MemOires de P Academic Royale des Sciences et des Lettres de Dauemark, Copenkague, Section des Sciences, 8me serie t. VII, n° 1. CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF THE DANISH CULICIM; BY C. WESENBERG-LUND WITH 21 PLATES AND 19 FIGURES IN THE TEXT D. KGL. DAXSKE VIHEXSK. SKI.SK. SKRIFTER, NATURV. OG MATHEMATISK AFD. 8. R^EKKE, VII, 1. K0BRNHAVN HOVEDKOMMISSION^R: ANDR. FRED. H0ST & S0N, KGL. HOF-BOGHANDEL BIANCO LL'NOS BOGTBYKKEBI 1920—21 CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE BIOLOGY OF THE DANISH CULICID.E BY C. NVESENBERG-LUND WITH 21 PLATES AND 19 FIGURES IN THE TEXT D. KGL. DANSKE VIDENSK. SELSK. SKRIFTER, NATURV. OG MATHEMATISK AFD. 8. R.EKKE, VII, 1. K0BENHAVN HOVEDKOMMISSIO1SLER: ANDR. FRED. HOST & S0N, KGL. HOF-BOGHANDEL BIANCO LUNOS BOGTRYKKERI 1920—21 Preface. Jl he history of the work which I hereby take the liberty to offer to the scientific world has been rather peculiar. More than twenty years ago I saw that our temporary forest ponds which got water in November — December very often, a few days later, contained living mosquito larvae; I saw that these larvae hibernated under the ice and that they could be found again when the ice melted in the spring. To me it was rather an astonishing fact to find in 1900 air-breathing insect larvae below the ice, locked out by the ice from the atmospherical air. In the following years I often visited the temporary ponds in spring and ascertained that they teemed with mosquito larvae. Even the slightest study with a magnifying glass showed that these larvae differed very much from the hibernating larvae. In the admirable chapter in "Histoire des insects" REAUMUR has shown that Culex pipiens hibernates as imago and lays its eggs in batches, eggboats. In his work "History of Aquatic Insects" MIALL has had nothing to add; as far as I know, REAUMUR'S exposition of the biology of C. pipiens has for more than a century been used as a model of the development of all mosquitoes. In accordance with this fact year after year I searched for the eggboats in the temporary ponds of our forests; I never saw a single one. In the following years I slowly came to understand that there was also upon another point a striking discrepancy between what we have learned and what I found out on studying Nature herself. Scientists as well as ordinary people have all been inclined to suppose that a great number of generations are hatched during the year. Without any more thorough exploration I felt sure that most of the mos- quitoes really had only one single generation. In the spring of 1905 I tried to hatch the above-named two mosquitoes, the one with the hibernating larvae, and the one with the larvae which only appeared after the ice had melted; the former larva had very large antennae and a long sipho ; the latter very small antennae and a very short sipho; of course I got two species of mosquitoes; but the one with the hibernating larva was unquestionably new to our fauna. Having however taken material from different forest ponds, to my astonishment I saw that those mosqui- toes which derived from the hibernating larvae always gave the same species, whereas those deriving from the larvae in spring, gave specimens which unquestion- ably belonged to two or three different species. l* R368855 I now understood that here was a very wide field for further exploration; as however a long series of papers: my plancton work, many papers relating to the biology of freshwater insects, and the bathymetrical explorations of the Fureso- district first had to be carried out, I could only at rare intervals get time for these observations during the 10 years from 1905 to 1915. Still the mosquito studies were not quite laid aside, and in 1916 a more thorough study of the mosquito larvae and their biology began. In 1912 the first volume of the great work of HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB relating to the mosquitoes of North and Central-America appeared ; the volume did not reach me before 1916. I immediately saw that all my above- named more cursory conjectures were indeed correct, but also, that if published they could not be regarded with any really new interest. In the time from 1910 — 1920 a series of shorter papers, dealing with the biology of the European species, appeared, and the biological facts, mentioned by the American authors, were generally corroborated by the European ones. In my opinion this literature very often by no means comes up to the standard which should be exacted for scientific work. After brief reflection I resolved that I would carry to an end my own studies in spite of the whole American and European literature, and moreover that during the study I would not take the slightest notice of it. My leading scientific views were the following. From a purely scientific point of view, I have always regarded the question, who first made a biological observation as a matter of sublime indifference. It must never be forgotten, that even with regard to biological observations which can only rarely be committed to paper with the same convincing exactness as an anatomical structure, the exact apprehension of a given fact can only be acquired through repeated observation. It is further of the greatest significance that the biological observations are tested by different scientists and in different latitudes; only in that way can our suppositions and hypotheses be registered among real scientific facts. It must further be remembered that the study of Nature must always begin with the slightest possible literary ballast. He who has first crammed his head with all that has been written upon a subject, will at the moment of observa- tion, when standing face to face with Nature, soon understand that his whole learning is only felt as a burden and restricts his power of observation. I for my own part have always been of the opinion that it is exactly the smallest equipment of human knowledge which gives the greatest peace in my studies, creates the scientific sovereignty over observations and thoughts and - - as far as possible - - moves the milestones of time nearer to the borders of eternity. Having used the neighbourhood round Hillerod for more than twenty-five years for my studies relating to the freshwater organisms, and often visiting the hundreds of temporary ponds which were scattered within a radius of about 7 kilom. over the country, especially in the forest, I had a rather extensive knowledge of these ponds; having often hatched larva material from many of these ponds, I knew well which would give the best results, if more thoroughly studied. In accor- dance with this knowledge twenty-five temporary forest ponds were selected, and in the time 1916 — 1919 subjected to a regular fortnightly exploration. After the establishment of the Freshwater Biological Laboratory at Tjustrup lake, near Soro, in the middle of Seeland, I soon found 15 other ponds, mainly belonging to the open meadows and large plains which were simultaneously included in the exploration. The ponds were explored every fortnight, viz. during the winter, when the ponds were frozen and covered with snow, at longer intervals, but in spring, when the different larvae appeared, and the imagines arrived, as often as possible, i. e. many of them almost every day. The ponds were so selected that in the course of a single excursion I could reach from five to seven. On schemata the results of every excursion were noted and observations with regard to the freezing and drying periods taken down. At first I took the temperature of the ponds, but later on I learned that this was quite useless; on sunny days the temperature might be about thirty degrees Celsius, the next day, if the weather was cold and rainy, only about ten. The temperatures could only acquire, scientific significance if I had been able to indicate the total sum of heat-units which in the course of the year was conveyed to the ponds. As this was impossible, the temperatures were not regularly taken. In 1916 I thought that I should only find very few mosquitoes in the diffe- rent ponds; in Denmark we had hitherto, viz: STAGGER in his valuable old work: Systematisk Fortegnelse over de i Danmark hidtil fundne Diptera, only found ten species of Culicini and of these two were doubtful (C. annulipes Meig. and C. nigripes Zett.) and one restricted to brackish water; the greatest number that I could ex- pect to find, in my area of distribution, was therefore only seven. At that time I had not the slightest idea that the determination would cause troublesome diffi- culties. I supposed that I could only expect to clear up the biology of the well known species: C. nemorosus Meig., cantans Meig., ornatus Meig., pipiens Linne and annulatus Schrank; further I did not know that the larvae of these species practi- cally speaking were quite unknown, or at all events insufficiently described; the valuable work of MEINERT: De eucephale Myggelarver 1886, deals only slightly with the larvae of Culicini. Already in 1916 I understood that this number would be augmented with several new species, but the determination of these species was quite impossible to me. A closer examination of the large larva material from the many ponds, worked out in the winter months, showed that there were especially some ponds, which must be examined with special care next year. In 1917 these ponds were examined almost weekly from 15 April to the first part of July. In this time I then saw from five to seven species appear and disappear after each other. Some of them were detected in the larva stage, separated in this stage, and then hatched in special vessels; others appeared from larva material which I first thought was homogeneous. In 1917 I had demonstrated about 15 different species, and in 1918 I tried to elucidate the biology of all these species. To my great satis- 6 faction I saw that I almost always might be sure that the different species year after year were hatched in the same ponds and almost always at the same tempera- ture. As the larvae appeared in the ponds, they were separated, and about a hun- dred placed in a special vessel and the vessel set in a hatching cage. The skins were preserved and where I got a quite homogeneous imago material from a vessel, I was sure that I had the right connection between larva and imago. In 1919 many doubtful questions were tried and tried again; and several of them were now nearer to being solved; especially the group 0. nemorosus, was ex- tremely troublesome. Again and again I came to the conclusion that there are species which may easily be distinguished in the imago stage, but which as larvae cannot be distinguished from each other; further that there are species which as larvae may be distinguished at a first glance, but as imagines are almost indistinguishable. At this time the final determination of the species was desirable; most of them at that time had only numbers. Having myself tried to determine the material, I saw, that if I used the ordinary works on the European mosquitoes for some of the most characteristic species, this gave no result. I then reguested my friend Prof. SIMON BENGTSON of Lund to compare some of my material with ZETTERSTEDT'S speci- mens in Lund; as I however compared the determinations with my larva material I saw that somewhere there must be some mistake. I then sent some of the most troublesome species to Mr. EDWARDS at the British Museum and asked him to look them over. From him I got the wholly unexpected result that, in my material, there were no less than three American species: 0. abfichii (Felt), fletcheri (Coquil- let) and diantceus (H. D. K.), which have hitherto not been found in Europe; in a following collection Mr. EDWARDS then determined a fourth species 0. prodotes (Dyar), which also hitherto was only found in America; this species I had over- looked; having examined the preserved larva material from the pond in which this species should have been hatched, I really found a very few highly charac- teristic larvae which most probably belonged to this species. Next year these larvae were found again in the same pond, separated and, when hatched, really gave 0. prodotes. Later on it was found out by Mr. EDWARDS that 0. fletcheri was identic with 0. lutescens (F.) and 0. abfichii with O. excrucians Wlk. Mr. EDWARDS further came to the same conclusion as I, that the old species C. ornatus Meig. could not be found in my material; those determined by ST.EGER and now in the collection of the Royal Museum, Copenhagen, being partly Culicella morsitans, partly C. com- munis. As these species, apart from 0. prodotes, which was studied in 1920, were separated as numbers already in 1918 and with regard to all biological data proto- colled separately, it will be understood that with regard to the biology of the species, it was not of the slightest significance that they were not finally determined till 1919. In 1920 two questions had to be solved before the work could be finished. As the two freshwater laboratories in Hillerod and at Tjustrup were both situated far from the sea-shore, I had no opportunity to study the sea-shore mosquito fauna, where the habitat of 0. dorsalis Meig., already found by STAEGER, really is. It might further be expected, that here also we might find two other species 0. curriei (Coquillet) an American species, already found in England, and 0. detritus (Haliday). Both species were found. As almost all my studies hitherto had been restricted to Seeland, with some small trips to the southern islands, it was of in- terest to become acquainted with the mosquito fauna of Jutland. My time now being occupied with the preparation of the work for print, I requested Mr. KRYGER, whom I know as a very skilled observer, to follow the develop- ment of the mosquito life in the brackish-water pools near Copenhagen, and on a journey in Jutland to study mosquito life there. Mr. KRYGER was also to gather information with regard to the occurrence of Anopheles in stables. STAEGER indicates 15 Culicidae, of which one C. nigripes must unquestionably be cancelled. Thirteen new species have now been found for our fauna, this now consisting of twenty-five species. The new species are: Ochlerotatus curriei (Coquillet), 0. lutescens (F.), 0. excrucians (Wlk.), 0. detritus (Haliday), 0. punctor (Kirby), 0. prodotes (Dyar), 0. rusticus (Rossi), 0. diantceus (Howard, Dyar and Knab), 0. sticticus (Meig.), Tceniorynchus Richardii (Ficalbi), Culicella morsitans (Theobald), Culex ciliaris Linne, C. nigritulus Zetterstedt. Three of the species were new for Europe. Of these thirteen species I have myself found the twelve; 0. stic- ticus has been brought me by Mr. KRYGER from the western part of Jutland. Of the twenty-five species the twenty have been hatched from larvae. Most of these larvae have hitherto only been very badly described or were wholly unknown. It will of course be understood that the exploration has taken much more time than I had thought, when I began. To a much higher degree than I had first thought the work had to be systematic. Gradually I understood that a redescrip- tion of the American species was necessary, that all the species of the nemorosus- communis group should be redescribed, and that all the Iarva3 had to be described and carefully delineated. It was very much against my wishes that I was forced into scientific work to which I have always been a stranger. I soon learned that my descriptions of the imagines would be best if I followed the descriptions by HOWARD, DYAR and KNAR as closely as possible. Everywhere where it has been possible I have therefore followed the descriptions of imagines by these authors. Reference only to the work of HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB was not possible, be- cause slighter differences could almost always be detected. With regard to the description of larva? the case is different; these are always wholly original, and it will be understood that new characters have been used and the older ones esti- mated in a way differing from that of earlier authors. As stated above: What I had intended should be the main points of the work: the statements that almost all our mosquitoes only possess one single generation, and that the eggs of the Aedini are laid singly and not in eggboats, have now been made by others. Now one of the main results of the exploration, a result which was not intended, when the exploration began, is probably, that the North- and Cen- tral-European mosquitoes should now be recognisable in the larva and imago stage; . 8 in the pupa stage I do not think that they are so. I first intended in two exten- sive chapters to give biological sketches of each of the forty ponds, and of the neighbourhood where some of the more peculiar species are found; further to print the large schemes of each of the forty ponds, carried on for almost four years ; the schemes show how each of the species appears and disappears in the course of the year. Especially these schemes were extremely expensive to print, and I suppose that their real scientific value is but slight ; they may be regarded as rough draughts, and will not be printed owing to the great expense. - With regard to the synonyms I have only given the most necessary information; I refer to the work of LANG (1920) and to others which I know are under preparation. As it will be understood from the foregoing pages, this work stands in the greatest debt to Mr. EDWARDS of the British Museum; I hereby express my most cordial thanks for all the help he has furnished me with; further to Prof. SIMON BENGTSON and, last but not least, to Mr. KRYGER who with great skill and warm interest has solved the tasks, I have given him. A few months before this work was sent to press, Mr. LANG'S valuable work, relating to the British mosquitoes, appeared; more than any other it has shown that my paper, now published, issuing from quite different stand-points, and worked out on other principles, is by no means superfluous. Also the CARLSBERGFUND I bring my heartiest thanks for two sums, by means of which I was able to explore the southern islands, mainly with regard to the Anophilines. For the study of the living larvae the excellent bino- culary aquarium microscope, also presented to me by the CARLSBERGFUND, has been of the greatest value. All the tables are drawn by myself and all figures of the same kind are drawn with the same power and all with camera. Key to the tables: 1 head (Leitz Ob. 3 Oc. 1) 2 antenna (Leitz Ob. 3 Oc. 6) 3 mandible (Leitz Ob. 3 Oc. 6) 4 maxilla (Leitz Ob. 3 Oc. 6) 5 mentum (Leitz Ob. 6 Oc. 1) 6 the last segments (Leitz Ob. 3 Oc. 1) 7 scales in comb (Zeiss horn. im. Oc. 6) 8 pecten (Zeiss Ob. B Oc. 6) 9 single thorns in pecten (Leitz 6 Oc. 6). The Freshwater Biological Laboratory. Hillered. 10/9 1920. I. Culicines. Chapter I. Morphological Remarks, a. The Larva. In the following pages I have tried to elucidate some points in the anatomy of the Culicin larvae and as far as possible compared the anatomical structures with the use the larva makes of them. The chapter deals only with our Danish mos- quito fauna; it would certainly be desirable if the contents could be based upon larva material gathered in other regions of the world. In the terminology I have followed the excellent work of HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB. The Head of a mosquito larva is generally wider than it is long, rarely almost isodiametric as in Finlaya geniculata; it may be rectangular as in Tceniorynchus; it is commonly vaulted, but may be flattened (Tceniorynchus) or, as in some of the species of the genus Ochlerotatus, semiglobular. The anterior margin is formed by a narrow clypeus furnished with two stout spines, between which the labrum is attached. The greater part of the upper surface of the head carapace is occupied by the front or epistome. It bears a number of setse, the number and arrangement of which are of significance for classification (KNAB 1904 p. 175). Apart from some small tufts, the epi- stome almost always bears three pairs of tufts, the preantennal tufts, at the root of the antennae, provided with many and often long hairs; only in Finlaya there are three; the two other pairs are either arranged in an arch over the epistome or they are arranged on two lines anterior posteriorly. They are then described as lower and upper frontal tufts. These tufts are rarely multiple in the Danish species. The number of hairs is greatest in the genus Culicella (five or six) Calex, Theobaldia and Aedes. In the genus Ochlerotatus the number is commonly only from four to one. The hair formula : two strong hairs in lower frontal tuft and four in the upper, is characteristic of the group O. excrucians, cantans, lutescens, annulipes. In 0. diantceus the arrangement of hair-tufts and their number of hairs are more in accordance with that of the genus Culicella. There is always most hairs in the upper frontal tuft ; the highest number I have found, is six (C. morsitans) in Theobaldia annulata commonly four. The lower frontal tufts have generally three or two, but these hairs are stronger than those of the upper D. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og mathem. Afd. 8. Rsekke, VII, 1. 2 10 frontal tufts. In some species, 0. prodotes and caspius, the number of hairs in both tufts is restricted to one single long hair; Finlaya geniculata has two in the upper and one single hair in the lower frontal tuft. In Tceniorhynchus Richardi the upper fron- tal tuft is lacking; in T. annulata we find an additional lateral, strong, tuft in the notch between eyes and antenna. Often and especially in Tceniorhynchus we find small multiple tufts between the above-named larger ones; these tufts are not marked because they are rather inconstant. The epistome has often drawings, different among the different species, but remarkably constant in the same. I refer especi- ally to the tables of T. annulata, 0. rusticus a. o. The colour of the epistome is com- monly either grey or yellowish red. When in spring the drying ponds in our woodlands teem with the large, grey larvae of 0. communis, prodotes a. o., ready to pupate, we almost always find, scattered in the swarms, many, smaller larvae diffe- ring by their yellowish red heads from these larvae; these larvae with red heads belong to 0. cantans which will shortly, when the others have disappeared, pre- dominate in the ponds. The mosquito larvae have commonly two pairs of compound lateral eyes, ocelli, like those of other aquatic insect larvae, being absent; in the Tceniorhynchus larvae, living at the bottom of the ponds, between the roots and almost in total darkness, we find only a single pair of very small eyes. The outer form of the two pair of lateral eyes is different in the different stages of the larvae; in the same species they are often almost separated by a narrow band; the posterior pair has as a rule not been marked in the figures. The Antennae consist of a single piece; they are remarkably stiff and possess only very slight mobility; their length differs greatly, commonly they are half as long but often as long as the head; in F. geniculata they are extremely short, only one fourth of the length of the head; in some species, as C. pipiens and C. nigritulus, they are longer than the head, and in Culicella morsitans and Tceniorhynchus Richardi more than three times longer. In the short antennated species the antennae are almost straight, only slightly curved. Where the antennae are very long, they are especially, as in C. morsitans, elegantly curved, forming together two large, down- ward directed arches before the head. The antennae always taper at the apex and in the middle of the shaft or about two-thirds from the base of the shaft, often, in a constricted part of the antenna, is inserted a fan-shaped tuft of long, commonly feathered hairs. In Ochlerotatus, Theobaldia and Aedes cinereus they are inserted directly on the antenna, in Culicella on a conspicuous notch. The development of the tuft is very various; in Finlaya geniculata it consists of only one single un- feathered hair; commonly, as in most species of the gen. Ochlerotatus it has only from five to seven hairs; but in Culex pipiens, C. nigritulus, Culicella morsitans, 0. diant&us and Tceniorhynchus the number is from twenty to thirty; here too, the single hairs are very long, forming in these species two large wheels with feathered spokes. When the larva is hanging from the surface or from a plant, the tuft is always folded out; a movement of the single rays is rarely observed, but I have 11 often seen the whole wheel suddenly thrown inwards or vice versa. The part of the antenna from tuft to apex is almost always narrower .than that from tuft to base; generally it is stiff, but in Tceniorhynchus it is modified into a very long, extremely flexible flagellum, bearing a single bristle near the tuft, but ending without any hairs at the apex. - The outer part of the antenna is almost always (except F. geniculatd) of a much darker colour than the inner part. In C. morsi- tans the inner part is of an elegant ivory-white shining colour, strongly contrasting with the almost black outer part. At the apex the antenna carries a different number of shorter or longer hairs, two of which are as a rule inserted a little from the apex, the others at the apex itself; the latter further carries one or two digit- shaped soft organs, undoubtedly of sensory function. When we remember that all our Culicin larvae are almost of the same size, and only a few of them half as long as the largest, further, that the larva of F. geniculata, almost of the same size as C. morsitans, has antennae which are only about one-forth of the length of those of C. morsitans, it is evident that these organs must play a very conspicuous role in the economy of the larva. As far as I can see, they are commonly but slightly developed in those species which live in extremely small water volumina (tree-holes, water reservoirs of plants etc.); they are also small in those species which mainly find their food at the bottom of the ponds or upon plants; with regard to .the large, beautiful, many-rayed tufts, which occur in those species that find their food in the water layers, where they produce a circulation in the water by means of the fan-shaped lateral hairtufts of the labrum, I have got the impression, that these large wheels bound a little water area, in which the water currents produced by the labrum come in; the large wheels act as filters, preventing too large particles from entering the area immediately before the mouth parts. I assume this, because I have seen the wheels, when too large a particle has struck against them, turn suddenly round and jerk away the particles. It may be added that the antennae, especially in the lower part, are spinose; antennae without any spinosity we only find in F. geniculata. The Thorax, consisting of three fused body segments, is always broad and flat; the integument is membraneous, often furnished with two deep, longitudinal furrows. Along the anterior and lateral margin long hairs, single or in tufts, are in- serted. The arrangement of the hairs, single or in tufts, of the anterior margin, is of value as a means of classification. In the description of the larvae I have used this character and by means of figures given the hairs their number and position. The hair formula of C. morsitans 231124421132 is to be understood in the following way: In the median line two hairtufts, consisting of four hairs; laterally two double; they are followed by two single hairs; then follows a tuft with three hairs, and at the extreme end a tuft with two hairs; twelve hairs or hair- tufts on the frontal margin may probably be the original number, but now and then one or other of these tufts are suppressed. The number is almost always largest in the median tuft, commonly three or four; then follows almost always a series of three or four single or double hairs, 2* 12 and lastly at the anterior corner of the thorax a tuft of from two to five hairs; these frontal hairs are all long, stiff hairs, directed laterally and protruding beyond the brushes; in some species of the genus Ochlerotatus the median tuft consists of one long hair and two or three very short ones; the second tuft often consists either of one or two very short hairs, which may easily be overlooked. The lateral hairs are arranged in two large tufts, occupying the middle and hindangles. As HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB indicate, they are situated on low tubercles and prevented from bending backward by a smal chitinuous plate. Near both tufts very long stiff single hairs are often inserted. On the dorsal side of the thorax we often find a number of small tufts of hair, commonly serially arranged; most probably they very often fall off after the moult; generally they have not been indicated in the figures. The Abdomen is long, slender and cylindrical; it consists of nine segments. The integument is membraneous, except that of the ninth segment; still it is much thicker on the dorsal than on the ventral side; between the segments the integu- ment is very thin and delicate; the first segments are always shorter and broader than the following ones, the seventh is commonly the longest; on the lateral bor- ders we find tubercles which support the lateral hairs. As it is well known, the motion of the abdomen is extremely high; the motion of the body is always side- wise, never dorso-ventral ; when the animal is to rise from the bottom, the position of the body is vertical and the body is wriggled sidewise upwards; respiratory movements of the abdomen, as it is well known in the larvae of Chironomidce, Phryganidce, a. o. have never been observed. The six first segments bear long setae on lateral tubercles; the number is greatest on the two* first, on the others com- monly only one or two; on the dorsal side we find the so-called subdorsal hairs, shorter hairs arranged in two series, and most strongly developed from the third to the sixth segment. They are often wanting; mostly their number is two; in our Danish species they are generally rather inconspicuous and are well developed only in one single species, the one of the tree-holes F. geniculata ; further, fairly well in the Danish species of genus Culex especially C. nigritulus. In F. geniculata every segment, from the first to the seventh, bears three pairs of setae, an anterior, a median and a posterior one; the median pair is best developed and consists of four hairs in stellate arrangement. Owing to these groups of hairs the whole larva has a very hairy appearance. According to drawings and descriptions of tropical larvae it seems that luxuri- ous development of subdorsal hairs and hairs upon the thorax, mostly in stellate arrangement, is a very common trait in larvae living in tree-holes and in water reservoirs in Bromeliaceae and other plants. - - At the base of the lateral hairs, groups of shorter hairs are often to be found. The development of hairs upon seg- ment seven is not so luxurious as on the preceding segments. The eighth segment is short and bears dorsally the sipho or respiratory tube; it bears three hair-tufts, one dorsally, one ventrally and one posteriorly in the cleft between the sipho and the anal segment; long stiff single hairs in varying 13 numbers are implanted between these tufts; the posterior tuft is best developed and always feathered, but all in all the place and the development of these hair-tufts are so constant that they cannot be used as characters for classification. A peculiar structure is the lateral groups of spines or scales; these scales are either arranged in a single line, as is the case with Finlaya geniculata and Tceniorhynchus, often, but not always, with A. cinereus, or in irregular arched series, covering a triangular spot on the sides of the eighth segment; the largest number of scales is always in the anterior rows. The number of scales is very different in the species, but fairly constant in the same. It is only about from ten to twelwe in F. geniculata, Tazniorhynchus Richardi; com- monly from twenty to forty in most of the Danish species of the genus Ochlerotatus, but about one hundred in C. morsitans; it seems as if the number is greatest in those species which have the longest siphones and the best development of the flabellae. The base of» the scales is always spatulated ; they are often provided with one strong spine, two shorter laterally, and many shorter ones bordering the sides of the spatulated part; they may also as in some of the species of Ochlerotatus be broad plates, ending in from five to seven thorn-like prolongations of equal length. They are often laterally covered with a delicate, hyaline membrane, radiated along the borders. Their number, position and form are of great value as characters for classification; in the systematical descriptions they are determined as the comb. The significance of the comb for the animal is in my opinion quite enigmatical. The median spines of the scales may be rather long and very acute; still it is rather difficult to understand, how they can be a weapon for the larvae; where there are many scales, the comb impresses me as a carding apparatus, but I am unable to see, how the animal should use such an organ. Dorsally the eighth segment carries one of the most interesting organs of the Culicin larvae, the sipho; this is always strongly chitinized, of a dark brown or yellow colour; nearest to the base it has almost always a strong chitinized black ring. If we compare Tab. XIX of C. morsitans with Tab. II of C. caspius we shall see the great difference with regard to the dimensions even in a fauna so small as the Danish one. It is commonly about three times longer than broad but may, as is the case of C. morsitans, C. pipiens and C. nigritulus, be from five to seven times longer than broad; it is extremely short, almost inflated, in 0. caspius. At the apex we find an opening through which the larva takes air into its tracheae. The sipho is closed by a set of five flaps ; when the larva comes up to the surface, the flaps pierce the surface of the water; then they are folded out and pressed against it; by means of the surface film the larvae hang down from the surface and draw the air into the tracheae. When I have had different species isolated in vessels and have exam- ined the surface, from which the larvae were hanging, with the binoculary aquarium microscope I got the impression that the stars which the five flaps formed upon the surface had quite a different aspect in the different species. The form of the flaps and their bristles differ from species to species; but this can only be thoroughly studied when the larvae are killed with the flaps open, the sipho cut 14 off and arranged vertically on the slide, so that it is possible to look directly down- wards at the apex of the sipho. This is a very difficult process. The sipho carries hairs and thorns in different arrangement. On the basal third of the sipho are inserted two ventro-lateral series of spines, commonly determined as pecten. This organ is of great value for classification. It commonly consists of from twenty to thirty strongly chitinized spines, arranged on a line and at almost the same distance from each other; at the base they are dentated, carrying from one to six teeth; they may be flattened as is the case with F. geniculata, C. morsitans, C. pipiens and nigritulus, formed here as oblique feathered scales of brighter, almost yellowish chitin. In Theobaldia annulata we find no thorns, but only a series of long soft hairs, without any teeth at the base. In some species the last thorns, those nearest to the apex of the sipho, are at a larger distance from each other than the following; they are not dentated and often inserted out of line (Aedes cinereus, 0. diantceus, 0. lutescens, excrucians, diversus, prodotes). The position of these spines varies from species to species. In Tceniorhyncus the pecten is wanting (see remarks later on). Also the function of this organ is quite enigmatical. It differs from species to species; that it should have no significance whatever I regard as highly improbable. It has so great a similarity to a comb that it must be regarded as fairly probable that it may be used as an organ, by means of which the different hair-tufts may be cleaned. The hair-tufts of the sipho present some of the best structures for purposes of classification we have hitherto been able to find in the Culicin larvae. According to the drawings published by HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB the tufts may be arranged very differently from what I have seen in the relatively poor Danish fauna; for a more thorough study I refer the reader to the above-named tables. In the Danish larvae the most constant tuft is the apical one, very near the apical end of the pecten. It consists of from five to seven feathered bristles. It may, as in 0. annulipes, lutescens and excrusians, be highly developed or, as in Aedes, be rather inconspicuous ; it may be wholly absent, but we then find another, equally well developed, brush at the basal end of the pecten (Theobaldia annulata, C. morsitans). In Culex pipiens and C. nigri- tulus we find four or five tufts with two hairs generally arranged serially and ventrally, but with one or two of the tufts out of line. Only in 0. rusticus four tufts of double hairs are inserted on the dorsal side of the air tube, opposite to the pecten. Dorsally near the apex is further inserted a short thorn; two of the flaps carry two short curved spines which are often used when the larvae rest on the bottom with the dorsal face downwards, or when they are hanging from or supported by waterplants. With regard to the modifications of the eighth segment of Tceniorhynchus I refer to my paper (W.