i^^ a.i' t G.& 1^ FROM THE LIBRARY OF Dr. CHARLES VOSE BEMIS, MEDFORD, MASS. THE GIFT OF Dr. NORMAN FITCH CHANDLER, TO THE BOSTON MEDICAL LIBRARY, 1907. Digitized by tine Internet Arciiive in 2011 with funding from Open Knowledge Commons and Harvard Medical School http://www.archive.org/details/courseofmedicals03burd A COURSE OF MEDICAL STUDIES : CONTAINING A COMPARATIVE VIEW OF THE ANATOMICAL STRUCTURE OF MAN AND OF ANIMALS ; A HISTORY OF DISEASES; AND AN ACCOUNT OF THEKNOWLEJDGE HITHERTO ACaUIRED "WITH REGARD TO THE REGULAR ACTION OF THE DIFFERENT ORGANS. " A WORK CHIEFLY DESIGNED FOR THE USE OF MEDICAL STUDENTS. BY J. BURDIN, M. D. TRANSLATED FROM THE FRENCH. IN THREE VOLUMES. . VOL. III. LONDON: PRINTED FOR CUTHELL AND MARTIN, MIDDLE-ROW, HOLBORN3 BY P.. \V1LKS, CHANCERY-LAKE. 1803. ' SEP 11 -^ -\ \ CONTENTS OP THE THIRD VOLUME. PART SECOND CONTINUED. C/.ONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS . . . . Page ^ Palpitations of tlie heart . . . . . . 2 Convulsions of the larynx ., . . . • 3 Thoracic cramps ....... 4 Asthma . < . . . . . . . . 9 Spasmodic affections of the oesophagus ... 10 Rumination . ... . . . . .12 Hiccup 13 Cardialgia sputatoria . . , . . ,15 Gasti'odynia. Colic of the stomach . . . .1(5 Intestinal colic . . . . . . . .17 Metallic colic. Colica pictonum. Rachialgia metallica 28 Convulsions ........ 34 Trismus. Locked jaw .,...• 35 Opisthotonos . . ib. Emprosthotones . . . . , . ,3(5 Tetanus 40 Hydrophobia . ib. Epilepsy . . . . . . . . 52 Vesanic affections . . . • . . ,53 Hypochondriasis . . . . . . ,56 Hysterics ........ 59 Nymphomania ....... 62 Satyriasis . . . . . . . . .63 Melancholy .06 Mania . . , • ib. A 3 Different ^^^ VI CONTENTS OF Different forms of mania Page 70 RECAPITULATION OF THE HISTORY OF DIS- EASES . . . . .80 General considerations on the development of diseases . 82 Development of diiferent phlegmasiae, and their termina- tion . . . . , .85 Phlegmasia from vi^ounds , . . .86 Phlegmasia from a prick . ■ . . .90 Phlegmasia qf the serous membranes - . . • 9^ Phlegmasia of the white fibrous tissue . , .98 Rheumatism . ' . . . • ' 99 Catarrhs . . , . . .104 Cutaneous diseases . . . , .108 The itch ... . . . 109 Glandular tumours . . . ..112 Scrophulous constitution . . . .113 Syphilis . . . , . .114 Syphilitic blennorrhagia . . . .11/' Scirrhous tumours , . . . .120 Phlegmasiae of the bones . . , .124 Mortification of tlie bones . , . ,126 Eruptive fevers . . . , .133 Simple intermittent fevers .... 139 Pernicious remittent fevers . . . .142 Simple and pernicious remittent fevers . .148 Comatose affections . . . . . 152 Astlienic affections . . . . .156 Of convulsive and vesanic affections . . ' . 158 General considerations on nervous affections . . 159 PART THIRD, VITAL FUNCTIONS Action or the brain and nerves . 177 . ib. Reciprocal THE THIRD VOLUME. Vlt ' Reciprocal action of tlie brain and vessels . Page 177 General disposition of the cerebral system . .1/8 Different sensibility of the parts according as they derive their origin from the encephaion^ its rachidian prolongation^ or the ganglions of the trisplanch- nic . . . . . .183 Life and health result from tlie regular distribution and proper employment of the nervous action . 184 185 ib. 189 ib. ib. IQI 193 104 ib. ips Life maintained by the action of stimulants Of^the different sensations Action of the bones . . , General disposition of the system of the bones . Connection and structure of tlie bones . Their development Coloration of the bones by madder Luxations ..... Action of the muscles . . . General disposition of the muscular system Conti'action of the muscles . , . • Muscular force Dexterity and agility of motion acquired by exercise and the force of habit . . , . Station and progression Of sensations .... Action of foreig^n substances on our or^^ans Action of the atmosphere How the organization retains its habitual temperature Action of cold .... Action of heat . ... Action of light . . Action of electricity . . , . Action of humidity . . . , Reciprocal action of foreign substances on our organs, and of our organs on these substances . Foreign substances tend to combine chemically witt our organs .... ^99 200 202 ib. ib. 205 20(jf 207 209 210 211 ib. ib. All VUl CONTENTS OF All the organs make an effort to digest and absorb all sub- stances suited to them and to reject others Page 212 Aftei" birth the first irapressions and the first wants give rise to a general disorder which produce tlie first painful sensations . , . .210 Inipressions produce livelier sensations according as the nerves affected proceed directly to the brain . 217 Fqi"eign substances produce a change of state in tlie or- ganization by their contact with the nei'ves of the partS;, and not by tlieir absorption and pass- ing into the blood .... 219 Eecapltulation of these observations . . . 221 Okgans of the senses . ... 223 These organs receive all their nerves from the encephalon by a very short passage . , . iK Sense of touching . . . . . , ib. Tissue of tlie skin . , , s . ~ ib. Sense of touching belongs to the whole skin . . 224 Sense of tasting . . * . . . 225 Sapid bodies . . . . . .226 Sense of smelling ... . . . ib. Of odorous bodies . , , . . ib. Sense of seeing ..... 229 Progress of light in the eye . . • . 230 Nature of that. sensation . . , . 234 Strabismus .. . . . . . 239 Blyopia . . . . . . 240 Presbyopia . . . ... 241 Sense of hearing , . . , . 244 Nature of sound ..... 245 Its progress . . . . . . 246 Effect of music . , . - . ' 249 Uses of the different pails of the ear , . . 252 Deafness . . ■ . . . .254 Simultaneous action of the organs of the senses, and of the muscular system from the period of birth . 255 The THE TBIKD VOLUME. IX The organs of the senses and those of loco-mofion consti- tute relative life ... -Page 257 Isfatnre and development of sensations . . 258 Of renewed sensations ; in what manner tliey are renewed 2@l Of the combination of direct with renewed sensations 27 1 Development of the intellectual faculties , , -.- 273 Action of the system of digestion . . 282 Of hunger and thirst ..... 283 Mastication . . . . . . 2S5 Deglutition , , . ' „ . ', 2S6 Digestion of the aliments in the stomach . . 287 Digestion in the duodenum .... 288 Action of the bile and of the pancreatic juice . . 289 Absorption of the chyle . . . . 2p2 Phenomena which result from derangement of the gastric . system . . . ' . • . 205 Action of the aliments on the nervous system . . 297 Action of medicines ..... 301 Digestive action of the gastric organs on the aliments, and simultaneous action of the aliments on the gastric organs . , ' . . 303 Action of the organs of circulation" and ke- spiration . ' . . . . 307 General progress of the blood , , . ib. Contractile force of the heart and arteries . . 308 Of tlie pulse . , . . . . 309 Termination of the arteries and origin of rhe veins . 310 Phsenomenon of nutrition is effected between these two orders of vessels . . , .311 Nature of this phaenomenon . . - . ib. How the elevation of the tempefature of the blood results from the phaenomenon of nutrition . , Zl^: Keturn of the blood by the veins "and the lymphatics , Z15 Progress of tlie blood in tiie veiiii . . . ib Of the lympatic vessels .' . . ,310 Change which" the lymph experiences in the lymphatic glands . , . * .317 Theory X CONTENTS OF Theoiy of the humourists . . . Page 319 Exper'iments which prove that it is erroneous - . 320 The blood is freed from its excess of heat by evaporation of the cutaneous organ . . . .321 The blood freed from its excess of aqueous parts, and of different saline substances, by the urinary passages 324 Phenomenon of urinary secretion . . . ib. Of the colour which the urine assumes after the use of certain substances . . • • 320 frspection of the urine in diseases . . • 323 The venous blood repairs its losses by the product of di- gestion . . . . • 331 Venous blood frees itself from tire materials of the bile in its passage through tlie liver . . . 332 Peculiar phsenomen a of tlie secretion of the bile . 333 Erroneous idea of the bile passing into the blood . 334 Analogy of the function of the liver witli that of the lungs . ..... 335 Passage of the blood into the left side of the heart . 336 Its passage thence into tlie pulmonary organ . . 337 Changes which the blood experiences in its passage through tlie lungs . . . .333 Changes which the atmospheric air experiences in respi- ration ,..,., 340 Different theories ojn respiration . . ■ . 341 Of the different kinds of asphyxia . . . 345 Of the movement of inspiration and,expiration — forma- tion of sound . . . . 34g Of the vocal organ in birds' . . . , ib. Of tlie vocal organ in man .. . . . 350 Action of the organs of repkoduction . 354 Of reproduction in general in tlie different classes of or- ganized beings . . . . ib. Eeproduction in the mammalia . . . 360 Kutritiv^e apparatus of the germs in tlie different classes of or_a"iz-d beings . . , , , 362 Of crossing biccda i . . . . 3^0 Of THE THIRD VOLUME. ' XI Of reproduction in man • ; Page 372 Of puberty • . ib. Of fecundation . . 373 Development of the foetus, and of its placenta .- 375 Of parturition . . . 376 Secretion of milk . . 377 Derangements of that function . . 379 Various errors on this subject . . . ib. Of the different races of men . , . • . 381 Effect of crossing the breed . . 383 Recapitulation of the knowledge acquired in regard to the organic functions . c . 389 Conclusion , • . 433 A COURSE MEDICAL STUDIES. HISTORY OF DISEASES. CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 157. The (yftems of organs, which are fafceptible, as already (hown, of different degrees of weaknefs, and which in this ftate exhibit various affedlions, may be alfo exalted or deranged in their a6lion, fo as to perform only with trouble and diforder the fundlious affigned to them. In this cafe they prefent phasnomena of difeafe exceedingly nume- rous and varied. 158. The heart exhibits fometimes in its mo* tions a very remarkable acceleration. During its rapid and irregular pulfations, it often ftrikes the ribs with fuch force as to produce a very fenfible fioife : this is frequently found to-be the cafe after violent running/ voL/iir. B The % HISTORY OP DISEASES. The circumflances capable o{ producing palpi- tations of the heart are of two kinds : One kind depend on an organic alteration of the heart, or of the large veffels ; a dilatation of thefe parts ; and on all caufes capable of exciting any obftacle to circulation. The other kind arife. merely from a derange- ment ip. the nervous a&ion of the heart. The latter |r§, frequently remarked in individuals who have fuch a ftate of irritability, that, if it does not alone produce palpitations, it increafes, in a lingu- lar manner, the influence of the other caufes cal- culated to excite them. In the cafe of palpitations which arife from an organic alteration of the heart, there is no hope of a cure. The paroxyfms of thofe only which de- pend on a derangement in the nervous action of that organ, can be diminifhed or retarded, by re- moving the caufes capable of accelerating the cir- culation. When they arife only from great irritability of the nervous fyflem, they require the application of general means fuited to all kinds of convul- fions. FaJpta lions of the heart, 159. In fome individuals very much difpofed or even fubje6!; to convulfive movements, and par- ticularly in women, there fometimes fuddenly comes on, for a quarter or half an hour, an im- poilibility CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. - 3 poflibility of articulating, or at leaft with theufual tone and precifion ; the perfon makes fruitlefs at- tempts, as if to expel the mucous matter which obftrufts the larynx. Sometimes an involuntary and incoercible flow of words takes place; an emiilion of the ftrangeft founds, paffing abruptly from grave to acute, and vice verfa, with aftonifh- ing difcordance, and fometimes refembling the cries of different animals*. The voice however js at length, fometimes, redored without any ex- cretion. Convuljions of the larynx. Impediment or abolition of the voice depends, in other cafes, on palfy of the larynx. 1 60. The thorax is the feat of a peculiar affec- tion f, which announces itfelf by a fenfation of conflri(?tion, rather incommodious than painful j pain is felt along the ilernum for a greater or lefs extent ; and in general there is experienced, at the laTHii^ trme, in both arms, but rarely in one, a cramp towards the infertion of the great pedloral mufcle, or in the fore-,arm towards that of the round pronator. The paroxyfms take place in confequence of caufes exceedingly various, and they even vary much themfelves, in regard to the * See Portal, Mimoires de la Soclete Medicale. t London Medical Journal, vol. v. — Macbride's Introduftion, £« the Prai^ice pf Medicine. B 2 intervals 4 HISTORY OF DISEASES. intervals and to the duration. Sometimes they laft an hour or -two ; in fome cafes their return has been prevented by the ufe of wine or opium. The ftriking influence of moral afFedlions on the returns of this difeafe-^ its long duration, without any other derangement of the health ; the ftate of the ftomach ; the relief almoft always afforded by the ufe of corroborants^ by riding on horfeback or in a carriage, by varying the occupa- tions and diverting the mind, indicate that this affedlion, which is merely nervous, does not arife from an organic alteration, and that it has its par- ticular feat in the mufcles of the thorax. It exhi- bits fome analogy with chronic rheumatifm. Tho- tacic crani'ps- i6i. Among women, but more frequently among men, efpecially when very corpulent, is obferved an affe<51ion which is often hereditary, and which feerns to have its feat in the different parts- of --'Ihe organ of refpiration. This affeciion comes on by paroxylms, and ex- hibits a pretty regular progrefs. The patient, during the whole day which precedes the paroxyfm, experiences great agitation, a flight headache, hea- vinefs in the limbs, and a fmall degree of oppref^ iion at the,breaft. Some hours after dinner he becomes fubjecl to great oppreflion, accompanied with a fenfation of plenitude about the ftomach, flatulencies^ CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS, 5 flatulencies, difienfion of the epigaftrium, and erudation of an.infipid matter. On the approach of night a httle hoarfenefs is felt, with a conftric- tion of the bronchi^ and of the tracheal artery; during night, a heat which will not admit of the bed-clothes remaining on the bread, and a fort of convulfive cough. There is no expedloration, or it conlilts of ferous matter in very fmall quantity, TJie fenfation at the ftomach is lefTened by cold beverages, and particularly by water. One or two hours after midnight the paroxyfms feem to commence by an increafe of indifpolition j refpiration, exceedingly difficult and flow, is per- formed wiih a fort of hoarfe, hilling noife, and renders it neceflary to affume a vertical polition. The diaphragm feems to move only with great dif- ficulty, and to be drav/n back into the breaft by the mediaftinum. The patient experiences a fen- fation of conftridlion in the lungs, and imagines that thefe organs are contrac^lcd and pufhed to- wards the uppei* part of the thorax. He makes violent efforts to enlarge his breaft, and is incapa- ble of coughing, fpitting, or fpeaking wiih free- dom. He experiences exceffive beat ; the pulfe is quick, clofe and unequal ; the feet and hands are cold; the face is fometimes blackifhj the eyes fparkle, and difcharge involuntary tears, which fomctimes tinge the cheeks yellow. The lips. are difpofed in a form as if about to fack. B 3 Sorae- Q HISTORY OF DISEASES, Sometimes the patient gets up, places himfcif at th"e window, whatever be the feafon, and refpires^ while ftanding, with more facility. In fome cafeSj the diftenlion of the abdomen feems to decreafe; the difficulty of breathing is leflened ; and there comes on an ample evacuation of fascal matters and of flatulencies, which affords rehef. In general the fymptoms continue for feveral hours, and even fometimes to a pretty late period in the morning. After a little fleep, however, refpiration is lefs laborious; the acft of fpeaking and the cough become lefs difHcult. Sometimes a mucous expedloration takes place, and the re- mifTion is then always more fenfible. The urine is lefs abundant, more highly coloured, and gene- rally fedimentous. During the whole day the patient experiences a confi:ri(9:ion at the breaft, and a difficulty of breathing when he afTumes a horizontal pofition, or makes any movement. After dinner flatulencies take place ; he becomes drowfy in the evening, and the difficulty of refpiration gradually increafes. Sometimes, however, refpi- ration is pretty free, and fleep tranquil for a part of the night; but from midnight till two in the morning the patient is fuddenly awaked by an at- tack of a fecond paroxyfm, fimilar to the firfl:. The paroxyfms are thus continually renewed for four or five nights ; expe(51 oration daily increafes in the morning, and the remiffions are propor- tionally CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 7 tionally lefs fenfible. Sometimes the paroxyfm is preceded only by a little drowfinefs towards the evening. In this cafe it continues not more than two or three days, and when the patient is up he expedlorates a ferous matter. But in the cafe of the greateil intenfity the difeafe continues for four or five days, with the ufual exacerbations every night. The expedloration does not begin till the third or fourth day ; at firft it is in fmall quantity, becomes progreffively lefs vifcid, white or yellow- ifh, and is fometimes marked with bloody firiaB. A firft attack of this difeafe gives reafon to prefage, in an infalHble manner, periodical returns during the remainder of life. Sometimes thefe re- turns feem to be produced by great heats, and violent emotions ; by certain odours, fmoke, fnuff^ duft, &c. and by every thing capable of abating or accelerating the movements of the breaft. Some individuals experience more frequent ac- ceffions in fummer, and particularly during the oppreffive heat of the dog-days ; others are oftener and more feverely ajERidled in the winter. But at this period the difeafe, for the moft part, is ac- companied with a catarrhal defluxion of the bron- chia?. In all cafes, however, the patients are fpeedily afFed^ed by fudden changes of tempera* lure *. Some * Floyer, who kept a very exa6l journal of his difeafe for fcven years, relatcSj that thsfe paroxyfms were more violent, and a 4 of 3 HISTORY OF DISEASES. Some find themfelves better in the air of great cities; others in that of the country; but al- moft all prefer the dry free air of low di{lri6ls to that of the mountains. Damp, foggy air in ge- neral is prejudicial to them, as well as' damp habi- tations in marihy places. They are fatigued by heat, but can very well endure cold, and even a pretty intenfe degree of it ; which fufficiently indicates that the atmofphere beft fuited to them is always that moft abundant in oxygen^ little charged VN^th moifture, and which is not fubjefl fo too great or too frequent changes. The infpi- ration of air with an increafed proportion of oxy- gen may be ufeful to them. Light animal food and vyater are much better fuited to fuch perfons than flatulent aliment and fpiritous liquors. Riding on horfeback or in a carriage, and fea voyages, afford relief. Emetics fonpetimes have appeared ufeful in this affedtionj efpecially when it is catarrhal ; when given before 'the acccfiion they fometimes pre- vent it. This affe6lion, in general, produces no derange- longer duration, in fummer than in winter, but particularly in the month of Auguft, and that the expectoration then became thicker. The return of the paroxyfms took place for the moft part in the courfe of the three days preceding or following the full or the new moon, and fometimes alfo towards the quadra- tures.-— Van Helmont alfo obferved a relation between the par- oxyfms and the phafes of the moon, ment CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. g ment in the reft of the organization ; md there are inftances of people who have been fubje6l to it fifty years, without any other inconvenience. The acceffions, however, rarely recur often, for a confiderable length of time, without producing a general emaciation. In fome young perfons it has been feen to terminate very fopn by a pulmonary phthiiis; fometiraes alfo it produces hydro-thorax. It is probable that the perturbing fyftem of treat- ment is that beft calculated to efFe6l a complete cure of this difeafe, efpecially in the commence- ment, and before the paroxyfms; by exciting either in the ftomach or in the tides of the thorax a repeat- ed and continued irritation, capable of removing that of the organs of refpiration, which produces the fpafmodic or convullive fymptoms of ajlhma, 162. In perfons fubjeti to convulfions, and to all thofe caufes by which they are produced, there comes on foaietimes by paroxyfms an affec- tion of the oefophagus. Deglutition is difficult or impoilible, and this fymptom is accompanied with a contraction or ftiffnefs of the tongue, of the larynx, and of the whole neck; a lufFocating con- ftraint, and a fenfation as if fome body had ftuck in the fauces : fometimes there is alfo a tranJitory or permanent aphonia. In other cafes deglutition at firft appears to be free, but the fubltances fwallowed flop at a parti- cular 10 HISTOEY OP DISEASES. cular point of the cefophagus, and for the moft part near the ftomach. Warm liquors pafs with more freedom than cold ; the patient at the fame time experiences a pain along the fpine, naufea, frequent efforts to vomit, flatulent eru6iations, and throws up limpid mucus with the matters which have been fwallowed. Sometimes the two feries of phaenomena here enumerated are obferved, either limultaneoufly or with conflant or irregular alternations. In this cafe, the patient experiences a fenfation as-if fome body obflrufSted the osfophagus ; and of flatu- lencies afcending and defcending, without eru6la- tion taking place. Thefe varieties feem to depend on the different parts affedled. In general, thefe affections come on by par- oxyfms, and vary very much in regard to the in- terval, ftrengtb and duration. At the fame time there is often a coldnefs in the extremities of the limbs, and particularly the feet ; fometimes trem- bling, fuppreffion of the itools, abdominal fpafms, palpitation of the heart, &c. Th.hfpafmodic affec- iio72 of ihe cefophagus is very often accompanied by the other convulfive difeafes. There are other obftacles to deglutition, which arife from, ift, Atonia or palfy of the cefophagus. In this cafe, folids pafs with more eafe than liquids {Fahr, de Hilden). The latter run along the larynx, and are CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. II are fent back, through the noftrils and the mouth with danger of fufFocation. This frequently takes place in the advanced ftage of continued perni- cious fevers. 2,d. From an acute phlegmafia : anginsc, &c. 3d. The prefence of fome voluminous body flop- ped in the oefophagus; a Vv'ound, ulcer, tumour, or excrefcence in its fides ; a confiderable fwelling of the glands of the neck ; a fcirrhous Hate of the cefophagian orifice of the ftomach ; a luxation of the OS hyoides. 163. By a convulfive contra(5lion of the fto- mach, afi^fted by a fudden (hock of the diaphragm and of the abdominal mufcles, the matters con- tained or affluent in the ftomach, the duodenum, and fome other inteftines, are fomctimes thrown up in the adl of vomiting. This difeafe arifes from a nervous affedlion, a phlegmafia of the ftomach, dift^erent irritants in- troduced into that organ, or which develop them- felves in it. This aifedlion is only lymptomatic in fome acute difeafes, and in fome phlegmafia; of the ab- dominal vifcera, &c. It is often produced by a coritra6lion, a fcirrhous tumour, or a cancer of the pylorus and of the duodenum, a ftranguiation or ftridlure^ nodofity, intus-fufception or adhefion of the 1'2 HISTORY OP DISEASES. the inteftines, and by every obftacle to the free courfe of the matters in the inteftinal canal, &c. But the vomitings often appear to be entirely analogous to convulfive affe6lions, and in that cafe may fometiraes be exoted by the influ- ence of the imagination. This influence refults from the afpe6Vof the vomiting, and from all thofe pbje^ls and circumftances which may recall the remembrance of it. In forne perfons it may be produced feveral times by an accidental caufcj and then continue by the force of habit, notwith- Handing the abfence of the caufe which at firll produced it. It then always exhibits periodical or son'tant returns, 564. Peyer relates feveral examples of perfons who liad the faculty of bringing back into the mouth the aliments they had fwallovved, in order to maiti- cate them at lei fa re {De Meijcologld). In fome individuals this habit, initead of being an incon- venience, appears to be agreeable, and to get rid of it, nothing would be ncccfTary but a determined refolution. In others, it is entirely involuntary, and feems to arife from a real convuliion of the ftomach, irritated by the prefence of aliments in- troduced too fiiddenly, a'nd in too large quarftity. It is, in particular, after an exccfs of gormandizing that this fpecies o{ rumination \s renewed. 165. There CONTULSIVS AFFECTIO^rS. 13 165. There is an inftantaneous and reiterated afFe<9:ion5 which confifts in a fudden fliock given to the bread and abdomen by a fpafmodic con- tra{5iion of the diaphragm. It is accompanied with an acute found, ftronger or weaker, which appears to arife from an exploiion of the air contained in the ftomach and the oefophagus. In certain cafes, hiccup is merely a fymptom of fome derangement of the gaftric lyftem, fuch as colic of the (lomach, the inteftines, the kidneys, Sec. a ftrangulated hernia : it is alfo a troublefome fymptom of fome acute difeafes in an advanced flate. Hiccup, in general, refults from a momentary irritation of the (tomach, when that organ has fud- denly received too large a quantity of aliments or of alcoholic liquors. It appears to be produced alfo fometimes by an inflantaneous irritation of the osfophagus and of the diaphragm. Hiccup fometimes is really fpafmodic; and, without feeming to refult from any caafe, may continue a long time by a fort of habit*. Though hiccup, for the moft part, is frequently renewed, it is fcarcely an indifpolition. While it takes place, a flov/ and long infpiration, fneezing purpofely excited, a fudden furprife, unexpe61ed news, a fright, and every powerful diftradlion, are , * Tulplus, Riviere, Fcrnelius, &c. fpeak of a hiccup of this kind which frequently returned for feveral months. Sufficient 14 HISTORY OF DISEASES* fufficlent to remove it ; which might induce a be- lief that in thefe cafes it is merely a fpafmodic af-- fe6tion. In the laft place, when hiccup is the fymptom of another difeafe, the latter alone deferves attention, 1 66. There is an afFe^lion diftinguifhed by a dull or acute pain in the epigalb'ium, with a diftenfion or contra(5lion of the ftomach, flatulen- cies, eru61ations, vomiting, he. The general in- difpofition and ftate of the pulfe depend on the intenfity of the difeafe. This difeafe feems to pro- ceed from a fpafmodic or weak ftate of the fto- mach, which in many circumflances varies. The principal variations we fhall here defcribe. Some- times this difeafe arifes from an afFe6lion of the pylorus ; from the action of emetics, violent pur- gatives, poifons, &c. In perfons below the middle age, and in thofe ■ even who have not attained to puberty, but parti- cularly in women, it fometimes comes on fponta- neoufly. It manifefts itfelf, for the moft part, be- fore meals, by pain with a fenfation of con{tri<5lion in the epigaftric region ; the ftomach feerns to be ftrongly pulled towards the back, and the body leans forwards j v,'hich in fome meafure diminiflies the uneafinefs. After a certain time the erudta- tion becomes eafy, or rather there flows off a large quantity of aqueous liquid, fometimes acid, and at other a CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 15 others perfet5lly infipid. After fome erudations in clofe fu€C€ffion, the pain decreares and entirely vanidies. This tranfient inconvenience, which however is apt frequently to return, is in general more troublefome than painful. It terminates fpoota- neoufly ; is met with in our climates, and was ob- ferved by Linnaeus in Sweden. Cardialgia fpula- toria. Feeble perfons, convalefcents, and chiefly wo- men, and thofe in particular whofe organs of di- geftion are exhauited by the long ufe of tepid aqueous beverage and aliments, or by the abufe of different Itimulants, are very much fubje^l to this difeafe, which is readily renewed by violent mental atTedions, ftrong fenfations, and by certain kinds of food. In thefe cafes they experience, fome hours after meals, towards the epigaftric re- gion, diftention or tumefa6lion, dull or acute pains^ with fufFocation, and great fenlibility to the touch in the region of the ftomach : eru6lation of acid or fweetifli matter then takes place, and fon:ietimes vomiting ; which affords relief. In fome cafes this flate is accompanied by a coldnefs of the limbs. This difeafe fometiraes depends alfo on convul- five affe6tions, and accompanies them. It is then chara<51erized by an acute pain in the ffomach, with anxiety, (hortnefs of refpiration, and efforts to vomit : Ihivering, a fudden proftration of ftrength, and id HISTORY OF DISEASES, and a fenfalion of approaching fyn^ope, at the fame time take place. The pain, which at firft feems to arife from the pylorus, extends to the reft of the ftomach, and towards the fpine. Sometimes a tumour, nearly of the lize of an egg, manifefts itfelf a little to the right of the fternal appendix i eructation produces a flight relief. . During the greateft violence of the difeafe, the limbs are cold, and the pulfe is fmall and confined, 'At length heat is reftored, with an univerfal fweat ; the pulfe be- comes large and foft, and the pain gradually ceafes. The numerous relations which the ftomach has with the other parts caufe this organ frequently to participate in their derangements; fo that this difeafe, which we have often leen to be differently eflential, is very often only fymptomatic. It may therefore be determined by an irritation arifing from a calculus in the urinary or biliary canals : it often precedes febrile and gouty attacks ; it forms the prevailing fymptom of a variety of intermittent pernicious fever; and it accompanies the interver- fton of a great many difeafes, fuch as dyfenteryg gout, &c. CoTic of the Jiomach.