5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 SUPPLEMENT TO THE 47th ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF MARINE AND FISHERIES, FISHERIES BRANCH CONTRIBUTIONS CANADIAN BIOLOGY BEING STUDIES FROM THE BIOLOGICAL STATIONS OF CANADA 1911-1914 moc UiIS-—-MARINE BIOLOGY THE BIOLOGICAL BOARD OF CANADA Professor E. E. Prince, Commissioner of Fisheries, Chairman. Professor A. B. Macatium, University of Toronto, Secretary-Treasurer. Professor L. W. Baitny, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. Professor A. H. R. Butizr, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Rev. Abbé V. A. Huarp, Laval University, Museum of Public Instruction, Quebee, P.Q. Professor A. P. Knicut, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. Professor J. P. McMurricu, University of Toronto, Toronto. Dr. A. H. MacKay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. Professor A. Wintey, McGill University, Montreal. Ya ii {LIBRARY} =) > o~ 2. / J . y ’ ~ 1 i y ae ‘ ‘ a saerae- XP “a Fl . 2 hay bh : Se re : _ A, * P 7 _ a ~ ; { . 1 , ? cas J, / e é ‘ Ae “A ew 7 r¢ a ae : ee sae a i [ Ze s . . 2 wn ‘ 9 t ‘ ag i aaa ie 7 se . . Sal : ? = 7 ~~ < 2 * RL! oe oe 5 n € ri 7 3 ‘a —\ pe “7 . nd po a] . . aS TA? s ” ‘ ' b ‘ s ¢ +3 aS ~ ’ ‘a “ ‘ ; . gp ewe « s . > . rs + ul ; ~ ye 2 . a til et “4 i? ~~ aa 4 » pres . » Jy. VA = ~~ ~ oo st > ba 5 GEORGE V. - SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 PREFACE. By Proressor Epwarp E. Prince, Commissioner of Fisheries, Chairman of the Biological Board of Canada, Canadian Representative on the International Fisheries Commission, and Member of the Advisory Fishery Board of the Dominion. When the last series of Biological papers was published two years ago, I stated, in my introductory note appearing as the preface to the publication, that some memoirs were nearly in shape for publication, but could not be included in the volume issued in 1912. These papers were subsequently placed in my hands, and others have been completed, so that no less than twenty-two important original contributions to the Biology of Canadian waters, marine and fresh-water, are now ready for publication. This series is indeed more voluminous than had been anticipated, and it has been found desirable to issue them in two parts,—One, Fasciculus I. composed of papers dealing with sea-fisheries and marine subjects, and Fasciculus II. issued separately, including papers which refer to the interior fresh-water fisheries, and to subjects relating to the Great Lakes. The researches, embodied in the first series of papers, were conducted chiefly at the St. Andrews Biological Station, on the Atlantic Coast, while the second series of papers embraces work done by the members of the staff at the Georgian Bay Station on the Great Lakes. Many papers representing work done at the three Biological Stations, and authorized by the Biological Board, and indeed carried on under the direction and auspices of the Board, have been published elsewhere or the present series would have been much more extended. Credit should be given to the Biological Board, and to the Biological Stations, for such investigations published in reports issued elsewhere or appearing in journals or magazines in Canada or abroad. Thus it may be mentioned that Dr. Stafford, who has practically carried on all his marine biological studies under the Board, and who commenced his fishery investigations when the Atlantic Station was opened at St. Andrews in 1899, and has continued until recently a member of the staff of workers, has published two papers on the Canadian oyster, its life-history, conservation etc., in the reports of the Commission of Conservation,* while Mr. F. A. Potts of Cambridge, Eng., Professor McMurrich of Toronto, Miss Katherine Haddon and others, have pub- lished their results in various scientific journals on this continent and in Europe.t+ The present series includes two important papers on the minute floating life in the sea, a source of food for fishes, . especially in the early stages of their life, and an important part of the food of the oyster and other shell-fish. * See Fisheries of Eastern Canada, Comm. of Cons. Report, 1912, pp. 26 to 49, and the Canadian oyster, Comm. of Cons. Report 1913, pp. 1 to 158. t Spengel’s Zoologisches Jahrb. 1912, pp. 575 to 594; Roy. Soc. of Canada 1913,etc. ii MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Professor Willey, of McGill University, deals with St. Andrews’ Plankton, and Professor Bailey, of the University of New Brunswick, treats of the Diatoms in the Bay of Fundy waters. The paper on certain diseases of fish, completed by Dr. J. W. Mavor, is of special scientific and practical value. Comparatively little has been done in this difficult field of research, although our sea-fishes and fresh-water fishes often perish in vast numbers, no doubt owing to some epidemic of disease about which little is accurately known. The study of fish diseases is the readiest method of coping with this serious loss. Last season, 1913, it may be mentioned that the herring fisheries of the Gulf of St. Lawrence suffered serious loss by the death of vast numbers of fish from some such cause. Dr. Mavor’s fame as a specialist, and the unique character of his paper on the Sporozoa of New Brunswick fishes, gives it unusual importance and it will be welcomed by all interested in our fish and fisheries, and by scientific men generally. Dr. Huntsman’s paper on a new Crustacean, a Caprellid, not previously described or determined, is of special value. Much remains to be done in the field of Crustacean research in Canada. Mr. J. D. Detweiler gives a list of New Bruns- wick Mollusca, this being another of those contributions, published by the Board, which will aid in the preparation of a complete marine faunistic list for our At- lantic Coast. The paper on the fungi collected at St. Andrews by the late Miss Van Horne, aided by Miss Adaline Van Horne, has a melancholy interest for the MS. was handed to the late Professor Penhallow for publication. Neither Professor Penhallow nor Miss Mary Van Horne survived to see the paper printed. The relation between the fisheries and the land fungi may not appear to be very intimate, though it is well known that insects abound, and, indeed, feed upon decayed fungi, and insect food is important from a fishery point of view. The report by Professor A. T. Cameron, University of Manitoba, calls for special mention on account of its important commercial bearing. It has long been known that a valuable chemical product is present in certain seaweeds, and Dr. Cameron has completed an original research, in which he has studied no less than twenty species of marine plants, including the giant Pacific Kelps. He studied six species of sponges; five species of jelly fish and fourteen higher forms in order to determine the amount of Iodine present in them, and at the conclusion of his paper, he adds an Appendix on the commercial aspect of the Kelp beds on the Pacifie Coast as a source of Iodine production. Mr. A. B. Klugh, (Queen’s University) rendered Dr. Cameron assistance in this work. Two papers by Mr. Stock and Mr. Martin of the University of Toronto, treat of some Parasites (Copepods) of certain Bay of Fundy fishes, and on the effect of freezing upon living fish. Both are of the nature of preliminary reports and they are of very special interest. Since the last issue of the Biological Contributions, the Board has been de- prived by death of two esteemed colleagues, Professor Penhallow and Rev. George W. Taylor, both of whom devoted much time and labour to the work of the Bio- logical Stations and contributed substantially to Biological Science in Canada. Orrawa, Jan. 1914. 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. I. FE; HIT. IV. M. vas VAT. VIIl. IX. 39b—B CONTENTS. Tue PLANKTON OF St. ANDREW’S Bay (NEW Brunswick) By Professor A. Willey, D.Sc., F.R.S., etc., Professor of Zoology, McGill Uni- PEM Vie WE DRETIY rence hae. Cees i Gah Le araGnie ona ete eral viSistere dtbngie ere etye Ws get aes (With two figures in the text). TuE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE Bay oF Funpy. By Professor L. W. Bailey, LL.D., F.R.S.C., ete. Emeritus Professor of Natural History and Geology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B......... (Plates I, II and III.) STUDIES ON THE SPoROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE St. ANDREWS ReEcion, NEW BRUNSWICK. By J. W. Mavor, B.A., Ph.D. ete., Associate Professor of Zoology, University of WaSCONsINe Ma dISOMmten cha scpsitere tierce, var Cie Gaal Ne ose obs bs erm rer ae al ra ecto aae (Plate IV, and six figures in the text). A New CAPRELLID FROM THE Bay or FUNDY. By A. G. Huntsman, B.A., M.B., Lecturer on Biology, University of Toronto..... (Plates V and VI.) PRELIMINARY Notes ON THE Mo.Luusca or St. ANDREWS AND Vicinity, NEw BRUNSWICK. By John D. Detweiler, B.A., (Queen’s University) St. Andrews College, Toronto... . A List or Fiesuy Funer Cotitectep at St. ANDREWS, NEw BRUNSWICK. By Miss Adaline Van Horne and the late Miss Mary Van Horne................ THE IODINE CONTENT OF THE MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD or NANAIMO, VANCOUVER ISLAND, B. C. By A. T. Cameron, M.A., B.Sc., Assistant Professor of Physiology and Physiolog- ical Chemistry, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg..................---0000 ON SOME OF THE PARASITIC COPEPODS OF THE FISHES OF THE BAY OF FUNDY. By Vostock, B.A; or the University Of Toroutoric: o. 2s eccisiiea aivias oe 0 bole bbe SoME EXPERIMENTS ON THE FREEZING AND THAWING OF LIVE FISH. Byer Martiny2Ae, UMIVErsity: Ole OLONbOs.c, 70... 9m a. Sense cae 026 ake $3200 & ry AR 1915 PAGE 11 43 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 THE PLANKTON IN ST. ANDREW’S BAY. By A. Wiuuey, D.Sc., F.R.S. Professor of Zoology, McGill University, Montreal. Few imagine, when crossing the ocean, that the prow of the ship is cleaving its way through teeming myriads of foam-like creatures and that every turn of the screw is a marine catastrophe, bringing sudden death to multitudes of sensitive beings. That this is a fact is frequently demonstrated in the darkness of the night when the swarm of life approaches nearer the surface which it illuminates by phos- phorescent scintillations. An ingenious method of testing the vitality of the sea from the seemingly unfavourable situation of a passenger on an ocean liner, has been adopted in recent years by Professor Herdman of Liverpool, the founder of the successful Marine Biological Station at Port Erin (Isle of Man). The method simply consists in straining the sea-water as it flows from a tap through a silk bag, at intervals during a voyage. Even in the daytime, in calm weather, the presence of living matter may be made manifest by the occurrence of smooth oily-looking streaks and patches in the midst of the rippling water. The remarkable character of these so-called animal currents was first recognized by Carl Vogt so long ago as 1848. A graphic description of their appearance around Lanzarote, one of the Canary Islands, was published by Professor Richard Greeff in 1868. Similar streaks may be observed in the bay of St. Andrews; they are due in part to the tidal currents and in part to the organisms which are contained in them. The floating fauna and flora of the oceanic and coastal waters constitute what is known as the Plankton or drifting life of the sea. This technical term, which is now universally employed at Biological Stations, was introduced by Pro- fessor Victor Hensen of Kiel in 1887. The only single vernacular term, previously in use, which conveyed the same meaning, was the German word ‘Auftrieb’, this was commonly borrowed by other tongues, and the custom of using it continued for several years after the more international expression ‘Plankton’ had been happily suggested; but now it is seldom heard. The originator of the special study of the marine Plankton and, therefore, the father of planktology, was the. greatest naturalist of the nineteenth century in Europe during the period which intervened between the death of Cuvier (1832) and the rise of Darwin (1858), namely, Johannes Miller of Berlin. It was he who introduced the method of towing through the water a very fine-meshed gauze-net of muslin or silk, which he used in furtherance of his researches on the free-swim- 39b—1 2 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 ming larve and the metamorphosis of starfishes and sea-urchins at Heligoland between 1845 and 1855. An enormous advance in the qualitative description of the Plankton of the five oceans resulted from the collections and observations accumulated during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger (1873-1876). The intensive quantitative determination of the Plankton was inaugurated by Professor Hensen, who led the well-known Plankton Expedition in the Atlantic Ocean in 1889. The finely illustrated reports which have been issued from that time to this, sufficiently attest the value of the results obtained; but the actual significance of the countings and calculations can only be appreciated fully by professional statisticians. The principal object aimed at by the promoters of the Plankton Expe- dition was a physiological one: the discovery of the factors which control the metabolism of the sea, 7.e., the assimilation and interchange of nutritive materials under the influence of light, heat,and oxygen, on the part of pelagic organisms which have no place in popular esteem, but which nevertheless are the prime sustenance of all the marketable food-fishes. The scientific interpretation of the Plankton is thus a physiological problem and its bearing upon human welfare lies in opening the way to arational conception of the fertility of the sea. The prodigality of marine life in its less conspicuous aspects is a natural phenomenon which must be investigated by methods as rigorous as those that are applied to the elucidation of other natural phenomena, in order that progress may be reported all along the line. It is impossible to avoid the problem; and the multiplication of biological stations in all the progressive coun- tries of the world, proves that it is impossible to rest contented with temporary achievements, however brilliant they may appear to be. After the quantitative method has been adequately tested, the next way of dealing with the great question of the metabolism of the sea is the experimental method. Perhaps unnecessary emphasis has been laid upon the distinction be- tween observation and experiment, although it is by no means easy at all times to draw the line of demarcation. When Pasteur in 1860 drove the last nail into the coffin of the doctrine of the spontaneous generation of micro-organisms, the contrast between the methods of observation and experiment was indeed brought into high relief by the futile opposition of an otherwise excellent zoologist, Georges Pouchet, whose name is perpetuated by its having been applied to a peculiar member of the*micro-plankton, Pouchetia. This is one of the Flagelldta, distantly related to a very common species at St. Andrew’s named Peridinium divergens, shaped like a miniature chafing-dish with a conical cover, which is probably responsible, at least in part, for the display of phosphorescence to be witnessed there, according to the testimony of the staff at the Biological Station. Of course Pouchet’s opposition to Pasteur was the one sad mistake of his life, but he did much good work besides. Amongst many other things, he reported upon the Sardine Industry of France. On one occasion, in company with a colleague, he found the stomachs of the sardines which they were examining, filled with Peridinium divergens and an allied species of the same THE PLANKTON IN ST, ANDREWS BAY 3 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b genus. They calculated that there would be, at a minimum, twenty million Peridinia in a single fish. The truth seems to be that all methodical observation has an experimental basis, and the merit of advancing biology to the rank of an experimental science does not rest entirely with the mechanists of the present decade, nor even with the hybridists, great as have been the results of their respective labours. With reference to the constitution of the Plankton, Haeckel (Plankton-Studien, 1890, p. 66) insisted upon the fact, known to every experienced planktologist, that the first and most striking peculiarity is the variable combination of its component units. The differences of composition are both qualitative and quantitative and are as noteworthy when comparing different localities at the same time, as when com- paring different seasons at one and the same station.* Under these circumstances, in order to secure complete and reliable data respecting the periodical fluctuations of the Plankton, it is necessary to institute continuous series of observations at a given locality throughout at least one entire year, and better still through several successive years, after the manner adopted in recording meteorological conditions, with which the various planktological conditions are directly and intimately correlated. — In illustration of the kind of data concerning. the circulation of Plankton in coastwise currents, which may be obtained by the co-ordination of observations made at different stations at the same season or at different seasons, I may mention that a certain small Crustacean species, named Acartia claust, was the most abun- dant representative of its order (the Copepoda) at St. Andrew’s in July and August 1912. It was not found at Woods Hole, Mass. during the same two months in 1899 (W. M. Wheeler) ; but it occurred abundantly in Naragansett Bay in January and February 1906 (L. W. Williams). This species belongs to a section of Copepoda termed Calanoida by G. O. Sars, the veteran author of “An Account of the Crustacea of Norway,” one of the standard works of reference on this subject. The Copepoda of this group afford nutriment to several common food-fishes. Calanus finmarchicus, a relatively large species attaining a length of four millimetres and a leading type of the North Atlantic zooplankton,+ is known to be the food of the herring along the Nor- wegian coasts. Very few examples appeared in my tow at St. Andrew’s, and these were immature, not exceeding three millimetres in length. If it should ever be found in quantity within the bay of St. Andrew’s, it would make a notable record. Arctic specimens of C. finmarchicus attain a maximum length of five millimetres (G. O. Sars). Associated in the tow with the Calanus, and not so rare as the latter, was a transparent, fragile being belonging to the group called Tunicata-Appendiculariz, named Fritillaria borealis. This little creature is shaped like a miniature hammer, * On this point attention should be drawn to Professor Herdman’s Plankton Investigations in the Irish Sea. Vide 26th Ann. Rep. Liverpool Mar. Biol. Committee. December 1912, p. 36. Also Prof-ssor McIntosh’s Plankton Reports, Scot. Fish. Bd. Rep , 1890, ete., and Dr. William- son, Plankt>n Reports, Scot. Fish. Bd. Rep., 1898, ete. j Animal plankton as distinguished from Phytoplankton comprising the pelagic Alge. 39d—13 A MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V.,-A. 1915 a relatively long body and a still longer muscular tail; but the latter, instead of being continuous with the hinder end of the body, is inserted at the centre of the body, at aright angle, like a handle of a hammer or pick-axe. It is more at home in the open sea than in confined, inshore waters, though the specimens were per- fectly healthy. This form is found both in the Arctic and in the Antarctic Oceans, and is therefore described as being bipolar. Another characteristic Arctic Appendicularian, Oikopleura labradorensis, was not observed at St. Andrew’s. Both of these species extend their range in the spring and summer, when the polar water spreads southwards; and at that season they have been taken in the North Sea (H. Lohmann). The principal factor governing the distribution of the organisms of the Plank- ton is the temperature of the sea; this is even more effectual than the salinity of the water.