NPS ARCHIVE 1968 YESKE, L. / THE CORRELATION OF OCEANIC PARAMETERS WITH LIGHT ATTENUATION IN MONTEREY BAY, CALIFORNIA by Lanny Alan Yeske and Richard Dean Waer "A 'N '«*n5DJ*S ' mama mHdwvd DUDLEY KNOX I IRRARY NAVAL POST' DUA IE SCHOOL MONTEREY Cm 93943-5101 UNITED STATES NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL THESIS THE CORRELATION OF OCEANIC PARAMETERS WITH LIGHT ATTENUATION IN MONTEREY BAY, CALIFORNIA by Lanny Alan Yeske and Richard Dean Waer Deceirber 1968 TkU document kcu> bzzn appfiovzd ^on pub tic nn- lzcu>t and aoJUl; *- CN asa O W U o •P ,Q SJ -P Q S ££ o p" CO 0) 3 CD H 0 r; o •p -p a; o a o rH O > > ■+- t ■H to ft CN o o m o O O' o o A'*;-:.:-V:'.^^^ 1. . . ......... — ... ......•■ .•«. ». .. ^ f 2 < < I- z o o D o u fV UJ QC D 19 Sample flow-rate is controlled by an external vacuum pump. Volume control is accomplished with a mercury manometer. As the mercury column advances, it makes contact with "start" and "stop" probes in the manometer, which activate the electronic counter. The voltage pulses are amplified and fed to a threshold circuit having an adjustable threshold level. For a given threshold setting between 0 and 100, a pulse is counted if it reaches or exceeds that level. The relative pulse height can also be observed on an oscilloscope . 4 For counts in excess of 10 a correction for coincident passages is required. This correction accounts for the probability of count loss due to one or more particles passing through the orifice simultaneously . Prior to analyzing the samples it was necessary to establish the proper gain setting on the pulse amplifier. This was accomplished by analyzing a sample of filtered seawater containing Dow Chemical Company styrene divinyl-benzene copolymer latex spheres which ranged in size from 6 to 14 p. A gain setting of four was used. From each Nansen bottle sample a two milliliter portion was counted at each of eleven different thresholds (0, 10, 20, ..., 100) to determine the relative size distribution. 2.3 Hytech Salinometer A Hytech Model 6220 portable laboratory salinometer manufactured by Bissett-Berman was used to measure salinity of the seawater samples. This conductivity-type instrument utilizes an inductively coupled sensor to establish a conductivity ratio between an unknown sample and Normal Water prepared by the Hydrographical Laboratories in Copenhagen, Denmark. 20 A null-balance meter is employed to obtain a conductivity ratio reading. This value is then used in conjunction with tables to obtain salinity in parts per thousand (ppt) which must be corrected for meter drift and temperature changes. The salinity measurement range is 0 to 51 ppt with an accuracy of + 0.003 ppt. Temperature is measured from 0 C to 40°C to an accuracy of + 0.05 C. For temperature differences not exceeding + 3.0 C between sample and standard , temperature compensation is fully automatic. 21 CHAPTER 3 i EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES 3.1 Station Selection Two stations, Bravo and Delta, were selected on the basis of differences between them in salinity, tenperature , density, and depth, as well as their geographical location in order to permit accurate radar navigation and reduce station to station transit time. Figure 4 shows the position of each station. Station Bravo is located in approximately 102 m of water at latitude 36 41.8' N longitude 121 57.2' W and is the site of a California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigation (CALCOFI) station. Salinity, temperature and density data have been taken at this station weekly for the past several years. Station Delta is situated in approxi- mately 1737 m at latitude 36°42.0' N longitude 122°02.1' W and is the location used by Bassett and Furminger (3) to determine the vertical variation of light scattering in Monterey Bay. Prior to each series of observations the research vessel was maneuvered to minimize the navigational error. It is estimated the maximum error at stations Bravo and Delta was restricted to + 500 and + 1000 m, respectively. 3.2 Sample Collection and Beam Transmittance Measurements Five cruises, separated by periods of one week and of 25 hr duration each, were initially planned to investigate the correlation of tidal cycle and lunar period with beam transmittance. Four were completed; with a three-week interval occurring between Cruises 1 and 2 22 FIGU*€ 4 23 Cruise 1 was conducted entirely at Station Bravo to maximize the frequency of observations (Fig. 5) . Seas were extremely calm and no problems were encountered. Thirteen hydro-casts were completed. During Cruises 2, 3, and 4 casts were made alternately between stations Bravo and Delta. Times and depths of observations are shown in Figs. 6 through 11. Cruise 2 was terminated after six casts owing to high seas. Cruise 3 was concluded after seven casts due to high seas and equipment malfunctions. Few difficulties occurred during Cruise 4, and twelve casts were achieved in calm seas. Each cast was preceded by a bathythermograph (BT) drop. BT traces are shown in Appendix I. Ten Nansen bottles, each with one or two protected reversing thermometers, were then placed on the hydrographic wire at depths selected between zero and 85 m with the main bottle concentration in the thermocline as determined from the immediately preceeding BT. The beam transmittance meter was attached to the end of the hydrowire. After the Nansen bottles were tripped, beam transmittance measurements were taken enroute to the surface at the previous Nansen bottle depths and at intermediate points if a noticeable change in transmittance occurred. The time interval between the messenger drop and the last beam transmittance measurement did not usually exceed ten minutes. The cast retrieved, salinity and particulate samples were drawn from the Nansen bottles. Particulate samples, taken only at station Bravo, were preserved in brown quart beer bottles with 25 ml of Lugol's iodine solution (19, p. 99) . r*5 The formula for Lugol's iodine solution is: 1 g iodine and 3 g potassium iodide per 300 orr distilled water. 