Spcnenents 7 om aaa ne ee Se eee ee eee ek a ne OE ae ea eR aa ee See eet ee ee Foon Soe es <= SP ea age alee ee LE A ETE CT A A ee Pa Ee OP ET AR A A aS ee AG A ON he eT OE ARES PLANE EL pea AT IT nan A « 5 5 7 { ; 7 : i i 15 NATURAL HISTORY OF THE UNE ED STATES. CONTRIBUTIONS THE NATURAL HISTORY UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. BY LOUIS AGASSIZ. SECOND MONOGRAPH. IN FIVE PARTS.—I. ACALEPHS IN GENERAL.—II. CTENOPHORZ.—III. DISCOPHORA.—IV. HYDROIDZ. —V. HOMOLOGIES OF THE RADIATA;-WITH FORTY-SIX PLATES. —e ‘ SLE EEG C MAR 3. 1802 E VOE. TIL y) BO} S, I OeN: LID LL Eo BROWN CAND @COMP ANY. LONDON: DRY BNR. & CO. 1860. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1860, by LOUIS AGASSIZ, In the Clerk’s Office of the District Court for the District of Massachusetts. _— CAMBRIDGE: ALLEN AND FARNHAM, PRINTERS. PREFACE. Wuite most readers seeking comprehensive information may have had their attention drawn to the generalizations contained in the first part of this work, the naturalists who have studied the second and third parts may have noticed that the subjects under consider- ation there are treated in a different manner from that generally adopted in similar investi- gations. Confident that what have been called our classifications are in reality the various readings of a system which truly exists im nature, I have endeavored to show, that, in arranging their systems, zodlogists have unconsciously followed great natural relations in the animal kingdom, and that what they have supposed to be their invention was only their instinctive perception of an order which unites under a consistent plan all the isolated facts studied by them. My first step in the attempt to demonstrate this proposition was to collect all the facts relating to our science and to compare them carefully with the systems, testing the one by the other. By the coincidence of the two I hope to have proved that the Power which originated the facts must also have originated the ideas expressed in the systems; and that the latter are true only so far as they adhere to the great system of Nature from which they have been transcribed. The first monograph, limited to a single Order, afforded, how- ever, a meagre field for such a demonstration; though it was broad enough to allow of the attempt without modifying too much the usual mode of treatment of such subjects. But finding, after many years’ application of that method in my own investigations, that, far from complicating my studies, I only derived daily additional facilities in tracing the manifold relations which unite all kinds of natural groups among animals, I have resolved upon combining, through the presentation of a whole Class, the description of the facts, with a critical analysis of their meaning, as far as they have a bearing upon classification. How successful the attempt has been, time will show. In selecting the class of Acalephs for such an experiment on a larger scale, I was influ- enced by the circumstance that these animals had attracted my special attention for many years past; and that, being particularly familiar with them, it was easy for me to treat vl PREFACKH. them as known quantities. Besides this, they afforded in themselves a rich field for extensive comparisons with numerous other classes, with which some of their number had been asso- ciated at different times. And again, their remarkable modes of development could not fail to bring to a test the value of the changes which they undergo during their growth for the purpose of ascertaining the affinities and relative rank of animals. The circumstance that the study of this class has received less attention in America than any other, had also much weight with me, as it gives me an opportunity of making our students more intimately acquainted with those naturalists, who, in Europe, have given a new aspect to Zoblogy since the days of Cuvier, and who, not being ornithologists, entomologists, or conchologists, are hardly known here as they should be; for it is much to be regretted, that, with the Anglo-Saxons, Zotlogy has now become too much a descriptive or too much a speculative science. To the general reader the first part of this volume may be of some interest, inasmuch as it presents a general account of the progress of Zodlogy since the time of Aristotle to the present day with special reference to the class of Acalephs, including, besides, such generalizations as may be deduced from a comparison of these animals with the repre- sentatives of other classes. ‘To the professional naturalist I venture to recommend the second part as containing additional information respecting the structure of the Ctenophorie not to be found in previous contributions to their natural history, and I ask especial attention to the discussions in which the value of the natural groups admitted in that Order is considered in detail. In the preparation of this part of my work I have received much valuable assistance from my friend and colleague, Professor H. J. Clark, who has traced with me, for more than nine years, the metamorphoses of our Acalephs, and especially those of the Hydroids ; besides which he has investigated for himself some special points of their structure, which are noticed as his contributions in the proper place: but I would particularly call attention to the description of the lasso-cells of the Ctenophore on page 237, and to the investigation of the structure of the eye of our Aurelia, which will be published in the next volume, and the illustrations of which, drawn by him, Pls. XIb, and XI*., are issued with this volume. Most of the plates were drawn from nature and on stone by Mr. Sonrel; and it is but justice to him to say, that I do not know representations of Acalephs executed with greater accuracy, patience, and skill. Only those fully conversant with the whole range of our literature on this subject can do complete justice to their great merit; and I can truly say, that, without the aid of his persevering zeal, I could not have accomplished what I aimed at in this volume. I have, further, derived much assistance in my work from the liberality of the Smith- sonian Institution, in lending me books not to be found in the libraries of Boston and PREFACE. vil Cambridge. The collection of scientific periodicals of the Smithsonian Institution is un- questionably the largest on this continent, and but for the wise policy of Prof. Henry, the enlightened head of that establishment, the naturalists of America could not at this time make any investigations involving historical researches. Next to the Smithsonian Institution I have to mention the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia, the library of which has acquired the highest importance for naturalists, through the liberality with which Dr. Wilson has supplied its wants. The Museum of Comparative Zodlogy in Cambridge contains specimens of all the Acalephs described in this work which could be preserved. And I would take this oppor- tunity to say, that, with proper care, a much larger number of these animals may be preserved in a state fit for study than is generally supposed. Valuable speciinens were sent to me by Professor J. Leidy, collected by him in Long Island Sound and along the shores of the Middle States, some of which he has himself described in his contributions to the Marine Faune of Rhode Island and New Jersey. Others, from the same localities, were presented to me by Mr. Samuel Powel of Philadelphia, among which I would especially mention the Cordylophora described by Prof. Leidy. To my friend Theodore Lyman I am indebted for fine specimens of several Hydroids of the Bay of Boston, and to Mr. William Stimpson for others from the eastern shores of the Northern States. To my friend 'T. G. Cary, and to my son Alexander Agassiz, who have enriched the Museum of Cambridge with immense collections from California, I owe many specimens of Acalephs from the west coast of North America. Captain W. H. A. Putnam, of Salem, to whom our Museum is indebted for the most valuable collections from the Indian and Pacific Oceans, has brought me a number of Medusee and Hydroids from the East Indies and from the Gulf Stream, which, after years, are still in a good state of preservation. To Mr. John MeCrady I am indebted for an early communication of his contributions to the history of the Acalephs of South Carolina. I would add also, that in the Aquarial Gardens of Boston I have frequently had opportunities of observing many of our Hydroids and Meduse in a fine state of preservation. It is but proper, that, in leaving this volume to speak for itself, I should also mention the facilities constantly afforded me by the publishers for making it as worthy as possible of the extensive patronage it has received. LOUIS AGASSIZ. CAMBRIDGE, October 31, 1860. TABLE GF CONTENTS. Je pad ciel Oh oad Ls ACALEPHS IN GENERAL: CHCA R TBR es ale HISTORY OF OUR KNOWLEDGE OF THE ACALEPHS. Section 1. Period of Aristotle and the Roman natu- | Section 3. The naturalists of the eighteenth century. — ralists. — We find unquestionable evidence in Aristotle’s Linneus gives character and importance to the study History of Animals that he knew the Radiates now of Natural History, by the publication of the “ Sys- called Acalephs by systematic writers, though this name tema Nature.” His pupils and followers explore the was applied by the ancient Greeks to the Actiniz as p- 13-18. Pliny added nothing to the information of his predecessors, except world in every direction. well as to the Acalephe of zoologists. Section 4. The systematic writers and anatomists. —In the beginning of the nineteenth century the Acalephs a few remarks on the movements of the Meduse. p: 3-7. SECTION 2. begin to be made the subject of special investigations. Péron and LeSueur, and, twenty-five years later, Esch- The naturalists of the sixteenth and seven- scholtz, mark two great epochs in this progress. p. 18-27. teenth centuries. — Rondelet is the chief investigator of | Srcrron 5. Embryological researches upon Acalephs. — SECTION 1. this period; his observations on Medus disclose the same accuracy of observation and the same penetration as his other investigations on all the natural productions of the Mediterranean. Gessner deserves to be studied chiefly on account of his great erudition, and Rondelet for his deep insight into the relations of animals. p. 7-12. The investigations which have led to the knowledge of the modes of reproduction and growth of the Aca- lephs are among the most interesting ever made by naturalists. Sars and Steenstrupp are most prominent among the discoverers in this field, and, next to them. Siebold, Dalyell, and Dujardin. p. 28-35. CHAP ESR sh T:. ACALEPHS AS A CLASS. the class. — The study of the structure of animals, unless combined with a knowledge of their mode of develop- VOL. I. B Mode of determining the natural limits of SECTION 2. ment and of their homologies, is not sufficient to trace the natural limits of the classes. p. 36-40. The different animals referred to the type x TABLE OF CONTENTS. of Radiates.— The great diversity of opinions among naturalists respecting the relations of the lower animals to one another, has chiefly arisen from a confusion of ideas as to what constitutes aflinity or analogy. p. 41-64. j Section 3. The classes of Radiata.—'There are only three classes among Radiata, the Polyps, the Acalephs, and the Echinoderms; and these are characterized by the different modes of execution of the plan of their p- 64-72. Section 4, type. Morphology and nomenclature. — Natural range of homologies with reference to the necessity of introducing new names when new ideas are dis- cussed, and, if possible, of establishing a connection be- tween the nomenclature and the objects under con- sideration. p. 73-87. Section 5. Individuality and specific difference among Acalephs. —Importance of studying the question of individuality in connection with that of the limitation of species, p. 88-99. Darwin’s views on the origin of species considered from this side of the question, note p. 89. Section 6. Natural limits of the class of Acalephs. — Though gradually extended farther and farther, the limits of this class have not yet been sufficiently ex- all the to) at. animals which p. 99-113. Gradation among Acalephs. — Simple as the panded to include are now believed to belong Section 7. structure of the Acalephs is, it is sufficiently compli- cated readily to point out the relative rank of the p. 113-124. Succession of Acalephs.— The order of suc- different types belonging to the class. SECTION 8. cession of the Acalephs in geological times can thus far only be traced in one of their types, the Tabulata, through a long series of formations. p. 125-129. Section 9. Classifications of Acalephs.— Before the beginning of this century, nothing was done towards classifying the Acalephs. Lamarck first unites together the majority of their representatives; then follow the classifications of Péron and LeSueur, of Cuvier, of Schweigger, of Goldfuss, of Chamisso and Eysenhardt, of Latreille, of Eschseholtz, of DeBlainville, of Oken, of Brandt, of Lesson, of Forbes, of Liitken, and of Milne-Edwards. More recently embryological researches have greatly influenced the views of naturalists re- specting the affinities of the Acalephs, and there have appeared new classifications proposed by Vogt, Kolli- ker, Leuckart, Gegenbaur, MeCrady, and Huxley. The study of the homologies is likely to modify these views anew. p. 129-102. Pah Dei. CTENOPHORA. CHAPTER CTENOPHORE SecTION 1. Structural features of the Ctenophore in general. — Special homologies traced among all Acalephs, in order to show the peculiarities of the structure of the Ctenophore. Natural attitudes and normal position of the Acalephs. p. 155-173. A IN GENERAL. Secrion 2. Subdivisions of Ctenophore forming sub- orders. — Critical analysis of the systematic value of the different names under which the different kinds of natural groups observed among ] ; followed by Gronoyius’s# 6 figures of many others; Bohadsch’s 1 The history of the successive editions of the Systema Nature is instructive, on account of the progress Linneus himself has made in fixing for- ever the nomenclature of Natural History. The first edition consisted of a single folio sheet, and has been republished by Ant. L. A. Fee in 1830, in Paris; the last edition published by Linnwus him- self is the twelfth, printed in Stockholm in 1767, in 3 vols. Svo. 2 TremBLey (Apr.), Mémoires powr servir & Vhistoire dun genre de Polypes d’eau douce, & bras en forme de cornes, Leyde, 1744, 4to. fig. (J. A. pr), Traité du Ceorail, toy. Soe. London, 1755, vol. 47, p. 8 PrEYSSONNEL ete., Phil. Tr. 445. The history of the views entertained at differ- ent periods respeeting the nature of the Corals truly illustrates the progress of Natural History. At first considered as stones by Boccone (see note 4, p. 12) and Woodward (An Essay towards a Nat- ural History of the Earth, London, 1695), they were regarded as plants by Marsigli (see note 2, p. 13), who was the first to observe, in 1706, what he called the flowers of the Coral. These supposed flowers, which are the individual polyps of the Coral stock, were at once considered as proving the vegetable character of the Coral, and even the greatest botanist of that time, Bernard de Jussieu, shared this view, until he had an oppor- tunity of Peyssonnel’s statements. Réaumur opposed Peys- verifying for himself the accuracy of illustrations of several Meduse ; Baster’s® descriptions and remarks upon Beroe, with a figure; Chanvallon’s sonnel so pertinaciously that the extensive work of this accurate and ingenious observer never was published (see Flourens in Ann. des Se. Nat. 2d ser. vol. 9, p. 354), and only an abstract of it appeared in the Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Had the whole been printed at once, naturalists would have known a century sooner, that the animals of the Stony Corals are homologous to the Actinize and Acalephs, for Peyssonnel does not hesitate to call them by the same name, Orties, Urticw, though he also applies to them the name of Insects. The same volume of the Transactions of the Royal Society in which an abstract of Peys- sonnel’s work was published, also contains, p. 95, an interesting paper by Donati, entitled “ New Discoveries relating to the History of Coral.” * Gronovius (L. Tu.). Zoophylacium His chief work is the Gronovianum, exhibens Animalia, Quadrupeda, Amphibia, Pisces, Insecta, Vermes, Mollusca, Testacea et Zodphyta que in Museo suo adservavit atque descripsit. 1763-1781, fol. fig.; but for the Acalephs consult Lugduni-Batavorum, his Observationes de Animalibus aliquot marine aqux innatantibus, atque in littoribus Belgicis obviis, in Acta Helvetica, 1760, vol. 4. 5 Baster (Jos), Opuscula subseciva, observa- tiones miscellaneas de Animaleculis et Plantis qui- busdam marinis eorumque ovariis et seminibus con- Harlem, 1759-1765, 2 vols. 4to. fig. ® Bomapsen (J. B.), De quibusdam Animalibus tinentia. Cuap. I. HISTORY OF THE ACALEPHS. 15 description of the Physalia? (which ought to be remembered in connection with the illustrations of Patrick Brown already quoted); Dana’s* dissertation upon marine animals: and Slabber’s delineations of several Medusw.? Besides these, the more general works of Donati’ Hughes? Hill, Kalm,’ Pontoppidan, and Borlase,’ also mention incidentally different kinds of Acalephs. The book of Borlase contains the first descriptions ever published of the Medusx of the British coast accompa- nied with figures that may be recognized. Notwithstanding this accumulation of observations, the real information respecting Meduse thus far brought together is still scanty and disconnected. It consists chiefly of isolated facts without connecting links; and, though the modes of obsery- ing and describing are fast improving, we must pass on through another half century before we find naturalists applying to the study of Acalephs .the accurate methods to which Zodlogy owes its present condition. Pallas” and Forskal™ are the first who give fuller descriptions of Medusze and attempt to distinguish their parts marinis eorumque proprietatibus vel nondum vel minus notis, ete., Dresdw, 1761, 4to. fig. 1 CHANVALLON (TurB. DE), Voyage & la Mar- tinique, contenant diyerses observations sur la Phy- sique, Histoire naturelle, ?Agriculture, les moeurs et les usages de cette ile, Paris, 1763, 4to. 2 Dana (J. P. M.), Dissertation sur les diffé- rences que présentent certains animaux marins connus sous la dénomination d’Ortie marine. Mise. Taurin, III. p. 206.— Description une espéce de Meéduse, in Rozier, Journal de Physique, Indroduct. plies pay 14s 5 Strasser (Marr.), Naturkundige Vergusti- gingen, Haarlem, 1778, 4to. * Donati (ViTAt.), Saggio della Storia naturale marina dell’ Adriatico, Venezia, 1750, 4to. fiz. French translation: Essai sur VHistoire Naturelle de la mer Adriatique, La Haye, 1758, 4to. fig. ° Huaues (Grirrirm), The Natural History of Barbados, London, 1750, fol. fig. — A letter con- cerning a Zoéphyton somewhat resembling the Flower of Marigold, Phil. Trans. XLII. p. 590, fig. ° Hirt (J.), A Natural History of Animals, containing Descriptions of the Birds, Beasts, Fishes, Insects, and of the several Classes of Animaleula visible only by the assistance of microscopes, Lon- don, 1752, fol. fig. 7 Kato (Perer), En Resa til Norra America, Stockholm, 1753-1761, 5 vols. 8vo. English trans- lation: Travels in North America, containing its Natural History, ete, transl. by J. R. Forster, Warr. and Lond. 1770, 1771, 3 vols. 8vo. 8 Ponrorripan (Eric), Norviges Natural His- torie, ete., Kidbenhayn, 1761-1753, 2 vols. 4to. fig. English: The Natural History of Norway, Lon- don, 1755, fol. ® Boriase (Witt.), The Natural History of Cornwall, Oxford, 1758, fol. fig. 1% PatLas (PeTrer Srmon), Miscellanea Zoo- logica, quibus nove imprimis atque obscura Ani- malium species describuntur, ete., Hags-Com., 1766, Ato. fig. — Spicilegia Zoologica, Berolini, 1767- red 1780; 14 Fascie. 4to. fig.; German translation by E. G. Baldinger: Naturgeschichte merkwiir- diger Thiere, ete. Berlin, 1769-1778, 10 vols. 4to. fig. — Elenchus Zoophytorum, sistens Generum adumbrationes generaliores et Specierum cognitarum succinctas deseriptiones, cum selectis auctorum Syno- nymis, Hagw-Com., 1766, 8yo. 1 Forskat (P.), Descriptiones Animalium, Avium, Amphibiorum, Piscium, Insectorum, Ver- mium, que in Itinere orientali observavit; edidit C. Niebuhr, Hafniw, 1775, 4to.—Icones Rerum naturalium quas in Itinere orientali depingi curavits ed. C. Niebuhr, Hafniw, 1776, 4to. 16 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. with scientific precision; and their followers, O. F. Miiller* and O. Fabricius,? contrib- ute many valuable additions. Thus far, whenever illustrations had been added to the descriptions of animals, they were chiefly wood-cuts, or engravings printed in_ black. But in the year 1776, O. F. Miiller began the publication of a series of truly mag- nificent colored plates, paimted and engraved by his brother, which appeared in successive numbers under the title of Zoblogia Danica. This work forms an era in Natural History, and has set an example, to which we are indebted for all the costly and ever improving colored illustrations of this kind during the last eighty years. To this day the Zodlogia Danica is indispensable to the student of marine animals, It contains a considerable number of good figures of Acalephs, including true Medusw, Beroids, and Hydroids. Henceforward, the number of Medusse known is not only much larger than before, but they are described with much greater fulness and nicety. At the same time, the investigations of Spallanzani® upon the most delicate problems in the structure of animals excited universal attention by the extraordinary disclosures to which they led. Cook’s voyages also stimulated inquiries into the animals of every part of the globe; and Banks, Solander, and Forster, who had made the voyage round the world with the great English captain, describe, with the codperation of Ellis, the most remarkable natural productions brought home 1 Mttier (O. Fr.), Zodlogie Danice Pro- della Generazione di Needham e Buffon, Modena, dromus, seu Animalium Danie et Norvegia indi- 1765, 4to. French translation by Regley: Nou- genorum characteres. nomina, ete., Hafnie, 1776, velles Recherches sur les Deécouvertes micro- 8vo. — Zoologia Danica, seu Animalium Dani et scopiques et la Geénération des Corps organisés, Norvegie rariorum Descriptiones et Historia, Hat- niw et Lipsiw, 1779-1784, 2 vols. 8vo., and Hafniw, 1788-1806, 4 vols. fol. fig., with additions by my own contributions to the natural history of the Acalephs of North America ;® and the works and papers of Will’ Sars,> Forbes? Leuckart, Vogt," Killiker}?” Gegenbauer,” and Schultze.¥ embryology of the Acalephs will be enumerated in the next section. The papers relating more especially to the General accounts of the structure of the Acalephs may be found in most text-books on Comparative Anatomy, especially in the more recent ones.” 1 Puiriprr1 (R. A.), Ueber den Bau der Phy- sophoren und eine neue Art derselben; Miiller’s Arch. 1843, p. 58, fig. 2 Eoxer (At.), Zur Lehre vom Bau und Leben der kontractilen Substanz der niedersten Thiere, Basel, 1848, 4to. fig. — Lrypia (F.), Einige Bemer- kungen iiber den Bau der Hydren, Miiller’s Arch. 1854, p. 270. ® Arpman (G.J.), On the Anatomy and Physi- olosy of Cordylophora, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soe. 1853, vol. 143, p. 367. 4 Quarreraces (A. DE), Mémoire sur Vorgani- sation des Physales, Ann. Se. Nat. de sér. 1854, vol. 2. 5 Huxvey (Tu. H.), On the Anatomy and Affini- ties of the Family of the Medusz, Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. 1849, p. 413. — On the Anatomy of Physalia, Proe. Linn. Soe. 1848.— Observations upon the Anatomy of the Diphydw, and the Unity of Organi- zation of the Diphyde and Physophoride, Proc. Linn. Soc. 1849.— Report on the Structure of the Acalephs; Brit. Assoc. for Ady. Se. 1851. — Ueber die Sexual Organe der Diphyden und Physophoriden ; Miiller’s Arch. 1851.— The Oceanic Hydrozoa; a Description of the Calycophorid and Physophoride observed during the Voyage of Hl. M. 8. Rattle- snake; Ray Society, London, 1859, fol. fig. 6 Acassiz (L.), Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephe of North America, Parts I. and IL; Amer. Acad. Arts and Se. vol. IV. 1850. TOWittis (J Beschreibung und Anatomie der Akalephen, Leip- zig, 1844, dto. fig. G. Fr.), Hore tergestine oder ® Sars (M.), Fauna littoralis Norvegiw, Christi- ania, 1846 and 1856, fol. fig. ®° Forses (Epw.), Monograph of the British Naked-eyed Meduse; Ray Society, London, 1847, fol. fig. 10 Leuckart (R.), Ueber den Bau der Phy- salien und Siphonophoren, Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. 1851, vol. 3. — Zoologische Untersuchungen, 1853, Ato. fig. — Zur niihern Kenntniss der Siphonophoren von Nizza, Arch. Naturg. 1854, I. p. 249.— Also Frey und Levcxart, Beitriige zur Kenntniss wir- belloser Thiere, Braunschweig, 1847, 4to. fig. 1 Voar (C.), Ueber die Siphonophoren, Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. 1852, vol. 3, p. 522. — Untersuchungen iiber Thierstaaten, Frankfurt, 1851, Svo. fig. — Recherches sur les animaux inférieurs de la Meédi- terrannée ; Premier Mémoire, sur les Siphonophores de la mer de Nice, Geneve, 1854, 4to. fig. 2 Kotter (A.), Die Schwimmpolypen oder Siphonophoren von Messina, Leipzig, 1853, fol. fig. 13 GEGENBAUER (C.), Beitriige zur nihern Kennt- niss der Schwimmpolypen (Siphonophoren) Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. 1854, vol. 5, p. 285, and p. 442. Bemerkungen iiber die Randkérper der Medusen, Miiller’s Arch. 1856, p. 230. — Studien iiber Organi- sation und Systematik der Ctenophoren, Arch. Nature. 1856, I. p. 163.— Versuch eines Systems der Medusen, mit Beschreibung neuer oder wenig gekannter Formen; Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. 1857, vol. 8, p. 202. M Scuuttze (Max.), Ueber den Bau der Gallert- scheibe bei den Medusen, Miiller’s Arch. 1856, p- dll. 1 See notes to pages 26 and 27 of the first 28 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. Sar e ImMEO N “v4 EMBRYOLOGICAL RESEARCHES UPON ACALEPHS. The history of the successive steps which have led to a full knowledge of the reproduction and mode of development of the Medusx exhibits some of the most interesting features in the annals of scientific discoveries, on account of the pecu- arity of the facts brought to light im the course of the investigation not only, but also because the progress has been so very slow and gradual that it discloses, more clearly than most other subjects, the care, the patience, and the unrelenting perseverance, with which natural phenomena ought to be traced, in order to secure satisfactory results. As I have already enumerated the numerous papers relating to the Embryology fo) of Acalephs in another part of this work,’ I shall limit myself here to a_ brief volume of this work; to which may be added: Cotpstream (Joun), Article Acalepha in Todd’s Cyclop. of Anat. and Phys. 18535, 8vo.; | MILNE- Epwarps Lecons sur la Physiologie et Anatomie comparce de homme et des animaux, Paris, 1857— (V.), Icones Zoo- tomice, mit Original-Beitriigen von Allman, Gegen- bauer, Huxley, Kolliker, Miiller, Schultze, Siebold, und Stein, Leipzig, 1857, fol.; and GrGENBAUER 1859, 4 vols. Svo.— Carus (C.), Grundziige der vergieichenden Anatomie, Leip- zig, 1809, 1 vol. 8vo. 1 See vol. 1, p. 69. To the works there quoted may be added: Hassatn (A. H.), Catalogue of Trish Zoéphytes, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1841, vol. 8. —Sreenstrur (J. J. Su.), Untersuchungen uber das Vorkommen des IJlermaphroditismus in Diinischen yon Dr. C. F. 1846, 4to. fig. — Van BenepeEN (P. J.), Un mot sur le mode de repro- der Natur. aus dem Hornschuch. Greifswald, duction des animaux inférieurs, Bulletins Acad. Roy. de Belgique, 1847.— Rei (Jon), Obser- vations on the Development of the Medusw, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1848, vol. 1, p. 25.— GiLrs (Epw.) and Crarke (W. B.), A few Remarks upon a Species of Zodphyte discovered in the New Docks of Ipswich, Ann. and Mag. Nat. ist. 1849, vol. 4, p. 26.—Mtrier (J.), Archiv fiir Anat. und Phys. 1852, p. 32, (in the paper on the origin of shells in Holothuria.) — Tompson (W.), On the Analogy between the Processes of Reproduction in the Plant and in the Hydroid Zoiphyte, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist. 1854, XIV. p. 315.— Bur- MEISTER (II.), Zoonomische Briefe, Leipzig, 1856, See vol. 1, p. 189.— Pracu (C. W.), Notice of a curious Metamorphosis in a Zodphyte- like animal, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 1856, yol. 4. —Sars (M.), Einige Worte iiber die Entwickelung 2 vols. 8vo. der Medusen, Wiegmann’s Archiv of Naturg. 1857, (Sm Jonn G.), On the Zoophytes, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 1834, vol. 17, and 1836, vol. 21.— I. p. 117. — Daryeiy Propagation of Scottish GEGENBAUER (K.), Zur Lehre yom Generations- wechsel und der Fortpflanzung bei Medusen und Polypen, Wiirzburg, 1854, 8vo. fig. — Wrienr (J. J.), On the Reproduction of Cydippe pomiformis, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 1856, vol. 4, p. 85.— Observations on British Zoéphytes, Edinb. New Phil. Journ. 1857-1859. — On Hydractinia echinata, 1857, Edinb. New Ph. Journ. — Gossr (Tn. I1.), Naturalist’s Rambles on the Devonshire Coast, Lon- HISTORY (Cie, IE OF THE ACALEPHS. 29 narrative of the successive steps which have furnished us with a connected account The first facts relating to the history of the earlier stages of development of the most common of the extraordinary modes of reproduction of this class of animals. Jelly-fish of the European seas, the Aurelia aurita, were observed by Sars, and related by him in a paper published in 1829," and more fully illustrated in a subsequent work, issued in 1835, which opens a new era in the natural history of the Acalephs. The fundamental discoveries made by Sars were afterwards generalized by Steenstrup, and presented to the world in a most unexpected con- nection with other genetic phenomena which had remained entirely unintelligible. The first paper of Sars contains only descriptions of animals not noticed before ;° but among them are those found in the sequel to represent the transitory stages in the growth of the common Medusa. These are here described as Seyphistoma and Strobila; the first being considered as a distinct genus of Polyps, the second as don, 1853, 8vo. fig. — Kronn (A.), Ueber die Natur des kuppelférmigen Anhanges am Leibe von Phil- lirhoé bucephalum, Arch. Naturg. 1853, I. p. 278. —McCravy (J.), Deseription of Oceania nutricula, and the Embryological History of a singular Medusan Larva found in the cavity of its Bell; Proc. Elliott Society, Charleston, S. C., 1857.— Gymnopthalmata of Charleston Harbor, Proc. Elliott Society, Charles- ton, §. C., 1858. — On the Development of two Species of Ctenophorx found in Charleston Harbor, Proc. Elliott Society, Charleston, S. C., 1859.— Artman (G. J.), On the Structure of the Repro- ductive Organs of certain Hydroid Polyps, Proe. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1858.— Additional Observations on the Morphology of the Reproductive Organs in the Hydroid Polyps, Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinb. 1858. — Semper (C.), Ueber die Entwickelung der Eucha- ris multicornis, Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. 1858, vol. 9, p. 234, fig. 1 The first paper of Sars appeared in 1829, under the title of Bidrag til Séedyrenes Natur- af M. Sars, Cand. Theol. med sex illuminerede Steentryktafler, Svo. Bergen, historie Forste-Haefte, 1829. At that time Sars was still “ Candidatus Theologie.” An abridged translation of this paper, with a reproduction of the plates, was published in Oken’s Isis for 1833, p. 221. I myself have never seen the original, and I find that most writers have quoted the investigations related in this paper as bearing the date of 1853; but this is erroneous: The paper contained in the Isis of 1833 was not forwarded to Oken by Sars, but is simply a trans- lation of the paper of 1829, with a few introductory remarks by Thienemann. 2 Sars (M.), Beskrivelser og Jagttagelser over nogle merkelige eller nye i Havet ved den Ber- genske Kyst levende Dyr af Polypernes, Aca- lephernes, Radiaternes, Annelidernes og Mollus- kernes Classer, ete., Bergen, 1835, 4to. with 15 plates. I am indebted for a copy of this rare work to my friend Professor Eschschricht of Copenhagen. As it may not be easily accessible to naturalists in this country, I would mention that abstracts of its contents may be found in the Isis of Oken for 1837, p- 354, in the Annales d’Anatomie, ete., II. p. 81, and in Wiegmann’s Archiv fur Naturgeschichte, 1836, 2d vol. p. 197. What relates to Acalephs may be found p. 197-200. 8 T avoid intentionally, whenever I can, the use of the expression new, as applied to animals not known before to naturalists; for, besides the impro- priety of applying the word new to what has only been unnoticed before, I find that students of Pale- ontology are much puzzled in ascertaining whether that expression, when applied to fossils, means a newly discovered species, or one belonging to the more recent geological formations. 50 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. a peculiar genus of Acalephs, and both as distinct from all the other genera of Polyps and Meduse known at that time. The genus Scyphistoma is considered as intermediate between Hydra and Coryne; Scyphistoma filicorne, the only species described, is characterized as having twenty-four to thirty-two tentacles, the mouth as being retractile and protractile, and the body as annulate. This last mdication shows, that the Scyphistoma first observed by Sars was on the point of passing to the Strobila condition. The genus Strobila is thus described: Animalia nune sumplicia et libera, nune plura invicem conjuncta, alterum scilicit super alterum positum, ita ut seriem forment, cujus extremitas infima pedunculo brevi est affixa, singulum animal disci formam referens, supra paullulum convexum, subtus coneavum, margo disci in radios plures divisa. Os subtus maxime prominens tetragonum. One species, Strobila octoradiata: Margo disci in radios octo dichotomos divisa. When free, these dises are said to move like small Meduse. The eight small ocelli between the lobes of the eight rays were correctly observed, and compared to those of the Medusa (Aurelia) aurita and Medusa (Cyanea) capillata. Thienemann, who furnished the abstract for the Isis, suggests that Sars should ascertain whether this is not the embryonic state of some Medusa. Sars himself considered Strobila as establishing 1 a transition between the fixed Zodphytes and the Medusxe, while Ehrenberg? mis- g took it for a Lucernaria in the process of transverse division. In his later work, published in 1835, Sars gives a more detailed account of the Strobila, and shows that the animal he had described as a distinct genus under the name of Scyphistoma is simply an earlier stage in the development of the Strobila, and that the free dises of the Strobila are themselves closely allied to the animals deseribed by Eschscholtz as Ephyra, a genus referred by the latter to the Acalephxe cryptocarpe. This is illustrated by figures, on his Pl. 5d. These observa- tions establish beyond the possibility of a doubt the fact, that extraordinary changes take place in animals that were at first considered to be Polyps, and the growth of which ends in the production of animals belonging unquestionably to the class of Meduse. In a later note, Sars declares? that he has satisfied himself that the Ephyra-like Medusa arising from his Strobila is a younger state of the common Medusa (Aurelia) aurita, without, however, furnishing the evidence of this assertion, which is still questioned by Wiegmann.’ In 1841, Sars takes the whole matter up again, and in a masterly paper* demon- 1 EnrenperG (C. G.), Die Akalephen des ® Wiegmann’s Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 1837, rothen Meeres und der Organismus der Medusen vol. 2, p. 276. der Ostsee, Berlin, 1856, p. 52. 4 Sars (M.), Ueber die Entwickelung der Me- ? Wiegmann’s Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 1837, dusa aurita und der Cyanea eapillata, Wiegmann’s vol. 1, p. 406. Archiv fiir Naturgeschichte, 1841, vol. 1, p. 9-34, Cuar. 1. HISTORY OF THE ACALEPHS. 3] strates beyond the possibility of a doubt, that the Scyphistomas are the offspring of Meduse; that they are transformed into Strobile, which produce Ephyroid Meduse ; and that the latter end their life as Medusa aurita and Cyanea capillata. All these facts are illustrated by beautiful figures. He begins by showing that the free disks of his Strobila are the young Medusa (Aurelia) aurita. He next instances facts showing the similarity of the development of Cyanea capillata with that of Aurelia aurita; and then describes his attempts to raise the eggs of the Medusa, m which he succeeded so far as to show that Scyphistomas are developed from eges laid by both these Medusxe, and thus closes the cycle of the investigation undertaken with the view of ascertaming the normal connection of all these animal forms. There can no longer be any doubt that they are genetically linked together, even though the transformation has not been watched through all its stages in one and the same specimen. The difficulty of keeping them alive for a sufficient time in confinement makes it impossible to obtain that kind of evidence. But as far as the closest similarity of the forms watched in confinement with those observed in their natural element is sufficient to trace their mutual dependence, the evidence is satisfactory and conclusive. The investigations of Sars had scarcely begun to be noticed in Germany when Siebold proceeded to trace the earliest stages of the formation of these animals.” His object was partly to revise the observations of Ehrenberg upon the structure of the Aurelia aurita, and partly to study the development of its eggs. To him we are indebted for the first accurate observations respecting the segmentation of the egg, and the formation of the embryo. Siebold clearly perceived the connection of the facts he had observed with those seen by Sars, yet a direct transition of the young from the state to which he had traced it to that observed by Sars was not seen by him. The successive discoveries of Sars, combined with the investigations of von Siebold, had already led to a full knowledge of the characteristic features of the mode of development of the Medusze, when Steenstrup took up this subject; and yet this ingenious observer gave a new impulse to the investigation of the Aca- 2d, The base of pl. 1-4.—A French translation, by Dr. Young, in Wiegm. Arch. 1841, I. p. 20. appeared in the Annales des Sciences naturelles, 2d series, 1841, vol. 16, p. 321. 1 There are, however, two assertions in this paper with which I cannot coincide: Ist, the re- versal of the young embryo when it becomes attached. Notwithstanding the objections of Sars, Siebold was right in what he said of the formation of the mouth, though he gave it up afterward. See note the Strobila, after the Ephyre are freed, does not die, as Sars states. Dalyell is correct when he affirms that they survive, and that tentacles reappear. 2 Srepotp (C. Tu. von), Beitriige zur Natur- geschichte der wirbellosen Thiere ; Neueste Schrif- ten der naturforschenden Gesellschaft in Danzig. vol. 3d, No. 2, Danzig, 1839. 32 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr IL. lephs, by the wnexpected views under which he presented the facts recorded by his predecessors, so much so that a new era may be dated from the publication of his littke work, for the history of the Acalephs not only, but also for the invertebrate animals in general. The whole aim of Steenstrup’s investigations is fully expressed in the title of his work, “On the alternation of generations.” ! He expresses himself upon that poimt very clearly and in very few words, in_ his preface: “The substance of this paper is the fundamental idea expressed by alter- nation of generations. It is a remarkable, and, thus far, unexplained phenomenon e to be o of nature, that an animal brings forth a brood neither similar, nor growin similar, to the parent, but differing from it, and producing by itself another brood, that returns to the form and relations of the mother animal, in such a manner that a mother animal does not rear the like of itself, but reappears only in its descendants of the second or third or a following generation; and this appears always, in different animals, in a definite generation, and with definite intermediate generations.” Next to Sars and Steenstrup, Sir John Dalyell has been most successful in tracing the phenomena here alluded to. This author, whom Ed. Forbes, with his quick appreciation of every kind of merit in others, justly calls the Spallanzani of Scot- land, has done more for the elucidation of the early history of the Medusxe than any other writer, although, from want of method in his descriptions and owing to his disregard of the modern systematic forms of presenting such subjects, his obser- vations are only intelligible upon very careful perusal, and not available for a connected study of the gradual growth and successive phases of their development. For instance, it has not occurred to Sir John Dalyell, that what he calls “Hydra tuba” may be the offspring of several distinct venera of Meduse, and so he con- ’ to) to) ' Streenstrur (Jou. Jaretrus Sa.), Ueber den consider as a simple metamorphosis of a larva, Generationswechsel, oder die Fortpflanzung und but as the metamorphosis of a new generation Entwickelung durch abwechselnde Generationen, derived from the progeny of a Medusa. He goes iibersetzt von C. Hl. Lorenzen, Copenhagen, 1842, even so far as to consider this mode. of repro- 8vo. fig. English translation by George Busk, pub- duction as a case parallel to that of Salpa, first lished by the Ray Society: On the Alternation of observed by Chamisso, and to vindicate the aceu- Generations, London, 1845, Svo. fig. Although the racy of the investigations of the genial poet. Thus question of alternate generations is for the first time distinetly raised by Steenstrup, and presented by him as a phenomenon occurring not only among Radiates, but also among Mollusks and Articulates, it would be doing injustice to Sars not to remember, that, as far as the Medusmw are concerned, he had already correctly appreciated the character of the development of Aurelia aurita, which he does not the groundwork upon which the theory of alternate generations could be reared is already laid out by (Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1541, vol. 1, p. 28), “It is, therefore, not the larva, or Sars, when he says the individual hatched from the ege, that develops into a perfect Acaleph, but the brood arising from this larva by transverse division.” Cuap. I. HISTORY OF THE ACALEPHS. 33 founded the history of at least two different genera; for I have no doubt, that, while the Hydra tuba, represented by him in his great work on “ Rare and Remark- able Animals of Scotland,’ Vol. I, Pl. XIIL, is the offspring of Aurelia aurita, the forms which he represents under the same name, Pl. XIV., are the offspring of Chrysaora, and those of Pl. XIX. are perhaps derived from Cyanea capillata. In 1854, John Graham Dalyell! (afterwards Sir John) describes, under the name of Hydra tuba, an animal which is identical with Sars’s Seyphistoma, already men- tioned and figured by the latter in his paper of 1829; but Dalyell mentions many particulars, which seem to have for a long time remained unknown to other natu- ralists. He says that this animal is very voracious, and that it multiplies by budding, the buds remaining united to the base of the parent by a ligament, until this is ruptured as the embryo withdraws to establish itself independently. A single specimen had eighty-three descendants in thirteen months. Sars did not observe the budding before the year 1856,? and he did not see the buds separate and grow independently, as Dalyell did, and as I have done myself. In a subse- quent paper,’ Dalyell describes his further experiments with Hydra tuba up to 1836. He kept a colony of these animals alive, with their descendants, during six years, and numbers attained maturity. They fed rapaciously, grew and bred successive generations at all seasons of the. year. In February and March he observed a pendulous flexible prolongation, of an inverted conical form, on the face or disk of some of these Hydras (the Strobila of Sars), developing gradually into twenty or thirty successive strata, broadening outwards, which, when more mature, were liber- ated, and swam at large in the water (the Ephyroid Medusa of Sars). He also considers them as Medusarix, and gives good figures of one of them, figs. 2 and 3, p. 94. of his observations of the year 1856, Wiegmann, for instance, says,’ Later authors have failed to do justice to Sir John Dalyell. Speaking that they contain so much that is enigmatical, that they require to be repeated and explained by other naturalists. Surely his own ignorance of the facts observed by Dalyell, the accuracy of which has been fully borne out, did not justify such a rebuke. 1 On the Propagation of Scottish Zobphytes, Edinb. New Philos. Journ. 1854, vol. 17, page 411, and Report British Association for Adv. of Sci- ence, 1834, p. 598. An abstract appeared in Fro- riep’s Notizen. The name of Dalyell is misspelled in the Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, and stands as Dalzell; under which name the author became known in Germany, and is quoted again and again in Wiegmann’s Arch. for 1834, vol. 1, p. 803 and 306, and for 1837, vol. 2, p. 192. or VOL. III. ? Wiegmann’s Archiv, 1841, vol. 1, p. 24. * Further Illustrations of the Propagation of Scottish Zobphytes, Edinburgh New Philosophical Journal, 1836, vol. 21, p. 88; fully translated into German in Froriep’s Notizen, vol. 50, No. 6, and in abstract in Wiegmann’s Archiy, 1837, vol. 2, p. 278. The Isis of 1838 contains also abstracts of Dalyell’s papers. * Archiv, fiir Naturgeschichte 1837, 2d_ vol. p- 278. 34 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. Sars, again, speaks of them as partly confirmatory of his own, when, of course, the earlier observation was the original one, and the later ones should be considered as confirmations. The budding of the polypoid state of Strobila had been known to Dalyell for years before it had even been noticed by Sars. Dalyell already knew, in 1836, what Sars was still ignorant of in 1841, and, what seems hardly to be generally known even now, though it is certainly true, that the base of the Strobila resumes the form of the original Scyphistoma after the Strobila has dissolved itself into free Ephyre. But all these so-called “Hydra tuba” are not one and the same animal. They are the early stages of development of the different kinds of covered-eyed Medusx which oceur on the coast of Scotland, and the development of which presents similar phases. However, while Dalyell confounds in this manner the progeny of all the Steganophthalms of the vicimity of Edinburgh, his very mistake shows the more plainly how similar are the earlier stages of development of these different species of Meduse. It is much to be regretted, that the facts so carefully and patiently traced by Sir John Dalyell, for so many suecessive years, should not have earher attracted the general attention of the investigators of Acalephs; for his work contains satis- factory information upon many points, which were afterwards discussed as if no observations had yet been made respecting them. Not less is it to be regretted, that Sir John Dalyell was not more fully acquainted with the investigations of Sars and of von Siebold. Had he known their import, his own results would have been much sooner incorporated into the history of these animals, while they would also have acquired more precision and directness in his own mind. As it happened, the highly important labors of Dalyell have remained almost unnoticed until recently, and have failed to exercise the influence they might have had upon the progress of seience. generations had been Various facts bearmg upon the phenomena of alternate oO observed among Hydroids by Ehrenberg,’ Loven,? Nordmann, VanBeneden,' and 1 Enrenpera (C. G.), Die Korallenthiere des 1859, vol. 9, p. 704. This account is too short rothen Meeres physiologisch untersucht und systema- to be at all satisfactory. tisch verzeichnet, Berlin, 1834, 4to. 4 VanBenepen (P. F.), Mémoire sur les Cam- 2 LOVEN (S. L.), Beitrag zur Kenntniss der Gattung Campanularia und Syncoryne, Wiegmann’s Arch. 1837, vol. 1, p. 249. 8 NorpMANN (AL. v.), Sur les changements que Lage apporte dans la manitre d’étre des Campanu- laires ; Comptes-Rendus de Acad. des Se. Paris, panulaires de Ja cote d’Ostende, considérées sous le rapport physiologique, embryogénique et zoologique ; Ann. Se. Nat. 2e sér. 1843, vol. 20, p. 350, et Meém. Ac. Brux. 1845, vol. 17, 4to. fig. sur Tembryogénie des Tubulaires, ete. Mém. Acad. Brux. 1544, 4to. fig. Mémoire Cuap. I. HISTORY OF THE ACALEPHS. 35 Quatrefages,’ without leading to conclusive results, when Dujardin turned his atten- tion to the subject, and published two most important papers? describing the formation of genuine Medusz from Hydroids; and thus establishing beyond question a genetic relation between animals of another family which had thus far been considered as belonging to different classes. Dujardin’s investigations had a great influence in establishing the correctness of the views of Sars and Steenstrup, and in extending the range of our knowledge of the alternate generations; for, not only did he trace the development of several Meduse from Hydroid Polyps, but he even saw the eggs of the free Medusxe derived from Hydroids reproduce their Hydroids. His second paper is accompanied by many beautiful figures, which add greatly to the clearness of his descriptions, and have forced the facts more directly upon the attention of naturalists. Henceforward the study of the Acalephs is pursued in a new light and with broader views. The investigation of their affinities, their structure, and their mode of development, forms a part of their history; and their classification is modified accordingly, and gradually brought nearer and nearer. to nature. 1 QuaTREPFAGES (A. pr), Mémoire sur la Syn- veau genre de Médusaires (Cladonema) provenant hydre parasite (Synhydra parasites), nouveau genre de Polype voisin des Hydres; Ann. Sc. Nat. 2de sér. 1843, vol. 20, p. 230. 2 Dusarpin (FEL.), Observations sur un nou- de la métamorphose des Syncorynes; Ann. Se. Nat. 2de sér. 1843, vol. 20, p. 870.— Mémoire sur le développement des Médusaires et des Polypes Hy- draires; Ann. Se, Nat. 8e sér. 1845, vol, 4, p. 257, CHAPTER SECOND. ACALEPHS AS A CLASS. SECTION I. MODE OF DETERMINING THE NATURAL LIMITS OF THE CLASS. Arter what has been said, in the first volume of this work, respecting systems in Zovlogy, it is hardly necessary to repeat here, that no arbitrary arrangement of animals can ever constitute a natural classification. Were it Fig. 1. not so, every naturalist might present an arrangement suited to feeling of appropriateness in the minds of class of Acalephs, however, has presented particular difficulties to systematic writers ; and it is not too much to say, that there PELAGIA CYANELLA, Pér. and LeS. aa Umbrella. mm Mouth animals belonging to this type, who agree in tentacles, or arms; the pro- = . = 7 longation of the angles of their arrangement of them. Nay, the lim- the mouth. —¢¢ Marginal = ‘ tentacles its of this class are by no means clearly are no two naturalists, conversant with the determined ; for, while some unite under that name only the free moving gelatinous Radiata (%y. 1), others would asso- ciate with them a number of pedunculated individuals and fixed communities of animals somewhat allied to Polyps (fy. . 2), and actually united with Polyps by some naturalists. gain, some refer to the class of Polyps all the compound Co) his individual views, and for which he would have as much authority as any one else. The absurdity of such a view, when clearly stated, is at once obvious. And yet most classifications have no better foundation for their details than a vague their authors. The Hypractinra porycrina, Ag. aa Sterile individuals. —d Fertile individual, producing male Me- duse.—d Clusters of male Me- dusw.—oo Proboseis, with the mouth at the apex. —¢ Elongated tentacles of the sterile individu- als; in the fertile one 6, they are simple knobs upon the proboscis 0. Crap. IT. LIMITS OF THE CLASS. 