eR ee me as ieee 4 ~ 5% “ + VN Pee é if, al 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 SUPPLEMENT TO THR ith ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE, FISHERIES BRANCH. CONTRIBUTIONS TO CANADIAN BIOLOGY BEING STUDIES FROM THE BIOLOGICAL STATIONS OF CANADA 1917--1918 PRINTED BY ORDER OF PARLIAMENT. OTTAWA J. pe LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1918 [No. 38a41918.] 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 THE BIOLOGICAL BOARD OF CANADA Professor E. E. PRINCE, Commissioner of Fisheries, Chairman. Professor A. B. MACALLUM, Advisory Research Council, Ottawa, Secretary-Treasurer. Professor L. W. BAILEY, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. Professor A. H. R. BULLER, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Rev. Canon V.A. HUARD, Laval University, Museum of Public Instruction, Quebec, P.Q. Professor A. P. KNIGHT, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. Professor J. P. McMURRICH, University of Toronto, Toronto. Dr. A. H. MacKAY, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. Professor J. G. ADAMI, McGill University, Montreal. 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 CONTENTS. PAGE Preface and Synopses of Reports, by Professor Edward E. Prince, UL.D., Chairman of the Biological Board. . V-XV I. British Columbia Sea-Lion Investigation, Special Commission’s preliminary and Mamenepores= Gall halftone Heures and 2) MAPS)ise ae ‘e i Pe a}e ae ‘he is > Ny : Yi Sete | eRe i : rad rae . ae ; f . . + + -? ie Rita bien) eA tL) “Oe a! ae eee ee ING, aT eee Ts ae oy i Wrest. the bia . ee agua a, Vn Car é : : » ew a *. babi Aart: yet. TR God yee rae 4) aX : at i A A P aw Sor La lars 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 I Parr I. i — PRELIMINARY REPORT OF THE COMMISSION ON THE SEA-LION QUESTION, 1915. Dr. CHARLES F. NEWCOMBE, Victoria, B.C., Chairman ; Wmo. HAMAR GREENWOOD, Vancouver, B.C., Secretary; and Dr. C. MCLEAN FRASER, Curator of the Government Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. INTRODUCTION. In May, 1915, the Biological Board of Canada appointed an honorary com- mission to make an inquiry as to the effect of the bounty of two dollars per head which had been offered by the Dominion Government to aid in the reduction of the number of sea-lions in the province of British Columbia, and which applied during the year 1915 only. The commission, after some changes, finally consisted of Dr. C. F. Newcombe, of Victoria, chairman; W. Hamar Greenwood, B.A., of Vancouver, secretary; and Dr. C. McLean Fraser, of the Biological Station, Nanaimo. Early in August, Prof. A. B. Macallum, of the University of Toronto, Secretary of the Biological Board of Canada, visited the west coast and met two of the com- missioners at Vancouver. Authority was then given for an early commencement of the investigation, but it was left to the commissioners themselves to draw up a plan of operation which would best fulfil the purposes of the proposed inquiry. The com- missioners at once decided that there should be a division of the work of the com- mission, Mr. Greenwood undertaking to collect all information possible by corre- spondence and personal interviews, the other two members more especially devoting their time to field and laboratory work, with the view of gaining more knowledge as to the life-history of the sea-lion. In order to facilitate the statistical section, a schedule of questions was drawn up and forwarded to officials of all the fishing plants of the province, and, for the field party, application was made through the Biological Board for the use of one of the vessels belonging to the Department of Naval Service. These matters are referred to later in the report. 2, ACTION ELSEWHERE ON THE SEA-LION QUESTION. The sea-lion question is by no means a new one. As long ago as 1898 it was very much to the fore in California. In 1899 the State Commission authorized the killing of numbers of the animals, giving the reason for so doing in the sixteentn biennial report of the State Board of Fish Commissioners of the state of California for the years 1899-1900, pp. 26-40. In this report is included, as well, much corre- spondence on the subject. At the outset, in April, 1899, the commissioners called a meeting of all persons interested to consider the evidence that might be offered regarding the damage done by sea-lions. The reason given in the report for calling this meeting is as follows: “For many years the fishery interests have strenuously complained of the damage done by sea-lions in the bays and rivers of the state. This commission has had the subject under consideration for many years. During the fall of 1898 and the spring of 1899 the salmon fishermen made repeated calls upon us for relief in this behalf, claiming that the sea-lions were appearing in the bays and lower rivers in increasing numbers, and that they follow the salmon from the ocean for more than 100 miles 38a—2 5 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 inland. The managers of the canneries and the buyers for the San Francisco markets joined in these requests. Our patrol force corroborated the statements and alleged that the territory covered by them swarmed with these animals. Formerly the sea- lions were hunted for commercial purposes, but their hides and oil no longer find a profitable market, and the industry has failed, in consequence of which they have greatly increased in number.” Fishermen, market men, and cannery men were unanimous in asking for a reduction in number on account of the destruction by them of salmon and other food fishes. So voluminous was the evidence that such scientists as Jordan, Gilbert, and Harkness were convinced of the justice of the plea. As a number of the larger rookeries were situated on federal lighthouse reserva- tions, the commission wrote to the Hon. Lyman Gage, then Secretary of the Treasury, to ask permission to kill sea-lions on these reservations, giving quite fully the reasons advanced for making such a request. The request was granted on April 27, but on May 31, before any lions were killed, the permit was suspended. On June 9 a letter from the Treasury Department gave the information that the suspension was due to protests from the United States Fish Commission, the secretary of the United States Department of Agriculture, the New York Zoological Society, and various others. . The commission in reply stated its case at greater length, and called the atten- tion of the Treasury Department to the fact that while their evidence was backed up and accepted by scientists who had studied the question at first hand, all of the opposition came from men who had no personal knowledge of the various aspects of the question. This reply was sufficient to convince the United States Commissioner of Fisheries, who therefore withdrew his opposition. However, it failed elsewhere, and consequently the Lighthouse Board refused to cancel the suspension until further evidence was deduced. The case of the commission, of which A. T. Vogelsang was chairman, may be stated briefly as follows :— Previous to 1884 sea-lions were killed for commercial purposes. Cheaper substi- tutes have been obtained for the hides, oil, and trimmings, and commercial killing is no longer profitable. Since that time the animals have greatly increased in number, and hence the amount of destruction has greatly increased. They chase the salmon for a long distance up the bays and rivers. ‘“ They are voracious and destruc- tive to the last degree. It is estimated by the fishermen upon the rivers, and the salmon canners, that from 20 to 40 per cent of the fish entering the bays are destroyed by this means. They enter the nets of the fishermen and take the fish already gilled. They tear and destroy the nets and cause irreparable damage to the hardy and indus- trious fishermen. They are seen every day during the salmon run with fish in their jaws and almost no net is hauled that does not show a large percentage of fish destroyed by these animals. It is so now that the fishermen, when laying out their nets, must patrol them from end to end as they drift with the current or tide, armed with Winchester rifles, to protect the nets from the depredation of these beasts.” There is little use in providing hatcheries to increase the supply of salmon if the sea-lions are allowed to kill so many of them in the sea. Captain Butwell, chief lightkeeper at Afio Nuevo island, in the summer of 1899 made an examination of the stomach of a large grey sea-lion (Humetopias stelleri) and found over sixty pounds of fish bones. In the following summer a deputy killed a sea-lion with a salmon in its jaws, the head of which sea-lion is now preserved at Stanford Uni- versity. The case of the opposition is presented most fully by W. T. Hornaday, as repre- senting the New York Zoological Society. He says :— “Judging from all the facts which have been brought forward up to this date, and from correspondence with naturalists from the Pacific coast, we B. 0. SEA-LION INVESTIGATION 7 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a feel constrained to say that, in our judgment, the evidence against the destruc- tiveness of the fur seal is very far from being sufficient to warrant the Cali- fornia Fish Commission in asking the United States Government to permit the destruction on its reservations.” He blames the California Commission for condemning the sea-lion on what he considers unsatisfactory evidence. His reasons are summarized as follows :— “ First—We have good reason to believe that the estimated number of sea-lions on the Pacific coast (10,000) is very greatly in excess of the actual number. “ Second—The estimate of the amount of fish consumed uatly by the sea- lion herds (500,000 pounds) we consider to be preposterous and absurd. This presupposes that each sea-lion consumes 50 pounds of fish per day, whereas, the full ration of an adult male sea-lion in captivity amounts to only 12 pounds or less per day. “ Third—In the absence of statistics based on detailed scientific obser- vation of known reliability, the assumption that the sea-lions are responsible for a marked decrease in the fish supply of the Pacific coast is unwarranted. “ Pourth—The people of the whole United States have proprietary rights in all the living creatures which inhabit the waters of the coast of California, as well as all other states, and particularly the sea-lion herds which breed on the public domain; and the people of California have no right, either in law or equity, to wantonly destroy the sea-lion herds until the justification of such a course has been clearly and satisfactorily proven. “ Fifth—The sea-lion has been condemned by the California Fish Com- mission without having had the benefit of counsel or witness for the defence, a proceeding so thoroughly un-American that the findings based thereon are unworthy of serious consideration.” In view of these reasons he asked for the preservation of “the very interesting and valuable sea-lion herds of the Pacific coast.” Mr. Vogelsang, in direct reply to Mr. Hornaday, says that the fifth reason is entirely untrue, as he has shown in his correspondence that all evidence available was considered, some of this evidence from scientists of repute. He objects to the statement that sea-lions are valuable, and as far as the interest goes, they cannot be considered more interesting than other harmful animals, the eoyote for instance. He indicates the weight of such remonstrance by saying: “It seems to me remarkable that your society is not aware of the fact that the fur seal does not frequent the rookeries of the California coast, and the varieties against which our activities have been chiefly directed are the barking sea-lion (Zalophus) and, incidentally, the grey sea-lion (Humetopias).” The commission was so confident of the correctness of their stand that they published all this correspondence in the matter and left the public to judge. Before going further it should be stated that throughout this California report reference is made to two species of sea-lion, the barking sea-lion (Zalophus california- nus) and the grey, or Steller’s sea-lion (Humetopias stelleri), but the general state- ments apply to both of these. There is evidence that both are found in British Columbia waters, but although Zalophus has been reported, it may be only an occasional visitor (see further evidence in this report). The grey sea-lion is the common one on the British Columbia coast and northward. While the controversy was going on between the California State Commission and the Treasury Department, in the summer of 1899, Prof. L. L. Dyche, of the University of Kansas, made examination of the stomachs of several sea-lions killed 38a—23 8 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 in the vicinity of Monterey, finding in the cases where the contents were suitable for identification, these consisted largely of squid. No traces of salmon were found. A reference to this work of Dyche’s, which was made in an article by C. H. Merriam appearing in Science, May 17, 1901, has been very extensively quoted in support of the contention that sea-lions are of little detriment to the fishing industry. Without in any way questioning the results of the investigation, it may be pointed out that these results do not necessarily have much bearing on the sea-lion question in British Columbia. We have no evidence that the grey sea-lion is ever found as far south as Monterey, although it is quite possible that some individuals from the rookery at Aito Nuevo or even from that at the Farallones may pay visits to that region. On the other hand, at that time the California sea-lion was found in large numbers around Santa Cruz island, a short distance north of Monterey, and at many points to the south of this. There is every likelihood, therefore, that the majority, if not all, of the animals examined by Dyche were of the California species. Colour is given to this conclusion further by the statement of the United States Commis- sioners, later referred to, “that the Steller sea-lion is largely a fish consumer and the California sea-lion is largely a squid eater,” this statement, of course, being based on the evidence they were able to obtain at that time. It is the Steller sea- lion, almost entirely, with which we are concerned. On account of further refusals of the Lighthouse Board in 1900 to cancel the suspension of the permit to kill sea-lions on the federal reservations, in 1901 the California commission asked for the appointment of a special commission to look into the matter thoroughly. The request was granted. Cloudsley Rutter was appointed chairman of the commission, R. E. Snodgrass was named by the California commission, and E. C. Starks by the California Academy of Science. This commis- sion visited points along the coast from Monterey to Puget sound, making personal observations and obtaining information from those having personal knowledge of the subject. The report of the commission was submitted to the United States Fish Commission, and appeared in the report of the commissioner for 1902, pp. 116-119. The following remarks bear on Eumetopias. Eighteen stomachs were examined, of which thirteen contained food. All of these had eaten fish, and five of them had also eaten squid, but the fish was relatively large in amount, up to 35 pounds, while the squid was small, six being the greatest number in any stomach. “This study indicates that the Steller sea-lion is largely a fish consumer and the California sea- lion is largely a squid eater. It seems apparent, however, that either species feeds on whatever is most convenient.” “ At the mouth of the Columbia river, sea-lions were seen fishing in considerable numbers near the jetty at the mouth of the river, but none was seen to catch a fish of any kind. Gulls were frequently observed hovering about a group of sea-lions and acting as if picking up food. One such flock of gulls was seen coming gradually nearer the jetty from a group of sea-lions about a mile away; after a time it was shown that they were following a large piece of salmon flesh, which the tide brought within 20 feet of the observer. Salmon were seen and photographed that had been mutilated (presumably by sea-lions and seals) after being caught in gill nets. Such mutilated specimens were common. The fishermen stated that the seals simply pull off the gills but the sea-lions always take a bite out of the belly of the netted salmon. A number of pound nets were visited, but no sea-lions were seen in them. “The fishermen were unanimous in their denunciation of the sea-lions. A fishing company at Chinook, Washington, states that it was damaged $1,500 in 1901 by sea-lions letting fish out of the nets, the damage to the nets not being included. The sea-lions enter the traps in the same way that the fish do, and, after eating what they wish, break their way out through the side. “The shallow water and the large number of salmon at the mouth of the Colum- bia river make that point a favourite breeding ground, and there is no doubt that the sea-lions are doing much damage there.” B. OC. SHA-LION INVESTIGATION 9 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Although permission to kill sea-lions on federal reservations was refused, the commission, by means of arming their patrols, killed a great number of sea-lions at other points along the coast. The report states: “It may be added that our activities have been exerted, nevertheless, to the destruction of a large number of these animals upon such rookeries and other places along the coast as are not subject to the control of the Treasury Department of the United States. The effect on the salmon industry is already apparent, as, since the summer of 1899, the number of sea-lions present in the bays and rivers has been much less than formerly.” Apparently the number killed by the patrol was greatly augmented by the number killed by the fishermen themselves. The destruction at that time seems to have had the desired effect, as since then no serious complaint has been made to the commission. We have this on the authority of Mr. N. B. Scofield, who was in 1898, and is now in 1916, in the employ of the California Fish commission. Sea-lions have been so reduced in numbers that in 1909 a law was passed, forbidding the killing, maiming or capturing sea-lions, in the waters of Santa Barbara channel and on the land adjacent thereto, in order to prevent the extermination of the black or California sea-lion. As evidence that California was not alone in the demand for reduction in the number of sea-lions, it may be stated that the Oregon Legislature passed a Bill, offering a bounty of $2.50 for each sea-lion killed in the waters of the state or within one marine league of the shore. On account of faulty wording of the Bill, the money was not available, but the Fishermen’s Protective Union raised a fund by private subscription to hire men to shoot the lions on their breeding grounds. In Washing- ton, too, there has been some complaint at times but nothing definite seems to have been done. 3. PREVIOUS WORK ON THE SEA-LION QUESTION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA. So far as is known to the present commission, the only investigations hitherto made in British Columbia are those which were conducted by the chairman and his son, in the year 1913. Im the spring of that year, the chairman was requested by the British Columbia authorities in Victoria, B.C., to conduct an investigation to disclose the numbers of sea-lions that frequent and breed upon our coast, and the number and locations of the islands where they breed. This was in consequence of the many complaints made that sea-lions were seriously damaging the fisheries. No information whatever was furnished to those in charge of this inquiry of 1918 relating to previous controversies regarding the food habits of sea-lions in California or other states, but before starting for the north, such literature as was accessible was consulted, and an examination was made of the report of the United States Commissioner of Fisheries for 1902, to which reference was made by Horna- day and others when describing the California and Steller’s sea-lion. This report at once revealed the widely divergent opinions entertained by competent naturalists as to the food habits of the sea-lions, and special pains were taken in the field to procure from all sources information as to their food, and the evidence of the older Indians, who in their younger days had depended largely on sea-lions for food, and had utilized their skins and other parts in various ways, was noted. The result of the inquiry made by these investigators is mentioned in the annual provincial report for the year 1913, published in 1914. The ground covered by it included the coast line from Boundary bay, North Latitude 49°, to the Nass river in 54° 40’, at various points in which the officials of more than thirty salmon canneries and herring plants were personally inter- viewed, and further information was obtained from their employees, both white and Indian. Amongst these points were the lower Fraser river, Knights inlet, Alert bay, Quathiaski cove, Rivers inlet, Bella Coola, Kimsquit, Namu, Bella 10 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE ‘8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Bella, Skeena river, Nass river, Masset, Skidegate, Quatsino, Ucluelet, and the important cannery known as Kildonan, at Uchucklesit, Barkley sound. As the result of inquiries at these stations it was learned that serious complaints of depredations by sea-lions were made at only two localities, viz., Rivers inlet and Barkley sound. In each of these places damage had been so great that active steps had been taken to diminish their numbers by the fishing companies affected. Indians questioned at more than forty villages were unanimous in stating that the principal food of sea- lions was fish, and that these fish consisted in the greater part of fish eaten by man, especially salmon, herring, and halibut. In not a single instance was any wish expressed that sea-lions should be protected, as no dependence is now placed on them for food, clothing, or any of the native arts or industries. Over 1,800 miles of coast line were examined, mostly in a small gasolene sloop. Three groups of islands, forming breeding places, were noted, and a fourth indicated, and the number of individuals seen was estimated at upwards of 11,000. In addition to the rookeries, a large number of isolated rocks, used as resting places, were visited and recorded. The rookeries and hauling-out places were shown on a map accom- panying the report. Later in the season a second visit to the rookeries in Queen Charlotte sound and off cape Scott was made. A number of successful photographs were taken, islands not before visited were explored, and an estimate made of the numbers frequenting these. The joint report shows that the injury to the fisheries complained of is of two kinds. At Rivers inlet the complaint was that nets were damaged and destroyed and vast numbers of salmon were devoured or mutilated, while at two localities in Barkley sound it was stated that the principal loss was in the herring fishery, which suffered largely through the presence of great bands of sea-lions surrounding the schools of fish and driving them out from the heads of bays and inlets where the most successful fishing had always been carried on. Complaint was also made that they devoured enormous numbers of herring and halibut. As regards the food question, little information was obtained by personal obser- vation. Three adults were examined, two of which contained no food whatever in their stomachs, while the third was full of fish, including salmon, cod, and bass. A second kind of sea-lion was reported by Indians of Barkley sound as occurring there, and from their description it was concluded that this was the California species, Zalophus californianus. It is surmised that this species and perhaps the majority of the individuals belonging to Steller’s species came from the American side, as the rookeries in the state of Washington are far nearer to Barkley sound than those on the Canadian side. 4. THE CALIFORNIA SEA-LION IN BRITISH COLUMBIA WATERS. The following notes tend to confirm the statements made by Indians of Ucluelet in 1913, that a second kind of sea-lion visits Barkley sound at times, though never in large numbers. Dr. C. H. Townshend, Director of the New York Aquarium, permits the quota- tion from a letter written on November 9, 1915, of a passage relating to a period when he was the naturalist on the United States Bureau of Fisheries steamer Albatross :— “T visited Barkley sound in 1889 with the Albatross. The sea-lions I saw and heard barking at the time were on some rocks, I think not far from the lighthouse. They were unquestionably the California species, which is the only barking sea-lions in that region. Sea-lions do a good deal of moving about up and down the coast. They do not confine themselves to any one neighbourhood.” - B. C. SEA-LION INVESTIGATION 11 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Dr. Townshend also sent, at the same time, a copy of the Bulletin No. 29, of the Zoological Society of New York, for ‘April, 1908. This contains an interesting article by Dr. Townshend entitled “ An Inquisitive Sea-lion,” describing the behaviour of a young specimen of Zalophus californianus, which was attracted to the Albatross while at anchor one evening at Port Townshend, by the barking of a setter dog. It spent the night in the ship’s dinghy, and Dr.. Townshend was able to make a very successful photograph of it before it grew dark. The photograph is reproduced on page 412. Further information of similar bearing was obtained from Prof. Trevor Kin- eaid, of the University of Washington. At the Alaska-Yukon-Pacifie Exposition, held in Seattle in 1909, two animals were included in one of the exhibits, as fur seals. Prof. Kincaid was asked to examine them, as there was much doubt as to the correctness of this designation. Both of them were found to belong to the California species of sea-lion, and those in charge of them stated that they had been taken in the salmon traps at New Dungeness, not far from the entrance to Puget sound. After the close of the exposition the two animals were moved to the zoological collection at Woodland park, Seattle, still labelled as Alaska fur seals. A visit was made by a member of this commission to the Zoological Garden mentioned, and the caretaker was interviewed with little result. The animals in question had died soon after their arrival at Woodland park. In December, 1915, Indians employed in hunting for the commission, stated that the second kind of sea-lions was well known in Barkley sound as the black or barking kind, but these only pass in as far as Alberni canal very seldom. The last one that was recalled had been killed off Nahmint about five years ago. 5. THE SEA-LION QUESTION AS IT AFFECTS BRITISH COLUMBIA. At the preliminary meeting of the commission in August a decision was reached as to two main methods of seeking information on the sea-lion question. The one was to make a trip along the coast to get personal information if possible, although’ little was expected on account of the lateness of the season, and failing this, or sup- plementing this, to get information from those who claimed to have firsthand know- ledge concerning the habits and food of the sea-lions as well as the nature and extent of their depredations. The other was to obtain information by correspondence with connery managers, fishery officers and others interested or likely to be able to furnish such. In connection with the former of these, the Department of the Naval Service kindly put at the disposal of the commission, for three weeks, the steamer Malaspina, Captain Holmes Newcomb commanding. The commission is under no little obligation to Captain Newcomb, his officers and crew for the courtesy shown during the trip. On August 30 the Malaspina, with Drs. Newcombe and Fraser on board, started northward. The attempt to visit all of the rookeries along the coast had to be given up through lack of time, partly due to delay by smoke and fog, and by waiting for a chance to coal at Prince Rupert. The Cape St. James rookery was not visited, nor was that on the Cape Scott group of islands; three attempts to get out to the Haycocks znd Triangle islands all failed on acount of foggy and heavy weather. The rookery or the Sea Otter group was visited, where there were sea-lions visible, but on account cf the dangerous reefs in the vicinity, it was not possible to get close enough with so large a boat to make an estimate of the number, and the swell was too heavy to attempt it with a small boat. A small rookery at the west end of Hope island was visited, and here the only attempts made to capture sea-lions proved abortive. On two mornings in succession Indian hunters, hired for the purpose, tried to shoot and spear one or more of the herd of forty or fifty that were visible in the surf, but without 12 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 success. Finally the rookery at Solander island, off cape Cook, was visited. The weather was very foggy, but after waiting for an hour and a half in the vicinity, the captain was able to bring his ship near enough the rocks to make the sea-lions plainly- visible. The number was estimated to be at least 1,000, although it may have been somewhat in excess of that number. Dr. Newcombe, in his report in 1913, did not consider Solander island to be a rookery but as shown elesewhere in this report, he is now convinced that it is one. 6. INFORMATION FROM EYE-WITNESSES. As the personal information on this trip, consequently, was somewhat limited, es much as possible was made of the evidence of eye-witnesses. These may be divided into three classes: (1) Those who were not sufficiently familiar with sea- hons to be able to distinguish them from hair seals, (2) those who claimed to have personally seen sea-lions chasing and eating some species of fish, (8) those who claimed to have seen sea-lions eating fish and had also examined the stomachs of one vr more of these animals. Of group (3) the majority were Indians, some of them old men, who, in earlier days, had made use of many portions of the sea-lions for various purposes. Besides these there were two white men, viz., Mr. F. Inrig, manager of the British Columbia Packers’ cannery at Wadhams on Rivers inlet, and Mr. J. Boyd, Fisheries Overseer at Bella Bella. Group (2) included cannery men, cold storage men, active fishermen, sea captains, fishery officers, as well as others, in no way directly connected with the fishing business. The evidence of those in group (1) has not been considered. Representatives from numerous localities from Alert bay to Prince Rupert, and all along the west coast of Vancouver island from cape Scott to Barkley sound sup- plied information for this area and even beyond it to the mouth of the Nass river and Hecate strait. Twenty-six in all made statements sufficiently definite to be worthy of -consideration. The commission does not vouch for any of the evidence submitted, but sees no reason to doubt its accuracy. The points at least on which there was general agreement must be accepted until such times as they can either be corroborated or disproved. Already a portion of the evidence has been confirmed as shown in a later portion of the report. 7. MATERIALS USED BY SEA-LIONS AS FOOD. There was not a dissenting voice to the assertion that sea-lions eat food fishes. Of the food fishes eaten, salmon and halibut have been most frequently noticed, and of the species of salmon, spring, sockeye and coho. Humpback and dog salmon were not reported. Besides the salmon and halibut, other food fishes, viz., herring, oolachan, red cod, ling cod, and rock cod were mentioned. Devil fish (which probably included squid also) were frequently mentioned, dogfish and birds in a single instance. It may be well to note here that lack of positive evidence is not negative evidence. These men, almost without exception, stated that they saw no signs of sea-lions chasing other than food fishes or of the remains of other than food fishes in their stomachs. Naturally so, because in the first place they would never take the trouble to learn the haunts of fish not suitable for food, and in the second place, the sea-lions would be killed almost entirely in the neighbourhood of fishing grounds of some sort, and would more likely than otherwise have eaten those very food fishes. This does not prove that the sea- lion does not eat anything else in the sea when the food fishes are not readily avail- able. This matter is taken up again later. B. C. SHA-LION INVESTIGATION 13 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a $8. INJURY TO THE FISHING INDUSTRY. With regard to the injury done to the fisheries of the province, only the salmon, halibut, and herring industries need be considered. Taking first the salmon fishery, the complaints of injury were almost wholly confined to the Rivers Inlet region. Here the sockeye season is at its height just after the pupping season, during which period it has been stated by many authorities, no food is taken by the adults. When the pups are two or three weeks old, according to the Indians, they are able to swim at the surface of the water and are then taken by the adults into the neighbouring waters ==) 3 —! . 4 x XN . he Si 7 n, ny aS oe Trlet Q € 1 "A eb ealvert e ra ae ta ten S > es a Oe me | Se hr eWatch Rk > Bel eile tat de (- Ras r a wae a s A SE 20° — ne eee aE. . . 3 so oo OMT HINDEY ol ee $ Wiad © Ma =. ae Patch Channel < <2 SOUND 4 ; IR. Re ae eee eeyre ANER a Egg! MAP — (35 Hennah.- : e Bs : OF THE ce: RIVERS INLET nit ot RECION oi SS while the latter satisfy their appetites, now especially voracious after the long fast. It is quite probable that the amount of the stomach content at that time (Mr. Inrig reported having seen thirty-six sockeye salmon in one lion’s stomach) cannot be taken as typical for the whole year. The sea-lion is such a powerful swimmer that it can readily overtake a salmon, which it catches and shakes until the piece comes out and the bite is swallowed. If the fish are plentiful, the bitten fish is not touched further but another is attacked in a similar manner. If the fish are scarce the part of the fish left after the first bite 14 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 may be seized again by the same individual or by other individuals, as they commoniy go hunting in small herds. At times they find it more convenient to take the salmon out of the gill-nets, especially when they are being hauled, as then the fish are near the surface of the water. One case was reported where sixteen salmon in succession were taken, as fast as the net was hauled to the surface, the one animal making the entire capture. It is at such times that harm is done to the gear. The lions are so powerful that if the net is taut they pass through it with ease. If it is looser they may get tangled up in the net and do much more damage to it. The rookery in the Sea Otter group of islands is opposite the mouth of Rivers inlet, (see map, page 13), so that all schools of fish entering the inlet must pass near by. The sockeye run comes just at the time when the lions need the greatest supply of food, hence what could be more opportune for them. Apparently in the early days of the industry the sea-lions were not so numerous. It was not until about 1911 that they appeared in large enough numbers to be espe- cially troublesome. In 1912 and in 1913 so many fish were taken from the nets set in the inlet for some distance from the mouth that the fishermen found it useless to con- tinue fishing in that locality. Many of the sea-lions were killed in 1914 and 1915, and the season of 1915 was a particularly good one in the inlet. The injury done to the halibut fisheries has not been so serious, partly because the habits of the halibut require a different method of fishing. The attack made on an individual of this species can only be observed when a halibut is taken from the hook when that part of the line is near the surface, at which time the halibut is attacked in the same way the salmon is. Damage was reported from Hecate strait and from the area to the north and northwest of Vancouver island. In fishing for this species there is little chance for any damage to gear. Damage to the herring industry was reported only from Barkley sound. Here the complaint was not so much that the numbers of the herring were being diminished as that the schools are broken up, scattered and driven seaward. As many as 300 sea- lions have been reported from the sound where they use the Bird rocks for a hauling- out place. Two plants have been in operation, one at Ucluelet, near the entrance, and the other at Uchucklesit, far up the sound. Barkley sound is a long distance from any known rookery, but as the lions do not appear here until late in the fall, the pups no longer need care, and as the adults are such powerful swimmers such distances would not mean much to them. In other localities, notably Clayoquot, Quatsino sound, and in the Nass river, herring runs are followed by sea-lions, but as yet not enough fishing has been done for any special observation to be made. 9. THE FLATTERY ROOKERY. This Malaspina trip covered the “spheres of influence” of all of the British Columbia rookeries, but it was possible that it did more than that. Barkley sound is a long way from Solander island, where, so far as is known, the nearest British Colum- bia rookery exists. It is much nearer to what is generally spoken of as the Flattery rookery, off the west coast of the state of Washington. It is probable that occasional sea-lions seen in the strait of Georgia, as far north as the mouth of the Fraser river and at Entrance island, near Nanaimo, as well as others in the strait of Fuca, are from the Flattery rookery. On that account it seemed desirable to obtain more definite information concerning this rookery. Mr. John N. Cobb, editor of the Pacific Fisherman, who has shown much interest in the work of the commission, obtained the assistance of the United States Revenue. Service, who kindly placed the Snohomish, Lieut. H. W. Pope commanding, at the service of its members, for the purpose of visiting the rookery. As the State Depart- ment was also interested in the information, Mr. Cobb went along to represent that department. B. C. SHA-LION INVESTIGATION 15 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a On October 25, Mr. Cobb and Drs. Newcombe and Fraser met the Snohomish at Port Angeles and proceeded to Neah bay, where the night was spent in order to make an early start in the morning to visit the rookery. In the morning, however, such a storm was raging outside the cape, that visiting the rookery was out of the question. The next day was no better, and hence the visit had to be abandoned. The trip was not entirely in vain notwithstanding, as from the Indians at Neah bay it was learned that the rookery in question is located on the Jagged islets, about nine miles south of the Umatilla reef, or twenty-one miles south of cape Flattery. Judging from some photographic prints of the rookery that were shown, it must be quite a large one. The Indians, too, gave the impression that it was of large size although no definite estimate could be obtained from them. From this rookery the sea-lions come out into the strait of Fuca, haul out on rocks not far from Neah bay, and even come into the bay itself after fish. The Indians here had the same story to tell concerning the eating of halibut, salmon, and herring. 10. BARKLEY SOUND INVESTIGATION. In order to obtain more definite information as to the damage done by Steller’s sea-lion than that afforded by the statements of white and Indian fishermen, certain arrangements were made with Mr. Martin, manager of the Wallace Fisheries Com- pany at Kildonan, Barkley sound. Mr. Martin courteously afforded every facility at his disposal at the cannery, and the commissioners had such an excellent base of supply provided for them that it was unnecessary to take any camp outfit. Two points of special interest were to be taken up. The first was with regard to the interference by sea-lions with the herring fishery in the way of keeping these fish off-shore, or by breaking up the schools; the second was with respect to the statement that they annually devour large quantities of herring. In 1915, the sea-lions made their first appearance for the season in Barkley sound on November 1. On the morning of November 3, Dr. Fraser, being provided with a motor-boat and two men from the cannery, was able to visit their hauling-out place on Bird rocks. Small groups were seen from the entrance of Uchucklesit harbour to Bird rocks, and on the rocks there were about sixty, but these fell off into the water before it was possible to get a shot. It was an easy matter to chase small herds, up to ten or twelve, for a long distance, as they kept together well, coming to the sur- face often. Some shots were fired, but as no means of retrieving them were available at the time, no specimen was obtained. Some photographs, indicating their presence, were obtained, but otherwise these do not give much information. Apparently all of these lions were of the Steller species, and there were no small ones in the lot. On the following morning, on the way from Kildonan to Port Alberni, small groups of lions were seen at intervals from the mouth of the harbour almost as far as the Canadian Northern construction ‘headquarters. In every locality in which they were seen there was every evidence of herring schools there also. From reports received by the chairman early in December, it was learned that sea-lions were in great abundance in nearly all of the numerous inlets branching from the larger waters, known as Barkley sound, and that they were as usual pursuing the herrings, which were then being taken for curing and for bait. As stormy weather then prevailed, causing wrecks and loss of life just outside of the sound, it was thought that a more successful hunt could be made in the more inside waters of Uchucklesit inlet. As Dr. Fraser was out of the province at the time, and Mr. Greenwood’s engagements prevented him from taking part in the investigation, the consideration of the food question as far as these Barkley sound sea-lions were concerned was under- taken by Dr. Newcombe alone. 16 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 It was a matter of congratulation, however, that Mr. Clyde L. Patch, Dominion taxidermist, was able to take an active part in the investigation. Hearing from the chairman that an attempt was to be made to secure a large number of sea-lions (including, it was hoped, the California species), Mr. Taverner, zoologist of the Royal Victoria Museum, Ottawa, supported by the Director of the Geological Survey, Dr. R. G. McConnell, offered to send a skilled taxidermist, with a view to saving all skeletons and skins for permanent preservation as a mounted group. Mr. Patch co-operated heartily in the work of collecting specimens, and, in spite of very adverse weather conditions, secured the desired parts of fourteen individuals, together with data as to sex and size. He also made plaster casts of various parts, to be utilized when mounting these specimens. MAP BARKLEY SOUND REGION CA o> 5 te an pues ) —— a — a — On arriving at Kildonan, a short distance inside of Uchucklesit inlet, on December 16, it was found that the herring and their pursuers were no longer there; they had been for some weeks, but had passed out into the sound. Native hunters were secured, and a small gasolene fish-boat was hired, in preference to the large craft, the loan of which was offered by Mr. Martin. The two Indians were armed with rifles and with the ordinary fur-seal spears of the west coast, in order to retrieve the bodies of any wounded individuals. Independent Indian hunters were also promised a certain sum for every sea-lion they could secure. B. C. SEA-LION INVESTIGATION 1? SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a The first goal was the Bird rocks, the principal resort and retiring place of sea-lions in Barkley sound, where, it was stated, a day or two earlier, some hundreds had been seen from passing vessels. On the way out two independent hunters in a small canoe furnished with gasolene were overtaken. They had just wounded a female sea-lion, and speared it while under observation. At Bird rocks there was a large number of sea-lions, some hauled up, and a large numlber swimming about close to the shore. All were somewhat wild, but two were killed and hauled on board to be examined at leisure at Kildonan. The weather was dull and rainy, and hence it was impossible to secure successful photographs. After this the hunting was left to the Indians to carry on, resulting in eleven more specimens being brought in, two of which were paid for by Mr. Patch on behalf of the Geological Survey, as the chairman considered that a run of eleven or twelve specimens, all telling the same story, was sufficient for the purpose of the commission. On opening the stomachs of the twelve specimens containing fish, it was found that all of them had herring in an unmutilated condition. Evidently they had bolted them without any mastication. The quantities amounted to from one-half to two gallons, including the pulpy mass of more or less digested food. Two contained one or two rounded stones. The following table shows the sex, length, ete., of those examined, as noted by Mr. Patch:— a Where Killed. Sex. Length. Stomach Contents. Z MBB INATOCKE He ..5 face dee oa eos Male% 5: Bee 8 ft. 43 in. Small crabs, devil fish. 2 ty RSS Ree ee Ger eee WELLES ors, Gregan Sy ac, Gi wo ec Stone, clam shell. (Ore ehucklesit - .2 5.2.2... emailer eecrictinsces Sine oa Herring. 4 " misete\ icles WEG RARE se = SA ed 9» 24 " " 5 BRO Paes Ol [e050 o. 91.0; '0)010))0 ,e)eia,.s MUDD ws a ieee eieia ie Te eueaie 6 " 10 " " tH) Pee | wane) Bie ess) ine Le ee ee or 8 " 11 " " 7 De RR eee ab the oes © Uy ele Ne oe en wn ou 8 " 24 " " 8 ROE ha dhets = Sree: a/eMatenelte sete Memalew 22 oe Su 33 " " 9 Se Me Ps opavel aie, eielie eyeyera, « Male airotie le iell Atmiaa estat fala Sin 92 " " 10 uw are? |) eo oes eee Ue et ea OY RO ate CAA 7 " 34 ” " 11 Te Peed Wh) ete nic o> ‘wie eo ecco Or AAS HIT’? ef ove' a aka onde ‘ : Goins 10. Have you any veniariee or Rian epestians ¥ ease not covered by “the; above Liste af MLE SEONG. Coral Sam ae att cotenato nthe ls wed aveistele oc xgalisrdatalape eral o. «6 seieeusitalic. sive: levsteenstetel orokeniens 11. Have you examined the contents of Sea-Lion stomachs?.............sceeeececes II, FORMAL LETTER SENT BY THE SECRETARY OF THE COMMISSION TO CANNERS AND OTHERS. Sea-Lion ComMMISSION. To the Manager, Dear Sir,—On behalf of the Sea-Lion Commission appointed eee the authority cf the Biological Board of Canada, we invite your cordial assistance in getting infor- mation and opinions regarding the alleged depredations of these animals. It has been stated that sea-lions destroy fish and fishing gear and interfere with the free prosecution of fishing operations by means of seine nets and other appliances. 38a—4 38 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Tt also has been suggested that the sea-lions be exterminated or so thoroughly attacked to death by man as to frighten them away from their depredatory raids, and that this be encouraged by giving a bounty of two dollars ($2) a sea-lon, such bounty to be paid on presentation of the muzzle of the animal as voucher for its extinction. We will be glad if you will answer the questions set out in the enclosed form to the best of your knowledge and belief, and add any observations you may think fit. It has been suggested that the canneries, where any depredations from sea-lions occur, might be left to handle the problem themselves without any idea of government bounty, on the assumption that fishermen attached to the canneries would protect their own interests. Your speedy attention to the requests made on you in this letter and enclosed form will be appreciated and will assist the sea-lion commissioners in the preparation of their report on the whole question. APPENDIX B. NuMBER of Sea-Lions on which bounty has been paid in British Columbia for the fiscal year 1915-1916. Name of Claimant. en Where Killed. Bourne $ ets. FAME TE Wis DAICIT Ps mers eye = esha ete cooks. Males clei 24 Banksiislands:7 uessenrera ser cer 48 00 Elennys Rid lands saree eet cee) eter e-ves 1 Butterworth rocks ~..2.25>-..- 2 00 GeorvenOnesias cielo ates cep eel eee 1 Miassetti ....0..45 Ves ar Naat See te 2 00 Pav cRODINSONN. Joes Soe. hen ee dsiseetaat es 11 Pricehsland| asses eaten aes 22 00 DOLNAW Otten. aspen ee eee cen te oes 20 Calvert is) andueen eens 40 00 ienrysBrownesc-. see eee ert ee 12 Bontllajbanks eer eee meee 24 00 Wan: Werehtone.. 3.7 oeee: pene : 1 (ree iNobmslandie ses ae ~2 00 IRetersODINSOMN ica" ee eer ooo pheeios i Stephens island. .. Eadie Satie 2 00 David Parmele: fe. Mate ae sbi 2 Butterworth rocks..... .. ... 4 00 George Allen......... : eee 15 Vargingrocksimsis (seca. seieee 30 00 J. Wootten STS eo oe ace 342 Seal OtvererOUpeeee eee eerie 684 00 PASS RODINSOM. 2. Pace ns cua tere face Mele ios 2 Anpstazablensland...-. 2-0 sae 4 00 SeaWioottonet .7.o0 haat eats iis de Menon ct 49 SealOtter proup. ess: a) emer 98 00 Meas: Carpenter a127. 520s oS aeibeiscet oie 1 Rmeenslan@.c 22: (sa. 8 coheceee 2 00 EV GniGy A LOW Mesa etrs fe ec ee ee ee 2 Bonillaibanks), 5.2 ss see 4 00 AR OOCIMAT stele ec ok ce eins beara ee. 50 Virgin rocks . 100 00 I. H. Hogan. epee ie Whale eae tis ee uot ie eke ieee sieten = Taye 97 " (Uy wares om oooh A, ottiten 194 00 GeowaAlllens ep os ae ca ie awa! gas, hs ve " " 114 00 D. Mieliennan 22 S020 oss oeetee 63 " (i MAincvO cosa. coding eon 126 0¢ Je Wootten <6... RPE eS Bid teacher 1,174 East Haycocks....... Dace 2.348 00 Want McCloskey ..0-3 fas pees ; 153 Pearl and Virgin rocks.......... 506 00 EK. S. Carpenter........ ee ee 26 Pricepisland’ 6 sie heen eee 52 00 Spruce Marten... ...... .... 2 Seymour inlet....... ee 4 00 GAOL L GeO nae Aamo ee eee 51 Warpam rockc\s ssn eee eee 102 00 DACOORVWIN ILO Sain. Bieta e eroel ever oe 2 SemOtten croup ee eee 164 00 GmetSchwishen 5° ossamas.cee eke 1 Village island........ neat 2 00 Jamesthisheete ee eee 1 Wieluelét)., 2) it eee eo cee: 2 00 WanstaPaylory, 2.08. eli eeiamoner Piste ena 2 Otter point...... i. Pees 4 00 Dan. Quital..... SE ETT | Se eS Se 1 Duncan bay .... Sinan 2 00 JACOOWVWIDIEE) onthe. trntin seman ; 442 Hast ay cocke ema eee 884 00 Alpert lhompson ea wee ldntee aan oie 480 Virgin TOCKS +) sae eeee 360 00 Tom George...... ... upland o's | SONAL Ree 1 Smith’s inlet ....... amb eee 2 00 iBenconiWeattacs.:. 2d meee bi nina nt ort ee 1 Ahotisat 354.2 ela eee eeeeieree 2-00 IVa SAGE Y A5 175 Se eee ve eh et 1 INhOusats eee eee eee 2 00 WORUELSVOSt a2. ae: 1 Mong Beach ie cah ieee 2 00 doer alaTm, O.~ «Slatin ytesl of bituoeh ene ee 2 UO all Ceasers eee 4 00 JIGS ES ah hee a eee aes Menno oe eete 2 Cape Codvaeue ee Eas Cee 4 00 ‘Aipram Jehriess. +). 6. SaaS ae eae eee Teer 1 Thormanby island .. . ........ 2 00 Motalss: sacs ct Me por ate ee 2.875 5,750 00 R. C. SEA-LION INVESTIGATION 39 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. —s . Wadhams cannery, Rivers inlet. The Hmoh is the white boat in the right fore- ground. 2. The largest of the Pearl rocks. 3. Watch rock. 4. The largest of the Virgin rocks after all the adult sea-lions had taken to the water. 5. Male sea-lion killed on Watch rock. 6-12. Groups of sea-lion pups on Pearl and Virgin rocks. 13. Male sea-lion killed on one of the Virgin rocks, and two pups. (2-13 were taken June 25, 1916.) 14. A figure to show the position at Solander island relative to cape Cook. 15. Solander island. 16-18. The outlying rock at Solander island, taken as the sea-lions were leaving it. 19-22. Remnants of the herd, showing some of the largest males. 23. Sea-lions in the water at Solander island. (14-23 were taken June 27, 1916.) 24. A figure to show the relative position of cape St. James island, on which the lighthouse is situated, to the main island, Kunghit. Four groups of rocks extend in a chain southward from cape St. James. 25, A figure to show the position of the first two groups of rocks relative to cape St. James island. 26. The first group of rocks south of cape St. James island. 27. The second group. 28. The third group. 29. The fourth and final rock. It was on the second and third of these groups that the sea-lions were seen in abundance. 30-33. Views of the sea-lion herd on the rocks at cape St. James. (24-33 were taken July 9, 1916.) 34. The remains of three sockeye and one humpback (the largest piece being the humpback) taken from a net in Rivers inlet July 23, 1916, said to have been mutilated by sea-lions. 35. Remains of salmon taken from the nets near Prince Rupert, September 8, 1915, said to have been mutilated by hair seals. 86. Scow on which Dr. Newcombe and Mr. Patch examined sea-lions in December, 1915, near Kildonan cannery, Barkley sound. (Photos 1-35 by C. M. Fraser, 36 by C. F. Newcombe.) 38a—44 unas rs is I a 5 Y 4 A anes fat Oe ab hy i i) Fig. 2. Fig. 5. Fig. 12. Fig. 16. Fig. 20. Fig. 21. Wises iit is . ee oe ORO Ae ERA LI ee 4: it FO ER pa i Raat a aS REELS tet ae sa Fig. 29. Fig. 32. Fig. 36. TI LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS AT LONG BEACH POND, N.S. (A. P. Knicut, M.A., M.D., F.R.S.C., Professor of Animal Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont.) RECOMMENDATIONS, 1. That the rearing operations hitherto conducted by the Board at Long Beach pond be discontinued. 2. That the executive committee consider the advisability of securing from the Fisheries Branch of the Department of Naval Service full control over the operation of one of the present lobster hatcheries, in which to conduct a series of experiments on the rearing of lobster fry, using warm sea-water, as suggested by Professor Macallum. 3. That the executive committee confer with the department as to the best method of collecting statistics regarding the relative numbers of male and female lobsters trapped next season, and also the percentage of females carrying fertilized eggs. 4, That several more enclosures be built at a moderate cost, by either the Board or by the Fisheries Department at different points along the maritime coast, for the purpose of determining more definitely the percentage of commercial lobsters which extrude eggs in July and August. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS. Acknowledgment is due the Department of Naval Service for furnishing a plenti- ful supply of both berried and commercial lobsters for the purpose of carrying on the experiments described in the following report; also for placing at the disposal of the Board the services of Mr. Andrew Halkett. Mr. Halkett gave us every assistance. More particularly, he kept an accurate count of the lobsters received at the pond, allotted to the various enclosures, and returned to the sea. The Board is also indebted to the department for moving the rearing plant from the southwest end of the pond, and placing it within the cement pound. POUND AND POND. In the following report the reader must distinguish carefully between the natural pond of some 5 acres, and the artificial pound of about three-fourths of an acre, enclosed by cement walls and forming the northeast part of the pond. Fig. 1.—Long Beach Pond viewed from the northeast end. In the fore- ground can be seen first the mess-house; beyond this, the cement pound; further away is the larger part of the pond. In the distance can be seen the engine house and plant for rearing lobsters. 38a—5—R 53 54 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Last year, 1914, because of the excessive leakage of water from the pound, the Board approved of the location of an experimental rearing plant of four boxes at the southwest end of the pond, and my report upon the operations of that year has been already published. LEAKAGE. On December 18, 1914, the Board was notified that the leakage, which had per- sisted throughout the previous summer, had been stopped, and that there was at that date a depth of 63 feet of water in the pound at low tide. During the winter of 1915, however, the leakage again developed and was again reported stopped on June 26, 1915. At this date there was said to be a depth of 5 feet 8 inches of water at low tide. On my arrival, July 3, 1915, the pound was again leaking, not copiously, it. is true, but sufticiently to show that in the course of a few days or weeks the rearing boxes, 4 feet in depth, would likely be resting in the mud. As a precaution, there- fore, against possible injury to our larvz, the boxes were reduced in depth to 23 feet. On the assumption that there would be, as intimated, 63 feet of water at low tide, ¢ space of 4 feet would intervene between the bottom of our shallow boxes and the mud beneath. At Wickford, R.I.—the original home of the plant—the depth of water below the boxes is 12. feet at low tide, excepting at one corner, where it is only 53 feet. At Long Beach it was hoped that a depth of 4 feet might suffice to test the scheme. Last- year at low tide there were only between 20 arfd 22 inches of water below our boxes; this year, after operating our plant for seventeen days, the boxes were resting in the mud, so great was the leakage. 1 : 4 Aoi Hf : . ie 1s ie tty “ ‘ | HM HH Fig. 2.—West side of cement. pound showing leakage of water. Over the ironrods at the upper left hand corner of the illustration can be seen the gearing of the rearing apparatus inside of the cement pound. At the extreme low water of August 7, two of the boxes were resting 5 inches in the mud. Measurements at eleven different points around our apparatus gave the se hes the LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 55 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a following depths of water, 21 inches, 22, 17, 20, 17, 19, 19, 28, 24, 26, 24, or an average of 21 inches, in which to float our apparatus. It can scarcely be expected that an apparatus, which requires at least 10 feet of water in which to operate, can be made to operate successfully in a depth of 21 inches. FIRST HATCHING. Our first hatching began July 12, and in two days we had about 40,000 larve in the four boxes. While only an odd diatom could be found on the fry during the first day, large numbers were visible by the fifteenth. As the diatoms increased, the fry became “fuzzy” to the naked eye. Both last year and this the effect of the diatoms was largely, if not solely, mechanical. Feeding was interfered with, the anima's became exhausted with the effort of swimming, sank to the bottom, and soon died. The remarkable thing about this mortality was that last year it was caused by the diatom Synedra investiens, whereas this year it was caused by Licmophoru Lyngbyev. Why the principal destructive organism should have been different in the two years is difficult to understand, unless it were due to the fact that in 1914 the sea-water reach- ing our boxes came through the sand, gravel, and mud of the sea-wall, whereas, in 1915 it came through an earthenware pipe from the open sea. As soon as it became apparent that this season’s fry were likely to share the same fate as those of last year, the contents of two of the boxes were transferred to St. - Mary’s bay, in order, if possible, to save their lives. Meanwhile the leakage steadily grew worse. On the 19th the average depth of water below the boxes was only 10 inches. As a result, good ventilation became impossible, because the water drawn in through the bottom windows gradually became muddy. It was resolved, therefore, not to use more than two boxes for rearing purposes for the remainder of the season. The other two were fitted up with shelters, or nests, for adult lobsters, so that more accurate observations could be made upon them than was possible in the compartments. of the pound. DETENTION DEVICES. [ It should, perhaps, be explained that we employed five different devices, or enclo- sures, for impounding adults. The smallest was the crate, about 3 feet by 2 feet by 2 feet, which floated on the water, and could be used for temporary purposes only. The second was our rearing boxes, 10 feet by 10 feet by 24 feet, with revolving paddles inside, so as to aerate the water, as described in the report of last year. The third was the compartment, 20 feet by 10 feet by the varying depth of the water at high and at low tide. The wooden slats of which it was constructed were only about 43 feet high. As can be seen from the illustration, there were six of these compartments within the cement pound. The fourth enclosure was the pound, and the fifth, the pond, but these two latter were so large that is was impossible to use them for observa- tion purposes. The compartments could be used for observation purposes only at low water. The real purpose of their construction was to serve as sub-divisions of the pound, in which lobsters could be kept for experimental and observational purposes. FAILURE. We had even worse luck this season than last. Of the 20,000 fry which we tried to rear in the two remaining boxes, beginning July 12, only twenty-one remained alive on the 30th of July, and they were all in the second stage of development. Not one had moulted a second time, and they had taken thirteen days before moulting even 38a—54 56 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 once. Of the 20,000 to 22,000 fry which we tried to rear at a second trial, beginning August 2, only 146 were alive on August 17, and these also were all in the second stage. In the August rearing the larve were shaded from the sunlight by heavy painted canvas screens lying close over the boxes; in July they were not. The effect of the shading appeared to be to reduce the first stage from thirteen days to nine days, and to lessen the number of diatoms; but the larve died just the same. It is, of course, true that the warmer water in August (about one degree) may have had more to do with the shortening of the first stage than the exclusion of light. Indeed, the influence of direct sunlight upon larve is still an open question. To be sure, the fry, when left to themselves, swim straight into the light, but it does not follow that because they do so, the result to themselves is necessarily beneficial. pay i Trt: Hae Fig. 3.—Showing the interior of the cement pound. The six latticed compartments are for retaining lobsters so that they can be studied at close range. Leaving out for the present the influence of light, it may well be asked: “What favourable conditions exist at Wickford, that enable the operators there to raise 40 per cent of their fry to the crawling or fourth stage, which do not exist at Long Beach pond?” And the answer is: first, too slight a depth of water under our rearing boxes, thus favouring the entrance of mud and diatoms from the bottom; secondly, the presence in the water of an unusual number of diatoms not generally found in open sea-water ;* thirdly, too low a temperature of water. While the temperature at Wickford varies during the rearing season from 68° to 75°, the mean average temper- ature at Long Beach this season was only 58-09° for July, and 58-9° for August. The two following tables give the daily temperatures at Long Beach for July and August, respectively :— * Professor McClement’s Report “ Diatoms and Lobster Rearing’’—Contributions to Cana- dian Biology, 1915-16. Supp. 6th Ann. Rep. Dept. Naval Service (Fisheries), Ottawa, 1917. LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a 57, TEMPERATURES and kind of weather at Long Beach Pond, during the month of July, 1915. Date. Wind. Temperature of Pound Water. Maximum. Temperature air Mean average temperature of water = 58°09°. ee Temp. in St. Mary’s Bay 56.5. Ce ee ne ee er outside. Mean. Minimum. DEED. “|| as not taken. SRO! I relat meter ree " BORO, © seen ce " HOES Il). ce eases 67°0 Di ior | | cee 56°5 DS. 0. =, |= ae ee ee 59°8 SOLO! "ws gaara 61°0 DS AO a lie ok pane not taken. 56°0 Bow OSIOr lA oa not taken. 58°4 56°0 " 60°2 57 63°0 Neate at aa 60 61-5 59°0 not taken. eae ee 59°0 60°5 57°0 ' tae 5y°0 59-2 56°5 54°8 A cree ee 59°0 55°& 58°0 58°0 he ee 55°0 58°0 53°0 54°0 Rye eee 59°0 57 °5 55°0 60 0 sae a ees 5b=5 58°5 5d°0 64°0 Be el ok 60°0 59-1 56°7 63°0 VIGIESE Cre eee eee 2A: 716°8 Weather. Foggy. Fair. Fair. Foggy. Foggy. Foggy and rainy. Foggy. Fair to rainy. Foggy. Raining. Cloudy. Fair. Fair. Fair. Foggy. Rainy and foggy. Foggy. Fair. Foggy. Foggy. Mean average temperature of air = 59°7°. 58 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 TEMPERATURE and kind of weather at Long Beach Pond during the month of August, 1915. Temperature of Pound Water. : Temperature air Date. Wind. a SSS Gutside, Weather. Maximum. Mean Minimum. ° ° 2 oO Nae Ua S. Faired 62°3 60°5 57°0 78°0 Foggy 10 A.M. - (i als enn los cher ae 573, » 2...|Calm and Cloudy 64°7 61°3 58°0 72°0 Foggy 6376 ot |e oe 59°0 u _3...{N. Sun shining. 61°0 58°5 55-0 54°8 Fair 64:00) Eheee: Beets ir 54°7 ne a4 S. 61°0 56°5 52°0 59°8 Fair HD NE. 61°0 58°1 55°0 588 Cloudy GUS Ra iayors 550 “ty eyildlee NE. 61°0 60°0 56°5 59°8 Fair. 66°0 Tato ee 56°5 aes S. 65°0 60°5 57°0 66°5 Fair. G3" Ga CD PRERae Vis 57 °5 Te agai tsNihs changed to 63°0 60°0 57°0 58°5 Foggy es Calm. 64°0 59°3 57°0 62-0 Foggy BOND tage Min eters aint 57°0 ceeLO nee SW. 60°0 580 57°5 65°0 Foggy BOO a) |) Tia Naweeeaterstes 56°0 oe abl NE 60°5 599 57°5 60°0 Fair Gales i hesctextamneme arate 57°0 u 12 SW 63°0 60°0 57°0 59°0 Fair v 13 Ss 61°5 58°7 56°0 61°0 Foggy n 14 Ss 5a°5 56°5 55°0 55°5 Fo DOO se cll era: peeselos iy 55°0 ae n 15 NE 59°5 580 56°5 64°0 Foggy GO SOD ie | ates as hystee 56°0 uo 16 SW 61°0 58°8 56°3 63°0 Foggy GOR ee Ha cree: sce aise 57°3 o 17 SW 60°0 57°7 55°5 62°0 Foggy Totals ino seen see aa eee LOO2 Bi CN cherishes 1059 °7 August Mean average temperature of water =58°9° Mean average temperature of air=62°3° July Mean average temperature of water=58°09° Mean average temperature of air=59°7°. On this subject the Rhode Island Commission remarks :— The temperature of the water is of paramount importance in order to obtain the best results. Although it is possible to rear lobsters with some success in cold water, the best results will be obtained with water at a temperature of 65° to 75° F. This higher temperature results in a more rapid development of the lobsters. This more rapid development results, first, in a reduction of the expenses of operating the plant, because of the less time required, and, second, in a greater proportion of fry reared to the fourth stage, because in the shorter time there is less chance for death from cannibalism, parasites and injury. Prof. A. B. Macallum has suggested that, in order to overcome the handicap of cold water, we should use sea-water that has been heated to 68° or 70°. This appears to be a good suggestion, unless its adoption would increase to too great an extent the cost of operating our plant. At a moderate calculation, about 2 cubic feet of water per minute enters, and, of course, leaves each rearing box. To heat this quantity of LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 59 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a water from 58°, which is our average temperature, up to 70° will require the com- bustion of about 250 pounds of coal per day of twenty-four hours. As the enlarged Wickford plant is composed of fifty-two boxes, the total consump- tion of coal for the rearing season of two months would amount to about 300 tons. Accordingly, to the regular expense of running a Wickford plant of fifty-two boxes, namely, wages of five men, gasoline, oil, food for the larve, wear and tear, there would have to be added in Canada the wages of an extra engineer and fireman, besides the cost of the 800 tons of coal. WINTERING IN THE POUND. Next to the leakage of water, the feature which attracted most attention at Long Beach during the early season of 1915 was the pitiable condition of the lobsters which had wintered in the pound. They were simply covered with growths of green, brown, and orange coloured alge. The green measured from 1 to 3 inches in length, the brown from several inches to three feet, and the orange-coloured ones about one-quarter to one-half inch. These latter grew not alone on the body. but over the eyes, and rendered them blind, at least for the time being. Their gills varied in colour from grey to almost black, strongly suggesting that the function of these organs was impaired by a coating of the black mud in which they were compelled to live during the year. The animals which had passed the winter in the pond were distinctly better. They were not so much infested with algex, but the effects of their confinement became very apparent when they were compared with the commercial lobsters which were placed in the pond between May 10 and June 15. In the former the natural colours of the body were completely hidden by the grey mud and copious growth of weeds which they carried, whereas the latter showed the bright colours characteristic of the normal lobster. Moreover, the commercial ones were free from algal growths, and their gills exhibited the well-known flesh colour. The difference between pond and pound lobsters, on the one hand, and commercial lobsters, on the other, was comparable to the difference between the dirt and rags of a tramp and the cleanliness and dress of a gentleman. CONFINEMENT. The fundamental conditions for a healthy life are very much the same for lobsters as for other animals. They must have plenty of food, well-ventilated water, adequate exercise alternated with rest, and diffused sunlight. How many of these conditions can be said to be freely supplied to a lobster that passes all of its time in a crate, car, box, compartment of the pound, or even in the pound itself? One has but to think of the ill effects of confinement upon wild animals, or even upon domes- ticated animals, to realize how harmful it is. Human beings, whose occupation con- fines them much in factories, shops, or offices, and those who are confined in jails, asylums, or detention camps—all suffer more or less from their confinement. Is not the spread of tuberculosis among cattle largely due to their confinement in ill-ventilated stables? Do not zoological gardens also show instances of deterioration in health, due to the violation of the fundamental laws of biology? Lobsters can be no exception to the rule. When kept in confinement we cannot expect to find them in the same condition of health and vitality as when they live in the open sea. No wild animal] flourishes so well in confinement as in the open. Liberty of movement is essential to health. It matters not whether lobsters are retained in small or large enclosures, or, for that matter, in the whole pond, the ill-effects upon the lobsters soon become apparent. In the case of the smaller crates and cars, the animals soon die. Jn the 60 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 larger compartments of the pound, or pond, the ill-effects may not become apparent for several months, but slowly and surely the lobsters’ health and vitality are under- mined and they finally succumb to the adverse conditions. No doubt, by a long course of breeding and artificial selection, it might be pos- sible, in the case of the lobster, just as in the case of our domesticated animals, to breed a stock that would be less sensitive to the ill-effects of confinement, but, until we have bred such a strain, the nearer we can make the conditions of confinement approximate to the conditions in which the animal lives in the sea, the lower will be the mortality. MUDDY BOTTOM. Next to the copious growth of weeds, blinding and encumbering the lobsters which had wintered at Long Beach, perhaps the next most unfavourable condition was the mud. There is, of course, mud and mud. Every lobster fisherman knows perfectly well that during winter and early spring the largest catches are made off shore, on muddy or sandy bottom. In late spring or early summer the fishermen move their traps towards the shore, and find the best fishing on rocky bottom along the side of kelp or other kinds of sea-weed. But, while the lobster finds a congenial home on a soft sea-bottom, it does not follow that the animal, when compelled to pass the winter in Long Beach pound, necessarily finds the mud therein equally congenial. The mud of the pound has a disgusting odour, largely due to the gas, sulphuretted hydrogen. Every one who is familiar with this gas knows its characteristic odour, and the characteristic odour could be obtained anywhere in the central area of the pound hy simply driving a wand down into the mud. For example, at low water on the morning of August 8 a spruce wand six-sixteenths by seven-sixteenths was pushed 54 feet into the mud by the mere pressure of the hand. This was at the north end of our engine house. At the south end, 3 feet were found. At the south end of our hatching boxes, 5 feet. At all points, on withdrawing the wand, the characteristic odour of sulphuretted hydrogen was experienced, and the adherent mud had all the appearance of a sulphide precipitate. That the gas was really sulphuretted hydrogen became evident in another way. The gas-ladened mud blackened any board, oar, or boat that was painted with white lead, and which remained in contact with the mud for a few hours. Moreover, it precipitated soluble salts of silver, copper, iron, etc., and there is no doubt that the surface of the gill filaments were darkened and their function partially destroyed by sulphides or other particles of mud. In this way it is easy to understand how the gills of lobsters in the pound gradually turned, first, to a grey colour, and finally became almost black. Dr. McGill, chief analyst of the Inland Revenue laboratory, Ottawa, made an examination of the mud, the super-natant sea-water, and the gills of an adult lobster which had died in the pound. He reports as follows: “The mud is chiefly silica, with a considerable amount of inter-mixed sulphide of iron. The gills of the lobster con- tained iron and phosphates, with a possible trace of sulphur.” Dean Goodwin, D.Se. of the Kingston School of Mining, reports a similar finding to that of Dr. McGill. MORTALITY. The severe conditions under which the animals passed the winter seem to have affected their general health and caused a rather high death-rate. Of course, it is quite impossible to estimate the death-rate among lobsters in their natural habitat. In the sea, allowance must be made for those that die of hunger, or are killed by enemies. In the pond and pound the adults have no enemies, and, consequently, should show a low rate of mortality, otherwise there would be no reason for placing them in sanctuaries. We can only form an idea of the rate of mortality in sanctuaries ° LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 61 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a by keeping track of those which die from year to year, and ascertaining, if possible, the cause of death. For example, of 167 lobsters left in the pond and pound last season (1914) only 134 could be found this season, thus showing a loss of 33. Of the 312 placed in the pond and pound this season (1915) all have been accounted for, the loss by death being a total of thirty-eight. But, just as thirty-three in the one case does not represent the true loss by death (because some of last year’s lobsters may yet be recovered from the pond), so thirty-eight does not show the true mortality this year, that is, the mortality due to the ill-effects of detention in the pound or pond. The loss this year must be reduccd to twenty, because eight of the thirty-eight were poisoned by the accidental use of red paint on the paddles in one of our hatching boxes, and ten others died in the course of transportation to the pound. The real loss, therefore, this year is only 6 per cent of the total, whereas, the loss on last year’s numbers (if no more can be found in the pond) was nearly 20 per cent. The greatly decreased mortality this season is, undoubtedly, due to the great care exercised by the department in collecting, feeding, and distributing them, and the shorter deten- tion period in the pond and pound. No one, who appreciates the facts, will advocate the retention of lobsters in either pond or pound for more than a few months at a time. EGG-LAYING. Egg laying at Long Beach this season had two peculiarities. The first was that about half the females extruded only a few hundred eggs in place of many thousands, and the second was that the eggs on probably 80 per cent of the mothers were unferti- lized. In explanation of the former fact (noticed last year also) we at first assumed that the mothers had been interrupted in the act of egg-laying by being dipped up in the net. Subsequent facts, however, showed that this was not the case, because, when such lobsters were confined in crates or cars for a few weeks, the number of eggs was never increased. Secondly, when (as happened on a few occasions) such a lobster died, post mortem examination showed that the beast had extruded all the ripe eggs in her ovaries, excepting perhaps half a dozen or so. This great reduction from the full complement of eggs had to be explained on some other grounds. As this peculiarity in egg-laying was limited, so far as the writer can remember, to females which had spent the winter in the pond or pound, the reduction in the number of eggs would seem to be due to the unfavourable conditions under which the animals had lived through- out the winter—crowding in a small compartment, lack of adequate food, excessive growth of alge upon them, and the uncongenial mud of the bottom. In illustration of this subject, the following facts may be quoted. In one compartment of the pound were fifty females which had hatched their eggs in the summer of 1914 and been retained in the pound all winter. Whether they had extruded eggs last autumn and lost them during the winter or early spring is not known, but, at any rate, they were all found without eggs on April 8, 1915. On July 19 an examination of the 50 resulted, as follows :— 22 had no eggs on them. 21 had new eggs on them, but none with the full complement. Within a week 4 of these 21 had lost the few eggs which they had. 1 only had a full complement of eggs. 2 had died. 1 male only was present throughout the winter with these females. 3 were unaccounted for. ; It is probable that few if any of the eggs carried by these twenty-one females were fertilized, because there was only one male present in the enclosure to mate with the fifty females. It happened, unfortunately, at the time of this examination that the rearing apparatus absorbed all my attention, and, consequently, no examina- tion of the eggs was made to see whether they were fertilized or not. Nor must it be supposed that the loss of eggs by four of these females out of the twenty-one was the only instance of the kind which came under our notice this season. On another 62 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 occasion a female, which was known to carry a few eggs, was later found to be without any. In a third instance two females, both with eggs, were placed in a crate and a few days afterwards one of them was found to have lost her eggs. Here, then, we have records of three different occasions on which lobsters lost their eggs a short time after extruding them. If unfertilized eggs “go bad” and drop off within a few weeks or even months after extrusion, it is easy to understand how our fishermen find not more than an average of 20 per cent (according to one member of the Shell Fish Commission of 1912-13) of the females carrying eggs. It may be, too, that mothers, when pressed by hunger, eat their eggs, whether fertilized or not fertilized. I have myself watched a female tearing off unfertilized eggs from her swimmerets, passing them forward and transferring them to her mouth with her maxillipedes. On examining her abdomen, the egg clusters could be seen ragged and torn on each side and partly removed. It could not be said in this instance that the eating of her eggs was the result of hunger, because all the lobsters in the pound this summer were well cared for and regularly fed. The fourth instance of the loss of eggs was the most remarkable of all. In this case none of the eggs adhered to the abdomen. The first intimation we had that eggs were being laid was seeing them floating around in the current on the floor of one of our rearing boxes. These were all soft and jelly-like, and undoubtedly, diseased and unfertilized. Fig. 4.—Mother lobsters carrying newly extruded eggs. These are attached to the paired swimming feet on the under surface of the abdomen. When carrying eggs, the mothers always bend the latter part of the abdomen and tail under the body so that the eggs are as well protected as if carried in a covered cup. In the illustration the abdomen is extended so as to expose the eggs to view. LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 63 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a MOULTING. We had opportunities of witnessing several successful moults and also several failures to moult, followed by death. The act is too well known to require description. In healthful surroundings and under the stimulus of adequate. food, the act cannot be a critical one for a vigorous animal, but, if conditions are not favourable, as in the pound, then the act may well be fraught with danger. There can be but little food in winter, especially, within the limited area of the compartments, and considering the leakage, the supply of fresh sea-water at low tide must also have been scanty. The slimy mud that covered their gills was an ever-present menace, so that the animals were weakened by their long confinement, and some of them, therefore, unfit to store materials in the body for the manufacture of the new shell or the excretion of waste material from the body. What more likely thing could happen than that some of them would succeed in moulting, while others would fail and die? BLIND LOBSTERS, On noticing the blind lobsters, the first question that occurred to me was to ask whether the sight would be restored after moulting. The question was generally answered in the affirmative, but not always. In the case of a female which had spent a year at least, and possibly more, in the pond, it was found that she was still blind. The algal growths had penetrated too deeply into the substance of the eye and had destroyed the underlying tissue. In one other case, the sight was impaired, but not lost; but, generally speaking, the process of moulting restored the sight. NUMBERS OF EGG-BEARING FEMALES. It is greatly to be regretted that statistics in regard to the relative numbers of egg-bearing lobsters are not available. The following table from Herrick’s book is valuable so far as it goes. Facts of a like kind are given by Vinal Edwards for No Man’s Land. Similar facts do not appear to be available in Canada, so far as the writer knows. Recorp of the Total Catch of Lobsters at Woodshole, Mass., from December 1, 1893, to June 30, 1894, showing the number and size of egg-bearing females. Rogeiee! Females No. oO. . No. No. . Length. with | Totals. Length. with | Totals. Males. | Females eges. Males. | Females eggs. in. in 6 3 CW al Aes ee 2 7 103 0 1 it 1 64 Meg lieecrskey eats vase ae i 104 62 71 17 133 65 3 4 7 103 ii 103 28 182 62 5 (En eee 5 102 Thee) A ee 7 45 47 1 93 103 18 18 2 36 73 ee 0 ay eters 1 ib 31 62 20 93 14 10 Lge | eee 14 11} 10 11a Wr Seer : 21 73 66 © (Re ee te 113 114 11 30 + 41 7? 20 MN ete ee 29 11z 2 DAS) gerne 4 8 168 140 2 308 12 9 14 3 23 eA MTs hand wih F aD hnsnesta ee 1 124 We P| cis a oe 1 84 d4 Pat ia ass xacetiete 73 123 4 O(a 11 83 143 115 7 258 1b Rn eee 1 1 1 8? 26 27 uf 53 13 4 4 8 9 170 166 13 336 133 ] Wasa lise eS ae 1 Ch Ry | es er ae 1 1 j 14 Fpl hg a 1 oF 32 38 4 70 144 1 Dil Gene cores i 93 148 169 24 317 PD Al, a tenor Seca: 4 3 3 9: 27 29 3 56 10 167 184 3h 351 Totals... 1,313 | 1,344 168 | 2,657 Percentage of females which carry eggs, 12. Percentage of females with eggs at No Man’s Land, 63°7, but that was over twenty years ago, when lobsters were more abundant than now. 64 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 These figures indicate that a much higher percentage of females are berried along the Massachusets coast than in St. Mary’s bay or the Bay of Fundy. Inquiries made among the lobster fishermen, both last summer and this, go to show that out of every 1,000 to 2,000 adults, only from two to three are found to carry eggs. Is it not time that other statistics besides measurements of length should be collected and published in our annual reports? In collecting statistics, the important points are: (a) the relative numbers of males and females caught during a season; (b) the percentage of females that carry mature, or ripe, eggs during the open season; (c) the percentage of females which extrude new eggs during July, August, and September; (d) and especially, the pro- portion of these eggs which are fertilized and unfertilized. With such statistics before us for a few years we should soon know whether we are making good the wastage of lobsters or not. At present we do not know. In a vague way we conclude that, because millions of newly hatched fry are being planted annually in the sea, therefore, we must necessarily be increasing our lobster supply, or, at least, keeping the supply up to the numbers annually trapped by the fishermen. The fallacy of this reasoning is clearly realized by the Shell Fish Commission (1912- 13) page 27: “ The annual returns, though showing a very large increase in the money value, are really misleading, because, while the supply of lobsters is declining, the price has so materially advanced that the total value is greater to-day than at any previous period.” The results of all our hatching and all our egg-planting, therefore, has not sufficed to replenish our depleted waters: that they have increased the numbers is pure guess work. The same criticism precisely may fairly be made about rearing the fry. We are working away in the dark, increasing the chances of survival, no doubt, but with- out demonstrable proof of any increase in the numbers of animals which grow to maturity. Can we not be a little more accurate in our methods? Let us first of all collect for a few years the statistics for which I am pleading. With these as a basis for com- parison, let us erect, say, fifty enclosures, 20 feet by 20 feet, at a cost not exceeding $200 each, or $10,000 in all. Impound in these during July and August, twenty-five males and twenty-five females—all carefully chosen and fully mature, and I am con- fident that we shall get a very large increase in the number of eggs. And after all, the greatest aid in preventing the extinction of the lobster will be to increase the egg bearers. Mother ocean will feed the fry, if we protect the egg producers. But, if we continue to hatch, as has been done in the past, we never know what increase results from our efforts, but we do know that frequently we are feeding fish. Much desirable information can probably be obtained by circularizing canners and fishermen and explaining clearly to them the objects which the department has in view. Tn fact, Mr. W. S. Trask, a canner at Little River gladly gave me such informa- tion as he had at his disposal. From May 10 to June 15 he bought 7,151 adult lobsters from fishermen. He did not take the time (nor did the fishermen) to distinguish males from females, but he was confident from some observations which he had made a few years before, that there were generally more females than males. Out of the 7,151 adults which he had purchased, only thirty-five carried eggs, that is, 1 per cent, on the assumption that the sexes are equal in numbers. How can the lobster industry be kept up, if only one mother out of every 100 bears ripe eggs? Probably few females are ever sterile. When eggs are not fertilized, one cause will probably be the lack of facilities for mating. This, at least, was apparently the Notre.