-L. 1918 p. 277). The ninth segment or Anal Segment is out of plane and inserted upon the eighth segment. It is short, often almost isodiametrical, in F. geniculata shorter than broad, in Tceniorhynchus twice as long as broad. It is covered with a chiti- nous plate, short in the larva of the first stage, but in the fullgrown larva often rounding the whole segment, but mostly only covering about two-thirds of it. At 15 the apex it bears the anus, surrounded by four anal or tracheal gills, four appen- dages varying in size individually. In ponds situated only a few rneters from each other I have found in one of the ponds larvae of 0. communis with the gills only half as long as the anal segment; in another larvae with gills more than three times as long; they seem to be most strongly developed in water which is extremely dark and peaty. In some species, f. i. F. geniculata and C. pipiens, two of them are much smaller than the two others. In F. geniculata they are remarkably broad, in 0. caspius and 0. detritus extremely short. Some authors regard these organs as having no respira- tory value, as being only of locomotorical significance, but most suppose that their main function is really respiratory. (BABAK 1912 p. 81; LIMA 1914 p. 18). KOCH (1918 p. 105) supposes that the chief function of the branchial leaflets is probably the absorption of oxygen, while the elimination of carbonic acid from the blood takes place through the body walls. LIMA maintains that larvae whose branchial leaflets show numerous tracheal ramifications, remain normally longer under water than those with only small ones, and that the former can live longer than the latter when they have no access to atmospherical air. The anal segment further bears the most important organ of locomotion, the large swimming brushes; these are divided into two parts, the dorsal and the ven- tral brush; the dorsal is always the smallest in the Danish larvae; it is inserted on two chitinous pieces; generally it consists of a coarse multiple tuft with rather long hairs; below this tuft are inserted two, often very long, stiff hairs to which, as in T. annulata, a few shorter ones may be added; in F. geniculata, C. pipiens and C. nigritulus it is replaced by a few long, stiff hairs. The ventral brush is more highly developed and inserted upon a system of chitin staffs, well described by HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB. "The tufts of the ventral brush hinge upon slender, transverse strips of chitin and towards the middle, where the tufts are inserted, these strips are thickened and perforated. Outwardly these transverse strips are jointed to a pair of longitudinal strips. The tufts are not inserted exactly upon the median line, but alternately a little to one side or the other thus showing the bilateral origin of the structure" (1912 p. 89). The number of the tufts varies from one species to another; it is only about ten in F. geniculata, C. pipiens and nigritulus but more than twenty in T. annulata. Each tuft consists of an undivided arched basal part, bearing on its apex the hairs ; this number is fairly constant for the different species ; it is only two in F. geniculata, but about twenty in T. annulata; from seven to nine hairs would probably be the most common number. Before the real ventral swimming brush a number of much shorter tufts are often inserted; these are not supported by transversal chitin bands ; among the Danish species these tufts are only wanting in Finlaya geniculata and C. pipiens; they are but slightly developed in T&niorhyn- chus. Laterally between the dorsal and ventral brush on the above-named shield a short tuft consisting only of one or a few hairs is inserted; among the Danish species it is best developed in F. geniculata. Mouth-parts: The labrum is divided into three parts: an unpaired median 16 lobe, the palatum, and two large lateral lobes, flabellse; the whole preantennal region of the head and the relations between the labial folds and the black-pigmented apodemes which enter the flabellse and to which the muscles are fastened are well described by THOMPSON (1905 p. 145). Here we shall restrict ourselves to some remarks with regard to the different development of the hair-coating in the diffe- rent species. As far as I can see, we find two quite different types of hair-structures on the labrum. In 'one group the hairs of the flabellse are all of almost the same kind; long, soft, yellow hairs. Only the length of these hairs is very different in the different parts of the flabellse. Sidewards and nearest to the outer margin of the flabellse they are very long; inwardly and nearest to the palatum they are shorter and have another direction; those of the outer -margin are held vertically on the longitudinal axis of the head, those of the inner margin are parallel with it. The large brushes are therefore divided into two parts, a horizontal and a vertical brush, which are separated from each other by a curve; this is most conspicuous in C. morsitans, C. pipiens and nigritulus, Tceniorhynchus Richardi, but it is also to be observed in O. diantceus and Aedes cinereus. When these species, especially C. morsitans, are observed with the binoculary aquarium microscope, we see the large horizontal rami of the flabellse regularly thrust out and in, being expanded and folded together; in the part held horizontally the hairs are pressed together and act against the water as a compact mass; in the part held vertically (the inner part) the hairs are spread out from each other during the stroke outwards, but undulating motions from without inwards may be observed during the strokes. By means of these undulating motions particles caught by the outer rami are carried downwards to the mandibles and then seized by them. We find this type of hair development on the labrum in all those species which, when undisturbed, always hang down from the surface and seek their food in the water layers. This food only consists of all the small particles floating in the water which, by means of the large lateral hairtufts, are carried with the water-currents down to the mouth. In all other Danish mosquito larvse we find quite another type of hairs and hairbrushes; the hairs are almost all equally long, there are no large, horizontally extended flabellse; seen from above the whole apparatus conveys the impression of a compact brush with most hairs arranged in a circular row, inserted nearest to the edges of the brush. Further there is the great difference that the hairs nearest to the palatum have quite another form; they are elegantly curved, flattened, and bear upon their inner side from ten to twenty short teeth; the hairs are changed into combs, and the whole apparatus is a combing apparatus, mainly used in a way quite different to the corresponding one by the above-named species. Most of these larvse hang down from the surface, producing water currents by the expand- ing and unfolding of the hairbrushes. Still they are also able to get their food in quite another way. Living in ponds, often with extremely small volumina of water, they go down to the bottom, where they brush and comb off the sedimented par- 17 tides from the decaying leaves, using this material as food. It is a very common phenomenon to see these larvae sink down to the bottom and, in an oblique posi- tion, with the hair-brushes expanded and pressed down to the substratum, steadily move over the leaves or along the sides of the aquaria. It is a remarkable fact that these two types of hair-brushes and the very different mode of getting food in the mosquito larvae have hitherto been quite overlooked. It is the last-named form of the flabellae which we mainly find in Ochlerotatus. The hairs of the labrum as well as the short hairs on the palatum have prob- ably also quite another function ; they pay the double debt as organs of nutriment and of locomotion. Undisturbed most Culex larvae hang down from the surface with the apex of the sipho supported by the surface film, and with the flabellae whirling water currents into the mouth-parts. Apart from the flabellse the body is motionless. Sud- denly we see the larvae, with the apex of the sipho in the surface, move slowly forward. In quite the same way we see the larvae which seek their food, either on the sides of the aquaria or at the bottom, suddenly stand still, and suddenly, but slowly, move forward, the flabellae being pressed down against the substratum. Many of the species are also able to move slowly forward in a peculiarly sliding manner in a horizontal direction in the free watermasses, stand still for a moment and then move onward again. Otherwise the free watermasses are commonly not the home of the mosquito larvae; they are only traversed when the larvae is to go from the bottom to the surface or vice versa. The way is traversed either actively by means of wriggling of the abdomen and of the swimming brushes or passively (see later) ; the active motion is mainly in a vertical direction with the head turned away and the tail in the direction of the locomotion; it is generally very rapid. Now I have often thought that the above-named sliding motions were produced by the brushes of the last abdominal segment, but studying the organ in living larvae under the binoculary aquarium microscope I have convinced myself that this locomotion is not produced by these organs. At all events the tail and its hairs are held quite motionless. There is therefore no other possibility but that the move- ments are due to the flabellae. To me there is only this great difficulty that it is quite impossible to see why the organs, though almost always in constant motion, in some moments produce a motion of the whole body and in others, though still moved, produce not even the slightest movement of the body. I have tried with my best microscopes to study this in living animals, but I have been quite unable to see what the larva prepares to do, when it suddenly applies the organ to be used in the service of locomotion. I only feel convinced that it is not the hair- fringes on the mouth-parts which are used; it is the hairs of the flabellae, which are suddenly either moved faster, or struck out in another direction. In the first year while I was always studying C. morsitans, which commonly in the autumn hangs down from the surface, I thought for a long time that the larva was in some way glued to the surface by the apex of the sipho and, without altering the use of the flabellae, only moved when the agglutination ceased. Later on, when studying D. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og raathem. Afd. 8. Rsekke, VII, 1. 3 18 the other larvae, I saw that this supposition was probably wrong. - - Most probably the flabellae have yet a third function; they certainly play a prominent role as organs which contribute to the renovation of water in in the neighbourhood of the larva. The structure of the mandibles is rather complicated; they are well described by some earlier authors, especially HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB, but the use made of them is not clearly understood. They are almost hidden by the large, very broad maxillae. The dorsal (inner) margin of the mandibles bears a system of thorns, setae, and strong chitinised teeth, the arrangement of which is common to all mosquito larvae. - - Nearest to the outer angle some strong movable spines are inserted; the number (from two to four) of these spines varies from species to species; the inner margin is further equipped with a series of tubercles carrying thorns in very different states of development in the different species; these thorns are badly developed or almost absent in those species which find their food in the water layers, but strongly developed in those which mainly brush off the food from a substratum. In T. annulata the spines are comb-like with very long, curved teeth. On the inner side of the mandibles, parallel with the inner margin, an elegant fringe of long, soft hairs is inserted; they take their rise from a crescentic chitinous ridge; every hair in this fringe is kneed, and all always at the same distance from the crescentic ridge; therefore the whole fringe is kneed; also in the development of this fringe there is great difference in the different species; it is always largest in those species which only live upon suspended material; it may further be added, that the hairs in the fringe are much stronger, almost thorn-like, in those which live upon sedimented bottom material. The apices of the mandibles facing each other bear a number of dark, strongly chitinised teeth, and in front of them commonly a long, movable often dentated tooth; this part of the mandible varies from species to species; it is always chitinised, most strongly in the species living upon sedimented bottom material. Below the teeth we find a peculiarly shaped single or double fork-like lobe, with two constant hair-brushes Between this lobe and the dark chitin teeth a series of hairs is inserted; these hairs are thorn-like in the bottom feeders. The three above-named parts: the strong spines on the outer angle, the fringe, and the chitin teeth below, play quite a different role in the act of feeding. Under the bino- culary aquarium microscope it is easy to see, that the mandibles, whenever the flabellae are folded together, with the above-named two or four spines on the outer angle are struck into the hair-brushes; when refolded, the hairs pass between the spines, acting as teeth between which the hairs are combed free from adherent particles. At the moment when the fiabellae are struck inwards, and the whole organ folded together, the mandibles meet each other in the middle line, and the above-named thorns form the combing apparatus; when removed the mandibles are thrown outwards. The function of the fringe is most probably partly to bound the space in which the particles are swept down, partly to brush them downwards into the masticatory part of the mandible, the short sharp chitinous teeth between which the particles are to be masticated. The teeth, the rectangular lobe, and the feather- like bristles together with those from the opposite mandibl.e encircle a space and cause every particle swept down into the lower part of the buccal cavity by the combing teeth and the fringe to be caught within this space from which it is not able to escape. The maxillae are large flattened plates; they are not of such a complicated structure as the mandibles, but as to form and equipment with hairs they differ in the different species more than the mandibles. They are often roughly conical, longer than broad, but may also, as in T. annulata, be broader than long. They are furnished with a longitudinal suture, and carry outwardly a small basal appendage, generally indicated as palpe. In all these species, which find their food in the water layers, living on. suspended material, the apex of the maxillae carries a long thick tuft of hairs; these hairs may be feathered as in C. pipiens and nigritulus; the same tuft may also be long in most of the species which partly seek their food on the bottom; still the tuft here is never so well developed, consisting as it does of shorter hairs ; it may as in T. annulata be wholly absent. On the inner edge of the maxillae is commonly inserted a series of long stiff hairs, and the whole space between the above-named suture and the inner margin is covered with a coating of long, soft hairs, now and then arranged in bands (C. pipiens and nigritulus). In F. geniculata the whole upper and inner part of the maxillae are covered with a fel- ted coating of very short hairs; outside the terminal brush is inserted a thorn-like hair, very conspicuous in Tceniorhynchus. The palpe bears on its top four or five, little digit-like prolongations undoubtedly of sensory function. The maxillae cover the mouth from beneath; they are but slightly movable; when the catch- or brush apparatus of the labrum is not used, it is folded in, and the large maxillae form the floor of the space, in which the labrum and the other mouth-parts are concealed. When the brushes are to be unfolded, the maxillae are unclapped, then the brushes appear, and a moment later these begin to act. During the movement of the fla- bellae the maxillae are quite immovable; together with the long apical hair-brushes they border the space, in to which the particles are swept. It may further be ob- served that the two maxillae never reach each other, but leave an open space be- tween them; this is mostly covered by the above-named hairs along the inner margin ; but lowest and nearest to the attachment of the maxillae a triangular space is left hair-free. If now we direct our attention to this point on a feeding larva, we shall be able to see that an irregular row of small pellets passes through this little cleft. The pellets do not come at regular intervals, but irregularly, now and then in long chains. These pellets represent all the material swept down into the buccal cavity, which the larvae are unable to use. We therefore see that these larvae too are able to select out of the captured material what they wish to use; as, by means of the binoculary aquarium microscope, we are able to observe those pellets which pass the oesophagus and the swallowing movements during the feed- ing process, I have also noticed that there are periods in which all material, caught 20 by the flabellse, passes the above-named triangular space. At other times almost all material is swallowed. Behind the sharp transverse ridge to which the maxillae are attached we find the mental and labial structures. Mesially are found four chitinous structures, ac- counted for by RASCHKE (1887 p. 10) and MEINERT (1886 Tab. I. fig. 5) and men- tioned in all works on mosquito larvae: 1. a delicate, roughly triangular plate with a marginal hair-fringe and protruded into along tooth at the middle. 2. behind this the mental sclerite, a heavily chitinised, dark, roughly triangular dentate plate. 3. behind this a complicated plate with teeth and spine-like structures, commonly regarded as labium and. 4. at the margin of the pharynx the hypopharynx, a simple chitinous cone (Howard, Dyar and Knab I. p. 87). Of these organs No. 2, the mental sclerite or mentum, is very conspicuous; it is commonly triangular, on its apex provided with a rather conspicuous thorn and with the sides bordered by a number of shorter spines ; the form of the mentum and the number of lateral spines have some significance as a means of classification; and are therefore often mentioned in systematical descriptions. The Danish species of the Genus Culex may always be distinguished by means of its high form of the men- tum with rectangular sides; T. annulata by its many small lateral teeth, and Tceniorhynchus by its very few large ones; in the genus Ochlerotatus it is triangular with about from ten to fifteen small teeth; as far as I can see, it cannot be used to distinguish the species of this genus from each other. Beneath the mentum is found the very peculiar organ (3) which has been figured by MEINERT (1886 PI. I. fig. 5) and better by RASCHKE (1887 fig. 13. Tab. VI) but never thoroughly described; it consists of a tube, probably provided with a central pore. It is surrounded by a collar- like part, consisting of plates of chitin which overlap each other and are furnished with teeth along the edges. The organ rests upon a dome-like body, supported by two lists of chitin, and inwardly provided with a thorn-like process. Thorns of chitin are also present on the dome-like part. Meinert's drawing exhibits a circle of hairs rising from the apex of the tube; when cut horizontally, the organ shows a cushion-like layer of cells with large nuclei beneath the dome-like part. Two divergent muscles run to the organ, serving to push it forward and to retract it. Its appearance differs but little within the different Culicin larvae. How these four above-named different parts act, I do not know; I have never during the feeding process seen the mentum carry out any movement; the tube with the collar-like expansion lies directly at the entrance to the pharynx; I sup- pose it has a secretory function. The above-named pellets which leave the tri- angular space between the maxillae during the movements of the flabellae, are wrapped up in a mucous substance, and I suppose that it comes from the above-named pore. Further I call attention to some peculiar movements of the larva, easily to be observed and often figured in old as well as in new literature. When the larvae are hanging down from the surface, we often see them release their hold; the body is bent, and the apex of the sipho is put into the mouth. In this position 21 the larva sinks to the bottom, rests here for a moment and swims upwards to the surface again. I have often been surprised at the facility, with which the apex of the sipho, when it touches the surface-film, pierces it, and the rapidity with which the flaps are folded out. I suppose that the apex of the sipho is oiled and that the oil comes from the pore of the above-named tube. I have vainly tried to see if there is any real connection between tube and sipho and do not think that this is pos- sible to observe, but I have often seen that the sipho is pierced into the buccal cavity, and that the flabellae are folded round it. As far as I can understand, we have here to do with two processes: a cleaning and an oiling one, either one of them or most probably both: first a cleaning and then an oiling process. With regard to the tracheal system, thoroughly described by Meinert (1886 p. 391) and by RASCHKE (1887 p. 16), I shall restrict myself to the following short remarks. The thickness of the tracheae and the form of the transversal cuts differ widely in the different species; in some species they are circular, in others elliptical, the tracheae being then converted into broad flattened bands; this more especi- ally holds good for F. geniculata. In the thorax, in particular, the tracheal system presents great variations from species to species. The tracheal system of the mosquito larva has a double function, respiratory and hydrostatical; the last-named in almost all mosquito larvae is but slight. In recent years the respiration of the mosquito larvae has been subjected to many valuable explorations (BABAK 1912; KOCH 1919; KROGH 1920). Referring to this literature, dealing with problems which only touch the ex- ploration which is here published, I shall only deal with a few points. BABAK (1912 p. 84) as well as many others remark that during the ventilation of the tracheal system respiratory movements are wholly wanting. The most recent observations, (KROGH 1920 p. 95) confirm this. Some authors (BABAK 1912 p. 85) suppose that the re- novation of the air in the large tracheal trunks takes place owing to the strong move- ments of the abdomen, by means of the pulsation of the heart and owing to the movements of the intestine. KROGH (1920 p. 96) has however pointed out that all these movements do not suffice for the necessary ventilation and that we must try to find other ways if we are to understand the ventilation here and in all those insects where respiratory movements are not visible. Basing on his excellent studies on some large insect larva? he has pointed out that diffusion alone is sufficient to pro- duce the air transport in the tracheal trunks. Babak (1912 p. 90) has shown that the two main tracheal trunks, when the larvae are forced away from the surface, are flattened and emptied of air. With regard to the summer larvae I have made quite the same observation. It is however in con- tradiction to an observation of KOCH (1919 p. 467) according to which, instead of gradually emptying during submersion, the tracheae are filled still more, and when they are quite full, small gas bubbles escape from the sipho which there- fore is not always completely closed under water. The author supposes that this air cannot be oxygen, and that it must be regarded as air that has already been 22 breathed and is now stored up in the tracheae. Further observations are here neces- sary. I only wish to make the following remark: In the winter- larvae of C. mor- sitans which for weeks hang down from the submerged leaflets of water plants without leaving their place I have never seen a flattening or emptying of the tracheae; they are always filled with air and an air-bubble is often seen at the apex of the sipho. In his interesting paper (1919 p. 463) KOCH, as one of his main results with regard to the respiration of the Culex larvae, mentions the following: »Die Culex- Larven sind Saprozoen, die vorwiegend im Schmutzwasser leben, das infolge der sich darin abspielenden Famines- und Zehrungsprosesse ausserst wenig freien Sauer- stoff gelost enthalt. Die Cufer-Larven konnen nur eine relativ kleine Menge Sauer- stoffes bei der Submersion aus dem Wasser aufnehmen und zur Energieproduktion benutzen. Hoher Partialdruck von 02 (bei niedrigem C02-Gehalt) verlangert zwar die Zeit bis zum Eintritt der Lethargic, bietet aber nicht die Moglichkeit zu einer gros- seren durchschnittlichen Energieproduktion sondern scheint im Gegenteil die Beding- ungen dazu zu verschlechtern«. Most probably these statements are quite correct with regard to the larva of C. pipiens; it must however be maintained, that most probably they are quite wrong with regard to all those mosquito larvae which live in natural ponds, often with green bottom, and cannot be correct with regard to the mosquito larvae of those species which regularly hibernate under the ice. With regard to the respiration of these larvae, I refer to C. morsitans. Like many before him KOCH has taken the biological and physiological results relating only to C. pipiens as a prototype for all mosquito-larvae; this is in my opinion inadmissible. Used hydrostatic the tracheal system in the mosquito larvae has a loco- motorical significance. The specific gravity of the mosquito larvae is almost that of the surrounding medium; gravity compensation depends upon the size of the larvae, the degree to which the intestine is filled with food, and the condition of the tracheae; every one \vrho has studied large and small mosquito larvae in a vessel, has almost always had an opportunity to see that the larvae of the first and second moult are mainly or often supercompensated; old larvae after the last moult are very often undercompensated; it may further be shown that larvae in Nature are very often supercompensated, in aquaria with a rich supply of food often or mainly undercom- pensated ; if kept for days in pure water undercompensated larvae will, as the intes- tine is emptied, be altered into supercompensated ones. With regard to the hydro- static function of the tracheal system, KOCH arrives at the following result: »Der jeweilige Fiillungsgrad der Tracheen bei Cu/ex-Larven wird einzig und allein durch die physicalisch-chemischen Vorgange bei der Atmung bestimmt; die dabei auftre- tende Gewichtsverschiebung, die wiederum eine bestimmte Anderung der passiven Geschwindigkeit der Larve nach sich zieht, ist nur eine Folge des Atmungsmecha- nismus, hat also keinen Selbstzweck. Der Fiillungsgrad der Tracheen wirkt zwar mitbestimmend auf die passive Geschwindigkeit der Cw/ex-Larven wahrend der Submersion, es muss bei den die Hydrostatik bedingenden Faktoren in Rechnung gestellt werden, aber eine automatische Regulation der passiven Sink- und Steig- 23 geschwindigkeit infolge Gasdiffusion durch die Tracheenwande wie bei Corethra fmdet bei Cu/e;r-Larven nicht statt". Generally these statements are most probably quite correct ; many of the experi- ments which KOCH has carried on, I have occasionally had an opportunity to ob- serve. It is quite right that the larvae of many mosquitoes, when they leave the bottom for the surface, rise slowly in a vertical position without any motion; the head is always downwards; that the sipho plays the role of "Schwimglocke" is most probably quite correct; many species, f. i. C. morsitans, can often be seen in quite the same manner sinking from the surface down to the bottom; but here the head is also directed downwards and not upwards as KOCH supposes; in this case the sipho has no significance as "Schwimglocke". With regard to 0. rusticus I have very often seen the larva with an air-bubble at the top of the sipho rise vertically from the bottom and without making any actual movement reach the surface. But of this species I have also seen larvae, which first passively sank downwards and then, before they reached the bottom, stood still for a moment in the water layers and then again passively rose to the surface. I have only observed this in this same larva; that the tracheal system in this case played a hydrostatical role is in my opinion un- questionable. I am inclined to suppose that the mosquito larvae, with regard to the use of their tracheal system as a hydrostatical apparatus, differ from each other. A more thor- ough exploration of the tracheal system of the different mosquito larvae and the greater or less use of it as a hydrostatic apparatus would probably give good results. It may further be pointed out that the most elaborate tracheal system is found in those larvae which live under bad respiratory conditions (tree-holes, polluted water, on the bottom with the sipho pierced into the tissues of water plants, Tceniorhynchus). In these larvae the tracheae are more band-like, especially in the thorax, the meaning of which may probably be, that tracheae of this structure are able to store up larger amounts of air than those whose transversal cuts are circular. We shall here only deal with the highly remarkable tracheal system of the Tceniorhynchus larva. Between the thorax and the first abdominal segment are situated two large bladders. At the first glance these bladders resemble those of the Corethra larva, but differ from these in being connected with the two main tracheae by two smaller, rectangularly curved tracheae. The point of insertion is situated at the line between the thorax and the abdomen. Fig. 12 and 13 Tab. XV illustrates the description. It will be seen that the front parts of the bladders are furnished with some few, short, slender tracheae, and that the two large longitudinal stems of the body are broad, band-like in the thorax and the first part of the abdomen. In fact these main tracheae are double, their double derivation being still indicated by a longitudinal fold; in the thorax each of the two trunks is further divided by another fold. The result is two broad, flat, band-like bodies, terminating in front in three tracheae, the first of which has a lateral course, whilst the second is directed forward and sends branches to the head; the third, inner, branch is smaller and communicates with that from the other side. In the abdomen each of the main tracheae sends a smal- 24 ler branch to the alimentary canal and a larger, outer one with branches in a star- like manner; one of these branches is stronger than the others and runs into the preceding segment. In the eighth segment a strong trachea branches off, running into the anal segment, sending out branches to the gills. The function of this very peculiar tracheal system is difficult to understand. I have tried to understand the mode of action of this peculiar tracheal system, it being as far as I know unique among the insects. Later on Prof. KROGH has been kind enough to read my manuscript and has discussed the problem with me. From the very broad band-like tracheal trunks it can only be concluded, that the larvae must be able to produce a very powerful respiration. This may probably be of great significance for the larva, because the air in the plant from a respira- tory point of view is a very bad medium, by no means rich in oxygen. This has been ascertained by EGE (1915 p. 183). The main result of his investigation is "that the composition of the air in the intercellular spaces of different aquatic plants is very variable. The oxygen percentage is low, rarely higher than 10 °/0 and may especi- ally in winter sink to about 1 — 2 °/o and even still less". When we remember that the larva probably fixes itself to the plant until September and probably detaches itself in May, the animal living as imago or egg during the time May — September, it will be understood that the larva is dependent on the plant air, especially at the season when the oxygen percentage is lowest. For a long time I therefore thought that the tracheal bladders might be used to pump the air from the plant into the body of the larva by pressure and dilatation. Prof. KROGH has now at my request been kind enough to go into the matter and tells me that this however cannot be the case. He pointed out that the larva, as far as he could see, made no visible respiratory motions. He varied the composition of the air in the inter- cellular spaces of the plant, but even then, if the amount of oxygen only was three per cent., no respiratory motions were traceable. If the larvae got only nitrogen, all motion ceased and the brushes stopped; if then atmospherical air was again conducted through the plant, they were soon restored. If the larvae were exposed to various different pressures, it could be shown that the tracheal system really would be somewhat compressed; but the compression of the tracheae which was the result of the pressure, possible for the larvae themselves to procure by the contraction of their body, (not more than 0'2 atmospheres), is so inconspi- cuous that it would be without any practical significance, even if the larva made respiratory motions. Furthermore it could be shown, that it was only the flat band- shaped tracheal trunks and not the bladders which were compressible. It must therefore be taken for granted that the transport of oxygen from the plant to the larva only can take place by means of diffusion. The bladders on the tracheal system are said in Tceniorhynchus to have quite another function. They augment the respiratory surface and the amount of air which is at the disposal of the larva. Further they act hydrostatically ; they diminish the weight of the animal, more especi- ally of the anterior part, which would otherwise be much heavier than the posterior. 25 Moults. As far as we know hitherto, all mosquito larvae moult four times and transform into pupa with the fourth moult; the moulting. processes, the different aspects of the larvae in the different larva stages, have been mentioned by different authors. I more especially refer to the very valuable paper by EYSELL (1911 p. 320), to the remarks in HOWARD, DYAR and KNAR (1912 p. 97), and to the most recent investigations by LANG (1920). The ripe larva ready to pupate is always easily recognisable, the body being more opaque; the compound eyes are dorsally drawn out into a sharp point, and the trumpets appear as dark spots below the larva skin and near the anterior angles of the thorax. Here I only wish to call attention to a few facts, hitherto as far as I know overlooked. It has been mentioned that two of our Culicin larvae, Culicella morsitans and Ochlerotatus rusticus, hibernate in the larva stage. These larvae are hatched in Sep- tember or late autumn, but they have commonly passed the third moult before the winter sets in. The wintering generally takes place in the last larva stage before the pupation. In the long time from November — December to May — June when C. morsitans pupates, the larvae, at all events in my aquaria, do not moult. The same remarkable fact I have observed with regard to the Perlidce, Ephemeridce and Zygopteridce, which are hatched in autumn and are ready to leave the water in spring. In the course of the autumn as the temperature sinks they hasten to reach the last larva stage before winter sets in. It seems as if all these different insects are under the same law, that hibernation can best take place in the last larva stages. It is very remarkable that the first larva stages are often passed in the course of a few days, whereas the last may take more than a half year. The larvae eat in the last moult as well as in the earlier; in the first, the result of the nutriment is growth and new moults, in the last there is no, or extremely little, growth. With regard to Perlidce and Ephemeridce the phenomenon is intelligible, because the re- productive organs ripen during the last months; in the last days before the nymphs leave the water, the abdomen bulges with ripe eggs. In the Culicin larvae this is however not the case; here the process is by no means carried so far, the repro- ductive organs in the pupa too being only small; as far as we know the imagines of the Culicidae regularly use a fortnight or more to ripen their eggs after meta- morphosis. Further it is peculiar to see how all the larvae of the same species in a pond keep time with each other with regard to the moults; they are hatched almost on the same day and moult on the same day; in the course of a few days all larvae are altered into pupae and in one or two days all animals leave the pond as imagines. When therefore in these spring-ponds with older larvae, new broods of larvae in the first stage suddenly arrive, it has been ascertained, that these young very often belong to another species, the hatching temperature of which is higher than that of the first hatched. Only when heavy showers have raised the water line, and some eggs of the first-arrived species, have thus been reached by the water, it happens that D. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og mathem. Afd. 8. Raekke, VII, 1. A 26 new material of newly hatched larvae of the very same species which now fills the pond with full grown larvae, appears. Then it is interesting to see how fast the development of these newly hatched larvae goes on; especially if the weather is fine, it happens that all larvae, the old ones and the newly hatched, all pupate almost simultaneously; the old having taken about three weeks for their development, the others, only five or six days; this is of course due to the temperatures, by which the young larvae have been hatched and lived their lives, which were much higher than those which regulated the rate of development of the older larvae. Especially the first larva stage is in spring passed in the course of a very short time, commonly only a few days. If we fill an aquarium with thousands of 0. communis larvae, in the course of a few days we shall find the bottom of the aquarium covered with thousands of small, black larva heads, provided with their egg breaking tooth and thus proclaiming themselves part of the skin of the first larva moult; of the rest of the skins we hardly ever see anything. Simultane- ously we find in the larva swarms many larvae with very large, broad, flattened and snow-white heads, which strongly contrast with the very short, dark and often almost black body of the larvae. On more thorough study it proves that the head- carapace is moulted much earlier than the rest of the skin, and that the new skin, when leaving the old one, immediately after the moulting process, is rather dark, whereas the head preserves its snow-white colour for days. Summary: If we combine the knowledge we have now gained of the structure of the Danish mosquito larvae, with our knowledge of their life, we shall in my opinion come to the following result: From a biological point of view I suppose that our mosquito larvae of the drying ponds may be divided into two groups: the surface- and the bottom dwellers. This must not be understood to mean that these two groups are quite distinct; on the contrary, they are connected with each other by a long, unbroken series of intermediate stages: What I wish to point out by means of the above-named statement is, that in these ponds there exist species which almost always hang down from the surface, and others which generally rest upon the bottom and only rarely come to the surface. Both groups use the atmospherical air for respiratory purposes, but to the latter group the respiration through the skin is of much greater significance than to the former; further the nutriment of the first-named group takes place when the larva is suspended from the surface, that of the last-named mainly from the bottom; the first-named group are plancton- and suspended detritus feeders; the last- named scrapes microscopical organisms and deposited detritus from the decay- ing leaves, or twigs, or seeks its nourishment in the diatom-coverings etc. upon living plants. It is of course self-evident that animals which live their life in these two entirely different wrays, cannot be constructed in the same way. Larvae which always hang down from the surface, taking in atmospherical air, need not resort to respiration through the skin. If we combine my own 27 observations with regard to the biology and anatomy of our own little mosquito fauna with the remarks with regard to biology and the drawings in the large work of HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB, we shall come to the general result that we find the slightest development of the tracheal gills in the surface feeders, and the strongest development of these organs in the bottom feeders. Only where we have to do with larvae which are really surface feeders, but hibernate below the ice and therefore for a great part of their life are shut out from the surface, do we find highly developed tracheal gills. Larvae from brackish water Ochlerotatus caspius, 0. detritus seem regularly to have very short, button-shaped tracheal gills. As plancton-eaters the surface-dwellers must possess large, fanshaped organs, by means of which water currents, which carry the organisms and detritus into the mouth, are produced; this extremely fine material must further be caught by organs which are so constructed that the same water currents do not release it again. On the other hand the material is triturated to such a degree that a further subdivision is almost unnecessary; we therefore find that in the surface dwellers (Culiceta morsitans, Culex pipiens, nigritulus) the flabellae of the labrum, the fringe of the mandibulae, and the apical hair-tufts of the maxillae are all highly developed, whereas the triturating part of the mandibles is always feebly developed. On the other hand, in the bottom feeders, the material destined for nutriment is not suspended in the water layers, but of a much coarser solid condition, and must be scraped off from solid bodies and not, like suspended material, be whirled into the mouth; in accordance with that we find feebly developed flabellae, with many of the hairs transformed into comb-bristles which we only rarely find developed in the surface dwellers; the fringes of the mandibulae are more slightly developed, and the hair-tufts on the maxillae may be wrholly absent (T. annulata). On the other hand the inner edges of the mandibles are provided with strong thorns which may be dentated, and the triturating part of the mandibles is very strong. With regard to the main organ of locomotion, the great swimming brushes, it would seem upon more superficial consideration, that this organ has not been influenced by the different mode of life in the two groups ; still it must be pointed out that some of those larvae which are very sluggish and live in extremely small water masses, such as F. geniculata or the great group Sabethini, have either very few hairs in the tufts of the swimming fan (F. geniculata only two) or totally lack the ventral fan (Sabethini). In many of the bottom feeders, f. i. T. annulata, we find a highly developed fan with a large number of hairs in the tuft (about fifteen). Finally it may be pointed out that in the Danish fauna we always find the larvae with the longest siphones among the surface dwellers, and those with the shortest among the bottom dwellers; further that pecten and comb in the surface dwellers differ very much from those of the bottom dwellers; as we are however quite un- able to understand these structures, we cannot further comment on, though we are forced to pay attention to, these facts. On the other hand it must be taken for granted that there is a connection 4* 28 between life conditions and larvae structures on yet another point. In the bottom dwellers we find a remarkable development of special hairs on the apical part of the sipho which are either missing or only but slightly developed in the surface dwellers. These hairs play a certain role in the life of the bottom dwellers, providing them with points of support when they rest on the bottom with the dorsum down- wards, or hang down from water plants. b. The pupa. It is a well-known fact that the pupa stage of the insects is mainly a resting- stage. In total repose, without any supply of food and often in darkness, the great alterations in external and internal anatomical structures are now to be accom- plished. The power of locomotion in the pupa stage is therefore commonly very greatly restricted. Many pupae are known to be quite unable to change their place. Some of them, more especially those wrhich live in water, are able to make respiratory movements, oscillations with the abdomen (pupae of Chironomidce a. o.). The real power of changing locality is, if present, commonly restricted to the last days of the pupa life. At this time these pupae push themselves out of their holes and corridors to be as near as possible to the air and the sun when the last ec- dysis takes place. In the Culicidce we apparently find the most movable pupae stages known in the whole animal kingdom. Strong power of locomotion demands a supply of food ; it might therefore be expected that the mosquito pupae would be able to take food; this is however not the case. The appendages of the head and thorax of the future fly is wholly enclosed in a common chitinous covering. This apparent physio- logical contradiction is in accordance with two facts which probably have not hitherto been sufficiently estimated. Firstly the pupa stage is extremely short; in the tropics there are species e. g. Psorophora which, according to HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB, pass the pupa stage in a shorter time than one day, and even in our lati- tudes it does not regularly last more than a few days. In periods of very cold and rainy weather the pupa stage can be prolonged beyond a week or more, but this is against the rule. Only once have I in my laboratory seen the pupa stage pro- longed beyond three weeks; these pupae belonged to the last broods of C. pipiens, taken as larva? into the laboratory on October the fifth; pupae arriving on October the tenth, lived even on the fifth of November; a few reached the imago stage, but the others died. The temperature of the room was not more than 10° C. and for a week always less than 5° C. Leaving a more thorough description of the mode of locomotion for a later paragraph, we will here restrict ourselves to the following remarks. It may gener- ally be maintained that we have highly overrated the power of locomotion. HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB (1912 p. 98) write as follows: "The pupa is active and capable of moving rapidly through the water" further: "The pupa is very easily alarmed and at the appearance of a shadow or at a slight disturbance of the water, 29 it immediately darts towards the bottom". The statements are in accordance with the common opinion and contain also what can be termed half of the truth, but the thesis gives no expression to the other half. It must be remembered that the mosquitoes pass from larvae to pupae imme- diately below the surface, live their whole life as pupse in the same locality, and even pass the last ecdysis from pupae to imagines in the very same place. As far as I know this is not the case with any other insects but the mosquitoes. If we keep mosquito pupae in aquaria, it can be shown that voluntarily they never leave the point of support which they have once acquired, that is to say: if the acquarium is never moved and if it always stands in the shade. I have in my aquaria reared imagines from pupae which most probably have never made a single somersault movement. I suppose that even in Nature it may happen that many pupae moult without having made more than very few movements. If we observe a pond where almost the whole swarm rests as pupae in the surface, we see, in fact, that the single individual moves very little and that there are long pauses wrhen we see no movement at all. Only two alterations in the surrounding medium: different light reflexes and disturbing agencies of the water layers, are able to make the pupae release their hold and alter their place below the surface. The light reflexes are especially brought about by sunbeams which suddenly strike the surface of the pond from a cloudy sky. As highly phototactic the pupae often arrange themselves after a line, corresponding with the edges of the sunbeams in relation to the shadow. The pupae are directed by their highly developed com- pound eyes which do undoubtedly function, a remarkable feature by which the mosquito pupae diverge from most insect pupae. The disturbing agencies are mainly heavy raindrops, the circles of which pro- duce a curious influence upon the swarm, and enemies of the pupae; of these they have mainly three kinds. The Hydrometridce pounce upon the pupse from above and insert their rostrum in the cephalothorax. It is very remarkable to observe how numerously the Hydrometridce appear upon ponds where most of the swarms have been altered into pupae; how suddenly they appear, and how suddenly they dis- appear again as soon as the pupae have been hatched. From below the pupae are preyed upon by Notonectidce and the larvae of various Dytiscidce, more especially by those belonging to the genus Rhantus which are always found in great numbers in mos- quito ponds; it seems as if their whole existence is dependent on mosquito larvae and pupae, their whole development coinciding with the development of the mos- quito larvae; this coincidence is adjusted to such a degree that the Dytiscid larvae and mosquito larvae follow each other with regard to the single ecdysis; it is a very curious picture to see the Dytiscid larvae, black with white venters, on a morning when the total number of mosquitoes in an almost dry pond have suddenly left the water, cross the water-masses like sharks in search of that prey which they were deprived of almost at once, and which even on the foregoing day was 30 found in enormous masses. Then the larvae have only one thing to do: to dig their holes near the borders of the pond and pupate. It is further of interest to see how the larvae of a pond which belong to the same species almost all follow each other with regard to the rate of development. In periods of cold rainy weather the larvae can be forced towards their last ecdysis and then stop in their further development, awaiting the days when the tempera- ture is higher, when it is bright sunshine and calm weather. When such days come, suddenly the whole bulk of larvae are transformed into pupae in the course Textfig. 