liner Ar PIE OS sal prt la NE iy TOO DEPARTMENT OF NAVAL SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS TO CANADIAN BIOLOGY BEING STUDIES FROM THE BIOLOGICAL STATIONS OF CANADA 1918-1920 THE BIOLOGICAL BOARD OF CANADA Professor E. E. Prince, Commissioner of Fisheries, Chairman. Professor A. P. Kntaut, Department of Naval Service. Professor L. W. BarLey, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. Professor A. H. R. Buiter, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Very Rev. Canon V. A. Huarp, Laval University, Museum of Public Instruction, Quebec, P.Q. Professor J. Phayrarrn McMuraicu, University of Toronto, Toronto. Dr. A. H. MacKay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. Professor R. F. Rutran, McGill University, Montreal. Professor W. T. MacCLement, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. OTTAWA THOMAS MULVEY PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1921 79550—1 sett eu se Mae ff i derinna lt soph 49 ee EM iin Sage iA jae 4 yer nae CONTENTS Pages. PREFACE and Synopsis of Reports, by Professor Edward E. Prince, LL.D., D.Sc., I. II. III. VII. WELL. XII. XIII. XIV. F.R.S.C., Commissioner of Fisheries. . a ana Further Studies on the Growth Rate in Pacific cas a ©. McLean Fraser, Ph.D., F.R.S.C., Curator of the Pacific Biological ne Departure Bay. B.C. me Some Apparent Effects of ‘Sey ere Weatham on Marine Oseanigne in the vicinity of Departure Bay, B.C., ty C. McLean Fraser, Ph.D., Temperature and Specific Gravity “Vabiatiee in se Bietacs Wits of Departure Bay, B.C., by C. McLean Fraser, Ph.D., F.R.S.C. ey one graph).. . Plankton Diane their ees aa Belisinctvic aes in St. Andrews Waters, by Clara W. Fritz, B.A., M.Sc., Toronto (with three plates). . . Experimental rate of Diatoms occurring near St. has N. B., by Clara W. Fritz, B.A., M.Sec., Toronto. . A Contribution to the Biology of the Muttonfich Rannanies sisal by Wilbert A. Clemens, Ph.D., and Lucy S. a Ph.D. (with plate, map, and figures in text).. Bee i " Eastern Canadian Plankton—The Sug of a Hinge eens obtained during the Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 1914-15, by A. G. Huntsman, B.A., M.B., Biologist to the aOR Board of Canada (with two figures). . i Ne aie Eastern Canadian PigubigeThb Distribution of “Floating Tinie (Thaliacea) obtained during the Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 1914-15, by A. G. Huntsman, B.A., M.B., Biologist to the Bia Board of Canada (with one figure). . Wie ey . An Investigation into the Rate of Patios tia in the Coen Food Fish caught in and around Passamaquoddy Bay, N.B., by Louis Gross, M.D., MeGill University, Montreal a two pitas al- . Canned Satis eye cause of “ Swells ” “ Blown Cans,” by Wilfrid Sadler, M.Se., University of British Gana . List of Fishes collected in 1917 off the Cape Breton coast and a pees Islands, by Philip Cox, Ph.D., Professor of Siaies, ain: of New Brunswick .. .. The Diatoms of Canada, a L. W. eae LLD., F, R. S, C. pppoe N.B., and A. H. Mackay, LL.D., F.R.S.C., eine N. S. The Utilization of Dog-Fish and Selachian Fishes of Eastern Galas 0 James W. Mavor, Ph.D., etc., Union College, Schenectady, N.Y.. Key to the Hydroids of Eastern Canada, by C. McLean Fraser (with 109 figures).. . A New Genus oC Three ee cane of Ai nn ae Micaeeel nee N.B., by A. Brooker Klugh, M.A., Queen’s University, Kingston Gt one plate).. lp : Ut Malian . Histology of the Na Rendon | in ae eae Claw of £ the Taleo by A. P. Knight, M.A., M.D., F.R.S.C., Kingston, Ont. (with nine ju DEW SI! ie) eC Rae ane ee RR eee ea ED ey PRL LTR TERMNMTANC Sas Jo et.) 79550—14 5-6 29 35 49 63 69 85. 93 181 185 ; Pe een) A Hed ae # te : PAGS bray AN oa HALA] spice sity Lee) ae yt ssonci ceinwytinid aca hie ia gre: AL. Add CA iaet wil Irtwen hist ana TS Btn eee Le Wer ae end oe fee ey aa a Leela A AiR er: Hanbe te Ae Coretta ch tegs amu C1) Ree Ot avi boin Vent asoitey faniyo!: OEE ib: alt hy riper. AEE OL ea « Uaatie & ae {Nips a A Oe ae edt paint Fala, yy: peat ney eh a wa pith was na thou ¥ iT dd ei ips ek | of Seusl, eeteanye. Tee vada Bers NC! MARPLE oes ‘fe A, Sins oe ‘ih ai Barshai in Bigs) ‘ie Arik “organo Laver s. Roe Doe ike. AM: veat’d a hs 7) as Coe See J ely | Wee Whee nn oe ade kk ity en hy he eC Bi: (ease ye a ae hovieneeh ee fyi “Meeting righ Nes ape ee eid AA) hoist ae ht end RA avceiiy att Ato vlebial OBS! Senos Aah NW ata lo er ed tia pa oe COR a, oth. i etl HR TH Qi ta bees lity hy idles 4 fasspauinany Be ie ihe aoa oh Tdi Pra ae bail Festina Lenmites pepe a Je tooluit oft of wpa Hitt) Lb AG ‘eon Ons WORT Dregne nay Geateiries te ah eed i 4 ee PoP g 6d + sale 0 yt ee OE Ok MAA Ca CB teat ake i EN ai 44; phair ied EE oot aieal E rtel tae y BY het OL RIRE ay hs ihn ial eo densi) carly, glug: ‘Alancen®?® 43 fesiekt Fe coantnlat ‘eith ei ieee VE OA aan Fala sya dene Psy ES se TiO ee Ace Kaeetirg ite Ath tacking) ‘whigaalh ty Aapthacingeatt tits “site pie shel Diapel) teey aia) eperoeli't weduinat)’ ath atime: erento (Goan ey pgeorace! att alt. at eee P Lome wane Tents § wae. Seo ‘¢d), SERS er. Sag h WiBac INGA i yah ides batiety ees. tis israel oe Vy ice ia Yep pd tas ‘iy at ee risk eae i OD, MNS hy AMM. etd Slit hihityhd se Reeteiatl "byce ie eee Peels cs cin Meet sorted LA aD Laaied Aya BE jathoagee Wee Meret ae Bh nD ROR oath Tatil Wk shethey od P~yadttglt if Wie moive shox 14 nnwieuleD Calta, ha yeti hell yeh Ny Soller aibabena Mh ph bai toatind weeom GE oxsnd'D! dield AM Yd Botan Lb ol dit p10, X sania britias 1 iy sich at ad ern) ts, wd Phareeg A Sea a ar: Nee Ct edy oan aaa kebab’ ane Bt LO dking OM i “ef. dabyirigel Yo) een Ca ORIN IMB ath SMELL Ica) bel BA EA i 6 ivateiraglh ae Rigid (yA Pd EKA ee aPOAR, Fo yield, con tsbnaliee. fide eC p ok Ae 61 TeRLAM agi CA, tloatineritl orgie). odin’) satin EAT) howl: VE ba pvr bape: ational de Nee sae. eteid ae vie vehi oy Bri ere ice ah stake Baal, aol poerel nab Seon RteaaiAy aa at Be Nig ten Lai Sani: sh Yo ‘wa’ Hueawind i is oe . + ae Lacie jue: Shao HAC: wilt ia Paw ip ON ee aa ci, ie wide (ey Botte os ays Aa" Amn nf ‘ Pity ome "we 7, Lay t vy fas he _ PREFACE. By Proressor Epwarp E. Prince, LL.D., M.A., D.Se., F.R.S.C., Dominion ComMis- SIONER OF FISHERIES; CHAIRMAN OF THE BroLoagicaAL Boarp; CHAIRMAN OF THE CanapDIAN Arctic ExprepITION CoMMITTEE; MEMBER OF THE ADVISORY BoarD ON Wip Lire Protection, OTrawa; CHAIRMAN OF THE Foop REFRIGERATION CoM- MITTEE, CANADIAN RESEARCH CoUNCIL; VICE-PRESIDENT OF THE INTERNATIONAL FisHEeRIES Concress, WASHINGTON, D.C., 1907. ETc. The present volume of Contributions to Canadian Biology is composed of a series of separate reports by trained scientists who have taken advantage of the facilities generously provided by the Dominion Government at the Atlantic Biological Sta- tion, St. Andrews, N.B., and the Pacific Station, Departure Bay, near Nanaimo, B.C. The subjects treated cover a wide range, but they a!l have, like marine research in general, a very important practical bearing upon fisheries and fish resources of Canada. It may be pointed out that the problems which occupy the attention of the staffs of technical investigators at both stations consist either of questions which the Depart- ment of Naval Service finds it urgently necessary to have exact and adequate inform- ation upon, or of problems determined by the Biological Board as of importance in the general advancement of knowledge relating to fish life in our seas, or they are lines of investigation which members of the scientific staff have selected as likely to yield valuable technical and practical results. Of departmental problems which have arisen in connection with the conserva- tion of the British Columbia salmon fisheries, and especially in the devising of wise regulations, as well as the effective restoration of the supply by fish-culture, the problem of the rate of growth, which Dr. MeLean Fraser has still further advanced, in the first report, is of signal interest. It carries to a further stage the work which he summarized in a prev'ous report, and which he has treated in a number of scat- tered memoirs and papers. The second report in the series, by Dr. Fraser, deals with the effects which seem to be associated with severe weather as they influence organisms on which fish directly and indirectly depend for food. The observations were made in the winter and spring of 1915-16, and they show that marine animals in certain instances shifted into deeper water owing to the cool temperature, and fish and other forms had to follow, them, and thus change their local habitat. Not only was much life actually destroyed; but higher forms such as migratory fishes had the incubation of the eggs delayed, and the fry migrated later than usual. The third report, also by Dr. Fraser, embodies systematic observations, for five years, 1914-19, on the temperature and specific gravity variations at the sea’s surface near Nanaimo, B.C, Miss Fritz’s report, forming the fourth in order, gives the results of patient and laborious work in the culture of Diatoms, which form a staple food of the minute crustaceans called Copepods by which young fishes and a multitude of other organ- isms are sustained. The fifth report on Plankton Diatoms near St. Andrews, also by Miss Fritz, is a study of material obtained from October, 1916, to October, 1917, and includes eighty- two species. Their relative abundance and scarcity over extensive areas, and at various depths, are detailed and the numbers at various specified stations are given in detail. Counts up to many millions were made, thus in spring (on May 1), 8,750,000 5 6 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE examples of five species were obtained, and again on August 2 of one species no less than 7,000,000 frustules were noted (Ch. debile). Professor W. A. Clemens’ account of the Mutton Fish (Zoarces) is a very thorough study of a species, which is really an excellent food-fish though not gener- ally recognized as such. The research was a joint one, in which Mrs. Lucey Smith Clemens collaborated, and *t has much scientific as well as practical value. Dr. Huntsman’s two valuable reports (seven and eight) embody studies of Plank- ton material collected during Dr. Hjort’s fisheries investigations, 1914-15, and treat respectively of the peculiar transparent annelids, the Tomopteridae; and the floating Tunicates, the Thaliacea; and demonstrates their varying abundance at different seasons of the year, and the causes of their distribution. Dr. Gross’s paper, Report IX on the Putrefaction of Fish is of much practical as well as scientific value, and demonstrates very different rates of deterioration as characterizing the various species studied. Hence some fish are better adapted for transportation, and for prolonged handling in the markets, than others. This is a new field of investigation and demands more attention owing to its vital importance to fish marketing. Dr. Wilfrid Sadler’s report (X) on the causes of “ Swelled Canned Sardines” is of similar interest and value. The cause is found to be in the presence of gas-producing bacteria, of which he determined eight varieties, and their source of origin may be due to the intestinal contents of the fish, or to lack of cleanliness in the factory workers, the latter being in the author’s opinion the less likely source. Professor Philip Cox’s list of Cape Breton and Magdalen Islands fishes (XI) eollected in 1917, is an interesting addition to our maritime faunistic knowledge, and the synopsis of Canadian Diatoms (XII), by Drs. L. W. Bailey and A. H. MacKay, is a compilation long needed, and embodying extensive researches by the authors. These are reports numbers eleven and twelve. Professor J. W. Mavor’s paper (XIII) on the Wi of dogfish and other shark-like species, occurring in our Atlantic waters, forms the thirteenth report of the present series, and summarizes all the most important phases of this subject. Now known by the trade-name of “ grayfish,” they have come into demand in many markets, and it is important to have, in accessible form, information as to the nature and habits of these fish, the character of the flesh, ete., and its chemical composition, especially its food value, palatability, and other points which are of public importance. Dr. Mavor adds some notes on the use of these fish for oil, glue, fertilizer, and other purposes. Dr. Baumann’s’ report on the analysis of grayfish and Dr. A. B.“Macallum’s note on the urea content of the flesh form appendices A and B to the report. The fourteenth renort of the volume is Dr. McLean Fraser’s “Key to the Hydroids of Eastern Canada,” illustrated with 109 beautiful figures. It is the first of a proposed series of guides to the marine animals of Canadian waters. These will supply a keenly-felt want amongst all who are interested in the resources of our seas. No handy guides are available for students and the general public which would enable them to recognize and name specimens when obtained. Even scientific workers deplore the lack of such guides and Dr. Fraser’s report is a notable beginning. The fifteenth report describes a new genus, and three new species of minute fila- mentous Alge of the Order Hormogonex, by Mr. A. Brooker Klugh, who collected them in the Miramichi river and estuary in 1918, and is preparing a full report on the microscopic flora of the region. The last (the sixteenth) report by Dr. A. P. Knight deals with the “ Histology of the Flexor Tendon in the Crushing Claw of the Lobster,” with nine figures ,and is a study of the minute structure of the larger of the two oval keeled plates to which the claw muscles, for opening and closing, are attached. Each plate, which has a laminated structure shows a central core, and network of crossing ‘fibres in the outer portions. These laminae appear, under low powers, to be of two kinds, thirty-two dark coloured in section, and fifty-seven white; but in young lobsters the laminae are fewer. Under a high power, the latter seem to be more uniform, resembling the finest lawn in appearance. When fresh the texture is soft like cartilage; but hard and brittle after boiling. Further Studies on the Growth Rate in Pacific Salmon. BY C. McLean Fraser, Ph.D., F.R.S.C., ete. Curator of the Pacific Biological Station, Departure Bay, B.C. INTRODUCTION. Having completed and submitted my report on salmon material collected in 1916, I secured further material in 1917 and the present report is therefore a continuation of the preceding researches. All of the Pacific salmon again receive attention. In some respects the material was better for examination than that from the preceding year. Practically all of the scales were in good condition and as the material was obtained from a greater number of localities it gave a better chance for comparison. For this diversity of material I am indebted to the managers and employees of the canneries at Quathiaski, Lasqueti island and Nanaimo. The weight of the fish was taken in each ease and that permitted the working out of a length-weight ratio for each species in each locality. The methods used were the same throughout as with the 1916 material. On March 24 and 25, 1915, one thousand spring salmon fry and one thousand coho fry were marked at the Cowichan Lake hatchery. The information gained from these, although not very extensive, was quite satisfactory. On October 11, 1917, one of the cohos was caught in Cowichan bay, near the mouth of the river up which evidently it would have gone to spawn if it had not been caught. It weighed 91 pounds. The scale corresponded perfectly with the seales of those that have all along been taken as three-year fish. It must have gone down the Cowichan river as a yearling and evidently it was on its way to ascend the same river to spawn. On January 9, 1918, one of the marked spring salmon, 26 inches long, weighing 834 pounds, was caught in Departure bay, near the north shore, not far from the Biolo- gical Station. Its scales indicated a three-year spring of the sea type. It was in no sense mature and hence there was nothing to indicate the river it would have ascended. The fact that is was caught in Departure bay corroborates, as far as it goes, the opinion expressed previously that some spring salmon that have passed into the strait of Georgia from the rivers that empty into it do not go out to the open sea but instead wander about in the inner waters in search of food. The five species are considered in much the same way as in the previous paper although the same amount of detail was not considered necessary. On the other hand, the possibility of comparing each species in the two years has somewhat enlarged the field. Spring Salmon. As in previous years, it was not possible to get many spring salmon that could be definitely assigned to any particular river-system. Some Fraser river fish were obtained but as, in general, these were on the cannery floor with others caught elsewhere, they could not be separated with certainty. Specimens obtained at Quathiaski cannery and from the Lasqueti island cannery are included, but as they were few in number and as the areas from which they were received, approach or overlap the Nanaimo cannery area, it was scarcely worth while to consider them 7 8 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE separately. As these fish feed in the Strait of Georgia and adjacent waters throughout the period of their marine life and as they wander about in this area, it follows that only when spring salmon are caught in the rivers or as they are entering the rivers, can one have any assurance in this area as to the river system to which they belong. The total number examined was 527, of which 412, or 78-2 per cent were of the sea type and 115, or 21-8 per cent of the stream type. Of the sea type; 35 were in their fifth year (8-5 per cent), 142 in the fourth year (34.5 per cent), 203 in the third year (49-2 per cent) and 32 in the second year (7-8 per cent). Of the stream type, 4 were in their sixth year (3.5 per cent), 26 in the fifth year (22-6 per cent), 50 in the fourth year (43-5 per cent) and 35 in the third year (30-4 per cent). (As in previous years many of the fish were immature and hence these percentages give no indication of the relative numbers that mature in each year). In both types the females outnumbered the males as indicated in the following table :— Sea Type. Year—Class. Total No. Male. Per cent. Female. Per cent. Se nek tity ratets ote nent Gee Dee APO Ee ee 35 14 40-0 21 60-0 BENE R EE CVA CORT CRG ONS (oi co esis 4 ed Star oie cho ee RIE EU wish 142 47 33-1 95 66-9 3 203 87 42-9 116 57-1 BEARS P aE GOEL TEE TENCE Oren eG EL ee aT eae 32 30 93-8 2 6-2 412 178 43-2 234 56-8 Rare Sean a lei te Sho a NOE hsv ae peracid 4 4 10020) moo | ae 2s hte fein io jcluceye sy a cen oi ab i eit ipa predates tee ca 26 ig 34-6 17 65-4 Cece RE TTD GOCE ORe cas Mere hs 245 OrceE a toe 50 23 46-0 27 54-0 Ayashi BERS ED ne I Se ta 35 20 57-1 15 42-9 115 56 48-7 59 51-3 Although the data are not suitable for determining definitely the relative growth of male and female fish it may be worth while to give the lengths of each type and year to indicate the limits of each. The lengths are given in inches. Sea Type. Two year Class. Meng thee Re. RR eae ak Ae tee Ts Sa Ep yan lia DS} THe, EN Ee eRe a eer On OU A Veigig |r 3 Bae dieereawy a wien 2G} 3 BETTIS OTe etch oaks, s ites SRE re OER ER Econe ae ee . 1 Aveoser length, male, 16:6; female, 15-7; total, 16-6. 16 16-5 17 17:5 18 18-5 19 19-5 20 2 1S ARE 2 1 Three year Class. Benethrek erty ic; § 191) 1955) 20) 20-5): 20) 421-5.) 22; 2265) 23) 23-5) 2424-5) 26 25-5.426') 26-59 127 275 ok Number—Male........... 1 ae Dens et) 8 17 2. 6 4 8 § 4 2 12 pan | Heal ee Cee hee Les ‘aba By 12) 15 14 15 8 6 es} TG 1 iia ta Average length, male 24-0; female 23-6; total 23-8. Four year Class. Bene thir. vis sh bk 26 26-5 27 27-5 28 28-5 29 29-5 30 30-5 31 31-5 32 32-5 33 33-5 34 34-5 35 Number—Male..................... ) Teas 3 oe ey au wo Gye Pane age 1 Ras RU 5 «8 Female......... ae Nets 5 6 9 6 13 hey) 8.5 6 2 4 4 Peas) ae | Average length, male 30-8; female, 30-0; total, 30-3. Five year Class. | INT ee a oe 2, aR 32 32-5 33 33-5 34 34-5 35 35-5 36 36-5 37 37-5 38 38-5 39 39-5 40 40-5 41 Number—Male........... | UG? PE AE a os Teh SE hl ae 8 2 ded 1 LASS MY ia 8 DE Ceystk. 7 EAS 1 ae Hemale.... Fuca. Te Re se ee DD ice te dfs 2 3 3 2) 1; 2 Te Bis oe ent See ear eee Average length, male, 37-0; female, 36-2; total, 36-6. GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 9 STREAM TYPE. Three year Class. SURIEL EE any eter a2): 'o Arionk ret ta eee Gar iets cia epee see hexose 17 17-5 18 18-5 19 19-5 20 20-5 21 21-5 22 22-5 INES Nile eh Ree ht MIME Ns SOM REAR GLE TIMUR ERE 2 Sie, 12 Pa: 22 Pa Le ees ESRD NEAL ER at tasis ratae oo ota ta ea Ruste tele mr aveh reve leteocallny shal aysVayic'deeie'a'ionnl oclereve eee ere arbors eM peta 2 Oh (Biratetratrenaene 1 Average length, male, 18-9; female, 20-3; total, 19-5. Four year Class. UTI DNC RN Ss ote 5a. 5 sino mae Cia, ateee eee 22, 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 26 26:5 27 27-5 28 28-5 29 29-5 Nimibor—- Male nui iii).. 0. Le Rae 1 Pa ep | ae LY st 3 1 Mathes 1 a 1 1 2 od 2 DRY Cr ES SS PCS 5 = Se ec i Rotiges? 1 Ree 3 18 CNG Mp 1 Aare Average length, male 26-1; female 26-2; total 26-2. Five year Class. 28-5 29 29-5 30 30-5 31 31-5 32 32-5 33 33:5 34 34:5 35 35-5 36 36-5 37 ASV eae epee. cnie. . teem 1 Men eee sdk 's 1 Liye PM segeNe! 1 Length CET CU pee NN MP. cao it lel are Tee a NG ll ald abe aisha ad SERRE soe «Puke SARC e OMY, Aan meee 35 37 39 40-5 INCL NERO Broo. a's ccieete ewe coh UO Gost Id So CO ER ESE ) aaa ya | 1 Average length, 37-9, As the period of collection of these salmon extended over three months this may have increased the normal spread between limits for each year but as the period of rapid growth was well over before the first collecting was done this would not make so much difference as if it had been done’ earlier. In any case the conditions were similar for male and female and hence there should be the same ratio in length as if they had all been taken at the same time. In the sea type in every year class the male average is distinctly greater than the female average. In the stream type the two averages are very similar, but what difference there is is in favour of the female. The rate of growth as calculated by years is shown in the following table:— TABLE OF GROWTH. Sea Type. Growth during—Years. Year—Class. No Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th OF cla ost opCl dt SD TOMI Se GSE SoM RS Se DEE CES EES SORE aS Senne Bt 32 10-9 BG ocak enews MMPS TRA SATA VER oor, alain tigiere-ofare Kibo ictus whe essen Gaal aloe ae 203 10-7 8-8 CES fae |i ORE RRS ete We eVect cave ohe! axe syed in acd aisha alti in ns Gyo ty bow are aror eM og tithe towed 142 10-8 9-0 6-8 3-6 [ie TEE ALR, 6 Ets ci ah Re GEICO OR eee cer: tb freien Peiitrar cst 35 10-6 9-1 7-8 6-0 3-0 Length at end of—Years. Year—Class No. |=——— Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Ce al Mec BE a 3 Ue Ry eee ch een 4 RN RA Se eee ae 1b a aly ce oe 32 10-9 1626 Pile eo eta Ee ORS cu eS eee PRR Re oi otis ens oo SETA Si a howe 203 10-7 19-5 PBL feel CO NG GES 2 atypia SPSS EOD TE SD Reeth GRO as Ane Si STG SENG a a 142 10-8 19-8 26-6 30-3 NN Ce BOSE PB NAG Wt). arse km favayaltre tia@iayatetelsvaivjaigie < ateanite s/Zieia swe. a « 35 10-6 19-7 27-5 33-5 36-6 SrrREAM Tyre. ra Growth during—Years. Year—Class. No Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Sh Amacai bled site Mek PR eH Or ase ub Main eas Dw RD le aC 35 3-7 10-2 CAST AM hed ged eae bate all MRL PeT EL. Lote ife chars =, af; c¥d os pet cin ale, abotesaeds ates SUahe/ate nid « Cesaieid saiste 50 3-8 10-1 8-4 6 Tie a ae 5 ee a ae eee) ad want Me tems ctevatere octal Mice ainicle'» 's hiss ake 26 3-8 10-5 8-8 6-2 3-1 Gere Ceara oie 3 MEER Sel boc Shee See Ste went iG 4 3-8 10-1 8-9 7-3 5-3 2-5 Length at end of—Years. Year—Class. No Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Be ps Bie EB 0 eo 2S Cane ei ae oe a a 35 3-7 13-9 1 RW tare es EU este 3 Fe i AS Ad 6, PCRS CPt al oe 1 eeC iT APR et tes ep 50 3-8 13-9 22-3 PCP [siete he 2 estes Ales RR gg a rae ta SUB RE anche ica Ua SAR MERCH ec it I 26 3-8 14-3 23-1 29-3 32-4 Gees Wiirseteic oe Secs Shaver aie aan pte orc CONTE COAEAID A 80 Sadie 6 3-8 13-9 22-8 30-1 35-4 37-9 length for the incompleted year is recorded. It is evident that while the period of most rapid growth was over when the collection started, there must still have been time for a noticeable increase before the growth of the year was complete. As the DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE In both types the averages for each year class are very similar. In these tables the range of growth in the different years is much the same as in previous years and the eurve of growth similar, little is to be gained by introducing these data for the year 1917. The weights of all these fish were taken and hence it was possible to get the approximate ratio of weight to length. As the absolute weights would be of little use for comparison, the average weight of all the specimens of a certain length in each type and year class, male and female, was taken and from these a table was prepared to show the ratio of weight to length. As in many cases, especially towards the extrema of range, the number of specimens for any one length is very small, sometimes only one, too small for getting a proper average, the figures show much irregularity and allowance must be made for this as the figures were put in the table just as they were worked out. The number of specimens for any length in any group ean be obtained by referring to the previous tables. TABLE SHOWING RELATION OF WEIGHT TO LENGTH. Sea Type. Two year. Three year. Four year. Five year. bo bo (JC) —_ or or or or or Male. NNwWwhe Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Wr OCCOONAND OO > CON DWe OOOH © to bo — ak et rst uo SASEESSES SON CNIIH oe Perec cee ete reer r ewe oles re cance selec eee ecceelesesasscestoien meso ees| Ss? W jeesecieis = sie w r=) on _ oo a co an oO) bo S . or . . Kn an nananaana»aaa na GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON SrREAM TYPE. 11 Three year. Male. CNOA Pty Om ROS Female. Four Male. year. Female. Five year. Six year. Male. Female. ff Male. eee eee asee ee wee ee ee rere ee oc ee ete ce gan oo a deal e wieule There is nothing in this table to indicate that there is any sustained difference in weight ratio in sex, age or type. It would seem rather that with species in this area, an area where conditions should be much similar for all individuals, although there may be much variation, there is a constant average weight for any length. There is a large enough number of'cases where the average is sufficiently exact to show that the weight varies as the cube of the length. Although this is what should be expected it is a satisfaction to have such evidence since it is an assurance that the length of the fish is a safe basis for comparison. This variation can be followed throughout the five species as is shown for the other species in the tables that accom- pany the report on each. In comparing the spring salmon collection of 1917 with that of 1916 and that of 1915, there seems to be very little difference in the rate of growth in any year of the different year classes. In no case is there much variation in growth for the same year in the different year classes in any collection and the year class that gives the highest average in one collection does not always give the highest average in the other col- lections. Since the collection in each year was a composite one from a wide area, including the entrance to several rivers, it would be too much to expect that there would be exactly the same average even in the same year class. There is no indica- tion that any one year class has had more rapid growth throughout than any other year class. This is true of both the sea and the stream type of fish. 12 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE In the 1917 collection there was a larger number of larger and older fish than in the other collections, largely due to the presence of the Fraser river and Quathiaski fish. These may have come in from the open ocean and possibly if they could have been kept separate they would have shown a decided difference in growth. All of the six year fish of the stream type and most of the five year fish of each type were among these. The sex ratio is changed somewhat.’ Whereas, in the 1916 collection, there was a slight majority of males in both types of fish, in the 1917 collection there is a majority of females in both types, that majority being quite pronounced in the sea type. The percentage of sea type fish, which was practically the same (65 per cent) for 1915 and 1916 was greatly increased (over 78 per cent) in 1917. No cause is sug- gested for such an increase. For those over three years the percentage is much the same in 1917 as in previous years, but in the three year class the stream type fish were a much smaller percentage. This may be the condition of that class as a class, or since it is the latest class of which any considerable number were taken, it may indicate a step towards the elimination of the stream type fish to bring the spring salmon in the same class as the humpback and dog salmon in that respect. Sockeye. During the summer of 1917, sockeye were obtained at Quathiaski cannery from Deepwater bay near Seymour narrows, at the Lasqueti Island cannery from the mouth of Sauch-en-auch creek, at the entrance to Jervis inlet, and at the Nanaimo cannery from the strait of Fuca off Victoria and from the Fraser river. In all 1,670 were examined, of which the great majority, 1,468, or 87-9 per cent, were four-year fish of the stream type that had gone to sea in the second year; 510 were from Deep- water bay, 407 from near Victoria, 596 from the Fraser river, and 153 from Sauch- en-auch creek. They were distributed among the different types as follows :— <= Deepwater Victoria. Fraser Sauch-en-auc. Bay. River. No 0 No % No. 4 No % Bee Ewa Gear UStTOAM 2A a. soe ve hota cos icraw sliarectelel= 5 1-0 2 0-5 7 1-2 if 0-6 Renieen PATS UNEAIN -2 5 foe's asicheicrercion te ele) ele pias 2-13 470 92-2 ' 387 95-1 524 87-9 150 95-6 SET BOR A 6 SRO non oe Doane e Ez PreD RDO roaC Ty CCroL 35 6-8 18 4-4 65 10-9 6 3-8 Five- % Four- % Three- % y | year. year year Deepwater bay— MOOR CRISS EMCI: ates ac', ous /cita: SheiMoce = vusicyr acete esiavasobeie|= We leita ex sioga= foro Bi 1 0080.5 i) cehcieearell ih eyals sol nant oer de De -wenr aneain: joer is hella cs Sar A ek AE dl acd a 29 6-2 441 O3°8) (aes saree Slag sce ahs Abin ontljaeateocteatacdhiinsladt sin cole slWrgiciy deleMnwwini-ieie.- ile]: WF» Shipcaleer= hel « 35), + 1000). 2522338 SV Dih | eee ue i eee eee Gat Rs 1 eee os 524 oe 2S 34 6-7 476 93*3} Sadan Victoria— RVeEGan BUTeAIN:. -24 0946541). Yai DUAR oa fees epee tape eRhay aa DMOOR Oe ls weirs ley -anepaee & leaned ares Aris -VEHE. SUNGAIT asta aes iaiehias tia tates cine ta yb: eae Gage mice 1 0-3 386 G0: 7) ss cacheg Re hee SATS PTS OES eT h Pt. ek eA NAR Ct Oe). SRE RUE SALE eae 18} 100-0) .......- A) 4 lig SEO nee Ser CA OOO Tape cia dato CORIEEEOR SS FC 3 0-7 404 9-5] Ey. aee Fraser river— fnwo-year Btroaldis! /2 2204. fa. ek iivarias aeite os tele side he bday este cee 7 MOOOR Gh Ss ods Rep es aE Oe ei ipso aap gegen pate hee Abbe da nae ier SRO oT eT. 24 4-6 500 O54 eae ane SE Sie Ly SE sa ie Od ee a ee Pee ee Ae ee be || eel (ot re 65 1OOVO | RRZ. F4: Sauch-en-auch creek— REWO-VGAT BEECH VR icciac AEN pital tien lncints alte = mtas Bie leictchatels ajayeera 1 LODO)? 3c c ARS. Ee 2 ct Cmeby Gar intteadi ns) wlsilans edema) quceh ane Pita ane iptes cewae 9 6-0 141 O4-Ol) te ao es CE aed ead Be ot Be ar per ita bee Pn Pa ene RR Cha Nrebeeertra, ants Oh RACE etl ieee cea Oe 5 83-3 1 16-7 BE OU Le Hens ctr pate centre roe eee etua iis leakep ise si amisteter tears 10 6-4 146 93-0 1 0-6 GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 13 The sexes were distributed as follows :— Total. | Male. % (|Female.| % Deepwater bay— » Plas OH E LS UE OREN 6). 2 = w's, cS eave terme ea sists sel aca saye ved dio, o) lp, Otay epee Five-year 5 3 60-0 2 40-0 Biren AEGOATIN <3 ./0/s/-\s << ARERR On yng osie\iels sss) eee IeMae Roi laidieinisis Steidias's'e ses sean eae Five-year 2 1 50-0 1 50-0 SUE GAIT ELAN |”. = .)) 3,5 -ceeePRLe cele Glas Shisat eile sn cee ole ate Five-year 1 A) OOSOE aS eek Li ( Four-year) 386 167 43-3 219 56-7 ENTE Yo) « 5. sae Sit ERR n cia nce meet a et cs «ss cits estea mine Four-year 18 12 66-7 6 33-3 SRN sa eS Sit 225 53) SE ME LRA) of ch ev cVee) choral nha'e ot a's 0.3) o1sFeletahdl dei kere eremretet 407 181 44-5 226 55-5 Fraser river— SEWO-VERIOSLOAIL., 1; caine tae eis see hus ence oes 8 sane Five-year 7 6 85-7 1 14-3 ONE VOGMMULGAR 58 :.c mate ere Re Rian pete adiee «2 4+ ee cence Five-year 24 12 50-0 12 50-0 Four-year| 500 222 44-4 278 55-6 GEE OE ER, 2 cee eRe a ame sella Ga Marah - saarea vadleew an Four-year 65 42 64-6 23 35-4 ATTED EISEN Ieee GMS, co alate ee eed ete srapte's aco arcs: o Sdiess thee RA ee ek 596 282 47-3 314 52-7 Sauch-en-auch creek— : TIRE ES SY De (Se 0 Ba 1 Ef « Five-year Me hs os Ss SS eee 1 100-0 OM UPEER LORIN CoE N cri ghia c's< «ic. dhita non tieeieie ek acest hoes ee a Five-year 9 6 66-7 3 33-3 Four-year} 141 54 38-3 87 61-7 SED wason sane Sadie np ARAB mea aaperr ce?155 COOMDE Sea en ePII Apes cictert Four-year 5 4 80-0 1 20-0 Three-year 1 1 10070) Geese aREIL A wileds Cie sack SOR losd cd 2s. . Woust. a 157 65 | 41-4 92 | 58-6 The females were in the majority in every locality, but very markedly so at Sauch-en-auch creek. This majority is obtained in the four-year class, of the stream type. Relative lengths of males and females are shown in the following table :— DEEPWATER Bay. Two-year stream, Five-year class. ICID HMR TRE casein ctceiato eos od faitrsin dhe micoice Gisicia Mia nae see ob itd slanclewirieanie als alehiasesie ete Gls hase Rete teoeer aa 22 22-5 23 ISifirTd EG NEALE ae PEE A cerns ean bps R eek Gein wets SMe wate halen aS cf Cath ete Siar ale cae due ised SASS uae mel Ree 1 eee | UOT Ge sce se ne eke ata See es eats SE CUI a reece eas aya kad a Gitte bight ROMER Ee eee 2 Average length, male 22-5; female, 22-5; total, 22-5. One-year stream, Five-year class. i ‘ erie LAMM eee Ses ot See EST Tae aa ae B ae Uae hats RRR Pasta: aye CEE cal 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 ICH GeT DETR] ENO Ae, Bee ast AN pt sary SRR Rien py rt Sa eat en art Pale wb te mee eke OY alt (a 3) 02 OTHRLOM ete ot See Sei oa PRM Le GLE a See hie alone suaeae bes 1 1. 6 1 Average length, male, 23-5; females, 22-9; total, 23-3. Four-year class. erie AMAR an sie eae tate cer laf aaeccats, 9 rater a erm ctetalthes acneaith-ve/a exer tohenereveaeya(aven des 19 19:5. 20 20:5) 20. 21-5.) 22).22-5) 23" 2ae5 INTL Dare EES i CB ee 2 emi A ne 2 add 2 NR, Are pant eae i 1 ae? 10 37 26 54 46 24 3 Roemslesere se mienes cacectykans RR aE BORE oe ee nes Seba ey see ? 3 112 25 76 49 50 163 Average length, male, 21-9; female, 21-3; total, 21-6. 61 Sea, Four-year class. rT si iui cite? ES Ne a Se On re 19-5 20 20-5 21 21-5 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 BEAVER ERNE — IVE CRN ES hei este Sapte de Jo, chase Pais sles oue oie gue ey hs aclat> «ford cLakeneveL eee conve Paehe j (Bs ARG eet 2 1. 6 4 eo Luann | Memiale: (Asa 8 cenyoc eens. depos aeeiic tas cet) aicpte ta ome as cote! bes seis eereigipans ps 1 pigs} ea 1 Average length, male, 22-4; female, 22-1; total, 22-3. VICTORIA, Two-year stream, Five-year class. 1 male, 24; 1 female, 22:5; average, 23;3. One-year stream, Five-year class. 1 male, 24. One-year stream, Four-year class. LOS SEA Bere SIAN Did Ciecktc Ne 5 ee AREER ca RY ALL ORR aR RL cess 1925) 20 20-5, 21 21-5 22 22-5 23 2325 Nitin ber Malet esse ees 6 een Betis rela cc Water hdc EN aes Prd Cosa ibe wee 3 pe 7233 Si) 1D0 oan le 2 J REET (eet Oh Ta ar ian as rattan sis oe Dee aii 20 66 63 41 20 Average length, male, 21-9; female, 21-4; total, 21-6. 14 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Vicrorta.---Conoluded Sea, Four-year class. Mgr ehh d Le ereeee s Lavoro on Be ave Tots folk folcte Remeron tla afte CAPE Ne orae wate Byataen ote nae etre teat 21 21-5" 22° 2255 23° 2355 UN Ti eT — METS sess h ens. seceie cath athacisfexe aye Behe as lp ta ate eis Cee eee RMT Teed okt tate bs aioe secs ke 4 43 2 LOST GS yh ie Fs RO a ee er meme (lo 4 A ier ae aan) Ray the, Ciel 1 Maher | 2 Average length, male, 22-6; female, 22-4; total, 22-5. ~*~ FRASER RIVER. Two-year stream, Five-year class. Beret hyd Remtm nian crt ce Ware nso OMEN: cl oh oie ORS ERTS SER clas vfo's os SS ORMRR RS eo ated 21-5 22 22-5 23 23-5 tM por ses OR | Fe aes ss AE Res eidiciols pote eiaiest o/s AIRE oie o-oo, 0 050 CRIES = » Steaua eee cen 1 5 SHEDS soe toate SS) cacao aver retae' a saci 5 oo ge ERI Ce tls ccd eRe 1 Average length, male, 23-4; female, 21-5; total, 23-1. One-year stream, Five-year class. ETI TELS SP bss settee reece = bic teri mhe wie age areas Baas PMOL he so oib-e samen 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 Te Tarra) Sac 1 SR ae 2 SO oe ae ot ee Se eee ee... 5 Os Se arr ie 12 BY | pes 1 Hemalesacyaaen sad vate oubeteloth ee hare Vistas hia Sie WReis ae eS 2 tb histo seas 2 Let DS ie! Average length, male, 24-1; female, 23-1; total, 23-6. Four-year class. LOST Te es JRE Ieee SEO RSS 6 Cen eecrat a) re SEE, ine, 1s, er eta 20 20-5 21 21:5 22) 22-5 (2a asp Dip ond EN OR eo ber ae et tes in Aan ae! ae 1 So) tate CAS De 66 19 6 Pe male ase 4:15 tee: sc a Pee ae oe olen ba eek ce eins ois samosas 1 9 49 81 94 32 11 1 Average length, male, 22-0; female, 21-7; total, 21-8. Sea, Four-year class. UE T He (re pied ariel ai Ale eget a cy 4 0 Ue 1 CR SS SR 5 21, 21-5 22 .22°5 23) 2s-om24en Deh Malet are Lena eet hi Mame ee rte eM oUGT Ue MtMg ch Dilys Qi ra ae 1 2 4 Tra 9 PIAL Bi. ee ede aia seeote Cictulcl oR Lane ee Ae cle (ie SIAR tek a! Ba. paltee g Bee 9 3 2 3 Average length, male,22-8; female, 22-4; total, 22-7. ’ SaucH-EN-AtcH CREEK. . Two-year stream, Five-year class. y 1 female, 18-5. One-year stream, Five-year class. TLS EAB Re eto ee DIE eee rene SERN aoe ee reas iat fu meas WR nue yt, mel teller “5 21 21-5922 22-5 ens ONT ETE SEI ALO. nea ccieielAdrateramouie Shr aire sider eteraia seamen Te Cpe ae Bie wien i Vaio | ee Female 2 1 Average length, male, 22-1; female, 21-2; total, 21-8. Four-year class. TESTE dae NEGO BEE RE alco: CACHE ac AA RORCEE Ue, SACO EE cna ae At 17.:17-5), 18-1825.) 19 19-5, 20 120-5 212155 22 Number—Male....... SE Pa Es I hk CIS ea fee ec i ea 1 2 6 16 14 | 1 3 Female....... JGBUR I sanahe Gone poC eo aaL bros ssh era cony 2 1 ie 3 18 22 19 6 4 3 Average length, male, 19-9; female, 19-0; total, 19-4. Sea, Four-year class. Thro, pate Uo gt a een epi AP BS eo. A aio AS nin GN Rn At Se aes SIS eyrare Shar 18-5 19 19-5 20 20-5 21 21°5 CTA EL So) el CLO eR STR SAG ie er PA NR SO SRT ut hs i ee Se a ra ire pia SS hea eC 12 1 PE a retseler es ochre ate hac) Sete le Me See Mee istic eRe oie oie eidis ws t\eise io oe 1 Average length, male, 21-0; female, 18-5; total, 20-5. Three-year class. 