37 communities of free-moying gelatinous animals, the Siphonophore (fy. 5), which others consider as genuine Acalephs, while some do not hesitate to unite all Acalephs and Polyps in one single division. On the other ae hand, we have lately seen a part of the Acalephs, the Cteno- WZ od phoree (Figs. 4, 5, 6, and 7), removed from that class, and referred to the type of Mollusks. Such conflicting views could not be entertained by so many and such eminent naturalists, did not almost imsuper- able difficulties obstruct our attempts to trace the truth. I know only one way to overcome these obstacles, and to attain It is to test the affinities of all these animals by the standard of what is known of their BouinA ALATA, Ag. (Seen from below.) m Mouth. —rr Auricles. —t¢tt Prolonga- tion of the vertical chymiferous tubes. — zz Anastomosis of these tubes. Granting, for instance, that anatomy alone could have settled the question of the true affini- ties of the Barnacles with Crustaceans, I hardly believe, that, but for our knowledge of their embryology, naturalists would ever have dared to consider them merely as a group of the natural division of Entomostraca, which they really are. But for our knowledge of the mode of development of toads and frogs, their close 38 ACALEPHS:AS/A CLASS. Parr iL affinity to Salamanders and to Ichthyoid-Batrachians could never have been de- termined with the same precision; but for our knowledge of the development of the Comatule, that family would for ever have remained associated with the Star- fishes; and it seems to me that the inference is unavoidable, that the various modes of development of the Acalephs, as far as their embryology has already been traced, must afford the surest clue to the natural affinities of these animals, and, perhaps, furnish a standard also by which we may determme to what group certain polyp-like Radiata, alternately placed among Polyps and among Acalephs, truly belong. Should their special homologies comceide with the indications fur- nished by their embryology, all doubts on this point would seem to be removed ; for, if the conclusions arrived at in those types of the animal kingdom which are now best known have any analogy with the phenomena observed in other types, we should be able to trace special homologies between all the representatives of the class of Acalephs, in the same manner as between all Insects, or between all Mammals. In this way, it would scarcely seem difficult to determine whether those ani- mals which have been at different times referred to the class of Acalephs and to that of Polyps truly belong to the one or the other, if the Polyps and Acalephs indeed constitute two classes, or if not, to demonstrate satisfactorily that they should form but one class. Again, all the representatives of the different classes of one branch are found to agree in their general homologies, as far as they have been thoroughly studied,— the Fishes with the Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals; the Insects with the Crustaceans and Worms; and the Acephala with the Gasteropods and Cephalopods. On the other hand, should there be any animals, thus far re- ferred to the class of Acalephs or to that of Polyps, which do not agree in their general homologies with the true Polyps and the true Acalephs and Echinoderms, we should not hesitate to remove them from the type of Radiates. Thus we may also settle the question, whether the Ctenophor are true Radiates or Mollusks, as Quoy and Voet have maintained. In order to avoid any hasty conclusions, let us examine successively all the leading representatives of every group that may have been associated with either the Acalephs or the Polyps, both with reference to their homologies and their mode of development. Beginning with the Meduse proper (Pl. IIL, IV. V., VL, VIL, VIIL, TX., XIL, XIIL, and XIV.), we find them to be animals which move freely, presenting an hemispheric gelatinous disk, in the centre of which a digestive sac is hollowed out. From the margin hang numerous filaments, and the central opening is surrounded by four larger appendages. From the central cavity arise many tubes radiating towards the periphery, where they anastomoze. The essential feature of this structure consists in the central cavity hollowed out of a contimuous mass, Car. IT. LIMITS OF THE CLASS. 9 ee) which is traversed along its lower surface by radiating tubes. It requires but. little familiarity with the Meduse ‘to know that the marginal fringes vary greatly in number, as well as in structure; some being hollow, while others are solid. These appendages are not even present in all Meduse; for neither the Rhizostomata nor the Cassiopeiw nor the Cephez have them. The central opening presents also marked differences in its outward termination. In some it has a simple rim, while in others, four or more prominent angles may extend outward and assume the shape of very complicated appendages. But in no Medusa is the margin of the central opening inverted into the digestive cavity. Not so with the Actinie (/%. 8) and the other Actinoid Polyps. Here the walls of the body, whether soft, or hardened by calcareous deposits, enclose a wide cavity, which is divided by radiating partitions into a number of chambers, communicating freely with the so-called tentacles or marginal frmees. The central to) fo) opening does not communicate directly with the main cavity of the body, but leads into a distinct digestive sac, suspended — Acrixta_ marcrvara, LeSueur. é x 9 : ava a (Contracted and the tentacles in the main cavity. It is as if the upper part of the hollow drawn in.) aa Base of the animal.— Opening of cylindrical body had been turned into the cavity below, its “tye aisestivesac uding into the main cavity of the body. —cc Opening lead- ing from one radiating partition into edge hanging free and open in that cavity, though capable & . 7 — S, nya tae _— = : , they are F . : . , ate simple knobs upon the proboscis o. community, as 1s observed in the most complicat ed Siphe N0- phore. The only difference between the two groups consists in this: that while all VOL. III. Uf 50 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. compound communities of ILydroids are attached to the ground, those of Siphono- phore are free; but this is not a character exclusively peculiar to them, for among the Polyps we have also free communities belonging to the same order as others that are immovably attached to the ground. Such are the genera Renilla, Penna- tula, Virgularia, Veretillum, ete. which are inseparable from the genera Gorgonia, Aleyonium, Xenia, Tubipora, ete., or at least belong to one and the same order. In these locomotive Haleyonoids the individual Polyps are identical among them- selves, but grouped together in the most diversified ways, varying in that respect quite as much among themselves as the fixed Haleyonoids. In Pennatula and Virgularia they form regular rows upon the two sides of a feather-like stem, in Veretillum they are scattered around a cylindrical stem, in Renilla they are arranged in symmetrical lines upon the surface of a kidney-shaped disk. And yet these communities move and act as one individual. I have frequently seen Renilla, which is our only genus of free Halcyonoid Polyps, move slowly about in the sand, its stem buried in a vertical position with the disk spread horizontally. Now, if I have succeeded in showme that, by their structure, the so-called Hydroid Polyps are not Polyps, but Acalephs, and if I should also succeed in Fig. 26. showing that the different kinds of individuals forming the communities of Siphonophors have the same structure as the Hydroids, and present everywhere, in all their parts, special homologies with the Hydroid Polyps and naked-eyed Medusx, without even exhibiting one of the peculiar char- acteristics which distinguish the true Polyps from the Hy- droids, I should then have proved that the Siphonophorz are really Hydroid Acalephs, and not Polyps, as Koélliker believes them to be. The evidence thus adduced would be an additional reason for keeping the true Polyps, the so-called Anthozoa, by themselves, in a distinct class. Let us therefore compare more in detail the different kinds of Siphonophore with the different kinds of Hydroids and naked-eyed Meduse. Beginning with Physalia (/%y. 26), it is not difficult to perceive that the various kinds of appendages which hang from the floating air-bag of that animal may be compared to the heterogeneous individuals wees of an inverted Hydractimia. ‘ancy the channelled layer PuysaLiA Aretuusa, Til. Ls io i a Blunt end of the air sac, supporting which forms the attached base of Hydractinia to be swollen the whole community, at which the 6 . . youngest buds may be found. —b Open mto a large oblong bag, and the comparison may be CaAr- end of the air sac.—e Crest of the air 4 . . P ° “7 sac.—m Bunches of single individu. ried even into the details; for the essential difference als. — 7 Tentacle contracted. —¢t¢ Ten- tacles of the largest kind extended. between these two genera does not so much consist in a Cuap. II. THE DIFFERENT RADIATA. al difference of the individuals forming these communities, as in the form of the basis to which the individuals are attached. In Physalia that basis is a_ sae, inverted upon itself, the inner bag of which, opening externally, is filled with air ; the intervening cavity, communicating with the open bases of the pendent indi- viduals, contains a greater or less quantity of fluid. Now, suppose the air-bag to be turned inside out, there would be formed a large and simple hose, containing liquid that may be pressed into the individuals attached to it, or to which the individuals may add by pouring their fluid contents into the bag. In Hydractinia, the narrow anastomozing tubes, in the basis of attachment of the polymorphous individuals of the community, may be compared to this hose of the Physalia, only that they are branching. But as a number of individuals arise from each of these stems, we may just as well consider their basis as a single tube; and then the only difference between Hydractinia and Physalia would be the narrowness of the tube of the former, and the great width of that of the latter. But reduce the diameter of the one or swell the cavity of the other, and all difference dis- appears, especially if we suppose them both floating or both attached. It may be that the crest of the Physalia, with its many chambers, carries the homology with the anastomozing tubes of the Hydractinia still farther. As to the various kinds of individuals forming these communities, we find first in Physalia the numerous so-called suckers, or Polyps (figs. 27 66 and 28 66), correspond- Fig. 21. ing to the larger trumpet-like individuals of Fi the Hydractinia community (Pl XVI. Fig. la, 1d). These suckers, very numerous, and also much diversified among themselves, are genuine Hydroids. I have seen them feeding greedily upon small fishes, and gorging themselves to such a degree that the silvery scales of their prey could be Beneh O8 Hy dria: of distinctly seen through their distended P#¥s*h4 Sxernusa, Til. - is os In various states of contrac- Bunch of single Hydre and walls. But these so-called “Polyps” have _ tion and expansion. clusters of Meduse of Puiry- F : SALI Arernusa, Til. nothing of the polyp structure about them, bb The Iydre, with their tenta- C : . o) 8 nae ia . cles ce.—-da The bunches or either radiating partitions dividing their Medusz. a The hollow base of attachment of the whole bunch, communi- cating freely with the chymifer- ous cavity of the air sac. —b bb Single Hydra.—cc Tentacles internal cavity, nor tentacles opening di- rectly into radiating chambers, nor an inverted sac hanging in that cavity; on the contrary, the edge of their oral opening is turned outward as in all Hydroids. They are, in fact, Hydroids of the simpler kind, but not so simple as some of the individuals of the Hydractinia communities; for though they have no whorl of tentacles around their mouth, they have at least one very long and very com- plicated tentacle. Of these tentacles there are two kinds,—larger ones connected 59 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. with the larger so-called Polyps, and smaller ones connected with the smaller imdi- viduals (7%. 28 ¢¢). These two kinds of individuals seem to be always distinct, and some of them never even gape at their outer end. The individuals of these two kinds form large clusters, small communities as it were, connected with the larger community. There is a third kind of individuals, smaller than either (Fig. 27 dd), which are fertile, and upon the neck of which arise numerous Meduse buds, pre- senting all the characters of the naked-eyed Meduse; that is, having, like them, four radiating tubes and a circular tube (fv. 29 dd). These Meduse form clusters Fig. 28 so similar to the bunches of Meduse that Fig. 30. hang from the genuine Tubularia, that they might easily be mistaken one for the other (4g. 30). (Compare Pl XXIV. fig. 1 with Fig. 29.) Here, then, is a Siphonophorous community, im every respect similar to a Bunch of Meduse of Puysania Areruusa, Til. Bunch of Medusz of TuBULARIA CouTHouyt, Ag. In various stages of develop- kinds of Hydroids, from some of which are @ Common axis.—add Mature ment. “ Medusve, already withering. produced Medusze buds, as in ordinary Hy- Hydroid community, consisting of various a Common hollow base of attach- ment of the whole bunch, com- municating with theehymiferons Olds. The fact that in Physalia these Medusse buds do not ie cea ae ee separate from the community but wither upon the stock from ais which they arise, is not peculiar to this group of animals; since we have already seen, that, in the family of Tubulariz, we have those that produce free Medusw, the genus Hybocodon and others, the genera Tubularia (f%y. 50), Thamnocnidia, and Parypha, the Medusxe of which do not separate from their parent stock. These facts are in themselves sufficient to show that the Physalia community does not consist of aggregated Polyps, but of aggregated Hydroids; and that in a natural classification they cannot be referred to any other order than the Hydroids, though in that order they constitute a distinct family. The idea of considerme the Meduse buds of these communities as the sexual organs of the Hydroids is not admissible; for we have seen that these buds may become independent and free, and that in due time they acquire themselves distinct sexual organs, some individuals being provided with ovaries the eggs of which undergo all the changes through which ordinary eggs pass until new individuals are formed in them, while other individuals are provided with spermaries which at the time of spawning are filled with spermatic particles. Now, unless sexual organs can themselves have distinct sexual parts of both sexes, all these so-called sexual organs of the Hydroids must be considered as naked-eyed Meduse, which are not freed from their parent stock as is the case with others. Velella and Porpita consist of compound communities like Physalia, only that here the diversity of the Hydroids attached to a common base is not so ereat. GD 7 Cuap. II. THE DIFFERENT RADIATA. 53 there being, in fact, only two kinds of individuals: the sterile ones, among which that occupying the centre of the community is larger than the others, lke the top animal of the Madrepores, and around it, clustered together, a large number of smaller ones; and outside, the large fertile Fig. 32. Fig. 31. individuals (Fg. 32) from which Meduse buds arise that become free, and are very simt- lar to the common Oceania among the naked-eyed Meduse. This, at. least, is the Veventa morte, Bose» = Gas in Velella (Figs. 31 and 32), as I m So-called mouth —aa So-called kentacles: shall show hereafter more fully. Meanwhile the wood-cut below (2%. 33) represents an Oceania-like Medus: Single so-called tentacle of that freed itself, with many others, from the larger fertile Vererta muriea, Bose, Bearing Medusie buds d d.— a individuals of the common Velella of the ee taanienten ieee 7. th : . ¢ d of tk entacle. Gulf of Mexico, represented in Fig. 31. The =“ ne individuals forming the communities known as Velella and Por- pita have no more the structure of Polyps than those of the Physalia. They are genuine Hydroids. If from these we pass to the Diphyidw, we notice a long Free Medusa of VELELLA mutica, Bose. o Proboseis. —» Kadiatingehs- Jaye elongated, bell-shaped individuals, com- miferous tube. —c Circular string of heterogeneous individuals suspended from one or two Fig. 34. pai monly called the swimming-bells, and gen- erally considered as organs destined to move the whole com- munity (Figs. 34 and 35). But I believe that this view is not ae correct, but that, on the contrary, these so-called swimming-bells are themselves distinct individuals of one kind connected with smaller individuals of other kinds, forming together a community composed Gareouanta Fittrormts, Lenck. of very heterogeneous elements. The Diphyes quadrivalvis, Gegenb. i ‘ ° : 1 ( Copied from Gegenbauer.) invaluable investigations of Gegenbauer ab Anterior and posterior swimming- bells. —c String of twin individuals. —d Feelers with lasso cells.—e Cacal termination or base of the connecting tube or axis. upon the development of Diphyes seem to me to leave no doubt upon this point; n Dienyes SieBoLpi, Koll. for he has observed the whole develop- (Copied from Killiker.) ab Anterior and posterior swim- ment of the egg of one of these animals, showing thas: TG WA peniette ease vot the axis of the community. —¢ process of segmentation of the egg terminates in the FOUN BIGOT meee ratfatis cr the community, n se ; a % 2 : with young buds. —d d Fully of one of these so-called swimming-bells. Now, the product of Bevelbpod nds; with, hele . : fe S. the egg, whatever it may be, cannot be a mere organ. It is an unquestionably a young animal; and that animal, as represented by Gegenbauer, is a genuine naked-eyed Medusa. It has the four characteristic radiating tubes, a circular 54 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Pann tube, and even the inverted rim of the margin of the bell so constant in naked-eyed Meduse (/%. 56); and though no mouth is described, I can hardly suppose that it is wanting. The radiating tubes imply the circulation of a fluid, Fig. 36. and that fluid is in all naked-eyed Medusee derived from the surrounding medium, and introduced either through a proboscis or through a cruciate opening in the centre leading into the radiating tubes. The fact that in Staurophora’ IT have found an immense mouth where none was suspected, leads me to Embryo of Dirnyes SresBoupi, Koll. (Copied from Gegenbauer.) bells of the Siphonophore generally, must have such an oral e Remnant of the embryonal body. . . —a Swimming-bell developed Opening, Which has probably not been remarked only because from the embryonal body. suppose that this young Diphyes and the so-called swimming- such an opening would not be looked for in what was sup- posed to be a mere organ. Yet, considering the strict homology between the open Polyps, so called, and the closed sacs mixed with them in Physalia, and like them provided with tentacles, it may be that the swimming-bells are not open externally, and only communicate with the main axis. Be this as it may, the swimming-bells of the Diphyidse cannot be compared to the swimming-bag of the Physalia, which, as we have seen, is the common base of all the Hydroids of that community; nor is it homologous to the so- called swimming apparatus of the Physophoridw. The only part in these different communities really identical in all Siphonophore is the canal marked e in Figs. 34 and 39, along which hang the heterogeneous individuals of the community in Diphyi- dx, Physophoridx, and Physalide; in the same manner as the many individuals of the common Hydroids are attached to their hollow axis. In Diphyes proper there exist, generally, two so-called swimming-bells of nearly the same size, though ocea- sionally but one is observed, and in others the lower one appears sometimes so much smaller than the upper one, that, taking these facts in comection with the facts observed by Gegenbauer respecting the origin of the first swimming-bell from an egg, it is natural to infer that the second swimming-bell arises from the main tube of the first, and gradually enlarges to the same size; in the same manner as in the proliferous naked-eyed Medusx (Figs. 12, 18, and 14), in which one of the four radiating tubes becomes the basis of attachment of numerous lateral bells. It is farther to be observed, that the pendent string of Diphyes, with its numerous individuals, is only a continuation of that same tube which connects the two swim- ming-bells, and that the individuals attached to it arise also as buds from it. But here we perceive a variety of parts which require our special attention. The individuals described as Polyps, or suckers, in Diphyes, are as it were ? Acassiz (L.), Contributions to the Natural History of the Acalephs, Part. I. p. 300. Crap. I. THE DIFFERENT RADIATA. 55 protected by a flattened, scale-like, gelatinous body (4. 37 a a), and between the scale and the Polyp hangs a complicated tentacle, ¢d. These Fig. 37. individuals I consider to be identical with the Hydroids of the Physalia, the so-called Polyp representing the proboscis, as we observe it in Coryne and Clava, only that each is pro- vided with a single tentacle and surrounded by a protecting scale. Now, if I am not greatly mistaken, that protecting scale must be considered as a sort of bell, analogous to that Two twin individuals of the . . : 7 pendent string of the com- of Campanularia, but gelatinous, and split open on one side; munity of é Dirnyes Srenotpu, Kill. and the so-called sexual organs (Fig. 37 m) of these so-called pose eae aa The so-called scales. —06b The Polyps are genuine Meduse buds, with a proboscis, four radi- — socalled Polyps. —m The’ so- . Z called sexual capsule.—c Ex- ating tubes, and a circular tube, with a diaphragm around the SI iy pe a LIL d Feeler contracted. rim, exactly as in naked-eyed Meduse, producing eggs or sper- matic cells upon the proboscis, according to the male or female character of the different individuals, exactly in the same manner as in Sarsia or Hippocrene. We have, then, in a Diphyes community, three kinds of individuals.’ First, one or two, or sometimes three, Medusoid individuals at the base of the stock; secondly, a large number of more Hydroid-like individuals hanging connected with the pendent string, but differing from the common Hydroids in having an open, gelatinous, somewhat Medusoid bell, commonly called scale; and, thirdly, arising from the base of the proboscis of these Hydroids, genuine Meduse buds that are either male or female, and which can no more be considered as the sexual organs of these so-called Polyps, than those of the types already considered, since they are themselves provided either with an ovary or a spermary. The Diphyes community presents another peculiarity, highly important with reference to a correct appreciation of the Medusoid character of the genuine Hydroids. In most of these, we find that every individual consists chiefly of a bell-shaped or trumpet-shaped or club-shaped sac, with tentacles around the central opening, or upon its sides or around its base, comparable, indeed, in every respect, to the proboscis of the naked-eyed Meduse as it exists in Sarsia. But though the body of the individual Hydroids appears more or less bell-shaped, as in Tubu- laria and still more in Campanularia, yet that bell is not hyaline and gelatinous like the bell of the Medusxe proper, while the so-called scale of the Diphyes is so, thus forming a sort of transition to the so-called swimming-bells, in which the radiating and circular tubes are fully developed, as in ordinary Medusie, but at the expense of the proboscis, which is wanting. This would at once explain why the 1 For illustrations of this and the following bauer, Huxley, Kélliker, Leuckart, and Vogt, quoted families I would refer to the papers of Gegen- page 27, notes 5, 10, 11, 12, and 13. ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. On f=) Hydroids proper have no radiating tubes, while their Medusze buds have them fully developed. I suppose the case to be this: That a perfect Medusa has two distinct structural elements, the disk or bell with its radiating tubes, and the pro- boscis with the mouth, and that in Hydroid communities the different individuals present one or the other of these two elements, singly developed or more or less combined; while their Medusx# buds have always the characteristic features of per- fect Medusx, and are always sexual, whereas the Hydroids are never so, whether the proboscidal or the bell element be the more prominent. If this be true, then the characteristic feature of a Diphyes community consists in the more Medusoid character of some of its Hydroids, while the more numerous individuals resemble the common Hydroids more, and, like those, produce the sexual Meduse buds. We have already seen, in the family of Tubularie (p. 45), analogous combinations of characters; some of the fertile buds of these Hydroids being more Medusoid in their structure than others. The peculiarities of the genus Abyla (Calpe) seem to confirm this view. We have here also, as in most Diphyes, two so-called swimming-bells, only that the first is much smaller and less Medusa-like than the second, and that the so-called Polyps of the pendent string are not protected by simple scales, but by a cap resembling the first swimming-bell, with this additional peculiarity, that the tentacles are more or less removed from the base of the Polyps. The genus Praya is very closely allied to the genus Diphyes, but its two swim- ming-bells are placed side by side, and the pendent string consists of Hydroids with a distinct helm-shaped bell, from which arise the Meduse buds. This string of twin individuals, one of which is a Hydroid with a helm-shaped bell and another a genuine Medusa, has been described as a string of single individuals, the Medusa buds being considered as their sexual organ, but with as little pro- priety as in the genuine Diphyide, for these buds again are themselves sexual. The so-called single individuals of all Diphyide are not single beings, but twins, one of which is Hydroid, and the other Medusoid, in its structure; and these twins drop together and swim about freely as independent individuals. In the genus Vogtia, the so-called swimming-bells have a quadrangular shape, somewhat like a contracted Staurophora, and though no radiating tubes have been described in them, I doubt not that they will be found when sought for. Below the pyramid of these Medusoid Hydre, there are a few simple, sucker-like Hydroids, and from the lower part of the axis arise the sexual Meduse buds, with enormous proboscides, covered either with eggs or spermatic cells, projecting far out of the Medusa bell, as is sometimes the case with those Sarsias that are not detached from their stem. (Pl XVIL Figs. 15, 14, 15, and 16.) In the genera Hippopodius and Elephantopus, which are certainly distinct, though frequently considered as Cuap. II. THE DIFFERENT RADIATA. if On synonyms, the swimming-bells are boat-shaped, and their radiating tubes winding, as in Galeolaria among the Diphyide. In the genus Athorybia, the swimming- bells have the shape of arched ribs; and, though no radiating tubes have been described in them, I doubt not that they will be found, unless there exist here, as in Tubularia, various combinations of the more Hydroid or more Medusoid features. In the genus Apolemia, the swimiming-bells resemble those of Physophora, and the Hydroids are arranged in clusters, hanging at intervals, along the main axis. The genus Physophora, with its double row of bottle-shaped swimming-bells, approaches more nearly Hippopodius and Vogtia than Agalmopsis and Forskalia; for the sucker-like Hydra are few (/g. 38), at the base of the axis, as in Vogtia, and the Medusxe buds form small bunches. In Agalmopsis, on the contrary, there is below the double row of heart- shaped swimming-bells a long string of large Hydroids, pro vided with protecting scales and furnished with tentacles, and their sexual Meduse buds form small bunches, suspended at considerable intervals between them. In Forskalia, finally, the more or less quadrangular swimming-bells, arranged in several rows, form a long cone, from which hang two kinds e of Hydroids, one protected by, and the other without, scales; Youne Puysornora, (Copied from Gegenbauer.) and it is from the cluster of the latter that arise the male — , guasof swimming bells.—bd So- and female Medusx buds. Esrunpecanatastac 78) 2 ae It is plain, from this rapid survey of the Siphonophore, < mie as that, with the exception of Physalia, Vellella, and Porpita, which consist of Hydroids only, they all agree in having a set of more or less numerous Medusw-like Hy- droids at the base of their common axis; and that from the prolongation of this axis arise other Hydroids, either altogether resembling the common Hydroids, without a bell, or protected by a scale-like open bell, in a measure intermediate between Meduse and Hydroids; and that, finally, all produce Meduse buds. These Meduse buds mostly wither upon the community, though in some they free themselves in the shape of twin individuals composed of a Hydroid and a Medusa, which have been described as distinct genera, under the names of Eudoxia, Aglaisma, ete. It follows from all this, that while the Siphonophore must be united with the Hydroids proper in one order, on account of the identity of their structure and of the similarity in the degree of complication of that structure, the types of this order in which the community consists of more Medusa-like Hydra, such as the Physophoride and Diphyide, must constitute a sub-order by themselves ; Physalia, another sub-order, on account of the peculiarity of structure of the common base of the community; Velella and Porpita, another, for similar reasons; and the true VOL. III. 8 8 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. On Hydroids, a fourth: unless we separate at once the Sertularians with their horny stem and bell as a sub-order, distinct from the Tubularians, with their soft Hydroids, which seems to be the more appropriate course. Diphyide and Physophoridee may require to be subdivided in the same way. Now that the investigations of Olfers, Leuckart, Quatrefages, and Huxley, have made us as fully acquainted with the structure of Physalia as we are with that of the other Siphonophore, it is hardly worth while to recall the opinion of DeBlainville upon these animals, as it is evident from his description, that he could never have entertained such views about them, had he ever had an opportunity of studying them for himself. DeBlainville considered Physalia as a single animal, which he referred to the type of Mollusks in connection with the Heteropod Gasteropods, considerme the crest of the bladder of Physalia as its foot, similar to that of these Gasteropods, and the pendent appendages as gill-like organs similar to those of the Dorsibranchiate, while he describes the opening of the bladder as their mouth. But I myself have had repeated opportunities for examining Physalia alive, and this examination has left no doubt on my mind that it constitutes a compound community of a great variety of individuals, presenting all the characters of true Hydroids. It is important here to remark, that this great discrepancy in the opinions expressed respecting the affinities of these animals was in a measure owing, either to an insufficient acquaintance with their true structure, as was no doubt the case with Blainville when he referred Physalia to the type of Mollusks, and with Vogt when he referred the Ctenophore to the same type, or to a want of familiarity with the other objects associated with them, as is no doubt the case with the German authors, who, from a want of opportunity of examining Corals alive, have so generally united the Hydroids and Siphonophore with the Polyps. It is a remarkable circumstance, that the naturalists who have known the Polyps best, as Milne-Edwards and Dana, never thought of associating the Siphonophore with them, though they were equally acquainted with both, and though we owe to Milne- Edwards in particular, some of the most minute investigations extant upon the Siphonophore. As to the Hydroids, though they are associated by Milne-Edwards with the Polyps, he considers them as forming by themselves a natural division in that class, coequal with the Haleyonoids and Blunt end of the tentacle, as it appears when the mouth is closed, 84 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Pagal as Helix with its shell is an animal of the same order as a Limax with a rudi- mentary shell, or a Tebennophorus without any shell. Similar differences occur amone the Hydroids proper in the genera Coryne, Tubularia, Campanularia, and Sertularia. In Porpita, we observe the same relations between the primary enlarged Hydra with its tentacles and the secondary fertile Hydra, as in Velella. The poly- morphism in these two genera extends only to a marked difference between the primary Hydra and the secondary Hydra, analogous to the difference there is between the sterile and fertile Hydra in Campanularia. (Compare Fy. 15, p. 46.) Both Velella and Porpita acquire their full size before Meduse buds appear upon their fertile Hydre. In Physalia, the community is also formed upon an enlarged primary Hydra. The young of this genus has been described and figured by Huxley in two different stages of growth (Oceanic Hydrozoa, Pl. X. vgs. 1 and 2). In the earliest stage it is a simple Hydra with a single tentacle (#¥g. 1); and while that primary Fig. 49. Hydra is enlarging and assuming its permanent character- istics, other secondary Hydra, somewhat different from the first, bud forth from it, and form with it a Mydrarium (2%. 2), gradually enlargme by the addition of others. But there is this difference between such a Physalia Hydrarium and a Velella Hydrarium, that im the former the successive secondary Hydra differ among themselves greatly, — some a (a acquiring a considerable size and having a large tentacle, K while others remain small and have a small tentacle, and 4 the proboscis of some having an open mouth, while in others | it remains closed. But, as I shall show hereafter, similar i differences are also observed among the Hydroids proper ; ; so that the peculiarities noticed in the different Hydre { amount only to a more extensive polymorphism in_ this } genus than in Velella and Porpita, akin to what we have i already seen in’ Hydractinia. As I myself have seen a t great many small Physalix in the Gulf of Mexico, I may j add that these communities acquire a considerable size PrysaviA Areruusa, Til. ey 5 a Blunt end of the air sae, supporting Defore any other but Hydra buds are developed from their the whole community, at which the youngest Medusie buds may be found, —hb Open end of the air sac, the mouth of the primary Hydra.—e Crest of pendent bunches. But when about one fourth the size (Fig. 49) of the largest I have ever seen, the Meduse the air sac.—2 Bunches of single ; ~ : A 3 _ individuals; and among them te DUGS begin to make their appearance and increase in num- oungest Meduse buds. — 7 Contracted . . ae : am: < pastes ek a ai ber, until they form distinet Medusaria combined with tentacle. —7¢¢ Tentacles of the largest kind extended. Hydraria; and the whole community is then a most com- plicated Hydro-Medusarium. The androphores and gynophores of such a community Cuap. II. MORPHOLOGY AND NOMENCLATURE. 85 are respectively the male and female Meduse; and buds of both sexes arise from one and the same Hydra, the so-called gonoblastidium. In Physophoride also, the community begins with a single Hydra. Leuckart (Zoologische Untersuchungen, I. Pl. 2, Fig. 23), Koélliker (Schwimmpolypen von Messina, Pl. I. Ay. 11), Vogt (Siphonophores de la mer de Nice, Pl. VI. Mig. 24; Pl. X. Figs. 32 and 35; and Pl. XI.), Gegenbauer (Beitriige, etc, in Zeitsch. f. wiss. Zool. vol. 5, Pl. XVII. Mgs. 7, 8, 9, and 11), and Huxley (Oceanic Hydrozoa, PI. VI. Fig. 12, and Pl. VIL Wg. 2), have described and figured many such young Physophoridx, exhibiting the primary Hydre of different genera Fig. 50. more or less free from the secondary productions budding from their sides. In the youngest of them the Hydra character is quite plain, and their resemblance to the young Physalia most striking (Fig. 50). But their resemblance to the Hydroid of Nemopsis Gibbesit MeCrady is still more important, since it shows, beyond the possibility of a doubt, the close affinity of the naked-eyed Medusx and the Siphonophore. Thus far, all the Medusee known as originating from Hydroids had been Sqayouie Medea observed to bud from Hydroids attached by their basis; but, — (ied from Gegenbauer) e Buds of so-called swimming-bells. in a recent paper (Gymnophthalmata of Charleston harbor, Se aieeee? published in the Proceedings of the Elliott Society of Nat. ine. — Ai ter te Hist. for 1858), Mr. McCrady has described a species of Ne- Hand onary Hyde; the mopsis, which originates from a floating, locomotive Hydroid, See so similar to a young Physophora with incipient buds of swimming-bells, that, had he not traced the connection of the free Medusa to its Hydroid, or had the Hydroid alone, with its young Medusxe buds, been observed, it would unquestionably have been considered as a distinct genus belonging to the Siphonophore. A more direct proof that the so-called swimming-bells (Nectocalyces) of the Physophoride are genu- ine Medusee buds remaining connected with the elongated axis of the primary Hydra (the Coenosare) from which they grow, cannot be desired. And the only marked generic difference between Nemopsis and Physophora consists in the presence of tentacles and sexual organs in the Medusx of the former which become free, while those of the latter are sterile and remain attached. But such differences are not essential among animals in which polymorphism occurs so extensively as in the lower Acalephs. Very early the single Hydre, from which arise the communities of Physo- phorida, bring forth two kinds of buds, —Meduse buds on their abactinal pole, and Hydre buds on their actinal pole. Thus the community at once becomes a Hydro-Medusarium, consisting of one kind of Medusze which remain sterile and never free themselves, and of two kinds of Hydre; namely, the primary Hydra, ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr T; ioe) o> eed and elongated and from which hang all the other c which is gradually enlar secondary buds, and the secondary Hydra, which are more or less similar to one another and remain small through life. The next step in the complication of these communities consists in the appear- ance of other kinds of Medusze and other kinds of Hydroids, variously combined in different genera: the additional Medusie being genuine sexual Meduse, and the additional Hydroids partaking also, more or less, of the character of Meduse. A comparison of these sexual Medusx buds of Siphonophor with the Meduse buds of ordinary Hydroids must satisfy any one, equally familiar with the mode of develop- ment of the two types, that there is no essential difference between them. The illustrations published by Kélliker in the “Schwimmpolypen” (Pl. VU. igs. 4 and 5) afford the best example on record for a comparison with #gs. 13, 14, 15, and 16 of Pl XVIII. of this work. /%y. 4 of Kolliker represents what he calls the testis of Vogtia pentacantha; it is the exact counterpart of my /%ys. 13 and 14, which represent a male Medusa of Coryne mirabilis. Kolliker’s #%y. 5 represents what he calls the ovary of the Vogtia; it corresponds exactly to my gs. 15 and 16, which represent the female Medusa of Coryne. Now this so-called testis and this so-called ovary consist of a genuine Medusa bell, with four radiating chymiferous tubes and a circular tube, identical in their structure and arrangement with the chymiferous tubes of all the naked-eyed Meduse. The resemblance extends even further: Kolliker’s /%g. 4 shows distinctly the proboscis of this supposed testis ; it is marked e in his figure and described as sperm sac, and its vibratile cavity is marked d. The proboscis of the supposed ovary is not less distinct in Fy. 5; it is marked ¢, and described as an ege sac. But had Kolliker examined more fully these prominent sacs arising from the centre of their Medusx bells, he would have satisfied himself that the sperm cells and the eggs are not contained in the cavity of the sacs, but arise, as the eges and sperm cells of the Coryne, in the outer wall of the sacs; that is, upon the proboscis of the Medusew, as im Coryne and a large number of other genera of naked-eyed Meduse. The second kind of secondary Hydra, upon the actinal prolongation of the axis of the primary Hydra of many Physophoridx, differs from those already described in having a so-called covering scale (Deckblatt, Hydrophyllium) by the side of their pendent proboscis. As I have already shown (pp. 54 to 56), this is a kind of open bell, intermediate in its character between the calyx of an ordimary Hydroid and the bell of an ordimary Medusa, more medusoid than the calyx of a Hydroid but less so than a Medusa proper, having no radiating chymiferous tubes, and differme from both in being one sided and more or less flattened. But as one-sided calyces occur also among Hydroids, this does not constitute an important difference, nor a distinguishing feature for Siphonophore. Cuap. II. MORPHOLOGY AND NOMENCLATURE. QT Tt has already been stated, that the communities of Diphyide’ begin with a Medusa (Fig. 51), judging from the investigations of Gegenbauer detailed above Fig. 51. Fig. 52. Fig. 53. GALEOLARIA FILIFORMIS, Leuck. Embryo of Diphyes quadrivalvis, Gegenb. 2 : Two twin individuals of the pen- Dienyes Siesoupi, Koll. ( Copied from Gegenbauer.) dent string of the community of ab Anterior and posterior swimming- Dieuyes SrEBotpr, Kéll S SIEB , Koll. bells. —c String of twin individuals. —d Feelers with lasso cells. — e Ceecal termination or base of the connecting bryonal body. tube or axis of the community. sule.—c External feeler, with lasso cells. —d Feeler contracted. ( Copied from Gegenbauer.) aa The so-called scales.—4 6 The so-called Polyps. — m The so-called sexual cap- e Remnant of the embryonal body. —a Swimming-bell developed from the em- (pp. 53 and 54), and that from the first twin community, formed of two sterile Me- duse (Fg. 52 ab), arise a string of similar twin communities (/%. 52 ¢), consisting of a medusoid Hydra (Fg. 53 aa) and a fertile sexual Medusa (Fig. 53 m), the so-called Gonocalyx, dropping off together and living for a time as independent beings, several of which have been described as distinct genera. If the views I have here presented of the nature of the Siphonophore are correct, there is no need of a special nomenclature to describe the different indi- viduals of their communities; and we shall hereafter deal with them as with differ- ent kinds of Hydre and of Medusx, describing successively their polymorphous individuals as we would describe different genera and species of Hydroids and of free Acalephs belonging to other families of the class, and introduce only one new element in these descriptions, on account of the different modes of association of the many individuals united together in one and the same community, as it becomes necessary here to allude to their various combinations. 1 Since the preceding pages were printed I have Eudoxiernbrut, Jena, 4to. fig; and Neue Beitriige received two interesting papers upon Diphyide and zur niihern Kenntniss der Siphonophoren ; separately Physophorid from their distinguished author, Dr. printed from the Act. Noy. Acad. Natur. Curios. C. Gegenbauer: Ueber Abyla trigona und deren for the current year. (oe) (oa) ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. SbOTLON «Ve INDIVIDUALITY AND SPECIFIC DIFFERENCES AMONG ACALEPHS. The morphological phenomena discussed in the preceding section naturally lead to a consideration of individuality, and of the extent and importance of specific differences among the Acalephs. A few years ago the prevailing opinion among naturalists was, that, while genera, families, orders, classes, and any other more or less comprehensive division among animals, were artificial devices of science to facilitate our studies, species alone had a real existence in nature. Whether the views I have presented in the first volume of this work (p. 163), where I showed that species do not exist in any different sense from genera, families, ete., ete. had any thing to do with the change which seems to have been brought about upon this point among scientific men, is not for me to say. But, whatever be the cause, it is certainly true, that, at the present day, the number of naturalists who deny the real existence of species is greatly increased. Darwin, in his recent work on the “Origin of Species”?! has also done much to shake the belief in the real existence of species; but the views he advocates are entirely at variance with those I have attempted to establish. For many years past I have lost no opportunity to urge the idea, that while species have no material existence, they yet exist as categories of thought, in the same way as genera, families, orders, classes, and branches of the animal kingdom. Darwin’s fundamental idea, on the contrary, is, that species, genera, families, orders, classes, and any other kind of more or Jess comprehensive divisions among animals, do not exist at all, and are altogether artificial, differing from one another only in degree, all having originated from a successive differentiation of a primordial organic form, undergoing successively such changes as would at first produce a o variety of species; then genera, as the difference became more extensive and deeper; then families, as the gap widened still farther between the groups; until, in the end, all that diversity was produced which has existed or which now exists. Far from agreeing with these views, I have, on the contrary, taken the ground that all the natural divisions in the animal kingdom are primarily distinct, founded upon different categories of characters, and that all exist in the same way, that is, as categories of thought embodied in individual living forms. I have attempted (=) ? Darwin (Cuarzes), On the Origin of Spe- vation of favored Races in the Struggle for Life, cies by means of Natural Selection, or the Preser- London, 1860, 1 vol. 8vo. Cuap. IL. INDIVIDUALITY AMONG ACALEPHS. 89 to show that branches in the animal kingdom are founded upon different plans of structure, and for that very reason have embraced from the beginning repre- sentatives between which there could be no community of origin; that classes are founded upon different modes of execution of these plans, and therefore they also embrace representatives which could have no community of origin; that orders represent the different degrees of complication in the mode of execution of each class, and therefore embrace representatives that could not have a community of origin any more than the members of different classes or branches; that families are founded upon different patterns of form, and embrace representatives equally independent in their origin; that genera are founded upon ultimate peculiarities of structure, embracing representatives, which, from the very nature of their peculiarities, could have no community of origin; and that, finally, species are based upon relations and proportions that exclude, as much as all the preceding distinctions, the idea of a common descent. As the community of characters among the beings belonging to these different categories arises from the intellectual connection which shows them to be categories of thought, they cannot be the result of a gradual material differentiation of the objects themselves. The argument on which these views are founded may be summed up in the following few words: species, genera, families, ete., exist as thoughts; individuals, as facts. It is presented at full length in the first volume of this work (pp. 137-168), where I have shown that individuals alone have a definite material existence, and that they are for the time being the bearers, not only of specific characteristics, but of all the natural features in which animal life is displayed in all its diversity; individuality being, in fact, the great mystery of organic life. Since the arguments presented by Darwin in favor of a universal derivation, from one primary form, of all the peculiarities existing now among living beings, have not made the slightest impression on my mind, or modified in any way the views I have already propounded, I may fairly refer the reader to the paragraphs alluded to above as containing sufficient evidence of their correctness; and I will here only add a single argument, which seems to leave the question where I have placed it. Had Darwin or his followers furnished a single fact to show that individuals change, in the course of time, in such a manner as to produce, at last, species different from those known before, the state of the case might be different.'. But it stands recorded now as before, that the animals known to the 1 Tt seems to me that there is much confusion not exist at all, as the supporters of the trans- of ideas in the general statement, of the variability mutation theory maintain, how can they vary? And of species, so often repeated of late. If species do if individuals alone exist, how can the differences VOL. III. 12 90 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part IL. ancients are still in existence, exhibiting to this day the characters they exhibited of old. The geological record, even with all its imperfections exaggerated to distortion, tells now, what it has told from the beginning, that the supposed intermediate forms between the species of different geological periods are imaginary beings, called up merely in support of a fanciful theory. The origin of all the diversity among living bemgs remains a mystery, as totally unexplained as if the book of Darwin had never been written; for no theory, unsupported by fact, however plausible it may appear, can be admitted in science. which may be observed among them prove the variability of species? The fact seems to me to be, that, while species are based upon definite relations among individuals, which differ in various ways among themselves, each individual, as a distinct being, has a definite course to run from the time of its first formation to the end of its existence, during which it never loses its identity nor changes its individuality, nor its relations to other individuals belonging to the same species, but preserves all the categories of relationship which constitute specific or generic or family affinity, or any other kind or degree of affinity. Zo prove that species vary, tt should be proved that individuals, born from common ancestors, change the different categories of relation- ship which they bore primitively to one another ; while all that has thus far been shown is, that there exists a considerable difference among indi- viduals of one and the same species. This may be new to those who have looked upon every indi- vidual picked up at random, as affording the means of describing satisfactorily any species ; but no natu- ralist who has studied carefully any of the species now best known, can have failed to perceive that it requires extensive series of specimens accurately to describe a species, and that the more complete such series are, the more precise appear the limits which separate species. Surely the aim of science cannot be to furnish amateur zoblogists or collectors a recipe for a ready identification of any chance And the difficulties with which we may meet in attempting t=) specimen that may fall into their hands. to characterize species do not afford the first indi- cation that species do not exist at all, as long as most of them can be distinguished, as such, almost at first sight. I foresee that some convert to the transmutation creed will at once object, that the facility with which species may be distinguished is no evidence that they were not derived from other species. It may be so. But, as long as no fact is adduced to show that any one well-known species among the many thousands that are buried in the whole series of fossiliferous rocks is actually the parent of any one of the species now living, such arguments can have no weight; and thus far the supporters of the transmutation theory have failed to produce any such facts. Instead of facts, we are treated with marvellous bear, cuckoo, and other Credat Judwus Apella! 1 Tt seems generally admitted, that the work of stories. Darwin is particularly remarkable for the fairness with which he presents the facts adverse to his views. It may be so; but I confess that it has made a very different impression upon me. I have been more forcibly struck with his inability to perceive when the facts are fatal to his argument, than with any thing else in the whole work. Tis chapter on the Geological Record, in particular, appears to me to be, from beginning to end, a series of illogical de- ductions and misrepresentations of the modern results of Geology and Palwontology. I do not intend to argue here, one by one, the questions he has dis- cussed. Such arguments end too often in special pleading ; and any one familiar with the subject may readily perceive where the truth lies, by confronting his assertions with the geological record itself. But, since the question at issue is chiefly to be settled by paleontological evidence, and I have devoted the greater part of my life to the special study of the fossils, I wish to record my protest against his mode Cuaap. II. INDIVIDUALITY AMONG ACALEPHS. 