1. My mosquito cultures. Textfig. 2. My mosquito cages. of only a very few hours. When at nine o'clock in the morning I have passed one of my experimental ponds, I have often found several larvae; when at twelve o'clock I passed the pond again, the majority of the larvae had been transformed into pupae. More than once when I have taken material from such a pond, in which there still remained plenty of unaltered larvae, it proved that these larvae belonged to another species whose temperature of transformation lay at a higher point than that of those first transformed. This has more especially been the case with the larvae of the two species 0. communis and 0. cantans, the latter species being always about one or two weeks later than the former. Now when we remember that the whole period of life which the mosquitoes pass in the pupa stage is normally restricted to a few days, and in the tropics often to 31 some hours, and if we remember that the power of locomotion is only used when reflexes of quite a definite kind are released according to definite variations in the surrounding medium, it will be understood that the postulate, that the above-named paragraph in HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB only contains half of the truth, is really correct. The pupae are able to move, but commonly they do not for the whole period of their life actively use this power. They are much more stationary than one would think; as stated above, this more especially holds good for the last day before ecdysis, the pupae being then almost glued to the surface. If we will try to understand the peculiar pupa stage of the mosquitoes, we must compare it with similar stages in the water insects ; it will then be clear, that the pupa is constructed in accordance with the purposes which at all events we are not accustomed to put in the first line, when we discuss the peculiar shape and mode of life of these pupae. If we survey all those aquatic insects which are going to perform the last ec- dysis in the water before leaving this element for ever, we shall see that, just at the time when the last ecdysis is to take place, there appear organs of quite a new type; further we find old organs which are now modified in such a way that it is clearly understood that they have only significance at the moment when the insects leave the water; nay, in several groups of insects we find even more than that, either peculiar biological phenomena or quite new developmental stages intercalated between the old well-known stages. In all those aquatic insects which leave the water as larvae, climbing on shores, we find none of these peculiar structures and phenomena. We may only note that some of the Perlidce crawl out of the water, throw their whole anterior part of the alimentary canal out of the mouth, fasten it to stones to which it is glued, now using this organ in this quite uncustomary manner as a cable by means of which they crawl out of the nympha skin. Other Perlidce use their larval gills as glutin- ating organs, by means of which these insects are fastened at the same moment for the same purpose to the slippery stones. A second group of aquatic insects live as nymphs or as pupae in the water and complete their last ecdysis upon the surface of the water; to these belong the Ephemeridce, the Trichoptera and some Diptera (Chironomidce). As a transition stage between the aquatic and aerial life we find in the Ephemeridce intercalated the highly peculiar subimago stage. In this stage, which only lasts for some hours or, rarely, for a few days, the legs and nervatures of the wings are often covered by a coating of minute thorns which hinder the wings from getting wet; a remarkable oily appea- rance, f. i. on the wings of Ephemera danica, has the same purpose. These struc- tures are undoubtedly inconvenient when the wings are used as flying organs during the mating processes and egg-laying phenomena. Lying in my boat on calm summer evenings, I have seen the large Ephemera danica nymphs rise to the surface from a depth of from four to five meters ; with undulating movements of the abdomen they lie for a few seconds below the surface-film fastened to it by the out- 32 spread tracheal gills and peculiar thorns upon the dorsal side of the abdomen. Then the skin bursts and in the course of a second the subimago stands upon the surface, whereupon it takes wing and reaches the coast. A few hours later the subimago undergoes a new ecdysis, and the aerial wings appear, hyaline and without thorns. I am inclined to suppose that even many naturalists are unacquainted with the fact that the Trichoptera pupae, after a resting stage in the closed and fastened larva cages on the bottom of the water, are free-swimming organisms for a short time of their life; as such, without using air in any way, they actively ascend to the surface; the swimming apparatus is the second pair of legs, furnished with a brush of long swimming hairs; at the very moment the surface is reached, the tracheal gills, the lateral line of long hairs round the abdomen are thrown out upon the surface; partly by means of these organs, partly by peculiar thorns and plates on the dorsal side of the abdomen, the pupa is now fastened to the surface and supported by the surface film. In this position the cuticula bursts in the middle line over the thorax; its lateral parts are, just as in many Ephemeridce and Culi- cidce pupae, spread out upon the surface; a swimming bridge, a point of support is thus gained; by means of reception of air the imago pushes itself out of the skin, using the broad outspread thoracic plate as a support for the legs; some of these pupae (Leptoceridce, f. i. Mystacides a. o.) ascend vertically from the bottom at such an almost incredible speed that they only use their legs for three or four strokes; the moment they arrive at the surface, the skin bursts with an audible sound, and the imago is almost hurled out of the skin into the air, where it immediately takes to its wings. In these species the free-living pupa stage is almost incredibly short, the time from the moment it leaves the pupa-case till it is, so to speak, thrown into the air as a flying insect, may be counted in seconds. But even in these few seconds of life a swimming apparatus is necessary, and just and only for that purpose and, as far as we can see, for these three or four strokes of the middle legs, these legs are formed as swimming legs with broad tibia and brushes of long soft hairs. The Chironomidce from the bottom of our deepest lakes act almost in the same manner; there is only this difference that the pupae do not reach the sur- face by active motions, but ascend passively and perpendicularly to the surface by means of air formed between the pupa- and imago skins ; here they occupy a hori- zontal position; the thorax bursts and the mosquito creeps out and stands for a moment upon the outfolded pupal thoracic skin. Lying in a boat on calm sum- mer evenings I have heard a sound of bursting bubbles round the boat, and convinced myself that it originated from the bursting pupal skins when the air escaped. To this same group of water insects which complete their last ecdysis upon the surface of the water belong also the Culicidce; from the Ephemeridce Trichoptera and 33 Chironomidce they differ only in so far that the pupse do not ascend from the bottom of the water but live their whole life fastened to the surface -film. There is yet a third group which are hatched as imagines at the bottom of the water and as such ascend through the water layers to the surface ; to these belong the Simuliidce and the few aquatic Lepidoptera. The Simuliidce use the air from the pupal tracheal system as air-bubbles wrapped up in which they ascend as imagines to the surface with an extraordinary rapidity. The moment this is reached the bubble bursts, the fly stands dry upon the waves, whereupon it takes to its wings. The few Lepidoptera which undergo the last metamorphosis in the water, also use an air-bubble by means of which they reach the surface; but these insects are not wrapped up in this bubble; they only hold it between the wings and thorax in a manner similar to that in which the bubble is held by the Culicid pupse. Moreover the whole body of the butterfly, at the moment it leaves the pupa case, is covered by a wax-like substance which prevents the body from getting wet and which for a moment remains as a column in the water after the butterfly has left the water. All the above-named structures and biological phenomena, appearing in the aquatic insects on the threshold between aquatic and aerial life: the peculiar fastening of the alimentary canal in Perlida", the subimago stage in the Ephemeridce; the free swimming part of the pupa life of the Trichoptera with the peculiar modifi- cation of the second pair of legs; the store of air in the pupa of Chironomidce, the air-bubble of Simuliidce and Lepidoptera, and the wax covering of the last-named insects are in my opinion all phenomena which tend to the same purpose: to carry the insects rapidly and in dry condition up into the new element. Just this perfectly dry condition, more especially with regard to the wings, is a conditio sine qua non for all the insects which are unable to change element if the wings are wet. It is from this point of view that the peculiar free-swimming pupa stage of the Culicidce must be interpreted. Like all other pupae the mosquitoes in the pupa stage are quite defenceless; in contradistinction to most other insects which at this very stage hide themselves, the pupse of the mosquitoes live in quite the same localities as the larvse, exposed to quite the same dangers. The pupa is therefore adapted to escape from these dangers by means of active motions, but as the pupa stage is simultaneously a resting stage in which the great alterations from larvse to imago are to take place, the power of active motion is only used if dangers appear or in search of water with the highest temperature. Otherwise the pupse are at rest, and the stage is also used by these insects as a real resting-stage. As however the pupse even as such are to pass their lives in an element which is hardly ever perfectly calm, a series of peculiar physiological and anatomical structures must be formed, by means of which the pupse even in a locality so mo- bile as the surface of the ponds can be fastened to the spot where they have once got hold. We shall now study the power of locomotion of the mosquito pupa a little D. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og mathem. Afd. 8. Rsekke, VII, 1. 34 more closely. It will then be seen that it is really of a very peculiar kind. As briefly mentioned above and often pointed out by earlier authors, it must firstly be remembered that the specific gravity of the pupae in contradistinction to that of the larvae is smaller than that of the surrounding medium. They are always super- compensated, more especially as they approach the last ecdysis; this is due to secre- tion of air beneath the pupa skin (silvery gloss). By means of this supercompensa- tion the pupae are pressed against the surface, this being their natural plane of support, just as the bottom of the ponds is the support of all undercompensated animals. The supercompensation is due to a large air globule, already mentioned by MEINERT as "Flydekugle" (1886 p. 389) but more thoroughly described by HURST (1890). The air-globule comes from the air in the tracheal system of the larva. In a manner not hitherto thoroughly studied, it is carried down between the wing- sheaths and legs of the pupa, being in connection with the trachealsystem of the pupa through two large spiracles. As mentioned by HURST the air globule has probably mainly a hydrostatic function (p. 7), but also serves to keep the pupa afloat in a particular position, with the thorax uppermost and the apertures of the trumpets at the surface of the water; further, to enable it to ascend to the surface passively in a vertical direction and with the broad cephalo-thorax lying horizontally. The supercompensation is however so great that it would force the pupa out of the water, on to the surface, if it were not counterbalanced by other forces. If the pupa, after one of its somersault-movements downwards, again passively ascends to the surface, the motion always takes place along a vertical line; the animal is always directed in such a wray that the broad cephalo-thorax turns upwards; reaching the surface the pupa will always touch it with four points lying above the rest of the body, viz. the edges of the openings of the trumpets, and the two stellate hairs on the first abdominal segment. By .means of these four points the body is fastened to the surface and prevented by the surface film, from being forced out of the water. The pupa never voluntarily leaves its place below the surface unless forced either by light reflexes or by currents in or upon the waters, produced by enemies. More especially in the last hours before ecdysis, the pupa is almost glued to the surface film, being supercompensated to so high a degree that its power of loco- motion is too slight to take it downwards. Otherwise, if variations in the surrounding medium force the pupa away from its resting place, active motions set in. These are really very peculiar. They are restricted to a series of downward-directed somersaults, but whether these somer- saults are to conduct them to the left, to the right, or vertically downwards, the pupae are not able to determine; they cannot direct their motions, being un- able to produce any steering motion in any direction; they are only able to dart away from the point to which they were fastened. The moment the activity ceases, the pupae rise following vertical lines as do air-bubbles to the surface. 35 No one can observe a mosquito pupa without being struck by the peculiar disproportion between the bulky cephalo-thorax mass and the slender abdomen; it is upon this incongruity that the peculiar somersault motion depends. When the ec- dysis is going to take place, the thorax splits in the middle line, the large sides of the chephalo-thorax are clapped downwards and now rest upon the surface of. the water; they thus form a swimming point of support upon which the imago may rest during the ecclosion and a few minutes immediately after. The actual process of ecclosion of the imago \vill not be mentioned here; with regard to that point I refer to the excellent paper by EYSELL (1913 p. 320). In the above I have tried to elucidate some points in the biology and anatomy of the mosquito pupa. Its many peculiar anatomical structures: its highly remarkable form, the air-globules belowr the wing-sheaths, the use of the tips of the trumpets as points of support, the stellate hairs, combined with the short life-time of the stage and the peculiar manner of motion may all be regarded as adaptations directed towards the same great general end : to bring the imago as soon as possible and in dry condition out of the water. The common significance of the pupa stage of insects : that of being a stage of repose, has in the pupa stage of the mosquitoes been subordinated to this purpose; it is the life as free-swimming organisms exposed to dangers of every kind, very different from the common pupa life of insects, which has made this subordination necessary. It is often very difficult to distinguish the species from each other in those immature stages which have the shortest existence. In the development of the mosquitoes the pupa-stage, as is the case with other insects, is the shortest. It is a well-knowrn fact that it is almost quite impossible to distinguish the species in this stage; even species which belong to different subfamilies: Ano- phelines and Culicines, are extremely alike in the pupa stage. This has also been pointed out by HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB (1912 p. 103). These authors remark that there really are some striking differences between the pupae, of the two tribes Culi- cini and Sabethini; further, that there are some differences in the shape and length of the trumpets and of the paddles. The greatest diversity may probably be found in the number and arrangement of the setse on different parts of the body; by this structure MEIJERE (1911 p. 1146) has tried to distinguish the pupa? of C. morsitans, Theobaldi, C. cantans and communis but, as far as I can see, without any result. I have been unable to detect real differences between the pupae of the Danish species. The very large pupae of C. annulatus and C. morsitans can, if they appear in the swarms of C. communis, be distinguished only by their size. With regard to the pupae of Tceniorhynchus I refer the reader to that genus. 5* 36 Chapter II. The Danish Culicines Systematically and Biologically Described. Genus I. Aedes. Tab I. 1. A. cinereus Meig. A. cinereus occurs in North and Central Europe. Over this area it may easily be recognised among all other mosquitoes more especially in the male sex, the palpi of which are not longer than those of the female; but also the female is easily recognis- able, especially owing to its minute size, the black colour of its abdomen, and the rusty brown or reddish colour of the thorax. In the male sex the thorax is black. The species varies a good deal with regard to colour; several species have been established upon these variations (A. obscurus Meig., rufus Gimmerthal, leucopygos Eysell) which now are regarded as synonyms for the species. With regard to the dentition of the ungues the reports differ greatly. KERTESZ (according to SCHNEIDER) indicates that the hind ungues of the females are uniserrate, THEOBALD (1907 p. 539) that the ungues of the female are equal, simple and not uniserrate; GRUNBERG (1910 p. 90) the same. EYSELL (according to SCHNEIDER) GOETGHEBUHR (1910 p. 86) (EDWARDS 1912 p. 261) and SCHNEIDER (1914 p. 24) state that the ungues of the female on all legs are uniserrate and the latter author gives a figure of the claws. He gives the follow- ing formula ? 1.1 — 1.1 — 1.1. c? 1.0 — 1.0 — 1.1. With regard to the Danish specimens I have got quite the same result as the latter author. Larva. Head rounded, wider than long; a notch at insertion of antennae ; front margin arcuate. Antennae rather long, tapering at front, spinose; tuft moderate, in- serted nearer to the base than to the apex; on apex three hairs and a digit. An- tennal tuft multiple; frontal hairs long; lower and upper frontal tuft multiple with six or seven hairs. Eyes large. Thorax long, rounded, angled at hair-tufts. Hair formula of frontal margin 321100001123. No real hairs upon frontal margin, only two extremely small tufts consisting of from two to five hairs; the other nearer the lateral margin strong. Lateral hairs in multiple tufts; some single, strong hairs. Abdominal segments narrow, almost equally long.- Lateral tufts of first segment with four hairs, second with two, third to seventh with one single hair; subdorsal hairs: a series of very short hairs between lateral tufts. Tufts of eighth segment in common arrangement, the dorsal tuft double. Lateral comb only consisting of about twelve to fifteen scales, commonly arranged in a row, each scale with a spatulated base, very long, without median spine, but feathered along the borders. Sipho long, four times longer than broad, tapering a little at apex; pecten very long, reaching over the middle of the sipho, consisting of about twelve to fourteen thorns; the 37 thorns, more especially those nearest to the apex, not being in line; these thorns at greater distance from each other than the following; the thorns of the middle part of the pecten with one single tooth. Anal segment much longer than wide, almost ringed by a plate. The dorsal tuft with two long hairs; the ventral brush in the barred area with about ten rays, carrying from five to seven hairs; before the barred area two small free tufts; lateral tuft consisting of a single hair; anal gills very long, acute, equal. Lateral tufts of labrum long, distinctly divided into two parts, but without comb teeth; palatum covered with very long hairs. Mandibles quadrangular with two strong spines and a shorter one before collar; a row of long cilia from a col- lar. About ten long thorn-like bristles; before them a dagger-like thinner thorn; a few long feathered cilia below; process below indistinctly furcate with strong hair-tufts; a group of hair at base. Maxillae elliptical, divided by a suture; at apex a brush of long hairs; a seta near the apex beyond the brush; near the inner margin between it and the suture a coating of long hairs and at the margin a series of long stiff thorns; palpe rather small with three digits. Mentum high, triangular, without any conspicuous median tooth and with fourteen to sixteen teeth on each side. Colour almost white or yellowish white, head black and sipho and plate of anal segment yellow. Length 6'5 m. The description and figures of the larva agreed well with those of MEIJERE (1911 p. 148), his description being one of the most accurate of the hitherto published of European mosquito larvae. The larva has probably been observed by GALLI VA- LERIO in Svitzerland (1907). He has not however given any description of it; he only says: "Die Larven sehen denen von Culex pipiens zum Verwechseln ahnlich; sie haben denselben langen charachteristischen Atmungsfortsatz und die gleiche Haltung; die Analdruzen (i. e. anal gills) sind etwas langer und schlanker und viel durchscheinender. Die Farbe der Larve ist ein belles Gelbbraun und lasst sich leicht gegen den dunklen Grund erkennen; wahrend die starker pigmentierten Larven von C. nemorosns und anmilipes sich den Blicken vollkommen zu entziehen wissen". Further it has been described by SCHNEIDER from Bonn. The rather short descrip- tion agrees well with MEIJERES and mine. In 1919 it has been briefly described from Strassbourg (ECKSTEIN 1919 p. 294). Biology. Aedes cinerens is a little mosquito, which STAEGER has mentioned as rare in Denmark. As far as I know, nobody has found it later in this country. In the days from 23/y to 2/vi 1918 A. cinereus was found flying over different small ponds in North Seeland; the ponds were all almost quite dry, only containing a few litres of water; about 15/vi they were dried out. On Vvi 1918 I found the species in enormous swarms over the vast meadows at Lyngby on the southern coast of Arrese. The above-named ponds were dry until 15/x and were icecovered almost the whole time from about Vi 1919 to Viv 1919. In the time from 15/x to 1/1 the ponds contained no A. cinereus larvae. Being interested in finding the larva I explored, in 1919, the localities where the imagines were found in 1918. On the meadows at 38 Arreso I never found the larva, but with regard to the above-named ponds (Mo- chlonyx-pond I), the Bidens-ponds at Clausen's brick-factory and the ponds in Stenholtsvang I had better luck. In the time from 20/v to 31/y I found a very little larva here, at once recognisable as something peculiar by its almost black head and white abdomen. The larva grew no larger, and on 3l/v A. cinereus was hatched. About 20/Vi all the ponds were dry; none of them got water again 'before the last fortnight of October. On 20/y, when the larvae were found, the depth of the ponds was only about a decim. In the last part of June 1919 I saw very little of the imago, but on my return to Hillerod in September I found the imago in enor- mous swarms over the same ponds where they were hatched in the spring. Large tufts of Cyperacece covered the ponds, which were wholly dry; sitting on one of the tufts in hope of observations relating to the egg-laying process of 0. cantans, I found my hand covered with a number of these very small vampires. They were deep down in the Cyperacee-tufts, crawled more than they flew; after having sucked themselves so full that they resembled little blood pearls, they were so thick and so heavy that their power of flight was only very slight. Many of them which were caught in my vessels, only crawled and did not try to fly. The sting was almost imperceptible and they had great difficulty in getting blood, the skin being too thick; afterwards, as my hands had got more than fifty punctures, it was covered with a common purple colour and rather aching. On %/iv I only found a few specimens but on lo/ix all had disappeared, and I did not see them any more this year. In 1920 I got the larvae in the same ponds in May, and in July I found the species on the island Lolland. The same observation which I had an opportunity of making that year, I had made the year before at Arres0; the mosquitoes sit deep down in the grass, and do not fly up before they are disturbed by some one walking through the grass. They attack only that part of the body which is moving through the grass, the legs, when walking, and the hands when they are held down in it; this was the case in the brightest sunshine and in twilight about 7 o'clock. Especially in the forest it was very remarkable that I never saw them flying; if I sat only a few meters from the pond, I was fiercely attacked by 0. can- tans, but not by a single A. cinereus. Only when I placed myself in the centre of the pond, on one of the tufts of Cyperaceae, the attack took place. Having never been able to find the males in Nature, I have only observed them in my hatching-cases. I have got the impression that this tiny mosquito is much more bound to the ground than our other Culicidae. The difficulty with which they got blood seems to indicate that blood can only be sucked from animals with rather thin skin. I suppose that small rodents and insectivores are perhaps their principal prey. The life-history of A. cinereus is in our country most probably as follows: Males and females die off before autumn; the males most probably already in June — July; the larva stage is extremely short, only from eight to ten days; the pupa- stage lasting normally only a few days; the species hibernates only as egg; the eggs 39 are hatched rather late, not before the last part of May; the pools, in which they are hatched, are dried up a fortnight later; the eggs must therefore be laid upon dry land and undoubtedly singly; most likely there is not time for more than one generation; this generation has only one brood, and this brood lives for three or four months. In the literature the reports with regard to the life-history are very contradic- tory; GALLI VALERIC and ROCHAZ DE JONGH in Switzerland maintain that they have found hibernating single eggs, attached to fallen leaves in depressions of the ground SCHNEIDER (1914 p. 28) and ECKSTEIN (1919j p. 68 19192 p. 100) state that the species has probably "mehrere" generations in the course of the year. For Strassbourg this is also highly probable but for our country this supposition is undoubtedly wrong. SCHNEIDER says that he found the first larvae at Bonn on 1. March; they were newly hatched and pupated already in the course of twelve or sixteen days ; the first imagines arrived on 16. March. He has also found the larvae in the middle of July, and this seems to prove the correctnes of his supposition. In our country where the larvae do not appear before the last part of May, and the ponds nor- mally are dried out before the end of June, more than one generation cannot be the rule. With regard to the blood-sucking process THEOBALD contradicts himself. In 1901 Vol.' II (p. 225) he implies that probably neither male nor female attack animals or man "as a rule". This supposition is stated by FICALBI, who maintains that they do not attack man or mammalia. On p. 235 in the same volume (1901) THEOBALD says that A. cinereus (female) bites viciously. This last statement is in accordance with that of all observers from recent years. EYSELL (according to SCHNEIDER 1914 p. 26) maintains that it is very bloodthirsty and so does SCHNEIDER (1914 p. 26). He has given a description of the attack of many specimens very like my own. ECKSTEIN says with regard to the neigbourhood of Strassbourg that it "tragt mit einem Hauptheil an der Stechmiickenplage". LANG (1920 p. 80) main- tains "that the general situations, indicated in the British records, suggests that A. cinereus mainly is a river-haunting species". This is by no means in accordance with the observations in our country; it may be found in the forests, along the shores of larger ponds and upon the open plains; I have never seen any special predilection for river valleys. Geographical distribution: known in almost all European countries. It is probably identic with Aedes fuscus Osten Sacken North America. Genus II. Ochlerotatus. Tab. II. 1. O. caspius (Pallas). Description. Female: Proboscis moderate, subcylindrical, uniform, labellae conically tapered; vestiture of blackish-brown scales intermixed with a few creamy- 40 white; labellae dark; setae minute, curved, black. Palpi short, smaller than one- fourth of the length of the proboscis; vestiture black, with a few white scales inter- mixed, seta? moderate, black. Antennae moderate, with the joints subequal, rugose, pilose, blackish, the second joint a little longer writh a yellow base; tori subspheri- cal, with a cup-shaped excavation, bright brown, shaded with blackish scales; the inner half covered with flat, sordid-white scales. Clypeus rounded-triangular, pro- minent, blackish brown, nude. Eyes at all events on the newly hatched individuals (in May — June) metallic green. Occiput rather broad, black, densely covered with narrow curved coarse scales, nearly pure white in a broad median zone; brown laterally and with a patch of flat, blackish ones on the sides; a series of black bristles along the hind edge of the eyes and long, snowr-white bristles between them ; on the occiput many erect, broad, and rather short white forked scales centrally, a few black ones laterally. Prothoracic lobes narrowly elliptical, remote dorsally, clothed with narrow coarse brown scales at tip, whitish ones below and with short, brown bristles. Colour of mesonotum extremely variable ; four main varieties. 1. Mesonotum black, densely clothed with coarse, narrow curved, dull-yellow- ish scales, laterally golden-brown ones in a broad median stripe, horded by a yellowish-white narrow stripe, running from anterior angles to near the root of wring; scales pale in the region of antescutellar space. 2. Mesonotum brown, either densely clothed with coarse, narrow curved, dull white scales over the whole surface or with a bright brown and usually narrow median stripe. 3. Mesonotum covered with almost snow-white scales with an almost black, narrow median line. 4. Mesonotum covered with almost snow-wrhite scales, with an almost black, broad median line and laterally with two other black lines much shorter, only half as long as the median line. Bristles dark, brown or yellowish white. Scutellum trilobate, luteous, clothed with coarse dull white scales, each lobe \vith a group of about twelve very pale bristles. Postnotum elliptical, prominent, nude, brownish luteous. Pleurae and coxae brownish, clothed with flat, white scales and pale bristles. Abdomen: Subcylindrical, flattened, posterior segments tapering. Also the co- lour of the abdomen extremely variable. The main form as follows: dorsal vestiture of flat, sordid-white scales with two large patches of black ones on each segment, the patches becoming smaller posteriorly and may be absent on last segment; first segment almost white with many long white hairs; venter clothed with sordid-white scales, a very narrow median broken line of black ones or row of rather large, black spots; cerci black; setae mostly pale. Two colour variations are especially common: 1. the whole dorsum of abdomen snow-white, only with small black, divergent lines near the borders, most developed on segments two to six. 2. the wrhole dorsum black, only with small basal bands of white scales. 41 Wings rather broad, hyaline, very irridiscent; petiole of second marginal cell and second posterior cell both a little shorter than their cells; vestiture of black and white scales; in some individuals almost all scales are white, in others the black preponderate; outstanding scales narrowly lanceolate, both black and white; fringe commonly grey, with white reflexions which give a mottled appearance. Halteres yellowish with white-scaled knobs. Legs rather slender; femora clothed with whitish scales, mixed with a few black ones dorsally, these predominating at apex; extreme tip narrowly white; tibiae with whitish scales with black ones intermixed and a small annulus before tip of hind ones; tarsi black scaled, with a white ring at base and apex of each joint; hind tarsi with the first joint also largely white scaled in the middle, the last joint almost quite white; fore tarsi with apex of second and all of last three joints black; mid tarsi with apex of third and all of last two joints black. Claw formula: 1.1—1.1—1.1. Length: Body about 5 mm, wing 4 mm. Male: Palpi exceeding the proboscis by nearly the length of the last joint, which is somewhat swollen; vestiture blackish with white scales intermixed; end of long joint and last two joints with long blackish or greyish hairs: Antennae plumose; the last two joints long and pilose, the rest short, blackish at insertions of hair- whorls; hairs long and dense, grey and black. Coloration similar to the female, but the variation not so- great. Wings narrower than in the female, the stems of the fork-cells a little longer, vestiture less abundant. Abdomen long de- pressed with dense, pale, lateral cilia tion. Claw formula 2.1 — 1.1 — 1.1. Length: Body about 6.5 mm. Genitalia : Side-pieces more than twice as long as wide, apical lobe well devel- oped, rounding, running uniformly down to base; basal lobe quadrate, protuberant, clothed with short, coarse setae from tubercular bases, from its lower angle a stout thick spine and a shorter one. Clasp-filament slender, long, slightly swollen medianly, distally serrate and bearing several short setae, a long slender, articulated terminal spine. Harpes rather narrow, concave, slightly curved, margins revolute, inner one thickened, curved over at tip in a short point. Harpagones slender, columnar, uni- form, with an articulated filament at apex, which is ligulate, a little expanded beyond the middle and tapered to a point at tip, shaft with a few setae. Unci approximate with revolute margins, forming a short stout cone. Basal appendages narrow, with short stout spines at the tip. Larva: Head rounded, rather small, wider than long; a notch at insertion of antennae; front margin arcuate. Antennae short, slightly tapering at apex, spinose; tuft inserrated only a little below the middle, small, consisting of about ten hairs. At apex three hairs and two digits; two of the hairs a little below apex. Ante-an- tennal tuft short, multiple; lower and upper frontal tuft with only one single hair; the lower always, the upper rarely with two hairs. Eyes large. Thorax wider than long, angled at hair-tufts; hair formula at frontal border 3121551213. Lateral hairs in multiple tufts and some single strong hairs. Tuft 5 D. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og mathem. Afd. 8. R.-ekke, VII, 1. 