COLOMBIA N 400 600 Kilometers | Figure 29. Distribution of Festuca colombiana (¢@), F: dasyantha (A), F: azucarica (@), and F-laegaardii (@). under abaxial epidermis continuous or discontinu- ous, united with all the vascular bundles, adaxial sclerenchyma present, extending to all vascular bundles; bulliform cells absent; epidermis densely hairy adaxially, the hairs 0.4—1.3 mm long. Observations.—Festuca azucarica is mor- phologically similar to F’ pilar-franceii, a species endemic to the Colombian Cordillera Oriental. However, F: azucarica differs by having short cato- phylls 0.5—1.5 cm long (versus 2—5 cm in F. pilar- franceii) and longer lemmas (5.5—)6—7.5 mm long (versus 4.5—6 mm). Festuca dasyantha, F. colom- biana, F: laegaardii, and F: toca are all species in F. sect. Cataphyllophorae that are characterized by the presence of cataphylls. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca azucarica is endemic to the Colombian Cordillera Central (Caldas, Quindio, Risaralda, Tolima, and Valle de Cauca). It is one of the dominant species of the matorral zone and grass paramo and occurs between 3500-4000 m. This species is found in many differ- ent plant communities that contain Calamagrostis recta (Kunth) Trin. ex Steud., Festuca aff. sub- limis & Diplostephium rupestre (Kunth) Wedd. (Cuatrecasas1934), Espeletietum hartwegianae- Calamagrostiosum effusum (Cuatrecasas 1934), Festuco dolichophyllae-Calamagrostietum effusae (Salamanca-V. 1991) and Espeletia hartwegiana subsp. centroandina Cuatrec. and Calamagrostis recta (Cleef et al. 1983). Additional specimens examined. COLOM- BIA. Caldas: Mun. Manizales, Parque Nacional Los Nevados, way from Casa del Cisne to Rio Nereidas, km 5, 3800—4000 m, 18 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 3404, 3405 (COL, PRC); Nevado El Ruiz Libano, 4000 m, 21 Jul 1958, Barclay 6431 (COL, US); 4500 m, Aug 1984, Yepes-Agredo 760 (COL); 3400-3500 m, 17 Dec 1917, Pennell 3003 66 Festuca in South American Paramos (US); Nevado de Santa Isabel, Quebrada de Leon, 3800 m, 24 Nov 1946, J. Cuatrecasas 23137 (U, US, VALLE); Cabeceras del Rio Otun, Laguna Taburetes, 3580 m, 24 Nov 1946, J. Cuatrecasas 23178 (US, VALLE); Nevado del Ruiz, 8 Oct 1983, Wood 4033 (AAU, K); Parque Nacional Los Nevados, 5 May 1940, J. Cuatrecasas 9292 (COL). Quindio: Mun. Salento, vereda Cocora, below Nevado del Quindio, 22 May 1989, J. Luteyn et al. 13051 (COL); Pijao, Paramo de Chili, 3600 m, 17 Sep 1998, Correa et al. 129 (COL); Mun. Salento, Paramo de Romerales, 3680 m, 30 Oct 1994, Velez etal. 4514 (HUQ). Risaralda: Mun. Pereira, Parque Nacional Los Nevados, below Nevado Santa Isabel, crossroads to Villa Maria, Casa del Cisne and Hda. Potosi, 4000—4100 m, 20 Sep 1999, D. Stanctk 339), 3376, 3377 (COL, PRE): Mun. Pereira, Parque Nacional Los Nevados, 3510 m, 27 Jul 1958, Jaramillo-Mejia & Cleef 5738 (COL); Exped. Botan. Novae-Granatae, sin. loc., Mutis 5545, 5555 (MA, US). Tolima: Mun. Santa Isabel, Quebrada Africa, 3900 m, 19 Feb 1980, Jaramillo-Mejia et al. 6181 (COL); 3800 m, 10 Feb 1980, Diaz-Pie- drahita & Rangel 2037 (COL); Los Valles, finca La Cascada, cabeceras del Rio Anaime, 4000 m, 10 Feb 1980, Echeverry 1973 (COL, TOLI); Mun. Ibague, Nevado del Tolima, around La Cueva, 04°39’N, 75°19.5°W, grass paramo, 3900 m, 7—8 Jun 2000, D. Stanctk 3599 (COL, PRC). 23. Festuca chitagana Stancik, Darwiniana 41(1-4): 130, f. 12g—k. 2003. (Figs. 27, 30). Type: Colombia. Santander, Mun. Cerrito, paramo del Almorzadero, km 15 on the road from Cerrito to Chitaga, 3700 m, 25 Feb 1999, D. Stancik & Medina 2577 (holotype: PRC!; isotypes: COL!, FMB!). Rhizomatous perennials forming small tus- socks with intra- and extravaginal innovations. Culms 60-80 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 2-4 in distal half; cataphylls short, coriaceous, gray- brown; Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, brownish-gray, glabrous, striate; auricles absent; ligules 0.5—1 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, apex truncate, ciliate; blades 15—20 cm long, 0.7-0.9 mm wide, involute, abaxially glabrous, olive-green, apex obtuse. Panicles 10-12 cm ~x 9—12 cm, triangular, flexuous, nutant, branches glabrous. Spikelets 6-9 mm long, lanceolate, flo- rets 2 or 3; rachilla sparsely short-hairy; glumes 4—6.5 mm long, membranous, glabrous, apex acute; lower glumes 4—5 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, 1-nerved; upper glumes 5.5—6.5 mm long, oblong- lanceolate, 3-nerved; lemmas 6—7 mm long, 5-nerved, lanceolate, membranous to coriaceous, hairy, apex acute or short-awned, the awn 0.5—1 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas 4/5 as long as the lemma, lanceolate, membranous, densely hairy; lodicules 0.8—1 mm long, lanceolate; anthers 1—1.6 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 4/5 as long as the grain. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 7—9 vascular bundles and 5—7 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis discontinuous; adaxial sclerenchyma and girders absent; adaxial epidermis sparsely hairy, the hairs ca. 0.07 mm long. Observations.—Festuca chitagana 1s morpho- logically similar to the Mesoamerican species F' tala- mancensis Davidse that is known only from Costa Rica. However, F) talamancensis has shorter lower glumes (3.5—3.8 mm versus 4—5 mm in F: chitagana), shorter upper glumes (5—5.3 mm versus 5.5—6.6), and an oblong caryopsis (versus lanceolate) with a hilum only 3/5 as long as the grain (versus 4/5). Distribution and habitat.— This species is endemic to Colombia and is known only from the northern Cordillera Occidental (Paramo de Frontino) and Oriental (Paramo del Almorzadero, Sierra Nevada del Cocuy). It occurs in the grass paramo zone with shrubs mostly on stony substrates between 3400-4000 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Antioquia: Mun. Urrao, Paramo de Frontino, Churumblum—La Mosca, 3400 m, 14 Nov 1984, X. Londono et al. 550 (COL, MEDEL). Boyaca: Mun. El Cocuy—Giiican, Parque Nacional El Cocuy, Las Cabafias Kanwara, way to Pico Ritacuba along river Playita, 4070 m, D. Stancik & Carvajal 1866 (PRC). 24. Festuca colombiana E.B. Alexeev, Bot. Zhurn. (Moscow & Leningrad) 69: 1546, f. 2, 7-8. 1984. (Figs. 29, 31, 84K—F, 85A-B). Type: Colombia.:Cundinamarca, Paramo de Sumapaz, Chisaca, Laguna Negra, orilla sur, pedregal humedo con Sphagnum sp., 3800 m, 11 Dec 1971, A.M. Cleef 181 (holotype: US- 2785658!; isotypes: COL!, P!, U!, VEN!). Short rhizomatous perennials forming small tussocks with intra- and extravaginal innovations. Culms 40—80(—120) cm tall, erect, finely scabrous; nodes | or 2(—3) in distal half; cataphylls small Festuca in South American Paramos 67 Figure 30. Festuca chitagana. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Cataphylls. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-I, Stancik & Carvajal 1866 (PRC). 68 Festuca in South American Paramos ———— —= S< a We, SSG SSE, ——= —_—— <= ~S — = SS = ———— a eS Figure 31. Festuca colombiana. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Cataphylls. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-I, Stanctk 1889 (AAU). Festuca in South American Paramos 69 (about 1—2 cm long), coriaceous. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, glabrous, stramineous to grayish, margins free; auricles absent; ligules 0.1—0.3(—0.5) mm long, coriaceous, apex truncate, short-ciliate; blades (15—)20—30(-40) cm long, 0.4-0.6(—0.8) mm wide, conduplicate to involute, rigid, abaxially glabrous, green, apex acute. Pan- icles 10—20(—25) x 1-2 cm, contracted; branches densely short-villose. Spikelets 9-12 mm long, oblong-lanceolate, florets 4-6(—7); rachilla densely pilose; glumes 3—5.5(—6.5) mm long, lanceolate, coriaceous, purplish, upper 1/4 scabrous, apex acute; lower glumes 3—-4(-4.5) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 4.5—5.5(—6.5) mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas (5.5—)6—7(—7.5) mm long, 5-nerved, lanceolate, membranous to coriaceous, purplish, papillose, upper 1/3 sparsely scabrous, apex entire, mucronate or awned, the awn up to 2 mm long; paleas as long as the lemma, papillose, upper 1/3 hairy; lodicules ca. 1.1 mm long, lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 2—3.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses oblong- lanceolate; hilum 2/3 as long as the grain. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 7— 9(—13) vascular bundles and 5—11 ribs; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis discontinuous, rarely con- tinuous, extending to all the vascular bundles, adaxial sclerenchyma extending to every second vascular bundle; bulliform cells absent; adaxial epidermis densely hairy, the hairs 0.02—0.09 mm long. Observations.—This species has a relatively large area of distribution and plants from differ- ent localities are morphologically variable. It is morphologically similar to F! azucarica and F- pilar-franceii, as mentioned previously. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca colom- biana is endemic to Colombia where it is known only from the Cordillera Oriental (Boyaca, Cun- dinamarca, Meta, Santander). It can be found growing in grass paramos between 3200-4000 m. This species is known from the following vegeta- tion communities: Espeletio argentae-Arcytophyl- letum nitidi (Rangel & Ariza 2000), Diplostephio Phylicoidis-Espeletietum grandi-florae (Rangel & Ariza 2000), Calamagrostietum planifoli-effusae (Vargas & Zuluaga 1985), Espeletio argentae- Calamagrostiosum effusum (Cuatrecasas 1934), and Bartsio santolinifoliae-Calamagrostietum effusae (Rangel & Ariza 2000). Additional specimens examined. COLOM- BIA. Boyaca: Mun. Arcabuco, Santuario Iguaque, Laguna Iguaque, 3450-3500 m, 15 Oct 1998, D. Stancik 928 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Saboya, Paramo Saboya, 3000 m, 24 Oct 1998, D. Stancik 1065,1069 (CO, FMB, PRC); Mun. Aquitania, Paramo Sarna, 3400 m, 20 Jan 1999, D. Stancik 1969 (COL, FMB, PRC); D. Stancitk 1978 (COL, PRC); 3100 m, 14 Jan 1999, D. Stanctk 1923 (COL, FMB, PRC); D. Stancik 2003 (COL, PRC); Mun. Aquitania, Paramo Los Curies, 3500 m, 8 Feb 1999, D. Stanctk 2168, 2192 (COL, FMB, PRC); 3500 m, 8 Feb 1999, D. Stanctk 2174, 2218 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Samaca, Paramo Rabonal, 200 m, | Nov 1998, 5D: Stancik 1323,,1324, 1325 (COL, FMB, PRC); D. Stancik 1297 (COL, PRC); vereda Ruchcal, 1 Nov 1998, D. Stanctk 1287, 1288, 1290, 1302, 1319, 1321 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Aquita- nia, road Aquitania—Sisvaca, km 6, 2900 m, 10 Feb 1999, D. Stanctk 2256 (COL, FMB, PRC); 3100 m, 13 Jan 1999, D. Stancik 1924 (COL, FMB, PRC, W); 3350 m, 14 Jan 1999, D. Stancitk 1921 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. El Cocuy, Parque Nacional Nevado del Cocuy, Las Cabafias Kanwara, 3950 m, 30 Dec 1998, D. Stanctk 1875 (COL, FMB, PRC); paramo on the road to Pico Ritcuba, km 2-3 from Cabanas, 4000 m, 30 Dec 1999, D. Stancik & Carvajal 1811, 1848, 1891 (COL, FMB, PRC); D. Stancik & Carvajal 1874 (COL, PRC); El Cocuy—Giican, Parque Nacional El Cocuy, sector Lagunillas, road from Casa Herrera to lagoons, km 3-4, 3950 m, 30 Dec 1998, D. Stancik 1851, 1854 (COL, FMB, PRC); Hac. La Esperanza—Valle de los Frailejones, 3750 m, 30 Dec 1998, D. Stancik & Carvajal 1783, 1787 (COL, FMB, PRC); Hac. La Esperanza, rocky slope in the front of house, fields and rest of the Polylepis forest, 3650 m, 30 Dec 1999, D. Stancik 1842 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Mongui, Laguna La Colorada, 3550 m, 21 Jan 1999, D. Stancik 2025 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Toca, Paramo Cortadero, 05°30’N, 73°15’ W, 3300 m, 14 Nov 1998, D. Stancik 1352, 1355, 1357, 1391, 1402 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Paipa, cuchilla El Paramo, 3200 m, 3 Dec 1998, D. Stancik 1512, 1516, 1530, 1531, 1546 (COL, FMB, PRC); NW of Duitama, Paramo de La Rusia, 3400 m, 2 Jul 1984, Wood 4479 (COL, K). Cundinamarca: El Chico, Bogota, Dec 1946, Black 46-605 (NY); Mt. Guada- lupe above Bogota, bushy slope, 2800-3300 m, 9 Dec 1917, Pennell 1923 (NY); Paramo de Guasca, entre Guasca y Gacheta, 3320 m, | Jun 1959, Bar- clay & Juajibioy 6517 (MQ); Paramo entre Cogua y San Cayetano, cercania de la Laguna Seca, 3700 m, 12 Nov 1972, Cleef 6258 (COL, US); Chapinero near Bogota, 3000-3100 m, 23 Sep 1917, Pennell 2018 (MO, US); Paramo de Monserrate, 3300 m, 70 Festuca in South American Paramos 12 Sep 1987, Sanchez 283 (COL); Parque Nacional Sumapaz, Laguna Chisaca, 3700-3800 m, 10 Feb 1961, Pinto-Escobar & Hernandez 523 (COL); 3706 m, Pedraza et al. 491 (COL, PRC); Cuchilla La Rabona, 4020 m, 11 Feb 1972, Cleef 1587 (COL, U); Mun. Usme, Laguna Negra, 3750 m, 20 Feb 1986, Rangel & Aguirre 3720 (COL); Paramo de Chisaca, 3910 m, 11 Nov 1958, Barclay & Juajibioy 6109 (COL, MO, US); 3650-3700 m, 29 Oct 1959, J. Cuatrecasas & Jaramillo-Mejia 25742 (COL); Laguna Negra, 3800 m, 11 Dec 1971, Cleef 181 (COL, P, U, US); 3500 m, 16 Jul 1998, D. Stancik 303 (COL, PRC); Mun. Guatavita, vereda Carbo- nel Alto, 3200 m, 30 Oct 1999, D. Stanctk 3500 (COL, PRC); Guadalupe, 3000 m, Jul 1913, Apol- linaire & Arthur 121 (US); Mun. Bogota, Alto de la Viga, 3550 m, 1 Nov 1999, D. Stanctk 3538, 3540, 3542 (COL, PRC); Mun. Tausa, cuchilla Los Cuervos—Laguna Verde, 3650 m, D. Stanctk 3496 (COL, PRC); Mun. Choachi, Paramo de Cruz Verde, laguna Verjon, 3450 m, 19 Oct 1985, Castellanos et al. 3 (BOG); 3720 m, Aug 1935, Garcia-Barriga 1016, 1019 (AAU, COL); Choachi, 2900 m, Lindig 1013 (K, P); 2900-3200 m, Aug 1859, Lindig 1053 (US); 3200 m, 18 Dec 1915, Apollinaire & Arthur 9 (US); Paramo de Palacio, 2 km al lado de Mina, 3750 m, 29 Nov 1972, Cleef & Urribe 6694 (COL, U, US); Paramo de Guasca, E] Santuario, 3200 m, 26 Jan 1972, J. Cuatrecasas 3550 (MA); Mun. San Juan de Sumapaz, road to Usme, km 5-7, 2950 m, 1 Nov 1998, D. Stanctk 1289 (COL, PRC); 15 Nov 1999, D. Stancik 3544, 3545, 3546, 3560 (COL, PRC); Mun. Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Paramo Alto Lamadero, Laguna Sagrado Corazon, 3200 m, 30 Nov 1998, D. Stancitk 1436 (COL, FMB); Mun. Siachoque, paramo Siachoque, 5°28’51"N, 73°12'44’W, 23 Jan 1999, D. Stancik 2073 (COL, PRC); Las Tronaderas, 3770 m, 24 Jan 1999, D. Stancik 2063 (COL, PRC); vereda Car- nichogue Arriba; 3400 m, 24 Jan 1999, D. Stanctk 2053 (COL, PRC); 23 Jan 1999, D. Stancik 2052 (PRC, COL); 1998, D. Stancik 2408 (COL, PRC); Vereda San Antonio, 3600 m, 16 Oct 1999, D. Stancik 3491, 3492, 3493, 3494 (COL, PRC); cuchilla El] Muchacho, 3600 m, 16 Oct 1999, D. Stancik 3480 (COL, FMB, PRC); Mun. Zipaquira, paramo Guerrero, 3500 m, 16 Oct 1999, D. Stancik 348] (COL, FMB, PRC); Paramo de Chisaca, way to Chisaca, near Rio Tunjuelito, 3750 m, 20 Sep 1966, T.R. Soderstrom 1229 (COL, K, TULV); Paramo El Tablazo, frequent in recently burned paramo, 3200 m, 2 Apr 1983, Wood 3612 (K). Meta: Macizo de Sumapaz, Hoya de la Quebrada Clarincito, Los Frailes, 3720 m, 2 Jul 1981, Diaz- Piedrahita 2367 (COL). Santander: Mun. Cer- rito, Paramo del Almorzadero, vereda Mortyno—La Cascada, 3400 m, 25 Feb 1999, D. Stancik 2527, 2550, 2562, 2563, 2564, 2565 (COL, FMB, PRC); 25 Feb 1999, D. Stancitk 2560, 2561 (COL, PRC); Mun. Concepcion, vereda Juradito, Paramo de Gal- lina, 3200 m, 24 Feb 1999, D. Stancik 2487, 2507, 2508, 2511, 2512 (COL, FMB, PRC); Vicinity of Vetas, rocky hillside, 3100—3250 m, 20 Jan 1927, Killip 17329 (US); Exped. Botan. Novae-Granatae, sin. loc., Mutis 5570 (MA). 