^ Gajirodynia, 167. The inteftinal canal is the principal feat of a difeafe which appears to be entirely fpafmodic: it is characterized by acute pains in the abdomen, which ceafe and are renewed at very fhort in- tervals. In CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. jy In hiiejl'mal colic ^ the pains are more acute when they take place towards the umbilical region, and ieem to proceed from the fmall inteftines. The patients for the moft part experience a fenfation of diftenlion and twitching, which proceeds from fome point of the inteftinal canal, and extends by little and little. The inteftines are in a ftate of conftipation, which gradually increafes, fo as to prevent all efcape of the flatulencies. The pulle is always fmall, hard, clofe, and convulfive. The difeafe, in its progrefs, exhibits intervals, very much varied, of calmnefs or limple remiffion ; and at its higheft degree there often come on fhi- verings, tremor, great agitation, extreme anxiety, naufea, vomiting, at firft of mucous, then of bili- ous, and laftly of ftercoraceous matter. Sometimes hiccup, delirium, convulfive movements, cold fweats, fyncope, &c, are obferved, and, in fome cales, vefical tenefmus. In fome individuals a flatulent tumefa(5lion of the belly takes place, with extreme fenfibility to the touch ; a fenfation of tenlion and pain in the ftomach, efforts to vomit, and flatulent eru6lation which affords relief. Others experience opprefiion of the abdomen^ a retradlion of the navel, violent contra6iion of the abdominal mufcles, which become hard, and ex- hibit their form beneath the integuments ; a con- voL, III. c fliridtion 18 HISTORY OF DISEASES. ltrif?^ion of the anus, which does not admit the iatrodudion of a dyi^er. In this cafe the belly- is not painful wheii touched, and fometimes even the pain is diminifhed by preirure. The feverity of the difeafe depends on the in- tenfity of the fymptoms, and particularly on the force of the conftipation. The colic generally ceafes on the appearance of fome phasnomena of particular affedions: fuch as nafal and h hemorrhoidal haemorrhagy, cutaneous eruption, fit of the gout^ diarrhoea, &c. pains in the joints. Sometimes fever and violent heat come on j the pulfe is hard, frequent, and clofej the patient ex- periences unquenchable thirffc; and violent, con- ftant, and fixed pains indicate a local phlegmafia. (See that article.) In fome cafes, then, a fudden ceflation of the pain, univerfal calmnels, prollra- tion of the ftrength, weaknefs of the pulfe, cold fvveals, fcfitidity of the mouth, and frequent ly^n- cope, announce a gangrene. This difeafe is mod frequent among children. Old perfons, women, and weak individuals of great fenfibility. The habit of a flight conftipation, the ufe of debilitating food, fuch as aqueous, fweet, faccharine, flatulent, &c. vegetables, chiefly pro- duce a difpofition towards this afFe6lion. It may be occafioned by expofure of the feet to cold or dampnefs ; Convulsive affecItions. 1^ dampnefs > by a violent fit of paffion^ particularly in youth ; by excefs at table, and by many other caufes. It is the efFe(5l alfo of an Organic derangement in theinteftines ; fach as the obftrudion of a point in the alimentary canal by a ball of hardened ex- crementi {Hoffmann^ Henry de Hears,') or by a large calculus, a flrangulated hernia, a callofity, a fcir- rhus, (jCerkring, Baillou,) a cartilaginous ring, the; torfion of a part of the inteftines, their intus-fuf- ception, a ball of worms entwifted together {Henry de Heers). This difeafe is a conftant lymptom of hypochon- driafis. It frequently fucceeds alfo fome eflential afFedlions, accompanies others, and appears to be the refult of every caufe which produces a fudden derangement in the ufual progrefs of a phenome- non of health or of difeafe. It fucceeds an interruption o( the gout, men- ftrual and haemorrhoidal fuppreffions, &c. It ac- companies the exigence of a calculus in fome parts of the urinary or hepatic tjflem, the labour of dentition, &c. * / Colics * The coilc which fucceeds or accompanies any derangement may arife from the caufe of that derangement, or from fome foreign caufe, and in either cafe the irritation produced ori the inteftines may be too ftrong to put an end to the concomitant difeafe. Colic may be produced alfo by every caufe which difturbs the ufual progrefs of a phaenomenon of health or of difeafe. But, in c 2 ' all 20 HISTORY OF DISEASES. Colics differ very much from each other, in cori- iequence of the different caufes by which they are produced ; of the feat of the pain, and the feverity ofthe fymptoms. On thefe bafes, however, no very flriking diilindtions can be eftabhfhed ; but there is one which exhibits a prominent character, and a conftant progrefs^ which renders it of im- portance to give a detailed hiftory of it. 1 68. This colic, which has been known at Paris for more than two centuries, has been obferved in Germany, and defcribed by Dehaen and by Stoll ; it has been obferved alfo at Madrid, at different periods, and recently by Luruiiaga. In all thefe places, and at all times, the defcription of it has been fundamentally the fame. It has always been afcribed to a certain aciion of preparations of lead, fwallowed, or received into the bronchias. Citois has defcribed a colic which took place in Poitou in i6i6, and Huxham another, which took place in • all thefe circumftances, the difappearance of the firft afFeftion ought not to be afcribed to the tranfportation of a material and morbific afFedion to the inteftines, but to an interruption of the nervous affe6lions, occafioned the one by the other : and it is as ridiculous to fay that a colic is produced by the tranfportation to the inteftines of a gout which has difappeared, as It would be to aifert, that the colic which follows or accompanies fuppreflion of the menllrual fliix^ or the prefence of a calculus, is produced by the tranfportation to the inteftines of the uterine flux, or of the urinary and bilious calculus. Devonfliire CONVULSIVE AB'FECTIONS. 21 Devonfhire in 1724, both very analogous to the one in queftion. The former of thefe writers af- cribes the one in Poitou to the four wines of that country j and the latter, the one in Devonfhire, to the cider, which that year had been exceedingly abundant. Sir George Baker, however, haslince aflerted, that the colic of Devonfhire ought rather to be afcribed to the lead employed in the mills and cifterns being diflTolved by the acid of the apples, and becoming mixed with the cider. Journal des Savans, Jan. 1768. This difeafe, however, attacks in particular work- men employed in lead manufadtories, who are ex- pofed to the fumes arifing from that metal; and thofe who drink liquors which hold it in folution. But it appears certain that, independently of the influ- ence of the lead, a peculiar difpofition or aptitude, which it is impoffible to determine, is alfo required. Stoll fays, he remarked in almoft all the patients attacked by this difeafe a certain appearance in the face and eyes, which prefented fomething maniac, an air of fliupor, an habitual thoughtfulnefs, he. This afFeftion announces itfelflliddenly, or in a flow manner, by extraordinary dejedion, languorj watchfulnefs, loiathing, a derangement in the ftools ; wandering pains take place in the epigaftrium, v/ith a fen fat ion of heavinefs in the ftomach imme- diately after meals; the ftools are rare, hard, and m fraall bits» There are obferved afterwards an C3 3ir 0,2 HISTORY OF DISEASES, air of intoxication, vertigo, ftupor, and dimnefs of iight : all thefe fyinptoms are temporary, and fre- quently recur, &c. Soon after the conflipation increafes ; in which cafe the perfon experiences excruciating pains in the abdomen, a fenfation of tearing and twifling in the inteftines, which is renewed at fhort inter- vals. The pains, which in general are fixed to- wards the cefophagian orifice, or the whole abdo* minal region, follow the diredlion of the ureters to^ wards the bladder; alfe£t the fcrotum, the thojax, and even the limbs, like an acute rheumatifm. The pains for the moflpart are not increafedby touch^ ing ; and prefTure of the abdomen very often gives relief. At other times, however, the epigaflrium can fcarcely endure the lightefl; covering. Sometimes the belly is foft ; but in general it is hard, dif- tended and uneven : the navel is turned round, and fhrinks towards the fpine, with hardnefs and tetanic contraction of the abdominal mufcles. A fpafmodic confi;ri6tion of the inteftines, which, under the integuments, exhibit the appearance of hard rolls, is obferved ; often a velical tenefmus ; fometimes a fhortening or almofl fudden difap- pearance of the penis; the fcrotum becomes al- ternately contrafted and relaxed ; the teflicles ex- perience a retraction, or fort of painful rotjition. During a great part of the difeafe the patient 9 ^"^7 CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 23 very often experiences vomiting, fometimes with hiccup. He has no ftools, notwithftanding the ulc of injeftions or purgative draughts; or thereare voided only a few very hard globules, with exceed- ingly painful tenefmus, and a little bloody mucous matter. When frequent and copious ftiools take place, they always afford relief. During almoll the whole courfe of the difeafe the patient exhibits an aftonifhed, thoughtful, or even maniac air ; his mind is reftlefs, turbulent, impatient and fickle. ■ At the commencement the pulfe is nearly in its natural ftate ; during the progrefs of the difeafe, it is fometimes frequent and unequal, and the dimi- nution of the pain is always preceded by a flight febrile paroxyfm, which terminates in a copious fweat. Towards the termination, a gentle motion, followed by the dejection of hard globular excre- ment, or even of vifcid matter, mixed with mucous flakes, is perceived in the abdomen. The pains then flowly decreafe ; the appetite is reftored only gradually ; the flomach becomes confiderably fwelled after meals ; and the nights continue to be reftlefs. Sometimes the difeafe produces a fenfation of curvature accompanied with weaknefs, cramps, or fhooting pains in the limbs, tremors, or even mufcular impotence, pains in the breafl, and tranfi- ent difficulty of refpiration. c 4 In 24 HISTORY OF DISEASES. In fome very fevere cafes the vomiting is alarm* ing, and produces the rejedion of ftcrcoraceous matters, ivith hiccup : fyncope, cold fweats, partial or epileptic convulfions, take place ; and if the pa- tient efcapes death, the pains are then continued forfeveral vi^eeks, with intervals of remifiion. In the courfe of the difeafe, paliy very often takes place in fome of the limbs =^, particularly in the arms, the handsj and in fome of the fingers, but rarely in the pelvian limbs, and never un- lefs the thoracic be affected alfo. The palfy only fufpends the mufcular adtion^ without injuring fen- fation, and in different cafes exhibits fhades ex- ceedingly varied, from fimple tremor, heavinefs and inaptitude for motion^ to complete paralyfis. In general, there always remains a flight degree of contradilityj at leaft in the flexors. In cer- tain.cafes a weaknefs of the voice is obferved, with hoarfenefs, aphonia, difficulty of refpiration, amau- rolis, deafnefs, &c. and various tranfient but re- peated fymptoms. The palfy may take place at different periods of the difeale t. In * According to Stoll, fifteen patients exhibit only one example of palfy, and it is a little obftinatc only once in twenty-five cafes. t It was after this palfy that Dehaen obferved a deltoid muf- cle which to the touch prefented nothing but a membranous fubflance, and all the raufcles of the arm and fore-arm, with the CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 15 in a confiderable number of patients, and efpe- cially thofe who have been already feverely afFed:- ed at different times, there arife on the backs of the hands tubercles as large as peafe, at firft painful^ which yield to the prelTure of the finger, and fpeed- ily refume their former flate. Thefe tubercles, which afterwards acquire hardnefs, and a chara6:er of indolence, appear generally on the attack of the difeafe, and fometimes even before the appearance pf any other fymptom. This difeafe varies in regard to its duration, from a few days, for example, to feveral months ; fome- times it continues years, and in this cafe it is more troublefome by its obflinacy than its violence. In general it is not very mortal. The body, when opened, exhibits organic alter- ations, which may throw feme light on the nature of the difeafe. Conflriclions or flrangulations are found in feveral partsof the inteflinal canal, of the duodenum, the ilium, the coscum, and the re£lum. fat, the ikin, the tendons, and nerves, were converted into a fort of pulpy ligament. At the fame time, feveral perfons aflfcfted by the fame palfy had the fle{h of the arm more or lefs flaccid. '- In the body of a man who had died of the leaden colic, Hun- t-er found the mufcles of the arm and hand, which before death had been emaciated, as v/hite as cream j the fibres of them were diltin6t, but drier than ufual, Zalzmann, in the Journal des Savaiis for 1735, gives an account of a man forty years of agC;, in whom a great many mufcular portions of the right th'gh' aiid leg were found converted into fat. Thefe 0,6i HISTORY OF DISEASES. Thefe Urangulations are often feparated by very ample dilatations. Sometimes thele contraftions difappear immediately after death ; at other times they continue two or three days. It evidently ap- pears that, on the termination of the malady, they are entirel}/ diffipated, fince a relapfe feldom occurs without a new caufe. It is, however, to be pre- fumed that they fubfifl, or are renewed, when the patients continue to be frequently fubjed to flight colics and hard globular llools. In fome cafes, portions of the inteftines are found fhrunk, and al- moft converted into ligament. In a word, phlo- gofcs have been found in the mcfentery, in the in-r teftines, in the ftomach, in feveral of the abdominal and thoracic vifcera, &c, with extravafated blood, echymofes, and vibices. (See Bordeu). There is reafon, however, to believe that thele alterations have no relation to the moll common cafesj but only to thofe rare circumftances under which the difeafe, when carried to an extreme degree of violence, brings on phlegmafia, and perhaps even a gangrenous and fphacelous ftate. It is evident that this difeafe has its principal feat in the inteftines, and the intenftty of the local lymptoms gives rife to the other remote accidents. The particles of lead (in all probability oxidated) which produce this afFedion, feem to exercife an immediate a6tion on the organs of digeftion in per- fons who drink, licjuors holding this metal in folu- tion. CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 2?*^. tion. When workmen, however, are habitually expofed to refijire air in which fome of it is {-jf- pended, it is not probable that the difeafe arifes from particles introduced into the ftomach by deglutition : it is much more probable that the firft a6iion of the lead is exercifed on the bron- chial furfaces; and that it proceeds to the in- teftines, on which this metal feems to have a fpecific adion. Several fubftances exercife a fiOii- lar a6lion, and in a fimilar manner, on the fame organs, whatever be the parts which they aiFe61:. The vifcera of the breaft are often afFedled in this difeafe,iince there are obferved hoarfenefs, aphonia, cough, a fpafmodic difficulty of breathing, &c. 'Two methods, which feem to be diametrically oppofitCj and which have been attended withequal faccefs, are employed in the treatment of this dif^ eafe. This peculiarity is worthy of notice, as it is of importance to the hiftory of the organization. 169. Oneofthele methods, founded on the ge- neral principles, of medical obfervation, fees in this difeafc, as well as in others, a progrefs which it is proper to refpe£t ; and employs only mild and fimple means, calculated to promote a favourable termination. The other, entirely empiric, which is more adive and decifive, conlifts in violent emetics, ex- ppedingly fi:rong purgatives, repeated without di- flindiion <2g HISTORY OF DISEASES. ftinftion every two days. This method is that followed at prefent in the Hopiial de la CharitS, only that a flight dofe of opium has been added. It is fuppofed that this method mull be attended withipeedier fuccefs, as violent emetics and purga- tiveSj the principal adion of which, in regard to the inteftinal conftriftion, can be exercifed only on the llomach, produce in it an irritation fuffi- ciently ftrong to remove the fpafm of the inteflines, which oppofes the evacuations. .But it may be readily feen what opinion ought to be formed of this method, when it is known that it is employed with th,e abfurd and ridiculous intention of opening the heJly and forcing theharrier % and whether there is not more reafon to be alarmed on account of the accidents it may produce, than to be confident in the advantages likely to refult from it. Stoll having oblerved that momentary fuccefs only was obtained, in flight cafes, by emetics and purgatives, and that the difeafe was alraofl always exafperated by them, had at length recourfe, in the moil de- fperate cafes, to opium, contrary to the advice of - Dehaen : he obtained a cefiation of the pains and vomiting ; had fpontaneous flools, and then opium became his purgative*. Metallic colic ^ Colic a pic- tomim, Rachialgia metallica. 170. The * In this difeafe opium, as we have feen in tetanus, may be ad- ininifiercd in ftrong dofes without producing ileep. Stoll gava CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 20 170. The different organs of motion may expe- rience a convulfive affection, which takes place by iparoxyfms, and continues a (liort time. This af- fection, for the moft Tp?LX\ifymptomatiCi is fometimes ejfential. In the firft place, it accompanies fbme conlider- able derangements. It comes on, therefore, after an irritation produced in any pai"t in confequencc of wounds, fra61ures, luxations, tumours, &c. ; by tenlion, compreflion, the pun(9:uring or laceration of fome of the nervous reticulations; after an or- ganic Iseiion of the brain, the collc6lion of any fluid in its cavity ; an affe61ion of the uterus ; the exift- ence of calculus. This difeafe may be the effe6l alfo of a firfi: difficult menflruation, of parturition, of the prefence of poifon in the ftomach or elfe- where, and of worms in the inteftines. In chil- dren it frequently accompanies the attack of erup- tive fevers and dentition ; in adults it precedes, and fometimes follows, the fiidden fuppreffion of a natural or morbific* fecretion ; that of all organic functions which are habitual'^, or which have be- •fix French grains with fix grains of camphor in twenty-four hours. He even carried the dofe to thirteen grains- Dr. Gendron gave fo much as ninety-fix grains with fix ounces of fyrup of diacodium in three days, without producing fleep. Rcc. period, de la Soc, dc Medecine, vol, ii. • Supprelfion of the menftrual flux; of difeafes of the ikin of a long Handing ; of old ulcers and emunftorles, &c. f Tndigeftion, difappearance of the gout, &c. . come 30 HISTORV OF DISEASES. - come fo ; In a word, any fudden interruption \n the natural progrefs of the vital operations^ and in that of acquired habits. It is then probable, that what is here called difeafe Is, in many cafes, only an effort of vitality to recover from fome fudden derangement, and to attain to the complete ufe of its fun6lions. When this difeafe is elTential, it afFe£ls chiefly the feeble and delicate children of cities, defcended from parents of a highly irritable conftitution, and long expofed to the empire of violent paffions. It is common alfo to adults, and particularly womew endowed with an excefs of fenfibility, and ealily agitated by the flighteft caufesi always extrava- gant in their affeftions, and who proceed with afto- nifhing rapidity from one very flrlking emotion to ■one diredlly oppofite. (Mutatur in horas. Horat.) Perfons fubjedt to this difeafe are generally loaded with a great deal of flabby and entirely lym- phatic corpulency. Sometimes, however, they are pale, meagre, dry, and, as we may fay, all ner- vous; their fleep is generally reftlefs j they are troubled with frightful dreams ; have a variable appetite, rare flools, and much rarer fweats* The paroxyfms feem often to be determined by fome violent mental affeftion ; at other times they come on fpontaneoufly, without any apparent caufe : their duration, as well as the length of the intervals, is exceedingly various. Some CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS, 31 Some authors think they have fometimes ob- ferved, in the return of the paroxyfms, a regular periodicity, and even a coincidence with the phales of the moon. On the approach of the paroxyfms arc obfcrved: fleep not profound, interrupted by groundlefs fears; fudden movements in the fingers, the arms,and legs; the eyes fixed or wandering ; the pupils dilated, and fome mufcles of the face agitated by con- vulfive motions : fbon after, coldnefs, a pricking in the exterior parts, and particularly in the feet, a fenlation of cold water running along the back, yawning, palpitation of the heart, anxiety in the prascordia, abdominal fpafms, uni- verfal tremor, pulfe hard, unequal and confined. All thefe Ij'mptoms exhibit great anomalies, and the attack is often fadden. The paroxyfm announces itfelf by fudden agi- tation in different parts of the body ; contorlion in various directions ; extenfion, but oftener flexion of the limbs, which proceed a great way beyond the ufual limits ; fometimes by luxations or frac- tures. The eyes are fometimes clofed, fometimes open and projefting, fixed or violently agitated ; fpafmodic movements of the jaw, cheeks, and mouth take place ; the tongus is thrull out between the teeth, and in that flate is often bitten. The vocal organs exhibit convulfive affections alfo, and in 31 HISTORY OF DISEASES, jn this cnfc lofs of fpeech, and even of volcej i$ the confcquence ; refpiration is fometimes fl^^rt, with lymptoms of fuffocation : at length palpita- tion of the heart and violent cardialgia are obfervedj fevere griping pains in the belly, and coftivenefs; the urine ceafes to flow, or becomes highly limpid. There is no part of the body which may not be .afFe6led, either fingly, or in conjun6lion with a greater or lefs number of others. In fome cafes the fpafms are confined to one part only ; in others they proceed fuddenly from one part to another, without any regular or certain progrefs. Some in- dividuals remain in the fame pofition in which they were when attacked by the difcafe, or at leaft af- fume that nearly which gives them mofi: fatisfac- tion ; others fall down, and exhibit every appear- ance ofepilepfy, — only that the intelleciuai faculty remainSj and fenfation is not annihilated. In ge- neral, there is no foam at the mouth ; the patient is confcious of what takes place around him, and remembers it, at leaft in a confufed manner. In general, the mufcles poilefs a contra^ile force, which refifts the greateft efforts ; but at the end of the paroxyfm they fall into a ftate of per- feS: relaxation ; the patient experiences extreme languor, a fort of fainting, and fometimes pro- found drowfinefs. In fom.e the tei-mination of the paroxyfm is announced by flatulent eru6lations, abundant CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 33 abundant vomiting of mucous matter ; bloody or mucous evacuations from the nofe, uterus, haemor- rhoidal veins, &c. In many individuals of a conflitution exceed- ingly weak and fenfible, this difeafe feems often to arife from the fudden impreffion produced by the fight of a fimilar ftate; by the dread of the fame evil ; or by the remembrance of this afFeflion in a perfon fubje6t to it, but chiefly from the irrefifti- ble tendency to imitation. A paroxyfm of convulfion, in general, exhibits nothing in itfelf dangerous, efpecially when the conftitution is found, and when it arifes from an accidental caufe. But if the individual is weak, or if the firfl: caufe continues, and is frequently re- peated, the multiplicity of the paroxyfms renders the malady in fome meafure habitual. Thefe paroxyfms, frequently repeated in this manner, progreffively exalt the fenfibility, and difpofe the individual for receiving the influence of a multi- tude of new caufes ; fo that the paroxyfms approach each other more and more, merely for this reafon, that the individual has already experienced a great many. It is thus that repeated eftbrts to fham con- vulfions at length give rife to real and fometimes incurable movements of this kind. This convulflve habit often brings on, and is ac- companied with, hypochondriafis, melancholy, ma- voL. Ill, D nia. 34 HISTORY oy disease's, nia, &c,; and death at length takes place by a fit of apoplectic epilepfy, Convulfions which fucceed a violent haemor- rhagy, any immoderate evacuation, or fevers, are much to be apprehended. On the other hand, when they precede eruptive fevers, and fome other dif- eafes, they appear to be advantageous* Convulfions, 171. There is one difeafe which confilts eflen- tially in a fpafmodic contradion of the mufcles. It attacks individuals of both fexes, of all ages, and in all climates, but particularly in warm coun- tries, near the fea, expofed to damp winds ; in marfhy difi;ri6l3, where the temperature is fubje6l to great and fudden variations ; at feafons when thefe variations are more fenfible, and in the time of ftorms accompanied with cold rains. It is veiy common, violent^ and mortal in Ame- rica, where it frequently attacks the negroes, and particularly the children, foon after birth. An aCe(Slion very analogous is found in the cramp, which is common and as it were endemial in Java and Ceylon. This difeafe, which is very prevalent at Surinam, feems often to arife from a violent mental afFe6lion, or concentrated anger. This fpecies, common at Beziers, and in part of the fouth of France, is diftinguiflied thereby the name oi Mai deVdme, Obfervation CONVULSIVE APPfeCTlONS. 