24 Tidal level readings were recorded on the Standard Automatic Tide Gage (described in reference 15, pp. 7-15) located on Municipal Wharf Number Two in Monterey Harbor (Fig. 4) . Tide gage readings were not adjusted to the station positions because of the relatively short distances involved between the gage and stations Bravo and Delta, six and nine nautical miles respectively. 25 I o o o o o o "5 B" » o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o > o oo o o ) o o o oo o o > O O o o o o * O o O O O o 0 O oooo z o t— < u 2 z o 3 ■- < TO "> s x* Q. « S| ui E H- p 00 o < uj O ° cc X- v 5s CO -J > o d! = o ^ o 2 5 « £ If ce c CO SI c zi t g I- o < 00 -I 1- l I 1 1 h- ° 2 8 S S 8 8 S 1 D or U § 26 Z O oooooo Ko OOOOOO K o c OOOO OOO m M OMOK3MOOO K « O ■+■ + Qui o-»-: ■+- ■+■ -»- 5 S 8 — Z 2 uj>-ujoei/) o < u 2 o Z -J a. Lo 2 o < UJ 2 m po o < O > < on co Z O 01 _c t» D « ce V u c O " x en N M n r ° »- «o 2 ca: aP "g 1 = -.J II 0 CO c c o * — C TJ OT) Z< - O m l/> CM 1X1 »/» D ce U § 27 to z O ►- < u 2 e> z a. < o ■? 2 , TJ 0 II Of CI u c o «» :: en M 0) Co: < oo • o oo xpooo < OMOKOMOMOMO O O +■ + + ■+- + 2 8 8 5 8 8 o t s CO -2=> = o c H ;J !i 0 CO c c o 41 X c -o 2 »- o * < 00 (N II t- 00 i Suj 2 ca ca 53 "? 1= o c O CO ^ c .2 < J» X CO o-o z< z O o M r* < on 5 u OuiO-h-X _Z Xui'-^OCU) 29 V) Z g < u 2 o z < » * oooooooo 2 < X »- D- Ul Q CO o O o o* oooo o O KM * ooooooo ■+■ + 2 a o uiQ.i-: -*- m ° 5? $ o B 3 01 c ■5 o V V u c o " S en u Jo J" i ?> to 5^ < CM c if JJCQ £ c-o O OTJ Z< z o ° * §= < | »<>oo ooo oo o o * " kOOO oo o O " * >• o -*- + 1 < o 2 z —I < LU 2 c "D 0 41 oc V u c 0 •» »- .cos s o D < 6 2 cos "8 B = O c 5 ° 0 CO oo 1 O c o -r * — < c -o CC OTJ 5z< z o *— < Ul D U O K § 31 O O Oho O x xO X O O O OHO O O x M O OOOOO m o x O x Ok oxO xo O O O < x OOOOO o o O O O OO O o ■+■ + ■+■ + + ° 8 S § S? 8 QujQ-»-i — z JujH-ujQeuo o * s z o < u 2 z q. a, < -o "> s x" I s s ' I Sui 2: g cos .-"so D c « O ° g "Si* < c ^ c .2 IJJ << to *" Z < "* < »- D 2§ I— JOOJ^UO 4 'A A I + + + -*- "? a 8 § 8 8 o as o z o u X Q. UJ Q (N S 38 < o Z u -J < Z O UJ 00 oc •o lg * u D ih + <•) A ^- A 1— m ° X S Qwo.t-1 —Z Juit-ujoei/) o "J g 39 O UJO.K § 8 3 S 40 8 S ? a OlULh-I — Z Xujh LLI Q£l/1 41 2 8 8 § 8 42 the lowest of the two high tidal levels. This minimum corresponds approximately with those shown in Figs. 12 and 13, which occurred at the same depth and hour of the day. Each station depicts an oscillation of beam transmittance contours having the same period as the tidal cycle and very nearly in phase. 4.2.4 Cruise 4 (30-31 August 1968) The 23 hr series of measurements obtained during Cruise 4 was characterized by the presence of two turbidity layers. Figure 17 shows a slight intermittant layer at 10 m and a continuous, more pronounced, layer occurring at 70 m. This latter layer was also present at station Delta (Fig. 18) . The trend of minimum transmittance associated with low tide was again observed at 0000 hours. As noted in section 4.2.3, we again see a transmissivity minimum occurring during high tide. Beam transmittance contours at both stations show an approximate tidal cycle oscillation. 4.3 The Correlation of Tidal Cycle with Beam Transmittance Beam transmittance contours as discussed in section 4.2, generally show oscillations of a tidal period although phase relations are not consistent. In most cases the water column is most turbid at low tide with clearing accompanying the following high tide. Station Delta, farthest from coastal influences, depicts these features much more clearly than does the near shore station. 43 A possible correlation between tidal level, depth of maximum transmit tance gradient, and depth where transmittance initially increases most rapidly was investigated. No meaningful relation- ship was found. 4.4 The Correlation of Salinity with Beam Transmittance Salinity correlations with beam transmittance during the four periods of measurement varied from excellent to poor. Cruise 1 contours (Fig. 19) show a slight similarity after 0600 hours in the halocline. The three salinity pockets at 10 m suggest a strong influence on the transmittance isolines and possibly account for the four-hour oscillations occurring between 1500 hours and 0000 hours. Figure 20 shows a fair comparison between salinity and transmittanc especially in regions of minimum transmittance. Station Delta contours (Fig. 21) are nearly the same above 10 meters. The 23 August station Bravo series before 1900 hours (Fig. 22) presents a fair correlation between isolines to a depth of 20 m. Figure 23 shows an excellent comparison between salinity and transmittance throughout the sampling period in both time and depth. The coincidence in time and depth of three salinity pockets with three beam transmittanc discontinuities is remarkable. The Cruise 4 results (Figs. 24 and 25) show poor correlation betwee salinity and transmissivity , although a slight following of isohalines exists with the 70 m turbidity layer at station Bravo. The corresponder of two relatively high salinity pockets with two areas of minimum transn tance (Fig. 25) below 40 m at station Delta was observed. 