91 It would be out of place to discuss here in detail the arguments by which Darwin attempts to explain the diversity among animals. of treating this part of the subject. Not only does Darwin never perceive when the facts are fatal to his views, but, when he has succeeded by an ingenious circumlocution in overleaping the facts, he would have us believe that he has lessened their impor- tance, or changed their meaning. He would thus have us believe that there have been periods during which all that had taken place during other periods was destroyed; and this solely to explain the absence of intermediate forms between the fossils found in successive deposits, for the origin of which he looks to those missing links, whilst every recent progress in Geology shows more and more fully how gradual and successive all the deposits have been which form the crust of our earth. — He would have us believe that entire fauna have disappeared before those were preserved, the remains of which are found in the lowest fossiliferous strata; when we find everywhere non-fossiliferous strata below those that contain the oldest fossils now known. It is true, he explains their absence by the supposition that they were too delicate to be preserved; but any animals from which Crinoids, Brachiopods, Cephalopods, and Trilobites could arise, must have been similar enough to them to have left, at least, traces of their presence in the lowest non- fossiliferous rocks, had they ever existed at all.— He would have us believe that the oldest organisms that existed were simple cells, or something like the lowest living beings now in existence; when such highly organized animals as Trilobites and Ortho- ceratites are among the oldest known.— He would have us believe that these lowest first born became extinet, in consequence of the gradual advantage some of their more favored descendants gained over the majority of their predecessors ; when there exist now, and have existed at all periods in past times, as large a proportion of more simply organized beings, as of more favored types; and when such types as Lingula were among the lowest Silurian fossils, and are alive at the present day. — He would haye us believe that each new species Suffice it to say originated in consequence of some slight change in those that preceded; when every geological formation teems with types that did not exist before. — He would have us believe that animals and _ plants became gradually more and more numerous; when most species appear in myriads of individuals, in the first bed in which they are found.— He would have us believe that animals disappear gradually ; when they are as common in the uppermost bed in which they occur, as in the lowest, or any intermediate bed. Species appear suddenly and That is the fact proclaimed by Palxontology; they neither disappear suddenly in successive strata. increase successively in number, nor do they grad- ually dwindle down; none of the fossil remains thus far observed show signs of a gradual improye- ment or of a slow decay.— He would have us believe that geological deposits took place during periods of subsidence; when it can be proved that the whole continent of North America is formed of beds which were deposited during a series of successive upheavals. I quote North America in preference to any other part of the world, because the evidence is so complete here that it can be over- looked only by those who may mistake subsidence for the general shrinking of the earth’s surface, in In this part of the globe, fossils are as common along the consequence of the cooling of its mass. successive shores of the rising deposits of the Silu- rian system, as anywhere along our beaches; and each of these successive shores extends from the Atlantic States to the foot of the Rocky Mountains. The evidence goes even further; each of these suc- cessive sets of beds of the Silurian system contains peculiar fossils, neither found in the beds above nor in the beds below, and between them there are no intermediate forms. And yet Darwin affirms that “the littoral and sub-littoral deposits are continually worn away, as soon as they are brought up by the slow and gradual rising of the land within the grinding action of the coast waves.” Origin of Species, p. 290.—He would also have us believe 92 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. that he has lost sight of the most striking of the features, and the one which yervades the whole, namely, that there 9: oF hee, runs throughout nature unmistakable evidence of thought, corresponding to the mental operations of our own mind, and therefore intelligible to us as thinking beings, and unaccountable on any other basis than that they owe their existence to the working of intelligence ; and no theory that overlooks this element can be true to nature. that the most perfect organs of the body of animals are the product of gradual improvement; when eyes as perfect as those of the Trilobites are pre- served with the remains of these oldest animals. — He would have us believe that it required millions of years to effect any one of these changes; when far more extraordinary transformations are daily going on, under our eyes, in the shortest periods of time, during the growth of animals.— He would have us believe that animals acquire their instincts gradually ; when even those that never see their parents, perform at birth the same acts, in the same way, as their progenitors. — He would have us be- lieve that the geographical distribution of animals is the result of accidental transfers; when most spe- cies are so narrowly confined within the limits of their natural range, that even slight changes in their external relations may cause their death. And all these, and many other calls upon our cre- dulity, are coolly made in the face of an amount of precise information, readily accessible, which would overwhelm any one who does not place his opinions aboye the records of an age eminently characterized for its industry; and during whieh, that information was laboriously accumulated by crowds of faithful laborers. 1 There are naturalists who seem to look upon the idea of creation — that is, a manifestation of an intellectual power by material means—as a kind of bigotry ; forgetting, no doubt, that whenever they carry out a thought of their own, they do something akin to creating; unless they look upon their own elucubrations as something in which their individu- ality is not concerned, but arising without an inter- vention of their mind, in consequence of the working of some “bundles of forees,’ about which they know nothing themselves. And yet such men are It is true, Darwin ready to admit that matter is omnipotent, and con- sider a disbelief in the omnipotence of matter tantamout to imbecility; for, what is the assumed power of matter to produce all finite beings, but omnipotence ? And what the outery raised against those who cannot admit it, but an insinuation that they are non compos? The book of Mr, Darwin is free of all such uncharitable sentiments towards his fellow-laborers in the field of science; never- theless, his mistake lies in a similar assumption that the most complicated system of combined thoughts can be the result of accidental causes: for he ought to know, as every physicist will concede, that all the influences to which he would ascribe the origin of species are accidental in their very nature; and he must know, as every naturalist familiar with the modern progress of science does know, that the organized beings which live now, and have lived in former geological periods, constitute an organic whole, intelligibly and methodically combined in all its parts. As a zodlogist he must know, in par- ticular, that the animal kingdom is built upon four different plans of structure ; and that the reproduc- tion and growth of animals take place according to four different modes of development; and that, unless it is shown that these four plans of structure and these four modes of development are transmutable one into the other, no transmutation theory can account for the origin of species. The fallacy of Darwin’s theory of the origin of species by means of natural selection may be traced in the first few pages of his book, where he oyerlooks the difference between the voluntary and deliberate acts ef selection applied methodically by man to the breeding of domesticated animals and the grow- ing of cultivated plants, and the chance influences which may affect animals and plants in a state of * nature. Cuap. II. INDIVIDUALITY AMONG ACALEPHS. 93 states that the close affinity existing among animals can only be explained by a community of descent, and he goes so far as to represent these affinities as evidence of such a genealogical relationship; but I apprehend that the meaning of the words he uses has misled him into the belief that he had found the clue to phenomena which he does not even seem correctly to understand. There is nothing parallel between the relations of animals belonging to the same genus or the same family, and the relations between the progeny of common ancestors. In the one ease we have the result of a physiological law regulating reproduction, and in the other, affinities which no observation has thus far shown to be in any way connected with reproduction. The most closely allied species of the same genus or the different species of closely allied genera, or the different genera of one and the same natural family, embrace representatives, which, at some period or | other of their growth, resemble one another more closely than the nearest blood relations; and yet we know that they are only stages of development of different species distinct from one another at every period of their life. The embryo of our common fresh-water turtle (Chrysemis picta) and the embryo of our snapping turtle (Chelydra serpentina) resemble one another far more than the different species of Chrysemis in their adult state; and yet not a single fact can be adduced to show that any one egg of an animal has ever produced an individual of any species but its own. A young snake resembles a young turtle or a young bird much more than any two species of snakes resemble one another; and yet they go on reproducing their kinds, and nothing but their kinds. So that no degree of affinity, however close, can, in the present state of our science, be urged as To call these influences “natural selection,” afford a clue to determine their relative degree of (3) is a misnomer which will not alter the conditions affinity by a comparison with the pedigrees of well- under which they may produce the desired results. known domesticated races. Again, if there were Selection implies design; the powers to which any such parallelism, the distinctive characteristics Darwin refers the origin of species can design nothing. Selection is no doubt the essential princi- ple on which the raising of breeds is founded; and the subject of breeds is presented in its true light by Darwin: but this process of raising breeds by the selection of favorable subjects is in no way similar to that which regulates specific differences. Nothing is more remote from the truth than the attempted parallelism between the breeds of domes- ticated animals and the species of wild ones. Did there exist such a parallelism as Darwin maintains, the differences among the domesticated breeds should be akin to the differences among wild species; and of different breeds should be akin to the differences which exist between fossil species of earlier periods, Now, let any one familiar with the fossil species of the and those of the same genera now living. the genera Bos and Canis compare them with the races of our dogs and of our cattle, and he will find no correspondence whateyer between them; for the simple reason, that they do not owe their exist- ence to the same causes. It must therefore be distinctly stated, that Darwin has failed to estab- lish a connection between the mode of raising domesticated breeds and the cause or causes to which wild animals owe their specific differences. 94 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. exhibiting any evidence of community of descent; while the power that imparted all their peculiarities to the primitive eggs of all the species now living side by side, could also impart similar peculiarities with similar relations, and all degrees Until, therefore, it can be shown that any one species has the ability to delegate such of relationship, to any number of other species that have existed previously. specified peculiarities and relations to any other species or set of species, it is not logical to assume that such a power is inherent in any animal, or that it con- stitutes part of its nature’ We must look to the original power that imparted life to the first being for the origin of all other beings, however mysterious and inaccessible the modes by which all this diversity has been produced, may remain for us. whole ground? 1 The difficulty of ascertaining the natural limits of some species, and the mistakes made by natu- ralists when describing individual peculiarities as specific, have nothing to do with the question of the origin of species; and yet, Darwin places great weight, in support of his theory, upon the differ- ences which exist among naturalists in their views of species. Some of the metals are difficult to distinguish, and have frequently been mistaken, and the specific differences of some may be questioned ; but what could that have to do with the question of the origin of metals, in the minds of those who Noth- ing more than the blunders of some naturalists, in may doubt the original difference of metals? identifying species, with the origin of species of ani- mals and plants. The great mischief in our science now lies in the self-complacent confidence with which certain zodlogists look upon a few insignificant lines, called diagnoses, which they have the presumption to offer as characteristics of species, or, what is still worse, as checks upon others to secure to themselves a nominal priority. Such a treatment of scientific subjects is unworthy of our age. 2 All the attempts to explain the origin of species may be brought under two categories: some natu- ralists admitting that all organized beings are cre- ated (that is to say, endowed from the beginning of their existence with all their characteristics), while others assume that they arise spontaneously. This classification of the different theories of the origin A plausible explanation is no explanation at all, if it does not cover the of species may appear objectionable to the sup- porters of the transmutation theory ; but I can perceive no essential difference between their views and the old idea that animals may have arisen spontaneously. They differ only in the modes by which the spontaneous appearance is assumed to be effected. Some believe that physical agents may so influence organized beings as to modify them; this is the view of DeMaillet, and the Vestiges of Creation: others believe that the organized beings themselves change in consequence of their own acts, by changing their mode of life, ete.; this is the view of Lamarck: others still assume that ani- mals and plants tend necessarily to improve, in consequence of the struggle for life, in which the favored races are supposed to survive; this is the view lately propounded by Darwin. I believe these theories will, in the end, all share the fate of the theory of spontaneous generations, so called, as the facts of nature shall be confronted more closely with The theories of De- Maillet, Oken, and Lamarck, are already abandoned the theoretical assumptions. by all those who have adopted the transmutation theory of Darwin; and unless Darwin and his followers succeed in showing that the struggle for life tends to something beyond favoring the exist- ence of certain individuals over that of other indi- viduals, they will soon find that they are following a shadow. The assertion of Darwin, which has crept into the title of his work, is, that favored Cuap. II. INDIVIDUALITY AMONG ACALEPHS. 95 Whatever views are correct concerning the origin of species, one thing is certain, that as long as they exist they continue to produce, generation after generation, individuals which differ from one another only in such peculiarities as relate to their individuality. The great defect in Darwin’s treatment of the subject of species lies in the total absence of any statement respecting the features that constitute indi- viduality. Surely, if individuals may vary within the limits assumed by Darwin, he was bound first to show that individuality does not consist of a sum of hereditary characteristics, combined with variable elements, not necessarily transmitted in their integrity, but only of variable elements. That the latter is not the case, stands recorded in every accurate monograph of all the types of the animal kingdom upon which minute embryological investigations have been made. It is known that every individual eg undergoes a series of definite changes before it reaches its mature condition; that every germ formed in the ege passes through a series of meta- morphoses before it assumes the structural features of the adult; that in this development the differences of sex may very early become distinct; and that all this is accomplished in a comparatively very short time,— extremely short, indeed, in comparison to the immeasurable periods required by Darwin’s theory to produce any change among species; and yet all this takes place without any deviation from the original type of the species, though under circumstances which would seem most unfavorable to the maintenance of the type. Whatever minor differences may exist between the products of this succession of generations are all individual peculiarities, in no way connected with the essential features of the species, and therefore as races are preserved; while all his facts go only to substantiate the assertion that favored individuals have a better chance in the struggle for life than others. But who has ever overlooked the fact that myriads of individuals of every species constantly die before coming to maturity? What ought to be shown, if the transmutation theory is to stand, is, that these favored individuals diverge from their specific type; and neither Darwin nor anybody else has furnished a single fact to show that they go on diverging. The criterion of a true theory consists in the facility with which it accounts for facts accumulated in the course of long-continued investi- gations, and for which the existing theories afforded no explanation. It cannot, certainly, be said that Darwin’s theory will stand by that test. It would be easy to invent other theories that might account for the diversity of species quite as well, if not better, than Darwin’s preservation of favored races. The difficulty would only be to prove that they agree with the facts of nature. It might be as- sumed, for instance, that any one primary being contained the possibilities of all those that have followed, in the same manner as the egg of any animal possesses all the elements of the full-grown individual; but this would only remove the diffi- culty one step further back. It would tell us nothing about the nature of the operation by which the change is introduced. Since the knowledge we now have, that similar metamorphoses go on in the eggs of all living beings, has not yet put us on the track of the forces by which the changes they undergo are brought about, it is not likely that by mere guesses we shall arrive at any satisfactory explanation of the very origin of these beings themselves. 96 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I, transient as the individuals; while the specific characters are for ever fixed. A single example will prove this. All the robins of North America now living have been for a short time in existence; not one of them was alive a century ago, when Linnzus for the first time made known that species, under the name of Turdus migratorius, and not one of the specimens observed by Linneeus and_ his contemporaries was alive when the pilgrims of the Mayflower first set foot upon the rock of Plymouth. Where was the species at these different periods, and where is it now? Certainly nowhere but in the individuals alive for the time being ; but not in any single one of them, for that one must be either a male or a female, and not the species; not in a pair of them, for the species exhibits its peculiarities in its mode of breeding, in its nest, in its eggs, In its young, as much as in the appearance of the adult; not in all the individuals of any par- ticular district, for the geographical distribution of a species over its whole area forms also part of its specific characters." A species is only known when its whole history has been ascertained, and that history is recorded in the life of individuals through successive generations. The same kind of argument might be adduced from every existing species, and with still greater force, by a reference to those species already known to the ancients. Let it not be objected, that the individuals of successive generations have pre- sented marked differences among themselves; for these differences, with all the monstrosities that may have occurred during these countless generations, have passed away with the individuals as individual peculiarities, and the specifie char- acteristics alone. have been preserved, together with all that distmguishes the genus, the family, the order, the class, and the branch to which the individual belonged. And all amounting in each individual to the whole range of transformations through which this has been maintained through a succession of repeated changes, an individual passes, from the time it is individualized as an ege to the time it is itself capable of reproducing its kind, and, perhaps, with all the intervening phases of an unequal production of males and females, of sterile individuals, of dwarfs, of giants, ete. ete, during which there were millions of chances for a deviation from the type. Does this not prove, that, while individuals are perish- able, they transmit, generation after generation, all that is specifie or generic, or, in one word, /ypical in them, to the exclusion of every individual peculiarity, which 1 We are so much accustomed to see animals this regular succession. And upon this law the reproducing themselves generation after generation, that the fact no longer attracts our attention, and the mystery involved in it no longer excites our admiration. But there is certainly no more mar- vellous law in all nature than that which regulates maintenance of species depends; for observation teaches us that all that is not individual peculi- arity is unceasingly and integrally reproduced, while all that constitutes individuality, as such, constantly disappears. Cuap. II. INDIVIDUALITY AMONG ACALEPHS. 97 passes away with them; and that, therefore, while individuals alone have a material existence, species, genera, families, orders, classes, and branches of the animal king- dom, exist only as categories of thought in the Supreme Intelligence, and, as such, have as truly an independent existence, and are as unvarying, as thought itself after it has once been expressed. Returning, after this digression, to the question of individuality among Acalephs, we meet here phenomena far more complicated than among higher animals. Indi- viduality, as far as it depends upon material isolation, is complete and absolute in all the higher animals, and there maintained by genetic transmission, generation after generation. Individuality, in that sense, exists only in comparatively few of the Radiates. Among Acalephs it is ascertained only for the Ctenophore and some Discophore. In others, the individuals born from eggs end by dividing into a number of distinct individuals. In others still, the successive individuals derived from a primary one remain connected to form compound communities. We must, therefore, distinguish different kinds and different degrees of individuality, and may eall hereditary indinduality that kind of independent existence manifested in the successive evolutions of a single egg, producing a single individual, as is observed in all the higher animals. We may call derivative or consecutive individuality that kind of independence resulting from an individualization of parts of the product of a single egg. We have such derivative individuals among the Nudibranchiate Mollusks, whose eggs produce singly, by a process of complete segmentation, several independent individuals. We observe a similar phenomenon among those Acalephs, the young of which (Seyphostoma) ends in producing, by transverse division (Stro- bila), a number of independent free Meduse (Ephyre). We have it also among the Hydroids which produce free Meduse. Next, we must distinguish secondary wndidualty, which is inherent in those individuals arising as buds from other indi- viduals, and remaining connected with them. This condition prevails in all the immovable Polyparia and Hydraria, and I say intentionally in the immovable ones ; for, in the movable communities,—such as Renilla, Pennatula, ete., among Polyps, and all the Siphonophoree among Acalephs,—we must still further distinguish another kind of individuality, which I know not how to designate properly, unless the name of complex individuality may he applied to it. In complex individuality a new element is introduced, which is not noticeable in the former case. The individuals of the community are not only connected together, but, under given circumstances, they act together as if they were one individual, while at the same time each individual may perform acts of its own. As to the specific differences observed among , all the disks of which ¢ Mouth.—ee Eyes.—oo Ovaries. — Dave Arab ned Ola but ie last: ww Tentacular spaces. We have thus a complete metamorphosis of an Ephyrowt animal into a perfect Medusa entirely different from it both im form and complication of structure, and this metamorphosis is the sequel of another series of genetic phenomena, during which one single being avising from an egg of Aurelia or Cyanea, at first free and after- wards attached, ends in dividing into a dozen and more, may be twenty and more, distinct free Ephyre, without ceasmg to live, for the Strobila reproduces tentacles below the last Ephyra (/%. 59) before this drops off} and resumes its Scyphostoma or Hydra form. Now, this part of the process is neither a metamorphosis proper nor an alternate generation comparable to that of the ordinary Hydroids, for here the body of the Hydra is partially lost in the formation of the Ephyre. The crown, or row of tentacles, at its actinal end, after separating, dies and decomposes; while the central portion of the Hydra, intermediate between the tentacles and_ its abactinal end, divides into numerous free, active Ephyre, which continue to live until they have completed their metamorphosis, and laid an immense number of eggs. The base of the Hydra, with its new tentacles, also survives, and may live for years. Its further history, to which I shall allude again hereafter, still presents, however, some mystery. In the Hydroids proper, which also produce free Meduse, the origin of the free brood is entirely different, and truly leads to a succession of alternate gener- ations. Arising from the eggs of their free Meduse, these Hydroids, when mature, oo Cuap. IT. LIMITS OF THE CLASS. 107 bring forth buds from different parts of their axis, in different families, and even in different genera of the same family. These buds start either from the stem or from the upper part of the body, or even from the proboscis of the Hydra: they gradually enlarge, and assume the appearance of Meduse, even while still connected with the Hydra, and free themselves finally, and become independent animals, undergoing but slight changes comparatively after their separation, except that they grow larger, develop their sexual organs, and finally lay eggs, out of which arise new Hydre. The Hydre themselves undergo no changes whatever in consequence of this production of free Meduse: they neither lose their tentacles nor any part of their body, and continue to live for an indefinite period of time, and may produce other crops of free Medusx,—although I have not traced directly such a repetition of their reproduction. Here, as im the case of Aurelia and Cyanea, the connection of the free Medusee and the Hydre is unquestionable, and hardly less direct in the one than in the other; for, though the Ephyre are parts of the body of Hydra, the free Medusz of the common Hydroids are buds from Hydra, some of which differ but slightly from the Hydre of Aurelia and Cyanea. If, therefore, the Hydre from which Ephyre arise, belong to the class of Acalephs as young of the highest type of Discophors, surely the Hydra born from the eggs of naked- eyed Meduse, though reproducing again the same kind of Medusz only through buds, must equally belong to that class; and this the more since these Hydra themselves have already been shown to be strictly homologous to Acalephs, and not to Polyps (p. 44). The doubts entertained by some naturalists respecting the systematic position of the Hydroids have arisen from a belief that Hydroids were Polyps, in connection with the fact, disclosed during the last twenty years, that they produce free Meduse, when the following alternative seemed inevitable: either must Polyps and Acalephs be united as a class, or, if considered distinct, it must be acknowledged that Polyps produce Meduse. But neither is true. Hydroids are not genuine Polyps, and the true Polyps may be considered as a distinct class, without forcing upon us the conclusion that they produce Medus; since the Polyp-like Radiates from which free Medus# arise are themselves a low type of Acalephs, remarkable for the polymorphism of its representatives. And yet, however great the diversity of the individuals of one and the same kind of these Acalephs may be, it is easily reduced to two forms, one of which belongs to the Hydra type, the other to the Medusa type. The genetic connection of certain Hydroids and certain free Meduse once established, it remains only to be settled what are the kinds of Acalephs which should be considered as belonging to their type, among those Hydroids not known to produce free Meduswe and among those Meduse not known to originate from 108 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. Hydroids; and also under what common name they should be designated. The answer to these two questions is not difficult. Since the free Meduse known to originate from Hydroids all belong to the type of the Discophore Cryptocarpa of Eschscholtz, the Gymnophthalmata of Forbes, or Craspedota of Gegenbaur, there is presumptive evidence that the final investigation of the true affinities of these Meduse will lead to a natural association of all those which are really and closely related to one another, to the exclusion of the possible foreign admixtures now left in this group, and that such a natural group will in the end embrace all the Meduse originating from Hydroids. It is also possible, however, that such a natural group of Meduse may embrace genera undergoing a direct metamorphosis from the ege to the perfect Medusa without intervening Hydra stock, as we already know that there are higher Discophore, such as Pelagia, which reproduce themselves without passing through the Strobila state. But this would not alter the case of the affinity of such Meduse: it would only show that the natural group to which they belong exhibits a wider range in its modes of development. The systematie position of any Medusa must be determined by an investigation of its special structure, and if there are any Medusex, not arising from Hydroids, but growing up directly from eges to their permanent form, and presenting the same special structure as those that arise from Hydroids, there is no reason why they should be separated. Upon this view we shall hereafter consider the affinities of the A%quoride, the mode of development of which is not yet fully ascertained, and those of the ASginide, some of which are known to undergo a direct metamorphosis. As to the Polyp-like Acalephs already known to produce free Meduse, they have all been united by Johnston into one natural Fig. 61. division, which he has called //y- Fig. 62 AW) droidea. But among these Hydroi- dea there are those which produce no free Meduse, and yet as Hy- droids in no way differ from those that produce them. There © is, therefore, no reason why they should be separated: the less since, HypRACTINIA POLYCLINA, Ag. aes eee instead of free Medusze, they pro- individual, producing male Me- (luce sessile Medusx buds identical HypracTinia POLYCLINA, Ag. See poe % a a 1 ] s D a Sterile individual. —? Fertile individual pro- pemeeretele a re ie in their structure with the free ducing female Medusze. — de Female Meduse, lena ofthe see atts Medusa originating from the other — {rantscat’tiate aia ee ; ‘ o Peduncle of the mouth with short elobular simple knobs o. Hydroids. ( mn account of its re- tentacles. —¢c Individual, with globular ten- 4 oe : ‘i oe . n tacles, upon which no Medusz haye as yet semblance to Siphonophora, Hydractinia (Figs. 61 and appeared, or from which they have already dropped. 62) affords an excellent example of this type. — os Cuap. II. PELAGIA CYANELLA, Pér. and LeS. aa Umbrella. —m m Mouth tentacles or arms ; the prolongation of the angles of the mouth. —tt Marginal tentacles, Medusa bud of HyBocopoNn PROLIFER, Ag. a Base of attachment to the Hydra stock. —o Proboscis.—e Circular chymife- rous tube. — Radiating chymiferous tube.— dt Proliferous Medusa with its single tentacle. —¢ Single tentacle of the primary Medusa. — Nearec An- other small proliferous Medusa-bud. CoRYNE MIRABILIS, Ag. Hydra with a Medusa bud. This bud when freed becomes a Sarsia, Fig. 70. a Stem of the Hydra.—wv Its elub- shaped body. —o Its mouth.—tt Ten- tacles scattered over the body —d Medusa bud. LIMITS OF THE CLASS. It appears thus, that, wheth- er originating from Hydroids or not, all genuine Gymnoph- thalmata, the Discophorz: Cryp- tocarpx of Eschscholtz, must be united into one great natu- ral division with all the genu- ine Hydroids, whether these produce free Medus or not. But, while I acknowledge that the free Meduse born from Hydroids show their Acalephian Free Medusa of HyBocopon PROLIFER, Ag. The longest vertical tube being seen in profile. v Proboscis. —7 o Radiating tubes. — $ Circular tube.—t Tentacle. —m Buds of Medusz, proliferous from its base. Medusa bud of CoryNE MIRABILIS, Ag. The bud represented here sepa- rately, with its base of attachment a cut through, is younger than that represented in its natural connection in Fig. 68d. The free Medusa is represented Fig. 70, and described as Sarsia mirabilis in the Contribu- tions to the Nat. Hist. of the Acalephs. a Base of attachment to the Hydra stock.—o Proboscis. —b Radiating chymiferous tubes. —?t Tentacles. — All the intermediate forms, from the youngest buds to the adult Medusa, will be described in the next yolume. 109 HyBocopon PROLIFER, Ag. a Stem of a single Hydra.—o Its mouth sur- rounded with tentacles.—z¢¢ Its marginal tentacles. —ddd The most advanced of its Meduse buds. Free Medusa of HyBocopon PROLIFER, Ag. Facing the longest chymiferous tube. a Point of attachment before its separa- tion.—c Radiating or vertical chy- miferous tubes, ¢ pointing to the circu- lar tube.—¢ Tentacle.—f Bunch of proliferous Medusze buds. —e Rows of epithelial cells forming distinct bands at the surface. —o Proboscis. The free Medusa, SarsiA, of CoRYNE MIRABILIS, Ag. o Proboscis.— 4 Vertical chymiferous tube. —c Circular tube. —ee Dia- phragm. —¢¢ Tentacles. 110 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr i nature in the resemblance they bear to the common Meduse of the type of Aurelia, Cyanea, and Pelagia (/¥. 65), 1 do not believe that their affinity to the latter is sufficiently close to justify their association with them im one and the same order. (Compare /%gs. 65, 66, and 67, which are the Meduse buds and the free Medusa of the Hydroid of Fy. 64; and Figs. 69 and 70, which are the Me- dusee buds and free Medusa of the Hydroid of Fiy. 68, with genuine Discophore as represented in F¥g. 63.) I take here, therefore, the group of Discophors Crypto- carpe (Figs. 66, 67, and 70) as entirely distinct from that of Discophora Phane- rocarpe (/%y. 63), for which alone, I shall retain the name of Discophora. For the present, I desired only to trace the natural limits of the class of Acalephs, to give examples of their various types, and to prove that the Hydroids cannot be separated from the naked-eyed Meduse any more than from the Siphonophorz. We shall see presently that this natural division differs essentially, as an order, from the Discophore proper, the Steganophthalmata of Forbes, or Aecraspeda of Gegenbaur. VELELLA MuUTICA, Bose. Free Medusa of m So-called mouth. —aa So-called VELELLA MUTICA, Bose tentacles. Between the sterile oF h A, sc. Bunch of Meduse of o Proboseis. — Radiating echy- miferous tubes. — c Circular tube. tentacles and the mouth arise the secondary Hydra, or so- called fertile tentacles, the gono- blastidial Polypites of Huxley. For the united Gymnophthalmata and Hydroidea, there is only one name accept- able, according to the law of priority: they must be called Hyprows. But PuysaviA ARETHUSA, Til. In various stages of develop- ment. a Common hollow base of attach- ment of the whole bunch, com- municating with the chymiferous cavity of the air sac. —b So-called Polyp, or sucker. —d ddd The Medusze buds arising from the simplest kind of Hydre existing in the whole community. Bunch of single Hydre and clusters of Meduse of Puy- SALIA ARETHUSA, Til. 6b The Hydre, with their tenta- cles cc.—dd The bunches of Medusz, this order must further include the Siphonophore, since they likewise exhibit two structural types, some individuals of their communities beme Hydra and others Medusw, variously combined, and the Medusw either becoming free (Fig. 71, derived from Fig. 72) or remaining sessile (#%gs. 73 and 74), as among the majority of the Hydroids proper. As soon as the different families of this order are brought together side by side, and their structure and modes of development are compared, it is impossible to overlook the typical conformity which exists among them, and unites them all into one natural group. Had the peculiar modes of reproduction of the Aca- lephs been known as early as their adult condition, this affinity would have been much sooner recognized. The idea of pedunculated Acalephs, attached to the Cuap. II. LIMITS OF THE OLASS: W ground, must have appeared unnatural to those who were familiar with the large free Medusee so common everywhere; and it is hardly a matter of surprise that even now, there should be naturalists who oppose the views I have here pre- sented. Let it be remembered, however, that it is not so very long since the pedunculated Crinoids were arranged among the Polyps, and that it has only required a direct comparison between them and the free Crinoids to show their close affinity with the other members of the class of Echinoderms. Now, the pedunculated Hydroids bear the same relation to the swimming Hydroids (the Siphonophorx) as the pedunculated Crinoids bear to the free Crinoids; and, the close affinity of the Siphonophoree and Hydroids proper once admitted, their mode of reproduction renders their separation from the higher Acalephs forever impossible, while it forbids, at the same time, their association with the Polyps. That Lucernaria (Figs. 75 and 76) and Mtge 00: Ti geties Millepora (Figs. 77, 78, and 79) belong to the Hydroids proper has already been shown (pp. 59 and 61). Millepora is with Hydractinia (compare Fygs. The nearest affinity of PO\. te mn os p 1 61 and 62); but its mode of reproduction ee oe LuCERNARIA, Seen in profile. has thus far remained unknown. Seen froin above. a Peduncle.—} 6 Tentacular m Mouth.—c c Ovaries. bunches. bb Tentacular bunches. Fig. 79. MILLEPORA ALCICORNIS, Lmk. A branch of the Coral of that name, natural size. The little pro- MILLEPORA ALCICORNIS, Lmk. MILLEPORA ALCICORNIS, Lmk. A Transverse section of a branch of jections along the edge are meant for the extended Polyps. They are extremely shy and delicate, and never show themselves again after a branch has once been taken out of the water. Magnified view of the extended Polyps or Hydroids of the same Coral stock. aa Smaller Hydroids.—> Larger Hy- droid, 7 its mouth, ¢ its tentacles. the Coral stock, magnified. aa Pits of the Hydroids, with their suc- cessive floors. It is very difficult to obtain sections of the pits occupied by the smaller Hydroids. The structural features of all these various representatives of the class of Aca- lephs will, of course, be more fully illustrated in the following chapters. My object here was mainly to show, upon the most general evidence, what are the types of Radiates that constitute the class of Acalephs, and incidentally to call attention to their special affinities. If the views I entertain upon this subject are correct, this class embraces three orders,—the Crexopnorm, the DiscopHor® proper, to the exclusion of the naked-eyed Meduse, and the Hyprow, including the 112 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. naked-eyed Medusx, the Hydroids proper, the Siphonophore, the Milleporide with all the Tabulata of Milne-Edwards, and perhaps the Rugosa also, if their true affinity is actually indicated by the peculiarities of their solid parts and their resemblance to those of the Tabulata. When considering Individuality and Specific Differences as manifested in the class of Acalephs, | have taken an opportunity of showing, upon general grounds, how futile the arguments are upon which the theory of transmutation of species is founded. Having now shown that that class is cireumseribed within definite limits, I may be permitted to add here a few more objections to that theory, based chiefly upon special grounds, connected with the characteristics of classes. If there is any thing striking in the features which distinguish classes, it is the definiteness of their structural peculiarities ; and this definiteness goes on increasing, with new and additional qualifications, as we pass from the class characters to those which mark the orders, the families, the genera, and the species. Granting, for the sake of argument, that organized beings, living at a later period, may have originated by a gradual change of those of earlier periods, one of the most characteristic features of all organized beings remains totally unexplained by the various theories brought forward to explain that change,—the definiteness of their respective groups, be these ever so comprehensive or ever so limited, combined with the greatest inequality in their numeric relations. There exist a few thousand Mammalia and Reptiles, and at least three times their number of Birds and Fishes. There may be about twenty thousand Mollusks; but there are over one hundred thousand Insects, and only a few thousand Radiates. And yet the limits of the class of Insects are as well defined as those of any other class, with the sole exception of the class of Birds, which is unquestionably the most definite im its natural boundaries. | Now, the supporters of the transmutation theory may shape their views in whatever way they please, to suit the requirements of the theory, instead of building the theory upon the facts of nature, and they can never make it appear that the definiteness of the characters of the class of Birds is the result of a common descent of all Birds; for the first Bird must have been brother or cousin to some other animal that was not a Bird, since there are other animals besides Birds in the world, to no one of which does any Bird bear so close a relation as it bears to its own class. The same argument applies to every other class. And as to the facts, they are fatal to such an assumption; for Geology teaches us that among the oldest inhabitants of our globe known, there are representatives of nine distinct classes of animals, which by no possibility can be descendants of one another, since they are contemporaries. The same line of argument and the same class of facts forbid the assumption that either the representatives of one and the same order, or those of one and Cuar. II. GRADATION AMONG ACALEPHS. Iie the same family, or those of one and the same genus, should be considered as lineal descendants of a common stock; for orders, families, and genera are based upon different categories of characters, and not upon more or less extensive char- acters of the same kind, as I have shown years ago (vol. 1, p. 150-163), and numbers of different kinds of representatives of these various groups make their appearance simultaneously in all the successive geological periods. There appear together Corals and Echinoderms of different families and of different genera in the earliest geological formation, and this is equally true of Bryozoa, Brachio- pods, and Lamellibranchiates, of Trilobites and the other Crustacea, in fact of the representatives of all the classes of the animal kingdom, making due allowance for the period of the first appearance of each; and at all times and in all classes, the representatives of these different kinds of groups are found to present the same definiteness in their characteristics and limitation. Were the transmutation theory true, the geological record should exhibit an uninterrupted succession of types, blending gradually into one another. The fact is, that throughout all geological times, each period is characterized by definite, specific types, belonging to definite genera, and these to definite families, referable to definite orders, con- stituting definite classes, and definite branches built upon definite plans. Until the facts of nature are shown to have been mistaken by those who have made them known, and that they have a different meaning from that now generally assigned to them, I shall, therefore, consider the transmutation theory as a scientific mistake, untrue in its facts, unscientific in its method, and mischievous in its tendency. SHC TION ‘V.It. GRADATION AMONG ACALEPHS. Confident that I have correctly ascertained the limits of the class of Acalephs, and that the method I have followed in that investigation is the only one that may furnish the means of avoiding arbitrary decisions with reference to the natural affinities of animals, I now proceed to an inquiry into the gradation or relative standing of the different members of this class. Keeping in view the principles laid down in the first volume of this work (p. 150), this inquiry should lead us to a knowledge of the Orders among Acalephs, if orders, as natural divisions, are based upon the different degrees of complication of the structure of the members of one and the same class; and that this is the true view to take of orders, I have at present not the least doubt. It is certainly so in all the classes, of VOL. Ill. 15 114 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr ik which the natural orders have been most fully investigated. It is so among Polyps, if the Actinoids and Halcyonoids constitute natural orders in that class; for the Haleyonoids, with their eight spheromeres, and lobed tentacles, stand higher than the Actinoids. It is so among Echinoderms, the orders of which truly correspond to different degrees of complication of their structure, and most naturally mark the relative rank of these animals. It is so among Crustacea, taking the Rotifera, the Entomostraca, the Isopods, the Amphipods, the Stomatopods, and the Decapods as their natural orders. It is so among Acephala, if the Bryozoa, the Brachiopods,' the Tunicata, and Lamellibranchiata constitute natural orders. This gradation, in accordance with the complication of structure, is equally apparent among the Batrachians and the true Reptiles; and if it is not traceable at present with the same certainty in all the classes of the animal kingdom, I am inclined to believe that it is not because this principle is incorrect, but because we have not yet obtained a satisfactory standard, by which to determine the relative importance of their structural differences. At all events, a majority of the classes, and those best known to me, coincide with the view I have expressed respecting the meaning of orders. It would be surprisme should there be some classes in which no such gradation exists, when it is so apparent in others. Let us now see what are the different degrees of complication of structure observed among Acalephs. After tracing the special homologies of the Ctenophorae, and ascertaining their close relationship to the ordinary Medusx, it is evident that they belong to the class of Acalephs; but in this class they constitute a natural and distinct order. Their chief difference from the Discophore consists in the mode of ramification of the chymiferous tubes, originating in two main trunks, in opposite directions, each of which is divided into two horizontal branches, and each branch into two horizontal forks; so that the number of horizontal chymiferous tubes is always eight. But, unlike other Acalephs, these tubes do not terminate at the periphery, but open into eight vertical branches, converging in opposite directions towards the actinal and the abactinal ends of the body, and giving out minor branches into the spherosome. The main trunks of these vertical branches are parallel to the surface of the spherosome, and follow the same course as the rows of locomotive flappers, which extend, like eight ribs, upon the surface of the body. Towards the actinal and towards the abactinal poles of the spherosome, the vertical branches of 1 The position I have assigned to the Brachio- irresistible that Bryozoa and Brachiopods are more pods, near the Bryozoa, has been confirmed by a closely related to one another than any other groups paper just published, in which a Brachiopod is of Acephala. See Beschreibung einer Brachiopoden- described, resembling so closely a young Bryozoan larve von Fritz Miriier in Desterro (Brasilien), just hatched from the egg, that the conclusion is in Archiv fiir Anat. Phys. und wiss. Med. 1860, p. 72. Cuap. II. GRADATION AMONG ACALEPHS. 115 the chymiferous tubes terminate in different ways m different genera; anastomozing in a more or less direct manner with one another around the actinostome. Besides the vertical chymiferous tubes which follow the course of the rows of flappers, there are two other vertical chymiferous tubes, presenting various degrees of com- plication in different genera. These two tubes are placed opposite to one another, in the same direction as the main branches of the whole system. All Ctenophore have a decided tendency to a bilateral symmetry, their body being more or less compressed. In some the outline is spheroidal, in others more cylindrical, while in others still, the spherosome expands on the actinal side of the body into wing- like appendages. The most prominent peculiarities of the Ctenophore as an order consist, there- fore, in the complication of their system of chymiferous tubes, in the presence of locomotive flappers on the surface, and in a tendency to a bilateral symmetry, resulting from the inequality of their spheromeres. All these peculiarities show distinctly that the Ctenophore are superior to the Discophore ; for in the latter the chymiferous tubes simply radiate from the main cavity towards the periphery, and, when branching, divide in one and the same plane. Moreover, Discophore have no rows of locomotive flappers, and move only by the contraction of their spherosome, which assumes the form of a hemispheric disk, spreading uniformly in every direction, without exhibiting the slightest tendency to bilateral symmetry. It is true that in Discophore the actinostome is apparently more complicated than in Ctenophore, because it is surrounded by long appendages hanging below the main cavity; but, notwithstanding this seeming superiority of development, it will be shown hereafter that the actinostome of the Ctenophore is in reality more highly organized than that of the Discophore, although the bulk of its appendages in the latter gives it a greater prominence. It is true also that in a large number of Discophoree the margin of the disk is provided with numerous tentacles, but these tentacles are only peripheric diverticles of the chymiferous tubes, and in no way constitute a higher complication of that system than the vertical branches of the chymiferous tubes of the Ctenophore with their locomotive flappers. It is true also that the Discophore have distinct sexes, their ovaries and spermaries forming large bunches, in separate cavities, while the Cte- nophore are hermaphrodites ; but the special arrangement of the ovaries and spermaries in the latter, placed as they are on opposite sides of the vertical branches of the chymiferous tubes, contributes to render the complication of the structure of each individual more apparent in Ctenophore than in Discophore. It is true also that the Discophore have eight, and sometimes twelve or even more distinct eyes at the end of their radiating chymiferous tubes, while in Cte- nophore there is a single eye at the abactinal pole; but then that single eye 116 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. stands in direct communication with a special stem of the chymiferous system, occupying a central position in the axis of the body, while in Discophore there is one eye to each simple radiating tube. Thus, whatever be the special combination of the organs in the Discophore proper, and however high they may appear to stand on account of the extra- ordinary development of some of their parts, the sum total of the structural complication in the Ctenophorz is unquestionably greater than that of the Dis- cophore. This will appear more distinctly, when we consider the similarity in general appearance of the Discophore to the naked-eyed Medusee born from Hydroids. In this connection it must also be remembered, that, while the majority of Discophore enjoy only a consecutive individuality (see p. 97), since several Meduse arise from the division of one single larva, in Ctenophore the reproduction takes place by a direct metamorphosis, each ege producing a single individual. If multiplication of identical parts is everywhere an indication of inferiority, and definite numbers with definite relations a mark of superiority, Ctenophora will undoubtedly take the lead in that respect also over the Discophora, in which repetition of identical parts prevails, without a perceptible difference in their relations ; while in Ctenophorz the number of spherosomes never varies, and there exist between them such definite relations as simulate bilateral symmetry. The Hydroids, as a whole, and considered within the limits assigned to that order in the preceding section, unquestionably occupy the lowest place in the class. For, in addition to the permanent character of indefinite repetition of identical parts, we observe among them, almost universally, a more or less characteristic polymorphism, sometimes to such an extent that it becomes difficult to distinguish secondary individuals from actual organs. Individuality is almost lost in the dependence in which the members of a community stand toward each other. Even when individuality becomes most prominent, it is so in individuals which are short-lived, in comparison to the duration of the combined individuals to which they owe their existence. That the Discophore proper constitute a distinct order by themselves, appears plainly from the higher complication of their structure when compared to that of the naked-eyed Medusx. In the latter, the radiating chymiferous tubes are all alike, equally distant one from another, simple, and either few or very numerous, and meet with a simple circular tube, instead of forming a complicated network of anastomoses along the margin of the disk, as in the Discophorze proper, whose radiating tubes are alternately more or less complicated in their course, some extending as straight tubes to the margin of the disk and communicating with the base of the eyes, while others branch in various ways, and end in a net- work of anastomoses at the margin. In Discophorz proper, there exist always Cuar. IL. GRADATION AMONG ACALEPHS. 