1 male, 17-5. The male average is greater than the female average throughout. GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 15 For the purpose of easy comparison the tables showing annual growth are arranged to group the localities for each type and year class. The tables are in pairs, the first of the pair showing the growth year by year and the second showing the length at the end of each year. TABLES SHOWING RATE OF GROWTH. Two-year stream, Five-year class. cae Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th TOE TNE 7g) 02 a aE Pa ee 75, ES Ca a Oe Oe Met ie 3-4 3-1 6-5 6-5 2-9 ICANT eS A Scr 1 Oe eee oy aja) 91d os Se a 3:5 3:3 7:6 5-9 3-0 (Bie: EER no 3 ARES ARG erie cs? VA aR OI ae ar Se <2 oP 3-6 3-1 7:7 6-1 2-7 RTC HCON-RICHIOTOOK. «2 \., ol.) oA RMRRE Chey elec ale'srafb pins vieinsnseid sade Le opens oe elas 3-7 3-1 5-8 4-1 1-8 ID IPS SGT Leh ee a so 0 re Cr eee 3-4 6-5 13-1 19-6 22-5 VAL ORT See cy elt ha ke ote A NOTARIES cs ott Ma cae the Bile = bs.0 o/e. cd m sine tatshg eae oo 3-5 6:8 14-4 20-3 22-3 IRIGERSE POL WON Met cio. oN) « 2 steep SEES stescteke aves aie tics)» ale aoe grains lhl ei a ena mae iene 3-6 6-6 14-3 20-4 23-1 Ratab-en- RUC DACLORK 7-510 > ke be dee nee ae big isin ciatwsl« = 0:/~'s 0 «.o.aycin Stan Seaaeetemee oe 3-7 6-8 12-6 16-7 18-5 One-year stream, Five-year class. Mean water Way sicoc. csbatinaete. ia. ho aispiekeide oe 480 3 POPE tee Ghent ane 3-3 7-7 6-4 3-8 2.0 Victoria...... OEM t etekiiak Petone PEALE MSMR CER). he.s s «.07 om oat eels s 3-2 6-3 6-4 5-3 2-8 LORD IG ae NR, VO een) ee ce I oR S 2 ee a See en oe Be, Bc ET 3-6 7-2 6-6 4-1 9.2 Matnh an-AUGh Crea ane: els) BOm RP SRNR oro. doy Seto. 3-6 6-8 5-6 3-8 2.0 DGS LORI DB years ser coeds tis tas ARE EO toa ad Mate tea te. 1S Ge 3-3 11-1 17°5 21-3 23-3 CLS RE NY SE CRIIR) / SG arte eo 3-2 9-5 | 15-9 | 21-2 24-0 OSE TEVOR Es s,s) y's nie eo sie lee ate aE SLB etree foledic are iata| fia fo a «ath aye ot 3-6 10-7 17-3 21-4 23-6 SRM On ANGI ICLOGHA Ss helt eReae a bee SMe eB eile ls Ae lonioie cide nh a oy ee ieee ees 3-6 10-4 16-0 19-8 21-8 One-year stream, Four-year class. —— } Ist | 2nd | 3rd | 4th TOs) DG HENAN GbAS Seeeth Ra W e a ie Si tu Cet pea Rural gee Sei Te a ae ie er. Se 3-6 8-1 6-8 3-0 VUNG EDU rb She gp aa AS aot Oe Ed eta a Se SU WT ns Re ape ore 3-7 8-0 6-7 3.1 ASR ELU CLOW TARE Pere fa Poin Set Sines Ramee als Spade avs clas PC Eee cs ais Apetcgake et cies om da 3-7 8-0 6-9 3-2 PIA IGHECIICAIIC BCOTGRIC Ta ete SP re TRA tee ete etek RD: oie. by eleah eR cn aes MPN a 3-6 7-2 6-1 2-5 ID CEE oo Whe ee aed MEARE: CC Gib Aa ae fier eee pe, TENS 3-6 11-7 18-5 21-6 Victoria 3-7 11-7 18-5 21-6 Fraser river 3-7 11-8 18-6 21-8 Sauch-en-auch creek 3-6 10-8 16-9 19-4 Ga bere Deere rn aaa 3 ek celta chy aae Meehan Pe ech eee ens Lhe et ere ees. 5-2 7-6 6:5 3-0 VIR RO ae h De cline ar ig Ae eth ae ait RON LE GS he cee Wi She eR oa te eee 5-2 7:6 6-5 3-1 TARE Aree Se: (A satek ek ive id mise Shia, VaR s Lets wa Fc atidee vue atts Giyoabes apices oo thats t 5-2 7:7 6-6 3-1 POTIC HOUR MCLEE Ke, retya chats eect C RM Ak we) Mint ecHamARt EAN Us SR aucalan ky Dian co ceutlss as eat 5-2 7-1 5-8 2-4 Deepwater bay.......-...-.-- ONE ee te: sate eee, Wikies Ce GL Ie BANS GARR ARR oY Re 5-2 12-8 19-3 22-3 REGIE ern ear ete mare co ener te hey gh Me eRe, SAT Aig REYES so ee, 5-2 12-9 19-4 22-5 TARP PRUCI ER co tao erties. han be oiyatt dre aes Set eh bre seueuaeMec teen teehee Leg tebe wp 5-2 13-0 19-6 22-7 poe eH -ON-AVOHVCEOR Ke cme se ateiita aie jest Papert eleisia oleic as eiaid' a ai nS iliiole aux, is caso-njay nie ate 5-2 12-3 18-1 20-5 Sea, Three-year class. Salch-on- sue eres ose css ramen neon fhe omer Neon TRIMER erlesnaey, hc) Nero ay Sn Wap ea ty Renee Oe gE el Waits) 7-5 3-1 Splehi-en-AUCh CLES ay ue Meee el me ie CURL vae Pe LTC CEN una ties dare Bu) ilies ee) Sid ie AN Jat gsi tl 6-9 14-4 17-5 Although the figures are available to present growth frequency curves, it is scarcely necessary to include them as there is not enough dissimilarity as compared with the 1916 figures. 16 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE The table to show the ratio of weight to length in the sockeye is subject to the same limitation as that given for the spring salmon. RATIO OF WEIGHT TO LENGTH IN SOCKEYE. Length. / 17 |17-5) 18 |18-5) 19 }19-5) 20 |20-5; 21 |21-5) 22 22-5) 23 |23-5) 24 |24-5) 25 125-5 Two-year stream, Five-year— Deepwater bay—Male.. sald MEER eel erelf sc 4m lee cf ee chaemtellietes oil's o> - [enolate | Orel hoeu | \O=O) 5 cect: an neta en Bemale.. 4.0/0. oe ll eect eo ER [Peer cis «2 [ro see Pea fa U faerie Ae ST ee ly a Victoria—Male. . dreescle. Leal eet st loose chao ime Pee cds oc Sf eres ten eee leer a 1:0): eee Worle eae. cea a tale AT is | PGS | Cs 5 och ca ae SPAS (or (Mee EA eal ede Sh rane pEvor— ale seeaes. .)- bj Nemes [dee «|| aiciarcll Oe lee eee ne ells, ow. « |uca elem] os SEN °2) 6-5). wally coe lees ee lommislge eke. |e. 2b ctliee ci acme decal cee: 2 Sottero sa DEB] «cove iflevestunif atte: wi] ebevere fe esattall ele tet ea Sauchsen-auch croek——Male... s.cifc doo fte ellie sed Pine [eter SPR tele a] eodlek [lc vave ellie ade |lovm aredfonavenell cate Gills. cha: | eeeteey | aa a rr emaale.: Sat oee. cleo teicmnee BEB] s. 2 apell peeebellecese! 6. | aysce » [ieveia cai is eheyf a. Stanbil tarese Raf la-osesed | Se See ae en One-year stream, Five-year— Deepwaterbay—— Male textes. 5 = Ws oelllde ns [svosifneis oats |eemmal etme « | s.. se Apel dis eS OHO? Oo] oso lie 7-2) 8-O}., Perr abe eee = s clp ene sall rote as covets tae tl zereeed SMT etc, « ail oso votadl afehent 5-5| 6-0) 6:8) 7-0)... 1)... || ope Mpa ayetre CVE AE STs Ties Be RBar eee eh || ic ioe | NSA cpa eyes ete | re 7:0):2ere| ee oe TRS elG hile: ee bes Scie | eee aetete lsc tal] ae oo] ol NE ed ove ~ jae), o19' mf oueieyef ata ai| otey alle by cede SEED ot Cee ee 1 Shae Sap ea oi een EY ON Ne ee TB OR eon fey cic sl ia, cee (eee ia seMeretanel li 6-2] 6-0] 6-6) 6-7) 7-0} 8-2 8.5 Weigle yy ori cele wes ache ON Se NaI peers, [sae cf cteee cif eee OIG b| Pua Ll vg es | eee | eee Sauch-en-auch GreGka= Maley eile cel T. a al 4-5)... ...| 45) 2:0) S27] Gedlit. | 32. caller alee eee Female: . 2) occeace |e gc fone les Come tee [ee =| Oe OMT ls ieee callie sll ele ee Re One-year stream, Four-year— Deepwater bay—Male BE Rick Jy Her alee cath odes. <' [ht aktuell Sea re 4-3] 4-5] 4-5) 4-7) 5-1] 5-4) 5-8) 6-1) 6-5) 6-7]....]....]....].... ema ale? hss kis actos ldree fasaciell cena 4-4) 4-5] 4-5) 4-7] 5-2) 5-4) 5-9] 6-0] 6-2]....}....]....]......... Wicroriae—Malercie.. Lee Seni rebreilicns wre floss aie ete | ase meee 4-8) 4-8) 5-1] 5-4] 5-8) 6-1) 6-7] 6-7]...¢]....]....].... Perel e074.) ht hare cee teres | elisre-olf cuatceey aetevall inden Ae1)e4-4) 427) 5-1):5-4) 527) 60). 0.4... ee ode eee Prasemriver—Malet 2. Get stes ee Peer cere chao] aievercl|lorce.a: il need eee 5-0} 4-5) 4-9) 5-1) 5-5) 5-9) 6-2] 6-3)....)....J....].0.. ere sile Ge se 21 ea Sir 9 Soa Se 4-7| 4-9] 5-0} 5-2) 5-4) 5-8) 6-1] 6-3]....]....]....].... Sauch-en-auch creek—Male.....]....].... 2-9] 3-1] 3-6] 3-8] 4-1) 4-5) 4-7) 5-0) 5-2)... .)....].0..)0 00 fee, Female, ..} 2:2) 3-7) 3-1) 3-4] 3-6) 4-1] 4-1] 4-3) 5-0)... ..). 0.2)... ]5-.0]0.-- |. ceed. oe alee Sea, Four-year— Pieepwaver bay-—wiale.s.sees ss Peta: [asaalevne|seeatiece. 4-2)....|....| 52] 5-4! 5-7] 6-1] 6-5] 6-81: 7 Fi. a, | dee BMemale se. 4: Ae sae | seth | ee tell creed] Seen omelet eco 925) 524! 606-4) 6-0)... cle celle eee WROEONIA— MEO cece s cate meee] lc cel linisicrel| ae veil eyeter || eer tell em baaertl ie ae 5-0)....] 5-5) 6-0) 6-3] 6-8]....]....]....].... Memtale ser ss thas ree ee tse oo eel Patna th cbse eect llc aoa trated eee 5:5), 521 5-8) i6-O)ho eo ocean ae raser' rivier— Maley ssc achcc mw actere eed |e oe | ermal Meee Eee een teres | bec. 4-5} 5-2] 5-9] 6-4) 6-7) 7-5)....]....].... 0 Memalers shiese tse ties cise [Se ea ee fps There | te epee 5-4) 5-6] 5-9] 6-5) 6-2)....)....)....[.00. Sauch-en-auch creek—Male......}....]... my es tl (Wee e ine ess a | 7 TAG) Wats Yo) ie Oy te Uae cere eras Pent an eT Ct eM 1 Ofc £2) (yA Pe eee ie TS 1} Pea (aay WTS) es aed sens (ties Sea, Three-year— Sauch-en-auch creek—Male......}....] 2-7]....]....1 ...]...- ee ick (Paced eesrecdl cae aed SPH Pasay eect loci bro col vce. 2 All of these data serve as a basis for a comparison of the sockeye from the four different localities and of all of these with those of the preceding year. Taking in the first place, those from the different localities in 1917, the striking similarity throughout of the fish from Deepwater bay, Victoria and Fraser river, as distinct from those from Sauch-en-auch creek is a very noticeable feature. There are some points in common to all. In each the four year class of the one year stream type is very decidedly predominant. All of the other classes in this and the other types being poorly represented but yet there are representatives of the two year stream type and of the sea type in all localities. In each locality, in all fish of the stream type the increase in length during the first year at sea is greater than that of any of the following years but in the sea type, the first year growth is not so great as the second. It is in the growth examined more in detail that the resemblance in the fish from the first three localities is so marked and the difference between these and the fish a ‘SSauch-en- auch creek becomes evident. It has long been recognized that the route taken by at least a large aan of the Fraser river fish passes through the strait of Fuca and on through Haro and Rosario straits and the connecting channels and therefore it is not surprising that the fish caught off Victoria should be similar to those caught in the Fraser river, but the possi- bility that some of the Fraser river sockeye should come by way of Guech Charlotte sound and Johnstone strait was not generally suspected. Professor Prince, Dominion Comm‘ssioner of Fisheries, had publicly expressed’ the opinion, based on observations made on a scientific cruise upon the Canadian Fishery cruiser Quadra, that large numbers of sockeye salmon approached the Fraser river from the north (see Colonist, GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 17 Victoria, B.C., August 26, 1897, p. 4). In his report of 1915, Mr. Babcock called attention ‘to the opinion of Mr. W. E. Anderson, salmon canner of Quathiaski, that the fish caught at Deepwater bay, in the years of the b’g run on the Fraser river, were Fraser river fish. In 1915, Dr. C. H. Gilbert examined 198 fish from Deep- water bay and found they were similar in length and in scale characteristics to * those from the Fraser river. Hence he concluded that this run by the northern route was not confined to the years of the big run on the Fraser river. Thus Pro- fessor Prince’s expert view has been fully confirmed. Since 1917 was a year in the quadrennial series, known as the years of the big run, although there was not the usual large run on the Fraser, the examination of the collection from Deepwater bay does not show anything for the off years, but it does show that for that year at least the identity of the Deepwater bay fish can scarcely be doubted. Taking the growth year by year, the similarity is so marked that it would scarcely be possible to get two batches of such large numbers on different days from either locality to give better agreement in any respect. It is fortunate that with the fish from these three localities that show unmistaken identity, it is possible to compare the fish that enter Sauch-en-auch creek, since these, also entering the strait of Georgia, show a decided departure in type, or rather in absolute rate of growth, as the rate of growth for each year, relative to that of the preceding year, is much similar to that of the Fraser river type. In general appearance the Sauch-en-auch sockeye seem quite different to the Fraser river fish but doubtless much of this is due to the smaller size. A collection of undersized Fraser river fish might have much the same appearance. Although they are small, the flesh in the can, is not readily distinguished from that of the Fraser river sockeye. According to Mr. W..F. Anderson of Quathiaski, the sockeye that are caught in Loughborough inlet and Philips arm, are of the same type. It would appear there- fore, that the fish that pass from Johnstone strait through Discovery passage, are of the Fraser river type, while those that are diverted from this course to pass through Chancellor channel are of somewhat similar type but they are of an undersized race, that do not get as far south as the Fraser river. Instead they pass up Loughborough inlet and Philips arm while some of them get as far south as Sauch-en-auch creek. According to Mr. Anderson, in earlier years the Indians had a narrow portion of this pass entirely staked so that all larger fish were caught and only the smaller ones gots through. This may account for the small race of fish, for evem if this selection went ‘on for only four years, and it may have done so for a much longer period, there would be a possibility at least, that the majority of the large sized fish of the run would be eliminated. Since, occasionally, a larger fish is found among the others, there is all the greater probability for such an explanation. There were three of those in the four year class of the one year stream type in the collection from Sauch-en-auch creek, each 22. inches long, the average growth of which in the four years, was 3.7, 8.0, 7.2, and 3.1 inches respectively, very closely coinciding with the average from the other three locali- ties. Tf this run of sockeye, passing through Chancellor channel or other adjacent chan- nels, was originally of the Fraser river type, a cause for the diversion of this run from the main Fraser river run in the first place is not readily surmised or a reason for their passage up these inlets and creeks instead of meeting with the others to move up the Fraser river, although, to be sure, at the south end of the strait of Georgia, the run divides to pass through Haro and Rosario straits and the intervening channels, and some pass up the smaller rivers into the State of Washington. In making comparison of the 1917 sockeye with those of 1916, a direct basis can only be obtained in the Fraser river sockeye of that year, since none of the 1917 sockeye were of the same general type as the Rivers inlet sockeye, and the Rivers inlet sockeye were compared with the Fraser river fish in the previous paper. Comparing the Fraser river sockeye in the two year, is is evident that there are the same three types—the two year stream, the one year stream and the sea, but the six 79550—2 18 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE year class of the first type and the five and three year classes of the last type were not represented in the 1917 collection. The one year stream type predominated even more largely than in 1916 on account of the lack of fish in the two year stream type, as the percentage of sea type fish was much the same. In the one year stream type, the four year fish made up even a larger percentage (95.4) of the whole number than in 1916 (82.9). There was little difference in the percentage of males and females in the two years, the females being slightly in the majority in each ease. With the exception of the two year stream fish, the average length was slightly less in all classes and types in 1917 than in 1916, the average difference being 0-5 inches. The growth in the first year was so consistently higher in the 1917 collection that it would seem that the fish must have come from different parts of the Fraser river water- shed in the two years. This difference is more than made up in the 1916 lot by the more rapid growth in the second and third years. Which collection is more typical it is hard to say but possibly since those caught in the Fraser river in 1917 agree with those caught off Victoria and in Discovery passage, they are more likely to be typical. Judging from the size of the yearlings this is likely to be the case Looking at these figures there may be something in the contention that the fish of what has been the largest year of the four year cycle, are smaller than in the other years. Coho. The coho of the 1917 run, 1,417 in number, were obtained from localities within the strait of Georgia and adjacent waters, and although they are considered in four distinct lots, most of them were caught before they were mature enough to indicate to what river or creek they would have returned if they had been allowed to proceed to the spawning grounds. Most of those obtained at the Quathiaski cannery (407) were caught around Cape Mudge and from this point to Heriot bay. The Lasqueti cannery specimens (417) were caught in the vicinity of Lasqueti and Texada islands. The Fraser river specimens (89) obtained at the Nanaimo cannery had become defi- nitely localized on the way to the spawning grounds, but the remaining 504 obtained at this cannery were widely distributed from Lasqueti island, Qualicum, Northwest bay, Winchelsea islands, all the way to Gabriola pass and Cowichan gap (Porlier pass). @They were therefore a cosmopolitan lot but they could not well be ‘kept distinct, although differences were plainly to be seen at times, since the one day’s catch was all put together on the cannery floor. Even although there is not the same definiteness” in delimitation as in the case of the sockeye, there is still enough to make it wo-cth while to draw comparison. All of the 1917 coho examined had gone down to the sea some time during the second year and were in their third year when they were caught. In some cases where the migration had been delayed until late in the second summer, the scale had much the appearance of one from a fish that had spent over two years in fresh water, but as the central portion of these scales corresponded with the complete scales of cohos in their second year, caught in fresh water as late as the end of June, the conclusion that they could be fish in the fourth year, having spent over two years in fresh water can scarcely be justified. In all cases the females were more numerous than the males, the Quathiaski fish showing the greatest difference, as the following table indicates :— a Total. Male. % Female. % Qiathiaskt. teil wrk: kere ee. MR be crac als chin nee wate 407 159 39-1 248 60-9 WASCUEL I be or ys ltrn fee Asan ciate a, MPN RE he ea cit sp Dyes ae ia an, 417 195 46-8 222 53-2 Braser river. ani Eke Lk. Coe ee, a Seer eee AEE Oe 89 43 48-3 46 51-7 Nana Oi 1. ie ay eR Le ey a gt cal eS, ee 504 234 46-4 270 53-6 otal tis «eps traaite an cris abe Scrat cord cee ok ape 1,417 631 44-5 786 55-5 The length shows much variation. GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 19 QUATHIASEI. Wonethederae idee ci set aide 1725. 1818-5 119 19-5° 20) )20-5) 21 21-5" 22°" 22-5 23) 23-5) 24) 24-5 2b 9 25 Nim per——Miale- of. 0)... 0k Makin teetia- ae 3 aes ne 6 12 16 15 34 29 22 9 8 1 2 Bemaleye. soo. 28 < fabs 16 Ae Wes Ep ba! 16 52 39 67 30° 13 (PE Dee 1 Average length: male, 22-0; female, 21-7; total, 21-8. LASQuETI. Mapiothneere: Serie tacks. fonts a. eke 15-5 17-5 18 18-5 19 19-5 20 20-5 21 21-5 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 | 25 Number—Male................. 1 4 4 3. 8 13.56 9 31 20 37 34 (16 LOS ae 1 Remale? 2.3.) Livt eee 1) 42 5 eae os a Lop ev 33 44 40 27 6663 2 Average length: male, 21-4; female, 21-8; total, 21-6. FRASER RIver. engine: sy 4. 18 18-5 19 19-5 20 20-5 21 21-5 22 22-5 23 28-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 26 26-5 27 27-5 Number—Male... 1 1a | 1 3 Radha’ h We ir See! iis ore leas, 1 Hemalor 20) i) |e en ATLAS 235.) 2 3a 2 10 ide, oR Gisus sd. 2 ie a Average length: male, 23-0; female, 23-6; total, 28.3, NANAIMO. Dene thers. cess. 18-5 19 19-5 20 20-5 21 21-5 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 26 26-5 27 27-5 28 28-5 29 Number—Male..... 1 hae. | a 6 to 18 25 41 Ou ate LL 6 8 23 32 3 64 3.3 Female... 2 2 3. 8 14) (20 42 54 47 31 1311 ae 3 JS aces il DBs 1 Average length: male, 22-7; female, 22-4; total, 22-5. SUMMARY OF AVERAGES. — Quathiaski. Lasqueti. Fraser river. Nanaimo. WEN). 50s 006 ee ae a a ee A Oa 22-0 21-4 23-0 22-7 INSTAL « 4aes oiSRA Soe Sere OE CAPR teen EOE e 21-7 21-8 23-6 22-4 DT | ha Se RO Se eee © 21-8 21-6 23-3 22-5 TABLE OF GROWTH. Growth in— Years. 1st 2nd \ 3rd Bia a ENTS yee See ae RS See peek BORO Be SCeTIONA Tuer See 3-5 10-5 7-9 [ERR CLIM ee te a eee Ae. COPE, ath Taos sade . A 3-5 10-4 7-7 Fraser river 3-7 10-8 8-8 MSATEISTRON MMT ne riveree ee re ates 0. Pt eagenerh Ae ei, eeoleHeg Bh aeearta ret ed 3-6 10-7 8-3 Length at the end of—Years. Ist 2nd 3rd | Myst EAE EO TIS ee eR. le costa nue « olsie tiplotas shoe Mame toe Seite 3-5 13-9 21-8 ASG ete. te kt L! JAE 3 Wai. PL NS eee TER was 3-5 13-9 21-6 MIPASGMEICLEPeEA e e t ee er! to ae Bis aaa oe clan ne oe abel fe 3-7 14-5 23-3 vaneless eens A ettee eine Fe heed PENI. ACTA BART ATU Se RETO. 3-6 14-3 22-5 LencTtH—WEIGHT Ratio. Length. 15-5] 16 |16-5| 17 |17-5| 18 |18-5} 19 |19-5] 20 |20-5) 21: |21-5} 22 Quathiaski—Male............ o.oo A RRA ds BiB Gicterh is ence] Mier ane ieee neh _...| 3-6] 4-0]....| 4-5) 4-8] 5-2] 5-5) 6-0 Hemaleiccer aerate rete 5 fis) Sob aed Tbe Pe Alcott wr. 3-5|....| 3-5] 3-9] 4-3) 4-6] 4-7] 5-1] 5-4] 5-7 Masa ireti— Wales 2 serie Sere ie Pale al ede iin Da Nagar epee pera all eter: 3-6] 3-8] 3-9) 4-2) 4-5] 4-9) 5-1] 5-5) 5-8 WemMmaleth Pe eee ee teen. Ae tens ela s Spee es 3-0] 3-0) 3-4] 4-0] 4-2) 4-4] 4-6] 4-9} 5-3] 5-7 Inraser civer— Males orca ae ee are ame as raven ete efor 2ilsheeta | eat |S shake 3-5] 4-5] 4-7] 3-7| 5-0} 4-5] 5-2) 5-2) 5-3 HEMAIG. 12) Taree. ete Pere | Nags b (ame ei oie) re tees REE ae eb else ae 5-0) 5-2 INannimG——— Maleso- bry. verve leet, Wil dF roe 5, alltel [e PRR a, Sales Sl tienes 3-7| 3-8| 4-4] 4-4] 4-6] 4-7] 5-3] 5-4 Heniale:. 5... oat sits Serre Rrathe LI het | |S l(t I a co 3-3] 3-6] 3-7| 3-8) 4-3] 4-7] 5-0) 5-4 79550—24 ' 20 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE LrenetuH---WeriIcHt Ratio.---Concluded. Length. 29°5).| 23) 2d-5 Wy 24a | Bh 2b 25-5 260 26-5 | kr 2 ou) 28 snes Quathiaski—Male.......... 6-2] 6-6] 7-0] 7-4] 8-2] 9-5 Sa] oath elects settee be Ei] Cereal mei lle Sonica ae nae ae Female....... 6-1 64h 20 7-5 a8. Olea. QO fo stevie ine ecereneske| attest pe | aerated | ee eel Lasqueti—Male...... ; 6-3 6-9 7:3 825 oS ae |. . Female.........| 6-1 (Sy Gl Vea fo Ul PR Sr Fite 9013 el (eke | ec etraal Rare MENS eres IR Ton Ot oo Fraser river—Male. .. 6:5°| (6-5) 6°59) @ 7-5) S78 litegso| 10-2)) SOO Ibe? vee. : 10°5.): 0...) 220) ee Female...... (TI eel ee: i oir Al RS (Osan Nene cee Cott ne 10-2) 90-54) 10-0) )40.. le ae ee Nanaimo—Male.. Sceaeeos 9 || O° 2aiG-6' lo 6-O2 sire daummsnan) O°2.), A0eralO- Sat ated “11-9 | 13-2 | 13-8 | 14-4 Female......... 57 | “6-0 B42" pies 9-5':| LOaeleee . 12-0.) 10-S9\" 14-20) ee 13-7 In comparing the cohos of 1917 according to the groups into which they have been placed, those from Quathiaski and those from Lasqueti have practically the same rate of growth throughout the three years, while those from Nanaimo ‘and still more those from the Fraser river, have greater growth in each year than these. In all probability some of the Fraser river coho, if not all of them, had been out to the open sea, and some of the late caught Nanaimo fish may have been, or may have been living in the deeper water of the strait, since in 1917, as in previous years, most of the larger fish were caught late in the season. Since these fish have greater growth in each year, it seems that in the case of the coho, as in the case of the spring salmon, those that go out to the open sea get better feed and are larger fish than those that remain within the confines of the strait throughout their marine life. On the other. hand the data available for 1917 indicate that there is comparatively little difference in the fish that remain: in the inner waters, no matter what river or creek they pass up to spawn, or at any rate that the fish from the various rivers and creeks roam about the strait, so that a cosmopolitan lot is likely to be caught in any one locality unless this locality is at the mouth of a river or creek, where the members of an individual race have congregated before the final migration begins. The relatively small number of males in the fish from Quathiaski is unusual in the cohos as far ‘as observation has gone. All the others more nearly retain the equilibrium, although the males are in the majority in every instance. Seldom anywhere among the Pacific salmon has the average length of the female been found to be greater than that of the male as it was *n the case of the coho from Lasqueti and from the Fraser river. In the ratio of weight to length there is no indication of any definite difference between male and female or between those in the different groups. The Nanaimo group may be. compared with those of 1916 and 1915. The first year’s growth corresponds exactly with the growth of those caught in 1916, and is somewhat greater than in those caught in 1915. The second year’s growth is the least of the three pats, 1915 and 1916 being nearly equal. The greatest difference is shown in the third year’s growth, that of 1917 being considerably greater than that of 1916 but much less than that of 1915. Since there is the greatest difference here the total length varies in much the same proportion as the third year’s growth. The catch of coho in the strait is getting less year by year. One might suppose that there might be more food more easily procured for those that remain and that these should grow larger. Since they do not do so, there must be other limitations to growth than those depending on the amount of available food. Humpback. Of the 925 humpbacks examined from the 1917 run, 181 were caught in Deep- water bay, 231 in the Fraser river and 513 near Pender island in the vicinity of Haro strait. The first lot was obtained at the Quathiaski cannery, July 24 and 25, and the other two at the Nanaimo cannery, August 15 to August 30. As many would have been taken from the Fraser river as from Pender island if it had not been that after the first few were caught the scales were too badly disintegrated at the margin to make growth calculation possible. All of the scales used for calculation were in good condition. GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 21 All of these humpbacks were of the sea type in their second year. ‘The sex per- centage shows a wide divergence. Only those from the Fraser river were appecoxi- mately equal in numbers. At Deepwater bay the males were almost twice as numer- ous as the females and off Pender island the females were nearly three times as numerous as the males. The Deepwater bay fish were the first of the season but the others were caught well in mid season. Sex DisrriBuTion. ~ Total. Male. % Female. % Deapwateribaves.. 42! . .\ peepee ae. tise sd e hss f 181 118 65-2 63 34-8 TREENTES Ri 103) Ae OTE Dee Do), ACG GAO e Grn ara aan : 231 111 * 48-0 120 52-0 Henderislands 225... -< sade teereah ee sotto ED. OM 513 136 26-5 377 73-5 LENGTH—FREQUENCY Lisi a Boe tO ON ae Sees aces ot oan 1318-5 (14 14:5, 15 15-5 16 1655 17 17-5 18) 18-5419 “19-5 Deepwater bay—Male........ ett Bre 4 4h ea te Ae Bint Jy. eT ee Cit Be 1 4 328 13 11 9 HOMAGE? S. | Gii-un etc e etelatee «pisses oo oeide uae aaa eer 1 ey ee te os 8 6 11 Fraser TR Tt ENP, So 8 eR REA, Shek A OR MR OR Te d= 2 4 oie! Le Se gg IR EE URS 2 14 3 3 Berra st Le ee ae 2.685%. SORE Meet cake iio US & ida alaska kid PARE ohh a acsiticls: dle euphsdate dale 8%. 4 Lisl 5 Capex SEE Ye EEN Y PDL get at PR a sk cee Os RE Ta SE) NMS Me a a aan a ey 1 4 Hentale peas), {UAE aasiahs rts cas OLS MaRS AES aS. M998 9-5 hetce yo. Went cee 4 4 METTLE Me ec aa ste ze ale ois Sis oF aa s'eia sua geve an Ae arage hE ape 0 eye, we 20 20-5 21 21-5 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 25-6 Deepwater bay—Males syd bis bot ewido ieee ed tie es sieinee 12 Sijds 5 6 3) 8 655 4 ONO ic ericts eens vines crt Ma bearshare Ati s, 0. S688 6 31 12 1 ou: jee HrAsOr TEVOI—— MALG sees we eae aR alee wathe dare be 10 13 24 11 13) 5 18 10 6 Beal IEMA er ise ie i) teieeia antes Baan, inlet cas 10 15 30 27 +14 14 3 | Remon isiind=-Malesk. Man tos. fics me ht ctaea ethene tis 2 eslnt 16525 23! 22 TT 8S Gers AR RemaletPiiys. see lsat. ek a. eee lee 21 54 108 88 65° 27 3 3 Deepwater bay, average length: male, 20-3; female, 19-9; total, 20-2. . Fraser river, average length, male, 21-9; female, 21-2; total, 21-5. Pender island, average length: male, 21-6; female, 21-3; total, 21-4. The average length of the male is greater in each instance than that of the female. The average prow for each year is as follows:— Deepwater bay, Ist year, 11-7; 2nd year, 8-4. Fraser river, Ist year, 12-2; 2nd year, 9-3. Pender island, 1st year, 12-1; 2nd year, 9-3. LenetH—WEeIGHT Ratio. Premete a ite fs ticles) iets Au heste sats 13.) 16) G= Spe tT 175, 18) 18-5" 19 49-5) 20) 20-5), t2ie aie Deepwater BS ade ts A fe 2 1-5 2-0 2-5 3-0 3: 2 3-4 3-7 4:0 4:4 4-6 5-3 5-6 5-9 Female. : 3:3 3-6 3-9 4:3 4-8 4-9 5-3 5-7 Fraser river—Male. . 3°5....... 4:2 4:4 49 5-1 5-3 Female... “4:0 45 44 4:7 4-9 5-1 5-3 IPenGer Is auc Malena Scere cera fala ara temitts Worse nana!) a choi baie, cle: elacoteca 3:5 4:6 4:9 5-0 5-3 5-5 QUIROS’ ACa. hae ere ea see NER aNd ete Gea yun tA RS aul bMS Ee URE Ad 4-3. 4-6 49 5-0 5-8 5-6 Tommie 228 9407; . SRE SRE oe Ls Rea at ri ee ye it es A Ae eee a 22. 22-5 23 © 23- 24 24-5 25 25-5 Deepwater bay—Male Sa pNes see elefeeetaniny cd aoa eat ct O21). O20) ae Br, ded, wee “6 Hen al Gtryee a 5 aes co tis enable cares commnteiets accra eG leer aa 6-1 6-5 6-7 Rraser riyer— Malet: ey.) 22k. hides.) eR ele. Pee aN oy) hea cs 5-7 6:0 6:5 68 7:3 7-8 85 8-7 DG its Sn -. 5d oI er Mee er ba sc cS Aeact> Be ae 5-56 5-9 6-3 Penderisiand— Ul aleve noemeeens foes eck saat oes ssi een yot ees 5 oles si 5-8 6:2 6:4. 6:8 7-5 8-0 8-0 omnale reese oes ohis istaetelactaie sie MRRP eS oo alors Sra 5-8 6-2 6:4 6-7 ' In comparing the humpbacks from the three localities it can be observed at once that those from near Pender island correspond almost exactly with those from the Fraser river, while those from Deepwater bay differ materially from these in total length as well as in the growth in each year. In each case the range of length is much greater in the males than in the females, most noticably so in the case of the Deepwater bay fish, where the male range extends both below and above the female 22 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE range. The under size of these fish is indicated in the number of small fish as well as in the average length. One male was but 13 inches long and there were 63 fish (34.8 per cent of the whole number) less than 19.5 inches long, while in the fish from the other two localities there were but 8 under 19.5 inches (1.1 per cent of the whole num- ber). The range in length in both the males and the females is almost the same in the Fraser river and in the Pender island fish. If the fish examined were typical, it is apparent that those humpbacks that keep near the Vancouver island shore at the south east extremity, and pass up through Haro strait, or through the channels to the west of this, are on the way to the Fraser river, even if some of the others that pass in through the strait of Fuca, enter some of the Washington rivers and streams, unless all of those coming in through the strait of Fuca are similar, and this is not at all probable. Those from Deepwater bay, on the other hand, are surely so different that they constitute a different race. Although they were caught in the net at the same time as the sockeye that evidently were on the way to the Fraser river, they must have parted company later, probably going up some of the Vancouver island streams. A direct comparison of the 1917 humpbacks with those of 1916 is not possible, since there was no common point of collecting. The Rivers inlet humpbacks obtained — in 1916 were but slightly larger than the Fraser river or Pender island fish of 1917 ” but apparently the Rivers inlet fish of 1917 were much larger than those caught in 1916. Mr. F. Burke, of the Wallace Fisheries, was kind enough to give me some canning figures from their eanneries, going back for some years. Pinks have been caught at the Strathcona cannery in Rivers inlet since ‘1912, and the number of fish to the case in each year was as follows: 1912, 18.6; 1918, 17.9; 1914, 16.9; 1915, 16.14; 1916, 16.5; 1917, 12.15. This indicates that the 1917 run consisted of much larger fish than the 1916 run or any other in the last six years. It is possible that in the earlier years the fish were not cut so closely as later but this could not account fer, the great change from 1916 to 1917. This superiority of size was not evident all along the coast as on the Skeena, for instance, the 1917 pinks were much smaller than usual. Even if the number of fish to the case is not a very definite guide to the actual size of the fish, it is some indica- tion at least, and since, by measurement, the Rivers inlet fish of 1916 were larger than the Fraser river fish of 1917, the Rivers inlet fish of 1917 must have been very much larger. The humpbacks caught in Deepwater bay in 1917 are, in type, much hike those caught in the strait of Georgia between Cape Lazo and Comox in 1916, although they are somewhat larger. In all probability the Comox :fish came through Discovery passage and thus used the same route as those caught in Deepwater bay. They were bound for the Courtenay river. The 1917 fish may have been en route to some of. the adjacent rivers, the Clyster river for instance, or they may have been Courtenay river fish, larger in 1917 than in 1916, or they may have been a mixture of the two, which might account for the wide range of length already referred to. The more rapid growth in the first year and the less rapid growth in the second year of the 1917 fish would apparently indicate that they were not all Courtenay river fish. Dog Salmon. In 1916 dog salmon were obtained from Qualicum and from Nanaimo, but mixed with those from the Nanaimo were a few from the neighbourhood of Crofton and Che- mainus. In the 1917 collection it was possible to keep those from the three localities better separated than in 1916 and hence although they were all obtained at the Nanaimo cannery, they will be considered as Qualicum, Nanaimo and Chemainus fish respectively. There were 1,024 altogether, 139 from Chemainus, 379 from Nanaimo and 506 from Qualicum. The number and percentage of the different year GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 23 classes in each group are shown in the following table: All of them were of the sea type. Five-year. Four-year. Three-year. Two-year. — Total. eS - No. No % No % No. G No % (CUTE DAI ea ne NO SOT 2.05... thera me 13 9-4 126 OO.G8 lock ocr INTENT ain er OL a eT ea ERE cote ar one EF 379 1 0-3 112 29-5 266 704d | a RI ALIGUTIA oer Dip bustoy hale 2h APRN TRS eee 506 3 0:6 315 62-3 187 36-9 1 0-2 The males and females are nearly equal in number except in those from Quali- cum where the males predominate in each year class. Sex DistripuTion. CHEMAINUS. * Total Male. % Fémale. POUR VOAT cone fn Ls Me. tt, 5 ae Was ice AR oie ot 6 a yat toon ole ala lanaye 13 4 30-8 9 “LELEIRE SATE DE Seve ane taeS Stl A Sg AI SIS 6 es es Se ree 126 65 51-6 61 BROLAIET Cet 2 TaN ae isiats. cos. oR a te mites a 2's a ac geteg 139 69 49-6 70 NANAIMO, \ TART es SET As A Eee} A RANE AA oR ee A ee eee bra 1 1 100-0 aie CH tess Wise ce MOR AE a OE MEE S od. ete ae 112 59 52-7 53 PIEHTCOAVCATIR MED tn tits, fur ete ee ak OE EA NLT soe ee Seek fy 266 116 43-6 150 SRO GAL a AER caste ie ae Sse Ss ce SOS nh oT: sbrose 379 176 46-4 203 QUALICUM. EAVO-VOALS He Aiea RRR anual Sesete Pui doaohees eet Reise as Mh pide 3 3 100-0 TAG ENOL ESR a: GI QoS sate See ange PEEL Iniobiec: oualeeeas tara rier rete dae 315 232 73-7 83 PRLHRGO-VORI ne CON ng tub tare Comte Wc cha nisi ats viecedc see aes aed = 187 94 50-3 93 ACTUATE MRC Tao St Lacs chs aise ssh, cecal: winds Waatne aubidh« yok «clea 1 1 100-0 FESS GEL etait AS ele acer Secs Froteig = Mite © gia nad laasl Fars chale'w eae ae aate 506 330 65-2 176 YS Tasies oF LENGTH FREQUENCY. CHEMAINUS. Moreh ea aan ve «DASH. te nities tose oe deloia binds dees e his Restate aad Merl beh S Palate a ceptable 26 26-5 27 27-5 28 28-5 ER AVG Ne ee Ae Gate dS P eA rae Be A ISS eros ANE ah a ans 8a ah oa acl kala) Smaragd 1 a Dp. Iemale: 32) hs Bai oie wiot sees et fos hea Bae cue, SORA CED te SS 1 ae see 2 Lakd 1 Average length: male, 28-5; female, 27-9; total, 28-1. - TUITE tH Diet CRN le ee eh onan Ocala I Bee ete, 38 pei ae at 21-5 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 26 26-5 Mhree-vear—Male i... sca! caries Sterae src ee b's ie AA ORO AEE OE EEE Ws Mound 8 13 And 10 Remale- see cn este ace sales eeiets 1h eh 4 8 6 12 8 4 857.6 2 Average length: male, 26-0; female, 25-3; total, 25-6. 4 NANAIMO. Five-year—1 male, 31 inches. Keene tty. Sue lodt: TAR Oe dere oth da 5 Sales 26 26-5 27 27-5 28 28-5 29 29-5 30 30-5 owr-year— Wale. ss iene ee eet on oe Sys icka eter aatale, © ehasnvele cfeie aialajsin aicielo sw me = ty 02 12 11 (Guat 3 eamsle ster cee cles Shae aetna cihovgad sees te bel a 5 14 17 a4 2 Average length: male, 29-1; female, 27-9; total, 28-5. PUTA EEN arated ope ger <= ate cays o's, eer ie chs axesie Phe sess a. 8 ook 22 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 26 26-5 272 7-5 EHEC) GAL —— Mal. - etre Mee ails sR eee aR er code Wl a ete lee Di 2 A 6 11 12 22 22 21 Hemialete Mrs Ser cttot cs abitcts nates retorer a 1 Pee 16 25 29 30 17 10 Average length: male, 26-6; female, 25-9; total, 26-2. 24 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE TasLes oF LENGTH FREQUNNcY.—Concluded. QUALICUM. Teorigghits 22022 seciescis eta'e.- he luiaial slats eles a)a os Whale «Piele efs elt ele s/pleleinieiaie atayateelgiawe foniays e\sie)> vlntnla\a/nipiale\e/ain|sia/alalm\elaleis\«iely)efe\eliyelsteteleria= 30 32-5 Pive-year—moale, 1... (0006 e cece ee seen er eens eres cejmgase dence etee sees ceee ane ce ses tesscener te ccnb peers 1 Average length, 30-8. Beenie ilies cn yaptorne easyer aisha eo sp sae aie elas = 26 26-5 27 27-5 28 28-5 29 29-5 30 30-5 31 31-5 32 32-5 33 Hour-year— Male)... -see on ee nt e epln ere 1 a 4 15 31 34 41 38 43 12 11 eee 1 Memalel &. he: aise A eipoae meld etna: ' 5 6 30 14 14 fo Oya 1 Average length: male, 29-1; female, 28-0; total, 28-8. a FA a er Ween tet Oe iis See by aa 8 Ch a > BS 22-5 23 23-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 26 26-5 27 27-5 28. 28-5 Three-year—Male. .\ 2.0... 020.eecedeee cere ns pL Re > 1 gat yf 10 19 21 15 5 3 Hemsley Fete: Jeo eee VEE Ss NO yoke csielr. 5) 13 15 19 aes Average length: male, 26-6; female, 25-9; total, 26-2. Two-year—1 male, 21 inches. SumMMaRY OF AVERAGE LENGTHS. 5th Year. 4th Year. 3rd Year. 2nd Year. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. Female. Male. | Female. Gihemaimusee cy ees s Rw ch ae he cian es 28-5 27-9 26-0 25 Oc esaateee MHEINION, S20 tHle dais s.cerieysiabe 4 SIEOU ashe lat cee 29-1 27-9 26-6 PAP MUW BLE BS oe Sines ETE Aeealanintae, £0 Deis ale SET Cis | kre Aa 29-1 28-0 26-6 25-9 21-0 TABLES OF GROWTH. Growth during— Years. = Class. Ist 2nd 3rd 4th 5th GANT Ie Ce BE SE oy hoten ts Me GAGES Ricci aehote ee aes —year 12-3 8-4 4-9 4-year 11-9 7-9 5-0 3-2 FETE CAT) die a ae ened cAI Bich en oe i a etn eet 3-year 12-1 8-7 5-3 4-year 11-5 8-2 5-3 3-6 5-year 9-8 7:5 5:8 4-8 3-1 Oy Gira i te Ment ati Derr aU bas photeee | Beet Spinco: 2-year 12-0 9-0 3-year 11-9 8-8 5-5 4-year 11-7 8-1 5-3 3-6 > 5-year 10-8 7-8 5-5 4-1 2-6 Length at end of—Years. = Class 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Nema eee nk A oe lS ER ao ae eee se 3-year 12:3 20-7 25-6 4-year 11-9 19-8 24-8 28-1 ct AITO Naas eRe oe tee se ead: EE en eer 3-year 12-1 20:8 26-2 4-year 11-5 19-7 25-0 28-5 5-year 9-8 17-3 23-1 27-9 . 31-0 ATT ee Dee ee ee eS Oe Aiea rind, OME seat ee ete eRe (i 2-year 12-0 21-0 3-year 11-9 20-7 26-2 4-year 11-7 19-9 25-2 28-8 5-year 10:8 18-6 24-1 28-2 30-8 DWP Way SON nieces ENA A IE IEF SY he A OM ee eee hab 0 ee LR LENGTH-WEIGHT Ratio. CH RD Ete Cape penoD Oo AB erbo na nerane 21 21-5 22 22-5 23 «28-5 24 24-5 25 25-5 26 26-5 27 Chemainus—Three-year—Male.......... tas ss SRA GREE.) Rey eS 6-5 6-5 7-1 7-6 8-2 8-6 8-9 97 Memaless sos; ASO eee Be 5-5 6:5 6-5 7-3 8-1 8-2 8-4 9-3 9-6 Hour-year— Malo) oe sn co es ite ule eee ee oo amet os sas PS en ROPE sae nt ssc rh: (Merial) ss anaes ah: udod ya piteder tec, © Coy euaes read PRUNE toy oc heater 1c. ett eae Get eat ae 10+0i82 4.09 dOr0 Nanaimo—Three-year—Male. ... 00... - cee ene cs jee nts eee va nee (OCEAN 7:7 7:9 8:0 9-3 9-5 9-6 10-6 Femalat.s; ie et ee DOs 6-0 6-3 7:2 7-8 8-3 9-1. 9-3 9-9 10-4 Four+Vear=Minle Fee 328 cae gd «alas Spite ahd siecdeh te toe ee MBE ke sg AE ay tiphc d Dicdeyne fale eats oA ee ee ee Bermialer ete eee ce cee ee ee Te ee Es ee eee ©. 8 alc coe Riee creme 10-0...... 10-1 Bive=year—M alle ei.e. siteie sR Di gay oes pe as aah bud igh Pele Bate aio RR Beh are a =e vl a Sa aio Qualicum—T wo-year—Moale. 20)... esas | DD eat s.c anya oelycss cleans fol Balpbeleryye estar’ eles lot a Siaeiels sis] s ake at pana eh Reet eee a ?Three-vear—Male i) 48... Wh 8. sage) Sew rea 6-5 8-0 8-0 84 8-8 10-0 10-3 10-6 Hem ales ¢:). i006 ssa; ora es ssidlecae Sets we a eet MEE i Mp 7-5 82 8-6 9-0 9-5 10-2 10-7 Poun-y Gar sla Fee Pe hee Bice ed eco go Re Re laa oe tite ce ls aerate cs ze eRe Sapa tere ee gee a TE, 1) ee ad 10-4 Barniale tira kelecoisisA ee fds aie oes oe abs aca «ch els Do Rens ht Ae pina t elalel AO RNa rh eee 10-8 10-8 Bive-year—Male orci boi esis seh on saves ase diate dcolattlte a MPEaEAe 2 28 Git qittle ain tale 6 ATS A of lett ter Lie catty fel eben eae dege rete GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 25 LeNGTH-WEIGHT Rario.—Concluded. Perit lige Wee ee ryaete icy 24: ete Aa cere aes Bi ayard wahcalel ose» oie 27-5 28 28-5 29 29-5 30 30-5 31 31-5 32-5 33 Chemanius Theos: year—Male.. er capita eee) £0709 Osa tLO Pamalec. skates Wk: 10-8 11-0 Houreyear— Malan i sre tcis iso «9 nis 10 2 '0)2)0 1O0*3 a2 cas 1 WS eae 13-5 ‘ Bemalotereeeer ace atk os lose, LOCO 10h bel Obs 11S Nanaimo—Three-year—Male....................-..- 11-3 12-5 12-8 Remalee eee cscore sates: 11-1 12-7 Four-year—Male........... ba Ge SS PACE 100 12-0 12-3 13-2 13-6 15-1 16-3 17-0 15-0 . Remale? ria 8 tomes ae 11-2 11-8 12-6 14-0 13-5 EVE=y.CAr— Mia le men eearh ene fe nde hoc RR Dag yy. le eee cue Ree 16-5 Qualicum—Two-year—Male.............-.0cee cece ccc c eee eens NE er Cate Be ute ye Se Sos CAs a oo) 0 ee Three-year—Male................... Pare a Leh Glee BB 8s 2157 Hamaleiawet An. . bs kotes > 1133 Wour-year—Malesmoncone cata lece os cawss. 11-4 12-4 13-0 138-5 14- 3 14-8 16-0 sth ; AU pee ie 18-0 : Pemale ays ao ye2s ors 11-9 12-4 12-5 13-2 14-2............ Five-year—Male...... 5 EE a ee ee | eo) Vo! 2 en eae oe 17-5 The three localities from which these dog salmon were taken are but little distant from another and the differences are not so marked as in different groups examined in the other species; nevertheless, there are some points that are worth considering. There is greater similarity between the Nanaimo and Qualicum fish than there is between either of these and the Chemainus fish, but even here there are some points of difference. There is a great dissimilar:ty in the numbers in the different year classes. Chemainus supplied no five year specimens and very few four year, the three year class being nearly ten times as large. Nanaimo and Qualicum have the five year class merely represented, but in the former the three year class is 2-4 times the size of the four year, while in the latter the four year class is 1-7 times the three year and there is one representative of the two year class. With regard to the proportion of the sexes, Chemainus shows the less usuai condition of having a greater percentage of females in the higher year than in the lower, but as the four year class is so poorly represented this is not of great signifi- eance. There is little difference in the general proportion. From Nanaimo the pre- ‘ponderance of females in the third year is more than euough to offset the prepon- derance of the males in the smaller four year class, but even here the difference is not excessive. From Qualicum, the large excess of males in the large four year class makes a heavy general excess as in the smaller three year class the numbers are nearly equal. The Nanaimo and Qualicum rate of growth corresponds almost exactly, year by year. The Chemainus rate is different. There is a greater growth in the first year but less in each succeeding year. Thus at the end of the first year the length is greater than in either of the others, at the end of the second year it is equal to and in later years less than those. eh The weight of the Chemainus fish in proportion to the length is somewhat less than that of either the Nanaimo or Qualicum fish and these show but little difference. Judging from the figures of the one year, one should conclude that the earlier spawn- ing fish are the largest of the year class. The Chemainus fish come in much earlier than the others and probably come from the open sea by way of the south end of Vancouver island while those from Qualicum and Nanaimo evidently come from the north. In comparing the 1917 dog salmon with those taken in 1916 only those from Nan- aimo and Qualicum can be considered. The proportion of the four and the three- year fish is almost the same in the two years with the Qualicum fish but in the Nan- aimo fish, the three-year class from being in a small minority in 1916 changed over to a large majority in 1917. The excess of males in the four year Qualicum fish, which was great in 1916, became greater in 1917 but in the three-year class, the excess of males, which was not great in 1916, became practically eliminated in 1917. In the Nanaimo fish, the excess of males of the four-year class in 1916 was somewhat reduced in 1917, but the excess of females in the three-year class was much the same in both years. The 1917 fish were Jarger on the average than the 1916 fish in both year classes and in both sexes. This difference is due almost entirely to the greater growth in 26 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE each of the first two years. When, however, the four-year class of 1917 is compared with the three-year class of 1916 (both of them spawned in 1913) no such difference appears. Looking at the question from this standpoint, it would appear that those of the 1913 class that spawned in their third year were not larger at that time than- those that remained over to spawn in the fourth year but rather that the 1913 class, as a class. consisted of larger fish than the 1912 class. If that continues to hold good, then, the 1914 class must consist of still larger fish. It is scarcely possible though that each succeeding year class will consist of larger and larger fish. It might be possible that increase and decrease work in cycles on account of the conditions of getting food supply, or other matters on which growth depends, getting gradually better or worse, but it would take examination for a series of years before that could be determined. Summary and Conclusions. Among the 1917 salmon there were the three different types according to the time of migration to the sea, as in 1916. A larger percentage of spring salmon were of the sea type (78-2 per cent as compared with 65-4 per cent). In all localities from which sockeye were obtained, those of the one-year stream type made up almost the whole number, although in each case the two-year stream type and the sea type were represented. Only 15 of the former (less than 1 per cent) and 124 of the latter (7-5 per cent) were found altogether, the largest number in each case from the Fraser river. The cohos were all of the one-year stream type, and the humpbacks and dogs ‘all of the sea type. . The spring salmon of either type did not differ materially in rate of growth from those of previous years. There has not been anything thus far to indicate that any one-year class has had more rapid growth than any other. Four six-year fish of the stream type were obtained. The sex ratio changed from a slight predominance of males to an excess of females (especially pronounced in the sea type). The three types of fish were represented in the sockeye from each locality. Those of the two-year stream type were all in their fifth year and those of the sea type all in their fourth year with the exception of a three-year-old from Sauch-en-auch creek. The fish of the one-year stream type were nearly all im the fourth year, the percentage ranging from 93-8 at Deepwater bay to 99-7 off Victoria. The remainder were in the fifth year. In every feature the sockeye, collectively and individually, from Deepwater bay, off Victoria and from the Fraser river, were similar. Those from Sauch-en-auch creek were similar in general type to these others but were smaller and showed less - uverage growth in length in each year. They agreed so well with the smaller fish from the other localities that it is credible that the race had become smaller through continued elimination of the larger members. The route that these fish take must be the same at the beginning as it is for those that pass through Deepwater bay, but evidently they turn aside from Johnstone strait through ‘Chancellor channel and through some of the passages mearer the mainland, while the direct route through Discovery passage and on to the Fraser river is taken by the others. The average length of the 1917 sockeye was somewhat less tham that for 1916, hence it may be that the fish of the quadrennial run are somewhat smaller than those of other years in the cycle. As there is also a greater predominance of four-year fish, the number to the case of canned salmon is greater than in other years. Since all the soakeye were of the same general type one should scarcely expect to find any material difference in the weight-length ratio, nor did any such appear. As in other years, all the coho were of the one-year stream type. Although they were obtained from four different localities, Quathiaski, Lasqueti, Nanaimo and Fraser river, there were no indications of four races of fish. There may readily be two, one that stays in the strait of Georgia and neighbouring waters throughout the / GROWTH RATE IN PACIFIC SALMON 27 whole of the marine life, and another, a race of larger fish that goes out to the open ocean and comes back only as spawning time approaches. The Quathiaski and Lasqueti fish were made up largely or entirely of the former, the Fraser river fish largely or entirely of the latter, and those from Nanaimo included some of each. There seems to be little difference in the first two years’ growth in the different year classes; the variation occurs in the growth during the third year. Of the fish brought into Nanaimo, the 1917 fish were larger than the 1916 but smaller than the 1915. The weight-length ratio shows no material difference in the different localities. All the humpbacks were of the sea type in the second year. Those from Deep- water bay were evidently different from those from mear Pender island and those from the Fraser river, but these show no material difference. Those caught in Deepwater bay were similar in type but somewhat larger than those obtained from near Comox in 1916. Evidently they do not go to the Fraser river but rather to some of the rivers or streams of the Vancouver island east coast. ; All of the dog salmon were of the sea type but those from Chemainus, Nanaimo and Qualicum varied much in the percentages of the different year classes. There were very few of the five-year or the two-year class. Chemainus had less than 10 per cent in the fourth year, Nanaimo nearly 30 per cent, and Qualicum over 62 per cent. Qualicum and Nanaimo fish were similar in rate of growth, but the Chemainus fish are smaller, not only in absolute measurement, but also in length-weight ratio. The two former apparently come in from the open ocean around the north end of the island and the latter around the south end. Where comparison was possible, the 1917 fish were larger than the 1916 fish. To judge from the different year classes represented in one year’s catch, it would appear that the larger fish of the class spawned in the third year, but when the catches of 1917 and 1916 were compared this was not borne out, this appearance being due to the fact that the fish of the 1913 class were larger throughout than those of the 1912 class, but if this is the reason, the fish of the 1914 class must be still larger. ; Let Ba Sang) fie ‘ * ia ety UN Sian ancy ue poneehiges Sab aes» 7 TOO ee Y pages fe. bla Ea a eh i eA, aati one dacs Cale ae % le ATER NE ys) Ok +a it am f es p es 4) | Fes ae >) Be $8 he vie bes cate hay ew fe) i ed itil Hy wens ma baat YSU CARP ACARD Oa gaa CN i? oe * Beate b 2 8 taal frei 4 \ ° y ; NAR pil vetigrih) uit 4 3 CVF) tigeae Ba id ite Satine Bei ihe han baa erst teh deat hehe cedegiencthly oh TICE: Sula ARG: ery ; Hh Shaye tbs Gre aS er Seer ae ot syed ae a) ahs 14s Pe ne fe ecdarunl De oe 0 ti Spee spss ee lege dxstetties hye ales. oo Array ptt ped BTaty iu! ; 4 y pel yee sch tery eto ree) int Sigelbagel 5 oe any PACD, MS BOY det Ge a b We ah oe i igtte 4: ; ; oy % in at hy Bekhe 4 wt pk ‘ea ‘4th “1 eae dh MS 3 { u aby Heer bans g ay us Ra; rs So ESE ‘ 1 : r : an : OHH SUA PLR teen vere able Pusch > deectenes Eb: ae Re a SPT ees Asad ey By om ir i ee ene zits * Re MEO PPT. 1/ } } 4 ro : Ray outa Ye ’ Ke 1 y - ’ , . ; - , y Vast ue r <1 Bilt Gling Ri. Hops tp » ron ae ies ris Ae ey “ ai hie Fes BN om Hine 1 es rok si pater ee SLT corer? eh Mey. Tha. itt ef. 4h ‘ A ‘ S ae a aa ‘ye i pote ar he gs 4 areeige ¢ toed vt nds Angee se paige kes ne pela il ite W AD ida lies ae he reg a brie Hy ppotesaih Aine wet EFFECTS OF WEATHER ON MARINE ORGANISMS 29 If. Some Apparent Effects of Severe Weather on the Marine Organisms in the vicinity of Departure Bay, B.C. BY C. McLean Fraser. From a fisheries standpoint, the first effect of the severe winter and spring of 1915-16, almost unparalleled in British Columbia records, was the loss of so many human lives and the serious destruction of boats, gear, etc., in the storms of the North Pacific, which were so bad that those who did manage to make port, did so after so much stress and strain, that, even to men, inured to the hardships of the wintry sea, it was a new and most unwelcome experience. In such a winter a close season for halibut would be worthy of consideration from a humanitarian point of view. Another effect, also of much importance from a commercial standpoint, was the loss of oysters both on dyked and undyked lands, due to the low temperature reached when they were uncovered or covered with ice at low tide. . The Puget Sound region, I understand, suffered extensively in this regard and other areas to a less extent. Besides these special cases, it is possible that there was a wide-spread effect on the whole life of the sea, and particularly in such an area as the strait of Georgia, which is nearly landlocked and hence more subject to changes than the waters of the open ocean. This effect was produced by the severe weather in three ways. In the first place, on account of the continued low temperature, the surface waters became colder than usual and this had an effect on the organisms that come near the surface. In the second place, some of the low temperatures were coincident with low tides and shore forms suffered thereby. In the third place, as the streams were also affected by the cold weather, anadromous forms may have been influenced. To consider these in the order mentioned, the first is the effect of lowering the surface temperature of the water in the sea. The daily range of air temperature has little noticeable effect on the temperature of the sea water and hence the maximum and minimum daily temperatures need not be considered. The average temperature over a longer period of time has a more direct bearing, hence it is well here to com- pare the average temperatures by the month in the fall, winter and spring of 1915-16, with those of the preceding season. The following table shows a comparison from October until May, both inclusive. AIR TEMPERATURE. 1914-15. 1915-16. , eG °F °c oF COPAYS) Olen 2 ote ak Setter ee RAR LaDy URAC REarnn aan Cenerge GF EPR aren an RA TAT Fis Seo 13-3 55-9 10-0 50-0 BK onTGiaH 07) wae nthtel ae Beha ad 8 A il al RM a a CER! og Me a ie MEPL IO a RTL 6-1 43-0 4-4 40-0 IDECeMPeOr aye 6 Re ee eee eres Pets Rey mee atl bloke ONS cota Seats 2-4 36-4 3-7 38-6 SFSRMUULAT Vet ee ata yore iene eRe ne IE Toate etata, oho ee ie eal eft achalt aia ataysiby sy 2-9 37-3 -2-2 28-0 UR agi he aM ME sue nn). Sear cack oot TOR | acon Midas Bein © Oe ane ee 5-0 41-0 2-7 36-8 itsere hale Shot! eee ee te ie ou ee feb Pais Ais eatcls Miter ies etched Oc ayepaie)alslay ayes 3:6 7-9 46-2 4-7 40-4 507 eb ob TH Gnneat clon OOTP CGC CORSO ant Cad pate Sebi At DAE Soins. 10-7 51-2 8-1 46-5 EAT SES SO SHOT ala sae Ca yo CEN Ee Eanes nto cee ct Aer Sten. ey Sen Pete cee 12-8 55-0 11-1 51-9 30 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE The average temperature for the whole eight months was 2-3°C (4-2°F) lower in 1915-16 than in 1914-15. No record has been made of the maximum and minimum temperatures of the surface water daily and hence the average in the same sense in which it is applied in connection with the air temperatures is not obtainable, but as there is so much less daily variation in the water temperature this is not of so much moment. The water temperature was taken at or near eight o’¢lock each morning at the landing float of the Station wharf, Departure bay, and from these records, average, maximum and minimum figures for the months above referred to, were obtained. WATER TEMPERATURE. CENTIGRADE. — Year. Oct. Nov. Dee. Jan. Feb. | Mar. | April. | May. PROC T AO Mee EN OT. . y SOS RA hrs ne 1914-15 11-1 9-0 7-2 7-0 7-4 8-6 10-5 12-5 : 1915-16 11-0 7:6 6-1 4-4 5-0 5-6 7:6 11-1 MARIMNUTA Secen sso. cio ae oes ee 1914-15 12-7 10-5 8-6 8-7 8-6 10-3 11-9 13-9 ae) ’ 1915-16 14-0 10-0 7-7 7-2 6-5 6-7 10-2 13-1 1 PET DhIT\ Hi ele ae en a Dn ee 1914-15 10-0 7-3 6-3 5-6 6-5 7-5 9-0 9-9 1915-16 8-2 4-5 4-0 1:2 0-2 3-5 6-5 8-0 FAHRENHEIT. 1 Average.......... See AR VEE SAS 1914-15 52-0 48-2 45-0 44-6 45-3 47-5 50-9 54-5 : 1915-16 51-8 45-7 43-0 39-9 41-0 42-1 45-7 52-0 WISEXETUED A. eee eee a ke 1914-15 54-9 50-9 47-5 47-7 47-5 50-5 53-4 57-0 Ae - 1915-16 57-2 50-0 45-9 45-0 43-7 44-1 50-4 55-6 NPEETNERHETSTIN ye eos on ae 8 eas hese 1914-15 50-0 45-1 43-3 42-1 43-7 45-5 48-2 49-8 1915-16 46-8 40-1 39-2 34-2 32-4 38-3 43-7 46-4 This shows that the surface water although not going to the same extremes as the air temperature, is yet very materially dependent upon it. In fact, taking the two seasons into consideration, there is almost as great a difference in the average water temperature for the eight months, viz., 1-9°C (8.4F) as there was in the average air temperature. It is not probable that this difference in temperature is so great as to be beyond the power of accommodation in the larger species, food fishes for example, but these all, directly or indirectly, live on much more minute forms that are more readily affected by changes that act as stimuli, than are the larger forms. During the months of December, January and February, the greater portion of th> minute animal fcod consists of crustaceans, copepods predominating. On account of the rough seas or of the cold surface waters ‘or from the fact that the diatoms on which they feed are influenced by these, copepods were extremely scarce during the past season and hence many larger forms remained at depth as well. During the winter of 1914-15 there was scarcely a day that the fishermen, using a troll and spoon, and fishing near the surface, were unsuccessful in obtaining spring salmon. In 1915-16, when they did venture out, very few salmon were to be obtained and those that were caught, were caught at depth. In the Nanaimo district herring are usually caught with purse seines and in such a method of fishing it is necessary to be able to see the schools of fish near the surface before the net can be cast successfully. Last season the seine fishing was a failure until very late as no herring could be seen. Doubtless they were there as usual as the gill net fishermen at Pender harbour on the other side of the strait found a good supply during the surface scarcity. When the herring did come into shallow water towards the end of February and early in March, the copepods were plentiful again. The herring spawning season was somewhat later than it was the previous year but not very much so, and possibly the weather had nothing to do with it. EFFECTS OF WEATHER ON MARINE ORGANISMS 31 Usually towards the end of February or early in March the water becomes thoroughly stocked with larve of all kinds, crustacean, molluscan, ascidian, ete., and these help much to replenish the larder for many of the larger as well as the smaller fish. The numbers were not Jacking this year but they were much later appearing at the surface. Many annelids and crustaceans come to the surface to spawn and in some cases at least the spawning was delayed. One especially notable case might be mentioned. At a certain time in the spring, certain crustaceans, known as schizopods, come to the surface in such countless numbers that large areas of the surface water may be pink from their presence. The two-year-old coho, in the strait of Georgia com- monly called the “blueback,” have a decided preference for these and naturally they follow them to the surface and often in their haste go beyond them into the air. At this time they may be hooked in large numbers. The schizopod rise was much later than usual this year and in consequence the “blueback” run was also later in the season. These are special instances but it is not at all likely that they are isolated cases. Many other species large and small would naturally be similarly affected. Apparently there has been no especial difference in the salinity of the water in the two seasons. ‘The snow melted but slowly at the head waters of the large rivers and in consequence these rivers were lower than usual in the early summer, but on the other hand on account of the greater amount of snow on the lower levels the small streams have kept up their flow better than they did last year at least. In the littoral zone. the greatest harm in any one night was probably produced on January 3-4, as on that night, according to the tide tables, the tide went to —0-3 foot at 22-07 and the minimum temperature of the air during the night was -9-0°C (15-8°F). With such a long run out, even half-tide shore forms, would be exposed to the cold for a long period. It is quite possible, however, that the cumulative effect of the continued cold from January 15 to January 19, with quite low tides, would be even greater than the effect during that one night. For these four nights we had the following: January 15-16—Low tide, 2-6 ft. at 20-50; minimum temperature, —11-3°C, 11-6°F. 16-17 ry 2-2 “ 21-30; be — 8-9 15-9 17-18 bs 1-8 “ 22-06; = — 7-2 19-0 18-19 Wet So) a Bede KS — 6-9 19-6 These records are for Sand Heads, at the mouth of the Fraser river. The time is nearly the same at Departure bay but the change of tides is about one and,a third times that at Sand Heads. That does not affect the question materially as there would be the same relative change. The forms that inhabit the littoral zone may be divided into three classes. First there are those, that move freely, such as certain flat fishes, that go in and out with the tide. These would not suffer with the cold at low tide. Secondly, there are those that move less freely and are thus left on the shore when the tide goes out but they are able to huddle together to retain moisture as the starfish do or keep under cover of seaweed or rocks as many of the crustaceans do. These might suffer but not very seriously, sinice that which would protect them from being dried out would also pro- tect them from the cold. Thirdly there are the sessile forms, that throughout a great. portion of their life-history remain firmly attached to rocks, logs, ete. They are left behind when the tide recedes and have no means of getting shelter or of retaining any very large amount of moisture. It is to this class that the oyster belongs and such as these are the worst sufferers. Reference has already been made to the oyster loss. a loss which was felt commercially. The destruction im some cases was more widespread than in the case of the oyster, but the loss in money value was not so noticeable. On sandstone everywhere and sometimes on other rock as well, from nearly high ‘tide mark to low tide mark, barnacles have established themselves. Those high up on shore are used to extremes as some of them get moisture and food only at the 32 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE highest tides, but evem those much lower down would be exposed for a long time at such low tide es that on January 3. These suffered from the abnormally low tem- perature and without doubt many of them died. But as human beings do not eat barnacles, what difference does it make if they were killed off? Human beings may not eat them in quantity, but other animals do. Many fish eat mature barnacles. the various species of viviparous perch and rock cod live on them continually when they are available in localities suitably situated. In other seasons perch and rock cod could be seen around the piles and near the sheer rocks at almost all times of the year, but this year scarcely one was visible until well on towards spring. They had to go to deeper water to find other supplies of food and these as well as those previously referred to, may not have had enough food for the normal growth during that period, or if they had they may have deprived some of the regular inhabitants of the deeper water of their share. ‘Starfish live extensively on barnacles and no one who has not seen starfish in certain areas along this coast can realize how abundant they are. This year they had fewer barnacles to supply them with food and hence they attacked clams, cockles and other shellfish to a greater extent. Thus while the shellfish may have been deep enough in the sand or mud to be protected from the frost, they suffered indirectly as the numerous dead shells on various beaches testify. The starfish was not alone in this work of distruction, the boring mollusc, Thais, probably accounted for a greater number of shell fish than usual, for it too depends on the barnacle to some extent for its food supply? Some of the small fish, commonly called “bullheads,” although that name is applied to a host of species, feed on barnacles as do a number of the crabs. These in turn serve as food for larger fish such as the various flounders, the ling eod (Ophiodon) and the tomeod (Hexagrammus). All of these therefore, had to seek-their food supply in deeper water, with less success in all probability. Certainly they were mot to be found in their usual haunts. But this is not all. ‘When the adult barnacles were chilled to death, the eggs from these would also die and quite probably in many cases where the adult was able to survive, the embryos would fail to do so. When the embryos are hatched out they are little shield-shaped creatures with three legs straggling out at each side. Later they grow a bivalve shell and become somewhat changed in shape. In these two larval stages, the nauplius and the cypris, the barnacle is free swimming and it forms an important part of the food supply of freely moving forms, different to those that eat the adult barnacle. These barnacle larve ordinarily are found in plenty during the latter part of January and from that on until April or even May. This year they were very scarce during the first part of this period. Although the plankton was examined often, it was not until April 6 that they appeared in large numbers. It would seem therefore, that those far advanced in development, during the cold weather, suffered much more than those in the earlier stages. : The herring devour these larve in great numbers, for which purpose they move along in schools parallel to the shore in close proximity to the barnacle zone. Here then is another reason for their late appearance in shallow water last season. Even when they did come in they had to feed on copepods for a time or on their own spawn when it was deposited, but the later larvee kept them supplied when they appeared so that they stayed in the shallow water later than usual. The young herring immediately after the yolk is absorbed begin to feed on these larve, but as it is only the later lot that they make use of, they were probably put to no inconvenience. The sand launces feed on the barnacle larve as the herring do, but they are by no means so plentiful as the herring around Nanaimo. The salmon fry feed on these larve extensively, probably because they are plentiful, as they will eat almost any- thing that can be swallowed, but, as is mentioned later, the salmon fry appeared in‘ the sea much later than usual this year and they did not suffer from any lack. EFFECTS OF WEATHER ON MARINE ORGANISMS 33 It is quite possible that serpulids and other annelids as well as many other clinging and boring forms would suffer, but little observation has been made on these. The anemones, many of which are entirely exposed at low tide, seemed to come through the cold all right. Finally the effect on anadromous forms is to be considered. The water in the rivers and lakes answers to the change of air temperature more readily than the water in the sea as the volume is comparatively small. The lowering of the temperature of the fresh water would have an effect on the food supply similar to the effect im sea water, and as the change would be greater the effect would probably be more marked. We are not here concerned with the food supply of fresh water fishes and of the anadromous forms that live through the winter in fresh water we have no definite information. The most important anadromous forms are the Pacific salmon, but the fresh water food supply does not affect the adults, since these die in the fall or early winter. Of the young forms, apparently all of the coho, most of the sockeye and some of the spring salmon remain a year or more in fresh water and these small fish would come under the influence of this cold weather. At present I have no data to compare these with those that were hatched out the year previous. The low tem- perature certainly did delay the hatching out of the eggs. At many hatcheries the time of hatching was as much as a month longer than usual and in some cases there was a corresponding loss in the number of healthy fry for liberation. As in nature, the eggs, deep down in the gravel, are fairly well protected, and one might have supposed that the difference would not be so great as in those hatched in the hatch- eries, but apparently it must have been. The dog salmon fry are very plentiful near the Station for two or three months after they come down to salt water in the spring. In 1914 the first were noticed on March 4, in 1915, on March 7, and in 1916 none were noticed until April 8, and they did not become plentiful until much later. Judging from the numbers that did appear one should not think that a greater number than usual had been lost. If they had come down early in March they might have had a difficult task to get a sufficient supply of food. The cohos (in their second year) and the humpbacks were later than usual, but I have not exact dates for com- parison. Probably all the species were affected in much the same way. If it is the case that the fry that get the earliest start, other things being equal, makes the greatest growth during the first year, and ultimately becomes the largest fish, it will be interesting to compare the growth of the fry that hatched out in 1916 with those in other years, but while the conditions might be much similar among the fish of the same year group, it might be*so different in different years as to shut out any such comparison. In the older fish, in which the scales are already formed, there ,should be ‘a greater winter check for the winter of 1915-1916. Since the yeat’s growth in all these older fish would be off to a.bad start this year, this should be shown oni the scales. Summary. The weather on the British Columbia coast during the winter and spring of 1915-1916 ‘was much more severe than usual, affecting not only the atmospheric con- - ditions but also those of the sea, lakes and rivers. On account of the cooling of the surface water and possibly the disturbance by . storms, marine forms had to go deeper for a food supply and in‘ consequence many of them have not been able to get the normal amount for food requirements. On account of low temperatures at low tides, some forms of commercial value were destroyed and the destruction of others made a great difference in the food supply of many marine species. The low temperature in the rivers and streams caused a retardation in the hatching out of embryos and hence the fry of anadromous forms got a later start than usual. 79550—3 WY bth Aa eee thre i pi le ( ei if ie vit bar ra TEMPERATURE AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY VARIATIONS 35 FEE: Temperature and Specific Gravity Variations in the Surface Waters of Departure Bay, B.C. BY C. MoLean Fraser. An earlier paper provided some preliminary notes on the variations in temperature and density in coast waters, based on observations made during the summer of 1914}. In continuation of one phase of the work then begun, the daily record of the tempera- ture and the specific gravity of the surface water at the station landing float in Depar- ture bay, has since been kept. This paper deals with the record for five years ending May 31, 1919. It is fully realized that temperature readings taken once a day and specific gravity readings taken with an hydrometer do not give sufficiently accurate data for getting any light on such problems as diurnal migration but in a location such as this where there is so much variation during the year, certain general conditions of value may be deduced which at least may form the basis for more accurate observations by one who may put his whole time on the work. It is true also that in the waters of a sheltered bay the conditions are somewhat special, but, although they cannot be con- sidered as truly oceanic, by any means, they are typical of hundreds of situations along the north Pacific coast, where there are such extensive areas protected in a similar way, while at the same time they are directly connected with the open ocean and hence share to some extent the oceanic conditions. In considering the temperature records, it will be noted that there is a definite relation between the temperature of the surface water and that of the air. Since the readings were taken but once a day, there is nothing to show coincidence throughout the day, but although the water does not show the variation in temperature during the twenty-four hours that the air does, it is probable that there is a certain amount of coincidence. As the water readings were-taken at a definite time of the day, at or near 8 a.m., and the air records were not taken at a definite time, since only the maximum and minimum temperatures were recorded, there are no records exactly comparable. ‘Since the water varies comparatively little during the day, the mean of the maximum and minimum temperatures each day shows a better parallelism with the water temperature from day to day than either the maximum or the minimum temperature does, hence the mean readings are considered here and it is these.that are given in the table of air temperature. While there are many small fluctuations in each record that are not found in the other, practically all the larger fluctuations are common to both, although the water variation is not so extreme as the air variation. Thus when graphs are made of the daily readings, many differences show up, whereas, when averages are taken for more extended periods (the periods taken for the graph appearing in the plate are of ten, days), the correlation is very distinctly marked. The curves for the different years are similar in a general way but each has its own. special features and these may have much to do with changing conditions from year to year for the inhabitants of the sea. This is noticeably true in the hatching out of waters of British Columbia, Contr. to Can. Biol. for 1914-1915, 1916, p. 133-148. 