BO WER SHI iru s VETERINAR y SU RGE RY : ONDISEASES OF HORSES CATTLE SHEEP & SWINE. «a pi ‘ 4 ‘ , ae ‘ i fi ¥ \ os Sany) em ites ry apy s ws 5 1 be le THE COUNTRYMAN’S EXPERIENCE. FARRIERY & SURGERY. EMBRACING A THIRTY YEARS EXPERIENCE OF THE AUTHOR BOTH IN THEORY AND PRACTICE, TOGETHER WITH THE EX- PERIENCE OF NOTED GERMAN AND INDIAN DOCTORS; WITH A COMPLETE PATHOLOGY OF ALL DISEASES TO WHICH THE Horse, Cow, Sheep& Swine ARE SUBJECT, WITH A FORMULA OF INSTRUCTIONS AND MODE OF TREATMENT. ALSO A PRACTICAL THEORY OF THE GOVERNMENT AND MAN- AGEMENT OF THE HORSE UNDER ALL CIRCUMSTANCES. BY ISAAC BOWERSMITH, ti PROFESSOR OF VETERINARY SURGERY ETC. PRINTED AT THE BANNER OFFICE, WESTERVILLE, O. 1872. Entered according te Act of Congress, in the year 1872, By ISAAC BOWERSMITH, in the Office of the Librarian of Congrese, at Washington, D.C, PREFACE. THE HORSE. Under this first division will be considered those animals which aid the powers of man. It natural- ly begins with considering the Animals which con- stitute the most valuable part of the farmer’s prop- erty; their origin &c. It is hoped that this volume will ee heact to the amusement, and the profit of the farmer and better the condition both of himself and of the animals entrusted to his care. 7 They may afford him a useful counsellor, when 2 employed in the labours of his station, and raise his mind to a serious, but delightful contemplation of the objects which Providence has spread around us for our admiration and profit. In the Sacred Volume, which, beside its higher claims to stand at the head of the Farmer’s Libra- ry, contains the oldest authentic record of past trausactions, we are told that, so early as 1650 years before the birth of Christ, the horse had been domesticated by the Egyptians. When Joseph car- ried his father’s remains from Egypt to Canaan, “there went up with him both chariots and horses.” One hundred and fifty years afterwards, the horse constituted the principal strength of the Egyptian army. Pharaoh pursued the Israelites with “six hundred chosen chariots, and with all the chariots of Egypt.” From the records of the Old Testament, we are likewise enabled to ascertain the precise period of time, when in Egypt and Canaan, and the neigh- bouring countries, this_animal began to be domes- ticated. 1920 years before the birth of Christ, when Abraham, having left Haran, in obedience to the divine command, was driven into Egypt by the famine which raged in Canaan,(Gen. 12. 16.) Pharaoh offered him sheep and oxen, and asses and camels. Horses would doubtless have been added had they been subdued in Egypt. When, fifty years afterwards, Abraham journeyed to Mount Moriah, to offer up his only son, he rode an ass, which, with all his wealth and power, he would scarcely have done, had the horse been known. (22. 3.) Thirty years later, when Jacob returned to Isaac with Rachel and Leah, an account is given of the :. | $ number of oxen, sheep, camels, goats, and asses, which he sent to appease the anger of Esau, but not one horse is mentioned.(Gen. 32. 14.) It is not until twenty-four years after this, when the famine devastated Canaan,(Gen. 14. 19. ) and. Jacob sent into Egypt to buy corn, that horses are first heard of. “Wagons” probably carriages drawn by horses, were sent by Joseph into Canaan to bring his father into Egypt. It would seem, however, that horses had been but lately introdu- ced, and were not numerous, or not used as beasts of burden; for the whole of the corn, which was to be conveyed some hundred miles, and was to afford subsistence for Jacob’s large household, was car- ried on asses. It appears, then, that about I740 years before Christ, horses were first used in Egypt; but they soon afterwards became so numerous as to form a considerable portion of the Egyptian army: and when the Israelites returned to Canaan, the horse had been introduced and naturalized there; for the Canaanites “went out to fight against Israel with horses and chariots very many.” (Joshua 11. 4.) The sacred volume, therefore, clears up a point upon which no other record throws any light— namely, the period when the horse first became the servant of man, at least in one part of the world, and that the most advanced in civilization, and be- fore Greece was peopled. A long time must have elapsed befcre man was able toascertain the value and peculiar use of the animais that surrounded him. He would begin with the more subordinate —those which were most easily caught, and most readily subdued; and the benefits which he derived from their labours would induce him to attempt 4 the conquest of superior quadrupeds. In accor: dance with this the writings of Moses shew us that, after the ox, the sheep, and the goat, man subdued the ass, and then the camel, and. last of | all, the horse became his servant: and no sooner was he subdued, and his strength and docility and sagacity appreciated, than the others were com- paratively disregarded, except in Palestine, where the use of the horse was forbidden by divine au- thority, and on extensive and barren deserts, where he could not live. From Egypt the use of the horse was propaga- ted to other and distant lands; and, probably, the horse himself was first transmitted from Egypt to several countries. The Greeks affirm, that Nep- tune struck the earth with his trident, and a horse appeared. The truth is, that the Thessalians, the first and most expert of the Grecian horsemen, and likewise the inhabitants of Argos and Athens, were colonists from Egypt. The Bible likewise decides another point, that Arabia, by whose breed of horses those of other countries have been so much improved, was not the native place of the horse. Six hundred years after the time just refered to, Arabia had no horses. Solomon imported spices, gold, and silver, from Arabia; but all the horses for his own cavalry and chariots, and those with which he supplied the Pheenician monarchs, he procured from Egypt. In the seventh century after Christ, when Ma- homet attacked the Koreish near Mecca, he had but two horses in his whole army; and at the close his murderous campaign, although he drove off twenty-four thousand camels, and forty thousand sheep, and carried away forty thousand ounces of 2 5 silver, not a horse appears in the list of plunder. There is a curious record of the commerce of different countries at the close ofthe second cen- tury. Among the articles exported from Egypt to Arabia, and particularly as presents to reigning monarchs, were horses. In the fourth century two hundred Cappadocian horses were sent by the Roman emperor as the most acceptable present he could offer a powerful prince of Arabia. So late as the seventh century, the Arabs had few horses, and those of little value. These cir- cumstances sufficiently prove that, however supe- rior may be the present breed, it is comparatively lately that the horse was naturalized in Arabia. The horses of Arabia itself, and ofthe south eastern parts of Europe, are clearly derived from Egypt; but whether they were there bred, or im- ported from the south-western regions of Asia, or, as is more probable, brought from the interior, or northern coasts of Africa, cannot with certainty be determined. “robaresleg 40 gail Sa engaqge to. go RN TOES Bh “ah froyed oe dtto (oly Riaer OF Hprgd sect Leste age Rares 4 ghingin Or cigar, bast oh tf toodunc oat y Béestttt Died sm ety ie od} alors api odie ah gave 8 8 Thaw hail pein corn 3S" ake nit: ? aS wth foc 36 bed cians sift. ashes, fine 7ae stt He! ib sant E Lecihuy abagiit tor sadutt bivse itt cweorron jattcgwe Tg: pan of aa (ev hiring et tat ue ff catdertidr fesi lets ¢ ea eerie: “i ‘dtpoa ediAlo bar Alsetr sihet he Rieke ne etl eo hes obi vinwaio. Oto oe som “tt 1 aboer Hatpsiow 7 Set : “8 irs at 10 sotvasai sat: paort se sida ig ; tial) «ee ne * P “i, v< _ "OK Pe FE Perey eg shies as Bl a 75 pore 4 A i : e eA 2 ee h. .* Cue PORE ag Ree Sie AC ek eee — vee, Bars 2% ot aS * bg . , nai > z= e aha «srl be x ~ b 40 Ss ' a ose ee TARE, BS ante ae a ee “ae a. - he ~ 7s & at , ong. 7) 7 cape te ee : rig? so =. PK a us . ak & rs ak (i> - es ae “7 mye ist a > ‘ ’ ‘ ' 15 a, d 7 ¥ 4 va 5 * ¥ 4 ishke Ast a + ang oy ty, Se Ae ass ea At, ak it oan A rAd tee yb eS eee # . yas 5 ovr pagent : "4 ae he sree ait. 4) ee 4 i e A cd € a je Sto cs te tee — ne x ' 2! a ee = - as > >) pw ea - Sa Boe ee CHAPTER 1. PATHOLOGY. A general Pathology of acute diseases is made the special object of this work. The Horse is more like man, in regard to gener- al structure, and the pathology of his diseases, than any other animal. Asarule, although not without some exceptions, the causes which produce disease in man, operate similarly upon the Horse, having the same effect upon the one, as upon the other; and the same rem- edies may be used for both with equal success and effect. | | In the long train of maladies to which the Horse is subject, Fever, or acute action, occurs in nine tenths of all the cases: and it is equally true; that in all diseases of acute character, fever is present as a primary,or as an attendant condition. These causes are ever present and active in an attack of acute diseases, and to which it may be wholly attributed; viz: First, a derangement of the sensorial or nervous system. Second, a derangement of the circulatory System—Blood. Third, a derangement of the se- cretory and excretory functions—fluids. THE DIRECT morbid causes of Acute diseases in the Horse are referable to four classes, namely: 1. The application of cold to the surface of the pody, and to the lungs, producing recrementiceous 8. THE HORSE. action, or a return of perspiratory matter from the surface to internal organs, leaving the vessels of the surface in a closed or spasmodic condition: this is by far the most common cause of Acute disease. 2. Irritating substances generate within the body of the horse, wholly independent of any organic ac- tion: this class of causes is usually generated in the passages, and consists of worms, acids, mucus, and other irritating substances, resulting from un- wholsome feed, creating suppressed bile, by fermen- ting or by some putrefactive process. 3. Morbific agents generated out of the animal body, consisting either of deleterious floatings in the air, or of the sensible properties of the atmosphere, or, finally of the mechanical causes, namely: miasma, noxious gasses, heat, cold, electr icity, humidity, and mechanical injuries. 4. Those which are generated by morbid organ- ic action of the living system, constituting the va- rious contagions; such as glanders, distemper, ete. The principal causes embraced in the last two heads are so extensive in their influence on the horse, and so indispensable to be understood; that a thorough investigation should be given them. The different diseases are fully furnished with the proper facts as they severally occur, in the after pages of this book, it being too tedious for the pres- ent subject. | The inflammatory diseases of the horse are nu- merous, but his fevers are few: a febrile state being generally broughton by the inflammation of some important organ. Inflammation may be considered as general or diffused, and local or confined, and’ both seem to arise from an affection of the blood vessels, and perhaps from a peculiar state of the a blood itself. General or diffused inflammation constitutes fever or extensive inflammatory affection, and appears to consist in an increased action of the heart and ar- teries, accompanied with an increase of heat. In some instances where the fever is purely sympto- matic, and dependent on the inflammation of some important organ, as the lungs, or the intestines, the circulation appears retarded rather than increased, from interruption arising to its passage through the heart. Local or confined inflammation is also dependent on an affection of the blood vessels, but confined principally to the blood vessels of the part affected. It is betokened by redness of the skin, tumor or swelling, heat and tenderness, with pain. Inflam- mations, both diffused and local, are brought on by excitements, such as over feeding, excessive heat, reaction produced after cold, and the reaction pro- duced by inordinate exertion. Those more exterior, arising from injuries, the application of improper substances, &c. Inflamma- tions terminate in various ways; but it is to be re- - marked, that in consequence of the very large cir- culatory system of the horse, his febrile affections rage higher, and terminate sooner than in man. The usual termination of inflammatory affection in the horse, are by resolution, effusion, suppura- tion, and gangrene. PATHOLOGY. ° 9 10 THE EYE. CHAPTER IL. BowERSMITH’S RECEIPES AND FoRMULA For the Cure and Treatment of DISEASES OF THE HORSE. A knowledge of the anatomy of the eye, which is rarely understood by the uninitiated, would take too much space in this small volume to write on in detail. I will therefore be brief, giving on the sub- ject what may be more readily understood by the general reader, reserving further observation on the subject to be given in this book. INFLAMMATION OF THE EYE. In the first stages of the disease, apply a Wash or Lotion, according to the season of the year. If the eye or eye-lid is much inflamed, bleed in the THE EYE. 11 vein below the eye, and rowel about three inches below the eye. Move the rowels every day; let them remain ten or twelve days, apply the Wash or Lotion every day until cured. It is, also, best to use some of the Cleansing Powder every day. The horse should be Kept on low diet, and not over-heated or worked very hard. Bran mash is the best to feed; do not feed corn. If there is a white speck in the centre of the sight of the eye, seemingly deep seated, there is no help, as the nerve is affected; but if the eye-lid swells, or the eye runs water, there is a good chance to cure, with atten- tion. If there is a film over the sight, take 2 gers. of Sugar of Lead, 4 grains Chloride of Lime, one drachm Tincture of Opium, 2 ozs. soft water, and apply every day. EYE WASH FOR COLD WEATHER. Linseed Oil 1 pint, Spirits of Ether 2 ozs., Gum Camphor 40z. Mix and let it stand in some warm place until the oil cuts the gum, then it is fit for use. Apply every morning with a vial. EYE WASH FOR WARM WEATHER. Sugar of Lead 2 drachms, Sulphate of Zine 1 dr. Tincture of Opium 4 oz., 1 pint of soft water. Wash the eyes out well with cold water, and then apply the medicine every day, as directed above. INDIAN EYE WATER. Take a small handful of what is called Eye bright, several sage leaves, several privy leaves, and steep 12 THE HORSE. them in a bowl of clean soft water; cover the bowl and set it ina large kettle of water: let it boil 30 minutes, settle, take it offand add 2 chargers of gun powder; stirring well, then strain, settle and bottle for use. This is one of the best vegetable Eye waters ever made for any and all sorts of sore eyes. You can weaken it by adding soft water as the case requires. TO MAKE AN EYE WASH FOR MAN OR HORSE. By subsequent experiments, I have found the fol- lowing remedy to work well with either man or beast. Take three hen eggs and break in a clean white bowl, beat well, and add one quart of pure rain wa- ~ ter. Place it ina kettle of water and let it sim- mer over a slow fire, stirring frequently until it comes to a boil. Then take off and add + oz. sul- phate of zinc, $ oz. tincture of opium, mix well and strain through a fine cloth three times. Let it stand in the same vessel in a cool place for two days, when a curd will be formed, which will be found to be an excellent poultice for inflamed eyes, strengthening the lachrymal ducts and vision. After the curd is removed, strain the liquid a- gain and bottle for future use. It can be applied by dropping into the eye from two to three times a day after the eyes have been washed in cold water. BLIND OR WOLF TEETH. Blind or Wolf teeth. If such is the case, these teeth may be discovered, the former by rubbing THE EYE. 13 your thumb over the gum of the upper jaw, between the molar grinder and the tusk; it never comes through, but its presence is indicated by an unu- sual lump. When such is the case, throw the ani- mal as directed on a former page, and with a sharp knife, make two deep incisions crosswise over the tooth, and with a forceps take firm hold of the tooth and extract it, if posible without breaking. Wolf teeth are found immediately below the mo- lar grinder, and should be removed in the same manner as Blind teeth. These teeth effect the sight by their fangs exten- ding over the lachrymal gland or duct, leading from the eye into the nostril, thus obstructing the usual discharges through its natural passage, causing in- flammation of the duct, and a film to cover the sight. _ After the teeth are removed, in either case a cure can be had by the use of the Eye Lotion and a dose or two of the Cleansing Powder. CATARRH OF THE LACHRYMAL, OR POLYPUS IN THE NOSE This disease is caused by an increased secretion of the mucus in the lachrymals, which should flow in watery substances from the eye, and pass off through the ducts into the nostrils, but instead, it runs down on the outside under the eye. It is‘in fact, if neglected, as likely to lead to total blind- ness as the Moon Eye. Its presence may be ascer- tained by the eye lashes and hair on the side of the head falling off. Its attacks are usuallyin both eyes at the same time, and causes much fever. The horse should not be fed corn or other grain, but put on pasture. The best treatment for this 14 THE HORSE. disease is to bathe the eyes frequently in cold wa- ter, cause counter-irritation, as directed in the pre- ceeding article, and use freely the Cleansing Pow- der and Eye Lotion for at least two weeks. or un- til a cure is seen to be effected. The polypus is an enlargement about two inches above the nostril, and frequently the size of a hens egg, which is a cyst or sack being filled with water, or thick fluid; this secretion on the lachrymal, in- flames the eye. Ihave cured hundreds of cases by slitting the sack open and syringing it nearly full of corrosive linament; first putting on atwitch and slitting it open at the lower end; so that the con- tents can run out freely. MOON EYES. Which are known to Scientific practitioners as Specific periodic opthaima is a disease more to be dreaded than any other, to which the eye may be subject. The sclerotic or outer white coat of the eye wears a deep seated, red appearance over the.entire cornea. This may be attributed to a morbid condition of the Blood, which effects more or less, all the weaker members of the Horse, which if neglected will lead to total blindness. | The best treatment for this disease is to cleanse the blood thoroughly, get up counter irritation, by bathing under the throat with the corrosive lini- ment; and use freely of the Cleansing powders. DISEASE OF THE TENDON. 15 FISTULA. A large tendon being connected with muscles, and ligaments is situated upon the top of the shoul- ders, immediately under the upper part of the shoulder blade, where it acts as a sort of a pad for the bone to rest upon, and thus prevents the fric- tion of pressure against the ribs. The scientific name for it, is the serrates major; but it is better known as the tough “leather or whitleather:” This ligament reaches over and across the back, and by a cartilaginous substance, is joined to the points on the vertibra or back-bone. There are a great many causes which produce Fistula, among which are a fevered and morbid condition of the blood, in connection with many other mechanical causes, which to enumerate would be of no practical advantage to the reader, as the management ofthe different diseases is our main object, and our especial desire. The reader can acquaint himself with the treat- ment and management of this loathsome disease, by reading with care and attention, the following recipes. FISTULA oR Pow Evil, BEFORE IT BREAKS. Examine the affected parts carefully with your hand; if you think no matter has accumulated, make acloth sack large enongh to cover the en- largement; fill it with coarse salt, moisten the out- side of it thoroughly with Corrosive Liniment: ap- ply the sack thus prepared to the enlargement for 16 THE HORSE. two or three nights. If there is no matter, the en- largement will disappear rapidly under the action of the poultice. Ifthere is matter present, the sooner it is lanced the better, and the same treat- ment may then be used, as would be required had it broke and discharged without assistance. In connection with the above treatment, I give a secondary one, which in my practice I have used with marked success in several difficult and doubt- ful cases; effecting cures, where help seemed im- posible. | When the disease first manifests itself, and swelling is perceptible, apply the Corrosive Lini- ment once aday for three or four days, after clean- sing thoroughly with castile soap and soft tepid water: then use freely of the German Ointment; after it has maturated and suppuration has set in, run a seton from the top to the bottom; which can be readily done by the assistance of a long seton needle; wet the seton every other day, with the fol- lowing Liniment: which can be easily prepared ;— Mandrake Root 2 ibs.; boil slow for 30 minutes; strain; then simmer slow until quite thick; then _ add 1 oz. Corrosive Sublimate, 4 oz. of Balladonna; shake freely before using. This application to be used until the pipes are all destroyed and have sloughed off and pure blood is seen to run freely; then the rowel may be removed, the parts well cleaned with Castile soap and soft water; when with the German Ointment freely applied, the dis- eased parts will be readily healed. During the first stages of the disease a free use of the Clean- sing powders should be made, to regulate the mor- bid action of the blood. 17 CHAPTER III. GLANDERS. The next and the most formidable of all the dis- eases, to which the horse is subject, is Glanders. It was described by writers fifteen hundred years ago. It was then and now is a loathsome and con- tagious disease. The most expert Pathologists state that there are about twenty seven different forms in which this disease is said to manifest itself. It has ever been considered to originate from impure blood. A derangement of the Circulatory System; namely, the blood. The foul and morbid matter absorbed by the various tissues, and taken into the blood is absorbed therefrom, by the secretive pow- ers of the liver, and converted into bile, which is conveyed into the duodenum or upper portion of the small intestines, where it unites with chyme, (or partially digested food) completes digestion and separates the mass into refuse matter to be conveyed away by the intestines; and the chyle, a milky substance which is taken up from the intes- tines by the lacteals and carried into the blood, in which it circulates and is carried to every part of the system, furnishing those elements necessary to sustain a healthy growth of the different parts of the animal. No matter what the external, in- ternal or exciting cause may be, the real direct cause of a large proportion of all acute, and chron- ic or lingering diseases, are the fruits of bad blood. The multifarious forms in which diseases mani- fest themselves, would afford a theme upon which _ 18 THE HORSE. I might write volumes; but as all the varied forms of disease which depend upon bad blood are cured, or best treated by such medicines as take up from this fluid, and excrete from the system, the nox- ious elements, it is not of practical importance that I should describe each minutely: but as all blood diseases require for their cure a similar treatment, it is of no practical utility to know just what name to apply to any certain form of diseases, so you know best how to cure it which we will give in the present work. No disease will run into Glanders which has not to a considerable degree impaired the blood and broken down the constitution; and every disease that does this will run on to glanders. It is proper to state, that the left nostril is the one usually af- fected with the disease, or even by ulceration of the nostril for two or three years, when ulcers on the membrane of the nose, have appeared, the con- stitution will be evidently affected. The horse will loose flesh; his belly will be tucked up; his coat will be unthrifty and readily slough off; a slight cough will be heard; the appetite will be im- paired; the strength will fail; the discharge from the nose will grow more perulent, discolored, bloody, stinking; the ulcers in the nose will be lar- ger and more numerous; and the air passages being obstructed, a grating, choking noise will be heard at every act of breathing. The lungs are now dis- eased; they are filled with tubercles or ulcerations, and the horse dies an emanciated and loathsome object. GLANDERS. 