35 Obfervation feems to indicate as the caufes of this difeafe : ftrong mental afFe(5lions ; the fudden impreffion of intenfe. and particularly damp cold after a hot temperature ; the prefence of worms in the inteftines: it comes on alfo in confequence of wounds or chirurgical operations, and in this cafe does not manifeft itfelf till the end of feme days. The development of this difeale is, for the moft part, flow and gradual. There firll comes on a fenfation of ftiffnefs towards the nape of the neck, which by degrees increales, accompanied with con- Uraint and pain in moving the neck. Deglutition afterwards becomes difficult, and then impoffible : in this cafe there is often a violent pain at the bot- tom of the fternum, which extends thence to the back, with a fudden contradlion of the cervical mufcles, which (Irongly pull the head backwards. At the fame time the jaws have an infuperable tendency to approach each other. The difeafe fometimes remains at this degree, and is known by the name of a locked-jaiv. Trifmus, In other cafes are obferved frequent returns of fternal pain, cervical and maxillary fpafms ; and during the further courfe of the difeafe a fpafmodiq -rigidity of the doifal mufcles takes place, and thq whole body is thrown backwards {Opfilfotoms)* The limbs then become ftiff and inflexible; th§ (ides of the abdomen appear very hard, and as if drawn back by the contraction of the mufgles of D 2 that 30 HISTORY OP DISEASES. that cavity. In the lall place, a violent contra6tion takes place in the flexor mufcles of the head, the neck, and the trunk {emprcjflhotonos), an exten- lion and uniform rigidity of the trunk and limbs, (o that, in railing the feet or head, the whole body flands ere61 like a plank : the arms and lingers are the laft parts which become llifF. Towards the end of the difeafc, the tong-ue is fometimes thrufi: with violence between the teeth ; all the mufcles feem then to be afFcfted ; the forehead becomes corru- gated ; the eyes turn round, and in general remain fixed ; the note fhrinks, and the cheeks are drawn backwards. ^ When the general tpalin has continued fomc minutes at the higheft degree of force, with ex- cruciating pains and piercing cries, there comes on a certain ftatc of remifl^on and calmnefs, but which does not lafi: a quarter of an hour ; and the fpafms and pains foon recur with their for- mer violence. In the courfe of the difeafe, ob- flinate watchfulnefs takes place ; the individual for the mofi part retains the free ufe of his in- telle6l and fenfes : fometimes, however, his ideas feem confufed, and his mind is even completely de- ranged. Refpiration is difficult, the voice hoarfe, third infatiable, with an impoflibility of fwallow- ing. The urine, fometimes ilipprefl^d, iiiues with difficulty, or in jets, when the bladder is com- prefied: conflipation is habitual. In the laft place, towards the end; a fort of prii- . -. ritus. CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 37 rltus, or pricking, is experienced in the fpine ; a fenfation analogous to that of a liquid flowing tO' wards the facrum ; a gradual diminution of the iymptoms, or a cold, abundant, and univerfal fweat, convulfions, and death. The difeafe^ fometimes partial, confines itfelf to the mufcles of the jaw and neck, either anterior, pofterior, or lateral. At other times it is univerfal, and keeps the body in a ftate of perfect rigidity, extended, or bent backwards, forwards, or towards the fides. The pains are often confined to certain parts, fuch as the head, the bottom of the mouth, one fide of the breall:, the epigallrium, the loins, and the limbs. In the lafl place, Salivation, fyn- cope, tremor of the limbs, &c. may take place. In fome cafes, the progrefs of the difeafe is ra- pid, and produces death in thirty or thirty-lix hours ; and, for the mofl part, before the fourth day. It is when the difeafe comes on in confe-^ quence of wounds (traumatic) that its progrefs is moll rapid. After the fourth day the danger de- creafes; but there is always reafon to apprehend new paroxyfms as fatal as the firft. The fymptoms never difappear fuddenly : they decreafe gradu- ally, and fometimes require a conliderable time be- fore they ceafe entirely. Sometimes the progrefs is flower: the convul- iive movements, which are traniitory, come on by repeated paroxyfms, and at intervals which vary D 3 from 38 HISTORY OF DISEASES. from one hour to feveral minutes; the jaws are never forced exadtly together ; deglutition, though difficult, is always poffible j the body is flightly bent forwards; the patient cannot bear to re- main in a recumbent pofture, and can enjoy no reft but by placing himfelf in a tranfverfc poiition, with his belly on the edge of the bed^ and his feet on the floor. According to Bajon, this variety, which fcarcely ever proves mortal, continues feve- ral months, and fonnetimes four or five. Towards the end there comes on a pretty acute fever, with an abundant fweat, and a cure is then effe(51ed. Hippocrates confiders fever as falutary when it takes place in this difeafe. {A^h. Ivii.yf^. 4.) 172. In America, the negro children who corTi-» monly refide in huts badly Iheltered from the in- clemency of the weather, and from fudden vari- ations of the temperature, are very fubje^ to this malady. It is much more common on the borders of the fea, and in elevated places, than iq diftri6ts fheltered by the lofty woods. To fecure the children from it, they are kept in c|ofe warm apartments, and frequently fubjet^ed to dry fric- tion. This difeafe has become lefs common in ^t. Domingo fince the female negroes have been made to lie-in in the hofpitals. It generally makes its attack in the firlt nine or ten days after birth, §n4 rarely beyon4 that period, Som^ are afFe6ted CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 3,g -almoft the moment they come into the world, an^ die in a very fhort time. The child jfirft experiences a difficulty of taking the breaft, which it incefTantly quits and refumes ; it continually emits difficult and plaintive cries, and exhibits a ftiffnefs in the jaw, the neck, and along the fpine. The n^ck remains ftraight ; but the trunk becomes bent either forwards or back- wards ; the mufcles of the limbs are lefs ftrongly extended than thofe of the trunk; the compreffion of the jaws becomes complete ; the tears and cries decreafe. Irregular movements in the limbs, the trunk, and jaws, llarting of the mufcles of the cheeksare then obferved, and a (limy falivation takes place. The fkin after certain intervals afTumes fome- times a red and fometimes a violet tint. This difeafe always terminates in death, and very often in the courfe often or twelve hours; but, for the moft part, towards the fecond, and fometimes not till the tenth or twelfth day. In general, its progrefs is flower, according as its attack commences longer after birth. 173. A variety of this difeafe, characlerized by a rigidity of the jaws, difficulty of fwal lowing, in-» duration of the cutaneous tilTue, convexity of the foles of the feet, and an apparent curvature of the limbs, has been obferved in the Foundling Hofpi- tal at Paris, It appears to have been produced 04 by 40 HISTORY 01? DISEASES^ by the impreffion of cold. {See Soc. Roy, de Med. Sept emir e^ ly^J-) The ufe of opium in ftrong dofes feems to have been attended with ftriking fucceis in this difeafe*, which is diftinguifhed by the name of Tetanus. 1 74. There is one general afFedtion of the ner-^ vous fyftem, which manifefls itfelf by alarming iymptoms; it is always dangerous, and, for the moft part, mortal. It is communicated by the faliva of an animal in a ftate of madnefs brought into conta(5]: with a part deftitute of epidermis. It is in the faliva only that the infe(5lious quality relides ; and animals who have died of this difeafe may be touched with fafety. In general, it is more to be apprehended that infedlion will take place when the animal has bitten a naked part, than when the wound has been in- fli6ted through tbe clothes. It is probable, alfo, that the ad ion of the faliva is ftronger or weaker, according to the flate of the animal, which may be either melancholy mad, or entirely furious. The greater or lefs fenfibility of the perfons bitten, and the particular (late in which they are, render them more or lefs difpofed to be afFedled ; the power of imagination, which heightens fear, and the dread * of being attacked by fo horrid a difeafe, contribute * Opium has been given in very large dofes in tetanic affeftions without producing fleep.. . 6 alfo. CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 41 alfo, in a great degree, to aggravate the fj'mptoms. The period between the time of being bitten and the comnaenceinent of the difeafe is exceedingly various : it generally takes place on the third or the foarth day ; fometimes fooner, and at others not till the end of feveral months j fome authors even fay feveral years. The commencement of the madnefs is always announced by ibme phasnomena in the wounded part ; the fear becomes red, or blueifh, and fome- times opens and difcharges a reddifh lerous matter. If the wound is not cicatrized, its edges are invert- ed, the flefh fwells, afllimes a redder colour, and furnifhes only reddifh and ferous mucus. The fleep is then troubled, and agitated vi'ith ftarting and frightful dreams ; the patient falls into a deep melancholy, from which he cannot be roufed ; ex- periences heavinefs and great depreffion ; heat comes on from time to time, with fliivering, which, commencing at the wound, is extended to the whole body, and feems to terminate at the breafl and the throat : the pulfe, in general, is fmall, hard, and clofe. At the end of three or four days all the fymptoms incrcafe: the patient experiences pain in the head, loathing, watchfulnefs, a general fenfation of lati- tude, a painful conftri€tion at the breaft and throat, which prevents him from f\valIowing ; refpiration is difficult, interrupted by involuntary fobs and deep ' fighs ; 42 HISTORY OF DISEASES. lighs ; convulfions, renewed by the leall: caufe, from time to time take place. The patient, at intervals, lofes his reafon, becomes furious, does not know his nioft intimate friends, attempts to bite them, and fometimes even tears himfelf. Every- thing irritates and provokes him ; bright colours, the fplendour of the light, the leaft motion, the flighteil found, the agitation of the air, excite his fury. Burnt up by internal heat and ardent thirft, he is afraid to drink j the very idea even of water makes him fnudder *. The face becomes red, and the eyes haggard, fixed, and fparklingj he has an air of ferocity, and at the fame time of fear ; the voice is hoarfe ; and fpumous faliva flows from his mouth. Retaining fometirnes his intelled^ual fa- culties, he. remains peaceable, immerfed in deep melancholy; is fenfible of his unhappy ftate ; fore-^ fees the return of the paroxyfms, and advifes his friends to be on their guard. Sometimes he re- mains in filent ftupor j at others emits loud cries and dreadful bowlings. Sometimes he acquires * The dread of water, and a propenfity to bite, ai^e fymptoma not peculiar to this difeafe alone. An averfion to liquids has beeq obferved in fome fevers attended with phkgmafia of the throat or ftoraach, in fome cafes of hyfteric affeflion, &c. The furor and irrefiftible propenfity to bite and tear, form the charafter of certain kinds of mania ; it is fometimes feen during parou^yfrns of epilepfy ; and thefe fymptoms are not always obferved in perfons labouring ur\der canine rnadnefs ; v/e mj^y even fay thait tbey are uncommon. 311 CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS, 43 an extraordinary increafe of phyfical ftrength ; at others is thrown into a ftate of the utmoft timidity, a fort of lethargy or palfy. Trifmus, and a fpaf-' modic tenfion of the mufcles of the belly, often take place. Some experience a very painful pria- pifm, accompanied fomctimes with ejaculation. At length, after four or five days, the patient is feized with extreme agony; his pulfe becomes unequal and intermittent; vomitings, with a uni- verfal cold fweat, come on, and he dies in coq- Yuifions, This difeafe is very rare : all the individuals bit-^ fen by mad animals do not experience the fym- ptoms of hydrophobia ; and it is probable, that very often after a bite by an animal fuppofed to be in that ftate, nervous ()'mptoms, more or lefs ftrong, produced by a fervid imagination, a fatal terror, or the laceration of the parts, have taken place. It jpnay be readily conceived alfo, that the faliva of an animal irritated in a greater or lefs degree may acquire a certain quality proper for exciting fome flight fymptoms, which imagination and ter- ror increafe, and perhaps render fatal. It is, there- fore, of great importance, that a fufpe^ied animal fhould never be killed until the nature of its ma- lady has been accurately afcertained. The carnivorous marnmalia are thofe only whicli appear to be fufceptible of fpontaneous madnefs : \\ip lierbiyorous are apt to receive it^, but have not the 44 HISTORY OF DISEASES. the power of tranfmitting it. It manifefts itfelf particularlyamong dogs, during hot fummers and very dry winters. This difeafe is afcribed, in ge- neral, to the want of drink, and to extreme fatigue while expofed to fcorching heat. 175. The fymptoms at firil obferved in a mad dog are : fadnefs, dejection, a defire of folitude, flartings at intervals ; tlie animal does not bark, but often fnarls, and without any known caufej refufcs food and drink ; his eyes feem dead ; he has a wild look, ftaggers in walking, drags his tail be- tween his legs, appears as if alleep, and obeys with difficulty. At the end of two or three days he does not know his mafter ; abruptly quits his habi- tation, and wanders about with uncertain fleps, his hair ereel, and his eye threatening, which is conti-- Dually in motion, or remains entirely fixed; his head hangs down, his mouth remains open, and his tongue, dependent, is covered with fpumous flaver. Other dogs flee on feeing him. Sometimes he {buns water, fhudders, and is irritated on feeing it ; at other times he fwims acrofs it. In this flate he attacks and bites, without di- ftin6lIon, every perfon or animal that falls in his ways it is then that his bite is exceedingly fatal ; but, in general, after thirty or thirty fix hours he dies in convulfions. The body foon pafies to a ftate of putrefadion. It CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 45 It-does not appear that canine madnefs ever took place fpontaneOLifly in man*. This difeafe, when once fully charadlerized^ is conftantly mortal -f-. After deathj no traces of alteration that can be exclufively afcribed to the difeafe are obferved in the organs ; which feems to prove that it conlifls in a great perturbation of the nervous fyftem. If canine madnefs confifts in a deranged move- ment communicated to the a6lion of the nerves by the poifonous faliva^ and if this movement, height- ened by the fymptoms it produces, increafes fo far as to annihilate'thc whole vital force, there is rea- fon to believe, that the moft proper mean for op- pofing the development of the malady is to imprefs fpeedily a foreign a61ion on the whole fyftem, and to maintain it for fome time ;|:. Hence the utility of cauterizing the wound flrongly with a hot iron, or cauftics, and of main- taining in the part a violent and long-continued ir- ritation. It is necellary alfo, at the fame time, to * The reader, however, may fee two cafes of this kind by Galet Dupleffis in the Mcmolrcs d- la Sac. Roy ah de Mklcdne. t See the fingle cafe of Nagent, given alfo in the Memoires de la Soc. Royals de Medeclne. X C. Pmel learned from fome perfon who refiJed at Laiifanne at the time, that Tiffot and Haller having caufcd a man labour- ing under hydrophobia to be bitten by two vipers, a calmnefs im- mediately toofe place, with a certain degree of infenfibility ; and the wounds being afterwards drcffcd^ the patient recovered. fupport A6 tllStbRV op btSEASEg. port the general energy by powerful ftimulants, and in particulartooccupy the imagination, in orderthat the perfon may entertain no fear of a certain cure. 176. There is another con vulflve affeflion which manifefts itfelf by paroxyfms of iTiort diiration,fome- times periodical, but, for the moft part, irregular. It feems to confid in a fudden interruption of the functions of the intellectual organ, and of the or- gans of the fenfes, with a convullive movement of the mufcles. In many cafes the acceffion of this difeafe takes place fudderJy, without any anterior fymptoms : it is frequently announced by a peculiar fenfation, like that of fome body moving, often from the extremity of a limb, and gradually afcending, without exadlly following the courfe of any principal nerve, as far as the head ; after which the paroxyfm fuddenly comes on. Sometimes the fenfation is like that of a cold vapour, or fluid, running along, or of the creeping of an infect ; fometimes the fenfation can hardly be defcribed. In certain cafes, this fenfation arifes from prcfTure, from the irritation of a nerve, from a wound, a contufion ; but, for the moll: part, no Isefion whatever in the part can be difcovered. This movement may fometimes be interrupted by ligatures, or by fire, occafionally applied. To prevent an attack, and cure the difeafe radically, extirpation of the part is recommended. 7 Indepen- Convulsive affections. aJ Independently of this vapour, which in certain individuals always precedes, but for a very fhort time, the paroxyfms. they are announced alfo, in (bme, at longer or fhorter intervals, and fometimes every other day, by nervous fymptoms exceed- ingly various and inconftant : torpor, drowtinefs, vertigo, fvvelling of the eye-lids, watering of the eyes, tinging in the ears, rednefsofthe upper part of the nofe, betvi^een the eye-brows, turgency of the veins of the forehead, frightful dreams, agi- tated fleep, violent pains in the head^ accelerated pulfation of the temporal arteries, &c. This difeafe exhibits numerous varieties, in re- gard to the violence of the paroxyfms, and the number and intenfity of the fymptoms. Some- times the paroxyfm is a mere ftupor, a few mi- nutes of vertigo, a fufpenlion, or at lead momen- tary alteration, of the intelledlual fundions, with a flight convulfion of fome particular part. At other times the face becomes red ; the whole body is ftifF, and fome convulfive movements are obferved in the eyes. For the moft part, a fudden and repeated aboli- tion of the mental faculties of fenfation and volun- tary motion takes place: the patient falls down, and often with a piercing cry. In this cafe, ilrong contortions of the limbs, of the head, and of the trunk, are obferved, and generally ftronger on one iidethan on the others diftorfion of the mouth, face, and eyes; the tongue, which itTues from the mouth, ia 48 HISTORY OF DISEASES, isfubjeffl to be feverely wounded, and even cut, by the convulfive collifion of the jaws; the pulfe is fmall ; refpiration precipitate and irregular ; the penis in a ftate of erection ; and the paroxyfm thus pafles with conftant alternations of calmnefs and new convullions. After a certain period, a matter, commonly vif- cid and fpumous, is reje6ied from the mouth. In the flightefi: paroxyfms, a few bubbles only appear towards the angle of the lips. Sometimes there is alfo an involuntary evacuation of urine, of faecal matters, and even of fperm. The duration of the paroxyfrn varies from fome minutes to about half an hour*. Towards the end, the patient remains fome mo- ments motionlefs, with the appearance of profound lleep ; at length he fpeedily recovers, and often gradually, both fenfation and mufcular fbrength, without any recolleftion of the paft. The pulfe and retpiration return to their ufual flate. * I have feen a young woman between the feventh and eighth rnonth of her pregnancy, who after a violent mental affcftion ex- perienced headache, a fenfe of fufFocation, pain in the epigaf- trium, and at length a fit of epllepfy, which continued fome mi- nutes, and which left her infenfible, in a ftate of torpor and pro- found (jeep. The paroxyfrn returned in an hour, with the fame intenfity. This dreadful ftate of continual torpor and epileptic fits, which recurred at the end of one or more hours, continued thirty-fix hours, and was not removed but by the application of twenty-four leeches to the temples. After CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 49 After a firft paroxyfin takes place, it leaves be- hind it fo great a fufceptibility, that the llighteft caufe very often produces a fecond ; and it at length appears, that there is eftablifhed a fort of habit which renews the paroxyfms without the interven- tion of any known caufe. Many variations occur during the intervals between the paroxyfms. Some- times the periodicity is very regular; but, for the raoft part, there is no conftancy in the returns. It appears, in general, that they follow each other tjuicker, according as the difeafe is of longer Hand- ing. Some have imagined that they could fometimes difcover a certain relation between thefe returns and the phafes of the moon. It is obferved alfo that they take place, in particular, during fleep, or immediately after awaking. When the paroxyfms have recurred for a long time, the difeafe often terminates by producing a debility of the mental faculties. It gives rife to a greater mobility, a more decided aptitude for all mental afFedlions, joy, anger, &c. It occafions a lofs of memory, and a ftate of ftupor, or even mad- hefs*. It alters alfo the features of the face, en- larges the inferior eye-lids, and the alae of the nofe. After a flight or violent paroxyfm there fometimes remain : deafnefs, blindnefs, paify. See. Sometimes a flight paroxyfm is converted into apoplexy. * Among two hundred maniacs C. PInel counted twelve or fifteen epileptics. VOL. III. ' E This 50 HISTORY OF DISEASES. This difeafe is more peculi'ar to infanc}'', apd even in the firfl: years of lifej to youth, to fe- males, and in general to individuals of great ner- vous irritability, who are as eatily animated by hope as deprefled by fear ; who are moved by the flight- eft affe6tions; and in whom the impreffions of for- row, anger, or joy, excited by the moft trifling caufes, fubfide with the fame facility. It attacks plethoric perfons in preference to others. It is often impoflible to determine the caufes by which this difeafe is produced. The moft fre- quent, however, are deep-roottd mental affei5lions, violent'iri^VbnexpB^te4 impreiiions, great forrow, feve^.'difappSirifment%:i.aSonifliing news, the de- feat of @:gpr^ a.ftnang' lenfe of horror and aver- fioia j- but, in particuMy a fright in infancy*. ManyN4ti4iviiduals Is^^^^Joeen attacked by this dif- eafe merely in comequence of having feen par- oxyfms of it in others ; and this appears to arife^ from that irrefiftible propenfity to imitation which is exceedingly ftrong in debilitated perfons. It takes place alfo fomctimes after a wound or frafture in the head ; a depreffion of the bones of the cranium ; exceflive hasmorrhames, &c. This difeafe, efpecially during the firlt years of * In recapitulating the manlfeft caufes which Teem to have produced the firft acceffion among the numerous epileptics of the Hofpital de Bicctre, C Pinel obferved that tlic lall-mentioned caufe was the moft common. life. CONVULSIVE AFFECTIONS. 51 life, may be produced by fo many caufes, that it is difficult to afcertain whether children may not be born with it. All tbofe almoll who experience fre- quent paroxyfms during their earlieft years fall a fa-' crifice to it before they attain to the age of puberty. When it commences between the age of five and ten, it may fometimes be cured. That which ap- pears about the commencement of puberty (from twelve to thirteen) without any manifeft caufe, generally ceafes when puberty is fully ellablifhed. Sometimes it is cured by marriage ; at others^ its fymptoms are increafed by it. When it declares itfelf before the eftablifhmentj or during a fuppreffion, of the menftrual flux, it is always cured as foon as the flux becomes regular. Though it comes on after puberty, it does not ap- pear to be incurable. It feldom attacks old per- fons i and thofe attacked by it at a younger age are either cured or die before they become old. On opening the body no organic alterations are in general found, and even when laefion of the vil- cera* occurs, it is often diflicult to conceive how it could have been the caufe of the difeafe. The * There have been found in the head: carles of the interior la- mina of the bones ;/^ exoftofis ; fharp offeous excrefcences, of greater or lefs length, proceeding from different parts of the bafe of the cranium, and penetrating the encephalic organ j an ulcer in the membranes, the effufion of afiuid. In other parts : an ulcer at the cefophagian orifice of the ftoraach, phlogofis, vibices, or 's. ^ " ' gangrenous 52 HISTORY or DISEASES. The age, fex, and particular conftitution which are mofi: fufceptible of this difeafe, and the caufes by which it is moft frequently produced, feem to indicate that it may be referred to a weaknefs or too great irritability of the nervous a6lion. Some examples are quoted, which feem to fhow, that when a violent impreflion, ftronger than that which produces the difeafe, and capable of break- ing the force of habit which maintains it, is made on the nervous {yUern, a cure is efFeded*j but thefe particular inilances are not fufficient to eilablifh any general precept for the treatment of this dif- eafe, which has been diftinguifhed by the name of • gangrenous fpots in the pharynx, the oefophagus, the flomach, the Inteftinal canal, and in other places j biliary calculi j fcirrho- fities in the fpleen, greater fluidity of the blood, flaccidity of the folids, and a greater tendency of the body to putrefaftion when the patient has died of a long continued paroxyfm. * What Kaaw Boerhaave did at the Hofpital for Orphans at Haerlem to check the progrefsof this difeafe, which was propa- gated by imitation, is well known. VESANIC [ 53 ] VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 177- The peculiar affections in which the intel- ledlual fundions are eflentiaily deranged are ex- ceedingly numerous and varied. They are never obferved, in general, but in perfons who make a bad ufe of the vital powers, and whofe intelledual organ is habitually in a greater or lefs degree of exaltation. In individuals of a weak conllitution, when the function of the intellectual organ is highly exalted in regard to objects of the imagination, when the action of the genitals is flrongly excited, when the gaftric organs are continually overcharged with too fucculent nourifhment, highly feafbned, and almoft wholly digefbed, and when the mufcular adion is annihilated ; this concurrence of cir- cumftances, which forms fo (Iron g a contraft to the mode of life for which man feems by his organiza- tion to have been deftined, produces, efpecially in large cities, a highly varied feries of phaenomena of difeafe; but to give a detailed hiflory of them would be tedious and difficult. A great number of them, however, are compre- hended under the two general forms which we are here going to defcribe. E 3 178. The 54 HISTORY OP DISEASES. 