* From the open sea where the salts are dissolved at a concentration of 35 per cent, Fritillaria borealis is periodically transported to the brackish water of the Baltic Sea with a salinity of 15 per cent. It is therefore not so surprising as it appeared at first sight, to find this delicate form near the mouth of the St. Croix river at St. Andrew’s, more especially since the Appendicularians are known to feed largely upon the Peridinians. In what has been said it is implied that the physiological aspect of the Plankton is that which concerns the practical questions of nutrition and distribution. What is known as its morphological aspect cannot be regarded as having any bearing upon the fisheries, except in respect of the fundamental distinction between the zooplankton and the phytoplankton. The true relationship of any planktonic species have nothing to do with their food-value to other species. In this connection the contrast between morphology and physiology is exactly analogous to that which, as we have seen, can sometimes be drawn between observation and ex- periment. In a complete scientific presentation of the subject it is impossible to divorce the one from the other, especially if we desire to penetrate into the ob- scure origins of the Plankton.. It may therefore be of interest to recall that Haeckel looked upon the Ap- pendicularians as representing the common stem-form or ancestral stock both of sea-squirts (fixed Tunicata) and of fishes (Vertebrata). It is worth while ex- amining this opinion from the standpoint of the marine Plankton as a whole, of which the Appendicularians are one of the most constant constituents. Haeckel’s view involves the assumption that they are primarily pelagic; and as this assumption is the crux of the entire question, it.is certainly one which should be scrutinised with the utmost circumspection. In dealing with this matter it should be borne in mind that adaptation is the first consideration and that it is not necessary, at the outset of the discussion, to dwell upon details of structure or life-history. In very many instances (e.g. the pelagic Mollusca) it is usually taken for granted that the pelagic habit of the organisms of the Plankton is a special adaptation from a bottom dwelling or benthonic life to a surface-frequenting or planktonic life. * Carl Chun. Die Beziehungen zwischen dem arktischen und antarktischen Plankton. Stuttgart, 1897. THE PLANKTON IN ST. ANDREWS BAY 5 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Indeed so far as the zooplankton is concerned, it is an open question whether the planktonic habit is not in every case the consequence of secondary adaptation. In any case it is obvious that it must be an arbitrary proceeding to select one of the leading planktonic types as representing a primarily pelagic, ancestral stock. Two kinds of plankton are to be distinguished by their situation, namely, the oceanic and the coastal or neritic* plankton. These associations naturally merge into one another, but the latter is much the richer. It seems natural to sup- pose that the oceanic plankton is but an expansion of the neritic plankton, just as southern forms are carried northwards by the Gulf Stream, while northern forms are borne southwards by the Labrador current. The next suggestion which might occur to the mind is one that cannot be advanced definitely without a prolonged analysis; and it is only too likely that even then it would fail to carry conviction. It may nevertheless be proposed as a thesis that the neritic zooplankton is to be derived ultimately from the littoral fauna. There are two kinds of large and well-known jelly-fishes or umbrella-shaped medusae, several inches in diameter, which are commonly seen floating near the surface in St. Andrew’s bay or left stranded on the beach by the receding tide. One of them is the common American Aurelia flavidula with its four horse-shoe- shaped rosettes; the other is called Staurostoma laciniatum, with a simple St. Andrew’s cross showing through the transparent disc. The first recorded speci- men of the Staurostoma was brought to L. Agassiz in a jar containing Aurelia taken in Boston harbour in 1849; he says he had scarcely ever valued any dis- covery more highly. Besides these true jelly-fishes there is another class of pelagic animals which bear some resemblance to medusae from which, however, they differ in shape as well as in many more fundamental characters. They are usually barrel-shaped and, running lengthwise from one end of the barrel towards the other, there are eight equidistant rows of vibratile, comb-shaped flappers, whence the class was named Ctenophora by Eschscholtz in 1829. The Ctenophora are the most exquisite creatures imaginable and always excite the unbounded admiration and astonishment of those who see them alive for the first time. The body is generally as clear as glass, of filmy consistency, and sometimes it will undergo complete liquefaction so that nothing visible is left behind. They were represented in St. Andrew’s bay, at the time of my visit, by a form which was described in 1849 by Louis Agassiz from examples collected off the coast of Massachusetts, under the name Bolina alata. In this species the fluids of the body are so exactly adjusted to its conditions of life, being separated from the surrounding water only by a cellular membrane * This is one of Professor Haeckel’s useful terms; from Nerites, the son of Nereus and grandson of Pontus and Gea. It differs from littoral in that the latter term refers to the inshore bottom- dwelling forms. The entire plankton of St. Andrew’s bay, considered as a unit, belongs to the neritic group. ¢ The specimens were placed at my disposal by Dr. A. G. Huntsman to whom they were familiar and who found a shoal of them at about 7 a.m. in shallow water, at the foot of the wharf belonging to the Biological Station, during a very low tide on August 14th. 6 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 of extreme tenuity, that any alteration in the density of the water, as for example when a preservative liquid is added to it, causes speedy disruption. An interesting analogy of distribution is presented by Staurostoma and Bolina: S. laciniatum from the north Atlantic coast of America is as nearly related to S. mertensi from the coast of Alaska, as B. alata is to B. septentrionalis from Beh- ring’s Straits. All of these species are doubtless descended from circumpolar forms which have streamed down along the different coast lines from the Arctic ocean. The neritic plankton is enriched at certain seasons by free-swimming larval forms belonging to the littoral fauna. One of the most bizarre of these was first described by Johannes Miiller as Actinotrocha branchiata, and was subsequently shown by A. Kowalevsky to be the larva of a worm called Phoronis which lives in sand-tubes. Without entering into details, it may be stated that the chief peculiarity of this form is that in effecting the transformation from the larval to the adult condition, the body becomes, up to a certain point, turned inside out. One example of Actinotrocha, identified with a species previously described from Fig. 1. The figure to the left is a magnified outline sketch from life of Actino- trocha Brownei [de Selys-Longchamps]; that to the right is a similar sketch of Phoronis Brownei immediately after the metamorphosis.* Observed at St. Andrew’s, New Bruns- wick, August 19th, 1912. e ; THE PLANKTON OF ST. ANDREWS BAY. 7 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Plymouth, England, appeared in the tow at St. Andrew’s on August 19th. Whilst it was under examination in a glass vessel, the eversion took place, and the pre- viously free (planktonic) larva was converted into the sedentary (benthonic) worm. Almost equally rococo are the free-swimming larve of the common starfishes at St. Andrew’s. Whilst not very abundant, yet they were detected on most days in the plankton between August 10th and 20th. These larve possess many long, trailing arms. There are in all fourteen arms arranged in two sets of eleven and three respectively. The eleven arms of the first category are simple, elongated, tentacle-like processes, slightly clubbed at their orange-coloured extremities. Along their borders, up one side and down the other, is a narrow refringent zone clothed with vibratile cilia. The ciliated zone or band is continuous at the bases of the tentacles from one to another, excepting that the two tentacles immediately in front of the mouth have their own band continuous with the upper lip of the mouth; while the median anterior tentacle together with the eight posterior ten- tacles have their band continuous with the lower lip of the mouth. Thus there is a pair of pre-oral tentacles with a pre-oral ciliated band; and a series of nine ten- tacles (one median and four pairs) with a post-oral ciliated band skirting them from end to end. It is called post-oral because most of it lies behind the mouth, although as mentioned, it is continued over the median anterior tentacle. Occupying the area of the pre-oral lobe in front of the two pre-oral tentacles, there are three arm-like processes crowned with adhesive papille, and in the middle of the pre-oral lobe, between the bases of the arms, there is a somewhat oval thickening with a few small papille irregularly scattered around it; this isa median adhesive disc or suctorial plate which can be retracted, 7.e., the area which contains it can be pulled back. Of the three adhesive arms, two are ventral, occurring as a pair, and actually arising in the axils of the pre-oral tentacles; the third is median and dorsal. The pre-oral ciliated band is not continued upon the adhesive arms but ceases on each side at the base of the paired arms. This interruption of the pre-oral ciliated band was observed in a young larva which possessed neither arms nor tentacles. : The cilia are the means of locomotion which consists in an even gliding through the water. The tentacles themselves, although mobile, are not organs of pro- gression, but are sensitive balancers, assisting to suspend the larva in the water. They would represent, therefore, a temporary adaptation to the pelagic habit. When the time of metamorphosis approaches, the tentacles become flaccid and wrinkled, the ciliated rim begins to lose its continuity, and the larva sinks to the bottom where it adheres by means of its adhesive processes and the median sucker. Meanwhile the body of the young starfish has been developing in the hinder region of the larva. There is still a certain amount of obscurity surrounding the disappearance of the provisional larval structures and the definite assumption of the starfish form. Soon after the fixation of the larva, the young starfish once more becomes free, but this time as a denizen of the littoral zone of the sea-bottom. 8 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Here again, as with Actinotrocha, the free-swimming larva gives place to the shore- dwelling adult. The starfish is known as a serious enemy of oysters, but there can be no ques- tion that the larve are a valuable commodity of the neritic plankton. Fig. 2. Brachiolaria larva identified with that of the common starfish (Asterias vulgaris); represented in the attitude of swimming, in the direction indicated by the arrow. The outline of the developing starfish occupies the hinder end of the larval body; the position of the mouth is seen behind the tentacle (one of a pair, the other not shown) which follows the three adhesive arms. The fixed Tunicata or sea-squirts, to which reference has been made above, produce tailed larve known as Ascidian tadpoles. At the front end of the body these tadpoles are provided with three adhesive processes which in some cases are borne upon relatively long stalks. Of these processes one is median and THE PLANKTON IN ST. ANDREWS BAY 9 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b dorsal, the other two forming a ventral pair. Here, therefore, we have an ap- paratus of fixation precisely comparable to that of the starfish larva, which, by the way, is known as Brachiolaria, on account of its adhesive arms. The three adhesive arms of Brachiolaria and the three adhesive processes of the Ascidian tadpole are only comparable as physiological mechanisms of like nature, though of independent origin. The few remarks offered, bearing upon certain aspects of the zooplankton of St. Andrew’s bay, as it appeared in July and August, although without any pre- tence of completeness, may serve as an indication of the results that would follow from an extended and organised survey embracing the whole of Pasamaquoddy bay and continued from year to year. To make such a survey effective, what may be called the resident or benthonic (bottom-dwelling) fauna and flora should be known with some degree of thoroughness; and in fact that is in course of being worked out by the temporary staff of biologists at the station. Special attention would naturally be given to the leading planktonic types; and an attempt would be made to bring the records into line with the existing data concerning the northern plankton. This is really an ambitious scheme requiring much preparation in matters of detail; but it offers a programme worthy of consideration. The microscopic plants or alge which make up the phytoplankton are enormously abundant in our region, and as these constitute the fount of all life in the sea, their importance for the fisheries is clear enough. The northern diatoms. have been observed to accumulate on the under surface of the ice where they form a vast brownish incrustation[E. Vanhéffen]. If the biological station could be kept open the year round, there is no doubt that much could be found out as to what goes on under the ice-sheet. In conclusion it may be stated with confidence that the seasonal, diurnal, and tidal fluctuations of the plankton in St. Andrew’s bay, would well repay a more intensive investigation than has hitherto been accorded. 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 If THE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY. By L. W. Baitzy, LL.D., F.R.S.C., Erc. Emeritus Professor of Natural History and Geology, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N. B. (Plates I, II, and III.) The Plankton Diatoms constitute a group of peculiar interest in a division of miscroscopic plants which, in all its branches, afford to the naturalist a field of pleasurable and instructive study. The term ‘‘Plankton’”’ is one which is applied to the entire assemblage of minute, mostly microscopic organisms, including both plants and animals, which are found, often in vast numbers, swimming or floating freely, in the waters of ponds, lakes or in the open ocean, having no connection with the solid earth, but deriving their food supply from the medium in which they live. So far as the animal kingdom is concerned this floating population embraces members of several groups, such as Infusoria, Foraminifera, and Radiolaria, together with larval forms of Echinoderms, Annelids, Polyzoa, Crustacea and Mollusca, but, as regards plant life, this is confined, with the exception of the small group known as the Peridineae, to the family of the Diatomaceae. These are minute unicellular alge of which the most notable peculiarity is the secreting of a siliceous shell or lorica, determining their form and strength, and which is practically indestructible. Existing as they do in such enormous numbers in the purer oceanic waters, the plankton Diatoms constitute a very large part of the food of higher oceanic organisms, as is proved by the fact that they are found in such large numbers in the stomachs of marine animals such as echinoderms, crustacea, molluscs and even fishes. Even where these animals are not themselves direct plankton feeders, like the members of the herring and mackerel families, they nevertheless rely for their nourishment upon smaller animals, Copepods and the like, which are thus supported, so that the Diatoms may very properly be regarded as affording the basic food supply for marine life, even in its highest forms. The features which especially characterize the so-called Plankton Diatoms are those of their adaptation to a life of flotation. This is partly effected by arelative reduction in the amount of silica contained in their cell walls, reducing their specific gravity, but mainly in other ways, such as by the nature of their forms or the development of expedients which favor buoyancy. Thus in certain genera (Cos- cinodiscus, Actinocyclus, Actinoptychus &c.) the form is that of a nearly flat or slightly convex disc, exposing a large surface in proportion to the thickness of the 12 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 cell; in others (such as Biddulphia, Melosira, Skeletonema, Rhabdonema, Tabellaria - &c.) the frustules, though individually small, are attached to each other to form filaments or chains; while in still others, and these the most characteristic, the desired object is attained by the development of processes, arms or horns, pro- jecting from the cells, and which are often of extravagant length—(Chaetoceros, Bacteriastrum, Nitschia, &c.)—the presence of oil globules in the cells probably — also assists in certain cases. The Biology of the Plankton-Diatoms has, until within a few years, been the subject of comparatively little study; but now that their importance in connection with their relations to the support of other forms of life has been generally recog- nized, observers at the principal Biological Stations, both in America and Europe, have been giving them much attention. Both their classification and nomenclature are, however, still in a very unsatisfactory state, and the literature of the subject — is comparatively small. So far as New Brunswick is concerned absolutely nothing has previously been published, though references to some of the characteristic species have been made by the writer in earlier articles on the Diatoms of the New Brunswick seaboard. Dr. Ramsay Wright has also described and figured some of the species found by him in the Plankton of Canso, N.S. (Contributions to Canadian Biology, 1902-1905). The materials upon which this paper is based were obtained mainly from Passamaquoddy Bay and the adjoining waters of the Bay of Fundy, and in con- nection with the work of the Marine Biological Station at St. Andrews. In making the collections very fine silken tow-nets were employed, and their contents examined while still fresh and in their proper element, chemical treatment being apt to disintegrate the concatenate forms, while mounting in balsam will often cause delicate forms, though readily seen in water or dry, to become nearly or quite invisible. It is, however, often necessary to treat the material, after removal of salt by washing and decantation, with Nitric acid, in order to remove the vast number of Copepods and other organisms with which they are associated as well as foreign matters adherent to the Diatoms themselves. The most frequent accompaniments of the plankton-diatoms, in addition to the Crustacea, are silico-flagellate Infusoria of the genera Amphorella and Tin- tinopsis. The literature available to the author in his study of the Plankton of the New Brunswick waters includes the following :— Smith’s Synopsis of British Diatomaceae. Van Heurck’s Diatomées -de Belgium. Wolle’s Diatoms of North America. Nordisches Plankton—Brandt and Apstein—Kiel. Brightwell—On the Filamentous, Long Horned Diatomaceae. (Quarterly Microscopical Journal, London, Vol. IV.) Of these the first three are of a general nature. Only the last two relate especially to the Plankton. In an article by Prof. Ramsay Wright in ‘Contributions to Canadian Biology,” published in 39th “Annual Report of the Department of > - Marine and Fisheries—Canada” some descriptions and figures of the forms occur- THE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY 13 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b ring at Canso, N.S. are given, and these have been of service in the study of the New Brunswick forms. In the following account of the species entering into the composition of the Plankton those which may be regarded as especially characteristic of the latter, exhibiting the most marked adaptations to a life of flotation, will be first consider- ed, to be followed by those which, though less marked in this respect, are neverthe- less of general or frequent occurrence. Prof. W. A. Herdman, F.R.S. of Liverpool University, who has been in charge of special plankton investigations around the Isle of Man, gives six genera as those ‘ which are especially characteristic of the plankton flora of that region, and it is interesting to note that, with one possible exception (Lauderia) all of these occur and in most instances are abundant in the Bay of Fundy and adjacent waters. These genera are Chaetoceros, Rhizosolenia, Biddulphia, Coscinodiscus, Thalassiosira and Lauderia, to which may be added Skeletonema, Bacteriastrum and Asterionella. DESCRIPTIONS OF GENERA. - CHaETocERos. This genus is probably the most remarkable one among the Plankton Diatoms, and exhibits the widest divergence from the ordinary type of these plants, leading some authois to doubt whether they should really be con- sidered as Diatoms at all. Their most noticeable feature is that of their being pro- vided with spines, awns, or bristles, which, though usually very thin, greatly exceed in length the diameter of the frustule to which they are attached, and sometimes exceed the latter fifty times or more. The frustules are usually arranged in chains, embracing a considerable number of individuals, which may be united either by a band or cingulum, or by the interlocking of the horns. These latter vary in number from two to four, and most of them are arranged laterally or at right angles to the chain, being sometimes attached to or proceeding from the usually convex valves of the frustules above and below, so as to interlock and thus add strength to the chain, or in some instances from the cingulum, or from both. In addition to the lateral bristles there are often terminal ones as well, usually two in number which are either longer or shorter than the others, and may also differ from them in other respects as well. Though usually single, the spines may sometimes bifurcate near their point of origin, and while commonly smooth throughout, are often spinous or serrated or present the appearance of bearing imbricated scales. Occasionally they seem to have a spiral twist, likeascrew. In the case of the terminal awns, though usually bristle- like, they are also sometimes clavate or somewhat spatulate, suggesting comparison with the antennae of lepidopterous insects. Some awns are stout and rigid, others fine or hair-like and flexible. Their length seems to be connected with their age, the terminal awns being also often much longer than the lateral ones. The angle of divergence of the awns and the disposition of the chromatophores have both been regarded as of diagnostic importance, but the observations of the writer hardly accord with this view, different frustules of the same chain exhibiting considerable diversity in both these respects. The shape of the cells and therefore 14 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 of the intervening spaces also differ at different seasons of the year. Finally sporangial frustules also differ considerably from the ordinary ones, the valves being provided with short branched processes, and forms of this character have, as in the case of Dicladia, been constituted into different genera, though they are now believed to be auxospores of the genus Chaetoceros. The genus Chaetoceros embraces a considerable number of species, but these have as yet been very imperfectly differentiated, and much confusion exists as to their identity and synonymy. In the descriptions which follow, and in Plates to which these refer, only such forms are included as the writer has himself ob- served in the coastal waters of New Brunswick and mainly from the Bay of Fundy, with suggestions as to their probable indentity with those found elsewhere. Puatel. Fic. I. Chaetoceros decipiens.