79550—34 4 / 36 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE embryos, where a comparatively slight variation in temperature may make considerable difference in the time of hatching, e.g., in the spring of 1916, when the waters were, colder than usual, many larval forms were much later in appearing and some at least were killed during development. A lack of larve in smaller species is sure to mean a, lack of food supply in larger species and hence the whole fauna of the séa may be more or less affected. x In the spring and fall the water temperatures and the mean air temperatures prac- tically coincide. In the winter the water does not keep up with the air in its extremes of cold and in the summer with its extremes of heat. This is particularly true if the change to the extreme is sudden and if the extreme is of short duration. As to the minor fluctuations in the water temperature that do not necessarily coincide with air fluctuations, the main cause is evidently the variation in the amount of fresh water present. Taking this by itself it may be said in general that an influx of fresh water tends to raise the temperature in the summer and lower it in winter. The raising or lowering may accentuate or may counteract to some extent the fluctua- tions corresponding to those present in the air temperature records. The causes for the fluctuations in the specific gravity are not so easily placed. A ' study of the five years’ records shows certain of the predominating factors. The specific gravity is high every year in the spring, about April, and in the fall, about October, and drops low in the winter, about January, and in the summer, about June, but vary- ing somewhat in each case from year to year. In the previous paper it was indicated that the low salinity in the summer was due largely to-the waters of the large mainland rivers, the Fraser in particular. This has been fully borne out by the more extended records. Mr. ©. C. Worsfold, District, Engineer of the Department of Public Works, New Westminster, has been kind enough. to give me a copy of the records of the height of the water in the Fraser river at Mission bridge, about forty miles abowe the mouth of the river, during the months of, May, June and July for these years. The records are kept for these months only as these cover the flood period of the river, but they are sufficient to show the coincidence in time of the high water and the low specific gravity of the water in Departure bay, the change in Departure bay naturally taking place a little later than the time when flood appears at the Mission bridge. t , The main driving force to take the fresh water across the strait is the flood from, the river itself. When the river is in flood a large volume of water is being continually emptied into the strait, forced onward by the hundreds of miles of water following it, up. The fresh water, particularly while it is going with a strong current, mixes little with the more saline water below, so that its effect in reducing salinity is felt but a, few fathoms down, scarcely five fathoms. down where the current enters the strait, but, somewhat deeper than that when the strength of the current is reduced. At times the, muddy water of the Fraser appears to be carried right across the strait of Georgia to Gabriola, Valdez and Galiano islands, without, on the surface, becoming materially mixed with the saline water of the strait, while logs, sticks and other debris, carried, with the current, give some idea of its rate of flow. The ebb and the flow of the tide have some effect on the current, swerving it somewhat southward or northward, as. the case may be. As the flow spreads out over a wider and wider area, the rate of flow diminishes, and the water brought down mixes to a greater degree with the waters of the strait. When the main current strikes the shore of the islands across the strait, is is deflected northward or southward and the effect is gradually extended for a great distance from the mouth of the river. The degree of extent is evidently affected somewhat by weather conditions. More or less still weather is conducive to extension at the surface, while a streng wind, particularly if it is strong enough to, cause the waves to break, disturbs the surface, causing a greater mixing with the deeper water and hence tends to hinder the spread. In many cases when the layer of fresh, water is very superficial, much of the fresh water seems to be carried along by the wind, in somewhat the same way as a floating object is carried. TEMPERATURE AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY VARIATIONS 37 As Departure bay is somewhat northward of the direct flow of the river, light ‘southeast winds favour the influx of Fraser River water, while northwest winds hinder its progress. In the summer the northwest winds are usually the strong winds and hence their influence is commonly strongly marked. As the trend of Departure bay is at a definite angle to the general trend of the coast, the wind in the bay is not always in the same direction as the wind outside in the strait. Practically speaking, the wind in the bay is always in one of two directions, either into the bay or out of the bay. When the wind is blowing out of the bay the specific gravity of the surface water may be greater than that of the strait near by; when it is blowing into the bay the reverse may be the case or the difference may not be noticeable. An attempt was made to connect up the fluctuations in specifie gravity with the variations in barometer but the path of cyclonic centres varies so much in this locality that it was impossible to trace any relationship, although the periodicity in the fall and rise of specific gravity corresponds more or less regularly to the eyclonic and anticyclonic periodicity. : The effect of the Fraser river and the other large rivers of the mainland gradually wanes after the height of the flood in late June until by the end of September it has “practically disappeared as far as Departure bay is concerned. For a longer or shorter time at this period the specific gravity is constantly high, before the winter fluctua- tions begin. These winter fluctuations are largely dependent on the height of the water in the local streams and rivers and hence on the rainfall. The graph that has been made for the precipitation, taking ten-day periods as in the other cases, shows very definitely the relationship between the specific gravity of the water and the pre- cipitation. , Tn the daily readings fluctuations take place apart from the general rainfall effect, and, as in the summer, this is largely due to the strength and direction of the wind. A southeast wind may drive in fresh water from the Nanaimo river, to send the sur- face specific gravity away down and in a few hours the wind may change to the north- west and the wind blowing out of the bay may cause the specific gravity to rise again. As the time of greatest rainfall varies from year to year so does the time of lowest specific gravity, but ordinarily the effect of winter rain is well over by the end of March. Hence during April there is constant high specific gravity as during October. In May the effect of the mainland rivers begin to show and the eyele is complete. There is no doubt that the variations in time and degree of the various phases of the cycle, both as to temperature and to specific gravity or salinity, have much to do with the time of migrations of many, perhaps all, marine animals that come within their influence, and the fuller the data on these factors, the more fully the migrations may be explained. Data on migrations are accummulating from year to year. A paper was recently published calling attention to some points that have been observed? but in this paper attention was not directed to migration of fishes and from an economic point of view, these are of the greatest importance. Although the conclusions from these records are very general, they are sufficient to show what might be expected from more accurate and more extended work in the same field. SUMMARY. The temperature of the surface water in Departure bay is subject to much the same fluctuations as the mean air temperature but does not go to the same extremes. It is affected by influxes of fresh water, which tend to raise the temperature in the summer and lower it in winter. The specific gravity is at its highest in the spring and in the fall. In the summer it is lowered by the influx of water from the Fraser and other mainland rivers, being 3 Fraser, C. M. Migration of marine animals. Trans. Royal Soc. Can., 1918. Sec. iv, p. 139. 143, 38 most affected when the water in the rivers is highest, usually towards the last of June. Daily fluctuations are largely due to weather changes, more particularly on the direc- tion and velocity of the wind. In the winter the specific gravity is lowered by the flow from the local rivers and streams, depending definitely on the precipitation. DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Loeal weather conditions produce fluctuations here as well. The variations in the time and the degree of the different phases of the yearly cycle, both as to temperature and to specific gravity, from year to year, evidently have much to do with migration, time of spawning, etc., of many marine animals. Table I gives the daily mean air temperature records in Centigrade degrees. Table II gives the daily records of the surface water temperature taken at the EXPLANATION OF TABLES. station landing float, Departure bay. Table. III gives the specific gravity records taken at the same time and place as the temperature records in Table II and reduced to 10°C. Maximum density of water taken as 10,000. The plate includes graphs taken with a ten-day period as a unit, for the five years beginning June 1, 1914, and ending May 31, 1919. The upper figure gives the air temperature graph in continuous line and the water temperature graph in dotted line. The second figure gives the graph of the specific gravity records. The third figure gives the graph of the precipitation in inches. The fourth figure (discontinuous) gives a graph of the records of the height of the Fraser river during May, June and July of each year, measured in feet above a zero mark.on Mission bridge. TABLE I. 1914. Jan. April. May. ‘| June. DD tt et et et et et tt tt et et CADW MAEHY WE LPWOTRWATRHONODADWNWONINKOO July. Aug. _ es DORK GSOHOKM OOH WDWODOONFPRPRHOOCHNOOOCCeMoOs! DWONN RK DWOOMN RH WORF NWWONAINOWROMNOF ORC OO _ — rary | SCOSCFPSCOCOCOCON ER WRNWHR OW SHDN ODRENWOWNNORRWWHNEOOTOMUIGON bene he caest stad ie TEMPERATURE AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY VARIATIONS 39 TABLE I.—Continued. 1915. a Jan. Feb. Mar. | April. | May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee 5-7 6-1 7-7 10-6 10-6 13-1 26-1 17-2 16-7 12-8 5-8 2-8 4-8 4-2 4-7 11-9 16-2 15-1 25-4 18-7 15-4 12-5 7-5 6-4 4-9 4-6 5-9 10-1 16-3 15-3 20-7 15-9 18-6 11-5 8-4 7-0 1-9 2-8 7-2 9-2 16-3 19-4 18-5 17-4 17:8 9-2 8-0 5-9 4-1 4-4 5-0 8-7 16-3 21-6 16-5 16°4 14-9 11-2 5-1° 4-6 5-3 6-7 8-6 10-1 15-4 19-7 16-4 17-6 14-1 10-2 4-4 5-1 5-5 7:8 5-8 10-0 13-8 14-7 14-8 18-5 12-5 9-4 4-8 4-8 5-6 6-3 5-0 7:3 11-9 15-4 18-9 18-6 - 12-8 10-6 5-9 4-2 2-5 7-3 4-2 9-0 11-1 14-2 15-8 19-1 13-6 10-9 5-2 2-6 4-8 4-7 5-0 9-2 12-2 14-6 15-7 19-5 15-5 11-1 3:3 3-9 5-3 4-9 5-8 10-2 13-4 14-3 14-7 17:3 14-1 11-3 2-9 5-7 2-2 4-6 7-6 11-1 13-5 13-6 13-6 20-9 13-7 11-1 2-2 5-1 2-9 2-8 8-1 10-2 12-4 15-8 12-4 21-3 11-8 10-1 2-4 5-1 3-3 3-6 9-5 8-7 10-9 16-4 17-1 19-3 14-7. 9-6 2-8 3-1 3-4 5-3 9-2 11-7 10-7 18-3 15-3 17°5 15-7 9-3 6-2 2-7 1-2 4-5 8-5 13-8 11-6 18-7 15-8 16-6 17-2 9-4 4-4 3-7 2-5 4-2 9-3 15-2 13-2 13-5 14:9 19-3 16-3 11-7 8-6 1-2 2-2 3-3 7-1 14-3 13-9 13-4 16-8 21-1 17-4 9-2 6-1 3-6 2-1 2-0 7-3 12-8 12-5 14:3 19-8 24-5 16-4 7-8 4-1 5-2 2-4 5-6 9-3 10-5 12-7 14:9 22-0 26-8 17-2 10-4 2-7 4-9 0-6 3-7 10-6 11-0 12-6 15-0 21-3 26-7 15-1 10-4 4-3 7-1 —0-7 6-4 12-2 11-2 11-6 17-0 21-0 24-2 14-4 9-8 4-6 3-8 1-7 5-8 10-8 13-0 11-3 15-0 21-2 20-2 14-2 9-1 4-3 2-9 1-1 7-4 10-7 10-3 12-1 14-7 21-4 18-3 11-9 6-9 3-7 2-2 0-2 4-7 9-7 12-1 12-0 13-4 19-5 17-1 12-4 9-8 * 4-3 2-3 0-4 3-9 6-6 11-6 11-6 14-8 17-5 16-8 11-8 11-9 5-3 3-1 0-7 7-1 7-7 10-7 12-5 16-6 17-1 18-0 11-8 9-0 2-1 3-4 1-1 6-4 9-0 10-8 11-4 18-2 17-7 18-6 11-4 10-8 2-1 2-7 Sia ee teare 10-3 8-8 11-5 22-2 19-4 17-2 11-7 8-6 3-3 1-5 BieO) a Nes Paks 8-4 6-9 11-2 23-9 19-3 18-8 13-8 6-5 2-2 —1-6 Lg? AS Ree Band Nie Ves. . 1 ey ee ee oe 17-7 1S oy ae eee B*8e Ta .. sekte —1-0 TABLE I.—Continued. 1916. — Jan. Feb. Mar. | April. | May. | June. July. Aug. | Sept. Oct Nov Dee. 0-1 —3-3 3-3 10-7 12-1 11-7 14-7 14-2 16-5 7-5 5-7 3-1 —2-4 3 2-1 10-6 13-2 12-8 16-6 14-6 16-1 7-5 7-5 5-8 —2-9 —1-7 2-9 9-1 14-3 13-4 15-1 13-9 16-2 7-1 6-7 3-4 —4-1 —1-0 2-3 8-9 11-2 13-4 12-7 16-8 14:8 7-2 5-9 1-5 —3-0 —0:7 1-2 8-5 9-3 10-7 13-2 16-6 15-9 7-9 4-7 0-4 —0-3 0-4 1-9 6-6 8-7 11-4 14-8 17-8 14-5 10-9 6-7 —0-4 2-1 0-2 3-9 9-6 5-7 11-6 16-9 18-9 14-2 9-8 5-2 0-0 1-9 —1-1 6-1 7-8 7-1 13-9 16-1 18-7 13-2 9-8 6-9 2-6 1-7 0-8 7:8 8-4 5-0 11-6 16-4 17-0 11-9 10-7 7-4 2-6 —4-5 3-7 8-6 7-9 6-4 13-9 15-3 18-4 11-8 9-6 5-3 1-2 —6-7 1-9 8-8 7-4 8-4 17-2 17-7 16-3 13-3 10-8 0-9 3-1 —4-7 3-4 6-3 5-5 11-1 19-1 17-9 19-2 14:3 9-6 0-3 3-5 —5-0 3-3 4-0 9-3 12-8 19-6 13-9 17-6 15-3 9-8 0-4 3-6 —7-2 4-7 1-9 7:3 11-4 20-0 15-2 16-6 15-1 9-0 1-6 2-8 —5-8 4-4 4-2 6-8 12-8 22-6 14-7 15-3 15-0 9-6 2-6 1-2 —5-0 4-0 7-2 8-6 14-5 23-2 16-0 14-6 15-5 8-9 1-7 2°8 —2-9 4-1 4-6 6-5 11-4 23-0 15-1 13-5 14-4 10-7 1-7 3-7 —1:9 3-1 3-2 7-5 11-9 20-0 15-1 13-3 13-7 9-1 5-0 5-6 —2:8 2-8 3-6 5-0 9-9 12-5 15-0 13-5 13-7 7-9 2-8 3-1 0-9 | 3:7 7-1 6-9 11-2 14-6 14-8 14-8 13-8 8-2 4-3 1-6 —0:-9 Al 4-3 5-9 10-5 13-2 11-9 16-7 15-6 10-2 3-3 2-2 3-2 3-6 4-2 7-0 8-6 12-7 15-4 18-7 15-4 8-0 5-9 1-2 —1:3 5-1 4-0 6-1 10-6 15-0 15-3 22-7 11-4 6-0 2°8 1-1 —6-2 4-3 2-8 8-8 16-9 16-2 15-7 24-8 11-8 4-7 3-1 1-4 —3:3 6-1 4-4 7-9 16-9 14-2 11:7 22-2 11-2 8-8 5-2 —2-2 —5-0 9-3 4-7 8-1 2-4 15:8 12-6 21-0 13-8 8-7 3-4 —0-9 —4-1 5-2 vat 9-9 12-6 14:8 13-3 20-2 11-9 7-9 5-3 —0-°8 —6-4 4-2 “7 9-9 11-1 14-0 14-9 17-4 14-3 6-1 3-7 0-7 —6-1 2°8 4-7 9-9 11-4 14-6 15-2 16-4 12-1 6-4 5-3 —2-6 Ae Gy jicode ne: 6-6 9-3 12-8 15-3 18-4 16°3 10-4 5-4 2-6 0-5 = Sa ahs gee Uy. an Baeie ee tty Kee: CO ay 16-4 ily (Ge im | Heteeg or 7A feta | epee eA 1-8 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE 40 TABLE 1.—Continued 1917. Nov. Oct. DANM ADO AIDDOAWDHEAMDOHM ADH NOGOOOAMNODH ar em etal yet veh say cet el Rete walet Ve) nee ee ane ce Monet i640) LO 86) ce. ANAAN AM OINDANAMOMOOMMOMAMOTNMARNAMOOS I Wd COD OOD Oe HH OOD DH CO 0D SHO OD DH SH HN CO OO F AMAOAROHOOCWDOCOHME EK AOrOMOTMOHAMOr DANO - rc bal ol Son ihon ian! Con hoe on hare . DAN AAOANHDODrOCAAAAMDMANONDH MAH OO Sept. DPAQHOOH DAM HOOADOHNMMMOANRAHOMTOD - ee ir ie en Oe re ee Oe eo oe ee oe ee ee Sos i on Oh oe Bh oe oe eed . Aug. MPOOHOOHM AMA HHO ORO O MH NWO Pe HAHN July. June. SASH HAAANHSHABBHKN BAAN MMAAASIDIOGAH - Sond Se oe Bh oe ee ee ee aed Ce Be he eee eel . May. a De ee el Ser Mar. | April. Feb. MOM MMM APDONAMDAHMADABWOWOWMMNINOINMWOTN : CD HH OO HOR OND OCOOONIDOOOMDTANOOD : weer . Jan. SODAMAMAMIN~ BANOMOIN DAD OAD AGIs OND CD OD AI Had HHOM MO HRA HOODOO OC CANAN HIN OD A 1 09 1D TABLE I—Continued. 1918. Dec. Nov. ee ae sale Corda, Meo wet lela ee ete. tea Mp! oles) Nyaa! aeiaga Aah le vas re ne 68 ADO CO SH SHO OH HOD CUI ES OD OD A HHH tt rt HI HN HOE IDOANOHHOMHOMHOrOINOAMEO-M- OAM : SEEM GO ES Re: 60 sO Es 2 6 0S om GO Rom SES SIO RIND COED : Oct. SP OD AD at OO HOO 4 0 Ht O00 ON OD SD SH OO De rt S21 0D et HH et 1 COD OOD DAMHASDADAKSSHDASSSONAGHHOM NN HAGSNH So De Be Dh oe I en! [eset esi Renner Son Sept. June. | July. Aug. May. Dre SONS SO HOS NM MOO HHL OK NL OSUDHOHAAN BOMB BBA RASA ASA BIANN MHRA OMONHHAR RARE HOAMONNMHREANDAGIO OO SD OO G2 G3 AD B= > Oo SH SH Hd CD © OD OD 21D Pe D2 2 De 19 Be POL So Bc ce Oh en Bh Oc ce De Be he hn eS SS he he he eee SOM OMDOOrwNORAWDAHMOOMNHHOCSOSM-OWDOr-DO - SSM BARBRA AN NM AAAS AN OOO HHO OO HR OOO HH HONE MWD OMIOMmM ANOS SAMACCOMNANARAMANCAWMDRBODOOMMO AIH AH OS Se ee Bo ce De ee eo AB AANA eS April. Mar. WOON HAEADOMARWOMM ARAMA ONANS Hr : DCOiIINOWDOCOCHMOHDRAHWOMDHDOWDAOOARBONSCHNSCS : alkane! Ress RNAse - Feb. Jan. PSA SROSAS A HA HS 09 0d Ha ad 1 CA od A A C0 41 TEMPERATURE AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY VARIATIONS TABLE I—Concluded. 1919. 3 A > Z we) o (S) +3 2 2 iv) op z ial ae =] 5 zl Le) 2 AMOANALROLRAMDMONH HOME ORAMADOMMODH Gi BPSSAHSOTNASCM ARONSON AIAG ARON OM = eS SS Ste Re Se oe ioe Ee SSS SS SSSR I SSeS oe ANS oor SE eoe tse Ss saad Re 5 SSAOKNNHHNL HHH SODSSSM EN SSOAAUGAS - ‘3 AAHNOK AHH ODOSOOMARAMEEOHMONM HOA tH s Sod HAD OD Heder HOA HOOM OHO EM OOCON SHON “3 Pe NO PIDAM OOOOH OO HHAIOM ORO HON AS - 2 AA ACOA AMINO SHAHN OADHAANOAMAR - Jan. HOM DONT AODOMmAHAAHANDINGCOMOCOOmM ANA OMOr TABLE II 1914. Mar. | April. May | June July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Feb. HH SOM MDODODRDOM HAN He OHS OOMHMOAA HORM ei Dy 00 De OO Pe Ie OD OR YH He OOO OO OD IH OL OOD OAD HS ODD Be OD B= NO OD ID HOD ON OD DA HOO HD OH HCO CO OOD : These oi Gia at ana, inc aT es ei ee eee ian Aer aca er Wat oon gure bd iin oe RCL gE Sit ae en het eam ARE ED BG Leah BOS eR SLA sa ie Ce IDOI HHO MAMMAAANGGAHAMMMAGGG : ee ee ee ee ee ee Oe ee oe AAAHAMAAINHMORDO ARNO WDrOROHHANHO RRR RRReOORRRRRER ‘Oro 'RROOSONRERONOOWD i ee oe Boe ce Oh oe De eh fe eal eat seh A Noh oo TED cl eal a Sf ER PIDHOMDMOMWODHMOMHONDAH CDH aH BO > RD) ) AOSHAHLAHDRHROnGKHMOOKRE 19.1919 1. oH SH HOD HO 6019 SHE 00 CO O19 OO 19 ‘oro : a eet) etree et eet eed ed ved re | ee ve raed eee veedved! Sweet ed et ved 42 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE TABLE II—Continued. 1915. — Jan. Feb. Mar. | April. | May.+| June. July. Aug Sept Oct Nov Dee ee 1 ea Paes, & 7-9 6-9 8-4 9-4 10-7 12-5 16-8 17-5 15-2 14-0 10-0 5-3 2: od Reis meee eee 8-1 7-9 7-7 9-8 11-0 13-5 17-1 17-1 14-7 12-8 9-8 5-7 Se A oA ee 8-7 7-4 7-7 9-1 11-5 14-2 17-3 16-2 16-3 11-5 9-8 7-4 ree 5 7-3 6-8 7-5 9-3 11-6 14-6 18-0 15-8 18-1 11-7 9-8 7-0 EL ees reer 6-5 7:3 7:8 9-4 13-3 14-5 18-0 16-6 17-3 11-8 8-4 6-9 Gera eee ots Ke 6-3 7-2 7-7 10-3 13-0 14-5 15-1 18-9 16-4 12-0 8-9 5-7 (fo #AeRe eS Has 6-8 7-9 8-2 10-4 13-9 13-6 15-1 18-7 16-7 12-0 9-0 6-8 Biotest aa 7-4 8-6 7-8 9-0 13-3 14-1 16-1 18-3 15-5 12-0 8-7 6-2 Ae ac 7-8 8-4 7-9 9-8 12-8 14-6 15-1 18-0 15-2 12-1 7-9 5-4 AD Re Ft ene: 7-1 8-1 8-2 10-7 12-2 14-3 16-0 17:3 15-4 11-8 8-1 5-9 A Le is 2 aa ae 7-2 7:3 8-2 9-9 11:8 14-5 16-8 17-0 15-4 11-8 7-8 5-8 LY) ey eed a 8-2 7-3 8-2 10-3 11-6 15-1 15-2 17-9 15-4 11-9 8-0 6-3 Sa ee eee 7-6 7-8 8-5 10-3 12-0 13-1 14-7 18-8 15-5 11-5 7-2 7-2 ees ee ee: 7-8 6-6 8-7 9-8 12-1 14-4 16-5 19-0 15-6 10-2 8-0 7-7 GE RiGee PSH ene 7-3 6-7 8-5 10-9 12-6 14-5 16-1 19-0 14-9 10-8 7-9 7:5 MO iraicts s sthienes.c 7-2 7-7 82 11:3 13-1 15-7 16-6 18-0 15-2 10-7 7-5 6-4 Ae eer ere 7-1 8-5 8-2 11-7 13-4 16-0 17:3 18-0 15-1 9-8 7-4 7-2 1 Tee pais 7-2 7-7 8-1 11-9 13-7 16-0 17-3 18-6 15-5 11-2 7-9 5-7 MO nasal eis ceca 6-6 7-4 8-6 11-7 13-5 15-7 18-2 18-8 15-7 11-0 7-5 5-5 OIE AR Fee 6-7 6-8 8-1 10-6 13-2 15-7 19-0 19-0 15-3 10-9 6-1 5-2 7 WEN td ey ee a 5-7 7-3 9-1 10-6 12-2 15-3 19-7 19-3 15-7 11-5 6-9 7-7 Die ae tee De oe 6-3 7-0 9-7 11-1 12-6 16-4 19-0 19-5 15-6 10-1 7-9 6-7 Ae pa tO a ae 6-7 7-3 9-4 10-8 12-2 17-0 19-0 19-2 15-4 9-7 7-5 6-6 A elie RS 5-6 7-1 9-7 11-8 12-1 16-6 18-5 18-2 14-9 9-8 4-5 4-5 Ae ate Se he he 6-9 7-1 9-7 11-3 12-7 13-3 18-6 17-1 15-0 9-5 5-8 6-3 PL ee 6-2 7-1 9-3 11-1 12-4 15-9 18-2 17-5 14-8 10-0 7-3 5-7 P| (ee ee 6-9 7-7 10-0 11-0 12-4 16-5 18-2 17-4 14-4 9-8 5-8 5-0 Bee Sak he 6-7 8-6 10-1 10-8 9-9 16-4 17-2 17-5 14-2 10-2 5-4 6-3 a te ae ae GeO. | Rsrrsecn 10-3 10-6 12-4 16-5 ‘17-0 17-6 14-2 10-4 5-9 6-1 a perate See ekelauc'e Geto seesos 9-7 10-6 13-5 16-8 17-7 18-1 14-0 8-2 4-6 4-2 31 Lab cke Gar teers (et) al eee be | Eines ac 1328s |e esc: 17-9 16914 ssc eee 10-0) ierenceee 4-0 TABLE II—Continued. 1916. —— Jan Feb. Mar April. | May. | June. July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 3-0 4-0 6-1 6-7 11-1 12-0 15-4 15-5 14-5 11-2 7-4 6-1 5:5 0-2 4-1 7-0 11-5 12-8 15-3 14-0 13-8 11-8 7-2 6-3 6-9 4-8 3-5 8-1 11-7 13°8 15-0 16-6 14-6 10-9 7-7 6-6 4-8 3°7 5-7 8-2 12-0 12-0 15:8 16-9 15-8 10-5 efca 6-2 4-6 4-0 5-3 7-8 10-5 12-7 16-1 17-4 15-1 10-5 7-0 5-6 3-8 3-8 6-0 7-2 10-7 12-8 15-4 17-3 16:6 10-8 7-3 5-5 4-7 5-8 5-7 7-8 8-5 13-1 16-2 17-3 16-5 10-6 8-5 5-7 5-0 5-2 5-9 8-0 8-2 13-2 15-5 17-5 12-8 12-0 8-2 5-5 6-0 4-8 5-7 7-8 8-5 13-4 15-8 17-5 14-8 10-5 8-4 5-3 7-2 4-6 6-1 7-1 8-0 13-8 15-5 17-8 15-8 11-3 8-5 6-3 5-1 5-6 6-4 7-2 9-8 13-4 15-5 17-5 15-5 10-5 6-4 6-0 4-8 4-5 5-5 7-0 9-8 13-6 15-5 19-1 14:3 10-5 5-5 5-3 5-6 5-0 5-4 7-0 10-1 13-6 15-2 18-6 15-5 10-5 6-1 5-9 5-0 5-1 4-9 6-8 10-8 13-5 15-3 14:3 14-4 10°5 6-5 5-7 4-2 6-5 5-2 7-5 11-8 13-7 13-5 15-3 14-4 10-5 5-8 4-6 4-3 6-0 5-7 6-6 12-1 14-5 13-1 15-8 15:3 10-4 5-5 6-6 4-2 5-1 6-1 6-9 12-8 14-5 15-5 16-6 14-3 9-5 6-8 5-5 4-2 5-0 5-0 7-8 12-4 14-8 14-4 15-8 15-7 9-4 6-6 5-9 4-1 5-4 5-4 6-7 11-5 15-3 15-5 17-8 15-4 9-4 7-1 6-2 3-5 5-3 5-6 6-5 10-8 13-3 13-2 16-3 15-5 9-5 7-T 6-2 4-1 4-7 5-2 7-1 10-5 13-8 14-3 17°3 15-6 10-3 7-0 5:3 4-3 5-0 5-0 6-8 10-6 13-8 14-0 18-9 14-8 9-5 7-5 5-9 5-0 5-2 5-4 6-9 10-9 14-1 14-8 20-5 15-1 9-3 6-4 3°5 4-4 5-1 4-8 6-9 11-7 15-0 14-8 18-9 15-0 9-0 7-0 6-2 2-8 5-2 5-8 7-1 12-0 14-8 14-7 19-5 12-5 9-0 6-5 5-1 4-3 5-2 5-8 8-0 13-1 14:8 13-7 20-2 12-5 9-3 8-2 3-7 2-0 5-1 6-2 8-8 12-2 14-4 15-4 19-2 12-0 9-3 6-5 3-8 5-1 6-1 6-2 8-8 11-9 15-5 16-4 19-5 11-5 9-0 6-9 5-7 3-0 5-2 5-8 9-9 12-0 15-6 16-6 18-0 11-6 8-7 6-7 4-4 DO) he BEES 6-4 10-2 12-8 13-0 16-4 16-2 11-6 8-8 6-1 4-5 TP ies Pee Get lke 1 PE eos oroad 17-0 TAS oe iis ofa tarct or ave Lied | Hee eee 5-0 TEMPERATURE AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY VARIATIONS 43 TABLE II]—Continued. 1917. —_ Jan. Feb. Mar. | April. | May. | June. July. Aug Sept Oct.. | Nov. Dec. 5-3 3-4 5-8 5:6 8-3 12-8 15-4 15-7 15-7 11-2 8-7 8-1 5-3 3-4 5-5 5:5 8-8 12-6 16-6 16-0 15-9 11-1 8-7 7:7 5-6 5-0 5-0 6-8 9-2 12-7 17-6 16-1 16-6 11-5 9-0 7-1 6-0 4-5 5-1 6-3 9-5 12-2 15-0 16-7 16-5 11-5 8-4 6-7 5:7 6-0 6-2 6-5 9-7 13-0 15-6 16-7 14-2 11-3 8-4 5-9 5-6 5:8 5-5 5-8 9-5 13-5 13-7 16°5 14-0 12-2 8-4 7-1 5-5 6-0 5-3 6-0 8-8 12-8 14-9 15-5 14-0 12-5 8-0 6-1 5-4 5-2 5-5 6-6 9-9 14-0 16-3 15-7 14-0 13-1 7:8 6-5 6-5 4-2 5:5 6-7 10-5 11-0 16-6 16-5 13-8 12-0 8-2 8-1 6-1 4-9 5-0 6-6 11-3 12-7 16-4 17-0 14-5 12-2 8-0 7-1 6-3 5-7 5-5 6-5 10-4 12-4 17-5 17-9 14-6 12-2 8-3 7-0 5:3 5-4 5-4 6-2 9-5 12-4 17-5 17-8 14-5 12-4 « 8-4 6-7 4-5 5-7 5-1 6-2 10-0 - 12-6 18-1 17-9 10-1 11-6 9-4 6-6 4-3 5-6 4-5 6-5 9-7 14-8 17-6 17-9 10-9 11-6 9-5 6-7 3°8 5-7 5-5 6-6 10-7 15-0 17-5 18-3 11-8 11-5 8-8 7-0 4-3 5-5 5+5 6-8 9-7 15-1 17-2 18-4 10-7 11-2 7-0 7-8 4-5 5-5 5-5 7-1 10-3 15-0 16-6 18-8 12-3 11-5 7-7 6-7 4-2 4-8 5-6 7:6 10-5 14-5 17-2 20-0 13-1 10°8 9-1 6-6 4-0 4-6 5-4 7-0 10-5 15-2 16-9 18-7 13-1 11-1 8-5 7-2 5-6 5-1 5-5 7-0 11-1 15-7 17-8 16-1 13-1 10-4 9-1 6-4 6-0 3-6 5-7 6-2 11-5 14-0 17-0 12-2 12-8 10-4 9-3 6-3 5-0 2-8 6-0 7-0 11-6 11-7 14-7 15-5 12-3 10-0 9-6 5-7 5-6 5-5 5-7 7:2 11-2 12-1 14-5 16-4 13-2 10-1 9-1 5-5 5-7 5-1 6-0 8-0 11-1 12-2 16-0 16-6 13-1 9-5 9-5 5-0 5-2 5-1 5-8 7-9 11-2 13-2 16-9 16-4 13-0 9-5 8-7 5-7 6-0 5-0 5-5 8-5 11-8 14-6 17-5 16-4 13-0 9-8 7-0 5-6 5-8 5-1 5-5 8-5 11-9 15-7 17-9 16-6 10-0 9-0 8-6 5-3 6-0 4-9 5-9 8-7 13-0 15-7 17-4 17-6 10-1 8-6 8-3 4-9 AO Ol Parasia © 5-5 9-0 12-5 15-9 14-5 17-2 10-4 8-6 7:4 5-4 Ama tinee «asad 5-4 8-5 13-7 15-5 14-4 15-6 11-0 9-4 7:7 6-2 TIC ee Fee sene G20r, lietecrenk 14-0) ae octane 14-1 Lie, peadc ens: tir (i PO eee 6-1 TABLE II—Continued. 1918. 6-8 3-9 5-6 6-0 9-8 12-5 15-0 16-6 16-9 13-8 9-6 8-3 7-0 4-5 6-1 6-2 10-7 12-2 15-2 18-4 17-0 13-9 9-5 8-6 6-9 5-5 6-8 6-1 10-8 13-5 14-8 17-6 17-0 13-6 9-5 7-5 Teal 5:7 6-0 6-9 10-5 12-8 15-0 14-9 17-9 13-7 hed 6-9 7-5 5-5 5-6 7-9 10-0 14-1 15-0 15-0 17-9 13-3 9-7 5-7 6-5 6-0 0-9 7:8 9-3 15-0 15-8 17-0 18-4 10-2 9:0 - 6-9 6-6 6-2 5-6 8-6 10-4 14-7 13-0 18-4 18-0 10-2 8-8 7-1 6-7 5-2 5-0 8-7 10-7 13-8 14-8 17-4 1729 10-2 9-2 7-0 5-6 5:7 4-6 7:8 11-2 12-4 15-9 18-1 17-4 12-3 9-3 6-6 5:4 5-6 4-8 7-0 11-5 12-4 16-2 17-0 16-6 12-3 9-0 7:8 5:8 6-1 5-6 7-5 12-0 11-2 14:8 15-7 15-8 12-1 8-3 6-0 5-6 6-6 5-1 7-4 |, 12-2 14-4 14-4 16:3 16-7 10-5 8-9 7-0 6-2 5-7 5:3 6-5 12-2 15-6 15-7 16-1 17-2 10-0 8-4 7:5 6-3 5-1 5-6 7:7 12-0 13-1 16-8 16-6 16-6 11-0 8-0 7-3 5-5 4-2 5-1 6-5 12-6 13-2 17-8 17-0 17-2 11-2 8-0 5-5 5-5 4-2 5-9 6-4 12-2 15-3 18-1 16-7 17-2 11-8 7-2 5-1 5-8 4-7 5-7 7:5 12-3 15-2 18-5 15-8 17-2 11-4 8-1 5-0 6-2 5-0 5-6 7:3 11-0 13-4 18-7 15-1 17-2 11-9 8-6 6-5 5-0 4-6 5-1 8-2 11-5 14-0 18-1 15-4 17-0 11-4 9-0 7-0 4-1 3-9 6-4 8-6 10-8 15-2 16-2 15-7 17-0 11-0 9-0 8-2 5-0 5-0 5-7 8-8 11-6 15-7 15-9 15-0 16-2 11-0 8-3 8-2 4-7 4-5 6-1 8-9 12-5 15-7 16-4 15-5 16-1 11-2 6-9 7-1 5-5 4-9 5-1 9-6 11-2 16-2 17-5 14-5 16-1 10-6 7-6 7:3 5-7 4-7 5-9 8-5 12-1 16-9 17-8 15-2 15.8 10-3 7:7 7-4 5-6 4-9 6-5 8-4 11-4 14-5 15-0 15-2 15-5 10-6 6-7 7-2 5-0 4-9 5-4 9-3 11-7 15-0 14-6 18-6 14-8 10-3 8-2 5-9 5-3 5-5 6-0 9-6 12-6 15-7 16-1 18-8 14-6 10-1 7-6 7:7 5-2 4-8 5-8 9-1 14-0 15-4 16-3 17-7 13-8 10-5 7:8 7-9 CLA ors Sek 7:3 9-8 13-1 15-4 16-3 17-6 14-4 10-0 8-2 8-6 Seif Moses aoce 6-5 10-8 13-2 14-5 16-6 16-5 14-9 10-0 7-6 7-5 BSE lion Abo Gr Si. aa ae: BoA Weta iss oho 17-2 GIG) || onannae eal esocia st 6-2 44 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE TABLE IIl—Continued. 1919, — Jan. Feb. Mar April. | May June. July. Aug Sept Oct Nov 18 AONE ONG ame 7:3 2-5 6-2 8-4 10-7 i AR 6-9 4-2 5-0 7-6 11-2 Daren nse ne AY 5-5 4-9 6-3 9-1 10-8 BAe do. ah.’ 5:3 6-4 6-4 8-5 10-7 Le ar eee De ae 7-4 6-2 7-2 8-2 10°6 (Ue ope same eo ae 6-5 6-8 6-7 7:8 11-1 (CES Sean: Re 6-2 5-5 6-1 8-6 12-0 ES Sep bea 5°5 6-0 6-2 8-0 12-8 DF Fe gas MBE. 6-3 8-2 6-5 7:5 11-4 LTE Sean we 6-5 6-5 6-2 8-2 11-3 SIT 5 Ree eer ae 5-9 6-1 6-7 7:8 11-7 LD ee Aico ee: 26-8 5-5 6-2 7:3 11-3 ES eta tet ok Wo. 7:9 5-8 6-5 7:8 11-0 LLM ok Sa ere ae 7:8 6-3 7-0 7-7 11-2 See ce fea 7:5 6-2 6-1 7-2 11-2 LUE A sons Un Aa 7-0 6-9 7-1 8-3 11-2 Mae tae se be atone 7-2 7:0 6-9 9-2 10-7 NSS Ae Lace: 7-5 6-3 7-5 9-8 10-3 NO Sik eR. 7:8 6-0 6-5 9-6 10-4 OE ae ceive Aekteys 5-3 6-8 7-2 7:8 11-0 2A Boe Pee oe 6-9 6-2 6-8 8-7 13-0 DPA S ta ere eee Le Bae 7-1 6-4 6-1 9-3 14-0 3) eee ee yea 7-3 6-1 6-7 8-5 13-0 DAES Ato: See: 5-9 5-2 6-9 10-6 12-6 74a, Oe Oe ie 7-0 5-0 6-5 10-1 12-1 OME ti cE. so ans 7-2 7-0 6:6 9-8 10-0 2 (ae A a Oe 6-5 6-5 7:2 10:6 10-0 PL Ae ee red nee a 7-0 5:9 8-0 11-2 10-3 ZALES aS et ae is! US Beek 7-9 10-7 12-1 Ve ee ee ae Asi "Wnts APA 9-2 10-3 12-8 SE Se eae Coie (0 je bel (se ors of Ml Ramen oc 12-1 TABLE III. 1914. — Jan. Feb Mar April May June July. Aug. Sept Oct. Nov LL Ot: Siepaeiens Sis en Bact ee cel AD Col RRR tr | ee Oe te! ee oO 10,184} 10,140) 10,190} 10,186) 10,197) 10,165 2A. EE RESO et Par Be ae el RAS See | POMee > eS) Ig oh 10,182} 10,155} 10,197) 10,196} 10,196) 10,125 Sic Oi RRO acy es 12 cee teal Pe geet IB Re JB ae lk LOPS ee 2 10,198} 10,192} 10,208) 10,114 ce es Pap ey oe, | NP Bt A eR TU a a ae eB 1OST9O | PES ern. 10,204} 10,203) 10,206} 10,204 se EN Ne cies a | Reka el oe aie | Fs RA (Ltt 2s (Oe eB Ms LN 10,177} 10,182} 10,207) 10,202} 10,204 Ub ra a> Perna e ae Hh Ao Emm age et Al Dy io a al Be | ee OL 10,217} 10,189} 10,211) 10,207} 10,217) 10,090 Vt RUS CRY RL Ne BA C8) A A Sa e LOSZ09N pee i: 10,209} 10,207) 10,204) 10,159 ae ete ea SPSL hes Sa eae at. SORIA | Si, em aay A (Ch Uc, fe om TOS ZO 7 eee 10,209} 10,216) 10,206) 10,151 OE Bikes actA ae DRONE ASI Ber. teal alliote ccthe Maal che eteonetsl tobe seat ee LO; ZIG ici ee 10,180} 10,219} 10,208) 10,192 Oe tas ANS. STAs eee as | Bee ella, ke oe | ate EN, | a ee 10,215} 10,185) 10,176) 10,219} 10,206) 10,124 SAS ete del es Re Al eae en.| he eine Ae NN po tee 10,216] 10,158} 10,180)........ 10,212} 10,038 LZR A Ly. Aeoe Roe Fl dee Al Pee nee | key vd dete aad Gade tA Sok ere 10,169} 10,157) 10,187} 10,208). 10,217} 10,151 MR ae Pls oe eek ages eae dese dette | Tapia ee a] eee tte ee ae 10,166} 10,161) 10,190} 10,185) 10,185} 10,179 LES SB UREA BAN SO EE POM acral aches aah er.t Dea, Retes| [tee Ai a 10,205} 10,165} 10,192) 10,184) 10,103} 10,181 este aco tee ee A Ss eed Re, RENO Ye ee ae ee 103075) P10; 208). sce. ee 10,188} 10,096} 10,166 LY) et eee pea Ceo BL eae | ee Oe Be) Be oe ek 10,168} 10,187} 10,196} 10,193} 10,146} 10,177 feed a Siar tae 2 TS. ee Sl be teens A ayy cones | pee oe 10,174} 10,179] 10,202} 10,190} 10,192] 10,179 Lf, A eee tiene” as ee tn Ma Gia a a 22 yD on Er 2 10,188} 10,173} 10,193) 10,197] 10,141} 10,171 eyes sc ere ees all obs ts Sra aceeat| psn ses aa eee ed) oh ean 10183) LOPTS0) see a 10,205} 10,120} 10,177 241 Se a ar sore Ae Ws yes bg Se eerie peer tee a Bo PS A 10,188} 10,195} 10,182} 10,209} 10,185) 10,124 DAM Neen oe ee a es Seal eee fae eter chore tet alles cen as 10,192} 10,197} 10,188} 10,208} 10,086} 10,065 7p, 5G ey oC IE IPES PE SOME | IB est racine [Pee all ei Pee] BSAA the 10,213} 10,199) 10,215} 10,207; 10,143] 10,132 78 SEEN IE] PP PRAIEN Poeicy cen Pe, OF OER Se Oy are ane 10,212} 10,204) 10,201} 10,183) 10,163] 10,176 PAs te ee TaD ee Sea Seta a Aldo olan aad. Cee rhe eee 10,205) 10,216) 10,195) 10,186) 10,164) 10,156 717) St SEO CO AIAB EL Le SAE UER | BARAT Mel NBEO Bes 8 Bac Aat ee 10,174} 10,214) 10,188} 10,193) 10,135) 10,136 DORIS A PA eles all gabe ciel a| he eo cho eel Ro ce eka 10,208} 10,210} 10,195} 10,198} 10,129) 10,138 OA fb obese Bcc Fae Se ce bE Cee ted apo nn Ree aabhn| Baaac ae 10,207} 10,217} 10,200} 10,198) 10,153} 10,109 DOM Ak de FC cal Adc) Be eee ell dic d een tio Beep mall) omnes 10,200} 10,199} 10,203} 10,207) 10,181] 10,205 ZOR SS hee MONS Sol Sees KO] elite tater oats ae tegen et erate 10,137} 10,189} 10,206) 10,209) 10,184] 10,156 OU sere ec ROMS FE aE RT SAG re oe Ak oe ee eee 10,144} 10,185} 10,208] 10,218} 10,186) 10,173 +5 TRS NRO a Aes SP RCTreet el [Rare bo es) PRUnna ae ame| TE) SB Cpe lA 7 res EU MR AE 10; 184) 105 ZOL| a0. ler LO 184 sey oe TEMPERATURE AND SPECIFIC GRAVITY VARIATIONS - 54 \ » TABLE III—Continued. 1915. — Jan. Feb. Mar. | April. | May. | June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee. tira tis beset 10,199) 10,206} 10,212} 10,187) 10,214} 10,196} 10,193) 10,219} 10,197) 10,217} 10,196} 10,130 PEAS Eas see Sees 10,209} 10,207) 10,212} 10,174) 10,214) 10,196} 10,201) 10,224) 10,206} 10,219} 10,202} 10,148 SS i ae ee 10,209} 10,185) 10,177} 10,102) 10,212) 10,197} 10,206) 10,227) 10,185} 10,217} 10,192} 10,160 BEAN Ape are sis 10,198} 10,206) 10,212) 10,113} 10,215) 10,195) 10,206} 10,233) 10,156) 10,214) 10,191] 10,158 BE eae sates than 10,186) 10,206) 10,197} 10,109} 10,216) 10,196] 10,213} 10,227) 10,177) 10,216) 10,211] 10,130 (ae ee ee ‘| 10,175} 10,191) 10,204; 10,114) 10,216) 10,201] 10,228) 10,177) 10,182) 10,214) 10,212} 10,130 Ti Sha te Ee ee Be 10,188} 10,176, 10,207} 10,159} 10,217) 10,209} 10,223) 10,156) 10,193) 10,214] 10,212) 10,143 Baer n. seas 10,180} 10,162] 10,212} 10,189) 10,216) 10,216} 10,224) 10,173) 10,209) 10,214] 10,209} 10,108 eee, OE aa: 10,209) 10,207} 10,212} 10,198) 10,216) 10,216] 10,229) 10,185) 10,189) 10,214) 10,212) 10,180 102 ete Ses eae 10,205} 10,182) .10,212) 10,205) 10,215) 10,213} 10,213) 10,184) 10,174) 10,218} 10,211} 10,122 RE hh 10,188} 10,123) 10,212) 10,213) 10,200) 10,216} 10,195) 10,184) 10,164) 10,218) 10,211) 10,106 1p Ge! Rm ost a a 10,202} 10,186) 10,212} 10,178] 10,215) 10,216; 10,203} 10,186) 10,175) 10,216] 10,214) 10,140 a ee eR ee Ss 10,150} 10,207) 10,212} 10,188) 10,215) 10,216} 10,219} 10,157) 10,183] 10,215} 10,207} 10,129 1 AS ee ee 10,185} 10,166} 10,209} 10,213} 10,199) 10,218) 10,188} 10,163) 10,188} 10,216} 10,204} 10,213 Eick a 10,206} 10,201} 10,204) 10,214) 10,197) 10,219) 10,203} 10,161) 10,202) 10,217) 10,214) 10,213 LH Coe nee 10,203} 10,206; 10,185) 10,205) 10,175) 10,196} 10,191) 10,182) 10,201} 10,217} 10,208) 10,179 1 Re Se 10,138} 10,207) 10,179} 10,215) 10,162). 10,182} 10,166} 10,200) 10,196] 10,216} 10,209) 10,211 Ie ee 10,196} 10,207) 10,212) 10,215} 10,163) 10,193} 10,155) 10,183) 10,170} 10,217} 10,188) 10,201 UR ORS seas eae 10,206} 10,206} 10,212) 10,215) 10,183] 10,193} 10,150) 10,165) 10,180) 10,217} 10,207) 10,185 PUTS | oa 10,206} 10,206} 10,198} 10,214) 10,193) 10,194} 10,152) 10,164) 10,190} 10,217) 10,159] 10,149 ese. Naetee ald ".| 10,205} 10,206) 10,192) 10,214) 10,215) 10,205} 10,151) 10,176) 10,197} 10,217) 10,186) 10,161 7D AS Fa p SSL E =. Ba 10,205) 10,206) 10,193) 10,214) 10,212} 10,205) 10,168} 10,183) 10,199) 10,216) 10,208} 10,136 el ee - 10,206} 10,198} 10,212) 10,214) 10,203] 10,193] 10,189} 10,189} 10,201) 10,218; 10,209} 10,206 Pt IB 3 RA AY Oe a 10,205} 10,182) 10,213) 10,215) 10,215} 10,204) 10,200} 10,159) 10,204) 10,170} 10,159} 10,141 ZS Uh ae See 10,206] 10,206} 10,213} 10,214) 10,216) 10,216) 10,202} 10,205) 10,210) 10,216) 10,207) 10,209 Os ct OU os. 10,205} 10,206} 10,212) 10,214) 10,201] 10,146) 10,205) 10,186) 10,214] 10,210) 10,208] 10,209 hi Sse RRs eb 10,206} 10,109} 10,210) 10,214) 10,215} 10,156; 10,208} 10,179) 10,215) 10,216} 10,210) 10,141 streets site a tas 10,206} 10,204) 10,216) 10,214) 10,217) 10,165} 10,222) 10,182) 10,217} 10,183) 10,124) 10,209 Oe eos BH Mtay dea, LORZOG ES Diss. 10,188} 10,214) 10,181} 10,176) 10,224) 10,177) 10,217) 10,137] 10,140} 10,209 AUS Sia ee, ae TOLQOGIL HORS. 10,182} 10,214; 10,176} 10,180) 10,215) 10,159) 10,213) 10,167) 10,151] 10,147 8 Oa Ree oe LOSZOB). mse. LOPTSS at ek 22 10,178} hy a UDO A e010 eee TOE21 Glew, eee 10,206 TABLE IlI—Concluded. 1916. —. Jan. Feb. Mar. | April. | May. June. July. Aug. Sept. Oct. Nov. Dee. Deer cc Wibes cate a 10,191) 10,209) 10,209} 10,211) 10,193) 10,199} 10,133} 10,183) 10,210] 10,212) 10,210) 10,207 ah ea 10,189) 10,154) 10,193) 10,209) 10,188) 10,211) 10,080} 10,191} 10,211) 10,214) 10,210} 10,208 She Sean Coane 10,210} 10,209) 10,156) 10,167) 10,209) 10,220) 10,114} 10,122) 10,178} 10,213) 10,209] 10,209 Ce ae eee 10,210} 10,191) 10,211) 10,213} 10,193) 10,214) 10,123} 10,113} 10,145} 10,212) 10,208) 10,208 Le Cera a eae 10,210} 10,209} 10,211) 10,208) 10,136] 10,187) 10,124) 10,116) 10,153] 10,212} 10,209) 10,208 (eee cecame 10,210} 10,207) 10,211) 10,192} 10,179} 10,181) 10,141] 10,136} 10,150} 10,212) 10,208) 10,209 hey Spee ae tere 10,209} 10,209) 10,209) 10,210) 10,211) 10,199) 10,142} 10,155) 10,155} 10,213) 10,211) 10,208 tt My eee 10,198) 105211] 10,211) 10,181) 10,194) 10,211) 10,146} 10,165} 10,196) 10,214} 10,210) 10,208 Ct eee 10,210} 10,203) 10,170) 10,183} 10,211] 10,207) 10,156) 10,176} 10,173} 10,212} 10,211) 10,209 SO rae SPE saps cys aye 10,214) 10,209) 10,124) 10,194} 10,211} 10,203) 10,170) 10,176} 10,178} 10,213} 10,211] 10,210 71 is Re ee es 10°,176| 10,209} 10,168} 10,212} 10,173) 10,215) 10,182} 10,136} 10,180] 10,213) 10,209] 10,208 1D aaa ae 10,211} 10,124) 10,177; 10,173} 10,198) 10,215} 10,188} 10,139} 10,188] 10,212} 10,210) 10,208 LS eed ae ae ee 10,213) 10,158); 10,211} 10,177) 10,202} 10,214) 10,153] 10,157} 10,193} 10,212} 10,210} 10,209 1 Oi ae ae 10,213) 10,123) .10,187| 10,212) 10,187) 10,216) 10,139} 10,191] 10,189} 10,212} 10,209} 10,210 irae eee 10,213} 10,167; 10,125) 10,202} 10,194) 10,214) 10,163] 10,193] 10,191} 10,212} 10,208] 10,209 BG) £4 eibolsgriois I a) I] “ANT Lo ee a iat eg Toate bcdy ieee fe — gi a al sd Re Sd , hog YA pats “ ca olan aeeaeetaa ran Lal ees fon pentane aie . ? * : OP SESE ea PLANKTON DIATOMS IN ST. ANDREWS WATERS 49 IV. Plankton Diatoms, their Distribution and Bathymetric Range in St. Andrews Waters. : BY Ciara W. Fritz, B.A., M.Sc. Principal East Angus Academy. (With three plates.) INTRODUCTION. Tf a bottle of water be drawn from the sea and examined with the naked eye nothing presents itself but the clear, sparkling liquid; but if this same sample be centrifuged for half an hour and the residue examined under the microscope, it will be found that many organisms of unparalleled beauty have been extracted. Chief among these are the diatoms, unicellular plants, exquisite in beauty of symmetry and design. The object of the investigations recorded in the following pages is to add some facts to the present knowledge of these interesting forms. Collections of material were made throughout the year from October, 1916 to October, 1917, at various points in Passamaquoddy bay and the adjoining waters of the the bay of Fundy. Careful examination of these has revealed the presence of eighty- two species, representative of twenty-six genera. Material collected during the different months was found to vary greatly. Attention was, therefore, given to the seasonal distribution and relative nbundance of the many forms. Ordinary tows were taken at the surface and at a depth of from five to six metres, but, during the summer of 1917, a series of samples was drawn from certain. stations at various definitely recorded depths, and the contents examined in order to ascertain the bathymetric range of species. Eighty-two species were found, and figures are furnished of those which are rare, or, owing to their similarity, difficult to classify. The system of classification used is that introduced by W. L. Smith and followed by Wan Heurck (1) and by the Chal- lenger Report (3). I desire to take this opportunity of expressing my thanks to Dr. A. Willey, under whose guidance the problem was commenced; to Dr. A. G. Huntsman, Director of the Biological Station, and to his assistants, for their careful attention to the collection of material; and to Prof. C. M. Derick for assistance and suggestions, which she has kindly given. ' Locality and Collection of Material. Passamaquoddy bay is situated at the south west corner of New Brunswick, where it serves as a boundary between that province and the state of Maine. Into it empty the waters of the St. Croix river; and its waters are in turn mingled with those of the bay of Fundy by the ever-changing tides which sometimes reach a height of twenty-four feet. A group of islands, of which the largest are Deer and Campo Bello, form ja partial barrier, through which the tides flow swiftly and with force. 795504 } | \ 50 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE ; Collections were made with more or less regularity throughout the year at each of the seven stations marked on the appended map: Prince Stations 1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 10. Particular attention was given to tows taken at Station 6, which it will be noted is at the mouth of the St. Croix river and directly opposite to the Atlantic Biological Station. Here material was obtained with great regularity: at first twice a week and later, when it was ascertained that changes in the content were not rapid, weekly. All collections made were taken in a net of No. 20 silk bolting cloth. The same net was used on all occasions, and was towed for twenty minutes behind a boat, the speed of which was kept as uniform as possible for all the tows. Culture material was imme- diately emptied into a large jar of water; material for examination was preserved in two to three per cent formalin. Seasonal Distribution and Relative Abundance. Station 6—Tows, as recorded above, were taken twice a week at the surface and at a depth of from 5 to 6 metres during the months of October and November. Later weekly collections were deemed sufficient, and during the winter, material was gathered even less frequently. Owing to a misunderstanding only surface tows were made for a few weeks after the first of May. Enough has been obtained, however, to .give an accurate idea of the monthly possibilities. Tables I to IV give a record of representative five-metre tows throughout the year at Station 6; and from these the gradual increase and disappearance or general constancy of the different forms can be traced. Since, with the counting apparatus employed. it was possible to use only a TABLE I. Station 6. October—December. 5m. Tows. October. November. December. 6 12 16 24 27 7 15 4 13 19 27 DADC AD: txe eee FE ES AAD CA QAQOO WI: Rare eB: 666)2534 4). SOD thi seats PP aSCtOlG o>. 8s esi ce 3,000} 2,000 50 50 50) 2,000], 1,333 800 300 600 Pl. angulatum........... 3,000} 2,000 i Sea 1,333} 2,000 666 500} 2,000) 1,400 200 IRL SEPtGOSUIMN.,« j0'3,ci> + sees SOO | a eitereif ener plallle © feycie coal Map pete gece bccatns apenas 1,333 200 400).e/76 288 400 PP AMMELOLEREUIIES Re eee eee eA ee eth all stators cle all eysimeettos ell betes eee settars ass 666 200 200 sacs a ET AOnMORUMD |. 722i rAd a) ct Bo fonts Lee ote Ee eiaie es allietekels ca CCHS talon dE reat eR eee 200 HOO SES 200 PR RLERRUIGLUL oar ete as cis ol cis Pista ed ois iy ie Seis Ios aveie a pis alte ae DE Ssa lb nc tock amersrertaslitae eee 200 | eg. orb Bye SS eee es oS ee A OOO WME DOGO 28s Ani oS EES: eee Bede ces 100 300| eka PARTNER see Per Biy acs sec Vee Nei: th tS eeaT sk Renee seca | eva Pe here To ead eae chau lteter 50 600) 4,500)...2....