19 CATARRH OR COLD. Catarrh or cold is many times mistaken by the inexperienced, and called glanders. An acute ac- tion with fever accompanies cold and loss of appe- tite and sore throat, (causing quidding of the food, and gulping of the water are sufficient indications of the latter,) the discharge from the nose is pro- fuse, and perhaps purulent: and the glands under the Jaw, if swelled are moveable; and there is a thickening around them; and they are tender and hot. With proper treatment the fever abates; the cough disappears; the swellings under the throat subsides; and the discharge from the nose gradually ceases, or if it remains it is usually very different from that which characterizes glanders. AN INDIAN CURE FOR GLANDERS. i qt. of cider vinegar; 4 oz. honey; 2 oz. golden seal; 1 oz. Elecampane: and a piece of rock alum the size of a hens. egg; all plage and stewed 15 minutes; take off and add 4 4 pint lard. Give your horse 4 spoonsfull in each ‘Hoste il with a little horn, once a day for three days, holding the horses head in such a position, that the contents will pass into the stomach. I have proven this to be good in cases of Strangles, Catarrh, Nasal gleet, and dis- temper. All diseases of the glands are best treat- ed and cured by Alteratives, or such medicines as purify the blood, illiminates the morbid matter from the see and carry off the disease. 20 THE HORSE. A GOOD ALTERATIVE. 4 oz. of Jimson seed pulverized; 4 oz. oak bark powdered; mix these powders with as much vin- egar and flour as will make a stiff dough; work them well and give one the size of a walnut each day greased so it will slip down with ease. A GERMAN CURE FOR GLANDERS, DISTEMPER, SORE THROAT, STRANGLES, SURFEIT, HIDE BOUND, MANGE OR GREASE-HEEL. Take annis seed, cummin seed, fenigreek seed, fine powder of elecompane roots; of each 2 oz. add 2 oz. of brown sugar; 2 oz. flour brimstone; 1 oz. licorice ball; dissolve it on the fire in 4 pint of white wine; when done take 1 oz. of oil of an- nis, and 3 oz. colts foot, then take lard, oil, pure honey, sugar, molasses, of each halfa pint; mix the above in wheat flour, using enough to make a stiff dough; place it in a hogs bladder and tie tight and put it in a Jelly pot. They will last a year. The manner of useing is this; make them into balls, the size of a walnut; as you desire to use them; grease well and give one each day. Str angles are peculiar to young horses. The early stages resemble common colds, with some degree of fever and sore throat, gener ally with dis- tressing cough, or at least frequent wheezing; and when an enlargement appears beneath the jaws, it is not a single small gland; but a swelling of the whole of the substance between the jaws, growing harder towards the middle, and after a while ap- pearing to contain a fluid which breaks, and infla- mes the membrane of the nose, until the same be- : COLIC. 21 come intensely red. The discharges from the nose are purulent or mixed with matter, almost from the first; and when the tumor has bursted; the fe- ver will abate and the horse will speedily recover. TREATMENT FOR STAGGERS. Poultice the threat well with a draught made of flax seed meal and sprinkle well with ground mus- tard. The nostrils should be well steamed with a decoction made of vinegar, tobacco and mustard, boiled in a quart of oats; and put in a sack and tied to the horses head-stall. Renew your poul- tice till the swelling becomes soft; then lance; be careful to feed boiled oats or bran; adding a suf- ficient quantity of Cleansing Powder to regulate the System. COLIC. Colic, in general,is a severe pain in the bowels, of which there are several varieties; as, Spasmodic Colic, Flatulent Colic, Billious Colic, and many others. The two first of which are the most prev- alent among horses. They therefore demand our special attention. To be able to treat either of which successfully, one must needs be thoroughly acquainted with its causes, symptoms, and reme- dies. We take up the subject of Spasmodic Colic, first, for it is more fatal in its results and of great- er prevalency among horses than any other species of this disease. It is characterized by sudden and violent spasms. The animal appears to suffer the most extreme pain; paws and stamps violently, shifts his position almost continually, biting his 22 | THE HORSE. breast and flanks, and assuming almost every po- sition imaginable, will lie down, roll over on his back, get up and frequently turn round once or twice, and looking sorrowfully and wistfully at his flank. The spasms usually last from fifteen to twenty minutes, after which time the horse will rest easy and apparently. comfortable. But this is of short duration, and if relief is not immediately given, the poor animal will be subjected to the same violent fits and spasms as before, but with increased streneth and severity. The common causes are application of cold wa- ter to the body while in a heated condition, drink- ing too much water while the blood is heated, and the stomach in a warm or feverish state, produced by unwholesome feed, or over feeding. With the following treatment I have met with marked suc- cess. In the first stages of the disease, throw a handful or two of Salt down the horse’s_ throat. If this does not give relief within fifteen minutes, give the following drench: 1 oz. Tincture Opium, 1 oz. Sulphuric Ether: 1 oz. Tincture Camphor; $ pint warm water. If not better in thirty minutes, repeat. If it should become necessary, and the nervous system can not be relaxed by the above treatment, bleed freely from the neck vein, back rake the rectum, and give warm soap-suds and to- bacco clysters. FLATULENT COLIC. This is produced by an accumulation of gass in the stomach and small intestines, causing the stom- ach and belly to swell and extend, and the rectum to protrude. When the swelling becomes great, _ THE LIVER. 93 relief must be given immediately, or sure death will be the result. Relief at this stage of the disease is best given by raking, and the use of soap-suds and tobacco clysters. The following compound will be found good in all varieties of colic. 2 oz. gum Catecue; 4 0z. gum Camphor; 4 oz. eum Asafoetida; 20z. gumOpium; 1 pint sweet spirits Nitre; 4 pint spirits Amonia; $ pint Sul- phate of Ether. Bottle well and set aside for sev- eral days. Dose—l1l oz. in 4 pint of warm milk or cider. Repeat every 30 minutes till relieved. I might add here that this compound is also ex cellent in lung fever. A thimble full put on the tongue, once in two or three hours in connection with the treatment given for this disease in other parts of this work, will be found of great value. DISEASES OF THE LIVER, OR YELLOW WATER. | In either case, the billiary or hepatic duct be- comes obstructed from too frequent use of un- wholesome feed or from noxious or impure air, causing the eyes and the mouth to turn yellow; the hair and mane to become loose, and drop out. At this stage of the disease the horse is often lame in the right shoulder, and usually costive. Give the following ball every morning, until it operates upon the bowels: 7 drachms Alloes, and 1 drachm Calomel, 4 drachms of Ginger, and mo- lasses enough to make it into a ball; wrap it in paper and give it. Give scalded bran and oats; grass, ifit can be got. When the bowels have moved, stop the physic, and give one ounce spirits Camphor ina pint of water every morning for 24 THE HORSE. twelve days. Rowel in the breast, and give a few doses of the Cleansing Powders. LUNG FEVER. Symptoms.—The horse is taken with a chill or shivering fit, stands back at the end of the halter, breathes very hard, and never offers to lie down; the lungs have a grating harsh sound. This is a science in horse doctoring, of which but little is known, but easily understood. Ifyou sus- pect your horse of having lung fever, the fact can be known with certainty by holding your ear close and low, behind the shoulder. If he is so attacked, (acute) you will heara heavy throbbing of the pulse, with a grating sound, resembling the rasp- ing of nails when a horse is being shod; his ears, legs and sheath are cold, and he stands with his legs wide apart to expand the lungs, the fever causing inflammation, so as to render it difficult to inhale the air. The anatomy of the horse, shows that the-blood flows to the heart from all parts of the body, it is immediately forced out into vessels or arteries di- viding a branch, which accompanies the windpipe on one side, the other branch passing to the other division of the windpipe. As often as the wind- pipe divides, the blood vessels accompaning it di- vide in like manner, ’till at last minute divisions of the blood vessels reach the air cells, when they pour their contents into the capillaries. The air cells are filled upon the principle, that gravitation causes air to rush into any cavity, hence, it is the pulse acting as a valve in its perpetual motion, that equalizes the temperature, by a regular fresh ins- a PLEURISY. 25 pirations of air, which owing to the inflamed condi- tion of the cells, cannot enter, thus the heated blood brings on fever. Treatment while in the chill state—Cover with a blanket, and rub-the legs well. After the fever has set in, control the action of the pulse by giving 40z. Tincture of Lobelia as often as may be re- quired. Ifit gets bad, you will have to bleed in the neck vein and blister behind the fore leg. Be careful to keep the pulse near its natural state. Do not give any powerful physic. I would also recommend on first appearance of fever, a large - handful of salt in a quart of water as a drench, and in twenty minutes, treat and give the medi- cine as directed. After rubbing the legs thorough- ly with salt and hot water for ten minutes, to cause circulation of the blood, it would be well to bandage the legs well with hay ropes wet in warm vinegar, all the way down from top to bottom Give no corn or dry feed. Grass or bran mash is best. If the fever lingers any length of time, give 3 drops of Aquenite, and 15 drops of Jesomine, in 1 oz. of water every three hours. With the above treatment I have cured hundreds of cases. Give your horse fresh cool air to breathe. PLEURISY. When the lungs partake of inflamatory action it is termed Pleuro Pneumonia. There is so much sympathy of the parts, that they are to a greater or less extent involved. The attack may be sudden or gradual; the horse will show indisposition for many days before the attack. A hard drive; over- heating; being exposed to the cold; bathing in 26 THE HORSE. cold water, when the horse is in a state of perspi- ration; or any thing that will cause respiration to disappear. The horse will be dull and stupid for a day or two; not wanting to lie down; pulse not much disturbed; will grunt or groan in moving on account of the pleuro of the lungs, and by the rub- bing of the sides, as the disease increases the fever increases, and the nose becomes ofa deeper red, and so on till the horse is relieved. Blanket well; put him in a warm and comfortable stall; all the while keeping the air pure; rub strong stimulative liniment on the legs; and also on the body and on the breast. This is a good and sufficient lini- ment: composed of Aqua Amonia with 4 water; or if this cannot be procured, use any good liniment, or apply mustard three or four times a day. Give 15 or 20 drops of Aconite and Veratrum’ as used for inflammation of the lungs: keep up an irrita- tion on the legs and body; repeat the medicine; give internally every 20 or 30 minutes until relief is afforded, lessening or increasing the dose in quantity and frequency according to the severity of the case; feed light for some time; give him mashes, and give him crude Antimony and Sul- phur, as in the treatment for inflammation of the lungs. ' PNEUMONIA, OR INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. An inflammatory or high condition of the lungs, is caused by high feeding, keeping in close and badly ventilated stables; then subjected to violent exercise, or sudden changes from heat to 5 PNEUMONIA. 27 _ cold being applied to the external surface of a hea- ted animal by which the blood is driven from the skin and extremeties to the internal organs. The disease is usually noticeable, first, by the horse having a severe fit; he refuses his feed; hangs his head between his fore legs, or upon the manger; and will not move or lie down; the breath- ing is quick and weak, scarcely preceptible; legs, ears, and muzzle cold. If the attack is sudden, coming on after violent exertion and the pulse is quick, weak or scarcely perceptible, and if by put- ting the ear to the side, no sound is discovered, the disease is termed congestive pneumonia. This disease requires speedy treatment. When inflammation sets in, clothe warmly, and treat as for Pleurisy, applying counter irritants to the breast, sides and legs; and give the following mix- ture: 4 0z. water; 4 oz. tinct. Veratum Viride; 4 oz. Aconite; (mather tinct.) Dose—from 15 to 30 drops on the tongue in from 20 to 30 minutes, ac- cording to severity of the case, until relieved; also a few swallows of water should be given. Ifthe horse will drink, the medicine may be given in water. He is improving if the pulse is full and regular and his actions are lively. Oil or physic of any sort must not be given, as there is so much disposition to sympathy that any irritation excited by physicing, would aggravate the disease, or cause inflammation of the bowels and death. In- jections are admissable. Diet must be low, for some time, using a small quantity of bran mash, or a few potatoes, carrots or grass; no oats or corn and but little hay. Give bran mash daily for two weeks in which a table spoonful of the following mixture should be put, for the purpose of preven. 28 THE HORSE. ting dropsy of the chest: 3 oz. sulphur, 4 oz. Ni-. trate Potassa(Salt Peter) 1 oz. crude Antimony. A WANT OF CONDITION. The connection between the skin and a healthy state of the horse generally, and particularly the proper discharge of the digestive functions, is much closer than horsemen seem at all times to imagine. A soft, loose, mellow coat, easily raised from the muscular substance beneath, and the hair either curling naturally, or lying smooth, and pre- senting a giossy appearance, are considered in eat- tle, as indications of health, and a disposition to thrive; and in horses they are proofs of condition and capability to work; but the connection be- tween these things and the stomach, is too much overlooked, Condition in a carriage horse, the ra- cer, and the cart horse, are very different things; but they all agree in the particulars above men- tioned; they all exhibit the same soft, elastic state of the skin, and the same glossy smoothness of the hair. The skin is pierced by innumerable pores, through some of which exudes an unctious matter that gives the peculiar-softness and healthy skin. If there is any mismanagement in the feeding; if proper cleaning, clothing, or exercise is neglected or improperly managed, the evil effects will soon be manifest by the want of pliency and elasticity of the skin, and the accumulation of scurfy matter upon it, and by the roughness of the ‘hair. Bad water, mow-burnt hay, musty oats, or foul air, are frequent causes. Diabetes, or profuse stall- ing is often brought on, causing the vagina in 2 GRAVEL, 29 mares and cows to distend and dilate, or the Far- ciman to swell down both hind legs and along the belly; and also a secretion of milk before foaling or calving: garget is a disease of the udder. By these means the condition of the animal be- comes greatly reduced. It is requisite, therefore, to inquire whether any of these errors are in exis- tence, and if so toremove them. A sudden cold often brings on a want of condition. Worms form another cause of morbid condition. In case of ei- ther, the cure must be directed in accordance with the cause. Excessive fatigue is also productive of a bad condition, which often proves obstinate. The first thing indicated in the treatment of a want of condition, unless it can be traced directly to some one of the above causes, is a mild dose of © physic. A second or third dose may be necessary, if the case proves obstinate, but otherwise, altera- tive and tonic medicines, given for a short time, with proper attention to diet, clothing and exer- cise, will be all that will be necessary. Turning to grass is among the best remedies. STONE OR GRAVEL IN THE BLADDER. Fortunately the stone is a disease not very com- mon amongst horses; but whenever it makes its appearance, unless some remedy is immediately employed, its consequences are to be much dread- ed. It consists in small gravel or stones being lodged injthe bladder, which prevents a free dis- charge of the*irine, and produces the most excru- ciating pain. The horse will linger and pine away, until he can scarcely support the burden of life. As the stone is a disease which has but seldom 30 THE HORSE. if ever, struck the attention of farriers, I consider myself fortunate in being able to offer to the pub- lic a simple remedy, which has been employed with astonishing success by a gentleman in a neighbor- ing county. In one case, when the following rem- edy was used, three stones and a quantity of grit was discharged from the bladder. The spasms of the Ureta are the great difficulty. I have a case which I am treating while I am wri- ting this article, which was of long standing which I restored with abundant success, by means of the following remedy. 40z. Tincture Lobelia, 4 oz. Tincture Opium, 40z. sweet spirits Nitre; in 4 pint warm water. Drench; if not better in an hour, repeat; and make a bran mash; add 2 oz. water melon seeds, 2 oz. pumpkin seeds; feed twice and give Charm No. 7 as directed. FOUL SHEATH. Most horse owners pay too little attention to the animals sheath, a neglect of which often results in colic, inflammation of the parts which extend to the bowels, and other serious consequences. When first the sheath becomes foul, the horse runs down in flesh, and frequently gets so low as to be on the ‘lift’. The complaint and its results are so fre- quent, that within a short period I have been called upon to prescribe in at least fifty cases of the kind. By examination of the sheath you will find it swol- len and feverish. The proper mode ofi»procedure is, to draw out the penis, having your hands greased rub as much of the foul matter off as you can, still applying the grease. In the point of the penis is frequently found a “bean” a hard substance formed DISTEMPER. 3 by an accumulation of filth, which is sometimes difficult to remove; it must, however be picked out. When this is accomplished, after removing all the filthy matter possible, wash the parts with a soft rag, soap and water, finally greasing with hogs lard, well salted and fried in Bittersweet. The operation may have to be repeated two or three times. A few doses of Cleansing Powders should be given. BLIND STAGGERS. The term “Blind Staggers” indicates the two principle eifects of the disease, and points out its true causes and symptoms. Hence we need do no more than name the disease, in order that it may be known. We therefore go at once to the TREATMENT. Bleed in the neck until the horse is somewhat re- lieved, then give a dose of physic. Give him bran mash to eat, in which put daily a double handful of green Rue. This will enliven him, prevent worms, gross humors, and will purify the blood. Make free use of the Cleansing Powders. DISTEMPER. Is brought on by a morbid state of the system, usually engendered by exposure and want of care. It manifests itself first by a swelling or tumor un- der the Jaw, and by profuse discharges from the nose. This swelling gradually increases in size and hardness untilit renders the animal unable to 32 THE HORSE. eat. At this stage ofthe disease relief must be af- forded as soon as possible, or it will result fatally. Lance the tumor as soon as suppuration sets in and matter can be detected. Ifit should remain hard and be slow in ripening, apply a poultice of common brown sugar and bar soap. Give him the Cleansing Powders for ten or twelve days. Turn him out if you can on pasture. NASAL GLEET, OR NOSE DISCHARGE. The cause of this is neglect in distemper, or over heat or cold. This is a white discharge; is not con- tagious, and can be cured. Take Alum $1b. $1b. Rosin; 1 oz. Blue Vitriol. Grind and mix well withtlb. Ginger. Give one large spoon full every night and morning. Make awash of Privy leaves and Sage leaves; steep 15. minutes, strain, then add 1 oz. Golden Seal, with which swab the horse’s nostrils twice aday until cured. Make free use of the Cleansing Powders. Keep him out of the wet, and do not work him. BUTTEN FARCY. Cause.—Over heat, high feeding, and want of ex- ercise. Symptoms.—The lizabs swell and break out in running sores. Tbisisa blood disease and you must depend more on cleansing the blood with the Cleansing Powder, and use the Healing Wash for old sores, applying two or three times per day after washing clean. Se careful not to get the matter on a wound, or on your hand or it will vaccinate you. WATER FARCY, Ts a swelling under the belly, and forward to the breast. Rowel in the breast, and along the swelling. Apply the Healing Wash for old sores to the swell- ing. Movethe Rowel every day, and let it stay in until the swelling goes down. Give soft food—mash- es with the Cleasing Powders in them. MANGE, Is a cutaneous disease, appearing in small watery blisters on the skin, accompanied with an uneasi- ness or irritation that causes the animal to rub itself constantly. There is a difference of opinion among authors, as to the cause of this disease. Some at- tribute it to asmall insect, that may be found by means of a microscope, in the vesicles, others toa morbid state ofthe blood, generated by unwhole- some food, or by want of proper care, or standing in unclean and imperfectly ventilated stables. The disease is taken only by contact or contagion. TREATMENT. Wash the horse thoroughly with Castile soap and water, then take a pint of the Jimson Ointment, add 40z. Red Percipitate and apply it to the affec- ted parts. Give daily of the Cleansing Powders. This will never fail to effect a permanent cure. SURFEIT, Is caused by over eating and drinking, and want of sufficient exercise, and at times, by over fatigue, 34 THE HORSE. or sudden transition from heat to cold. By means of which the system becomes surcharged with mor- bid matter which makes its appearance in the skin, causing it to become scaly and scurvy. Treat- ment should be the same as is given for want of condition. MARGINS, OR DUMBNESS IN HORSES. This disease makes its appearance in different forms. Frequently it is noticed by his dullness in driving, and inclination to leave the road, or bear upon one rein, and inclined to sleep while standing; and, again, he appears to have lost all feeling; pays no attention to the whip, and will go to sleep with his mouth full of feed. In other in- stances the horse is taken with jerking of the head up, and will run back and fall down, lie a few min- utes, and getup again. This is called by some, fits, but it is the same disease in another form, caused frequently by high feeding and want of exercise, causing too large quantities of blood to pass to the brain. Itis supposed by some to be dropsy of the brain, but this is not the fact. Cure doubtful in all cases. TREATMENT for the dumb horse; bleed and pbys- ic; give regular exercise and keep in a cool stable. Reduce his flesh by taking strong feed from him and give him fodder or blades of corn. Give 4 0z. Tincture of Assofeedita every day for one week, and then tie the gum upon the bits and wear it on them all the time. The same is proper in all forms of the disease. They call it sun stroke. Itis wrong to keep horses in hot stables without being well ventilated. The stable should be kept clean, and HEAVES OR THUMPS. 