ss ea amet =n val Oe OL a ee PP cen tae Aca ONC Sore aay nie * Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2009 with funding from University of Toronto BINDING tis. wAK L jyg2, ms ren CONTRIBUTIONS TO EMBRYOLOGY VotuME XII, No. 56 < ewe = TY Paes Be PUBLISHED BY THE CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON WASHINGTON, 1921 CARNEGIE INSTITUTION OF WASHINGTON PusBuicaTion No. 275 PRESS OF A. B. GRAHAM CO. WASHINGTON CONTRIBUTIONS TO EMBRYOLOGY, No. 56. STUDIES ON ABORTUSES: A SURVEY OF PATHOLOGIC OVA IN THE CARNEGIE EMBRYOLOGICAL COLLECTION. By FRANKLIN PAINE MALL AND ARTHUR WILLIAM MEYER. With twenty-four plates, five text-figures, and one chart. CONTENTS. PAGE Prervace, “By A: W. Marae, << fo eee neg tele niclalcle ns cletal cial aleve uelelatelal niece tee eee 5-11 CHAPTER I;.Origin:of, the collection.. By F. P.(Miartie... 0). fccc2cie 00> «seeder oe eee 13-24 II. Care and utilization of the collection. By F. P. MALL..............0.ccceeeeeeeeees 25-40 TH.. Classification. By A.W. Mmyar..). 3.0 220005 sasnctaeiarniech ee eee Eee Eee EEE 41-49 IV. Analysis of abortuses classed as pathologic. By A.W. Meyer. (Plates 1-6.)......... 51-170 Group 1: Specimens composed of ‘villionly <2: 5-°.2.2..5024 see eineaniietee ses 51-59 Group 2: Chorion without amnion or cyema..................esseeeereecescees 60-69 Group 3: Chorion ‘with amnion. .../2. Jo. Jo.cecee bade eee ee EER EERE ERE 69-74 Group 4: Chorionic vesicles with nodular cyemata................00.0eceeeeeeee 74-81 Group 5:' Cylindrical'cyemata.: 5 55.-<..cices1o cee een een ee Ree EEE Eee 81-85 Group 6: ‘Stunted cyemata. <2).soy. wfak dao ae curaced sie One EE Eee 85-92 Group 7: Fetus compressus.i5. cscddakes ones lose at een eee ee 92-102 S01: A mies aries lr es Hon SOON Rasa ooninna aio ahaoe e 102-107 Protocols’ o's. is-sisisvs-cicia svorare,estra’e ayer ete aes Glabier cise eee CE Ee Eee 107-170 V. Relation of cyemic to chorionic size. By A. W. MEYER..................00eceeees 171-176 WI. Sex incidence in abortions. ‘By. Av. H.'Scuurtz.. 4.2... - eee eee eee 177-191 VII. Occurrence of localized anomalies in human embryos and fetuses. By F.P. Mau. (Plate7.) 193-202 VIII. Hydatiform degeneration in uterine pregnancy. By A. W. Mnyer. (Plates 8-12.).... 203-231 IX. Hydatiform degeneration in tubal pregnancy. By A. W. Meyer (Plate 13.)......... 233-242 X. The alleged occurrence of superfetation. By A. W. Mryrer. (Plate 14.).............. 243-250 XI. Ovarian pregnancy. By F. P. Mati and A. W. Meyer. (Plates 15 and 16.)......... 251-266 XII. Lysis and resorption of conceptuses. By A. W. MEYER................c00eceeeeeees 267-279 XIII. Post-mortem intrauterine changes. By A. W. Meyer. (Plates 17-19.).............. 281-300 XIV. Hofbauer cells in normal and pathologic conceptuses. By A. W. Meyer. (Plate 20.) 301-314 XV. The villi in abortuses. By A.W. Muyer. (Plates 21-23.)...............0cc0cceeee 315-326 VI. Villousinodules. By.A. W. Mnymnr. — (Platei24)i5.-.-) eee eee 327-331 XVII. Changes suggestive of lues. By A. W. MEYER.........:0...<0c+00+seuevceeseneseews 333-338 XVIII. Some aspects of abortion. By A. W. MBYmR....... 2.00000 cneereccecs«rerenesesnee 339-356 BIBETOGRAPIY 65005 6.075 0:0js'e.010 v'a.esereis 0's cs oie: o/0/sl ejay eleinje le 6 aver elareeareiere 0 oVSTeVc Er eC EEE ee 357-364 STUDIES ON ABORTUSES: A SURVEY OF PATHOLOGIC OVA IN THE CARNEGIE EMBRYOLOGICAL COLLECTION. PREFACE. The following survey comprises a review and an analysis of conceptuses which are classed as pathologic in the first 1,000 accessions to the collection of the Department of Embryology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. The majority of these accessions were included in the Johns Hopkins Medical School collection. They had been collected with untiring effort by Professor Mall, with the generous codperation of numerous physicians, both at home and abroad, during the course of two decades. The accompanying studies on special topics are not, however, so limited, nor are they confined to pathologic conceptuses only. Although closely related, they aim neither at completeness nor even at unity, except as individual contributions. Since, with the exception of the tables, the survey proper is limited to the first 1,200 accessions, with only such references to the remainder of the collection as time permitted, it is very probable that some of the results and conclusions drawn from them will not be fully supported by an extension of this study to the material in the entire collection. This is due not only to the fact that the abortuses received more recently are better preserved and that the later histories are fuller, but also to the increasingly closer codperation with clinicians which often brings us very helpful clinical sidelights. Indeed, it is this codperation which alone can enable us satisfactorily to develop certain aspects of the new field of antenatal pathology, and help to bring a final answer to some of the many unsettled questions. Without the information which the practitioner alone can furnish one often feels helpless; for although many of the specimens are eloquent with facts, others remain entirely mute as to their story because they appear wholly normal. The much larger series of abortuses composing the entire collection also includes unique specimens which are the product of some rare experiment on the part of nature. One is much less likely to find such specimens in a smaller and hence less representative collection. What is lacking, however, in connection with many of the specimens, otherwise so valuable, is the decidua. In the absence of the latter it is often impossible to reach even a tentative conclusion regarding the genesis of the abnormalities found in a particular specimen. In many instances this defect could be easily remedied by an appeal to our many coworkers and benefactors engaged in the practice of medicine. I am certain that they will gladly save the decidua whenever possible, merely as a matter of codperation, although Nore—In view of the suggestions made in Science (A. W. Meyer, 1919: A suggestion from Plato, with others, vol. 49, p. 530) some of which have been incorporated in the following pages, the title of this volume demands a word of explanation. I have retained the word ova because the title had in part been decided upon. Moreover, the word is still used in this sense in current medical literature, but we are not considering ova but conceptuses. Besides, a considerable percentage of these undoubtedly are not pathologic or diseased, for surely post-mortem changes in structure, however profound, can not strictly be regarded as pathologic; and since derangement of function is made impossible by death, no matter how deformed or how infiltrated the tissues of an abortus may be with the cells of maternal origin, it can not therefore be said to be diseased.—A. W. M. 5 6 PREFACE. it need not be forgotten that the assistance we can give to donors when reporting our findings is very largely contingent upon its preservation. It is true that in the course of time, and even now to some extent, we shall be able to give a report suggestive of the possible intrauterine conditions from an examination of the conceptus alone, and just in proportion as our knowledge of the condition of the decidua increases this opinion will become more reliable, and hence also of more practical value. The chief reason why the decidua, or the membranes, or the placenta are not preserved oftener is that physicians have not fully realized that they are needed and wanted. A mere reference to the protocols and summaries will illus- trate in how large a percentage of the cases it is not included at present. Although I fully realize that often it is impossible for the physician to secure it, and that in other cases it is of little value even when secured, I am certain that the percentage of cases in which it is missing can be greatly reduced in the future with consequent mutual benefit. The closest codperation with clinicians is necessary, not only in order to secure the necessary material, but also to obtain further information through supplementary observations upon the living patient. Only in this way can the great gap left in human obstetrics and embryology, by the impossibility of performing experiments, be partly filled. In the case of animals, experimentation no doubt will eventually determine for us the relationship of teratology to path- ology, but in the case of man this relationship must be determined very largely by observation alone, for although every instance of human gestation under abnormal conditions answers to an experiment, such experiments must always remain uncontrolled, and the exact conditions which usually obtain must remain unascertainable. Nevertheless, the practitioner, with the patient’s help, frequently can bear witness as to the conditions under which nature’s experiment was per- formed and as to the sequence of crucial events, and it is on the unselfish efforts of physicians that we must depend for assistance in this matter. Mall did a very great service in calling attention to the fact that abnormalities of the fetus are frequently associated with, even if not always or necessarily pro- duced by, uterine diseases. The relationship between the two is revealed still further, especially in Chapter 1V, and further investigation of this subject ought to bring to light facts not only of further scientific interest, but pregnant with great humanitarian service. It is startling indeed to observe what a monstrous fetus may accompany an apparently moderately diseased chorion, and it is equally startling to observe that a chorionic vesicle apparently normal may be wholly devoid of an embryo. But here we meet one of the obstacles in the way of present progress, for we do not yet know exactly what a normal ovum or villus looks like in all stages of development. Both must yet be standardized, and for this standardi- zation a knowledge of the condition of the decidua and of the probable cause of the abortion will be extremely helpful. If all early conceptuses were undoubtedly normal, the problem would be a simple one; but very many are abnormal or atypical at least, PREFACE. 7 As our knowledge of the normal becomes more complete, we find that more and more young embryos which formerly were regarded as normal are not really so. The literature of human embryology contains many such instances, and it was impossible, and it remains impossible even at the present time, to determine in all cases whether we are dealing with a normal or an abnormal specimen, even after . it has been mounted in serial sections. Hence it happens that abnormal human embryos and fetuses still are represented as normal in contemporary embryologies. It has often seemed to me that there is one source of material which could bring much help in this connection. If the many tragedies with which our coroners come in contact could always be utilized scientifically, as they rarely have been in the past, much desired information would soon be in our possession. It seems that a very promising opportunity for progress lies here. In an intelligent com- munity public opinion will, I believe, gladly support any one in such utilization of these chance cases as soon as a broadly humanitarian, even if not a keenly scien- tific, attitude can be cultivated on the part of our coroners. What can be accomplished through codperation between public officials and laboratory workers was illustrated by the fine assistance given Professor Mall and the Department of Embryology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington by the department of health of the city of Baltimore. Indeed, one can not recall this service without feeling the deepest regret that similar codperation, especially with coroners, has not yet been realized in more American municipalities. Such co- operation, supplemented by that of the practitioner, especially in obstetrics and gynecology, can accomplish much in the course of years. But codperation between laboratory workers also is necessary. Even the chemist, not only the pathologist, is indispensable. Without him the anatomist often is helpless. Here, for example, is an unopened, fairly normal looking abortus composed of a clean conceptus. The periamniotic fluid, to all appearances, is absolutely normal. The interior of the chorionic vesicle also appears normal. The amniotic vesicle, although much smaller than one would expect, is normal in all other respects and distended moderately with perfectly clear and absolutely normal-looking fluid; yet such a conceptus may contain not even a trace of an embryo, even if the yolk-sac still looks normal. Such specimens are rare, but they occur, and one of the things wholly inexplicable to the anatomist is not so much the absence of the embryo as the fact that its disintegration has not resulted in the least turbidity of or deposit in the amniotic fluid or the dissolution of the amnion. Even a microscopic examina- tion of the fluid may fail to reveal any cellular content. The anatomist desires to know not merely in what respects the composition of the intra-amniotic and periamniotic fluids has been changed, but what the enzymes are that have caused the complete lysis of the embryo, from what these arise, and how they become active. These and many other questions the chemist only can answer. For this answer fresh material is indispensable, but this the neighboring practitioners or a closely associated clinic can supply. I am aware of the fact that chemists and physiologists have not neglected these questions, but at present our knowledge 8 PREFACE. regarding these matters seems quite insufficient to enable one to formulate satis- factory hypotheses regarding many of the phenomena encountered in abortuses. To enable us to do this a much better localization and identification of the enzymes concerned would seem to be necessary. “That the dissolution of these early embryos, and undoubtedly also of the chorionic vesicles, is not due primarily or even very materially to phagocytic activity, is very evident, even upon cursory examination. In the presence of the intact chorionic and amniotic vesicles such a process is wholly excluded. Besides, one never sees any evidence of phagocytosis of the preserved fetal by the maternal tissues in human conceptuses, although evidences of the contrary processes are not wanting. In considering some of the many problems of human antenatal pathology, it seems very probable that much light can be thrown upon them by comparative experimental pathology and studies in comparative gestation. A reliable knowledge of the comparative incidence of abnormalities in man and higher vertebrates alone would be of great value. The same thing would be true of a knowledge of the comparative incidence of uterine and ovarian or testicular disease and abnormali- ties of the uterine mucosa. Indeed, until these and other similar and related questions have received at least a partial answer, it will always remain rather venturesome to draw final conclusions regarding many things in human antenatal pathology, for the first question that always must be answered in connection with a particular specimen is that of its normality or pathogenicity. His, Giacomini, and Mall took up this problem with especial devotion and have done much to lay the basis for the accomplishment of the task set for path- ologic embryology by Miiller (1847). Miiller stated that it was the task of the pathological anatomy of prenatal life to show the progressive steps leading from the slightest deviation from the normal to the most pronounced deformity. This task is only begun and progress naturally will be slow, especially in connection with early forms, until we can discriminate better between the normal and the abnormal and the pathologic. A comparison of the clinical data relating to infection, with the microscopic findings, will show that the correspondence is extremely slight. This is not sur- prising, for physicians themselves often emphasize that the history probably is quite untrustworthy. Moreover, the clinical diagnosis of infection is usually based upon the presence of fever, a putrid discharge, or certain symptoms usually regarded as indicative of fever. If the clinical reports regarding infection were based upon bacteriologic or even upon histologic examination, they would un- doubtedly agree better with our findings. These showed the presence of infection, as indicated by infiltration of the decidua or by abscess formation, in a large percentage of the cases in which the decidua was present, in the specimens falling into the first five groups. The unavoidable confusion resulting from the use of the word ovum to desig- nate the unfertilized female sex-cell, this cell when fertilized, the chorionic and amniotic vesicles with or without the embryo, and even the later product of con- PREFACE. 9 ception in any and all stages of development, even up to birth, has prompted me to resort to additional terms. It certainly would seem best to restrict the term ovum to its comparative embryological significance and thus avoid confusion. But this restriction leaves us without a word to designate the whole product of conception. For this the word conceptus seemed available. At present the word embryo is frequently used loosely to designate conceptuses of any age. It is used still more frequently to designate merely the body of the future individual during the early stages of its development, in contradistinction to the word fetus, which usually is restricted to the later months. Hence we have need for still another term to be used in common for the embryonic disk, the embryo, or the fetus. Dr. Schultz has kindly suggested kyema, which Professor Foster suggests is prefer- ably spelled cyema, adding that it is excellent Greek and was used in the proposed sense by Plato himself. It also has the advantage of being available for compara- tive embryology and of being easily adapted to meet such needs as are represented by the terms cyemetric and cyemology. Change may not imply improvement or progress, but the absence of it certainly never does. I realize fully that the use of unnecessary terms is to be avoided, but this is equally true of awkward circum- locution and misunderstanding. When one writes or says at present that no embryonic remnants were seen, it is impossible to know what is meant. Although the word embryo could by common consent be used in the proposed sense of cyema, long usage probably would make such an attempt futile for this reason alone. The use of this term and of others, presently to be suggested, does not change old mean- ings or old usage. It abrogates nothing save confusion. Although the word abortion is available to designate the individual or the material aborted, it has not been the custom to use it in this inclusive sense. The word abortion, as now used, is usually restricted to the act itself. To use it ina double sense would lead to some confusion. Since blood-clot, pus, decidua, and mucosa usually are not only included with but frequently also surround the entire conceptus, I have used the word abortus to designate all the material expelled during an abortion. Only in this way can one avoid the use of such words as ovum, mole, chorion, and such expressions as the entire mass, embryonic mass, abortion mass, or (quite inaccurately) the chorionic vesicle, even when the latter is surrounded by a certain amount of decidua and blood-clot. Since the term fetus compressus, as customarily used, refers to a twin fetus which died and was later subjected to pressure from the surviving, growing fetus during an extended period of time while it was undergoing mummification, the use of this term in Chapters III and IV requires definition. Practically all the specimens so designated in this survey are single, not twin. Besides, they have but rarely been subjected to pressure, and not a single specimen is dehydrated to the extent of being papyraceous. Rarely, when fetuses so termed have been subjected to pressure, this was the pressure of the contracted uterus subsequent to the absorption of the amniotic fluid. In many instances, however, these speci- mens were contained in a quantity of amniotic fluid sufficient to be protected from direct pressure of the uterus transmitted through the fetal membranes. More- 10 PREFACE. over, since all these, as well as the specimens of group 7, are macerated, and since all manner of gradations are found between the macerated swollen and the macer- ated wrinkled (fetus compressus) specimen, it may be preferable to restrict this term to its original usage. Much would also seem to be gained by an abandonment of such terms as decidua vera and serotina, which, although historical, convey false suggestions. The occurrence of a psuedo decidua does not seem to be at all estab- lished, and the sense in which the term vera was first used necessarily has been lost in the progress of modern embryology. The same thing applies to the term sero- tina. Hence, as suggested by others, it would seem preferable to speak of a parietal, a basal, and a capsular decidua, and finally relinquish the older terms. In order to avoid possible confusion through the introduction of new terms, I have added the following diagram, which presents their relationship at a glance: Abortus. ooo I 0395 I, Conceptus. Blood-clot. Decidua. Chorionic vesicle. Pus, ete. Amniotic vesicle. { Secundines—placenta and membranes. Umbilical vesicle. Yolk-sac. Amniotic fluid—magma. oF Cord. Periamniotic fluid. | Liquor amnii. Umbilical cord. ) {Embryonic disk. Cyema....{Embryo. (Fetus. In spite of the fact that some great names have long been associated with the rising subject of the pathology of human development, a routine examination of abortuses seems quite worthless to many investigators. This is natural, for, aside from the poor preservation of many of these abortuses, the conditions under which nature performs her experiments on man necessarily are uncontrolled and often also unknown. But there would seem to be no reason for rejecting any testimony which such experiments may offer, though the search be a long and a disappointing one and the conditions not standard. To regard all attempts at a study of these specimens as futile is very largely to abandon man to a cruel fate. He never can be made the subject of accurately controlled experiment or a wholly satisfying study. The rigid requirements of scientific investigation must, in the nature of things, almost always remain unfulfilled. Comparative anatomy, medicine, and pathology, as well as experiments upon animals, undoubtedly offer greater returns merely because the subject of experiment can be bred, nurtured, and sacrificed at the will and by the hand of man. But if it be conceded that in the last analysis the aim of all human effort must be directed toward the amelioration of the lot of mankind, then it would be folly to reject even the chance stalk that may spring from the grain of wheat which lay hidden in a bushel of chaff. The conception, as well as the general plan, of this volume is that of Professor Mall himself. It was my happy experience to be invited to share in both. An unkind fate made it impossible for Professor Mall to complete his own work; for his part everyone will feel deeply grateful; for the part that might have been his, others than myself will feel an immeasurable regret. PREFACE. 11 Although the table of contents had not been prepared, the possible scope of the volume and the order of the topics had often been considered. It was the intention not only to read each other’s chapters, but to discuss and revise them together. With characteristic generosity, Professor Mall suggested that, except for one chapter not contributed by either one of us (Chapter VI), we share equally in that part of the undertaking not included in the special studies. Partly in accordance with this desire, he wrote the introductory chapters in the first person plural, much against my earnest remonstrance, for my share in them is quite negligible. However, since they had been considered together they stand as he wrote them, except for a few footnotes. Unfortunately, only one of my studies was in final form before his death, but he was familiar with it, although we had not considered the paper together. Since all the remainder of my part was written subsequently, it did not seem justifiable to me to charge him with responsibility for conclusions of my own or for personal opinions which might not have com- mended themselves to him. It is with the greatest satisfaction that I record in this connection his decision to mutually consider all points of difference and, if common ground could not be found, to state frankly our individual views. It was characteristic of him never to use the weight of his authority in the discussion of controverted questions—or to influence anyone’s conclusions. He was ever willing to leave the truth to the future. It was this attitude that made the completion of this unfinished work a very satisfying effort, even if lonely and in some respects unsatisfactory. Chapters I, II, and VIII, and all the protocols at the end of Chapter IV, below No. 1,000, fortunately had been written by him. However, in accordance with his intentions, protocols were revised and a number of them entirely rewritten. Since he himself had requested this in the case of several which we considered together, I feel that I have merely followed his desire in this matter. In the exercise of this privilege and duty of revision I have used the greatest care to preserve his descrip- tions as far as possible. Indeed, in the completion of this volume, it has been my constant purpose to follow his plan, to preserve his views, and to realize his in- tentions. Although I feel the deepest scientific interest in this work, it has also been a labor of love and devotion, and it was a great satisfaction that its continua- tion was made possible by the Carnegie Institution of Washington, and that its realization was furthered in every way by my friend and former colleague, Dr. George L. Streeter. Since these studies were completed very largely during 1918 and the spring of 1919, no references are made to the recent literature in a large portion of the volume. A. W. MEYER. CHAPTER I. ORIGIN OF THE COLLECTION. The collection of human embryos belonging to the Carnegie Institution of Washington owes its origin to thirty years of untiring effort on the part of one of the authors (Mall). The first specimen was obtained while he was a student under Professor Welch in the Pathological Department of the Johns Hopkins University; very soon another, in excellent state of preservation, was added. After his (Mall’s) transfer to Clark University in 1899, embryo No. 2 was studied and modeled in wax. This was the first reconstruction of a human embryo ever made in America and at that time the most elaborate one in existence. In 1890 this specimen was offered to Professor His, who refused to accept the gift, and returned it, together with several from his own collection, expressing the hope that this small number of specimens might serve as a nucleus for a much larger collection. With the subsequent foundation of the University of Chicago, the collection was transferred there, and during the following year a few additions were made. Now somewhat augmented, it was returned to Baltimore in 1893, at the opening of the Johns Hopkins Medical School, and here it grew for a number of years, at first slowly, then more rapidly, until it was finally taken over by the Carnegie Institution of Washington in 1915. In the beginning each specimen was labeled with the name of the physician who donated it, but it was soon found that this method was not accurate. Bottles were easily misplaced and notes lost from the files were not missed unless marked with consecutive numbers. Therefore, after the collection had grown to about 100 specimens, a system of numbering, somewhat in the order of accession, was adopted. However, a review of the catalogue later disclosed the fact that some of the specimens collected at Worcester followed in numerical order those collected at Chicago, so that for the first 100 specimens the sequence of accession can not be viewed as chronologically reliable. From an examination of table 1, in which the specimens are arranged in hundreds (or centuries), it will be observed that the first century includes catalogue numbers 1 to 98, the second century, 99 to 205, etc. These numerical discrepancies are due to the fact that quite frequently the same number is given to two or more specimens, as illustrated in the first century; or, as illustrated in the second century, a number once used may be discarded subsequently because the specimen is found to contain no remnants of an ovum. The latter specimens are finally marked on the catalogue card “No pregnancy.”’ In this way we have been able to retain in the catalogues of the collection ovaries and uteri from non-pregnant women. The second column of the table shows the time required to collect each 100 specimens. It took 10 years for the first, 4 for the second, and 2 for the third 100; but after the collection had been transferred to the Carnegie Institution, about 400 specimens were collected in one year. It will be observed also that approximately 60 physicians contributed 13 14 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. TasLe 1.—Showing gradual growth of collection. Contributing : 5 Wh llected Ti No. of Centuries. Catalogue No. en collected. ime. physicians. P States and Hospitals. countries. yr. mo. day 1 1 to 98 1887, to June 1, 1897 10 57 0 21 2 99 to 205 June 1, 1897, to Apr. 19, 1902 4 8 18 53 6 18 3 206 to 295 May 22, 1902, to Mar. 1, 1905 2 8: 38 59 4 14 4 296 to 380 Mar. 1, 1905, to Jan. 1, 1907 1.20." 70 39 d 13 } 5 381 to 476 Jan. 2, 1907, to Jan. 1, 1911 3 11 29 55 8 17 | 6 477 to 571 Jan. 1, 1911, to Feb. 10, 1912 1 1 9 53 8 17 | 7 572 to 652c Feb. 10, 1912, to Mar. 1, 1913 2. (O22 49 5 16 S 652d to 729 Mar. 1, 1913, to July 19, 1913 0) 56.18 65 14 19 9 730 to 8166 July 19, 1913, to Jan. 9, 1914 0 656 20 62 13 21 10 817 to 900g Jan. 9, 1914, to May 27, 1914 Oo 4 18 66 13 23 ll 900A to 964 May 27, 1914, to Oct. 24, 1914 0 4 27 54 12 14 12 965 to 1028 Oct. 27, 1914, to Dec. 19, 1914 (yal eR} 49 6 11 13 1029 to 1126b Dec. 19, 1914, to Apr. 8, 1915 Os) 18 75 12 17 14 1127a to 1202 Apr. 8, 1915, to June 5, 1915 O27 65 14 21 15 1203 to 1292 June 7, 1915, to Oct. 15, 1915 O48 69 10 18 16 1293 to 1365 Oct. 19, 1915, to Jan. 17, 1916 0 2 28 57 8 19 17 1366 to 1458 Jan. 18, 1916, to May 17, 1916 0 3 2 60 9 15 18 1459 to 1545 May 19, 1916, to Aug. 7, 1916 0 3 «#18 56 12 21 19 1546 to 1641 Aug. 9, 1916, to Dec. 13, 1916 0 4 4 77 10 15 20 1642a to 1728 Dec. 15, 1916, to Mar. 3, 1917 Oo 2 18 60 10 12 21 1729 to 18296 Mar. 5, 1917, to June 15, 1917 0, 3 10 69 7 15 22 1830 to 1900/25 June 15, 1917, to Aug. 27, 1917 0.2 14 40 5 10 23 1900/26 to 1901/76 (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) (?) 24 1901/77 to 1956a Aug. 27, 1917, to Nov. 22, 1917 0 2 25 34 5 1l 25 19565 to 2051 Nov. 22, 1917, to Mar. 18, 1918 0 3 26 54 6 13 to the collection of each 100 specimens, of which number 8 (or about 13 per cent) resided in hospitals. The last column of the table shows the territorial source of each century, representing an average of 18 States from which material has been drawn. Upon comparing columns 2 and 38, it becomes apparent that by far the largest portion of the collection has come from physicians in private practice. Yet nearly all of our perfect specimens were obtained from hospitals. This is easily understood when one considers that only when the operator is near can perfectly fresh embryos be secured. In several instances these have been brought to the laboratory still living. Table 2 gives a list of the contributing hospitals, with the number of specimens from each. As would be expected, the majority of the specimens came from hospitals located in Baltimore; second in order is New York, and third Manila, Philippine Islands. Naturally, the Johns Hopkins Hospital contributes the largest number, for its work is intimately related to our own and the members of its staff frequently are interested in embryological studies, both in this laboratory and in the clinical laboratories of the hospital. Hence we receive all of the embryological specimens found at operation. Attention is called to the large number of specimens emanating from a single hospital in Manila. This is due to the fact that this hospital numbers among its staff several graduates from the Johns Hopkins Medical School, and these have responded loyally to our request for Filipino embryos for a study of racial embryology. ORIGIN OF THE COLLECTION. 15 TABLE 2.—List of hospitals and laboratories contributing embryological material. Hospitals and laboratories contributing embryological material. Century 1 Century 2. Century 3 Century 11 Century 12. Century 13. Century 14. Century 15. Century 16. Century 17. Century 18. Century 19. Century 20. Century 21. Century 22. Century 23. Century 24. Century 25. Jobns Hopkins, Baltimore Maryland General, Baltimore Union Protestant, Baltimore Church Home, Baltimore Hebrew, Baltimore _ . J University, Baltimore Franklin Square, Baltimore............... The Howard A. Kelly, Baltimore Mercy, Baltimore DuPont Maternity, Cambridge, Maryland . Physicians and Surgeons, New York City, Blackwell’s Island, New York Bo oallSol Solel foal ot ect ford lene Lt Lane (ed lose Fel ee Society of New York, New York..........|..}..|..]..].. Brooklyn, New York Bellevue and Allied, New York...........}..|..|..}..|..|.. Roosevelt, New York CO OT OT Oe co BS. St. Peters, ieee, New York.. Samaritan, Troy, New York. ~ COW Om Nee Ontario County, Canandaigua, a York. eelleclodioe State Inst. for Study of Malig. Diseases, Buf- falo, New York Gynecean, Sy 5 Bellefonte, Bellefonte, Pennsylvania... Woman’s, Philadelphia. . Christ, Jersey City, New Jersey. . Orange Memorial, Orange, New Jersey... Jefferson Surgical, Roanoke, Virginia. . Alea lbal lel eel aol lard) oe Dr. Tyler’s Surgical, Greenville, S.C...... 651156) ea) len foe lod acl ee Marine Eye and Ear, Portland, Maine.....|..]..]..]..]..]..].. New England, Boston, Massachusetts Boston City, Boston Union, Fall River, Massachusetts. . Memorial, Worcester, Massachusetts. . oo lect (eal eral eel a Bridgeport General, Bridgeport, Connecticut rset ieee 1B Hartford, Hartford, Connecticut. . Yale University, New Pi embryological material ) B) 8) 8) 8) 8/8] 8) 5) 3) 2) 2) 2) 2) 5/512 |8/3) 2| lz le lele AIEEE EE EE EEE ee lee 3813181581318 /3 13/5/5135] 1515 /51513/515/5/515/5|515 |. X cli —|— |---| |---|] -|-|-]- Walter Reed General, lo eee D. CG. aie Garfield, Washington, D. C. Br ys hae Be (py ; Mercy, Arkansas City, Kansas. . ry fry ed Ps ns ey Pe es (seed ed et ei iocian Ita oo oo lias balsas cee Montreal General, Montreal. pols elecfesfasfs cfc ef ols cfiaa te »iflx mle niittklalallei | ates een Globee eres Port Simpson, Port Simpson, British Col. afew feel le ef ovef cre] oof oveif ecoifieva {toca ote flovetlfaleipeuelt seet| RieM tape renal an er te Feet Philippine General, Manila, Philippine Is. sellae fle cde flee fee [ice fiecolflovof MPM] lee cof onail ral pee'l ape! ite Canetl ete| fecal fake etal eel Imperial University, Tokyo, Japan. . RP (Va Fees (esl IS) (ced (nc (es) eed es es toe! loa oct loa pictlod|salloa}lgaton lnallea'|e aloe Severance Union, Kores..... Be es ee ey (a sy a ee ot fers siesiesGoscias) ASG ahe ls ike eet: Sunday School, A. P. M., Changteh, Chinan he oeloneobeclesieelee PH i i P| foe Sil eal Fea lection f= cl ee) ee) fey Is 2 Quaker, Nanking, China. . a) (es (ea Ye eae (ees fees) ee es) (ees fl oes ic fee Bolter Ssiiociiccdieals eieclee js- Sisidin.wivielvin slew asec bisis'= 0.sinielelea'= 9} 5}13)22/18) 9/22)46)37/42/18/27|46/23)32/25/36/31/35|32/26) 0/21/29) 604 In order to obtain good specimens from hospitals, it is necessary that surgeons and pathologists connected therewith be sufficiently interested in embryology to preserve and transmit to this department any valuable specimens obtained at operations. Only in this way can we secure human embryos in as good preservation as those from the lower animals. It is very gratifying that in several instances authorities of hospitals have passed resolutions requesting the members of their respective staffs to send all of their embryological material to this department. Upon the receipt of a specimen it is described, the records filed, and a copy sent to the hospital. These records have in a number of instances enabled us to give expert information, especially in operations upon the uterine tubes in cases of doubtful pregnancy Table 3 is interesting as showing the difficulties encountered by embryologists in collecting material. In our own experience we found at first that, although physicians seemed to be entirely willing to send specimens, we rarely received them; or, at best, only those which had been standing upon the shelves for years. These were badly preserved and of little scientific value, not only because the tissues were unfit for microscopic examination, but because histories were entirely lacking. Nevertheless, we always thankfully receive such specimens, and in return gladly send fixing fluids, write letters, and also send reprints of embryological studies to donors. In this way we have learned that a physician who will take the trouble to send one specimen is always willing to preserve carefully the next that falls into his hands, and, in the course of time, he naturally becomes a regular contributor. A number of physicians have been contributors for 30 years, and their unselfish efforts have been a great encouragement to us. A glance at table 3 will suffice to show that over half of the specimens came from Maryland, and most of these necessarily from Baltimore; next in order is New York, and the third, Pennsylvania. The remainder cover widely scattered points, the first century being drawn from 21 States, the second from 29 States, the sources gradually expanding to include practically every State and Territory of the Union. From the beginning, a few have come regularly from abroad, so that now we have ORIGIN OF THE COLLECTION. 17 TABLE 3.—Sources of embryological material by states, cities, and countries. al a | od BLOND AlLS|AlaAlS [HI] Sl SIR | SolalSolalalasalwaiss —T ec ~ ~ oT nl ~ a — Pel N nN N nN nN N m| Pb nl rl pala ml | bl] >| ml p| m BYE E) e) E/E) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 2) 8) 8/2) 3) 3) 2/8) 2) 2) 2/8/28) 3) 5 / 218/88) 2/ 8/8/81 818) 3) 81812) 8] 2] 2) | 8/8] 2| 3] 3/8] 3 O};O/0 ODIOIOLOLOJSOLOILOISLOLOlLOlOsSOsSOJSOlLO;/OLOLOoOIJoO] & Baltimore..... 49| 43) 62] 43) 47| 49) 41) 36) 34) 41] 34) 44] 53) 32] 44) 33) 54] 39] 67] 58] 54! 28/...| 20] 56/1061 Maryland..... 3 9}...| 6} 7| 19) 13) 10] 8} 11] 12) 20] 10} 6) 13] 10) 15) 8} 10} 20) 10 7| 16) 246 New York..... 3) 16] 3] 15] 8] 10) 9} 5) 18] 5) 9) 2) 7| 25) 12) 27|...) 7] 2] 9) 4) 1 9} 5) 211 Pennsylvania ..} 7| 2) 2) 1) 8 2) 2) 2) 3) 1) 6 1] 2} 3] 4) 5] 5| 5) 5] 56 5) 9j...]... 3] 88 Virginia....... Li) 2. Spal | 203) (SE fore) (cova Sey RE] VAS Vis § Ps | eS TO Pre) i | Ve | 3 ie | 3 Wael Ray) Sven aranyiae | lliimeh |e eri |erclciller=:-[le- | 2] SO] Qh. [ic orl ero SIRS B yy. | O21 k | orevs ed | tarerell evel areal 23 Kentucky..... Weel LS yal PS Meno! UW eaaliaiac| kage bc Beer (eae Wigetlosallomel oct) 24} ola sal lasa laos 1) 16 Tennessee..... Be Deere | rca eters ort bcovavaltchcevs [fevolsiflaxsiss| sisve\iterevs||| X'lleyone!ll | levecil Gis a]'a\eve'| ara ail ecetal|fateell evavell o, orcil levers 6 Misscuri...... Teal Saal lead ?-|lo59|1) 324 loo.0| bas) bee feo acl (Og lee] lobed lane loos) laces lone Inet roses Gees | (SiSes| few 4 eae 8 Rieerenrenirce en eee le fool calcg [> Mocclecc|ecsfeosleeclcccleccles-lecdecsdees Wisconsin..... PA rs | eas GIS Meets]! vallnmalctarel ceca sts Wea} Heae?4 weet acl ease Weal aoa) lord aaa) ers 3 28 Connecticut ...]... ea val vers Lees | Oe ean teye:< 928 405 229 Milthep oon e ose 645 396 163 Sixth seni sees 506 437 116 Seventh: ......... 402 348 116 erate perc ini= 1,586 156.4 found the sex-ratio in 3,781 abortions to be 152.4 Pinard and Magnan (1913) report on 1,229 abortions, the ages of which are not stated. This material showed a sex-ratio of only 101.1. Rust (1902) also found the sex-ratio in 454 abortions from the first six months to be very low, 7. e., 101.8. It is apparent how greatly these figures vary. A new contribution towards the knowledge of the sex-incidence in abortions is therefore not valueless, especially as great care has been taken to determine age and sex. TaBLE J.—Sex-ratio of abortions and still-births in differ- Taste K.—Sez-ratio of 1,410 fetuses from different ent months. (Adapted from Nichols.) months. ‘ District of Columbia. : Total material. Whites only. Month. Paris. ae aaa a Whites. Negroes. 121.0 110.7 117.5 122.0 Third and fourth. . 176 145 122 i 109.6 107.0 TERE Ss. bic Saat 121 148 152 i 87.5 88.4 SIKGMe ens te ctace 117 lll 124 108.5 112.1 Seventh Peso ceoac 119 114 122 i 133.3 123.5 WapPhth. 52 lens ewe 123 106 112 Ninth and tenth . 167.6 156.5 Ninth and over ... 134 129 127 Average...... 134.8 123 124.9 The last paper of the writer on this subject (1918) was based upon a relatively small amount of material; since then it has been more than doubled, increasing correspondingly the dependability of the conclusions drawn from it. The material in all consists of 1,410 fetuses, 1,249 of which are from the embryological collection of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. For data on 32 fetuses, I am indebted to Dr. Ingalls, and in addition I have made use of 57 fetuses published by Rauber and of 72 Filipino fetuses tabulated by Ruth (1918). Of this material only a small percentage is derived from induced abortions; the great majority were spon- 184 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. taneous ones and therefore represent the inevitable mortality. Age classification was based upon the sitting height (Keibel and Mall, 1910). Both normal and pathological fetuses were used in this study. These were for the most part white. In a limited number of cases no parental history was available; however, it is certain that a great majority of these also were white. Among the specimens other than white there is a preponderance of negroes, with a total of 201. The sex-ratios of these fetuses in the various months of pregnancy are given in table K. The pathological fetuses alone show a sex-ratio of 103.7, a proportion which indicates that the two sexes become pathological with about the same relative frequency. The sex-ratio of all the negro fetuses is 105.1, and of all the Filipinos 182.1. The material on which these latter ratios are based is, however, too small to draw any safe conclusion from them. The greatest deviations in the ratios obtained by Auerbach and by Carvallo, on the one hand, and by the author on the other, occur in the third and fourth months, in which Auerbach found the ratios to be 322 and 229, and Carvallo 250. The author’s corresponding figures are very much lower, namely, 121 and 117, respectively. The great excess of male abortions in the early months of pregnancy, as found by Auerbach and Carvallo, may find its explanation in the fact that in the statistics used by them the sex was determined by different individuals. who had not the specialized knowledge necessary for such determination on young fetuses. The same source of error exists in case of statistics of abortions throughout whole countries as used, for instance, by Nichols." Early in the differentiation of the external genitalia only the expert can state the sex with certainty. At this time, and even later, the inexperienced, misled by the size of the clitoris as well as by other factors, may erroneously determine the female fetus as male. Fewer errors would be made on specimens from the latter part of the third and the fourth months if only those definitely male were reported as such, and all the doubtful ones were designated as female. Even granted that larger statistics might raise the sex-ratio of abortions, the latter would never reach the high figures stated by Auerbach, by Carvallo, and assumed by others. Just as the sex-ratio of mortality following birth varies according to age, so it is found to be true during the pre- natal period. The author’s material showed a high sex-ratio in the third and fourth months. In the fifth to the seventh month it became very much lower, to rise again in the eighth to the tenth month, attaining a higher figure than in any previous period. An analogous changing of the sex-ratio of intrauterine mortality was found by Auerbach and by Nichols with only slight differences in the duration of the periods of high and low ratios, but with considerable differences in the ratios themselves. Nothing is known in regard to the sex-ratio of abortions during the first two months of pregnancy; however, that of the third month might be used hypothetically for this period. The author’s material from the fifth to the seventh month shows an average of 101.9, but owing to the variability in the individual months it is quite probable that the number of male and that of female fetuses ! The writer had an opportunity to compare the death certificates of a large number of abortions and still-births with his own findings on the specimens themselves, and found a surprisingly high percentage of errors in sex determination in the certificaies, sometimes even on full-term fetuses. SEX-INCIDENCE IN ABORTIONS. 185 perishing during the period from the fifth to the seventh month is relatively, not absolutely, equal. At any rate, it is apparent that during the middle third of intrauterine development the excess of male abortions is much lower than at the beginning and at the end of pregnancy. In order to make use of the above citations and figures in computing the primary sex-ratio, rough and approximately average values must first be estab- lished. The following appear to be most probable: For each 100 living-born, with a sex-ratio of 105.5, there occur in the eighth to the tenth month 4 still-births with a sex ratio of 130; in the fifth to the seventh month 7 abortions with a sex-ratio of 106; in the fourth month 2 abortions with a sex-ratio of 120; and from con- ception to the end of the third month 15 abortions with a sex-ratio of 125. This makes altogether 28 abortions and still-births to every 100 living-born; 7.e., 100 living-born to every 128 fertilized ova." The primary sex-ratio found from these averages by simple mathematical operations is 108.74. The writer’s last calcula- tion of the primary sex-ratio (1918) resulted in 108.47. The very small increase in the corresponding value of the present study serves as a confirmation of the previous finding. The sex-ratio at conception was estimated by Bernoulli as 108.2. Slightly higher (108.7) is the ratio computed by Jendrassik (1911) from statistics collected by Bodio. Both of these figures are strikingly similar to that of the author. Lenhossék (1903) estimates the primary sex-ratio as 111, Auerbach as 116.4, but the latter believes that it would reach at least 125 if corrections were made. Even if these approximate averages, which will become more exact only when based upon more extensive, careful statistics, must be accepted cwm grano salis, it may nevertheless be stated with certainty that more males (not exceeding 10 per cent) are conceived; that at certain periods of pregnancy the relative mor- tality of males exceeds that of females by as much as one fourth or more; and that this, in connection with the very high intrauterine mortality, especially at the beginning of pregnancy, serves to lower the primary sex-ratio considerably through- out prenatal life. DETERMINATION AND CHANGES OF THE PRIMARY SEX-RATIO. The question now arises as to what determines the sexes and their unequal distribution at conception. Its discussion dates back into antiquity; since Aris- totle, philosophers and physiologists searched in vain for the key to this problem. The most fantastic theories were advanced, one of the oldest being that sex is correlated respectively with the right or left ovary or testicle (Hippocrates, Galen). In recent times much work has been done in trying to solve this problem. Among the most interesting theories stands the idea of the possibility of two distinct varieties of spermatozoa. Wilson (1905) distinguishes between male-producing and female-producing spermatozoa. This might lead to an unequal distribution of sexes at conception. Morgan (1913) suggested that it may be due to a difference 1 The relative number of fertilized ova, estimated by Rauber to be 100 to 76 living-born or, calculated as above, 131.6 to 100 living-born, is somewhat larger than that obtained by the author. 186 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. in the rate of travel of the two types of sperm, or that a disease process, or a factor such as alcoholism, might affect one type to a greater degree than the other. Hertwig (1912) attributes sex determination to the ovum or the degree of its maturation, an advanced stage of maturation producing males. In this way he attempts to explain the difference in sex-ratio according to social class. Thury (1863) proposed the idea that ova which are fertilized late may produce more males. Thus he explained the high sex-ratio among Jews who, on religious grounds, refrain from intercourse for 7 days following menstruation. Here may also be mentioned the recent investigations by Siegel on the relation of menstruation to. sex, according to which coitus from the first to the eighth day after menstruation yields 86 per cent males; from the ninth to the fifteenth day it results in 65 per cent females; from the sixteenth to the twenty-second day, 85 per cent of con- ceptions are females, and in the remaining premenstrual period woman is prac- tically sterile. Pryl and Jaeger, working independently, have confirmed Siegel’s observations.’ These findings contradict, in a way, those of Hertwig and Thury. Lorenz (1898), Lenhossék (1903), and Orschansky (1903) are of the opinion that sex is sujbect to hereditary influences, inasmuch as they found families in which males predominated and those in which females appeared in excessive numbers. Newcomb (1904), Woods (1906), and Heron (1906) deny this and show that inheritance plays no part in the sex-ratio. Numerous authors attribute its variation to the absolute and relative ages of the parents. According to Rosenfeld (1900), there is a decided preponderance of male children born to young and old fathers, as compared with those of middle age. Francke, from the statistics of Norway, found this to be true in respect to young fathers, but reached an opposite conclusion as regards old ones. Dumont (1894) found for Paris a sex-ratio of 101.9 when the fathers were from 18 to 25 years, 104.2 when the fathers were between 25 and 50 years, and 97.5 when they were over 51 years. According to E. Bidder (1878), the sex-ratio of births by mothers under 18 and over 40 years is especially high, and Specht (1916) reports that the large majority of births by mothers under 16 years are male. Sadler (1830) stated that the relative ages of the parents determine the sex-ratio. The latter is 86.5 when the father is younger than the mother, 94.8 when both are of equal age, and reaches 163.2 when the father’s age exceeds that of the mother by 16 or more years. Kollman (1890) ob- tained an opposite result, drawing the conclusion, which was based on extensive material, that the sex-ratio is high when the father is younger and low when he is older than the mother. At the same time he opposes the view that the absolute age of the mother has any influence whatever upon sex-ratio. Stieda, on the basis of his investigations, came to the conclusion that any influence on the part of the ab- solute ages of the parents is out of the question, as he noted the highest sex-ratio when the parents were of equal age. Numerous other authors have occupied themselves with the question of parental age as an influence upon sex-ratio, but only two additional ones will be mentioned, Boudin (1862) and Stadler (1878). The conflicting views which have been presented suffice to show that nothing ‘These papers could not be obtained by the author, but are discussed by Nilsson. SEX-INCIDENCE IN ABORTIONS. 187 definite is known concerning a correlation between the age of the parents and sex determination; in fact, such a correlation is hardly to be expected. Pear] (1908), in a very careful study, demonstrated that there are more males produced when the parents are of different racial stock. The same effect of hy- bridization on the sex-ratio has been found by King (1911) for rats and by Guyer (1903) for birds. The well-known assertion that the sex-ratio rises after wars has evoked various attempts at explanation. The following few examples show best how little the different authors agree on this improbable relation. Ploss (1858, 1861) ascribes it to malnutrition of the mothers. Berner (1883) believes it to be due to the decreased competition which follows wars and which brings about an increased prosperity. Diising sees the cause in the increased sexual demands upon the male, which is also said to increase the sex-ratio in polygamy. According to Newcomb, following the American Civil War of 1861-65 no increase in sex-ratio was observed. Nichols found no effect of war upon the sex-ratio in France from 1806 to 1872. On the other hand, Henneberg (1897) claims to have found such an influence; he reported that in Holstein, between 1835 and 1845, the sex-ratio was 105.76, and after the period of the war, from 1846 to 1853, it was 106.67. In the few cases where such a difference was confirmed, it was so slight as not to exceed the normal variations of the secondary sex-ratio (it is in the latter that any difference would be found) and therefore is to be considered as such. These natural variations were shown by Lehr (1889), Carlberg, Nichols, and others; they may be very considerable, as reported by von Winckel (1903), according to whom the sex-ratic of new-born in Berlin showed extremes in a period of 100 years of 104.79 and 100.64. Variations of sex-ratio have been de- termined not only for individual years and groups of years, but also for the seasons. According to Goehlert (1889), in autumn and winter relatively few conceptions take place, but of these a higher percentage is male. The same conclusion was reached by Sormani (1883). Inasmuch as the studies of these authors were based upon statistics of births, without consideration of the relative frequency of abor- tions, their conclusions in regard to the sex-ratio at conception must be treated with caution. CHANGES IN THE SECONDARY SEX-RATIO. The primary sex-ratio, as shown above, becomes transformed by an unequal intrauterine mortality of the two sexes into a different secondary ratio, and it is obvious, from a mathematical consideration, that the greater the proportion of abortions and still-births the lower will be the sex-ratio of living-born. Attempts have been made by a number of authors to explain the great mortality of males during certain periods of prenatal life. Carvallo simply says “les garcons sont plus fragiles”; Auerbach, also, considers the male fetus less resistant. Grassl (1912) gives as an explanation the supposition of a difference in the viability of the germ plasma. Jendrassik speaks of hereditary reduction of vitality among the excess of males. Ewart (1918) suggested that “‘it is possible—here, of course, we have no data—that the female conception may graft itself on the lining membrane of 188 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. the uterus more easily than the male.”’ Rauber explains the greater mortality of males by the greater demands of the larger fetuses upon the mother, the latter not always being able to meet them; the production of a female does not require as much from the mother. Lillie (1917) offers the suggestion that the greater mortality among male fetuses is a result of disturbance of the equilibrium that protects the male from the sex hormones of the mother. These are all more or less plausible hypotheses lacking in proofs. As to any real understanding of the unquestionably higher mortality of male fetuses we are still at a loss; attention may be called, however, to the fact that this sexual difference in vitality and power of resistance against disease is not restricted to the period of intrauterine life, but is found also in the first few years of postnatal life, at which time occupation, child-bearing, and other factors can not be held responsible for the difference between the male and female death-rate. The excess of male still-births is ascribed by most authors to the more diffi- cult labor attendant upon the greater size of the male,’ especially the circumference of the head. Dutton (1910) is of the opinion that at the time of birth the bones of the male skull are, as a rule, more firmly ossified than those of the female. He states also that with the advance of civilization the pelvic development in women is not proportionate to the cephalic development in infants. This perhaps explains the conclusion reached by Bluhm (1912), that the relative number of therapeuti- cally induced premature births is increasing. That labor in case of male children more often demands artificial aid from the obstetrician than in case of females is shown by Prinzing, according to whom 6.18 per cent of male births in Wiirttem- berg called for operative measures, as compared with 4.67 per cent of the female births. This, however, is not due alone to the greater size of the male infant. Von Winckel found that in 566 new-born infants of over 4,000 grams weight operative aid was necessary in only 3 per cent more cases than in births of lighter babies. Furthermore, the more difficult labor of the larger male child can not in itself be held responsible for the high sex-ratio of still-born infants, inasmuch as, according to Treichler (1895), 29.6 per cent, and, according to Prinzing (1907), 32.6 per cent, of all still-births are premature, and in the sex ratio of these size plays but little part. According to Ladame (1904), in Switzerland the number dying during labor constituted only 36.4 per cent of the total still-births. Finally, Von Winckel found that the death-rate among 1,000 new-born of over 4,000 grams weight was only 4.17 per cent. Sex-ratio has frequently been studied in relation to the pelvic diameters of the mother. The results are somewhat conflicting. Hoffmann (1887), Dohrn (1888), and Orschansky (1894) may be mentioned, according to whom the sex- ratio in children of mothers with narrow pelves is low. In contrast to this, Linden (1884) states it to be 133 in 360 births in which the mothers had narrow pelves. In case the size of the pelvis really has an influence, this can be exerted only upon the secondary sex-ratio in the way of elimination. In the same manner it seems evident that many of the factors which apparently affect the sex-ratio do not * Von Winckel found among 1,000 new-born, of over 4,000 grams weight and 52 cm. length, a sex-ratio of 226. SEX-INCIDENCE IN ABORTIONS. 189 influence it at the time of conception; that is to say, they do not have any sex- determining effect, but by their influence upon intrauterine mortality they change only the sex-ratio of the living-born. The well-known fact that the secondary sex-ratio among Jews is relatively high is explained by Diising on the ground of incest, blood marriages being of frequent occurrence in that race. Schultze (1903), on the other hand, concluded that inbreeding has no effect upon sex determination and the same conclusion was reached by King (1918). Diising, in his conclusions, failed to make a distinction between the sex-ratio at birth and that at conception; the latter is probably not different in Jews from what it is in other white races, but changes less by reason of the relatively fewer abortions and still-births among Jews, resulting in a higher secondary sex-ratio. The relative infrequency of abor- tions among Jews has been shown, for instance, by Auerbach. One finds frequently the assumption that the negro produces fewer sons than other races—another conclusion drawn from statistics of the new-born alone. Nichols pointed out that in the District of Columbia still-births and abortions among the colored popula- tion amount to 13.8 per cent of the living-born, whereas in the white it is only 6.5 per cent. This difference is responsible for the different secondary sex-ratios of the two races (103.1 in negroes and 106.2 in whites). Punnett (1903) and others have shown that the births among classes of lower social status present a lower sex-ratio than those of the rich. The explanation lies again in the fact that the greater frequency of abortions among women of the working classes, who can spare themselves less during pregnancy and in whom pregnancies occur in more rapid succession, results in a corresponding reduction in the sex-ratio, which probably was originally equal in the two classes. In addition, this greater reduction of the primary sex-ratio in the poorer classes is due to their higher percentage of still- births. According to Conrad in Halle, among laborers it was 5 per cent, while among the upper classes it was only 2.1 per cent; and according to Verrijn Stuart (1901), in Holland, among the poor, it was 3.16 per cent and among the rich 2.5 per cent of all births. A further example illustrating how the primary sex-ratio was erroneously thought to be influenced is shown in its difference in legitimate and illegitimate children. Heape (1909) states that the sex-ratio of legitimate births among the white population of Cuba is 109.0, still-births included; that of the illegitimate only 105.95. There is even a greater difference among negroes, the sex-ratio being 97.91 for illegitimate children and 107.73 for legitimate ones. Heape immediately draws the conclusion that illegitimate unions result more often in the conception of females than do legitimate ones. According to Diising, the sex-ratio of legitimate births in Prussia, between the years 1875 and 1887, was 106.37; that of illegitimate only 105.54. The still-births in legitimate unions amounted to 3.91 per cent, in illegitimate ones to 5.32 per cent. A corresponding difference was demonstrated by Bertillon (1896) in the frequency of legitimate and illegitimate abortions. The greater mortality of illegitimate fetuses reduced the sex-ratio to a greater degree. The rule that the sex-ratio is greater in legitimate than in illegitimate births is 1 According to Dusing (1884), the longer the intervals between births the higher is the sex-ratio. 190 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. not, however, without exceptions. Srdinko (1907) found that the sex-ratio of legitimate births in Austria was lower than that of the illegitimate, and explains this by the fact that the illegitimate are for the most part Jewish, in which race abortions are less frequent. Further exceptions are reported by Nichols in the case of England and Scotland. According to the last-mentioned author, there is an especially high sex-ratio in legitimate births as compared with illegitimate ones in Rhode Island (104.7 to 98.8), Portugal (107.1 to 100.5), and Greece (114.0 to 96.9). He, too, found a greater frequency of still-births and abortions in illegiti- mate pregnancies. Obviously, in such cases there is more concealment and con- sequently still less complete statistics are available than in the case of legitimate pregnancies ending in abortion. According to a number of authors, the sex-ratio of first-born is greater than that of subsequent births, as demonstrated, for instance, in a table by Newcomb (1904). Lewis and Lewis (1906) report that in Scotland the sex-ratio of the first- born was 105.4, and that of subsequent births 104.8. The secondary sex-ratio is especially high as regards older primiparae, as shown by Ahlfeld (1872, 1876), Janke (1888), and Bidder (1893). That this is also due, in part at least, to different intrauterine mortality may be supported by the citation from Franz that abortions are more than twice as frequent in multipare as in primipare. Moreover, the first-born children are appreciably smaller than subsequent ones, as demonstrated by Schaetzel (1893)’ and others, a condition which might suggest a lower rate of mortality during labor. According to Duncan and Duke (1917), however, still- births are more frequent among first-born than among second and third-born, in spite of their smaller size; only in the case of children from the sixth pregnancy does the percentage of still-births exceed the one of the first-born. However, inasmuch as abortions are much more frequent than still-births, comparatively little importance can be attached to this. The number of children in a family has also been correlated with the sex-ratio; Geissler (1889) found that in families with seven or more children there is a greater proportion of sons than in families with 2 to 7 children. Punnett (1903) reached just the opposite conclusion. The former result was confirmed by several other observers (von Kérésy, Janke, and Nichols); Nichols considers it very probable that in large families the higher proportion of sons is due to a smaller number of abortions, leaving a larger number of children to be born alive, and thus their sex-ratio more closely approaches the primary sex-ratio. Besides the above-mentioned causes for the variations found in sex-ratio, many more have been discussed in the literature in an effort to throw light on the question of sex determination. Only a few, if any, of these factors actually exert any influence upon the primary sex-ratio. The changes have all been found in the secondary sex-ratio and the probability is great that the factors causing them affected only the intrauterine death-rate. This is especially true in regard to ? Hansen (1913) reports that in Denmark the first born weigh on an average 3,457 grams; the second born 3,607 grams; the third born 3,698 grams, the difference between the first and second being much greater than between subsequent ones. The figures for weight at birth, given by Heiberg (1911), show an analogous relation. SEX-INCIDENCE IN ABORTIONS. 191 changes resulting from locality, from age, nutrition, and health of the mother. Sormani (1883) reported that in Italy the sex-ratio of births in urban districts was 104.9 and in rural districts 107.0. Nichols, in contrast to this, states that in Paris the sex-ratio of new-born was 103.7 and in the remainder of France 104.3; while in Paris the mortality in utero was 7.7 per cent of births, in other parts of France only 4.4 per cent. In regard to the alleged influence exerted by the age of the mother on the sex-ratio of her children, the finding of Dempsey (1919) may serve as proof that this influence does not concern the primary sex-ratio. This author finds that still-births in women of 30 years of age and over were more than four times as numerous as in women under 30. To briefly sum up the results of this study, the author believes he has succeeded in correcting two errors frequently found in the literature: First, that the relation of the sexes at conception does not, as frequently stated, show an extremely high preponderance of males, but a surplus of 10 per cent at most. Second, that a great number of factors claimed to influence the sex-ratio at conception, if playing any réle at all, are only sex-eliminating during intra- uterine life and have no effect upon sex determination. Further results of interest are the marked fluctuations in the sex-incidence of abortions and still-births in different periods of development and also the great changes in the death-rate during intrauterine life. These facts may serve as a help- ful guide in the search for the cause of the greater mortality among male fetuses.” 1 Schenk (1898) asserts that diabetic mothers bear more female than male children. 1 This is not restricted to man, but has been found also for the rat. (King, 1921.) ned » CHAPTER VII. THE OCCURRENCE OF LOCALIZED ANOMALIES IN HUMAN EMBRYOS AND FETUSES. In a paper on the causes underlying the origin of human monsters (Mall, 1908), I made the assertion that localized anomalies were more common in embryos obtained from abortions than in full-term fetuses, without, however, adducing conclusive evidence in support of this theory. In a footnote on page 27 of that publication I gave a list of embryos with their chief defects, comparing them with the percentage of frequency of monsters born at term. Objection might be raised to such a statement on the ground that there is not a complete correspondence between anomalies in the embryo and those found in the fetus at the end of pregnancy. For instance, spina bifida in young embryos is always complete, while at full term the open canal is covered over with skin. Cyclopia and exomphaly are the same in the embryo as at birth, but the deformities of the head and neck of the embryo are of such a nature that it can not survive long enough to admit of comparison with similar malformations found at term. With these difficulties clearly before me, I have made an effort to sharply define the anomalies in embryos, so that a satisfactory comparison might be made with those found in monsters at the end of pregnancy, as described in the literature. Cyclopia is, perhaps, the type of anomaly which is now best understood, due largely to the excellent experimental work of Stockard, and also partly to the fact that the cyclopean state can exist quite independently of other marked deformities. I have already discussed the question of cyclopia in a separate publication (Mall, 1917*), and it is not therefore necessary for me to dilate further upon it at present. Hare-lip is also sharply defined in the embryo and is as readily distinguished as exomphaly. Other anomalies, however, are more difficult to recognize in the embryo as sharply defined malformations. The pathological specimens of the first 400 accessions to our pallection were reported in my paper on the origin of human monsters mentioned above. Since the embryological collection has been taken over by the Carnegie Institution of Wash- ington it has grown at a very rapid rate, about 400 specimens being added to it each year. At present, however, only the first 1,000 will be considered, the re- mainder not having been sufficiently tabulated to be of statistical value. The specimens can clearly be divided into two groups according to their origin, 2. e., uterine and ectopic. In both of these the embryos which are normal in form are catalogued according to their sitting height, which we call crown-rump (CR). The chief difficulty, however, is to determine what constitutes a normal embryo, and here we must rely largely upon our experience in human and comparative embry- ology. A sharply defined, well-formed, white embryo, with blood-vessels shining through its transparent tissues, is considered normal. If it is partly stunted and opaque or disintegrating it is considered pathological. A further study of the 193 194 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. so-called normal embryos, however, shows that in many of them the membranes are decidedly pathological. For instance, the villi may be deformed, diseased, atrophic or hypertrophic, or the contents of the amnion and the exocceelom may be unusual. Nevertheless, in all of these cases we still classify the embryos as normal, although fully cognizant of the fact that the surrounding membranes are pathological; otherwise it would be difficult to account for the great number of spontaneous abortions. The theory is that the embryo was developed under pathological conditions, but that the chorion was not sufficiently affected to cause any apparent change in the embryo. If an embryo included in this group is ap- parently normal in all respects save one, we still consider it normal with a localized anomaly. In fact, we are gradually forced into this position, as an embryo, at first regarded as normal, may later prove to have a localized anomaly, such as spina bifida or cyclopia. As far as we can determine, such an embryo would have been able to survive longer had not something happened to its membranes, thus causing its expulsion. I am inclined to believe that pregnancies of this sort, if carried to term, would produce the ordinary monsters described by teratologists. The second group of specimens, which are termed pathological, are in a way more interesting, and their study justifies our method of classifying localized anomalies with normal embryos. We have in this group a variety of changes ranging from those found in fetus compressus down to complete disintegration of the ovum, leaving only a few villi. Having made numerous efforts to classify these specimens, I have finally resolved them into seven groups, which have been considered in a previous chapter. It can be readily seen that this classification into sub-groups is arranged some- what in the order of the age of the ovum when it began to degenerate. Gener- ally the changes are so pronounced that the embryo could not have lived through the duration of pregnancy, and this accounts for the abortion. We naturally do not find localized anomalies in specimens from the first four groups, while in the remaining three groups we encounter only such as are very pronounced and stand out clearly in spite of other changes. Thus, for instance, with fetus compressus we frequently recognize club-foot; in stunted forms, hare-lip and spina bifida; and in cylindrical forms, spina bifida. If eyclopia is encountered in any of these forms, it is looked upon as a localized anomaly in a pathological embryo. On the other hand, a single anomaly in an embryo called normal can easily be recognized, and it is from this group that we should expect the develop- ment of monsters had the pregnancy progressed to term. A few illustrations of localized anomalies are given here in order to show that they are identical with those found in infants at birth. Figures 83 and 84 represent, respectively, a cyclopean and a double monster, the embryos being otherwise normal. Figures 85 and 86 show hare-lip in an embryo and a fetus. Figures 87, 88, and 89 have pronounced localized anomalies and need no further explanation. Finally, figures 90 to 93 show anomalies of the hands. The first and last are of the hereditary variety, while figures 91 and 92 are acquired anomalies—that is, they were subsequently formed in an embryo whose development began normally. OCCURRENCE OF LOCALIZED ANOMALIES. 195 It is proper to remark here that these illustrations are mostly from specimens from the second 1,000 of our collection. This is because we have recently made many more photographs, and, furthermore, many of the specimens in the first thousand have already been figured in my paper on monsters. In order to render possible a comparison between localized anomalies found in pathological, and those found in normal embryos, six tables have been con- structed. Table 7 gives the classified distribution of the first 1,000 embryos in the Carnegie Collection. The primary division comprises two classes—pathological and normal. The pathological specimens in turn are arranged in the seven groups just described. The normal are arranged in groups to correspond as nearly as possible to the ages of the embryos in lunar-months. In order to define clearly which embryos belong in a given month, I have inserted their probable lengths for each month in table 12. Thus, for instance, the second month includes all specimens from 2.6 mm. to 25 mm. in length, ete. (Data upon the estimated ages of embryos may be found in my chapter on that subject in the Manual of Human Embryology, vol. 1.) TABLE 7.