6 42 with the hairs in different sizes and different numbers; from three to six, but five is the most common number. Lateral hairs in multiple tufts and some single strong hairs. Abdominal segments broad, almost equal, the first two a little shorter than the others. Lateral hairs on the first segment with tufts in common arrangement. Lateral comb consists of about twenty to twenty-five scales, arranged in rows, covering a triangular area. The scales are spatulated, very broad with the median thorn only a little longer than the two lateral ones. Sipho short; about two or two and a half times longer than broad, slightly tapering at apex; a long pecten reaching over half the length of the sipho; all thorns at line, the first and last without thorns, the middle with from one to three, very feeble thorns. A tuft of five hairs between end of pecten and apex. Anal segment almost isodiametric, ringed by a remarkably small plate. Dorsal tufts well developed with twro long stiff spines. Ventral brush in the barred area with about twelve rays, each ray carrying about eight to ten hairs; before the barred area a few free tufts. A lateral tuft consisting of one single, strong hair. Anal gills extremely short, budshaped. Lateral tufts of labrum rather long, the inner part modified in comb-hairs, ar- ranged as a crown round the palatum, which is bordered with long, soft hairs. Mandibles quadrangular, elongate, spinose at base; two curved spines before a col- lar and a row of strong spines (nine) from margin. Dentition five strong teeth and before them a very long curved spine and a short dagger-like one; a remarkable group of minute thorns at base; a few curved setae within and a row of long hairs at base. Process below, distinctly furcate, with strong hairs at apices; a group of hairs at base. Maxillae broader than long with rounded apex; divided by a suture, furnished with two teeth-like processes. At apex a tuft of hairs and at the base of the tuft one spine. The space between suture and margin covered with short hairs; na spines from margin. Palpe well developed with three or four digits from apex: Mentum high, triangular, no especially developed median tooth and from ten to twelwe almost equally large, lateral teeth. The skin of the abdominal segments covered with transversal series of minute thorns. Colour greyish dark. Systematical remarks: STAGER (1838 p. 554) has only found this species on the shores of the island Amager near Copenhagen. He states that it is "not rare" in the months of June and September; in August he has found the larva in countless numbers in small water reservoirs along the coast line of Amager. It was described as C. dorsalis Meig. In 1917 HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB (p. 634) reported that they have had speci- mens from the Zool. Museum in Copenhagen and compared them with the two American species Aedts onondagensis and A. Curriei. These two species are identical as imagines, but as larvae they differ from each other; the first-named species have both pairs of dorsal head-hairs single, whereas in A. Curriei they are multiple; there are also differences with regard to the structure of the skin and the anal gills. Moreover, of the two American species, A. onondagensis breeds in brackish water along the 43 sea-coast, curriei breeds in temporary pools of snow-water or rain-water on the prairies. The American authors suppose, as MEIGENS specimens of C. dorsalis derive from Berlin (freshwater), and subsequent authors (STAGER, MEINERT, THEOBALD a. o.), state that it breeds in brackish water, that also in Europe we possess two species, the relations of which cannot be cleared up before the larvae have been studied. C. dorsalis was described by MEIGEN, but already in 1771 PALLAS described a species from the Caspian which is most probably identic with the above-named; it has been deemed necessary to revive the ancient name O. caspius. As C. dorsalis it has been indicated by STAGER in Denmark, by ZETTERSTEDT in Sweden, by SCHINER in Austria, bei VAN DER WULP in Holland and by FICALBI in Italy; it was last found by ECKSTEIN near Strassbourg. The Danish specimens are much more in accordance with the description of MEIGEN and ZETTERSTEDT than with the later one by THEOBALD. The larva has only been described by ECKSTEIN (1919 p. 293). He says that the larva very much resembles that of C. nemorosus and C. cantans. "Die Striegelborsten am 8 Segment, etwa 25, haben ebenso wie die der C. nemorosus-Larva lauter fast gleichlange Zahnchen, doch ist der mittlere meist ein wenig verdickt. Dagegen fehlt ihnen das Basalblattchen das fur C. nemo- rosa so characteristisch ist". With regard to the biology of the European C. dorsalis we do not know much. PIFFARD (1895 p. 227) states that at Aldeburgh on the Suffolk coast it is known as the Norway mosquito, having lived here for at least the last twenty-five years. "A tradition" says PIFFARD "assigns its introduction to a particular yacht, which used to ply between this port and Norway". Also in Sweden (Lund-Lomma) and in Norway (Christiania) as well as in Denmark it is restricted to brackish-water pools near the sea-shore. Later on, in a paper which I have not been able to con- sult, DYAR and KNAB (Insec. Inscit.'1917 p. 122) have maintained that the descrip- tion of 0. curriei larva in the monograph (Howard, Dyar and Knab) was founded on a misidentified species of 0. canadensis. The correct description of the species is under onondagensis (ace. to letter from Mr. Edwards 22/4 1920). As the American authors, as stated above, have got material of O. caspius from the Royal Museum of Copenhagen (1917 p. 634), and all this material derived from Amager, they have determined the specimens from this locality, where the species still lives, as 0. cas- pius; later on EDWARDS has done the same. According to me this material is homo- genous, but on the authority of Mr. EDWARDS and in accordance with him and Mr. LANG I have separated the specimens with thorax without brown coloration and with broad white bands on mesothorax from 0. caspius as 0. curriei (Coquillet). Of the American species, which seem to be either identic with the two above-named European species or at all events very closely related to them, A. onondagensis lives as larva on the flat marshes of the Pacific coast in pools of salt water, left by high tides: a set of larvae appear after each high tide. QUAYLE (H. D. K. 1917 p. 632) has given a description of their life. A. curriei inhabits the open arid country; the larvse live in temporary pools. In the north there is but a single annual generation 6* iii the snow-water of early spring. Southward the appearance of the larvae is govern- ed by the formation of pools by heavy rains and consequently occurs at irregular intervals. It has especially been studied by KNAB at Saskatchevan with other mos- quitoes of the large prairies (1908 p. 540). Biology. For a long time it has been a well-known fact that countless mos- quito-masses are a real plague to all the suburbs of Copenhagen, especially those lying near Kalvebodstrand, the strait between Copenhagen and Amager; one of these suburbs, Valby, has given the mosquitoes of this district their name, they have been called the Valby mosquitoes; they appear almost every year, more especi- ally at the beginning of August; later on they spread over Copenhagen, being most common in the large park Frederiksberg-garden, the Royal Garden, at Lange Linie and northwards along the shores of the Sound. These mosquitoes belong almost entirely to one and the same species 0. caspius. Curiously enough they have hitherto only been found in the vicinity of Copenhagen, and it has hitherto not even among zoologists been a well-known fact that Copenhagen had its own special mosquito, hitherto only found in it and in its neighbourhood; indeed we also find C- pipiens and T. annulata, but these two species do not, as far as I know, attack people, at all events not like the above-named species; a few specimens of 0. communis, lutescens and canlans may be found in the parks, but they are of no great conse- quence. - - It was of course most natural to search for the hatching areas of 0. caspius in the old locality of Amager where STAGER had found them almost a century ago. As I wished to make a special study of our brackish-water mosquitoes and my time was too much occupied with other mosquito-work, I asked Mr. KRYGER in 1920 to explore the brackish water coast of Amager and Seeland from Copenhagen and southwards towards the bay of Kj0ge at regular intervals in the time from medio Marsh to September. In the time from 24/m to 8/vn he made twenty ex- cursions at regular intervals; then he was on a journey in Jutland from 8/Vn to l/vin and in the time from 2/Vm to 2> "3 l-S ec 9 < ft) U BQ y Q O Z A U Q I. -f- 4_ _(_ _(_ Ochlerotatus caspius • • • • — • 4- I • n • — t 4. + • • • curriei • • _ • 4- 4- -f • cantans • • • • — 4- -f 4- 4- • • • vexans • • • 4- 4- 4- • • • • annulipes . . • • • + 4- J_ 4- • • excrucians • • • 4- 4- J. 4. • • lutescens • • 4- 4- 4. 4. • • • 4_ _i_ communis /* • • - - + + + 4. 1 • I • • • • punctor u -t- + •4" + i • i • I • • — (- -f prodotes i T^ i T dituitii'us T I I sticticus "T I T I Finlaya geniculata _i_ 1 f ~r I T 1 II. O. rusticus i — i- n^ _L T ~T Culicella tnorsitans - — \. Taeniorhynchus Richardi i \ III. Theobaldia annulata _1_ j_ _1_ _i_ « T + ~T .+ + + i Culex pipiens ... 1 1 1 _j_ 1 I + + + 4- 4- ~T l ciliaris 1 9 1 9 1 9 o • 9 _•_ 9 • 9 • 1 • I 9 T 9 9 nigritulus 9 9 9 9 9 T 1 n~ i_ 9 9 9 T^ n^ 137 eight months or even more as is the case with C. morsitans. With regard to sex differentiation see also ADIE (1912 p. 463 and 865). Having now in the foregoing worked out the main poiixts in the biology of our Danish mosquitoes I have in the table on p. 136 tried to sum up the results of my investigations and hereto attach the following remarks. From a biological point of view the Danish Culicidse are referred to three different groups. The first and the greatest contains all the Aedini with the three genera: Aedes, Ochlerotatus and Finlaya; only one species 0. rusticus belongs to the second group. A charac- teristic of the first group is that all the species winter exclusively or mainly as eggs. The species often spend more than seven months in the egg stages, the other stages are all restricted to the five summer months. Of these the larva stage only lasts from four to six weeks and is commonly restricted to April — May. The imago stage lasts from the latter part of May to August, for some species, f. i. 0. detritus, only two months in autumn. In most of the species there is therefore only one generation. Two generations occur regularly only in two species: the brackish water mosquitoes: 0. caspius and 0. curriei. Our most common species O. communis with regard to its life history differs very, much in the different localities; in most of them it is in accordance with the other Aedini but it may have two generations and is able to survive both as larva and as egg, probably also as imago. In rainy summers most of the species which regularly possess only one gene- ration may probably get a second generation; this may especially be the case with 0. lutescens; all in all this generation is very insignificant in comparison with the spring generation. Apart from the above-named exceptions I for one am inclined to refer the main part of almost all our Aedini larvae from July and later on, to eggs which belong to the same generation as the spring generation, but which have been deposited under bad hatching conditions. The group contains the pronounced dwellers in the drying ponds which often only possess water in the time from the snow-melting period to June. All the Danish species are pronounced blood suckers attacking man as well as horses and cattle. It is just among the members of this group that man has some of his most tormenting enemies among the mosquitoes. Some of the species are probably rather short living as imagines but most of them live remarkably long, about three months or more, especially in damp summers. It is a matter of fact that different species of Aedini hatched as imagines in April — May contain eggs the whole summer till late in August or even in September; this is the case with 0. cantans, annulipes, excrucians, lutescens and perhaps other species. The eggs are laid singly, never in batches, probably always upon wholly dry land. During the whole summer all the temporary pools of the forests, and mea- dows are normally dry or moist but covered with dry leaves or grasses. Just in these localities which to a human eye are often almost inseparable from the surrounding ground, and which never get stagnant waters, the countless number of individuals, L>. K. D. Selsk Skr ., naturvidensk. og mathern. Afd. 8. Raekke, VII, 1. 18 138 especially those of the species 0. commanis, cantans and lutescens, must throw their eggs above the ground during the whole of the summer. My own insufficient ob- servations tend to show that the main part of 0. communis and prodotes throw their eggs from the latter part of April to the beginning of July; 0. cantans from the latter part of June to the latter part of August. When driving in my carriage through the large forests of Gribskov near Hillerod I have visited several hundreds of temporary ponds in spring and found larvae in all; later, in summer and autumn, I found the same ponds covered with brown leaves, dry and indistinguishable from the surrounding ground. It is most extraordinary that the huge masses of mosqui- toes which almost make the sojourn in the forest intolerable in late spring and during the whole of the summer throw their eggs in the summer months, the very same eggs which cannot be developed without access to the water, upon wholly dry land, in all the small inconspicuous hollows covered with dry leaves, and just as dry in July and August as the small hills which border the hollows. It is as if the mosquitoes, by means of their maternal instincts, were able to select all the localities where water will appear half a year later and which to a human eye are indistinguishable from the surrounding localities where there will never be water. Owing to the enormous amount of larvae which appear in spring in our forest ponds one would be inclined to think that it would be very easy to observe the egg-laying processes over the dried up surfaces of the temporary ponds. As often mentioned in the previous pages this is not the case; only with great difficulty and rarely have I seen the egg-laying process of the Aedini; as far as I know no one has hitherto observed it in Nature itself; that it should be confined to a special time of the day is rather improbable; if so, it is most likely during the night. It is most probable that the egg-laying process goes on during the whole of summer owing to the remarkably long life period of these species as imagines, and that only a few specimens are active at every time of the day. Most of our Aedini belong to the forest ponds, some to the temporary ponds on open land; two live in brackish water pools, one in tree-holes. The second group consists of Culicella morsitans, 0. rusticus and Tceniorhyn- chus Richardi. It is characterized by the fact that the species do not winter in the egg but in the larva stage; the latter lasts from September till May i. e. eight to nine months; the imago stage as in the foregoing group is restricted to the sum- mer months; the egg stage is extremely short in this group, only lasting one or two months; the imago from May — June to the latter part of September. There is only one generation. The eggs of T. Richardi are laid in egg-rafts; how it is with regard to C. morsitans I do not know, but I should suppose that they are laid singly. The egg boats of T, Richardi are most probably laid on the surface of stag- nant pools among vegetation, those of C. morsitans singly over the dry bottom of temporary forest pools. As far as I know neither man nor cattle or horses have been subject to attacks from this group in our country; further explorations will most probably show that this is not correct. 139 The third group consisting of the two rnainspecies C. pipiens and T. annulata is again of quite another type; here it is the impregnated female which hibernates; the life of the imago with regard to the female lasting about seven months; the male hiber- nates only in the spermatozoan stage. In spring the female lays her eggs, and these are always laid in egg-rafts. Culex pipiens is the only Danish, and probably the only North European s'pecies in which we have with certainty regularly observed a series of generations in the course of the summer. Further south the same is the case with T. annulata. EYSELL (1907 p. 198) says correctly: "Nur die im Imagosta- dium iiberwinternden Stechmucken vermogen mehrere Generationen in einem Jahre zu erreichen". As far as we know the two species in our country only rarely attack man; C. pipiens probably mainly attacks poultry; T. annulata is best known as flow- er visitor but also sucks blood from cattle. With regard to the impregnated females hibernating in the imago stage it may be added that parthenogenesis in the mosquitoes, at all events as a rule, is highly improbable (KELLOG 1904 p. 59; LUHE 1903 p. 372). It has often been said when the attacks of mosquitoes in the warmest sum- mer time have been extremely fierce that this is due to the large amount of gene- rations and broods which follow each other with incredible celerity. This supposi- tion which has especially taken root among common people, but has really been nourished by the scientists, is quite wrong. The huge masses of mosquitoes are not due to new generations; almost all our mosquitoes except C. pipiens and the brackish water mosquitoes have practically only one single generation a year; if a second generation appears, this is against the rule, and the number of individuals is much smaller than in the first. The huge mosquito masses in the summer months are principally due to the fact that the different species, which are hatched after each other, keep on adding to the amount, and for a short time of the year all bite simultaneously; when this has not hitherto been understood, it is also because we have in a very high degree underrated the longevity of the mosquitoes; as men- tioned above it may, more especially in damp, cold summers when the lust of blood is feeble, be prolonged to about three months. One would be inclined to think that exactly in the rainy summers, when the ponds are filled with water, the best conditions would be found for production of new generations and augmenta- tion of the mosquito plague. This supposition seems however to be quite wrong as regards our country. In 1918 we had a very dry summer, in which all the ponds from the latter part of May till the latter part of October were dry; many ponds were not filled with water before next spring. In 1919 many ponds were laid dry in the latter part of May but got water again in July; then most of them were dry again in Aug. — September and got no water before December. As mentioned before after the complete desiccation in June 1919 we really found larvae of 0. commu- nis and 0. lutescens in July, but the number which was hatched was extremely small, and there is no doubt that the mosquito plague was greater in 1918 than 18* 140 in 1919. The mosquito attacks during the rainy period in July and on the beauti- ful autumn days in August — September were but slight. The regular examination of the above-named 40 ponds gave as main result that there are a few ponds in which only a single species is hatched. This is how- ever an exception; in most of the ponds a greater number of species are hatched. I have made schemes for all forty ponds, but as they resemble each other very much, I will only mention a single one of them as a model. It belongs to the Stenholtsvangs ponds, about two kilom. from Hillerod. This pond, which was under observation for four years 1917 — 1920, in 1917 — 1919, in all three years, gave quite the same result. In this pond seven species are hatched; the seven species follow each other with quite the same invariable regularity. In January there live plenty of C. morsitans larvae and a few larvae of O. rusticus; in free water on sunny days, between ice and land, diminutive larvae of 0. comnnmis. This fact is unaltered till April when the ponds thaw. Then the ponds teem with larvae of 0. communis, the water is practically a black living mass of larvae; the larvae of Culicella morsitans have retired to the deeper parts of the pond; when dredging in the surface we only get very few larvae of this species. Suddenly in the course of a week the whole bulk of O. communis-larvsz are altered into pupse, and in the same weeks the in- sects leave the ponds as imagines. But simultaneously with the metamorphosis into pupa of 0. communis, and most probably a little earlier, eggs of 0. cantans have been hatched; already a fortnight later this species, owing to the much higher temperature, leaves the pond as flying insects. A little later the eggs of C. diantceus and Aedes are hatched, and in June these species are imagines. Simultaneously with them C. morsitans leaves the pond and so also 0. rusticus. In June the pond is wholly dry. The dry bottom of the pond contains no mosquitoes in any stage in June. In the following three months the case alters again, and all the species find their way to the pond again, laying their eggs on the dry bottom. Side by side, perhaps under the same leaf, the eggs of the different species slumber the long summer sleep; in autumn, when the rain begins, the deepest part of the bottom takes some water, often only a few liters. This is enough to revive the eggs of C. morsitans and a little later 0. rusticus. The larvae of these two species appear, but the moist condi- tions have not the slightest influence upon the eggs of 0. communis, cantans, dian- tceus and Aedes. Before the eggs of these species can be hatched, they must, besides being burned by the sun, also be frozen in the ice, and not till January are any of these eggs hatched. At this time only the larvae of 0. communis appear, the others do not appear before they have passed the whole winter in the egg stage, the larvae not leaving the eggs before April. The two species C. morsitans and 0. rusticus pass the winter as larvae under the ice. In 1920 the development of the mosquito life in the pond apparently gave a picture of a somewhat different kind. The facts were the same as regards April; larvae of C. morsitans and O. rusticus were found on the bottom, and the water 141 teemed with enormous masses of 0. communis. Owing to the warm weather in the latter part of March and in the beginning of April the development was at a some- what greater speed than in the foregoing three years. Then the weather wras bad, and during the whole of April and in the first part of May .the temperature did not rise above 6 — -8 degrees Celsius; the wreather was extremely rainy. Under these conditions the 0. communis material was not hatched, and the pupa stage was prolonged beydhd the normal limits to about two or three weeks; as the tempera- ture of the water was however about six to eight degrees, all the other mosqui- toes in the pond were hatched from eggs; before 0. communis left the pond as ima- gines most of the larvae, belonging to the species 0. cantans, diantceus and Aedes, were ready to pupate. Then when the fine summer weather arrived, all the mos- quito species of the pond were almost simultaneously hatched, and in the course of about a week all the species had left the pond. The pond had water the whole summer but from about July to September not a single larva was found in the pond. Having followed the development of the species in this pond for three years and having followed it in about thirty forest ponds of quite similar appearance, I have seen that the above-named scheme is a true prototype of the development year after year in a great number of forest water ponds ; in some of them 0. rusti- cus, 0. diantceus or Aedes may be lacking, but where they are to be found, they are always intercalated in the very place in the developmental series where we should expect them to appear. Everyone who has tried to carry through an exploration of this kind, will admire the almost incredible regularity with which the development of the species takes place. Over an area of only a few square yards seven species have laid their eggs. The eggs lie side by side in August, they are exposed to the same outer con- ditions, the same burning sun, the thaw of the summed morning, the first moisture from the autumn showers; one day the eggs of all the seven species can be brought to swim in the very same little water-filled hole, or diminutive pond. But the seven species are by no means hatched simultaneously; deep in their life history immu- table laws are laid down which rule the life of each of the species. The tempera- ture and degree of moisture, which forces one species to pass from one stage to another, has no influence at all upon another species which only awaits its ap- pointed time. In the temporary ponds upon the plains and meadows not overshadowed by forests I have never found this highly remarkable alternation of many species. In these ponds as a rule we only find two or three species: in inland ponds, mainly 0. excrucians, lutescens and annulipes, now and then 0. communis and rusticus; near the sea shore 0. caspius, curriei and detritus. As mentioned above, also here we find localities where the temporary ponds in spring all teem with larvae of one of these species, and where incredible myriads are hatched in the course of a few days. The rule is however that in the open country, more especially far from the coast, in many localities we find a great many temporary pools in which I have 142 never found a single mosquito larva. As late as April of this year I have travelled over a great part of my area of exploration and visited several hundreds of tempo- rary ponds scattered over the fields and meadows, and only found mosquito larvse in ten of them. This is in contrast to the conditions in the forest ponds, where almost every single pond in spring contains larvae often belonging to many species. There is also this difference between the mosquito life in forest ponds and ponds of the plains that the first-named almost always teem with myriads of mosquito larvae whereas in the last named - - apart from the brackish water pools - - we often find only very few specimens almost always belonging to the above- named species differing from those which inhabit the forest ponds. Finally I wish to call attention to the following results which, as far as I know, are in accordance with those of all the authors who have made a more thorough study of the biology of the mosquitoes. It is often maintained that the attacks of mos- quitoes are more troublesome in the vicinity of large lakes, and that the mosqui- toes are hatched especially in them. The fact is that our mosquitoes are never hatched in lakes, but all belong to very small pools, most of them living in ponds which are dry or frozen for about eight months of the year. Another thing is that they often occur in the small ponds which border larger watermasses, and which are cut off from them. Further it has often been stated that the mosquitoes are actively able to spread over large areas. For all our Danish Culicines this supposition is, accor- ding to my opinion, not correct. They are almost all remarkably stationary animals; many of the colonies never leave the vicinity of the pond where they are hatched; we are only attacked when we place ourselves at the borders of the pond; this especially holds good for Aedes cinereus. Where small, sharply defined woods are spread over a rather wide a^ea f. i. in North Seeland, it often happens that different species are prevalent simultaneously in the different forests. Most of us will also observe that we are very rarely attacked in the open country, but that we are sub ject to even very violent attacks if we seek the shade in one of the woods; the more attentive observer will further notice that if we are attacked simultaneously in the open country and in the forest, the attack in the former locality is almost always due to 0. lutescens, whereas quite different species are prevalent in the forests. In my opinion everything seems to indicate that our mosquitoes are really very stationary animals, only rarely leaving the forest where they are born; per- haps the mosquitoes of the open meadows have a somewhat greater power of spreading, at all events passively, owing to the wind; this would most probably hold good with regard to the brackish water species, more especially 0. caspius which leaves the coast after hatching, flying landwards in search of man and cattle. With regard to some of the Anophelince - in our fauna more especially A. bifurcatus — the case is different. (See the following). It is a well known fact that the mosquitoes in different parts of the world occur in countless numbers and make the sojourn in these places almost intolerable 143 to people and mammalia; this is f. i. the case in the arctic region and in many parts of the tropical world. But the plague is serious also in a great part of the temperate zone and a long series of papers dealing with mosquito swarms and mos- quito attacks have appeared. Some of them are cited in the • following. SWINTON (1768); DALE (1833 p. 543), BOLL (1858 p. 186), HAGENOW (1860 p. 457), WEYEN- BERGH (1871), SMITH (1890), DOUGLAS (1895 p. 239), BLUMMEL (1898 p. 15), WHEE- LER (1894 p. 373), SINTENIS (1891), KNAB (1906 p. 123), WEBER (1906 p. 38), MEISSNER (1908 p. 8), GERMAR (1913 p. 137, 1917 p. 336), ZETEK (1913 p. 5). Some of these papers deal with phenomena of more biological interest; I more especially refer to the paper of ZETEK, concerning the determination of the flight of the mosquitoes and that of WHEELER dealing with anemotropical phenomena. Connected with the swarmbuilding phenomena are also the peculiar auditory organs described by JOHNSTON (1855 p. 97) and MAYER (1874 p. 577). In our own country we only rarely have occasion to observe large swarms of Culicidce; it is perhaps mainly the case with O. caspius, but for my part I have not had an opportunity to make any observation of that kind. In recent years we have received many accounts, especially from Central Europe, relating to the mosquito plague, and a long series of papers dealing with the means by which the mosqui- toes should be destroyed have appeared. I more especially refer to the following papers: BRESSLAU & GLASER (1918 p. 290 and p. 327); ECKSTEIN (1919 p. 93 and p. 530), SACK (1911); TEICHMANN (1919 p. 118), BRESSLAU (1917 p. 507), PRELL (1919 p. 61). In my own country \ve have hitherto never tried to destroy the mosquitoes, and in my opinion the plague is not so great either that such a destruction should be necessary in most cases. I only wish to make an exception with regard to A. maculipennis in our stables. See later. b. The Blood-sucking Habits of Culicines. As pointed out by almost all authors from recent years, the mosquitoes have originally lived upon a vegetable diet, plant juices, nectar etc. As well known all the males are still exclusively vegetable feeders, the very few, rather doubtful, ex- ceptions will be mentioned later on. This also holds good for probably more than half of all the females of the mosquitoes; a long series, mainly of tropical genera, are, as far as we hitherto know, exclusively vegetable feeders in both sexes. I refer especially to HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB (1912 p. Ill) and to a paper by KNAB (Mosquitoes as Flowers Visitors 1907 p. 215) where the whole of the earlier litera- ture with regard to this subject is cited. Now and then it has been stated that also some of the European species may be found upon flowers; this is more especially the case with T. annulata. From observations from the last three years but especi- ally from 1920 I am inclined to suppose that the meteorological conditions are able to force the mosquitoes, more especially all the Aedince, to be flower visitors 144 at all events during a shorter or longer part of their life. In 1920 when the immense swarms of 0. communis and 0. prodotes were hatched, the temperature suddenly fell for a fortnight, never rising above about 6 — 8 degrees Celsius. Im- mense swarms of mosquitoes, females as well as males, were sitting in the grass, flew up when the grass was moved, but never tried to bite. At the same time Taraxacum vulgare and Cerasus padns were in blossom. About ten days after the above-named mosquitoes were hatched, these two plants, especially Taraxacum, were regularly visited by mosquitoes; on the meadows almost every flower had one or two females of 0. communis and many three or four; the females were sit- ting on the flowers and pierced their proboscides into the heads now here now there. The phenomenon lasted for about eight days here in North Seeland; simul- taneously with my own observations Mr. KRYGER had an opportunity to make quite similar ones on the large moors south of Copenhagen. Then we got fine weather with a temperature of about 20° C., and in the course of a few days the immense swarms rose, the higher temperature awaked their lust of blood, and sojourn in the forest was almost made an impossibility. In the foregoing years I have now and then, in the latter part of cold rainy periods, found a few mosqui- toes upon flowers. In a cold rainj' period from 25/vn to 7/vm 1920 I was often attacked by 0. lutescens and 0. cantans. It struck me that many of these specimens were gorged with a fluid which could not be blood being clear like water. Squeez- ing the females clear drops appeared. They were sweet like sugar and were un- questionably honey. In the cold period many of the mosquitoes had been forced to be vegetarians. The fact of the matter is unquestionably that the lust of blood of the Aedini, at all events in our country, is dependent on the temperature, and that vegetable matter, more especially in the cold spring months plays a much greater role in the diet of the mosquitoes than we have hitherto thought. (See also HOWLETT 1910 p. 479). I have myself no observations with regard to the relation between mating process, bloodsucking and egg-laying. Formerly most authors maintained that a bloodmeal was necessary for the females to ripen their eggs; with regard to the literature I refer the reader to NUTTALL & SHIPLEY (1902 p. 65). Now it has been shown that females which were held upon a vegetable diet were also able to lay eggs from which adults were reared in some cases (SEN 1917 p. 729; 1918 p. 620). NEUMANN (1910 p. 27) has kept C. pipiens alive for two years in a large aquarium; many generations have been hatched but they have got no nourishment. He further maintains that also C. nemorosus is able to produce eggs without a bloodmeal but in that case the eggs do not develop, and that Anopheles is also said to be able to do so after hibernation. See also GRUNBERG (1907). GOELDI remarks that fer- tilized eggs may remain dormant in a female for 102 days, if a feed of blood is withheld. MACFIE (1915 p. 205) has observed with regard to Stegomyia fasciata that the first blood meal was taken by females on the second or. third day 145 after emergence from the pupa. Fertilisation and a blood meal precedes oviposition, and fertilisation preceded the blood meal. Eggs were laid on the sixth or seventh day: After this they regularly fed once, soon after each batch of eggs was laid. Three or four days elapsed between each act of oviposition ; . egg-laying was con- tinued throughout life; the maximum length of life of the males being 28 days, that of females 62. BACOT (1916) states that a female of S. fasciata, which had subsisted on honey and white of egg 56 days without egg-laying, was given three blood-meals; fertile eggs were deposited four days after the first blood meal. Be- sides he remarks that all experiments to induce oviposition in the absence of a blood meal met with negative results in this species. Undoubtedly a generalisation with regard to the significance of a blood meal for the ripening of the eggs in the mosquitoes is by no means allowable; every thing seems to point to the fact that the species differ very much from each other, and that there is a regular transition from species which are exclusively vegetable feeders to such to which a blood meal is, if not a necessity, at all events the most natural form of nutriment. It is a very remarkable thing that we know species which, in a vast part of their area belong to the most troublesome blood suckers, and in others never seem to suck blood. This seems to be the case with C. territans, which according to SMITH and FELT (1904 p. 309) is extremely annoying in North America, whereas in Europe - - if the determinations are correct - - it is said never to sting man. This has been pointed out by SCHNEIDER (1914 p. 46), ECKSTEIN (1919 p. 64), PRELL (1919 p. 63). In our own fauna, too, we possess species which seem never to use blood as nourishment, others which do not suck from man; further, species which seem only rarely and under special conditions to sting man, and lastly, species which seem ready to sting almost at all times. To the first belongs one of our largest species: Culicella morsitans, a species of wide distribution, but according to many authors (THEOBALD, SCHNEIDER 1914 p. 43); never acting as blood suckers. I have hatched this species in many thousands at my laboratory, I have been sitting in the very same dried up ponds over which the females were flying and probably egglaying, and I have caught them in the evenings when they came through the open windows lacing the lake; moreover I have never found females, whose stomachs were red and distended by blood. For a long time I thought that this was also the case with T. annulata; I have had the mosquitoes in hundreds in my hatching cages, have very often visit- ed the ponds where the larvae wrere hatched, and in September gathered plenty of them behind the shutters of the laboratory; further, numerous females on the walls over the cisterns in which they wrere hatched; nevertheless I have never seen a female gorged with blood, and I have never myself been bitten. FICALBI (1897) has arrived at quite the same result with regard to Italy and so has SCHNEIDER (1914 p. 43) with regard to the environment of Bonn. THEOBALD quotes an observa- U. K. I). Vielensk. Selsk Skr., naturvidensk. og mathem. A til. 8, Rrekkc, VII. 1. jg 146 tion by HATCHETT JACKSON that on a warm sunny day in November they settled on stems of periwinkle and wall flowers and, inserting their proboscides, were apparently engaged in sucking (1907 p. 278). On the other hand we often find indications in literature \vhich show that T. annulata may be a very troublesome blood sucker. I especially refer to THEOBALD (1907 p. 277) and to PRELL (1919 p. 65) who says that in Spa he has found females gorged with blood. According to THEOBALD the sting may be very troublesome; "cases have oc- curred especially in women, where there have been four or five simultaneous punc- tures, and the patient has felt so indisposed as to have to retire to bed with fever ranging up to 101° F." These indications are in accordance with those of ECKSTEIN (1919 p. 63), EDWARDS (1912 p. 261) and LANG (1920 p. 101) who states that it may become troublesome in mild weather in the winter. Last year, during my exploration of the cowstables, I found a great many speci- mens of T. annulata, sitting on the ceiling and upon the walls together with A. maculatus ; they were very often gorged with blood. They were common more especially in Aug. — Sept. Later on Mr. KRYGER told me that he, too, had found them extremely numerous in the stables in Jutland more especially on the east coast; they were almost always blood-filled. He further maintained that he was often stung by the mosquito, and that the sting was extremely painful. It seems therefore that in our country nowadays T. annulata just as A. maculipennis is at- tracted by the stables and mainly sucks blood from cattle. The bloodsucking habits of C. pipiens seem to be of a very remarkable kind. From a popular point of view it is often believed of the mosquito plague that, at all events in Europe, it is mainly due to C. pipiens. My own experience, especially in Denmark, and in recent years also that of other observers, especially in Ger- many, is in contradiction to this supposition. During the last five years I have studied C. pipiens and its behaviour in my own cellar in winter, when it was brought up into my rooms with the peat, fur- ther in May out of doors, when it appeared there after leaving the hibernating localities, in the breeding places in the stables etc. During the whole summer and late autumn not a single C. pipiens has done me the honour to puncture my skin. As mentioned later on, I have never found a blood-filled mosquito in the cellars, and the few I have seen I have caught on evenings in spring and summer months. Only during winter, when the mosquitoes arrived in the rooms, have I been the object of their attacks; wrhen I have heard that people have been attacked in their rooms by mosquitoes in winter, and I have been able to examine them, it has al- most always been shown that the trouble was caused by C. pipiens. Studying the literature, also there we find very few trustworthy indications with regard to the trouble caused by this very species. THEOBALD (1901 p. 135) observes that it "is known to bite some years with considerable severity". HO- WARD, DYAR and KNAB (1912 p. 106) state that even C. pipiens is among those 147 mosquitoes "which do not persecute man with the same persistence as certain other species f. i. Aeries calopus". Owing to the enormous masses of C. pipiens which must every year he hatched from the incredible number of larvae which fill almost all the ditches and pastures near our farms, there does not seem to be the