35 lime applied every twelve days. The ammonia a- rising from the filthy stable is bad for this and all other diseases, and hard on the eyes. HEAVES OR THUMPS. The subject of Heaves or Thumps in horses has engaged the attention of many of the best Veteri-: nary Surgeons in England and America, without being able to arrive at any conclusion as to its cause, or a remedy for its cure. From my experience I am caljaticd, that what is termed heaves or thumps, is nothing less than heart disease of a milder type. The disease is not direct- ly in the heart, but in the Pulmonary artery, caus- ing an obstruction of the blood from the ventricle of the heart. ‘The Pulmonary artery, like every oth- erin the body, is composed of three distinct coat- ings—the outer, Peritoneal; the middle, or muscu- lar; andthe inner, or serous. Its walls are very e- lastic and flexible when in their natural state, and expand to some extent, at.every pulsation. But it so happens that they sometimes become grown together and hardened, in which condition they do- not admit the flow of blood’so freely as before. Or- dinarily no disturbance is noticable from this change in the coatings of the artery. The duct still ap- pears to be sufficiently large for the passage of the blood, until the horse is severely exercised, or oth- erwise excited; and then the blood courses through its chaunels with such rapidity that the dimin- ished capacity of the pulmonary artery is found to be a serious trouble. The vessel does not respond to the growing demands upon the heart. The -tlood now begins to accumulate in the heart com- 30 THE HORSE. pelling that organ to put on extra labor to urge it forward through the unyielding artery; and this labored action of the heart often becomes so great that the outer arterial channels sympathize, with it, and a general throbbing of the internal viscera is the consequence- This throbbing may be plain- ly seen upon the sides and. flanks, and hence the ap- propriate, though homely name, thumps. TREATMENT.—The best temporary relief, frequent- ly lasting for years, will be given the animal thus affected, by giving a large handful of salt in about eight quarts of cool spring water. Bleeding will also give relief, by lessening the flow of blood, but it should not be adopted unless in extreme cases, and then only as a last resort. I give the German cure, as follows, which I find in my practice to be the most efficient, having cured numerous cases, some of which were in the last stages- Take one qt. unslacked lime, slack it in two gallons of soft water, settle and strain off; then add 1 gal. Smith’s Forge water, 3 oz. oil of Vitriol, mix Give two oz. of this daily in chop feed, In this disease all feed should be wet and care taken not to feed mow-burnt. hay or any feed which is tainted, as this is the originating cause of the disease. To cure heaves or to give temporary: relief take oil of Tar 1 oz., oil of Amber 1 oz., Balsam-capzenia 1 oz.; mix and give 15 or 20 drops in feed daily. INFLAMATION OF THE BOWELLS. Symptoms very much like colic, followed by purging, proceeding, too often, from over doses of physic being administered, or from acid generated WORMS. 3¢ in the bowels by food. In addition to tne purg- ing, constant pain attends this disease, which is in- dicated by the animal frequently looking around to his flank, heaviness in his breathing, a quick fe- ble pulse, hot mouth, ears and legs. The horse will be much tucked up in the flank; by pressing a- gainst the bowels with the hand, he will flinch, the nostril will be almost a scarlet red, the tongue pur- ple in the centre, and red on the edges. Large quantities of water when overheated; sudden change from warm to cold atmosphere; plunging the horse when hot into cold water, are the principal causes. High fed horses are most subject to this disease. TREATMENT.—Take 1 oz. of Calomel and make it into four pills. Give one every two hours. In two hours after you have given the last pill, give 1 qt. of Linseed-oil. In the mean time, if the horse isin pain, give him 4 oz. Tincture- Opium, and repeat if necessary. WORMS. There are three kinds of worms which affect the horse. The first and most troublesome are the large white worm which resembles the common earth worm, and is from six to ten inches long. These are found principally in the small intestines. A strong dose of physic will often expell great numbers of them when the horse is apparently in good health. The Tape-worm is not common in the horse; sometimes, however, they exist. The _Thread or Needle worm are the smallest and are of a darker color. These are found in the large intes- tines, and frequently in great numbers in the Rec- 38 THE HORSE. tum, where they cause much uneasiness. The symptoms by which the existence of worms are dis- covered are a tight skin, a rough coat, an irregular appetite, tucked-up belly, also a yellow mucus un- der the tail. Curre:—Barbadoes Alloes, 1 table- spoonful; boiling water, 4 pint. When the alloes are dissolved, add Linseed 1 qt.; shake well togeth- er, and after sweetening well, inject twice a week, as long as any worms are discharged with the in- jection. To use internally the cleansing powders, mixed with hickory ashes, or corn-cob ashes about one half in bulk, has been known to expel great quantities of them. BOTTS. Many recipes are laid down in this book, most of which will free a horse from Botts, if not too far spent. The signs are, they will be knotted under the upper lip, and when those knots appear to have yellow heads, they are far gone, and can only be cured by powerful remediess but when he sweats and his breath is strong and hot, there is a doubt of his ever being cured. They will likewise, if not very bad, often strike their hind feet against. their belly, show signs of colic, lie down and stretch, get up hastily, and feed greedily. The cure is, first bleed him plentifully in the mouth, that he may swallow a large quantity of the blood, or for want of it, drench with 3 pt’s of milk well sweetened with molasses, blood warm. Let him stand near an hour that the Botts may loose their hold, by filling themselves with blood, or milk and molasses; then take one pt. of Linseed oil: give him one halfand remainder next morning. It is found by experi- = ROARING. 39 ment that this oil is a deadly enemy to the Bott, killing them in an instant. It has been tried by other common oils, but the effect is not so quick, yet most oils destroy them ofa certain texture, With this treatment. you need not lose any .crea- ture with this disease, and your horse will after- wards thrive exceedingly well. It is well to give it once or twice a year, especially in the spring just before he goes to pasture. The decoction of Savin, dissolved in Nitre and well sweetened with honey, isa good recipe for Botts. Savin and hickory ash- es mixed with their food, will both pr event their breeding and destroy them. ROARING, Usually accompanies or preceeds broken wind; and is one of the results of-Pneumonia. It is not an affection of the lungs as is usually supposed, but is the result of congealed blood lodged in the Windpipe which obstructs the free passage of the air to the lungs and renders the breathing heavy and labored, causing a roaring and wheezing sound that at times can be heard a quarter of a mile or more. The roaring is invariably brought on by hard work, or by any excitement that will heat the blood. The disease should be treated in the first stages, for after it has become thoroughly develop- ed cure is doubtful, and we mignt add, with truth, impossible. But in all cases, relief can be afforded by applying counter-irritants to the throat. The disease taken in its first stages can be cured by the use of the German cure, as given for glanders. The animal should have the best of care and attention. 40 THE HORSF. BROKEN WIND. The causes of this disease are not well under- stood. It sometimes makes its appearance after a severe attack of Lung Fever. It is also produced, at times, by severe labor immediately after eating, while the stomach is full. The principle of which is this: A heavy load upon the breast ofthe ani- mal while the stomach is full, causes the breast to contract and cramps the lungs, and while in this cramded and compressed condition, ruptures of the cells occasionally take place, which become perma- nent, and are the legitimate cause of the wheezing. we might give other causes, but it would be of no practical utility; hence we proceed at once to the TREATMENT.—Feed light; Bran Mash is the best; in which put from 15 to 20 drops of the following mixture in each feed daily until consumed: Spirits of Turpentine, Balsam Copzevia, Tincture of Cap- sicum, oil of Tar, equal parts, and mix, This mixture is also good for all cases of cough, acute or chronic. TETANUS, OR LOCK JAW, Is produced by an affection of the Nervous Sys- tem, which is generally brought on by the injury of some small nerve, produced by a bruise, and sometimes by the nerves being torn or lacerated. Injury to the nerves of the foot, produced by bad and unskillful shoeing, and sometimes by fast dri- ving over rough roads, may be considered the chief and principle source of this dreadful maledy. Lock Jaw is not the necessary result or inevitable consequence of bruised or conrused nerves; but 2 TETANUS, OR LOCK JAW. 41 this in connection with gross neglect and undue exposure to cold and bad weather, will at times pro- duce it, especially if the horse’s blood is in a dis- eased and unhealthy state, and the system not in proper tone and condition. This disease affects the organism of the hor se ; all the muscles become rigid and contracted, there- by producing extreme nervous derangements, and the most violent spasms. And as the muscles and tendons become contracted, the skin tightens, the joints become stiff, the breathing labored, until fi- nally the powers of motion cease and the poor vic- tim falls lifeless to the ground. There is no reliable remedy for this malady. Af- ter itis thoroughly developed, all hope of recovery may be abandoned, for then it is that relief cannot be given. The fatality of this disease is attributed not so much to bad treatment or want of proper care and management as it is to actual starvation, pro- moted by the fixedness of the jaws, which render the animal unable to eat. Treatment:—In the last stages of this disease all treatment is vain and useless; but by proper care and management before the disease becomes fully developed, it may be checked and its dread- ful results prevented. The prime object in the treatment of all diseases, is to relieve the affected parts, and to remove the cause, and as the nervous system is toned up to its highest tension in this disease, it is to this that we must look and procure if possible a recation of the same. This can be done by bleeding freely from the neck vein. This has been proven tobe the most reliable treatment for this complaint; for by a depletion of the blood, 49 THE HORSE. the nerves and muscles are relaxed, and a healthy and natural action ofthe various organs of the sys- tem is procured. The blood should be allowed to flow as long as the horse can bear it. Close atten- tion should be given to the action of the pulse, when it becomes low and feeble and its strokes slow and irregular, the blood should be checked until it (the pulse) resumes its natural measured strokes and tone. When, if the jaws and muscles have not relaxed, the blood may be let to run for the same length of time. This repeated for a few times, will by degrees, produce the effect desired. The bleed- ing should be checked before the vital energies of the horse become overpowered and his strength fails him. After a sufficient quantity of blood has been ex- tracted, Opiates should be used to quiet and tran- quilize the nervous system. Give from one half to agill of landanum every six or eight hours till the nerves become quiet and the horse rests easy. During which time salts should be given in sufficient quantities to produce an operation of the bowels. In this disease an evacuation of the bowels is very necessary, and should be procured as soon as possible. Use in- jections of corn meal and flour gruel every four to six hours. < » See we ee a THROWING AND CASTRATING COLTS. 69 time if the colt is in good condition; if he 1s not, wait until fall. The proper age for castrating is about one year old. Afterthe colt has had suffi- cient grass, to gain flesh, and cleanse the blood, and gained sufficient strength to undergo the operation. If the neck of yourcolt should be rather low and his hinder parts slim and peaked, you had better let your colt, run six or ten months longer till he has filled out. Then geld in the fall when the colt isin good condition. : A NEW sysTtEM.—Of late years the country is be- coming overstalked with unskillful operators in the business of castration. I give the following as the mode of operation employed by many such, and submititto the judgment of all those in whose hands this book may chance to fall, whether or not it is the safest, surest, and best mode of practice. It isa fact however, as experience in all cases prove, that at least ten per cent. ofall the colts under the process are lost. ‘The horse is required to stand during the operation; the Testicles are removed as stated above (except clamping) by using a. dull knife, or the thumb nailto sever the cord by scra- ping downward, thus bruising the arteries so as te prevent excessive bleeding and cause immediate suppuration and healing to set in. They use the following mixture, (either powder or liquid;) 2 drams of sub-Sulphat of Iron; 2 drams of Tanie Ac- id; 2 ozs. of water; which is applied as usual. to the bleeding parts and which has proved itself poisonous and even dangerons to the horse, should he in any wise be ina bad condition. HORSE. THE 70 RUPTURE, OR HERNIA. 71 Rupture or Hernia, is a term applied in veterin- ary Surgery to a protrusion of any of the abdom- inal viscera through a natural or accidental open- ing or rent in the abdominal walls covered by the integuments. The cause of Rupture in animals is most gener- ally the result of an injury by a sharp implement, which may rupture the inside wall and not the skin of the abdomen, and thus let one or more folds of the bowels protrude through, making an unsightly tumor. Rupture occurs along the flank, and along the inside of the thigh, where it andthe abdomen join; this being the thinest part of the abdominal walls. Various names are given to these ruptures, de- pending on the condition of the protruded bowels, such as Reducible (or returnable into the abdo- men.) Irreducible; Strangulated; that is subject to some constriction which not only prevents their return into the abdomen, but interferes with the passage of their contents. | The discrimination of Rupture from other tumors is comparatively easy to a dextrous hand. — Still Ruptures may be mistaken for tumors of a soft and yieldable character located in the same place where Ruptures occur. Such as Encysted tumors and abscesses. The general symptoms of reducible Rupture is when taken into the hand, Soft, elas- tic and rounden when it contains only the intestine, when pressed upon and worked around in the hand to reduce the bowels, it returns easily. If howevy- er, the net covering the intestine protrudes ‘with the intestines, is flabby and unequal to the touch and when pressed is slower and more difficult to re- turn. ! | 72 THE HORSE. Ruptures become irreducible after they are of long standing and adhesions form between the sack and its contents. Also by a constriction of the rent so as to prevent its return, in either case an operation must be performed to reduce the rup- ture, which will be spoken of in our treatment of rupture. Strangulated hernia occurs in old as well as re- cent ruptures, when it is constricted in such a way, that the contents of the produced bowels cannot be propelled onward, and the return of the venous blood is impaired. The symptoms are the same as incolic and obstruction of the bowels, and _ fi- nally inflammation of the bowels, especially if there is not relief given by an immediate operation after every means has been used to reduee by man- ipulation. The operation willbe spoken of in the treatment. THE TREATMENT OF RUPTURE, depends on circumstances; whenthe rupture first occurs the plan is to return the bowels, and pre- vent its coming out with a pad and bandage, which should fit so neatly as not to rub open the sound skin. The trus should be made out of hard wood; the size of from one half of a hens egg divided the jong way, tothat of goose egg, depending on the iength of the rent which can be felt through the skin. The ball is nailed on a stiff strip of sole lether from three to four inches wide and a foot long. For rup- ture in the flank a strap or strong canvas is fastened on the leather and passed around the body so as to buckle on the top of the back with the ball on the slit. When the rupture ison the inside of the thigh, EUPTURE, OR HERNIA. 73 then another strap is fastened to the leather to pass through between the legs and be fastened to the strap on the top of the back. This should be kept in place tillthe rupture has time to heal shut which will be from two to four weeks. When this plan does not succeed, then an operation becomes neces- sary, which consists in cutting down to the rent and sewing the inside slit up with a silver thread; first freshing the edges with the knife, leaving the silver thread permanently in place; then closing the outside cut with common stitches, and placing a bandage around the body of the animal, thus com- pleting a cure. Light feed and great care must be given the animal for two or three weeks until the parts completely heal. An old rupture, where the opening becomes large and round, requires a differ- ent operation. It is then necessary to prepare a silver plate, made one half to three fourths of an inch larger than the opening, hammering the plate concave or oval in the center to fitthe rupture. An incision is made across the lower part of the rup- ture large enough to admit the plate, the fascia be ing dissected apart, the plate is placed over the opening and left there permanently, the outside cut is neatly closed up with common stitches and a light bandage is placed over it. Then all that is needed to complete the cure is rest, light feed, and cold-water dressing. This is a good and. successful plan of treatment, which I have performed a num- ber of times successfully. | | In irreducible hernia, where the contents are ad- herent to the sac, these must be broken up by care- fully cutting down to the rupture and with the knife or the fingers breaking the adhesions; then reduce the protrusion, and, where the rent is 74 | THE HORSE. long and can be closed by silver thread, it is the best plan to follow, but where the opening is round a silver plate must be inserted as spoken of above. In strangulated hernia, where there is great suf- fering and danger of inflammation after failing to reduce it by the hand, it is necessary to enlarge the rent by cutting in on the lower edge to the sack and witha blunt knife enlarge the opening, then reduce it and proceed as spoken of above. COLLAR BRUISES. Young horses which are high spirited will pull with such force, that they will bruise the coracoid process of the scapula; and when the system is out of condition and the blood either to thick or to thin infirmation will set in to try and cast off the con- gestive matter and fluids. In all such cases when they enlarge make an orifice in the lower part of the swelling by running a seton from the bottom, upwards through the center, open the lower cut sufficiently large that the contents may drain off freely. Treatment —make a free use of the Jimson oint. ment, both on the outside of the affected parts, also wet the seaton with the same twice per day and draw it into the wound until you can see a healthy blood runs from the orifice; the swelling abates; or a free suppuration sets in; then remove the rowl and con- tinue to use the ointment. For any case of this kind of old standing or any hard callous that is de- tached from the bone; such as collar bruises, If by feeling of it with your finger and thumb, it is fouud that the lump is detached and will move backward and forward, the skin may be opened the full size DOCKING. . 75 of the callous croswise, then peal and roll back the skin, having a needle with a strong thread in it run the needle through the edge of the callous to pull © open. and scrape the lump close until you can cut it out. If it should bleed much apply the corrosive liniment or warm vinegar with some alum init. It can be healed best with the green ointment, before annointing, wash clean with castile soap and warm water. 