—Cleve. This is perhaps the most common of the species found about Passamaquoddy Bay, as Prof. Ramsay Wright reports it to be at Canso, Nova Scotia. The frustules are quadrangular, with concave faces, producing between adjoining cells a vacant space which is elliptical or approximately hexagonal in outline, while the lateral bristles arise from the points of contact between the frustules, and for short distances may be confluent. The bristles are four in number at each point, but of these only two belong to each frustule. They are filiform and of only moderate length, perhaps three or four times that of the diameter of the frustule. The terminal bristles are shorter, bearing transverse striae, and, though divergent at a considerable angle, are more nearly parallel than the lateral ones with the axis of the chain. PuateE I. Fia 2. Chaetoceros decipiens.—Cleve, (Var). This form differs from the preceding in the much closer approximation of the frustules, together with the very slight concavity of their opposed surfaces, the intervening space being narrowly linear. Two smooth and filiform late.al awns arise on each side of the junction lines, diverging at an angle of about 30°, and, by intersection with their fellows, produce the appearance of lattice-work. The terminal awns have not been observed. The form is believed to be a variety of Ch. decipiens, Cleve, the shape of whose cells, and therefore of the interval separating the latter, are known to vary with the seasons and other conditions. Puate I. Fic. 3. Chaetoceros. This form resembles that of Ch. decipiens, Cleve, in the general form of the frustules and in the arrangement of the horns or bristles, but the terminal awns are clavate and symmetrically curved to enclose a space forming about one half of a broad ellipse. The chromatophores are condensed in the centre of each frustule. In the clavate form of its terminal awns it resembles what some authors have described and figured under the name of Ch. dicladia, but these are now usually regarded as varieties of Ch. decipiens. THE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY 15 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Puate I. Fie. 4. Chaetoceros species? This form also resembles Ch. decipiens Cleve in the cup-like form of its frustules and in the number and attachment of the lateral awns, but the terminal curved awns are not clavate, and the lateral bristles, which are spinous, after slight diver- gence at the base become nearly parallel. PuateE I. Fic. 5. Chaetoceros. This specimen has the general form and structure of Ch. decipiens, Cleve, but in certain of the cells (primary) are inner transverse partitions which project in the form of two high cone-shaped processes, each of which at the apex bears a conspicuous dichotomously divided spine, which is very characteristic, while the other (or secondary) cells are almost flat. It is to forms like these that the name of Dicladia mitra has been given, but they are now thought to be resting spores of Ch. decipiens. PLATE I. Fic. 6. Chaetoceros. This form is probably related to the last, but between the two cingula the lateral surfaces are conspicuously undulate, with a prominent median cone on either side, separating two equally marked depressions, while upon the ends of _ the frustule two diverging filiform spines arise from the centre of each cingulum. PuaTeE [. Fie. 7. Chaetoceros. This is probably also a series of resting spores of Ch. decipiens but the branching processes are more numerous. PuateE I. Fic. 8. Chaetoceros. In this case there are also numerous processes, arising from a single convex enlargement or dome, but these are alternately long and short and unbranched. Puate I. Fic. 9. Chaetoceros chriophyllum—Cast. This form differs from the preceding in the fact that the quadrangular valves of the frustules, instead of being flat or concave, are convex, while the setae or horns, which are of great length, arise from towards the middle of the valves and not from the corners, being at first turned downwards and then, somewhat abruptly, curving upwards, the single awns on either side making with those of the opposite side nearly a right angle, while the terminal awns are much shorter, and diverge at an angle of about 38°. Except in this latter character the species bears much resemblance to Chaetoceros volans of Cleve. It is probably a variety of C. chriophyllum—Castracane. 7 16 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 PuateE I. Fic. 10. Chaetoceros. In this form the frustules are in lateral view elliptical in outline, the lateral bristles, which are smooth, arising without curvature from between the convex apposed surfaces of the valves. The terminal awns are straight and filiform, diverging at an angle of about 45°. It is probably another variety of C. chrio- phyllum—Cast. Puate I. Fie. 11. Chaetoceros Peruvianum—Bright? This form is remarkable in the fact that the awns, which arise in pairs from each joint of the chain, are noticeable for their length and stoutness, as well as for their spinous character. The portions of the spines nearest to the chain are small, numerous and thick-set, but, like the spines themselves, become larger as the distance increases, as well as more widely separated, The terminal ap- pendages are much shorter, smooth (?) and sigmoid, resembling a pair of horns. The form would seem to be nearly related to Chaetoceros Peruvianum, Bright, of the North Atlantic. Puate I]. Fies. 1-7. Rhizosolenia. This genus differs from the ordinary type of Diatoms even more widely than does the genus Chaetoceros, the most noticeable features being the great elongation of the cylindrical frustules, the crossing of the latter by distinct transverse lines or annuli, and the frequent presence of a calyptriform base, terminating in one or more short but conspicuous spines. At least three different species of the genus have been observed in the waters of the Bay of Fundy and the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Puate II. Fias. 1-2. Rhizosolenia setigera—Bright. What is believed to be this species has been observed in Passamaquoddy Bay, St. John Harbor and Bathurst, as well about the shores of Prince Edward Island. The figures here given are taken from those of Prof. Ramsay Wright, who refers especially to the peculiar spear-blade-like enlargement about the middle of the length of the terminal spines (Fig. 2). I have also observed this feature in some instances, but it does not seem to be a constant characteristic, and is given in only one of Dr. Ramsay Wright’s figures. Prate ll. Fiaes. 3-4. Rhizosolenia styliformis—Bright. Prof. Ramsay Wright refers to this species as being the most abundant at Canso, N.S., but on the New Brunswick coasts it seems to be less common than the preceding species. It has been found as yet only in St. Andrews Harbor. Figs. 3 and 4 show its general appearance, as well as the peculiar character of the cell junctions. (Fig 4a). THE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY 17 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Puate ll. Fie. 5. Rhizosolenia. In its narrowly linear form and in the absence of lateral bristles the form here figured resembles Rh. setigera—but the entire frustule is divided into oblique segments of which the terminal ones are attenuated in opposite directions to be produced into fine spinous processes. Puate I]. Fic. 6. Rhizosolenia. . } This form is considerably broader than the last, but lacks the oblique transverse lines and terminates in a more pronounced calyptra, of which the spine, as in the last form described, is turned to one side. The frustule is also distinctly punctate. Puate Il. Fic. 7. Rhizosolenia. The form here figured is noticeable for its wide diameter and for the fact that the annuli curve from either side to a central or axial line, while the terminal setae, the only ones present, are quite short and spine-like, recalling Ehrenberg’s first description of the genus, which is described as “attenuate and multifid, as if terminating in little roots.”” It may be a variety of R. imbricata, Bright. Puate Il. Fie. 8. Rhizosolenia? In its general aspect the form here figured is that of a Rhizosolenia, and I have little doubt that it belongs to that genus. Its most marked feature is the apparent contraction of the ends of the valves, suggesting the idea of puckering. At their ends, in addition to a central sharp spine of considerable length, are two little teeth or processes, projecting-laterally. In the general form and terminal spines, the species bears a close resemblance to that figured in Gran’s Nordische Plankton as Ditylium Brightwellit, and, as as indicated below, may have some relationship with the latter. In Fig. 8b, two frustules are shown as connected and with the terminal awns oblique and decussating. The endochrome in these was gathered in circular masses at the points where the frustules approach. Puate II. Fias. 9-10-11. Triceratium. In connection with the forms last described, those represented in Figs. 9-11 are of very great interest. Thus the resemblance between Fig. 9 and Fig. 8 will be at once apparent, so far as the general outline is concerned, but at one extremity of the delicate gelatinous (?) cylinder in Fig. 9 is a triangular and at the other a quadrangular enclosed form, both of which recall variant forms of the poly- morphic genus J'riceratium. Mr. Brightwell, in his paper illustrating this genus, gives somewhat similar figures in the case of species T'riceratium undulatum, the valves as in this case being enclosed in a cylinder and, again as in this case, bearing a prominent central spine. This gives strong confirmation to the view that 39b—2 18 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Amphitetras, Amphipentas, ete., are but varying forms of Triceratium and that this is closely connected with Rhizosolenia. Whether Ditylium, as first described by the writer should also be regarded as a related form, seems to him more doubtful— Dr. Mann regards them as quite distinct. Puate Il. Fie. 12. Skeletonema costatum—Grev. In the general form and structure of its frustules the species of this genus closely resemble those of the genus Melosira—especially M. nummuloides or M. varians; but differ in the much wider separation of the frustules and the presence in the intervening space of numerous fine hair like processes, connecting the valves. The chains thus formed are of considerable length and well adapted to flotation. The specimens found were from Chamcook Bay and Deadman’s Harbor, as well as elsewhere about the Western Isles, and are not uncommon. The species found by Dr. Ramsay Wright at Canso, are referred by him to S. costatwm in reference to the ribbed sides of the slender cylinders, and it is altogether probable that the New Brunswick forms are of the same species. Puate Il. Fics 138-14. Thalassiosira—Cleve. The genus Thalassiosira is very abundantly represented in the waters ad- jacent to the New Brunswick coast about the entrance of the Bay of Fundy, es- pecially in early summer, when they often form a considerable portion of the plank- ton. Their generic identity is easily recognized by the somewhat wide separation of the frustules and the fact that these are connected into chains solely by theagency of a usually single fine thread, often of considerable length; and they probably include several species, but, from the want of sufficient literature, the writer has not in all cases been able to identify these with certainty. Fig. 13. Thalassiosira Nordenskioldii—Cleve. A form which is believed to be this species and which corresponds quite closely to the latter as described and figured by Prof. H. H.. Gran (Nordisches Plankton 1905) is very abundant in early June in the waters of the Western Isles, being usually accompanied by Chaetoceros decipiens and Rhizosolenia. The frustules are noticeable for their distinctly octagonal outline, from which at the four external angles project minute spines, while the connecting filaments do not usually exceed and are often less than the smaller diameter of the cell. The chromatophores are somewhat variously disposed, but usually along the interior of the cell wall, those of one side being connected with the other by a slight isthmus. © Fig. 14. Thalassiosira. The distinctive feature of the form here represented is the shape of the frustules, these being in the form of lengthened cylinders, which are connected into chains by threads arising from the centres of their opposite circular ends. The chromatophores, which are minute and granular, are con- densed at the same points. No external processes were observed. THE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY 19 SESSIONAL. PAPER No. 39b Fig. 15. A group resembling Th. Nordenskioldi, but having the cells con- nected not by one but by many threads. It may be Coscinosira polychorda. Fig. 16. Thalassiosira. A series of biconcave dises, connected by a single fine thread or filament. It may be Th. hyalina of Grun. Fig. 18. Asterionella. Forms of this beautiful genus are not very un- common in the plankton of Passamaquoddy Bay and adjacent waters. In the specimen represented six frustules were observed as grouped in a semi-circle by the attachment of their bases, each frustule being cuneate or triangular with the apex of each prolonged into a rigid spine. The species may be As. Japonica, Cleve, which occurs in the North Sea, but the spines are more clearly differentiated than in that species as figured by Gran. PuateE III. Fic. 1-2. Chaetoceros boreale—Bail. I have not myself observed this species with certainty, but it is common in the North Atlantic and is doubtless to be found in the waters of the Bay of Fundy. It is mentioned by Dr. Ramsay Wright as seen by him at Canso, N.S. The figure here given is taken from that of Dr. Gran in the. Nordisches Plankton. Fic. 3. A chain of auxospores probably of Chaetoceros decipiens. Fic. 4. This form, like many species of Thalassiosira, bears much resemblance to a Melosira, but, unlike the forms referred to this genus, has the cells connected not by a single thread but by several. In this respect it resembles the species described and figured by Gran as Coscinosira polychorda. Only one specimen was seen, gathered in early June from Deer Island. Without closer examination of the cell-structure its identity could not be determined with certainty. Fic. 5. This species may be a variety of Thalassiosira gravida, Cleve. Fic. 6. A chain of frustules of Thalassiosira Nordenskioldii. Fic. 7. This is apparently a Thalassiosira, but has not been determined. Fic. 8. This would appear to be Th. gravida, Cleve, the slightly separated quadrangular frustules bearing bristles at the slightly truncated angles. Fic. 9. This form has been figured and described under the name of Dicladia capreolus, but is probably only an auxospore of some species of Chaetoceros. Fic. 10. Sydendrium diadema Gr. This form is occasionally, but rarely met with. It belongs to the Chaetoceros family. PuateE III. Fie 11. Actinoptychus undulatus—Kutz. This beautiful form is too well known to require description here. It is one of the most common forms in the coastal waters of New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, and is to be found in nearly all gatherings therefrom. 39b—23 20 M ARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Fie. 12. Hyalodiscus subtilis—Bail. This species is not uncommon in plankton gatherings, both from the Bay of Fundy and Gulf of St. Lawrence, but its representatives are usually much smaller than those of the same species found at the more southern points on the Atlantic sea-board. Fig. 13-14. Coscinodiscus—Ehr. This genus is more abundantly represented than any other, except perhaps Chaetoceros, in the plankton flora of the Bay of Fundy as elsewhere. The species most commonly met with are C. asteromphalus (Fig 13) of which C. oculus-iridis is a variety, C. eccentricus-Ehr. (Fig. 14) and C. radiatus Grun, though quite a num- ber of others have been observed. Fic. 15-16. Grammatophora. This can hardly be regarded as a true plank- tonic genus, being usually, perhaps always, attached, and having a somewhat littoral habitat. Yet scattered frustules and sometimes chains are not uncommon in plankton gatherings. The species most commonly met with are G. marina (Fig. 15) and G. serpentina (Fig 16) Puate lil. Fie 17. Synedra. The genus Synedra is not uncommon in planktonic gatherings, being well adapted by its lengthened form to a life of ‘flotation. This feature is most pro- nounced in Synedra undulata, Bail, a species which, while rare in the waters of the Bay of Fundy, is not very uncommon in those of the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Prince Edward Island. In addition to its almost extravagant length it has the further peculiarity, to which its name refers, of being corrugated or undulatory through the larger part of that length, thus adding materially to its strength. PuaTE 38. Fie 18. Nitschia. This genus exhibits the same adaptation to flotation as the preceding genus, the length being greatly disproportionate to its breadth. This is seen more or less conspicuously in all the Nitschias, but is especially marked in N. longissima (Fig 18) of which all but the central part is extremely narrow and spinous, the total length, as in the figure, being often nearly twenty times its widest diameter. PuaTe III. Fie. 19. Biddulphia. This is eminently a planktonic genus, its representatives being found in most tow-net gatherings. The individual frustules are provided with more or less prominent horns, aiding flotation, but this is probably much more effectually brought about by the adherence of the frustules in long chains, sometimes contain- ing twenty or more individuals. The four species represented are B. aurita, THE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY 21 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b B. laevis, B. rhombus and B. Mobiliensis (=B. Baileyr) Figs. 20-23 of which the latter, at some points along the Bay of Fundy coast, makes up nearly the whole of the plankton, occurring in vast numbers. B. aurita (Fig. 19) is also common, while B. laevis and B. rhombus Figs. 21-22 are comparatively rare. The following genera and species of Diatoms, though less distinctly planktonic than the preceding, are met with in more or less frequency in tow net gatherings. Fragillaria capucina—Des. Acnanthes longipes—Ag. Acnanthes subsessilis—Kutz. Amphiprora alata—Kutz. Bacillaria paradoxa—Gmel. Campylodiscus Cocconeis scutellum—Ehr. Cyclotella compta—Kg. Epithemia musculus—Kutz. Grammatophora marina—Kutz. Grammatophora serpentina—Ehr. Isthmia nervosa Licmopkora Lyngbei—G. Melosira nummuloides—Kutz. Melosira Borerii—Grev. Navicula Smithii Navicula didyma—Kutz. Navicula viridis—Kutz. Nitschia bilobata—W. S. Nitschia closterium—W. S. Nitschia sigmoidea—W. S. Nitschia vermicularis—Hanty. Nitschia sigma—W. 8. Nitschia longissima—Ralfs. Pleurosigma angulatum—W.S. Pleurosigma attenuatum—W. 8. Pleurosigma Balticum—W. S. Pleurosigma fasciola—W. S. Pleurosigma strigilis—W. S. Pleurosigma strigosum—W. S. Pleurosigma acuminatum. Rhabdonema arcuatum—K. Rhabdonema Adriaticum—K. Schizonema crucigerum—W. S. Stauroneis anceps—Enhr. Stauroneis obliqua. Striatella unipunctata—Ag. Surirella gmma—Ehr. Surirella ovalis—Breb. Synedra ulna—Ehr. wii LIBRARY} Synedra undulata—Bail.\Z\ =e= /+> Synedra longissima. $ Mase“ Q/ Synedra radians—W. 8. YY oo) Tabellaria. eer No quantitative measurements have as yet been made to determine the relative abundance of plankton Diatoms at different localities in New Brunswick or at different seasons. It is, however, interesting to note in this connection the results of observations made by Prof. W. A. Herdman, F.R.S., and others in the waters about the Isle of Man. Dr. Herdmanstates that in asingle haul made in the latter part of April, 49 millions of the genus Chaetoceros were found. The maximum however, was in August, while in late September the number had fallen to 3 millions, and in October was only one million. Rhizosolenia was feeble in April, reached its maximum (13 millions) in June, was absent in August, and had a second maxi- mum (470,000) in late September. Lauderia (L. borealis) was rare until April, was absent in August, reached a maximum (20 millions) on April 22, and was rare throughout the summer. Biddulphia, chiefly Bid. Mobiliensis had its maxi- mum in April. Of Diatoms in general there was a marked minimum in August while the maxima were in August and June, the former consisting chiefly of Chaetoceros and 22 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 the latter of Rhizosolenia. In September there is a second small rise of Chaetoceros, but Rhizosolenia was nearly wanting. The April rise is supposed by Sir John Murray to be due to the increasing amount of sunlight at that time, but may be due to variations in food supply. As the Biological Station at St. Andrews was open only during the months of July, August and part of September, the opportunity for comparisons of this kind was wanting. It will be obvious, however, that if similar variations in the phyto-plankton of New Brunswick waters exist, as is probable, they must have some effect upon the relative abundance, at different seasons, of the higher forms of life, of which they are the food supply. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. Nore—tThe figures in these plates have been drawn, with few exceptions, with the eye, as seen under a }” in objective, but not to scale. Puate I. Fig. 1. Chaetoceros decipiens—Cleve. 2 “ “ “ 3. Chaetoceros decipiens—Cleve ? 4 “ “ “ ? 5. ii _ “ Resting spores. 6. Chaetoceros sp? 7 3 . Resting spores ? 8 “ “ “ “ 9. Chaetoceros chriophyllum.—Cast. 10. = . var. ? 11. Chaetoceros Peruvianum—Bright ? Puate II. Figs 1-2. Rhizosolenia setigera—Bright. 3-4. z styliformis—Bright. 5. - setigera ? 6. © sp ? dL. $ imbricata ? 