25. Festuca dasyantha Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 154-155. 1816. (Figs. 29, 32, 85C & D). Tyre: Ecuador. Cotopaxi, in Montis Cotopaxi, 4090 m, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (holotype: P!; isotypes: B!, BAA-1187 fragm. ex B!, B-W-2071!, US-2875395 fragm!, W!). Tufted perennials with short rhizomes and intravaginal innovations. Culms 40-100 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 2 or 3(—4) in basal half; cataphylls 1-4 cm long, coriaceous, dark brown, striate. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, brown, striate, glabrous or scabrous; ligules 0.30.5 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, margins ciliate, apex truncate; blades 15—35 cm long, 0.7— 1.4(—2.2) mm wide, mostly conduplicate, green, abaxially glabrous. Panicles 15—30 x 1—3 cm, nar- row, erect, branches glabrous or sparsely scabrous. Spikelets 10-11 mm long, florets 4 or 5; rachilla densely pilose; glumes 3—5 mm long, lanceolate, membranous to coriaceous, green, distal 1/3 often densely hirsute, apex acute; lower glumes 3—3.5 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 4.5—5 mm long, prominently 3-nerved; lemmas 5.5—6 mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous, green, densely hairy, apex entire, acute or short-awned, the awn, up to 1 mm long; paleas as long as the lemma, glabrous, upper 1/3 hirsute; lodicules lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 2.3—3.3 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 9-17 vascular bundles; sclerenchyma discontinuous under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis, extending to every other or nearly all vascular bundles forming girders; bulliform cells not observed; adaxial epi- dermis densely hairy, the hairs 0.7—1.3 mm long. Observations.—Festuca dasyantha differs from all other species in F: sect. Cataphyllophorae, Fl Festuca in South American Paramos ESAS eS SSS _——SSS \s) Figure 32. Festuca dasyantha. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Cataphylls. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Laegaard 101260 (AAU); I, Mille 664 (QPLS). q2 Festuca in South American Paramos such as F: procera, F: colombiana, and F- laegaardii, by having glumes and lemmas bearing long hairs. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca dasyantha is endemic to central Ecuador (Carchi, Imbabura, Pichincha). It occurs in grass paramos between 2800-3000 m. Additional specimens examined. ECUADOR. Carchi: Road el Angel—Mira, km 3, 00°37’'N, 77°58'W, 2950 m, S. Laegaard 101260 (AAU, QCA). Imbabura: Entre Yuquin y Cebadal, Sigsipamva, 2800 m, Acosta-Solis 18729 (US). Pichincha: Pifo, pascuis andinis et subandinis, 3000 m, Mille 664 (QPLS); 2700 m, Mille 659 (QPLS); between Pifo and Los Coralles, 2800 m, E. Asplund 6978 (K, NY, S, US); Quito—Panecillo, Sodiro s.n. (MO, NY, QPLS, US). Note.—Specimen Mutis 5554 (US ex MA) comes from Ecuadorian collection of F.J. Caldas and dating to the period of Mutis’s stay in Colombia. 26. Festuca hatico Stancik, Darwiniana 41(1-4): 119, f. 121-p. 2003. (Figs. 27, 33, 86A & B). Type: Colombia. Norte de Santander, Mun. Chilos, Vereda Hatico on road Bucaramanga—Pamplona, 3500-3700 m, 1 Dec 2000, D. Stancik 4290 (holotype: PRC; isotype: COL). Tussocked perennials with rhizomes and intra- and extravaginal innovations. Culms 60—70 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 2 or 3 in distal half; cataphylls coriaceous, gray-brown, striate. Leaf sheaths coria- ceous, brownish-stramineous, glabrous, striate; auricles absent; ligules 0.3—0.5 mm long, mem- branous to coriaceous, bilobed; blades 30-40 cm long, 0.7—0.9 mm wide, conduplicate to involute, abaxially glabrous, green, apex obtuse. Panicles 10-20 x 0.5—1 cm, contracted, narrow; branches finely scabrous. Spikelets ca. 9 mm long, lanceo- late, florets 3 or 4; rachilla short, papillose; glumes 3.2-5 mm long, coriaceous, glabrous, apex acute; lower glumes 3—3.6 mm long, narrowly lanceolate, l-nerved; upper glumes 4.5—5 mm long, lanceo- late, 3-nerved; lemmas 6—6.5 mm long, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, oblong-lanceolate, papillose, apex scabrous and two-dentate, awned, the awn 0.3—-0.7 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas 4/5 as long as the lemma, lanceolate, membranous, papillose, upper 1/2 hairy; lodicules ca. 1.7 mm long, triangular; anthers ca. 3.5 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections usually with 9 vascular bundles and 7 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial and adaxial epidermis discontinuous, extending to some vascular bundles forming girders; adaxial epidermis hairy, the hairs, 0.4—0.9 mm long, often numerous. Observations.—F estuca hatico is morphologi- cally similar to Festuca colombiana. However, the latter species has wider panicles (1—2 cm versus 0.5—1 cm), spikelets with 4—7 florets (versus 3 or 4), pilose rachillas (versus papillose), and paleas as long as the lemmas (versus 4/5 as long). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca hatico is endemic to the northeastern Andes and is known from Colombian Cordillera Oriental (Norte de Santander, Santander) and Venezuela (Lara). It can be found growing in shrubby patches of the paramo zone between 3100-3900 m. — Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Norte de Santander: Mun. Chilos, Vereda Hatico on road Bucaramanga—Pamplona, 3500-3700 m, 1 Dec 2000, D. Stancik 4290 (COL, PRC). Santander: East slope of Paramo de las Coloradas, above La Baja, 3900 m, 27 Jan 1927, Killip 18479 (US). VENEZUELA. Lara: Mun. Humocaro Alto, Parque Nacional Dinira, 9°35’39"N, 70°07 12’W, 3170 m, D. Stancik 4289 (CAR, COL, PRC). 27. Festuca laegaardii Stancik, Folia Geobot. Phy- totax. 39(1): 107, f. 4, 6-10. 2004. (Figs. 29, 34, 86C—F). Tyre: Ecuador. Tungurahua/Napo, Mun. Pillaro, Las Llanganatis, 01°09°37.5’S, 78°14'50.8"W, Valle de los Frailejones, mar- gins of the swamp dominated by Carex sp. and dryer shrub formation, 3500 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3983 (holotype: PRC!; isotypes: AAU!, QCA!). Rhizomatous and loosely caespitose perennials with extravaginal innovations. Culms (15—)30—100 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 2 or 3(—5) in dis- tal half; cataphylls present, short, membranous, brown, striate. Leaf sheaths membranous, purplish- brown, striate, hairy; ligules 1—-1.5(—2) mm long, membranous to coriaceous, apex truncate, ciliate; blades 20—25 x 0.5—1.1 cm, conduplicate, abaxially glabrous, rarely hairy. Panicles (5—)10—15(—18) x 1-2 (-11) cm, compressed, rarely flexuous, branched; branches densely hairy. Spikelets (7.5—) 8—10(—12) mm long, florets (3—)4 or 5(—6); rachilla sparsely pilose; glumes 2.8—5.5(—6) mm long, coriaceous, narrowly lanceolate, purple, upper 1/3 densely hairy, apex acute; lower glumes 2.8—3.7 (-4) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 4.5—5.5 Festuca in South American Paramos a) ~ as Ge eee \ UN x Ae! Se — KA bk Figure 33. Festuca hatico. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Cataphylls. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-I, Stanctk 4290 (PRC). 74 Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 34. Festuca laegaardii. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Cataphylls. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-I, Stanctk 3983 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos 1 (6) mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 5.5—6.5 mm long, 5-nerved, lanceolate, membranous to coriaceous, green-purple, apex acute, entire, upper 1/3 hairy; paleas almost as long as the lemma, glabrous or inconspicuously scabrous, apex hairy; lodicules obovate; anthers 2.4—2.8(—3) mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not observed. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 7-11 vascular bundles and 3-7 ribs above; scleren- chyma under both abaxial and adaxial epidermis discontinuous, extending to some vascular bundles forming girders; bulliform cells not observed; adaxial epidermis usually with scattered hairs, the hairs 0.45—0.7 mm long. Observations.—Festuca laegaardii is mor- phologically similar to Festuca dasyantha. How- ever, the latter species has densely hairy adaxial epidermis(versus scattered hairs in F’ /aegaardii), lemmas densely hairy throughout (versus only short hairy on the upper third), shorter ligules (0.3— 0.5 mm long), and glabrous panicle branches. Distribution and habitat.— Festuca laegaardii is endemic to Ecuador and is known only from Azuay, Cafiar, Carchi, and Napo. This species occurs in humid and swampy patches in grass paramos between 2900-3400 m. Additional specimens examined. ECUADOR. Azuay: Road Gualaceo—San Juan Bosco, ca. 3 km from pass, 03°00’S, 78°39°W, 3250-3350 m, S. Laegaard 53965 (AAU, QCA); Road Cuenca — Sara- guro, km 68, 03°20’S, 78°10’°W, 3350 m, S. Lae- gaard 53597 (AAU, QCA). Cafiar: Road Biblian— Canar, 3400 m, Harling et al. 8635 (GB). Carchi: Alor—Hda. San Rafael, 2900-3000 m, Acosta-Solis 21031 (US). Morona-Santiago: Parque Nacional Sangay, Plaza Culebrillas, 01°58’S, 78°25 ’W, forest grassy patches, 3500-3700 m, D. Stancik 3365 (PRC, QCA). Napo: Laguna San Marcos NE of Volcan Cayambe, 00°07’N, 77°58’ W, 3370 m, B. Allgaard et al. 34039 (AAU, PRC); Papallacta—NE de la laguna principal, 3400 m, Jaramillo et al. 11855 (QCA); Jaramillo et al. 11856 (MO, QCA). 28. Festuca pilar-franceii Stancik, Darwiniana 41(1-4): 121, f. 14a—-e. 2003. (Figs. 35, 37, 87A & B). Tyre: Colombia, Cundinamarca, Mun. Bogota D.C., sector Santa Rosa—Laguna Chisaca, 3500-3650 m, 7 Aug 1998, D. Stancik 3585 (holotype: PRC!; isotype: COL!). Densely tussocked perennials with intravaginal innovations. Culms 70—100(—120) cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 1 or 2 in distal half; cataphylls 2-5 cm long, membranous to coriaceous. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, brown-stramin- eous, glabrous; auricles absent; ligules 0.1-0.3 mm long, coriaceous, apex truncate; blades 30-60 cm long, 0.7—1.1 mm in diameter, conduplicate to involute, abaxially glabrous, green, apex obtuse. Panicles (12—)15—20(—25) x 1-7 cm, oblong- lanceolate, branched, flexuous, erect; branches glabrous or finely scabrous. Spikelets (8—)9—-11 mm long, lanceolate, florets 4—6(—7); rachilla densely pilose; glumes 2—5 mm long, narrow lanceolate, coriaceous, glabrous, purple or purplish-green, apex acute; lower glumes 2—3(—3.5) mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 3—5 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 4.5—-6 mm, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous to coriaceous, purplish-green, scabrous or hairy, apex mucronate or short-awned, the awn < | mm long; paleas as long as the lemma, papillose, upper 1/3 hairy; lodicules lanceolate, acuminate; anthers 2.5—3.5 mm long; ovary apex sparsely hairy. Cary- opses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 11— 15 vascular bundles and 9-13 ribs; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis continuous, extending to all the vascular bundles forming girders; bulliform cells absent; adaxial epidermis densely hairy, the hairs 0.8—1.2 mm long. Observations.—Festuca pilar-franceii is mor- phologically similar to F. azucarica, a species from the Cordillera Central. In the Cordillera Oriental, F- cleefiana is another species that is morphologically similar to F) pilar-franceii. However, F: cleefiana lacks cataphylls, has longer ligules [(0.5—)1—2(—2.5) mm], and has longer lemmas (6—8 mm). Distribution and habitat.—This species is endemic to the Colombian Cordillera Oriental (Macizo de Bogota, Paramo de Sumapaz). It occurs in the swampy patches and margins of lagoons in grass paramos between 3600-4000 m. Festuca pilar-franceii is associated with two communities: Baccharis revoluta & Cortaderia cf. nitida (Sturm & Rangel 1985) and Chusquea tesellata, Espeletia grandiflora, and Calamagrostis effusa (Sturm & Rangel 1985). Additional specimens examined. COLOM- BIA. Cundinamarca: Cabrera, Paramo de Cruz Verde, 3720 m, VIII 1935, Garcia-Barriga 1018 (COL); Sumapaz, a 2 km de la division de car- retera a San Juan, 3960 m, 3 Oct 1978, Rangel 1650 (COL); km 51-60 via San Juan, 10 Feb 1986, Torres-Romero & Lozano 2982 (COL); Laguna 76 Festuca in South American Paramos ida A 1 eho elles \ x | ) V7 ——— per —__ SS SX = —_ = x mS NS ~ wee a Figure 61. Festuca oroana. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Laegaard 70309 (PRC). 122 Tussocked perennials with intravaginal innova- tions. Culms ca. 100 cm tall, erect, scabrous; nodes 2(-3) on lower 1/2. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, lightly brownish-gray, finely scabrous, margins free; auricles absent; ligules 0.5—1(—1.5) mm long, membranous, apex truncate, short-cili- ate; blades 35-50 cm long, 1.1—1.8(-4) mm wide, conduplicate to flat, abaxially glabrous, green. Panicles ca. 20 cm long, ca. 25 cm wide, pyramidal, spreading, branches and pedicels densely minutely scabrous. Spikelets 9-10 mm long, lanceolate to oblong-lanceolate, florets 4 or 5(—6); rachilla densely hairy, the hairs short; glumes 2.4—3.9 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, green, apex acute; lower glumes 2.4—2.6 mm long, lanceolate, l-nerved, glabrous; upper glumes 3.6—3.9 mm long, oblong to oblong-lanceolate, 3-nerved; lem- mas 5.5—6(—6.5) mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous, greenish, papillose or upper 1/3 finely scabrous, awned, the awn 0.5—1 mm long; callus hairy; paleas as long as the lemma, lanceolate, membranous, margins short-hairy, apex glabrous; lodicules oblong-lanceolate; anthers 2.7—2.8 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not seen. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with about 17 vascular bundles and 9 ribs above; scle- renchyma under abaxial epidermis discontinuous, adaxial sclerenchyma extending to the vascular bundles forming girders; adaxial epidermis densely hairy, the hairs, 0.2—0.4 mm long. Observations.—In South America, there are no species morphologically similar to F. oroana. Perhaps F: fiebrigii is superficially similar but differs by having cylindrical panicles (versus pyramidal in F- oroana), longer glumes and lemmas (lower glume ca. 4 versus 2.4-2.6 mm; upper glumes 5—5.5 versus 3.6—3.9 mm; lemmas 6—7 versus 5.5—6 mm). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca oroana is known only from type locality in Southern Ecuador. It occurs in Andean mountain forests at an altitude of about 3200 m. 49. Festuca parciflora Swallen, Contr. U.S. Natl. Herb. 29(6): 255. 1949. (Figs. 62, 64). Festuca in South American Paramos Type: Ecuador. Azuay, paramo, in vicinity of Toreador, between Molleturo and Quinoas, 3810-3930 m, 15 Jun 1943, J. A. Steyermark 53092 (holotype: US-1911635!). Tussocked, loosely caespitose or short- rhizomatous perennials with intravaginal innova- tions. Culms 28-60 cm tall, erect, scabrous or glabrous; nodes 1, basal. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, brownish-gray, glabrous, inconspicu- ously striate; ligules 0.8—1 mm long, membranous to coriaceous, apex truncate, short-ciliate; blades 13—23 cm long, 0.4—0.6 mm wide, conduplicate to involute, slightly abaxially scabrous, glaucous, apex obtuse. Panicles 3-15 cm long, ca. 0.5 cm wide, contracted, narrow with few erect branches; branches scabrous on ribs. Spikelets 8.5—9 mm long, lanceo- late, florets 2 or 3(—4); rachilla with scattered hairs; glumes 3—5 mm long, keeled 1n upper part, membra- nous, purplish-white, upper 1/4 sparsely tuberculate; lower glumes 3—3.5 mm long, lanceolate, 1-nerved; upper glumes 4—5 mm long, ovate, 3-nerved; lemmas 6—7 mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous, keeled, purplish-green, upper 1/3 scabrous, awned, the awn 0.5—1.5 mm long; callus with scattered hairs; paleas as long as the lemma, lanceolate, membranous, upper part and along keels densely scabrous to pilose; lodicules lanceolate; anthers 0.8—1.1(—1.4) mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 4/5 as long as the grain, linear. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 5 vascular bundles and 3 ribs above; sclerenchyma discontinuous under abaxial epidermis, adaxial sclerenchyma absent; adaxial epidermis with scat- tered hairs, the hairs 0.09 mm long. Observations.—This species is morpho- logically similar to F’ glumosa, F- imbaburensis, F- carchiense, and F: sumapana but differs by having slender, scabrous leaf blades, smaller spikelets, and smaller floral parts. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca parciflora is endemic to southern Ecuador (Azuay, Loja) and is known from the grass paramo zone between 3600-4200 m. KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES OF FESTUCA PARCIFLORA la. Culms 40-50 cm tall, scabrous; plants tussocked; panicles 7—11(—15) cm tall ...........ceeeceeeeeeeeneeees PSST CO TSO OSES ES ESS HOSESE SHEESH EHS SHOES ESEOSHESHESSSSESEOTOEED ES ESEEESESEDES ssa oa ste oeeeeeee 49a. F. parciflora subsp. parciflora 1b. Culms ca. 25 cm tall, glabrous; plants short-rhizomatous to loosely caespitose; panicles 3—7 cm 5d cane eee teen 49b. F. parciflora subsp. loxana 123 Festuca in South American Paramos d a. F. Lemma with palea an . A. Habit. B. Ligule. C. Spikelet. D. Glumes. E. Lemm pak oO ~ [ae — eo) “Nr love) ~ ~ S ss 2H S a Sie Q we 6 hep tS) js Je) i?2) Sg Be parc rachilla. G. Leaf blade cross-se Figure 62. Festuca 124 49a. Festuca parciflora subsp. parciflora (Fig. 62). Tussocked perennials. Culms 40—50 cm tall, scabrous; panicles 7—11(—15) cm tall. Additional specimens examined. ECUA- DOR. Azuay: Parque Nacional Cajas, N side of Laguna Luspa, 02°48’S, 79°15’W, 3850 m, | Sep 2000, D. Stanéik 3845 (AAU, PRC); D. Stancik 3846 (AAU, PRC, US, W); Mun. Cuenca, Parque Nacional Cajas, between El Refugio and Lagoon Taglacocha—Tres Cruces, 02°47°S, 79°13 W, 3900— 4000 m, | Sep 2000, D. Stanctk 3859 (AAU, PRC); N side of Lagoon Taglacocha, 4100—4200 m, | Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3873 (AAU, PRC, US). 49b. Festuca parciflora subsp. loxana Stancik, Folia Geobot. Phytotax. 39(1): 107. 2004. Type: Ecuador. Loja, Cerro de Arcos W of road Manu—Zaruma, 03°34'S, 79°28’ W, 3250-3600 m, 14 Sep 1999, S. Laegaard & Aguirre 20608 (holotype: AAU!; isotypes: LOJA!, QCA!). Rhizomatous or loosely cespitose perennials. Culms ca. 25 cm tall, glabrous. Panicles 3—7 cm tall. Additional specimens examined. ECUADOR. Loja: Surroundings of Laguna Chuquiraga E of Amaluza, 04°37°S, 79°22’ W, 3300 m, S. Laegaard et al. 19285 (AAU). 50. Festuca renvoizei Stancik, Novon 17(1): 100-104. 2007. (Figs. 63, 64). Typr: Peru. Caja- marca, Las Lagunas, 50 km from Cajamarca on road to Bambamarca, heavily grazed and bur- ned grass paramo with crystalline rock outcrops and numerous lagoons of various size, growing in very wet area beside lagoon, 4000 m, 29 Mar 1988, S.A. Renvoize & S. Laegaard 5031 (holotype: AAU!; isotypes: CPUN!, K!). Tussocked perennials with intravaginal innova- tions. Culms 40-50 cm tall, erect, scabrous; nodes 1, basal. Leaf sheaths membranous, brownish-gray, abaxially glabrous, margins free; auricles absent; ligules 1.2-1.5 mm long, membranous, short- ciliate; blades 20-30 cm long, 0.5—0.7 mm wide, conduplicate to involute, mostly glabrous, green, apex obtuse. Panicles 11-17 cm long, 0.5—0.7 cm wide, contracted, slender; branches scabrous throughout. Spikelets 9-10.5 mm long, lanceolate, florets 2 or 3; rachilla glabrous; glumes 3.5—5.5 mm Festuca in South American Paramos long, membranous, dark purple, mostly glabrous, apex acute; lower glumes 3.5—4.5 mm long, lan- ceolate, 1-nerved; upper glumes 5—5.5 mm long, oblong-lanceolate, 3-nerved; lemmas 7—7.5 mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous, dark purple, scabrous distally, awned, the awn 0.5—1 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas 4/5 as long as the lemma, membranous, upper 1/3 and along keels hairy; lodicules ca. 0.8 mm long, lanceolate; anthers 1—-1.2 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not observed. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with 5—8 vascular bundles, 5 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis discontinuous and small, adaxially absent; adaxial epidermis with scattered hairs, the hairs ca. 0.1 mm long. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca renvoizei is known only from Department Cajamarca in northern Peru from grass paramos in very wet areas near lagoons at 4000 m. Additional specimens examined. Peru. Caja- marca: Parte baja del Cerro Shillas Negras y Laguna Totora, 3920 m, 23 Apr 1994, Vega et al. 7011 (F, CPUN). 51. Festuca sanctae-martae Stancik, Preslia 75(4): 343-345, f. 2. 2004. (Figs. 57, 65, 96A-—D). Tyre: Colombia. Magdalena, Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, SE slope, Hoya del Rio Donachui, Laguna de Calocribe (E of Meollaca), paramo, 3600—3700 m, 30 Sep 1959, J. Cuatrecasas & Castaneda 24532 (holotype: COL!; isotype: US!). Tussocked perennials with intravaginal inno- vations. Culms 60-80 cm tall, erect, glabrous or finely scabrous under panicle; nodes 1, basal and 1 or 2 shorter leaves. Leaf sheaths membranous to coriaceous, stramineous, glabrous, finely striate; auricles absent; ligules 1—1.6 mm long, membra- nous to coriaceous, apex truncate; blades 25-35 cm long, (0.8-)2—3.5 mm wide, conduplicate or flat, abaxially glabrous. Panicles 10-16 = 1.5—2 cm, contracted, elongate. Spikelets 10-13 mm long, lanceolate, florets 2 or 3; rachilla pubescent; glumes 8.5-10.5 mm long, almost as long as the spikelet, lanceolate, membranous, white to purplish-white, scabrous along midnerve, apex acute; lower glumes 8.5—9.5 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 8.5-10.5 m long, 3-nerved; lemmas 9-10 mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, membranous, awnless or short-awned, the awn 0.5—1 mm long; callus \ | yf \ \ \ I / ( 1 AVY \ | \ VN wil Figure 63. Festuca renvoizei. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Renvoize & Laegaard 5031 (AAU) 126 -75 Festuca in South American Paramos COLOMBIA -80 -75 N 0 100 200 Kilometers — Ga ee er rT! -70 Figure 64. Distribution of Festuca vaginalis (¢), F: parciflora ( &), F: oroana (m), and F- renvoizei (@). glabrous or sparsely hairy; paleas 3/4 as long as the lemma, papillose, upper 1/3 scabrous; lodicules 1—1.4 mm long, lanceolate; anthers 0.8—1.1 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 3/4 as long as the grain, linear. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections with (8—)10—11 vascular bundles, with 5—7 ribs above; sclerenchyma under both abaxial and adaxial epi- dermis, discontinuous, sclerenchyma girders absent; bulliform cells not observed; adaxial epidermis with scattered hairs, the hairs ca. 0.02 mm long. Observations.—Festuca sanctae-martae is morphologically similar to F. glumosa and F. cocuyana. Festuca sanctae-martae and F: cocuy- ana differ from F: glumosa by having conduplicate (versus involute) leaf blades with 8—11 (versus 5—7) vascular bundles, lower glumes 7.5—9.5 mm long (versus 4.5-6 mm), upper glumes 7.5—-10.5 mm long (versus 6—6.5 mm), and lemmas 8—10 mm long (versus 7-8 mm). Festuca cocuyana differs from F. sanctae-martae by having shorter culms (20-50 versus 60—80 cm), shorter leaf blades (15—20 versus 25-35 cm), and shorter lower glumes (7.5—8 versus 8.5—9.5 mm). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca sanctae- martae is endemic to the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta in northern Colombia. This species is known from the grass paramos dominated with Calamagrostis effusa and shrubby matorral zones between 3600-4300 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Magdalena: Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta, valley descending SW from Picos Reina and Ojeda, around Lagoons Naboba, Mamito, and Mamo, 4200-4300 m, J. Cuatrecasas & Castaneda 24563 (COL, US). 52. Festuca subulifolia Benth., Pl. Hartw. 262. 1846. (Figs. 66, 67, 96E—-F). Festuca tolucensis 127 Festuca in South American Paramos -- 0 == =u Figure 65. Festuca sanctae-martae. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Cuatrecasas & Castaneda 24532 (COL). 128 Festuca in South American Paramos ZEE==SS J) at (- =y, AA AZZ a —~ SOS S . \ So a Ss . SSS N SS —— = SS; =S= SS ———S WY N\\ Wn i Y NV Wh, Na Wh = = y WH Figure 66. Festuca subulifolia. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Inflorescence with proliferating spikelets. D. Ligule. E. Spikelet. F. Glumes. G. Lemma. H. Lemma with palea and rachilla. I. Leaf blade cross-section. A-B, D-I, Stancik 3013 (PRC); C, Stanctk 3336 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos 129 -85 -80 -75 -70 -65 -60 9 & g 1 i ee tl 3 * vd PANAMA - 2 10 10 - ie oe VENEZUELA 4 5 5 Ps COLOMBIA 0f—--- - 0 | BRAZIL EC OR Es -5 fafrere A’A A N 10 0 300 600 Kilometers -10 -85 -80 5 -70 265 -60 Figure 67. Distribution of Festuca tolucensis (@), F- subulifolia (&), and F’ sumapana (@). var. subulifolia (Benth.) St.-Yves, Candollea 2: 302, 316. 1925. Type: Ecuador. Pichincha, Hacienda de Antisana, Hartweg 1455 (lecto- type: K!, designated by Alexeev, Novosti Sist. Vyss. Rast. 23: 18. 1986; isolectotypes: B!, NY ex Kil Pl. W?!). Festuca breviaristata Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 25(5): 717-718. 1898. Type: Ecuador. Pichincha, Mount Puntas, 4400 m, Oct-Nov 1971, A. Stu- bel 207 (holotype: B!; isotypes: US-2875385 fragm. ex B!, S!). Festuca cajamarcae Pilg., Bot. Jahrb. Syst. 37: 513. 1906. Festuca distichovaginata var. cajamarcae (Pilg.) St.-Yves, Candollea 3 :222. 1927. Type: Peru. Cajamarca, Pas Coymolache, 4000-4100 m, May 1904, A. Weberbauer 3974 (holotype: B!; isotypes: BAA-1171 fragm.!, US-2875389!). Festuca ferreyrae Tovar, Publ. Mus. Hist. Nat. Javier Prado, Ser. B, Bot. 32: 8. 1984. Type: Peru. Amazonas, Prov. Chachapoyas, Lei- mebamba, en pajonal, 17 Apr 1964, R. Fer- reyra 15512 (holotype: US-2565588!). Dense tussocks (25—)50—80 cm tall; innova- tions intravaginal; culms erect, finely scabrid or glabrous, with one basal node and 2 leaves. Sheaths coriaceous, firm, stramineous (or greyish), glabrous (or finely scabrid); ligule coriaceous-membranous, two-lobed, shortly ciliate, (0.5—)1—2.5 mm long; leaf blades linear, conduplicate, pungent, 10-60 cm long, 0.4—0.8 mm in diameter, rough, green to glaucous. Panicle usually contracted, dense, lanceolate to oblong, some times spreading, ovate, (6—)12—35 long, 1—2(—10) cm wide; branches finely scabrid. Spikelets 6.5-9 mm long, ovate, with 3-5 florets; rachilla covered (densely) by hairs; glumes coria- ceous-membranous, acute, green or purplish-green, upper third (or all) scabrous, nerves prominent; lower glume lanceolate, (3—)3.5—4.5(—5.5) mm long, 130 1-nerved; upper glume oblong, 4—5.5(—6) mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 5—6.5(—8) mm long, 5-nerved, coriaceous-membranous (on margins), oblong- lanceolate, purplish-green, densely scabrid to rough on all surfaces, shortly two-dentate, with awn 0.5—2.5 mm long; callus glabrous; palea membra- nous, lanceolate, two-carinate, at least upper third and along keels scabrid to hairy, two-dentate, as long as the lemma (or longer); lodicules obovate, two-dentate, about 1.1 mm long; stamens 3, anthers (2.1—)2.4—2.8(3.2) mm; ovary apex glabrous. Cary- opsis oblong-lanceolate; hilum linear, 4/5 of total. Leaf blade cross section typically with 7 vascular bundles and 5 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis continuos with all or almost all vascular bundles, adaxial sclerenchyma present at 3 vascular bundles and forming girders. (about 30% of studied specimens with 9-13 vascular bundles forming 7—11 ribs and with 3-6 girders); abaxial epidermis densely covered by prickles, hairs more or less dense on adaxial epidermis, 0.1—0.2 mm long. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections typ1- cally with 7 vascular bundles and 5 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis continuous extending to (almost) all vascular bundles; adaxial sclerenchyma present and extending to 3 vascular bundles forming girders, ca. 30% of studied speci- mens with 9—13 vascular bundles forming 7—11 ribs and with 3-6 girders); abaxial epidermis densely covered by prickles, densely hairy on adaxial epi- dermis, the hairs 0.1—0.2 mm long. Observations.—Festuca subulifolia is mor- phologically similar to F. tolucensis, however F. subulifolia differs by having large girders in leaf blade cross sections and shorter truncate ligules. Festuca subulifolia is a highly variable species that is often a dominant or co-dominant in the grass paramo zone. The variation in form and size of the panicles and floral parts cannot be taxonomically interpreted easily and it is probably a result of the diversity of natural conditions and of paramo man- agement, 1.e., burning and grazing. Characteristics, such as two-dentate lemmas with a relatively long awn and finely scabrous leaf blades, are fairly stable with not much variation. After comparing the types of Peruvian material of F’ cajamarcae and F. fer- reyrae, with that of F| subulifolia, it was concluded that these types represent slightly different forms of the same species. Therefore the former two names are here treated as synonyms. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca subulifolia is known from Peru, Ecuador, and Colombia. In Festuca in South American Paramos Colombia Festuca subulifolia is known only in southern part of Cordillera Central (Narifio, Cauca). It is often a dominant species of grass paramos between 2900-3700 m. This species is known from various plant communities such as: Agrostis cf. haenkeana (Cuatrecasas 1934), Calamagrostio effusae-Calamagrostietum macrophyllae (Duque & Rangel 1989), Aciachne acicularis-Calamagrostis intermedia (Verweij 1995), Ugno myricoidis- Espeletietum hartwegianae (Rangel & Ariza 2000), Espeletio hartwegianae-Calamagrostietum effusae (Salamanca 1991), and Calamagrostis effusae- Espeletia hartwegiana subsp. centroandina (Rangel & Franco 1985). Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Cauca: Mun. Popayan, Parque Nacional Purace, Volcan Puracé, 02°20.07'N, 76°23.65'°W, 4200— 4300 m, 6 Jul 2000, D. Stancik 3609 (COL, PRC); Pilimbala, 02°22.1’N, 76°24.06’W, 3350 m, 6 Jul 2000, D. Stancik 3608 (COL, PRC), 3450 m, 2 Apr 1939, Kjell von Sneidern 2144 (K, US); Macizo Colombiano, Valle de las Papas, alrededores de Valencia, 3500-3700 m, 15 Sep 1981, Idrobo et al. 3834 (COL, P, US); Hda. Los Andes, 3150 m, 17 Sep 1958, Barclay 5865 (COL); alrededores de la Laguna de Cusiyaco, 3360 m, 7 Oct 1958, Barclay & Juajibioy 5942 (COL, MO); 3360 m, 7 Oct 1958, Barclay & Juajibioy 5945 (COL, MO, US); 12 Oct 1958, Barclay & Juajibioy 6052 (COL, MO); Paramo del Puracé, E slope, around Laguna San Rafael, 3320 m, 11 Oct 1961, J. Cuatrecasas & Willard 26292 (COL, US); 3300 m, 27 Dec 1988, Ortiz 1272 (COL); Laguna San Rafael, 3300 m, 6 Apr 1985, Wood 4806, 4807 (COL, K); Paramo El Hinchadera, 3700 m, 24 Jul 1943, J. Cuatrecasas 14694 (US, VALLE); Cabeceras del Rio Paéz, Laguna del Paéz, 3450 m, 4 Dec 1944, J. Cuatreca- sas 19059 (US, MO, VALLE); Paramo de Moras, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2685 (COL, PRC); 3000— 3500 m, Feb 1906, Pittier 1409 (US); Mt. Pan de Azucar, 3500-3700 m, 16 Jun 1922, F Pennell 7057 (US). Narino: El Encano, km 6 in direction to village Colon, 2900 m, 13 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2860 (COL, PRC, PSO); 13 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2856 (COL, PRC); Mun. Guachucal, vereda Que- tanbu, Paramo Infiernillo, 3200 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2613, 2618 (COL, PRC, PSO); 3100 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2617, 2619 (COL, PRC, PSO); D. Stancik 2631 (COL, PRC); Mun. Pasto, paramo Puerto frio, between villages Las Almas and Alisales, 2900 m, 14 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2876 (COL, PRC, PSO); Mun. Pasto, Volcan de Festuca in South American Paramos Galeras, 3400 m, 16 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2911 meet PRC. PSO); 3200 m: 16 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2909 (COL, PRC, PSO); 9 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2659 (COL, PRC, PSO); 3600 m, 16 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2918 (COL, PRC, PSO); 2900 m, 16 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2910 (COL, PRC, PSO); 16 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2908 (COL, PRC, PSO); Mun. Pasto, Morazurco, vereda San Francisco, 3100 m, 21 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2962 (COL, PRC, PSO); 21 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2963 (COL, PRC, PSO); Village Piedrancha, Paramo Infernillo, 3200 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2659 (COL, PRC, PSO); 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2656, 2657 (COL, PRC, Eee); 2 Stancik 2658 (COL, PRC); Mun. Tuquerres, Volcan Azufral, vereda San Roque Alto, 3600 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2764 (COL, PRC, PSO); D. Stancik 2766 (COL, PRC); 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2802 (COL, PRC, PSO); 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2789 (COL, PRC); E slope, 01°07°N, 77°40’ W, 3100-3300 m, 15 Jun 1995, J. Luteyn et al. 12834 (COL, MO); 12 May 1989, J. Luteyn et al. 12842 (COL); Paramo Bordoncillo, 3250 m, 5 Mar 1963, Espinal 1035 (COL, PSO, US); Chiles, cerca de poblacion Chiles, 3200 m, 30 Oct 1955, Fernandez-Pérez 2931 (COL); Paramo de Uillin- sayaco, between Pasto y Sibundoy, 15 Jul 1957, Barclay 4529 (COL, MO); Volcan Galeras, 2900 m, 30 Oct 1980, Benavides 2660 (PSO); 3500 m, 21 Mar 1986, Benavides 6554 (PSO); 3400 m, 25 Aug 1964, Mora-Osejo 3195 (PSO); 3600 m, 5 Feb 1965, Mora-Osejo 3503 (PSO); Cumbal, 4000 m, 19 Mar 1941, Kjell von Sneider 362 (US); 19 Mar 1941, Kjell von Sneider 435 (US); 3700 m, 24 Mar 1941, Kjell von Sneider 415 (US); Mun. Pasto, Santuario Volcano Galeras, 2900-3600 m, 16 Mar 1999, D. Stanctk 2914, 2917 (COL, PRC); Mun. Cumbal, Nevado del Cumbal, N-NE slope, from vereda Las Vuertas, 3700 m, 5 Sep 1999, D. Stancik 2748 (COL, PRC). ECUADOR. Azuay: Paramo SW of Cuenca, 02°55’S, 79°08’ W, 3500 m, 1 Sep 1984, S. Laegaard 52837 (AAU, K, QCA, QCNE); Road Gualaceo—Sucua, 03°00’S, 78°40’ W, 3450 m, 23 Oct 1984, S. Laegaard 53213 (AAU, QCA); along new road Cuenca—Saraguro, km 14 N of sideroad to Nabon, 03°12’S, 79°02’ W, 3420 m, S. Laegaard 102376 (AAU); 03°07’S, 79°19°W, 3250-3350 m, 22 Mar 1992, S. Laegaard 101856 (QCA, QCNE); Parque Nacional Cajas, road to Molleturo, km 38.4, 02°46’S, 79°14’W, 4110- 4350 m, PM, Jorgensen et al. 2099 (MO, PRC); P.M. Jorgensen 2074 (MO, PRC); Laguna Torrea- dora, 02°46'50’S, 79°13'40°W, 4100-4150 m, Li. 2 Aug 1999, Palice 6, 7, 8 (PRC); N side of Lagoon Taglococha, 02°47’S, 79°15’W, 4100-4200 m, 1 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3847, 3848, 3850, 3872 (PRC, QCA); slopes near Laguna Luspa and Laguna Canutillos, 3700 m, 21 Apr 1990, PM. Peterson 8865, C.R. Annable & M.E. Poston (K, MO). Totorococha—Mazan Valley, 02°53’S, 79°10°W, 3900 m, Ramsay & Smith 510 (K, QCA, QCNE), vicinity of Toreador, 3810-3930 m, J. Steyermark 53146 (F, NY, US); J. Steyermark 53182 (US); Paramo de Tinajillas, ca. 10 km S of Cumbe, 3300 m, Harling 11255 (GB); km 13.7 S of Cumbe, 3470 m, PM. Peterson 8876, C.R. Annable & M.E. Poston (US); Paramo de Patococha, entre Gualaceo y Limon, 3450-3500 m, Barclay & Jua- Jibioy 8641 (MO, US); 03°00’S, 78°38’ W, 3400 m, S. Laegaard et al. 103067 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); km 45.4 W of Indanza on road to Cuenca, 3300 m, P.M. Peterson 8932, C.R. Annable & M.E. Poston (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); between el Refugio y Lagoon Taglacocha, 02°47’S, 79°13’W, 3900- 4000 m, | Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3862, 3863, 3864, 3865, (PRC, QCA); Lagoon Luspa, S side, 02°48’S, 79°15°W, 3850 m, 1 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3837 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Nabon, road Loja—Cuenca, Cerro Ungahipucera, 03°12’S, 79°02°W, 3300- 3450 m, 30 Aug 2000, D. Stancik 3804, 3805, 3811, 3815 (PRC, QCA); Bolivar: pass on road Gua- randa—Riobamba, NE of road, 01°35’S, 78°50’°W, 4050-4150 m, 10 Jun 1990, S. Laegaard 71739, 71741 (AAU, QCNE); km 27, 01°38’S, 78°51 °W, 3900-4100 m, S. Laegaard 55001 (AAU, QCA); highway Ambato—Guaranda km 55.4, 4050 m, P M. Peterson 8983 & C.R. Annable (MO, QCA, QCNE, US); km 60.4, 4090 m, PM. Peterson 8985 & C.R. Annable (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US). Caniar: at the antennas of Culebrillas, ca. 17 km from Panamerican Hwy., 02°26'S, 78°57°W, 4000 m, 4 Feb 2000, S. Laegaard 21016 (AAU, LOJA); road Canar—Chunchi, 02°24’S, 78°59'W, 3200 m, S. Laegaard 53834 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); nudo de Cordillera Oriental and Occidental, 3240 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 8325 (COL, US); km 11.4 NW of Tambo, S facing slope, 3220 m, P.M. Peterson 8846, C. R. Annable & M.E. Poston (QCNE). Carchi: Paramo del Angel, sector Los Voladores, 00°41'N, 77°53’°W, 3700-3750 m, S. Laegaard 101264A (AAU, QCA); NE of El Angel, 3700-3900 m, S. Laegaard 53125 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); 3600 m, Harlington 4067 (S); 3400-3800 m, Davalos 21, 28 (US); 3200-3800 m, S. Laegaard 55771 (AAU, QCA); 00°41°N, 132 78°54’ W, Holm-Nielsen 5427 (AAU, COL, F, MO, S); 00°SO0'N, 77°55’W, 3800 m, Grignon 84189 (AAU); 3750-3850 m, Holm-Nielsen 5383 (F); 3800 m, Acosta-Solis 10538 (US); km 13 on road Las Juntas—El Angel, 00°43 'N, 77°50°W, 3380 m, S. Laegaard 101726B (AAU, QCA, QCNE); 3300 m, E. Asplund 7055 (S); 3900 m, E. Asplund 17022 (S); km 4 W of Tufifio, Monte Redondo area, 3475m, J. Luteyn & Luteyn 5713 (AAU, MO, NY, US); NE of road El Angel towards Tulcan, 3240 m, PM. Peterson 9122, E.J. Judziewicz & R.M. King (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); 13 May 1990, PM. Peterson 9127, E.J. Judziewicz & R.M. King (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); 3320 m, PM. Peterson 9140, E.J. Judziewicz & R.M. King (K, MO, QCA, US); Nudo de Boliche—Voladero, 3900 m, Penland & Summers &89 (F); Road Tulcan—El Carmelo, 3300 m, Harling & Andersson 12538 (GB); Paramo del Angel, 30 Dec 1931, Benoist 4636 (P); Mun. Tulcan, volcan Chiles, around Laguna Verde, 00°48 °N, 77°56’ W, 4000 m, 14 Jul 1999, D. Stancitk 3240 (PRC, QCA). Chim- borazo: Parque Nacional Sangay—comunidad Alao—Llactapamba, 01°58’S, 78°28°W, 3500 m, Ceron et al. 11813 (MO, QCNE); Altar, A peak— Valley of Collanes, 13000 ft, Whymper 1638 (K); Collanes valley, 01°40°S, 78°24’ W, 4200 m, Ram- say & Smith 422 (K); Panamerica Highway Riobamba—Ambato, 01°30’S, 78°42’°W, 3500 m, S. Laegaard 55401 (AAU, QCA); W of pass Alao—Huamboya, 01°48’S, 78°25°W, 3750-3800 m, S. Laegaard 55417 (AAU, QCA); E of Guar- diana Alao, km 8.5 via Huamboya, 3350-3550 m, P.M. Peterson 9189, E.J. Judziewicz, R.M. King & P.M. Jorgensen (MO, US); Paramo de Chacheaco, E de Chunchi, 3800 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 8264 (MO, US); Daldal Valley E of Licto, km 10, 01°48°S, 78°32°W, 3850 m, Ramsay et al. 1057 (QCA); Mt. Chimborazo, E slope, 4250 m, E. As- plund 8402 (NY, QCA, S), 3650 m, E. Asplund 7880 (F, S); road to Pallatanga, km 10 E of Lago Colta, 3725 m, PM. Peterson 9215, E.J. Judziewicz, R.M. King & P.M. Jorgensen (QCA, QCNE, US); along Whymper road, ca. 10 km S of Cruce de los Arenales, 01°30’S, 78°52’ W, 4100 m, S. Laegaard 19148 (AAU, LOJA, QCNE); Chimborazo-— Reserva faunistica, 01°30’S, 78°49°W, 4150 m, Ceron et al. 19819 (QAP); Pungala—comunidad Alao, 01°52’S, 78°30°W, Ceron 28957 (QAP); along Rio Alao, 01°52’S, 78°30’ W, 3200-3400 m, S. Laegaard 55304 (AAU, QCA); Paramo de Urbina, 3600 m, Acosta-Solis 21195, 21208, 21216 Festuca in South American Paramos (US); 3600-4500 m, A.S. Hitchcock 21944, 21951 (US); 3700 m, E. Asplund 7803 (S); 3600 m, A.S. Hitchcock 22030 (NY, US); road El Pocuy—El Arenal, 3800 m, Acosta-Solis 166989 (US); Chim- borazo, 4100-4400 m, Rauh & Hirsch E321, E331 (US); W slope of Chimborazo, 01°30’S, 77°50’ W, 4000 m, Ramsay & Smith 1016 (K); E side, 3480 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 8819 (COL, MO, US); lado A, 3500 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 8162 (COL, MO, US); Bosque Andino de Cubillin, 3300-3400 m, Acosta-Solis 7554 (US); paramo along the road to Guaranda, 4150 m, EF. Asplund 8191 (S); road Pallatanga—Cajabanba, km 47 from Pallatanga, 3750-3800 m, B. Ollgaard & Balslev 8926 (AAU, MO, NY); B. Ollgaard & Balslev 8962 (F); road to lago Colta, km 9 NE of San Juan, 3600 m, 21 May 1990, PM. Peterson 9245, E.J. Judziewicz, R.M. King & P.M. Jorgensen (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); Entre Culebrillas y Yanayacu, 3300-3450 m, Acosta-Solis 7614, 7623 (F, S, US); Mun. Guaranda, W side of the volcan Chimborazo, 01°28’S, 78°52’ W, 4100 m, 5 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3162, 3164, 3169, 3189, 3190, 3193 (PRC, QCA); NNW side of volcan, above vereda Rio Colorado, 4150 m, 2 Jul 1999, D. Stanctk 3176 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Riobamba, Volcan Chimborazo, sector Cruce de los Arenales, 01°28'14.6"S, 78°54 '06'W, 4300 m, 20 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3705B, 3707, 3708, 3709, 3714, 3715, 3716, 3717 (PRC, QCA. Cotopaxi: Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, falda NNW, 4000 m, Ehrenburg I, 27, 36 (QCA); E of Loma Ingapirca, 00°40°S, 78°30°W, 4000 m, 6 Nov 1982, Balslev et al. 3435, 3438 (QCA); Balslev et al. 3437 (MO, QCA, US); falda N de Cotopaxi, 4000 m, Balslev et al. 3675, 3733, 3734, 3738 (QCA); Cerro Sinfana, 00°40’S, 78°28’ W, 15 Dec 1990, Ceron 12609 (QAP); railway station Coto- paxi, 3500 m, E. Asplund 16807 (S); 3400 m, E. Asplund 6471 (F, MO, S, US); 3500 m, E. As- plund 18286 (S); 3350 m, 13 Apr 1990, P.M. Peter- son 8721 (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); 3550 m, E. Asplund 6369 (F, S); quebrada de Agualongo, 00°40’S, 78°30’ W, 3000 m, 10 Jan 1994, Ceron 18088 (QAP); Laguna Limpiopungo, 3800 m, 14 Apr 1990, PM. Peterson 8744, C.R. Annable & M.E. Poston (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); along road of pine-plantation, 00°37’S, 78°27 W, 3435 m, 10 May 1984, S. Laegaard 52107 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); 00°38’S, 78°33’ W, 3400 m, S. Laegaard 69261 (AAU); 00°40’S, 78°30’ W, 3900 m, Munoz 207 (QCA); quebrada de Agualongo, 3400 m, 2 Feb 1992, Montesdeoca 280, 282, 284, 295, 339, Festuca in South American Paramos 348, 585 (AAU); 00°40’S, 78°30°W, 4550 m, Argtiello 348 (QCA); 4300 m, Argitiello 354, 357 (QCA); T: de Vries s.n. (AAU); Hacienda Pau- zacha S of Volcan Cotopaxi, 00°44’S, 78°29°W, 3650 m, 2 Dec 1985, S. Laegaard 55734 (AAU, QCA); Cotopaxi, 3550 m, EF. Asplund 6370 (AAU, F, MO, S, US); 3600 m, E. Asplund 6349 (AAU, F, MO, S, US); 3600 m, E. Asplund 6348 (AAU, F, S); road Zumbahua—Pujili, km 33, 00°53’S, 78°48 W, 3850-3900 m, 4 Apr 1992, S. Laegaard 102103 (AAU, QCA); 00°53’S, 78°48°W, 3850— 3900 m, S. Laegaard 102100 (AAU); Angamarca road, km 5 from junction to road Latacunga—La Mana, 01°00’S, 78°55’W, 4000-4100 m, S. Lae- gaard 102134B (AAU); between Limpio Punja y Ruminahui, 00°38’S, 78°28°W, 3900-4200 m, S. Laegaard 55748 (AAU); E of Pilalo, km 19, 3600 m, 15 Apr 1990, PM. Peterson 8759, CR. Annable & M.E. Poston (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); km 21.5, 3820 m, PM. Peterson 8770, C.R. Annable & M.E. Poston (MO, QCA, QCNE, US); SW of El Chaupi, km 6.6 on road to base of Illini- zas, 3800 m, 1 May 1990, PM. Peterson 8951 & C.R. Annable (K, MO, QCA, QCNE, US); Canton Latacunga—Volcan Rutzalagua, 00°57’S, 78°33 W, 2900-3500 m, 14 Feb 1994, Ceron et al. 25697 (QAP); Paramo de Apagua entre Zumbagua y Pilalo, 4200 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 8085 (MO, US); Salcedo—Napo road, 00°55’S, 78°28’°W, 3800-3850 m, J. Luteyn 13452 (MO, NY, QCA, QCNE, US); Pilalo—Latacunga road, 00°57’S, 78°58 W, 3400 m, Holm-Nielsen 1485 (AAU, NY, US); road Quevedo—Latacunga, Zumbagua, 3700 m, Harling et al. 8924 (GB); Mulatos paramo, lagunas, 13000 ft, Prescott 656 (NY); Panamerican Hwy., km 6 A Lasso, quebrada vegetation ENE Pastocalle, 3400 m, Sparre 15828 (S); Mun. Chaupi, NE slope of volcan IIliniza Norte, 00°38'S, 78°43 ’'W, 4000-4050 m, 12 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4026, 4027, 4030, 4032 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Lasso, Parque Nacional Cotopaxi, NE side of volcano, 00°37.8'S, 78°24.26'W, 3850 m, 21 Jun 1999, D. Stanctk 3119, 3146, 3147, 3149, 3150, 3151, 3152, 3153, 3155, 3884, 4026 (PRC, QCA); around Museum, 3500 m, D. Stancik 3158 (PRC, QCA); Parque Nacional Cotopaxi entrance, 00°39’S, 78°31°W, 3530 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3888, 3889 (PRC, QCA); SE slope of Cotopaxi, 00°37’S, 78°24.5’W, 3800-3900 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3882 (PRC, QCA). Imbabura: Paramo Mariano Acosta, road Yahuarcocha—Mariano Acosta, km 20, 00°20’S, 78°00’ W, 3650-3750 m, 9 Feb 1992, 133 S. Laegaard 101181, 101164B (AAU, QCA); Laguna Grande de Mojanda, 00°08’S, 78°17’ W, 3850 m, S. Laegaard 55635 (AAU); Volcan Cayambe, S side, 78°10’ W, 00°15’N, 4300 m, Sklenar & Kosteckova 1881 (AAU); vicinity of Mojanda, 15 km N of Malchinguin, S of Otavalo, 4000-4500 m, 11 Oct 1974, Gentry 12685 (MO); Volcan Cotacachi, 00°22’N, 78°20’°W, 4200-— 4300 m, S. Laegaard 54506 (AAU); Laguna Cui- cocha, 3100-3300 m, Penafiel et al. 527, 667, 720 (MO, QCNE); 3100-3400 m, Peviafiel et al. 402 (MO, QAP, QCNE); 3300-3350 m, Penafiel 1067 (QAP); Proantag, estrivaciones occidental de la Cordillera Oriental, 3500-3800 m, Acosta-Solis 19196 (US); Hacienda Yura Cruz, 10 km N of Ibarra, 00°22’°N, 78°05’W, 3700-3800 m, Holm- Nielsen 6462 (AAU, NY, MO, S); quebrada Rumi- pamba, 3700-4000 m, Ceron 29480 (QAP); Cayambe—Laguna San Marcos, 11200 ft, Cazalet & Pennington 5434 (K, NY, US); Cerro Imbabura, faldas occidentales, 2800-4000 m, Acosta-Solis 17670 (US); Mun. Urcuqui, road to Cerro Yanaurcu, 00°28°13°N, 78°18°45"°W, 4100 m, 15 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4089, 4101 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Cayambe, volcan Cayambe, 00°00’4°N, 78°01°40.4"W, 4200 m, 20 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4163, 4164 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Otavalo, road from Otavalo to Laguna Mojanda, 00°07°57°N, 78°16'27'W, 3800 m, 19 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4115 (PRC, QCA); Mun. Urcuqui, road to Cerro Yanaurcu, 00°28’N, 78°17.5°W, 3900 m, 15 Oct 2000, D. Stancik 4096, 4164 (PRC, QCA). Loja: Road to Fierra Urcu, ca. 10 km from main road Loa—Saraguro, 03°33’S, 79°15’W, S. Laegaard et al. 18868 (AAU, LOJA, QCA, QCNE); 03°43’S, 79°19’ W, 3650 m, S. Laegaard & Sklenar 20282A (AAU, LOJA); 03°’S, 79°19’°W, 3520 m, Sklenar & S. Laegaard 7092 (AAU); Cerro de Arcos, W of road Manu—Zaruma, 03°34’S, 79°28°W, 3500- 3600 m, S. Laegaard et al. 20613 (AAU, LOJA); Mun. Saraguro, road to Fierra Urcu, 03°42°40°S, 79°18'12”"W, 3400-3450 m, 24 Aug 2000, D. Stanctk 3769: 3770, 3772,°3773; 3774 (RG, QCA). Morona — Santiago: Hda. Huargualla—Hda. San Eduardo, way to Parque Nacional Sangay, O27025'S,) 18 27 he Oo U0 im 30 Sol 1998. D. Stancik 3326, 3327 (PRC, QCA); Parque Nacio- nal Sangay, Plazabamba, 02°0.64’S, 78°26’ W, 3600 m, 20 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3337 (PRC, QCA); confluence of Quebrada Plazabamba Chico with Q. Plazanbamba, 02°0.48’S, 78°25.4’W, 3000 m, 21 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3344 (PRC, QCA); ridge 134 above Q. Plazabamba Chico, 3600 m, 20 Jul 1999, D. Stanctk 3351 (PRC, QCA); Plaza Culebrillas, 01°58’S, 78°25’W, swampy plate with grassy vegetation and shrubby patches, 3500-3600 m, 22 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3355 (PRC, QCA); Plaza Culebrillas, 01°58’S, 78°25’ W, 3500-3600 m, 22 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3353, 3354, 3360, 3363, 3367 (PRC, QCA). Napo: Road Salcedo—Napo, ca. 6 km NE of km 45, 3900 m, S. Laegaard 53373 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Paramo de Miranda, 00°34’N, 77°39’ W, 3700-3900 m, 23 May 1985, S. Laegaard 54409 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); 3900-4100 m, S. Laegaard 54416 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Cerro Antisana, SW slope, 4200 m, Black 32 (AAU); below Laguna Micacocha, paramo de Loma Gorda, 3850 m, Holm-Nielsen 20789 (AAU); W side of Volcan Puntos, 00°12’S, 78°10’ W, 4150-4200 m, S. Laegaard 54731 (AAU); Los Llanganati, entre Ainchilibi y Rio Portrero al E de Romo Paramo, 2500-3620 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 9160 (COL, US); 3600-3700 m, Barclay & Juajibioy 9142 (COL, MO, US). Pichincha: Volcan Pichincha, via occidental, 2800-3830 m, Barford & Blicher- Mathiesen 41546 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); 3500- 5000 m, Gentry 12378 (MO, QCA); Guagua Pichincha, 4000 m, Harlington 4552 (S); 3500— 4500 m, Ceron 28250 (QAP); N slope, ca. 5 km WSW of Cotocollao, 00°08’S, 78°33°W, Sparre 13709 (S); Sodiro s.n. (QPLS); Pichincha—Cerro Ventanillas, 00°09’S, 78°32’°W, 3850 m, S. Lae- gaard 51060 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Lloa—Guagua Pichincha, km 10, 4170 m, S. Laegaard et al. 102733 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Sodiro s.n. (QPLS); Jameson 70 (K); Hacienda Montecielo on S slope, 3400-3800 m, Sparre 17408 (S); Jameson s.n. (K); 3400 m, FE. Asplund 6134 (S); 8500 ft, Spruce 5509 (K, P, US, W); Sodiro s.n. (US); 3700 m, Balslev 23600 (AAU); N slope, ca. 5 km WSW Cotocollao, 3600-3750 m, Sparre 13709 (AAU); Volcan Pasa- choa, 00°27’S, 78°30’ W, 3700-3900 m, S. Laegaard 55279 (AAU, COL, F, GB, K, LOJA, MO, NY, QCA, QCNE, VEN, W); 3700-3900 m, S. Lae- gaard 55279 (COL, MO); 00°27’S, 78°30’ W, 3900 m, S. Laegaard 55276 (AAU, QCA); 00°27’S, 78°30°W, 3600 m, S. Laegaard 55286 (AAU); 3000-3500 m, Ceron & Alarcon 12260 (MO, PRC, QAP, QCNE); 3500-4300 m, Ceron & Alarcon 4805 (QCNE); 00°27’S, 78°28°W, 2850-3900 m, Paredes 41 (QCA); 3800 m, Penland & Summers 969 (F); Paramo Papallacta, 3900 m, Maf 57 (AAU); Guamani, 01°19’S, 78°12’ W, 3600-3800 m, E. Asplund &718 (QCA, S); 3200 m, Mille s.n. Festuca in South American Paramos (QPLS); Mille 284 (US); E. Asplund 9634 (S); E. Asplund 8724 (MO, NY, QCA, S, US); 3900 m, E. Asplund 17176 (S); 4000 m, Vargas et al. 2083 (AAU, MO, QCNE); Ramsay 426 (K); 4200 m, Quintana 2 (QCA); 00°15’S, 78°12’ W, 3800 m, 7 Oct 1987, Ramsay & Smith 742 (K, QCA, QCNE); 3800 m, Harling et al. 10477 (GB); Andibus Qui- tensis, Jameson s.n. (K, S); vicinity of Quito, 3200 m, EF. Asplund 6140 (S); Quito—Andes, Jameson 91 (K, W); 3500 m, E. Asplund 6138 (F, S); Volcan Antisana, falda W, 4200 m, Ehrenburg 191 (QCA); 4150 m, Grubb et al. 656 (NY, K); W side, 00°28’S, 78°12’ W, 4200 m, Balslev et al. 4070 (QCA); Hacianda de Antisana, Hartweg 1455 (K, NY, US); between campamento IMAP and Laguna Micacocha, 00°33’S, 78°12°W, 3850-3950 m, S. Laegaard 101577 (AAU); between Mt. Antisana and Mt. Sincholagua, E. Asplund 8647 (NY, QCA, S); E. Asplund 8645 (S); E. Asplund 8644 (QCA, S); road from Otavalo to Laguna Mojanda, 3810 m, J.F. Smith 1997 (AAU, F, MO, NY, QCNE, US); J.F. Smith 1999 (NY, QCA, QCNE); D. Stancik 4103 (PRC); 00°08’S, 78°16’°W, 3725-3750 m, S. Laegaard 52373 (AAU, QCA); Laguna Negra, 00°08’S, 78°16’ W, 3800 m, S. Laegaard 54351 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); Il liniza Sur, E slope, 00°40’S, 48°42’ W, 4200 m, Sklenar & Kosteckova 14-9 (US); Illiniza Norte, 4000-4100 m, Sparre 15781 (S); Mount Atacazo, 4700 m, Harteman 67 (US); 00°02'°N, 78°37° W, 4250 m, S. Laegaard 53871 (AAU, QCA, QCNE); 00°20’S, 78°38°W, 3750- 3800 m, S. Laegaard 55672 (AAU, QCA), SW slope, km 19 from San Juan, 00°21°S, 78°39’ W, 2900 m, Holm-Nielsen 25163 (AAU); 00°20’S, 78°36'W, 3600 m, Espinosa 81 (QCA); road Chillogalo—San Juan, 00°18°S, 78°39°W, 3100- 3260 m, 8 Sep 1945, Jaramillo & Zak 623 (AAU, MO, PRC, QCA); Sincholagua, E. Asplund 8639 (QCA, S); Pululahua—San Bartolo al E de Moras- pungo, 00°01’S, 78°29’ W, 3050 m, 13 Dec 1990, Ceron & Montesdoca 12010 (QAP); Mont Ungui, 3400 m, Firmin 137 (F, US, W); El Corazon, 11000 ft, Prescott 834, 839, 848 (NY); 4100 m, E. Asplund 17522 (S); E side of Corazon, 13-— 14,000 ft, Feb 1880, Whymper 1322 (K); Pogonales de Pichincha, 13 May 1930, Benoist 2515 (P); Mun. Pifo, Paramo de Guamani, 00°19’S, 78°15’ W, 3700 m, 19 Jun 1999, D. Stanctk 3013 (PRC, QCA, W); Mun. Amaguafia, E slope of volcan Pasachoa, 00°27'56"S, 78°28'40"W, 4150 m, 14 Sep 2000, D. Stanctk 3671, 3677, 3687, 3688, 3690, 3691, 3692, 3704 (PRC, QCA). Sucumbios: SW de Festuca in South American Paramos Playon de San Francisco, Paramo Mirador, 3400— 3600 m, 15 May 1990, PM. Peterson 9155, E.J. Judziewicz & R.M. King (MO, QCA, QCNE, US). Tungurahua: Cordillera de Llanganatis, Lake Yanacocha, 3600 m, E. Asplund 9967 (QCA); El Tambo near Lake Yanacocha, 3650 m, E. Asplund 9964 (S); Parque Nacional Llanganatis, via Salcedo—Tena; 3600 m, 17 Apr 1998, Vargas et al. 2583 (MO, QCNE); Lake Aucacocha, 3700 m, Aug 1969, Edwards 70 (K); Las Tolas—5 km SE of Laguna Pisayambo, 01°07’S, 78°21’ W, 3700 m, 12 Jan 1999, S. Laegaard & Grignon 19395 (AAU, LOJA, QCA); road Ambato—Guaranda, 01°25’S, 78°51 °W, 4070 m, Brandbyge 42133 (AAU, QCA); Comunidad Rumipata, 00°22’S, 78°55’ W, 4000 m, Brandbyge 42586 (MO, AAU); Cerro Sangay, 4000 m, Stiibel 257 (S); Mun. Pillaro, Las Llanganatis, around Aucacocha lagoon, 01°9’S, 78°20°W, 3800 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancik 3901, 3902 (PRC, QCA); Las llanganatis—Pisayambo, 01°07’S, 78°20’ W, 3600 m, 28 Sep 2000, D. Stancitk 3900 (PRC, QCA). PERU. Amazonas: Prov. Cha- chapoyas, encima de Leimebamba, pajonal, 3400-3500 m, 17 Mar 1964, R. Ferreyra 15518 (US); upper slope and summit of Cerro Cam- panario, 3600-3900 m, 3 Aug 1962, J. Wurdack 1571 (US). Ancash: Prov. Huaylas, Huascaran Parque Nacional, quebrada Alpamayo at foot of snowfree peak above Lago Jancarirish, 08°53’S, 77°41 W, 4350-4500 m, 3 Sep 1985, Smith et al. 9783 (MO); Prov. Recuay, Huascaran Parque Nacional, Rio Pachacoto drainage between mineral springs and Pumashimi, 09°53’S, 77°17’ W, 4200-— 4300 m, 16 Mar 1986, Smith et al. 11799 (MO); Prov. Yungay, Huascaran Parque Nacional, Llan- ganuco sector, quebrada Demanda, trail to Chacra- raju base camp and Brogue glacier, 09°02’S, 77°36 W, 4100-4400 m, 4 Dec 1985, Smith et al. 10253 (MO); Huascaran Parque Nacional, Llanga- nuco sector, quebrada Ancosh, 09°03’S, 77°35’ W, 4500 m, 4 Feb 1985, Smith et al. 10229 (MO). Cajamarca: Prov. Cajamarca, dist. Cajamarca, entre Cajamarca y Cumbe Mayo, km 14, Al arbo- retum Cumbe Mayo de Cicafor, 3400 m, 18 Apr 1981, Vega et al. 2464 (F); Cajamarca-Bambamarca road, in puna, 07°00’S, 78°33’ W, 3800 m, 17 Feb 1983, Smith 3482 (MO); Bajando el Paso El Gavilan hacia San Juan, el E de la carretera Caja- marca—Pacasmayo, 3000 m, 18 May 1986, Vega 4043 (F); a la altura del Paso El GavilanGavilan, 3200 m, 18 Apr 1976, Vega 1385 (F); Jalca de Kumullca, entre La Encanada y Celendin, 3600 m, 135 27 May 1977, Vega et al. 2011 (F); Sorochuco, Carretera Michiquillay—El Punre, 07°00’S, 78°18°W, 3570 m, 9 Aug 2001, Vega et al. 10904 (F); 9 Sep 2001, Vega et al. 10906 (F); humid jalca vegetation with tussock grasses, 07°02’S, 78°15’ W, 26 Aug 2004, Sklenar & Zapata Cruz 8630 (PRC); Cumbe Mayo, 21 km al W de Cajamarca, ladera con arbustos dispersos, 3100 m, 4 Nov 1977, Vega 1969 (F); Coymolache ruta Cajamarca—Hualgalloc, 3850 m, 7 Jan 1977, Vega et al. 2052 (F); Pampa Larga, al N de la explotacion minera Yanacocha, ladera graminosa de jalca, 3900 m, 14 May 1994, Vega 7136 (F); Prov. Hualgayoc, desvio de la car- retera Coymolache—Chugur, jalca graminosa, 3700 m, 28 Apr 1994, Vega et al. 7062 (F); Prov. Hual- gayoc, Coymolache, 06°46’S, 78°38’ W, 4000 m, 15 Jun 2001, Vega et al. 10795 (F, MO); Prov. Hualgayoc, El Tingo, desvio a Chugur, 3350 m, 22 Jul 1986, Vega 4145 (F). Cuzco. Paso de Tres Cruces, Cerro de Cusilluyoc, 3800-3900 m, 5 Mar 1925, Pennell 13845 (NY); Sacsahuaman, rocky stream-bank, 3500-3600 m, 24 Apr 1925, Pennell 13552 (NY); Prov. Espinar, Hda Cuyo, 4200-4500 m, 24 Mar 1956, Vargas 11176 (US). La Libertad. Prov. Bolivar, ascenso ao Nevado de Cajamarquilla, 07°08’S, 77°42’W, 3000 m, Vega 1118] (F, MO); entre el desvio a Uchumarca y Santa Luisa, 07°04’S, 77°49'W, 3700 m, Vega 11190 (F, MO); Prov. Otuzco, Trujillo-Huamachuco road, 10-15 km before Shorey, 07°59’S, 78°22’ W, 3300 m, 13 Feb 1983, Smith et al. 3278 (MQ); Prov. Pataz, grass- land in Manachaqui valley, ca. 10 km NE of Pataz, 07°40’S, 77°30’ W, 3600 m, 22 Mar 1988, B. Leon & Young 1679 (MO); Manachaqui valley, ca. 10 km NE of Pataz, 77°30’'W, 07°40’S, 3600 m, 28 Feb 1988, B. Leon & Young 1101 (MO); Prov. Santiago de Chuco, al oeste del cementerio de Quiruvilca, 3870 m, 21 May 2001, Leiva & Leiva 2525 (MO); Paso de Alaska. Carretera a Tayabamba, 3900 m, 24 Jun 1974, Lopez & Sagasteguii 8180 (MO, US). San Martin. Prov. Huallaga, distr. Saposoa, entre la Artesa y Rangra Pata, 3600-3800 m, 23 Aug 2001, Quipuscoa & Vilchez 2611 (F, MQ); Prov. Mariscal Caceres, Pampa de Cuy, NW sector Rio Abiseo Parque Nacional, 07°40’S, 77°30’ W, 3550 m, 3 Jun 1988, B. Ledn & Young 1364 (MO); Cho- chos valley, NW corner of Rio Abiseo Parque Nacional, 3425 m, 31 May 1986, Young & Watson 3484 (MO). Note. Ocassionally there are proliferating plants with clearly transformed spikelets and sexual organs. Panicles are compact with short deformed branches; 136 spikelets are unisexual, transformed into vegetative shoots, only exceptionally with some spikelets car- rying rudiments of sexual organs; and some florets are without anthers and ovaries. These plants can be distinguished from F. asplundii by having narrower leaf blades (0.4—0.8 versus 1—1.4 mm wide) and viviparous panicles that are abnormally developed (versus normally developed in F’ asplundii). Viviparous specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Narino: Mun. Tuquerres, Volcan Azufral, road from vereda San Roque Alto to Laguna Verde, km 6, 3850 m, 9 Mar 1999, D. Stancik 2790 (COL, PRC, PSO). ECUADOR. Morona-Santiago: Parque Nacional Sangay, Plazabamba, 02°00.64’S, 78; 26'W, 3600 m, 19 Jul 1999, D. Stancik 3335, 3336 (PRC, QCA). Pastaza: E of pass Alao—-Huamboya, 01°48°S, 78°25’ W, 3700-3900 m, S. Laegaard 55452 (AAU, PRC, QCA). Tungurahua: Llanga- natis, Las Tolas, 5 km SE of Laguna Pisayambo, 01°07°S, 78°21°W, 3700 m, 12 Jan 1999, S. Lae- gaard 19395 (AAU, LOJA, QCA); S of Laguna Verde at Cerro Hermoso, 01°14°S, 78°18 'W, 3850 m, 11 Nov 1980, Holm-Nielsen & Jaramillo 28415 (AAU, QCA). 