1 have removed hundreds of detached lumps of this kind, some of which would weigh ten pounds, The animal should always be thrown or a twitch applied, to secure them for the operation. DOCKING. Of the different modes in practice of docking a horse, the best, andthe one which I generally adopt as in my opinion the safest, and causing the least suffering to the animal is as follows: Draw back the hair from the point, where you desire to cut, ty - ing it with a string, so as:to keep it out of your way; then take a piece of two inch plank about 8 or 10 inches square and place it on the top of the hip, (left side) and draw the tail back on to it, so as to have the point where the cut is to be made, as near the center of the board as possible. Then feel for the joint, and take a sharp two inch chisel and placing it on the spot, and with a mallet strike so as to-seyer the parts with one blow. Im- mediately bind up the wound with a cloth contain- ing horse or hog.manure and allow it to remain for about twenty-four hours. Then remove it and wash off clean with salt and water. Then anoint it with 76 THE HORSE. the Jimson ointment.. Three men should assist in the operation. Docking is of great value where the horse is weak in the spine, otherwise it is uncalled for and in fact is injurious to the horse in many in- stances; among which are the fighting of flies &e. SEATON HOW TO APPLY. Take a piece of leather string or white tape, the former is preferable; then cut holes in the skin where to be applied and introduce the string with a large packing needle, leaving about eight or ten inches of the string at each end, tying a toggle or wooden button to each end so that you may draw it back and forth to pull in medicines, to cause suppuration anda free discharge of pus. Setons are often useful in keeping up a drain to draw what are humours from parts; or by this irritation on one part, they lessen the inflamation in another part not very remote, as when applied to the cheek for opthalmia or inflamed eyes, They also in the same way lessen old swellings by exciting absorption. Another useful action they have is to make a de- pendent or convenient orifice for the escape of lodged matter; thus a seton passed from the upper part of the opening of pole-evil, through the upper part of the integuments of the neck, as low as the sinnews run, will often effect a cure without further app- lication. The same with fistular withers, which sometimes run under the shoulder blade, and ap- pear at the arm point; in which case a blunt seton needle, of sufficient length to bé passed down to that point and to be then cut down ‘upon, will form the only efficient mode of treatment. © 17 HOW TO DRENCH A HORSE. Take a strong, long necked bottle, raise the horse’s head by getting the halter over a beam in the sta- ble, then take out his tongue on the right side, in- troducing the neck ofthe hornor bottle from an elevated position, taking care not to let him touch it with his teeth. Ifthereis any difficulty in get- ting him to swallow, place your hand tightly on his nostrils, so as to interfere with his breathing, and the drench will soon be swallowed. It is not safe to drench through the nose, as there is danger of the contents passing into the lungs, which would result in the congestion ofthe same or otherwise immediate death. : FRACTURED BONES. At no period in the existence of the horse, is he so liable to accident by the fractuae of a bone asin his colt-hood. We shall therefore give from our experience such treatment as is best suited to acci- dents of this kind, and those remedies most likely to be successful. Fractures in the body above the limbs and the larger bones, are difficult of treatment, and frequently result fatally.. Fractures are of two kinds—simple and compound. Simple fracture be- ing merely the breaking of one bone, without la- ceration of the flesh, while compound fracture in- cludes one or more bones, often breaking the skin, lacerating the flesh and ligaments, renderi ing treat- ment exceedingly difficult, the healing process slow, and the result in most cases very doubtful. Where the skull receives a fracture, it is best to abandon the idea of cure altogether, as no perma- nent relief can be effected. Some cases have come 78 THE HORSE. under our observation, where prospects of recovery for a tinfe looked most favorable, but finally the animal died from apoplexy. Such fractures are generally the result of brutal treatment by passion- ate drivers, who,as we have frequently observed, strike a horse over the head with a heavy club or the but end of a whip, with sufficient force to kill the animal or produce concussion of the brain, the latter generally terminating in permanent injury— frequently blindness and deafness. Fracture of the ribs isa matter of rare occurrence, and generally the result of a kick from another an- imal. Such an injury often passes unnoticed by the owner, although the horse is apt to flinch from the touch when being harnessed or curried. But slight relief can be applied in such cases. When discovered, the best plan is to rub the part gently and frequently with nerve and bone liniment. Hot salt and water, or strong vinegar, will answer the purpose well, but the liniment is preferab‘e and when it can be had should be applied. Fractures of the bones of the nose or nasal or- gan are not of unfrequent occurence, and often pass unnoticed, unless where the bone is very much out of place. In such cases the assistance of the Veterinary Surgeon should be had, the bone replac- ed and bandaged, as in distemper. The same treatment as to bathing in rib fractures can be ap- plied with advantageous results. Fracture of the limbs are more frequent than any other to which the horse is liable, occasioned gen- erally by a fall a kick, or the horse getting his foot fast in a bridge and such like occurrences. » Se ~ ‘se x ‘ i st, ~Sayyas —, eek ye SS = a) SS +2 re Se Cuda ee 103 TO THROW A HORSE. To little care is frequently taken in throwing horses, which often results in injury to the animal. To effect this purpose carefully, observe the follow- ing directions, and the work is easily accomplished and with perfect safety. Apparatus—have a cir- cingle made of good strong leather, from two to four inches wide, sewing a buckle to one end. Then rings are to be attached to the circingle in the fol- lowing manner: First ring is four inches from the buckle; 2d. one inch from the first on the back edge; 3d. six inches from 2d.; this ring is used, to strap the left fore foot too. The fourth ring ‘six inches from third, placed on the back edge. The fifth and sixth are used to bring up and fasten right fore foot, and to draw the horses head around to side; place fifth ring five inches from fourth; sixth three inches from the fifth, next, small ring two inches from sixth on front edge; next eight inches from seventh one the back edge; next nine inches from the eighth; next three inches from ninth on back edge; next one inch from. eleventh on back edge. The 2d. and 7th. rings, are attached to front edge and used for bringing the animals head on his side, when performing surgical operations. The first, fourth, eighth, tenth and twelfth are attached to back edge, to fasten both hind feet to when nec- essary. Buckle this circingle on your horse; attaching a crooper to ring nine, on the back edge, witha ring sewed on the hips firm. Take theshank end of bit- ting machine and pass it through six, the ring on right side and ring on crooper. Then have two straps, with buckles sewed on, strap up the left fore 104 THE HORSE. leg to the eighth ring fromthebuckle. Stand rath- er back of your horse on the left side and pull the halter shank when he must come down with his back towards you. Caress the animal by kind words and patting with yourhand fora short time, when you have him in position to perform any operation neces- sary, such as extracting wolf or blind teeth, cas- trating &c., without danger of his releasing him- self. NEW BITTING- MACHINE, In the first handling of a colt, it is important that all your appliances be perfect, that the animal may not be unnecessarily fretted or even excited. The bitting machine is'to be applied, and of all those in use, the following I have found the most simple and effectual: Take a well twisted cord of either hemp or cot- ton, about twenty feet long and about as thick as a pencil on one end tie a boler knot, leaving the loop sufficiently large to slip around the under jaw of the horse. Then pass your hand through the loop and catch the cord and pull it through far enough to form a halter; then slip the halter over the head, and the loop around j jaw, with the shank toward you. Now throw the headstall back of the mane, near the shoulder, placing it well under the hair, drawing the shank oradually, but firmly, until the animals. neck is sufficiently bowed to look graceful. If he submits to this quietly tie a slip knot under the jaw and let him remain in that position for about ten minutes. Should he become fretful, or attempt to rear or throw himself, by a sudden jerk of the PULLING ON THE HALTER OR BRIDLE, 105 halter shank, loose your slip knot, and let hishead — down, speaking kindly until he becomes calm, when you can by tightening the cord, again draw his head up as before. By a daily repetition of this course for some time, your colt willsoon become sensible of the power of the bit, tractable and pany han- dled afterwards. TO LEARN A HORSE TO LEAD BEHIND A VEHICLE. Many so called trained horses refuse to be led, by a man on another animal or behind a wagon. To train a horse to lead well, adopt the tollowing in his early lessons: Take the bitting machine named in the previous article, putting it on in the form of a halter, run- ning the shank on the off side and across the loins to the near side, then under the tail, and pass -it back across the loins and up through the loop un- der the tail; then take the shank in your hand, get into a wagon or on a horse and lead right off. The pressure of the cord under the tail and on the nerve of the jaw, causes him to move forward without the s -ightest resistance. PULLING ON THE HALTER OR BRIDLE.. Many horses have a practice of cba on their halter or bridle when tied in the stable, or hitc&ed, when abroad, and thus get loose to the imminent risk of the vehicle to which they are attached, by running off. To the owners of such animals I rec- commend the following treatment: 106 THE HORSE. Put on the bitting machine as recommended in the preceeding article, treating on the subject of teaching a horse to lead behind a vehicle. Hitch him to a post or tree and let him pull until he stops of his own accord, which will not be very.long. If the treatment is not disagreeable, so as to cause him to pull, twitch him up quietly, and make him - pull until he is satisfied. TO TEACH A HORSE TO FOLLOW. Put on the bitting machine named in the precee- ding article, in the form of a halter, taking hold of the shank nearly up to the jaw; stepping a little 'to one side say, “come here sir,” at the same time gently pulling on theshank; then change your po- sition to the opposite side and address him as be- fore, repeating the lesson several times. A roomy barn where there is nothing to attract the animals attention, is the best place to operate in. A few such lessons, given at intervals of leisure will train your horse to perfection. . TO BREAK A HORSE FROM JUMPING FENCES. | No animal gives more trouble to the farmer than a breechy horse, indeed to some, the best fences are no impediment to this roaming wherever they please. To prevent this, adopt the following plan: Take a strong strap or circingle, with a ring firm- ly attached, so as to come under the animals belly when fastened around the body. Then take a strong strap with a buckle at each end, first fas- tening one endaround one of the animals fore legs + TO BREAK HORSES OF KICKING IN HARNESS. 107 below the knee; then pass the other end through the ring in the circingle and buckle the other end around the other fore leg in the same manner as the first- Have a second strap of equal length, with a buckle sewed to each end, fasten one end around the hind fetlock, pass the other through ‘the ring under the circingle and fasten to the other fetlock in like manner, when the horse walks, the strap slides to and fro inthe ring. This will pre- vent any horse from jumping, no difference how old an adept he may bein the practice. It will not however, interfere with his traveling over the ‘pasture to obtain food. TO BREAK HORSES OF KICKING IN HARNESS. . A horse that kicks in harness is most unsafe and should never be used for family purposes until thoroughly cured of this dangerous practice. Man- y remedies have been tried, but, none have I yet found so efficacious as the following, by which I have cured many “hard cases,” some of whom have smashed more buggies than their heads were worth. Use the circingle described in the foregoing article, and take two strong straps, just of sufficient length, with four rings firmly attached, one to each hind leg at the fetlock; then take a strong rope about six feet long, tie a knot to one end, and run the other through the rings on the hind foot, then draw the rope through the rings of the strap on the other hind foot; draw the rope sufficiently tight to prevent his kicking, but not so much so as to interfere with his walking freely. Knot the .) 108 THE HORSE, rope so as to fasten it in that position, and cut off any there may be left after the knot is tied. Now take asmall strap or cord, fastening one end in the ring of the circingle and the other tothe bridle-bit, leaving him room to pull, but in the event of his kicking so tight as to check on the bit. Thisrem- edy never fails in the most obstinate cases, when properly applied to break horses after a few les- sons, BREAKING RUNAWAY HORSES. Next to the kicking horse, the runaway horse is most dreaded; he is always unsafe, never to be re- lied upon, and especially dangerous when used in buggy or family carriages; the following method of treatment will effectually break any horse of the practice. Put on the circingle, first attaching a ring on each side opposite the lower part of the horses shoulder. Taketwo short straps with rings, same as used for kicking horses, and fasten them around the fore legs above the fetlock joint; then procure a rope about twenty-five feet in length; pass each end of the rope through the rings in the circingle and likewise through therings in the straps on the fore leg, drawing tolerably tight, but giving lib- erty to walk, tie the ends fast by knotting, so that they will not repassthrough the rings. Now hitch the runaway to a wagon beside another horse hav- ing on the usual check lines which must be held by a second party, another holding to rope before named, which acts as an independent rein. Let the party holding the regular reins order the team on, when should therunaway attempt to run, the TO CURE .A HORSE OF BALKING. 109 person holding the rope line, by a sudden pull can throw him on his knees, or probably flat on the ground. Let him recover himself, and each time he attempts torun, serve him inlike manner. Re- peat this treatment, andyou will give the most in- corrigible runaway a distaste for his bad practice. TO CURE A HORSE OF BALKING. The cause ot a horse balking is generally owing to his early training, andis more ofhistutor’s fault, in loosing his temper, administering harsh treatment, than the animals. Hd, Yh} L Nn ~ AU 4 f: Gs ri i! oy . w oN Qe REET | Ae \ aS SARS \ K ds _ y os ‘ Ny) Ni i 4 ‘4 hy ‘ ‘Y \' ull : tig \ # rn \ Mi EY Yas. y wy ‘Nay, \ ay CANA SIN > WY rte WMA LUGS RAE V¥ LA s fy POINTS OF HORSES. 121 sirable to avoid—the weight to be lifted forward in the act of progression—while all the space the lungs require is to be obtained by depth instead of breadth, as from A to H, in which point, if a horse be defficient, he will seldom be fit for fast work. The other points which we have marked for comparison are G to E, or the width of the leg immediately be- low the knee, which in a well-formed leg will be equal all the way down; ina bad one it will be narrowish immediately below the knee, or what is called ‘tied in.’ The shape of the neck is more important than might at first thought be supposed, as affecting both the wind and the handiness of the mouth; no horse with a faulty neck anda head ill-attached to it, as at Q to Kin fig. 2, ever possesses a good or manageable mouth. The points of the face are not without significance, a feebly developed counte- nance generally showing weakness of courage if | not of constitution. We therefore like to see a large and bony protuberance above the eye, as at L in fig. 1, giving the appearance of a sinking im- mediately below, followed by a slightly Roman or protruding inclination toward the nose. These when present are generally signs of ‘blood, which is in some proportion or other a quality without which no breed of horses will ever improve or long entitle itself to rank as other than arace of drudges, fit only for sand or manure carts. “Bearing these points in mind, you may, by obser- ving and comparing the different animals which fall under your eyes, soon qualify yourself to give an intelligent opinion of a horse. One cannot be- come perfect in this branch of knowledge in a week or ina year. Certainly no careful student of this little book will allow himself to be imposed upon 1392 THE HORSE. in the purchase of an animal having many of the bad points represented in fig. 2. The perfect horse fig. 1) you will not expect to meet every day. A badly formed horse is not profitable for any purpose; because, if so formed, they are either clum- sy, inactive, dull in mind, or tender and easily bro- ken down. It costsjust as much to breed, raise, and keep a poor horse as a good one, and the poor one islow in value and unsalable: besides, he is unable to do good service in any sphere, or to en- dure. “We copy from Lavater six heads of horses, fig. 3. which indicate different tem- peraments anda great diversi- ty of character and disposition. "ile ea a “fio, 3 has a slow, heavy tem- ; GET fH ‘iS, perament, is without” spirit, ete: Hy u| mu) ‘ey kward in motion, lazy, stu- tt inh Mh wy Na pid in intellect, difficult to fi eis jy? teach, bears the whip and needs Y/,’ it. though it is soon forgotten. V7" He is too lazy to hold up his ears or under lip,and is a regular bog-necked, heavy- fig. 4. footed animal. Ca “fio. 4 has more intelli- gence and spirit, a more active temperament, and is ih disposed to anger, will not @ jig" bear the whip, and shows Ro his anger, when teased or irritated, in a bold direct onset with the teeth. “fio, D isa very active temperament; isa quick, keen, active, intelligent animal, butis sly, cunning, POINTS OF HORSES, 123 mischievous, and _ trickish; will be hard to catch in the field, inclined to slip the bri- dle, will be a great shirk in double harness, and will require a sharp eye and steady hand to drive him, and will want some- Ai thing besides a frolicsome boy \WYg for a master. “Fig. 6 is obstinate, head- strong, easily irritated, de- ceitful, and savage; will be : Hdl es to back, inclined to balk, disposed to fight and crowd his mate, and bite and kick “fic 7 has a noble, proud disposition, and a_lofty, stately carriage, but he is timid, restive, and easily irritated and thrown off his mental balance. Such horses should be used by steady, calm men, and on roads and in business: which have little variety, change, ormeans of ex fig. 8. citement. 124 THE HORSE. “Fig. 8 is a calm, self- possessed animal, with a noble, “elevated disposition, trustworthy, courageous good- temper ed, well adapted to family use, but not remarkable for sharpness of mind or activity of body. “Kies. 9 and 10 show a great contrast === _—in shape of head, ex- C—O pression of counte- 1" nance, temperament, disposition, and in- telligence. The first is a most noble ani- mal. “Fio 9 is broad be: salt tween the eyes, full, rounded, and promi- nent in the forehead, indicating benevolence and intellect; broad be- tween the ears, showing courage; broad between the eyes, evincing quickness of 7 perception, memo- ry, and capacity to fig. dad” learn. He can be taught almost anything, Y Riaz ye can be trusted, and loves W7/%¢ eee 4 and trusts man; is not timid, will goanywhere, Ye . \ iB lace I and stand without fas- «il iy, ¢ MN, + . Th | 7 4% tening; never kicks, atl Wy :%>. . ’ a4 z~ 4 bites, or runs away. EX My, ; Sie “Fig. 10 shows a ARSON marked contrast with fig. 9 in almost every respect; his narrow and con- tracted forehead shows a lack of intelligence, kind- POINTS OF HORSES. 125 ness, and tractability; is timid and shy in harness, vicious, unfriendly, disposed to kick, bite, balk, or run away, and is fit only for a mill or horse-boat. For all general uses he should be avoided, and by no means should such an organization be employed for breeding purposes.” COLOR. W. C. Spooner, author of several veterinary works, has the following remarks on color as.a sign of oth- er qualities in the horse: “We have found both good and bad horses of ev- ery color,and the only rule we can admit as cor- rect is, that certain colors denote deficient breed- ing, and therefore such animal is not likely to be so good as he looks, but is probably deficient in bottom or the powers of endurance. These colors are black, which prevails so much with cart-horses, and sorrel, dun, piebald, etc.; the possessors of which come from the North, and possess no Eas- tern blood. Black horses, unless evidently high bred, are very often soft and sluggish, with breed ing insufficient for their work; the pedigree of the majority of them may be dated from the plow-taul, whatever admixtures there may have been since. White hair denotes a thin skin, which is objection able when it prevails-on the legs of horses, as such animals are more disposed to swelled legs and cracked heels than others. Bay horses with black legs are greatly esteemed, yet we have known man. y determined slugs ofthis hue. Their constitu- tion is however, almost invariably good. Chest- nut is the prevailing color with our race-horses, and consequently chestnut horses are generally 126 THE HORSE. pretty well bred, and possess the good and bad qualities which obtain most among thorough-breds. The Suffolk cart-horse is also distinguished by his 4 Fetlock Le“ cet Pol, pd slorn. COMMON TERMS DENOTING THE PARTS OF A HORSE, light chestnut color; and it is no recommendation to find that this breed has, for several years past, carried away the principal prizes at the annual shows ofthe Royal Agricultural Society of Eng- land. Gray is a very “good color, and generally denotes a considerable admixture of Eastern blood.” \) WH) NG MsN CHAPTER X. Ripa il CON CATTLE. * in th ising in anima © bon a «© Bao § bo O53 G8 = o &o ers sacs = oT Sb g2¢ es aos Oy ofi~Ss he aes mM S ie Seta tC ] - ae Aob,v Yo Sy fe 2 oe OP TS rf Co ee De b Ore ee cD) or ah rS oan eedod = pad OD g Ma @ yee a 2» 2 3S on o>) = ox 8 © mort J A _ a SS =F commerce, none stand h cattle ra 128 CATTLE. part. Even from our own continent, especially the older settled portions, the demand on the Great West, as is evident every day by the immense trains laden with stock, passing eastward over our principal railroads; and should prices continue to reward the stock raisers, as within the past ten years, ending in December 1871, the energies of our farmers will be fully taxed to supply the de- mand for this article of animal food. Notwith- standing this constantly mecreasing demand, we find that the supply has not kept pace with it in the West. In the States of Ohio, Indiana, Michi- gan and Wisconsin according to recent statistics the number of cattle is not greater than four to one of the population. Illinois is an exception, rating somewhat higher; while Texas, since the building of the Pacific Railroad, opening an access of trade in this great product of her vast prairies to the markets of the East, the stock of cattle is estimated at four to one of the population. Texas shipped northwest in 1870, two hundred and thir- ty-two thousand head of beef cattle. The enor- mous number were from the Northern and Central parts of the State, while a vast number in addition were shipped by sea. The farmers of the North-west, to compete with the vast resources of Texas cattle-raisers, when land is cheap and fertile, and the severity of eith- er unknown—green pasture being abundant at all seasons, must secure more valuable breeds of stock. They must select animals which, with the same average of summer pasture and the same amount of winter feeding, will yield beef in greater quanti- ty, of finer quality, and of higher market value. _ The more intelligent cattle-raiser in the older GOUT. 129 states have already anticipated this necessity, by replacing their common stocks with improved breeds; and so apparent is it that the North-west must follow the example in order to keep pace with the increasing wealth and progressive civilization, which is accumulating and diffusing itself through more numerous classes of society, creating a de- mand for better food. Thus much as to cattle gen- erally, and the importance of improved breeds, we shall devote a few pages on the disease to which they are subject, their care, breeding, etc., commen- cing with THE COW. The Cow, especially young cows, in condition at the time of calving are very subject to a disease ealled gout, a downfall of the udder. The complaint is generally noticed by a swelling and hardness of the part attended with fever and pain, when press- ed. Secretion of the milk is apt to result, and when drawn, is often accompanied by blood or completed matter. Frequently the supply of milk entirely ceases, when suppuration is certain to fol- low. In many cases we have known the hard limbs to become swollen and inflamed, reaching from the aip to thé foot. In this condition they are apt to get down, with an inability to rise again. When the symptoms are at first discovered, bleed- ing should be resorted to, taking in quantity, ac- cording to the strength of the animal. In twelve hours after bleeding, the following may be given'as a purgative. JS Gentian root powdered, half ounce; ginger, pow- dered one drachm, Salts, two ounces. Mix with 130 CATTLE. a pint of warm gruel and administer as a drench. Repeat in twelve hours, Keep the cow on spare diet. Bran or corn-meal warm mashes, with but little hay, will suffice for a few days. In most cases the udder becomes very sore, and when in that condition, should be rubbed with an ointment composed as follows: One pound of soft soap, two ounces of mercurial ointment, one ounce of camphor, grated with half an ounce of spirits of wine. Blend well together and rub carefully the affected part, always. after milking until a cure is perfected. Care should be taken to wash the ointment off well with warm wa- ter before milking. In order to keep the bowels open and prevent fever or inflammation, continue the mashes twice each day until entirely well, also applying the ointment if necessary. Ifthe natur- al appearance of the udder is not restored by the foregoing remedies, and it continues swollen, hard and sore, a close examination will become necessa- ry, to ascertain whether corrupted matter has not formed within, in which event, open a slight incis- ion with a sharp pen-knife, and encourage the dis- charge by occasional fomentations with warm wa- ter. Do not cut the teat cross-wise, but downward. It will heal readily. Death sometimes ensues from mortification. WEEDS. This complaint in fresh calved cows is frequent, and is the result sometimes of an overflow of milk, or bad milking. The animal is taken with fits of fever and shivering, hanging her head and having PARTURITION. 