8. - ? (Ditylum Brightwellii) ? 9-11. Triceratium undulatum—Bright ? 12. Skeletonema costatum—Grev. 13; Thalassiosira Nordenskioldii—Cleve 14-15. “ sp ? 18. Asterionella. Puate IIT. Fig. 1-2, Chaetoceros boreale—Bail. 3. Chain of auxospores of Chaetoceros decipiens ? 4, Thalassiosira? 5. ? gravida—Cleve? THE PLANKTON DIATOMS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Thalassiosira Nordenskioldii. Chain of frustules. “ sp ? gravida—Cleve ? Dicladia capreolus—Probably a Chaetoceros. Syndendrium diadema—Gy. Actinoptychus undulatus—Kutz. Hyalodiscus subtilis. Coscinodiscus asteromphalus Ehr. var. oculus-iridis. . eccentricus—Ehr. Grammatophora marina—Kutz. < serpentina—Ehr. Synedra undulata—Bail. Nitschia longissima. Biddulphia aurita—Brel. , z Baileyi—B. Mobiliensis. 7 rhombus—W. S. zonal view. be A lateral view. = Baileyi— Valvular view. Triceratium alternans—Bail. Cyclotella compta—Kg. “ 23 aw wer ive HUGE PLATE III 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 III. STUDIES ON THE SPOROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE ST. ANDREW’S REGION. By J. W. Mavor, B.A., Ph.D., ete. Instructor in Zoology, University of Wisconsin, Madison, U.S.A. (Curator of the Biological Station of the Canadian Government on the Georgian Bay, Canada.) (Plate IV.) INTRODUCTION. The only papers published on the Myxosporidia of American fishes are two by Gurley (’93 and ’94) and a short one by Tyzzer (00). During the twenty years since Gurley’s papers our knowledge of the Sporozoa has greatly increased. Only comparatively recently however has special attention been directed to the Myxosporidia. The researches of Doflein, Mercier, Schroeder, Awerinzew, and others have shown this group to be one of great interest, and to-day there is per- haps no group of the protozoa which offers so many interesting features and about the life-cycle of which there is so much doubt. The writer was of opinion that a study of the Myxosporidia living in the gall bladders of fishes from the Eastern coast of America would lead to interesting results, not only with regard to the distribution of these parasites, but also, it was hoped, with regard to some of the disputed points of their life-history. The present paper deals with the first of these subjects. Another paper to be published later deals with the life-history of one of the parasites found, Ceratomyxa acadiensis RSD. While searching for myxosporidian parasites two other parasites were found, a Coccidian and a Haemosporidian, which seem of sufficient interest to be included in this list. MATERIAL AND METHODS. The material for the present investigation was collected in Passamaquoddy Bay at or near the mouth of the St. Croix river while the author was at the Marine Biological Station at St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada. The fish were brought (1) The writer wishes to acknowledge his indebtedness to the Board of Directors of the Marine Biological Station at St. Andrews, New Brunswick, Canada for the privilege of working at the station during the summer of 1912. 26 MARINE AND FISHERIES . 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 in a “car” to the laboratory, where they were kept alive either in the car or in tanks supplied with running water. The study of the living parasites was made during the months of July, August and September, 1912, and all the preserved material was collected during the same period. In searching for parasites of the gall bladder, the bile duct of the fish was ligatured and the gall bladder removed to a carefully cleaned watch glass where it was cut open. Into a pipette freshly made from new glass tubing a small quan- tity of the bile was drawn. If a fresh preparation was desired this was dropped on a slide and covered with a coverglass. Both slides and coverglasses were prepared as follows: After being cleaned in a mixture of one part bichromate of potash and one part concentrated sulphuric acid to ten parts water they were — washed first in tap water and then in distilled water and stored in 95% alcohol. When required for use, the alcohol was burned from them by passing them through the flame of an alcohol lamp. If fixed and stained smear preparations were desired the bile was dropped from the pipette on a coverglass and then sucked back again so that only a very thin film of bile remained on the coverglass. The cov- erglass was then inverted and allowed to drop on the fixing fluid in such a way that it was supported by the surface tension of the liquid. In this manner the prep- arations were given no opportunity to dry. This is practically the method of Doflein (’98), with the exception that in all cases no blood was added to the gall. The fixing fluids were Schandinn’s fluid, consisting of two parts saturated aqueous solution of corrosive sublimate to one part absolute alcohol used either hot or cold and Hermann’s fluid consisting of 75 cc. of 1% platinic chloride, 4 cc. of 2% osmic acid and 1 ce. of glacial acetic acid. These fluids were allowed to act for from five to ten minutes and the coverglasses were then transferred (after Schandinn’s fluid) to 60% alcohol containing iodine, or (after Hermann’s fluid) to distilled water. The stains used were Giemsa’s azar-eosin or Dalafield’s haematoxylin. Both were diluted before use to one or two per cent and allowed to act for from twenty-four to forty-eight hours. After staining in Giemsa’s mixture the smears were washed in tap water and destained in a mixture containing 95% acetone and 5% xylol. When sufficiently destained they were passed in succession through ‘the following mixtures: (1) acetone 70% and xylol 30%; (2) acetone 50% and xylol 50%; (3) pure xylol, and were finally mounted in Canada balsam. For the details of this method of using Giemsa’s stain, Kisskalt and Hartmann (’10, p. 14) may be consulted. After staining in Dalafield’s haematoxylin, smears were either first destained in acid alcohol or mounted directly in Canada balsam. For the study of attached stages, the wall of the gall bladder was sectioned. Pieces of the bladder, opened in a watch glass as described above, were fixed in Schandinn’s fluid, imbedded in paraffine, and cut into sections from four to seven microns in thickness. The sections were stained in Giemsa’s mixture or in Dala- field’s haematoxylin, diluted as for the smear preparations, or in Heidenhain’s iron haematoxylin. In the case of Giemsa’s stain the best results were obtained by washing in water rapidly, for twenty seconds or so, and then destaining in a mixture of acteone 95 cc. and xylol 5 cc. for eight to ten minutes. SPOROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE ST. ANDREW’S REGION 27 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b TABLE OF FISHES SEARCHED WITH THE SPORQZOAN PARASITES FOUND IN THEM. Host and Organ Parasite Number Number examined Infected Clupea harengus BROS UES cererersigieto Seas ces mais ake eee le None 12 0 Gall Bladder. . Bp yee 2 None 1 0 Cryptacanthodes fisenl sia : pee OLAAGOT ooo io ie pae & dealin 2 None 1 0 Hemitripterus americanus. Gall Bladder. . wag anaes. Ceratomyxa sp? 1 1 Myxocephalus perededeapriane UG WELLE (6 (2 ei ae a a None 1 0 Myxocephalus groenlandicus. UNS U2 6 0a (2) 2 a ga a tierra None 4 0 Melanogrammus aeglefinus. Ree POG EE Sais... 94 os areal oe Myxidium beregense 1 1 PRUGUMAUGER: oo. sistas erate, 2 Sk Gaussia gadi el! 1 Osmerus mordax. RUE RST RS rs tot che ste isayarel ai taste: vase lows 2 No cysts 22 0 Pseudopleuronectes americanus. | PMG OT cao os dost «ater sae ee» ck Ceratomyxa acadiensis 25 25 Gall bladder................-.... Myxidium sp? | 25 few SET Gare otattecciate. careet st ek aoe | No cysts | » 282 0 Raja ocellatus. | “LLG 255 (3 (2) None | 1 0 Urophycis chuss. | all ladders. 2.2... Ceratomyxa acadiensis | 10 9 CELLOS ET (6 (55 tO aR soc em Myxosporidian sp? MAllirs See eI, ee ia eee See Haemogregarina sp. | 1 1 Zoarces angularis Gall bladder......................| Ceratomyxa acadiensis | 8 8 LIST OF SPOROZOAN SPECIES. 1. Ceratomyxa acadiensis n. sp. The Myzosporidium (Pl. IV Figs. 1-5, 10-13) is typically club-shaped with a long tail, often many times the length of the thicker part of the body (PL. IV, Fig. 10)., Large individuals may be irregularly stellate (Pl. IV, Fig. 12). The pseudododia often show a rigidity as if possessed of a rigid endoplasmic axis. The protoplasm of certain of the pseudopodia may be collected into clumps, the clumps being connected together by thin hyaline filaments of ectoplasm. A division into ectoplasm and endoplasm though not always clear is often to be seen in the anterior rigion. In the parasite of Urophycis chuss the mxyosporidia were very often found attached to the myxosporidium of an undetermined species (Pl. IV, Fig. 7 and 8) described in the fourth part of this section. An examin- 28 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 ation of freed individuals showed the attachment to be brought about by short pseudopodia at the anterior end. In the parasite of Zoarces angularis the attachment is probably to the epithelium of the gall bladdeer, since the fine pseudopodia are found and the myxosporidium found in U. chuss seems to be absent. In the parasite of Pseudopleuronectes americanus no attachment has been seen. The dimensions of a typical myxosporidium are:— Length, excluding tail..... 12-25 p In studying the structure of the spores of the Myxosporidia it is convenient to use the method of orientation employed by Thélohan (’95, p. 250-251) and generally adopted by subsequent writers. Where there is a single polar capsule or two (cps. pol. Fig. 1) or more close together the part of the spore in which the capsules lie is called anterior (a Fig. 1). The plane (pa Fig. 1) passing through the suture separating the two valves is called the sutural plane. The spore is ,€ps. pol. Fig. 1 Fig. 1. Spore of Ceratomyxa acadiensis n. sp. drawn to show method of orien- tation and nomenclature. Explanation in text. X 2000. orientated by placing it with the polar capsules in front and the sutural plane vertical (Fig. 1). Then the front is anterior and the part behind is posterior (p Fig. 1), the upper surface dorsal and the lower surface ventral, the right side the right and the left side the left. The sutural diameter (Thélohan 795, p. 251) is the greatest diameter in the sutural plane. The bivalve axis (1 r, Fig. 1) is the line which measures the greatest distance between the two valves perpen- dicular to the sutural plane. The general shape of the spore of Ceratomyxa acadiensis n. sp. (Fig. 1) may be described as that of a spindle, of which the longitudinal axis has been bent into an are of acircle. The chord of this arc is the bivalve axis, and may be called the width of the spore. The convex side of the arc is anterior, the concave side poster- ior and the opposite ends right and left. The sutural axis extends in the antero- posterior direction and is equivalent to the length of the spore. The two valves are cone-shaped, the pointed ends being directed one to the right and the other to the left and the bases meeting in the plane of suture. The spore is slightly compressed dorso-ventrally. A slight variation in the form and dimensions of opposite valves of the same spore was often noticed. The lateral filaments, ex- tending outward from the tips of the valves on either side, are very long and thin. SPOROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE ST. ANDREW’S REGION 29 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Their exact length in the spore of the parasite from Urophexis chuss was not meas- ured. Their extreme fineness and great length make this very difficult except in very favorable preparations. This was, however, done in the case of the parasite of Zoarces angularis (Pl. IV, Fig. 9) where they were found to measure 250-300 y or about six times the width of the spore exclusive of the filaments. The cavity of the valves does not appear to extend into the filaments. The length of these filaments is greater both relatively to the width of the spore and absolutely, than the length recorded for the lateral filaments of any other species of Ceratomyxa. Long filaments are most common in the two genera Ceratomyxa and Henneguya. It is generally believed that the filamentous appendages of Myxosporidian spores function in aiding the distribution of the spores by retarding the rate at which they sink and by rendering them more easily carried by currents. The polar capsules (Fig. 1, eps. pol.) are almost spherical and lie close together at the anterior end of the spore. They are so oriented that the polar filaments when extruded cross each other (Pl. IV, Fig. 14). The extrusion of the polar filaments was effected by concentrated sulphuric acid but was not brought about by a solution of iodine in potassic iodide or by ammonia water. The failure of these two reagents may have been due to the spores not having been ripe. When extruded the filaments appear as very fine threads of uniform thickness. The sporoplasm as seen in fixed and stained preparations is eccentrically placed, being in one valve, and contains, in all the spores examined from the gall bladder two compact darkly staining nuclei. The dimensions of a typical spore are: eee Ube AIS. oe) ho ates Bek a wie Re sacs whe 7-8 ps Wile lilt stale AISE © abe 2 nk ae Bi er nets eee 2 EG 40-50 p Diameter Of POlarseApSUle xy ou: dapsone wd aoe Aw 3-4 yp BRength’of lateral filaments. ...¥.. 20.4 060 2. 205-300 Length of extruded polar filaments................. 70 uw Triradiate spores are of frequent occurrence. These spores may show a fairly regular radial symmetry, both as regards the valves and the polar capsules (Pl. IV, Fig. 16) or one of the valves may be smaller than the other two while the three polar capsules are of equal size and symmetrically arranged (Pl. IV, Fig. 15). Cases where a triradiate spore and a normal spore were developing in the same myxosporidium were found (Pl. IV, Fig. 12) as were also cases where two - triradiate spores were developing together. Ceratomyxa acadiensis has been found in three hosts and perhaps in a fourth from the coast of New Brunswick, Canada. In the gall bladder of Urophycis chuss, the hake, it is usually found attached to an undetermined parasite, probably a species of Myxidium or Chloromyxum which is itself attached to the gall bladder. Nine out of ten U. chuss examined for the parasite were found to be infected. In the gall bladder of Zoarces angularis, the eel pout, C. acadiensis was not found attached although the modification of the anterior end for attachment was found. Each of the eight Zoarces angularis examined for the parasite was found to be in- fected. In the gall bladder of Pseudopleuronectes americanus, the winter flounder, no evidence of attachment was seen, vegetative forms were found relatively abun- 30 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 dantly, spores only rarely. Twenty-five flounders examined all contained the parasite. In Hemitripterus americanus myxosporidia resembling closely the myxosporidia of Ceratomyxa acadiensis were found. As no spores were found it was not possible to make a complete identification of this parasite. h Fig. 2. Myxidium bergense Auerbach. a, myxosporidium containing eleven nuclei in the endoplasm and showing the intermediate zone and the ectoplasm; from a preparation stained with Delafield’s haematoxylin. 6, a similar myxosporidium con- taining a sporoblast with six nuclei and ten other nuclei in the endoplasm; from a pre- paration stained with Grenacher’s borax carmine. c, myxosporidium showing outer resistant membrane (indicated by the clear area between the two contour lines) and numerous green granules; from afresh preparation. d, spore showing the two polar cap- sules and the six nuclei; the two germ-nuclei lie one over the other near the centre, the two polar nuclei lie against the polar capsules and the valve-nuclei are more faintly stained and lie against the valves of the spore; from a preparation stained with Dela- field’s haematoxyiin. e, f, g, optical crass sections of a spore; e and g, at either end and f at about the middle. h, spore showing shell and polar capsules and placed so as to correspond in position to the sections e, f,g. Figures e-hfrom fresh preparations. X 1900. The spores of Ceratomyxa acadiensis resemble in size most closely those of C. appendiculata Thél. (Thélohan ’95). As Thélohan does not give a figure of the spore and the only measurements given are those of the length and width it is impossible to carry the comparison further. The myxosporidium differs from that of C. appendiculata in being found attached. The spore resembles in form that of C. drepanopsettae Awer. (Awerinzew, ’09) but differs from it in size. Some interesting stages in the life history of this parasite have been ee out and will form the subject of a separate paper. 2. Myxidium bergense Auerbach. The Myzxosporidium is spheroidal, 25-35 mw in diameter or elongated up to 50 w in length. There is a clear differentiation into ectoplasm, an intermediate zone resembling that described in M. lieberkuhni, Butschli, by Cohn (’96) and SPOROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE ST. ANDREW’S REGION 31 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b endoplasm. In the living parasite the ectoplasm is hyaline, the intermediate zone very finely granular and slightly less transparent than the ectoplasm while the endoplasm is filled with yellowish green granules (Fig. 2, c). In stained preparations this differentiation of the protoplasm becomes more apparent, the intermediate zone being more deeply stained than either the ectoplasm or endo- plasm (Fig. 2,a and). The nuclei are confined to the endoplasm. The pseudopodia may be of two forms:—lobose, relatively large and rounded (upper and left side of Figure 2, b) or fine and short in which case they are usually numerous and arranged _ so as to give the part of the surface where they occur a villate appearance (right of Fig. 2,5). The latter attach the myxosporidium to the epithelium of the gall bladder. Under certain conditions the myxosporidium may become surrounded by a distinct doubly contoured membrane (Fig. 2, c) giving the whole the appear- ance of a cyst. At times the protoplasm may be seen in fresh preparations to be shrunken within this membrane leaving a clear space between the membrane and the ectoplasm. The sporoblasts are formed without the previous formation of pan- sporoblasts. One to six sporoblasts may be found in a myxosporidium. The sporoblasts are usually not arranged in pairs but are scattered in the myxospori- dium. Figure 2, b, shows a myxosporidium with one sporoblast. The sporoblast shows the usual six nuclei:—the two nuclei of the valve cells, the two of the capsulogenous cells, and the two germ nuclei. The two nuclei of the valve cells will be seen each to have adherent to the periphery at one point a dark body. This dark body seems to be of frequent or constant appearance at this point. Its significance is not clear to the writer. A later stage where the polar capsules are forming is shown in Figure 2, d. Here also there are two germ nuclei. In every spore examined from the gall bladder there were two germ nuclei. . The spores are spindle shaped with the axis of the spindle slightly bent in the form of an enlongated S, the two ends of which have been bent at right angles to the plane of the letter and in opposite directions. Corresponding to this curving of the axis of the spindle, the polar capsules are placed with their axes approximately tangent to the curve described, i.e., their axés make angles (of about 20°) on opposite sides of the line joining their points of contact with the spore shell. The polar filaments are visible within the capsules in the fresh state but the number of coils of the spiral in one capsule could not be counted. The filaments were not extruded when treated with a solution of iodine in potassic iodide. The dimensions of a typical spore are: gy eee Th. Mae Widens ow we Ra eo BURL 16-18 yw UAT Fe NU SE oh Sar EE. rn as 6-7 pu Pence On polar CApsUle®..) 522 oo koe feces oes 4 wm. Wadi oi polar capsiletiy. Fi 25 eli Sel oN as 2-5-3 yb. This description will be found to agree with that of Auerbach (’09, ’09* p. 61, and 712, pl. 2), in all particulars with the exception of the cyst-like pondeaen deatrined in the present paper. The presence of this cyst may however be due to some exceptional condition of the parasite. 32 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 3. Myxidium Sp.? The myxosporidium of this rare parasite was not seen in fresh preparations of the bile. In stained smears there occurred a large spheroidal myxosporidium containing twenty-two nuclei, and having numerous long lobose pseudopodia on one side. The general arrangement of the pseudopodia suggested that they served — for the attachment of the myxosporidium to the gall bladder. It contained no spores. The pansporoblasts are spherical 15-16 #. in diameter. Rn os & Fig. 3 Fig. 3. Spores of Myxidium sp. from Pseudopleuronectes americanus. a, with polar filament extruded by ammonia water. X 660 b X 1320. The spores (Fig. 3) are spindle shaped with the long axis slightly bent in the form of an 8. The polar capsules are pear-shaped and situated at either end of the spindle. The polar filaments were visible in the fresh state within the capsule. The polar filaments were extruded in ammonia water (Fig. 3, a). The dimensions of ‘a typical spore are: Rew ie Oikp ly Ries i ie OER Sa Cee ae 14-15 up. Which. tes Seay a ie abe pt ie a eae 6-7.5 ps. Length of polkr capsule tiie. £2 Oe, eee 4 uy. Width of Polat-capsile. 0. 0..-3u ahr Pane on eee 2.5 Bp. Length of extruded polar filament.................. 