44 45 - o o S m ° 5? 8 ? 46 O O O Q Q «n ro ^ t7S 55 § 47 QujQ.^i _Z Xuji-wkoo 48 E •v. ^ 4) u c o * 'E o o c£- ■s o cl>- 1 UE~E \ 0 — \ C 0 V cam II T^tr Nr OO 8 ro ° §? 8 49 o - O O S m § 5? 8 ? 50 S m ° in 8 51 Salinity profiles (Figs. 44 through 62) commonly reveal the presence of two salinity minima at average depths of 10 and 19 m. This condition is typical of the area climatology discussed in section 1.4. The average depth of maximum beam transmittance gradient was located at a depth of 16 m between the two minima. An interesting possible correlation is indicated below 40 m in the salinity and beam transmittance profiles. For example Fig. 47 shows increased salinity gradients corresponding to decreased transmittance gradients. The reverse is also true. Temperature and density gradients appear to be negligible. This salinity and beam transmittance relationship prevails in over 80 percent of the profiles (42 instances) , where a salinity gradient change occurs. 4.5 The Correlation of Temperature with Beam Transmittance The time-depth plots of beam transmittance, tidal cycle and temperature (Figs. 26 through 32), show a generally excellent cor- relation between isotherms and isolines of beam transmittance. The undulations in the isotherms vary from being nearly in phase with the tidal cycle (Figs. 31 and 32) to almost 180 degrees out of phase (Fig. 27) . These variations may be due to internal waves or other turbulent disturbances (discussed in section 4.9). In general the maximum gradient in beam transmittance occurs in the lower half of the thermocline. The depth of the thermocline varies between 8 and 16 m, and appears to be deeper at or near low tide during the last two cruises (Figs. 29 through 32). The range in temperature during the total period of observation was 6.45°C, from a low of 8.91°C to a high of 15.36°C. Despite heavy 52 9 8 8 S 8 3 ? 53 S § 56 th ♦ r*> (N ^- r S m ° S 8 o $ 57 2 S m # 5? 8 58 8 m ° 5? 8 § 59 weather during two of the four cruises, the presence of mixed layers was the exception rather than the rule, indicating a stable water column. 4.6 The Correlation of Density with Beam Transmittance The similarity between isotherms and isopycnals shows that temperature has the greatest influence in controlling the density structure, which in turn significantly affects the propagation of light. There is an excellent correlation between isolines of beam transmittance and isopycnals (Figs. 33 through 39). The maximum beam transmittance gradient and the pycnocline occur at, or very nearly at, the same depth. Below the pycnocline, transmittance increases markedly. Occasionally, a turbid layer between 50 and 70 m was observed (Figs. 38 and 39) and these layers appeared to oscillate in the same manner as the isopycnals. Some patchiness was noticed in the density structure (Figs. 34 and 38), but far less than that which was observed in the salinity structure. The average value of density at the bottom of the pycnocline 3 was 1.0258 g/cm . This value remained constant throughout the period of observations at the deeper station, but at the shallow station it 3 ranged from 1.0261 to 1.0256 g/cm . The isopycnals have an oscillatory appearance similar to the isotherms, but no constant relationship with the tidal cycle is 3 apparent. Density ranged from 1.02473 to 1.02676 g/cm during the period of observation. 60 S ro 5 5? 2 "S" g 61 8 8 5 OuJO-t-I _Z 62 63 S m ° 5? 8 64 O O Q Q Q —J at Ul > e <, >— / \ ^—^""^^^ a. X Lo > 2 jj z Z *\ 1 ^- — c t* UJ 00 CM • D _j • Z \ i ^-^~^"^ ™ < 00 < o 3" >— i v/ a u < ^Jjft s* O 5 a- o. O £— ^ i — — -___^_ 'c > + 0 < 00 QC CO _L i £ *-~* 1 | 1 | I i ~ Z o + D < * cv e o LU ^ (N § Q O c •O 00 - —J D < Z X / = — ) UJ CL Ul > > h— rr^ / <1 -i "o t/l z — l/> / 1 ^~^ a! \ / ^^^ - « z: < \ / ^~~"~ Q n n o *C h» /^c^ 9' ro 5 ^'^~— — ^__ 1 LU oc D O 77 78 79 — « *' g ^ ■ u oo o - -J 3 < at Ul a. >- 2 > Ul U z < >— ,^y 7 ^tfi * 1 1 z i ^ / ^ - Hi D < 1/) Z" < v*y / M *■ p aTV 0 I— C o §• s- 0 o " -J__^_ 'c > — 1- o < « CO Q£ . 0* CO >> ** z O z o. E o Ul w -40- -60- -80- Densit + d < x UJ OC D O ►- < * «N 8- u» %/\ ■ /^^ ?< E o ■© E ' h- Ul rN *"*» 00 * P' i< •*• 0 •o D *™ ^^ LU > -» < Ul a. Ul »- >- X > z u z <. ►— »— i Z' ( / V, / A- < * -^^^ CL < a o m *— o N, , S$ x X 6 3 * v\ X x x x x \ x x * x xV x x xx x*V xx x *x- — V N ^«0 ■* o ~T T- (f. T > f~ o >> >. 3 C -) 1 a£ E E N E * o « (x a <"» 3 6 S _ 0 o -c « f. E K 0> T- -C U 4» J J O 3 Q U L. DO O s ffl -*, — D __ — ■ 0 __ 7 0 ■■> 1 .-> T ir~ . |, ,, | ,..| . |' T" | ' Z L — 1":, :r v.'i', . : il, . lil'ii ill, '■', | i 1 i i i ' ' l \\ 1 \\ 1 i 1 i 1 1 11 1 11 ) L_ T.'.A'.'