178. The firft often occurs in mature age, that is to fay, between thirty and fifty. It is more common among men than among women, is often hereditary, and attacks in preference perlbns debilitated by ir- regularities, or by long difeafes, thofe who lead a fedentary life, and fuch as are addicted to too clofe fiudy : it is in fome meafare the difeafe of men of letters. It arifes, for the moft part, from a con- currence of caufes, more or lefs multiplied, which exercife a long continued action : excefs in the la- bours of the cloiet, fudden tranfition from an ac- tive to a fedentary life ; the abufe of narcotics; ex- cefs in the pleafares of love ; fometimes from an acute affe6lion experienced in the epigaflrium ; a great fright ; deep grief; and in vi'omen, accidents during pregnancy, or during parturition, &c. A fingular atlemblnge of varied and extraordi- nary fymptoms are then obferved to take place. Thofc obferved in re2:ard to the mental faculties are: unfteadinefs of character, ficklenefs of tem- per, irafcibility, reftleffnefs, fadnefs, timidity, and languor. The individual pays minute attention to the ftate of his health ; every change of fenfation makes him apprehend danger, and even death ; he becomes unfit for labour; a derangement of memory and tranfient delirium take place ; his fleep is dif- turbed; he experiences pains in the head, vertigo, confulion of fight, tinging in the ears, dullnefs of hearing. VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 55 hearing, an irregular fenfation of ardor in the face, fudclen alternations of heat and of cold fweats. Thefe fymptoms become exafperated at irregular periods, and fometimes in a conftant manner after meals : in general, the patient is much afFe6led by every change in the ftate of the atmofphere. The gaftric fyftem, in particular, exhibits varied fymptoms of derangement : fuch as loathing, depra- vation oftafle, naufea; irregular appetite, fometimes none, and at others a voracious one ; tenlion and heavy pain in the flomach, efpecially after meals j bad digeflion, frequent vomiting, belching up of burning and highly acid matters, hiccup, (hooting pains in the abdomen, flatulencies, borborygmu?, confiipation or diarrhoea. Sometimes fwelling or even a very hard tumour is felt tov^'ards the hypochondria ; the patient ex- periences a fort of con{l;ri6lion at the breaft, op- preflion, palpitation, irregular throbbing in fome parts of the abdomen. Thefe affecSlions, which often continue for feve- ral years, occafion a flow and gradual confump- tion, that in the end always becomes mortal. Very often, on opening the body, no organic alteration is obferved. A fcirrhus, however, is fometimes found in the colon, an enormous fwell- ing of the fpleen, ulcers in the pancreas, varices in the meferaic veins ; and it is probable that thefe derangements have at firft often been the confe- E 4 qiience 56/ HISTORY OP DISEASES. quence of a nervous affeclion of the organs of di- geflion^ and that they have afterwards become the caufe of a part of the confecutive accidents. The aggregate of thefe fymptoms is generally diftin- guiflied by the name of hypochondria/is. 179. The fecond form is met with, for the moil part, among females, rarely among the other fex^ and chiefly among young women of an ardent cohflitution, who have a ftrong propenfity to ve- nereal pleafure ; among women of all ages who. live in a ftate of voluntary or forced continence; among young widows, who, fuddenly deprived of the enjoyments to which they were in fome mea- fure accuftomed, abandon themfelves to high liv- ing, to indolence, to lafcivious ideas, and to the reading of books calculated to excite them; among thofe whofe menfi:raation is difficult ; in a word, among all perfons who make a bad ufe of their HJicllediual, digeftive, mufcular and generative organs. With thefe difpofitions, the fight of a handfome young man on the ftage, or in a cheerful com- pany, a diiappointment, a tit of paffion, peculiar odours and favours, accidents during pregnancy, and very often caufes which cannot be difcovered^ may produce the following feries of fymptoms^ which fometimes come on gradually, but for the molt part by paroxyfms„ The VESANIG AFFECTIONS. 57 The individual firfl experiences drowfinefs, agi- tated fleep, intervals of fadnefs, aftonifhment, and ftupidity, often accompanied with the effulion of tears, or incoercible laughter, for whole hours. The organs of the fenfes are in fuch a ftate of debiHty and irritation, that they are painfully affected by a ftrong light, a fhrill found, ftrong odours and fa- vours, fudden touching, and every unexpedled movement. The limbs remain in a ftate of torpor. Sometimes a heavy pain takes place in the fore- head, in the temples, and the eyes, with a confu- lion of light, and, at intervals, aphonia. The pa- tient experiences, in the left fide of the abdomen, or towards the hypogaftrium, a pain and tumefac- tion : a fenfation like that of a globular body mov- ing in various dire61:ions, proceeds towards the llo- mach, and gradually afcends thence to the larynx. In all thefe cafes afpafmodic conjiridion is felt in the throaty with a fort of fuffocation. A fpafmodic af- fection of the inteftines is obferved, with borbo- rygmi exceedingly noity, and very irregular agita- tions. Sometimes tenfion and tightnefs of the l^elly take place, accompanied with a conftric- tio'n of the anus ; the urine is often abundant and limpid ; refpiration, Ihort and precipitate, is per- formed by ftarts ; at other times it is fufpended j and in this cafe the pulfe becomes infenfible. Al- ternations of rednefs and palenefs are obferved in the face,- in fome cafes the vifageand neck are red and 58 HISTORY OF DISEASES. and fvvelled, with a (Irong pulfation of the arteries. At length the trunk becomes ftifF, is twifted round in different directions ; the limbs experience a fpafmodic contraction ; a cold fweat is diffufed over the whole body, and the patient remains in a ilate of apparent death, which may continue forty- eight hours, rarely more. Sometimes all thefe ac-^ cidents terminate in real death. On the decline of the paroxyfm a gradual re- turn of the natural heat, and of the ufe of the fenfes, is effedled; the ilrength is progreffively reftored, and the fpafmodic lymptoms at length ceafe. Repeated fobs and fighs take place, with flatulent emulations ; a relaxation of the genital parts, and a difcharge of mucous matter. The perfon awakes as from a profound ileep, for the mod part with a pain in the head, and general lari- guor, and a remembrance or no recolle6lion of what occurred during the paroxyfm. The intenfity and nature of the fymptoms, th? alternation of fome of them with each other, their greater or lefs exacerbation, their lono;er or fhorter duration, produce all the varieties of this difeafe; which may be more ealily conceived than de- fcribed. Very often, on opening the bodies, no organic derangements of the abdomen are obferved : fome- times, however, an alteration is found in fome of the vifcera \ but in this cafe they appear to be ra- ther "VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 5^ ther the efFedl of the long feries of nervous affec- tions which conftitiited the paroxyfms,. than the primitive caiife of them*. It is, however, certain that thefe derangements, when they exiti, mnft afterwards render more conrrplex and increafe the gravity of the fymptoms of this difeafe, which has been di'ilinguifhed by the name o{ hyjierics, 180. Medicine has very little power over this difeafe or the preceding ; or can only produce fome flight remiffion in the paroxyfms. As thefe affe6lions evidently arife from a bad ufe of the fun<5lion of the intellectual, mufcular, digeftive, and generating organs, they cannot ceafe till thefe functions are employed in the proper manner: hence occupations agreeable either in point of tafte or of intereft, travelling, exercife faited to the ftrength, wholefome nourifhment not too fuc- culent, and which may afford occupation to the flomach, moderate ufe of venereal pleafures, are the only means of reftoring health. * Vefalius often fouiid the ovaria larger than a tennis ball, and filled wltll^ yellow liquid highly fetid ; Riolan found an ova- rium indurated, and larger than the fill ; BInninger obferved a lleatomatous ftate of the ovaria and the uterine tubes containiiig a white, thick, and almoftfolid humour ; Diemerbroeck, a certain increafe of fize in the uterus, and ayellowifh humour in its cavity; Mager found the uterus voluminous, entirely ollified, and filled with a whitlih, purulent, and fomewhat thick liquid, &c. 181. The 00 HISTORY OF DISEASES. 1 8 1. The intelledlual organ is fometimes de- ranged in confequence of the too great aftion ex- crcifed on it by the uterus, or of the reelprocal a6lion of thefe two organs^ which mutually exalt each other. In young women of premature paflions, who are deeply in love, and whofe inclinations have been thwarted by infarmoun table obftacles ; in debauch- ed females, efpecially when fuddenly torn from their antient habits by forced feclnfion j in ardent females united to cool hufbands infenfible to the enjoyments of love, or whofe weak conftitution commands temperance; in young widows fud- denly deprived of flrong and vigorous hufbands, in their intercourfe with whom they had acquired the habit and need of pleafure, and the remem- brance of which occafions bitter regret^ when thefe firft difpofitions are much increafed by forrow and difappointment, by reading lafcivious romances or poetry, or looking at lafcivious pidlures, with which their imaginations are continually heated ; by the life of fucculent, delicate food, generous wines, ftrong liquors, idlenefs, and particularly a habit of folitary pleafures, a feries of very extraordinary fym- ptoms fometimes takes place. There is firll obferved a Angular inclination to diredl: the converfation to one favourite fubje6l; rreat languor and ennui when it turns on any thing ©Ife ; a great readinefs to liften to flattery ; an 8 VESANIC AFFECTIONS. Ql averfion to all occupations, even of the eafieftkind. Thefe phEenomena are foon fucceeded by dejedlion, uneafinefsj a love of repofe, folitude^ and filence. All the thoughts are entirely confined to obfcene obje6ls ; appetite and fleep are both loft. The in- dividual becomes fubje<5t to inordinate defires^ of the turpitude of which fhe is fully fenfible ; fhe makes efforts to retiirn to a ftate of reafon, or at leaft to conceal from others her condition ; fhe even hopes to be able to conceal it from the per- fon who is the caufe of it. Soon after the becomes entirely abandoned to lafcivious thoughts, which fhe defpairs of being able to refifl ; a laft attack is made on modefl:y, which is now compelled to yield ; the flrength is exhaufted; deep melancholy comes on, and effron- tery alTumes the place of decency. The leaft flat- tery is received with an impaffioned tone of voice and geflures ; (he is lavifh of her careffes, prayers, folicitations, and even threats, to induce the firfl perfon fhe meets to gratify her defires ; and if he refifts, fhe infults him with the mofl calumnious reproaches, and befiows on him every opprobrious name that anger and revenge can fuggelt. At length a complete alienation of the mental fa- cullies is announced by difgufting obfcenity, cries,- tranfportsof paflion, lafcivious gcdures, an afFefta- tion of nudity ; all males are folicited, urged, and ^ followed with a blind fury, and beaten or torn if they refifl. 62 HISTORY OF DISEASES. refifl. The patient experiences continual watch* fiilnefs, an univerfal burning heat, without fever or thirft ; inlenfibility to the moft fevere cold. In all thele periods, but particularly the third, there is often experienced a very diilreffing itch- ing towards the vulvo-uterine conduit and the uterus. Thefe parts, which are fometinaes in- flamed, excrete a thick, vifcid, fanious liquor, and the clitoris becomes lengthened or tumid. In this cafe, on opening the body, there are found an ulcer in the uterus, Iwellingofthe ovaria, &c. This peculiar alienation, known under the name of the fiymphomania, belongs, in a great meafure, to moral medicine. ' 182. Men are fbmetimes fubjeS: to a dlfeafc which has fome refemblance to the nymphomania. It announces itfelf by an infatiable defire for vene- real pleafures, while ere(51ion is neither weakened nor diminifhed by enjoyment. A general fpafm or tenfion prevails in the groin, with pain in the ge- nitals, an itching or titillation in the fides and arm- pits ; the face is red, and covered with fweat j the patient bends his body, fqueezes his belly with his hands, and falls into a ftate of fadnefs and de- jeftion. The progrefs of the difeafe is announced by obfcene difcourfe, indecent adlions, lafcivious motions, and an impoffibility of reftraining them. The patient, much altered, has a horror of food, VESANIC AFFECTIONS. ^3 devours it with avidity ; he vomits up a vifcld matter, and foams at the mouth, like a Hag in rut- ting-time. If the termination becomes fatal, a painful ten- iion is obferved in the abdomen ; a ftifFnefs or con- tra6lion of the limbs ; bodily motion is difficult; the pulfe is fmall, weak, and irregular ; and the difeale, become exceedingly rapid, may produce death in feven days. A cure is fometimes pro- duced after abundant mucous or bilious ftools, and vomiting of the fame nature. This difeafe, called fa Pyriq^s, is more common in warm countries, at the period of adolefcence, and among individuals who have a ftrong propen- fity to venereal pleafures. Aretasus, from whom this defcription is borrowed, appears to have had fome opportanities of feeing this afFeclion. He lived in a warm country, and among the Greeks^ a people who fcem to have carried to the utmoft extent every thing that could inflame the imiagination, and raife it to the higheft degree of exaltation. In our climates this difeafe is uncommon. 183. The intelle6lual function, without appear- ing to be totally deranged, often exhibits evi- dent characters of exaltation, weaknefs, and very great mobility, which conftitutes a particular ftate, which we are now going to defcribe. During the firft period it announces itfelf by ha- bitual ^4 HISTORY OP DISEASES. bitual ladnefs, irafcibility, and watchfulnefs. The patient afterwards becomes fubjed to continual fears and fudden terror; his flcep is difturbsd by frightful dreams. He is rendered uneafy by the leafl trifle; falls into violent fits of paffion, fol- lowed by fpeedy repentance; exhibits traits of for- did avarice, and afterwards of the mofl lavifh pro- digality ; a taciturnity, interrupted fometimes by buriis of convulfive laughter; and, in a word, every thin^ that cbara6lerizes the utmofl ficklenefs and ineonftancy. During the further progrefs of the difeafe, h^ entertains continual fufpicion and fear of poifon ■ his terror is every moment renewedj with conftant hefitation, averfion to mankind, abje6lion, love of folitude, whimfical, fantaflical, and fiiperftitious ideas 5 ridiculous complaints, wild flights of the imagination ; the delirium is fixed to one objedlj, which the mind purfues with the moft ardent per- feverance; and this delirium carries to the utmoft degree of exaltation the aiFe6tions which it pro- duces. Sometimes the patient fhows a deter- mined difgull to exiftence, and an irrefilitible pro- penfity to fuicide. This ftate is often the e£Fe61 of an exaggerated idea of the misfortunes of lifcj of difappointment, and forrow : at other times it feems to __be the refult of too advantageous a fltil- ation in point of fortune, which places the indivi- dual in a flate where he has nothing further to hop^. VESANIC AFFECTIONS. ^$ hopCj or to fear ; which prefents no obflacle to be furmounted, and affords no field for new enjoy- mentSi Independently of thefe fymptoms, or of others eqiiall)/ lingular^ fome inciividuals exhibit an ex- alted fenfibility, fometimes perverted, and irregular returns of fpafms or convulfions, with an habitual delirium more or lefs flriking. Thefe paroxyfms, fufpended fometimes by other difeafes, re-appear during convalefcence ; they terminate fometimes in mortal fpafms, and at others in general con- fumption. ' Thefe fymptoms of alteration chiefly afFe6l per- fons who have a peculiar conflitution of body and mind: fuch as a meagre and withered appearance; pale, leaden, or yellowifh colour ; harfh and for- bidding gravity; chara6^er unequal and capricious; fquinting look, ftudied referve, ferious and thought- ful mien ; air of timidity and circumfpedlion, diffi- cult temper ; good appetite, but attenuation by watchfulnefs ; fometimes abftinence through the fear of poifon, withering and drying of the body, premature old age ; morofenefs ftrengthened by the progrefs of years. This, ftateis remarked, for the moft part, in tl]p age of virility ; it commonly begins in the fummer and autumn, and ends in the fpring. It is pro- duced by a concurrence of caufes highly various, VOL, III. w , as : 66 HISTORY OF DISEASE^. as : exceffive fludy, religious fear, violent or un- fortunate love, profound grief, reverfe of fortune, the abufe of intoxicating narcotics, folitude, the interruption of an active life, idlenefs, luxury, efFe- minacy, and fatiety of all the pleafures of life. This Itate does not render confinement necef- fary, or produce a profound and acute alteration, which foon brings on death, or flowly terminates in real confumption. This afFedlion is often cured by a reverfe or an amelioration of fortune, a pow- erful diftradion, and by every thing that can ex- cite a lively intereft beyond the ordinary habits. This difeafe, the aggregate of the lymptoms of which conftitutes melancholy, fhows a great relation to that which remains to be defcribed, and with which it is often confounded. 184. In a great number of alterations of which the intelledual functions are fufceptible, the moll ftriking iymptoms of derangement come on inftan- taneoufly by fits: their return, for the moft part, is irregular, and fometimes periodical. Mania, whether during the paroxyfras or dur- ing the ftateof calmnefsj prefents itfelf under dif- ferent forms, which depend on the mode of alter- ation in the fundlion of the intellectual organ. In general, the violent paroxyfms are never of long duration ; they always terminate, at the end of VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 6/ of a longer or fliorter period, by a fort of calm, or milder mania : others exhibit a conftant ftateof in- fanity, or abfolute idiotifm. On the approach of a paroxyfm of mania, the firfl: effeS. which rcfults from the derangement of the cerebral organ manifefls itfelf, in particular, to- wards the abdominal region. A confliridion is obferved of the epigaflrimn ; loathing of food, ob- fttnate collivenefs, fenfation of burning heat in the inteftines, then in the breaft, and at length in the face, with a deiire for cooling liquors. Soon after, the individual exhibits extraordinary gefiiures, with lingular looks and movements. Sometimes there is an elevation of the head, with the eyes fixed on the heavens ; the lunatic fpeaks with a low voice, walks about, fuddenly flops, with an air of admiration, or of profound recolleclion. Sometimes he indulges in excefs of mirth, mani- fellcd by immoderate burlls of laughter ; at other times he falls into profound lilence, accompanied with an efFulion of tears, great fadnefs, and ex- treme anguifh. Very often he exhibits fudden al- ternations of immoderate joy and of the deepeft grief. In certain individuals, the eyes almofl; of a fudden become fiery and fparkling, and the cheeks colouredi which announces the neceffity of fpeedy confinement. In others, a fudden and incoherent flow of words is obferved, with frequent fits of laughter, torrents of tears, and foon after fury, and F 2 an 63 llISTOlli' OF DISEASED. . an irrefiftible propenfity to violent and fangillnary adlions. In almofl all maniacs a fort of tranfient efFervefcence, and a real exacerbation, take place on the approach of ftorms, or in confequence of a very warm temperature of the atmofphere. They are then feen to run along with precipitate fteps, de- claiming without order or connection ; falling into a violent rage, without any caufe, or on the flighteft provocation, emitting loud and confufed cries. The paroxyfms of religious mania are often pre- ceded by ecftatic vifions. Thofc of mania from love are preceded fometimes by enchanting reve- ries, and a fuppofed appearance of the beloved, object. Mania, in general, manifefls itfelf under the ap- pearance of a continued tranfport of anger more or lefs impetuous ; and it is much better charac- terized by thefe emotions of an irafcible mind, than by confufed or whimiical ideas. Some maniacs fhow a wonderful confi:ancy and facility in enduring the mofl rigorous and long con- tinued cold; fomeeven experience an evident enjoy- ment by the application of ice to the epigaftrium j but in many cafes their fenfibility for cold is exceed- ingly great, and inftances of the hands and feet of fome of them being frozen have at times otcurred. Some remain obftinately awake. In mofl: of them & nervous excitement, marked by a confiderable augmen* VESANIC APPECTIONS. Qq augmentation of raufcular force, with a ftrong convidlion that nothing can refift them, takes place ; they then difplay the utmoft intrepidity, and give full fcope to the moil extravagant ca- prices. On many occalions they refufe all nourifhment for four, five, and even for fifteen days, provided they are amply fbpplied with drink. On the other • hand, they often experience a mofi fingular vo- racity, and fpeedily become faint when deprived of the ufual quantity of food. Warm feafons have a firiking influence on the return of the pqroxyfms, the duration of which is pretty generally confined within a certain period of from three to five months. They commence in that which follows the fummer folftice, continue, ^ith more or lefs violence, during the beats, and terminate towards the end of autumn. In fome maniacs, however, the paroxyfms renewed at the end of autumn are continued throughout the win- ter, with remifiions or exacerbations according to the degrees of cold. Some cafes have occurred alfo, where the paroxyfms taking place in fummer have been renewed on the commencement of the cold weather. It may be readily conceived that the following caufes muft contribute to the renewal of the paroxyfms : tranfports of paffion excited ; the prefence of objedts calculated to revive in the mind r 3 the 70 HISTORY OP DIS*EASES. the original caufe of the madnefs ; the abufe of in- toxicating liquors, forced abflinence from food, &c. But fome paroxyfms are renewed at fixed pe- riods, without feeraing to be determined by any "known caufes*. Mania prefents itfelf under different forms, ac- cording to the nature and intenfity of the derange- ment of the intellectual fundlions. Thefe different forms may be arranged under the following four ' principal heads : ift. Weaknefs or exaltation of the hit ell eSlual fa- culties. The individual, in this cafe, difplays great levity, flupid abfence, impoflibility of keeping the mind fixed a few minutes on the fame objeCf ; lin^ gular inconfiftency and giddinefs ; continual mo- bility, attention to childifh occupations, weaknefs of memory, fudden flights, loquacity or tacitui-nity, a rapid feries of incoherent ideas, premature do- tage; and fometim.es incoercible tranfports of paffion, ariUng from the nature of the organiza- * At the Bicetre a maniac every year experienced an attack which lafted three months, and which terminated towards the middle of fummer. Another was feized with a paroxyfm every two days in three, being always one day in a ftateof tranquillity. A third was in a ftate of the mofl; furious madnefs for fifteen days, and then remained in perfeft calmnefs eleven months and a half. Three others continued eighteen months without any con- fufion of ideas, or wildnefs of imagination j but for fix months after that period they were raving mad, tion. VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 71 » tion, or a vicious education. During the par©x- yfms there are frequently obferved an exaltation of the ihtelle6lual faculties, great fertility of imagi- nation, a fort of infpiration and enthuiiafm for the greateft virtues, public and private. 2d. Partial or injiantaneous aUeration of the in-r telleSlual faculties. In this cafe the imagination is exalted in an extravagant manner, or ftrongly im- prefled with fome erroneous idea ; the fenfes feem to receive the impreffion of obje^ls which do not cxifl*: in other refpe6ts the judgement is found, and the ideas coherent, even in regard to the erro- neous object. Childifh fear is often obferved, with great timidity ; and the utmoft miftruft, which in^ duces the individual to refufe every kind of food, and to remain awake ; alfo fanaticifm, and fond- nefs for the marvellous. During the parox^fms, the deranged movement and con fu fed agitation of the brain excite a propensity to deflruclive and even to fanguinary a(5i;ioris. Some individuals then imagine that they have an irreliftib.le delire to com- mit murder, confirm themfelves in this idea, iand deplore their condition -j". 3d. Com- * Frequent inftances of this kind may be found in myftic \i*- fionaries, and perfons who imagine they every where fee poifon, monfters, ferpents, &c. ; who think their legs are of wax, qr- tb^j: pofteriors of glafs 5 who believe thenrfelves converted inta gnimals, prophets, deities, &c. f C. Pinel, io his ingenious work on madnefsj^from which wc F i^ have. 72 HISTORY OF DISEASES. ^d. CompJele alteration of the intelleBual faculties^ In this cafe, the individual betrays a want of judg- ment in regard to all obje^ls, accompanied with aberration of memory. This ftate affedls different forms: the mania often feemsto confift in, a ftrong nervous excitement, a turbulent reftlefFnefs which admits of no repofe ; agitation^ cries, fparkling appearance of the eyes, obftinate watchfulnefs^ fu-? periority of phyfical firength^ ardour- for venereal pleafure \ a blind tendency to derange, break, tear^ and deftroy every thing, and even to commit fan- guinary adiions ; delirium of happinefs and joy, illuiions, extravagant flights of pride, in thofe who fuppofe themfelves to be generals, prophets, and deities ; fantaftic viiions. The maniac imagines have taken tlie materials of what has been here faid on this fub- je£l, is of opinion that the functions of the luill are difanct from, thofe of the underfanding; which is contrary to the opinion gene- rally eutertained refpefting the analyfis of the intelleftual func- tions. He gives the hiflory of a lunatic whofe periodical mad- nefs was announced by the mofi: fanguinary fury, which the. indi- vidual faid he was not able to reftrain. During his lucid interval? he deplored his miferable ftate ; continually fpoke of it, and be- came more and more confirmed in the idea that he had an irrefift- ible propenfity to murder : but this ftate was, no doubt, the ftffeft of a deranged inteile£t, and it is not more extraordinary to, fee a maniac with a perfuafion that he has an irrefiftible propen- iity to fanguinary a6tions, than to fee another impreiTed with a belief that he is a prophet or a king. In our opinion, this kjnd of maduefs may be affigned alfo to the province of moral me- dicine. TE3ANIC AFFECTIONS. 73 he every where fees daemons, ferpents, poifon ; has a rapid fucceffion of ideas whicbfeem to arife from the firong excitement of the brain, without any relation to the impreffions made on thefenfes; with exuberance of words; tirefome loquacity; continual fucceffion of incoherent ideas ; tumul- tuous concurrence of different affediions and fen- fations, of joy, iadnefs and anger. 