90-95 m. This species of Myxidium was found-in the sal wladder of Pseudopleuronectes americanus on the coast of New Brunswick, Canada. The spores found resemble most closely those of M. bergense Auerbach (:09, p. 74 and ’09*. p. 61) but differ from these by their small size and longer polar filaments. They resemble also the spores of M. sphericum Thél. but differ in the relatively smaller polar capsules (Thél. ’95, Pl. 7, Fig. 28) and the longer polar filaments. : 4. Myxosporidium of an undetermined species. Attached, usually in large numbers, to the epithelium of the gall bladder in Urophycis chuss, occurs aspherical or ellipsoidal myxosporidium which in stained preparations is found to contain numerous nuclei (Pl. IV, Figs. 6-8). The examination of a large number of these myxosporidia has not revealed the presence of any developing spores in them. Very often clusters of C. acadiensis are found x SPOROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE ST. ANDREW'S REGION 33 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b adhering to the free surface of the myxosporidium (Pl. IV, Figs. 7 and 8) i.e. the surface not in contact with the epithelium. In fresh preparations the appearance is that of budding from a parent organism (Pl. IV, Figs 7-8). For a time this was thought possibly to be the case for some of the adherent individuals. An examination of sections has shown a sharp division between the myxosporidium and C. acadiensis. No other spores than those of C. acadiensis were found in the gall bladder of U. chuss. 5. Goussia gadi Fiebiger. The haddock in which this parasite was found was caught on the sixth of August. The abdominal organs were cut out and the fish was put on ice. Next day when the fish was being prepared for the table it was proclaimed unfit for cooking on account: of a creamy exudation in the dorsal part of the body cavity. It was at this time that the fish was brought to the notice of the writer. On ex- amination a creamy mass, yellowish white in color was found adherent to the inner surface of the air bladder. This had the appearance of being due to the breaking down of the linmg membrane. The kidneys and surrounding muscular tissue appeared quite normal. A microscopic examination revealed the presence of numer- ous ellipsoidal spores arranged in groups of four in the creamy mass. ‘Wet”’ smears were fixed in Schandinn’s sublimate-alcohol mixture and in Hermann’s ‘platinic chloride-osmium-acetic mixture. They were subsequently stained in Grenacher’s borax carmin and in Delafield’s haematoxylin. The preservation proved to be not all that could have been desired but seems sufficient to determine the systematic position of the parasite. The macerated condition of the cells of the air bladder both when examined fresh and in preserved preparations has made it impossible to determine any of the schizogonic or syngamic stages. There can however be no doubt that the form is tetrasporous from the almost constant occurrence of the spores in groups of four usually surrounded by a structure which appears membranous in the preparations. a b c Fig. 4. Goussia gadi Fiebiger. a, spore stained with Delafield’s haematoxylin showing the two sporozoites with their nuclei, X 1900. 6, tetrad of spores inclosed in mass which is probably remains of host cell; drawn from fresh preparation, X 970. _ ¢, two valves of spore cell drawn from preparation fixed in Hermann’s fluid, X 1900. 39b—3 34 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Figure 4, b drawn from a fresh preparation of the creamy mass in the air bladder shows the arrangement of the oval spores in tetrads. In this the tetrad is inclosed in what may have been one of the cells of the air bladder. In fresh preparations the spores measure 16 uw in length by 12 y in width. A spore stained with Delafield’s haematoxylin is drawn in Figure 4, a. The two sporozoites are seen filling the spore. Each has a nucleus situated near one end. The nucleus of a sporozoite is usually, though not always, situated at one end and the nuclei of the two sporozoites in a spore are usually at opposite ends of the spore. There is no residual protoplasm in the spore. The shell of the spore is ellipsoidal. The line of suture of the two valves aoes not lie in a focal plane of the ellipsoid but is shaped so as to give each valve somewhat the form of a spoon. In fresh preparations the spore shell could be seen to consist of two layers, an outer yellowish layer and an inner dark green layer. Figure 4, c drawn from a preparation preserved in Hermann’s fluid shows the shape of the valves of the spore shell. From the above description there can be no doubt that the organism we are concerned with belongs to the order Coccidiida. Following the classification of Labbé (’99) since the number of archispores (sporoblasts) is limited to four we have:— Order Coccidiida Sub-order Oligoplastina Tribe Tetrasporea, and since the spores are oval and bivalve the parasite is to be placed in the genus Goussia, Labbé (’96). Fiebiger (’08) has described under the name of Goussia gadi a species of Goussia infecting the air-bladder of Gadus morrhu and Gadus virens and has identified it with the parasite found by J. Miller in the air-bladder of Gadus callarias. Auerbach (’09, p. 74, 81) has also described briefly a parasite from the air-bladder of Gadus aeglefinus which he identifies as a species of Goussia. The writer is of opinion that in the present stage of our knowledge these parasites are to be regarded as all belonging to the same species and that the parasite found by him is probably also of this species. The microscopic appearance of the diséased air bladder as described by these authors is the same as that found by the writer. The chief difference between the parasites described by Fiebiger and he are in the size of the spores and the form of the sporozoites. The spores of the parasite described by Fiebiger measure only 1lyX7-5yp as against the 16y X 12» of those found by the writer. In describing the sporozoites Fiebiger (08) says ‘‘Es sind dies schlanke Gebilde mit einem vorderen zugespizten und einem hinteren abgerundeten Ende von 10y Lange und 4 y Breite.” Those found by the writer are proportionately shorter and wider. As these characters are usually considered to be of great systematic im- portance considerable doubt may be expressed as to the two parasites being of the same species. However, the writer considers that other similiarities make it possible that the variations in size may be due to the different environments of the hostsand the difference in the formof the sporozoites, to his not having seen SPOROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE ST. ANDREW’S REGION 35 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b the final stage in their development or to defective preservation. It is worthy of note that Fiebiger found also such sporozoites in his preparations (08, Fig. s). 6. Hemogregarina sp? In order to insure against the confusion of elements of the blood with stages in the life-history of the parasites of the gall-bladder of Urophycis chuss, smears of the blood were made. In these smears a hemogregarine (Fig. 5) was found. The infection was a rather abundant one, some hundred or so individuals being found in a single smear and at times two in one field of the oil-immersion objective. All the individuals found had the characteristic sausage shape of the merozoite of hemogregarines. Usually one side of a red corpuscle was completely filled by the parasite and often the nucleus of the corpuscle was forced to one side (Fig. 5). Fig. 5. Hemogregarina sp.? from the blood of Urophycis chuss. X 3000. The nucleus of the haemogregarine was usually about half as long as the individual and filled its complete thickness; it was usually situated nearer one side. In the nucleus could usually be distinguished a number of deeply staining granules. Sometimes the merozoits were bent upon themselves. In such cases, however, the corpuscles were shorter than usual and the curling of the parasite was prob- ably due to the drying of the smear. The host of the hemogregarine, Urophycis chuss, occurs on the coast of North America from the banks of Newfoundland to Cape Hatteras (Jordan and Evermann 1898; III, p. 2555). The writer is not aware of the description of any hemogregarines from the fishes of these waters. , ON THE GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE PARASITES FOUND. Certain of the parasites found in the fishes of Passamaquoddy Bay are believed by the writer to be of the same species as parasites found in the same fishes oc- curring on the coast of Europe. Myxidium bergense has been found by Auerbach (’12) in Sebastes viviparus, Anarrhichas lupus, Gadus callarias, Gadus aeglefinus, Gadus merlangus and Pleuronectes platessa, caught at points on the coast of Norway extending from Christiania in the South to Vardé in the North, and by the writer in Gadus aegle- finus from the eastern coast of Canada. Goussia gadi has been found by Fiebiger (’08) in Gadus morrhua and Gadus virens from the coast of Iceland but not in Gadus aeglefinus from the same region 39b—3} ; 36 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 which he also searched for the parasite. Fiebiger attributes his failure to find the parasite in the latter species to his not having examined a sufficient number of fish, Assuming that the parasite described by Auerbach (’09, p. 74, 81) is Goussia gadi, as seems probable, it has been found in Gadus aeglefinus on the coast of Norway at Bergen. The coccidian described by J. Miiller (’42) from Gadus callarias is identified by Fiebiger (’08) as Goussia gadi. The parasite found by the writer is also identified as Goussia gadi. The distribution of Goussia gadi is therefore from the Cattegat to the North of Norway, Iceland and Eastern Canada. There can be no doubt that the parasites in question, Myxidium bergense and Goussia gadi complete their life cycle in the host fish, in other words there is no intermediate host. Hence their spread occurs only from fish to fish, and a fish becomes infected only by coming into such relations to an infected fish that the spores of the parasite are carried to it from the latter by water currents. This probably means the fairly close proximity of the two fish. The investigation of infectious diseases, where the method of infection is contaminative, has shown that their spread over large areas is almost invariably due to the migration of diseased animals. It is possible that the spread of Myxidium bergense and Goussia gadi over the North Atlantic is due to the migrations of the host fishes in these waters. The places mentioned in the discussion of the distribution of Myxidium bergense and Goussia gadi are shown on the map (Fig. 6). i Fig. 6. Map on Mercator’s projection showing places mentioned in the section upon geographical distribution. The fact that no cysts of Sporozoa were found in the 82 specimens of Pseudo- pleuronectes americanus is interesting. The writer found fifty per cent of the fish of this species caught in the Wood’s Hole region in the summer and winter of 1910 infected with Glugea stephani Hagenmiiller. At this time he also found Osmerus mordax from Wood’s Hole frequently infected with a microsporidian, apparently Glugea stephani. The twenty-two examples of Smelt Osmerus mordax examined from the St. Andrews region contained no microsporidian cysts. SPOROZOA OF THE FISHES OF THE ST. ANDREW’S REGION 37 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b BIBLIOGRAPHY. Auerbach, M.: ’09. Bemerkungen iiber Myxosporidien. Zool. Anz. Bd. 34, p. 65-82. 709a, Biologische und Morphologische Bemerkungen iiber Myxosporidien. Zool. Anz. Bd. 35, p. 57-63. © 712. Studien tiber die Myxosporidien der norwegischen Seefische und ihre Verbreitung. Zool. Jahr. Abt f. Systematik. Bd. 34, p. 1-50, pl. 1-5. Awerinzew, S. ’09, Studien iiber parasitische Protozen. I. Die Sporenbildung bei Cerato- myxa drepanopsettae mihi. Arch. f. Protist Bd. 14, p. 74-112. Cohn, L. 796. Uber die Myxosporidien von Esox,lucius und Perca fluviatilis. Zool. j Jahrb., Abt. f. Morph. Bd. 9, p. 227-272. Fiebiger, J. 708, Uber Coccidien in der Schwimmblase von Gadus-Arten, Vorliufige Mit- teilung. Annalen des K. K. Naturhistorischen Hofmuseums Wien. Bd. XXII, Nr.2-3. 1907-08., p. 124-128. Gurley, R. 793. On the Classification of the Myxosporidia. Bull. U.S. Fish. Comm. for 1891, Vol. II., p. 407-420. ’94. The Myxosporidia or Psorosperms of Fishes and the Epidemics pro- duced by them. Report U. 8. Comm. Fish and Fisheries. Pt. 18, p. 65-304. Jordan, D. 8. and Evermann, B. W. ’96-’00. The Fishes of North and Middle America. U.S. National Museum, Bull. No. 47, 4 pts., Washington. Kiskalt, K. and Hartmann, M. 710, Praktikum der Bakteriologie und Protozoologie. Teil II., Protozoologie, Jena, ; Labbé, A. ’96. Recherches zoologiques, cytologiques et biologiques sur les Coccidies. Arch. Zool. Exp. Ser. 3, vol. 4, p. 517-654., pl. 12-18. 799, Sporozoa in Tierreich Das. Deutsch. zool. ges. 5. Liefg., Berlin. Miller, J. und Retzius, A. ’42. Uber parasitische Bildungen, Miiller’s Archiv. f. Anat., Physiol. u. wiss. Medizen, p. 193-198. Thélohan, P. 795. Recherches sur les Myxosporidies. Bull. Scient., France et Belgique, Vol. 26, p. 100-394. Tyzzer, E. E., ’00. Tumorsand Sporozoain Fishes. Journ. BostonSoc. Vol. 5, p. 63-68, Pl. 6. 38 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 EXPLANATION OF PLATE. Puate IV. Ceratomyxa acadiensis, n. sp.; myxosporidia ome spores drawn from fresh preparations of the bile of the host. Fig. 1..Young myxosporidium of C. acadiensis from the gall bladder of Urophycis chuss. X 390. Figs. 2-5. Young myxosporidia of C. acadiensis from the gall bladder of U. chuss. X 830. Fig. 6. Undetermined myxosporidium from gall bladder of U. chuss. X 600. Fig. 7. Undetermined markcepon from gall bladder of U. chuss with attached C. acadien- sis. X 830. Fig. 8. Same subject as figure alta three hours later. X 830. Fig. 9. Spore of C. acadiensis from gall bladder of Zoarces angularis. XX 270. Fig. 10. Myxosporidium of C. acadiensis from gall bladder of Pseudopleuronectes americanus X 830. Fig. 11. Myxosporidium of C. acadiensis from gall bladder of Pseudopleuronectes ameri- canus. X 830. Fig. 12. Myxosporidium of C. acadiensis containing two sporoblasts, one forming a normal spore, the other forming a triradiate spore with three polar capsules. From the gall bladder of P. americanus. X 390. Fig. 13. Myxosporidium of C. acadiensis from the gall bladder of Zoarces angularis. X 830. Fig. 14. Spore of C. acadiensis from the gall bladder of U. chuss. X 390. Fig. 15-16. Triradiate spores from the gall bladder of U. chuss. X 390. All drawings were made with an Abbe camera lucida. Mavor. SPOROZOA OF FISHES. 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 IV. A NEW CAPRELLID FROM THE BAY OF FUNDY. By A. G. Huntsman, B.A., M.B., BrotogicaL DEPARTMENT, UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO. (Plates V and VI.) In the summer of 1912 at the Biological Station, St. Andrews, New Brunswick, an attempt was made to collect large numbers of the smaller Crustacea by attaching to the dredge a bag of sacking in place of the ordinary net bag. Among other things two specimens of an interesting new species of Caprellid were obtained, one a male and the other a female. Both were obtained on muddy bottom in shallow water, the one in Oak Bay and the other near Niger Reef. A habitat on muddy bottom has been given by Sars (1895, p. 656) for an European Caprellid, Pariambus typicus, ‘which has also been found upon starfish. The rudimentary condition of the legs on the fifth peraeal segment attracted my attention. As in the genus Pariambus the legs on that segment are rudimen- tary, I at first thought that I had a species of that genus. Investigation has shown that it does not belong to that genus and in fact it will not fit into any of the current genera. Mayer’s admirable monographs have made possible a ready comparison with the known genera. Almost every character possessed by the new species is to be found in one or other of the known genera, but the combination it shows has not been observed up to the present. The most striking features are,—the presence of two joints in each of the 1st and 2nd pairs of pereiopods, three joints in the 3rd pair, mandi- bular palp three-jointed, its terminal joint with a single bristle, abdomen of female with two pairs of spines (representing legs?) and abdomen of male with a pair of rudimentary legs and a pair of large spines behind these, representing another pair. In determining the affinities of this form, there are many possible choices and I cannot see that one is more probable than another. The third pair of pereiopods are remarkably similar to those figured by Mayer (1903, t. VII, f. 45) for Piperella grata. The maxillipeds are almost identical with those of Triantella solitaria (Mayer, 1908, t. IX, f. 36). The mandibular palp is in all essentials identical with that of Protomima denticulata (Mayer, 1903, t. IX, f. 6). The condition of the first and second pereiopods is similar to that in most of the species where the number of the joints is reduced to one, two or three, that is, the terminal joint has three bristles, the middle one being feathered. The condition in the abdomen of the male may be peculiar, not with respect to the amount of reduction of the appendages, for similar conditions are known, but 40 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 with respect to the armature of the legs. I have not been able to find a similar condition of armature figured, although it may occur in many of the well-known species. The small size of the abdomen renders examination difficult in most cases. From the foregoing facts it has seemed necessary to form a new genus for the reception of this species. The number of genera in the group of the Caprellids is large and the majority are monotypic. It seems impossible, however to avoid creating a new one without doing violence to the principles laid down by Dr. Mayer for classification in this group. The classification that he has built up is doubtless as sound as any that could be devised. I should like to call attention to the way in which the various genera in this group result from a ringing of the changes on a comparatively small number of characters. Nearly all possible combinations of these characters are to be found. This is analogous with the way in which among chemical compounds a large proportion of the possible combinations of certain radicles or elements may be obtained. I believe that the analogy is due to the fact that in each case the basis is a chemical one. I propose to name the genus in honour of Dr. P. Mayer, to whom we owe the major part of our knowledge of the Caprellidae. His monographs will long form the foundation of any work in this group. Mayerella, gen. nov. Inferior antennae.—Flagellum two-jointed. Mandible.—Palp three-jointed, terminal joint with a single bristle, es is terminal in position. Mazilliped.—Inner plate half as long as outer and with three bristles. Branchiae.—On third and fourth segments of peraeon. First and second pereiopods.—Two-jointed, terminal joint short and with three bristles. Third pereiopod.—Three-jointed, terminal joint with four bristles. Abdomen or pleon.—In female, with two pairs of bristles but without legs. In male, with one pair of unjointed legs and behind these a series of bristles on each side, representing another pair of legs; each leg bearing from five to seven bristles and terminating in a series of hooked teeth. M. limicola, sp. nov. (Pls. V and VI, figs. 1-12). Surface of body smooth, with scattered minute bristles. Length (exclusive of appendages), of male 54 mm., of female 42 mm. The proportionate lengths of the segments of peraeon are roughly, Head + Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th+ abdomen Male puny 2.5 3.5 4 5 3 Female 2 a 3 3 ' 4 Zid A NEW CAPRELLID FROM THE BAY OF FUNDY 41 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Superior antennae one-third lengtn of body in male, somewhat less in female. First joint of peduncle slightly shorter than second, third about half as long as second. Flagellum eight-jointed in male and four-jointed in female. Inferior antennae about four-fifths the length of superior. First two joints subequal, together somewhat less than third joint. Fourth joint slightly longer than third. Merus and carpus of anterior gnathopoda scarcely produced, setigerous. Propodus narrowly ovate, three groups of bristles on dorsal margin, minutely and evenly denticulate on palmar margin. Dactyl curved, several long sharp teeth along inner edge, denticulate between the teeth. Posterior gnathopoda of male,—palm of propodus notched beyond middle, with a strong tooth just behind notch, and a bristle on each side of tooth, without serrations except near proximal end and with a prominent bifid spine at proximal end; dactyl long, sickle-shaped, scarcely serrate. In female, the palm of propodus has a smooth sinuate margin and at the proximal end a prominent process bearing a bifid spine; dactyl as in male. Anterior branchiae about twice as long as posterior branchiae. First, second and third pereiopods as described above for the genus, similar in the two sexes. Fourth and fifth pereiopods very slender. Propodus slightly exceeding the carpus in length. Dactyl very long and slender. * Habitat. In from 5 to 10 fathoms on muddy bottom. St. Croix River, New Brunswick. Literature. 1903. Mayer, P. Die Caprellidae der Siboga-Expedition. Siboga Expeditie, Monographie XXXIV. 1895. Sars, G. O. The Crustacea of Nonmaee Vol. I. Amphipoda. Christiania. EXPLANATION OF PLATES. All the figures are of Mayerella limicola. PuaTE V. Fig. 1.—Female. x 27. Fig. 2.—Left first maxilla of male, anterior view. » 250. Fig. 3.—Left mandible of male somewhat crushed, medial view. > 200. Fig. 4.—Right maxilliped of male, posterior view. X 375. Fig. 5.—Head of male. Some of the appendages of the mouth have been removed and the remainder are displaced. X 45. *In the summer of 1913 numerous specimens have been found at several localities in the Bay of Fundy, in depths ranging up to 50 fathoms and on muddy sand bottom. ah _ 8 GEORGE V., 0 6.—Right second pereiopod of female, lateral view. X 290. 7.—Right first pereiopod of female, lateral view. X 290. 8.—Left anterior gnathopod of male, lateral view. X 80.— 9.—Right third pereiopod of female, lateral view. X 320. 10.