7 highly organized eyes, in definite number, and these eyes are always placed at the marginal end of some specially organized radiating tube, alternating with other tubes of a different character; thus exhibiting a higher complication of these parts, not only in their structure, but also in the definiteness of their relations to one another, in their alternation with one another, and in their numeric limitation. Some Discophors have no other marginal organs besides eyes; but there are those that are provided with variously combined tentacles also: in none, however, are the eye-specks connected with tentacles, though the eyes are themselves modified tentacles. In the naked-eyed Medusx, the ovaries and spermaries follow the track of the radiating chymiferous tubes, and are variously circumscribed in their extent: in some, they are limited to the walls of the proboscis, in others they extend all along the chymiferous tubes proper, and in others they occupy only a part of the course of these tubes; but they are never circumscribed within distinct pouches, as in the Discophore proper. In these, the ovaries and spermaries bear identical homological relations to the chymiferous tubes, as far as their position is concerned ; but, owing to their higher development and to their isolation, they form distinct bunches, hanging in distinct pouches on the lower side of the disk, and stand in definite relations to the parts surrounding the actinostome, through which the eggs are laid, while in the naked-eyed Meduse the eggs simply drop from the ovary into the water without ever passing through the actinostome. Imperfect and injured specimens may leave a different impression respecting the mode of escape of the eggs from the ovaries; but I shall show hereafter that these egg pouches are really closed, and do not naturally open outward, as Ehrenberg represents them, but communicate only with the main cavity of the body, and through it with the actinostome, through which the eggs or the young finally make their escape into the water, after having remained for a longer or shorter time suspended in the peripheric folds of the actinostome. In Discophoree proper, the actinostome is far more complicated than in the naked-eyed Medusee. In the latter, it is only a projecting fold of the lower wall of the spherosome, either extending simply as a circular rim beyond the main cavity, with or without fringes, or forming a more or less elongated proboscis. In Discophorse proper, the actinostome is as it were suspended between distinct pillars hanging from the spherosome, which expand into more or less complicated leafy folds, the edges of which are either free, as in Aurelia, Pelagia, Cyanea, etc., or partially soldered together, as in Rhizostoma, Polyclonia, ete. thus forming either open or partially closed channels leading from their peripheric termination to the main cavity, which is itself wide and capacious, and supported laterally by the pillars of the actinostome. The cavities formed by the leafy folds of the acti- 118 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Parr I. nostome are so far distinct from the main cavity, that they only communicate with it through the channels extending along the centre of these folds; while in the naked- eyed Medusx the actinostome opens broadly into the main cavity. The chymiferous tubes arise from the upper part of the sides of the maim cavity. It thus appears that the Discophore proper have a far more complicated struct- ure than the naked-eyed Medusx, and that, in a natural classification, they cannot therefore be united into one and the same order, as has thus far been done by most naturalists. Moreover, the Discophorse resemble one another very much in their general appearance and in their motions, which are effected by a slow alternate expansion and contraction of the dise. The Hydroids, as the lowest order of the class of Acalephs, are far more In the first place we find among them simple Hydroids, in the next place more or less diversified among themselves than either the Ctenophore or Discophors.! medusoid Hydroids, then communities of variously combined individuals with more or less medusoid or hydroid characters; and among these communities there are 1 Jt is a striking fact, conflicting with all pre- conceived ideas, that throughout the animal king- dom, the lower types, in every class, are far more diversified than their higher representatives. It is so among Polyps, if the Actinoids are inferior to the Haleyonoids ; it is so again among the Actinoids, if the Madrepores are the highest among them. It is so among the Acalephs, if the Ctenophore are the highest and the Hydroids the lowest. It is so among Echinoderms, if the Holothurians stand highest and the Crinoids lowest. It is so among Acephala, if the Bryozoa belong to that class. It is so among Gasteropods, if the Pulmonates are superior to the Branchiates. It is so among Cepha- lopods, if the Dibranchiates deserve to be placed above the Tetrabranchiates. It is so among Worms, if the Helminths belong to the same class with the Amnelids. It is so among Crustacea, if Rotifera and Entomostraca are their lowest representatives. It is so among Insects, if the Myriapods and Arach- nids are united into one class with the Insects proper; and it would still be so if the winged Insects were considered as a class by themselves, for the madibulate Insects are more numerous and more diversified than the sucking Insects, and those which undergo the most complete metamorphoses fewer and less diversified than those whose meta- morphoses are less complete. It is so among Fishes, if the bony Fishes are inferior to the Se- lachians. It is so among Amphibians, if the caudate Amphibians are inferior to the Frogs and Toads. It is so among Reptiles proper, if the Chelonians deserve the highest, and the Ophidians the lowest, place in that class. It is so among Birds, if the It is so among Mammalia, if we contrast the Marsupials Palmipeds are their lowest representatives. with the higher Mammalia; or if, among the latter, we compare the Rodents with the Human family. Of course, this greater diversity does not involve respectively greater differences among the lower representatives of any class when compared to one another, than among the highest; since their very inferiority, combined with great diversity, renders the possible amount of difference among the many lower ones less than among the fewer more highly organized ones. This very extraordinary diversity among the lowest types of all the classes of the animal kingdom stands in flagrant contradiction with Darwin’s theory of the origin of species, according to which the lowest types should grad- ually give way to higher and higher types, in consequence of the struggle for life. Cuap. II. GRADATION AMONG ACALEPHS. 119 those which produce free Meduse, and others which do not; some which consist entirely of Hydra, and others of combined Hydra and Meduse; some start from Hydre, others from Medusxe,—the communities themselves consisting either of a larger number of Hydroids, or of a larger number of Medusew, when the two types are combined. These various combinations lead naturally to the formation of subordinate groups among Hydroids. Considering the mode of reproduction of the Acalephs in general, the highest Hydroids would, of course, be those in which the medusoid elements prevail, and the lowest, those in which the hydroid elements are most prominent. We have, therefore, to inquire first whether there are any genuine naked-eyed Medusze which do not originate from Hydra, in order to answer a question already raised respecting the true limits of the order of Hydroids, and the true position of the Aquoride and Adginide. There are Aiginide, unquestionably, which undergo a direct metamorphosis, and it is probable that this is the case with all of them. But are the Mginide genuime naked-eyed Meduse, or a low type of the Discophore allied to the Charybdeide ? My knowledge of this family is too limited to enable me to speak confidently upon that point; but I am inclined to consider them as belonging rather to the Discophore proper than to the Hydroids. In the first place the Aginide have no radiating chymiferous tubes, as all true naked-eyed Medusze have; but instead of them there arise broad, flat pouches from the main cavity, extending toward the margin of the disk, as in Ephyra, the young of Aurelia and Cyanea, and as in the adult of the latter and of many other genera of Discophors proper. The ginide have no circular chymiferous tube, as all true naked-eyed Meduse have. Again, the tentacles of the Alginide are not strictly marginal, and, in the absence of a circular tube, cannot be closely connected with it as is the case in all true naked-eyed Meduse, but are in direct communication with the radiating pouches of the main cavity, as in Pelagia and Cyanea. If, then, for these reasons, the Aiginide should be associated with the higher Discophors, instead of oceupying a place among the naked-eyed Meduse, the importance attached by Gegenbaur to the marginal seam of the umbrella, as a distinctive character of the lower Discophore, would be greatly lessened; and I rather think rightly so, for many of the higher Discophore, and among them our common Aurelia, have the margin of their umbrella not only very thin, but twmed inward and downward as in all Craspedota, and their tentacles arise between indentations of the disc (Pl. VIL. Figs. 2, 3, and 4; Pl. VILL. Mg. 5, and Pl. IX. Mig. 4), at some distance from its margin, as is the case in the Aginide. As to the Aquoride, I have no doubt that they are genuine Hydroids, though I have not been able to trace with certainty the origin of the quorea of our coast to any true Hydroid. But the structure of Aquorea, in its adult 120 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. Medusa state, is so strictly homologous to that of all other naked-eyed Meduse, that, even if it were ascertained that it undergoes a direct metamorphosis from the egg to the perfect Medusa, I would not hesitate to consider it as a member of the order of Hydroids, since it has simple radiating chymiferous tubes, a circular tube, and marginal tentacles closely connected with it, and provided with mere pigment specks upon their base. It will require a more extensive knowledge than we now possess of the development of all Hydroids, before the relative standing of their various types can definitely be ascertained. As far as our information goes, the rank of Hydroids among themselves does not seem to be determined primarily by the production of free Medusx, since Campanulariz produce free Meduse ; while among Tubularie we have those which bring forth free Meduse, and others which do not. The distinet- ness of the medusoid and hydroid elements, without reference to the liberation of the Medusx, seems more significant; for, unquestionably, a Physalia with its extra- ordinary polymorphism has an organization inferior to that of a Sarsia born from a Coryne. In the first case we have a very complicated community, it is true, but it consists chiefly of low, heterogeneous elements variously combined, and the Medusz buds themselves are of the simplest kind, and without tentacles; while in the second case the hydroid and medusoid elements are quite distinct, and the Meduse arising from the simple Hydrarium are as perfect as any other naked-eyed Meduse. The same may be said of Lizzia, Hippocrene, and Hybocodon, all of which have a limited and definite number of radiating chymiferous tubes, a limited and definite number of tentacles or bunches of tentacles, all characters which seem to assign to them a marked superiority over Tiaropsis and Thaumantias with their numerous marginal tentacles which arise from Campanulariw, that is, from Hydroids exhibiting already signs of polymorphism, while the Hydraria from which Sarsia, Lizzia, ete., arise, consist only of one kind of Hydre. It would thus appear that the distinctness of the hydroid and medusoid elements in this order is inverse to the polymorphism of their communities. The Medusze buds of most Siphonophore play a rather indifferent part in their economy; and yet their prominence coincides with the degree of complication of the hydroid and medusoid elements of their communities. Velella, the community of which consists only of two kinds of Hydra, produces distinct free Medusxe; while the Diphyidz and the Physophoridx, in which the hydroid and medusoid elements are most completely mixed, are also those which are most remote from the true type of Discophora, and resemble most, in their mode of living, the free locomotive Polyp communities. But even as compound communities consisting of heterogeneous elements, it is remarkable that those in which the medusoid elements prevail are also the most active, while those in which the hydroid elements are predominant, are more Cuap. IL. GRADATION AMONG ACALEPHS. 121 floating than active. A comparison between Porpita, Velella, and Physalia on one side, and the Diphyidwe and Physophoride on the other side, cannot fail to convince any one who has seen any of these animals alive of the truth of this general statement. When describing, in the sequel, the North American Hydroids in detail, I shall have an opportunity of showing that the subdivisions founded upon the differences here noticed among these animals are genuine sub-orders, and neither orders nor families. Though I have not the remotest doubt that the Tabulata (Migs. 81 and 82) are genuine Hydroids, I am not quite so confident that the Rugosa (71. 80) also belong SS GONIOPHYLLUM PYRAMIDALE, (Copied from M.-Edwards §: Haime.) Upper figure, view from above; lower figure, profile. Fossil of the Silurian period. Comp. Lucernaria, p- 111, Figs. 75 and 76. MILLEPORA ALCICORNIS, Link. Transverse section of a branch of the Coral stock, magnified. aa Pits of the Hydroids, with their suc- cessive floors. It is very difficult to obtain sections of the pits occupied by the smaller Hydroids. BEAUMONTIA EGERTONI, (Copied from M.-Edwards § Haime.) Fossil of the Carboniferous period. It resembles so closely the living Po- cillopores, that it certainly belongs to the same sub-order. to this class. I have not had sufficient opportunity of studying the Rugosa anew, since I have known the acalephian affinities of the Tabulata, to feel justified in expressing a decided opinion upon that point. I will therefore simply present my reasons for believing that the Rugosa belong to the same class as the Tabulata. The cavity occupied by the animal is divided by horizontal floors, evidently built successively as in course of its growth the animal rose higher and higher, and these floors are continuous from wall to wall across the whole width of the cavity of the Coral; and wherever there exist radiating partitions, they rise only from the surface of these floors, without extending through them to any other floor above or below. No Coral known to be the solid frame of a Polyp has On the contrary, in Polyparia the radiating partitions of the individual cavities occupied by distinct animals extend uninterruptedly from top to bottom of their cavities, and if there exist horizontal floors, these stretch only across the intervals between two radiating partitions, and never across the whole such a structure. cavity occupied by the Polyp. The radiating partitions of the Rugosa, beside being limited to successive floors, present another striking peculiarity, never observed among the Polyps,— they are arranged in fours, or multiples of four. VOL. IIL 16 This quadri- 122 ACALEPHS IN GENERAL. Part I. partite structure of the Rugosa is an acalephian feature, nowhere observed among true Polyps, but characteristic of Lucernaria, which is a genuine Hydroid Acaleph. I may also allude to a more remote argument for referrmg the Rugosa to the Acalephs. There are simple ones among them, and others forming rather loose communities, composed of comparatively few individuals; but, whether simple or combined, each individual of this type, with its successive floors, presents a striking resemblance to a Strobila. Rugosa, indeed, may be considered as a prototype of the Acalephs, combining the most characteristic embryonic features of the class with the simplicity and peculiarity of structure of its lowest type. When considering the different orders of Acalephs singly, I shall show that their families are founded upon different patterns of form, their genera upon ultimate structural details, and their species upon the proportions of their parts, and the relations of individuals to one another and to the surrounding mediums. To introduce these topics here, would involve me in an amount of details, which are best referred to the special parts of this monograph. Although an order in Zodlogy especially signifies the relative rank of the members of a class, as exhibited in the complication of their structure, it is not in the orders alone that we recognize different degrees and different kinds of superiority or inferiority. As I have already stated elsewhere (vol. 1, p. 152), groups of a more or less comprehensive value may exhibit a relative superiority or inferiority; nor is an order a natural group that has no other meaning but that which it derives from its higher or lower position. The primary branches of the animal kingdom do not all stand on a level: Radiates, as such, are un- questionably inferior to Mollusks or Articulates or Vertebrates, even though some Radiates may have a more highly complicated organization than some of the lowest Fishes. We assign to the Radiates a lower position than that of the other branches, because the elements of their plan of structure are of an inferior stamp; and we place the Vertebrates highest, because the plan of their structure is in itself the most complicated: but it would be difficult to weigh the different organic tendencies combined in either the Mollusks or Articulates so nicely as to prove that either of them is superior to the other, though, unquestionably, as primary divisions of the animal kingdom, they are superior to the Radiates and inferior to the Verte- brates. The idea of placing either the Mollusks or the Articulates immediately above the Radiates, so as to establish a gradual transition between them and the Vertebrates, seems entirely out of the question, since the most distinguished natu- ralists who have attempted to arrange the first primary divisions of the animal kingdom in a series have failed to produce convincing arguments in favor of the superiority of the Mollusks over the Articulates, or of the latter over the former. The fact is, there is quite as high authority for one as for the other position 2 il Cuap. II. GRADATION AMONG ACALEPHS. 128 of these two branches. The most natural view seems to me to be that which assigns to them an equal standing, and recognizes their difference in the different tendencies of their plan; so that, taking the sum of their characteristics, the four primary branches of the animal kingdom should not be placed in one series. Their true relations seem to be best expressed by a diagram like this :— VERTEBRATES, MOLLUSKS, ARTICULATES, RADIATES. Again, the different classes of each branch show a relative superiority one above the other. Polyps as a class are certainly inferior to Acalephs as a class, and these, again, inferior to Echinoderms. Acephala as a class are unquestionably inferior to Gasteropoda, and these, again, inferior to Cephalopoda. Worms as a class are certainly inferior to Crustacea, and these in their turn inferior to Insects, etc. And yet there are Worms, such as the higher Annelids, in which the structural complication much exceeds that of the lowest Crustacea, such as the Rotifera. Some Lamellibranchiates are much more highly organized than some of the Phle- benterate Gasteropods. Some of the Fishes may be considered superior to some Batrachian Reptiles; but no Reptile seems to rise to a level with Birds. Here again we see, therefore, that difference of rank is only a secondary feature for classes. The same may be said of families and of genera, as well as of species, and it is much to be lamented that our language has not a greater variety of words to express the many shades of relative standing; so that we are limited to the almost exclusive use of the words superior and inferior, which are inadequate to render the comparative relations of beings in themselves so exquisitely organized as are the representatives of every class in the animal kingdom. In the groups called orders, however, the idea of superiority and inferiority seems to be the prevalent feature. Yet orders themselves exhibit also another kind of relations, to which I have already incidentally alluded in an article on the Categories of Analogy, added to the London edition of my Essay on Classification! It is curious to observe how the views entertained by Oken? respecting certain affinities among animals, resulting, in his opinion, from the repetition of the same principle in groups of different value, loom up again in the relations of the orders of certain classes to other groups, to which they themselves do not belong. If it be true that Hydroids, Discophore, and Ctenophore are three distinct orders among 158 CTENOPHORA. Part II. of their parts, and their attitudes, will be unavoidable, and the same motion in two different types of this order might be designated by contrary expressions. The only way of avoiding these difficulties is to adopt a nomenclature in accordance with the general homologies of these animals, and to keep in view the fact that the normal attitude of all the Radiates is that in which their main axis is placed in a vertical position. With this understanding we may then say, that, when at rest, Bolina and allied genera stand upright, with the actmostome turned down- ward; that Pleurobrachia also stands upright, but with the actimostome turned upward; that Idyia lies nearly horizontally, with the actimostome slanting slightly downward; and that Bolina and Idyia move with the abactinal pole forward, while Pleurobrachia moves with the actinal pole forward. Next, we have to distinguish two other diameters, at right angles with one another and with the main vertical axis. In order correctly to appreciate the peculiar symmetry of the Ctenophore, it must be remembered, in the first place, that their body is made up of eight spheromeres, arranged in pairs on opposite sides of an imaginary plane dividmg the whole structure into equal halves, and passing through the longer diameter of the circumscribed area of the abactinal pole, as well as through the longer diameter of the actinostome and of the digestive cavity; and, in the second place, that there are two or more distinct radiating tubes, opposite one another, and respectively intermediate between two rows of locomotive flappers, trending in the direction of another imaginary plane dividing also the whole structure into equal halves, but at right angles with the first. Thus the body of the Ctenophore may he divided into equal halves in two opposite directions ; but the greatest diameter of these two sets of halves is not equal: that which passes, at right angles with the main axis, through the longer diameter of the actinostome and of the circumscribed area, is either greater or smaller than that which passes through the two intermediate radiating tubes, and the preponderance of the one over the other seems to be typical in different groups of Ctenophore. In Idyia, the transverse diameter passing through the intermediate radiating tubes is much shorter than that which coincides with the longer diameter of the actinostome ; while in Pleurobrachia the relations are reversed, the transverse diameter passing through the intermediate radiating tubes being longer than the other, except that fo) in this type the difference between the length of these two diameters is not so marked. Bolina, again, coincides with Idyia as to the respective length of its transverse diameters, and exhibits the same disproportion between the two. We have thus, unmistakably, two different kinds of transverse diameters, though in different representatives of the order one or the other of the two kinds may be respectively the longer or the shorter. This distinction once recognized, the question arises how far one of these diameters may be considered as lateral, and Cuap. I. STRUCTURAL FEATURES. 159 the other longitudinal or antero-posterior. This question can only be answered in connection with those features in the structure of certaim Radiates which exhibit more distinct traces of bilateral symmetry than the Ctenophore, and in which right and left become unmistakable in consequence of the presence of an odd spherosome. Such combinations exist among the Echmoderms, in which, in addition to two or more pairs of spheromeres, there is an odd one, in the direction of a plane passing through the opposite ends of the alimentary canal. And now, when it is con- sidered that the tendency of the digestive tube to open in an excentric position coincides with the elongation of the body of Echinoderms, and that the anus is farthest removed from the mouth in those Spatangoids in which bilateral symmetry is most strikingly blended with radiation; when it is further considered, that in these animals the odd ambulacral zone coincides with the diameter along which the mouth and anus are placed, at opposite ends of the body, and that the sym- metrical pairs of ambulacral zones are placed on opposite sides of that longitudinal diameter, — the conclusion seems irresistible, that the flattening of the digestive cavity of the Ctenophore in the direction of the longer diameter of the actinostome is the first indication among Acalephs of a tendency to form an alimentary canal in the direction of the longitudinal diameter of their body, and that the additional radiating tubes must be lateral. Another consideration seems to militate in favor of that view. Admitting the general homology of the radiating chymiferous tubes with the ambulacral system of the Echinoderms, and that there are as many spheromeres in the body of Radiates as there are main branches of these systems, it must be apparent, that while the majority of Echinoderms have five spheromeres, the Ctenophorz have eight; that in Echinoderms there are two pairs and an odd one, and in Cte- nophore four pairs; and that, therefore, the zones alternating with the ambulacra in Echinoderms form also two pairs, with an odd interambulacral zone opposite the odd ambulacral zone, while in Ctenophors there are four pairs of zones homologous to the ambulacra, and four pairs homologous to the interambulacral zones. — If, therefore, the diameter passing through the intermediate chymiferous tubes were considered as the antero-posterior diameter, there would be identical zones, that. is, interambulacral zones, at both ends of that diameter; while in Echinoderms, the zone at one end of the longitudinal diameter differs from that at the other end, one being ambulacral and the other interambulacral. Now it is true, as there is no odd zone im Ctenophore, it may seem indifferent to consider either of their interambulacral zones in the direction of the transverse diameters as the anterior and posterior or the lateral ones; but if there is no odd zone, there is at least a substantial reason for considering the diameter which coincides with the longer diameter of the actinostome as the antero-posterior diameter, namely, the fact that 160 CTENOPHORA. Part II. in the Actinoids, in which the digestive cavity is compressed in the same manner as in the Ctenophore, one end of the actinostome differs in form and structure and functions from the other end, which amounts to a difference between the two ends of the compressed digestive cavity, analogous to the difference existing between the odd ambulacral and the odd = interambulacral zone at the two ends of the antero-posterior diameter of the Echinoderms. I do not, therefore, hesitate in considering that transverse diameter of the Ctenophorx which comeides with the longer diameter of the actinostome and of the circumscribed area as the longitudinal diameter of these animals, and that which traverses the body im the direction of the intermediate chymiferous tubes as the lateral diameter, and these tubes therefore as an interambulacral structure homologous to the imterambulacral vesicles or tubes of the aquiferous system of the Echinoderms, and not homologous to the radiating chymiferous tubes nor to the ambulacral tubes proper. As soon as these comparisons are admitted as correct, it must be also acknowledged, further, that one of the leading peculiarities of the Radiates consists in the position of the mouth, which, instead of appearing at the anterior end of the longitudinal or antero-posterior diameter, is placed at the actinal end of the vertical diameter, or, in other words, in the centre of radiation of the whole structure. The special structure of the Ctenophore readily accounts for their peculiar symmetry. Built up of eight homologous segments, their spheroidal body would approach much nearer to a sphere, the primary form of all Radiates, were these segments or spheromeres not unequal among themselves in certain directions, and again perfectly identical in every respect in other directions. Had the similarity of the structure of the Acalephs and Echinoderms been sooner traced in its details, —had, especially, the repetition of homologous segments around the vertical axis of the Acalephs, and the homology of these segments and the ambulacral zones of the Echinoderms, been perceived,—it would have been easy to recognize the foundation of their resemblance as well as that of their difference. The typical architecture of the Echinoderms depends upon the presence of five homologous zones, occasionally reduced to four, and sometimes increased to a larger number ; while that of the Ctenophore is based upon eight homologous segments. These parts are distinguished by special homologies in their respective classes, but present an unmistakable general homology when compared to one another. When tracing these general homologies, it must, however, be remembered, that the distinction of ambulacral and interambulacral zones, introduced in the characteristics of the Echi- noderms, should be discarded to the extent to which they merely express a speciali- zation of parts peculiar to that class, since, in the Holothurians, the interambulacral zones are not more distinct than in the Ctenophore. Reealling now to our mind the statement made before, that the body of the Cuar. I. STRUCTURAL FEATURES. 161 Ctenophore has a vertical main axis, which is usually the greatest diameter of the spherosome, and two distinct transverse diameters, one of which is to be con- sidered as the antero-posterior or longitudinal, and the other as the transverse, diameter proper, it will appear that the eight spheromeres are arranged in _ pairs upon the sides of the longitudinal diameter, in such a manner that there are two pairs upon the sides, one pair in front, and one pair behind,—one spheromere of each pair being on one side, and the other on the other side, of the longitudinal diameter. Now, in all Ctenophore, the spheromeres, which as pairs correspond to one another, are always equally developed and of exactly the same structure, the same size, and the same form, balancing one another completely upon the two sides of the body, so that the spherosome exhibits no trace of one-sidedness or unequal bulging, as exists in some of the Acephala. But while this is so, so long as we compare the spheromeres of one and the same pair with one another, the symmetry of the spherosome assumes a very different aspect when we -extend the comparison from one pair to another pair; for while the anterior and the posterior pairs are again identical in structure, size, and form, they balance one another in opposite directions, and differ still more widely from the two lateral pairs, which also balance one another in opposite directions. These differences may be carried so far that the anterior and the posterior pair balancing one another symmetrically may be much more developed than the lateral pairs, and have a greatly modified though homological structure. The natural consequence of this peculiar symmetry is, that the anterior and posterior surfaces of the spherosome are exactly alike; and that therefore, notwithstanding the existence of a distinct antero-posterior diameter, it is impossible to determine which is its anterior and which its posterior end. For the same reason it is impossible to determine which is the right and which is the left side, even though it cannot be doubted that there are two symmetrical pairs of lateral spheromeres. We are, on that account, unable to distinguish the regions of the body of the Ctenophore with all the desirable precision, and shall be obliged to designate four of the spheromeres as the lateral spheromeres, and the four others as the anterior or posterior spheromeres; remembering, however, that one pair of the latter stands opposed to the other, while two single sphero- meres belonging to different pairs are opposed to one another upon the sides. The intermediate or interambulacral chymiferous tubes are always placed between two lateral spheromeres. This is a truly remarkable feature of the Ctenophore, unique among Acalephs, since all the other types of the class have all their spheromeres evenly balanced. We shall see presently, that this peculiarity stands in direct relation to the general mode of branching of the chymiferous tubes. I may, however, at once call attention to the bearing which this fact has upon the whole symmetry of the Acalephs. In giving prominence to the sides, it renders the VOL. II. 21 162 CTENOPHORA. Parr II. bilateral symmetry of the Ctenophorz even more conspicuous, and certainly more perfect, than in most Echinoderms, notwithstanding the presence of an odd zone in these; for as soon as the anterior extremity of the body assumes prominence by its specialization, the sides recede, as it were, to a lower relation. But in Echinoderms there is no such specialization of the anterior extremity: the structural progress of this class over the Acalephs consists only in the introduction of an odd zone. This zone is mostly identical in structure with the lateral zones, and scarcely ever so far differentiated as to give preponderance to the sides in the general configuration of the body. In Ctenophorze, on the contrary, the absence of an odd spheromere, combined with the identity of development of the anterior and of the posterior pairs, and the differentiation of the two lateral pairs, including an additional, interambulacral chymiferous tube, throws the whole weight of the extreme structural differences of the spheromeres upon the sides, in such perfect balance with reference to the antero-posterior diameter, that the reciprocal action of the most important function in the life of these animals is to be traced in the alternate contractions of the two sides of the body. Again, the opposite poles of the main axis are strikingly contrasted: at one end we find the mouth or actinostome, and at the other end the circumscribed area, and in an asymetrical relation to it, the two discharging openings of the chymiferous system. The curves of the sides contribute also to render the contrast between the actinal and abactinal poles more prominent. Thus, in Ctenophor the opposite ends of their three diameters are evenly balanced, presenting identical parts in antitropic relations on the anterior and posterior sides and on the lateral sides of the body, and heterogeneous parts in similar relations on opposite poles. As in all Radiates, the body of the Ctenophore is a spherosome; that is to say, it is essentially radiated in its structure, and as in all Acalephs it consists of cells, and of cells only, variously combined and of a variety of forms. There are no specialized tissues in it. The distinction of a muscular system, as described in my former papers upon Acalephs, was a mistake, as will be shown hereafter, arising from the peculiar constitution of the motory cells; nor is there a distinct nervous system. The whole bulk of the body is made up of large contractile cells, and is covered with epithelial cells, which also line the digestive cavity and the system of chymiferous tubes arising from its abactinal prolongation. The thickness and form of the spherosome yary in different families; the size and form of the digestive cavity, and the mode of ramification of the system of chymiferous tubes, also exhibit striking differences: but all Ctenophore agree in this, that the sphero- some has a uniform structure, being made up of a continuous mass of large motory cells, combined into distinct systems, bearing definite relations to the various and complicated motions of the different parts of the body. The assumption of Mertens, Cuar. I. STRUCTURAL FEATURES. 163 that some Ctenophoree have a mantle, which is wanting in others, is incorrect. As we shall see in the sequel, the lobe-like appendages of the anterior and pos- terior spheromeres of some representatives of this order are direct prolongations of the spherosome, over which the rows of locomotive flappers are extended, and to which they bear the same relations as in the more spheroidal or more cylindrical forms. The chymiferous tubes also extend uninterruptedly into these lobes, in the same manner as they extend into the peripheric parts of the plainest species. So that, whatever be the general form of the spherosome, it is one and the same body in all Ctenophore. Again, whatever be its form and size, the Ctenophore have all a compressed digestive cavity, trending in the same plane as the cireum- scribed area of the abactinal pole, and at right angles with the intermediate chymiferous tubes; and in all, that cavity is broadest towards the mouth and tapers in the opposite direction, its lateral walls being flattened against one another when it is empty. The narrow abactinal opening of the digestive cavity opens directly into the centre of the chymiferous system, which in all Ctenophors has a very peculiar mode of ramification, the general outline of which agrees in all, though marked peculiarities may be noticed in its details in different families. The most striking and characteristic features of this chymiferous system, when contrasted with that of the other Acalephs, consist in its bilateral symmetry, the axial funnellike prolongation of its central portion, into which the digestive cavity opens directly, and the presence of two asymetrical openings at the abactinal pole, through which it discharges its contents. Immediately beyond the abactinal opening of the digestive cavity there arise two main trunks of the chymiferous system, in opposite directions one from the other and at right angles with the plane of the digestive cavity; so that the main stems extend right and left, and almost horizontally, into the spherosome. Before dividing, each trunk sends off a vertical branch along the adjoining sides of the digestive cavity, and then divides into two nearly horizontal branches, which soon divide again; so that each trunk has four nearly horizontal or slightly inclined forks extending to the periphery, where they open into as many vertical branches, which converge in opposite directions toward the actinal and the abactinal poles. The further course of these vertical peripheric branches varies with different families ; but, as far as I can ascertain, all Ctenophore have a chymiferous tube upon each flat side of the digestive cavity; in all, the two main trunks divide into four forks: and these eight forks open in all into eight vertical peripheric chymiferous tubes; and in addition to these, there are, in some families, other vertical and lateral chymiferous tubes arising between the lateral horizontal forks of the main trunk, which again vary in their ultimate relations in different families, lateral tentacles existing in some, and being absent in others. All these tubes, whatever be their 164 CTENOPHORE. Parr IT. final course, circulate the chymiferous fluid with which they are filled into all parts of the spherosome; and there is this remarkable peculiarity in the general current of this chyme circulation, that the fluid contained in one half of the body, reversing regularly its course, is alternately poured into the opposite half and back again. Thus the chief peculiarity of the chymiferous system of the Ctenophorz does not only consist in its bilateral symmetry, but also in the antagonism of the cur- rents of its two lateral halves. Next, we have to notice the vertical prolongation of the chymiferous system in the shape of a funnel, extending to the abactinal pole of the body, in the prolongation of the main axis, and there, dividing into two forks, running to some distance in opposite directions, between the anterior and posterior pairs of locomotive flappers. The fork of this funnel forms a sort of cloaca, in which the refuse of the chymiferous fluid accumulates, to be at intervals discharged through two distinct openings, placed obliquely on opposite sides of the circumscribed area of the abactinal pole. The physiological significance of the circumscribed area has not yet been ascertained. It is an elongated field, circumscribed by a more or less prominent wall of vibratile fringes, interrupted in the middle by a promment organ, considered to be an organ of hearing by some anatomists, and described by others as an eye-speck, towards which converge the abactinal prolongations of the rows of locomotive flappers. One of the most apparent peculiarities of the Ctenophore, and to which this order of Acalephs owes its name, consists of eight rows of locomotive flappers, extending along the eight vertical and peripheric chymiferous tubes, with which they are closely connected. As far as I can ascertain, all Ctenophorz have eight such rows, though some of them are represented with only four and others with twelve. But their close connection with the ambulacral tubes, and the constancy of the number of these tubes in all the Ctenophoree which I ever had an opportunity of examining, lead me to take it for granted that the typical number of the vertical rows of locomotive flappers must be eight. I am inclined to ascribe the conflicting statements upon this point to the marked imequality observed among these rows in different families) The fact is that while they are, all eight, of equal length and equal prominence in certain representatives of this order, in others there are four larger, longer, and more prominent ones, and four shorter and smaller ones, differimg more or less in their course. I hold, therefore, that the smaller rows may have been overlooked in those genera which are described as having only four rows of locomotive flappers; and that, in those which are repre- sented as having twelve rows, the vibratile cilia of the epithelial cells lining the digestive cavity may have been mistaken for additional rows of locomotive flappers. Gegenbaur gives the same explanation of the singular figure of the Alcinoe Cuap. I. STRUCTURAL FEATURES. 165 papillosa of Delle Chiaje. The close connection which exists between the rows of locomotive flappers and the chymiferous tubes is so similar to the general organi- zation of the ambulacral system of the Echinoderms, that I do not hesitate to consider these structures as homologous. The sexual organs of the Ctenophore are closely connected with the chymiferous tubes, as in all Acalephs, and, indeed, in all Radiates; for they bear the same homological relations to the radiating chambers of the Polyps, as they do to the ambulacral system of the Echinoderms. In Ctenophorz the ovaries and spermaries occupy small pouches upon the sides of the ambulacral chymiferous tubes: sperm- aries and ovaries existing in all individuals, and alternating with one another in such a manner, that, while each chymiferous tube has spermaries on one side and ovaries on the other, the proximate sides of adjoining tubes have the same kind of sexual organs, that is, either spermaries or ovaries, and, alternate intervals between adjoining tubes, different kinds of organs. The mode of reproduction of the Cte- nophore has been traced recently by Semper and McCrady ; and fragments relating to the same subject have also been contributed by Vogt, Kolliker, J. Miiller, and Gegenbaur. Since the publication of my paper upon Beroid Meduse, I have had an opportunity myself of studying the entire development of Pleurobrachia, an account of which will be given in the sequel. They undergo a direct transfor- mation, and the young very early acquire the characters of the adults. From this general sketch of the Ctenophore, it may already be inferred that they constitute a very natural group among Acalephs, entirely distinct from the Discophore and from the Hydroids, and unquestionably occupying, as an order, the highest position in the class, if the degrees of complication of strictly homo- logical structures are at all characteristic of orders and may determine their relative standing. Since Goldfuss first recognized the natural limits of this group of Acalephs, and Eschscholtz, with his usual precision and accuracy, characterized it as a distinct order, all naturalists have acknowledged the propriety of combining these animals into one and the same division; though some have considered them simply as a natural family, while others have raised them to the rank of a class. As I have already stated, I believe them to be an order of the class of Acalephs, and shall hold them to be nothing more and nothing less than an order, so long as there is a possibility of distinguishing families, orders, and classes upon definite 1 Of course, in following up this homology it Asterioids ; for it is very simple in the Synaptoids must be remembered that the ambulacral system among the Holothurians, even more so than in some of the Echinoderms is not so complicated in all Ctenophorw, as, for instance, in Bolina. But of of them, as it is, for instance, in the Spatangoids this, and of the special homologies of the chy- and Clypeastroids, or even in the Echinoids and miferous tubes, more presently. 166 CTENOPHORA. Part II. principles. DeBlainville and Lesson are the only zodlogists who have associated heterogeneous types with the Ctenophore. In now closing this sketch of the anatomical characters of the Ctenophore, I have only to add a few remarks upon some controverted points of their structure, with a view of eliciting further investigations, and preventing some mistakes from being more widely circulated. I have already stated that there exists no distinct muscular system in the Ctenophore. The appearance of fibres resembling muscles arises from the peculiar form of the large cells (Pl U% Fig. 24) forming the spherosome, about which more may be found in a subsequent chapter, where I shall also consider the true nature of the parts which, from their position and appearance, have been mistaken for nerves. The Ctenophore move in two different ways; and the two kinds of motion are produced by different parts. The more energetic movements, which propel the body forward, are produced by the contraction of the various systems of motory cells hereafter to be described, and take place by jerks when they are most powerful, though during a slow, onward progress they produce a more sliding motion; besides, these animals are kept hovering in the water by the unceasing and rapid motion of their locomotive flappers. Of course, durmg a slow progress, the movements of these rows of flappers combine with the action of the motory cell systems, while in a more rapid progression they can contribute but little, if any thing, toward a change of place. As the mode of locomotion of the Discophors differs in different families according to their different form and the part their various appendages take in their movements, we must postpone a more detailed account of these differences to another chapter. Suffice it here to say, that the long tentacles of Pleurobrachia and the broad lobes of Bolina become important auxili- aries in regulating the motions of these types. That the powerful contractions of the spherosome greatly modify the form of the Ctenophore is now generally understood; but I would warn the student against a belief that the form of these animals is on that account less characteristic than in other animals. es Long rows of locomotive flappers. —cdgh (2%g. 91), even when the lobes are contracted, the differ- Sbort tows of locomotive fappers. — 77 y Auricles, —ss Cireumscribed area of the ence from Pleurobrachia (Pl. II*. fig. 21) is already marked, —*srtins end of the boay. owing to the circumstance that the vertical rows of loco- motive flappers do not extend uniformly from one extremity of the animal to the other, the two ambulacra of the anterior and posterior lobes being much longer than those of the sides, which terminate at about half the height BoLinaA ALATA, Ag. (Seen from below.) of the body. an Sage Bune eee Viewed from the abactinal side with slightly opened tion of the long vertical chymiferous co) ” tubes. —22 Anastomosis of these tubes. Jobes, the difference between the longitudinal and the transverse diameter is already more marked; but the four lateral lobes, or auri- cles, appear as appendages to the anterior and posterior lobes. However, as the larger lobes expand more and more, the small lateral lobes appear detached from them, and their real connection with the sides of the main body begins to be noticeable ; and the greater length of the anterior and posterior ambulacra and the shortness of the lateral ones are quite apparent. In proportion as the anterior and posterior lobes are more and more stretched forward and backward, their edges as- sume a more pointed form, similar to the horns of a crescent, or rather to the blade of a tomahawk, and the whole body may be compared to two tomahawks in minia- ture, placed head to head in opposite symmetrical directions, the four short lateral appendages looking like two small sticks projecting like short handles through the eyes of the two heads for an equal length on both sides. Seen from the actinal side in the same development of all parts, the general outlines do not differ = Cuap. III. GENUS BOLINA. 