% Pe ATATIITE TILT SA, 8s atte a ache rac eel oe are he IRs rete | a ei thers tea] cktt otc ene til = tee cies aicer eve etebeeratel mera = haat 100A Sacmese DSC TIER ELI Tok a och iE a ole Soph bewostal etna a tcc tate as Spee pall ssopcretec ss etea| aves asirg seul an taj aeeae les | ane helene 100 200 200 200 ISLS, SL ie eh a 12,000} 72,000} 2,000) 18,000 | esis ee eyed see ars vs Eilts Caves ova eat | Mae verge os eee |S eee INCLOSLEF BIND 1522's) (0 crsreiese,| (sistemas DOOD Rerantoneltee Be oe a etn ns Wl ivere wenstoiel| CR eae tase Ett) sleet etl ticle 8 ON MPEL OETA ee sla so Sit co Sane geal are tla ex bhede het crag seases | me tesa ll oeetohan stapctcd| tetany ducal tiie scarce te sonata aba ial | Preece Veta 200 SNERGSIT ITE ARE igs RANG ORNATE. A Bllctn acerca lla atetchaneile [paps aer ne ake, mi rRPLH be cohapereptce| | ate net iarcth ce aie. ct came ea RMR mage 200 Thal. nitzschioides........ GOO iy 82000| ashen kal ey tor cil, stead oi haeeeemts esa we ere ice 1 500|; aus Thal. longissima.......... 522,000} 92,000} 8,000} 2,000 50} 2,000) 2,000 100 800} 1,000 We ahrvbeolets caches ein 141,000] 188,000} 156,000| 72,000] 10,666; 2,000 GGG) hy - ee LOO} suites’: Te OOHESA lun nist saaernins 15,000} 20,000} 2,000 BO) eseusers teal seh sts ieate G66). ote ale eeles olemeepnaae Pe REM CtOtE cede) see ed IZING A ZEO00 a 2000 | te 2 O00 te. br ceria iene ele ats 100 1OOP SENS We MGETOCNSIS reese Salas atl as: 2,000 BOO | ssiotece sell ok tse AAQOO lias coasbis facil aire die lel eee ee eal eee Gorebir an oe ee ase osha eae oe DADO teen eh reer ee Oo ee ate ehe Se betel erorsiteceds tell gets ote erate eftue tater ode ail te enerciatete YOU LT aes ae TS A 99,000} 82,000} 38,000} 48,000} 9,333} 12,000) 3,333 50 200 be tency (64 ef Fe IE AE SHUN acta oer 2,000} 6,000) 1,333) 4,000 5 100 100 200 CRidebileh adsl de ad spetg 14,000 BO eeetestos 2,666 EU ere ree bate ss 8 1,000; 1,800 CRIGOCHHE. .2 2 ceases ene as 108; 000]! 1265000)" \105 COO) E He «8 2te' overt nce: craved excl secs ha a tee ee oe ices eravaisse [te > eicls 06 a) s old.ols: a ci|le,s Meena ier ale tal WOO Eh 2.22 200). 100 OR OQUOTAG!. <(oci0'=\0/<,2 30 « GAH BGOs cos ge Bosh) | Se epee] MReeeeeeal (ier Ser DAL Ae APOC | herd eee es ede NA eso IDR OTR Mae ee atcha cl. 2.2 ors roe eeettare ot nieleint otis [eres avttss [Biwecte ines DOO tea. tt at. 5| OE eis 1,500} 3,500) 3,500 EHNA TILODRON ORT hac, nea oa Sider PA alte oe [sain vite a fe cerns See ALO | WP: Foe | eevee Pat kere cre dca.s,ae Rhabdonema.............. PEt o4: 2 Mone SOO eee 100 100 LOQh Sato 300 300 “SVT RRA gO SS i EOC aCid Ul © 3Cc4| SO aSE! | aaa 100 HOO | tee LOD Priel Se He ee ee a8 Campylodiscus.............:. ser ots aids Sen) dkiie cae SeBeaEee 100 LOO soe eierinzeey noe LOO RS Bose 100 PMESIO IITA aE 8 sx sjhidso, «sha, emai om ae Rete THU) | a Se] | 9s SO i C11") ASAP diel de| (es eeed 5 Rec eee Sea ll Ma ety RAE UEECNIOULES...-< oa.s0scicieisie ule ocylsereee be 400 400 2,200 2,100 2,100 4,200 600 400 600 PMMEDCLOL GIS eo Sassje1s »siila\S,ovncle sheleis apes 24 eee 100 600 100 100 300 200 300 100 PEMMCH ICAO ate ce Nat bye See ciaErs vee oso wales alfPosaee ss (1010) | exepsene 700 400} 3,300) 4,400 (Gi (L111 bir 77{ eh re eee: See ae PPROO We sashes 800} 1,200} 1,100 S00} Ease eelaeeake CPTI GERLOGILIND ois aia'o fate So's 0 50,0 aia/sve! s eyeamrate ale BOOKS io rct lee eee ee ROOK eee wee. 300325548 500) 4,200 GAR CEDICNS hace ia a isrolas deeeys cae cee ee te ee DOO se ons 500 (i 0) Mn lee cares UeeeN [Sst fee eal ISU RSE CLELUNENIG Aas tetaes O-Orsi viene aye dees 700 500 2,500 SBOOe o's os 3,000 500 1,700 900 M. Borreri......... ea AF ore men ct 28. || le deed | Ae 6 ot oe | a 400 200 200 100 M. hyperborea.. Witteticniie ey: dak, (heap ces nsee 2,200} 2,400 300} 2,200 SOO}. 2.cetee 300 M. crenulata... A400 | cock ee T halassiosira 500 500} 17,000) 309,500 PRETUTA UE BI REATE Ne, ciet Sea cake Svat eoaie eave Maisons tate « 9,900} 20,300) 19,300} 18,900 CAICEIIOMIMCRUES A” Ais al v.2 soft cies shajeteys/= +p rie < oe OQ Se. Sa LOGIE Se ee 100 200 100 WIS CRINSE ORIG. 5. Neae cities aajokic «ovens ae)* 3,800 700 3,100 400 1,100 1,900 2,200 1,000 1,800 TABLE IIlI. Station 6.—April-July. 5m. Tows. April May. June July ts 14 20 Polis “2h 25 3 11 17 23 IMAUICUI DAS eG cccie ohio: at seats eae BOO fede AEA Ae ee PR Fee Boole. 1s OOO'S Sake eae ae 250 TESTE GT ee ee ee ee 2,500} 2,000) 1,666 50} 3,333 333 500) 1,000 750 250 TETENCTULTUTT eat Se ieee eae DUO Nace TEGOO| cose ee 2,666 333 500 2,000 50 250 IPI airigosumiees..2)../38 Lie eae DOO 2000) FE CBG. rss sells es eee B03) ee Sees If, O00) Sai Ss EET ORTRGBIUMES <> solos = os seteais <5 5s 2's 250 110) ees era! PR ce (ey See CRs) Ine Wir eee BOOlaste cle eee WASLEFIONELL Hoe Jae Ufo lle t st es elbloe siete IG AMSA SO} 83000) 274666) 12, 500.c se. Se. See ee SQN. OEE Py TOS Sea ey aia |e Sakae HOGG Sete shoe oS ee ee 2 Ba ROG oll Gee therracral (Aiet reret Praguvarw.:..2......- Cee SSE! IR Eye Be et Fer. te Renee RR ee We GiG66/=” 2.66 eee ssoolen sceee slots vee , LETT OTR A ae 8 Re eee CECE 13,750 ELD) te EPMA ON [er oa race (CPEs cert (eee CCS Tan |, Comme a nee aPC SERUTOTIOLO DON ere sae tote onl eisaiomek. gscewer ence ae DE GBG mere cis care Niavertis to etealPacioe« akorci fis, tere ote erst (ane neat ERADAONCTUD See. elas ss deat eiles « BBO. Sees ys, cates eiete. eee fF BOWER aber ae Ce Pe Sey Bae SOG RATS SEY Be 8 Bee Be ee oe ech |e seta ay |S eae ae inetonies Gee men ae NOs cies Sa le race ole oleh ate A lame bese Gumpilotiscus sy 25 «castes ss BOO paca Weer. chee ee Seed Sy Aes elses chen [owe om ele oleh stot oie sara Livin, RET EAEG AD BSC rns e CS Se eke oe (Oe Oe eta Ia eee: cl | Pier akaey Ik erent (ae eae [EN ifn 2,500). ;, 2:3 000} ° 50 IVERELOSLEN TUT ce 1.5 aoe Poni = esate (os sire eae sorceiiecl fa ease See [eee ae aaa lame Se a alata tees [ete ete aa =| edee ss ets 750 50 Phat. nitzschioides 26. 2... 6 os a +0) 2950) 52-000). 753000) 2.21.28. 2,000} 1,333} 3,500! 29,000} 5,250 Ee MEREDELOEIT ates. Nae cncrh siden soi 500 11) Re eae ee 50} 1,333 666 E1110) [ies Se a es 50 (ORLY Ctl aan fn a a 30,000} 36,500! 255,000) 40,000} 418,000} 106,333/3,420,000|3,600,000/4,267,900| 622,000 Gh sociale:...o.-. if 5 Sap Serer sere 7 (41) Fay a ae 95,000) 207,500} 8,666 5O | ia 2 oe aah es Dee CW NINAheML Oe, oS Kee se Jae se 6,500} 9,500} 13,333] 46,250} 16,000]........ 40,000} 11,000} 96,000 Gh laemontiumsy. ..s0838 52. S0ooiws 5 12,250} 15,000) 8,333] 23,750} 10,000) 15,333} 73,000) 102,000} 75,750) 5,000 MMII ESENACTE te CRM ech a ears Nags crete cec Al eee ae lags wee a Sei faahe abs ave UL Ae, cic ieee |lecpte.ove seat eielnapeiaks ©: \eceuebeae 4,500 CPUC BUTIEOTES Eee eas cece A ees choke | ee Reh ok AN ABMS Rs 3,333} 12,000} 5,500) 3,000 50 50 i PR COMLONEIERL Ee re een ee oe ee ac, ot weeds Sgt SE BT! Mee es helen aoe cB recone meee, tes oxel eeueeete qe 1,500 Ch. convolutum 000 Skeletonema... 50 M. Borreri......... M. hyperborea..... Mie siicatiin. yet: atte cone ane hs GHA CHER 509 68 mciedaloia> occa tho baer Pease al Menai Bee) ORAS cle Tie PtOCH UNOTUS fey; Site ET NS alate e)| (aieckers ake Sllereteeate ou fetel ayatere senile eid ce etuiell ese sere va A 500 sess Ane. 12 000 1,500 HT OTEC Tina nee Cd 13. gle ns ode o GIG. aS ELE | LOIRE Ec [center ete apn eel eee tate | eae tte Sede) ae NGO Wah sete dw cuits aced UE {TiE LTT: Reap OR ERE AG SO AS 59, /(90\5. 46-000} 305,000) (83,0501. 2. ail nies e DUO eesep sara ise tee .~ Alchmopigcnusis) ceo sacar lee eee: OO [Aaa is) APLAR Lars Nery: chat | Race Meee Mite, eooeoteT elenbctal cake @Gscwmodiscus. sh apocz assent woo 1,500) 2,000) 3,333}) ¢al,250).0....... 1 O00| eee 2 oll AO ee 250 79550—44 52 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE TABLE IV. Station 6.—August-Oct. 5m. Tows. August. September. Oct. 2 8 14 20 28 6 13 20°F Puta Navicula. 1.0... phe ba ec Steet f.000|).00 eel eee (iT) Lp ees Berioee ne Eble RISA Ss, BE es aS eas Z OOO A 3352 Tal Ree teeta es 28 |) Neate 2 133 400 666 PS ANGTUUUT Ree Sh ele a as, eee ele 1,000 250) ele sce ees lee Rei 28 ea Liars GG fhe yee 333 UU SOT EOBUIIL Ce eta shh ra e's Sea OEE Os Mhar@te oom eather ) eee ON | Sama me Nene apf 66 200 1,000 1 ELIS 12 VAL TAY ge Cea ee Rea | ee ah BO ea eee este os Ge ete | ee HGR ere Pl. formosum......... Oe 6 Meee oye bor SBC AAT Seber 1-4 | Pane ie AMM ceed ede tahoe ob LULS 2. 333 SA SECITIGTIONLID Sy SAL id Pie svat es alts Be. SRR, yon ctee WAL te ela | eee | eee, ali eco hee re 933 600 UG GUOT Ik «sere sys < poe Bs Ae Seda] Ey cte, si othe (s/esateis eo. | Meee cee Ci} 01010) PEE eA Se CLL aS TTT Tree Bie ae Se ten) OS 21 i ens |) nek he eng (Re eee 1 se Ey a eh ae ae Ta (50 eel ee SPILT TOT Tete Oe OF GRE CO eee Ga eae > coe saeemset ie 183i SAR eel GEE lees anor 66)E2 cere 333 LURRERT ERE I ts To car he I Tote a a eee etitete eke 8,000 BOO T6X66GH te O00)... 2. Sone ee eee? USIBR; 1,600} 21,333 INCRE LOSLOTNITL |. -5: MASE: 5's eo Sayer AL 3 OOO eis wae: 1,666 1,000 DR a seee A00 ine eees 333 Dab ante SCRIOLUESY «lon. catia el ee eee 9,000 500} 19,666) 27,000 428 eee 133 400 666 RGU VLOUASEATIG: sipete se aes ohsd odes e hehe Se] Bees A a oes ee be es || 143 DORE 200 666 LETTE TE Sy SE eee ea ia em ge nnd | ee | ee a eS ye el a a (USN NO A ge 1,000 REVENGE eo Stee cate eee 50 250} 3,666} 1,000 171 150 466 1,800} 4,900 NPD DLTES PUCE Es ots Ric iors ata tN eRe wasutes A Naot ail | hrs. Gr Seal tseaeone ead egea Reeecen | eres ee, PrP ER EEL 66 406| 3,333 REAIIETOCNSES ent See os et gicate MOOD 8 noe GOGlar ke. - 28 Sea ea ate, steve rer oe TD TTA MOG SE OBOE IEEE On CA TeS oe verti te eptarta| Mee aaa! [aieren 2.30 {k= Sopa Pa Eaede IPe eats Ala | ura avec 800} 1,666 Ue ahs Ss ee go SCO, Bae ene 1,000 200s sreereraes | aries Seed Cages eee SE 66 200 333 CR MACHID ne ce td is RP ERE eee oo 7,000,000} 6,625) 440,000} 810,000 ABD a see 866} 1,000 CaCI AL EM ed Corian oles taLANm ine a Bete vevevss ahs ANOOO|P ee fue 16,666} 121,000 114] 280,000}........ 160,000 LRA ST LEE CAEN oc oe cee PAE eee Rare ac tes Mleereete tier i ps za rb oh RE RENE el Mabe es 466| 1,200 ORSINI PARR A a tee Lhe eae (SeeeeeA Ol beeen haere aac Phy ee Ses = 8,466} 160,000} 3,000 CRA ACINIOSUTD) DCE Bio id SRO Beko tae 54,000 500} 40,333) 118,000 143 50} 6,400} 5,200) 1,666 ORE COMSITACTUITO EO cc Rice cater oe 7,000 1750 eon |store |ns wee ea ees 133 800 Cisilees piens 4.00 etd ec eRe ee ie SHIA Joss | SRde ee 50| 5,666} 46,000 Gsllaiye sBiiee 200 400) 11,000 CR EOIGHLUND). 6 Io Be ike tottedhe Snie CORA Re 2 hOO| See ee eRe, BYOOO | se eee a: tee Oe ee 800 EAU O, aE eae hate ey. ae oe eee yaya ro ce Ss) Oe a eae PT as 228 50 666} 2,000 333 CRA CONTOTULUNE sean: = <5 J vee Oe = o-Biaiie sft oln\| Pirate coe DO) amerias. OOO les venue nl ees lees 200 400 RR EICIONE IIE. fa ee snes Meee nes 61,000 (501 QvB66\s ce. h ele 428 300; 1,466; 1,200) 13,666 POR IEG ee SA et re ett a Dates Oa ve od 17,000} 1,500 50} 5,000 DDI E Ree: 2,466 800} 7,333 TTR LASSTOSIL OOH ee OE een or a ee ee 6,000 1,150 2,666 9,060 Oil ee en tae 200 2,400 6,666 DECTILOCYELTEOGUS «2ierd «aici o Shab duese Ache le cae eet: SOOO Fee 2,333} 40,000 85 50} © 2,000} 11,200 333 (CE TTCTTLTE Ie ae AO OL ho oe OE coat ae STDs G63 4000 | hat ke-aael msc ckt nel lec re rete || sree LBV le TEST ly ice Wet | elena sles eas aes eaten a ant a Al Partie coe (Sea ARH Soya a is aie elo civ ee aS ot matters | okra eee 333 Coscinodiscus..... LS Fos ere PRE De, Lege 50 666} 1,000 iO eee mick 266 200) 12,333 16mm. objective, I was’ unable to determine with accuracy species which are dis- tinguished by minute details of structure, such as some of the Coscinodisci. In the tables I have, therefore, grouped together the Thalassiosirae and the allied species Coscinosira polychorda; and have included under their respective generic names all the Naviculae, Asterionellae, Surirellae, Campylodisei and Coscinodisci. After the material of each tow had been examined and all the species recorded, a careful estimate of the numbers present was made in the following manner. The volume of water, in which the organisms had been preserved, was increased to from 50 to 500cc. according as the amount of material was slight or abundant. In each case the final volume was recorded. Counting was done by means of a Rafter cell as recommended by Moore (12). This consists of an ordinary glass microscope slide, on which is fastened a rectangular rim of metal 5 cm. x 2cm. and 1mm. in depth. This, therefore, when filled and covered with a slip contains 1 ¢.c. of liquid. To facili- tate counting, a disc, on which was ruled a square, 1 mm. in area, was used in the eyepiece. The material was well stirred to insure a thorough mixing and to prevent the accumulation of heavy forms at the bottom. While sti!l in motion 1 ¢.c. was quickly drawn off and placed in the cell. At least forty squares were counted in each preparation and several slides were used from each collection. From the forty or more squares counted the contents of each c.c. was reckoned; an average of the contents of the several cells was then taken and this multiplied by the number of c.c. in the prepared material is an estimate of the number of individuals present. It will be noted that both in numbers and diversity of form the genus Chaetoceras stands far in the lead. In September eleven species are recorded. The ranks are then gradually thinned until during the winter only four species, Ch. debile, diadema, laciniosum and decipiens are found; and these are but scantily represented. The addition of Ch. sociale in the spring adds greatly to the numbers; and from July PLANKTON DIATOMS IN ST. ANDREWS WATERS 53 onwards the remaining forms appear. The great predominance of Ch. debile, which on August 2 gives the record count of 7,000,000 frustules, is to be noted. The graceful spiral chains of this species are a characteristic feature of summer gatherings. But the maximum for diversity of form is, as recorded above, in September. The allied genera, Corethron, Ditylium and Rhizosolenia, also attain their maxima in the autumn. Corethron criophilum appears only occasionally; but the beautifully modelled Ditylium Brightweli is a dominant plankton form from the end of September until the first of December. In the autumn four species of Rhizoso- lenia are abundant, but throughout the winter and until the following August only R. hebitata is found. MeMurrich (13) has recorded a distinet spring maximum for Rk. setigera in 1915, but this was not repeated in 1917. Another dominant autumn form is Thalassiothrix longissima, which attains a sudden maximum in October, but holds its position of prominence for but a brief period. Its allied species 7’. nitzschzoides is present in varying, but never great num- bers throughout the year. A prevalence of free living, compact forms is to be noted in winter. Pleurosigma, but scantily represented during the autumn, presents six species in February. The only one, however, which can be said to be characteristic of any season is P. strigosum, which abounds from February until April. December brings in Rhabdonema and Surirella, and January the Campylodisci; Actinoptychus undulatus and the Coscino- disci persist and the latter presents an increase in the number of species. The majority of the more delicate forms, Leptocylindrus, Cerataulina, ete. fail; but filamentous forms are not entirely lacking, for Skeletonema costatum and Melosira are taken in practically every collection. ; The prevailing spring forms are Biddulphia and Thalassiosira. The former is introduced in December and occurs in small numbers during the winter. It then gradually increases and attains a distinct maximum in the middle of March, after whieh its numbers decrease; and it is rarely found after May. For B. sinensis a simi- lar maximum has been recorded by Ostenfeld (16) in the North sea, but it there prevailed throughout the summer and reached its height in November. Thalassiosira appears in February. Five'species T. gravida, nordenskioldii, hyalina, condensata and Coscinosira polychorda, are grouped together in the tables. These dominate the plankton during April and May and on May 1 give the enormous total of 8,750,000 frustules. It is seen that in general the autumn plankton is characterized by the presence of slender, elongated forms such as Thalassiothrix and Rhizosolenia, together with numerous species of Chaetoceras. The winter presents the solid, compact forms, while in spring and summer the long, graceful chains of Thalassiosira and Chaeto- ceras prevail. Other species appear occasionally, or are present in small numbers throughout the year, but at no time does any other form a characteristic, seasonal feature. 54 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Station 3.—Station 3 is situated in the bay of Fundy, eleven miles southeast of Swallow Tail Light, Grand Manan. first of January to the end of July are recorded in Table V. TABLE V. Station 3.—January—July. 5m. Tows. The results of monthly collections from the ~ — January 3. | February 8. | April 9. May 4 June 15. July 4. July 31. I Tere latent se Fev. oS © a Rasa Ses AS Fie Oil ao len lalt See chase Hee ROP PE cts» «use| cc oietee wee 50 IPI MON TUIOtUIN: < 5.000255 s406 526 © OD), |} tc Seeeeat. laa SAO Ra Oe ae ee 20e': 8 | 3 epee ee See ae Pl. strigosum...........+-+-.--- 50 300 St). || a2 ea emer ed ee Se eka? RSLETRONCM ME oe erro eee Me os eo | SE ee « eeiow ne tee a | sce LS BOO Hees arte 200 1,400 PU MERTELEES CM ols Re sag Fa akan el ba ea cet se Head way tes ar L010 | OP Re eae ed 11,200 4,300 10,000 4,400 BP SUL CALGLER Aerassiacine) «cis es 'aralaretee 2 DOM eres netted re silttne ce aoe (donaee rete ae [amin eee ahaa a 1,000 PRROLUSOROBIT Gite vicicis c's sis-niry3) sia o> se 81,500,000 | 6,000,000 | 8,400,000 | 2,900,000 570,000 266,000 880,000 LAER Glin Ae Sh SLRS SO CUR | aR do || Ae il eo Se Ae SOZOD Mic Srtoce verde ke loan o eee TST TE VTL 0 SS tem SEALER NS S| ney ey eee Crane |e ee a Ee eaters ee ee 5,600 2,200 22,500 500 PAICEUNO DENCH US Cra 8 actetet vo lots ae ottcee [takers ee secm neaee ol orwtek e< o HA ANS] ere ao aces RNAS Se a Fat LOO) |) etotsaraye eis GORPINOHISCUS. ii teait sore dale sich « 400 800 2,400 DOO alaapideciertes vc 750 2,200 TABLE VII. 5m. Tows of October from Stations 6, 10, 4, 9, 1, 5, 3. — 6 10 4 9 1 5 ATL ABCROL Chea tre aie rele aie store tse eugene 2,000 LOO )py ides tate ete tol tet eeesa 600 TEV TATTLE ERS SNES BL OO EHE TO INe CEN | Cece wean ese, © HOO! Ae siie stopecedecto (cites peestnete ole epee raters % TARO RLS OB GOE SERIES CEO CECA COMO RLII [Ner re ae eee TOO) (Sosy nce tailesiiere 4 conta 300 FED, (GUIPAER TCA GORGE GEIR Ee RIS OL AAG] | PR RS Cel (eared ce cartel Le ie ope ah 50 600 CAGES acdc Sepa a OC OIC CED HT GARG ESE Cia | Gace QUIS Ee 3 | Raese citer ie) |e MTL er] (ye AE eae 30,000 > UME TE 2 eRe e ee cose Scie Setee me ein flere ats A kegel one, we. Tale | aeiaays «oS spel iotatolecerctava ie 300 6 (SURG M eg dag ASUSOS SGC ACO CCE OO CCIE |teiee SMO ee eam IR ee eae eas (CamRy Ac APB! | APSA Ries Pape ee 600 CAGED TD ULS CUS St tujo 2) ciatorsta fa clas e)=.shee store oraiefnsace [ino oer diekees LOO ale ebergenieitet aes] Oro eerie: 300 < ES ON TUL OT NC ee ec ete sicigte Sone eink OTs 50 8,800 1,800 2,850 2,400 INIRCLORIERTIENE one oe neces oak L see, DOO sie ees Paes cre etoile ta ho & eerie a) (ace aN Wc I yoke RRAUVBUZECHIOUW SAAS aslo ae eet otis Fete dele e sda ee ark eee U0) PEA ARE Sad AN ally S| MI TIE TL LONG IESUIILO Smita e\ngs caele ioe Seat Sayaelee 2,000 300 400 1,700 4,800 is LEST CLLLE CE ee OE ee eee eens oles wee Lecial iene ecko ten oe LOO ers eee fy R. shrubsolei 80,000 30,000 7,340 4,200 ‘ Ky obtusa....::. Si 1,000 200 115] Ol Sea et einer TED CG ee eS ALGOW ULE sar 50 600 PMR COGLULD Part rie Nc ase Ee asievcad Acie: 700 200 DBO lel eres ae eee DB HAGUE Sa ot BOO OER POG Oe SOC RR IS CKD (aca acl ee | CRSA AL Se gen] A CRM VE 900 dL DEID Tae Ge CHD Se CHORE ERC DOE oa tetoe 30,000 20,000 8,000 14,400 i (Cig SEGA SEAG GARE M oes SHARE OR ARE Beta aaa neo 100 P40 Oi pee Maa tts CIE Tae I MI GIES OCRALE Leys ACER NITE sls dane Me daers DAR OGO) Cpse eae Ree ER 5 fev TF AEE Ne I a pA na ON TENE SAT Sa ee ee ee eS en ee , 16,000 DELO a iw eect sitio |S eee Mae ey tests [eek ens eeen (SPC ips - SS AA Ege, hae BOA See Om Sea |e ee a NL OE Wee Ar a rg | CS NA ety | aa ea {CINTA TITICT Tle EA RO See ee ee ee a 6,000 13,600 600 4,100 13,200 * ORGLGCUMOSIIM ar tk co teesciteee ecleaee eee. 10,000 TSDOON ess stents Seip tereis shelve ell eevee eateeatens GRACONSUCEEII IR CPEs aa asia yet eae ee IN acai ste LAI LEA hs aa BOO je ii[iecdceaepeene |p ea es aa CCR IGONLON UND pinay ta sia cresielainia tian vio niall tein fe arene ae eels BOD is Sesh sie rouse se fve sence lave Cate eae tated ee ae ea GaN decsIien et tee ed Ete Br ANG Bo ek 50 300 600 100 1,200 '~ CRs damicures PERF cate c te rametere pigs slaychec aia oc [io deete-e a) sib sabes 400 (GLO ATRN TENE i tone Ne Ngee ees I (Ui GEOL Lid aa gos SEIS on ab AS OPO DInE LR Cee IEE ere na) |acrMirerein see TOO ec aey tevaupnye (ON SE Casta 3) FAAS) Ch a I tale ors a ee 1 OY ORR Eee Se ee AA UE RN Steet | Un See OM rie nl REAL IAN at Skeletonema............ Se MME AE EC tatoo sna) cl craVor eid Mccorcilet a olalord DOOM euaaet see at PAT ONT Tae ae nts I TIED) GTR on REE, Ac eo ee ie EERE 50 SOOM ute Pu ay 250 1,800 * (COCALO NAS AHO Bion oe ost 86 AOS SRI (CR ScacRe HE erate 500 BOON deere Weaateuay -cayvel aeall et ei Neare TELLIER TON Act oi oti pe Tl A AYU ae AOL O)PG Neves eee neg eat fanaa ge RU eS US NUD Ue * LEDS AOD ILICN STS iA ee es CUED EER cull ACOA ey [ERISA he AR A NET in as TESA OES SACP ABIGAIL An a | Plesi fee R d 8 600 * FAICLINODLYCHUS ee) ise raat titties a siels cele 2,000 1 OTST Pe ret wee Hee es eet ye me lt 600 * GOSCINOTISCNS NI as Sci ha are eeisle ne hak ee ie des 10,000 1,000 400 250 4,800 Ps 56 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE persist in considerable abundance over the whole area throughtout the year; secondly, those which oceur occasionally at all seasons; and thirdly, those which attain a marked predominance at one season and then either entirely disappear or occur at rare intervals. ' ; BATHYMETRIC RANGE. Station 6. A comparison between surface and 5 metre tows. To ascertain the more favourable depth for the gathering of material a comparison was made between the numbers obtained in monthly tows at the surface and at a depth of 5 metres. Each species was considered separately and each presented the same irregularity of distribu- tion. Most frequently, however, the greater numbers came from the lower level, for out of 183 comparisons made, the five metre collections proved the greater in 103 cases. No species showed a preference for the surface water, nor did any fail to appear in them. A synopsis of the results for eleven of the most abundant genera will be found in Table VIII. TABLE VII. Comparison of Surface and 5m. Tows. Station 6. — Se — Oct. 6 | Dec. 4 |Dec. 27| Jan. 24 |Mar. 15/April 14\June 21) July 11 Aug. 8 | Sept. 6 Pleurosigma........8...05....++ 2,000 1,350 450 4,300 450 250 300 4 O00 ea nace 200 free eae 9,000 1,900 800} 1,300 800} 4,550) 6,000 4,000 550 Thalassiothriz....... Siceree ~ a 2 212200:000 A400 Sen vee te 50 400 400 50 8,000 800 500 Lit ee ee 528,000 LOO Wes 5 a 2,200 600 2,000 2,000 29,000 50 50 Rhizosolenia........ Be inn eee 24,000 BO |isacraeteeze | ese P11) b) eee 50 A 000/540 %- eae 650 SIN 5 sect ot 168,000 LOO) seer 600 200 50 TS O0 (0 carck ey: 250 150 Ditylium........... Re Re CL OU MOOD tea RIAN Sl oe eee hoe ike 7 Catt 7A 0 eee ah 50 DMS PA cae oe 99,000 SU Der teeree oxti lle cites tread erates re |e Sicha aca ctl ire. ate CRAIN cae eel eee Chaetoceras.. ...... Sioatees o2 1006 :000 900 400} 2,200 850} 9,800} 37,400) 1,842,000} 1,000) 8,200 Binns) fae 216,050 800 800 500 400} 61,000) 455,900} 3,716,000] 9,225 100 Skeletonema........ Sy ae oth erent ae [near er & 1,800 1,000 1,000 W400}. cise ee 274,000 300 Yn Savas ae 2 ste, Se BGa es Seek 2 lle ait 2,500 DOO|h S02 500 (sss: 240,000 750 300 [TASTES See SE St > a Re 50| 2,400} 3,800 700 650 100} 1,875 2,000 200 300 Bink esse 50} 1,150} 2,800} 2,200 1 OO eb atc. 6,050 50} 1,500 Thalassiosira....... Pe RE oem am Seale Sere IRD. voce Weg t| Laue teas 800} 98,000) 53,750 106,000) ics: yee. lovee eee DIUIPY. See MEP a eo all Sceeiaks aie Meee aes lle cet 500| 952,500) 722,000 39,000} 1,125 Biddulphia......... SER Geaeartenny 2 Seley ot (EAsaemRe ee 200 LOGI 22-800. 10 O00 yee ailemn saan oe | arene DINE cheetcte ol cee ape l tek toes 600 L100) =20 S001 M487 500) ce cece ll). eis eel acon |'s. 0 Ceeames Actinoptychus....... sare 2,000 — 400 600 600 200 BOT e cot nec ee aes Soke Cees PAYLESS ete <1 3,000 200 800 200 100 BOO Pthe cance ae eed see cere Coscinodiscus....... RS shine Aas store 10,000} 2,000 1,800 1,800 400 400 250 PASTA] DNR SI ces 350 Dildaps gor 3,000 706) 2,000) 3,100) 2,200) 2,000).....:.. 2,000 50 Stations 3 and 6—Station 3 offers the best conditions for a study of the bathy- metric range, since at that point the water has a depth of 175 metres; at Station 6 it ranges from 26 to 30 metres. At the former station eleven samples were taken on July 31, at intervals of 10 or 25 metres. Later an estimate was made in the following manner of the average diatom content of 50 ¢.c. at each level. From each of the eleven samples, four volumes of 50 c.c. each were centrifuged for half an hour, it having been previously ascertained that that period sufficed for the extraction of all the plankton organims. The water was then siphoned off leaving the residue in 2 c.c. The organisms were again counted in the Rafter cell, but in this case the cover slip was divided into forty squares, each measuring 25 sq. mm. The frustules of each species were counted in 10 squares in each of the two slides made from a preparation; and the average of these multiplied by 80 gives the total content of the 50 c.c. The average results obtained from the four similar 50 ¢.c. samples drawn from each will be found in Table IX. j PLANKTON DIATOMS IN ST.. ANDREWS WATERS 57 TABLE IX. Bathymetric Range. Station 3. July 31. — 0 10 20 30 40 50 75 100 125 150 175 ITN REC ee Ree CA I SB iter | slo bees) Ae | PL Seen Pen SESE, igGt pease lbo 1 Mood Sema 8 24 MSGI AARC SCE OAL ERENT (Bete Ll cana as ee ee ae See a Pee ks Blok ict anteater « Rea he Bi te 8 Nis SETIOLO sc cccni cae oes 1,144 1,912 16 AOS 2a eee 8 8 16 BtSa eerr we Ne closterituant.25,.22)- si. « 144 456 SRSA SSA Ee mere Sieyns tote Be tetas te lt: ee SER hal. nitzschiowdes..... 0.2 |.....+0- 24 24 Sis. ane 16|.. AS ea ae ; 8 8 TPCT eek ey Sg IR PR) ek SI PS Sa (ape Vs, P| or Yc) (ol 8 8 8 Worethronae os. j « 160} 3,288 456 176 88 56 24 Bib a 5 Rae ee, Leptocylindrus........... ne 4 | Se DET 40. otal Sac ED EINE ete wo oe LGQ| Sa stor vol eterapeta ges SAD UN HESS Vo Ly toa io ie [ose SEE eae > 17] pee es inate eee |W 5 al Parag akin (ey ere | Loon Ais O91, eee Gascinodwseus! : had. odd iet os os OTE yt Neh SR | Se 4 (ere te 3] dee . Sasitan Ree bake |e eee 8 t These show a distinct maximum at 10 metres, and then a rapid decrease. Below 20 metres the decrease is gradual and somewhat irregular until at 150 metres few diatoms are found. At the bottom, however, a decided increase will be noted due to an abundance of Melosira sulcata. The latter is the only form which is found to increase with descent. Records similar to the above were made for Station 6 on July 27 and August 15 and are listed in Tables X and XI. TABLE X. Bathymetric Range. Station 6. July 27. : | —— 0 | 7 12 17 22 27 1 \ PT AMTE TATA ee ee Ra ee ree ae oh ERS. wit PRED A. clap Ae eu ancuee 48 8 16 16! 32 SURED LLY Lie ey ee tee esi ie ot oa ead pum si es ntis © ct eee DE ee | he asia se OM al acho a5 ye 12D. COU RTTLL Or OIE Ae I COSC 2 CUTE SAE SEASIDE Poet uta. 8 16 SPAN Ce ahi INENSENTUT ON Ay Pe rbse hid: Biot yon. ice ck: . Eatas hho Meet ORs covienr Ww 640 Atlee est 16 24 TNT PASS ETT a I ES es gam ea ne se Ae eee Re eee 8 Sites sameell eeeeare Sllout ast ee Thal. nitzschioides........ Ait eye ats baese * . Spa Ciel beh eags exe heey 128 80 40 32 88 LAE IT ioe De CR Ce Sed Oe ane Lee Oe Se ee SOA. 104 OA I oe ea ae Ee at 8 Ch. debile....... RR enya ee ks Geb RUT ALS « SETI, OE woe CERIN os et 800 1,640} 2,952) 3,392) 3,416] 1,944 TAR MIULCITOSUTTER wotiats oe acs lotcia since Welton oe tae eases) etisapateet 32 32 SO te by Se Aone ECON UOLUEIETIT Ae Cire Sere tts is case te rset ee ele ee oh an tee te eens Sepia coe sete Mi [ie elate™, eameielflers, atest a8 [Iprard-art ciel byes sana 16 SRT ATA 2 Ae BE SSIS AS SORES CORES to ES Te SEATS Pee Sea Arr s 5 A 304 112 456) 368 40 Tit STA RE ORE OS Bee Ee Ot me cr ieee eee aes 56 360 176} 56| 104 72 MRO LARSIOSIT 2s he et ee Oe Hee Rha oe ante aains BRUM. cttoe Niche diet eau 8 88 48 32 104 IDEA DR TOR OS de SP 4 SERGE one SE BEE SE 30? Boe one Oe nog oe nee re bog anaord ot r “ceo! Saran bee beers 112 PAICHEND Di CRUSE ye oe miei ola -\ Hise enum plored mae Emin een PR rit Ps 2 lh ive Improved. ADT N FEDER, OL SAa Cd AMES Cs SPR arte etait a tAsap © te cist aaale rxcellent. $770.02 2-0 Excellent. Ca ALR ELD IRD AREY RIM MP SAP ER ay. SS Ra eee dey Olas. fe es Wee «“ MAL a Oe Se OPER Me, RE Sk AO ARORA EE LDR AES J) ACAI OEE «“ ae Fi Aiea bic sx oie vtelohatte sho lis GtarcPetaiaas eves (ob Bi Sean lly fb oe ib ans aca te alti he Oras ef ee ee é UEC STB 8 AUREL, als SRS lac afc rea Sey oo galtieies Jeraal ew) Pee of derstop ls qMlens Caen ie ria oh OP. ls eae hy Ae A eae ee ee ee cee Oe vs), WER et «“ LOMO AR? 72025) ss SOHAL wh aaa REE: onan sa OGM ads Le panne Bea!" eisai Fair GOS OE ee le oR EL, More PERE Sicha atetc piel stmip pte Ww aflala\> wheleiels. open biudaret eM eet s|| elupetalta ako SohohacerstreteYehs Ay 1 ASA inched, | Mee A OB en ERS Oren ig SOR aepeer Mon arene acy ceed i Uebe, Jo rapr CRO) sat Poor. | PANY Aba Apert dele AID EPCs hh aA Abie AI Oe ate \sreieal sae neal gchar oboe Pl |cootrnen yeaa ah cia Little life. EXPERIMENTAL CULTURES OF DIATOMS 67 It is seen at once that Melosira hyperborea will endure a great diminution of salts and can live for some time even in tap water in which salts are practically lacking. The addition of Miquel nutrients, however, instead of acting favourably proved fatal im a short time. The above table has reference merely to the state of the chains examined micro- scopically and not to the increase in size of the colony. With a reduction to lower than 40 per cent little development occurred; but in from 40 to 100 per cent the colonies were practically .equal in size as well as uniform in quality. Increased con- centration acted as a check to growth and caused disintegration in proportion to the degree of concentration. The latter caused also much malformation due to thick- ening of the walls, inward curving of the zone and irregular divisions. Ill. Temperature—A healthy, normal colony was divided into sections as nearly equal in size as possible and each was placed in a separate flask, half filled with treated sea water. The temperature of each was then slowly lowered or raised over steam to the required degree. ‘To prevent contamination the thermometer was in each case kept in a second flask, one of which had been prepared for each of the series. When the desired temperature was reached it was maintained for three minutes and then allowed to return to normal. The series was set up on February 3, and gave the results tabulated below :— March 3. Temperature. —_———} March 15. Area of Surfaces.| Condition. of Jebel nae eee eRe ey CARE 8 oh eee CARE: Pena Se mane el SS A eek ea Dead WiDr K. pl bees. Littiies seca ds Se BARS ¢ CAROLE IE oy RPO EE rAd DS Sea CS (AG! “Ci kB al eine: ae See E KE BOL ORR nets! Ae eee ger OY Be MOI, sare 10 RRA Aer ‘|Improved. SUT? We Abe LeeLee MAS AN. BORO . SRO 5 Be RISO S He SSF. ce Excellent ek Excellent. S10? OLR ek ees : iS te leis ae x3 ; ak ey HER TE er ibe fees. | eke eeaae (eee alan : ON eg oe al eS alan Be eet LR OD OU UE Ad cite eenE atc 40 SEF AHI S 82 ie WEB tt Pare SS OU 9. RSS o ROS eS) Oe eae ee oe here, mee Eee Sore oe ee ea ae AP. SE nS 11 9 ee ee aie a a nae Raine ee eA eee Letetinn tLe aodalshea eee Oe ss Bias dewnar te eh Seay Serra ay s TO. SiGe 6 Pree Ee Bens Ofc eG Shs Oo ens Rete OO ae $e. ek. Pies. fact 22 125) See oea) oats SG Ber “ Meer Oe eile fie = See 2s Sern las aes ae Se Sars eto 24 al RE ee at hse SAE i ied 8 ¢ Len ee nee ee oD, Ab ead . RE hed bf dived an ie: SI ck it FPP LRAT! re HOW ie 8S OS SEER eRe oeeanicae LE IL Pee eh ares Seattered.......|Best of Series. .|Best of Series. PRET MTR NE Pee ret rid me rae Gabry si@ente torte csc SPER E See WL 10 fogs thn ea POOre. Sete teat Disintegrated. It was noted in preliminary work that some frustules seemed capable of resisting a temperature of 50° ©, but it was evident from the development of the series that their vitality was so impaired that subsequent growth was inhibited. That which was raised to 40° revived and after six weeks presented a colony 90 per cent of the frustules of which were in excellent condition. An increase or decrease of 20° was found to be no hindrance to development; but I regret that time did not permit of ascertaining the length of time to which the organism might be submitted to the changed condition. One variation due to change of temperature, which was noted, was the great ease with which the frustules could be separated. This indicates a change in the mucilaginous substance by which the frustules are bound together. - The flask lowered to —5°, which is recorded above as showing the best develop- ment, was accidentally a raetaenel and the contents scattered through the flask. It was found that the chains in this were remarkably good, practically no disintegrated frustules occurring. From this it may be inferred that in other: flasks some disinte- gration may have been due to crowding. On March 3 many sporangial cells, similar to those found in the experiments on light, were noted in all the flasks; even in the unheated controls. In the -5° flask some had already divided. On March 15 all the cultures contained beautiful, long, broad chains; and on March 22 they were still in the process of division. The broadest chains noted had attained a diameter of 3%,, and in advanced cutures all gradations were found down to a diameter of 10y. The sporangial form- ation was clearly not due to the stimulus of temperature, since is was also noted in the controls. In the latter, however, it was least pronounced, and it is probable 79550—53 68 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE that a change in condition induced the profuse development. The same may be said regarding light. Darkness did not prevent, but merely delayed the appearance of sporangia; optimum conditions produced them in small numbers; while excess of light acted as a strong stimulus. It may be inferred that they are a normal means of increasing vitality, which may be stimulated by abnormal conditions. IV. Artificial Sea Water—An artificial sea water based on the analysis of Ditt- mar (14) was employed. Gram molecular solutions of the salts to be used were made up and combined in the following proportions: 480.8 ec. Na Cl, 10.28 ec. K Cl, 10.86 c.c. CaCl,; 26.70 c.c. MgCl,; 29.06 c.c. Mg So,; 2 cc. Na H Co,. The total was then diluted with distilled water to a volume of one litre. Cultures were set up on September 14. Allen (10) has recorded that fore the growth of Thalassiosira gravida in water of a similar composition the presence of a small quantity, 1 per cent to 4 per cent, of natural sea water is essential. ‘To ascer- tain whether a similar condition was necessary in the case of Melosira hyperborea, all trace of the natural was removed by passing the material through several changes of artificial before finally transferring it to the prepared flask. Two cultures were started, one in artificial sea water, and one in artificial plus Miquel nutrients in the proportion previously employed. These were examined at intervals, and twice during the winter the medium was renewed. Its concentration was maintained by the addi- tion of distilled water. Very fair growth resulted, and though it did not equal in quantity that obtained ’ in natural sea water, the material was uniformly healthy. The growth in untreated water was only 25 per cent of that obtained in the treated, but it also was normal in quality. It is worthy of note that in neither culture did sporangial cells appear. It therefore is coneluded that the substance whose presence is essential to the development of Thalassiosira gravida is unnecessary to the growth of Melosira hyperborea. And this seems to support the conclusion that the exhaustion of the mixed cultures recorded above may be due to the loss of some essential nutrient, which the initial growth of some species exhausts; while the persistence of Melosira is permitted by its lack of dependence on that substance. SUMMARY. Melosira hyperborea can endure a great variety of light conditions, but the optimum development will be obtained in strong diffuse light. Its growth is regulated — to some extent by the solution of gases from the air. It can endure a range of forty . degrees of temperature, and a diminution to forty per cent of natural sea water. It can even exist for a time in tap water. Miquel solutions act as a stimulus to growth in all cases except when added to tap water; they then rapidly prove fatal. Increased concentration of natural sea water is detrimental. Excellent, persistent cultures may be obtained in artificial sea water. A comparison with the work of Allen on Thalassiosira gravida points to fundamental, specific differences in the nutrient requirements of plankton diatoms. Fig. 1—Muttonfish sixteen and a halfinches long from Bay of Fundy 79550—to face p. 69. BIOLOGY OF THE MUTTONFISH 69 VI. Contribution to the Biology of the Muttonfish, Zoarces anguillaris. BY WiBert A. CLEMENS, Ph.D., Assistant Professor in Biology, University of Toronto, AND Lucy SmitH CLeMENs, Ph.D. 1. INTRODUCTION. During the summer of 1918 at the St. Andrews Biological Station, St. Andrews, N.B., the writers commenced a study of the life-history of the muttonfish, or eelpout, (Zoarces anguillaris Peck). The primary object was to obtain some definite inform- ation in regard to the life-history and abundance of the fish relative to the possibility of placing it on the market and the results of that phase of the study have been published (Clemens, 1920).** There remain considerable scientific data which are presented here. The writers are much indebted to Dr. A. G. Huntsman, Biologist to the Biological Board of Canada, for suggesting the study and for kind advice and assistance. 2. HISTORICAL. Zoarces anguillaris was described by Peck (1804). Besides giving a detailed description, Peck states that the fish is taken on the haddock grounds, chiefly in the months of March and April, and that it feeds principally on echini and asterie. Since that time reports of capture have been numerous, but no study of the life history has hitherto been undertaken. Storer (1839) gives a list of stomach contents, and again (1867) describes the fish in detail with the addition of a good illustration. He also gives a further list of stomach contents and states that the fish is occasionally: taken at all seasons of the year but more frequently in the spring and summer. Goode (1884) states that it is frequently taken north of Cape Cod in winter with hook and line and that it spawns in July and August in the deep waters of Massachusetts bay. Nichols (1916) reports that it was taken throughout the year 1915 off New York and was especially abundant in June. 3. DISTRIBUTION ALONG THE ATLANTIC COAST. The muttonfish occurs commonly along the Atlantic coast of Canada and northern United States, entering the bays and also the rivers for some distance. The extremes of its range reported at the present time are Bradore (?) Bay, Labrador, and Fort ooo *Tssued in Bulletin No. IV in the Series ‘‘ Histories of New Food Fishes. Biological Board of Canada, Ottawa, July, 1920. 