—Showing the distribution of first 1,000 accessions. Pathological, in groups. Normal, in months. Cen- | Catalogue tury. No. lto 98 99 to 205 206 to 295 296 to 380 381 to 476 A477 to 571 572 to 652c 652d to 729 730 to 8165 817 to 900g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 i to oO o It will be noted in these tables that the specimens are arranged in centuries; that is, each line in the table includes exactly 100 specimens. The first century includes specimens Nos. 1 to 98, the second, Nos. 99 to 205, and so on. ‘This adjustment was necessary for the reason that frequently a single number is given to 2 or more specimens. Sometimes the first is called a and the second }; or the first may be given the number and the second the letter a, ete. The second century, passing from Nos. 99 to 205, includes more than 100 numbers, because specimens which are given a number are frequently found upon further examination to contain no remnants of an ovum, and for this reason they have to be discarded. In our catalogue they are later marked as ‘‘No pregnancy.”’ Finally, the tenth century ends with embryo No. 900g. The individual entries are percentage records. Thus in the fifth century there are 41 normal specimens of the second month; that is, of this hundred specimens 41 per cent are normal embryos of the second month, whereas the total for the full 1,000 has brought down this percentage to 24.5. 196 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. In determining normality, the criterion used was the shape of the embryo, judging this as best we could by our own knowledge of human and comparative embryology, as well as by the experience of other students of human embryology. We have also used freely the atlases of His, Hochstetter, and Keibel and Else in making our decisions on this point. However, many of these specimens are inclosed in membranes which have undergone very marked changes. Thus, an embryo normal in form may be found to be surrounded by an excessive amount of magma and the chorion may have undergone very pronounced changes; but for purposes TaBLe 8.—Distribution of uterine specimens. Pathological, in groups. Normal, in months. Cen- | Catalogue tury. No. lto 98 99 to 205 206 to 295 296 to 380 381 to 476 477 to 571 572 to 652¢ 652d to 729 730 to 816b 817 to 900g o a Catalogue No. lto 98 99 to 205 206 to 295 296 to 380 381 to 476 417 to 571 572 to 652c 652d to 729 730 to 816b 817 to 900g SeonmrmdHbwne eo ao o o to o cooococecoo o ooococoecoo o o o i) of classification we have found it necessary to arrange them all according to the shape of the embryo. A fairly large number of our specimens were obtained from hysterectomies. We believe with Hochstetter that we shall ultimately have to determine what constitutes a normally formed human embryo from specimens obtained in this way; but among about 25 hysterectomy specimens, we never- theless found 3 which were markedly pathological and undergoing abortion. Table 8 includes all uterine and table 9 all ectopic specimens. In comparing these three tables it will at once be noted that among the entire 1,000 nearly 40 per cent are pathological embryos and ova. Of this number 31 per cent were OCCURRENCE OF LOCALIZED ANOMALIES. 197 obtained from the uterus, while slightly more than 8 per cent were ectopic. The comparative frequency of pathological and normal embryos can be ascertained, however, by comparing them within a given century, or for the whole 1,000 to- gether. In the uterine specimens about one-third of the ova and embryos are pathological, as compared to two-thirds in the ectopic. In other words, patho- logical specimens are twice as frequent in ectopic as in uterine pregnancy. Table 10 includes all the specimens in which there are pronounced localized anomalies. The character of the anomaly for the individual specimens recorded is given in tables 11 and 12. From these tables it would appear that there are about as many anomalies among the normal as among the pathological specimens, but when these figures are compared with the total number of specimens, both normal and pathological, it becomes evident that localized anomalies occur about twice as frequently in the pathological as in the normal embryo. Thus, 38 out of TaBLE 10.—Distribution of specimens with localized anomalies (to be compared with table 7). Pathological, in groups. Normal, in months. Cen- | Catalogue tury. No. 206 to 295 296 to 380 381 to 476 477 to 571 572 to 652¢ 652d to 729 730 to 816b 817 to 900g SCHODNAMTKRWNHe CSCWOrRNWOWWNW PA i! S | ooooooococe ° f=) So _ ~ ~ ie) ~ ~ i) ao bo no iw] wo ~ So i ° i) ~ i) q 396 pathological specimens, or about 10 per cent, exhibit localized anomalies, as against 6 per cent in 604 normal specimens. The 38 pathological specimens with localized anomalies listed in table 10 were aborted in the early part of pregnancy, and only one of them (No. 649) grew to a sitting height of 90 mm., that is, to about the middle of the fourth month. The number of normal embryos with localized anomalies tends to decrease before the fifth month, there being but 1 in the sixth, 1 in the eighth, and 4 in the tenth month, the end of pregnancy. In other words, all pathological specimens, either with or without localized anomalies, are aborted in the first half of pregnancy, as are also nearly all so-called normal embryos with slight malformations, very few of them reaching full term. We have made an especial effort to collect specimens of full-term monsters as well as abortion material from all months of pregnancy. Only the first 100 specimens of the collection show an unusually large percentage of normal embryos. Although at first an effort was made to collect only good, normal specimens, the last 900, including all sorts of material, carry about the same percentage of normal specimens throughout. Among the first 1,000 specimens of our collection there are not many fetuses from the second half of pregnancy, but we are now 198 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. endeavoring to collect material covering all months. One monster at term, a sympus belonging in about the third 100, was not recorded in our catalogue, and should be added to the four full-term specimens given in table 10. This means that among 1,001 specimens there were 5 full-term monsters, while among 1,000 speci- mens there were 71 with localized anomalies, most of them being aborted early in pregnancy. TABLE 11.—Localized anomalies in pathological embryos. Length Men- " henegh ee : ae Cata- of |Dimensions| strual T ata- ° imensions| strua a x ype of - ri Type of a Ma pp ata 88° | localized anomaly. aue pte cae “ne | localized anomaly. in mm. days. in mm. days. Group 5, cylindrical embryos. Group 6, stunted embryos.—Continued. 785 2 15X12X10} 64 | Spina bifida. 124 35 90X75X50]...... Club-foot and hand. 8745 3 353020) 80 | Hydrocephalus. 797 35 65X35X35)...... Club-foot and hand. 189 4 2EX2b 1G). ss Spina bifida. 649 O00 Meee ee ralles erm Spina bifida; exompha- 228 4 60 25X25) 99 | Hydrocephalus. ly; without radii and 302 4 252016153 so. Hydrocephalus. without thumbs. 466 4 29X23X16)]...... Spina bifida. 328 28 Sooo Soos Boone Hydrocephalus. : Group 7, macerated and fetus compressus. 842 Oe ea ras cae Actes Eye detached from brain: || 2 = Bose Sk ee ee 753 ll 80X50X35]...... Amyelia; ectopiaofheart. a . 710 13 95X55X55| 228 | Amyelia. 182 Eo aaosousens ooarc Hed dees: spina 365 a dersping 4 oeinac Een ceE nae spina bi- 802 6 19X26X16|...... apiennentnies : 212 1 Dg tee er hee Head atrophic. 732 TD* (Fsbo Stee 88 | Exomphaly. Group 6, stunted embryos. 94 OP ANS. acceso ced ters ete Spina bifida. 226 24 606030} 87 | Anencephaly; spina bi- 433a 3 27X25X15| 49 | Hydrocephalus. fida. 413 5 35X35]...... Spina bifida. 65la | 27° |7OXK45X465)...... Spina bifida. 510 10 60X45}...... Spina bifida. 868 BOL Wilt Acele ats 193 | Club-foot. 338¢ RE) Weicte noerscacste 35 | Spina bifida. 316 pT ee RAR eae Heer Club hand and foot; 276 13.5 |70X35X35|} 80 | Anencephaly. hand adherent to head; 81 15 65X55X35)...... Anencephaly. skin nodules. 344 16 45X45X45)...... Rounded head; club-leg.|| 627 45 80X50X35]...... Club hand and foot. 364 16 90 50X40} 89 | Exencephaly; hare lip;|| 740 BS: ail cen eee ee Club-foot. exomphaly; spina bi-|| 230 57 75X60X50)...... Club hands and feet. fida. 622 ZOE ucareratetele lee etesnte re Club-foot. 499 17 45X45X40)...... Hare-lip; spina bifida. 646 85 90X60X50}...... Exencephaly. 201 20 80X60X50]...... Cyclopia. According to the table on the frequency of abortions, given in my monograph on monsters (Mall, 1908), there are 20 abortions to every 80 full-term births; therefore, the 1,000 abortions under consideration were probably derived from 5,000 pregnancies. As we have calculated that there should be approximately 30 full-term mon- sters in 5,000 pregnancies, and as 5 of these were observed in our 1,000 specimens, it is apparent that the remaining 25 should be encountered in 4,000 additional full-term births. When these figures are considered in connection with the fact that 75 localized anomalies occurred in 1,000 abortions (7.5 per cent) it becomes apparent that in any similar numbers of abortions localized anomalies should occur twelve times as frequently as monsters at term. A similar result is obtained if the number of localized anomalies of the tenth month, as given in table 10, is compared with all of the localized anomalies of previous months, as given in the same table. OCCURRENCE OF LOCALIZED ANOMALIES. 199 Our studies seem to justify the conclusion that pathological embryos, as well as those which are normal in form, are very frequently associated with localized anomalies and that abortion usually follows as a result of serious lesions in the chorion, as well as in its environment. Should the alterations in the embryo and in the chorion be very slight and the condition of the uterine mucous membrane, TaB1e 12.—Localized anomalies in normal embryos. Length Men- Length Men- Cata- of |Dimensions} strual Cata- of |Dimensions} strual logue | speci- | of chorion| age logue | speci- | of chorion| age No. men in mm. in No. men in mm. in mm. days. in mm. Type of localized anomaly. Type of localized anomaly. 1 month, 0 to 2.6 mm. 4 months, 69 to 121 mm. 10X 9X 8 Cytolysis. 768c | 80 Stub coccyx. 18X18X18} 41 | Anencephaly; spina bi- || 768) 85 Left forearm and hand fida. lacking. 306a | 100 Only 2 fingers on right 2 months, 2.6 to 25 mm. hand. 295 110 Rounded head, thick- .78|16X 14X12 Spina bifida. ened scalp. .5 |17X17X10 Spina bifida. .5 |25X20X15 Anomalous tracheal di- 5 months, 122 to 167 mm. verticulum. Hydrocephalus. No specimens. Spina bifida. 24X18X 8 Deformed tail. 40X 28X28 Spina bifida. 35X 20X17 Spina bifida. 30X 20X15 Leg hypertrophic; head || 335 | 190 | Seperate eae | Beans Anencephaly. atrophic. Hydrocephalus. = Spina bifida. 7 months, 211 to 245 mm. 20X 15X12 Cyclopia. = 38X32X32 Spina bifida. No specimens. Constricted cord. Spina bifida. 8 months, 246 to 284 mm. 50X50 70 Double monster. 50 50X70 Double monster. 5 5 40X40 40 Cyst of spinal cord. 558 | 250 | So soe eg | wrolotayere | Spina bifida. Hernia of liver. Hernia of liver. eaanienead! 9 months, 285 to 316 mm. Hernia of liver. 6 months, 168 to 210 mm. No specimens. 3 months, 26 to 68 mm. 10 months, 317 to 336 mm. Double monster. Double monster. 370 Enormous tail. Extremities deformed; || 862 i Ectopia of bladder. left radius probably || 862a i Spina bifida. absent; head atrophic.|| 8626 i Stunted eyes. which may be expressed by the term inflammation, be overcome, the pregnancy in all probability would go to term and end in the birth of a monster or an infant presenting a well-recognized malformation. I have already pointed out the difference in frequency of malformations and destructive changes, as observed in the ovum, in tubal and in uterine pregnancies. Since the publication of my monograph on monsters I have reconsidered the ques- tion of tubal pregnancy and the specimens mentioned in the present paper are recorded in detail in a volume on tubal pregnancy (Mall, 1915). 200 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. It seems to me that the studies based upon our collection, as well as recent investigations in experimental embryology, set at rest for all time the question of the causation of monsters. It has been my aim to demonstrate that the em- bryos found in pathological human ova and those obtained experimentally in animals are not merely analogous or similar, but identical. A double-monster fish or a cyclopean fish is identical with the same condition in human beings. Monsters are produced by external influences acting upon the ovum; as, for instance, varnish- ing the shell of a hen’s egg or changing its temperature, traumatic and mechanical agencies, magnetic and electrical influences, as well as alteration of the character of the surrounding gases, or the injection of poisons into the white of an egg. In aquatic animals monsters may be produced by similar methods. Whether in the end all malformations are brought about by some simple mechanism, such, for instance, as alteration in the amount of oxygen or some other gas, remains to be demonstrated. The specimens under consideration show such marked primary changes in the villi of the chorion and in the surrounding decidua that the con- ditions in the human may be considered equivalent or practically identical with those created artificially in the production of abnormal development in animals. It would be quite simple to conclude that the poisons produced by an inflamed uterus should be viewed as the sole cause, but when it is recalled that pathological ova occur far more commonly in tubal than in uterine pregnancy, such a theory becomes untenable. Moreover, monsters are frequently observed in swine and other animals without any indication of an inflammatory environment. For this reason I have sought the primary factor in a condition buried in the non-committal term, faulty implantation. It would seem to be apparent that lesions occurring in the chorion as the result of faulty implantation can and must be reflected in the embryo. For example, before circulation has developed in a human embryo, pabulum passes from the chorion to the embryo directly through the exoccelom, and probably on this account we always encounter, as a first indication of patho- logical development, a change in the magma. In older specimens, before any other changes are noticeable in the ovum, the magma becomes markedly increased and a variety of changes are found between the villi. I shall not dwell further upon magma, as I have already dealt with the subject in detail (Mall, 1916). It is perfectly clear that, in general, monsters are not due to germinal or hereditary causes, but are produced from normal embryos by influences which are to be sought in their environment. Consequently, if these influences are carried to the embryo by means of fluids which reach it either before or after the circulation has become established, it would not be very far amiss to attribute these condi- tions to alterations in the nutrition of the embryo. Probably it would be more nearly correct to state that change in environment has affected the metabolism of the egg. Kellicott (1916), who has discussed this question, seems to be dis- inclined to accept such an explanation, but I do not see that he has added materially to it by substituting the word disorganization for nutrition, as one might as easily say that the altered nutrition causes the disorganization. OCCURRENCE OF LOCALIZED ANOMALIES. 201 In my paper on monsters I stated that on account of faulty implantation of the chorion the nutrition of the embryo is affected, so that if the ovum is very young the entire embryo is soon destroyed, leaving only the umbilical vesicle within the chorion; this also soon disintegrates, and the chorionic membrane in turn collapses, breaks down, and finally disappears entirely. In older specimens, on the other hand, the process of destruction takes place more slowly, and thus we many account for a succession of phenomena which correspond to the seven groups of pathological ova referred to above. Kellicott, in his discussion of monsters, dropped the subject by stating that the embryo is a monster simply because it is disorganized. In my original study I really went, I believe, a step farther than Kellicott, for I attempted to analyze the process of disorganization more thoroughly and demonstrated that in the beginning it is accompanied by cytolysis, but as it progresses more rapidly it results in histolysis, and that these two processes do not act with equal severity on all parts of the embryo. When we consider the ovum as whole, it is the embryo itself which is first destroyed, while within the embryo the central nervous system or the heart is the structure first affected. Morphologically, these changes are accompanied by a destruction of certain cells and tissues, leaving other portions which continue to grow in an irregular manner. For this reason I speak of the tissues which are first affected as being more susceptible than the others. The entire process of disorganization, resulting in an irregular product, I have termed dissociation. In a general way this explanation is accepted by Werber (1915, 1916), but he employs the term blastolysis instead. At the time I prepared my paper on monsters, Harrison was just beginning his interesting experiments in tissue culture in our laboratory. Since then this method of study has given us clearer insight into the independent growth of tissues. I was fully convinced from the study of pathological embryos that tissues con- tinue to grow in an irregular manner, thus arresting normal development; but since we are more familiar with the growth of tissues, as revealed by Harrison’s method, we can understand a little better the process of dissociation. In fact, we have in our collection two striking examples of tissue culture in human embryos. In one the cells had formed an irregular mass which was growing actively, but the contour of the organs had been entirely lost. In the other, from a tubal pregnancy, for some unknown reason the ovum had been completely broken into two parts, which in turn had cracked the embryo, and from each piece there had been a vigorous independent tissue growth, or,as we may now say,a tissue culture. Accord- ingly, when an embryo is profoundly affected by changed environment the develop- ment of one part of the body may be arrested, while the remaining portion may continue to grow and develop in an irregular manner. In very young embryos, tissues or even entire organs become disintegrated, as can be easily recognized by the cytolysis and histolysis present, and the resultant disorganized tissue can not continue to produce the normal form of an embryo. If this process is sharply localized, for instance, in a portion of the spinal cord or in the brain, spina bifida 202 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. or anencephaly results. To produce a striking result, as in cyclopia, a small portion of the brain must be affected at the critical time, and I think the work of Stockard has shown clearly that this is before the eye primordia can be seen. Consequently, in order to produce a human monster which is to live until the end of gestation, the effect of the altered environment must be reflected from the chorion to the embryo, so that the tissue to be affected is struck at the critical time in its develop- ment. It is inconceivable that cyclopia should begin in an embryo after the eyes are once started in normal development. Moreover, the same is true regarding hare-lip, for after the upper jaw has once been well formed, the abnormality can not develop. We may extend this statement to include club-foot, spina bifida occulta, and other types of malformation. In fact, in discussing the origin of mero- somatous monsters, hardly more has been stated by most authors than that there has been an arrest of development, but I have attempted to point out that the primary cause is in the environment of the egg and that the arrested development is associated with destruction of tissue. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. PLATE 7. Fic. 83. Normal embryo with cyclopia; in front of the eye is seen the cyclopean snout. No. 559. 3.75. Fic. 84. Normal double monster. No. 249. 0.75. Fic. 85. Specimen with hare-lip and exencephaly. No. 364. 2.25. Fic. 86. Specimen with hare-lip. No. 982. X1.5. Fic. 87. Stunted fetus with large hernia in umbilical cord. No. 1330. 0.9. Fie. 88. Normal embryo with exencephaly and spina bifida (the latter opposite the arrow). No. 1315. X1.5. Fic. 89. Normal fetus with hernia of mid-brain. No. 1690. 6.75. Fic. 90. Anomaly of left hand of No. 306a. Only the thumb and little finger are normal. Fic. 91. Left hand, which is club-shaped, from No. 230, a fetus compressus 57 mm. CR. X0.75. Fic. 92. Deformed wrist with atrophic radius in a normal embryo. No. 789, 50 mm. CR. X3. Fic. 93. Right hand with six fingers from macerated specimen. No. 1749. There were six digits on each of the four extremities. X83. Fic. 94. Hydatiform villi. (After Gierse.) See Chapter VIII. Fic. 95. Hydatiform villi showing vacuolation. (After Gierse.) See Chapter VIII. MALL AND MEYER CHAPTER VIII. HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. To read even the titles of articles on “molar’’ pregnancies which have appeared during the last few decades is a rather wearisome task. The great majority of the articles concern themselves merely with the report of “a case’’ or (rarely) of ‘‘several cases” of hydatiform moles. The recent cancer literature stands in marked contrast to this, for not even the general practitioner would think of reporting a routine case of cancer of the breast, let us say. The significance of these facts is self-evident, and whatever else they may mean they do imply that hydatiform mole is still regarded quite generally as a rare condition. ‘ Indeed, many of those reporting ‘‘a case’’ frankly say so, and although the incidence of hydati- form degeneration is estimated variously by different authors and investigators, there seems to be entire agreement among them that it is a rare, even if not an extremely rare condition. This opinion seems to be shared also by those general practitioners whose long practice runs high up into the hundreds or even into the thousands of obstetrical cases. Indeed, many general practitioners declare that they have not seen a single case of hydatiform mole during the practice of a long life. This prevailing opinion can not be attributed solely to the influence of the schools or to books, but is based upon the actual experience of the individual practitioner and upon his conception of what constitutes hydatiform degeneration. This is illustrated, for example, by Menu (1899), who said that a small hydatiform mole weighs 300 grams, a large one 8,000, with an average weight in his series of cases of 1,700 grams. But even specialists in charge of hospitals have reported experiences similar to that of the general practitioner. Pazzi (1909), for example, stated that although he had observed more than 6,000 cases of labor in his private and hospital practice, he never met with a case of hydatiform mole. Moreover, it would seem that only some specialists have come to regard the condition as some- what less rare than was heretofore supposed. This is well expressed by Williams (1917), who wrote: ‘‘Hydatiform mole is a rare disease, occurring, according to Madam Boivin, once in 20,000 cases. On the other hand, the statistics of William- son would indicate that it may be found but once in 2,400 cases.”’ Williams adds, however, that in his own experience it occurred even more frequently than stated by Williamson; and Essen-Moller (1912), on the basis of 6,000 cases treated between 1899 and 1908, gives the incidence at the Frauenklinik at Lund as 3 per 1,000. My former colleague, De Lee (1915), in commenting on hydatiform degeneration, also stated that he “frequently found in aborted ova one or more villi degenerate and forming vesicles”; and similar remarks were made also by others, notably by Miiller (1847), Marchand (1895), Veit (1899), van der Hoeven (1900), Hiess, and according to him also by von Hecker, Langhans, Weber, and Frankel. Findlay (1917) also regards “‘it as fair to conclude with Veit, Freund, 203 204 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. and Dunger that abortive types of hydatiform mole are commonly overlooked,” and although he gave no evidence for his opinion, Weber (1892) insisted that hydatiform mole ‘‘occurs much oftener than we are led to believe from books or other literature.’”’ Essen-Méller says K6nig gave an incidence of 1 per 728 cases. Pazzi (1908”) stated that Dubisay and Jennin found in 1903 that hydati- form degeneration occurs once in 2,000 pregnancies, and that Cortiguera in 1906 declared that the frequency of hydatiform mole has a discouraging variation of from 1 in 3,000 to 1 in 700 labors, but that in his personal experience Cortiguera saw one case in every 300 labors. The latter incidence is only slightly higher than that given by Essen-Moller for the clinic at Lund, and somewhat below that of Kroemer (1907), who found 15 hydatiform moles in 3,856 births, or one in every 257 cases. Mayer (1911) reported 10 instances among 3,105 cases of labor, an incidence of 1 in 310 cases, and it is only necessary to add that Donskoj (1911) stated that the incidence of hydatiform mole in 28,406 cases at the Frauenklinik at Miinchen, between the years 1884 and 1910, was only 1 for every 4,058 births, to emphasize the discouraging variation of which Cortiguera spoke. Donskoj also stated that Engel gave the incidence as 1 in 800, and Korn as 1 in 1,250 births. Such a surprising fluctuation in the apparent incidence in adjacent communities points to differences in conception of what constitutes a hydatiform mole, and also to differences in character of the material upon which the calculations are based. The existence of hydatiform degeneration in far greater frequency than com- monly supposed is indicated also by the records of the Department of Embryology of the Carnegie Institution of Washington. However, the material covered by these records is not identical with that upon which the above opinions or those of other obstetricians are based. The opinion of the obstetrician is based upon material belonging very largely in the later months of pregnancy, while that in the Carnegie Collection, on the other hand, belongs very largely in the earlier months. Hence this material is not truly representative of the entire period of gestation. But the same thing is true of the material upon which the general practitioner, the obstetrician, and the gynecologists have based their opinions, for these are based largely upon material from the last months of pregnancy. Hence, the cases of hydatiform degeneration which survive mainly come to their attention. But unless we can assume that the incidence of hydatiform degeneration is constant during the whole period of gestation, its incidence at any particular time of this period may very incorrectly express that at any other time. This could fail to be true only if the incidence of death of the conceptuses and their susceptibility to hydatiform degeneration were exactly uniform throughout every period of intrauterine life. But we know that neither is true, for it is common knowledge that by far the great majority of the cases of uterine hydatiform degeneration recorded in the literature are mature specimens of total or partial degeneration obtained in the later months of pregnancy. Although such specimens may contain villi in various stages of degeneration, they nevertheless represent end or near-end HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 205 results. Like the fetuses which rarely accompany them, they are full-term or near-term products when regarded as hydatiform degenerations, and unless we are to assume that conceptuses once affected by hydatiform degeneration always survive to near-term, statistical deductions based upon the cases that do survive can give us little idea of the actual frequency of the condition throughout the entire period of antenatal life. That the specimens upon which past and also present opinion is based usually were large is confirmed by the belief in the prevailing clinical criterion of the existence of a disproportionately large uterus in cases of hydatiform mole. The emphasis laid on this by clinicians is well illustrated by Seitz (1904°), who said that cases in which the uterus is too small are the exception. Indeed, it seems that the validity of this clinical dictum has been questioned only very recently by Briggs (1912). Since most early conceptuses showing hydatiform degeneration have been inhibited in growth before being aborted, it probably is only the speci- mens which continue to grow that produce a uterine enlargement greater than could normally be expected. However, since, as emphasized by Gierse (1847), Storch (1878), Hiess (1914), and others, most hydatiform moles are expelled early and spontaneously, it is evident that these can not have been adherent—that is, have penetrated very deeply—or they would not have been expelled early and spontaneously. Furthermore, maceration changes so commonly present in aborted hydatiform moles indicate very clearly that a large percentage of them, together with the decidua, had been more or less completely detached from the uterine wall some time before abortion occurred. As far as one can gather from the literature, the present opinion regarding the incidence of hydatiform degeneration would be paralleled quite correctly if, in the case of measles, we assumed that it was as common in octogenarians as in children. Measles, indeed, is an extremely rare disease in advanced age, but it nevertheless is very common in infancy. This is exactly the mistake we have made regarding hydatiform degeneration. It may be and undoubtedly is a rare disease at or near term, as Gierse also stated, but it probably is the commonest of all diseases during the earliest months of gestation. The typical large hydatiform mole is an end- result which it has taken long months to develop. No one seems to have followed its evolution, although hydatiform degeneration, whether total or partial, is, of course, gradual in its advent. The records of the Carnegie Collection contained 8 cases of hydatiform mole in the first 2,400 accessions, showing a frequency eight times as great as that given by Williamson, or an excess of 700 per cent. Since the first 2,400 accessions contain 309 cases of tubal and 2 of ovarian pregnancy, only 2,089 uterine specimens remain. Hence the recorded incidence in the uterine specimens really is 8 in 2,089, or 1 in every 261 cases. This incidence is only slightly lower than that of Kroemer, and somewhat higher per 1,000 than that given by Essen-Moller for the Frauen- klinik at Lund, or than the personal experience of Cortiguera. The highest incidence of hydatiform degeneration previously reported is that of Storch, who estimated it as 50 per cent, but he unfortunately did not give a 206 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. record of his cases. However, he emphasized that the typical, completely hydat- iform mole is a relatively rare form of the disease, and that all manner of transition forms between the normal chorionic vesicle and the completely degen- erated one can be shown to exist. Storch further emphasized the commonness of hydatiform degeneration, especially in the early months of pregnancy, but as Veit (1899) well said, Storch somehow has not received sufficient credit for his investigations and Gierse was forgotten completely. This seems strange, especially in view of the fact that Storch’s work was done in Copenhagen, where Panum (1860) had done and still was doing such fine and very suggestive, indeed epochal, work on the origin of monsters. Although Storch devoted part of his paper to myxoma fibrosum, and reported only 5 cases of hydatiform mole, one of which, however, accompanied a living fetus, his opinions on the whole were far ahead of his time. In order to make this clear I shall quote a very significant passage, which, in the main, needs but slight changes to serve as a conclusion for my own investigations: ‘‘Nun sind aber bekanntlich Eier mit blasiger Degeneration der Zotten und fehlerhaft oder nicht entwickeltem Fdétus ein sehr hiufiger Befund bei Aborten aus den ersten Schwan- gerschaftsmonaten. Mehrere solche Hier sind schon in den bekannten Arbeiten von Dohrn und Hegar beschrieben worden. Ich habe im Laufe des letzten Jahres eine gréssere Anzahl von Aborten untersucht und derartige kranke Eier in mehr als der Halfte der Fille gefunden. Nicht selten ist die Amnionblase vollig leer und enthalt nur eine klare serése Fliissigkeit. In anderen Fiillen sitzt an der einen oder anderen Stelle der Innenfliiche des Amnion ein kleiner rundlicher oder unregelmiissig geformter, 144-1 Mm. grosser Korper, welcher aus Nichts als aus runden, schwach conturirten, zum Theil fettig entarteten Zellen und einer hellen, fast homogenen Zwischensubstanz besteht, und der durch einen feinen, 1-3 Mm. langen Strang von ihnlicher Natur mit dem Amnion verbunden ist. In noch anderen Hiern ist der Embryo zwar etwas weiter entwickelt, aber von den verschiedensten Formen von Missbildungen befallen. Seltener ist der Embryo einigermaassen wohl gebildet und von bis zu 2 Cm. Liinge, wie dies auch Hohl nur einmal gefunden hat. Sehr gewoéhnlich ist fettige oder lipoide Entartung des Embryo vorhanden; derselbe ist dann eine kiirzere oder lingere Zeit vor der Geburt abgestorben. Als die fiussersten Glieder dieser Reihe von kranken Hiern stehen endlich die sehr seltenen Fille, in welchen der Embryo seine Entwickelung ziemlich ungestort fortgesetzt zu haben scheint, und von denen die Faille von Martin und der oben beschriebene dreimonatliche abort Beispiele sind. “Die blasige Entartung der Chorionzotten kann demnach neben den verschiedensten Zustiinden des Embryo gefunden werden. Sehr hiufig ist letzterer der Sitz von mehr oder weniger eingreifenden Krankheitsprozessen gewesen, die in demselben verschiedene Miss- bildungen hervorgerufen und ihn in seiner Entwickelung gehemmt haben. Es sind diese Krankheitsprozesse wahrscheinlich immer sehr friih im Ei entstanden, und miissen mit Panum zuniichst als entziindliche Vorgiinge aufgefasst werden, welche nach ihrer Intensitit und vielleicht nach dem Zeitpunkte, zu welchem sie im Keime auftreten, bald eine theil- weise Verédung der Keimanlagen der meisten wichtigeren Organe mit Verkriippelung des ganzen embryonalen Kérpers, bald mehr locale Missbildungen einzelner Kérper- theile hervorrufen kénnen. Das Erstere ist in den hier besprochenen Aborten sehr hiufig der Fall; der Embryo ist zu einem unférmlichen Klumpen umgewandelt, dem die meisten Organe deren Keime durch Entziindung zerstért worden sind, giinzlich fehlen. Von diesen verkriippelten Amorphi finden sich in anderen Hiern alle Uebergangsformen zu mehr oder weniger entwickelten Missbildungen was auch Panum an einigen Beispielen nachgewiesen hat. Es Scheinen in der That die nicht zerstérten Keimzellen der ver- HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 207 schiedenen Organe, nach dem ablaufe des Krankheitsprozesses, ihren urspriinglichen Entwickelungsplan mit einer oft merkwiirdigen Hartnickigkeit, so gut sie es konnen, festzuhalten. Von diesem Verhiiltnisse liefern die bekannten herzlosen Amorphi, die durch einen Zwillingsbruder ernihrt werden und dadurch zu einer oft bedeutenden Grésse heranwachsen kénnen, ein schlagendes Beispiel. In unseren Aborten sind zwar diese Amorphi, die keinen Zwillingsbruder zur Erhaltung ihres Kreislaufes gehabt haben, friih- zeitig zu Grunde gegangen, und ihre Gewebsteile sind einer fettigen (lipoiden) Entartung anheimgefallen; sie haben jedoch ihre Entwickelung eine Zeit lang fortgesetzt. ‘“‘Est is von den verschiedenen Verfassern vielfach von einer Auflésung der Embryonen in der Amnionfliissigkeit und von einer nachherigen Resorption derselben gesprochen worden. Ich glaube indessen, dass diesen Vorgiingen eine sehr geringe Rolle beizulegen ist. Man findet in der That gewohnlich Nichts, was auf eine solche Resorption deuten kénne. Es scheinen vielmehr die abgestorbenen Embryonen auch lange nach ihrem Tode eine grosse Wiederstandfihigkeit gegen die Einwirkung, von Amnionfliissigkeit beizubehalten. Ich habe mehrmals ganz kleine, verkrippelte Embryonen zwar fetig entartet, in ihrer Form aber vollig wohl erhalten, in Eiern gefunden, die bis zu 10 Monaten im Uterus zuriickge- halten worden sind. Zudem ist die Amnionflissigkeit in diesen Eiern meist ganz klar, oder sie enthilt nur losgestossene, hinfillige Amnionepithelzellen suspendirt. Wenn daher die Eier ganz leer gefunden werden, so riihrt dies gewiss am Haufigsten daher, dass der Primitivestreifen seiner Zeit véllig destruirt worden und somit gar kein Embryo zur En- twickelung gekommen ist. . . . Im Allgemeinen erreichen sie kiene bedeutende Grésse und werden zudem oft friihzeitig aus dem Uterus ausgestossen, in dem sie, wie oben besprochen, ein sehr betrichtliches Contingent zu den Aborten iiberhaupt liefern. “Die Traubenmole und die verschiedenen Uebergangsformen derselben, die an pones sehr hiufig vorgefunden werden, ist als Hyperplasie und secundire cystoide Entartung des (von Allantois nicht herstammmenden) Chorionbindegewebs vorzugsweise charactertisirt. Die Krankheit wird von pathologischen Zustiinden der iibrigen Eitheile, Amnion und Embryo (Missbildungen, Verkriippelungen und friihzeitigem Absterben des letzteren) sehr hiufig begleitet. Seltener ist der Embryo regelmiissig entwickelt, stirbt aber meist auch dann wegen mangelhafter Vascularisation der (Chorion) Placenta friihzeitig ab. Sehr selten scheint der Embryo ungestért bis zur Geburt sich fortenwickelt zu haben.” But the unregarded observations and also the illustrations of Gierse, a few of which are reproduced in figures 94 and 95 (plate 7, Chap. VID), are still more startling than these opinions and observations by Storch, who knew of Gierse’s observations published posthumously by Meckel. The latter quite correctly stated that such careful observations as those made by Gierse always introduce new points of view. If it be remembered that in these days, almost a century later, specimens of hydatiform degeneration which are 4 em. in diameter still are reported separately as examples of early hydatiform degeneration, the great merit of Gierse’s observations in this regard alone will be clearly evident upon recalling that he pictured a hydatiform villus from a chorionic vesicle the size of a hazelnut (about 12 mm.), the largest hydatids on which were only one-third of a line large. Moreover, Gierse added: “Dergleichen geringe krankhafte Veriinderungen finden sich an auserordentlichen vielen Abortus, und sie scheinen die haufigste Ursache des Abortus in den ersten Monaten zu sein.” How such an epoch-making conclusion not only could be forgotten, but abso- lutely overlooked or disregarded, by all but a few of the scores upon scores who 208 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. have written on hydatiform degeneration, it is difficult indeed to understand. Gierse, who also took steps to ascertain what normal villi look like, stated that villi with marked irregularities, as described by Desormaux, Breschet, Raspail, and Seiler, undoubtedly were abnormal, surmised that villi in abortuses seldom are normal, and added that between the slight pathologic changes in the caliber of the villi and the most evident hydatiform moles the plainest transitions can be found. Among other important things, Gierse also recognized the early fenes- tration of the stroma and pictured such a villus under a magnification of 250 diameters. still wait for general recognition. Although reported very briefly, his findings, wholly confirmed here, Just as the great majority of specimens described in the literature are large, so 4 of the 8 specimens originally classed as such in the Carnegie Collection also are large, and none of the 8 is very young, as the following protocols show: No. 70 (Dr. Charles H. Ellis) is a small, firm, degenerate-looking, almost solid mass 40 by 30 by 28 mm., composed of small cysts, degenerate decidua, exudate, and degeneration products. It is very similar to a very much larger specimen, No. 323 (Dr. V. Van Williams), a large, firm, felt-like mass 120 by 90 by65mm. The individ- ual cysts, which vary from 1 to 20 mm., are packed together rather firmly, though a few large ones are free. The exterior of the specimen is formed by a thick layer of degenerate decidua and gives only a slight indication of its true nature upon closer inspection or upon examina- tion of the cut surface. No fetal remnants were noticed, and microscopic examination shows that the specimen is composed merely of a large hydatiform mass which was retained for a long time and then aborted in toto with the surround- ing decidua and exudate. No. 749 (Dr. G. C. McCormick), on the con- trary, is a fresh, loose, typical hydatiform mass composed of loose hydatids of various sizes. As the specimen floats loosely in fluid, it fills a half-liter jar about two-thirds. A considerable portion of the hydatid cysts are glued into a solid mass by blood, exudate and decidua, which form a layer on the exterior. No. 1323 (Dr. J. W. Schlieder) is also a large mass very like the preceding, and completely fills a liter jar. It is accompanied by much clot and composed mainly of a large, thick- walled, hemorrhagic, necrotic mass 80 by 50 by 45 mm., containing a large, thin-walled cavity 65 by 30 by 25 mm., which is broken at one end. This cavity, which apparently is that of the chorionic vesicle, is empty, smooth, and thin- walled, except where it is composed of a char- acteristic hydatiform mass. No. 1325 (Dr. Fred R. Ford) is a small, irregular mass 40 by 33 by 20 mm., the exterior of most of which is formed by a thin layer of decidua. Within this is a small group of quite typical hydatid cysts, the largest of which measures about 10 by 5mm. The appearance of the specimen suggests that it is merely a fragment, though the amount of decidua present indicates that the entire specimen probably was not much larger. The history of this specimen is especially interesting because of the diagnosis of tubal pregnancy, caused by the presence of a cornual myoma and the occurrence of repeated bleeding. By far the most interesting specimen, in some respects, of hydatiform degeneration among those diagnosed as such upon gross examination, is No. 1640. This abortus, received through the courtesy of Dr. J. W. Williams, measured 40 by 20 by 15 mm. Upon examination, Dr. G. L. Streeter found it to be composed of a flattened decidual and chorionic mass which, upon section, showed “pearl-like vesicular en- largements which suggest hydatiform degen- eration.” The exterior of this specimen is com- posed of a thin, hemorrhagic decidua which completely surrounds the villi. The hydatid nature of this clearly is recognizable upon close scrutiny with the unaided eye, and easily be- comes evident upon magnification of 12 diam- eters with the binocular microscope. Exami- nation of the histologic preparations reveals it to be a very fine specimen of relatively early hydatiform degeneration. No. 1914 (Dr. G. C. McCormick) is a fine, very characteristic mass. It is like Nos. 749 and 1323, but very much larger, for in fluid it completely fills a 2-liter jar. This specimen was said to have accompanied a living 7-months’ fetus, having been expelled between the fetus and the placenta. Only a small amount of clot, and what seems to be a small portion of placenta and membranes, accompanied it. Since the placenta was not saved, it is impossible to say whether the mass resulted from partial degeneration of the placenta belonging to the living child or whether it represented a degenerate twin placenta, which is rather unlikely but not impossible, in view of HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION the well-authenticated cases found in the litera- ture. This specimen is of interest not only for the numerous large, clear cysts, one of which measures 30 by 25 mm., which it contains, but because it accompanied the birth of a living child and because of the relative rareness of such a coincidence. In regard to the latter, Dr. McCormick added that in his experience of over 1,000 labors he had never before met this coin- cidence. The rareness of the specimen is em- phasized still further by the statement of Pro- fessor Williams that such an instance has not been observed in a series of over 17,930 osbtetri- cal cases from the Department of Obstetrics of the Johns Hopkins Medical School, as well as by the small series of such cases recorded in the literature. No. 1926, a companion specimen to No. 1640, is composed of material from curettage received through the courtesy of Dr. Karl Wilson, of the Department of Obstetrics of the Johns Hopkins Medical School. It was removed from the same patient about a year after specimen No. 1640. Upon gross examination the hydropic nature of some of the villi is plainly evident, and upon microscopic examination the diagonosis of hyda- tiform degeneration could be confirmed, al- though the villi were extremely degenerate. The menstrual history of this case fortunately is known and is thoroughly reliable. The last menstruation occurred January 24 and curettage was done August 4. Bleeding occurred every two or three weeks during March and April and was repeated throughout May. Since the uterus, which had reached the symphysis, had not enlarged any for months, in view of the long duration of pregnancy the operation was per- formed. The major portion of the specimen is very small. The chorio-decidual portion was felt-like in consistency and extremely fibrous, IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 209 due largely no doubt to the long retention. Most of the accompanying material looks like mucosa rather than decidua, although some of the larger pieces very evidently contained villi. Some of these were relatively thick and fibrous, and others were vesicular. All of the material was extremely fibrous, making it difficult to get a satisfactory teased preparation. Accompany- ing this material was a small body 5 by 7.5 by 30mm. Both nodule and stalk contained some remnants of the embryo. Although the appear- ance of the stalk suggests the umbilical cord, it contains fragments of the body of the embryo, some of which evidently are composed of nerve- tissue. Microscopic examination of the pedunculated mass further shows it to be composed of degen- erate remnants of organs, tissues, and cells. It is partly denuded and partly covered by a layer of fibrous connective tissue which contains local thickenings. In other areas this fibrous layer gives place to a single or more-celled layer, or to polygonal, epithelioid cells. The interior of this specimen is composed of a degenerate jumble including fragments of the central nervous sys- tem, the heart, liver, and cartilages. The entire body is chaotic in its structure, and small frag- ments of the nervous system are scattered throughout its entire extent. This would seem to indicate that the disruption of the tissues was mechanical. The material in which the organic remnants are contained is composed of coagulum, some mesenchyme, cellular detritus, blood, and polymorphonuclear leucocytes, de- generated cells, which appear to have been phagocytic, but which are more likely fusion products or ‘‘symplasma” (as Bonnet called them). A few remnants of vessels are found only in the fragments of cartilage. This short review of the gross appearance of the cases of hydatiform degen- eration recognized by the unaided eye with the customary criteria, originally classed as such in the Carnegie Collection, shows that they vary decidedly in their gross, naked-eye characteristics, both as to size and appearance. No. 1640 scarcely is distinguishable as a case of hydatifo m degeneration from gross appearances alone, unless one’s attention is directed especially to the matter, but all the rest of the specimens, both small and large, not only are easily recognizable, but are so characteristic that they could not possibly be overlooked. As was indicated above, the incidence of these specimens of hydatiform degeneration among the first 2,400 accessions in the Carnegie Collection was 1 in every 261 abortuses, or more than 8 times the incidence given by Williamson, and 1.3 times that given by Essen-Moller. Although this incidence is so much higher, it does not necessarily contradict the statements of Williamson, for it represents the incidence of hydati- form degeneration in abortuses belonging very largely below 7 months. Nor does it tell the whole story for these months, for since the incidence of hydatiform 210 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. degeneration given in the records of the Carnegie Collection is based upon deter- minations made essentially in the usual way—that is, by unaided inspection of the gross specimen alone—we must regard it also merely as an apparent, not as the actual, incidence. For, as will appear later, the actual incidence can be revealed only by a careful gross and microscopic study of all specimens, both normal and pathologic. Such a study has not as yet been completed, but 348 uterine specimens classed as pathologic, and 108 pathologic tubal specimens, contained in the first 1,200 accessions, were carefully examined. The actual number of cases of hydatiform degeneration found among the 333 chorionic vesicles of uterine abortuses classed as pathologic in the first 1,200 accessions was 105, or 31.5 per cent of the whole. This includes some doubtful cases, but a revision probably would add more than it would exclude. The inci- dence of hydatiform degeneration in the pathologic tubal pregnancies was some- what higher even, or 45 specimens of undoubted hydatiform degeneration out of 108, or 41.7 per cent. Since nearly all the tubal specimens are young, while the uterine series contains many more relatively older ones, the effect of this fact upon the determined relative incidence of hydatiform degeneration among the patho- logic tubal and uterine specimens must be borne in mind. For a reliable conclusion regarding the relative incidence in the uterine and tubal pregnancies it would be necessary to select a series from each, composed of specimens of approximately corresponding ages. What the incidence of hydatiform degeneration is among the uterine and tubal specimens classed as normal I do not know, but it undoubtedly is far below that in those classed as pathologic. It is well to remember, however, that many, if not most, of the instances of beginning degeneration very likely will be found among the specimens classed as normal. This is well illustrated by a hysterectomy specimen, No. 836, represented in figures 96 and 97. If we assume that the incidence of hydatiform degeneration among the patho- logic specimens in the rest of the Carnegie Collection is the same as that among those in the first 1,200 accessions, then we get over 375 estimated instances of hydatiform degeneration in pathologic tubal and uterine cases alone. Since I have found a number of chorionic vesicles accompanying embryos classed as normal which also show hydatiform degeneration, this number would be increased still further; but unfortunately too few of the specimens classed as normal were ex- amined to justify an estimate. Yet these normal specimens form 60.4 per cent of the first 1,000 and 40.7 per cent of the first 2,500 accessions. This supposed increase, due to inclusion of specimens contained among the normal, would be offset some- what, however, by the fact that the first 1,000 accessions contain a somewhat larger proportion of young conceptuses, each succeeding 1,000 probably becoming somewhat more representative of actual life conditions. The difference between the composition of the first 1,000 accessions and that of the 1,000 between 1,500 and 2,500 is not very great, however, for the former contains only an excess of 17.6 per cent of cases falling in the first five groups of Mall’s classification, which groups are composed largely of specimens below an embryonic length of 20 mm. Then, the relative proportions of tubal and uterine specimens in the different thou- HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 211 sands also must be taken into consideration. But in any case, the estimated incidence of hydatiform degeneration in the Carnegie Collection, calculated without regard to those contained among specimens classed as normal, is 8.7 per cent, and the actual incidence hence is probably more than 1 in every 10 acces- sions. Estimated on the basis of hydatiform degenerations found among the uterine and tubal specimens classed as pathologie alone, the incidence would be 12.5 per cent of the first 3,000 accessions. Upon this basis the incidence among the uterine specimens alone would be 9.9 per cent, and among the tubal alone 28.1 per cent. This difference of 200 per cent between the tubal and uterine specimens may have some significance in connection with the cause of hydatiform degenera- tion. That this estimate is not altogether too high is indicated also by the last 392 accessions, the first gross examination of which, made by others than myself, revealed 21 hydatiform degenerations, or an incidence of 5.3 per cent. Since these accessions contained a disproportionately large number of older, naked fetuses unaccompanied by secundines, aborted during influenza, this incidence of hydatiform degeneration undoubtedly is too low. Moreover, no histologic exam- ination has as yet been made. Nevertheless, the incidence among those accom- panied by secundines and classed as pathologie was about 14 per cent and among those classed as normal about 4 per cent. If, as alleged by various investigators, the great majority of abortions occur in the first three months, it is highly probable that many of these early conceptuses are lost and never come to the attention of anyone, and that therefore the propor- tion of early specimens in this or any other collection is no doubt too small. More- over, in quite a number of specimens of the first 1,000 accessions the chorionic vesicles were too degenerate for examination and in others they were absent, but we have reason to believe that this is not true to the same extent in the material beyond the first 1,000 accessions. Then, too, since only a few relatively large sections from a single portion of the chorionic vesicles were examined, it is evident that some cases in which the degeneration may have been purely local were prob- ably overlooked. Hence the actual as compared with the recorded incidence of hydatiform degeneration in this collection is probably not merely 8 times but 240 times as great as that given by Williamson (1900), and 33.3 times as great as that given by Essen-Moller. Most persons will, I presume, be willing to regard an increase of 700 per cent above that of Williamson as possible, but one of 24,000 per cent above Williamson, or even 3,333 per cent above that of Essen-Méller, as wholly out of the question. Yet, strange as it may seem at first sight, this is not a random guess, but an estimate based upn the actual incidence of hydatiform degeneration as determined by a careful gross and microscopic examination of mounted and unmounted material from over 400 abortuses. However, I lay no special emphasis on these percentages, and am using them merely to emphasize the great frequency of hydatiform degenera- tion. It matters little whether we shall ultimately determine an incidence of 10 or 5 per cent, but it does matter considerably whether we regard the frequency as 5 or 0.05 per cent, for this is a difference in frequency of 10,000 per cent. 212 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. In view of the prevailing opinion, I realize that these findings may seem incomprehensible and perhaps incredible, unless it is distinctly borne in mind that it is not stated that this incidence refers to the later months of pregnancy or to term. What the incidence in the later months of pregnancy may be I do not know, but I have called attention to an apparently well-founded belief that it is a rela- tively rare condition, the estimates ranging from 1 in 2,000 to 1 in 728 or 300 cases. In regard to the incidence of hydatiform degeneration in uterine specimens, it should also be remembered that the life, in contrast to the laboratory, incidence for the entire period of gestation is higher, not only because the chorionic vesicles were not included in many of the aceessions and because others were too degenerate, but because I have not as yet been able to recognize the very earliest stages with entire certainty. Furthermore, many instances of hydatiform degeneration from the early months of pregnancy, especially the first and second, are inevitably lost. The increase due to these things would be offset somewhat, however, by the lower incidence of hydatiform degeneration in specimens from the last months of preg- nancy, relatively few abortuses from these months being contained in the Carnegie Collection. To what extent the material in this collection is truly representative of actual life conditions is difficult, if not impossible, to determine. This question could be answered only if all the abortuses and material from abortions actually reached physicians, and if the latter sent all of them to the laboratory. My own impression so far is that the material representative of a sufficiently large community probably would have a somewhat lower incidence, notwithstanding the fact that many specimens, not only of hydatiform degeneration, but of abortuses in general, espe- cially from the first month of pregnancy, are lost. However, since the presence of hydatiform degeneration is especially common among early specimens, the inclusion of these might raise the incidence for the whole period of gestation more than the inclusion of all specimens (not excepting those of the last 3 months) would lower it. But the result obtained would represent the incidence of hydatiform degenera- tion in abortuses alone, and not that in all pregnancies. The latter could be obtained only by including all gestations which end normally. If we accept Pearson’s (1897) estimate that approximately 40 per cent of all pregnancies end prematurely, then the incidence of hydatiform degeneration among abortuses would represent very nearly twice that in all pregnancies. Mall’s (1908, 1918) estimate of 20 per cent prenatal mortality, on the other hand, would give us an incidence only one-fifth as great as that among abortuses. Hence, the actual life incidence of hydatiform degeneration in all gestations would then be 1 in 10, as based upon Pearson’s, and 1 in 25, as based upon Mall’s estimated prenatal mortality. But even if, as estimated upon this basis, 4 or 10 per cent of all conceptions end in hydatiform degeneration, this does not necessarily contradict the current opinion regarding its rareness at or near term. A careful examination with the binocular microscope of all specimens has shown that hydatiform degeneration as a rule is sufficiently general even in young vesicles, so that sections of a single portion about 10 mm. square enable one to HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 213 make a fairly reliable diagnosis. Now and then, however, the process seems to be rather irregularly developed, especially in the larger specimens. In order to determine accurately the question of distribution of hydatiform degeneration over various portions of the chorionic vesicle, it is necessary to examine a series of sections of portions of the chorionic vesicle for each small specimen. This has not yet been done, but since the portions used for microscopic examination had been taken at random without previous knowledge of the existence of hydatiform degeneration in any but the 8 specimens so recorded and above described, and since over 450 vesicles were examined, I can not believe that it can often be limited to any particular small area on relatively young vesicles. In these it usually is quite general even if not complete. It is of special interest in this con- nection that Muggia (1915), after reviewing the small list of cases of alleged hydatiform degeneration of the chorion leve in connection with a study of a case of his own, came to the conclusion that these cases are not really degenerations of the chorion leve, but merely partial degenerations of the placenta. Although I have given no thorough attention to the normal changes in the chorion leve, I am quite certain that they are not the cause of confusion in the series of hydatiform degenerations from the Carnegie Collection. Cases in which whole chorionic vesicles exquisitely hydatiform in character were contained in the tubes, and a number of others which still were implanted within the uteri showed equally exquisite hydatiform changes around the whole perimeter. Such cases as these ultimately confirm the opinion that in young vesicles the condition is, as a rule, general, except perhaps at its very inception. This is true particularly by the time the degeneration has reached a stage which can be considered at all typical in its gross development, as determined by careful examination of numerous specimens with the binocular. It is especially interesting that, just as soon as typical, hydatid, elliptical villi or portions of the same begin to appear, the condition can be recognized with some certainty under a magnification of 12 to 20 diameters with the binocular microscope. It often was surprising how relatively early stages could thus be detected and the diagnosis confirmed later by histologic examination. Indeed, celloidin blocks of tissue from which sections had been cut gave splendid testi- mony when examined in fluid with the binocular. One of the not very early stages contained in utero and represented in figure 98 could be recognized with the unaided eye; and when examined with the binocular, under a magnification of about 12 diameters, the picture was unusually fine and wholly unmistakable, as shown in figure 99. That hydatiform degeneration is incomparably more common in the earlier than in the later months of pregnancy, thus justifying the comparison made with measles, is substantiated by statistics covering the material examined. From these it is evident that, excepting cases of large hydatiform masses originally classed as hydatiform degeneration from inspection of the gross specimens alone, practically all of the specimens are relatively young. This is true especially of those from tubal pregnancies, and we may hence regard it as established that hydatiform degenera- 214 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. tion is a change which is exceedingly common in the earlier months of pregnancy, just as measles is common in childhood, and that it becomes progressively less common as the end of pregnancy is approached, just as does measles as senility is approached. The obstetrician does not see most of the cases of hydatiform degeneration, for they are merely reported as miscarriages and the specimens often are destroyed or retained unrecognized by the general practitioner or the midwife. They are often aborted spontaneously and completely with the decidua and rarely are still contained in a closed decidual cast when they reach the lab- oratory. The spontaneity of the abortion, especially in early cases, was emphasized also by Storch (see page 208). Cortiguera (1906) is reported by Pazzi (1908") also to have declared that many moles disappear wholly without leaving a rem- nant, even if occurring repeatedly in the same woman, and Donskoj (1911) also stated that many of those aborted do not come to the attention of physicians because of their harmlessness. This, however, does not imply that those which persist and develop into large masses are equally harmless, and it must be remem- bered that it is upon these that the current opinion regarding the tendencies to malignancy of the hydatiform mole is based. The conclusion regarding the greater incidence of hydatiform degeneration in the early months of pregnancy is conclusively confirmed by its occurrence in 33 of the 45 tubal specimens, within the first two classes of the pathologie division of Mall, and in 100 of the 105 uterine specimens in the first six classes of this division. Most of the specimens in these classes are composed of villi, of empty chorionic vesicles, or of vesicles with embryos most of which have a length of less than 20 to 30mm. That hydatiform degeneration is more common in the early months of pregnancy is indicated also by the well-known reports of Kehrer (1894) on 50 cases, and of Dorland and Gerson (1896), who found that 63 per cent of 100 cases had aborted in the fourth and fifth months of pregnancy. According to Seitz, Hirtzman (1874) also found that 62.8 per cent of 35 cases had aborted between the third and six months. Only 2 of Kehrer’s 50 cases, or 4 per cent, and only 3 per cent of the cases of Dorland and Gerson aborted at the tenth month. Donskoj stated that 7 of the 10 cases reported by him aborted in the fourth month and none after the sixth month. He stated further that 56 per cent of Bloch’s 50 cases aborted before the sixth month, 44 per cent later than this, one being retained until the fourteenth month. The latter case is especially interesting, because retention not only beyond term but after the death of the mole,seems to be re- garded as relatively rare. This, however, does not imply that retention beyond the period of growth of the hydatid mole does not occur, although Sternberg (1910), who also emphasized the great rarity of this condition, erroneously stated that the German literature reveals only a single instance of missed abortion in case of hydatiform mole, viz, that of Poten (1901). In this case a hydatiform mole of the size of a duck egg was said to have been aborted approximately one month beyond term. Hence growth must have ceased long before and the mole have remained in utero as a ‘harmless body.” To this case of Poten, Sternberg added HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 215 a case in which a hydatiform mole 14 by 9.6 by 4.3 mm. was aborted in the twelfth month after the cessation of menstruation. Although Sternberg included 4 cases from other countries among these missed-abortion moles, viz, those o Sheil (undated), Ferguson (also undated), Colorni (1908), and Gaifani (1908), one can hardly doubt that more cases could be added. Since the case of Sheil was one of twin pregnancy, in which one conceptus became hydatiform, it is not at all unlikely that some other cases among this rather small series of twin pregnancies accompanied by hydatiform degeneration may belong in this category. Mayer (1911) also emphasized the fact that, although instances of retention of fetuses are very common, instances of retention of hydatiform mole are very rare, only a few cases having been recorded. Mayer referred to 2 cases by Kehrer, 3 of Dorland and Gerson, and 1 case of Lange, and reported 4 of his own. These 4 were found among 10 cases of hydatiform mole, an incidence of retention of 40 per cent. They are interesting, especially in connection with the observation of Briggs (1912) that, contrary to current belief, uterine enlargement often is not beyond the normal. Mayer reported that this enlargement was too great in but 1 of the 4 cases, and that retention lasted as long as 4 to 5 months. At least 3 of the cases of hydatiform mole among those originally recorded as such in the Carnegie Collection belong among retained specimens, as the illus- trations alone suggest. But a fair percentage of detached chorionic vesicles included in the list of cases here reported undoubtedly also was retained after the cessation of growth, and it is for this reason that I further emphasize the fact that the uterine volume in a considerable percentage of these cases also, instead of having been too great for the duration of the pregnancy, unquestionably was too small. This is well illustrated by the histories of specimens Nos. 70, 323, 1640, and 1926, and by the specimens themselves. The average menstrual age of 51 of 112 uterine specimens of hydatiform degeneration—in which the data were available—was 66.6 days, or 214 months. As will be seen, this is a far lower average age than heretofore reported, a difference which explains itself from what has already been said. It is interesting that the average menstrual age of 5 of the 8 specimens in the Carnegie Collection originally classed as hydatiform degenerations is 168.2 days, or 214 times as great, thus being in substantial agreement with the usual results. Three of these 5 are large specimens, the fourth measures 40 by 20 by 15 mm., and the other is composed of small fragments contained in material from curettage. From this alone it follows that the menstrual age is a very uncertain guide, especially to the size of a hydatiform mole. It may seem superfluous to add anything to the good descriptions of the gross appearance of the typical hydatiform mole found in the literature. Such cases are so characteristic that even a novice can recognize them at sight. Yet if the findings reported here are reliable, or even approximately so, it nevertheless must be evident that, in the past, the great majority of specimens of true hydatiform mole have remained unrecognized merely because they did not happen to present the cus- tomary, well-known picture to the unaided eye. Small chorionic vesicles, such as No. 216 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. 2077 (shown in natural size in figure 100), which attract no attention upon cursory inspection, may, and often do, present the most exquisite picture of hydatiform degeneration when seen under a magnification of 3 to 20 diameters, as illustrated in figure 101. This is true especially if the examination is made with the binocular microscope. Since I have adopted this method of examination it has been possible to recognize instances of decidedly general and typical hydatiform degeneration in chorionic vesicles less than 2 em. in size, with later confirmation of the diagnosis by a histologic examination. However, I have not been able to recognize very early stages merely by examination of the gross specimens, for gross recognition is possible only when portions of at least some of the villi have become sufficiently elliptical or globular to attract attention. Histologic recognition is possible far earlier than this, as shown in figure 102. The general appearance of the whole chorionic vesicle is sometimes an aid in gross identification, for the villi not infrequently are smooth, slightly branched, and unusually long, so that the vesicle looks shaggy, as illustrated in figure 103. Several hydatiform villi from this specimen are shown in figure 104. The typical gross hydatid or watery, translucent nature of the villi can not be relied upon in early stages, for normally shaped villi that have undergone considerable lysis may be almost transparent and also somewhat more than normally bulbous. However, save in the case of some specimens of tubal pregnancy, the swelling of the villi, due to maceration or to luetic changes, is quite different in character from that characteristic of hydatiform degeneration, and usually quite easily distinguish- able from it. Judging from several specimens of villi which were macerated in distilled water during a period of weeks, post-partum maceration never should cause confusion, and the same thing undoubtedly is true of intrauterine macera- tion. The differences in appearance between macerating villi with disintegrating epithelium, stroma and blood-vessels, and others undergoing hydatiform degen- eration, is well illustrated by villi from No. 640, shown in figures 105 and 106. Though photographs can not register all the distinctions, the contrast is so marked in this case that one can not fail to notice it. Since numerous trophoblastic nodules are present also in other conditions, notably in retained placente, as found by Aschoff and others, I have not been able to regard their presence in unusual numbers, in some cases of hydatiform degenera- tion, as of crucial value, but the absence of placental differentiation at a time when it should be present, with a uniform and unusual development of the villi over the whole exterior of relatively large chorionic vesicles, is decidedly significant and has often been found to imply the presence of hydatiform degeneration. The same thing is true of a very irregular distribution of the villi, or of uniformly distributed fusiform enlargements on the villi and of the loss of the dull appearance of their cut surfaces, as seen under the binocular. As soon as the stroma becomes hydati- form, and even before liquefaction is present, the cut surfaces of hydatiform villi look somewhat shiny and waxy or, perhaps better still, paraffine-like. This was well shown in a previous paper (Meyer, 1920, fig. 21). A bluish tinge is always present, and this appearance is very characteristic. However, how easily a speci- HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 217 men of hydatiform mole can be recognized by examination with the binocular alone necessarily will depend also upon the condition of the specimen. If the villi are matted, glued, or macerated, not only the early hydatiform changes, but even fairly advanced ones, are often masked so completely that recognition is difficult or impossible without histologic examination. In many early specimens the diagnosis could be made at sight from a histologic preparation under low magnification, even when it was impossible to make a diagnosis by examination with the binocular microscope alone. The field of sec- tions of the villi also looks more scattered and the caliber of the villi shows greater variations. What further makes this possible is not, as has been generally assumed since Marchand’s epochal work on chorio-epithelioma, the appearance of the syncytium or that of the Langhans layer or of the trophoblast, but the changes in the stroma, which precede those in the epithelium. The evidence in regard to this matter is overwhelming, and in the early stages, when the stroma already has been altered, it often is impossible to tell whether the epithelial development is normally or abnormally active. Moreover, in spite of Marchand’s conclusion, extremely large hydatid vesicles often have but a single smooth layer of epithelium. This has been asserted repeatedly by other investigators also. The two layers of epithelium are not by any means always present, and, while there is no agreement in the matter, the opinion nevertheless seems to be that the grade of epithelial pro- liferation can not be used as a criterion for the determination of the presence of hydatiform degeneration. Langhans (1902) also stated that Marchand overemphasized the presence of epithelial proliferation, and rightly declared that all sorts of gradations occur between normal and hydatiform villi. Indeed, unless hydatiform villi invariably arise as such when the earliest villi appear, or arise de novo later, all gradations necessarily must exist between normal and hydatiform villi, thus contradicting Marchand’s conclusion. Menu said that the presence of marked epithelial proliferation was emphasized early by Miiller (1847), Ercolani (1876), Franque (1896), and Owry (1897), and according to Pazzi (1908°), Ercolani, and even Polano, denied the existence of connective tissue in the hydatiform mole. The same thing was asserted by Sfameni (1905), who claimed to have found further evidence of the exclusively epithelial nature of the hydatiform mole. According to Sfameni, the hydat- iform mole does not result from a modification of existing chorionic villi, but from an entirely new growth which is wholly epithelial in character! But this opinion, which was accepted also by Niosi (1905), seems to exist among Italian writers only. According to Acconci (1914*), marked proliferation of the epithelium occurs also in toxemia of pregnancy and in nephritis. A number of investigators have found it common also in long retention. I am unable to confirm the observation of Nattan-Larrier and Brindeau (1908) that the syncytium of hydatiform villi breaks up into individual portions which do not undergo degenerative changes, but penetrate deeper into the decidua. These investigators thought that in normal villi the plasmodium always keeps its 218 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. continuity with the proliferating Langhans layer, and that the syncytial masses were more angular in form, of smaller size, and contained retracted nuclei. The syncytial masses on the hydatiform villus, on the other hand, were said to be more rounded in outline, elongated or polygonal in form, and to possess large nuclei very rich in chromatin. Although Durante (1898) represented extremely long syncytial buds, he never- theless found (1909) epithelial proliferation present only where certain vascular changes were present. Winter (1907) stated that the condition of the epithelium varies greatly, and Falgowski (1911) emphasized that he could not demonstrate the presence of an increased epithelial proliferation or of vacuolation of the syncy- tium. Amann (1916) also found that epithelial proliferation may be wholly absent. That the degree of epithelial proliferation varies greatly, and necessarily so, not only in the villi of the different vesicles but in those of the same vesicle, is splen- didly illustrated by the villi of No. 720b, shown in figures 107 and 108. In the former epithelial proliferation has not extended beyond that required by the increase in surface due to the increase in caliber of the villi, while in the latter a very long, branching epithelial framework and smaller processes are present. Likewise, in figure 109 (No. 540), the large villi show little epithelial proliferation, while the small villus to the right shows very marked proliferation. Nor are the variations in the degree of epithelial development limited to different villi of the same specimen, for they may be present even in the same villus. Ballantyne and Young (1913), on the contrary, found epithelial proliferation ‘‘so well developed that it suggested that it is an essential process in the formation of the mole.” They further likened hydatiform degeneration to edematous growths and empha- sized that both really are epithelial new growths. This opinion is accepted also by de Snoo (1914), who regarded the hydatiform mole as a neoplasm of the trophblast with secondary changes in the stroma. There is no agreement at present as to whether the epithelial changes are primary or secondary. As is well known, Marchand (1895), and Miiller, Ercolani, and Langhans long before that, regarded the epithelial changes as primary, but most investigators seem to have come to an opposite conclusion. Some share the opinion of Schroeder that hydatiform degeneration points to a stimulus resulting in hyperplasia of the entire chorionic villus. Nor is there agreement as to what the: initial changes are. Durante (1909) regarded the presence of vessels with an imper- fect endothelial lining and with thick infiltrated walls as the initial lesion in hydati- form degeneration. These changes were noted by him, especially in trunk villi, and epithelial proliferation was most evident where the vascular lesions were most pronounced. Durante further stated that the chain form of the hydatids is due to the fact that the vascular lesions occur at intervals along the villus. Unfortunately, the structure of long hydatiform villi does not confirm such an explanation nor Durante’s conclusion that the hydatid cavities within the villi result from dilatation of the capillaries. Many investigators report the early disappearance of the blood- vessels, a phenomenon which some regard as secondary and others as primary to the death of the embryo. HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 219 In the course of this investigation a villus with a normal stroma and normal vascularization never was found to have undergone true hydatiform degeneration, but one with a normally active epithelium—both Langhans layer and syncytium— often was truly hydatiform. That is, it not only was watery in appearance, but also fusiform or globular, even in external form. In fact, Marchand (1895) himself found that “Das Epithel welches die Zotten und ihre Anschwellungen bekleidet zeigt ein sehr verschiedenes Verhalten.’’ Yet even today the feeling on the part of many seems to be that unless a marked hyperplasia of the Langhans layer and of the syncytium is present the condition is not one of hydatiform mole. This position seems to me to be untenable, for, as Marchand himself said, the change in epithe- lium usually is least in the young villi, and it must be added that it is unrecognizable in the early stages and in young conceptuses. A perusal of the literature descrip- tive of the actual cases leaves little doubt upon this point, and a careful study of the advent of the earliest recognizable changes in hydatiform mole is absolutely convincing. The earliest recognizable, even if not the incipient, changes occur in the stroma and in the vessels and not in the epithelium. In passing, it may be noted that although Marchand stated that the change in the epithelium is primary, he nevertheless somewhat contradictorily added that the most important fact is the degenerative change in the stroma of the villi. Although not applicable to what I have come to regard as the incipent changes in hydatiform degeneration, it nevertheless is true that the stroma often, if not always, quite early becomes hydatiform—that is, glassy or clear, though not necessarily watery. Moreover, the villous vessels often degenerate or disappear completely at a very early stage. Various grades of hydatiform degeneration with vitreous stroma and vessels in various stages of disappearance are shown in figures 110 (No. 977), 111 (No. 516), 112 (No. 874b), and 113 (No. 396). The first and last of these specimens are in a splendid state of preservation, so that maceration changes really can be wholly eliminated. It is exceedingly difficult to make any definite statement as to what is typical regarding the epithelium. This has been said by others also. Indeed, this necessarily follows from the fact, agreed to by every one, that histologically there is no true line of demarcation between the ordinary benign hydatiform mole, the so-called destructive benign (?) hydatiform mole, what- ever its status may be, and the malignant hydatiform mole or chorio-epithe- lioma. Such a conclusion alone presupposes the existence of the widest differences in the condition of the epithelium in these cases, and that such differences actually exist is beyond question. Marchand’s revolutionary investigation on chorio-epithelioma notwithstand- ing, the epithelium is not always two-layered, nor is it always thickened, in hydati- form mole. That the epithelium can not always be active beyond the normal follows also from the fact that the proliferative changes in it are subsequent to, even if not necessarily consequent upon, changes in the stroma. Furthermore, like the latter, they are gradual in their evolution and may stop or be stopped at any stage of their development. Then, too, the condition of the epithelium 220 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. depends very largely upon the preservation of the abortus, and this, as is well known, varies greatly. Finzi (1908) also found that the epithelium may be per- fectly preserved or totally destroyed, and that central degeneration is the most noticeable thing and due to the absence of vessels. However, the most striking thing about the epithelium usually is not its thickness, the presence of large masses of trophoblast, or of numerous syncytial buds, but its splendid state of preservation, especially as contrasted with that of the stroma. This is true of all except macerated or degenerate specimens, for the life of the epithelium seems assured as long as there are periodic accessions of fresh blood, which, as the clinical histories illustrate, is usually the case. The stroma, on the other hand, probably not being wholly independent of the contained capil- laries, is deprived very largely of its sustenance during, even if not in consequence of, their degeneration. According to some, hydatiform degeneration of the stroma is the result of an accumulation of nutritive products in consequence of the absence of the vessels. Degeneration of stroma and vessels, however, may result from malnutrition due to poor implantation. Daels (1908”) reported that the stroma was densest where the syncytium was thickest, and most rarefied where it was thinnest, but I could not determine such a relationship. The epithelium of the villi often was found single-layered without any syncy- tium whatever, or with at most a few syncytial buds. Nevertheless, both the syncytium and trophoblast very often show evidences of a marked activity not confined to implanted villi or to the epithelium of the villi as a whole, but which extended to that of the chorionic membrane as well. Surprisingly long, complex, syncytial buds, whorls, and festoons, as shown in figures 114 and 115, said to have been observed by Fraenkel, often are present, especially on the villi, although in a few instances fine buds and frameworks of syncytium also were seen arising from the epithelium of the chorionic membrane. This feature (shown in fig. 115) has, I believe, not been specially emphasized heretofore, though observed by Clivio (1908). Mounds formed by the Langhans layer were common, especially on the tips of the villi where they frequently formed irregular masses of small nodules—the “appendici durate’’ of Crosti (1895). These gave the villous tree the appearance of a leafless orange loaded with fruit, only that the trophoblastic nodules are mainly apical, as shown in figure 116. In several instances syncytial buds were found far out on these trophoblastic masses, a fact which is of special if not of crucial sig- nificance in connection with the old question of the origin of the syncytium, for these buds undoubtedly had not been transported there. But, however one may regard these things, such appearances as represented in figure 9 (plate 1, Chapter IV) are unmistakable, for they show thickenings composed of Langhans cells and garlands of considerable length, portions of which are composed of absolutely distinet cells of the Langhans type, as well as other portions composed of syncy- tium with every gradation between the two. Nor do I believe that the assumption that syncytium can resolve itself into individual cells can be used to deny the implication of these facts. HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 221 Although hydatiform villi covered by a single layer of rather small cells of the nature of Langhans cells, sometimes without visible cell boundaries, frequently were seen, villi covered by typical syncytium only were never seen. The single layer present, although syncytial in places, suggested Langhans cells rather than the real syncytium. Moreover, since the cells of the Langhans layer usually were smaller rather than larger than normal, it follows from this alone that their pro- liferation nevertheless must have been marked, in order to completely cover the enlarged villus, in spite of the fact that the layer remained single-celled. Were this not the case the extraordinary increase in size which accompanies the formation of large hydatid cysts could not possibly occur without rupture of the covering layer. Not infrequently proliferation of the epithelium without increase in thickness may manifest itself in another way. The caliber of the villi in the earlier stages of hydatiform degeneration sometimes does not increase much and no thickening of the proliferating epithelium is noticeable, yet the latter shows marked proliferation. Under these circumstances, the borders of the villi and of the chorionic epithelium may appear extraordinarily sinuous, as illustrated in figure 117, and epithelial invaginations from opposite sides may in rare instances meet in’ the center, as indicated in figure 118, and, by fusion, completely isolate a portion of the stroma. It is usually in these cases of very sinuous epithelium that the epithelial invagi- nations sometimes become constricted, leaving a closed epithelial vesicle or a nodule of epithelium attached to a stalk or wholly isolated within the stroma, as shown in figures 119 and 120. All stages in this process of vesicle formation were found, and rarely also extensions of epithelial sprouts, as described by Neumann (1897) and others, were seen, portions of which had become isolated in the stroma to appear later as typical syncytial giant cells. These facts, too, would seem to throw a sidelight upon the origin of the syncytium for those to whom this ques- tion is still an open one. All these things abundantly testify to the activity on the part of the epithelium in many hydatiform moles, even when thickening of it is absent, but they are of diagnostic value only if present, and I wish to emphasize again that they may be wholly absent and also unrecognizable in the early stages. Moreover, the degree of epithelial proliferation varies greatly, as illustrated in figures 112, 121, and 122. Until I am able to learn more about the structure of normal villi in various stages of development, I am not willing to commit myself regarding the earliest changes in hydatiform degeneration. These may be unrecognizable with present methods. However, it is possible to say that in young conceptuses the disappear- ance of the capillaries, which was regarded as a posisible cause for the development of hydatiform mole by Hewitt (1860, 1861), and which was emphasized later by Hahn (1864), Maslowsky (1882), and also by others, undoubtedly is a very early and possibly the very earliest noticeable change in some cases. I do not imply that death of the embryo is the cause of this disappearance, as Hewitt held, and I am not ready to say that the vascular change is the very earliest one in all cases. This would imply that hydatiform degeneration under no circumstances can 222 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. begin before the capillaries have appeared in the villi. There is some evidence which suggests that it possibly may appear before this time. If so, it would be incorrect to speak of a disappearance of the vessels in such chorionic vesicles, for if the advent of hydatiform degeneration can precede the appearance of the villous capillaries, vascularization of the villi may never occur. In older conceptuses, however, in which vascularization of the villi has supervened, the first recognizable change is the disappearance of these capillaries. Manyspecimens in which the latter were in various stages of degeneration were examined carefully, and the opinion of Hewitt (1860) that hydatiform degeneration can not arise in villi which have been vascularized can be regarded as of historical interest only. Different stages in the process of vascular degeneration are represented in figures 123, 124, and 126, and in figures 109 to 112, inclusive. Coincident with the disappearance of the vessels, also noted by Veechi (1906) in villi with vesicles only as large as a “millet” seed, changes in the stroma also are noticeable. Usually it tends to become glassy, the individual nuclei becoming separated farther. The stroma, though apparently solid, is uniformly slightly bluish and vitreous, with well-defined, rather small, pyenotic, pointed nuclei, but with not a vestige of a vessel, though the epithelium be splendidly preserved. The latter may be one or two layered, and may -be accompanied by syncytial buds and trophoblastic masses and nodules. In such specimens the entire picture really is exquisite, and a mere glance through the compound microscope reveals the lack of vessels in the vitreous stroma, its sparseness, and the marked differences in size of the sections of the villi. After these early changes, liquefaction of the stroma usually follows. As is well known, it generally begins in the interior and first appears in the form of vacuolation; but this vacuolation (which I can not regard merely as an edema) is not intracellular but intercellular, and as it becomes more pronounced it really takes on the nature of fenestration. Sections of the whole cross-section of the villi, even though large, may be composed of a series of fenestrae (see fig. 125) separated by exceedingly fine strands of the remaining stroma which may contain remnants of the nuclei. But finally, even the fine trabecule separating the fenes- tre disappear, and the stage of the watery, old, hydatid condition has been reached. More generally, however, the vacuoles or small fenestr lying in the middle become confluent at the center of the cross-section of the villus, which then is liquefied completely. As is well known, this liquefaction gradually extends to the periphery as the zone of the surrounding stroma is narrowed in the process. Not infrequently, however, liquefaction of the stroma occurs quite generally throughout the cross- section of the villus and is accompanied by the formation of numerous large cells— the wandering or migrating cells of earlier writers. A few of these cells almost always can be found, and rarely the whole section of the villus is studded with or even formed by these large, erratic cells, which usually lie in fenestra in the stroma (fig. 127.) In other instances a large portion of the sections of the villi may be occupied by them, as shown in figure 128. The presence of these cells in villi regarded as normal has long been known. Their presence in hydatiform HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 223 moles was noted by Otto, Marchand (1898), Essen-Moéller, and many others. Their occurrence in normal and pathological chorionic vesicles and their significance are considered in Chapter XV. No matter what the condition of the epithelium (or, more specifically, the Langhans layer), the syncytium, and trophoblast may be, the above-noted changes in the stroma always are quite typical. They are not the only changes noted, however, and may differ somewhat as to the time of their advent. Not infrequently, changes quite comparable to those in the villi occur also in the stroma of the chorionic membrane itself, a fact which has not heretofore been emphasized. It, too, frequently is decidedly glassy; liquefaction may occur here and there and may become complete in the course of time. Hofbauer cells also are not uncommonly present. Among the changes noted in this membrane, the disappearance of the vessels is the most common and constant, although epithelial proliferation is not rare, as already stated. Moreover, when (as in one of Storch’s cases) a hydatiform villus is 15 em. long, one scarcely can doubt that the stroma also must have proliferated—not merely degenerated. Some of the strings of hydatid cysts in a specimen in the Carnegie Collection have a length of 10 to 12 cm., and in these cases also one can hardly assume that this increased length of the villi was unaccompanied by proliferation of the stroma. From these things alone it follows that the stroma can not remain passive always, although Gromadzki (1913) concluded that it never proliferates. Vecchi (1906), however, reported an increase in the stroma of the villi, and it will be recalled that Marchand also implied the presence of proliferative changes in the connective tissue when he wrote that they depend upon those in the epithelium. I have never been able to find mitotic figures, a fact which may be accounted for, however, by the presence of degenerative changes due to intrauterine separa- tion and retention of most specimens. Indeed, the failure to find mitoses speaks against proliferation in the stroma no more than in case of the epithelium, in which the presence of karyokinetic figures has been reported by a few investigators only. Yet pronounced proliferation of the epithelium is often present. The failure to find mitotic figures very likely is due to the condition of the material. Careful scrutiny of a large series of specimens has revealed the fact that the disappearance of the vessels in the villi, in the chorionic membrane, and also in the umbilical cord is centripetal as a rule. However, in many specimens the vessels not only may be present in the chorionic membrane, although absent in the villi, but may be very numerous and even engorged with blood. It is difficult to say to what extent the engorged condition of these vessels and of those in the body of the abnormal embryos sometimes contained in these hydatiform moles is due to the propulsion of the contained embryonic blood before the advancing vascular constriction and degeneration, but I am inclined to believe that the centripetal movement of the process is not a negligible factor in this matter. Although only a few instances of the birth of a living fetus or of a fetus which has reached the later months of pregnancy are recorded in the literature, it is now quite generally recognized that the fetus, though dead and too small for its men- 224 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. strual age, usually is present. This stands in contradiction to the earlier belief illustrated by the statement of Gierse (1847), that the fetus usually was reported as absent, and that when present (as in the cases of Meckel, Gregorini, Otto, Cruveilhier, and his own) it was usually less than an inch long, even when retained for a period of from 3 to 10 months. This apparent contradiction regarding the presence of the fetus in hydatiform moles is explained easily by the fact that the cases in the earlier literature are old, far advanced in degeneration, while the more recent literature contains many more in the earlier stages of degeneration. Yet in spite of this fact the earlier opinion survives to the present day, for Graves (1909-10) spoke of “‘the very unusual presence of a normal fetus inside a mole,” and Vineberg (1911) still more strangely held that the presence of a fetus excludes the specimen from the class of true hydati- form moles! Among the specimens concerned in this report many contained a fetus. This was true of 24.5 per cent of 49 tubal and 64.4 per cent of 121 uterine specimens, including some (9) doubtful cases. The fetal length ranges from 1 to 90 mm. in the uterine and from 1 to 80 mm. in the tubal series. Although the average length of the embryo in the tubal series is 12.3 mm., and that of the uterine only 10.1 mm., 58 per cent of the tubal specimens nevertheless were below 7 mm. in length as con- trasted with 52.5 per cent of the uterine. The presence of a fetus with a frequency almost three times as great in the uterine series again indicates that the abnormal conditions within the tubes lead to early death, digestion, and absorption, or at least to dissolution, of the embryo. This fact again points directly to a faulty nidus as causative agent, for if the absence of a fetus is to be laid to primary ovular defects, then one must admit that relatively far more of such diseased ova become implanted within the tube than within the uterus. In some early specimens the fetus is in a state of excellent preservation. This is what one might expect, for the onset of hydatiform degeneration is gradual and may remain partial. The condition of the fetus alone in many of them also suggests that its death was secondary to the degeneration. This is exemplified splendidly by No. 2099, shown in figures 129 and 130. This eyema shows the presence of undoubted maceration changes throughout, but especially in the branchial region and on the umbilical cord, and the shaggy chorionic vesicle shows the presence of a moderate degree of hydatiform degenera- tion. A more advanced instance is that of No. 1260, shown in figures 131, 132, and 133, in which the form of the eyema is greatly modified and the hydatiform nature of the villi much more obvious. That the death of the embryo is not the cause of hydatiform degeneration would seem to be evident also from such instances as No. 2250. In this case of twin pregnancy both fetuses are well preserved, as figure 134 shows, and yet the respective chorionic vesicles show the presence of well- developed and quite general hydatiform degeneration as can be seen in figures 141 and 142 (plate 14, Chap. X). Indeed, in this instance the fetuses show less maceration change than the vesicles, and it is particularly interesting that this HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 225 abortion was attributed to influenza, although, in view of the presence of hydati- form degeneration, it was inevitable. Influenza, to be sure, may have been the immediate cause and may have precipitated the abortion, but uninterrupted development of the hydatiform degeneration also would have done so. More- over, the appearance of both fetuses suggests that they died shortly before the abortion, and this is confirmed by a comparison of the menstrual and anatom- ical ages, which differ by 6 and 10 days, if the larger or smaller fetus is used for the determination of the latter age. However, if we can finally assume that the menstrual age of all conceptuses exceeds their true age by about 10 days, then they must have lived up to the time of abortion, or, strictly speaking, a few days beyond it. That death of the cyema is not the cause of hydatiform degeneration is indicated also by such specimens as No. 2411, represented in figures 143 and 144 (plate 14, Chap. X), a twin, double-ovum pregnancy, in which both the cyemata and the chorionic vesicles show considerable and apparently the same degree of maceration (figs. 145 to 147). Since both chorionic vesicles also show the presence of quite general hydatiform degeneration, it is evident that if the latter had arisen only after the death of the eyemata the vesicles should not show anything like a corresponding degree of maceration, unless perhaps the time of retention had been considerable. Many other specimens of single pregnancy could be used to illustrate the same thing, and since the development of hydatiform degeneration undoubtedly is not a fulminating one, it might be expected that considerable development of it might occur before the death of the cyema, which is due apparently to the obliteration of the villous circulation. Since blood-vessels can and do arise in the chorionic villi quite independently of those in the cyema, it also seems possible that young chorionic vesicles showing hydatiform villi with disappearing blood- vessels may be found, even if the intra-cyemic circulation never developed or never united with the extra-cyemic or chorionic circulation. Such a surmise does not imply, however, that hydatiform degeneration never begins before the blood- vessels appear. Of the many explanations which have been offered for the advent of hydati- form degeneration, none seems to be better established than that of endometritis. This was first emphasized by Virchow (1863). Lwow (1892) also reported 4 cases in patients under his care in whom lues could be excluded, and in whom he held endometritis responsible. Emanuel (1895) was the first, it seems, to demon- strate the presence of cocci in inflammatory foci of round cells in the decidua accompanying a case of hydatiform mole. Veit (1899) also believed that disease of the decidua is the cause of hydatiform degeneration. Veit further stated that Waldeyer, Jarotzky, and Storch also believed that an irritative condition of the decidua is responsible. Stoffel (1905) also found cocci other than gonococci present, and says he can not avoid holding endometritis responsible in his case. The asso- ciation of hydatiform degeneration and endometritis was noted also by Marchand (1895), Oster (1904), and Sternberg; also by Essen-Moller, who reported the phe- 226 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. nomenal case of a woman with endometritis, who had aborted a hydatiform mole 18 times in 9 years. Falgowski, on the contrary, concluded that the ova themselves were diseased and argued that hydatiform degeneration should be much more com- mon if it were due to endometritis. Taussig (1911) also stated that leucocytic infiltration of the decidua is frequently present in hydatiform moles, but insisted that “leucocytie infiltration in the placenta then should not be interpreted as infection. . . . Inflammation and infection should be kept apart.’ I pre- sume Taussig really meant infiltration and infection should be kept apart, and the question then turns upon the structure of the normal decidua and the significance of infiltration for the development of the ovum. It may be recalled that Marchand (1904) reported the presence of isolated groups of small cells in the normal decidua which looked like mononuclears under low magnification, and which he believed have often been confused with them. But even granting this, and the further facts that the exact histologic changes in the decidua are not fully known, and that it is rather difficult to ascertain just what decidual changes are regarded as evidence of the existence of an endometritis, any one examining a large series of cases of hydatiform degeneration aborted with the decidua can not doubt the presence of marked decidual changes in a very large percentage of them. These changes are not limited to infiltration with scattered round cells or erythrocytes, or to focal accumulation of the same, but often extend to almost complete fibrosis, as shown in figure 135, plate 13 (see Chap. IX), so that experienced investigators have mistaken the thin, fibrous decidua for a part of the chorionic vesicle. It is true that the existence of these changes in the decidua does not neces- sarily imply that they were antecedent to the implanation of the ovum, but for- tunately the clinical histories and material from curettage often supply crucial evidence. From such cases and from the cumulative weight of evidence from the large series of cases here reported, the great majority of which showed decidual infiltration or other changes suggestive of endometritis, the frequent association of abnormal deciduze with hydatiform degeneration is evident. The fact that the incidence of hydatiform degeneration in the tubal was considerably higher than that in the uterine series might be regarded as contradicting this relationship, but such is not the case. The mucosa of the tubes at best is an unfavorable nidus for implantation because of the absence of decidual formation alone. Hence, even if salpingitis were somewhat less frequent than endometritis, difficult nidification in the tube could easily more than account for the existing differences. Hence the higher incidence of hydatiform degeneration in the tubal series in fact becomes confirmatory of the conclusion that abnormal nidification really may be responsible for the advent of hydatiform degeneration. The only fact which might be interpreted as indicating that germinal defects primarily are responsible for the development of hydatiform degeneration is the relatively higher incidence of the condition in older women. Against this, however, stands the other fact that such women also show the cumulative effects of endo- metritis and pregnancy upon the endometrium. Furthermore, since hydatiform HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 227 degeneration so often follows one or two normal births or abortions, it would be impossible to find an adequate explanation for the release of the defective ova so often after and not before these events. I am reminded also in this connection of a case the detailed history of which is fully known. It is that of a robust young woman who successively gave birth to two moles and then to a normal full-term child and secundines. In this case curettage was done in connection with each mole. Apparently the new endome- trium, which had formed after the second abortion and curettage, permitted normal implantation and normal development to progress to term. To ignore the condition of the endometrium in this case and attribute the development of hydati- form degeneration to the successive releases of abnormal ova would seem to dis- regard important facts—especially so since no one has established the occurrence of abnormal ova within the Graafian follicle, a possibility which I do not wish to deny, although Donskoj’s report of a case of hereditary mole must surely be taken cum grano salis. That an abnormal nidus may be responsible for the advent of hydatiform degeneration would seem to be indicated also by the fact that the process usually was better developed and more general in the tubal than in the uterine cases. That both endometrium and decidua show astonishing differences in structure under pathologic conditions is well known. The entire tubal mucosa, on the other hand, even when normal, forms an abnormal nidus which would affect all portions of early chorionic vesicles somewhat alike, and since, as found by Mall, inflammatory con- ditions in the tubes predispose to tubal implantation, the higher incidence of hydati- form degeneration in the tubes is easily explained. Nor does the existence of partial hydatiform degeneration argue against such an explanation. Although Kehrer reported not a single fatality in 50 cases of hydatiform mole, Hirtzman (according to von Winckel) gave the fatality as 13 per cent, Dorland and Gerson as 18, and Williamson as 20 to 30 per cent. Von Winckel (1904) regarded these percentages as entirely too high, however, although Oster (1904) reported 2 cases of malignancy out of 15 cases in which the late results were ascertain- able. This is an incidence of 13.3 per cent. Since none of 15 patients who had suffered from hydatiform mole had a recurrence, Oster concluded that the cause of hydatiform degeneration is a fortuitous one. Schickele (1906) stated that only 3 cases of hydatiform mole with coincident chorio-epithelioma were found in the literature; and Nattan-Larrier and Brindeau (1908) seem to avoid the implied difficulty by premising the existence of a histological as contrasted with a clinical malignancy, a distinction which recalls the conclusion of Schickele that it does not follow that not all hydatiform moles are malignant merely because not all of them cause the death of the patient. Kroemer (1907) found that chorio-epithelioma developed in 5 out of 15 cases of hydatiform moles, or in 33.3 per cent, but only twice in 3,841 “normal implantations.’’ Daels (1908) says La Torre claimed a malignancy of 64 per cent, de Senarcleus one of 28.7 per cent, or 14 out of 49 cases. L. Fraenkel (1910*) emphasized that the estimates of the number of cases in which hydatiform degeneration is followed by malignant disease vary greatly, while 228 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Robertson (1915) quoted Findlay as finding that 16 per cent of 250 hydatiform moles collected from the literature were followed by malignant disease. Briggs, who reported 21 cases of hydatiform degeneration with 2 of chorio-epithelioma, or an incidence of malignancy of 9.5 per cent, called attention to the “diminishing ratio in the tendency to malignancy” shown by his series. Findlay (1917) stated that chorio-epithelioma developed in 131 out of 500 cases gathered by him from the literature, which is an incidence of 26.2 per cent, but, as already stated, most of these cases from the literature are old, advanced degenera- tions, many of which have been retained for a long time. The tendency to malig- nancy in these probably can in no way be compared to that in smaller and younger specimens, many of which are aborted entire with the surrounding decidua. Consequently it need not surprise us that out of 19 cases of this series, in which later reports were obtainable, none was reported as having developed chorio- epithelioma. Perhaps I may add a word of caution in regard to a possible change in atti- tude toward the question of malignancy with a consequent relaxation of vigilance. It is true that out of the 21 cases of Briggs only 2 developed chorio-epithelioma; but it must not be forgotten that Briggs in part was, and I to a far larger extent am, dealing with a different class of hydatiform moles than those upon a study of which the prevailing conception of malignancy is based. Hydatiform moles which continue to grow and which survive for months after the death of the embryo evidently are more vigorous, and hence no doubt also more dangerous than those which are aborted early and spontaneously. Since the latter formed the great majority of all moles here considered, opinions regarding malignancy formed on this basis probably would lead to disaster if applied in practice. Such conceptions would be based upon a totally different incidence than the current one of 1 hydati- form mole in every 2,000 cases. Instead of relaxing our vigilance, it would seem wise to increase it, particularly in the cases of so-called spontaneous abortions— the cases in which no ascertainable cause for the termination of pregnancy can be found, especially if the chorionic vesicle is empty or if the embryo belongs in one of the early groups of Mall’s classification. The average age of 36 women aborting hydatiform moles was 31 years. Al- though I do not regard the alleged ages as necessarily the actual ones, this average age agrees very well with that of 6 cases reported by Poten, 10 by Donskoj, 23 by Briggs, 6 by Gromadski, and 8 by Robertson. The average age of Poten’s cases was 32 years, of Donskoj’s 25 years, of Brigg’s 28 years, of Gromadski’s 29.6 years, and of Robertson’s 28.4 years. Pazzi (1908”), on the other hand, stated that Briquel placed the greatest frequency of hydatiform degeneration between 20 and 30 years. These averages are so far on the near side of the menopause that one can make liberal allowances for the proverbial disinclination of women to state their exact age, even to physicians, and nevertheless regard the prevailing opinion regarding the greater frequency of hydatiform mole near the menopause undoubt- edly as ill-founded. If, as Lewis and Lewis (1906) stated, it is necessary to add only half a year to the average age of a large group of women in order to ascertain HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN UTERINE PREGNANCY. 229 the actual average age when considering general social statistics, then everyone will admit that still less allowance than this need be made in the ease of women who are speaking to their physicians, knowing that whatever they may say will be regarded as strictly confidential. That it is unnecessary to make large allowances for understatement of their age on the part of these women is indicated also by the average duration of their married life before aborting moles. This in the case of 29 women was 7.1 years. Hence, if one bears in mind that the average age of first marriages, according to Webb (1911), is 25.1 years, one easily can see that the average age of the women aborting hydatiform moles, which was given as 29.6 years, probably is not too low at all, thus confirming the findings of Williamson, who denied that hydatiform mole was especially common near the menopause. The conclusion that the average age of 29.6 years undoubtedly is near the actual is confirmed also by the fact that a hydatiform mole was the first abortion in 19 out of 41 women, or almost half the number; 12, or almost one-third, had aborted twice; and only 10 had aborted more than twice. But what is still more confirmatory is the existence of a surprising parallelism between the data on abor- tion and those on births; 9 of 33 women had given birth to but 1 child, and an equal number had given birth to but 2. Hence over 50 per cent of the 33 women had borne children twice, or less than twice, and only 15, or less than half, had borne oftener than this. This undoubted evidence of the youth of these women is confirmed still further by the statement of Lewis and Lewis, who, from an analysis of 16,325 first births, found that nearly one-half of them occur between the ages of 20 and 24, and almost three-fourths between 20 and 29 years, although first births are more frequent between 30 and 40 than between 15 and 19 years. I realize that social statistics can not be translated from one country to another without modification, but in such a mixed population as ours this modification probably need be less, rather than greater, than in case of some countries. The conclusion that the occurrence of but a single birth before the advent of hydatiform degeneration probably implies that such women are relatively young is emphasized still further by the statement of Lewis and Lewis that in one-third of the marriages in Scotland ‘‘the bride had a child when unmarried or was preg- nant at the time of marriage,’”’ and that 50 per cent of the first births in Scotland occur within 9 to 24 months after marriage. Lewis and Lewis also give the average interval between marriage and the first birth in 16,176 cases as 13.54 months, but little more than one year. Since Lewis and Lewis stated that the interval between the birth of the first and that of the second child is but little longer than that between marriage and the birth of the first child, being only 3.07 years, it is evident that not even those women who had borne two children before the advent of hydatiform degeneration could have been near the menopause. This conclusion is emphasized still further by the fact that in 96.12 per cent of 16,176 fruitful marriages fertility was demonstrated within three years after marriage. Nevertheless, in spite of the clear implication of all these facts, I wish to emphasize again that since what have been heretofore regarded as hydatiform 230 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. degenerations were large specimens mainly, it well may be, and according to certain authors it is true, that such cases occur later in the reproductive life of women. Yet it certainly is significant that Findlay, in tabulating 500 such cases from the literature, found that 275, or 55 per cent, occurred before the thirty-fifth year, and of 36 specimens from the Carnegie Collection 23, or 63.6 per cent, came from women below this age. It may also be recalled that 78 per cent of Kehrer’s 50 cases and 90 per cent of Bloch’s occurred before the fourth decade. That hydatiform degeneration may occur very early in life is suggested by the remark- able case of Stricker (1879) in a precocious child of 9 years. Fourteen out of 23 cases, or 61.3 per cent of the uterine series, in which the age was given, occurred at or before the thirtieth year, and 18, or approximately 80 per cent, at or before the thirty-fifth year. These things abundantly empha- size the conclusion, reached by some investigators, that hydatiform mole is not absolutely more common at or near the menopause; but it nevertheless may be relatively more common. That is, the number of hydatiform moles aborted after 40, compared with the total number of pregnancies or births after 40, actually may be greater than this ratio before 40 years. From calculations based on data given by Lewis and Lewis, the average number of births occurring after 40 years in Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Bruns- wick, Berlin, Budapesth, France, and Scotland is 9.9 per cent. This agrees remarkably well with Bloch’s estimate of 10 per cent. But if 77.2 per cent of the cases of hydatiform mole occur below 40, and 22.8 per cent after that year, then it is evident that hydatiform mole nevertheless is relatively more common after than before 40 years, for approximately one-fourth of the cases of hydatiform degeneration would be associated with one-tenth of the births. This would be an increased frequency of 300 per cent after 40 years. A similar result would be obtained by comparing Findlay’s or Williamson’s series. Hence, hydatiform degeneration, though absolutely less, is relatively more frequent in later life. This fact, however, does not necessarily imply that age in itself is responsible for the increased incidence after 40. A comparison of the incidences of hydatiform degen- eration in young and old primipare, of good health, might elucidate this question. These statistics are not in agreement with the prevailing opinion that hydati- form moles are more common in multipare than in primipare. Indeed, they suggest rather that after the first conception, which was normal in a large per- centage of these young women, something happened which interfered with the normal development of succeeding conceptions. That, it seems to me, is extremely significant and very suggestive. Here is a group of relatively young women, over 50 per cent of whom had borne but twice and some only once, and then gave birth to a hydatiform mole. While I realize the necessity for cireumspection, especially in these matters, these facts seem to me to suggest that something happened to a normal endometrium. Other facts also point in the same direction. Fic. Fia. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fia. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fia. Fie. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fia. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fic. DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. 231 DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. Puiate 8. . Young chorionic vesicle in situ, showing hydatiform degeneration of the stroma and syncytial budding. No. 836. X2.6. . Same, under greater enlargement, with the cyema in view. 3.75. . Hydatiform degeneration. A small portion of No. 1189 still in loco. 4.5. . Another portion of the same specimen. 22.5. . External appearance of an apparently normal conceptus, partly surrounded by decidua. No. 2077. 0.75. . A portion of the same specimen, clearly showing hydatiform degeneration where in focus. The decidua is reflected. 3. . Portion of villi from No. 690, showing numerous syncytial buds, absence of vessels, and glassy stroma. 37.5. . A chorionic vesicle showing shaggy appearance. No. 2258. 1.5. . Hydatiform villi from same specimen. 4.5. . Macerated normal villi in blood clot. No. 640. X71. . Well preserved, early hydatiform villi from the same specimen. 33.25. . Hydatiform villi without marked epithelial proliferation. No. 720b. PLATE 9. . Hydatiform villi with pronounced epithelial proliferation. No. 720b, also shown in figure 107. 50. . Hydatiform villi without (at left) and with marked epithelial proliferation (at right). No. 540. . Fairly late stage in the degeneration of the villous vessels in hydatiform villi. No. 977. 450. . A slightly later stage in the degeneration of the villous vessels. No. 516. . Almost complete disappearance of the vessels. No. 874b. X50. . Non-vascular, early hydatiform implanted villi. No. 396. 450. Puate 10. . Portion of No. 435a, showing a small villus in the center with an extremely long syncytial bud. 450. . Framework of syncytium arising from the chorionic membrane and from the villi. No. 962a. 450. . Apical trophoblastic nodule. No. 516. x6. . A portion of the chorionic membrane from No. 714, showing decidedly sinuous epithelium. 50. . An early, non-vascular, hydatid villus from the same specimen, showing constrictions. 450. . Epithelial vesicles within the stroma. No. 872. 180. . Extremity of an epithelial vesicle within the stroma, same specimen. 300. PuaTeE 11. . Slight epithelial proliferation on markedly hydatiform villi. No. 134. X50. . Extremely marked epithelial proliferation on a small hydatiform villus with glassy stroma. No. 415. X95. . The disintegrating capillaries are represented merely by large, incomplete curved outlines. No. 749. 50. . Collapsed capillaries in process of obliteration. No. 712. X95. . Fenestrated, macerated, hydatiform villi among others which are quite fibrous. No. 651d. 50. . Villi showing only a trace of the capillaries. No. 651g. 450. Puate 12. . Section of a villus from No. 510, showing scattered Hofbauer cells. 300. . Section of a villus from No. 749, showing accumulation of Hofbauer cells, especially at the right. 50. . A somewhat macerated normal embryo from a case of early hydatiform degeneration. No. 2099. X6. . The chorionic vesicle of the same specimen, showing early hydatiform villi to left where in focus. X4. . Basal area of No. 1260, showing pronounced hydatiform degeneration of the villi. 1. . The same specimen, opened in the capsular region to show the presence of the cyema. X1.1. . Marked macerated and deformed fetus from the same case. 4. . Twin fetuses, No. 2250a and b, a case of hydatiform degeneration. 1. (See also figs. 141 and 142, plate 14.) a f a : 7 MALL AND MEYER ative» 2 7 > a di ar Tier Ge MALL AND MEYER MALL AND MEYER ce . MALL AND MEYER PLATE 11 MALL AND MEYER yr 7: bay Poy FN i oe Bs oa ED. “So, Tis bel ged ws CHAPTER IX. HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN TUBAL PREGNANCY. Strangely enough, the occurrence of chorio-epithelioma arising from tubal pregnancy seems to be better known and also better established than the occurrence of hydatiform mole within the tube. This is especially surprising in view of the stress laid by Marchand (1895) upon epithelial proliferation in cases of hydatiform mole and in view of the fact that trophoblast formation and epithelial prolifera- ticn in general have been regarded as being greater in tubal than in uterine implantation. This is illustrated well by such cases as that of Fellner (1907), in which it was impossible to distinguish, by histologic examination, between the epithelial proliferation present in a case of tubal pregnancy and chorio-epithe- lioma. From these circumstances alone it seems to me that one might expect hydatiform degeneration to be relatively more common in the tubes. Moreover, when it is recalled that experts still regard it as impossible to decide upon the ques- tion of malignancy or benignity in cases of suspected uterine chorio-epithelioma from histologic preparations alone, this surmise gains more in probability. The presence of hyperactivity in the trophoblast in many cases of tubal as compared with that in uterine pregnancy was confirmed also by personal observation, and if, as stated by Teacher (1903), chorio-epithelioma arose in hydatiform moles in approximately 40 per cent of 287 cases, and according to Seitz (1904”) and Fraenkel (1910) even in 50 per cent, the occurrence of hydatiform degeneration in tubal pregnancy can hardly be doubted because of this fact alone. Nevertheless, of the 7 cases of tubal hydatiform moles cited by him, Werth (1904) regarded only the case reported separately by von Recklinghausen (1889) and by W. A. Freund (1889) as well authenticated. Werth reserved judgment, how- ever, on the case of Matwejew and Sykow (1901), a report upon which was acces- sible to him, and to me, in a short review only. Seitz, however, accepted the short review of this case as convincing, nor did he question the case of Otto (1871), or that of Wenzel (1893),and he incorrectly credited Wenzel with two cases. Werth, on the contrary, regarded these last two cases, and also that of Croom (1895), which was accepted also by Veit (1899), as undoubted instances of “simple hydropic degeneration of the connective tissue of the villi so common in aborted chorionic vesicles, both from the tubes and from the uterus.”” Werth unfortunately did not state just what he meant by “simple hydropic degeneration’’, but since he spoke of it as common in aborted ova, one may conclude that he referred to changes in the chorionic vesicle which followed its isolation within the uterus after complete detachment from its implantation site. For want of a better term, such changes may, I presume, be spoken of as maceration changes, although usually they occur under non-putrefactive conditions. However, I do not thereby imply that these changes are similar under sterile and under putrefactive conditions. Since Werth spoke of simple hydropic degeneration in aborted ova, he did not, I take it, refer to a dropsical condition of the villi, possibly due to an obstruc- 233 234 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. tion of the venous return, for such a condition necessarily would be rare and not common. Moreover, this condition of necessity would have to arise before and not after the death of the embryo and detachment of the chorionic vesicle. As in one of the cases of Hiess (1914), such a specimen also should contain blood-vessels; for, as emphasized also by Ballantyne and Young (1913), the hydatiform villus is not merely an edematous villus. That any one at all familiar with hydatiform degeneration, in its earlier as well as its later forms, could, upon gross and microscopic examination, confuse it with maceration changes in a fairly well preserved specimen in any but its very earliest stages does not seem possible to me. Normal villi contain capillaries, not to mention other things characteristic of them. Hydatiform villi, on the contrary, do not contain them, or only very rarely so, and only in the early stages. When a villus becomes hydatiform—that is, when liquefaction of the stroma occurs—this liquefaction appears in more or less restricted portions of the villus, thus giving rise to the long fusiform and later spherical vesicles so characteristic of hydatiform mole. But when a villus becomes macerated the change is general, and usually is noticeable also in the embryo and chorionic membrane itself, or at least within the epithelium. The latter usually is lifted from the stroma here and there, the caliber of the entire villus is increased, and the capillaries and the stroma show maceration changes as the villus becomes more translucent. This increase in caliber of the entire villus is not due to local liquefaction of the stroma, but to the pseudo-edema occurring in a villus of normal structure and form. In hydatiform moles, on the contrary, the epithelium not only is firmly attached but usually hyperactive. The changes characteristic of hydatiform degeneration may and often do appear in the villi while they are still implanted, and not only after the chorionic vesicles are detached. This does not imply, however, that the villi of a detached hydatiform mole can not also undergo maceration changes. They frequently do so, and it is in such cases as these that differentiation may be difficult or impossible, espe- cially if it is to be made from an examination of ill-preserved fragments only. The same thing is true also of the villi in the early stages of hydatiform degeneration and maceration, especially when the latter masks the former. The difficulty would be still greater in case of whole chorionic vesicles which are almost completely dissolved, leaving only a shadow picture formed by a coagulum without nuclei, which nevertheless may retain almost perfectly the form of the chorionic vesicle and of the individual villi. It may long be impossible to differentiate such cases as these, but they form only a relatively small proportion of the whole. The many cases both of uterine and tubal chorionic vesicles which still were implanted and show exceedingly fine instances of hydatiform degeneration, as well as the many splendid examples of groups of villi which were still implanted in the tube or in the decidua, and which were equally good examples of hydatiform degeneration, leave no room for doubt as to the surprising frequency in the occurrence of this con- dition, even after due allowance is made for the doubtful cases. A careful examination of the few cases from the literature which have been regarded as instances of pseudo-hydatiform degeneration leave one wholly uncon- HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN TUBAL PREGNANCY. 235 vinced as to the occurrence of such a phenomenon. No one will deny that many hydatiform chorionic vesicles are retained long after the death of the ecyema. The material with which I dealt suggested very plainly that even isolated villi can and do survive a surprisingly long time; but Herzog (1898), from an examina- tion of 7 tubal pregnancies, came to the conclusion that ‘‘chorionic villi degenerate with astonishing rapidity after the death of the embryo. This appears to be especially true of villi of young placente.” Although the use of the word placente suggests that Herzog really was not speaking of very young conceptuses, he never- theless added that only the most intimate acquaintance enables one to recognize villi after the embryo has been dead two or three weeks. As stated in the preceding chapter, the cyema usually is absent in older, large hydatiform masses, only remnants of the chorionic membrane and villi remaining. Were these hydatiform vesicles not retained, the cyema would not be missing in any but possibly some extremely young vesicles, and if retention per se were the cause of hydatiform degeneration, then the latter should not only be best de- veloped, but also most frequent among those longest retained. This, however, is not the case. Furthermore, the high incidence of hydatiform degeneration in tubal pregnancies, to which attention was called by Meyer (1919"), also shows that long retention is not necessary for the development of splendidly typical and universal hydatiform degeneration. Some of the finest specimens were found among tubal pregnancies in small chorionic vesicles in which cyemata still were present. If retention alone were the sine qua non, then hydatiform degeneration should not be so common under conditions which preclude long retention. Even Marchand (1895) found it well to emphasize that ‘Nicht jedes abortiv-Ei wird zur Blasen- mole, nicht jede Blasenmole zeigt denselben Grad der Epithel Wucherung.”’ Werth further concluded that not one of the 7 cases of chorio-epithelioma regarded as having arisen from tubal pregnancies recorded before 1904 was suffi- ciently authenticated. Nevertheless, by 1910 Veit felt justified in saying that a considerable number of cases of chorio-epithelioma arising from tubal pregnancies had been described. He added that Risel (1895) gathered 11 cases from the litera- ture and that a second case had been reoprted since Risel’s paper. Since my interest in the subject is largely incidental, I have not taken the trouble to gather from the literature cases of chorio-epithelioma alleged to have arisen from tubal preg- nancies which may have been reported since Veit wrote. Moreover, I could not presume to judge these cases critically. Hence I will accept the fact that chorio- epithelioma arising from tubal pregnancy is regarded as established by a number of investigators. If the conception regarding the relation of chorio-epithelioma to hydatiform mole is justified, then the occurrence of hydatiform degeneration in tubal pregnancy must follow on a priori grounds alone. Moreover, whatever the causes of hydatiform degeneration may be, one is possibly safe in assuming that the condition is not restricted to the uterus, and when I noticed that hydatiform degeneration was so very common in young uterine abortuses the surmise that it might be still more common in cases of tubal pregnancy seemed justified. Since over 100 specimens of tubal pregnancies from the Carnegie Collection were included 236 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. in the survey originally planned by Mall, a study of these specimens formed an excellent opportunity for observations on this subject. That the case of Otto, with its pathetic history, really was one of tubal hydati- form mole, can not be doubted, in view of the careful description of the whole case— its clinical history, necropsy, and the histologic examination. This case is interest- ing also because the degeneration was in its early stages, the hydatids being only as large as a pinhead and the embryo still being present. Moreover, from Otto’s description it is very likely that the specimen contained Hofbauer cells, discussed in a later chapter. The history of the case observed by Wenzel in 1855 and reported in 1893 is equally complete and equally pathetic, as could be surmised by all familiar with the history of tubal pregnancy. In this case the mole was as large as a “hen egg,” the hydatids varied in size from a dot to a “‘bird cherry” (wild? cherry), and the degeneration was universal, although the menstrual age of this specimen was given as only 51 days. It is significant that Wenzel expressed surprise that even excellent handbooks of the day had nothing to say about hydatiform mole in cases of tubal pregnancy, except perhaps to refer to the case of Otto. Nor does the case of Wenzel seem to be the first one observed or that of Otto the first one reported, for Storch (1878), in truly epochal, though largely ingored, observations on hydatiform mole, cited Hennig (1876) as stating that two cases of moles in the tube were reported by Blasius (very likely E. Blasius, 1802-75). Since Storch wrote on hydatiform mole, it is implied that Blasius saw one of these and not one of another type of mole, and since hydatiform mole is such a striking condition and has evoked much more interest than the other forms, an observation regarding it in the tubes well might travel down the decades, particularly since, until recently, the occurrence of hydatiform degeneration in the tubes was regarded as extremely rare. This is indicated also by the fact that Menu (1899) still referred to the case of Otto as a curiosity. Pazzi (1908”) stated that two cases of extrauterine moles have been described each by Hennig (1872), Farell (1893), Donald (1902), and one case each by Otto, Freund, Theileher, Maret, Matwjew (Matwejew?) and Sycow (Sykow?), and Bland-Sutton, and one case of ovarian mole by Wenzel (1893). Wilkinson also is said to have described a case of rupture of the tube with reduction of the mole to the size of a cherry, and Lob (1902) a case of molar tubal pregnancy without cessation of menstruation. Since I am quoting Pazzi essentially verbatim, it is evident that he did not read the literature critically or discriminate between ordinary and hydatiform moles, but was misled-by the old inclusive and confusing usage of the terms mole and molar, still current at the present day. Krueger (1909) also reported a case of hydatiform mole with a cyst as large as a “walnut.” The pedicle was 4 cm. long and attached to the amnion near the insertion of the cord. Krueger spoke of this as a placental cyst, but regarded it as a hydatiform-mole-like structure which, microscopically, was limited to a single villus. If this were the only evidence presented by Krueger, one might well ques- tion the nature of the cyst, but he added that microscopically the beginnings of HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN TUBAL PREGNANCY. 237 hydatiform formations could be recognized on other villi also. Hence it would seem that Krueger’s case must be added to the authenticated cases of hydatiform degen- eration in the tubes. So far as I am able to learn, then, the literature contains reports of but 9 cases of hydatiform mole occurring in the tube, and of these 2 or 3 cases are not well authenticated. These 9 cases are formed by the 2 cases of Blasius or Hennig, that of Otto, of von Recklinghausen and Freund, and of Wenzel, the 2 of Croom, that of Matwejew and Sykow, and that of Krueger. A critical reading of Hennig’s book on diseases of the tubes and tubal pregnancy makes it quite clear, however, that Hennig merely said that Blasius discovered ‘“‘tubal moles” and that he ob- served 2 and Behm 1 case of abortion of tubal moles. From the context it is alsa very clear that Hennig was not discussing hydatiform moles, although it is not possible to say whether he meant that he himself or Blasius observed 2 cases. I should judge that the latter is the idea it was meant to convey. To these 7 authenticated cases I would add that of Maxwell (1910). In reading Maxwell’s description one must feel that he himself regarded the case as one of hydatiform mole, but deferred to the opinion of the ‘““committee.’’ This is suggested also by the title of his article. The illustration which accompanies Maxwell’s article is so very suggestive, and his description so characteristic of hydatiform mole, that it seems very probable indeed that the specimen really was such. Maxwell stated, for example, that “‘sections of the villi embedded in the wall of the tube have the typical structureless, bloated appearance of such pathological villi; and though there is no central cavitation in the villi, their structure, associated with the active proliferation of the Langhans layer, suggests that one is looking at a stage just short of vesicle formation.””? Moreover, as I am about to show, hydatiform mole is so very common in tubal pregnancies as to increase still further the likelihood that Maxwell’s case actually was one of hydatiform mole. However, this is merely an opinion, and only a completer description or an examination of the specimen itself could decide the matter. In connection with what was said before, it was interesting that Maxwell also emphasized that epiblastic activity is increased in all abnormal sites of implanta- tion, but anyone interested in the problems of tubal pregnancy and acquainted with Mall’s (1915) findings will be struck by Maxwell’s statement that microscopi- cal examination of many cases of tubal gestation lends no weight to the view that chronic inflammation of the tubes is at all a common causal factor of tubal preg- nancy. Nor can I refrain, in this connection, from quoting the uncontradicted ae of Doran, expressed in the discussion of Maxwell’s case, that tubal gesta- tion ‘‘probably 22s some general deterioration in the generative power among civilized women.’ To the 8 cases contained in the ineeranine I wish to add 48 found among the first 1,200 accessions from the Carnegie Collection. Nor is it necessary to stop with these, for this collection contains many more not here included. It is merely a matter of recognizing the specimens by a routine examination, and since this paper has been written a number of specimens have been recognized among the daily 238 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. accessions of tubes received through the unselfish efforts and the scientific interest of practitioners in all parts of the nation. In addition to over 100 free specimens of uterine hydatiform degeneration, I have also seen more than a dozen fine specimens in large sections of uterine implantation sites, and some entire specimens still embedded in pregnant uteri and tubes. Indeed, how many cases of hydatiform degeneration one can find in con- ceptuses in tubal or hysterectomy specimens will depend very much upon the care with which the examination is made, for the condition undoubtedly is extremely common, and not rare, as heretofore supposed. Although the alleged menstrual age of these conceptuses ranged approximately from 6 to 218 days, most of them were young empty chorionic vesicles or mere remnants of such. Portions of quite a number were still implanted within the tube, however, and among these were two unusually fine ones in a rare specimen of twin pregnancy in a tube donated by Dr. Cecil E. Vest, of Baltimore. Since the ques- tion of superfetation has been raised also in connection with twin tubal pregnancies, I add that such a phenomenon, even if it ever occurs (which seems exceed- ingly doubtful), can be excluded absolutely in this case. Both chorionic vesicles were approximately of the same size and lay in practically the same cross-section of the tube, the surfaces of contact being flattened. There were 40 tubes containing villi only, and in 14 of these hydatiform degeneration probably was present. In 10 specimens its presence was undoubted, but in 4 it was probable only. I realize that this margin of probability is exceedingly large, but this is easily understood if it is recalled that often only a few degenerate villi embedded in clot were contained in the cross-sections of the tubes, and that only a few sections were examined, not, of course, a complete series of each tube. Had the entire tubes been examined, or if more villi had been present, and if those present had been better preserved, the difficulty would have been almost wholly obviated. However, it is idle to set forth these things, because such con- ditions never will obtain, and the margin of probability becomes greatly reduced if it is remembered that in a large series the specimens necessarily supplement each other. Moreover, the changes in the villi often are so typical that they are unmis- takable, even if only a few villi are present. Besides, examination in complete series undoubtedly would increase, not decrease, the number found. In some of the doubtful cases the existence of hydatiform degeneration became probable only upon comparison with the many uterine specimens previously examined. The evidence offered by the 36 tubal specimens in the second group, which is composed of empty chorionic vesicles or parts thereof, was very conclusive, for the cut portions of most of these tubes contained considerable portions or even sections of whole chorionic vesicles, sometimes quite free from clot. Some of them were implanted almost perfectly in the wall of the tube, and although many of them were folded extremely and collapsed more or less, small areas of several were never- theless implanted undisturbed within the tube. The villi in some of these implanted specimens were so characteristic and the whole picture so exquisite that the spee- imens rightly belong among the very finest instances of hydatiform degeneration found anywhere so far. This is true in particular of the case of twin pregnancy re- HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN TUBAL PREGNANCY. 239 ceived from Dr. Vest. In this specimen the two chorionic vesicles, the intervillous spaces of which were devoid of blood, lay in almost the same transverse diameter of the tube, and hence had distended the latter considerably. Both were implanted quite well over the entire area of contact, which included the whole perimeter of the tube. The chorionic vesicles were flattened at the region of mutual contact, which divided the tube somewhat unequally (fig. 13, plate 2, Chap. IV). Although the embryo and the amnion long had disintegrated completely, and although the chorionic membrane itself is thin, covered by degenerate epithelium and also dis- integrating, the epithelium of the villi not only is well preserved, but is accompanied by large masses of trophoblast and considerable syncytium. Syncytial buds are found on the chorionic membrane also. The tubal mucosa is largely and the tubal wall partly destroyed by the invading trophoblast. Only a few small vestiges of the walls of the villous vessels remain, and the stroma of all the villi has under- gone changes characteristic of hydatiform degeneration, as represented in figure 136. One villus also contains an epithelial cyst resulting from epithelial invagi- to nation with subsequent isolation of the distal extremity, a process to be referred later in connection with uterine specimens. Since most of the villi of this and similar specimens still are implanted in the tube, there can no longer be any ques- tion as to the time in which hydatiform changes in the stroma of the villi may be inaugurated. As illustrated in other instances in which isolated and small groups of villi were still implanted, the advent of degeneration of the stroma occurs, in part at least, before the villus is detached. Hence it is not merely a post-mortem or maceration change. Another very interesting specimen of tubal implantation is No. 1771, received from Dr. H. M. N. Wynne, of the Johns Hopkins Hospital. The menstrual age of this specimen is 49 days, but its anatomic age, as based upon length according to Streeter’s (1921) curve, is 37 days, thus showing a discrepancy of 12 days between the menstrual and anatomic ages. The embryonic length is only 12.5 mm., although with a menstrual age of 49 days it should be at least 18 mm. Upon examination, Streeter found the chorionic vesicle to contain a good deal of magma, some of which was still adherent to the embryo, as figure 148 (plate 14, Chap. X) shows. As has been repeatedly emphasized in the literature, the presence of this coagulum in itself probably indicates that the embryo died some time previously. The wall of the tube is quite thin, as figure 138 shows, but the implantation is fairly well preserved around the whole perimeter of the specimen. The mucosa is destroyed throughout the greater extent of the section and the trophoblast is abundant, except in one rather degenerate and hemorrhagic area. The chorionic membrane is thin, but contains some vessels distended with blood. The stroma of many of the villi also contains vessels filled with blood, but the vessels in many others are very evidently in degeneration. The syncytium is scanty, and many of the villi are very plainly hydatiform, as seen in figures 137 and 139. A third exceptionally fine specimen of tubal hydatiform mole is No. 2052, donated by Dr. C. L. Davis, of Washington, District of Columbia. Figure 140 shows a portion of the tube containing a hydatiform mole, some hydatiform villi 240 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. of which protrude through an incision in the wall of the tube. The whole opening is filled with typical hydatiform villi which are noticeable with the unaided eye and perfectly evident under an enlargement of 4 diameters. They present an extremely fine picture when seen with the binocular under a magnification of 10 to 20 diam- eters. Examination under a higher magnification shows that the preservation of the specimen is unusually good and that all the villi are markedly hydatiform. Trophoblastic proliferation is so marked that in some places it gives the appear- ance of decidual formation. Relatively little syncytium is present, but the tro- phoblast invades the muscularis in many places and a good deal of coagulum is present, most of it apparently having arisen from degeneration changes in the stroma of the mucosa and from similar changes in the trophoblast and the mus- cularis. The latter is moderately invaded by round cells. No remnant of the wall of the chorionic vesicle or of the amnion or embryo could be detected in the sections examined, both evidently having been absorbed completely, only some of the villi remaining behind; or, the chorionic vesicle may have been aborted and these villi left implanted within the tube. Some exceedingly fine hydatiform villous trees were found among the speci- mens in this group. Scaffoldings or frameworks formed by proliferating syncytium arising from the epithelium of the chorionic membrane also were seen. Since the syncytial buds were found far out on proliferations of trophoblast which capped the villi, and also in the center of trophoblastic nodules, the origin of the syncytium from the Langhans layer again would seem to be exceptionally well confirmed. In some cases a detached hydatiform villus was fastened by opposite extremities to two portions of the tube wall. It is well to remember, however, that one of these attachments probably was gained before the separation of the particular villus from the chorionic vesicle. Of the 36 cases remaining in this group of chorionic vesicles without amnion, after deducting 8 (7 of which belong in group 1 and 1 which belongs in group 2), 50 per cent showed the presence of undoubted hydatiform degeneration, and in 1 additional case its existence was doubtful. Since only a few specimens are contained in each of the last five groups, I shall treat them as one. Among 28 specimens remaining in these groups, 12, or 43 per cent, showed the presence of hydatiform degeneration, and 4 others were doubt- ful. From this percentage it is evident that the incidence of hydatiform degenera- tion among tubal specimens seems to increase rather than decrease with advancing age of the conceptus, as was emphasized in connection with the uterine specimens. This probably can be attributed to the fact that the specimens in the first group are composed of villi only, and that many of the empty chorionic vesicles in group 2 were detached from the wall of the tube by hemorrhage before hydatiform degen- eration had developed sufficiently to enable me to recognize it. Moreover, it must be remembered that all tubal specimens, no matter in what group they are clas- sified, are in fact young specimens, and since those falling in the latter groups succeeded in maintaining a foothold in spite of repeated hemorrhages, a large num- ber of them might rightly be expected to show the presence of a hydatiform change. HYDATIFORM DEGENERATION IN TUBAL PREGNANCY. 