131 a general dull appearance, refusing food, the udder hot and swollen. Prompt measures are neces- sary or an abscess is certain to form, keep the bow- els open to prevent inflammation and reduce fever. Foment the udder with warm water frequently, and rub with a mixture of hartshorn and oil—equal parts. If the shivering continues, have her cover- ed with a warm blanket. The: following, administered as a drench, fre- quently effects speedy cure: Powered ginger; half ounce; crawayseed, six drams; alspice, half ounce. Mix in quart of warm water. SORE TEATS. This disease is of pesyiactis occurrence, most generally after calving, rendering the cow very dif- ficult and unpleasant to milk, by the discharge of matter from the cracks, passing through the hands and into the milk. The following will be found an effectual remedy:. Two ounées of Beeswax, one ounce of Sugar of lead, one ounce of alum and six ounces of elder ointment. Place over a fire and stir until well mix- Apply when cold by rubbing the teats each time after milking wash in warm water and castile soap i yt | PARTURITION. The process of calving is usually performed with- out difficulty; sometimes, however, cross presenta- tions take place, and sometimes a constriction of 32 CATTLE. -parts prevents the natural passage of the calf To act properly on these occasions, great patience is required and much mildness; many cows have been lost by brutal pulling; we have seen all of the men and boys of mustered to pull at arope affix- ed about acalf, partly protruded, which, when it was thus brought away, was forced to be killed, and the mother soon died also, from the protrusion of parts this brutal force brought with the calf. RELIEF. Mares and Cows frequently die in course of par- turition, when timely aid would save their lives. In hundreds of cases in which I have operated I have never yet lost an animal. The difficulties in their bringing forth their young are numerous, seme from the dam being to highly fed, others owing. to weakness, from lack of sufficient nourishment. The latter is the most prevalent. In mos: cases the young are to weak to turn them- selves, as nature intended, they should, to come forth with ease. In all such cases there is but one remedy, in which two stout men must act as accou- cheurs. They should stand the animal, one having greased his right hand and arm with lard, the oth- er bis left, and standing so that the greased arms come together. Inthis position they force their arms gently into the vagina and discover the pos- ture ofthe young. It so happens that the head is turned wrong side up, or remains back on its side, or the knees remain stiff so they will not straight- en, aS nature intended. Thus when labor and pain comes on, the young lodges against the Pelvis bone. Care. should be CASTING THE FUNDAMENT. 133 taken not to scratch with thenails. Its proper po- sition is head foremost and back upwards. The legs should be straight forward, being careful that they are under part of the head and not crossed a- . bove the neck. Then straighten the head. After the dam has rested a few minutes you can gradual- ly pull and assist when labor is on until the young is romoved. Aftera few minutes you may remove the calf-bed by holding the outer part with one hand and introducing the other hand gradually loosening the internal parts trom the folds, being careful not to scratch with your nails; then grease internally by mixing the bulk ofa hazlenut of gol- den seal with a spoonful of lard, Warm drink made of meal partly browned or scorched may be - given with good effect. . RETENTION OF AFTER BIRTH. It sometimes happens that this is retained, be- ing attached between folds or lapped around false dogs. Treat according to instructions given above. CASTING THE FUNDAMENT. It frequently occurs, that mares im* good condi tion, while with foal get foundered. In such cases inflammation of the uterus or womb frequently takes place, involving the organs of generation and in some instances, the kidney and bladder, caus- ing intense heat of the parts, which may be felt in the rectum. The uterus becomes swollen and in- flamed, producing what is termed “falling of the womb,” and the hinder parts become swollen, pro- trude and hang out endangering the life of the an- 134 CATTLE. imal. The cause ofthis is feeding rotten, mouldy fodder or straw, or rotton mouldy corn or oats. With the following treatment I have met with marked success and most heartily recommend its use. Take a small bundle of willow sprouts, dry them well, burn them to ashes and run them through a fine sieve. Wash the fundament well with castile- soap and warm water, then sprinkle on the willow ashes and turn thefundament back. Tie the tail of the cow or mare asthe case may be, fast under the belly to a circingle, or take a block of wood, bore two holes in it, one on each side, fasten it under the tail by tying two ropes in it, one on each side, then fasten it tothe circingle. Let it remain in this position for three or four hours. A GERMAN CURE FOR THE SAME. A beefs morrow bone burntin the fire and bea- ten into fine powder is a good dryer and healer, and will cause a new skin to form on any wound, when sprinkled on as the case requires. AN INDIAN CURE. ie In my practice I have thoroughly tested the fol- lowing and found it reliable. 1 teaspoonful of golden-seal; 1 teaspoonful ot gentian. Mix with four ounces of lard. Grease the fundament well before turning. Give freely of the cleansing powders to regulate the blood and liver. | AUGNe 135 INDIAN VEGETABLE CANCER CURE. _ It may appear presumptious in a man of my humble abilities to meddle in a matter in which learned surgeons, in the different parts of the world so widely differ, and in which almost all fail to effect a cure, of that dreadful malady to the hu- man family known as cancers. However, I enter the field of competition, being satisfied that in nine eases out of every ten, the following remedy, if ap- plied in time, and the preparation made according to my directions, that it will have the desired result. I am thus confident, knowing at this time of over fifty cures being effected by its application. Take a large bunch of sour sheep sorrel, wash, put into a clean linen towel and bruise thoroughly ; then squeeze out the juice with a pair of clamps, letting it drop on a piece of new zinc. Set the zine in a shady place until the juice dries to the consistency of a salve, then scrape off and put in a vial for use. Spread the salve thinly on a piece of fine linen, and apply to the part affected twice a day. In a short time the cancer will be seen to sepa- rate from the healthy flesh, but continue the plas- ter until it comes out by the reot. Then apply a salve composed as follows: Sheep suet, 2 ounces; fresh butter, 2 ounces; golden seal, $ oz.; eyebright, + 0z; mix well, melt over a slow fire, then strain through a cloth, and itis fit for use. Apply twice a day. | GERMAN VEGETABLE CURE. This is one of the best caustics I ever made use of for all deep seated ulcers, such as Fistulas or a 136 CATTLE. necrosis of the bone. It causes speedy suppura- | tion, removes proud flesh and all Fungal Tumors, Warts, Cancers, &e. I have cured several cancers, on the vagina of cattle with the following: “Peel 3 bushels of bark as follows; 1 of black oak, 1 of swamp ash, 1 of black hickory; dry the bark in the shade, then burn it to ashesin a large kettle; add soft water and boil 15 minutes; then leach and settle carefully, after which boil down slowly, until thick, then remove part of the fire and dry down slowly to potash; putin a closely stopped jar for use. HORN DISTEMPER, OR HOLLOW HORN. A disorder incident to horned cattle, by which the internal substance of the horn, (commonly call- ed the pith, which is the spongy part of the bone) wastes away, &c. This disorder may be known by a dullness in the countenance, a sluggish motion, want of appetite, a desire to lie down frequently, shake their head and appear dizzy, &c. To be sure of this disease, take a small gimblet and per- forate the horn two or three inches above the head ; if it is hollow and no blood follows, it is the hollow horn. This distemper is generally brought on by poverty. TREATMENT.—Bore the horn at the upper and lower side that the drain may have vent, and ad- minister at least two or three doses of salts or some gentle purgative; inject into the horn strong vine- gar and camphorated spirits of salt and vinegar; this will cleanse the horn and effect a cure. 137 BLOAT. This arises from different causes, cattle are sub- ject to a flatulent colic, which is not unlike that of the horse, costiveness or bloat and red-colic, which in them is called glue-bound, forubel bound, or clo- ver bound. Too free feeding on clover or green corn, is liable to produce bloat in cattle and if not promptly relieved, frequently die. It is not safe in such cases to wait the tardy action of medicine. Therefore, stabbing which should be performed skillfully and promptly is always preferable. To perform this, take a sharp pointed butcher knife and make the incision about six inches deep in the thin skin between the lower part of the hip bone and the last rib. Here the knife will enter where the Paunch is attached and where there is no mus- cles to sever, where the acids will escape giving in- stant relief. TREATMENT.—Feed dry light feed, and plenty of Cleansing Powders in a little bran or slop. INFLAMMATION, OR RED COLIC. This is by no means unknownin cattle Pathol- ogy; the symptoms of which do not differ from those common to the horse, and the treatment also, isin every respect the same. INFLAMMATION OF THE LIVER, OR HOT YELLOWS, sometimes occur, in which case, in addition to the symptoms detailed under hipatitis in the horse there is, from the presence of systic bile in the ox, amore determined yellowishness of the eyelids, 138 CATTLE. mouth, and nostrils. . The treatment must be sim- ilar. TREMBLES, OR MILK SICKNESS. This is one of the most fearful of all diseases with which the cow or horse may be affected. Its effects on the horses and cattle are equally alike. ‘Tae milk or butter from a cow that has the trembles, causes sick stomach in those who partake of it, with severe vomiting and unless speedy re- lief is afforded much may prove fatal. In my long train of practice I have been called to treat hun- dreds of cases of this kind in the quadruped, and I am happy to be able to submit to the world the on- ly successful remedy. In all such cases the stom- ach becomes surcharged with morbific agents, generated in the body by eating grass or drinking water that becomes vitiated by deleterious matter floating in the air; settling down on the vegetable or waters, poisoning them and when taken into the stomach, produces this trembling or vomiting, bringing about a derangement of “the circulatory and nervous systems. The animal hangs its head; drops its ears, and shows symptoms of acute fever. TReaATMENT.—I have cured hundreds of cases with the following: 4 ozs. of sweet oil or castor oil; 1 pt. of lard melted, add:10 drops of croton oil,and drench or give 4 drachms of calomel with the above omitting the croton oil, repeat every three hours until you get evacuation, then all is right. 139 MISCELLANEOUS. - It is stated that for several years past, there has been a great loss of cattle in the mountains of New Hampshire, from some unknown form of disease; the cattle are generally found clead, some few cases similar to this have appeared in Massachusetts, and the cattle have died from eating too much smut corn. (Pleuro Pneumonia has been very fatal for the past twelve years. Since vaccination has been practiced the loss has gradually diminished.) - I find a new disease prevails among milch cows in Frie county New York, and elsewhere. Symptoms —watery eyes, yellow water running from the in- testines, cramps; resulting in death in from 12 to 18 hours. A few cases have been saved by giving calomelin doses of from 15 to 20 grinsin cold wa- ter once in three or four hours, followed by 4 ozs. of sweet oilor castor oil until you produce evacua- tion. It is aremarkable fact that in many districts where diseases among horses and cattle have been so destructive, during the last few years it has almost entirely disappeared. The principle remedy ap- plied appears to have been a complete renovation of barns and stables, good ventilation with a free use of lime in the stalls and a regular healthy diet. MILK FEVER, may be first noticed in a cow, sometimes before. parturition, but most generally in a short time af- terwards. Its symptoms are, refusing food, pro- trusion of the eye, dulllook, heaving ofthe flanks, with general restlessness and feverish appearance. In this stage of the disease, if prompt remedies are 140 CATTLE. not applied, the animal becomes weak and unable to walk without staggering, the eye glassy, the pu- pils dilated; her hind legs, from the hips down paralyzed, and in this condition is liable to fall, never torise again, Itis known in some sections of the country as the dropping complaint. It is found that there are two varieties of this disease, one more severe than the other. In the former, the spinal cclumn is affected, delirium ap- pearing to extend to the brain; thus the stagger- ing gait and wildness of look. In this condition she becomes unable to discharge either water or the contents of the bowels. In both mild and most severe forms of this dis- ease, it has been ascertained by post mortem ex- amination that the stomachis loaded witii hard, dry indigestible matter, and much inflamed. When the secretions of milk has ceased, the case may be considered hopeless. It the animal appears lively, the eye clear, witha strong pulse, she might be bled with good results; the quantity of blood taken to depend on her strength, say from two to four quarts. The great hope however of cure is in cleansing out the stom- ach by powerful purgatives, contnue at intervals until relieved: We have found the following most efficacious in these cases: Dissolve in warm water, one pound of salts, five ounces of flour of sulphur; six drachms of ground ginger, one ounce of spirits of ether; administer in three doses, about six hours apart. If the case exhibits the symptoms of the severe type of the disease, add to the above ten drops of castor oil and one pint of lard in the first dose. If THE BLAIN. 141 this does not produce action on the bowels within reasonable time, injections should be given to coun- teract the torpor of the stomach. If the animal survives forty-eight hours, the prospect is favorable for recovery. During her sickness, the cow should be carefully nursed, kept comfortably warm and dry, with good bedding, her fore quarters well raised, and give her warm gruel as often as she will eat it. THE BLAIN.° This disease is most prevalent in Summer, and among cattle in high condition. Its symptoms are dullness, red, inflamed and watery eyes, heaving of the sides and costiveness. These indications should be tested by prompt examination of the throat, where, at the root of the tongue, if the evi- dences prove correct, will be found a number of small pustules or blisters, which increases in size rapidly from inflammation, causing a closing of the wind-pipe and consequent inward into strangula- tion. _ The nature of this disease demands prompt at- tention. If allowed torun for a day, death may ensue. Many remedies have been resorted to, all tending to the one objcct—to break the blisters, but the simplest is with a penknife, to cut each and let the glutinous and bloody matter, with which they are filled escape. Should the tongue have be- come swollen, the operation may be difficult to per- form. In such cases the entire head is feverish, and bleeding in the jaw should be resorted to, and the mouth and tongue swabbed with a mixture composed, in proportion, of one drachm of chloride 142 CATTLE. of lime toone quart of water. Ifnecessary repeat. Ifthe cutting has caused sores which do not heal - rapidly, swab with a decoction of tincture of myrrh, golden seal and water. In this, as in all cases, in which fever intervenes, care should be taken to keep the bowels free. In extreme and neglected cases, the stomach of the animal and the approach to the gullet, becomes so swollen as to render it impossible to administer medicine, or the animal to partake of food. In such cases, we recommend the use of a piece of half inch india-rubber passed below the wind-pipe, by which, with the use of a funnel, both food and medicine may be given. Ifasmall pump ean be attached, so much the better. Every farm- er should have an apparatus of this kind. It is easy of construction, very simple and costs but a trifle. “THE BLOOD, OR BLOODY MURRAIN. The symptoms of this disease are high fever, cos- tiveness, dullness, restleness, etc., as decided in the preceeding cases, with the exception, that the evac- uations from the bowels, are high col- ored and mixed with blood, we believe 1t to be more prevalent in new countries, rich and uncultivated soils, yielding a luxuriant growth of grass, than in the older states. | In Ohio and other Western states some thirty years ago, almost entire herds were carried off by its fatal ravages. It was generally confined to young animals in good condition, and most fre- quently in Summer, when grass was most luxuri- ant. We have known it to be very fatal even a- THE BLOOD, OR BLOODY MURRAIN. 143 mong old cattle, while stall feeding at other sea- sons ofthe year. Its attacks are sometimes very common on cattle removed from poor farms to those yielding a profusion of nutricious and stimulating herbage. Some farmers attribute its causes to the rapid spring of verdure in the early summer, after a severe winter with scant feed. Its ravages were very fatalin England over one hundred and _ fifty years ago when 70,000 head of cattle died from it in one year, and the first account we have of it in this country, was in 1768. A celebrated physician ofthat day in describing its virulence and fatal ef- fects, says, “The disease wasepidemic. It depen- ded on some atmospheric influence which we are unable to understand; but at the same time it was contagious, and that to a very great degree. If it once appeared on a farm, almost all the cattle were sure to be affected; yet it was ascertained that the power of infection did not extend more than a few yards; and that a fence alone often separated the dead from the living. The murrain seemed mostly confined to cattle, for horses and sheep, and swine and dogs, lived in the midst of the infection and escaped, “and even some neat cattle seemed to possess a security from infection.” We fortunately of late years know little of this terrible scourge in the United States, and should we ever be visited by it again, Veterinary science has made rapid progress, and its students attained such skill in. their profession, that there is reason for hope that its virulence would be confined to com- paratively small loss. _ The first efiort:in attempting to effect: a cure, should be to abate the fever and produce action on the bowels: Blood should be drianed freely, and 144 | CATTLE. in quantity as the strength of the animal will ad- mit. Ifthe blood flows easily and is of natural col- or, the prospect of recovery is good. In most cases of this kind, the greatest difficulty is in causing adischarge from the bowels, and the most effective agent we have ever tried to bring a- bout this desirable result, was one pound of salts, one ounce of salt peter, well dissolved and given in two quarts of warm mealand water. In four hours after give one pint of linseed oil, and again in two hours another pint of oil, continuing the oil until the bowels freely discharge. We have cured some cases of murrain, exhibit- ing all the worst symptoms of the disease by these simple remedies and haveno fear of the result when taken in time. If the disease is arrested, the animal should be fed for some days on soft food, bran or corn meal mashes etc., until the stomach has regained its former strength and disuse for the . aceustomed aliment. INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER, is of two kinds, of the bladder proper and of the neck of the bladder, the former caused by eatied noxious weeds and the latter, sometimes from colds and eating acid herbs. Inflammation in the neck of the bladder causes such a revolting of the patsas to render passage of the urine almost impossible, while the desire to do so is evinced by constant effort, apparently giving great pain to the animal. The symptoms in such attacks are, loss of appetite, quick pulse, constant straining and heaving of the flanks. The best rem- edy in the case of inflammation of the neck of the INFLAMMATION OF THE BLADDER. 