—Mention should be made of the information collected by Mr. Halkett at Baker’s Pond, C.B.. showing the relative percentage of males and females there to be about 46 males to 54 females per hundred. LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 65 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a cause this year at Long Beach. Up to to August 2, forty-three females had extruded eggs, and careful examination of twenty-eight of these showed that only five carried fertilized eggs. The reason of this seems clear enough. With the fifty females which wintered in the pound, there was, as already stated, only one male. Whether this one male could fertilize the eggs of forty-nine females is certainly open to question. It is true that the department placed thirty males and thirty females (commer- cial) in the pond or pound for experimental purposes this season, but, unfortunately, eight of the males were poisoned, several of them were undersized, and six others died from causes unknown. It will thus be seen that, if we take into account the relatively small proportion of males to females, and the unfavourable conditions in which both sexes were confined in the pound—lI refer to the mud, not to feeding, which was care- fully done,—it is not much wonder that many of the extruded eggs remained unfertil- ized, then softened and dropped off. ANNUAL SPAWNING. It was intimated in my report for 1914 that some females which had extruded eggs in August of that year were to be retained in the pound all winter, and might throw some light upon the subject of annual spawning. Of forty-seven females placed in the pound in midsummer, 1914, thirty had extruded eggs by the end of September. There were confined with these females, fifteen maies. Leaving out of consideration ten females which were under 10 inches in length, the proportion of full-grown males to females was 15 to 37, or nearly 1 male to 2 females. The result was that on the 8th of April, 1915, when these thirty females were again examined, all bore fertilized eggs. In other words, 64 per cent of the females placed in the pound last June carried fertil- ized eggs to June of this year. As a matter of fact, most of the eggs were “laid” in August, but the important point is the large number of berried females which resulted from the experiment. These animals were not examined again until July 7, 1915, when the following results were found :— 12 had no eggs on them, being probably hatched off in the interval between April 8 and July 7. 12 were in the act of hatching their eggs. 2 had newly extruded eggs upon them. 1 was dead. 1 was lost off the dip net in removing it from the compartment. 2 could not at that date be accounted for, probably hidden in the mud. 30 The twelve which had old eggs upon them on April 8, but were without eggs on July 7, were placed in a compartment by themselves and re-examined again on July 29, when seven of them were found to be carrying newly extruded eggs. These seven females with the two which bore new eggs on July 7 make a total of nine, which had carried eggs in 1914, and again extruded eggs in 1915. The remain- ing Five of the twelve escaped from the enclosure in which they were confined, and, as a consequence, it became impossible to identify them from others in the pound, but so far as these nine lobsters are concerned, annual spawning is an undoubted fact. One female, at least, of these seven, bore “bad” eggs, and one other, though the eggs appeared normal and of the usual number, nevertheless, carried unfertilized eggs, as shown by microscope examination. MORE FERTILIZED EGGS. The problem of problems in the lobster industry is not how to rear fry to the crawling stage, but how to increase the number of females which carry fertilized eggs. 66 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 The artificial hatching of lobster eggs may be important, though many doubt it; the artificial rearing of lobster fry to the fourth or fifth stage may be important, though this remains to be proved, at any rate in Canadian waters; but the biggest of all lobster problems is how to increase the number of fertilized eggs. Unfertilized eggs are probably produced in vast numbers, if biennial spawning is the rule; in vaster numbers still, if annual spawning is the rule. Reverting again to the 7,151 adults bought by Mr. W. S. Trask this season, among which he found only thirty-five berried females, and to Mr. J. W. Tidd’s catch of 3,000 lobsters in 1913, among which he found only three berried females, we are faced with the problem of explaining how it happens that there were not about 3,500 berried females among Mr. Trask’s purchases, if lobsters spawn annually, or 1,750 if lobsters spawn biennially, similarly with Mr. Tidd’s catch, and with the catch of every lobster fisherman in the Maritime Provinces. We have no knowledge of the extent to which the sexes mingle with each other in the sea. Conclusions based upon the tagging of lobsters and their subsequent liberation and capture may be misleading. Tagging does seem to indicate, however, that they are strongly local in their habits, and, if so, they may meet each other only at intervals and solely by accident. How different conditions are to-day for mating, compared with what they were in early colonial days when lobsters were so abundant along the Atlantic coast that after every storm they were found lying along the shore in windrows! i If the facilities for mating are lacking, this may be the reason why so few females carry fertilized eggs. If there is no mating, the mothers will extrude their eggs annually or biennially, as the case may be, but the eggs, being unfertilized, will “oo bad” and subsequently drop off. It must not be supposed, therefore, that the eggs found in June, July, August, and September on berried females are necessarily “good eggs.” For breeding pur- poses they may be as useless as those of a pullet with which no cockerel has cohabited. As illustrating the truth of this statement, it is only necessary to point out that of twenty-eight females which extruded eggs in Long Beach pond this season, only five were found to carry fertilized eggs. These results are quite different from those of last year, but the conditions were different in the two years. In 1914 the mating lobsters were placed in a compartment specially located near the entrance of fresh sea- water from the intake pipe, and by the end of the season, as already stated, 64 per cent of the females carried fertilized eggs, as compared with 1 per cent reported by fisher- men. In the case of the mating lobsters of this year, 1915, some of them, were placed at first in the pond and others of them in the pound. Subsequently they were trans- ferred to two of our rearing boxes, and later again to the third compartment of the pound. Considering, too, that there were only 26 males to 109 females and that the transfer from one enclosure to another was unnatural; considering also the unfavour- able conditions under which they lived in the pound, one can readily understand that copulation took place less frequently than under the more natural conditions of 1914. But after making every allowance for the conditions which militated against the extrusion and fertilization of eggs, we find that 44 out of 109 females extruded eggs in the summer of 1915, or over 40 per cent. When it is remembered that the Shell Fish Commission estimated from their inquir- ies that the percentage of berried females ranged from 2 per cent to 40 per cent,* and that this latter percentage existed only where fishing is permitted in June and July, as in Northumberland strait, and when it is considered also that in these months some lobsters are carrying old eggs and others are carrying new ones, it will readily be seen that the 40 per cent does not represent the true proportion of newly extruded eggs at all. Let us find out, if possible, the correct proportion of hen-lobsters which carry new eggs, or of those which carry mature eggs, but not a combination of the two. * These figures were obtained not from the Commission but Py, correspondence with only one member of the Commission. LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 67 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a MATING GROUNDS. So few facts are known in regard to the mating of lobsters that special attention should be given to this subject next year. While the pound has proved to be useless this season as a suitable place in which to rear fry or retain adults, the southwest end of the pond, as stated in last year’s report, could be made very useful, both as a sanct- uary for beried females and as a mating ground for commercial lobsters. If the com- partments at present in the pound were removed to the southwest end of the pond, and the cost of doing this need not exceed $200, there would then be ample space for both sanctuary and mating ground and better conditions than prevailed this past summer. It cannot be stated too often that the great problem is how to increase the number of fertilized eggs. The hatchery cannot add a single fry to those which the mother will hatch out. On the contrary, the hatchery often starts them upon their ocean life, infected with diatoms, as shown by Professor Gorham. The rearing plant guards and feeds the fry for a brief three or four weeks, and then liberates them to take their chances in wind and tide and among a multiplicity of voracious enemies. In contrast with the uncertainty of hatching and rearing fry, an increase in the number of females earrying fertilized eggs would mean an incalculable increase in the number of fry, and consequently, a better chance of survival until they become adults. Fig. 5.—T wo lobsters resting in their shelters. To realize how greatly the number of berried lobsters may be increased, as they were actually increased in the pound in 1914 from 1 per cent to 64 per cent, we have only to consider how rapidly a farmer could increase his poultry if he bred from sixty-four hens out of a hundred, instead of from one hen. He might use a hatching apparatus (as we do for lobsters) and a rearing apparatus also, if there is such a thing for chickens, but the increase in his poultry would be slow indeed, compared with what it would be if he bred from sixty-four mothers in place of from one. If we could come anything near increasing our berried lobsters from 1 per cent to 64 per cent, we might burn down our lobster hatcheries and never notice the loss, so far as the Jobster indus- try is concerned. 68 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Of course, there may be other causes at work, besides lack of facilities for mating, to account for the small number of berried females. If so, these causes must be studied and, if possible, removed. But, at any rate, no one can be blind enough to overlook the significance of the mating experiments of last year and this. THE EVERYDAY LIFE OF THE LOBSTER. While our lobster-rearing’ experiments at Long Beach pond, both last year and this, resulted in failure, it cannot be said that the two seasons’ work was entirely barren of results. Apart from the observations which have been made on mating, and which, it is hoped, may prove even more useful to the lobster industry than any success which might have been achieved in lobster rearing, we have been able to make some contribu- tions to our knowledge of the every day life of the lobster. Very early in our operations of this year it was decided to use but two rearing boxes, instead of four. The other two were fitted up with shelters, or nests, for the study of adults. Obeservations were made every day from July 20 to August 6, when the animals had to be removed. The excesive leakage from the pound left our boxes resting in the mud, and contributed not a little to bring about the death of several adults, through the lack of properly aerated water. POSTURES. When performing certain functions, for example, cleaning themselves, egg-laying, fighting, etc., the adults took up certain appropriate postures. One of these, which may be spoken of as the cleaning posture, was first observed among lobsters which had wintered in either pond or pound. Within a week after these animals had been placed = Fig. 6.—This illustration is from a lobster cast which has been shaped to resemble the posture of a mother lobster when hatching her eggs. The swim- merets are visible under the abdomen and these are moved gently backwards and forwards in the water so as to assist in liberating the young from the “‘shell”. This same posture is taken when the animal is cleaning itself. in the rearing box, their appearance had changed very much for the better. No lady in the land could spend more time on her toilet than these lobsters did in cleaning themselves. They did not, of course, wash, massage, paint or powder their faces, nor did they curl their hair, but they did spend days and days in attempts to free themselves from the excessive growth of alge, which covered almost every part of their body. LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 69 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a At first they ate voraciously; later on, much more moderately. Their only toilet instruments were the opposable thumb and finger (pincers) of their walking legs. Every part of their body which could be reached by those appendages was carefully gone over. It was no uncommon thing to see a lobster raise the first pair of walking legs over the great claws and use them in cleaning the rostrum and antennules. The antenne (feelers) would be grasped by the pincers and drawn through between the thumb and finger, thus stripping off alge and dirt, in much the same way as a person might strip off the excess of dirt from a string by drawing it through between his thumb and finger. When thus cleaning themselves, the animals rest almost entirely upon the tips of their great claws and the telson which is bent at right angles to the long axis of the body. The middle region is arched slightly upward, and the walking legs are thus left almost completely free for cleaning movements. THE HATCHING POSTURE. This posture has often been described and does not differ from the cleaning one, excepting that the animal rests on its walking legs as well as on its great claws and telson. The movements are limited to a gentle swaying backwards and forwards of the swimming feet, evidently for the purpose of assisting the fry to liberate themselves from the egg capsule (shell). EGG-LAYING POSTURE, The egg-laying posture, as we saw it, was different from that described by Anderton. The general position is that of a more or less erect frog. The abdomen is bent com- pletely under the body, and the broad tail is well spread out on each side, so as to form an almost perfect cup. The anterior part of the body is inclined at an angle of nearly Fig. 7.—The egg-laying posture. 45°, on account of the animal resting on the tips of the great claws. The posture is such as to allow the eggs, as soon as they leave the orifice of the oviduct, to fall by gravity over the receptaculum seminis and drop easily and naturally into the abdominal cup already described. After the eggs have filled the cup, the female turns upon her back for 15 or 20 minutes and remains almost motionless, the walking legs alone swaying backwards and forwards at intervals of a minute or two. During this quiet period the egg glue is apparently hardening so as to fix the eggs to each other and to the hairs of the swimmerets. 38a—6 70 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 That the egg glue requires time to harden in the water was demonstrated by the fact that one female, which was lying on her back after egg-laying, was dipped up tvo soon from the box and righted in position. As a result, nearly all her eggs dropped off on the board on which the observer was standing. THE RESTING POSTURE. This is the posture which an animal naturally adopts when left to itself in a erate, box, or other enclosure, and usually after being fed. If there are many animals Fig. 8.—The resting posture. From a photograph of an animal under water. together, they will often take up this posture in one corner and lie one on top of the other. It is their usual posture in shelters. FIGHTING POSTURE. There is nothing new to desgribe about this posture. Most people who have watched lobsters when removed from the water have seen them elevate their great claws, open their scythe-like jaws, and otherwise adopt a threatening or defensive attitude. It is the regular pose of female lobsters, in defence of their eggs, and of the male lobsters towards each other. Time after time have we seen two males pass females without adopting any belligerent attitude, but as soon as they approached each other “squared off” for a fight. Though the males are generally restless, the larger ones chasing the smaller from place to place, we never actually saw one injure the other. BIENNIAL SPAWNING. It remains to say a few words on the subject of biennial spawning. The fact that nine lobsters spawned in 1914, and again in 1915, is beyond all question. It is also equally beyond question that out of 50 lobsters which hatched their eggs in July, 1914, and moulted in the autumn of 1914 (according to the testimony of the care- taker of the pond) twenty-two did not spawn this summer at all. If lobsters spawn biennially, then these females should have extruded new ezgs in July and Angust of 1915, but they did not. LOBSTER INVESTIGATIONS 71 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a From the evidence which we have collected thus far at Long Beach, it is quit: clear that some lobsters spawn annually, some biennially, and some do not spawn even biennially. Of course, it is only fair to point out again that the conditions in both pond and pound are unnatural, and, therefore, we need not be surprised when we meet with departures from the normal habits of the animal, whether the habit be annual or biennial spawning. A REVIEW. In looking over the operations of the pound for the past two years, let it be frankly acknowledged at the outset that the main purpose for which it was built has not been realized. Can it be fairly said, then, that the money spent in the purchase of the pond and the construction of the pound has been wasted? I think not. In addition to being a sanctuary for berried females, the pound has brought about the discovery that the numbers of lobsters may be increased by bringing the sexes together. This, of course, was not the primary object for which the pound was built. So far as can be judged from public reports and from the Board’s corres- pondence with the Fisheries Branch, the discovery was made by accident. Sixty- two commercial lobsters were sent to the pound in 1914 for the purpose of observing whether lobsters spawn annually or biennially. Long before a conclusion could be reached on the subject, it was discovered that 64 per cent. of the forty-seven females in the pound had extruded fertilized eggs—a most astonishing fact, when every fisherman in Digby County knows that only about one female in every hundred earries eggs. This opinion of the fishermen is corroborated by Mr. Andrew Halkett. In his report upon the Baker Lobster pound, Cape Breton, 1909-10, page 16, he mentions a trip which he took with Rafuse & Son, fishermen, to seventy-five traps, ce ontaining altogether fifty-six males and sixty females. Only one of the females was Lerried. Why this great difference in egg-bearing between open-sea lobsters and those in Long Beach pound? One obvious explanation is that it is due to the close inter- course between male and female lobsters in a compartment 20 feet long by 10 feet wide. ‘The fact that 40 per cent. of the females at Long Beach this summer (1915) extruded eggs under most unfavourable conditions appears to corroborate the discovery. At any rate, the results of the two years’ observations, in my judgement, amply justify the department in building a few more enclosures at different points along the maritime coast in order to test still further the extent to which egg-bearing may be artificially promoted. Surely the expenditure of money on industrial and economic problems is one of the functions of Government. If it is not, then much of the expenditure on Experi- mental Agricultural Stations and on investigations into our peat and other mineral resources is unjustifiable. Far, however, from the money hitherto spent upon such scientific investigations being wasted, it is money well spent. Similarly, I trust it will be realized in a few years that the money spent upon Long Beach pond will have been amply justified either by the direct or indirect scientific results that have teen achieved. 38a—64 i =! ‘ a) Ss M9 rai aay” “a | OA At 2 e ar a ? y ie | re y) a > ei S i r zt i i ‘Te 4 vi a4 gS ASR Aa Ve AEC ure ne eee Cent Hues lea Wire ora Pies i esr ar Pi Lakes 978) inde Rey mae ety fy al 11 Ra a | ae “a Saat: ee sara Say Tagan iis i oe ighek il Fit is ‘a ry Ba) hays eS ee ’ if ar 5 Aen a4 Semaaeery) f A\\ sur, | o] ee PA! oti La try ' i. i" j gaa LY eae Rt LOR a ui oo oh “eae ’ yea | y yea) Hy ant i‘ ae i meee ie A ents rl tie tis <3 oe | a 2, = eA BetakA? a) paltadl ve Hy a ad ee ae ; Aes 4c id itt =F h itt yr wap frien 5 yh tag ia ‘ } ‘ a ite ile cal ve! ry 4) Wer 7M ee oe ne Nery ne Te) an) | i Ay my .i' ay! ve ie dit ; tig (aval me f MM iis RAR EN si Ohi ey biti Dts i Gar Ul Wipe TA As hier ead APNE x Pa. ae ng eh 4 rye A) MeN wi irene. 7G cael fe has IPE rare TESA OT RC Ae os 2 my ak) wf Cee Ml ar | clan al aa F RT Fa wr ¥ ern yh oy oe UBIO ns cee netabge 0) Ty Ue Wier oy, 4 PtUAD ys aty Oe aah aie snt4) jak [OS Ta Eee) eee 168 a ia ‘ Beal bed 21, sic iay init WE; nigh" 4 ee hs ly rai MaDh, 2) PL a, de PALO) Et Aes py wii wi iy tf bettie (deg aborts oe rae t aA 7) hasty Oe: ae ied) sae (rlse | \ a] t ra m a { - ¥ a i) y oe q ee | " tl [ ¢ , 7" “ : : ; f Pe oar , : bee > J : ’ phy tied y , 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 It THE PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS OF ONTARIO. By Joun D. Detwetter, M.A., St. Andrew’s College, Toronto. (With one figure in the text). INTRODUCTION. As a part of the pearly fresh-water mussel investigation, conducted by the Bio- logical Board of Canada, a number of localities, from which promising reports had come in, were visited in August, 1916. The investigation had a twofold object: first, to determine the abundance, species and commercial value of the mussels; and, second, to ascertain whether it would be advisable to introduce artificial propagation in any Canadian waters. In order to facilitate the work, the Board decided to send the author to the Fair- port Biological Station at Fairport, Lowa, so that he might thoroughly acquaint him- self with the problem in hand. THE UNITED STATES FISHERIES BIOLOGICAL STATION, FAIRPORT, IOWA. This station was established in 1908, and is the centre of mussel propagation and of the investigation of problems relating thereto. In the practical propagation of mussels the station serves as headquarters for field operations conducted throughout the Mississippi basin, including the Mississippi river and its tributaries. There may be in the field at one time from two to six field parties operating near the station or at a distance of several hundred miles. For full account see United States Bureau of Fisheries, Document 829, by Dr. Coker. METHODS AND TECHNIQUE OF ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION. The methods of propagation are based upon the peculiar character of the normal course of development of the fresh-water mussels. The young mussels, with rare excep- tions, when first liberated from the mother clam must become parasitic upon a fish in order to pass through the next stage of their development. To this end these young mussels—glochidia, as they are called at this stage—attach themselves to the fins or gills of a fish, if the opportunity presents itself. They already have two shells which under proper stimulus work like a small trap, and a very slight wound seems to be produced which after attachment begins at once to heal over. In this way the glochidia become more or less safely encysted and now virtually live the life of para- sites, subsisting on the juices of the fish. In the course of two weeks, more or less, having completed their metamorphosis, they break away from their host, drop to the bottom and begin an independent existence. Tf not over-infected, the fish seem to suffer no injurious effects. Naturally, the limit of successful infection depends on the size and nature of the fish. .Careful investigation of natural and artificial infection has shown that a moderate-sized fish may carry successfully from 1,000 to 2,000 glochidia. Mussels do not attach themselves indiscriminately, but for each species of mussel there is a limited number of species of fish that may serve as host. In some cases the number that may act as a host is apparently very exclusive. In this connection 15 76 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 it may be mentioned that the gar, including at least the two species L. platostomus and IL. osseus, has been found to be practically the only host for one of the most desirable of shells, the Yellow sand-shell (Lampsilis anodontoides). In actual artificial infection of fish the operation is essentially as follows: The gravid mussels and their suitable fish hosts are placed in a vat or tub containing a requisite amount of water. The mussel is now opened, the marsupial pouch split open along its ventral border and the glochidia are squeezed out into one of the valves of the mussel, which valve also serves as a small water container. ‘The glochidia are then poured into the tub and the water agitated, more or less, so that they will be kept in suspension. From time to time individual fish are caught and gills examined to determine the extent of infection. The optimum amount of infection varies for different sizes and species of fish and also for the condition the fish are in. It is generally accomplished within the limit of 5 to 20 minutes. Over-infection must be guarded against. Naturally, there cannot be any definite rule as to the number of glochidia to be used with any number of fish, the person in charge must be guided by his experience. When sufficiently infected, the fish are removed to the river or pond. If develop- ment in the gills is to be watched, they may be transferred to crates anchored in the river or pond. The gravid female clams may generally be found by looking over material where fishermen are at work. Unless the glochidia are sufficiently developed. the operation is useless, for not until then will they open and close their valves when stimulated. The fish are caught with the seine or net. From this it will be seen that the experimental shell-fish station and the fish- cultural station go hand in hand. In fact it is a point of economy to combine the two. Although artificial infection would appear to be a comparatively simple operation, a working knowledge of the process has only been obtained as a result of careful and laborious research. As yet only a few species of mussels are thus propagated. The search for natural hosts is still being prosecuted. Experimental work is also being carried on with the object of determining the period of parasitism, and the life history of the young mussel after parasitism, and to lead to such improvements of methods as will make the work most productive of practical results. It is interesting to note that within a period of two years, young mussels of sufficient size to cut and finish buttons from their shells were reared at the station. These were raised from artificially infected fish, which were kept in floating crates or in earth ponds. They are not only the first mussels to be reared to such a size from artificial infection, but they are the first commercial forms known to have been grown in ponds. RESULTS OF ARTIFICIAL PROPAGATION. Although there is no means of definitely checking up the results of artificial pro- pagation on a large scale, where the mussels already exist, yet the extent of the confidence the United States Government has in the undertaking may be shown by the fact that during the last fiscal year, 331,451,490 glochidia, in round numbers, were liberated in the parasitic condition and 424,550 fish were employed in the opera- tions.! It is believed that a considerable proportion of the glochidia fall upon unfavourable ground, or fail to reach maturity from other causes. However, since a large number can be liberated at a comparatively small cost, the attempt is deemed justifiable. So far restocking, only, has been attempted, and in general fishermen report that where artificial infection has been carried on, more young shells are found 1 Annual Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries to the Secretary of Commerce for Fiscal Year ended June 30, 1916. r PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 77 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a than ever before. Such encouraging reports have come in from Lake Pepin, Wis- econsin; White and Black rivers, Arkansas, and from Fairport, in the vicinity of the station. THE SOJOURN AT THE STATION. My sojourn at the station, July 25, August 3, was both highly profitable and very pleasant. Laboratory accommodation and facilities were freely offered. Valuable instruction, demonstrations and advice were gladly given by the Director and his staff. By assisting in the examination of gills for natural infection, and in carrying out artificial infection under the supervision of an experienced man, I was enabled te get a working knowledge of the operations, which would have been quite impossible +9 obtain otherwise. The kindness with which I was received, the consideration shown for my wants and comfort, and the pleasure taken in facilitating the object of my visit were beyond my highest anticipations. In this connection I wish to particularly mention Mr. A. Shira, the Director; Mr. Canfield, Superintendent of Fish Culture; Prof. Clark and Dr. Howard, Scientific Assistants; Mr. Gorham, Foreman, and Mr. Southall, Shell Expert. The Station has also kindly sent me a set of classified shells, thereby facilitating classification here. ORIGIN OF OUR LARGER MUSSEL FAUNA, The identity of the mussel fauna of certain Canadian areas with that of the Mississippi waters at once suggests a probable common origin. Our forms no doubt migrated northward on the retreat of the ice cap which is believed to have covered northern North America during the great ice age. As this ice field retreated toward the North West, numerous lakes were formed, now represented by our modern Great Lakes, and these probably all except lake Ontario drained into the Mississippi system. Several of the old drainage courses have been discovered, among them being the ancient Lake Erie outlet, by way of the Wabash into the Mississippi river, and the glacial lake Chicago along the Chicago river. Even lake Superior appears to have had a watercourse into the Mississippi by way of the St. Croix river.) Numerous species of mussels no doubt found their way up these waterways into the ancient lakes, and ultimately populated the rivers now flowing into them. THE GRAND RIVER. As far as I have been able to ascertain, the Grand river contains more mussels of commercial value than any other Ontario waters. This river rises in the township of Melancthon, Dufferin county, within a distance of almost twenty-five miles from Georgian bay. Its source, at an elevation of approximately 1.700 feet above sea-level. may be said to mark the highlands of the southwestern Ontario plateau. From its source to its outlet into lake Erie, at Port Maitland, by the river, the distance is 175 miles and the drainage area is approximately 2,500 square miles. The drainage basin is wide at its headwater area, and narrow in the lower flat country, where most of the rivers flow directly into the lake. The river may be topcegraphically divided into two parts—upper and lower. The upper part extends well into Waterloo County and includes the Conestogo tributary. Here, on the flat headwater table lands, the declivity is small; then for a distance becomes quite steep. At Elora, for example, there is a single drop of over 40 feet where the river enters a limestone gorge. The fall of the lower river is gradual and uniform, and generally becomes flat towards the lake. The following table will show the approxi- mate fall of the whole river. 1 Pop. Se. Monthly XLVI No. 2, p. 217. U.S. Geol. Survey Monographs, XXXVIIa. 78 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 TaspLe I.—DuistANce from Port Maitland approximate in sea level. ooo OOoOoeOeeeeeeeOeOae*e**e*q®$a*0=$=$S=E0E000 Ooo a haeaeas—“—_«—qooa>_«$—«—+>>ao>,s00S $h\\ : : aye Difference, Place Mileage.| Difference Elevation Lake Bisel Port Maitland...... se Lge ELSIE a Manatee 0 tu 573° 94 0 Foot dam, Dunnville................----+:- 7 0 573 94 7°06 Wintoriaboyve Gams). sueteensse | Were 7 22 581° 00 13°00 rar DOM a aise 2 xia setae etelottniercuolains ocaan Chere 29 5 594 00 16°00 Hooaarm, Caledonia. ....0--. 021 oor = 34 0 610 00 8°00 Top dam, TM | t Bocdooucokdatto doc a0 loc 34 0 618° 00 0 Behind dam, " PARA PME has oe heey 34 16 618°00 1°00 At mouth, F irchihd aa gen oh. coe ees 5v 10 619° 00 20°00 Cockshutt Bridge, Brantford.......... <-..: 60 4 639 5 Foot lower dam, Tie con aoe eae sete 64 0 644°00 14°00 Behind " MMe crete eratay Toners 64 3 658°17 17°00 Behind upper dam, Mithte, MS aes Seah nt 67 9 675° 00 5°00 Below dam. Paris ...... doe oes mance 76 0 680° 00 8°00 Behundhidams » wise cisinas ce tite atl erate 76 7 688 00 114°00 BrideenG lenmorristeec ee rt- eeet o 83 7 802-00 51°00 Dien Crit Aocae Ge = Hepdoopoodemcoge 90 0 853 9°00 JN GSMOGE TOD jAdddadue coasts Bonoueeeoou YO - 30 862 00 156 00 At Bridge, apace ere Ae RTO os hone Se 120 15 LOWS "00 89 ee ees At Elora. 3 PEEL art” oh EEC 135 MotaliheadsS, a|Nsacner ese Both dams 56 a PAE SH ere USteh aces peciro: stoi Mtoe orale 140 Motalzheads7ieulbee oes " " AME Bilaa, Lb oolosssendeeo Ol bkudeecoeor 147 Water level 1367 00 po ee ee ee ye eh iS In the upper stretches of the river, including its tributaries, extending roughly to the vicinity of Paris, the stream-bed is composed of rocks and course gravel almost throughout, and flows in places over exposed limestone for considerable distances. From Paris southward the bed consists chiefly of :— TaBLe No. 2. Nature of Bed— Vicinity— Paris to Brantford. . To Caledonia. . ats Caledonia to York.. York to Dunnville. . Dunnville to Lake.. . Gravel, sand. Western Counties canal........ Brantford to 12 miles below.. .. Gravel, sand, silt and clay. Gravel, sand and clay. . Fine gravel, sand and silt. . Gravel, exposed limestone. .. Fine gravel, sand and silt. . Largely silt. This section of the province, in common with all southwestern Ontario, is occu- pied throughout by comparatively undisturbed limestone and other Silurian and Devonian strata with overlying drift, clays, sands and more recent superficial deposits. The deep deposit of drift material naturally lends itself to: erosion, and consequently the river carries considerable quantities of sand and gravel during heavy floods, scour- . ing the channel from the headwaters to below Brantford. Below this point a large area of the river channel with the small declivity produces such a condition that light deposits may take place rather than the scouring of the bed to any extent. All the tributaries also bring down large quantities of material. DISTRIBUTION OF MUSSELS. Some years ago when repairs were being made on the feeder canal at Dunnville, shells were found in such abundance that they were picked up by the wagon load. This discovery led to the establishment of a small shelling industry at this point. Last year (1915) 265 tons were shipped from Dunnville, and this year approximately 260 tons. PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 79 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Two or three years ago, during low water, three men picked up and shipped five or six car-loads from a point about one or one and one-half miles below York, and shipped, it is reported, to Buffalo. From the lower dam at Brantford to the old power-house at Echo Place, there is what was at one time a barge canal, about 12 miles long. Where cuts were made it is about 50 feet wide and 5 or 6 feet deep. There is still in this system Mohawk lake, three-eighths of a mile wide by one-third mile long and 20 to 30 feet deep in places. Six or seven years ago, when the water was let out for repairs, this was the best place in the immediate vicinity of Brantford for clams, as to size, quantity and variety. It is said that about ten years ago clams were abundant at a point about half way between Brantford and Paris, called Mulloy’s Farm. IT am also informed by the city engineer of Brantford that large numbers of clams are to be found in the vicinity of Bow Park farm. The fall on the Speed river, a tributary of the Grand, is well utilized, and clams of good size are found behind nearly all the darns which hold back the water over a considerable area of storage basins. SPECIES AND CHARACTERISTICS OF SHELLS. I have twice visited the Dunnville area, and found a considerable variety of mussels of commercial value. My investigation there was much facilitated by Mr. H. Clark, who superintends the shell-fishing. In discussing the mussel fauna, only such species as are of commercial value will be considered. In the following list common names are also given along with the scientific ones :—* Scientific Name. Common Name. Lampsilis alata, Say.. .... .. ..Pink heel-splitter. Lampsilis luteola, Lam.. .. .. ..Fat mucket. Lampsilis recta, Lam.. ....: ... Black sand-shell. Lampsilis venticosa, Barnes .. .. Pocketbook. Obliquaria reflexa, Raf... .. .. ..Three-horned warty-back. Quadrula lachrymosa, Lea.. .. .. Maple leaf. : Quadrula plicata, Say.. .. .. ... Blue-point. - (Quadrula rubiginosa, Lea.. .. ..Wabash pig-toe. Quadrula undulata, Barnes.. .. . Three-ridge. No doubt this list does not contain all the species of commercial value found in this district. I have, in fact, picked up the Fluted-shell, Symphynota costata, Raf., a good many miles north of Dunnville, and it likely occurs here. I might in passing mention Lampsilis gracilis, Barnes, (Paper shell), a large mussel found here, but which is of no practical value on account of the thinness of its shell. Of the above species those most commonly occurring are L. alata, Y. plicata, and Q. undulata, L. alata is a good-sized heavy clam, quite a large number of the shells weighing in the neighbourhood of a pound, but its value is much reduced for button manufacture on account of its usual pink or purple colour. Q. plicata and Q. undulata are similar in appearance and comprise the chief commercial species of this area. They grow to a large size, and as a rule have a good white lustre. I have in my collection one of the former species weighing 12 pounds, and of the latter, one 1sz pounds in weight. JL. luteola is naturally a valuable shell, as its quality is excellent, and it cuts and finishes with least waste. The area around Dunnville, however, does not appear to be particu- 1I am indebted to the Hydro-Electric Power Commission office at Brantford for valuable data, and also for reports on clam distribution on the Grand river system. 2For nomenclature see Synopsis of Naiades, or peariy fresh water mussels. Proceedings, U.S. National Museum, Vol. XXII, No. 1205, 1900, Charles T. Simpson. 80 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 larly favourable to its development. It may perhaps be found more plentifully and of better quality farther up the river in localities more nearly approximating the condi- tion in lakes. The other species are of good quality, but owing to their scarcity in this area, have little commercial importance. METHODS OF THE DUNVILLE MUSSEL FISHERY. On my visit to the fishing grounds at Dunnville I found two gangs of men at work on the river above the town; one at a distance of about two miles, and the other some five and one-half miles farther on, near Morgan’s island. In the former locality they had a pile of shells which would weigh about five tons. These were fished and shelled in about three and one-half days, by two men and two boys. The men did the fishing, while one boy ran the gasolene launch and the other removed the meat from the shells. The outfit for procuring the clams consists of two scows fastened rigidly together by a plank at each end. The distance between the scows is 4 or 5 feet. The men stand on the stern plank while operating the scoops. The scoop, or dip-net is a dipper-like apparatus with a handle of from 12 to 18 feet in length. The bowl consists of a wire cage about. 16 inches in depth, and is attached to a triangular iron frame, 16 inches to a side. Thus the opening of the scoop is triangular and works in the manner of a dredge. To assist in the raking of the beds by this scoop, a number of iron spikes about 3 inches long are fastened to the lower part of the triangular frame, and are set about 3 inches apart. This helps to draw the scoop into the river shown and are set about 3 inches apart. This helps to draw the scoop into the river bed. A line passes from the lower end of the scoop to the forward plank and this is of such a length as to allow the handle to stand vertically against the stern plank. The whole outfit is towed by a gasolene launch. The scows, though varying in size, are about 16 feet long by 34 feet wide and 14 inches deep. The following diagram may serve to illustrate the fishing outfit in operation :— ar CTT TT F77- — = ZL ess AS at CUT 4. RESO NOE: pUmig kage eee Mt} mt } I iD | | hi | HAP | | \ | | Fig. 1. In order to remove the mussels from their shells they are subjected to boiling in water. This kills the animal, causes the relaxation of the powerful adductor muscles, which hold the valves together, and permits the easy removal of the muscles ° from their attachment on the valves. The boiling pans vary in size, but are usually about 6 feet long by 4 feet wide and 8 inches deep. The bed near Morgan’s island is about } mile long and 50 feet wide. Here the bottom is gravelly, and although the shells are numerous and of good quality, the number of dead ones is considerably larger than farther down the river, where the bottom is muddy. Last year the shelling was done below the town at a point a mile north of Port Maitland. Here 265 tons were taken from an area less than ? of a mile in length. The bed, I am told, showed no signs of depletion. This year the fishing has been done above the town, and although about 260 tons have been taken, the ground is apparently not as productive as was anticipated. PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS . 81 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a SF, af Ne PEARLS. A considerable number of pearls and slugs are also found. Some are of very fair size and good quality. In Mr. Clark’s opinion, pearling alone would insure a sufficient return for one’s labours if followed up. The highest figure yet obtained for a pearl was $75. RECOM MENDATIONS. In order to develop to the fullest extent the resources of the river, three main steps are urgent; first, to insure against depletion of the present stock of clams; second, to restock and stock artificially all favourable areas, and third, to improve the river in general by stream regulation. Since the last-mentioned object is so funda- mental, I shall deal with it first. ' STREAM REGULATION AND. SOME OF ITS ADVANTAGES. Through the progressive removal of the natural physical conditions regulating stream-flow, the floods in the river have for some years been becoming more and more violent and destructive. This increased flood-flow has naturally reduced the volume of low water-flow proportionately. These two conditions, along with the scouring and general damage of river-bed, constitute an increasing menace to mussel life, to fisheries, and to power development along the river. Some idea of the truth of the above statements may be deduced from a study of the following table of volume of flow at different points. The maximum flow of greatest recent flood is also included. This took place in the spring of 1912. APPROXIMATE flow in cubic feet per second, period 1914, 1915 and 1916. Drainage 1912. Grand River Stations. Maximum.*|) Minimum.*| Mean. area in sq. | Estimated miles. Maximum. BOI GOMER tis ale. niccastaie seme tele wee ar 4,600 3 190 280 10, 000 WOneshoCOPeetiy te celle oe eat ose seis 9,300 15 375 550 20, 000 AT BAe re) eee ya act ok akiaste css 19, 000 55 810 1,360 50, 000 GALS ER OTT FS As Sal San ee a es ae a 23, 000 70 900 1-390 Mr ile. eee eee IB TAMIOLONG inch co eeiee Pewee) aisle hehe 26, 000 100 14, 000 2,000 100, 000 Wms Ga.4 Seek OOS eta Me eee Ae 27, 000 200 1,550 2) ites De 20 |e eat Pua: * Maximum flows are mean of two gauge heights, taken a.m. and p.m. daily. Minimum flows in some stations consist of leakage from dams. The danger consequent upon these conditions cannot readily be overestimated. The fact that drainage areas of the Grand River and Great Miami river flowing through Dayton, Ohio, are approximately equal, is sufficient proof. No doubt far-reaching measures for the prevention of dangerous floods will have to be taken in the future. If such measures involve water conservation, the resources of the river will be enorm- ously increased. In the fall of 1912 the Hydro-electric Power Commission made a reconnaissance survey of the river watershed covering the main stream from Caledonia to the head- waters; also of the larger tributaries from their confluence with ‘the main stream to their headwaters. In this survey, the main object of which was to ascertain what locations, if any, merited examination as sites for storage reservoirs and regulating works, it was found that by the building of nine dams ranging from 30 to 65 feet, storage reservoirs ranging from 450 acres to 3,000 acres in area could be obtained; the aggregate acreage being between ten and eleven thousand. While the above figures 82 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 are approximations, it is believed to be reasonably certain that the system of storage basins would have an aggregate impounding capacity of not less than five billion cubic feet... It will be evident that the economic advantage accruing from such pools of dependable character cannot be lightly esteemed. In relation to mussel life there would be not only the addition of new flood areas, but also no doubt the improvement of the bed of the streams back of these areas. In these lake-approximations, or river- lakes as they have been called, admirable conditions should be afforded for the par- ticularly valuable shell LZ. luteola. Not only does this shell work up well into buttons but it also lends itself readily to artificial propagation on a commercial basis. Although it is rare to find shells of commercial value in lakes, these river-lakes form a natural habitat for the above mentioned mussel. For example, Lake Peoria, a lake expansion in the Ilhnois R. forms at present probably the best mussel producing district in the United States. As the young mussels are parasitic on fish in the early stage of their life history, it would of course be necessary to construct effective fish-ways at these dams. Further, by a study of tables 1 and 2 it will be seen that there are considerable stretches in the river where apparently suitable mussel areas obtain. If mussels are not found here in a survey, the fault will probably be due to flood conditions prohibit- ing their development in these areas. If such is the case, flow-regulation should over-. come the unfavourable environment. 5 FOOD, A FACTOR OF THE ENVIRONMENT. In the discussion of favourable environments, due consideration must be given to: the food problem. ‘This is doubtless the most important factor in the environment of the mussel, and it is unfortunate that no extensive work has been done along this line. Actual records of stomach contents of fresh-water mussels are rare. Records of analysis. show that among the microscopic forms, minute plants, diatomacee and other alge, constitute a part of the food of the mussels. With reference to the food habits,. Professor Clark and Dr. Wilson report in part, as follows: ‘‘ The stomach contents of mussels taken from the main current of the St. Mary’s, St. Joseph, and Maumee rivers were rather noteworthy for their paucity of organic material. Through the large mass of muddy matrix filling the stomach were usually scattered a few Scenedesmus, various diatoms, and an occasional Pediastrum or Cosmarium.” Dr. Petersen, a Danish ecolo- gist and Director of the Danish Biological Station, has fully demonstrated that the- fine dust-like detritus forming a thin top layer of bottom deposits constitutes a large part of the food of the oyster and other mollusks. Dr. Jensen, Petersen’s colleague, concluded after investigating the source of the detritus that its origin is primarily from sea plants, broken down until it assumes the fine dust like form. It has been suggested’ that the “large mass of muddy matrix” referred to by Clark and Wilson was. probably the kind of material described by Petersen as ‘ dust-fine detritus.” Although large bivalves may not be able to avail themselves of the layer of dust-fine detritus, it is no doubt taken in by water currents. Dr. Jensen also examined the water by centri- fuging, and obtained material identical with the top layer of bottom deposits. In Oneida lake the surface of the bottom deposits, in bays and quiet bodies of water, is. reported to be of precisely the character described by Dr. Petersen. It would, indeed, be very interesting to establish the relationship between stomach-contents of different species of mussels and the nature of the river bed in which they do, or do not thrive. It would, no doubt, lead to valuable information with regard to the choice and the- establishment of new areas for their development. It may be found that the food 1 Sixth Annual Report, Hydro-Electric Power Commission of Ontario, 1916. 2 Relation of Mo'lusks to Fish in Oneida Lake, by Frank Collins Baker, University of Syra-- cuse, N.Y., July, 1916. PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 83 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a supply of the mussels is by no means fully dependent on the free-swimming organisms, and that the favourable localities, discussed above, are largely conducive to the develop- ment of the mussel on account of conditions favouring the deposition of the “ detritus.” RESTOCKING AND STOCKING, The restocking of areas where mussels at present exist, and where active fishing is going on, and the stocking of new areas, may be summed up under the head of artificial propagation. As the method pursued in artificial propagation has been described in a general way, we shall now consider its application to the river in question. Of all mussels so far experimented with, L. luteola lends itself most readily to arti- ficial propagation on a commercial basis. It is the species chiefly propagated at present by the United States Government. As time and opportunity prevented my making an extensive survey of Grand River, I cannot state the extent to which this species occurs therein. It is, nevertheless, very generally distributed in Ontario waters, but in order to attain to a size and abundance suitable for commercial value it apparently must have the conditions more or less as described above in “ river-lakes.” The specimens so far obtained from the river are not of very good quality. This is probably due to unfavourable conditions preventing their optimum development in the areas from which they come. In a commercial appraisal made of some of our shells by Mr. John B. Southall, Shell Expert at the Fairport Station, this particular shell was reported on as follows:! ‘“ medium size, no discoloration, brittle, third grade? and yielding 788, 16—line,® gross blanks per ton.” In his remarks he further states that they were rather thin and of a steel-coloured nacre and produced blanks that would chip and cleave during the processes of button manufacture. With regard to this mussel I would suggest a careful examination of the areas lying behind the larger dams with a view to stocking them with the valuable species. Such a survey might include the dams at Dunville, Caledonia, Brantford and Galt on the main river, and also the larger ones on the Speed tributary, where the fall is well utilized, and where clams of good size are said to be found in all such storage basins as hold back water over a considerable area. Behind the dam at Caledonia there is a stretch of practically dead water for twenty miles which might lend itself favourably to the development of this mussel. Here the river bed can be classed as permanent, inasmuch as the usual freshet velocity of the river water above is greatly reduced on reaching this point. At Brantford the old barge canal, described above, containing also Mohawk lake, might prove a very suitable locality for propagation on a small scale. For the purpose of stocking, I would strongly recommend that an attempt be made to introduce the particularly fine luteolas of lake Pepin, in the Mississipi, about 30 miles down the river from St. Paul, Minn. In the United States gravid mussels, for purposes of infection, have not been shipped over a much greater distance than 300 miles, but I am informed by the Director of the Fairport Station that they sent a couple of shipments of live mussels from Fairport to New York in the fall of 1916, and that the majority reached their destination in good condition. The distance from lake Pepin to Galt, Ont., would be about 835 miles by rail. Fortunately, this species is not very exclusive in its choice of hosts, neither is its spawning period of short duration, as is the case with some other commercial mussels. All the Lampsiline, in fact, are gravid, more or less, during the whole year 1In the report of the appraisal the Juteolas sent from the Canada Co. Cut and from the Grand River were combined in one report. 2In grading the material I sent him, the texture and lustre of the niggerhead (Q. ebenus) was taken as the standard. 3 A line in button measurement is 1/40 of an inch. 84 ‘DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 but most ripe ones are found from April to July. In my survey in August I found quite a number of gravid Juteolas but none that on microscopic examination proved to be ripe. This early and extended spawning period would be favourable to success- ful shipping, before the warm weather comes on. The fish that may serve as carriers belong mainly to the families Centrarchide and Percide. The species are: P. sparoides (speckled bass); P. annularis (crappie); ZL. pallidus (blue sunfish); M. salmoides (large-mouthed black bass); M. dolomieu (small-mouthed black bass); S. vitrewm (yellow pickerel) ; S. Canadense (sand pickerel) ; P.flavescens (yellow perch) and R. chrysops (white bass), all well represented in our waters. Since the artificial propagation of this mussel is past the experimental pre A did not consider it advisable to repeat the operation here, on my return from Fairport, particularly as iny time was limited and as the localities visited did not appear very favourable. It was kindly suggested at Fairport that gravid mussels be shipped over here for infecting purposes. Lampsilis recta, though not found plentifully in the Grand river, is a very valu- able shell on account of its fine quality. Mr. Southall reported it to be of large size, without discolouration, firm and of first grade, making 369, 16—line and 470, 24—line gross blanks per ton. Although the usual run of this species is coloured, those from the Dunnville area seem to be of fine quality. There are, however, some shells which show discoloration. In the fiscal year 1916, 11,288,300 larval mussels of this species were planted at Fairport. The fish which may serve as hosts for artificial propagation are: JL. pallidus (blue sunfish) and A. cyanellus (green sunfish). The former of these species occurs abundantly in some parts of lake Ontario and lake Erie and their tributaries, but the latter has not been reported from Ontario, although it is supposed that it will be found in lake Erie. P. annularis (crappie, also called silver bass) has been found naturally infected with this mussel, but it is rare in our waters.} The spawning period of this mussel is similar to that of Lampsilis luteola and the river appears to be adapted to this species. The shellers at Dunnville seem to prize this shell above all others. Lampsilis ventricosa—This shell is not used very extensively in button manufac- ture, but it is worked up into novelties. Large shells, however, make buttons of good lustre. Last year 447,000 glochidia were used for infection at Fairport. The species of fish that may serve as hosts in artificial propagation are: P. annularis, L. pallidus, and M. salmoides (large-mouthed black bass). At present it would not appear to be essential to increase the stock of this shell. The Quadrula group is well represented in the Grand, but only two species appear in large quantities—Q. plicata and Q. undulata. These constitute at present our chief button shells, and the Canadian Pearl Button Company, of Trenton, Ont., which has the sole right to the Dunnville fishery at present, reports that the shells from the Grand compare favourably with those shipped to their plant from the United States. In the commercial appraisal of these two species from the Grand, the report is as follows :-— Gaainon Dis No. of gross blanks per ton Species. N Size. 1 ie Texture. Grade. 9 |-— ——~-———-———_ ame, colouration. 16tie. ver. Q. plicata? ....... Bluepoint ..|Large..|/None...... Ls or ee SEO y(n ree 142 245 Q. undulata ...... Three-ridge.|Large..|None...... TREN eae eee SEO tate ee 182 214 1 Manual of Vertebrates of Ontario, by C. W. Nash, has been consulted for fish distribution in our waters. 2The plicata from Mud Creek, near Port Franks, were evidently grouped with those of the Grand river, for there is but a single report. PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 85 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a It is noted that they had a very uneven inner surface, causing waste in cutting blanks; the tips of the shells were too thin for buttons. The colour and nacre were not as bright as the usual run of the species found in the Mississippi river; but it nevertheless makes a good button and, with proper care, the material could be worked up with profit. As the Button Company of Trenton works up tons and tons of these shells their statement as to the comparative value of the shells must also receive due consideration. With regard to the propagation of the former species (Q. plicata), Dr. Howard, of Fairport, Iowa, makes the following statement :— “Several factors favour the artificial propagation of this species upon a practical scale. It is common and at present one of the most used shells in the button industry. It seems to be a form not narrowly restricted ‘as to hosts, and these are indicated to be among the commonest and most readily obtainable fishes. Although a river form, its habit as a dweller in stiller water and on mud bottom makes it susceptible to propagation or control under conditions readily imitable in artificial lakes or ponds. A continuous water supply is desirable; my observation has been, however, that it will survive rather adverse conditions in this respect. I have collected many live specimens from a slough which had gone dry to the extent that only mud remained. Under these con- ditions the majority of the pond mussels, Anodonta corpulenta, had died. I would cite also the finding of this species accidentally introduced in the para- sitic stage into an artificial pond at Fairport, Iowa. The pond had gone dry, and I found a specimen still alive buried in mud barely moist. It is evident, I think, from these observations that the species is hardy, at least as regards some of the more common vicissitudes to which mussels are naturally subjected.’ In his experimental work with this species he found that P. annularis (crappie), P. sparoides (speckled bass), P. flavescens (yellow perch), and L. pallidus (blue sun- fish) were successful carriers. The spawning period is short, being confined chiefly to the month of July. In the last fiscal year 147,000 glochidia of this species were set free in the parasitic stage at Fairport. At present the safe-guarding of the beds against depletion is more urgent than experimental work in artificial propagation of this species. As experience and equip- ment are obtained, work on the more difficult Quadrulas should no doubt be pro- ceeded with. I have so far not obtained any data of experimental work done on Q. undulata. In general appearance the two forms are similar. In plicata, the umbones are more elevated and inflated than in undulata. PROTECTION OF FRESH-WATER MUSSELS. For the protection of the present mussel beds the following methods may be considered of sufficient importance to merit discussion.” (a) A closed season in each year. (b) Restriction as to the methods of fishing. (c) Restriction as to size of mussels retained by fishermen. (d) Closed regions for specified number of years. (e) The imposition of licenses. 1 Experiments in propagation of Fresh Water Mussels of the Quadrula group. By Dr. A. D. Howard, Bureau of Fisheries, Document No. 801. 2See also, Protection of Fresh Water Mussels, by R. E. Coker, Ph.D., Bureau of Fisheries, Document No. 798. 86 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 (a) The main object to be attained by instituting a closed season for fishing is the protection of the beds during the breeding season. Incidentally, however, a second benefit naturally accompanies the one sought, for by limiting the length of the season, the extent of the fishing will likewise be diminished. Since the chief commercial shells so far shipped are Quadrula plicata and undulata, and since these species have short periods of gravidity during the summer months, the closed season restriction peculiarly applies to the Grand. But the river also supports other shells of some commercial value which have long breeding seasons, and thus the protection afforded would not be sufficiently wide-reaching. This will be particularly true in ease of artificial propagation. Besides, an interruption of fishing operations during a few summer months would seriously interfere with the industry. (b) At present the shells are obtained in one way only, as described above. This method is fortunately not the one against which complaints are generally made. Although it roots up the bed it does not unnecessarily injure the mussels which are too small for commercial purposes, and these should be returned to the water. (c) It is obvious that there is a limit to the size of a shell beneath which it is pure wastefulness to retain it. The fishermen and the button manufacturers lose time in handling the material and the beds are depleted at a much greater rate than they would otherwise be for the same finished product. A limit for every species is, as a rule, impracticable if for no other reason, at least for the fact that the determination of species is sometimes difficult. After a size limit has been decided upon, considerable details will have to be worked out in order to satisfactorily enforce any regulations agreed upon. (d) One of the most immediate protective measures is that of closed areas. This best meets the case of the long breeding species and gives them an opportunity to restock areas, preventing for a term of years the disturbance of gravid clams some of which, when disturbed, discharge the young even though not mature. It also favours the building up of beds by allowing the young clams to establish themselves. The system on which a river or portions of it are to be closed, and the time and duration of areas closed can best be determined by studying field and biological conditions. (e) By the granting of fishing permits as at present on the Grand, no doubt the number of shellers is thereby limited. It is a question, however, just how far the interests of a private person or firm are safeguarded as well as those of the fishing grounds. Although such a fishing permit was granted with a view to stimulating shell prospecting it nevertheless undoubtedly discriminates against other persons or firms. If fishing licenses were granted to resident fishers, thereby e:minating the exploiters or such persons as would not wish to follow up the industry, no doubt good results would be obtained. This would also leave to fishers the opportunity to sel] to such firms as paid the best prices. RIVER AUX SABLES, In the brief survey of this river for shells I confined my attention chiefly to its lower stretches from which reports of abundance of shells had come in. The east branch of the river rises a short distance north of Jaffa, in the township of Hibbert, county of Perth. The west branch has its course several miles to the west of this point and the two branches unite near the northern boundary of Stephen township. After a course of about 90 miles the river enters Lake Huron at a point 12 miles, almost due west, from the confluence of the two branches. This U-shaped river is remarkable for its meandering course and for its apparently recent geological history. Until about 25 years ago the river outlet was not as now, but at a distance of 10 miles further south, near the village of Port Franks. It is an artificial channel PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 87 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a cnue-quarter of a mile in length. Previous to this cut the river made an abrupt turn at Grand Bend when within one-quarter of a mile from the lake, and it flowed almost parallel to the lake shore to the natural outlet, below Port Franks. This deviation of its course was probably due to the sand collecting near its northwesterly banks, forcing the river southwards. Owing to the frequently occurring floods on the lowlands, the Canada Company, vhich owns extensive tracks of land in the district, decided to make a cut from the northwestward flowing arm of the river to the southward arm. [I shall refer to it as the “Canada Company Cut.” It passes through the former lake Burwell and is 3.5 niles in length. Later on, wishing to further improve their lands, the Company put the second cut through at Grand Bend, diverting the river directly into the lake. Although the upper part of the old river channel, between Grand Bend and the lower eut is dry, it still contains a large volume of water. It approximates, in fact, to a narrow lake about 8 miles in length. In places it is a few hundred feet wide and quite deep. The greatest depth at which I took soundings was 17 feet. A fair and appar- ently continuous current of water flows from it into the main stream at the cut. Previous to the construction of the artificial channels the river must have been admirably suited to the support of mussel life. Even when the second cut was put in at Grand Bend, and the water let off, I am told by an old resident, Mr. Brenner, that the bed was paved with shells for a considerable distance, many of these being of very large size. On ascending the river for a few miles from Grand Bend we found large numbers of good-sized clam shells lying on the banks, evidently thrown up in dredging the bed after the cut had been made. In the river we also found quite a number of large mussels of commercial value, the species Y. undulata predominating. Other species found were L. luteola, L. ventricosa, the large but useless A. grandis, and a dead S. costata. These mussels were lying about on the bed of the river, in water about a foot deep. With the small amount of water flowing it is difficult to understand how such a quantity of mussels of good size could be maintained. Hand picking here would yield a fair quantity of commercial shells, but since the rivér is small the supply would soon be exhausted. From Grand Bend we went to Port Franks and crossing the Canada Co. Cut near its western terminus, investigated the water for clams. We found a small bed near the bridge, in shallow water, somewhat protected from the main current. Many of the shells were of large size and also represented quite a variety of species:—JL. recta, L. centricosa, L. luteola, Q. undulata, Q. rubiginosa, and S. costata. In the commercial appraisal the uteolas, sent from this locality, were reported on in conjunction with those from the Grand so that I cannot state pre- cisely what their grade is. We found L. recta 6 inches in length and of very fine quality. It was gratifying to find such a collection of shells in an artificial waterway, At Port Franks I was told that the vicinity contained ‘ oceans of shells.” As I was not yet acquainted with the river bed, I hoped for good things from it, thinking I might fmd a suitable area for L. luteola. As stated above, this old channel constitutes a rather long narrow lake from which a small stream of water flows. The bottom of this bed is in many places densely covered with aquatic vegetation, Chara predominating. The shores are usually either steep or marshy. Large clams in considerable quantities were found in the shallow water along the shore, where they appear to be somewhat generally distributed. The commonest species is Q. undulata, although the Lampsilis group is also represented. I also found one Q. rubignosa. I found it to be practically impossible to determine the extent of the mussel life beyond a short distance from shore, except in very deep - parts, and in the upper stretches where quite large barren areas of compact bottom obtain. The small crow-foot bar which I had made for shell prospecting, proved in general absolutely valueless here on account of the dense mat of vegetation covering a large part of the river bed. With a good motor launch and a heavy dredge one might 38a—7 88 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 settle the problem, but I do not consider the undertaking worth the trouble or expense. In the deeper parts of the river I was able to use the crow-foot bar but got no shells except dead ones. The river may at one time have contained large quantities of mussels but it seems too stagnant to make good clam beds possible. This condition also would promote the growth of the vegetation now so abundant. Taking all conditions into consideration this area is of no value for mussel culture. The shells that are there are perhaps only a remnant of a once larger supply and may in time quite disappear. The L. luteolas found were fairly large but were badly stained and seemed unhealthy. In order to make a careful survey of this locality I decided to further investigate the cut and work my way to the east branch of the river to prospect for shells there. The lower end of the cut is quite wide and approximates a small river, but we found no clams with the exception of the bed near the bridge mentioned above. I was able to determine that the upper part of the river’s section between the cut and Grand Bend does contain the commercial shell Q. undulata. At one place where I went into the water to a depth of four or five feet, I found the bed to consist of fine clay mud quite thickly covered with mussels of this species. They were, however, rather smaller than usual. This river seems to be peculiar in having a very irregular channel as to width and depth. At places it is shallow and narrow and then again it becomes wide and deep. Shells seem to be quite generally distributed. Even at Ailsa Craig, which must be over 40 miles up the river from the cut, we found the species Q. undulata, L. ventricosa, L. luteola and Unio gibbosus. They were not plentiful and of rather small size—too small to be of much value. Good beds of shells may be found on a more thorough investigation. In fact, I am inclined to think that the shells found lying in the shallow places near Grand Bend and in the Canada Company Cut may be washed down from native beds up stream from these points. Conditions in the lower stretches of the river seem to be very favourable to mussel development even with the small flow of water. I also investigated the river near its mouth at Port Franks, but evidently there are no mussel beds of any importance there. No doubt the great quantities of sand carried down during floods do not permit their development. It is singular that even small streams in this vicinity support mussels of commer- cial value. At the mouth of Mud creek, a small stream near Port Franks, I found a number of Y. undulata of fairly good size. Q. rubiginosa and small luteolas were also found here. Shells are reported to be plentiful further up this creek. | In the vicinity of Grand Bend and Port Franks a considerable quantity of shells should be obtainable by hand picking at low water. As the areas are not large, how- ever, the supply would soon be exhausted. Since $20 per ton, delivered at the station, has been offered for them, some enterprising man might find his labours well repaid. I should advise that the river above the Canada Company Cut be examined with a view to determining its resources in mussel life. POINT EDWARD, On my arrival at the bay at Point Edward, near Sarnia, I was again several times assured of the abundance of shells by men about the lumber yards. I obtained a row-boat from the Spanish River Lumber Company, and crossed the North bay (north of the Cleveland lumber tramway) in search of shells. The water here has an average depth of about 3-5 feet and the shells are therefore readily obtained with a dip net or by wading. The sandy bottom is free of weeds with the exception of the margins near the marshy borders. As the water was clear I could readily see the bottom. I found only sraall shells such as we find in any of our fresh water lakes, for example PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 89 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a small worthless luteolas. Not having completely satisfied myself I again went over the ground thoroughly the next day in company with Captain Glass of Sarnia, finding very little, however, of any value-whatever. The current flowing through the river here is very strong. It seemed foolish to look so carefully for shells large enough and in sufficient quantity to be of commercial value, but I desired to thoroughly settle the matter. Popular reports concerning shells are generally misleading. This is due to the fact that very few people understand shells from a commercial point of view. With regard to lake Smith, for example, glowing reports of shells were made. One man sup- porting this view was kind enough to get a boat and take me over the ground, but we found only numerous specimens of the common worthless lake clams. NOTTAWASAGA RIVER. _ Mr. Gross, button-manufacturer of Kitchener, Ont., had been informed that large quantities of mussels had been found along the river. He decided to investigate the reports and agreed to my accompanying him. A motor launch was engaged to take us up the river. Several miles up the river we discovered a bed where the mussels were very thick. We needed but to drag the crow-foot bar a short distance when a consider- able number of clams would be caught. Shells were also obtained in a similar manner near the mouth of the river, just out from the Riveria hotel. In all, the following species were taken: L. recta, L. ventricosa, U. gibbosus, 8. costata, and S. edentulus. In the commercial appraisal the L. ventricosa are reported to be small, no discoloration, hard and brittle, fourth grade, and giving 640 16-line gross blanks per ton. Many of the ventricosa taken were too small to be of commercial value and had to be thrown back. The shells here are-very remarkable for their colour. Ventricosa is in fact the only species showing no discoloration. Some of the recta are extremely dark purple. Mr. Gross did not consider it worth while to prospect further. Only a small part of the river has thus been surveyed for shells. The prospect here is not at all promising, at any rate not until there is a demand for coloured shells. It would be interesting to determine the cause of discoloration. This is as yet unknown. The bottom, from which most of the shells came, was gravelly and the water from 5 to 6 feet deep. There is a large flow here and the river should support con- siderable mussel life. GENERAL REMARKS. This investigation was conducted only at selected points on a few of our rivers. The results cannot, therefore, be taken as finally indicative of our mussel resources. The river Thames, for example, draining a large area between the Grand and the Aux Sables. both of which contain commercial shells, has not been touched. It is impos- sible to know our resources until a more extended survey is made. A great deal of important information could no doubt be obtained quite economically if further fresh-water mussel investigations were combined with those of the district hydrographers of the Hydro-electrie Power Commission of Ontario. They, I believe, cover a great many points along our rivers regularly. In the month of June of last year the staff at Brantford visited the following stations :— Stations. Streams. Burford, Whiteman’s Creek, ; Onondaga, ; Fairchild’s Creek, . Brantford, Grand River, Canning, Nith River, Nicholson, Nottawasaga River, Glenmorris, Grand River, 38a—T3 90 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Stations. Streams. Galt, Grand River, Kimberley, Beaver River, Hespeler, Speed River, Markdale, Rocky Saugeen River, Hornings Mills, Pine River, Welland Canal, Welland River, Owen Sound, Sydenham River, Meaford, Big Head River, York, Grand River, Severn, Severn River, Washago, Black River, Port Elgin, Saugeen River, Walkerton, Saugeen River, Salem, Irwine, Belwood, Conestogo and St. Jacobs, Carahers, Kilworth, Fenshaw, Ealing, Kim- berley, Arkona, Grand and Conestogo Rivers, Speed River, Thames, three branches, Aux Sables River. In the present year a good many other stations will probably be added. With a ear at their disposal the points could be readily reached and often much time saved. The investigation might also be extended beyond the province of Ontario. The St. John river, N.B., has a large area that may possibly be suitable for mussel cul- ture. Ten miles above Fredericton the Keswick stream enters from the north, and below this point the bed is literally choked with alluvial islands. At Sugar island, © the largest of the group, the river measures 2-5 miles from bank to bank. From Fredericton to Gagetown, a distance of 34 miles, the surrounding land is very low. — On the east a mere alluvial flat of great extent separates the waters of the St. John from those of the Jemseg. Some farmers here obtain annually a crop of fish and vgetables.1 A few of the upper sinuses that branch off to the east from the river might also be suitable for clams. One would not expect to find our larger species there now, but it does not necessarily follow that they would not thrive if introduced. The greatest difficulty would probably be found in procuring the proper species of fish to act as hosts. Here it may be mentioned that in the flood areas of the Missis- sippi many fish, cut off from the river when the flood subsides, are caught, infected and liberated again. In this way the double purpose of restocking’ the river with clams and reclaiming the fish is served. In Manitoba there seems to have been an immigration from the upper waters of the Mississippi region. I am informed that in the Journal of Conchology (Leeds, Eng.) IV., pp. 339-346, 1885, there is an interesting account of the Mollusca of Mani- toba by R. M. Christy. In a letter received from Dr. Bryant Walker, Detroit, Mich., relative to this article, it is stated that the author (Mr. Christy) lists nineteen species of which six are unidentified. They are: JL. recta, radiata, luteola, borealis, and alata. Q. rubiginosa, plicata, lachrymosa, (and asperima), undulata and heros. Symp. com- planata; Stroph. edentula. Mussels in that region were abundant and especially in the Shell river, which runs into the Assiniboine from the east, about fifty miles above its junction with the Qu’Appelle. Hundreds of dead shells belor «ing to many species occurred. 1The St. John River. Dr. W. Bailey. PEARLY FRESH-WATER MUSSELS 91 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Dr. Walker obtained through the Am. Mus. of Nat. Hist. of N.Y., the following species from the Assiniboine: Lamp. recta, ventricosa, luteola, and alata; Sym. com- planata; An. grandis and Quad. undulata, lachrymosa and rubiginosa. Many species of commercial mussels are thus represented in our western waters. Finally, since the maintenance of a mussel supply depends on our fresh-water fish supply, it will be necessary to direct our attention to the greater and more impor- tant problem of fish conservation. It is obvious that the two problems go hand in hand, and a station set aside for the latter should be supplemented by a department working in the interests of the former wherever the conditions of the surrounding country demand it. Fish ponds in which the proper species of fish could be reared for the purposes of infection and experiment, might at the same time yield valuable informa tion in the interests of fish-culture. Such information would be of the greatest impor- tance in hastening the day when the farmer would raise his fish as naturally as he raises his poultry. In the near future fresh-water research laboratories, in which our fishery problems are scientifically worked out, will have to be established. But our inland fishery problems can never be satisfactorily solved until the still more basic problem of water conservation is seriously dealt with. Of all the problems relative to national economy none is more likely to engage our serious attention in the future than that of water conservation. Fig. 1.—Woo0d bored by Teredo navalis at Charlottetown, P.E.I., within a period of sixteen months. @ GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 IV NOTES ON THE HABITS AND DISTRIBUTION OF TEREDO NAVALIS ON THE ATLANTIC COAST OF CANADA.* By E. M. Kinptz, Ph. D., etc. INTRODUCTION. A specimen of the boring work of the “ship worm,” 7’. navalis was recently pre- sented to the Museum of the Canadian Geological Survey by Mr. H. E. Miller, accompanied by notes showing the dates within which the destructive work had been accomplished. Although a considerable literature exists on the destructive work of Teredo, records of its habits and work in Canadian waters are sufficiently scarce to justify recording some of the interesting facts which have been communicated to the writer by Mr. H. E. Miller. In the course of his work as an engineer in the Depart- ment of Public Works in renewing wharves, piling, and other seashore structures in Prince Edward Island, Mr. Miller has had unusual opportunities to become acquainted with the work of the Teredo. The data relating to the habits of the boring mollusc, popularly known as the ship worm, which are recorded in this paper have been sup- plied chiefly by Mr. Miller. The distribution of Teredo navalis presents some novel features. It affords an example of discontinuous distribution which parallels that of the common oyster in Canadian waters. It is associated with the gulf of St. Lawrence colony of the Acadian fauna, but its distribution varies rather widely, as will be pointed out, from that of some of the other species of this northern Acadian colony. HABITS. Considerable human interest attaches to the boring work of the mollusc, Teredo savalis, because it is equally capable of destroying wharves, or railway bridges, or sinking ships when precautions to check its ravages are neglected. The depredations of Teredo are not confined to any particular parts of the world’s coast lines. Its work is well known on the Pacific coast, where the Isopod, Limnoria tenebrans, is locally even more destructive.2 In Europe the extraordinary increase in the numbers and abundance of Teredo at various widely separated periods have several times brought it into very prominent notice. During one of these periodic increases in its numbers —about 1730-32—Holland was imperilled by the threatened destruction of its sea dykes.? The rapidity with which timbers are frequently destroyed by Teredo navalis is shown by the accompanying photograph (fig. 1) of a portion of a beech timber which was 12 inches square when placed in the water. The timber was perfectly sound when placed in the tidal zone just west of the entrance to Charlottetown harbour, Prince Edward Island. The completely honeycombed condition shown in the figure was accomplished in a period of sixteen months. This is a much more rapid rate of 1 Published with the permission of the Director of the Geological Survey. 2 Harrington, N. R., and Griffin, B. B. Notes on the distribution and habits of some Puget Sound Invertebrates. Trans., N.Y. Acad. Sci., 1897, pp. 158-9. 3 Van Baumhauer, F. H.—The Teredo and its Depredations (translated from Archives of Holland, Vol. I). Popular Science Monthly, Vol. XIII, 1878, pp. 400-410, 545-558. 95 94 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 destruction than has been ascribed to its ally Limnoria lignorwm, which Murphy? states can, when abundant, destroy soft timber at the rate of half an inch or more every year. Stearns? has recorded two interesting examples of the work of Teredo. He states that “upon the seafront of San Francisco I have known piles of Oregon pine and fir over a foot in diameter rendered worthless in eighteen months.” Dr. Dall is quoted by Stearns as having noted a case of the destruction of the supports of a small pier made of piles 6 to 8 inches in diameter near the entrance to Chesapeake bay in six weeks. Prof. A. E. Verrill writes that “7. navalis is very abundant and destructive on the southern coast of New England. At my summer home on an island near New Haven it will reduce 2-inch planks and 4-inch stakes to a honeycomb con- dition in one season—1st July to September—as I have often proved by experience.’ Although only a very thin film of wood separates the innumerable burrows, they in no case intersect or cut into each other. The time of year at which timber is cut, according to Mr. Miller, is an important factor in determining the extent to which it is subject to or immune from the ravages of the Teredo. “Trees cut during the months from October to January give much greater resistance or are less attractive to the Teredo than the trees cut from February to May. The Teredo is practically inactive during the cold of winter.” One of the peculiarities of the boring habits of Teredo is its aversion to boring from one timber to another, no matter how firmly attached and adjusted they may be. “Over a shipbuilding experience of fifty years our general foreman of works, Mr. John White, observed only two cases where worms had worked from the hull planking into the timbers of vessels. “ Spawning time appears to be about July. Vessels launched in spring and hauled out before July, and those launched in October are practically free of the Teredo; those exposed during the latter part of June and during July, if not pro- tected, being very freely attacked.” “To a great extent the Teredo will attack unprotected vessel hulls as freely as fixed timber, particularly if remaining idle for any length of time. Constant motion through the water, however, appears to hamper the attachment of the spawn to some little extent. Such protection, however, as tarring, copper or marine painting and creosoting proves an effective measure as long as the protecting agent remains intact.” “The point of entry of the borer spawn into the timber is below half-tide mark. A peculiarity is that standing timbers show a severed condition (very much after the fashion produced by the beaver), at from one to two feet above low-water spring tide mark in localities where spring tides have a range of 9 to 11 feet. From this point down the borers work entirely within the timber, not passing the line of the bottom, where this is muddy, but not having the same objection to sand, as shown by the specimen forwarded.” “Mr. Crandall, of the Crandall Engineering Concern, Boston, Mass., has made the statement to me, that if timber could be kept covered with a film of mud, it would be kept immune through the entry of Teredo spawn being prevented. Certain it is, that all other things being equal (particularly temperature and saltiness) the Teredo is much more prevalent and destructive where the surrounding shore and bottom is sandy. In twenty years’ experience this office has never observed a creosoted stick affected by the Teredo. The impregnation used is fourteen and sixteen pounds to the cubic foot.’””4 A small amount of creosote appears to be not very effective, since Stearns states that at Christiania, where the Teredo is very destructive, he was told that “all the 1 Proc. and Trans. N.S., Inst. Nat. Sci., Vol. V, 1881, p. 365. 