241 The incidence of hydatiform degeneration in the 108 tubal pregnancies classed as pathologic is 45, or 41.7 per cent of the whole. This is a somewhat higher incidence than was obtained in the uterine abortuses classed as pathologic, and may be accounted for partly, or even wholly, by the greater incidence of young specimens in the tubal series. That the tubal specimens undoubtedly were y ounger follows from common knowledge regarding tubal pregnancies alone, but it also is shown by the average menstrual age, which was 43.4 days in 25 tubal as com- pared with 66.6 days in 51 uterine specimens. Moreover, 32 of the 48 tubal speci- mens of hydatiform degeneration, or 66.6 per cent, fall into the first two groups, thus again showing that the majority are small, young specimens. However, by comparing the percentage of hydatiform degeneration in the first five groups of the pathologic tubal and uterine cases composed of conceptuses of approximately the same age, the same difference in incidence is noticeable, it being almost twice as great in the tubal as in the uterine series. Although the incidence of hydatiform degeneration among the pathologic tubal specimens is but slightly higher than that among the pathologic uterine specimens, the incidence of hydatiform degeneration in all tubal specimens con- tained among both the normal and pathologic is twice as high as that among the same classes of uterine specimens. This can be explained only partly by the fact that a larger proportion of the tubal specimens are young and pathologic. The pathologic tubal specimens form 70.5 per cent of 153 normal and pathologic tubal specimens found among the first 1,200 accessions, but the pathologie uterine specimens form only 33.6 per cent of the normal and pathologic uterine groups among the same accessions. But the real question remains, for the incidence of hydatiform degeneration among the specimens classed as pathologic was essentially the same in tube and uterus. Hence an increased incidence of 200 per cent in hy- datiform degeneration in the tubes may be due to the less favorable nidus found there. If so, it throws a very significant light upon the probable cause of hydati- form degeneration, which would seem to lie in the conditions surrounding the implantation and early development rather than in the ova or spermatozoa them- selves. The conclusion, reached in a study of uterine specimens, that hydatiform degeneration is absolutely less, not more, frequent near the menopause is confirmed also by the study of the tubal specimens. The average age of 20 women in the tubal series was 33.9 years, as opposed to an average of 31 years obtained from 36 women in the uterine group. This age difference offers a tempting opportunity for generalization, and did the statistics include thousands of cases one might be willing to say that it points to a progressive change as cause, which begins in the uterus and finally reaches the tubes. But strangely enough, the average number of years of married life of 15 women in the tubal series is exactly the same as that of 29 women in the uterine series, or 7.1 years. This fact at once guards against a venturesome hypothesis, for it allows a no longer period for the supposed ascending change to reach the tubes than the uterus. 242 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Eight of 20 women from the tubal series had borne one child, 4 had borne two, and 3 more than two, thus again more than confirming the statistical findings in the uterine series, which show that 9 of 33 women had borne once and 18 but twice. The parallelism between these statistics is striking indeed, especially if the small numbers be considered; 14 of 23 women, or 60.8 per cent, in the tubal series had aborted but once, as compared to 19 out of 44, or 46.3 per cent, in the uterine series, a fact which again points to the middle rather than to the end of the reproductive life of these women. I do not know whether or not hydatiform degeneration in the tube also is relatively more common near the menopause, for I have not been able to obtain data on the relative frequency of tubal pregnancy in the different decades in the reproductive life of women. However, since by far the greater number of pregnan- cies usually occur early in this period, it probably would be safe to assume that most of the tubal pregnancies occur also at this time. Consequently, it might well follow that the ratio of tubal hydatiform degeneration to the number of pregnancies occurring in the later actually might be greater than that in the earlier decades. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. Puiate 13. Fic. 135. A portion of a rather fibrous decidua. No. 874a. 300. (See Chap. VIII.) Fig. 136. Hydatiform villi in section. No. 825. X45. Fig. 137. Cross-section of tube and vesicle. No. 1771. 4. Fic. 138. Cross-section of same, showing hydatiform villi. x2. Fic. 139. Hydatiform villi from same, in section. X45. Fig. 140. Hydatiform villi protruding through an incision in the tube wall. No. 2052. x2. MALL AND MEYER —.t CHAPTER xX. ALLEGED OCCURRENCE OF SUPERFETATION. From time to time reports of alleged and apparent instances of human super- fetation appear in current medical literature. Reports of similar instances in other mammals occur also, although more rarely, in the nonmedical literature. As recent instances of the former may be cited the cases reported by Logan (1917) and Gustetter (1918). Of instances of the latter may be mentioned the cases of King (1913), Sumner (1916), and Harmann (1917, 1918). The latter group of cases were found in the rat, the mouse, the cat, and the cow, respectively. Without accepting the alleged or apparent cases in mammals with bicornuate uteri as unequivocal, it is easy to see that, aside from ectopic implantations, the conditions under which superfetation necessarily would have to occur in the human uterus may be totally different from those that may obtain in bicornuate uteri. Since the usual intermenstrual period in women is 28 days, it would also seem, as often asserted, that the older of two fetuses in a case of human superfetation certainly would occlude the uterine cavity rather effectively, and alone make fertil- ization of any ovum, liberated at a subsequent ovulation, difficult. It would seem to do this, entirely aside from the possible effect of the cervical mucous plug so frequently referred to in the literature. These things are true especially in such instances as that of Gustetter, in which the time interval between the ages cf two fetuses is estimated to have been as great as 65 days. Moreover, it would seem that the development of the first fetus and that of the corpus luteum in such a case as this would have inhibited the occur- rence of subsequent ovulations. An obstacle to the implantation might also be found in the condition of the decidua, even if later ovulation actually occurred. Since Loeb (1912) found that in the pregnant guinea-pig the endometrium can not be stimulated to form a new decidua, it is evident that the fertilized ovum might encounter insuperable difficulties if similar conditions obtain in the human being. However, if a young blastocyst really can become implanted on the bare surface of an ovary, or on the peritoneum even, then it may well be doubted whether a new decidual reaction is essential for implantation of the ovum in the human being. Furthermore, when implantation in the Graafian follicle occurs, there is no de- cidual reaction, at least nothing comparable to what occurs in the uterus, although the proliferating luteal cells may possibly act vicariously to some extent. How- ever, there are other obstacles to superfetation, such as those mentioned above and the possible occlusion of the uterine tubal orifices in consequence of hyper- plasia of the uterine musculature and mucosa. Although it is being established that ovulation and menstruation apparently are not contemporaneous phenomena, succeeding ovulations nevertheless prob- ably are periodic and separated by a considerable interval of time from each other. Such a conclusion seems to be fully warranted, although it is, of course, well known that ovulation may occur without menstruation in normal nonpreg- 243 244 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. nant women. This, however, does not establish the occurrence of ovulation during pregnancy. According to Fraenkel (1910°) and Miller (1910), ovulation normally precedes menstruation by about 9 days; but from a study of 100 cases in which the time of occurrence of the menstrual period and the approximate time of coitus were known, Siegel (1915) concluded that ovulation usually occurs between the seventh and fourteenth day post menstruum. Cosentino (1897) and also a few others have reported cases of ovulation during pregnancy in women, but we unfortunately know little as to the exact conditions which obtain, so that the entire matter remains as yet rather undecided. Franco (1910), while reporting a case of spurious superfetation, gave a long list of Italian writers who were said to believe in the occurrence of superfetation. Unfortunately, this literature at present is largely inaccessible to me in the original, and such as is accessible remains unconvincing, as all of it apparently seemed to Cuzzi, who isreported by Franco as regarding superfetation only as a theoretical pos- sibility. Nor does there seem to be good evidence that ovulation occurs during pregnancy in other higher mammals. The only case cited is the questionable one in a cat reported by Christopher (1886). At present it has not even been established that superfetation occurs in the rare cases of double ovarian or of combined ovarian and uterine pregnancies, although these cases would seem to furnish far more favorable conditions. Did thealleged occurrenceof superfetation not involvea series of assumptions each one of which remains unproved, belief in it would seem easier. Consequently, in view of all these things, the conclusion of Gustetter that super- fetation is “a frequent though often overlooked cause” of abortion in women seems rather venturesome, and anyone who critically examines Herzog’s (1898) article will see that the evidence he presents really does not justify the claim that it “demonstrates fairly well that there is very little if any reasonable doubt left as to the occurrence of superfetation in the human race.’”’ Indeed, although the cases here presented would seem to offer far more conclusive evidence of the occurrence of superfetation than any presented heretofore, there is no doubt that such an interpretation of them would be a mistaken one. The possibility of superfecundation, however, is not necessarily excluded by these considerations, for ova from the same ovulation still might be fertilized at somewhat different periods by some spermatozoa from the same or from subsequent coituses. But even while theoretically possible, it is evident that the relatively limited period of vitality of the unfertilized ovum, as contrasted with the duration of pregnancy, would make it extremely difficult, if not impossible, to recognize such cases. This would be true even if they occurred in the earlier stages of devel- opment, for normal growth differences are too great when contrasted with the greatest differences that could possibly exist under these circumstances. This would seem to be true even if we grant that the spermatozoa have a somewhat more tenacious life than ova. Mall (1918) considered evidence which seems to indicate that the life of the fertilizing power, even if not the life of the spermato- zoon, is a decidedly limited one. Hence, if this be true, superfecundation is limited still further as a factor in the problem of superfetation. ALLEGED OCCURRENCE OF SUPERFETATION. 245 In all instances in which the discrepancy in size or development between two fetuses is such as to suggest that one of them arose from an ovulation so far removed from the other as to produce unusual differences in size in the later months of prenatal development, the assumption of independent action of the ovaries, con- sidered by King in the case of the rat, would not avoid the foregoing difficulties. Nor could the occurrence of deferred fertilization, which is‘advanced by Sumner as an explanation for the occurrence of supernumerary broods in mice, be used as an explanation in human cases, for the period of vitality of both the ovum and the spermatozoon would seem to be entirely too short to become responsible for marked development differences. Sumner found supernumerary litters to occur in 3 per cent of 250 broods in young mice. Such litters were particularly frequent in young deer mice. The frequency of supernumerary broods would seem to vary greatly in closely allied mammals, however, for King observed only 2 cases, and these she regarded only as “seemingly” instances of superfetation, among 700 normal broods of rats. This is an incidence of 0.28, or a frequency only one-eleventh as great as that found by Sumner in mice. Sumner also stated that more than 80 per cent of the super- numerary broods survived nearly or quite nearly to maturity, and King added that all of those broods in rats were raised to maturity and that some were used for breeding purposes later. Although both King and Sumner regarded the occurrence of superfetation with considerable reserve, neither seems to have considered the possibility of delayed parturition in one horn of the uterus as worthy of consideration in connec- tion with supernumerary broods between which the time interval was short. Whenever this interval was relatively long as contrasted with the gestation period, such a suggestion is untenable, unless corresponding developmental differences were present. It might be helpful as well as interesting to make a careful gross and microscopic examination of the broods concerned in order to contrast the respec- tive states of development. Since L. Fraenkel (1910°) found that some rabbits copulate while pregnant, it would be of especial interest to know if supernumerary broods are particularly common in such rabbits, and whether supernumerary broods can be produced in mice should comparable conditions obtain. A particularly interesting question would seem to be raised by the occurrence of such cases as reported by Guerra (1909), in which a second implantation is said to have occurred while a dead fetus still was retained in utero. Under these circumstances the smaller, younger fetus should always be best preserved. Although ovulation, and perhaps also menstruation, could occur under such circumstances because of the occasional regen- eration of the endometrium, even before abortion, one scarcely can regard such a sequence of events as established at present. However, Franco (1910) stated that there is no lack of cases in which a second pregnancy occurred under such circum- stances. But that does not establish the occurrence of superfetation, for in a physiological sense death of a conceptus really terminates a pregnancy. Since at least partial regeneration of the endometrium may occur in the presence of a dead 246 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. conceptus, it is conceivable that a new implantation might occur in spite of the pres- ence of a dead conceptus. This, however, would be a case of pseudo-superfetation only, for if the term has any real significance it can only mean the superposition of a second pregnancy upon one that is still living. Sumner quite rightly called attention to the fact that in the great majority of cases of superfetation recorded in man, one or both fetuses were macerated before born, and King concluded that ‘many cases that have been reported as due to superfetation unquestionably are instances of superfecundation or of blighted ova.”’ Nevertheless, King regarded the case in a sheep reported by Arrowsmith (1834) as probably genuine, and added that “although Christopher found that ovulation might occur during pregnancy in the cat, superfetation is not known to occur in this animal.’”’ However, Jepson, in 1883, reported such a case, and Harman (1917) another. Neither report, however, would seem to bear critical scrutiny, although both are quite as trustworthy as other reports of alleged superfetation. In the case of Harman it would seem more probable that intra- uterine death of one fetus with survival of the other was responsible for the miscon- ception. It should be recalled that such instances are relatively common in the rat, guinea-pig, rabbit, ferret, marmot, pig, and some other mammals. These phenomena have been discussed by Strahl and Henneberg (1902), Henneberg (1903), L. Fraenkel (1903), Koebner (1910), Huber (1915), Mall (1915), and Meyer (1917’). As is evident from figure 149, in which the so-called younger superfetus, reported by Harman in a cat, is contrasted with a normal cat fetus (fig. 210, plate 8, Chap. XIII) of approximately the same length, the latter has a totally different form. The same thing is evident also, although to a lesser degree, on comparing the illustration accompanying Harman’s article with one from Kunz (1916), shown in figure 150. Since the latter, the larger of two macerated ap- parent superfetuses, in the report of Kunz, was deformed by retention, it may have measured a little more or less—probably more—than 10 mm. at the time of its death. However, even were it a trifle older than the fetus in figure 210, as its form would seem to suggest, the difference is slight and may be ignored for purposes of comparison. Kunz spoke of the larger fetus, shown in figure 150, as entirely normal, which it apparently was, for the deviations from the normal form (figure 210), which the illustration so clearly shows, undoubtedly are due to post-mortem, ante-partum changes so common in human abortuses. Junz’s conclusion that all three fetuses in his case in the eat resulted from ova which were fertilized approximately at the same time heartily commends itself. Kunz further concluded that these specimens furnish no evidence for the occurrence of super- fetation, in spite of the fact that two smaller macerated distorted fetuses, which were only 9 and 10 mm. long, accompanied a nearly full-term fetus. Harman (1918) also reported a case in the cow which, however, she regarded merely as one of ‘“‘probable superfetation.”” Unfortunately this report rests very largely on the statement of a veterinarian, who made no further examination of the specimen. Hence it would seem that we have no unequivocal evidence regard- ALLEGED OCCURRENCE OF SUPERFETATION. 247 ing the occurrence of superfetation, even in mammals other than man. More- over, as far as man is concerned, the large amount of literature on the subject furnishes no cases more convincing than that of Calderini (1909). Most of them can be easily recognized, from the reports alone, as probable instances of twin pregnancy, in which one fetus died and then was retained until the birth of the other. Confusion is due largely to the fact that dead fetuses often are retained for a considerable period without showing very evident changes in form or gross structure. This seems to be due, in part at least, to retardation in the lytic proc- esses in embryonic as compared with adult tissues, a phenomenon which has been referred to the slow post-mortem development of acidity in embryonic tissue. Since external form is mainly relied on as a criterion by the general practi- tioner, it is easy to see how misinterpretation of the facts arises, and it is significant that it is only the specialist who has come to doubt that superfetation ever occurs in human kind. This assumes, however, that by superfetation is meant the partly simultaneous intrauterine development of two or more fetuses derived from ova liberated by independent ovulations separated from each other by a considerable period of time; or, in brief, the superposition of one pregnancy upon another. Since most reports on superfetation concern fetuses in the later months of pregnancy, it occurred to me that a representation of certain instances of twin pregnancy from the earlier months of pregnancy might be of special interest, because such specimens could more easily and rightly be taken for examples of true superfetation. In the cases under consideration, one fetus evidently died some time before the abortion of both, a circumstance that resulted in con- siderable differences in age and form between the two. An examination of the accompanying cases will make it clear that all the instances here reported easily could be included among the alleged instances of superfetation found in the litera- ture without doing the least violence to that literature. More than that, the in- stances here reported would form fine examples among such cases. The youngest specimen contained in the Carnegie Collection which came to my attention, and which might be regarded as one of superfetation, is No. 587, donated by Dr. F. A. Conradi of Baltimore. The cavity of the larger chorionic vesicle in the fresh specimen measured 32 by 23 by 23 mm., and that of the smaller about 6by6by9mm. The latter was empty, but the former contained a cylindrical embryo 7 mm. long which Mall found greatly dissociated with a practically solid brain and only a remnant of the intestine. The amnion was present, and as shown in figure 31 (plate 4, Chap. IV), both vesicles formed a single mass which was covered by infiltrated decidua. That these chorionic vesicles both once contained an embryo, no embryologist will doubt. It is evident also that both were retained for some time after life and growth had ceased. The gross and histologic appear- ance of the entire specimen alone is sufficient proof of this. Although the smaller chorionic vesicle was incorporated in the margin of the larger, its death did not lead to its abortion or to that of the surviving twin. Yet the smaller of these twins undoubtedly died a considerable period before the larger. This is indicated also by an examination of the specimens and by the presence of decidua between 248 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. the villi belonging to the respective vesicles at a point where they come in closest contact. An examination of this area shows that the ovum giving rise to the smaller conceptus was embedded independently, although undoubtedly also contempo- raneously with the larger. Hence this specimen can not be rightly regarded as one of superfetation. The next specimens of twin pregnancy which might be regarded as a case of superfetation are Nos. 788 a and 6, donated to the Carnegie Collection by Dr. Anfin Egdahl. These twin chorionic vesicles, which were almost of the same size, measured 60 by 45 by 40 and 60 by 55 by 40 mm., respectively. Although of approximately the same size, the former contained a stunted embryo 17 mm. long, the latter a nodular one only 3 mm. long. The differences in size and in the character of the two embryos are so marked that they prompted Mall to make special inquiry of the donor as to whether these chorionic vesicles were really obtained from the same patient, as reported. This inquiry Dr. Egdahl was able to answer promptly and positively in the affirmative. Here we are again dealing with a case of twin pregnancy, in spite of the fact that the size of the em- bryos might seem to indicate that we really have a case of superfetation under consideration. But that the case is not such is shown also by the fact that the chorionic vesicles practically are of the same size. The smaller abortus with a partially inverted chorionic vesicle containing the better preserved of the twins is shown in figure 21 (plate 3, Chap. IV). Figure 19 (plate 2, Chap. IV) shows the appearance of the larger abortus, which contained the smaller nodular embryo only 3 mm. long. The latter is seen at a midpoint near the upper third of the illustration. Both illustrations are practically of natural size. The larger fetus, the external form of which was fairly preserved, had an approximate age of about 48 days, as estimated by the Streeter (1921) curve. Mall noted that the organs could all be outlined, but that they were dissociated, and that the mandibular region had fused with the skin of the thorax. The small nodule, which represents the only remnant of the embryo belonging to the larger chorionic vesicle, contains a large cavity, with thick, fibrous walls, but nothing save epidermis and a remnant of the nervous system could be recognized. A far more convincing instance of apparent superfetation was found in a specimen of twins donated by Dr. Jane Ross of Binghamton, New York. The fetuses, Nos. 1840 a and b, contained in this abortus are shown in figures 151 and 152. The larger measured 31 mm., but the smaller only 15 mm., indicating respective ages of 63 and 45 days. The chorionic vesicles belonging to these twins, which formed a single mass, are shown in figures 153 and 154. The incised vesicle containing the smaller fetus is shown in figure 154, and the larger vesicle, which is somewhat inverted, in figure 153. Since the latter had been opened and the larger fetus exposed, I at first overlooked the smaller fetus and found it only at a subsequent examination made for the purpose of determining the cause for the peculiar consistency and appearance of this portion of the abortus. The condition of the smaller fetus, which is well revealed in figure 152 under a magnification of ALLEGED OCCURRENCE OF SUPERFETATION. 249 4 diameters, is abundant evidence of the fact that it died a considerable period of time before the abortion occurred. This interval must have been several weeks. This specimen also nicely illustrates the fact that the death of one fetus does not necessarily result in the immediate abortion of it and its vesicle or of the other chorionic vesicle, as is sometimes still assumed. Through the generosity of Dr. Gustetter, I am also enabled to present repro- ductions of the fetuses spoken of in his article. They are shown in figures 155 and 156 and from these illustrations it is clear that the smaller of the 2 fetuses probably stopped growth at about the sixth week. After this it became macerated and finally disintegrated, while the larger continued to grow, as in case of the speci- men from Dr. Ross. The larger of these fetuses is practically normal in appearance except for the post-partum shriveling. It is approximately 100 days old. Other specimens in the Carnegie Collection, such as No. 2036 a and 6, well might be included here, for one fetus was grouped as normal and the other as macerated. Indeed, it is a not very rare occurrence to find that the fetuses in a twin pregnancy had to be placed in different groups by Mall and his associates at the Carnegie Laboratory. However, this was not done because such specimens were regarded as instances of superfetation, but because the fetuses, although of the same age, differed in form and appearance. It is interesting that Saniter (1903) also reported a case of two unequally developed tubal conceptuses, one of which was implanted in the isthmus and the other near the fimbria. The former was said to be only of the third to the fourth week, while the latter contained a fetus 4 em. long. Both chorionic vesicles were said to have ruptured freshly. In commenting on this ease of Saniter’s, Werth (1904) said that he regarded the question as to whether it was a case of superfetation or merely one of twin preg- nancy an open one. It may be recalled that the occurrence of fetus papyraceus in cases of twin pregnancy also has been attributed in the past to superfetation. Moreover, as stated above, intrauterine death of one or more fetuses belonging to the same litter is relatively common in some mammals. However, since Jenkinson (1913) stated that the allantois and its blood-vessels and also the syncytium are regu- larly retained at birth in some marsupials, to be absorbed later through the activity of maternal leucocytes, it is evident that one must use caution in judging on the basis of experience in other mammals, especially the lower ones. In some of these the conditions are apparently quite different from those encountered in man. Strahl and Henneberg (1902) also pointed out that in the mole the entire placenta and membranes, as Hubrecht stated, are often retained for a month after parturi- tion. No one would assert that the human uterus shows the same tolerance or the same resorptive power, yet the daily experience of physicians, as well as the literature in obstetrics and gynecology, is replete with instances of retention of the membranes or the entire conceptus long after the death of the fetus. Al- though the presence of a surviving conceptus in multiple pregnancy materially alters the intrauterine conditions, it also would seem to predispose to retention 250 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. rather than to hasten the expulsion of the dead mate. That is, the survival of one twin, especially in the earlier stages of development, may depress rather than enhance the factors that lead to abortion. The impulses arising from the presence of the dead fetus may be counter- balanced or offset, for a time at least, by the presence of the living fetus, and thus tend to prolong the status quo. This would be the case particularly whenever, as in the specimen donated by Dr. Ross, the two chorionic vesicles are fused into a single mass; for then the portion belonging to the dead fetus, even if it forms one- half of the combined mass at first, soon is outstripped in size by the surviving vesicle, which, in the absence of infection, may continue to grow quite undisturbed, for some time at least; and even in the case of infection of the dead vesicle, prompt invasion of the living does not necessarily occur. Aside from clinical experience, this was indicated also by the experiments of Maffuci (1894) on incubating eggs and on pregnant rabbits and guinea-pigs. The apparent resistance of the young fetus to syphilis, the characteristic lesions of which have not as yet been success- fully demonstrated in fetuses much before the second half of pregnancy, would also seem to point in the same direction. From these considerations it would seem to follow that especially favorable conditions for the production of gross differences would exist in some cases of twin pregnancy. Hence it need not surprise us that these differences have been largely responsible for the quite general belief in the occurrence of superfetation in women. But at present it remains merely a possibility, for the evidence on which this belief rests is wholly inadequate. It is interesting to recall that, in the past, fetus papyracei have also been regarded as examples of superfetation, as illustrated by the specimens reported by Fasola (1887). DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. Puate 14. Figs. 141-142. Hydatiform villi from No. 2250a and b, shown in fig. 134, plate 12, Chapter VIII. 4. Fics. 143-144. Twin conceptuses, both with hydatiform chorions. No. 24l1la and b. (See Chap. VIII.) 1.35. Fic. 145. Enlarged fetus from same, showing maceration effects. 2. Fics. 146-147. Macerated hydatiform villi from the same case. X6. Fic. 148. Cyema covered with magma. No. 1771. (See Chapter IX.) 2.67. Fic. 149. Apparent superfetus from a cat. (After Harman.) Fic. 150. Macerated, distorted normal cat fetus 10 mm. long. (After Kunz.) Fic. 151. Slightly macerated twin fetus. No. 1840a. 11.35. Fic. 152. Pseudosuperfetus. No. 18406. 2.67. Fic. 153. Opened, everted vesicle of No. 1840a and incised vesicle of 1840b. 0.66. Fic. 154. Opened chorionic vesicle of 1840b and placental area of 1840a. 0.66. Fic. 155. Twin fetus. No. 2036b. 0.66. Fic. 156. Pseudosuperfetus, No. 2036a, disarticulated by maceration. X2. 4 7 a MALL AND MEYER , oF - i + Ba ‘. ° woe ; wb het a> a a we. ~ 7 = ‘, CHAPTER XI. OVARIAN PREGNANCY. Although the Carnegie Collection contains almost 3,000 specimens of abor- tuses and others from operations upon the tubes and uteri, it includes only 2 cases of ovarian pregnancy. The first of these (No. 550) was described by Mall and Cullen (1913) and the second (No. 1522) by Meyer and Wynne (1919). This is an incidence of only 1 in 1,500 miscellaneous accessions composed mainly of abortuses, but it is not at all unlikely that the near future will experience an in- creased frequency, if not among the accessions to the Carnegie Collection, at least in the cases reported. For, although the first case of ovarian pregnancy under that heading in the Index Medicus is that of Kouwer (1897 [van Tussen- broek, 1899]), careful scrutiny of the titles listed for the last decade reveals the fact that 5 cases of ovarian pregnancy were reported in 1908, 4 each in 1909 and 1910, 7 in 1911, 13 in 1912, 9 in 1913, 7 in 1914, 3 in 1915, 1 in 1916, and 5 in 1917. This makes a total of 58 apparent cases reported within this decade. Since the reports on some of the cases were published in three different journals, these were, of course, counted merely as one, and although the authenticity of 4 of the cases must be questioned on the basis of the titles alone, the series, nevertheless, is a large one in spite of these facts and of a marked decline in the number reported during the war. Since Norris (1909) stated that only 19 certain cases, approxi- mately only one-third as many as all cases listed in the last decade, were reported in the decade between 1899 and 1909, it would seem that ovarian pregnancy is not only receiving increasing attention, but that a change in attitude as to what constitutes ovarian pregnancy is probably in progress. This conclusion would seem to be justified, even though a careful examination of the descriptions of the cases reported in the decade between 1908 and 1917 would reduce somewhat the number listed. Lockyer (1917) accepted as authentic only 22 cases of those reported between 1910 and 1917, but his review is only a partial one. Even so, it shows that there is a decided increase in the number of cases which have been regarded as genuine from decade to decade. The marked increase in the number of genuine cases reported in recent decades becomes still more evident if one recalls that Williams (1910) found only 13 positive cases up to 1906, whereas Norris found 19 positive cases in the single decade between 1899 and 1909. That is, Norris found more positive cases reported in that decade than had been reported in all previous medi- cal history up to 1906. This surely is striking. The opinion that many, even if not all, cases of so-called hematocele, hema- toma, apoplexy, blood-cysts, and rupture of the ovaries are probably nothing but cases of ovarian pregnancy in disguise has been held by various investigators for some time. Hence, if hematocele of the ovaries repeats the history of hematosal- pinx, it is not unlikely that the near future will see a marked increase in the reported frequency of ‘‘a fact so curious and important in itself,” as Granville aptly put it 251 252 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. a century ago. This would seem to be true in spite of the fact reported by Norris and Mitchell (1908) that only a single case of ovarian pregnancy was found among 44 extrauterine specimens and 58 hemorrhagic cysts contained in the collection of 1,700 gynecological specimens at the hospital of the University of Pennsylvania. At any rate, a careful microscopic examination of all such cases would seem to be indicated in the future in order to determine, if possible, which cases are and which are not conceptual in origin. Werth (1887) is said to have collected 12 cases, among which he regarded only that of Leopold (1882) as authentic. Leopold (1899) reported 14. Gilford (1901), in a splendid, succinct review of the literature, gave 28 cases, 16 of which he regarded as undoubted and 12 as probable. Roche (1902) accepted only 12 cases, Fiith (1902) accepted 21. Kantorowicz (1904), using the criteria of Leopold (1899), together with a microscopic examination, as a basis, grouped the cases recorded in the literature as certain, probable, and uncertain. He considered 17 as certain, 10 as probable, and 13 as uncertain. And to the 17 cases regarded as certain by him, Kantorowicz then added 2 of his own, basing his decision, however, mainly upon the presence of decidua in the ovaries, thus making 19 cases regarded as authentic by him. Freund and Thomé (1906) re- garded 23 of all the cases reported up to that time as certain. Norris and Mitchell (1908) considered 16 as positive, 15 as probable, and 9 as fairly probable. Warba- noff (1909) collected 34 cases and Norris (1909) regarded 19 of those contained in the literature of the previous decade as positive; but Williams (1910), from a critical review of the literature up to 1906, and upon the basis of the criteria of Spiegelberg, regarded only 13 as positive, 17 as highly probable, and 5 as probable. Mapes (1914) collected 30 cases, but wholly from secondary sources, and Lockyer (1917) 42, from the years 1910 to 1917. Of these cases Lockyer accepted 22 as authentic and 20 as questionable and undecided from the evidence available to him. This short summary suffices to show that there is as yet no consensus of opin- ion as to what constitutes an ovarian pregnancy. Although this fact finds its explanation partly in our lack of sufficient knowledge, it is due also to the meager- ness of some of the reports. However, if complete disintegration and lysis of intra- ovarian conceptuses can occur, then it must always remain a question of opinion in the future whether some of the cases so reported really were or were not true ovarian pregnancies. This must remain true, no matter how thorough the micro- scopic examination, unless the clinical history or changes in the maternal organism can afford us crucial tests in such cases. Anyone who reads far into the literature of ovarian pregnancy must also become aware of the fact that even very recently skepticism has been carried too far. Jacobson (1908), for example, placed the case of Kouwer-van Tussenbroek (a case which finally convinced Bland-Sutton) and that of Webster (1904) in the doubtful class! Furthermore, he also insisted upon the presence of an embryo or fetus as absolutely essential. It must be emphasized, however, that even a liberal attitude on the part of a reviewer would not justify him in accepting all cases reported as genuine upon OVARIAN PREGNANCY. 253 the basis of the reports themselves, for they—especially the older ones—are often too meager to enable one to form a reliable opinion. This is illustrated also by such recent reports as those of Garrard (1916), Martin (1917), Sweeney (1917), and Mills (1917). Although it must be remembered that from the very nature of things it is sometimes impossible to make a report which in itself carries con- viction, it is regrettable that in a number of relatively recent cases, in which such a report apparently could have been made, this was not done. Mills’s case seems to have been an instance of ovarian implantation in a region other than the Graaf- ian follicle, and hence recalls the first case of Granville and the cases of Franz (1902), Norris (1909), Paucot and Debeyre (1913), and perhaps also that of Kouwer (1897 [van Tussenbroek, 1899]). Today it is no longer true, as stated by Freund and Thomé (1906) and by Sencert and Aron as late as 1914, that authentic cases of ovarian pregnancy belong to the great rarities. Yet the fact that many of our States, as well as many large clinics, have not a single case on their records seems to suggest that the condition is still seldom recognized, a century after Granville observed his first case. Moreover, a number of continental gynecologists and obstetricians, for a quarter of a century, have regarded the occurrence of ovarian pregnancy as un- doubted. Anderson (1917) stated that German writers began to report cases of ovarian pregnancy with some frequency after 1901, and Gilford (1901) also called attention to the fact that continental opinion had long accepted ovarian implan- tation not only as possible, but as proved. Gilford further referred to the often- quoted opinion of Tait that ovarian pregnancy is as rare as “‘a blue lion or a swan with two necks,” and in his article in 1899 also called attention to the opinion of Bland-Sutton that ovarian pregnancy not only has no existence, but that it is impossible. These opinions are particularly interesting in view of the careful reports made by Granville (1820 and 1834) in connection with the two cases which he then and which others since have regarded as cases of undoubted ovarian pregnancy, in spite of the absence of microscopic examination. In view of this lack, it is particularly fortunate that both of these reports of Granville are accom- panied by splendid illustrations by Bauer, which also won him praise and admira- tion and which greatly strengthened his cases. It may be recalled in this connec- tion that Werth (1901) accepted Granville’s case recorded in 1820, but said nothing about his second more convincing instance reported in 1834. Although there is as yet no agreement as to what constitutes an authentic case, a review of the literature justifies the growing and apparently well-founded belief that in the past too much emphasis has been laid on certain criteria which later experience has shown to be partly inapplicable. It is becoming clear that some cases, formerly excluded for reasons regarded as sufficient, with our present knowledge could no longer be rejected. Moreover, it does not seem at all im- probable that some cases listed as tubal really were ovarian in origin. Nor must it be forgotten that not even the entire absence of remnants of the conceptus can positively exclude a case from the category of true ovarian pregnancy. Ina number of cases in the literature, and also in our own cases, the clinical history 254 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. and gross anatomic findings suggest the conclusion drawn by Scott (1901), on a priori grounds alone, that the conceptus may be completely resorbed. It may, of course, also be aborted or disintegrate completely. That such an assumption is justified is indicated by the lysis of the embryo or fetus in a large number of cases of ovarian pregnancy, and also by the very degenerated condition of some of the vesicles and of the surrounding ovarian stroma. The possibility of such an occurrence in the ovary is established also by similar events in uterine and tubal pregnancies discussed elsewhere (Meyer, 1919°). It probably is illustrated also by such cases as those of Anning and Littlewood (1901), in which no mention is made of an embryonic disk in a translucent conceptus the size of a “‘pea.”’ Then, to be sure, there are the cases of unruptured ovarian pregnancies containing villi only, as well as the rare case, probably of double ovarian pregnancy, of Holland (1911). Although one can not be certain that embryonic tissue was removed from the left ovary with the blood-clot which was forcibly expelled at the time of operation in this case, it is not at all improbable that the small plasmodial masses found in the left ovary were the only remnants of the conceptus. We realize fully that the conclusion that young conceptuses may be wholly dissolved is fraught with great uncertainty, but it nevertheless appears to be justified by the facts, and that it therefore is in the direction of truth. It could only fail to be so if every ovum that becomes implanted within the ovaries were aborted or were removed by operation before lysis was possible. One can not rightly refuse to recognize the possibility of the spontaneous disappearance of an ovarian pregnancy. Since implantation in the ovary occurs under such abnormal conditions, it would seem that for this reason alone the great majority of such implantations inevitably must succumb. This would seem probable, wholly aside from considerations regarding the development of the corpus luteum, although lack of, or interference with, the development of the latter also would seem to condition early death of the conceptus if the results of the long series of experiments on rabbits by L. Fraenkel (1903, 1910”) are indicative of the réle played by the corpus luteum in early implantations in man also. It surely is difficult, if not impossible, to see how implantation within the Graafian follicle, and especially the later development of the conceptus, can fail to inter- fere with the development of a normal corpus luteum. Cases in the literature, and also our case No. 1522, did not reveal the presence of any well-preserved or even true luteal cells at the time the pregnancy was terminated. Although this fact does not presuppose an entire lack of development of these cells in the earliest stages of the implantation, it undoubtedly does imply a defective devel- opment, which in itself may have become responsible for the death of the con- ceptus. Nor should the possible toxic effect of luteal cells upon the conceptus be forgotten in this connection. It is not assumed that the clinical symptoms and signs alone should suffice finally to group a specimen as truly ovarian, but when these are indicative of the presence of an ectopic gestation, and when undoubted intrauterine decidual changes are present, in the absence of abdominal pregnancy or tubal involvement OVARIAN PREGNANCY. 255 and a normal corpus luteum, and the presence of a blood-clot within the ovary, there would seem to be little reason for doubting the authenticity of the ovarian implantation, even in the absence of embryonic remnants. Since changes suggest- ing decidual reaction in the ovary have been reported so seldom, it is doubtful whether much emphasis can be laid on them. One seems justified in saying this in spite of the fact that the presence of decidua in the ovary formed the only ana- tomie evidence upon which Kantorowicz (1904) confidently classed his two rather advanced cases of ectopic, among authentic ovarian pregnancies. Moreover, if it be true, as stated by Webster (1904), that changes which can not be distinguished from true decidual changes not infrequently occur in the ovary in connection with normal uterine pregnancies, then the presence of islands of pseudo-decidual cells in an ovary surely can not be regarded as indicative of ovarian pregnancy. Perhaps, however, with modern histochemical methods, it would be possible to distinguish genuine decidual cells. In making this observation, we are fully aware that various criteria have been advanced from time to time by means of which to judge ovarian pregnancies, and that many of these have met with objec- tion and have hence been modified. Such modifications would seem to be inevi- table as long as there is progress in the solution of an unsettled question. The absence of the fetus in many of the recorded cases in itself demonstrates the entire inapplicability of the criterion added by Jacobson (1908). Moreover, the histologic appearance of the ovarian tissue around certain portions of the blood-clot in the present, and also in some of the cases in the literature, would seem to suggest that it may be very difficult to find remnants of ovarian tissue at several points in a case of pregnancy which has advanced far. Hence this criterion of Spiegelberg (1878) can not be regarded as necessarily crucial. Whenever the implantation is developed at the outer instead of at the inner margin of a follicle, as in the case of Banks (1912), early destruction, even if not early rupture, of the overlying ovarian stroma and capsule would seem to be inevitable. Indeed, whenever the layer of ovarian stroma overlying the placenta is thin, very early death of the fetus would seem to be inevitable from defective nutrition alone. On the other hand, when placental development occurs in the region of the follicle directed toward the body of the ovary, great destruction of the ovarian stroma would seem to be unavoidable, even if something akin to normal decidual forma- tion actually took place. In the case of Engelking (1913), for example, not a trace of an ovary was found in an ovarian pregnancy which had become interstitial. Even without assuming the complete authenticity of this rather equivocal case, it would seem highly probable that the presence of ovarian tissue later in the preg- nancy probably is determined very largely by the location of the fertilized follicle within or by the exact location of the implantation upon the ovary. From evidence contained in the literature, it is clear that further reports of single cases are not needed for the purpose of emphasizing the occurrence of ovarian pregnancy, yet such reports nevertheless may help in the determination of the relative frequency of this novel and sinister condition, and also throw further light upon its genesis and the finer relations of the implantations, as well as upon 256 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. other matters. Moreover, the cases which are accompanied by a careful histologic examination, and which for this reason alone are wholly unequivocal from an anatomic standpoint, are still relatively few. Specimen No. 550 of the Carnegie Collection is of interest to both the surgeon and the embryologist. It is also of great scientific value, for it shows conclusively that the ovum had lodged itself in the Graafian follicle, undoubtedly in the one from which it came, indicating that the sperm must have entered the follicle after it had ruptured. The fertilized ovum then found lodgment in the follicle, around which the corpus luteum developed. As in other cases which have been reported, no decidua was formed, showing that the decidua is not of embryonic origin. This case illustrates well the advantage of cooperation in research. Under a special organization, with a properly equipped laboratory attached to a surgical clinic, specimens of great scientific value may be recognized and properly reported; and it is not necessary to have an entire medical faculty attached to each clinical laboratory in order to make progress in medico-biological science. The specimen was sent to the Gynecological-Pathological Laboratory to be ex- amined and the following record was made: “‘The specimen consists of a tube and ovary from the right side. The tube at its outer extremity has been considerably mutilated. The portion received measures 6 cm. in length and is somewhat tortuous. It shows a few adhesions on the surface. Section through the middle portion of the tube shows the mucosa to be somewhat thickened and blood-tinged. Section through the distal portion gives a similar picture. There is no gross evidence of an extrauterine pregnancy. There is a portion of the fimbria present, but the port:on of the tube between this and the middle is missing. There is nothing to suggest placental tissue. The mucosa appears normal in the sections. “The ovary measures 5 by 4 by 3.5 em. The surface shows a few old adhesions. On section the ovary shows a cyst 3 cm. in diameter. Clinging to the wall and bulging into the cavity is a blood-clot 2 em. in width and 8 mm. in thickness. This on section appears to be corpus luteum. It is intimately connected with the walls of the cystic space. Further sections show villi in the clot attached to the inner surface of the space in the ovary.” The appearance of the specimen, with a section through the ovary, is shown well in figures 157 and 158. When received there came with it several sections from the Gynecological-Pathological Laboratory and these two drawings by Professor Brédel. These sections included the chorion, ovary, and uterine tube. The sections of the uterine tube appear normal, with a very extensive infolding of mucous membrane and occasional lymph-nodules in its walls. Doubtless the sections are from the distal or fimbriated end of the tube. The sections from the chorion are apparently at right angles to its main wall, as shown in the figure. The villi, which are irregular in arrangement, show attachment to the main wall of the chorion, while at their distal ends they invariably abut against the blood-clot (figure 162). In no instance is there any sign of the decidua, nor do the sections through the villi contain any of the adjacent ovarian tissue. The blood- clot is well organized, with strands of fibrin extending in all directions and without OVARIAN PREGNANCY. 257 distinct red blood-corpuscles. Most of the villi have a fibrous mesenchyme; in some it is mucoid. Scattered through the mesenchyme of the chorion there are blood-islands, or rather groups of blood-cells, within the blood-vessels from the embryo. These are especially numerous where the villi are attached to the main wall of the chorion, showing that in its development the embryo must have been present at an earlier stage. The distal ends of the villi are apparently covered with a double layer of epithelial cells, which is as should be in normal development. However, a rich peripheral trophoblast is missing. In the trophoblast are nu- merous small masses of disintegrating cells. These appear to be pretty well inter- mingled with mesenchyme cells at the tips of the villi, as shown in the figure. Many polymorphonuclear leucocytes are present where the trophoblast comes in contact with the blood-clot. Among the leucocytes there are isolated cells of the trophoblast. At points the isolated cells are also embedded in the mesenchyme of the villi. Altogether, these processes are quite identical with those found in the villi of the uterine moles, where there is also every indication of degeneration of the villi and their trophoblast, due to either faulty implantation or to infection. In none of the sections is there any indication of the embryonic mass, nor do the sections which were sent show the character of the ovarian tissue adjacent to the clot containing the villi, although in a number of sections the chorionic wall is shown to be composed of two layers, which doubtless represent both the chorion and the amnion (figure 162, Am and Ch). In one section these two layers are blended for a short distance, and at this point there are numerous embryonic blood-vessels. The fact that the amnion, which is quite characteristic, is in close apposition with the chorion, and the presence of numerous blood-islands show quite conclusively that they are identical with an ovum which is sufficiently well advanced in development to contain an embryo about 15 mm. long. When the specimen came to us it was composed of two pieces which were formed by cutting directly into it on the side of the rupture, as shown in figures 157 and 158. These are drawn natural size, and therefore give the dimensions of the ovary. A loose piece of clot was taken out and cut into serial sections, but upon close examination with a microscope no trace of the chorion could be found in any of them, so it appears as though we received only the clot and a small remnant of the chorion attached to it, which had possibly invaded the ovarian tissue and lodged itself freely within it. The ovary was then cut into slabs about 5 mm. thick, and at a distance from the cavity containing the villi a large corpus luteum, 10 mm. in diameter and entirely filled with blood, came into view (figure 159). New sections of the wall of the cavity were then made. These show that the cavity as a whole is lined with a smooth, grayish membrane barely 0.5 mm. in thickness. In the tissue between the corpus luteum and the main wall of the cavity there is an extravasation of blood which enters a few of the adjacent Graafian follicles. The arrangement of these follicles is well shown in figure 158, but the corpus luteum, which is filled with blood, is much nearer the proximate pole of the ovary, and is therefore not shown in this section. It is close to the point marked Adh (figure 157). Sections were then cut through the whole ovary, and 258 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. give the entire wall of the cavity containing the ovum. The sections, showing most of the structures, are at right angles to the ovary (directly through the letter O in the word ovary, figure 157). They were stained in a great variety of ways: hematoxylin, acid fuchsin, iron hematoxylin, orange G, and a number of connective- tissue stains. In general, they show that the ovary is active and not fibrous, apparently normal, containing numerous blood-vessels and a ring of large Graa- fian vesicles (figures 158 and 159), with an outside zone of small vesicles containing small ova. To all appearances this is as it should be in a young ovary. The wall of the cavity, containing the blood-clot and villi, is lined almost throughout with a layer of lutein cells (figure 161). This layer is quite uniform, ranging from 0.5 to 1 mm. in thickness. Between the lutein cells are numerous strands of blood-vessels, but on their inner side is a layer of fibrin before the blood- clot begins. On the outside the lutein cells form small islands of more compact cells which stain more intensely in hematoxylin (figure 161, Cl’). The section reminds one very much of a section of the adrenal. We have here a layer of lutein cells well spread out, possibly due to the distention of its cavity by the ovum and representing the corpus luteum, which, according to our conventions, is about as old as this ovum appears to be. In other words, it is clear that the ovum devel- oped within the cavity of the Graafian vesicle to which it belongs. The corpus luteum, filled with blood, near the proximate pole of the ovary (figure 160), which at first appears to represent the one from which the ovum came, is considerably more advanced in development than the one containing the ovum; therefore it belongs, in all probability, to a previous ovulation. Had it not been for the addi- tional sets of sections we made, it would have been necessary to interpret this specimen as Teacher, Bryce, and Kerr (1908) did theirs. The hemorrhage in the ovary between the older corpus luteum and the cavity containing the ovum could easily be viewed to indicate that the ovum invaded the ovarian tissue, as shown by the illustrations of the authors mentioned. The older corpus luteum demonstrates once more very clearly that it is imperative to standardize anew the development of the corpus luteum. It is encircled by a very marked corpus fibrosum, which is wavy and forms a uniform sheet about 0.5 mm. in thickness beyond the clot (figures 159 and 160). There are few lutein cells within it. On the inner side of the corpus fibrosum there is a thick layer of degenerated blood, and in the center a large mass of well-defined red blood-corpuscles. Within the very center of the clot is a cleft which is curiously lined and filled with red corpuscles, staining somewhat differently from those of the rest of the clot. Also, at the periphery of this clot there is a curious vesicle lying immediately under the outer fibrous layer, which may indicate a more recent hemorrhage. At any rate, the lutein cells encircling the cavity containing the clot and ovum prove quite conclusively that the ovum did not wander from a distant Graafian vesicle and become implanted freely within the tissue of the ovary. This conclusion has also been reached by Serebrenikowa (1912) in a report of a case of ovarian pregnancy, which confirms fully that of van Tussenbroek. OVARIAN PREGNANCY. 259 Bryce, Teacher, and Kerr have given an excellent review of the literature on ovarian pregnancy and Serebrenikowa has presented it from another standpoint. Both of the papers demonstrate that in ovarian pregnancy no decidua is formed, showing that a true decidua can not arise from the tissues of the ovary. Since the cavity containing the ovum in ovarian pregnancy does not always seem to be encircled by a layer of lutein cells, it is concluded that the ovum either invaded the ovary from its surface or that it burrowed from the Graafian vesicle after fertilization. Undoubtedly the latter is the case in the specimen recorded by Bryce, Teacher, and Kerr. In it the growing ovum broke through the layer of lutein cells and made for itself a cavity in the vascular stroma of the ovary. This conclusion could also have been drawn from our specimen had not a second set of sections been made which shows that a beautiful and characteristic layer of lutein cells is present. In the first set of sections the wall of the cavity was faulty, while the second was perfect. We do not wish to question the accuracy of other observers in this respect; we want only to record our own experience. At any rate, the possibility of a secondary attachment of the ovum to the ovary through its direct wandering from the Graafian vesicle into the adjacent tissue, or indirectly through a reinvasion from the surface of the ovary, can not be denied until it is shown that the ovum is invariably lodged in a Graafian vesicle and surrounded by a layer of lutein cells of the same age as that of the ovum. Before this is pos- sible it will be necessary to standardize the corpus luteum in relation to the ovum and embryo, and also to present as evidence only well-preserved specimens of ovarian pregnancy. Specimen No. 1522, which was donated to the Department by Dr. H. M. N. Wynne, is a firm, nodular, dark-colored mass, 26 by 16 by 11 cm., shown in figures 163 and 164. In the gross, it especially recalls the specimens of Freund and Thomé (1906), Giles (1914-1915), and Jaschke (1915), and Lockyer’s (1917) second case. The exterior is smooth though bosselated and formed by a rather injected layer which is extremely thin, showing the blood-clot beneath, around the greater extent of the specimen. The surface layer is eroded over several small elevated areas in which the blood-clot underneath is exposed. Hence, the capsule may have been ruptured in several or only in one of the areas as noted at the time of the operation. Near the region of amputation through the mesovarium shown to the right in the figure and marked by the corrugations of the hemostat, the tissue overlying the clot becomes more opaque, thicker, and also more yellowish. Here it is studded with small cysts, the character of which in itself suggests ovarian tissue. The color of the area to the right is also suggestive, and the cysts later were found to contain a clear, viscid fluid, so characteristic of cysts of the ovary. The location of the main portion of the ovarian stroma shows that implantation occurred near the mid-point of the free convex or posterior border of the ovary, and that the stroma forming the sides gradually was forced apart, not by the growing con- ceptus, except perhaps at the beginning, but mainly by the hemorrhage itself. The major portion of the surface of the divided specimen shown in figure 165 is composed of blood-clot, the presence of which confirms the ‘“‘blood-clot crepitus” 260 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. spoken of in the history. This clot contains an empty vesicle, the wall of which is formed for the greater part of its extent by a thin fibrous layer, except near the proximal or lower portion in the figure, where a thicker portion of ovarian tissue hoods the clot. Approximately only about one-third of the ovarian stroma seems to be preserved. Near the exterior of the thicker portions of the latter, a small cyst with clear content is found directly beneath the surface, as indicated in figure 166. The distal or upper portion in the figure shows the clot to contain an empty, smooth- walled, degenerate chorionic vesicle, such as is frequently seen in tubal clots. Examination of the cut surface with the binocular microscope shows the pres- ence of only a few isolated, degenerated, and some hydropie villi scattered through the clot. Examination of the chorionic vesicle shows the presence of only a few attached villi and that the amnion is fused to the chorion. Since the entire speci- men obtained at operation is covered still by a layer of ovarian tissue which is unbroken save in a few very small areas, it is evident that we are dealing with a very good example of an undoubted ovarian pregnancy in spite of the absence of an embryo. The latter undoubtedly did not escape through the small rupture in the capsule, for the chorionic vesicle seems entirely intact. Although the ab- sence of a corpus luteum in the opposite or left ovary was not especially mentioned, lack of comment would seem to suggest that none was present, for the ovary very evidently was examined. Hence, this implantation probably took place within the Graafian follicle itself, and not in some other area of the ovary. Celloidin sections of the excised portion show that the blood-clot contains no fibrin and that it is composed of relatively fresh and fairly well-preserved cells in the region near the main body of the ovarian stroma. The latter is quite normal, although decidedly vascular, and contains ova. The layer of the ovarian stroma which surrounds the clot becomes thinner and thinner the nearer the free border is approached. It also becomes more trabeculated, hemorrhagic, and degenerate. No overlying layer of smooth muscle, as mentioned by Young and Rhea (1911) and also by Kantorowicz, was seen. Some infiltration with polymorphonuclear leucocytes is noticeable. Degenerate villi are scattered about in the blood and a few others are apparently still attached to the equally degenerate ovarian stroma. Trophoblast is absent on these, although some of the villi that lie isolated in the clot possess a very evident epithelium and also are associated with a few small masses of very degenerate syncytium. Only a few degenerate, nonvascular villi are still seen on the chorion. Very little evidence of epithelial proliferation is present on these, despite the fact that the blood in which the vesicle is embedded is not very degenerate. This seems to suggest that the hemorrhage which caused the rupture of the ovary was comparatively recent, although the conceptus had been dead for some time. Some of the villi scattered about in the blood-clot are outlined by degenerate syncytium only, and nothing but small degenerate masses of the latter are seen on the chorionic membrane or lying about isolated in the degenerate blood found in other places. Nevertheless, the epithelium of the cho- rionic vesicle is thickened at several points. The amnion is fused with the chorion OVARIAN PREGNANCY. 261 and both membranes are very degenerate and destroyed amost completely in several places. The surrounding ovarian tissue, which is markedly vascular and degenerate, shows infiltration in places, especially where it is stretched over the large clot. No fibrous layer bounds the implantation cavity, as in the case re- ported by Seedorff. The ovarian stroma merely is slightly condensed here and there, and in places contains areas of hyaline degeneration, the exact origin of which could not be definitely determined. A few of these are found near the thin bounding layer of the ovarian stroma, but no lutein layer or even luteal cells could be recognized. The only objects seen which might be regarded as possibly luteal in origin are two microscopic rhomboidal areas which lie near a small depression upon the surface, indicated in figure 167. These areas, which were covered by a very thin layer of ovarian stroma only, were made up of parallel, degenerate, slightly separated cords consisting of a syncytium containing numerous rather pycnotic, unequal-sized nuclei. No pigment was seen in these areas, and were it not for the arrangement of the syncytial cords, one would not be reminded, even remotely, of a possible luteal origin. Although the germinal epithelium was wholly absent in the areas examined, these questionable areas nevertheless may have had such an origin. In the absence of lutein cells the present case corresponds to those of Freund and Thomé and others, and stands in marked contrast to the cases of van Tussenbroek, Franz, Anning and Littlewood (1901), and Thompson (1902). As in the case of Seedorff and others, no decidua was present, and nothing sug- gestive of an attempt at decidual formation, as reported by Franz, Webster (1904, 1907), Kantorowicz (1904), and Caturani (1914), was seen in the portions examined. In describing his case, Seedorff declared that in some places of contact be- tween the fetal and maternal tissues he could not discriminate between tropho- blast and connective-tissue cells which looked like decidual cells and lutein cells. It is interesting that Seedorff also spoke of villi which were almost filled with Lang- hans cells, an observation which naturally makes one wonder whether by any possibility these could have been Hofbauer cells. The preserved ovarian tissue which was found near the amputation stump contained hemorrhagic follicles, as observed also by Mall and Cullen (1913). A Graafian follicle 3 mm. in section, shown in figure 166, protruded above the rest of the stroma and was quite mature. The presence of this follicle might be taken as an evidence of the occurrence of ovulation during pregnancy, were it not for the fact that the presence of so degenerate a conceptus shows that as far as any effect upon the maternal organism was concerned, the pregnancy virtually had been terminated long before. That both ovulation and menstruation can and do return after the death of an ovarian conceptus, but before its removal from the ovary, is illustrated also by cases in the literature, especially by that of Norris (1909). One must assume, however, that few, if any, surviving fetal elements can be present under these circumstances. This conclusion also would seem to be confirmed by the remarkable case of Sencert and Aron (1919). These authors reported a case of ovarian pregnancy in which nothing but a portion of an umbilical cord 5 mm. long, containing Wharton’s jelly, two arteries and a vein, and what was 262 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. regarded as a placenta, remained. The latter was said to be composed of a narrow layer of plasmodium and a much thicker layer of trabeculated syncytial tropho- blast containing blood between the trabecule. Because of the singular structure of this placenta and also because of the failure to find villi or any remnant of the membranes, the authors concluded that the chorionic vesicle therefore could not have reached the villous stage. How such a supposition can be reconciled with the survival of a portion of an umbilical cord entirely normal in structure it is difficult to see. The ovary concerned was brown, of the size of a “large fresh walnut,’”’ and contained a tumor, apparently the so-called placenta, which was 2 cm. in diameter. Although these fetal rem- nants had brought about not only almost complete amenorrhea for two years and also atrophy of the ovary and uterus, ablation of the affected ovary was followed not only by a return of the menses, but by a normal pregnancy within 7 months. A second instance of ovarian pregnancy of special interest was that of Giles. No fetus was found, although the pregnancy was unruptured, and Giles estimated that the conceptus had died in the third or fourth week. The operation was not done until 5 months after the onset of the pregnancy. What is particularly inter- esting in this case is that Giles speaks of the mucoid degeneration of the connective tissue of the villi. The latter were found to be large, much branched, and had ramified in the clot. Since Giles also spoke of one of the illustrations as showing a vesicular state of some of the villi, it seems possible that this was a case of hydati- form degeneration, even though there were no signs of activity of the syncytium. Since the fetal membranes were isolated in a blood-clot, very much degenerated, and the villi were without a Langhans layer, one scarcely could expect to find much evidence of epithelial proliferation so common (but not essential) in hydatiform degeneration. Giles estimated that 4 months had elapsed since death of the con- ceptus, and if this specimen really was a hydatiform degeneration, it is the first one observed in ovarian pregnancy and hence of particular interest for this reason alone. Several features in the clinical history of our second case deserve comment. First among these is the menstrual age as compared with the size of the chorionic vesicle. Since the cross-sections of the latter measure 15 by 18 mm. and since it and the amnion are degenerated and devoid of an embryo, it is evident that the latter must have died a good while before the time of operation. Hence, the menstrual period reported for June 25, 1916, very evidently was not the last period before pregnancy supervened, but the first period which recurred after the death of the conceptus. Consequently, this pregnancy undoubtedly dates from near April 13, the time of the first omitted period. Moreover, the conceptus must have died long enough before June 25 to have made inhibition of the suc- ceeding period impossible. It should be noted, however, that the original menstrual cycle apparently was broken, for with the customary intermenstrual period of 28 days, menstruation normally would have fallen due on June 7instead of June 25. Hence the maintenance of the original cycle would have brought rupture of this ovarian pregnancy, as indicated by the symptoms, on July 7, in direct OVARIAN PREGNANCY. 