slightest accordance between the number which are hatched and the annoyance caused by them. In 1919 an interesting paper by PRELL (1919 p. 61) appeared. He has made quite the same observation as I have. In 1917 there were plenty of C. pipiens round Spa, but there was no mosquito plague at all. On the other hand, in Stuttgart, where the mosquito plague is now severe, and as far as I can see also partly caus- ed by C. pipiens, the plague was unknown before 1900. PRELL correctly rejects any attempt to refer "these peculiar facts either to different species" of C. pipiens or to migration. He points out that C. pipiens like other and perhaps all Culex- species has originally been a bird-mosquito; as it is an intermediate host -for Pro- teosoma which produces bird-malaria, this makes the supposition very reason- able; even now in many localities it occurs as a bird mosquito. See also HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB (1912 p. 107), LANG (1920 p. 114). Its great power of living as larva in polluted water has been a factor which altered its primary habits, accom- modating it to the polluted water basins arising round human habitations. Still the mosquito can keep its old customs of sucking blood on birds; its common appear- ance in poultry houses makes this very probable. On the other hand its occur- rence in human dwellings, more especially in stables, has now offered another source from which it may satisfy its lust of blood, which is: domesticated mammalia and man himself. The power and inclination in this direction is developed to different degrees in the different countries and perhaps also in different years. I should be inclined to think that in higher latitudes and at lower summer temperatures, the old habits will be preserved. (See also HOWLETT 1910 p. 479). It seems as if the lust of blood in the Aedini, at all events of our Danish species, is much greater than that of the genus Culex, Culicella and Theobaldia. American authors (HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB 1912 p. 107) come to the same result. From every part of Europe we hear of severe attacks now from one and now from another species; 0. nigripes from the far north, 0, communis, cantans, annulipes, vexans, caspius have all a very bad reputation, everywhere attacking man or large mammals; the landward migration of the salt marsh mosquitoes in search of blood, the behaviour of the mosquitoes of the prairies, which are adjusted to fly towards prominent objects, in that locality almost always large mammals or men, point in the same direction. It need only be added, that the time of bloodsucking in the life of the animals is really rather short. In our country the bloodsucking period for most species does not last more than about three or four weeks ; further it does not begin before two or three weeks after hatching, a fact which I have observed in almost all these species (Exception Fin- lay a geniculata see pag. 102). It may further be pointed out as a phenomenon common 19* 148 to all these species, that in the bloodsucking period there are really rather few days, in which they try to satisfy their lust of blood; these days coincide with certain meteorological data, great humidity of the air, a high temperature and rather low barometer. When on such a warm damp day, especially about sunset, one has witnessed the enormous masses of mosquitoes which from all sides dart upon the wanderer or the horses, and have seen the eagernes with which the attack takes place, one cannot get rid of the supposition that it is only a very small part of the whole crowd of mosquitoes which really gets blood. More especially in cold summers with heavy rains, falling in the main period of the flying time of the above-named species, I should suppose that out of the millions only a very few get a blood meal. A factor which helps the mosquitoes is their longevity, and that their life is prolonged if blood meals cannot be obtained. This is in accordance with my own experience, acquired in Nature herself; in very hot summers the mosquito plague is in the. main at an end by the latter part of July, and all spring flyers disappear before July, in wet summers, such as 1919, the mosquito plague lasts till the latter part of August and spring species such as 0. communis are on the wing and biting as late as the middle of August. As mentioned above accor- ding to my opinion there can be no doubt about the fact that the attacks in Au- gust do not come from new broods or generations, but are caused by the specimens which are hatched in spring, but have had no opportunity to get blood. In the literature a few examples are mentioned of males which are able to bite; this is said more especially with regard to Aedes calopus (FICALBY cited from HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB 1912 p. 109), but these authors suppose that the obser- vation is wrong. Of our mosquitoes it is especially the males of O. nemorosus : which are said to bite. STILES was bitten by an 0. nemorosus with long antennae (H. D. K. 1912 p. 109), and later on EDWARDS (1917 p. 216) has been subject to a similar attack. This last-named author shows that none of the three examined males were normal, and that all three had one or more female characters on one or both sides of the body. With regard to the blood-nourishment and its significance for the ripening of the eggs I wish to make the following remarks: If we take an 0. lutescens, newly hatched, and make transversal sections of the abdomen, we shall find a well marked fat body, filling the greater part of the abdomen and a very thin alimentary canal, only occupying a very small part of the abdominal cavity; the walls of the canal show the well known deep folds, the transversal sections therefore showing a starlike figure. If then a fortnight later we let the mosquito suck blood, and now lay the abdomen in transversal sections, we see nothing of the fat body. The abdomen is enormously expanded; the ventral re- servoir for the blood fills the whole abdominal cavity only leaving a very incon- spicuous space for the nervous system below and the heart above. If further we let an 0. lutescens suck blood, keep it for eight days in a hat- ching cage, kill it and take transversal sections of the abdomen, we shall again get 149 quite a different picture. The ventral reservoir is again shrivelled up lying only in the first or two first abdominal segments and the blood has now arrived in the intestine; but also this is almost empty especially in its anterior part; in the posterior part it contains a blood coagula of larger or smaller .size. But round the intestine, where formerly the fat body was, the whole body cavity is filled with hexagonal figures, cross-sections of the ovaries with numerous eggs. Roughly spea- king in the course of from eight to ten days the blood nourishment has been transformed into eggs. If then in September we catch one of the C. lutescens-fe- males, which, waiting for death, are sitting deep down in the grass covering the dried ponds where they were hatched in spring, and where they have now laid their eggs, and we now take cross-sections of the abdomen, we shall again get another picture. The intestine is empty, but so also is the abdominal cavity round the intestine; the ovaries are shrivelled up to two thin strings ; the little mechanism has spent its force, and is now only destined for one thing, to die and make room for another generation now in preparation in the eggs slumbering in the dry mud under the withered grass. If we now investigate the case of another mosquito, hibernating not as egg like 0. lutescens, but as imago, like C, pipiens, we find an arrangement of quite different sort. A cross-section of the abdomen of a C. pipiens in Sept., a few days after it has left the pupa, shows a very thin intestine with strong folds of the wall, a fat body with very small cells, strongly compressed; the sections further show that the dorsal shields are much broader than the. ventral ones, which on the other hand are much more vaulted. A deep cleft is conspicuous laterally between the dorsal and ventral shields. Already in the latter part of September the females of C. pipiens have found their places of hibernation. If we now take one of these hibernating females from my cellar, the cross-section gives quite a different result (Fig. 18 a). The intestine is as formerly extremely small, and in many of the sections difficult to find. On the other hand the fat body is of quite different structure; the cells are much larger; between them are large intercellular spaces, and the content of oil globules is enormous, the cross-section of the abdomen further shows that this is now extremely extend- ed; the contour is circular; if we lay a hibernating mosquito from October in a vessel with water and open the abdomen, enormous masses of oil globules will pour out; in a living animal we are able to see the oil globules with a lens through the extended body wall. In November — December the picture is quite the same; I have got the impression, that the mosquitoes are at all events just as fat in Decem- ber as they were in November. The question is now: What is the source of this fat? Most people would probably say that it derives from the blood nourishment taken in by the females before hibernation. This may be the case, but I am not quite sure that this sup- position is correct. Firstly I have never seen a mosquito with blood in its intestine arriving at the hibernating places. Moreover, though in September I have very often been sitting in my garden, observing the swarms of dancing C. pipiens males, and 150 caught the females which directed their way into the svarms, I have never got a female with a blood-filled intestine. It seems as if C. pipiens upon this point is in accordance with Stegomyia fasciata: first mating process and then blood nourish- Fig. 18 a, b, c, d. A series of cuts through the abdomen of C, pipiens. a, in the last part of October, a few days after the mosquito has been hatched, b, in April after having hibernated, c, in the first days of June immediately after bloodsucking, d, eight days later. a heart; b malphigian tubules, c ovaria, d intestine, e fat body, /"ventral cord in all the figures. ment, quite the opposite of what we have seen is the case with 0. lutescens. I con- tinued the observations in my garden, till the bad^autumn days arrived, and found 151 the C. pipiens females always without blood in the intestine; a few days after I found the females in the hibernating places, also here without blood in the intes- tine. I cannot see how we can combine these observations with the supposition that the fat body derives from blood nourishment. We further know that the blood nourishment of 0. lutescens is converted into eggs in the course of about eight days in summer, and we shall see that this is also the case with the blood nourishment in May in the case of C. pipiens. It is therefore in my opinion rather hazardous to suppose that in the course of a few days the blood nourishment in September will be transformed into diffuse fat-masses in the body cavity, and in May into egg-masses. For my owrn part I am inclined to suppose that the fat-body of the hibernat- ing C. pipiens females derive from those fat-masses, which the animal has accumu- lated during the larva stage in freshwater, and which it, passing the pupa stage, has taken over into the imago stage. I know very well that this supposition meets with great physiological difficulties. The question is, whether fat in some more condensed form, taken over from the larva stage into the imago stage, may be further utilized in this stage in any way. Even if the physiologists say that this is an impossibility, I should like a thorough physiological investigation upon this point. It must be remembered that the females of C. pipiens, which we catch in summer, are all relatively meagre, differing much from those in the hibernating quarters; as the C. pipiens were hatch- ed in the middle of September in the water barrels in my garden and immediate- ly began the mating dances only a few meters from the water barrels, and as only a few days later, after a rainy period, I found the females fat and with empty intestine in the hibernating place in my cellar, I suppose that we here have to do with a fact which strongly calls for a more thorough physiological investigation. In the course of the winter the mosquitoes become more and more meagre a transverse section (Fig. 18b) gives quite another picture; the form of the body is another and the fat body strongly reduced. One day in April — May they leave the wintering localities like a cloud. Never being bitten by C. pipiens in late spring and summer I have only found the females gorged with blood on the walls of cowstables and hen-houses; cross-sections (Fig. 18c) of the abdomen from blood- filled C. pipiens and from those about eight to fourteen days later, show quite the same picture as we saw in the case of 0. lutescens; an enormous gorged inestine filled with blood coagula and eight days later an empty intestine and the body cavity filled with eggs (Fig. 18 d). The above-named cross-sections of the ab- domen of the female mosquito at different times of the year are of particular inter- est with regard to the knowledge of the great phases in the life of the mosqui- toes. In some ways they are even more than that. They represent cross-sections through the life history of the mosquitoes; especially those of the blood-filled inte- stine and of the abdomen, distended by eggs, represent pictures of the results of the two great life preserving agencies: "Hunger und Liebe" the first acting as life preserving factor for the individual itself, the last for the species; when both have been satisfied, the individuals have done their duty and have now only one thing to do: to disappear and make room for new individuals. As well known the mouth parts and the sucking apparatus of the mosquitoes have often been subjected to thorough investigations from Reaumur to our day. I refer especially to the papers of DIMMOCK (1881), GRUNBERG (1907), LEON (1904 p. 730 and 1911 p. 7), MACLOSKIE (1888 p. 884), Mum (1883), THOMSON (1905 p. 145), WESCHE (1904 p. 28). A more thorough study of the mouth parts of the different specimens is however still lacking. I have made slides of almost all our species and studied them in preparations of Canada. There are really some small differences in the different species; this especially holds good with regard to the form and hair equipment of the labellae and to the number of saw teeth upon the maxillae; but the differences are but slight and their constant number only to be detected after very thorough investigation. Mating process. In the course of years, from 1760 (GODEHEU DE RIVELLE p. 617 and REAU- MUR) and to our own day, many observations on the mating habits of the mosqui- toes have been made. Most of the,m have been collected in the chapter upon mating habits in HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB (1912 p. 120—132). It has been pointed out that in many species the males congregate in swarms, but that there also exist species in which no swarm-congregation takes place. Even the manner in which the swarms are formed, their position in the air, the size and the behaviour of the single individuals of both sexes, differ from species to species. Of fundamental significance is the observation that the attitude assumed during the copulatory act differs according to the structure of the claws of the female: "In forms with simple claws (Culex, Anopheles) the position is end to end, the pair facing in opposite directions. The forms in which the female claws are toothed, copulate face to face, clasping each other with their claws" (HOWARD, DYAR and KNAB 1912 p. 121). Commonly it is only the males which congregate in swarms, whereas the females make their way singly into the swarms from the outside. There are also species where the males as well as the females form swarms, and the pairing takes place when the single individuals drop out from the swarms and unite. Commonly the swarms congregate near the ground and often over prominent objects: hay stacks, isolated trees, church-steeples etc.; they often follows persons, walking over the meadows and grow thicker and thicker as the person walks along. It has been noticed that persons have been surrounded by swarms of females not reaching above the knees, and with swarms of males around their heads. The swarms emit high vibrating notes, often two distinct ones, corresponding to the two different swarms and to the dancing up and down of the mosquitoes. A few species, f. i. Aedes calopus, pair in the rooms of our dwellings and these species only can be hatched and studied through many successive generations. The swarming of the mosquitoes is especially dependent upon meteorological conditions. It is most con- spicuous towards evening, more especially after calm fine days; on windy days it may take place, but then only in sheltered places behind large trees, buildings etc. In the swarms the mosquitoes are almost always directed facing the wind. Of great interest is the old narrative of WAHLBERG (1847 p. 257), relating to the mating habits of the mosquitoes of the far North. Undoubtedly it deals with one of the Aedini, most probably with A. nigripes. He says that travellers, as known well, are attacked by immense numbers of female mosquitoes, but that for a long time it was quite an enigma to him where the males were to be found. A clergyman then told him, that the females were often found upon the surface of the lakes, beaten down by rain and wind in such endless numbers that when blown ashore, they formed thick wind rows. WAHLBERG then observed, that no males were to be found near the ground, just where the females in immense numbers tormented him and his fellow-travellers. But from high up in the air he heard a loud singing noise which wras found to be produced by immense swarms of mosquitoes dancing in separate flocks. These swarms being examined they were found to consist almost exclusively of males. This indicates that the males of the Culex, like those of Chi- ronomids and some other non-biting gnats, keep to themselves in a higher stratum of the air, \vhere they flock together in dancing swarms, more especially towrards evening, and tempt the females to come up by the noise of their wingbeats. During recent years I have often had an opportunity to observe the mating habits of our mosquitoes; more especially those of C. pipiens, 0. cantans, 0. com- munis, Anopheles maculipennis and A. bifurcates. I shall here only dwell upon the Culicines. In the latter part of September small clouds of males of C. pipiens may be observed on fine autumn evenings everywhere round Hillered. On five successive evenings I have observed the swarms in my garden. The swarms always consisted of males only; they always stood in sheltered places, commonly behind a large lime tree; the mosquitoes always faced the wind which was very slight. The swarm was formed about six o'clock, and was still hovering after it was so dark that I could see nothing. The single individuals were flying up and down, commonly at the same rather slow speed, but suddenly it could be observed how the whole swarm got into the greatest excitement, all the males now flying at a much higher speed. The swarm almost invariably stood in the same place, but I got the im- pression that now and then some of the males left the swarm and settled on the leaves of the lime; at all events many males were sitting here. The shape of the swrarm was that of a column, commonly about two or three meters high and one meter thick. The height from the ground was about five or six meters. I observed the mosquitoes by means of a Zeiss (power x 8). I estimate the number of animals from some hundreds at about six o'clock, to some thousands when the swarm was largest, at sunset between seven and eight. In the course of these two hours I saw, most probably about fifty times, larger and darker mosquitoes direct their way from the outside into the swarm. I could observe the females about two or three meters O. K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og mathem. Afd. 8. Raekke, VII, 1. 20 from the swarm; it was very interesting to see, how straight the lines were, along which these mosquitoes made their way into the swarm; the mosquitoes were al- ways females of C. pipiens; it was as if by some magic power the insects were forc- ed to fly directly into the swarm of dancing males. Undoubtedly they were direct- ed by the sound issuing from these males which I have often heard formerly and which others, standing near me, heard very distinctly. Having lost my hearing for very high notes, I am probably not able to hear these notes any more. The moment a female had reached the swarm, a great excitement was notice- able in it. Now here, now there, a ballshaped, thicker, little cloud was observed; a few seconds later two mosquitoes, male and female, dropped out of the swarm, slowly sank down into the grass or retired some meters from it carried by the slight sunset-breeze. I could never directly observe that the mating position was end to end, as indicated by KNA? (1912 p. 122); the insects were always curled up in a ball and very soon reached the grass. Here the act was accomplished in the course of a few seconds, after which the mosquitoes flew away. In the first part of October we got a period of bad weather; the mosquitoes disappeared; undoubtedly the males died off, and the females retired to the deep cellars, the ceilings of which were covered with C. pipiens. In their spermateca the spermatozoa survived the winter, next year giving rise to new generations. In this, as in many other cases, where the males die off in autumn, and the females keep and preserve the sperma in their bodies, I find our customary phrase, that the males die off rather incorrect; I should suppose that it was more adequate to say that the males only hibernated in the spermatozoan stage; this would be more in accordance with the expression we use with regard to all those species, which die out before winter, and with regard to which we commonly use the term that they only hibernate as eggs. With regard to 0. fletcheri I have made the following observations. On 15/vi I was standing on the southern coast of Lolland near Aalholm Castle, on a little hill covered with trees and lying in a vast fen, covered with reeds. Below the trees the ground was covered with more than one meter high nettles. It was near sunset at seven o'clock. The weather was calm; Tp. 20° C.; the day had been very warm. Enormous masses of 0. fletcheri were sitting in the reeds; as soon as I came down upon the little path, hundreds of females rushed upon me. Studying the nettles I then saw that most of the leaves of the nettles either on the edges or on their tips carried males of mosquitoes undoubtedly 0. fletcheri; the mosquitoes hung on to the edges of the leaves by means of the two first pair of legs, the hindlegs were a- straddle in the air and were now and then moved in circles; the females almost always sat under the leaves. When I now moved the nettles with my walking stick, both sexes arose, and to my great satisfaction I saw that if they touched each other during the flight, pairing immediately took place. For three consecutive even- ings I now observed the phenomenon during the time from 6Vz to 7 o'clock. At 6Va o'clock the males -and females sit on the leaves as mentioned above, about ?Va, 155 when the shadows grew long, and the sunbeams golden, the males arise and dance up and down; the dance is very close to the ground, only about one-third to half a meter from the tops of the nettles. The females alter their places; they now hang out from the edges of the leaves, and the hindlegs are. often moved either voluntarily or by the light evening breeze. On studying the females a little more closely, we shall see that they are almost all very thick, with a blood-filled intes- tine; the blood is black, i. e. the blood-meal has taken pla- ce some days ago; as mention- ed above most of the scale vestiture of the abdomen and of the legs is lost; the mosqui- toes shining a bright yellow. More than once I saw a male during the dance touch the hindlegs of the female, stretch- ed out into the air. At the very same moment the female released its hold, and the ma- ting process took place; but I also very often saw a female voluntarily release its hold and make her way into the swarm of dancing males. The pairing was always begun and accomplished during flight; it lasted only from 50 to 70 se- conds; the position during the act was vertical, and in this position the insects floated up and down, the line from the highest to the lowest point being only half a meter; commonly the dance went on in the very same place, often the light evening breeze carried the mosquitoes a few meters to one of the sides; in the vertical position the sexes were placed face to face. Immediately after the two sexes had found each other, they danced some seconds up and down, grasping each others fore and middle legs; the hindlegs were streched straight out into the air; then I saw the hindlegs being carried inwards, forming a bow with each other; immediately after this the tips of the abdomens were brought against each other, and the pairing took place. Still flying the two sexes released their holds, and both male and female hovered alone in the air; immediately after I have seen the male seize another fe- male and pair with her. BACOT (1916 p. 1) indicates that in S. fasciata one male fertilized 10 out of 21 females. At the same moment I have counted about twenty 20* Textfigure 19. The mating place of 0. fletcheri. Aalholm. Lolland. 156 pairs in mating position in the air. I was standing with my camera in my hand, and more than once I could see the dancing pairs, on the focussing screen of my camera, but it was too dark to get a photo of them. At 8.30 the phenomenon abated, and at nine o'clock I saw no more dancing pairs. In the forest which borders some of my experimental ponds near Hillerod (Stenholtsvang) I have often observed the swarms of 0. communis and prodotes. The swarming always took place about a fortnight after the mosquitoes were hatch- ed; the swarms consisted only of from twenty to fifty individuals; but of such small swarms there were many hundreds around the ponds; they were always standing in the small open spaces between the trunks, mainly from one to two meters above the ground; they could best be observed when suddenly sunbeams fell down between the trunks. In the swarms the single individuals kept their vertical position, only slowly gliding forwards and backwards in the same plane. Also with regard to this species did I see the females from the shade of the forest steer into the swarm and after a short battle drop out with a male. The mating process took place in the deep shadow of the trees at every time of the day. With regard to Theobaldia annulata Mr. KRUGER has sent me the following interesting observation. "On October the thirteenth a little past five, after noon, I arrived at Gentofte. I then saw something that looked like smoke on two chimney tops on one of the villas which I passed. A peculiar undulating motion in the smoke made me pay a little more attention to the phenomenon. I then observed that it was two mos- quito swarms which were standing over the chimney tops. A few moments later I had opportunity to ascertain that all the cottages in the little town had mosquito swarms over the chimney tops. By means of a fieldglass I saw that all the swarms consisted of mosquitoes, that all were males and most probably all Culicines. Every swarm consisted of about 200, rarely about 400 specimens. The swarm undulated to and fro; the single mosquito moved forward and in small jerks back and down- wards. The swarm was always standing a little aslant from the chimney top. All the swarms were directed eastward, and all the mosquitoes facing in the same direction; most probably because a very faint breeze seemed to come from this quarter. Chimney tops from which it smoked had no swarms. My daughter had ob- served the phenomenon before my arrival at my house; she thought that it began at 5 o'clock. The swarm building was always begun at the gable head, but at sun- set the swarm was standing over the chimney tops. Ascending the roof of my house I got some of the mosquitoes: they were T. annulata, all males. At six o'clock the swarm disappeared; the weather was beautiful, the air warm and soft; no wind; I could never hear any sound arising from the swarms". The observation corrobo- rates the often mentioned peculiarity that the swarms are formed over elevated objects: hay cocks, persons walking over prairies and meadows, cattle etc. II. Anophelines. Chapter IV. Anopheles and Danish Malaria. Of the genus Anopheles we have three species in our country: A. maculipennis, A. bifurcatus and A. plumbeus. We cannot expect to find any more species. The three species are so well known in the imago stage as well as in the larva stage that redescription and drawings may be regarded as quite superfluous. A. plumbeus Stephens. A. nigripes n. sp. Staeger. A. plumbeus is easily distinguishable from A. bifurcatus by its small size and dark colouring. It has been described by STAEGER (1838 p. 552) from a single spe- cimen taken in Charlottenlund near Copenhagen. In the Royal Museum is found a series of the species but after 1838 no finds are recorded in literature. Most probably A. plumbeus is rather rare in our country; I have found the species in the Royal Garden at Fredensborg near Esromlake and in the forests bor- dering the lake of Tjustrup. I have only seen it flying at sunset mainly when it is so dark in the forests that the species may just be distinguished. It bites but not so viciously as A. bifurcatus. The larva has hitherto been unknown in our country; MEINERT (1886 p. 395) has described a larva as A. nigripes but his figures show that the larva he has found is most probably only a young A. macu//pe/?m"s-larva, at all events not the larva of A. plumbeus. The larva is hitherto mainly recorded from tree-holes where it lives together with the larva of Finlaya geniculata. (EDWARDS according to LANG 1920 p. 78; LANG 1920 p. 78). ECKSTEIN (1919! p. 288), MARTINI (1920! p. 52). For a long time I have vainly searched for the larva of A. plumbeus, the tree-holes only containing the larva of Finlaya geniculata; finally in the latter part of July I found a tree-hole with a great many Anophelin larvae which when more closely examined differed very much from those of the two other Danish species; they had all the diagnostic fea- tures of the larva of A. plumbeus; the post antennal hairs being exceedingly small 158 and simple; the outer anterior clypeal hairs too; the equipment of hairs on the thorax and abdomen is much richer and the colour of the body is remarkably red- dish brown; the whole larva has, as LANG (1920 p. 78) writes, a more stumpy look than that of A. maculipenms and A. bifurcatus. I observed the tree-hole almost every day till 15. August, the hole being only a few hundred yards from my summer laboratory; there were about a hundred larvae in the hole; they pupated in the first part of August and the imagines A. plumbeus were hatched before my departure; all the larvae I saw in the tree-hole were fullgrown ; that a new generation of larvae should appear in autumn is highly improbable. The larvae were always lying at the surface but at the slightest shaking of the earth round the tree stump they darted away from the surface and disappeared at the bottom of the dark brown water. ECKSTEIN (19193 p. 532) supposes that the species hibernates as imago. Besides I refer to EYSELL (1912 p. 421). The species is often but not exclusively found in tree holes also in peat holes (BLANCHARD 1918, MARTINI 1915 p. 585, THEOBALD (1910 p. 13), it has been recorded from most European countries lastly from France (CORDIER 1918 p. 726; LANGERON 1918 p. 728). Its significance as Malaria carrier is very small (BACOT 1918 p. 241); but BLACKLOCK and CARTER (1920 p. 413) have shown that infection really is possible; the peculiar eggs differing from the eggs of other European species in having a ring of floating cells all round have been described by EYSELL (1912 p. 423). A. bifurcatus. A. bifurcatus is a well-known species recorded from Denmark already by STAEGER (1838 p. 552); it is regarded as rare and this, as far as I can see, is the case with regard, to most of the localities in Central and North Europe. - - In my opinion it is not so with our country; insufficient knowledge of the biology has caused the impression that the species is much rarer than is really the case. The first specimens appear in the middle of May; I have not found specimens after the first part of September; I have found the greatest number in June — July. A. bifurcatus is mainly an outdoor species, the home of which is dark forests, old gardens, the outskirts of old beeches, especially where these border on lakes. Even if the locality contains numbers of A. bifurcatus during the twenty hours of the day and night we shall hardly see anything of it; in a great many localities in Den- mark I and some persons with whom I have been acquainted have made quite the same observations. Until a little after sunset we have all been tormented by the different Ochlerotatus species; then when it is so dark that it is difficult to distinguish the different spe- cies from each other, mosquitoes of very slender form and with very long legs appear; it is A. bifurcatus - as far as we hitherto know in our country never A. maculipennis - which now displaces the Ochlerotatus species; - their flight is quite silent, and I have never had the slightest sensation of the mosquito when it alighted upon my hand; the sting is very painful. Different people in the 159 neighbourhood of Hillered have told me that in the time from ten to twelve they were stung in their bedrooms when the vindows were open by mosquitoes of a remarkably slender form and with very long legs; unquestionably we here have to do with A. bifurcatus, so much the more, as I myself have been, subject to attacks of this species in my bedroom. In early spring when the evenings are cold, I have also found the cobwebs in stables carrying numerous A. bifurcatus; at that time A. maculipennis has not arrived here or is very rare. As soon as the evenings have got warmer, A. bifurcatus disappears from the stables and is now a particular out- poor species. In my opinion it is one of those mosquitoes of ours which have the greatest power of flight. On calm very warm days with an overcast sky and sultry air it may happen that the mosquitoes are on the wing even in the middle of the day. On such days I have often been lying on the borders of our largest lakes and watched how A. bifurcatus steered from the lake perpendicularly on the shore line; I got the impression that the mosquitoes came directly from the lake having pas- sed this and, if so, flown about two or three kilom. Everywhere in North and Middle Seeland where I have studied the pheno- menon I have had an opportunity to observe the attack of A. bifurcatus in the time from nine to twelve evening; only rarely was I attacked by A. nigripes and never by A. maculipennis. The species of the genus Ochlerotatus did not quite disappear, especially 0. cantans was troublesome but A. bifurcatus did not arrive before eight or nine o'clock, and in most localities it preponderated over the Ochlerotatus-species. I have observed the males at two different times of the year; in the last days of April and in the latter part of August and first days of September. The males congregate in small swarms, commonly not consisting of more than from twenty to a hundred individuals. On calm evenings or on days with warm weather and overshadowed sky in the outskirts of the forests we may often find these small swarms in the small "bays" in the foliage; these swarms of Anophelines are easily recognizable from those of the Culicines owing to the picture of the position of the body during the flight. Of a flying Culicin male we only see the body and the an- tennae which are spread out laterally; a flying Anophelin male presents itself as a much longer line, because the male palpi are pressed to the proboscis, and pro- boscis and palpi appear almost as thick as the thorax and abdomen; this impres- sion is augmented because also the antennae are held nearer to the proboscis during flight than is the case \vith the Culicines. In the swarms the mosquitoes all fly almost at the same distance from the earth, flying horizontally out and in without altering the vertical position in the s'warm: More than once I have seen the females following straight lines, steer their way directly into the little swarm which is then in a moment altered into a ball in which the single individuals -are pressed against each other; a few moments a pair drops out of the swarm, and falls down into the grass where the mating is accomplished. On a calm day I once saw such a whole series of dancing A. bifurcatus swarms all almost at line, all 160 standing in the small "bays" of beech foliage and all with the faces directed to- wards the moors from which the females steered their way into the swarm. From the middle of May the egg-laying processes go on ; as far as I know a little later than the process begins for A. maculipennis. The larvae of the two species are easily distinguished from each other by means of the clypeal hairs; in the larva of A. bifurcatus the inner pair is simple, and the outer only cleft a few times; in A. ma- culipennis the inner is cleft several times, the outer is a thick brush; moreover the float hairs of A. bifurcatus have about sixteen leaflets, those of A. maculipennis about twenty-two. Also in the comb of the two species there are great differences. Moreover, as far as I know, the larva of A. maculipennis is always of a much brighter colour, commonly green, whereas that of A. bifurcatus is darker. Further- more it may be pointed out that most probably all fullgrown larvae of Anophelines which are to be found in May-^-June mainly or only belong to A. maculipennis, whereas all Anophelin larvae which occur from October and during the winter months always only belong to A. bifurcatus. The two species meet each other as larvse only in the month June — September; during this time, as far as I know, A. maculipennis everywhere preponderates over A. bifurcatus; in the six winter months the opposite is the case, and in the true winter months we only find the larvae of A. bifurcatus. As well known (GRASSI 1901 p. 53; LEVANDER 1902 p. 11) most of the Anophelin-larvse are found in the thick green layers of algae on the surface of smaller ponds (Cladophora, Oedogonium, Spirogyra); as far as I know especially near the coast. It is very difficult to observe the larvae in Nature; but from my boat when lying in the Potamogeton region of our ponds I have learned to see the larvae between the Potamogeton leaves. The larvae are often found together but those of A. bifurcatus preponderate in clear cold localities. It is a well known, often established, fact that whereas A. maculipennis hiber- nates only as imago, A. bifurcatus hibernates as larva. See f. i. NUTTALL and SHIP- LEY (1901 p. 452; 1902 p. 64); GALLI VALERIC and NARBEL (1901). In September I have, especially in a little valley near Suserup, seen the swarms of males of A. bifurcatus; then the females probably lay their eggs; at all events vast numbers of small black Anophelin larvae occur; at that time these larvae appear almost everywhere in small ponds rich in vegetation. Their home is the water rim, the larvae lying, like the Dixa larvae, almost upon dry land; in this water rim the females have deposited their eggs; these are rather difficult to see in Nature, but if we take a piece of milky coloured glass or of white paper and bring it under the surface, but as near this as possible, we shall see that the eggs are ex- tremely common, further that the numerous black Anophelin larvae originate from these eggs. The larvae now live in the water rim for more than two months, but when the temperature of the water is about zero, they disappear and hide themselves at the bottom of the ponds; at that time they have almost reached the fullgrown size, the hibernation as far as I know always taking place in the last rarely in the second larva stage. During winter the larvae do not grow, most probably they eat 161 very little, satisfying their respiratory claims through the air dissolved in the water. - In spring the larvae appear again in the water rim, and in the detritus washed ashore in the spring months the pupae appear together with those of Dixa, Cera- topogon and many pupae of Chironomidcv . ECKSTEIN (1918 p. .530) has arrived at quite similar results. MARTINI (1920 p. 63) indicates that A. bifurcatus most probably quite like the Aedini hibernate as eggs which should then be hatched very early at low temperatures. I do not think this supposition is correct. It seems as if A. bifurcatus, both as imago and as larva, is more accustomed to low tempera- tures than A. maculipennis, occurring partly as larva in cold, slow running moun- tain streams and as imago higher up in the mountains. (See f. i. PRELL 1917 p. 243; MARTINI 1920 p. 67). How many generations are produced in the course of a year I do not know, but I should think not more than two. - The one is laid as egg in Sept., winters as larva, the larva life lasting about eight months, and is imago in May; the other is laid as egg in May— June; the larva life lasting not more than one or two months; and the imagines appear in mid-summer. As far as we know there are only few of the Anophelince which hibernate as larvae (see GRIFFITS 1918 p. 1996. LACAZE 1918 p. 729). LEGER 1917. NUTTALL and SHIPLEY 1901 p. 452). A. maculipennis. When I began my investigations on the Danish Culicidce I supposed that A. maculipennis was one of our most common mosquitoes; STAEGER (1838 p. 552) writes "common from April to September; the female common on the windows of houses". To my great astonishment I never saw A. maculipennis in Nature. The single Anopheles species which for years I could find was always A. bifurcatus; in houses I certainly saw a few but never any great number. It is a well-known fact that in our country we have formerly had a very serious malaria epidemic; we are therefore forced to suppose that at that time, not a century ago, swarms of Anophelines must have been hatched every year. As for the whole of Europe A. maculipennis is nowadays undoubtedly the chief malaria carrier and as North of the Alps we have never found more than the three Anop/ie/es-species mentioned in this work, and the significance of the two others as malaria carriers, especially of A. niyripes, has always been but slight, we are almost forced to suppose that it really was A. maculipennis which was the malaria carrier a century ago; as my investigations however showed that A. maculipennis nowa- days seemed to be an extremely rare mosquito, it really seemed that all those naturalists and physicians were right, who maintained that one of the main causes of the disappearance of malaria from more northern latitudes was really the dis- appearance of A. maculipennis. One day in 1918 I happened to enter a cowhouse, lying near my laboratory at Tjustrup. To my great astonishment I then saw A. maculipennis in incredible numbers hanging down from the ceiling of the stable and especially from all the D. K. D. Vidensk. Seisk. Skr., naturvidensk. og mathem. Afd. 8. Rjekke, VII, 1. 