145 bladder isif possible to remove, which sometimes can be done by copious bleeding to lower the sys- tem. Should this fail to produce the desired _re- sult, the catheter must be resorted to, and the oper- ation should be performed by a skillful Veterina- ry Surgeon. With acowit is easily accomplished; but in an ox, from the curvature of the penis, it is a difficult matter. Some Surgeons slit open the uretha behind the bag, and so pass the instrument into the bladder, while others puncture the bladder through the rectum, and some through the belly; but all ofthese systems to give relief are objection- able and may terminate fatlly. A more effectual and simple way in the case of an ox is, to introduce the hand into the rectum and with a gentle pressure on the bladder, the contents may be forced out without danger. In cases of inflammation ofthe bladder proper, the animal should be bled and purged; but no medicine to act on the kidneys given. The following may be administered with good effect: Antimonial powder, 2 drachms; powdered opi- um, onescruple; blend welltogether and mix with a quart of gruel, repeating the dose twice a day until the urine passes freely. STONE IN THE BLADDER. This is a common disease in cattle, more partic- ularly in the ox, because ofthe smallness and curv- ed form of the uretha, causing the detention of sol- id matter, little sand and gravel taken in while grazing. The symptoms of stone, are a frequent turning of 146 7 CATTLE. the head to the flank, a trembling of the hind limbs, and an effort to urinate. The removal of stone from the bladder is a very difficult matter and can only be accomplished by a skillful Veterinary Surgeon well versed in the anat- omy of cattle, and even with such assistance the re- sult would be doubtful. On discovering the actual presence of stone, if the animalis in god condi- tion, the best plan to save expences and loss, is to slaughter him at once, as no medicine will dissolve it. DISEASES OF THE EYE. Opthalmia, so prevalent in other animals is of rare occurrence in neat cattle. The ox, however, is subject to injuries in the eye, and in such cases, of a more serious character, bathing, fomentations and cooling medicine will effect a cure. Oxen ure also subject to tumors, and often bony excresences about the orbit, or the bone around the eye, which only can be removed by the use of the knife, and even then, not permanently, as they sometimes, like warts are apt to grow out again if not properly treated. In case of soreness of the eyelid, which, not only looks bad, but is a great source of annoyance, a solution of white vitril, one drachm to a pint of rain water, scarcely fails to ef- fect a cure. In more intricate cases, the nitrated ointment of quick silver, applied to the part with- out touching the eye, will have the desired effect. Warts may be cut off with a knife, immediately ap- plying a little lunar caustic to the part, which pre- vents them coming again. When the horse receives dust, or even small DISEASES OF THE EYE. 147 particles of gravel in theeye. Nature has provi- ded him with the means of getting rid of it first by wiping the surface with the haw, a small gristly substance, growing under the nether eyelid and washing with his tears. The haw not being so prominent in the ox, he frequently suffers much from these causes and often blindness ensues. Ex- cressences of fungour growth often appear on the eyelid, which in time, if neglected, cover the entire vision, causing intense inflammation and _ total blindness speedily follows. In the several cases named bleeding from the jugular vein, is generally resorted to wtih good results. A dose of Cleansing Powders every other day for a week, with occasion- al fomentations, and bathing the eye with a lotion, composed of the following ingredients: Extract of goulard, spirituous tincture of digi- talis, and tincture of opium, two drachms, mixed in apint of rain water. In more inveterate or | chronic cases, white vitrol, one scruple, spirits of wine, one drachm, mixed in soft water and applied as before in most instances prove effective. Should inflammation and the fungous excresen- ces continue, touch them lightly with a solution of nitrate of silver. A-seaton made of black hellebone root, or a cord well soaked in turpentine, inserted in the dewlap, — or flesh that hangs from throat, is always beneficial. HOVE, OR HOVEN. This is a frequent complaint among cattle in the Summer season, from eating too much green food, such as clover and other rank vegetation, causing excessive inflation from the gas generated 148 CATTLE. inthe stomach by fermentation. It frequent!y oceurs wien cattle are removed from poor pastures into those of better quality, and sometimes, but in a milder form and without such changes of pasture. Swelling of the paunch is common among weakly cows, Owing to generation of gas by fermentation from acidious matter in the stomach are like dis- tentions often following calving. Animals thus attacked must be speedily relieved orthey will die, and as medicine is scarcely prompt enough in its action to cause discharge from the bowels, the only remedy seems to be the knife. The paunch being so distendedthere is scarcely any diffiulty in performing the operation. Pass your open hand from the hip bone forward to the ribs and the stomach may be felt; here insert a sharp pocket-knife from three to four inches, mak- ing the orifice of sufficient extent toadmit the es- caping gas to pass. We have known an incision made large enough to admit the hand ofa man to remove the contents. Leave the cavity open for some time that ail gas may escape. If the opening is large, a few stitches will draw the parts together, and they will soon heal. In mild cases of this character, when the indica- tions first appear, if the animal is made to run on a lively trot, the shaking of the stomach often pro- duces the desired result. Betore resorting to the cutting process, if the an- imal does not appear to be too much distressed, give one and a half ounce of hartshorn in a quart of water. Potash, limestone, sulphuric ether and other neutralizers of gaseous matter have been giv- en sometimes with almost magical effect, the dis- tended stomach in a very brief period of time as. CHOKING. 149 suming its usual proportions. CHOKING. Cattle are very liable to choke from eating corn, apples or potatoes. The attendant appearances are great effort to cough up whatever it may be, and generally, a copious discharge of saliva from the mouth. Suffocation will speedily ensue if relief is not promptly given. The location of the obstruc- tion should at once be ascertained, and if at the mouth of the gullet, it can be readily removed bv the hand. Iflower down, then try to force it on- ward into the stomach, which may be accomplished with a flexible rod, resembling the limber handle of a whip, first lubricating the throat with a pint of oil or melted lard. In theevent of failure in these efforts, the only alternative is tomake an incision through the skin, longitudinally into the throat ot sufficient dimensions to remove the substance; im- mediately afterwards carefully sewing “up the wound. Operations of this kind should never be resorted to only in desperate cases. If skillfully performed, all will be well. 7 LOCKED JAW. This disease is not of frequent occurrence in cat- tle, but more generally in oxen, and frequently from an injury to the foot, which may pass unno- ticed for some time and result in Locked Jaw. The symptoms are stiffness of the joints, neck-and ears, unsteady gait, walk unusually wide behind, and tremulous motion ofthctail. In this condition the animal may linger for many days without being 150 CATTLE. able to eat a morsel, and will finally die from star- vation. Immediately on the complaint being discovered, he should be copiously bled to cause a relaxation of the muscles, when immediately administer the fol- lowing: One ounceanda half of Barbadoes aloes, ten grains of the Kernel of croton nut, powdered; dis- solve in a small quantity of boiling water, and give when cool. Should this cause a discharge from the bowels, give One drachm of camphor, grated into one ounce of spirits of wine; one drachm of powdered opium. Mix with gruel, and repeat three times a day, in the mean time keeping the bowels free with salts or aloes. If not entirely relieved, bleeding should be again resorted to, even to such an extentas to cause the animal to reel and stagger from weakness. In thts condition he must be kept very warm by heavy blanketing. If he inclines to eat give him bran orcorn meal mashes. If the muscles still re- main rigid drench with warm thin gruel. If it is yet found impossible to open the mouth, the med- icine and gruel should be given by injection. POISON. _ When Vegetation commences in the Spring, cat- tle frequently get poisoned from eating poisoncus weeds, hemlock. buckeye, crows-foot, dropwort, yew, etc. The symptoms in each case vary. The animal generally moans, suddenly becomes stupid and ex- WOUNDS. 151 hibits great pain, often delerious, and sometimes the stomach becomes swollen. The first object should be to get rid of the poisonous matter, either by drenching copiously with warm water to cause sickness of the stomach. Then give Barbadoes aloes, powdered croton nut etc., as directed in case of lockedjaw. Moderate bleeding is sometimes re- sorted too with good results. When the poison seems to be evacuated, give One ounce of caraway powder, half ounce of gen- tian, powdered; half ounce of ground ginger and twenty drops of essence of peppermint in a little warm water. . | WOUNDS. All kinds of cattle are liable to wounds, and their treatment requires more care than great. skill, ex- cept in a joint. In the first place remove all dirt and subdueany inflammation which may have ta- ken place by fomentation with warm water. Ifthe wound is a simple cut, draw the parts carefully to- gether and sew it up; if lacerated and the flesh mangled and torn, these parts should be cut away with a sharp knife, and bring the skin together as closely as possible, and held in that posi- tion either by sewing, adhesive straps or bandage. If the :atter place a little clean soft tow under the bandage. This dressing should not be removed for two or three days. Ifthe wound looks healthy, dress with ointment, composed ofthe following: Lard, two pounds; rosin, half a pound; melt to- gether, and when partly cool, stir in half a pound of finely powdered calamine. Should proud flesh appear, wash with a strong solution of blue vitrol. 152 CATTLE. In case oi protruded wound, use fomentations of march mallows, or poppy herds boiled in water for a few days to allow inflammation, and inject a tincture of aloes and myrrh into the wound twicea day. Should the wound be deep, and the pus can- not escape, a seaton should be inserted below to dzaw it off. In cases of tumors on a horses shoulder from the action of collar bathe with a solution of common salt, or sal ammoniac. Ifnot too far advanced. this may answer very well. If otherwise, make a lotion of the following and rub the parts gently with it: Four ounces of bay salt, oue pint of vinegar, one quart of water, one drachm of oil of organum. Ifthe tumor increases in size, a seaton should be inserted running from the top to the lower part. In case of joint wounds in either cattle or horses, and especially when the joint itself is penetrated, or laid open from any cause. First wash the part carefully, removing all dirt, when it may be neces- sary to use the probe to ascertain if a bone is frac- tured. If doubt exists as to this, a poultice should be applied, not only to allay inflammation, but to ascertain if a fracture has taken place; if so, the discharge on the poultice will be a yellowish fluid, or joint water. This discharge must be immedi- ately stopped, and the best way to accomplish this is to bind together a small comperers on the part, covering the wound and not remove it for many day s. Should this not succeed, resort must be had to ironing, thus: Heat red hot an iron rod and draw it lightly across the wound, searing the en- tire surface It may be nessary to again repeat this operation, but in nine cases out of ten, the first will suffice. The sore may after a day or two be ANGLE BERRIES. 153 treated as a common wound. In all joint wounds, moderate bleeding and a dose of Cleansing Powders should be given to al- lay fever and inflammation. _ ANGLE BERRIES. This is a species of wart which grows on the eye- lids of cattle and the teats of cows. If attended to early and touched with nitre of silver, they will soon disappear- If of full growth, tie a thread of waxed silk firmly round the base, and tighten ev- ery day. They will soon drop off. FOUL FOOT. This complaint is incident to cattle being pas- tured long on marshy land, or in oxen driven on hard stony roads, resembling quittor in the horse. It is very painful and causes lameness. It gener- ally first appears between the toes, causing great inflammation and a discharge of offensive stinking matter. It is sometimes very obstinate, and should be treated in time, before it extends to the coronet, between the hair and hoof, descending down under the horn of the hoof. Immediately on discovering the complaint keep the animal on dry ground, clean out the hoof and pare off all the loose horn and proud flesh, if any. Then dress with butyor of antimony. With good care and at- tention to cleanliness it will soon be cured. If swelling or inflammation take place, peultice with flaxed meal. Bleeding and a dose of Cleansing Powders may be uscd with good effect. 154 CATTLE. MANGE. This disease frequently attacks cattle after poor feeding in water. The complaint is contagious and the animal should be removed from others, The symptoms are recognized by the hide-bound appearance, scurvness of the skin and looseness of the hair. Make an ointment of the following, and rub daily with the hand all the effected parts: One pound of flour of Sulphur, two ounces of mercurial ointment, half a pound of common. tur- pentine, half a poundof lead. Melt the lead oint- ment and turpentine together, and while cooling stir in the sulphur. A dose of Cleansing Powders will be a great ser- vice to the animal. WARBLES. These insects are very annoying to cattle. They are impregnated by the gad or ox-fly perforating the skin of the animal, over the loins or back, and there depositing an egg, which produces the warble or maggot. The location of the warble is easily discovered by passing the hand over the animal by > the unevenes of the skin, the place where the warble is located, resembling a tumor about the size of a hazel nut. Each tumor has an opening at the tep, covered over by a scab, which can be easily removed by rubbing. SPAYING, OR ALTERING. Too little attention is paid to Spaying, or Alter- ing calves at the proper time. Bulls should never SPAYING, OR ALTERING. 155 be allowed to go beyond two weeks from the time of birth, although many farmers defer that opera- tion until they are ayear old. This is bad econo- my; if neglected until that age they become stag- gish, having arough appearance, thick bone and will never bring within twenty-five per cent. of the price of a clean, nice, smooth animal gelted at the proper time. When altered young, but little skill is requisite in the operator, while if allowed to run for a year, the operation is frequently attended with loss.of life if unskilfully performed. It is a very common practice, and a bad one too, to cut the end of the sack, if the animals are old and strong, they are liable to bleed profusely. The best plan at all ages, is to slit it on each outside, from near the top down to the bottom; draw out the testicle and scrape the cord up close and cut it off. In spaying of heifers, practice and confidence in your ability to perform the operation are essen- tially requisite. The operation is similar to that of spaying sows, in which a good knife, rather round- ing at the point, a spaying needle and a supply of good shoe thread is necessary. Take the heifer lay on a board or the ground right sidedown, with assistant to hold. Then feel for the end of the hip bone, shave the hair off with your knife, make an incission through the skin one inch below, and in a right line downward one inch; then cut the inside flesh lengthwise, making a hole sufficiently large to introduce your fore finger, reaching up toward the back bone, remove the “pride” and cut it off close to the “calf bed.’’ Then follow the “calfbed”’ with your finger to the opposite end, where you will find the other “pride,” which cut in like manner. Now replace the “calf bed,” grease with hogs lard 156 : CATTLE, and sew up rather slack, but strong, leaving room for all matter that may gather to escape. The proper age is from two weeks to two years old, the earlier period however is preferable for reasons heretofore mentioned in this connection. TO ESTIMATE THE WEIGHT OF CATTLE. The farmer often suffers loss by his lack of knowledge in estimating the weight of cattle, an art in which experienced drovers and butchers are so well versed as to give them an advantage over him in the sale ofstock. We append the following method, by means of which the weight of cattle may be so nearly ascertained, as to vary, if any-_ TO ESTIMATE THE WEIGHT OF CATTLE. 157 thing; but a mere trifle when put upon scales of the most accurate mark: With a tape line, or common string that will not stretch, and rule, measure the girth of the animal just behind the shoulder-blade, and in the same manner obtain the length from the bone of the tail along the back to the fore part of the shoulder blade, multiply the given measure of each together; then multiply the result by 23, the number of pounds allowed to the superficial foot, you will have the weight. For example, the girth is 6ft. 8 inches. Length Dies Sue “ Result 32 feet. Multiply by 23 96 64 Net weight 736 pounds. When an animal measures less than 9 and even 7 feet in girth, the number of pounds to the super- ficial foot is 31. ‘Any farmer with common sense can understand this, and if he is cheated by greater experts in the art, it is his own fault. Smaller animals, hogs &c., measuring say 2 feet in girth, and 2 feet from shoulder to tail, the re- sult is Multiply by | the number of pounds tothe superficial foot of an- imals measuring less than 3 feet in girth. Weight ofanimal. 4ft, 11 X 44 pounds. The rule invariably works so accurately that it is 158 | CATTLE. safe for any one, with an experienced eye, to either buy or sell by it. CALVES. A few hints on the care of calves from their birth, the diseases to which they are subject, and their treatment, we deem of importance in this connec- tion, and recommend every farmer, whose desire should be to raise healthy cattle to pursue atten- tively each, under its proper title in the following pages: BIRTH. At or before the time of birth, according to the season, the cow should be provided with a proper place, clean, dry, well littered and. comfortably warm if the weather is bad, but, if in the Summer season, a pasture apart from other cattle will ans- wer as well. After the calf is dropped and it ap- pears to ordinary strength, it should be left entire- ly to the care of its dam, until licked dry and clean. This, not only benefits the calf, but the mother in eating the cleansing, phich acts as a physic, soon discharges all foul matter, a longer detention, of which, ‘would render her feverish, consequently her milk bad, and injure the calf. The most expe- rienced cattle raisers take from the cow before the calf i8 allowed to suck, a small quantity of milk, lest it might purge the caf; the calf then having liberty to suck all it may desire for at least three or four days, unless the cow has a greater abun- dance of milk than it should have, and in that e- vent a part should be drawn off In case of an BLEEDING FROM THE NAVEL. _ 159 over supply of milk, and the calf is strong and able to take it, he may gorge his stomach and become sick, and if weak and notable to take it all, the milk will remain in the udder, coagulate and cause hardness, fever, soreness and consequent damage to the cow. After the third or fourth day it is advisable to keep the cow and calf apart, allowing it access to the cow three times a day, and at each time a por- tion of the milk, according to supply, it at that stage being fit for use, should be drawn, the calf allowed the first. The frequent sucking from the bumping of the calf’s head, causes a more free dis- charge of milk, rendersthe bag soft, by the pre- vention of secretions of milk, causing kernels in the bag; which become sore and painful and make the cow difficult to milk. The calf should not be exposed to wet or cold. BLEEDING FROM THE NAVEL. Calves sometimes bleed from the naval string, and if copious and not immediately stopped will speedily end in death. Should such take place, tie up close to the body with a strong thread. Should inflammation ensue, foment with hot water and rub gently with the hand around the part. If the inflammation cannot thus be subdued, it will become necessary to poultice to produce suppura- tion, which may at the proper time be discharged by the use of a sharp pen-knife. » DIARRHEA. Young calves are very subject to this complaint 160 CATTLE. from various causes, in the majority of cases caus- ed by exposure to wet and cold, feeding gruel, sour milk, starvation etc., and in most cases the animal runs down so rapidly that cure becomes difficult. In such cases the matter discharged is frequently accompanied by a bloody, and often fited mucus with but little of the natural substance. Prompt measures should be taken to stop the cause of this trouble, by cleansing the bowels and stomach of all acidity and asisting the too frequent purgations. To effect this, in the first place give from two to three ounces, according to strength and age of the animal, of caster oil, and shortly af- ter give the following astringent: Two drachms of prepared chalk, ten grains of powered opium, halfadrachm of catechu, half a drachm of ground ginger and five drops of the es- sence of peppermint. Mix in halfa pint of gruel. The above may be repeated twice a day until the discharge becomes natural. Should the discharges cause straining and appar- ent pain, an injection of a pint of blood warm gru- el, mixed witha drachm of powdered opium, will have a good effect. In cases ofthis character in- flammation of the bowels is frequent and this may be determined by the animals unweariness, getting up, lying down, dryness and heat of the mouth, ete. If the animal is very weak, recovery is almost hopeless, but, if strong enough, it would be advyis- able to bleed to the extent of one pint. Starch is often administered with good results. COSTIVENESS. Calves, a few days after birth are subject to cos- HOOSE, OR COUGH. 161 tiveness, caused by suffering it to suck too much etc. The most effectual remedy we know when young is to administer epsom salts in ounce doses, dissolved in warm water, every six hours until re- lieved. . Constipation of the bowels in cattle, either young or old, if not at once counteracted, is most dan- gerous, causing fever and other serious com- plaints. A little care and attention in this matter, may prevent most serious loss. They should be watched and as soon as the dung is observed to be hard and dry, a dose of purgative medicine should be given, in quantity as age and strength may justify. Epsom salts is most advisable, but com- mon salt and water will answer. HOOSE, OR COUGH. The presence of this disease may be ascertained by violent coughing, and, as it is said to be conta- gious, the animal should be immediately removed from other stock, and placed under tolerably warm shelter. Ina post mortem examination of a case of this kind, should the wind pipe and air tubes be filled with small worms, said to be engendered by drinking water in which the leaves are deposited; taken into the stomach, absorbed by the blood ves- sels and thus enter the windpipe. Ina majority of cases, if taken in time, moderate bleeding, follow- ed by a mild purgative and a fever powder will ef- fecta cure. Should the case be an extreme one, exhibiting the worst symptoms, the following, for animals from six to twelve months old is an excel- lentremedy. - One ounce of oil of turpentine, three or four 162 CATTLE. ounces of linseed oil, one drachm of ground ginger. Mix and repeat once a week as may be necessary. _. CANKER IN THE MOUTH. During the cutting of teeth, canker in the mouth is not an unfrequent disease incalves. It is ac- companied by soreness of the gums, with pimples, which extend to the membrane of the mouth, which often run together, causing considerable ul- ceration, swelling of the gums and tongue and fe- ver, with consequent.inability of the ealf to eat. The most advisable treatment is first to cleanse the bowels, with doses of epsom salts of two ounces each, repeating daily until all inflammation is al- layed. In the mean time, wash the mouth frequent- ly with asolution of alum and water. CHAPTER, XI. SPEAR eae 8 ess Ly mys 1 Js monet pa rata rea .2) a PS SHEEP. bn e iar ag te AS > oY fo) 42D Sgr ts) S a ‘am os {is cer 85 ich ea 2 Pr oO hn ar a eon soo 3° g 5 a: | = 8 164 SHEEP. the farmer as an improver of his lands, independ- ent of their pecuniary profit from’ fleece and ani- mal increase. It is a fault well known to all farm- ers, that sheep subdue allcoarse plants from their pasture, and will bring up a run-down farm sooner than any other kind of stock. They like variety, and if properly fed will return more value in flesh than any otber of our domestic animals. Itis gen- erally conceded that an average quality of yews fairly kept, will yield four pounds of clean wool annually and onelamb; and indeed itis held, that not only in keeping down the growth of all noxious weeds, briars and other underbrush, that they ful- ly compensate for what they eat. With this brief introduction, we shall proceed to notice in detail the care of sheep, the diseases to which they are subject, their cure, and such oth- er matters as may occur to us, as being of interest to the farmer, or sheep raiser. The average age of sheep is ten years, but with care as to feeding and health they often extend that and continue their annual increase. The fe- male goes with young twenty-one weeks. BREEDS. Of the great variety of breeds introduced into this country from time to time, there is scarcely any one breed at the present day, owing to the con- stant crossing of each, that can lay claim to orig- inal blood. Of the different varieties, we will name the Spanish and Saxor Merino; the Leices- ter or Bakewold; the South-Doun; the Cotswold, the Cheviot and Lincoln. 