263 relation with the onset of menstruation. Nor does it seem unlikely that the hy- peremia accompanying the return of menstruation on June 25, if such it really was, may have been partly responsible for the onset of a sufficiently large and per- sistent hemorrhage to cause the slight rupture indicated by the symptoms on July 7. It must also be remembered in this connection that cases of ovarian pregnancy have been reported in which menstruation was uninterrupted. But in the case of Chiene (1913), for example, the death of the conceptus may have occurred so early that the succeeding period was not inhibited, and the same thing may have been true in the case of Lea (1910). Since the material from the curettage, done at the time of operation, showed the presence of a normal endometrium, the uterine decidua associated with this pregnancy must have been shed some time previously. Such a conclusion also would seem justified by the condition of the conceptus, which apparently was unable to prevent a return to the normal menstrual cycle. The absence of decidua at the time of operation also suggests that what was reported as a return of normal menstruation on June 25 may have been hemorrhage accompanying the expulsion of the decidua. Since, in the present case, the chorionic vesicle was so degenerated and so completely isolated in a large clot, and especially since no well-implanted villi were found in the sections and gross portions examined, it is not at all probable that the hemorrhage that caused the rupture was due to a contemporaneous invasion of the vessels by the fetal trophoblast, such as occurs in uterine and tubal implantations, and as has been actually described also in ovarian implantations by Franz (1902) and by others. In the present and in similar cases in the litera- ture it would seem that hemorrhage was made possible also by degenerative changes in the highly vascular stroma of the ovary, which had been greatly com- pressed and stretched by the proportionately large blood-clot, the organization of which would seem to have been precluded by its size alone. The fact that relatively few unruptured ovarian pregnancies are recorded suggests that the old tenet that rupture is less likely the more advanced the preg- nancy becomes, probably is open to serious doubt, as suggested by Banks (1912), who believed that the tubes can accommodate themselves more readily than the ovary. Banks stated that in the majority of cases of ovarian pregnancy rupture occurred in the first two or three weeks, and Caturani (1914) also expressed doubts regarding the dictum that rupture of the ovary is less likely the more advanced the pregnancy. No one will deny, I presume, that the symptoms of rupture may have been totally absent, as reported in the cases of Norris (1909) and Grimsdale (1913), but this does not necessarily imply that the ovarian stroma or the germinal epithelium still surrounded the full-term conceptus. Such an occurrence would be possible only if the ovarian stroma and the overlying ger- minal epithelium underwent an astonishing hyperplasia. Although such a thing is conceivable, it is decidedly significant that no one has reported any such finding or observed the presence of mitotic figures. 264 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Instead of undergoing hyperplasia, the ovarian stroma in this case is found invaded, stretched, compressed, and degenerate, and the germinal epithelium is entirely absent. The fact that several observers have seen what they took for the fibrin layer of Nitabuch also shows that degenerative changes in the ovarian im- plantations may be extensive. Hence, it would seem to follow that the absence of symptoms of rupture merely may mean that the ovarian stroma and epithelium which happened to overlie the fetal membranes have gradually died and degenerated before being forced apart by the expanding conceptus or the increasing hemorrhage. That such a sequence of events is possible would seem to be undoubted, and mere distention of the ovarian stroma until it completely surrounded a full-term preg- nancy is hardly conceivable; whereas, the absence of pain upon the yielding of an exceedingly thin degenerate layer of ovarian stroma is quite conceivable. That rupture may occur very early is exemplified also by the cases of Chiene (1913), Seedorff (1915), and especially by that of Anning and Littlewood (1901) and of Holland (1911). In such curious instances as that of Grimsdale (1913) one can hardly assume that the ovarian tissue was preserved about the entire conceptus, and it is not at all unlikely that full-term ovarian pregnancies, which, according to Warbanoff, supplied a surprisingly large percentage of all cases collected by him, will form a far smaller percentage in the statistics of the near future. Indeed, they already form a far smaller percentage of those reported up to the present, and the advances in diagnosis alone make it very unlikely that in the future many cases of ovarian pregnancy will advance far before being detected. A feature noticeable in both of these cases, and not heretofore described, we believe, is the presence of clubbing of some fibrous villi, as shown in figure 168. This is marked in the villi from case No. 550. It is less pronounced in case No. 1522. The villi and vesicles of both these specimens are so degenerate that one is almost led to surmise that these vesicles never became properly implanted, but depended very largely upon the surrounding blood for nutriment. As long as the fetal circulation was not established these conditions would seem to offer no special obstacles, for up to that time the conceptus necessarily is dependent upon other means of nutrition in uterine implantation also. Moreover, it may be doubted whether anything akin to true implantation can occur in the ovary or tube in the absence of decidual formation, and hence also of a capsularis. For even if the ovum buried itself in the ovarian stroma, the continued hemorrhage and the failure of a similar and proper response on the part of the ovarian stroma never- theless would furnish decidedly abnormal conditions. OVARIAN PREGNANCY. CLINICAL HISTORIES. No. 550. The patient, who was 24 years old, came to the Johns Hopkins Hospital June 1 with a diagnosis of appendicitis, which later was changed to ovarian pregnancy. The diagnosis was made unusually difficult by the patient’s misleading statements. When admitted to the ward the patient was not complaining of acute pain, but only of general soreness in the abdomen. There were paroxysms of pain, general throughout the abdomen, with intermissions in which she was somewhat more comfortable. With difficulty the pain was localized in both left and right sides of the abdomen. When examined, general soreness of abdomen was found, the pain being more acute along the left side, shooting up to the right shoulder. The pain had not changed in character or intensity. There were sharp attacks of pain, especially in the left side, when the patient tried tomove. There was also difficulty in breathing. During the afternoon the condition of the patient was very uncomfortable, with repetition of the symptoms just given. The pains became more acute after taking ice. A renewed onset occurred at 11 p. m., and this continued with some nausea and occasional vomiting. The pain had been sharp (not crampy), and had apparently gone up under the right C. M. inthe morning. There had been pain also under the shoulder. The patient said she had never had any similar attacks, and was not constipated previous to this one. On June 3 patient said she had a similar attack of abdominal pain three years before. This was general at first and finally became more pro- nounced on the right side, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. From this attack she did not recover entirely for 10 days. She had a similar but milder attack several months later. Dr. Finney writes: “When I saw the patient I did not think it was appendicitis, but the history of similar attacks, which I had reason to believe afterwards were fictitious, and the patient’s misstatements as to the subjective signs, together with the fact that the patient was unmarried, misled us as to the true diagnosis. Upon opening the abdomen, however, it was found to be filled with blood. At once the diagnosis was clear. I looked for the tubes, but found both intact. The right ovary was the point of bleeding; it was swollen and appeared as you found it in the specimen. The whole process was so definitely confined to the ovary that it seemed, clinically, to be a definite case of ovarian pregnancy.” No, 1552. The patient, an Italian woman of 37 years, was admitted to the Gynecological Service of the Johns Hopkins Hospital July 12, 1916, com- plaining of a pain in the lower abdomen, nausea, and vomiting. Family history.—Negative. Past history—General health good. She has never had any serious illness. For the past 5 years following a labor she has had recurring mild attacks of pain in the abdomen without nausea or vomiting. Menstrual historya—Always regular every month, except when pregnant or lactating. Duration 4 to 5 days; painless, moderate flow. Last period June 25, 1916. Last preceding period, March 16, 1916. No intermenstrual bleeding before present illness. Marital—Married 18 years; seven children, oldest 16, youngest born 114 years ago (died, 1915). Hashad three miscarriages. History of labors and puerperia vague. Present illness—Began 5 days ago (July 7, 1916) with sudden pain in lower abdomen, nausea, and vomiting. She has had marked dysuria and painful defecation. For 12 hours after onset there was rather profuse bleeding from the vagina and there has been a bloody vaginal discharge since. (The patient does not understand English and her husband acted as interpreter.) Physical examination.—T. 101.6 degrees F. P. 96. W. B.C. 8400. Hbg. 46 per cent. The patient lies in bed grunting with pain. The skin is pale. The lips and mucous mem- branes are quite pale. There is a systolic blow heard at the apex and increasing toward the base, being loudest over the pulmonic area. A drop of clear fluid was expressed from the right breast. The abdominal respiratory movements are limited, although she does not complain of pain on deep inspiration. The flanks bulge some- what. There is no demonstrable movable dul- ness. There is tenderness all over the abdomen, most marked over the lower left quadrant. There is increased resistance over the lower abdomen, but no muscle spasm. No masses can be made out. There is a profuse bloody vaginal discharge. The cervix is pushed up behind the symphysis by a soft, exquisitely tender mass, filling the cul-de-sac. No crepitus is made out. Rectal examination confirms the vaginal. The fundus of the uterus is not felt. July 13, 1916.—Ether examination. There is a dark, bloody discharge from the vagina. There is no vaginal cyanosis. The cervix is lacerated, firm, and normal in size. 266 STUDIES ON The fundus of the uterus is about normal in size and is in anteposition. A boggy mass fills the cul-de-sac and to the right of the uterus a fairly firm mass, the size of a small orange, which is somewhat movable, can be felt. Definite blood-clot crepitus can be felt on rectal examina- tion. Pre-operative diagnosis.—Extra-uterine preg- nancy, ruptured. Operation.—A free midline incision was made below the umbilicus. The peritoneum was blood-stained. The abdomen contained 200 to 300 c.c. of dark fluid blood and clots, and a large clot filled the cul-de-sac. Active bleeding had ceased. The left tube and ovary were normal and free of adhesions. The right tube, which was quite normal in appearance, lay over a mass which had replaced the right ovary. This mass was roughly spherical, 5 to 6 cm. in diameter and semi-solid in consistency. Over the surface there were six or eight nodular projections, about 1 cm. in diameter. At the top of one of these projections there was a very small opening, from which bloody fluid could be squeezed. The surface of this mass was white, with spots of bluish-black discoloration. PATHOLOGIC OVA. The appendix was normal, except at the tip, where it was adherent to a blood-clot. The tumor was removed by clamping, tying, and cutting into the right infundibulo-pelvic ligament and the right utero-ovarian ligament. The right tube was not removed. The appendix was also removed and all blood and clots were cleaned out of the abdomen. The incision was closed without drainage. At the close of the operation the uterus was curetted. The uterine cavity measured 7.5 cm. in length. A subcutaneous salt solution infusion was started on the table and continued on the ward until 2,000 ¢.c. had been absorbed. The patient was in good condition at the end of the operation and made an uneventful recovery. The urine on admission contained red blood- cells, white blood-cells, no casts, acetone, a trace of albumin, and no sugar. Several days after the operation it was negative, except for a faint trace of albumin. August 2, 1916.—Discharged in good condi- tion. Gyn. Path., No. 22346.—Normal endometrium from curettage. DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. Puate 15. Fia. Fia. Fia. . Drawing of posterior view of pregnant ovary with tube. . Transverse section of pregnant ovary cut at point of rupture. . Outline of transverse section of ovary taken in the region of the letter o in “Ovary’’ (fig. 157). lutein cells; Bel, Blood clot; Cf, corpus fibrosum; G, Graafian follicle. No. 550. cl X2. Fic. Fic. Fic. Fia. Fic. Fia. Fia. Fia. Fic. Fia. Fic. Fia. lia. Fia. Fic. . External appearance of intact specimen. . External appearance of same specimen, showing where block was removed. 0.75. . Appearance of cross section of pregnant ovary and tube, same specimen. . Photograph of a section taken from the thick portion of the ovarian stroma near the mesovarium, showing . Marked clubbing of villi of No. 550. . Cross section of decidua and conceptus. . Section of conceptus, decidua, and muscularis. . Section of decidua and conceptus. . Section of a part of the conceptus, showing chorionic membrane, cyemic (?) rudiment (x) and yolk-sac. . External view of No. 2047, showing the distended amnion. . Section of the tube and the conceptus. . Drawing of portion of the corpus luteum, indicated by small square to the left in fig. 159 (marked fig. 4 in drawing). Ot, tissue of ovary. 70. . Drawing of a portion of the ovary, indicated by small square to the right in fig. 159 (marked fig. 5 in draw- ing). X70. 2. Drawing of a section through free surface of clot, illustrated in section in fig. 158, showing wall of chorion and a villus surrounded by clot. Tr, trophoblast; L, leucocytes; Ch, chorion; V, villus; Coe, celom. X50. PLATE 16. No. 1522. 0.75. 0.75. X2.25. a well-developed Graafian follicle. Same specimen. . Section of part of the same specimen, showing the clot which contains the empty vesicle largely surrounded by ovarian stroma. 1.9. X2.25. No. 698. (See Chapter XII.) 4.5. No. 970. (See Chapter XII.) (See Chapter XII.) 4.5. X4.5. No. 962. No. 1843. (See Chapter XII.) 51.5. (See Chapter XII.) (See Chapter XII.) 3.3. X2.25. No. 977. 159 MALL AND MEYER 158 157 Free fimbr. end - Clot containing chorionic villi Site of rupture Posterior view PLATE 7 : < ae . i stikaeite i - hi 7 Pa j ¢, Eee . Xo a 2 os .. g 7 4 a | /, — > ve ‘or Agha. _ “* 4 ™ se Ce — c ‘ . ‘ - a ~ 4 — » o y= x : :. = a : a ' =f. f 7 ‘ AY 7 : if == t ~ - , 4 i J f aX =f i % - 7 oo ede = ~ ah ait ¥ t - 2 ee ; , ' z sj Sal 5 7 ine 6 J + n M by - Py eed « > a ; : 2 a g 2 . . ~ _ - * MALL AND MEYER CHAPTER XII. LYSIS AND RESORPTION OF CONCEPTUSES. It has long been known that considerable intrauterine retrogression of a con- ceptus can occur in multiparous mammals. D’Outrepont, for example, on page 192 of the catalogue of his collection, is said (Miiller, 1847) to represent the uterus of a rabbit, in which an apparently full-term fetus is found near the distal end of one horn, although the approximate portions of both horns contained but rem- nants of fetuses, one in each. According to Miiller, the enlargement in the right horn contained a “cyst filled with rabbit hair embedded in a soft mass and that on the left side a similar convolute of hairs without a cyst.’ This, as far as I know, is the earliest reference to, even if not the earliest observation upon, a fetal retrogression, But since rabbits are born naked, one is left to speculate upon the validity of this observation. However, that the idea holds is indicated also by some experimental work. Giacomini (1889) stated that he could effect absorption of the embryo in rabbits within a few days by killing the embryo upon the seventh or eighth day of gestation. Since this is just about the time that implantation of the ovum occurs in the rabbit, I presume Giacomini really meant on the seventh or eighth day after zmplaniation. Giacomini added that these things show a close relation between nodular and atrophic forms and the entire absence of embryos. Strangely enough, Giacomini (1893) reported that puncture of or slight pressure upon the implantation cavity on the ninth day of gestation was followed by complete absorption of the conceptus by the thirteenth day, but he did not think that the human blastodermie vesicle can undergo simple degeneration. Sokoloff’s (1896) meager report also seems to indicate that in dogs bilateral ovariotomy leads to the death of the embryo and to abortion of it and of the entire conceptus. Strahl and Henneberg (1902) also found that conceptuses in different stages of retrogression occur quite commonly among normally developed ones in the ferret, marmot, and mole. They also found that the entire placenta and probably also the fetal membranes, as stated by Hubrecht, are normally retained for some time, even up to a month after parturition in the mole. Similarly, L. Fraenkel (1903) was able to cause the death and also the uterine absorption of conceptuses in rabbits up to the twentieth day of pregnancy, through destruction of the corpora lutea. Fraenkel found that after 14 days all that remained in the way of evidence of some pregnancies was an anemic ring which disappeared com- pletely within three weeks. Henneberg (1903) also found that intrauterine death and retrogression of the guinea-pig fetus can be effected experimentally through various means, and, according to Koebner (1910), not merely ova or young fetuses are absorbed, but even the bones of older ones disappear completely under experi- mental conditions in the rabbit. It would seem unlikely, however, that such could be the case in any but the very earliest stages in the development of the skeleton, for a considerable degree of acidity would have to develop in order to make this 267 268 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. possible. Since it is believed that the development of acidity not only is slow but also slight in embryonic tissues, Koebner’s conclusion regarding the bones seems to be open to some doubt. Wiener (1905) also found that autolysis is very slight in tissues with an alkaline reaction and that a slight increase in acidity greatly accelerates it. Fraenkel (1910”) extended and confirmed his work done in 1903 by a very large series of experiments touching various phases of the corpus luteum problem, and among other things concluded that one corpus luteum can protect at least three ova sufficiently to insure continued development. Although the degenerating ova found by Huber (1915) in the rat were very young, the significance of the facts would seem to be similar. Likewise Mall (1915), while writing “On the fate of the human embryo in tubal pregnancy,” stated that ‘‘we have no data on the number of ova which disintegrate early, but the study of comparative embryology warrants the conclusion that many young ova degenerate and disintegrate. I am informed by Dr. Huber, who has studied with great care much material among rats, that some of the fertilized ova break down before implantation. The same seems to be true regarding the pig. We usually find more corpora lutea in the ovaries than embryos in the uterus, indi- cating that all of the ova do not produce normal embryos.” Similar phenomena also were reported by Meyer (1917*), in regard to young conceptuses in the guinea- pig. Curtis (1915) also reported the absorption of ova in guinea-pigs in con- sequence of the injection of extracts of the human placenta, but unfortunately Curtis did not give convincing evidence regarding his knowledge of the presence of pregnancy in the animals concerned, nor did he make a microscopic examination. Since Curtis stated that injections of defibrinated human blood had the same effect as the injection of extracts of the human placenta, and that the injection of extracts of guinea-pig placenta and of guinea-pig blood had no effect whatever, one can not help but feel decidedly skeptical regarding the trustworthiness of his experi- mental proof. It is well to remember in this connection that phenomena which occur in other mammals, or conclusions drawn from these phenomena, must be used with caution when referred to man. The uteri of other mammals may well show a greater tolerance to the presence of dead fetal tissue and also greater resorptive power. Robinson (1904) stated that Vernhout showed that maternal tissues are not shed at the time of birth in the mole, and that some of the fetal tissues are retained to be absorbed later. Hill, it seems, found the same thing to be true in Perameles and Dasyurus. Jenkinson (1913) also stated that in Perameles the allantois and its blood-vessels are regularly absorbed through the agency of ma- ternal leucocytes by the parturient uterus and that fetal tissues are absorbed some- what similarly in Dasyurus. However, since the young of some marsupials are in a very immature state during the first months of gestation and are then transferred to the marsupium as naked little fetuses, said to be only about an inch long in the kangaroo, it is clear that absorption of the secundines at this stage of development LYSIS AND RESORPTION OF CONCEPTUSES. 269 would be something quite different from their resorption at the end of the gesta- tion period in higher mammals, especially man. Although we have considerable evidence regarding retrogression and the partial or even the total intrauterine absorption of conceptuses in various mammals, I have not been able to find any conclusive evidence in the literature regarding the occurrence of this phenomenon in man. It is true that cases of E. Fraenkel (1903), Rosenkranz (1903), Polano (1904), and cases reported by others also are referred to as such examples, but a careful examination of the reports shows that those cases can hardly be regarded as falling under the head of intrauterine absorption of ovum, embryo, or fetus. It is true that in the cases of Polano and Rosenkranz, the skeletal elements only were seen to have been discharged, but in the case of Polano the amniotic fluid nevertheless may have carried a great many fragments of embryonic tissue away with it beforehand. Furthermore, Polano did not claim his case as one of complete intrauterine absorption, but merely as one of remarkable intrauterine maceration under aseptic conditions. The history of the case of Rosenkranz, on the other hand, shows quite clearly that the fetus was destroyed by putrefactive changes. Rosenkranz himself em- phasized this, but strangely enough ruled out entirely the occurrence of macera- tion. He further stated that the patient herself noticed the discharge of some bones with the “menstrual” flow. However, under the above conditions the recurrence of true menstruation is exceedingly unlikely unless the fetus was dead a considerable period before the rupture of the membranes occurred, and the placenta had been detached at least partly, for only under such circumstances could some regeneration of the mucosa occur and thus make a return to true menstruation possible. It is nevertheless possible, however, that the time of abortion was coincident with the date on which menstruation might have recurred. A small number of cases in the Carnegie Collection have a history which makes such a suggestion probable. Just why the expulsion of a dead, retained conceptus should occur at the time when menstruation would have recurred normally had pregnancy not supervened it is difficult to say, but since the inhibitory effect upon the menstrual cycle exercised, directly or indirectly, by the living fetus is absent in cases of premature death and retention, it is possible that the abortion might occur at a time when the impulses of a return to the normal non-pregnant status of the maternal organism becomes more evident; that is, at the time of the recurrence of the normal menstrual cycle. One can not but recall in this connection another group of cases which give a history of uninterrupted menstruation throughout the entire period of pregnancy. In some of these cases it is evident that it is a question of more or less regular hemorrhage rather than of true menstruation, and it may be possible that in the others these hemorrhages happened to fall at intervals of the same length as the normal intermenstrual periods. In the last group the exact status of the cases can not be discerned from the histories alone. However, since there is no en- dometrium, or at most a partial one, to shed, genuine menstruation manifestly can not occur throughout pregnancy. Indeed, it seems more probable that the 270 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. cases of supposed uninterrupted menstruation fall into the last group, although it is not impossible that rarely hemorrhage may occur only at the dates of normal recurrence. This would seem possible because of the defective inhibition of the returning normal impulses exercised by the dead or dying conceptus and the retrogressing corpus luteum. This conclusion harmonizes with the tendency to abortion which seems to be present at the time of periodic hyperemia and hyper- irritability in some of these cases. Although dissolution of the embryo or fetus alone has long been known to occur, there seems to be no convincing evidence in the literature of the occurrence of intrauterine autolysis and absorption of entire conceptuses. Moreover, as already stated, it is to be doubted very seriously whether complete intrauterine absorption is possible after the formation of the skeleton has been well begun. The fetal parts at this time are so resistant that the uterus is stimulated to expel the macerated remnants long before absorption of them can occur. Furthermore, complete absorption would also seem to be hindered by the physical conditions which obtain in the human female. Only so long as the decidua capsularis is relatively thick, and hence effectively prevents the escape of the products of autolysized embryonic tissue, does complete absorption of a young uterine conceptus seem to be possible. The same thing is probably true in some cases of tubal pregnancy, although the occurrence of early and repeated, or even prolonged, hemorrhage in them makes complete intratubal absorption much less likely. However, that complete intrauterine absorption actually seems to occur in the human female, it is my purpose to establish. The occurrence of missed abortion and also of missed labor have long been matters of common knowledge among physicians. But these are phenomena usually connected with the later months of pregnancy. In the overwhelming majority of these cases the fetus was retained for a considerable period after its death and then aborted in a more or less macerated condition. Under these cir- cumstances it may, to be sure, undergo absorption in part, but expulsion of macer- ated or even calcified remnants of the fetus nevertheless eventually occurs. That this is so, even after an exceedingly long period of retention in utero, is shown splendidly by the case of Schaeffer (1898). In view of the exceedingly common occurrence of retention of conceptuses in utero, it is surprising that as late as 1896 Graefe succeeded in collecting only 58 cases of missed abortion from the literature. Graefe stated, however, that he himself met with 11 cases in 7 years, to which number he added 12 observed by a friend. Nevertheless, from these facts one might assume that retention of conceptuses after death is a rare rather than a very common thing. The explanation probably lies in the fact that the term “missed abortion” is understood as referring to advanced rather than to early cases of pregnancy. Retention of the latter for varying periods of time is exceed- ingly common, however, and one might say that retention is the rule, for it is exceedingly rare that a fresh, wholly unmacerated conceptus is obtained through abortion unprovoked by mechanical means or acute disease. Hence post-mortem LYSIS AND RESORPTION OF CONCEPTUSES. 271 prepartum changes must be expected in practically all other specimens which form the great majority of all abortuses. Among the large series of over 2,000 abortuses in the Carnegie Collection, I have so far found only a few specimens of almost complete intrauterine absorption. In one of these, No. 698, only a few vestiges of syncytium and trophoblast remain. Not a single fragment of the chorionic or amnionic vesicle or of the embryo could be found upon microscopic examination. Were it not for the presence of decidua and the above microscopic remnants, one might doubt whether pregnancy really had supervened in this case. However, since the specimen shown in figure 8 (plate I, Chapter IV) was aborted with the entire intact decidua which still sur- rounded the remnants of the conceptus completely, as shown in figure 169 (plate 16, Chap. XI), there manifestly could have been no loss of embryonic tissue either before or during abortion. This abortus, which measured 50 by 20 by 13 mm., was donated by Dr. N. E. B. Iglehart, of Baltimore. It had a menstrual age of 56 days, but the condition of the few remnants and the size of the implantation cavity show that development did not proceed very far before growth was inhibited. Aside from the absorption of almost the entire conceptus, the decidua not only is infiltrated, but also shows degenerative changes. As illustrated by figure 169, which shows the intact capsularis separated by a narrow space from the parietalis, the former is filled completely by blood-clot. It is at the periphery of this clot that the isolated microscopic remnants of the syncytium and trophoblast, together with a few gossamer or shadow villi, are found. Since there is no blood between the capsularis and the parietalis, it would seem to follow that the hemorrhage was limited entirely by the capsularis, a conclusion which is indicated also by the absence of a history of bleeding. Since the last menstruation began on April 11 and the abortion occurred on June 6, it is seen that the latter occurred on the first day of the beginning of the second lapsed menstrual period. Although the appear- ance and the condition of the decidua seem to suggest that considerable regeneration of the endometrium had occurred, it is possible, though unlikely, that the bleeding accompanying the abortion was menstrual and that hence the abortion should be regarded as a mere incident accompanying the return of normal menstruation rather than as the predominating event. That considerable restoration of the endometrium may occur while the con- ceptus still is within the uterus was shown by the case of Orloff (1895). In this case the endometrium was composed of a cylindrical epithelium and the uterine musculature showed no evidences of the presence of gestation changes. Iwanoff (1898) also found the decidua absent in a case of long retention and its place taken by a low cylindrical epithelium, although the placenta was still partly attached to the uterus. E. Fraenkel (1903) also emphasized the fact that regeneration of the endometrium may begin before abortion occurs, and these things make it possible that hemorrhage, which may occur at time of abortion, may largely be true men- strual hemorrhage. The absence of blood between the capsularis and the parietalis and the absence of a history of bleeding do not imply that the development of this conceptus 272 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. progressed uninterruptedly until birth. The histologic picture alone is conclusive proof to the contrary. In the absence of any larger portion of the conceptus it is impossible to say about how far development had proceeded, but it is unlikely that it proceeded much beyond the first month. In any case, disintegration, solution, and resorption of almost the entire conceptus surely must have consumed several weeks at least. Indeed, it is possible that the ovum never became firmly attached, though embedded in the decidua. In other cases it also seems likely that the fertilized ovum became embedded quite normally, but that it was strangulated by severe hemorrhage which loosened the attaching villi, thus interrupting the intervillous circulation. Since the resulting stagnation of the blood must make impossible the indispensable chemical interchanges upon which the life of the embryo depends, the latter probably dies first. It is decidedly interesting that considerable hemorrhage, sufficient, in fact, to result in the death of both the embryo and the chorionic vesicle, can occur while the whole conceptus still is surrounded by the decidua capsularis, without rupture of the latter. The failure of absolute or complete absorption of the last few small remnants of this conceptus probably may be attributed to the fact that the small remnants of degenerate trophoblast and syncytium which remain, or the influence of the corpus luteum, no longer were able to inhibit menstruation. Hence the decidua, together with these few small remnants of the conceptus, were expelled in toto, and it may be extremely significant that this occurred exactly two menstrual months after the beginning of the last period. Since 3 other specimens of a series of 17 composed of villi only were aborted at the time of recurrence of the regular period, the idea that abortion occurs oftener at this than at any other time would seem to receive some confirmation. Moreover, it would seem quite natural that a detached decidua which has subserved its functions would be more likely to be shed at this time and that an unabsorbed conceptus, which had been converted essentially into a foreign body, should then also be expelled. Since detachment of the decidua also permits regeneration of the mucosa and isolates the conceptus, it removes the inhibitory effects of the conceptus upon the maternal organism and clears the way for a return to the normal non-pregnant status. It is impossible to decide how far the development of this conceptus had pro- gressed before its death, but the marked extent of the absorption shows beyond doubt that the latter would have been completed long before the advent of the next or third menstrual period had the second period also been inhibited. Under these circumstances the empty decidual cast would then have been expelled alone and might well have directed attention to the possibility of the existence of a tubal rather than a uterine pregnancy. A second ease is No. 970, donated by Dr. R. W. Hammack, of Manila. This specimen is interesting not only because it is a case of marked intrauterine absorp- tion, but also because it was obtained with the entire uterus at necropsy. The chorionic vesicle, which measured only 3 by 5 mm., together with the entire thick- ness of the decidua and the musculature, is shown in section in figure 170 (plate 16, Chap. XI). The uterine cavity contains some blood and the entire decidua LYSIS AND RESORPTION OF CONCEPTUSES. 273 was covered with hemorrhagic nodules, the largest of which were about 10 mm. in diameter. One of these, which was a trifle larger than the rest, contained the conceptus. The cavity of the chorionic vesicle was filled with a homogeneous substance containing degenerate cells and portions of disintegrated chorionic mem- brane. The villi are about 0.5 mm. in length and are covered with trophoblast and syncytial buds. No trace of the embryo or of the amnion was found, although the whole conceptus is still covered by the capsularis, which, like the rest of the decidua, is infiltrated. Although lysis and absorption did not progress so far in this as in the previous specimen, the process nevertheless is far advanced. It pro- ceeded no farther because the mother committed suicide, although the multiple hemorrhages in the decidua would seem to suggest that abortion nevertheless was seriously threatened, if not inevitable, before she took her life. That the focal hemorrhages in the decidua could be attributed to the hydrochloric acid swallowed with suicidal intent is extremely doubtful, for the histologic condition of the con- ceptus shows conclusively that the changes in it could not possibly have been produced in the short interval of 4 days which elapsed between the suicidal attempt and death. Since the menstrual history of the case remains unknown, it is im- possible to determine the menstrual age of the specimen, but the degenerate chorionic vesicle would seem to imply an age of only about 10 or 12 days. How- ever, as this young woman was but 16 years old and apparently illegitimately preg- nant, itis more than likely that the suicidal attempt occurred, as so often is the case, during the time of the first lapsed period. Hence the surmise that the mul- tiple hemorrhages in the decidua may have been provoked by the returning men- strual cycle gains somewhat in probability, especially so since the size and the condition of the conceptus both suggested that it must have died some weeks previous to the necropsy. A third early specimen illustrating the progress of intrauterine absorption is No. 962, donated by Dr. Joseph M. Jackson, of Pittsburgh. In contrast to the preceding two, this chorionic vesicle contained a macerated embryo 4 mm. long. The menstrual age is unknown, but the chorionic vesicle measured 34 by 28 by 24 mm. and was covered almost entirely by villi. The latter, which contained degen- erating vessels, are matted together with necrotic trophoblast and show other evidences of retention. As shown in figure 171 (plate 16, Chap. XI), which repre- sents a section of the entire conceptus with the surrounding decidua, the amnion was preserved and contained some coagulum. Mall found the embryo greatly macerated and the organs and cavities partially obliterated. The slight break in the decidua capsularis may be the result of handling or of technical procedures. Since the specimen was aborted with the entire decidua, there can be no question of escape of a portion of the conceptus. That it is not alone very young conceptuses which may undergo almost com- plete lysis is illustrated by No. 606, a chorionic vesicle measuring 18 by 13 by 18 mm. This specimen, which was donated by Dr. Charles 8. Parker, of Baltimore, is covered with villi 2.35 mm. long. Yet Mall found no trace of an embryo and stated that, in spite of the outwardly normal appearance of the chorionic vesicle, 274 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. the villi and the chorionic membrane are structureless. In the absence of the clinical history one must needs be cautious, but I think it can be safely assumed that in this case neither embryo nor amnion disappeared solely as a result of post- partum maceration. That this assumption probably is correct is shown also by other specimens, the histories of which fortunately are known. Nevertheless, maceration, although not necessarily putrefactive maceration, undoubtedly was an important factor in the production of the state in which this specimen is found. This conclusion is confirmed by the occurrence of all manner of transitions between the almost perfectly preserved structure and the pure shadow or gossamer pictures such as are presented in the photograph of the cross-sections of the villi of this specimen shown in figure 11 (plate 1, Chap. IV). All that remains of the villi are spiderweb-like outlines, the fibers of which are exceedingly fine, but which never- theless preserve the form of the villi and of the chorionic membrane so perfectly that Mall especially recorded that the external appearance of the chorionic vesicle was normal. Since chorionic vesicles devoid of an embryo when examined form about 32 per cent of those classed as pathologic in the Carnegie Collection, it is evident that absence of the embryo itself is relatively common in early abortuses. It would be incorrect, however, to assume that they had undergone absorption in all these cases. A fine example of one of these empty chorionic vesicles is No. 1224, a portion of which is shown in figure 10 (plate 1, Chapter IV). This specimen was found in an unopened uterus removed at hysterectomy for cervical myoma. The chorionic vesicle, which measured 36 by 25 by 13 mm., was collapsed, free from the uterus, and embedded in coagulum. The only con- tent of this chorionic vesicle was a dark grayish coagulum which contained no remnant of the embryo or of the amnion. This almost amorphous so-called magma included only a few isolated cells. In spite of this fact, the trophoblast, which had markedly proliferated, is well preserved over large areas, and many of the vessels in the chorionic membrane are filled completely with erythroblasts. A few degenerate masses of trophoblasts and fused degenerate villi are also present. Some villi show evidences of maceration, others of ‘mucoid’ degeneration, al- though they still may contain vessels. Some, however, are represented by a hyaline outline only. The stroma and the epithelium of many of the villi are well preserved, however, and the same thing holds for the chorionic membrane. The decidua shows slight general and very marked local infiltration. Some remark- ably dense periglandular and perivascular zones of infiltration are also present. The mucosa, too, is infiltrated and contains islands composed exclusively of round cells. Besides maceration effects, many of the villi show marked changes, un- doubtedly hydatiform in character. In this case it is possible that we are dealing not so much with absorption as with dissolution of the embryo, for the digestion products of embryo, yolk-sae, and amnion, instead of having been wholly absorbed, may still be contained in the fluid within the chorionic vesicle. Before briefly considering the evidence regarding absorption offered by tubal and ovarian specimens, I wish to refer to No. 1843. This unique specimen, which LYSIS AND RESORPTION OF CONCEPTUSES. 275 was donated to Stanford University by Dr. Eugene V. Falk, of Modesto, Cali- fornia, had the villi rather sparsely and irregularly distributed, as shown in figure 7 (plate 1, Chap. IV). However, the entire specimen was so splendidly preserved that investigators of unique opportunity and experience were uncertain as to its normality. Even after careful inspection under low magnification, the writer, too, felt uncertain, but on receipt of the specimen he informed Dr. Falk that it probably was pathologic. This opinion was based almost wholly on the irregular distribution of villi, their complete absence on part of the surface, the large size of the yolk-sac, the unusual translucence of the entire specimen, and upon the apparent absence of the embryonic disk. About one-third of the entire surface of the chorionic vesicle was devoid of villi, and where they were present they seemed to be in widely different stages of development. They differ markedly not only in length and in diameter, but also in the complexity of their branching. Some which were represented by fine threads were found to be represented by stroma only, the epithelium having been stripped, probably during the removal of the blood from which the specimen was freed before it was received at the laboratory. Other villi are torn, those which are preserved are clubbed but slightly, and some are so short that they look like little droplets on the surface of the chorionic mem- brane. Those near the bare areas are almost transparent, but nearer the other pole they become more opaque. The caliber varies from 0.16 to 1 mm. and the greatest length is 2.25 mm. The chorionic vesicle measured 6 by 4 by 5 mm. and the partially invaginated yolk-sac 2 by 2.6 by 1.8mm. A smaller, less trans- parent vesicle, which was thought to represent the amnion, was seen between the yolk-sac and the chorionic membrane, but no embryonic disk could be recognized. An examination of the microscopic sections of this vesicle showed that it was macerated. The epithelium is missing in many places and the histologic details are wanting. Hence this chorionic vesicle very evidently ceased to live some time before it was aborted, and this conclusion is corroborated also by the clinical history. The menstrual age of the specimen is 39 days, but the chorionic vesicle, which was approximately spherical, measured only 6.5 mm. instead of 35 to 40 mm. as implied by the menstrual history. That growth ceased long before the occurrence of the abortion is implied also by the fact that Dr. Falk stated that the patient had a slight uterine hemorrhage about 10 or 12 days before. It is interest- ing, and probably also significant, that the date of this hemorrhage also coin- cides with the time when the first lapsed period was due. This is possible because this conceptus apparently had been dead sufficiently long to fail to inhibit the return of menstrual bleeding. Since the size of the chorionic vesicle suggests an age of 10 to 12 days, this assumption seems warranted, especially since it may be assumed that development probably never proceeds undisturbed to the time of abortion whenever the pregnancy is terminated spontaneously, or perhaps better, without the intervention of external or internal mechanical forces or fac- tors. It may be largely because of this fact that conceptuses from abortions resulting from intrauterine causes are always macerated. 276 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Careful examination of the serial sections, generously made in the Carnegie Laboratory of Embryology, fails to reveal any remnant of the body of the embryo except, perhaps, a small nodule shown above the X in figure 172 (plate 16, Chap. XI). Yet, according to the menstrual age, the embryo should be 10 to 12 mm. long. The appearance of this nodule suggests that it may be a remnant of the primitive streak in spite of its deep location, although it may also be a rudiment of the allantois. The yolk-sac is large and invaginated and its size out of all proportion to that of the rest of the embryonic rudiment. In the latter there is a rather large mass of cells containing a space which, I take it, represents the amniotic cavity. An examination of this cavity and of the surrounding cells suggests that it resulted from splitting or cavitation, as is the case in bats and as is assumed also for man by Eternod and others. This cavity may have resulted from dissolution of the cells in situ, and if in fact it represents the early amniotic cavity, then, whatever its genesis, it is probable that it was not formed in conse- quence of folding. It would seem, then, that we have here a conceptus in which the process of development of the embryo itself was inhibited very early but that the yolk-sac and the chorion continued to grow for some time. Aside from showing a probable and hitherto unobserved stage in the forma- tion of the amniotic cavity, this pathologic chorionic vesicle is of special interest also in the absence of coagulum or so-called magma. The chorionic vesicle and the space taken for the amniotic cavity were filled with perfectly clear fluid. Al- though this small conceptus is markedly macerated, it is only in the early stages of disintegration. Nevertheless, much longer retention might have resulted in its complete dissolution, even if not its complete absorption. Since this small vesicle was aborted in its entirety with blood-clot, it is highly probable that most of these degenerative changes occurred after it was loosened from the implantation site, probably by rupture of the decidua capsularis in consequence of hemorrhage. In other older conceptuses in earlier stages of disintegration, as No. 2047, the amnion is preserved and distended, as shown in figure 173 (plate 16, Chap. XJ). Both chorion and amnion are macerated and distended with clear fluid, and it seems strange indeed that the embryo and the yolk-sac may disappear completely without even a final clouding of the amniotic fluid. There may have been temporary clouding, but every now and then a specimen is received in which both the vesicles are distended with absolutely clear fluid, a fact which also implies that autolysis of the embryo occurred without digestion of the enveloping amnion. Since only a pseudo-decidua forms, and then but rarely and very early, in cases of tubal pregnancy, the sequence of events leading to dissolution of the conceptus must be rather different. There can be no accumulation of blood in a capsularis. Hence the conceptus usually becomes isolated in blood or blood-clot within the tube, and undergoes degeneration as the hemorrhage continues and the tube becomes distended. If detachment of the conceptus occurs very early, it is conceivable that it may undergo complete disintegration also within the tube, that the latter may heal and the symptoms subside completely. While the occur- LYSIS AND RESORPTION OF CONCEPTUSES. PAE rences of such instances of spontaneous cure of tubal pregnancy undoubtedly are exceedingly rare, evidence at hand seems to show that they can not be wholly excluded. This, I am told, agrees also with contemporary clinical opinion. The possibility of tubal abortion with subsequent intraperitoneal disintegra- tion, lysis, and absorption must also be borne in mind. The occurrence of nothing but fragments of villi in a tubal clot, as shown in the case of No. 977, represented in figure 174 (plate 16, Chapter XI), however, can not be accepted as positive proof that all the rest of the conceptus was absorbed intratubally. A portion may have been aborted, yet specimens such as Nos. 2035 and 1938 speak eloquently for the possibility of absorption. The embryo and yolk-sac in the latter specimen are disintegrated almost completely and the scarcely recognizable remnants lie isolated in the chorionic cavity, which is moderately filled with an amorphous coagulum. The stroma of the chorionic membrane is edematous and degenerate, but never- theless contains some well-preserved vessels, a few of which contain some blood- cells. The same thing is true of the stroma and of the vessels of the villi, which also are in process of dissolution. A moderate amount of trophoblast is present, but there is very little syncytium. The epithelium of some of the villi has under- gone hyaline degeneration. The blood-cells in the large clot in which this chorionic vesicle, which measured 8 by 5 mm. in section, was embedded, are preserved fairly well, especially near the vesicle. Nevertheless, the old conceptus very apparently is in a state of disintegration and lysis, the tube-wall is very thin, and the mucosa congested, hemorrhagic, and atrophic. No. 2035, also a tubal specimen, likewise is an empty chorionic vesicle in process of disintegration, and many other specimens might be listed, but these examples suffice to indicate that intratubal as well as intrauterine lysis and, in part at least, of resorption of conceptuses undoubtedly occurs in the human being. It is of course exceedingly unlikely that in case of the uterus this can occur before the impregnated ovum is embedded, for, failing to embed, it undoubtedly would escape relatively promptly, although the observations of Kirkham (1916) show that the fertilized ova in mice suckling their young may lie unimplanted within the uterus for over a week. A free fertilized or unfertilized ovum which disintegrated within the tube might be absorbed completely. The same thing holds for early conceptuses within the implantation cavity, for a relatively small amount of hemorrhage could detach them completely without rupturing the capsularis. Death, disintegration, and absorption, as illustrated in the cases above, might then occur. In case of older specimens, the hemorrhage responsible for the loosening of the conceptus would have to be proportionately much greater, for the attachment of the placenta is firmer, though rupture of the capsularis is probably easier. That this assumption is correct is shown also by the almost universal history of bleeding in these cases, and it is only in the early stages of development that the conceptus can be expelled intact while still contained in the implantation cavity and aborted, completely wrapped in the decidua, as in case of No. 698. 278 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Since 12.8 per cent of all abortions and 32.3 per cent of all those classed as pathologie in the first 1,000 accessions in the Carnegie Collection are composed of villi only, of empty chorionic vesicles, and essentially of chorion and amnion alone, one might assume that all these specimens represent stages in the process of intrauterine disintegration and absorption. Most of them undoubtedly do belong in this category, but in many cases in which villi only are found the rest of the conceptus, and in others the embryo as well, has been lost. Since 46.4 per cent of all tubal specimens and 71 per cent of all those classed as pathologic are composed of villi only, of empty chorionic vesicles, and of chorion and amnion only, it might be assumed that digestion and absorption are more active within the tube than within the uterus. Such a conclusion is not justified, however, for almost all tubal specimens are isolated while young, and only exceptionally does one reach the later months of pregnancy. Hence, those falling in the above- named three groups of tubal specimens form a relatively larger percentage. Cases of partial dissolution of the embryo are of course common, as almost every one knows. As far as I can learn, however, the two cases reported here are the only ones offering unequivocal proof that dissolution of the entire conceptus may be absolutely complete and that the intact empty decidua then may be aborted. Such an event could, for various reasons, probably occur only in the early stages of pregnancy and must undoubtedly be relatively rare. Nevertheless, I am convinced that careful examination of all material aborted will multiply the evidence. From these things it would also seem possible that rarely pregnancy might supervene and be terminated without having attracted any attention what- soever. The phenomenon of intrauterine lysis is interesting also from a chemical standpoint. What the anatomist would like to know is not merely in what respects the composition of the intra-amniotic and peri-amniotic fluids has been changed, but just what the enzymes are that have caused a complete lysis of the embryo, where these first arise and act, and how and why they become active. These and many other questions the chemist only can answer. For this answer fresh ma- terial is indispensable, but this the neighboring practitioners or a closely associated clinic can supply. That the lysis of these early embryos, and undoubtedly also of the chorionic vesicles, is not due primarily or even very materially to phagocytic activity is very evident, even upon cursory examination. In the presence of the intact chorionic and amnionic vesicles in some specimens, such a process is wholly excluded. Besides, one never sees any evidence of phagocytosis of the preserved fetal by the maternal tissue in human conceptuses. Evidences of the contrary process, however, are not wanting. That the embryo or fetus usually is the first member of the conceptus to dis- appear has already been implied by stating that in 32 per cent of the abortuses grouped as pathological in the Carnegie Collection the embryo is missing. Al- though the absence of the embryo does not necessarily mean, in every case, that it underwent complete autolysis, this no doubt is true in by far the great majority of these cases. The fact that the embryo disappears first may be due to a lower LYSIS AND RESORPTION OF CONCEPTUSES. 279 resistance on its part than that possessed by either amnion or chorion, or to a preponderance of enzymes within it. Autolysis of the body of the embryo before that of the membranes may also be due to the fact that the adnexa, especially the chorion, or at least parts of it, often preserve vitality long after the death of the embryo because of its direct relation to the uterus. Nevertheless, it often is surprising how long the form of a small retained fetus, or even of the amnion, has apparently been preserved, although it should be remembered that in some cases the preservation of external form gives little indication of the true state of the constituent tissues. If the advent of proteolytic fat- and carbohydrate-splitting enzymes in fetal tissues is gradual, the surprisingly long time during which some of the small embryos are preserved may be due to a considerable degree to this fact. Jones and Austrian (1907) found, for example, that the liver of a young pig embryo contains no nuclein enzymes, but that these increase as fetal development pro- ceeds. The latter finding seems to be confirmed also by data given by Mendel and Leavenworth (1908), although these investigators found enzymes present at allages. Schlesinger (1903), who was, I believe, the first to establish the occurrence of autolysis in retained human fetuses, also found that the rate of autolysis varied with age and other conditions. Since the chorionic villi do not undergo autolysis first, the conclusion that heterolysis is not an important factor in lysis of the conceptus also seems justified. If enzymes of decidual origin played any large part in the process of lysis of the conceptus, one might, I presume, expect to find instances in which at least portions of the chorionic vesicle underwent lysis, although the embryo itself remained quite unaffected. This, however, never seems to be the case, and the same thing holds for the placenta and the chorionic vesicle and also for the decidua. That heterolysis probably plays only a very subsidiary réle is indicated also by the fact that autol- ysis takes place in tubal implantations as well, and still more convincingly by its occurrence in ovarian implantations, as illustrated especially by the case of Holland (1911) and by other cases referred to by Meyer and Wynne (1919), in which the escape of portions of the conceptus from the ovarian implantation cavity could be wholly excluded.. One reason for prolonged preservation of the decidua no doubt lies in the fact that it as a whole, or at least in large part, retains vitality because it remains quite undisturbed in its vascular relations. CHAPTER XiIil. POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. In discussing post-mortem changes, it is necessary to distinguish between the death of and changes in the cyema and the vesicles, that is, between intracyemic and extracyemic changes. Such a distinction would be unnecessary if the death of the one were impossible without that of the other. It has been assumed in the past not only that the latter is not the case, but that the fetal vesicles may sur- vive the cyema for some time. Under such circumstances, then, considerable post-mortem changes might take place within the cyema and perhaps within the amnion also, while the chorion might remain largely, even if not wholly, unaffected. Since such an assumption involves the implication that the fetal circulation is not indispensable for the life of the chorionic vesicle even after the usual time of the advent of the former, an assumption of independent survival of the entire vesicle would seem somewhat venturesome, although it is highly probable that certain constituents of the chorion nevertheless might survive death of the cyema. That the amnion, which usually is non-vascular, and which fuses with the chorion quite early in development, may survive death of the embryo is entirely possible, not only because it is nutritionally more independent, especially in its early stages, but also because survival of the chorion would condition survival of the amnion after the latter fuses with the former. The belief, not only in the survival, but also in the growth of the fetal vesicles after death of the cyema, is relatively old and rests largely upon the disproportion in size between the embryo and the chorionic vesicles so frequently seen, and upon the existence of a similar disproportion between the placenta and the fetus in cases of retained abortions. According to Panum, von Baer, describing a rather firm, brownish-red, bean- shaped lump, unlike an embryo of either bird or mammal, which was surrounded by an envelope and in relation to a vascular area, was said to have regarded it as a liver which had continued to grow after the death of the embryo. It seems that von Baer came to this conclusion, largely because of the color of the gross specimen and because he thought it possible that in poorly regulated incubators the ‘‘vege- tative” portions of the body of the embryo very often continue to live, although the “animal” parts die. It must be added, however, that Panum (1860), from whose monograph this statement is taken, added that he thought von Baer only regarded these questions as propositions for investigation and proof, and not as established facts. However, Giacomini (1893) adduced experimental evidence in favor of such a belief, for he stated that the membranes also continued to grow in rabbits in which the cyema had been killed experimentally. He further stated that, although the embryo may be inhibited in growth or even be destroyed com- pletely, the chorion and amnion not only may show. no degenerative change, but actually may continue to grow. His (1891) spoke of evidence of an interrupted growth, and Giacomini (1894) also believed in the occurrence of an inhibition of growth before the death of the embryo oceurred. According to Waldstein (1913), 281 282 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. von Winckel also spoke of a slowing in development before the death of the embryo occurred. Taussig (1903) stated that both Breus and Gottschalk concluded that retained “ova’’ grow, and Graefe (1896) called attention to the opinion of Veit that “ova”? may continue to grow after the death of the embryo, but added that the existence of bare areas and the bunching of villi in some of the retained specimens argue against the conception of His that ‘ova’ with these characteristics have continued to grow for some time. No one seems to have suggested that the entire embryo may continue to grow after cessation of the fetal circulation, but Wallenstein (1897), who made a careful microscopic examination of some early abortuses, not only believed that cellular proliferation can oecur in the embryo after its death, but that either the lateral or the dorsal or ventral halves may continue to grow independently of each other after the death of the eyema. Wallenstein believed, even, that the cyema can become diseased after its death, and concluded that intravascular cells not only outlive the rest of the cyema, but that they proliferate and invade the dead or dying tissues of the latter. Schaeffer (1898) also stated that the chorionic and amniotic vesicles continue to grow, provided death of the embryo occurs before the fourth month, and Mall (1900, 1903) also spoke in favor of growth in them after death of the embryo. Engel (1900) believed that the caudal half of the body of an embryo may continue to grow after the cephalic half has died. However, Engel’s conclusion regarding the proliferation of cells was based largely upon the observation that the volume of the disintegrating central nervous system was too great to be accounted for merely by the cells which normally compose it. Giacomini (1894) believed that even the isolated amnion may continue to grow and that the chorion may continue to live after all else has died. That the individual portions of very young conceptuses undoubtedly have considerable power of independent, though not necessarily post-mortem, growth is shown by such specimens as No. 1848 (fig. 7, plate 1, Chap. IV), a conceptus in which the chorion and yolk-sac have reached a considerable size, although the embryo and amnion both are absent, except perhaps in the merest rudiments, as shown in figure 172 (plate 16, Chap. XI). However, it is highly probable that this power of independent growth is far greater before than after the time when the fetal cireu- lation has become established in the cyema and chorion. Soon after this time cessa- tion of the embryonic circulation necessarily would seem to interfere effectively with growth of the cyema and increasingly with the nutrition of the chorion and more indirectly also with that of the amnion. However, before the fetal circulation has been established, it is highly probable that even fhe embryonic disk may be much more resistant to inhospitable surroundings, and one could pronounce these very young conceptuses dead only after correlated cellular proliferation had ceased entirely. Although the chorions of older specimens may die a more gradual death than the cyema, one scarcely would expect any villi to be formed anew after the death of the latter. The syneytium and trophoblast, however, both might con- POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 283 tinue to grow for some time and apparently often do so, for, as is well illustrated by many things, they are much more independent, not only of the fetal circulation, but also of the conceptus, than the other components. Strahl and Henneberg (1902) also found the ectodermic elements of the placenta in guinea-pigs more resistant than the mesodermic. Some investigators (His, for example) expressed the opinion that, although survival of tissues, within both the cyema and the vesicles, is possible after death of the embryo, one really can not regard such tissues as truly living, although cell proliferation nevertheless may be present. Giacomini and His both spoke of cell proliferation, and Mall later used the term dissociation as including both migration and proliferation of cells. It may be recalled in this connection that Miiller (1847) also spoke of proliferation of the epithelium of the villi as being common in aborted ova, and that Giacomini (1888) stated that the cells of the central nervous system tend to become uniform and also seem to multiply because they no longer can be accommodated in the space provided for them. His, Giacomini, Grawitz, Mall, and Engel all believed that at least a proliferation of ‘‘round cells” occurs and that they are wandering or migra- tory in nature. Marchand (1895) also spoke of an infiltration of the conceptus by leucocytes, but did not believe, as did Grawitz, that they were autochthonous in origin. Although Daels (1908) stated that maternal leucocytes can penetrate normal syncytium in order to reach a necrotic area beyond, Nattan-Larrier and Brindeau (1905*, 1908) concluded that leucocytes never invade the stroma of the villi as long as the epithelium is intact. The conclusion of the latter investigators is wholly in accord with my own observations, and it would seem extremely diffi- cult to determine whether leucocytes seen somewhere in the stroma of the villi or of the chorionic membrane really are fetal or maternal in origin. According to Windle (1893), the so-called round cells arise in the stroma of the villi, but Wallen- stein believed that such an infiltration can occur only into dead or dying embryonic tissue. Berlin (1907) also spoke of the presence of extensive leucocytic infiltration in one of her cases, and Engel (1900) concluded that in one of the cases described by him the liver was completely destroyed by proliferating round cells which he apparently assumed to be phagocytic. Microscopie evidence for the survival and growth of the ecyema or certain parts thereof does not rest solely upon the transformation of various tissues and organs into “round cells,” however. Giacomini and Wallenstein both stated that mitotic figures were observed by Chiarugi, but the latter seems to stand alone in regard to this observation. But, even if confirmed, the occurrence of mitoses locally would not establish the occurrence of a correlated proliferation which could rightly be designated as growth. Nor could the well-known independent survival or even growth of still-implanted villi or, more properly speaking, of the syn- cytium and stroma, in cases of hydatiform degeneration and chorio-epitheliomata, be regarded as establishing the occurrence of normal growth in the vesicles or the cyemata of conceptuses. Post-mortem obliteration of the vessels would seem to fall more in this cate- gory, but the post-mortem occurrence of this phenomenon even is as yet unproved. 284 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Besides, upon a priori grounds alone it would seem that the adverse conditions which cause the death of the embryo, and eventually also that of the entire conceptus, alone would make conditions of post-mortem growth rather unfavorable even for the most resistant of the dependent tissues. Other factors also would tend to make these conditions unfavorable for the occurrence of post-mortem proliferation, even for such growth as we have in recent years come to know as growth in vitro. I have rarely found appearances identical with those seen in certain artificial cultures, as figure 175 so well illustrates; but these appearances involved connective tissue only and always occurred in the interior of the chorionic membrane, or between the latter and the amnion when the two were separated somewhat. Nevertheless, the rareness of these appearances in itself throws much doubt on the occurrence of genuine growth after death, and in view of the fact that I have been unable to find any thickening of the chorionic and amniotic membranes at these places, I am more inclined to regard such appearances as these as due to a migration rather than to an actual proliferation of cells. Nor have I seen much evidence in favor of a post-mortem migration other than that of cells intravascular in origin. What has been termed lymphoid infiltration or transformation seems to be due rather to a degeneration of cells zn loco, the degenerate forms simulating round cells and thus giving rise to misinterpretations. Indeed, the idea that a complete transformation of the entire body of the embryo into round cells can occur without the phagocy- tosis of the cells composing the various organs seems to imply that this so-called lymphoid infiltration really is a transformation in loco. That an apparent tem- porary increase in volume of the central nervous system has been noted is not surprising. But this does not postulate an actual increase in the number of cells any more than the old observation of maintenance in weight and volume of the central nervous system under conditions of inanition implied that the nerve-cells remained unchanged. That the latter is not the case was shown by Meyer (1917’). It may be recalled that Merttens (1894) also reported finding obliteration of the blood-vessels due to proliferation of the intima. However, since Merttens found these obliterative vascular changes only in the chorion leve, his conclusion that these changes undoubtedly were post-mortem is open to very serious doubt. This doubt is greatly increased by the facts that Merttens suspected the existence of lues in a case in which these obliterative changes were present and that almost complete obliteration of the vessels was present in a specimen which was regarded as having been retained only 11 days. Since calcium deposits were present in this specimen, the latter estimate is open to grave doubt, however. Berlin (1907), although aware of the fact that an ante-mortem obliterative endarteritis had been shown to occur in conceptuses, nevertheless concluded that the degree of obliteration found in the placental vessels roughly parallels the dura- tion of the retention. She added that the processes found by her recall those observed in portions of a blood-vessel isolated by ligature and represented appear- ances within the placental vessels almost identical with those represented in figure 175. In spite of the similarity of these figures, it would seem unwarranted, how- ever, to assume that phenomena identical with those observed in the chorionic POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 285 vesicles could lead to obliteration of vessels. In the chorionic vesicle the picture presented is that of migration rather than that of proliferation, and it is indeed a long step from these things to complete obliteration of blood-vessels, especially when it is recalled that the latter involves the growth of new capillaries, as was reported by Merttens and as is the case in the normal postnatal obliteration of the umbilical vessels. Schickele (1907) also observed obliteration by endothelial proliferation in the various vessels, but insisted that they do not occur with the fre- quency reported by Merttens. Schickele further stated that obliteration occurs rapidly and that it is not necessarily post-mortem. Waldstein, who made a very careful histologic examination of some abortuses, stated that, although the regressive changes had not yet been sufficiently studied, he did not believe in a continued growth of the embryo, but merely in a further differentiation of some of the constituent tissues, and also in a round-cell infiltra- tion. Waldstein claimed that in some specimens examined by him the striations in the central musculature were maturer than they should have been, and hence concluded that post-mortem differentiation had taken place inthem. He believed that the round cells had an intravascular origin. Boerma (1912), who described a young macerated embryo, also stated that the amniotic cavity contained cell- masses from the embryo which he believed had survived the parent mass. His (1891), Giacomini (1894), Schaeffer (1898), Mall, and the writer occasion- ally found local thickenings of and adhesions between certain epidermal surfaces. These adhesions and thickenings, referred to in Chapter IV, group 7, were present in the lower extremities of the fetus shown in figures 64 and 65 (plate 5, Chap. IV). In this case, as in those of Lomer and Schaeffer, the extremities are glued together by epidermis. The appearance of the lower extremities at this point also suggests that there has been an accumulation of sloughed epidermis in the region of contact. To what extent this gluing is due to fusion of dying tissues and cells, rather than to growth, it is difficult tosay. In other cases, as stated by His (1891), the extremi- ties may be glued to the trunk, or the head to the chest, as observed also by Mall and as illustrated in figure 176. The mandibular region may adhere to the chest and the lips coalesce so completely that the epidermis is absolutely continuous from the chest to the chin and also across the lips, as represented in section in figure 180. Giacomini (1889) further described invaginations of the epidermis into the mesoderm on the dorsum, lateral to the spine in an atrophic embryo 5 mm. long. Although not regularly symmetrical, these epidermal invaginations nevertheless were said to have a metameric arrangement, there being 6 on the right and 10 on the left side. Giacomini stated that these epidermal growths reminded him of the lateral-line organs of elasmobranchs, and added that he saw them at the caudal extremity of another specimen. Epidermal accumulations in various places were noticed also by Mall in long-retained cyemata, but nothing justifying Giacomini’s interpretation was encountered either by Mall or myself. The accumulations noticed by us were small, irregular, and rather poorly preserved mounds of epider- mis, as illustrated in figures 76 and 77. 