4th. Annihilation of the mental faculties. In this cafe are obferved ; an inanimate figure, air of idiotifm, habitual fl:upor, infuperable ina6livity, -automatic motions ; foolifh and filly laughter, con- tioiial filence, or a few inarticulated founds; life merely aninnal ; no memory j the ideas and lan- guage confined to objecls calculated to fatisfy the pommon neceffities of life. In maniacs who have been expofed to violent ^nd long continued paroxyfms, there are obferved, at the period when thefe paroxyfms terminate (for the moft.part towards the end of antumn), great vveaknefSi a fenfation of general Iafiitude,a faintnefs which often produces fyncope, great -corifufion of ideas; fometimes a real flate of ftupor, and almoft of infenfibility, with morofenefs of temper and deep melancholy. The unfortunate individual re- mains in bed, flretched out motionlefs, with the features altered, and a weak deprefled pulfe. In this iiate of atonia he runs the rifk of periiliing, efpeciaUy 74, HISTORY OP DISEASES. efpecially if the cold be fevere, and unlefs the vital heat be maintained by cordials and the accumula- tion of bed-clothes. Obfervation induces us to clafs among thofe fubjccl to mania, perfons who fhow an ardent ima- gination and great fenlibility, energetic paffions, and the mod eftimable moral virtues. This affec- tion takes place equally at all ages. It is much more .frequent among vi^omen than among men, and fcarely ever is obferved among thofe who cul- tivate the exadl fciences. According to information acquired in regard to the former ftate of maniacs, it appearsthat we may coniider as the moft common caufes of this difeafe : a violent and unfortunate paffion, inordinate am- bition, reverfes of fortune, fanatical devotion, the delirium of ardent patriotifm. Aretasus includes alfc too liberal facrifices to Bacchus and Venus j and among the women, forced abftinence from the enjoyments of love, he, But, in general, there exifls no conftant rela- tion between the type, the fpecific chara61:er, or the intenlity of the mania, and the caufe or na- ture of the objedl which has primitively given rite to it. Thefe variations fecm. to depend more on the degree of fenfibility of the individual, and on numerous fortuitous caufes which affe6l his in^ telle6lual organ, exalted or Vvcakened. In gene- raL VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 75 ral, a more irafcible difpolition, and tranfports which often border on raadnefs, are obferved among, thofe vigorous men, whom Cabanis de- fcribes with fo much truth and energy in the fol- lowing iketch*:—" Bolder and more ftriking looks, fparkling eyes, a dry and often yellov/ vifage, jet-black hair, fometimes frizzled j ftrong limbs, but is/ithout corpulency ; great mufcularftrength though in appearance llender; a meagre body, and pro- jelling bones; ftrong, hard pulfe. Thefe men," fays the author, " are continually hurried awaj by the torrent of their imagination and paffions. They wifli to carry every thing by force, violence, and impetuofity." On the other hand, more mo- deration is obferved in the mania of perfons with ehefnut-coloured hair, and of a mild and moderate character. Among fuch perfons, in particular, it is found under the appearance of a calm and peace- ful reverie, which often terminates in idiotifm, or 3 fort of imbecility often incurable. Mania does not feem to arife from any known derangement of . the cerebral organ. The bodies gf maniacs, when opened, rarely exhibit any traces of very evident alteration in the brain. This dif- eafe feems rather to conlift in a diforderly move- ment, a weaknefs or too great mobility of the uervous adtion ; a real alteration in the intelle6lual * Memoires de I'lnftitut, an. vf, fundlions ; *rQ HISTORY OF DISEASES. functions ; and it is proper to fee, with Stahl, fince imitated by Pinel, in the development and progrefs of the paroxyfms, all the phsenomena of falutary rea6lion. Vv e indeed obferve : abdominal fpafms, coloration of the face, accelerated circulation, ex- alted energy of the mental and bodily powers; the excitement of blind impetuofity, incoercible agita- tion. The underil:anding is hurried away by thc5 force of thefe combined movements ; and after a certain duration, the extent of which is variable, there come on : a diminution of thefe phssno* mena, a depreffion of all the faculties of the indivi- dual, a progreliive return to reafon ; and the cure, in general, is the more probable as the paroxyfni has been more violent. It feems to be proved by obfervation, that of all the varieties of mania the moft obftinate are thofe which exhibit pure idiotifm, the imbecility and flupidity of the Cretins ; that we nDuit place in the next clafs continued mania, which does not prefent any ftriking exacerbation % in a word, that the hope of cure is at the higheft degree in periodical mania, and particularly in in- dividuals from the age of eighteen to that of twenty-five, v/ho pofiefs the greateft force of nervous rea61ion. Inftances of cure at an ad- vanced age rarely occur ; as if a fhock fo violent were above the powers of nature after the pe- pod of the greateft vigour. Sometimes the par- oxyfms VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 7^ exyfrns gradualiy increafe, and at length become mortal. 185. Will it Hill be the pra6iice to employ in- difcriminately bleeding, bathing, camphor, opium, &c. in the treatment of mania, notwithflanding the bad effe<5]:s which they are daily known to pro- duce ? " Madmen muft not be confidered as entirely deprived of reafon, and as inacceffible to every motive of hope or fear ; to every fentiraent of ho- nour. They muft firft be fubdued, and then en- couraged." Bihliotheque Briiannique, vol. viii. Tdconfole lunatics, to fjjeak to them with kind- nefs, to avoid by evafive anfwers a refafal. which might irritate them ; to overcome their obftinacy by inflexible firmnefs, without any a6l of violence; to guard againil exceflive complacency as well as ill-timed contradiction ; to infpire them with falu- tary fear, but always connected vv'ith a fentiment of efteem ; to remove every circumftance that might recall to their minds the primitive caufe of their madnefs, and which confequently might produce an exacerbation, or perpetuate its duration : fuch, perhaps, is the fum of the general means afforded by what may be called moral regimen. But the firft of all, no doubt, is to remove the lunatic from his ufual refidence, from the bofom of his family, where 78 HISTORY OF DISEASES. where he might be conflantly fiirrounded by ob» je6ls connedled with all his habits, and from per- fons whole prefence might continually remind him of his misfortunes, of the caufes of his unhappinefs^ Sec. none of whom could fecond the exertions of the phyfician, and much lefs acquire Over the ma- niac, in an efFetlual manner, that abfolute empire which commands obedience. It is, therefore, in- difpenfably nccelTary, that fuch perfons fhould be ,conveyed to public eltablifhments, where the bell poflible means are provided for putting in praflice ihis mode of moral treatment : fuch as very fpa- cious, folitary, and well fecured accommodations, where the maniacs when attacked by the par- oxyfms may be feparated, and be thus prevented from irritating each other, or from dilturbing thole who are in a flate of convalefcence ; and where they may be carefully watched under the infpedion of men who have acquired by pra6lice the proper methods of reftraining lunatics with- out violence, and without danger to them- felves. Bat when it is known that moft of the public hofpitals for the reception of lunatics are ella- blilhed on the fame plan, and adopt the general method of fubjedting them to a uniform mode of treatment, by employing bleeding, the cold bath, and pretended calmers ; and that others are pro- vided VESANIC AFFECTIONS. 7g vided for receiving them afterwards as incurable, and for locking them up like fo many favage ani- mals, it may readily he conceived how far fuch eftablilhments fall fhort of the perfc6lion to which they might be carried in confequence of the en- lightened ftate of the prefent period. RECAPI- [ 80 ] KECAPITULATION THE HISTORY OF DISEASES, WITH VARIOUS REFLECTIONS, 1 86. A MINUTE hiftory of the numerous dlfl eafes to which man in a ftate of fociety is fubjedl, and a knowledge of the caufes by which they are produced, evidently prove that the whole of them almoft have had their origin among individuals crowed together ; and that they are the refult of local influence, of the manner in which people are lodged, clothed, and fed, and of the varied em- ployment of the different fundlions. The human race are not fubjedl: to more dif» eafes than the other animals ; and every well-or- ganized perfon who refides in a falubrious coun- try, who enjoys a fufiiciency of wholefome nou- rifliment, who makes a proper ufe of his fun6lions, and who is fecured from every accident, experi- ences no difeafe, and dies of old age. Man in the favage and hunter ftate exhibits the type of the moft energetic organization. Being continually employed in exercifes -which call forth 6 his REFLECTIONS ON TitE HISTORY OP DISEASES. 8i his flrength and agility, and fed on the f]e(h of the animals he has caught, he finds himfelf under the two circumftances nioil favourable for acquiring an athletic conQitutiorii Though man, in confequence of the general; conftitution of his digeftive lyflem, is polyphagoils, -. animal food is that moll agreeable to him^ and the kind which he naturally prefers. The carnivorous favage acquires thofe habits of cruelty which are the neceffary refult of his mode of life^ and which are found among all animals that^ like him, feed on the produce of the chace. Ichthyophagi, fuch as are the greater part of the Finns, exhibit an organization much lefs robuft ; they employ patience and dexterity, father than ftrengttf and courage, to catch their prey^ and their food is lefs nourifhing and lefs falubrious. Nomades, employed alone in guarding the herds and flocks which fupply them with a milk diet, fuch as the fmall number of Tartars, who abftairi from flefh, do not polTefs that ftrength and dex- terity acquired by the exercife of hunting ; and in the wars carried on againft them by the hunter hordes, they always Ihow a very great inferiority 2 in a word, confidering the exercife they take, milk to them is a fufficient and proper nourifli- ment. In the laft place, thofe who live on|y on vegeta* bles, like the Indians, exhibit, at the fame degree VOL. Ill, Q of • 82 REFLECTIONS ON THE of civilization, weaker conftitutions and mildef manners. In thefe different ftates of ftrength and energy, if men are not crowded together in too great con- fufion; if they refide in temperate climates, habi- tually dry and free from marOiy exhalations, they all enjoy perfedl health, and arrive almoll uni- formly at death by old age. Bat, in proportion as men unite in fociety, dif- ferent difeafes, to which they afterwards remain fubje6l, are developed amongft them. 187. Scurvy is one of the affe6lions firll ob- ferved amon^; riverian people, or thole who in- habit countries partly covered by Vv'ater. The continued adlion of cold moiftur^^ debili- tates their nervous llrength, and produces in them a fort of death at the furface of their bodies; the ildn grows pale, and' is covered with livid fpots ; exudations take place in the cellular tifllie ; it be- comes choked up, or decays ; the gums fwell, and are ulcerated ; they experience pains more or lefs acute, their limbs often fhrink, and they perifh in a fort of confumption. Men are the lefs capable of refifting the influ- ence of this humidity the more they are weakened by reft or fatigue, by the vi^ant of nourifhment, by the bad quality of their food, and by all thofe caiifes which tend to debilitate. That- HlStORY OF DISEASES. 83 That weak and debilitated conftitution which produces fcurvy is afterwards tranfinitted, in part, by generation. The fatal influence of continual humidity in a cold marfhy country may, in a great meafure, be corrected by human induftry : hence, to dig canals for the purpofe of giving motion to the ftagnant wa- ters ; to provide elevated habitations, better cloth- ing, found nourifhnnent, alcoholized beverages; to pay attention to cleanlinefsjand ufe proper exercife, are the beft means for preventing, almoft entirely, fcorbutic afFedlion in the dampefi; countries, as may be fecn in Holland. It is by employing a part of thefe means that navigators are enabled to prevent the fcurvy on board fhip during long voyages. W^xm-blooded animalsj and even a great num- ber of plants, experience affections analogous to tire fcurvy, by the continued atftion of exc^ffive moifture* i88. In the infancy of fociety, when men, as we may fay, are wanderers on the earth, without proper habitations; continually expofed to the in- temperance of the feafons in different climates; forced to an incetlant adiivity to infure their fafety and to provide for their wants, the organization becomes habituated to the impreffion of heat and cold, drynefs and moifture. The fkin, by its continual expofure 'to the air, G 2 and 84 REFLECTIONS ON THE and by fucceffive fridlion againft different bodies, becomes indurated. The mufcular fyftem, by va- ried and extenfu'e exercife, acquires great force j and the lungs are habituated to inhale atmofpheric air at different degrees of heat and moifture. The fiiomach receives coarfe aliments, which require great labour to be digefled ; and it can bear without difficulty either an excefs of food or long falling. In a word, a being who is thus continually fti- mulated by abrupt and frequent changes of his con- dition, and who isnot fubje^tedto the influence of any habit, acquires a conliderable force of organi- zation. In this ftate blows, falls, privation of every kind, heat, cold, and humidity, though carried to a very great degree, produce only very flight in» difpofitions. Every part poflefles a firong power of reaction; and all thefe organs, fo fine and fo de- licate, which feem fo eafily deranged, form by their pliability and adion a whole capable of refilling the moil powerful caufes of deftrudion- 189. On the other hand, at a degree of civili- zation pretty far advanced, when men united in cities begin to have well built habitations which con- tinually fhelter them from the injuries of the air^ when their ildn is fecured by good clothing from the contaft of exterior bodies, and from the im- preflion of cold and dampnefs j when habit or do- medie HISTORY. OP DISEASES. 85 meftic occupations withdraw them from the influ- ence of atmofpheric variations, their parts acquire a great fufceptibiHty for being affedled by every abrupt change. Their organization does not poflefs that power of readlion which oppofes the firft caufes of derangement, or which fpeedily re- moves any interruption that may have taken place in the fun6lions. Each organ is eaiily thrown into diforder, and the derangement which continues, for v/ant of the ftrength necefTary to repair it, foon becomes itfelf the caufe of a new afFe6lion ; and hence we often fee a fucceffion of different de- rangements produced by each other, all arifing from one flight caufe, which nature had not power to overcome, and which art is not able to prevent. 190. The violent and unufual impreffion of any caufe whatever on organs eafily irritated, produces numerous ^blegma/ice. The phlegmafia of any organ always confifls In a change in the flate of the fun6lion peculiar to it, with an alteration*in its intimate ftrudure. It may be readily conceived that every part of the body is fufceptible of this mode of affection ; that each muft exhibit it in a manner peculiar to itfelf; and that the fame organ may prefent a great number of varieties in this order of difeafes. The greatefl: and mofi: important difference in the phlegmafies arifes from their progrefs. Some G 3 proceed S6 REFLECTIONS ON THE proceed in a rapid manner, foon produce a general derangement, and either terminate at the end of a fhort and hmited period, or are changed into chronic afFe(5lions. Others are exceedingly flow in their progrefs, and in the courfe of time often produce very great alterations, without having been obferved at their commencement. It may be eafily conceived, that between thefe two ex- tremes there mufl be a great many intermediate fhades. Phlegmafias vary in the different organs, and in the analogous parts are the fame ; fo that the dif- ferent anatomical fyftems of organ sfurnifh the na- tural divilions of this clafs of difeafes. It may, indeed, be readily conceived that a mu- cous membrane, for example, mufl be affected in an analogous manner, whether it ferves to form part of the aerian, alimentary, or genito-urinary pallages. The cafe will be the fame in regard to the ferous membranes, the cellular tifTue, the bones, the mufcles, the fkin, &c, ( 191. We fhall here take a curfory view of the different kinds of phlegmafias ; beginning with thofe which appear to be fimplefl. When, the fkin has been divided or cut, the edges of the wound tumefy, and become red and painful ; the heat and circulation in the part are increafed„ Thefe firfl phsenomena refull from the laceration HISTORY CF DISEASES. 87 laceration of the nerves. Soon after the e(lo;es of the wound Jecrete a vifcous fluid, which is efFufed between the lips of it, and caufes them to ad- here. When the divifion is very fmall, and does not reach beyond the Ikin, the union nnay be effedied in a few hours. On the other hand, when large and deep a much longer time is required j but, in all cafes, it is fooner eifedled according as the union of the edges has been more exa6l, and as the individual enjoys a better ftate of health. The edges of the wound may unite, even though they have fuftained a violent contufion ; though they have remained feparate for feveral days, and though they retain between them .coagulated blood : fo that it is always proper to try to efFe£l an union by the means which the art of furgery indicates in fuch cafes, as long as the part is not afFeded by a general phlegmafia. Almoft all thofe topics which are employed to favour the union of wounds are at leaft ufelefs. When it has not been poffible to unite a folu- tion, the edges fecrete a vifcous fluid.; cicatriza- tion takes place flowly, and in the manner of wounds with a lofs of fubftance. In the latter, as in cafes of fimple diviiion, the phcenomena arifing from la^fion of the nerves, and their expo- fure to the air, firft take place ; the fecretion then becomes more abundant, and the wound grado- G 4 ally 8gf REFLECTIONS ON THE ally cicatrizes from the circumference to thecentre, by the formation of a new epidermis. When nothing but the epidermis has been re- movedj as is the cafe in flight burns, cicatrization. is fpontaneoufly effedled in every point at the fame time. The method mod proper for favouring the cica- trization of a wound is to apply nothing to it. This iTiethod, which is certainly the lirapleft, is perhaps Ihe only one which has never beeq thought of. I have obtained yery rapid cicatrization by covering ulcers with a pierced dreffing. By thefe means they are defended from the contadl of every body, and from the impreffion of the atmofphere^ while the air is allowed to circulate at their furface : the air carries off the hurnidity difengaged^ and which by remaining oppofes cicatrization. The ^us^ called laiidahle, which is formed In all deep wounds^ is not produced at the fiirface of thofe which are left expofed to the air. The for- mation of this pus is. promoted and maintained by the application of the foreign body which covers it. Thofe which remain expofed to the air fufFer to e'^ude from them a fmall quantity of vifcid. fe- rous matter, which becomes dry, and below which the epidermis is formed. There are a great number of cafes in which it is found necefTary to cover wounds. The laws of phyliology, like thofe of philofophy, can rarely be applied HISTORY OF DISEASES. SQ applied In their whole extent; but whatever method be adopted, thefe laws mull always be employed as a guide. Thus, in every cafe where dreffing is requifitc, it muft never be forgotten that the moft beneficial Gourfe, when poflible to be followed, is to apply nothing to the wound ; and therefore the leafl irritating fubflances ought to be ufed, thofe befl calculated to abforb the pus which is formed muft be chofen, and care fhouid be taken that they do not adhere to the edges where cicatrization is taking place. No topics have the property of battening, in a dire6l manner, the cicatrization of wounds, and the beft vulneraries are thofe which do the leafl hurt. However, when the wounded part is in a ftate of weaknefs which retards the procefs of cicatrization, all flimulants may become ufeful vulneraries. Wounds cicatrize the fpeedier the frefher they are, and the founder the conflitution of the indivi- dual. It will therefore be proper, in all cafes, to endeavour to bring them back to the recent ftate, and to refiore firength to the organization. The appearance of a wound may always ferve to indi- cate the ftate of the individual's health. When an ulcer has been of long ftanding, either in confequence of the individual's bad health, of the peculiar weaknefs of the wounded part, or of any local irritation whatever^, nothing is fecreted J but go REFLECTIONS ON THE - but fanious and fetid pus 3 its edges become hard and callous, the adjacent part aflumes a violet co- lour, and at length lofes its former fcnfibility» In this ftate of things, it will fometimes be proper to make a new wound in the old one, in order to pro- duce cicatrization, 192. Phlegmafia of the cellular tifiue exhibits, in the formation of phlegmon (tumour), a feries of phaenomena the progrefs of which may be eafily followed. When a thorn is introduced beneath the fkin, the individual immediately experiences an acute pain, which gradually ceafes ; but fome days after there comes on around the prick a flight rednefs, with fwelling and heat, and the pain is renewed. Sometimes, alfo, a general derangement of a flight and tranfient nature takes place. If this new mode of a61ion continue, the fwell- ing increafes and fpreads; a flight tumefadion of the neighbouring lymphatic glands takes place : a fmall tumour then arlfes, which becomes white, breaks in the moil prominent part, and affords an ilTue to the pus, which carries with it the thorn. The prefence of the thorn was not neceflary to give rife to all this feries of phasnomena ; the prick alone would have been fufHcient to produce ihem. Hence, the prick of a needle often produces phlegmon^ HISTORY OP DISEASES. ^1 plilegmon, efpecially in perfons highly irritable, weak, or difeafed, and who, in this cafe, are faid to have hadflejh. Inoculation with the vaccine matter produces alfo the fame feries of general phaenomena, and the phlegmon arifing from it exhibits a conftant and invariable progrefs j becaufe the fubftance which occafions its development is always of the fame nature. The cafe of the thorn, that of a fimple pundlure, and of the vaccine inoculation, exhibit nothing common or efTential but the prick, or the impreffion made by conta6l on the nerves of the wounded part. Every prick in a nerve produces a change of ftate, more or lefs continued, in the general adion of the nervous fyftem : when this new mode of action is continued on the wounded part, it gives rife to phlegmon. This change of ftate is often only momentary, and fo tranfient as fcarcely to be perceptible. But in many cafes it manifefls itfelf in an evident manner by a general indifpoiition, and the peculiar derangement of diffei^ent functions. In all cafes of pricking, as the prefence of the foreign body in the part, and its tranfmiffion into the mafs of the blood, are not necefTary to produce the general derangement and particular formation of the phlegmon, the hypothefis .of abforption is entirely unfupported by proofs. Of gl REFLECTIONS ON THE Of the numerous caufes of phlegmafiae, tbofe which exercife the greateft a6lion on the nerves are, in general, the fubftances fecreted or difen- gaged from organized bodies in a ftate of difeafe or of putrefacflion. Hence, after a prick made in diilecling a dead body in a high flate of putrefadion, that is to fay, by the contaft of the cadaverous moleculas, at a certain period of decompoiition, with fome of the nerves of the hand, there may take place in the courfe of a few days rednefs, fwelling, heat around the wounded part, and then ihooting pains, which gradually increafe in a continued manner, fo as at length to become infupportable. Thefe firft local pha^nomena are foon followed by a general derangement of the fundions. Hence, there come on : pain in the head, weaknefs and confufion of the fenfes, tranfient delirium, pro- ftration of ftrength, fhivering, acceleration of the pulfe and of refpiration by paroxyfms; greater heat of thefkin, fweats, lofs of appetite, new mode ofa6iion in moft of the organs of fecretion, &c. This feries of phsenomena, which affume the name of fever, vary indefinitely, according to the caufes, and to the difpolition of the individual. After the fwelling has acquired a certain degree of intenfity, it gradually fubfides, as well as the febrile fymptoms : if the latter continue to in- creafe HISTORY OF DISEASES. Q3 creafe there is formed a co]Ie(5lion of pus, which is fometimesre-abforbed, or which diftends the fkin, burfts it, and is difcharged. But when the weaknefs is exceffive no purulent colle6lion is formed ; the progrefs of the phlegmon is fufpended, and it may happen that the wounded part will gradually lofe its a6lion. It then afTumes a blueifh, livid tint, becomes indolent, and falls into a ftate of gangrene. In the laft place, if the flrength is re-eftabli(hed, and if th^ febrile fymptoms ceafe, the wounded part gradually refumes its vitality, the dead parts detach themfelves, and there remains an ulcer which cicatrizes ilovvly from the circumference to- wards the centre. Phlegmon being an afFedion peculiar to the cellular tiffiie, it may take place in all the organs provided with it. Its fize varies, from the puflule fcarcely perceptible, to the tumour which contains - fometimes more tlian a pint of pus. When the phlegmon pafles through all its ftages it termi- nates in an abfcefs ; but it may flop at any of its periods : abfcefJes which already contain a large quantity of pus. are often feen to difappear in a fhort time. In this cafe, the purulent matter has been decompofed or digefled, and transformed into moleculae fufccptible of returning into the torrent of circulation, or of being thrown out by the ufual excretory pafiages. The 94 REFLECTIONS ON THE The progrefs of phlegmon is generally ftopped when there comes on a fudden derangement in ibme other part : the coincidence of thefe twp phsenomena has given reafon to think that the pus proceeds to the part newly affe^ledj to produce there, by its prefence, the fymptoms before ob- ferved. From this circumftance the whole theory of metaftafis has originated. Thus, for example, a man has on his thigh a phlegmon which begins to enter into a ftate of fup-- puration j boiling water falls upon one of his legSj and the tumour difappears. The latter may be diffipated alfo, if he experiences a violent cold, or meets with any unexpe<5ted event in which he is deeply interefted, and which engages his attention for fome time. In all thefe cafes, the pus of the phlegmon has not proceeded to the legs, nor to the breaft, nor to the intelle6lual organ : thefe are only varied phsenomena of the nervous adlion, which fucceed each other, and afTume each other's place according to the ratio of their intenfity. In all cafes of phlegmon, the produ6^ of the fe= cretion becomes an irritant, Vvbich may at length give rife to further ace icier ts : thus its continued prefence around a bone p;-: - profluce caries, Sec. From thefe obfervatior : it is clearly {een how ridiculous it is to be cor:" nually endeavouring to make a phlegmon fupp;jrate; which always pro- longs tfie difeafe, and cnen produces ugly-cica- trices, without any advantaf^e, 8 ^ Pretended HISTORY OF DISEASES. g^ Preiended refolvents and difcutients, habitually employed, feldom produce any adlion. A phleg- mon may be checked in its progrefs by all thole means which are proper for determining a flrong and continued a6lion towards another part. In' a word, it often happens that nature fports with all our means, and brings to fuppuration thofe tumours which we are defirous of fufpend- ing, and fufpends^thofe which we wiHi to bring to a ftate of fuppuration. A phlegmon may take place not only in the cel- lular tiffue furrounding the different parts, but alfo in the parenchymatous fubftance of fome of the organs, fuch as the lungs, the liver, the kidneys, &c. It then exhibits numerous varieties which depend on the ftruclure of the aiFedied organ, on the difpolition of the individual, on the rapid or flow progrefs of the phlegmon, &c. A part may be afFe6lcd without any diredl im- prcflion, and merely by means of its relation with other organs. Hence phlegmonous tumours are not always the refult of the acftion diredlly exer- cifed on the nerves of the part where they take place ; they often arife from a remote caufe : of this kind are thofe formed around the glands at the end of feveral acute difeafes, fach as buboes in iyphilis, &c. In all cafes of phlegmon the termination is the fpeedier gd . ' REFLECTIONS ON THE fpeedier as the conflitution of the Individual af- fe(5ted is (Ironp-er. o In the different clailes of yertebral animals, the cicatrization of wounds, the development and pro- grefs of phlegmonous tumours, are abfolutely the fame as in man, and exhibit no eflential difFerence.