—Abdomen of female, right lateral view. X 320. 11.—Abdomen of male, left lateral view. X 200. 12.—Abdomen of male, oblique ventral view. X 200. HUNTSMAN. JPAbyNita, W/o HUNTSMAN. PLATE VI. 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 V. PRELIMINARY NOTES ON THE MOLLUSCA OF ST. ANDREWS AND VICINITY, NEW BRUNSWICK. By Joun D. Dretweiuer, B.A. (oF QUEENS UNIVERSITY). St. Andrews College, Toronto. From the middle of August.to the middle of Sept. 1912, I spent at the Biolog- ical Station, St. Andrew’s, N.B., working on the distribution of the Mollusca. Collecting was done by dredging and by collecting on the shore at low tide. On account of the limited time spent in the work and the want of a complete supply of literature for reference the number of species identified was not very large. The writer hopes to complete the work in a later season. PELECYPODA. Anomia oculeata. Mueller. Dredged in 20-30 fathoms at the Wolves, Aug. 17. Pecten magellanicus (Gmelin). Dredged at the Wolves, Aug. 17. Mytilus edulis. L. Common throughout this region in the littoral zone. Modiolaria discors. (L). Dredged south of the Wolves in 50 fathoms, Sept. 10. Modiolaria nigra (Gray). In 40 fathoms, Pendleton’s Island, Aug. 29. In 20 fathoms Sand Reef Light, Sept 5. In 1 fathom Grand Harbour, Sept. 9. Modiolaria corrugata (Stimpson). Dredged in 17 fathoms off Robbinston, Sept. 4. Crenella glandula (Totten). Dredged in 20-30 fathoms at the Wolves, Aug. 17. Nucula delphinodonta Mighels. In 15 fathoms off Minister’s Island, Sept. 6. Yoldia sapotilla (Gould). In 40 fathoms off Pendleton’s Island, Aug. 29. Megayoldia thraciaeformis. Storer. Dredged in muddy bottom off Pendleton’s Island, Aug. 29. Cardium pinnulatum, Conrad. Dredged in 20-30 fathoms off the Wolves, Aug. 17. 44 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Cardium ciliatum Fabricius. In 17 fathoms off Robbinston. Cyprina islandica (1). Dredged in muddy bottom off Pendleton’s Island in 40 fathoms, Aug. 29. Cytherea convexa Say. Off Robbinston in 15 fathoms Sept. 5. Astarte subaequilatera Sowerby. Dredged in 50 fathoms off the Wolves, Sept. 10. Astarte undata Gould. Dredged on sandy bottom in 50 fathoms off the Wolves, Sept. 10. Astarte castanea Say. In 7 fathoms off Robbinston, Aug. 14. Venericardia borealis (Conrad) Dredged in 20-30 fathoms off the Wolves, Aug. 17. Macoma balthica (L). On beach at Biological Station, Sept. 2. Pandora gouldiana Dall. In 5 fathoms off Joe’s Point, Aug. 20. Lyonsia hyalina Conrad. Small specimens dredged off Gleason’s Cove in 14 fathoms, Aug. 29. Large specimens dredged off Robbinston in 15 fathoms, Sept. 5. Thracia truncata Mighels and Adams. Dredged in 20 fathoms off Sand Reef Light, Sept. 5. Mya arenaria L. Common throughout the region in the littoral zone. Saxicava rugosa (L). In littoral zone at St. Andrew’s Point, Sept. 12. ScCAPHOPODA. Dentalium entalis L. Dredged in 20-30 fathoms at the Wolves, Aug. 17. AMPHINEURA. Tonicella marmorea (Fabricius). Off Gleasons Cove in 14 fathoms, Aug. 29. GASTEROPODA. Lepeta caeca, (Mueller). In 17 fathoms, off Robbinston, Sept 14. Acmaea testudinalis, (Mueller). Common on rocks in littoral zone. Puncturella noachina (L). Dredged off the Wolves in 20-30 fathoms, Aug. 17. NOTES ON THE MOLLUSCA OF ST. ANDREWS 45 _ SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Margarita cinerea (Couthany). Dredged in 20-30 fathoms off the Wolves, Aug. 17. In 17 fathoms off Robbinston Sept. 4. Margarita unduluta, Sowerby. In 5-10 fathoms off the Wolves, Aug. 17. Off Robbinston in 15 fathoms, Sept. 5. Margarita helicina (Fabricius) In littoral zone at St. Andrews’ Point, Sept. 11. Scalaria groenlandica Perry. In 10-15 fathoms on gravel bottom, off Robbinston, Aug. 2. Lunatia heros (Say). Common in littoral zone. Lunatic heros triseriata (Say). Off Robbinston in 5-10 fathoms, Sept. 11. Natica clausa, Broderip and Sowerby. Dredged off the Wolves in 50 fathoms on a Sandy bottom, Sept. 10. Off the Wolves in 20-30 fathoms, Aug. 17. Crucibulum striatum (Say). Dredged 17 fathoms off Robbinston, Sept. 4. Iittorina palliata (Say). In littoral zone at Biological Station, Sept. 10. Inttorina litorea (L). Common in littoral zone. Littorina rudis (Maton). ° Littoral zone at Biological Station and Woodward’s Cove. Velutina undata (Brown). In 15 fathoms off Robbinston, Sept. 5. Trichotropis borealis Broderip and Sowerby. Off Robbinston, Sept. 4. Dredged in 20-30 fathoms off the Wolves, Aug. 17. Aporrhais occidentalis Beck. Dredged in 20-30 fathoms off Wolves, Aug. 17. Purpura lapillus (1). Common in littoral zone. Tritia trivittata (Say). Off Joe’s Point in 5 fathoms. Off Robbinston on gravel bottom in 10-15 fathoms, Aug. 20. Buccinum undatum L. Common in littoral zone. Neptunea decemcostata, Say. Common in the sublittoral zone and at the lowest limits of the littoral zone. Sipho stimpsoni (Mérch). Near Green Island in 5-10 fathoms, Sept. 10. Stpho pygmaeus (Gould). Dredged off Robbinston in 10-15 fathoms, Aug. 20. 46 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Bela scalaris (Moeller). Dredged off Wolves in 20-30 fathoms, Aug. 17. Off Robbinston on gravel bottom in 10-15 fathoms, Aug. 20. Bela decussata (Couthouy). Dredged in 20-30 fathoms off Wolves, Aug. 17. Bela harpularia (Couthouy). Dredged in 20-30 fathoms, off the Wolves, Aug. 17. Bela cancellata (Mighels). Dredged in 20-30 fathoms off the Wolves, Aug. 17. Bela bicarinata (Couthouy). Dredged in 20-30 fathoms, off the Wolves, Aug. 17. Bela pleurotomaria (Couthouy). Dredged in 20-30 fathoms, off the Wolves, Aug. 17. Retusa pertenuis (Mighels). é, In 1 fathom at Grand Harbour, Grand Mannan, Sept. 2. CEPHALOPODA. Illex illecitbrosus (Lesueur). Common throughout the region. 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 VI. A LIST OF FLESHY FUNGI COLLECTED AT ST. ANDREWS, NEW BRUNSWICK. By Miss ADALINE VAN HoRNE AND THE LATE Miss Mary Van Horne. The following 108 species of Fungi have been found in the vinicity of St. Andrews, New Brunswick, from 1895-1908 by the late Miss Mary Van Horne, and Miss Adaline Van Horne. Critical species, it may be stated, have been submitted to Professor Charles Peck, State Botanist of New York for identification or verification. 1.—Amanita muscaria, Linn. Minister’s Island—August 1899. 2— * phalloides, Fr. iy ck September 1904. 3.— * verna, Bull. . " September 1904. 4,—Amanitopsis vaginata var fulva, Schaeff §Minister’s Island, July 1901. 5.— & a var livida, Pers. Minister’s Island, August 1902. 6.— . : var alba, Minister’s Island, August 1901. 7.—Lepiota naucinoides, Pk. Fort Tipperary, St. Andrews, Sept. 1905 an grounds of Risford, near St. Andrews, September 1901. 8.—Armillaria imperialis, Fr. Minister’s Island, September 1905. This was sent to Professor Peck for identification. It was the first specimen he had seen, and it was kept for the N.Y. State Museum Herbarium. He says regarding it, “It is a magnificent species, and I am very glad you sent me this specimen.” 9.—Armillaria mellea, Vahl.—Minister’s Island, October 1901. 10.—Tricholoma personatum, Fr. Minister’s Island September 1907. 11.— subacutum, Pk. . “ — September 1904. 12.— c rutilans, Schaeff * “July 1900. 13.— $ equestre, Linn. rd “ — September 1904. 14,— 3 vaccinum, Pers. (very abundant), Minister’s Island, September 1904. 15.—Clitocybe nebularis, Batsch, Minister’s Island, October 1901. 16.—"-' “ laccata, Scop. var pallidifolia Pk., Minister’s Island, October 1901. 17.— odora, Bull., Chamcook Mt., September 1907. 18.—Pleurotus ostreatus, Pk. Minister’s Island, June 1900. 19.—Hyerophorus pudorinus. Fr., Minister’s Island October 1904. Also in great quantity in woods about Chamcook Mt. October 1907. 48 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 20. pe ence oa chrysodon Fr., Minister’s Island, September 1907. 21.— puniceus Fr., = i September 1907 and “Gamer Mt., October 1904. 22.— “ virgineus Fr., Sheep Pasture, Minister’s Island, August and September 1897. 23.—Lactarius affinis, Pk. Minister’s Island October 1901. 24.— z theiogalus, Fr., “ October 1901. 25.— - aquifluus, Pk.—var. brevissimus, Pk. Minister’s Id., Sept. 1904. 26.— : deliciosus, Fr. Minister’s Id., July 1895, in great quantity on MacMaster’s Island, Aug. 1896. 27.— : exsuccus, Sm. Minister’s Island, July 1897. 28.— 7 lignyotus Fr. Minister’s Island, August 1900. 29.— - torminosus, Schaeff var. necator, Minister’s Island, October 1901 30.— ss piperatus (Scop), Fr. Minister’s Island, September 1897. 31.— 2 glyciosmus, Fr. Minister‘s Island, September 1904. 32.— z rufus, Scop. * ii September 1904. 33.—Russula alutacea Fr. Minister‘s Island, July and August 1895. 34. “ emetica Fr., . % July and August 1895. 35.— “ virescens Fr., Ghost Road, Chamcook, N.B., August 1897. and also Minister’s Island, August 1900. 36.— m4 heterophylla Fr., Minister’s Island, August 1895. 37.— ‘ aurea Fr., Minister’s Island. August 1901. 38.— : brevipes Pk., “ - July 1900. 39.— . albella Pk., %; “s July 1900. 40.— Cantharellus cibarius. Fr. August to October 1895. 41.— : aurantiacus Fr. var. pallidus Pk. Minister’s Island, October 1901. 42.— , floccosus. Schw. Minister’s Island, August and September 1900. 43.—Marasmius oreades Fr., Minister’s Island, and Golf Links, August 1902, Mr. Maxwell’s lawn, August 1907. 44.— . urens, Fr., Minister’s Island, August 1900. 45.— it cohaerens, (Fr.) Bres., Minister’s Island, October 1904. 46.—Lentinus lepideus, Fr., Minister’s Island, July 1897. 47.—Entoloma lividum, Bull., Minister’s Island, October 1900. 48.—Clitopilus prunulus, Scop. “ " August 1900. 49.— By orcellus, Bull., : é Aug. and Sept. 1900. 50.— . subvilis, Pk., , m October 1901. 51.—Pholiota caperata, Pers. (rare), Minister’s Island, September 1904. Rather abundant in August 1908. 52.— squarrosa, Mill., Minister’s Island, August 1908. 53.— “ lutea, Pk., growing on birch tree, Minister’s Island, Aug. 1908. 54.—Inocybe fastigiata, Schaeff, Minister’s Island, September 1899. 55.—Flammula alnicola, var. marginalis Pk., Minister’s Island, Sept 1904. p FLESHY FUNGI COLLECTED AT ST. ANDREWS 2 49° SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b 56.—Cortinarius ochroleucus (Schaeff) Fr. Minister’s Island, September 1904. 57.—Cortinarius violaceus, Fr. Minister’s Island September 1897. 58.— . armillatus, Fr. " = September 1897. 59.— s turmalis, Fr. ‘ 5 October 1905. 60.— s coerulescens, Fr. “ . September 1904. 61.— . collinitus, Fr. = 2 July 1900 and October 1905. 62.— s albo-violaceus, Pers. Ministe1’s Island, September 1904. 63.—Cortinarius cinnamoneus, Fr. var. semi-sanguineus, Minister’s Island, September 1904 and October 1901. 64.— $ evernius Fr., Minister’s Island, October 1904. 65.—Paxillus involutus (Batsch) Fr., Minister’s Island, September and Oct. 1910, and September 1904. 66.—Agaricus campestris, Linn. Minister’sIsland September 1900. 67.— ss silvigola, Vitt. Minister’s Island, July and Sept. 1907, and Ghost Road, Chamcook, N.B. July 1899. 68.— semi-orbicularis, Bull., St. Andrews, July 1900. 69.—Hypholoma perplexum, Pk., Minister’s Island, October 1901, also near St. Andrews, same date. 70.— = incertum, Pk. Covenhoven Garden, Minister’s Island, October 1901. 71.— ss sublateritium, Schaeff, Minister’s Island, September 1904. 72.—Coprinus atramentarius (Bull.) Fr., Minister’s Island, July 1899 and September 1901, and September 1907. 73.—Panaeolus retirugis, Fr., Minister’s Island, September 1904. 74.—Boletus edulis, Bull., Minister’s Island, July and August 1899, and in great quantity Senator MacKay’s place, September 1905. 75.—Boletus edulis clavipes, Pk., Minister’slsland, October 1901 and September 1907. 76.— “ felleus, Bull., Minister’s Island, September 1900. 74.— -_-*~ seaber, Fr. i . July and August 1897. 78.— “ chromapes, Frost “ 3 September 1899. 79.— “ clintonianus, Pk. “ if September 1899. 80.— “ piperatus, Bull. “ 5 August 1899. 81— “ juridus, Schaeff. “ . July and August 1899, and Golf Links October 1901. 82.— “ _ versipellis, Fr. Minister’s Island, August 1899. 83.— . “. cyanescens, Bull. “ 5: August and Sept. 1897. 84.— “ chrysenteron Tr. “ A August 1899, and Bar Road same month, 85.—Polyporus perennis, Fr. Ghost Road, Chamcook, July 1897. 86.— * betulinus, Fr., Minister’s Island, Sept. 1899, and St. John Road near Chamcook, September 1900. 39b—4 50 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 87.—Hydnum imbricatum, L. Golf Links, St. Andrews, August 1899. 88— “ repandum, L. Chamcook Lake, August 1899 and Minister’s Island, September 1900. s9— rufescens, Pers. Golf Links, St. Andrews, August 1899. 90.—Clavaria purpurea, Fr. (rare), Minister’s Island, August 20th, 1908. New to N. Y. State Herbarium. Name confirmed by Professor Peck. 91.—Clavaria formosa, Pers. Minister’s Island August and September 1899 92— “ amethystina, Bull. “ % July 1900. 93.— “ fastigiata, D.C., “ - September 1899. 94— “ coralloides, L., - ‘a September 1899. 95— cristata. Holmsk. “ : September 1899. %— * aurea, Schaeff i . September 1897. o7— * botrytes Pers, i . October 1904. 98.—Helvella lacunosa Afzel. - ¥ September 1902. 99.—Leotia lubrica, Pers. ‘ c September 1907. 100.—Gyromitra esculenta, Fr. Chamcook, August 1901, and Minister’s Island, October, 1904.* 101.—Mitrula vitellina, Sacc. var. irregularis, Pk., Minister’s Island Sept. 1904. 102.—Spathularia velutipes, Cooke and Farlow, Minister’s Island, September 1900. 103.—Peziza aurantia, Pers., Minister’s Island, October 1901. 104.—Hypomyces lactufluorum, Schw., Minister’s Island, and in woods near road approaching Chamcook Lake; in great quantity during the summer of 1896. 105.—Phallus impudicus, Linn., Minister’s Island, July 1897. Not found since. 106.—Lycoperdon pyriforme, (Schaeff), Minister’s Island, September 1899. 107.— “ gemmatum, Batsch, Minister’s Island, August 1899. 108.—Scleroderma vulgare Fr., Minister’s Island, September 1897. Not seen in recent years. *Suggested by Professor J. H. Faull, Toronto, as possibly Helvella enfula, Schaeff., G. esculenta being a spring form.—(Eb.) 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 Vi. THE IODINE CONTENT OF THE MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA IN THE NEIGHBOURHOOD OF NANAIMO, VANCOUVER ISLAND, B.C. _ (With an Appendiz on the Economic Value of the Pacific Kelps) By A. T. Cameron, M.A., B.Sc., Assistant Professor of Physiology and Eiiy aickaeaeal Chemistry, Caer of Manitoba. The two outstanding facts of biological importance in the history of the element iodine are the discovery of the element by Courtois in sea-weeds, in 1811, and the discovery of its presence in the thyroid gland by Baumann in 1885. Sub- sequent to the latter discovery, most of the biological investigation of the element was directed to discover its function in the thyroid gland. In spite of a very large number of papers which have appeared during the last twenty years, this function is still obscure. It has been shown with fair certainty that iodine is a constituent of all normal thyroid tissue,! and that the amount present is dependent on the amount in the diet. I showed recently that iodine is present in the thyroid of the dog-fish Scylliwm canicula in amount greater than any previously recorded,’ and this fact suggested the desirability of making comparative determinations of the iodine content of the various forms of sea-life, since the element is known to be present in sea-water, and since here the relative effect of a constant iodine diet should show itself distinctly. Iodine is known to be present in most Sea-weeds, and has further been dis- covered in Sponges and Corals. In these two kinds of animals it has been established beyond doubt? that it is present in organic combination, and at least in part in a protein complex in a radical derived from di-iodo-tyrosine. Definite proof has yet to be adduced of the presence of a similar complex in the thyroid, for though evidence supporting such a hypothesis has been put forward by Oswald and others,* the exact nature of the combination of iodine in Oswald’s “thyreoglobulin’”® has yet to be determined. I considered that further data as to the amount of iodine present in different kinds of marine organisms, and especially as to the kind of 1] have summarised the evidence in favour of this view in a paper on “‘The presence of Iodine in the Thyroid Gland,” J. Biol. Chem., 1914, 16, 465. 2 Biochemical J., 1913, 7, 466. 8 See for example, Wheeler and Mendel, J. Biol. Chem., 1909, 7, 1; Drechsel, Zettschr. f. Biol., 1896, 33, 85; Morner, Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1907, 51, 33; 1908, 55, 77, 223. ‘Cp. for example, Oswald, Arch. f. exp. Path. u. Pharm. 1908, 60, 115; Nurnberg, Bio chem Zeitschr, 1909, 16, 87. ® Oswald, zbid., 1901, 32, 121. 30b—44 52 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 tissue found to contain it, might throw fresh light upon the problem of its presence in the thyroid gland. Further, should kelp be utilized extensively as a source of potash for fertilizing purposes, as seems not unlikely from recent investigations,! the iodine present in the kelp would become the chief bye-product of such an industry; hence additional information as to its distribution and variation in different algae seemed also likely to lead to results of value. With the permission of the Biological Board of Canada, I collected material during August and part of September, 1913, at and near the Biological Station at Departure Bay, B.C. This material I have subsequently analysed in the Physio- logical Chemical Laboratory of the University of Manitoba. A large number of specimens of different species of algae were obtained, and also specimens of representatives of most of the animal phyla. The selection of the latter was made more or less at random, and analysis of different tissues of the species examined was also not systematic; the investigation is to be regarded as preliminary, with the purpose of indicating the direction for further work. Com- plete examination of the tissues of the dog-fish Squalus sucklii was carried out. The various specimens were collected at the following points: At the Biological Station, or at points within half a mile of it (including Jesse Island) ; north-west of the Station, in the neighbourhood of Hammond Bay and the Lagoon; near Snake Island, two miles east of the Station; near Protection Island, two miles south-east; in False Narrows, about eight miles south-east of the Station; north of Breakwater Island, two miles east of False Narrows; on Mudge Island, two miles south of False Narrows; Methods of Preservation and Analysis of Material: The algae were air-dried, further dried over sulphuric acid, and finally heated at 100°C. to constant weight. © The remaining material (except in the case of a few shells and tests which were air-dried) was preserved in absolute alcohol, or in a few cases in dilute formaldehyde. In all cases before analysis the alcohol (or formaldehyde) was evaporated and the material heated to constant weight in the water oven at 100°, so that the results are all expressed for dry tissue. Hunter’s method of analysis has been adopted.2 It has been shown by Seidell® and others that this is a very accurate method for analysis of small quan- tities of organically combined iodine. The results given by it are slightly higher than those obtained by the Baumann method or its various modifications, one or other of which have hitherto usually been employed. 1 See ‘Fertilizer Resources of the United States,’’ Senate Document, No. 190, 62nd Congress 2nd Session, 1912. 2 Hunter, J. Biol. Chem., 1910, 7, 321. 3 Cp. Seidell, ibid., 1911, 10, 95. IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 53 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b The results obtained are shown in the following tables: (A). PLants. I; Algae. (1) Sub-class Chlorophyceae, family Ulvaceae. A large number of complete plants were taken in each case, so that the results can be regarded as a fair average. Species Where obtained Amount _lodine Per cent. _ taken found Iodine Monostroma fuscum Station; at low tide. 0.500 g. 0.000024 g. 0.005% Breakwater I., at low tide 0.500 0.000021 0.004 Ulva lactuca Dredged in Departure var. latissima (?) Bay. 0.500 0.000103 0.021 Enteromorpha Station; at low tide. 0.500 0.000043 0.009 compressa 0.500 0.000045 0.009 Mean 0.009% Breakwater I. 0.200 0.000006 0.003 0.197 0.000006 0.003 Mean 0.003% (2) Sub-class Phaeophyceae i. Family Desmarestiaceae, species Desmarestia ligulata. A single specimen, dredged near the north end of Breakwater IsIand. Species Amount — Iodine Per cent. taken found Iodine Desmarestia ligulata 0.500 g. 0.000171 g. 0.034% i. Family Laminariaceae The following analyses were carried out on single plants, and on parts of the same plant. Species Where obtained Part Amount Iodine Per cent. examined taken found Iodine Agarum Dredged; Frond 0.500 g. 0.000112 g. 0.022% fimbriatum Breakwater I. Laminaria Dredged; Frond 0.500 0.000770 0.154 saccharina Breakwater I. 0.500 0.000790 0.158 Mean 0.156% Stipeand 0.500 0.001045 0.209 holdfast 54 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Species Where obtained Part Amount Iodine Per cent. examined taken found Iodine Jesse I., just below Frond 0.250 0.000370 0.148 low water (small) 0.250 0.000411 0.164 - Mean 0.156% € Frond 0.2002 0.000354 0.177 (average) ‘ Frond 0.500 0.000895 0.179 (sample of 3 Laminaria Breakwater I. Frond 0.500 g. 0.000300 g. 0.060% bullata Dredged. Nereocystis Near Station Frond 0.500 0.000920 0.184 liitkeana (small specimen) Float 0.500 0.000602 0.120 Stipe 0.0825 0.000121 0.147 Near Station Frond 0.500 0.000855 0.171 (Average specimen) Float 0.500 0.000449 0.090 Stipe 0.500 0.000804 0.161 Holdfast 0.500 0.000419 0.084 Protection I. Frond 0.500 0.000321 0.064 (small specimen) 0.500 0.000318 0.064 Mean 0.064% Float 0.250 0.000543 0.217 Stipe 0.498 0.000427 0.085 Holdfast 0.500 0.000528 0.105 0.399 0.000413 0.103 Mean 0.104% Protection I. Frond 0.500 0.000649 0.130 (Average specimen) Float 0.200 0.000216 0.108 Stipe 0.500 0.000229 0.046 Holdfast 0.500 0.000855 0.171 Breakwater I. Frond 0.500 0.000801 0.160 (Small specimen) Float 0.500 0.000058 0.011 IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 55 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b iii. Family Fucaceae The whole plant was taken, and each sample analysed was taken from a number of plants. Species Where obtained Amount Iodine Per cent. Average taken found Iodine Fucus Near Station; above 0.500 g. 0.000093 g. 0.019% evanescens low tide mark. 0.500 0.000094 0.019 0.019% Jesse I. 0.500 0.000063 0.013 0.013 Breakwater I. 0.500 0.000040 0.008 0.500 0.000042 0.008 0.008 Fucus Near Station; above 0.500 g. 0.000087 g. 0.017% 0.017% furcatus low tide maik. Jesse I. 0.500 0.000071 0.014 0.500 0.000063 0.013 0.013 Protection I, 0.500 0.000129 0.026 0.500 0.000130 0.026 0.026 (8) Sub-class Rhodophyceae i. Family Nemalionaceae A number of specimens of Gelidiwm amansii were sampled, the whole plant being taken. Species Where obtained Amount Iodine Per cent taken found Iodine Gelidium amansii Dredged; Departure Bay. 0.400¢. 