2 Stearns, R. E, C.—The Teredo or Ship-worm. American Naturalist, Vol. XX, 1886, pp. 134-135. 3 Verrill, A. E. Letter to the author, February 21, 1917. 4Letter from H. E. Miller, to the author. SHIP WORM ON ATLANTIC COAST 95 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a piles had been creosoted (ten pounds to the square foot) before they were driven in, but not to much purpose.”! The palmento of the southern states and some of the Australian woods are said to be immune from the attacks of Teredo. The papers by Putnam? and Cunningham® contain much information on the habits of Teredo. An Icelandic naturalist? has made some interesting observations and experi- ments on the habits and biological characteristics of Teredo norwegica, the species found on the southern and western coasts of Iceland. Mr. Frits Johansen has kindly furnished the following translation and summary of these from the Danish: “The propagating (spawning) season continues through the whole summer (April-August). No larve are found in the mantle-cavity or in the sea; but numerous very small ones (burrows 1mm. long 0-5mm. wide) are found in driftwood from Faxebugt (W. coast) at the end of July. “The growing period is mostly limited to two years as shown by experiment: I kept some pieces of wood with Teredo taken from the false keel of a fishing boat and kept it in a shaded cool place; the animals remained alive ten days; but inside of two weeks all were dead. Kept in a temperature of 6° C. for two days they all froze stiff, but were alive when thawed out again: In fresh water they only lived two to three hours; three hours in half sea and half fresh water or in putrid sea water. “Tt is mostly only on two places that ships are attacked; at the waterline and in the false keel (or if this is missing the lower part of the keel itself). That this keel part is attacked is because it is buried in the sand, when the ship is beached, and thus gets no paint or tar. The “waterline” part of the ship gets easily its protection of paint or tar scraped off when loading, anchoring, ete. Plank edges are first and most attacked. “The Teredo avoids leaving the wood in which it bores. Hence from the false keel only a few had penetrated to the true keel, and the burrows avoided the outer surface of the false keel. Where two parts of the false keel joined, the burrows never went through the contact but stopped short of a couple of inches. But how does the Teredo know when to stop burrowing? Maybe by sound-sense? In piers at Reykjavik, where Limnoria lignorum Ratk. burrows together with Teredo, one frequently sees that Limnoria eats away the woodparts surrounding the Teredo burrows and the calcareous lining of the Teredo burrows are exposed. Teredo therefore protects itself by thicken- ing its calcerous lining 3 to 4 times the usual thickness by internal secretions. “Boats on the water at the south and southwest coast are attacked by it. “Tn later years it has been very numerous and destructive in sea-going ships belonging to the southwest coast; in many cases Teredo has been imported with ships bought in England, but some ships built in Iceland or lumber put into ships in Iceland have been attacked. Ships belonging to the north and northwest coasts (beached during the winter) seem to be free of Teredo. Maybe the many English ships bought and the unusually mild winter, and the fact that the ships are on the sea all winter are the causes of its frequency at the southwest coast for the last five or six years. : “ The largest Teredo I have seen measured 27-5 em. (to the base of the siphons) siphons ca. 2-5 em.; average size of Teredo 16-18 cm., built in 1892.” 1 Ibid, p. 135. 2Putnam, J. W.—The Preservation of Timber. Scientific American Supplement, Vol. X, No. 236, July 10, 1880, 3762-37638. “ia AG aa J. T.—Teredo. Encyclopaedia Britannica, 9th Ed. Vol. XXIII, 1888, pp. e 4Saemundson, B. Zoolog. Meddel. fra Island (Zool. Notes from Iceland, p. 43, pp. 57-60). Vidmskab. Meddel. fra Naturhist. Foren. Kbhn. for Aared 19038 (Scientific papers from Natural History Society in Copenhagen for year 1903). 96 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 BATHYMETRIC RANGE. There is but little information on the depth to which Teredo can work below low tide level in Canadian waters beyond Murphy’s! photograph of a piece of bored spruce which was submerged two years, four feet below low water at Pictou, N.S. At Woods Hole, Mass., it has been found living at a depth of 13 fathoms? and in New York harbour at 25 fathoms. Three well-known rock and clay-boring molluses are found in the same general region with Teredo navalis. ‘These are:— Petricola pholadiformis. Zirfaea crispata. Sazxicava arctica. P. pholadiformis appears to be most common near the inter-tidal zone, but it has been dredged at a depth of 30 fathoms in St. Marys bay by Dr. A. G. Huntsman. The recorded range of Z. crispata is from low tide to 70 fathoms in Canadian waters. Off the Maine coast it is recorded by Verrill* at from 22 to 44 fathoms. At Woods Hole it also occurs at a considerable depth below low tide. Saxicava arctica is another rock boring shell which has a considerable range below the tide line. On the Iceland coast it is found between tide marks® while off the Labrador coast it is common ‘at 10 to 50 fathoms.® Honeyman reported limestone boulders bored by Saxicava which were found at a depth of 65 fathoms off the Nova Scotia coast.* The rock-boring habit gives to molluscs which practise it a special. geological significance, as pointed out by Barrows.8 The rock cells of such molluscs gradually expand as the rock is entered from the small aperture on the surface drilled by the very young shell into chambers corresponding to the size of the adult molluscs which thus leave no avenue of escape for the shell even after its death. The improbability of the removal of boring shells by current action to waters deeper or shallower than the living animal occupied permits the fossil molluscan rock-boring shells to yield information which is precise within the limits of their vertical range concerning the depth of the sea in which they lived. DISTRIBUTION. The genus Teredo has a wide distribution around the coasts of the North Atlantic. None of its several species however belong properly to the Boreal fauna although there are outlying colonies of some species which are surrounded by the boreal fauna. T. norvegica, which is the prevailing indigenous species on the eastern side of the North Atlantic, affords in its European distribution an interesting example of such discon- tinuous distribution toward the northern limits of its range. This species ranges through the Mediterranean and up the west coast of Europe into the waters of S.W. Norway. But G. O. Sars® states that “the only place inside of the Arctic 1 Proc. and Trans. N.S. Inst. Nat. Sci., Vol. 5, 1881, p. 376, fig. 4. 2 Summer, F. B. Osburn, R.C., Cole, L. J, A Biological Survey of the Waters of Woods Hole and vicinity. Bur. of Fisheries, Bull. 1913, Vol. XXXI, Part II, Sec. III, p. 702. 3 Proc. and Trans. N.S. Inst. of Nat. Sci.; Vol. V, 1881, p. 376, fig. 14. 4 Am. Jour. Sci., Vol. 7, 1874, p. 503. 5 Johansen, A. C. On the Mollusca between tide marks at the coasts of Iceland. Videnska- belige Middelelser fra den Naturhistoriske Foresig I. Kjobenhaon, 1902, p. 386. 6 Mem. Bos. Soc. Nat. Hist., Vol. I, p. 2:82. 7 Honeyman, Dr. D. Glacial Boulders of Our Fisheries and Invertebrates, Attached and Detached. Trans. Nova Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Vol. VIII, Part III (1888-89), p. 210. 8 Barrows, A. L. The Geologie Significance of Fossil Rock-Boring Animals (read before the Paleontological Society of America). Bull. Pal. Soc. Amer., Vol. 28, 1917. 9 Mollusca regions Arctice Norvagie, p. 98, Christiana, 1878. SHIP WORM ON ATLANTIC COAST 97 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a region where this form has been noticed is at Oexfjord in West Finmark, where my father found it boring in piles.” This Finmark colony of Teredo norvegica is far to the north of the northern margin of the continuous distribution zone of the species on the Norwegian coast. B. Saumundson! writes as follows regarding the occurrence of Teredo in Ice- landic waters: “The Icelandic name of Teredo, ‘tremadkur, was first mentioned as Icelandic by E. Olafssen in his journey through Iceland Soroe in 1772: ‘Teredo navalis intra lignuwm is the bad worm, which spoils the driftwood’ (West Iceland). Later it is mentioned by Mohr, 1786 (Icelandic Natural History) and by Morch (Fauna Molluse. Island), 1868, both on the authority of Olafssen, so that neither of these two men have noticed it in Iceland themselves. The species was found living in a pier at Reykjavik by me five years ago, and definitely determined by Ad. Jensen as 7. norweviga Spengl. The species is found in driftwood all around the island. It was found by me only in standing lumber (piers) at Reykyavik (West coast).” A Teredo listed as 7. navalis? and T.. denticulata is included in Mollier’s? and Morch’s® lists of the mollusca of Greenland. Posselt* refers Moller’s T. navalis to T. denticulata which he records from a single locality in S. Greenland,—avigtut. The distribution of Teredo navalis along the Atlantic coast of Canada and New England affords an excellent example of discontinuous distribution. The essential features of this distribution are indicated in the sketch map (fig. 2), showing the distribution of Teredo in these waters. The map includes south of the Bay of Fundy the recorded occurrences of two or three species besides T. navalis but it clearly shows that the coast line distribution of this species is broken by 400 miles or more of coast line along which it is either absent or very rare. This mollusc is present in ereat abundance around the southern shores of the gulf of St. Lawrence and the coast of Cape Breton island. But southwest of the Str. of Canso it becomes scarce. In the Bay of Fundy, 7. navalis is either very rare or entirely absent. South of this bay, however, it again becomes common on the Maine coast and from Frenchman’s bay s uthwest appears to be generally present along the New England coast. Mr. H. E. Miller has furnished the following notes on the distribution of T. navalis on the coast of Prince Edward Island: “Teredo is present in all waters surrounding the Prince Edward Island and up the inland tidal waters as far as the salinity of the water is sufficient. “Regarding the coast of New Brunswick to the westward of this province, I cannot speak from personal observation never having visited that coast but from what I can learn the borer is to be found along the whole coast of Miscou and Shippigan and for at least a short distance along the Chaleur Bay coasts. I understand they do not work as far up to the rivers, as in this province. This is readily understooa from the fact that the rivers are practically fresh very nearly to the outlet, draining immense areas and salinated by a very small range of tide. “ At Rustico Harbour on the North side of the island, there is great activity. The l-eality is entirely sandy. At Tignish, on the other hand, another sandy locality, the destruction is much less, but there is a very strong current, much sand in suspension, and considerable fresh water. The same comparison is true between localities of a muddy nature. Considering two localities, one sandy and one muddy, each with a considerable constant suspension of the material forming the bettoms, the destruc- tion appears to be greater in the sandy locality.” The photograph here shown in fig. 1 indicates the great activity and abundance of J. navalis at Charlottetown on the south coast of the island. 1 Letter to the writer. 2 Index Molluscorum Groenlandica, 1842, p. 21. 3 Middelelser au Gronland, Vol. XXTX, 1905, pp. 289-362. 4 Meddel. on Gronland, Band 23, 1898, p. 101. 98 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Dr. Martin Murphy who made a special investigation of the distribution of Teredo in Nova Scotia stated that at Sydney Harbour, Cape Breton island, Nova Scotia, 7. navalis is “as destructive if not more so than at any of the points on our coast.”1 It is abundant along the coasts of Northumberland strait as far west at least as Shediac.” How much farther northwest its range extends is not known but probably not much farther. Murphy states that the zone of Teredo’s operations on the east coast of Nova Scotia begins about Musquodoboit harbour and extends from there to Whitehaven.2 He found that it became searce on the Atlantic coast between the strait of Canso and Halifax. From Halifax southwest along the Nova Scotia coast only traces of Teredo are found and they are neither numerous nor destructive accord- ing to Murphy. The writer has not observed Teredo on the Bay of Fundy coast of Nova Scotia and Murphy does not appear to have seen it there. Dr. A. G. Huntsman of the St. Andrews biological station informs the writer that “we obtained it once near one of the Western isles, that is very close to Frye’s island, in some sunken timber, and at another time we obtained it from some floating blocks which had, quite evidently, drifted in from outside, probably from the Gulf Stream. It is very probable therefore, that Teredo is not indigenous to the Bay of Fundy, but comes in periodically in float- ing wood.” Professor Ganong reported in 1885 that “a broad and strong tide-dam was completely undermined and destroyed by them (7. navalis) within the space of six years,”* at Frye’s island which is located in the lower and wider part of the bay. This author at a later date however modified this statement by saying that the destruc- tion of Frye’s island was the combined work of Teredo and the crustacean Limnoria _lignorum. It is possible that it was altogether the work of L. lignorum as suggested by Verrill. Whiteaves* records 7. navalis from St. John in a ship’s hull. But that this record represents exotic specimens appears certain from Professor Ganong’s state- ment that in St. John harbour the Teredo is not only absent but “ships which enter the harbour infested by them are free from them within two days.”® The testimony of Professor Verrill regarding the occurrence of Teredo in the Bay of Fundy is important because of his intimate knowledge of the Bay of Fundy fauna. He writes that “so far as I remember I did not find Teredo navalis in Bay of Fundy during the seven summers I collected there. I think I did find T. norvegica a few times in buoys.” . . . “At Eastport, Me., I found Laminaria very abundant in piles, fish- weir stakes, ete., but found no Teredo with it there.’ At least three factors are probably active in excluding 7’. navalis from the Bay of Fundy. Temperature is doubtless one of these. The area in which Teredo is most abundant is, speaking broadly, essentially the same as that of the isolated colonies of oysters in the waters about the southern shore of the gulf of St. Lawrence. Although the waters in winter are much colder than those of the Bay of Fundy, during the eritical period of the spawning time they are warmer. Professor E. W. McBride’ has pointed out how the existence of the oyster in this region depends upon the warming of the water in the shoal areas where alone they can exist during the spawning season. Whiteaves® still earlier called attention to the special temperature conditions which afforded on the south side of the gulf of St. Lawrence a congenial environment for a northern colony of the Acadian fauna. 1 Murphy, M. On the Ravages of the Teredo Navalis and Limnoria lignorum on Piles and Submerged Timber in Nova Scotia and the means being adopted in other countries to prevent their attack. Proc. and Trans. Nova Scotian Inst. Nat. Sci., Vol. V, Part IV, 1882, pp. 357-376. 2 Murphy, M. Supplementary Notes on Destroyers of the Submerged Wood of Nova Scotia, Proc. and Trans. N.S. Inst. Sci., Vol. 8, p. 218. 3 Ganong, W. F. The Economic Molusca of Acadia, N.B. Nat. Hist. Soc. Bull. No. VII, 1888, p. 111. 4 Catalogue of Marine Invertebrates of Eastern Canada, 1901, p. 151. 5 Ganong, W. F. Nat. Hist. Soc. N.Y. Bull 4, p. 89, 1885. 6 Verrill, A. E. Letter to the author, February 21, 1917. 7 The Canadian Oyster, Can. Rec. Sci., Vol. IX, 1905, pp. 154-5. 8 Catalogue of Marine Invertebrata of Eastern Canada, p. 15, Can. Geol. Survey, 1901. SHIP WORM ON ATLANTIC COAST 99 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Another factor of importance in controlling the distribution of Teredo is salinity. There appears to be general agreement among shipping men and others familiar with the work of Teredo that any considerable amount of fresh water is fatal to it. On this point, Mr. H. E. Miller states that “where the flow of fresh water is sufficient to have any effect on salinity there is an entire absence of Teredo.’’! The speedy destruction of 7’. navalis already alluded to which results when it is brought into St. Johns harbour on ships is doubtless due to its inability to withstand brackish water. While this factor would explain its absence from certain bays and estuaries of the Bay of Fundy, neither salinity nor temperature will afford a satisfac- tory explanation of the general scarcity or absence of Teredo in these waters. If tem- perature alone were sufficient to bar Teredo from the Bay of Fundy it is difficult to understand how Jilyanassa obsoleta, one of its congeners in the Acadian colony of the gulf of St. Lawrence should be able to make its way into the shallow bays on the east side of the Bay of Fundy, where I have found it at most points where I have dredged. This species on the opposite side of the Bay of Fundy is rare or absent.2, One of the peculiarities of 7’. navalis is its aversion to water containing sediments or other impur- ities in suspension. Various writers have noted this aversion. The waters of the Bay of Fundy are unique in their extreme turbidity; no other waters on the American coast approach them in this respect. This is due to the very high tides, and the corre- spondingly swift currents in the estuaries which keep the waters near the coast every- where turbid with sediment. In the Bay of Fundy there is a tidal range of 40 to 60 feet. In Northumberland Strait where Teredo is abundant the tidal range is in the neighbourhood of 10 or 12 feet. The turbidity of the Bay of Fundy waters, particularly in the upper and narrower portion of the Bay, exceeds that of Northumberland strait in somewhat the same proportion as its tides exceed those of the strait. The high turbidity of the estuarine waters of the Bay of Fundy is believed to be chiefly respon- sible for the general absence or scarcity of Teredo. Barrows® has pointed out that a definite correlation exists between the rock boring habit and a location on the open coast. The need of protection from the waves at and near the tide line on open coasts doubtless developed rock boring as a protective measure. This normal open-coast environment which involved exposure to the surf included the normal salinity of the open sea and comparative freedom from silt. The heavily silt laden waters of the upper part of the Bay of Fundy afford the very antithesis of the open coast environment which is normal tc rock boring molluscs and in this fact is to be found the explanation of the absence or scarcity of T. navalis as well as the rock borers Zirfaea crispata and Petricola pholadiformis in the Bay of Fundy. | ASSOCIATED SPECIES. A small crustacean, Limnoria lignorum, is associated with Teredo in some parts of its range whose wood-destroying habits are similar to those of Teredo. These two species which are similar only in habits, differ sufficiently in their preference for certain environmental factors to lead them to reach their maximum numbers and development along different parts of the coast line. Their zones of habitat, however, overlap according to Murphy. This author states regarding the areas occupied by these two species that “wooden wharves or bridges along the Bay of Fundy and from there along the Atlantic coast as far as Whitehaven suffer from the Limnoria, while the location of the Teredo is farther east and north.” . . . “There is no neutral ground between them. Their domains overlap for a few miles, each of the little borers becoming less abundant as we advance farther into the territory of the other.’’# 1 Letter to the writer. 2 Huntsman, Dr. A. G. Letter to the writer, February 5, 1917. 3 Barrows, A. L. The Geologic Significance of Fossil Rock-Boring Animals, Bull. Geol. Soc. Amer., Vol. LOT. 4Proc. and Trans. N.S. Inst. Sci., Vol. 8, 1895, p. 218. 100 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 It is interesting to note that one of the molluscs which is common in Sydney harbour, Cape Breton island, where Teredo has perhaps its maximum abundance, is the rock borer Zirfaea crispata. Although reported rarely in the gulf of St. Law- rence by Whiteaves I have found it rather abundant near low-tide mark at North Sydney. Along the Bay of Fundy coast of Nova Scotia, however, I have found no trace of it. Stimpson reports it to be very rare at Grand Manan. Verrill has recorded it at from 8 to 70 fathoms in the Bay of Fundy. But it does not appear to occur in the Bay of Fundy near tide mark, as it does at Sydney. Like Teredo, Z. crispata appears to be absent or rare along the Atlantic coast south of the Bay of Fundy. This species, like 7’. navalis, has a wide distribution. On the Pacific coast it is reported from Vancouver to San Diego, California, by Carpenter.! It is dis- tributed along the European side of the Atlantic from France to northern Norway.? Although found in an elevated beach near Christian shoal, Greenland, Jensen states “that Zirfaea (Pholas) crispata no longer lives at Greenland may be regarded as a fact.” * Another boring shell which is associated with 7. navalis around the shores of Prince Edward Island is Petricola pholadiformis. The Canadian Geological Survey Museum collections include a specimen of hard red shale with shells of this molluse from Charlottetown, P.E.I. Concerning this shell, Dr. A. G. Huntsman‘ writes: * Petricola pholadiformis is abundant in the lower part of the gulf of St. Lawrence around Prince Edward Island, and occurs boring in the red sandstone there. It has been reported by Verkruzen from St. Marys bay, Nova Scotia, and I have myself dredged it there in 30 fathoms hard clay bottom. JI have not found it in the Bay of Fundy proper.” Dr. Huntsman’s observations on this shell indicates pretty clearly the discontinuous distribution of 7. navalis and Z. crispata, which eliminates them from the fauna of the upper part of the Bay of Fundy. Teredo navalis belongs in the gulf of St. Lawrence to an isolated faunal group which is confined to Dawson’s warm “ Acadian bay.” The subboreal or syrtensian fauna of the central and northern part of the gulf of St. Lawrence are excluded from this fauna. Concerning this fauna, Dawson® wrote: “It thus forms a peculiar and exceptional zoological province” . . . “It affords to the more delicate marine animals a more congenial habitat than they can find in the Bay of Fundy or even on the coast of Maine.” Among the characteristic species which comprise this Northumberland strait colony of the Acadian fauna are the following :— Ostrea virginica. Venus mercenaria. Zirfaea crispata. Astarte undata. Crepidula fornicata. Crepidula plana. Ilyanassa obsoleta. Some of these species, as O. virginica and V. mercenaria are entirely absent from the Bay of Fundy waters. Some others, like J. obsoleta are entirely absent on the west coast of the Bay of Fundy but present in the warm shallow inlets on the eastern side of the bay. The Northumberland Strait colony is separated from the northeastern border of the New England zone of the Acadian fauna by the deep basin of the Bay of Fundy and the Atlantic coast waters of northern Nova Scotia. The 1 Dall considers the Pacific Coast form to be a species distinct from Z. crispata. 2 Adolf S. Jensen, Middelelser on Groenland, Vol. XXIX, 1905, p. 296. 3 Ibid. 4Letter to the author, February 12, 1917. 5 Dawson, J. Annual address. Can. Nat. Ser. 2, Vol. VII, 1875, p. 277-8. SHIP WORM ON ATLANTIC COAST 101 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a reason for this isolation becomes apparent on examination of a bathymetric chart of the waters of the Maritime Provinces. The whole of Prince Edward island and Northumberland strait lie inside the 20-fathom line, and much of the broad strait has a depth of 10 fathoms or less. On the southeastern coast of Nova Scotia, however, the - 20-fathom line frequently approaches to within one-half mile of the coast, and there is everywhere a narrow zone of shoal water inside the 100-fathom zone which renders it colder than the broad shallow warm waters of Northumberland strait. It illustrates well the fact that a zone of shallow water if sufficiently close to and unprotected from deep waters may serve as a faunal barrier as effectively as a land barrier. This example of an isolated colony of the northern New England shallow zone marine fauna surrounded by a sub-boreal fauna is worthy of the attention of paleontologists who are prone to predict land barriers as offering the only possible explanation of faunal differences similar to those described above. FORMER DISTRIBUTION OF THE NORTHUMBERLAND FAUNA. There are several bits of evidence which seem to indicate that the present isola- tion and limited distribution of the colony of comparatively warm-water mollusca now living in the Northumberland strait with which 7. navalis is associated is of recent origin. Ostrea virginica, the most strikingly southern type of this assemblage, apears to have extended as far westward as Montreal at one time during the Pleisto- cene. Several years ago Sir William Dawson wrote: ‘‘I have picked up a loose speci- men at Saco which has the appearance of being a fossil specimen from the Leda clay, and Mr. Paisley has sent me specimens from Chaleur bay which are said to have come from Pleistocene beds 16 feet from the surface.’* More recently Edward Ardley? has reported finding Ostrea near Montreal, 9 feet below the surface, associated with Mya truncata, Macoma calcarea, Astarte, Laurentiana, and Saxicava rugosa. At Cole Harbour on the east coast of Nova Scotia the flukes of anchors bring up numerous dead oyster shells, where the living oyster is unknown.® ~ On the east coast of Nova Scotia, Mr. W. J. Wintemburg of the section of Archae- ology of the Geological Survey, has found in an old Indian shell heap on Mahone bay, 40 miles southwest of Halifax, shells of Ostrea virginica and Venus mercenaria. Neither shell is known south-west of Halifax, on the east coast of Nova Scotia at present, but their discovery in the shell heap appears to indicate that they lived in the bay when the shell heap materials were accumulating. It may be suggested tentatively that. the beds containing O. virginica at Mont- real are synchronous in time with the Don River interglacial beds at Toronto. It is probable that the milder climatic conditions which prevailed during the early part of the Don River interval* rendered the temperature of the Atlantic coastal waters of the Maritime Provinces sufficiently mild to give the oyster and its congeners con- tinuous distribution from southern New England to the gulf of St. Lawrence. 1 Dawson, J. W. Ice Age in Canada, 1893, p. 243. 2 Ardley, Edward. ‘‘The Occurrence of Ostrea in the Pleistocene Deposits of the Vicinity of Montreal.” Ottawa Naturalist, Vol. 26, 1912, p. 67. 3 Proc. and Trans. N.S., Inst. Nat. Sei. Vol. I, 1863, p. 98. 4A. P. Coleman, Int. Cong. Geol., Guide Book, No. 6, 1913, pp.15-31. : ' ree ALS | f ve Fig. 2.—Sketch map showing the discontinuous distribution of Teredo around the coasts of Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. The habitat of Teredo is shown by black border on coast line. Area where Teredo is absent or rare is shown without black border. 38a—8 108 Br ny ce 2 f A Di es, 4 ; , ‘ uae Rapa tae _" nde tats eben eereeneat oy Madly yw “pkg a nae OT ae wer hs vy 1 * a eos grt eer ae y be ad i f : ’ tie ht : i ae A f { \ \ eed m "A: , ai . .. ‘ ey Pee Mae ; > Ct Sa ha ¥ 5 ‘ a HR | hae hry § Sa % ET econ a rn et Pi pai hc Nes. Pe is | eee re el, ‘ Ps a ny Haye: An whale e eat - . ce] => oe ! i. a * ‘ 7th Sc ee -aaye oo eT nLaY oes hl oe om oe Wires Was a es ita courant” eon! Bei iey Fo aah sffocie a. . Aes Bea GOOnA aS fy eet. Lotion Pics ah ad al fi a A tere ee he i / » a my s, { ' vi “tye ; %, 4 v/ q ” ¢ oh L Pid. af d't-'s . sf a i 4 1 4 i- 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 V REARING SOCKEYE SALMON IN FRESH WATER. By O. McLean Fraser, Ph.D., F.R.S.C., ete. Curator of the Dominion Biological Station, Nanaimo, B.C. In several instances, successful attempts have been made to rear the Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar, to maturity without permitting it to have access to the sea. Yarrell! describes such an attempt that was made nearly a century ago as follows: “A large landed proprietor in Scotland . . . wrote as follows: ‘In answer to your inquiry about salmon fry I have put into my newly formed ponds, the water was first let in about the latter end of 1830, and in April, 1831, I put in a dozen or two small salmon fry, 3 or 4 inches long, taken out of a river here, thinking it would be curious. to see whether they would grow without the possibility of their getting to the sea or salt water. As the pond, between three and four acres in extent, had been newly stocked with trout, I did not allow any fishing till the summer of 1833, when we caught, with fly, several of those salmon, from two to three pounds’ weight, perfectly well developed and filled up, of the best salmon colour outside, the flesh well-flavoured and well-coloured, though a little paler than that of new-run fish.’ ” This attempt was successful as far as it went, but no evidence is given that any of the fish lived to maturity. It has been shown by Dahl, Hutton, and others that, in some rivers in particular, the Atlantic salmon commonly remains three years in fresh water, the length of time these were kept, without any artificial restraint. The experiment is interesting, however, since it shows that the retention idea is by no means of recent development. Menzies? refers to this experiment and mentions others as follows:: “ Since then various experiments in this direction have been conducted with more or less success, notably those by Sir J. Gibson Maitland, at Howietoun, where eggs deposited in the winter of 1880-1 were duly hatched and the fry reared until, when nearly four years old G.e., the same age as grilse), they were found to be ready to spawn, and the ova of the females when fertilized by milt, were found to develop in a perfectly normal manner. In the report of the Fishery Board for Scotland for the year 1908, part II, appendix III, details are given of a male grilse kelt which, owing to an oversight, was left for a year in a small fresh-water ‘ catch-pit,’ and which, in spite of these unnatural conditions, had again become ripe for spawning. “ Through the kindness of Mr. George Muirhead, the commissioner for the Duke of Richmond and Gordon, who sent the scales and particulars to Mr. Calderwood, I have been able to examine the scales of a somewhat remarkable fish, which died at the Tugnet hatchery, on the Spey, in August last. The details of the life of this most interesting specimen—a male—as supplied by the keeper of the hatchery are as fol- lows: ‘Hatched in April, 1905, the parr was placed in the rearing pond in the summer of the same year, and was retained there until the date of its death in August, 1911, when it weighed 4 pounds 3 ounces. During this period it spawned:twice, for the first time in January, 1910, and for the second and last time in March, 1911; on the latter occasion its weight was 5 pounds 3 ounces, 1 pound more than when it died.’ 1Yarrell, Wm. A history of British fishes, Part II, 1836, p. 21. 2 Menzies, W. J. M. The infrequency of spawning in the salmon. Salmon Fisheries 1, for 1911, Fishery Board for Scotland, 1912, p. 5. 38a—83 105 106 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 “Tt is interesting to observe that, although this fish enjoyed steady hand feed- ing, it had only attained one-tenth of the weight it would, in all probability, have reached had it spent the last four years of its life in the natural manner in the sea, and the scales show that the feeding has been, as one might expect, of a regular character, and it would be impossible to estimate the age in the regular way. The absence of a spawning mark is at first sight particularly striking, although this is not so surprising when one remembers that a great deal of the erosion of scales takes place after the fish has ceased feeding and left the sea, and while it is in the river before spawning.” Masterman® makes reference to salmon that were bred in tanks at the Plymouth Marine laboratory. He says: “Through the courtesy of Dr. Allen, the Director of the Plymouth Marine laboratory, I was enabled to examine the scales of young salmon which were bred in the tanks, and for two successive seasons were ‘ stripped’ of ripe ova and milt. Their scales show no trace of worn edge or of spawning mark.” He gives a photograph of a scale of one of these salmon (see fig. 27)- Similar experiments have been carried on with the British “sea-trout”, the migratory trout of the British coasts, the name applied to it by those who consider the “brown trout”, said to be non-migratory, a different species and even by those who think the two are of the same species, developed under different conditions. Tate Regan? definitely states “In the British Isles there is only one species of trout.” Lamond® gives an approving review of the arguments presented by Regan and in dis- cussing one of these, viz., that sea trout, if prevented from going to the sea, will live and breed in fresh water, makes reference to an experiment carried out at Howietoun under the supervision of the hatchery superintendent, John Thompson, whose notes are recorded thus: “The parents were caught in a tributary of the river Forth, brought to Howietoun and spawned on November 23, 1886. There were 450 ova laid down to hatch of which some 350 hatched out successfully in February, 1887, and the fry (some 250) were shifted from the hatchery house to one of our ponds, in June of the same year and then fed the same as other fry. The young fish were again shifted into a larger pond in June, 1888, when the average size was found to be about three inches. In August, 1889, some specimen fish, about six inches in length, were taken from the pond by Dr. Day for examination and comparison with common trout, S. fario, and we were all agreed that it was impossible to distinguish them by the eye from S. fario. In April, 1890, the fish were again moved to another pond and I spawned some of the females in November of the same year, crossing the ova with milt from S. levenensis and S. fontinalis. A few fry of the former were hatched out and reared but were after- wards mixed with other fry. The remainder of the parent sea-trout were afterwards, I think, turned out into a reservoir, when about five years old. They never attained to any great size.” In all the cases mentioned, apparently the only difference observed between the fish retained in fresh water and those normally migrating is the difference in size, the retained specimens growing much more slowly than the normal migrating specimens: The scant supply of food in the fresh water as compared with the supply in the sea, which is commonly given as the reason for the slower growth in fresh water, appa- rently cannot be the controlling cause in all of these cases, since in some of them at least the fish may have been fed as much as they wished for. Possibly the lack of any necessity for special activity in search for food accounts for a similar lack of appetite and a sluggishness i in digestion and a general condition that is not conductive to rapid growth. This would also account for any differences in external appearance and in “ec 3Masterman, A. T. Report on investigations upon the salmon with special reference to age determination by study of scales, Fishery Investigations, Board of Agriculture and Fisheries, series I, Vol. I, 1913, p. 31, London. 4 Regan, C. Tate. The Fresh Water Fishes of the British Isles, 1911. 5Lamond, Henry. The Sea Trout, 1916. REARING SOCKEYE SALMON 107 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a the color of the flesh of the fish as well. The complete fresh water life, as far as these experiments show, causes no delay in the approach of the spawning period. In only one of these cases was the later life of the fish followed up and reported upon. This fish survived two spawning periods and lived to be 64 years old. There is thus nothing to indicate that its life was shortened in the continued existence in fresh water, nor ean it be said definitely that it was prolonged. Regan contends that there is no structural difference between the sea trout and the brown trout, but the difference in general appearance is due to the length of time spent in fresh water. That is to say, he is of the opinion that the brown trout is simply a sea trout that has given up migrating to the sea. Lamond apparently is of much the same opinion. If this contention is correct, and it is backed up by many convincing arguments, the continued life in fresh water must have a physiological effect if not a morphological, different to that when migration to the sea takes place, because the brown trout is so different in general appearance, when grown, that it is usually considered a different species or it might even be said many different species, where local conditions produce an appearance, different from the typical. An experiment with the sockeye salmon, Oncorhynchus nerka, which is being carried on at the hatchery at New Westminster, B.C., by Hatchery Officer H. W. Doak, under the jurisdiction of Lieut.-Col. F. H. Cunningham, Chief Inspector of Fisheries for British Columbia, may be of greater interest than any of these. Already it is of sufficient importance to be worth recording. In the fall of 1912 some sockeye eggs were taken from Harrison lake to the Bon Accord hatchery, where they hatched out in the spring of 1913. The fry were put into rearing ponds near the hatchery, but later, when the hatchery was moved over to Queen’s Park, New Westminster, on account of Canadian Northern Railway opera- tions, the fish were removed to ponds on the new site, where some of them still live and thrive. In the fall of 1915 some of the males, then in their third year, became ripe and the milt was removed. The spent fish mended perfectly and continued to live and grow. As none of the spawning fish were marked, it was not possible to tell if those spawned again in 1916, but certainly some of the males spawned in that year. None of the females showed any signs of developing a spawning condition in the third year, 1.e., in 1915, but they did so the following year. When they were ripe the eggs were removed, artificially mixed with milt for fertilization, and put in the hatchery, but although they remained fresh for a long period, none of them hatched out. The rest of the eggs were spawned naturally in the gravel at the bottom of the pond, but apparently they were not fertilized, as none of them hatched out either. The eggs were 5 to 5.5 mm. in diameter, somewhat smaller than even the smallest of normal sockeye eggs. The spawning occurred about November 1, and on the 29th of January following a number of these fish were examined. There were nine of them altogether, running from 9 to 11 inches in length (not including caudal fin rays). They were not weighed, but probably none of them would weigh over a pound, and some of them not that much. The fish that had quit feeding during the spawning period, were taking food quite readily again and appeared to be perfectly mended. The skin was bright and metallic and the scales were shed quite readily. Seales from four of them were taken for examination. Although there is much sameness in the rate of growth indicated throughout, it is possible in almost every perfect scale to make out the winter check somewhat readily. The growth is not quite regular even during the active part of the year, the irregularity is most notice- able in the second year’s growth, but it is probably on account of the general slow growth that it is more noticeable in these than in normal scales. There may have been some disturbing influences in connection with their life in ponds as small as those in which they were kept. 108 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 A calculation made to get the amount of growth each year gave the following results in inches) :— Totallength. 1st year. 2ndyear. 38rdyear. 4th year. 1 2°3 3°5 3°0 2°2 ORT 3°0 as 1°9 1°3 ac5 2°8 3°0 2°1 LG Usb 2°71 33803 2°3 1°2 Average... 959 2°7 33533 2°3 T6 The first of these was a female, and probably all of the others were males. There is a marked difference in the growth in the third year, but it cannot be stated with certainty that the small growth in the last three but particularly in the second one was due to the spawning of these males in the third year. There was no indication of a spawning mark on any of the seales. (This agrees with Menzies’ statement for the Atlantie salmon, quoted above). : The great majority of the Fraser river sockeye remain in the fresh water for one year. The average growth of 614 four-year-old sockeye, hatched out at the same time as these and caught in the summer of 1916, is as follows :— Totallength. 1st year. 2ndyear. 3rdyear. 4th year. 22-3 2°9 8°6 Test Syil No sockeye belonging to the same year class but remaining two years in the fresh water have yet been obtained as these are usually caught when in the 5th or 6th year, but a comparison may be made with the 5-year fish that were hatched out the preced- ing year. The average of 56 of these is as follows :— Totallength. ist year. 2nd year. 3rd year. 4th year. 5th year. 22°75 2°6 3°2 8°2 671 2°4 I have not seen any sockeye from the Fraser that had remained in fresh water for three years, and as far as I am aware, none have been reported. Dr. Gilbert has reported some from the Nass river, that remained in fresh water for three years, but hhas given no figure of the scales. Even if the growth rate had been calculated for these Nass river fish, no direct comparison could be made with the Fraser river fish. As far as comparison can be made, these pond-reared fish have a growth parallel to that of other sockeye, that remain in the fresh water under normal conditions, but the comparison can be carried only to the end of the second year. There is nothing to indicate that hand feeding in the pond makes any improvement in growth over natural feeding in the streams or lakes. The growth in length in the third year is less than that in the second, and that in the fourth less than that in the third, a decrease in somewhat the same portion, although not to the same extent, as is found in those living in the sea. There is nothing remarkable in the fact that these fish lived over the fourth winter. Five year specimens are found in all types of sockeye, six years specimens are compar- atively common and seven year specimens have been reported. The outstanding feature of the whole question lies in the fact that these fish have spawned and have mended perfectly and some of the males have lived over a year after the first spawning. A large number of sockeye, as well as all other species of Pacific salmon, certainly die soon after spawning, and there is no convincing evidence that any of them long survive the spawning process under normal conditions, but these pond reared sockeye survived and began feeding again, apparently little the worse. They were examined again on April 20 and the nine of them were still alive, of good colour, and apparently in good health. It is true that they did not go through a wearing struggle in getting to spawning beds but that cannot have made all the difference because many of the Pacific salmon, even in some cases the sockeye, spawn in streams that are reached from the REARING SOCKEYE SALMON 169 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a sea with no special effort. The spawning effort itself should have been as severe on these as on those spawning under natural conditions or those artificially spawned. The physiological condition of the body must have become changed under the changed con- ditions of life, so that the fish has become, in its nature, more like a fish that normally remains in the fresh water throughout its existence. This may indicate that the genus Oncorhynchus is even more intimately related to the genus Salmo than has been sus- pected. Mr. Doak has some pond-reared sockeye younger than these, and some coho at different stages as well, hence there is every chance for him to follow up the experiment far enough to get quite decided results. EXPLANATION OF FIGURE. The figure is from a photograph of a scale from a 4-year-old sockeye that was reared entirely in fresh water, taken from the fish on January 29. The numbers 1, 2 and 3, indicate the limit of the first, second and third year’s growth, respectively. The margin is the limit of the fourth year’s growth. —-* tiie & bit vodiions ‘ =~ 2 Gee wow tail eichy ! 0’ ae Eat stu s mei fr 3 ‘ re an. a yiiens ry ry -¥ 4 ~ - & ‘ fe rs ns a ng! a Os , ee ee . id 7 sind OT hoe wey Sirk . ou aL * = id 8 = bs , a a oe Ll ss i (SREB 0 < ; SER nets: ers ‘O00T Mgimaur sit a ee ri So phe > ¥ Ae 2 ch AF Male ap & GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 VI ON THE AGE AND GROWTH OF THE POLLOCK IN THE BAY OF FUNDY. By Professor James W. Mavor, Ph.D., Union College, Schenectady, N.Y. (With one Diagram.) I.—INTRODUCTION, The present report represents the results of studies on the age and growth of pollock caught in the Bay of Fundy during the years 1915 and 1916. A report Mr. Douglas Macallum, prepared under the direction of the present writer, then curator of the St. Andrews Biological Station, dealing with the pollock caught in 1914, is already in the press. Mr. Macallum’s report refers particularly to the older pollock of from three to six or more years growth, as determined by their scales. Besides working out the rate of growth of these pollock, he obtained indications that the most frequent year class was that of 1909. Some of the results of this report are included in the present paper for comparison with the data obtained in 1915 and 1916. The object of the investigation has been to determine: (1) the distribution of the young pollock, (2) the rate of growth of young pollock during their first two or three years, (3) the relative frequency of the different year classes in typical commercial catches. The writer is indebted to the members of the staff of the Biological Station at St. Andrews in 1915 and 1916 for assistance in measuring and taking the scales from fish. He is particularly indebted to Mr. E. Horne Craigie for the measurements made in July, 1915, and to Dr. A. G. Huntsman, the curator of the Station, for assistance and advice in obtaining the young pollock in 1916. Il—METHODS OF MEASURING FISH AND STUDYING SCALES. Two measurements for length have been employed. The standard length is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the vertebral column (easily deter- mined by feeling with the fingers). The total length is measured from the tip of the snout to the end of the tail, the caudal fin having its normal spread. In the case of fish over 20 cm. in length the measurements are always to the nearest centimeter ; in the case of the smaller fish, under 20 cm., to the nearest millimeter. The standard length was chosen at the beginning of these investigations for the following reasons: (1) It can be more accurately determined by the ordinary methods, (2) it is not affected by the position or spread of the tail or by injuring the tail, (3) it measures tiie actual length of the body of the fish, (4) it has been found by Hjort, in the case of herring, that a better correspondence between actual lengths and lengths as calcu- lated from the position of the rings on the scales is obtained by taking a length V measured from the anterior end of the pectoral fin to the end of the vertebral column, than by taking the total length. The standard length differs from V by the length of the head only, ‘while the total length differs by the length of head and tail. The total length has been recorded for comparison with the measurements of the European investigators who use this length. In 1914 the standard length only was recorded. In 1915, for catches No. 1 and No. 2, both the standard and total lengths were recorded, and for catches No. 3 to No. 5 only the standard lengths. In 1916 for catches No. 1 to No. 40, both standard and total lengths were recorded and for catches No. 41 to No. 62, the total length only. The seales of the fish were taken in most cases from a region marked by the end of the right pectoral fin when extended along the side of the body in a posterior aia! 112 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 direction. When the region had been injured either in capture or transport, the nearest uninjured region to this was used. The scales were stored in envelopes on which the length of the fish and other data were written. For microscopic study the scales were cleaned and flattened between two slides. In calculating the proportional jiengths from the position of the winter rings; the positions of the outer edges of the winter rings were marked on strips of paper so placed that the edge of the paper coincided with the camera lucida image of the antero-posterior diameter of the scale in its anterior part. These strips were then placed on the apparatus devised by Hjort and the proportional lengths read off. For each fish, at least two scales were examined in this way. Ill.—THE FIRST YEAR’S GROWTH. A number of small Pollock, shown by their scales to be in their first year of growth were obtained. The greater number of these were caught in a shore seine about two fathoms in depth and twenty fathoms in length. The hauls were made in two Ieealities and were as follows: A.—North of Wilson’s beach, Campobello island. Wilson’s beach is on the western side of Campobello island and faces a stretch of tidal water lying between this island and the islands to the west of it, often called by the fishermen “The River”. The Western shore of Campobello island descends somewhat abruptly, and, in conse- quence, the tidal current comes close to the shore. The hauls were made at about the time of low water on the morning of August 4, at which time many small pollock ranging around 35 cm. in length were seen in schools inshore. The results of these five hauls all made within a mile or two of each other, are grouped together and labelled catch No. 19. The separate hauls are given below. Haul No. 1—The seine was set a considerable distance from the shore so that the corks went under. .The catch consisted of four pollock under 11 cm. and 1 pollock 42 em. total length, and one flounder. Haul No. 2.—The seine was set so that the cords just remained afloat. The catch censisted of seventeen pollock between 28 and 47 em. total length, and no other fish. Haul No. 3.—This was a short haul, the seine being set at about its own depth. The catch consisted of a few flounders and skulpins. Haul No. 4.—This was a deep haul, the seine being set at about twice its own depth, the corks being completely under, on a beach covered with kelp. The catch consisted of fifteen pollock under 11 em. total length, four skulpins, four flounders, and two sea ravens. Haul No. 5.—This haul was made in shallow water and went foul of rocks. The catch consisted of a few flounders and a few skulpins. B.—Bliss island. These hauls were made on the shores of a small island in the bay of Fundy, northeast of Campobello island and southwest of V’Etang harbour, where, as in the case af Wilson’s beach, strong tides run. In all, six hauls were made und the catches numbered 28 to 33. Three hauls were made at low water on the eyening of August 16, the seine being set in about its own depth. The hauls yielded the following small gadoids :— Haul No. 1.—Two hake. Haul No. 2—Two pollock, forty-four cod, numerous hake. Haul No. 3—One pollock, two cod. POLLOCK IN BAY OF FUNDY 113 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Three hauls were taken at the next low water on the morning of August 17, yield- ing the following small gadoids :— Haul No. 1—Numerous hake. Haul No. 2—Five pollock, four cod, and four hake. Haul No. 38—¥Four hake. The length frequencies of the twenty-seven small pollock obtained in catches 19 and 29 to 32 are given in table I. The length frequencies of the fish caught in the seine catches 19 and 29-32 form rather even curves with a mode at 8 cm. and 9 em. The mean standard length of these fish, as calculated from measurements made to the nearest millimeter, is 8-7 cm., and the mean total length, as calculated in the same way is 9-7 em. The scales of these fish show a series of rings of plates corresponding to the centres of the scales of longer pollock. The number of these rings is from 4 to 10. In no ease were the rings of plates close together, indicating winter growth. In 19143 five small pollock were caught in the shore seine at Sandy Cove, N.S. Their length frequencies were as follows :— Standard lengths... .... Wrequencyi te vores pe 9 cm. 3 8 cm. 1 Total lengths............ IIREQMEN CGY =.) Se. Where de The measurements were made to the nearest millimeter, and the mean total length was 8-2 cm. and the mean standard length 7-4 em. Seven other small pollock were obtained, five from weirs which had been seimed for herring and two caught on hook and line from the station wharf. The length fre- quencies of these fish are given in table 2, and show that these fish were larger than those caught in the shore seine. Their mean standard length was 12-2 em. and their mean total length was 13-3 em. Their scales corresponding to their larger size show a greater number of rings of plates but do not show any winter rings. So far as any importance can be attached to the occurrence of these seven fish, it would seem to indicate that the young, after they attain a certain length, about 11 cm., move into slightly deeper water where they are not caught by the shore seine. IV—THE SECOND YEAR'S GROWTH. Among the pollock caught in the shore seine at Wilson’s beach on August 4, as described in the previous section and grouped together as catch No. 19, eighteen were between 29 and 45 cm. total length. Two of these, specimens No. 660 and No. 661, 29 and 32 em. total length, show only a single winter ring in their seales. The lengths of these fish at the end of their first winter as calculated from the positions of the winter rings in the scales is shown in table 3. It is to be noted that these fish are probably large for their age being caught in a shoal with large fish. They constitute, however, the only data the writer has been able to obtain on pollock in their second year’s growth. It is hoped in future work to fill this unfortunate gap in the investigations. V.—THE THIRD YEAR'S GROWTH. In all seventy-three pollock in their third year were caught. They were all caught in the shore seine near Wilson’s beach, Campobello island, and are included in catches 17 and 19. 114 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Catch 17 was taken on the morning of August 3, 1916, when numerous schools of small pollock were seen close inshore just north of Wilson’s beach, and the shore seine was set at low water. One haul yielded fifty-seven specimens ranging between 30 em. and 47 em. in total length. The seine was rapidly hauled in over a rocky bottom and the only other fish caught was one Pseudopleuronectes americanus 35 em. in length. The scales of these pollock all show two winter rings. The length fre- quencies are given in table 4. The mean total length is 39-6 cm. and the mean stan- dard length is 36-4 em. Catch No. 19 has already been described in a previous section. It included sixteen pollock whose scales showed two winter rings. The total lengths of these fish at the ends of their first and second winters, as calculated from their scales, are given in table No. 5. The lengths given are, in each case, the average of two measurements on different scales. The mean total lengths of two-year old fish of the catch are, at the end of the first winter, 15-4 em. and at the end of the second winter, 31-8 em. The mean length of the fish when caught on August 4 was 39-2 em. The mean increase in total length during the second year, t2, was 16-4 cm. and the mean increase during the third year up to August 4 was 7-4 em. The length frequencies of the fish in the different years of their growth are shown in table 6. The corresponding figures for the standard lengths are: mean standard length at end of first winter, 14-1 cm.; mean standard length at end of second winter, 31-3 em; mean standard length when caught on August 4, 35-9 cm. VI.—THE FREQUENCY OF THE DIFFERENT YEAR CLASSES IN THE YEARS 1914, 1915 anp 1916. From measurements made on 1,250 pollock caught in July, 1914, Mr. Douglas Macallum constructed a leigth frequency curve, given in the paper already referred to. This curve, as Mr. Macallum noted, shows two modes, one at 63 cm., and one at 68 cm., the former being the more prominent one. The mean length of 6-year old fish (67-8 em.) corresponds closely with the frequency curve at 68 cm., as scale studies show, and the mean length of 5-year old fish (63- cm.) with the mode at 62 to 63 em. The most prominent mode is at 63 em., i.e., 5-year old fish, or the class of 1909. The material for the study of the pollock in 1915 consisted of the measurements and scales of 652 fish obtained in five catches from Casco bay, off Campobello island, New Brunswick. The first two of these catches were made on June 22, and included 331 fish, the other three catches were made on July 16, and included 321 fish. The length frequencies of these pollock, both the actual numbers caught and the per cent in each centimeter class, are given in table 7. In catches 1 and 2, both the standard and the total lengths were measured while the catches 3 to 5, only the standard lengths were taken. The table gives the standard lengths for all five catches and, in addition, the total lengths for catches 1 and 2. From the column in the table giving the per cent of specimens in each centimeter class for the first two catches and the similar column for the last three catches, it will be seen that they agree in showing the most frequent classes at 65 and 66 cm. Since the distribution of lengths in the catches is similar and since the catches were chosen at random, it would seem fair to assume that they represent correctly the distribution in point of size of fish caught during June and July in the vicinity of Campobello island. The frequency curve for the standard lengths of catches 1 to 5 is shown in the graph where the lengths have been grouped in 2 em. classes and the frequencies plotted in per cent. This curve has a single mode at 66 cm., corresponding to the most frequent class in the per cent column. An examination of the scales of the fish from a typical catch, catch 2, was made in the POLLOCK IN BAY OF FUNDY 115 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a = following manner: The envelopes, each containing the scales of a single fish, were arranged in the order of the standard lengths of the fish; the scales from every fourth envelope were examined and the number of rings counted. In this way, without exam- ining scales from all the fish, scales from a representative sample of the catch were examined. The numbers of fish in each year class are shown in table 8. The mean standard length of the 5-year old fish of the class of 1910 was 63-9 em., and that of the 6-year-old fish of the class of 1909 was 67-4 cm. The mode on the 1915 frequency curve is therefore seen to be due to the greater frequency of the 6-year-old fish of the class of 1909, or the same which gave rise to the most prominent mode in the 1914 frequency curve. The mean standard length of catches 1 and 2 is 67-5 em., and the mean total length is 72-8 em. The material for the study of the pollock of three winters and over, in 1916, consisted of measurements of thirty-two catches made near Campobello island between July 10 and October 16. The first eleven of these catches, Nos. 2 to 18, were measured by the writer, both the standard and the total length being recorded and scale samples taken from each fish. The remaining catches were measured by Capt. Sheppard Mitchell of tre Biological Station staff, and the total lengths recorded. The dates and locations of the catches and the number of pollock they contained are given in table 9. The length frequencies of these catches have been tabulated and catches grouped according to the date of capture. Catches 2 to 12 were made betwen July 10 and 14; their standard length frequencies are given in table 10, columns I to X. From column TX it can be seen that the mode for these catches is about 66 em. The mode for catches i5 to 18 is seen from column XIV to be also 66 em., although the frequencies of the 67 and 68 em. classes are also large. Catches 2 to 18, which contain 567 fish, have been combined in columns XVI and XVII, which give the length frequencies in per cent. These columns show that the mode, in this case, is to be placed at 67 em. The mode at 67 em. is slightly in advance of the mode of the 1915 curve which is at 66 cm. In the case of the remaining catches, numbers 41 to 62, the total length only was recorded. The catches are grouped according to the time of capture, July, August, first half of September, latter half of September, and October. In each of these groups the combined length frequencies of the separate catches, the per cent length frequency obtained by reducing the combined frequencies to per cent of the total number of fish concerned and the per cent frequency in classes of 2 centimeter intervals are given. The later percentages are each obtained by adding two of the percentages of the previous column. They are entered opposite the length of even number althougly they really correspond to a length which is the mean of the length of the two classes, the percentages of which were added, e.g. in column IV the per cent 8-0 corresponds to a length of 63-5 cm. The percentages in 2 centimeter classes are given because they make possible a more rapid inspection of the table. From table 11 it will be seen that the mode for catches 2 to 18 is 74cm., which may be taken to be the total length corresponding to 67 cm. The mode for catches 41 to 62 is at 80 cm. and it will be noted that this is approximately the mode of the separate groups of catches. The total length 80 cm., may be considered to correspond approximately to a standard length of 67/74 x 80 cm. or 72-5 em. During the summer of 1916, pollock were scarce around Campobello island, but they became more plentiful in the autumn. The catches 41 to 62 measured by Captain Mitchell are therefore regarded as more typical. It is these measurements which I have used in constructing the curve for 1916 in the graph. As these were measurements of the total length and the measurements for 1914 and 1915 were of the standard length the curve has been moved in the diagram so that its actual mode at 80 cm. comes at 72cm. This has been done merely: for the purposes of comparison. The form of the curve for total lengths is of course different from that for standard lengths. It is also to be considered that this curve represents fish caught later in the year than those used 116 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 for the 1914 and 1915 curves, a fact which would make the corresponding modal length less than that shown. The numbers of winter rings have been counted for the scales of the fish of catches 3, 6 and 7, and the results are shown in table 12. The table shows that these catches, which had a mode at 67 cm., were composed predominately of 6-year-old fish. This being the case, the mode at 72 em. of the curve for catches 41 to 62 shown in fig. 1, probably corresponds to the 7-year-old fish or the fish of the 1909 year class, the same which gave rise to the modes in the 1914 and 1915 curves. ViI.—SUM MARY. 1. It has been found that young pollock showing in their scales no winter rings and therefore probably in their first year’s growth occur in shallow tidal water on the western coast of the Bay of Funday. 2. Data as to the rate of growth during the first two years are given. 3. Evidence is given for believing that the 1909 class has been the most abundant during the three years 1914, 1915, and 1916. VIII.—TABLES. TasLe 1.—Length Frequencies of Small Pollock caught in shore seine in 1916. A. Standard Lengths—Numbers in columns represent number of specimens in centimeter groups. GeeEnL ieee hee on es MEE RR St ae 7 cm 8 cm. 9 cm 10 cm 11cm "CENCE ols tue, Sent og See are Pe 3 6 2 - WAC eee poles cia errata esr tu petiors coe 3 - 4 1 Mota’ .j..2 2% 3 9 8 6 1 B. Total Lengths—Numbers in columns represent number of specimens in centimeter groups. Mien ofits eee. ke ER its Ca ated 7 em. 8 cm. 9 cm. 10 cn. 11 cm. 12 cm. (Giire yO yey St Meta ek ane ees ee ae 2 4 7 5 1 - ‘GEide NORE SB Iy ae os ia Bee a are ee - 1 2 - 4 if etal scchuee Tse esoe 2 5 9 5 5 i TaBLe 2.—Length Frequencies of Small Pollock, Catches Nos. 21-26, five seined in herring weirs and two caught with hook and line from Station wharf August 3 to 9. A—STANDARD LENGTHS. Meneposere..4 are sce Bese ia Ade ar. - aati. senior 11 cm 12 cm. 13 cm. 14 cm. 15 cm. PAM MEDLEY els. f ahie S aba e? dane aweaeleaaene peat 3 1 2 - B—Toract LENGTHS. rem pblisige Bho. he) fm '~'s stasis. Rindt (eae eats SORE 11 cm 12 cm 13 cm 14 cm. 15 cm. Frequency..... Site nips, Piaintes oo. Nes ke ERE 1 2 1 1 2 POLLOCK IN BAY OF FUNDY 117 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a TaBLeE 3.—Calculated Lengths of Pollock from Catch No 19, showing a Singk Winter Ring. Standard Lengths. Total Lengths. Ist. Ring. Length. 1st. Ring. Length. SECciMEnN GOD: sehen dele cates as eaethe og! Peete Ae a 19 cm. 27 cm. 20 cm. 29 cm. " GGMEE: etae certs crea cpcir ite g Dh ertarat te wie acd acters be 20 29 ‘22 32 Taste 4.—Length Frequencies of Pollock of Catch 17. A. Standard Length Frequencies in Centimeter Classes. Cm. Class.... ... | 27 | 28 | 29 | 30 | 3L | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 | 41 | 421 43 | 44 me UTOMe ye ketests se lly le | ese ON = Pts) So 10} |) GP Shee 129) Bk Sa 8! ha I B. Total Length Frequencies in Centimeter Classes. Gime Class... ..): 25 30 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39 | 40 |41 | 42 | 43 | 44 | 45 | 46 | 47 Frequency........ lee Dts alga he dae hel va 01g CA eK: 2) eat V2) Pa Ses 9 TaBLe 5.—Lengths of Pollock of Catch 19 at the end of each of their first two winters as calculated from their scales and their lengths when caught. Standard Length. Total Length. Specimen No. : lst. Ring. | 2nd. Ring. Edge. Ist. Ring. | 2nd. Ring. Edge. 1915. 1916. 1916. 1915. 1916. 1916. (Bi eee ed Ar aN, eae 1) oT 32 13 30 35 TO cookie ee Ce ee ee 12 29 34 13 32 37 ONL. San ae ee is eee Ben 14 28 33 15 oo 37 Gh ome Eons Ay ee mess, tayo? 13 31 35 14 34 38 GGGB ar ois ee ihe ied 14 29 35 15 32 38 OPEN secrcrera bis eave o ate Home 14 28 36 15 30 39 OPEN ey eiee bine cur loti 13 32 36 14 35 39 (HE). Qtr ena eee a oe 14 31 36 16 34 39 (BiC SB ee ee ae 15 32 36 16 35 39 (Cyl gc ee 17 31 36 19 33 39 GTM Sess cs cath ee 14 32 36 15 36 40 673 14 33 37 15 36 40 DEES 8 Ses ee ees 17 34 37 19 37 40 iB o5 L ose ee eee 1133 33 338 14 36 41 D5 95 Se ee 13 33 37 14 36 41 Hi Gone RUe ee ae 17 37 41 19 40 45 118 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 TaBLe 6.—Length Frequencies of Pollock of Catch No. 19, those at the end of first and second winters being calculated from their scales. IW HNIC DN 5-7 ae cards oe erase ze | 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Frequency........ Sel betes pit | 2 d 5 2 - - % PRERPUNECIN' 1... Oeiemyeets ceerere PARE ES Ses 4 ove 20 | 31 | 32 | 33 | 34 | 35 | 36 | 37 | 38 | 39) 40 IWEQUEN CY ... 78 38a—9 8.1 LT 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 & TNAHHNMONSTHHDOAODOOMAMHAAH DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE ITAX ! 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Ee te ee 2 ees eae eee 5 2 | -souonbaay = PEbiitiii li i aenadmcsnnewsanano mM PoUlquLoy 2 : 2 _ | Seep “mo g 4 | = NOT Ie inch rake oni is SSL (0G Dapeng - 5 = O { ' f « ot ye ; : f * * 2 ~ , 7 4 . ‘i . bo “ \, ) ‘ Ss we Os or fe hl ews daw pigeaitit ellen he i 4 ’ 7 : vis : +) ’ % 2 hee o£ j a ce eu ra se i a , cd , : o ees . ‘ : By us 14 } ’ ‘ b ; ‘ a / Hs pear e - est ne } . Fai ; 5 j 1) oe < ' Le toa : » Me eae “ ; “ . be J et | = q 7 j fz ) & 4 t . & Alo : : n'y eS } i? aml ib, ~ , A : pl ASS ., it te, 4 j $ eee f re ee ¥ t : ‘ Lh ; * p J SA a « “ » 2733 = a Rs “E> CHELFR eae ee J " so) | ab d ioe el 4 J ei a ce F : aL 8 GEORGE v SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 VII FURTHER HYDROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS IN THE BAY OF FUNDY. By E. HorNe Cratciz, B.A., UNIVERSITY or Toronto anp W. H. Cuase, B.A., ACADIA UNIVERSITY. (With 25 figures and 1 map.) During the summer of 1914 a hydrographic section of the Bay of Fundy was made, a report of which appeared in the Contributions to Canadian Biology, 1914-1915.1 At the beginning of July, 1915, it was suggested that a considerable amount of dredg- ing should be done with a view to working out the fauna of the Bay of Fundy, and the opportunity was taken to combine with this work a repetition of the hydrographic observations made in the previous year and to extend them over the greater part of the Bay. It was thus possible to collect sufficient data to give a general idea of the conditions existing in the water of this important and interesting region. OBSERVATIONS MADE AND APPARATUS EMPLOYED. The work was carried out during two cruises in the month of July. The first of these enabled dredging to be carried on at twenty-four stations in St. Mary bay, Nova Scotia, and observations to be taken at stations I to IV in the Bay of Fundy—the stations which were established in 1914. The work of the second cruise comprised dredging at nine stations in the Annapolis basin and the establishment of two more cross-sections and a longitudinal section of the Bay of Fundy. In St. Mary bay and the Annapolis basin, the stations in which were numbered consecutively in Arabic numerals, temperatures and water samples were taken at the surface and at the bottom at each dredging station, largely for the sake of the connec- tion of these conditions with the fauna found. At all the Bay of Fundy stations, observations were made at the surface, at depths of 5 and 10 fathoms, and then at 10 fathom intervals to the bottom. In the table of data the records for the bottom have been put opposite the nearest depth in tens of fathoms. The exact depth of the obser- vation may be seen at a glance from the record of “Depth” near the top of the column for each station. The hydrographic data obtained in St. Mary bay and the Annapolis basin are tabulated here chiefly in order that they may be accessible when required, though few deducations can be made from them at present. At the Bay of Fundy stations V to XV, dredge hauls were taken; and at these and the Annapolis basin stations, surface plankton samples were also obtained. The apparatus employed was the same as that used in 1914, and has been des- cribed in the report of the work done in that year. The temperature of the air and of the surface water were taken by means of a delicate chemical thermometer, all other temperatures were determined by reversing thermometers. The temperatures at 5 and 10 fathoms at station III, and from 10 to 40 fathoms at station IV, were determined by a Negretti-Zambra thermometer,? all other temperatures below the surface by a Richter thermometer.2 The water samples were obtained by means of a Petterssen- 1Craigie, I. Horne. ‘“ A Hydrographic Section of the Bay of Fundy rtya Yea Uta Wy ed 2Magnaghi pattern frame, Negretti and Zambra thermometer No. 170664. 3 Laboratoire Hydrographique, Kobenhayn, Preisliste, 1914, No. 75, thermometer No. 164. 127 128 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Nansen water-bottle. A full description of both this water-bottle and the reversing thermometers may be found in the section on hydrographic work in the report on the “Tnvestigation of the Bays of the Southern Coast of New Brunswick with a view to Their Use for Oyster Culture.” The temperatures read on the Richter thermometer were all corrected for the expansion of the mercury column at the temperature at which the reading was made, and the corrected figures were recorded in the tables and used in constructing the temperature curves. All temperatures are in the centigrade scale. The densities and salinities of the water samples were determined by W. H. Chase, but as he was called away by military duties, he was unfortunately prevented from completing the work. Such discrepancies between density and salinity in many cases were found in the records that it was considered necessary to repeat the analysis of the samples, and Professor Vachon of Laval University was so kind as to do this during the summer of 1916. Unfortunately, Prof. Vachon found that the water sam: ples must have altered by evaporation since they were collected, and it has accord- ingly been regretfully decided not to publish the data for the Bay of Fundy stations, but to confine this report to the temperature observations. The densities, salinities and chlorine contents of the samples from St. Mary bay, as determined by W. H. Chase, will be found in table III at the end of the report. LOCATION OF OBSERVATION STATIONS. The positions of all the stations are indicated on the accompanying map, on which the fifty and hundred fathom lines have also been inserted, giving an idea of the conformation of the bottom of the Bay. The stations were located so as to give ‘as complete sections as possible, showing the conditions existing in the various parts of the water. In making the observations, the stations were found by the use of a log. Stations I to IV are on a straight line drawn from East Quoddy Head, Campo- bello island, to Boar’s Head, Petit Passage, Long island, as follows :— Station Te ade pe ere Gisv neven tie acd ee emlles Stromesast.@ucddymlends ss PT Benen Pate Deeks meyer iss fe ne ckalt or eS) “ ce “e - ‘ UTD? et rear Atenh cise kis ak alee ete bond es Ks “6 tf LEAP See Ge coe MOAR acer Corl ce oe ss st The remaining Bay of Fundy stations are located as follows :— Station AWE OOO OOO UO OO NOG, Gx 22 miles N.W. from Digby Gut. AV Wie atomasts) MojsilchsMlcissr ats, crept 8 fs S. from Partridge Island, St. John Harbour. i WAL. 2% wre ele) ws je we oes 61144) “4 Si from: Partridge Island st Joun Harbour. ss VIII. 213 « —§. from Partridge Island, St. John Harbour. , ONG Ore Oe On Cot oe eS Gr 5 S. from Quaco Head. e PME Bo UGS. ha soca ecoteco: loa cil eo ce jw CONEXST Mo Wicks iene Tome, reset col) eta Lustet prac. 153 es o Oe Sa A oo. Oo ne GOL mao Ga Or 204 Cr a a ad DO GOOLE act eo he Seas Se oa ok ss S.E. by S. from Quaco Head. The distances are measured in geographical miles. 1 Mavor, Craigie, and Detweiler in “Contributions to Canadian Biology, 1914-15.” 2The responsibility for the planning of the work, selecting the stations, etc., rests with E. Horne Craigie, as does also the recording and working up of the temperature data, while observations on density and salinity were in charge of W. H. Chase. The two workers colla- borated on the draft of the earlier part of this report, and on the preparation of the accom- panying map and some of the figures. Owing to Mr. Chase’s departure for the front, it has been necessary to complete the report without his assistance or criticism. HYDROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS 129 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a DEDUCTIONS FROM DATA OBTAINED IN THE BAY OF FUNDY. A.—Temperature Curves. From the corrected data obtained at each station, a temperature curve has been drawn (figs. 1-15), and upon the basis of these curves four profiles have been con- structed representing respectively the three transverse sections and one longitudinal section of the Bay of Fundy. The discrepancies in depth at some stations shown by the curves and profiles are to be explained by the state of the tide when the observa- tions were made. The bottom conformation has been drawn as accurately as possible with the aid of charts. If the data for stations I to IV be compared with those recorded in August, 1914,+ it will be observed that, with the exception of the surface temperatures at stations IT and IV, all the readings are considerably lower in the new observations, the bottom temperatures averaging 2.7° lower than in 1914. The range of temperatures between the surface and the bottom is thus much greater in 1915, the difference in the surface temperatures being comparatively little. These differences between the temperatures found in the two years are to be explained, no doubt, by the fact that the new observa- tions were taken six weeks earlier in the season than the old ones, when the heating effect of the summer sun and air had had less time to penetrate to the deeper water. Thus there is to be seen a very rapid fall of temperature in the layers of water near the surface (figs. 1-4). In this connection, it must be remembered that the heat con- ductivity of sea water is so slight as to be practically negligible. “The heat conveyed by the sun to the uppermost water-layers cannot therefore be propagated into deep water by conduction, but only through movements of the water-waves, currents, con- vection ‘ currents,’ ete.”2 The fact that the deeper water is heated so much in a period of six weeks must be attributed to the vertical mixing of the water by the great tides occurring in this region. Another effect of this vertical mixing by the strong tidal currents was referred to in the previous report, namely, the considerable areas of the same, or nearly the same temperature occurring at many of the stations. This is most marked in the case of the stations farther up the Bay, the temperatures at stations X to XV (figs. 10-15) inclusive being practically constant between a depth of 5 fathoms and the bottom. The fact that this uniformity becomes more marked in the upper part of the Bay bears out the theory that the tides are responsible for it, the tides being greatest at the head of the Bay, while the water there is shallower, so that the tides are likely to effect a more complete mixing of the mass of water. Helland-Hansen, generalizing upon the basis of temperature curves for four stations distributed over the Atlantic from the Faroe-Shetland channel to the Sargasso Sea says: “From the surface downwards the temperature falls very rapidly for the first hundred metres; at 100 metres it is 4° to 6° colder than at the surface. Beyond 100 metres the temperature decreases at first much more slowly. . . . The layers in which the temperature changes very rapidly are called ‘discontinuity layers’ (by the Americans ‘thermocline, and by the Germans ‘ Sprungschicht’).”? The curves obtained for the first four Bay of Fundy stations, i.e. those nearest the open Atlantic, (figs. 1-4) agree with these observations to an extent which seems little short of remarkable in shallow and enclosed water, especially where conditions are so peculiar as they are in the Bay of Fundy. Indeed it would hardly seem justifiable to consider the correspondence as more than a matter of chance were it not for the fact that it appears even more clearly in the curves for the same stations in August, 1914. The comparison is made particularly apt 1 Craigie, E. Horne. “A Hydrographic Section of the Bay of Fundy in 1914.” Contri- butions to Canadian Biology, 1914-1915. 2 Helland-Hansen in ‘‘ The Depths of the Ocean,” by Sir John Murray and Dr. Johan Hjort, p. 226. 8“*The Depths of the Ocean,” p. 223. 130 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 by the fact that Helland-Hansen’s observations were made between June 24 and August 10—at practically the same time of year as our own work. While the density and salinity records are not being included in this report, for the reasons explained above, it is perhaps worth while remarking in this connection that the observed densities also correspond rather closely with the records obtained in the part of the open Atlantic near Nova Scotia by the Challenger expedition in May 1873. The surface densities for the Challenger stations 49 and 50 are, respectively, 1.02354 and 1.02451, the bottom readings for the same stations being 1.02400 and 1.02546. The depth at station 40 was only 85 fathoms, that at station 50 was 1,250 fathoms.! The surface and bottom densities found at our stations I to IV were :— Station— ie II. 1606 Vis SUTLACO Ie, ick tates eit ee ea eee 10242 10240 10239 10246 BO LEO LOA Vepet Leh Ret LS Te Oe 10246 10250 10252 10252 The surface densities throughout the Bay varied from 10238 (stations WI and VII) to 10248 (station XIII). The bottom densities ran from 10244 (station X) to 10252 (stations III and IV). Thus it appears that the density of the waters of the Bay of Fundy corresponds quite closely with that of the neighbouring part of the Atlantic. Once more, no doubt, the thorough mixture brought about by the tides is to be held responsible for this, as it seems improbable that evaporation in the Bay of Fundy is nearly sufficient to counterbalance the influx of fresh water. Helland-Hansen remarks that the high surface temperature shown by his curves “Is principally due to the absorption of heat rays from the sun. In places the water is heated by contact with warm air, but this source of heat is of less importance, the temperature of the surface water being, as a rule, higher than the temperature of the air.’ He makes no mention of the time of day at which his readings were made, which, of course, would greatly affect the air temperature—unless he refers to the mean air temperature of the day. All our observations, practically, were made in daylight, and in no case was the air less than 2.2° warmer than the surface water, while in most cases it was considerably more. It may be noted in passing that although three of Helland-Hansen’s four stations mentioned above are farther north than the Bay of Fundy, and all four are in the open Atlantic, his lowest surface temperature (that in the Faroe-Shetland channel) is 18°C.—more than 1° higher than the highest reading obtained in the Bay of Fundy. In looking over the records of the Challenger observa- tions® in July, 1873, it is found that at 6 a.m. on the 16th of the month the air tem- perature was as much as 3°F. below that of the surface water in the harbour of Madeira; but in the majority of cases the air was warmer than the surface water. On the 15th the mean air temperature was 0.1° F. less than the mean surface water temperature, and on the 26th it was 0.5° F. less, but such cases are considerably in the minority. In May, 1873, when the Challenger was in this part of the Atlantic, only in a few cases again did the water temperature exceed the air temperature; and in no case was the mean surface water temperature for the day higher than the mean air temperature, until the 22nd of the month, when the ship had gone south to about the 40th parallel of north latitude. The temperature curves for stations I to IV do not show so clearly as did those of 1914 the resemblance between stations II, III, and IV, and the distinct difference from these of station I. The curve for station I shows a peculiar rise in temperature between 40 and 70 fathoms. A similar, though smaller rise occurs at the same depth 1 Report on the Specific Gravity of Ocean Water, observed on board H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76.” By J. Y. Buchanan, pp. 14 and 16. Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, Phys. and Chem., Vol. I. 2 The Depths of the Ocean,” p. 225. (The italics are due to the present writer.) “Meteorological Observations made during the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger, 1873- 76.” age on the Scientific Results of the Voyoge of H.M.S. Challenger, Narrative, Vol. II, 1882. HYDROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS 131 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a in station II and is represented in station III also, at a somewhat deeper point. This is evidently the effect of some current and its occurrence both in the Grand Manan Channel (station I) and at the two neighbouring stations in the open Bay would seem to suggest that it is tidal. It is to be regretted that there was not an opportunity tc make further observations with a view to elucidating this matter. It may be noted that in 1914 a similar, though smaller rise in temperature occurred ata depth of 60 fathoms at station II with the tide two-thirds flood, while in the present * ease it was one-half flood at the same station. At station I, where the irregularity is most marked, the tide was flood, while at the same station in 1914 no such irregularity was found with the tide one-third flood. Thus from the present limited data there is no indication that this condition occurs regularly at any particular state of the tide. A similar rise is to be seen at a depth of 20 fathoms at station IX (fig. 9). B. Profiles. The profile for the section from East Quoddy Head to Petit Passage (fig. 16) shows no marked disagreement with that obtained in 1914. The cold water along the slope from Grand Manan found in 1914 does not appear in the new section. As before, the temperatures tend to be a little higher on the Nova Scotia side of the bay than on the New Brunswick side.! The irregularities showing in the graphs, which were dis- cussed in the previous section are not represented in the profile. The water below 6°C. occupying most of this profile does not appear in that of the St. John to Digby section (fig. 17), and a similar position but less space is occupied by the water between 6.38° and 7°. The tendency of the water towards the Nova Scotia side to be warmer does not appear in this section. The profile from Quaco Head to Port Lorne (fig 18), shows that the water below 7° has disappeared, and its place, though much less space, is taken by water between 7.9° and 8°. From these three profiles it is easy to picture each successive layer of cold water running up the bay and gradually diminishing in extent until it finally dis- appears, its place being taken by the next layer. Of course, these remarks are not to be taken as meaning that the water is believed to be actually divided into distinct layers behaving thus. The longitudinal section from Cape Chignecto to station III (fig. 19) shows that the layers do not simply taper and fade away, but end rather suddenly, clearly sug- gesting that the water flows up the bay and the lower layers are continually retarded by friction with the bottom, though this appearance is probably due to tidal action. A peculiar condition appears between stations VII, X, and XII. The presence of warmer water at station VII might be attributed to warm water coming in from the Atlantic surface, passing along the south shore, and turning north about this region (see fig. 20), but the source of the cold water at station X is not so clear. It seems possible that as the warm surface water is turned north across the bay (fig. 20) the cold water below goes on up the bay and so comes to the surface. It is most unfortunate that there was not time to make a complete transverse section through station X. Presumably the condition will be due to tidal action, but just how it is produced is not evident in the present state of our knowledge. 