- 193. The ferous membrane which lines the tho- rax, the abdomen, the cranium, and the articular capfules ; which covers the Tungs, and forms the exterior tunic of the Homach, the inteftines, the bladder, the matrix, &c. exhibits in its phlegmalic afFedlion peculiar phaenomena. This affedion, in its rapid progrefs, produces excruciating pain, and fuddenly gives rife to a leries of febrile phaenomena exceedingly violent and almofl continued. The afFe(5^ed membrane fwells ; and, inf^ead of the fluid which habitually exudes from it, fecretes in abundance a thick albuminous fluid, which coa- gulates into flakes or lumps that float in the fero- lity, or into a thick membrane, which produces ad- hefion between the contiguous furfaces of the fe^ rous membrane. The albuminous fluid fecreted in phlegrnafia of the peritoneum is found in curds araidll: the ferous fluid of the abdomen, and refembles, in fome mea- fure, the concrete cafeous part of milk floating in the HISTORY OF DISEASES. gy the ferum. After difficult births, the matrix fomeif times experiences a fort of phlegmafia, which fpreads along the peritonaeum, and gives rife to a fever which often proves mortal {puerperal fever). Several phyficians have confidered the albuminous fubftance then found in the abdomen as effufed milk ; but this fuppofed milk is found in men as well as in women, after all thofe phlegmafiae of the ferous membranes of the abdomen which have had 9. fatal termination, and particularly after the ope- ration for a ftrangulated hernia. It feems probable that the vulgar error of milk difFufed throughout all the parts of the body, has arifen from this erroneous idea, that milk is fufr ceptible of being effufed into the abdomen. It is aftoni{hing to find perfons of good fenfe who con- flder rheumatic pains as the efFe6l of effufed milk, and who ferioufly believe that there are remedies capable of cauling the milk in its curdled ftate to be evacuated by flool, even a great number of years after the individual has been delivered. Acute phlegmafise of the ferous membranes are always dangerous, and often fatal. It is of great importance, therefore, to difcover them at their commencement, in order that 4he means proper for eradicating them may be employed. The principal means on which a dependance can be placed are, to weaken the general a6tion of the nervous (}ftem, when the fever exhibits no perni- VOL. iir, H cious gS REFLECTION'S ON f HS clous character, like that called the puerperal j and to excite ftrong, continued, and varied irritation in other parts than that which is afFe61ed. The ferous membranes may alfo be the feat of chronic phlegmafias, which increafe very llovvly ; which are ■ almoil always miflaken at their com- mencement, and over which art has very little power. ' ■ ' Domeftic animals are iubjedl to acute afFetftions of the ferous membranes, which exhibit a feries of iymptoms analogous to thofe obferved in man. ^-^ 194, The white fibrous tifllies which terminate the mufcles and furround the articulations experi- ence a fort of phlegmafia, which for the moft part feems to be produced by the long continued a6lion of a particular damp cold. It rarely attacks ro- buft perlbns continually expbfed to the incle- mency of the feafons ; but more readily the inhabitants of large cities, of a weak conftitution, and who are feldom expofcd to the adion of the weather. This, rheumatic afFe61ion announces . itfelf by a fort of painful torpor in a certain part, which increafes fometimes to fuch a degree as to be- come a lacerating pain. It is often accompa- nied by fwelling with rednefs, great fenlibility of the Ikin, and difficulty in the mufcular adlion. Thefe firft fymptoms are frequently attended 4 with HISTORY OF DISEASES. g{) With a feries of febrile phacnomenaj which are often exceedingly violent. r..-, One peculiar charadter of this' a'^'^^idn is, that it iiiddeniy ihifts, or ceafesiii -one part to re-ap- pear i'n aiiother. It thus often fiiovvs itfelf alter- nately'in iall' the-EPPtieulatio'ns^ and even returns to- the firft. Rheumatifra varies, both in regard to its dura- tion and to its intenfity, from a' limple fleeting pain, which fcarcely lafts^afeyv^ days,- t-O a general afFe6lion which cotifih'fes thfe itidividtt&l to bed for iive or fix weeks. After parturition^ women being weak and-ex- cieedirigly ferifible to cold, frequently experience rheumatic affe61ions, which by fome are confi- dered as effh/hd milk i' • Rheamatifm often takes place without febrile iymptoms, and without fwelling of the parts. In this cafe, it announces itfelf by pains, more or lefs acute, which return by paroKyfms, and fometimes become intolerable* In fome cafes thefe pains give rife to a fwelling of the periofteum of fome of the parts, and are then generally confidered as lymptoms of fyphilis. It is to be remarked,, that it is always to fyphilis, 01* to the pretended ejfufed irulk^ that all thofe dif- eafes the character of which cannot be ealily de- termined are afcribed ; and when cured by the means ufed for fuch affedlions phyficians think H 2 themfelves lOO REPLECTIOKS ON THE themfelves authorized to fay: ''Such a difeafc yielded to mercurials, confequently it was vene- real ; fuch another difappeared in confequence of ufing thofe purgatives called antila^ics, and there- fore it arofe from effvfed milk." Thofe who reafon in this manner evidently fhow that they are ba4 logicians. When rheumatifm afFe6ls the articulation of the ribs and the intercoftal ligaments, the movements of the thorax are impeded, and the difficulty of refpiration frequently becomes very great ; which often occafions error, and excites apprehejnfionQf a difeafe of the lungs. The fmall articulations exhibit in the gout an affedlion analogous to rheumatifm ; but which, however, is very different from it in the aggregate^ of its accefibry phaenomena, of its caufes, &c. It contracts a fort of regular or irregular periodicity, with an uniform or anomalous progrefs. The adtion of the damp cold which excites phlegmafife of the white fibrous membranes, often produces thofe alfo of the mucous membranes ; fo that thefe two orders of phlegmaliae fometimes take place by alternatiooj and reciprocally fufpend each other : which occalions a belief that in this cafe alfo the humour proceeds from one part to another. Thus it has been fuppofed that the gout can afcend to the llomach, or proceed to the blad- derj 8cc. Acute HISTORY OF DISEASES. 101 Acute rheumatirm is fometimes checked at its commencement by means proper for diminifhing the powers, and by exciting in the gaftric organ a point of irritation frequently renewed. The pains of chronic rheumatifm are diffi- cult to be removed. They appear, however, to have been diminifhed by an increafed a(9:ion of the fkin, and of perfpiration, by means of dry fric- tion, clothes of waxed tafFety, &c. In a word, this order of difeafes exhibits alfo feveral very ohfcure points, which are deferving of farther obfervation. As this order of difeafes is excited, for the moft- part, by the unaccuftomed adion of damp cold on feeble individuals, animals which, in general^ exhi- bit more vitality, and which are habituated to all the variations of the atmofphere, do not feem to be fubjed to them. 195. As the eflential ufe of the mucous mem- branes is to fecrete fluids proper for lubricating the pneumo-gallric and genito-urinary paflages, and to furnifh digeftive juices, the phlegmatic of thefe parts muft manifeft themfelves chiefly by a change in this mode of fecretion. When a part of the mucous fyftem has received the impreffion of any foreign caufe whatever, either dire6t or indireft, a fenfation of flraitnefs, drynefs, and ardour, is experienced in that part. The habi- tual fecretion is fufpended, the tides of the mucous H 3 organ 302 REFLECTIONS ON THE organ fwell, febrile fymptoms appear, and in a few days tbere is fecreted a large quantity of a ne\y, limpid, and higbly irritating fluid. As the other febrile fymptoms difappear, the pro- du61; of this new mode of adlion becomes infenfibly thicker, and Igfs irritating; the mucous organ gradually rdlimes its uilial fun<51ion, and fecretion its natural chara61er. In this order of difeafes the new fecretion always itrongly irritates the organs on which it is eifuled, and produces further accidents, variable according to the ufes of thefe organs. It is this fecretion which ocpalions fneezing in coryza ; cough and difficulty of breathing in colds; tenefmus in dy- fentery ; frequent deiire of voiding urine in gonor- rhoea, &c. The peculiar fecretion which refults from this new mode of adlion was long confidered by phy- licians as the direct caufe of the difeafe, while it evidently appears that it is only the prpduft of it. They were of opinion that the difeafe arofe from' a. humour which infected the mafs of the fluids, and that nature endeavoured in this manner to free itfelf from it. This hypothefis miaft have firft been formed at a time when phyfiological knowledge was very limited : on it was founded humoral medicine, which was eafily applicable to all difeafes. It was indeed fuppolcd, that as a humour evidently ap^ peared HISTORY OF DISEASES. 103 peared .to be the caufe of difeafe in catarrhs, ; it might exlft alfo in all other cafes, though in .a manner lefs apparent ; and every time that a fpon- taneous alteration took place in the ftruStiire or fundlioti of an organ, it was faid that the morhljic humour had proceeded thither. This theory foon obtained credit, and at length became popular, becaufe it was exceedingly con- venient to account for every thing to perfons who had no idea of the laws of organization, and be- caufe the means of cure moft commonly employed feemed very often to fupport it. In the fuppofition of a humour which proceeds to a certain part and deranges its action, it was natural for phylicians to endeavour to divert it, by making it ifTue through the Ikin, or by evacuating it by ftool or by urine ; and as they were obliged, in order to produce this effe^, to irritate very ftrongly fome other part, they in this manner often deflroy- ed the foreign action which conftitutcd the difeafe. But it riiay be readily conceived that this practice, founded on a falfe theory, muft have as often proved fatal as beneficial. The new mode of a6tion which is efiablifhed in catarrh may be fufpended, in the commencement, by all thofe means capable of exciting a powerfql and continued atSlion in Ibme other part than the affected membrane. For this reafon, emetics em- ployed fo as to produce naufea, and repeated feve- H 4 ral 104 REFLECTIONS ON THE ral times, fucceed fo often in catarrhs of the aerlaa paflages. * ; This new mode of a6lion may be changed alfo hf applying to the affeded membrane a new irri- tant, more energetic or frequently repeated. In perfons of a good conflitution, catarrh terminates fpontaneouily at the end of a period which varies from fome days to fome months, according to the organ affedled, the nature of the irritant, and the difpofition of the individuals, &c. Catarrhs may be indefinitely continued by the repeated application of the fame irritants which produced them ; by local or individual weaknefs, and by the force of habit. The caufe which for the moft part produces catarrhs of the aerian paflages (colds), is the fud- den impreflion of damp cold air, in a ftate yet un- known, on the nerves of thefe parts. Perlbns of a weak conftitution, and not accuflomed to breathe this air, receive the impreflion of it fooner than others.. The a£Hon of this damp and cold air on the aerian paflages is flronger, according as the tempe- rature of the Ikin is higher ; fo that people will more certainly be attacked, the more they endea- vour to fecure themfelves by the common means. To remain, therefore, in winter continually fliut lip, to be always warmly clothed, or to go abroad when heated, are the fure means of acquiring tlie 8 difeafe HISTORY OF totSEASES. 105 difeafe by the firfl impreffion of cold damp air on the lungs. On the other hand, thofe thinly clothed, thofe habitually expofed to the air, and thofe who avoid overheating themfelves, are fcarcely evef fubjedl to colds. Theadlion of the cold damp atmofphere may jifFe(5l a ^art of the mucous fyftem, without mak- ing a direct impreffion on it, but by exercifing an adion on a diftant part. Hence, damp cold in the feet produces catarrh of the aerian paflages, and often alfo of the inteftinal furfaces. We are taught by obfervation, that the oftener people have been attacked by catarrh, the more readily they are alfeded by it ; and that the lon- ger a catarrhal difpofilion has continued, the more difficult it is to be deftroyed. In gonorrhoea, the produd of thfe fecretion is contagious, iand the application of it to the genito- urinary membrane of another individual produces the fame affedlion : the latter, in like manner, may be propagated indefinitely by means of contad. It is, in all probability, the contagious charader of this fort of catarrh that renders its progrefs fo tedious,, and its termination often, fo difficult, when left to itfelf, in individuals of a weak con- ftitution. This urethral catarrh may be cured pretty foon by means of ftimulatifig injedions, which change the 106 ' REFLECTIONS ON THE the contagious mofje offecretion into anotljer not contagious. When catarrhs are frequently renewed, or have continued a very long time, they often give rife to chronic affedlions exceedingly troublelome : of this kind are callofities in the urethra, leucorrhoea, vefical catarrh, catarrh of the aerian paffages, phthifis pplmonaris. In thp Jaft mentioned cafe, when continued emundories are eftabhfhed (cauteries, veficatories), with the intention of producing a derivation of a humour^ the only effe6l obtained in general is, to have two difeafes inftead of one ; and both tend equally to weaken, by drawing off juices rich in nutritive parts, and more fpeedily bring on con- fumption . Domestic animals are pot much ful^jedl to ca- tarrhal afFedtions, becaufe they are more habitually cxpofed to the variations of the atmofphere ; but thofe which, by a peculiar firu61ure of their nof- trils, are apt to have the glanders, exhibit in that fort of coryza a catarrh much more troublefome than any of thofe which affedt the human fpecies. 196. The mucous membranes which line the pneumo-gadric and genito-urinary paflages, arp continued with the fiiin on the edges of different natural apertures \ and it might be faid^ that in thefe piSTORY OF. DISEASES. }0f thefe part? the Jatter is folded back to line thefe different cavities. . It is obferved, alfo, that the cutaneous and mucous fyftems have a> great rela- tion in their reciprocal fun<51ions. It cannot, however^ be denied, that tliefe tw^o l}'ftems of organs exhibit very flriking differences in their intimate flfu6iure, efpecially during va- rious difeafes to which they are fubje6l. Affedlions of the ildn exhibit a new mode of a6lion and fecretion, with or without alteration ia the intimate flru6lure of that organ. They may arife merely from the fecretion of the ikin being increafed or changed ; or they exhibit themfelves under the form of eruptions, of divers forms and fizes ; of phlegmonous pullules ; furfu- raceous, fquamous, fcabby, or ulcerated fpots. In fome cafes, the produdt of the morbific fecre- tion is contagious. In robuft individuals,, whofe Ikin is continually expofed to the air, this organ becomes brown and , tanned, infenlible to all imprcffions of the atmo- fphere, and is iiibje(5l to no difeafe. Qn the other hand, cutaneous affections are pumerous among the civilized nations of tempe- j-ate or warm countries, who live in a luxurious manner, and whofe Ikin habitually Ineltered is highly feniible to the adlion of all irritants which come in contact with it. They are more fre- (juent, alfo, among individuals who, being born with 108 REFLECTIONS ON THE with thefe difpofitions, remain in a date of po- verty and dirtinefs. The latter are expofed to a great number of foreign irritants, and to the re- action on the cutaneous organ of the produds of its fecretion. In fome cafes of denudation, or of difeafe, this produce often exhibits an exceedingly acrid and highly irritating chara(5ter. It is pro- bable, that a concurrence of analogous circum- iflanccs has given rife to the greater part of cuta- tJeous difeafes. It appears that the Greeks preferved themfelves from difeafes of the fkin, which among them were exceedingly frequent and fevere, merely by the habitual ufe of bathing and of un<5lions. Bathing ilrengthens the Ikin by habituating it to the conta(5l of a fluid eight hundred times denfer than atmofpheric air, and cleanfes it from the produ6^s, more or lefs irritating, of its fecretion. Ointments, like a light varnifli, preferve it from the too immediate conta6t of a great number of foreign and Simulating fubftances, without in any - manner impeding its excretion. It is well known that the Grecian baths were eftablifhments exceedingly magnificent, and that they conftituted the mofl remarkable of their public monuments. Cutaneous afFedions, in fome cafes, are the necelTary confequisnce of an epidemic or fporadic fever ; in others, they are the refult of a foreign mode HISTORY OF DISEASES. IO9 mode of adlion excited in fome of the or- gans * : but, for the moft part, they arife from the immediate adlion of fome irritants on the £kin ; and in all thefe cafes they vary as the caufes which produce them. Moft cutaneous afFedions terminate fpontane- oufly at the end of a certain time, and require no treatment. Others are indefinitely continued, during an unlimited time, either by the force of habit, or by the repeated contadl of the contagi- ous produ6l of fecretion. In fuch cafes, the phyfi- cian endeavours to fubftitute in the place of thefe obftinate afFe6lions, others which do not exhibit that character, and which cure themfelves fponta- neoufly, and to produce in another organ, fuch as that of digeftion, a ftrong and frequently renewed aftion. The itch is an eruption without fever, the pro- duct of which is contagious. It is readily pro- pagated by means of contadl, efpecially among perfons a prey to wretchednefs and dirt, among whom it becomes, in fome meafure, endemial. It is cured by all thofe means proper for excit- ing in the fkin another mode of adlion, fuch as friction, and all irritating fubftances. A recent itch may be fpecdily removed ; but the longer it has continued the more difficult is the cure. * Dr. Lorry always experienced a cutaneous eruption whcii he ate rice. Among llO REFLEcflONo ON Til£ Among pcrfons who have a deihcate fkin, fric- tion for the itch foon produces another eruptioflj which' the furgeons cOnfidcr as pforic. This new eruption, which may be afterwards rhaintained by dirtinefs and ufelefs friiiions, has often been cOn- fidered as an obfl;inate itch, and as fuch has been feveral times treated without fuccefs ; but it al- ways yields to means proper for allaying the irri- tation of the fliin, fuch as reft^ bathing, unQ;ions,'_ the ufe of fine linen, &c. No eruption but that the prodiK^i: of which is contagious ought to be confidered as the itch.' When this difeafe has continued a long time, it leaves in the fidn a difpofition for producing, at certain periods, and often for feveral years, a hevr eruption, which is not contagious, and which ought not to be confidered as pforic. _ In the puf^ tales of the itch there is often found an animal- culum (acarus fcab'iei)^ which has been differently defcribed by naturalilis, and to which are afcribed the produdlion and propagation of the difeafe ; but this aflertion has never been properly proved. Tinea is cured by a pitch-plafter, in the form of a cap, which tearing up the whole fcabby flratum forms a new wound, the cicatrizing of which is then fpontaneoufly effedted. This dif- eafe would, in all probability, yield to a lefs vio- lent remedy. HerpeS;, HISTORY OP DISEASES. HI Herpes, which ha^ To great a fimllarity to ti- nea, yields ortl}'- to analogous rheans. In a word,' the cafe 'is the fame with all old ulcers, which are continued by the force of habit, and whofe hard and oallous- edges' oppofe cicatrl-' zation. When transforrried-into a recent wound they often heal very fpeedily. An afFe^lion of the ikin may fuddenly difap- pear, when a ftronger derangement takes place in another organ. In thefe cafes, the vulgar be- lieve, that the difeafc of the Ikin has been driven inwards, and that it has proceeded to the, part newly affedled ; but this difappearance bught'to be confidered merely as the confequence of the fti-ong a6lion of an organ which fufpends a {lighter in another part. When the eruption is recalled, an efFe(5l analogous to that of a veficatory is ob- tained. Animals in the favage ftatfe do hot feem to be fubjecSl to any difeafes of the fkin ; but among thofe which we fubdue, and confine together in clofe, damp, and gloomy places, -or which re- ceive an infufficient quantity of food, or aliment of a bad quality, cutaneous aife6lions of a very noxious charadler foon manifeft themfelves. 197. The glands of the lymphatic fyftem, the other glandular organs, and ' the white fibrous tilTues, 112 REFLECTIONS ON THE tiflues, are fufceptible of a peculiar phlegmafia, the progrefs of which is, in general, very flow. When a gland is irritated, either diredllj by the contadt of a foreign body, or indiret^ly by the adlion of another part upon it, the gland tu- mefies, and gradually becomes indurated. At firfl, a fmall round indolent body is felt, which progreffively increafes ; others arife around it ; and the tumour otlen becomes very large, hard, and unequal ; it remains a long time moveable, and produces no other inconvenience than that which refults from its weight and its polition : but at length it forms adhcfion with the neighbouring parts. The cellular tifTue^ which furrounds the gland, often enters into adion, and exhibits the whole ,feries of the phaenomena of phlegmon. Some- times, during this operation, the glandular affec- tion ceafes. When it perfifts, it continues its pro- grefs as if the phlegmon had not taken place. By opening the bodies at different periods of glandular tumours, it has been found that they have acquired the confiftence of concrete al- bumen j of lard more or lefs hardened j or of a cartilage, in the midft of which a few offified points are fometimes obferved. Scrophula is an atfe61ion of this kind, which {eems to arife from a certain ftate of weaknefs, a peculiar aiStORTf OF DISEASES. 113 peculiar conflitution, for the moft part heredi-* tary : its lymptoms feem to fhow themfelves more readily on thofe organs lead fufceptible of re- adtion, and which may be faid to be endowed with lefs vitality. A fcrophuIoLis conflitution is announced by a delicate white fkin, flabby fulinefs of the fiefhs blue and often watery eyes, bufliy chefnut-co* loured hair^ the alae of the lips and nofe thicks the lower jaw broad, a particular acutenefs and delicacy of the fenfes, and often a premature in- telligence. This conflitution appears chiefly in large ilU built cities, damp, and looking towards the north. Among children it feetns to be the refult ©f an excefs of nourifhment with want of exercife. When this peculiar -difpofition exifi:s, a point of irritation is foon obferved to be developed in Ibme of the glands ; thofe, for the moft part, of the neck and . mefentery in children; thofe of the lungs in adults, and fometimes in feveral of the articulations. In all thefe cafes, the irritation determines the ferics of phsenomena peculiar to the glands, and to the white organs. A fcrophulous conflitution, when it begins to manifefi itfelf, may. be eafily changed by the ufeof different ftimulants, wholefome nourifliment, ex- crcife, and good air ; bitters, tonics, Sec. frequently rvaried. VOL. Ill, i Scrophalous 114 REFLECTIONS ON TKfc Scropbalous fymptoms often difappear in con- fequence of fome acnte difeafe^ fmall-pox, he. They frequently difappear at the age of puberty, when the vital force aifumes a new a6lion and a greater degree of energy : if they perlill after this period, they generally continue for life. Rachitifm is a peculiar flate of the conftitution, which feems to have the greateft analogy and often to be confounded with fcrophula. It, however, differs from it in this refpedl, that it affeds in a more eflential manner the f)'ftem of the bones. In this difcafe the bones become foft and fwelled, and the motion and weight of the body bend them, and often produce the mofi: frightful deformity. This difeafe yields fometimes to the ufe of the general means indicated for fcrophula. The fle6lion of the bones even may be corredled, when not very great, by the continuance of any adlion that tends to ftraighten them, 198. Syphilis in its hiftory flill prefents a great number of obfcurities. To have a clear idea of them, it will firft be proper to take into confidera- tion the primitive chancre. We fhall, therefore, fuppofe that an ulcer in the genitals may have af- fumed, by a concurrence of very extraordinary cir- cumftances, fuch a character, that the product of its fecretion, depofited afterwards on a part defti- lute of epidermis, in another individual, gives rife • to HISTORY OF DISEASES. H^ to the formation of a limilar ulcer, and that this kind of'ulcer may then be propagated indefinitely by the means of contact. An ulcer, in confequence of its being conta- gious, muft be perpetuated in the individual in whom it exifts, producing that ravage which is pe- culiar to it, and mull occaiion, in the whole of the nervous f)'ftem, a particular change of its ftate. In lyphilisthis change is fuch, that it gives rife to fubfequent accidents, which appear more readily in fome of the mucous membranes, in the lympha- tic fyllem, and in that of the bones. In fyphilis, therefore, we ought to confider: ift. The primitive chancre, whatever be its form, which varies according to the place where it exifls. 2d. The peculiar a6lion of the nervous lyftem which it maintains. 3d. The confecutive fymptoms produced by this adtion. The primitive chancre may be eafily cured at its commencement, by all thofe means which are ca- pable of changing the nature of an ulcer. Thus, profound cauterization of a recent chancre is fuffi- cient to deftroy it. When of long (landing, mer- curials, violent fudorifics, draffic purgatives, the ufe of fome mineral acids, of fome alkalies, and in general of all thofe means capable of producing 1 % and llQ Reflections on the and maintaining a great change in the fyllem, caufe a termination of this morbific affection. But fyphih's which has not been checked in its progrefs often produces fiibfequent accidents ex- ceedingly troublefome ; fucb as confecutive chan- cres in different diftant parts, buboes, perioftofis, exoftofiSj debility, with pains in the limbs, caries, general atrophia, and a fort of confumption which may become fatal. It is probable that the product of the primitive chancre canalone propagate the contagion. In the different ftates of lyphilis all the means capa- ble of exciting in the fyikem a f^rong and con- tinued adion, during a period proportioned to the time the difeafe has exifted, always cure the pri- mitive chancre, and deflroy the fpecific a6lion which maintained it ; but the fubfequent acci- dents can be cured only by purfuing a courfe pe- culiar to them, and as if they had been produced by fome other caufe, Thefe accidents often per- liff, becaufe improper regimen and remedies main- tain the patient in a flate of debility which does not allov? the organization to make the effort ne- ceffary for effecting a cure ; and they frequently ceafe when all treatment is abandoned, and when a regimen proper for reftoring the ftrength is ob- ferved. This fimple explanation of the common pro- greig HISTORY OF DISEASES. H/ grefs of ij'philis is fufiicient to account for ali the forms it affiimes, for the nature of the accidents it produces, and for the caufe of the fuccefs or failure of all the means employed to counteradl it. A great number of chronic afFe^lions, which , take place at a longer or fhorter period after the appearance of fyphilis, are frequently confidered as maintained by this difeafe, and confequenlly are treated with mercurials. For the moft part they do not yield to this improper treatment ; but even when a cure is effedied it is ridiculous to conclude that the malady was of a ()'philitic nature. Mer- curials produce their efFe6l on the organization by exciting an energetic mode of aftion, which may be ufeful in a great many difeafes. 199, Syphilitic blennorrhagia (gonorrhoea) feems to have the fame origin as fyphilis : it however exhibits acharader fo diftindt that it may be con- iidered as an afFeftion of a peculiar kind. It con- fiflsof a catarrh of the urethral membrane, or of the vulvo-uterine conduit. The product of this catarrh is contagious, and when applied to the ge- nital parts of another individual produces the fame affedion. This blennorrhagia, after continuing about a month or two, fpontaneoufly ceafes; or, if it con- tinues longer, the fecretion gradually lofes its con- I 3 . tagious Ijg REE'LECTIONS ON THE fagious property, and the difeafe is changed into a fimple chronic catarrh. In feme women, however, blennorrhagiae of a long Handing become, under certain circumftances, contagions in the a6l of coition. Syphilitic blennorrhagia, in general, ceafesfpon- taneoufly at the end of a limited period ; but it may be cured much more fpeedily by ftimulating injeftions, which change the contagious nature of the fecretion. Syphilitic blennorrhagia, like all catarrhs, pro- duces a general derangement, which, after the commencement, is often exceedingly violent. It fometimes gives rife to derangements, which take place chiefly in parts having a very intimate rela- tion with the organ afFecled, fuch as the glands of the groin and the tefticles. When gonorrhoea is fucceeded by a fwelling of the tefticles, this new afFedlion is fometimes fo flrong that the running is immediately fufpended. In this cafe it may be proper to renew the fecre- tion of the urethra, which is always free from danger, in order to remove the difeafe of the tefti- cle, which, is much more fevere • but it is entirely ufelefs to endeavour to revive for this purpofe a fyphilitic blennorrhagia: the fame refult may be obtained from a fimple catarrh excited by any irritating injection. HISTORY OP DISEASES. 