70 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Macon, North Carolina. have been able to ascertain. have not been examined. The following are the records of distribution as far as we An asterisk is used to indicate those publications which Date. Publication. Locality. Bean, Tarleton H........:.. Bean, Tarleton H........... Bell, Robert, Jr......- Bigelow, Henry B Cornish, George A.......... Cornish, George A.......... ax se bHine sc s/5 taal: DeKay, James E......... Fortin, Pierre.......-... oawlers wel. Wane ec.o3 51's Gill, Theodore.........-.... (NIE THEOGOre =... ..c.-2% 22 Goode, G. B. and Bean, Goode, George B....... BS Gunther, Albert........ jie alkeptg Asc 2st asap <> ee URICOLI VAS 6 50c0 Soe 2 2. veers *Holmes, Ezekiel........... Jones, J. Mathew............ Kendall, William Converse.. Renal G We lia poeta oo onto sendall) WAe. saws. chis.).t0s MIICOHUL §), cure ae tt /si-re's «woretere 1880 *Nichols, John Treadwell...| 1913 Check-list of Duplicates of N.A. Fishes, ete............ Maine—Eastport and Portland Proc, U8) Wateiinky a (82) cee seme oe Eo: ps crane Massachusetts—Gloucester, Provincetown and Massa- chusetts bay. Catsof the Binbesot Nove coho ee ee tte oon. cee New York. N.Y. State Mus. Bull. 60, Zool. 9 (674)................ Massachusetts—Sandy Hook. On the Natural History of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. .|Quebec—Marcouin. Canad. Nat. and Geol. 4 (208). Explorations in the Gulf of Maine...............-..-..- Maine—Off Halfway Rock. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool. 58 (31). Notes on the Fishes of Canso................++.-02000- Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa, (81). hat, Notes on the Fauna of Tignish, P.E.I.................. Prince Edward Island—Tignish. Contrib. Canad. Biol. Ottawa, (79). Cat. of the Marine and Freshwater Fishes of N.B..... Nova Scotia—Canso New Brunswick—Miramichi bay. Bull. Nat. Hist. Soc. N.B. 3 (40). N.Y. Fauna: Fishes. Albany (155)................... New York. List of Fishes found in the Gulf of St. Lawrence........ au parts of the gulf of St awrence. Sessional Papers Canada, 25 (65). [hel Bishes OteNe wird OLee veers eal oo wlale les npole eee e'e/<1s Rept, N.J. State Mus. Trenton (407). : Desc. of the Genera of Gadoid and Brotuloid Fishes of Wes terninn Acer ete tte ee sae eke oe ew beer Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil. (258). New Jersey. New York and New England Coast. Cat. of the Fishes of the East Coast N.A.............. M naan — Massachusetts ay. Smith Mison@olbesl4 wereew eee oie niafelessteleioss Cheetoieseseiyee Matne—Eastport. Cat. of the Fishes, Essex Co. Mass. etc.........-.-..-. Massachusetts—Mass. bay and . contiguous deep waters. Bull. Essex Inst. 11 (1). ; The Fisheries and Fishing Industries of the U.S...... Mossrokuens — Massachusetts : ay. Washington... -oear eis ee Brelatea/oists.6 pee seneeeceess Maine. Cat. of the Acanthopterygian Fishes, British Museum, S)(296) os mer eee mecca tact aw viele ia lomoeiie) seine Massachusetts—Boston. Gulf of St. Lawrence. Quebec—Paspebiac, Gaspe bay, Bay Chaleur, gulf of St. f : ; St. Lawrence. 40th Ann. Report Dept. Marine & Fisheries (340). Report on the Fisheries of Maine, etc.................- Maine Nat. Hist. and Geol. Maine (2) 11. List of the Fishes of Nova Scotia.........00.-..2+0+0+: Nova Scotia— Halifax. Proc. and Trans. N.S. Inst. of N.S. 5 (90). Synopsis of the Fishes of N.A.............----e ee eee Deleware to Labrador. Bull. 16, U.S. Nat. Mus. 24 (784). The Fishes of North and Middle America..............|Deleware to Labrador—rather common north of Cape Cod. Deleware to Labrador—com- mon north. Bull. 47, U.S. Nat. Mus. part 111 (2457). A Manual of the Vertebrate Animals of North. U.S... Chicago (160). A Fauna of New England: List of Fishes................ Maine—EHastern river, Hast- port, Bucksport, Portland, Casco bay. New Hampshire Massachusetts—Mass. bay, Provincetown, N. ‘Truro, Cape Ann, Annisquam, Gloucester Nantucket Sa Gayhead, Cutty- hunk. Rhode Island—Black island, Narragansett bay. Connecticut—Middleground. Labrador—Bradore bay? Occ. Paper—Bost. Soc. Nat. Hist. No. 7 (135)......... . The Wishes Of VaAwBrador snes je oes alk cate Mreraraiawistaverares = Proc. Portland Soc. Nat. Hist. 2 (207). The Fishes of Maine....................++--- Peer rinse. Proc. Portland Soc. Nat. Hist. 3............eeeessees. New Hampshirej—Piscataqua river. Maine — Eastern river, East- port, Bucksport, Casco bay, Portland, Small point, Whaleboat and Eagle islands New York. New York—Off New York City. Trans. Lit. & Phil. Soc. N.Y. 1 (374). Fishes within Fifty Miles of New York City........... Proc. Linn. Soc. N.Y. Nos. 20-23. BIOLOGY OF THE MUTTONFISH 71 Name. Date. Publication. Nichola; We dae s.s kit 1916 |Seasonal Annotations on 2 Long Island Fishes.......... Copeia No. 27 (10). Nichols, J. T. and Gregory, RVEECR Cee Ree eee ST aCe 1918 |Fishes of the vicinity of New York City .. Handbook No.7, Am. Mus. Nat. Hist. (91). Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. 2 (0). Schmitt, Joseph............. 1904 |Monographie de 1’Ile d’ Anticosti. . Paris (286). Smith, Hugh N. ....++....+-| 1897 |Fishes found in the vicinity of Woods Hole............ Bull. U.S. Fish Comm. (106). Storer, David Humphreys..| 1839 |A Report on the Fishes of Mass...................... Bost. Jour. Nat. Hist. 2 (289). Loeality. New York—Off New York city. Cholera Bay. .|New York—Off New York. Heok) William, Dy23it3: 4.04 1804 | Description of Four Remarkable Fishes, ete........... New Hampshire—Near Piscata qua river. .| Anticosti island—(Gulf of St- Lawrence). Massachusetts— Gayhead, Cut- ' tyhunk, Vineyard sound, Massachusetts bay. Massachusetts. New H. ampshire: Maine; Mass- achusetts, New York. Massacausetts. Labrador—(Bradore? ) Gulf of St. Lawrence. Maine—Eastern river ‘and other localities. RSLOVEN RD) ) Edt eee ve reas 1846 |A Synopsis of the Fishes of North America............ Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. N. Ser. 2 (375). Storer, DSH s.. o..4 gee. 1867 |A_ History of the Fishes of Mass..................... Mem. Am. Acad. Arts and Sci. N. Ser. 5 (263). Storer, H.’R................| 1857 |Observations on the Fishes of Nova Scotia and TEADLAO OL. rice. serene Cana ae clasita at tae oe. aes Bost. Journ. Nat. Hist. 6 (247). Whiteaves, Joseph F........| 1886 |Colonial & Indian Exhibition Catalogue........ BAS Ens Atlantic Coast of Canada. } Ottawa (1-42). Williamson, Wm. D........ 1832 |The History of the State of Maine, 1 (150)............ Misra) lls) Gua ai aie oe 1877 | Notes on the Natural History of Fort Macon, N.C... Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phila. (206). North Carolina—Fort Macon. 4, LOCAL DISTRIBUTION AND MIGRATION. The map (fig. 2) below shows the distribution of the muttonfish in its northern range. Fig. 2—Atlantie Coast with the localities from which the muttonfish has been reported shown by crosses.. Our knowledge of the habits, activities, migrations, breeding habits, etc., of the muttonfish is limited. Specimens kept in a large laboratory tank in 1918, remained 72 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE coiled up in the darkest parts, but when disturbed swam swiftly and with power. The character of the food and the absence of swim bladders indicate that they are bottom dwellers. During the summer months they are comparatively abundant in Passama- quoddy bay and in the lower portions of the St. Croix river. A few were taken in 1918 at a point about six miles up the St. Croix river and outward in the Bay of Fundy at the Wolves islands. In the course of the study specimens have been examined from the following localities: St. Croix river, Passamaquoddy bay, Bay of Fundy, including localities near the island of Grand Manan, Campobello island and the Wolves islands, St. Mary’s bay, N.S., Miramichi bay (near Loggieville), Cheticamp (Cape Breton island) and gulf of St. Lawrence. They are most commonly taken by means of set lines but are also taken on hand lines, in herring traps, seines, lobster traps and various kinds of trawls. Young specimens are occasionally found around rocks and in seaweed along the shore during ebb tide. They occur on practically every variety of bottom in this region and at depths up to 55 metres. The following are the set line and shrimp trawl records for the Passamaquoddy bay region, with the addition of one record off Cape Breton island and another in Miramichi bay. SET LINE RECORDS. No. Zoarces Date. Locality. Sets. Bait. per 3,000 hooks 17 eulyelio yoept.. Li... anu. fee. Off Cheticamp (Cape Breton Island).. 3 Baul. and Mus- selec ie.2! 6 1917, gute oy wane. U7 Wepneageas Se aieabie Porel tsi nak Oca) hain hfe Dan eR Sapa ee atic ssa ea Olamn eee ae 22 1917, Oct. 9 Be eee Be aecyd (ee OLOLK TLVeLss MATES Aer SP 1 |Herring......... 14 1917, Sept. cm Oe aa eae 2 Passamaquoddy bay.. 1) lierrinene se. 105 1918, June 18 to REN CY (id ae Va LP Be Miramichi bay. . PERES TOF i ory 5 | Gaspereaux Pei eeeMet yes GOVAUE ALD. ches Hoss oteraa| Ug CROIXELV GPS srccierstq. Heo va eee 2s 2 670 92 Sea urchins, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (Miiller)................. 175 42 Basket stars, Gorgonocephalus agassizi (Stimpson) ................-.... 37 44 Crossaster, Gronsaster DUP POSUS.. stakes cet. es ci oe hin FT Ok Eg ales 1 2 Blood star, Henricia sanguinolenta (Miilller)....:...............2.-0-. 2 1 Brittle stars, Onpktopholisigqculeata (i). 2.0 acta ne arene ep cloth g. seers 2 10 Sea-cucumber, Cucumaria frondosa (Gunnerus)................2.0.200000. 1 I Sea pear, (Bolienta OU en Gerace s tenons onto helena eee tees dessa. 5 18 Sea peach, Dethyunt Dyns Orme trea rsla te Be eee ei eon e tele ne os = 31 9 Sea potato, Ascidiopsis prunum (Miiller).. iene at cai snot 1 I Tobacco box, Rajalertnncea: (Miatehill).csc- 5 het mek os ances ne FEE 16 113 Spiny skate, Fenza rndentas (Ona VaN))s< 62. sare wists.» clase s,ciore)=egele SC sees 2b gis 5 9 Barn door skate, Rojalacvrs, (Mitchillyy asset TAS. A. FIFOs... wah 2 a Dogfish, VA CanEntas OIgGaris: (EA) Godeied gee cdiacs sabes ols Af ayo sin deod sede s EE 1 Haddock, Melanogrammus aeglefinus (L)........--.--00 20000 ee ee eaee 29 2; Hake, Urophycis tenuis (Mitchill)................ EON, ARNE Be iy Bd 2 Cod, Gadusiniorrhua (Es) 20a once oon ks aes, oo dg ae P 4. 2 Tomcod, Microgadus tomcod (Walbaum).............-- Mi 5 Rosefish, Sebastes marinus (L).. et uy 4 Sculpin, Myozocephalus octodecimspinosus (Mitchill). ue 37 48 Sea raven, Hemitripterus americanus (Gmelin).......... ‘ 2 1 Flounder, Pseudopleuronectes americanus (Walbaum)...... : 13 z Halibut, Hippoglossus hippoglossus (L)...............00.05- ad na Lie Eelpout or Muttonfish, Zoarces anguillaris (PeCK) = oii.c. hoc cee tes cheeses negate nn 41 9 79550—6 82 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE ; “ 11. ENEMIES. Only three fish have been found to have eaten the muttonfish, a seulpin (Myoxo- cephalus octodecimspinosus), a sea raven (Hemitripterus americanus), and a skate (Raja laevis). The first had eaten a small specimen, 3-7 cm. in length. The other two had eaten the muttonfish after the latter had taken the hook of the set line. 12. PARASITES. Considerable parasitism by nematode and platyhelminth worms occurs in the alimentary tract, and by nematodes in the body muscles. Of 44 specimens examined for intestinal parasites, 45 per cent contained nematodes and 35 per cent tapeworms. The nematodes were kindly identified by Mr. Maurice C. Hall, of the Bureau of - Animal Industry, Washington, D.C., as Kathleena sp. and Echinorhynchus sp., both probably undescribed species. The tapeworms have been kindly identified by Dr. A. R. Cooper, University of illinois Medical School, Chicago, IIL., as Bothrimonus intermedius Cooper. ‘ Of 41 specimens examined for body-muscle parasites from July 26 to October 15, 1918, 60 per cent were parasited. These were also identified by Mr. Hall as Kath- leena sp. %, probably undescribed species. Similar nematode worms have been found in the bade muscles. of flounders (Pseudopleuronectes americanus) and cod (Gadus morrhua) taken in the same region. Possibly this parasitism may be only local or only oceur to any extent in certain years. 18. SUMMARY. The important points brought out in this study of the muttonfish (Zoarces) in the Passamaquoddy bay region are :— 1. That it leaves the rivers and bays in the fall of the year for the outer deeper waters of the Atlantic, and returns about the end of April of the following year. 2. That the reproductive period occurs in the autumn. 3. That the fish is comparatively slow of growth, reaching a length of about 70cm. and a weight of 69 ounces at 20 years of age. 4. That it is a bottom feeder, feeding almost entirely upon Mollusca, Echinoder- mata and Crustacea. ; 14. LITERATURE CITED. Brwce, T. W. 1904. Fishes. Cambridge Natural History, London. (419.) CLEMENS, WILBERT A. 1920. The Muttonfish. Bull. 4, Biol. Board Can., Ottawa. Fryp, CARrtos. 1901. Die Otolithen der Fische. Inaugural Dissertion. Goopr, Grorce Brown. 1884. The Fisheries and Fishing Tndustyies in the United States. Washington. BIOLOGY OF THE MUTTONFISH 83 Lea, Ernar. : 1919. Age and Growth of Herring in Canadian Waters. Canad. Fisheries Expedition 1914-15. Dept. Naval Service, Ottawa. McIntosu, W: C. 1885. Reproduction and Development. of Fishes. 3rd Ann. Rept. Fish. Board Scotland, App. F. No. IIT (57). ‘ Nicuoxs, J. T. 1916. Seasonal Annotations on two Long Island Fishes. Copeia, No. 27 (10). Peck, Wo. D. 1804. Descriptions of Four Remarkable Fishes. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. 2 (46). Srorer, Davy HuMPHREYs. 1839. A Report on the Fishes of Massachusetts. Boston Journ. Nat. Hist. 2 (289). 1867. A History of the Fishes of Massachusetts. Mem. Amer. Acad. Arts & Sci. (N.S.), 5 (263). Van BAMBEKE, OCH. 1888. Remarques sur la reproduction de la Blenne vivipare (Zoarces viviparus Cuv.). Bull. de ?Academie Royale des Sciences Belgique No. 1, 3rd serie, 15 (92-117). 79550—634 ee A oe! soi eer vsti hie od AY’ gals alah, aera een: ashy, tN Aa vos aan ey Suede ants j Be wekiteta hie lakonht ay Od Sanit SA Reali aati abiahe mi bustin thks retire Orktee rs Tete Wile 4 W f mate’, fart istestul fey line ce ts Cot: SO ' f mn i: : EN whan ase a A mil Pivisnglanyiet d aed ihe wi Pe ‘ Paliyeiaet ey tiraesd,' Annes: Pa RTO | ‘il Ant fi, iy Rye tee aks ae, bias, “at ita antes 8 eth Ale peid: hs Orr by birdies i: Ween “endive Teh ee se ne 4 fo ; i petit Pret oa th a Wy be yd age} wk Vat ie. Meee: i Piatt Rie ee, 3 oH Wie Lr bicpere, Usiheresigangs: 3! ge ‘aes mie ee Bites RC ocrpan y VAT Hb wae ances MRA OU She ict ee a inet Cg ieee pan chip ee EP aumaripiy seo%t00\) Nigh tiiorte w “Faly obi: ot bHveamercniv east Ment nah ; bs fig, a Fagen lit Hadivorkama de netane MA aten. ena telle. vmRMt hae fue Bes \ i a ranasii: cp oan ip fuliad A heabia tint son ue iran Gabi ‘ha Ati oti cei aie nie ita ER fey | a thee tial Wy i" Ni) ae” Atty babii Nae tal Dai ah 4 ie MD t pein aria ais AY! Aenea | bo i Rie Es i. Wht v" Ds he i Naud pis urine te sinnllle — ae Tn e4 NP Ce pay ny a ave sah jie hs odes! A MA ea eee Son MPR ER an a im gid hat’: Mian aek nt oe “| ae yh Pe yet aivrot inc own: Han) dando SNA Dd Sih > 4 Rey AN hb ict AE ORIN RO ‘eth of! e ay Mae ot oreriyedaa wish EL hae: ag "SHIR Svcd wae tea eile: AS a he Coa enti Fanny) bee Soria renee vie in oo. © A sea pan Deni, : aR | : h jon P's A J BY ide at , VOT ‘ ' i) ee 4 me seh, ma A NA ae UA ines | } 8 See Z Gunes Sapa get, el "i oe Pines AL Ss Ui au gC | OR th OM Uteiutlti | ." M ahd ang Sy Ae taal tal Shes he any ; iain, sie 4c en ae er BY Cp Oph Ta, Tine yeh ytiad ae Pegs Pabeiiaens: Poehiinas Ly) i. eR at i ie ia I bi via by i A EASTERN CANADIAN PLANKTON 85 VII. Eastern Canadian Plankton.—The Distribution of the . Tomopteridze obtained during the Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 1914-1915. BY A. G. Huntsman, B.A., M.B., F.R.S.C., Biologist to the Biological Board of Canada. The Tomopterids form the bulk of the pelagic Annelids of the expedition. Several specimens of species belonging to other groups were obtained, but these were in such poor condition that their identification was not attempted. The Tomopterids have proven to be so rare in our material that the method of capture must be considered to a large extent unsuitable for a determination of their distribution. The four species obtained may be distinguished by means of the fol- lowing table :— Key to the species of Tomopteris. A,. Rosettes present on the parapodia, Tail present. (Subgenus Johnstonella.) B,. Rosettes on the trunk of each of the first two pairs of parapodia and on the fins of the remainder. T. duccit. B,. Rosettes on the ventral ramus of the first two pairs of parapodia and on all the fins. T. catharina. A,. Rosettes absent. Tail lacking. (Subgenus Tomopteris.) C,. Both hyaline and chromophile glands at apex of fin of ventral ramus of parapodium. T. septentrionalis. C,. Hyaline gland apical, chromophile gland inferior in fin of ventral ramus of parapodium. T. planktonis. Tomopteris (Johnstonella)) duccii Rosa. 1907. Rosa, p. 177. 1908. Rosa, p. 273. The single specimen obtained showed the following characters, which agree -so closely with those of T. duccii, as described by Rosa, as to leave no doubt of its belonging to that species. Length: trunk, 8 mm.; tail, ca. 6 mm. Width: the greatest is about 4 mm. The prostomium has a convex anterior border. The horns are about 1mm. long. The first cirri are decidedly shorter than the horns, while the second cirri are 6 mm. long. ‘The eyes are distinct, brownish in colour, and elongated longitudinally. The ciliated epaulettes are narrow and tongue-like, extending back considerably behind the cerebral ganglion. *This article and the following one were completed too late to be included in the report of the expedition (Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 1914-1915, Department of the Naval Service, Ottawa, 1919). For an account of the cruises undertaken, methods used, etc., see the introduc- tion by Dr. Johan Hjort, the leader of the expedition, in that report. The stations of C.G.S. ‘‘ Acadia’”’ and C.G.S. “Princess’”’ are shown in figure 1, the dates for the two cruises of each being indicated. The stations taken by C.G.S. ‘‘ Thirty-three’’ were all in the Gulf St. Lawrence, while those of the Biological vessel ‘‘ Prince’’ were taken in the Bay of Fundy in September of that year (1915). 86 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE The parapodia are 18 in number, the last two being rudimentary. There are none on the tail, which is very slender. A rosette is present in the middle of the lower side of the trunk of each of the first two parapodia of the right side, but none can be seen in those of the left side. A _ rosette is present in the fin just inside and close to the tip of both rami of all the parapodia with the exception of the first two pairs. A spine projects from a slight notch in the ventral part of the fin of the ventral ramus of each parapodium, but is indistinct in the first ones. An hyaline gland is closely applied to the outer side of the spine in all the parapodia. A chromophile gland is placed just inside the spine on the parapodia, beginning with the fifth pair. The single specimen was obtained at “ Acadia” Station 75, in the vertical haul from a depth of 325 metres. This species has heretofore been known only from two specimens reported by Rosa from the Pacific coast of Mexico. It is very evidently a tropical form, and is the only Tomopterid obtained on the expedition that is restricted to the southern oceanic water of the Gulf Stream. Tomopteris (Johnstonella) catharina (Gosse). 1900. Apstein, p. 88 (as T. helgolandica) 1905. Reibisch, p. 8 (as 7. helgolandica) 1907. Wright, p. 12 (as JT. mariana) ’ 1908. Rosa, p. 283 1911. Southern, p. 8 (as T. helgolandica) 1911. Malaquin et Cdfin, p. 11 (as T helgolandica) Up to 6 em. in length. This is the largest, as well as the most common, Tomopteris of the region. It is described as possessing the first pair of setigerous tentacles. All the individuals that I have examined, have been without them but none smaller than 11 mm. has been available. This is in rather striking contrast with the condition in European individuals, in which it is usually present unless in rather large specimens. Wright obtained off Canso a young Tomopterid, which he indentified with the Tomopteris mariana of Greef as described by Apstein, evidently relying upon the presence of a rosette in the basal joint of each of the first two pairs of parapodia. An individual, 1.2 mm. in length, from “Acadia” Station 81 on the St. Pierre bank showed the same condition, but closer inspection revealed the fact that the rosette in reality was in the base of the ventral ramus. I believe, therefore, that these belong to T. catharina. This diagnosis is confirmed by their occurrence only on the St. Pierre - bank, where adults of the species were most abundant. Individuals with eggs free in the coelome were obtained on both cruises, at “Acadia” Stations 19, 21, 80, 81 and 83, and at “Princess” Station 45. DISTRIBUTION.* C.G.S. Acadia. Station No............ 10 11 12 13 19 21 26 Depth of ay (m.)... 0(T) O(T) 100-0(V) 70-0 (V.) O(T) 0(T) 70-0 ty) 100-5 av 29-9 ‘W) 100-0(V) Length beaten) Panh ~44 oe 20 20-32 32 &37 20 & 30 18-37 20-40 18-27 a. 22 Ca. 20 Number. . ode aes 1 6 4 2 11 24 1 6 5 Station No. ........... 26 27 34 ‘35 36 50 Depth of Haul (m. Bee 0(T) O(T) 100-0 (V) 125-25 (C) 100-15 (C) 145-0 (V) 5-0. fv) a) W) soa (V) Length (mm )..... 18-30 20-40 15-30 15-40 ~ 25-30 42 30-4 juv. Naber 38 ease ct.:s were 3 19 5 5 3 1 . 4 1x10 Station No...........- 83 83 83 84 84 86 Depth of Haul (m.)..Ca. 20°10 (T) 160-0(V) 55-0 (V) Ca. 20-10 (T) Ca. 20-10 (T) 55-0 (V) Ca. 20-10 (T) Length (mm.).. . 30-47 30-40 30-60 25-40 juv. 20-30 juv. 25 Numi Berisha a. (cies 6 13 7 many several 6 x5 1 *In the tables of distribution the following abbreviations are employed,—T for ‘ Tow”; V for “Vertical haul from a certain depth to the surface”; and C for “ Vertical haul between certain depths, net being closed before bringing to the surface.” EASTERN CANADIAN PLANKTON 87 DISTRIBUTION—Continued. C.G.S. Princess. RPRUTOTE Ore ia Sak ao fer hs Stayer terete iis, Ae aie whcte arab hele din'oys) ss 21 42 Depth vi SE Peaas i CIN > Jie hs exer Melba ceayb ies Acumtal ake Yor awurl<1Wnle ailero!'s/e aioe) «, 100-0: (V) 100-0(V) 100-0 (V) a0-0 (V Oe so Ae Isnt iy Ginien Nels. bones a) Atta LaBon ion obo hier Ga cob ais ID eee 25 30 35 ca. TUES a oy ONG A EAE i Bes ore OMICS SNA Par on 1 ; 1 1 - C.G.S. Thirty-three. Motor-boat Prince. Station No.. OAS art hr) gee KA eee een eee 64 3 cr’ ata a Co a Ee oe as eee 80-0 (T) 180-0 (V) IG Ny (010 1d bear RR PABA fac thc i Ai Seu tant 20-35 30 Tere Fit P20 oe ee I A ac oe go ite 9 5 Cee 10 1 Vertical.—This species was found at the surface and down to a considerable depth. The data indicate a daily migration to and from the surface. With one exception (“Acadia” Station 86) it was obtained in the near-surface tows only between 6 p.m. and 6 am. It occurred in the vertical hauls and was absent.from the near-surface tows at eleven stations, taken between 6 a.m. and 6 p.m. For the Irish coast Southern (1911, p. 12) records it from the surface to below 1,000 fathoms, but fails to find any correlation between its vertical distribution and the hour of the day. Horizontal—On the May-June cruises, the largest numbers were obtained: at “Acadia” Stations 19 and 21 on the Green bank off the south coast of Newfoundland. On the July-August cruises, the only station at which the species was found in any abundance was “Acadia” Station 83, which was off St. Pierre island, near Newfound- land. The centre of abundance of the species is, therefore, the Newfoundland banks. This is in agreement with the finding of the species in greatest abundance on the Grand Banks of Newfoundland by the Plankton-Expedition, as recorded by Apstein (1900, p. 45). From its centre of abundance on the banks off Newfoundland T. catharina is distributed toward the northwest and toward the southwest and decreases in abun- dance in each direction. On the May-June cruises it extended to the northwest along the southern coast of Newfoundland into the gulf through Cabot strait, keeping to the north side of the strait. Only a single specimen was obtained at each of “Princess” Stations 20 and 21 just inside the strait and not one was obtained at any of the remaining stations in the gulf. This seems to have been the extent of its distribution inside the gulf at that time. It indicates that very little of the coastal water is passing westward along the southern coast of Newfoundland into the gulf. If the current flowing into the gulf through Cabot strait off cape Ray had any strong component from the water covering the banks off the south east part of Newfoundland, this species would undoubtedly be well distributed inside the gulf. It is abundant at the mouth of the Laurentian channel and extends from that region toward the southwest in a broad band along the edge of the continental shelf, as found at “Acadia” Stations 10-13. At first sight it would appear that T. catharina is being carried by a current from the Newfoundland banks across the mouth of the Laurentian channel to the southwest. It may be otherwise. Its presence in moderate abundance at “ Ac-dia” Station 34, places it in the outer part of the outflow- ing Cape Breton current, which it enters from the north. In the outer part of this current it would be carried to the mouth of the Laurentian channel and then to the southwest along the side of the continent. Tn the area of distribution outlined above (See fig. 1), the species was lacking at onlv two stations. At both of these stations, “ Acadia” Stations 20 and 22, only surface hauls were made, and at the latter station the haul was made during the day, when it wovld not be expected at the surface. On the July-August cruises certain differences in the distribution are to be noticed. Except on the Newfound'and banks, only solitary specimens were obtained in the vertical hauls and these were at widely separated points. It is again present just inside Cabot strait on the north at “ Princess” Station 45 off cape Anguille and at 88 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE “ Thirty-three” Station 64 in St. George bay. It has almost disappeared from the Laurentian channel outside the strait. One individual was obtained at “ Acadia” Station 86 in the middle of the channel. cJ =; = SS mee Co) ~ ( —— os N e) O O O if O Fic. 1. Distribution of 7. catharina in May-June, 1915. Arrows indicate supposed directions of drift. i In the northern part of the gulf a single individual was taken at “ Princess ” Station 42. It might be thought that this had been carried in through Cabot strait. If this were so, it would be expected also at “ Princess” Stations 43 and 44, and none were obtained. It is as likely that it has entered the gulf through the strait of Belle Isle. Captain Chalifour of the Princess informed me that in July, 1915, he met exten- sive ice floes well inside the strait of Belle Isle. These will have been driven in by northeast winds. If the Tomopteris had in that way been brought into the Esquiman channel, the current which Dawson has demonstrated on the northwest side of the channel, would carry it direct to “Princess” Station 42. Certain arctic medusae show a similar distribution in the northern part of the gulf; for example, Mertensia, Catablema and Aeginopsis. A single specimen was taken on the Scotian bank off Halifax at “ Acadia” Station 50. This had probably been brought to this point by the coastal tongue out- side Sable Island bank, which was so distinct in the May-June cruise. : \ HASTERN CANADIAN PLANKTON 89 It is evident that the pressing in of the Gulf Stream, which is characteristic of the summer condition, has been accompanied by an obliteration of the stream of individuals of this species, which on the first cruise was passing out of the Laurentian channel around the Breton bank and southwestward along the edge of the continent (see fig. 2). This indicates the smallness of the contribution given by the water covering the Newfoundland bank to the mass of water passing southwestward over the Breton and Scotian banks. Fic. 2. Distribution of 7. catharina in July-September, 1915. Arrows indicate directions of currents affecting the distribution. Another individual was taken in September at “Prince” Station 3 in the bay of Fundy. We have taken it in previous years even farther north in the bay, namely, inside Campobello island near Eastport. Bigelow (1914, p. 121 and 1915, p. 301) found it at many points in the gulf of Maine in 1912 and 1913 and also south of cape Cod as far as New York. Whether it breeds as far south as the gulf of Maine or whether the individuals occurring there have all been brought from the Newfoundland — banks is a subject for investigation. Our failure to find the larve at any point except . near Newfoundland is perhaps significant. Wright’s capture of one at Canso proves, however, that they may survive that far to the south at least occasionally. Its virtual absence from the cold coastal water of the St. Lawrence gulf and the Breton and 90 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Scotian banks is an argument against its successful breeding south of Newfoundland. It is perhaps to be considered an Arctic coastal species, which will survive for a long time in boreal or temperate water. Our records and also those of Bigelow show that it lives in water having a salinity of between 32°/o0 and 33°/oo. On the European coast its conditions of life appear to be quite different. Southern (1911, p. 12) states that on the Irish coast it was not taken in water of lower salinity than 34°/oo and that it was taken at all depths down to below 1,000 fathoms. . There is no indication that it ever on our coast occurs in water of as high a salinity as 34°/oo, or that it ever goes into the deep water. Its distribution on the European coast is,—the North sea, around the British isles, for some distance out into the Atlantic, and as far south as Portugal (Apstein, 1900, and Malaquin et Carin, 1911). It is therefore, in no sense an estuarial species, although carried well into bays and estuaries where the tides are heavy as in the bay of Fundy and in the Irish channel. Its southern limit on the American side of the Atlantic would seem to be the fortieth parallel. On the European side it goes even farther south, namely, to Gibraltar, and is found in the Mediterranean region confined to the Adriatic (Rosa, 1912, p. 5). Whether the tropical records for this species are to be depended upon or not, is open to question. In view of the difference, as noted above, between American and European specimens in regard to the first pair of cirri, a critical comparison of ‘extensive series of specimens from the different regions is much to be desired. ‘ Tomopteris (Tomopteris) septentrionalis.. Quatr. ex. Steenstrup. 1900. Apstein, p. 41. 1905. Reibisch, p. 9. 1998. Rosa, p. 297. 1911. Southern, p. 20 1911. Malaquin et Carin, p. 14. The length ranges from 2 to 11 mm. DISTRIBUTION. C.G.S8. Acadia. Station No......::....0.. 16 26 51 51 Depth of Haul (m.)........200-0 (V) 100-0(V) 125-55 (C) 125-0 (V) Length (mm.)............. 4-11 4&11 8 11 1 Const 57) eee IM lay 2 1 1 51 74 5 75 0 (T) 325-0 (V) | 325-0 (V) 55-0 (V) See, &5 9 This species is an oceanic form, and occurs typically in the Atlantic north of 50° N. latitude (see Apstein, 1900). It is abundant some distance off the Irish coast. (Southern, 1911), and extends south to the coast of Africa and even into the Medi- terranean (Malaquin et Carin, 1911). Rosa (1908) has recorded it from the south Pacifie off Chile and considers it to be a “ bipolar ” species. It was found in our waters in too small numbers to be classed as a typical inhabitant. It may be that our hauls were on the whole too shallow for it. With one exception the records indicate that it belongs to our northern oceanic water, being brought from the Labrador current, where it is abundant, around the Grand banks. Its presence at “ Acadia” Station 51 on the Breton bank off Halifax is in harmony with the presence in that region of other northern oceanic species. Its occurrence only in the most northerly Gulf Stream Stations, “ Acadia” Stations 74 and 75, indicates that it enters the Gulf Stream towards the north. EASTERN CANADIAN PLANKTON 91 Tomopteris (Tomopteris) planktonis, Apstein. 1900. Apstein, p. 42. 1905. Reibisch, p. 9. 1908. Rosa, p. 301. 1911. Malaquin et Carin, p. 14. The length ranges from 3 to 6 mm. DISTRIBUTION. C.G.S. Acadia. PATER LEHI NOMS es Po Seon oi PEE BSS | Gettin in, che be ee 16 26 50 75 87 Depth of Haul a. & Bee A Fe A cue See Ss « te .. 200-0 (V) 100-0 (V)- 145-0 (V) 325-0(V) 290-0 (V) Length (mm.).. ey Ae ERE I hn tess (.2 Sikes eee 3-5 6 6 3 3 I ERREIION CMe cee aie ciale olals ond oe Cle ach este a ene Sic etsc aaa k's aw le pts 4+ 1 1x5 4 1 Unlike the preceding, this species occurred only in the deep vertical hauls, and never in the shallow tows. It has a somewhat similar horizontal distribution to that of the preceding one, but is found at the equator as well as in the north, according to Apstein (1900). Malaquin et Carin report it from a number of points from the Canaries to north of the Azores and Rosa (1912, p. 8) has reported it from the Adriatic. On our coast it occurred with the preceding species or at neighbouring stations. Im addition, the record, at “ Acadia” Station 87 shows that it extends in the northern oceanic water for some distance up the Laurentian channel. It is thus confined to the northern oceanic water and the northern part of the Gulf Stream. ; LITERATURE. APsTEIN, O. 1900. Die Alciopiden und Tomopteriden der Plankton-Expedition. Ergebnisse d. Plankton-Expedition, Bd. IJ, H b. Bicetow, H. B. 1914. Explorations in the Gulf of Maine, ete. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. LVIII, No. 2, pp. 31-147. 1915. Exploration of the coast water between Nova Scotia and Chesapeake Bay, ete. Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., Vol. LIX, No. 4, pp. 151-359. ‘ Mataguin, A. ET Carin, F. 1911. Note préliminaire sur les Annelides pélagiques provenant des campagnes de VHirondelle et de la Princesse-Alice. Bull. de Inst. Oceanographique de Monaco. No. 205. RerpiscuH, J. ° 1905. Anneliden. Nordisches Plankton, Bd. X, pp. 17. Rosa, D. ; 1907. Diagnosi preliminari di nuovi Tomopteridi raccolti dalla R.N. “ Liguria.” Mon. Zool. Ital., ann. XVIII, pp. 176 and 177. 1908. Anellidi—Parte I Tomopteridi. Raccolte Planctoniche, ete., V., pp. 248- 327. 1912. ee sui tomopteridi dell’adriatico raccolti dalle R.R. Navi “ Montebello 2 “Ciclope.” R. Com. Talass. Ital.. Mem. XX, pp. 1-10. SOUTHERN, = 1911. Polycheta of ‘dig Coasts of eels, EL seis Alciopine, Tomopteride and Typhloscolecide. Fisheries, Ireland, Sci. Invest., 1910, ITI, pp. 37. Wricut, R. R. 1907. The Plankton of Eastern Nova Scotia Waters. Contrib. Canad. Biology 1902-1905, 39th Ann. Rep. Dept. Mar. and Fisheries, Fisheries Branch, pp. 1-19. : big af “ttt ial x mr yeh e ee Pah ‘to bes wag y & toW bE } ie ri roi Vani ame ‘“y i < i) Os ue ‘) fy it rr ra mt L EASTERN CANADIAN PLANKTON 93 NITE Eastern Canadian Plankton.—The Distribution of Float- ing Tunicates (Thaliacea) obtained during the Canadian Fisheries Expedition, 1914-1915. BY A. G. Huntsman, B.A., M.B., F.R:S.C., Biologist to the Biological Board of Canada. Comparatively few individuals of this group were obtained on the expedition, forty-five in all, belonging to five different species. The nomenclature is that of Ihle (1912) for the Desmomyaria and that of Neumann (1913) for the Cyclomyaria. Key to the Species. Ai. Muscles of body forming usually incomplete rings. A single pair of large branchial stigmata. sal Salpidae. Alimentary canal coiled to form a nucleus, or, if not, muscles of the body very numerous. Salpa. Bi. Muscles not in groups. : C,. Muscle bands, more than six. 18 to 22 more or less interrupted muscle bands. Taken all along the gulf shore of Cape Breton. Spawns in the Cheticamp and Margaree rivers. Speciments from 13 to 16 cm. long seined in salt and brackish water in June, with lateral dark bars very distinct. Salvelinus fontinalis, Mitelill. Sporrep Trout. Some were collected in seines about the mouths of streams. Said to be abundant in the rivers and lakes. Osmerus mordax (Mitchell) Jordan and Gilbert. SMeEtt. Seined in numbers at many points along the coast. Rare at the Magdalens. Large seine hauls at Cheticamp, the fish running from 5 to 9 em. in length. In other hauls they varied from 14 to 24 cm. Mallotus villosus (Miiller) Giinther. CaAPELIN. One specimen collected at Cheticamp, June 4. Reported rare at the Magdalens. Fundulus heteroclitus (Linn.) Giinther. KULLIFIsH. / In tidal pools and all estuaries. In similar places around the Magdalen islands. Fundulus diaphanus (Lesueur) Jordan. Sprinc Minnow. MclIsaac’s pond, Margaree; fresh-water pond on Cheticamp island, and at mouth of a small river, Pleasant bay. Scombresox saurus (Walbaum) Fleming. BrLu-FisH. SxKip-Jaox. One from the stomach of a cod at Cheticamp. Pygosteus pungitius (Linn) Eigenmann. NINE-SPINED STICKLEBACK. In lagoons and estuaries—not aboundant. The spines of the dorsal are usually ten or eleven. . Gasterosteus bispinosus, Walbaum. Wwo-Spinep STICKLEBACK. Very abundant in all sheltered waters, bays, tidal pools, and marsh ponds. Exceed- ingly abundant at the Magdalens. The Common Eel, A. chrysypa, fed on it largely in Aspy bay. Gasterosteus gladiunculus, Kendall. SrticKLEBACK. Cheticamp, Aspy Bay, and Magdalens. Rare. LIST OF FISHES COLLECTED IN 1917 111 Apeltes quadracus (Mitchill) Jordan and Gilbert. Four-Sprvep StTICKLEBAC@. Quite common in the more shallow waters with the other forms of this family. Siphostoma fuscum, (Storer) Swain. ComMMoN PIPEFISH. Six specimens of this curious fish were taken in a seine haul at Dingwall, Aspy bay, July 27. Menidia notata, (Mitchill). SILVERSIDE. Mature specimens of this species were rare, but young from 2 to 4 cm. long were taken in numbers in Deadman’s pond, St. Lawrence bay, and at Alright island, Mag- dalens. Ammodytes americanus De Kay. Sanp Launce. Not common. A few seined, and others taken from stomachs of cod at Cheticamp. Abundant at Amherst island, Magdalens, in June. Scomber scombrus, Linn. CoMMON MACKEREL. ‘Some were taken in June at Cheticamp in the herring nets. Large catches at the Magdalens about the middle of June. Xiphias gladius, Linn. SworpFisH. Two seen swimming at the surface some miles off Aspy bay, July 28. Taken in quantity every summer by the fishermen on the eastern side of Cape Breton, wath specially prepared gear. : % hls i? pele BM OLANISOMNGS Sra Sees rote eae Ae AR eR hg ce a eee hehe 26-77 26-60 26-86 UWrea—N. idee. set aE) |e io ES MEN RRA ee eo Pe 0-37 0-355 0-16 Ammonia—N ORAS eke ae Real a NOs See a Te Cee rAd ce ee 0-09 0-09 0-145 Urea—N (Calc. on dry wt.).. bye eas S27 vereae ia eh, 1-38 1-34 0-59 Ammonia—N (Cale. on dry WEN ee ee ee 0-35 9-35 0-54 Red Label samples obtained from factory. Blue Label sample from St. Andrews There is probably some significance in the high ammonia and low urea figures which I obtained from the sample sent from St. Andrews as contrasted with the high urea and low ammonia content of the fish sent from Gorton-Pew. Probably some change has occured. There was no odour of decomposition from the sample having the high ammonia content, though it would be difficult to distinguish between the odours of decomposi- tion and that of fish. If any extensive decomposition had occured, probably much higher ammonia figures would have been obtained. APPENDIX B. (Extract from a letter by Dr. A. B. Macallum to the writer.) “ There are two handicaps regarding dogfish as food, from the point of view of its urea content. One is that the urea changes to ammonium carbonate when the dogfish stands at ordinary temperatures, and the amount thus transformed is in proportion to the time during which the fish is allowed to stand at such temperature after it is caught. The presence of ammonium) carbonate with the other odour of the fish makes it exceedingly disagreable to the taste and smell, and, accordingly, dogfish as food must be used soon after caught, or else it must be frozen and kept frozen in order to prevent transformation of urea into ammonium carbonate. “ The other handicap is an esthetic one. One does not relish eating food in which there is such a waste product as urea in abundance. “Tn canning fresh dogfish, of course, the water used in heating may withdraw a considerable portion of the urea. That explains why in Dr. Baumann’s experiments the quantity found was much less than the 2 per cent present in the muscle of the living animal. “The observations regarding the dogfish are applicable to the skate and shark for food.” LITERATURE CITED. Appis, T. and C. K. WatanaBe. 