1I am informed by Dr. A. G. Huntsman that observations taken during the summer of 1916, nearer the shore on each side, showed this much more markedly, so that the isotherms should really dip quite rapidly near the coast in this profile. His observations appear to indicate a current entering at the mouth of the bay and passing up the Nova Scotia side, producing a corresponding current in an outward direction on the New Brunswick side. A somewhat similar condition, with peculiar tidal changes, was demonstrated in the St. Croix River by Craigie in 1914. (Craigie, E. Horne. ‘Hydrographic Investigations in the St. Croix River and Passama- quoddy Bay in 1914.” Contributions to Canadian Biology, 1914-1915.) 132 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 C. Horizontal Distribution of Temperature. In the hope that more light might thereby be thrown on the subject, three maps have been constructed, showing the distribution of temperature in the surface water (fig. 20) and at depths of ten fathoms and thirty fathoms respectively (figs. 21 and 22). As pointed out above, figure 20 shows an indication of an influx of warm surface water, which passes along the south shore and then turns across the bay (see foot note on page 131). If this represents a current in this direction, however, the deeper water should be colder than on the other side, as it must come in from the cold Labrador | current, and we have already seen that the results both seasons tend rather the other way. Figures 21 and 22 show no sign of such a circulation, but rather combine with the four profiles to indicate a simple tongue ef cold water up the middle of the bay. The cold area on the slope of Grand Manan in the 1914 profile especially supports this. There is nothing at ten fathoms corresponding in any way to the area of colder water appearing at the surface of station X (8-46° surface temperature) and points east of it, nor does the conformation of the shore appear to suggest any satisfactory explana- tion. That proposed at the end of the previous section appears to be the only one at present. The isolated area of warmer water east of Grand Manan (station IT) in fig. 20 does not seem to be explicable on the basis of the present data either. The probable position of the 10°C. isotherm along the north shore is indicated by a broken line, although, of course, there are not sufficient data to locate this properly. DEDUCTIONS FROM DATA OBTAINED IN ST. MARY BAY. From the data obtained in St. Mary bay (table II) a plan of the distribution of temperature in the surface water of that bay has been drawn (fig. 23). It shows a rather uniform arrangement with gradually increasing temperature as one passes up the bay from Petit Passage, the shape of the isotherms suggesting that there may be a current up each side with a reverse current down the middle. Immediately below Petit Passage the effects of the tremendous tidal currents through that channel are visible, producing a rather complicated arrangement of the isotherms, due apparently to several interfering cross-currents. The arrangements of the water must, of course, vary very greatly at different states of the tide and the fact that all the observations must be taken at different times makes it improbable that the diagram represents such a condition as ever exists at any one time. Tt has been thought worth while also to include a diagram representing a longi- tudinal section of St. Mary bay (fig. 24), although it must be fully recognized that such a profile, constructed from temperature data taken at the surface and the bottom only, is of a very tentative nature. The figure shows gradual and apparently rather uniform rise of temperature as one passes up the bay, just such as might be expected, the colder area at the surface of station 15 being the only indication of the cross-cur- rents suggested by the surface diagram (fig. 23). No doubt if temperatures at inter- mediate depths had been taken, more might have been seen. The relations of the cold water appearing at the bottom of stations 13 and 15 are shown by fig. 25, which repre- sents a line carried down the bay from station 13 somewhat farther west than the line in fig. 24. It is seen that this cooler water is spread out sideways from a layer which probably approaches the surface about the mouth of the bay, and occupies almost the whole depth at station 22. It will be noted that, the bay being rather shallow through- out, the temperatures are all comparatively high. The bottom temperatures in the Annapolis basin (stations 26-33, table II) are peculiar in being much lower in many cases (especially station 31) than any water entering from the river (station 33) or any present in Digby Gut (station 25). SUMMARY. This set of observations is a continuation and extension of that made in 1914. The stations have been selected in such a way as to form three transverse sections and HYDROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS 133 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a one longitudinal section of the bay of Fundy, thus making it possible to get a fairly clear idea of the temperature distribution in this interesting body of water by exam- ining the profiles constructed and the accompanying diagrams showing the horizontal distribution of temperature at the shallower-levels. The observations made at the stations where work was carried on in 1914 show little difference in surface temperature, but markedly colder water below. The fact that a seasonal difference of only six weeks makes such a great difference in the tem- perature of the deep water shows how great is the effect of vertical mixing due to the very great tides. This effect is also seen in the large areas of very uniform tempera- ture found in both years. The results obtained at stations near the mouth of the bay show an interesting agreement with observations made by Helland-Hansen in the open Atlantic. The state- ment of this investigator that the temperature of the surface water is, as a rule, higher than the air temperature is not borne out by the Bay of Fundy observations, nor by those of the Challenger expedition in this region of the Atlantic. A slight rise of temperature at an intermediate depth, seen in three stations near the mouth of the bay, gives evidence of deep currents, but no data are available from which definite information concerning these can be obtained. There is a Clear indication that the water on the Nova Scotia side of the lower part of the bay is, on the whole, warmer than on the New Brunswick side, and the plan of the surface temperatures suggests a current of warm surface water from the Atlantic flowing in along the south shore and then turning north about half way up the bay, so that its influence is not visible in the higher profiles. All the other evidence, however, indicates a simple tongue of cold water up the middle of the bay. Several points with regard to the surface temperatures remain unexplained. The plan of distribution of temperature in the surface water of St. Mary bay shows a rather uniform increase of temperature in the upper part of the bay, with indications of certain currents and tidal disturbances. The longitudinal profile, which is based upon insufficient data, gives no suggestion of any peculiar or striking condi- © tions. In conclusion, it remains only to express our indebtedness to Dr. Philip Cox, who accompanied us on both cruises, and Mr. J. R. McMurrich, who joined the party on the second, as well as to Dr. A. B. Macallum, Dr. C. C. Benson, and Dr. A. G. Hunts- man for valuable assistance and criticism. We are also deeply indebted to Professor Vachon, Laval University, for the trouble he took in re-titrating the water samples. 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 yooy Wid SHE AS, “Wd 00°F 289.21 oG- GL “pool ¢ “I 8+ STeus ‘Wid 00°8 —Wd 08 TL AnIVOK) Wd 08 GI — WV aT TL 201-01 99 - FL. aq ¥ ‘A &F ‘s[PUS WV 0g 01 ~W'V 00°6 ee Angie, Aqnei2e Angele Aingeize Aue: = S S ne & see eee a ee a eed elervexe) a s/h Pee eee ee . eee ss eal | ae aa ye be! . eee a eee . . . ‘atnin . s S Seema Fis eae So pte cs hl lone oacesers | aoa ie eae Sapo ae oie sa] ee stevelmieva 7 5 Born elon . oI8.2 pe oc: po Foe GP-S | 6-2 | th | 28-4 ahO"6 | 086-8 | 8h: 8). | 26-2 | colt | ee = BEC e One alos Siew ecto ean eGo ccm melts Omen lme hore ° PSG SleclGsS) | cOPGR \ceOPe | ebles = ecuend & abG.6 | €6-8 | .1v-8 | #08 | 6-8 | 68-2 4 01-0 | .9@:6 | S¢-8 | 02-6 | cf@-OL | .OF-8 = oFE-G1 | 68-91 || 026-11 | 02-FT | L-FT || €6 21. = “poopy {| poopy F"poopy 3} poopy ¥|"poolt 2) poopa ¥ ae ePSsl ci Geel 1h 9G. |e Ge Close LE: — *pavy *OAvIs AY “pueg “yooy Ny pueg “yooy, “pues asSIBOL) S Wd | WY | ‘WY | ‘WV | ‘Wd | ‘WV q OLE =| 08.620 Tle | OOrLT | 2acer | =cr 6 Wd |W |-W'V | WV | AV | TV QI'Zt | 92'S | 00°OL | OO'OT:| Oz It | 08's 66 Ayo yze Atng}7] Aineisz Alreise 4m: IN; il Rig fe #1 be | tel Fai eo 3S Da “XI TIIA IITA ‘IA . ai| fees leda telelale 099. ee ec eee « Belete ele clei] is ers see 19. e eee . raspatetiecesie. 6 ob9.G sites e eee sees oLbL-S pee ewe lala 0 eel ete o2t.G eee cee 02 neha | BScereorar airenre omnes o9L-G oie ee ee ee “ * | 82. 6G -G 069-4 080-9 ofL-9 ol8-¢ 069. o6L-9 096-9 001-9 06-9 o69.G of 9-G 082-4 ohh oL-2 ofG-G 000-9 oPh-G 008-9 oh oGl 9 00-9 ofl. oG1- 2 0§-8 06-9 ol. L 0GG.2 ob L. 1 of 6 oL+6 obP- 040-8 ol¥-OT | o88 IL | T9-OL | 69-11 | 98-6 , Obs GE |cc0G.01 | 262. FU cc0G Ska lkOleOls (le ko PooLd ¥] “WAH E | “AAA |POOTA ¥] “Poot j|-*** Baie bier GE er Aero oe |e beet lanl xeleen ye) eet) Gh: |p cietnneee ‘paey W *[OABIL) pues “puny *pauyy “pues ae aa te aod WV | Wd} Wd ARO |) Sal os Ll OFF 00°8 00° TT 08 1 SSN AVS || eG cds SIN cla INV IN CSOT CP's 00°9 CF 6 OShGiDes |e agra Ts Ameer 4agiet Ayopypp AnelpT Ayne “aoRJANG 4% oingesed una J, ainyereduta | tly ayrcy “UOlyRAG 134 GG] Ur suotyeyg Apuny jo Avg a0j spaoooy oanjeaodweay—] WTIAVL 135 HYDROGRAPHIC INVESTIGATIONS SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a 088 ST o61-GI 066-9 FO. [1 F001 obG.8 91-8 G06 08-6 063-01 Ll -6 o€8 . GT olG GL 066+ IT 6G GL 002-31 olF-6 066-11 Sa fea o89- LL “6-01 AGRI) o&G. 81 092 LT o69-FT 086. LT. Fale oe 91 09.81 oLG.GT oG8- 91 G08an ) eGonek ‘aqa ¢ ‘aq £ "aq 2 ‘qqa ‘aqa § ‘pool “AGL? “qq Y “UL ‘pool § | “pool £ “16 “18 ead, "3G.S “A8-§ sth! “19-11 “9 "a 88 "19.8 ‘A G.GT *[OABIL) *purg “pny “Puyy “pany “1T948 Y puny “pu “pur *yooy *yooy *[OABLY) ‘IN’ VO TI] "IN V.0E 01] IN’ ¥.00'01| “woo ‘WV STIL | ‘W'V, 90°6 | W'd, 08'S |"W'VSL'01| “ d 08'S | WV. S1-8] WV OFZ)" fe Ang | FoAue | Alug | gz Aine 83 Aine FG A[ne ec Ane | ¢2 4ing | ¢2 4qog | et Ame | er Ame "SE 3S Te ‘0g 6G "83 id 9% CS a "83 060-8 290-8 bE -8 06-01 068-6 069.8 010.01 oPP-8 ol 8.2 62-8 066-8 069-6 082-6 60.01 ol9. 1 o&F- 11 SF. OL o86-01 oT. OT ofG.6 Ai 308 31 otf TI oS ZL ofS -§1 o0§ -81_ oLG-8T. oL9-GT ott - OT €9-GT ofS ST BE. 61 89-1 “poolt f “dH “pool & | “pool § “poopy # pool “QoL ACL § "QoL # ‘aq ¢ ‘AH ¢ “AG-6L | “9-82 A 82 “1.9 ‘AS. PL “A 9% “AGL ‘TO;8T yl WeQs6l ‘ASL “A G.F1 “ooy *pueg *purg ‘yooy «| *aavasd asavoy “yooy *yooy *‘yooYy “ooy *purg *yooy “WV S9°9| TA’ V. OFS" V0801|'T'V 006] “IW'V SFG | INV STITT | W'd 93'S" | WV SPT WV S901) Wd, 00°T| IW V0z'01 er Ainge | er Ame | e1 4iug | gt 4p St Ane et Apue 8 Any: g Any g Aine | et Aine | 8 Apne "CS IZ 02 ‘61 SI “LT ‘OL Cl cal $I al won —— — | S| ee — eae ee ee | 62-6 SPOT 89-8 80-6 06-01 098.01 oFG.01 Sle LI 19.1] of8- IL OF SI 96-TL 68-11 064-61 o86-21 206-81 ote - $1 G6. 81 0&6 - ST c6 ST 82 ST O8- FL G8 FL G0-4T_ | .00-ST oG8- SL o€8.ST_ 269-GT ee a09.GT. |) era ap igeriig saa ‘aqn % | ‘pool = | “aqy “qqot 2 “pool f poold # | ‘pool 3 “qq "aqa “qa $ “qa E "A G.2T a GG “A ST “MST “16.6 ot wee agg WEST. «|| VW oer “AG-FL sal 2 “‘pueg “purg “pueg ‘pueg | ‘pues a [[eyg “pny “pu "JOaudr) “pul “pny ‘A'd, 981] “W'd 98'F| WV 098) O1'8} ‘“W'd 08° | ‘Wd ShS | N'V SF'8!W'd SFT We O1'B1] WV 06'0T| ¢1 4qug | 2 Arne 8 Aque g Aqny 1 Ayo es 2 Ayo 2 Ang 2 Aqnge: 2 Ayne: 2 Ayn: 1 que IL ‘OL 6 3 Ape 9 g 7 i 1G ail (Copeistudp.) “GI6, Ul ulseg stjodvuuy pue Avg Arey “amyeioduray, WOT CL ERG mos -gangriedmay, 010930q “-ganqgeaieduay, oovyang se see Ce ee oe) dua J, IW ie eee opr . eee. eae yadeq oul], anol OOnT TR CRIT: \:1 9 | UOTYRIG “+ sgangeaeduray, Ul09,0q oss ganged ute y, vovpang : oo gangeredutey, IrW w10940q, AON oq "UOIYRAS * “aingesoduie 7, W10940¢q sess gingeieduray, aovzang esac eees eee -eangeied a J, ILV ieee ODT *-"- ugdeq * 0990, vs QUINT, trees gaa MOLYRIG 49 UL sornqyetodula [— TT] aATAav 38a—10 136 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Sp. Gt. at Station. 15-56° C. % Chlorine. ae 1 10243 1:817 TS ieee | ie: (1°819) 3 10248 1°825 4 10247 1°833 5 10247 1.834 6 10248 1°835 7 10248 1°835 8 10247 1-831 9 10248 1°842 10 10248 1°842 11 10246 1°841 12 10249 1°836 3°276 (3-280) 3°291 3°306 3304 3°309 3° 309 3302 3°322 3322 3°319 3°311 . Sp. Gt. at Station. 15°56" C. 13 10248 14 10249 15 10249 16 10247 17 10248 18 10245 19 10247 20 10247 21 10245 22 10245 23 10249 24 10248 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 TABLE III.—Specifie Gravity, Chlorine Content, and Salinity of Water Samples from Bottom of St. Mary Bay Stations in 1915. : % % Chlorine.) 441 ‘Salts. — ee et [oe] ise) i) 842 3°304 3° 322 3°334 3°318 3° 327 3° 309 3°346 3°370 3° 365 3° 354 3 347 3° 353 The density of each water sample was determined at room temperature by means of a delicate hydrometer, and corrected to read at 15.56° C. by Buchanan’s Diagram.t The methods of analysis and of calculating the salinity were those of Dittmar. ; 1 Report on the Scientific Results of the Voyage of H.M.S. Challenger. Chemistry, Vol. I, 1884. Physics and J. Y. Buchanan. “Report on the Specific Gravity of Samples of Ocean Water observed on board H.M.S. Challenger, during the years 1873-76.” Diagram 1. into the Composition of Ocean Water col- lected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1878-76.” pp. 4 and 40. William Dittmar. ‘‘ Report on Researches (2° ‘ u ‘ 1 i .} H ' ae eels a ee ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' i] 1 ' t ‘| fl ' ' ° ( ' re et ae S -[o-t=- : Geos ' I ‘ ' | f] t ‘ \ ‘ ‘ ' ; t I i ; ' % Bre -t--l--,--'--t-5-14 SX ' i] LE pers - ‘ : ' Feta Calin oh on TB ' ‘ ‘ _- ! ' ‘ ' + ee ' ‘ ‘ ' ul ‘ ‘ ‘ om be ‘ ' ‘ ‘ r ' ' ' oe ' i ' SO ' 7. a ‘ ee Se Ge ' ' ' ' =e Ss ' ' ' ' Qu \ Feed (sgl ma al Joa ~“ Bye alins at eta ' ' t 1 ' Jon SS So eles ' ' ' : ' ! ' ‘ ' ' l ' ' ' ' ’ ! ! ' ‘ ' ‘ W ' Bal ve tra et 7 peste tr 0) 1 ‘ 1 ‘ i) y 1 1 1 ' + ' Tee vioane ! = ' ee ieee 20 eee ie : ' ' 1 fies 20 ! | time ee = in-daewrer tee - sl ee ' ' 1 1 1 ‘ ' 1 1 t 1 ; i Ube ; Lee Cait get ' ' i A , { 1 ! ' Seah ate ea ree dS ha Ge Ge ere aredipetee tsi s Tbs H ' i let oT) i ; ' ° ‘ ! ' ' 1 1 ' ' ' ‘ ‘ \y ’ ‘ On 20 0 ' 1 ' ' 1 1 1 { { i) --3 SROTOIO O06) 2 SO 9O707979 950-9 ° OCF KE HOR GAOZLLY of PSS Seon an se 8 Temperature curves for stations I. to IV. respectively. 1+. 38a—103 Figs. ‘Apoatpoodsat *X 0} “A SUO14BIS TOF SoAIMD oINyedoduaT, “OT-g “SST —-- ee ee woe —e-=—--- Soo Sea See Shorea Seana (aes 1 i] 1 ‘ Se ee Se ee es ee Es terme perenne op rrr nro rr rr nfm mine Prt tt rrr rrr re ' ' 4 ‘ ' SS SS SSO SAS SG SSeS Se. Se eSasse Soooe ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' i) Nt ld dial clelinaiadiadl slieeladiatiaad wee eb ene bee nn eee e baw ene nee Lj.) ae = a a SS a Se eS a5 J01= = = Fig. 15. Figs. 11-15. Temperature curves for stations XI. to XV. respectively. oe Coe eet eae eae See Ne SR eae Re Co 8, | SA Nn Reta abl cat aN feeh leet me ome Menton) ov! om ol (awifow fas (as « * * aad ons ‘ ‘ | ORES esate a ' 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 50} -----=--> mi---- -------------; TIS SS Shea Pann) Gee ae Ee Pee Ne ee 6° (Hlooas = = Spesesses Gases Ssoscs 7Ol-- - ——- ------ + ‘ e.c. N/11 silver ni- |Equivalent in grams Per cent Exp. No. Sample. trate used. NaCl. in moist muscle.. 83 |Salted 4 heur, flesh under bone... 1°965 c.c. 0°01965 1°965 84 |Salted 2 hours, flesh under bone. Bay COR 0° 025 Pts 87 |Salted 4 hours, flesh under bone. 8°26 c.c. 0° 0826 8°26 86 |Salted 4 hours, flesh from surface lOO MCsC: 0°1105 11°05 Obviously, this table shows that it takes some four hours for the flesh under the bone to approximate that of the external portion of the flesh in salinity, and affords a strong argument for the exposure of the back muscle to the saline by making the vertebral cut. 6. CONCLUSIONS. (1) The splitting of the fish in the usual way, but also making an additional cut along the vertebral column is the most effective method of preparation. (2) The fish are freed from blood by allowing to remain on ice 1 to 2 hours. They should then be washed freely with fresh water. (3) Small fish should not be salted more than 15 minutes. Larger fish up to four pounds should not be salted more than one hour if the texture of the fish is to be pre- served, and half an hour is the optimum length of time in saline for the flavour of the fish, (4) Ten hours over a beechwood sawdust, or old-wood smoke produced a delici- ously flavoured fish. Fifteen to eighteen hours browns and dries the fish and aids in its preservation by more thorough drying. These conditions should be altered to suit the market. the more lighty cured fish being utilized in the home markets and the heavier-salted for the distant ones. The chief condition to be emphasized, however, is the utilization, for the production of finnan haddie, of first-class perfectly fresh haddock, and the keeping of it cold after it is prepared. 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 XI. SOME OBSERVATIONS-ON HADDOCKS AND “ FINNAN HADDIES ” RELATING TO THE BACTERIOLOGY OF CURED FISH. By Principal F. C. Harrison, D.Se., Macdonald College, P.Q. During the month of July, 1915, the writer whilst at the Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., examined bacteriologically the intestinal content of twelve haddocks. The haddocks were caught about a mile to two miles from the station, were brought to the laboratory, opened, and a portion of the intestine ligatured and removed. An opening was then cut into the piece with sterilized scissors, and a heated platinum needle thrust in, and the small amount adhering to the needle was transferred to about 5 e.c. of sterilized water and thoroughly shaken. Plates were made from the dilution, from 1 to 3 ese being used for each plate. Plates were made with :— HAGA OCK SCR Vater EOlAIBE ceo 6.0 ate, as ae @ietete oe se ee, a2 «0 La per cent. weet peptone sea awarer selatimes 02/50)... aol lattes sie lee liciel et mes (Le s Mactoseditmusisear waterseelatines. 4.0 s<,) ele, Yelel! feist Hones, fo et Aled ols toot LZ He In this manner the intestinal content of twelve fish was plated, and a large number of isolations made. At the same time a microscopical examination of the intestinal contents was made. Smear preparations invariably showed numerous bacilli, mostly small forms, no cocci and no spirilla. The bacterial content of the twelve fish was similar. Ten different species of bacteria were isolated; of these four were liquefiers, and about 25 per cent of the total number of colonies from each fish belonged to this group. Many of the plates gave a strong odour of trimethylamine, and one or two of the pure cultures gave this odour. In the mixed cultures, however, in the plates the odour of this substance was much stronger. The most common organism which was found in eight of the twelve fish was a small bacillus, motile, producing small depressions in gelatine plates, with numerous smaller colonies around the edge, rapidly liquefying, producing H28, indol, and trime- thylamine, gas in glucose, but not in lactose, coagulating milk with digestion, and in short appearing to be closely related to B. vulgaris (Hauser). This organism has the greater interest of all thuse isolated because it was found subsequently in the flesh, and on the surface of smoked haddock (finnan haddie) cured at the station, and also from some spoiled haddock received from a packer. A short account of the methods employed in securing the fish may be of interest. The fish were caught near the biological station, and as soon as landed they were split, salted for one and a half hours in brine of sufficient density to float the fish, and smoked for eighteen hours. For six days after smoking the fish were kept in the laboratory at a temperature ranging from 60° to 70° F., and then pieces were removed from different parts of the dried fish, each piece was thoroughly scorched and dropped into flasks containing haddock sea-water peptone broth. Other pieces of fish were obtained thus: The backbone was cut near the tail, care- fully raised, and a portion of the flesh beneath was cut out with a sterilized knife, the piece seized with sterilized forceps and held in the flame until well scorched on the outside, and then dropped into a culture flask. 179 180 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 All flasks thus inoculated were held at room temperature; twenty-four hours later all showed turbidity. Gelatine and agar plates were made from the various flasks, and the colonies which developed were isolated in the usual manner: From this source a number of organisms were secured, and of these four were similar to those previously obtained from the intestinal content of fresh haddies. In October, 1915, a circular of inquiry was sent to a number of fish dealers and, in response to a request for spoiled fish, a box of spoiled ‘‘ haddies ” was received during the course of the winter. They were covered with a semi-slimy growth, giving a watersoaked appearance. At numerous places there were whitish points resembling bacterial colonies. The flesh was somewhat softened, and the fishy odour much inten- sified. From gelatine plates made from this fish the writer secured the liquefying bacillus already mentioned, and large numbers of Torule. The most significant fact, therefore, in this piece of work is the presence of lique- fying bacteria belonging to the B. vulgaris group in the intestinal canal of fresh had- dock, and the presence of this organism on and in the flesh of smoked haddocks, and smoked haddock that were spoiled. The amount of salt and the duration of the smoking period to produce finan haddies of good flavour are not sufficient to kill the organisms present on the fish after they are gutted, and the antiseptic action of salt and smoke is not Sie so to inhibit the slow growth of organisms. The writer, after studying the methods of curing haddock, has been impressed with the general carelessness displayed in allowing fish to remain for many hours exposed to warm air and sunlight before gutting and salting. True, that these observations were made under summer conditions when comparatively few haddocks are cured; but the effect of such treatment results in a large increase in the number of bacteria pre- sent on the fish, and consequent quicker spoiling of the smoked article. In winter these conditions would be better, and although the writer has never had the opportunity of studying winter conditions, he has been impressed by the great difference in flavour between fish salted and smoked at the biological station during the winter of 1915-16, and those bought from various dealers in Montreal. From one or two experiments on the percentage of dry matter, total ash, and chlorides as NaC1 made on a few fish sent to this laboratory, the writer suggests that such determinations should be made of a series of fish for which the amount of salt used, the salting and smoking period were known. Further, from the bacteriological standpoint some work should be done on haddock smoked under winter conditions. May, 1916. 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 xT THE BACTERIOLOGY OF SWELLED CANNED SARDINES. By Winrriw Sapprer. M.Sc., BS.A. Introduction. In a survey of the literature relating to the bacteriglegy of “canned fish” it is found, with a few exceptions, that the investigations recorded have been undertaken in connection with proved and alleged cases of food poisoning. Consequently the data available are largely interrelated with data on the bacteriology of canned meats, and of ordinary meats as supplied unpreserved. The exceptions of which I have knowledge are the investigations of Prescott and Underwood (1897)! on “ Micro-organisms in the Cannery Industries” ; the work of Macphail associated with Bruére (1897)? on “ Dis- ‘colouration in Canned Lobsters”; and the recent work of Obst on “ A Bacteriological Study of Sardines” (1916)°. Prescott and Underwood working on cans of spoiled clams and lobsters isolated species of bacteria, two classed as micrococci, the other seven as bacilli. The investigators found the cans to be badly decomposed, in some eases almost entirely liquefied, much darkened in colour and of a very disagreeable odour. Of the bacilli, six coagulated and digested milk, while none of the seven produced gas in sugar solutions. According to the descriptions given, certain of these cultures bear a close resemblance to some recorded by me among the organisms in class II on pages 211-213. Both strains of micrococci isolated by these workers failed to coagulate milk, and failed to produce gas in sugur solution. The bacteria were not named. Macphail and Bruére? in their work on lobsters isolated and recorded the features of four strains of bacteria; two were cocci, and two were fine rods. Each of the four were inoculated into sterile cans of lobster, and in due course the rules of proof were satisfied. Some of the organisms I have isolated —Class I—bear a resemblance to cer- tain of the strains described by Macphail and Bruére, but it is impossible to express a definite opinion as to their mutual identity. Obst? in the report of her investigations on “ A Bacteriological Study of Sardines ” states that a bacillus, designated “‘ Bacillus A”, has been found in pure culture in two hundred and eighty-seven swelled sardine cans. The organism is a spore-former* hundred and eighty-seven swelled sardine cans. The organism is a spore-former* and according to Obst is possibly identical with B. Walfischrauschbrand (Ivar Nielsen).* The only reference I can find to the bacillus of Nielsen* fails to give full cultural details. In the fall of last year I was in communication with Mrs. Obst, but at that time her report was not available; as I have received no copy I consider it probable that it is not yet published. From the reference cited? which extracts a recent paper read before the Society of American Bacteriologists I am unable to compare any of my strains with the “ Bacillus A”. The reference does not mention the thermal death point in laboratory media, but states that the organism after inoculation into cans of sardines survives bathing in boiling water for 13 hours. With the strains described in my report no experiments under commercial conditions have yet been conducted. For the present I am not justified in going further than to state that based on such _ information as is available, it is improbable that the strains isolated by me are identical with the “ Bacillus A” of Obst. The relationship of bacteria to sardines was discussed by Auche® (1894), but the paper is not available. * In the strains I have isolated Class I, no evidence cf speres has been demonstrated. 181 182 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 The association of mussels with food poisoning is cited by Vaughan, 1892® ; citing from Vaughan’s paper :— “That chemical poisons may be transmitted from the lower animals to man in the food is shown by the history of poisoning with mussels and with fish. As early as 1827 Combe described in detail the symptoms induced by the eating of poisonous mussels, and a valuable contribution to the same subject has recently been made by Schmitdmann, who has found that non-poisonous mussels placed in the water of Wilhelmshaven soon became poisonous, and that the poisonous mussels from the harbour soon lose their harmful properties when placed in the open sea. Linder has found in the water of this bay and in the mussels living in it a great variety of protozoa, amoeba, bacteria, and other low forms of life, which are not found in the water of the open sea, nor in the non-poisonous mussel. He has also found that if the water of the bay be filtered, non-poisonous mussels placed in it do not become poisonous. He there- fore concludes that poisonous mussels are those which are suffering from disease due to residence in filthy water.” In view of the close relationship to mussels of clams, a variety of shell-fish canned in both New Brunswick and Maine, U.S.A., the observations of Linder cited by Vaughan are of considerable interest. In the same paper Vaughan describes the case of one of his own patients who showed poisoning symptoms after eating freely of canned salmon. The patient under treatment recovered. Waughan submitted the remains of the salmon to various tests and found an organism which he describes as follows:— “The only germ which could be found, either by direct microscopic exam- ination or by the preparation of plate cultures, was a micrococcus, and this was present in the salmon in great numbers. This germ grew fairly well in beef-tea, but the injection of five cubic centimeters of the beef-tea culture of different ages failed to affect white rats, kittens or rabbits. However, this micrococcus when grown for 20 days in a sterilized egg, after Hueppe’s method of anaerobic culture, produces a most potent proteid poison. The white of the egg becomes thin, watery, markedly alkaline, and 10 drops of this suffices to kill white rats. “Evidently in the preparation of the salmon this can was not sterilized; it was sealed, and for months, possibly longer, this germ had been growing anaerobically, and elaborating a chemical poison.” Savage, in England who has investigated many outbreaks of food poisoning, has isolated B. enteritides from tinned salmon. Griffiths, cited by Vaughan and Novy’, claims to have isolated a ptomaine saordinin from sardines. In view of the types of bacteria I have isolated in the present investigation, it is of importance to note that Poels® in Rotterdam has isolated varieties of B. coli from cases of food poisoning due to the eating of meat from a supposedly healthy animal. McWeeney ® considers that meat poisoning outbreaks are due to organisms. of the following groups :— (a) The Typho coli group, including B enteritides (Gaertner). (6) The group of putrefactive aerobes (Proteus, etc.). (c) The obligate anaerobes (B. botulinis). It will be seen, pages 192, 209, that of the organisms I have isolated, some strains are varieties of the Proteus group, and some varieties of the B. coli group. Vaughan and Novy* describe the most common form of food poisoning that caused by con- tamination of foods with saprophytic bacteria; such bacteria either before or after the food has been eaten, elaborating chemical poisons. BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 183 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a PRESENT INVESTIGATION. The investigation herein described of the “ Bacteriology of Swelled Canned Sar- dines ” has been undertaken on behalf of the Biological Board of Canada. The work was commenced in the summer of 1916 at the Marine Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., and has since been continued in the laboratories at the college. To the canners the appearance of “ swells,” as they are termed, in the cases of canned fish sent out from the factories is a matter of considerable concern. The desirability of under- taking experimental work in the hope of eliminating any risk of cans developing the swelled condition, occurred to the principal of Macdonald College, Dr. F. C. Harrison, in the summer of 1915. At that time Dr. Harrison was engaged at the marine station, St. Andrews, in the examination of haddock attacked by a bacterial disease, and it was while conducting this investigation that the problem discussed herein came under his notice. The matter was brought to the attention of Dr. A. B. Macallum, secretary of the Board, and in due course it was my good fortune, on the recommendation of Dr. Harrison, to be asked to take up the work. The procedure to be ,adopted was left entirely in my own hands. Dr. Macallum, and Dr. A. G. Huntsman, curator of the marine station at St. Andrews, have throughout given me every encouragement, and the greatest possible help in every way which seemed likely to assist in the elucidation of the problem. On arriving at the station in July, the necessary arrangements were made by Dr. Huntsman enabling me to visit a number of the New Brunswick canning factories. Later it was made possible for us to visit several of the largest plants operating in the State of Maine. I was thus brought into close touch with the industry of canning as a commercial undertaking, had exceptional opportunities of seeing the methods of packing as generally adopted, and accumulated a store of information as a result of discussions with the canners themselves. Factories were visited which were engaged in the canning of herring, sardines, haddock, and clams, respectively. It is hardly necessary to say that the sardines of New Brunswick and the State of Maine are small herrings. It was apparent that the canning factories were principally concerned in the packing of sardines; and while both during the summer and since returning to the college, swelled cans of sardines, herring, haddock, lobster, and shrimps have been gradually accumulating, the work has up to the present been confined entirely to sar- dines and possible influences affecting the same. After nine months’ work, I find that I have been able to do little more than touch the fringe of the problem, considered as a whole. The report here presented therefore is principally concerned in recording the work accomplished up to the present, such conclusions as it is legitimate to draw at this early stage, and such information as to methods and media used in the labora- tory as will make the work of some service to the continuance of the investigation. Under the circumstances I do not propose to enter into a detailed description of the equipment, methods of treatment and system of packing of the fish, and general procedure of the factories engaged in the canned fish industry; such will be more appropriate when the work has progressed to a more advanced stage. The one phase of the canning process of which brief mention must be made at this point is the tem- perature employed in the so-called sterilization of the cans when packed and finished. As the most common size of can produced from all the factories is one weighing from 3 to 4 ounces, the temperatures given shall be those applied to cans of this size. In the majority of the factories visited, the cans are immersed in baths of boiling water for a period of 14-2 hours. That completes the heating process. Briefly the essen- tials of the treatment of the fish—which have been salted in the boats as taken from the weirs,-—on arrival at the factory is as follows: immersed in a mixture of sea-water and salt for 1 to 14 hours; spread on racks, termed flakes, in thin layers, and for 10 184 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 minutes placed in flowing steam; dried in room through which hot air is continually circulated, for 1 hour; heads discarded and the remainder of the fish arranged in the cans; oil automatically added, and tops put on, and fastened by either the “rolling” or the “ pressing” process. The cans are then heated as specified above. In some fac- tories the preliminary steaming for 10 minutes is dispensed with, and a continuous progression through a bath of cottonseed oil at a temperature of 200° C. is substituted, this occupying 2 to 3 minutes. In one factory where the fish are fried in oil for 3 minutes or so, the final heating is done under pressure at a temperature of 225° F. for a shorter period. It should be added that in all the sardine factories visited, the most careful super- vision is exercised in the final packing of the cans in cases before shipping. Each individual can is rapidly passed through the hands of an expert “tapper” who discards cans displaying any irregularity, such being reprocessed or entirely discarded. The project of the investigation may be logically stated thus: “Essentially to deter- mine whether or not the swelling of the cans is due to the activities of bacteria.” If on eXamination, and when submitted to suitable cultural methods strains of bacteria are isolated, the procedure to be as follows :— 1. Purify and obtain in pure culture. 2. Determine the morphological, bielogical and biochemical characteristics of the organisms. 3. Inoculate the strains obtained in pure culture into normal cans and record condition at stated intervals. 4. Treat “control” normal cans in a similar manner except for the inocula- tion with the culture. 5. If swelling occurs in the inoculated cans, and no change is noted in the “control” cans, the presumption is raised that the swelling is due to the organ- isms used for inoculation. 6. Examine the “swelled” cans and determine in culture the presence or absence of bacteria. 7. If bacteria are found, purify and compare culturally with the strains used for inoculation. 8. If on comparison the strains be found culturally identical with those used for inoculation the cause of the “swelling” has been established; and experi- mental proof has been obtained to warrant the statement “that the swelling of the cans is due to the activities of bacteria.” The data recorded in this report show that up to this point, the work has been successfully accomplished in so far as concerns certain strains of bacteria; and the ““ Postulates of Koch” have been satisfied. While at the biological station, I not only visited the factories as already stated, but many swelled cans of sardines were secured, and a number of organisms in the cans isolated in culture. An attempt was also made to discover the source of the organisms. Samples of sea water taken from the weirs, samples of oil and tomato sauce as used in the packing, intestines of fresh herrings, and the excreta of herrings were obtained. No organisms were found in the oil; the tomato sauce in sealed recep- tacles as imported from Italy has still to be examined; but from the sea water, herring intestines, and herring excreta several strains of bacteria were isolated. These, with those I found in the sardine cans, I brought back on my return to the laboratory here. During the succeeding months a number of the cultures have died out, and those remaining from sea water, herring intestines, or excreta, fail to produce gas in carbohydrates. BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 185 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a For the sake of convenience I have divided the strains of bacteria isolated at St. Andrews and at various times during the fall and winter into two main classes :— Class I.—Gas-producers. Class II.—Non-gas-producers. For obvious reasons my attention has been principally confined to the gas pro- ducers, Class I, and it is to the descriptions of these that the cultural part of the report is chiefly directed. Regarding the influence of those organisms included in Class II on the condition of the fish in swelled cans, I am not in a position to express any opinion. Many of them have, however, been submitted to certain preliminary tests, the results of which are recorded, pages 211-213. Beyond this I have not gone, and no comments respecting the class are made. Concerning the gas-producers, Class I, 8 strains have been described morpho- logically, biologically and biochemically. The detailed descriptions are found on pages 192-207. On pages 208 and 209 a summary arranged in tabular form is shown. The number of cultures described in Class I, and those more briefly referred to in Class II, bear no relationship to the total number of cultures isolated in the course of the work. As was to be expected, preliminary tests of a differential nature revealed the fact that many strains were in duplicate, and sometimes even in triplicate. By repeated series of tests the duplicates or triplicates were gradually eliminated. In the pages devoted to the cultures in Class I], pages 211-213, a note is added as to the comparative frequency of the respective strains. In eliminating strains from the cultures in Class I, greater precautions were taken on account of their closer relation- ship to the abnormal condition of the cans. Some of the final cultures described represent the individual strains, after the elimination of as many as four or five strains which had been found to have the main characteristics in common. Three cultures of Class I were finally eliminated to avoid duplication in description, just prior to the preparation of the manuscripts, these being identical with cultures, 34, 37, and 64, respectively. To continue the statement as to the project of the investigation, initiated on page 184, it is further required, that in order to confirm the work up to the present and complete the investigation it is desirable :— 9. That many more cans shall be examined and the contents cultured. 10. That if possible the source of the responsible organisms be determined, and also the stage at which infection takes place. 11. That experiments be conducted both under laboratory conditions, and under conditions prevailing in the canning factories, with a view to deter- mining the most satisfactory means of eliminating “ swelling.” 12. That possibly the pathogenicity or degree of pathogenicity of the strains proved responsible for the “swelling ” be determined by inoculation into suit- able laboratory animals. Arrangements have been made by Dr. Huntsman whereby during a later season I shall have opportunities of determining if possible the source or sources of the causal organisms of the swelled condition of cans of sardines. The future scope of the laboratory work will necessarily include examination of swelled cans of other varieties of fish, including those of which mention is made on page 183. When visiting the canning factories last summer the manager of one of the largest of these told me that a pressing problem with which he had to contend was the frequent appearance among sardine cans of what are termed “sour flats.” The condition is one of which there appears at present to be no satisfactory explanation. The product is rendered unmarketable, and the condition is one which cannot be detected until the cans are opened. 38a—13 186 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 MEDIA EMPLOYED. In this investigation I have used media prepared from fish concoctions, the ordinary laboratory media, and certain special media. In the early part of the work when experimenting with methods prior to the adoption of a definite procedure, difficulty was experienced in growing some of the strains isolated. The colonies developing on some of the plates at this time were too small to be subcultured. I therefore utilized the marine resources at hand and prepared media from fresh herrings, from clams, and from seaweed, using fresh sea water instead of tap or distilled water. It was found later that the organisms which necessitated this media were those I have put in the main Class II, the non-gas-producers. After successive subculturing in the laboratory these same strains have grown moderately well on the usual standard media. The organisms of my main Class I, the gas-producing strains, have grown well in the standard media. The growth of some strains has been more luxuriant on herring media or clam media, but the use of such has gradually been eliminated for two reasons :— (1) the satisfactory growth obtained on standard media, and the convenience of its use; (2) the necessity of using the standard media in order to compare the strains isolated with varieties already described in literature. Herring Broth—Fresh herrings obtained direct from the weirs were washed in run- ning water and ground up, no portions discarded, through a meat grinder, mixed with sea water, 1 part ground herring to 1-2 parts sea-water, and heated for several hours in the steamer or autoclav. The mixture was allowed to cool and the fat skimmed off; again heated, and strained through cheese cloth. The strained liquid served as the standard herring extract. Varying strengths of broth were made up, good results being obtained with the following mixture :— 500 ee standard broth, 1,000 cc. sea water, 15 grams peptone. The ingredients were heated together in the steamer, neutralized with n/20 NaOH to + 10 (phenol phthalein indicator), cleared with white of egg, tubed and sterilized in the usual way. Herring Agar.—To 500 ce. of the standard broth, mentioned above, were added 500 ce. or 1,000 ce. sea-water, peptone at the rate of 1 per cent and agar at the rate of 1-2 per cent; the whole heated together until ingredients dissolved, neutralized to +10, cleared with white of egg, filtered, tubed and sterilized in the usual way. Clam Agar.—Fresh clams were dug up on the bench, washed in running water, opened and ground through meat grinder; to this was added sea water at the rate of 1 part clams to 2 parts sea water, and the whole heated for several hours in steamer or autoclavy. The stewed mixture was strained through cheese cloth; this filtrate constituting the standard broth. To 500 ce. of the standard broth were added 1,000 ce. sea water, peptone at the rate of 1 per cent, and agar at the rate of 1-2 per cent; the whole heated together until ingredients dissolved, neutralized to +10, cleared with white of egg, filtered, tubed and sterilized in the usual way. I have also steamed clams in the shell in sea water, approximately weight for weight; retaining the juice which has a typical “sheen” ; then after open- ing the clams using them as described above. In the earlier part of the work the medium was used successfully to some considerable extent; and in comparison with standard beef peptone agar it appeared to exercise a selective action towards certain strains of bacteria BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 187 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a obtained from various sources. This in all probability would be due to the glycogen content. While the use of this medium has for some time been dis- continued, I propose to test its value for certain phases of the laboratory analyses. Baur! in working at Kiel on the denitrifying bacteria used and recom- mends a broth of which mussels are the essential component. Beef Peptone Agar.—Standard methods." Beef Peptone Gelatine——Standard methods.1! Glucose Agar.—One per cent glucose added to agar prepared as above, immediately before tubing. Léeffler’s Blood Serum.12 Léeffler’s Typhoid Solution 1°—This medium containing malachite green has been recommended by Loeffler for use in culturing strains of the colon-paratyphoid- typhoid group. Aesculin Agar!4—For specific reaction of organisms of the colon-aerogenes group; loops of a broth culture spread on plates. MacConkey’s Neutral Red Bile Salt Lactose Broth *.—For reduction test of organ- isms of the colon-aerogenes group. Bouillon for Voges-Proskauer Reaction.16 Bouillon for Methyl Red Reaction.* Solution for Reduction of Nitrates to Nitrites 18—Giltay’s synthetic solution was used. Dunham Solution for Indol Production.’® Glucose Broth—One per cent glucose in Dunham solution. Fermentation Broths.—For the fermentation reactions I have used ten test substances. It will be seen that in addition to the glucose salicin I have adopted the use of another glucoside aesculin—used in conjunction with iron citrate by Harrison and Vanderleck—as a fermentable test substance in Dunham broth. I have been using aesculin for this purpose during the last four months in connection with work on the gas producing organisms in the Ottawa river water, and find a correlation in the black reaction of the aesculin agar medium, and the pro- duction of acid and gas in aesculin used as a carbohydrate test substance. Litmus Milk.?° METHODS. On account of the comparative paucity in the literature, of descriptions of actual methods adopted in the isolation of bacteria from swelled canned fish, the procedure I have followed has largely been determined by experience as the work has progressed. This procedure has been changed as better methods suggested themselves, and in the culturing from the many cans still awaiting examination I propose further changes affecting detail, while the use of additional media which will be to the advantage of the work has suggested itself. Isolation of Bacteria from the Cans. The oily greasy surface characteristic of the cans with pronounced swelling neces- sitated the use of a disinfecting agent which would disinfect, and remove the oil, at the 38a—134 188 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 same time. Absolute alcohol has proved to be simple in application and quite satis- factory. The cans were first cleaned with a weaker alcohol (70 per cent to 90 per cent) then thoroughly treated with the absolute aleohol. Can openers, forceps, and dissect- ing scissors were immersed in alcohol and flamed immediately before use. When a sufficiently large aperture had been made in the can, pieces of fish and a portion of the oil or sauce were removed with forceps and pipettes and inoculated into tubes of liquid medium. At the commencement, it was at once obvious that direct plating from the cans would not be at all satisfactory on account of the oily nature of the contents; liquid media have therefore been used for the first inoculation from the cans, the procedure having the additional advantage in that such media serve as enrichment fluids. I first used peptone broth (Dunham), herring broth, and nutrient broth; later, the addition to the series of glucose peptone broth proved to have advantages. As a result of the additional knowledge provided by a study of the strains of organisms already worked out, it will be desirable in further work to use media having differential quali- ties for the first inoculations; in addition to the broths already in use. The tubes were incubated at 37° C. except during the six weeks spent at St. Andrews, when all cultures were kept at room temperature. The broths were examined in 18-24 hours for growth; if no growth were apparent, further incubation was resorted to; if growth could be noted, series of plates were made. The preliminary incubation in broth tubes had the additional advantage to those already mentivnea, in that the oil had risen to the surface leaving the sub-surface liquid comparatively free. Finely drawn out pipettes with the finger over the end were passed through the layer of oil, and the culture fluid drawn up. After suitable dilutions had been made, plates were poured using herring agar, clam agar, beef peptone agar, and glucose agar; in the more recent work glucose agar being used almost solely. The plates were incu- bated—temperatures as aforementioned—and when growth was sufficient, those colonies most common were streaked on agar slopes; from these the necessary purifi- cation by plates being made. Notre.—The preliminary incubation in broth tubes was in some cases, but not always, duplicated aerobically and anaerobically. The following apply to the main Class I:— Microscopic examinations.—The microscopic preparations were uniformly made from beef peptone agar slopes incubated 18 to 24 hours at 37° C. *Gram’s Stain.—The gas-producing organisms, Class I pages 192-207, display an unu- sual degree of resistance to decolorisation with alcohol in the Gram method of staining. When treated by the usual method,—decolorisation with alcohol un- til no further colour can be washed out,—each of the eight strains recorded would be classified as Gram positive. The shade of violet is not as deep as that which is typical of the classic Gram positive reaction, but the result is much nearer positive than negative. On prolonged soaking in absolute alcohol, 30 to 40 minutes, the reaction is definitely Gram negative. Films made from a typical Gram positive lactic acid producing organism withstood the decolor- isation with alcohol for 40 minutes The organisms herein discussed should therefore be described as Gram nega- tive, displaying an unusual degree of resistance to the decolorisation with alcohol. Motility—Hanging drops for these tests were made from the water of condensation, agar slopes; young cultures incubated at 37 ° C., never longer than twenty-four hours. | Inoculation of Media.—All tubes of media used for the determination of cultural fea- tures and biochemical reactions were inoculated from young peptone brotk. cultures of the particular organism. The use of peptone salt solution instead BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 189 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a of nutrient broth eliminated to a minimum any risk due to the presence of muscle sugar. It may be mentioned that repeated tests for the presence of muscle sugar in the peptone used gave a negative reaction based on the absence of acid and gas; the tubes being inoculated from an active strain of the B coli group. Prior to the inoculatious of the series, peptone broth tubes were inoculated from agar slopes, and incubated at 37° C. After 18 to 24 hours, usually about 20 hours, the whole series of media would be inoculated with the broth from a 1 ce. pipette; 2 to 3 drops of culture to each tube. Slopes of solid media were streaked with a standard 3 mm. loop platinum needle. The number of tubes involved and the amount of test substances necessitated have been considerable throughout the work, and to insure economy of expense and time, strictly quan- titative estimations of the gas evolved have not been carried out other than by means of the Dunham tube. In view of the method noted above, however, the results are truly comparative throughout. Moreover, for the particular pur- pose of the present work the essential point to be decided regarding the ferment- ation of the test substances to gas is this—does a’ particular culture produce gas, or does it not produce gas? It is not only of considerable interest, but of much practical and classificatory value to know whether the amount of gas produced in a given time at a given temperature from a given substance is great or small. Such information can be comparatively well shown by the use of the Dunham tube. Indol Production—The tubes to be tested for Indol were incubated at 37° C. for 7 days; the Bohme Ehrlich test being used. Reduction of Nitrates—The Giltay solution was tested after 3 to 4 days incubation at 37° O., for the presence of nitrites. The sulphanilic acid and a-naphthylamin reagents were used. Voges Proskauer Reaction.—After 48 to 72 hours incubation at 37° C. the culture tested with a strong solution of KOH. The test if positive has usually shown the typical eosin shade in the upper layers, within 2 hours at room temperature. ; Methyl Red Reaction.—Determined after incubation at 37° C. for 48 to 72 hours. Cans OF SARDINES. General Description. Appearance of Cans and Conditions of Contents. Owing to the varieties of “brands” of sardines produced by the canning fac- tories, the various methods of packing adopted, and the different substances utilized for the giving of flavour and consistency to the finished product, it is not possible other than in a general way to described the conditions met with in my examinations. Normal cans.—In outward appearance there is a complete absence of any “ bulg- ing”; the top and bottom are either quite flat or almost imperceptibly concave. On shaking, there is no “rattle” and scarcely any movement of the contents can be heard. When opened with the cutter, there is no expulsion of air or gas, with little if any exuding of the oil or other material used in the process of packing. The contents are firm, not macerated, and often white in colour; this last, how- ever, depending to some extent upon the materials used in the packing. The smell is mildly characteristic of the fish, qualified by the variety of oil or tomato sauce used. There is in appearance and odour a complete absence of putrefaction. The fish are saturated to a greater or lesser extent with the oil, sauce, or other flavouring agents ‘used, but without losing their firm and solid condition. The oil or sauce will be seen as a layer over and in the interspaces between the individual fish, rather than actually within the bodies. 190 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Swelled Cans—Outwardly the cans vary from a slight “bulged” appearance to a more pronounced swelling. The top and botiom are forced out as a result of the pressure, and present a decided convex surface. As the swelling becomes greater the oil or sauce will be forced out between the soldered parts of the can, and in pronoun- ced cases the outside surface is greasy and wet, and possibly covered with the oil or sauce. Swelled cans, when shaken, have a characteristic “rattle” on account of the extra space within, resulting from the swelling. When the cans are opened, gas is ex- pelled, accompanied in advanced swellings by portions of the liquid contents. In ad- vanced cases there is a tendency for the oil or sauce to pour out over the surface of the cans. The condition of the contents varies considerably. Usually the fish are macerat- ed, disintegrated, and soft, and are intermixed with the oil or sauce; they have lost their entity. The odour is variable,—frequently it is not unpleasant, resembling to an accentuated degree the natural smell of normal sardines. In other instances a pronounced putrefactive odour is evident. It may be that the putrefactive odour is present at all times and is masked by the spices or other ingredients of the sauce. That is a point which can only be definitely pronounced upon after a more extended Investigation. CANS EXAMINED. Up to the present I have examined forty cans, normal and swelled. The cans have been obtained personally or by express: (1) direct from various canning factories in the province of New Brunswick and in the State of Maine, U.S.A. (2) From the Health Department of a city in the Maritime Provinces. (3) From retail grocery stores. Many of the normal cans, representative of the various factories, proved to be sterile; from some have been isolated spore forming bacteria, inactive on fermentable carbohydrates,—see page 211, Culture 21 and in no instance have gas producing organisms been found. From certain of the swelled cans I have isolated a variety of strains of gas pro- ducing bacteria, none of which show evidence of spore formation. The cans from which these strains have been isolated are representative of three of the factories engaged in canning; and for the sake of clearness these factories have been specified as Packer A, Packer B, and Packer C, respectively. Further, from swelled cans I have also isolated strains of bacteria which fail to ferment any of the carbohydrates used as test substances (pages 212-213). It remains, therefore, to be added that from some cans apparently “swelled” I have failed to isolate gas producing bacteria. As already stated (page 185) the organisms isolated from the various sources have for the sake of convenience been arranged in two main classes :— Class I—Gas producers. ‘Class IJ.—Non gas-producers. The gas-producers (see pages 192-207) have been isolated solely from swelled cans . | sardines. Of the swelled cans examined the majority were obtained from sources and 3 (page 190). Some were submitted by source 2. Under the circumstances it has seemed desirable to use some means of differentiation. Accordingly the swelled cans obtained: (1) from the canning factories, and (3) from retail grocery stores have been designated “Swelled cans, Series 1”; those submitted by (2) a certain City Health Department, “Swelled Cans Series II.” BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 191 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Swelled Cans, Series I. Can. I, Packer B—Obtained direct from canning factory; packed with tomato sauce; characteristic “swelled” appearance. The pressure of the gas was so great that on the can being opened part of the contents were strewn over the laboratory bench. The odour was pleasant, though pungent, and may best be deseribed as the natural smell of normal sardines accentuated. It is of interest to note that the plates made, using herring agar, rapidly developed at room temperature a putrid smell resembling, as expressed by a laboratory colleague, that of an “oriental latrine.” See Culture 32, Class I. Can, II, Packer A.—Obtained from a retail grocery store; packed in cottonseed oil; same brand as those of “Swelled Cans, Series II”. This can was passed as saleable and normal by a reputable salesman, and on personal examination of his stock I retained it as suspicious. I have no knowledge as to the date of packing. In appearance the can was slightly swollen, convex, but there was no evidence of oil exuding due to pressure of gas. On opening, a percep- tible amount of gas was forced out. The contents were soft and desintegrated ; colour slightly darker white than normal; odour an accentuation of the normal. See Culture 34, Class I. Can III, Packer A—Source and brand as Can II of this series. This can submitted to me by the salesman. The appearance of the can, the appearance, condition, and colour of the contents identical with description applied to Can II. See Culture 35, Class I. Can IV, Packer B—Source and brand as Can I of this series. In this can the swelling had not progressed as far as in can I, and on opening the gas was not so profuse. The general description there applied to the contents and to the nature of the subsequent plates is equally applicable in this instance. See Culture 36, Class I. Can V, Packer B—Source and brand as Can I of this series. The extent to which the can had swelled, and the further description used above for Can IV apply here. See Culture 37, ‘Class I. Can VI, Packer C—Obtained direct from canning factory; packed in tomato sauce; characteristic “ swelled’ appearance top and bottom convex. On open- ing a small amount of gas escaped. The odour was not unpleasant, and may be described as the natural smell of normal sardines accentuated. The con- tents of the can were not nearly so much disintegrated as noted in some pre- viously mentioned, were somewhat dry, and a little less hard than the con- tents of normal cans. See Culture 64, Class I. Swelled Cans, Series II, Packer A. A cargo of sardines exported by packer A had been sunk in a harbour, remaining under water for six weeks. When the cargo was salvaged, a proportion of the cans were visibly swelled. The local Health Department submitted a number of these cans for examination, as a result of which the cargo was condemned. Such cans, of course, do not represent the “swelled cans” of commerce. As, however, their condition and the nature of their contents appeared somewhat similar to the swelled cans obtained from other sources, the characteristics of some of the organisms isolated have been included in this report. 192 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 To differentiate from the swelled cans obtained direct from the canning factories and from retailers I have designated the salvaged cans as “ Swelled cans, series II.” The brand of sardines of which this cargo consisted is one of the least expensive brands on the market; cottonseed oil is used. Can II.—On shaking, perceptible “rattle” characteristic of the swollen cans. On opening with the cutter escape of gas and pronounced putrefactive odour; contents soft and disintegrated; colour dirty white with tendency to redness in inner portions. See Culture 24, Class I; Culture 14, Class IT. Can III.—Characteristic “rattle”; escape of gas and pronounced putrefactive odour on opening of can; contents soft and disintegrated, and of a dirty white eolour. See Culture 26, Class I; Culture 16, Class IT. ORGANISMS OF THE GAS-PRODUCING TYPE. Culture 2. Source: Can II, Ser. II, Packer A. Morphology.—Microscopically: coccus forms to short thick rods twice as long as broad; average length .8—1 » *Gram negative. From old agar cultures no evidence of spores. Motility—In hanging drop occurring singly, in twos and in chains; some individuals with rapid movement, some having slow undulating motion. Cultural Characteristics.— Agar slope—36 hrs. 87° C.—growth luxuriant, raised, glistening, iridescent, yellowish-white by transmitted light. Léeffler’s Blood Serum.—24 hrs., 37 C. moderate, yellowish-white, no liquefaction. Loeffler’s Malachite Green Sol.—Green precipitate or weak coagulum at bottom of tube; this very slowly changes and within 14 days partially digested; liquid portion assuming brownish tint. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature; liquefaction begins in 24 hrs. crateriform; in three days liquefaction on surface and along track of needle, crateriform to infundibuliform; growth very slimy on this medium; in 7 days yellowish, cloudy stratiform extending 1 cm. from surface, remainder infundibuliform with heavy yellow flocculent sediment to bottom of tube. In 18 days liquefaction not yet complete; upper portion heavy milky even cloudiness, merging into layers of semi-transparent cloudiness, the lower portion a heavy ferric-yellow mass of precipitate. Nutrient Broth.—24 hrs. 37°C.—heavy clouding with bluish rim; in 3 days floe- culent flakes of bluish tint on sides of tube; in 5 days very heavy dense even clouding, watered silk appearance; this condition persists. Herring Broth.—Condition similar to above; very heavy growth; in 9 days a loop of the liquid showing decided iridescent bluish sheen. Milk.—In 24 hrs. unchanged, except that much froth on shaking; in 3 days coagulated, soft curd, some whey expressed; in 9 days yellow digested fluid 2/3 of tube, remainder white soft curd; in 14 days ropiness noted, and medium almost entirely digested with slight amount of flocculent curd at bottom of tube; in 5 weeks almost wholly turbid yellowish digested fluid with slight jelly-like yellowish iridescent flocculent curd on base of tube. BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 193 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Litmus Milk.—In 24 hours much froth on shaking, violaceus for 1 em. from surface, remainder paler; in 3 days partly coagulated soft curd, violaceus; in 9 days digestion proceeding, fluid yellowish; in 14 days blue rim at surface, medium 5/6 digested, reddish brown tint; in 5 weeks slight flocculence, curd at base of tube, remainder partially cleared and tinted dark purpureus to heliotrope. Aesculin agar—lI loop from peptone broth culture streaked on plates. In 24 hours growth but no definite black reaction; later assumes brown to black tint, moderate growth. Aesculin broth—In 24 hours black reaction. MacConkey’s N.R.B. Broth.—No reduction to canary yellow in 24 hours. Gelatine colonies——(1st appearance) room temperature, in 72 hours liquefaction well advanced; individual colonies up to 3 mm. diameter, round, saucer- shaped, entire edges; liquefaction typical of the proteus group, cenue ot colony dark white spot -25 mm. diameter, remainder of colony varying from clear space to fine precipitated granules. Under the low power objective opaque centre, edges entire; medium tinted green, and distinct earthy smell. Agar colonies.—20 hours at 37°C., growth moderate, surface colonies round, con- eave, glistening, raised, distinctly radiate; by transmitted light young colonies bluish, older colonies becoming whiter, more opaque and darker in centre. Sub-surface colonies small but well defined, white. Under low power object- ive surface colonies distinctly yellowish with entire edges; on focussing through, dense and dark; structure cannot be defined; smaller colonies dark centre, then pale yellow, and near the edges almost transparent. Sub- surface colonies well defined, edges entire, yellow to dense. Temperature Relations :— Thermal death point.—10 minutes’ exposure in nutrient broth at 60°C. Optimum temperature.—Cultures incubated at room temperature and at 37°C. grow well. Most satisfactory growth at 37°C. Vitality on Culture Media—The culture survives several months in artificial medium, agar or gelatine. Relation to Oxygen—The culture is a facultative anaerobe; incubated for 36 hours under anaerobic conditions moderate growth on glucose agar as discrete colonies along track of needle 1-2 mm. diameter; by transmitted light convex, dark white centres, paling to blue at edges. Growth is not so luxuriant as under aerobic con- ditions. Biochemical Reactions :— Indol production: Indol not produced. Reduction of nitrates: Nitrates to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reaction: Positive. Methyl red reaction: Alkaline. Fermentation of Carbohydrates.—This culture does not rapidly ferment many of the carbohydrates. In 24 hours lactose is but feebly fermented to acid; saccharose, mannite and xylose are fermented to acid and gas with profuse frothing; arabinose and inulin give slight gas; while gas appears in glycerine 194 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 only after a period of 72 hours. The remaining substances used are fermented moderately well in 24 hours to acid and to gas. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ +H ++ ++ a Adonit. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. -- ++ ++ ++ ++ Aesculin. Glycerine. Inulin. ++ ++ ++ + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. Culture 26 Source: Can III, Ser. IJ, Packer A. Morphology —Microscopically, rods 14 to 134 times as long as broad; average length 1-6 » with many longer forms even in young cultures. Gram negative*; from old agar cultures no evidence of spores. Microscopie preparations made from cultures of this organism incubated at the same and at different temperatures have shown much variation in morphology; successive plate culturing, however, has failed to show impurity. Motility—tIn hanging drop occurring singly, and in twos, sometimes side by side; longer forms noted; non-motile. Cultural Characteristics :— Agar. Slope—36 hours, 37° C., moderate, along track of needle, glistening yel- lowish-white by transmitted light. Léeffler’s Blood Serum.—Growth slight after 72 hours. No liquefaction. Loeffler’s Malachite Green Solution.—24 hours, 37°C., coagulated as soft junket- like curd attached to sides and bottom of tube, green, with pale green liquid expressed. After 14 days no change. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature—in 3 days scant- growth, filiform, no lique- faction; in 18 days no change apart from increased growth, no liquefaction. Nutrient Broth—24 hours, 37°C., moderate clouding, no pellicle, no sediment, no ring; in 3 days watered silk appearance; in 9 days no change except slight sediment at bottom of tube. Herring Broth—Similar to above, but much more luxuriant growth. Milk.—In 24 hours at 37°C., no coagulation, much froth on shaking; in 3 days coagulation beginning; in 5 days firm coagulum, no gas, no digestion; in 16 day; curd slightly split by gas. In 5 weeks shrinking of curd, but no digestion. Titmus Milk.—In 24 hours violaceus, much froth on shaking, no coagulation; in 3 days liliaceous with weak coagulum; in 5 days curd slightly cracked by gas. In 5 weeks no digestion; pale lilac to isabella. Aesculin agar—One loop from peptone broth culture streaked on plates; no reaction. Aesculin broth—In 24 hours. Slight change but no black reaction; later medium darkened slowly in several days becoming black. MacConkey’s N.R.B. broth—No reduction to canary yellow in 48 hours. Gelatine Colonies.—(1st appearance), 72 hours at room temperature. Surface colonies yellowish white by transmitted light, 3-14 mm. diameter; a charac- teristic depression immediately around edge of colony could be seen on tilt- ing the plate; no bluish appearance; no liquefaction. Under the low power objective’ colonies pale yellow, with paler rim, and entire edges, structure finely granular. BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 195 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Agar colonies.——20 hours. 37°C. Growth slow, punctiform, scarcely visible to the eye. Examined 3 days; by transmitted light surface colonies greyish white, elliptical and round, the larger colonies 0:5 mm. diameter. Subsurface ‘colonies similar to above; majority of the colonies immediately under the surface. Under the low power objective all colonies appeared dense, com- pact with edges entire to slightly serrated. Temperature Relations :— Thermal death point.—10 minutes exposure in nutrient broth at 60°C. Optimum temperature—On agar grows moderately well, room temperature and at 37°C. Vitality on Culture Media.—The culture survives several months in artificial medium, agar or gelatine. Relation to Oxygen.—Incubated for 36 hours under anaerobic conditions, scant growth on glucose agar, small gas bubbles in medium, clouding of condensation water. While growth is noted, the organism prefers aerobic conditions. Biochemical reactions :— Indol production: Indol not produced. Reduction of nitrates: Q Voges-Proskauer reaction: Negative. Methyl red reaction: Slightly acid. Fermentation of Carbohydrates—The carbohydrates used are but feebly acted upon by this culture. In each case, however—with exception of inulin— those substances which are fermented to gas have shown the positive reaction within 24 hours at 37°C., and no further gas production has taken place even after 5 days. The Andrade indicator has changed to a clear scarlet and no reduction has taken place after prolonged incubation. The two substances most easily acted upon are glucose and saccharose. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ ++ ++ ee - = Adonit. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. -- ++ ++ ++ ++ Aesculin. Glycerine. Inulin. ++ +H tik + = acid. 4+4+ = acid and gas. Culture 32. Source:—Can. I. Ser. I. Packer B. Morphology :—Microscopically short thick rods twice as long as broad; average length 1-6 » staining unevenly with Kiihne’s methylene blue; some longer and thinner forms, but repeated replating has failed to show impurity. Gram negative® ; from old agar cultures no evidence of spores. Motility—tIn hanging drop occurring singly and in twos, actively motile, progression as in semi-circles. Cultural Characteristics :-— Agar Slope-—36 hours 37° C., luxuriant, raised, thick, along track of needle, glis- tening, iridescent, yellowish white transmitted light, medium slight tendency to brown. 196 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Herring agar—20 hours 32° C., growth abundant and heavy along track of needle, contoured, yellowish-white; spreading over slope as bluish film of discrete colonies, transmitted light, glistening, iridescent; heavy clouding condensa- tion water. Léeffler’s Blood Serum.—24 hours 37° C., moderate, moist, spreading; no liquefac- tion after 7 days. Léeffler’s Malachite Green Sol.—Coagulated as soft junket like curd attached to sides and bottom of tube, green, gas bubbles, light green clear fluid expressed; after 14 days coagulum as precipitation on sides of tube, no reduction of colour. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature—24 hours filiform, no liquefaction; in 4 days growth abundant; in 1 week no liquefaction and no change in medium, growth equally good in stab and on surface; no liquefaction in 21 days. Nutrient broth—24 hours 87° C., moderate, clouding, slight pellicle easily dis- lodged, pale bluish rim at top, very slight tendency to floceuleney; in 48 hours flocculent precipitate suspended and at bottom; in 7 days discrete par- ticles adhering to tube at surface, even clouding, clotted sediment on shaking. Herring broth—Similar to above, but much heavier. Milk.—18 hours, 37° C., much froth on shaking, no coagulation; in 72 hours coagulation beginning, frothy; in 4 days weak coagulum with whey expressed, gas bubbles, curd splitting, whey white cloudy; in 10 days condition accen- tuated, no liquefaction. Litmus milk—In 18 hours frothy, no coagulation, violaceus, merging into light violaceous near bottom of tube; in 48 hours liliaceous, frothy, no coagulation; in 72 hours still frothy, coagulation beginning; in 4 days coagulated, some whey expressed, curd split by gas holes; in 14 days bleached with red rim at top. Aesculin agar.—1 loop from peptone broth culture streaked on plates. In 24 hours 87° C. growth brown-black reaction. Aesculin broth—In 24 hours, black reaction. MacConkey’s N.R.B. broth—No reduction to canary yellow in 48 hours. Gelatine colonies—Room temperature (1st appearance). In 72 hours growth luxuriant and rapid; surface colonies up to 3—1 mm. diameter, white and glistening; depression around edge of colony, as if gelatine under tension— See Culture 26. Smaller colonies bluish to white, round; subsurface colonies small, bluish to bluish white. Under low power objective surface colonies dense, pale-yellow, with paler rim and entire edges, structure finely granular; subsurface colonies similar with homogenous structure, round, edges clearly defined and entire. Agar colonies—20 hours 37° C., growth rapid, abundant, surface colonies 13— 2 mm. diameter, concave, smooth, glistening, tendency to striate; by trans- mitted light ferric to yellowish-white centre, paling to blue tint at edges, smaller colonies bluish white; subsurface colonies up to -5 mm. diameter, yellowish-white. Under low power objective surface colonies finely granular structure, ferric-yellow paling at edges, edges entire; subsurface colonies dark “mound” appearance in centre, remainder pale lemon, finely granular with tendency to grumose, edges entire. Herring agar colonies—Two to three times diameter of above, umbonate, radiate, concentrically ringed. ee Ss a BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 197 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Temperature Regulations :— Thermal death point.—Some variation has been exhibited and further tests require to be made; tests performed up to the present indicate the T.D.P. to be around 60° C., exposed for 10 minutes in nutrient broth. Optimum temperature—Cultures incubated at room temperature and at 37° C. grow well; most satisfactory growth at 37° C. Vitality on culture media.—The culture survives several months on artificial medium, agar or gelatine. Relation to Oxygen:— The culture is a facultative anaerobe; incubated for 36 hours at 37° 'C. under anaerobic conditions moderate growth on slope of glucose agar; medium cracked and split by gas bubbles, much froth in tube and heavy clouding of condensation water. The organism appears to grow equally well in the presence or in the absence of oxygen. Biochemical Reactions :— Indol production: Indol not produced. Reduction of nitrates: Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges Proskauer reaction: Negative. Methyl red reaction: Alkaline. Fermentation of Carbohydrates—The action of this culture on lactose is feeble and slow, gas not appearing until the second day; dulcite is but slightly fermented to acid and no gas is produced. Aesculin is fermented to acid and gas in 24 hours and in 9 days the Andrade indicator reduced to a lemon yellow turbid iridescent colour, while no reduction is noted in the ease of salicin. All the other test substances are fermented to acid and to gas rapidly with profuse frothing and heavy turbidity within 24 hours. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ ++ + + ++ + — Adonit. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. -- ++ ++ ++ ++ Aeseulin. Glycerin. Inulin. ++ ++ ++ + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. Culture 3. Source: Can. II., Ser. I., Packer A. Morphology—Microscopically varying from coccus forms to short rods; the majority 8-1 ,» long and twice as long as broad, many thinner; stains unevenly with Kiihne’s methylene blue; Gram negative*; from old agar cultures no evidence of spores. Motility—tIn hanging drop occurring singly and in twos; actively motile. Cultural Characteristics :— Agar slope.—86 hours at 37° C., moderate along track of needle, glistening irides- cent, bluish by transmitted light, gas bubbles in medium presumably due to fermentation of the muscle sugar in beef extract. In agar culture 2 months old distinct sliminess has been noted. 198 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Herring agar—20 hours 32C., growth abundant, contoured, yellowish white growth along track of needle, spreading over slope as bluish film of discrete colonies; glistening, iridescent; heavy clouding of condensation water. Léeffler’s Blood Serwm.—24 hours 37°°C Moderate, ferric yellow growth, no fa liquefaction after 7 days. Léeffler’s Malachite Green Sol—tIn 24 hours 387° C. coagulated as described in culture 32; in 14 days medium assuming a greenish brown tint, no definite reduction and no liquefaction. Gelatine stab—Room temperature—24 hours filiform, no liquefaction, equally good on surface and in stab; in 4 days growth abundant; in 7 days no lique- faction and no change in medium; no liquefaction in 21 days. Nutrient broth—18 hours 37° C., clouding moderate, slight pellicle; on shaking small flakes perceptible in medium; bluish rim; slight viscid sediment; in 72 hours cloudy waves, as watered silk, some flocculent precipitation in sus- pension. Herring broth.—Similar to above, but heavier. Milk—18 hours 37° C., much froth on shaking, no coagulation; in 48 hours, weak coagulum beginning; in 72 hours coagulated with gas and expulsion of whey, curd later splitting with gas holes. Litmus milk—18 hours 37° C., much froth on shaking, liliaceous, no coagulation; in 48 hours weak coagulation beginning; in 72 hours coagulated, gas, whey expressed, later bleaching to isabella and much splitting of curd by gas. Nore.—Milks and litmus milks incubated for 2 months have appeared to be slowly digesting; up to the present I have been unable to verify this and further tests must be made to establish the final condition of the clot. Aesculin agar—1 loop from peptone broth culture streaked on plate. In 24 hours at 37° C., reaction brown-black. Aesculin broth—In 24 hours black reaction. MacConkey’s N. R. B. Broth—In 48 hours, 37° C., slight reduction to eosin tint, but no final reduction to canary yellow. Gelatine colonies—Room temperature (1st appearance) surface colonies up to 34 mm. diam.; by transmitted light bluish-white, glistening, almost transparent, resembling more the description of the B. typhosus colonies than the typical B. Coli colony; flat; subsurface colonies smaller, white to yellow-white, depres- sion around edges, see Culture 32. Under the low power objective surface colonies pale yellow, paling near rim with hedges entire; structure finely granular with clearly defined border around more dense central structure; subsurface colonies similar. Agar colonies.—20 hours 37°C., growth moderate, not so rapid as other cultures; surface colonies 1—14 mm. diameter, round, concave, glistening; by trans- mitted light bluish with pin-point dark white centre, distinctly radiate. Subsurface colonies dirty white; organism growing better just under surface. Under low power objective surface colonies dark centre, remainder of colony faintly discernible as finely granular lemon yellow, with edges entire; sub- surface dark, compact, too dense for structure to be differentiated, edges entire. Temperature Relations :— Thermal death point.—10 minutes exposure in nutrient broth at 60°C. Optimum temperature—Cultures incubated at room temperature and at 37°C. grow well; most satisfactory growth at 37°C. Vitality on Culture medium.—The culture survives several months on artificial medium, agar or gelatine. BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 199 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Relation to Oxygen.—The culture is a facultative anaerobe; incubated for 36 hours at 37°C. under anaerobic conditions growth scant on slope as fine discrete colonies; heavy growth and clouding in condensation water. Slope broken and cracked by gas bubbles, these 4 cm. diameter and extending throughout the medium; much froth. Biochemical Reactions :— Indol production: Indol not produced. Reduction of Nitrates: Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reactions: Negative. Methyl red reaction: Alkaline. Fermentation of Carbohydrates——The culture has a characteristic action upon dulcite; this test substance being fermented profusely to gas in 48 hours; acid and some gas produced within 24 hours. In aesculin, gas appears within 48 hours. Inulin is fermented to gas only after 7—10 days incubation. The remaining test substances are fermented moderately well to acid and gas with- in 24 hours; but in no ease on further incubation is the reaction profuse as in the fermentation of dulcite. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ ++ ++ ++ + + Adonit. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. — ++ ++ ++ ++ Aesculin. Glycerine. Inulin. ++ +- ++ + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. Culture 35. Source: Can. III, Ser. I, Packer A. Morphology: Microscopically large coccus forms to short thick rods; .8 » diam. to 1 » long; stain evenly with Kiihne’s methylene blue; Gram negative*; from old agar cultures no evidence of spores. Mobility: In hanging drop appearing singly and in twos; no motility. Cultural characteristics :— Agar Slope.—86 hours 37° C., moderate to abundant along track of needle, glis- tening, iridescent, porcelain white by transmitted lght. Herring Agar Slope—20 hours 32° C., growth abundant, yellowish white along track of needle raised edges, glistening iridescent, by transmitted light the thinner parts bluish discrete colonies. Léeffler’s Blood Serum.—24 hours 37° C., luxuriant, moist; no liquefaction after 7 days. Léeffler’s Malachite Green Solution:—24 hours 37°C. Coagulated junket like coagulum clinging to sides of tube, gas; in 72 hours reduced greenish yellow; in 14 days reduced to yellowish-brown slimy looking liquid, partially digested. Gelatine Stab.—Room temperature, in 24 hours filiform growth equally good sur- face and stab, no liquefaction, slight gas—presumably from muscle sugar— growth luxuriant. No liquefaction in 21 days. Nutrient Broth—18 hours 37° C., clouding even, no pellicle, no sediment, bluish rim at surface; in 48 hours heavy clouding, viscid sediment at bottom on shaking; in 72 hours flocculent suspension, later sediment increasing, medium becoming clearer, and flocculency. 200 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Herring Broth—Moderate clouding, bluish rim at surface, pellicle, viscid pre- cipitate on shaking; in 4 days very heavy brown-black sediment, later floc- culeney and heavy clouding. Milk.