21 162 cobwebs in the dark, windsheltered corners of the stable. A closer examination showed that of Culicidce the stable only contained A. maculipennis; that almost all were females and only a very few males; further that almost all females were blood-filled. In the following weeks I then explored about twenty farms lying in the middle of Seeland; later on ten in the north of Seeland. In every stable I found the mos- quitoes; the number varied, but was very often about 100 specimens upon one square yard; very often I saw stables in which the number must be estimated to be many thousands in all. The fact interested me very much, never having thought that my limnologi- cal studies would carry me away from the moors and lakes into the stables; that however was the case for more than two years. I immediately saw that here prob- ably was the clue to the enigma why one of the most terrible epidemics, from which our country had suffered, had totally disappeared from the country in such a relatively incredibly short space of time. On two journeys to Lolland-Falster, formerly the real home of the malaria, I studied the behaviour of Anophelines there; in 19191 explored another old malaria centre, the marshes in the western part of Jutland. In 1920 I further requested Mr. KRYGER, on a journey which lasted about a month, to explore the life modus of Anopheles maculipennis in the southern part of Jutland, from Kolding along the east coast to Skanderborg; further an area round the large lakes near Silkeborg, then westward over the heath and finally near the large downs along the west coast of Jutland. For my own part I chose a single farmyard lying near my laboratory at Tjustrup, used the stables as a laboratory and visited the stable in the time from June to September, often almost every day and at all events every seventh day; further I visited it now and then also at other times of the year, and moreover at all hours of the day and night. I wish to give my heartiest thanks to the owner of the farm, the chairman of the parish council Mr. JORGENSEN. Of course without any scientific education, yet he was soon interested in the exploration, often looked for the mosquitoes himself, and allowed me to begin, carry on, and complete my investigations at every time of the year and the day. In this connection I also wish to bring my best thanks to Mr. PETERSEN, veterinary surgeon at Ringsted, Mr. J0R- GENSEN, Nysted, Mr. E. PETERSEN, Silkeborg, and Dr. HELMS at Nakkeb011e Fjord; Prof. C. O. JENSEN, Copenhagen; they have all given me information of different kinds. In April 1920 I delivered a discourse in the Royal Society at Copenhagen on the malaria mosquitoes and their relation to the Danish malaria. Some weeks later, Prof. C. J. SALOMONSEN called my attention to a paper by E. ROUBAUD published in April 1920, the very same month in which I delivered my discourse. I immedia- tely saw that it had happened that two scientists in two countries, without having the slightest suspicion thereof, had studied quite the same phenomenon simultane- ously and on quite the same principles. It was with the greatest satisfaction that 163 I saw that \ve have arrived at quite the same results. I do not think that the excellent paper of ROUBAUD has made mine superfluous; the same theory which already in 1918 I had worked out for myself with regard to the disappearance of the malaria in North-Europe I have seen that ROUBAUD has also worked out for France. His thoughts and mine upon this point can, as far as I can see, never be more than a theory; but it is a matter of course that this theory is greatly streng- thened by the facts that two scientists, in different parts of the globe, have arrived quite independently and simultaneously at quite the same result. In accordance with my discoveries and starting from the new facts gathered from Mr. KRYGER'S note-books from his journey in Jutland, I shall now in a somewhat abbreviated form give an account of my investigations, then mention the results of ROUBAUD and finally discuss the relatively slight differences between his and my statements. All in all I suppose it will be understood that the old saying that two eyes see better than one has been corroborated also in this case. With regard to the anatomy and general biology of A. maculipennis I refer the reader to the many papers published upon this subject especially: GRASSI 1901 ; IMMS 1907 and 1908; CHRISTOPHERS 1901, NUTALL and SHIPLEY 1900—1903 a. o. I especially wish to point out the last-named admirable investigation relating to the anatomy of imago and larva ; of particular interest is the study of the digestive organs. (1903 p. 166). 1. The explorations have been carried on over North, Middle, and South-See- land, over the islands Lolland and Falster, and over a large part of Jutland (see above). From these explorations, carried out in more than a hundred farms, it may be supposed that almost every stable in the country at special times of the year harbours A. maculipennis. In the time from June — September A. maculipennis has been found in every stable hitherto explored. From the exploration hitherto carried on it has been quite impossible to point out special areas of distribution where A. maculipennis either preponderates or is rare; I once thought that the mosquito was more common in the southern part of the country, but this is certainly not right. In the woodlands, on the vast meadows on the southern coast of Lolland-Falster, in the marshes at the west coast of Jutland and over the sandy country of Mid- Jutland the mosquito seems everywhere to be common. Most probably the peculiarly regular distribution over the country is in accordance with the fact that breeding places are to be found everywhere and that want of food cannot exist. 2. The mosquitoes appear in the stables on the first days of May, at that time the number is but small and during the whole of May it is not augmented ; at that time we only find females; in the middle of June the new summer generation appears, making known its existence rather suddenly by means of rather numerous males and an enormous amount of females. Any augmentation of females from the latter part of July I cannot ascertain; the males almost totally disappear, but in the last part of August I have got the impression that the number is again augmented. From the middle of September to November the number of both males and females 21* KM diminishes and from the latter part of November it is almost impossible to get a single specimen in stables which in July sheltered thousands of A. maculipeiuus. The hibernation does not take place in the stables. When studying the hibernation places of C. pipiens I only very rarely found A. maculipennis in them. The number of A. maculipennis which I have seen in human dwellings in winter is also al- ways extremely small; in the district of Silkeborg it has been maintained that the females in late autumn fly into the rooms; otherwise I have never heard anything of this and I take it to be highly improbable that our rooms are the real hiberna- tion places of the species. On the other hand I have myself found the species in small numbers in remarkably cold but always dark localities, especially out-buil- dings. The veterinary surgeon Mr. PETERSEN has kindly told me that in the western part of Jutland, near Ribe, on the farm Villeb01, on 23/n 1917, he found numerous A. maculipennis, hanging under the ceiling of a peat house; it was in company with T. annulata. I suppose that such localities are the real hibernating places, at all events in our country, not the stables. - - Most probably this is in accordance with the high temperatures in winter in the stables ; low temperatures being a life con- dition for the mosquitoes, as they do not suck blood during winter. That the hibernation as a rule does not take place in stables but in out- buildings etc. is corroborated by many other authors. I refer especially to ECKSTEIN (1919m p. 531); MARTINI (1920JJI. Also ANNETT and DUTTON (1901 p. 1013) maintain that A. maculipennis hibernates in outbuildings, cellars, dairies; cheese rooms, pan- tries; lumber rooms, ware houses, coal cellars. The two last named authors state that the mosquitoes were very difficult to rouse during hibernation. Howr long the mosquitoes remained in the same position during the winter months it was not easy to determine, but it was noticed that many of the Culicidcc were wholly or partially enveloped in a thick mould which had grown in and around their bodies thus fixing them in the attitude described. 3. In my opinion the number of A. maculipennis is greatest in the hog-sties; not so great in the cowhouses and smallest in the horse stables; often the num- ber is also great in the hen-houses. As however the rearing of swine during these last two years has been very greatly diminished, so much so that often there are no hogs at all in the sties, it has been difficult for me to corroborate this supposition. It is always so that dark and dirty, badly ventilated stables without draught contain a greater number of A. maculipennis than light, clean, well ventilated stables; newly whitewashed stables always contain only very few specimens. Mr. KRYGER as well as myself have observed dark stables were A. maculipennis has been pre- sent in thousands, we are almost inclined to say in millions; when the door has been opened and we have tried to touch the ceiling with a net, crowds of mosqui- toes have hovered around us. It further seems that the number is greatest in the small stables with low ceilings, it is further greatest in stables with many animals, much smaller in stables with only few cows or horses. The mosquitoes occupy the ceiling more than the walls and always prefer the darkest corner; in particular 165 they hang down from the cobwebs; every cobweb often carries about thirty to forty specimens; where it has been possible to count the number I have often found about 80 to 100 upon a square meter. Even in summer when the Anophelines are mainly to be found in the stables the cattle is often in the fields; on the larger farms they are mainly out of doors day and night, on the smaller ones the cattle is driven into the stable before night. In the last case the number of Anophelines is exceedingly large. In every stable there are however almost always a few pens in which young cattle or sick ani- mals have been locked in. It is then very peculiar to see that even that part of the ceiling and walls which borders on these pens contains a much larger num- ber of mosquitoes than the empty pens. To get a true estimate with regard to the number of Anophelines a very careful examination is necessary; it has been shown that a great many mosquitoes hide themselves between the collar-beams and the ceiling and similar localities which are almost excluded from examination. - It can also be shown that where among a series of stalls, each with its head of cattle, there are some empty ones, the number of Anophelines over these empty stalls is smaller than over those which contain cattle; nor is the ceiling over the middle walk so closely covered as the ceiling over the stalls. 4. Even in those farms where the stables contain large numbers of mosqui- toes, the rooms occupied by the family are almost quite free from mosquitoes. The opposite may be the case and more especially this has been the case upon some large estates where all the cattle has been out in the meadows for a long time, and the servants' rooms have been in connection with or very near the stables. - As a common rule it may however be pointed out that on most of our farms there is the most striking contrast between the number of mosquitoes in stables and in the living rooms. Accounts from excellent observers, in whom I have the greatest confidence, seem to point to the fact that in localities where there are exceptionally many breeding places for Anopheline-larvse, and where the number of cattle present in the vicinity is but slight f. i. in the little town of Silkeborg (about 10.000 inhabitants), quite surrounded by lakes and moors, it seems as if the mosquitoes here may enter the houses ; this may especially be the case in autumn. Personally I have not myself had any occasion to corroborate this assertion. 5. The mosquitoes of the stables are almost all blood-filled; extremely thick; where I have tried to count I have always found that about 90 % have the sto- machs full of blood and only 10 °/o have empty stomachs; in many of them the contents of the alimentary canal is black, in many of them it is red. Rather often we find specimens where the hind part of the contents is black, the fore part is red. In my hatching cages I have seen that an A. maculipennis with red contents of the alimentary canal in the course of twenty- four hours has altered it to black. When therefore I find mosquitoes with contents half black and half red, I am in- 166 clined to suppose that the mosquitoes suck or at all events are able to suck blood very often, most probably almost once in the course of twenty-four hours. It is difficult to see the real blood-filling process ; I have never seen the mosquitoes suck on bright days; nor have I been able to see the process during night, most probably because it was always too dark in the stables and the mosquitoes had left their victims when light arrived. On the other hand, in the time from ten to twelve evening, very often when I came into the stable, especially in the hog-pens, I have seen almost all the pigs rub themselves against the boards of the stall; this I have only rarely observed in day-time. On dark days in dark stables I have further often seen or rather just been able to catch a glimpse of the sucking Ano- phelines; curiously enough I have most often observed them on the eye-lids of the cows; more than once I have tried to catch them while they were sucking but this was always an impossibility; the cows moved and the mosquitoes darted away. - - I have not tried to determine the blood in the mosquito stomachs; I soon learned to regard this as quite a superfluous investigation. Later on I learned that already MUHLENS "konnte das Blut mit der Uhlenhutprobe als Schweine- bez. Rinderblut anweisen" (MARTINI 1920i p. 60). It may be added that the few speci- mens which I have found in the latter part of October have never been red but have had a yellow coloured abdomen not distended with blood. The blood-sucking period lasts only till about 15/ix. 6. The mosquitoes are always remarkably indolent, and sluggish; when en- tering the stable the observer gets the impression that the mosquitoes sit almost as if glued to the ceiling and walls. I shall not here discuss the well-known position which the Anophelines generally adopt in contradistinction to the Culicines; (see especially PRELL 1917 p. 242) but only once more emphasize the peculiar position when they hang down perpendicularly from the cobwebs by only one claw of the forelegs. The animals are quite motionless and do not alter their position for many hours; the moment, however, the glass approaches the mosquito and the distance is dimi- nished only a few inches we immediately see the hindlegs make oscillations and often describe circles in the air; if then the vessel is not rapidly put over the mos- quito it takes the wing; unquestionably the long outstretched hindlegs are used as organs of feeling. At first I thought that the number of mosquitoes which I should find at night hanging indolent from the ceiling would be, smaller than by day; this may perhaps really be the case but after all the difference is but slight. On lO/vin I marked the resting places of 40 A. maculipennis ; time seven o'clock in the evening; the next morning at nine o'clock twenty-nine of the mosquitoes had not altered their places. I have got the impression that the females almost live their whole life in the cow- houses, only fly out of doors to pair and for the purpose of egg-laying; on calm evenings I have observed the mosquitoes from outside either fly through the open door or against the windows, but I have never been able to observe a flight from the stable into the open; Mr. PETERSEN writes to me that in the western part of 167 Jutland near Ribe he has made quite a similar observation; any general flight of Anophelin females in the evenings round the farms or under the large trees which are often found in the gardens near the farms I have never been able to observe. 7. Whilst the females, in my opinion, must mainly be regarded as stationary stable mosquitoes during the summer, the males are rare in the stables; I have never found more than about 10 % males; Mr. PETERSEN has come to quite a similar result. At Nysted (Lolland) I have in the middle of June observed the small swarms of males dancing behind and between shrubs; it was evening; sunset; the observation was made about fifty meters from the stable in which, at the same moment, about one hundred blood-filled females were hanging. Here too I had oc- casion to observe a few females steering their course into the swarms, but these females came from the outside, the swarms of males being between them and the stable; as far as I could observe without catching them they were all lank, without blood in the stomach. The observation of the swarming of the Anopheles-species is of some interest; it has hitherto been denied; recently it has been corroborated by BANKS with regard to Philippine species (1919 p. 283). 8. I have never directly observed the females egg-laying; having often tried to see the process by day I am almost convinced that it takes place at night, and especially in the early morning hours. This is also stated by LEVANDER (1902 p. 18). In my hatching cages the females never laid eggs in the day time, but the water reservoirs very often contained eggs in the morning. With regard to the structure of the eggs and the form of the egg groups I refer the reader to earlier authors. As far as I can see the eggs are often laid in the water reservoirs nearest to the farm; it is only the distance from the stable which determines their usefulness; the quality of the water is a matter of entire indifference to the mosquito. Any predi- lection for clean water I do not find. Hitherto I have never, as is the case with C. pipiens and T. annulata, found the eggs indoors in cemented water reservoirs but I should not wonder if this will be the case some day. I have found the larvae in the dunghill pools lying only abt. 10 meters from the stable; in these pools a great many larva? are hatched. In most of our villages we commonly find pools very rich in organic matter often covered with water bloom, our Danish "Gadekaer"; gener- ally they are bordered by grassy vegetation. In these pools I have always found the greatest number of the larvae of A. maculipennis. I suppose that these pools are the nightly rendezvous places for all the egg-laying females from the stables of the village; that A. maculipennis should not be bred in polluted water is therefore not in accordance with my own observations (see GAVER and PRINGAULT 1914 p. 401 a. o.). I may add that I have often found a large number of larvae near the marshy borders of larger ponds or small lakes. What mainly characterises the egg-laying localities is that they are almost always sunlit, not dark as is mainly the case with many of the localities for Cu/ex-larvae. 9. As is well known a C. pipiens throws its eggs in egg boats; we suppose that every female produces about four eggboats. I regret that the far-branching 168 investigation of the biology of our mosquito fauna has not left time enough to study the egg-laying processes of A. maculipennis in a more thorough manner. From observations in my hatching cages, but never corroborated in nature, I have got the impression that also the eggs of A. maculipennis are given off if not in rafts, at any rate in series; that periods of egg-laying succeed periods in which eggs are not laid; how many of such periods exist in the life of an A. maculipennis I really do not know. At highest summer temp. I have observed that a blood meal almost disappears from the stomach in the course of about four to six days; when then opened, it has been shown that the abdomen was filled with eggs. I feel quite sure that from the moment of blood-filling and to the moment of egg-ripening the mosquitoes do not leave the stable, but it seems that they suck blood more than once. As mentioned above in my opinion they do not leave the stable except for mating and egg-laying, and it is most probable that, during flight, for one of these two reasons they do not suck blood. If this is right it means that A. maculipennis in most districts of our country does not suck blood out of doors. With regard to larva life I refer to A. bifurcatus. 10. It is a very peculiar fact that of the owners and inhabitants of about a hundred farms which Mr. KRYGER and I have visited, more than ninety have not had the slightest idea that their stables contained mosquitoes at all. When we have asked permission to visit their stables they have invariably answered "we have no mosquitoes in our stables"; often the owners have been angry and said that they wanted to see the mosquitoes before they would believe it. It has always been rather a jolly moment when we studied their faces, after having presented them with some hundreds; their astonishment was beyond all bounds. A few of them were well aware that their stables were inhabited by mosquitoes, but these persons have always maintained that the mosquitoes whic'h stung them in the forests and in their gardens were of another kind ; that the mosquitoes of the stables were blood- filled they have never observed. 11. The most striking fact elucidated from conversation with the owners was that the mosquitoes of the stables never sting man. This is in full accordance with my own experience: I have never in my life been stung by a single A. maculipen- nis. Moreover, I have been sitting at the farms near the open stable doors, expect- ing that the mosquitoes would use me as a sucking object. I never succeeded. I have asked the herdsman, who was to attend the sows when they were to farrow and was therefore forced to lie as near as possible to the sow, if he had ever been stung by the mosquitoes. Even if the stables contained many hundreds, the answer was invariably "No". There is not the slightest doubt upon the point that the mosquitoes of the stables suck blood from our farm animals and not from man. 12. From this common rule we have only been able to get a very few excep- tions. Mr. KRYGER has shown that there is evidence that A. maculipennis at all events in two localities in Jutland still attacks man. In one locality the mosquitoes were caught while sucking and determined by him as A. maculipennis; in two other 169 localities as well as in the thjrd, where the fact was ascertained, the nursery, the bedrooms and the servants' rooms were full of A. maculipennis; the people main- tained that during night they suffered horribly from mosquitoes, and that -their sleep was disturbed by the insects. It has been maintained that A* maculipennis every- where round Silkeborg attacks man. This more especially holds good in autumn. Most probably the statement is quite correct. For all three localities it can be pointed out that there is a want of cattle. In one locality, the great estate of N0r- holm, the cattle was out of doors; the Anophelines have flown into the servants' rooms and satisfied their lust of blood on man; of the two other localities one, Silkeborg, is surrounded by water in an area where undoubtedly vast numbers of Anopheles may be hatched and where the number of cattle to nourish the number of Anophelines is but small ; the third spot was at Gudenaa where th'e same is the case; here the house was in possession of a fish farm with large hatching ponds which contained plenty of Anophelin larvae but no stock of cattle. It seems therefore that in localities where special conditions prevail, .4. ma- culipennis nowadays also attacks man, but we have here only to do with excep- tions; the rule is that this is not the case. 13. As A. maculipennis is now ascertained to be an inhabitant of our stables, the question is if they may be regarded as quite harmless insects; I am not quite sure that this is the case. More than once we have explored stables which only contained two cows. When in such stables we are able to count about 100 A. ma- culipennis on a in2 and may estimate the number of mosquitoes at many thousands, and 90 % of them are blood-filled, it may really be a question if the cow is able to produce the same amount of milk, whether the stable is mosquito-filled or empty of mosquitoes. If I estimate the amount of mosquitoes in such a stable at 5000 only, a number which is unquestionably too small, it means that about 5000 drops of blood are hanging on the ceiling and walls. If then I suppose that this number is almost unaltered from the 1st of June to the 1. Sept. and that the blood is renewed every fourth day - - this is probably too little - - this again means that the cows have been tapped of more than 100.000 drops of blood. If we further suggest that 100 drops are about 5 ccm blood, this again means that the mosqui- toes have tapped the cows of 5 liters of blood during the summer. I suppose that this may be regarded as rather strong, at all events rather unnecessary, bleedhig. It may in this connection be kept in mind that quite similar calculations have been made by WILHELMI (1917 p. 69) with regard to Stomoxys calcitrans, and that BISHOPP (1913) for the same species and from explorations in North Texas has shown that loss of milk production owing to the same cause should be estimated at 40—60 %>. With regard to the Anophelines it may in this connection be remembered that a study of the literature from GRASSI (1900) up to our own day seems to show that no conformity with regard to all indications as to the blood filling processes : - how often they take place; the relation between egg laying and blood filling; the I). K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og matheni. Afd. 8. Rsekke, VII, 1. 22 170 influence of temperature, can be aquired, in the present state of our knowledge. I shall restrict myself to remarking that MARTINI (1902 p. 152) for North Germany indicates that at tp. of 20° C. in the rooms the blood sucking process takes place every fourth day till egg-laying, and that this goes on two or three weeks later on. 14. If now from a veterinarian point of view it will be admitted that the num- ber of Aiiophelines in the stables has some significance, it may be added that it is very easy to destroy the mosquitoes; the best means are white washing of ceiling and walls, destruction of cob\vebs, draught and light. The number of mosquitoes is always greatest in the dark, dirty, small stables without light and draught. In large, fine stables, well ventilated and white-washed the number of mosquitoes has certainly no practical interest. It may also be added that the swallows play a prominent part in the destruc- tion of the mosquitoes ; where there are many swallows' nests, there are few mosqui- toes. I have often seen them pick the mosquitoes away from the ceiling. On the other hand I have never seen the spiders destroy them and never found remains of them in the webs, even where the mosquitoes in huge numbers hang down from inhabited cobwrebs; see also KNAB (1912 p. 143). He mentions several other Nemocera which are also found there. Only the Ceratopagonida> suck upon the prey of the Aranea; \vhat the other Nematocera have to do there we do not know. That they should find any protection there I find quite improbable. 15. Being no veterinarian I only venture to suggest the question if the thought is quite unnatural that there may be occasions where the mosquitoes may be able to play a role as disease-carriers. 16. It is a well-known fact that entomologists who have been punctured by A. bifurcatus always maintain that the sting is much more painful than that of the Culicines; further that the effect lasts much longer. See also NOCHT (1901 p. 908). My own experience goes in the same direction. Here as everywhere we often hear about venomous punctures of mosquitoes. It happens that quite suddenly many people suffer from such punctures; in 1920 the field workers on a large estate suffered greatly from venomous punctures of mosquitoes in September. In one of the above- named localities at Silkeborg the families and especially the children got one veno- mous puncture after the other and had to be treated by a doctor. In that very locality an Entomologist, Mr. PETERSEN, pointed out that A. maculipennis was to be found in the rooms. I should think that here we have fo do with a case, worthy of special investigation. 17. From the Middle of Seeland as well as from Lolland I have gathered from twenty to forty females in the stables and examined the alimentary canal, but I have never seen cystes on the walls. As up to 1920 in the autumn I never heard of a single case of malaria which must be regarded as indigenous, I ceased to make these observations, regarding them as rather unnecessary. 18. Commonly A. maculipennis is sole master of the stables; only in spring A. bifurcatus arrives too. Especially in the autumn C. pipiens appears, but now and 171 then T. annulata may be present in relatively large numbers; these large mosqui- toes, which, quite like A. maculipennis, are almost always blood-filled, resemble flies and are as sluggish as A. maculipennis. Also MARTINI (19204 p. 13) states that he has rather often found A. bifurcalus in stables. 19. With regard to the number of generations in our country we only know very little. The last broods of the last summer generation hibernate and most prob- ably die out in June, living about eight months. The summer generation is born in June and produces a series of broods; that these broods again produce a new generation is in my opinion probable, but more than two generations a year I do not suppose will appear. KULAGIN (1907 p. 867) has arrived at a similar result with regard to Russia (one generation). PRELL (1917 p. 262) seems to be of a similar opinion: he says: "dass die A. maculipennis Larva verhaltnismassig hohere An- spruche an die Temperatur stellt als Culex und daher fur gewohnlich sich wesentlich langsamer entwickelt. Bei einer durchschnittlichen Tp. von 20° C. war eine Zucht allerdings bei schwacher Ernahrung nach 5 Wochen noch nicht fiber das zweite Stadium gekommen". ECKSTEIN (19192 p. 94), MARTINI (1920i p. 63) indicate 2—3 generations at Strassbourg and Hamburg. Unquestionably the number of generations in the south is much greater. GRASSI (1900 p. 81) found that the development from the moment when the larva left the egg and to the transformatign to imago lasted 30 days at tp. 20 — 25° C. Twenty days later these flies in turn laid eggs. In the long Italian summer there will certainly be time for a whole series of generations; this has also been stated for England by NUTTALL and SHIPLEY (1902 p. 68) and for Austria by KERSCHBAUMER (1901 p. 85). If now we will summarise our knowledge with regard to the biology of A. maculipennis in Denmark nowadays, we shall arrive at the following remarkable result. A. maculipennis is almost for the whole of its life bound to human habitats; in summer to the stables, in winter to outhouses, only leaving the houses for mating and egg-laying processes. It sucks blood upon the domestic animals, pigs, cattle and horses, not upon man; this is only the case where opportunities to suck blood upon animals are wanting or insufficient; nowadays the females are extremely sluggish, hanging blood-filled, often in incredible numbers, upon the ceiling and walls of the stables. They are hardly ever met with in Nature itself and as a rule they do not fly through the windows into the rooms in the evenings. It is a well-known fact that malaria was formerly one of the worst epidemics we have had in this country. Its history here has been treated by C. A. HANSEN (1886) and by GOLDSCHMIDT (1886 p. 29). With regard to older literature I more especially refer to COLD (1857 p. 109). I shall here by no means enter into detail, but referring the reader to these papers only call attention to the following facts. 22* 172 Before 1818 there had been some malaria attacks but hitherto they had not been very conspicuous. In 1826, after a very warm summer, a terrible epidemic broke out. On the island Langeland about, one fourth of all the inhabitants were attacked; the leading physicians supposed that the whole generation of the period living in the middle part of Seeland would succumb. Again in 1831 the epidemic ravaged Denmark as one of the most terrible epidemics we have ever had; the term "Lolland fever" originates from that time. It lasted to 1834. In the years 1847 — 49; 1853 — 56, 1859 — 62 a series of smaller epidemics appeared. From that moment we observe an uninterrupted fall of the curve though with some undulations and a series of low vertices; nowadays endemic malaria does not exist in our country; from abroad cases of malaria have been brought in; in the year 1914, 33 foreign malaria cases have been treated; not a single one of them can be regarded as indigenous. It is a disease nowadays extinct in our country. How terrible was the epidemic about 1830 will be seen from the following description (C. A. HANSEN) (1886 p. 151): After a few days of a nasty smelling blighting fog in July the malaria suddenly attacked a very great part of the popula- tion. As by a flash of lightning several hundreds were attacked in all directions in the same parish. Upon Lolland there were two parishes with 2000 inhabitants of which 1800 were attacked and 98 died. The percentage of mortality was greater in the Cholera year 1853 when more than 50 °/o of the attacked succumbed, but the actual number of attacked persons was much greater in the malaria years. Suddenly during work in the fields the workers dropped down. The whole stock of servants even of larger farms and estates would be attacked simultaneously ; the cattle could not be milked and any stranger who cared to was allowed to take the milk. In Maribo county (Lolland) 28,788 persons were attacked i. e. about half of the whole population; 1114 died. The malaria occurred mainly in the benign form, but also perniciosa occurred. The malaria devastated the whole country, especially Lolland — Falster, a district in Middle Seeland, North Seeland round Lyngby, the island of Langeland and the area round Silkeborg, Jutland. It is very peculiar to see that in the same county where formerly more than 28,000 people were attacked in one of the large epidemics, the medical officer of the county was only able to count 300 attacks in the time from 1875 — 87, from 1887 — 1900 only 10 and after 1900 not a single one. Old people are still living who have either had malaria themselves or have given me the most vivid descrip- tion of the disease and its general character. If now we will try to combine the description of the disease in old days with what we nowadays know with regard to the transmission of the infection and with the biology of the Anophelines nowadays in our country, we shall see that these different facts, gained in very different ways, cannot be brought into connection with one another. Before discussing the matter I wish to call attention to the following fact. Being no physician I am forced uncritically to accept the material at hand as it is. 173 I must take it for granted that the disease in the beginning and in the middle of the nineteenth century really was a true malaria, mainly benign, but partly pernicious. When however we read these reports on the old malaria epidemics we are, in my opinion, almost forced to direct our attention to several points which seem in- compatible with our recent knowledge of the disease and its manner of infection. This especially holds good with regard to the extreme rapidity with which these old malaria epidemics by all accounts set in. When we hear that SCHAUDIN in St. Leme in malaria affected houses only found from 5 to 16 per cent, of the Anopheles- material affected, and that in Macedonia, a country which is infected to a very high degree with malaria, only 2 per cent, of the Anophelin material (MARTINI 19204 p. 72) is said to be infected, how is this compatible with the old reports that, as by a flash of lightning, several hundreds were attacked in all directions in the same parish and that whole crowds of working men in the fields suddenly dropped dowrn sick to the ground. This in the first place presupposes myriads of clouds of infected Anophelines, and we may be permitted to ask from where these infected clouds suddenly came; further this suddenness is dependent on a remarkable simultane- ousness in the attack which must have occurred before those meteorological phenomena (dense fog etc.) which are often tacitly regarded as partly responsible for the outbreak. As however I have never seen any criticism of all these records of the old malaria epidemics, it is only with the greatest hesitation that I write the above lines. As matters now stand we are forced to regard all these accounts as really relating to malaria, leaving it to future research to add to this criticism or show it to be unnecessary. If now we take it for granted that the old epidemics were true malaria, we are also forced to take it for granted that, as it is stated about the disease nowa- days so in former days, too, it can only have been transmitted by means of mosquitoes; without having recourse to strict arguments of any kind it must be admitted that at the present standpoint of science this is the only correct point of view to set forth. It is one of the few cases in the kingdom of science in which the old word: blessed are ye who do not see and yet believe, is in accor- dance with the true spirit of science. If this is right, it must also be admitted that the sole mosquito which has been able to bring disease or death to so many people almost a century ago can only have been A. maculipennis. At the present time we have only three Anophelines north of the Alps, of which A. nif/ripes does not come into consideration as a plasmodium carrier, while A. bifur- catus as such is to a very high degree subordinate in significance to A. maculipen- nis. We are either forced to suppose that the malaria was transmitted by A. maculi- pennis a century ago or to accept a scientific absurdity e. g. that a century ago we possessed species north of the Alps which at that time transferred malaria, but which have now disappeared. These considerations being correct the great question arises: Why has A. maculipennis in our country only three generations ago transferred mala- 174 ria to man whereas nowadays it has not the slightest significance as a malaria carrier? The question however coincides with another, often put: Why has malaria disappeared from our country? This question has been ans- wered in very different ways. Disregarding a series of quite fantastic answers I only wish shortly to call attention to the following. 1. The number of Anophelines has regularly diminished in the course of years. This may be possible but, on the other hand, there is no doubt about the fact that every farm in our country has enough mosquito material to infect its inhabitants. German authors have arrived at a similar result (MARTINI 19204 p. 28). 