1916. The Rate of Urea Excretion. II. The Rate of Excretion of Administrated Urea in Young Healthy Adults on a Constant Diet. Journ. Biol. Chem. Vol. 27, p. 249. Bean, T. H. 1903. Catalogue of the Fishes of New York. N.Y. State Museum Bull. 60. Bex, R. 1859. On the Natural History of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Canadian Naturalist and Geologist. Vol. IV. UTILIZATION OF DOGFISH 135 Crakk, E. D. and L.,H. Aumy. 1918. A Chemical Study of Food Fishes. The Analysis of twenty common food fishes with especial reference to a seasonal variation in composition. Jour. of Biol. Chem. Vol. 33, No. 3, p. 483. CornisH, G. M. 1907. Notes on the Fishes of Canso. Contr. Can. Biol. 1902-5. 1912. Notes on the Fishes of “Tignish, P.E.I. Contrib. Can. Biol. 1906-1910. Fapricius, J. 1780. Fauna Groenlandiea. Fretp, I. A. 1910. Sea Mussels and Dogtish as Food. Bull. U.S. Bureau of Fisheries. Vol. XXVIII, p. 243. Four, O. 1911. U.S. Dept. Agric. Report 1911, XCIV> p. 233. Fortin, P. , ; 1864. Continuation of the List of Fish of the Gulf and River St. Lawrence. Report Comm. Crown Lands for 1863, Appendix No. 40. Hewett, A. W., Q.\O. GitBert, and A. D. WIcKETT. 1916. The Toxie Effects of Urea on Normal Individuals. Areh. Internal Medi- eine. Vol. 18, p. 636. JORDAN, D. S. and B. W. EverMANN. 1896. The Fishes of North and Middle America. Bull. U.S. National Museum. No. 47. Pt. 1. Leacu, A. E. 1909. Food Inspection and Analysis. New York. Periey, M. H. 1852. Reports on the Sea and River Fisheries of New Brunswick. 2nd. Edn. Smiru, H.M. ° 1898. The Fishes found in the Vicinity of Woods Hole, Bull. U.S. Fish. Comm. ~ Vol. XVII. Srorer, H. R. 1850. Observations on the Fishes of Nova Seotia and Labrador. Bost. Journ. Nat! Bist. Volo Vi; pp. 24% Waite, G.F. 1917. Fish Isinglass and Glue. U.S. Bureau of Fisheries, Doe. No. 852. ‘) i hid''k | ‘ pigee Y a aa a : Bai Bd ral ; vie bs iPiasy # A We Ce eins ef we Ame SUK LAGE) + a th nea) TAARUDS PR a i ; 1 | c ; is tu Mitt aR ea f f ny haa aS A Rt ; K mt Ls ue ie he ae LT Martine ie i } j ; a wm i i ‘ L , fs i vas ak Ome Yarn itas 0S INa Ay Nh de ne dA yet Ne Par ns { ais XIV Key to the Hydroids of Eastern Canada. BY C,. McLean FRAseEr. (With 109 Figures.) INTRODUCTION. A recent paper contained a complete list of the hydroids that have been found in the waters of Eastern Canada, so far as is known, with synonymy and distribution of each species as related to this area and the literature pertaining to it.t In the present paper the same species are considered and an attempt is made by key, short description and characteristic figure, to put in concise form for handy reference, a means of diagnosing at least the typical hydroids. The investigator who wishes to study more minute details, will find them given in the papers referred to in the bibliography in connection with the previous paper. No new matter is introduced. In some cases where the writer had not previously described the species, the description was made directly from the specimen, but in substance this would naturally be similar to descriptions given by others. Similarly many of the drawings have been made specially for this paper. Descriptions given in, and drawings made for, previous papers, have been used in many instances, but only in cases where specimens of the species recorded by other investigators were not available for description have quotations or copies been made from other authors. In the list there were thirteen of these species and in some other cases the descrip- tion of the gonosome had to be obtained, but in all cases the authority for the description or figure has been given. The specimen of Lafoea symmetrica obtained some years ago at Canso has been lost and the drawing is made from a sketch made at the time, but it seems to agree with that given by Bonnevie, although it may not be exactly typical. Two species described by Stimpson, viz., Hudendrium cingulatum and Grammaria gracilis, were not figured by him, and apparently they have not been described or figured since, hence no figures of these appear. The only difference between Tubularia spectabilis and Tubularia tenella seems to be one of size, if that is sufficient difference to separate species. As 7. spectabilis is too large to admit of the enlargement that is used throughout, the difference in size could not readily be shown, hence there is no figure given of JT. tenella. All drawings taken from other sources have been reduced to one-third diameter. Figures 20, 21, 23 and 25 have been magnified but little, figures 37, 52, 53, 54, 56, 61, 69, 76 are magnified 30 diameters, figures 4, 6, 9, 10, 11, 26, 41 are magnified 15 diameters and the remainder of the figures 10 diameters. For a copy of a plate containing the figure of Dicoryne flexuosa, I am fidebped to Mr. Dayton Stoner, of the State University of Iowa, and for a copy of the figure of Tetrapoma quadridentatum, as well as the description, and for the description of the coppinia of Lafe a pygmea I am indebted to Dr. A. G. Huntsman, of the University of Toronto. Mrs. Fraser has made the drawings for the paper. Although the same species are here treated, there is practically no duplication of what is included in the previous paper. It seems entirely unnecessary to repeat the synonymy and distribution in what is intended to be merely a handbook for 1 Hydroids of Eastern Canada. Contributions to Can. Biol., 1917, pp. 329-370, Supp. to 7th Ann. Rept., Department of Naval Service. 137 138 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE ready reference. That the paper may be useful even to those who have not had previous acquaintance with hydroid taxonomy, a glossary of the principal hydroid terms is included. tLOSSARY. Acrocyst. An extra-capsular marsupial sac, surrounded by a gelatinous cover- ing, in which development of the ova takes place in certain species. : Actinula or actinule. A medusoid structure developed from the reproductive buds in the genus Tubularia, in which radial canals and rudimentary tentacles appear but in which no mouth is present. In this structure the ova are developed into the young hydroids while the structure is still attached. Cenosarc. The common flesh-like substance that binds the zooids together in a colony. : Colony. A number of zooids connected together by a common cenosarc. Coppinia. A mass formed of a close aggregation of gonangia, among which are seattered modified hydrothece, which serve as a protection for the mass. Found in the Lafewide. Corbula. A specially modified branch or hydrocladium which forms an envelope for the gonangia in certain Plumularians. Diaphragm. TT. tenella. Tubularia couthouyi Agassiz. Trophosome. Stem unbranched, height 15 cm.; deep annulations at intervals dividing the stem; hydranth large, 3 or 4 cm. in dia- meter when tentacles are extended; proximal tentacles 30-40, long; distal up to 50, shorter and smaller. Gonosome. Gonophores growing in dense racemes; sporosacs with 4 radial canals but without apical processes. No. 21. Tubularia couthouyi. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 151 Tubularia crocea (Agassiz). Trophosome. Colony growing in thick tufts which make a tangled mass below, but separate into long stems above which reach out of the mass; branching irregular; stems slightly and irregularly annulated; proximal and distal set of tentacles each 20-24, Gonosome.. Gonophores growing in long racemes, without radia] canals, but with 4 laterally compressed apical processes. Wo. 22; Tubularia crocea. Tubularia indivisa Linnzeus. Trophosome. Stems growing in clusters, un- branched, height 30cm.; perisare heavier than in other species; little or no sign of annulation; proximal tentacles up to 40, long and slender; distal set much more numerous but shorter. Gonosome. Gonophores in racemes; sporosacs with 4 radial canals but without apical processes. No. 23. Tubularia indivisa. Tubularia larynx Ellis and Solander. Trophosome. Stems clustered, often tangled at the base, height 2cm.; perisare extensively annulated, annulations varying from deep to shallow; proximal and distal set of tentacles each about 20. Gonosome. Gonophores in denser, more compact racemes; sporosaecs without radial canals; apical processes scarcely developed. No. 24. Tubularia laryncz. 152 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Téa bulacan spectabilis (Agassiz). Trophosome. . Stem irregularly branched; height 10cm.; with few or no annulations; proximal and distal set of tentacles each about 20. Gonosome. Gonophores in large, loose racemes; sporosacs without radial canals but with conical apical processes. No. 25. Tubularia spectabilis. Tubularia tenella Agassiz. Similar to the preceding species but smaller, 2 cm. high. It is possible that it is not a distinct species. , ae Sub-order CALYPTOBLASTEA. | Family CAMPANULARIDA. Trophosome. Hydrothece campanulate, never sessile, never adnate or immersed in the stem or branches; diaphragm always present; hydranth with trumpet- ae proboscis. Gonosome. Gonophores produce fixed sporosacs or free meduse; the racine when produced usually have otocysts in the margin and have the gonads along the course of the radial canals. KEY TO GENERA. a Gonophores producing fixed sporosacs in which the planule are developed. b Reproduction by sporosacs which remain within the gonangia during the development of the planule. Campanularia. bb Reproduction by sporosaes which are extruded into a sac at the summit of the gonangium, in which sac the planule are developed. ge Gonothyrea. aa Gonophores, producing medusoids without mouth or digestive cavity. Hucopella. aaa Gotidphores producing free raediinel é. Meduse globular, with four tentacles aii time of eheration: Clytia. ce ‘Medusz flatter, with 16 or more tentacles at time of liberation. -Obelhaa. Genus CAMPANULARIA. Trophosome. Stem unbranched, regularly or. irregularly branched. Gonosome. Gonophores producing sporosacs, which remain within the gonan- gium while the pani develop. KEY TO SPECIES. a Stem fascicled. b Hydranth pedicels appearing in whorls. CO. verticillata. bb Hydranth pedicels given off singly. C. gelatinosa. -HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 153 aa Stem branched but not fascicled c Hydrothecal margin entire. - qd Diameter of hydrotheca as great as its depth. C. flexuosa. dd Diameter of hydrotheca much less than its depth. C. amphora. ec .Hydrothecal margin with teeth having two cusps. C. neglecta. aaa Stem unbranched or but slightly branched. e Hydrothecal margin entire. C. integra. ee Hydrothecal margin toothed. f MHydrothece with vertical lines. g Lines very distinct throughout the whole length. -h Gonangia annulated. C. hinckst. hh Gonangia smooth. C. grenlandica. gg Lines distinct towards margin only. 4 Gonangia long, with bottle neck. C. magnifica. a Gonangia bowl-shaped. C. speciosa. fj Hydrothece without vertical lines. j Hydrotheee small, tubular, with blunt, shallow teeth. C. volubilis. jj Uydrothece large, broadening towards the margin, teeth blunt, deep. C. gigantea. Campanularia amphora (Agassiz). Trophosome. Colony loosely branched, height 15 em.; annula- tions at the base of the branches and above the origin of the branches on the main stem; pedicels unusually annulated throughout; hydro- theese deeper than wide; margin entire. Gonosome. Female gonangia elongate-oval, about four times as long as the hydrothece, somewhat truncate at top, aperture small; male gonang’a more slender with a slightly produced neck. NO: 26.007 Campanwaria amphora, Campanularia flecuosa (Hincks) Trophosome. Stem flexuous, 3 em. high; pinnately branched; annulated at the base and above the origin of the pedicels; pedicels annulated throughout; hydro- thecze as broad as deep, margin entire. Gonosome. _Gonophores axillary, on annulated pedicels; gonangia large, elongate, ovoid but truncated distally. No. 27. Campanularia flexuosa, + 154 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Campanularia gelatinosa (Pallas). Trophosome. Stem and main branches fascicled; height 25 em.; branchlets numerous, whitish, appear- ing gelatinous in the water; branches annulated at the origin; pedicéls vary in length, short ones annulated throughout, long ones annulated towards each end; hydrothece deeply campanulate, tapering gradually from margin to base; margin with about 10 teeth, each with two sharp cusps Gonosome. Gonangia elongated oval, with dis- tinct neck and tapering base; pedicels short, annu- lated. Campanularia gigantea Hincks. Trophosome. Stem delicate, slightly branched, each branch forming a pedicel for a hydrotheca; pedi- cels annulated at the base; hydrothece large, much deeper than wide, the lower portion tapering gradu- ally to the base; margin with about 10 rounded, deeply- eut teeth. Gonosome. Unknown. Campanularia grenlandica Levinsen. Trophosome. Stem unbranched, forming the pedi- ee! for the hydranth, annulated or wavy throughout; nydrothece tubular, urceolate, the base hemispherical; margin with 10-12 teeth, rounded or squared at the tip; lines running down from the spaces between the teeth, the full length of the hydrotheca. Gonosome. Gonangia large, with smooth surface, bottle-shaped with long neck; pedicel short. Campanularia hincksi Alder. Trophosome. Stem unbranched, forming the pedi- ce] for the hydranth, long, slender, annulated below the hydrotheca and at the base; hydrothece Ceep, nearly tubular, with lines running from the margin almost to ‘the base; margin with square-topped teeth. Gonosome. Gonangia borne on the stolon, ovoid, truneate, corrugated; pedicel short, not annulated. No. 28. Campanularia gelatinosa. No. 29. Campanularia gigantea. No. 30. NS Oe ath tn et No. 31. Campanularia hinekst. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA Campanularia integra MacGillivray. Trophosome. Stem unbranched, forming the pedi- cel for the hydranth, long and slender, varying much in the amount of the annulation but always annulated at the base and below the hydrotheca; hydrotheca small, tapering gradually from margin to base; margin entire. Gonosome. Gonangium large, deeply corrugated, each corrugation with a distinct keel; pedicel short, annulated. Campanularia magnifica Fraser. Trophosome. Stem unbranched, growing from a stout stolon that is not annulated; hydrotheca large, slightly urceolate; margin flaring slightly, with 10-12 low, blunt teeth; lines running some distance down from the margin; pedicel annulated throughout. Gonosome. Gonangium large, longer than the hydrotheea, oval, distal end drawn out into a bottle- neck, very slightly corrugated; pedicel short. Campanularia neglecta (Alder). Trophosome. Stem pinnately branched, annulated above the margin of each pedicel; pedicels annulated at each end or throughout; hydrotheece narrow, deep, nearly tubular; margin toothed, each tooth provided with two sharp points. Gonosome. Gonangium pyriform, axillary or on the pedicels; pedicel short, annulated. Campanularia speciosa Clark. Trophosome. Stem unbranched from an annu- lated stolon; pedicels short, annulated throughout; hydrotheca large, urceolate; margin with low, rounded teeth; lines running down a short distance from the margin. Gonosome. Gonangium bowl-shaped, as wide as deep; pedicel short. No. 32. Campanularia integra. No. 33. Campanularia magnéfica, No. 34. Campanularia neglecta. No, 35. Campanularia speciosa. 155 156 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Campanularia verticillata (Linnus). Trophosome. Main stem fascicled throughout, ending like a stump; main branches also fascicled ; | hydranths arranged in irregular whorls, with long pedicels, annulated or wavy throughout, hydrotheca rather large, not much deeper than wide; margin with 12-14 blunt teeth. Gonosome. Gonangia sessile on the main stem, No. 36. fusiform with bottle neck; surface smooth; ova large. Campanularia verticillata. Campanularia volubilis (Linneus). Trophosome. Stem unbranched; stolon smooth or twisted; pedicel slender, spirally twisted or annulated; hydrotheca small, narrow and deep, tubular; margin with about 10 rounded, often very low teeth. Gonosome. Gonangium flask-shaped, with long narrow neck, borne on the stolon; pedicel short, annulated. No. 37. Campanularia volubilis. Genus CLYTIA. Trophosome. Stem unbranched or irregularly branched. . Gonosome. \Gonophores producing free meduse which are somewhat sphericals with four tentacles at the time of liberation. . KEY TO SPECIES. a Stem usually much branched. b Gonangium corrugated. . 0. edwardsi. aa Stem usually unbranched. ce Hydrotheca cylindrical, margin with sharp teeth. C. cylindrica. ec Hydrotheca campanulate, teeth blunt or rounded. d Gonangium smooth. C. noliformis. dd Gonangium corrugated. ' CO. johnston. Clytia cylindrica Agassiz. Trophosome. Stem unbranched; the slender pedi- cel annulated proximally and distally; hydrotheca cylindrical, twice as deep as*wide, suddenly constricted at the base where the diaphragm appears inside; teeth 10-12, sharp pointed and deeply cut. Gonosome:s Gonangium from the stolon or pedicel, oblong, or obovate, smooth; pedicel short, with one or two annulations. eat No. 38. Clytia cylindrica. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA Clytia edwardsi (Nutting). ‘Trophosome. Stem usually with few or many irregularly arranged branches, 3 em. high; pedicels long and slender, annulated proximally and distally; hydrotheca deeply .campanulate with 10-14 deeply-cut, slender teeth, rounded at the tip. Gonosome. Gonangium oblong or oval, corru- gated; pedicel short, annulated. Clytia johnstoni (Alder). Trophosome. . Stem unbranched or with a single branch, annulated proximally and distally; hydrotheca broadly campanulate, depth and width nearly equal; margin with 12-16 teeth, slightly rounded or sharper. Gonosome. Gonangium on the stem or stolon, oval or oblong, truncate, corrugated; pedicel short, annu- lated. Clytia noliformis (McCrady). Trophosome.. Stem unbranched, short, stout, exten- sively annulated, sometimes throughout he whole length; hydrotheca broadly campanulate, as wide as or wider than deep; teeth 10-12, rounded at the tip. Gonosome. Gonangium on the stolon, almost sessile, broadly oval, distal end with a short neck below the rim. Genus EUcopPeLLa. No. 39. Clytia edwardsi. ; No. 40. Clytia johnstoni. 15% No. 41. Clytia noliformis. Trophosome. Stem unbranched; hydrotheca with very thick wall and entire margin. Gonosome. Gonophores producing large medusoid structures of elongated dome- shape, without mouth or digestive cavity. Eucopella caliculata (Hincks). Trophosome. Stem unbranched, varying in length, slightly wavy or annulated, with a distinct double annulation below the hydrotheca; hydrotheca with very thick wall and entire margin. Gonosome. Gonangium large, irregularly obovate, the distal end somewhat rounded or truncate, almost sessile on the stolon; two medusoids in the gonangium at the one time, a large one occupying the greater por- tion of the space and a much smaller one below; these are elongated oval in shape. No. 42. Eucopella caliculata. 158 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Genus GONOTHYR#A. Trophosome. Ag in the family. Gonosome. Reproduction by fixed medusiform sporosacs, furnished with ten- tacles, that at maturity become extra-capsular, remaining attached until their con- tents are discharged. KEY TO SPECIES. a Colony slightly and irregularly branched, margin with sharp teeth. G. gracilis. b Colony large, more regularly branched, margin with blunt, square-topped teeth. ; | G. loveni. Gonothyrea gracilis (Sars). Trophosome. Colony slightly and _ irregularly branched: stem, branches and pedicels, long and slender; stem annulated at the base and above the origin of each branch; pedicels annulated at each end; hydrotheca deep, cylindrical for the upper half and gradually tapering to the base; margin with 10-14 deeply-cut, sharp teeth. Gonosome. Gonangium oblong-oval, often flaring | No. 43. at the rim; on the stem or stolon; pedicel annulated. Gonothyrea -gracilis. Gonothyrea lovent (Allman). Trophosome. Stem branched, flexuose, annulated above the origin of the branches and pedicels; pedicels short, annulated; hydrotheca slightly deeper than wide; margin with teeth that are usually square-topped but may be more rounded. Gonasome. Gonangium axillary, obeonic, on a short annulated pedicel. No. 44. Gonothyrea loveni. Genus OBELIA. Trophosome. Stem branched, simple or fascicled. Gonosome. Gonophores producing free meduse, that are flattened dorso- ventrally and when liberated possess more than eight tentacles. KEY TO SPECIES. a Margin toothed. b Gonangium much shorter than the stem internodes, O. longissima. bb Gonangium usually longer than the stem internodes. O. articulata. aa Margin entire. e Hydrotheca pedicels usually forming the only branches. - d Hydrotheca deeper than wide. O. dichotoma. dd Wydrotheca as wide as deep. e Hydrotheea pedicel supported on a shoulder-like process of the stem internode. O. geniculata. ee No shoulder present on the stem internode. O. hyalina. ce Stem with other branches than those formed by the hydranth pedicels. f Hydrotheca deeper than wide. O. commissuralis. ff Hydrotheca as wide as deep. O. flabellata. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA Obelia articulata (A. Agassiz). Trophosome. Colony much branched, 7 em. high; stem usually simple but in some cases slightly fas- cicled; main stem continuous throughout and dis- tinctly stouter than: any of the branches; stem and branches annulated above the origin of branches and pedicels; hydrotheca deeper than wide; margin with 12-14 low, rounded teeth, pedicel annulated throughout Gonosome. Gonangium axillary, long, usually longer than the stem internode, a distinct collar pre- sent; pedicel annulated. No. 45. Obelia articulala. Obelia commissuralis MeCrady. Trophosome. Colony large, 20em.; main stem geniculate; branches numerous; stem and_ branches annulated above the origin of the branches and pedi- eels; hydrotheca small, deeper than wide; margin entire; pedicels usually annulated throughout. Gonosome. Gonangium axillary, obovate, smooth, f ae . 46. with a distinct collar. wie Obelia comnvissuralis. Obelia dichotoma (Linneus). Trophosome. Stem 25mm. high, slender, erect, unbranched or slightly and irregularly branched; stem annulated above the nodes; hydrotheca funnel-shaped with polyhedral margin; pedicel usually annulated throughout. Gonosome. Gonangium axillary, obovate, smooth, with tapering collar; pedicel short, annulated. No. 47. Obelia dichotoma. Obelia flabellata (Hincks). Trophosome. Colony 25cm. high; stem and_ pri- mary branches branched, spreading; stem and branches annulated above the origin of the branches and _ pedi- cels; hydrotheca as wide as deep; margin entire, pedicel annulated. Gonosome. Gonangium axillary, obovate, with a terminal collar; pedicel short, annulated. No. 48. Obelia flabellata. 160 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Obelia geniculata (Linneus). Trohphosome. Stem simple, geniculate, 25 mm. high, bearing alternate pedicels on shoulder processes of the internodes; hydrotheca as. wide as deep; margin entire; pedicels annulated at each end or throughout, usually curved away from the stem. Gonosome. Gonangium axillary, oval or slightly ‘. obovate; terminal collar present. No. 49. Obelia hyalina Clark. Trophosome. Stem 20mm. high, unbranched or oceasionally branched, geniculate, with several annu- lations above the origin of each pedicel; hydrotheca as wide as deep; margin entire, sometimes flaring; pedicels annulated at each end or throughout. Gonosome. Gonangium axillary, obovate, with or : : No. 50. without terminal collar. Obelia lanai (Pallas). Trophosome. Stem filiform of great length, 60 em., much branched, branches alternate; stem horn colour or black, annulated at base and above each node; hydro- theca deeper than wide; margin wavy or with low, rounded teeth; pedicel annulated at each end or throughout. Gonosome. Gonangium axillary, oval, with a dis- 2 tinct collar, pedicel annulated. No. 51. Obelia longissima. Family CAMPANULINIDZ. Trophosome. Colonies branched or unbranched; hydrothece pedicellate or ses- sile, always operculate, the operculum formed of converging segments; hydranths with conical proboscis. Gonosome. Gonophores producing fixed sporosacs or free medusz. KEY TO GENERA. a Hydrotheca pedicellate. b Hydrotheeal margin distinct. c Operculum of several converging segments. Calycella. ce Operculum of four segments. Tetrapoma. cece Operculum shaped like an A-tent. Stegopoma. bb Hydrothecal margin not distinct. / Reproduction by fixed sporosacs. Opercularella. aa Hydrotheca sessile. Hydrotheca tubular, margin indistinct. Cuspidella. Genus CALYCELLA. Trophosome. A creeping stolon gives rise to tubular hydrothece on annulated pedicels; margin distinct; several segments to the operculum. ; Gonosome. Gonangia borne on the stolon; acrocysts produced. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA — 161 Calycella syringa (Linneus). Trophosome. Stolon smooth, not reticu- lated; hydroteca tubular; margin distinct; operculum of 8 or 9 converging segments; pedicel annulated. Gonosome. Gonangium on the stolon, oval or obovate; ‘sporosaecs extruded into an he ) re os. acroecyst; pedicel short, annulated. Calycella syringa. Genus CUSPIDELLA. Trophosome. Hydrotheea tubular, sessile on a creeping stolon. Gonosome. Unknown. KEY TO SPECIES. a Gonangium obvate. O. lacerata. , b Hydrotheea segmented. ©. costata. . Cuspidella costata Hineks. Trophosome. ‘‘Hydrothece somewhat broadly cylindrical, encircled by two or three rather prominent ribs, or lines of growth, dividing them into segments, the uppermost or opercular segment formed of thinner material than the rest and supporting a conical, operculum, composed s ” ° No. 53. of very numerous convergent pieces ” (Hincks).. Cuboiaalie Gonosome. Unknown. costata (after Hincks). Cuspidella grandis Hincks. Trophosome. Sessile, tubular hydrothece grow from regularly creeping stolon; operculum of 8-10 segments. Gonosome. Unknown. No. 54. grandis. Cuspidella Genus OPERCULARELLA. Trophosome. Hydrotheca elongate-oval with no distinct margin; opercular seg- ments long and narrow. Gonosome. Reproduction by sporosacs that are extruded into an acrocyst. KEY TO SPECIES. a Gonangium obovate. O. lacerata. b Gonangium fusiform. O. pumila. ¢ 79550—-11 162 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Opercularella lacerata (Johnston). Trophosome. Stem short, 25mm., branched, some of the branches being almost as long as the main stem; stem and branches flexuous, annulated throughout; hydrotheea with proximal half oval, distal half conical; no distinct margin; segments of the operculum long and slender. Gonosome. Female gonangia obovate, sessile or on short, annulated pedicels, axillary or in place of hydro- thece ; male gonangia narrower. Opercularella pumila Clark. Trophosome. Stem erect or creeping, sparingly branched, annulated throughout; hydrotheee similar in shape to those of O. lacerata but smaller. Gonosome. Gonangia fusiform on short annulated pedicels on the stem or stolon. Genus STEGOPOMA. No. 55. \ Opercularella lacerata. No. 56. Opercularella pumila. Trophosome. WHydrotheea with an operculum formed of two membranes folded lengthwise and which come together roof-like, with their long edges; each of these is separated from the remainder of the hydrotheca by a curved line: at each side the hydrothecal wall forms a triangular gable-like structure, between the two opercular membranes. Gonosome. Gonophores producing fixed sporosacs. Stegopoma plicatile (Sars). Trophosome. Stem large; stem and main branches fascicled; hydrotheca long, tubular or nearly so, sessile or with a short pedicel. Gonosome. _Gonangium long, oval or cylindrical, adhering to the branch for a portion of the length. Genus TETRAPOMA. No. 57. Stegopoma plicatile. Trophosome. Hydrothece pedicellate, with distinct four-toothed margin, oper- culum of four segments. Gonosome. Unknown. HYDROIDS OF BASTERN CANADA “163 Tetrapoma quadridentatum (Hincks). Trophosome. “Hydrotheee cylindrical, usually slightly ineurved on one side, the height about three times as great as the breadth, with a quadridentate margin and an operculum composed of four pieces, borne on ringed pedicels of variable lengths (3 to 7 rings) which rise at intervals from a creeping stem” (Hincks). No. 58. Tetrapoma quadridentatum Gonosome. Unknown. (after Hincks). Family HALECID. ..Trophosome. Hydrothece reduced to saucer-shaped hydrophores which usually pass without constriction into the large tubular pedicels; margin entire, often flar- ing; reduplication common; hydranths with conical proboscis. Gonosome. Gonophores producing fixed sporosacs. Genus HALecium. Trophosome. As in the family. Gonosome. Gonangia often of different shape in the two sexes which are found on different colonies. te KEY TO SPECIES, a Stem simple. b Stem annulated or wavy throughout. e Gonangium laterally compressed, small, with regular margin. H. tenellum. ce Gonangium very large with wavy or spiny margin. H. minutum. bb Stem not annulated. d Colony minute, with no definite main stem. H. curvicaule. dd Colony large, with main stem and branches. H. sessile. aa Stem fascicled. e Branches not fascicled. f Gonangium large, aperture lateral. H. articulosum. ff Gonangium smaller, aperture terminal. H. gracile. ee Stem and main branches fascicled. 2 g Gonangium spiny. H. muricatum gg Gonangium smooth. h Gonangium aperture terminal. H. halecinum. hh Gonangium aperture lateral. H. bean. Halecitum articulosum Clark. Trophosome. Stem coarse, fascicled; primary branches scarce but long, hence colony has a loose appearance; branches alternate, pinnate; internodes short and getting shorter towards the ends of the branches, where they may be as broad as long; hydro- thece sessile; margin not flaring. Gonosome. Female gonangia large, obovate, borne in rows on the upper side of the branches; aperture lateral bu& near the distal end; male gonangia oblong. 79550—113 Halecium articulosum. 164 . DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Hlalecium beani (Johnston). Trophosome. Stem and main branches fascicled: nodes oblique; hydrophore margin flaring little. Gonosome. Gonangia borne at the base of the hydrophores; male, regular oblong-oval; female, mitten- shape, aperture lateral; two small hydranths are pre- sent in the aperture. Halecium curvicaule Lorenz. Trophosome. Colony minute; no continuous main stem; a single pedicel grows out from the stolon, just below the hydrophore another pedical is given off, or one on each side; these bend upward almost at the base; each of them may give rise to others in the same way until there may be four or five sets of them; each pedicel has an annu- lation at its base or occasionally more than one; margin of hydrophore flaring but little. Gonosome. Male gonangium cylindrical; female pyri- form, with terminal aperture from which two hydranths appear, both almost sessile, borne on the pedicel just below the hydrophore. Halecium gracile Verrill. Trophosome. Stem fascicled, much _ branched; branches long and slender; internodes long and slender; margin of hydrophore flaring but little. Gonosome. Male gonangia oblong-ovate; female pyriform, emarginate; aperture terminal. Halecitum halecinum (Linnzus). Trophosome. Stem fascicled, erect, rigid; primary branches fascicled, few; secondary branches and pedi- cels pinnately arranged; hydrophore margin not flaring. Gonosome. Gonangia arranged in rows on the upper side of the branches; male gonangia obovate- oblong; female pyriform; aperture elevated on a collar; two hydranths in the aperture. No. 60. FHTalecium beani. No. 61. Halecium curvicaule. No. 62. Halecium gracile. No. 63. Halecium halecinum. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 165 TTalecium minutum Broch. Trophosome. Stem simple, slender, irregularly branched, wavy or annulated throughout; hydrophores with flaring margin, often much reduplicated. Gonosome. Gonangia very large, 3 mm. in dia- meter, cockle-shaped, with the margin wavy below and spiny above. No.. 64. Halecium minutum. Halecitwn muricatum (Ellis and Solander). Trophosome. Stem fascicled, stout, rigid, irregu- » Jarly and densely branched; primary branches fascicled ; ultimate branches and pedicels pinnately arranged; hydrophores with margin flaring. Gonosome. Gonangia crowded on the branches, ovate, much greater in the one diameter than the other; numerous prickles on the surface, arranged in raised rows. No. 65. Halecium muricatum. Halectum sessile (Hineks). Trophosome. “Stem slender, irregularly branched, branches not in the same plane; branches jointed, the Joints consisting of a single stricture; hydrothece alter- nate, very short, and perfectly sessile, not rising at all separately from the lateral stem processes of which they are mere openings, without being raised into a tube” (Hincks). Gonosome. Unknown. : No. 66. Flalecium sessile (after Hincks: Halecium tenellum Wincks. Trophosome. Colony small, 15mm. high; stem delicate, annulated or wavy, irregularly branches, sometimes dichotomously; margin of hydrophore strongly flaring. Gonosome. Gonangia oval or ovate, broader in one diameter than in the other, smooth, axillary or on the branch below the hydrophore. No. 67. Halecium tenelluin. 166 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Family HEBELLID. Trophosome. Colony simple, creeping; hydranths with conical or dome-shaped proboscis; hydrothece tubular, diaphragm present, no operculum. Gonosome. Gonangia separate, not collected in a mass. Genus HEBELLA. Trophosome. A creeping stem gives rise to single hydranths, attached by short pedicels; diaphragm present in the hydrothece. Gonosome. Gonophores producing free meduse. | KEY TO SPECIES. H. calcarata. a Hydrotheca tubular, pedicel very short. * HT. pocilum. b Hydrotheca urceolate, pedicel longer, annulated. Hebella calcarata (A. Agassiz). Trophosome. Colony creeping over hydroids or occasionally the stem may be free for a short distance; hydrothece tubular, coming off singly or in pairs from the stolon, almost sessile. G ! ‘ No. 68. onosome. Gonangia large, oblong - obovate, wébelia soalcaranes smooth, almost sessile; aperture terminal, small. Hebella pocillum Cope) Trophosome. Stem creeping, hydrothece urceolate, on relatively long, annulated pedicels. Gonosome. Unknown. No. 69. Ilebella pocillum. Family LAF@ID. Trophosome. Hydrothece tubular; margin entire; no operculum; hydranth with conical proboseis; no diaphragm in any of the genera here included. Gonosome. Gonangia closely crowded to form a coppinia mass. KEY TO GENERA, a Hydrothece directly attached to a reticular stolon. Filellum. b Hydrothece attached to a fascicled stem. c Hydrothece free or very slightly adherent. Lafea. ce Hydrothece partly immersed in the main portion of the stem but not distally. Cryptolaria. ccc Hydrothece partly immersed in the stem throughout its whole length. Grammaria. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 167 Genus CRYPTOLARIA. Trophosome. Stem strongly fascicled; portion of branches simple; hydrothece on the stem more or less immersed, everywhere partly adherent. Gonosome. A coppinia mass. Cryptolaria trisecrialis Fraser. Trophosome. Stem fascicled, very coarse; hydro- theew on the stem few in number, appearing singly or in opposite or sub-opposite pairs, the distal half free, curves outward; on the simple portion of the branches the hydrotheee are arranged in three series. Gonosome. Unknown. No. 70. Cryptolaria triserialis. , Genus FILELLUM. Trophosome. A creeping stem gives rise to partly adherent hydrothecx, the free portion curved upward. Gonosome. A coppinia mass. Filellum serpens (Hassell). Trophosome. Stolon reticular; hydrothece ad- herent from one-half to two-thirds of their length, nearly the same size throughout, not annulated but sometimes transversely striated. Gonosome. Coppinia mass compact; gonangia not so closely placed as in some other species; hydrothecal tubes long and slender. Filellum serpens. Genus GRAMMARIA, Trophosome. Stem fascicled, consisting of a hydrothecate axial tube surrounded by a number of peripheral non-hydrothecate tubes; hydrothece partly adherent. Gonosome. A coppinia mass. KEY TO SPECIES. a Portion of hydrotheeca not immersed, curved outward. G. abietina. b Portion of hydrotheca not immersed, curved inward. C. gracilis. 168 DEPARTMENT OF TH# NAVAL SERVICE Grammaria abietina (Sars). Trophosome. Stem stout, irregularly branched; branches constricted at the base, resembling the main stem in all particulars; a large portion of the hydro- theca extending beyond the outer tubes of the stem, the free portion directed outwards; orifice nearly cir- cular; margin vertical. Gonosome. ‘“Coppinia generally of an irregular or oval form; all the tubes extending radially from it bend at a certain distance from the surface in all directions, thus forming a network, lying like a capsule outside the cluster of gonangia” (Bonnevie). No. 72. Grammaria abielina. Grammaria gracilis Stimpson. “ Polypidom slender, with a polished appearance; cells small, elongated, project- ing, but curved inward at the extremities, and distant from each other in the very irregular rows; colour dark brown, sometimes black” (Stimpson). Genus Laraa. e Trophosome. Mature stems strongly fascicled and erect; young stems may be simple and creeping; hydrothece nearly always entirely free from the stem, never immersed. Gonosome.’ A coppinia mass. KEY TO SPECIES. a No erect or fascicled stem. LL. pygmea. aa Stem when mature, erect, fascicled. b Hydrothece sessile, sometimes slightly adherent at the base. LI. dumosa. bb Hydrothece pedicellate. ec Hydrothece convex, convex side uppermost. d Wydrothece making an angle of less than 45° with the stem or branch, stem not distinguishable from branches. J. gracillima. dd ¥ydrothece making an angle of 45° to 60° with the stem, main stem distinct. L. fruticosa. ec Hydrothece symmetrical. L. symmetrica. Lafwa dumosa (Fleming). Trophosome. Mature stem strongly fascicled, erect, coarse, much branched; young stem either erect or ereeping over other h,droids; hydrothece sessile, usually free from the stem but occasionally those on the distal part of the stem are slightly adherent. Gonosome. The gonangia of the coppinia mass, as seen from the surface, are hexagonal, containing the - orifice at the centre; they are closely set out and the elongated hydrothece come out at intervals among them. 4 No. 73. Lafra dumosa. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 169 Lafea fruticosa Sars. Trophosome. Stem fascicled, with many large branches regularly arranged; pedicels long with three or four twists, passing out at an angle of 45° to 60° from the stem; hydrothece slightly convex with the lower wall more nearly in line with the pedicel than the upper. No. 74. Gonosome. Coppinia with long hydrothece curved Lafea fruticosa. spirally. Lafea gracillima (Alder). Trophosome. Stem fascicled, very much branched but the main stem is indistinguishable from the branches; hydrothece long, tubular, convex, coming off from the stem at an angle of less than 45°; pedicels with one or two twists. Gonosome. Coppinia similar to that of L. dumosa No. 75. but the gonangia as viewed from the surface are more Lajee ‘graaitimd: nearly circular than hexagonal. Lafea pygnuea Hineks. Trophosome. Stem creeping; hydrotheexe small, almost sym- metrical; pedicels with two or three twists. Gonosome. Coppinia oval, tubes long, stout, strongly bent, forming bs a complete network around the gonangia. (According to Broch.) pte pygme. - Trophosome. Stem erect, fascicled, irregularly branched hydrothece symmetrical, coming off from the stem nearly at right angles; pedicels longer than in other species, with five or six annulations or twists. Gonosome. ‘‘Coppinia with regular hexagonal facets in the middle of which is a tubular opening; the tubes are com paratively few in number, very thick and strong, quite No. 77. irregularly eurved ” (Bonnevie). Lafaa syniinetrica. Family SERTULARID AE. Trophosome. Hydrothece sessile, usually arranged on both sides of the stem or branches and more or less adnate to them. Gonosome. Gonophores producing fixed sporosacs. KEY TO GENERA, a Hydrothece all on one side of the branches, their distal ends alternating right and left. Hydrallmania. aa Hydrothece arranged in two longitudinal rows. b Hydrothece in opposite pairs. Sertularia. bb Hydrothece alternate. ; c¢ Opereulum of one adeauline flap. d Hydrothecal aperture small, body flask-shaped. Abictinaria. dd Wydrothecal aperture large, body not flask-shaped. Dziphasia. ce Operculum abeauline or with more than one flap. e Operculum of three or four pieces. Sertularella. ee Operculum of one or two pieces. Thuiaria. aaa Hydrotheece arranged on all sides of the branches. Selaginopsis. 170 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Genus ABIETINARIA. Trophosome. Wydrothece alternate, flask-shaped, aperture small; operculum with a single adeauline flap. 3 Gonosome. Gonangia without spines or internal marsupium. KEY TO SPECIES. a Much more than one-third of the hydrothece free. an b Stem stout. A. abietina. bb Stem slender. A. filicula. Abietinaria abietina (Linnzus). Trophosome. Main stem stout, straight or slightly flexuous; branches stout, pinnately arranged; hydro- thece large, broad at the base, tapering to a distinct neck and expanding again slightly to the round, entire margin; much of the hydrotheca, often more than one- half, free from the stem. Gonosome. Gonangia oval, with a short collar and No. 78. wide aperture; surface smooth or slightly annulated. Abietinaria abietina, Abietinaria filicula (Ellis and Solander). Trophosome. Stem slender, straight proximally, flexuous in the branched portion; branches regularly pinnate, often branched again and sometimes the secondary branches are branched; hydrothece sub- opposite, shaped like those of A. abietina but much smaller. No. 79. Gonosome. Gonangia oval, tapering to a neck Abietinaria filicula. above, with narrow aperture; surface smooth. Genus Drprtasta. Trophosome. WWydrothece in two rows on the stem and branches; operculum of a single adcauline flap. Gonosome. Gonangia provided with spines or lobes; an internal marsupium usually present in the female. KEY TO SPECIES. a Less than one-third of the hydrothece free. D. fallax. b More than one-third of the hydrothec free. ce Hydrothecal margin sinuous not toothed. D. rosacea. cc Hydrothecal margin with three prominences; hydrothece and gonangia very large. D. tamarisca. Diphasia fallax (Johnston). Trophosome. Stem erect; branching irregular; branches often terminating in long hooked tendrils; hydrothece almost opposite, short, stout, only a small distal portion free; margin sinuous. Gonosome. Gonangia borne in rows on front of branches; male obovate with distal portion quadrangu lar, constricted to a tubular process for the aperture; female gonangia larger, terminating in four, long- No. 80. pointed lobes; an internal marsupium present. Dinkaste Savas, HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 171 Diphasia rosacea (Linneus). Trophosome. Colony delicate; branching irregu- lar; hydrothece opposite, long and slender, with at least the distal third free; margin sinuous. Gonosome. Male gonangium long and _ slender, with tubular neck; female gonangium larger, pyriform, distally terminating in two long and six shorter, pointed lobes, the shorter ones curved to the centre; an internal She ei marsupium present. Diphasia tamarisca (Linnzus). Trophosome. Stem, branches and hydrothece very stout; hydrothece sub-opposite, nearly one-half free; three low elevations are present on the margin. Gonosome. Gonangia both male and female with one diameter greater than the other, obovate, spiny, the female with lobes forming coarse serrations as well, the two distal lobes much elongated. No. 82. Diphasia tamarisca, Genus HypRALLMANIA. Trophosome. Uydrothece in groups on the side of the branches, their bases in line but the distal ends curved alternately to. right and left; operculum of one adeauline flap. Gonosome. Gonangia without spines or internal marsupium. Hydrallmania falcata (Linneus). Trophosome. Colony long and_ slender; main branches spirally arranged and of much the same length; hydrothece tubular or very slightly urceolate, arranged in a row on one side of the branch, bases in line, distal portions turned alternately to right and left, five or six to an internode. Gonosome. Gonangium oval, with tubular neck, Noes. smooth or with indistinct longitudinal lines. Hydrallmania falcata. Genus SELAGINOPSIS. Trophosome. ‘Hydrothece arranged in more than two longitudinal rows, at least on the branches. Gonosome. Gonangia oval or obovate, smooth or nearly so. 172 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Selaginopsis mirabilis (Verrill). Trophosome. Stem stout; branches regularly alternate; hydrotheee tubular, distal portion free and turned out from the stem, in two rows on the stem and six rows on the branches; margin oval, with two lateral teeth; operculum of two flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia oval, not constricted to form recs A a neck; aperture large, circular; surface smooth. Selaginopsis mirabilis. Genus S ERTULARELLA, Trophosome. Wydrotheee in two rows, alternate, usually with three or four teeth and an operculum of three or four flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia usually supplied with ridges or corrugations. KEY TO SPECIES. a Hydrotheea with four teeth. b Stem more or less regularly annulated. S. fusiformis. bb Stem not regularly annulated. c Hydrothece annulated or rugose. d Hydrothece decidedly rugose. S. rugosa. dd Wydrotheer with complete or incomplete annulations. S. conica. ce Uydrothece smooth. * — S. polyzonias. ga Tydrotheeze with three teeth, stem lax, hydrotheee smooth. S. tricuspidata. Sertularella conica Allman. Trophosome. Colony small, either unbranched or with a few small branches like the main stem; hydro- theee nearly tubular, rather distant; annulations com- plete or on the adeauline side only; margin with four teeth; operculum with four flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia oval; margin with four stout teeth; surface rugose with distinct crests on the rugo- sities. Sertularella conica. Sertularella fusiformis Hineks. Trophosome. ‘Stem slender, slightly zigzag, gener- ally simple, annulated at the base and below each calycle; hydrothece bent in opposite directions, elon- gate, somewhat flask-shaped, smooth, one to each inter- node; aperture quadridentate; operculum composed of four pieces, each internode, with its calycle, of a fusi- form figure” (Hincks). No. 86. Gonosome. “Gonothece elongate, ovate, slender, Sertuberelia fuciermed ribbed across, produced at the upper extremity into a (after Hincks). short neck and toothed” (Hineks). P | HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 173 Sertularella polyzonias (Linnzeus). Trophosome. Stem slender; branching irregularly alternate ; hydrothece alternate, rather distinct, large, tapering but slightly, the. distal half or more, free; margin with four teeth; operculum of four flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia large, oval; margin with four stout spines or teeth; surface strongly and regu- larly rugose. No. 87. Sertularella rugosa (Linneus). Trophosome. Colony small, stem usually un- branched, constricted at regular intervals; hydrothece alternate, rather distinct, fusiform, distinctly rugose; margin with four tentacles; operculum with four flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia oval, rugose; margin with four teeth. No. 88. Sertularella tricuspidata (Alder). Trophosome. Stem slender, lax, branching irregu- larly alternate or dichotomous; hydrothece alternate, very slightly immersed, tubular, sometimes curved; margin with three teeth; operculum with three flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia oval, with strongly crested rugosities; a small, smooth tubular neck bears the aper- ture. ; No. 89. Sertularella tricuspidata, Genus SERTULARIA. Trophosome. Hydrothece in two rows, occurring in pairs, which are strictiy opposite throughout, or at least on the distal portion of the branches. Gonosome. Gonangia oval or ovate. KEY TO SPECIES. a Stem with opposite branches, the two hydrothecee of a pair not in contact. : S. pumila. 6 Stem unbranched, the two hydrothece of a pair in contact. S. cornicina. 174 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Sertularia cornicina (McCrady). Trophosome. Stem unbranched, divided into regu- lar internodes, each of which bears a pair of hydro- theee, which are in contact for about two-thirds of their length and then turned abruptly outward; mar- gin with two teeth and a two-parted operculum. _ Gonosome. Gonangia oval, with distinct, short collar; surface regularly annulated. Sertularia pumila Linneus. Trophosome. Stem unbranched or with opposite branches; a pair of hydrotheex to each internode, tubu- lar, free from each other, curved outward, the distal half free; margin with two teeth. Gonosome. Gonangium obovate, with a narrow collar and wide aperture. Genus 'THUIARIA. No: 9. Sertularia pumila. Trophosome. Hydrothece in two rows on stem and branches; hydrothece with not more than two teeth; operculum of one abcauline flap or two flaps. KEY TO SPECIES. a Branches only on two sides of the stem. b Stem long and slender, primary branches much branched. T. cupressina. bb Stems shorter and more rigid; branches relatively longer. e Hydrothece sub-opposite. ce Hydrothece strictly alternate. d Branches stout and rigid. dd. Branches slender. aa Branches on all sides of the stem. e Distal branches forming a dense tuft. f Hydrothece sub-opposite. ff Hydrothece definitely alternate. T. similis. T. lonchitis. T. latiuscula. T. fabricu. g Primary branches branched dichotomously, all branches short and stiff. gg Branches long and less rigid. T. thuja. T. robusta. ee Branches on the distal portion of the stem loosely arranged. h Hydrothece almost wholly immersed. hh WHydrothece less than half free. hhh Hydrothece more than half free. Thuiaria argentea (Linneus). Trophosome. Colonies often growing in clusters, stem slender; branches rise from all sides of the stem but irregularly, these branch dichotomously; hydro- thece usually definitely alternate but occasionally sub- opposite, rather distant, curved gradually outward, nearly one-third free; margin with two teeth, one often larger than the other; operculum with two flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia long-obovate, usually with two shoulder spines; collar short. T. immersa. T. argentea. T. tenera. No. 92. Thuiaria argentea. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA Thutaria cupressina (Linneus). Trophosome. Colonies clustered; stem long, flexu- ous; branching alternate but not always exactly in the same plane; branches branch dichotomously and these branches again do so; hydrothece alternate, short, the free portion, about one-third, divergent, narrowed towards the margin; margin bi-labiate; operculum with two flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia obovate or triangular, with two shoulder spines; collar short. Thuiaria fabricii (Levinsen). Trophosome. . Stem. erect, rather rigid, branches on all sides of the stem, distally forming a dense tuft; repeated dichotomous branching; hydrothece sub- opposite, narrowing slightly from base to margin, about one-third free; margin with two teeth; operculum with two flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia borne in two rows on the branches, oblong or obovate, with cireular aperture and two shoulder spines. Thuiaria immersa Nutting. Trophosome. Stem long, flexuous, branches coming out on all ‘sides in a loose spiral arrangement; main branches sparingly dichotomonsly branched; hydro- theee alternate, almost entirely immersed, tapering from base to margin. Gonosome. Unknown. Thuiaria latiuscula (Stimpson). -Trophosome. Main stem stout, rigid, much larger than the slender, alternate branches, that are not again branched; ‘hydrothece slender, tubular, tapering to the margin, about one-fourth free. Gonosome. Unknown. Thuiaria lonchitis (Ellis and Solander). Trophosome. Main stem stout, rigid; branching pinnate; branches stout, stiff, white, not again branch- ed; hydrothece alternate, tubular, but little tapered, about one-fourth free. J Gonosome. ‘“Gonangia borne on upper side of branches, long, slender, with a round aperture, narrow collar and operculum” (Nutting). iy No. 93. Thuiaria cupressina. No. 94. Thuiaria fabricii. No. 95. Thuiaria immersa, No. 96. Thuiaria latiuscula. No. 97. Thuiaria lonchitis. 175 176 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Thuiaria robusta Clark. Trophosome. Stem stout, with deeply cut inter- nodes; branches also stout, rising from all sides of the stem, dichotomously branched, distally forming a dense tuft; hydrothece alternate, not closely placed, almost wholly immersed. in the proximal portions, less so dis- tally, tubular; margin bi-labiate; operculum with two flaps on the distal hydrothece and one on the proximal. Gonosome ‘‘Gonangia borne in rows on the ter- minal branchlets, slender, with a terminal collar and No. 98. aperture and two long curved spines rising from the Thwiavin vonisie. antero-lateral corners of the shoulders” (Nutting). Thuiaria similis (Clark). Trophosome. Colony bilateral, with the stem very distinct’ and much stouter than the branches; hydro- thee sub-opposite, slender, tubular, tapering very little, distal portion free and turned well outward; margin with two distinct teeth; operculum with two flaps. Gonosome. Gonangia fusiform, short collar, cir- cular aperture; no spines or annulations. No. 99. Thuiaria similis. Thuiaria tenera (Sars). Trophosome. Stem slender; branching loose from all sides of the stem; branches dichotomously branched ; hydrothece alternate, distant, enlarged above the base, then tapered to the margin, one-half free; margin with | two blunt teeth; operculum with two flaps or one abeauline flap. Gonosome. Gonangia single on the branches, oval, with short collar and wide aperture; no spines or annu- lations. Noi) Thuiara tenera. Thuiaria thuja (Linneus). Trophosome. Main stem rigid, not very stout, branches from all sides of the stem, stiff, branching dichotomously several times; ultimate branches rigid, distally forming a dense tuft (bottle brush); hydro- theee alternate, closely placed, almost wholly im- mersed, tubular; margin without distinct teeth; oper- culum of one abecauline flap. Gonosome. Gonangia in rows that may be crowded No. 101. on the stem and proximal portions of the branches, Thuiaria thuja. oval, with short collar and large terminal aperture; a short distinet pedicel; surface without annulations or spines. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 177 Family PLUMULARID. Trophosome. Wydrothece growing only on one side of the branches (hydro- cladia), sessile, more or less adnate; nematophores always present. .Gonosome. Gonophores producing fixed sporosacs, which are often protected by special modifications of the branches. KEY TO GENERA, A. Statoplean forms, i.e., those with fixed nematophores that are usually mono- thalamic. a Gonangia protected by branchlets, each of which is an appendage of a hydro- cladium (phylactogonium). b Cauline nematophores not crenulated, phylactogonia not jointed. Cladocarpus. bb Cauline nematophores crenulated, phylactogonia jointed. Aglaophenopsis. aa Gonangia protected by corbule, each of which is a modified hydrocladium. A hydrotheea at the base of each gonangial leaf. Thecocarpus. B. Eleutheroplean forms, i.e., those with movable nematophores that are usually bithalamic. e Gonangia not specially protected. d MHydrocladia pinnately arranged. Plumularia. dd WUHydrocladia in whorls or scattered over the stem. Antennularia. ec Gonangia protected by phylactogonia, hydrocladia branched. Schizotricha. Genus AGLAOPHENOPSIS. Trophosome. “Stem usually fascicled; hydrocladia with numerous internal septal ridges; hydrocladium margin toothed; nematophores with crenulated margin ” (Nutting). Gonosome. “Gonangia protected by special appendages, growing from the proximal joint of the hydrocladia and apparently of the nature of greatly modified mesial nematophores of the proximal hydrothece ” (Nutting). Aglaophenopsis cornuta (Verrill). Trophosome. Colony branched repeatedly, each branch and hydrocladium at right angles to that from which it springs; stem fascicled; hydrocladia growing on an anterior tube; internodes with about six strong , septal ridges and an external longitudinal ridge; hydro- theese obconical, with a large anterior wing-like keel; margin with five small teeth on each side; intrathecal ridge small, oblique; supracalycine nematophores long, tubular, with crenulated margin; mesia] nematophore : nearly straight, spur-like, margin crenulated; three cauline nematophores to each node. (From Nutting’s description.). R Gonosome. “Gonangia borne on the terminal branchlets, oblong-oval, with latero-terminal apertures; No. 102. : Z Aglaophenopsis cornuta protective appendage unbranched or bifurcated, borne (after Nutting). at the side of the proximal hydrotheca on each hydro- cladium, having a hydrotheca at its distal end, and two when it is forked; there is an axial cavity divided by numerous septal ridges” (Nutting). 79550—12 178 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Genus ANTENNULARIA. Trophosome. Hydrocladia arranged in whorls or scattered over the stem. Gonosome.. Gonangia unprotected. KEY TO SPECIES. a Proximal hydrotheee not divided from stem by nodes. A. americana b Proximal hydrothece divided from stem by two nodes. A. antennina Antennularia americana Nutting. Trophosome. Stem slender, hydrocladia usually in whorls of four; proximal hydrothece on a long pro- cess from the stem, one or two intermediate internodes ; between each two succeeding hydrothecate internodes; hydrotheece cup-shaped; two nematophores above the hydrotheeca, one below, two on the intermediate inter- nodes, two on the shoulder that supports the hydro- cladium, cauline nematophores scattered. No. 108. Gonosome. Gonangia borne at the base of the ; ; Antennularia americana. hydrocladia, oblong-oval, aperture latero-terminal. Antennularia antennina (Linneus). Trophosome. Stems clustered, slender; hydro- cladia whorled, short, incurved; internodes alternating with and without hydrothece, the former nearest the stem; hydrothecze cup-shaped; nematophores similarly placed to those in A. americana. Gonosome. Gonangia produced singly, in the axils of the hydrocladia, obovate, with latero-terminal aper- ture. No. 104. Antennularia antennina. Genus CLADOCARPUS. Trophosome. Hydrotheee deep with the margin smooth or with low, blunt teeth; mesial nematophores short. Gonosome. Gonangia borne on the stem, at the base of the hydrocladia, pro- tected by processes (phylactogonia) springing from the base of the hydrocladia; these have nematophores but no hydrothece. KEY TO SPECIES. a Hydrothece without teeth. C. pourtalesi. b Hydrothece with two large, rounded, anterior teeth and shallow lateral teeth. C. speciosus. HYDROIDS OF EASTERN CANADA 179 Cladocarpus pourtalest Verrill. Trophosonve. Stem fascicled, irregularly branched, the anterior tube bearing the hydrocladia; hydrocladia closely approximated, alternate, divided into regular, short internodes, each with three or four septal ridges; hydrothece closely approximated, broader towards mar- gin; margin entire; .intrathecal ridge short, curved sharply upward; supracalycine and mesial nematophores stout, cauline nematophores numerous. (From Nut- ¢ ting’s descript’on. ) Gonosome. “Gonangia oblong-ovate, with lunate, sub-terminal aperture, borne on an unbranched phylac- togonium springing from the side of the base of the E No. 105. proximal hydrotheea of the hydrocladium; there are BEE, Se ee ee from one to five gonangia to each phylactogonium ” (after Nutting): (Nutting). Cladocarpus speciosus Verrill. Trophosome. Stem fascicled, distal portion simple, divided into long internodes, each with a hydrocladium from near the middle; hydrocladial internodes with seven septal ridges; hydrotheee short, widening from base to margin; margin with two rounded anterior teeth and four or five shallow teeth on each side; intra- theeal ridge low, straight, horizontal; supracalyeine nematophores and mesial, with crenulated margin, cauline nematophores four to each internode. (From Nutting’s description.) No. 106. Cladocarpus speciosus (after Nutting). Gonosome. “ Gonangia not known, phylactogonia branched, arising from the side of the proximal hydro- theee and not morphologically a modified mesial nema- tophore, the latter being present” (Nutting). Genus PLUMULARIA. Trophosome. WHydrocladia unbranched, pinnately arranged, each having more than one hydrotheca; hydrothece with entire margin; all nematophores movable. Gonosome Gonangia without extra protection. Plunwlaria setaceoides Bale. Trophosome. Stem simple, unbranched, divided into regular internodes, each of which gives off a hydrocladium distally; two to four annulations above each node; hydrocladia slender, recurved; non-hydrothecate and hydrothecate internodes alternating, each with two or three internal ridges; hydrothece cup-shaped, about one-third free; supracalycine nematophores present, one nematophore below the hydrotheca, one on each intermediate internode, one in the axil of each hydro- cladium and one on each cauline internode. Gonosome. Gonangia very large, on the face of the stem at the base of the hydrocladium, obovate, curved, truncate, several distinct, though not deep corruga- Plumularia setaceoides tions. 180 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE Genus SCHIZOTRICHA. Trophosome. Colony simple, branched, with hydrocladia pinnately arranged. Gonosome. Gonangia springing from the stem, branch or hydrocladium, not directly protected. Schizotricha gracillima (G. O. Sars). Trophosome. Stem fdscicled, sparingly branched; branches fascicled proximally; each hydrocladium, one to an internode, usually branched dichotomously, one, two or three times; few intermediate internodes; hydro- thecee small, cup-shaped, about as wide as deep; nema- tophores large, a supracalycine pair, three or four mesial on each internode, one in the axil of each hydro- cladium and others scattered over the stem. (From Nutting’s description.) Gonosome. ‘“ Gonangia borne in pairs on the stem | near the axils of the hydrocladia, and also at: the fork- ° 5 > % No. 108. ings of the latter; they are cylindrical in shape, taper- NCHisotrich i aaaciuiines ing at the proximal end and almost sessile, the pedicel (after Nutting). being much reduced” (Nutting). Genus THECOCARPUS. Trophosome. Stem fascicled; hydrotheee with one or two large, anterior teeth, the others small. ' Gonosome. Corbule composed of widely separate leaves, each bearing a hydro- theea near its base. Thecocarpus myriophyllum (Linneus). Trophosome. Stem fascicled, swollen at intervals, but slightly branched; hydrocladia alternate, closely approximated; hydrothece deep, cylindrical, with one large anterior tooth; supracalycine and mesial nemato- phores small; cauline nematophores numerous but small. Gonosome. Corbule open, some distance from the stem, each with a hydrotheca near its base and a row No. 109. of nematophores along its distal leaflet. Thecocarpus myriophylium. XV A New Genus and Three New Species of Algae from ‘the Miramichi River, New Brunswick. (With 1 plate) BY A. Brooker Kuiueu, M.A. Biological Department, Queen’s University, Kingston, Canada During the course of an ecological investigation of the algae of the Miramichi river, New Brunswick, undertaken as part of a biological survey of this river by the Biological Board of Canada, in May and June, 1918, the writer collected some species of OCyanophyceae which proved to be undescribed. The diagnoses of these species, and of the new genus which had to be established on account of the peculiarity of © one of these species, are presented in this paper. The full report on the algae of the region will appear later in the report of the biological survey of the Miramichi. I wish here to express my gratitude to Dr. A. G. Huntsman, Curator of the Atlantic Coast Biological Station and chief of the party engaged in the survey of the Mira- _ michi, for his kindness in furthering my work in every possible way. The diagnoses are as follows :— OLIGocLoniuM. Gen. nov. Strato mucoso expanso. Trichomatibus cum pseudoramo- ‘sis sparsis, cum 1-8 cellulis multo minoribus positis ad intervalla. Trichomatibus 1 vel 2 intra vaginam. Vaginis hyalinis, lamellosis. Cellulis diam, aequalibus vel paulo longioribus. ; OLIGOCLONIUM INAEQUALE. Sp. nov. Strato atro-olivaceo. Filamentis 18-25 micra diam. Trichomatibus 8-9 micra diam, minime constrictis inter cellulas, fastigatis in apicem. Vaginis 5-8 micra crassis, lamellosis, transverse rugosis. ‘Cellulis princi- palibus trichomatum 8-10 micra longis; cellulis minoribus’5 micra diam., et 6 micra longis. Contentu caeruleo-viridi, maxime granuloso. Trichomata fieri tendunt ubi cellulis minoribus sunt adjuncta, et e vagina effugere. (Fig. 1.) O.icoctontum. New Genus. Plant mass forming an expanded mucous stratum. Trichomes sparingly branched, having at intervals from one to three much smaller cells. Trichomes single, or two, within the sheath. Sheaths colourless, lamellose. Cells as long as, or slightly longer than, the diameter of the trichomes. This genus belongs to the order Hormogoneae, but occupies a peculiar systematic: position. It most nearly approaches the Family Oscillatoriaceae but is excluded from that family, as at present defined, by the marked characteristics of possessing the series of from one to three much smaller cells at intervals in the trichome and a tapering filament, as the present definition of that family calls for a filament “uniform throughout its entire length.” Either the definition of the Family Oscillatoriaceae will have to be changed to embrace this genus, or a new family, will have to be established to receive it. Personally I feel inclined towards the former alternative. OLIGOCLONIUM INAEQUALE. New Species. Plant mass dark olive-green. Filaments 18-25 micra in diameter. Trichomes 8-9 micra in diameter, very slightly constricted between the cells, tapering at the apex. Sheaths 5-8 micra thick, lamellose, trans- versely wrinkled. Main cells of the trichome 8-10 micra long; smaller cells 5 micra in 181 182 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE diameter and 6 micra long. Cell contents pale blue-green, very strongly granulated. The trichomes tend to break into hormogonia at the small cells, and to escape from the sheath. ; On timbers of a wharf at half-tide mark on the Miramichi river at Chatham,’ NBs: (CRs) TOLYPOTHRIX BREVICELLARIS. Sp. nov. Fronde penicillata, caerulea-viridi. Fili- mentis 14-20 miecra diam., repetite pseudoramosis, 1.4 mm. altis. Pseudoramis erec- tibus. Trichomatibus 6-9 micra diam. Cellulis brevissimis, 2-4 micra longis. Hete- rocystis ovalibus vel ovatis, et basilaribus, plurumque 15 x 12 micra, cum muris cras- sissimis. Vaginis 4-7 micra crassis, firmis, hyalinis, lamellosis. (Fig. 2.) TOLYPOTHRIX BREVICELLARIS. New Species. Plant mass penicillate. Pale blue- green. Filaments 14-20 micra in diameter, repeatedly branched, 1-4 mm. long, strict. Trichomes 6-9 micra in diameter. Cells very short, 2-4 micra long. Heterocysts basal, oval or ovate, averaging 15 x 12 micra, with very thick walls. Sheaths 4-7 micra thick, — firm, hyaline, lamellose. (Fig. 2.) At “Prince” Station No. 96, in the Northwest Miramichi river, N.B., June 24, 1918. Found also at Station 98. The filaments of this species, from both stations, exhibited the peculiar condition shown in Fig. 2 C' and D, hormogonia having apparently, while still enclosed in their sheaths, become attached near the apex of many of the filaments. In some eases this arrangement had the apeparance of the beginning of a false branch, but in no case was a heterocyst present at the point of contact. STIGONEMA SUBSALSA. Sp. nov. Il ilamentis caespitulis. Filamentis 15-22 miera diam., usque ad 960 micra altis. Trichomatibus cum binis ordinibus cellualarum in portione inferiore et cum singulari ordine in portione superiore. Cellulis in portione superiore 8 micra diam., 4-5 micra longis. Gellulis in portione inferiore 6-10 micra diam., 5-6 micra longis. Vaginis firmis, fuscis, hyalinis, non-lamellosis. Hetero- cystis nullis. Contentu pallido-olivaceo. Cellulis cum 2-3 granulis magnis. Cellulae primordiae sunt similes Gloeocapsae. Gradus Gloeocapsa.—Cellulis globosis vel oblongis, 9-11 micra diam. cum, 5-7 micra sine, teg, crassis. Vaginis hyalinis, minime lamellosis. Contentu pallido-olivaceo, cum uno magno granolo. (Fig. 3.) SvTiGONEMA suBsALSA. New species. Filaments growing in small tufts. Fila- ments 15-22 micra in diameter, up to 960 micra long. Trichomes consisting of two rows of cells in the basal portion and of one row of cells in the apical portion. ‘Cells in basal portion 6-10 micra in diameter, 5-6 micra long. Cells in apical portion 8 micra in diameter, 4-5 micra long. Sheaths firm, brownish, translucent, not lamellose. Heterocysts absent. Cell-contents light olive-green. Cells with two or three large granules. “3 The young stages of this species are Gloeocapsa-like. Gloeocapsa stage.—Cells, 5-7 micra in diameter. Sheaths colourless, slightly lamellose, 2 micra thick. Cell- contents olive-green, with one large granule. (Fig. 3.) On Scytosiphon lomentarius growing on a sunken log in Miramichi bay, N.B. Salinity of water in this habitat ranging from 16-04 per mille to 22-77 per mille. Temperature of water ranging from 3:94°C. to 17-31°C. Collected June 10, 1918. 183 Fie. 1. Oligocloniuwm inaquale. Portion of filament. ‘Fig. 2 Wolypothrix brevicellaris. A—Base of filament. B—False branch and Heterocyst. C and D—Hormogonia, still enclosed in a sheath, adhering to apical portion of a filament. fae eal} ee Fic. 3. Stigonema subsalsa, showing development from the Gleocapsa stage of the mature filament. nonin’ XVI. THE HISTOLOGY OF THE FLEXOR TENDON IN THE CRUSHING CLAW OF THE LOBSTER. “By A. Po kaicnt, MCA. M.D; E.R.SO., Emeritus Professor of Biology, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. (With 8 Figures.) ‘ “The crushing claw has a far more powerful musculature than its fellow, and is accordingly richer in its supply of blood-vessels and nerves. Two tendons spring from opposite sides of the proximal end of the free dactyl and afford a surface for \ the attachment of the huge flexor and smaller extensor muscles. Each tendon is a keeled oval plate which is developed in a flattened pocket of the skin, but the closing muscle of the great claw being the largest and the strongest in the body, requires the largest tendon. The tendon of the flexor is a broad leaf-shaped plate, keeled above and below, while that of the weaker opening muscle is narrow and _ strap-shaped. * vi * * % * ? “At the time of moulting these huge tendons, like all others in the body, are withdrawn attached to the cast-off shell, and leave deep open pockets into which, in a large animal, the little finger can easily be inserted. As soon, however, as the soft claw becomes tense with blood, the opposed surfaces of the muscle substance unite and a new tendon is formed at the site of the old one.” (From Dr. Herrick’s American Lobster.) Fig. 1. Gross appearance of the tendon viewed from such a position that both the upper and the lower keels can be seen. A.B. section through both keels and one-half of the oval plate of disc as shown in figure 3. P.Q. section through both keels and both halves of the oval plate as shown in figure 5. X.Y. section through the oval plate only as shown in figure 2. It will ‘be remembered that the general outline of the tendon is that of a flat oval-shaped dise. Along both its upper and its under surface a keel or ridge ‘runs from the broad end towards the narrow end for about half its length. These ‘ridges 79550—13 185 i 186 DEPARTMENT OF THE NAVAL SERVICE are for the purpose of increasing the surfaces for the attachment of the muscle fibres. The edges of the flat disc are thinner than the central portion, so that a cross-section of the narrow end where there are no keels has very much the appearance represented by figure’2. eS ee a eee Fig. 2. Diagrammatic outline of the naked eye appearance of a cross-section of the flexor tendon towards its narrow end, that is, the end which is distal to the dactyl. On the other hand a transverse section close to the opposite end shows a section of one keel and of the two leaves of the disc. The reason that both keels do not show is because one keel develops further back on the disc on one side than on the other. Figure 3 illustrates the appearance of a transverse section from that end of a flexor tendon which lies nearest the proximal end of the free dactyl. Fig. 3. A.B. represents cross-sections of the two keels, while C represents a section of the larger portion of the oval plate or disc; the smaller portion is out of the plane of section. Fig. 4. Represents the tip of a section of one of the keels at the end next to the dactyl. This drawing is an enlarged one of figure 3 at A. When a cross-section of the disc is made at about one-quarter of its length from the end next to the dactyl, the general appearance is that of a cross, because both keels or ridges then come into view, as well, of course, as both halves of the oval dise or plate. A C 3 D B Fig. 5. Diagrammatic outline of the naked eye appearance of a cross-section of the flexor tendon, at a short distance from-where it is attached to the free dactyl. A.B. upper and lower keels; C.D. larger and smaller portions of the oval dise or plate. HISTOLOGY OF THE FLEXOR TENDON 187 In all sections, whether of the disc or of the keel, there is a central portion or flattened core which can easily be recognized by a hand lens and sometimes with the naked eye. The portions of the dise and keel, external to this core, consist essentially of a network of fibres which cross each other at right angles.. One set of fibres,—the longer ones—run parallel with each surface of the disc, and extend from the keels to the edge of the leaf-like disc. The other set run at right angles to the surfaces of the disc and extend from the flattened core to the surface. ' The most prominent feature in all the sections under low powers of the micro- scope is their laminated structure. The lamine resemble stratified limestone or stratified clay. In the greater part of the disc, the layers are evenly disposed upon one another and are parallel to the upper and lower surfaces, but in the keels and in the dise nearest to the keels the stratification is wavy, but this appearance may be an artefact. Upper surface \ a rip i > 7 : . 7 - f > iy ' 7 7 y a? ' a > 7 7 7 T » > ’ , / were 7 - 7 : i. 7 > ‘ a) : 7 ' ae : 5] ‘ 7 7 a , > - > 7 a | > ~~... . a a” id ss = 7 7 7 _ = 7 . a - “9 : a 7 it = 7 7 . a. | 7 : 1 : / 7 fs ‘ a 7 : : 7 ni ; = , & mn ' ; . : - , 4 : . ss" a b 7 = 7 ~<—,, 7 J - - — 7 : - ¢ s _ — 7 9 i ee ‘ ’ - 7s ; = —* , - 7 oe - ’ 0 - a tis - 7 » § °. 7 - 7 5 > ; 7 7 *) i PPu : 5S CS Serre DEPARTMENT OF NAVAL SERVICE CONTRIBUTIONS TO CANADIAN BIOLOGY BEING STUDIES FROM THE BIOLOGICAL STATIONS OF CANADA 1918-1920 THE BIOLOGICAL BOARD OF CANADA Professor E. E. Prince, Commissioner of Fisheries, Chairman. Professor A. P. Knreut, Department of Naval Service. Professor L. W. Barty, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, N.B. Professor A. H. R. Butumr, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg. Very Rev. Canon Y. A, Huarp, Laval University, Museum of Public Instruction, Quebec, P Professor J. Phayratr McMourricu, University of Toronto, Toronto. Dr. A. H. Mackay, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S. Professor R. F. Rurran, McGill University, Montreal. Professor W, T. MacCiement, Queen’s University, Kingston, Ont. x ee ee 5 i Z OTTAWA THOMAS MULVEY “PRINTER TO THE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT MAJESTY 1921 ——SS Sa =—— — =—S== i il ' ———— | — [ | ——— —— L 2=— —=S ——— t —= —= — >==—— = =— —< ii —— ———Io) | eid pee spies om ene eas oe ety at LE AI GG MEA I AY AEM os hrtyrdecar wae : a [eA ber et Rasen inde cP tine “dee eee amen cere + wr —sranantah Skee aed eT ph tren ir PA Lai A As caste at Peed paige a nl Mae ett adhe doce p ete te te pestle on PP fot alta