. u:::ip|aA^^[ L~T~^V*^r"tT~ r^***tt :'!',VM ooooooooc 100lOOlT.OinO«l ~ 0 o o o m O lO CO -. N n B - J 5 •3 ooooappc o e p «■■ S « 5 in - -- p o o o o o o o IO o io o «■• o m — ■ r- 33 ■ ; i Q 0 H o o o o o o o O H) O '• O fl o — — p ooooooo-c IO 1 - O ) 0 -> 0 -) •> ir Ch 106 E-t M CO Eh 3 M CO 6-1 107 ooooooooc lOOinOf-Oinoir — — „ EH M P-i ■ EH 108 Eh M f Eh Ph Q en I EH 109 Appendix II C FDRTPAN PPHGPAM POR CORRFCTTNG PPHTErTcn C REVERSING THERMOMFTFR TEMPERATURE S C C r. WRITE C 6,1 I 1 FORMATt //,T?r , 'CORRECTED TEMPERATURE1) 00 4 1=1.15^ READ(5,?) X,Y,V,T X IS THE UNCORRECTED TEMPERATURE RFADING OF THP C MAIN PROTECTED THERMOMETER C Y IS THE TEMPERATURE READING nr THF AMXII TARY C THERMOMETFR CORRECTED FOP INDEX FRRORS C V IS THE VOLUMF OF MERCURY C T IS THE INDEX CORRECTION FOR TH- MAIN PROTECTED C REVERSING THERMO"ETFR ? FDRMAT( AF10.3) R = f x*V»*(X-Y)/(6^rr.n) W=X+P*T WRITE(6.t> W 3 F0RMAT(i5X,F!O, ^) A CONTINUE RFTURN END C 110 Appendix III C FORTRAN PROGRAM TO DETERMINE IN SITU DENSITY AND Tn PLOT C VALUES OF DENSITY. TEMPERATURE, SALINITY, AND BEAM C TRANSMITTANCE VERSUS DEPTH C C C REAL** ITITLE(12) REAL** LAREl /4H /,MABEL/8H / DIMENSION DFPTH( 1 5 ) .TEMP ( 1 5) , S AL ( 15 ) , TR ANS( 15 ) ,RHOU 5) READ(5.66) < I TITLEf 1) ,1 = 1 ,12 > 66 FORMAT(6A8) DO 3 1 = 1, n DO A J*lf10 C SS IS SALINITY IN PARTS PER THOUSAND C TS IS TEMPERATURE IN OEGPEES CENTIGRADF C DS IS DEPTH IN METERS C T IS BEAM TRANSMITTANCE IN PERCENT READC5.2) TS,SS,DS,T 2 F0RMAT(4F10. 5) C DENSITY IN SITU CALCULATIONS ARE MADE USING C SUBROUTINE SGTSVA WHERESGT IS SIGMA Tt SV IS C SPECIFIC VOLUME, AND SVA IS SPCCIFIC VHLUMF C ANOMALY. SPECIFIC VOLUME IS THEN CONVERTED C TO DENSITY IN SITU WHICH IS TERMFD DENSTD. CALL SGTSVA ( TS , SS,nS ,SGT , SV, SVA ) DENSTD=1.0/SV WRITE(6,8) DENSTD, SV, SVA, SGT 8 FORMAT(5X,4F10.6) RHO< J)=DENSTD DEPTH(J»=DS SAL( J)=SS TEMP(J)=TS TPANS(J)=T RHO( J)=(RHO( J) -1.024001*30000.0 SAL,5, *0,2,2,5,5,0,L5) WRITE(6,13) L5 CALL DRAW! 10 ,RHO, DEPTH ,2 ,0, LABEL , iTlTLE , 20. 0 , 20. ^,5 , *0.2,2,5,5,0,L6) WRITE(6,13> L6 DO 17 L=ll,?l „ „, , READ(5,18) DEPTH(L),TRANS(L) 18 F0RMATC2F10.5) DEPTH(L)=-OEPTH(L) CALL DRAW(-,1 , TRANS, DEPTH, 3,1, LAB EL, I TITLE, 20, 0,20.0, *5,0,2t2,5i5,C,L7) WRITE(6,13) L 7 13 F0RMATC4X, 'I AST=',I5,/» 3 CCNTINUF RETURN END 111 SUBROUTINE SGTSVA ( T. StD, SGT . SV.SVA ) ST=- (( (T-3. 98 )**?)/ 503. 57 )*( (T+2 83 ) / (T*67. 261 I Cl=(S-.030)/1.8O5 S0=-.069+1.4 70 8*CL-.0015 7*CL**2*3.Q8F-5*Cl**3 AT=T*(4.7 867-.098185*T+.00n843*T**2)*l. F-3 BT=T*( 18.03C-. 8164*T+.01667*T**2 >*1 , F-6 SGT=ST*(S0*.1324)*(l.-AT«-BT*(Sn-.n24n AFST=1. /( l.*SGT*l.E-3) A = D*AFST*l..F-9 B=48 86. /( 1,-U.83E-5*D) C*22 7.+2R.33*T-. 55i*T**2*.0O4*T**3 E-D*l.E-4 G=(S0-28. »/10. H=147.3-2.72*T-f.04*T**2 U=10 5.5*9.5*T-.158*T**2 V=l. 5*D**2*T*l.«=-8 W=3?.4-.87*T*.02*T**2 X*4. 5-. 1*T Y = 1.8-.06*T SV=AFST-A*(B-OE*U-V-G*(H-F*W)*G**2*(X-E*Y> ) AZ=. 9726*3 YA=-227.*. 01055*0 YB=. 0126* (147. 3-. 0^324*0) AP=AZ-D*AZ*(B+YA-YR)*l.F-9 SVA=SV-AP RETURN FNO 112 Appendix IV C FORTRAN PROGRAM TO DETERMINE THE LEAST SQUARE LINEAR C FIT FOR THE BEAM TP ANSMITTANCE MEASUREMENTS AS A C FUNCTION OF COULTER PARTICLE COUNTS AT VARIOUS C COULTER THRESHOLDS C C C REAL*8 LABEL/8H /,ITITLE(12) REAL*8 MABELMH / REAL*8 TPANS.CCUNT.Y.B.T.CtA REAL** SIGMA.DELY.SB.STtSC.W REAL*4 XX (900 1 , YY( 900 ) .XXX (136 ) ,YYY ( 136 ) C UP TO ONE HUNDRED THIRTY-SIX POINTS ARF USED. C XXX CORRESPONDS TO BEAM TRANSMITTANCE AND C THE ABSCISSA. YYY CORRESPONDS TO PARTICLE C COUNT AND THE ORDINATE. DIMENSION TRANS ( 1 36 ), COUNT (136) . W( 1 36 ) , Y( 136 ) , DELY( 136) , *B(6),SB(6),T(6) ,ST(6) .C ( 6) , SC (6 ) , A ( 30 ,33 > READ(5,4) (ITITLEU ),I = 1,12) 4 F0RMAT(6A8) READ (5,1) (COUNT(I).TRANS(I),I=1.135) C COUNT IS PARTICLE COUNT IN THOUSANDS. C TRANS IS BEAM TRANSMITTANCE IN PERCENT. 1 F0RMAT(2F10.5) WRITE(6.20) 20 FORMAT (20X, 'COUNT' , T52 ,• TRANS ',/// ) WRITE (6,2) (COUNT (I), TRANS (I), I =1,1 35) 2 FORMAT(18X,F10.5,T50,F10.5,//) DO 3 M=l,5 JKL=30 IF(M.EQ.5) JKL=15 C JKL IN THE ABOVE STATEMENT MUST BE ADJUSTED WHEN C THE NUMBER OF DATA POINTS IS CHANGED. DO 68 1=1, JKL J = I IF(M.E0.2) J=I+30 IF(M.E0.3)J = H-60 IF(M.EQ.4) J=I*90 IF(M.E0.5) J=I*120 XXX(I )=TRANS( J) YYYd )=COUNT( J) 68 CONTINUE JJ=2 IF(M.E0.1)JJ=1 CALL DPAW( JKL,XXX,YYY,JJ,l,LABEL,ITITLF,15.0,3.O,0,0, *2,2,6,8,0,L) 3 CONTINUE CALL LS OPOL ( 135 ,1,0, 0,0, SIGMA, TRANS, COUNT, W,Y, DEL Y, *B,SR,T,ST,C,SC,A) DY=100. 0/900.0 RR=0.0 DO 6 1=1,900 XX ( I ) =RR YY(I )=B(1)+B(2)*RR 6 RR — RR+OY CALL DRAW(900,XX,YY, 3,0, MABEL, ITITLE, 15. 0,3. 0,0, 0,2, *2,6,8,0,L) RETURN END 113 Appendix V DATA TABLES 114 TABLE 1A DEPTH, DATA, TIME, TEMPERATURE, SALINITY, DENSITY, TRANSMITTANCE, AND TOTAL COULTER COUNT DATA STATION BRAVO DEPTH Cm) DATE/T] (1968) [ME TEMPERATURE (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY ' (g/cm3) rRANSMnTANCE (%/m) TOTAL Coulter Count 0 261600 Jul 12.34 33.666 1.02551 0.78 13800 6 261559 Jul 11.54 33.765 1.02576 0.78 22700 13 261558 Jul 10.98 33.715 1.02586 13.3 10500 15 261556 Jul 10.69 33.776 1.02597 16.0 17 261555 Jul 10.45 33.733 1.02598 45.5 3500 19 261552 Jul 10.21 33.718 1.02602 54.0 21 261550 Jul 10.12 33.803 1.02611 72.3 2152 40 261548 Jul 9.79 33.815 1.02626 67.7 1197 65 261545 Jul 9.32 33.907 1.02653 76.4 2205 90 261543 Jul 9.02 33.931 1.02671 58.4 4333 0 261744 Jul 12.53 33.691 1.02549 10.7 8 261735 Jul 11.65 33.755 1.02574 10.0 17 261732 Jul 11.07 33.773 1.02590 39.0 20 261731 Jul 10.37 33.750 1.02602 76.0 23 261728 Jul 10.22 33.800 1.02610 61.5 26 261727 Jul 10.05 33.809 1.02615 81.8 40 261724 Jul 9.80 33.780 1.02624 84.2 60 261721 Jul 9.38 33.880 1.02647 83.4 75 261718 Jul 9.18 33.858 1.02656 78.6 90 261715 Jul 8.91 33.974 1.02676 53.0 115 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE (m) (1968) (°C) SALINITY DENSITY TRANSMITTANCE TOTAL (0/00) (g/cm3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 0 262000 Jul 12.65 33.702 1.02548 10.4 14100 5 261957 Jul 12.20 33.723 1.02560 11.6 15100 9 261955 Jul 11.80 33.595 1.02560 12.2 14900 13 261953 Jul 11.21 33.670 