53. Festuca sumapana Stancik, Darwiniana 41(1-4): 144, f. 7l-p. 2003. (Figs. 67, 68). Type: Colombia. Meta, Paramo de Sumapaz, Cerro Nevado del Sumapaz, 4130 m, 16 Jan 1973, Cleef 7930 (holotype: COL!; isotypes: U!, US!). Tussocked perennials with intravaginal innova- tions. Culms 15—20 cm tall, erect, glabrous; nodes 1, basal and 1 leaf. Leaf sheaths membranous, grayish- stramineous, glabrous; auricles absent; ligules 0.3-0.5 mm long, membranous, apex two-lobate; blades 8-12 cm long, 0.5—0.7 mm wide, involute, abaxially scabrous, green, apex obtuse. Panicles 5—7 x 0.40.6 cm, lanceolate, contracted; branches scabrous. Spikelets 9.5—11 mm long, lanceolate, florets 3 or 4; rachilla glabrous; glumes 4-6 mm long, lanceolate, keeled, membranous, purplish- green, scabrous dorsally, apex acute; lower glumes 4—S mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes 5.5—6 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 6.5—7 mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, keeled, membranous, purplish-green, papillose, awned, the awn 0.5—1.5 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas as long as the lemma, lanceolate, membranous, margins scabrous; lodicules lanceo- late; anthers 0.6—0.8 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses not seen. Festuca in South American Paramos Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections usually with 5 vascular bundles, 3 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis discontinuous, adaxially absent; adaxial epidermis with scattered hairs, the hairs ca. 0.07 mm long. Observations.—Festuca sumapana is morpho- logically similar to F' glumosa but differs in having shorter ligules (0.3—0.5 versus 0.8—1.2 mm), nar- rower leaf blades (0.5—0.7 versus 0.8—1.4 mm), and shorter lower glumes (4—5 versus 4.5—6 mm). Distribution and habitat.—Festuca sumapana is endemic to Colombia where it is known only from the type locality, Paramo de Sumapaz (Cun- dinamarca). It occurs at an altitude about 4000 m in the superparamo zone. 54. Festuca tolucensis Kunth, Nov. Gen. Sp. (quarto ed.) 1: 153. 1816. (Figs. 67, 69, 97A—C). Type: Cresit in montosis, scopulosis, apricis regni Mexicani, inter Islahuaca et Toluca, 1380 hexap., Sep, Humboldt & Bonpland s.n. (holo- type: B!; isotypes: B!, BM, P!). Festuca aequipaleata E. Fourn., Biol. Cent.-Amer., Bot. 3(20): 581. 1885. Festuca aequipaleata E. Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 2: 125. 1886, isonym. Type: Mexico. Orizaba, 14,000 ft, Liebmann 6108 (lectotype: C!, designated by Alexeev, Novosti Sist. VysS. Rast. 21: 47. 1984; isolec- totypes: C!, K!). Festuca liebmannii E. Fourn., Mexic. Pl. 2: 124. 1886. TyPE: Mexico. Liebmann 517 (holotype: P; isotype: US!). Festuca multiculmis Steud., Syn. Pl. Glumac. 1: 310. 1854. Type: Mexico. Mt. Toluca, Heller 306 (holotype: P!). | Tussocked perennials with intravaginal innova- tions. Culms 60-80 cm tall, erect, finely scabrous; nodes 1, basal. Leaf sheaths membranous-coriaceous, stramineous to grayish, glabrous; auricles absent; ligules 1.8—3.5 mm long, membranous, apex acute; blades 20-30 cm long, 0.5—0.7 mm wide, involute, green to olive-green, abaxially scabrous, apex acute. Panicles 20—25 x 0.5—1.5 cm, lanceolate, contracted, branches finely scabrous. Spikelets 7—12(—15) mm long, lanceolate sometimes oblong-lanceolate, florets 3 or 4(—6); rachilla densely hairy; glumes 6—9.5 mm long, lanceolate, coriaceous, green, markedly sca- brous, apex acute; lower glumes (2—)6—8.5 mm long, 1-nerved; upper glumes (4—)6.5—9.5 mm long, 3-nerved; lemmas 6—9.5(—10.5) mm long, lanceolate, 5-nerved, coriaceous, green, scabrous on all surfaces, hy Festuca in South American Paramos qk Figure 68. Festuca sumapana. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Cleef 7930 (COL). 138 Festuca in South American Paramos HM Ni Mn NIA INNUN | hie \ ‘ \\ —~ = : a [ iN = —_- ———e >~ ee ara SEES — —S ——=——= —— = —— —— —— — es \\ f \ AY \) \\ ul H) NA 7if WW = SS SS \ \ A hye \ SIN AN \\\ \ "A Figure 69. Festuca tolucensis subsp. tolucensis. A. Stylized growth form. B. Habit. C. Ligule. D. Spikelet. E. Glumes. F. Lemma. G. Lemma with palea and rachilla. H. Leaf blade cross-section. A-H, Stancitk 4279 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos awned, the awn 1—1.5 mm long; callus glabrous; paleas almost as long as the lemma, lanceolate, mem- branous, scabrous, short-hairy; anthers 2.5—3 mm long; ovary apex glabrous. Caryopses lanceolate; hilum 5/6 as long as the grain, linear. Leaf blade anatomy.—Cross-sections typically with 5—9 vascular bundles and 3—5 ribs above; sclerenchyma under abaxial epidermis continu- ous, extending to somevascular bundles, adaxial sclerenchyma present in 3—S ribs, isolated; abaxial epidermis with a dense covering of prickles; adaxial epidermis hairy, the hairs 0.03—0.05 mm long. Observations.—Festuca tolucensis is morpho- logically similar to F subulifolia and both species 139 form tussocks of fine-leaved plants. Besides differe- ing in leaf cross-section, F: tolucensis has spikelets 7-12(-15) mm long (versus 6.5—9 in F. subulifolia), lower glumes 6.5—9.5 (versus 3.5—5.5) mm long, and upper glumes 6.5—9.5 (versus 4-6) mm long. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca tolucensis has a wide distribution and ranges from Mexico to Venezuela. In Colombia, Festuca tolucensis is only known from the Serrania de Perija. We recognize three subspecies as differentiated in the tabular comparison and key below. It is a dominant species found in dry rocky slopes or swampy margins of lagoons in grass paramos between 3000—4000 m. F. Distribution Glume length (mm) Lemma Spikelets Vascular bundles tolucensis Lower Upper’ Length No. florets Length No. Girders subsp. (mm) (mm) tolucensis MEX-VEN (4-)5-6 (5-)6-8 6.5-7.5 4-5 7-10 7-9 1—3(—5) perijae ROL, VEN 5.5-6.5. 6.5-7.5.. 6-7 2 or 3 10 5 0 culata VEN 2-2.5 4-5 6-7 4or 5 10-11 5 | la. 1b. 2a. 2b. KEY TO THE SUBSPECIES OF FESTUCA TOLUCENSIS Lower glumes 2—2.5 mm long; upper glumes 4-5 mm long; spikelets 10—11 mm long.................. armen 9 Sonn etn Ser t SE) see aca (eerie hs 2... cbt efebecatcd ae eeeitend 54c. F. tolucensis subsp. culata Lower glumes (4—)5—6.5 mm long; upper glumes (5—)6—8 mm long; spikelets 7-10 mm long.... 2 Small tussocks (less than 40 cm tall), leaves with 5 vascular bundles, spikelets with 2 or 3 florets; pom) IN TA ee cee Bae Ee eee en ee Ree ee 54b. F. tolucensis subsp. perijae Tussocks more than 40 cm tall, leaves with 7—9 vascular bundles, spikelets with 4-5 florets; 7-10 mm eee a Nee esc Ee WA eho can nse he Raletueaivs 54a. F. tolucensis subsp. tolucensis 54a. Festuca tolucensis subsp. tolucensis (Fig. 69). Additional specimens examined. COSTA RICA. San José: Iraza, 1300 m, 14 Jun 1932, Storek 2889 (MO); Canton de Pérez Zeledén, Parque Nacio- nal Chirripo, Cordillera de Talamanca, Rio Talari, cerca del cruce al Cerro Ventisqueros, 3600—3450 m, 27 Jan 1996, Morales 5194 (MO); Canton de Pérez Zeledon, Parque Nacional Chirripo, cuenca Terraba—Sierpe Chirripo, base Crestones, 09°27.5'N, 83°30.5'°W, 3460 m, 12 Jul 1996, Alfaro 1029 (MO); Canton de Pérez Zeledon, Parque Nacional Chirripo, cuenca Terraba—Sierpe, Sandero a Valle Los Leones, 09°26'N, 83°30.5’°W, 3100-3400 m, 18 Jul 1998, Alfaro 1771 (MO). MEXICO. D.F.: Ajusco, Sep 1928, Lyonnet 260 (NY); Lomas, Oct 1932, Lyonnet 2973 (MO). Volcan Toluca, 4150 m, 18 Oct 1953, Sohns & Matuda 991 (NY); W side in volcanic ash, competing with Sedum minimum, 3940 m, 9 Nov 1955, J. Clausen 34 (NY); crater, above timberline, dwarf alpine plants, 14000 ft, 17 Aug 1972, Dziekanowski & Bolingbroke 1911 (MO, NY); 1846, Heller 62, 306 (P, W); 4150 m, 18 Oct 1953, Sohn & Matuda 99] (P). Iztaccihuatl, side of Mt. at La Joya, 3990 m, 7 Jun 1960, J. Beaman 3482 (NY); Monte de Rio Frio, km 49, road from Mexico City to Puebla, 4000 m, 31 Jul 1929, Mexia 2684 (NY); Mt. Popocatepetl, 3400 m, 8 Jun 1910, A.S. Hitchcock 496 (C, MO, NY, W); Tlaxcala vertiente N del Volcano La Malinche, zacatonal de Festuca y Calamagrostis, 3920 m, 16 Sep 1986, Gonzalez et al. 206 (F, MO); Mun. de Amecameca, bosque de 140 pino, 3900 m, 30 Nov 1980, Juan & Alva 101 (MO). Chiapas: Summit of Volcano Tacana, Mun. Union Juaréz, scattered dwarfed Pinus sp., 2200 m, 30 Jul 1972, D. Breedlove 26723 (NY); Volcan Tacana, near summit sandy, gravelly soil above timberline, 4090 m, 8 Dec 1959, J. Beaman 3216 (NY); Mt. Tacana, 2000-4038 m, VIII 1938, Matuda 2337, 2360 (NY). Jalisco: Nevado de Colima, side of mountain below Puerto de Colima, sandy soil in sparsely vegetated meadow, 4000 m, 26 Aug 1958, J. Beaman 2363 (NY); S of Ciudad Guzman (Zapot- lan), near summit, in rockslide, gravel, around rocks, 4000 m, 7 Feb 1956, Gregory & Eiten 301 (MO, NY, P); Mt. Nevada, 14300 ft, 23—24 Sep 1910, A.S. Hitchcock 7165 (NY). Michoacan: Tancitaro region, Mt. Tancitaro, 10000-11000 ft, 25 Jul 1941, Leav- enworth & Hoogstraal 1218 (MO, NY). Puebla: Arroyo Paso Buey, NW side of volcano Pico de Orizaba and 7 km NW of the summit, 0.5 km SE of Miguel Hidalgo, 97°18 °30"W, 19°04°30'N, 3300 m, 9 Jul 1986, M. Nee & Soule 33022 (MO, NY); Faldas del Pico Orizaba, 3300 m, 17 Oct 1971, Hernandez et al. 1336 (F, MO). Veracruz: Mun. Perote, km 1—2 above Escobillo on the NW slopes of Cofre de Perote 3300 m, 21 Jan 1984, Taylor et al. 170 (F, MO, NY); Pico Orizaba, NE side of Mt., 3980 m, 16 Aug 1958, J. Beaman 2284 (NY); Mt. Orizaba, sandy plains, 14000 ft, 7 Aug 1891, Seaton 228 (NY); 18 km de Perote camino a la cima del Cofre, 3790 m, 10 Feb 1984, Gonzalez et al. 137 (MO); Pico de Orizaba, 14000 ft, Sep 1941, Liebmann 2886, 3030, 6117 (C); Wawra 947 (W); Ross 1276 (W). VENEZUELA. Mérida: Sierra Nevada—Laguna La Coromoto, 3300-3400 m, 18 Feb 1966, Schulz & Rodriguez 317 (US); 13000 ft, Feb 1846, Funck & Schlim 1132 (P); 4000-4400 m, 24 Sep 1952, Humbert 26353 (COL, MER, P, US); 4000-4400 m, Humbert 26806 (MER); Humbert 26506 (P, US); pastizal, 3700 m, 25 Sep 1970, Castelano & Monasterio 20 (VEN); Laguna La Coromoto, Plantaginetum, 3200 m, 24 Feb 1955, Vareschii 3853 (VEN); 3400 m, Oct 1956, Aristegui- eta 2602 (VEN, US); 3300 m, 3 Jul 1987, Briceno & Adamo 1988 (MERF); Valle de Mucubaji, abajo del Pico Mucufiuque, 08°46’35’N, 70°48 °57°W, 3730 m, 3 Sep 1998, Berg 98-29-16 (K); Laguna Mucubaji, swamps around the lagoon, 8°47.5’N, 70°49’'W, 3600 m, 6 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4172 (CAR, COL, PRC); 3570 m, 23 Aug 1980, Bricenio & Adamo 184 (Herbarium Bricefio, MERF, MO, PRC, US); camino hacia Mucunuque, 4000-4300 m, 4 Nov 1992, Meier et al. 3026 (VEN); Laguna de Mucubaji, 3600 m, Dec 1952, Aristeguieta 964 (US); Paramo de Mucub- Festuca in South American Paramos aji, 3500 m, 23 Aug 1980, Briceno & Adamo 187 (MO); S side of Hwy 7, 5 km E of Laguna Victoria, 3000 m, 22 Aug 1972, Hanselmann & Loleveless 296 (MO); Laguna de Mucubaji, 8 Nov 1952, Aristegui- eta s.n. (VEN); 3900 m, 9 Sep 1958, Vareschi 7021 (VEN); 8 Nov 1952, Aristeguieta 947 (VEN). Mun. Tabay, Laguna La Coromoto, 8°35.5’N, 71°01’W, 3300 m, 7 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4181 (CAR, COL, PRC); Laguna La Coromoto, 3300-3400 m, 15 Dec 1966, Schulz 317 (MER); Sierra St. Domingo, Pico de Mucunuqui, al S de Laguna Grande, 4400 m, 28 Nov 1959, Barclay & Juajibioy 9895 (COL); Paramo de Mucuchies, Pico de Aguila, 4418 m, 21 Nov 1959, Barclay & Juajibioy 9656 (COL, MO, US); Sierra del Norte, 6 Oct 1952, Humbert 26824 (COL, MER, P, US); Mun. Mucuchies, Paramo de Piedras Blancas, Lagua Negra, 8°49°N, 70°57’ W, 4270 m, 4 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4191 (CAR, COL, PRC, W); 4200 m, D. Stancitk 4207 (CAR, COL, PRC, W); D. Stancik 4176 (AAU, CAR, COL, PRC); 8°48.5°N, 70°55.5°W, 3800 m, D. Stancik 4225 (CAR, COL, PRC); Laguna Tapada, 8°49°N, 70°56'43"W, 4100 m, D. Stancik 4242 (AAU, CAR, COL, PRC); 4100 m, D. Stancik 4243 (CAR, COL, PRC, W); Laguna Negra, 9 Sep 1952, Aristeguieta 1003 (VEN); Laguna Los Patos, Laguna El Infer- nito, 3700 m, Aug 1956, Aristeguieta 2464 (VEN). Paramo de Piedras Blancas, 4400 m, 8 Dec 1979, Barreto 645 (MERC); 4000-4600 m, 9 May 1985, Briceno et al. 1146 (MERC); 4000-4600 m, 14 Nov 1981, Briceno et al. 440 (Herbarium Bricefo, MERC); sector Las Cruces, 3700-3900 m, 8 Sep 2000, Briceno 3711 (Herbarium Briceno); Mun. La Culata, Paramo La Culata, Briceno & Adamo 1067 (MERF); 3300 m, 7 Jun 1984, Briceno & Adamo 949 (MERF); Mun. Mucuchies, Paramo de Misinta, NE de Mucuchies, 4000 m, 26 Oct 1984, Briceno & Adamo 1139 (MERF); Paramo Las Monsalves, selva de Polylepis, 3900 m, 10 Nov 1952, Vareschi 2232, 2134, 2244 (VEN); 3920 m, Vareschi 2248 (VEN); Pico Espejo—Timoncito, paramo, 4300-4700 m, 16 Dec 1952, Bernardi 275 (NY). Tachira: Mun. La Grita, Paramo La Negra, 08°15’N, 71°53°W, 3200 m, 11 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4280 (CAR, PRC); D. Stancik 4279 (CAR, COL, PRC); Sierra Nevada, camino a Pico Bolivar, cerca de Refugio Moya, 4100-4300 m, 10 Oct 1953, Littele 15712 (MER); Pico Bolivar y Espejo, 15-18 Dec 1959, Barclay & Juajibioy 10214 (US); Sierra Nevada, Loma Redonda, Paramo Media Luna, 4100 m, 3 Feb 1995, Berg 649 (MERC); Berg & Steinmetz 1&7 (Her- barium Briceno, MERC); Loma Redonda, 3940 m, Festuca in South American Paramos 14] 7 Oct 1994, Briceno 2854 (Herbarium Bricenio); Alto de La Cruz, 4040-4300 m, 11 Nov 1994, Briceno et al. 3077 (Herbarium Bricefio); Mun. Rangel, Laguna La Ciega, 4200 m, 29 Sep 2000, Bricentio & Molinillo 3766 (Herbarium Bricefio); Mun. Rangel, Paramo El Banco, 4420 m, 21 Oct 1997, Bricefio & Molinillo 3447 (Herbarium Bricefio); Paramo de Misinta, NE de Mucuchies, 4000 m, 5 Jun 1987, Briceno & Adamo 1131 (Herbarium Bricefio); Paramo EI Toro, Los Arbolitos y Los Nevados, 3100 m, 12 Oct 1988, Briceno et al. 2330 (Herbarium Bricefio); cresta Pico el Toro, 4200 m, 25 Nov 1994, Briceno 3119 (Her- barium Bricefio, PRC); via El Leon, 3460-3580 m, 4 Nov 1994, Briceno 311] (Herbarium Bricefio, PRC); Valle de los Calderones, Paramo de los Pozones, 3350 m, 19 Oct 1995, Bricerio 3357 (Herbarium Bricefio); Laguna Verde—Laguna Suero, 3990-4190 m, 29 Mar 1994, Briceno et al. 2667 (Herbarium Bricefio); Laguna El Espejo, 3800-3950 m, 9 Dec 1994, Briceno 3178 (Herbarium Bricefio); Laguna de Los Anteojos, 3900 m, 2 Dec 1994, Bricenio et al. 3158 (Herbarium Bricefio); Laguna La Fria, 3460-3580 m, 4 Nov 1994, Briceno et al. 3054 (Herbarium Bricefio, PRC). Trujillo: Paramo de la Cristalina, 2900 m, Oct 1910, Jahn 18 (US, VEN); 20 Oct 1910, Jahn 43 (VEN); Tuname—Guirigoy, 3200 m, Aug 1958, Aristeguieta & Medina 3531 (VEN); Guirigoy, hacia La Parida, 3400 m, Aug 1958, Aristeguieta & Medina 3558 (VEN); Dept. Escuque, Cabimbi, Teta de Niquitao—Laguna Negra, 3800-3900 m, 19 Aug 1988, Briceno s.n. (Herbarium Bricefio). 54b. Festuca tolucensis subsp. perijae Stancik, Darwiniana 41(1-4): 146, f. lla—f. 2003. Type: Colombia. Magdalena, Sierra de Perija, E of Manaure, Cerro Avion, 3550-3450 m, 8 Nov 1959, J. Cuatrecasas & Castaneda 25136 (holotype: COL!; isotype: US!). Panicles slender and compact. Spikelets 9-10 mm long; lower glumes 5.5—6.5 mm; upper glumes 6.5—7.5 mm long; lemmas 6—7 mm long. Leaf blade anatomy.