—In 18 hours at 37° C., frothy but no coagulation; in 72 hours coagulation commencing, gas; in 4 days gas holes in curd, frothy; in 10 days clear whey on surface of soft gassy curd. In 2 months no digestion. Litmus Milk—In 18 hours 37° lilaceus, much froth and gas, no coagulation; in 72 hours coagulation beginning; in 10 days tinted whey on surface of soft eurd pinkish to isabella; no digestion in 2 months. Aesculin agar—387° C. One loop from peptone broth culture streaked on plates; in 24 hours reaction brown to black. Aesculin broth—87°C. Black reaction in 24 hours. MacConkey’s N.R.B. Broth—387°. In 48 hours no reduction to canary yellow. Gelatine Colonies——(Room temperature) (1st appearance). Surface colonies up to } mm. diameter, bluish white to white, glistening, smaller colonies more distinctly blue; depression around colonies as noted Culture 32. Subsurface colonies yellowish white, small. Under low power objective the centre yellow- ish brown dense compact surrounded by pale border 4 diameter of colony; edges entire, clearly defined and hyaline. The differentiation of border from centre bears a close resemblance to colony of Asiatic cholera (plate 227 Kolle & Wassermann Atlas Tafel 10), and is not unlike plate 45 of colon colony (Park & Williams, Path. Micro-organisms, 5th edition, page 110). In the large surface colonies the whole structure is more homogeneous. Subsurface colonies appear similar. Agar colonies—20 hours 37° C., surface colonies 14-2 mm. diameter. Flat to umbonate, growth rapid, colony round, surface smooth, glistening, iridescent. By transmitted light ferric-yellow centre paling to bluish at edge. Subsur- face colonies punctiform. Under the low power objective surface colonies are dark in centre, “mound” appearance, gradually merging to pale lemon-brown colour, structure finely granular to grumose; subsurface colonies similar. Temperature relations :— Thermal Death Point.—10 minutes exposure in nutrient broth at 60°C. Optimum Temperature—Cultures incubated at room temperature and at 87°C. grow well; better growth at 37°C. Vitality on Culture Media—Survives several months, in artificial media, agar or gelatine. Relation to oxygen.—Facultative anaerobe; incubated at 37°C. for 36 hours under anaerobic conditions, moderate bluish growth by transmitted light, on glucose agar; spreading over slope as bluish film, small discrete colonies with centre more opaque. Condensation water heavily clouded; much froth; medium throughout tube riddled with gas bubbles. The organism appears to grow equally well aerobically or anaerobically. Biochemical Reactions: Indol production: Indol not produced. Production of nitrates: Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reaction: Positive. Methyl red reaction: Alkaline. Fermentation of Carbohydrates.—The action of the culture on dulcite is vari- able but it evidently is able to ferment this alcohol to gas, some tests being BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 201 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a positive, some negative; the alcohol adonit on the other hand is fermented to acid and profuse gas with frothing in 24 hours. The action on inulin is somewhat characteristic, fermentation to acid and gas with frothing in 24 hours; no other strain isolated has such pronounced effect on this test sub- stance. Within 24 hours all the remaining carbohydrates are fermented to acid and profusely to gas with very pronounced frothing. In general this culture is much more active in its fermentation reactions than any of the cultures hitherto described. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ ++ ++ tt +t Adonit. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. ++ ++ ++ ++ ++ Aesculin. Glycerine. Inulin. ++ ++ ++ + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. Culture 36. Source: Can IV. Ser. I. Packer B. Morphology—Microscopially varying from very short stumpy rods to forms twice as long as broad; the majority -8—1 » long, staining unevenly with Kiihne’s methy- lene blue; Gram negative*; from old agar culture no evidence of spores. Motility—In hanging drop occurring singly and in pairs; extremely active motility. Cultural Characteristics :— Agar slope.—86 hours 37°C., moderate along track of needle, glistening iridescent, Porcelain to yellowish white by transmitted light. Herring Agar slope—20 hours at 32°C., growth moderate, slightly raised, dry but glistening, some discrete colonies, by transmitted light blue to yellow. Loeffler’s Blood Serum.—24 hours 37° C., moderate, glistening. No liquefaction after 7 days. Léeffler’s Malachite Green Sol.—24 hours 37°C., coagulated as Culture 34, much gas; in 72 hours reduced to greenish yellow. In 14 days coagulum not further reduced but precipitation on sides and bottom of tube; ferric-yellow liquid expressed. Gelatine stab—Room temperature—in 24 hours nliform growth equally good on surface and in stab; in 48 hours no liquefaction growth on surface showing, moist; in 4 days growth luxuriant; in 7 days growth becoming brown, medium slightly tinted; no liquefaction arter 21 days. Nutrient Broth—18 hours 37°C., moderate even clouding, no pellicle, bluish rim at top, no sediment; in 48 hours heavy clouding watered silk appearance, later sediment noticeable; no pellicle even after 10 days. Herring broth.—Moderate growth, clouding flocculent suspension, bluish rim, no pellicle; in 48 hours brown viscid sediment precipitated; in 10 days ring on surface, very heavy flocculent growth, black sediment. Milk.—18 hours 387°C. Much gas on shaking, with froth persistent, no coagula- tion; in 14 days weak coagulum commencing and coagulation slowly com- pleted when examined at the end of two months. Intmus Milk.—In 18 hours no coagulation, much froth on shaking with froth persisting; violaceus merging into heliotrope; no further change in 10 days; in 14 days lilaceus, no coagulation; when examined 6 weeks late coagulation complete, lilaceus. 28a—14 202 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Aesculin agar.—One loop from peptone broth culture streaked on plates; in 24 hours 87° C. brown to black reaction. Aesculin broth—tThe typical black reaction not given after 7 days; change only to brown. MacConkey’s N.R.B. broth—tIn 48 hours 37° C. an eosin tint but no reduction to canary yellow after 7 days. Gelatine colonies—Room temperature (1st appearance) in 72 hours surface colo- nies small, average 4 mm. diameter, glistening flat, round; by transmitted light bluish white, almost transparent; characteristic ring in gelatine as noted. Culture 32; surface colonies yellowish white, small, round. Under the low power objective surface colonies round distinctly granular and dark yellow centre, surrounded by pale border and edges entire and hyaline; on gelatine, the colonies unlike those previously described. N.B.—On referring to the notes made when this culture was originally isolated six months ago, I find that on agar the colonies were characteristically different from the colonies of Cultures 32, 34 or 35. It is of interest to note that this individuality has been maintained throughout a period of this length, and in spite of having many times been subcultured on labora- | tory media. Agar Colonies ——20 hours, 37°C. growth rapid; surface colonies 1-13 mm. dia- meter; flat, glistening, iridescent; some colonies extending as thin blue pro- tuberances over the medium; by transmitted light colonies bluish, little darker and more opaque in centre. Subsurface colonies up to -25 mm. diameter. Under the low power objective surface colonies coarsely granular, immediate centre slightly darker and well defined; remainder same structure throughout; edges entire; subsurface colonies compact, grumose to “mound-like” structure; often the Sreaamanine medium a light ferric colour due to Perea gra- nules with no definite outline. Temperature Relations :— Thermal Death Point—10 minutes exposure to 60° C. in nutrient broth. Optimum Temperature-——Growth satisfactory when incubated either at room temperature or at 87°C. Most satisfactory growth at 37°C. Vitality on Culture Media—The culture survives several months on artificial media, agar or gelatine. Relation to Oxygen:—Facultative anaerobe; incubated for 36 hours at 37° C. under anaerobie conditions grows on glucose agar as pale bluish thin film along track of needle, transmitted light; spreading over slope as discrete colonies; heavy cloudy growth in condensation water; much froth in tube, gas bubbles 4 cm. diameter throughout medium. The organism grows equally well aerobically or anaerobic- ally. Biochemical Reactions: Indol production Indol not produced. Reduction of nitrates Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reaction Positive. Methyl red reaction Alkaline. Fermentation of Carbohydrates: The culture ferments lactose to acid, but gas is not produced until 72 hours after inoculation; the amount then is small and no increase is observed on further incubation; glucose, saccharose, xylose, arabinose, and mannite are fermented to acid with profuse evolution of gas within 24 hours. The action upon raffinose is feeble. The Andrade indicator q | | BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 203 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a is rapidly decolourized in the aesculin, assuming a lemon yellow tint, such persisting; this colour is partially due to the glucoside itself. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ ++ ++ ++ -- Adonite. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. me a +- + + ++ ae Aesculin. Glycerine. Inulin. 7S + — + —- + = acid. + + = acid and gas, Oulture 37. Source: Can V. Ser. I. Packer B. Morphology.—Microscopically rods, three times as long as broad; average length 1-6 p. Stain evenly. Gram negative*; from old agar cultures no evidence of spores. Motility —In hanging drop occurring singly and in twos; motile; movement varying from revolving motion to a wavelike undulating motion. Cultural Characteristics :— Agar slope.—386 hours, 37° C., luxuriant along track of needle, raised, glistening, iridescent, yellowish-white by transmitted light; gas bubbles in medium pre- sumably from muscle sugar in meat extract. At times, particularly in the older cultures, agar growth decidedly slimy, drawing out on the needle. In 7 days, medium lemon to brown. Herring agar.—20 hours at 32°C. Along track of needle heavy, raised, compact, greyish white, glistening, spreading as thick blue-green veil, by transmitted light slightly iridescent, heavy clouding of condensation water. Léeffler’s Blood Serum—24 hours, 37° C., luxuriant, raised, white, spreading, no liquefaction in 7 days. Léeffler’s Malachite Green Sol—tIn 24 hours precipitated light green coagulum on sides of tube; in 48 hours reduction to yellow beginning in 7 days reduced to yellow and almost entirely digested. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature—in 24 hours liquefaction commencing; in 48 hours crateriform to extent of 3mm, continuing down the stab as infundibuli- form; in 7 days liquefaction complete and medium sharply divided into layers; immediately below surface liquefaction appears the colour of turbid whey, in successive layers turbidity and cloudiness gradually disappearing; heavy yellow flaky precipitate at bottom. Nutrient Broth—18 hours, 37°C., heavy clouding, surface iridescent, pellicle, bluish rim easily detached on shaking—life-belt form—medium slightly floc- culent; in 4 days clouding very heavy, bluish rim; later sediment. Herring Broth.—Very similar to above but heavier growth; in 4 days heavy cloud- ing and thick bluish white pellicle; later flocculent. Milk.—18 hours, coagulation commencing; in 48 hours coagulated with gas and digestion well advanced; in 10 days more than half digested, whey yellowish, heavy pellicle, soft curd; in 14 days gas bubbles still persisting, digestion pro- ceeded, # tube, the soft curd adhering to the glass, digestion not proceeding directly from surface to bottom. At a later date when the organism had 38a—143 204 DEPARTMENT OF TEE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 been in pure culture for several months, a decided ropiness was noted, milk tubes being distinctly slimy within 24 hours after inoculation. This feature appears to have developed under cultivation. and has since persisted. Litmus Milk—In 18 hours violaceus, no coagulation; in 48 hours gas, heavy pellicle, coagulated and digestion proceeding; in 4 days a yellow digested fluid extending 2cm. below surface, remainder violaceous; in 10 days 4 digested, remainder soft gelatinous curd; in 14 days except for tint, appearance very similar to milk as noted above. Aesculin agar.—1 loop from peptone broth culture streaked on plates. In 24 hours black reaction. MacConkey’s N.R.B. Broth—In 24 hours heavy growth. No reduction to canary yellow. Later colour slightly changed but no definite reduction. Gelatine Colonies.—(1st appearance.) Room temperature in 72 hours liquefaction well advanced; individual colonies up to 3mm. diameter, round, saucer-shaped, characteristic of the organisms of the proteus group; centre of colony dark white spot -25 mm. diameter, then clear space, then semi-transparent rim. Under the low power objective opaque centre merging into myceloid filaments, then clear space, and heavily clouded borders with entire edges; medium unchanged, no characteristic smell. Agar colonies—20 hours at 37°C. growth rapid, surface colonies concave, 14- 24mm. diameter; very slimy after repeated sub-culturing drawing out on needle 10-15cem.; glistening; by transmitted light distinctly radiate, whole colony bluish but slightly more opaque in centre; subsurface colonies bluish to white. Under the low power objective surface colonies brownish with dark opaque centre in some, finely to coarsely granular; some colonies same struc- ture throughout; edges entire hyaline. Subsurface colonies distinct, grumose to mound like. Temperature Relations :— Thermal death point—10 minutes exposure in nutrient broth at 60°C. Optimum temperature-—Cultures incubated at room temperature and at 37°C. grow well. Most satisfactory growth at 37°C. Vitality on Culture Media—The culture survives several months in artificial medium agar or gelatine. Relation to Oxygen.—The culture is a facultative anaerobe; incubated for 36 hours under anaerobic conditions moderate growth on glucose agar slope, bluish tint; very heavy clouding of condensation water; on the slope seen as discrete colonies varying from a thin bluish film to converse moist colonies 1 mm. diameter with ferric yellow centre paling towards edges. The medium riddled with gas bubbles 4=1 cm. diameter, much froth in tube. This organism appears to grow equally well aerobically or anaerobically. Biochemical Reactions :— Indol production: Indol produced. Reduction of Nitrates: Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reaction: Positive. Methyl red reaction: Alkaline. Fermentation of Carbohydrates—This culture ferments lactose feebly to acid, the Andrade indicator showing reduction in 48 hours, and no gas is produced. Raffinose, glycerine and inulin are fermented to acid with slight production of gas; the gas in glycerine not appearing until the second day. The remaining fermentable substances are acted upon rapidly, evolving gas profusely within BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 205 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a 24 hours. It will be seen that of the two glucosides used, salicin and aescu- lin, the former only is fermented to gas. In the later cultural experiments a distinct Eiaiiiade appeared in all tubes, in peptone broths with and without added sugars; a pale white rim at surface observed to be slimy after several days at 37°C. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ +— ++ ++ he Adonit. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. -- ++ ++ ++ ++ Aesculin. Glycerine. Inulin. — + + + ++ + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. Culture 64. Source Can. VI., Ser. I, Packer C. From this source four strains have been isolated—64, 64a, 64b aerobically, and 64c¢ anaerobically. The similarity of the strains in culture is such that a detailed descrip- tion of each is not warranted. There are, however, certain cultural differences in 64a, 64b and 64c as compared with 64, which I have thought worthy of special mention; and these have been noted in the following description :— Morphology.—Microscopically varying from coccus forms to short thick rods; the former -8 » diameter, the latter 14 times as long as broad; Gram negative.* The culture has been recently isolated, and no evidence of spores has been obtained; this feature cannot at present be finally reported upon. Motility—In hanging drop occurring singly and in twos; very actively motile; meteoric flashing across the field. Cultural Characteristics :— Agar Slope-—24 hours, 37°C., moderate along track of needle, flat, slightly con- toured, edges well defined, iridescent, by transmitted light yellowish white with bluish edges. Léeffier’s Blood Serum.—Moderate, no liquefaction; in 72 hours moderate, much less than culture 65. Léeffler’s Malachite Green Sol—24 hours 37° C., precipitate at bottom of tube, no coagulum, liquid turbid, pea green colour; in 7 days yellowish brown turbid fluid with ferric precipitate at bottom. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature—24 hours, filiform, no liquefaction; in 7 days no liquefaction, growth luxuriant, surface and in stab; yellow growth in stab. Nutrient Broth.—24 hours 37° C., even clouding abundant, ‘ watered silk” appear- ance, no pellicle, no sediment; in 7 days clouding even, no pellicle, heavy viscid yellowish white sediment at bottom of tube. Milk.—24 hours 37°C., frothy on shaking, no coagulation; in 72 hours soft coa- gulum, much gas, whey expressed, curd shrinking; in 7 days white turbid whey, curd shrinking and split by gas. Intmus milk.—In 24 hours liliaceous, much froth on shaking, no coagulation; in 72 hours soft coagulum, bleached to isabella, curd perceptibly shrinking; much gas; in 7 days completely bleached with heliotrope rim at surface, depth of 2 cm. turbid tinted whey, curd rapidly disintegrating and permeated with gas holes. N.B.—This culture is violent in its action upon milk. 206 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Aesculin agar.—1 loop peptone broth culture streaked on plates. In 24 hours 37°C., black reaction. Aesculin broth.—In 24 hours, 37°C., black reaction. MacConkey’s N.R.B. Broth.—In 48 hours, 37°C., reduced to canary yellow. Gelatine Colonies—Room temperature (1st appearance)—identical with Culture 35—64a presents some variation. In 72 hours growth rapid abundant, more luxuriant than any of foregoing cultures; surface colonies up to 1 mm. diameter, compact, white, opaque with tendency to capitate, round; the smaller colonies bluish to bluish white. Subsurface colonies small compact. Under the low power objective surface colonies have appearance identical with the literature descriptions of the B. coli colony, edges entire centre dark and opaque; subsurface colonies pale yellow in colour, very finely granular, slightly darker in centre. See Culture 35. Agar Colonies—20 hours, 37°C., growth rapid, flat, surface colonies 14-23 mm. diameter, round with tendency to spread; by transmitted light distinct bluish appearance, glistening, iridescent. Subsurface colonies up to 0-25 mm. diameter bluish to white. Under the low power objective surface colonies have small well defined dark centre, remainder lemon coloured; structure coarsely granular to grumose, edges entire, hyaline and well defined; pale radiate filaments—star-like rays—emanate from the colonies into surround- ing medium. Subsurface colonies dark grumose to “ mound-like.” Agar Colonies 64a.—20 hours 37°C., growth rapid, surface colonies bluish from 1-2 mm. diameter, glistening, Pecans tendency to run together, forming blue film over agar. Subsurface colonies up to 1 mm. diameter white to yellowish white; some force their way to surface and appear as yellowish- white in centre, spreading on surface to 3 mm. diameter, blue, flat, concen- trically ringed, contoured, edges undulate to lobate. Under the low power objective surface colonies (majority) finely granular at centre to grumose near edge; in some instances characteristic protuberances over agar as in culture 64, edges entire; subsurface lemon yellow, edges entire. Temperature Relations :— Thermal Death Point.—Exposed in nutrient broth for 10 minutes at 60°C. organ- ism survives; exposed for 10 minutes at 70°C. no subsequent growth; exact temperature not yet definitely determined. Optimum Temperature—Grows well at room temperature and at 387°C. More satisfactory growth at 37°C. Vitality on Culture Media—Not yet determined. Relation to Oxygen:—The culture is a facultative anaerobe; incubated for 36 hours under anaerobic conditions at 37°C. the medium—glucose sugar—is split, riddled with gas bubbles and upper portions blown to top of tube, much froth; heavy cloudy condensation water permeated whole medium. The organism grows with extreme rapidity both aerobically and anaerobically. Chemical Reactions: Indol production: Indol not produced. Reduction of nitrates: Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reactions: Positive. Methyl red reaction: Alkaline. Fermentation of Carbohydrates——The culture fails to ferment dulcite and adonit to acid or gas. All other test substances used are fermented within 24 hours BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 207 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a to acid, and profusely with much frothing to gas. In the glucose, lactose, saccharose, mannite, raffinose, and arabinose tubes the Andrade indicator is completely reduced within 24 hours, the reduction in the xylose, salicin and aesculin tubes being slower. Compared with the other cultures described herein, the rapid and violent action upon the carbohydrates is both distinctive and characteristic, as also is the rapidity with which the Andrade indicator is decolourized. The decolourized tubes when tested with methyl red show decided alkalinity. The rapid reversion to an alkaline reaction is a point of considerable interest. 64a.—The fermentation reactions are identical with those of the above culture, but a striking difference, which may be but temporary however, has been noted in the action upon the Andrade indicator. No reduction of the indi- cator in any tubes was noted within 24 hours; in 72 hours glucose, mannite, arabinose, xylose and salicin had changed from the scarlet tint of the acid reaction to a deep pink shade. In 7 days the glucose, arabinose, and xylose tubes only were completely reduced giving an alkaline reaction to methyl red. I have as yet no explanation to offer regarding this apparent selective action towards the Andrade indicator; the inoculations were made at the same time, the same amount of the respective peptone broth cultures being added as the inoculum,’ such broth cultures being the same age, and all medium used of the same standard stock. In this connection it may be of interest to mention that for some months I have been experimenting with Congo red as an indicator in connection with routine water analyses for the colon group; these experiments are as yet not suffi- ciently complete for publication; I have used this indicator in sugar broths as a confirmatory test and find that the strains 64 and 64a exhibit again, as in the Andrade indicator, a selective action. Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ ++ ++ ++ —- Adonit. Raffinose. Arabinose. Xylose. Salicin. -- ++ ++ ++ ++ Aesculin. Glycerine. Inulin. ++ +o ++ ++ = acid and gas. += acid. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 208 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 -19} Ul[NOSBy 9 ‘E royov ‘T 109 ‘TA ueD "y doyord ‘I ‘1og ‘TIT wep ‘VW lexsordg ‘T ‘sag ‘TT wep "Vv s99oeq “TT 9G ‘TIT Uep "q toyoed ‘T aS ‘AT “uRD "gq wey g ay; “199 T “uer) ‘q dayoeg ‘T ‘ag ‘A ueD “Vv yaxoed ‘TI *1aQ ‘TJ uey “90105 JG] 98ed o0g p “IIVUT *[NOey “19VUe *[nowy “19vUe *[noRy dIQo19B saajoid “TaVUe *[NoVy “1avUe DJ 19vUB ‘Oey *19VUeL *[nNovy *qo198 stajord *19ovUe “Novy ‘uo3 -AXQ 0} UOl4RTaY oL€ oL8 olf oL€ olf -eInye Jaduiay, wnui1ydg *S9[OI10-1LUAS UT SY MOOT 9 OL 04° 09 J 209 009 qd yea [eulIeyy, *MOT[OAL Aaeues 0} peonpey “u01a -onped ON, 60) 0] -ONpad ON “U0ly -onpal ON u01y -onpad ON u01y -onpadl ON, u0ly -onpad FYSI[G "u0ly -onpad ON “qIorg “GUN s AeyuogovyL orld sora 04 uMOIg Pele "MOTZOVOI ON] ‘SAY ZL “BVOH] “poy a) yorlq UMOIG, rid UMOLE OV] Pr UMOI “es VW Ul[NOseV ‘90z o3¢vd es ‘pourtmsogep Ajeziuyap 4e4 YON J “*BULINGTNOGNS OAISSeDONS 10938 SUlIvodde sseULUIITG q *pnoyo ‘say 31 “Bvop] ‘unqy | "br, oN ‘jad ou “S1p ou *pnojo ‘say Z “8v0O| ueaq | ‘bit on *pnoyo ‘say Bh “Svop] “pom | “bil ON *pnoyo “bit ON *‘SsABD FL *yed ‘Beog = jou ‘poyy| “bit ON ‘Tred “Spo ‘s1Y ZL “S¥OO| “poy | “bil ON “AUIS ‘yjad “sIp Aavoy ‘S14 Sp ‘SvoQ} pnoyp *DvyT “SIp Aavoy ‘SI BL “BvoO| “pnojy | “buy v r 5. S 5 5 o |e ert 8 = : “uo1gon peda ‘dweig ‘uoLyonpea “BRO;) *poonped you *3v0g “uOolpon psd ou “BvO0D ‘onped “YSIS *SBOD ‘onped ou ‘880g ‘poonpoy “S1p “‘qaed “S800 TSS UsadI4) V4YOR[RIL “bry ou *poyr ‘buy ou ‘xy “bry ou “POTN: “bry ou “US ‘bry ou “poy “bry OU “poy, ‘bry ou “xu'y “buy ou “poy | “undeg poo[g ‘Poll “POT xu] “xnry “xXuV'T -adolg ies Vy ‘soInyea,T [BoISoporg pue [eorsopoydaoyy ‘ArvuuIngG ‘SWIsSLSUBIQ, ONTONGONT-SVf) 40" £10 A + “AUTON *sar0dg | | “UIe4G §,WIeI4) | pod pod pou -AZojoyds0yy ‘xe3¥ UITNOSEV UO UOIJOR OU 4nq ‘seB 07 peyuet ‘spoe00id Uol4seSIp SB pajou sseUIUI[G B LE arng[uy | xs BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a AQLULLVH|B OF UOISAOAOd pides AT[vost1ozoe1VyoO PUL 10jVOIpUL speipuy jo uoyonped pidea { sanoy FZ WIYgLM se¥d 07 Ajesnjoad paqyuauttey ore poxougqe sayeapAyoqreo ey, X ‘galdes 049 Jo Auv Ueyy Os odour Speounouosd uI[NUL UO MODY} ‘soyeapAyoqivo uodn uonor pider pue peounouoig s “Mors Atea UOTJORaY I ‘asnjoad AT[wOIsiTaqgoBIeYyH b ‘sanoy FZ ULGILA aatzisod ynq ‘uodn payjow A[qQoaj saqy¥ap -Ayoqiey d *pastinopooap A][pides 10zvOIpUL apeVIpUy Oo ‘sanoy ZJ [gun peonpoad jou str) *mO][AA UOUIET ‘peonpey | ‘sud 09 A[qoay ¥ “19YgO vyy UL you ‘apisoonts euo ul sed jo uooupoad ayoNy I *BULIN{[NOGNs aatsseoons Jaqje Sutavedde ssaurwly[g Y "sanoy Z!, 19938 SVX) 3 ‘stxy) pue ploy ++ ‘ploy + 22S aS Cee eee eee eee eee eee ee eee eee eee eee eee ee ee SS SS "“) dayoeg ‘I “19S Seals eae seat: “taate ee Sct ataets ta <= aiects Presto ale rate tea le steaten |fmeesU Va ote ai = PLAST) ap #9 x V sayoeg = 3 "I “WS aot i ot ae tr ae et aan a ba oie || sass |festipetcl | eel Alpe au ate ite TTEUsD) —t a. g "Wy qeyoeg = ‘J 05 Stat = sie Tt =r ara B G oo seals ae Sh eis Sesto] teste eat stm | eae aE = Fg LPL, b "g w0yorg = alitetes mate sie Oe fea state chats ea ea a Boh micas ef etivatioclleeim te Ip YO VA es i = 9% ‘TIT weo} + 2 d "gq dayoeg a ‘J “108 ="T 1k nei <= Aa ta rar aos == ++ Saat mille stectoe eteotes aap BY peeenact oi = 98 “AL UO a Ww “g dayoeg = Tits piste teats State Gas state pet a a =—— = 6 = ale fee seal MoU icaureal Mma | | ran oh = ce WAG) 4 Bt "gq iwyoeg = "J Wg ot eats sf tects ete shoe eer —— == ++ ++ | —t}] ++) Iv) + 4+ + ul le “A uO I V waxoeg FG ‘IT 2°98 at Fae Seat 3 5 5 teat tet my a eM ae Clapton Miler? ail eccupear'e| e+ weil AYA] Pee aus ots i rai ‘TI ureg 3 See en ern rang (laa Se eo Se a Pe is ee Rs, ee ee eles 4: . Sal Se Sole Q F 5 g g S ° es EP 3 g. EB Bo} elas i 228 Sieg qe Sees ® : 3 = 5 5 ° + = eS © 2 R sh Bg rd 3 8 2 8 $ 4 ei ape lee bo @ S © : a R a ln) ‘SMOTJOVAY [BOTMIOYPOIG ‘AqvuIUING suIsTUBsIQ) DNIONGOUG-SVH) 210. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 EXPERIMENTAL SWELLED CANS. Having isolated strains of gas-producing bacteria from swelled cans of sardines, and having determined their cultural features and biochemical reactions, the next step was to attempt the experimental swelling of normal cans by inoculation of organisms already isolated. Up to the present I have used three cultures for this purpose—cul- tures 35, 37 and 64. These three cultures on the basis of their biological and bio- chemical reactions are sufficiently differentiated (pages 199-207) to warrant indivi- dual trials. A number of normal cans of sardines were most courteously supplied by the manager of the Chamcook factory, St. Andrews, N.B. Some of the cans were of sardines packed in cottonseed oil, olive oil having been used for the remainder. The cans had to be “ punched,” inoculated, and again sealed. In order to eliminate as far as possible any error of manipulation I obtained by courtesy of the chief engineer, the services of the college plumber, who undertook the soldering. To avoid trouble from escaping oil, the cans were placed on end, rather than flat on the bottom. By the usual method a layer of solder was first spread over a portion of the can; this I cleaned and sterilized with absolute alcohol, and then with a sterile awl punched a hole 3 mm. diameter. From a 1cc. pipette, 2 to 3 drops of a young peptone broth culture of the desired organism were quickly dropped in; a small square of sterilized tin heated in the flame was at once placed over the hole, and the soldering process performed. The layer of solder previously spread over the can assisted materially in making the pro- cess effective. In this manner cans were inoculated with the respective cultures; the control cans receiving exactly the same treatment minus the inoculation. The cans, each placed in the half of a large petri dish, were incubated at a temperature of 30° to 33°C. They were examined at frequent intervals, and in 4 days swelling was observed in those inoculated. In 7 days the swelling has become so pronounced that there appeared to be danger from explosions. The cans were examined. Normal Cans.—(Punched and resoldered). These appeared perfectly normal; no oil in petri dish, no moisture on outside of can, no swelling, no “rattle” on shaking. When opened there was no escape of gas; contents firm in texture, flesh the white of the normal sardines, and comparatively dry; odour typical and mild; normal in every respect. INOCULATED CANS. Can 35—Inoculated with culture 35, oil in petri dish and on surface of can; pro- nounced swelling, top and bottom of can, convex; on shaking, the typical “rattle” of the original “swells”; when opened escape of gas and exuding of oil. The contents were soft, moist, and disintegrated to an even greater degree than in many of the original “swells.” The oil was intermixed with the macerated sardines, and gas bubbles were very evident throughout the whole. The colour was a little darker than normal. The odour was not putre- factive, but an accentuation of the typical normal swell. The conditions noted were as evident on the side immediately opposite the point of inocula- tion, as at the point of inoculation itself. The condition of this can and its contents was in every respect identical with the conditions found when examining the original typical “ swells,’ but accentuated. Can 37.—Inoculated with culture 37. The description given of can 35 is here strictly applicable; no variation could be noted. Can 64.—Inoculated with culture 64. The swelling of this can was more pro- nounced, otherwise the description given of can 35 is here strictly applicable in every respect. Isolation of Organisms.—Pieces of fish were taken from the respective cans and inoculated into series of liquid media; glucose peptone broth, peptone broth, and nutrient broth respectively. These tubes were incubated at 37°C. for 24 hours. BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 211 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a. Pronounced clouding of the media by each inoculum was by that time evident. Plates were made on glucose agar, and after incubation at 37°C. for 24 hours, typical colonies were picked off and streaked on agar slopes. Subsequently series of inoculations were made, and the organisms isolated proved to be identical respectively with the strains with which the experimental cans were inoculated. Cultures 35, 37 and 64 respectively have experimentally produced typical swelled cans, have been re-isolated and proved culturally identical with the original strain. The “ Postulates of Koch” have been satisfied. ORGANISMS WHICH DO NOT PRODUCE GAS. Culture 7. Source: Herring Excreta. Morphology:—Spore forming rods, occurring singly, in twos and in long forms. Gram negative. Cultural Characteristics :-— Nutrient broth—In 24 hours at 37°C., membranous pellicle, medium clear; 1 month yellow sediment, medium clear. Milk.—In 5 days pellicle, no change; in 1 month yellow turbid digestion extending 2 down tube. Litmus Milk—In 24 hours no change; in 10 days pellicle, sediment, digestion with colour varying from yellow to dark purple. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature, liquefaction beginning in 2 days. In 5 days napiform to a depth of 5 mm., remainder filiform; in 14 days liquefaction still proceeding with lower part of stab a discrete villous growth; medium ferric lemon. Biochemical Reactions :-— Indol: not produced. Nitrates: not reduced: Glucose broth: acid, even clouding, no gas. This culture in its reactions is typical of many strains isolated from herring excreta. Culture 21. Source: Normal Can sardines, Packer A. Morphology—Extremely long thin rods, forming spores; in hanging drop occurring singly and in twos, motile, Gram positive. Cultural Characteristics :— Nutrient broth—In 24 hours at 37°C., slight clouding, no pellicle; in three days membranous cup-shaped pellicle, medium cloudy; later, pellicle luxuriant, thick creamy, medium yellowish brown. Milk.—No change up to 5 days, when weak coagulum beginning; in 9 days tubes half cogulated; in 16 days yellow digestion nearly complete, remainder of medium firm hard curd. Litmus Milk—No change in 24 hours; in 8 days pellicle, upper layers of milk dark purple, remainder violaceus, no coagulation; in 9 days digested with- out previous coagulation to muddy looking yellowish brown liquid. Léeffler’s Blood Serum:—Rapid liquefaction. 212 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Gelatine Stab:—Room temperature, in 24 hours crateriform liquefaction beginn- ing; proceeding slowly in 7 days to 5 em. from surface of stab: in 18 days not complete, layers of euettah precipitate. Biochemical Reactions :— Indol: not produced. Nitrates: not reduced. Glucose broth: acid, chiefly at surface, no gas. From the same can, and other normal cans, strains were isolated which according to the reactions noted proved to be identical with this culture. Culture 13. . Source: Swelled Can I, Series IJ, Packer A. Morphology.—Large coccus, occurring as staphylococcus, no spores, Gram positive. Cultural Characteristics :-— Nutrient broth.—24 hours at 37°C., moderate, cloudy; no pellicle. Milk.—In 5 days no change; no change in 1 month. Litmus milk—As milk. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature. In 2 days no liquefaction; in 5 days scant growth filiform to discrete; in 14 days medium faintly browned, growth in stab discrete and ferric yellow tint; no liquefaction, growth better under surface. Biochemical Reactions :— Indol: not produced. Nitrates: ? Glucose broth: Acid, even clouding, no gas. Culture 28. Source: Same Can as Culture 13. Morphology—Long rods many times longer than broad, oval spores formed; Gram negative; in hanging drop appear singly; in twos and in long chains; motile with gliding movement. Cultural Characteristics :— Nutrient Broth—24 hours 37° C. Moderate, cloudy, slight pellicle; in 1 month cloudy with flocculent yellow sediment. Milk.—In 5 days no change; in 1 month digested completely, yellow turbid fluid. Litmus Milk.—In 10 days dark purple fluid with no previous coagulation; un- changed in 1 month. Léeffler’s Blood Serum.—Rapid liquefaction. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature, in 2 days slight liquefaction noted; in 5 days liquefaction progressed to depth of 2 mm., stratiform, remainder of stab dis- crete colonies; in 14 days liquefaction 1 em. depth, stratiform yellowish layers Biochemical reactions :— Indol: not produced. Nitrates: not reduced. Glucose broth: Acid, upper part, pellicle, no gas. Cultures 13 and 28 typical of several strains isolated from such cans. BACTERIOLOGY OF SARDINES 213 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Culture 14. Source: Swelled Can II, Series II, Packer A. Morphology: Long rods many times longer than broad; spores. Gram positive; in hanging drop occurring singly, in twos, and in chains; appear at first immobile but prolonged examination reveals slow laboured movement, some individuals appearing to push themselves along. Cultural Characteristics :— Nutrient broth—24 hours 37°C., cloudy, floceulent pellicle; in 10 days heavy clouding with some flocculeney; in 1 month clouding and yellow precipitate at bottom of tube. Milk.—In 5 days no coagulation, ring, pellicle; in 1 month coagulated, some yellow whey expressed. Litmus milk.—In 24 hours no change; in 10 days lilac, no coagulation; in 1 month coagulation, and some whey expressed. Gelatine Stab—Room temperature—in 2 days moderate growth, dip in gelatine; in 5 days crateriform liquefaction and spreading growth on surface of stab; in 14 days liquefection varied from V-shaped to crateriform to depth of 1 em., cloudy; remainder of stab discrete. Biochemical reactions :-— Indol: not produced. Nitrates: not reduced. Glucose broth: acid, more particularly near the surface, no gas. =| ; | 2 : s 5 3 iS ee ile ra e & z 24 = 3 ro) i) NEN Seni se z are ts gg) 5 2504) SFE an a ah, : Mi pb ak we CAbRors Ps ‘® 4 Fs ‘ ’ x 7 ; i x f ; ’ = me ‘iw et a rae Bs i tad _* , F vis P , d . i ; . ul hs 4 * Lia j { < ’ ee if re th) al 4 } i ' y j ‘ . ' i i L , } » ‘ oe | ; bak ~ ‘ j / Lt « q 5 ( 4 ai MW 3 i, + 7 ts. J a . y bc laee ‘ .] Pod 5 i , bd j ¢ Mi Ve ed fi wis gabe PRU sLiAie NN Ue) ga. hak DPN Te” LCE UNL RW, Rees Pe 4 Ae it hl a a ( pitas bi thei ie cD io b aaa te hate ae ohn tyler Sng ‘Ls t A - “ee AGhe De « r “hs et eon: wii tera eins 3: er ys ay > a ; A i whi % ba ‘4 pet ve, { . ' } : f ary af ryt a 4 ‘ + ¥ Wy ; wig Leite’ RL: uf at ee) ec: 1) Bas ff) Pa i y hae a A, pW S ite od Sa ; - ' , we: es EN — . WSF? : 7] 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 XIU. BACTERIAL DESTRUCTION OF COPEPODS OCCURRING IN MARINE PLANKTON. By Wirrip ‘Sapier, M.Se., B.S.A., Bacteriological Labatories, Macdonald College (MeGill University), Province of Quebec, Canada. During the summer of 1916 I was investigating the bacteriological content of “Swelled Canned Fish” for the Biological Board of Canada at the Marine Station, St. Andrews, N.B. While there Dr. Arthur Willey (Professor of Zoology, McGill University) called my attention to the condition of some of the copepods—(Calanus finmarchicus—upon which he was conducting researches. Under the microscope it was seen that many parts of the tissue of copepods which had died in culture flasks were completely destroyed by masses of what appeared to be bacteria. It was particularly noticed that the axial cavity in the first antennae was entirely occupied by a dense column of writhing organ- isms. Tubes of nutrient broth were inoculated direct from the copepods and after two days’ incubation at room temperature a definite clouding of the medium was noted. At the request and on the suggestion of Dr. Willey I have proceeded with the examination of the cultures secured, and have obtained in pure culture the organisms coneerned. Three specific strains of bacteria have been isolated. Inasmuch as the work may have some practical significance in relation to the general subject of marine biology, and is of scientific interest, this report of the detailed studies of these organisms has been prepared. MEDIA EMPLOYED. I began by using various media prepared from fish concoctions in addition to the ordinary laboratory media. The latter, however, proved to be more satisfactory in every way and I have therefore confined myself to their use entirely. Beef Peptone Agar.—Standard methods!—Beef extract being substituted for meat. Beef Peptone Gelatine—Standard methods.1 Glucose Agar—1% glucose added to agar prepared as above, immediately before tubing. Sodium Indigo Sulphate Agar—8 per cent. sodium indigo sulphate with 2 per cent. glucose added to neutral agar. tubed and sterilized in flowing stream for three successive days. Tochtermann’s Serum Agan. For digestion test. Loeffler’s Blood Serum.— " ¥ a Aesculin Agar.4A—For specific reaction of organisms of the colon-aerogenes group. Loops of a broth culture spread on plates. Neutral Red Bile Salt Agar.5—Ditto, ditto. Bouillon for Voges-Proskauer reaction.°— Bouillon for the Methyl Red Reaction.*— Solution for reduction of Nitrates to Nitrites——Giltay’s synthetic solution was used, and also a peptone potassium-nitrate solution. 38a—15 Pat 9 218 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Dunham Solution for Indol Production.—1 per cent peptone, 5 per cent NaCl dissolved in distilled water, the reaction adjusted to + 10, medium cleared with white of egg, filtered, tubed and sterilized. After 7 days’ incubation at 374°C. the cultures were tested for indol by the Bohme Ehrlich test® ; the development of a cherry red colour indicating the presence of indol. Fermentation broths——The various sugars, alcohols, glucosides used were pre- pared separately as 10 per cent solutions in distilled water, and sterilized for 15 minutes in flowing steam for three successive days. Immediately before inoculation these were added to tubes of broth made up as for the indol test— the use of peptone water without beef eliminates any risk of the reaction being masked by action on the muscle sugar—in such proportions as to give a final 1 per cent sugar or other carbohydrate broth. Dunham tubes were used for the collection of the gas. For acid production the acid fuchsin indicator of Andrade,® as adapted by Hollman, was used at the rate of 2 per cent. In the preparation of the indicator I have noticed as reported by Andrade, and Hollman that the colour which results from the addition of the normal caustic soda is preceptibly affected by being left open to the air. By adding the caustic soda to freshly prepared acid fuchsin solution at intervals through- out the day, leaving the reagent meanwhile exposed to the air, I have found that 24 ec. n/NaOQH will decolorize to the proper shade of amber 100 ee. fuchsin solution. Litmus Milk—The milk freshly separated and tubed was sterilized for three suc- cessive days for 80 minutes in flowing steam. The litmus was made up separately; a 7 per cent solution of “ Merck’s” litmus in distilled water, heated in the steamer for 30 minutes and left over night in the incubator, filtered, sterilized for three successive days in flowing steam and added to the milk immediately before inoculation at the rate of 14 per cent. Nore: It will be seen from page 224 that culture III of this paper exhibited an unusual degree of sensitiveness to the litmus. For this reason I now consider the proportion of the indicator added to be of some importance. CULTURAL STUDIES. Culture I. Morphology.—Microscopically—24-hour-old agar culture at 37°C.—short rods vary- ing up to 1-6 » long and 1 » broad; some larger forms; stains unevenly with Kuhne’s methylene blue, and is Gram negative. No spores are formed and no capsule shown. Motility —Decided brownian movement, but not the violent agitation noted in culture III. No motility. Cultural Characteristics :— Agar Slope—24 hours at 37°C. growth luxuriant, raised, slightly spreading, moist, glistening, porcelain-white, edges echinulate. Glucose Agar Slope-—Gas, growth luxuriant, raised, moist, glistening, woolly appearance, haze, porcelain-white, spreading. Tochtermann’s Serum Agar Slope.—Resembling growth on glucose agar, but no woolly appearance. In 8 days growth had permeated medium as flakes; gas, heavy precipitate collected at base of slope. Léeffler’s Blood Serum.—Moderate, spreading, flat, no digestion, no discolouration. In 7 days no digestion; colour isabella, luxuriant, moist, slightly raised, iridiscent. ig BACTERIAL DESTRUCTION OF COPEPODS 219 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Sodium Indigo Sulphate Agar Slope—tLuxuriant, raised, moist, spreading, no reduction. In 8 days no reduction. Gelatine Stab.—21°C. 24 hours, growth filiform, equal surface and stab. In 7 days as before; gas bubbles—presumably from the muscle sugar in the beef extract —in tube. In 6 weeks no liquefaction, growth brown, echinulate, medium unchanged. Nutrient Broth—s87°C. 24 hours. Clouding abundant, medium clearing, flaky sediment at bottom, bluish rim at top. In 3 days flocculent yellowish-white rim at top, easily dislodged on shaking. Medium almost clear. Potato—Abundant along track of needle, glistening, contoured, isabella colour, growth slightly raised; in 3 days iridiscence perceptible and medium slightly browned. Milk.—Coagulation in 24 to 30 hours; curd broken by gas bubbles. In 6 weeks. © eurd contracted, no digestion. Litmus Milk.—In 20 hours lilac, much gas, no coagulation; in 36 hours coagula- tion with gassy curd; in 5 days curd bleached; in 6 weeks no digestion. Aesculin Agar.—Luxuriant, moist, black reaction. Neutral Red Bile Salt Agar—Luxuriant, raised, glistening, moist. Characteristic red reaction. Peptone Broth + Aesculin—Black reaction. Gelatine Colonies.—(1st appearance) 5 days at 21°C. Surface colonies up to 1 mm. diameter, raised, slightly darker in centre, paling towards edges. Under the low power objective homogenous, granular, edges entire. Agar Colonies.—24 hours at 37°C. Surface colonies up to 3 mm. diameter, raised, concave, glistening, yellowish-white at centre, paling towards edges, edges entire, colonies bluish by transmitted light. Under low power objective edges entire, finely granular, amorphous. Temperature Relations :— Thermal Death Point.—10 mns. exposure in nutrient broth at 60°C. Optimum Temperature.—37°C. Cultures incubated at 37°, 21°, and 14°C. respec- tively. Vitality on Culture Media—Active cultures have been recovered from agar after 5 months at temperature of 15°-20°C. Relation to Oxygen.—F acultative anaerobe; glucose agar. Biochemical reactions :— Indol production: Indol produced. Reduction of nitrates: Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reaction: Negative. Methyl red reaction: Acid. Fermentation of Carbohydrates :— Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Maltose. Mannite. Dulcite. ++ ++ $+. ++ ++ ++ Dextrine. Salicin. Rafiinose. Adonite. Tnulin. Xylose. ++ ap Bae sede +/+ oD us ' Glycerine. tt + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. 38a—154 220 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Culturally and biochemically this organism is a variation of the B. coli type eccording to the description of Escherich.!° The variety I have isolated differs from the original description in that it is non-motile and ferments saeccharose to acid and gas. The degree of importance to be attached to any one character has been discussed at considerable length in the literature during the last thirty years; owing to the fact that this organism is used as a presumptive test for faecal contamination in systematic water analysis. Of the two variations from the original type mentioned above, the presence or absence of motility may first be considered. There has been a tendency by some workers to consider a non-motile form of B. coli (Escherich)!° as B. aerogenes (Escherich)!1. This position, however, is not sub- stantiated by the researches of Escherich and Pfaundler, MacConkey, Jackson and others. Escherich and Pfaundler!? in describing the original B. coli state that generally there is motility, sometimes slight; a characteristic movement as of short forward pushes; swinging in space with sometimes no change of place is also noted. The absence of definite motion as recorded by Tafel, Frankel and others is cited in the same paper. Lembke!® considers that motility in B. coli is variable. McWeeney' in discussing what he would regard as the genuine B. coli remarks: “on the motility of individuals or its absence I hesitate to lay much stress.” Houston!® in using a broad classification for the true colon group adopts his “flaginac” test which leaves open the question of motility. Durham!® considers that all members of the true colon group are probably motile; but in the same paper states: “speaking generally morpho- logical characters are not of much value for subdivision of these bacteria.” MacConkey! discusses the influence of temperature and medium on motility; and while he considers the presence or absence as important he says: “it is very difficult to arrive at a conclusion with regard to this character.” Ellis!8 has proved the presence of flagella in five species of the genus Bacterium which were hitherto held to be non- motile; and he considers that all the genus Bacterium when suitably cultivated can be shown to be motile. His conclusions would appear to be not sufficiently substantiated on the data given. The English Commission on the Standardization of Methods for the bacteriological examination of water!; and the American Commission on Standard Methods! each specify motility as one characteristic of the true B. col4; but a com- parison of the two standards reveals variance as to the significance to be attached to this specific feature. Prescott and Winslow?° consider the sugar fermentations, par- ticularly the fermentations of glucose and lactose, are of prime importance. Savage?! considers motility as one of the essential characters of the true B. colt. Migula?? includes B. neapolitanus (Emmerich)2* which is non-motile, as identical with B. coli (Escherich). Thus while the concensus of opinion is undoubtedly in favour of specifying motility as a character of the true B. coli, there would seem to be no justification according to present classification for excluding from this type an organism prepon- deratingly similar and placing it with B. wrogenes (Escherich)!! on account solely of the absence of motility. Harrison?*® raises the question as to whether, provided the argument re motility is admitted, it removes B. neapolitanus to a different genus from B. coli. The second variation to which I have referred (page 219) is the fermentation of saccharose to acid and gas. B. coli (Escherich)!° has no action upon saccharose. Theobald Smith, cited by Prescott and Winslow?2° stated in 1893 that B. colt could be divided into two distinct sub-types,—the one negative to saccharose or in other words the original B. coli, and the other fermenting this sugar to acid and gas. Durham!¢ isolated saccharose—positive organisms and gave the name B. coli communior, since contracted to B. communior. Jackson?* has classified the organisms of the lactose fermenting type and confirms the sub-type B. communior of Durham. The classifica- tion of Jackson has since been adopted by the laboratory section of the American Public Health Association,! and on this continent has received almost general approval. Using saccharose and dulcite as differential fermentation tests Jackson considers BACTERIAL DESTRUCTION OF COPEPODS 221 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a those organisms positive to lactose and dulcite as B. coli (Kscherich)'®; positive to lactose, saccharose and dulcite as B. communior (Durham)!®; positive to lactose and saccharose but negative to dulcite as B. wrogenes (Escherich)'!, positive to lactose but negative to saccharose and dulcite as B. acidi-lactict* Further subdivision accord- ing to the action on mannite and raflinose are used for further differentiation. MacConkey uses the Voges-Proskauer reaction as one of his differential tests and finds that the true B. coli is always Voges-Proskauer negative, while the Bb. wrogenes iyre is Voges-Prskauer positive. In the same paper he revives te2 name B. neupolt- tanus (Emmerich)?* and uses this nomenclature for his saccharose positive dulcite positive strains instead of the name given by Durham—BS. cvmmury.r. MacConixey obtained a pure culture labelled B. neapolitanus from Kral, and out of 480 coli-like organisms isolated from human and animal feces he found that 23 per cent gave bio- chemical reactions identical with the Kral culture used by him as coutrol. [ir states that he cannot agree with Migula in describing B. neapolitanus (Emmerich) as iden- tical with B. coli (Escherich). As, however, the differentiation by means of carbo- hydrates other than glucose and lactose has been amplified since the classification by Migula, the conclusions of both Migula and MacConkey on this particular point are rerfectly legitimate. Jordan®°, in designating the saccharose-positiv2 duleite-positive group uses B. communior and B. neapolitanus interchangeably; biochemically this as correct, but the former is motile (16), the latter non-motile?*. Levine?® who apparently follows MacConkey has lately studied 333 strains of lactose fermenting bacteria from various sources. He goes one step further and giving B. neopolitanus its original character of non-motility according to Emmerich?*, uses that nomen- clature to include non-motile forms of B. communior (Durham). To say the least it is interesting to revive B. neapolitanus as a sub-type of B. coli (Escherich) in view of the following statement by Jordan?**: “ According to a strict application of the rules of priority, the bacillus now known as B. coli should be called B. neapolitanus.” The dates of the original publication by Emmerich 78*, and Escherich!®, of course bear out Jordan’s statement. However, according to the first descriptions of Emmerich2* and Escherich!® the former found a non-motile strain and the latter a motile strain of a lactose fermenting organism. Later work already referred to has separated these two strains on the basis of saccharose fermentation?8. We thus have two features in which the respective strains differ. A propos of the stand taken by Durham and McConkey, Harrison’* opens the question as to whether it is legitimate to name as a species, an organism differing only in the fermenting of one sugar. It would therefore seem legitimate, on the ground of present day classification, to tentatively characterize the organism I have isolated-a non-motile, lactose, saccharose, dulcite positive, Voges-Proskauer negative strain,—as a variety of the sub-type B. neapolitanus of the classic B. coli type of Escherich. To use B. neapolitanus con- flicts with the nomenclature B. communior more usually accepted for the strains giving identical reactions. If motility is considered, B. neapolitanus and B. communior are not strictly the same; but to use the single characteristic, absence or presence of motility, to separate B. communior and B. neapolitanus, and at the same time to say that a non-motile form of colon is identical with a motile form may seem inconsistent. The difficulty can be overcome by the tentative classification of the organism I have isolated as a non-motile strain of the sub-type B. communior (Durham) of the type B. coli (Escherich) ; or to take the differentation further, as B. neapolitanus, a sub-type of B. coli (Escherich). Culture ITI. Morphology.—Microscopically—24-hours-old agar culture at 37°C.—rods varying up to 1-6 » long and .8 » broad; some not much longer than broad; stains evenly with Kiihne’s methylene blue and is Gram negative. No spores; no capsules have been demonstrated. 2292 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Motility—Rapid movement, darting to and fro, many revolve as on an axis. Cultural Characteristics: Agar Slope—24 hours at 37°C.—moderate, bluish by transmitted light, moist, glistening, slightly raised, later becoming by transmitted light yellowish in centre gradually merging into transparency. — Glucose Agar Slope—Gas, growth moderate to luxuriant, glistening, slightly raised. Tochtermann’s Serum Agar Slope—NMoist, slightly raised, bluish by transmitted light, spreading discrete colonies, gas. In 8 days growth had become yellow, much water of condensation, heavy greyish-white precipitate at base of slope. Loeffler’s Blood Serum.—Moderate, filiform, moist, glistening, no liquefaction, no discolouration. In 7 days no digestion, no discolouration. Sodium Sulphate Agar Slope—Raised, spreading. moist, no reduction. In 8 days no reduction. Gelatine. Stab—21°C., 24 hours, growth filiform, equal surface and stab; 7 days, tendency to echinulate. In 6 weeks no liquefaction, growth yellowish-brown; characteristic lateral growths resembling a poplar tree against the horizon; medium unchanged. Nutrient Broth—s87°C. 24 hours. Clouding abundant, no pellicle, no sediment, bluish rim at top. In 1 week, slight sediment; otherwise no change. Potato.—Moderate, flat, yellowish-white along track of needle. Milk.—In 6 weeks no change. Titmus Milk.—Varies from no change to a tint slightly more alkaline than con- trol; blue rim at top. Aesculin Agar.—Black reaction, growth less luxuriant than in Culture I. Neutral Red Bilesalt Agar. Moderate, pink reaction. Peptone Broth + Aesculin.—Black reaction. Gelatine Colonies.—5 days at 21°C.—colonies up to 5 mm. diameter; under low power objective granular; edges lobular to contoured, centre dark with paling towards edges. Deep surface colonies granular centre with dark concentric rings. Agar Colonies.—24 hours at 37°C.—surface 1 mm. diameter, raised, concave, bluish by transmitted light, round, smooth, edges entire. Under low power objective granular, edges entire. Temperature Relations :-— Thermal death point: 10 minutes exposure in nutrient broth at 55°C. Optimum temperature: 37°C. ; cultures incubated at 37°C., 21°C. and 14°C. respectively. Vitality om Culture Media:— Active cultures have been recovered from agar tubes after 5 months at tempera- ture of 15°-20°C. Relation to Oxygen :— Facultative anaerobe; glucose agar. Biochemical reactions :-— Indol production: Indol not produced. Reduction of nitrates: Nitrates reduced to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reaction: Positive, after 6 hours. Methyl red reaction: Faint acidity, shortly followed by reversion to alkalinity. . BACTERIAL DESTRUCTION OF COPEPODS 223 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Fermentation of Carbohydrates :— Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Raffinose. Maltose. +t i ++ —- a Mannite. Dulcite. Adonit. Salicin. Dextrine. Inulin. ++ -- —- ++ te -- Xylose. Glycerine. te ++ (slowly). + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. Norre.—The fermentation of lactose to acid is faint, and in two days reduction is noted. The classification of this culture must be purely tentative. It will be seen that while saccharose, maltose, mannite, salicin and dextrin are fermented to acid and gas, the organism fails to ferment lactose to gas and only faintly to acid. This has persistently been the case through several months; on one occasion, however, a small bubble of gas—1 mm. diameter—appeared in a Durham tube. This I have been unable to obtain since, confirming in triplicate. MacConkey states: “It has been my experience that where an organism produces acid and gas in one medium and apparently only acid in another, under proper subcultivation the organism will pro- duce gas in the second medium.”"* Harrison in this laboratory has frequently cited to me verbally his own experience in this matter, which bears out the statement of MacConkey. While the organism is definitely motile it differs from B. cloacae of Jordan*® in that it fails after three months to liquefy gelatine, fails to ferment lac- tose to gas, and fails to coagulate milk after several weeks. Rogers Clarke and Evans” found that the group of the types they isolated from grains—Group B— fermented to acid and gas glucose, saccharose, mannite, glycerine and adonit, but like my culture failed to ferment lactose; on the other hand this group liquefied gelatine.*° These workers consider that such group has at best only a slight connec- tion with the colon-wrogenes group. Taking the classification adopted by the American Public Health Association! the culture would be ruled out of the colon-wrogenes group at once on account of its failure to produce gas trom lactose; further, milk is not coagulated. Certain of the biochemical reactions would tend to suggest the Gaertner group. According to Besson* the organisms of this group are negative to lactose, saccharose, salicin, raffinose and inulin; while those carbohydrates to which the group is positive include dulcite. This organism, it will be noted, is negative to dulcite, lactose and inulin but positive to saccharose and salicin. Jordan*® in a study of 74 strains of the Gaertner group cites that the reaction to dulcite and xylose is variable, but includes dextrine among the fermentable substances not attacked; thus establishing at once a similarity and a variation respectively as compared with the organism here described. Jn the same paper Jordan describes strains where reaction to litmus milk cannot be differentiated from the control. Savage ** in a classification of the Gaertner group divides such into two sub-groups :— a. True-Gaertner bacilli; b. Para-Gaertner bacilli; to which he had previously drawn attention in reports to the Local Government Board, 1906-7-8. Citing from Savage: “The bacilli of the para-Gaertner sub-group are a number of organisms, for the most part unnamed, which appear to be not very uncommon in the healthy animal and human intestine, and which are of chief interest from their close resemblance to true-Gaertner bacilli. . . . They can only be culturally differentiated from the true-Gaertner organisms by an extended series of fermentation tests while they fail to be agglutinited by immunizing animals with 224 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 any of the members of the true-Gaertner sub-group. They are also for the most part non-pathogenic. They have not so far been found as a cause of disease in man or in animals.” Until I am able to secure for comparative cultural tests strains of this sub-group from Dr. Savage, it would not be wise to attempt a more definite classification of the organism herein discussed. In view, however, of the decided variation from the Voges-Proskauer type of the colon-wrogenes group as lately given by Levine,?9 and considering the many cultural features and fermentative reactions which suggest at any rate a distant relationship to the para-Gaertner group, it seems not undesirable to suggest that based on the cultural features and biochemical reactions this organism be considered tentatively as an atypical form of the para-Gaertner group according to Savage.** Culture ITT. Morphology—Microscopically the organism appears as a coccus, in pairs, In masses, and as short streptococci; the average diameter from a 24-hour-old agar culture at 87°C. being -8 p, stained with Kiihne’s methylene blue. The organism is Gram positive and non-spore-forming; capsules faintly discernible. Motility—Tests for motility made in hanging drop of condensation water from 4 young agar culture. No motility. Violent agitation can be noticed, and rotation of the cells as on an axis, but the position in the drop is unchanged. Cultural Characteristics :-— Agar Slope.—24 hours at 37° C. growth scanty, bluish by transmitted light, filiform, flat, with later a tendency to spreading. Glucose Agar Slope—Growth moderate, heavier than on agar, discrete colonies, flat, spreading, glistening. Tochtermann’s Serum Agar Slope-—Growth secant to moderate, bluish by trans- mitted light, heavy clouding of the condensation water. In 5 days slight digestion of the medium noted. Loeffler’s Blood Serum.—Growth filiform, medium channelled and slightly darker in colour. In 5 days growth glistening, yellowish, slight digestion. Sodium Indigo Sulphate Agar Slope—Faint growth, no reduction of colour, 24 hours. In 14 days reduced to reddish brown. ) Gelatine Stab—21° C. In two days liquefaction beginning. In 7 days stratiform liquefaction for 4 of tube, even clouding with yellowish flocculent precipitate at bottom. Liquefaction complete in 1 month. Nutrient Broth—s87° C. even clouding, moderate, no pellicle, no sediment; later medium cleared. Potato—Barely discernible growth in 24 hours. In 3 days faint growth, flat, spreading, white, metallic lustre. Milk: 87° C. In 36 hours weak coagulum, no gas noted. In 72 hours digestion had begun, a clear lemon coloured liquid extending for 4 tube. In 7 days tube half fluid, curd soft, gelatinous, bright and of a solidity resembling macaroni; easily desintegrated on shaking; after 2 months some curd still remaining, lemon yellow in colour, consistency as before. Litmus milk.—The reaction of the organism to this medium is unusual, and it is due to the sensitiveness here discovered that I have adopted the uniform per- centage of litmus, noted on page 218. If litmus be added at the rate of 13 per cent coagulation preceded by bleaching takes place within 36 to 48 hours. Digestion then begins and proceeds slightly more rapidly than in the milk, the contents of the tube varying in colour from a lemon yellow to claret with decided fluorescence in 72 hours. In 2 months digestion is not complete, 1-2 em. of a jelly-like claret coloured curd remaining. BACTERIAL DESTRUCTION OF COPEPODS 295 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Tf the quantity of litmus added be more than 14 per cent the reaction is quite different, varying according to the percentage of litmus added. There may or may not be coagulation, the colour varying from isabella to a muddy purpureus; flakes of tinted curd can later be noted. In 2 months a condition resembling broken jelly of a variety of shades of purpureus has been recorded. A note referring to this phenomenon in greater detail is being published else- where. Aesculin agar.—Growth moderate, flat, dry, brown to black. Neutral Red Bile Salt Agar—Growth scant, no characteristic colour reaction. Peptone Broth Aesculin.—Black in 12 hours. Gelatine Colonies—(1st appearance).—21°C. 4 days, punctiform to pinhead colo- nies, depression in medium commencing; under the low power objective struc- ture compact, finely granular, paler towards the edges; edges ciliate. Agar Colonies —37° C. growth slow. 24 hours colonies -5 mm. in diameter, growth tends to be subsurface. Under the low power objective colonies round or eliptical, edges entire to undulate, internal structure granular, dark halo in surrounding medium. Temperature Relations.— Pp Thermal death point. 10 minutes’ exposure in nutrient broth at 60°C. Optimum temperature. 37°C.; cultures incubated at 387°C., 21°C. and 14°C. respectively. Vitality of Culture Media :— Active cultures have been recovered from agar tubes after 5 months at tempera- ture of 15°-20°C. Relation to Oxygen. Facultative anaerobe. Under anerobic condition on glucose agar, growth visible in 24 hrs. at 37°C. Biochemical Reactions :— Indol production: no indol in 7 days. Reduction of nitrates: no reduction to nitrites. Voges-Proskauer reaction: negative. Methyl red reaction: acid to methyl] red. Fermentation of Carbohydrates :— Glucose. Lactose. Saccharose. Maltose. Mannite. Dulcite. + + + - + -- Dextrin. Salicin. Raffinose. Adonite. Inulin. Xylose. + + _- -- —- _- Glycerine. + = acid. ++ = acid and gas. In accordance with the cultural results this organism is properly included among the liquefying streptococci. Winslow #4 takes the Str. gracilis of Escherich, Lehmann and Neumann as the “type centre” of these liquefiers. He considers that the various streptococci which peptonise gelatine more or less actively are variants of this type; intermediate between it and some of those characterized by Andrews and Horder *°. I find, however, a closer resemblance to an organism described by MacCallum and Hastings®® as Micrococcus zymogenes. This was isolated from a fatal case of acute endocarditis, and while it shows the same main characteristics as Str. aravilis, it 226 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 liquefies serum slightly and subsequent to coagulating milk digests the clot. This organism was later found by Birge.** It is in the two last characteristics that I find the close resemblance to M. zymogenes noted above. The original description of Str. gracilis of Escherich cited by Winslow *4 includes non-liquefaction of blood serum and failure to coagulate milk; but summing up the variations Winslow provisionally defines his “type centre” Str. gracilis as follows: Small coccus, appearing in chains, ferments lactose and coagulates milk, may ferment mannite and salicin, liquefies gelatine actively. While the organism I have described appears to have certain particular character- istics, I hesitate to depart from Winslow’s view regarding the relationship of the variants in his tentative group of streptococcus liquefiers 4. I conclude therefore that this organism which culturally and biochemically is identical with the M. zymo- genes of MacCallum and Hastings °® should be placed as a variety of the type Str. gracilis. SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS. 1. Three strains of bacteria have been isolated from the destroyed tissue of cope- pods which had died in culture flasks. 2. Summarized, the biological features are as follows :— ——— IT. Rod-form. Il. Rod-form. ITI. Coceus. PATA SS UALID Rete Se cs eS cccleiocs Hatton eiis:e /ccieteuiie le. ees - = aE PS POLES Es cis oleate cus SMe he 6 ME neNer a tonne mors siete - - — (Chics Ce aaeemgua WTS TSE Je) React Bere am | ett Eres - - + NI Gtilitye, SAccee eee east dee Mes eee. Sahel tenseom = + - LAUR Wate SSPE tore tae Ea COORD ot COCs SCR aE ome Luxuriant.... .|Moderate ..... |Scant. (OlaLiNnGs $3: (rps | vase as Spey Preah: aeliths. sees SEN Euset e No liquef....... No liquef....... Liquef. J 2-0) 53 ks See cre cat Ge aca OER ricci Sele ot eect ere Abundant..... |Moderate....... Scant. Léeffler’s Blood Serum..... EA Se Soc ties tom eee c No digestion . ..|No digestion... .|Slight digest. IMTS LAN eel. Aes aie Oa Ae SOS a SPRL TU NNR a Coagulag...... No change ... |Coag. and digest PUN SrmaliGeathinuers st. che | keeate teenies ee ene GOS@ MAN at are Boc@ ewe ne oe OOnee OG MUNbEMAPCrALULE)csfocj 6 /Ae ose ond eee bee OT Os ot Nae BY fd ORM ok eave ool LOL 3. Summarized, the biochemical reactions are :— —-- I Te TU GO ero dee ets, Galoaian, ebkleaebtears nibtree Mela >=. Ware + — — Witrate reductionees deeesss bone cae tee olen are ee oe + + = Wopessbroskauer clea. 27> se os oa eee crtieneie soncee eee = + = IVT eStiVAURVCd ey sec kN ea ael deine Pea ere ermine ems eit Acid. Faintly acid, Acid. later alkal. GRICE clave Set iase eee gl Gopal (Ne tee cicned Mie ay a Virgulina squamosa d’Orbigny...............-.-.-. Silicoflagellata, Radiolaria and Ciliata. Acanthonia echinoides (Clap. & Lach) 11..........]F... Acanthostaurus pallidus F..................: ae eee F Amphorella subulata (Ehrb) Daday 11.. ee Wadonellaventricosa, (0h. 5) a. i skac ccascag eee Codonella lagenula (Clap & Lach) 11.. Cyttarocyclis denticulata var. gigantea Brandt. 11 Distephanus aculeatus (Ehrenberg)............... DAW olas tet. =< x x x xe oe eanus speculum var. regularis Lemmermann Le ee ea ee ee Rome te bos Ebria tripatrtita (Schum) Sensei aes IU Geese An Plagiacanthus arachnoides Clap. 11............... F Ptychocyclis urnula Clap. & Tech, 1A | aeirriniecc pha ee Strombidium suleatum C. & L.11................ Tintinnopsis beroidea Stein 11.. oid Gee Tintinnopsis campanula Ehrb. Daday 1 ll. Tintinnopsis davidow Dey Tintinnopsis cylindrica 11.. Sie Re onan Shea ea REA Smtmnopsislomiancowtd. 2). .u...-...4-5e- sn ¢: Mintinnus acuminatus (Ca & lL. ll... te... eRintimnus op lrquus (Gs & Ps) des. 00. Se 232 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 BATHYMETRIC TABLES—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Min and Inter- Fathoms. Max eS ————————————— es Depth. Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 100 + PoRIFERA (SPONGES). Calcarea. Amphoriscus thompsoni Lambe. . TE Ne ile s oom | geen (silbeactios | obrete nc x Grantia canadensis Lambe.........--..----++++-+- DD EOE Al Neues oscil atae eene x x Meberopia Tod veri Maambe.. see ee = eae tee eee er COR | tac ult eee dealer x Meucosolenia cancellatasVercillt.. cue conn s ee steel OO meee eretereray spares teres ay-\| aretetae are econ renee x Sycon asperum Lambe. . De cmiee aie dahl esl ic bs Oa RENE | ae tnin hed eee: x Sycon protectum Lambe.. ig ect ye eaoerere dlc oll D Gee O UO seee egs vcscxcs ey ead eos Fore ae x Demos pongiae. Artemisina suberitoides Vosmaer.........--.----- Bees sale opin, niet all see eee | eee: Xi Ghalma oculata (Pallas)cpee eo -< cteclon cine Cladorhiza abyssicola M. Sars...........-.---.--- DOORS Se so ales canals sce s AA eee x Giadorhiza prandis Vere ye eee rae re sel DAWBe ecco San. oon lee lee x Cladorhiza nordenskioldii Fristedt.. peers) P2004. clerenter rere 3 x @lathria delicata luambe: ..2-.2- sar --e>--es-- = B= Olea: ||| meee x Wiionacelata Grandoe cee coe os ertsPre aerate FES Pe Ieee coal x x Craniella cranium (Muller).. SL IO=S0 ew alley beeen lige x Desmacella peachii (Bow erbank) % var. -, groenlandica STS ee eee he Pac cere Reus toemiices 130=2000).2)<:: dievasce) ||P accion A ee ee ee | ee x esmaciden (Homaeodictya( palmata (Johnston) se e Ds SSR Gee OE DeIoIn Step moe era SIO oor ‘socmicmctac Aven sole dod aon x x evel lingua (Bowerbank).. Ce Re a ter (70 )3 eC tan eed pr oe te x Esperella modesta Lambe...........-.--. mp iets Sea Eumastia sitiens O. Schmidt..................-.- Oe 2 er ment (aes ASR Sond re x Gellis arcoferus VOSMAEr.. i... .----F 2-6: ere do. =- TO=SO Se ee cle scls ne elle oe ola x Gellius flagellifer Ridley & Dendy................ BSES OS Liles alee ae x x Gellius laurentinus Lambe.......-.....-.+-.++.++: GOB Ons. cident |e a eee x x Halichondria panicea Johnston 35................. Gae2h aon all eee eae x x Iophon chelifer Ridley & Dendy.............. By ial MOO Stes ape) ecrateses oh beats ea eee eae x Myxilla incrustans (Johnston)..........-.----.+--- Phakellia ventilabrum (Johnston). . See de core Bitar pesca os pee ened linea | ee x Polymastia mamillaris (Muller)...........--..... 1IO=ZTO Lo ee eae | ee x Polymastia robusta Boween Sian Ree he meee eee i SOP A Sales sence ae x x Quasillina brevis (Bowerbank).. Be Pires oe Qe Feddines tue hicas late Pe abeel| Mees See x RemeraunOllismiliamlDeusuc teed ee ett cena SOS GO aa elio eee ooo ate el x x Reniera rufescens Lambe.......-.:..+.......-.+4- Stylocordyla borealis (Loven)...............----- S220. sailnae heres |lantastoeres | Ree x x Suberites ficus (Johnston). . Aaa «Be ag Boe (10h a Ree | eg ae x Suberites hispidus (Bowerbank). . SORA SEER cto DID 45.0) heal sae lites ae | eee x Suberites montalbidus Carter. . He RE NOOR O Mea Ole te ele eae x Tentorium semisuberites (Schmidt). Fe pee DO=25 0 Weta clic ie PAM ae che ceen| cae nara x x Thenea muricata (Bowerbank).. dh MAQZQ0 S250 Re os che cocee il ae ee te rere eee eee ee x Trichostemma hemisphaericum Mi Bare. Ui hee 1 Aaah 5 ee a eeeme mecrmen | coy el oie caeeeRe cf focal Sucre x COELENTERATA. Hydromeduse and Scyphomeduse. - x Acaulis prumarius Stimpson.!...2--..+-2->-2--be- [0 plOsa ulna = ae Aeginopsis laurenti Brandt 16..................--. x Aplantha rosea Forbes 16... 0.20 2s. 50---0+-2--- PAN OK Bn) Me | apie. era Aglaophenopsis cornuta (Verrill)................-. 200 Bele ae Dah MERA fe omctio a. x Avitennularia antennina (1)... oceccsec sence ee oO OU renin Meta xi x Aurelia flavidula Peron & Wencur!c tits ee F. Bouganvillia superciliaris (L. Agassiz) 16, 35.......]25........].--..-+-Jeeee---- x Bouganvillia carolinensis (McCrady) 31........... 1d Bee he x Gubycellarsyrinea (i) UG oon. sac aes ae ieee A Hee A aaa miner! = AU, ca a x x x Campanularia amphora (Agassiz) 16, 35, 43.. .{L.T.-S.W. x x Campanularia caliculata Hincks = Eucopella ‘cali- culata (Hincks) 31 = Oxopyxis caliculata 43...|0-100......]........ x x x Campanularia flexuosa Hincks 48.................. Ty —10eee x Xt “hemeek Spe Campanularia groenlandica Levinsen 31,45.. A. 50 Pee Aer x x MARINE INVERTEBRATES 933 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a BatruymMetric Tasres—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Min. —— and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal Depth. Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 100 COELENTERATA—Con. Hydromeduse—Con. Campanularia hincksii Alder 35, 43............... O=l4a seo eee x x x x Campanularia integra Linnaeus AS 4. Se ees et OO): 23. 3) eee x x x Campanularia magnifica Fraser 31, ry oeearee ropes DOZI2 eo 2 | rear cree| es ee eee x Campanularia neglecta (Alder) 31, '35, Ce See: 1.6). - x x x Campanularia verticillata (L) 43.................. T-S30F cs see ee x x x x CGampantlariasvolubilis) (Pallas) 245.00... ..-0-s.< (O10... x x x x Catablema vesicaria (A. Agassiz) 16.............. nae lnc OcANHIsMOUTCAlESTANVIGNTIL) saci yee sore ater)» ol[LL2—BOO). 505 ce otara: cba ence everett) aceeetern otal beeen x Cladocarpus speciosus Verrill...................-. DOO |. o.oo ees el Cree | Dee x Clavavleptostyla Agassiz 31, 30....0.0...-..20.-5.. Pele=20), 2: x x x Clytia johnston (Alder) 31, 43.........:.....-5... On OE Aaleerseeee x x x x GiviiamoliormisiicGrendy- 45.9 ccc. dscess >. a= (L110). 02 va). Sarason x oN x x (ry prolamiaitriserialignBrAaser Olincc caiecces sae ocins -ie\{O05 2 «dere ollie clea aif esehoty ole x @uspidelloarprand is) ENC KSs 02... che ee oo we wi a eae ie ciao? Xs tai[ bys ceadueral eta eases | ee Cyanea arctica Peron & Lesueur 16................ Mreonynemlexuosa GON SATS... 0.5 - 222-0. sake VS Pale. S once el baneoseed a nee ae x x Diphismiallax (VWohnston)! Bl... 6... <1. 60 oo eee ea PEEL re ae |e OO x x x Diphasia mirabilis Verrill = Selaginopsis mirabilis \Wevordlll Le do See Re ee et eer ae eer GLUT eee [ee es en 7] ee eee re x DaphstamOsAceaa (Ii )ial ses. cc nem as ce, as cereiclare aie oiole 5=50 te ceae eee x x Diphyopsis campanulifera (Hschscholtz) 16, 35.. Eudendrium capillare Alder 35.................-. A iI aed a SEI ON Soe x Eudendrium cingulatum Stimpson............... Di) Be. oe of] 3s athe a ie eee Le eee xe Sertularia filicula Ellis & Solander..........-...- Dk PRs). cosmo Meee eens x Sertulariafusiformis Hincks..............----.+--- 2 eee bid cess'nallt eee x Sertularia latiuscula Stimpson........-....-.-.---- Sertularia polyzonias L. & var. gigantea Hincks = Sertularella polyzonias (Linn) 31, 35........... 1OMGOL. te eee thee x x Sertularia producta Stimpson........-----------+: Sertularia pumila 1u..31, 35...... g...-..-.-.-:- LARS x x Sertularia wugosa §is..5. 522 5: Men. ee oe SSID Wiis loci Os See x x x Sertularia tricuspidata Alder = Sertularella tri- fetes eee ce cs keer: AO= 60. as eae x x Staurophora laciniata (L. Agassiz )16.. Syncoryne mirabilis (L. Agassiz) = Sarsia mira billige @ieApassi7)) On oomeccce es belie ets atte Fiesta eer ee x Thamnocnidia larynx (L) = Tubularia larynx 31, SPS APNE Mpa ACRO Oi Be rons Lees k ted Ps SiNel tat etait ou hte OE Her aeneee x x Thamnoenidia tenella Agassiz = Tubularia tenella CT ee A eS ade ele Crete Atcha cece. Ottis Pro orayese Crs at alate tae x bre Thecocarpus myriophyllum (L)............-....-- SOU eal er elec | aaeceee x x Thuiaria argentea (Ellis & oy Be eRe ec cedtom lM Sa eealies Oona x x x x Thuiaria articulata (Pallas).. Ry tee ie| AO Pier ser lesbo x Thuiaria cupressina (L) 35:.:..0......---2:--++--:- TR SUD x x x’ x Thuiara lonchitis Ellis & mooneer 31... he ky RORY Oe. ae eareta| ae etene = x Thuiara thuja (L) 35. Rete: belt) died ev apeenal| a Tiara pileata ortlcn aber i. ad eobces mice Tiaropsis diademata (L. Agassiz) 35.. Nee Trachyneme digitale (O. Fabricius)...........---. (Ging ele eee (etic Ores x Tubularia crocea (Agassiz) 31, 35..............---- ey ee a Pence: x X To} 22 Us Alloriyaeyrsinob acs) Ob)eentecer aucoorceneaicr oo caac ARITA mer alts lder te card mtncree x Alcyonaria. AcanellamnormantWernill. 2...2 52: em nese. eer: AON feet fOrck Setnlle keer | eee oa. Res Sede x Acanthogorgia armata Verrill.............-.------ SOO. oie als ek reeatel lc te A eee Ms Actinauge nexilis Verrill, ......-....0.222+- 2854-5: DXi ESN Re Sena (eeeetcaceet ay (he chor tey -(hacsatnehnsc Xx Actinauge verrillii McMurrich..............------- SQESO0 Se uleeynreeulaeseeeee x Oe x Actinernus nobilis Verrill...........-.-- Cia eta 900-300). s|nsee sete leases ss |e eee eee x Actinopsis whiteavesw Verrill:.. 7... =.=. - 3-22 == |200. 0 ai] tae ie aoe orien Maelo x Aictinostols CallosanVernilitas sac dee te: 02 sae ora AED ee Alte tc eewureiee ens x x x Alcyonium carneum L. Agassiz 35...........------ Qe SO MSL yal obese x x x Aleyonium multiflorum Verrill..............-.-.-- 191 280> donee Fa eee as | eR x Aleyonium rubiforme (Ehrenberg). . ste oe Anthomastus grandiflorus Verrill..............--- ESE BOO) cc locas ac cleanse. a we Se x Anthoptilum grandiflorum Verrill..............---]1250......)e.- 0 ess efece cece [eee cere [ee seen es x Anthothela grandiflora (Sars).........--..-+2--+--|D.W... ec [e cence fee eee eee ee cee tes aera ee x Balticina; finmarchica) (Sars)....-.<5.2--5+-+---+-* GOATOOs onl erode] oases ere x x Bolocera tuediae (Johnston)..........----..-----+-|50-100. ...]--- +26 feces ]e eee eee x x @erstoisis ormatay Vero ss sa. eo te eee FOOL300 . .lecateuseee cere os NO Pe eae |e eae x Geérianthus borealis Vernmlll-.ce....2-- 42 --l PRD 00s bull aeeromcn.c || ase ae x x re Chondractinia nodosa (Fabricius)..........---...- Cornulariella modesta Verrill................-..-- BOS 22 Oi. vale eevee ak oe tis ytaes leereneeneue xe x Gribrina stellarGVe rill Ais tee mite seetretrelt-ptener- J Uf eee x Desmophyllum nobileuVernll- Pate nsoce. tates tt (| ee wal IRE ra Is chs Alla lotr ca x Edwardsia farinacea Verrill...................--+- SEO iy. 4.-0all cements x x x Edwardsia sipunculoides Stimpson.............--- ee teeta peaarc x Epigonactis fecunda Verrill........-......----+--- 150=200 200 Asa tie GR sachs ner ee tee x MARINE INVERTEBRATES 235 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a BATHYMETRIC TABLES—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Min. — and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal —__—_—_—_—_— Depth. | Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 | 100 x Alcyonaria—Con. Epizoanthus incrustatus (Duben & Koren).........|30-3800....|........)........ x x x Epizoanthus paguriphilus Verrill.................. TTB Verse, | Fs, 47 Sot! eee eens eee Pee eek eae x Eunepthya lutkeni (Marenzeller).................. Aa pe NM Coe os lle On el ae es x Flabellum angulare Moseley.....................- 1) = eee | RnR (Starter Ili An) Spa SAAN Ti ep tialis x HiahellumicoodermVernilles toes ose ee cgi oc TSO=4 00M S oc). 4! 5) esac eeae eee Dela | toe ee er x Munrvewlunavearmata iWenrille in oc 5 acs wee tocle 2006 EO ry tse ss, «5. 05] acheemcetaieen | aR eared | epee x Lophohelia oculifera Edwards & Haime.......... 1D oS) een Pee ater llov s\ Ae otha bias pak x Metridium dianthus (Ellis) 35=M. senile (Linn). 21.}0-90.......]........ x x x PATA OVP AL OOLEAL (Mi) ah oc eco te oo = case oak clear ots BEA Eevee CERES] (eR | [cdigneces Sead | Sere es: x Paramuricea borealis Verrill...............-.---+- Wise boc oe oie lKsccece ote ota | ee eee x Paramuriceaiprandis Verrill.s... i. df... 2 eee oo ees 1D) \\ ee cre tere eer ¥ Dae eee edie AU shee a O08 x Ren ehianpanasuttCa WiCLUU ones .pcee eee crs ce es sles we, H Pennatula aculeata Danielssen..................-. GOR SOO Se ee sce ee cose (sell oer Z x Pennaiiiarn (ee tilella) MbOLeMlIs (SALES) scenes ac hers L2O=—BOU olatyens cecilia: wis.<.- «+ ilies eeepeen octets aed x MIM NOGA TeESea a (alls) Acctcs ciel omen = 4 sievs + ete wm ats 10320701 ge ee i |e a Vm Re NB He og 5 x pararuaracsnelaVierrill). .4.%. 0 sag bees sees ss IDE Wists colts e celles bs. ol ee cee | Sere xX, Stomphia carneola (Stimpson) = Stomphia coccinea|8-35......|........ x x (Op He Muller)) Garloreni2linse \ soc 02- 20. sce 10-122 ee eee x Syuanthus mirabilis Verrill. 220.0... 22.6. ee PHO SOU Norley ee cto le sate» leietce clea leetese cae x Urticina crassicornis (Muller)= Urticina felina (L) leteyola lan Wile On 436 Serue en moa Ae Abe ee Se ae LSU. al oto x x x x Virgularia lyungmani Kolliker.................... DOO es oer ersce| leva ae yall Sere ie | eee x Ctenophora. Bolina alata Agassiz 36=Berce cucumis Fabricius, ” | Idyia roseola L. INGUIN Rye pares Te eae Sol [ccm ean tee nail re x Mertensia ovum (Fabricius) 16, 35.. HAO aie |e toe te x Pleurobrachia rhododactyla L. Agassiz 16, 35.....|F.-5 | ECHINODERMATA. Crinoidea. Antedon eschrichtii (Muller).........-....-.+-.-.-. Desc Weer. thei lee e ee x x Antedon quadrata P. H. Saas - uae ada San oS 25100 el eee ee eee a x Antedon tenella (Retzius).. RE ee he ee Holothurioidea. Caudina-drenata Stimpson 6, 35................... ONE eaten x x Wihirodotaslaevasn(OpMabriciis) ince sseee <1 o> «clos < |OmOn das ae viele ser eteie x Pupyreusiscaber! butken 6:0... soci. ose eee ee ED BOs ysis pees x x x x Lophothuria fabricii (Duben & Koren).. Seale de, te x x Myriotrochus rinkii Steenstrup.................... FRG) PON ee [eae ee x x Orcula barthii Troschel. PAE! to Sree een Bee Pentacta calcigera Stimpson.. aA TR AIU RRM ts Rete Me BoD Fee hice ae x x PRentnctatnond Gsal(Gaccer)ns.5,.<.s6 tode ese tok se |Oehenc« cerca: OR ee S| x Pedicellastertypicus M. Sars... ....... 2-205. 060-5: De SUSI lo cee Se ee eee x Rontastemnepiusisladeneec.-.. 545-5 eos eeiseee C5775 A Ape eater | Perret bowen sehen x x Pseudarchaster intermedius var. insignis Verrill. .}100-1356..|........]........].......-]........ x PSASterMlOLAeav CURL erate acters treet cs le rec ae GOR BON 2 here a Ee ee | eee x x Eterastermmilitanis (Muller)ie. 2.2. co a.e: nce. nee ee TOBGOR Sy |e ates x x x PT erasterspuly illus evi SAtsieee cM cei one ele ieed Operas of | creer eral sia are separ x Shollbciigse Gite iit Were lll eS Aree. Ate ceoneaiecreerr eye MOMS OOK || xia poets eerie | ee WPA le Seah 2s 50 x Solastveriendecs | CREtZis)s deece o- = tte sete cook sles ete O-8Ob ceil eee eee x ms x SolAgteMsyvRUCUSISNVErTIM, chs: a2. sane nesses eee oe LOTS eS) Sa A et a ee a x Stichaster albulus (Stimpson)..................-.-|O-100......]........ x x x Witsireierabori hw \Asrcel | ae ae ace ieee eee Rb QOD ® Ube CA Eee on | ee eres x x Mosiaeranulanis’ GREZAUS) ye. oo. cf eis wre nes cb ys ASE ee al ite Sk eM cde | ate aoe x SGrerHARTCLI TIA DIS RWCLTILI ey ssp rte ch. eee sie seal O20). fo 2 [Sao ieee a aeaale eee ee | (oe cavers | ee ee xi Ophiuroidea. Amphipholis elegans (Leach)..............:...... Oxo eri Gee eae x x * x Amphinra canadensis Verrillec..e-c4- . 622 95-22 9 - Acnpbiuna extras Viernillenein recta lace niee nae Amphiura sundevalli (Muller & aecechel).; CPO =a Nees eo cer x Astronyx loveni Muller & Troschel.. A aCe (215g Oe Inet ce | Became cine | cea tar, x Gorgonocephalus agassizii (Stimpson) i La ae ae = LOO Ss 5 | auto x x x Gorgonocephalus eucnemis (Muller & Troschel)...}18-80.....}........}-..-.... x x Gorgonocephalus lamarckii (Muller & Troschel)...}194-239...!}........|---..-..]----+---J----+--- a Ophiacantha anomala G. O. Sars................. LODVS1S 1H eee near Sheed (aides wits x Ophiacantha bidentata (Retzius)................. O50 bli eareraste x x x x Ophiacantha granulifera Verrill................... OL = DOs gt ese teense ps eae hee crete ee | ee ee x Ophiacantha spectabilis G. O. Sars............... 131 es alas oobi Ghee aeete | One eee | eee x Ophiacantha varispina Verrill..................... LOT=200): 2 eaters Balinese ase eeete oor eee x Ophiactis asperula (Phillipi) 37................... Ophioglypha lymani Ljungman 37................. Ophioglypha nodosa (Lutken).................---. O=BG0R eh ee x x x x Ophioglypha robusta (Ayres)..........-.....-.-- O=220 Sts | ee rere x x x x Ophiogly pha sarsi (Lutken)i87)....042. 505202... 1O=O5ORe rates: x x x x Onhioelyphavsignata, Verrill.s...3:4.406-..20+2---6% Ophioglypha stuwitzi (Lutken)................... Onphiolebes acanella Verrill..................:..-.- TT yt os RS ees let cl] Raeeeereeel | coerce x Opniophnolis ackicata; (U)eperwe: tetas ene aes Os00 Fer x x x Ophioscolex glacialis Muller & Troschel........... Dr) ee ate Re ek (MAES AIS Sean icr6 0 oicunre x Echinoidea. Echinarachnius parma (Lamarck).............--..|1-100.....|..-..... x x x Schizaster fragilis (Duben & Koren).............. GEES a slice aed Pats ayscren | eee ees ; x x Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis Muller 35, 47....Jo-110......