165 THE SPANISH MERINO. Of these there are several varieties, differing in form, size, quality of wool. They are generally es- timated as a hardy breed, and thrive well on our soil and climate. They were originally introduc- ed from France and Spain. The former is large bodied, short-legged and yields a heavy fleece; the latter smaller, less hardy, yielding a finer grade of wool, and less in quantity. The flesh of those two varieties, when allowed to attain a proper age; not less than three years, is of fine flavor and short-grained. THE SAXON MERINO. There are few of the full blood ofthis breed in the country, having been crossed and recrossed until they have nearly lost their identity. The mixed breeds thus produced, particularly those crossed with the Spanish Merino, yields a wool equal in texture to the former. . In body and fleece they are lighter, are not quite as hardy, and re- quire more care, with better feeding and shelter in winter. THE NEW LEICESTER. The principle recommendations of this celebra- ted breed, according to Mr. Culley, the great Eng- lish sheep breeder, are its beauty and fullness of form, in the same apparent dimensions greater weight than any other sheep, an early maturity and a propensity to fatten equaled by no other breed; a diminution of the proportion of wool and the return of the most money for the food consum- 166 SHEEP. ed. After the first shearing the fleece will average six pounds of woolof generally six inchesin length, an excellent combing wool, for carpets, or other coarse fabrics, but seldom usedin the manufacture of clothes. In English markets the mutton is much appreciated, and commands the highest price. In this country, except on rich pastures they are not considered a profitable breed. THE SOUTH DOWN. | This breed does not rate high as wool producers, which in point of length is of the medium class. It is hardy, and stands our climate well. In Eng- land it matures atthe age of two years, when it will generally average from eighty to one hundred pounds of meat to the carcass. It is easily kept, and is considered very profitable. | THE COLTSWOLD. This is one of the largest and heayy wooled sheep we have; the length sometimes reaching from six to eight inches, and the fleece weighing from seven to eight pounds. .The mutton is of superior quality. ‘The ewes are very prolific and good nurs- es, and the young mature at an early, age. THE CHEVIOT. The Cheviot is, as yet, but little known in this country. It is is however well adapted. to the cli- mate; capable of enduring much cold and existing upon but little food. » of small bone, well pro- THE LINCOLN. 167 portioned, fattens easily, and produces a fine, but short aaa, of wool. THE LINCOLN. This breed derives its name from having been first bred in. Lincolnshire, England, over sixty years ago. The mutton is coarse grained. They are remarkable for their long wool and heavy fleec- es, three year pld well kept weathers, said to pro- duce fleeces weighing from eight to fourteen pounds each, the carcass from eighty to one hundred and twenty pounds net. “MANAGEMENT. The management of sheep, more particularly in the winter season, should be left entirely to the judgment of their owner. In good open fair weath- er, they will thrive and keep in good health better in the openair. But, during snow andrain storms, they should be proy ided with open, dry and clean sheds to take shelter under, otherwise, with all the food that may be given, they will lose flesh, _and before the opening of Spring many are likely tu die. FEEDING. In open dry weather, as we said before, sheep will do better in the open air; they will pick up their hay or other feed clean from the frozen or dry ground, when, if the land is soft and muddy, they will scarcely touch it. They should be provided with moyable racks for coarse food, so that when 168 SHEEP. the ground gets tramped up, it can be moved a- bout from one place to another, and troughs, from which to eat their meal or grain. Sheaf oats, with short straw, is excellent food and highly relished by them. Either corn or oats, when other food is given, should be supplied spareingly. By judi- cious feeding with grain, the fleece is largely in- creased in weight Every sheep owner should har- vest some oats before it becomes fulty ripe for his sheep. It is more nutricious and sweet, and they like it better in that state. When the weather will admit, and grass 1s fresh and green, they will pre- fer to run on pasture, but nevertheless, they should have some grain each day to keep them in good condition. We have fed turnips with good advan- tage in Winter, but they should be kept where, and fed when they will not freeze. SALT AND WATER. Sheep at all seasons should be supplied with salt once a week while running on grass, but of- tener in wintr when being fed on dry food; it aids in digestion. A little sulphur mixed with it an- swers a very good purpose. In Summer, when grass is young and juicy, and dews are frequent, sheep will get along very well without water. At allother seasons they should have free access to pure clean water. They are very particular, and do not relish foul or stagnant water. | 169 SHADE. It is very important to provide sheep with suffi- cient shade during the hot months of Summer; otherwise they will lose flesh by running from one place to another to escape the scorching rays of the sun. Trees answer the purpose best, but in their absence temporary bound sheds will answer well.” LAMBING. Every prudent stock raiser should manage to have his lambs come at a season when the weath- er is expected to be pleasant. This of course de- _ pends on the latitude. In the South it is not very material when, but in the North, from the middle to the latter part of April is the best time. At this season generally, the young grass is begining to spring up, and will increase the ewe’s milk.— Early grass should be reserved for this purpose. It the weather is genial and pleasant, the open dry pasture is bestfor lambing. Ifitcan be avoided ewes In large numbers should never be housed at this period; they are apt to get separated, the lambs run over, and if the weather is cold, perish before they are discovered. WEANING. It is agreat mistake toallow a healthy, strong lamb to run with the ewe after it is four months old. It is better that it should be then weaned, otherwise the dam will become weakened and the lamb not benefited by further nursing. When 170 SHEEP. separated, the lambs should be removed to a dis- tant, fresh pasture, where they cannot hear each others bleating, causing be restless. .An old tame ewe or two turned into the field with them will tend to keep them quiet, | In order that the ewes may godry assoon as pos- sible, keep them on short allowance of food, for a few days, andif the udder becomes swollen from the quantity of milk, it should be drawn off and the bag washed and rubbed to softness. When entire- ly dry, put them in good pasture to regain their usual condition. CASTRATION AND DOCKING. If the lamb is healthy, at the age of two weeks emasculation and docking should take place. The operation is simple and easily performed. It is best that two men should do the work to prevent the lamb from struggle. One man hold the ani- mal firmly down, with his four legs drawn togeth- erand forward. .The operator prepared with a sharp knife, may then slit open the bag on each outside from top to bottom, so as to admit of the testical being drawn gently out loosen the scrotum from the lower end scrape the cord well up to the small part with the knife and cut it off. We have known many fine lambs greatly disfig- ured by want of judgment in docking. Some cut to short, while others do exactly the 1 reverse; eith- er will mar the appearance of the animal. From two to two and a half inches is the proper length. Before severing the joint, draw the skin back, so that when cut, it will form a covering for the end. In cold weather no application is necessary, but, DISEASES AND CURES. - Tit if warm, smear the parts ath. tar; it will will ans- wer the double purpose of accelerating the healing process and keeping off flies. Thus much in the different herds of sheep and their treatment, we shall proceed to notice their DISEASES AND CURES. In the treatment of sheep for the various diseas- es to which they are subject, the same medicines, but in lesser quantities, are applicable to them as to cattle; their internal structure nearly alike; the deseases ‘of both, bearing great resemblance to each other in their nature, cause, progress and treatment. The difference in the quantity of medicine to be ad- ministered to sheep is from one sixth to one eighth part of the usual dose for cattle. When bleeding has to be resorted to, the quantity of blood taken will depend on the size and strength of the animal, and nature of the disease. From a full grown sheep, a pint, and a lamb one quarter ofthat quantity will suffice.. The blood should be drawn from the jugu- lar vein. ‘There is not a more destructive disease among sheep, particularly young lambs than that of - ~~ DIARRHEA. Lambs are frequently attacked with it when not over a day, but oftenera week, and from that to three months old, .When very young, the chance of recovery is small, but with those of more ad- vanced age and strength, care and proper treat- ment will bring them through. The causes of di- arrhea are various, exposure to cold and wet weath 172 | SHEEP. er, want of proper support, and not unfrequently the mothers milk seems to disagree with the lamb. In such cases achange of food is desirable. It al- so may be owing to feverin the ewe, causing her milk to be purgative and unwholesome, when the following should be given to the ewe, which will likewise benefit the lamb: Two ounces of Epsom salts, a quarter ounce of ground caraway seed, dissolve the salts in a pint of thin water gruel and mix. Should the foregoing not check the disease, the following, mixed with alittle thin starch and wa- ter, should be given the lamb promptly night and morning: One drachm of compound of chalk and opium, a scruple of gentian and three drops of essence of pepermint, If the purging should continue, it is in most cases advisable to take the lamb from the ewe and feed on boiled cow’s milk, let cool off and mix with one pint a scruple of powdered chalk. This is sufficient for each meal, feeding regular- ly three times aday. It is always best when a lamb is thus attacked to dock the tail, if that op- eration has not previously been performed. If the lamb is two or three months old, the med- icine named should be increased in proportion. COSTIVENESS. This dieease frequently attacks sheep and should be speedily remedied. It is generally an indica- tion of existing or approaching fever, the evidence of which is restlessness, heat of the mouth, foul breath and heaving of the flanks. Bleeding in pro- STAGGERS. 173 portion to age and strength should be resorted to, and give two ounces of Epsom salts in a little gru- el, repeating the dose every six hours until the de- sired effect is attained. Should the animal refuse to eat, drenches of eru- el will afford sufficient nourishment: but in the mean time the bowels must be kept free. STAGGERS. The most thriity in the flock are sometimes at- tacked with this disease, the presence of which, may be decided by heaving of the flanks, standing still, with head protruded; or unsteady walk, and frequently attended with costiveness. Bleeding should be promptly resorted to, and give the fol- lowing dose mixed with gruel twice a day until re- lieved: _ One scruple of powdered digitalis, ten grains of emetic tartar and two drachms of nitre. FOOT ROT. _ This destructive disease in sheep is likened to the human small-pox, and independently of all ex- terior influences or of the individual constitution of the animal, attacking young as well as old, heal- thy as well as sick, its devastations are equally fa- tal. 7 The more common breeds of sheep are not so li- able to its attacks, as their hoofs are of coarser texture, while the frame of the finer breeds, partic- ularly the Spanish Merino, is not so well fitted to resist the disease. Its causes are attributed to wet pasture tending to soften the foot, or standing in 174 SHEEP. filthy yards or stables. The locality of the disease is in the capsule of the foot; in mild cases, only the parts above the capsule are effected. Numer- ous remedies, such as acids and caustics have been tried with but indifferent results. The proper treatment is tocut out with a small sharp knife all the lose born which is separated from the hoof and is suffused white matter; the object being to lay bare the diseased suppurating substances, ‘and to destroy the infectious matter on them. For this purpose chloride of lime is the most rapid and efii- cacious of all remedies. It should be applied to the diseased parts, the cleft fillen with tow, and the foot bandaged to keep it clean and protect it from irritation. ~The diseased hoofs should be examin- ed daily, the chloride of lime again applied and re- bandage as long as may be necessary. Two or three such applications generally effect a cure. The pain and lameness soon disappear; the skin be- comes thicker and more compact, every day form- ing the new horn. The foot-rot being a purely lo- cal disease, internal remedies are wholly useless.— When the lameness has disappeared and a firm horn renewed, the sheep can be returned to the healthy flock, before which it isrecommended, that he should be made to stand in a trough of water, in which is mixed a pound of chloride ot lime to each pail of water. Any virus clinging tothe hoof is thus destroyed. The sheep can be kept stand- ing in the water by the erection of a aot ort fence around the trough. 175 RED-W ATER. - This disease is frequent among sheep in ‘the most thriving condition. Sometimes itis sudden inits attack and speedily fatal. Its first symp. toms are refusal to eat, slow to move, panting and restless. It ismore common among lambs and generally appears in the Spring. The first remedy is bleeding. Then to ful! grown animals give the following dose reduced from one four th to one half for lambs: ‘One ounce of Epsom salts, one palin of cround ginger; one drachm of gentian, one ounce of linseed oil. Mix with a small-quantity of warm water. If the animal should progress favorably, a change of pasture would be advisable. THE BLOOD: The first symptoms of an attack by this disease are dullness, hanging head, bloodshot eyes, with ‘considerable heaving of the flanks and staggering gait. Ifneglected, a few hours will terminate in death. It is more frequent in Spring and warm weather. Bleeding promptly and freely is tue on- ly hope. A simple purgative of two ounces of ep- som salts administered every second hour until the bowels are thoroughly cleansed should be giv- ‘en. Afterwards repeatthe physicnight and morn- ing for three or four days. Some sheep raisers ‘when the disease appears iu the flock, bleed every animal; give eacha dose of physic and remove them to other pasture. 176 SHEEP. GIDDINESS IN THE HEAD. This disease is more in flocks pasturing on low lands. Itis most prevalent in the Spring, and continues throughtheSummer. Its symptoms are, loss of appetite, difficulty in bending the neck to eat, appears to be frightened at the least unusual sound, and runs round and round, holding his head on one side. It is not contagious, and having once attacked the animal and loss of flesh commenced, death is certain to ensue. Itis owing to pressure onthe brain by a bladder like substance formed between the skull and brain. Many efforts have been made by Veterinary Surgeons to rupture this substance, but few have proved successful. As no certain cure is Known, prevention should be resorted to. Shelter from storms of rain and snow, and feeding on uplands is advisable. INFLAMMATION OF THE BRAIN. This disease in many respects resembles the last case mentioned. The symptoms are delirium, ea- ger and ferocious countenance, runs around, ‘aod will bunt at any object he may meet. If ‘these symptoms are not promptly assisted, violent infla- mmation of the brain and its membranes ensues, and the case is hopeless. Immediate and copious bleeding, followed by a dose of salts is the only remedy. If the animal does not get worse, repeat the dose occasionally, keeping the bowels free. 177 CATARRH. This is acommon disease, well known by the discharge from the nose of an offensivematter. It is the effect of cold and bad treatment. It frequent- ly runs intoinflammation of the lungs, consump- tion and death. Cough frequently accompanies this discharge; andif there is much fever, it will be shown by loss ofappetite and rapidly growing weakness. This disease sometimes attacks whole flocks and it is always safer to keep those infected-apart. Bleeding and the usual purgatives should be re- sorted to, with the change offeed, and shelter, if the season is cold and wet. In extreme cases of this disease inflammation reaches the throat down the wind-pipe to the air passages of the lungs, producing bronchitis, which is very dangerous. Experienced sheep-breeders recommend smear- ing the nose frequently with tar. This is doubt- less good if adopted in time. Carbonic acid ap- plied in like manner has an excellent effect. Itis a remarkable factinthis connection, that sheep pastured on pine lands, where cedar and oth- er resinous plants grow, are very seldom attacked with this loathsome disease. | INFLAMMATION OF THE LUNGS. Sheep are subject to this disease, caused also by cold and bad treatment. Its symptoms are the same as catarrh. Iftheanimal isfull grown, take one pint of blood from the neck and give two oun- ces of salts. The following dose should also be given once a day until the symptoms disappear: 178 SHEEP. ‘One scruple of powdered digitalis, ten grains of emetic tartar and two drachms of nitre. Mix with gruel. INFLUENZA. This disease is somewhat similar to the two last named, with the exception, that the discharge from the nostrils is more profuse. Itis attended with great prostration of strength, closed eyes and a dis- position at times to run in a circle. Bleeding must not be resorted to. If the ani- mal has not been purged, administer half an ounce of salts with one drachm of gentian, dissolved in gruel. If purged before, omit this and give the following: One ounce of prepared chalk, half drachm of cat- echu, twenty grains of opium. Dissolve in gruel; administer twice a day until the purging ceases. THE HOOVE OR BLOWN. Sheep are subject to similar attacks like cattle and from the same causes. When first put on fresh succulent pasture, such as clover, they should be driven slowly along.and not allowed to gorge their stomachs. The same remedy should be ap- plied—piercing through the paunch on the left side between the hip-bone and the last rib, to cause the escape of the gas fermented. A small limber stick with asmooth knob on the end and thrust gently down the gullet into the paunch is preferable to the knife, and is safer. When first attacked, if the animalis put into a bare pasture and kept moving slowly, it may be re- JAUNDICE. 179 lieved, by the contents ofthe stomach being evac- uated. It is desirable in allcases to physic, and we recommend the following to be administered every six hours until the bowels discharge freely. One ounce of glauber salts dissolved in four oun- ces of peppermint water, one drachm each of tinc- ture of ginger and gentian; mix in boiling water and give when cool. JAUNDICE. This complaint is frequently very destructive. It is owing toa superabundant discharge ot bile, or an obstruction of the bilary tubes, causing an overflow of bile into the circulation, penetrating the capilla- ry vessels. Cases ofthis kind are more prevalent in well fed animals, scarcely ever attacking poor half kept stock. The symptoms are yellowness of the skin and eyes, sometimes purging, but more frequently costive. On first discovery of this dis- ease it will rapidly yield to proper treatment. In the first place move toa bare pasture, then give the following, repeating the same in half doses, each morning for three or four days. Two ounces of Epsom salts, quarter of an ounce of ground caraway seeds; dissolve the salts in 4 little warm water and mix with thin gruel. ROT. This is most prevalent among sheep, pastured on marshy land. On uplands or sandy soils it is unknown. The earliest symptoms of this disease, isone from which no certain conclusion can be drawn, except that the animal is ill, labors under 180 SHEEP. fever, and does notfeed well. Shortly a palish yel- low pervades the skin, most evident in the white of the eyes. As the disease progresses, the bowels become relaxed, discharging a fetid matter of unnatural color, which will not yield to all astrin- gents; the wool becomes loose, a swelling some- times gathers under the chin, which, if punctured, exudes a watery fluid, the belly distends, and in this condition the animal may live several months, but death without reliefis certain. A succession of dry weather has frequently been known to retard the progress ofthe rot, or even a change to dry pasture. The disease appears to be an affection of the liver, and for which many remedies have been recom- mended, and but few, if any, have stood the test of extensive experience. An extensive and _ intelli- gent sheep farmer, after all other remedies failed, tried the virtues of common salt, with good results. First of all the bowels should be thoroughly cleans- ed with Epsom salts; then compound the following, put the whole ina quart bottle and fill up; shake well and give a tablespoon full night and morning: Eight ounces of common salt, two ounces of pow- dered gentian, one ounce of ginger, four ounces of tincture of calomel. Mix and bottle as directed. Another authority recommends adding to the a- bove three ounces of spirits of turpentine, and shake well each time before giving. Administer two table-spoonsful night and morn- ing; the latter before eating if possible. SCAB OR MANGE. The symptoms of this disease are first discover- ed by the eagerness of the animal torub and scratch SCAB OR MANGE. 181 against every post or tree, and biting at his fleece. The wool becomes loose, raises up, and the surface of the skin along the back is covered with a hard dry scurf. The disease is contagious and the ani- mal infected should be removed from others. Various remedies are recommended for this dis- ease, but the cheapest, safest, and as effective as - any, is the following: 3 | - Toastrong solution of tobacco water, say one quart, add two ounces each of corrosive sublimate | and copperas, making the quantity more or less in proportion tothe number to be treated. Take the sheep with head between your legs, and lay the wool open along the bak from tail to shoulder. It the scab forms a hard thick crust, scarify with a penknife, or rub so asto raise it, and pour on the liquid from the bottle with a large quill inserted in the cork. Enough of the mixture should be applied to saturate the scab; then rub in. One dressing generally effects a cure. If sheep are noticed to scratch after this, repeat the application. LICE AND TICKS. _ These vermine in sheep are too well known to stock raisers to require any lengthy description.— The louse is of a brownish color, flat body, with three legs on either side; the tick hasa round body, and small head, which he buries into the skin, which he holds with such tenacity as to be with difficulty removed. ‘They are both injurious to the wool and anoying to the animal, keeping it in a constant state of torment from incessant itching and scratching. After shearing is the best time 182 SHEEP. to get rid of these pests. Some immerse the en- tire body in a wash, composed of thirty gallons of soft water, four pounds of soft soap and two pounds of arsenic. When the animal is taken out, the wool should be pressed, so as to take the wash as thor- oughly as possible out of the fleece. Sheep thus treated should be kept from cold and wet for a few days. We do not approve of this remedy, because of _ its troublesome application, and preter the follow- ing as more effectual and more easily applied: One pound of flour of sulphur, four ounces of Venice turpentine, two pounds of rancid lard and four ounces of strong mercurial ointment. Rub well together. It may be made more fluid by ad- ding an equal weight of neat’s-foot vil. A strong decoction of Tobacco juice may be used with good effect for both tick and lice. DIARRHEA. Sheep can scarcely be turned into fresh pasture in Spring or Summer without being subject to this complaint; but this in most cases is beneficial than otherwise. If not too severe it rouses the digestive organs and causes them to thrive more rapidly af- terwards. Purging from young grass is generally — of short duration, butif it should continue, they should be taken off and put ondry feed, and the following astringent given: A quarter ounce prepared chalk, half a drachm of ground ginger, half a drachm of powdered cate- chu, two grains of powdered opium. Mix in a lit- tle gruel and give once daily until the purging ceas- es. Suet boiled in sweet milk is givcn in severe INDIGESTION AND DEBILITY. 