—Abaxial epidermis con- tinuous, not extending to the vascular bundles. Distribution and habitat.—Fesctuca tolucensis subsp. perijae is known only from the Serrania de Perija on the Colombian—Venezuelan border, and is found in paramos at an altitude between 3000-3500 m. Additional specimens examined. COLOMBIA. Magdalena: Sierra de Perija, plain between Cerro Venado and Cerro Avion, 3270-3350 m, J. Cuatreca- sas & Castaneda 25133 (COL, US). VENEZUELA. Zulia: Sierra de Perija—Serrania de Valledupar, cam- pamento “Monte Viruela’, 10°25°13”N, 72°52’42’W, 3100 m, S.S. Tillett 747-1122 (COL). 54c. Festuca tolucensis subsp. culata Stancik & P.M. Peterson, subsp. nov. Type: Venezuela. Mérida, Mun. La Culata, Paramo La Culata, 3300 m, 8°45°42°N, 71°03’ W, 3300 m, 12 Nov 2000, D. Stanctk 4259 (holotype: PRC!; isotypes: CAR!, COL!). Haec subspecies a Festuca tolucensis subsp. tolucensis et F: tolucensis subsp. perijae spiculis 10-11 (non 7-10) mm, glumis minoribus (inferi- oribus 2—2.5 non 4—6.5 mm, superioribus 4—5 non 6—7.5 mm) distinguitur. Spikelets 10—11 mm long; lower glumes 2-2.5 mm long; upper glumes 4—5 mm long. Leaf blade anatomy.—Abaxial epidermis continuous, extending just to a single vascular bundle. Distribution and habitat.—Festuca tolucensis subsp. culata is known only from Mérida where the subspecies occurs in rocky paramos of La Culata and El Escorial, at an altutude of about 3000-3350 m. Additional specimens examined. VENEZU- ELA. Merida: Paramo El Escorial, 3100-3420 m, 10 Jul 1987, Briceno & Adamo 2052 (Herbarium Bricefio, PRC). Mun. La Culata, Paramo La Culata, 3300 m, 8°45°42’N, 71°03’°W, 3300 m, 12 Nov 2000, D. Stancik 4258 (CAR, COL, PRC). 55. Festuca turimiquirensis Stancik & P.M. Peter- son, sp. nov. (Figs. 49, 70). Type: Venezuela. Anzoategui, Distr. Libertad, ridges and tops of Montanas Negras, along the Sucre and Anzoategui border, 20 km NE of Bergantin, NE of Buenos Aires, Serrania de Turimiquire, 10°04’30°N, 64°11 °W, 2000-2350 m, bamboo- ericaceous scrub and elfin cloud forest, 28 Nov 1981, G. Davidse et al. 19610 (holotype: MO!, isotypes: NY!, VEN!). Haec species a F. tolucensis glumis minoribus (inferibus 3—4 non 5—8.5 mm, superioribus 4—5.5 non 5—9.5 mm), aristis longioribus et paniculae majoribus (6—7 cm lat., non 0.5—1.5 cm), et scler- enchymate abaxiali non continui differt. Tussocked perennials with intra- and extra- vaginal innovations. Culms 70-80 cm tall, erect, ——— ee —— SSN ee SENN Re _ = ma S Festuca flacca. A. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs densely covered with prickles. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. epidermis covered with prickles and stomata. C view of wax crystals. E & silica bodies. A—D, F. F. guaramacalana. E Cik 4180 (PRC); Stan Zeon: Sect cate er mt oe Ss ae s - i ne os tet eo en ee aE IE camestalei an 74 ita oe ieee =< —— sii eicatoornn A gcse ia: a Figure Festuca in South American Paramos " % 1 if Fo An ee ee ee ¥ “Sg a Dai illite mee Sipintennities ibaa a OD A ile 0 tan, me nb serene a ren aie ng te « ee Figure 75. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca guaramacalana. A. Adaxial epidermis with ribs, covered with macro-hairs. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of macro-hairs. C-F. F. sodiroana. C. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs and occasionally occurring prickles. D. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of long and short (silica bodies) cells. E. Adaxial epidermis with regular ribs and sparse short macro-hairs. F. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stoma. A & B, Stancik 4286 (PRC); C—F, Stancik 2632 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos LES TF WRU AY CR 2004 SEWN I7 BU AV CR 2005 Figure 76. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. Festuca ulochaeta. A. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs. B. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of prickle and silica bodies with cork cells. C. Adaxial epidermis with small ribs and regurally occurring stomata and short macro- hairs. D. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata and macro-hairs. E & F. F. caldasii. E. Abaxial epidermis densely covered with prickles. F. Abaxial epidermis with detail of oval (sinuous) silica bodies and prickles. A—D, Stancik 4179 (PRC); E & F, Laegaard 20405 (AAU). 152 Festuca in South American Paramos RRR ees ey, “tine gn ‘| id : ij bt ce. Figure 77. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca caldasii. A. Adaxial epidermis with small ribs and regurally distributed stomata and macro-hairs. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata covered by wax. C-F. F. reclinata. C. Abaxial epidermis with long cells and regularly occurring stomata and slender prickles. D. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of prickles and stomata. E. Adaxial epidermis with small ribs; regurally occurring prickles and stomata. F. Adaxial epidermis with detail of prickles and wax covering cell walls. A & B, Laegaard 102535 (AAU); C-F, Cuatrecasas & Barriga 9970 (COL). ein Ee a api cen ac SIENA a gE jen REIS wit SETS aa ee - * at ¥ SRY eg terres G ines Seaman: Meesaiiee ae Caen a — eee Pia = wre a Si oss peers wag NNN gis ow a Oe ee, re Se if) o) = (a0) tH ise) Qu c fa) O ne (ed) = < = ~~ >) io) N MS S ws) RS > i) ce 5 a ee oe a ca me ok Se oo A a OO u a a, a ae i me oe sehen RT eis’ ee Pees, anal dann Pe epidermis with pronounced ribs densely covered with prickles. C. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of stomata laying between two ribs. D. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of prickles and waxes covering cell walls. E & F. F: arundinacea. E. Abaxial epidermis with regular ribs and rows of prickles. F. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of stomata and silica bodies. A-D, Wood Figure 78. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. Festuca woodii. A. Abaxial epidermis with ribs, densely covered with prickles. B. Adaxial 5254 (COL); E & F, Stancik 322] (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos nine ibiiiC CALL LOL — mae nt aS meas cates) aman ee ae * CH 2005 segne nic Bl Me tie alee HE os wea ed 4 Ree ogy o iad a ide ea Ry ewe aw ee CEN ~~ [tots " - Sei hates ae “~~ a ~ #5 ee > x eal 2 iS fucw errr ees. Slap he - pil Rinna os ell phe ~,,pamannane 2 i . “ ere bai aes WOOD sie ie 8 ies ey pga see ce eS mm ae ee % oa * uS Renee re 3 RNS ies z Re aie of thee a a s. Qi Five tt BU AV ck Figure 79. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca arundinacea. A. Adaxial epidermis with rows of stomata between small ribs. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of long cells interrupted by short cells (silica bodies and cork cells). C—F. F. quadridentata. C. Abaxial epidermis covered by prickles. D. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of prickles and short cells. E. Adaxial epidermis with pronounced ribs densely covered with prickles and wax. F. Adaxial epidermis with detail of wax and prickles. A & B, Stancik 3221 (PRC); C-F, Laegaard & Sklenar 20308 (PRC). Sea Se a eS Se C. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of silica bodies and prickles. D. Adaxial stomata and silica bodies. E. Adaxial epidermis. F. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of Laegaard & Sklenar 20308 (PRC); B-F, Stancik 4263(PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos b] b] sarees REO ais ose 80. Leaf blade surfaces. A. Festuca quadridentata. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of wax. B—F. F. venezuelana. B. Ab- , stomata and silica bodies. A a eS 4 2 lok; ra) te) no) oO o > oe) oO yn re & = las} = Dn co oe 5 ae : uo) = Qy o a = ra las} epidermis with small ribs with prickles Figure prickles Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 81. Leaf blade surfaces. A-F. Festuca fragilis. A. Abaxial epidermis densely covered with prickles and silica bodies. B, C. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of silica bodies and prickles. D. Adaxial epidermis with ribs and macro-hairs. Stomata on the bottom of ribs. E. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of macro-hairs and stomata. F. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of wax covering cell walls. A-C, Wood 5259 (COL); D-F, Stanctk 4248 (PRC). Adaxial epidermis, detail view of Brade & Kuhlman 15631 (PRC); " ® ss ee o % zi eo 5 ig ge a ama i cen Ne te ee Sa ite cag ee -_ — en - sal ~ ” WN ie) & RS fe] A4 (3) fae] — el E Elcs| TS 5 (o) N Cc —- S © = > ind) ce PRU AY CR Bd LESTE Figure 82. Leaf blade surfaces. A-E. Festuca fimbriata. A. Abaxial epidermis with ribs. B. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies, prickles and stomata. C. Adaxial epidermis with pronounced ribs covered densely with prickles. D. Adaxial epidermis, stoma and wax on the cell walls. F. F rubra. Abaxial epidermis with long and short cells. AE, detail view of ribs with prickles and silica bodies on the top of ribs, stomata between the ribs. E. F, Stanctk 3457 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos oe ee ine ie? ot les Nb > eae | OE . ; 2 t Figure 83. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca rubra. A. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with macro-hairs. B. Adaxial epi- dermis, detail view of macro-hairs and stomata on the base of the ribs. C & D. F andicola. C. Abaxial epidermis of the involute blade with macro-hairs on the margin. D. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of macro-hair and wax on the cell walls. E & F. F soukupii. E. Abaxial epidermis of the involute blade with silica bodies and macro-hairs on the margin. F. Adaxial epidermis with macro-hairs on the ribs. A & B, Stancik 3457 (PRC); C & D, Laegaard 52807 (AAU); E &F, Stancik 3455 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 84. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. Festuca azucarica. A. Abaxial epidermis with long and short cells. B. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of rounded silica bodies. C. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with long macro-hairs. D. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata at the bottom of rib (middle part of this image). E & F. F. colombiana. E. Abaxial epidermis with long and short cells. F. Adaxial epidermis, macro-hairs on the lateral walls of the ribs. A-D, Stancitk 3405 (PRC); E & F, Stancik 2561(PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 85. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca colombiana. A. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata and macro-hairs. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of wax. C & D F. dasyantha. C. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs, long and short cells. D. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with long macro-hairs. E & F. F. hatico. E. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs. F. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. A & B, Stancik 1289 (PRC); C & D, Laegaard 101260 (AAU); E & F, Stancik 4289 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos Hh Ren oe araetame i s 220 4 I Mig, — . 2 7 i " % & 4 Figure 86. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca hatico. A. Adaxial epidermis with ribs, densely covered with macro-hairs. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of macro-hairs and wax deposits. C—F. F: laegaardii. C. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs. D. Abaxial epider- mis, detail view of long and short cells (primarily silica bodies). E. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with macro-hairs, stomata on the base of the ribs. F. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata. A & B, Stancik 4289 (PRC); C—F, Stancik 3365 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos WAZ S500 pura & rs 4 Figure 87. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca pilar-franceii. A. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. B. Adaxial epider- mis, detail view of ribs covered with long macro-hairs. C—F. F. procera. C. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs. D. Abaxial epidermis with long and short (silica bodies) cells. E. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered by long macro-hairs. F. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of macro-hair and wax deposits. A & B, Stancitk 241 (PRC); C—F, Stancik 4106 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 88. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca toca. A. Abaxial epidermis with small rib and silica bodies. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of rib covered with macro-hairs, stomata are on the base of the rib. C-F. F. asplundii. C. Abaxial epidermis sparsely covered with prickles. D. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of prickles and silica bodies. E. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with macro-hairs. F. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of macro-hairs and stomata on the base of the rib. A & B, Stancik 1418 (PRC); C-F, Stancik 3611 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos + f . < * Se = as ~ = = Figure 89. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca boyacensis. A. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. B. Adaxial epider- mis, detail view of stomata and macro-hairs and cell walls covered with wax. C & D. F. carchiense. C. Abaxial epidermis, view of long and short cells and sparse prickles. D. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with short macro-hairs. E & F. F. chimborazensis subsp. chimborazensis. E. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs. F. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. A & B, Stancik 2166 (PRC); C & D, Laegaard 101716 (AAU); E & F, Stancik 4033B (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos aghtwte gateiatar es fal xh A oe aye ao! ' - ee | fi 3 b f q sgesaroomsts sp i Sane ; ; i | i ‘ : ak Pe ti 4 re ae Se 2 FAM AT MU AY CR 2004 Aver 2005 Figure 90. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca chimborazensis. A. Adaxial epidermis with ribs with stomata between long cells, sparsely covered with short macro-hairs. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of prickles (margin of the leaves), macro-hairs and stomata. C—F. Festuca cleefiana. C. Abaxial epidermis. D. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. E. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with macro-hairs. F. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata on the base of the ribs. A & B, Stancik 4033B (PRC); C-F, Stancik 2020 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos Pa Figure 91. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. Festuca cocuyana. A. Abaxial epidermis with long and short cells. B. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. C. Adaxial epidermis with several ribs covered with macro-hairs, sometimes with silica-bodies or stomata between long cells. D. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of macro-hairs, stomata and wax. E & F. F. cundinamarcae. E. Abaxial epidermis. F. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of silica bodies. A-D, Cleef 9078 (COL); E & F, Stancik 2114 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 92. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca cundinamarceae. A. Adaxial epidermis with ribs densely covered with macro-hairs. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata at the base of the ribs. C-F. F. densipaniculata. C. Abaxial epidermis densely covered with prickles. D. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of prickles and wax. E. Adaxial epidermis with regular ribs covered with macro-hairs. Stomata on the base of ribs (right margin of the image). F. Adaxial epidermis with detail of macro-hairs and stomata. A & B, Stancik 2114 (PRC); C-F, Asplund 8397 (S). Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 93. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. Festuca glumosa. A. Abaxial epidermis of the involute leaf with rows of prickles. B. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies and prickles. C. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with short macro-hairs. D. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of macro-hairs and stomata. Cell walls covered with wax. E & F. F. glyceriantha. E. Adaxial epidermis with regular ribs covered with macro-hairs. F. Adaxial epidermis with detail of wax. A-D, Stancik 4180 (PRC); E & F, Peterson 14936 (US). Festuca in South American Paramos LES S7 WES PS CF 2005 Figure 94. Leaf blade surfaces. A & B. Festuca imbaburensis. A. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with macro-hairs. Cell walls covered with wax deposits. B. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of wax, stomata and macro-hair. C-F. F monguensis. C. Abaxial epidermis of the involute leaf, with small ribs and prickles on the margin. D. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of prickles and silica bodies. E. Adaxial epidermis with regular ribs covered with macro-hairs. F. Adaxial epidermis with detail of macro-hairs and stomata (at the bottom of ribs). A & B, Stancik 4098 (AAU); C-F, Stancik 2025 (PRC). Festuca in South American Paramos ips iS Piso ‘. Figure 95. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. Festuca nereidaensis. A. Abaxial epidermis with long and short cells. B. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. C. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered densely with macro-hairs. D. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of macro-hairs. Stomata on the bottom of the ribs (not seen). E & F. F. oroana. E. Adaxial epidermis with regular ribs covered densely with macro-hairs. F. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of macro-hairs and dense coverage of wax. A-D, Stancik 3401B (PRC); E & F, Laegaard 70309 (AAU). Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 96. Leaf blade surfaces. A-D. Festuca sanctae-martae. A. Abaxial epidermis with small ribs and prominent long and short cells. B. Abaxial epidermis, detail view of silica bodies. C. Adaxial epidermis with small ribs and short macro-hairs. D. Adaxial epidermis with detail view of macro-hairs and stomata between long cells. E & F. F. subulifolia. E. Abaxial epidermis with detail view of prickles and silica bodies. F. Adaxial epidermis with small ribs covered with macro-hairs and stomata at the bottom between ribs. A-D, Cuatrecasas & Castafieda 24532 (COL); E & F, Stancik 2914 (PRC). 172 Festuca in South American Paramos Figure 97. Leaf blade surfaces. A—C. Festuca tolucensis subsp. tolucensis. A. Abaxial epidermis densely covered with prickles and silica bodies. B. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with macro-hairs, stomata at the bottom between the ribs. C. Adaxial epidermis, detail view of stomata and macro-hairs. D. F. vaginalis. Adaxial epidermis with ribs covered with short macro-hairs and deposits of wax on the cell walls. A-C, Stancik 4279 (PRC); D, Laegaard 101559 (AAU). Festuca in South American Paramos Ls Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fie: Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Fig. Appendices INDEX TO FIGURES co. LTS ENG OL SVTOON ONT AVIS ST (1 en ee Pe RR 3) 2. Distribution map of Festuca amplissima, F: coromotensis, and F. flACCQ .....c..cccccccecccceseeeeseceesees 20 rae SAE OMEOIELCSTICO)COLOMOLCIISIS: vin nceee.ens05sre 3155,.3158, 3162, 3164, 3169, 3189, BOs 3 193-3176, 3240; 3326, 3327, 3335, 3336, 3337, 3344, 3351, 3353, 3354, 3355, 3360, 3363, 3367, 3608, 3609, 3671, 3677, 3687, 3688, 3690, 3691, 3692, 3704, 3705B, 3707, 3708, 3709, 3714, Sls 310,504 7.9709, 37 10, 37725 3773, 3714, 3804, 3805, 3811, 3815, 3837, 3847, 3848, 3850, 3862, 3863, 3864, 3865, 3872, 3882, 3884, 3888, 3889, 3900, 3901, 3902, 4026, 4027, 4030, 4032, 4089, 4096, 4101, 4103, 4115, 4163, 4164 (52); 4172, 4176, 4181, 4191, 4207, 4225, 4242, 4243, 4279, 4280 (54a); 4258, 4259 (54c); 3001, 3014, 3020, 3134, 3137, 3323, 3341, 3706, 3718, 3881, 4013 (56a); 3182, 4033, 4035 (56b) Standley 61885, 61899, 65227 (1a) Steyermark, J. & Koyama 102389 (17) Steyermark, J. 53481 (31); 53146, 53182 (52) Steyermark, J. A. 53092 (49a) Storek 2889 (54a) Stiibel 297 (29); 257 (52) Stiibel, A. 297 (29); 207 (52) Sturm 33(38) Swallen, J.R. 8033, 8168, 8231, 8540, 8859 (8); 8089, 8189 (18) Tamayo 2326 (16) Taylor et al. 170 (54a) Tenorio 15093 (1) Teran & Melchior 833, 848 (17) Teran 77132. 7909; 13215:(17) Tillet & Honig 746-765 (1b) Tillett, S.S. 747-1122 (54b) Torres-Romero & Lozano 2982 (28) Torres-Romero et al. 1875 (31) Tovar Serpa, O. 2057 (7) Tovar, O. 143 (14) Triana 810, s.n. (31); s.n. (38) Tsugaru & Otsuka B-2265 (18) Turpe, A.M. 2932 (8) Tutin 1285 (29) Ule 243, 616, 1959 (18) Valderrano 34 (38) Valls 56, 2386 (8) Valls et al. 1893 (18) Vareschi 1232 (17); 2134, 2232, 2244, 2248, 3853, 7021 (54a) Vareschi et al. 1233 (17) Vargas 11176 (52) Vargas et al. 2083, 2583 (52) Vega & Ruiz 3584 (29) Vega 249 (7); 1966 (14); 5419, 7143 (21); 723, 2250, 2576, 3239, 3830, 4661, 5013 (29); 7087 (31); 2263, 4168, 4371, 5271, 5427, 6616, 10509, 10764, 10889 (42); 4378, 7111, 7124 (43); 1385, 1969, 4043, 4145, 7136, 11181, 11190 (52) Vega et al. 1544 (7); 1638, 10320 (21); 411, 1393, 1598, 32833 385); 1.85, 5096, 5745, 6953 @9)- 1695, 2012, 2061, 2527, 3797, 5744, 6694, 6974, 6975 (42); 2018, 3494, 6914, 6955, 6994, 7041, 7128 (43); 7011 (50); 2011, 2464, 7062, 10795, 10904, 10906 (52) Vélez et al. 4514 (22) Vivar & Marin 1305 (12); 1306 (13) Vries, T. de s.n. (45); s.n. (52) Wagner 944, 946, 947, 5010 (8) Wagner et al. 298 (8) Wawra 947 (54a) Weberbauer, A. 3230 (14); 3275 (42); 3974 (52) Whymper 1326, s.n. (31); 1330 (41); 1322, 1638 (52) Widgren s.n. (18) Winge et al. 1272, 1362 (8) Wood 4326, 4347, 4792, 5066, 4648 (6); 3842, 5104 (8); 5309 (9); 4639 (12); 5259 (17); 4247, 5331 (21); 182 Festuca in South American Paramos 4033 (22); 3612 (24); 4539 (28); 4797 (29); 4481, | Yepes-Agredo 760 (22) 4507 (30); 4030, 4062, 4063, 4802 (31); 5141 (36); Young & Watson 3484 (52) 5260 (37); 3523, 4539 (38); 4806, 4807 (52) Wood, J.R.I. 5254, 5354 (11); Zapata 16506, 16508 (43) Wurdack, J. 1572 (31); 1571 (52) Zardinii 7701 (18) Zuluoga 107 (38) X. London et al. 550 (23) Festuca in South American Paramos 183 INDEX TO SCIENTIFIC NAMES Accepted names are in regular type; main entry for each is in bold face; synonyms are in italics; figures are in parentheses. Avena secunda Salisb. 42 Bromus arundinaceus (Schreb.) Roth 42 caldasii Kunth 36 depauperatus J. Pres| 5 elatior (L.) Koeler 42 littoreus Retz. 42 pratensis (Huds.) Spreng. 44 procerus Kunth 36 Bucetum elatius (L.) Parnell 42 pratense (Huds.) Parnell 44 Diplachne procera (Kunth) Spreng. 77 Festuca L. 11 aequipaleata E. Fourn. 136 americana (Pers.) F. G. Dietr. 44 ampliflora Doll 52 amplissima Rupr. 5, 6, 13, 16, 18, (19, 20, 147) amplissima Rupr. subsp. amplissima 17 amplissima subsp. magdalenaensis 6 amplissima subsp. sierrae Stancik 18 andicola Kunth 5, 6, 7, 12, 16, 22, (54), 55, (56, 158) arundinacea Schreb. 12, 16, 42, (43, 45, 153, 154) arundinacea subsp. orientalis (Hack.) Tzvelev 42 asplundii E.B. Alexeev 7, 14, 17, (83), 84, (85), 104, 136, (163) Festuca sect. Aulaxyper Dumort 16, 83, 106 azucarica E.B. Alexeev 13, 16, 63, (64, 65, 159) boyacensis Stancik 6, 15, 17, (79), 88, (89), 91, (164) breviaristata Pilg. 6, 129 breviglumis Swallen 16, 38 cajamarcae Pilg. 129, 130 caldasii (Kunth) Kunth 5, 7, 12, 16, (35), 36, (37), 38, 40, (151, 152) carchiense Stancik 6, 15, 17, 88, (90), 91, (93), 108, 122, (164) casapaltiensis Ball 7 Festuca sect. Cataphyllophorae E.B. Alexeev 6, 16, 65, 70, 77, 83 chimborazensis E.B. Alexeev 15, 17, 88, 91, (92, 93, 164, 165) chimborazensis subsp. chimborazensis (92), 93, 94 chimborazensis subsp. micacochensis 6, 93, 94 chita Stancik 6, 13, 17, 95, (96, 102) chitagana Stancik 6, 12, 16, (61), 66, (67) cleefiana E.B. Alexeev 14, 17, 75, (93), 95, (97, 165) cocuyana Stancik 6, 15, 17, (83), 98, (99), 100, 126, (166) colombiana E.B. Alexeev 13, 16, (65), 66, (68), 69, 72, (159, 160) coromotensis B. Bricefio 5, 13, 16, 20, 21, (20, 21), 22, 28, (147, 148) cundinamarcae E.B. Alexeev 14, 17, 100, (101, 102, 166, 167) dasyantha Kunth 5, 7, 13, 16, (65), 70, (71), 72, 75, (160) densipaniculata E.B. Alexeev 14, 17, 102, (103), 104, (106, 167) dichoclada Pilg. 6, 7, 12, 16, 45, (45), 46 dinirica Stancik 6, 7, 14, 17, (93), 104, (105), 106 dissitiflora Steud. 55 distichovaginata var. cajamarcae (Pilg.) St.-Yves 129 dolichophylla J.Presl. 6, 7 Festuca subg. Drymanthele V.I. Krecz. & Bobrov 16 drymeja Mert. & W.D.J. Koch 16 elatior L. 42 elatior subsp. arundinacea (Schreb.) Celak. 42 elatior subsp. arundinacea (Schreb.) Hack. 42 elatior subsp. arundinacea var. genuine subvar. ori- entalis Hack 42 elatior subsp. pratensis (Huds.) Hack. 44 elatior var. arundinacea (Schreb.) Wimm 42 elatior var. pratensis (Huds.) A. Gray 44 elviae B. Bricefio 5, 12, 16, 22, (23, 26), 55, (148) eminens Kunth 6, 36 Festuca subg. Erosiflorae E.B. Alexeev 16 ferreyrae Tovar 129, 130 fimbriata Nees 12, 16, 52, (53, 54, 157) flacca Hack. ex E.B. Alexeev 12, 16, (20), 24, (25), 33, (149) flexuosa Willd. ex Kunth 46 fluitans var. pratensis (Huds.) Huds. 44 fragilis (Luces) B. Bricefio 5, 7, 14, 16, 48, (50, 51), 51, (136) fratercula Rupr. ex E. Fourn. 17 glabra Spreng. 44 Festuca sect.Glabricarpae E.B. Alexeev 6, 16, 38 glumosa Hack. ex E.B. Alexeev 7, 16, 17, 91, (102), 106, (107), 108, 117, 122, 126, 136, (168) glyceriantha Pilg. 14, 17, (106), 109, (110), 111, (168) guaramacalana Stancik 6, 7, 13, 16, 26, (26, 27), 28, (149, 150) hatico Stancik 6, 12, 16, (61), 72, (73, 160, 161) Festuca subg. Helleria E.B. Alexeev 6, 16, 51 holubii Stancik 6, 16, 17, (106), 111, (112), 113 huamachucensis Infantes 15, 17, 113, (114, 115) imbaburensis Stancik 6, 15, 17, 91, 108, 115, (115, 116), 117, 122, (169) laegaardii Stancik 6, 11, 17, 65, (65), 72, (74), 75, (161) 184 leptothrix Trin. ex Doll 33 liebmannii E. Fourn. 136 littoralis Wahlenb. 42 livida (Kunth) Willd. ex Spreng. 5, 16, 51 Festuca subg. Mallopetalon (Doll) E.B. Alexeev 6, 16 “monguensis Stancik 6, 14, 17, (106, 118), 119, (169) multiculmis Steud. 136 nereidaensis Stancik 6, 14, 17, (115), 119, (120, 170) orgyalis Willd. ex E. Fourn. 77 orgyalis Willd. Ex Spreng. 77 orientalis (Hack.) Krecz. & Bobrov 42 oroana Stancik 6, 14, 17, 119, (121), 122, (126, 170) orthophylla Pilg. 7 ovina L. 11 ovina subvar. jamesonii St.-Yves 106 parciflora subsp. loxana 6, 122, 124 parcifiora subsp. parciflora 122, (123), 124 parciflora Swallen 15, 17, 122, (126) peruviana E.B. Alexeev 7, 77, pilar-franceii Stancik 6, 13, 17, 65, 69, 75, (76, 79, 162) pinetorum Swallen 5, 7 poaeoides Michx. 44 poaeoides var. americana Pers. 44 pratensis Huds. 12, 16, (40), 44 pratensis var. elatior (L.) Gaudin 42 presliana Hitche. 5 procera: Kunth 3.06; pbs Gn oa) Zeta) Ore ane os 84, (162) procera Nees & Meyen 77 pseudosclerophylla Krivot. 42 quadridentata Kunth 5, 7, 12, 16, 46, (47, 51, 154, 155) quadridentata subsp. eminens (Kunth) St.-Yves 36 quadridentata var. caldasii (Kunth) St.-Yves 36 quadridentata var. dichoclada (Pilg.) St.-Ives 45 quitensis Willd. ex Kunth 36 racemosa Willd. ex Spreng. 55 reclinata Swallen 12, 16, 38, (39, 40, 152) regeliana Pavl. 42 renvoizei Stancik 6, 15, 17, 124, (125, 126) rigescens (J. Presl) Kunth. 7, 55 rubra LE 13,16; (SD) 57. (O8s lsietas) Festuca sect. Ruprechtia E.B. Alexeev 6, 16, 18 sanctae-martae Stancik 6, 15, 17, 100, (115), 124, WAS (ZT. Ni) scabra Willd. ex Steud. 77 Festuca sect. Schedonorus (P. Beauv.) Koch 16 Festuca sect. Schedonorus (P. Beauv.) Peterm. 11, 16 sodiroana Hack. ex E.B. Alexeev 7, 12, 16, 21, 22, (26), 28, (29, 150) soukupii Stancik 6, 14, 16, 55, 59, (60, 61, 158) steinbachii 48 Festuca in South American Paramos sublimis forma vivipara St.-Yves 146 sublimis Pilg. 77 subulata Trin. 16 subulata var. fraseriana St.-Yves 24 Festuca subg. Subulatae (Tzvelev) E.B. Alexeev 16 Festuca sect. Subulatae Tzvelev 16, 28 subulifolia Benth. 14, 17, 84, 104, 126, (128, 129), 1305 1395.7) sumapana Stancik 6, 15, 17, 91, 122, (129), 136, (137) tenuiculmis Tovar 55 toca Stancik 6, 12, 17, 65, 81, (82, 83), 83, 84, (163) tolucensis Kunth 5, 14, 17, 84, 104, (129), 130, 136, 139, 141, 143 tolucensis subsp. culata Stancik & P.M. Peterson 6, 139, 141 tolucensis subsp. perijae Stancik 6, 139, 141 tolucensis subsp. tolucensis (138), 139, (172) tolucensis var. subulifolia (Benth.) St.-Yves 126 tovariensis Stancik & P.M. Peterson 12, 16, 24, 31, @2535)) turimiquirensis Stancik & P.M. Peterson 6, 14, 17, (102), 141, (142), 143 ulochaeta Nees ex Steud. 6, 7, 13, 16, 24, 31, 33, (34, 355) 151) vaginalis (Benth.) Laegaard 7, 15, 17, (126), 143, (172) vaginalis subsp. cayambae Stancik 6, 143, 146 vaginalis subsp. vaginalis 143, (144), 145 venezuelana Stancik 6, 13, 16, (45), 48, (49, 155) woodii Stancik 6, 13, 16, 36, 38, 40, (40, 41, 153) Gnomonia elatior (L.) Lunell 42 fragilis Luces 48 fragilis (Luces) Rauschert 48 Leucopoa pseudosclerophylla (Krivot.) Bor 42 Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh. 42 pratense (Huds.) Darbysh. 44 Poa elatior (L.) Moench 42 hybrida var. vallesiaca Bronm. 42 phoenix Scop. 42 Schedonorus americanus (Pers.) Roem. & Schult. 44 arundinaceus (Schreb.) Dumort. 42 caldasii (Kunth) Roem. & Schult 36 elatior (L.) P. Beauv. 42 littoreus (Retz.) Tzvelev 42 phoenix (Scop.) J. Holub 42 pratensis (Huds.) Beauv. 44, 45 procerus (Kunth) Roem. & Schult. 36 radicans Dumort. 44 Tragus elatior (L.) Panz. ex B.D. Jacks. 42 pratensis (Huds.) Panz. ex B.D. Jacks. 44 Uniola effusa E. Fourn.17 muelleri E. Fourn. 17 Vulpia ulochaeta Nees ex Doll 33