1.02578 11.0 10900 17 261952 Jul 10.86 33.718 1.02590 17.8 13800 21 261948 Jul 10.30 33.729 1.02602 41.5 1428 25 261946 Jul 10.09 33.797 1.02613 77.6 2228 45 261943 Jul 9.60 33.841 1.02634 78.4 1725 65 261941 Jul 9.33 33.892 1.02651 78.1 2955 85 261936 Jul 9.01 33.922 1.02668 74.5 3254 0 262200 Jul 12.47 33.678 1.02549 11.8 3 262159 Jul 12.45 33.725 1.02555 11.8 6 262157 Jul 11.95 33.681 1.02562 13.2 9 262155 Jul 11.63 33.655 1.02567 19.7 12 262154 Jul 11.32 33.694 1.02578 23.5 15 262153 Jul 10.98 33.693 1.02585 30.1 18 262151 Jul 10.62 33.643 1.02589 43.7 22 262148 Jul 10.27 33.732 1,02604 80.9 50 262146 Jul 9.61 33.796 1.02633 81.6 85 262140 Jul 9.20 33.903 1.02664 79.6 0 262355 Jul 12.55 33.666 1.02547 13.9 12400 3 262354 Jul 11.98 33.696 1.02561 14.0 9831 6 262353 Jul 11.64 33.681 1.02568 15.4 14000 9 262351 Jul 11.31 33.661 1.02574 17.7 14200 12 262349 Jul 11.16 33.707 1.02582 18.1 16100 15 262348 Jul 10.61 33.691 1.02591 18.1 8547 30 262346 Jul 9.98 33.763 1.02615 79.8 2290 50 262343 Jul 9.61 33.784 1.02632 79.6 1558 70 262340 Jul 9.39 33.886 1.02652 74.5 1792 85 262337 Jul 9.27 33.880 1.02661 77.1 1966 116 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TRANSMITTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00 ) (g/cm3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 0 270152 Jul 12.57 33.690 1.02548 14.9 9 270148 Jul 11.19 33.690 1.02578 13.9 12 270147 Jul 10.81 33.693 1.02587 22.9 15 270146 Jul 10.60 33.748 1.02596 27.0 18 270145 Jul 10.37 33.770 1.02603 41.0 21 270143 Jul 10.18 33.745 1.02606 76.4 24 270142 Jul 10.08 33.738 1.02608 78.3 27 270140 Jul 9.99 33.763 1.02613 78.7 55 270137 Jul 9.55 33.862 1.02641 79.0 85 270132 Jul 9.08 33.937 1.02668 76.4 0 270339 Jul 12.54 33.665 1.02547 14.8 9373 5 270337 Jul 11.89 33.722 1.02566 14.1 16200 10 270336 Jul 10.94 33.721 1.02586 20.5 12400 15 270335 Jul 10.45 33.743 1.02598 53.3 4241 20 270334 Jul 10.11 33.724 1.02605 77.2 1361 25 270333 Jul 9.99 33.786 1.02614 79.4 1135 30 270332 Jul 9.90 33.782 1.02617 79.5 1169 50 270330 Jul 9.43 33.790 1.02635 79.5 1539 70 270327 Jul 9.18 33.862 1.02654 74.1 1990 85 270323 Jul 9.04 33.873 1.02664 75.5 2722 0 270547 Jul 12.56 33.715 1.02550 14.2 5 270545 Jul 11.50 33.713 1.02573 12.4 10 270544 Jul 10.57 33.726 1.02592 14.1 15 270542 Jul 10.32 33.744 1.02600 58.5 20 270541 Jul 9.95 33.726 1.02608 79.4 25 270539 Jul 9.85 33.682 1.02608 80.0 30 270537 Jul 9.81 33.816 1.02622 80.1 35 270535 Jul 9.72 33.799 1.02624 80.0 60 270532 Jul 9.34 33.866 1.02647 75.8 85 270528 Jul 9.05 33.898 1.02666 78.3 117 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE (m) (1968) (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY (g/cm?) TRANSMITTANCE (%/m) TOTAL COULTER COUNT 0 270747 Jul 12.27 33.676 1.02553 12.8 13700 3 270746 Jul 11.57 33.760 1.02574 11.0 16700 6 270743 Jul 11.19 33.743 1.02581 13.8 13300 9 270742 Jul 10.51 33.748 1.02595 17.2 5718 12 270741 Jul 10.31 33.752 1.02600 36.0 1921 15 270740 Jul 10.23 33.817 1.02608 59.0 3392 18 270736 Jul 10.07 33.807 1.02611 79.2 5159 35 270734 Jul 9.60 33.803 1.02626 83.0 6860 65 270732 Jul 9.14 33.931 1.02658 77.7 3143 85 270727 Jul - - 1.02669 72.8 - 0 270958 Jul 12.40 33.730 1.02555 12.0 5 270956 Jul 11.77 33.742 1.02570 11.0 8 270955 Jul 11.51 33.698 1.02573 17.0 11 270953 Jul 11.24 33.732 1.02582 31.2 14 270951 Jul 10.94 33.657 1.02582 31.6 17 270949 Jul 10.82 33.752 1.02593 35.0 35 270947 Jul 10.04 33.828 1.02621 77.0 55 270944 Jul 9.48 33.788 1.02636 78.9 75 270941 Jul 9.09 33.896 1.02660 75.0 85 270939 Jul 8.97 33.910 1.02668 75.7 0 271218 Jul 12.59 33.740 1.02552 13.0 12800 4 271216 Jul 12.01 33.757 1.02566 13.5 15866 8 271215 Jul 11.89 33.696 1.02565 19.0 10900 12 271212 Jul 11.24 33.702 1.02580 30.5 7497 16 271211 Jul 11.00 33.506 1.02571 37.9 5626 20 271210 Jul 10.82 33.731 1.02593 37.4 6306 24 271209 Jul 10.10 33.756 1.02609 56.5 3558 45 271207 Jul 9.54 33.836 1.02635 78.3 1326 65 271205 Jul 9.22 33.930 1.02656 77.6 1960 85 271201 Jul 9.04 33.935 1.02669 68.9 3275 118 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TPANSMITTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) (g/on3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 0 271430 Jul 12.79 33.712 1.02546 16.0 4 271428 Jul 11.66 33.725 1.02570 16.6 8 271427 Jul 11.60 33.617 1.02565 19.3 11 271426 Jul 11.45 33.690 1.02574 30.0 15 271424 Jul 10.89 33.725 1.02589 37.1 20 271422 Jul 10.60 33.684 1.02593 47.8 27 271420 Jul 10.05 33.799 1.02615 78.0 30 271419 Jul 10.00 33.817 1.02619 78.8 55 271416 Jul 9.45 33.813 1.02639 78.4 85 271412 Jul 9.10 33.859 1.02662 78.0 0 271625 Jul 12.43 33.761 1.02557 15.0 3 271624 Jul 12.06 33.727 1.02562 15.0 6 271622 Jul 11.70 33.671 1.02566 22.0 9 271620 Jul 11.17 33.529 1.02566 34.0 12 271617 Jul 10.86 33.680 1.02585 39.5 15 271616 Jul 10.36 33.649 1.02592 57.2 18 271615 Jul 10.11 33.840 1.02613 78.0 45 271612 Jul 9.46 33.858 1.02638 82.0 75 271608 Jul 9.26 33.881 1.02656 79.0 85 271606 Jul 9.06 33.749 1.02654 79.5 0 171041 Aug 13.59 33.660 1.02526 65.2 2094 5 171039 Aug 13.51 33.696 1.02532 72.1 27970 7 171038 Aug - - - 70.0 - 8 171036 Aug 13.22 33.671 1.02538 27.5 2878 9 171035 Aug - - - 40.1 — 10 171034 Aug 12.28 33.683 1.02558 66.0 3424 11 171033 Aug - - - 67.1 - 12 171033 Aug 11.40 33.712 1.02577 69.0 2597 14 171032 Aug 11.17 33.733 1.02584 73.5 2423 16 171032 Aug 11.11 33.754 1.02588 73.5 2793 20 171032 Aug - - - 74.3 — 119 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TPANSMITTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) (g/on3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 