955 ‘ materially from the view just described, excepting that the mouth is in sight in the centre, extending forward and backward in the same plane as the circum- scribed area opposite, and the ambulacra appear only indistinctly through the mass. The body is sometimes stretched to so great a degree in the direction of the longitudinal diameter, as to give its outline an irregular, square, oblong form. How- ever, this attitude is only assumed when the animal swims at the surface of the water, with the mouth turned upward. Viewed in profile, the body presents also two very distinct aspects: when seen by the broad face or by the narrow face, or when examined from its anterior or posterior or from its lateral sides. Facing the anterior or posterior end, the sym- metry of the outline (F%. 89) arises from the parity and symmetry of the right and left halves of the body, the two sides of the anterior and posterior lobes being perfectly symmetrical. But here again the outlines may differ greatly, in consequence of the expansion or contraction of the lobes, which may hang down and look almost straight with the main mass of the body above, or spread laterally and assume a rounded form, like a broad apron suspended from the chest with projecting auricles or appendages about its point of insertion. In this position the anterior or posterior pairs of ambulacra are seen im their fullest development, extending from the summit along the middle of the lobe to its lower margin, tapering gradually as the lobes grow thinner. Seen from the sides (Vy. 88), the symmetry of the outline arises from the perfect symmetry and equality between the anterior and the posterior extremity of the body; but the outlines may vary as the two lobes are pressed nearer together, or stretched apart to a greater or less extent. The modifications in this respect are almost endless, as also are the ways in which the margins of the lobes fold over; for their lower margin may hang loosely down, or it may bend inward, curving itself in rounded or square outlines, and reaching also over the sides or stretching more flatly. In these various states of dilatation or contraction, the lobes may diverge from each other im all possible degrees: one may even overlap the other alternately, and thus reduce to the utmost the difference between the longitudinal and the transverse axis. The small lateral lobes, two in number on each side, may, in these various changes of form, assume also the most diversified positions, — at times stretching straight downward, at times arching upward, at times hanging down and converging toward, and even crossing each other; so that there is no end to the diversity of these aspects. I should say, however, that the motions of these lobes, especially those of the two large an- terior and posterior lobes, are comparatively very slow and graceful; while those of the small lateral lobes are somewhat more brisk. Seen from the sides, the two lateral ambulacra converge from the abactinal area toward the base of the lateral lobes, and the anterior and posterior ambulacra of bo OK [=P) CTENOPHORA. Part IL the same side appear in profile near the anterior and posterior margin, encircling in parallel curves the lateral ambulacra, but extending and gradually tapering all the way down to the margin of the lobes. Our Bolina progresses rather slowly, its movements being tremulous, like dancing in slow steps through the water, and now and then revolving upon itself. It never performs those quick, darting motions which characterize Pleurobrachia, nor does it exhibit any thing Oo r like the graceful curves of the tentacles following like a comet’s tail in the wake of Pleurobrachia; for in Bolina the tentacles do not extend beyond the margin of the lobes. And the lobes themselves, though the principal organs of locomotion, are an impediment to quick and graceful movements, the anterior and posterior ones being disproportionate in comparison to the size of the body. There is, however, one attitude in which the movements of this animal are exceedingly graceful: it is when the lateral lobes are fully expanded, and even recurved forward and backward, and so elongated as to appear like the petals of a flower spreading in opposite directions and curving outward. In this development the animal generally reverses its position, the mouth being turned upward, and the lateral lobes, also curved outward, present their vibrating fringes in the utmost degree of activity,—the whole animal resembling an open white flower, with two large and four small petals, revolving slowly upon its peduncle, or changing its place in various directions. The ambulacra are so closely connected with the general appearance and the movements of our Bolina, that it is appropriate to consider them in this relation first. As in all Ctenophora, they consist of vertical rows of locomotive flappers, in every respect identical in their structure with those of Pleurobrachia, the differ- ence consisting mainly in their extent. The pairs which run along the anterior and the posterior sides of the body and extend upon the two large lobes, are by far the longest, and also somewhat wider, their flapping combs tapering gradually toward the abactinal area, so that the ambulacral rows terminate in points at some distance from the central black speck. This is equally the case with the two lateral pairs of locomotive flappers, which, however, extend somewhat farther towards the centre of the abactinal area. The tips of these eight rows of flappers encircle the circumscribed area, which, however, extends far beyond, forward and backward, between the rows of combs of the anterior and posterior pairs of ambulacra. Another distinctive peculiarity of Bolina consists in the form of this side of the body, which is not uniformly rounded, as in Pleurobrachia, but somewhat depressed along the longitudmal axis; so much so that the two sides bulge sensibly above the level of the central speck, while the anterior and posterior spheromeres are on a level with it. The consequence of this prominence of the sides is that the abactinal extremities of the anterior and posterior rows of locomotive flappers run Cuap. IIT. GENUS BOLINA. O57 almost straight to their termination, while those of the lateral ambulacra are arched over the two rounded parallel ridges which inclose the circumscribed area. It is easily ascertained, that eight narrow bands, similar to those observed in Pleuro- brachia, extend beyond the extremity of the ambulacra toward the central black speck, or rather toward the bulb under it, and that they are the prolongation of the vertical rows of locomotive flappers. Along the sides of the body the rows of locomotive flappers also gradually taper toward their actinal extremity, and, as soon as they reach the height of the dilatation of the lobes, the locomotive combs disappear, and the chymiferous tubes which accompany them can alone be traced farther. In the lateral ambulacra, however, the rows of locomotive flappers taper much sooner, and terminate at the base of the small lateral lobes, near their inner margin, for a considerable length above the actinal extremity of the ambulacra of the large lobes. In the small lobes we trace also a narrow prolongation of the chymiferous tubes of the lateral ambulacra, which extend beyond the locomotive fringes. The course of these narrow tubes in the lobes is very difficult to follow, and their connection with each other and with the central chymiferous cavity has been entirely overlooked by former observers, with the exception of Milne-Edwards ;* though in the figures of Bolina elegans published by Mertens, there are already indications that he noticed the outline of their convolutions. I shall first trace the course of these tubes upon the larger lobes. As long as the tubes follow a straight course in the prolongation of the anterior and posterior ambulacra (fv. 92 ¢), they remain at the surface of the lobes, covered only by the epidermis, beyond the ambulacral rows themselves. But as soon as they converge towards the lower margin, where they bend to take an inward course, they penetrate deeper into the substance, across the whole thickness of the lobe itself, till they reappear upon its inner surface, where they are nearest to each other; they then rise again, diverging toward the sides and following almost exactly the outline of the lateral margins of the lobes, along which they ascend (n) toward BoLinA ALATA, Ag. their bases, rising even higher than the lower termination (Seen from the narrow side.) of the ambulacral combs, indeed nearly as high as the bases of the auricles; they then converge again, bend downward, and in a sinuous, winding course (7) descend a second time toward the middle of the lobe, to rise and converge again, and then descend for the third time, in a parallel course, to nearly the same level with their first bend, and, converging once more from the two sides, unite (z) in the medial line of the lobe: so that there is a direct communication 1 Mitne-Epwarps, Recherches, ete. Ann. Sc. Nat. 2de sér., vol. 16, p. 203, Pl. 3. VOL. II. 33 258 CTENOPHORA. Parr Il. between the right and the left ambulacral tube of the anterior and posterior pairs, passing in their course from the margin of the outer surface to the middle of the inner surface, first descending, then rising, then descending again m undulating lines, then rising and descending again, until they meet to form an anastomose in the lower central part of the lobe. Such a connection between any of the tubes on the oral side of the body does not exist in Pleurobrachia. — Besides the meandering tubes of the long ambulacra, there may be seen, all over the inner surface of the large lobes, a curious network of angular meshes, resembling small vessels and connected with one another in a way which recalls somewhat the branchial vessels of the Naiades, though their arrangement is less regular and not so strictly rectilinear and parallel. When I first noticed these meshes I mistook them for real vessels, and have so described them in my paper on Beroid Medusxe; but I have recently ascertained that they are simply the outlines of the gigantic po- lygonal cells which form the inner layer of the large lobes. The ends of these cells are flattened against the inner surface of the lobes and covered by small epithelial cells, crowded in rows in the intervals or upon the outline of the large cells. A similar network exists also in Leucothea formosa, Alcinoe rosea, and Bolina septentri- onalis, judging from the drawings of Mertens. . Will has described the same thing in Chiaja;' but Milne-Edwards makes no allusion to it. Like Leuckart, Forbes, and Milne-Edwards, I have seen nothing in Ctenophor answering to the so-called blood- vessels described and figured by Will. The ambulacra of the sides are reduced to simple chymiferous tubes as soon as they reach the base of the small lobes, whence the tubes continue in a very complicated course through these lobes, and then toward the mouth, sending also a branch to the large lobes. Each tube first follows the inner margin of its small lobe, then turns round the obtuse point of the lobe and retraces its course along the outer margin of the same lobe to its very base; here it branches in such a way as to unite simultaneously with a tube extending along the margin of the mouth, and with the marginal tube of the inner surface of the large lobes: or, it may rather be said, an anastomosis is established at the base of the small lobes, on their external margin, with a recurrent tube (f7gs. 88 and 89 w) trending along the outer margin of the large lobes, as well as with another tube rising from the margin of the mouth. vy. 5 of Pl VIL of my paper in the Memoirs of the American Academy, in which the imner surface of the large lobes is turned out- ward for the whole extent of their margin, shows these connections most distinctly? 1 Witt, Hore Tergestinew, p. 55, Pl. TL. Fig. * The letter-press mentions also distinctly these 14, considers these meshes as forming part of the anastomoses, (p. 398). Iam therefore surprised that skin, and describes them as similar in structure to Milne-Edwards should state that I have failed to the tentacular threads. notice the connection of the “canaux costaux laté- Cua. III. GENUS BOLINA. 259 The anastomosis with the large lobe is established through a tube which arises from the lower sinuosities of the inner convolutions of the long ambulacral tube. The communication with the oral tube is more direct, and may be considered as a branch from the tube of the short ambulacra: indeed, both may be considered so, the anastomosis with the large lobe, as well as that with the mouth. But, in the first case, the communication with the tube of the long ambulacra is more indirect ; while the connection with the oral system is direct, through a tube which only bends at right angles upon itself. The large lobes and the auricles are not identical in their structure, though homologous with one another. Each large lobe is formed of the actinal prolon- gation of two united spheromeres, while each of the small lobes or auricles is an actinal prolongation of a distinct spheromere. Moreover, the large lobes are bulky and thick, consisting of a large mass of the same kind of large cells of which the whole body is built; while the small lobes are simply membraneous, or rather diverticula arising from a folding of the surface of the body at the lower extremity of the short ambulacra, in the shape of flat sacs with hollow margins. They are, indeed, a mere fold in the direct prolongation of the short ambulacra, along the margin of which the ambulacral tubes and the locomotive flappers are continued all round the lobe; when the fringes disappear and the tube alone is continued, branching into the adjoiming large lobe, as well as towards the margin of the mouth. We may therefore view the small lobes simply as modifications of the lateral ambulacra, rising above the general surface of the body and bent inward in_ pro- portion as the great transverse chasm which separates the two large lobes rises higher along the sides of the mouth, thus leading to the formation of a loop in the lateral ambulacra, instead of a straight course, as on the sides. The vibrating fringes of the small lobes are in direct continuation of the locomotive gombs of the ambulacra proper, which would appear as long on this side of the body, and even longer, than upon the anterior and _ posterior spheromeres, if they were stretched in the same manner; but, being here folded over in the shape of promi- nent auricles, they act more energetically as lateral oars. There is, however, one marked difference between the ambulacral rows of locomotive fringes and_ their continuation along the margin of the auricles. As far as the locomotive flappers follow a straight course along the vertical ambulacra, their combs are transverse to the chymiferous tubes; but as soon as the tubes aiverge sideways to follow the margin of the auricles, the locomotive flappers assume a longitudinal arrange- raux” (the ambulacral tubes of the large lobes) nection between the ambulacral tubes of Pleuro- with the “yaisseaux périgastriques inférieurs” (the brachia and its coeliac tubes (p. 357), which really coeliac tubes). What I did not observe was a con- does not exist. 260 CTENOPHORA. Parr II. ment, that is to say, they form a crest projecting outward along the tube. If this view of the small lobes is correct, we may consider the vertical branch or fork of the chymiferous tube, which extends beyond the auricles toward the corners of the mouth, as the direct prolongation of the ambulacral tube proper, and the fork which diverges into the large lobes as the anastomotic fork connecting the ambulacral tubes all round the body. The horizontal branches along the sides of the mouth should then be considered as the anastomotic branches between the two lateral ambulacral tubes of each side, and thus the circle would be made pertect. With these facts respecting the structure of our Bolima before us, we are pre- pared to take another and not less instructive view of its peculiar symmetry, which may lead to a fuller insight into the characteristic features of Radiata. Not only are the two anterior and the two posterior spheromeres different m their develop- ment from the two lateral pairs, but they stand also in peculiar antitropic relations to one another. In the first place, the large lobes, each considered as a whole, are antitropic to one another, that is to say, they bend in opposite directions toward the vertical axis; and every point of the symmetry presented in a lateral view of the animal arises from this even balance of the anterior and_ posterior parts of the body, as seen in Fi. 88. But each lobe again consists of antitropic halves; or, in other words, the two spheromeres which form one lobe are as truly antitropic to one another as the two lobes themselves, for the outlines of the lobes as well as the course of their chymiferous tubes are evenly balanced, as Pg. 89 shows. The same is true of the lateral spheromeres: for here those of the same side, as seen in Fig. 88, are antitropic to one another, not only in their general outline, but more especially in the relative position and antagonistic movements of the auricles; and yet these adjoining spheromeres do not form a pair together, but stand again in antitropic relation to the lateral spheromeres of the opposite side, as Mg. 90 may show. Such a symmetry exists nowhere among bilateral animals, and appears to me one of the most striking peculiarities of the Radiates. Again, the opposite poles of the vertical axis exhibit the most striking contrasts, both in their differences and their antitropy, for the spheromeres converge as well toward the actinal as toward the abactinal area, though the two are occupied by different organs, or by identical parts unequally developed. A comparison of Figs. 90 and 91 may show at a glance the correspondence and the difference. There is a great interest connected with a further investigation of the vibrating cilia of the small lobes, in comparison with the locomotive combs of the ambulacra. The former being very similar to common vibratile cilia, and the latter forming a more complicated system of locomotive organs, while both are morphologically fully homologous, it follows, that, in a series of structural complications, the loco- Cuap. III. GENUS BOLINA. 261 motive flappers of the Ctenophore, in which each fringe is a whole cell, do not necessarily appear as a specific type of structure, but may constitute a natural link between more complicated organs with distinct muscles and the simplest fringes of structural cells. I entertain now so little doubt respecting such transitions, that I have not hesitated, throughout this description, to consider the rows of vertical locomotive fringes as true ambulacra; though there is as great a difference between them and the ambulacra of Echinoderms, as there is between them and simple vibratory cilia. We are, in fact, led to recognize, through the whole type of Radiata, a natural gradation in the structure of the organs through which currents of water are produced around the body, from the simplest combinations in Polypi to the most complicated apparatus in Echinoderms. In Polypi we have only vibra- tile cilia arismg from structural cells over extensive surfaces of the whole body, while in Beroid Medusx there are, in addition to such cilia, peculiar rows of fringes, made up of special cells, which move by their own contraction, and im Echinoderms each fringe, in the shape of an independent ambulacral tube, assumes as great a structural complication as the whole system in Acalephe. The ambulacral tubes in Echinoderms generally, indeed, seem to me to bear the same relation to the aquiferous system with its vesicles in Star-fishes, and to the true ambulacral gills in Echini, as the fringes of the locomotive combs with their contractile base bear to the ambulacral chymiferous tubes in Ctenophoree. If, from this review of the superficial ramifications of the chymiferous tubes, we proceed to an investigation of their connection with the internal stems and the central cavity of the whole system, we find a very close resemblance in_ their arrangement to what has already been noticed in the genus Pleurobrachia, — the chief difference between the two genera consisting in the peculiar termination and connections of these tubes in the lobes of Bolina. The centre of the chymiferous system constitutes in Bolina, as in Pleurobrachia, a vertical hollow axis, extending from the centre of the abactinal area to the abactinal opening of the digestive cavity, upon the sides of which it gives off two coeliac tubes extending as far as the mouth. These tubes, however, are not so wide as in Pleurobrachia, while the digestive cavity itself is larger, extending nearer the central black speck; so that the funnel, which branches toward the circumscribed area, as in Pleurobrachia, is shorter, the main cavity from which the maim trunks to the ambulacra arise much narrower, and the tubes extending toward the margin of the mouth along the lateral walls of the digestive cavity in the same proportion longer. But the general arrangement is identical. The differences exist only in the proportional development of the different parts of the whole system, as also in the curve of the main trunks of the ambulacral branches, which are more strongly bent upward, instead of stretching horizontally across the body. Owing to the lesser development of the 262 CTENOPHORS. Part II. central cavity of this system, and the difficulty of preserving these animals alive after injecting colored liquid into the chymiferous sac, I have not succeeded in discovering a regular alternation between the contractions of the right and left sides of the system. It may be also, that, the transverse diameter being so much shorter in this genus than in Pleurobrachia and the means of establishing a retro- grade current from the periphery very extensive, the circulation takes place through alternate dilatations and contractions of the whole body, causing an injection of the fluid in all directions, rather than by an alternate passage from one side to another; and, for various reasons based upon analogy, I incline to this view. In the Discoid Meduse we have an absolutely radiating circulation, and a movement simply to and fro from the centre to the periphery and back throughout the whole system. In Pleurobrachia there is an alternation between right and left, with a prominent circulation to and fro. In Bolina there is also a bilateral sym- metry, but the radiating circulation seems to be recurring in itself through a com- plete circle in the lobes and around the mouth, which arrangement would already approximate the Beroid Medusxe of the genus Bolina to the type of Echinoderms, though in a lower condition of the circulatory system. Whatever may be the value of these suggestions, so much is plain, that the digestive cavity constitutes a capacious sac with a longitudinal mouth, the fissure of which opens in the same plane with the circumscribed area precisely as in Pleurobrachia, in an oblong disk, extending with its longer diameter flat between the anterior and posterior lobes (/%. 91). This disk is entirely surrounded by the large lobes when they are shut, but it forms the lower outline of the body when the lobes are entirely open and fully spread. In this attitude the mouth is shut, but the lobes are wide open, to inclose any food that may come within reach; and whilst dropping fragments of oysters upon them, as they are generally turned mouth upward, in this extreme state of dilatation, I have sometimes seen the lobes close upon such morsels to secure them, and afterward the mouth expand and open within to swallow the food, the tentacles being alternately drawn out and retracted. The visible outline of the digestive cavity changes most remarkably in these various operations. When the mouth is shut and the digestive cavity is empty, the digestive sac is completely flattened and compressed in the direction of the longer diameter, rising like a tapering funnel toward the central chymiferous cavity ; that is to say, the folds of the digestive sae which are stretched between the anterior and the posterior angles of the mouth converge towards the abactinal extremity of the body, and the flattened walls are pressed upon each other. In this position the celiac chymiferous tubes run in a straight course toward the actinal pole along the middle of the outer surface of the digestive cavity, and reach, Crap. II. GENUS BOLINA. 263 near the lateral margin of the mouth, the sac of the tentacles. But after food has been swallowed, the mouth is contracted into a more sphincter-like shape, and the digestive sac itself is so much narrowed immediately above its external opening, that the digestive cavity appears like a loose bag suspended in a mass of trans- parent jelly, widest about half its height, with prominent angles in advance and backward, and also swollen laterally, but tapermg above and below. In such a state the coeliac chymiferous tubes have a more curved, and even sinuous course, upon the sides of the digestive cavity, in accordance with the position of the morsels of food within, whilst the upper end of the digestive sac opens freely into the central chymiferous cavity. Along the abactinal end of the digestive sac there are, as in Pleurobrachia, marked vertical folds, of a brownish color, much darker than the transparent walls of the other parts of the sac; but I have failed to see distinctly the vibratory cilia of its abactinal opening, which play so conspicu- ously about this region in Pleurobrachia, though there is also in Bolina a constant movement of the minute particles of digested food about the aperture leading from the digestive cavity into the chymiferous cavity. As mentioned above, the central chymiferous cavity and its funnel are not only shorter, but also narrower, in the genus Bolina, than in Pleurobrachia, and the fibrous appearance of the cell walls of that region is very distinct. The actinal part of this cavity has also a somewhat different form from that of Pleurobrachia, though it exhibits the same general disposition, —its sides bulging simply outward, instead of forming two distinct trunks for the branches to the ambulacral tubes, as in Pleurobrachia. The four main branches, from which the eight ambulacral tubes are derived, arise in pairs, almost directly from the main cavity, and, bending slightly sideways, run almost parallel with one another in opposite directions, that is, forward and backward. The ambulacral tubes themselves present a remarkable arrangement: those of the lateral spheromeres bemg much further apart from one another than the anterior or the corresponding posterior ones, and diverging side- ways, while those of the anterior and posterior spheromeres follow a more direct course forward and backward, owing, no doubt, to the lateral compression of the body. And from the wide space between the two main branches of one side arise the vertical tubes which descend along the digestive cavity toward the base of the tentacles, as well as the tentacular tubes themselves, the coeliac tubes occu- pying the proximal, and the tentacular tubes the distal side of the lateral inter- ambulacra. Again, the four main branches of ambulacral tubes, instead of stretching hori- zontally toward the ambulacra, as in Pleurobrachia, are bent toward the abactinal area, and then divide each into two branches, to provide the eight ambulacra with as many vertical ambulacral tubes. The consequence of this arrangement is, that 264 CTENOPHORA. Part Il. the impulse of the liquid pressed into the ambulacral tubes is chiefly in one direction, the branches from the main cavity meeting the ambulacra near their upper termination, and not at about half their height, as im Pleurobrachia. So that the chief, and, I may say, almost the only constant current, is from the abactinal side of the body toward the actinal region, along the sides, following the ambulacra and all the sinuosities of their tubes in their lower course through the great lobes, as well as through the lateral auricles; and a comparatively small portion of fluid flows through the comparatively short abactinal end of the ambu- lacral lobes toward the circumscribed area. The ambulacral tubes therefore are not the direct prolongation of the eight forks of the main branches of this system, any more than in Pleurobrachia, but form an angle with these forks; and there is an abactinal prolongation of the ambulacral tubes, as well as a main actinal branch, above and below the insertion of the fork from the main trunks. I there- fore question the accuracy of those illustrations of the ambulacral tubes which represent them as the direct prolongation of the forks arising from the main trunks.’ The antagonism between the main currents is thus between the upper and the lower side of the body, and by no means between the right and the left side, as in Pleurobrachia. Whether, however, the retrograde current runs exclusively backward through the same tubes in which it has moved onward, or whether the winding course of the narrow tubes in the lobes constitutes a kind of capillary system, through which the liquid may pass from one side of the ambulacral tubes imto the other, I am unable to decide. But I cannot help thinking that this long, winding course of the ambulacral tubes upon the inner surface of the large lobes and along the margins of the auricles and of the mouth contributes to a more extensive aeration of the chyme in circulation, than the straighter course in’ the wider vessels of the whole system in Pleurobrachia. Perhaps the more active alternate contractions in Pleurobrachia compensate, by their quicker movements, for the absence of ramifications of the tubes which are so extensive in Bolina. The tentacular tubes, which run parallel with and upon the sides of the coeliac tubes, enlarge near the middle of the lateral margins of the mouth into a small, bulb-like dilatation, from which a bunch of tentacles may be projected or retracted. But this bulb is by no means so complicated as the tentacular sac of Pleuro- brachia. There is no flat disk at the base of the tentacles, no deep socket into ' Comp. Mitne-Epwarps, Ann. Se. Nat. 2de papers differ from those of the genera I have ex- sér. vol. 16, Pl. III. and 4e sér. vol. 7, Pl. XIV.; amined, in such a way as the figures suggest, this Wirt, Hore tergestinw, Pl. I.; and GrGennavr, would constitute a remarkable, and to me unexpected, Archiv fur Naturg. vol. 22, Pl. VII. Should the difference between them; but the letter-press gives ambulacral tubes of the genera described in these no details upon this point. Crap, III. GENUS BOLINA. 265 which the tentacles may be withdrawn, but simply two narrow tubes arising close together from the main chymiferous cavity, a little outside of the tubes of the digestive cavity, and following the course of the latter to the tentacular bulb. As, on account of the lateral compression of the body, the tubes of the digestive cavity and those of the tentacular bulb are brought into close proximity, they appear, at first sight, to constitute a single cord on each side; but in reality that cord consists of three tubes running in the same direction, which, being close together, are very easily mistaken one for the other, and whose natural connections are still more difficult to ascertain, as the bulb of the tentacle exactly covers the termination of the tube resting immediately upon the digestive cavity and extending to the margin of the mouth. But whenever, by an oblique movement of the margins of the mouth, or by the dilatation of the digestive sac one way or the other, the coeliac tube is moved out of its vertical course, the relative position of the bulb of the ten- tacular tube with reference to the coeliac tube is changed, it may he seen how the tube following the walls of the digestive cavity divides into two horizontal branches, extending in opposite directions along the lateral margins of the mouth, forward and backward, at right angles with the tube from which they arise. As these branches meet the actinal prolongations of the lateral ambulacra, a direct communication is established between the peripheric course of the ambulacral tubes and the main chymiferous cavity, and this anastomosis very likely gives passage to so much of the circulating fluid as does not return through the same tubes through which it is propelled from the main trunks of the chymiferous system. As for the two small tubes which extend to the bulb of the tentacles, they arise from the same lateral bulging of the main chymiferous cavity from which the lateral tube of the stomach originates, but they arise more vertically. The greater simplicity of the tentacular bulb of Bolina, when compared to the large socket and complicated tentacular apparatus of Pleurobrachia, has reference, no doubt, to the shortness of the tentacles, and to the circumstance that they are not protruded to any length beyond the margin of the mouth, but simply extend in a winding course forward and backward along that margin, forming, when con- tracted, a compact bunch, and appearing, when expanded, like a disorderly brush of irregularly curled threads tied together on one side. The best attitude in which to study the ramifications of the coeliac tubes on the side of the digestive cavity, or rather along the outer margin of the mouth, and to ascertain their position with reference to the tentacular bulb, which lies farther outward, is when the animal is turned mouth upward with its large lobes fully expanded. The mouth then appears like a narrow rim in the centre of the prominent gelatinous mass, encircled by large lobes, which constitutes a sort of compressed isthmus trending backward and forward on the actinal side of the body, VOL. Il. 34 °66 CTENOPHORA. Parr It. and along the margin of which the horizontal tubes from the stomachal tube are seen to extend as far as the outer margin of the lateral auricles, without entering into direct communication with the tubes of the tentacular bulb. (See Plate VU. Fig. 6 of my paper in the Memoirs of the American Academy.) Parts of the walls of the cells surrounding the central chymiferous cavity, and the main trunks which arise from it, are readily distinguished as fibres, which may be seen to shorten or elongate, and enlarge or contract their cavity. The funnel enlarges on the abactinal side of the body into two distinct branches, forming two bulbs, as in Pleurobrachia, with oblique openings forward and backward, on the sides of the circumscribed area, and with the black speck in the centre. This black speck is covered by a transparent cap, like that of Pleurobrachia. What I have formerly described as a ring, extending in the form of narrow tubes along the margin of the circumscribed area, is nothing but the optical effect of the thickening of the rising edge which encircles the abactinal area. As to the eight narrow bands converging from the summit of the ambulacral combs and supposed to be tubes emptying into this ring, I have ascertained that they are not hollow, but, like similar bands in Pleurobrachia, the direct prolongation of the locomotive flappers fading away as they converge toward the abactinal pole. Their relative position, when converging toward the abactinal pole, differs considerably in the different pairs, the two anterior and the two posterior ones being very near together, almost in the longitudinal axis of the body, while the two lateral pairs are at least as far apart from each other as they are from the anterior and the posterior pairs. The ambulacral tubes are not continuous under these eight bands, and do not communicate here with the central chymiferous cavity; but they communicate with it on the actinal side of the body through the tube encircling the mouth, which directly anastomoses with the lateral ambulacral tubes and indi- rectly with the anterior and the posterior ambulacral tubes, through the marginal recurrent tube of the large lobes. The currents arising from the main chymiferous cavity run therefore chiefly through the ambulacral tubes, from the abactinal toward the actinal side of the spherosome, with a small eddy toward the circumscribed area. In the prolongations of the anterior and posterior ambulacral tubes the currents may run to and fro from the tube of one of the spheromeres to that of the other, or directly back to the central cavity, or pass through the recurrent marginal tubes of the lobes into the lateral tubes. In the prolongation of the lateral ambu- lacral tubes the current may pass into the oral tube through the oral anastomoses, or into the large lobes through their marginal tubes; but the current of the coeliac tubes may also run from the main cavity to the sides of the mouth, and thence through the oral anastomoses into the ambulacral tubes. In the tentacular tubes Cuar. III. GENUS BOLINA. 267 the current is always to and fro, from the main cavity to the tentacular bulb and back. These tubes do not anastomose with the tentacular tubes. I have not succeeded in making out a distinct nervous system connected in any way with the central tubercle, though numerous fibres diverging in all directions may be seen in connection with the abactinal part of the funnel. But it has always seemed to me that they were contractile fibres, or rather the fibre-like angles of the motory cells, and not nervous threads, for they change their length, and are by no means so symmetrically arranged as might be expected in the nervous system of radiated animals, the disposition of which is known im some of their types. This point, however, and the periphery of the mouth, are the regions to which to look for it; but, notwithstanding all my efforts, I confess I have failed in the search, and only noticed the walls of motory cells. I have already expressed my opinion respecting the nature of the central black speck of Pleurobrachia. This organ presents precisely the same appearance in Bolina, and the same general relations with the surrounding parts. The extraordinary transparency of the gelatinous mass, and the impossibility of preserving the animal after death in a contracted state, forbid the prospect of ever knowing fully the arrangement of the contractile fibres throughout the body, unless we obtain great improvements in the construction of the microscope, enabling us to examine bulky animals alive, and to bury the focus to any depth of the sub- stance of their body without removing the superficial parts. As far as I have been able to trace the structure of the spherosome of Bolina, the general arrange- ment of its cells is to a great extent similar to that of Pleurobrachia. — The radi- ating system of motory cells is unquestionably the most extensive, though the interambulacral system is the most conspicuous. Parts of the walls of its cells are easily seen as bunches of fibres converging toward the intervals of the successive combs of locomotive flappers, and extending brush-like across the interambulacral spaces, though diverging in each bundle. These fibres seem more powerful, and, at all events, far more distinct, than the vertical fibres, which I have never been able to trace in continuous rows. Though I first obtained specimens of this species at short intervals through six successive months, from December to June, I never succeeded in discovering the sexual system, not even in the most rudimentary state, until I had an opportunity of watching them uninterruptedly in the latter part of the summer and during the autumn, when I found the ovaries and spermaries following the course of the ambulacral tubes, as first noticed by Will, in Eucharis, and alternating with one another in the eight interambulacra. The circumstance of my failing to trace the repro- ductive system for so long a time, may show how great difficulties these investigations are attended with, and how much remains to be done before the whole history 268 OTENOPHORG. Parr IL. of these animals is satisfactorily made out. I shall describe their embryonic devel- opment hereafter, in connection with that of Pleurobrachia and Idyia. The extraordinary metamorphoses of certain Echinoderms, which the late J. Miiller first observed, ought not to be neglected in connection with the study of the Ctenophore ; for the remarkable resemblance between the singular transparent frame which protects the growing embryo of some Star-fishes and Sea-urchins and the body of Ctenophors Lobatse cannot be overlooked by an attentive observer, while the fact that the parts of that external frame present numeric combinations which are unusual among Echinoderms, but correspond to those of the Beroid Medusz, will be an inducement to institute, at some future day, a close comparison between their structure. The ciliated appendages which hang downward in those larval Echinoderms closely resemble the vertical rows of locomotive flappers with their chymiferous tubes, as observed in Beroid Meduse. And it is interesting to find, that in Echinoderms there is a metamorphosis gomg on in the embryo, recalling the structure of the class of Acalephs in a manner very similar to the analogy which exists between the embryos of the Acalephs and the Polyps. For whether we compare the Strobila in its earliest conditions, or the young buds of Hydroids from which Meduse arise, the analogy of these earliest states of development of the Acalephs with Polyps is unmistakable; and I have no doubt that the external frame of the young Echinoderms, which Miiller has so beautifully illustrated, will be found to bear the closest resemblance to the structure of the Ctenophors, as soon as an actual comparison can be instituted with reference to the homology of their structure. But it is hardly possible to make such comparisons from descriptions and figures, however accurate these may be; and Miiller’s attention seems not to have been attracted by this remarkable resemblance, otherwise he could not have failed to allude to their typical identity while describing those embryos. So much, however, may already be stated, that the general arrangement of the ciliated lobes of the Pluteus corresponds to the ambulacral rows of the Ctenophore, and that the tubes which accompany them compare closely with the chymiferous tubes of the Acalephs; but notwithstanding my constant efforts im studying the embryology of a number of Echinoderms, I have, up to this time, been able to observe the growth of such species only as follow the peculiar mode of development first described by Sars. Bowtva vitrea Ay. is a second species, of which I have seen only a few specimens, at Key West, in Florida. It is easily distinguished from Bolina alata by its more elongated vertical diameter and the narrowness of the locomotive flappers. Its substance is so transparent that it is difficult to follow its movements, even in the clearest glass jars with the purest water; for its ambulacra are scarcely visible as grayish bands upon the sides of the spherosome, and, though iridescent, the play Cuap. II. GENUS BOLINA. 269 of colors is so faint as scarcely to be noticed. I have not been able to make a thorough study of this species, and therefore limit myself to calling the attention of naturalists to its occurrence on Rigi 92. ig the shores of the coral reef of Flor- ida. Fig. 93 gives an outlme view of this species; and a comparison with Fig. 94, which represents the northern \he Bolina alata in the same _ position, oe may show their specific difference. nv ; Myemopsis Garpent dg. While BoLinA ALATA, Ag. (Seen from the broad side.) Ve : BOLINA VITREA, Ag. residing upon Sullivan’s Island, near e @ tong ambutacra.—n & short ambulacra. —f funnel, — d diges- a and f Long rows of locomotive flappers.— Qharleston, South Carolina, I occasion- tive cavity.—¢ tentacular tube. gandh Short rows of locomotive flappers. —y1 x8 auricles. ee anton =a Central black speck (eye-speck)— ally caught, during the winter, about and posterior tobes. — At tenta- i to m Triangular digestive cavity.—7 too se Funnel-like prolongation of the maineay- the breakwater near the Fort, speci- ity.—v Chymiferous tube of the tenta- _ cular apparatus.—mm ‘Tentacular appa- meng of a species of Acaleph somewhat resembling Bolina, ratus on the side of the mouth. —rr Ear- like lobes, or auricles, in the prolongation yt evidently constituting a distinct genus, which I pro- of the short rows of locomotive flappers. — tt Prolongation of the vertical chymife- ose to call Mwemiopsis, on account of its still greater rous tubes. —2 2 The same tubes turning upwards. —zz Bend of the same tubes. resemblance to Mnemia. It is at once distinguished by —zz Extremity of the same tubes meet- Fe aoe: eo tatnth toe the deep furrow separating the anterior and posterior Sad baer, lobes from the lateral spheromeres, a character by which the Bolinide are readily separated from the Mnemiide proper. The generic pecu- liarity of Mnemiopsis consists in the great development of the auricles, and in the prolongation of the locomotive flappers to the actinal margin of the large lobes, so that the rows of locomotive combs are visible from the actinal side, as well as from the abactinal side, of the body. Figs. 95 and 96 represent, in the size of life, the only species I know of this genus. I have called it MvNemtopsis GarpeNt in memory of Dr. Garden, a distinguished naturalist of Charleston, con- temporary of Linnzus and friend and Mnemiorsis GARDENI, Ag. MNemtopsis GARDENI, Ag. correspondent of the great Swedish natu- ET long ambulacra.—21 18 short o mouth, — Al h2 tentacles. —/1 18, i lateral ambulacra. — 7° y!, ambulacra.—f funnel, —a folds 1 gC] is ] AN ries Sst ea ralist, to whom science is indebted for 4s 1 sutictes.—11 anterior and of the digestive cayity.—d di- ior lob 1278, [7 1G i gestive cavity.— ¢ tentacular tube. fr ce aoa Ah oa the knowledge of the large number of ina posterior ambulnera. —Id tentacle.— y1 78 auricles. — 2 anterior and: posterfonjobes, the North American animals enumerated in the “Systema Nature.’ This species is very transparent, hyaline, of a milkish white tint, with grayish ambulacra, faintly iridescent. Whether it is identical with the species mentioned by McCrady as Bolina littoral’s or not, I have at present no means of ascertaining. bo =] roma) CTENOPHORZE. Part IL SHOT ay rr. THE GENUS IDYIA AND OTHER TRUE BEROIDS. I find it very difficult to trace the natural limits of the genera belonging to the family of the Beroid proper. With the exception of Milne-Edwards’s illus- trations of Beroe Forskali, all the descriptions and figures of these animals are so imperfect that they afford very indifferent means of comparison; and the circumstance that it is absolutely impossible to preserve specimens of these Acalephs for pro- longed examination after their death, necessarily limits all comparative investigations within very narrow bounds. There is another obstacle to a thorough revision of the family, arising from the fact that most species known have only been observed for a short time, and therefore only in one condition of their natural development. Availing myself of the opportunities I have had of studying for the last three years one species of this family in every stage of growth, I am able to state positively that the genus Medea is founded on the peculiarities of the young before they have reached half their size. Several naturalists have already suspected that the genus Medea could not be retained, and that it was based upon the exami- nation of immature specimens. I am able to state with confidence that this is really the case. The genus Medea is characterized by the shortness of its rows of locomotive flappers, which do not extend more than half way from the abactinal side toward the mouth, while in the genus Beroe the ambulacral rows are said to extend all the way to near the margin of the mouth. Now it may be seen (PI. I), that, in the smaller specimens of the Idyia of our shore (/¥%y. 6), the rows of loco- motive flappers approach less closely to the margin of the mouth in proportion as the specimens are younger; and that, while in the largest (fs. 1 and 2) they extend comparatively much nearer to the edge of the mouth, in the smallest they are so limited as already to answer to the generic character of Medea. I may add, that, in still younger specimens, the difference is even greater. Indeed, in very young specimens, almost too small to be detected by the naked eye, the locomotive flappers are so little developed as to occupy, on the abactinal side of the body, only one third of its height. There can be no doubt, therefore, that the extent of the rows of locomotive flappers does not constitute a generic character among the Beroids proper, without the special qualification that their extent is increasing with age. Eschscholtz mentions the great length of the cilia as another generic character of Medea; but this also is only a peculiarity of the earlier periods of growth, all Cte- nophore when very young having their rows of locomotive flappers much further Cap. IIL. GENUS IDYIA. 271 apart, in comparison to their size, than the adults, and the cilia themselves much longer, and fewer in number, so that the motions of the young are much more energetic, and quicker, than those of the adults. This will appear very natural, when it is considered that the smaller individuals have the longer oars to move with, and the older and bulkier individuals the shorter locomotive apparatus, ac- cordmg to their size. But though there are true Beroids in which the locomotive flappers are ever enlarging with age in the direction of the mouth, there are others which, even in their adult condition, have their rows of locomotive flappers limited to as short a range as the young of the former, and, on account of some other peculiarities, may be considered as a distinct genus. I shall take an opportunity hereafter to describe the species of this type which I have observed. The genus Pandora Esch. has such limited rows of locomotive flappers; but it differs further in having the abactinal part of the spherosome broader and more rounded, the vertical axis shorter than any of the other true Beroids, and the interambulacra so much devel- oped, as, in their contraction, to overlap the locomotive flappers. As for the genus described by Lesson under the name of Cydalisia, I agree with Gegenbaur that it is founded upon characters which have no generic value, and yet I am not inclined to go as far as he does, in uniting all true Beroids in one single genus; for on comparing the descriptions and figures published by Milne-Edwards of Beroe Forskili, I find that the species of our coast never assumes that sugar-loaf form which Milne- Edwards represents, but exhibits always rounded outlines on its abactinal side. There must, therefore, be some marked structural difference in the abactinal area of our species and that of the Mediterranean. Accordingly, instead of uniting into one genus all the Beroids which in their adult state have rows of locomotive flap- pers extending to near the margin of the mouth, I would retain the distinction hitherto made between Beroe proper and Idyia, and+refer to the genus Beroe those species which resemble the Beroe Forskali, and to the genus Idyia those which resemble the Beroe Cucumis of Sars and the species of our coast. Thus circumscribed, the genus Idyia may be characterized by the inequality of its anterior and posterior spheromeres, compared to the lateral ones; and though this mequality is but slight, it is no doubt sufficient to prevent the abactinal side of the body from being raised into a projecting cone. The structure is this. On their abactinal side the lateral spheromeres are bulging while they converge towards the central eye-speck, whereas the anterior and the posterior spheromeres curve evenly towards the same point. The consequence of this inequality is, that, how- ever much the centre itself may be projected, the anterior and the posterior spheromeres act as bridles upon the lateral ones to prevent the centre from rising into the shape of a cone; while in a state of comparative rest, the abactinal area 279, CTENOPHORE. Parr II, is depressed in the direction of the circumscribed area, and the lateral spheromeres slightly project upon its sides. I infer that the possibility of protruding uniformly the abactinal end of the body, in Beroe Forskali, may depend upon an even development of the eight spheromeres on their abactinal side. If this be so, the generic separation of these two animals and their allied species is fully justified. There is another peculiarity which coincides with this difference in form. In Idyia the circumscribed area is very much elongated, and its margin adorned with a row of fringes, diverging forward and backward, and rounded off at its anterior and posterior extremities; while in Beroe proper the fringes encircling the circumscribed area give it a lanceolate form. Had these characters been observed only in two species, they might be considered as specific differences; but all the conical Beroids thus far figured by Mertens and Lesson agree in every respect with that so beauti- fully illustrated by Milne-Edwards, as closely as those with the dome-shaped outline, figured by Péron, Chamisso, and Sars, resemble that which I have examined. And though the repetition of the same character in several species is not in itself a generic distinction, it is generally a good indication, that such species, having closer affinities, may also present true generic peculiarities not yet observed. As I never had an opportunity of examining a conical species of Beroid, it is impossible for me to give a more direct account of the generic differences of the members of this family. I will therefore only say in conclusion, that, taking Beroe Forskali as the type of Beroe proper, I would refer to it also Beroe mitreformis of Lesson, the type of his genus Cydalisia, and Mertens’s Beroe penicillata; and, takimg the species of our coast as the type of the genus Idyia, I would refer to it the oldest species for which it was instituted, and Beroe cucumis of Sars, Beroe macrostomus of Péron, Beroe capensis of Chamisso, and a new species discovered by my son Alexander Agassiz in the Gulf of Georgia. For our species I propose the name of Ipyia Roszova. This is the species alluded to in my paper on Beroid Meduse in the Memoirs of the American Academy, which, at the time of its publication, I knew too imperfectly to describe. In the year 1858 it appeared in such quantities upon our coast during the whole summer, that at times it would tinge with its delicate rosy hue extensive patches of the surface of the sea during the warmest hours of the day. It made its first appearance early in July, when all the specimens were of a small size, rarely exceeding an inch or an inch and a half But it grew rapidly larger and larger, and towards the end of August most of them had reached the size of from three to four inches in vertical height, and about half that size in width, while many had twice these dimensions. At this period they were brightest and deepest in their coloration, the darker colored ovaries, and especially the deep pink colored spermaries, adding to the intensity of their hues. But as the spawning season advanced, and Crap. III. GENUS IDYIA. 