2. The improvements in agriculture, especially the extensive drainage works, have dried up the hatching localities of the Anophelines. This may be possible, with regard to our country the answer however may be treated in accordance with 1. With regard to Germany MARTINI (19204 p. 22) states: "dass die Veranderungen der Wasserverhaltnisse des Bodens es in erster Linie sind, die uns die Malaria vom Halse verschafft haben". 3. The quinine treatment of the disease has killed the parasites in man and the Anophelines have had no opportunity of getting parasites and of spreading the contagion (KocH 1899 a. o.). This is unquestionably true; many physicians however maintain that the quinine treatment has indeed weakened the virulence of the dis- ease especially near the northern limits of its area of distribution, but do not think that it can be made responsible for its total disappearance. (CELLI, SCHOO, SCHUFF- NER in ZIEMANN 1918 p. 109). They more especially call attention to the fact that the malaria is the same even in localities, where the farmers use quinine in abun- dance: It may f. i. be pointed out that even in 1918 about 5000 cases were to be found round Emden; (MARTINI 1920t p. 75). Further that formerly malaria has disappeared from certain areas, and that at a time when quinine treatment was quite unknown. 4. It has been stated that the improvement of the houses and dwelling rooms has played an essential role in diminishing malaria. In this supposition there is unquestionably some truth. MARTINI (19204 p. 22). says that formerly: "Knechte und Magde in Verschlagen an der Diele schliefen, nach der auch die Stiille offenen Aus- gang hatten und die Herrschaft in ahnlichen Verschlagen neben dem Hauptraum des Vorderhauses". Especially "die wundervollen Unterschlupfe, welche diese Schlaf- stellen den Mucken boten und die von Anopheles wimmelten" are significant. Also in our country the houses have been of similar kind. Nowadays as the peasants live in houses of much better construction, as the admittance to the sleeping rooms is much more difficult for the mosquitoes, and the temperature in the rooms is lower, great outbreaks of malaria epidemics are rendered difficult. MARTINI (192()4 p. 22) correctly remarks as follows: "Der Hygieniker versteht nun auch warum in ganz Deutschland die kleinen Leute die Fenster so angstlich zuhalten, besonders abends und nachts. - - Die alte Volksweisheit die vielleicht alter ist als selbst die Malaria- pandemien des letzten Jahrhunderts weiss, dasz durch #die offenen Fenster abends 175 die Fieber hineinkommen und dasz in den Marshen die laue Luft der schonsten Juli und Augustabende giftig und krankheitsschwanger ist". Even if all these considerations are correct, I for my own part am inclined to suppose that the improvement of our houses cannot be regarded as the main cause of the disappearance of the malaria. The number of Anophelines in the stables nowadays is too great for that. 5. Another explanation of the phenomenon that the malaria has disappeared from our own and adjacent countries is, that the mean temperatures of the summers of the last 150 years has by degrees been lowered. It is especially FLENSBURG (1911 p. 1244) who with regard to Sweden has shown that cold summers dimmish the malaria attacks, warm summers accelerate them; a mean temperature of 15.3° C. for July alwrays brings decrease or cessation, a mean temperature of below 15° C. cessation. For the marshy country at the North Sea MARTINI (19204 p. 27) states that: "angeblich eine Veranderung der mittleren Sommerwarme von 15 auf 16Vs, also urn iVa0, in marschigen Gegend Epidemien erzeugen kann". Also MARTINI is therefore inclined to see in the low summer temperatures after 1870 a factor which has diminished the malaria epidemic. Formerly the Danish physicians, especially C. A. HANSEN, have arrived at similar results. These observations are in accordance with those of JANCSO (1905 p. 624) who shows that if an Anopheles infected with malaria plasmodia is held at a temperature of 16° C. no cystes are formed upon the walls of the alimentary canal; the infec- tion of the mosquito may take place at tp. below 16° C. but only if the tp. rises rapidly after the infection. It is in accordance with these observations that malaria hardly ever passes the July isotherm of 15 — 16° C. As A. maculipennis in our country is really near its northern limits of distribution, and we may have summers when the middle tp. of July does not rise to 16° C., it will be understood that climatic conditions in our country are able to produce undulations and changes in the viru- lence of the disease. Yet it may be admitted that JANCSO'S statements have been a little weakened by KING (1917 p. 495) and WELCH (1917 p. 98) who show that the tertian parasites in A. maculipennis are able to endure, at all events for some days, a tp. of 35° F. for 17 a tp. of 46. That there really exists a very close connection between the climatic and meteoro- logical conditions and a new outburst of epidemics has often been pointed out in recent years. Especially the explorations of the SERGENTS (1903 a. o.) in Algiers have sho\vn the very near relation between the degree of moisture of the air and the epide- mics. The more moist and cold the summers in Algiers are the more serious are also the epidemics; for this country the explanation of the fact is that the burning Afri- can sun dries out the eggs and the larvae do not develop. In our northern latitudes it is really the warm and moist summers which may be regarded as one of the main conditions for an outbreak of malaria. With regard to Germany MARTINI (19204 p. 21) comes to quite a similar result. He says: "Ich selbst bin davon iiberzeugt, das/ eine Senkung des Grundwasserspiegels nicht ohne eine erhebliche Verminderung 176 _ tier Miickenzahl abgehen kann besonders in den Marshen. Bringt doch auch ein trockener Sommer sofort ein Schwinden der Anopheles, wie dass letzte Jahr zeigte. Auch vom Ausland wissen wir, dass nasse Jahre Malariajahre werden". 6. A sixth ^explanation I have seen in print and also more than once heard ex- pressed by physicians. It maintains that speculations as to the disappearance of malaria are of no particular interest. Like all the other great epidemics this has had its time of raging; its virulence is now over, its time has passed. - This explana- tion is in my opinion unsatisfactory. In its old area of distribution, where it has now mainly disappeared, it now and then breaks out again with epidemics by no means quite insignificant; in the southern part of Europe it is still in many locali- ties a terrible scourge for the nations, and in many localities in the tropics horrible epidemics suddenly break out e. g. Sumatra (SCHUFFNER & SWELLENGREBEL 1917 p. 1) and California which have formerly almost been exempt from the disease, but where the rice culture has created new possibilites for the development of the Anophelines. - - (FREEBORN 1916 p. 247). If now keeping in mind the above given facts 1 — 18 (pag. 163—176) with regard to the biology of A. maculipennis we will nowadays try to answer the question: why has malaria retreated in our country? why is A. maculipennis no more a carrier of malaria to man? the question may be answered quite satisfactorily for this little area. Because, according to its manner of life, it is nowadays quite un- able to do so. It will clearly be understood that a mosquito which generally only sucks blood upon our farm animals and not upon man, which is to such a high degree dome- sticated that during the blood sucking periods it takes its sojourn in the stables, which now appears as an extremely sluggish animal, only leaving the stables for the sake of mating and egg laying, is really quite unable to be the intermittent carrier of a parasite from man to itself; it is unable to create those mighty epidemics which formerly spread in all directions with the rapidity of lightning, and it is un- able to keep even a relatively slight epidemic alive. If however this is right it will be understood that the mosquito, if it has transferred the malaria to man in our country a century ago and does not do so now, must have altered its manner of life in the course of a 'century. The question is then, why it has done so. Before we answer this question, we shall call attention to the following fact. The retreat of malaria in our country is, as well known, by no means a phenomenon restricted to these parts; it is common to the greater part of Europe, but especially to the part north of the Alps. In Norway it has always been ex- tremely insignificant, if present at all. In Sweden just as in Denmark it was of an extremely dangerous epidemical character a century ago or more. It raged especially along the Gulf of Bothnia, round the large Swedish lakes and southwards; the epidemic lasted longer in Swreden than here, i. e. from 1875 to 1908 no less 177 than 60.449 attacks are noted, then the curve falls rapidly; in 1909 only 45 cases are known and nowadays it may be said that it has almost totally disappeared. (FLENSBURG 1911 p. 1213). In England the malaria was a real scourge a century ago; now England is almost quite free from malaria; it seems only that a few cases may still be noted in a few localities (Romney marsh)-. See NUTTALL & SHIPLEY (1901 p. 26); LANG (1918); CARTER (1919 p. 2605). Also in France malaria has retreated, but still there are rather large areas where it is still prevalent but always in a very mild form (Bretagne, Vendee, Cha- rente, Gascogne, along the Mediterranean coast, in the Valley at the Somme a. o. loc.) I refer especially to the papers of ROUBAUD. The case is the same in Holland, but small hotbeds of malaria are still present (SCHOO 1902). In Germany malaria raged vigorously a century ago, now it has receded to a high degree; but still there are many localities, especially along the river valleys and along the coasts of the North See and the Baltic where malaria occurs; it may retreat for some years but on special occasions (vast inundations, great engineering works) it appears again. German physicians urge that even if the disease diminishes its significance can by no means be underrated; it reduces the mental and bodily power of man, and causes painful neuralgias which last throughout life. MARTINI (19204 p. 18) calls attention to the fact that: "Kinder erkranken haufig so atypish, dasz die anschlieszenden Kindererkrankungen nicht als das erkannt werden, was sie sind". It is further stated that the farmers use quinine and only rarely apply to the doctors; it is therefore difficult to see how widely spread the disease really is. With regard to German and Austrian malaria from recent years I refer to CZYGAN (1901 No. 37) MARTINI (1901 p. 44; 1902 p. 147). PFEIFFER (1901 p. 246). GROBER (1903 p. 601). MUHLENS (1909 p. 166; 1912). STORCH (1914 p. 77). MALISCH (1914 p. 763). EUGLING (1917 p. 65). STEUDEL (1917 p. 21). SCHAEDEL (1918 p. 143); I refer especi- ally to the valuable papers of MARTINI (1920! p. 1 and 19204 p. 1). Formerly the whole of Russia to the 63. degree of latitude suffered from the epidemic, and curiously enough in Finland rather serious epidemics still appear (se f. i. LEVANDER 1902 Nr. 3); more especially the districts of southern Russia round the Black Sea and the Asow Sea are attacked. In Italy malaria has receded to a very high degree but this is mainly due to the very hard and extremely successful struggles of GRASSI and his school against the disease; still the number of cases especially in the southern part of the country is high. On the Balkan peninsula it still rages with almost undiminished strength; in Grece alone there are nowadays about 800.000 cases yearly. The disease is here still of the greatest hygienic and economic significance. It is a well-known fact how terribly the oriental army suffered in the Balkans during the world war (NICLOT 1916 p. 753). We now know that the European malaria mosquito which more than any 1). K. I). Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og niathem. Afd. x Haekkc. VII. 1. 23 178 other is the transferrer of malaria to man north of the Alps as well as south of the Alps, is invariably ^4. maculipennis; \\e must take it for granted that it trans- ferred malaria north of the Alps a century ago and we know that it does the same south of the Alps this very day. Our question set forth on pag. 186 why it does not transfer Malaria any more in Denmark may therefore be amplified to: Why does it. not with some few relatively insignificant exceptions transfer malaria any more over the whole of the central European plain and over North Europe as far as about the 63. degree of latitude. If the question be put in this form every one will see that the above-named old explanations are not satisfactory; this has also been clearly understood by almost all investigators Irom more southern countries than my own. Just as in our country it has been thought that A. maculipennis was rather a rare insect everywhere. Fearing the outbreak of malaria from troops arriving from Nubia or the orient and coming back to their homes, or sent back as prisoners, the nations have during the war tried to clear up the conditions of new malaria outbreaks in their countries. Indifferent countries the occurrence of .A. maculipennis has therefore been studied. Curiously enough the attention has been directed speci- ally towards the larvae. Without entering into details I shall restrict myself to remark that in all explored areas the result is that want of Anophelines is never or very rarely found. I refer the reader to the following literature: Austriche: (STORCH 1914 p. 77); Suitzerland GALLI VALERIO (19172 p. 1566); France: ROUBALD (1916 p. 203; 19182 p. 430); LEGER and MOURIQUAND (1917i p. 16); PETIT and TOUR- NAIRE (1919 p. 332); LAGRIFOUL and PICARD (1918 p. 73); MANDOUL (1919 p. 779); Bal- kan: NICLOT (1916 p. 753); Germany: I refer only to the list of litr. in: MARTINI (1920!). In England SHIPLEY and NUTTALL (1901— 1903^: LANG (1918). JARVIS (1919 p. 40) has pointed out that from Charing Cross as the centre and with a radius of nine miles A. maculipennis has been found in London itself in 16 localities. See also BACOT (1918 p. 241). That the summers should have been too cold over this vast area during the last century is impossible. That the quinine treatment of the nations should have been of such a perfect kind that malaria should have died out owing to this cause is, as far as I can see, a supposition which appeals less and less to naturalists and physicians the more southerly the area of exploration is situated, and less and less the more the matter is discussed owing to new experience. Even if the houses are nowadays better constructed everywhere and the mean temperature of June — July should be lowered, it is highly improbable that malaria from these causes should almost disappear from the half of Europe. It is therefore intelligible that in recent years new explanations have been tried. I shall here mainly deal with one set forth by the best names (GRASSI, SCHAI DIN, CELLI, LAVERAN; see ROUBAUD 19172 p. 401 and 1920 p. 181). It maintains that the Anophelines of the North, owing .to a natural or acquired quality have lost their receptivity with regard to the Plasmodia. This explanation was however subverted by ROUBAUD (19182 p. 430). He took Anophelines from Paris made them sting malaria 179 patients, pointed out that they got cystes on the alimentary canal, made them sting himself and got malaria which, in spite of quinine treatment, persisted almost for two years. Quite similar experiments were made in other countries and always with the same results. The supposition that ^4. maculipenms should he divided in separate geographical and biological races some of which have receptivity with regard to Plasmodia, others not, is therefore unquestionably wrong. It is also in accordance with the statement of ROUBAUD that the war with its transport of troops etc. has actually as was expected carried malaria into areas where it was not found; the troops have infected the Anophelines, after which these have brought the malaria to natives, who for a long series of years have never set foot on infected territories. I shall here not enter into details but only refer to the following cases which may be augmented with a long series of others; most of them derive from the west front or from England. JEANSELMK (1916 p. 693); ROUBAUD (191 1^ p. 171); CAILLE (1918 p. 282); PEJU and CORDIER (1918 p. 1039 and 1919 .p. 23); PEJU (1919 p. 1267); BRULE and JOLIVET (1916 p. 2304); JAMES (1919 p. 37). BACOT (1918 p. 241). MALONE (1919 p. 202). MACDONALD (1919 p. 669). ROUBAUD (1920 p. 181). DIBLE (1915 p. 577). ROBLIN (1919 p. 605). The interesting and very consoling fact with regard to all these cases is, that they never give rise to greater epidemics, and that from an epidemical point of view they have hitherto really been quite insignificant. CARTER (1919 p. 2605) states that though in 1917 over 10.000 infected men were imported there were only 231 cases of malaria contracted in England. In France only 258. If however great numbers of malaria carriers were spread over areas where the Anophelines were abundant and, as we nowr know, able to be infected, the question arises why these malaria carriers have not caused great epidemics. Even the above cited new investigations have in my opinion contributed to its solution, but as far as I can see without the investigators having any intelligence of the fact themselves. Already in the earlier entomological literature we find it stated that A. maculi- penms does not suck blood; all these indications derive from the area north of the Alps. England: THEOBALD (1901 p. 194). NUTTALL and SHIPLEY (1901 p. 10). Austria: SCHINER according to SCHNEIDER (1914 p. 20). Germany: SCHNEIDER (1914 p. 21). Still in 191 82 (p. 430) ROUBAUD maintained that the Anophelines in North France are only to a slight degree blood-suckers; it is very often stated that the mosquitoes of both sexes are flower visitors. These indications are unquestionably wrong, but still they contain a grain of truth. Already in 1900 GRASSI (p. 82) pointed out that the Anophelines suck blood upon all mammifers also birds especially fowls; they show no particular predilec- tion for man; if a horse and a man be placed in the same room, the horse will be attacked before the man, but if man and a rabbit are placed in the same room, it is man who will first be attacked. It is the volume of the evaporating smelling surface which guides the mosquitoes. Various authors further maintain that it is 23* ISO almost impossible to get the Anophelines to suck blood upon man. CELLI and GASPERINI (1902 p. 141) indicate only 35 p. 100, and the same authors maintain that in Toscana the Anophelines prefer cattle to man. The very same results were also arrived at by ROUBAUD who maintained that A. bifurcatus attacked in the open air, but this is not the case with regard to A. maculipennis. GILES says that in England it is only in hot weather that mosquitoes show any strong ten- dency to attack human beings. TANZER and OSTERWALD (1919 p. 689) have shown that A. maculipennis have abandoned the rooms and retreated to the stables; they suppose because the rooms nowadays are cleaner than formerly. JAMES (1919 p. 37) maintains that houses as a condition for visitation by Anophelines must have a large amount of domesticated animals. DOFLEIN (19182 p. 1214) shows that A. ma- culipennis is constantly to be found in stables. MUHLENS according to MARTINI (1920! p. 60) has as stated above ascertained by means of the Uhlenhut proof, that the blood in the Anophelines of the stables really derives from swine and horses. PRELL (1917 p. 242) has also arrived at quite similar results; his paper being one of the most instructive with regard to the biology of our two most significant ^4nop/}e/es-species. According to him A. maculipennis is mainly to be found in stables, not so much in outhouses, mostly in the cow-houses, not so much in hog-pens; in the horse-stables they are most common in the clean well ventilated stables; just like myself, PRELL has seen that swallows in stables diminish the number of mosquitoes. They occur mainly on the ceiling, often in enormous numbers. He says: "In Abstanden von knapp 1 cm, von einander sind sie dann manchmal unter moglichster Ausnut- zung der Flache so dicht und gleichmassig verteilt, dasz sie geradzu in Reihen auf- marschiert erscheinen und wie ein Schleier die Decke uberziehen". He has further observed that the Anophelines hang down perpendicularly from the ceiling and use the hind-legs as organs of feeling; also that almost all specimens are blood-filled and that they are extremely sluggish: "Der vollgesogene Anopheles legt eine ausserordentliche Flugunlust an den Tag. Jagt man ihn auf, so fliegt er oft nur einige Cm., selten Tiber einen Meter weit fort". In the stables the mosquitoes ripen their eggs; he has correctly seen that among the many red individuals also others are found which have an almost white abdomen, owing to the ripening eggs. - - Curiously enough the main result of my own observations that A. maculipennis nowadays really may be regarded as a domesticated mosquito is not in accordance with PRELL'S view: He says: "Anopheles ist eben keineswegs ein "Haustier" sondern eine "Wildart", die nur zum Blutsaugen in Stalle kommt und beinahe mochte man sagen widerwillig dort langere Zeit zuriickbleibt". I regard it as highly probable that this supposition may really be correct for Wurttemberg where PRELL has made his investigations; for my country, nearer the northern limits of the distribution area of the species, it is not so, however (see later). Among the many other observers from recent years who have arrived at the same results as myself, I especially refer to the following: MANDOUL (1919 p. 779); PEJU and CORDIER (1918 p. 1039). PEJU (1919 p. 1267). MACDONALD (1919 p. 669). 181 . LANG (1920 p. 75). PRELL (1917 p. 244). VOGEL (1917 p. 1509) and hereto may also be added some remarks by MUHLENS with regard to the malaria outbreak in Wilhelms- hafen (1909 p. 169); MARTINI (1920). Curiously enough in the great work: Studies in Relation to Malaria, the authors of the first part (NUTTALL, COHHELT and STRANGEWAY-PIGG) seem to show that they have never any idea of the occurrence of A. maculipennis in stables. It will now firstly be understood that the main results of my own observations, that the Anophelines do not attack man, that they suck blood upon our domestic animals, and that they show a remarkable predilection for stables in comparison with our dwelling rooms have all almost simultaneously been corroborated by a great many observers; about the correctness of the observations there can now be no dpubt. It may be regarded as a matter of fact that, wrhat I thought had validity only for Denmark, is really valid for almost the whole of Central Europe, Great Britain, and for some few areas to the south of the Alps (Toscana). To me how- ever it is rather a remarkable circumstance that of these many foreign observers all unknown to me, who have almost in some measure made my now published investigations superfluous, and among whom many understand that all the old ex- planations of the fact that malaria has receded from such vast areas of its former territories, are insufficient, no one, as far as I know, have understood what, in my opinion, must necessarily be inferred from all these investigations. For it can now be proved that, over the vast area - - more than half of Eu- rope - - where formerly A. maculipennis brought down disease and often death on mankind, the peculiar phenomenon now prevails of an Anophelism without malaria, already known as a remarkable exception in one of the fatherlands of malaria in Europe. From these many investigations, carried on independently by each inves- tigator without any knowledge of the researches of the other workers in the same field, we are now able to show that the real cause why malaria has receded from the greater part of Europe is that A. maculipennis has lost its co nnection with man. If nowadays after the war no outbreak appears North of the Alps, this must in my opinion partly be referred to this fact. Secondly it must be understood that over vast parts of distribu- tion a change has taken place in the habits and biology of the mos- quito within the last century. That this has been the case can in fact be shown. Apriori it may be regarded as a matter of fact that when the Anophelines even nowadays in South Europe especially in the Balkans, but also in Italy, yearly transfers malaria to hundreds of thousands of people, it 'cannot live its life there as it nowadays does in more northern latitudes. In his excellent work GRASSI has elaborated the biology of A. maculipennis in an admirable man- ner: "He writes (p. 58) that during the summer months numerous specimens of A. maculipennis remain outdoors in Nature, p. 105 he further writes: "Die A. claviger stecken sowohl im Freien wie in den Hausern und in den Stallen. In den Malariagegen- den wiederholt sich sehr viele Tage hindurch gegen Sonnenuntergang das Schauspiel unzahliger Schaaren von A. claviger, welche die sich an den Thuren unterhaltenden oder Abenbrod essenden Menschen angreifen. . . . Im Freien konnen die Anopheles claviger, nachdem sie gestochen haben, auf die in der Nahe stehenden Baume flie- gen und sich dort verstecken. . Die Miicken ruhen sich haufig auch auf den ausseren Hauswanden aus und bleiben dort mehrere Stunden sitzen, am nachsten Morgen aber sind sie nicht mehr verhanden. . . . Wir sehen sie die Beute in von weniger oder mehr entfernten Orten her kommenden Schaaren anfallen. Im Allge- meinen steht fest dasz sie durch jene Fenster und jene Thuren in die Hauser ein fliege die nach der Richtung des Wassers liegen u. s. w." SAMBON (1901 p. 195) says as follows : "During summer the A. maculipennis do not seem to remain long in the houses and stables. Their number varies greatly from day to day in the same room. Fresh specimens arrive every evening, gorge themselves on the blood . . . hide for some hours in the darkest corner they can find and go out again in the morning or the next evening". - At Maccarese GRASSI says that in July at 21 t. 30 he has hardly been able to defend himself against A. maculipennis; this was the case whether he "was in the house or out of doors. Also LEGER (1913 p. 41) records that he has caught A. m«- culipennis in many hundreds in the houses and on the railway stations in Corse. With regard to tropical Anophelines DONITZ (1902 p. 20) says: "dasz die Tiere sich sogar, nachdem sie sich mit Blut gesattigt haben, die Hauser welche ihnen nicht zusagen verlassen um sich in Freien -zu verbergen. Already in Poland MARTINI (1920 p. 61) indicates that at sunset A. maculipennis was flying as well in through the windows as out of them. With these statements in mind the above-named diffe- rences between PRELL'S and my views with regard to A. m. as a domesticated mos- quito are intelligible. From these indications we now learn that A. maculipennis at all events round the Mediterranean lives a life quite as we should expect the mosquito to live if it were to be able to transfer malaria to man. At any rate it is here to a rather high degree even nowadays an outdoor species which is on the wing to find its prey over rather considerable distances, and to a very high degree it sucks blood upon man. It is thus actually proved that there is the greatest difference in the manner of life of A. maculipennis in South Europe and at the northern limits of its area of distribution. In my opinion it is neither quininisation of mankind alone, nor water drainage of the field, nor lowering of tp., but just this alteration in the biology of the species, the very peculiar transition from an outdoor species sucking upon man to a stable insect sucking upon our farm animals which has been the main cau se of the disappearance of malaria from its northern limits. The question now arises: what has caused this transition? I do not dare to solve it for the niany foreign countries but I think I am able to do so for my 183 own country. Only with some doubt do I now enter territories of human know- ledge which have nothing whatever to do with limnology and only very little with zoology generally; we must now turn our attention to agricultural history, to the great changes in agriculture which our country has been subject to in the for- mer century. I beg Prof. Dr. JOH. STEENSTRUP to accept my best thanks for the help he has given me upon this point. It is a well-known fact that in the eighteenth century, and still in the first quarter of the nineteenth, the swine were driven to the woods where they lived on mast; special swine stables were hardly known. Horses and cattle lived the greater part of the year out of doors, many of them the socalled "Udgangsog" (jades) the whole of the year. At that time Danish agri- culture was based upon cereal culture; a little after the middle of the nineteenth century, after the establishment of cooperative dairies, the stress wras laid upon the greatest possible production of bacon, meat, milk and butter. Then it was no more possible to let the farm animals live almost their whole life out of doors. Year after year the stables became better and better; larger and larger; the number of animals continually greater; the time in which the animals lived out of doors continually shorter; the hogs were almost all their lives bound to the hogpens, the cattle was often kept in the stables the whole year round or, apart from a very short summertime, driven into the stables before night. The stables were bet- ter and better lighted, during the last century often by electric light. It will be clearly understood that this change in Danish agriculture must of course be of the greatest significance to the Anophelines; for during a great part of their flying time the large mammalia year after year disappeared from their flying areas. But not only the domestic animals disappeared, man himself by no means lived as much in the fields as hitherto; the agricultural ma- chines make the extensive use of manual working power superflous. Where formerly at harvest time long rows of harvesters and harvest women could be seen in the fields for more than three weeks we now only see a few selfbinders going their way round over the fields. But simultaneously with the disappearance of all warm blooded animals from the fields, in our warm well-lighted stables we created refuges which acted upon the mosquitoes as large thermostats spread in many, many thousands all over the country; the odour from all the large animals streaming out on the still evenings through open doors and windows, the heat which thermically attracted the mosquitoes, and the light which attracted them phototactically, con- verted the stables for our Anophelins, which were on the wing in the evening in search of prey, into thermical and lighted traps by which the mosquitoes instinctively governed their flight. Inclosed inside the stables they found all that they wanted for their life: plenty of food, a suitable temperature, darkness and no draught; only the conditions for mating and egg-laying processes were wanting, but apart from them life in the stables was really possible for flying in- sects. Arrived in the stables and, owing to the much stronger odour and greater 184 heat, attracted more by the large mammals than by man, the mosquitoes with great skill helped themselves to what was on the table. But simultaneously with that the connection between man and mosquito was broken, and malaria was bound to disappear from our country. That there really is a connection between the alteration in agricultural methods and the disappearance of malaria is made highly probable by the fact that the rapid fall of the malaria curve coincides with the above-named alter- ation in agriculture during the period 1860 — 1880. It is this alteration which in my opinion is the real cause of the variation in their manner of life which the mosquitoes especially north of the Alps have undergone. - - How little of mere theory there really is in the above-named facts will be seen if we study the new literature relating to the biology of mosquitoes. With regard to the influence of light upon mosquitoes e. g. C. pipiens and A. maculipennis, WEISS (IQlSj p. 12) calls attention to the fact that the mosquitoes only fly towards evening and are attracted by light of moderate power; this is corroborated by BENTLEY (1914 p. 9) who states with regard to the Anophelines in India that they are attracted by light. This is in accordance with the fact that the ravages of malaria are more severe in open villages than in those situated in forests; that hedges round the houses prevent malaria, that the strong light from the bungalows of the Europeans attract the mosquitoes. See also HOLMES (1911 p. 29) and MARTINI (1920X p. 21) who correctly states that the species in this respect differ very much from each other. With regard to the influence of warm air upon the Anophelines MARCHAND (1918 p. 130) shows that A. punctipennis, quite like Stegomyia fasciata, is guided by thermotropisms in its instincts with regard to bloodsucking; warm air which pours out from test tubes attract the Anophelines; this is not the case with all mosquitoes e. g. not with those of Aedes (f. A. sylvestris) ; finally as mentioned above GRASSI points out that the Anophelines are attracted by the smell which radiates from animals, the more strongly the larger the animals are. WALKER and BARBER (1914 p. 381) have shown that the role played by a species of Anopheles in the transmission of malaria in any country is proved to depend chiefly upon (1) its susceptibility (2) its geographical distribution and prevalence (3) its avidity for human blood and (4) its domesticity : Whereas if the avidity for human blood diminishes, the role as a malaria carrier disappears. When really A. maculipennis in the course of less than a century has been able to or perhaps rather forced to alter its life in our country the cause is in my opinion that here it lives near the limits of the northern area of distribution. The cold evenings in spring and autumn have most probable always been the time of the year, especially in a rather long series of years with lower mean tp., which have been difficult for the mosquitoes to pass through. Just at that time of the year, before the cattle is driven out of doors, and in the autumn where it is driven back to the stables we have in the middle of the last century created thermi- cal refuges for the mosquitoes in the stables : I am inclined to suppose that in the more southern countries the time in which the mosquitoes have profited by the 185 stables owing to the climatic conditions is much shorter than here. The length of time in which the mosquitoes year after year have been able to accustom them- selves to the new life conditions is greater the nearer they are the northern limits of their area of distribution; in accordance with this the indolence and sluggishness and the diminishing life out of doors is augmented in the direction from South to North. When further malaria has retreated almost completely from all countries north of the Baltic, two other reasons have cooperated. Simultaneously with the always increasing tendency to suck upon cattle the possibility to transfer malaria to man in the transition period where man as well as cattle was stung became always less and less owing to quininisation; the old malaria carriers died out and the number of new cases became fewer and fewer year after year. But also upon another point did the situation of our country near the northern limits of the area of distribution of A. maculipennis influence the rapid disappearance of malaria. Till 1915 it was unknown whether the plasmodia were able to hibernate in the mosquitoes. This has been supposed and has been maintained even in recent years. LENZ (1917 p. 830) maintains that the scizonts circulate in the blood during the flying season of the Anopheline generation that has hibernated. In the case of later generations of Anophelines the conservation of the plasmodia is ensured by new infection. STEUDEL (1917 p. 21) maintains that among the hibernating Ano- phelines in a locality on the east front there was a large number of carriers. As far as I can see, the indications by LENZ and STEUDEL have not been scientifically elucidated. On the other hand MITZMAIN and ROUBAUD have showrn that hibernation does not take place in the mosquitoes. MITZMAIN (1915 p. 2117) showed that with regard to A. quadrimaculatus this could not be the case. Of 1100 specimens, gathered in negro barracks inhabited by malaria patients, the intestines of all 1100 were quite free from cystes during the winter. The first cystes appeared on 15. May. More thorough investigations in 1917t (1917 p. 29) show quite the same thing. In 2.122 hibernating Anophelines not a single individual with cystes could be pointed out; simultaneously MITZMAIN' shows that in exactly the same area, of 1.184 persons 492 have malaria; the first infected Anophelines do not appear before 15. — 26. May. In 19172 (p. 1400) MITZMAIN shows that low temperatures during the hibernation destroy the cystes, and are a hindrance to the development of the sporozoits in the cystes. In other words, mosquitoes which have got blood with gametocysts during the winter will be sterile during hibernation. The above-named results of MITZMAIN are in full accordance with the results of the investigation of ROUBAUD (1918! p. 264) that in A. maculipennis infected with malign tertian malaria the sporozoites will be destroyed if they are not very soon carried out with the sputum; further that they are discharged through a relatively small number of punctures. In 19182 (p. 430) ROUBAUD then showed that hiberna- tion also in the salivary gland is an impossibility. The Anophelines which he in- fected in October, and which in March — April during the hibernation only got water, I). K. I) Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og matheni. Alii. 8. R.-rkke, VII, 1. 