183 cases with good effect. As the diarrheea is liable to return, the sheep had better be kept on old. grass, orif that cannot be had, give daily a little corn and hay. When the diarrhea is accompanied by chron- ic cough, the complaint may be temporarily reliev- ed, but never cured. INDIGESTION AND DEBILITY. The digestive organs of sheep are very apt to lose their powers, when kept on scant feed, as well as exhaustion from other causes. ‘They appear not to relish food and fast loose flesh. If not neglected too long, the proper remedy is to arouse the organs to tone and action, by administering the following: One ounce of Epsom salts, quarter ounce of ground caraway seeds; dissolve the salts in hot water and mix with thin warm gruel. Repeat as often as may be necessary. BLINDNESS. Inflammation of the eye, the forerunner of blind- ness may arise from various causes. At first a wa- tery fluid and subsequently a mucus matter is dis- charged and finally a white film covers the entire eye, accompanied with fever. When first attacked bleed from the corner of eye, by puncturing a- bout an inch or less from the eye and let run freely. Then give, two ounces of epsom salts, quarter oz. of ground caraway seed; dissolve the salts in warm water; mix with thin gruel. Repeat if necessary in three or four days. A tea-spoonful of laudan um mixed in halfa pint of soft water, will be found an excellent wash for the eyes in such cases. Ew Mf ~# y; ; HOGS. A few hints on the feeding and growth of hogs may not be considered out of place as an introdue- tion to this subject, their disease, treatment and cure. First as to feeding, we believe, may be known from experience, that-with a little more care in their management and feeding, that they would be a greater source of profit to the farmer, by matur- ing in their growth much earlier than they do and at less cost. In the first place, they should be kept warm and dry in winter, and instead of throwing out an ear or two of corn in mud and filth, prepare their food and you will be rewarded for your troub- le. Now we shall present to the reader the differ-_ ence between feeding raw corn and that prepared. The most experienced hog raisers estimate, and in which we fully concur, that a bushel of raw corn, fed toa healthy hog, and under favorable circum. 184 ; FEEDING. 185 stances asto shelter &c., will yield about nine pounds of pork, while corn ground into meal in- creases in value about 32 per cent. over that of corn fed in the ear, and by thoroughly steaming and cooking the whole corn raises its value to but little less than that of cooked meal, which is not less than 66 per cent. over raw corn fed in theear. It is not the grinding, steaming or cooking the corn will add to the element already existing, but ren- dering the whole more nutricious and easier diges- ted so thatthe maximum of nutrition is more cer- tainly obtained. The proportions of difference in each mode of feeding, taking as a basis of our cal- culation that a bushel of raw corn fed in the ear will produce nine pounds of pork, that the same quantity of corn coverted into meal and fed in the raw state will produce twelve pounds of pork, thir- teen and a half pounds from boiled corn, and six- teen and half pounds from cooked meal. This is not more taan a moderate average to be realized from a bushel of corn under ordinary circumstan- ces of weather with dry and clean feeding pens. With these few remarks as to feeding, we shall proceed briefly to the consideration of the dfferent diseases to which the hog is incident. KIDNEY WORM. The symptoms of kidney worm are too well known to requireany explanation. It is quite fa- talif not attendedto intime. In the first stages of the disease small portions of arsenic occasionally, mixed with meal and fed will effect acure. Corn well boiled in strong lye has been given with good results. Hogs should beas regularly salted as cat- 186 THE HOG. tle, and if alittle wood ashes, and sulphur were mixed with their salt, they would neither be troub- led with kidney worm or any other disease, COSTIVENESS. Hogs confined closely to pens and fed on dry corn are very subject to costiveness. ‘Three oun- ces of epsom salts dissolved and fed in a little slop and water and repeat day after day if necessary, will give relief. When convenient a meal mash well salted may be given. MANGE. This complaint, the result of half feeding and dir- ty sheds is very prevalentamong hogs. No animal can thrive with it. The wash for mangy sheep given on another page will be found an excellent remedy. Ifnot very bad nor of long standing, wash thoroughly with strong soft soap and warm water, rubbing in well. LICE.—Hogs are very subject to lice and fre- quently at the same time as mange. The same treatment is recommended. SORE EARS. Some hogs are very subject to sore ears, particu- larly the large lop-ear breed. They suffer much, particular ly in warm weatber from flies and cannot thrive while thus affected, and the soorer they are cured the better. Apply the following as an ‘oint- ment: I'wo pounds of lard, half a pound of rosin. Mix QUINSY. 187 and melt, and when cooling stir in half a pound of finely powdered calamine. QUINSY. Hogs are frequently attacked with quinsy; an enlargement of the glands of the throat, inflamma- tion and enlargement of the cellular substances be- tween the skin and muscles under the lower jaw. Animals often suffocate from it. Purging and bleed- are essential and should be immediately attended to. Two ounces ofsalts administered every half hour until the bowels operate freely, and a little warm slop, milk &c., mixed with meal would be beneticial. MEASLES. This disease, although often unnoticed until af- ter death, to the great loss by the feeder, may be easily discovered by the red and pimpled appear- ance of the skin. Hogs are not known to die from it. It is the result of large feeding of hot stimula- ting food, such as distillers and brewers feed, fre- quently from the animal being suddenly taken from poor food and given quantities of dry corn. As good a remedy as any is to feed with cold slops of meal and water, sparingly for a while and in the mean time dissolve and mix in occasionally a little sulphur and salts. CHOLERA. This is comparatively a new disease, but quite prevalent and disastrous in this country and Europe for some years past, though many affections, caus- 188 THE HOG. es, syinptoms, and results are probably classed un- derthis generalterm. The estimate of annual 1 oss- es in swine in the United states, all attributed to this disease, is not less than from ten to fifteen millions of dollars, an amount greater probably, than the damage by all other diseases to any other kind of animals and yet it seems to be but little understood by Veterinary Surgeons. We claim however, hay- ing made some progress in this direction. In our “Formula of treatment of diseases of the horse” ete. published in 1867, we recommended the use of a painting material, known as “Venetian red,” mix- ed with either sour or sweet milk in quantity as may be requisite. Thoroughly stirring well together, and place troughs, where the hogs may drink freely for two or three days. The proportions are one pound to five gallons of milk. In all cases where tried it has proved successful. BREEDING. Before noticing the various breeds of hogs and their crosses now extant in this country, in which there is a great diversity of characters, ina greater or less degree of importance to the stock raiser, we shall proceed to give in brief some of the essential points. Like other animals, they should be selec- ted with special reference to the nature of the cli- mate, kind and condition of thefarm. The main points to be observed in judging ofthe breeds of the hog, are the form or shape of the ear, head, length and shape of body, girth, and length of legs, and the fineness of hair. The large lop ear and coarse haired animal, generally indicates big bone, thick skin, and heavy eaters; while in the straight THE BERKSHIRE. 189 erect ear, the size is smaller, quicker arriving at maturity with a lessamount of food. The best formed, are those which are not over lengthy, full in the head and cheek, short neck, small in bone, thick, round and compact in body, full in the quar- ters, thin in skin; and of good size according to the breed; disposed to fatten at an early age are essen- tial points. : Wewill now namethe different breeds known, with some oftheir characteristics and leave the breeder to make his own choice. THE BERKSHIRE. This breed was imported from England into this country, in the year 1822, and is still a great favor- ite among stock men. It is generally in color, a yellowish white with black spots, short head, medi- um sized erect ears, thick close body, short legs, small bone, with hair having a rough appearance and inclined to be curly. It fattens quickly, its meat of fine quality, and weighs well. THE SUFFOLK. This is also a favorite breed; a cross between the Chinese and original Suffolk. Itis smaller than the Berkshire, with more proportioned body, and full round quartes. In color it is white or flesh col- or. They attain when fat at the age of one year from 250 to300 pounds. A cross between this hog and the Berkshire results in larger stock. 190 THE HOG. THE CHINESE. This, although the first improved breed imported into this country, now over forty years ago, has been bred onl y to a limited extent, owing to its size, sel- dom attaining over 250 pounds in weight. It is small in limb, roundin body, short head, broad cheek, with very thin skin and fine hair. Being * very tender, it is better adapted to the Southern than the Northern States. The Chinese crossed by oth- er breeds make an excellent hog. ‘They are easily fed, mature early and their flesh is of fine and del icate flavor. THE ESSEX. This breed is generally black and white-mixed, mostly black. They are smaller inthe head than the Berkshire, long, thin upright ears, short hair, fine skin, good hind parts, and deep round body. They have the reputation of being bad nurses, al- though good breeders. THE CHESTER. The origin of this favorite breed of hogs, was thé importation of a male and female from China, a- bout forty years ago, into Chester county, Penn., where by judicious crossing, they obtained a high reputation. They are generally known among hog fanciers in most parts of the country. They have a long body, square built, with small bone, and well formed, and will produce a greater amount of meat for the food consumed than any other hog known. They fatten younger than any hog we know of, and at the age of sixteen months CROSSING. 191 with good care, will average from 500 to 600 Ibs., and at two years will run up to 700 or 800 pounds.* CROSSING. It is by judicious crossing of breeds that some of our best varieties of hogs have been obtained. A cross betweena superior and an inferior breed results in the offspring to the latter, and, in many respects often better than theformer. In breeding ‘from stock with qualifications of different descrip- tions and in different degrees, the breeder will de- cide what are indispensible or what desirable qualities, and will cross with animals with a view to establish them. He will, if necessary, submit to — the introduction ofa trifling defect in order that he may profit by a great excellence, and between excellencies, perhaps somewhat incompatible, he will decide which is the greatest, and give it the preference. These remarks willapply to all kinds of stock as well as hogs. A bushel of corn will make twice as much pork when fed to a Berksbire, a Suffolk or a Chester, as to a slab-sided, long-leg- ged, long-nosed, self- sharpener breed, well known in the Western country some years ago. FEEDING. Hogs shouid have their meals at regular periods, never at any one time giving large supplies, that they may gorge themselves. At all times they should have only as much as they will eat up clean, thus keeping their appetites sharp for each feed as the time comes around. Hogs fatten most rapidly in such a state of the atmosphere as 1s most con- 192 THE HOG. -genialto their comfort—neither too hot or too * cold; September, October and November are the best months for making pork. The more agree- able the weather the less amount of food is requir- ed to supply the waste of life. Inthe first month named, old corn may be scarce, but the new crop then nearly fit or just cut should be given. Farm- ers who have practiced this mode of feeding say it is more nutricious, and the hogs thrive better on it than on old corn. After feeding the first month, they should have all that they can eat, but none to waste; regularity in feeding, a little salt occasion- ally, a comfortable place to lie and plenty of clean water, is the great secret of success. Where fed in open pens, in mud and mire, one-third, if not one half the corn fed on the ground is lost and the hogs are slow in fatting SPAYING OR ALTERING. Male hogs may be altered at any time from three weeks after birth totwomonths. At the former period there is no danger of accidents; they grow up and make nice smooth hogs; while, if left to get old, they will have a staggish appearance and nevy- er make good pork. In performing the operation of altering a male hog; with a sharp knife, slit the scrotum sufficient- ly large, according to the size of the animal, take out the testicle, and draw on it gently, scrape the cord uv close to the top and there cut it off. But in old hogs care must be taken in this respect to prevent rupture. With alarge needle and strong thread—double if necessary, sew up, bringing the parts together, being sure to take good hold with SPAYING OR ALTERING. © 193 the needle and thread on the scrotum, but not drawing too tight, that any matter created may es- cape. Grease with lard; ifthe weather 1s warm, smear with a little thin tar. Sows should be spayed also at an early age, but not let run onto a more advanced period; even after pigging, they should be then spayed, and may be without any risk, but more care is necessary. To perform this operation it is better that they be thin in flesh—a little gaunt. Unlike the altering of male pigs, spaying sows requires some anato- mical as well as surgical knowledge, besides prac- tice and confidence in your ability. Prepare your- self with a good knife, rather rounding at the point, a Spaying needle and a supply of good sound shoe thread, the latter double. Lay the animal on a wide steady board, right side down, having an as- sistant to keep her in that positon. Feel for the hip bone and from oneinch below shave off the hair and make an incision in of direct line down- ward, one inch in length, through the outside skin, then cut the inner skin straight with the grain making the orifice sufficiently large tointroduce the fore finger of your left hand, reaching up toward the back bone, remove the pride and cut off closely to the pig-bed. Then follow the pig-bed to oppo- site side, where the other pride is located, and cut it off in like manner. This performed, replace the pig-bed, grease with clean lard and sew up the wound, strong, but not too close, in order to leave room for the escape of any matter that may accu- mulate. Old sows without spaying, should never be fatted; they require more food; their meat is in- ferior and seldom sell for over half the price of clear hogs. 194 THE VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. RESCIPES, THE VETERINARY PHARMACoP@IA.-The following formu- la of recipes to be used in Veterinary practice have been com- piled from the writings of the most eminent Veterinarians of the present day ; as Youatt, Clark, White, Blaine, Lawrence, Peel and others; together with all the more valuable recipes which we have found by long experience to be the most effect- ual in the several cases assigned them in the Pathology given, And from our own experience canconfidently recommend the selection to thenotice of Agriculturists and the owners of stock in general. It would be prudent for all who make horses, and the raising’of stock a speciality, to keep on hand the more important ingredients necessary for the compound of the recipes herein given. A few venders of horse drugs, keep on hand a supply of Veterinary medicines; and where the mixtures can be depended on, and the ingredients are genuine and good, such an arrangement is avery efficient auxillary to every sta- ble. The recipes necessary in the treatment of the diseases of the Cow, SHEEP and SWINE are included in the arrangement. Where any speciality occurs, or where distinct recipes are requisite, they have been carefully noticed in the Pathology and description of the disease and the proper recipes therefor giv- en. It will therefore only be necessary to be kept in mind in the preparation of the following recipes, that with the exception of acid substances, as mineral acids, &c, which no cattle can bear with equal proportions with the horse, the remedies given require about the following proportions: A large ox will bear the proportions of a moderate sized horse; a moderate sized cow something less; a calf about athird ofthe quantity; asheep about a quarter, or at most a third of the proportion directed tothe cow. Swine requires about the same proportion as sheep. peter MIxTURES FOR DIARRHEA, LAX, OR SCOUR- ING. 1. Powdered ipecacuanha, one drachm; do. opium half a drachm, prepared chalk, 2 ounces ; boiled starch, 1 pint. VETERINARY PHARMACOPOEIA. 195 2. Suet, 4 ounces, boiled in milk; 8 ounces boiled starch; 6 ounces powered alum 1 drachm. The following has been very strongly recommended in some cases, for the lax of horses and cattle. . 3. Glauber’s salts, 2o0unces; Epsom do. 1 ounce; Green vit- riol 4 grains; Gruel, half a pint. When the lax or scouring at all approaches to dysentery or molten grease, the following drink should be first given. 4. Castor oil, 4 ounces; Glauber’s tac dissolved, two oun- ces; powdered ‘vhubarb, half a drachm; ‘powdered opium, 4 grains; gruel, 1 pint. ASTRINGENT BALLS FOR DIABETES or EXCESsIVE URINATION. Catechu, (Japan earth) half an ounce; alum powdered, half 4 drachm; sugar of lead, 10 gr. conserve of roses to make a all. ALTERATIVES—1 Levigated antimony, 2 drachms; cream of tartar, nitre, of each halfan ounce. 2. Ethiop’s mineral, levigated antimony, powdered resin, each three drachms, Give inamash, or in oats or bran, a little wetted every night, or make into a ball with honey. Tonic ALTERATIVES——1. Gentian,aloes, ginger, blue vitriol, of each one drachm; Oak bark in powder, 6 drachms. 2. Winter’s bark in powder, three drachms; green vitriol do, one and a half drachms; gentian, do, three drachms; make, either of these into a ball with honey and give every morning. 3. White vitriol. 1 drachm; ginger or pimento, ground, 2 drachms; powdered quassia, haif an ounce; ale 8 ounces. Mix and giveas a drink. 4, Arsenic, 10 grains, oatmeal, 1 ounce. Mix and give in a mash or moistened oats nightly. ASTRINGENT PASTE FOR THRUSH, FOOT ROT, FOULIN THE Foot &c.—l. Prepared calomine, verdigris, of each half an ounce, white vitriol, alum, of each halt a drachm; tar, 3 ounces; mix. ASTRINGENT WASHES FOR CRACKS IN TEE HEELS, WOUNDS &c. 1. Sugar of lead, 2 drachms; white vitroil, 1 drachm; strong infusion of oak, or elm bark, 1 pint; mix. 2 Green vitriol, i drachm: infusion of galls, half a pint mix and wash the parts three times a day. POWDER FOR CRACKS, &c. 1 Prepared calamine, 1 ounce; Fuller’s earth, powdered pipe clay, of each 2 oun and put within gauze, and saturate the moist surfac 196. VETERINARY PHARMACOPGIA. sores frequently. ASTRINGENT PASTE FOR GREASE. 1 Prepared calamine, Tutty powdered charcoal, of each 2 ounces; yeast enough to make a paste. To the above,if more strength be required, add of alum and verdigris each a drachm; corrosive sub- limate, 2 drachms; spirits of wine orbrandy, 1 ounce; soft water, 10 ounces. Rub the sublimate in a mortar with the spirit till dissolved, then add the water. This is a strong preparation, and has proved successful in very bad cases of grease which have re sisted all the usual remedies, CrysteErS 1 A laxative one. Thin gruel or broth, 5 quarts; Epsom or common salts 6 ounces. | CLYSTER FOR GRIPES 2 Mash two moderate size onions, pour over them oil of turpentine 2 ounces; capsicum or pepper half an ounce; thin gruel, 4 quarts. NUTRITIOUS CLYSTER—3 Thick gruel three quarts; strong sound ale, one quart. 4—Or strong broth, 2 quarts;thickened milk, 2 quarts. ASTRINGENT CLYSTER—5 Tripe liquor or suet boiled in milk, three pints; thick starch 2 pints; laudanum, half an ounce. 6 —Or alum whey, one quart; boiled starch, two quarts. BuisTeRS—l1 soreycens tees 177 TARGENGA 0 ckeviinxeccver pin eiesanct. ven) Ohana sandra 178 Bobs OF, Man WOisascs consoesciaveeevess creative edeeeeee 180 Rade er Lickdssiss ancpsiexnsseoaede ieee deel eee 181 BVO TENOR sis nad cn ck gach rxkan codec descenreuenvesoehineelis ieee 182 Endigeatian and DGD. cicccescees. shinee eerveseceescrers eel 183 BU INGN EMS | 5, onan se cucouan ooccenecuansededennnsses akuelanee saeeennee 183 THiints. on. Peeing, .Cb6 cncascas sancacsne.canvettda thee teboeee 184 Kid ay WY FOR oss oie in'sses consdignsiges atau che gecscelaeneneeee 185 ONSET CREE. 56 scice acces non sone np aueiaieaesioi pave) beuiahens en oan 186 ES TOSI scacs i ccccoxeiectnre ccnerdde nid. si hemeveoeon ieee Pri hia i 55 hs ci ba Aicesasm. ane. e canseinn basen san ene cata Cholera... see AP Sipanesseacimenmuee enema 187 Breeding... ni Rcinsisidia ness anh san esvesienitns AaaRmAiio nines eee wena The Rerkshize.., Bc tiiun alae Xin onX‘onaluin aka ls detent The Suffolk.. sb ad ith sting igang hb nhc cia eas a The Chines og. i ee 190 Thee HBROST 0 ns cdectetin~pvad Wid iaiaie midis annie ee Dhar e athe oh sae metiacinin so ann nacieae sv-doee sce Bansad ee=iecane COOMA oi cdc 4 casotunn sean stn tesa 00h 40k nea es ce BPC E ncisuisvndsvohiibenitarrnnadecerett ate ne 191 CONTENTS. 209 RECIPES. Peretti ENATMACOPOEIA......; 1.00. 006265 sodeseaccoes conessee 194 ae gice ae 0k oes San bee ds Ws cece cawene've fopsisce sUeone 195 so 22 5 da pau Oet na cwilvinvads adacue'ssicclaaes 195 UN, SSENCE Go 0' 603 0. Golo ts gaa ha wcveweemiougns seedcean 195 Saeeeeenraneese VY OFTIGS. CUCL... os 4i)n0 esa. bauneedeccadlvonecnesoae 195 Rio die yr adlactl oy g dade wid siges ocddes Vee RCE ong actuewere 196 a ois fad sgn ovaisn pwdesn veowed cuca ee IN oi. id Sos ces alo sa sban tank do. oSees Pagans ee nee 196 eae erdial Couch and Dutretic...... .......0:.0+ veces detects 197 EPEC CLIC 656 02! cc cova sc cine cecsev tones dus ucess Peete eae 197 NN occas a ons ig Sosice be nhc yontad sou gcules toate 197 NUE aed ose eho ars ale on dana/ced decd s~se-asdonseenten 197 SOR seo ooo sdaa atau oi sosa lecedsne uocees 197 198 Eyes—Scummed, Weak and Bruised............°° 7 Lee 198 eee ANE. OOTINK <5. 202. ace coksns sede sedes se deacioos cedees 198 Bae aire PIM EMIIC. LOyer ...<.2...c2< cores ccs cencseese sosersees 198 MMMM AICS CLC co, or. 25 hi 0/253. .velnpn Soe -0 Sec cde ec cbbe soesee cesses 198 WU INNA ooics 3 52k 5. oc Uiacdn We okec es wcectsads oo seve pate 198 Mone toppime— Hoof Liquid... ........205 oes0. deoese eoeceCeoeees 199 em ICINC 5. Siicec suiac o SYaae on vac see ne Uuscavise soedawses 199 Pe MN EIT os 6. oss ssn ons sss eSa dee ewes tw vniedlnaesbe oben ses ee 199 Coring out—Destroying Fungus—Wash for...............4.. 199 eee IAEII ONES 120 Los ans ode a he cae nae vvndad andes soe 199 aE odes 22 bac 0 se Mirman eet eee See osc iden woven edie 199 pm PN CAMISTIES 2. 2525s 545 28k waved dace rte tewodas suecneses 199 RR CEU) 3 cs. 252 2n do cae 3o Sea ic deegeb wee secene ceeces 200 eB OT ce esse al 22h | Bessie sash invented eSe csc. secon cheees 200 Contageous Disease—to prevent...... SOE) 28 2s Seep OER era 200 eee nee aaP ROUTE! LOT 04 oo vais. 54. 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