}.-...... SEER; x x x PLATYHELMINTHES. Turbellaria (Planarians.) Roviaeattinis (Oersted):....cfhtesse24 pees ele tara Leptoplana ellipsoides Girard..................... toe ap Renee el ae Bee x x Procerodes ulvae (Oersted) 35.................... | A Dae x J'yphlocolaxacutus: (Girard)... 0.6/2 e ieee 2 = te oleae Oe ian aaa NA a BiSAe x 1 MARINE INVERTEBRATES 237 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a BATHYMETRIC TABLES—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. — Min. and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal. s Depth. | Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 100 x NEMERTEA. Enopla. At Mi DOrusrapilis WeTrillt: 2326 cers seeds clases GET otal ae Seer % x x Amphiporus angulatus (Fabricius)... serena | Ota Oretee iiss ve 4 x x x x Amphiporus heterosorus Verrill.:................ LO—200M tee sis, x x x X Amphiporus lactifloreus Hakan)»: cae clan: \\Oee ee Ale: x Amphiporus roseus (Muller).. pa eTNs/5 © ef OMe snectecel| ni x x x x Amphiporus (?) superbus (Girard). . Tree et oo a tenes yc eran te aie x Drepanophorus lankesteri Hubrecht.. “| Soke tees: oe Rae | ae oot x Tetrastemma candidum (Iabricius?) M’Intosh.. cece ley x x Tetrastemma serpentinum (Girard) Stimpson.....|I.T...... x Tetrastemma vittatum Verrill................. 1 MOO Scio ea ell tesa ee ie x x Anopla. Cephalothrix linearis (Rathke)................... eae x Cerebratulus cylindricus Packard................. Cerebratulus fuscus (Fabricius).................. e202 x x x Cerebratulus luridus Verrill............ ea) Chane Cerebratulus medullatus Hubrecht. . reithsee css- to APR DEES 5, gic is Cott pl ue. ae eal pean eee x Cerebratulus melanops Coe & Kunkel (210... Lineus sanguineus (Rathke)....................... (PA ee x Lineus socialis (Leidy).. YE Te eerie (ee x Lineus truncatus (Hubrecht) ! aha Ra ote ohgs bial 75-80... fe RARE (Ds baer da hs py x Lineus viridis (Fabricius). . Ae ee Ge Ae 1 ee a x Micrura affinis (Girard)...........................0-100...... a x x x NETCHUEAEE UD Cam VCDIEM cia tt- Eva: sists 4a civ ale ee dein le PT)? & MEaee eS (aan aS | cee et Ale 5 x CHAETOPODA. Polychaeta. Ammotrypane aulogaster Rathke 12.............. TIESTO site ee Ie ate coer roe ge ea eT eee x Ammotrypane cylindricaudatus Hansen 12........ Ammotrypane fimbriata Verrill, 35...............|5-90 ; x x x Ampharete gracilis Malmgren.................. =| LO=GO0) eter x x x Ampharete grubei Malmgren..................... ee eee x Amphitrite cirrhata (Muller) Packard 35, 38, 44...|8-16......]....... x me Amphitrite groenlendica 38, 44.................... Amphitrite intermedia Malmgren 17.............. GSEAL cae. omits oer: Iniccace ool ea ene x ATMINOEISAESTIMK IN bere lacey 6 Seca sos coe ss ene ees GOR Ra vei - ir x Atpironsbaraculestalunoao.eecelwaayede teers kaos... - LOSNOGs 425 eae x x x x Arenicola piscatorum Lamarck = Arenicola ma- mney ((UraveyAnS)) OS Shy, Boeue e aa Pee ro eeeae ene ie x x x Artacama canadensis McIntosh 38.. a eft ete [OLDER Se ely erate gee x Artacama proboscoidea Malmgren 44... BES (t) eee (eck ere" We ey x anes catenata Malmgren = Axiothella catenata BradareranosasotlmpsOn.e....¢.02 0205 oceans aqece LTR ye oe ee SEER 3 Xe BradaeraniiataeMalmeren’ Wf... adc. 05 ses soe G0L80m ae lassccens th ss... lease. ee x Bradaisujolae vis SvumMPSOM. 0...) .f- ass cue nes © ec: Bradagvaliosamivaphikeul se tncs. cr lelsscaen eae Chaetozone setosa Malmgren 17.. Weise SOL Fee Ota | Lape ol | roeras 2 Xx Chaetozone setosa canadensis McIntosh 17........ Chaetozone whiteavesi McIntosh 17.............. (NAC LOZONE BIBLE eee cree As. ee ee @hove jdunern Malmerenyas te.) 5 45sec se ea ee @honerck tauveliMeintoshra4. oc ioc cec ect tos os D220. oe eles x x Chone infundibuliformis Kroyer 17................ LOZ OR Saintes crore tee a eek ae eee |e x @hone prince: Melmtosh 440.02. 0.0.2. .c se eee ee honey sp wipes ee Me iw tN Sales oct adh wel g wes PAD ee OS eee a NPs oan pate ae x Cirratulus cirrhatus (Fabricius) i aaa. ar ie 40 eee eee x x @istenides eranulata(ibyeee ee ee. es. cis oe eee aek O=DO Fo elena x me Cistenides hyperborea Malmgren 38 = Pectinaria lane overel ayoytese a eee e's CG RO sae See aie gee ee BOS 200 sce Aes | feet meal eee ee x x 238 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 BATHYMETRIC TABLES—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Min. —- and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal | | _— Depth. | Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 | 100 x CHAETOPODA—Con. Polychaeta—Con. Clymenella torquata (Leidy).............-.--.--. = Daca nel ere toe x x x Drilonereis canadensis McIntosh 2.............-.- Enonella bicarinata Stimpson.........--..--..---. OMe: x Ephesia gracilis Rathke..........+......---.----- LOD Sale Sk anc dealt ae, get ey Ere eee x TOP LNDERS, inh Gi Se SAR So bein Oo noni Erentho smitti Malmgren 44...............--...-- VO bee PERI | Ioiresnatias Pomdetcint'o|tamte 50d x Eteone cylindrica OErsted.............------+.--- 4 oe Saar x Euchone lawrencii McIntosh 44..............----- HICH OUGETDLOCIUGH AN der eeie facies feioecisieieke retires Euchone tuberculosa (Kroyer) Malmgren 17....... ROMs cis lalioig = cated eee ee ea eee x Bnmentaierasssa) OB rStederescre. seh ee se le ele 21 Se oe obi statan emesis |anoiss a -- x Eunice oerstedii Stimpson..............-..---+--- OOS R HME el) eel ae eee x x TT ee a eee eS RS IR Sees ogre our noes DOOM els eet belle ae aaa hate Se eee Xi Biamnoa NOGOSs (SATS). sce es GRE oO ois eee wees AN SP ban tig |ereret aah x x Eunoa oerstedi Malmgren 17, 35.........-.....----|I7-76.....]...--.-- x x x inmnoa Spilossay Verrier oe sep ea ee ieee Euphrosyne borealis OErsted..............----.--- By a eabche chi etd Me as aed Wea ae x Eupolynoe anticostiensis McIntosh 17...........-. Farhi ee eae x x x Eupolynoe occidentalis McIntosh.............-.--. HOOK Es oe his ene ne sect eee x Busyllis tubifex Gosse.......-....2.00--+s0e ++ +e BR CALs daa aeth. Uae dead ROR eee meena x Filograna filograna Berkeley 17...............+--- UTR ta Mor Nemec tae acd cavers a x Hlabellicera athmis Sarsil dq. os..- cee <-- e ee SON eriiPeal ht & aetna x x x Glycera dibranchiata Ehlers 3.........-..-.--.--- 100120 lees een de | ee x Glycera siphonostoma Delle Chiaje 3...........-. Goniada maculata OErsted 3................----- Goniada norvegica Oersted 3...........---+---+--- 151) | RA pk (ee re ot le PRN ae Ween x GiyimacaspiralissVermll. swine eee ee GORE Seal elles SRR el Ree eee x Harmothoe imbricata (L) 17, 35, 47............... o-110. x x x x DSOCIEOR TSP SO ess:na Deedee tote ore views ale AZO RG oe oil Wee Mat nil eine te lle ee ig ee eee x Laenilla glabra Malmgren 17..............-0------[U.- 222-22 -]ereeeeee x WACO ONICE ALIN td AV ELTl llc beinlrcls le ecjels erase BOEA50) lise. anes e See el see x x Laetmonice filicornis Kinberg 17..............-.-- Ln Peseta | Chimney eecycee |heehs bla. x Laetmonice producta var, assimilis McIntosh... ..|85........].-.-----[e-e+s2se [eee sees x Lagisca rarispina (Sars).....-....0202++-+-+-++--:- Lagisca rarispina var. occidentalis M’Intosh....... Lanassa nordenskioldi Malmgren 38, 44.........-... Leaena abranchiata Malmgren 17..............---|0..--2----]eee eee x Leanira tetragona OErsted...............---+-+++- 1002220) .< i) isterds cs Bl ene al eee oe | aceon x Leanira yhleni ? Malmgren............------++++:- 3 nS ee ME Cu oS eillacauanoH x Leodice vivida (Stimpson)........---..-.--.-+----- Lepidonotus squamatus (L) 17, 35, 47...........-. I.T.-80.. x % x x Lumbricoclymene sp. 17.........+--.+-----c0+--:- Ay ies <7. | oanaeesets [eee aa: x Lumbriconereis cf. assimilis McIntosh 2..........- DO iho ic Wie cin eake ee | eee x Lumbriconereis fragilis (Muller) 2,17, 35.......... o-430...... x x x x x Lumbrinereis hebes Verrill 17..............-..---- Rel ect | Paeacuculhent x x x Maldane sarsii Malmgren 17, 33.............--+++- 0230) eral ic eel Pen x Malmgrenia whiteavesii M’Intosh.............--.- TLO2D20 Also oe rte Pee easel eee nell eee x Melinna cristata (Sars) 35...........---2++++e---e- LO=90R se aloe cee x x x Myriochele heeri McIntosh 34...........-..---+++- Myxicola-steenstrupi Kroyer 17................--- AQ. bX 20S ler Nae tase herp x Naidonereis quadricuspida Blainville (fide, Verrill). Nemidia (?) canadensis M’Intosh............-.--- Nemidia (?) lawrencii M’Intosh...... d Nephthys caeca (Fabricius) 17, 47...........-..-- SES anes | (tahetae tess x x x Nephthys canadensis M’Intosh.............--.--- GSO see te A ec ea oll ee ee x Nephthys ciliata (Muller) 35...............-++.55- DESAY con cena en hee: soe oe oe x Nephthys incisa Malmgren 17, 35.......-...-.+-+-]-- F243 (sail eee x x x x Nephthys lawrencii M’Intosh...............--.--- Nephthys longisetosa OErsted = Autolytus lon- Fakta tot DEN eee id eo bem eae D avuiore guacocion (etre Woot akan’ Gt x Nephthys picta Ehlers.............-..-------+--> BOS80 5. 5 ache rallb caste x x Nereis abyssicola Stimpson.............------++-:- AO a elem Me nS ete aoe x Nereis denticulata Stimpson...........------+-+--- De eae Ale he ators x MARINE INVERTEBRATES 239 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a BATHYMETRIC TasBLEsS—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. — Min. and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal. |_—AARAR Depth. Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 100 x CHAETOPODA—Ccen. Polychaeta—Con. INGLEISMEIS SOL PSOM s,s see acaee dasa sans es Taseboreyer? 2 | Re ee PR Sa (oo se oe x Nereis (Lycoris) pelagica L. 17, 35................ OelOGy. ease | Lees eee x x x x INPRCISESRIFENST OATS OO each cards rach see sare tte.n woes cles Ont) 3 eee x Nevaya whiteavesi McIntosh 24.................. Nicolea zostericola (OErsted) eeeneten | Wien oe Wags +) DB) ,. o..-...s.:sa+s< ee Bho ch essed lcs reece vote tore chains x Becellaria ciliata (L) 28, 35.. sl Oran sills ck eee x x x Biowerbankia gracilis caudatus (Hincks) 28, 135. AO iso. ors Alle ses Seed rarsea ts x Bugula cucullifera Osburn 28, 35................... Dia iateseers reas el ee eey x Bugula murrayana (Johnston) DOD One ett Poe cake FEIN a tes emo SS x x x x Caberea ellisi1 (Fleming) 9, 28, 35................. G00 weal eee x x x Gellepora avicularis, Hincks>.. 2 .cb. 2c ease ae cee PAG RN RecA Fo Rel RE Pe | LO eh x Cellepora canaliculata Busk 28, 35................. AOE ese cll so ateveeee ll cerca: x x WEllepora CONMLUR OMNIA. onoksis «ae sce oes ea cll ede a.e ces eee ee TaNIO Sadi. ee x x x x Flustra solida Stimpson... PM vorcnisteenne oe «(20 LZR ea ere ee x x x Gemellaria loricata (L) 9, ‘28, 35. ENE 8 TONS a on OA110- ieee x x x x Gemellaria loricata var. americana (Lamouroux)..|10........|........ x Hippothoa divaricata Lamouroux 35............. 1 Pp ees | oct detec (Seeiceere x ippothoa expansa Dawson....2..-..-.0.2<----* iKonetoskias arporescens Danielssen28s,... 256+ +. -|fO-el 2. lhoscma.sineeosee cece ote x x Kinetoskias smittii Danielssen................... 1S ee ih I oe ceo Ue i by Sear x Magenipora spimulosa Hincks.........:.2..:5++-+ Hepralia bippopus Smiutt 2S. -c.0-2222.2s. 008+ es 7 eI Bl (CRD Le eos cack x Lepralia (Discopora) megastoma Smitt........... Meprawammertusas (MSVEDR) ayes sos. css sci ae resi soe ss BIST eee Caaekei ee x x Lepralia spathulifera Smitt 9, 28.................. BObe st eee a ke [eee x Membranipora craticula Alder 28, 35.............. [cans cere eae eaeke x x Membranipora cymbiformis Hincks...............|13-20.....]........ x x Membranipora dumerilii Audouin)............... Membranipora flemingii Busk 28..................]1-20......}........ X x Membranipora lacroixii (Audouin)............ EDO ee - cle ie eieiere tote NO? OMFS ise te cae x x Belasnoblisn(Woller)AGs ace eccs oc earls cies s es DeSORE Erlltenciaciec: x x x IBelaypince nC Mollen)eend cers voces cce sas ac ere eee CUS Se eet ee ae | ee X Bela pleurotomaria (Couthouy) 35, 42............. TE ROM ceed eysctes x x x Belay OSeAn SAL Sty Vario ere acre ncks free eee Der Mere nie a ees loscas x x x Belay sarstiVereills wars na derssii Ghee cic aoe abies cess NO= 20 Morne | ern cs sey c x x pelamscalanisw Oller 42 cept oaciac tian seige nectiee ie CSC DE Saal simran X x x Belay woodianay (Mollen)h.-ta-- c+ ss... see conte ae Sie = Sagas | aetna arenes at x Bittium nigrum Totten = B. alternatum 35......../I.T.-5.... x x Buccinum ciliatum (Fabricius) 19................. 33 ARS Bal oe eee x x x x Buccinum cyaneum Bruguiere.. Fs eH oN OO) che fisvexore eeacete)| lee seroherceei x xe Buccinum cyaneum var. perdix (or finmarchianum ) (Becks) SMGnchinlOReen ern soc ec). ceed oe ane a The young are dredged in 15 fathoms. 246 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 BatuHyMetric Tastres—COontinued. I BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Min — and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal Depth Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 Gasteropoda—Con. Buccinum cyaneum var. patulum Sars............. Buccinum donovani Gray 19...............+-ee08 Gallbtenee alias ics % Ibuceimumy elacialeslion 06 acts cienisk «cles pee Ohio Cavin Se x Bucemnm Zoulai Verrier. 3 a vrai cisetete GOREN, ciliticcs-s coal eeratteael Ceeeeae Xo istrieerniben Trenliten Gir: nh penta cs peo AOS GOs bMe boda Buccinum tottenii Stimpson 19...................- MIS losek nieve tocar xe Buccinum undatum L. 19 = B. undulatum Muller MAG MAINE tt ha cht lata eater eran ecco eturetateee I.T.-170.. x x x x Calliostoma occidentale (Mighels & Adams)...... DHEA Ome ee yiliihes s, fettnall hy eae x Capulacmaea radiata M. Sars...............-.-+:- DSO Mpc alis-clscevereeke ets mee tall cies Sree ee ae a Cerithiopsis costulata (Moller)............-..-.+-. Cerithiopsis greenii (Adams) 35.................-. mil O Beyeciayaiellloss cos seekers x Cerithiella whiteavesii Verrill.................... NT O22 00) scl esis aes al aeons atea | earoe e|e Chaetoderma nitidulum Loven..................- 1OSUOOF els Pesce x x 8 Cingula (Onoba) aculeus Gould 35................. Fie See x Cingula arenaria Mighels & Adams................ Me MSY ata lie. cccsaroe x x Cingula (Alvania) areolata Stimpson.............. GOR ert eral ide eee | ores |e eee x @ingula carinata Michels'& Adams M...::...-.+-:|96-200. .. ol)... 2c. cleo. eles ce ene x Cingula (Alvania) castanea (Moller)............... iis) eee |e x @ineula;elobulus (Moller) 3.2% mor meseecies © ace bee ee- (GTO S Ge | Pe a nc ty ate ah x Cingula (Alvania) jan-meyeni (Friele)............. 2O=200 Kay al RAMS See eee x x Crnsala mminiatay CUO btEN) Gena = el = wee clots! s eters: eye stole ) bal Dee ena x SE poetics | teen Cingula multilineata (Stimpson)................-- Coryphella diversa (Couthouy) 19................ pbs Ah A eS Becks neh x Coryphella mananensis (Stimpson) 35............. DO=GO RE ae all vlas aethaleeeseece: mx x Woryphellaishimpsoni Verrille2 x2 ec.» swe ste lal ore [GS eR roe Al Fab ai es x x x Crenella decussata Montagu...........--++seeee-- ZO=GO arcades tor | oaparst deers x x Crenelladabarla brictus SO hele = nr -ciet=.clc\elote otal ote!ai='- @renellagisndula (Rotten): secs. ss eee een cel: O=G0R sete ali ae eee x xX x Crenella pectinula (Gould).................e2.0+: @repiduls Convexav Say, os doce ce sles srtekcre ate siotete < seus 15 ee x x Crepia ws OrNICALA) (Es) GOS AG oes iecesele stole foicyojo) b¥ay0 c¥o I.T.-19... x Xs x Crepidnla plana say, son AG ys cates. ls se vsiel= ele sieves isis I.T.-45... x % x Crucibulum striatum (Say) 35, 42, 46.............. Gao be eel toees x x Cylichna alba (Brown) 19) 35, 465.55. 6. eneee. eae DECOR ascii ee x x x Cylichna occulta (Mighels & Adams)............. Dendronotus arborescens Muller )19, 35...........-|0-46.......]......0. x x Dendronotus robustus Verrill..............-...... I.T.-98... x a x x Disphans, debilisi(Gould)ows ee lcaye corset wre eee GSO See alice cee x x Diaphana hiemalis (Couthouy) 19...............-. ADM Eker emmeee eee ste ae x Worisiplanulata, StuMpPSONs sc aire. creteickyetel ities eee ettone 1 ag Re erete x Wotoreoronatan(Gutelin) S5os ee. cect en srr TIE eyes ee tes WE ian ei x WGLoHOrMOsanV ErrilllSb.o.. sees eich etme eine see Eulima stenostoma Jeffreys...................00-- Hammes Solitaria nosy)! soeeeiies ore Jos ceac soci 15d Nar ad eee % Hanleyia mendicaria (Mighels & Adams)......... SHOU Mee er eters | eee x x Tanthina fragilis Lamarck 35 Ie SRO ES Ren Ore esalacers Mullen) of ocikted or oe cee etke kere eee QOEO2 25 SEAS csv tdcctet | Create rear ore x Macunaglacialis Moller... ccs elicleroc cin tessae oe CET ats Ai anes AE ac yl ei x Macnna neritoideaiGould:.. 64... sscecicsiow steers ee lacuna vancta,(Montaru))s.2 1... s-s0)-1. 2) ss pisls oe eras JI) Urea Aas aac x x Tepetavcacca (@: BH. Muller) 198400522 oi se acto Lil 00 wre alae ate stal|ioleterstelayels x x Lepidopleurus alveolus M. Sars..................- DDO eras Sele oo MNT Tale CRUE SAE ES last LReeaock | ae ence Hemi opleurus CanGellabus SOWEIDYoaee ces oe cle ole erie | Oaertie miele o| pias over ehell Sheheteneteaetel| sey ae uae x Liostomia eburnea (Stimpson)..................-- i OY (eee esl eeeetecre el crete oc x x Pitorina litorea (Ui) 195/35, 42;/46...0.c occas sion cs es Oniaer x Litorina palliata (Say) 19, 35, 42, 46............... LT Ne ee x Litorina rudis (Maton) 19, 35, 42................-- 1 Cad bes erie x Lunatia groenlandica (Beck) Moller............... SEG (ener, aleve x x x Lunatia heros (Say) 42, 46 = Polynices heros 35...|I.T.-40... x x x Lunatia heros var. triseriata (Say) 46 = Polynices UEISCTIATATOD Say. ke Se eee tele eile een: L.T.-40.... x x x Lunatia immaculata (Totten) = Polynices imma- COLATA DI e cord esle ihs oe elor on hp aos ts eis O=-2O vet Onl| pacers x x a The young are dredged in 21fathoms. 100 x MARINE INVERTEBRATES 247 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a BATHYMETRIC TABLES—Continued. BaTHYMETRIC RANGE. Min. —— and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal. — Depth. | Zone. 1-15 15-50 ; 50-100 | 100 x Gasteropoda—Con. = Lunatia nana (Moller) = Polynices nana 35........ te oe See TOR ol |oube meee x Margarita acuminata (Sowerby) Mighels & Adams|/40........)........)........ x Margarita cinerea Couthouy 19..................-- 10260 ae eee x x x Margarita cinerea var grandis (Mérch) G. O. Sars. EE ie ee i atest ae atone s ca alsieeeg O=GU er alenicics sak x x x Margarita helicina (Fabricius) 19, 42.............. jad DE x Margarita oliviacea (Brown)..........-.0+++-+++-- AG 0a lt cas ere x x x Margarita umbilicalis Broderip & Sowerby.. Margarita undulata Sowerby 42 = Margarites t un- GOLIST Bhs n sae dOHeS Oa ROR O URS GORD a caoiee Bo Saal Soe x x Marsenina glabra (Couthouy)............-.------- Lael eters <2 x Melamipnisi Did enbatwsis aye ocean 4 jeauices on cial os >| Ded sensation x Melampus lineatus Say 35, 46.................-4-- Dae x Menestho albula (Fabricius).....................- QLD is sae eee a x Menestho striatula (Couthouy) = Couthouyella. GIVE el OO sre metee hel ree icher iat ers) dans ere eiorne hei T—2OL Ose, Ihe x x x x Molleria costulata (Moller) eee A ts osc ear. sake ANCES a pcmeie ta llora cee er ees x Nassa (Ilyanassa) obsoleta Say 35, 46............. OM Gis A eemrales eta x Nassa (Tritia) trivittata Say 35, 46............... I.T.-60... x x x x Natica clausa Broderip & Sowerby 35, 42..........}19-110....}........]........ x x; x Neptunea decemcostata (Say) 42, 46.............. Omtbe Fee lee acres x x Neptunea despecta var. tornata Gould............ 1O=60 eerste or x x x Odostomia bisuturalis (Say) 15, 35................ O@dostomia fusca (Adams) 85.20.00. 25.00. .5e eee oe Se Oirat tee ralete siete 3 x Odostomia seminuda (Adams) 35................. D= lance pects x Odostomia trifida (Totten) 35:-......:......----- (ORE ete etic tre ice Rec x AdosiNits (Menestho) trifida bedequensis Bartsch eee tte ir ered, dite Sac eS GiMiaheans Odostomia (Chrysallida) willisi Bartsch 15...... Onchidoris muricata (Muller)...................--. Sa ete see d otte x x Onchidoris pallida (Stimpson = Lamellidoris JODIE NSS ae Ee Semele be ae ee te eeerae Des... Amer ata lteel ats, aercte'lic aero x BhilineteimnpulatarGe Oars, cases dace ess oe ee sie (aT ieee, CRM EGS tered eras rie oye eit cente x hiline fanmearchicay MO Sars... ses ++ h~ acest 90d Blas avraell eae Re x philme rails! Go On Sars. ae ss s4cain sie ces oeincis + tees (Oe. Ont (RERET s BeNe| [eect rete ed Ia se re” x hi limeylim ay Crown) lO. eens e oe) clea siete & ae eee MOEN eta cerllida ae deter x hime @uadratar(SearlessWOOG)in- ces coe oc ictal LSO=220npri|lt savers « [noes abdereds flevenraette |r ste ctalels x Roly ceras lesson Orbipiyissseecios se oe + «cetera te O20 Set taetine x x Puncturella noachina, (l)| 42. J2.)205 02-2 ree see ee L=502 2% x x x Puncturella princeps Michels 30.. aaa Purpura lapillus (L) 42 = Thais lapillus 35, PAG Lae x Ptychatractus ligatus (Mighels) 30................ iS 710 ee ee A aes et [eee ee x x Rensa, could (Couthowy)):chs cee ses cee eee IRaWIGR TNO MEV UGK) omc queens mee nee acorn a. PY 1D ptaea (Re en IPE con Whereas Ce fy |e abe Cee x Retusa pertenuis (Mighels) 19, 42.................. S=1 Oa! 2:5) ehdadass x Scalaria (Acirsa) costulata (Mighels).. : Secalaria groenlandica Perry 42 = Boreoscala STOCHI ANCA CA Omega nae Oya ion ha are stereo eee 1O=VOORP ee lamest x x x x Scaphander punctostriatus (Mighels) 19........... PU TS Ace hai i Noy [EN Pe a DR Ree Loy x Scisssurella crispata Fleming................----.- ART90L F dilecce fees x x x x Siphorossianm(@iriele)so2 9 awin savas ecg cones ee 1SOL See ng coe aR oc ae cA Soa ood reese X Sipho pubescens Verrill)....................---- Pe SRE OIE hte: Mier tin, sere lletey aoa [eit eek x Siphospyemacus (Gould) 42.50 ..5..j22+2sc2- 6-2 ost O=4ASO Ee eralibete: ae ae x x x x Sipho stimpsoni (Morch) 42....................... Ono erales eee «: x x X xs Sipho spitzbergensis (Reeve)..............-.--.++- TE? DAS <2 ee ea x x Sipho wentricasus; (Grayscale as eer Skeneia planorbis (Fabricius) 35.................. Pela sees X Solariella obscura (Couthouy)................-.-- LOGOFF seal ooo. te x x x Solariella obscura var: bella. 22.5.2 ...2..2.)-..2-% GEO) Se wr eto aamee x x x Solariella varicosa (Mighels & Adams)............|1-60......]......-. x x x pansies arly (yr eG css tee ae ore meee cic eyes (aye akc el (Ete ee x Tonicella marmorea (Fabricius) 19, 42............ O=D0 isan as aie x x Tornatina canaliculata (Say) 35.............---+-- S— Bhar sty shee eheoar x rach ydernmrony albus) (a) spaces j oes arses sree os terere Oxon youth seers = x x Trachydermon ruber (L) 35 = Trachydermon railor@ibert dO ns OB imtrc hackers BBE ODE Elec UC ero BAO) RS Ts eel sce oristeusye x x 248 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 BATHYMETRIC TABLES—Continued. BaTHYMETRIC RANGE. Min. — and Inter- Fathoms. Max. tidal (= —-- —— —————-__--—__. Depth. Zone. 1-15 15-50 | 50-100 100 x Gasteropoda—Con. Trichotropis borealis Broderip & Sowerby 19......|10-50......}........ x x Trichotropis conica (Beck) Moller 30.............. Tritonofusus kroyeri (Moller) 19..................|8=60......|........ x x x Tritonofusus latericeus (Moller)..............-.... DOES OEE Alls oie el ee x x x Tritonofusus stimpsoni lirulatus Verril 35, 46.......|3-20......]........ x x Tritonofusus syrtensis (Packard)..............-..- SOMME all's secs 4h all Sennen x iinopelvern Gli ydivey es (Up) Ys So sesso cccaendad sada - 20-80 pees ore = dceedlt aera % x Trophon clathratus var. gunneri Loven............|16-60.....|.......-|...-..-- x x Trophon fabricii (Beck) Moller.................-- SiG) AF it (|b ee ale x Rrophontsruncatus) (StLOM)) seems: om se eee SORA tall. co sce Nee tomers x Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) hecuba Dall & Bartsch 30..|19........)........).....-5. x Turbonilla interrupta var. fulvocincta (Totten).../2-10......]........].. x Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) edwardensis Bartsch 15..... Turbonilla nivea Stimpson 35.................... AQP ey airs yeni well eee x Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) whiteavesi Bartsch 15...... Trrmitelia erosalCouthouyi 19 03. aces os. seen . =) is ole aerate ADEN OMe) ae oraas eects x x x Rossia (2) benera (Verrill) ie... = asco 2 oe casein oe vem BB ere eet al icece «ate rls Sicha etal lene eerera x Octopoda. WCEODUIS ANCUICUS ELOSCM: «. eels viele 2-212 eels BOOT a el oie o yeilcio eee cel seer x x (QP PTEY OTH) dull See ouagae aoacdc eb caeLe- 12026085 die ee) Sede el Gao eters eters see x WetopusObesus VELLUM. pac ote oe jes ae alte intel 1602300) oils) ce oe calleh cs es. otral lected ana Sree x Octopus piscatorum Verrill 2.0... ccc eee eee DOG eee coke Nahe ool Aeros ee Seer x Stauroteuthis syrtensis Verrill..................-- DQM no - salltas Siocecs cel bcd weega eee | are eos eae x CRUSTACEA. EXNTOMOSTRACA Phyllopoda. Evadne nordmanni Loven 10, 11..................-- By Evadne spinifera Linnaeus 11, 27................-- eae A Pocdondintermedusd le Ofserriaece eee ae. teers: Bee. Podonwinm sre hichus 21 29), aA tb teictace, seis Podomlevekarti Gs. O saralOn-css acca aed= setae ee cic Podon polyphemoides Lilljeborg 11, 27... ......... Bw eke arate MARINE INVERTEBRATES SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a BatrHyMetrRic Tastes—Continued. Cirripedia and Copepoda. AWeartis clausi Guesbrecht 10°36.....-..---........|F.. osc... Acartia giesbrechti Dahl 10....................... AME HONE IANS Sole Aste chron cin Lk sie eels teeidtiete ls Arralusalosae Gould 105526. <6. Seki aisle seins « - ATOMS TUNG UUSMTO VETO) Gos 40) nce. sce -e dews jhe =~. aee. JL ATPGYISTEN S[tet0108 (21 cle eet © Ge Se eo eae Rn eee P2. eee Balanus balanoides (L) 5, 18, 35, 45...........4.... it. See Balanus crenatus Bruguiere 55 18, Dy (eae a ae: oy ne eyo 1.T.-30. Balanus hameri Ascanius 5, 35, 1 RS Oe nee 1.71440 Balanus improvisus Darwin 45..........-...-..--. Balanus poreatus Da Costa 5, 18, 27, 35............|10-150.... Calanus finmarchichus Gunner alae 27, Cy Ertan Loe Calanus helgolandicus Claus 10................... Cahrnrseurcus wuuller do, 4 0b occ cies. ches eal sree are ok Ale eae By thoeythere tureida Sars. 4o5.-cs-0- 0.2 a0 ome ss Cypridina excisa Stimpson 18................ er: Te sue nel eee eee CVT ENCTAP VSSICO] ANSALS eae ce acti ceo ies fale eeteteaell eevee echt fic feiss ose = rei], Seem evens Cy thereibad ia NOnM anes. 46 benicte sci isia a ate nas riciee a etal liaenecsvere hl lee ele seul Cythere canadensis Brady 35............--.--2++2)eo0 2220s efee eee es fen eee Cy thereiconcinnayJ Ones sp meee ene isis aes m ya oA ee lee es (EB eet a] Hee « eo (Caran stern GOS Vial Bes CG Bie en Ai Oot Rlole bieieetie O00) fo o SOB eiseeral Iicoe Sicha aibicre hee (Circa Gh ieoml BIS eh? vat Bose oe ates Bebe hb ca Denne yeas orotic sar eer- rok 249 Inter- tidal Zone. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Fathoms. 1-15 15-50 50-100 100 x a eR KKK (a) From Skin of Hippoglossus vulgaris Flem. Le Have Island, E. Coast of Nova Scotia. Cc. H. Young, collector. Determined by Dr. C. B. Wilson. 38a—17 250 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 BATHYMETRIC TABLES—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Fathoms. 15-50 | 50-100 } 100 x Ostracoda—Con. Gythere dunelmensispNOMMaAn soto sei) 1s ees rel oan et eee miwihere CMArPINHtHSATH SO... 6422. 85 oF ee ee elmirines,- l aae.cte nei oiler = iu pheres lelod Gran NGFIAM 65. bre ones 6 sles olsisce.eie = «aes aie oer mee (Cailitans rn Cel Is aih ieee yooe gn aebsoun > oo]. so pgeeeen bederte fallci3 ga cose Chinas iran JOTI Gee hoe sek wavodign ae wed o> call. ido satel Ianoloc pps||aoncoog Wuiheremellucidavb ances. eet cie ake elt eeeaiee lato store | s!eycas ied | yenetedea te Gy therestuberculabaysacs) oe. sis tole liners cee oe leer cetera = | tate | epateted tel=ie St Rere willosa SATs doe.e cy sc bl cross os ue REE Mel eis) ab Lec: arr oh eras fer hherenw liber banc seer eee pa rate eee | reve aee eal| eerie || ee @Gytheridean(:) eclonzatassrady op sscciew foe setbel| erro eee > lle ke eteeseal| ot ete Cytheridea papillosa BOSUIEt shes se iractts chee tetas cots ls oil aaa ee ebepsioaye Gyihertles pinctilinta BeAady,.fecocn saicar .. he wears fhe dete eet Gytheropteronanzulatam: Br. a ROD. -ces pie eee ce - |e oot eal preteen Cytheropteron arcuatum Br. & Rob.............--}.....---+-]-. eee |b eee @ytheropteronmodosumpS rad yameee 2's lee cdererl eter ial lous | crore oats =) eee Cytheropteron vespertillo Reuss......... 5... ..---Je.e eee eee e [eee sees [eee e eee Cytherura (?) concentrica C. B. &R. (M. ‘s. Vc Pera RS i & cts cll ctiwes So steatval| desparate Cytherura cristata eee BEIOTORSKO Sete teas een AR iG eeepc ome Cytherura (?) pumila C. B Sr MES 3) hie circa se settee all eesccaaee | aero MO AnCrpra SATeii STACY. the ccc = o's a) 25 oie oe nyo syle teks “isl =o events ors clfte = arg ere 21] SERRE Cytherura (?) undata eee (G16) eee eT eet sais ei aioke own nial chic’ ean ino oc. be Haeyiheresareus: SATS ISD else yee sae. oy sees Set eee eee rece nc ee eee | eee Krithe (Ilyobates) bartonensis Jones......-.-:.---|.. 022+ se]. ccneeee|e een ee: TeOXOCONCHALSD ME Meee Ne irae fiero rere | Seance eee tall isin tesa Cec esa | ae Bhilomedes brendaspaird. 14 ae Su ec ee aed) hope oe otebicilleatiae eral sense neste Rinlomedes interpuncta Baird: © 42.4, ketene neler eee linet la aaa Schierochilus contortus Norman. ..:<...-+-%<---|+- «seer |. 4-2 yal seer Mestoleperis GepLessa sans B)\...e-) sc toler eens cies sie srctehe se ell ave eter sie Leas io pease i a a al MALACOSTRACA Leptostraca, and Arthrostraca. Acanthonotozoma serratum (Fabricius) 5, 18...... Acanthonotozoma inflatum eye) its a ee Spe Acanthostephia malmgreni Goes..........--....-- Acanthozone cuspidata (Lepechin} eet yas 3p Aceros phyllonyx He — RS AS Hee cm ach ontic AeA pROTAN( Ia) Aer oal Seeck seis aoiieye telepekoeieey gina longicornis ac gk Senta SAKE: SE igina spinosissima (Stimpson) 5 = /Equiella RPIMOSSISSIEINA, 20 a) steiei pele eeieleee stele cl inte tee neal Amathilla homari (J. C. Fabricius) 18..........-. Ampelisca eschrichtii Kroyer 18.. Be pi Ampelisca macrocephala Lilljeborg 5, 18, Joana. | Ampelisca typica Spence Bate................++-- Amphithoe podoceroides Rathke................. Apmbithoe punctata Say... --..-2-.---+2-2-594es- Amphithoe rubricata Motte hod ie) eae a Ades Sorte 8 ATOnyX/CxIGUUS SUIMPEON ese): <2 2 ' o eilee ee eel: Anonyx nugax (Phipps) 18, 35.................-.-- Anonyx pallidus Stimpson... ....-:.-.-.20ce 0-2 Anonyx politus Stimpson.........:.....-...--->--- Anonyx pumilus Lilljeborg............--.-----++-:: (Apherusa DISPINOSA Ts eicccis o. ee oo eee ee Arcturus baffini Westwood 18...............+...-- Astacilla granulata (G. O. Sars) 4, 5..............- Byblis gaimardii (Kroyer) 5, 18...............--- 10-60 Calathura brachiata (Stimpson) 4, 35...........-. Calliopius laeviusculus are) ? RNS. oe toe eee F Caprella linearis (L) 5, 18, 27.. CN See, | eae Caprella longimanus Stimpson. BERNE Wy. ea trae * i i aia! on Ge é x — wer AK Kw to a lo a a! a Tt a} bd “Ow * - MARINE INVERTEBRATES 251 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a BATHYMETRIC =TABLES—Continued. BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Min no and Inter- Fathoms. Max tidal |—— re Depth Zone. 1-15 15-50 , 50-100 100 x MALAcosTRACA—Con. Leptostraca and Arthrostraca—Con. @aprella sanguinea Gould. .i....55... 002 secs vues Caprella stimpsonii Spence Bate = C. robusta 27..|12........)........ x @entromedon' pumilus'18:.. 2c. 20-325 2506.8 oe ts Bees St tl lee ee x @hinidotesicoeca) (Say)! 4555.35.06... steocess sss PR ee Chiridotea tuftsii (Stimpson) 4, 5................. Ore ee Set eae x Cirolana borealis Lillejborg 4...................-. 302300... sulk ce eee x x x Cirolana concharum Stimpson 4.................-. GEIR Sas Ge Sane: x x Cirolana polita ‘Stimpson 4, §......5.6..2.......b I.T.-150. . x x x x x Days mysicis Kroyer 4,185... .s cvs. see ese see Dulichia porrecta Spence Bate 18................. Epelys montosus (Stimpson) = Edotea montosa Ce ee BGR OR ORC BIRA CG tetotc oe cic: GG EAE OM or roca AAO SF Wa ais x x Epimeria lorienta' Ga Os Sars Ose. de nanists ahela- S512 a ie Sl Boece BN ee see x x Ericthonius difformis Milne-Edwards 8 = E. rubri- POLIS ae Se eee pan eh aed SES 8-100.4- shee. x x x Eurycope robusta Harger = Eurycope cornuta CEC eo) Re a ac RE Ae ies en ea SO=4OO Mite st tear |e sacte areal ec he x x iusirus cuspidatus Kroyer... ...-.- 0... eeee ee Euthemisto bispinosa (Boeck) 5, 35............... | ae ol | (Anne | AS ee ee ec Euthemisto compressa Goes. 11. Decca a 5 aleve a Babies, rater es Oe Lad <2 ase | bee ag a ee ls eee Euthemisto libellula (Mandt.) fila g hehe ey e Pre to Ree) |S MAAS Ree i lied te é Gammaracanthus macrophthalmus Gohan pent). 5 Stee eet ree, ces x Gammarus locusta (L ?) J. C. Fabricius 18, 27.. Ir BESO ee x x x Gnathia cerina (Stimpson) 5, 18. 2102220 re cole ee son x x x x Gyge hippolytes (Kroyer) = Bopyroides ‘hippo- Ly tine oe) isis ays (Sreicnsiote lesa s/eGghhias wl aalen SORE Atlee: 6 aa x x x Halirages bispinosus (Spence Bate).. i a Halirages fulvocinctus (M. Sars) 5, Tage Sane f 0-220 eek hata st. x x x x aploopsisetoss Boeck 5 fogs. fnew cn on en S021 Obes ial ease x x x Haploops tubicola Lilljeborg 5, 18.................}15-106....]........ x x x Harpinia fusiformis (Stimpson)................... DO OO aia]. aan, eee lee es x x x Hyale littoralis (Stimpson) = Allorchestes litto- TEP TES, Gis Be ek Bt cats GRACO art Seo een eee aR RIS te ed epee x Hyperoche medusarum (Kroyer) = Hyperia me- CAEN IS 3S 5 ia eine ee Oe eet Seeing! | Sener Ine ions) Mimpeoticl lan APR incl reece meat Se Idotea marina (L) 5 = Idothea baltica 35......... Est -30...7. x x x Idotea phosphorea Harger 4, 27, 35.. Tet .—30. > x x x Idotea robusta Kroyer = Idothea metallica 35, 4510-91... oe x x x Jaera albifrons:Leach = Jaera marina, 4, 18, 35....|I.T....... x Daniraraltay (Stimpson) 4e,Oesec o> take 6 oa cde NO I.T.-487.. x x x x x Janira spinosa Harger = Tobella spinosa 4......... Lafystus sturionis Kroyer 5, 35...........2..2)...5- Leptocheirus pinguis (Stimpson) 47 = Ptilocheirus PINGUIS MO ees =e ties ee ie nrs oie tare teeters Secs O=150 eae ere. em x x x x Leptochelia filum (Stimpson) 4, 18.................|8-20......]........ x x Leucothoe grandimanus Stimpson................. CY) eee eed (Marie ranted bared tte x : Limnoria lignorum (Rathke) 4, 35................ 1=Sei- shaxrelliietikiet x : Lysianax spinifera (Stimpson)..................--- 2D) ooeecte cores] los ere Reed Pacer aie x Lysianopsis alba Holmes 5, 18, 27................- ye Gee | eerie ae x Maera danae(StHnpsOn)ho. esses. wee cc ade feel ee BOs Seem el teria «hese x VERE ANSI Sine eh oe ee eee ates ae PPS EOE) Sl Sete taeecel LEN che ene x Mayerella limicola Huntsman 41.................. Eee een 211s ate aie? x x Melita dentata(Kroyer)) 5, 18))27 2)... 9. «<4. 02 oes. ASO uel: ae x x x x MGA POESIIMEANSEIateieat on oe oe ecto iis sass Oats oe 7 eee eters | tomar anki leregeee estan ee eet x Melnhidipparsps md Giessen tae ee ands sec R= erence are ie x x x x Mefopa glacialiss(Karoyer) oases cce vevier (rw ye snag Astyris zonalis.. eA SORES OL One ee ae Atylus bispinosus. See Halirages bispinosus. Atylus vulgaris. See Pontogeneia inermis Aurelia aurita. See Aurelia flavidula. PIERS Ma tT AVA beaNe ct 628 love wack tele sie. 1st yalel ae we eos Auricula bidentata. See Melampus bidentatus. Auricula denticulata. See Alexia myosotis. Auricula myosotis. See Alexia myosotis. Autolytus longisetosus. See Nephthys naebeans Axinopsis orbiculata var. inaequalis. . Axinulus. See 'Cryptodon. Axinus ferruginosus. See Cryptodon (Axinulus) ferruginosus. Axionice flexuosa. Axiothea catenata.. i Wot Oc.) 0 OR aOICARCIOE. a Axiothella catenata. See Axiothea catenata. Balanusspalanoigdes:. ~ 22 24.5%. Balanus crenatus.. mueetedbapeeiciciteie set siiect Viere Balanus elongatus. See Balanus balanoides. Balanus hameri. Balanus improvisus. : Balanus ovularis. See Balanus ‘balanoides. Balanus porcatus. mien Ae Balanus rugosus. ‘See Balanus crenatus. Balticina finmarchica. . 5 BARENtSiAweraCilisns, sso cclee < Barentsia major.. Sis, Taye Se Pore CVC MERE. Bros creche Yes CTO ICME Bathyarca glacialis. See Arca (Bathyarea) glacialis. Bathyarea pectunculoides. See Arca Same Doe a Beania admiranda.. .. ate Bela americana. See Bela scalari is. Bela angulosa. Bela bicarinata. z Bela bicarinata var. violacea. Bela cancellata. See also Bela sarsil. Bela cancellata. Bela cancellata var. canadensis! Bela concinnula.. Se SOR, OHO rok De Le ACES RN Bela concinnula var. acuta. See Bela mitrula. Bela decussata.. .. Si steele ae Bela exarata. See alsa Bela concinnula. Bela exarata.. Bela gouldii.. os BRO NORGE Dhol bitte lata nS ae eee SCS Bela harpularia.. ei Bi voDe So os Four o Ser oCIOR RET Bela aie var. rosea. ’ See Bela rosea. Bela impressa. Bela incisula.. Bae Fag, ore Mare eee Liane. k toes Sven aeey sien Yous, e's EGE ete nrN INCI Meenas ey ee Maye icie aisle fener aver Vehe. Cele Meroy mlaysolspalejevujoie (Zz kei 20 UNIS). be cone kd Clam oe Oro! $C UES 263 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. 243 Catalogue. or or 30 138 ~ or 264 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Bela pingelii.. e PhaRSMckes Moteke Alte) foleteretamue) comets Bela Mleurotomarnia cesses s.c sie Mae ers) Pere ESCA eMOSC Ate) neem cie) Rekevelsimics) oye) \ye' Bela rugulata. See Bela gouldii. BCIGMSATrSliCw. ZenRiee ce ns ee Rieacsrcd GAN cle) ee eee em. eae iA sre aie e. Cal gel om Oreo Gro ccmeote sian oc Bela turricula. See Bela scalaris. Bela woodland. 2 scree eRe otcahele’ scene he 254 267 Chelyosoma macleayanum. See Chely osoma ‘geometricum. Chemnitzia bisuturalis. See Odostomia bisuturalis. Chemnitzia nivea. See Turbonilla nivea. Chemnitzia seminuda. See Odostomia seminuda. (HIGNOECCLERRODUILO meee aietetacreave se: avetelsits Woteliielosa atey eychiwcleAgitin. 96> eel dave) usi'y 253 261 ARENA Lele aah aie ciel Aen eisrewuemcis) “chef iiste) Ca suetiatoken wiient etedens 235 AT STATA LOA COC CARNE ce ioe ons aiey Wein alecimiiersy ie, rise nee ekel tere) Tele aie dhelell sss PA ib 238 AGU RUSC CAML REGIE TaN Ret an Aca Rint vores das Aare? Rafer ieict umion Ruseipeance ales year aha gcc 251 238 Chirodota oolitica. See Trochostoma coliticum. Chiroteuthis lacertosa.. .. Reha «act ltet oNare Mciais Telistate en receatee 248 210 Chiton albus. See Trachydermon ‘albus. Chiton alveolus. See Lepidopleurus alveolus. Chiton cancellatus. See Lepidopleurus cancellatus. Chiton cinereus. See Trachydermon ruber. Chiton emersonii. See Amicula vestita. Chiton fulminatus. See Tonicella marmorea. Chiton marmoreus. See Tonicella marmorea. Chiton mendicarius. See Hanleyia mendicaria. Chiton ruber. See Trachydermon ruber. Chiton vestitus. See Amicula vestita. Chlamys (Placopecten) clintonius. See Pecten (Placopecten) magellanicus. Chlamys (Aequipecten) irradians. See Pecten gibbus var. borealis. Chlamys islandica. See Pecten (Chlamys) islandicus. @hanuractiniade NOUOSA ct ce) Sead cick cist w ie. ccechieisla cle Sie wisp) ofan are) 'slol Ye ©) fem 234 38 Chrondrocanthus cornutus. Fe Ae PO ONS OM cree Foal Bevel Nae! hata hs waheay tals ace 249 MHTAnNGMOCATICMMNEINGE CMS <0 srs ere ecleret satel =) d-teyie a. <6) eile Toleele te] vie te io! iene 249 (Suavormve VEE See ee Se BS Sit Pcie Olah omecn Cur ato eo lc 237 HONOR Che DAML Ching oreo re Pie ow ieve) Uh oats « enet ioe, stot Soleo epet Nokes he Sit isle eve sy tere 237 Cinarnay ir cronbi ehh oorttsis ee Awe Ais ecm RIO: acucle.c. Tulare cloe CDmicida cro 6 237 7 WHOMCRDEUIC Close trae tch oe cdereie ost alee Sess we tiene. Tat ah ene orem Tels. veer tats 237 Chone sp.. .. Se eR ay cal relat rot oh pomeme tee atom ake gale cote chs 237 Chrysodomus spitzbergensis. ’ See Sipho spitzbergensis. Gini aAm ONO) eACUICUS. |. rcicleusleeictiere tse) Neus, cis) eich eter sels hts en oe, ate 246 171 Cingula arenaria.. .. Brae Tare) een are. 4 WOON ecole ta omen eo ate 246 170 Cingula (Alvania) areolata. SRS Te ee keen Pole cere RON ETE ee eter ee Teta Sets 246 170 Cingula carinata.... .. Bee sirah oe Ne SOTA Meteo Moltiteer rete” vcteihitete 246 170 Cingula (Alvania) castanea. SP etree, Corea, A Raa Sere Tay” patter. 246 1k7/a ke Cingula globulus.. .. . Bie EN eee yom ciate oro oNee Riese! otek ayo) sah or atit hoof es 246 169 Cingula (Alvanea) jan smeyent. eee aera: Sierra R le etic ens > aacueieoare 246 liga Oinsulacamiii tae aie eee fuck ts. tess at ato loroRrercIMElst lois, olson “ecciitels, Lis saeue teaeee 246 169 JEN EAE STENT PCS, Dae, RA Re ee tel at aE TRS 246 E 170 Cingula semicostata. See Cingula carinata. Ciona intestinalis. See Ciona tenella. @ionwatene liar yas xara eeaicia tists ye ieve bowed oleh Nev) cts! Weuel ve sic eel wishes teattee eae 254 26T TT OLAnE Ae OMG ALUS catetey coed fener coics clic Melis? ayev iiss. cto, whan erehiciay oho ata Mat cbmace teatte 251 38a—183 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Cirolana concharum.. Cirolana polita.. Cirratulus cirrata. See Cirratulus cirrhatus. CIELAT MINS “CIFTHACUS eb cio) eis o's) Sie, are eee, ee ae Pe eee te LORE isteniaes eranulata.. «2... ss Cistenides hyperborea.. Sie "aia SN eget Reta aye heen Cladocarpus cornutus. See Aglaophenopsis cornuta. Cladocarpus pourta lesii.. Cladocarpus speciosus.. Seo a eater esa eS TO AD AIRAOFHIZACADYSSICOlA < fac 68 5a ee. ate aoyesie Uae ee ee cae eae 232 16 BLEONCS (CY MMGTICA Asoc siep avers is. csisup sis nus.ats oy ave Meret enenreUen entt neat. aetna eeeioee 238 81 HMECHAeLA MATIN ry erel yee 8s vse cco ets eh ole USE Te te te eee 249 Euchone (7?) ee 00 ee eal te 238 EINCHONG TUDIICINCUA . < te.e se) siete es Geneve: ohek fetal RUMEN TA lon ee ORE 2 et 238 Euchone tuberculosa.. ... HEHE Gch ROR ets aco ec 238 Eucope alternata. See Obelia. geniculata. Eucope diaphana. See Obelia geniculata. Eucopella caliculata. See Campanularia caliculata. ?Eucranta villosa. See Eupolynoe occidentalis. ICV UNETS SAE EMST clue ie eels csiaisie) oie hs, fete! Loney mepeabeyel ele! tole. Make mahane GES dae 250 DAL BGM TUNICA MIELEC co. lic. bso cists -s) Miwa oles he Ain OPAL one Inue rs, hea De Sone mae 233 20 PNGENaAriNMCINAHEVEUMI, 5 oss) eke. ers) les. one he) Voie MBE cere: | 014. detrei eee MnctS 233 20 LEV bREVEY FG OR EL Cole TS) Ff CER Gos, eee oF icace aioe a timcin:- Con Clow csom arc are ow 233 20 BMIASUIG EMT MAINE MIM c.c.976 00 eel) ore foile) anes fovel Be fotele sel Malet mee Mlisyret Vevelwena) otsld) kisrc 233 19 Budendrium ramosum.. .. .. .. 2. 2s «6 ee «0 ee oe oe os oe we oe 233 19 FNOeUETINI) CORUC. 40 sists oe sw er eiehon vole) Were Stel Cora et) a See ee ae 233 20 HudoreliavCManeinatar.. (se sels cle oie fale’ leey Maren Meter viele fone) Neto asta Tens 252 243 ID EORIIE RS NOG Eis Gaeta oo oe oo to fore Oo coos Domo qoegd wa oc 252 244 Eudorella integra. . ac APC Cod COO, .oitn ideeECIOde. to fb. 5 252 244 Eudorella pusilla. . A IO OTS, ae 252 244 Eudorellopsis integra. See Eudorella integra. Eugyra glutinans.. 25, De oo sob eb 254 271 DTrace Og Re Sa, Sock oinkecwoh Otol GitemCONE Ga aoe o's. oS olerae 254 271 MMA SteCROSCOMIa see cig vcicbe ie ou ele noted ole Mets uicleh pevemiete? oie lelelmes tant lenere 246 163 iSite RHO Ses Beabawagts- Gomoosecesp oh Gord oMonen > aos ce ivo ae 232 15. Eumenia crassa.. . BE dC AICS MaCHO NN rote SRS Ct OM Ole ban rsh! ocho 238 78 Eunephthya glomerata. See Eunepthya lutkeni. IDEAS ayo eR Chel LACS) Vy oh cic Coal ae tyre tone Cala Se IOI “Goon CMCC Mid de oo! cc 235 32 IBS VRIES DSR atch SIS UIDIOMe AGAR GeO ECC LOMO ECIO. MtChOmn OSC O cs ool sade 238 Euniceerstedii.. .. © sibs Ure cls ro ebeiohen® (ove Reoto te tel teem ene 238 80: Eunice vivida. See TLeodice ‘vivida. [dirhevit anna Geakay a cG GeO Oe cues ca aC anc eGw SORA MOMMLGIQE Gc sok Oe 238 86 ITICEESTCOLUSIA MES epic clot (DG) Me\cuisel feted tote ele mnie phallic cca monalareyey eeeewvana 238 86 Eunoa spinulosa. . SS TR ACOs Cet PEO? CCHOWANO Ne Mis ath LOS MRO, KAMA a tits ioe 238 86 Eupagurus bernhardus. at Rah I ROE eC She Onc rae ice ut eons, Gea iC 253 258. BMAPASUrUs, KLOVELTI sco ac fac ice sie | sae. pels! sisipus)al veiets slat cel seve terete tally 253 259 Eupagurus pubescens. . BOIS Th AC ENCOUN eS Cai ITE On .c 253 259: BPE OSVNe MBLC ALIS cpl cie/. ti) cot clefens’ lelery (s'-6) “elles sie) elim Welle.” Weite)™, ito” fe fevuNie fe 238 88 BUGOLVMOC -AMNLICOSLICNSIS..- oc) cic, ees sees ss) “lst vs. s \isie We iamey= iNet Mate! the 238 85. BTUIpPOly MOS OGRIGEMtALIS. ~. ci sc.) sie. ee as) Nels) eye nejetcatel ow sree twist Cael «feb eens 238 85 Eupyrgus scaber.. .. . Sb iat tare LA OR: BEE Ses 235 46 Euryale scutatum. See ‘Gorgonocephalus penal : Eurycope robusta... .. es 251 238 Euryechinus drobachiensis. “Hee Strongylocentrotus ‘drobachiensis. Eurytemora herdmani. Salis ar tale, coyor tare: Mince teste gets: Meter ftans, Wave Are 249 EMIS mMUSUCHROINAMISG oS) Set cicmie lee tre, cole iletiieres bere) acle@Lates Uelen oar isis 1 ahel ie eiirore 251 225. EMIS VALISEUO LEEK oS) aia) aie, dois ois) ole. cele ale: veerire volt ohettetielt olielu iis’ Plstcom*valys\Mifetela ie 238 81 HWotnemisto DISDINOSc.. se os leis cele pare: ous. Sale i=iell oe) em Moller Ret ap hd sl Leia 251 219: Euthemisto compressa... aah ly rene 251 Euthemisto libellula.. 251 219 Evadne nordmanni.. 248 Evadne spinifera.. 248 F Fasciola angulata. See Amphiporus angulatus. Fasciola rosea. See Amphiporus roseus. Fasciolaria ligata. See pe goede “A ligatus. Fasciporina flexuosa... .. .. .. eisafone Wie teas Ae, Liste Sete: Stoll dente Boron honey mene 242 113 Palellim Tex PANSUM|-1.5) “dice tere te. ahs ere vel ey Tenel vebal cele 2 alo MR RV P84 Filellum serpens.. .. .. See be) ve aeaebbienete ahah hee Mise sels Aare! Morale cnet ae Meee eh 233 BIO RT ANA IOS TANA, Vs. cist cis yo ck fs 10 Saye oeier Mais, ele) Seip cobs. acct ae ORME Oe 238 bia belligend minis’ 25 fo. kare ce oUt etal ae iin ee ee 238 Mlabeliumyanpialares: 25... cin je) Sisk aie eee 6, sl eee ee eee 235 41 Ma bellumMs, FOOSE 51/5 esis arse en heie? pave nce Seen Pe gett ee ee Le 235 41 RLUSELAT ADV SSICONA oo ssage oe Poise sl in ie inyh ain eyel lovee fob oh, ict borate nee ee eee 241 95 EUUStraWOKEAISy < 12)sh) Be eS ae Devel cede eekeraled Mole: -e gun ec Rees 241 9f MUstr ats CATDASEAW os sedi. ole, ns vee Vadehreve. lie) ave yeual SMe ence re 241 95 Flustra digitata. See Flustra carbasea. Flustra ellisii. See Caberea ellisii. Flustra hispida. See Flustrella hispida. Flustra membranaceo-truncata. ah Sha) ea te wt BSS Ue e AW eden hee 241 94 Flustra papyrea. See Flustra carbasea. ; Flustra pilosa. See Electra pilosa. ISLET a SECUMETONS. 4) 2). ett, Wyo 6 Sie) tions eet eae ae ee ee 241 MARINE INVERTEBRATES 273 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. Catalogue. SUIS ERASE) tomes) Weta h Sen Oc eis (6 Moye) ZS heiic®, 0.6). rele: sienst sels) waver evoht eye Mrocolalo stele 232 AG Iphimedia vulgaris. See Pontogeneia inermis. NSN AES MD ALCESOLM i arsuslsts) Saleh tics arevecerossee see) A Ria exe) “ecs). Gurl Ayah elie. yous? ynter yey 249 217 STAC IAV AICS ietcie frac raises) elie [ove uisilertspeo, is: ey "joum “asigs aroha te ekereteie cB aee cuah hepa ate 249 SUC OLA cine cll sda ete lait cece, sicticvcle) aval a i, acon cet oe tOMe Mates, ov untae EL 5 246 206 Tschnochiton (Trachydermon) albus. See Trachydermon albus. Tschnochiton ruber. See Trachydermon ruber. Tsocirrus? 238 J AGHA mA VER OMS rem ether l cict hex st chai iarey oe Searaisegeler te. an vsclomeicke wis reiel aus lends 251 237 Jaera copiosa. See Jaera albifrons. Jaera nivalis. See Jaera albifrons. Jaminia exigua. See Odostomia bisuturalis. Jaminia seminuda, See Odostomia seminuda. MAUI ALA LC ane Pot tatous Meme nee helarcl= «bach e Rave: foe Wea dee le eee) seh tellennetye 251 237 ERAS DIT OS Aer meee he iemiae, alee rater eile | sclert eleagitus: (has er senessr eave’ lores re eos 251 237 K Kellia ferruginosa. See ‘Cryptodon (Axinulus) ferruginosus. eli amsubOnpiCulaniste mry-qmetae nicmere a2 1 ests ideacs Sulanereik ch eee od ate 243 138 276 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Kennerlia glacialis.. .. .. nice (Sceth tener Keratoisis ornata. See Ceratoisis ‘ornata.. Kinetoskias arborescens.. .. ste ate rane Kinetoskias flexilis. See ‘Kinetoskias smittii. Kinetoskias (Bugulopsis) flexilis. See Kinetoskias smittii. Kinetoskias smittii.. .. .. .. Kinnetoskias arborescens. See Kinetoskias arborescens. KrithesCuyvobates) i partONnenBiS)s).0 s:- cc icis | os Uslel Mate) Male 1 L Labidocera aestiva.. a eae teers Lacuna divaricata, See Lacuna vincta. IPO SEE HEA EWEN ITI OF SPS BG nd) sade Op ice O Lacuna neritoidea.. Be) porcic bev ES AMG oe Gea oc) oo on Laenilla glabra. WAASUMONICE A LIMAED.).\ sie) aie) leis) sis) baler ere le Laetmonice filicornis. = ail tes Laetmonice producta var. assimilis. Laevicardium mortoni. See Cardium (Eaevicardium) ‘mortoni. Lafoea dumosa.. .. a1 ous 36 Lafoea fruticosa. Hincks. " See Tafoea eracillinia: Lagoea fruticosa Sars. eka Oe OOeito OaMtine & WAT OC MET ACILIVIMN A ce raaetel Viele. nareh seus [el e) wens! car sine oleae Lafoea pygmaea.. Lafoea robusta... Mohair nes ue lafoea ‘symmetrica.. ...... = Lafystus sturionis. Lagena apiculata.. Ok OPEC OED Oar Sc IDOI NGI) ete Seon SIGE OO LAID wDio SOL SIG, CO: x0 Dae Ollt.o Waarena LlIODOSA a] 6 cles eel se sc Lagena laevis.. Lagena marginata.. sire Maelss bieke, Niel efate NERO CAETITGLO le oe see tmarey ie, vieiellelalasof cle of level ole¥ toilet "ie ch Feteeitoe Lagena ornata.. SH tall BoM tetel ste! AI eee es NMA ENAa SCMIStEIAta cle) s/cy re Wels) (ere) Cele mic) eles se MIAO CTM A SOMAMIOS AT vere ele) clell fele! Salis cin) wlimtuiel =) invslinrapa Lagena striatopunctata.. ..... ° WASENVASSIICATA LG Hee leis) ec) ge. sieht olen ele. sie) Navel coho Lagenipora spinulosa. belle Fits Fae Lagisca rarispina. ; si Asst Ale Lagisca rarispina var, occidentalis. aid oltre Lamellaria perspicua. See Marsenina glabra. Lamellidoris muricata. See Onchidoris muricata. Lamellidoris pallida. See Onchidoris i cma Lamprops quadriplicata.. .. .. .. «. «. Lanassa nordenskioldi.. .. .. ate Laomedea amphora. See Campanularia flexuosa. Laomedea flexuosa, See Campanularia flexuosa. (?) Laomedea gelatinosa. See Obelia commissuralis. Leachia granulata. See Astacilla granulata. Leaena abranchiata.. at Obs et nasje Weanira tetragona.. <. sis «2 se Leanira yhleni.. .. . BR Nets, ae Leda buccata. See Leda pernula var. jacksonii. Leda jacksonii. See Leda pernula var. jacksonii, Leda limatula. See Yoldia limatula. Ee CD TMELERUE Corot cto bial (os baile) Wale ai ualaj wieteinys Leda myalis. See Yoldia myalis. ?Leda obesa. See Yoldiella lucida. Leda pernula. 5 Bie Leda pernula var. jacksonii.. Ae Leda (Yoldia) sapotilla. See Yoldia’ sapotilla_ Leda tenuisulcata.. 5 4¢ Leieschara coarctata. See Myriozoum coarctatum. Leieschara subgracile. See Myriozoum subgracile. WICOMICOHVIVIGA Se cis cis Vet ioe! stel Urleh cle rele sts Lepas balanoides, See Balanus balanoides. Lepas fascicularis.. SRN AY foremost bee Lepas fasciculatus. See ees fascicularis. Lepas hillii. ree ett, Pale. vxe Lepeophtheirus hippoglossi. Lepeophtheirus salmonis. CIM, toa ciel teen reke) Cave el aes Lssyere CEC Wy oy CSAS eA cHuctrin Oi OO Sno PO ODA aan 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. 243 241 Catalogue. 144 94 94 217 84 84 124 124 125 125 79 214 155 MARINE INVERTEBRATES SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Lepidonote cirrata. See Harmothoe imbricata. Lepidonote punctata. See Lepidonotus squamatus. Lepidonotus squamatus.. Bs mepidopleurus: alvyeoluss= 2.) i oes Seo ee ce ey Lepidopleurus cancellatus. Lepralia abyssicola. See Mucronella abyssicola. Lepralia annulata. See Cribrilina annulata. Lepralia bella. See Porella bella. Lepralia belli. See Porella concinna. Lepralia candida. See Smittia candida, Lepralia concinna. See Porella concinna. Lepralia crassispina. See Porella skenei. Lepralia globifera. See Smittia globifera. Lepralia hippopus. - Lepralia hyalina. See Schizoporella hyalina. Lepralia labiata. See Rhamphostomella scabra var, Lepralia landsborovii. See Smittia landsborovii. Lepralia linearis. See Schizoporella linearis. Lepralia lineata. See Schizoporella linearis. Lepralia (Discopora) megastoma. . “yas Lepralia minuta. See Porella minuta. Lepralia peachii. See Mucronella age Lepralia pertusa. ‘ Lepralia plana. See Myriozoum planum. Lepralia producta. See Smittia producta. Lepralia punctata. See Cribrilina punctata. Lepralia spathulifera.. .. ita Lepralia trispinosa. See Smittia trispinosa. Lepralia tubulosa. See Porina tubulosa. Lepralia ventricosa. See Mucronella ventricosa. Lepralia verrucosa. See Umbonula verrucosa. Lepralia vitrea. See Cellepora contigua. Leptasterias groenlandica.. AY OAAOE Leptasterias littoralis.. ...... .. Leptasterias tenera.. Leptocheirus pinguis.. Leptochelia filum. . SBCs coche Me aS ty gata eee: AES & Leptochiton alveolus. See Lepidopleurus adveolus. Leptochiton cancellatus. See Lepidopleurus cancellatus. Leptoclinides faeroensis. . Leptoclinum albidum.. . Leptoclinum albidum var. luteolum. Leptoclinum luteolum. See Leptoclinum albidum "var. Leptoplana ellipsoides. Leptoptychaster arcticus. R Leptothoe danae. See Maera danae. Lernaea branchialis. Lernaea branchialis var, sigmoidea. " See Lernaea branchialis. Lesaea minuta. See Turtonia minuta. Lestoteuthis fabricii. See Gonatus fabricii. Leucon nasicoides. 16 Leucon nasicus. Leucosolenia cancellata. Leucothoe glacialis. See | Metopa ‘i giaclalis. Leucothoe grandimanus. imate ets Libinia emarginata. é Lichenopora clypeiformis. . Lichenopora hispida. . Lichenopora regularis. . Lichenopora verrucaria. Lima subauriculata. See Limatula ‘subauriculata, Lima suleata. See Limatula subauriculata, MimacinameoOuldiic 2. os 2 trees wee Limatula subauriculata. Limax papillosus. See Aolis ‘papillosa. Limneria undata. See Velutina (Limneria) undata. TeimMNOTlawWEMOLUM S.A oe ls lacs atees case te, sac Limnoria terebrans. See Limnoria lignorum. MIN GUSESAN EINE ISM ume meee estate ty ee kee ee ee TIMGNSTSOCIALISHENM Aube nical Seis ck ineus) truncatus...) seo. Lineus viridis. OS. 0 Sade EG Boece eI Linkia oculata. See Cribrella sanguinolenta. Linkia pertusa, See Cribrella sanguinolenta. 277 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. 241 bo bo bo Go Oro bo bo bo Catalogue. 101 101 He bo Ooo NIIAAH bo bo 278 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. Catalogue. Liocardium mortoni. See Cardium (Laevicardium) mortoni. Ile germnaradvactlen AB ldoetoe oc. Go oo UGdMoo od co phage monoc OG is 243 136 PHOSLOMTA EDULE also. siet icles) ck Gets. Kevetilcle satapayeiee pefler eye) acl'st casi oieturoremct oie 246 163 LS SO ohiuarlecci bre) iGoly op ON PE aeie ene AG) boo BELOELO ch: co chaChCmRCnCMCcCin oD | chatenrcme 254 loikiitste Ys paliC ithe co) Go Rpoeee GON “Stoner ce GO. 2.5. oO cemcaemcEo MO lon ic Tot 253 260 PALORINAMIEOTC Ire a oulais yolailicis: (oteyleior sie Oeics leteMMeteMiie \AFo\s\ \ohnulie ledavoRsieeete 246 airy Sooo EVENS 5 CREDO O OO OM OD Od oe Co oo od oomcumcon imc on ud 246 172 (Btorina ers sees ctx Ssh ok Wereurciclae sly wr ter mmeRO MRIs ss. o'%a. "inve)) ocaeeney atsite 246 aly yy Littorina arctica. See Litorina palliata. Littorina groenlandica. See Litorina rudis. Littorina littoralis. See Litorina palliata. Littorina littorea. See Litorina litorea, Littorina palliata. See Litorina palliata. Littorina rudis. See Litorina rudis. Littorina tenebrosa. See Litorina rudis. Littorinella minuta. See Cingula niinuta. Lizzia octopunctata. Lobularia rubiforme, See Alcyonium rubiforme. Loligo illecebrosa. See Illex illecebrosus. MOG AStCERULCILER Tse aL to ee ce) Se avers Se Mets ot var seh eechebeor a 236 52 Mophohelia oculifera.i.) BF OPO ete Sr Mee vo” ol ay aed pow eke dyer 235 42 Lophothuria fabricii.. .. . ‘ Mechs cad frafer ene des eksiemenoip eens 235 45 Lottia testudinalis. See Acmaea “testudinalis. Lovenella whiteavesii. See Cerithiella whiteavesii. OX OCONCH ACS DS sate Sie Cates. elec te. wie. Jak Gate baaiitios! ts 33, wane) Relkeytreram lene e eds 250 At Lucernaria auricula. "See Manania auricula. Lucernaria phrygia. See Myriothela oe Lucernaria quadricornis.. .. . : - 5 233 29 Lucina flexuosa, See Cryptodon gouldii. Lucina gouldii.See Cryptodon gouldii. Lumara flava. See Thelepus cincinnatus. Lumbricoclymene sp.. .. RYoye pcitshasi ee cope PAs OC 238 Lumbriconereis cf. assimilis. Cee PORIOIO DI ao Die 'o! ety AER M TOMO IOL AG Deno Oe 238 Lumbriconereis fragilis... .. .. SOMO Sa O cr OM uiae 238 80 Lumbriconeris fragilis. ‘See Lumbriconereis fr eee. Lumbricus cirratus. See (Cirratulus cirrhatus. Lumbricus fragilis) See Lumbriconereis fragilis. Lumbrinereis fragilis. See Lumbriconereis fragilis. TUMDTINGEELS MED CSE 4 avons Sh tee wat lelee ruvamestd Bhi eee ease rte te 238 80 Lunatia groenlandica.. con Ta usta Vore’y Was tects Gre Nae ela pret atee ah Demeter ae Rare ned: 246 165 imunatia heros. e. . tip Pea Oe FcR NER OM prit MOMT I ee Ieee OG! oie, has 246 165 Lunatia heros var. triseriata. aR eT RE EO REN hss acc. cao) LSS 246 166 Lunatia immaculata........ -- puis one. chews siearel fer ee odeeedr stewie mene 246 165 LOVDETEDOE Tes SES OE RN, «ore ROT Ene le leaks ChOSMIE Smee NCPR MED A ade oy Me rt kets Abie. 247 165 Lunatia triseriata. See Lunatia heros var. triseriata. Lupa pelagica. See Neptunus sayi. Lycoris, See Nereis. Lyonsia arenosa. F 244 145 Lyonsia hyalina.. sid eds cee 244 145 Lysianassa appendiculata. See Anonyx nugax. Lysianassa spinifera. See Lysianax spinifera. Lysianax spinifera.. ith Cextrh hea regal ieten nevete ate) ole goceyecesTotenl shoals cee ie bce tiers 251 Poets Lysianopsis alba. y 251 Lytocarpus myriophyllum. See Thecocarpus myriophyllum. M Machaera costata. See Siliqua costata. Machaera nitida, See Siliqua squama. Machaera squama. See Siliqua squama. Machaeroplax bella. See Solariella obscura var. bella. Machaeroplax obscura. See Solariella obscura. Machaeroplax obscura var. bella. See Solariella obscura var. bella. Machaeroplax varicosa. See Solariella varicosa. Macoma, DAalenicas |: suck weiss ew elena ere, kel ier ils i) oat he eiMovameiepomtin sl leis 244 141 Macoma balthica fusca. See Macoma balthica. WEA COMA CAICATEA <->. Miees wens eels mice * cyt 10 nie © otfecje\'o,¥ oe ane eM ieioy olemetssese 244 142 Macoma fragilis. See Macoma balthica. Macoma fusca. See Macoma balthica. MEACOMA dtl tance uccel eps Me esl Ose Ceci er cree cocoa ciiely tek oun) tito MMrlensTeRoeh str eral 244 143 Macoma proxima. See Macoma calcarea. Macoma sabulosa. See Macoma calcarea. Macoma tenera. See Macoma calecarea. Maecroclinuim! POTNUMI ss. Se8 oie a eels wheres) cle sol) cue eR GUE on MC SUCRe) Sota 254 MARINE INVERTEBRATES SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a 279 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. Mactra deaurata. See Mesodesma deauratum. Mactra gigantea. See Spisula (Hemimactra) solidissima. Mactra lateralis. See Mulinia lateralis. Mactra ovalis. See Spisula (Hemimactra) polynyma. Macectra polynyma. Mactra ponderosa. Mactra similis. Mactra solidissima. tellinoides. Madrepora verucaria. Mactra See Spisula (Hemimactra) polynyma. See Spisula (Hemimactra) solidissima and \S. polynyma. See Spisula (Hemimactra) solidissima. See Cumingia tellinoides. See Lichenopora verrucaria. RUA AML ATICUC embeds is ere vercisiiis ce are, latlsi “ocd Sifel! ena, fe iehielel MaveMMeno Meco Moe REICH AMEN et aiata ote) avera) A ovate ieletLiaxei ie. of matiel vies ieye oe eis: oa aheg, IatohaheMNenmmtnt ame Maldane sarsii. Ace Sy etn casctcn Kate? syelh os. 3!) Jo s0 Mente ae RCE Ret Malmegrenia whiteavesii. Mamma (?) immaculata. Mammillifera incrustata. See Lunatia immaculata, See Epizoanthus incrustatus. VAAN AREAAT EL CUL Aya 2) ie) icisk she, Vata Tetsu che ove v=, supinne seiselpas.ep. /eusabte je. econea bones Lene Mangelia pyramidalis. Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarita Margarites undulatus. See Bela pleurotomaria. acuminata... . er ah G eo) hic ce alabastrum. See Calliostoma’ occidentale. arctica. See Margarita helicina. argentata. See Margarita olivacea, bella. See Solariella obscura var. bella. campanulata. See tis dea helicina. cinerea. ae BRED state fac a. obt's. clean RTI OMT EIN ora a te cinerea var. er andis. ecostulata. See Molleria costulata. glauca. See Margarita olivacea. groenlandica. See Margarita undulata. LVS NS UOE NSE Gt BiG (OR TD Ou hs, OCU RCI EEROM ECR ORCS er ech Oe obscura. See Solariella obscura. olivacea. ‘ striata. See Margarita cinerea. striata. See Margarita undulata. TING AIS Sy ior sven slat Méeivg aus’. eC Lsiee, Vokeilasreeh etamecaiel! tore: evs! lee ALT reels hy tenon eerclistazakeles ali i's. ce.0)\ ce) Ma cumteteiy SPmeyere svat tel st. cperc varicosa. See Solariella varicosa. See Margarita undulata. ESIES OTIS SLADE Av arvteva, Sever care. cost Lanes devel [oje” Save) ote ape tte wecie eee eee ele Marsenina Mayerella limicola. . groenlandica. See Marsenina glabra. See Spisula (Hemimactra) solidissima and S. polynyma. Meckelia olivacea. Medusa Medusa Medusa Medusa Meganyctiphanes norvegica. See Cerebratulus fuscus. aequorea. See Polycanna groenlandica. aurita. See Aurelia flavidula. ecapitata. See Cyanea arctica. digitale See Trachyneme digitale. See Nyctiphanes norvegica. Mera OloiawthraGiaeLOonmiis as) yo, castarl a tela uc emistes oie ef isie seen ey sien ve 66 Melampus bidentatus. Melampus corneus. See Melampus ‘pidentatus. | Melampus lineatus.. .. Seon) SON Ge Melania rufa. See Turbonilla interrupta . var. fulvocincta. Melicertum campanula. Melinna cristata.. ...........-. Me NereRei, chats sates on Nave Me, wh eSnd aiceye ets PECHCCHMOLE MCR A cana e mrs cra hte sie cieveitrt ce Gertie) rave diva cece. sist etek eet mee Leas NEGMICAM ZOOS ea acl ete itecy sictrcnceter es ait mele” ict lela. ach eia Ucae Dee pete Bi aie Melphidippa sp.. .. < oes aid Membranipora armifera. See Membranipora. sophiae var. armifera. MembpraninorasCraticulayolim vec ett stele ein oan oles hues tie bre lele Missiles Membanipora eymbiformis. PREM spe eve murch aT Pelia tae Piscentbehe rues Mores eden ake Wem brani pOrapOumeriiiiice rslom cee eiet beer leis: senar> elle: iia "fe, Stave Orso hee) Bib ave Membranipora flemingii.. .. Membranipora flemingii var. trifolium. Membranipora flemingii var. minax, See Membranipora trifolium. See Ramphonotus minax. MempLani PpOramACrOlxciicin mc ctie ccc Motte a fh Onsite Canc wre ok. semi Memibraniporawlineatanp emt tre Te neta nee. Se traits wid ava" Sian: oe) feral bale Membranipora minax. See Ramphonotus minax. Membranipora monostachys. Membranipora pilosa. Membranipora sacculata. Membranipora solida. See Electra ‘pilosa. See Membranipora trifolium. See Membranipora trifolium. Membranipora sophiae.. .... cies ists tate tera there stereh cc Met. Urey sun ctetanrs Membranipora sophiae var. armifera. Membranipora spinifera Mer DrAlllDOLAmenLOLUImmee Msi cis) o's yecekneleh ietarh octet cter che ere, ender Catalogue. 280 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. Catalogue. Membranipora, UNICOLMIS| i.) ec ers, Las) cis) ater Uael esisil ite oleic eieiel! wre tile lle) dn is)e 241 96 Membraniporella crassicosta. ate AS CuO cercucnltO Ne Ok As aon 241 98 Menestho aebula. See also Menestho striatula. MenespiHon alia), ticmeeicoclsn lic. vo iste chon iasete cr cufars mucueiMenemaetn? tare\ iteilec iets 247 162 Menestho striatula.. .. .. Rhee seks! chen, Sista terematemevave. volar(cle wre 247 162 Menipea fruticosa. ‘See Bugula murrayana. Menipea ternata.. .. ... BeiSa an toay BiStaG? loo oo oRindartouco 241 92 Mercenaria mercenaria. See Venus mercenaria. Mercenaria violacea. See Venus mercenaria. Mertensia cucullus. See Mertensia ovum. ECT ECNISIA OVAULIM wrk cies crs mste inc. eles aliay tocol ie ce rcelel, teres Rekeneete relent etc aievspmaneaere 231 10 IN MEO, eeoratbaqh Ot ben ieies aaeicn eortivG.o 4) cai aieno.0 L cltee Oo OO. GOR aims. 0.0} wan c 231 10 MolinaeSUDLOCUMG Aa: come) role Mtotoen tt rel ster shake setae kee 4 231 10 WOE ih ker babe C thy AD mo BO iaosoG (Obed slot Och OleOle acnieO O 231 10 Zou 10 Wheres qanlfopm by yn ae ee rs ai) cic bid) GLO. eoxo aD is (CO Uno OMOrcmMON Ie Choeechc Millepora lichenoides. See Hornera lichenoides. Millepora reticulata. See Rhamphostomella scabra. Millepora skenei. See Porella skenei. Millepora truncata. See Myriozoum subgracile. Modiola? cicercula, See Crenella decussata. Modiola (Brachydontes) demissa.. .. de! Wath pai suas, ore del ea trenae wens 244 120 Modiola discrepans. See Modiolaria discors. Modiola glandula. See Crenella glandula. Modiola laevigata. See Modiolaria discors. Modiola modiolus.. .. Ba a Soe OO eon OSS 244 120 Modiola nexa. See Modiolaria nigra. Modiola nigra. See Modiolaria nigra. Modiola pectinula. See Crenella pectinula, Modiola plicatula. See Modiola (Brachydontes) demissa. Modiola? vitrea. See Dacrydium vitreum. NOdTOlAaniarCOrrMieatacer watts wen a aelalater! de) vate, Re aie baie MRSS eee 244 121 WEDOIGLATI A OISCOLS(S opicicr cco diate ici, acotiste. ate. cote, aiet matoe eon tee reuse eters 244 120 Modiolaria discrepans. See Modiolaria nigra. Modiolaria laevigata. See Modiolaria discors. Moto lamiay mien ass. itouticc Meare cA oc caelele tis a anes. 2 RBIS GE aie cit eee 244 121 Molla ulittoraliss..(:icrhais. eho Klisapsterelen ole. ie ic: eacmlaee Rees Ele ee 254 270 Mole nlaspann Grea ar Grain, 3 2k ie atl te ee es MC asco a a ae sae eee 255 270 Molgula papillosa.. recy MOMS rites 3 PEC aD 255 270 Molgula pilularis. See Bugyra ‘pilularis._ Molgula producta.. Oe ae Co Pe IIS ME, OCU OE Vor Mein ra 255 270 Molgula retortiformis. ies, 1S ewale etopmtotainls, Waka, Mohaiclieh tet s' Toe Mistataleve tte nae tel 255 270 WIOMETIA wCOSUU ACA re, ies cake, Novay eos Asse, seme cmaree utters tals, We Co Ee ee 247 157 Molpadia colitica, See Trochostoma coliticum. Molpadia turgida. See Trochostoma turgidum. Monocaulius: Placialis:. hc Meise lter, Biel ooloSaicee, sO lets. eiothe eee 0 le Suietnts le” ctie 235 46 Orcula punctata. See Thyonidium productum. Orthopyxis caliculata. See Campanularia caliculata. Orthopyxis poterium. See Campanularia caliculata. Osteodesma hyalina. See Lyonsia hyalina. Ostrea borealis. See Ostrea virginica. Ostrea canadensis. See Ostrea virginica. Ostrea grandis. See Pecten (Placopecten) magellanicus. Ostrea islandica. See Pecten (Chlamys) islandicus. Ostrea magellanica. See Pecten (Placopecten) magellanicus. Ostrea subauriculata. See Limatula subauriculata. Ostrea virginiana. See Ostrea woes (Ostrea virginica... . S hebt ete lated ever MeRsieeiios ia oes. cide ieesred asks 244 115 Owenia (Ammocharis) iiliformic: Sam hats ovsiny oe MOS Tas dove av gaia: peeret evens ene 239 74 Oxynoe glabra. See Marsenina glabra. P Pagurus acadianus. See Eupagurus bernhardus. Pagurus bernhardus. See Eupagurus bernhardus. Pagurus irroratus. 253 Pagurus kroyeri. See Hupaeurus ‘kroyeri. Paragus longicarpus. a 253 Pagurus pubescens. See Eupagur us "pubescens. Pallene hispida. See Pseudopallene hispida. Pandalus annulicornis. See Pandalus montagui. Pavia ls eDOLGAdise eine sckaiou Nei a) Votan ce ae iaiey ee MNC IS” e7eufoveLaiovelrora tiers ete miorsl utene 253 249 PHA AUS LE DCOCETIES pm elouisieuveres Neven tele (orsye avlane cia ol alifate. tte key) intially o8el wal aerial tele 253 Pandalus levigatus. See Pandalus montagui. ieaarabnlhies ieacyanechiqi tae Sy LON Oe Ottao Ho) on Onna S” Go acoucocite ecards 253 248 Pandarus sinuarus.. . Chere eae inipiere aks tiehomio tee cksa ies 249 Pandora glacialis. See Kennerlia glacialis. Pandora gouldiana. See Clidiophora gooldiana. Pandora trilineata. See Clidophora gouldiana. Pandorina arenosa. See Lyonsia arenosa. Pandosia fibrosa. See Glandula fibrosa. Panomya norvegica. See pea (Panomya) norvegica. Panopaea pc ey norvegica. Bh Leet ices tevant peel rate Watch. er oh ast more 244 150 PATEL e EVES SDA TAVU oie sy ic elscee anette eraliausl Mean fe om Giel nove. Pouctivs\o:, eho, walle] Metetmeits 249 Paracoreiama Tora a\c) wii csie mete denon lrevotalelien Wsileiitropie\ohotelinee) Mevei(ay/= i topo Colle 235 32 Paramphithoe cataphracta. . By. Sir ASnG on od un 252 229 Paramphithoe elegans. See Halirages bispinosus. Paramphithoe bicuspis. See Pleustes bicuspis. Paramphithoe spulchellary va. sie ero datel ele foe lake!) (ele ters: fies’ ww yotal ete Mase 252 229 PATATMInICeAMDOTeAlig. mae) ecko \eeme- cio e ncae tuelomseuet isnot tau toneupucwiere wots 235 34 Paramuricea grandis... .. anere hier tene ie allatre te, Mee eetcta ie 235 34 Paranthura brachiata. See ‘Calathura prachiata. PAarTaparulug DWOSIMANUS. fs wie sc seve) cle le © elle) ols) oivhbnisiceiorebic™ a ee 253 259 Parathonistosoblivias oe vehariee acl ae BRE OOK aR MAE, OR CUO OMICS 252 219 Para WlisCat CUSDIG ACA ey Maron teycon eve miete Myevel aie! Wels” eysy ieee lover ceil “slay leis fers) 6) 6 252 225 Parerythrops robusta. See Meterythrops robusta. Pasithea nigra. See Bittium nigrum. Patella caeca. See Lepeta caeca. Patella candida. See Lepeta caeca. Patella cerea. See Lepeta caeca. Patella fornicata. See Crepidula fornicata. Patella noachina. See Puncturella noachina. Patella rubella. See Acmaea rubella. Patella testudinalis. See Acmaea testudinalis, Patellina corrugata. Bee IGS as cee Te Le CHORE Ie PD Cae acr) ed GbI RIA 231 10 Peachia parasitica... .. sy bate hteue AOE AS oo, lb aoe 235 37 Pecten borealis. See Pecten “gibbus var. borealis. Pecten concentricus. See Pecten gibbus var. borealis. MARINE INVERTEBRATES SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Pecten gibbus Pecten grandis. var. borealis.. .. See Pecten| (Placopecten) magellanicus. Pecten (Camptonectes) groenlandicus. . Pecten hoskynsi. See Pecten (Cyclopecten) pustulosus. Pecten imbrifer. See Pecten (Cyclopecten) pustulosus. Pecten irradians. See Pecten gibbus var. ‘borealis. . Pecten (Chlamys) islandicus. PT Sic: sa, caren ifoxelens Pecten (Placopecten) magellanicus.. a sO ickae Pecten pealeii. See Pecten (Chlamys) islandicus. Pecten (Cyclopecten) pustulosus.. Pecten subauriculata. See Limatula subauriculata. Pecten tenuicostatus. See Pecten (Placopecten) magellanicus, Pecten (Camptonectes) vitreus. Pectinaria groenlandica. See Cistenides ‘granulata. Pectinaria (Cistenides) hyperborea. Pedicellaster typicus.. stcpmcre Pedicellina nutans... .. Pelonaia arenifera.. Pelonaia corru gata. See Pelonaia arenifera. IOILOR Aster DALI. «cos ei ce aie) wie ew oe Pennatula aculeata. Bred = ouneye Pennatula (Pt ilella) "borealis. . Pentacta calcigera.. Bet tiavayefelictctecs. are Pennatula canadensis. See ‘Pennatula aculeata. Pennatula grandis. See Pennatula (Ptilella) borealis. Pennatula ig var. aculeata. See Pennatula aculeata. SINCE OIC OSA rem cl suee | velei islet ushsis) eis. Mel eittels.avebeaier sles celeiiteletisis Pentacta minuta. Pentagonaster Pentagonaster granularis. | "Bee Tosia granularis. eximius. See Tosia eximia. Pera crystallina.. Pera pellucida. Periploma fragilis.. .. Seas okie Periploma papyracea. See ‘Periploma ‘fragilis. See Pera ‘erystallina. Petalosarsia declivis. : 5 Petricola dactylus. See Petricola. pholadiformis. Petricola fornicata. See Petricola pholadiformis. Petricola pholadiformis. . Phakellia ventilabrum.. .. ¢ 46 Phalangium littorale. See Pycnogonum littorale. Phallusia obliqua. Phallusia prunum. " See "Ascidia complanata. Phallusioides ee See Phallusia obliqua. Phascolion alb erti. Phascolion strombi. Phascolion strombi canadensis. . Phascolion strombi fusca. aS COllOrtmittOUCOLA there seveu! aici site ieee tone a tellel4 clei clic? ale clear ayeis Gaile Phascolosoma bernhardus. See Phascolosoma caementarium. hase OlosomiambOnea ler cm ler lore meee eles) mele) feren Jefe Phascolosoma caementarium.. ........ Phascolosoma hamulatum.. .. . Phascolosoma margaritaceaum. "See (Phascolosoma poreale. Phascolosoma tubicola. See Phascolion tubicola. TEjareiiohiouen Velho bh bbls on Aa Gog tomer bool ome on oo) ooecaoeon co IMer Cine talatayas cee dels) Pec vielel) ccs cee Philine finmarchica. aie ere Philine formosa. See Philine quadrata. Philine fragilis. . Philine lima.. Philine lineolata. See Philine lima. Philine quadrata.. Philomedes brenda. Philomedes int erpuncta. oS Pholas crispata. See Zirfaea ‘crispata. Pholoe minuta.. Pholoe tecta. cite, Tele, Mstey eve o> "aie! ee, ee: ee. a\iew, sje iiee. “6 ais Sle ele “wie, € 16 «8 vee Aeue' Phoxichilidium PUNE NEL TIOCi ey chet sie wae vstae silsmsie.) sb oi oie : i Phoxocephalus HLOMOOUU erty tee cae, set coves shel cis) oe Phryxus abdominalis. Phoxus fusiformis. See Harpinia fusiformis. | Phoxus holbolli. See Phoxocephalus holbolli. Phoxus kroyeri. See cee holbolli. Phyllodoce cat CULL UCM Mer class o's) = elislniekeimrers sol eo Phyllodoce groenlandica. Peay edie) i eceymreer hexe’ Naledm cer “osannate See Cistenides hyperborea. Tables. 244 bo bo bo Cle OW a bo bo bo bo Co OO CO >) BS) im) 239 239 285 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Catalogue. abaliz/ 118 137 18 286 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Phyllodoce mucosa. . IPAvilOdOCe Sia aici dee eos Ges Me Peteine ies eke Physalia arethusa. See Physalia pelagica. Physalia pelagica. . 5 Se eS SOU ARAB oer s.c Pilidium commodum. See Capulacmaea radiata. Pilidium radiatum. See Capulacmaea radiata. Pilidium rubellum. See Acmaea rubella. Piliscus commodus. See Capulacmaea radiata, Piliscus probus. See Sie ey ar radiata. Pista cristata. Plagiacantha arachnoides. a Planaria angulata. See Amphiporus angulatus. Planaria fusca. See Cerebratulus fuscus. Planaria lactiflorea. See Amphiporus lactifloreus. Planaria linearis. See Cephalothrix linearis. Planaria rosea. See Amphiporus roseus. Planaria sanguinea. See Lineus sanguineus. Planaria viridis. See Lineus viridis. Pleurobrachia pileus. Pleurobrachia rhododactyla. Pleurotoma decussata. See Bela decussata. Pleurotoma violacea. See Beta bicarinata var. violacea.. Pleurotomaria bicarinata. See Bela bicarinata. Plumularia falcata. See Hydrallmania falcata. Plumularia tenerrima. See Hydrallmania falcata. Pleustes bicuspis.. .. Pleustes panoplus.. Podocerus fucicola. . Podocerus nitidus.. Podon finmarchichus. . Podon intermedius. . Podon leuckarti.. .. .. Podon polyphemoides. le Polia obscura. See Lineus viridis. Polyeanna groenlandica. 5 6 Polycera illuminata. See Polycera lesson Polycera lessonii. . Polycirrus sp.. . Polycitor kukenthali. Polydara concharum. Polymastia mamillaris. . Polymastia robusta.. Polymorphina compressa. . Polymorphina lactea.. Polynices. See Lunatia. OlYNOCsSASDECCNSIS: acre che Teil ucictt ete tevelitavernisteh loys Polynoe squamata. See Lepidonotus squamatus. Polystomella arctica. F Polystomella striatopunctata. a POUTEASteT A DEDIEUES Mere ele, Mele? Pole) Woleele! lists Pontogeneia merous: ai aia actes ete Pontophilus norvegicus.. .. .. .. «- Pontoporeia femorata.. Porella acutirostris.. POvelta Delays wetsweeter ees. coke. Mosel s¥ ou total ei eferelete =o ?Porella compressa. See Porella surcularis. Pore eCONCINNGA cis sels Feve, wisihiete! el ols), cave Porella elessantula.. eo rere Porella elegantula var. papposa.. IBOneiaCIBeNBSE i. el Uste che we Porella minuta.. Porella perpusilla.. Porella proboscidea.. Porella ab tel ; Porella saccata. Porella skenei. : Porella skenei var. plana:. Porella struma. Porella surcularis. 5 Porellina ciliata. See Microporella_ ciliata. Porina tubulosa. ee soe Portlandia glacialis. as Poseidon aflinis. See Micrura affinis. Potamilla neglecta. . Potamilla oculifera.. 239 239 234 239 231 bo [) oO 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. Catalogue. 42 228 228 221 221 MARINE INVERTEBRATES SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Potamilla reniformis. Potamilla torelli. 3 Praniza cerina. See Gnathia cerina. Praxilla gracilis.. F Praxilia mulleri.. 6.05% Praxillella collaris. . Me Pes clea oh lets Praxillella gracilis. See Praxilla gracilis. Praxillella og, ape 5 ae Praxillella sp. Priapulus caudatus? Priapulus pygmaeus. Sp eiel cligrcaree tise, ve Primnoa lepadifera. ‘See Primnoa reseda. Primnoa reseda. a Sc Prionospio steenstrupi. ict td ARC She ek a RC Proboscina incrassata. See Stomatopora granulata. Proboscina penicillata. See Stomatopora penicillata. Procerodes ulvae.. Protula americana. SUD Ur) AeetTIC isle ssimalci chats cis: 'seitlleied. wie nl oe face Psammobia fusca. See Macoma balthica. Pseudarchaster intermedius var. insignis. . Pseudocalanus elongatus.. ayes Pseudomma roseum.. Pseudomma truncatum.. Pseudopallene hispida. . Pseudophthalmus pelagicus. } ‘See Ampelisca macrocephala. if Psilaster florae.. Bee percrate teu otsihae faa eaten yar Psolus fabricii. See Lophothuria fabricii. Psolus laevigatus. See Psolus phantapus. Psolus phantapus (L).. Se) cee OS roe SCOTS LO Ter TED IGS sto cete Nejc) > cvdtyaie, feys, islet tele, Nel sv Pteraster pulvillus.. ...... Ptilanthura tenuis. Ptilella borealis. See Pennatula ‘(Ptilella) borealis. Ptilocheirus pinguis. See Leptocheirus ee Ptychatractus ligatus.. .. Srateteveliekemckae ts Ptychocyeclis urnula. Ptychogastria polaris. s Ptychogena lactea.. .... Pulvinulina karsteni.. Puncturella noachina.. Puncturella princeps. . oUF ea: eter aerate.» wale cae Purpura iapillus.. .. .. ota Pycnogonum grossipes. See “Nymphon " grossipes. Pyenogonum littorale. Pycnogonum pelactcum, See Pycnogonum ‘fittorale. Pyramis fusca. See Odostomia fusca. Pyramis striatula. See Menestho striatula. Pyrene costulata. See Anachis haliaeti. Pyura aurantium. See Halocyntha pyriformis. Pyura echinata. See Halocynthia echinata. Pyura ovifera. See Bolteni bolteni var. rubra. Q CIUIASIMAMOVE VISE. sisuislel ievonteuel oe ela) mim foe RAM PHONOLUSEMINAX. < sc. o.0) Boo Mee Rhodactinia daviesii. See Stomphia carneola. Rhynchobolus capitatus.. .. .. , Rd tevel aad inte mekaeralls 239 79 Rhynchonella psittacea. See Hemithyris psittacea. Rissoa aculeus. See Cingula (Onoba) aculeus. Rissoa earinata. See Cingula carinata. Rissoa castanea. See Cingula (Alvania) castanea. Rissoa eburnea. See Liostomia eburnea. Rissoa exarata. See Cingula arenaria. Rissoa globulus. See Cingula globulus. Rissoa jan-mayeni. See Cingula (Alvania) jan-meyeni. Rissoa mighelsi. See Cingula arenaria. Rissoa minuta. See Cingula minuta. Rissoa multilineata. See Cingula multilineata. Rissoa pelagica. See Cingula carinata. Rissoella eburnea. See Liostomia eburnea. Go! od) Lio. coool clo a5. fic 253 248 PFFOCNELORELASINOMNETI ic icp ysis, Waites vere eles icles: Asie. dele’ (Wistieter cient yas) (eve Uicbelmeral arete 244 138 OSSIAN VAC cia nceracomicyetieye rcice oie, amas ofeluecempsin” vated BereitetelNc.a/ eke weno tate tots 248 211 ROSS IES UD Le erericn ct ern Cn ca my avoubieNe alse neve vormuuteneltarenelt ioitect he,te MUStem Lote mm erS 248 211 IETS SS (ED UGE BE icc eed oF CaM on aa ait dela. da sa) soca, as" aroe 248 212 Rostellaria occidentalis. See Aporrhais occidentalis. FOLIA MC CCALI Meta tie) clcrtas ito cMiebee cit, Weis) ever sismienettiation cs sp cus: alan s) specie pacus 231 10 Ss Sabella crassicornis.. .. Se tete ote Miche ota caawie aks Ye 239 Sabella lumbricalis. ‘See Nicomache " jumbricalis. Sabella oculifera. See Potamilla oculifera. ADGA SI AVOMIN A cr: crelcy vetcumicia, Acie 234 26 Sertularia loricata. See Gemellaria loricata. Sertularia myriophyllum. See Thecocarpus nnyricp ae Sertularia polyzonias.. .. . Brad 4Neu Ware, fede: betel Nateueetatecemaevuere was 234 25 Sertularia ole Eee var. gigantea.. wie) hajol Jaiey ‘sal Vafet telelt eretMar a were ts ore x 234 25 SMart Aa MO CUCb A tracert tc cm ists | sit tes, leis, ‘o\'sr ye leker cisue¥en foe © iG? Sares soe 234 26 Sertularia pumila... ..... oi a) Pavelbsthell far oj irate phane Miers Male? los.) efes “ove lays Mes ee leo ele, data. veto Mais. bone er ESRemnes eee 240 17 eruncatilina. lobatulay. i.cAiee. hoje leave ell cles «ba Oieamaie ies epee cneabts ie 231 10 PEEVPUOSA MOLINE. cor) hove. tote ee ele re) hee! sohae ete, TGaMES sy, cae Weve MsteMieten dace? vane 252 233 Tubipora catenularia. See Electra catenularia. Tubipora flabellaris. See Tubulipora flabellaris. Tubipora penicillata. See Stomatopora penicillata. Tubipora serpens. See Idmonea serpens. PUDULATIC \CNOGEAR s Tease! ae Uoieohete hela ietelte lt aie dre eae ens cee, here 234 MARINE INVERTEBRATES 293 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Bathymetric Whiteaves’ Tables. Catalogue. TupuUlaAria INGIVISA. . <6 s. «6 : chive se fcteh cotetneroMeotendet ss 46 234 20 Tubularia larynx. See Thamnocnidia lary nx. Tubularia ramea. See Eudendrium rameum. Tubularia ramosa. See Eudendrium ramosum. Tubularia tenella. See Thamnocidia tenella. Tubulipora atlantica. See Idmonea atlantica. Tubulipora crates. See Lichenopora hispida. TID TOL A MCX ALS we crm he ei felt shell ts el (haley ural ch sc-<) News) ialisy peo. eser o aeeenmnere 242 111 ap Orae AMDT weeny say islcvte etts,s Neves sie. wis, ave. o osteleltefac chat “ratharamiote 242 Antik Tubulipora flabellaris. See also Tubulipora fimbria. Tubulipora flabellaris.. .. J whet Moov meh oud diteh safle eeere 242 111 Tubulipora hispida. See Lichenopora ‘hispida. Tubulipora lobulata.. .. SAGO, Gocco aso oo uo te 242 1a Tubulipora patina. See Diastopora patina. Tubulipora phalangea. See Tubulipora flabellaris. Tubulipora serpens. See Idmonea serpens. Turbo albulus. See Menestho albula. Turbo cinereus. See Margarita cinerea. Turbo helicinus. See Margarita helicina. Turbo incarnatus. See Margarita undulata. Turbo littoreus. See Litorina litorea. Turbo littoralis. See Litorina palliata. Turbo minutus. See Cingula minuta. Turbo obligatus. See Litorina rudis. Turbo obscurus. See Solariella obscura. Turbo olivaceus. See Margarita olivacea. Turbo palliatus. See Litorina palliata. Turbo planorbis. See Skeneia planorbis. Turbo rudis. See Litorina rudis. Turbo tenebrosus. See Litorina rudis. Turbo vestitus. See Litorina rudis. Turbo vinctus. See Lacuna vincta. Purhonilla we yneiscus): GQwandeNnsiss... .<, <0 sy: jase, ‘oleretove dim «is aoe ae 248 Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) hecuba.. . me 248 Turbonilla interrupta. See Turbonilla ‘interrupt var. fulvocincta. TMimboniilaminberrupta Var. LUlVvOCINCtas. . 6c) cle) Sicticis temlae eieuchem ae vote 248 161 Turbonilla nivea.. .. ate Maoh nese 248 161 Turbonilla rufa var. fulvocincta. "See Turbonilla interrupta var. fulvocincta. Turbonilla seminuda. See Odostomia seminuda. Turbonilla (Pyrgiscus) whiteavesi.. . Sig wl chieserioyal ranen/eoe coated 248 Turritella acicula. See Turritellopsis acicula. Turritella areolata. See Cingula (Alvania) areolata. Turritella bisuturalis. See Odostomia bisuturalis. Turritella costulata. See Scalaris (Acirsa) costulata. Turritella? costulata. See Cerithiopsis costulata, Turritella erosa..< .'. . SS pins. ote Moy cic 248 174 Turritella interrupta. See Turbonilla. interrupta. var. fulvocincta. Turritella lactea. See Turritella reticulata. Turritella polaris. See Turritella erosa. RUBE She LI CHUATA toa cArt pact tiafe, ois 0 leuk oe aielat Devel tie ai, Gus.) are, iaieiseio. kek eve 248 174 PUL MOPS Ismael Culler rey Meyer icles kale Reje’s lolsleuele) ie are, Lateutieics eine cle. pen ots 248 174 PRUE CHIARCU MIAN UIC waee Mometebiicten ce tie eeicksSnsle) (aie eleh sis) Tele) lesen tele Letsjicley tele. ene 244 139 Turtonia nitida. See Turtonia minuta. Typhlocolax acutus.. .. din erabtctartisiegh Aeliseta water sexcltees 236 64 Typhlolepta acuta. See Typhlocolax acutus. U Gam HOU ARVeEEUGOSA sunt Meth ct mete oes ciarncuea Wala. Lotesticholiisiem cereus e/biets) Lens 242 102 CHIE ORALA Mt wearewe ere haursiel acca cba vor, iol abieton Revcodiche: (ic letmcraitiiera tactetece) ore 252 220 Urosalpinx cinerea. Z eo pat IE?) OCI EAC TION eo eR 248 alr Urticina callosa. See Actionostola, ‘callosa. Urticina crassicornis.. .. . a SMEY SP MEY MCT. A Wolas i s,'4,. S16 235 39 Urticina felina. See Urticina | crassicornis. Urticina nodosa. See Actinauge verrillii. Utriculus canaliculatus. See Tornatina canaliculata. Utriculus gouldii. See Retusa gouldii. Utriculus lima. See Philine lima. Utriculus nitidulus. See Retusa nitidula. Utriculus pertenuis. See Retusa pertenuis. wie erina ane WlOsde pes mierc| wey scl cien)steiiieiel ‘oie. isl. ele) 6; eri eel ‘ele. ele) lerei lots 231 10 VI CHINARD VAIN ACH RP TOMCiCn Gia aver tease ce, “Sistetie) cfeteie® sveliiacet eiehcvenieie) se Zo: 10 294 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Bathymetric Whiteaves’ V Tables. Catalogue. WaDisibanhibuot ia albeit iat Di eect Ae Ree icteoiol ool on oe eREiouD caddis - 231 10 Wil wiilina wCONICAR sie cies wis’ Guat pe oie-oss Piste oxen A MCER IED fo ihol ata he ekcale hele 231 10 Velutella eryptospira. ee aid EES N PRGON 31a akel Lean Oe 248 167 Velutina haliotoides. See Velutina. laevigata. Velutina laevigata.. .. .. Syst Joven tetas (oviat 1 yah lat epecatRe een ale: doves Me OG Beka kere 248 166 Velutina (Limneria) undata. ae Pa balos ic’ (reas & 248 167 Velutina zonata. See Velutina (Limneria) undata. Venericardia borealis... .. S Pa Ears cs «ine wie donot 244 tes Venus astartoides. See Liocyma fluctuosa. Venus castanea. See Astarte castanea. Venus compressa. See Astarte banksii. Venus compressa. See Astarte compressa. Venus fluctuosa. See Liocyma fluctuosa. Venus fragilis. See Macoma balthica. Venus gemma. See Tottenia gemma. Venus islandica. See Cyprina islandica and Serripes groenlandicus. VENUS METGCNATIA .. Gs. 2 = EO ee Vs CONES! oC, et oc 244 135 Venus minuta. See Turtonia minute. Venus montacuti. See Astarte banksii. Venus montagui. See Astarte banksii. Vermilia serrula.. . sb rhea tarel GLC OMe) is ek wanted’ “oie ag ORO SNCs levies 4ekd MORI ale) eee 240 ge Verneuilina polystropha. . ‘ say oiee ea AOA 231 10 Vertumnus serratus. See Acanthonotozoma’ serratum. Virgularia finmarchica. See Balticina finmarchica. Virgularia grandiflora. See Anthoptilum grandiflorum. Watieqiiehotsy Inabietzsece hin a ea GO EON OOmGOM aU) oa combo 65 So 400 150 sac 235 34 VATE lincye SO UAIOSA spec ssuclte = ME cts) ays ues, whee Ochs) 2.0) Wale aeiCL ote 231 10 Wrailttpaitise: fagielenniersa Seah SD SD MODN DO FD AGlmo oo oF foo) uaa 248 Volutopsis norvegica.. . TEs uc ths eget MERE 8 Gin Tehsh! kendo ake enna 248 % ISS Volvaria alba. See Cylichna alba. Volvaria canaliculata. See Tornatina canaticulta. Vorticella bolteni. See Boltenia bolteni. Ww Waldheimia cranium. See Terebratalia spitzbergensis. x SCSsHiT Glens) OlSapa ssh lens. ie Sea Soha) dice cla hao wees Bonpols Bore in Wo oititog oa idee 250 217 ey lOPH ASA AONSAlIS sree siiepen oh- a h-Nerele ies ios silos calla els Mokeoli ele al ateue=l. 245 151 x Yoldia angularis. See Megayoldia thraciaeformis. Yoldia frigida. See Yoldiella frigida. Yoldia limatula... . ey Lesgeutcoveh aye, letape hap raicbapecal ne ty Weenie 245 125 Yoldia lucida. See Yoldiella Tucida, Yoldia myalis..... ial ech tial NOES Rare Chen art ac elared Sear tee 245 126 Yoldia obesa. See Yoldiella lucida. Vaasa, Soho allt 5k Sem ee Ont ode Ono Somos Glos de uqagacm OO DG. bid cs 245 PS Yoldia thraciaeformis. See Megayoldia thraciaeformis. Veo ana FC RR Chacon A OUN POU ad, Comic. hich touch olor ice aco 245 126 BVO lanellereiITICl ates te eitsesc seat ia, ate wre lemiinen os celal ns | nc Seip iate cceceMele leita ninieke 245 126 Zetes spinosa. See Achelia spinosa. Zirfaea crispata.. .. Fo ERRNO Fovry PERE POeROO-O!- ree OF hy ONO 245 151 Zirphaea crispata. See Zirfaea ‘crispata. Zoanthus incrustatus. See Epizoanthus incrustatus. Zygodactyla groenlandica. See Polycanna groenlandica. 