286 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. That the placenta may continue to grow during retention after death of the cyema was once firmly believed. This idea had its origin in the disproportion frequently present between the size of the placenta and that of the cyema. At present, belief in the growth of the placenta after death of the cyema seems to have been abandoned, however. It was in connection with the placental changes, and especially with changes in the vessels of the villi, that the question of the survival and growth of cyemic tissues attracted attention. Among the placental changes which suggested the presence of growth was the proliferation of the ectoderm of the villi, indicated in so many specimens. It is interesting that Schickele (1907) re- garded this apparent post-mortem proliferation as a direct cause of cyemic death. Schickele believed that proliferation of the ectoderm of the villi results in encroach- ment upon the placental circulation and ultimately in death of the cyema. It seems strange, however, that Schickele (1905) stated that proliferation of the syn- cytium usually does not occur, except in cases of long-standing retention. Litt- hauer (1887) also had believed in the continued growth of the placenta as a result of retention, and had concluded that the death of the eyema was attributable to interference with its nutritive supply through proliferation of the endometrium. Taussig (1903) stated that the vessels in the villi of retained ‘‘ova’’ may be preserved for a long time, as reported also by Davidson, and Berlin believed that obliteration of the villous vessels is a purely post-mortem phenomenon. As previously stated, Berlin affirmed the belief of Merttens (1894) that the degree of vascular obliteration somewhat parallels the duration of the retention. If this obliteration actually occurs post-mortem, this conclusion of Merttens may be correct, for it is well known that the degree of obliteration of the umbilical vessels is dependent upon the duration since birth. However, the occurrence of ante- mortem vascular changes established by numerous investigators can not be ex- cluded. Nor is it necessarily an easy matter to differentiate the ante-mortem from the post-mortem proliferative vascular changes. If the villi can continue to grow after death of the fetus the rate of obliteration will be very much affected, no doubt, by this fact. It is interesting that Graefe, although granting the possi- bility of independent growth of the villi in retained uterine conceptuses, stated that he saw hypertrophy of the villi only once. Schaeffer also believed that the villi are preserved for a long time after death of the cyema, and Mall (1915) stated that in cases of tubal pregnancy the villi may continue to grow independently after death of the embryo. Crosti (1896) stated that if the ovum is not aborted immediately after death of the embryo the villous capillaries gradually disappear. Crosti also believed that the villi are preserved longer than the rest of the conceptus, and that even the “appendici durate’’ may become hydropic. It must be borne in mind, however, that the disappearance of the villous capillaries in consequence of maceration is one thing, and the obliteration of the vascular lumen by proliferative processes is quite another. Obliteration such as that represented in figure 177 illustrates the former process, which is a purely post-mortem phenomenon as far as the partic- ular villus is concerned, while that represented by No. 317, shown in figure 178, POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 287 illustrates proliferative obliteration of the vascular lumen which undoubtedly was ante-mortem. However, it must be recalled that not all of a chorionic vesicle necessarily dies at the same time, and that implanted villi, or those in very young conceptuses which are not yet dependent upon the fetal circulation, may well con- tinue to live and perhaps even continue to grow for some time. But such villi hardly can justly be designated as dead, and since death of the cyema does not necessarily result in simultaneous death of the entire conceptus, this distinction is not an unimportant one. There seems to be no agreement among writers, however, as to which of the tissues of the cyema are most resistant to post-mortem changes. Litthauer (1887) found the muscles of certain fetuses well preserved, although the cartilages had lost all their normal structure. Virchow, Wyder, and Baumgarten, according to Litthauer, also found that the muscles are among the most resistant of structures. Giacomini (1888) thought the central nervous system very resistant, but Engel came to a contrary conclusion. Phisalix (1890) thought the epithelium the most easily affected by pathological processes, and while there is great difference of opinion, all investigators seem to be agreed that the cyema is affected before the vesicles. Von Winckel (1904) spoke of three grades of maceration in the cyema, the first being that of bleb formation, the second that in which the epidermis is broken and shed in fragments, thus exposing the chorion, and the third stage that in which the joint capsules and ligaments are loosened, the joints consequently relaxed, and the extremities contorted. Von Winckel also set an approximate time-limit for the occurrence of these stages, the last stage being reached in three weeks. Nevertheless, von Winckel concluded that the degree of maceration could not be used as a criterion for the determination of the duration of intrauterine retention. Miiller also was impressed by the post-mortem changes, and rightly stated that many embryos are deformed beyond recognition by maceration, bleb formation, and mummification. Although it is incorrect to regard the changes which many conceptuses undergo after death and before abortion as maceration in the customary sense, no other word seems to be available. These changes undoubtedly are accompanied by softening, collapse, deformation, and no doubt also by autolysis. Whether im- bibition and swelling are invariably present I do not know, but if they occur they usually are slight and their effects minor in character. Most of the changes enumerated here may occur under sterile conditions, and since maceration, even in this restricted sense, must effect changes, not only in the chemical composition, but also in the microscopic structure of cells, long before changes in external form of embryo or chorionic vesicle become apparent, a discussion of maceration changes really should begin with these. But the earliest modifications in microscopic structure remain very largely, and those in chemical composition almost wholly, unknown to us at present. Although it undoubtedly is true, as stated by Miiller (1847), that very young embryos may retain their form surprisingly long after death if retained in sterile 288 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. amniotic fluid, it does not therefore follow that they really remain structurally unchanged. However, I can not confirm the opinion of Herzog (1898) that chori- onic villi degenerate with astonishing rapidity after the death of the embryo, which Herzog claimed was true especially in young placentz. According to Herzog, only the most intimate acquaintance enables one to recognize the villi after the embryo has been dead two or three weeks. Since the villi are usually the last thing to dis- appear and may survive the death of the embryo by months, even in the case of early conceptuses, it is difficult to understand what may have been responsible for Herzog’s opinion. Leopold (1882) stated that it has been shown that a bare fetus in the peritoneal cavity will macerate and become disarticulated, but that a fetus surrounded by the intact membranes will become dry and leathery. Just what the basis for this statement is I do not know, but it would seem that compar- atively prompt disarticulation of any except perhaps very young cyemata must imply the presence of putrefactive conditions, for the length of time which dead tissues can survive depends very largely upon the advent of putrefaction. Microscopic changes no doubt appear quite promptly after death in all con- ceptuses, but, strange as it may seem, the most pronounced internal changes may sometimes fail to manifest themselves externally. In one instance (No. 962), for example, Mall had noted that the shape of the embryo had been preserved so perfectly that the specimen seemed normal in form. Yet the slightest jar on the containing vessel resulted in its complete disintegration. Apparently this speci- men was somewhat farther advanced than embryo No. 2197 (figure 29, plate 4, Chap. IV). The same thing may be true of the villi, the shape of which may be preserved perfectly, although structurally they may have become mere gossamers, as illustrated by the villi of No. 606, shown in figure 11 (plate 1, Chap. IV). Since very few abortuses are expelled promptly, practically all are macerated to a greater or lesser degree. This applies to specimens classed as normal, as well as to those classed as pathologic. Nor can the mere fact that a specimen was obtained in utero at operation assure one that it is not macerated. No. 1224, for example, although obtained at operation, is a very greatly macerated, empty chorionic vesicle which was isolated completely in the uterine cavity. In another specimen (No. 1767), also obtained at hysterectomy, an abscess is found within the implantation site. No. 782, a third specimen of the same kind, and also other hysterectomy specimens, as previously stated, contain young hydatiform vesicles. Although the uterus and conceptus of No. 872 were placed in 10 per cent formalin after operation and kept in a thermostat for two days, the villi nevertheless are markedly macerated. They are also almost wholly non-vascular, remnants of the vessels being present in some of the villi only. The amnion is absent, the fibrous chorion also shows maceration changes, and the decidua is decidedly infiltrated. Hence it is important to remember that unless one is dealing with a normal im- plantation and a wholly normal uterus, the fact that the specimen was obtained at operation and preserved immediately with the best of care is not an absolute guarantee against the presence of early maceration changes. This is illustrated especially well by tubal specimens, which so frequently are embedded or isolated POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 289 in blood-clot, as was the case with Nos. 1938 and 2035, shown in figures 179 and 181. The embryo and yolk-sac of the former are almost completely disintegrated, for nothing but scarcely recognizable remnants lie isolated in the chorionic cavity, which is moderately filled with an amorphous coagulum. The stroma of the chorionic membrane is edematous and degenerate, but contains some well- preserved vessels, a few of which contain some blood-cells. The same thing is true of the stroma and of the vessels of the villi, which also are in process of dissolution. A moderate amount of trophoblast is present, but there is very little syncytium. The epithelium of some of the villi has undergone hyaline degeneration. The blood-cells in the large clot in which this chorionic vesicle, measuring 8 by 5 mm. in section, was embedded, are preserved fairly well, especially near the vesicle. Nevertheless, the whole conceptus is very apparently in a state of rapid disin- tegration and lysis. The tube-wall is very thin and the mucosa congested, hemor- rhagic, and atrophic. It is not difficult, as a rule, to identify maceration changes in the villi, for the appearances are rather characteristic, as figures 182 and 183 illustrate. But when other changes, such as the obliterative process shown in figure 184, are present at the same time, it is sometimes impossible to decide whether such changes as these were ante-mortem or post-mortem. In this case the lumina of the capillaries are plugged by what reminded Mall of “epithelial pearls,” though he recognized that the cells were endothelial in origin. That such an obstruction of the lumina of blood-vessels can occur through a shedding, swelling, and clumping of the endothe- lial cells there can be little doubt, although proliferation of the endothelium can perhaps not be wholly excluded. The earliest noticeable external post-mortem change in the color of the embryo is due to the oecurrence of a greater opacity. The tissues lose their normal trans- lucence, so that they look whiter and denser, and the surface also becomes less glistening. Later they also become yellowish and occasionally hemorrhagic, and~ the cutaneous surface becomes less smooth. Coincident with these changes, softening and some swelling also take place, as illustrated by No. 2146, shown in figure 187, and bleb formation occurs, especially on the abdominal extremity of the umbilical cord and elsewhere, as previously shown in figures 54, 70, 71, and 72 (plate 5, Chap. IV). In consequence of the softening of the tissues, the upper extremities, if suffi- ciently developed, tend to gradually droop, as shown in figures 58 and 66 (plate 5, Chap. IV). Later, the caudal extremities also sag, and both pairs may gradually develop unusual curvatures. Changes occur also in the face, for the ocular mar- gins become irregular and everted, or, if the lids have fused, they may prematurely open. But all these are relatively slight gross changes and merely herald the more profound modifications in form if retention continues under favorable conditions. What is now needed is a correlation between these early changes in external form and appearance and the histologic and cytologic changes. Although the advent of changes in color is quite prompt, it can safely be assumed from other evidence 290 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. that the incipient structural changes are microscopic and can be detected long before changes in external form and color occur. Since the chorionic vesicle almost invariably is surrounded by more or less blood and decidua in eases of abortion, it is naturally difficult to detect early gross post-mortem changes in it by inspection alone. However, the earliest noticeable external change in the villi is a decrease in translucency and a dulling of their surface. The villi of very young specimens also seem to become somewhat larger in caliber and look stiffer and slightly bulbous in places. They also frequently are somewhat matted, as was the case in No. 1878, a very young specimen, a portion of which is shown in figure 188, the chorionic vesicle of which measured but 10 by 12 mm. However, in No. 18438, which is a still younger specimen, measuring 5 by 6.5 mm. (figure 7, plate 1, Chap. IV) and shows more marked maceration changes upon microscopic examination, these changes, nevertheless, were not evident to the unaided eye, for the vesicle was unusually translucent. The chorionic and villous epithelium has sloughed over most of this vesicle and the remaining tissues stain but weakly. The cell-boundaries also are rather in- distinct and the yolk-sac shows marked changes. The first noticeable change in histologic structure seen in routine prepara- tions seems to be a blurring of the structural detail in the tissues and a haziness in appearance of the cytoplasm. This early state is followed, if not preceded, by auto- lytic changes. As has so frequently been emphasized, evidences of disintegration, noticeable particularly in the central nervous system, supervene very early and the brain and cord become swollen and the folds become effaced, as shown in figure 185. These changes are accompanied and may be followed by complete dissociation of the constituent elements, with some shifting if not migration of cells. All the constitutent cells become rounded, the cytoplasm may disappear entirely, and the nuclei become more pycnotic. When this stage is reached the structure of the brain and cord is quite uniform and cells of various origins may all be quite properly designated as round cells, for all look alike, the changed nuclei only remaining. The entire central nervous system, for example, may be composed of these densely packed round cells and be characterized quite properly upon superficial appearances alone as lymphoid, as suggested by Giacomini. Finally, however, the nuclei also disintegrate and form a fine, granular material, spoken of by Mall as nuclear dust. Morever, not only the nervous system, but all the organs of small fetuses, may be so transformed, as illustrated in figure 186. These things, however, do not necessarily or materially change the form of the eyema, and the effects produced by retention in utero after death will depend not so much upon the exact duration of the retention as upon the age of the cyema. A few weeks may suffice not only to change greatly the external form or the inter- nal structure of young eyemata, but to effect complete absorption. In case of an approximately mature fetus, on the other hand, such a short period of retention after death might modify the form inappreciably and result merely in maceration of the epidermis. POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 291 One might expect that maceration, even under sterile conditions, especially in case of young specimens, would result in general distention, but this does not always seem to be the case. Edematous areas do, indeed, frequently form locally, as previously illustrated and as generally observed; but swelling due to imbibition, such as occurs when fresh young specimens are placed in formaldehyde, was observed only in a minor degree, as illustrated by No. 2146, shown in figure 187. Sometimes this swelling is local, as represented by the cephalic region of No. 1750. A subsequent reduction in size is much more common and may be due to absorption of salts from the amniotic fluid, with resultant concentration of it and of extraction of tissue fluid from the cyema itself. In very young specimens, such as No. 786 (fig. 189), an embryo 4 mm. long, the first noticeable shrinkage change in form seems to occur in the cephalic extremity, the frontal prominence of which recedes and the outline of the vertex of which becomes more and more rounded and also is reduced in size. In consequence of these changes, the cephalic extremity becomes relatively too small, as is well illustrated by comparing this specimen with No. 1380, shown in figure 190, a cyema of the same development but 5.5 mm. long and in an excel- lent condition of preservation. This reduction in size of the cephalic region would, to be sure, result in a reduction in length were the measurement taken from tip to tip, and were it not for the fact that during this process the cephalic extremity, if indeed not the entire embryo, usually unbends and in becoming straighter com- pensates for, or even more than compensates for, the loss in length due to reduc- tion in size of the cephalic extremity. This does not always occur, however, as Nos. 1299 and 2216 so well illustrate (see figs. 191 and 192). These changes make the trunk look disproportionately large and the features somewhat stunted. Previous to these changes, or coincident with them, the tissues lose their elasticity and also become softer, and the surface of the specimen becomes duller, more opaque, and finally more yellowish. Other changes noticeable in the specimen just referred to are the loss in detail of the surface relief, evident particularly in the branchial region, and in the effacement of the myotomes. In other instances, such as No. 2035 (a portion of a tubal specimen), a marked change is very evident in the caudal extremity, which has become shorter, blunter, and straighter, although upon close inspection other changes also are noticeable. Because of these things the actual soon may become less than the original length and only roughly indicate the true age of the cyema. The change in the cephalic extremity, the decrease in the natural curve which accompanies erection of the specimen, and the loss in detail just spoken of are illustrated still better by No. 187a, which is a somewhat older embryo, 7 mm. in length. Young embryos which illustrate the early changes in form are Nos. 208 and 1296, shown in figures 193 and 194—embryos which are respectively 7 and 4 mm. long in their present state. A somewhat similar, though slighter, effect of maceration upon relatively young specimens is illustrated by Nos. 1697 and 1477, shown in figures 195 and 196, cyemata 15 and 18.5 mm. long respectively. In the first of these two speci- 292 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. mens the gaping mouth and blunted and rounded upper extremities are especially noticeable. That sagging of the upper extremities does not always occur, even in the presence of a more marked degree of maceration than present in the above specimen, is illustrated by No. 705, shown in figure 197, a somewhat older cyema with more marked maceration, and to a less degree also by No. 1477, both of which also show a rounding and shortening of the extremities. A still more striking series of transformations is illustrated by the somewhat older specimens, Nos. 2244, 1891, 1655, 1260, 1333, 1926, and 1379, shown in figures 198 to 204 inclusive. Inspection of this series will show that the transition from one to the succeeding specimen is not very marked, although the difference in form between the first and last specimens is very great indeed, and could have been made more striking by accompanying each figure by a normal one of the same (or approximately the same) stage of development. Such oddly shaped bodies as those shown in figures 203 and 204 scarcely can be identified positively as cyemic remnants by the unaided eye, and even under some magnification give little indication of their internal structure. The same thing is true, though to a lesser degree, of Nos. 885 and 1333, shown in figure 202, and also in figure 22 (plate 3, Chap. IV). In these specimens the limbs are still present in such an abbreviated form that the latter suggests amelia. Hence the question at once arises whether these specimens show mere post-mortem deforma- tions or true developmental anomalies. This question is presented still more forcibly by smaller, younger specimens such as Nos. 1226 and 2361, shown in figures 205 and 206. These cyemata may be truly anomalous, but they also may be macerated young normal embryos, and in case of young specimens the question can be decided only by a microscopic study of the sections, as was illustrated while considering the nodular group in Chapter IV. It must be borne in mind, however, that minor external deformities may be obliterated completely by post-mortem deformations, and that in such cases no positive conclusion can then be reached. An unbending or erection of the eyema does not always occur, as is illustrated by No. 208 (fig. 191), which also is a 7-mm. specimen. Although this cyema is markedly macerated, there has been but little change in the total outline, save as a result of pitting, increase in flexure, and shrinkage. Whether or not failure to unbend on the part of this specimen is due to an early coagulation of the am- niotic fluid, and the tissues of the embryo itself, I do not know, but that this might be an important factor does not seem improbable. Similarly, early coagulation of the cyema itself might postpone other changes in form, similar to those shown in No. 589 (fig. 207), a cyema of 10 mm. This cyema very apparently was not surrounded by a coagulum. In such soft specimens the whole surface may be wrinkled, the hand plates may look excavated, and the head may be sunken deeply upon the chest. Since this particular specimen remained extremely soft and pliable, the extremities also were rotated somewhat and the body became rather collapsed, as if compressed. Just why some cyemata remain relatively stiff, firm, and opaque, and others become extremely soft, swollen, and more POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 293 translucent, remains unknown to me, but it is not impossible that the reaction of the amniotic fluid is the controlling factor. In slightly older specimens the first marked changes in external form resulting from maceration sometimes are seen near the abdominal attachment of the um- bilical cord, as illustrated in No 1523 (fig. 70, plate 5, Chap. IV), an embryo of 19 mm. Several blebs are sometimes located on opposite sides of the cord or surround it, as in the case of No. 1475, shown in figure 54 (plate 5, Chap IV). It is interesting that large blebs not infrequently are present in this location, even if the body of the cyema has suffered relatively little change. The size of these blebs, to be sure, may be considerable and, instead of local edema, the entire epidermis may be lifted and the entire cord may be swollen, but such a condition usually arises only later, during longer periods of retention. Sometimes the whole nuchal region is edematous, forming a marked prominence far above that nor- mally present, or is occupied by a single large bleb. For some reason these blebs are common, especially on the head, the dorsum, and on the umbilical cord. Sometimes a prominence on the dorsum is due to the swollen, macerated, and completely disintegrated central nervous system, which may form a marked ridge, as illustrated by No. 521f, shown in figure 208, a specimen in which lumbar spina bifida was present. Not infrequently, however, a marked prominence in the upper dorsal region is due to collapse of the brain and drooping of the head, as illustrated in No. 175, a ecyema of 13 mm. This collapse of the central nervous system occurs most frequently in the brain of older specimens and is not infre- quently followed by collapse of the calvarium in younger specimens. It may result in marked cutaneous depressions or sulci, as illustrated in No. 1250, a speci- men 13 mm. in length (fig. 209). Rarely, these sulci or ridges may extend entirely down the dorsum of young specimens. It is decidedly significant that some intrauterine changes in external form can be simulated by post-mortem extrauterine changes. This is splendidly illus- trated by figures 210 and 211, which are photographs of a fresh and well-preserved and a poorly preserved cat embryo respectively. Similar changes have also been produced experimentally by incubation in sterile solutions, and are further illus- trated by No. 1358f, shown in figures 212 and 213. The former shows the appear- ance of the somewhat macerated specimen before staining and preservation in alcohol, which very materially shrunk the tissues, as shown in the latter. Were the history of this case unknown, one would have been justified in calling it a rather decidedly soft, macerated specimen. Nor do two specimens of identical age, which existed under identical conditions, necessarily present exactly the same appearance. This is well illustrated by Nos. 2258a and 22580, single-ovum twins, shown in figure 214. The relatively early loss in detail in the normal relief of the cyema is illus- trated extremely well by No. 2014 (fig. 215), an embryo 17 mm. long. The normal relief of this specimen is replaced by a molding due to maceration. These changes, which are noticeable over the entire body, show particularly in the eyes and ears and in the gaping mouth. The effacement of the normal features in young speci- 294 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. mens is sometimes very complete, but this is true also of older ones, so that the external form may suggest the amorphous group. An intermediate form between the latter and No. 2014 is represented by No. 1495d (fig. 216), a eyema 12.3 mm. long, but of approximately the same stage of development as the other two. A still more advanced change of this type is illustrated by No. 921, shown in figure 39 (plate 4, Chap. IV). The difference in length between some of these specimens of corresponding development is not infrequently due mainly to shrinkage accom- panying maceration and retention. No. 1495d is interesting also because the placental site was marked internally by numerous subchorial hematomata (fig. 217). I do not wish to enter into a discussion of these so-called ‘‘Breus hema- tomatous moles” of which so much seems to have been made, but all the speci- mens which have come to my attention had been retained for a long time. It would seem that when, for some reason, the placental margins and also certain intermediate placental areas are more firmly adherent than the rest, the looser portions may be detached and forced inward by hemorrhage, thus producing a series of hummocks on the internal surface of the placenta. If the chorion and amnion over these areas rupture, blood may enter the amniotic fluid, and just in proportion as the latter is reduced in quantity the process of eversion of the placental site must be facilitated. It is, of course, entirely possible that a mix- ture of blood with the amniotic fluid, so common in these specimens, may help to preserve the cyema, but the abortuses with subchorial hematomata which I have seen did not give me the impression that their preservation was any better than that of the non-hematomatous type. Blunting and rounding of the extremities of the cyema, with consequent shortening and loss of detail, are present in still more decided form than previously illustrated. Beginning sagging of the extremities is shown well in No. 1358, which is 18.3 mm. long, and in still older specimens, such as No. 1710 (fig. 66, plate 5, Chap. IV). The abnormal curvatures, and especially the blunting of the ex- tremities, are exemplified still better, and the drooping mandible, gaping mouth, and locally edematous cord are also well shown in No. 797, a fetus 35 mm. long, represented in figure 218. Changes in curvature of the extremities are splendidly illustrated in No. 1860 (fig. 219), and become more pronounced the older the specimen, up to the period when skeletal development makes them extremely difficult or even impossible. The changes in the extremities do not stop, however, with the production of abnormal curvatures, for not infrequently the hands and feet undergo an outward clubbing, shown in pronounced form in No. 1958 (fig. 220), a decidedly macerated specimen 41.5 mm. long. Separate views of the extremities of this specimen are given in figures 221 and 222. Earlier stages in this process are illustrated by No. 1751 (fig. 223), with separate views of the extremities in figure 69 (plate 5, Chap. IV). Since the extremities in earlier stages of development are less resistant, they become soft and are more easily contorted; but at a somewhat later stage of develop- ment, when they are more resistant, it is not uncommon to find the arms especially assuming more extended positions of gesture. Hence grotesque figures occur, such POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 295 as exemplified in Nos. 1462 and 1309 (figures 224 and 225), which are purely acci- dental forms. As maceration becomes extreme, even without the presence of putrefaction, marked softening and distortion take place and the face may be drawn into grimaces, as illustrated by No. 1775 (fig. 226) and by other specimens previously represented. In these older specimens the epidermis, instead of falling off in flakes or hanging in streamers, especially from the extremities of the digits, may become rolled up and accumulate in welts, especially at points of contact of the extremities, as illustrated in No. 1859 (fig. 64, plate 5, Chap. IV). If dehydration occurs under sterile conditions, the transition from such a specimen as No. 1859 to 1474a, shown in figure 61 (plate 5, Chap. IV.), is an easy one, and if continued beyond this stage it may eventually lead to typical mummi- fication. If the amniotic fluid is finally completely or almost completely absorbed and the uterus then contracts upon the specimen, such rolled-up forms as Nos. 1525, 1976 (figures 227 and 228) and No. 1041 (figure 40, plate 4, Chap. IV.) may result. Sometimes the placenta and membranes of these long-retained, leathery specimens are found in the form of a firm covering with a small opening through which the fetus has escaped, as illustrated by No. 1850, a fetus of 17 mm., shown in figure 229. In other instances the fetal tissues, instead of becoming dehydrated, as in case of the above and No. 1295a, shown in figure 230, remain soft, as represented in a comparatively early stage by No. 1350, 66 mm. long, shown in figure 61 (plate 5, Chap. IV). A more advanced stage of this process is represented by Nos. 2034 and 1925, fetuses 96.5 and 147 mm. long respectively, shown in figure 234 and figure 48 (plate 5, Chap. IX). If this process of maceration becomes extreme, or if putrefac- tion supervenes, such disintegrated forms as No. 1515 (fig. 50, plate 5, Chap. IV) are finally produced, and the stage of disarticulation is at last reached. That the advent of rigor mortis does not necessarily change the attitude of young embryos is suggested from occurrences observed personally under experi- mental conditions. As long as the amnion closely invests a mammalian embryo, ‘the extremities of the latter can not become extended during rigor, and hence may retain the intrauterine position. The same thing holds, to a considerable extent at least, for the trunk also, for neither is it so free to extend as when the amnion has been opened or been removed. In the human conceptus the amnion soon becomes sufficiently large, however, but coagulum could have a similar influence. Although little is known regarding intrauterine rigor mortis, Wolff (1903) stated that it is not rare, and held that an accumulation of waste products pro- duced in consequence of circulating disturbances in the mother may be responsible for its early advent. In any case it probably is quite transitory, and the later rigidity of aborted cyemata undoubtedly must be due to something else. At present we are not in position to accurately evaluate slight changes in bodily form of cyemata, for as long as the exact form of normal cyemata remains undetermined, it is inevitable that macerated specimens will be mistaken for and represented as normal in form, even in contemporary embryologies. Abnormal 296 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. forms likewise have been described as normal, and macerated normal specimens also as pathologic, although no one would, I presume, defend the opinion that a dead conceptus may become pathologic. Although His emphasized that the softness of aborted forms easily results in unusual folds and flexures, he, it seems, greatly reinforced, even if he did not intro- duce, the idea that embryos that are abnormal in form are pathologic. He apparently came to this conclusion because he did not believe that post-mortem changes could be responsible for modifications in form present in the specimens which came to his attention. Giacomini (1888) also believed that many of the deformities so common in embryos of the first months are due purely to regression after death, but added that he did not care to stress the idea that post-mortem changes can account for many of the deformities seen. Later Giacomini evidently became skeptical, however, and decided that it remained to be determined whether the changes in the embryo are primary or secondary. Furthermore, in 1894, he declared that one never meets with changes in abortive forms which one can attribute solely to softening, and concluded that embryos that die soften and dis- integrate quickly, only those which merely are inhibited in growth being preserved for months. Waldstein (1913) also stated that von Winckel spoke of a slowing of development before death of the embryo occurred. While it is conceivable, and even probable, that inhibition in growth may occur, experiments now under way show that dead mammalian fetuses nevertheless may be preserved in sterile nutrient and non-nutrient solutions at body temperature for extended periods of time—for months—without indication of growth and with very little change in external form. Although one must frankly recognize that it is extremely difficult to simulate intrauterine conditions closely, these experiments nevertheless very seriously question the conclusion of Giacomini. His (1891) also emphasized that dead embryos may be preserved in utero for months, and there is abundant evidence in the Carnegie Collection corroborating this conclusion. But it is conecivable that slight modifications in body-form might arise from gradual inhibition in growth, as well as from post-mortem changes of secondary origin. Panum (1860), in dis- cussing what he termed monstruositates totales amorphoides occurring among chicks, also expressed the opinion that the changes in embryonic form noticed by him arose during life. He claimed that these changes could not have resulted from macera- tion, because adhesions of the membranes were present, because the specimens showed a total divergence from the normal form, and also because of the differences in size and consistency found to exist among them. Panum was led to the conclu- sion that all the deformities noticed by him in chicks were the result of the condi- tions under which development occurred and through the absence of evidence supporting the opinion of Bischoff that the cause of monsters was germinal. But Panum nevertheless believed that gases formed from putrefaction might com- press the embryo and produce a fetus papyraceous. When considering these greatly modified or even bizarre forms of human embryos, one also is reminded of the fact that Panum believed that monstrous chicks resulted directly from a lowering of the temperature during incubation. POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 297 However, since Panum found deformations especially common in the cephalic extremity, and further stated that many of his so-called ““monstruositates totales cylindrice’’ were mummy-like, with features effaced, it seems more likely that he was dealing with maceration forms the death of which was due to the chilling. Just why some chick embryos, the heart-beat of which has been temporarily sus- pended by chilling, die quite promptly, and others only late in development, near the end of the normal incubation period, I do not know, but personal observa- tions leave no doubt regarding this matter, and variation in vitality is all that I can suggest as an explanation at present. It is only just to state that Panum considered the possibility that the anoma- lous forms were secondary in origin, and concluded that some were germinal in origin. His (1891), too, at first regarded certain abnormal forms of human embryos, such as the nodular, cylindrical, and flexed (geknickte), as germinal, but later inclined to the belief that they nevertheless arose from changes occurring after the death of the embryo, saying: “‘Seitdem ich mir aber Rechenschaft gegeben habe von den histologischen Ver- anderungen welche eine Folge des Absterbens sind, von der Quellung des Gehirns und den Verinderungen der urspriinglichen Gewebe durch eine Zellenbrut, bin ich weit mehr geneigt, die abortiven Formen von Embryonen als secundir enstanden anzusehen. So werden speciell auch die so auffilligen Cylinderformen verstindlich, sowie man sich davon Rechenschaft giebt, dass von dem friiheren Embryo neben einem auffalligen Skelett fast nur noch die Haut iibrig geblieben ist. Als ausdehnbarer Sack kann sich dieselbe mit fremdem Material, mit Wanderzellen und zum Theil mit Fliissigkeit ausfiillen und nun giebt sie die alten Kérperformen nur noch in den allergrobsten Ziigen wieder.” In spite of these words, His insisted that poorly preserved normal forms never show changes seen in so-called abortive forms, and emphasized that, although the cells in abortuses may not all be dead, we nevertheless can not speak of these abortive forms as living. The mere fact that post-mortem changes may produce misleading modifica- tions in form makes the identification of post-mortem deformations extremely important. If all conceptuses were aborted immediately after their death, the problem would be a far simpler one, for such an event would at once dispose of such difficult questions as, not only those of survival, but also of the independent growth of one or more members of the cyema, or of the whole of the vesicles, after the death of the cyema. That outward apparent stunting is a fairly common occurrence in young embryos is fully attested by the many specimens in the Carnegie Collection which illustrate this phenomenon, but I have not been able to find convincing proof indicating that it is also physiological. In the case of older fetuses with apparent brachydactyly, osseous development seems to have been normal and the modifications attributable to changes in the soft parts. Hence I am prompted to conclude that, although growth may be retarded in consequence of circulatory disturbances, it continues wholly normally, unless influenced by other things, until the heart stops. It also may be difficult to tell whether a given condition arose before or after death of the embryo, merely because of the presence of maceration changes, even 298 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. when these changes may have occurred in a sterile medium. The difficulty of distinguishing between ante-mortem and post-mortem changes, which impressed Phisalix and also others, is very great, if not insurmountable in some cases. This is true especially if it be assumed that an irregular or uncorrelated growth can occur under post-mortem, ante-partum conditions, for such growth could easily produce anomalous forms. But it must be admitted that the existence of a genuine post- mortem growth is merely an inference at present. In considering some of the strange forms to which attention has been called one can not disregard such instances in the newborn as that reported by Cowie (1914). The posture of this infant reminds one very strikingly of some of the fetuses in the accompanying illustrations. This seems very disconcerting at first thought, but there is, of course, no reason why a condition responsible for the occurrence of multiple intrauterine fractures, such as are present in this infant, should not result in very abnormal postures. Moreover, if fetal bone disease may begin very early, it is also probable that some of these strange, relatively early fetal forms well may be genuine fetal anomalies and pathologic in addition. The cases reported by de Lima (1915), especially cases 2 and 3, also belong among those which simulate some early fetal forms. Nevertheless, in these, and also in the other 2 cases reported by him, de Lima found bony defects. The same thing was true of the outwardly similar cases in infants and children reported by McKenzie (1897). However, in view of the occurrence of these outward resemblances, it is not always possible to distinguish normal specimens which have suffered post-mortem deformations or changes in posture of the extremities from true developmental anomalies by outward inspection alone. This difficulty is particularly great in connection with changes in form and position of the hands, the feet, and the head and neck, and greatest of all, in connection with the knees. Even a cursory ex- amination of some of the accompanying figures must also show that we at present are unable to decide whether any of these young specimens with pronounced deflections of the head and neck are cases of genuine torticollis and others are genuine cases of club-hand or club-foot, or genu varus, or valgum, for example. Indeed, this difficulty could be avoided only if these conditions arose only late in pregnancy, or if the cyemata showing them never were aborted before term. Waiving the exact definition of club-hand and club-foot, it must strike the attention of anyone that caput obstipum and apparent club-hands and club-feet so often are associated in these relatively early specimens, most of which are decidedly macer- ated. In 10 out of 21 cases of club-hand and club-foot listed as such among 3,000 accessions, excluding 2 cases with an embryonic length of 2.5 and 16 mm., respec- tively, clubbing was present in all the extremities. This is a wholly different relationship from that which obtains between these anomalies at the time of birth, when they seem to be associated but very rarely. However, in practically all of these cases of universal clubbing of macerated specimens the anomaly is associated with other developmental defects, as is not infrequently the case in the congenital condition. POST-MORTEM INTRAUTERINE CHANGES. 299 Three of these 21 cases of clubbing were classed among the normal and 18 among the pathologic. With the exception of 3 fetuses which had a length of 100, 130, and 220 mm., respectively, all were less than 100 mm., the average length being 48.9mm. While it may be possible to recognize genuine clubbing, due to the absence of the bones or to defects in them so early in fetal life, by microscopic examination or by other special methods, this certainly can not be done by inspection alone. Hence it is clear that the term club-foot, as used in the classification of this col- lection, is without special implication, except that it tells something about the shape of the periphery of the extremities. It would also seem that if all these cases of deformed extremities in fetuses were true developmental anomalies, they should be encountered in well-preserved specimens, and more frequently in the older ones. That other anomalies should be found associated more frequently also seems to follow from our knowledge of congenital club-hand and club-foot. Among these genuine cases defective develop- ment of the bones seems to be more frequently noted, for congenital club-hand nearly always is accompanied by absence of either radius or ulna, while in the cases under consideration here such an absence has not been established. Nor is it without significance that the most pronounced forms of club-hand and club- foot found in these fetuses always occurred in those longest retained and most macerated. Many of them also show quite general evidences of the presence of pressure defects, and unless it can be shown that a tendency to progressive elimina- tion of specimens with double club-foot and hand exists, with survival of those suffering from club-foot alone, one can not harmonize the frequent association of these defects in fetuses with the conditions as known to exist at the time of birth. However, since certain forms of congenital club-foot are probably also the result of intrauterine pressure, the types found in fetuses if the latter survived would be quite similar or even identical, in a morphologic sense, with the condition in the newborn; yet in one case growth would have ceased before the pressure became effective, while in the other it continued. The fact that congenital clubfoot is relatively seldom due to bony defects would also seem to point to external factors as causes, but I have no final opinion on this matter and am calling attention to it merely to emphasize the fact that post-mortem intrauterine changes resulting from maceration and pressure, or from both, may easily cause confusion in young cyemata. 300 DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. Pate 17. Fig. 175. A portion of a chorionic vesicle, showing appearances identical with tissue cultures. No. 545. 135. Fic. 176. Fetus showing gluing of hand to face. No. 316. Fic. 177. Villi showing obliteration of vessels by maceration and disintegration. No. 640. Fra. 178. Villi showing obliteration of vessels by proliferation. No. 317. 97.5. Fic. 179. Macerated tubal specimen imbedded in clot and undergoing lysis. No. 1938. 0.75. Fic. 180. Fetus showing continuity of epidermis across the mouth, with obliteration of the labial slit. No. 885. 4.5. Fre. 181. Macerated tubal specimen, only the chorionic vesicle remaining. No. 2035. 0.75. Fia. 182. Slightly macerated villi. No. 275. 37.5. Fic. 183. Greatly macerated villi. No. 7236. Fic. 184. Macerated, long-retained villi, with lumina of capillaries plugged with coagulum. No. 286. 37.5. Fig. 185. Fetus in sagittal section showing maceration, especially of the nervous system. No. 285. 4.5. Fra. 186. Cross section of cyema showing homogeneous structure produced by maceration. No. 205. 11.25. Piate 18. Fig. 187. Slight swelling of fetus from brief maceration. No. 2146. 2. Fic. 188. Matted, slightly macerated villi. No. 1878. 4. Fie. 189. A macerated, disproportional cyema 4 mm. long, showing a development of 5.5mm. No. 786. 4. Fig. 190. A well-preserved cyema 5.5 mm., of the same development as the preceding. No. 1380. X4. Fies. 191-192. Cyemata illustrating failure of extension of the body upon maceration. Nos. 1299 (<2) and 2216 (4). Fics. 193-196. Cyemata illustrating changes in form due to maceration. Nos. 208 (2), 1296 (2.67), 1697 (X2), and 1477 (X2). Fig. 197. Illustrating beginning changes in form due to maceration. No. 705. 1.35. Fies. 198-204. Similar specimens, showing more pronounced changes. In figure 203 the structure of the specimen is chaotic. Nos. 2244 (X2.67), 1891 (X2), 1655 (X2.67), 1260 (2.67), 1333 (X2.67), 1379 (X 2.67). Fias. 205-206. Doubtful normally developed eyemata. Nos. 1226 (2.67) and 2361 (x4). Fic. 207. A cyema illustrating post-partum changes. No. 589. 2.67. Fic. 208. Cyema showing maceration sulci and ridges, and drooping of the limbs. No. 521f. 1.66. Fic. 209. Cyema showing maceration sulci and ridges, and swelling of the cord. X2. Fig. 210. Normal, well-preserved cat fetus. Fic. 211. Normal, poorly preserved cat fetus of approximately the same length. Fic. 212. Appearance of fetus before fixation. No. 1358. X2. Fic. 213. The same specimen, showing wrinkling due to fixation and staining. X2. Fic. 214. Macerated, distorted single-ovum twins. No. 2258. 2.67. Fic. 215. Minor changes in relief, due to maceration. Swelling and constriction of cord. No. 2014. X2. Fig. 216. An intermediate maceration form. No. 1495d. 2.67. PuaTeE 19. Fic. 217. Interior of the chorionic vesicle showing subchorial hematomata. No. 1495d. 0.77. Fig. 218. A fetus and cord showing marked maceration changes. No. 797. 1.35. Fia. 219. An older fetus, showing bleb-formation and curvature in extremities, due to maceration and retention. No. 1860. 1.35. Fig. 220. A fetus showing marked clubbing of the extremities and obliteration of the features. No. 1958. 0.87. Fias. 221-222. Extremities of same specimen. 2.67. Fig. 223. External appearance of fetus in situ. No. 1751. 0.57. Fia. 224. An older, macerated fetus, with extremities extended instead of folded. No. 1462. 0.77. Fia. 225. A similar specimen. No. 1309. 0.23. Fic. 226. A long-retained, soft, rolled-up form, photographed in extension. No. 1775. 0.47. Fic. 227. A similar specimen with markedly flexed head. No. 1525. 0.66. Fig. 228. A similar specimen. No. 1976. 0.47. Fia. 229. A similar specimen with mummified chorionic vesicle. No. 1850. X6. Fia. 230. A decidedly mummified fetus. No. 1295a. 0.77. Fic. 231. Unilateral development of villi in a vesicle classed as normal (?). No. 2092. (See Chapter XV.) X1.35. Fic. 232. A somewhat macerated young vesicle with quite uniformly distributed villi which are slightly abnormal in form and structure. No. 1878. (See Chapter XV.) x4. Fia. 233. A ne same specimen, showing the somewhat more than normally bulbous and rather matted villi. 2.67. Fig. 234. A very softened, macerated fetus. 0.5. PLATE 17 MALL AND MEYER MALL AND MEYER a” e MALL AND MEYER S CHAPTER XIV. HOFBAUER CELLS IN NORMAL AND PATHOLOGIC CONCEPTUSES. The history of these cells illustrates very well how a rediscovery, when accom- panied by a fuller description, succeeds in domiciling itself in anatomical literature as an original discovery. As we shall presently see, Hofbauer (1905) was impressed especially by a conspicuous phase in the life-history of a particular cell. He noted its reaction, in the fresh state, to certain stains, described it more fully, and speculated with some freedom on its functional rédle; but he did not discover this cell, as he supposed, in 1903. Although Hofbauer, in his book published in 1905, referred to his address given in 1903, he did not refer to or list the paper based on this address, published in 1903, in the title of which these cells are referred to as “hitherto unknown” and as “constantly occurring.’”’ Hofbauer’s failure, in 1905, to recognize earlier workers was, I presume, an oversight, which apparently led Essick (1915) and others to assume that “‘Hofbauer first called attention to specific round cells appearing in the human placenta toward the end of the fourth week of pregnancy.” The type of cell which in recent years has been designated with Hofbauer’s name was known previously, especially as Wanderzelle, and had been represented by various investigators. Minot (1911), in a footnote, referred to the latter fact and rightly added: “It has long been known that strikingly large free cells appear in the mesenchyme of the chorion. They are pictured in my Human Embryology.” Reference to the illustration in this work shows a large, rather granular cell, with a somewhat eccentrically placed, vesicular nucleus, but without vacuoles. More- over, previous to the publication of this Embryology, Minot (1889) not only spoke of large, granular, wandering cells in the stroma of the chorion, but also repre- sented them. From Minot’s familiarity with the work of Langhans (1877) and of Kastschenko (1885), it does not seem unlikely that, among others, he had these investigators particularly in mind when he referred to earlier descriptions. In the absence of a more discriminating term for these erratic and largely ephemeral elements, the original designation of wandering cell would seem far preferable to the designation “‘lipoid interstitial cells,” used by certain Italian writers. The former is a non-committal term and, although too inclusive, is for this reason no more objectionable than the expression giant cell. Although these cells may not—indeed, probably do not—wander in the sense of the ameeba or the leucocyte, they nevertheless may change their location decidedly. The qualification “‘inter- stitial” is objectionable for the very reason for which it was chosen—the alleged analogy to the interstitial cells of the testis and ovary—and since they may con- tain lipoid substances merely because they are degenerate, the adjective lipoid is equally objectionable. For reasons to appear later, the designation “‘plasma cell’’ used by certain Italian writers since 1905, would not seem to be justified. Virchow (1871) stated that isolated cells with clear vesicular spaces in their protoplasm are found in the stroma of the villi in cases of hydatiform degeneration, 301 302 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. and identified them with certain other cells (physaliphores) previously described by him. He found these bubble-like cells, as he called them, also in the thymus of the new-born, in cancer, ete., and, according to Virchow, they were not merely vacuolated cells. He seems to have regarded them as identical also with the vacuo- lated syncytial masses, for he stated that Miiller described them as occurring in the chorionic epithelium. Since syncytial elements are not uncommon in the stroma, instances of confusion of these two cell types can be found in contemporary literature also. Langhans (1877), in describing the stroma of the villi, said that it contained “Sharply delimited large cells with many granules in the protoplasm. Their form is variable—circular, spindle, and star-shaped.” These cells were said to lie mainly near the periphery. However, Langhans, who was interested mainly in other problems, did not represent them nor discuss their probable significance. But Kastschenko (1885) represented them and described them as being about 9 yu large, and as corresponding exactly in form and size to the white blood-cells of the same embryo. According to Kastschenko, the cytoplasm is reduced in quantity after the first month, so that the nucleus no longer is surrounded by it. The nuclei also are said to undergo a change and to appear later as solid structures. The latter observation can not fail to remind one of pyenosis and of one of its well- known significances. Kastschenko found these cells mainly near the epithelium of the villi and stated that they vary greatly in size, number, and occurrence in the same placenta. The fact that Kastschenko identified the cells found in the mesen- chyme of the embryonic villi as leucocytes might seem to indicate that what he saw and described were other than Hofbauer cells. However, his illustrations, especially when considered in connection with those of earlier investigators and those of Minot, leave little doubt that all these investigators saw the same type of cell. Moreover, it is not improbable that Kastschenko was influenced in his interpretation of these cells by the origin and current use of the term ‘‘Wander- zelle.”” It will be recalled that von Recklinghausen (1863) showed that the leu- cocyte preeminently belonged in this class of cells, but even at the time that Kastschenko was writing, and far later, all cells which were regarded as foreign to the tissue in which they lay were still included in the designation ‘‘Wander- zelle.”” Reference to the literature of that period will make this fully evident. The presence of these cells in conceptuses classed as pathologie was noticed repeatedly by Mall (1908), who also designated them as wandering or migrating cells in his earlier protocols. Chaletzky (1891) also saw and described these cells, but perhaps the best description from an earlier date is that given by Kossman (1892), who also referred to the Hofbauer cells as ““Wanderzellen,”’ and gave excellent representations of them. Indeed, from an inspection of the latter alone there can be no question as to the identity of these ‘‘Wanderzellen”’ and the Hofbauer cell. In speaking of them, Kossman said: . Auffallend sind zahlreiche grosse Zellen, die eine sehr wechselnde, oft amoboide, niemals sternférmige Gestalt haben. Die Filarmasse ihres Protoplasma’s ist durchaus fein, netzartig angeordnet und firbt sich stark in Hiimatoxylin. Die Zellen HOFBAUER CELLS. 303 enthalten einen oder mehrere grosse blasenartige Hohlriiume, von denen ich leider nicht sicher sagen kann, ob sie Fett fiihrten, da sie mir erst nach Behandlung des Priparats mit Xylol auffielen. Der Kern dieser Zellen enthielt stets Nucleoli. Die Zellen sind also jedenfalls nicht in lebhafter Vermehrung; wahrscheinlich sind es Wanderzellen, und da sie auf einem wenig dlteren Stadium wieder fehlen, mag ihr Vorkommen in einigem Zusammenhange mit der um diese Zeit beginnenden Vascularisation des Stroma’s stehen.”’ Merttens (1894) found the same cells in abortuses, and, in describing the stroma of the villi of his first case, said: “An den Ernihrungszotten ist es kernreich, vielfach aufgelockert, mit stern- und spindelférmigen Zellen, in den Maschen jene oben fiir die normalen ersten Stadien beschriebenen grossen, runden oder polyedrischen Zellen mit kérnigem oder auch vacuolirem Protoplasma mit grossem, blischenférmigem, rundem Kern.” Merttens seems also to have suggested that these cells are swollen stroma cells, but since he made this observation somewhat disconnectedly I am not quite certain of his meaning; yet the mere suggestion is particularly interesting, in view of Minot’s special emphasis upon the degenerate character of the Hofbauer cells. Marchand (1898) also wrote: “Die durchsichtigen hellen Zellen im Stroma normaler oder pathologischer Zotten sind mir wohlbekannt, sie konnen denen der Zellschicht sehr ahnlich sein; ich halte sie jedoch fiir gequollene, rundlich gewordene Bindegewebszellen, da man Ubergiinge zu solchen findet, ebenso wie in andern Schleimgeweben.”’ Ulesco-Stranganowa (1896), who also saw these cells, says that if one com- pares the Langhans cells with reund nuclei with these cells scattered about the stroma of the villi, and which have been named ‘‘Wanderzellen”’ by Kastschenko, one becomes convinced of the identity of these two types of cells. According to Ulesco-Stranganowa, then, the Hofbauer and Langhans cells are identical. Mall (1915) also called attention to this possibility, for, when speaking of the invasion of the mesoderm of the villi by trophoblast, he called attention to the presence of numerous Hofbauer cells, and added: “It would seem possible that these Hof- bauer cells are free trophoblast cells within the mesoderm of the villus, an opinion already expressed in my paper on monsters.’”’ Neumann (1897) also noticed these cells and referred to Virchow’s opinion regarding them, and von Lenhossék (1902) is credited by the reviewer of his paper in 1904 with having examined a large series of young human embryos, and having suggested that what Kastschenko regarded as ‘““Wanderzellen” were mesenchyme cells. It should be noted, however, that von Lenhossék apparently came to this conclusion largely because of the absence of blood-forming organs or lymphatic centers in embryos, in the villi of the chorionic vesicles of which he found these cells. Strangely enough, Kworostansky (1903) also recorded the presence of these cells, and after describing the stroma of the villi wrote: “Zwischen den genannten Bindegewebszellen giebt es in der wolkigen Grundsubstanz Liicken, und am Rande oder im Winkel derselben sitzen freie andere Bindegewebs- zellen, die sehr gross sind, lappige, runde Form, wabenartiges Protoplasma und gleiche Kerne wie andere Bindegewebszellen haben; ihre Kerne werden auch, hie und da stern- 304 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. férmig getheilt. Da sie stets nur in Gewebsliicken gefunden werden, so glaube ich, sie als Lymphgefiissendothelien, oder vielleicht als Lymphocyten bezeichnen zu diirfen. Man findet sie in spiteren Stadien der Placenta nur sind dann natiirlich die Zellen nicht mehr gross.” The illustration which accompanies Kworostansky’s article, as well as his description, leaves no doubt that the cells seen by him are the same as those which we are considering, although his surmise that they are lymphocytes and that they arise from the endothelium of the lymphatics may, upon first thought, seem rather irreconcilable with such an assumption. From these references alone it is evident that Minot’s statement that the so-called Hofbauer cells were repeatedly mentioned in the earlier literature is well founded. Muggia (1915) stated that these cells were described also by Guicciardi (1899), Clivio (1903), Stoffel (1905), Veechi (1906), and Pazzi (1904). Indeed, many other names could be added, for surely any one of the many who studied even a small series of chorionic vesicles must have seen some of them in some villi, especially in unrecognized cases of hydatiform degeneration, but since they have been referred to as Hofbauer cells, it is his description that especially interests us. In describing the chorionic villi, Hofbauer (1905) spoke of certain gaps or spaces between the meshes of the mesenchyme of the villi which he thought might belong to the lymphatics or contain tissue fluid. In these spaces he found certain granu- lar, round cells arranged longitudinally. He thought they were often spherical, with a diameter of 10.5 u to 12.5 u, but more commonly star-shaped or branched. By means of these branches they come into direct relation with other similar cells or with connective-tissue cells. However, Happe (1906) stated that he could not with certainty find cells united by their processes, as described by Hofbauer, in preparations stained after Hiinsen. According to Hofbauer, the cell processes are delicate, and the cells contain one or two nuclei from 4.7 u to 5.7 u in diameter, oval or circular in form, eccentric in position, with a definite membrane and a dense chromatin network. Mitoses were common, and fragmentation of nuclei and indications of pluripolar mitoses also were seen. Hofbauer emphasized that the most characteristic thing in these cells which he regarded as being specific was the presence of vacuolation in the ‘‘plasma” and the existence of a perinuclear clear zone, which was said to be the result of fusion of “small light spots.’’ As the cytoplasm becomes vacuolated the nucleus is said to become pyenotic, which stage is followed by failure to stain and finally by its complete disappearance. Hofbauer also noticed the presence of granules and fat droplets, and regarded the life-history of these cells as a circumscribed one. He did not find them present in real young villi. They were said to appear at the end of the fourth week, and were more common in young than in old placente. They reacted to vital stains like plasma cells, and Hofbauer regarded the vacuoles as having an assimilative and digestive function. A reference to the plates accompanying Hofbauer’s mono- graph, however, suggests that vacuolation was not always present, and that the largest of the cells were almost twice the size of the smallest. +A re-reading of Stoffel's article shows quite conclusively that he did not describe the plasma cells of Hofbauer. HOFBAUER CELLS. 305 In his earlier paper Hofbauer (1903) also said that his preparations, taken from material from the fourth to the ninth week of pregnancy and obtained at operation, showed these cells in all stages of mitotic division. Hofbauer further wondered whether the spaces surrounding these cells are lumina of capillaries, added that the cells discovered by him undoubtedly are found in capillaries, and made some rather unguarded surmises concerning them. Berlin (1907), in writing on the changes in retained placente, also spoke of large, swollen, hydropic cells which lie in spaces. These cells she regarded as un- doubted mesenchyme cells. However, Berlin did not believe that they are de- generation products, although her description certainly would lead one to suppose that they were such. Even when she stated that they bear no sign of degeneration, emphasizing that the chromatin network is fine, she nevertheless spoke of swollen nuclei which have gathered a larger amount of protoplasm about them, phenomena which she regarded as signs of luxurious nutrition. Moreover, Berlin never ob- served mitoses and never found the nuclei increased, in villi containing many of these cells, an observation wholly in harmony with that of others and directly opposed to the idea of proliferation. Grosser (1910), who was plainly aware of the fact that Hofbauer was not the discoverer of these cells, also represented a cell, which, however, is non-vacuolated and binucleated, and added that their significance is still unknown. I have given Hofbauer’s description, partly to emphasize the vacuolation, for it was this which also impressed Minot (1911), who rightfully stated: “We frequently find in the literature mention of wandering cells with vacuolated protoplasm, but they seem not to have been recognized as degenerating cells. . . . The disintegration by vacuolation has, so far as known to me, not been described hereto- fore, and consequently may be treated somewhat more fully. . . . . Renewed in- vestigation has led me to the conclusion that we have to do with erythrocytes which have gotten into the mesenchyma and, remaining there, have swollen by imbibition and are undergoing degeneration by vacuolization of their protoplasm. . ... . We can explain the appearance of these cells by the assumption of imbibition, in which the nucleus has participated. . . . . Since I have found similar cells in a considerable number of placentas, I draw the conclusion that they are constant and normal. I regard the interpretation of the pictures unattackable as proof of progressive degeneration.” In association with these remarks, Minot represented a series of cells showing progressive degeneration, beginning with the nucleated red cells and ending with a highly degenerated, but nevertheless nucleated, Hofbauer cell which apparently is in process of disintegration. These cells were seen by Minot especially in a human embryo of 15 mm. length, from the Carnegie Collection. As shown in the references to the literature above, it is not quite correct to say that the degenerate character of vacuolation has not before been recognized, for the surmises that Hofbauer cells contain fat granules may, and that they are swollen mesenchyme cells must, carry this implication. Moreover, those familiar with the effects of inanition know that investigators of this subject long ago called attention to vacuolation as one of the evidences of degeneration, although, cer- tainly, no one contends that it always is such. 306 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Instead of regarding these cells as degeneration products, certain Italian writers (notably Acconci, 1914”) regarded cells which they found, especially in the first half of pregnancy, as morphologically and functionally comparable to the interstitial cells of the ovary and testis. Acconci believed that certain cells which he and other Italian writers after him designated lipoid-interstitial cells, probably produce a special internal secretion. He, like Hofbauer, found these cells to con- tain lipoid granules, and regarded them also as equivalent to certain cells ‘‘described by Ciaccio in various parts of the organism, or by Brugnatelli in the interstitial tissue of the mammary gland.’”’ Acconci further emphasized certain similarities between the syncytium and the interstitial cells, both of which he conceived as exercising a protective rdéle. Muggia (1915), too, instead of regarding the lipoid interstitial cells of Acconci as degenerate, emphasized his belief that they are particularly resistant to degeneration, being found perfectly preserved in the midst of detritus. Since the young connective-tissue cell loses, or rather retracts, its processes as it becomes converted into a Hofbauer cell, it need not surprise us that the latter survives the former. Retraction of the processes contributes to the apparent increase of cytoplasm of the rounded swollen cell and also is involved in the formation of the spaces in which these cells usually lie. Muggia, who con- sidered the cells found by him in great numbers in a case of partial hydatiform degeneration as identical with those described by Acconci, gave a fine detailed description absolutely typical of the cells previously described in greatest detail by Hofbauer. Moreover, the excellent illustrations which accompany Muggia’s article leave no doubt as to the identity of the cells or of their degenerate character. Muggia stated that these cells in normal villi increase until the end of the fifth month, when, according to Savare, they are most numerous. Muggia further found numerous cells very similar to the interstitial cells of Acconci, or ‘‘the plasma-like cells of Hofbauer,” which he says are regaredd by some as early stages of inter- stitial cells and by others as mast-cells, concluding that he regarded the latter as partially differentiated interstitial cells. Until I had seen sections of the chorion of No. 1531 I was largely at a loss to know why Hofbauer cells were so frequently described as lying in gaps or spaces in the mesenchyme. However, in this specimen cross-sections of a number of villi showed splendid examples of this condition, which alone made the cells very conspicuous. The cells often were very numerous, in fact more numerous than the mesenchyme cells which remained, although some well-preserved villi contained no Hofbauer cells whatever. Some of the younger specimens also contained none. This was true of a chorionic vesicle with an embryo 1 mm. in length. They were found most commonly in the villi, but not infrequently some of them lay in areas of the chorionic membrane which had undergone degeneration. They were not so common here, but sometimes were exceedingly numerous in small areas. They were found in the amnion also, in the umbilical cord, and in the tentorium cere- belli, and as isolated specimens in embryonic mesenchyme elsewhere. As em- phasized by other investigators, there seemed to be nothing particularly character- istic about their distribution, except that they were more common in places where HOFBAUER CELLS. 307 the mesenchyme was degenerating. Sometimes a considerable number were con- tained in one villus and none in an adjacent one. As many as 12 might lie in one field and none in the next. In rare instances there was a solid mass of them, as shown at one side of the villus in figure 128 (plate 12, Chap. VIII), but usually they were scattered about at random, although groups were also seen. The better-preserved cells were small, the poorer-preserved larger, the size varying from 8.5 1 to 30u. The smaller cells were usually quite circular in outline, stained evenly, and possessed a non-granular cytoplasm with a nucleus quite centrally located. Binucleate cells, as described by Grosser, were not uncommon, and multinucleated cells—fusion products—were also found. The nuclei of the latter were frequently more unequal in size, and usually also more oval in outline, than the single nucleus of the typical Hofbauer cell. Measurements of some of the largest cells, made with a micrometer caliper, gave the following results: 25.5 by 20.4, 30.4 by 27.5, 18.0 by 12.0, 21.5 by 25.5, 18.0 by 14.04. These figures are considerably above those given by Hofbauer, whose estimation of a size of 10.5 » to 12.5 uw applies to the average-sized cell. However, the size of the cells varied from specimen to specimen of chorionic vesicle, but not nearly so much as their state of preservation. This, no doubt, is partly due to the varying state of preservation of the villi themselves. In outline they varied from irregular to circular, as stated by Hofbauer, and as represented by Minot (1911) in his series showing progressive degeneration. Although it was easy to distinguish the vacuolated Hofbauer cell from the well- preserved mesenchyme cell with cylindrical nucleus and many processes, speci- mens which represent transition forms, as stated by Marchand, and as shown in figures 235 to 237, were quite common. The latter generally were oval or slightly irregularly formed cells with a number of short processes, which latter, as well as the character of the nuclei and the form of the cell itself, certainly suggested a mesenchymal origin. They were also most numerous in villi, the stroma of which had become glassy, vacuolated, or fenestrated. In these the reciprocal numerical relationship between the Hofbauer and the mesenchyme cells was often especially evident. In certain areas in which almost no mesenchyme cells remained intact, numerous Hofbauer cells occurred in all stages of degeneration. In other portions of the chorionic membrane or of the villi, mesenchyme cells with processes in all stages of retraction were also clearly outlined in the homogeneous ground sub- stance. Such evidences naturally remind one of Hofbauer’s statement that Mar- chand called his attention to the fact that these cells were mesenchyme cells, a conclusion which Hofbauer accepted. My implication, however, is not that degeneration of the mesenchyme or of individual mesenchyme cells can proceed only through a Hofbauer stage, but that, especially in the chorionic villi, a form of degeneration of the mesenchyme seems to occur which gives rise to this peculiar cell-form, the degenerate character of which rightly impressed Minot. This rela- tionship also attracted the attention of Mall (1915), who represented degenerating villi and stated: 308 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. “The core of the villus gradually breaks down and disintegrates. While this process is taking place we often see scattered through the stroma of the villus large protoplasmic cells. . . . . These cells, which I have repeatedly seen in the villi of pathological ova, may be a type of wandering cells; at any rate, when the villus is being invaded by the leucocytes and trophoblast it might be thought that they arise from the latter, but this is improbable.” It is of particular interest in this connection that Virchow (1863) stated that Schroeder van der Kolk (1851) had concluded that large, clear cells in the stroma of the villi, later classed among the “physaliphores’” by Virchow, occurred too frequently to be correlated with hydatiform degeneration. This suggests that the so-called Hofbauer cells were known since the early days of cytology, and that some one must have noticed, even at that early date, that they were very common in some hydatiform moles. Whether or not this was van der Kolk himself I am unable to say, but that Hofbauer cells are especially numerous in some cases of hydatiform degeneration is undoubted. But it does not therefore follow that they are constantly present in this condition. Large numbers of Hofbauer cells were present in 17 out of the 61 cases of normal and pathological chorionic vesicles in which they were especially studied. Of these 17 cases, 14 were later independently identified as showing hydatiform degeneration, and the other 3 were considered as possibly such. In other words, every case of this series in which the Hofbauer cells were numerous was one showing hydatiform degeneration of the villi. It also is true, however, that 34 cases containing but a few or some Hofbauer cells were not identified as being hydatiform moles, although 3 cases containing small numbers of these cells were so recognized. Moreover, not a single case of this series of 61 specimens which contained no Hofbauer cells whatever was later identified as showing hydatiform degeneration. Somewhat similar evidence was afforded by the study of 22 cases in the protocols of which Mall had previously noted that Hofbauer cells were present. Of these 22 cases, 13 were later identified as showing this degeneration. However, since a total of 153 cases of hydatiform degeneration were identified among 315 of those classed as pathologic among the first 1,200 accessions in the Carnegie Col- lection, it is evident that the presence of Hofbauer cells was especially noted in but a relatively small percentage of this series. Of 30 cases containing Hofbauer cells in sufficient numbers to attract especial attention in the course of a routine examination made for other purposes, 17, or 56.6 per cent, were later identified as instances of hydatiform degeneration. Since the 61 cases in the first series were examined especially for the purpose of study of Hofbauer cells, the higher per- centage of correlation observed in this series may be due partly to this fact. At any rate, that such a correlation exists seems to be quite clear, although I do not conclude that the two conditions necessarily or invariably are associated. It is interesting that Pazzi (1908") considered a distrophy of the connective tissue with the development of cellular elements “not very well differentiated, but like the plasma cell of Hofbauer,” as the initial and pathognomonic change in hydatiform degeneration. Pazzi further stated that the plasma cell of Hofbauer HOFBAUER CELLS. 