1 1 Q It is highly probable, that the fecretion of a chancre applied to the membrane of the urethra, or of the vulvo-uterine conduit, may fometimes produce a fyphilitic blennorrhagia ; but it is not probable that the produ6l of a gonorrhcea can occa- lion a chaacre. 200. The tiflue of the lymphatic glands, and that of the glands appropriated for fpecial fecretioiis ; the tiffue of the white fibrous organs ; that of the bones, and even the fkin, in confequence of any irritation, are fufceptible of experiencing a fort of phlegmafia, the progrefs of which is generally very flow, and the refult always uniform. This chronic afFcftion of the glandular or white fibrous tifilies manifefis itfelf, for the moft part, after an acute phlegmafia of the other cellular, mu- cous or ferous tiffiies by which they are furrounded. Sometimes it is produced dire<5lly by any irritation whatever. In all thefe cafes, there firfi: appears a hard, indolent tumour, which increafes very fiowly, and at the commencement produces no other in- convenience than that which naturally refults from its pofition and its fize, and from the derangement in the fundtion peculiar to the part afFeded. Thefe tumours, when examined at diff^erent periods of their formation, exhibit a homogeneous fubftance, the confidence of which has a refem- blance to that of concrete albumen, indurated I 4 lard^ 120 REFLECTIONS ON THE lard, or a cartilage more or lefs compact, in the midft of which there are fometimes developed a few offified points*, or in which are found fome cretaceous matters ; and on this account thefe tumours have been dillinguifhed by the name of fcirrhiis. Of this kind are thofe tumours formed in the glands of the breafl, after external laefion ; thofe which take place in the lymphatic glands of various parts, in the cafe offcrophula; thofe fmall tumours which are obferved in different points of the fubftance of the lungs, in phthificky perfons ; the fwellings which arife in the oefopha- gian and pyloric orifices of the llomach ; in the uterus, the ovaria, the proftate gland, at the neck of the bladder, in the reftum ; the tume- fa£tions of the white tifTues which furround the articulations; the different exof^ofes with a foft- ening of the bones ; the tumours in the cellular tifTue, after phlegmons which are faid to termi- iiate by induration ; and, in the lall? place, thofe tuberculous pullules which arife on the fkin, and chiefly on the lips, the als of the nofe, &c. All thefe affedlions, which appear to be fo differ- ent, and which feem to have no relation with each other, are however of the fame order ; they fol- low the fame progrefs, and exhibit the fame mode * An analogous ftate, but without increafe of fize, takes place in almoft all the fpft parts expofed to long-continued conipreirion or fr'iftion. Old age alfo frequently brings on 3 fiRiilaj: ftate in the tiffue of the arteries, tendons, 3fc. of HISTORY OP DISEASES. 1^1 of termination. Notwithftanding the varied f)'m- ptoms which neceflarily refult from the peculiar ilru6ture and numeroas ufes of the injured parts, the fcirrhous afFedion feems to bring them all back, to the fame ftate, by giving them the con- fiftence of concrete albumen. Thefe different tumours, when they attain to the fcirrhous ftate, may remain feveral years with- out making any progrefs, without increafi ng in fize, and even without producing much inconve' nience. Sometimes, after remaining for a very long pe- riod in a. Itate of repofc, they may again ac- quire a progreffive ftate, if excited by any new caufe. Thefe tumours fometimes difappear when re- cent and not voluminous, in individuals of a ftrong conflitution ; but when they have once at- tained to a certain fize, when of lon^ Handing, and if the perfons be debilitated, they are no longer fufceptible of a fpontaneous cure. In this cafe, the other parts of the famp fyftem of organs, or of an analogous fyflem, con^ traft a great difpofition to a fimilar mode of af- fedlion, which eftablifhes a peculiar conflitution or diathelis. Thus the fcirrhus of the glands of one of the breafis, when of long flan ding, is generally accompanied with that of the neigh- feouring lymphatic glands, and with fcirrhus of the 122 REFLECTIONS ON THE the oppofite breafl ; and when the tumour has made a conliderable progrefs, the whole glandular fyftem is in general affected. The medical art can furnifh no other means of checking the progrefs of this evil, but extirpa- tion of the tumour when practicable, and the dif- ferent perturbing modes of excitement, capable of changing the fcirrhous conditution, when not too inveterate^ and when its effeds have not been far extended. The pretended diffolvents are fcarcely ever of any life ; and cauftics, fur the mo ft part, are hurtful. When the fcirrhous tumour has attained to a certain degree of in creafe, it frequently happens that a nev\f mode of a61ion is excited, in confe- quence of a blow, the application of a caufticj of a phlegmon which takes place in the neighbour- ing parts of the tumour, and of any other irri- tating caufe. This hard homogeneous and indo- lent mafs, which feemed to have loft its whole organic ftructure, acquires then great fenftbility, and experiences a feries of very remarkable phae- nomena. There firft comes on a flight titilla- tion, with a troublefome itching, followed by more acute pains, which return by paroxyfms ; in a little time the heat of the part increafes ; the tumour becomes more voluminous and unequal ; the fkin alTumes a reddiih brown tint, and at length HISTORY OP DISEASES. 123 length there is formed an accumulation of pus, fometimes thick, but for the mofl part of a recl- difli fluid, which is difcharged by the burfling of the fkin. Soon after the fecretion, when it comes into conta6l with the atmofpheric air, changes its nature, and there are then evidently obferved all the phaenomena of real putrefii6lion, which the vveaknefs of the part does not permit to be fuf- pended, but which is modified by a remainder of vitality. The j)ains, however, increafe with the fize of the tumour ;. the ulcer is enlarged, exhibits an unequal furface of a livid brown colour, and its edges become hard, proje61ing, and inverted, &c. The fkin which circumfcribes the tumour is of a violet colour, and covered with varicofe veins. In the courfe of the difeafe, the cancer flowly deflroys all the parts which it afFedis, and even the bones ; the deftru6lion of the venous tiflue produces frequent haemorrhagies. When the can- cer fpreads to the neighbouring parts, the one pri- mitively afFed:ed exhibits fometimes an ugly fear, rough and deprefled. It may be readily conceived that an affection fb terrible, accompanied, for the mofi: part, with excruciating pains, cannot long continue without producing diforder in all the other fundions ; they indeed all become deranged in fucceflion, and 124 REFLECTIONS ON THE and the patient, at lengtb, falls into a llatc of confumption, which terminates in death. The animals, which we render fubfervient to our wants, are not exempted from afFe6lions of this kind ; but they are more rarely attacked by them, as they are better calculated to refift thofe caufes by which they are produced. 20I. The bones arc fufceptible of phlfgmafls, as well as the foft parts ; but in the bones their progrefs is much flower. In fra6lures, as well as in wounds, the broken extremities grow foft, fwell, become painful, and fe- crete at firfl a bloody and ferous matter, and then a thick gelatinous fluid, which forms an incrufla- tion on the fradlured ends. This fluid, in ex- uding from the two feparated furfaces, is con- founded with them, and forms a cartilaginous fubflance which produces a ring, always apparent in the place of the fra6lure, and which Alls up the cavity of the long bones. This cartilagi- nous fubflance then pafles to the ofleous ftate, according to the habitual mode of the develop- ment of the bones ; and thus produces a confo- lidation of the fracture. Fractures, as well as wounds, are confolidated more fpeedily, according as the feparated furfaces are more carefully preferved in a fl:ate of reft in their HISTORY OF DISEASES. 125 their rerpe(?live fituatlons, and as the individuals enjoy a better ftate of hcalrh. The time neceflary for the formation of the callus varies from a fortnight to feveral months, according to the nature of the fradlure, the age and difpofition of the individual, &c.; but the mean term is from thirty to forty days. In fome difeafed or highly debilitated perfons, the confo- lidation of fradurcs may not take place; it may alfo be prevented or retarded when any powerful aSion, maintained on the organ, fufpends the procefs of offiScation, When the fradured parts have remained fepa- rated for a long time, they both become in- cruiled with a cartilaginous fubftance, which acquires an ofleous nature ; and Ihe two ends, re- tained by an intermediate ligamentous fubftance, form a fort of articulation. In this ftate the fra6iure cannot he confolidated but by excifion of the ends of the bone. When a bone has received a violent contufion, or when it remains fome time expofed to the air, it becomes dead in a greater or lefs extent of its furface and depth ; a vafcular apparatus under the form of granulated and carneous puftules is deve- loped at the furface of the found bone ; the dead part gradually detaches itfelf, and at length is completely feparated at the end of a certain time, ,the 126 REFLECTIONS ON TKE the duration of which in general is In propof- tion to the thicknefs of the part which has ex- foliated. Thofe fubftances, to Vv'hich the property of haftening the exfoliation of a bone has been afcribed, are fcarcely of any utility. When the bone of a limb is mortified through- out its whole extent, the circulation between the perioflenm and the medullary reticulation is in- terrupted ; the bone, become a foreign body, produces feveral phlegmons in the neighbouring cellular tiffue : thefe tumours fuppurate, and remain fiftulous. The phofphaie of lime, which can no longer diftribute itfelf in a uniform man- ner at the furface of this bone, difFufes itfelf irre- gularly around it ; gradually afFumes its place, and produces a new fhapelefs bone, in the middle of which the old one is inclofed. This dead bone occafions by its prefence, in the middle of the new ofleous produdlion, pains which are often excruciating, and which render the extra6lion of it neceflary when poffible. During the whole courfe of the difeafe, the mortified part produces and always maintains fiftulous ulcers, even through the new bone, which is thus perforated with feveral holes. This mortification may be produced artificially in an animal, by making an aperture in a long bone^ HISTOHY OF DISEASES. 107 bone, in confequencc of which the liru^iure of the medullary reticulation may be altered. (See Les Experiences de Troja.) When the mode of a61ion of the vafcular tilTue of a bone has been changed by any caufe what- ever, this organ may become altered and fwelled 5 in which cafe the fecretion of the phofphate of lime is increafed or diminifned. Thus the violent contufion of a bone; the pre- fence of fome phlegmons or chronic ulcers in the neighbourhood ; the general a<5lion maintained by lyphilitic, fcrophulous, fcorbutic, and cancerous afFedions, and all difeafes which, by their long duration, have greatly exhaufted the vital forces, may produce a change in the natural a6lion of the vafcular tifTue of one or more bones. Sometimes the fecretion of the phofphate of lime is diminiflied ; the bone bends, and is eafily broken : at other times its vafcular tifTue is gra- dually weakened or deftroyed ; in which cafe the folid part of the bone becomes brittle and friable. In fome cafes, the bone fwells, and the fecre- tion of the phofphate of lime increafes to fuch a degree, that the accumulation of it may give to the bone the confidence of ivory. This eburneous exoftolis may produce no other inconvenience than that which refults from its iize and pofition. In 228 REFLECTIONS ON THE In other circumftanceSj the vafcular part fwellsj and is fometimes conliderably puffed up ; the fe- cretion of the calcareous fait decreafes, and the bone gradually lofes its confiftence, and affumes that of cartilage. At other times, ^e vafcular tiflue, by increafing in volume, feparates and dif- tends'the laminae of the bones ; and the refult is a large carniform mafs, which fupports in part a light cavernous Skeleton formed by the oiTe- ous fragments and afperities. Sometimes the fwelling of the bone takes place very fpeedily, with rednefs, heat, acute pains in the part, and febrile fymptoms. At other times it is produced flowly and with very little inconve- nience. The difeafe may fufpend its progrefs even for a very long time, fuch as feveral years, and afterwards refume it. When the ofleous tiifue has attained to a cer- tain ftate of weaknefs, with a peculiar mode of ac- tion, whether the bone be in the neighbourhood of chronic phlegmons or ulcers, or only in contact with the atmofpheric air ; or, whether it has in- creafed in (izie, efpecially by afluming a cartila- ginous confidence, this ofleous tiffue may acquire an a6lion analogous to that acquired by the foft parts, during the phaenomena of gangrene or ul- cerated cancer ; and may produce ichorous or fanious pus, which will effe6l a folution or de- compofition of tke ofleous organ. ^ • Carhi HISTORY OJ" DISEASES. 3 2g Caries makes a more rapid progrefs when it affects the fpongy bones, and when it takes place in contadl with the atmofpheric air. It is the more difficult to be checked as the indivi- dtJlal is more debilitated. The progrefs of caries may fometimes be checked by complete excifion of the difeafed part, or by cauterization ; and by all thofe means ca- pable of reftoring ftrength and energy. In all difeafes of the bones it mud always be remembered, that it is the vafcular tifTue alone which exhibits the phenomena oi difeafe, fince it alone is the living organ, and becaufe the alter- ations which take place in the fecretion of the phofphate of lime are merely the refult of the mode of afFedion of that tilTue of vellels. Draught animals, whofe mufcular exertion we continually employ, are expofed to violent efforts which may often give rife to difeafes in their oflfeous parts ; and we indeed find among them all thofe modes of alteration of which that fyftem of organs is fufceptible. 202. From this curfory view of the numerous phlegmafiaD to which the different parts of the organization are fubjedl, feveral important truths may be deduced. They are all produced by an impreffion made diredly or indiredlly on the organ afFe' prefents a ftriking analogy with mucous fester '; but this relation does not render it necef- fery that internnittent fevers fhould be united with the remittent. Intermittent fevers Teem to be compofed of as many Ihort difeafes as there are paroxyfms. They may be checked at the commencement of each paroxyfm, and thus fufFer much better hold to be taken of them. It is in thefe fevers, therefore, that cinchona has been attended with the moll decided fuccefs.^ A paroxyfm of fever may be prevented, or im- peded, by all thofe means which are capable of profducing in the organization a new mode of energetic action, continued for fome time : fuch as a flrong dole of cinchona, opium, or wine, given during the remiffion, or a little time before the paroxyfm ; a very ftrong and acute dillrac- tion, Sec. During fummer, and in young perfons of a ftrong conllitution, thefe fevers difappear fponta- iieoufly after a fmall number of paroxyfms ; in perfons of a weak conflitution, and during the cold damp feafons, they are exceedingly obftinate. When thefe fevers continue for half a year or a year, they frequently induce chronic afFe61ions, L 5 which 150 REFLECTIONS ON THE J which flowly lead to a fiate of confumptipn that in the end becomes mortal. iiixforfi n pi • Intermittent fever has its pernicious form as well as the continued. Its pernicious character arifes from a peculiar and predominant fymptom, the continued exacerbation of which produces death at the end of the third, fourth, or fifth par- oxyfm. It is in this form of fever in particular, defcribed fo well by Torti, that it is proper to make an early ufe of cinchona, to prevent a par»- oxyfm which may become mortal. Pernicious intermittent fever, as well as perni- cious tertian and quartan, is epidemic, when in- duced by exhalations from marfhes dried up toO' fuddenly by the heat. The miafmata which arife from thefe muddy bottoms, received into the lungs with the atmofpheric air, produce on the nerves of that organ an impreffion which .gives rife to the ieries of febrile phaenomena. ? t^t -^d The aftion of th^fe miafmata is more powerful '6^ individuals not accuflomed to it, and who are ^ifi a weak flate of health. :Ji£9iib '^ '^^Si' Anfinials ^fe fbfceptible ofl^experiencing that general derangement of the fimftions which conftitutes fever, with all that feries of fymptoms which tend to bring back health. The fever, com- monly renaittent or Qontinued, afTumes various HlSTt)I«ri QF! !j>ISE A S E S, ] 5 1 forms accordi rig to their peculiar organization, ^nd to a thoufand other accedory cireumftances. ->: Among animals coll e(3;ed into herds or flocks, as well as among men crowded together, the fever aflTumes a pernicioas character, and becomes epizootic, 'imiieonrequence of the fame general caufes^iof infel^hrity. When it ,h§se#ade lome progrefs, the miafmata which evaporate from a great number of difeafed animals may in like manner exercife a very flriking contagious influ- ence on the lungs of thofe which, not b^ing yet infeded, are much difpofed to become fori^ir-tP The belief that the progrefs of epizootics could be checked only by a general Jlaughter of the dif- eafed animals muft, no doubt, have arifen from ignorance in regard to this difeafe ; to its caufes, and to its mode of propagation ; and the dread of >Tnfe<^ion; has -been carried fo far. ^as to produce orders for, the deftrud^ioH, of the hides, and of dvery thing applied to the ujfe pf. the, eattl^j^ ' It does not appear that animals experience the difeafe under the remittent type, with paroxyfms \vhich regularly recur ; and it is a very Angular :^ecaliarity, that neither t^rtiajn jiprqviartatj 'fever is obferved among theiD.3ra3gnBi^b fBt^nog isrft smolqra,^) lQ.«t,noi ieriJ Ha dtiw, .-isva^ astmiilnbo. '^^ -209^ AlmoU all the difeafe§i erf which a iliprt view ftill remains to be given are^ owing to the ' circumftances of civilization, Thev confift in g 1. 4 derange- 152 REFLECTIONS ON THE derangement of the nervous adlion/which may be fafpended, weakened, increafed^ or changed. Some of thefe afFedlions are produced by the impreffion of foreign caufes ; but the greater number are the refiilt of a bad ufe of the differ- ent fundions. All thefeataxiie fhow themfelves, for the moft part, without febrile fy mptoms. 210. The nervous adion is fufpended, in a great liieafure, in afphyxia, catalepfy, fyncope, and apoplexy, which conllitute the comatofe af- fedlions. ' Corttata. The afphyxiae arife, for the moft part, from gafeous ^fubflancesj which when introduced into the lungs produce on the nerves of tbatorgan an a61ion ftill more violent thanihat of the miafma of the plague ; and occafion'a general derange- ment of the nervous a6lion, without' leaving any traces of the affeftion on the organ iirft attacked, Hence, in large cities, where fo man^"' caufes of infedtion are accumulated,- the mialrnata which arife under certain peculiar circumftances from privies, tombs, common fewers, &c. ; the dif- engagement of carbonic acid gas, which fo often takes place in fermentation, combuftion, and, cal- cination ; the nitrous and ammoniacal, &c. gafes, received into the lungs, fuddenly produce vertigo, convulfions, fainting, and apparent death, which without fpeedy afliftance foon becomes real. Thefe HISTORY OP DISEASES. I53 Thefe difeafes, which are real polfoning by the lungs, muft be diftinguifhed (torn the afphyxiae, which take place in confequence of- the mere privation of the oxygen of the air ; as when one is immerfed in a medium in which none of it is contained, and which however exercifes no pre- judicial aftion on the organ of refpiratign : fuch are the cafes of immerlion in water, in azotic gas, or in hydrogen gas. In the lafi: place, afphyxia may be produced by the continued aftion of cold. In every cafe of afphyxia, whether the difeate has been produced by the interception of atmo- fpheric air from the lungs ; by, the infpiration of any gas not, proper for refpiration, or by that of poifonous vapours ; or by the continued ad:ion of cold ; it is always proper to remove the indivi- duals, as fpeedily as poffible, from the 'caufes of the afphyxise, and then to recall the vital aftion by different ftimulants. In afphyxia, the a6lion of the fenfes is fuA pended ; refpiration and circulation are inter- rupted, and the body differs from a carcafe only vby the remains of heat. An individual may fometimes be reftored to life after being in this flate an hour, and even much more j but after at longer period refufcitation is impoffible. 211. It appears that, in fome very rare cafes, a violent 154 EEFLEGTIONS OW THE violent mental affedion, a great dirappointment, flrong indignation, ecilaiies and myftic contem- plation, and particularly among women, may lead to a ftate of ftupor and complete inleniibi- lity, with permanency in the attitude in which the iizdividuah were when attacked, or in that in which they are placed hy others. It appears that this ftate may continue twenty-four hours ; after which fenfation and motion gradually return, as if after Heep, without any remembrance of what took placq during the catalepjy, 111. The ftate of fyncope, by which the indf-* vidual is inftantaneoufly deprived of fenfation atM motion, with a weaknefs and even complete fuf- penfion of refpiration and circulation, feems to arife from an interruption of the afflux of blood towards the brain. '-IThis interruption may be produced by a fudden lofs of blood in a perfon while ftanding ; and after all exceffive evacuations. It frequently re- ftilts, alfo, from a fudden impreffion capable of weakening or fufpending the adlion of the heart and arteries ; which takes place in fome indivi- duals debilitated by long difeafe, and particularly in Ibme women, whofe weak Mhd irritable nei*ves difpofe them for being ftrongly affedled by all ftidden impreffions. . .i^- 1 i-^-; .i> . ..^^ - c . . - 213. WeaK- HISTORY OF DISEASES. 155 213. Weaknefs of the aAion of the brain feems to produce apoplexy, which varies in its intenfity from that announced a long time before by de- rangement or palfy of feveral organs, to that wfeif^hi' takes place fuddenly, and which ftrikes like lightning. t>'*jiVpoplexy frequently takes place in old age, and feems to fhow itfelf in preference during cold, damp weather, in individuals who have fuffered by exceffive labour, and by the privation of the neceflaries of life. Under certain circum* fiances it has appeared epidemic, and in certain places endemial. A difpofition to this malady feeftis to he communicated by generation. It frequently attacks men loaded with obefity j who have a fhort neck and a large head ; who take little exercifcj and who habitually indulge in an excefs of food. . Apoplexy may be produced alfo by compreffion, agitation, and laefion of the encephalic organ. This difeafe being for the moft part pi*o- duced by weaknefs of the cerebral organ, blee,d- ing and evacuants, fo frequently employ ed^ aye almoil always hurtful, p^^st dfoiffw rR^iTeih" Though the medical art furnifhes few refources capable of oppofing an afFeftion generally followed by relapfes, which at length become mortal, to- nics and varied fiiimulants are the propereft means for preventing the return of the difeafe. Even 136 'REFLECTIOlsrS ON THE Even if apoplexy were produced by an eiTuiion of blood in the brain, bleeding would ftill be hurtful, fmcc it could have no ciFed in regard to the efFulion, and would deprive the patient of the ilrength neceflTary to produce a reforption of any effofed matter. Bleeding is proper only in thofe few cafes where apoplexy is produced by an afflux of felood towards the head ; in forne adults of a plethoric habit and ftrong conititution : in this cafe it ought to be copious, and fpeedily em- ployed. The diftinftion of apoplexy into fanguine and ferous is of no lignification. The ferous or fan- guine efFufionSj obferved fometimes in the cra- nium, are much rather the effecfl of the difeafe than its caufe. Mofl of the other organic altera- tions which have been found on opening the bodies of perfons who died of apoplexy, either in the cra,niumj the thorax, or the abdomeuj are produced by the general caufes which conduft llowly to apoplexy. 214. There is no iyftem of organs in which the nervous aftion may not be interrupted, or weakened, to fuch -a' degree as to be deprived of the force necefiary for difcharging, in a proper manner, the fundions affigned to it. This Itaie of afilmla varies from flight debility to com- ' pleta HISTORY OF DISEASES. 15^ plete palfy, and exhibits peculiar phenomena ac- cording to the organs affefted. In the mufcnlar fyflem, aflhenia produces debility, tremor, and palfy ; and, according to the parts attacked, St. Vitus's dance, torticollis, aphonia, &c. In the fyitem of the nerves, the eye exhibits all the intermediate degrees between weaknefs and paliy of the optic nerve ; which according to fome peculiar charafters gives amblyopia, heme- 'ralopia,. nydlalopia, and amaurofis or blindnefs. In the ear, the different ftates of afthenia of the acouftic nerve give .various affeftions of that organ, from dullnefs of hearing, in a greater or lefs degree, to complete deafnefs. The cafe may be the fame in regard to the fenfes of fmelling, tafling, and touching. Weaknefs of th6 nervous a6i;ion, in the fytlem of digeftion, produces lofs of appetite, or ano- rexia ; in the pulmonary organs, difficulty of re- fpiration, or dyfpnea and afthma : in the fyftem of generation, this weaknefs varies from dyfpsrma- tifmus to impotence or anaphrodifia. Pal fies are always incurable: the weaknefs re- quires the aid of varied exciting medicines and tonics, either applied to the organization in ge- neral, or to the d§bilitated part. 215. The nervous a(fl;ian of our prgans, inde- 5 pendently 15S REFLECTIGN"^ ON tilt: pendently of the different flates bf weaknefs of which it is fufceptible, may contra6l alfo a griilt' degree of mobility ; it may want proper fteadinefs, and be habitually exercifed only with derange- ment and di(()rder. It then gives rife to a ferisg ' of convulfive afte6\ions, fometimes continued, but' almoft for the moft part intermittent, and always fubjeft to periodical returns. Thefe affections ge- nerally refult from a natural weaknefs of c6nll:i- tution, a vicious education, and the improper ufc of the voluntary fun6tions. This particular flate of nervous action pro- duces in the fyftem of circulation and refpi- ration: palpitations of the heart, convulfions of the larynx, cramp of the thorax, convulfive aflhma. In the fv'flem of digef1:ion it produces convuU lions of the oefophagus, hiccup, vomiting, pains in the f^omach (cardialgia) ; it gives rife to convul- lions properly fo called, and totetanus; in the mufcular fyflem this mode of derangement appears in the whole of the organization, during par- oxyfms of madnels, epilepfy, and byflerics. In the lafl place, deVa:ngement of the nervods a<5tion produces different diforders which are ob- ferved in the intellet5lual fan6lidti^^''":^^K/V. Moft of the convulfive xlifeafes have been cori- lidered as local afFe6tions ; they however depend; for the moft part, on a general derangement, which HISTORV OF DISEASES. lS0 which fhovvs itfelf, ia preference, in fome parti- cular organs. ., It is of. importance that we fhould here defcrlbe> "vvith fome mlnutenefs, thofe general caufes ca- pable of producing thefe nervous affe6tions, which are become fo frequent in large cities among one clafs of fociety. To comprehend thefe caufes, it mull always be remembered that health is the re- fult of a proper difcharge of the different func- tipnsr.that thefe fundions mud be habitually performed, as if each organ ought to confume a determinate quantity of nervous action, which ab- folutely requires to be ufed ; that the organs are ftrengthened by moderate exercife, and weakened ^ by forced exercife and _ by reft, &c. In a vvordy it mull be remembered that all particular affec- tions, are jcapable of being tranfraitted, at leafl in part, by the means of generation. ft-^§noi. Thus, in the opulent clafs, women of a delicate- conftitution, whofe weak and unfteady nervous ,; adlion renders them fubjedl to what are called- nervous affeiflions, experience in general difHcult- parturition,, are. fubjeft ,.iOc,fcquent mifcarriages, and. bring forth. weak. deUcate children like, them- felves^^^^^.