25 171030 Aug - - - 78.3 - 30 171028 Aug 10.73 33.769 1.02602 78.6 2292 45 171027 Aug - - - 82.0 - 60 171025 Aug 10.22 33.795 1.02627 83.2 3226 85 171021 Aug 9.82 33.822 1.02647 82.5 1721 0 171459 Aug 14.02 33.671 1.02518 61.6 3 171459 Aug 14.03 33.786 1.02528 63.6 6 171458 Aug 13.88 33.776 1.02531 63.6 9 171457 Aug 13.57 33.645 1.02529 67.0 11 171456 Aug 11.91 33.723 1.02568 64.8 13 171455 Aug 11.40 33.815 1.02586 66.0 15 171454 Aug 11.30 33.717 1.02581 69.0 17 171453 Aug 11.19 33.806 1.02591 69.0 29 171452 Aug - - - 69.6 35 171451 Aug - - - 75.1 50 171449 Aug 10.48 33.879 1.02624 77.5 65 171448 Aug - - - 78.9 85 171447 Aug 9.73 33.836 1.02650 76.5 0 171847 Aug 13.57 33.700 1.02529 58.0 3178 4.7 171846 Aug 13.58 33.889 1.02546 57.3 4162 8.5 171845 Aug 13.55 33.886 1.02548 59.5 2529 11.3 171845 Aug 13.51 33.727 1.02537 61.0 2364 14.1 171844 Aug 12.58 33.810 1.02564 67.0 2385 16.9 171843 Aug 11.34 33.823 1.02589 69.0 1923 19.7 171842 Aug 11.23 33.703 1.02583 66.9 2265 28.0 171841 Aug - - - 70.5 - 32.9 171839 Aug 10.62 33.884 1.02614 74.4 1953 58.4 171837 Aug 10.32 33.888 1.02632 77.5 1651 80.9 171833 Aug 10.07 33.886 1.02646 77.8 2322 120 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH Cm) DATE/TIME TE (1968) MPERATURI (°C) 2 SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY TRANSMITTANCE (g/cm3) (%/m) TOTAL COULTER COUNT 0 172044 Aug 13.49 33.662 1.02528 63.5 4.5 172043 Aug 13.50 33.678 1.02531 63.5 7.2 172042 Aug 13.35 33.692 1.02536 63.5 9.9 172042 Aug 12.93 33.667 1.02544 61.7 12.6 172041 Aug 12.14 33.700 1.02563 59.8 15.3 172040 Aug 11.24 33.733 1.02584 64.0 18.0 172039 Aug 11.19 33.733 1.02586 65.5 20.9 172037 Aug - - - 69.0 31.5 172036 Aug 10.40 33.768 1.02609 75.9 54.0 172034 Aug 10.19 33.885 1.02632 78.2 76.5 172030 Aug 9.96 33.793 1.02638 72.5 0 2 4 230814 Aug 230814 Aug 230813 Aug 14.17 13.71 33.492 33.484 1.02501 1.02511 43.5 35.1 43.6 10900 10800 7 230812 Aug 12.64 33.519 1.02537 49.0 6016 10 230811 Aug 12.21 33.572 1.02550 47.4 6902 13 230810 Aug 12.08 33.545 1.02552 48.7 5144 15 230809 Aug - - - 51.8 - 16 230809 Aug 11.96 33.550 1.02556 64.4 5215 20 230808 Aug 11.20 33.553 1.02572 71.1 4831 24 230808 Aug 11.06 33.597 1.02580 71.2 3124 32 230807 Aug - - - 74.6 — 48 230806 Aug - - - 79.8 — 55 230803 Aug 10.46 33.551 1.02601 81.7 3012 63 230800 Aug - - - 82.0 — 85 230759 Aug 10.17 33.632 1.02626 82.0 2744 0 231138 Aug 15.14 33.578 1.02486 28.7 1.5 231137 Aug - - - 21.0 3 231136 Aug 14.52 33.567 1.02500 21.7 121 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TRANSMITTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) (g/cm3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 5 231136 Aug - - - 19.9 6 231135 Aug 14.02 33.579 1.02513 40.0 7 231134 Aug - - - 43.5 9 231133 Aug 12.63 33.622 1.02546 48.0 12 231132 Aug 12.03 33.595 1.02557 59.6 13 231132 Aug - - - 62.5 15 231131 Aug 11.65 33.625 1.02567 69.1 18 231131 Aug 11.13 33.537 1.02571 69.5 21 231130 Aug 11.09 33.585 1.02577 71.7 27 231129 Aug - - - 74.1 33 231128 Aug - - - 78.0 50 231127 Aug 10.57 33.608 1.02601 80.0 75 231125 Aug - - - 84.0 85 231122 Aug 10.30 33.668 1.02627 82.3 0 231715 Aug 13.64 33.564 1.02517 36.5 4 231714 Aug 13.63 33.532 1.02517 35.4 6 231714 Aug - - - 35.5 8 231713 Aug 13.52 33.532 1.02521 35.0 10 231713 Aug - - - 36.0 12 231712 Aug 13.35 33.567 1.02529 37.6 16 231711 Aug 12.97 33.565 1.02538 46.0 20 231710 Aug 12.42 33.572 1.02551 51.1 22 231710 Aug - - - 52.8 24 231709 Aug 11.86 33.582 1.02572 59.4 28 231708 Aug 11.55 33.595 1.02573 69.0 32 231707 Aug 11.31 33.598 1.02579 69.6 41 231705 Aug - - - 74.7 80 231702 Aug 10.46 33.654 1.02620 82.2 6404 7154 8587 7216 6651 7315 4190 4048 3958 4507 0 232244 Aug 13.98 33.628 1.02515 41.0 11600 122 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TPANSMTTTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) (g/cm3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 3.9 232243 Aug 13.85 33.719 1.02527 42.0 11800 5.0 232242 Aug - - - 40.0 - 7.9 232241 Aug 13.51 33.659 1.02531 46.7 8220 11.8 232240 Aug 13.20 33.706 1.02542 48.0 7490 14.0 232239 Aug - - - 51.0 - 15.8 232238 Aug 12.39 33.723 1.02561 51.0 6957 18.0 232237 Aug - - - 58.0 - 19.8 232236 Aug 12.24 33.727 1.02566 62.0' 5869 24.8 232235 Aug 11.89 33.747 1.02577 76". 5 7253 29.7 232235 Aug 11.63 33.724 1.02582 79.0 4304 33.0 232233 Aug - - - 85.5 - 49.5 232231 Aug 10.70 33.766 1.02611 77.0 2966 74.0 232229 Aug - - - 79.5 - 79.2 232226 Aug 10.27 33.813 1.02636 73.0 2781 1o.o 301140 Aug 14.06 33.512 1.02504 26.0 12500 4.9 301140 Aug - - - 27.5 - 6.9 301139 Aug 14.00 33.551 1.02512 26.6 12900 9.8 301138 Aug 13.88 33.536 1.02514 29.0 11800 12.7 301137 Aug 12.62 33.576 1.02544 61.5 8467 15.7 301136 Aug 11.67 33.602 1.02566 64.0 8673 16.7 301136 Aug - - - 68.0 - 18.6 301136 Aug 11.57 33.601 1.02569 77.0 5344 21.6 301135 Aug 11.54 33.595 1.02570 80.0 5368 39.2 301133 Aug 10.45 33.583 1.02597 86.4 1524 52.5 301132 Aug - - - 87.0 - 58.7 301131 Aug 10.28 33.592 1.02609 81.9 3337 63.6 301130 Aug - - - 68.8 — 70.5 301129 Aug - - - 65.0 — 75.4 301128 Aug - - - 47.5 — 83.2 301127 Aug 9.93 33.716 1.02636 45.5 10600 123 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH (m) DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE (1968) (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY (g/cm3) TRANSMITTANCE (%/m) TOTAL COULTER COUNT 0 301537 Aug 13.73 33.451 1.02507 31.0 3 301536 Aug - - - 31.4 5 301535 Aug - - - 27.7 6 301534 Aug - - - 29.0 9 301533 Aug 13.12 33.489 1.02526 23.4 12 301532 Aug 13.00 33.488 1.02529 18.2 13.5 301531 Aug - - - 18.6 15 301530 Aug 12.20 33.487 1.02546 22.4 18 301529 Aug 11.40 33.482 1.02562 34.0 19.5 301529 Aug - - - 46.0 21 301529 Aug 11.26 33.478 1.02566 48.4 24 301528 Aug 11.12 33.421 1.02565 73.4 30 301527 Aug 10.72 33.467 1.02579 74.5 47 301527 Aug - - - 80.0 55 301524 Aug 10.31 33.588 1.02607 76.1 59 301524 Aug - - - 76.0 67 301523 Aug - - - 49.4 73 301522 Aug - - - 52.1 74 301521 Aug - - - 59.0 79 301520 Aug - - - 80.0 85 301518 Aug 9.33 33.681 1.02644 81.2 0 301938 Aug 14.22 33.517 1.02502 27.5 5178 3 301937 Aug - - - 25.3 - 5 301937 Aug - - - 29.2 - 8 301936 Aug 14.03 33.510 1.02508 25.0 9866 10 301936 Aug 13.96 33.489 1.02509 24.5 9854 12.5 301935 Aug - - - 23.5 - 13 301934 Aug 13.30 33.496 1.02525 28.0 5807 14.5 301934 Aug - - - 28.0 - 16 301933 Aug 11.71 33.457 1.02554 59.4 13600 124 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY " TRANSMITTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) (g/cm3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 18 301933 Aug 11,20 33.482 1.02566 70.5 6283 20 301932 Aug 11.02 33.480 1.02570 66.4 3500 23 301931 Aug 10.76 33.437 1.02573 69.3 2320 28 301930 Aug - - - 73.8 - 34 301929 Aug - - - 78.2 - 50 301928 Aug 10.40 33.528 1.02598 76.0 1416 54 301927 Aug - - - 78.7 - 57 301927 Aug - - - 71.3 - 59 301926 Aug - - - 59.0 - 72 301925 Aug - - 56.0 - 82 301924 Aug - - 59.0 - 85 301922 Aug 9.54 33.670 1.02640 67.6 2900 0 302349 Aug 15.36 33.464 1.02473 23.5 5 302349 Aug - - - 25.0 9 302348 Aug 15.14 33.455 1.02481 26.5 11 302348 Aug 14.75 33.475 1.02492 25.0 13 302347 Aug 14.20 33.495 1.02506 23.0 15 302347 Aug 13.25 33.497 1.02527 27.0 17 302346 Aug 12.14 33.528 1.02552 33.1 19 302346 Aug 11.06 33.504 1.02571 41.0 22 302345 Aug 10.87 33.493 1.02574 47.0 23 302344 Aug - - - 70.0 28 302343 Aug - - - 74.3 50 302342 Aug 10.42 33.536 1.02598 77.0 58 302341 Aug - - — 80.0 60 302340 Aug - - — 74.3 62 302339 Aug - - - 60.5 68.5 302338 Aug - - — 54.0 79 302337 Aug - - - 56.6 125 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TPANSMITTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) g/cm3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 82 302336 Aug - - - 64.3 85 302335 Aug 9.53 33.791 1.02649 73.2 0 310401 Aug 13.95 33.645 1.02517 14.0 16600 2 310400 Aug - - - 13.7 - 5 310400 Aug 13.41 33.645 1.02645 13.7 12300 7 310359 Aug 12.02 33.608 1.02556 27.5 9551 9 310359 Aug 11.64 33.606 1.02563 34.4 7760 11 310358 Aug 11.31 33.609 1.02571 44.0 7213 13 310357 Aug 11.04 33.615 1.02577 55.0 5258 15 310357 Aug 11.01 33.646 1.02581 55.5 2822 20 310356 Aug 10.92 33.621 1.02583 61.5 3123 22 310355 Aug - - - 61.2 - 24 310354 Aug - - - 67.0 - 29 310353 Aug - - - 73.3 - 47 310353 Aug - - - 76.5 - 50 310353 Aug 10.18 33.763 1.02620 71.7 3754 56 310352 Aug - - - 65.6 - 59 310351 Aug - - - 60.8 - 64 310350 Aug - - - 55.0 - 69 310350 Aug - - - 59.0 - 70 310349 Aug - - - 66.0 - 72 310348 Aug - - - 73.0 - 85 310346 Aug 9.33 33.822 1.02655 78.0 1892 0 310807 Aug 13.47 33.633 1.02526 37.0 3 310806 Aug - - - 24.5 5 310806 Aug 13.19 33.629 1.02534 18.0 10 310805 Aug 12.46 33.635 1.02551 17.0 13 310805 Aug 11.99 33.644 1.02562 20.5 126 TABLE 1A (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TRANSMITTANCE TOTAL (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) (g/cm3) (%/m) COULTER COUNT 16 310803 Aug 11.27 33.637 1.02576 28.0 18 310802 Aug - - - 47.0 20 310802 Aug 11.00 33.631 1.02582 53.7 24 310801 Aug 10.98 33.687 1.02589 56.0 27.5 310800 Aug - - - 65.0 35 310800 Aug 10.71 33.701 1.02599 72.0 38 310759 Aug - - - 71.4 43 310758 Aug - _ - 74.1 52 310757 Aug - - - 64.3 60 310757 Aug 9.85 33.797 1.02633 67.5 72 310755 Aug - - - 70.5 85 310753 Aug 9.37 33.819 1.02654 76.8 127 TABLE IB STATION DELTA DEPTH (m) date/t: (1968! [ME 1 TEMPERATURE (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY (g/cm3 ) TRANSMITTANCE (%/m) 0 171250 Aug 14.27 33.700 1.02515 52.0 3 171249 Aug 14.09 33.656 1.02516 55.2 4 171248 Aug - - - 55.7 6 171248 Aug 13.89 33.674 1.02523 36.1 7 171247 Aug - - - 35.3 9 171247 Aug 13.42 33.719 1.02538 33.0 10 171246 Aug - - - 33.0 12 171244 Aug 12.68 33.720 1.02554 41.4 14 171243 Aug - - - 54.0 15 171243 Aug 12.45 33.741 1.02561 54.0 17 171242 Aug - - - 61.0 19 171241 Aug 11.86 33.753 1.02575 70.4 22 171240 Aug 11.08 33.759 1.02591 74.6 25 171239 Aug 10.88 33.737 1.02595 76.0 55 171238 Aug - - - 81.0 85 171231 Aug 9.78 33.807 1.02646 82.3 0 171646 Aug 14.21 33.634 1.02511 42.0 2. 8 171645 Aug 14.22 33.649 1.02513 42.0 5. 6 171644 Aug 14.12 33.787 1.02527 39.9 7. 5 171643 Aug 13.75 33.704 1.02529 38.1 11 171643 Aug - - - 44.0 11. 3 171642 Aug 12.51 33.690 1.02554 41.8 13. 5 171641 Aug - - - 44.3 14. 1 171640 Aug 12.11 33.734 1.02567 47.0 16. 5 171639 Aug - - - 57.0 16. 9 171639 Aug 11.75 33.694 1.02572 73.0 19. 7 171639 Aug 11.07 33.740 1.02589 73.1 35 171636 Aug - - - 71.7 42. 