24 186 did not show the slightest sign of infection. He maintains that at all events in France, and that most probably means in all more northern countries, the plasmo- dia are only able to hibernate in man and not in the mosquitoes. REGENDANZ (1918 p. 33) comes to a similar result. He maintains that the temperature needed for the plasmodia to develop in the mosquitoes in Roumania is not reached before the end of June when the day tp. was usually over 25° C. and the night tp. was only ex- ceptionally below 16° C. It will clearly be understood how significant these indications really are; and this especially holds good the nearer we are the northern limits of the area of distribution. For it means that the Anophelin material, every year before the blood sucking period begins, is totally free from plasmodia. Those which had plasmodia before the winter are now free, and the new brood will as imagines be born quite as free from plasmodia as their mothers were. Only when sucking upon malaria patients will the Anophelines get plasmodia; the hibernating females perhaps a second time; the harvest of the summer the first. Those Anophelines which begin therr blood-sucking period in spring are al- ways free from malaria; it is man himself who year after year must infect the Anophelines again if the disease is to be spread. The longer the winter is, the smaller is also the chance of a serious infection of the Anophelin material; the shorter the time of the summer in which the temperature is above about 16° C., the smaller is the chance of the development of gametocysts, even if the Ano- phelin material has been affected. It will be clearly understood that just at the northern limits of the area of distribution, where the whole period of bloodsucking is restricted at most to five months, it is of the greatest significance that the sum- mer campaign of the mosquitoes begins with uninfected material. Just here a treatment with quinine will in a comparatively short time restrict the chances of disseminating the plasmodia, especially because the Anophelines are inclined to prefer the blood of domesticated animals, and in this way loosen the ties which connect them with man. The question is now whether the view which I maintain with regard to the retreat of malaria from our country also holds good with regard to the vast foreign territory, from which it has also almost entirely disappeared. I suppose that the same theory also holds good with regard to Sweden, but I do not venture to form any opinion with regard to the other, southern countries. I only wish to call atten- tion to the fact that in South Europe where A. maculipennis still attacks man, hor- ses and cattle as far as I know live out of doors most of the year, and the stables are not so large, so closed and so sheltered as in our country; the difference be- tween the temperature out of doors and in the stables is not so great. There are still some few points to discuss with regard to the biology of the Anophelines living near the northern borders of the distribution area, and North 187 and Central-European malaria. As mentioned above, even nowadays small epidemics of malaria now and then break out in the regions round the Baltic or North Sea. (Holland, Ditmarshen, Wilhelmshafen, Finland); only Sweden and Denmark have been spared. The curves of these epidemics are very peculiar. . Already C. A. HAN- SEN showed that the climax of the malaria curves with regard to the old Danish epidemics was in May, and FLENSBURG has shown the same with regard to Swe- den; it was and is even nowadays the same with the greater part of Germany. (See especially MARTINI 1902 p. 147). On the other hand in Italy the climax lies in Aug. — September. In all cases we have to do with the curve of fresh cases (not relapses) and with tertian malaria. ZIEMANN (1918 p. 123) points out that it seems as if .the climax of the curve the nearer we get towards the north, has a greater and greater tendency to be displaced towards the left side. KOCH (1899), who is well aware of the phenomenon, supposes that it must be understood as follows: The inhabitants north of the Alps, by heating their houses, create in them tempera- tures for the mosquitoes lying above the temperatures to which the mosquitoes in more southern countries are exposed at the same time of the year, and tempera- tures by which it is possible for the parasites in the mosquitoes to develop. SCHOO (1902 p. 1343) has arrived at quite the same result: He shows that Anophelines caught indoors in Holland, and which were freshly infected, got "Sichel- keime" in the course of twelve days. It wras only necessary that the mosquitoes, immediately after the infection, only for two days should be exposed to a tp. of 25° C. If this was the case the tp. might sink from 22 to 10° C. without damage to the parasites. At a constant tp. of 18° C. the parasites in Anopheles used 18 days for development and at 30° C. only ten. The suppositions may have been correct for the old malaria epidemics north of the Alps; it is also possible that they hold good for the smaller epidemics in Holland and Germany at the beginning of the last century. But I venture to remark that if we in our country should get another malaria epidemic and the curve should show the vertex in the same place (in May) as in the curve for the old epidemic in the middle of the ninteenth century, this explanation could not be used. - - Our Ano- phelines do not hibernate either in dwelling rooms or in stables, they hibernate in outhouses and similar localities; here they hang till the latter part of April, not leaving the hibernating places to enter our stables before then. They do not begin to sting before the middle of May. For Finland LEVANDER states that the Anophelines do not arrive in the rooms before the first days of July. It must be taken for granted that they all are free from plasmodia and first must infect themselves. That an Anophelin material of this kind should be able to cause a climax of the curve already in May is highly improbable. On the whole I am not quite sure that the explanation of KOCH and SCHOO of the malaria curve for North Germany and Holland really holds good. Further explorations are desirable. - - It must be remembered that we have not the slightest understanding of the fact that the enormous amount of Anophelines which are hatched during summer, and in comparison with 24* 1 88 which the hibernating material is only a very inconspicuous fraction, does not seem to influence or to have influenced the malaria curve in any way. From our present knowledge of the malaria-plasmodia and the Ano- phelines we are able to understand a malaria curve with its climax in August, such as is the case with Italy, and a curve with two climaxes, one lower in May, and a much greater in August— September. Curves of this kind are in fact pointed out for several epidemics north of the Alps (Ditmarshen 1842 bis 63; DOOSE in Hirsch 1881 p. 175); Wilhelmshafen (WENZEL 1870 p. 28) but they are not the rule. The very curve which in my opinion we are not able to understand, a curve with only one vertex lying in May — June, is that which seems to be the rule for all epidemics north of the Alps. It is only in- telligible on two assumptions, which in my opinion are both equally improbable. The due is that the Anophelines of the summer have sucked parasites into the intestine, have formed their oocystes and hibernated with them on the walls of the intestines and then in spring infected man. This is improbable according to all more thorough investigations, which seem to show that the parasites hibernate in man and not in mosquitoes. The other assumption is that the- summer- broods really give malaria to man but that it is latently present till May; man lives with the parasites during winter, but the outbreak does not take place before May. This indeed is by no means in disaccordance with the nature of malaria; it is a well-known fact that a very long time may pass before a malaria attack pro- duced either by external or internal, physic or psychic conditions, really breaks out. See e. g. the report by KIRSCHBAUM (1917 p. 1405) on the malaria outbreak in North West Russia in February in ice and snow. Quite a similar result is arrived at by WERNER (1917 p. 1375). Yet also this supposition must be regarded as an absurdity. For we are quite unable to understand why the malaria transferred by hibernating mosquitoes in April — May invariably should be able to influence the curve after the course of a few weeks and produce the high-lying vertex in the course of only a few weeks, whereas that malaria which is transferred in the sum- mer months does not in any way influence the curve before eight months later; if the summer-generations had transferred malaria we should have expected a second vertex on the curve a few weeks later. See also MARTINI (1920! p. 69). ZIEMAN has pointed out that if there was any possibility that the Anophelines infected themselves, that the parasites from the mother mosquito were transferred to the eggs and from them through larval and pupae into a new generation, the malaria curves would be more intelligible. As well known, both SCHAUDIN and DOFLEIN (1916 p. 933) have reckoned with this possibility. Moreover the supposition is allowable because others of our great parasitical diseases, e. g. Texas fever, really are spread in this manner. As far as I can see here is really a point where more thorough investigations are desirable. But even if it should be shown that the Ano- phelines are able to infect themselves this would not help us in our case. For north of the Alps we have really only one malaria carrier i. e. A. maculipennis, and even 189 this species hibernates as imago and the new broods do not appear till simultane- ously with or after the climax of the curve has been reached. Coincident statements from almost all countries further show that the malaria epidemics, like almost all epidemics, occur in time-waves of different length. It seems that these waves occur almost simultaneously over a great part of Europe; it fur- ther seems that these waves come a little later to the northern countries than to the more southern ones. Great malaria waves occurred in 1812—16; 1819 — 21; 1830 — 32; 1846 — 48; 1853 — 62; from that time on it has, with a few exceptions, almost disappeared from the area north of the Alps. Nowadays these waves can only be understood in this way that the Anophelin material was also affected periodically; we must suppose that in four or five periods of about two to six years, the Anophelin material was affected by plasmodia; during the trough of the curves the Anophelines have not been attacked or only to a slight degree; even if we are now able to show that the great malaria years coincide with high tempera- tures and great humidity of the air, it is rather difficult to understand that these variations in external conditions are able directly to influence the actual percentage of mosquitoes attacked by plasmodia. With regard to our own country it is very difficult to understand from where the enormous amount of infected Anopheles material which must be regarded as a condition of the great malaria epidemics formerly, was derived. This more especially holds good for Lolland and Falster, islands with very few lakes and moors. We must suppose that a large amount of larva? have been hatched along the shores of the Baltic. It is a well-known fact, that A. maculipennis does in fact breed in brackish water. LEVANDEK (1902 p. 10) maintains, that the predominating breeding places for the Anophelines in Finland are the small bays of the Gulf of Bothnia, and still in 1919 I myself found many larvae of A. maculipennis in the small seclu- ded bavs on the southern coasts of Lolland. I have in the above only wished to call attention to the incongruity between curves and our present knowledge with regard to plasmodia and mosquito life. Perhaps the whole question is not of much consequence; how great credence we can give to these old curves is doubtful; and with regard to new ones, they will most probably be very difficult to use as working material, because they will be influenced by the fight which we shall take up against the disease. If these investi- gations are carried on, especially in North-Germany, it would be of interest to find out whether it was only the hibernating Anophelines which in early spring sucked upon man, where as the summer generations sucked upon cattle. If this should really be the case, the peculiar malaria-curves in North Germany would be more intelligible. Whether we consider the malaria curves from the single years or the curves for the whole of the last century we shall almost be forced to assume, more especi- 19(1 ally with regard to the northern limits of the distribution area both of the Ano- phelins and of malaria, that, in our knowledge of malaria, there still remains something unknown. This has also been corroborated by others. The old question of BACCELLI: "Gesetzt die Stechmiicke infiziert den Menschen und der Mensch die Miicke, wer infi/iert sie beide" (GRASSI 1901 p. 199) has in my opinion not been answered yet. When this chapter was written and used for a discourse in the Royal Society of Copenhagen in April 1920, Prof. C. J. SALOMONSEN kindly called my attention to a new paper by ROUBAUD just published. To my great satisfaction I saw that in our main results we coincide upon almost all points. As however ROUBAUD and I have approached the subject from quite different points of view, our two papers supplement each other in a remarkable manner. As a foundation for ROUBAUD'S elaborate and highly meritorious work lies the idea of studying the ''rapports nutritifs des Anopheles avec 1'homme et les animaux" (1920 p. 187). Originally this was never my intention. During my studies relating to the biology of the mosquitoes I was of course also in search of A. maciilipennis; struck by the peculiar fact that I never could find it in Nature I accidentally found it in a stable; in spite of my very cursory knowledge of Danish malaria and my being without any knowledge of foreign malaria, my whole knowledge being really restricted to the fact that malaria was formerly a terrible disease in our country and had nowadays disappeared, I, in the course of a few days, understood that here most probably was a possibility of understanding the main causes of the pecu- liar disappearance of the disease. - - On very many points ROUBAUD and I coincide, upon a main point we differ, and in the main result there is some discrepancy; this is however only apparently, and is due to the fact that our areas of exploration are in different latitudes; in my opinion our results really coincide. ROUBAUD has in two localities examined the relation between the Anophelines upon one side and cattle and man upon the other; one locality is the Vendee region, the other the environs of Paris. It has formerly been remarked that A. ma- culipennis is almost domesticated in Vendee, a locality which may be regarded as classical with regard to malaria, whereas it rarely approaches man in the neigh- bourhood of Paris. This different behaviour of the mosquitoes in these two locali- ties has been explained as a result of the climate. Even though this may be correct it must however be kept in mind that malaria has raged and does so still in various regions of northern Europe, where the temperature is much lower than that of la Vendee. The main question, there- fore, which ROUBAUD tries to solve is: Why is Anopheles domesticated in Vendee, tormenting man and transferring malaria, whereas in the environs of Paris it has no connection with man. Perhaps I may here insert the remark that even if I have commenced my investigation with the study of malaria, I have not been able to solve this or a similar question, nay not even try to set it forth, because in our 191 country we have no malaria anywhere and because, as far as we know, A. maculi- pennis is spread over the whole country almost in an equally large number. If now we compare the results of ROUBAUD'S investigations on the life-history of A. maculi- pennis with mine, we shall find great coincidence. . He calls attention to the enormous amounts of Anophelines on the ceiling and walls of the stables; they are rare in houses which are not inhabited by man or cattle; here we only find some males; in the stables they originally only sought shelter; now they also look for nutriment there. Even in houses which only con- tain the stable and a single room for the inhabitants, almost all the mosquitoes are to be found in the stables; there are none or only a very few in the room. Man is not attacked by the mosquitoes; they only suck blood upon the domestic ani- mals; the few mosquitoes which can be caught in the dwelling rooms have almost always empty stomachs, those in the stables are almost always blood-filled (never any less than 40 % and often over 90 %). In all these main points there is full accordance between the statements of ROUBAUD and myself; it must only be remem- bered that ROUBAUD has only studied the biology during summer and not like my- self followed the life- history the whole year round. His indications that the Ano- phelines do not occur in non-inhabited rooms are most probably only correct for the time he has studied the mosquitoes; at all events in our country the Anophe- lines entirely disappear from stables and inhabited rooms in the six winter months, the hibernation taking place exactly in outhouses, unoccupied rooms; the presumed cause is indicated on p. 164. The most striking difference between ROUBAUD'S and my results is that the Anophelines of Vendee are very active animals out of doors. However favourable the conditions for nutrition may be on the spot where the female has spent the period of daily rest, this is always abandoned for flight in the open air at night, so that a new host must always be found for the meal before the next day's rest. The Anopheline-population of any given shelter is therefore entirely or almost entirely renewed every night. If therefore all the Anophelines present in a certain building were captured and destroyed several days in succession, provided that the host conditions are favourable, the numbers would be constantly replaced, probably without any noticeable modification of the total. It has been proved by marking some thousand individuals that the Anopheline fauna of any given spot, however densely populated it may be, is entirely renewed within a few days; the regu- lar flight in the open directly observed during night by ROUBAUD has been proved to be indispensable to the life of A. maculipennis. It will be understood that ROU- BAUD and I have arrived at quite opposite results upon this point; in Vendee the Anophelines are on the wing every night during the summer, in Denmark hardly ever, and only for mating and egg-laying processes ; I have hardly ever caught an A. maculipennis out of doors. I am sure that both our observations for each country are quite correct. The Anophelines of Vendee and Denmark differ from each 192 other upon this point in most localities; (Silkeborg?) the difference is due to the much colder night in Denmark than in Vendee. Like myself ROUBAUD sees the main cause of the phenomenon of Anophelism without paludism in the secondary adaptation of this species to animals, especi- ally in countries where domestic cattle are abundant, whereas the Anophelines as I have supposed for Silkeborg, also in France, in territories where the amount of cattle is small, and where vast numbers of Anophelines are hatched, attack man. He says that in the Vendee region two different sets of conditions occur; in the dry districts where the Anopheline-density is not very great, the existing mosquitoes find sufficient nourishment in the cattle of the district; man is practically free from attack and may even be unconscious of the presence of large numbers of mosquitoes in his near vicinity; while in the marshy districts, where the Anopheline density is too great to find adequate nourishment in the cattle pre- sent, man is undoubtedly attacked, but even then the Anophelines seem to bite with repugnance and without entirely satisfying their hunger. The conditions in the Paris region offer a close analogy with those of the non-marshy regions of la Vendee, namely the occurrence of Anophelines in fair numbers, characterised by the exclusive adaptation of A. macnlipennis to bovine hosts which are present in suffi- cient numbers. So complete is this adaptation that the presence of the mosquitoes often passes entirely unnoticed by man; it is this last case which nowadays is the rule for our own country. In a very convincing manner ROUBAUD shows how malaria epidemics, the result of abnormal frequency of contact of A. maculipenms with man, may suddenly arise in a region well stocked with cattle, merely in consequence of an increased number of breeding places due to flooding, and a consequent increase in the Anopheline population, requiring greater nourishment. This has been known to occur in la Vendee. Further the immigration of small settlements of people with but littFe cattle into a marshy zone, previously uninha- bited, may give rise to the outbreak of fresh malaria epidemics. This explains the occurrence during the war of several small foci of indigenous malaria, reported from districts poor in cattle. As a final result of his explorations ROUBAUD says on p. 222: "La constitution dans 1'Europe agricole d'une race d'A. maculipennis essentiellement adaptee au betail, a permis, pour le plus grand bien de 1'espece humaine, la disjonction des rapports habituels de 1'Anophele avec 1'homme. Cette variation physiologique n'a pas influe, d'autre part, nous 1'avons vu, sur la receptivite de la race anophelienne a 1'egard de 1'infection malarienne. Aussi la possibilite d'injection des Anopheles subsiste-t-elle entiere. Mais pratiquement, au point de vue humain, le resultat favorable n'en a pas moins ete acquis, puis qu'en modifiant leur habitudes de nutrition primitives aux depens de Thornine, les Anopheles des regions a bestiaux out brise le cycle ferme des parasites malariens". It will be seen that ROUBAUD'S view and mine almost coincide. The total dis- appearance of malaria from our country demands however another explanation than 193 that given by ROUBAUD; such an explanation I have tried to give hut I do not know for how wide areas my explanation holds good (p. 182). Upon one of the last pages in his work ROUBAUD and according to him les SERGENTS (p. 222) has corroborated an idea which I have had but which I was unable to verify. ROUBAUD has pointed out that the specimens of A. maculipennis from more northern latitudes are of greater size than those in more southern countries. It seems therefore, that the secondary adaptation of the species to animals in countries where domestic cattle are abundant, has produced a particular race of mosquitoes, which is distinguished not only by its tastes and affinities but also by its greater size. Most probably ROUBAUD'S indication is really quite right. In this connection I take the liberty to call attention to the following fact. If we nowadays from our country compare long series of A. maculipennis with those of A. bifurcatus there is no doubt that the first named species is longer and larger than A. bifurcatus. This is also indicated by THEOBALD. According to him A. maculipennis measures 6 to 7.5 mm. A. bifurcatus 5 to 51/* mm, with proboscis 8 — Sl/s mm. If we however take the old descriptions by ZETTERSTEDT and MEIGEN we shall find that the contrary is the case; here A. maculipennis is indicated as shorter than A. bifurcatus. MEIGEN states (1818 p. 11) for A. maculipennis 3 lin. for A. bifurcatus 3l/s lin. ZETTERSTEDT (1850 p. 3467) for A. maculipennis 21/*— 3 lin. for A. bifurcatus 3 lin. Nowadays there is not the slightest doubt about the fact that the common size of A. maculatus in our country is between 6.5 to 7.5 mm. and that the species is larger than A. bifur- catus. If the indications cf the length of the two species by MEIGEN and ZETTER- STEDT are really correct, it seems therefore that the average length of the species has really increased in the course of the last century near the northern limits of its area of distribution. This is only what we might expect, according to ROUBAUD'S and my own statements, MEIGEN and ZETTERSTEDT having measured the mosquitoes at a time when A. maculipennis was no sedentary stable mosquito but, as nowadays in the Mediterranean countries, a free flying mosquito. ROUBAUD is inclined to regard the variations in the habits of A. maculipennis as "une evolution lente et durable des habitudes alimentaires d'Anophele c'est-a-dire d'une evolution d'habitudes acquises". I do not agree with ROUBAUD upon this point. Firstly I wish to remind the reader of the fact that all mosquitoes have unquestionably, from originally being flower visitors, in the course of time altered their habits and, with regard to the female sex, are now in many species and genera blood suckers. This biological variation is much greater than that which A. maculi- pennis has undergone with us. Further it must be remembered that A. maculipennis is by no means the only mosquito which has altered its habits over part of its area of distribution; the same is said to be the case with C. territans, which is a very angry bloodsucker in America, but does not attack man in Central Europe (SCHNEI- D. K. D. Viclensk. Sclsk. Skr., naturvidensk. og niathem. AM. 8. Riekke, VII, 1. 25 194 DER 1914 p. 46). We have seen that variation in habits has most probably taken place also with C. pipiens and T. annulata. I suppose that the whole question with regard to variation in bloodsucking habits in mosquitoes must be regarded from the same point of view, viz. that species with a wide area of distribution are not forced to live their life in quite the same manner as those of the northern and southern limits of their area. Fur- ther that when some species are carried out of their normal distribution-area and are suddenly forced to live in another area, their biological range of variation is so great that they are able to begin life again under other conditions than those to which they were originally adapted, and in the course of a short time conform their whole organism to the new claims. Finally when a new factor appears in their old distribution area and disturbs the once-sanctioned order of environment, the organisms are to a certain degree able to accomodate themselves to the new factor and this latter again is able, to a degree which almost seems incredible, to alter the biology of the said species. The peculiar fact that many hymenoptera of the order Fossoria use different forage for their young ones and use the paralytical instinct here and upon Corse in different ways (Bembex a. o.); the variation in instinct from fruiteaters to blood- suckers of the Nestor parrots of New Zealand; the variation in instinct of the Au- stralian Dingos, the variation in instinct in the biology of different species of beetles (Haltica, Anthrenus) which, suddenly transferred from the old world to the new or vice versa, grow to be noxious animals of great economic significance in their new home, whereas in their original home they are quite harmless animals; the alterations in the biology of the swallows which, from being originally inhabitants of rocks and mountains nowadays owing to the building of castles, church steeples etc. build their nests upon or in our houses over vast areas of distribution; the variation in the life of Turdus merula in the last generation of man, are all ex- amples of the same above-named common rules. With regard to the Anophelines the above named changes in the agriculture of our own and adjacent countries was the new factor which in our latitudes altered the biology of this Anophelin species. When I consider the malaria curves in the time from about 1830 to 1900 and see how rapidly the curves fall and remember that malaria has disappeared from our country in the course of only one or two generations of man, I find that the variations in the habits of A. maculipennis have taken place not as an "evolution lente" but very suddenly and with an almost incredible rapidity. From ROUBAUD'S investigations we are entitled to suppose that the variation in habits has at all events also affected the animal morphologically; if this holds good for more than the size we do not know; a more thorough investigation of the mouthparts, especially the number and size of the sawteeth on the maxillae which are in fact subject to variation, would most probably give interesting results. I think that it must be admitted that in the variation in the habits of A. maculipennis there really 195 is a basis for the origin of a new type which, in the course of time, may perhaps lose its connection with the maternal species and give rise to a new one. Nowadays I am inclined to see in our .4. maculipennis, neither a subspecies nor variety or race, but only stocks of individuals geographically and culturally bound, stocks which nowadays play upon other strings of their life instrument than those usually used. If we get similar life conditions as in the first part of the former century they will however immediately revert to their earlier manner of life. It is by no means an "evolution durable" it is an utilisation of other physical and mental properties but no "evolution d'habitudes acquises". Actually the connection with man is nowadays in the main broken in our latitudes but the circle can be closed again. The probability of the great epidemics occurring is really very small but the deep lying real life conditions for these epidemics are the same nowadays as formerly in as much as they are dependent upon the Anophelines. Postscript um. After the printing of the greater part of the manuscript of the Culicines I got from Dr. E. MARTINI his excellent papers relating to the classification and biology of German mosquitoes. I am glad to see that in many respects we fully agree. Only with regard to the synonymy there are, as might be expected, great differen- ces. In the following I have tried to collate Dr. MARTINI'S species with mine; I suppose that the references will almost all prove to be correct, because, according to a letter to me, Mr. EDWARDS has arrived at quite the same result. I add some biological remarks taken from the wrork of Dr. MARTINI, especially those which supplement my own observations or which strengthen my views where this seems to be desirable. With regard to the Anophelines the work has been con- sulted in the foregoing pages. Martini. W.-L. Aedes cinereus Mg A. cinereus Mg. lateralis Mg Ochlerotatus lateralis Mg. (?) serus Martini diantceus H. D. K. diversus Theob riisticus Rossi. nemorosus Mg. communis Deg. sylvce Theob punctor Kisby. terriei Theob salinellus Edw. salinus Fie detritus Hal. nigrinus Eck sticticus (Meig.) var. con- cinnus Steph.? annulipes Zett lutescens Fabr. 25* 19H Martini. W.-L. Ae'des cantans Mg Ochlerotatus cantans Mg. abfitchii Felt excrucians Wlk. quartus Martini ? dorsalis Mg caspius Pallas. rusticus Rossi diuersus Theob. vexans Mg vexans Mg. lutescens Fbr lutescens Fabr. ornatus Mg. . . . Finlaya geniculata Oliv. rostochiensis Martini prodotes Dyar. ? annulipes Zett. curriei Coquillet. Culex pipiens L C. pipiens L. territans Walker nigritulus Zett. Theobaldia annulata Schrank T. annulata Schrank. glaphyroptera Schiner. morsitans Theob. Culiseta morsitans Theob. f'umipennis Steph Mansonia Richardii Fie Tceniorhynchus Richardi. Fie. It is of particular interest that the whole new mosquito fauna which I have detected here in Denmark has now also been found in Germany; MARTINI menti- ons five species: A. lateralis Mg. A. quartus n. sp. C. territans Wlk., T. glaphyroptera Schiner and T. fumipennis Steph. which we have not found here in Denmark. Of these species A. lateralis Mg. and A. quartus n. sp. are most probably very doubtful species; this especially holds good for the first named. In our country we only lack C. territans, T. glaphyroptera and fumipennis. T. glaphyroptera cannot be expected in our country, but there is no doubt that the two others will be found. Most prob- ably C. territans is in some way concealed in my forest races of C. pipiens, but provi- sionally the larva does not allow this supposition. That I have not found T. fumi- pennis must be regarded as simply accidental. On the other hand my list includes three species which are lacking in that of MARTINI. These three species are 0. annulipes Zett. 0. curriei Coc. and nigritulus Theob. All these species are doubtful; I am not quite sure that what I have named O. annulipes Zett. can be kept distinct from O. excrucians; still the larvae do not coincide. 0. curriei is perhaps identic with O. caspius Pall.; the larva being un- known; what the species determined as C. nigritulus really is, we do not know with certainty; most probably it is related to C. territans but the larvae seem to differ very much from each other. With regard to the synonymy in the two lists this may be regarded as rather indisputable in most of the cases; there are only two cases to which it is neces- 197 sary to call special attention. It is rather doubful if my species 0. sticticus is identic with A. nigrinus, a species which according to the description is always difficult to determine. The species 0. salinellus Edw. ha* not hitherto been men- tioned in this work, but must now, most probably, be registered among the Danish species. After I had sent Dr. EDWARDS my 0. prodotes material from Amager he called attention to the fact that the specimens differed somewhat from the true 0. prodotes; I tried to get some males, but without success; later on Dr. EDWARDS wrote to me that the specimens must most probably be regarded as a new species for which he would propose the name salinellus. Later on he told me that these specimens were identic with A. terriei Theob. and more thoroughly described by MARTINI (19204 p. 112). It is therefore now necessary to register the species among the Danish mosquitoes; with regard to the description I refer the reader to MARTINI. With regard to the chapter relating to the single species of Culicines I wish to call at- tention to the following facts. Aedes diversus Theo. = O. rusticus (Rossi). MARTINI maintains that MEINERT'S figure of C. nemorosus belongs to this species. I think that this may be correct and confess that I have overlooked this fact. Aedes nejnorosus Mg. = O. communis (Deg.). It is of interest that MARTINI has shown that below the withered leaves in the dried ponds other leaves were found which were still moist; between these moist leaves "fanden sich Unmengen von Nemorosus-Larven und Puppen, so dasz man den Eindruck hatte, die Entwicklung ganz grosser Larven gehe fast ungestort weiter". Aedes sylvce Theob. = 0. punctor (Kirby). MARTINI states that the home of the larva is "in Torfmoorgraben zwischen Gras und Fadenalgen" not in drying ponds in forests. This may be true, but I must confess that I have never found these larvae there. Aedes terriei see above. Aedes dorsalis Mg. = 0. caspius (Pallas). It is of interest that also MARTINI has shown the remarkably severe attack of this species in the autumn, a long time after the other mosquitoes have ceased to sting. Aedes vexans Mg. It is highly remarkable that this species, which has a parti- cular significance for large parts of Central Europe, hardly seems to exist in our country; the same seems to be the case in Great Britain. C. pipiens. MARTINI states that MUHLENS has counted about 10.000 specimens in one square meter in the hibernating places; he supposes that the species has about four to six generations in Germany. He mentions the enormous swarms of C. pipiens males in autumn; swarms which are indicated to be "Tausende von Metern lang". MARTINI has observed one of more than 1 km. in length. Phenomena of this kind have hitherto been quite unknown in our country. He has made the same observation as so many others that C. pipiens only rarely sucks upon man and mainly upon birds. 198 C. territans Walker. The statement that C. territans should mainly be a house mosquito, makes it rather improbable that it should have any great distribution in our country. Most probably it is an American species, which has been found in Italy, at Bonn, Strassburg and Hamburg in recent years. In America it is a very angry bloodsucker according to Felt; in Europe it does not seem to attack man. Theobaldia annulata: MARTINI has found hibernating larvae; he also comes to the result that it only rarely sucks upon man. On an excursion to Amager Mr. KRYGER and I found a remarkable mosquito closely related to T. annulata; the white scales were however yellow and the black brown. After this work was sent to the press Mr. EDWARDS told me that the specimens were identic with specimens adapted to desert conditions and hitherto found in Mesopotamia ; it may be named T. annulata var. subochrea Edw. I only wish to call attention to the remarkable mosquito fauna which has now been ascertained to exist upon Amager in the immediate vicinity of Copenhagen. In the drying ponds of Amager common we now know that the following speci- mens are hatched: 0. salinellus, O. detritus, O. rusticus, 0. caspius, O. curriei, 0. lutes- cens, T. annulata var. subochrea. It will clearly be seen how much this fauna differs from that of the drying forest ponds where O. communis, 0. prodotes, O. excrucians, 0. cantans, 0. diantceus preponderate. Ochlerotatus rusticus. After having read the paper of MARTINI I am not quite sure that two species are not confused in my 0. rusticus Rossi material. It is pos- sible that some of the material from my forest ponds should be referred to 0. fus- culus Zett. ; I have hitherto regarded all my larva material as homogeneous; it seems however that there are some small differences in the arrangement of the hairs upon the dorsal side of the sipho; without delaying the publication for almost a year this cannot be cleared up. LIST OF LITERATURE 1912i. ADIE, H. A. Note on the Sex of Mosquito Larvae. Ann. Trop. Med. Parasit. Liverpool 6 p. 463. 1912s. — The Sex of the Larva- of Mosquitoes and other Experimental Work. Lancet 182 p. 865. 1901. ANNETT H. E. and DUTTOX .1. E. A Preliminary Note on the Hibernation of Mosquitoes. British Med. Journ. p. 1013. 1912. BABAK, E. Zur Physiologic der Atmung bei Culex. Intern. Hevue der ges. Hydrob. 5 p. 81. 1916. BACOT, A. Report of the Entomological Investigation undertaken for the Commission for the Year. Aug. 1914. Rep. Yellow. Fev. 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O. caspius (Pallas.) II 39— 46 3. O. curriei (Coquillet) 46— 47 4. O. cantons (Meig.) Ill 47— 51 5. 0. annulipes (Meig.) - IV 51 — 53 6. O. vexans (Meig.) 53 — 55 7. 0. excrucians (Wlk.) - .V 55 — 59 8. O. lutescens (F.) VI 59— 67 9. O. detritus (Haliday) - VII 67— 69 10. O. communis (De Geer) VIII 69— 78 11. O. nigripes (Zett.) IX 79— 79 12. O. punctor (Kirby) : X 79— 81 13. 0. prodotes (Dyar) XI 81—84 14. O. rusticus (Rossi) XII 84— 88 15. O. diantams (H. D. K.) XIII 88— 92 16. O. sticticus (Meig.) var. concinnus Steph 92 — 93 Finlaya 93—102 17. F. geniculata (Olivier) XIV 93—102 Tceniorlujnchus 102— 1 15 18. T. Richard! (Fie.) XV— XVI 102—115 Theobaldia 115—118 19. T. anmilata (Schrank.) - XVII 115—118 Culicella 118—225 20. C. morsitans (Theobald) XVIII— XIX 118—125 Cnlex 125—132 21. C. pipiens Linue .' - XX 125—130 22. C. ciliaris Linne 130—131 23. C. nigritnlns Theob XXI 131—132 I). K. D. Vidensk. Selsk. Skr., naturviclensk. og mathem. Afd. 8. Raekke, VII, 1. 27 210 Pag. Chap. Ill 133—156 Contributions to the Biology of Culicines 133 — 156 a. General Biological Remarks 133 — 143 b. The Blood-sucking 143—152 c. The mating process 152 — 156 II. Anophelines 157 — 195 Chapter IV 157—195 Anopheles and Danish Malaria 157 — 195 24. A. plumbeus Stephens 157 — 1 58 25. A. bifurcatus Lin 158 — 161 26. A. rnacnlipennis Meig 161 — 195 Postscriptum 195—198 27. Ochlerotatus salinellus Edw 197 28. Theobaldia annulata (Schrank) var. subochrea Edw 198 List of Literature . . . 198—208 [). K. D.VIDEXSK. SELSK.SKH., NATURV.OG MATH. AKD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESBNBEHG-LuND] TAB. I Aut. del. Aedes cinereus. (Meig.) I). K. D.YIOKNSK. SICI.SK. SKK., XATUHV. OG MATH. AFD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBEBQ-LOND] TAB. II 7 Ochlerotatus caspius (Pallas.) K. D.VIDENSK. SEI.SK. SKR., NATURV. ou MATH. AKH., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LUND] TAB. Ill O. cant mis (Meig.) D. K. D.VIOF.NSK. SEI.SK. SKR., NATURV. oo MATH. AKD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBEHG-LUND] TAB. IV 0. annulipes (Meig.) Aut. del. I). K. D.VIDKNSK. SKI.SK. SKH., XATURV. OG MATH. AFD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WBSENBERG-LuNp] TAB.V 9 0. excrncians (Wlk.) D. K. D.VIDKXSK. SIU.SK. SKH., NATUHV. oo MATH. AKD., 8. H.VII. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LUND] TAB. VI I). K. D.VIDENSK. SELSK. SKU., NATURV. oo MATH. AFD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESEXBERG-LlWD] TAB. VI I. 9 8 O. detritus (Haliday.) I). K. D.YIDKNSK. SF.I.SK. SKK., XATITRV.OG MATH. AFH., 8. H.VII. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LuNb] TAB. VI II m 2 (). comninnis (De Geer.) I). K. D.VIDKNSK. SEI.SK. SKR., NATURV. OG MATH. AFD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESBNBERG-LlWD] TAB. IX 0. nigripes (Zett.) D. K. D.VIDENSK. SELSK. SKH., NATUKV. OG MATH. AKO., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LUND] TAB.X s O. punctor CKirby.) I). K. D.VIDENSK. SEI.SK. SKR., NATURV. OG MATH. AKD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENHEHG-LUND] TAB. XI Aut. del. O. prodotes (Dyar.) I). K. D.VIDENSK. SELSK. SKH..NATURV. or, MATH. Apo.,8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LUND] TAB. XII Aut. del. 0. rusticus (Rossi.) I). K. D.VinKNSK. SKLSK. SKH., NATI:RV. OG MATH. AFD., 8. R.VII.l [C.WESBNBERG' LUND] TAB. XIII 0. dianiceus (H. D. K.) I). K. D.YIDKNSK. SKI.SK. SKR., NATUKV. OG MATH. AFD., 8. H.V1I. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LuNDJ TAB. XIV Finlaya genicnlata (Olivier.) I). K. D.VIDEXSK. SELSK. SKU., NATURV. OG MATH. AFO., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBBRG-LUND] TAB. XV Tceniorhynchus Richardi (Ficalbi) I. I). K. D.VlDBNSK. SBLSK. SKR., NATUHV.OC, MATH. AKD., 8.R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LUND] TAB. XVI Twniorhyncluis Richardi (FicalbiJ II. D. K. D.VIDENSK. SELSK. SKR., NATURV. OG MATH. AFD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESBNBERQ-LUND] TAB. XVII Ant. del. Theobaldia unnnlata (Schrank.) O.K. D.VIDKNSK.SELSK.SKH., NATUHV.OG MATH. AFD., 8.R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBEKG-LUND] TAB. XVIII A ut. del. Culicella morsitans (Theobald) I. D. K. D.VIDENSK. SELSK. SKR., NATI;RV. OG MATH. AFD., 8. R.V11. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LuND] TAB. XIX Aut. del. Culicella morsitans (Theobald) II. I). K. D.VIDENSK. SELSK. SKH., NATCRV. or, MATH. AFD., 8. R.VII. 1 [C.WESENBERG-LUND] TAB. XX 9 Aut. del. pipiens Linnc. I). K. D.VIDKNSK. 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Juel, C.: Die gewundenen Kurven vom Maximalindex auf einer Regelflache zweiter Ordnung. 1917 » 75. 6. Warming, Eug. ; Om Jordudlebere. With a Resume in English. 1918 3. 65. III, med 14 Kort og 12 Tavler, 1917—1919 26. 00. 1. Wesenberg-Lund, C.: Furesostudier. En bathymetrisk Undersegelse af Molleaaens Seer. Under Medvirkning af Oberst M. J. Sand, Mag. J. Boye Petersen, Fru A. Seidelin Raunkicer og Mag. sc. C. M. Steenberg. Med 7 bathymetriske Kort, 7 Vegetationskort, 8 Tavler og ca. 50 i Texten trykte Figurer. Avec un resume en francais. 1917 22. > 2. Lehmann, Alfr.: Stofskifte ved sjselelig Virksomhed. With a Resume in English. 1918 3. 15. 3. Kramers, H. A.: Intensities of Spectral Lines. On the application of the Quantum Theory to the problem of the relative intensities of the components of the fine structure and of the stark effect of the lines of the hydrogen spectrum. With 4 plates. 1919 9. 50. IV (under Pressen). 1. Bohr, N.: On the Quantum Theory of Line-Spectra. Part I. 1918 2. 25. Samme. Part. II. 1918 4. 00. V (under Pressen). 1. Bjerrum, Niels und Kirschner, Aage: Die Rhodanide des Goldes und das freie Rhodan. Mit einem Anhang uber das Goldchlorid. 1918 , 3. 50. 2. Orla-Jensen, S.: The lactic acid Bacteria. With 51 Plates. 1919 46. 00. VI (under Pressen). 1. Christensen, Carl: A Monograph of the genus Dryopteris. Part II. 1920 8. 25. 2. Lundblad, O.: Siisswasseracarinen aus Diinemark. Mit 12 Tafeln und 34 Figuren im Text. 1920. 18. 50. VII (under Pressen). 1. Wesenberg-Lund, C.: Contributions to the Biology of the Danish Culicidse. With 21 Plates and 19 Figures in the text. 1920-21 29. 00. 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