0.000369¢. 0.092% li. Family Gigartinaceae A single plant of Gigartina radula was examined; a number of specimens supposed to be Gigartina mamillosa were sampled. Species Where obtained Part examined Amount Iodine Per cent taken found — iodine Gigaitina Breakwater I. Frond 0.500 g. 0.000037 g. 0.007% radula Frond without 0.500 0.000032 0.006 papillae Papillae 0.250 0.000016 0.006 Gigartina —S— Breakwater I. Whole plant 0.499 0.000082 0.016 mamillosa (?) 0.250 0.000038 0.015 Mean 0.016% 56 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 iii. Family Rhodomeliaceae Samples of a number of specimens of Rhodomela larix were examined, the whole plant being taken. Species Where obtained Amount Iodine Per cent taken found Iodine . Rhodomela larix Breakwater I. 0.500g. 0.000073 g. 0.014% iv. Order Delesseriaceae Samples from several plants in each case. Species Where obtained Amount Iodine Per cent taken found Iodine Nitophyllum False Narrows 0.1000 g. 0.000155 g. 0.155% ruprechteanum 0.1500 0.000241 0.161 Mean 0.158% Nitophyllum violaceum Breakwater I. 1.500 0.000636 0.127 v. Family Cryptonemiaceae Samples from a number of plants in each case. Species Where obtained Amount Iodine found Percent Average taken Iodine Prionitis Departure Bay 0.500 ¢g. 0.000216 g. 0.043% 0.043% lyallu Corallina Breakwater I., 0.500 0.000028 0.006 officinalis above low water 0.500 0.000024 0.005 0.005 vi. Family Bangiaceae The fronds of single plants of Porphyra vulgaris were examined. Species Where obtained Amount Iodine found Pec cent taken Iodine Porphyra Jesse I.,just below 0.500g. 0.000057 0.011% vulgaris low water mark. a 0.500 0.000026 0.005 0.500 0.000030 0.006 Mean 0.005% Breakwater I., dredged 0.500 0.000056 0.011 Protection I. 0.500 0.000047 0.009 IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 57 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b II. Flowering Plant. Species Where Part Amount Iodine found Percent Average obtained examined: taken Iodine Zostera Near Station Blades 0.500¢g. 0.000015¢g. 0.003% marina 0.500 0.000007 0.001 0.002% Stalk 0.300 0.000010 . 0.003 0.300 0.000005 0.002 0.002 Roots 0.1500 0.000019 0.013 0.1000 0.000014 0.014 0.013 (B) ANIMALS. (1) Phylum Portfera Six species of sponges have been examined, one calcareous, Aphrocallistes whiteavesianus, and five non-caleareous. Single specimens were examined in each case. Species | Where obtained Amount Iodine found Per cent taken Iodine Aphrocallistes Dredged off Snake I. 0.500 g. 0.000097 0.019% whiteavesianus Rhabdocalyptus 53 . as 0.548 0.000075 0.014 dowlingii Bathydorus is ‘ < 0.499 0.000045 0.009 dawsonii Myxilla is e : 0.500 0.000049 0.010 parasitica (adhering to scallop shells) Esperella « f . - 0.501 0.000073 0.015 adhaerens 0.501 0.000074 0.015 Mean 0.015% Reniera Found near Station at 0.500 0.000058 0.012 rufescens very low tide. (2) Phylum Coelenterata The specimens of Obelia were attached to the wharf at the Station. They were washed free from dirt, and preserved in alcohol. Foreign organisms present (diatoms, ostracods, caprellae) certainly did not amount to one per cent. of the total weight. A number of Aequorea were obtained in False Narrows. The Aurelia were obtained in the same region. The sea-anemones were obtained on rocks at Jesse I. The complete organism was not obtainable, but the larger part was removed by cutting as the organisms hung above low water. The comb- jellies, probably a species of Pleurobrachia, were obtained near the Station. These four species were preserved in dilute formaldehyde. Their weights, after hardening 58 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 by the formaldehyde, were determined, and then the whole evaporated to dryness. The “formaldehyde” and dry weights are quoted, although I do not know in how far the original weight was altered by the addition of the formaldehyde. The dried material appeared to consist chiefly of crystalline salts. Some of the iodine if present, may have been lost by the evaporation of what was initially a slightly acid solution. Class Species (Fresh) Dry Amount Iodine found Per cent Weight Weight taken Iodine Hydrozoa: Obelia 0.500 g. 0.000067 ¢. 0.013% longissima 0.500 0.000064 0.013 0.500 0.000066 0.013 Mean 0.013% Aequorea 317g. 17.20g. 0.500 0 0 forskalea Scyphozoa: Aurelia 158 9.96 0.500 0 0 flavidula Actinozoa: Metridium 83 7.74 0.500 0 0 marginatum Ctenophora: = Pleurobrachia (.?) 0.500 0 0 (3) Phylum Vermes, sub-phylum Annulata, order Polychaeta Unfortunately, especially in view of the strikingly high figures obtained for some species, I have been unable so far to have all of the species examined defi- nitely identified. The worms were preserved in alcohol, the tubes air-dried. Species Where Part Amount Iodine found Percent Average obtained examined taken Iodine A Nereis MudgeI. Whole worm 0.500g. 0.000043 g. 0.009% worm 0.500 0.000035 0.007 0.008% : - 0.500 0.000094 0.019 0.500 0.000082 0.016 0.017 A Nepthys 7 i 0.400 0.000035 0.009 0.009 worm 0.500 0.000124 0.025 Diopatra (Sp.?) Mudge I. Worm 0.500 0.000109 0.022 0.500 0.000115 0.023 0.023 Horny tube {0.300 0.001247 0.416 Inner layer 10.1000 0.000411 0.411 0.414 Horny tube {0.500 0.001358 0.272 Outer layer |0.300 0.000741 0.247 0.262 Serpula Worm 0.500 0.000192 0.038 columbiana 0.500 0.000198 0.040 0.500 0.000189 0.038 0.039 Caleareous 0.500 0.000159 0.032 tube 0.500 0.000156 0.031 0.500 0.000137 0.027 0.030 IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 59 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b (4) Phylum Molluscoida class Polyzoa, family Cellularina, species Bugula flabellata. The specimens examined were obtained on a plant of Laminaria bullata. dredged in Departure Bay. They were washed free from adhesive material (exam- ination under the microscope revealing the presence of only a few foreign forms) and were preserved in absolute alcohol. Species Amount Iodine found Percent Average taken Iodine Bugula flabellata 0.2500 g. 0.000039 g. 0.016% 0.1000 0.000017 0.017 0.016% (5) Phylum Echinodermata i. Class Hchinoidea Species Where Partexamined Amount Iodine Per cent obtained taken found Iodine Strongylocentrotus False Aristotle’s 0.500g. 0 0 % drobrachiensis Narrows _ lantern Internal 0.0697 0.000014 g.0.02 organs Gonads and 0.500 0.000018 0.004 contents 0.500 0.000015 0.003 Mean 0.003% Strongylocentrotus False Test 0.500 0 0 franciscanus Narrows var. purple Spines 0.500 0 0 Internal 0.250 0.000125 0.050 organs 0.300 0.000139 0.046 0.1000 0.000058 0.058 Mean 0.049 Gonads and 0.500 0.000004 trace contents Strongylocentrotus False Aristotle’s 0.500 0.000010 0.002 franciscanus Narrows lantern 0.000007 0.001 var. red Mean 0.001 li. Class Holothuroidea A specimen of Stichopus californensis (dredged up north of Hammond Bay) was examined. I am not satisfied with the results, but they indicate that if iodine is present, it is present in relatively very small quantity. 60 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Species Part examined Amount Iodine found Per cent taken Iodine Stichopus Integument (preserved 0.500 g. 0.000003 0.001% californensis in alcohol) Integument (air-dried) 0.503 0.000018 0.004 Internal organs 0.250 0.000005 0.002 0.250 0.000005 0.002 Mean 0.002% Muscle 0.1000 0O 0 ili. Class Asteroidea One complete ray of the whole animal was preserved in alcohol, and a sample of the whole ray examined. , Species Where obtained Amount Iodine found Per cent. Average taken Iodine Pyknapodia Jesse I. 0.500g. 0. go SAG helianthoides (6) Phylum Arthropoda, class Crustacea The barnacles, Balanus, were attached to posts at the station Pier; ihe specimen of Cancer was obianeda in shallen water at the same point. Species Part examined Amount Iodine found Per cent taken Iodine Balanus balanoides Shell - 0.500 ¢g. 0 aaa % Soft part 0.200 0.000010 0.005 Cancer productus Carapace 0.500 0.000016 0.003 0.500 0.000015 0.003 Mean 0.003% Muscle 0.2000 0 0 (7) Phylum Mollusca, class Pelecypoda Species Where Part Amount Iodine Per cent. obtained examined taken found Iodine Mya arenaria Station Shell 0.500¢g. 0. 0 % Soft part 0.400 0.000035 0.009 0.400 0.000035 0.009 Mean 0.009% IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 61 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b Species Where Part Amount Iodine Per cent. obtained examined taken found Iodine Schizothoerus Mudge I. Shell 0.501 0 0 nuttalli Outside cuticle of 0.300 0.000893 0.298 foot Inside muscle of 0.1995 0 0 foot Heart and Kidney 0.0350 (0.000009) (0.02) Gonads and 0.500 0 0 contents Gills 0.2000 0 0 A second analysis of the outer cuticle of the foot ot Schizothoerus indicated a result of the same order but was spoilt before completion. The figure given for heart and kidney requires confi~mation. (8) Pkylum Chordata. i. Sub-phylum Tunicata. Only a few specimens of one form were obtained (at Mudge Island, at low tide), and these did not yield sufficient material for definite results except in the case of the test. Species Part examined Amount Iodine Per cent. taken found Iodine Pyura haustor Test 0.300 g. 0.000605 g. 0.202% 0.300 0.000595 0.198 Mean 0.200%, Inner layer of test 0.1500 0.000016 0.010 Mantle 0.1000 0.000012 (0.012) Gonads 0.2500 0 0 ii, Subphylum Vertebrata, class Pisces, sub-class Elasmobranchii, species Squalus sucklit. The dog-fish was selected for examination, since I had already shown that the thyroid contained a relatively large amount of iodine, and since only in elasmo- branch fishes is the thyroid found encapsuled, so that its dissection in teleosts is almost impossible without removing much adjacent tissue. The thyroid material was obtained from 82 specimens of Squalus sucklii caught by local fishermen in the course of one night. Sample 1 was a fair sample of the material obtained from 32 females, sample 2 from 34 females, sample 3 from 16 males, and sample 4 from 133 “pups” contained in the females. This last sample undoubtedly contained a large amount of connective tissue, removed in order to be certain that the thyroid 62 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 material was obtained. The other tissues examined were obtained from two female specimens, with the exception of the testes, taken from a male specimen selected at random. Tissue examined Amount Iodine Per cent. Iodine. taken found Thyroid, sample 1 0.2015 g. 0.000394 g. 0.195% sample 2 0.2003 0.000391 0.195 0.1005 0.000197 0.196 Mean 0.195% sample 3 0.1000 0.000224 0.224 sample 4 0.0604 0. 0 Heart , 0.1000 0 0 Pancreas 0.500 0 0 Spleen 0.500 0 0 Brain 0.251 0 0 Rectal Body 0.401 0 0 Testes 0.500 0 0 Ovaries and Eggs 0.500 0 0 Muscle 0.500 0 0 Skin 0.499 0 0 Vertebre 0.500 0 0 Kidney 0.499 0.000017 0.003 0.400 0.000012 0.003 Mean 0.003 Liver Oil 0.741 0 0 Liver Residue 0.522 0.000015 0.003 0.533 trace trace 0.528 0.000004 0.001 Mean 0.001 “Dog-fish oil’ 1.500 0 0 The liver residue was obtained by beating the liver at 100°C. for some time, and pouring away the clear oil. It consisted of an oily mass which could not be sampled properly (whence the varying results) and amounting to only three- elevenths of the whole. The “dog-fish oil’? was a sample of the commercial oil sold in Nanaimo and used for miners’ lamps. Various fish liver-oils have been reported to contain iodine (!), but in amount not detectable by the method of analysis I have employed. 1 See for example, Stanford, Chem. News, 1883, 48, 233. IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 63 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b The results obtained for the thyroids of Squalus permit a direct comparison with those for mammalian tissue in determining the relative amount of iodine, and of thyroid tissue, per kilogram of body-weight of the whole animal. The total amount of thyroid tissue obtained from 66 female fish was 1.459 grams. Ten of these fish selected at random gave an average weight of 3.8 kg. The average iodine content in the dried thyroid tissue was 0.195 per cent. The 16 male fish yielded 0.169 gram dried thyroid containing 0.224 per cent. iodine. Ten of these fish selected at random gave an average weight of 2.5 kg. These figures may be compared with those obtained from analyses of twelve dogs (ordinary laboratory animals of no particular variety) which I have already published (‘) in which the total weight of the dogs was 191 kg., they contained 14.33 grams thyroid tissue, containing 0.95 per cent. iodine. Hence: Squalus sucklii (female) contains per kg. body weight 0.0058 g. dry thyroid tissue containing 0.000011 g. iodine. Squalus sucklii (male) contains per kg. body weight 0.0042 g. dry thyroid tissue containing 0.000009 g. iodine. Canis contains per kg. body weight 0.075 g. dry thyroid tissue containing 0.00007 g. iodine. The figures indicate that both iodine content and amount of tissue are smaller, but of comparable order. If the figures obtained by me for Scyllium canicula can be regarded as comparable for body weight (I obtained the value 1.16 per cent. iodine in dry thyroid tissue (7), but have no data as to the weight of the fishes from which the tissue was obtained), this species would give a much closer figure to that for mammals. The cause of the difference obtained for the two species of dog-fish may be a seasonal variation (the Scyllium thyroids were obtained in winter), or a different diet containing less iodine, or the difference may be specific for the two species. Further work is indicated in this direction. Discussion of Results. In considering the results for alge, it becomes evident that while every species examined contained iodine in detectable amount, only those of two families Lami- nariacee, and Delesseriacee, contained amounts of the order of 0.1 per cent. The results are in substantial agreement with those obtained by Turrentine (8) for many of the same species of alge obtained further south, with the exception that many of his values are distinctly higher, in spite of the fact that his analytical method should lead to lower rather than higher figures. This is probably traceable to the fact that the specific gravity of the waters near Nanaimo is very low (due to the influx of large bodies of fresh water, such as the Fraser River), with a corres- 1 J. Biol. Chem., 1914, 16, 472. 2 Biochemical J., 1913, 7, 468. 3 U.S. Senate Document, No. 190, 62nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1912, p. 220. 64 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 pondingly low salinity, and a probably lower iodine content (‘). (To the same lowered salinity may be due the total absence of Macrocystis in these waters, although it is common to the south, and has been reported much further north.) (*). In the only species of alga in which different parts of the plant were systemati-* cally examined, Nereocystis litkeana, markedly different iodine contents were observed. There seems to be no regulaiity in the results so far obtained, and further and more detailed work will be necessary in order to show how far varia- tions exist throughout a single plant, in plants from the same locality, and in plants from different localities. Balch, as the result of a few analyses of Nereocystis and similar forms has concluded that as a rule the stipe contains more iodine than the frond (). It appears certain, both from Turrentine’s figures and my own, that specimens of the same species of alga from different localities may contain differing amounts of iodine, but much further work including examination of both plants and sur- rounding sea-water will be necessary before any definite explanation of the varia- tions can be put forward. None of the sponges examined showed marked iodine content. There are no corals obtainable in the Nanaimo district. Of the types of animal life examined all except the free-floating forms and the star-fish, Pyknapodia, showed the presence of iodine in detectable amount, although in one or two cases—sea- cucumber, barnacle,—it was barely detectable. Hunter’s method, employing 0.5 gram of material as in most of the above analyses, permits the detection of 0.001 pei cent. of iodine with some certainty. A negative result with this amount of material indicates that the iodine is not present to an extent greater than 0.0005 per cent. Macallum has shown that the iodine content of Aurelia flavidula is comparable with that of the surrounding sea-water, two litres by volume of Aurelia containing 0.00001 gram (*). His figures for the fresh tissue do not contradict mine for the dry residue, since as just mentioned, Hunter’s method will not show the presence of quantities of this order. The results obtained for the annelid worms are distinctly high. That for the inner layer of the Diopatra worm tube was the highest value recorded in the whole series of analyses. The general distribution of iodine throughout the whole of the marine flora and fauna which is indicated by the results of this paper can be satisfactorily accounted for by a continuous circulation of the element in a succession of living organisms. Death and subsequent decay of a certain proportion of animals and plants would return organic and inorganic iodine to the sea-water. Such a * During the five weeks stay at the Station, I made daily readings of the specific gravity of the water in Departure Bay. The average of 32 daily readings was 1.015, varying between the limits of 1.008 and 1.019. A few readings were taken at outside points from time to time, and these approximated to the higher value. The value for normal sea-water is about 1.08. 2See Setchell, U. S. Document No. 190, 1912, p. 135. 3 J. Industrial Chem., 1909, 1, 777. * J. Physiology, 1903, 29, 213. IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 65 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b hypothesis is in line with Gautier’s results for sea-water itself (). He found that sea-water obtained at the surface contained no inorganic iodine, but only organi- cally combined iodine, and iodine present in minute organisms, while the greater the depth from which the water was obtained the greater the amount of inorganic iodine it contained (2). His results, rigorously applied, would indicate that the algze themselves obtain their iodine in organic form. This is perhaps not absolutely impossible, since various authors seem to have shown that alge can assimilate organic material (8), including amino-acids (and as already pointed out at least part of the iodine in organic combination is in amino-acid groups), but it seems more probable that a minimal quantity of iodine reaches the inorganic stage, and is then reabsorbed by the alge, so continuing the circulation. A conclusion which may fairly be drawn from the data now presented is that with greater development in the organism is found greater specificity of iodine- containing tissue, until, in vertebrates, the thyroid is the only organ containing an appreciable amount. It is to be noted that in Squalus sucklii, the vertebiate type under examination, the only other organs in which iodine was detected were excretory organs. Iodine has been found present in marked quantity in three different tissues in which, as far as I am aware, it has not previously been recorded. These are, the horny tube secreted by the worm Diopatra, the cellulose (‘‘tunicine’’) test of the tunicate Pyura, and the external cuticle of the horse-clam Schizothoerus. I hope to examine these further, along with similar tissue in other species. There are at present insufficient data for any generalisation as to the type of tissue containing iodine in relatively large amount, but it may be pointed out that the iodine in thyroid tissue is usually regarded as localised in the colloid material, which has been assumed—without experimental evidence—to consist of or to contain a globulin (thyreoglobulin), while the iodine in sponges is contained in spongin, a sclero-protein, that in corals in gorgonin, also a sclero-protein, and the organic substance of the serpulid tube is conchiolin, another sclero-protein. The external cuticle of Schizothoerus probably consists largely of a keratin, yet another sclero-protein. On the other hand, the organic material of at least one Eunicid worm (Hyalinecia) appears to consist of onuphin, which although containing nitrogen seems closely related to dextrin or glycogen (4), the test of tunicates appears to consist largely of true cellulose (°) (which is easily caused to combine 1 Compt. rend., 1899, 128, 1069. 2 [bid., 1899, 129, 9. 8 See Oltmann’s “Morphologie und Biologie der Algen,”’ 1905, Bd. 2, 8. 155. 4Schmiedeberg, Mitt. a. d. zool. Station zu Neapel, 1882, 3, 373. (Vote added to proof. Sine: writi-g the above, I have f und an obs rvation of Mérner’s (Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1908, 35, 83,) on the pr s-rce of iodine in th: tubes of the worms Hyalinecia tubicola a d Chetopterus norvegicus. th» amounts ar> smaller, but of th> sane order as ‘hat | hav» found for Diopatra), 5 Cp. Winterstein, Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1894, 18, 43. 