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Specimens failed at edge of weld beads after 35, 77 and 105 days. Specimen partially embedded in bottom sediment cracked radially across the weld bead. 8/ Specimen in sea water cracked radially across the weld bead. 9/ Three specimens lost during a storm. 10/ Reference 13 ae quedizeg Ist Isx AT AT —_u Bs (iss di /1 y33ue13S ya3ue239S uot3 *y93u019S *yq3u90139S qe0g PIOTA aT tsuey, -e3u0Tq PIOTA aT Tsu, sheq ‘yqdag uotsoii0) 03 ang sAoTL[V wWnNtTuURRT], Jo setqzitedoig [eoOTUBYDeW UT ssueYyD JUDdoIeg “¢ 9T9FL ee Nye glade pee Ie 2 AY-TW9 AY-TV9 AY-1V9 AY-TV9 AY-1V9 -OWE-1V7 - OWE - TV? ung uW8 SS°*d-1VS SS°-TVS So°¢-1VS SG°?-1VS WSL WSL VWGL VSL WSL VSL 18 *suowtoveds ay Tsua} JO UOTIOeS peoNpat Jo QUTOd-ptwW ssot9e ptam 33Nq esAaAsuUeAL /T yasue14s PLOTA asuey) JUadIeq y33u8e745 eT Tsusel quad dag uoTa -e3u01 7 ISH ‘yq38ue14S PLOLA poenutquo9 cOv 1SZ £07 *yq3u979S 90907 a[Tsus] sheq ‘yqdaq aansodxg “G eT9PL jt eee pte RNIN fe ENS | i eel a of eat ea ba ih ; ia | ae aly Ine a 'sQ (terri epee (Onto » os? + *JoesuTt ut 91n,z9NnIAS AILS $3SBOD DTFTOePG ay. FFO saqTs MIS Buymous dew eozy °°] aean3yzyq sajabuy so] © @ cll L-1] NLS piequeg e1ues SALINITY Oxygen, ml/1 0 2 4 6 8 ol 12 14 16 18 Temperature, C 6.4 6.6 6.8 7.0 Tae 7.4 7.6 7.8 8.0 8.2 pH 33.0 33.2 33.4 33.6 33.8 34.0 34.2 34.4 34.6 34.8 Salinity, ppt Pigure 2. Oceanographic dats at STU sites. Figure 3. Circular weld (3" diameter) in 6" x 12" specimen. unrelieved. Figure 4. Alloy 6A1-4V welded rings deformed to induce stresses. Figure 5. Stress corrosion crack across specimen of 13V-11Cr-3A1 alloy at the edge of the weld bead. Note secondary branching cracks extending from main fracture. Figure 6. Secondary crack in parent metal away from and parallel to main fracture. Crack is branching in nature and transgranular. Etched in lactic, hydrofluoric and nitric acid mixture. X100. Figure 7. Radial stress corrosion crack across weld bead of 13V-11Cr-3A1. Figure 8. Irregular, branching stress corrosion crack in 13V-11Cr-3A1. Unetched. X100. Figure 9. Same area as shown in Figure 6 etched to show that crack is predominantly transgranular. Etched in lactic- hydrofluoric-nitric acids. X100. *QUSUI9IBIS UOTINGTAISTp BuyMoT[OF sy} YITM peoetde1 pues pezeTep oq 3tode1 943 UO punoz ATQUeAAND UOTIEITWET UOT INGTAASTP 942 38Y3 peqsenber st 4y SATZuTpzoo.Dy ‘aseaTer OTTqGnd 10j pereeaTO Pue TBTI9IEW TBABN FO FeTYD 94 Aq poametTAer useq sey Jaoderl styL ‘7 "£207 b10GeT BUTAVeUTZUy TFATD [BARN euz JO [BAOAdde JNoYITM QuoUUTeACD °S *f BYI JO saToUese 03 JueuNoOp 9yW Jo SUTIFWTT JUoWe}eIS UOTINGTAISTp © YIFM pajuTad sem jz0de1 Joefqns syL ‘tT jo esueyd £/961 1teqmuejdes pejyep JreyutToY “W °a Aq sAOTTYV WNFUBITL pue wnzuejzL “LIL 318d ‘eoedsorphy uy sTetiezeW jo uOFSOIIOD *TZ6-N 93ON TBOFUYDAL THON 105 JuowsjzeqS uofT3nqzazqstq :fqns Sosssolppy uoTINGT4zAI4STC ‘OL A2DITJJO BuTpuemuoyD sworg OL6T YOIEH TE ce9 TeFt9S VC00-SO-TO-STOd-A 4?/0€T [OL YB43N ANd3ay NI TvOE6 VINYOSIITVD ‘3WANANH LYOogd - a ANOLVYNORV7 oe ae ONINSANIDNA FAIS TVAWN fth NL UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification DOCUMENT CONTROL DATA- R&D Security classification of title, body of abstract and indexing: annotation must be entered when the overall report is classified) 5 LASS!IFICATION ORIGINATING ACTIVITY (Corporate author) Cc IC ATION Naval Civil Engineering Laboratory Port Hueneme, California REPORT TITLE Gorrosion of Materials in Hydrospace. Part III - Titanium and Titanium Alloys OCESCRIPTIVE NOTES (Type of report and inclusive dates) AUTHOR(S) (First name, middle initial, last name) REINHART, Fred M. 6 REPORT DATE Ja. TOTAL NO. OF PAGES 7b. NO. OF REFS August 6 Q 1 8a, CONTRACT OR GRANT NO. 9A, ORIGINATOR'S REPORT NUMBER(S) PROJECT N hni 1 Note N- peenciee7 No-\ y=FO15=01-05-002a pease a qe 9b. OTHER REPORT NO(S) (Any other numbers that may be assigned this report) overnment 11. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 12. SPONSORING MILITARY ACTIVITY Naval Facilities Engineering Command Washington, D. C. 13. ABSTRACT A total of 475 specimens of 10 titanium alloys were exposed at two different depths in the Pacific Ocean for six different periods of time varying from 123 to 1064 days to determine the effects of deep ocean environments on their corrosion resistance. Specimens of the alloys were also exposed in surface seawater for 181 days for comparison purposes. Corrosion rates, types of corrosion, pit depths, effects of welding, stress corrosion cracking resistance and changes in mechanical properties are presented. The alloys were immune to corrosion and stress corrosion cracking except alloy 13V-11Cr-3Al. This alloy with unrelieved circular welds failed by stress corrosion cracking after 181 days of exposure at the surface, 403 days at 6,780 feet and 402 days at 2,370 feet. The 13V-11Cr-3Al alloy with unrelieved butt welds failed by stress corrosion cracking when stressed at 75 percent of its yield strength after 35, 77 and 105 days of exposure at the surface. The mechanical properties of the alloys were not affected. Some information from TOTO in the Atlantic Ocean is included for comparative purposes. FORM PAGE 1 os DD 1 NOV 1473 ( Y UNCLASSIFIED S/N 0101-807-6801 Security Classification UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification Titanium alloys Mechanical properties Corrosion Hydrospace DD ,2%"..1473 (sack) (PAGE 2) UNCLASSIFIED Security Classification pe ; Pa, OH ee TRB chi ae me { , PAS 4 sf) i ay Nar Nhe ow — < - ~ + oe en iy ste hi ey ape A ae ate ec eo oe rb e+ LY wanes j r i a ae és - re ieee il hee ? : y i mic 4a N r 8