273 the contents of these organs were emptied, they grew again paler and paler, and, after the eggs and spermatic particles had been entirely discharged, the spherosome itself faded and assumed a livid, pale, grayish color, only a slight tinge of pink remaining. The first September storms broke them all to pieces, and nothing could be found afterwards but floating fragments. This year I have found them again in great abundance, and, as before, they made their first appearance early in July. Several years ago, in 1852, I had also an opportunity of seeing large numbers of them in the harbor of Provincetown on Cape Cod, in the month of August. They had reached about half the size of those seen later, and had probably made their appearance not long before. Afterwards I traced them as far north as the Bay of Fundy, always larger in proportion as the season advanced. But I have never seen them during the winter or in early spring. tubercle of the eye- speck. —f funnel. —71 ceeliac tube upon the distended digestive cay- oe ity. —7 ceeliac tube, supposing the of this digestive cavity empty. —/1/* lat- The chymiferous cavity (My. 97) is very short, though wide ; indeed, much shorter than in any other type eral chymiferous tubes. —/? 23 an- terior chymiferous tubes. — d coe- liac aperture. order, and the digestive cavity opens into it through a long fissure, which may gape and contract so as to render it very difficult to trace its outlines, unless the whole chymiferous system be fully distended VOL. IIL. 36 289 CTENOPHORA. Parr IL. and the digestive cavity itself empty. Under such conditions and in a side view of the animal (PL IL 7. 18 and Ly. 98), the origin of the two lateral ambulacral tubes of one side and the anterior and posterior ambu- lacral tubes of the same side may be distinctly seen arismg from an ample common cavity, from which arise also, between the lateral ambulacral tubes, the still broader coeliac tube of that side, the lumen of which, g, is projected like a round hole Funnel and chymiferous tubes of upon the centre of the cavity. Above it, right and IpyIA ROSEOLA Ag. , left, are the two large forks of the funnel, rismg to capsule of the eye-speck.— eye-speck.—ce cireum- ? 5 5 scribed area. —d coeliac aperture. —e tubercle of the the surface on the two sides of the eent ral eye- eye-speck. —f f forks of the funnel. —g opening of the creliae tube. —r cceliae tube itself. — 4h narrow pro- snecl and forming, when projecting outward, the longations of the rows of locomotive flappers. —/7 2 an- o? terior and posterior ambulacral tubes with the flappersof — Jypogylap pao -epres y J iy WA This g &.—I82 lateral ambulacral tubes with their flappers. irregular bag repr esented mm Ly. ‘. Ss same ¢ “Pt internal ramifications of the amibdlocral tobes. annaratuiswmay also.) be, .S6en IM) Ags... and ae at Pl I. In Fy. 3, the outline of the whole system may distinctly be traced in faint outlines, from the abactinal pole, the eight chymiferous tubes nearly following the outlines of the narrow bands in the prolongation of the rows of locomotive flappers, and the coeliac tubes running between the lateral ambulacra and projecting beyond the outlines of the digestive cavity. All these tubes follow the course of the ambulacra, from the central chymiferous cavity to the margin of the mouth, where they open into a wide, circular tube encircling the mouth. The tubes are very wide, and their diameter uniform for their whole length. They may best be seen, and their connection with the oral tube is most distinct, in younger specimens (/%y. 6° magnified and ‘yg. 7), in which the rows of locomotive flappers do not cover them. They are also distinctly seen in views from the actinal side (Figs. 4, 9, and 2°), in which the oral tube encircling the mouth is seen to anastomose with all the ambulacral tubes, or rather the ambulacral tubes empty into the oral tube. The coeliac tube may be perceived for its whole length through the thickness of the spherosome between the lateral ambulacra in Jy. 2, and to communicate also with the oral tube. This anastomosis is particularly distinct in a view from the actinal side (fiz. 4). The course of the fluid contained in this system is somewhat peculiar. The great width of the tubes has reference, no doubt, to the very great size of the digestive cavity; but as they > are capable of great extension and contraction, they readily adapt themselves to the quantity of fluid poured into the chymiferous system from the digestive cavity. There is in this family another structural adaptation, which makes it possible for the larger digestive cavity to discharge the nutritive fluid accumulated im it more promptly into the chymiferous system than this takes place in Pleurobrachia. The chymiferous tubes, instead of following a simple course as in the other Ctenophore, eS Cuap. III. GENUS IDYIA. 983 send off along their whole course innumerable branches, ramifying in the thickness of the spherosome (PL. II. Fig. 10). the transparent spherosome, give it a very peculiar appearance, as if made up of These ramified tubes,’ everywhere visible through Nothing of the kind is seen in any other type of Ctenophore. thie origin and ramification of the minor tubes pervading the spherosome present some irregular meshes. The coeliac tubes alone are simple, and do not give off or receive any branches. striking peculiarities. Those of the anterior and lateral interambulacra (Jigs. 1 and 2), running nearer to the surface and consisting of thinner branches, arise from the ovarian side of the ambulacral tubes, and, in fact, are direct prolongations of the ovisacs; while those occupying the anterior and the posterior pairs of interambulacra have a deeper origin, from the inner side of the ; 5 Fig. 99. ambulacral tubes, and, bending over the spermatic sacs, ramify nearer the inner surface of the spherosome, and are, on the whole, wider than the others (PI. IL F%g. 10). Fig. 99, which gives a transverse section across the middle of the body, shows the origin and distribution of these different branches, and makes it evident that none arise, either from the side of the spermatic sacs IpDYIA ROSEOLA, Ag. or from the cceliac tubes. Transverse section across the middle of the Fig. 10, Pl. IL, representing a vertical section of ody. a i rr eceliac tubes. — 2371, 14475 lateral tubes,—/? /3, the whole animal nearly to the abactinal pole where w= anterior and posterior tubes.—o 0 ovaries. ° e — Ss, 58 spermaries.—¢¢ internal ramifications the spherosome is cut transversely, gives the best of the anterior and posterior tubes.— ¢1 internal 5 ss s. e ramifications of the lateral tubes. idea of the ramifications of the chymiferous tubes on the inner surface of the spherosome, and shows how much they differ on that side from those on the ex- ternal surface (Pl. I. Fig. 1). of the abactinal part of 7%. 10, Pl. HW. Along its mar- Fig. 100 is a reproduction gins are seen one of the anterior and one of the posterior ambulacral tubes for their whole length, the IpYIA ROSEOLA, Ag. corresponding tubes J‘ 7? (Fig. 100) of the opposite side rr. cceliac tubes, 7 is cut near its origin. —2 71 lat- eral ambulacral tubes cut near their origin. —/7 2 anterior and posterior ambulacral tubes, cut near their origin ; all the cut ambulacral tubes are on being cut through. In the centre is the large cceliac the same side of the body; on the opposite side the following organs are visible from their internal face: —16 13 anterior and posterior ambulacral tubes. —/5/+ lateral ambulacral tubes. —a aaa represents the section of the spherosome. #7}, are cut through. 1 Among some Echinoderms there is something quite similar to these ramifications of the ambu- tube of one side, and its corresponding tube of the opposite side 7 is cut through. The two lateral ambu- lacral tubes of one side are also seen for their whole length, and the corresponding tubes of the opposite side, Between the abactinal end of these branches the short but lacral tubes; for I do not doubt that the tube extending throughout the thickness of the shell of 984. CTENOPHORZ. Part I. wide central chymiferous cavity may be seen. On the actinal side, half the oral tube is exposed, and on the margins its sections through the anterior and the posterior interambulacra are visible as black specks. The course of the fluid in all these tubes is very easily traced. Starting from the central chymiferous cavity, the main currents flow toward the actinal side of the body through the ambulacral tubes and empty into the circular oral tube, but, owing to the frequent contraction and great activity of the actinal region, the progress of the fluid is constantly interrupted; it then flows back and moves to and fro in the ambulacral tubes, filling and distending to the utmost their rami- fications in the spherosome, and thus distending it in the manner in which erectile tissues are distended by capillary vessels. But when the obstacle arising from the contraction of the actinal region is overcome, the fluid rushes into the circular tube, from which arise also branches ramifying into the spherosome, and then runs back through the cceliae tubes into the central chymiferous cavity. The total absence of ramifications from the coeliac tubes into the spherosome or upon the walls of the digestive cavity shows, that, in this type at least, the essential function of the cceliac tubes is not to provide the digestive apparatus with nutritive fluid. In very young specimens these ramifications do not exist at all, and the chymiferous tubes are as simple as in Pleurobrachia; but as they increase in size there arise a few lateral branches, at first simple, then dividing (PL I. Fig. 6* and 6* magni- fied), and then becoming more and more numerous and branching more extensively so long as they continue to grow. The ovaries and spermaries stand in such close connection with the ambulacral tubes and their ramifications, that they are best considered in this connection. In very young specimens the ambulacral tubes are straight, simple canals; but as they advance in age, shallow pouches grow out of them upon the sides, increasing gradually in size and expanding into irregular sacs, sometimes with a broad base tapering gradually, at other times with a narrow base and expanding into irregular vesicular sacs, usually, but not always, continued into slender ramifications pene- trating into the spherosome. In these sacs the ovarian and spermatic cells are developed; but, as already remarked, each ambulacral tube produces eggs in the sacs of one of its sides and spermatic cells in the other: and while pigment cells of a pale color line these sacs, superficial pigment cells of a deep pink color are the Clypeastroidw, and forming a regular circular 1 Milne-Edwards represents the coeliac tubes as tube along the margin in the Scutellide, are ho- ramified in Beroe Forskali, Ann. Se. Nat. 2d. sér. mologous to the lateral tubes of the Beroids branch- vol. 16, Pl. VI. Fig. 14,6. It certainly gives off ing from the ambulacral tubes in the spherosome. no branches at all in our Idyia, nor have I seen Tn Echinoderms, however, the tubes send off suckers any such ramifications of the celiac tubes in the similar to though smaller than the ambulacral tubes. other true Beroids which I have observed. Cuap. III. GENUS IDYIA. 985 crowded upon the surface of the spermatic sacs, so that all the ambulacral rows appear one-sided, on account of the prominence imparted to them by the pigment cells crowded over the spermatic sacs. Moreover, the ovarian and the spermatic sacs are developed on opposite sides in adjoining ambulacra, so that proximate sides of different ambulacra have the same kind of sexual organs, while alternate inter- ambulacra have different kinds, the total arrangement being such that ovaries occupy the anterior and the posterior interambulacra, as well as the lateral imterambulacra in which trend the cceliac tubes, while the four imtervening interambulacra are occu- pied by spermaries. The sexual sacs begin to appear early in August or in the latter part of July. They are filled with eggs and spermatic cells in the latter part of August; and at that time, in the larger specimens, these may be seen circulating in the ramified tubes arising from the ambulacral tubes, which soon fill so completely with eggs (Pl. Il. Fg. 6) as to appear like blood dises in a_blood- vessel. Owing to the ramifications of the ambulacral tubes and the extension of the ovisac in the shape of similar branches extending into the spherosome, while the spermatic sacs communicate only with the main tubes of the ambulacra, it follows that the contents of the spermaries are emptied into the ambulacral tubes, and through them circulated into the ovarian sacs as soon as the eggs begin to pass into the ramifications of their pouches, and, finally, eggs and spermatic particles are lodged together in the ramifications of the chymiferous system, which penetrate the spherosome, where the eggs remain enclosed until the spherosome itself is broken up and decomposes, when the eges and the young, in various stages of development, are set free. This constitutes a marked difference from Pleurobrachia and Bolina, in which the eggs are only moved to and fro through the main chymiferous tubes. The central eye-speck (Pl. II. Figs. 5, 8, 9, and 18) has the same structure as in Pleurobrachia and Bolina, and may be so easily observed, that, were there distinct nerves connected with its bulb, I could hardly have failed to see them. That the eight narrow branches converging under the base of its bulb (Pl. IL Fy. 3) are not nerves, but a direct prolongation of the rows of locomotive fringes, presenting in their abactinal extension (Pl. H. Figs. 8 and 9) the same character as on their actinal prolongation (Fig. 17), is easily ascertained; and the circumstance, that while they are plainly visible at the two extremities of the rows of loco- motive flappers nothing of the kind can be seen under them, not even when the ambulacra are examined from their inner surface as in F%y. 10, shows distinctly that they form a part of the system of locomotive flappers. But why they should reach the base of the eye and terminate there is not so easily understood; unless it is to establish a connection of some kind between sight and locomotion, in the same way as the eye-specks of the Echinoderms are placed in the prolongation of the ambulacra. This connection seems to me an additional evidence that the eye-speck 286 CTENOPHORE. Parr I. of the Ctenophor is a Cyclopean structure, resulting from the central combination of the several eye-specks occupying in other types of the class a peripheric position at the end of the ambulacral zones. The whole structure of Radiates, however, is so remote from that of the other branches of the animal kingdom, that any attempt to homologize their functions beyond the respective limits of the primary types is more likely to lead to errors than to explain their peculiarities. Having thus described our Idyia, the question now arises, What are its specific characters? for, if the views I have advocated in the first part of this work are at all well founded, it must be obvious that I have embraced in this description many features which are in no way specific. The fundamental structure of our Idyia, as composed of eight spheromeres, is not a specific character, since it is common to all the Ctenophore; nor are the equable development of the spheromeres and the ramifications of the ambulacral tubes specific characters, since all the true Beroids agree in this respect; nor is the absence of tentacular tubes and of tentacles a specific character, since no member of this sub-order has them; nor is the great width of the digestive cavity, nor the limited extent of the main chymiferous cavity, specific, since all the Beroids agree in the development of these parts; nor is the structure of the ovaries and spermaries, nor that of the circumscribed area. But, instead of enumerating anew all the structural details mentioned in this section, I may as well at once express my conviction, that no structural peculiarity can ever be considered as a specific character, since the essence of species does not lie in the plan of structure, nor in its mode of execution, nor in its complication, nor in the combinations which determine the form, nor even in the details of the structure. These categories of structure determine respectively the branches, the classes, the orders, the families, and the genera of the animal kingdom; while the species are characterized by their size, the relative proportions of their parts, their ornamentation, their geographical range, their relation to the elements in which they live, their mode of existence, the duration of their life, their association with one another, the period of their reproduction, the changes they undergo during their life, and their association with other beings. Considering, now, our Idyia in this light, I may say that its most striking specifie peculiarities are its great size; the prominence of its vertical diameter; its equable and gradual widening from the abactinal pole toward its middle height, and its still more gradual tapering toward the mouth; its light rosy color, intensified with age, and particularly bright about the sexual organs, and deep pink upon the spermaries during the season of spawning, the color growing deeper in consequence of the accumulation of pigment cells. This species lives along the coasts of New England, and northward: it is found near the shores, and, though sometimes appearing in immense numbers, it cannot be said to lead a gregarious life and to form shoals, as they do not move together, Cuar. II. GENUS IDYIA. 28 | like herrings or mackerels. They feed upon other Ctenophore, and are very voracious, their digestion being very rapid. They are short-lived, and appear periodically in the early part of the summer, when their dimensions are one sixth of their full size: they are at first pale, but grow deeper and deeper in color as they enlarge, and are brightest toward the end of the summer during the spawning season; after the ovaries and spermaries have been emptied, they grow paler and paler; and, finally, they are broken up into fragments by the autumnal gales. The young, hatched about this time, probably pass the winter, like most shore animals, in deeper water; and they differ from the adults chiefly in having their rows of locomotive flappers much shorter than afterwards. They are usually found associ- ated with Pleurobrachia, Bolina, and Thaumantias near the surface of the water during the hottest hours of the day; but whenever the sea is rippled or the sky overcast, they sink out of sight below the surface. A comparison of Idyia roseola with another species, Idyia cyathina A. Ag., dis- covered by my son in the Gulf of Georgia, has satisfied me that such are truly the specific characters of our Idyia; for I find that there is not the slightest structural difference between the two, and yet there can be no doubt that they differ specifically. In Idyia cyathina the spherosome widens rapidly from the abactinal pole, and is widest at two thirds of the distance from the mouth, when it again tapers suddenly, and then more gradually, in the same direction; the actinal side of the spherosome being narrower and thinner than the actinal, and therefore much more flexible, and the anterior and posterior interambulacra on that account capable of more extensive contractions, in consequence of which the angles of the mouth may be drawn into very deep curves, and the lips thus formed assume the shape of more distinct lobes than is ever the case with Idyia roseola. It may be said, that though both have the same pattern, Idyia roseola has rather the form of a shuttle, and Idyia cyathina resembles more an Etruscan vase. The habits of Idyia cyathina have not been sufficiently studied to carry farther the comparison of the two species; but, as mentioned above (p. 250, note), so much is already known, that it is also found associated with a Pleurobrachia and a Bolina. Many years ago I noticed in the harbor of Charleston, South Carolina, and in Florida, two Acalephs belonging to the family of the true Beroids, respecting which my memoranda are very scanty, and quite insufficient to describe them as they should be. And yet I am unwilling to omit them entirely, as they seem to indicate the presence, along our southern coast, of a genus intermediate between Pandora and Idyia, and thus far unknown. Their most striking peculiarity is the shortness of the vertical axis, which barely exceeds the longitudinal diameter. In this respect they resemble the genus Pandora Lsch.; but they differ from it in having their ambulacra very prominent and the interambulacra concave, while in 988s CTENOPHORA. Part I. Pandora the rows of locomotive flappers lie in a furrow, the margins of which may close over them. They differ further from Pandora in the more extensive development of the rows of flappers, which reach near to the oral tube, and in this respect they resemble more Idyia, with which they agree also in being much compressed laterally. The circumscribed area is bounded by a fringe of deeply lobed processes arranged in two prolonged circles, with the eye-speck between them, in the centre. The eye-speck is not raised on a peduncle. The branching tubes penetrating into the spherosome, which Eschscholtz does not mention in Pandora, are even more distinct than in Idyia; and those arising from the circular oral tube are quite numerous. The main chymiferous cavity, from which arise the chymiferous tubes, is a globular hollow, situated in the abactinal part of the sphero- some and communicating with the wide digestive cavity through a narrow fissure. The compression of the body is quite striking, and, upon contrasting a lateral and a front view, these species appear rather flat. For this genus I would propose the name of Ipyopsis. Ipyorsis Crarxu dy. (Fy. 101). I inscribe this species to my friend Prof. H. J. Clark, to whom I am indebted for a sketch of its outlines, certain that, when he has an opportunity for examining it leisurely, he will give us a most minute account of its structure. From notes made Ipyorstis CLARKII, Ag. years ago, it appears that the rows _ Seen from the abactinal side. —— ° ene Ct oe { . circumscribed area. —/1 /8, [4 15 pyorsts OLarku, Ag. of locomotive flappers have on iateral ambulacra.—2 0, 67 Seen from the broad side. anterior and posterior ambu- / funnel. —V@ anterior and posterior ambulacra. each side a band of yellow and lacra. ce pouth cunmuintat by the nal wake, brown stellate dots, and that the edge of the mouth, geo ee as well as the fringes around the circumscribed area, were dotted in the same manner. The digestive cavity is occasionally constricted about half way up its height, and may remain so for a long time, while the mouth is broadly opened, and the constriction gliding toward the abactinal end of the digestive cavity may reach the fissure leading into the main chymiferous cavity, and disappear when the latter opens. Seen in profile from its broad side, this species is nearly globular. Found in the harbor of Charleston. Ipyorsis arrinis Ay. differs from the preceding in being more flattened in front and behind, and less rounded in its outlines when seen from the broad side, the actinal side being broader. Found along the reef of Florida, at Key West, and about the Tortugas. Cuap. IIL. TABULAR VIEW. 289 Sy CEO ING TEA. TABULAR VIEW OF THE CTENOPHORZ KNOWN AT PRESENT. In order not to occupy too much room with the following table, I introduce only the names and authority of the species and their principal synonymes, as the refer- ences may be found in Eschscholtz or Lesson, and only add such critical remarks as are indispensable to settle questionable statements. I have also carefully revised the indications of all authors respecting the localities in which the species occur. Order of CTENOPHOR L£sch.: Beroes Goldf. 1820.— Vibrantes Cham. and Eysenh. 1821.— Beroide Esch. 1825.—Ciliata Latr, 1825.—Ctenophoree Lsch. 1829. —Iriptéres Rang 1829.—Ciliobranches and Ciliogrades DeBlainw. 1830. Ist Sub-order. LOBATA Esch. 1825.— Mnemiide Lsch. 1829. Ist Family. Evrampraipx Ag. 1860, p. 199. Euramphea Gegenb. 1856.— Mnemia Sars 1857. E. vexilligera Gegenb.— Mnemia elegans Surs. — Mediterranean : Messina (Gegenbaur and Sars). Hapalia sch. 1825: Callianira Cham. 1821.—Mnemia Esch. 1829. — Eucharis DeBlainv. 1850.— Polyptera Less. 1843. The validity of this genus is questionable, since it is founded upon an imperfect specimen. H. heteroptera “sch. — Callianira heteroptera Cham.— Mnemia Cha- missonis Lsch. — Eucharis heteroptera DePlaiw.— Polyptera Chamissonis Less. — Cape of Good Hope, Table Bay (Chamisso). 2d Family. Boinx Ag. 1860, p. 200. Bolina Mert. 1835.—Mnemia Sars 1855.— Alcinoe Less. 1843. — Anais Less. 1845. B. septentrionalis Mert.— Of Matthai Island, Behring Strait (Mer- tens); Gulf of Georgia (A. Agassiz). B. norvegica Agy.—Mnemia norvegica Sars. — Alcinoe norvegica Less. — Bolina hibernica Pa/t.— Alcinoe rotunda Fors. and Goods. — Beroe bilobata Dalyell.—Cydippe quadricostata Sars, the young? (Anais quadricostata Less.) — Coast of Bergen, Nor- way (Sars); eastern and southern coast of Ireland (Patterson). B. alata Ag.— Coast of New England and northward to the Bay of Fundy (Agassiz). B. vitrea Agy.— Reef of Florida (Agassiz). VOL. III. 37 290 CTENOPHORE. Parr IL. Bolinopsis Ay. 1860, p. 201.—Bolina Mert, 1833. This genus differs from Bolina in having its anterior and posterior rows of locomotive flappers extending to the bend of the chymiferous tubes, and the abactinal direction of the medial anastomosis of the latter, which trend in the opposite direction in Bolina. The spherosome is papillate, while that of Bolina is smooth. The large lobes are deeply indented. B. elegans Ag.— Bolina elegans Mert.— South Sea (Mertens). od Family. Myemipm Lsch. (restricted). There are two groups of genera included in this family: Mnemia (Aleinoe), LeSueuria, and Mnemiopsis the body of which is smooth, and Eucharis, Chiaja, and Leucothea with a papillate surface; but, until the structure of these papillae is better known, the value of this difference in regard to classification must remain doubtful. Mnemia Lsch, 1825. M. Schweiggert Lsch.— Rio Janeiro, Brazil (Eschscholtz). M. Kuhhi Lsch. — Pacijfie Ocean, near the Equator, Long. 180° of Greenwich. Judging from the figure and description of Eschscholtz, this species must be generically distinct from M. Schweiggeri on account of its abactinal appendages. Alcinoe Rang 1829. A. vermiculata Raig.— Coast of Brazil; abundant in the Bay of Rio Janeiro (Rang). A. rosea Mert. — Of the Falkland Islands (Mertens). Although this genus is generally adopted, I am_ strongly inclined to believe that it is founded upon the same species as the genus Mnemia of Eschscholtz. There is nothing in the description of Mnemia Schweiggeri Lsch. to preclude the possibility of its identity with Alcimoe vermiculata Rang, and both were observed in the same locality. Alcinoe norvegica Less. is a true Bolina, B. norvegica. Tam unable to ascertain what Alcinoe Smithi Forbes may be. It is said to be found near Ailsa Craig and on the Trish coast. LeSueuria Milne-Edw. 1841. L. vitrea Jf-Kdw.— Mediterranean: Bay of Nizza (Milne-Edwards). Mnemiopsis Agass. 1860, p. 269. M. Gardeni Ay. See p. 269.— Charleston, S. Carolina (Agassiz). Cuap. II. TABULAR VIEW. 291 Eucharis Lech. 1825. E. Tiedemanni Lsch. — Northern Pacific, East of Japan (Eschscholtz). The genus Eucharis should be limited to the species first described in the Isis m 1825. Eucharis multicornis /sch., founded upon Beroe multicornis Q. and G., is a genuine Chiaja, as far as the mutilated condition of the species allows an identification. At least, there is no other Mediterranean genus to which it may be referred. Judging from Reynaud’s figure, Eucharis novemcostata Less., founded upon Beroe costata Reyn., from the Indian Ocean, off Ceylon, is the type of a distinct genus, which may be called Evcwarina, and the species E. costata. Chiaja Less. 1843. Ch. papillosa J-Edw.— Alcinoe papillosa Delle Chiaje. — Chiaja neapolitana. Less.— Bay of Naples (Delle Chiaje). Ch. multicornis M/-Ldw.— Eucharis multicornis W7/.— Beroe multi- cornis Q. and @.?— Adriatic: Trieste (Will); Mediterranean (Quoy and Gaimard). Ch. palermitana J/-Edw.— Palermo (Milne-Edwards). Considering the extensive geographical range of most Aca- lephs, it seems hardly probable that there should exist three species of Chiaja in the Mediterranean. I cannot agree with Milne-Edwards, when he considers the genus Chiaja as identical with Leucothea Mert. The tentacular apparatus is very differ- ent in the two: at least, if is so described and figured by Mertens, Will, and Milne-Edwards as to lead to the impression that there exists a generic difference in the structure of the tentacles of Leucothea and Chiaja. Leucothea Mert. 1855.— Leucothoex Less.— Leucothoea Less. L. formosa Mert. — Azores (Mertens). 4th Family. Caryionpx Gegend.’ (restricted). — Mnemidx Lsch, — Calym- mee Less. Calymma Fisch. 1825. C. Trevirani Esch. — Pacifie Ocean, nea the Equator (Eschscholtz). Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Africa, near the Equator (Mertens).— The separation C. Mertensii Less. —Calymma Trevirani Mert. of this species is founded upon its occurrence in the Atlantic. 1 Gegenbaur writes it CaLymnip£; but it should be Catymmip. 292 CTENOPHORZE. Barre Oe Bucephalon Less. 1845. B. Reynaudi Less. — Callianira Bucephalon Reyn.— OFF Ceylon (Reynaud), Axiotima Lsch. 1829.— Axia Esch. 18265. A. Geedei Esch. — Pacifie Ocean, near the Equator (Eschscholtz). Whether this genus belongs to this family, or not, is a matter of doubt. Eschscholtz’s description and figure are eyi- dently drawn from an imperfect specimen. 5th Family. Ocyrore Less. 1843. Ocyroe Rang 1829. (30) L O. crystallina Rang.— Atlantic Ocean, under the Equator, Long. W. of Greenvich (Rang). O. fusca Rang.— Atlantic Ocean, off Cape Verd Islands (Rang). O. maculata Rang.— Among the Antilles (Rang). 2d Sub-order, TAENIATA Ay. 1860.— Cestoidex Less. — Cestide Gegenb. Ist Family. Cursrompm Less. 1845. — Cestidas Gegenb. 1856. These family names are objectionable on account of their tautonomy with the Cestoid Worms. Cestum LeSuew 1815.—Sicyosoma Cegenb. 1856? C. breve Grdffe. — C. Meyeri Griffe.—Sicyosoma rutilum Gegenb. (young?) — Mediterranean : C. Veneris LeS.—C. Rissoanum Less. WNizza (LeSueur and Risso); Naples (Delle Chiaje); Messina (Kolliker and Gegenbaur). C. Najadis sch. — Pacifie Ocean, near the Equator (Eschscholtz). C. Amphitrites Mert.— Pacifie Ocean, under and near the Equator, Long. 127° and 280° W. of Greenwich (Mertens). C. Mertensii Ay.— Mentioned without name by Mertens. — Atlantic (Mertens). Lemniscus @Q. and @. 1822. L. marginatus Q@. and G.— Of Timor (Quoy and Gaimard); of New Guinea (Lesson). The genus Lemniscus was characterized from fragments unquestionably belonging to the family of Cestoidex ; but its generic difference from Cestum remains doubtful. It should be remembered, however, that Eschscholtz has already poited out differences between C. Najadis and C. Veneris which seem rather generic than specific, and that therefore Lemniscus also may be a distinct genus, even though the facts observed may SS not, for the present, justify its adoption. But whether the Cuap, HI. VAVB UsTPAC RS Valen Wee 293 genus Lemniscus be distinct from Cestum or not, the species upon which it is founded certainly differs from the species of Cestum thus far described; so that this family already numbers five species, including that alluded to, but not de- scribed, by Mertens. 3d Sub-order. SACCATA Ag.— Callianiride Esch. Ist Family. Merrensipm Ay. 1860, p. 196.—Cydippide Lsch. Mertensia Less. 1843 (not Gegenb.). M. Cucullus Ay. — Beroe Cucullus Mod.— Cydippe Cucullus Esch. — Mertensia Scoresbyi Less. —Beroe Pileus Scor. nec Fubr. nec Mill. —Cydippe Cucumis Less. (The synonymes of Lesson are all wrong).— Beroe Ovum Fudbr. (Cydippe Ovum Lsch.). — Aretie Ocean (Martens and Scoresby). — Baffin’s Bay (Fabricius). M. compressa Less. — Beroe compressa Mert.— Bay of the Holy Cross, mouth of the Anadyr (Mertens). Martensia Agass. 1860, p. 198. M. octoptera Ay.— Beroe octoptera Mert.—Janira octoptera Less. — Coast of Chili: Bay of Conception and of Valparaiso (Mertens) ; Behring Strait, near the Bay of St. Lawrence (Mertens). Gegenbauria Agass. 1860, p. 198. G. cordata Ay.— Eschscholtzia cordata A67/.— Callianira diploptera Delle Ch.— Mediterranean: Bay of Naples (Delle Chiaje); Mes- sia (Kolker and Gegenbaur). Owenia Al. 1853.— Mertensia Gegenb. 1856. O. rubra Aoi. — O. filigera AGI. — Mediterranean: Messina (Killiker). 2d Family. Cypirrinm Gegenb. (restricted). — Callianiridee Esch. (partly). Pleurobrachia Flem. 1828.—Cydippe Esch. 1829. Pl. Pileus #7.—Beroe Pileus Mil/.—Cydippe Pileus Esch. — Cy- dippe Flemingii Forb.— Beroe ovatus Link.—Cydippe ovatus Less. — Cydippe pomiformis Patt.— Beroe infundibulum Miil.— Cydippe infundibulum Zsch.—Beroe Miilleri Less. — Cydippe lagena Forbes. — Beroe hexagona Mod.— Callianira hexagona Esch. — Janira hexagona Oken.— Beroe Santonum Less. — Eu- rope: Holland (Slabber) ; German Ocean (Miiller) ; Scotland (Flem- 1 Although the paper of Mertens gives the coast to Beroe (Martensia) octoptera with those relating of Chili and Behring Strait as the home of this to Beroe (Mertensia) compressa, which is truly an species, I suspect, that, in the arrangement of his arctic species; for it is hardly credible that the same manuscript, which was printed after his death, the species should occur in the waters of Behring editor may have confounded the memoranda relating Strait and on the coast of Chili. 294 ' CTENOPHORA. SPany Ue ing); Sf Andrews (Forbes); Mouth of the Thames (Dr. Grant) ; Coast of Ireland (Patterson); Atlantic coast of France (Lesson). Pl. densa Ay.— Beroe densa Forsk.— Cydippe densa Lsch.— Beroe Pileus £isso.— Beroe albens Forsk.— Mediterranean (Forskal and Risso). Pl. rhododactyla Ay. — Beroe Pileus Fubr,.— New England (Agassiz) ; Greenland (Fabricius). Pl. bicolor Ag.—Cydippe bicolor Sars. — Norway: Florden (Sars). Pl. Bachei A. Ay.— Washington Territory, West coast of North America (A. Agassiz). Pl. Basteri Ay.— Beroe Basteri Less. — Coast of Peru, not far from Callao (Lesson). : Pl. rosea Ay.— Beroe roseus @. and G.— Slraits of Timor (Quoy and Gaimard). Janira Oken 1815.—Cydippe Esch. 1829. J. elliptica Less. —Cydippe elliptica Lsch.— Pacific Ocean, near the Equator (Eschscholtz). J. Cucumis Less.— Beroe Cucumis Mert.— Between Sitka and Una- laschka, and under the 36° N. Lat. and 211° W. Long. (Mertens). J. elongata Ay.— Beroe elongatus Q. and G.—Janira Quoyil Less. — Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Africa in 8° N. Lat. (Quoy and Gaimard). Eschscholtzia Less. 1845.— Cydippe Esch. 1829. As the only species left in this genus was described from a drawing, the genus rests upon a very slender basis. E. dimidiata Less. — Cydippe dimidiata sch. — South Sea, between New Zealand and New South Wales (Banks and Solander, ac- cording to Exschscholtz). Dryodora Agass. 1860, p. 196.— Exschscholtzia Less. 1843.— Mertensia Gegenb. 1856 (not Less.). This and the next genus are founded upon theoretical grounds, and require confirmation. D. glandiformis Ay.—Beroe glandiformis Mert.— Eschscholtzia glandi- formis Less. —Mertensia glandiformis Gegenb. — Behring Strait : Bay of St Lawrence (Mertens). Hormiphora Agass. 1860, p. 196.—Cydippe Gegenb. 1856. H. plumosa Ay.—Cydippe hormiphora Gegenb.— Cydippe plumosa Suis. — Mediterranean: Messina (Gegenbaur and Sars). Cuar. IIL. TABULAR VIEW. 295 3d Family. Caruana Esch. 1829, and Gegenb. 1856 (restricted). Callianira Pér. 181014 C. triploptera Limk.— Beroe hexagonus Brag. — Indian Ocean, in the wcinily of Madagascar (Bruguiére). Sophia Pér. auctore Lamarck, Anim. s. Vertebr., and Eschscholtz, Isis, 1825. 8. diploptera Pér.— Callianira diploptera Link.— Indian Ocean, off Australia (Péron). 4th Sub-order. EURYSTOMA Leuch, 1856.— Beroide Cave Esch. 1825. Ist Family. Brromm Esch. 1829. The true characteristics of the species of this family are not yet discovered. Were the synonymy of some authors taken for granted, it would follow that there are species ranging all the world over, which cannot be admitted without the most careful comparison. On the other hand the charac- ters ascribed to the species observed in different localities hardly justify their admission as true species. It is there- fore necessary to await further information before considering either the geographical distribution of these Acalephs, or their specific limitation, as satisfactorily traced. Beroe Brown 1756.—Medea Esch. 1825.—Cydalisia Less. 1843. B. Forskaliit Midne-Edw.— Medusa Beroe Linn. — Beroe. rufescens Forsk.— Beroe ovatus Lam. and Delle Chiaje.— Beroe elongatus Tiss. —Idyia Forskalii Less.— Beroe Chiaji Less. — Mediter- rancan (Forskal, Delle Chiaje, Risso, and Milne-Edwards). B. punctata Cham. and L£ys.—Cydalisia punctata Less. — Atlantic : North of the Azores (Eschscholtz). B. Mertensii Br.—Idyia Mertensii Br.— Southern Atlantic, 35° 50! S. Lat. and 223° #. Long. of Green. (Mertens). B. mitreformis Less.—Cydalisia mitraformis Less. —Idyia peni- cillata Mert.— Pacific: Coast of Peru, 6° S.. of the Equator (Lesson and Mertens). Idyia Frem. 1809.— Medea Esch. 1825. I. ovata Less. — Beroe Brown.— Medusa Beroe Linn. — Beroe ovata Esch. — Tropical Atlantic: Jamaica (Patrick Brown). 17 find it impossible to ascertain positively synonymes in 1829, and for which Lamarck, An. whether the genera Callianira and Sophia, which s. Vert., seems to have the priority, really consti- Eschscholtz represents as distinct in 1825, and as tute two genera or not. 96 CTENOPHORE. Part II. I. gilva Less. —Beroe gilva Esch.— Coast of Brazil (Eschscholtz). I. macrostoma Less. —Beroe macrostomus Pér. and LeS.— Idyia Péronii Less. — Medea constricta Esch. (Beroe constricta Cham. and Eys.), and Medea rufescens Lsch., are probably the young of this species. — Pacific Ocean (Péron and LeSueur). I. Cucumis Less. —Beroe Cucumis Fabr.— Medea fulgens Less, (Beroe fulgens Mc Cart.) is probably the young of this species; I would also refer to it Beroe ovata Dalyell and Beroe punc- tata Dalyell. — Baffi’s Bay (Fabricius); Norway (Sars); Coast of Scotland and England, from the Zetland Isles to the Isle of Wight (Forbes). I. borealis Less. —Beroe fallax Less.— Beroe Scoresbyi Less. — Medea arctica Zess.—and Medea dubia Less.—all founded upon the figures of Scoresby, are probably one and the same species. — Seas of Greenland, 75° Lat. N. and from 5° to 8° Long. W. of Greenwich (Scoresby). I. roseola Agass.— Coast of New England, and northward to the Bay of Fundy (Agassiz). I. cyathina A. Agass.— North-west coast of N. America (A. Agassiz). I. capensis Less. — Beroe capensis Cham. and Eysenh.— South Atlantic, near Cape of Good Hope (Chamisso). Idyiopsis Agass. 1860, p. 288. I. Clarkii Ag.— Adlantic coast of North America: S. Carolina (Agassiz). I. affiinis Ag.— Gulf of Mexico, Tortugas, and Florida (Agassiz). Pandora Esch. 1829. P. Flemingii Lsch.— Northern Pacific, East of Japan (Exschscholtz). 2d Family. Nuts Less, 1843. Neis Less. 1826. N. cordigera Less. — Port Jackson, Australia (Lesson). 3d Family. Ranewx Agass. 1860, p. 191. Rangia Ag.—Idyia Less. 1843. R. dentata Ag.— Idyia dentata Less. — Western coast of Africa (Rang). Cuap. III. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 297 Sil Col TO Nee. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION OF THE CTENOPHOR. The preceding enumeration may furnish the means of tracing, to some extent, the geographical range of the Ctenophore, though it must be apparent, from a survey of the localities where Acalephs of this order have thus far been observed, that much remains to be done before the laws which regulate their distribution can be ascertained. One fact, however, is already plain, that there exist Ctenophore im all the oceans, and that they are as common in the arctic as in the temperate and tropical seas; though the range of the different genera and species does not seem to be more extensive or more limited than that of most marine animals. Peculiar genera and species are known to be limited to certain parts of the ocean, while other genera have a wider range and seem everywhere to have special representatives. The Beroids proper are unquestionably the most widely distributed, species of this family having been noticed under all latitudes and in every ocean. Next to them the Saceatz have the most extensive range; but among these there is already a marked difference between different families, the Mertenside having a more northern range than the Cydippide proper. Indeed, the genus Mertensia is entirely arctic, while the genera Martensia, Gegenbauria, and Owenia belong to the temperate zone. Pleurobrachia and Janira seem to be cosmopolite, Eschscholtzia and Hormiphora are the representatives of the same family in the temperate zone, while Dryodora is arctic. The Callianirids proper belong to the warm regions. The Tzniate are entirely foreign to the cold climates, and seem to be more numerous in the tropical regions than even in the temperate parts of the globe where they were first observed. As to the Lobatx, we find the family of Bolinidz in the cold and temperate zones, extending to the limits of the tropics; while the Eurampheide, the Mnemiide, the Calymmide, and the Ocyroidx are almost exclusively tropical, and have only a few representatives in the warmer temperate zones. If it were certain that the Beroide proper are the lowest Ctenophore and the Lobate the highest, it would follow, that, on the whole, the lower representatives of this order are the most widely distributed, and that the highest are more ex- tensively found in the tropical regions, while those occupying an intermediate position are either cosmopolites, or denizens of the temperate zone, or more tropical. — It seems at least to follow from the facts thus far ascertained, that the most elegant and largest representatives of the Lobate, such as Chiaja and Leucothea, belong to the warmer temperate and to the tropical zones, and that the most aberrant 8 eo VOL. III. 298 CTENOPHORS. Part IL. forms of the whole order, such as Ocyroe and Calymma, are exclusively tropical, Ocyroe being peculiar to the equatorial zone of the Atlantic, while Calymma. is found in the Pacific as well as in the Atlantic. For want of materials, it would be premature, at this time, to attempt tracing with precision the natural boundaries of the Acalephian faunz. But, im connection with data obtained from other classes, much may already be done towards a better understanding of what zoological provinces truly are. In studying the geographical distribution of animals and plants, naturalists have followed different methods, leading to different results, and bearing in different ways upon the question before us. While investigating the relations under which animals and plants are placed, in different parts of the world, in reference to the physical influences to which they are exposed, we no doubt ascertain much that is of great importance for the limi- tation of the faunxz; but such studies do not lead, after all, to the knowledge of natural zoological provinces, but only to a fuller insight into the mutual dependence of the organized beings, and the limiting or fostering conditions under which they may live. This study, as I understand it, may end in giving us a more extensive physical history of the organic world, but cannot, by itself, furnish even the foundation for an organic geography, that is to say, for a knowledge of the natural mode of association of animals and plants of the same family or of the same class, which, properly speaking, constitutes natural faunz or zoological provinces. Nay, this natu- ral mode of association of a variety of animals, belonging either to one and the same class or to different classes and different kingdoms, might be obtained without a deeper knowledge of the physical influences which limit the geographical range of the species considered singly. Again, much confusion seems to prevail among zovlogists and paleontologists in the use which they make of the word fawi. Some designate by it a definite area, within which a variety of animals appears to be naturally associated; and I believe it is in this sense that the term should hereafter be exclusively used. It is self-evident, that if the term /fwuna is applied to such circumscribed areas, and is at the same time used to designate entire zones, over which many distinct zoo- logical provinces may be distributed, as is frequently done when zodlogists speak of the tropical fauna, the temperate fauna, ete, two very different ideas are thus confounded, and no accurate views can be introduced in our science, since in the first case a geographical area is intended, characterized by a peculiar association of various animals, and in the second case a special combination of physical features limiting the range of organized beings. It is far better here to use the expression of gone, consecrated in physical geography, and to speak of the tropical zone, the northern and the southern temperate zones, ete.; or, if the two ideas are to be combined, to speak of the faunz of the tropical zone, in contradistinction to the Cnap. II. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION.” ~ 299 faunee of the temperate and arctic zones: for enough is already known of the geographical distribution of animals to make it certain, that the inhabitants of tropical America, of tropical Africa, of tropical Asia, and of tropical Australia, belong to different faune, as well as those of the temperate zones of these continents, and of the oceans bathing their shores. Again, when paleontologists speak of a Silurian fauna, a Devonian fauna, a Carboniferous fauna, a Jurassic fauna, ete. they either prejudge questions which are far from being settled, or, if aware of the difficulties involved in their nomenclature, allow themselves to use this term still more vaguely than zovlogists do. In the first place, neither the Silurian nor the Jurassic era, nor any other of the long eras generally designated by geologists as geological formations, was inhabited from its beginning to its end by the same kinds of animals. Taking, for instance, the Silurian series, within the narrow limits of the State of New York, or the Oolitic series within the limits of the Jura, or the Cretaceous series within the limits of central Europe, we find in each of these series a succession of different species, combined in such a manner as to form a suecession of faune, the natural geo- graphical boundaries of which may be left out of consideration in view of our present object, but constituting as truly distinct faunse as the animals living along the Atlantic shores of the southern United States constitute a different fauna from those of the Mediterranean. Here, then, we have, in course of time and within the same boundaries, a succession of faune, bearing to one another relations similar to those existing between faunx of the present period within different boundaries ; showing the impropriety of applymg the name of faune to the organic remains found in these different series, and of using it at the same time for the zoological provinces, as defined by zodlogists, for the animals now living. The matter is not improved by limiting the term faunz to shorter geological periods. No doubt the fossils found together by Barrande in the lowest fossiliferous beds of Bohemia repre- ’ sent the first fauna of that region. But the “faune premiére,” if it means any thing, must mean the oldest fauna extending over an area, not yet fully defined perhaps, including the first organisms only that lived upon earth in the geographical area now called Bohemia. It cannot at the same time mean any other combi- nation of more or less closely allied species, living at the same period, in other parts of the world; unless it be at the same time shown, that, in these earlier ages of the world’s history, there were no faunal differences among animals. Enough, however, is already known of these primeval inhabitants of our globe to leave no doubt, that, though the differences in their geographical range may not everywhere be so striking as they are now, they nevertheless differed in different parts of its surface; so that, to extend the expression of “faune premiere” to all the inhabitants of the globe belonging to the geological age of the lower Silurian 300 CTENOPHOR. Parr IT. deposits of Bohemia, is to introduce the element of time in the definition of fauna, which is foreign to it If the expression of “first fauna” could be made to mean all the animals of that epoch, then we should in the same way be justified in speaking of the present fauna as including all the animals now living upon earth ; while it is well known that there are numerous frune at present ranging over our globe, as there no doubt have been at all times. We may speak of the “ first era” or “first period” in the development of animal life upon earth, but certainly not of the “first fauna;” though we may say that the “Bohemian fauna” of the first geological era has been described in a masterly manner by Barrande. In so doing we shall avoid confounding geological periods with geographical areas. In the same way will it be necessary to distinguish between the French, the German, and the English faune of the different geological horizons of the Jurassic and of the Cretaceous series. We shall have a German and an English fauna of the Lias period, a Swiss and a French fauna of the Neocomian period, ete. ete. as soon as the natural boundaries of all these faunx, for all the successive geological epochs, have been satisfactorily traced. And the surest method to advance the solution of this problem is, un- questionably, to distinguish carefully the different elements of the question before us, and not to confound time and_ space. These distinctions being admitted, we may now proceed to consider the Aca- lephian faune of the present period, as characterized by the Ctenophore. I have already alluded to the relations noticed between the representatives of the different families of this order, and the physical conditions under which they live. It remains to examine their combinations in different zoological provinces. The aretie regions having been scantily explored, as far as the Acalephs are concerned, it can hardly be expected that much should be known of the faune of this zone; and yet it already appears, from the observations of Martens, Scoresby, and Mertens, that the northernmost parts of the globe are inhabited by Acalephs which differ from those of the boreal zone. Mertensia Cucullus and M. depressa are the two most northern Ctenophora known; and if these two species prove to be really distinct, it would follow, that the Atlantic side of the Arctic Ocean, on which Idyia borealis is found with Mertensia Cucullus, forms a distinct fauna from that of the Pacific side, where Dryodora glandiformis accompanies Mertensia compressa. In the boreal zone we may already distinguish three faume: 1°, a Scandinavian fauna; 2°, an Acadian fauna; and, 3°, a Columbian fauna. The Scandinavian fauna is characterized sby Bolina norvegica, Pleurobrachia bicolor, and Idyia Cucumis; the Aca- 1 Barrande has already shown that “the range in the direction from Sweden to Bohemia, than of distribution of the Trilobites, during the period is the case with the living Crustacea.” Parallele of three successive silurian fauna, was more limited entre les dépots siluriens, etc., p. 67. Cuap. III. GEOGRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION. 301 dian fauna by Bolina alata, Pleurobrachia rhododactyla, and Idyia roseola; and the Columbian fauna by Bolina septentrionalis, Pleurobrachia Bachei, Janira Cucumis, and Idyia cyathina. The Celtic fauna with its Pleurobrachia Pileus, and the Lusitanie fauna with its rich array of Chiajas, its Euramphea, its LeSueuria, its Cestum, its Gegenbauria, its Owenia, its Pleurobrachia, its Hormiphora, and its Beroe Forskali, are barely represented, in the Carolinian fauna, by its Mnemiopsis and Idyopsis. The Cha- rybean fauna thus far only numbers four species, Bolina vitrea, Ocyroe maculata, Idyia ovata, and Idyopsis affinis; while the Brazilian fauna has two, Mnemia or Alcinoe, and Idyia gilva and the Azorian fauna three, Leucothea formosa, Cestum Mertensii, and Beroe punctata. Off the coast of Africa, further south, the following species have been noticed: Calymma Mertensii, Ocyroe crystallina and fusca, Rangia dentata, and Janira elongata. The South African and the Patagonian faune are scarcely known. Off the Cape of Good Hope, Hapalia heteroptera, Beroe Mertensii, and Idyia capensis have been noticed, and Alcinoe rosea off the Falkland Islands. In the Indian Ocean we may already distinguish the fauna of Madagascar, and in the Pacific that of the low Islands, as distinct from that of Western Australia and of the Sunda Islands. Off Madagascar, Callianira triploptera is mentioned. About Australia, Sophia diploptera, Eschscholtzia dimidiata, and Neis cordata have been found; about Timor and New Guinea, Lemniscus marginatus and Pleurobrachia rosea ; off Ceylon, Eucharina costata and Bucephalon Reynaudi. On the coast of Japan, Eucharis Tiedemanni, Janira Cucumis, and Pandora Flemingii seem to indicate a special fauna; on the coast of Chili and Peru, Martensia octoptera, Pleurobrachia Basteri, and Beroe mitraeformis point to another; while Bolinopsis elegans, Mnemia Kubhli, Calymma Trevirani, Axiotima Gedei, Cestum Najadis and C. Amphitrites and Idyia macrostoma have been indicated, without special localities, as found in the Pacific, though it is not to be taken for granted, on that account, that these species have necessarily a wide range of distribution. But how much remains to be done here before the boundaries of most of these faune can be defined, may easily be inferred from the fact, that a dozen species only are known from the whole expanse of the Pacific, exclusive of the coasts of Asia and America. ee ae a re s EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. In order not to spoil the appearance of any of the most delicate and of the smallest figures drawn upon the following plates, which require a large number of signs to explain their details, I have only added special references to the largest of them, or to those which would not be injured by crowded marks of every kind; but, to supply this deficiency, I have had wood-cuts made corresponding to the figures requiring the most minute explanations, and trust that the others will explain themselves by comparison. PLATES I. and I. Ipyra ROSEOLA Ag. [All the figures of these Plates were drawn from nature by A. Sonrel.] Prater I. requires but little explanation. It represents Idyia roseola in different stages of growth and in different attitudes, in the size of life, and with its natural colors. Figs. 1-3 represent adult specimens; figs. 4 to 10 are not full grown; fig. 6 is a young, magnified in fig. 6a. Fig. 1 is a view from the narrow side of the body, showing the two anterior or posterior ambulacra and two of the lateral ambulacra, one on each side of the figure. The circumscribed area is visible, but fore- shortened, as it trends at right angles with the surface represented. Fig. 1a shows how the lips may close up. Fig. 2 represents the same animal from the broad side of the body, showing the two lateral ambulacra of one side in the centre of the figure, and two of the an- terior and posterior pairs, one on each side of the figure. On the abactinal side the lateral interambu- lacrum rises above the level of the circumscribed area, which trends in the plane of the figure. Fig. 2a represents the mouth turned sideways, showing the linear arrangement of the epithelium lining the interior of the digestive cavity. Fig. 3 represents the abactinal side of the body as it appears when fully distended by the filling of the chy- miferous system. In the centre appear the circum- scribed area and the eye-speck, towards which trend the eight narrow bands extending from the summit of the ambulacral rows of locomotive flappers to the eye- speck. On the sides of the circumscribed area, nearly midway of its two halves, the ecceliaec apertures may be seen. Nearly concentrically with the abactinal termination of the locomotive flappers, the outline of the digestive or cceliae cavity may faintly be seen through the thickness of the spherosome, as well as the eight ambulacral tubes which trend in the direction of the locomotive flappers and the ecelac tubes which run between the lateral ambulacra, and are seen pro- jected beyond the outlines of the digestive cavity. The deep pink rows on the sides of the locomotive flappers are formed by the accumulation of pigment cells over the spermaries, while the paler rows on the opposite sides of the ambulacra indicate the ovaries. Fig. 4 is a view from the actinal side with the mouth shut in a straight line. The outlines of the digestive cavity and the chymiferous tubes are visible through the thickness of the spherosome. The ecliac and the oral tubes are particularly distinct. Fig. 5 represents a half-crown specimen from the broad side, with the actinal end of the body turned inside into the digestive cavity, in consequence of which the (1) ee — a a (2) EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. general form appears more rounded than under ordinary circumstances, as may be seen upon comparing fig. 5%, which represents the same animal in the same con- dition from the actinal side with fig. 4, in which the mouth is visible. Fig. 6 is a view of a young specimen, as they appear early in July, magnified in fig. 6%, to show more dis- tinctly that the short rows of locomotive flappers leave the ambulacral tubes uncovered for half the height of the body, and that the ramifications of these tubes are much fewer and much more simple than in older individuals. Figs. 7 and 8 represent one and the same specimen, about | half grown, from the side in fig. 7, and from the anterior | or posterior surface in fig. 8. The locomotive flappers extend already much nearer the mouth than in fig. 6, and the ramifications of the ambulacral tubes are more numerous; but the whole body is still much paler than that of adult specimens. Fig. 9 is a view of the mouth, contracted in the centre and gaping forward and backward. Fig. 10 represents a specimen gorged with a Bolina nearly as large as itself, distorting its form to so great an extent as barely to resemble another view of the same, given in fig. 7. Prarte II. represents structural details of Idyia roseola. Figs. 1 and 2 show the difference there is in the appear- ance of the abactinal end of the body when seen from its broad or narrow side. Fig. 1 shows the broad or lateral side, with the lateral spheromere and especially the lateral interambulacrum bulging above the anterior and posterior pairs, and concealing partly the circum- scribed area, which however shines through, with the eye-speck in the centre. Fig. 2 shows the narrow anterior or posterior side, with the eye-speck and the foreshortened circumscribed area visible in the trough formed by the depression in the abactinal termination of the anterior and posterior spheromeres. Fig. 3 is a magnified view of the abactinal pole, repre- senting the position of the eye-speck in the centre of the abactinal area, between the anterior and the posterior halves of the circumscribed area, and with the central termination of the eight narrow bands extending from the summit of the locomotive flappers to the eye-speck. The gray bands forming a zigzag around the eye are the outlines of the funnel. Fig. 4 represents a magnified band across one ambulacrum and part of another. Right and left of the row of locomotive flappers are the ovaries and the spermaries ; the first covered with deep pink-colored pigment cells, and the latter only lined with paler pigment. Another row of ovaries belonging to the adjoining ambulacrum is seen in the same interambulacrum, and the inter- vening part of the spherosome is traversed by numer- ous branches of the ambulacral tube, arising partly from the ovarian pouches and partly from the tube itself. Along the spermaries there are no ramifications of the chymiferous tubes. ‘ig. 5. The abactinal end of the ambulacrum of a younger specimen, in which the ovaries and spermaries are not yet developed, more highly magnified, in order to show the trend of the cells of the radiating system. Fig. 6. Ramifications of the chymiferous tubes of an adult specimen more highly magnified, to show to what extent the eggs may be crowded in these tubes, after they have lett the ovaries. Fig. 7 gives an oblique view of the celiac bulb, rising upon the side of the circumscribed area. The lower part of the figure represents a part of the surface of the area itself, with its marginal fringes, to show that the cceliae bulb is outside the area, as is again shown in fig. 9, where the eceliac aperture is represented gaping, in the shape of a circular hole. Fig. 8. Profile view of the eye-speck with its transparent cap, magnified and seen from the broad side of the body, so that only four of the narrow bands are visible below it, and part of the circumscribed area in profile. This figure corresponds exactly to fig. 3, which repre- sents the same parts, and in the same size, from above. Fig. 9. Circumscribed area on one side of the eye; seen obliquely, in order to show at the same time its entire outline, the surface encircled by its fringes, the celiac aperture on its side, and the narrow band of one of the anterior ambulacra following its outline. Fig. 10. Vertical section of the whole body, in the di- rection of the longest or axial diameter, with the exception of the abactinal side, through which passes a transverse section reaching the digestive cavity. The adjoining wood-cut (fig. A), which represents only the abactinal part of fig. 10, Pl. IL, may best explain the parts so brought into view. The actinal part of fig. 10 shows the prolongation of the parts cut through in fig. A, one half of the mouth and one half of the oral tube being cut through in the anterior and in the posterior interambulacra, and the lumen of the oral tube ap- pearing in the thickness of the spherosome. The epi- theliel lining of the digestive cavity appears as vertical striae above the margin of the mouth. EXPLANATION rr\ celiac tubes, r is cut near its origin. — 7° 1 lateral ambulacral tubes, cut near their origin. —Z P anterior and posterior ambulacral tubes, cut near their origin; all the cut ambulacral tubes are on the same side of the body; on the opposite side the following organs are visible from their internal face: —/5 3 anterior and posterior ambulacral tubes. —/5 /# lat- eral ambulacral tubes. —aaqaa represents the section of the spherosome. with three a band of as pouches Fig. 11. Profile view of an ambulacral tube, rows of extended locomotive flappers and pigment cells upon the spermaries projecting from that side of the tube. Fig. 12. Oblique view of seven rows of locomotive flappers, greatly curved. Fig. 13. Magnified view of an ambulacral tube, with four rows of slightly arched locomotive flappers, and the incipient pouches of the spermaries partly covered by pigment cells. Fig. 14. how rapidly the rows of locomotive flappers taper on Abactinal termination of an ambulacrum, to show that side, in comparison with their actinal termination, as represented in fig. 17. Fig. 15. rows of slightly arched locomotive flappers. Profile view of an ambulacral tube, with five The ad- joining interambulacrum is so raised that the row of pigment cells covering the spermaries is seen in profile, while in fig. 13 it is depressed and the whole diameter of the tube is visible. Fig. 16. specimen, slightly magnified, with the adjoining inter- Profile view of the ambulacral tube of an aduli; ambulacrum depressed so that the ovarian pouches are fully seen. As these organs and the spermaries are on opposite sides of the ambulacral tubes, the loco- motive flappers appear curved in a different direction in fig. 16 and in fig. 13, as they are seen in opposite directions. Fig. 17. flappers, tapering to a mere thread and surrounded by Actinal prolongation of the row of locomotive branching pigment cells. Here the underlying ambu- lJacral tube, from which arise two small branches on the same side, is much broader than the row of flap- pers. It is interesting to notice, that even in the prolongation of the tube beyond the ovaries and the spermaries, the pigment cells are much more crowded on the spermatic side of the tube than on the oppo- site side, and that the branches extending into the spherosome arise only on its ovarian side. VOL. III. 39 OF THE PLATES. (3) Fig. 18. This figure is reproduced in the adjoining wood- cut, fig. B. Idyia in profile and sufficiently magnified to show the It represents the abactinal pole of our relations of the central chymiferous cavity to the ambu- lacral and celiac chymiferous tubes, to the forks of the funnel, and to the celiac aperture. a capsule of the eye-speck.—Jb eye-speck.—cc circumscribed area. —d coeliac aperture. — e tubercle of the eye-speck.— ff forks of the funnel. —g opening of the celiac tube. —7 cceliac tube itself. —h h narrow pro- longations of the rows of locomotive flappers. —Z /2 anterior and posterior ambulacral tubes with the flappers of 2.—/8/) lateral ambulacral tubes with their flappers. — 1 internal ramifications of the ambulacral tubes. Fig. 19 is fully explained on page 281 of the text. PLATE Ia. PLEUROBRACHIA RHODODACTYLA. [Figs. 1 to 19, and 21, 23, 24, and 26, drawn from nature by H. J. Clark, the others by A. Sonrel.] A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, the eight broad interambulacra trending from the actinal to the abactinal poles: in figs. 20, 21, A and E in the plane of the digestive cavity, and These letters also mark the position of the eight interambulacral bands oD “hy and 23, they are placed correspondingly, C and G in the tentacular plane. of the peripheric cellulo-motor system, which are shown in a transverse section at the equatorial region. a, the mouth. It assumes the most diversified outlines when shut, or expanded in various ways. a', the corners of the mouth, or the edge of the digestive cavity, seen in the distance. b, the actinal part of the digestive cavity. c, the abactinal part of the digestive cavity upon the walls of which exist the brown hepatic cells, through which the substances which have been digested are emptied into the maii chymiferous cavity d. There is, at its bottom, an opening c’. d, central chymiferous cavity. This cavity with its vertical prolongation f corresponds truly to the main cavity of Polypi, with this difference, that in Polypi there are partitions dividing it off around the periphery, while in Meduse the mass of cells forming the body occupies, to a great extent, the inner space of the animal, and (4) EXPLANATION leaves only tubes for the peripheric circulation of the fluid contained in it. The vertical prolongation f of this main cavity extends in the direction of the circumscribed area, and branches into two forks /', f°, at its termi- nation. The other tubes arising from it are the two main chymiferous horizontal tubes e, e, with their branches q, q, and their eight ambulacral tubes 7 to *, which open The tubes 7, 7, which follow the walls of the digestive cavity, arise also from into the vertical tubes [ to P. it near the main horizontal trunks; and from these latter arise the tubes of the tentacular apparatus a, a. e, e, the main horizontal trunks of the chymiferous tubes, from which arise the eight radiating branches opening into the ambulacral tubes. F, the vertical or axial funnel-like prolongation of the main cavity of the body. (f', f° the two forks of that fun- nel. It should be remarked, that the direction of that fork is in the plane of the longest diameter of the cir- cumscribed area, which is also the direction of the longitudinal diameter of the mouth. g, the roots of the tentacle; g'’ the edge of the ridge of the tentacular base; g° the side of the ridge. h, Wt, 1?.—h designates the whole tentacular apparatus with all its complicated parts, 4’ being the tentacular apparatus of one side, and 4? the tentacular apparatus of the other side. These numbers are appropriated to the same apparatus in every figure, whatever may be It will be noticed, that these tentacles are placed at right the position in which the animal is observed. angles with the plane of the mouth and of the circum- scribed area. i, the eight horizontal tubes of the chymiferous apparatus which reach the vertical tubes, following the vertical rows of locomotive flappers. In all the figures the horizon- tal tubes are numbered in the same way, beginning with No. 1 and ending with No. 8. No. 1 is assigned to that tube which extends to the vertical row in sight on the left hand when the mouth is turned up- ward and the tentacular apparatus appears symmetri- cally on the right and on the left; so that 7, %, 3, z# are the four horizontal tubes of one half of the body, and ®, ®, 7, & are the four horizontal tubes of the opposite half. And if the view I have taken of the diameters of these animals is correct, that the longi- tudinal diameter of the mouth divides the body into symmetrical halves, one to the right and the other to the left, the tubes * to # are the tubes of the an- terior half, and the tubes * to ® are the tubes of the posterior half, and the tubes @, i', ®, 7 are the tubes of the left side, and the tubes 7, @, ®, ? are those of OF THE PLATES. the right side, or vice vers, as we can only establish these general relations between the different diameters without determining strictly which is the anterior and which is the posterior edge of the mouth. It is prob- able, however, that no distinction is intended in the structure of these animals, as they are capable of as- suming inverse positions, mouth upward and mouth downward, in which case the edges of the mouth appear in an inverse position. j, the tentacular socket or cavity in which the tentacular apparatus is suspended, and to the inner wall of which it is attached. This cavity opens at j’, and through this opening the tentacle may be extended; but it is also capable of such contraction as to be entirely with- drawn within the cavity /. j', opening of the tentacular cavity, through which the tentacle is protruded. k, the main stem of the tentacle from which the fringes arise. k’, fringes of the tentacles which arise uniformly upon the same side, the outside, of the tentacle, so that they are stretched in opposite directions from the two sides. But this direction is constantly modified in the various attitudes and the various degrees of elon- gation of the tentacles, as these are capable of being twisted upon themselves; so that the fringes may appear as forming a spiral upon the main stem, or may be stretched in all possible directions, in their more or less extensive elongations. However, at the base they arise strictly in opposite directions. 1,1, the vertical rows of locomotive flappers, of which there These vertical rows are numbered in the same manner as the are eight of uniform length in Pleurobrachia. horizontal tubes which open into the vertical chymiferous tubes accompanying the flappers, and these numbers correspond in the different figures, in the same man- ner as in the tubes; /' to /* being the rows of one extremity, and 7 to those of the other extremity, and 7, [, &, & being the rows of one side, and P, U*, &, 8 the rows of the other side. m, the radial cellulo-motor system around the corners of the mouth. m', the oral motor system. m, the radial system in the tentacular plane. m’, the lateral system where it passes from the actinal end of the tentacular sockets to the periphery of the body. the interambulacral motor bands in the plane of the ty digestive cavity. nt, the same as v, but in the tentacular plane. EXPLANATION n', the abactinal end of the interambulacral motor bands. n‘, the inner face of x. n’, the actinal end of the interambulacral motor bands. n°, the tentacular motor system. p to p’, the lateral cellulo-motor system ; p where the wings from two opposite sides meet; p' those cells which pass from the tentacular sockets to 7, /°, lt, 3, and C and G; p* the profile of the inner face of the wings; p* the superficial termination of this system, along the borders of m!. This system is shown only on one half of the figure, in order to avoid confusion. q,@; the four main trunks from which the eight radiating It should be noticed, that these tubes are not strictly in the same horizontal plane, since chymiferous tubes arise. their respective position varies more or less in the differ- ent contractions of the body, and those on one side are successively higher than those of the opposite side in the alternate contractions of the opposite halves of the body, which regulate the general circulation of the nutritive fluid. r, r', the celiac tubes following the digestive cavity. They arise from the main horizontal tube, and extend to the margin of the mouth, following the middle of the fiat surface of the digestive cavity. 7’, entrance to r, 7. s, the eight epidermic narrow bands of fixed ciliate bodies which pass from the abactinal ends of the rows of loco- motive flappers to the base of the cap over the peduncu- lated globular eye 6. t, (, the radial cellulo-motor system around the axial funnel. u, rows of locomotive flappers. v, vertical chymiferous tubes, which accompany, on the inner surface, the rows of locomotive combs. v', the same as v in a contracted state. w, basal line of the locomotive flappers. wi, the sub-ambulacral motor cells, probably continuous with those which constitute the flappers. z, ganglions? These swellings are more or less eva- nescent, and appear rather to be small bodies caught in the symmetrically arranged folds of the chymiferous tubes. x x*, cells of the interambulacral system on the borders of the sub-ambulacral system <*. y, ganglion-like bodies, arising probably from the aceumu- lation of granules in the contracted state of the ver- tical chymiferous tubes when the circulation has ceased. a, chymiferous tubes of the tentacular apparatus. a!, the opening through which the vertical chymiferous tubes of the tentacle open into the main horizontal chymife- rous tubes between their main forks. OF THE PLATES. a' a/!!, the same as a, one on each side of the tentacular base. B, elongated disk from which the tentacles arise. 8’, margin or outer wall of /. g', outer wall in profile at the margin of y. 6!'', outer wall at the thickest part of the disk. y, the longitudinal furrow of the disk (in fig. 15), or the keellike prolongation of the inner layer of the disk between the tentacular tubes, to which it is a wall. y', the inner layer of the tentacular base. yl, the apex of the disk. 6, eye-speck in the centre of the circumscribed area. 6’, globular cavity containing the eye-speck 6. e, the shallow, oblong furrow of the circumscribed area lined with vibratile cilia. é, raised line following the inner outline of ©, probably the analogue of that row of fringes so conspicuous around the circumscribed area in some other genera of Beroid Meduse, and particularly distinct in the genus Idyia. e*, another line, parallel to the former and within it, the special nature of which I have failed to ascertain. ¢, the openings, cceliae apertures, of the two bulbs of the vertical funnel, through which the focal matters are from time to time discharged. 6, the tubercle upon which the eye-speck 6 rests. 4, k; concentric swellings connected with the ganglion of the eye-speck, stretching in the direction of the Jongi- tudinal diameter of the circumscribed area. 4, four ganglionic swellings within the inner of the swollen margins near the ganglion of the eye-speck, the nature of which I have also failed to determine. Figs. 1-12. Lasso-cells from the fringes of the tentacles. Fig. 1 is magnified 500 diameters, the others 200 di- ameters, by means of Spencer’s one fourth inch ob- In all these figures a is the wall of the cell, b the lasso, ¢ jective and Tolles’s solid ocular, number E. the base or point of attachment of 5, d the free end of 6, e the mouth of the cell, f the granular covering of a. ig. 1. A closed Jasso-cell as seen with 500 diameters. coer a” dR ig. 2. The same as fig. 1, magnified as above, with the granular coating in profile. Fig. 3. An open cell, partially contracted, and-the lasso out. Fig. 4. Still more contracted than fig. 3. Fig. 5. The wall almost entirely decomposed. Fig. 6. The lasso forcing its way through the closed mouth. Fig. 7. Foreshortened view of fig. 6, the granular coating in profile. (6) Fig. 8. Profile view of a cell, like fig. 3. Fig. 9. The lasso partially thrust out, and the rest of the thread distant from the wall, showing that no cell contraction forces it out, but that it is protruded by its own act. The granular coating covers the whole cell. Fig. 10. Similar to fig. 5, in profile. Fig. 11. Profile view; the thread extruded, but not uncoiled. Fig. 12. Showing the same as fig. 9, but more of the thread is out. Fig. 13. The tip of one of the tentacular fringes. a the lasso-cells; the same as a, in profile; ¢ outer wall; d inner wall; e transparent axis. 350 diameters. Fig. 14. circumscribed area covered by vibratile cilia; the bulb Portions of the elongate shallow furrows of the and cap of the eye-speck, the two bulbs of the axial funnel, and the eight epidermic bands of ciliate bodies prolonged from the rows of natatory flappers. 25 diameters. Fig. 15. phery, to show the mode of the attachment of the The tentacular apparatus as seen from the peri- tentacle to the disk, and the relation of the latter to the double chymiferous tubes; taken from a halfcrown individual. 80 diameters. The better to understand the relations of these parts, a profile view (Fig. C) Fig. C. a a’’ chymiferous tube. a’ entrance to q. é wall of the main horizontal chymiferous trunk. e/ wall of the opposite side of e. g The base of the tentacle. j tentacular socket. ji aperture of 7. j? apex of j. j® proximal side of 7. Ak the tentacle, q point of junction of e and a/. pir outer wall of the disk. Bee same as 3/7. y_ the inner layer of the disk. y inner layer of the disk at the base of the tentacle. it the thin proximal wall of a. //7 the same as er 7y/// the thickest part of the same layer. A full account of the structure of this apparatus may be found on page 235. of the same apparatus is here introduced, with the same lettering as fig. 15 of Pl. I". EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 16. A few lasso-cells from fig. 17. 500 diameters. Fig. 17. One of the tentacular fringes, showing the lasso- cells to be arranged side by side in an uninterrupted layer ab; here and there the threads are out. 350 diameters. Fig. 18. tacular fringe. outer wall; dd! the immer wall; e the transparent axis. 350 diam. Fig. 19. The eye and its cap; the bulb underlying the eye; the eight rows of immovable cilia; and the Transversely sectional view of a contracted ten- b the layer of lasso-cells; ¢ ct the oblong shallow furrow, more highly magnified than in fig. 14. Figs. 20, 21, 22, and 23 represent the same animal in 50 diameters. four different views, so that, after a careful study, its form might be carved from them. Fig. 20. tinal end, to show the organs in their relative position ; A full-grown individual, seen from the abac- the eye and the shallow oblong furrow of the cireum- scribed area are nearest the observer; the tentacular apparatus comes next, and the two great main chymife- rous trunks are about the middle of the body. 4 diameters. Fig. 21. to show principally the relation of the cellulo-motor Same as fig. 20; seen from the actinal end, systems to the organs; the mouth is nearest the eye, then come the tentacular sockets, and lastly the two great chymiferous trunks. Fig. 22. next the observer, the digestive cavity ()) presents its broad side to the eye, and the bulbs (jf? /*) of the axial funnel stand right and _ left. Fig. 23. stand right and left, as do also the two chymiferous Profile view, in which one of the tentacles is View at right angles to fig. 22. The tentacles tubes (r 7) which embrace the digestive cavity; the latter (>) presenting its edge to the eye. Fig. 24. tems. b same as a, but contracted and wrinkled; ¢ the wavy The enormous cells of the cellulo-motor sys- These are from the radial system. a the wall; face of b; d transparent cavity of the cell; e the slender points of the cells. 500 diameters. Fig. 25. tentacles trailing behind, and the fringes curved, waved, An individual, natural size, swimming with its bent at various sharp angles, and stretched to the utmost or closely retracted. For other views, see my paper in Mem. Amer. Acad. Vol. IV. Pl. I. Fig. 26. One of the natatory paddles and the subjacent cells of the cellulo-motor systems, to show the relation of the cells of the paddles to those of the motor sys- tem. 50 diameters. : EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. (7) PLATES Ii, IV., V., and V2. Cyanrea arctica, Per. and LeS. [All the figures of these plates were drawn from nature by A. Sonrel.] Prate III. represents Cyanea arctica in one of its natural attitudes, quietly floating near the surface of the water with all its appendages hanging loosely down, most of the tentacles being fully extended, and a few only contracted. appreciate the position of the different parts, in their The attitude chosen makes it possible to natural relations, as seen in profile. One of the pillars of the digestive cavity being in the centre of the figure, two of the ovarian pouches are visible to the right and left of it, behind the curtain formed by the four bunches of tentacles of the same side. The crescent- shaped line of insertion of the tentacles is well dis- played by the two bunches on the right and left of the pillar of the main cavity; it is foreshortened in the two bunches occupying the margins of the figure. Three eyes are visible, one in the centre of the margin of the disc and one on each side, a lobe without eye- The festoon-like ramifications of the chymiferous tubes in the lobes of speck intervening between them. the margin of the disk are plainly visible, the disk being slightly contracted, in which case the margin is bent The dark ridges in the centre of the figure, terminating in sharp points, mark the outlines downwards. of the lower surface of the gelatinous disk, which is of a rich reddish brown color, and forms the roof of the main cavity of the body, exhibiting deep radiating furrows arising from an even central flat disk. Be- tween the margin of the disk and the pillars of the digestive cavity appear the circular and the radiating folds of the lower floor of the main cavity of the body, and below the ovarian pouches and behind the ten- tacles hang the folds of the prolongation of the oral tentacles, which are more extensive in the genus Cya- nea than in any other Medusa. The specimen represented was an adult of ordinary size, four times larger than the figure, which may give some idea of the magnificence of such a Medusa when in full activity, with all its tentacles stretching in every direction. Specimens measuring three feet across the disk are not rare in the Bay of Boston, in September, and their tentacles may be seen trailing to a distance In our figure the lower ends of a large number of tentacles are cut off. When perfectly undisturbed the tentacles may be extended to an extraordinary length. of ten feet in every direction from the disk. Prate IV. represents our Cyanea from the lower surface, with different parts removed, and reproduced by them- selves. Fig. 1 may give a general idea of the relations of all the parts visible from the lower side, some of them being removed to allow the others to be seen in their Of the four lobes extending from the four corners of the mouth, two natural connection with the whole. are entirely removed, and one (s) is retained entire, its two halves d! and d!! being spread wide open to show the medial furrow leading into the digestive cavity; of the fourth (s’) only one half d is preserved with the medial furrow, and the other half is cut off along the furrow. One half d of the lobe s’ and one half d! of the lobe s are seen as they unite near the mouth, to show how the four lobes are separated from one another, The four ovarian pouches alternate with these four lobes; but and how their margins are folded all round. only two are preserved in this figure, one of which is almost entirely covered by the oral lobes of that side, while the other is entirely uncovered, the two oral lobes which hang to the right and left of it having been removed. It is thus seen that the sexual pouches hang down between the pillars of the corners of the mouth, and lie in the centre of a ray terminating with an eye o!, each being flanked by two bunches of tenta- cles lying in the direction of two lobes a!! and al’, in the centre of which there are no eyes. The cavities of the sexual pouches open freely into the main cavity of the body; one of the cavities is laid open in the direction of the eye o!!’, the walls of the pouches being cut through near the pillars of the digestive cavity. On the opposite side, the lower floor of the main cavity is entirely removed in the direction of the lobe a’, while in the direction of the lobe a the sexual pouch is alone cut off. The four oral lobes alternating with the four sexual pouches are thus seen to occupy the centre of eight rays, each of which terminates with an eye, 0 0 0 o! o!! oll’, two These eight rays are the centres of the eight spheromeres eyes being covered by the oral lobes s and s!. of which a Cyanea consists. Homologically speaking, they are the eight ambulacral zones of the Cyanea. With them alternate eight interambulacral zones, a a! a! a!'', the centres of the four others being covered by a bunch of tentacles on the left side of the figure and by the oral lobes at d!! d! and d. In the cen- tres of these eight interambulacral zones there are eight bunches of tentacles, three of which are covered by the oral lobes preserved in this figure, and one of which (8) EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. is entirely removed in the zone a’; another is cut to the base of the tentacles in the zone a; two others, in the zones a!’ and a!!', are cut very short; and one, between o!! and ol!!! 8 preserved to a greater extent. The circular folds of the lower floor are entirely pre- served between the zones o!! and o!!! and in the zone a, and partially so in the zone a’! and o. The radi- ating folds are best seen in the zones o! o!! o!!!, and partially in the zone a. Fig. 2 represents a part of the outer surface of the lower floor in connection with the oral appendages, a a being the smooth membrane in the direction of the centre of the ambulacra, as seen in fig. 1, in the zones o! o!” and o!!'; bb the radiating folds in the same zones; ee the radiating folds in the interambulacral zones ; d d' and e the circular or concentric folds, e being in the ambulacral and d and qd! in the interambu- lacral zones; 1 and 1 are the two pillars of one corner of the mouth, to the right and left of which projects a sexual pouch: at 2 these pillars unite with the hori- zontal and circular thickenings (3 and 4) of the oral circle, and at 5 arise the folds of the oral lobes. Fig. 3 represents the marginal folds of the disk surrounding the eye abc; a being the ambulacral tube of the eye, narrowed in 0}, before reaching the eye proper e. The whole magnified twenty-five diameters. Fig. 4. A fold of the margin of the oral lobes magnified twelve diameters, to show the clusters of lasso-cells scat- tered upon their inner surface; one of these clusters is magnified 250 diameters in fig. 4a. Fig. 5. A lobe of the margin of the disk to show the ramifications of the chymiferous tubes. Fig. 6. The margin of the disk folded downward over the furrow in which the eye lies, to show the thick- ness of the gelatinous upper layer of the umbrella. Fig. 7. A portion of the lower floor of the disk, seen from its upper or inner surface, to show how the cavity of the tentacles opens into the main cavity of the body. PLare V. Besides many structural details relating chiefly to the tentacles, this plate represents our Cyanea as seen from above, with the margin fully expanded. Fig. 1 gives a general view from above, the animal resting upon a dark ground. All the figures visible in this drawing are the optical expression of the unequal trans- parency of the gelatinous mass of the disk, through which shines the reddish-brown lining of the lower side of its upper layer. In the centre appears a tessel- lated, circular disk, which in adult specimens readily separates from the peripherie part. The straight rays mark the deep furrows of the lower surface, radiating from the central disk to the base of the eyes and to the middle of the interambulacral zones; the eight longer rays being the ambulacral furrows, the eight shorter ones the interambulacral furrows. The thicker bands, converging and diverging again about half-way their length, correspond to the thickenings of the gelati- nous mass to which the lower floor of the disk is attached; so that by this connection of the two floors the main cavity of the body is divided into an open circular central space and sixteen radiating flat cham- bers, the eight narrower of which, trending in the direction of the eyes, are the ambulacral chambers, and the cight wider ones alternating with them the inter- ambulacral chambers. Upon comparing this figure with fig. 1 of PI. TV. it will be seen that the eight bunches of tentacles communicate with the eight interambulacral chambers; and that the four sexual pouches and the four angles of the mouth face alternate ambulacral chambers. Fig. 2 corresponds to fig. 6 of Pl. IV., but represents the same segment of the margin of the disk from the upper side. This shows the eyes to be above the margin of the disk, as the tentacles also are. Fig. 3 represents a band of the inner surface of the oral lobes magnified, from the margin upwards; showing that along the margin the epitheliel cells are smallest and consist chietly of lasso-cells, fig. 3d, while higher up the lassos are in clusters, and the intervening epi- theliel cells are gradually larger and larger. On the outer surface the lasso cells are few and far apart. Fig. 4. Section of a tentacle, covered with clusters of lasso-cells, showing its inner channel and the trans- parent gelatinous wall. Magnified 12 diameters. Fig. 5. Clusters of lasso-cells from the surface of a tenta- cle. Magnified 250 diameters. Fig. 6. Other clusters of similar cells. Magnified 250 diams. Figs. 7, 8, 9, and 10. Segments of tentacles, magnified 60 diameters, showing different combinations of epi- thelial cells and clusters of lassos. @ indicates the central cavity of the tentacles, and } the band of longitudinal cells by the contraction of which the tenta- cles are shortened. Figs. 11 and 12. Cells lining the cavity of the tentacles. Magnified 250 diameters. Pirate V®. Structural details of Cyanea arctica. Fig. 1. Transverse section of the peripheric part of one side of an ambulacrum, across the furrow for the eye. o furrow for the eye; a® a’ sections of the chymife- rous tubes. Eee EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 2. farther from the margin of the disk, across the peri- Transverse section of the same ambulacrum, pheric end of the radiating folds of the lower floor. o lower floor; ot ambulacral chamber; 0) radiating folds of the lower floor; a’ section of the chymiferous tubes. Fig, 3. the middle of the radiating folds of the lower floor Transverse section of the same ambulacrum, across and extending to the centre of the adjoining inter- ambulacrum. o' ambulacral chamber; 0 radiating folds of the ambulacrum; c¢ radiating folds of the adjoining interambulacrum; f tentacles of the adjoining inter- ambulacrum ; a’ interambulacral chamber; a* chymife- rous tubes of the adjoining interambulacrum; g thick- ness of the upper floor; o lower floor. Fig. 4. the region where the concentric folds of the lower Transverse section of the same ambulacrum, across floor occur. o' ambulacral chamber; a! interambulacral chamber of the adjoining interambulacrum; e lower floor of the ambulacrum with concentric folds; e' lower floor of the interambulacrum with concentric folds; g thickness of the upper floor. The isthmus between the two corresponds to the broad radiating bands of feds Pl Vv. Fig. 5. Transverse section of an interambulacrum, in the g upper floor; a lower floor of the interambulacrum; 0 lower region where the concentric folds occur. floor of the adjoining ambulacrum; a! interambulacral chamber ; 0! ambulacral chamber of the adjoining ambulacrum; e and e! folds of the lower floor of the ambulacrum and of the interambulacrum. Fig. 6. across the tentacles. Transverse section of the same interambulacrum, a interambulacral chamber; 0} radiating folds of the adjoining ambulacrum; c radi- ating folds of the interambulacrum; e¢* lower floor of the interambulacrum; jf! openings of the cavities of the tentacles; f tentacles; g g upper floor. Fig. 7. ot ambulacral chamber; e concentric folds of the lower Longitudinal section of an ambulacrum. o eye; floor; g upper floor. Fig. 8. Longitudinal section of the ocular chymiferous tube. o eye; o' peripheric prolongation of the ambu- lacral chamber or chymiferous tube of the eye. Fig. 9. Transverse section of part of the upper floor, at disk. 0 ambulacral furrow leading into an ambulacral chamber ; a little distance from the central circular a interambulacral furrow leading into an interambu- lacral chamber. Fig. 10. near the central circular disk. Transverse section of part of the upper floor, o beginning of the — (Jeo) os ambulacral furrow; a a beginning of two adjoining interambulacral furrows. Fig. 11. Transverse section of a marginal lobe of the disk, corresponding to the left part of fig. 1. g g upper floor; 0 o lower floor; a*® a® chymiferous tubes. Fig. 12. surface. Part of the lower floor, seen from the outer d' d‘ concentric folds in that part of the lower floor which is detached from the upper floor ; e concentric folds in that part of the lower floor which is united with the upper floor along the line k; ¢' radiating folds intersecting the circular or concentric folds; ¢ radiating folds of an interambulacral zone : b radiating folds of the adjoining ambulacral zone. Fig. 13. the direction of e in fig. 12. 12s Longitudinal section of an interambulacrum, in d' concentric folds e' concentrie folds corresponding to d' in fig. to] fo) corresponding to e! in fig. 12; f! openings of the D> c—) 2 P fo) cavities of the tentacles in the prolongation of the same zone; f the tentacles. Fig. 14. Transverse section across the middle of a Cya- nea, to show the general relations of the upper and lower floors of the disk. The section passes through two interambulacral, and through two sexual pouches, and divides the mouth so as to leave two oral lobes 99 floor; f! f! and e e lower floor; /' f! being the entire. This figure is much reduced. upper openings of the tentacles leading into the ambulacral chamber, and e e the concentric folds of the lower floor; ff tentacles; os, os, sexual pouches; 3 3 thick- ened ring of the mouth; dd the oral lobes; d* d* the marginal folds of the oral lobes. Fig. 15 is intended to show the connection of the oral lobes with the lower floor, e e' and d' being the part of the lower floor with concentric folds. 1 is one of the pillars arising with two roots from the margin of d! to form one of the corners of the mouth, while, at the same time, supporting the lateral walls of the main cavity, 5 marking the point where the pillar divides again to form the two halves of each oral lobe, as seen in Pl. 4, fig. 1 s, 2 being one of the branches; 3 is the thickened ring of the mouth con- necting the four pillars; under its thickest part, 4, the oral lobes bend inward to shut the mouth; os folds of a sexual pouch, o 0 being the sexual organs ; dd oral lobes; d* d* folds of the oral lobes. Fig. 16. Internal view of the mouth, the four pillars supporting its four corners and their prolongations into the oral lobes being cut through in different ways, so as to exhibit in different sections the varying thick- (10) yi Cy the four pillars; s s ss the furrows along the middle of the lower surface of the oral lobes; d d d the oral lobes, meeting from below in the centre of the figure ness of the pillars and of their prolongation. to shut the mouth; os, os, os, the cut edges of the sexual pouches. Fig. 17 explains more fully the relations of the parts represented in fig. 16. 3 oral ring; 4 thickening of the oral lobe d bending over the mouth; os fold of the sexual pouch. Fig. 18 shows how the sexual organs of are supported in the folds of the sexual pouch os. Fig. 19 shows the connection of an oral pouch with the concentric folds ¢' of the lower floor, and, with the tentacles ¢ ¢, connected with the sexual organs of. Fig. 20. ries; of folds formed by the ovaries; ¢ their tentacles. Lobes of a sexual pouch stretched out. 0 ova- Fig. 21. Lobes of the sexual pouch of a young female. o undeveloped ovary; of folds of the ovary; ¢ their tentacles. Fig. 22. out. Lobes of a sexual pouch of a male stretched os folds of the pouch passing into the concentric folds of the lower floor; s spermatie cells; sf folds of the spermatic sacs; ¢ their tentacles. Fig. 23. Part of the lower floor, embracing one entire ambulacrum o and one entire interambulacrum a, with one half of the adjoining ambulacrum and interambu- lacrum, to show the inequality of the width of the ambulacral, e, and of the interambulacral, e’, chambers, kk being the gelatinous bands along which the upper and lower floors are united; 7 the tentacles, and d' the point where the folded part of the lower floor passes into the folds of the sexual pouches and into the pillars . of the digestive cavity. Fig. 24. Ramifications of the chymiferous channels along the margin of the disk. ¢ tube of the eye; 0 lobe of the eye; @ interambulacral incision; a @ inter- The in white of ambulacral lobes; o0' and o ambulacral lobes. parts in black correspond to the parts fig. 23, the channels being kept light in fig. 24 and dark in fig. 23, having been drawn upon different grounds. PLATES VI., VIl., VI., and IX. AURELIA FLAVIpDULa, Per. and LeS. [All the figures of these plates were drawn from nature by A. Sonrel.] Pirate VI. represents our Aurelia from below, with sundry details. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 1. When the disk is fully expanded, and the ap- pendages of the lower side are in their natural position, several features appear in this species, which seem not to have been noticed in other allied Acalephs. The mouth is closed by folds of the oral lobes, and one of these folds forms a transverse ridge across the oral aperture. The oral lobes, or so-called arms, are not stretched out at the same angles with one another, but stand nearer each other on opposite sides in one direction than in the other. In the ramifications of the chymiferous system it should also be noticed, that, of the sixteen simple radiating tubes, eight reach the base of an ocular apparatus, and eight others, alter- nating with them, anastomose with the marginal circular tube without branching. Fig. 2. downward. ‘This figure shows that during the con- tractions of the disk rr, the oral lobes are not pro- jected beyond its margin, but are bent along the furrow formed by the curve, and the tentacles, >, thrown out. oo eyes; dd chymiferous tubes; a @ folds of the Segment of the same, the margin being arched oral lobes or arms; e their stem; 7 opening leading into a blind sac below the sexual pouch (this opening is generally but falsely represented as leading into the sexual cavity and communicating with the main cavity). Fig. 3. Oral opening laid open by the reversion of the oral lobes a a? a’, a remaining in place. of the centre of the disk projecting into the oral o pyramid aperture, which exhibits eight emarginations, four, ¢ 7, in the angles corresponding to the base of the stems of the oral lobes, and four, e e, in the direction of the sexual pouches. Fig. 4. where this is curved down. of the margin of the disk; e e, 7 7 chymiferous tubes Eye, as seen facing the margin of the disk o eye: cc ocular lobes of the ocular apparatus. Fig. 5. ‘Transverse section of the oral arm of a male individual, showing how much thinner its stem is than that of the female, fig. 6. @ stem of the oral lobes; b and ¢ its two halves spreading to form the folds or lobes, e e, of the arms. Fig. 6. ‘Transverse section of the oral arm of a female individual. a@ stem; } ¢ its halves; e e the folds or lobes in the pouches of which the eggs are received and remain until the young is freed to swim about. Prare VII. General view of Aurelia flavidula from above, with structural details. Fig. 1. View of our Aurelia from above, in which the ovaries appear plainly through the transparent disk, a Ua and the oral arms are faintly visible below. This figure shows distinctly, that in four directions the chy- miferous tubes arise directly from the main cavity, and in four other directions, alternating with the former, they arise from the peripheric side of the sexual pouches. Fig. 2. Magnified view of the margin of the disk, seen from below, to show the origin of the tentacles a a, between the lobules of the margin b b 6, the veil ce extending along the under side. d represents a chymiferous tube. Fig. 3. View of the same from above, more highly mag- nified, showing the clusters of lasso-cells scattered over the upper surface. a a tentacles; b b lobules of the margin; ¢ circular marginal chymiferous tube; d d radiating chymiferous tubes. Fig. 4. Longitudinal section of the margin of the disk, the better to show the relations of the tentacles a a a, and the marginal lobules b D. Fig. 5. View of the centre of the disk from below, the oral appendages being removed. 0 pyramidal pro- jection of the centre of the disk; adc radiating chy- miferous tubes arising directly from the main cavity of the body; ddd radiating chymiferous tubes arising from the peripheric side of the sexual pouches, one of which, ¢, is laid open by the removal of its lower floor, while in the others the floor is preserved; 7 in- dicates the arch over the opening leading into the blind sac which extends below the sexual pouches. This opening is generally represented as leading into the sexual pouches, but this is not the case; the arch ~ supports a thin vein which separates the sexual pouches from the blind sacs below. Fig. 6. Top of a tentacle, magnified. e its cavity; a epithelial layer covering its surface. Fig. 7. Termination of one of the oral appendages or arms with its marginal fringes b, 6; the channel a extends along its middle from the tip of the mar- ginal lobes to the main cavity of the body. Pirate VII. Profile view of our Aurelia with structural details. Fig. 1. Profile view, in a state of contraction of the disk, when the oral appendages appear inclosed in the cavity thus formed, and the sexual pouches are seen in profile, exhibiting distinctly the wreath formed by the sexual organs, as well as the origin of the chy- miferous tubes arising from the margin of the sexual pouches. Fig. 2. Transverse section of the margin of the disk, to show the difference of thickness of the upper and lower VOL. III. 40 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. (a1) floors a and c, with the chymiferous tubes b b!, formed by the union of the two. Fig. 3. Similar section, magnified. a@ upper floor; ¢ Fig Fig lower floor; % line of separation between the upper and lower floors; ! chymiferous tube formed by the recession of the upper and lower floors; d lower sur- face of the lower floor. . 4. Upper surface of the upper floor magnified, to show the clusters of lasso-cells scattered over it. . 5. Transverse section of the margin of the disk, which, in connection with fig. 4 of Pl. VIL, may fully explain the relations of all the parts there combined. a opening of the marginal circular chymiferous tube ; e the tube itself; 6 section of the veil extending along the lower surface; ¢ part of the veil itself; d d ten- tacles; d! cavity of one of the tentacles; f radiating chymiferous tube, opening into the circular tube of the margin; /* another radiating tube cut through in the section, in which h marks the upper floor, and g the lower surface of the lower floor. Fig. 6. Magnified tentacles to show their connection with the circular marginal tube. d tentacle; d' d' cavity of the tentacles; e e marginal tube into which the tentacles open. Fig. 7. Lobes of the ovary with their tentacles. a folds of the sexual pouch; b b ovarian lobes; ¢ ¢ tentacles of the ovarian folds. Fig. 8. An ovarian lobe, stretched out to show that the folds of the sexual pouches surround the sexual organ on both sides. aa folds of the pouch; b b ovarian lobes stretched; c ¢ tentacles of the ovarian folds. Fig. 9. Margin of the oral lobes, in the depressions of cs which the eggs and planule are received, magnified. aaa clusters of eggs and planule in different stages of development, gathered in the sac-like depressions of the margin of the oral lobes, where they remain until they are capable of living independently of their parent; & b the fringes or tentacles of the margin of the oral lobes, adapted to seize upon the prey. Puare IX. Structural details of our Aurelia. Fig. 1. Spermarian lobes stretched out, magnified sixty diams. 