8 GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 XV HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY AND VICINITY, NEW BRUNSWICK. (By Professor ALEXANDER VacnHon, B.A., L.Ph., ete., Laval University, Quebec.) The laws that regulate the distribution of the plankton in the sea furnish a problem of paramount importance in the progressive industry of fisheries. Qualitative ‘and quantitative determinations of the plankton are made at selected hydrographic stations, since the plankton is followed by multitudes of fishes which live on it, and those fishes are followed by others which serve as food for men. As the plankton, which regulates, to a great extent, the migrations of the fish, is itself at the mercy of the chemical, physical and mechanical conditions of the sea, it is easily understood of what economical importance a correct knowledge of those con- ditions will prove. We speak of the migrations of the herrings and sardines; they are the same as those of the plankton which serve as food for them, and the presence of the plankton is ruled by depth, light, temperature, salinity, pressure and density. TEMPERATURE, The heat of the atmosphere, emanating from the sun, penetrates the water, and is attenuated according as the depth increases. At the surface, the temperature of the water is almost as changeable as that of the air adjoining it, the variations of which find their repercussion in the contiguous liquid, although somewhat mitigated. Cold in winter, warmer in summer, the surface water expresses the alterations in the tem- perature of the air. Therefore, in summer, the sun’s rays heat the water at the surface, and to a depth of a few meters. The difference between the temperature of the day and that of the night ceases to be perceptible at a small depth; in order to find the region which is insensible to summer and winter variations, we must go down further. At about one thousand metres, the secular variations are imperceptible. Then begins the zone where the temperature never varies; by a slow and regular progression, the tem- perature grows colder and colder until it is only about one or two degrees above zero. This low temperature is found even in the tropical regions, where the scorching rays of the sun beam constantly upon the surface. Ordinarily, the water gradually becomes cooler from the surface to the bottom, because, apart from the effect of the sun’s heat at the top, cold water is more dense and goes to the bottom; but, in the polar regions, and where there are cold currents, we sometimes find an area of colder water between two warmer regions, and this state of unstable equilibrium, where the water is cooler, more salt and more dense, affords very interesting information. Light does not penetrate into the water further than two or three hundred metres from the surface, hence, no green plants are found at such depths, as light is neces- sary for the decomposition of carbon dioxide which is the bread of the vegetable kingdom. When water is heated, it goes to the surface; if it be concentrated, it seeks a lower level; should it cool for some reason or other, by the atmosphere or by evapora- tion, it also descends. Everything influences the temperature of the superficial water, the cold, polar currents as well as the hot currents coming from the equatorial regions. We understand why it is that the water is so cold at the bottom of the ocean, since cold water descends, and being free from the heating influence of the sun in these depths, where the light of day never reaches, and, on accgunt of the feeble power of water to conduct heat, the temperature of the lower regions of the ocean never varies. Kelvin and Wegemann made calculations concerning the conduction of heat through water and came to the conclusion that this conduction is practically negli- gible. With a temperature of 30° C. at the surface and the water perfectly still, it would take one hundred years for any heat to be perceived at a depth of a hundred 295 Métres t=/402 t=/1.0 t:/0.0 £=8.0 £=6.0 Temperature Sections, /0 Lz. 20 Ceo. 14 (6.00 @.27,) a5 HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 297 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a metres. Therefore, in practice, heat propagates through the water only by the move- ments of the waves and currents. Looking over our records one can see that at the same depths in different stations, the temperature gradually becomes higher as the season advances, and in the month of July, at Prince station 5, we found a temperature of 4°.9 C. at 100 fathoms or 182 metres. It is an easy matter to find out the temperature of the air or of the surface water ; the thermometer can be read directly as soon as the expansion or contraction of the liquid in the tube is in equilibrium with its surroundings. However, it is not thus when one has to measure the exact temperature of a layer of water situated at a depth of a few hundred or thousand feet. Between the surface and the deep layer to be examined, there may be and, as a matter of fact, there are other layers that are colder or warmer. Even if the thermometer is sent down and left long enough to indicate . the temperature of the water at a measured depth, when it is brought up to be read, the mercurial column, by going through regions of different temperatures, will change in length; it will contract, if it meets colder water and will expand if it comes in con- tact with warmer regions, it is impossible, therefore, to thus get the temperature of the lower regions of the sea with an ordinary thermometer. Besides, the thermometer is subjected, in the lower regions, to the enormous pressure of the upper layers, that of one atmosphere for every ten metres; even if the instrument is not broken, it will be crushed; the diameter of the tube getting smaller, the mercury will indicate a higher temperature for the same expansion, and, therefore, the reading of the thermometer will be too high. It took almost two centuries to resolve these perplexing problems. Without going into details about the different suggestions worked out to reach a solution of the problems, suffice it to say that the best of all the thermometers that have been invented so far for taking the temperature of the lower regions is the Negretti-Zambra reversing thermometer; this is the one we used in our determina- tions. Negretti and Zambra invented this thermometer in 1878 and it has undergone no essential changes since that time. It is noteworthy to remark here that in this type there is a narrowing of the tube just above the bulb and, when the thermometer is placed with the bulb pointing downwards, the mercury fills the tube above the nar- rowing to a greater or less extent according to the temperature. If the thermometer is tipped over, either by the closing of the water-bottle, as it happens with the Petter- son-Nansen bottle, or while a messenger is sent down the wire, as in the case of the Ekman reversing apparatus, the mercury breaks off at the narrowing and the mercury which was above this point sinks down to the opposite end of the tube and fills it to a certain height; a scale on the tube thus gives the temperature at the time the ther- mometer was turned over: that is called the temperature in situ. The length of the broken thread of mercury varies somewhat in passing through water of higher or lower temperature and this change is calculated when the temperature of the mercury is known at the time of the reading, and this is the reason why there is always with the apparatus a second ordinary thermometer that gives the reading temperature so that the correction may be made. In order that the thermometer may be able to withstand the pressure of the water, it is placed inside a strong glass tube. SALINITY. Since there is no element that is absolutely insoluble, every element is found to a certain degree in sea-water. By very accurate analysis, elements which one would not expect to find have been discovered in it; common metals, such as iron, manganese and zine, as well as precious metals, like gold and silver are found in sea-water. Those rarer metals, being present only in infinitesimal quantities, are not detected by the ordinary methods of analysis. The water of the ocean evaporates, condenses and falls again upon the earth in the form of rain; it washes the earth, oozes through it and by the streams and rivers is carried back to where it started from. This water, coming in contact with all sorts of 38a—20 Metres Oo Salinity Sections /O 15. RO aS HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 299 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a substances, takes up all that it can dissolve and carries it down into the ocean and, though the quantity of a substance which goes into solution may be comparatively small, we understand how it is that the sea contains such diverse elements. The two predominant elements which are found in the water of the sea are chlorine and sodium. It seems logical to admit that the sea was always salt since we find in the ocean of to-day certain shells which require a definite salinity and which were quite abundant in the Cambrian seas. Dittmar gives the following composition and percentage of the salts in sea- water :— Sodium chloride, Na Cl.. iC ae Sage eo 27°213 er. per litre. Waonesiims Chloride Mie Clove ca veel o's < saam ool wre 3°807 ce Magnesium sulphate,‘Mg SOs.. .. .. «. .. «see ee le We GCalenmatsulphate CariSOrn. @ san ie. ss, - «he ots A216 Ol soa seca Potassium sulphate, Ke SO4.. 0o°863 “ “ Calcium carbonate, Ca COz3.. .. 0°123 * “ “ Magnesium bromide, Mg Bro. . O207G Mi Pee 35°000° a ua Thoulet gives a somewhat different composition, though the amount of total salts is much the same, 35.0631 gr. per thousand grams of sea-water :— Sodium chloride, NaCl.. 27°3726 er. per kilog. Potassium chloride, K Cl.. 0°5921 “ Rubidium chloride, Rb Cl.. 070190 “ “ “ Calcium, sulphate, Ca SO4.. .. .. .. 1°3229 <«§ “ “ Magnesium sulphate, Mg SO+.. 2°9434 “« “ “ Magnesium chloride, Mg Cle.. Sea Go) ge: ss : Magnesium bromide, Mg Bro.. ; 0°0547 “ « “ Calcium metaphosphate, Ca (POs) 2. : 0°0156 “ « “ Calcium bicarbonate, Ca C? O8.. . 070625 “ « “ Iron bicarbonate, Fe Cz Oz. 070149 “ “ From the analyses that have con made of a great many samples of sea-water, it can be stated that there are about 35 grams of salt in a thousand grams of sea-water. This amount is greater in some regions, for instance in the tropical regions and in the gulf stream, where evaporation is more intense. It is much less in other parts, espe- cially near the continental shores where the flow of fresh water from the coast lessens the proportion of salt. For instance, in my determinations, I found as low as 15-13 er. per thousand at Prince Station 18, 19-18 per thousand at Station 20, 18-35 per thousand at Station 21, 15-63 per thousand at Station 22, ete. This is easily explained by the fact that there is at those points a mixture of fresh water from the coast. However, the average amount of salt in the ocean is about 35 gr. per thousand parts by weight. In the percentage of salts given by Dittmar and Thoulet, the acids and bases have been arbitrarily combined. Still it is very probable that in the water the salts are not found as indicated. The elements and acid radicals are found by analysis, but nothing tells us how they exist in solution. The dissolved substances mainly exist as ions, and from the freezing point and boiling point of sea-water, we calculate the ionic dissociation to be about 90 per cent; thus, only one-tenth of the total solids are present in the water as salts. It would be better, therefore, to write the composition of the solids in sea-water, as it is given by Dr. Johan Hjort :— INES fe Pete Shah Ware ONT 2a parts per 1000. Senin Rt aA um CLT 30°64% Tey SOREL TG NEM s eet emer Kooy! iy Se eer Peviests 3°76% eats ve tere stv. p OCa20 se zs s¢ 1°20% ce AU A igh are ie emma cree See) et 109%, ee a ai UU RAG OA, “athe OSE, 55°21% SOISHIE Ss Renee Geni cSaiaa ns 2°696 es s ss (TUES COPS he tees 0°074 ss s s 0°21% PESTER er Re scat art lofs 0°066 = ae s 0°19% 35°000 100°00% From the foregoing, one can readily perceive that the salinity of sea-water is not identical everywhere in the ocean; it varies in different regions and at different depths. 38a—203 Prince Stations WESTERN ARCHIPELAGO Professor Vachon, Hydragraphy. a Jape (ols 67° "66°30" HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 301 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A necessary condition to make a determination of the salinity of sea-water is to secure a sample of water collected at a certain date in a certain place, at the surface or at a known depth, which is guaranteed free from mixture with different water and which has in no way evaporated. The surface water can be collected in a bucket and hauled up. The glass bottle in which the water is to be preserved for analysis is rinsed with a portion of the sample, then filled, well stoppered and it can be kept as long as the bottle is almost completely filled and hermetically closed. From July 14 to July 25 my samples were kept in Imperial pint bottles; after the latter date I used citrate of magnesia bottles. I took the temperature of the sur- face from the water in the bucket by means of a Centigrade thermometer graduated in tenths of a degree and whose accuracy I had verified beforehand. To collect samples from below the surface, a great number of methods have been invented. At first, an ordinary stoppered bottle was sent down to a certain depth by means of a weight, and, at the desired depth, the bottle was opened and filled with water by pulling a cord attached to the stopper. In drawing it up, very little water from the surface layers could mix with the sample. The Petterson-Nansen bottle, which we used for collecting our samples from July 14 to July 25, can isolate a sample of water at any depth. This bottle is sent down open, the lid being suspended in the upper part of the frame and held by a spring. We used the reversing thermometer attached to the frame of the bottle. We left the bottle at the desired depth for five minutes so that the thermometer could have time to accurately mark the temperature of the water in situ. A messenger was then sent down along the wire; this messenger unhooks the lid; the weight, which hangs below the apparatus, clasps the whole thing together and closes the bottle. This is composed of a series of metallic cylinders to insulate the water and a thermometer can be placed on the inside; this thermometer, which, however, is but slightly affected by varying temperatures as the bottle is pulled up, was not used in our determinations. When we used the Petterson-Nansen bottle, the depth was taken in fathoms, as the meter-wheel had not arrived at the station, but, in my tables, the fathoms are expressed in metres. From July 25, we used the Nansen reversing bottles for collecting our samples and the meter-wheel or determining the depth. The Nansen bottle has attached to it a thermometer which is tipped over with the bottle by means of a messenger. We allowed this bottle to remain at least three minutes in the water before pulling it up for a reading. A number of these bottles can be fastened along the line; a messenger is hooked below each bottle, except the lowest one; this messenger is released when the bottle is tipped over by means of a messenger sent from above; the result is that the next bottle is reversed; this releases another messenger and so on. By this apparatus, a number of samples can be taken at the same time at different depths and the bottles are not so heavy and clumsy as the Petterson-Nansen bottle. The samples of water collected must afterwards be analysed. In such analysis the halogens are titrated with silver nitrate and the results given as grams of chlorine per thousand grams of water. We have seen that there are many substances in sea-water, and, though the pro- portion of salts varies from one place to another, the relative proportion of the different. elements is about the same everywhere; thus, when the quantity of chlorine has been accurately determined, we have the proportion of total salts in the sample examined. Mohr’s method is used for the determination of chlorine. If a neutral or slightly alkaline solution of a chloride, bromide or iodide, in which there is a little potassium chromate comes in contact with a neutral solution of silver nitrate a white precipitate is formed as long as there is a trace of halide in solution. Thus, in sea-water, the bromine and small amount of iodine present are precipitated along with the chlorine, but the whole is calculated in grams of chlorine per thousand grams of water. As soon 302 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE \V, A. 1918 as the last trace of halide is precipitated, the potassium chromate indicates the end of the reaction by forming a red precipitate with the silver nitrate. If the strength of the silver nitrate has already been determined with a solution of chloride of known strength, the amount of halides in the unknown solution or in the sea-water that is analysed can be found by simple proportion. The solution of known strength which is used in hydrography for standardizing the silver nitrate solution is the sample of “normal water ” which is furnished in closed glass tubes by the International Council. The amount of chlorine is marked on the tube; the sample I used contained 19-386 parts of chlorine per thousand grams. When possible, it is well to have a few bottles of the “normal water” in order to occasionally titrate the silver nitrate solution; the amount of chlorine indicated on the tube is not absolutely reliable after the tube is two-thirds empty. As Doctor Huntsman could only obtain, last summer, and with considerable trouble, one tube of “normal water,” we had to be satisfied with that. Here I desire to express my gratitude to the Biological Board, and especially Professor Macallum, for the opportunity of taking up this study, to Dr. Huntsman, - the zealous and active curator of the Biological Station at St. Andrew’s, who gave so generously both of his time and of his experience to help me in every possible way in my work, and to Sir George Garneau, professor of analytical chemistry in Laval University, who helped me in the salinity determinations. For accurate sea-water analysis, a special burette is desirable: the ordinary burette is too wide and too short for the required accuracy. The reading should be certain to a hundredth part of a ¢.c., which is difficult with the ordinary burette. Besides, the “drainage error” is greater than in the special one, the upper part of which is an ungraduated bulb that terminates in a fine jet. The lower part of this burette is a narrow tube graduated in hundredths of a c.c. At the present time it is most difficult, not to say impossible, to obtain one of those special burettes. Dr. Hunts- man was able to get one from Dr. Mathews, of the Plymouth Marine Biological labor- atory, England, but, most unfortunately, it was broken when it reached me. Two others, made to order by the Eimer and Amend Company also arrived in a broken state. We hope to be fully equipped with all the special apparatus in the near future. DENSITY. The density of sea-water can be tuken with a pycnometer, or else with an areo- meter, at constant temperature; the second method is Jess accurate. But the densities, though they may be accurately determined by either of the methods, do not give the exact density of the water in situ, where it possessed a certain temperature and was compressed by a mass of water. The density of sea-water is inversely proportionate to the temperature and directly proportionate to the salinity; the lower the tempera- ture and the higher the percentage of salts, the heavier the water. When both the temperature and the salinity of a sample of water are known, the specific gravity may easily be calculated by means of Knudsen’s tables. When I reached the Biological Station, I began niy work by making salinity deter- minations of samples of water which had been collected a year before in St. Mary’s Bay and the Annapolis Basin. The Imperial pint bottles that contained those samples were not hermetically closed; there was a deposit of salt on the covers and frequently on the outside of the bottles. Supposing the water had evaporated, one would expect a high percentage of salts; nevertheless, the results are low, and though I give them in the tables, I can, in no way, guarantee their accuracy. There are other results obtained with samples taken at the same stations in September and October. The other samples of water were collected on the given dates at stations chosen by Dr. Huntsman, where a study of the plankton is carried on along with the hydrography. HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 303 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a At Prince Station 1, we find a higher temperature and lower salinity at 30 metres than at 20 which showing the water at this point was in a state of unstable equili- brium, a layer of higher density being above one of lower density. As a general rule, such strange results were obtained with many of the water-samples collected later in the season. For instance, at Prince Station 4, the results are normal until September 15. Then we find a salinity of 31-13 °/oo at 35 metres when the salinity at 30 metres was as high as 32-57 °/oo, giving a density of 23-96 for the first and 25-10 for the second. At the same station, on October 3, we obtained a salinity of 30-73 °/o0 at 20 metres when that of the surface was 31.66 °/oo. The same consideration can be made concerning Station 6, when we find on September 15 a temperature of 10-17 and a salinity of 31-67 °/o0 at 35 metres whereas at 30 metres the temperature was 10-12° and the salinity 31-69°/o0. As one ean see by the tables, a number of water samples, col- lected at Station 6 in October, were lost, so we cannot say whether the extraordinary result mentioned is accidental. It will be seen also that at Prince station 6 the salinity varies greatly with the tide, especially at the surface and it is easy to under- stand that it should be so on account of the flow of fresh water from the Ste. Croix river, as station 6 is located in the mouth of the river, between the Biological Station and Robbinston. At station 9 on September 15 we find a zigzag of temperatures and salinities: the temperature rises somewhat from 10 to 20 metres while the salinity lowers; at 50 metres the salinity is 31-21°/o0 when we find 32-15 °/oo at 40 metres. the salinity afterwards rises normally to the bottom but the temperature rises also; how- ever, from, 50 metres down, the density increases in a normal manner. On October 3, we find at the same station (20 metres) a density of 23.88 between 24-34 at 10 and 24.40 at 30 metres. At station 16 we get a salinity of 32.63 °/oo at the surface, 32-07 °/oa at 10 metres and 31-47 °/oo at 20 metres. At 30 metres the salinity rises somewhat, but so does the temperature; there is another decrease in salinity at 40 metres. The high percentage of salts in the surface water of station 17 can be explained by the fact that the sample was collected in Yarmouth Harbour, where the depth is only 13 metres, and, therefore, the water is easily mixed. All the bottles, except one, were broken, which contained the samples collected at Station 20; it is unfortunate as the temperatures predicted interesting figures for the salinity. From a depth of 10 metres down the temperature rises, 6-08° at 10 metres, 6-43 at 15 m., then 8.22, 10-98, 11-74, 11-93, 12-00. Perhaps the upper layers had been first cooled down to a certain depth, and that they had begun to get warmer again as the air temperature rose. But a fact worthy of attention in this particular case is that the temperature of the surface water is 15-69° when the air temperature is 11-80°. At station 21 there is also a decrease of temperature from the surface to a depth of 20 metres, but there is a rise of temperature from 30 metres to the bottom. However, at this station, as the salinity rises from the upper layers to the bottom, the increase of density is also normal. The temperatures taken at station 24 deserve special attention from the fact that there is very little difference between the surface temperature and that of the bottom, 9-37° at the surface and 9-29° at 55 metres. From 9-37° at the surface we get 9.32°, 9-31°, 9-28°; then a rise 9-29°, 9-30°; a slight fall to 9-28° and 9-29° at the bottom. These temperatures were taken at 9-20 a.m. The same day, at 5.45 in the afternoon, we have somewhat equivalent results, but, the low salinity, instead of being at 50 metres, as in the forenoon when the tide was high is at 40 metres, at low tide. Two of the samples collected at station 24, September 23, 5.45 p.m. were lost; the others gave very extraordinary salinity results. The highest salinity, 32-37 °/oo is at the surface. We found 32-29 °/o0 at 10 metres, 31-28 °/o0 at 40 metres and 31-13 °/oo at 50 metres. A glance at the results given for stations 25 and 27 shows that at those stations also the density of the water was higher at the surface than at a certain depth. At station 25 we find a salinity of 32-47 °/o0 at 10 metres and only 31-54 9/oo ten metres lower and so forth and so on. BAY OF FUNDY Prince Stations Professor Vachon, Hydropra bhy. HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 305 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a The following samples were collected by Mr. W. H. Chase, of Acadia University, a year before I reached the station. (The stations are indicated on a chart at the laboratory, at St. Andrews) :— Date. Station. Depth. Salinity 8. %.. ul amvaep LON ese). «rte: tsics eelere StuvlanysiayuNO, 1 |. .)..ceeeees Soosal BO sae 5 Ge 4 29°18 " ODS ts wateose esas " " ) EMPIE A 5 Fe ae 1 eGconkon 31°20 The alta Os ee eer " " SRA Oo boHemee Tite Sera o ers 31°89 " 1G 1915. Matetcna; evorsvslisiciletd " " CE os pean Ce CRS cae 30 76 " (ie 1915 Ce ee er " " i) eeenroccsceuse eeos Ue Tet Or cock 30 7 MERIAL Ee ic os 0. is @: ees: He eee he 31:47 HMA OLON heed eos tones " " (Anessa hod om 1 eee, SE 31°48 PERO ONO oie Mele ons chee c " " SY eee eee TSA NS 30°78 tee OSS AD ance " " 9. oo Re: Tet eet rc 30°18 a te MOT Garret siccsve siete " " Arete tuccweee Arse Ogeils Cick Anions 30°76 " 13; MOTB ene ce tiasotee " " bh oe, &S ee ee Ws orecdaneee ie 0 iste 30°06 Wee SOO eich tie cls ecea ? als " " VO 8 See Te mutes oon 31°45 Cty, lea ra 2) kes sek en ee " " 13. "eX 30°80 mele i a.) 14 oh a 29°86 hte tale See ‘ eee Gee eee fais a 30°91 " 8, OM as tao Snes oe " " Nea aac Gat Ae Pg ialcbahslsreleya 30 iti APPL Ose cs cess te " " Wi eee eee Lie Ke cient 30°18 ie IS Se Ge are eee " " A Mementens onetime CTW ies cco 29°99 un 13, 1915 " " 1 LS RRR oa ae Te cece 29°86 Weber tOl ccs. ” " 20. Cie Saucer ee 30 25 (i 118 GD a oe ee Rene " " Qe os Vb " 30°38 Tiles SOLO os - : ie " " 0 7) RE R58 esa th, SAGES 30°78 fri AS 3 IN Ii eee eo) Annapolisibasin, NOs 20. °c. .2 detec cr: Surfaceys5. 55: 29°99 ay 2a ae a neta " " QO ate cnn eae e 2 27°3 metres..... 30°40 ee pO rs ee 2 " " Yo NEE SRA TO, Hd fa AR Surface awe aie: valfera 30°52 " 24, OM OS cs SHE re oh " " DB hie cose eee BOttoOnivs- cee 30°53 Memo MLOLOn eh cscs cto oo rs " " Oi. hcg oar RECO Surfacesses.. cee 30°63 vi 23}, ae eee " " DO Ae shee eer oo Bottom (6°3 m.) 30°74 " 23, LMS) Say} ee Aa eee Se ee " " BOE: 4 " 4°6m ) 29°79 Gi, 241 US a ee " " SUNS Ei Giant racs ents NUTACe seen et nar 30°05 ath GS Ra aes a Oa " " Se ee ee ele Bottoms eer 30°77 ne 22 OU by een nee yen ) =| Dp é - re a 3 £ SOM a 5 Date. | Hour. 2 3 Tide. Wind?,| Sleyrobeorer tere. | eS [1 G < | 5 See |e) |: omer ot g Seon eS > & a) 5 g gal Ss | ee a 5 s | Seo We ce Simca a < a = S) 3) a 6) 1916. July 24/12.20 p.m.,|i88m.| 14°42/4 hour tolow} S.E.. |Cloudy |Surf- | 10°00} 16°84} 30°43] 23°41 water. rain.| ace. uw 245/12.50 on 188 m.| 14°42 " " " 45m.| 5°90) 17°87] 32°29] 25°46 " 24/12.35 4 188 m.} 14°42 " " a 90 4 4 50} 18°05} 32°60) 25°85 " 24/12.20 1 188 m.| 14°42 " " " 150 5 4°90} 18 06] 32°62} 25°84 » - 24/12.00 noon.|188 m.} 14°42 " " " 185 4 4°90] 18 06) 32°62] 25°84 Aug. 23/11.54 a.m..|185 m.| 13°28/2} hours ebb. |S. W. Fog Surf- | 10°98} 17°58) 31°77) 24°29 breeze. ace. un -:25/12.54 p.m. .}185 » | 13°28 " " " 10m.| 9°87| 17°66} 31°91} 24°60 wo 2ONL2b4 18D |! 13°28 " " " 25 0 9°11} 17°66} 31°91) 24°71 nw «©: 20/12.54 » ../185 w | 13°28 " " " 50 7°43] 17°94) 32°41) 25°35 Ww «2o|12.84 1 ..)185 » | 13°28 " " " 75 6°47| 18°05] 32°60) 25°61 ” 25/12.34 wu ../185 u 13°28 " " " 100 6°10} 18:19] 32°85} 25°88 y 25/12.34 w ../185 » | 13°28 " " " 125 5 6°02] 18°22) 32°93) 25°94 TSO LAO) i ../LSOw | -13d°28 " " " 150 4 5°83} 18°22} 32°93] 25°98 wn 2512.15 u ../185 » | 13°28 " " Te Sel LY aaa 5°82) 18°24) 32 95) 25°98 Oct. 4] 2-00 » ../173m.| 15°48/1 hour flood.|Light S.|Hazy.../Sur- | 11°07/Samplle lost.|...., | Dark Ww. face Green " 412.23 u 173 «| 15°48 " " Wi y's 10 m.} 10°05} 17°67| 31°92) 24°58 " " 4, 2.13 1» 173 15°48 " " LCs 20 9°67 Sampl evlostilh Sas " " 4, 2.13 4» 173 » | 15°48 " " hin ’s 25 0 8°71] 17°93) 32°39] 25°16 " " 4, 2.13 « Tie at 15°48 " " Us © 30 1 8°59] 17°97] 32°47| 25°24 " " 4) 2.00 4 173 » | 15°48 " " ant ed 40 8°27|\Samplle lost.}.. ... " " 4} 2.00 1 173 « | 15°48 " " Tar 50 4 7°92] 18°05) 32°61| 25°44 " " 4); 2.00 «4 173 15°48 " " W ceeleObt 6°70) 17°94] 32°42] 25°46 " " 4, 1.45 un 173 » 15°48 " " fin 8 100 6°35 Sampl sNogtileaenice " " 411.45 ou 173 » | 15°48 " " Liar 150 » 6.12] 17°99] 32°51) 25°59 " " 4, 1.45 4 173 » | 15°48 " " een 6°15} 18°25) 32°98} 25°95 " July 20) 3.30 un 30 1 | 23°00)1 hour to » |Bright..| Sur- | 11°40) 16°80) 30°36) 23°11 high tide. face " 20 3.30 30 nn 23°00 " " " . 9m. 8°80} 17°15 30°99) 24°07 " 20) 3.30 u 30 1 | 23°00 " " ah fr 18°31 8°30) 17°23) 31°13} 24°22 n 20) 3.30 » 30 1» | 23°00 " " ne {2040 8°10} 17°28] 31:23} 24°32 Tee] Nese. mec 30 », | 25°00}1 hour tolow} S.W. |Bright..| Sur- | 15°90) 16°03) 28°97} 21°18 tide. breeze. face " 27 3.30 4 30 1 25°00 " " " 10m 9°80] 16°91) 30°56 23°57 " 27| 3.30 30 ;; | 25°00 " " " 1b 8°79| 17°21) 31°09) 24°14 u 27] 3.30 on 30 » | 25°00 " " " 25 8°50} 17°28] 31°22) 24°29 Aug. 3) 4.00 30», | 1630/1 hour ebb. . " Cloudy on 11°0 | 16°75) 30°27) 23 12 ace. " 3] 4.00 30 » | 16°30 " " " 10m 8 92] 17 15} 30°99} 24°02 " 3] 4.00 w 30 1 16°30 " " " 20 8°91} 17°15] 30 99} 24°02 " 3] 4.00 30 » | 16°30 " " " 30 4 8°85} 17°20} 31°07} 24°21 Aug. 10} 5.30 p.m. |29 m. | 21°70} Half flood. | Calm Clear. ae 13°22 {16°71 |30°19 | 22°67 ace " 10 " " " " " " 10m 9°30 LA 30°94) 23°91 " 10 " " " " " " 20 m 9°19) 17°20] 31°08} 24°04 Tee al) " " " " " " 25m 9°01] 17°21} 31°09) 24°09 » 17} 5.00 p.m. |33 m. | 17°80] Half ebb. |Light Hazy. Sun, 10°98) 16°92} 30°58) 45°36 Ss. ace " 17 " " " " " " 10m 9°80} 17°12} 30 94) 23°84 ”" 17 " " " " " " 20 m. 9°43) 17°33) 31°32) 24.19 " 17 " " " " " " 30 m. 9°10! 17°46) 31°55! 24°40 310 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SAMPLES ‘* Prince ” Stations. Locality. Position (vide chart). Latitude. - Longitude. Bottom. No. Passamaquoddy Bay. |Joe’s Point bears N. by W.| 45° 1’0’’ N. | 67° 1’ 51” W.| Soft mud. 4 W. 44 miles, Northern point of Pendleton Id. bears E. 34 miles. (, CE hare '" " " " " " " i ieee " " '" " " " " A anne " " " " " " " POA " " " " " " " ste " " " " " " " 4 Ss pis w a)f, 0.0 = ww w w " W " " Areas eee " " " " " " a 4 " " " " " " " Sara " " " " " " " (| EA " " " " " " " SRS AEOe " " " " " " " i Svbbed Be " " " " " " " 4 " " " " a " " ce DEN sie yl " " " " " " " 4 Cy OyOR " " " " " " " 4 CHO Prion’ " " "W " " " " Oe a " " " " " " " Ai orcinfaw's " " " " " " " A Shes eleve " " ' " " " " 2 Neate " " " " " " " ‘ee ee ae " " " " " " " Bet aWa ths vid ' " " " " " " A etd: 4 os " " " " " " " 4 " " " " " " " Be clettoss " " " " " " " AR odes " " Bay of Fundy, Beomeae Head Harbour Lt. bears} 44° 56’ 48” N.6/6° 48’ 41” W. Head Harbour and| N.W. by W. 4 W., 3% the Southern Wolves.| miles- Swallow Tail Lt. bears a little W. of S. 113 miles. 5 0.6.0 @\sleJ/e,s os " Lal " “ W " " 5 svete aw! te ams "W " w " " " " ip . " " w " w " " 5 ) OLee »lelle.o » " " " " " " " 5 eceesvecs ili " " " " ” " 5. . " w" " " " vw Ww 5 eeccoerecce " " " " ' w " 5 @ 00.06): 6 6 0 w W " " " " " 5. . " " " " " " " 5 eeereeeee " " " " " W " 5 ereceeceose " " " " " " " 5 Oe «cis, * We " W " " " " ad 5 eeecvcennceve " “ a " " " " SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a COLLECTED-—Con. iS) % 4 © o& a £ 2 Date. Hour. = £ Tide. Wind. a = = s|& D 2 (= Temperature t° C. 9.55 | Chlorine. Cl. o/ /oo* heey 4 O/ ‘oo° oS. / Salinity. 31.02 | Density. 313 Colour of water. 23.95|Gray. 314 DEPARTHENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE N, A. 1918 SAMPLES ** Prince ” peeinene: Locality. Position (vide chart). Latitude. Longitude. Bottom. Once oA: Ste. Croix River be-|Biological Station bears E.|/45° 4’ 49” N.|67° 5’ 53” W.|Fairly hard tween Biological] #?58., 3 of a mile Little mud. Station and Robbin-| Dochet Id. bears N. by ston. W. 4 W. 22 miles. Glee: " " " " ” " " aha pee Jeet " " " " " u " Gee wee 8 " " " " " " " Gre sek: " " " " " " " Gee Jose " " " " " ' " eee " " " " " ' " Giga. Joi " " " " " ' " OFA5 Fae " " " " " . " 6 a eT w " ' " ' " Ghee ee use " " " " " " " Gade. et " " 9 " " " " " Gee ocr: © " " " " " " " os ee | ea " " " " " ' " 6 " " " " " " " 6 ole eo epee " " " " uw " " 6 eels), she bem " " " ' " " " Gates wince " " " " " " " 6 " " " " " " " 6 eee eee ewe " " " ! " " " 6 ste et ewe " "W " " " " " 6 ee ew wee " " " " " " " Cis ees " " " " " " " Gace acca " ” " " ' ” " 6 sete ewes W " " " " ” " Gree Wi ak "” " " " " " " G28. eee " " " " " " " Oaeaile « a " " " " " u " 6 sete eee u" " " " " W " RS Lae " " " " " " " Gino " " " " " ' " 6 " " " " " " " Gai sesa " " " " " " " 6 Sielelsieke 6 «6 " " " " " " " 6 ee ed " " " " " ' " 6 " " " " " " " 6 se ec ee eee " " " " " " " 6 wee ewe " " " " " " " Gis s eee " " " " " ” ' Oseslas " " " " " " " 6 " " " ” " " " eee Ot " " " ‘ " " " 6 ee) " w " " " " " Ose Jess " ti " " " " " HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 315 ESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a COLLECTED—Con. | 2 2) 3 & G5 2 3 > : —) =I = = L © 2S {= CE Fi = 5 = s a re 2 Fl 3 Bo | eh 2 Date. Hour. s R Tide. Wind. | Sky. | oy = | & a= | = a 5 = = a Bo ee.| oe (oer aes 1916. Aug; 14) 6.00 a.m../28 m.| 11°90|/Low tide Strong..|Cloudy .} 18°30 | 10°95) 16°01} 28°94] 22°10 cire. m. " 11°90 " " " 10 m BUG: 16°79 30 33 723393 33 " IL 90 " " " 20 m 9°91} 16°98) 30°69 23°65 " 11°90 " " " 25 m 9°68 Lie t2: 30°93 23°86 » | 12°20) High tide " " pur 10°40) 16°96) 30°64) 23°51 ace uw | 12°20 i" " " 10 m 9°70) 17°03) 30°77) 23°75 " 13 ai " " " 26 m 9°55 17 18 31°03 23 97 1 | 12°20 " An " " 25 m 9°50] 17°24) 31°15] 24°05 " 1, 20 S " " 30 m 9°48 17 24 Selb 24 06 n | 13°80]5 Rous to | South Hazy ..|/Sur- | 11°75) 16°07} 29°04] 23-19 low tide. | breeze. face.| 10°38] 16°83] 30°40] 23°34 un | 13°80 " " n . $10 am.) 10°09) 17-13) 30 95) 23°58 «w | 13°80 " " n ../20 m.| 10°06} 17°15) 30°98} 23°83 n | 13°80 " uw ../25 m.| 14°22) 15°62) 23°22) 20°96 » | 22°38| Low Gila | Calnaey. |) ere eed Sur: face. « | 22°38 " i) pnt sala be Ope OS 17031302781) 22"59 u | 22°38 " 4 Wess apa cies -20am).| “9783 ie 2473) 16 lees OL uw | 22°38 " be obese) aye pepe) 9° Fel) Ly oul ol col een bl » | 14°90|High tide...| S.E. « .{|Sur- 12°29) 16°93] 30°59} 23°10 breeze. \ face " 14°90 " vais " " 7 & 10 m.| 10°60 Fi Mi 31°02] 23 79 " 14°90 " bake " " . 15 m.| 10°29 iW fePAY 31°10} 23°88 " 14°20 " Cine " " .£120 m 9°78} 17°39| 31°43) 24°22 w | 14°90 " Sage " uw 125 m.! 9°69} 17°43] 31°49} 24°30 uw | 14°90 " Deo " " \30 m.| 9°68) 17°43) 31°49] 24°31 » | 15°20)2 hours flood/Calm...} Sun- (Sur 12°52) 16°14] 29°17) 22 00 shine. | face. " focan " " ae " 20 m.| 10°28 i WER 31°29) 24°03 n | 15°20 " 27 m.| 10°26) 17°34} 31°34] 24°07 uv | 16°80)? hrs fe high Light Clear ../Sur- | 11°73} 16°70] 30°17] 22°92/Gray . ; tide. S.E. face. breeze. " 16°80 " " ucts Oem 10°31} 17:26} 31°19} 23°88] " 16°80 " " oe. 2Otom | 10)- 21 17°54] 31°69] 24°32 " " 16°80 " " " 35 0 10°17| 17°53] 31 67| 24°34 " » | 12.95)4 flood...... North . " Sur- | 10°52} 17°01) 30°73} 23°56|Gre’n- face. ish. " 12°95 " " " 10 m.} 10°18 17 03 3027 23°65 Gray. a 2295 " " " 20 » | 10°12) 17°31] 31°27] 24°06) . " 12°95 " " 30 10°11 17°45 31°54] 24°25 " vw | 11°72/2 hones to| N.-E. | Cloudy | Sur. | 10°31] No water sample. |Gray- high tide. | breeze. | rain. | face. ish. " Tyee " " " 20 m.} 10°04 " " " w ale 7p. " " " 30 " 10 Ol " " w n | 14°21}1 hour ebb..| Moder-| partly | Sur- | 9°42 Sample lost. Gre’n- ate | cloudy. | face. ish. N.-W. " 14°21 " " " 20 m. 9°16 " " " " 14°21 " " 30 9°12 " " ” nw | 13°91)22 hours ebb.| Fresh | Misty. | Sur- | 9°47! No water sample. |Gray- S.-W. | Clouds. | face. ish. " 13591 " " " 10 m. 9°06 ' ' " " 13°91 " " " 20 " 8 90, ' " " 8 wv | 13°91 " " ” 30 4 38a—213 316 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SAMPLES “Prince” Stations a Locality. Position (vide chart. ) Latitude. Longitude. Bottom. 0. Ste Croix River between|Biological station bears E |45° 4’ 49’ N.. .|67° 5’ 53” W..|Fairly hard Biological station and| #258. 8, ofa mile. Little mud. Robbinston. Dochet Id. bears N. by W. 4 W. 23 miles. " " " " " " " GnseeKee. " " " " "W " " 7 Cpa Peyy tant EM " " " " " " " Nise eee oe " " ao " " " "W i ‘ u '" " " " " " as Bay of Fundy, east of|Head Harbour Lt. bears S.-|44° 59’ 47" N. ./66° 51’ 24” W.|Sand and White Horse Id., just} W. by W., 22 miles. mud. south of Letite Pass-| Green’s Point Lt. bears age. N. by W. 22 miles. " " " W " " Uy | 8. " '" " " " " " d er es " " " " " " " Passamaquoddy Bay,off|Forest Id. bears S.-W. #/44° 58’ 39’ N../67° 2'7’’ W...|Sand, mud Clam Cove Head. mile. Southern end of and shells, Clam Cove Head bears S. S.-E. ¢ miles. " " uw " " " w" 9 Ste fois th aeke " " " " " " " 9 A oie ee " " " " " " " 9 er eesene " " " " " " " 9 Siefst fa oa " " '" " " " " 9 ee ed " " " " " w " 9 eee rer eee " " " " " " ' 9 eee eee " " " " " " " 9 eoceeeee " " " " " " Ww 9 eee serves " " " " " " " 9 cee ete " ' " " " " " 9 en ee twee " " " " " " " 9 were weer " ‘ " "W " " " 9 old wp 600.8 " " " " " " " 9 a ee es " " " " " " w 9 ee ee wee " " " " " " w ot Ie ns iy ' " " ” " " 9 we ¥.i6 \GAG.0 eve " w " " " " " 9 ee " w " " " iki " Witigeread Soe ' " " " " " " 9. . " " " "W " '" ih 9 see Tn eae sae " ih} " " " " wu 9 eeoeer eevee " w " " " w " 9 a " " w " tw ih w HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 317 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a COLLECTED—Con. n Or | i=) ; 5 = 2) es = i >) 2, & z de) 2 , ; z hn het 3 3 Date. Hour. x s Tide. Wind. | Sky. 2 x = = = 3 = 2 es oe 2 = Dn 6 aa =| ~~ > ® = ot Sg oo 2 S ia ia Pi - 5 fu = + @ | 2 eee cas eo ae D H on | © = ra ® ie) Q < Q = S) 9) a iS) | | | | | | | 1916. Oct. 2710.25 » .| 34 1 | 7°38)13 hours to) Moder- |Clear...| Sur- | 8°90} No water sample. |Gre’n- high tide. | ate. face. ish N.-W. Gray. " 27 10. 25 " 34 " 7°38 " " " 20 m 8 82 " " " " 27|10.25 34 4 7°38 " " " 30 8°82 " " " eerie te re. avaneevel ane = )\s wo o's o's pe eee e he ilhstD, GA IPS PS lege pend ee os ececereeete see see veee 84 see eleeoesccaserseleves o\> haleta elerese™ Meo) 6/8 0)0. ete bie] e,ese. ete ee aa ehtyaaels: eas OCs PoeNMNe I) agchuua ede LD| bres ow ciciela(os [lou es += ,«[isjstntarevetale 9m.| #62) 17°33] 31°32] 24°47 Aug. 3] 3.00 p.m..| 73 m.| 15°05)Migh. ..... 3.-W. |Cloudy.| Sur. 9°50) 17°06) 30°82) 23°81)...... breeze. face. " 3 3.00 " : 73 " 15°05 Cie covet heceh " " 10 m. 9 10 ilyy 11 30°92 23 95 OC " Si OOm are wea toraiiamo OO ane acess " " 20 8°95) 17°18} 31°04) 24°08]...... " SleeOOleaie likes OOO Arig. <'raae " " 30 1 8°60) 17-26}, 31-19) 24-2317. ae " Slt OOlunGt leew OOO! tf | «Aare of " " 40 4 8°42) 17°32] 31°29) 24°S3)0. w= 10)12.45 72 » | 22°20|Low tide very |Clear...| Sur- | 12°62} 16°18} 29°24) 22°16] ..... slight 8. face. breeze. TOMO ag Coline eee " 2 " " 10\m.| 10°02} 16°99) 30°71) 23°62)... .... " 10}12.45 » . 72 " 22°20 " ares " " 20 9°20 M23 ats P24 09 eae yn LOI245- .| 72 1 | 22°20 " Ste " " 30 4 TOA) ilpperdsy| Nba laa Te OW) iy ges eoonco " Meee. " " 40 1, Qa - 25 olel 6 e247 13 (ee w 17) 3.50 » .| 72.» | 18°30)13 hour ebb./Calm... " Sur- | 10°05} 17°36) 31°36} 24°14 face " ive 3.50 " c 72 " 18°30 " " " 10 m. 9 57 ire 36 31°36 24 14 selehaite Aug. 17} 4.00 p.m. |72m. |18°30 |13 hr. ebb. Calm. | Clear. | 20m.| 9°48} 17°38} 31°40) 24°24 wo LZ) 4500) on 72 118230 " " " 30 m.| 9°02) 17°47) 31°57| 24°46 " iz 4.00 " 72 ” 18°30 " " " 40 m. 9°01 ilyé 47 Railglays 24.46 Aug. 31] 2.00 » |78m. |16°68 | 2hr. ebb. |S.W. " Sur- | 12°21! 17°06) 30°82] 23°34 : breeze. face. we OLE 2G! on, |S | (26°68 " " " 20 m.| 10°16} 17°45) 31°54) 24°25 vw =6381) 2.00 » |78 » 16°68 " " " 75 m.| 9°81] 17°53) 31°67) 24°46 Sept. 15} 3.26 » |76m. |14°80 | $hr. ebb. |S.E. Hazy. |Sur- | 10°42) 17°24) 31°16} 23°89)/Gray. breeze. face. " 15 3.26 " 76 " 14°80 " " " 10m. 10°11 PRES EAD 24°44 W wu 15) 3.26 » (76 14°80 " " " 20 m.} 10°12] 17°57} 31°74] 24°44) » 15) 3.26 wn |76 1 114°80 " " " 30 m.} 10°11} 17°59] 31°78} 24°45) 1 We AOA OL Py orm (04280 " " on 40 m.| 10°02} 17°79} 32°15} 24°75) " 15) 2.51 " 76 1 14°80 " " " 50 m. 9°85] 17 27| 31°21) 24°05) wu mn Lop silb ow (76 114°80 " " " 60m.) 9°92) 17°42} 31°47) 24°25) uw Wee loon | a elon, | |L4280 " " " 70m.| 9°92) 17°62} 31°84) 24°53) 1 , te S| Sel) tin fOr 114280 " " " 75m.| 9°93] 17°80} 32°16) 24°78) ‘Oct. 3111.49 a.m. |75 m. |14°56 |1 hr. flood. |S.W. Clear. |Sur- 10°61} 17°40) 31°45) 24°12/Gre’n- light face. ish. breeze. 318 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SAMPLES ** Prince ” oe ’ Stations. Locality. Position (vide chart). Latitude. Longitude. Bottom. No. 9... ..../Passamaquoddy _Bay,|Forest ld. bears S.W. 3} $4° 58’ 39’’ N.| 67° 2’7’" W. | Sand, mud off Clam Cove Head. | mile. Southern end of and shells. Clam Cove Head bears S.S.E. 2 mile. 9 eee er eee hi " " itd " WwW ww 9 eee ee ene " " " " " " " 9 eeewrecces ii " " " " " " 9 - ee reee " " " " " " n 9 " " ” " " w " 9 © 0) em 8: " " w " " " " 9 Ble, e.8 6, eis @ ‘A " Ww " "Ww it ’ ———- 9 seem wee " " " w " "W " penn s Ve a0 Passamaquoddy Bay,|Navy Bar Lt. bears N.W.| 45° 3’ 14’ N. | 67° 1/45” W.| Mud and near Eastern entrance| by N.3N., mile. Tongue rocks. to St. Andrew’s Har-| Shoal Lt. bears E. by N. bour. #N., § mile. 10. +, eee " " " " " " 10 ee " " " " i " " 10 wee eee ee " ' " " " " " 10 ee oe " ” " " " '" "” 10. . " " " " " W "” 10 Coos Ce fe " " " " " " " 10 een ea " " " " " " W 10 . ' '" " " " " " 10. . " i " " " " W 10 Gio (Wha eke (ele " " " " " " " HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 319 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a COLLECTED—Con. 2 ie) 4 5 5 'e) 12 ta ° 3 2 -, = 5 ry . - _ ° . elie 5 mange || <8 = cc) = Ey ® BS OF hi + Date. Hour. iS = Tide. Wind. | Sky. | 3 =] DL 8 = a ¢ y eT 5 z = = = =f <= : 4 : I (= = 28 S S S a ° = LY ~ ra — ~ ~ ~ 3 |e ss | 3 Bee sce ih gee = = aS Ve 3s 2 om = ° 2 j= om = ra) ie ® eo) fax < a é) 2 Qa oO 1916. Oct. 3/11.49 a.m./75m. {14°56 |1 hr. flood. |S. W. Clear. | 10m.) 10°20) 17°52} 31°65] 24 34!Gray. light breeze. " 11.49 " 75 1 14°56 " " " 20 m.| 10°12] 17°19] 31°07] 23:88 ' " 3/11.49 1 (75 5 (14°56 " " " 30m.| 9°98) 17°54) 31°70] 24°40) 1 " 3]11.385 1» |75 5 {14°56 7 " " 40m.| 9°85) sample lost.}......) Oct. 3/11.35 « |75m. |14°56 |1 hr. flood. |S.W. " 50m.} 9°83) 17°64] 31°88) 24°58|Gre’n- light ish. breeze. " 3 LESS " 75 " 14.56 " " " 75 m. 9°68 areal 32°00 24°70 Gray. Oct. 17) 8.32» |76m. |11°61 |14 hr. to low|Strong |Cloudy, |Sur- 9°10} No |water. tide. S.W. rain.| face. " 17) 8.32 " 76 11°61 " " " 20 m. 9°01 " " Wi Sec " 76 0 11-GL " " " 7dm. 8°91 " Aug. 3] 5.00 p.m. |20m. |.... 2thrs. ebb |S. W. Cloudy. |Sur- | 10°70) 16°77) 30°30) 23°21 tide. breeze. face. " 315.00 w (200 S ogaite '" ait " 10m.} 8°95) 17°13) 30°96} 23°99 " 3 5.0C " 20 CEC " " " 20 m. 8 75 17°18 31°04 24°09 (bot- tom.) AIS OO aw (Lom. jf 12) i2ihre: to low). ....... Slight |Sur- | 11°75) 17 07] 30°84] 23°43 tide. haze. | face. wee Le) 6.10) om U8 a 1512 " " " 10 m.| 10°18} 17°18} 31°04} 23°89 ie oO. 1Ot ne Won i512 " " " 15 m.| 10°19} 17°23) 31°13] 23°94 Aug, 24| 3.45 « |16m. |17°28 |Low tide. Light, Rain. Sur-| 13°70} No |water. Ue face. " 24| 3.45 ” 16 17°28 " " " 10 m. 9°72 " " 24 3.45 " 16 " 17-28 " " " 15 m. 9°61 " Ang, 31/11.25 a.m. |21m. |16°89 |2 hrs. to high)Calm. Clear. |Sur- | 12°20} 17°18] 31°¢5) 23°51 - tide. face. " 31/11.25 " 21 16°89 " " " 15 m.} 10°19} 17°43] 31°49] 24°22 wm SLID 25 on 6122 «611689 " " " 20 m.} 10°09} 17°48] 31°59} 24°30 Sept. 15)10.41 , |20m. {16°58 |24 hrs. food.| Light " Sur- | 11°42) 17°41] 31°46} 23°97/Gray. S.E. face. . breeze, w 15/10.41 « 120 4 [16°58 " " " 10 m.| 10°24) 17°46) 31°55) 24°25) 1 Oct.” 3/905 on 17 m.} 10.98}1 hr. to low] N.W. " Surf. | 10°51] 17°36} 31°36] 24°06) 1 ae = ef tide. mode- ; rate. " 3] 9.05 " V7 w 10.98 " " " 10 m.| 10°38) 17°54] 31°66) 24°30 " " 3) 9.05 uw 7 » | 10.98 " " « ~ 15m) 9°72) 17-53) 31-67) 24-42) in " 919.33 1 | 22 | 10.90}High tide. N.E. | cloudy. | Surf. |} 10°20} no |water. " " 9 Wrasse " 22 10.90 '" " " 10 m. 9 83 ” " " 9 9.33 " 22 4 10.90 " " " 20 m. 9 85 " " » 16/11.09 4 19 | 11.12]2 hrs. flood. | S.W. " Surf. | 9°24) 17°64] 31°88} 24 64/Gre’n- mode- ish j rate. Gray. " 16 11.09 " 19 " 1.2 " " " 13 m. 9°12 17°70 31°99 24°77 " " 16 11 09 ” 19 " TISTY " " " 18 m. Oat, 17°69 31°96 24°76 " » 21/12.52 p.m. | 18 » | 13.45]1 hr. to low} Strong | clouds, | Surf. | 9.30] no |water. Gray- ; tide. S.W. rain. ish. " 21 12.52 " 18 " 13.45 '" " " 10 m. 8 95 " " " 21 12.52 ”" 18 13 45 " " " 17 m. 8°86 " " « 27) 8.08 a.m. | 19! 4.62/23 hrs. flood.| Mode- | partly | Surf. | 8°64 " Gre’n- rate. | cloudy. ish 320 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SAMPLES “Prince” eeaion Locality. Position (vide chart.) Latitude. Longitude. Bottom. a oO. LO Peek Passamaquoddy Bay,|Navy Bar Lt. bears N.W.| 45° 3’ 14” N. | 67° 1’ 45” W. |Mud and near Easternentrance| by N}N.2mile. Tongue rocks. to St. Andrews Har-| Shoal Lt bears E. by N. bour. #N., £ mile. 10. eet oe " " " " " " " 10 Ce ee ee " " uw UW " " " 1D etree Petite Passage......... In a direct line between] 44° 23’ 52” N. | 66° 12’ 34” W.|Hard sand Tiverton and Kast Ferry and rocks. about midway. 1L eee cere RO Ae le here aseun ese " " " " 11 er ee (fy Oe RR arpa ois " " " " " 11 eee reee Wp > Sees 2 omen " Ww w " " 11 coer eeee " " Ww " " " an ee ey WEP 2 La Veke pele cere " " " w" " 11 ‘elals a «pe 8 " e " " tw " " 11 suvereee WES @2.P “0 ern e sere 6 te " ' " Ww " 1 egies alae St. Mary’s Bay, off{One mile S.E. from Little] 44° 26’ 17” N.| 66° 6’ 33” W. |Fine sand. Little River. River wharf. 12 eM Dee " " " " " " ’ 12 ee ee " " " " " " " 12 seceeeee m7 " " " " " w" 12 wee ee eoe " " " " w w " 12 es, eeveece " " " " Ww uw " 1Z eatewreoe " " " " " " " Theis Bee cade St. Mary’s Bay, below|South Point of Digby neck} 44° 20’ 7” N. | 66° 13’ 24” W. " Southern end of Petite} bears N.E. 4 N. 25 miles. Passage. Church Pt. bears E. by S. 45S. 44 miles. 13 oe 2008 " " "W " ! "W " 13 Ce | " " " Ww "W " " Nee - " " w " " ' " 13 eee we ewee " " ” " " '" " 13 ereee w " " w " w " LDS 2M Bay of Fundy, off Brier|8? miles N.-W. by W. from]|44° 19’ 30” N. .|66° 32’ 28” W.|Fine sand.. Island. north end of Grande Pas- sage. Run N. N.W. 4 miles, then run W. 3 N., 5? miles. 15 eevee ene " " " " "W w " LS: eeeeee Ww " " " " " " 15 ee ee wees " " " " " " " 15 ee ee wee " " " Ww " " W 15 »e@e.eeee " " " " " w "” 15 ed " " " " " " " 15. " " " ' "W " " 15 seen ete " " " " W " " 15 ee " " " " " " " HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 321 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a COLLECTED—Con. re a . oth | es o) a4 i cb 2 x p © 5 iz : x |e s E las % & Date. Hour. s = Tide. Wind. | Sky. | 34 a, = os Ve > = g o6 + = > > ° a 2 a8 a 33 Se = = =| o-5 = z Be 5 iG B= a Eyl .O ls ens 1916. Oct. 27) 8.08 a.m. | 19m.}] 4.62\hrs. flood. N.W. |cloudy. | 13m.|} 8 92! no |water. Gray. " 27 8.08 " 19 " 4.62 " "W " 18 m. 8°87 " " Sept. 2) 7.55 1» | 304 | 13.02}Low tide. South | cloudy. | Surf. | 9°00) 17°91] 32°37} 25°08 breeze. " 2 7.55 " 30 " 13.02 " " " 10 m. 8°91 17°94 32° 41 25°14 " Die sb0 sn 30 » | 13.02 " -F " 20 m.} 8°91) 17°89) 32°32) 25°07 " 27.55 30 » | 13.02 " " " 25 m.| 8.42) 17°89) 32°32] 25.13 " 2} 1.15 p.m. | 35 » | 15.28)/High tide. Strong cloudy | Surf. | 10°57) 17°73} 32°03] 24°59) Blu- south. ish. " 7 Vie) Gian Us cr 35 » | 15.28 " " " 10 m.| 10°32} 17°79) 32°15) 24°70) 4 " Pd Bealls) " 35 a 15.28 " " " 20 m. 10°21 17°81 32°18 24°75 " " 2 1.15 " 35 " 15.28 " " " 30 m. 10°13 Mee 32°15 24 75 " " 4] 8.50 a.m. | 24 » | 13.38]Low tide. S.W.N.| clear. | Surf. | 12°92) 17°70} 31°98} 24°10] ., breeze. " 4) 8.50 " 24 3.38 " " " 10 m.} 12°92} 17°70} 31°99} 24°10) u " 4, 8.50 uw 24 » | 13.38 " " " 20 m.| 11°51} 17°76} 32°09} 24°46) u " 4} 3.10 p.m. | 31 « | 12.20|High tide. S.W. | cloudy. | Surf. | 12°58) 17°67] 31°93] 24°13] Gray- breeze. ish. " 4, 3.10 31 1 | 12.20 " " E 10 m.| 12°51) 17°68) 31°95) 24°15). " 4/310 1 31 » | 12.20 " " " 20 m.} 11°12} 17°73] 32°03) 24°49) 1 ” 4 3.10 " 31 " 12.20 " " " 30 m. 11 04 VETS 32°10 24°55 " " 5}/10.27 a.m. | 50 » | 11.90}Low tide. N.E. " Surf. | 11°08} 17°74] 32°05} 24 51) Gray- breeze. ish. " 5 10.41 "” 50 W 11.90 " " " 10 m. 10°14 17°83 S221 24°77 " " 5) 10.41 " 50 11.90 " " " 20 m. 9°82) 17°85] 32°26) 24°86 " " 5|/10.27 5 50 » | 11.90 " " " 30 m.} 9°60) 17°86} 32°28) 24°93) 1 " 5}10.27 ou 50 » | 11.90 " " " 40 m.| 9°18] 17°91] 32°36} 25°05) " 510.27 50 » | 11.90 " " " 48 m.| 9°09] 17°93) 32°40) 25°12) u Sept. 6/11.45 a.m../203 m.| 14°80}/Low tide.../Calm...|/Cloudy.} Sur- | 9°17} 17°98] 32°48} 25°15) Dark " 6 12.15 p.m. . 203 1 14°80 " stitial " mals " 10 m. 8°58 18°00 32°52) 25°25 " " 612.15 » .j203 1 14°80 " iets (th a'Gis " 20 un 8°40} 18°01) 32°54) 25°31 " " 612.15 4 203 14°80 " Sete lite hee " 25 8°31) 18°02} 32°55] 25°33) un " 6]12.15 » ./203 » | 14°80 " Have (Ot eons " 5O 8°15] 18°03) 32°56) 25°37) " 612.10 » ./203 » | 14°80 " one (aoe " 7D 0 TT 18°05) 32°61) 25°46) " 6]12.00 noon. |203 » 14°80 " 500 (hit eee " 100 7°49) 18°10) 32°71) 25°53 " " 6)11.45 a.m../203 . | 14°80 " ae (i bas " 125 6°28} 18°19] 32°87) 25°85] 1» " 6)11.45 4. ./203 . | 14°80 " Saal: frye " 150 », 5°88] 18°22} 32°91) 25°97] " 611.45 ./203 0 14°80 " re he aaa " 175 5°57| 18°24} 32°96} 26°03) " 6/11.45 » .1203 » | 14°80 " felt Othe eae " 200 5°55! 18°32) 32°74) 25°57) 322 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SAMPLES **Prince”’ : : Stations Locality. Position (vide chart.) Latitude. Longitude. Bottom. No. Gees) 4 Gulf of Maine, outside}Beside Yarmouth, N.-W.|43° 48’ 48” N..|/66° 15/54’ W.|Hard Yarmouth Harbour, Fairway buoy. rocks and gravel 16. - " " ” " " " " Ge ae '" " " " '" " " 16 ate a. ee Al " " " a w ww 16 eo Ye eun\n) « o\n ' " " w " Ww " 16 eersereree " " " " W " " 16. > " "w " " Ww " " 16 P " " " " " " " 15 - w " " " w ”" w 16. e " " " ” " ee " ’ 16 cons ws " " " ! " o- " " 17 Are Pate Yarmouth Harbour....|/4 mile outside Bunker Id.|43° 48’ 138” N...|66° 8’ 42” W. |Soft mud... red light. Abreast lower end of Ship’s Stern. 17 mate ya oie xe '" "W " " " " " ily ser elt Awveie " " ” " " " " 17 eee weer " " " "” " Ww W alr Ricie Gere s a " " " ow "W " 7 elele\=, |. ecole " " . w os " * Sere peck St. John River, hatw een|A bout 100 yds. off eee cor-|45° 16’ 38” N,. 66° 5/53” W...|Rocks and Fairville and Indian-| ner of Lovett’s Pt. to- sawdust. town. ward Marble Cove Pt. 18 see ee eee " " " " " uw " 18 nied « we pe " " " " ” " ” 18 eee ew neae " " " " " . " " 18 coe tstoe " . " oe " ORS thes: Bay qe Fundy, oe St. Paehidre Td. bell Bart beet 845° 12’ 11” N.|66° 3’ 40’ W..|Soft mud... John Harbour. N.E. by N.4N. 25 miles. Kastern end of Meogenes Id. bears N.-W. by N. 23 miles. 19 Cec Myr yt) ar) iy W w " " " " 19 ae see eee " " . " oe " ates a Kennebecasis Bay, at Milksish Head pea, N. by|45° 20" 57” N. .|66° 48” W... " western end of Long] W. 4 W. 4 mile. Out- Id. side “point ‘of Long Id. bears N.-E. by E. + E. by 13 miles. 20 . " " " " " " " 20 sees ecee " " " " " Aad " " 20. . ' . " w 7,1 Ne eine ee Kennebecasis Bay. at Milkish head ert 'N. by| 45° 12 BT” N.| 66° 4’ 8” W " Western end of Long] W.4W.4mile. Outside Id. point of Long Id. bears IN. E by E. 3 E. Tepullee: 20 ee ey " " " "Ww W 20. e+ eee " " " " ” " w 20 eC) ay er) tw " a " " " " 20 SG iets pydle » " " " nee Sains Kennebecasis Bay, at Outside point of Long Id.| 45° 24 44” N. | 66° 1’ 43” W " eastern end of Long| bears 8.W. by S.}5.,1 Id. mile. Northern end of ' Long Id. bears N,N. W. Be ee) " " " " " " " 21 see eee " " " " " " " PAL eee wwe " " Al " ww " " 21 eeerecee " " " " Ww " ” 2) OO Sim sots ino " w SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a COLLECTED—Con. HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAVAQUODDY BAY 323 Date. Honr. 1916. Sept. 7/12.40 p.m.. w 7}12.50 " " 7|12.50 4 " 7|12.50 ‘" Fiero " OV ae " y 8.04 w 4 9) 8.04 4 " 9) 7.45 " 9 7.45 " " 9] 7.45 " 8 6.20 " " 8] 6.20 " 8} 6.20 " 8} 1.20 p.m.. " 8} 1.20 " 8 1.20 " ih Pal ee Siler " 21 4.13 " Te AS: i nell 4203) on Hee 425 19]10.39 a-m.. 19}10.39 19)10.39 19) 4.00 p.m. . W 19 4.20 " vn 19) 4.10 W 19 4,20 i . Sept. 19] 4.10 p.m. =Orcror SEq5 5 | Air temperature t° C, 16°68 52 ‘70 2°26 26 1°80 Tide. Low tide... 4 hour ‘to high tide. High tide " *25|Low tide... tide. 1 Hae river flood. river cote tte eee Wind. Calm... |South. S.-W. breeze. " Light S.-W. N.-W. breeze. " S.S.E. breeze. Sky. Foggy.. '" .|Fog and rain. Thick Fog. Foggy.. a “* Smoky . Cloud y Depth of determinations In metres. 10 m. 20 » 30 " 34 ww Sur- face. 10m. 19m. Sur- face. 5m. 10 " 154 ‘| 20 m. 30 m. 40 m. 44 m. 55 m. Sur- face. 10 m. 20m. 30 m. 40 m. 45 m. Sur- face. | Water temperature t? C. | alg “55 "28 ‘78 62 “59 5°69 10° 11°15 ple 16° 13°67 “91/V | Chlorine Cl. °/.. 14°55 Water 17°03 Water " water 10°15 11°13 11°53 11°69 21|water 10 8°64 Salinity S. °/... Density ot, 24° 31°68 31°69 sampl 24°09 24°15 e lost. 15°13) 10°55 samplie lost. i] 25 96] 19°71 26°30} 20°31 samplle lost. 30°78) 23°57 sample lost. 19°18 sample lost. 18°35) 14°38 20°13 20°85 21°14 sampl 15°63 15°86 15°95 16°03 e lost. 11°4 Green w " Bro’n. ~ tt 14°92 Bro‘n. Bro’n. " 324 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SAMPLES ‘**Prince” Stations Locality. Position (vide chart.) Latitude. Longitude. Bottom. No. FO 5 Oe oe St. John River, near}/West end of Milkish Id.} 45° 18’ 30” N. | 66° 9’ 32” W. |Soft mud. mouth of Kennebe.| bears E.N.E. Point on casis Bay. south side of mouth of ennebacss Bay bears yap Sle 6 Ere) + ohe " " " " " " W De is, 2s terd vo) Bay a: Bundy. ecered 15 anles south of Partridge 45° 01 18” N. |65° 56’ 10” W.|Sand and St. John and Digby. | Id. bell boat. 20 miles gravel. north of Prim point. 23 -eeeesece " " " Ww w " " 23. " " w " " " " 23 eee eeee " " ' " " " " 24....... |Lower cad of Annapolis Port Wade pier Sete E.N.| 44° 39’ 15” N, |65° 44’ 22” W./Fine sand. Basin. E. Outside point of Mie: toria Beach bears N. 3 W. 24 eeseee " "W n " " w Ww 24 1s < 2s 60x " " " " " " " 24 0/0 6.0) ete " "W " " " " " 24 Cee. YPC io " Ww w " " w w 24 Vis erie s =. " " " ww Ww " WwW 24 eveveete w " ' " " ”" W 24 cece es eee "W " " " "WW " " 24 . " " " " ' " Ww 24 eoce-ene '" " " " " Ww " 24. " " " wv W Ww wW 24 eee eros " " " w w W " 24 eee eereee " " Ww w " w ” 24 eeceeee " W " "W " ‘ " Deh os ‘|Bay of Fundy, off Digby} mile) N.W. 34 N. from Gut. Fairway Buoy, 12 mile N. by E.41., from Point Prim. 25 tovaikets te! d/= " " " " 44° 43’ yf N. 65° 47’ 18” W. Sand and shells. 25. . " " " " " " " 95 mils aA ©: ee " " " w " " " 25 eee ne eee " " " " il} " " 25 eoeeseeos " ” ' "W " W " 25 ails) male "W " " " " " " W435) Pt i et oe " " ij Ww " w " 25. " " " uw " wt " 25 OO gon " " " w " uw " 25 seeenmcee " " " " Ww w 25 Se ws © 9g " Ww w W " . " 25 ee " " " " " " " 25 eee wees " " " " " " Ww De es '" " 4) " " " " 95. " ww " W " W " SESSIONAL PAPER No, 38a COLLECTED—Con. Date. | | | 1916. Sept. 21] 2.43 p.m. Hour. | Depth in metres. Ae Tas BSossesss NT TDD OOoOo He oe co Cro et 49 &9 39 5155 SSoerhss: Mammo NNNNNNMNY ft et et HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 325 oe 5 5 . 6) oS - : ae Te: o ‘S = a 5 = ry BS = 2 z rs Tide. Wind. | Sky. | $4] 2] = = = z Bes = Sad Mee se ae Fl Bo ee ec soa ee 2 Si Al tease fy eee | rare = = Bela |e] 4 |e] 8 = a Sion. | ee pe S.E. TDA ee besos breeze. | Hazy. | 5 m.| 11°70|)water |samplje lost.} Na EAR corerataceh stave ccs " " MOSS Byes coralllocceasa a |e-aeate oie Peso eee 17°74|15 hr. to low|Calm. |Clear Sur- | 10°30) 17°36) 31°37) 24°09] Blue. tide. ace 17°7 ' " " 10 m.| 9°56) 17°74] 32°06) 24°76) 1 17°74 ' " 20 m.| 8°83} 17°85} 32°25) 25°04) 1 17°74 " " " 25 m 8°73 17°89 32°32) 25°09 " 17°74 ' " " 30 m.| 8°57) 17°93] 32°40) 25°18) « 17°74 " " " 40 m.| 8°38] 17°95) 32°44) 25°24) u 17°74 " " " 50 m.| 8°12! 17°96) 32°46) 25°28) 1 ilv¢ 74 " " " 75 ™m 7°93 18°01 32°55 25°38 " 17°74 " " " 95 m.| 7°90) 18°03} 32°58] 25°42) « 12°83|High tide. Light | cloudy. |} Sur 9°37| 17°86) 32 28) 24°95/Gre’n- S.H#. face ish. breeze. 12°83 " " " 10 m.| 9°32|water |jsamplle lost. |Gray. 12°83 " " " 20 m 9°31] 17°94] 32°41] 25°07 " 12‘83 " " " 25 m.| 9°28) 17°93} 32°39) 25°07) wu 12°83 " " 30 m.| 9°29) 17°93} 32°39] 25°07) u 12°83 ’ " " 40 m 9°30 17°96 32°45 25°10 " 12°83 " " " 50 m 9 28 17°33 Piles ye 24°29 " 12°83 " " " 55 m 9°29 17°89 32°33) 25°01 " 15°58) Low tide. S.W. | clear. | Sur- | 10°48} 17°91] 32+37| 24°84] Gray- breeze. face ish. 15°58 " '" " 10 m 10°37 17°87 32°29) 24°80 " 15°58 " " " 20 1n.| 10°30} water} sampile lost. | 15°58 " " " 30 m 10°22 " " 15°58 " " " 40 m.} 10°18) 17°31} 31°28) 24°05) ., 15°58 " " " 50 m 9°86] 17°28) 31°13] 24°00 " 15°95) 3hourto | S.E. |Cloudy. |Sur- 9°30} 17°95} 32°44) 25°1u|Gre’n- low tide. | breeze. face ish. 15°95 " " " 10m.} 9°08} 17°97] 32°47) 25°16)Gray. 15°95 " " " 20m.} 9°08) 17°45) 31°54) 24°42) 4 15°95 " " " 25m.| 9°07] 17°57| 31°75} 24°58] ou 15°95 " " " 30m.|} 9°09} 17°96) 32°46] 25°13) 15°95 " " " 40 m 9°02 17°92 32°38] 25°09 " 15°95 " " " 50m 9°02) 17°98] 32°48] 25°17 ” 15°95 " " " 73m 9°03] 17°95| 32°43) 25°14 " 12°19) High tide. | S.W. | Hazy. |Sur. 9°21|Water| sample lost. |Gre’n- breeze. face. ish 12 AD " " 10m 9.17 " " Blue. 12°19 " " " 20 m 9°18 " " " 12°19 " " " 25m.| 9°13) 17°40) 31°45) 24°34) uo 12°19 " " ”" 30m 9°16 17°40 3L°44| 24°34 " 12°19 " " " 40m 9-1 17°85 32°25) 24°98 " 12°19 " " " 50m 9°13 17°62 31°84) 24°65: un 12°19 " " '" 74m 9°13'Water sampl e lost.| " 326 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SAMPLES ‘*Prince” ‘ Stations Locality. Position (vide chart. ) Latitude. ‘ Longitude. Bottom. No. Basin in River, inside|/Lighthouse in bend above] 44° 44’ 55” N. | 65° 29’ 52” W.| Very soft tahoe, ee ae Annapolis Royal. Granville + erry bears N. mud. by W. 3 W. First point on sovth side above basin bears E. ?6 eeeteee ' " " w w " " 26 eee eee ' w Al ww Ww " w! 26 coco reese " " " " " " W 296. " " ” " " "! " 26 eee eeeee " " t " " " " ZELLER A Annapolis River, north |-Lighthouse on Shaffner’s ern passage, around} Point bears N.E. 4 E Goat Island. Western side of Goat Id. bears S.E. by 8. 3S. D6 See, ee been oA " " " " 44° 42’ DAS N. 65° Sai 29" W. Soft mud. 27 eceece-e " " " " " " " 27 “7 ot Cer et " a " " " "W we 27 ceeses . ” " w w w w " f OMMIeR 0.5 Meee Sible c'. adele oe apai|lebe @URNLS peters. ast Il eae ee bah : : We. alle Gadsvalic ows. [octldecectee MULE Ao: Sanne oe )aen 23 |in CNM MOM MMM hs Sy E | be Ur eee en Ooi ces fie al beeen Or uo oirpeue ls oc ee Ora iio lhaikcs Ucar oh a ( ilo. At ce BA -bAIR rao 6 ae tt Ro eam Mme ns Maree: Aig ora ~ 53 er a RG a) Me Sata. LER es Sake cde IR ye vs ois Spo veel | tk ee ne | HYDROGRAPHY IN PASSAMAQUODDY BAY 327 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a COLLECTED—Con. > we 5 = S) za 2 5 3 ¢ ; = & = va cP) pS i) Be Date. Hour. g S Tide. Wind. | Sky. | $4 = ai 7 ‘ = a ® oe 5 o nn % a Bir | oe Soma) (i seni Bet ol cg 2/8 Se SB) )cmo te | se owe oy = as = aS = r= 2 i) = Gs = a = 2 5 a =a = S o oa = Ss) 1916. Sept. 25) 10.19 a.m.} 24 m.] 13°40) High tide. | Quite | Haze. |Sur- | 14°05) 16°14} 29°17] 21°71)/Mud- heavy face. dy. N.W. breeze. " 25) 10.19 1 24 4 13°40 " " " 10m 13°99} 16°81) 30°38) 22°64 " " 25 10.19 " 24 " 13°40 " " " 20m B72 16 95 30°63 22°90 "” Sept. 25} 4.28 p.m.} 22 , | 14°71) Low tide. | Heavy Sur- 14°45] 16 39} 29°61] 21°97) u N.W. face breeze. " 25 4.28 " 2) " 14° 71 " " " 10 m 14 7 18 16° 41 29°65 22°05 " We 2Ol) 4.28 % 22 . | 14°71 " » " 20 m.| 14°00} 16°72} 30°21) 22°52) « Sept. 26] 10.54 a.m.| 30. | 10 28] High tide. | Heavy | Partly |Sur- |; 11 62) 17°69] 31°96] 24°35/Gre’n- N.W. | cloudy. | face ish. breeze. " 26 10.54 " 30 10°28 " " " 16m 11 62 17°36 31°36 23°88 Gray " 26 10.54 " 30 " 10°28 " "W " 20m 11°18 eer er 32°10 24°52 " w 26} 10.54 30 1 | 10°28 " " " 25m.) VV) 17-79) 3221524 oben Sept. 7] 9.12 un f Liters (ia celeertectt South. | Foggy. |Sur- | 10°10)No water sa|mple. \ face. } eal) S88. % rT Ae (| eee ek i c «| 10°00] 17°76] 32°09] 24°71] | " Wi) 19°56) ic: Uy DEE 10) Dee ase " " " 10°40] 17°73] 32°03] 24-60] | " 7| 10.16 ASG lic scxcteact rae 8 " " " 10°80 17°69 31 96] 24°49 \ " a OSS Shin cll coe SOON ce ote " " " 11°10} 17°69} 31°97] 24°43 » " COZ) ai keen SSO | Gre tae sete " " " 11°20\Samplie of w/ater lo|st. / " GA E22 on THO | ores ieee. " " " 9°95) 17°51) 31°64) 24°36 i " 7| 11.44 w US (trae, Ae en 1" " " 10°45) 17°34] 31°34) 24 04 " TAO poms... cs 30 | eysetontaste sane " " " 10°20} 17°70) 31 99} 24°59 328 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Date. Hour. Locality. Temperature. 1916. September 1 | 11.30 a.m. |Head Harbour to Petit Passage, 23 miles... ...... .. ... 10°94 " 1 11.45 a.m. " " 252 Ut Wavelshetam Eniniefal aint miele jede 10°95 " 1 12.00 p.m. " " 72 cso Yoon pose one 9:20 " 1 17D p.m. " " 292 " © Nis) where slay eile leyetatate 9°05 " 1 12.30 p.m. " " 312 TU, \Gigeiaee iets cerene aya leie 10°85 " 1 | 12.45 p.m. " " Son i.) Laeeeeecee mack or 9°90 " 1 1.00 p.™. " " 358 Uh» Soong o besoin ooo; 9°80 " aE he ks) p.m. " " 372 Te cmos dour todo sda 9°85 " 1 1.30 p.m. " " 39 enor Sced-ycos noc 9°55 " 1 1.45 p.™. " " 402 ie Soman sono GoSS 10°00 " 1 2.00 p.m. " " 423 Wh? Ukeveherta: sdatelench Wo. ehoterete 9°75 " 1 2.15 p.m. W " 433 WD!" Yoiraivatial oe he: /y = reietey nim atin /teife 9°10 " ] 2.30 p.m. " " 453 We | take fevers eueia,apetalel sins alsrets 9°00 " 1 2.45 p.m. " " 474 " SOD a SAO oda cs 9°20 Fraser—Hydroids of Eastern Canada. WESTERN ARCHIPELAGO BRUNSWICK ua Fase! a “yoo! 3 me yt pasoh mgster I Pendletdn 144A 2 Ve gZg Sie zhane I. AY . -wie™ eioe Dutk I. 38a—22 han Ty hye) eeeD Bint ale 4 es ar , : i foment ra ed ‘ ; 7% L aS: A * ee ral 94 te i) f rR i | & GEORGE V SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a A. 1918 SVE HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA. By C. McLean Fraser, Ph.D., Curator of the Pacifie Biological Station, Departure Bay, B.C. INTRODUCTION. Since the early days of the Geological Survey explorations, lists of hydroids have appeared in connection with those of other invertebrata. As in these instances the hydroids that appeared accidentally in the general collection were examined in con- nection with this general material or sent away for examination, there were seldom many species in the list. Verrill identified many of the species and collected in the Bay of Fundy and the gulf of St. Lawrence and his reports, although somewhat scat- tered were the most valuable previous to 1901, when Whiteaves, in his “ Catalogue of the Marine Invertebrata of Eastern Canada,” gave a comprehensive list including all the species that had been reported to that time. Since 1901 two lists have been pub- lished; the one by Stafford, in his “ Fauna of the Atlantic Coast,’ which appeared in “Contributions to Canadian Biology,” 1912, and the other my own list of the “ Hydroids of Nova Scotia” in 1918. Certain references have also been made to Eastern Canadian distribution in the second and third parts of Nutting’s monograph, published in 1904 and 1915, respectively. In the meantime, collecting has been continued in connection with the Atlantic station, now at St. Andrews, N.B. The material accumulated was sent to me by Dr. A. G. Huntsman, with the request that I make an examination of it. It was of much interest to find it a most comprehensive collection, as shown by the fact that from it 79 species have been determined, while Whiteaves’ list included but 58. Staf- ford’s 69, six of which have neither name nor description, and my Nova Scotia list 50. In some instances there is some doubt as to the validity of certain species. Stimpson named some species without giving figure or adequate description and A. Agassiz did the same. Some of these difficulties were straightened out by contempor- aries, but with others there is still some confusion. Taking all together, 112 species have been determined with reasonable assurance, although in two or three cases, men- tioned in the text, there is still some possibility of synonymy. The six unnamed species of Stafford’s are not included in this number. In listing the hydroids in this latest collection, it is as well to include all, to bring the whole list from the eastern coasts of Canada to date. ; Some Newfoundland locations are given but these are all on the gulf of St. Law- rence side. No attempt has been made to include the species reported north of the strait of Belle Isle. Of the 112 species, 16 are reported for the first time in this area, but only one of these, Bimeria brevis, is described as new to science. The others are: Dicoryne con- ferta, Garveia grenlandica, Eudendrium album, Eudendrium annulatum, Tubularia spectabilis, Campanularia gigantea, Clytia cylindrica, Clytia edwardsi, Obelia articu- lata, Opercularella pumila, Stegopoma plicatile, Hebella pocillum, Sertularia corni- cina, Antennularia americana, Plumularia:setaceoides. The purpose of the paper is to give a complete list of species of hydroids that have been reported from the waters along the eastern coasts of Canada, with the dis- tribution of each in this area, to give a synonymy which will include that given with the original description and one or more others where good descriptions or figures appear and all the references in connection with points in this area and to give an account of any new or important point noted. 38a—224 330 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION. For the consideration of the question of distribution, the waters of Eastern Canada can be conveniently divided into three regions: (1) The Bay of Fundy and its approaches, (2) the Gulf of St. Lawrence, (3) the east or southeast coast of Nova Scotia. In the Bay of Fundy the waters around the island of Grand Manan have been much used as a collecting ground ever since Stimpson found a sufficient number of species to make it worth while to write up “The Marine Invertebrates of Grand _ Manan.” Then, as now, it was recognized that on account of the exposed position and the difference in tides, the channels between the numerous small islands must be con- tinually supplied with enough food for countless forms of great variety. The archi- pelago between Passamaquoddy bay and the Bay of Fundy proper provides a large area where the conditions are somewhat similar although the salinity becomes noticeably less in the inner waters. The whole area is suitable for hydroid growth. Even at the mouth of the St. Croix river there is a sufficient interchange on account of the high tides to permit of the existence of some species. Most of the collecting has been done in shallow water and near shore, hence although 87 species have been obtained, the probability is that many others exist in areas as yet untouched. Apart from the Passamaquoddy archipelago, one other point must be mentioned and this at the other side of the Bay of Fundy. St. Mary bay, near Brier island, Nova Scotia, must be a very satisfactory locality for hydroids. All the material sent from there, apparently was obtained during one trip, July 29-30, 1913, and yet from this material alone 30 species of hydroids were obtained. When that many were picked up in indiscriminate collecting, the locality must offer fine opportunities for one looking especially for hydroids. The Gulf of St. Lawrence has been touched at only a few points, Malpeque, Gaspé, Seven islands, Anticosti, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, and some individual dredging trips. It is quite possible that in the gulf there is no single restricted area that offers such a variety of conditions as that at the entrance to Passamaquoddy bay, yet along the whole coast there is variety in plenty and in the vast area of the gulf itself there are great differences in depth and in the nature of the bottom. While the 65 species already obtained may be representative, they must only serve as a sample of what is to be found there. What is true of the Gulf of St. Lawrence is equally true of the Nova Scotia coast. The near shore waters have been touched only in the vicinity of Canso at the extreme east and at Barrington passage at the extreme south. The coast waters intervening are studded with small islands among which are innumerable channels with suitable conditions for a good food supply, in which no collecting has ever been done. The small amount of deep water dredging done by the United States Fish Commission gives some idea of the richness of the fauna in deep water. Of the 65 species from this area, five were found on sargassum from the gulf stream. These were Syncoryne mirabilis, Clytia noliformis, Jkelia hyalina, Sertularia cornicina and Plumularia setaceoides, but the first two have also been reported from inshore. In making a comparison of the hydroids found in these three areas, it will be noticed that of the 27 gymnoblastic species 25 have been found in the Bay of Fundy, 11 in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and 15 off the Nova Scotia coast. The gymnoblastic forms are always an uncertain quantity, particularly in general collecting. So many of them are so delicate that they are soon past recognition unless they are preserved when taken from the water. It is quite possible, therefore, that the Bay of Fundy predominance is due to better preservation of material. Of the 26 species of Cam- panularians, 21 were found in the Bay of Fundy, 17 from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and 17 from the Nova Scotia coast, almost exactly the same proportion as the whole | number of species. Of the 7 species of the Campanulinide, 3 were found in the Bay HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 331 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a of Fundy, 5 in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and 2 off the Nova Scotia coast. These are small forms and easily overlooked. Of the 9 species of the Halecidxe, 8 were from the Bay of Fundy, 7 from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and 4 from the Nova Scotia coast. There is no apparent reason why the Nova Scotia coast should be lacking but there is a similar lack in the Gulf of St. Lawrence in the Lafceidze and Hebellide as out of the 11 species recorded, there are 7 from the Bay of Fundy, 3 from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and 9 from the Nova Scotia coast. In the Sertularide the gulf of St. Law- rence leads, as out of the 24 species, 19 are from the Bay of Fundy, 21 from the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and 14 from the Nova Scotia coast. As usual in temperate regions, the Plumularide are poorly represented. Out of the 8 species reported, 4 are from the Bay of Fundy, 1 from the Gulf of St. Lawrence and 4 from the Nova Scotia coast, only one species being reported from more than one place. Taking the coast as a whole, the gymnoblastic species and the Campanularidz are well represented while the Halecide and the Sertularide are proportionately low in numbers. With the distribution here recorded additional evidence is obtained regarding the conclusion that, for a large number of species, the distribution takes place southward along the continental shores from a central cireumpolar area. Of the 112 species, 65 have been reported from the Arctic regions, 72 from the west of Europe, and 57 from the west coast of North America. Furthermore, it indicates that along these coasts there is no very definite break in the continuity at any one point, although, of course, some of them extend farther southward than others. Of the 77 species that have been reported from the east coast of the United States as well, 62 of them or 80 per cent occur in the Arctic regions, Western Europe, or the west coast of North America, and 21 of them appear in the list of 51 species obtained at Beaufort, N.C., in 1911. A table shows the distribution of each species in these regions and another shows the distribution of the Gymnoblastea and the main families of the Calyptoblastea. 332 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 DISTRIBUTION TABLE FOR SPECIES. Pacifiic Gulf | Atlan- | East West | Coast Bay of St. tic Coast |Arctic Coast of es of Law- | Coast of i of North Fundy.| rence. jof Nova| United Europe. | Ame- Scotia. | States. rica. Gordylophora lacustris 7... 0.205 c-- ~~ s--- x So eae Se x x Giawagleptostyla ems. isc skiesiaedoad “ee x x x x x x Monobrachiun parastGuUls. occ ost sere eel cis ee id ae eRe AMS ORE ils os x Syncoryne mirabilis........-....-.---....-- x x x KL eer ee x Dicoryne conferta:...<.. 1. -) + sere es ees: rar PIS, Ae, 4 yeah Mee ce oki aloo cours a: x HERUOSAE SS OO Eko a eee Xo | eee x WMErI A DLCVISs cere te ee is eveie cial c eesvale’ ake x Garvelasercenlangiea i). j.eere -)jeilactotns tha | tie Xo. (lw aad Aieobee beled Ah ke gal ee eee x Bougainvillia carolinensis...........----++-- x x x x dend nium all burn sess ee eters leis cic: 5 Chi Midas orc ie CREE x x Annu latino ce aeteeien tes sk ree AL ORG ceased eee chan |e OReaS Oe x Canilaner err ochialiaieciec a Xeric, X x x x CUNGU AUT eee ee ee ee x Gisparset att. 2S PEE Ae x x x x PALACIO tees «beacon hse xe ee X pean nee x x TAINO hee eee te ee ee x x x 2 X x LENUG Taner ine nce ate pleas DG 2, Fa x x Hiydractinia echinatal. 26... i ppp = x x x x x Myriothela phrygia..............@..----- > Chie |S IP een ||? Sys x AGA nis PMIMAnlUs coer cte ae Se ee lr ee A ERS eh I ee oe x Gorymonpha pendula. -epcer- eles es x x x x Ab iularias COUTNOWVE. gece. ance see cree Sell aa neta toueiteeer he x CLOGEAM AT Meera ken > dha | (el oie x xo Pull See x ARG VASE bee eles ties seeioes Kiley liars Kelle bins ae x x Nervi eter acer ee aresin yee: x x x x x x Bpectapilieeseera ces weenie te er 5 BU Sede Nel er x fencllaet a) hiccit ches ease ee ned Poet x x Campanularia amphora.............------- OY esters. x x HEXNOSAL.. o-c2e ee x x x x x DELANOSA enctlslec eee eel) t= e deen I lao Sere x axe x STEN aa dle Sauls amb aeeeee b x 5 He In bexegaenes ae x x Sroenlangicay 440. see eh) Sees Ke AR Ae x x YT Set Marit cai al rots oe al ee octal exe it ota x x Ke x INLCRT AG peeer foe eee x Xe ol nteecpe ets x x x Tae UT (Ewe Seipiasion oAbea eran (eaormacps| \aanuirac x merlectace set ahan stack ae ee X x x x x APECIOSAL Ee cchie foe Seen sero toe nie Ks) ictus vetaligh ce asiec||"y ) Pek Ol eee x WELCH tae sews ese x x x x x x VOMIDIIS a eaccetinaeee tee os Xs x x x x x @lytis eylindnica.. apc eevee eile iol 5 aay (Re area, 2 (ea Pe ea dhe soe all eee x GCLWALTO Since ce eee ice heute ens eon 5 am (aS Seo » OM eerie conic ooo. x IGHNSLONIEMN arya oriiterietae eta = % x x x x x hiolbiiayntaitss anpamides Saou OOo aGemauooS x x x Xs Wines Seats eee x Hireopellacabiculahas scr. set wert sere sel x x x x x x Gonothymeaveraciliss. so. .-cso: Feet aa cee: x x x x OVEREAisc Eaeccot ec latua oan x x x x * Opolinarviculatasecs wees o.e se ioe > gia ee ees esl Werner x COMLUMISSUEALISs Sere ce teas aide hers ot x x x XP Mls rhe eee x Gichotom asec che we stEicee x x x x x x aD pllataet oo cet ee oe cto eae x |e x x x PENICUIALLARS. Se eee niece cer eytee X x x x x x ie alinec5 ecu jisass esas Seer ee] ease alteeee es x x Xx: ieee TON eABSIEA Ae re mic ceie arlene eters ine: x XA) als eee x x x Waly cellaisymanee: oe clever tics sete eal x x x x x x Gispidellaicostatas oc. mace Geet er idee ae = DM (eatitoes tao x x PTANGISeere cates ee eee cle eral eke cat x) Pe epemiteree ns seca tire x re Opercularella lacerata.......-..--.++++++-5+ a Ae eee ee x xX x x UTIL Me ehianrre ety eel ae Deen Ea NT Neneh leon 6 x Stegopoma plicatile............+5.000ee bere [eee e eee: XW Lydia te. . x x Tetrapoma quadridentatum...........--..-Jeees-+-: De la td Ctl ERR Arad Halecium articulosum.............----- Xa Speen op | eee x x x esting cote ee eee. erecta tt sek % x x x x curvicaule...... PD Cte tal ercenepes tans [le «chara | eteresclemetote x x TAC Eamets alas eileen here x > a IERIE 2) Bits x Halecinumesic.: Seats Soc ee x Kiet ilies x } x “LAUT ITY TLb 11 peer crt Pyarhty a SIR OPGN oe x x > east | Seater TUNICA there cee x x > ae fe) eet ere x x SERSLO ste s eeke Cathie Sete store seme Ke Gaerne BE sc) geet ae x tenelluris S28 ee ei dit em eetaster x x x x x x HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a DISTRIBUTION TABLE FOR SPECIES—Concluded. 333 | Pacitie Gulf | Atlan- | East West | Coast Bay of St. tic Coast | Arctic | Coast of —— of Law- | Coast of regions. of North: Fundy.} rence. jof Nova| United Europe. | Arne- Scotia. |States. rica. Fiztoilin, Gallesrenicweee at bee Meee pater || Sar ge ais x x OCILLTN Ts, SNAPE che ere ats Rd 5:61], ES en eRe oy x x x x Gio to aml agtRIBeLIAISh sees tye cata. dept aacllene cis a8 |, sae lee x ATEN FAR SEL DONS cfc, <2 cici tps s¥s) opetekiie eis isvscere site 5 ol 3-1 x | sae x x x x x Grammaria abietina: of... sc el ow eee uu x x ARS hee x x x PTAC iswee ne nicest ed er lacs Ss x ILTyioas, clea ae Go Se ene eee x x x x x X x EU COSMET een te ee ne a) te > Oe] WE SERS x x x LACHIMIAN seta, Seas tive Rcclsehes om ee x x x x x x x aaa Ea OB ee SEL ei ee (ee eee ee St Nee as ete Rl hE re ta x SV MULIEUEICS on ete laren ns a are |lacie. o's > A > ales | Mrea se mel | ea x Abietinsria Abietinay:..... ¢.c)004. 2.0... uu. Ks x x x x x x EURECUULA Fa vrattents ices serch x Ky a ereme | ce x x x x MOR saS evita lex watery ei bic dso ove arab susnte Lasetba avec x x x x x x OMNES Snell ch eRd ie Sictace oc Me eybeenaie eh els x x x x x x PRINT TNC Ara; sig. 8 stio a ha e As ad as Xo “gly eee ROMER 95 ae x x iy cdrallonsnia faleata..- 2. .0 in cece ess x x x x x x PEMLIBODSIS TIOITA DING ssc a> sles elec see cose |i ste sities x x x x x x SeniicenellarcOniGals: hekhen sae eens ee ate. ais SUES x 5 eet Va | 2 ch oi x PUSILORITS aoe aie ete cuk settee cil pees 2 en il te Sea | lee Nf x x HOLY ZONIGS soe ccna se x X x x x x x RU ORME TR SIAe re Rate kaki x x ala|N eee ae x x x x HICH PICA bla ence viaee je eee x x x x x x x Seen enienCOnmiCluds aa bate raat oh cede hte sec cll sa tye pores x x paytheoVSe e ASG bc ie eae Oe aS x x x x x x x MiMinarIAN Ar PeNtes,. coe cae ctoc a ieee et nslee veles x x x x x x x CUPLEASIN GD sie orclee oe caata cen acter ecaicahs x x x x x x TEN] Cy oto A aaeeys CORES Lae eee eee x > abe Aa + x x x x TUMUTT GENE Hes each be Seto ks ak Sorte - x 5 Soe Scie | (actrees x : RUTTER eee rae x x HOUCHUEIS ey Rare hyo se eeas ee oe x x x x x x THD) O10 I) ane re cece Ae CTE RR SE eee cae | eae ine > aa Lee Racial A ee pany XE Mile x SUTTER US a sGck hee ect ae asite et ee x oF OG intey Actes Ol I eeoramiehs | (eee ee oe x RESTOR aye Pee ogee are ote facie Pare Shae oes Lalas x MAP alll cre,wevetseave |tversene sas x x x LUCIE ets A es ee ees ae Re x KPA aS s x x x x Aglaophenopsis cornuta.................-.-. SA aioe a cy tal eee x Antennularia americana.................... > CH Angee Sal ara bah a antenning: 26: eth en ee 5 ODUM er ARS ORAS gee To ik x x x Claducarpus POUR EAL Ss if cise eeE resco cisverate All ra,s oho eellte edd sseters x 5 AN eee x SPEC LOSS Mee sere rere See reste bleu er ee aeceee tales x lum ar SetACeOIdess scons Ao aee ae te lion hs eee tle cee x x Schizotricha gracillima............:.....:.. eh [ed arses alles saya Dre ere coe x Thecocarpus myriophyllum................ x a aes Dy aeatl [a a er x SUMMARY OF DISTRIBUTION. Pacific Gulf | Atlan- | East West | Coast Bay of St tic Coast | Arctic | Coast of — ' Total of Law- | Coast |° of regions. of North | Fundy.} rence. |of, Nova|"United Europe.| Ame- Scotia. | States. rica. Gyno blasted stein... Gere see ou: 27 25 11 15 17 11 12 10 @ampanilaridse.:...22. aves steele. 26 21 17 17 23 16 18 18 Campa inidse.s oi... scene oe! ane ws ¥( 3 5 2 4 5 5 4 JR UDI Crs (oe OREN UR ae ae Saran ene 9 8 7 4 5 6 7 4 Hebellide and Lafcide........... 11 7 3 9 5 6 8 6 SailGiet: bw eee eee ena 24 19 21 14 17 19 18 15 PETIT ee ose Seto: sie ass 8 4 1 4 6 ¥ 4 334 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 It is interesting to compare this list with the list of those that have been found in the Vancouver island region. Although this region is somewhat farther north than the Bay of Fundy or the greater part of the gulf of St. Lawrence, it is not subject to the same cold currents, hence the conditions are to some extent comparable. In my 1914 paper, 136 species were listed and since then 4 more have been added to the list, making 140 in all. Of these 48 appear as well on the eastern Canadian list. On the west coast, of the families represented, the Sertularide is the most num- erous, with 41 species, 29 per cent of the whole number, the Campanularide next with 34 or 24 per cent. The Gymnoblastea is represented by 25 species, 18 per cent, and the Halecide with 16 or 11 per cent. This is not the order on the east coast. The gymnoblastic species are more numerous than the species of any calyptoblastic family, there being 27 or 24 per cent of the whole number. The Campanularide with 26 or 23 per cent beats the Sertularide with 24 or 21 per cent and the Halecide has only 9 representatives or 8 per cent. The Plumularide, a large family, is represented by only 8 species in each case, and as none of these are common there can scarcely be a cireumpolar centre for this family. A table will show this comparison more readily :— Hebel- lidee —— Total. | Gym. |Campa-|Campa-| Hale- and Sertu- |Plumu- nula- nuli- cide. | Lafo- | laride. | laride. ride. | nide. eide. ABER ana a occ cts ae its < oes eon 112 27 26 7 9 11 24 8 Vancouver Island region........... 140 25 34 8 16 8 41 8 SYSTEMATIC DISCUSSION. With regard to nomenclature nothing need be said in connection with any of the families with the exception of the Sertularide. This family may well be considered on account of the treatment it has received in Levinsen’s paper of 1913.1 It is true that in this paper he introduces no opinions that were not found in his paper of 1893?, but he goes into a much more elaborate defence of these opinions and hence the latter paper has received much more attention than the former. In the classification of the Sertularid, as given in these papers, Levinsen casts all other characters aside and bases his entire taxonomic faith on the opercular appar- atus as a basis for generic distinction. Naturally this throws the synonymy of the Ser- tularide, not by any means in a settled state, into greater confusion. Broch and Kramp have subscribed to his views but elsewhere they have found little favour when considered in their entirety although certain points have been accepted by a number of authors. A lengthy discussion of the system, as expounded in the 1913 paper, will not be attempted here but a few general remarks on the soundness of the arguments deduced seems advisable. The argument may be stated as follows: There are individual (zooidal) char- - acters and colonial (zoarial) characters. In general the individual characters are better suited for taxonomy than colonial characters therefore all colonial characters should be excluded. Among the individual characters, some relate to the trophosome, some to the gonosome. Those relating to the trophosome are more suitable for tax- onomy than those relating to the gonosome, therefore the gonosome characters should 1 Systematic Studies in the Sertularide. 