309 may be in a state of hyperactivity or of degeneration, and questioned the state- ments that Hofbauer cells appear only at the end of the fourth week and that they have a short life. Pazzi regarded the Hofbauer cell as fundamentally a constit- uent of the villi, as the decidual cell is of the decidua. He, like Essick, attributed their origin to the endothelium of the vessels, and further suggested that the Hof- bauer cell may have a special internal secretion intended to preserve the stroma of the young villus against degeneration. Pazzi also considered the question whether a Hofbauer cell can transform itself into an epithelial cell and finally into a syncytial cell, and added that the invasion of the stroma of the villus by epithe- lial growths, such as represented in figure 119 (plate 10, Chap. VIII), is only a special development of Hofbauer cells! As already stated, Muggia also found these cells very abundant in a case of partial hydatiform degeneration,and held that their appearance and condition are correlated with proliferation and vacuolation of the syncytium, maintaining that, as the latter becomes vacuolated, the lipoid interstitial cells of Acconci appear, the changes in the two being wholly parallel. Since 32 of the 51 chorionic vesicles in this series of 61 containing a few, some, or many Hofbauer cells had been classed among the pathologic, it follows that these cells were noticed more frequently in the pathologic than in specimens classed as normal. This becomes especially evident if we exclude from this series of 51 cases all those containing some or many Hofbauer cells, for of 27 of these, 19, or 70.4 per cent, had been classed among the pathologic. Moreover, since the great majority of the conceptuses classed as normal are abortuses, one would be entirely justified in questioning the strictly histologically normal nature of the chorionic vesicles which accompany some embryos classed as normal. At any rate, it is evident that the plasma cell of Hofbauer is associated with degenerative changes in the mesenchyme of the villi. Since such changes are more common in abortuses classed as pathologic, it is not surprising that Hofbauer cells are more common in the latter than in normal specimens, and, since degenerative changes in the stroma are especially pronounced in advanced cases of hydatiform degeneration, it is still less surprising that Hofbauer cells are particularly common in this con- dition. But they are not necessarily pathognomonic of hydatiform degeneration, although it is true that when at all numerous they are associated with hydatiform degeneration in about 75 per cent of the cases. It also should be recalled that the great majority of the specimens classed as pathologic microscopically show the presence of both degeneration and macera- tion. However, it never was the most macerated but the most degenerate speci- mens in which Hofbauer cells were most numerous. Hence, whatever the cause of this transformation of the mesenchyme into Hofbauer cells, it may also be the cause of hydatiform degeneration. After a careful survey of a considerable number of specimens, both normal and pathologic, ectopic and uterine, of human abortuses of widely different ages, I am led to concur entirely in the opinion of Minot that the typical vacuolated cell, as described by Hofbauer, is a degeneration product, though usually not a 310 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. degenerate erythroblast, as Minot concluded. However, in rare instances I have seen a chorionic vesicle in which the rather small, clear, isolated Hofbauer cells scattered throughout the stroma of a villus undoubtedly were erythroblastic in origin. In these villi capillaries in various stages of disintegration were present, and the erythroblasts could be traced directly to these degenerate capillaries. In the earlier stages of this degeneration these degenerating erythroblasts are not surrounded by spaces, however, and this is true also of early stages in the degen- eration of the fixed or already detached mesenchyme cell, which later forms the typical degenerating wandering cell. However, it represents but one stage in this degeneration. It is significant that, although Hofbauer suggested that these cells might have a digestive or assimilative function, he, too, frequently found fragmentation of the nuclei and complete disappearance of the cytoplasm and even of the cell itself. All stages of degeneration, as manifested by crenation of both cytoplasm and nu- cleus, even to complete disappearance of the cell, can easily be found. Signet-ring forms are common, and the nuclei are found in all stages of extrusion and degeneration. The cell boundaries are often ragged, the nuclei crenated and pycnotic, the cytoplasm granular, vacuolated, webbed, or fenestrated, until finally nothing but a faint ring or shadow form without a trace of a nucleus remains. However, in these transparent or shadow forms the nuclei, if not previously ex- truded or dissolved, are frequently represented by a mere outline or only by a faint trace of one. Since all stages between the latter and the well-preserved cells, without vacuoles and with well-preserved nuclei and cytoplasm, and also with processes, occur in well-preserved material, one can scarcely doubt their origin. Undoubted instances of mitoses were never seen in any Hofbauer cells, no matter how well preserved. This no doubt can be accounted for by the fact that from the time the mesenchyme cells retract their processes and become isolated in the villus, they are in a stage of degeneration. Under such circumstances one would hardly expect to see instances of cell division, although it possibly may be simulated by necrobiotic phenomena. Hofbauer (1905), as also in his first publication, stated that the cells deseribed by him increase by mitoses which are frequent. He also found examples of what seemed to be instances of pluripolar mitoses, and also noted fragmentation of the nuclei. Acconci (1914”) also found mitotic figures in cells designated lipoid inter- stitial cells by him, but most investigators say nothing about this. On the contrary, a number of them specifically state that they could not find an actual increase in the number of nuclei present in the stroma of villi containing large numbers of these cells. Furthermore, every one except Muggia (and he also in his description and illustrations, as also Acconci) has noted characteristics and described the cells in such a way as to suggest the presence of degeneration changes. When at all distinct, the cells are of various shapes and sizes and are surrounded by a relatively large clear zone. Their occurrence is erratic, they contain lipoid granules or vacuoles, and have nuclei varying considerably in size, position, and staining reaction, as does also the cytoplasm. They are most frequent in degenerate villi HOFBAUER CELLS. 311 and not infrequently lie in detritus. The better preserved the stroma the fewer cells one finds, and in these observations on this rather large series of chorionic vesicles, some of which were obtained fresh—one living—in hysterectomy speci- mens, I have found only a few instances of what possibly could be regarded as mitotic figures. Since almost all are agreed that these cells are of mesenchymal or connective-tissue origin, it is easy to see that considerable difficulty must be encountered in deciding just when to regard a mesenchyme cell, which is its pre- cursor, as a Hofbauer cell. Since I have not made this aspect of the question a particular subject of investigation, I have no evidence to offer on this point. Since some of these cells, during the early period of degeneration, after they have become quite circular in outline and the nucleus has taken an eccentric position, have a decidedly granular or even a lumped cytoplasm, the confusion with plasma cells, or their earlier designation as granular wandering cells, need not surprise us. Nevertheless, the term plasma cells is hardly applicable, as many of them are not granular. Moreover, no one has shown that in fixed preparations these cells take the stains specific for plasma cells. Indeed, although he stained material with borax methylene-blue after Jadassohn, Happe (1906) did not find any of the Hofbauer cells impregnated. It must be remembered, however, that failure to stain may be dependent very largely upon the degree of degeneration which the particular cells have undergone, for, as already stated, Hofbauer found that in fresh material they reacted as plasma cells to vital stains. The opinion of Minot that Hofbauer cells are degenerating erythrocytes can probably be accounted for by the fact that in the chorionic vesicle from which Minot’s series, showing a progressive degeneration of the latter into the former, was obtained, it was impossible to distinguish between the two. This difficulty was due partly to the poor state of preservation of the particular specimen. A larger survey, especially of better preserved material, would have revealed the fact that Hofbauer cells are found in villi, the blood-vessels of which contain no erythro- blasts. Moreover, as will appear later, the distribution of Hofbauer cells in the villi is not such as one rightfully would expect if they have their source in the vessels. However, since the final form of the typical Hofbauer cell is a mere shadow cell, it necessarily may be impossible to determine the kind of cell from which this shadow form arose, for, as is well known, the end-forms in the process of degenera- tion of many different types of cells are indistinguishable. Consequently, a group of swollen, highly vacuolated Hofbauer cells may also contain among them degen- erated, nucleated red blood-cells, as Minot held. Indeed, degenerating erythroblasts which are indistinguishable from some Hofbauer cells can be seen occasionally not only in the vessels, but in the heart itself, and also within the cavity of the chorionic vesicle; but such findings do not prove that the Hofbauer cells of the villi arise from erythroblasts. That this is usually not the case follows also from the fact that well-preserved, non-vacuolated Hofbauer cells occur in villi which have not become vascularized or which, as stated above, no longer contain vessels. It is true that it is often impossible to distinguish between de- generate erythroblasts within the vessels and Hofbauer cells lying outside of, even 312 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. if near to them, in the stroma of the villus. However, this difficulty is entirely avoided by examining the older specimens without nucleated reds, for, since Hofbauer cells are always nucleated, except in their very last stages, confusion with nucleated cells is thus avoided. Although the elimination of the erythroblast as the source of the Hofbauer cell was thus very easy, some difficulty was encountered, strangely enough, with regard to polymorphonuclear leucocytes. This is largely due to the fact that the nucleus of the latter often ceases to be polymorphous as these cells degenerate. Instances of this kind are quite common, especially in the membranes of hemor- rhagic or infected abortuses. They are, however, also met with in the decidua. Since the polymorphous character of the nuclei of these leucocytes can usually be recognized without difficulty in degenerate accumulations of pus, I was at first predisposed against regarding a circular nucleus as possibly polymorphous in origin, but careful scrutiny of numerous specimens in which these misleading degeneration forms occurred soon left no doubt as to the facts. As stated above, Hofbauer cells were found in the cavity of the chorionic vesicle in abortuses which contained blood or had become infected. In these specimens the degenerated polymorphonuclear leucocytes usually lie in groups, or more commonly in rows along the inner borders of the chorionic membrane, or in long narrow clefts or folds of the same. Some also were scattered about among the degenerating erythrocytes, but an examination of the contained blood usually surprises one by the entire absence, not only of well-preserved polymorpho- nuclear leucocytes, but of all leucocytes whatsoever. This is in marked contrast to what is found in the case of ordinary hemorrhages and is a fact full of signifi- cance for the question under discussion. Most of the degenerated polymorpho- nuclear leucocytes, many of which contained undoubted evidence of phago- cytosis, possessed a relatively small, circular, vesicular nucleus which often was eccentric in position. Others were filled with a granular cytoplasm, or even with very discrete golden granules, while still others were filled with dark, black pig- ment granules corresponding in size to the golden ones. Here and there the field of degenerating erythrocytes may also be studded with masses of pigment which clearly declare their origin by the presence of all manner of transition forms be- tween the well-preserved, easily recognizable polymorphonuclear leucocytes and the disintegrated pigmented detritus. The phagocytic nature of these cells is especially noticeable in the specimens of .young chorionic vesicles, with nucleated reds, stained with iron hematoxylin, for in these the leucocytes are often seen filled with a mass of nuclei only. Similar appearances can also be seen occasionally in the decidue from cases of endometritis, as well as in portions of a decidua in which the glands have under- gone considerable maceration and degeneration. In the former the polymorpho- nuclear leucocyte is the misleading form, while in the latter the degenerating, cast- off glandular epithelial cells simulate Hofbauer cells in almost every morphologic detail. I have also seen similar specimens of degenerated polymorphonuclear leucocytes in ill-preserved hemorrhagic lymph-nodes, especially from cases of HOFBAUER CELLS. 313 septicemia, and, until the true nature of such degenerate leucocytes became evident, it was very puzzling to see why the Hofbauer cell, which never was found to contain evidences of phagocytosis when lying in the stroma of a villus, should become phagocytic when contained in a degenerated amniotic or chorionic mem- brane or when lying in a hemorrhagic area. Undoubted instances of phagocytic Hofbauer cells were never seen, although, in addition to those already mentioned, certain misleading forms, as shown in figure 238, were encountered also in pregnant tubes and in an ovarian pregnancy. Among these misleading forms were speci- mens of binucleate cells in which one nucleus had undergone almost complete chromatolysis, leaving only a nuclear membrane. These nuclear remnants or so-called nuclear shadows can easily simulate a phagocytosed erythrocyte. The same is true of small areas of cytoplasm which stain but faintly, and hence look more translucent, and particularly of vacuoles themselves. Essick (1915) found what he regarded as morphologically similar cells in transitory cavities in the corpus striatum, and believed them to be macrophages. Consequently, he concluded that Hofbauer cells also are phagocytic and regarded them as having an endothelial origin. I have not been able to find any evidence for the latter origin, however, for in specimens in which the capillaries are plugged with degenerate endothelial cells, or in which they are composed of a layer of greatly enlarged edematous endothelial cells, so as to make the cross-section of the vessels look not unlike that of a duct, Hofbauer cells were never found in close proximity to capillaries or other vessels or in unusual numbers elsewhere in the stroma of such villi. Nor did I see any evidence for such an origin in villi taken from hemorrhagic or inflammatory cases, and although Hofbauer cells often lay near to, or even in extravasations in the villi, they were never found engorged with erythrocytes or pigmented. Nevertheless, if Hofbauer cells arise from mesen- chyme cells, it stands to reason that they at least may be potentially phagocytic, and failure to find them so may be accounted for by the fact that they possess a lowered vitality in consequence of degenerative changes. I am prompted to suggest, in connection with the question of phagocytosis, that, unless we regard the process as other than an actively vital movement on the part of the cell for the purpose of engulfing things, we have undoubtedly misused the term. That the mere incorporation of parts of cells, or even of whole cells, within the cytoplasm is not sufficient evidence for the possession of phago- cytic activity on the part of a particular cell, seems to me beyond question. In some instances, for example, degenerating phagocytic leucocytes fuse with each other in groups of twos, threes, or even in greater numbers, thus forming large, multinucleated, and not infrequently vacoulated complexes. Similar phenomena can be seen also among degenerated erythroblasts and trophoblasts and in Hof- bauer cells, as shown in figures 239 and 240. Although it would be incorrect to regard these degenerate fusion products as true, living giant-cells, they neverthe- less simulate such very closely indeed. Moreover, when these larger fusion prod- ucts fuse with an individual cell of the kind that gave rise to them, it would be quite natural to regard them as being phagocytic, while, as a matter of fact, the 314 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. process is merely one of degeneration. Another example of what we may call pseu- do-phagocytosis is that represented by the isolated erythroblasts rarely seen in the stroma of a villus. In some instances two or three cells, whose boundaries for the most part still are clearly outlined, can be seen to have partly fused, forming a so-called giant cell. All transition forms and stages can be found, and were it not for this fact, the resultant large multinucleated fusion product, if seen to join with an isolated trophoblast cell, might be regarded as being phagocytic. Other instances of a similar nature were discussed briefly elsewhere (Meyer, 1918), and I am inclined to believe that the non-vital character of this kind of cell formation, which occurs under conditions of cell degeneration, needs further emphasis. It certainly would seem to be a non-vital rather than a vital phenomenon. It is indicative of degeneration and death rather than of regeneration and life. Cells which are morphologically identical with certain stages in the degenera- tion of the Hofbauer cell can also be found in entirely different locations than those mentioned, as in the Graafian follicle, for example. In some of these, germinal epithelial cells which have become detached and displaced in the liquor folliculi become swollen and transparent and the nucleus takes an eccentric position. In all details of structure and ordinary staining reactions, as shown by hematoxylin and eosin, by iron hematoxylin, by van Gieson, and by Mallory, these cells are identical with phases in the typical Hofbauer cells, as illustrated in figure 241. This, however, does not justify us in designating them as such, unless we wish to extend the use of this name to degenerating and disintegrating forms of cells of very many different types and origins. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. Fics. 235-237. Transition forms between mesenchyme and Hofbauer cells. No. 645, slide 3; No. 592, slide 1; No. 645, slide 3b. 330. Fic. 238. A phagocytic pseudo-Hofbauer cell. No. 645, slide 2. 650. Fics. 23Q-240. Fusing Hofbauer cells forming a giant cell. No. 645, slide 2. No. 985, slide l. 300. Fig. 241. Pseudo-Hofbauer cells in the ovary. No. 970. 650. MALL AND MEYER PLATE 20 ; : uf e1G i" Ls * : ‘ ¢\ 2 = >! * ‘ ad 4 \ 4 ’ A ‘ ah ‘ Y CR PA aes CHAPTER XV. THE VILLI IN ABORTUSES. As long ago as 1832 Seiler stated that, although he could not be certain from a magnification of 40 diameters, he did not think that chorionic villi were hollow. Although Seiler concluded even at this time that villi are filled with cellular tissue, the idea that they are hollow nevertheless persisted up to 1889. Seiler thought that the first vessels invaded the villi as late as the third month. He represented individual villi from chorionic vesicles from the fourth, fifth, and twelfth week as clubbed in form, and also pictured several good villous trees. It is of particular interest that he also represented a branching villus ending in a spherical termina- tion, which suggests the ‘‘Zellknoten”’ of Kastschenko. Miiller (1847) claimed that villi may grow until they are 2 inches long by the fifth month, at which time he thought they still might cover two-thirds of the entire surface of the chorionic vesicle. However, Miiller’s statement that the villi are often cystic indicates quite clearly that he was not dealing with wholly normal material, and that he probably saw degenerate or even hydatiform speci- mens. Robin (1854) apparently assumed that normal villi are hollow, for he stated that fibrous, fibrinous, scirrhous, tubercular, fatty, and calcareous changes of the placenta are made possible by fibrous obliteration of the cavities present in normal villi. Robin believed that such changes as these normally occur in the non-pla- cental portion of the chorionic vesicle, and stated that unbranched and degenerate villi are found in placentz of all ages. From his descriptions one may conclude that Robin noticed both the fibrinoid and the decidual layers of the eee and possibly also the presence of so-called infarcts. According to Winckler (1872), Bidder, Jr., showed that the villi are especially densely set and particularly thick in caliber at fee margin of the placenta. Winck- ler himself distinguished three kinds of villi. He stated that atrophic villi are found everywhere, and that they never penetrate the maternal tissues beyond the closing plate (Schlussplatte) described by him. These villi, which were said to reach the cavernous spaces of the decidua, he declared to be uncovered by epithe- lium. Indeed, Winckler believed this to be true also of all other villi as long as they had not penetrated the closing plate of maternal tissue, into which his second class of villi were said to continue considerable distances without branching. He believed that the villi obtain a covering of epithelium only after they reach the cavernous spaces or blood-sinuses. His third class of villi, which also were said to be devoid of epithelium as long as they lay in the maternal tissue, differed from the second class only through their greater development. Langhans (1877) emphasized the irregularities in the villi which had been men- tioned by Miiller, and concluded that villi always are vascularized. Kolliker (1884) was especially impressed by the fact that the form of the villi varies so greatly that one can hardly make any generalizations. He found that 315 316 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. branching might occur even at right angles, and that terminal branches which do not reach the placenta remain free. These free endings were said to be present in placente of all ages, and to be filiform, cylindrical, pear-shaped, or club-shaped. Branching was said to be so frequent and the interlacing of these branches so common that only narrow intervillous spaces could be preserved in the placental area. KOlliker particularly distinguished branches which he called fastening rootlets (Haftwurzeln), which, according to him, were described by Ercolani and also by Langhans. These were said to always enter the placenta and to become attached to it so firmly that only considerable tension can separate the chorionic vesicle from the placenta. Kdlliker stated that these fastening rootlets are com- monest near the septa of the maternal tissues which separate the cotyledons, but that they nevertheless are found also in the center of the latter. Kastschenko (1885), in a careful study of the epithelial covering of the villi, stated that they become more numerous in the region of the serotina by the end of the second month, and believed that villi grow only by means of terminal and never by lateral buds. Minot (1889) accepted the opinion that villi are hollow during the earliest stages of development only, and stated that the villous nodules are especially common in older placentz. In speaking of the collaginous tissue (Gallertschicht) composing the inner portion of the villi, Minot stated that it usually contains a considerable number of large, uninucleated, granular wandering cells, now fre- quently spoken of as Hofbauer cells and discussed more fully in the previous chapter. Giacomini (1892), in describing a young tubal conceptus, the villi of which were not evident macroscopically, apparently regarded some of the syncytial buds as representing young villi, and later (Giacomini, 1893°), when considering chorionic vesicles devoid of an embryo, which had evidently undergone hydatiform degeneration, again spoke of the presence of many syncytial buds, some of which he again interpreted as being young villi. De Loos (1897), who had no material from the first 6 months, believed that all early conceptuses are covered completely by villi which are solid epithelial buds in the earliest stages. He further believed that they become hollow later and are invaded by mesenchyme after vacuolation of the syncytial buds has prepared the way for this invasion. According to de Loos, all villi in contact with the decidua basalis become vascularized, and he distinguished between stem, or original, and fastening or nutritional villi. From a study of cross-sections of villi, he concluded that the number of villi with small caliber increases from the third to the fifth month, and that the caliber is greatest at the fourth month. De Loos also thought that the caliber of the villi decreases with the branching, and that there are relatively more villi of small caliber in full-term placente, which he regarded as evidence that new villi are constantly arising. Since Wiskott (1882) had found only syneytium present on villi at the sixth month, de Loos concluded that villi in older placente which still are uncovered by epithelium necessarily are hollow. THE VILLI IN ABORTUSES. 317 J. Kollmann (1898) found villi 1 mm. long and well developed in a chorionic vesicle of 6 mm. and stated that they might either be universally distributed or merely equatorial. This writer, who limited the term ectoderm to the Langhans layer, apparently referred the syncytium to a maternal origin. He also spoke of nonvascular villous branches about 1 mm. thick, which played the rdle of fastening villi, and distinguished two kinds, viz, ectodermic villi without a stroma and mesodermice villi with it. In 1907 Kollmann used the term villi terminales for villi which had traversed trophoblastic nodules, and villi adherentes for those the terminations of which ended in or were joined to each other by the trophoblast or a decidual plate. Paladino (1899), although studying mainly the epithelium, stated that one of the vesicles, the age of which he estimated as 13 or 14 days, was covered com- pletely by villi. Webster (1901), who devoted considerable attention to villi, recognized the presence of floating villi and found that villi, as a rule, are much more numerous and are branched by the sixth week. According to Webster, the mesoblast in the youngest villi is finely granular, vacuolated, and stains but faintly. He also found villi which were attached to the chorionic vesicle by syncytial stalks only, an occurrence which he attributed to failure of the mesoblast to pene- trate the early plasmodial bud. He found many more small villi present by the fourth month, and stated that the mesenchyme around the vessels is usually condensed at this time. By the sixth month the villi were said to be slender and more branched, and lateral budding was said to be much less frequent. Aside from changes in the epithelium, Webster found the connective tissue of the small villi to be loose or mucoid as term was approached, and stated that the villi are more simple, possess fewer buds and branches, and are in part nonvascular in the region of the chorion leve by the sixth week. Marchand (1903) found that villi 1 mm. long uniformly covered a chorionic vesicle 14 to 15 mm. in size, except at its mid-portion, in which a fold was located. None of the villi were said to reach the capsularis at this time and all were non- vascular. Marchand stated, however, that the mesenchyme cells frequently were arranged in rows so as to simulate young capillaries. In a second specimen, 14 mm. in size, the villi, on the contrary, were largely restricted to the region of the decidua basalis. Only isolated villi were found at the opposite poles, and but very few on the lateral surfaces. These were branched but slightly, but some of them were vascularized. Bonnet (1903) described early lymphatics in the villi and represented a ciliated border and also a membrana limitans. It seems that Kupffer (1888) was the first to describe the ciliated border, reported later also by Marchand (1903), and even more recently by Friolet (1905), Stoffel (1905), Daels (1908*) and Herzog (1909), in all thin sections of the villi. Rossi Doria (1905) explained the so-called ciliated border by the manner in which the erythrocytes become embedded in the margin of the syncytium; and although a reticulum also has been described in the stroma of the villus, later histologic studies do not confirm the presence of it, of a membrana limitans, or of a ciliated border. These things, however, do not deny 318 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. the faet, confirmed also by Fossati (1906), that a network can be revealed in the stroma by the use of the Apathy, Golgi, Van Gieson, Mallory, and Cajal methods of staining. This, however, does not necessarily demonstrate the existence of a true reticulum. Rossi Doria (1905) found young villi which had not yet been invaded by mesenchyme and emphasized that the two layers of chorionic epithelium had not yet differentiated in Peters’s ovum. Nevertheless, a reference to the illustra- tion accompanying Peters’s monograph shows very clearly the presence of short villi containing stroma, even in this specimen. According to Rossi Doria, the mesenchyme begins to appear first in the villi during the second week, at which time they also begin to branch and become vascular. Friolet (1905), who examined a chorionic vesicle 11 by 12 by 9 mm., the age of which he estimated as 3 to 4 weeks, concluded that villi arise by the extension of the fetal mesoblast into the trabecule of trophoblast, and regarded a brush border as a natural attribute of the syncytium. Friolet found the villi developed better in the region of the basalis and especially around the whole periphery of the mid-zone of the chorion. They were sparser in the capsularis, though without degenerative changes. Kworostansky (1903) discussed the mesodermic structure of the villi, includ- ing the Hofbauer cells, finding the stroma much as we know it now; but Michaelis (1903) claimed to have found a granular line between the stroma of the villus and the Langhans layer, which he regarded as indicating the existence of a definite limiting membrane. Michaelis concluded that the existence of this membrane finally disposed of the idea that the Langhans layer may arise from the stroma, but anyone familiar with the appearances produced by Bielchowsky’s stains between the epithelium and the stroma of the villi will question Michaelis’ conclusions. Von Lenhossék (1902) also recognized the existence of a basement membrane, and Frassi (1906), upon the basis of material stained with silver nitrate, stated that the villi in the greater number of moles have a limiting membrane, fibrous in nature, which he regarded as “‘identical in form and structure with that demon- strated and described in the villi of young placente.’’ However, Daels (1908°), from the use of Weigert preparations, concluded that a layer of fibrin, the product of degenerative changes, forms between the exochorion and endochorion, and Friolet, who at first could not find a membrana limitans, said to have been described first by Langhans, found a definite hyaline zone in an abortus from the third month. Happe (1906) found the villi of chorionic vesicles of the fourth to the sixth week branched and about 2 to 7 mm. long, but nevertheless nonvascular. The form of the youngest villi, which were about 2 mm. long, was said to be polyp- like, the ends being swollen. Most of the villi of the three conceptuses from the fourth to the sixth week showed an increase in caliber at the point of branching, the swellings being especially marked at the origin of the terminal branches of some of the villi. Happe stated that Hofbauer cells were not present in the youngest villi, and that those of the older conceptuses contained only a few. = THE VILLI IN ABORTUSES. 319 Eternod (1909) divided the development of the villi into five phases: (1) a primordial, avillous syncytial phase; (2) an avillous trophodermic phase; (3) a trophodermic, transitory, zonal villous phase; (4) a diffuse, placental villous phase; and (5) a diffuse, chorionic, and chorion-frondosum phase. Eternod placed the conceptuses of Peters and Leopold in the second or avillous phase, in spite of the fact that both these vesicles had short villi containing mesenchyme. His third phase was illustrated by the specimens of Reichert and Ahlfeld and one of his own in which the villi had an annular or equatorial distribution. According to Eternod, the portions of the chorionic vesicle which later are in contact with the basalis and capsularis are devoid of villi during this phase, which he regarded as a transitory, but nevertheless necessary, phase. He believed that the bare areas upon the chorionic vesicles resulted from inequalities in the expansion of the chorion, and stated that in the specimen of Reichert and in one of his own, the ventral or capsular bare area is less evident than the basal or dorsal, as he called it. He believed that the ventral bare area disappeared earlier than the dorsal, only to reappear again, however, when the chorion leve developed. Although he was not absolutely decided in this matter, Eternod believed it improbable that young villi are interpolated between the older, concluding that the chorion frondosum is enlarged through the addition of villi at its periphery with far greater regularity than heretofore suspected. The fourth phase in the development of the villi, according to Eternod, occurs in vesicles with a length of approximately 9 to 16 mm. In such the villi are branched and their terminations fused by trophoderm. The fifth phase follows the fourth very quickly, for it is said to be present in chorionic vesicles 17 mm. in size, and to be characterized by great inequalities of growth and by far greater complexity in the basal area than in that of the capsularis. Dandy (1910), in describing a chorionic vesicle 16 by 14 by 12 mm., found the villi branched and about 0.1 mm. thick and 1.25 mm. long. He stated that they “are more numerous at the point of attachment of the Bauchstiel and gradually fade away on all sides until, finally, a clear zone results from their absence on the opposite pole. . . . From the epithelial layer of the chorionic membrane and villi numerous buds develop, some from the syncytial layer alone, others from both layers of the epithelium. These represent proliferating and new forms of villi.” Miller (1913), in describing a conceptus 0.83 mm. in greatest diameter, stated that the mesodermic villi were as yet absent, and that the Langhans and syncytial layers were structurally identical, although already distinct. Lazitch (1913) called attention to the fact that the conceptuses described by Peters, Leopold, Strahl and Beneke, and Fetzer showed the earliest villi to be mesodermal buds, and that the specimen reported by Jung already showed the presence of dichotomy. Lazitch stated that the villi are less irregular and more cylindrical in form in the fifth month, and that curious forms, such as “‘little-horns,” are rare. She stated further that the villi became long at term and possessed fewer buds, some of which looked as though they were branches arrested in development. Lazitch also found 320 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. many ectodermic nodules or proliferating islands. In a conceptus measuring 26.5 by 22.0 by 14.5 mm., she found the villi 3 or 4 mm. long, with branches and trunks so oblique that they were almost parallel to the chorionic surface. Accord- ing to her, the villi converge towards the poles of the chorionic vesicle, as stated by Eternod, but possess so variable a form that it is difficult to describe them, the caliber changing from thick to thin, from wide to narrow, from cylindrical to folded so quickly that a single branch sometimes possesses all these characteristics. She found anastomoses fairly numerous, but free villi ending in epithelial prolongations were rare. Most of the anastomoses seen resulted from ectodermic fusion, but villi separated by some distance and united by true villous bridges containing mesoderm were also seen. According to Lazitch, dichotomy occurred in 65 to 70 per cent of the villi, trichotomy in 20 to 25 per cent, and a more complex form in 10 per cent. The branching usually was at an acute angle, but branches which diverged 180° also were found. Since buds were present on the chorionic mem- brane, Lazitch concluded that a moderate amount of interpolation of new villi among the old undoubtedly occurs. Johnson (1917) found the villi on a chorionic vesicle, containing an embryo with 24 somites, variable in size and 1.1 to 1.3 mm. long in the region of the chorion frondosum. Johnson stated that the villi were usually smaller at the bases, and that smaller villi, although few in number, were found among the larger. Ingalls (1918) also found the villi on a chorionic vesicle 9.1 by 8.2 by 6 mm. to vary greatly in size and shape, but stated that the chorionic vesicle seemed to be covered by them over all of its surface. This finding of Ingalls seems to be in accord with observations upon the best-preserved and youngest specimens in the Carnegie Collection. Small chorionic vesicles, with one or two opposite bare areas, and others with sparsely set villi, are not rare, but at present we possess no evidence establishing the strictly normal nature of these specimens. Among these speci- mens is the vesicle represented in figure 7 (plate 1, Chap. IV). Isolated and sectioned villi from this specimen show the presence of but slight branching and rather cylindrical villi. The absence of some of the villi in this specimen is due to the mechanical means used in the removal of the blood-clot before the specimen was received. A vesicle which, though macerated, deviates only very slightly from the nor- mal, is No. 1878, the exterior of which is represented in figure 232 (plate 19, Chap- ter XIII), and the portion bearing the embryo in figure 233. As seen in the latter figure, these young villi look unusually matted and bulbous, though it must be remembered that young villi necessarily are united and covered by trophoblast in which they are implanted. Some isolated specimens of these villi are represented in figure 242, and what especially strikes one’s attention is the presence of an exceedingly fine basal portion in the villus to the left. Although the caliber of normal young villi varies considerably, I do not believe that such forms as this can be regarded as strictly normal, and this belief is confirmed by an examination of sections of the villi, shown in figures 243 and 244. It is possible that maceration alone is responsible for some deviation from the normal form of THE VILLI IN ABORTUSES. 321 these villi, but it is not improbable that one of the specimens, shown in figure 244, illustrates incipient hydatiform changes. In contrast with this specimen stands the vesicle, No. 2053, shown in figure 245. This is a somewhat older, but perfectly normal, chorionic vesicle, some of the villi from which are shown in section in figure 246. All of the villi of this specimen are of approximately the same development, and although trichotomy is present and simpler forms of branching are common, no marked diminution of the parent stem seems to occur at the point of branching. Moreover, the branches are approx- imately as large in caliber and sometimes even larger than the main trunk. Somewhat older vesicles are Nos. 866, 2108, and 1892, represented in figures 247, 248, and 249. The first of these possesses decidedly fibrous, filiform villi, partly covered by decidua, such as are not uncommon in cases of retention. No. 2108 shows the characteristic towsled appearance of the villi in many chorionic vesicles with early hydatiform changes. The villi in these vesicles are usually longer than they ordinarily should be, and this fact alone shows that the stroma must have grown, unless one assumes, as did Daels (1908*), that it is mere y pulled along by the proliferating exochorion. In view of this belief, it is especially inter- esting that Daels thought that the stroma nevertheless might be increased instead of rarefied. The villi in No. 1892 show early maceration changes, and that growth of this vesicle ceased some time before abortion is indicated also by a menstrual age of 54 days, although the size of the vesicle suggests an age of only 42 days. Some villi from this specimen, represented in figure 250, show the presence of maceration and also establish the fact that the villous trees have reached considerable com- plexity at this time. When maceration changes are more prolonged and lysis of the villi advances so far that they are structureless or almost so, one gets such shadow forms as those represented in No. 2197 (fig. 251). In these villi nothing remains but a mere gossamer, and the exterior of the entire chorion often has an eiderdown appearance, as suggested in a minor degree by this specimen (fig. 252) and to a far greater degree by No. 993, shown in figure 259. The villi of the former vesicle, the exterior of which measured 23 by 20 by 16 mm. and the interior 16 by 13 by 10 mm., although only 2 to 4 mm. long, nevertheless have reached con- siderable complexity in form, for a dozen or more branches sometimes leave the main stem at about the same place. Villi from other vesicles of approximately the same age may, however, be much longer, as illustrated by No. 1287, represented in figure 253, a specimen which also shows early hydatiform degeneration. In this ease the relatively small size of the chorionic vesicle is evident at once upon inspection of the cross-section of the entire vesicle. The presence of matting and maceration is equally evident, and anyone at all familiar with these vesicles would not expect to find many traces of an embryo. The presence of hydatiform degeneration is very common in abortuses of the fifth to sixth week. This is well illustrated by the villi shown in figure 255. A fairly normal villus and, for a specimen of this age, the largest found, is repre- sented in figure 254. Many small knobs are seen along the branches of this villous 322 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. tree, to the right of which there also are some macerated villi and to the left others fused by trophoblast. The contrast in form, surface, and appearance between the hydatiform and the normal villous tree is very striking indeed, and it would seem that the hydatiform villus largely loses its power of branching, and, except for local increases in caliber, grows mainly in length. A somewhat older, apparently normal chorionic vesicle with normal villi is No. 2361, shown in figure 256. In this vesicle, which measures 35 by 35 mm. and which has an age of about 41% weeks, some of the villi in the basal area are very plainly hydatiform, although also macerated. Both of these changes are notice- able also in some degenerated villi shown in figure 257, but inspection of the cap- sular area of this chorion shows that no hydatiform change is evident here, nor is it evident on the external surface of the abortus represented in figure 258. This is due to the fact that the process is in its early stages, and because the conceptus is surrounded by decidua. Although the specimen has a menstrual age of 124 days, the abnormal embryo (shown in figure 206, plate 18, Chap. XIII) is but 3 mm. long and the chorionic vesicle only 35 mm. in diameter, measurements which indicate anatomic ages of 414 and 61% weeks, respectively. Hence, if the menstrual age can be relied upon, this specimen must have been retained 80 days. This does not imply, however, that the chorionic vesicle necessarily had been dead during all this time. Judged by the menstrual age, the fetus should be 150 mm. long, and as judged by the chorionic diameter it should be 13 to 14 mm. long instead of 3 mm., its actual length. A second good example of the development of hydatiform degeneration, especially in the area of the basalis, in vesicles of this size is found in No. 2077 (represented in fig. 101, plate 8, Chap. IX). This vesicle, which measured 40.5 by 28.5 by 18.5 mm., was reflected from the underlying decidua, but was never- theless left attached to it so as to expose a large field of exquisite hydatids, a portion of which is shown in focus in the center of the figure. The eiderdown appearance due to maceration changes, which was referred to above and which is produced especially by post-partum maceration, is shown par- ticularly well in No. 993, a portion of which is represented in figure 259. The only possibility of confusion of these changes with other conditions is that one might take an instance like this for intrauterine lysis, but usually other criteria will enable one to differentiate the two conditions. However, when the two conditions are associated such differentiation may become impossible. How very complicated the branching of the villi has already become in these vesicles of the sixth week, of a measurement of about 48 by 41 by 15 mm., is shown by the bush-like villus represented in figure 260. The thick main stem of this villus stands out in marked contrast to some of the branches, many of which are exceedingly fine and others matted and fused. Fine, thread-like villi are common, especially in the area of the chorion lave, as early as the sixth to seventh week. This is exemplified well by the specimens shown in figure 261. However, these fine villi, which usually have a fibrous, non-vascular stroma, occur also in long retention and elsewhere on the vesicle than in the area of the chorion leve. They are present in the macer- THE VILLI IN ABORTUSES. 323 ated but otherwise normal villous tree in figure 262, the branches of which bear decidual masses and trophoblastic nodules. Nothing could stand in more marked contrast to this and other normal villous trees than the excellent hydatiform villi in figure 263, which were taken from a vesicle 40 by 36 by 18 mm., of approximately the seventh week. This contrast is emphasized further by such normal specimens as the villi from No. 837, shown in figure 264, transition forms between which and the former are typified in the villi represented in figures 265 and 266, taken from vesicles 45 by 35 by 30 mm. and 80 by 60 by 50 mm., respectively, the former of which also shows maceration changes. Other types of normal villi from vesicles of the eighth week are shown in figure 267. In these villi from a vesicle 54 by 50 by 48 mm., as in some older specimens to be referred to later, the most striking thing is the presence of many small knobs on all sides of the branches. This is illustrated splendidly by the villous tree shown in figure 268, which was taken from a placenta of the thirty-sixth week. There seems to be a great variation in the occurrence of this knobbing which probably does not signify beginning branching. The knobs are too numerous for this when they are at all well developed, and, since they are so uniform in size, one would have to think of a perfect shower of branches arising at the same time. Since the placente in which knobbing of the villi was especially evident look abso- lutely normal, I have come to regard its presence as typical for villi beyond a certain age, without, however, regarding those in which it is present only in a minor degree as necessarily pathologic. A villous tree in which sparse knobbing is evident only upon magnification is that shown in figure 269, in which rather miscellaneous branching is present. Other filiform villi, and a group of them from this placenta of the eighth to ninth week, are shown in figure 270. What a contrast in external appearance villi from different placentze may show is illustrated in figures 271 to 278, villi of the eleventh, twelfth, fourteenth, fifteenth, thirteenth, nineteenth, twenty-fourth, and twenty-fifth week, respectively. Nor are these variations in the‘external appearance of the villi to be attributed to age alone or necessarily to pathologic changes. The villi shown in figures 271, 272, and 274 look hydropic because of maceration, and those in figure 272 are decidedly fibrous and largely non-vascular. The chorionic membrane of this vesicle was decidedly infiltrated. The villus shown in figure 277 is also macerated, and the chorion likewise was infected, but the stroma in this case was edematous and had disappeared completely in places.. Not infrequently the blood-vessels can be seen as fine white lines on the exterior of these macerated specimens. The villi shown in figure 273 came from a vesicle which had also been retained a consider- able period of time, and those shown in figure 275, though filiform and fibrous, with nodules at the extremities, are also macerated. Villi of small caliber are encountered quite frequently in apparently normal older placentz, but are especially common in the capsular region, at a time when retrogression of the chorion lwve is taking place. The contrast in form of the villi shown here is remarkable. Those in figure 278 appear like the leafless branches of an oak hung with streamers of lichen. These strange appearances are due to 324 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. the presence of many exceedingly fine branches and perhaps even of early villi, almost all of which, nevertheless, are highly vascular. Those in figure 276 are practically unmacerated, for they came from a fresh, normal abortus, and in spite of their extreme delicacy and curliness, I know of no reason to regard them as pathologic. That shown in figure 277 came from a retained infected conceptus, but to w extent its form can be attributed to these facts is difficult to decide. It scarcely seems to me that such a marked diversity in form could exist in strictly normal villi, and it is possible that local conditions may to a large extent influence, even if they do not determine, the type of a particular villus. I regret that it has not been possible to compare villi from placentz of the same age, but from different pregnancies, in the same women, in order to determine the possible occurrence of variations in the type of villi in succeeding pregnancies. There seems to be no doubt that the diversity in form of villi increases rather than decreases with advancing age of the conceptus, and that the differentiation extends even to the last months of pregnancy. At this time, however, the more prevailing type of normal villus appears to be such as that from the thirty-first week, shown in figure 279. Normal villi apparently vary greatly, not only in length and caliber, but also in complexity and manner of branching, and in the appearance of their surfaces, which change from smooth to extremely knobbed. It is not uncommon to find that exclusion of the villi reduces the measurement of a chorionic vesicle from one- third to one-half. This is illustrated by the specimens in figures 231 (plate 19, Chap. XIII) and 253, both of which are relatively small vesicles. Nor are these long villi always slender and unbranched, for frequently, as illustrated in figure 281, in which a more branched, bushy villus from a vesicle 70 by 50 by 40 mm. is represented, they are decidedly umbelliferous. However, as is usually the case, the villi of this specimen were somewhat unequally developed. Extreme grades of fibrosis, as represented in figure 283 (plate 24, Chap. XVI), with vessels in varying degrees of disappearance, have been found to occur in cases of long retention in lues and also under conditions of infection. These particular villi were taken from a vesicle measuring only 55 by 35 by 20 mm. Rather unusually formed, clubbed, decidedly macerated villi from an ovarian pregnancy are shown in figure 168 (plate 16, Chap. XI). Anomalous development of villi seems to be more common in tubal, and perhaps also in ovarian, than in uterine pregnancy. In tubal specimens the villi not infrequently are but sparsely developed and bare areas seem to be much more frequent. Moreover, the chori- onic vesicles are often too small in proportion to the contained fetus. This is illustrated well by No. 1151, shown in figure 280. To what extent this dispro- portion is the result of reduction in the size of the vesicles after death of the fetus or to retardation in growth because of an abnormal location, or to both, I am unable to say. Some of the villi of this small vesicle also show hydatiform degeneration, while others merely are macerated, as shown in figure 282. Careful examination of young chorionic vesicles has failed to reveal villi which are purely epithelial or ectodermic, nor have I seen any formed by the extension THE VILLI IN ABORTUSES. 325 of mesoderm into the trophodermic trabecule. As soon as an area of the syncy- tium and the Langhans layer becomes elevated at a given point, the mesoderm accompanies them if this elevation represents a beginning villus. No matter how marked the syncytial development, I have never noticed the presence of a normal structure in the distal portion of a villus and a purely syncytial structure in the basilar portion. No matter how long or how complicated the syncytial buds became, they never were invaded by mesenchyme or became vascularized. How- ever, this fact does not preclude the inclusion of blood within syncytial skeins or trophoblastic nodules, or within invaginations of epithelium in the mesoderm of the villi. All these appearances not infrequently are seen in specimens in which there has been considerable growth of syncytium or of the Langhans layer, but I have never seen evagination of these two layers without a mesodermal core. No matter how long vascularization of a villus is delayed, and in some cases this seems never to occur, such villi otherwise have the same structure as the rest, just as tropho- blastic development on the early villi seems to be universal and not visibly influenced in its first stages by the location of the embryonic disk or the shape of the early conceptus. These facts undoubtedly are not without significance for the nutrition of the early conceptus. The universal presence of villi establishes conditions much more favorable to circulation of the surrounding fluids, besides very materially increasing the area of absorption. Hence I do not believe that bare areas in the basal and capsular regions of a young conceptus can be regarded as normal. Branching of the villi oceurs exceedingly early and does not seem to develop any special plan or be limited to any particular plane. The angle generally is an acute one, probably because of the fact that the branches aim to reach the trophoderm or the decidua. It is not at all uncommon to find several branches arising at the same level, or they may leave the parent trunk in quick succession. Although considerable variation in size and complexity of the villi seems to exist even in normal chorionic vesicles, these differences are not necessarily so pronounced in the same as in different specimens. However, one not infrequently meets with simple, unbranched villi among others of great complexity, but I did not get the impression that, except in the first few months, much interpolation of villi occurs later in development. It is quite surprising how large a placental area can be formed by a single villous tree, and placental differentiation occasion- ally seems to be present in chorionic vesicles with embryos of a length of only 17 mm., which implies an age of only about 7 weeks. Indeed, it does not seem improbable to me that close observation will show that some placental diffentia- tion exists as early as the sixth week. 326 Fic. 242. Isolated villi from No. 1878, shown in figures 232 and 233, plate 19, Chapter XIII. 4.5. Fios. 243-244. Appearance of villi in section, same specimen. 7.5. Fig. Fic. 245. 246. . 247. . 248. . 249. . 250. . 251. . 252. . 253. . 254. . 255. . 256. . External appearance of abortus, same case. 0.75. . Changes in external appearance of villi, due to maceration alone. No. 993. 3. . Isolated villous tree from same vesicle. X3. . Isolated filiform villi. No. 1639. <3. . Isolated villous tree. No. 2336. 6.75. . Fine hydatiform villi. No. 1797. x3. . Normal villi. No. 837. 2.25. . Transitional villi between normal and hydatid. No. 432. 2.25. . Transitional hydatiform villi. No. 437. 2.25. . Normal, knobbed or budded villi. .No. 1063. 2.25. . Villous tree from a normal specimen, illustrating many small knobs. No. 2335. 6.75. . Villous tree showing few buds or knobs. No. 1840a. 2.25. . Filiform villi and a portion of the vesicle from the same specimen. 3. . Villi showing maceration changes. No. 2348. 6.75. . Villi showing maceration changes. No. 2339. 6.75. . Villous tree with smooth villi. No. 2253. 6.75. . Villous tree with knobbed villi. No. 2372. 6.75. . Filiform villus. No. 2326. 6.75. . Fine, frowsy villus. No. 2414. 6.75. . Massive villous tree. No. 2283. 6.75. STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. DESCRIPTIONS OF PLATES. Pate 21. Cross-section view of an entire normal vesicle with cyema and adnexa. No. 2053. 3. Section of villifrom same. X36. External appearance of conceptus, showing filiform villi. No. 866. 1.5. External appearance of conceptus, showing presence of hydatiform villi. No. 2108. 2.25. Sparsely villous area from No. 1892. 1.5. Isolated villi from same specimen, showing maceration changes. X3. Isolated shadow or gossamer villi. No. 2197. x9. External appearance of same specimen. 1.5. Cross section of No. 1287. 1.5. Villi from No. 1466. 2.25. Hydatiform villi from No. 2233. x4. Section of chorionic vesicle with hydatiform villi in basal area. No. 2361. 1.5. PLATE 22. . Isolated villi from No. 2361, showing both maceration and hydatiform degeneration. 6.75. Pate 23. . Knobbed, curly villi. No. 2384. 6.75. . Mossy villi. No. 2249. 4.5. - Tubal conceptus (No. 1151), showing disproportion between the chorionic vesicle and the fetus, sparse development of the villi, and some hydatiform degeneration. 1.5. . Villous tree from No. 651k. 2.25. . Villi from No. 1151, shown in figure 280. x3. MALL AND MEYER PLATE MALL AND MEYER MALL AND MEYER CHAPTER XVI. VILLOUS NODULES. That the occurrence of numerous small nodules on the villi of young concep- tuses must have attracted the attention and aroused the curiosity of early embry- ologists, one can not doubt. They often are so conspicuous, so spherical, and, when located on the tips of the villi, also so striking in appearance, that they could not be easily overlooked. Hence it does not surprise one that Miiller (1847), in his interesting monograph on moles, described them, and that Sommering (1799) had represented them, as figure 284, reproduced from the latter, shows. Miiller re- marked that he did not always find them, and that they sometimes were absent in normal specimens. As will appear later, this is a very interesting and probably also a significant observation. Langhans (1877), in connection with a thorough- going microscopic examination of the placenta, spoke of these appendages as “insular nodules of maternal tissue,” and also represented one. Langhans spoke of them as being 1 mm. in diameter, and said that their white color and turbid nature distinguished them from the more transparent swellings of the villi them- selves. Their form was said to vary, and some were found to be located on the curved, enlarged processes of the villi, while others capped these processes. Micro- scopically, they were said to be composed of large, oval, round, polyhedral, spindle- and star-shaped cells, usually a little flattened, which could easily be distinguished from the fetal cells by their size alone. Langhans stated that the cells composing these islands were decidual in origin, but that their nuclei were the size of the nuclei of the epithelium which separated them from the stroma of the villus. Langhans regarded them as decidual prolongations which penetrated the fetal placenta, and which hence might appear on the surface of the chorionic membrane itself. As long as the exact origin of the placenta had not been decided at this time, it need not surprise one that Langhans should speak of these nodulesas being composed of maternal tissue. Moreover, everyone who has examined conceptuses still implanted in or aborted with the decidua will admit that often it is impossible to draw a definite line of separation between the cells composing these nodules and the adjacent decidua. But it is not unlikely that exact differentiation between the two tissues is possible by the use of histochemical methods. Kastschenko (1885) referred to the insular nodules of Langhans merely as cell nodules (Zellknoten), and stated that they are always composed of chorionic epithelium. It is not clear to me, however, whether Kastschenko did not, after all, confuse these nodules with syncytial buds. Besides, he stated that, although these cell nodules develop from the epithelium of the chorion, they later become serotina cells. Heinz (1888) stated that the “‘insulze of maternal tissue’’ are especially common in placentz from the third to the sixth month, and that he never found them at term. He concluded that they are always composed of maternal tissue, that 327 328 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. they are firm, and are located halfway between the serotina and the tips of the villi. In figures 3 to 5 accompanying his article, good representations of sec- tions of villi with nodules partly embedded in the stroma of the villi are found. Heinz believed that they became separated from the rest of the maternal tissues by the growth of the villi, and thus became isolated and related to the latter. He thought that as the villi develop they begin to devour the maternal tissue with which the implanting conceptus is in contact, and that these nodules represented the only remnants of these maternal tissues. While Langhans thought that these nodules are formed merely by the invasion of the maternal by the fetal tissues, Heinz believed that they resulted from an invasion of the maternal tissues by villi, with accompanying destruction of the former. In support of his opinion, he referred to the well-known destructive power of the villi first revealed by Virchow, who called attention to the invasion of the maternal blood-vessels by fetal villi. Minot (1889), contrary to Heinz, declared that the nodules within the villi are commoner in old placentz, a conclusion which prompts the inference that Minot may have regarded them and the so-called decidual islands of contemporary litera- ture as identical. Hofmaier (1890), in describing his Case V,a conceptus 20 by 5 mm., containing an embryo of 4 mm., stated that small nodules the size of the head of a pin were present everywhere on the villi. These nodules the author regarded as composed of decidual cells. Kossman (1892) also spoke of insular nodules of maternal tissue and made fine drawings of sections cut 3 to 4 4 thick. He declared that it was plain that these nodules were composed of decidual tissue in which some of the villi be- came embedded, his idea being that portions of decidua became isolated from the rest and then were retracted by villi which lost their attachment to the decidua. Kossman stated that he never found nodules covered entirely by syncytium, as reported by Kastschenko, and doubted the occurrence of such. He further concluded that the cells composing these nodules do not simulate those composing the Langhans layer nearly as closely as Kastschenko had stated. Crosti (1896) also spoke of these nodules and referred to them as appendici durate, saying that they become hydropic in retained conceptuses. In discussing conceptuses of the sixth week, Webster (1901) stated that he could distinguish three kinds of ‘‘Zellknoten.’’ One was said to be composed of “undoubted decidual cells, along with a mass of cells which evidently belong to the proliferated Zellschicht at the end of an attached villus.” These were said to be surrounded more or less by syncytium and might contain portions of it and also of the villi. Webster regarded this form of nodule as due to decidual elevations upon which the villi were implanted. A second form of Zellknoten was said to be com- posed solely of closely placed villi, along with several processes or strands of the syncytial layer. The third variety was said to be composed of villi surrounded by fibrin. VILLOUS NODULES. 329 Pfannenstiel (1903) thought that the villous nodules are composed partly of decidua, but Rossi-Doria (1905) frankly stated that they are nothing but prolifera- tions of the Langhans layer, especially common on the tips of the villi. Rossi- Doria nevertheless believed that the syncytium also may take part in their forma- tion through proliferation by amitosis. This investigator, who made a careful examination of a conceptus 9 by 8 mm., stated that the trophoblastic nodules which form on the ends of the branches of the villi begin to appear after the second week of pregnancy. He concluded that they form not only on the free, but also on the fastening villi (Haftzotten), and doubted whether syncytium really can invade these nodules, as held by some investigators. J. Kollman (1907) also reported them in a conceptus 8 weeks old, and showed villi joining after passing through the nodules, forming what he called ‘“‘villi adherentes.”’ If these nodules, found in such number on villi of many abortuses, and repre- sented so well in the conceptus from S6mmering, shown in figure 284, are decidual in origin, then it is clear that their substance is in fact preformed, and if they antedate the formation of the villi it would seem that they might appear very soon after the formation of the latter. If, on the other hand, they are products of the epithelium of the villi, then a short interval after the formation of the latter is necessary to enable such accumulations to form. No one has held that they are direct products of the ovular ectoderm, which secondarily become related to the villi, and, from what has been described in the earliest known implantation stages, _it would seem that this is not the case. Although the ectoderm of the implanting ovum apparently is extremely active, probably especially so during the invasive stage of the implantation, these nodules apparently do not arise directly from it. In the description of some of the cases, and also in publications, I have some- times used the term trophoblastic nodule. The cells composing these nodules, however, undoubtedly arise from the Langhans layer, the syncytium usually being absent; and since the nodules really are not remnants of the early tropho- blast, it would perhaps be better to relinquish this term altogether and to refer to them merely as villous nodules. However, I have been greatly puzzled to find a good name for these special masses of cells arising from the Langhans layer. The term insular nodule, introduced by Langhans, would be entirely acceptable did it not carry with it the possibility of confusion with decidual islands, for if they really were islands, confusion would be particularly likely, because Langhans thought that they were maternal in origin. The term cell-nodule (Zell- knoten), introduced by Kastschenko, also is not without objection for the same reason. The designation ‘“‘appendici durate’’ used by Crosti does not recommend itself either, because one scarcely can speak of most of them as appendages, for the simple reason that they are almost wholly embedded in the stroma of the villi. Then, too, they are so small that one scarcely feels justified in speaking of them as hard. In very young villi the designation trophoblastic or trophodermic nodules would seem quite appropriate, especially since they frequently contain syncytial masses among the Langhans cells; but later on, long after the trophoderm or tro- phoblast has ceased to exist as such, this designation seems far less appropriate. 330 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Nor is the term villous nodules wholly unobjectionable, for they are not, as a rule, composed to any appreciable extent of villi, though a group of 6 or more villi not infrequently pass through or are united by them. But since it seemed the least objectionable term, I have adopted it. That these nodules really have the origin attributed to them by Rossi-Doria seems undoubted, although it is not impossible that rarely they may contain some adhesions or inclusions of decidual cells. These would be entirely accidental, however, and would result from portions of the decidua adhering to or being surrounded by the proliferating Langhans cells, and thus becoming included in the nodules. If, as Rossi-Doria stated, and as I believe, they arise from the Langhans layer of the villi, then the fact that they frequently contain masses of syncytium within their interior or at their margins offers no difficulties to those who believe that the syncytium arises from this layer. Nor would it be difficult to explain the presence of included syncytial masses within the nodules upon the assumption that the syncytial layer has an origin independent of the Langhans layer. But in any case, an origin from either of these layers would imply that they might be expected to be especially numerous in any condition in which unusual activity occurs in these layers. Hydatiform degeneration is such a condition, and that these nodules are especially numerous in many of ‘the specimens of hydatiform degeneration can easily be demonstrated. Whenever the epithelial proliferation is very pronounced, however, it does not manifest itself in the for- mation of nodules, but in the production of irregular trabecule, garlands and even trellis-works of cell-cords, such as represented in figure 9 (plate 1, Chap. IV). It also is conceivable that these spherules might form during the stage of spon- taneous regression of hyperactivity of the epithelium or in the earlier stages of hyperactivity; for a more or less spherical nodule manifestly could result only from proliferation in many instead of predominatingly in one or two directions only. I have also found these nodules common upon the ends of the villi, as is shown so well to the left in figure 285 and still better in figure 116 (plate 10, Chap. VIII). But, as noticed by previous investigators, and as shown in figures 285 and 286, they are not limited to these locations. I have never found them stalked, but always sessile, and embedded in the stroma of the villi even, as shown in figure 287. Indeed, not infrequently the epithelial proliferation, instead of resulting in an ele- vation upon the surface of the villi, extends largely into the stroma, so that sections of nodules were completely surrounded by it. All manner of transition stages between extravillous and intravillous locations were seen, and more or less hemi- spherical accumulations also were found directly upon the chorionic membrane. It is not at all uncommon to find these nodules located nearer the base of a villous tree, as shown in figures 288 and 289. This does not, however, imply that those so located were not apical once, for they may have formed on a short side- branch which they completely surrounded. Not infrequently several villi, even up to half a dozen or more, may be united by and terminate in a single nodule, as shown in figure 291; or they may penetrate it, as represented by Kollman. Not infrequently considerable groups of nodules are found in a single small region, VILLOUS NODULES. 