39b—5 66 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 with iodine), and the feature markedly distinguishing the Laminaria from other Sea-weeds is the secretion of a mucilage also probably of a carbohydrate nature (4). It seems not unlikely that careful examination of these different iodine- containing tissues may lead to the result that iodine is held in the living organism in but one or two types of organic compound. I hope to extend the work in this direction. I wish to acknowledge my grateful indebtedness to Dr. Maclean Fraser, the Curator of the Nanaimo Biological Station, for his uniform kindness in assisting me in the work of collection and identification of the material described in this paper, to thank Mr. F. 8. Collins for kindly identifying a number of alge for me, and to thank Professors Swale Vincent and Buller for their interest and encourage- ment in the course of this work. The expenses incurred in the collection and preservation of the material were defrayed by grants from the Biological Board. The expenses of the analytical work carried out at Manitoba University have been defrayed by grants through the Ductless Glands Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, and (through Professor Vincent) from the Royal Society of London, Appendiz. THE ECONOMIC VALUE OF THE PACIFIC KELPS. The value of kelps as fertilizers has been known for a long time. In the British Islands, Norway, and the coast of Brittany they are gathered more or less extensively and spread as a manure. Along the Atlantic Coast of Canada and the New England Coast they are stated to be fairly extensively used; the torn kelp is thrown up on the shore in the Fall, and collection is rendered easy. They have been occasionally used along the Pacific Coast of the United States for the same purpose. In Japan they are extensively used for various purposes. The fertilizing value of kelps is attributable chiefly to their potash content, and in some small part to their phosphate content. They also contain definite small quantities of iodine, although this probably does not increase their value as manures. In view of the great cost of potash fertilizers due to the increasing market and the monopoly held by the Stassfurt Syndicate, other sources of potash have been sought. The most promising of these are the giant kelp beds situated along the western coast of this continent. The U. 8. Government, realising the importance of this problem, have, during the past few years, charted out the kelp beds off their western coasts, including Alaska, to which two expeditions were sent last year for that purpose. At least two companies in California have started to extract potash from kelp, although the industry has scarcely got beyond the experimental stage (’). 1 Very little work appears to have been carried out to determine the form in which iodine occurs in algae. Eschle (Zeitschr. f. physiol. Chem., 1897, 23, 30) showed that in Fucus vesiculosus and in Laminaria digitata the iodine was present almost completely in organic form, and con- sidered that several different organic compounds containing iodine were present. 2 J. Industrial Chemistry, 1913, 5, 251. IODINE IN MARINE FLORA AND FAUNA 67 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b In Mexico, a concession has been granted for the purpose of collecting and utilizing the kelp found floating along the western shores, and there seems possi- bility of commercial development here also (’). Much of the information with regard to the possibilities of the kelp industry is to be found in the U. S. Senate Document, No. 190 (62nd Congress, 2nd Session, 1912), on ‘‘The Fertilizer Resources of the United States.” In this the conclusion is reached (p. 44) that the U.S. Pacific kelps could if necessary furnish per year over six million tons of potassium chloride, at present prices worth over $240,000,000, and over 19,000 tons of iodine, worth over $95,000,- 000. One-sixth of these quantities could with ease be obtained, and even this would be far in excess of present requirements. This could be obtained, if the kelp were cut scientifically, without annual diminution of the size of the kelp beds. The cost of production was estimated to be covered by the value of the iodine and | other bye-products, but this seems to me undoubtedly too low an estimate, since any competition would immediately lower the price of iodine (and also of potash). Few of the algee found along the Pacific coast can be utilized on account ot the cost of collection. Of the shore forms Fucus evanescens and Fucus furcatus are found at low tide covering rocks everywhere, but they could only be collected by hand labour. Three forms of giant kelp seem particulary suitable. Far south Macrocystis pyrifera and Pelagophycus porra are found in quantity; further north the latter disappears, and yet furthe: north, in the Puget Sound region, the principal kelp is Nereocystis liitkeana (bladder-kelp or bull-kelp). Each of these kelps grows in deep water, and consists of a large surface of leaves, supported by a bladder or float, which is attached by a thick stipe 40 or more feet in length to a spreading “holdfast”’ attached to rocks several fathoms below low water mark. Of the three types mentioned, only Nereocystis will probably be found of importance economically along the Canadian Pacific coast. This plant is an annual, and could, according to Rigg (?), be harvested annually after the middle of July without diminution of quantity. It is found in large groves throughout the Puget Sound region. Specimens from this region contain 30 per cent. potas- sium chloride and 0.16 per cent. iodine. My iodine analyses for Nereocystis from the Nanaimo district gave similar figures, so that in all probability the potassium values are also of the same order. The methods of harvesting this kelp, and of extracting from it its commercial products, are still in the experimental stage, although there seems no reason to doubt that the problems involved can be satisfactorily solved. During my stay at Nanaimo last summer, I was only able to observe the kelp beds in this district for a distance of eight or ten miles on each side of Nanaimo itself. Plants of Nereocystis in greater or less quantity are to be seen floating wherever there is a ridge or rock running out a few feet below the sea surface. There are three fairly large beds in the area I inspected. One, in False Narrows, about eight miles south-east of Nanaimo, fills the space between Gabriola and Mudge Islands (necessitating careful navigation of the passage). It is from one and one-half to two miles long, and varies from 100 to 200 yards in width. A 1 ibid., 5, 338. ; ?U.8. Senate Document, No. 190, 1912, p. 43. * 39b—53 68 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 second bed runs north east from Hammond Bay (five or six miles north of Nanaimo). It is about one and one-half miles long, and varies from 50 to 100 yards in width. The third bed covers a submerged ridge on the north side of Departure Bay; it is about three-quarters of a mile long, and from 50 to 100 yards wide. I had no opportunity of examining the beds further east and south, al- though, according to the charts, kelp is.common in that region. The beds I saw were of medium thickness. I estimated (very roughly) that on the average there were about four plants to the square yard. In order to obtain an approximation as to the weight of material to be obtained from such beds as those described, I weighed a number of plants of Nereocystis selected at random, and obtained in Departure Bay, with the following results: The fronds of seventeen plants weighed on the average 16 oz. The floats of seventeen plants weighed on the average 9 oz. The stipes and holdfasts of nine plants weighed on the average 6 oz. Samples of fronds and floats were dried, and the amount of moisture deter- mined approximately: 5.3 g. fronds, fresh, yielded 0.57 g. dry material, approximately 11% 6.5 g. floats, fresh yielded 0.36 g. dry material, approximately 5.5% Hence a single bed of Nereocystis, two miles long by 150 yards wide, and containing - on the average four plants per square yard (such a bed as that in False Narrows) would yield 132 tons of dry material (neglecting the stipes, only short lengths of which would be removed by proper cutting), containing (assuming 30 per cent. potassium chloride present), about 40 tons potassium chloride, worth at $40 per ton (‘) some $1,600. The figures utilized are all distinctly minima. My ratio for wet and dry material is distinctly less than that found by other, observers. No account has been taken of the value of the iodine also obtainable. The actual weights of the plants were determined at the beginning of September, when the fronds had commenced to decay. Further, and especially important, is the opinion of Setchell () that the degree of salinity affects the growths of these kelps. This is borne out by my observations in the Nanaimo region. The average length of nine of the plants examined was about 16 feet, while those reported on off the American coast run to 40 feet or even 70 feet (*). The fronds were not so large as those described in plants obtained further south. In the Nanaimo district, along a stretch of coast twenty miles in length only three beds of any size were met with. I have shown in the body of this paper that the salinity of the sea-water in this district is on the average about 1.015, instead of 1.03 as in normal sea-water. Nevertheless, if Nereocystis beds were scattered along the whole Pacific coast of the Dominion to no greater extent, their total economic value would be very considerable. It seems extremely desirable that steps should be taken at an early date to investigate the extent of the beds through as great a region as possible, and especially in districts of greater salinity. Potassium “muriate,” basis 80 per cent., is at present quoted in American lists at $39.07 per ton. See J. Industrial Chemistry, March 1914, Market Report. I have no information as to Canadian prices. 2U.8. Senate Document, No. 190, 1912, p. 135. 3 ibid., p. 42. 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 VIII. ON SOME OF THE PARASITIC COPEPODS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY FISH. By V. Stock, B.A. University of Toronto. The above field for investigation was suggested to me by Dr. A. G. Hunts- ian, Curator of the Marine Biological Station at St. Andrews, and I am greatly indebted to him for the kindness and assistance in collecting the material and examining the specimens. The work was carried on between June 15 and September 9, 1912, around the Biological Station at St. Andrews and among the various islands of Passa- maquoddy Bay. The parasites were collected from fish obtained by trawling, hand-lining, seining and also by visiting the various fish markets and weirs in the neighborhood. Occasionally also, excursions were made out into the Bay with the fishermen of the surrounding villages who offered every oppor- tunity to examine the fish they caught. f. Caligidae. The kind of parasitic Copepods specially investigated were those belonging to the Family Caligide. Two species only were found Caligus curtus and Caligus rapax. Occasionally both forms were obtained on the same fish and they were found on the surface of the head, body and fins, and in the case of C. rapax the dorsum of the tail immediately anterior to the caudal fin appeared to be a favorite place for attachment. Only one parasite was found inside the gill cover. The subjoined table gives in brief form the general information obtained, and enables one to make comparison in regard to the parasites and the hosts from which they were collected. In addition to the above species there were also examined:—Sculpins 123, Mummichogs 62, Sticklebacks 30, Butterfish 28, Herring 27, Smelt 23, Perch 14, Silver Hake 6, Dogfish 4, Shad 4, Mackerel 3, and also one each of Cunner, Halibut, but no Caligids were found on them. It might be mentioned that in the above table there is not included an instance in which 190 young cod were dumped out of a weir-seine into the bottom of the boat -along with a host of other struggling fish, were examined and only 3 Caligids collected from them. Another factor which should be con- sidered in making comparisons is that in the table are included two instances, one in which 23 specimens of C. rapax were found on one cod, and another in which 27 of the same species were taken off a single hake—thus raising to a consider- able degree the average number found in each species. 70 MARINE AND FISHERIES 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 It is perhaps worthy of note that in the case of Caligus curtus the hosts are entirely among the Gadoid fishes for both adult and chalimus stages. In this species there was practically no variation in the number found on the various forms of fish during different times of the season. Caligus rapax was found on a greater variety of fish and also in greater numbers on the host. As many as twenty-seven were collected from one fish, whereas the number of C. curtus rarely exceeded six per fish. C. rapax was also obtained from the Eel pout (Zoarces anguillaris) a host from which it has not yet been reported, This latter species was first noticed in small numbers towards the end of June, but by far the greater number were collected during the months of July and August. ; Comparatively few chalimus stages were found and in many instances it was difficult to determine to which species the form belonged. The chalimus stages of C. curtus were obtained from the Cod and Tomcod, while those of C. rapax from the Cod and Lumpsucker, chiefly from the latter, nine being col- lected from one specimen. Forms apparently belonging to the latter species were also collected from the Hake and Haddock. The chalimus stages were noticed particularly at two different periods—during the latter part of June and during the last week of August. A large number of measurements were taken in order to ascertain whether there is any variation in size in thevariousforms throughout the season. Practi- cally none whatever in either species was found. In the case of C. curtus the size of the parasite seemed to increase with the size of the host. The largest speci- men of C. curtus obtained which was a male, was found to be 13.2 mm. and the female 11.8 mm. in length. It might be added that in the adult fe- male only in a very few instances was the abdominal segment found to be longer than half the length of the genital segment—a marked difference from the find- ingsof Dr. C. Branch Wilson, who in his report states the opposite to be the case. The largest specimen of C. rapag collected were female 6.4 mm. and male 5 mm. In conclusion it might be added that these fish whose activity was im- paired by disease or which are naturally slow in their movements appear to be particularly infested with the parasites, affording special opportunities in the chalimus stage to become attached. This is quite evident in the case of the Lumpsucker which lives among the seaweed and debris on the surface of the water and is particularly sluggish in its movements. 2. Argulide. The fish were also examined for these parasites at the same time as the Caligids were being investigated. For the major part of the work credit must be given to Mr. N. A. Wallace who at the beginning of the season carried on all the collecting in this direction. Only one species, Argulus fundulus (Kroyer) was found and this on three different hosts, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Mummichog), Heteroclitus fundulus (Mummichog) and Pygosteus pungitius (Nine-spined Stickleback). PARASITIC COPEPODS OF THE BAY OF FUNDY 71 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b These parasites were found attached anywhere on the surface of the body, on the gill covers and on the fins. Frequently they were completely embedded in the substance of the fin or body, resulting in a nodule showing marked in- flammation. In addition the following parasite Copepods were also found:— Lernaea branchialis on Gadus callarius, Pandorus sinuarus on Carcharias littorals, Nemesis robusta on Carcharias littoralis, Chondrocanthus cornutus on Pseudopleuronectes americanus, Chondrocanthus merluccit on Merluccius bilinearis, and the following un- identified forms :— Chondrocanthus on the Sea Perch, Lerneopode on Raja levis (Barndoor Skate) Anchorella on Gadus callarias, Aeglefinus melanogrammus, Pollachius virens. C. curtus. C. rapaz. Chalimus Species - No. Total No. Examined Parasites. o' | o' | Total. | 9 | Q | Total. 3 154 16 | 79 95 6 | 71 Ci 6 178 Haddock....°.. 103 12 | 32 44 10 | 46 56 2 102 18 ROS Ge ener 168 Se eo 45 5 | 17 22 1 68 Polloek 4.2 33%. 38 11 11 2 93 5 16 Flounders...... 122 2 5 7 ui Conger Eel..... 19 1 1 1 SAE Mer cay soit 95 il 9 10 10 Tom Cod: : 2. .: 12 2 2 Lump sucker ..|_ 7 11 | 39 50 9 59 718 41 |154 195-| 37 |191 | ~ 228 20 443 5 GEORGE V. SESSIONAL PAPER No. 39b A. 1915 IX. SOME EXPERIMENTS ON THE FREEZING AND THAWING OF LIVE FISH. By W. H. Martin, B.A. University of Toronto. The fishermen of the Bay of Fundy say that if, in very cold weather, a herring be thrown out on the ground and frozen so that it is apparently quite stiff, when thrown back into the water, it will swim off as soon as it thaws out again. The following experiments were performed at St. Andrews, N.B., at the Marine Biological Station, Summer of 1913, to determine how low a tem- perature fish will stand and for what length of time they will survive such a temperature. Methods. For the experiments the species Fundulus heteroclitus (the common mum- michog) was used. They were easy to obtain in tide pools about St. Andrews. They are of convenient size for experiments and are wonderfully hardy: they are easily kept for several weeks in a tank, and were found to survive sudden changes of Temperature much better than any other fish used. In the experiments a large carbide-tin was covered with felt and used as a refrigerator. An inner tin vessel contained a mixture of ice and salt. The fish were placed in an inner jar in water or in air as required. Results. Experiment I. A dozen fish were put into sea water at 6°C. and the jar was lowered into the freezing mixture. The following table gives the results :— Time. | Temperature. Behaviour of Fish. 9.20 G20C:; All are swimming about in lively manner. 9.25 ge (OF “ “ “ “ “ “ “ 9.32 ORC: 2 have fallen over on side—All seem to gasp for breath. 9.45 -14° C. All have stopped breathing and are apparently dead. Took one out and put into water at 12.5°- By 9.50 it was breathing and swimming a little. It recovered completely and lived for weeks. 9.52 -24°C. 10.03 -3° C. 10.10 =a OCU, Took another out. It seems frozen stiff. Has a thin sheet of ice on it. Put into water at 21.5°. Did not recover. 10.15 -3.5°C. All taken out and put into water at 12.5°. None recovered. 39b—6 74 “MARINE AND FISHERIES ° 5 GEORGE V., A. 1915 Experiment II. Put 3 directly from tank (temp. 12°C.) into water at © -3.5°C. Time 10.28 A.M. : At 10.33 took one out and put it into water at 18°C. At 10.39 it moved its gills and breathed for a time. Later it died, bleeding at the gills. 10.39— took other 2 out. They did not move their gills or recover. Experiment III. Put 3 into a temperature of +4-1°C. Time. | Temperature. Behaviour of Fish. — 11.30 rR Ge They lay on their sides in about 1 minute, but continued to breathe. 11.35 4°'C. Took one out. It at once swam around, so put it back. 11.50 -4° C. They seem to be getting used to it, and swim a little now and then. Still on their sides however, and breathe very slowly. 12.00 -1° C. No sign of life. Took one out and it came to life at once. 12.10 -1° C. Took one out. Put into water at 12°C. Began to breathe in less than one minute and recovered completely. 12.30 -1° C. Took other two out. They were dead. Experiment IV. Done under the conditions that would exist according to the stories the fishermen tell. Put 4 fish from water at 2°C. into dry jar at -15$°C. Time. | Temperature. Behaviour of Fish. 5.50 -15°C. Put in 4 fish. 6.00 -15°C. Put into water at 0°C. Complete recovery. It was apparently frozen stiff, like a piece of ice on the outside. 6.05 -15°C. Took another out. It breathed but never completely recovered. 6.08 -15°C. Took another out. It was found to be dead. 6.09 -15°C. ¢ . She ceiaegg . 74 Experiment V. Put 8 fish into water at -4°C. and left for 5 minutes. All ' seemed stiff. Took all out, and put 6 into warm water. Cut sections through the other two. Flesh was stiff but seemed to have no ice crystals in it. The viscera were quite soft. The 6 recovered completely. Experiment VI. 10 fish were packed in lumps of ice in a dish so that the water drained off. They were put in refrigerator. Temperature 3°C. at 4 p.m. FREEZING AND THAWING OF LIVE FISH 75 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 22a At 8 a.m. the next day one was taken out and put into warm water. It recovered completely in less than one minute, and lived for days. The rest put back in refrigerator. At 4 p.m. they were taken out and all recovered completely. This experiment was not carried any further. Conclusions. From Experiments I, II and III it is seen that the fish will not survive for any length of time a temperature of -1°C. or lower. The lower the temperature the shorter the time they will survive. In experiment III the fish lived for 25 minutes at -1°C. In experiment II the fish lived for 6 minutes at -34°C. At 0° C. and without water they survived for 24 hours and were in good condition at the end of that time. Further experiments would be useful in solving the problem of shipments of live fish. The fishermen’s accounts are evidently partly true. Experiment IV shows that even when apparently frozen stiff they recover on being warmed, if the exposure be not for too long a time. One withstood a temperature of -15°C. for 10 minutes, but 15 minutes proved fatal. , It seems (Exp. V) that even when apparently frozen stiff the viscera are not frozen at all. The body is covered with an ice coating as the water ad- hering to the fish freezes. The flesh may even be quite stiff also, but there does not seem to be any freezing of the blood or flesh, but only a stiffening due to the low temperature. mtr y EAT Bogen Ata i hy Nid “ od BL WHO! Library - Serials vib HAL nie ett oF. a eT aaa seh ets recre ene btases Pare