6 b spermaries; ¢ ¢ tentacles of the spermaries. Fig. 2... Several spermarian lobes, less extended, magni- fied 12 diams. 0 b spermaries; c¢ c tentacles of the spermarian folds. Fig. 3. Eye, with its chymiferous tubes and the tenta- cles on its sides. 0 eye; e e marginal circular tube, from which arise the tentacle-like tubes 7, 7, ce; fff radiating chymiferous tubes; d! d! tentacles opening into the marginal tube. (12) Fig. 4. eye; ee¢e marginal circular tube; c c outer tubes; Eye, with a larger part of its surroundings. 0 i i marginal folds inclosing the ocular apparatus; f/f radiating chymiferous tubes; d d d_ tentacles. To understand correctly the sections represented in figs. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9, the direction in which they are cut should be first ascertained by a comparison with figs. 1 Pls VL and Vals tween two ovarian pouches, to the margin of the disk. If it were prolonged across the whole ani- mal, it would divide fig. 1 of Pl. VI. and VII. into and the Section 5 runs from the centre, be- halves ; part represented corresponds — to the right side of the upper half, the tube running between the bisected arm 0 and the ovary 7, along the lower surface of the disk, being one of the chy- miferous tubes which arise from the main cavity of the body. Figs. 7, 8, and 9 also pass through the centre of the disk, but extend through the centres of two opposite ovarian pouches, that is, they run at an angle of 45° with the section fig. 5, or obliquely across fig. 1 of Pls. VI. and VII. tral pyramid of the disk is removed to show more In fig. 7, the cen- plainly the mode of communication of the ovarian pouch x p, with the central cavity of the body s; and, to bring these relations more plainly into view, the left ovarian pouch is also removed, and in the right ovarian pouch the veil which separates the pouch from the blind sae below is removed with the ovaries themselves, while in figs. 8 and 9 they are left in place. Fig. 9 corresponds to fig. 8, except that fig. 8 passes through the centre of the pouch and shows the cavity from one side and fig. 9 from the opposite side, the section passing somewhat ob- liquely through the pouch. Fig. 6 is a transverse section across an ovarian pouch from side to side of the the pouch, and not, like all the others, radiating from centre to the periphery. Fig. 5. Section across the disk, including the centre and one side. the o pyramid of the centre; p veil forming lower floor of the sexual pouch; g channel lead- ing from the central cavity into the sexual pouch; r sexual organ; n sexual pouch; s central cavity; aa oral lobe; } its stem cut through; ¢ ¢ its mar- ginal folds; mm m upper floor or gelatinous mass of the disk. Fig. 6. munication with the central cavity. Sexual pouch, seen from the side opposite its com- d d lower floor of the disk; p arch of the veil p', which separates the sexual cavity , in which the sexual organs rr are inclosed, from the blind sac jf, which is below and EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. communicates through the hole f with the surrounding medium. Fig. 7. across two opposite ovarian pouches, leaving one, in Another section through the centre of the disk, the centre of the figure, entire in the distance. s cen- tral cavity; a@ a oral appendages or arms; b b stems of the oral appendages cut through; ¢ ¢ marginal folds of the arms; d and e the thickened pillars in the lower floor surrounding the hole /, below the sexual cavity ; r r sexual organs; p veil forming the lower floor of the sexual pouches; n sexual cavity; mm upper floor. Fig. 8. o pyramid of the centre of the disk; s central cavity Another section passing through a sexual pouch. of the body; a@ oral appendage or arm, cut through at 6; cc its marginal fringes; d and e lower floor thickened and inclosing the blind sac f; q channel leading from the main cavity into the sexual pouch nm; 7 sexual organ; p' veil separating the sexual pouch from the blind sac below; m m upper floor. Fig. 9. a sexual pouch. Another section, passing somewhat obliquely through a arm, cut through at 6; d and e thickened lower floor, surrounding the blind sae 7; 0 pyramid of the centre of the disk; s main cavity ; q channel leading into the ovarian pouch; p veil sepa- rating the ovarian pouch from the blind sae below; p section of the veil; r 7 sexual organ; nn sexual pouch; m m upper floor of the disk. PLATE X. ScypHostoMA OF CYANEA ARCTICA AND AURELIA FLAVIDULA. [Figs. 18, 22, 31, 32, and 36, Aurelia flavidula, were drawn by A. Sonrel; the others, Cyanea arctica, by H. J. Clark.] Figs. 1 and 2. Eges from the ovary of Cyanea arctica, Sept. 28, 1857, magnified 500 diameters. —v vitelline sac; y y' yolk; p Purkinjean vesicle; w Wagnerian vesicle. In all the remaining figures, 3 to 38, the following letters refer to the same parts. a the outer wall of the body; a' the outer wall of the tentacle; J the inner wall of the body; ¢ the mouth or proboscis; c! the basal or pos- terior end; d the digestive cavity; e e' the tentacles ; f the base of the horn-like sheath or tube. Fig. 3. A globular embryo, just eseaped from the pouches. Magnified 500 diameters. Fig. 4. Profile view of an ovate embryo just from the pouches. 500 diameters. 1s. EXPLANATION Fig. 4%. View of the broad end of fig. 4. Fig. 5. Profile of a cylindrical embryo. 200 diams. Fig. 5a. End view of fig. 5. Fig. 6. One of the smaller forms of cylindrical embryos. 200 diameters. Profile of an embryo, swimming with the clear space (d) behind. 200 diameters. Fig. 72. End view of the darker end of fig. 7. Fig. 8. In this embryo the clear space ((/) is very large. 200 diameters. Fig. 8% The same as fig. 8, contracted, and the clear space obliterated. Fig. 9. View of the flat side of an oval, concave, disci- form embryo. 200 diameters. Fig. 92. Edge view of fig. 9, showing the double con- cave sides. Fig. 10. View of the flat side of an ovate, compressed embryo. 200 diameters. Fig. 108 Edge view of fig. 10. Fig. 10. ig Broader end of fig. 10. Fig. 10°, Narrower end of fig. 10; the cilia are reversed by the embryo. Fig. 104. The mouth of fig. 10; the cilia are quiet, and look like bristles. 500 diameters. Fig. 11. An irregularly ovate, cylindrical embryo, recently attached to a sea-weed, the tentacles (¢) just beginning to bud. The vibratile cilia do not move any more, and have begun to decompose. 200 diameters. Fig. 12. A scyphostoma with an incipient horn-like sheath. The cilia are quiet and decomposing. 200 diameters. Fig. 122. fig. 13. View of the actinal end of fig. 12. A scyphostoma with two incipient tentacles; the cilia are still persistent but immovable. Fig. 138, Fig. 14. 200 diams. Actinal end of fig. 13. A scyphostoma with four young tentacles and a narrow base, but no horn-like sheath. 200 diams. Fig. 14a. The same as fig. 14, with the mouth very wide open. Fig. 14b. View of actinal end of fig. 14, showing the asymmetrical development of the tentacles (e). Fig. 14. The same as fig. 14, with the mouth (c) enor- mously distended, and the tentacles so completely re- tracted as to be undiscernible. Fig. 15. An abnormally developed scyphostoma. 100 diameters. Fig. 16. | Another form of abnormal development. 100 diameters. Fig. 16. . Similar to fig. 4, but the tentacles only partly retracted. 200 diameters. Fig. 5. Actinal end of an eight-armed seyphostoma to show the details of the mouth, radiating partitions, ete. 200 diams. The arrangement of the cells around the mouth and along the tentacles shows an unmistak- able resemblance to the plates forming the borders of the corresponding parts in Echinoderms, and espee- ially in Star-fishes. Fig. 6. cellular structure of the walls. Basal portion of fig. 20, Pl. X., to show the a’ outer surface of the outer wall (a); 0" outer surface of inner wall (?). 500 diameters. Fig. 7. Tentacle of fig. 14, Pl. X., to show the lasso- cells. 500 diameters. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 8. Cells from the inner surface of the inner wall of fig. 14¢, Pl. X. Fig. 9. the wall of the cell; 6 the coil. Fig. 10. Lasso-cells from the tentacle of Fig. 14, Pl. X. 500 diameters. Fig. 11. two of the first set forked. Fig. 12. 500 diameters. A to G lasso-cells of a full-grown Cyanea. a 500 diameters. The second set of tentacles half developed, and 100 diameters. Shows one hydra fixed temporarily in the mouth of another. 100 diameters. Fig. 12% Actinal end of A, fig. 12. Fig. 13. The third set of tentacles partially developed. b° intervals between the radiating partitions (2°). 100 diameters. Fig. 14. developed in fives, and the mouth five-sided. Fig. 15. Actinal end of a scyphostoma with ten tentacles, 100 diams. Actinal end of a scyphostoma with fourteen tentacles, in various stages of growth; the numbers refer to their relative ages. 100 diameters. Fig. 15a, Figs. 16 to 24. from the ovary of a full-grown Aurelia. Similar to fig. 15, but very much contracted. The serial development of the egg; taken 200 diams. Figs. 25 to 36. The progressive development of the free seyphostoma planula of Aurelia. Figs. 26, 27, 28, 30, 31, and 32 from the ovary; figs. 25, 29, 33, 34, 35, and 36 from the pouches. 200 diameters. Fig. 37. The proboscis and sexual organs (¢) of fig. 22, Pl. Na. the proboscis; d aperture of the mouth. Figs. 39, 40, and 41. with the same letters. a lips; a@ incipient fringes of the edge of ? I to) Po) 20 diams. Details of the proboscis of fig. 37, PLATE XI. STROBILA OF AURELIA FLAVIDULA. [Drawn by A. Sonrel.] Unless otherwise stated, all the figures are magnified 15 In all the figures of Plates XI., XIs., XTb., and XIc., the following letters refer to the same parts, diameters. unless otherwise stated. For the scyphostoma, ¢ is the mouth or proboscis; ct base of body; c? c® ct offshoots from the body; d digestive cavity ; e el tentacles; g g' g° g° gg? constric- tions preparatory to the formation of the saucer-shaped disks. For the ephyra, a is the proboscis; a‘ the mouth or lip; a? the cavity of a; b the digestive cavity ; )' limit of ); ¢ chymiferous canal leading to the eyes; c’ c* branch of e; c entrance to c; ct end of c; c® chymiferous canal in the peduncle of the eye; d ridge of c; d? fork of d; d? floor of c; e chymiferous canal to the ten- tacles; ¢! lateral branch of e; e inner wall; ¢ en- trance to e; f ridge of e; g sexual appendages; g! common opening of g; g? second row of appendages ; g + outer wall of h; A? inner wall of 2; 23 base of * common opening of g?; g* exterior pouch; h eye; h; i facets of eyes; h° base of h above; h° base of facet 14; h’ centre of h; h® lateral base of h; ia 2 veil; © marginal lobules; # tentacle, or tentacular lobe; i* inner wall above; #® inner wall below; @ outer wall above; # outer wall below; @® lower side of the veil; @ edge of the disk; j oculiferous lobe ; J’ lappets of 7; j? ridge of j'; j* ridge in transverse section; j* back of the lappet; j® edge of j above; j® outer wall above; j7 inner wall above; j* inner wall below; j® outer wall below; & partitions between canals; i partially isolated partition; 2? an insular partition; 7 the disk; 7 axis of the strobila; [ axis of the disk; m muscular ring, inner edge; m!' outer edge of m; me marginal canal; aj edge of lobe /, below; %/ commsisure of lappets j*; cj depression at the base of bj; dj fold of the lappet below. Fig. 1. The lowest ephyre of a strobila which has already lost the upper ones, ready to drop; they are drawn here whilst in the systole of one of their convulsive contractions, by which they break loose, and the remains of the scyphostoma has its fully developed ten- tacles extended to the utmost. Fig. 2. The remains of a scyphostoma, showing the off- shoots. Fig. 3. Another old seyphostoma, with a few distorted ephyre. Fig. 4. An old scyphostoma, with distorted tentacles, and a few nearly mature ephyre. Fig. 5. The base of a column of ephyre, and a scy- phostoma with eye spots, h, at the base of the ten- tacles. Fig. 6. A scyphostoma, with its second row of tentacles, bearing a column of thirteen ephyre in various stages of development. Fig. 7. A scyphostoma with twenty tentacles, probably belonging to the second group formed after the fall of the ephyre. ' Fig. 74. Proboscis of fig. 7. 20 diameters. Fig. 8. Interior view of the edge of the ephyra of fig. 14. 30 diameters. Fig. 9. The plicated lip of the proboscis of fig. 13 1. 30 diameters. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. (15) Fig. 10. A young strobila, still incomplete ; the terminal ephyra has the deciduous false tentacles. Fig. 11. A strobila casting its last ephyra. Fig. 12. The base of a double strobila, formed by trans- verse division of the discs B and C. Fig. 13. The last ephyra just ready to drop. Fig. 14. The last and youngest of a pile of ephyra, bearing sixteen deciduous, false tentacles. Fig. 15. An incipient pile of ephyra, the terminal one bearing sixteen deciduous tentacles. Fig. 16. An old strobila, the terminal ephyra bearing sixteen deciduous tentacles, and the seyphostoma having two rows of tentacles. Fig. 17. The three oldest ephyre are nearly mature, whilst the fourth is far behind in age. Fig. 18. An old seyphostoma with three rows of ten- tacles. Fig. 19. The terminal ephyra shows the homologies be- tween the tentacles of the seyphostoma and the ocu- liferous lobes and eye-peduncles of the ephyra. Fig. 20. One of the ephyre of fig. 10. Fig. 21. Scyphostoma-like ephyre, similar to figs. 18 and 19. Fig. 22. A form combining the features of fig. 15 and fig. 21. Fig. 23. A double oculiferous lobe from an ephyra of fiz. 29. 30 diameters. Fig. 24. A portion of the disk of one of the ephyre of fig. 29. 20 diameters. Fig. 25. A mass of monstrosities both of the ephyre and seyphostoma. Fig. 26. Proboscis and sexual appendages of fig. 11, 1. There is no fig. 27. It was omitted in numbering the plate. Fig. 28. A terminal ephyra with branching deciduous tentacles. Fig. 29. Shows an ephyra just escaping from its axial attachment, which passes into the proboscis of the next lower individual. PLATE Xia. ScyrpHosTOMA AND EPHYRA OF AURELIA FLAVIDULA. [All the figures drawn from nature by A. Sonrel.] Unless when otherwise stated, the figures are magnified 15 diameters. For the lettering, see Pl. XI. Fig. 1. An old seyphostoma attached by a lateral pro- cess of its base. Fig. 2. A seyphostoma-like process (c?) budding from the base of an old scyphostoma. 20 diameters. Two seyphostomas arising from a common. basis. 20 diameters. Fig. 4. An old scyphostoma, with large offshoots. Fig. 5. Similar to fig. 4, with one rigid-looking off-hoot. Fig. 6. A scyphostoma bearing an offshoot with a glob- ular tip. Fig. 7. A longitudinally ridged scyphostoma with a distorted offshoot. Fig. 8. Here the offshoot is forked (c? c’). Fig. 9. The offshoots are remarkably long and_ ten- tacular. Fig. 10. A strobila just making its first constriction. Fig. 11. A strobila with two constrictions. Fig. 12. A deformed strobila. Fig. 13. Two of the disks are well formed, but not mature. Figs. 14 and 15. the aperture of the cell and base of the thread; c the end of the thread; d point of junction between the straight axial portion and the coils of the thread; e the first coil of the spiral; f the transversely spiral coils. 2,000 diameters. Fig. 17. . Beside we have a the outer and / the of a wall (e) of @; 6 the inner wall the Fig. 3. margin and the veil, the general lettering inner wall of @; y the outer wall where it passes into the outer of @ where it passes into the inner wall of 7; © outer wall of @; ¢ the inner wall of @ seen in the distance; 7 the inner wall of ” nearer to the eye (18) EXPLANATION than ¢; @ the same as 7, but still nearer to the eye; « where 7 and @ merge into one outline; « the cavity between the outer and inner walls of 7; 2 hollow of the tentacle; @ entrance to 4; © superior margin ;3 of the socket from which ® arises. 200 diameters. Fig. 4. The same as fig. 3, but seen from below, with the following additional letters: v the same as A, but fore- shortened by the curvature of the tentacle; § the in- ferior margin of the socket from which the tentacle arises; 7 the broad line of attachment of the veil (7). 200 diameters. Fig. 5. XI>., principally to show the branching of the radi- Inferior side of a quarter of figs. 5 and 20 of PI. ating canals, the extent of the veil, and the fringes (cz) of the proboscis. 24 diameters. Fig. 6. The fringes (@) of the proboscis of fig. 5 in profile. Fig. 7. Cells (e) and lasso-cells (a b) from the upper surface of the disk of fig. 9. 500 diameters. Fig. 8. The same as d' fig. 2, more enlarged. a entrance ; @ dorsal side toward the outer veil; y profile of the wall at the dorsal side of the bend; 4 profile of the lower side of the curve. 100 diameters. Fig. 9. View similar to fig. 4, from the same ephyra as fig. 2. The letters as in fig. 4 excepting e, which is the outer wall of a very young lobule developing be- tween the larger ones; p cavity of the young lobule (€); ¢ groups of lasso-cells. 100 diameters. Fig. 10, Cellular tissue from the proboscis of an adult Aurelia, treated with alcohol. 500 diameters. Fig. 11. from the outer end. The eye and the immediate organs, seen obliquely In addition to the general letter- ing, there is a the entrance to d'; 3 the dorsal side of the external half of d'; y profile of the wall at the bend of d'; © ¢ the wall of d'. 200 diameters. Fig. 1 7) 2. The same as fig. 10, but in a natural state. 500 diameters. Fig. 13. 1 Similar to fig. 8, but from fig. 5. The figures ») 2a 3 refer to the tentacles, from the oldest to the youngest. Lettering as in fig. 2, with this differ- ence, that ¢ is seen through the tentacles; 7 where the outer wall of the tentacles passes into that of its neighbor. 100 diameters. Fig. 14. t=} Profile sectional view of the walls of the hydra stem of Coryne mirabilis. a the horn-like sheath; cells of the outer wall; ' mesoblast of b; ¢ the same as }, seen in the distance; d cells of the inner wall; dd brown cells; e the same as d, in the distance. 500 diameters. Fig. 15. from A. lasso-cell the outer wall of fig. 14. OF THE PLATES: a the cell wall; 0 the straight part of the thread; e de the first, second, and third coils; f aperture of the cell and base of 6. 2,000 diameters. PLATE XII. PELAGIA CYANELLA, Per. and LeS. {Drawn from nature by J. Burckbardt.] lis 9: Profile view, natural size. View from below, the mouth appendages being removed. q@ arms; 0 ovaries; ¢ mouth; d tentacles ; e eyes. Fig. 3. c digestive cavity; d tentacles. Figs. 4 to 16. View from above. a eyes; } chymiferous tubes ; Planule and ephyra of the same. Fig. 4. Young planula, seen in profile. Fig. 5. Older planula, seen in profile. Figs. 6 and 7. Older planula, seen from above, and in profile. Figs. 8 and 9. Passage of the planula into the ephyra, in profile fig. 8, and from below fig. 9. Figs. 10 and 11. below. Fig. 1 Young ephyra, in profile and from 2 2. Older ephyra, from below. ¢ mouth; b eye- specks; a@ position of the tentacles at a more advanced period. Fig. 13. Magnified spheromere in connection with the mouth. a chymiferous lobes; % eye; ¢ mouth. Figs. 14 and 15. Magnified eyes. a eye proper; > chymiterous tube of the eye. Fig. 16. Magnified mouth, still simple and without arms. PLATES NUT and NII PoLycLonia FRONDOSA, Ag. (Drawn from nature by J. Burckhardt.] Prate XIII. Profile view and various structural details of Polyclonia frondosa. Fig. 1. dosa of Pallas), with the oral appendages drawn up Profile view of our Polyclonia (the Medusa fron- under the disk. The same, seen from below, different parts being removed in different segments and shown in a differ- ent condition in each. 0 o eyes, twelve in number. 2 In segments 1 and 2 may be seen the two branches of one arm with their marginal lobes entire, and EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. covered with lasso-bearing papille at the base. In segments 4 and 5 another arm is visible with its marginal lobes and papilla removed, in order to show that the arms have the same structure in the Discophore Rhi- zostomex as in the Semxostomez, only that their margin is soldered in the Rhizostomee, having only narrow openings for the admission of the food, instead of forming open channels. In segments 7 and 8 the base of the arm, with its papillae m, is alone preserved. In segments 10 and 11, and parts of 9 and 12, the base of the oral appendages is removed to show the main cavity of the body ¢ c. In segments 6' and 7 the ramifications of the chymiferous tubes are repre- sented as they appear through the lower floor when injected. In segments 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 different aspects of the lower surface of the lower floor are represented ; in segments 11 and 12 from a specimen in which it was almost smooth; in segments 9 and 10, with various folds, concentric near the margin, convolute further inward, and pennate between the principal chymiferous tubes. In segment § the same arrangement prevails, but differently combined. Fig. 3. Young specimen of Polyclonia frondosa seen from below. o eyes; ¢ arms or oral appendages. Fig. 4. Internal view of the main cavity with the four sexual pouches 0 0s oa. 0 sexual organ suspended between the folds os of the sexual pouches; oa openings of the sexual pouches, alternating with the arms ¢ ¢, i ¢, @ #, & 0; s openings of the channels of the four arms into the main cavity. Fig. 5. chymiferous tubes radiating from one of its corners. Figs. 6 t=} Central cavity seen from below, with a few and 7. Openings of the channels leading into the main cavity. Figs. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14. bearing papille, /, from the base of the arms. Figs. 15 and 16. Various kinds of lasso- Lobes of the margin of the arms with their fringes ¢, to show the openings s, leading into the main channel of the oral appendages. Fig. 17. — Lasso-cells. Pirate XIII*. various structural details. Fig. 1. what raised in front to show the opening of a sexual Side view of Polyclonia frondosa, with Profile view of Polyclonia, with the disk some- pouch between two arms. Fig. 2. Fig. 3. oD Transverse section of the disk. Portion of the same, magnified. g upper floor; a layer of the chymiferous tubes; 0 lower floor. Fig. 4. the marginal lobes and fringes extended. il 4l Portion of an arm, seen from its outer side, with VOL. (19) Fig. 5. leading into the main cavity; d marginal lobes and The same, from the inner side. s channels fringes; d' papille of the base of the arm. Fig. 6. View of the disk from above. Fig. 7. Segment of the same, in which the colored ring is not divided into several zones as in fig. 6. Fig. 8. Portion of the margin, with two eyes, o° 0’, in the same spheromere. Fig. 9. anastomoses of the chymiferous tubes a’. Figs. 10, 11, and 12. the edge is thinned out into a sort of veil, beyond Magnified portion of the margin, showing the Margin of the disk, to show how the marginal lobules, between which the eyes, o (figs. 11 and 12), are situated. Figs. 13, 14, and 15, Figs. 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, and 22. Eyes. Eges in various stages of development. Spermatic particles. PLATE XIV. SromoLorHus MeLraanis, Ag. [Drawn from nature by A. Sonrel and J. Burekhardt.] Profile Profile two rows of Fig. 1. Fig. 2. view of Stomolophus Meleagris. view of the oral appendages, presenting prominent crests, the upper of which is concealed under the disk in their natural position. Fig. 3. oral appendages, just below the main cavity. Fig. 4. letters and figures in figs. 2, Transverse section across the upper part of the The 3, and 4 correspond to View of the oral appendages from below. one another. Fig. 5. One of the crests of the upper row seen side- ways. Fig. 6. The same, its two halves being separated. Vig. 7. One of the crests of the lowey row seen side- Fis. 8. The end of the same seen from above. PLATE XV. PeNNARIA GiBpposa Ag., MILLEPORA ALCICORNIS Linn, PocILLOPORA DAMICORNIS Link., SERIATOPORA SU- BULATA Lmk. [Figs. 1, la, 2, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 14a, 15, and 15a drawn from nature by A. Sonrel; figs. 4, 5, 5a, 5b, 5c, 6, 7, and 8 by H. J. Clark, from sketches by L. Agassiz and the help of alco- holic specimens; fig. 3 by J. Burckhardt. ] Millepora, Pocillopora, and Seriatopora were thus far re- ferred to the Polyps. (20) EXPLANATION Figs. 1, 1a, and 2. Fig. 1. the stem; the large terminal hydrx of the branches Pennaria gibbosa. A broadside view of a stem, natural size. @ (ce); d the large terminal hydra of the stem. Fig. la. View at right angles to fig. 1, to show the curve of the stem and branches. Fig. 2. A portion of the stem, bearing a branch. A the main stem; A’ rings of A; B_ the large terminal hydra of the branch; C the youngest hydra, a mere bud as yet; D E F G hydra, lettered according to their ages; @ basal rings of the branch; a’ rings along the branch; a? terminal rings of the branch; a® pe- dicel of C; at end of the pedicel of D; 6 pedicel of the large medusa (d*) of G; d the medusa of D; d' medusa of E; @ @ meduse of F; d* d* meduse of G; e é the sexual organs of the medusa (d*) ; e circular canal of a; f the proboscis of d; g the tentacles of @; h the radiating canals of d°; m mouth of the hydra; p proboscis of the hydra; p! the bulging side of p; p*? the proboscis of F, stretched out; ¢ & the crown of tapering tentacles; ¢ & the globe-tipped tentacles of the proboscis. 15 diameters. Figs. 8 to 13. Millepora alcicornis. Fig. 3. A branch, natural size, covered by the extruded hydree. Fig. 4. A portion of fig. 3, magnified. @ the outer wall in profile; & the surface of the branch; ¢ g h the larger forms of hydra, with only four to six tenta- cles; ¢ k 1 m n the smaller hydra, with numerous tentacles; d the mouth of c, shown by the bending of the head to one side; e the aperture of the cell of c; f aperture of the cell of g; p aperture of the cell of a small hydra. 25 diameters. Fig. 5. One of the smaller hydre of fig. 4, @ the outer and } the inner wall; ¢ c! digestive cavity; d mouth; e f g h ik lm the short, globe-tipped tentacles; n the groups of brown cells (fig. 5¢) in the inner wall. 100 diameters. Fig. 58 A lasso-cell from the tentacles. @ the empty cell; 4 the base of the thread (d e f); ¢ the thickened portion. 500 diameters. Fig. 5. =A B CDE F other forms of lasso-cells. a the cell; } the base of the thread (in A the barbs); ¢ the thread. Fig. 5% abe brown cells from the inner wall. 500 diameters. Fig. 6. One of the larger hydre of fig. 4, with four tentacles. Letters as in fig. 5 excepting h, the stem of the tentacle. 100 diameters. Fig. 7. Sectional view of fig. 6, to show the form of OF THE PLATES. the cells of the inner wall. Letters as in fig. 5. 100 diameters. Fig. 8. A portion of the surface of a branch, to show the form of the cells. @ aperture of a cell of a large hydra; } cell of a small hydra; ¢ the soft walls of the hydro-medusarium through which the calcareous, spongiform coral shines; d the spongiform body of the coral denuded; e f views into the cells of the large hydre; g g' cells of small hydre; h ij & irregular radiating partitions of the cells of small hydre; J m radiating partitions of a large cell (e). 100 diame- ters. Fig. 9. Longitudinal section of the cell of a large hydra with three transverse partitions, taken at a point one half of an inch below the tip of the branch. a@ the mouth of the cell; @ the bottom of the cell; ¢ trans- yerse partitions; d irregular projections from the bot- tom of the cell; e apertures in the side of the cell, leading off into the spongiform mass; f branching cavities in the coral; g h sections of cavities like e. 100 diameters. Fig. 10. large hydra, taken at a point half an inch below the tip of a young branch. a@ mouth of the cell; > bottom of the cell; c¢ sides of the cell; de f radiating partitions; Longitudinal section of a young, g section of an aperture like h; ij branching cavi- ties in the coral; & solid part of the coral. 100 diameters. Fig. 11. Transverse section of a branch one inch be- low its top. a@ highly spongiform axis; & mouth and e bottom of the cell; d@ ¢ & transverse partitions; e fg hi cells more or less exposed; / surface of the branch. 40 diameters. Fig. 12. low the top of a branch. Transverse section one eighth of an inch be- a the spongiform axis; bd e f cells in various stages of development; ¢ g bottom of the cells. Fig. 13. stem half an inch 40 diameters. Longitudinal section of a large cell, from a in diameter. a@ mouth and 6 bottom of the cell; c the numerous transverse par- titions; d@ the upper part of the cell only partially laid open. 40 diameters. Fig. 14, 14%, 14>. Pocillopora damicornis. Fig. 14. est, and b e de f g successively older a the young- cells. 40 The tip of a young branch. diameters. Fig. 14%. Transverse section of two young cells, a b, from fig. 14; d and e the bottom of the cells; ¢ c ridges between the cells. Fig. 14%. Longitudinal section of an old branch. a EXPLANATION ce dehik cells laid open, and exposing their numerous transverse partitions; fg mouths of cells not opened by the section; j transverse partition of k; l common bottom of i and k; m bottom of h and c, and perhaps of others. 5 diameters. Fig. 15,. 154. Fig. 15. Jf and ¢ the quadruple aperture of the cell; & the pro- Seriatopora subulata. Tip of a branche abcde fghi the cells; jection of the central column, from which four par- titions radiate to the walls of the cell. 40 diameters. Fig. 152. inch from the top of the branch. Longitudinal section of a cell of fig. 15, one a@ mouth and b bottom of the cell; ¢ axial column; d e the four cavities around the column; / g transverse partition; hi solid part of the coral; j bottom of the upper- most cell. 40 diameters. TABLE XVI. TlypRACTINIA POLYCLINA Ag. [Figs. 1, 1a, 1b, le, 1d, le, 2, 2a, 2b, 2c, 2e, 4a, 4b, are drawn from nature by A. Sonrel; the others by H. J. Clark.] Fig. 1. A female hydromedusarium. A B C F fertile individuals; D E G TI sterile individuals; K basal or stolonie layer; ¢ medusa; 4 head of fertile individ- uals; p proboscis; s spiny, horn-like processes from the base. 25 diameters. Figs. 1%, 1b, 1¢, 14, 1e, different attitudes of the proboscis and tentacles which the sterile heads assume. m the mouth or actinostome; ¢ the tentacles. 100 diameters. Fig. 1¢. g Profile of a sterile female strongly contracted. m mouth; ¢ tentacles. 60 diameters. Fig. 18. tentacles. Fig. 2. A male hydromedusarium. A B C K the fer- tile individuals; D E F G HI sterile individuals; letters as in fig. i. 25 diameters. Fig. 22. and the mouth (m) wide open. A fertile female hydra without any meduse. t 100 diameters. A fertile male with the proboscis expanded ¢ the globular ten- tacles. 100 diameters. Fig. 2b. Fig. 2¢. tops of the tentacles are globular, and in two rows (t ¢). The same as fig. 24 with the mouth (m) shut. A sterile male strongly contracted, so that the 100 diameters. Fig. 24. The tentacles more strongly contracted than in fig. 2¢; the proboscis reverted and the mouth wide open. 125 diameters. Fig. 2c. The same as fig. 2, but the proboscis (p) more enlarged. OF THE PLATES. (21) Fig. 2f. and % inner wall; d prolongation of the digestive A globular tentacle of a fertile male. a outer cavity. 500 diameters. Fig. 2. A sterile male strongly contracted. p probos- cis; ¢ tentacles. 60 diameters. Fig. 2h, The proboscis of a sterile male. @ outer and b inner wall; d digestive cavity; m mouth. 300 diameters. Fig. 3. A fertile female crowded with meduse. a outer and 6 inner wall; a! outer and %' inner wall of the medusa; c peduncle of the medusa; d diges- tive cavity; d' digestive cavity of the proboscis of the medusa; e eggs; p proboscis of the medusa; ¢ tentacles; A a medusa foreshortened. 300 diameters. Fig. 3%. fig. 3. yolk; p Purkinjean vesicle; View from the actinal end of a medusa of «@ outer and b' inner wall; v yolk sac; y w Wagnerian vesicle ; vl Valentinian vesicle; A one of the eggs in a superficial view. 500 diameters. Fig. 4. A fertile are discharging their spermatic particles. male crowded with meduse, which a_ partially empty and 0 entirely empty meduse; % the head. 125 diameters. Fig. 4°. different stages of development of the meduse; m Actinal end of a fertile male hydra. a@ toi the open mouth. 100 diameters. Fig. 4b. Fig. 5. h the head. A young sterile male and a portion of the Similar to fig. 42, but younger. retiform stolon. a@ outer wall of the stolon; a outer wall of the hydra; network formed by the interior wall; c digestive cavity; d@ inner wall; e and f horn-like’ spines; p proboscis; ¢ tentacles. 300 diams. Fig. 5°. show a budding of a new channel (/); ¢ outer A portion of the edge of a stolonie base to wall; a b line of the section from which fig. 5¢ was taken; d cells of the outer wall; e chymiferous canal; f young canal budding; g granular contents of e. 400 diameters. Fig. 5». base. A yery young male hydra budding from the a outer and 6} inner wall of the stolon; a’ outer and #' inner wall of the hydra; ¢ digestive 400 diameters. A section through a @, fig. 5% a@ a’ outer cavity. Fig. 5¢. wall; } cells in a@ a; ¢ chymiferous canal of the inner wall (d). Fig. 6. One of the horn-lke spines of fig. 5, to show that it is covered by the retiform stolon. a inter- stices of the net-work: } 2' the canals; ¢ the spinules of the spine; d outer wall. 300 diameters. Fig. 7. A very young male medusa bud. a outer (22) and } inner wall of the hydra; d digestive cavity ; 400 diameters. A two-thirds grown medusa. 1 lasso-cells. Fig. 8. fiz, 7; 0 inner wall of the medusa; /* point of abdtlasin transition of 2' into the wall of the proboscis c; e cavity of the disk, containing the spermatic mass. +400 diameters. Fig. 9. peduncle; 7? as in fig. 8; ¢ proboscis; d digestive A ripe medusa. a@ outer } inner wall of the cavity; e the spermatic mass. Fig. 92. fied 500 diameters; B an exaggerated figure to show the form of A; h the so-called head; ¢ the fila- ment. Spermatic particles from fig. 9; A is magni- Fig. 10. Lasso-cells from the meduse of fig. 4. 500 diameters. Fig. 11. Lasso-cells from fig. 2% a@ a closed cell; b a cell with the thread (c) out; 0! the base of ce. diameters. 800 Pirates XVIL, XVII, and XIX. represent the structure and growth of one of the most common Hydroids of the Bay of Boston, and the mode of growth and structure of its medusa, which I have already described in my first paper on the Acalephs of North America, under the name of Sarsia mirabilis. PLATE XVII. CoRYNE MIRABILIS Ag. [Figs. 1, la, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10, and 1a drawn by A. Sonrel; the others by H. J. Clark.] Unless when stated otherwise, the following letters refer to the same parts in all the figures. a@ inner wall of the hydra; % outer wall; c horn-like sheath; cn top of the stem; d d! digestive cavity of the stem and head of the hydra; de disk of the medusa; m mouth of the hydra; md medusa buds; x proboscis; p peduncle of the medusa; pr transverse veil of the medusa; 7 tentacles of the medusa; s stem of the hydra; ¢ tentacles of the hydra. Fig. 1. being the beginning of the breeding season (January A group of hydre attached to a sea-weed. It 31, 1855), the young medusa buds are not conspicu- ous. Natural size. Fig. 14. A portion of fig. 1 magnified about 20 diame- ters. @ a very young hydra bud. EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 2. A single individual, showing that the meduse are sometimes developed among the tentacles (see md). m other meduse below the tentacles. 40 diameters. Figs. 3 to 8. Show the various ages and attitudes of the hydra. a a' medusie buds in different stages of growth. 40 diameters. Fig. 9. A head of a hydra, contracted, showing the horn-like sheath (c) separated from the neck. 100 diameters. Fig. 10. A group of hydro-meduse late in the breeding season (April 25, 1855), when the heads are resorbing and the meduse are prominent. (See figs. 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15.) Natural _ size. Fig. 11. sistent, and developing the spermatic mass around the A male hydra from fig. 10, the medusa per- proboscis (7) to an enormous extent. 60 diameters. Fig. 11% View of fig. 11 from the actinal end. Fig. 12. fect medusa is persistent and withering, having dis- A male hydra from fig. 10; the almost per- charged its spermatic contents. d peduncle of the medusa. 40 diameters. Fig. 13. Similar to fig. 12, but the tentacles of the hydra have begun to be resorbed. The medusa is proportionately larger, and has no tentacles. 40 diameters. Fig. 14. The head of the hydra is nearly all resorbed, and the medusa, without tentacles, is withering, having discharged its spermatic particles. 40 diameters. Fig. 15. The head of the hydra, a female, is altogether resorbed, and the medusa terminates the stem, like a head. five. Fig. 16. proboscis enormously distended and crowded with eggs. a’ the radiating canals, of which there are 60 diameters. A female medusa attached to a hydra, and the 40 diameters. PLATE XVII. CoRYNE MIRABILIS Ag. [All the figures are drawn from nature by H. J. Clark.] Figs. 1 to 12 are magnified 400 diameters. Fig. 1. b outer wall of hydra; c inner and 0 outer wall of the bud. Fig. 2. and } inner wall of the hydra; ¢ inner and d outer wall of the medusa; e ¢ chymiferous cavity leading into the medusa. A medusa just beginning to bud. @ inner and The medusa bud already semi-globular. @ outer EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 3. Little older than fig. 2, and stretched longitudi- nally. Letters the same as in the last. Fig. 4. The radiating tubes beginning to develop. Fig. D represents fig. 4 in outline. a@ inner and } outer wall of the hydra. —ceclc?¢3 the four radiating tubes. —ch channel of c.—d outer wall of the medusa. //1 f2 edge of the inner wall in which ¢ c3 are hollowed. Fig. 5. A little further advanced than fig. 4. Fig. E represents fig. 5 in outline. —c outer and ¢ inner sides of the radiating canal.—/ff1l edge of the inner wall. —d outer wall. Fig. 6. A little older than fig. 5. Fig. F. Fig. F represents fig. 6 in outline. @ inner and + outer wall of the hydra. —c abroad radiating tube seen from its outer face.—cl inner and c2 outer face of the radiating tubes, in profile. —d outer wall. —g g! base of the radiating tubes. Fig. 7. Sectional view of fig. 6, to show the projection (d*) of the outer wall into the cup-like hollow of the | inner wall (c). a@ inner and 2} outer wall of the hydra. As this figure was drawn for the purpose only of showing how the outer wall projects into the hollow of the inner wall, no special references are needed to the other parts, which, by comparison with fiz. 6, explain themselves. Fig. 8. Fig. G represents fig. 8 in outline. Fig. 82. a@ inner and > outer wall of the hydra. Fig. Il represents fig. 8a in outline. Fi (28) Considerably older than figs. 6 and 7, showing the prolongation of the horn-like sheath over the disc, and the broad radiating tubes. Fig. G Vi L£ Cc. tv Us gI— We J- bee In the plate the proboscis (/) is omitted. @ inner and > outer wall of the hydra.—e outer and cl inner face of the radiating tubes, in profile. —c? a broad tube next the eye. —d outer wall of the dise.—g base of the radiating tubes and the proboscis (A) in profile. — g1 g2 outlines of the wall where the proboscis and the tubes meet. —7 horn-like sheath. View of the actinal end of fig. 8. Fig. H. c the radiating tubes.—d the outer wall. —& edges of c.—m inner and m! outer surface of the innermost wall. —A the proboscis. ic. 9. outer wall of the veil, here seen in profile, in the distance. — A the point of the innermost wall, in profile, which corresponds to &.—} the middle wall of the disk, or inner wall of the pedicel. — 6! the same as 4 but nearer the eye, and hol- lowed out by the radiating canal. 8° inner wall of the proboscis contin- uous at ot with 8.— 5 the middle wall of the veil, continuous with d.— & origin of the radiating canals 81. — 5 circular canal. —¢ the outer and inner outlines of the innermost wall. — cc? the outer wall of the proboscis at continuous with c. — ct the innermost wall of the veil in profile. — eS the same as ct but nearer the eye. — cf the circular tube cut across in 5. —A the horn-like sheath, which completely incloses the medusa. Fig. 18. Shows the tentacles (@) before they are curled into the cavity of the disk. Fig. 14. The tentacles highly developed, and curled inwardly, forcing the transverse veil into the cavity of the disk. Fig. N. Fig. N represents fig. 14 in outline. Although the tentacles are curled in- wanily, they sre shut off from the cavity of the disk by the veil (< ct). a the outer wall. —5 the inner wall of the pedicel. or middle wall of the disk, and containing the radiating canals. — the bulbous cavity of the tentacles. —& inner wall of the proboscis, continuous with 5.—c¢ the innermost wall. —¢? outer wall of the proboscis, continuous with ¢.— periphery of the veil (ct). — 3 point of union of ¢ and cl. —ct the veil. —d the tentaculsr bulb. — + the evespeck. —/ the tentacles. —g the future digestive cavity. —& the horn-like shesth. EXPLANATION Fig. 15. A medusa just dropped from the hydra. Feb. 14, 1855. Fig. 15a. ters. Natural size. The same as fig. 15, magnified about 40 diame- a remains of the chymiferous channel of the pe- duncular attachment; / outer wall of the proboscis; ¢ radiating tubes; c’ circular tube; d fold of the inner- most wall; d* transverse fold of the inner wall; ¢ aper- ture of the proboscis. Fig. 16. pressed and folded longitudinally. A young free medusa, in a dying state, com- Seen from the abactinal end. a innermost wall receding from the disk (0); © radiating tubes; d digestive cavity. 100 diameters. Fig. 17. View from the abactinal end of a medusa a little older than fig. 15% a the veil; b circular tube; c 1 proboscis; d digestive cavity; e¢ innermost wall; ¢ point of attachment of e to the disk. 100 diams. Fig. 18. About the same age as fig. 17, but very much contracted. a longitudinal folds; 4 ¢ corrugated lines on the outer surface of the disk. 125 diameters. Figs. 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, and 24 are all lettered alike. v the vitelline sae; y yolk; p Purkinjean vesicle; w Wagnerian vesicle; v/ Valentinian vesicle. Figs. 19, 20, 22, 23, and 24. ment of the eggs of a full-erown free medusa. 17, 1855. 500 diameters. Fig. 21. An egg from fig. 15, Pl. XVII. 500 diameters. Fig. 21a. A layer of eggs from fig. 15, Pl. XVII. and } inner wall of the proboscis. Various stages of develop- May a@ outer 400 diameters. Figs. 25 and 25a, medusa. Fig. the better to Spermatic particle of a full-grown free 25, 500 diameters; fig. 254 exaggerated, show the form. PLATE XIX. CoryNE MIRABILIS Aq. [All the figures are drawn from nature by H. J. Clark.] Fig. 1. showing the furrows g g' in A portion of the body and a tentacle of a hydra, the wall b D. 500 diameters. outer f globular mass of lasso-cells. Fig. 2. partially extended tentacle. Portion of the body and a sectional view of a a outer wall of the body in profile; a! the same as a, in a full view; @ a? a? cells of the inner wall of the tentacle; 4 outer wall of the body; 6! outer wall of the tentacle; ¢ horn- like sheath; d outline of the digestive cavity; e space between the outer and inner walls of the tentacle ; OF THE PLATES. (25) JS layer of lasso-cells at the tip of the tentacle; g processes around the mesoblast of the cells of the tenta- cle. 400 diameters. Fig. 3. Surface view of a tentacle. ab cells of the ig. inner wall; ¢ outer wall; d e g profile of cell walls of ab; f globular mass of tentacles. 300 diameters. Fig. 4. cles. Sectional view of the body just below the tenta- a inner wall; b outer wall; ¢ horn-like sheath ; d digestive cavity. 500 diameters. Tig. 5. Lasso-cell of a hydra. a wall of the cell; b & axial column, which corresponds to the base of the lasso-thread; ¢ the anchors; d coil of the lasso; f aperture. 1100 diameters. Fig. 52. cell; & thicker part of the base of the lasso-thread ; The same as fig. 5 uncoiled. a the empty t' where the thread begins to taper; ¢ c' the anchors or barbs, c' is seen through 6; d the thread; d' end of the basal portion; ¢ cavity of a; f aperture of the cell. Fig. 6. medusa. of the cell. Fig. 6a, Lasso-cell from the proboscis of a full-grown free a profile of the spiral coil d; f aperture 1100 diameters. The same as fig. 6, but the basal portion of the thread everted. a the inverted thread passing through the basal part back to the coiled part d. Fig. 7. Edge of the disk and a tentacle of fig. 13, PI. XVIIL, principally to show the cellular structure of the outer wall (a') of the tentacle, and disk (a); 6 wall of the radiating tube; 6‘ inner wall of the tentacle, continuous with 4; ¢ circular canal; d cavity at the base of the tentacle; d' channel of the tentacle; e@ innermost wall of the disk. 400 diameters. Fig. 74. The outer wall of the disk of fig. 7 in profile, and more highly magnified. @ outer ends; & inner ends. 500 diameters. Fig. 7». Superficial or end view of fig. 7a. Fig. 8. Eye-speck of fig. 154, Pl. XVUI. wu outer wall, and v inner wall, of the exterior base of the tenta- cle; w a lasso-cell. 1100 diameters. Fig. 8%. A few oily globules from the dark mass of fig. 8. Fig. 9. The edge of the disk and the base of a tenta- cle of the medusa of fig. 12, PL XVIL a outer wall of the tentacle; 6 circular tube; d entrance of b into the radiating tube (¢); e innermost wall of the disk. 200 diameters. Fig. 10. ating tube of a medusa about ready to drop from the Profile section of a part of the disk and radi- a wall of the tube; 4 innermost wall, and 500 hydra. middle wall, of the disk; ¢ outermost wall. diameters. (26) EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES. Fig. 11. About the same age as fig. 10, showing the radiating tube a a’ a* to be distinct from either the outer (c) or the innermost wall (); d_ striae of 0. 500 diameters. Fig. 12. Part of the disk of a medusa only a day or two old; after being in alcohol; a dotted strive of the innermost wall; a the same as a in profile; 0 blister- like projections of the cells of the same wall; J! the same as b, in profile; ¢ outer surface of the disc. 500 diams. Fig. 13. Inner face of the disk and radiating tube of a medusa just set free. a cells of the innermost wall; b the same as ce, covering the tube (c). 500 diams. Fig. 14. From a medusa ready to drop from the hydra; the edge of the disk was involuted so as to bring its thickness into sharp profile; @ outer wall; ' cells of a; b middle wall, continuous with the w inner wall of the hydra, and the same as the inner wall of the very young medusa; /' thickening of D where it embraces the radiating canal d', which is hollowed out in it; ¢ innermost wall; c! the papil- late cells in profile; c? the same as c in the distance; d radiating canal passing into the distance; d‘ the same as d in transverse section; e the horn-like sheath. 400 diameters. Fig. 14a. Cells from the outer wall of a medusa of the same age as fig. 14. a@ the cell wall or ectoblast ; b the mesoblast; ¢ the entoblast. 500 diameters. Fig. 14>. Cells of the innermost wall of the same medusa as those of fig. 14a. 500 diameters. Fig. 15. The proboscis of a medusa two or three days old. Superficial and profile views combined in one figure, as one may see it merely by changing the focus; ¢ radiating tubes nearest the eye; ce’ the same as e where they open into the digestive cavity; g outer wall of the proboscis, which at g! becomes the inner- most wall of the disk; h% the large wedge-shaped cells of the inner wall, in profile; 4! the same as h in a superficial view; 2? the same as h and h' where it be- comes the middle wall of the disk; and 2? where it becomes the wall of the radiating tube (ce); 2 the remains of the same wall when it has formed the inner wall of the peduncle; 2° where h diverges to form a broad space for the digestive cavity of the disk ; 7 cavity of the proboscis; & lasso-cells; mm to mm longitu- dinal furrows upon the outer wall of the proboscis ; n the outer wall of the disk dragged inward by the retraction of the adherent inner or middle wall (A‘) ; o o' parietes of the outermost wall of the disk around the depression formed by the inflection of mn. 500 diameters. Fig. 16. Base of the proboscis and the neighboring centre of the disk of a medusa a little younger than fiz. 15, and with the same lettering; beside which is the wall of e; 7 digestive cavity of the disk. 400 diameters. Fig. 17. Edge of the disk and the base of a tentacle of a medusa about as old as fig. 16. @ parietes of the disk; a? a? outer wall of the tentacle; 6 the thick irregular wall of the radiating tube; 0! the circular tube ; 0? the junction of b and , or the bulb cavity ; v® inner wall of the tentacle continuous with b 0"; ¢ cl innermost wall of the disk; d the eye-speck. 400 diameters. Fig. 18. Exterior face view of the base of a tentacle and its bulb cavity; from a medusa three days old. a eye-speck; 6 inner wall of the bulb, or point of junction of the radiating (¢) and circular (7) canals ; e outer wall of the butb; f projection of the disk over the base of the tentacle; g outer wall of the tentacle; inner wall of the tentacle; ¢@ cavity of the tentacle; % lasso-cells; 1 bulb cavity. 400 diams. Fig. 19. The same as fig. 18, seen from above, with the same letters; showing the truncate cone (a) of the eye-speck. 500 diameters. Fig. 20. View from above of the digestive cavity of the disk of a medusa three days old. a the diges- tive cavity; 6 radiating tubes; ec wall of 6; c! where the wall of 6 passes into the inner wall of the pro- boseis (d); c? mnermost wall of the disk; c® the thick inner wall at the base of the proboscis, continuous with c, but seen in the distance. 500 diameters. Fig. 21. Cells from the outer surface of the disk and veil of a medusa probably two or three days old; they are slightly swollen by fresh water. 500 diams. Fig. 22. The same as fig. 21, in a natural state. a the mesoblast; 6 the entoblast. 500 diameters. Fig. 23. The same as fig nermost wall of the veil seen from the outside and through the concentric striw of the middle wall. They are a little changed by alcohol. 500 diameters. Fig. 24. Cells of the innermost wall of the disc, through which are seen the horizontal striz of the middle wall. a the mesoblast. 500 diameters. Fig. 25. Lasso-cells upon the tentacular bulb of a full- grown free medusa. 500 diameters. Fie. 26. The same as fig. 25. The cells of the outer wall of the tentacular bulb. 500 diameters. Fig. 27. The same as figs. 25 and 26. Cells of the radiating canal brought out by fresh water. a face view; in profile. 300 diameters. s. 21 and 22. Cells of the in-. — = ee ee es eee ee ACALEPHS: Teal Sale 4 L.H Bradford & Co print. A. Sonrei fom nat’ and on stone IDYIA ROSEOLA Ag ACALE PHS PP A. Sonrel from nat’ & on stone Print by L H Bradford & Co IDYIA ROSEOLA AS ACALEPHS . Clark fromna’ Sonre] on stone Printed at J. 5 Bultord's PLEUROBRACHIA RHODODACTYLA Ag < } ° ‘ ; + | ' i i n ' ' ) i 1, a ' ' ‘ ‘ i ' \ j : ; ; ‘ | ‘ i ' ' - ; | ; 1 [ ' i : : |’ ‘ | i }. f ' - i uJ ip q | - ‘ ; i 1 ¥ r \ 4 ' ’ \ ¥ 7 , \ ' ' . ' ‘ ' i ' ' ‘ ' : ; ' “1 ‘4 : a Dy Powe ys ly a, : A ri itt : ah, {\' ! (ah PW: LH. Bradford & Co print bes Q re r eC cA fT ( iva) iT jal ica} | a Es iS gS ; be . A Sonrel at alii ACALEPHS Sonrel from nat’ A CYANEA ARCTICA Per’ & LeS’ Pl. VI ALEPHS C A dford & Co H Bra L A. Sorrel ACALEPHS A ceintanetmeo pb scivaing Lin e L.H Bradford & Co print AURELIA FLAVIDULA Pér’ & LES’ Ei value ACALEPHS i) a co “ « \VIDULA Pér’ & AURELIA FLA = a ACALEPHS. Pl. 1X A Sonrel Printed atl HE AURELIA FLAVIDULA Pér’ & LES’ LEPHS AC ry 3 KR 5 urrill Br slark ffom nat VIDULA LA’ A F + AUREL D RCTICA AN A AE SCYPHOSTOMA OF Hie xs ACALEPHS ds Print. Boston. 4. Buffer, J Clark & Sonrel from nat’ SCYPHOSTOMA OF CYANEA ARCTICA AND AURELIA FLAVIDULA. Sonrel Somnat’ Barrill on stone ie xe ACALEPHS onrel on stone A.S at J.HBuffords Roston rmt P ate HJ Clark from n A DUL AURELIA FLAVI EPHYRA OF ACALEPHS S CS Pe "333 a SHON Pl. KIL ACALEPHS BLESS kT Lege : LH Bradford & Co. print A Sonrel on stone J Burkharde from nat es: 9 or er CYANELLA P PELAGIA XU! Bi ACALEPHS from nat’ Burkhardt a POLYCLONIA FRONDOSA Ag’ PL xn * ACALEPHS. POLYCLONIA FRONDOSA AS” J. Burkhardt from nat’ EL PY: e Pe} LEPH GN AC nat’ from & Burkhardt Sonrel 5 Ag it MELEAGR TOMOLOPHUS i) V Pl ACALEPHS L H-Bradford & E Burrill on stone fomnar’ Sonrel lark & a Linn’ ; UBULaATA Lamrk’ NIS COR 3. MILLEPORA ALCI( =alk & 2. PENNARIA GIBBOSA Ag’ — 3 POCILLOPORA DAMICOR 1 14, 14° pa i. s oS RA 0 SERIATOP Ss Lamrk’—15 &1 VI T i ACALEPHS Clark & Sonrel from E Burrill on stone LH Bradford & Co print HYDRACTINIA POLYCLINA Ag Pl. XVII. ACALEPHS Co prince L.H Bradford & stone Sonrel on A CORYNE MIRABILIS Ag ACALEPHS = LH Bradford & Co print Clark from nat’ A.Sonrel on stone CORYNE MIRABILIS Ag Pl. XIX ACALEPHS . MIRABILIS ORYNE g DOU DaaUkIt H J. Clark from nav’ Sree enero aes acy id aise siatmen mse clube auntie sentinge tirgumecucy eames ne nang acne tie aye cee? was ga