331 as illustrated by the teased preparation shown in figure 290. It is not uncommon to find half a dozen or more nodules in section in a single field of the microscope under low magnification of cross-sections of villi, and when they are so numerous as this the villi in these areas may look matted in consequence. They never seem to attain any considerable size, seldom becoming larger than 1 to2 mm. This would seem toimply that, whatever the cause of their for- mation, the process is self-limited. I have never seen a chorionic vesicle in which large areas were capped or united by these proliferations, as are the early villi by trophoderm, for example; but they are decidedly resistant and persist long after the villi have degenerated. Nor have I ever seen them detached, for they seem to retain their hold even after the villi become decidedly macerated, as illus- trated in figure 292. I, too, have found them most common in relatively small chorionic vesicles, and never have seen one on mature, normal villi. Since I used no special microchemical methods, I can add but little to what is recorded in the literature regarding their structure. I do not believe, however, that the syncytial inclusions are syncytial in origin, or that they are ordinarily degeneration products. They seem to arise directly from the cells composing the nodules. Hence,as stated elsewhere (Meyer,1918), this conclusion, if correct, offers further confirmatory evidence of the origin of the syncytium from the Langhans layer. It can easily be demonstrated that the villous syncytium is penetrated rapidly, as a rule, by proliferation of the underlying Langhans layer, and all stages in this process of protrusion of the cellular accumulations, through the underlying syn- cytium, can be found. Since marked proliferation of the Langhans layer can occur without hyperactivity on the part of the syncytium, it also is clear that the syn- cytium may for this reason alone fail to take part in the formation of these nodules. No matter how numerous the syncytial buds in eases of exquisite early hydatiform degeneration, for example, I have never seen appearances suggesting in the slight- est the origin of these nodules from syncytium. It is difficult to form an opinion of their functional significance, but it does not seem improbable to me that they may result from an attempt on the part of the younger branches of the villi to gain contact with the decidua and so restore better nutritional conditions. DESCRIPTION OF PLATE. PLaTE 24. Fig. 283. Cross section of intensely fibrous villi from No. 765b. (See Chapter XV.) Fia. 284. Conceptus showing numerous trophoblastic nodules. (After Sommering.) Fig. 285. Portion of chorionic vesicle showing an apical villous nodule to the right and others elsewhere. No. 1495a. 2.4. Fic. 286. Chorionic vesicle showing numerous small villous nodules. No. 2197. X1.6. Fic. 287. A villous nodule completely surrounded by stroma, except at its free surface not shown in the figure. No. 556. Fic. 288. A villous nodule near the base of a villous tree. No. 2365. 7.2. Fic. 289. Villous nodules and lichen-like streamers on a villous tree. No. 2204. 7.2. Fic. 290. A group of teased villi bearing numerous trophoblastic nodules. No. 2225. 4.8. Fia. 291. Several villi ending in a single trophoblastic nodule. No. 308. 4.8. Fria. 292. A macerated villous tree, one branch of which bears a noduleon its extremity. No. 2472. x “I i ~~, “<7. a, an aa —" MALL AND MEYER CHAPTER XVII. CHANGES SUGGESTIVE OF LUES. Since Schaudin’s discovery, attention naturally has been directed very largely from placental lesions of syphilis to the presence of spirochetz. But unfortunately the hope that the presence of this organism would form not only a crucial but also an infallible criterion for the determination of fetal lues does not seem to have been realized. The search for spirochetz seems to have been attended by such uncertain results that a routine examination of the placenta has not even been recommended by prominent obstetricians. Slemons (1917”), for example, stated that the presence of spirochztz in the placenta can be demonstrated in only about one-third of the cases of lues, and Mracek (1903) found no histologic evi- dence of lues in 82 out of 160 placentse from syphilitic women. Slemons found the examination of stained sections more satisfactory than a gross examination of the villi, and stated that a proliferative inflammation of the vessels in the terminal villi constitutes the beginning change in lues. The lumina are said to become obliterated, the connective tissue of the villi increased, and the villous epithelium not only proliferates, but also invades the stroma. Some uncertainty still seems to attach to the use of the Wassermann test, for Williams (1917) emphasized that lues may develop in an infant even when this test applied to the mother was found negative at the time of its birth. As stated by Williams, others also have observed the contrary condition of a positive Was- sermann in the newborn, later becoming negative spontaneously. Slemons, how- ever, found the Wassermann reaction and the placental histology to coincide in 95 per cent of 345 cases, and in 99 per cent even, if misleading cases of toxemia of pregnancy were first excluded. Lues was present in 10 of the 345 cases examined by Slemons, who emphasized the fact that areas in which the structure of the placenta is normal may be present. From these things it seems that, regarding the existence of lues in early specimens, one is thrown back again upon the old ques- tion whether fetal lues in its early stages is characterized by any lesion or by any group of lesions which can be regarded as pathognomonic. Since it is recognized that the existence of maternal lues does not necessarily imply its existence in the fetus, the importance of independent criteria regarding its existence in the fetus becomes much greater. This is true in spite of the fact that belief in the trans- mission of paternal lues direct to the offspring without infection of the mother now seems to be quite generally abandoned. This was inevitable as soon as the cause of lues became known. Even in this day there seems to be no agreement upon what constitutes valid histologic evidence of the existence of fetal lues, but the opinion that recurring abortion of a macerated fetus, in the absence of other causes, is strongly indicative of lues seems to be held quite generally. It was the belief of obstetricians and gynecologists that abortion or premature labor occurred in a large percentage of cases in which maternal lues antedated conception by several years. Seitz (1904*) 333 334 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. credited Lutowski as finding that such a result inevitably followed, and himself found gestation interrupted in 91.6 per cent of such cases. Seitz classified 50 per cent of these interruptions of gestation as premature, 16.6 per cent as immature, and 21 per cent as abortions. Fuoss (1888) also quoted Ruge as saying that the fetus is still-born in 80 per cent of the cases of lues. The number of cases in which children which were born prematurely, but living, died soon after birth, is also surprisingly large in the series of Thomsen (1905), in spite of recourse to anti-luetic treatment, and Slemons (1916) reported that all luetic children among 17 which were prematurely born died. Thomsen found that lues could be excluded with considerable certainty in only 11 out of 27 controlled cases which had given birth to macerated fetuses. But more important still is the fact revealed by examination of Thomsen’s pro- tocols, that 24 out of 27 still-born fetuses of luetic mothers were macerated. It should be added, however, that no evidence of the existence of lues was present in 8 of these 24 macerated fetuses. Premature labor occurred in only 62 per cent of Thomsen’s series of luetic mothers, as compared with 91 per cent in that of Seitz, and 100 per cent in the series of Lutowski. However, Urfey (1901) cautioned against the assumption that repeated abortion in the later months of pregnancy always is due to lues, and held that a non-specific chronic endometritis is not infrequently the cause. This indeed seems highly probable when considering the marked changes which may be produced in the decidua by chronic inflammation. Unfortunately, Thomsen’s protocols do not state whether the evidence of lues was based on gross or upon microscopic examination or upon both. This is espe- cially regrettable, because this series included cases which bore no gross but only microscopic evidence of the existence of lues. The foregoing statement abundantly emphasizes the lack of correlation existing between the effects of lues upon the life of the conceptuses and the continuation of the gestation and the histologic and bacteriologic evidences contained in the con- ceptus. If neither spirochete nor characteristic histologic changes can be found in many of these prematurely born and macerated, luetic conceptuses, then one would seem to be compelled to assume not only that death of the conceptus is due to the influence of toxins, but that toxins may cause its death without producing any recognizable structural change in either placenta or fetus. The use of anti- luetic treatment may be responsible for the differences in the varying frequency with which luetic mothers give birth to luetic babies, and it is possible that the use of antiluetic treatment may affect the time of appearance of fetal lesions. Surely, a chronic systemic disease, which is believed almost invariably to cause the death of the conceptus and premature birth, especially after the sixth month of gestation, can scarcely be presumed to produce no structural fetal changes whatsoever before this time. This would seem to be possible only if the maturing fetus showed a decidedly diminishing resistance, both to the luetic disturbances and to infection. How early luetic lesions may appear in the fetus has been especially considered by Engman (1912), who thinks that many placental lesions which have been CHANGES SUGGESTIVE OF LUES. 335 referred to lues probably may not be such. This opinion was expressed also by Williams (1917), and Thomsen called attention to the fact that luetic changes in the fetal organs, so common in the seventh to the tenth month, are exceptional in the first 6 months of gestation. But it is well to remember in this connection the caution of Mracéek (1903) that cases of abortion occurring in the third and fourth, and especially in still earlier months, usually do not come to hospitals for treat- ment, and that observations on the placental lesions in lues hence have been made very largely upon material from the seventh and eighth months. Mraéek found luetic placental lesions as early as the fifth month, and Slemons (1916) slightly earlier than this. Since 10 of the placentz in a series of 78 examined by Mracek weighed from 200 to 300 grams, it is evident from this fact alone that he dealt with some rather early cases of gestation. In a routine examination of 400 pla- centz, Slemons found luetic lesions present in 6 out of 17 premature deliveries in which the fetus had a length of 30 to 40 em. and a weight of 1,000 to 2,000 grams. Since fetuses in the Carnegie Collection with a length of 30 to 40 em. have an age of approximately 34 weeks, and those weighing 1,000 to 2,000 grams an age of 28 to 3514 weeks, it is evident that the weight of these luetic fetuses ex- amined by Slemons was relatively low, as might be expected. The appearance of fetal luetic lesions may depend upon many factors, and Thomsen’s observation, that luetic inflammatory changes in the extra-abdominal portions of the umbilical vessels never were present before the fifth and sixth month, can not be regarded as final, in view of the differences of opinion concern- ing the specific nature of these changes. Thomsen also implied that the vascular were accompanied by other changes in the fetal organs. That changes which are entirely comparable to what has been called “granu- lation cell proliferation’ by E. Fraenkel (1873), or “granular hyperplasia” by Erco- lani (1871, 1873) occur in very young villi, is abundantly evident from an exam- ination of specimens in the Carnegie Collection. However, it does not therefore follow that such specimens are necessarily luetic. Thomsen, too, recognized that these changes in the villi, to which, and edema, he attributed the disproportion in weight between fetus and placenta, possibly occur in other conditions, but it is significant that he never found them present in controls. Thomsen further em- phasized that this hyperplasia of the stroma of the villi is never so pronounced in other conditions as in lues, and that the degree of hyperplasia of the stroma and of infiltration of the extra-abdominal portions of the umbilical vessels run parallel with the severity of the infection. Thomsen also concluded that, although other diseases can cause similar changes in the umbilical vessels, such occurrences are extremely rare. Mratek found changes in the cord present in only 10 out of 78 cases of lues, and Simmonds (1912) in 20 out of 40 full-term labors in which the presence of maternal lues had been established. Moreover, Simmonds found inflammatory changes in the cord present in 32 cases in which lues was excluded, and the fact that vascular changes have been found to be uncommon near the placental, and spirochetz near the abdominal end of the cord still waits for explanation. 336 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. If such changes as these alone could be regarded as pathognomonic of lues, it would be a relatively easy matter to determine its presence. Thomsen also laid great stress on the presence of abscesses in the placenta, accompanied by hyper- plasia of the stroma, and stated that he had never observed such a coincidence in any condition except lues, adding that although he found placental abscesses only 8 times in 100 cases in which maternal or fetal lues had been established, he never found them present in 1,250 placente in which lues could be excluded with considerable certainty. Thomsen further stated that infiltration of the mem- branes, although not specific, nevertheless is quite characteristic of lues, and is most marked when the syphilitic infection is severe. If Thomsen’s conclusion were justified, one would be compelled to believe that fetal lesions which are pathognomonic of lues nevertheless exist. It may be recalled in this connection that Schwab (1905) also emphasized the necessity for considering the “tout ensemble” and claimed that a fairly reliable diagnosis of lues can be made from an examination of the placenta alone. According to Schwab, the lesion complex consists of (1) a disproportion in weight between the fetus and the placenta, with an excess in weight of the latter; (2) hypertrophy of the villi; (3) perivascular cirrhoses; (4) inconstant proliferation of the syncytium; and (5) arteritis of the decidual vessels. Schwab recognized that any of these lesions may be present in other conditions, and laid special emphasis on the total picture. Solowij (1902) had gone much farther than this, however, for he held that lues is the cause of most placental lesions, even in the cases in which neither parent shows evidence of the presence of the disease in active form. Solowij even regarded this as established clinically, and held that lues alone produced the changes in the arteries described by him. Slemons believed that the most trustworthy evidence of the existence of fetal lues is found in the chorionic villi, which are clubbed and the vessels of which are not apparent in luetic cases. Slemons asserted that “‘when delivery occurs prematurely, the placental findings are significant; for in that case the question of syphilis may always be fairly raised.”” Since Slemons found placental evidences of lues in 10 per cent of 400 placentae accompanying a living child of the fifth or later months, it would seem that a higher percentage of cases from the earlier months would contain evidences of lues, unless it can be assumed that early conceptuses are more resistant to infection. The failure to find spirochetze in conceptuses before the fifth month would seem to suggest that no lesions can be expected before this time unless they can result from the influence of toxins. Should this be considered as impossible and the failure to find spirochet be accepted as conclusive evidence of their absence, then lues apparently must be excluded as a cause of abortion before the fifth month, except in so far as the disease may affect the health of the mother adversely, or cause changes at the implantation site. While considering the probable factors in the termination of gestation in the case of abortuses in the Carnegie Collection, it became evident that mechanical interference—therapeutie or otherwise—and hydatiform degeneration seemed to be the predominating causes. These can be recognized with some certainty, but CHANGES SUGGESTIVE OF LUES. 337 the customary difficulty was encountered regarding lues. Consequently, a series of abortuses from the group of fetus compressus, in which lues was present in mother or offspring, were selected for special study. From the findings in these cases, and taking the entire specimen as well as the clinical history into considera- tion, an attempt was made to isolate a group of specimens which might be regarded as probably luetic. Even if it be incorrect, as variously stated, that a large percentage—even up to 95 per cent—of all long-retained macerated abortuses are luetic, the mere fact that a very large percentage of luetic fetuses are retained for some time before being aborted introduces a special difficulty into the examination of them. It is relatively rare that a satisfactory teased preparation of the villi can be obtained even in early conceptuses. Hence, for this reason alone, the existence of clubbing of the villi, even if present in early cases, is much more difficult to determine. This is true of all specimens which have been retained sufficiently long so that the villi have become macerated, glued, and more or less compressed. Such glue- ing, or matting, apparently can arise in a relatively short time, for it is present in placentz which accompany fetuses which are not markedly macerated. Although often not due to lues, this glueing makes a gross examination of the villi very difficult and unsatisfactory. So-called typical, granular hyperplasia of the stroma of the villi can be found present in very small chorionic vesicles and probably can be caused by other things than lues. But obliterative arteritis was not seen in any very young chori- onic vesicles, although present much earlier than the fifth month. In some of these cases the obliterative changes were present not only in the vessels of the villi, but in those of the chorionic membrane as well. It was noticed but rarely in the umbilical vessels, but since the entire cord was included in relatively few specimens, no thorough examination could be made regarding this matter. Con- siderable thickening of the chorionic and amnionic membranes as a result of fibro- sis was quite common, however. When present in a marked degree, the fibrous change in the stroma of the villi and the obliterative changes in the vessels, both of those in the membranes and of the larger villous stems, often were so typical that on the basis of these alone, especially when they were accompanied by some infiltration with mononuclear leucocytes, one is justified, I believe, in regarding these specimens as very probably luetic. The placente of such of these specimens as had been retained for some time after fetal death showed the presence of coagu- lation necroses—so-called infarction—with the presence of considerable masses of degenerate trophoblast, and usually also of some calcification. The accompanying decidua also not infrequently showed the presence of fibrosis and later also of endarteritic changes in the decidual vessels. If spirochetz are absent in the conceptus before the fifth month, then it would be unjustifiable to assume that the cases showing these changes were defi- nitely leutic, unless fetal lesions can arise in the absence of the specific organism within the conceptus. Nevertheless, I feel justified in emphasizing that these morphologic changes seem to be characteristic even if not pathognomonic of lues. 338 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. Whether they could be produced before the advent of the organism itself I am not in a position to say. But if lues can lead to the premature birth of a living child and also to retention of conceptuses which died because of the existence of maternal infection, it would seem that the presence of this serious disease in the mother could be expected to affect the life of the conceptus more profoundly in other ways than through the direct effect of the characteristic lesions themselves. Moreover, it would seem that when other causes can be excluded clinically, one would be justified in suspecting the existence of maternal lues. I am aware of the fact that retention alone, wholly regardless of the cause of death of the con- ceptus, has been suggested as responsible for changes similar to those attributed to lues, but I am quite certain that the changes in some of the cases here concerned undoubtedly are not due to retention. The gross appearance of these specimens is so well known that a full description is unnecessary. The fresh decidua is frequently markedly macerated, the placental area of the chorion, when differentiated, is pale and firm and its maternal surface furrowed, the ridges being formed by fibrinoid masses and badly preserved decidua and the sulci by pink, better-preserved decidua. The membranes are degenerate or necrotic even, and thickened, especially in the placental area. The amniotic fluid usually is reduced considerably in quantity and the fetus greatly macerated. The cut surface of the fixed placenta shows the presence of some intervillous blood, in spite of the existence of large waxy areas, which, upon microscopic exami- nation, are found to be composed of degenerate decidua, trophoblast, so-called infarcts, and apparently fibrous areas constituted by large villous stems and coalesced villi. As is well known, a history of repeated abortion is common in these cases and the presence of lues frequently unsuspected. In one such ease, in which attention was directed to the probable nature of the specimen, further inquiry and examina- tion revealed the existence of relatively recent maternal lesions, including mucous patches. Although this may be a mere coincidence, I am quite certain that the subject deserves further attention. The placental changes in most of these specimens remind one somewhat of the placenta accompanying a fetus 12 cm. long, reported by Welch (1888) under the caption, ““Hyaline metamorphosis of the placenta,” and it is interesting that Welch stated that the changes in the stroma of the villi in this case reminded him of those attributed to lues by Fraenkel. Although the few cases in the Carnegie Collection in which the infant was known to be definitely leutic were of considerable value in this matter, those in which lues was suspected or even reported, or in which the Wassermann test was negative or positive, were of little value, because of the well-known disagreements between the clinical findings and the occurrence of luetic lesions in the fetus. CHAPTER XVIII. SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. ' In considering the possible reasons for the interruption of gestation, one must not only distinguish between the alleged and the real causes, but must also bear in mind the fact that we still speak of the occurrence of spontaneous and habitual abortion. It is scarcely necessary to emphasize that there can, of course, be no such thing as spontaneous abortion, for no gestation can be presumed to be inter- rupted without a cause, whatever its nature. This is self-evident, and I gladly would let the matter pass without comment were it not for the fact that the con- clusion that a certain abortion was spontaneous often ends further inquiry. Hegar (1904) directed especial attention to the presence of pathologic changes in the conceptus as a cause of abortion, thus clearly recognizing that the difficulty may not lie in the maternal organism, although it must not be forgotten that many of the so-called pathologic changes present in conceptuses nevertheless may be due to adverse influences, somatic and maternal rather than germinal in origin. However, since the presence of anomalies in the fetus usually is determined by inspection of the gross specimen, it is evident that only the presence of external deformities generally is noted. But from dissecting-room experience alone we know that pronounced anomalies commonly are present internally without having become evident externally. This may be true of such extreme anomalies as situs viscerum inversus even, and when one considers how much more disadvantageous for the development of the cyema such a condition must be than such minor things as polydactyly and brachydactyly, hare-lip, cleft palate, or club-foot and hand, it becomes apparent that znternal must far more frequently be the cause of fetal death than the external anomalies. The latter have long been recognized as prob- able causes of fetal death and the subsequent termination of gestation merely because they are so evident. It is true that external not infrequently are associated with internal anomalies, but the effect of the latter upon the life of the cyema probably has been underestimated largely because they can be revealed only by painstaking examination. However, the frequent presence of marked internal anomalies in the bodies of individuals who have passed middle life, or even the proverbial threescore and ten, also indicates that the réle of external anomalies in the termination of gestation probably has been overestimated. For aside from such major defects as the various forms of cranio-rachischisis, it is difficult to see how minor external anomalies, such as polydactyly or brachydactyly, hyper- phalangism, cleft palate, or hare-lip or anarthroses and synarthroses, in them- selves can lead to the death of the fetus and hence to the interruption of pregnancy. The same thing is true of anomalous renal development, except in so far, perhaps, as it is extremely pronounced or associated with anomalies in the organs of inter- nal secretion. Cardiac anomalies, especially septal defects, and internal hydro- 1 The word abortion is here used in the general sense of an interruption of gestation, regardless of the time or the cause. 339 340 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. cephalus, on the other hand, probably would very seriously affect the further development of the cyema, even if not evident externally. It is strange that we know so little regarding the anomalous development of the chorion as a factor in the termination of pregnancy. That the cause for the latter not infrequently may be sought in the ovum or spermatazoon one can scarcely doubt, for otherwise one would have to assume that the human repro- ductive cells are characterized by a unique immunity and perfection. That this is not the case has been abundantly shown for the human spermatazoon, but we are still quite ignorant concerning the occurrence of pathologic unfertilized ova. Jones (1897), however, came to the conclusion that they were common, and Detleftsen (1914) reported that abnormal ovaries commonly occur in guinea-pig hybrids—that is, crosses between the domestic and the wild cavy species. Further- more, Huber (1915) found abnormal fertilized ova which disintegrate even before implantation in the rat. Crosti (1896) believed that abortion in the first 8 or 10 weeks is always due to defects inherent in the ovum, and Szasz (1903) stated that fetuses from the early months of gestation may show malformations not found in the later months. If this be true, then it demonstrates what one would seem to be able safely to assume, that the existence of some fetal anomalies makes continued development impossible. Such anomalies, hence, never should be met in the newborn, but should be found in the early fetus only. This conclusion of Szasz would also seem to be justified if fetal anomalies were more common in the earlier than in the later months of pregnancy. This was the conclusion reached by Mall (1917), who found that localized anomalies are twelve times as common in abortuses as are monsters among fetuses at term. But since not only acardiac monsters, but also small nodules, such as reported by Slemons (1917*) under the caption ‘Fetus amorphous anideus,’’ may sometimes survive until term, it is difficult to sub- stantiate the assertion of Szasz at present, except perhaps indirectly by the greater infrequency of anomalies at term and by the occurrence of such heretofore unknown specimens as No. 1843 (Meyer, 1919°), in which survival was manifestly impossible. Such vesicles as this, wholly devoid of a eyema, apparently never can continue to develop for any length of time, and, as far as I can learn, never have been observed before; for the large hydatiform degenerations, composed of portions of a chorionic vesicle and villi only, really belong in another category. No one will doubt that the presence of certain developmental anomalies tends to fetal death and hence also to early abortion, but until more material is available it will be impossible to make reliable statistical deductions and determine the relative frequency with which various anomalies occur in the different months of pregnancy or even at the time of birth. However, there is no doubt that small primary nodular forms, which are true developmental anomalies, such as those shown in figures 205 and 206 (plate 18, Chap. XIII), are far more frequent among young than among older specimens in the Carnegie Collection. This, however, does not wholly confirm the statement of Szasz, though it is in entire accord with Mall’s conclusion. If one considers the external form and the structure SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 341 of these small masses, one feels quite certain that some of them belong in the category of rare, full-term specimens such as that. reported by Slemons. Few of these probably survive till term on account of an insufficient blood-supply, and the occasional survival of one in association with a normal, full-term fetus is an extremely interesting occurrence. One need only to regard the question of abortion historically and recall the practices of primitive races to be reminded of the fact that in such a matter as this human custom, conduct, and frailty play a very large rédle. Nor need attention be directed to the practices of primitive or uncivilized peoples alone, even if Rob- inson’s (1919) estimate that 1,000,000 criminal abortions are performed annually in the United States can not be accepted without question. Since the number of annual births in the United States, estimated on the basis of the registration area, is only about 2,400,000, this would imply that 1 criminal abortion is performed for every 2.4 births. Or, to put it another way, if somewhat less than 40 per cent of all pregnancies terminate prematurely, as Pearson (1897) estimated, then, according to Robinson, 1 out of every 4 pregnancies is terminated criminally. But the highest estimates of the ratio of abortions to pregnancies are those of Taussig (1910) and myself. Those of Taussig were based upon the experience at a St. Louis gynecological clinic, and mine upon about 700 selected histories from the Carnegie Embryological Collection. From these data it seems that there is 1 abortion to about 1.7 to 2.3 pregnancies. Hence, if we accept Rob- inson’s estimate of the incidence of criminal abortion in the United States as 1 to every 2.4 births, it would follow that in the women considered by Taussig or myself about 70 per cent of all pregnancies which terminated prematurely were terminated criminally! Furthermore, upon the basis of Pearson’s estimate of prenatal mortality, the criminally induced actually would exceed the abortions due to all other causes by over one-half, while upon the basis of Mall’s earlier estimate of a prenatal mortality of about 20 per cent, the criminal abortions in the United States, as estimated by Robinson, actually would exceed the grand total of abortions from all causes by 200,000 cases annually! It is regrettable that we are left partly to surmise regarding the exact incidence of prenatal death. Ahlfeld (1898) estimated that there is 1 abortion for every 4 or 5 normal births. This would be 1 to every 5 or 6 pregnancies. A. Hegar (1863) estimated that 1 out of 8 or 10 pregnancies ends prematurely. Michailoff (1897), as reported by Chazan (1904), gave a frequency of 10.18 per cent, and Keyssner (1895) a frequency of 15.1 per cent, or 1 abortion to every 5 or 6 births, an estimate confirmed also by Williams (1917). According to Lechler (1883) and Chazan (1904), this was also the figure reached by Busch and Moser (1840), upon theoretical grounds alone. Stumpf (1892) found 1 abortion for every 3.56 pregnancies, a mortality of 28 per cent, and Keyssner still less, or 1 abortion in 9 pregnancies, or a mortality of but 11 per cent. Since the causes responsible for postnatal mortality differ so widely from those which operate before birth, it is wholly unlikely that a curve of postnatal mortality, 342 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. if extended through prenatal life back to conception, as done by Busch and Moser and by Pearson, would tell the truth. Indeed, it could do so only by the merest chance, for the curve of postnatal mortality is based upon a totally different set of conditions. Besides, it undoubtedly is true that the rate of mortality varies from month to month in prenatal much as it does from decade to decade in postnatal life, although probably in a totally different way. It could fail to do so only if a perfect uniformity of conditions obtained throughout the period of gestation. Since this is not the case, the curve of postnatal mortality is of course based upon a totally different set of conditions. Upon theoretical grounds, Pearson (1897) decided for a mortality of 37.6 per cent, or 1 abortion in every 2.7 pregnancies, an estimate which Mall (1917°) regarded as too low. This opinion of Mall would seem to be confirmed by Taussig (1910), who, from data obtained in 201 gynecological dispensary patients, concluded that there was 1 abortion to every 2.3 pregnancies, a mortality of 43.4 per cent; and also by the present series of almost 700 cases, which indicates a prenatal mortality of 58 per cent. If we take the statement of certain social workers or propagandists, who allege that a conservative statement of the total number of criminal abortions annually performed in the United States is 250,000, then on the basis of Pearson, 1 in every 6, and on the basis of Mall’s earlier estimate, 1 in every 3 interrupted pregnancies, is terminated criminally. However, Taussig (1910), on the basis of histories obtained from 293 patients at the St. Louis gynecological dispensary, reported that only 36 out of 371, or approximately 10 per cent, of the abortions in these women were admittedly mechanical. The histories in the Carnegie Col- lection present similar evidence, but these percentages undoubtedly are too low. It should not be overlooked, however, that the surprisingly high percentages of prenatal mortality in the above women undoubtedly do not represent the actual life conditions of the whole population. They merely represent the conditions in women who have aborted. How much the inclusion of all those women who never had aborted would have lowered these percentages it is impossible to say, but one scarcely can doubt that the lowering would be considerable. After a fuller con- sideration of the literature, Schultz, page 183, estimated the prenatal mortality among the general population at 22.0 per cent, a figure somewhat higher than Mall’s earlier but considerably below his later estimate. Since the women in the present series do not constitute a dispensary group, but very largely also represent cases in private practice, one can not contemplate the amazing prenatal mortality in these women without the profoundest concern, not alone because of its significance upon the birth-rate, but also because of its relation to the wellbeing of these women and the effect of such practices upon public morals. Nor can one be quite certain that the indicated antenatal mor- tality is on the decrease or that it is high in these women alone, for Malins (1903), for example, believed that abortion is more common among the economically more fortunate classes. This opinion seems to be shared also by others. Nothing even remotely like it seems to be known in the case of the domestic animals, SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 343 except in such conditions as contagious abortion. Aside from this affection, abortion in some domestic animals seems to be a rather rare phenomenon, having occurred, according to Malins, only 131 times in a series of pregnancies which resulted in 3,710 living colts. This is a ratio of only 1 abortion in every 29.1 pregnancies, or less than one-seventeenth the frequency found in the women in the present series. But it is very clear that we lack sufficient data upon which to base reliable opinions regarding these matters. Social workers undoubtedly far overestimate the prevalence of criminal abortion, though it should at once be admitted that profes- sional obstetricians very likely underestimate its frequency, for their opinion is based upon a rather different experience. However, that the estimate of the former is entirely too high can be shown also by their estimate of the deaths due to abor- tion. It has been stated publicly, for example, by enthusiasts for birth control that there are 8,000 deaths due to abortions, annually, in New York alone, and 50,000 in the entire country. Since the total number of deaths from all causes among all women between the ages of 15 and 40, regardless of whether they are child-bearing women or not, as estimated on the basis of the registration area according to the United States census for 1916, was only 139,642, one-third of all deaths in women of these ages would, according to these advocates, be due to criminal abortion! No mention was made of the occurrence of previous abortions in 11.4 per cent of the 697 selected cases of abortion in which the clinical histories were quite complete and apparently reliable. This small percentage stands in marked con- trast to the findings of Malins (1903), who stated that 63.4 per cent of the women in a selected series of 2,000 hospital and private cases had not aborted before, and that of the childless 3.2 per cent had aborted. Only 3 cases among the 697 were specifically stated to have suffered no previous abortions. In the rest of the 11.4 per cent the matter was not mentioned. Only 1 of these 3 women had borne children, and the remaining 2 were recorded as having had neither previous abor- tions nor children. Malins, who found 14.2 per cent sterile women in a series of 2,000 selected private and hospital cases, stated that 3.1 per cent of these had aborted, but had had no children. Although it is not recorded in 78 cases that the women had either had children or abortions, one can not assume that they had neither, else the per- centage of primiparze would be 11.4 as compared to 4.86 per cent in the series of Franz (1898). Graefe (1896) found only 2 out of 38 cases in primipare, a per- centage of 5.5 per cent, and stated that Litthauer found only one such case. How- ever, such small groups as these really can not contribute anything of statistical value, except when combined. Out of Hellier’s series of 1,800 married women belonging to the laboring classes, 184, or over 10 per cent, never had been pregnant before, and 1,616, or 89.7 per cent, had one or more abortions. The latter was true of 92.9 per cent of the cases in the Carnegie series, and although repeated abortion occurred in a considerable percentage of these women, only 5.6 per cent had aborted more than 5 times. 344 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. The above 78 cases also represent the women in this series of 697 cases who may not have aborted previously. However, all of them had aborted once, or they would not be represented in the Carnegie Collection. The only exceptions to this statement may be a few instances of spurious pregnancy in which hemor- rhage or membranous dysmenorrhea may have been taken for genuine evidence of pregnancy because of an irregularity in the menstrual history. A single previous abortion had occurred in 56.6 per cent of 608 cases, and two previous abortions in 22.9 per cent. About 79 per cent of these women, as contrasted to the 66 per cent of Stumpf’s series of 446 cases, had aborted once or twice previously, and 69.1 per cent once or twice only. Hence the great majority of the specimens in the present series came from cases of first and second abor- tions, as indicated in table 13. However, one should, I presume, recall in this con- nection that it always is easy for a woman to say that she has aborted only once or not at all. Yet the records probably are not very defective in this regard, for, as will appear later, most of the women were relatively young. As shown in table 14, 394 out of 692 women, or 56.9 per cent, aborted before the beginning of the fourth month of gestation. Hence it is evident that most of the conceptuses from this series are small. Only 3 cases aborted during the last 2 months and 78.6 per cent before the beginning of the fifth month. The marked increase in the frequency of abortion from the first to the second month, as well as the marked decrease from the sixth to the seventh month, is not without signifi- cance. The same factor probably is at least partially responsible for both. Knowledge confirmatory of the fact that she is pregnant would come to a woman with the advent of the second month, while the viability of the fetus would act as a deterrent to interference with the gestation especially after the fifth month. Only 33.4 per cent of the women of this series aborted in the third month, as compared to 59 per cent in the series of Diihrssen (1887), and to 42.7 per cent of Franz’s (1898) cases, taken only, however, from the first 7 months of gestation. However, since only 3 of the present series of 692 cases aborted during the last 2 months, and only 14 during the last 3 months, it is quite immaterial whether or not the cases in this series from the last 3 months are included, for 98.2 per cent aborted before the seventh month. Although Franz stated that only 15.45 per cent of the cases collected by him had aborted before the twenty-eighth week, the summary given at the end of his paper would seem to make this percentage 76.9, which compares fairly well with the 98.2 per cent found in this series. That no existing collection of specimens or of histories correctly represents the actual facts in the world at large would seem to be indicated by a comparison of the results obtained by different investigators, as given in table 15. With the exception of the results of Stumpf and myself, and some of those of Lechler for the third, fifth, sixth, and seventh months, the divergencies are striking—probably irreconcilable—and suggest that a far larger series of cases than that dealt with at present is necessary before any results closely approximating the truth can be obtained. The only regard in which the findings of Franz, Hellier, Stumpf, and myself are in surprising agreement is the average number of pregnancies to abor- SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 345 tions per woman. This was 4.77 in Franz’s, 4.59 in Hellier’s, 4.15 in Stumpf’s, and 4.58 in the present series. Hellier’s group came largely from the laboring classes of Leeds. The Carnegie series comprises women from widely different stations in life and from widely scattered communities, and those of Franz and Stumpf came from different regions of the European continent. Since these four series included 3,762 women, it would seem that one can assume that the average of these groups, or 4.54 full-term pregnancies per abortion, probably approaches the truth very closely indeed. This truly remarkable agreement found in women from three countries also seems to imply that the proportion of births and abortions per woman is largely, if not wholly, independent of nationality and environment. A very large proportion of the women in the histories of whom the matter was recorded were childless. This, as shown in table 16, was true of 143 out of 585 cases, or of 24.4 per cent. Hellier found the childless to form only 1.3 per cent of his series of 1,800 gynecological cases from among the working classes of Leeds. Approximately the same percentage of the present series as was childless had but a single child. A somewhat smaller number had two children, the childless and those who had one and two children forming 67.1 per cent of the whole group. Yet one woman had borne 14 and another 16 times. Franz found that primipare formed only 4.86 per cent of his series of 844 cases, but if we could assume that all the cases in the Carnegie series which were reported as childless actually were primipare, then the percentage of the latter in this collection would be 24.7. However, since such a marked discrepancy exists between the percentage recorded by Franz and the latter figure, it is more than likely that a considerable number of the women recorded as childless in this series were not primipare after all. This is indicated also by the fact that only 78 out of 697 women, or 11.2 per cent, of which number the 585 included in table 16 form a part, were unrecorded as to offspring or previous abortions. Only 2 additional cases were recorded as not having suffered an abortion previously. Consequently only 80 out of these 697 women, or 12.9 per cent, apparently were in their first pregnancy. Franz found abortion twice as common in multipare as in nullipare. From clinical cases Graefe (1896) concluded that women who had borne three times aborted most frequently, but he added that this finding was not confirmed in his private practice. Stumpf found the ratio of abortions to births 1 to 5.1 in primi- pare, but only 1 to 2.21 in multipare having up to and including 5 children, and 1 to 2.22 in multipare having more than 5 children. As shown in table 16, the average number of abortions per woman is practically the same in the childless and in those having had one child, but with the second child a rise of almost 16 per cent takes place, for the average number of abortions per woman changes from 2.5 to 2.9. Another smaller advance is shown to occur with the fourth child, although there are relatively slight fluctuations in women having had 4 to 7 children. Since the number of women having borne 8, 9, and 10 children was so small, no conclusions could be drawn regarding them. 346 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. In all groups except the first two, composed of women having none or but one child, the average number of abortions lies between 2.9 and 3.6 per woman. Moreover, this ratio is practically the same in the groups having borne 2, 4, and even 6 children, but since the total number of cases involved in this table is only 585, the number in each group is necessarily small, being over 100 in the first three groups only. Upon comparing the total number of previous abortions suffered by 697 women with the total number of children borne by them, we find that there was 0.84 previous abortion for every child. However, if the 697 abortions represented by the specimens which brought these women to our notice be included, then the ratio becomes 1.3 instead of 0.84 abortion per child; yet Malins, on the basis of 2,000 selected private and hospital cases, found but 1 abortion to every 5 children. A similar proportion is recorded also by Hellier, who, on the basis of 6,974 births and 1,288 abortions in 1,800 married women, found one abortion for every 5.5 children. Keyssner (1895), on the basis of 9,381 births and 1,194 abortions, found a ratio of but 1 abortion to every 8 births. Although the statistics of Keyssner were taken from the clinics, polyclinies, and gynecological journals, and those of Malins from selected private and hospital cases, one is at a loss to explain the great disparity between them and those in the present series. In this series of 697 women with 1,351 children and 1,843 abortions, there were 1.3 abortions for every child or 1 abortion for every 1.7 pregnancies. This result differs somewhat from that recorded by Taussig for the cases in the St. Louis Gynecological Clinic, which was 1 abortion for every 2.3 pregnancies. The lack of correspondence between the estimate made by Taussig and that in the present series is not surprising, for the Carnegie series is fairly representative, being com- posed to a considerable extent of material obtained from the general practitioner. However, it is surprising to find that this ratio of children to abortions is lower in these women than in the cases from a dispensary, unless we accept the opinion of those who hold that abortion is more common among the economically more favored classes. The relative constancy in the ratio of abortions to children in families with 3 to 7 children seems to imply that whatever the factors responsible for the inter- ruption of pregnancy, they act with unexpected regularity in women of widely differing ages and with decidedly different reproductive histories. This would seem to imply that in these women there is no tendency to limit the family to any particular number of children through interference with the gestation, for were such the case abortion should be more frequent in connection with the particular number to which it is attempted to restrict the size of the family. This could fail to be true only if we could assume that this supposed limitation in the size of the family were due to causes other than interference with the gestation. Only 29.1 per cent of the 607 women whose ages were given were less than 25 years old, but, as shown in table 17, 56.1 per cent were less than 30 and 77.4 per cent less than 35 years. In the series of Stumpf this was true of 23.3, 51.7, and 71.8 per cent, respectively. Upon considering the relation of the different age SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 347 groups as shown in table 18, nothing unusual appears. The average number of abortions per child is highest in the 15 to 19 year group, in which it is 4.8. In the 20 to 24 year group it has dropped to 1.6, and then, as might be expected, a gradual decrease, both in the number of children and of abortions, is noticeable in each half-decade from 15 to 50 years, where it is 0.14. The number of abortions per woman ranges from 1.1 in the 15 to 19 year group to 2.7 in the 40 to 44 year group. There is a decided drop in this average in the 45 to 49 year group, but since this group contains only 3 cases, it must be disregarded. In the 15 to 19 and 20 to 24 year groups, the average number of abortions per woman exceeds the average number of children, but after that the reverse is true, these ratios being almost equal in the 25 to 29 and 30 to 34 year groups. The greatest disproportion between abortions and children is reached in the 40 to 44 year group, in which the ratio is 2.08 children for every abortion. Taussig found 870 full-term births in 293 women, the average number of children per woman being considerably higher, or 2.9, instead of 1.9 as in this series. The average number of abortions in 201 women was 1.8, instead of 2.6 as in this series. Hellier (1901) found that 1,800 selected married women had borne 6,974 children, or an average of 3.87 each, and in Franz’s series of 4,255 women, the average number of children per woman was still higher, or 4.77, as compared with 1.9 of the present series of 697 women. The series of 446 cases of Stumpf form a striking contrast to the present one, for, although the actual number of cases of pregnancy in essentially the above age groups ranges from 89 in the group over 40 to 365 in the 26 to 30 year group, the ratio of abortions per pregnancy differed markedly, as an inspection of table 18 will show. Aside from the entire lack of correspondence between the two sets of percentages shown there, especially as far as women below 20 are concerned, in whom the difference is practically 1,600 per cent, Stumpf found two maxima of abortions to births, instead of a gradual decline as in the Carnegie series. Stumpf’s first maximum occurred between 26 and 30, and the second after 40. It also is peculiar that although Stumpf’s ratios are 200 to 1,600 per cent below mine in women below the age of 40 years, they are 200 per cent higher than mine after this age. Since the discrepancies are so great, it is very likely that a number of unknown factors are involved. Hence it is hardly worth while to try to reconcile the remarkable difference. The 21 admittedly unmarried women in this series had 25 abortions, or 1.2 abortions per woman, and 11 children, or 0.5 child each. Both of these figures are below the average for the professedly married women, yet, as might be surmised, the ratio of abortions to children is considerably higher in this group of the un- married than in the case of all groups of the married except the 15 to 19 year group. It is 2.2 abortions per child. Since the average number of abortions per child in the 15 to 19 year group of professedly married women is more than twice as high as in the small group of the unmarried, it would seem that there is something in the marital relationship of women of these years, or in the attitude toward abortion 348 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. on the part of the married, which is responsible for this difference. However, until a far larger group can be obtained, such a surmise remains unsupported. In contrasting the number of abortions per woman in 344 women giving birth to conceptuses classed as normal with those suffered by 264 women who aborted conceptuses classed as pathologic, we find (table 19) that the former had sustained an average of 1.7 abortions and the latter only 1.79, or practically the same number. However, upon referring to table 20, it will be seen that a slight tendency to earlier abortion of pathologic conceptuses is indicated. Yet table 21 indicates that abor- tion of a conceptus classed as pathologic strangely enough seems to have had no discernible effect in reducing the number of children per woman. This is, of course, contrary to what one should expect, and undoubtedly contrary also to the facts. The 256 women giving birth to conceptuses classed as pathologic really had more children on an average than the 337 who had aborted conceptuses classed as normal, for women giving birth to conceptuses classed as pathologic had an average of 2.3 children, but those aborting conceptuses classed as normal only 2.1 children. Hence, one would seem to be led to the startling and impossible con- clusion that pathogenicity of the conceptus, whatever its cause, does not reduce, but enhances, fertility! It may be recalled in this connection that Hellier found that 96.5 per cent of the 1,800 married women who had abortions “‘almost up to the maximum”’ nevertheless later bore one or more children. -But the explanation for the above anomalous and self-contradictory result probably lies in the fact that many conceptuses classed as pathologic very likely are merely macerated normal specimens, the form of which was changed during long retention. The women aborting conceptuses classed as pathologic aborted somewhat earlier, for 86.7 per cent of them had done so before the beginning of the fifth month of gestation, as compared with 76.5 per cent of those who aborted specimens classed as normal. Since the groups in table 20 contain 402 normal and 290 pathologic cases, this difference in percentages of early abortions might seem to imply that conceptuses classed as pathologie actually had developed under un- favorable conditions, died, and were aborted sooner. ° Since, as previously stated, most of these are young, while those classed as normal are relatively older, one may assume that young conceptuses are retained relatively longer after death than older ones. This conclusion is borne out also upon comparing the menstrual with the estimated or anatomic ages of specimens grouped as normal and pathologic. From such a comparison it is evident that the specimens classed as pathologic were retained relatively longer after death than those classed as normal, and that had they been aborted as soon after their death as were those classed as normal, a still larger percentage of them would have been aborted before the fifth menstrual month than actually was the case. From table 22 we learn that 50 per cent of the women aborting conceptuses classed as pathologic and 60.9 per cent of those aborting conceptuses classed as normal were below 30 years. Hence the women aborting conceptuses classed as pathologic would seem to have been somewhat older. SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 349 Upon contrasting the conditions in the small group of negro women, as revealed in tables 18 to 22, with those in whites, one is not justified in drawing any definite conclusion regarding the possibility of racial differences, because the group of negro women is so small; but nevertheless it strikes one’s attention that self-induction of abortion is unrecorded among them. Psychic and accidental mechanical causes also are unrecorded. Therapeutic intervention occurred in only 1.3 per cent of the colored women, but in 6.6 per cent of the white. As shown in table 18, families with single children seem to be rarer among these negro women, but the average number of children was less, a fact in agreement with the statement in our last national census to the effect that, with the exception of the cities of Balti- more and Washington, the average family among negroes in cities of a population of 10,000 and over is somewhat smaller than that among whites. Abortions among the negro women also seemed to fall somewhat later in gestation than among the white, only 65.4 per cent of them aborting before the fifth month, as contrasted with 79.7 per cent of the white women. The negro women, however, did not differ materially in age-grouping, as shown in table 22. Could one take the figures deduced from the records of specimens classed as pathologic at their face value, one would be justified in concluding that but a very small percentage of the abortions here concerned were due to interference on the part of the patient. It also must be remembered that a smaller proportion of abortuses classed as pathologic than of those grouped as normal probably result from interference by the patient. This follows from the inference that a normal gestation may be presumed to continue uninterrupted in its development far more frequently than a pathologic one, a conclusion reached also by Giacomini and by Mall. As shown in table 23, abortion was recorded as self-induced in approximately 34 per cent of 198 histories selected from the Carnegie Collection, in which other causes than disease are mentioned. But these percentages do not truly represent the situation, for such interference no doubt occurred in a far larger percentage of cases, for the simple reason that physicians are disinclined to record and report, and patients still more disinclined to state, such a fact. That the alleged causes are not always the true ones is a matter of common knowledge. The interference was alleged to have been medicinal in only two of these cases. In the rest it was said to have been mechanical. This was true of 68 out of 90 cases in which the termination of the gestation was alleged to have been due to medicinal, accidental, or psychic causes or to mechanical interference on the part of the patient. This is a percentage of 70.8. Associated diseases were mentioned in only 54 out of 252 cases, or in 21.4 per cent. The abortion was recorded as having been spontaneous in 2 cases only, although no cause was recorded in 463 of the 697 cases. Therapeutic abortions formed 24.7 per cent of those in which a cause was assigned. A comparison of the part played by various alleged causes of abortion as recorded in histories classed as normal and pathologic is given in table 24. What particularly strikes one’s attention is the fact that tumors and displacements of 350 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. the uterus are recorded more frequently as a cause of abortion among specimens classed as normal and self-induction more frequently among the pathologic cases. In a higher percentage of these the presence of associated diseases was mentioned, however, and miscellaneous and psychic causes also were recorded. Interference might be presumed to occur more frequently in cases involving pathologic condi- tions, yet it is recorded more frequently in connection with conceptuses classed as normal. It is not unlikely that the explanation given for the apparent increase in fertility with the increase in frequency of abortion applies also to this contra- dictory result. However, therapeutic intervention was somewhat more common among the pathologic in a somewhat larger percentage of which no cause for the termination of the gestation was assigned. The latter was the case in 76.6 per cent of 264 pathologie and in 63.3 per cent of 344 normal cases out of a total of 608. Miscellaneous causes, such as exertion, purgative drugs, coitus, etc., were assigned as frequently in the one as in the other class of cases, but the total number in each group is so small that these percentages probably are not very reliable. That the abortion was inevitable in many, even if not in the majority, of the so-called spontaneous or habitual cases, is corroborated by the fact that most of the abortuses in the pathologic division are young, by far the greater majority of the older fetuses falling among the normal. Moreover, many of the larger con- ceptuses also are received fresh, and in the case of those which were received as the result of such complications of pregnancy as toxemia, pernicious vomiting, placenta previa, febrile conditions, and other similar causes, these causes are recorded. There often is no way of accounting for the termination of the so-called spontaneous cases from an examination of the conceptuses alone. However, it was very interesting to frequently find that the chorionic vesicle and the decidua had undergone pronounced changes in the case of abortions which were reported as spontaneous. Many of these fell into the first four groups of Mall’s classifica- tion and showed the presence of hydatiform degeneration, thus contradicting the statement of Hegar (1904) that hydatiform moles almost invariably occur only later in pregnancy, and confirming the statement of Solowij (1899), who claimed that clinical experience teaches that hydatiform moles are aborted in toto only in the first months of pregnancy. Indeed, pathologie conditions of the chorion and decidua seem to be especially frequent causes for the termination of pregnancy during the early months, although one must recall that decidual and possibly chorionic changes may be the con- sequence of previous interference alone. It may long remain impossible to deter- mine the true or original cause of antenatal death, for the secondary or immediate cause may completely mislead one. Hegar (1902) concluded that the cause of abortion not infrequently lies in the decidua alone, and that the death of the cyema usually can be shown to be due to degenerate changes in the villi. He came to this conclusion because he found no evidence of pathologic changes in the chorions of some abortuses. That endometritis and other uterine conditions pre-existent to the implantation may be responsible, especially for early abortions, SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 351 one can not doubt, for the changes in the endometrium and decidua frequently seem to be so profound. Certain alleged minor causes to which recourse is had by patients recur so frequently in the histories that this fact alone suggests that they probably are not the true or ultimate causes. Among such causes, a slip or a slight fall on the stairs and minor psychic disturbances may be cited. That psychic disturbances may interrupt gestation seems quite likely, but they probably merely are the immediate, not the ultimate, cause of the abortion. They could be regarded as the ultimate cause only if the conceptus is aborted well preserved, for otherwise one would have to assume that psychic causes can produce uterine contractions sufficiently severe to cause the death of the conceptus, and that later, after the conceptus has become macerated, recurring similar psychic disturbances finally effect the expulsion of the macerated specimen. Since infectious diseases no doubt very often are the immediate rather than the ultimate cause of abortion, as Harris (1919) found in the case of influenza, it undoubtedly may be assumed that many of the abortions caused by such and simi- lar complications would have occurred later. They remind one of the defective fruit which persists insecurely upon the tree until a sudden gust of wind showers it to the ground. The findings of Harris regarding the effects of influenza and pneumonia upon gestation, seem to be confirmed also by the small series of cases of abortion among the present series in which the abortion was attributed to an infectious disease. But in considering the alleged causes of abortion, one must bear in mind that when a woman knows of a plausible exonerating reason for the termination of the gestation she has every incentive to state it. That this is the case is indicated by the various strange and, to the initiated, highly improbable or even impossible reasons often assigned for the interruption of a pregnancy. Associated constitutional or venereal diseases were recorded in only 76 out of 697 selected histories. In 463 of these 697 cases the cause of abortion was not given. In 52 out of the 76 cases in which associated diseases were present, other causes for the termination of pregnancy also were recorded. Hence the suggestion that the associated diseases probably were merely the immediate or incidental causes in these cases seems decidedly probable. What strikes one’s attention in the perusal of some of the histories is the long period during which many of these young conceptuses really were in process of abortion, as indicated not only by the anatomic as contrasted with the menstrual age, but also by the repeated hemorrhages. Since in most of these cases the abortion probably was inevitable from the beginning, it would seem that the conclusion of Giacomini, reached also by Mall, that one should not temporize with such cases, but promptly relieve the patient of an abnormal, dead or dying conceptus, would seem to be justified. That some general practitioners apparently are beginning to realize this situation is instanced by Dr. Bacon, who, in connection with a recent specimen donated to the collection, wrote: ‘This makes the second or third case in which I have apparently delayed an abortion and, when the gesta- tion finally was ended, was rewarded with an abnormal child for my pains. | 352 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. wonder if it really pays humanity?” However, the practitioner no doubt meets with great and often insuperable difficulties in determining the exact status of affairs, and in the present state of our knowledge he must temporize so as not to be led into unjustifiable procedures. There is no doubt, however, that con- servative symptomatic treatment, no matter how unavoidable because of our inability to determine the condition of the conceptus, often is directly opposed to the best interests of the patient. No case confirmatory of that reported by Jackson (1838) came to my attention among those in the Carnegie Collection. It seems strange that one of a pair of human twins can be aborted weeks or even months before term and the other continue in uninterrupted development to the end of normal gestation. Moreover, since the authenticity of Jackson’s case rests solely upon the statement of “‘a very intelligent lady’’ who was “‘too intelligent to be deceived and too honest to deceive,” one scarcely can feel convinced by it alone. However, Jackson stated that Nan- crede had observed a similar case in which one fetus was aborted at 444 months and the other went to term, and Fuertes (1879) reported such an instance as one of superfetation. In this case a woman of 27 years gave birth to a male child on March 13 and to a female on July 27. The former, which lived only 15 days, was regarded as having been born in the seventh month of pregnancy, and the latter at full term. Bonnar (1865) also reported a series of cases of this sort in connection with a review of the question of superfetation. It is true that the alleged denouement in dystocia and also in cases of interrupted labor seems to suggest that even vigorous contractions of the uterus are not inconsistent with retention of attachment by the placenta, but expulsion of one with retention of the other fetus for some months afterward would seem to fall into a somewhat different category. In examining the histories one is impressed by the frequent cases of so-called habitual abortion. These sometimes begin with the married life of a young woman and continue more or less interruptedly throughout her child-bearing period. This is illustrated by the cases in which a birth at term was followed by several abortions, and by another birth at term and again by abortions. Regarding some of these cases, it is clearly stated that the patients took steps to terminate the unwelcome pregnancies, and in others the histories concerned mothers who had given birth to 6 or more, even up to 13 children, and then suffered one or more successive abortions, without a history of previous abortions. This is illustrated by the following seven cases, for example, in which the women had borne 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 13 children, respectively. The first woman had experienced 4 successive abortions, the following 5 one abortion each, and the last, 3 successive abortions. In some of these cases it is fairly evident that weariness with such heavy burdens of child-bearing probably was responsible for the termination of pregnancy, while in others abortion may have resulted from exhaustion due to a large series of quickly succeeding gestations, and in still others to pathologic or other causes. Experience with higher domestic animals, too, would seem to SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 353 suggest that abortion not infrequently follows too closely repeated pregnancies, especially under the stress of advancing years. If the condition of the uterine mucosa at the time of implantation of the impregnated ovum may show variations in structure at all comparable to those seen in decidue accompanying abortuses, then it is easily conceivable that the fate of the conceptus may be determined by the structure of the implantation site. Not infrequently a small area of the decidua about an abortus shows all the transitions shown in figures 75, 76, 77 (plate 6, Chap. IV), and 135 (plate 13, Chap. IX). The first figure shows the fine, clear, large, polygonal decidual cells, practically wholly infiltrated, and hence presents a rather homogeneous appearance. Figure 76 shows considerable infiltration and autolysis, and also marked change from the usual polygonal cell found present in the post-menstruum by Hitschmann and Adler (1908) to a fibroblast form. In figure 78 (plate 6, Chap. IV) the normal decidual cells have become still more elongated, and in figure 135 the decidua is represented by a decidedly fibrous mass totally different from what it once was. I do not know how far these changes of fibrosis of the decidua may have progressed before implantation occurred, but if the changes in the mucosa are at all pro- nounced, one scarcely can believe that they can fail to profoundly affect the nutri- tion and growth of the conceptus. It may be urged that fibrosis of the decidua is but an effect of the death and retention of the conceptus rather than an indication of the pathologic conditions pre-existent in the mucosa. However, the many instances of abortuses in which the decidua is very degenerate and also infiltrated would seem to argue against such an assumption. Besides, many of the decidue found surrounding retained specimens do not show comparable changes. Moreover, Orloff (1896), Iwanoff (1898), and L. Fraenkel (1903, 1910°) found that restoration of the mucosa may begin before the conceptus is expelled from the uterus. This fact also seems to suggest that fibrosis probably is pathologic in significance. Moreover, in the few cases of partial regeneration of the mucosa which came to my attention, the decidua was not in the fibrous state shown in figure 135. Infiltration of the decidua no doubt more frequently might arise after death of the conceptus, but that it frequently is present long before this time would seem to be indicated also by the fact that the presence of fibrosis does not seem to bear any definite relation to the duration of the retention, and that the condition of the mucosa before implantation can markedly influence the course of gestation is indicated also by the findings of Punto (1906) in cases of pregnancy complicated by myomata. 354 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. TABLE 13.—Total number of cases (608), grouped according to the number of previous abortions. Number of abortions. Normal white Pathologic white Normal colored Pathologic colored Normal white.,. 25: a2 < ¢.24.200.<%i50 4 Pathologic white................ 7 57 112 45 17 13 Normal colored............-.--- 1 4 8 8 9 3 Pathologic colored............... 1 4 8 2 1 4 Author. Average No. of cases 2,536 | 2,982 No.of Average No. of : ’ Average No. of abortions per abortions. aa Oi SOME ASPECTS OF ABORTION. 355 TaBLE 17.—Total number of cases (607), grouped according to the age of the mother. Age of mother (years). | Total 15 to 19 | 20 to 24 | 25 to 29 | 30 to 34 | 35 to 39 | 40 to 44 | 45 to 49 MN ONIMAL WIG sats, Aareleie oe oie temo bas sass 21 80 91 60 44 1 ae Beecae 314 A UOLORIG WILG ev ere ii srecicrcinto Nasaye cre 0 9 49 63 56 37 28 2 244 INormaAlicolored :(o.- <:16 3. x0 odincncecseses 4 4 9 if 4 Ai Abeer 29 PACH OORICICOLOLEds cai aoe creas ; 2 8 1 6 1 1 1 20 UND) ORS Oa een brit OC EOE oer 36 141 164 129 86 48 3 TaBLE 18.—Ratio of abortions to children in the various age-groups. Total number of cases, 576. Average Average Ratio of average Stumpf (446 cases). A 7 No. of No. of No. of No. of No. of abortions ge group. cases. abortions cases. children to average No. per woman. per woman. of children. Age. Average No. Total.... TaBLE 20.—Total number of cases (692), grouped according to time of abortion by months, race, and nature of the conceptus. Month of gestation. 356 STUDIES ON PATHOLOGIC OVA. TaBLE 21.—Abortions grouped according to the number of children, race, and the nature of the conceptus. (Total number of cases, 593.) No. of children. TaBLE 22.—Abortions grouped according to the age of the mother, race, and the nature of the conceptus. (Total number of cases, 607.) Age of mother (years). 15-19 20-24 TABLE 23.—Total number of cases (697), grouped according to the causes of abortion. Cause of abortion. T Un- Spon- Self- Ther- Accid. Psy- Assoc. aaa Miscel- recorded.|taneous.|induced.| apeutic.| Mech. chic. | disease. position. laneous. Pathologic white Normal colored TABLE 24.—Causes of abortion (252 cases). Alleged causes of abortion. Pathologic (88 cases). 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