3 171635 Aug 10.42 33.779 1.02614 72.0 80. ,9 171630 Aug 9.83 33.801 1.02643 79.3 128 TABLE IB (Continued) DEPTH DATE/TIME TEMPERATURE SALINITY DENSITY TRANSMITTANCE (m) (1968) (°C) (0/00) (g/cm3) (%/m) 0 230952 Aug 13.75 33.557 1.02514 45.0 5 230951 Aug - - - 44.1 8 230950 Aug 13.67 33.566 1.02520 48.1 11 230949 Aug 13.53 33.546 1.02523 56.5 14 230948 Aug 12.51 33.522 1.02543 51.5 15 230947 Aug - - - 64.5 17 230947 Aug 11.91 33.526 1.02556 70.5 20 230946 Aug 11.50 33.626 1.02572 75.9 23 230945 Aug 10.76 33.473 1.02575 80.5 26 230944 Aug 10.32 33.485 1.02585 86.5 55 230942 Aug 9.68 33.597 1.02618 87.9 85 230937 Aug 9.47 33.684 1.02642 87.9 0 231335 Aug 14.21 33.556 1.02505 39.2 4.8 231335 Aug 14.20 33.566 1.02508 39.2 9.6 231334 Aug 14.00 33.565 1.02514 41.4 13 231333 Aug - - - 42.5 14.4 231333 Aug 13.42 33.604 1.02531 49.0 17.3 231332 Aug 12.99 33.593 1.02540 49.7 20.2 231332 Aug 12.68 33.580 1.02547 50.3 23 231331 Aug 12.38 33.582 1.02554 53.0 28.8 231328 Aug 11.26 33.634 1.02581 67.3 57.6 231326 Aug 10.80 33.606 1.02601 73.7 66 231325 Aug - - - 77.5 70 231324 Aug - - - 82.5 81.6 231322 Aug 10.05 33.527 1.02618 85.0 0 232058 Aug 13.54 33.599 1.02522 55.8 5 232058 Aug - - - 56.0 9.9 232057 Aug 12.99 33.661 1.02542 59.1 129 TABLE IB (Continued) DEPTH (m) DATE/TIME (1968) TEMPEPATURE (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY (g/cm3) TPANSMITTANCE (%/m) 12.9 232056 Aug 12.80 33.603 1.02543 59.7 15.8 232055 Aug 12.48 33.664 1.02555 62.9 18.8 232055 Aug 12.14 33.458 1.02547 61.0 21.8 232054 Aug 11.72 33.660 1.02572 73.0 24.8 232054 Aug 11.43 33.596 1.02574 74.4 27.8 232053 Aug 11.36 33.718 1.02586 75.3 31.7 232052 Aug 11.06 33.677 1.02590 80.4 43 232050 Aug - - - 82.0 79.2 232045 Aug 9.67 33.739 1.02640 86.3 0 301332 Aug 13.97 33.463 1.02503 25.5 4.9 301332 Aug - - - 25.5 7.9 301331 Aug 13.86 33.476 1.02509 27.0 10.9 301330 Aug 13.53 33.449 1.02515 47.6 13.9 301330 Aug 12.22 33.486 1.02546 52.5 16.8 301329 Aug 11.38 33.473 1.02561 48.0 19.8 301329 Aug 11.36 33.496 1.02565 49.5 22.8 301328 Aug 11.09 33.510 1.02572 59.1 25.8 301327 Aug 10.97 33.529 1.02577 63.0 30.7 301326 Aug - - - 68.6 37.6 301325 Aug - - - 77.0 42.6 301324 Aug - - - 82.6 49.5 301324 Aug 10.34 33.591 1.02604 77.0 56.5 301323 Aug - - - 73.4 63.4 301322 Aug - - - 80.5 84.2 301319 Aug 9.61 33.632 1.02635 84.7 0 301731 Aug 14.28 33.491 1.02498 18.0 2 301731 Aug - - - 18.0 4 301731 Aug 14.08 33.496 1.02505 21.4 130 TABLE IB (Continued) DEPTH (m) DATE/TIME (1968) TEMPERATURE (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY" (g/cm3) TRANSMITTANCE (%/m) 5 301730 Aug - - - 23.0 6 301730 Aug 13.71 33.455 1.02510 24.4 8 301729 Aug 13.19 33.485 1.02524 38.0 10 301729 Aug 12.54 33.468 1.02536 54.1 11 301729 Aug - - - 57.5 13 301728 Aug 11.16 33.467 1.02563 68.4 16 301728 Aug 10.91 33.474 1.02570 74.7 20 301727 Aug 10.72 33.481 1.02575 77.0 45 301725 Aug 10.38 33.543 1.02597 78.4 62 301724 Aug - - - 75.0 71.5 301723 Aug - - - 80.7 85 301719 Aug 9.43 33.612 1.02637 83.7 0 302145 Aug 14.41 33.504 1.02496 24.0 5 302145 Aug - - - 20.0 8 302144 Aug 13.85 33.500 1.02512 23.0 9 302144 Aug - - 23.5 12 302143 Aug 13.52 33.487 1.02519 25.5 14 302143 Aug - - - 37.5 16 302142 Aug 13.01 33.478 1.02530 41.5 19 302142 Aug - - - 49.5 20 302141 Aug 11.64 33.502 1.02560 59.0 22 302140 Aug 11.22 33.502 1.02569 64.3 24 302140 Aug 11.04 33.498 1.02573 66.5 26 302139 Aug 10.94 33.504 1.02576 70.0 45 302138 Aug 10.62 33.610 1.02598 76.2 55 302138 Aug - - - 76.2 71.5 302137 Aug - - - 80.5 85 302137 Aug 9.45 33.602 1.02636 83.1 131 TABLE IB (Continued) DEPTH (m) DATE/TIME (1968) TEMPERATURE (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY (g/cm3) TRANSMITTANCE (%/m) 0 310154 Aug 14.32 33.619 1.02507 26.0 5 310154 Aug - - - 28.3 8 310153 Aug 14.01 33.608 1.02516 25.0 10 310152 Aug 13.83 33.618 1.02522 25.6 12 310152 Aug 13.43 33.628 1.02532 26.6 14 310151 Aug 13.24 33.614 1.02535 30.1 16 310151 Aug 12.94 33.582 1.02540 40.0 18 310150 Aug 11.82 33.622 1.02565 51.0 21 310149 Aug - - - 64.0 25 310148 Aug 10.74 33.628 1.02589 69.9 37 310147 Aug - - - 76.4 42 310146 Aug - - - 63.5 45 310146 Aug 10.20 33.766 1.02618 55.1 49 310145 Aug - - - 53.0 54 310144 Aug - - - 73.4 62 310143 Aug - - - 79.0 85 310140 Aug 9.32 33.679 1.02644 82.2 0 310606 Aug 14.92 33.653 1.02497 32.5 3 310605 Aug 13.80 33.640 1.02521 32.9 6 310604 Aug 13.59 33.656 1.02528 32.9 9 310603 Aug 13.31 33.560 1.02528 42.0 12 310602 Aug 12.48 33.640 1.02552 37.0 13.5 310602 Aug - - - 55.5 15 310602 Aug 11.25 33.639 1.02576 64.5 18 310601 Aug 10.97 33.649 1.02583 69.9 21 310600 Aug 10.81 33.644 1.02587 72.3 29 310559 Aug - - - 74.2 50 310558 Aug 10.21 33.696 1.02615 79.0 63 310557 Aug - - - 72.5 132 TABLE IB (Continued) DEPTH (m) DATE/TIME (1968) TEMPERATURE (°C) SALINITY (0/00) DENSITY (g/cm3) TRANS-IITTANCE (%/m) 69 310556 Aug - - - 69.2 77 310555 Aug - - - 65.0 85 310552 Aug 9.71 33.762 1.02644 66.5 0 311016 Aug 13.92 33.617 1.02516 29.5 5 311015 Aug 13.56 33.630 1.02526 32.6 10 311014 Aug 13.36 33.635 1.02533 35.5 13 311014 Aug 13.25 33.627 1.02536 38.0 16 311013 Aug 12.98 33.640 1.02544 48.0 17 311012 Aug - - - 53.0 18 311012 Aug - - - 65.1 20 311011 Aug 11.63 33.629 1.02570 69.0 24 311011 Aug 11.42 33.651 1.02578 74.5 35 311010 Aug 10.59 33.657 1.02598 75.7 47 311009 Aug - - - 81.0 56 311009 Aug - - - 72.1 60 311008 Aug 10.33 33.733 1.02620 68.3 63.5 311007 Aug - - - 58.0 71 311006 Aug - - - 79.5 85 311000 Aug 9.46 33.746 1.02647 83.2 133 CM I O N 3 o >x> LT) ^e> o -tf kO r- H 1 H CM H 1 o a\ o ■H CM r- 00 cr. l ID in oo t> cm 00 o 00 o x> w w o CN O cn \o § ^ ^r en CN | CM ^r CM o LP) Ejj o r^ LO o r^ in o r- o r*- Lj t o y£> LO 0 o H s *j» o o cn CN Cn ■^ 00 ^r H CN 1 00 t LT) H o o H i— 1 > oo 1 m o LD F- CO U3 V£> «tf g oo •^r ** CO CO rH ^r O 1 in r> cn rH H rH H o H rH Eh CM < e O O CM r- ^r ud r-» H 00 CN o Ch o CN 00 VD 0O 00 1 H CO cn r» H CM 00 O 00 ro CN HOOOrHOOOOCnH oooooco^enr^r*- <*NfOHH rH 00 oooocNr^moo oooomcnooo oor^inmHrHCNoo OOCNOOOCNrHCN^" rH CN iH o^oor^rHomo rH rH 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