2Meduse, (Ctenophores and Hydroids of the West Coast of Greenland. HYDROIDS BASTERN CANADA 335 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a be excluded. Among the individual trophosome characters the nature of the opercular apparatus is a good character, therefore all other characters should be excluded and the opercular apparatus must form the one and only basis for the whole system of classification. Let us examine the argument piece by piece. In the first place, without trying to settle the relative value of individual and colonial characters, are the colonial charac- ters of such little value that they should be neglected entirely in classification? In connection with this, Levinsen drew an analogy in his earlier paper (p. 184) and was so well satisfied with it that he quoted it in his later paper (p. 255). It is this: “A zoological system based on that kind of characters may be compared to a botanical, in which the chief stress was laid on the inflorescences and not on the structure of the flowers. In both cases, the genus would contain a number of heterogeneous species. It can hardly be deemed doubtful that constant differences“in the structure of the single individuals in question, of the hydrotheee or hydranths, ought to be preferred as systematic characters, and that colonial characters ought only to be used when structural diversities were not to be found.” The analogy is somewhat unfortunate as in many cases the inflorescence is char- acteristic not only for the genus but even for the family. What more constant char- acter would it be possible to get than the head of the Composit, the loose raceme of the Ranunculacee or the compound umbel of the Umbellifere? In the great majority of eases each species has a typically characteristic habitus and whatever in addition may be used as a basis for first diagnosis, as soon as the plant becomes familiar, it will be recognized by its inflorescence rather than by any single characteristic of the flower itself. So too in the case of the hydroids, each species ‘has its own typical habitus by which it is recognized and if the genus has not so much the worse for the genus or the validity of it. The fact that the habitus of the young colony may be somewhat different to that of the colony at a later period and depends to a certain extent on environment, rather increases than decreases the value of this:as a distinctive char- acter when the lite history is known. In any case even if the colonial characters, taken as a whole, are not of so much value as the individual characters, there is no reason that they should be discarded. Turning to the next part of the argument, the characters of the gonosome are neglected because they are less important than the characters of the trophosome. Are the characters of the gonosome of so little account? Turning again to the floral analogy, how much of any system of classification would be left if all the references to the nature of the gynecium and andrecium and their relations to other parts of the flower were left out? In all other families of hydroids the characters of the gonosome are used extensively for taxonomy, why should they not be used in the Sertularide ? Finally, going back to the floral analogy once more, is it possible to find a single family of plants of any size that is divided into genera on the basis of a single char- acter of the floral envelopes? Im the hydroids as well, although one character in a family may be prominent, it is seldom that the paucity of characters is so marked as to make it necessary to rely on one character of the trophosome alone as the deter- mining factor throughout. Some of the points as they appear in Levinsen’s paper may well be considered. After showing that the different species of Selaginopsis do not fit in in with the generic idea when based on the nature of the opercular apparatus, the following statement is made: “ The fact that there is no constant relation between the structure of the zooids and the colonial form, or to express it in another way, that they are incommensurable values defined by different laws, must have the logical sequence, that one of them can- not be substituted for the other, and, therefore, a genus ought never to be instituted solely on the basis of a difference in the colonial form, when otherwise the zooids pre- sent distinct structural diversities ” (p. 259). To state that the conclusion that “there is no constant relation between the structure of the zooids and the colonial form” is a 336 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 fact, upon such little basis, makes it necessary to materially discount any argument based on the statement. The resultant assertion depends for its value on the signifi- eance of the word “ distinct.” According to the remainder of the paper it might better have read “ when otherwise the zooids present differences in the opercular apparatus ” but with such an interpretation every other taxonomist will not necessarily agree. Some of them may even have the temerity still to believe that there may be some cor- relation between colonial and individual characters. Levinsen entirely neglects the systematic value of the characters of the gonosome and hence in the genera in which he has introduced the most radical changes are to be found the widest diversity in these characters. In the genus Sertularia “the gono- theee present a very different habitus, being either smooth, ringed or provided with two or more spines” (p. 298), and in the genus Odontotheca “the gonothece present a very variable habitus, being either smooth, ringed or provided with two spines” (p. 308). No system of classification based on colonial characters could present more “distinet structural diversities ” than this. With regard to the nature of the opercular apparatus almost anyone will adm?t that it is a good character, but even if it were the most suitable single character for diagnosis, it would not signify that the whole classification must depend on it, since there are other good characters. Levinsen says, ‘‘ It seems reasonable to ascribe sys- tematic significance also to the operculum, a structure that must be regarded as the complement of the protective eases, and, so to speak, as the end result of the same effort which led to the formation of the hydrothece and gonothece ” (p. 288), and yet in this classification all of the hydrotheca with the exception of the opercular apparatus receives no consideration and the gonotheca is left out entirely. Farther on in the same paragraph he says the operculum” has in common with other structures of systematic significance, a rich development of characteristic modifications which give excellent generic characters,” but in his classification he has eliminated the consider- ation of “other structures of systematic significance.” It seems a very satisfactory character in one respect as any cases of disagreement can be blamed on regeneration or injury but the very fact that regeneration is so very apt to take place and that the apparatus is so delicate as to be so susceptible to injury, makes its value for diagnosis of doubtful significance. After one has spent as much time and observation on the operculum as Levinsen did before writing this paper it might be possible to judge the nature of the operculum correctly from the appearance of the rest of the apparatus even when the operculum has been torn away but one with less experience will certainly have serious doubts at times when the operculum is not present and it is not always possible to have an unlimited supply of material to examine for hydrothece perfect in this respect. When Levinsen finds it necessary to disagree with the interpretation put upon the nature of the opercular apparatus by so many careful hydroid observers, e.g., with Nutting in the case of Sertularia pumila, it is evident that the adoption of a system based on such a character instead of bring- ing about a desirable degree of unanimity will tend to make the disagreement much more pronounced. There can be little natural about a system of classification that makes it necessary to combine the genera Abietinaria and Diphasia into a single genus to make it fit in with the classification when the differences are so evident that they are immediately separated into the same two parts but called groups instead of genera for appearance, sake. Levinsen objects to certain genera because there are intergrading forms but his classification leaves just as large a crop of these as is to be found in any other system. There will always be these intergrading forms but nothing is to be gained by erying down one system on this account when no improvement is made in a proposed sub- stitute. When an attempt is made to fit in a system of classification of the Sertu- laride depending on the nature of the opercular apparatus with the general classifica- HYDROIDS BASTERN CANADA 337 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a tion of the hydroids in use, we have, to use Levinsen’s words, “ incommensurables defined by different laws, so that we must have the logical sequence, that one of them cannot be substituted for the other.” While, therefore, the care with which Levinsen did this work on fd opereular appa- ratus is fully recognized and while the value to systematists of this exhaustive examina- tion is in no way under-estimated, it is impossible to do otherwise than conclude as many others have done, that although the nature of the opercular apparatus is a good char- acter and is of much value in classification, it cannot be used satisfactorily as the sole basis on which to divide the Sertularide into genera. The time may come when there will be more general agreement on the method of classifying this family but it will be at a time when all the main variable features of each species will be taken into consideration. As this paper is on distribution rather than on taxonomy, it is not desirable to discuss in detail this or any other system of classification. By adhering to the nomen- clature used throughout in previous papers for the Sertularide as for the other fami- lies, there will at least be no difficulty in following the references to the various species considered. Sub-order GY MNOBLASTEA. Family CLAVIDZ. Genus CORDYLOPHORA. CorDYLopHORA LAcuUsTRIS Allman. Cordylophora lacustris ALLMAN, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1st ser. viii., 1844, . 330. Hincks, Br. Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, p. 16. Srarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Distribution —St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford). Although this is a fresh- or brackish-water form, since it has been reported it is well to include it in the list. Genus CLAVA. CLAVA LEPTOSTYLA Agassiz. Clava multicornis Stimpson, Marine Invert. Grand Manan, 1853, p. 16. Clava leptostyla Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U.S., vol. iv, 1862, p. 218. Hinoxs, British Hydroid Zoophytes, 1868, p. 6. Nouttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 321. Hareaitt, Am. Nat. 1901, p. 305. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 18. STaFFoRD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 159. Distribution—Salmon Bay (Packard); Long island point to Labrador (Verrill) ; St. Andrews, Canso, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso (Fraser); St. Andrews. Family LARIDZ. Genus MONOBRACHIUM. MonosprRACHIUM PARASITUM Mereschkowsky. Monobrachium parasitum MerescHowsky, Hyd. from White Sea, 1877, p. 226. LEvINsSEN, Medus, Ctenophorer, ete., 1893, p. 151. parasiticum BoNNEviIE, Norske Nordhays-Ex., 1899, p. 151. parasitum StTaFForRD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution.—Gaspé (Stafford). 338 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Family DICORY NIDA. Genus DICORYNE. DIcoRYNE CONFERTA (Alder). Eudendrium confertum Auprr, Trans. Tynes. Nat. F.C., iii, 1857, p. 103. Dicoryne conferta Hixcxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868,.p. 105. ALLMAN, Gymnoblastic Hyd., 1871, p. 293. Distribution.—Off Minister’s island. DicoryNnE FLExuOSA G. O. Sars. Dicoryne flexuosa Sars, Bidrag til Kundskaben om Norges Hydroider, 1873, p. 96. VeERRILL, Am. Jour. Sci. and Art, 3rd. ser., vol. xvi, 1878, p. 375. WuitFaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 19. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Distribution.—Off Nova Scotia, 50 to 125 fathoms (Verrill); St. Andrews (Staf- ford). Family SYNCORY NIDA. Genus SYNCORYNE. SYNCORYNE MIRABILIS (Agassiz). Coryne mirabilis Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U.S., vol. iv, 1862, p. 185. Syncoryne mirabilis Nuttinc, Hydroids of Woods Hole, 1901, p. 328. Harcitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 328. Wuitkaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 19. Dicoryne mirabilis Starrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Distribution.—Belles Amours, strait of Belle Isle (Packard); bay of Fundy (Verrill) ; Seven islands (Stafford) ; Katy cove; on sargassum in the Gulf Stream east of Nova Scotia. Family BIMERIDA. Genus BIMERIA. BIMERIA BREVIS new species. (Fig. 2). Trophosome.—Stem simple, growing from a creeping hydrorhiza; in many cases it forms a long pedicel for a single hydranth but in others it may give off several hydranths, each on a pedicel of its own, and occasionally these pedicels may be branched. The greatest length observed was 8 mm. In the branched specimens, the branches do not come off at regular intervals, either vertically or laterally ; each makes quite an acute angle with the stem. The perisarc is quite thick and wrinkled but no definite annuli are formed; the portion around the body of the hydranth is closely wrinkled or creased; hydranth small with 11-12 tentacles. Gonosome.—Absent. Distribution —On Tubularia crocea from Katy cove. The habitus of this species is much similar to that of Bimeria humilis Allman’, but the stem is relatively much stouter, the hydranths are much smaller and the peris- are is much more wrinkled. In any case one should scarcely expect to find a species that was obtained in the warm, shallow water of the Tortugas to occur in the cold water of the bay of Fundy. It bears less resemblance to Bimeria vestita Wright as it is a shorter but coarser species. 3 Allman, G. J. Gulf Stream Hydroids, 1877, p. 9. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 339 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Genus GARVEIA. GARVEIA GROENLANDICA Levinsen. Garveia grenlandica LrvinseN, Meduser, Ctenophorer, etec., 1893, p. 155. Fraser, Vancouver island hydroids, 1914, p. 117. Distribution —Bay of islands, Newfoundland, 50 to 60 fathoms. Family BOUGAINVILLIDA. Genus BOUGAINVILLIA. BouGAINvILLiA CAROLINENSIS (MecCrady). Hippocrene carolinensis McCrapy, Gymno. of Charleston Har., 1857, p. 62. Margelis carolinensis Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U.S., vol. iv, 1862, p. 344. A. Acassiz, N. A. Acalephz, 1865, p. 156. Bougainvillia carolinensis Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 330. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Fraser, New England Hydroids, 1912, p. 41. Fraser, Hyd. of Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 159. Distribution—St. Andrews, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso (Fraser); Katy cove, Joe’s point. The specimens of this species collected at Katy cove were small as compared with those described from Woods Hole. None of them were more than an inch in length but the medusa buds were well developed. Family FUDENDRIDA. Genus KUDENDRIUM. EupENDRIUM ALBUM Nutting. Eudendrium aibum Nurtinc, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1898, p. 362. Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 334. Hareaitt, Biol. Bull., 1908, p. 97. Fraser, Hyd. of Beaufort, 1912, p. 348. Distribution—Of Deer point, Campobello island, and at many points between this and Dochet island up the St. Croix river, off Brier island, Nova Scotia, 33 to 39 fathoms. EuDENDRIUM ANNULATUM Norman. Eudendrium annulatum Norman, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, p. 83. Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 83. JADERHOLM, Northern and Arctic Invert., 1909, p. 51. Distribution.—Brier island, 25 fathoms. KEUDENDRIUM CAPILLARE Alder. Eudendrium capillare Aver, Cat. Zooph. Northumberland and Durham, 1857, p. 15. Hincss, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 84. ALLMAN, Gymno. Hyd. 1871, p. 335. Nuttine, Woods Hole Hyd., 1901, p. 334. Waiteaves, Marine Invert. East Can., 1901, p. 20. Fraser, Hyd. of Beaufort, 1912, p. 348. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. 340 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Distribution—Le Have bank, 45 fathoms (Smith and Harger); St. Andrews (Stafford); Weir stakes at St. Andrew’s island; off L’Etang head, 12 fathoms. EUDENDRIUM CINGULATUM Stimpson. Eudendrium cingulatum Stimpson, Marine invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 9. WuiteaveEs, Marine Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 20. Distribution—Off Duck Island, Grand Manan (Stimpson). Stimpson’s description of this species is very meagre but it seems to agree very well with that for #. annulatum Norman and very probably it is the same species. If it is the name FH. annulatum should be retained as it has priority. A. Agassiz con- sidered it to be the same as Bougainvillia supercilaris Agassiz (See N. A. Acalephe, 1865, p. 153). EUDENDRIUM DISPAR Agassiz. Eudendrium dispar Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U.S., vol. iv, 1862, p. 285. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 332. Hareitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 309. WHiITEAVES, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 20. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 160. Distribution —Vineyard sound to bay of Fundy (Verrill); St. Andrews, Seven islands (Stafford); Barrington passage (Fraser); Off Head Harbour Island, Off McMaster island, weir stakes, St. Andrews island, Joe’s point, reef off St. Andrews, 10 fathoms. EUDENDRIUM RAMEUM (Pallas). Tubularia ramea Pauas, Elench. Zooph., 1766, p. 83. Eudendrium rameum Hinxcks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 80. Wuireaves, Mar. Invert. East Can., 1901, p. 19. JADERHOLM, Northern and Arctic Invert., 1909, p. 50. Distribution.—30 miles southeast of Halifax in 100 fathoms (Verrill); near Two islands, Grand Manan, 5-10 fathoms, off L’Etang head, off Joe’s point, Weir stakes, St. Andrews island. EUDENDRIUM RAMOSUM (Linneus). Tubularia ramosa LINNAEUS, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 804. Eudendrium ramosum Hixcks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 82. Nourtine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 332. Hareitt, Am. Nat, 1901, p. 309. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 19. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 160. Distribution—Bay of Fundy, 8 to 100 fathoms (Verrill); 8 miles southeast of Bonaventure island (Whiteaves); Métis and Murray bay (Dawson); St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Chedabucto bay, 45 fathoms (Fraser); many locali- ties from Two islands to St. Andrews point, Brier island. EuDENDRIUM TENUE A. Agassiz. Eudendrium tenue A. Acassiz, N.A. Acalephe, 1865, p. 160. Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 333. WuiteAves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 20. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 160. Distribution.—Buzzards bay to Bay of Fundy, low water to 15 fathoms (Verrill) ; St. Andrews (Stafford); Canso (Fraser); many points from St. Andrews to L’Etang head, off Brier island. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 341 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Family HY DRACTINIDZ. Genus HYDRACTINIA. HYpRACTINIA ECHINATA (Fleming). Alcyonium echinatum Fiemine, Br. Animals, 1828, p. 517. Hydractinia echinata Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 23. polyclina Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist., U.S., 1862, p. 227. Nurtine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 335. echinata WuitTEAvEs, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 21. Hareitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 310. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 352. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1915, p. 161. Distribution—New Jersey to Labrador (Verrill); St. Andrews, Malpeque, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Grand Manan (A. Agassiz); Canso (Fraser); High Duck island. ‘ Family MY RIOUHELIDA. Genus MYRIOTHELA. MyriorHens prryer (Fabricius). Lucernaria phrygia Fasricius, Fauna Greenlandica, 1780, p. 343. Myriothela phrygia Hixcxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 77. Wurreaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 20. Distribution.-—“ Grand Manan, bay of Fundy, W. Stimpson” CL. Agassiz). Family PENNARIDA. Genus ACAULIS. ACAULIS PRIMARIUS Stimpson. Acaulis primarius Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1554, p. 10. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 21. Distribution——Grand Manan, 5 to 15 fathoms (Stimpson). Family CORY MORPHID. Genus CORY MORPHA. CorYMORPHA PENDULA Agassiz. Corymorpha nutans Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 9. pendula Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U. S., vol. iv, 1862, p. 227. Nurtrine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 337. Harairr, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 312. Monocaulis glacialis WuitEaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 21. Srarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. fle Corymorpha pendula Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 161. Distribution.—West Quoddy head, Welsh pool, Low Duck island, 4 to 15 fathoms, (Stimpson); bay of Fundy, Murray bay (Verrill) ; Rodger’s island, Oak bay, Char- lotte county (Ganong); St. Andrews (Stafford); Chedabucto bay (Fraser); St. Andrews, Wolves island, Harbour island, 25 fathoms. 342 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Family TUBULARIDA. Genus TUBULARIA. TUBULARIA COUTHOUYI Agassiz. Tubularia couthouyi Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U. S., 1862, p. 266. A. Aacassiz, N. A. Acalephe, 1865, p. 196. Notting, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 338. Distribution—Grand Manan (A. Agassiz). TUBULARIA CROCEA (Agassiz). Parypha crocea Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist., U. S., 1862, p. 249. Tubularia crocea Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 340. Hareitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 315. Fraser, New England Hydroids, 1912, p. 42. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 162. Distribution—Canso (Fraser); Katy cove, St. Andrews, L’Etang head. Weir stakes, St. Andrews island. TUBULARIA INDIVISA Linnzus. Tubularia indivisa Linnxus, Syst. Nat. 1767, p. 1301. Strmpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1853, p. 9. Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 115. Wuitraves, Mar. Inv. East. Can., 1901, p. 21. StrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Distribution —Grand Manan (Stimpson); Sable island (Dawson); Le Have bank (Smith and Harger); St. Andrews (Stafford); St. Andrews, Joe’s point, off Deer island, off L’Etang head. TUBULARIA LARYNX Ellis and Solander. Tubularia larynx Evuis AND SotanperR. Nat. Hist. of Zooph., 1786, p. 31. Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 9. Hinoks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 118. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 338. WuitEaves, Mar. Invert. East Can., 1901, p. 20. Thamnocnidia larynx StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 72. Tubularia larynx Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 162. Distribution.—Grand Manan (Stimpson); Orphan bank (Whiteaves); Gaspé bay (Dawson); St. Andrews, Malpeque, Gaspé (Stafford); Barrington passage (Fraser) ; York harbour, Newfoundland. TUBULARIA SPECTABILIS (Agassiz). Thamnocnidia spectabilis Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U. S., vol. iv, 1862, p. 271. Tubularia spectabilis Nutrinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p 339. Distribution.—Minister’s bay, east point of Bliss island. TUBULARIA TENELLA (Agassiz). Thamnocnidia tenella Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U.S., vol. iv, 1862, p. 275. Tubularia tenella Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 339. Haraitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 314. Wuitskaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 20. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1918, p. 162. Distribution.—Bay of Fundy, low water to 40 fathoms (Verrill); St. Andrews, Canso, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso (Fraser); Niger reef, weir stakes, St. Andrews island. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 343 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Sub-order CALYPTOBLASTEA. Family CAMPANULARIDA. Genus CAMPANULARIA. CAMPANULARIA AMPHORA (Agassiz). Laomedea amphora Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U. §., vol. iv, 1862, p. 311. Campanularia amphora Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 347. Haraitt. Am. Nat., 1901, p. 384. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 163. Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., pt. 111, 1915, p. 50. Distribution —Grand Manan (A. Agassiz); Canso (Fraser); Grand Manan (Nut- ting). ; CAMPANULARIA FLEXUOSA (Hincks). Laomedea flecuosa Hincks, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861, p. 260. Campanularia flecuosa Hinckxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 168. Nurttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 348. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 22. StarrorpD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 163. Nutting, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 45. Distribution—Bay of Fundy to gulf of St. Lawrence (Verrill); St. Andrews, Canso, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso (Fraser); Niger reef, weir stakes, St. Andrews island. CAMPANULARIA GELATINOSA (Pallas). Sertularia gelatinosa Pauuas, Elench. Zooph., 1766, p. 116. Laomedea gelatinosa Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. Obelia gelatinosa Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 151. Nouttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 351. WuHiteEaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 28. Campanularia gelatinosa Fraser, Hyd. of Vancouver island, 1914, p. 135. Obelaria gelatinosa Nuttinc, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 88. Distribution Métis (Dawson); Near Caribou island (Packard). This species is discussed at length in the Vancouver island paper. CAMPANULARIA GIGANTEA Hincks. Campanularia gigantea Hincxs, Ann. and Mag., Nat. Hist., 1866, p. 297. Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 174. Nottine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 44. Distribution —Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 50 to 60 fathoms, off Long island, 15 to 35 fathoms, St. Croix river, 5 to 10 fathoms. CAMPANULARIA GRGNLANDICA Levinsen. Campanularia grenlandica LevinseN, Meduse, Ctenophorer, etc., 1893, p. 26. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 163. Fraser. Hyd. of Vancouver island region, 1914, p. 136. Nouttinc, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 38. Distribution.—Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); Quoddy river, east of Spruce island, 17 fathoms, between White and Spruce islands, off Head Harbour island, 25 fathoms, off Deer point, Campobello island, off Brier island, 22 fathoms. 38a—23 344 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 CAMPANULARIA HINcKsI Alder. Campanularia hincksi Aver, Trans. Tynes. F. C., 1, 1857, p. 162. Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 162. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 345. Wuirraves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901 p. 22. Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 37. Distribution —Le Have bank, 45 iathoms (Smith and Harger). CAMPANULARIA INTEGRA MacGillivray. Campanularia integra MacGitiivray, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1842, p. 465. Hincoxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 163. StarrorpD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. Nurtine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 38. Distribution—Seven islands (Stafford); Spruce island, Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. i? 9 | io. CAMPANULARIA MAGNIFICA, Fraser. Campanularia magnifica Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 164. Nuttinec, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 47. Distribution—Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); Off Newfoundland (Nutting). CAMPANULARIA NEGLECTA (Alder). Laomedea neglecta AuprErR, Trans. Tynes. F. C., ii, 1857, p. 33. Campanularia neglecta Hixcxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 171. Nourtine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 346. SraFrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 165. Nuttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 46. Distribution —St. Andrews, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso (Fraser); threugh- out the area from Grand Manan to the St. Croix river, off Brier island. CAMPANULARIA SPECIOSA Clark. Campanularia speciosa CuarK, Alaskan Hydroids, 1876, p. 171. Lervinsen, Meduse, etc., 1893, p. 167. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region 1914, p. 139. Nuttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 48. Distribution —Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford). The hydroids reported by Stafford as belonging to this species, in all probability, belong to the species C. magnifica. In the Vancouver island paper attention has been called to the fact that similar mistakes have been made elsewhere owing to similarity of the trophosome. The gonangia in the two species bear no resemblance to each other. CAMPANULARIA VERTICILLATA (Linnzus). Sertularia verticillata Lixnxus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 811. Campanularia verticillata Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 167. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 347. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 22. STAFFORD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 165. Nourtine, Am. Hyd. 11, 1915, p. 29. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 345 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Distribution—Le Have banks, 45 fathoms (Smith and Harger); gulf of St. Law- rence (Packard); gulf of St. Lawrence, 20 to 50 fathoms (Whiteaves); St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Chedabucto bay, 50 fathoms (Fraser); Nova Scotia (Nutting); at several points in the area between Sand Reef light, L’Etang head and the north end of Campobello island. CAMPANULARIA VOLUBILIS (Linneus). Sertularia volubilis Linnzus, Syst. Nat., 1767, p. 1311. Campanularia volubilis Hixcxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 160. Nurtixe, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 345. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 22. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73 FrAsEeR, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 19138, p. 165. Nurtine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 31. Distribution—Bay of Fundy, low water to 60 fathoms (Verrill); gulf of St. Lawrence, off Cap des Rosiers lighthouse in 7 fathoms (Whiteaves); St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Barrington passage, 5 fathoms, Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); at various points from the south end of Grand Manan to the head of Passamaquoddy bay, Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. Genus CLYTIA. CLYTIA CYLINDRICA Agassiz. Clytia cylindrica Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U.S., iv, 1862, p. 306. Platypyxis cylindrica A. Acassiz, N. A. Acelephze, 1865, p. 80. Clytia cylindrica Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 358. Fraser, Grampus Hyd., 1915, p. 308. Nouttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 58. Distribution —Chameook har., 5 fathoms, off Bliss island. | CLyTIA EDWARDsI (Nutting). Campanularia edwardsi Nurtixc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 346. Clytia edwardsi Fraser, West Coast Hyd., 1911, p. 34. Fraser, New England Hyd., 1912, p. 44. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region, 1914, p. 148. Nurttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 60. Distribution—St. Andrews Pt. CLyTIA JOHNSTONI (Alder). (Fig. 3). Campanularia johnstont ALDER, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1856, p. 359. Clytia johnstoni Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 148. Clytia bicophora Acassiz, ‘Cont. Nat. Hist. U.S., iv, 1862, p. 304. Nurtine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 348. Clytia grayi Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 344. Clytia bicophora Harcirt, Am. Nat. 1901, p. 381. Clytia johnstont WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert., East. Can., 1901, p. 24. Srarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1915, p. 165. Nuttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 54. Clytia bicophora Nuttixc, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 56. 38a—254 346 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Distribution—Bay of Fundy, low water to 40 fathoms (Verrill) ; Le Have bank, 45 fathoms (Smith and Harger); Orphan bank (Whiteaves); St. Andrews (Stafford) ; Barrington passage, shallow water, Canso, low water (Fraser); Grand Manan (A. Agassiz); at various points from the south end of Grand Manan to the head of Passa- maqoddy bay, off Brier island, 22 fathoms. Since Agassiz described specimens from the New England coast and the Bay of Fundy as belonging to a new species Clytia bicophora, few authers have considered the species distinct from Clytia johnstoni. Nutting, in his Woods Hole paper, and later in his monograph, treats it so, but in his later paper he has included his earlier species. Clytia grayi, with Clytia johnstoni. He states that Clytia bicophora is a much more delicate and smaller species, the hydrothece of C. johnstoni being on the average twice as long and wide as those of C. bicophora,’ and later, “ The diag- nostic marks of Clytia bicophora are the comparatively small size of the hydrothece, the presence of a simple instead of a complex diaphragm, and the tenuity of the hydro- theeal walls.” He speaks of the diaphragm of C. johnston as being “strong, thicker than usual, and the basal chamber well shown.” The hydrotheca of C. johnstoni is said to have 16 teeth, that of C. bicophora, 12 to 14. In the material under consideration there were specimens of this species, or of these species, from 18 localities, ranging from the southern end of Grand Manan island, through Passamaquoddy bay and up the St. Croix river, the very region from which Agassiz obtained some of his specimens. There were also some from St. Mary bay on the Nova Scotia side of the Bay of Fundy. For comparison I have specimens from Canso, N.S., and Woods Hole, Mass., together with specimens of Clytia john- stont from the coast of Devon, England, obtained from the British museum. First considering the size of the hydrothece, Nutting gives no measurements, the figures are not all drawn to the same scale of magnification and the scale is not given in any instance, hence it is impossible to be sure what size he considers suitable for each species. It is possible to find in one locality a variation as great as he gives as the distinction and sometimes not far from that much variation in the one colony. The average size of the English specimens is much the same as that of the Canso and Woods Hole specimens and scarcely any of those found in the bay of Fundy were smaller than these, the majority being larger and some of them being much larger. Those from St. Mary bay were larger and most of those from Passamaquoddy bay and vicinity are also; those well in from the direct waters of the bay of Fundy are, in general, larger than those more nearly out in the open. Thus, those from the vicinity of Deer island and at the mouth of the St. Croix river are larger on the average than those obtained from Grand Manan, the Wolves and Bliss island. Some measurements will show this: The length of the hydrothece in the Devon, Canso, and Woods Hole specimens, varies from 0-5 to 0-65mm., St. Mary bay, 0-55 to 0-65, Grand Manan, 0-45 to 0-8, Bliss island, 0-5 to 0-75, Deer island, 0-6 to 1-0, mouth of the St. Croix river, 0-75 to 1-05. The length varies from 1-5 to 2 times the breadth. The largest specimens answer well to the type on which Nutting based the species, C. grayi. It is scarcely probable that Nutting described C. bicophora from specimens with hydrothece half the length of the smallest of these. It is more likely that there is a variation in size in the British specimens as there is in the bay of Fundy specimens and possibly Nutting has examined some of the larger ones while I have some of the smaller ones. With regard to the thickness of the diaphragm, it is quite natural that the larger specimens have thicker diaphragms than the smaller but I find that when the smaller ones are examined under higher magnification, so that they appear equal in size to the larger, there is no constant difference in the appearance of the diaphragm. This is borne out by Nutting’s figures. In fig. 3, pl. XII, where the drawing of the hydro- theca of C. bicophora is shown as large as that of C. johnstoni in the preceding plate, the diaphragm is shown even more plainly than in the drawing of C’. johnstoni. The same is true in the case of the basal chamber. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 347 SESS!IONAL PAPER No. 38a The tenuity of the hydrothecal walls may vary much in the same species and the collapsible appearance is often due to the length of time the hydroids are in stale water before they are examined or before they are preserved. Finally as to the number of teeth in the margin of the hydrothece, the number may vary from 12 to 16 in the hydrothece of the same colony and they appear to be just as liable to be numerous in the small hydrothece as in the large ones. While the chasm is a great one between the small specimens and the very large ones, when only those are seen, it becomes entirely bridged when all graduations are brought into view also. The conclusion that all specimens recorded as C. bicophora, C. grayi and C. johnstoni should be all included in the one species C. johnstoni (Alder) to me seems unavoidable. CLyTIA NOLIFOKMIS (MecCrady). Campanularia noliformis McCrapy, Gymno. Charleston har., 1857, p. 92. Clytia noliformis Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 3438. Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 359. Strarrorp, Fauna Atlantic coast, 1912, p. 73. Nortine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 57. Distribution—Canso, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Briar island, 33 to 39 fathoms, on sargassum in Gulf Stream, east of Nova Scotia. Genus EUCOPELLA. Eucoretia canicuLtara (Hincks). Campanularia caliculata Hixcxs, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1853, p. 178. Clytia (Orthopyxis) poterium Acassiz, Cont. Nat. Hist. U. S., 1862, p. 297. Orthopyxis poterium A. Acassiz, N. A. Acalephe, 1865, p. 228. Orth opyxis caliculata Vrerritu, Mar. Invert. Vineyard sound, 1873, p. 408. Campanularia poterium Nuttixe, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 344. Campanularia caliculata Harcirr, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 383. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. Eastern Canada, 1901, p. 23. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic coast, 1912, p. 73. Eucopella caliculata Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 166. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region, 1914, p. 147. Orthopyxis caliculata BALE, Proc. Roy. Soe. Vict., 1914, p. 72. Nutting, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 64. Distribution—Bay of Fundy, low water to 30 fathoms, gulf of St. Lawrence at the Mingan islands, 6 fathoms (Verrill); Henley harbour, strait of Belle Isle, 20 to 30 fathoms (Packard); Seven islands (Stafford); Canso, 20 fathoms (Fraser); Sea Coal bay, N.S. (A. Agassiz). In my previous papers where this species was recorded the name Hucopella cali- culata has been used but now Bale and Nutting intimate that Hucopella must be dis- carded for Orthopyxis. It seems to be putting a big stretch on the law of priority when it is made to cover a name that was first applied to a subgenus and later a genus but admittedly never defined. It is all very well to speak of the “ elaborate desecrip- tion” given by Agassiz for Clytia (Orthopyzis) poterium, but it was not sufficiently elaborate to give recognition to the fact that the species had already been described. In any case the description was not complete enough to convince Hincks of the neces- sity for the new genus for, while recognizing the identity of Clytia poteriwm with his own Campanularia caliculata in his 1868 work, he retains the name Campanularia. Little stress can be laid on the fact that A. Agassiz used the name Orthopyais in 1865 as there he simply refers to his father’s collections without farther remarks. 348 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 A stronger argument for retaining Orthopyxis appears in the fact that Verrill used Orlhopyxis caliculata in all the references to the species in his paper in 1873, giving a description of the species but not of the genus on page 408, but as he returns to Campanularia caliculata in 1874 and again in 1879, the argument loses its strength. Nutting has evidently overlooked these references of Verrill’s for he says: “I cannot find any author has used the name Orthopyxis since 1865.” The name HLucopella has a different status for when von Lendenfeld introduced it in 1885 he defined the genus and other definitions given since then do not conflict with his definition. Since the genus Orthopyxis had not been previously defined, Bale and Nutting are really substituting a new genus for Hucopella, although retaining all the characteristics of that genus, for although a name is given that had been used pre- viously, they do not know and never can know that Agassiz had any such characteris- tics in mind when he applied the subgeneric name Orthopyxis to his species poteriwm. Genus GONOTHYRAHA. GONOTHYRZA GRACILIS (Sars). Laomedea gracilis Sars, Beretn. om zool. Reise, ete., 1851, p. 18. Gonothyrea gracilis ALLMAN, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, p. 374. Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 183. Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 361. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 166. Nuttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 70. Distribution.—Canso, Barrington passage, low water (Fraser); off High Duck island, between Two and Three islands, off Swallowtail light, 30 to 40 fathoms oft Bliss island, off St. Andrews point, off Joe’s point, off Dochet island. GONOTHYR#A LOVENI (Allman). Laomedea lovent AtuMAN, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1859, p. 138. Gonothyrea lovent ALLMAN, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1864, p. 374. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 352. STaFFoRD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 166. Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., 111, 1915, p. 69. Distribution.—St. Andrews, Gaspé. Malpeque, Seven islands (Stafford); Chedac- bucto bay, 20 fathoms (Fraser); Nigger reef, off Joe’s point, off Head Harbour island, Cumming’s cove, 5 to 40 fathoms. Stafford mentions a species of Gonothyrea which occurs at Malpeque, between the clustered stems of T'ubularia: “ Its hydrotheca has about 24 long, narrow, rigid, sharp teeth, separated by broad, rounded spaces below and continuing as thickened lines down the hydrotheca.” It is unfortunate that he did not describe this species more fully and give figures of it, since, as far as I am aware, there has been no species of Gono- thyrea described with hydrothece like these. Gonothyrewa gracilis (Sars) has hydro- thecz with long, slender, sharp, teeth but each hydrotheca has only 10 to 12 of them. Twenty-four is an unusually large number of teeth to be found on the hydrothecal margin of any hydroid species. The thickened longitudinal lines have not been men- tioned in connection with other species of this genus. Genus OBELIA. OBELIA ARTICULATA (A. Agassiz). (Fig. 1.) Eucope articulata A. Agassiz, N. A. Acalephe, 1865, p. 89. Trophosome.—Largest colonies reaching a height of 7 em., most of them much less than this; stem usually simple. although in some of the large colonies there is a HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 349 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a slight indication of fasciculation; main stem continuous throughout and distinctly heavier than any of the branches; branches short and slender; main stem and branches with two to four annulations above the point where the branch or pedicel comes off; branches similarly annulated at their origin. Hydrothecate pedicels arising from each axil and one or two from each node, usually annulated throughout; hydrothece much deeper than wide; margin with 12 to 14 low, rounded teeth. Gonosome.—Gonangia much elongated, with a distinct collar, borne on pedicels that are annulated throughout. They appear in the axils of the pedicels and smaller branches and at times are very numerous. Distribution.—St. Croix river, reef near Biological station, off Joe’s point, off St. Andrews point, St. Andrews island,, Chamcook harbour, Minister’s island, Wolves island, off Swallowtail light, Grand Manan. I have no doubt that this species which is common in the vicinity of the Biolo- gical station is the same as A. Agassiz described as Hucope articulata but his descrip- tion is not very complete, hence I have included a full description at this time. The species resembles Obelia dichotoma in its mode of branching, O. longissima in the nature and arrangement of the hydrothece and O. commissuralis in the nature and arrangement of the gonangia. It is so much like these species in these respects that unless one gets a complete fertile colony it is somewhat diffleult at times to be sure that it is not one of these species. It is quite possible that some of the records given for these other species should have been given for O. articulata. OBELIA COMMISSURALIS McCrady. Obelia commissuralis McCrapy, Gymno. Charleston har., 1857, p. 95. Nurtine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 350. Harcaitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 382. Wuitkaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 23. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 167. Nutrine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 83. Distribution — Grand Manan (Verrill); Canso, low water (Fraser); Grand Manan (A. Agassiz) ; Seven islands. OBELIA DICHOTOMA (Linnzus). Sertularia dichotoma Linneus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 812. Obelia dichotoma Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 156. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 350. WuitEAves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 23. Obelia pyriformis WuItEAvES, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 23. Obelia dichotoma StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 167. Nottinc, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 80. Distribution—Nova Scotia, Métis (Dawson); St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford) ; Canso, low water (Fraser); Grand Manan (A. Agassiz); Joe’s point, east of Spruce island 17 fathoms, Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. OBELIA FLABELLATA (Hincks). Campanularia flabellata Hixncxs, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1866, p. 297. Obelia flabellata Hixcks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 157. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 350. Starrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Nourtinc, Am. Hyd. iii, 1915, p. 84. Distribution —St. Andrews, Seven islands (Stafford) ; between White and Spruce islands. 350 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 OBELIA GENICULATA (Linneeus). Sertularia geniculata Lannzus, Syst. Nat., 1767, p. 1812. Obelia geniculata Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 149. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 350. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 23. Strarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 167. Fraser, Grampus Hydroids, 1915, p. 73. Nurtine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 73. Distribution.—Bay of Fundy and northward, low water to 40 fathoms (Verrill) ; gulf of St. Lawrence (Dawson); St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Bar- rington passage, 3 fathoms, Canso, low water (Fraser); High Duck island, Horse island, Whale cove, off Swallowtail light, Wolves, north of Green island, Bliss island, Deer island, off Joe’s point, St. Andrews. OBELIA HYALINA Clarke. Obelia hyalina Cuarke, Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., 1879, p. 241. Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 363. Nouttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 76. Distribution.—On sargassum in the gulf stream, east of Nova Scotia. OBELIA LONGISSIMA (Pallas). Sertularia longissima Pauuas, Elench. Zooph., 1766, p. 119. Obelia longissima Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 154. Nouttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 351. WuitEaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 23. StTarForD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Nuttine, Am. Hyd., iii, 1915, p. 85. Distribution—Bay of Fundy (Verrill); St. Andrews, Seven islands (Stafford) ; off Bliss island, Indian Head bay, off Joe’s point, St. Andrews. Family CAMPANULINIDA. Genus CALYCELLA. CALYCELLA SYRINGA (Linnzus). Sertularia syringa Linnzus, Syst. Nat., 1767, p. 1311. Campanularia syringa Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. Calycella syringa Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 206. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 355. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 28. STAFFORD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 168. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region, 1914, p. 156. Distribution—Off Duck island, 25 fathoms (Stimpson); Le Have bank, 45 fathoms (Smith and Harger); gulf of St. Lawrence, on the Orphan bank and about half-way between East cape, Anticosti, and the Bird rocks, in 313 fathoms (White- aves); St. Andrews, Malapeaue, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Barrington passage, shallow water, Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); at almost all points where collect- ing was done in the bay of Fundy. In my 1914 paper reasons are given for believing that Calycella pygmea is not distinct from Calycella syringa HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 351 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Genus CUSPIDELLA. CusPIDELLA CosTATA Hincks. Cuspidella costata Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 210. StTarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. Distribution.—Gaspé (Stafford). CUSPIDELLA GRANDIS Hincks. . Cuspidella grandis Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 210. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. East. Can., 1901, p. 24. Distribution—Orphan bank (Whiteaves); Coteau harbour, Long island, Labia- dor (Packard). n> io. Genus OPERCULARELLA. OPERCULARELLA LACERATA (Johnston). Campanularia lacerata JoHNSTON, Br. Zooph., 1847, p. 120. Opercularella lacerata Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 194. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 354. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 78. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1918, p. 168. Distribution—St. Andrews (Stafford); Fox island, Chedabucto bay, low tide (Fraser); Niger reef, weir stakes, St. Andrews island, Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. OPERCULARELLA PUMILA Clark. Opercularella pumila CLark, New England Hydroids, 1876, p. 61. nana HartLAuB, Die Hydromedusen Helgolands, 1897, p. 502. pumilla Hareitt, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1909, p. 375. Distribution.—Weir stakes, St. Andrews island. The description and figures given by Hartlaub for Opercularella nana agree per- fectly with the creeping form of Opercularella pumila as described by Clark. Clark found but empty gonangia but Hartlaub found and described the complete gonosome. There is no question but that the species is distinct from O. lacerata (Johnston). In the specimens found in the Bay of Fundy, the hydrothece are only about half as long (-25) in O. pumila as they are in O. lacerata (-45 mm) and the gonangia are of an entirely different shape. In O. lacerata they are rounded or truncate at the distal end, while in O. pumila the distal portion is drawn out to become much more tubular. All of the material obtained at St. Andrews I. was of the creeping type but it was well supplied with gonangia. Genus STEGOPOMA. STEGOPOMA PLICATILE (Sars). Lafea plicatile Sars, Forhandl., 18638, p. 31. Stegopoma plicatile LEVINSEN, Meduse, Ctenophorer, etc., 1893, p. 36. Brocu, Coelentérés du Fond, 1912, p. 11. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region, 1914, p. 161. Distribution.—Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. Genus TETRAPOMA. TETRAPOMA QUADRIDENTATUM (Hincks). Calycella quadridentata Hincxs, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1874, p. 149. Tetrapoma quadridentatum LeviNsEN, Medusar, Ctenophorer, etc., 1893, p. 180. Calycella quadridentata StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution —Gaspé (Stafford). 352 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Family HALECIDA. Genus HALECIUM. HALECIUM ARTICULOSUM Clark. Halecium articulosum Cuark, New England Hyd., 1876, p. 63. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 358. StraFrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. V.I. region, 1914, p. 164. Distribution—St. Andrews (Stafford); Wolves, between White and Spruce islands, southwest of Deer island, off Sandreef light, 15 fathoms, off Harbour island, | 25 fathoms, off Joe’s point 10 fathoms, reef near Biological station. HALECIUM BEANI (Johnston). Thoa beani Jounston, Br. Zooph., 1847, p. 120. Halectum beani Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 224. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 358. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 168. Distribution.—St. Andrews, Seven Islands (Stafford); Barrington passage, 5f., Canso banks, 50f. (Fraser); at many points from the south end of Grand Manan to the head of Passamaquody bay. HALECIUM GCURVICAULE Lorenz. Halecium curvicaule Lorenz, Polypomedusen von Jan Mayen, 1886, p. 3. Brocu, Hyd. Arkt. Meere, 1909, p. 150. Distribution—Off Joe’s point, off Deer island, off Brier island, 33-39f. HALECIUM GRACILE Verrill. Halecium gracile VrErRRiLu, Invert. An. Vineyard sd., 1873, p. 729. Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 358. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 24. Srarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution—St. Andrews, Seven islands (Stafford); reef near Biological Station St. Andrews, 5 to 10 fathoms. HALECIUM HALECINUM (Linneus). Sertularia halecina Linnxus, Syst. Nat., 1767, p. 1308. Halecium halecinum Hinxcks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 221. Nouttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 357. Wuirtraves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 24. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution—Chateau bay, strait of Bell Isle, 30 fathoms, Bay of Funday (Packard); Bay of Fundy (Dawson); Bay of Fundy (Whiteaves); St. Andrews (Stafford) ; St. Andrews, off Deer island. HALEcIUM MINUTUM Broch. Halecitum minutum Brocu, Nordmeer gesammelten hydroiden, 1903, p. 4. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 168. Distribution—Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); Brier island, 22 fathoms, Bay of Islands, Newfoundland. 50 to 60 fathoms. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 353 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a HALECIUM MuURICATUM (Ellis and Solander). Sertularia muricatum Exits AND SouAnper, Nat. Hist. Zooph., 1786, p. 59. Halecium muricatum Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 225. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. 'Can., 1901, p. 25. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 169. Distribution.—15 miles south southeast of Bonaventure island, 50 fathoms (Whit- eaves) ; off Caribou island, 30 to 50 fathoms, Square island, Labrador (Packard); St. Andrews, Canso, Gaspé (Stafford); Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); Quoddy river, 23 to 47 fathoms, Head Harbour island, Deer island, between Big Duck and Cheyne island, off Spruce island, 11 to 35 fathoms, between Two and Three islands, off Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. Hatrcium sesstt—E Norman. Halecium sessile Norman, Hyd. Hebrides, 1866, p. 196. Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 229. Wuitraves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 25. Distribution—Between East cape, Anticosti and Bird rocks, 12 fathoms (Whiteaves). HALECIUM TENELLUM Hincks. Halecitum tenellum Hincxs, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861, p. 252. Hincxs, British Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 226. Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 357. Srarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 169. Distribution—St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); common from the north end of Campobello island to the head of Passamaquoddy bay, Brier island, Seven islands, bay of Islands, Newfoundland. Family HEBELLIDA. Genus HEBELLA. HEeBeLiA caLcaraTa ‘(A. Agassiz). Lafea calcarata A. Acassiz, N. A. Acalephe, 1865, p. 122. Hareitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 387. Hebella calcarata Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 353. Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 371. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution.—Canso (Stafford). Hepetita (2) pocillum Hincks. Lafea pocillum Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 204. Distribution—St. Andrews. There was no gonosome present on the St. Andrews specimens to settle the ques- tion definitely as to whether this species is a Lafawa or an Hebella but as there is a distinct diaphragm in the hydrotheca, it agrees with Hebella in that respect and is so placed. 354 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Family LAF@IDA. Genus CRYPTOLARTA. CRYPTOLARIA TRISERIALIS Fraser. Cryptolaria triserialis Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1918, p. 170. Distribution.—Off Durell island, Chedabucto bay, 20 fathoms (Fraser). Genus FILELLUM. FILELLUM SERPENS (Hassall). Campanularia serpens Hassauu, Trans. Micro. Soc., 1852, p. 163. Filellum serpens Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 214. Reticularia serpens VeRRILL, Check-list, 1879, p. 79. Filellum serpens Fraser, Beaufort Hydroids, 1912, p. 369. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 171. Distribution.—Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); common from the north end of Campobello island to the head of Passamaquoddy bay and up the mouth of the St. Croix river, Brier island, 22 fathoms. Genus GRAMMARTIA. GRAMMARIA ABIETINA (Sars). Campanularia abietina Sars, Nyt. Mag. for Naturv., 1851, p. 139. Grammaria robusta Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 9. Grammaria abietina Sars, Norske Hydroider, 1863, p. 34. Salacia abietina, Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 212. Lafea abietina Bonnrvir, Norske, Nordhavys-Ex., 1899, p. 64. Grammaria abietina WuitEaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 28. Srarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1918, p. 171. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region, 1914, p. 178. Distribution —Grand Manan (Stimpson); Le Have bank, 60 fathoms (Smith and Harger); gulf of St. Lawrence, Trinity bay, 25 fathoms, and elsewhere (Whit- eaves); Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Chedabucto bay, 20 fathoms (Fraser); bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 50 to 60 fathoms. GRAMMARIA GRACILIS Stimpson. Grammaria gracilis Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 9. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 28. Distribution—Grand Manan (Stimpson). Genus LAFGA. Lara@a pumosa (Fleming). Sertularia dumosa FLEMING, Edin. Phil. Jour., 1828, p. 83. Lafama dumosa Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 200. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 355. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can.. 1901, p. 24. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 355 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Lafea robusta Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 24 SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 7 Lafwa dumosa Fraser, Hyd. Noya Scotia, 19138, p. 171. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. Region, 1914, p. 174. Distribution—Nova Scotia (Agassiz); between Anticosti and Gaspé, 120 to 200 fathoms (Whiteaves); St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford) ; Chedabucto bay, 20 fathoms (Fraser); common in all the Passamaquoddy bay area, Brier island, 22 fathoms. 3 LAF@A FRUTICOSA Sars. Lafea fruticosa Sars, Norske Hydroider, 1863, p. 30. Hincss, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 202. Bonnevie, Norske Nordhavs-Ex., 1899, p. 64. VERRILL, Check-list, 1879, p. 17. StTarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 172. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 172. Distribution.—Seven islands (Stafford); Chedabucto bay, 20 fathoms (Fraser) ; Chamecook harbour, 5 fathoms. LAF@A GRACILLIMA (Alder). Campanularia gracillima AupER, Trans. Tynes Nat. F. C., 1857, p. 39. Lafea gracillima Bonnevin, Norske Nordhavs-Ex., 1899, p. 64. Nuttie, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 356. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 24. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 172. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region, 1914, p. 175. Distribution.—Bay of Fundy (Verrill); Le Have bank, 45 to 60 fathoms (Smith and Harger); Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser) ; Brier island, Seven islands, bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 50 to 60 fathoms. Laraa pyGM#A Hincks. Lafea pygmea Hixcks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 205. Hebella pygmea Nutrine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 353. Brocu, Nordmeer ges. Hyd., 1903, p. 5. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 172. Distribution—Chedabucto bay, 25 fathoms (Fraser). Lar@a Sy‘sMETRICA Bonnevie. Lafea symmetrica Boxnevir, Norske Nordhays-Ex, 1899, p. 64. BiuuarD, Ex. Se. “ Travailleur” et du “ Talisman,” 1907, pe 176: Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 172. Distribution—Chedabucto bay, 25 fathoms (Fraser). Family SERTULARIDA. Genus ABIETINARIA. ABIETINARIA ABIETINA (Linneus). Sertularia abietina Linnaus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 808. Hincxrs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 266. Wuittaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 25. 356 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Sertularella abietina Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 361. Abietinaria abietina Nuttinc, Am. Hyd. ii, 1904, p. 114. STAFFORD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 173. Distribution.—Off Nova Scotia, 51 fathoms (Allman); Mingan island, gulf of St. Lawrence and Labrador (Packard); gulf and river St. Lawrence (Dawson and Whiteaves); St. Andrews, Gaspé, 'Canso, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); St. George’s bank, Newfoundland (A. Agassiz); off Swallowtail light, southwest of Deer island, Head harbour, McMaster island, off Joe’s point, Seven islands. ABIETINARIA FILICULA (Ellis and Solander.) Sertularia filicula Eis AND SoLaNvER, Nat. Hist. Zooph., 1786, p. 57. Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 264. WHuitEAvEs, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 25. Abietinaria filicula Nuttine, Am. Hyd. ii, 1904, p. 1238. Distribution.—Grand Manan, 20 fathoms (Stimpson); Labrador (Packard). Norre.—Stafford reports specimens of an Abietinaria species from Seven Islands, Quebec, but as all the information he gives concerning it is that it “ most resembles A. gigantea Clark,” it is impossible to place it. Genus DIPHASTIA. DIPHASIA FALLAX (Johnston.) Sertularia fallax JouNston, Br. Zooph., 1847, p. 73. Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. Diphasia fallax Hixcxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 249. Nurttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 361. Hareirt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 391. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 26. Nurttine, Am. Hyd. ii, 1904, p. 114. STAFFORD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 173. Distribution—Grand Manan (Stimpson); Bay of Fundy, 20 to 55 fathoms (Ver: rill); St. Andrews (Stafford); Barrington passage, 4 fathoms (Fraser); common throughout the Passamaquoddy bay area, Brier island. 22 fathoms. DIAPHASIA ROSACEA (Linnzus). Sertularia rosacea Linnxus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 807. Diphasia rosacea Hrxcxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 245. Nettine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901; p. 361. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 26. Nutting, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 107. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 74. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 174. Distribution.—Strait of Belle Isle, 50 fathoms (Packard) ; St. Andrews (Stafford) ; Barrington passage (Fraser); off Deer island, 15 fathoms, off Frost ledges, Quoddy river, between White and Spruce islands, between Two and Three islands, Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 357 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a DipHasia TAMARISCA (Linneeus). Sertularia tamarisca Linnxus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 808. Sertularia producta Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. Diphasia tamarisca Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 273. Sertularia producta Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 27. Diphasia tamarisca Noutrinc, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 108. Distribution —Grand Manan (Stimpson); Sea coal bay, N.S. (Verrill). Nutting, apparently with good reason, has concluded that Sertularia producta St.mpson is synonymous with Diphasia.tamarisca (Linneus) and hence it is included here under that name. Genus HY DRALLMANTA. HypraLLMANIA FALCATA (Linnzus). Sertularia falcata Lixnnaus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 810. Plumularia falcata Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. Hydrallmania falcata Hixcks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 273. Nuttine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 364. Hareitt, Am. Nat., 1901, p. 392. Wuitraves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 27. Nuttine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 124. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 74. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 174. Distribution—Grand Manan, 25 to 35 fathoms (Stimpson); bay of Fundy, low water to 110 fathoms, Anticosti, Mingan islands (Verrill) ; Le Have bank, 60 fathoms, Chebucto head, Halifax harbour, 20 fathoms (Smith and Harger); Sable island, Gaspé, Métis (Dawson); gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves); Grand Manan (A. Agassiz); St. Andrews, Gane Seven islands (Stafford) ; Barrington passage (Fraser) ; one of the comonest species of large size in the collection. Genus SELAGINOPSIS. SELAGINOPSIS MIRABILIS (Verrill). Diphasia mirabilis Verrtwtt, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1872, p. 9. Wuitraves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 26. Selaginopsis mirabilis Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 128. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 74. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 174. Distribution—Le Have bank, 60 fathoms (Smith and Harger); Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser). Genus SERTULARELLA. SERTULARELLA CoNICA Allman. Sertularella conica ALLMAN, Hyd. Gulf Stream, 1877, p. 21. Nettinc, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 79. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 174. Distribution.—Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser). 358 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 SERTULARELLA FusiFrorMIs (Hincks). Sertularia fusiformis Hincxs, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1861, p. 253. Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 243. Wuiteraves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 26. Sertularella fusiformis Nutrinc, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 89. Distribution.—Gulf of St. Lawrence, between Anticosti and Gaspé, 200 fathoms (Whiteaves). SERTULARELLA POLYZONIAS (Linneus). Sertularia polyzonias Linnxus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 818. Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand )-1654, p. 9. Sertularella polyzonias Hixcxs, Br. Hyd. mo08, p. 235. Nuttine, Hyd. V. ds Hole, 1901, p. 362. Wuirteaves, Mr» invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 25. Nutting, Am Ayd., ii, 1904, p. 90. Srarrorp, 7 sma Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, F's u. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 175. Distribution —Grand Manan, to 40 fathoms (Stimpson); Le Have bank, 60 fathoms (Smith and Harger) ; tibou island, (Packard); gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves) ; St. Andrews, Ga’ ,Seven islands (Stafford) ; Chedabucto bay, 10 to 20 fathoms (Fraser); common ’ vsughout the Passamaquoddy bay area, Seven islands. LRTULARELLA RUGOSA (Linnzus). Sertularia rugos) .NNz&US, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 809. Strupson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 9. Sertularella osa Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 259. Sertularic | gosa WuITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 25. Sertulc. a rugosa Nuttine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 82. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantie Coast, 1912, p. 73. Dist; .oution—Grand Manan, deep water (Stimpson); Square island, Labrador, 30 fathoms (Packard); Seven islands (Stafford); High Duck island, between White and Spruce islands, Cumming’s cove, West Quoddy head, Dochet island. SERTULARELLA TRICUSPIDATA (Alder). Sertularia tricuspidata ALDER, Ann.’and Mag. Nat. Hist., 1856, p. 356. Sertularella tricuspidata Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 239. Nurtinec, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 362. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 26. Noutrine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 71. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 175. Distribution—Bay of Fundy, 50 to 55 fathoms (Verrill); Le Have bank, 45 to 60 fathoms (Smith and Harger); gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves) ; strait of Belle Isle, 40 fathoms (Packard); St. Andrews, Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); very common everywhere in the Passamaquoddy bay area at all depths, Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 359 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Genus SERTULARIA. SeRTULARIA CORNICINA (MeCrady). Dynamena cornicina McCravy, Gymno, Charleston Har., 1858, p. 204. Sertularia cornicina Nuriic, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 359. Nurtine, Am. Hyd., 11, 1904, p. 58. Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 374. Distribution.—On sargassum in the Gulf Stream, east of Nova Scotia. SerRTULARIA PUMILA Linnzeus. Sertularia pumila Linnzus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 807. Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 260. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 359. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p: 25. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Seotia, 1918, p. 175. Distribution—Nova Seotia and Métis (Dawson); strait of Belle Isle, between tides (Packard); St. Andrews, Canso, Seven islands (Stafford); Canso, low water (Fraser); Grand Manan (A. Agassiz); High Duck island, Wolves, Indian Head bar, Souris, P.E.I., York harbour, bay of Islands, Newfoundland, Seven islands. Genus THUITARIA. THUIARIA ARGENTEA (Linneeus). Sertularia argentea LINN&US, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 809. Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 268. Thwiaria argentea Nurvinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 364. Wuirtrsves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 27, Nuttine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p: 71. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Seotia, 1913, p. 176. Distribution—Grand Manan, 4 to 6 fathoms (Stimpson); Bay of Fundy, Nova Scotia coast, gulf of St. Lawrence, low water to 110 fathoms (Verrill) ; Northumber- land strait, gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves); Gaspé bay (Dawson) ; Caribou island, 8 fathoms (Packard); St. Andrews, Gaspé (Stafford); Barrington passage, 5 fathoms, Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); off Deer island, off Grand Manan, bay of Islands, » Newfoundland, 50 to 60 fathoms. THUTARIA CUPRESSINA (Linnzeus). Sertularia cupressina LinNmus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 808. Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 270. Thuiaria cupressina Nutrinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 363. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 27. Nurtine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 72. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution.—Off Nova Scotia, 51 fathoms (Allman); Bay of Fundy, low water to 100 fathoms (Verrill); Northumberland strait, gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves) ; Henley harbour, strait of Belle Isle, 7 fathoms (Packard); St. Andrews (Stafford) ; St. Croix river, off Joe’s point, McMaster island, Quoddy river, off Deer island, Whale cove, 20 to 30 fathoms, Brier island, 33 to 39 fathoms. 38a—24 360 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 THUIARIA FABRICIE (Levinsen). Sertularia fastigiata Fasrictus, Fauna Greenlandica, 1780, p. 458. Sertularia fabricit Luvinsen, Vid. Middel. Naturh. Foren., 1892, p. 48. Thutaria fabriciti Nuttinc, Am. Hyd., ii, p. 1904, p. 71. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution.—Gaspé, Islands (Stafford); St. Andrews. THUIRIA IMMERSA Nutting. Thuiaria immersa Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 66. STaFrrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution—Seven islands (Stafford); St. Croix river, Grand Manan, between Mohawk and Adam island, 35 fathoms, between Green and Three islands, McMaster island, off Deer island, off Brier island, 22 fathoms. THUIARIA LATIUSCULA (Stimpson). Sertularia latiuscula Stimpson, Mar. Invert. Grand Manan, 1854, p. 8. ' Whiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 26. Thuaria latiuscula Nurtine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 69. StarForD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution—Grand Manan (Stimpson) ; Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford); St. Andrews. THurArIA LoncmtTis (Ellis and Solander). Sertularia lonchitis E.iis anp Souanner, Nat. Hist. Zooph., 1786, p. 42. Thuaria articulata Wuirraves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 27. Thuiaria lonchits Nurtine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 66. Fraser, Hyd. Nova Scotia, 1913, p. 176. Distribution —Le Have bank, 45 fathoms (Smith and Harger); gulf of St. Law- rence (Whiteveaves) ; Canso banks, 50 fathoms (Fraser); St. Andrews. THUIARIA ROBUSTA Clark. Thuiaria robusta CuarK, Alaskan Hyd., 1876, p. 227. Nurttine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 64. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution.—Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford). THUIARIA SIMILIS (Clark). Sertularia similis Cuarx, Alaskan Hyd., 1876, p. 219. Thuiaria similis Nurtixnc, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 69. Fraser, West Coast Hyd., 1911, p. 77. StarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Fraser, Hyd. V. I. region, 1914, p. 199. Distribution.—Gaspé (Stafford); St. Croix river, Quoddy river, West Quoddy head, Head Harbour island, 25 fathoms, Whale cove, Brier island, 22 fathoms, Seven islands. THUIARIA TENERA (Sars). Sertularia tenera Sars, Bidrag til Kundskaben ete., 1873, p. 20. Thuiaria tenera Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 70. SrarrorD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution.—Gaspé, Seven islands (Stafford) ; St. Andrews, Brier island. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 361 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a THUuIARIA THUJA (Linneus). Sertularia thuja Linnxus, Syst. Nat., 1758, p. 809. Thuiaria thuja Hincks, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 275. Nuttinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 364. Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 26. Nurttine, Am. Hyd., ii, 1904, p. 62. Srarrorp, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 73. Distribution —Mingan islands (Packard); gulf of St. Lawrence (Whiteaves) ; Seven islands (Stafford); McMaster island, 30 fathoms. Norre.—Stafford refers to four species of Thuiaria from Gaspé, none of which he describes sufficiently to place, but apparently one of them is a Syntheciuwm and is probably new and the others may be also. Family PLUMULARID. Genus AGLAOPHENOPSIS. AGLAOPHENOPSIS CORNUTA (Verrill). Cladocarpus cornutus Vrerritt, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1879, p. 310. Aglaophenopsis cornuta Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., i, 1900, p. 120. © Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 28. Distribution.—Off Sable island, on Banquereau, 200 fathoms (Verrill). Genus ANTENNULARIA. ANTENNULARIA AMERICANA Nutting. Antennularia americana Nurtinc, Am. Hyd., i, 1900, p. 69. Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. -368. Distribution.—St. Andrews. ; ANTENNULARIA ANTENNINA (Linneus). Sertularia antennina Linn2zus, Syst. Nat., 1767, p. 1310. Antennularia antennina Hincxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 280. Nottie, Am. Hyd., 1900, p. 69. Nurtinc, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 367. Wuirteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 28. StTaFForD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 74. Distribution—Bay of Fundy, 10 to 60 fathoms (Verrill) ; St. Andrews (Stafford) ; channel off White Horse island. Genus CLADOCARPUS. CLADOCARPUS PCURTALESI, Verrill. Cladocarpus pourtalesi Verritt, Am. Jour. Sci. Arts, 1879, p. 309. Nurttinc, Am. Hyd., i, 1900, p. 116. : Wuiteaves, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 28. Distribution.—Southwest of cape Sable, 112 to 115 fathoms, Banquereau, off Sable sland, 300 fathoms (Verrill). CLapocaRPUS SpEciosus Verrill. Cladocarpus speciosus VrerRRILL, Amer. Jour. Sci. Arts., 1879, p. 311. Nouttine, Am. Hyd., i, 1900, p. 116. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E. Can., 1901, p. 28. Distribution.—Banquereau, off Sable island, 200 fathoms (Verrill), 362 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Genus PLUMULARIA. PLUMULARIA SETACEOIDES Bale. Plumularia setaceoides Baur, Hyd. S. Australia, 1881, p. 28. Fraser, Hyd. Beaufort, 1912, p. 382. Distribution.—On sargassum, Gulf Stream, east of Nova Scotia. Genus SCHIZOTRICHA. SCHIZOTRICHA GRACILLIMA (Sars). Plumularia gracillima Sars, Vid. Selsk. Forh., 1873, p. 86. Plumularia verrilli Cuarwx, Trans. Conn. Acad. Sci., 1876, p. 64. VeERRILL, Prelim. Check-list, 1879, p. 18. Schizotricha graciilima Nutrinc, Am. Hyd., i, 1900, p. 80. Nurtine, Hyd. Woods Hole, 1901, p. 366. STAFFORD, Fauna Atlantic Coast, 1912, p. 74. Distribution—Grand Manan (Stafford). Genus THECOCARPUS. THECOCARPUS MYRIOPHYLLUM (Linneus). Sertularia myrtophyllum Lixnamus, Syst. Nat., 1767, p. 1809. Aglaophenia myriophyllum Vixcxs, Br. Hyd. Zooph., 1868, p. 290. Thecocarpus myriophyllum Nuttinc, Am. Hyd., i, 1900, p. 107. WHITEAVES, Mar. Invert. E.. Can., 1901, p. 28. Distribution.—Le Have bank, 60 fathoms (Smith and Harger); off cape Gaspé, 60 fathoms (Whiteaves); Mingan islands (A. Agassiz). : BIBLIOGRAPHY. (Only those papers referred to in the synonymy or in the text are listed). Agassiz, L.— 1862. Contributions to the natural history of the United States of America, vol. iv, p. 1-372. Boston. Agassiz, A.— 1865. North American Acalephe. Illustrated Catalogue of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, no. 2, p. 1-284. Cambridge. Alder, J.— 1856. A notice of some new genera and species of British hydroid zoophytes. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2nd ser., vol. xviii, London. 1857. A catalogue of the zoophytes of Northumberland and Durham. Trans- actions of the Tyneside Naturalists’ Field Club, vol. iii, p. 1-70. New- castle-upon-Tyne, HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 363 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Allman, G. J.— 1844. Synopsis of the genera and species of zoophytes inhabiting the fresh waters of Ireland. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1st. ser., vol. xiii, p. 328. London. 1864. On the construction and limitation of genera among the hydroida. Tbid., 3rd. ser., vol. xiii. 1871. A monograph of the gymnoblastic or tubularian hydroids. Published for the Ray Society, in 2 parts, 450 p., 23 pl. London. 1877. Report of the Hydroida collected during the exploration of the Gulf Stream by L. F. de Pourtales. Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, vol. v, no. 2, p. 1-64. Cambridge. Bale, W. M.— 1881. On the Hydroida of southeastern Australia, with descriptions of sup- posed new species and notes on the genus Aglaophenia. Journal of the Microscopical Society, Victoria, vol. ii, p. 1-34. Melbourne. 1914. Further notes on Australian hydroids. III, Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria, vol. xxvii, n.s., pt. 1, p. 72-93. Melbourne. Billard, A.— 1907. Hydroides, in: Expeditiones Scientifiques du “ Travailleur” et du “Talisman,” t. viii, p. 159-241. Paris. Bonnevie, K.— 1899. Den norske Nordhavsexpedition, 1876-78, vol. vi, pt. 26. Zoologi Hy- droida, p. 1-103. Christiania. Broch, H.— 1903. Die von dem Norwegischen Fischereidampfer “ Michael Sars,” in den Jahren, 1900-1902, in dem Nordmeer gesammelten Hydroiden. Bergens Museum Aarbog, no. 9, p. 1-14. Christiania. 1909. Die Hydroiden der Arktischen Meere. Fauna Arctica, bd. v, Jena. 1912. Coelentérés du Fond. Campagne Arctique de 1907. Brussels. Clark, S. F— 1876. Description of new and rare hydroids from the New England coast. Transactions of the Connecticut Academy of Sciences, vol. iii, July, 1875, p. 58-66. New Haven. 1876. Report of the hydroids on the coast of Alaska and the Aleutian islands, collected by W. H. Dall, from 1871 to 1874. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, p. 205-238. 1879. Report on the Hydroida collected during the exploration of the Gulf Stream and gulf of Mexico by Alexander Agassiz, 1877-78. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology of Harvard College, vol. v, p. 239-250. Cambridge. Ellis, J. and Solander, D.— 1786. The natural history of many curious and uncommon zoophytes col- lected from various parts of the globe. 208 p. London. Fabricius, O.— 1780. Fauna Groenlandica. Hauniae et Lipsiae. b Fleming, J.— 1828. A history of British Animals, Edinburgh Philosophical Journal. 364 j DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Fraser, C. M.— 1911. The hydroids of the west coast of North America. Bulletin from the Laboratories of Natural History, State University of Jowa, p. 1-91. Towa City. 1912. Notes on New England hydroids. Ibid., p. 39-48. 1912. Some hydroids of Beaufort, North Carolina. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, vol. xxx, 1910, p. 339-387. Washington. 1913. Hydroids from Nova Scotia, Canada Geological Survey; Victoria Memorial Museum, Bulletin No. 1, pt. xvi, p. 157-186. Ottawa. 1914. Some hydroids of the Vancouver island region. Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada, 3rd ser., vol. viii, p. 99-216. Ottawa. 1915. Pelagic hydroids, in: Exploration of the coast water between Nova Scotia and Chesapeake hay, July and August, 1913, by the United States Fisheries schooner “ Grampus.” Oceanography and Plankton. Bulletin of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, vol. lix, No. 4, p. 306-314. Cambridge. Hargitt, C. W.— 1901. The Hydromeduse. In three parts. American Naturalist, vol. xxxv, No. 412, p. 301-315; No. 413, p. 379-395; No. 415, p. 575-595, New York. 1908. A Les caey Sewe of Woods Tale: Biological Bulletin of the Marine Biological Laboratory at Woods Hole, Mass., vol. xiv, No. 2, p. 95-120. Lancaster, Pa. Hartlaub, C.— 1897. Die Hydromedusen Helgolands. Wissenschaftlichen Meeresuntersu- chungen, n.f., bd. ii, hft. 3., p. 449-514. Keil und Leipzig. Hassall, A.— 1852. Description of three species of marine zoophytes. Transactions of the Royal Microscopical Society, vol. ii. London. Hincks, T.— 1853. Further notes on British zoophytes, with description of new species. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 2nd ser., vol. xi. London. 1861. A catalogue of the zoophytes of South Devon and South Cornwall, Ibid., 3rd ser., vol. viii. 1866. On new British hydroids. Ibid., 3rd ser., vol. xviii. 1868. A history of the British hydroid zoophytes. 2 vols. London. Jiiderholm, E.— . 1909. Northern and Arctic invertebrates in the collection of the Swedish State Museum. iv. Hydroiden. Kongelige Svenska Vetenskaps Akade- miens Handlingar, bd. 45, No. 1, p. 1-124. Stockholm. Johnston, G.— 1847. History of British zoophytes, ed. ii, in two volumes. London. Levinsen, G. M. R.— 1892. Om Fornyelsen af Erneringsindividerne hos Hydroiderne. Videnska- belige Meddelelser fra den naturhistoriske Foreningi Kj¢ébenhavn, p. 12-31. . 1893. Meduser, Ctenophorer og Hydroider fra Grénlands Vestkyst tilligemed Bemerkninger on Hydroidernes Systematik. Ibid., p. 148-220, 1913, Systematic Studies on the Sertularide. Ibid., p. ‘251- -323, HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 365 SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a Linneus, C.— 1758. Systema nature, 10th ed. Lipsie. 1767. Ibid., 12th ed. Holmic. von Lorenz, L.— 1886. Polypomedusen von Jan Mayen, in: Die international Polarforschung, 1882-883. Die Osterreichische Polarstation, Jan Mayen. bd. iii. Wien. McCrady, J.— 1858. Gymnophthalmata of Charleston harbour. Proceedings of the Elhot Society of Natural History, vol. 1 for 1853-1858, p. 103-221. Read Apr. 15, 1857. Charleston. MacGillivray, J.— 1842. Catalogue of the marine zoophytes of the neighbourhood of Aberdeen. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 1st ser., vol. ix. London. Mereschkowsky, M. C.— 1877. On a new genus of hydroids from the White sea with short description of other new hydroids. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 4th ser., vol. xx, p. 220-229. London. Norman, A. M.— 1864. On underseribed British Hydrozoa, Actinozoa and Polyzoa. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 3rd ser., vol. xiii, London. 1866. Report of the committee appointed for the purpose of exploring the coasts of the Hebrides by means of the dredge. Part i. On the Crus- tacea, Echinodernata, Polyzoa, Actinozoa and Hydrozoa. Report of the British Association for the Advancement of Science, 1866, p. 193-206. London. Nutting, C. C.— 1898. On three new species of hydroids and one new to Britain. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, 7th ser., vol. v, p. 362-366. London. 1900. American hydroids. Pt. I. The Plumularide. Special Bulletin, United States National Museum, 152, p. Washington. 1901. The hydroids of the Woods Hole region. United States Fish Commis- sion Bulletin for 1899, vol. xix, p. 325-386. Washington. 1904. American hydroids. Pt. Il. The Sertularide. Special Bulletin, United States National Museum, 152, p. Washington. 1915. Ibid. Pt. IIIT. The Campanularide and the Bonneviellide. 118 p. Pallas, P.S.— 1766. Elenchus Zoophytorum. Haag. Sars, M.— 1851. Beretning om en i Sommern 1849 foretagen Zoologisk Reise i Lofoten og Finmarken. Nyt Magazine for Naturvidenskaberne, bd. vi. Chris- tiania. 1857. Bidrag til kundskaben om Middlehavets Littoral fauna. Ibid., vol. x. 1863. Bemerkninger over fire morske Hydroider. Videnskabs-Sels-kabets Forhandlinger for 1862. Christiania. Sars, G. O.— 1873. Bidrag til kundskaben om Norges Hydroider. Ibid., for 1872, 366 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 8 GEORGE V, A. 1918 Stafford, J.— 1912. On the fauna of the Atlantic coast of Canada. Contributions to Cana- dian Biology, being studies from the biological stations of Canada, 1906- 1910. p. 69-78 (Hydroids, p. 72-74). Ottawa. Stimpson, W.— 1854. Synopsis of the marine invertebrata of Grand Manan. Smithsonian contributions to knowledge, vol. vi. Washington. Verrill, A. E.— 1872. Radiata from the coast of North Carolina. American Journal of Science and Arts. 3rd. ser., vol. v. 1874-1879. Brief contributions to zoology from the Museum of Yale College. Results of recent dredging expeditions on the coast of New England. American Journal of Science and Arts, vol. vii, 1874, p. 38-138, p. 405- 414, p. 500-505; vol. ix, 1875, p. 411-415; vol. x, 1875, p. 36-43; vol. xvi, 1878, p. 371-3878; voi. xvii, 1879, p. 309-315. 1879. Preliminary check-list of the marine invertebrates of Atlantie coast from cape Cod to the gulf of St. Lawrence. Prepared for the United States Commission of Fish and Fisheries. Verrill, A. E. and Smith, S. I.— 1874. Report of the Invertebrate animals of Vineyard sound and adjacent waters. Report of the Commissioner of Fisheries for 1871 and 1872, p. 295-747. Washington. Whiteaves, J. F.— 1901. Catalogue of the marine invertebrates of Eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, p. 18-28. Ottawa. HYDROIDS EASTERN CANADA 367° SESSIONAL PAPER No. 38a EXPLANATION OF FIGURES. (All drawings except la and 2a magnified 25 diameters.) Prate I. 1. Obelia articulata. a. Colony, natural size. b. Portion of colony to show nature and arrangement of hydrothece and gonangia. 2. Bimeria brevis. a. Colonies, natural size. b. Branched colony. ce. Unbranched individuals. Priate II. 8. Clytia johnstoni, hydrothece. a. From the Devon Coast. . From St. Mary’s bay, N.S. . From the coast of Grand Manan. . From Bliss island. From Deer island. . From the St. Croix river. Shes Qa oe Drawings by Clara A. Fraser. 38a—25 PLATE I HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA. C, McLean Fraser. Clara A.-Fraser, del. PLATE II HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA. C. McLean Fraser. VYV VV4 vy ‘ 4 ~ i : i Au wert s - ; i -+ ee be te A cr 734253 ie Esa : M - *. y a * " a sy _— ie ) ad "i : é Fi . uJ i Brin J } » a: 7 : % ' ‘ Ai 2" ' ; ‘ 7 ' q, = ¢ ‘ ‘ s i ‘he _f eT Se j : ¢ ~ * E hs b / a ‘ r “4 \ or ‘ _ 3S a ‘ a mm © -" | i % UJ > , ‘ ‘ } t ; 4 B: / : ; ise } : ? ¢ ‘ E 4 1 Fs ba i es i ; ¢ . ' ‘ ° ‘ > ' > ; | cat 4 4 r Bet ae i | > e ‘s . : ‘. 4 é I a } | 3 i , : ‘ ; } ; ; t f FA é f 4 . d ‘ i a, Fs “ t * a O bs ‘on ‘ * [ > . ~~, < - =- we 4 ey . : ® ipo he MOY : A + - - ae a ‘ : r a “™ i - "4 i 7 — a 7 'Y 4 erate 4 ee Mime! , ae Foe ae Ste, es rh SUPPLEMENT TO THE “Tth ANNUAL REPORT OF THE DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE, FISHERIES BRANCH. SSS are i rrr a en, ne CONTRIBUTIONS CANADIAN BIOLOGY BIOLOGICAL STATIONS OF CANADA 1917 - PRINTED BY ORDER OF PARLIAMENT. ta au wae: = Be ee OTTAWA i tog Pee : J. pe LABROQUERIE TACHE PRINTER TO THE KING’S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1918 ie eve 3's hee: iMa. 861018) Price, 20 cents. Wena! say ree VEER pelt “4 ad gan hen Pn tt cee . ~ a RR a eS Ie - “ + ‘ = set oe me Serrano ~*~ LPP 4 + ReaD PO YS Rg