^^^, ^^^^^^-^-j^ j^g^g-jj-j^ 293uboiq uoit'^z It is obferved, thatf/uch rchi-ldren are fubje^l. ta • interruptions-in their fleep,fubfultustendinum3 and frejqueiit colics; and that. their.dentition, : always difficult, is, accompanied with convullVopSff &c. . It X60 REFLECTIONS ON THE It is not advantageous for thefe children to be fuckled by their mothers, who aflbciating them to their manners an^J habits, ftipply them with milk which affords little nourifnment, and which pof- fefles the irritating charafter of the produfts of all the fecretions, in a certain flate of weaknefs or difeafe. It would be much better if they were fent to the country, and committed into the hands of nurfes whofe limple manners and mode of life, more agreeable to the laws of the organization, would gradually corre6t their primitive dangerous difpotitions. But if they remain with their parents, the latter^ through a miftaken fondnefs, never fuffer them to be abfent from their fight ; they do not allow them a moment of liberty to take that exercife which is neceflary for the complete development of their organization. Being always near them, they ma- nifefi; a continual uneaiinefs left their health iliould be deranged. Thefe children, overloaded with clothes, and particularly on the head, fed in an improper manner, and deprived of exercife, are expofed to frequent colds and often to horrid eruptions. In confequence of an oppofite abufe, we often fee other children equally delicate and weak, kept habitually naked under a damp, cold temperature, become fubjeft to catarrhal affec- tions, and to rheumatifms exceedingly troublefome. When HISTORY OF DISEASES; l5l When thefe children begin to grow up, the parents, who never fuffer them to be out of their fight, calculate with fcrupulous minutenefs the refult of every ftep they make, and of ev6ry mor- fel they eat. They repeat to them a thoufand times a day, to take care of their health ; that they will be hurt j that they are going to die of hunger, or pcrifb by indigeftion. Thefe beings, perpetually ftunned in this manner, gradually ac- quire a habit of fear, and, notwithftanding the pliability of their age, often become weak and pufillanimous. On the other hand, through a fear Of dif- pleafing or vexing them, they are never checked in their extravagant whims ; they are fufFered to gratify all their caprices, even at the expenfe of thofe around them ; and they thus acquire a habit of obftinacy and domineering, to which they are all ftrongly inclined* Far happier are the children who are not reared Under the immediate eye cf their parents ; nature with lefs trouble fucceeds much better in deve* loping their organs, and in forming their under- ftandingSi In another clafs of fociety, among the indigent inhabitants of townSj children are aflbciated, during their earlieft years, in the wretchednefs of their parents, and the difeafes it brings along with it. Thefe children are then educated under a VOL. III. H • continual l62 REPLICTTONS OF THE ^OBtiniial fear of brutal and b-Iind feverlty, fur- , rounded by vulgar prejudices aiad the, moll abfurd fuperflitions. Thefe two kinds of education though in ap- pearance diametrically oppofite, produce almoft the fanye general refults. As the children here alliuded to grow up, and their intelle^lual powers- begin to expand, they" aj?e foon coinpelled to remeniber things which they do not underfland ; their minds are occupied with nothing but the wonderful events of hiftory, the abfurd fables of mythology, and the H3,yfi:eries of religion. They are neven allowed to think, for themfelves J and in this manner they are gra- dually accuUonied to believe in things i-nconceiv- ai)le and fupernatural. During the firfl period of youth, childrren of both /exes receive nearly the fame mode of edu- cation ; but when they begin to approach the agie of puberty their fituations are changed. Boys are allowed, more liberty, and by proper? exercife correcl, ia fome meafure, the vicious^ r^ fults of their firft education. In a word, the inftru6iion given to them, relates chiefly to literature and the fine arts; they com- plete their ftudies v,?ithout having an idea of tlier exacl fciences ; they are unacquainted with, the reafon of any of the phaenomena. which daily take place before their eyes, and in their organiza- tion ; HISTORY OF DISEASES. - l63 tioh ; they reftiain perfe6l ftrangers to every thing aronrtd them ; fpericJ their lives like blind perfons groping their way through farrounding objedls, and ferve a contintral and unfruitful apprentice- fhiip; Thefe" menv however, who are niot deftined to' th^ rt^echsmrcal aVts,- piwfue in foeiety different dife^lions^-M' ^hiob it is of inhpoftance to follow them. Thofe who apply to. commerce and butinefs are m a -fitCiatibn where they may enjoy pretty g6od? health, if their occupations obligS" them to take' proper daily exercife, and if they live with fobri'-' dty a^rid temperance ; but xi/h'^ri they pafs the greater part of their lives' iti' the connfing-houfe^ or in the clofer, and when th6ir principal enjoy- rni6nts coniilt i'n the pleafutes of the table, they always at lettg^th becorfte fubjedl^ to fome of thofe nervous affe(5^ions of which we have already fpoken. The ilow and continued progrCls of thefe difeafes induces them to Confult all the medical men with whom they arc, acquainted ; and they generally follow the advice 6{ thofe who give them the mod extravagant prefcriptibn^, and thus often render their lituation much more dan- gerous. Thofe who purfue a military career in the time of war, lead a kind of life exceedingly pro- per fbf producing a ftrorig conliitution, provided M 2 they 1(34 REFLECTIONS ON THE they are able to fupport the fird fatigues, and if thej live with temperance. Taking frequent and ftrong exercife,, by which all the faculties may be expanc!ed ; living alternately in different climates; iifing all kinds of food ; ileeping often under tents or in the open air ; and having no fixed hours for repofe or for meals ; they are fubje6l to no habits, and give to their organs all that ftrength of which they are fufceptible. This mode of life approaches very near to that ©f people in the hunter flate ; who have always exhibited a very linking fuperiority of organiza- tion. , Thofe who devote themfelves to literature and the fine arts are expofed to nearly the fame kind of life as merchants, or perfons in office, and, like them, are fubjecl to the fame affections ; for the cure of which they are often feen to employ the mofl improper means, while they negle(5t the moft fimple and falutary. It is very afionifliing, that thofe who produce the mofi: admirable v^rorks in the imitative arts fhould be entirely ftrangers to the principles of philofophy, and often flaves to the moil ridiculous prejudices. Among fuch perfons, we often find fome whofe luxuriant imaginations are always producing a whimfical mixture of ingenious fi6f ions and agree- able chimeras^ embellilhed by the beauties of a dieiion.. HISTORY OP DISEASES. 1()5 di<5i:ion. Thefe amiable fook are received and encouraged by the numerous clafs of the idle and ignorant, whom nothing pleafes fo much as the wildeft flights of the imagination, which they confider as the flrongeft marks of genius. In the laft place, there is a fmall clafs of idle perfons, who, through a defe61 in their early edu- cation, are left in a fituation ftill more difagree- able ; they are gloomy, reftlefs, and continually occupied with the feeble ftate of their health j a prey to melancholy mental afFe(5lions : in this manner they languifh for a long time, and at length become hypochondriac. Thefe unfortunate confequences of a bad early education feem to have been felt only in a very flight manner ; and it appears that the quefl:ion. What is the befb education ? remains ftill to be folved, for want of having been properly pro- pofed. The obje(5l of the flrfl: education oitght to be to produce that development which is befl; fuited to the whole of the functions, and to teach thofe things which may be of the greatefl: utility throughout life to the majority of citizens of the" different clafl^s. Thus, with the fiudy of one's mother tongue and of the mathematics, a knowledge of natural philofophy, chemiftry, and phyfiology, ought to form the bafis of every good education, M 3 During l56 ■ REFLECTIONS ON THE Dunng eduGation, care fhpujd be takerij by varied exercifes, to favour, iii a proper proportion, the development and llreMgtli of the mufcular fyftem, of the organs of the fences, .^nd of the in- telledual fun (9: ions; and it ought never to be for- gotten that the predominance of a fuiicFtion alvvays takes place at the expenfe of foms.e of the relt. It will be proper in the different exercifes, as well as in regard to meals and to fleep, to avoid that daily regularity which, in the courfe of time, renders men (imilar to thofe machines which can be kept in motion only by winding them up every day, at the fame hour, and in the fame m_anner. The bcft habit to be contradled is that of hav- ing none. The empire of habit difpofes people for being afFe^ied by every change and by all fudden variations ; it Hkewife becomes an ob- ftacie to new difcoveries, by confining thofe fub- je<£l to its influence to the comnjon hackneyed path. a 1 6. Yptjng women, in the opulent clafs of fociety, h^ve often fewer opporiunitjes of elcap- ing from the baneful influence of a rxiijlakpn pdn? cation : iq general, they are under much greater reftrajnt than boys, and cannot fo eafily indulge in that exercife which their ^ge requires. The chief part of their attention i§ turned to the or- 6 nam.ental HI^IJORy GF DISEASES, iQ'J namentaJ parts of educatig VITAL FUNCTIONS. ment of the force neceflary to free him from the excefs of the heat, but alfo by the real lofs of the juices carried off by an abundant perfpiration. To whatever natural temperature, therefore, a man may be expofed, the heat of his blood, when in a fliate of health, always remains at 38 or 40 degrees of the centigrade thermometer (104° of iFahren.) Every time that the atmofpheric air takes from him, or fupplies him with caloric in excefs, the whole of the organization makes an effort to re- turn to and maintain itfelf at the habitual tempe- rature. In either cafe, the vital power is at firil exalted ; and it may be faid that the abdraftion or addition of a certain quantity of heat is always in the commencement a ftimulant to the organi- zation. When the ftimul:.::n,^ a61ion of the heat or cold is too violent, or continues too long, it waRes the flrength and leaves the body in a ftate of feeblenefs or exhaufiion more or lefs ftriking. When a body ftrongly heated is applied to any organ, a great part of the heat communicated to it fuddenly deftroys its texture j the reft is con- veyed to a greater depth, and a61s as a very ac- tive irritant. The impreffion received is tranf- miited by the nerves to the brain ; this organ in- ilantly reads on the afFefted part, as well as on the SENSATIONS. 20^ the whole, of the organization, and produces that mode of adion which conftitutes the fenfation of pain. When aduftion takes place in a paKied limb, the impreffioii is not tranfmitted^ becaufe the nerves of the organic life are deftroyed, and the fenfation of pain does not enfue ; but the other phaenomena are the-fame, though flower in their progrefs, and take place by means of the nerves which accompany the veflels. When a part is inftantaneoufly diforganized by a very great degree of heat, fuch as the applica- tion of a piece of iron brought to a white heat, the fenfation is duller and lefs painful : it fometimes happens that a patient, when a nerve has been deftroyed in this manner, thinks he experienced a very intenfe degree of cold. When a part has been diforganized by heat, thofe in the neighbourhood enter into a new mode of adlion. (See Phlegmafia.) The dead part de- taches itfelf ; and there remains an excoriation or a wound, which cicatrifcs in the ufual manner. ai. Light exercifes a very liriking a£^ion oti organized beings. Every living body, when ex- _ pofed to light, expands in a vigorous manner, and afllimes a darker tint; the colour, fmell, and tafte of the different produces of fecretion have a more ftriking charader : while beings which grow VOL. in. P up 2,10 VITAL FUNCTION'S. up in the (hade remain pale, ftunted, and aque- ous, and exhibit all the iyrnptoms of feeble and languilning life. The long continued acTtion of light and heat on the human fldn, in the mod loulhern coun- tries, renders it brown, and caufes its mucous membrane to affume a black colour. This colo- ration may have been heightened and propagated by generation, and may thus have produced, a variation in the human fpecies. 2 2. The eleclric fluid, univerfally diffufed throughout the atmofphere, feems to have a great influence on the organization. Every perfon may have obferved, during ftormy weather, efpecially when the atmofphere is damp and warm, that the body fometimes feems to be opprefied, without force and without energy, and that the limbs are as if exhaufled with fatigue. This difpolition does not correfpond exactly with the fiate of the ther- mometer and of the hygrometer ; but it might perhaps be marked by a proper ele61rometer. It would appear, that in this cafe the damp air, which is a very good conda(51or of the ele one -■ ^ and ORGANS OP THE SEK9ES. 22/ and not to another. A great number of fub- Itances are odorous to the dog and the Twine ; but are not Co to man. r Though, in general, a very fraall number of fubftances only are odorous, the greater part of bodies afFedl the fenfe of fmelling, when in a ftate of extreme divifion, and conveyed to the oI'a(5tory nerve in fufficient quantity and for a certain time. It even appears that to fome animals, fuch as dogsj every body whatever is odorous. The power of fmelling appears, in general, to be in the ratio of the extent of the nafal fofTae. • When fubftances produce analogous tenfation? in the olfactory organ, they are faid to have the fame odour; and fubftances which exhibit very little phyfical, chemical, or organic relation, very often afFeiSl the olfadlory organ in the fame man- ner; Co that it is difficult to determine whether the impreffion produced on the olfacSlory mem- brane, by the moleculae of the odorous bodies, de- pends on the form of thefe moleculee, or on their chemical compofition. The azotic and oxygen gas of which the atmo- fphere is effentially compofed, and which are in continual contadl with the olfadlory membrane, make no impreiTion upon it ; but thefe gafes ferve as an excipient to odorous fubftances, which they hold in folution or in fufpenfion. Atmofpheric air conveys odorous, fubftances, to. Q^a the 'lis ■ -iriTAL FUNCTIONS. the noflrils, while it pafles through them to pro- ceed to the lungs duriiig refpiration; fo that thofe defirous of fmelling with more force, muft fhut the mouth and make a ftrong infpiration through the noftrils. The odorous moleculas, thus depolited on the olfa61ory organ, make en it an impreffion of con- ta61, which is propagated as far as the brain, and determines that organ to produce a movement of Efcneral and inftantaneous readiion, which confii- tutes the fenlation of fmell. This movement of reaQion is fomctimes fo violent that, in fome wo- men of exceffive fenfibility, it occafions vertigo or fyncope. The organ of fmell, like all the other organs, is flrengthened by exercife, and is weakened by too fbrong or too frequent adiion. ' A man who is habitually in the midft of certain odours, • even exceedingly ftrong, becomes at length infenfible to their aclion ; but he who is frequently in relation with odorous bodies of a different nature, and who continually Iludies their a6iion, may acquire the faculty of fmelling in an emJnent degree, and perceive odours exceedingly volatile. The membrane which lines the finufes is thin and fmooth ; and' its ft ru61ure has no refemblance to that which lines the natal fotiee : it is therefore probable that it does not lerve for perceiving odours. ORGANS OF THE SENSES. Q.IQ odours. The ufe of the finuffes feems to be, to re- tain a larger quantity of air. 33. Seeing, The vifual fyftem confiUs efTcn- tially of a very thin membrane, which lines the bottom of the eye, and which has the property of perceiving the imprefiion made on it by the con- tadl of the light, either direct or rcfleded, from external bodies, and refracted on it by the tranf- parent fluids of the eye. The eye is compofed of three tranfparent bodies of different denflties, placed one within the other j and each contained in a thin pclhcle, which per-? ceives the conta6l of the lighl, This apparatus is enclofed in a double covering;, thick and blackifh in the infide, having in the fore- part a contra6iile aperture, before which is placed a cartilaginous and tranfparent fegment of a fphere, This dioptric arrangement has fome refemblance to that of an achromatic telefcope, or of a camera obfcura. It feems to have acquired all its develop- ment at the period of birth. In the fundlion ot the vifual organ, if the lumi- nous rays which proceed diredtly from the fun reach the eye, a bundle of them, equal in fize to the aperture of the pupil, penetrates into it. This |:mndle is refraded by the humours of the eye; <^3 i^nd 230 TITALrUNCTiONS. and the parallel rays, which compofe it, approach- ing each other, from the perpendicular diredion, converge on the retina. The contac^l of this luminous point produces, on the retina, a ftrong impi^effion, which is propa- gated to the brain, and occations a fudden and in- Hantaneous change of ftate. This change of Hate excites in the eye a movement of rea61ion ; the iris expands, the aperture of the pupil is contra<5l- ed, and the eye-lids approach each other. Thefc parts oppofe, in this manner, the introduction of the luminous rays, the impreffion of which pro- duces a painful and vague fenfation. The luminous rays which fall on bodies are re- flected from every part of them in a diverging form, and the angle of their refie6iion is equal to that of their incidience. To have a proper idea of the aSi of vifion, we mufl fuppofe that a cone of light proceeds from each point of an illuminated body, and that all thefe luminous cones are propagated, in a diverg- ing form, without being confounded. The light proceeding from a body which falls on the apefture of the pupil, is compofed of por- tions of all thefe luminous cones, which have their fummits in different points of the illuminated body. But the whole of thefe portions of lumi- nous cones form another inverted cone^ the bafe of ORGatNS -OP TrHB -SENSES. ,^3 J jof which Is meafurcd by the fize cf the. bady, aad its truncated fummit is equal to the aperture of the pupil. To conceive the progrefs of reflected and re- fra(5ied light on the retina, it will be proper to fol- low the courfc of a luminoLis cone, procfeeding from one lingle point of a body ; and what has been faid of this cone of light may afterwards be applied to tKofe which proceed from all the other illuminated points. A luminous cone^, which proceeds, from any point of an illuminated objec?!, reaches the eye in a diverging form. The rays of this cone, which fall upon the tranfparent cornea^ pafs through it, and are refradled from tlie perpendicular dirediou, in the ratio of the denlity and convexity of that cartilage. Thefe rays continue to be refradled in pafling through the aqueous humour, and reach the iris, which affords a paflagc to a quantity..of light, meafured by the aperture of the pupil: the reft are refle6ied. The rays of the luminous cone, which pafs through the aperture of the pupil, foon reach the lens of the cryftalline humour, ^nd are more ftrongly refraded in the ratio of its convexi- ty and of its denfity, which is greater than that of the other humours. Thefe rays afterwards pafs through the vitreous humour, and experience a third mode of refradlion, in the ratio of the denlity of the vitreous body. Thi's rcfradiion then is 0^4 weaker 0,31 VITAL FUNCTIONS. weaker than that produced by the cryftalHne hu- mour, but ftronger than that occafioned by the aqueous : fo that the luminous rays, in pafiing through the three tranfparent bodies of the eye, are differently refracled, in a fort of zig-zag form. By thcfe means, the rays which in traverfing the aqueous humour began to be decompofed and to be feparated, as in the prifm, are again confounded or mixed in paffing through the cryllalline hu- mour; and the decompoiition produced by the cryftalhne is dcftroyed by the vitreous humour. In confequence of this arrangement, the rays tra- verfc the eye without experiencing any alteration, retain all their purity, and are never tinged with the prifmatic colours. To avoid coloration with the prifmatic colours in telefcopes, feveral glaiies of different denfities are applied to each other; and this difpolition, analogous to that of the eye, is diilinguiOied by the nameof^r^^'/^row^^'i^. In the lall place, all the rays of the luminous cone, continuing to be refradiied through the vi- treous body, unite in one point, which iirikes the retina; and it may therefore be faid that the light, which proceeds from an illuminated point of any objc6l:, proceeds to the retina, forming two cones oppofed to each other by their bafes. What has been here faid, in regard to the pro- grefs of this cone, proceeding from one illumi- nated ORGANS OP THi5 SENSES, ^33 liated point of an object, may be applied to thofc which proceed from all the other illuminated points of that body, and which alfo proceed to the' eye. All thefe cones of light traverfe the eye in different direfllons, crofs each other without being; confounded, and converge on different points of the retina, preferving the fame refpe<5tive polition,- which they had when they proceeded from the illuminated objed. All thefe luminous points de- fcribe, in this manner, the image of the objedl oil a fmall fpace of the retina, producing on that nervous membrane an impreffion, more or leis lively, and of greater or lefs extent. The rays which fall in a dire6lion perpendicular to the axis of the eye, are propagated in a (Iraight line, and experience no refraction. The rays which diverge and fall on the choroid, are abforbed by ihe black coating of that mqm-» brane. As the luminous cone, which proceeds from each point of an illuminated objefl, converges on the retina in the direction of its axis, it mufl occu- py on that membrane a pofition, the reverfe of that which it had in the obje6l, and the image is confequently inverted j but to fee obje6ls in the diredion of the axis of the luminous cones pro- ceeding from them, is the difpofition proper for making them appear to us upright. Befides, we hav« 334 TITAL FUNCTIONS. have not the faculty of perceiving the top or th^ bottom, the right or the left, of our retina. . When the light which falls on the furfacfe of a body is refleded entirely, it produces a deter- minate impreffion (white) ; but the impreffioq changes when the body decompofes the light, abforbs one part of its rays, and refle6ls the other. . Light is decompofed into feven rays, which, being refledled in all the combinations poffible to |brm the di^rent images, produce on the retina an indefinite feries of particular impreOlons. ; Of the points which refled the light, thofe which abforb it entirely produce a negative fenfa- tion (black). , It is not as an image painted on the retina th^t vi^e have a fenfation of obje6^s ; for this image would be of no utility. Another eye would be neceflary to look at it. But it is becaufe the luminous rays, in delineating that image, produce on the retina an impreffion of contadl, more or lefs lively, and of greater or lefs extent. . The imprefiion made on the retina, by the con- tact of the light receded from objeds, produces at firft a very uncertain fenfation: it announces .that the bodies exifi and are different^ tince they produce variable impreffions; but thefe impreffions give no idea of th^ form, fize, or diftance of thef objeds. . Though bodies of the fame form produce fimi- lar ORGANS OF THE SENSES. ^35 tar fen rations, the impreflion produced by the re- fiedion of the light could never have ferved for determining thefe forms; and if men had not beeri endowed with the faculty of touching, they could nevei' have been able to tell whether bodies vverds round or fquare, according to the ideas which we affix to thefe words: they would only have faid, the Jx)dies, the refledted light of which produces the ienfations A B. A perfon born blind, when cured by couching for the cataract, does not all at once enjoy the fa- culty of feeing the light. When fhown the cat which he has been accuftomed to carefs, he does not know what it is. When made to touch it, he immediately exclaims, " it is my cat, I fhail no longer require the aid of touching to diflinguiili it." But this contact is abfolutely neceiTary, and he might continue to touch it without feeing it, and to view it without touching it, and confider it as two different objects. The imprdlion produced by the light refle6led from any body cannot enable a perfon to judge of its dillance. The man born blind, who was re- ftored to fight by Chefelden *, imagined that all bodies fhown to him were in contadt with his eye ; becaufe he had been accuftomed to receive imprel^ iions of touching by immediate contadt, and not by the intervention of a refledled fiuid. * Philofophical Tranfaftions for ijaS. Since S35 ' TITAL FUNCTIONS. Since light refledled by a body cannot enable us to judge of its diftance. rt can as little give us any idea of its volume: the fize of bodies, indeed, forms the fonrce ofthemofl frequent optic ill u- lions which we experience, and which we often cannot prevent, though we previoully know that they will take place. If an obje6t, completely detached from others, be viewed through a hole, the perfon who looks at it has no means to enable him to judge of its magnitude and diftance. He, however, forms an opinion of thefe two relations; and this opinion, in regard to diftance, is alv/ays founded on the manner in which the object is illuminated; and, in regard to fize, on a comparifon of it with other bodies the fize of which is known. Bodies produce on the eye a flronger impref- fion, according to the greater quantity of light re-, ficfled from them. ( A fmall body, not much illu- minated and fituated at a fmall diftance from the eye, may be confounded with another of the fame form, which fubtending the fame angle may be firongly illuminated, of a very large fize, and placed at a great diftance. Hence the eye alone affords no means to enable us to form a judg- ment of the diftance of an infulated body, placed in infinite fpace, and with which we are unacquaint- ed. It, however, cannot be faid that in all thefe cafes the fenfe of fight leads us into an error, but only ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 23t Only that it leaves us in uncertainty. This organ cannot be improved and acquire the faculties pe- culiar to it unlefs exercifed in conjun(Slion with the organs of touching. Were the eye merely a machine, there would be only one point of fight out of which vilion would ceafe ; but it is a living organ in all its parts, which accommodates itfelf to a feries of diftances, of greater or lefs extent ; which becomes longer or Shorter ; renders the cornea flat or convex, pullies it backwards or forwards, &c. ; and the bell eye is that which pofleffes, in the higheft degree, the fa- culty of varying its forms in fuch a manner, as always to unite; in the fame point of the retina the moft diverging rays, and thofe which approach nearell to a flate of paralielifm. When wc look very near at an illuminated ob- je(9;, the iris extends and fends back the mofl di- vergent rays. On the other hand, uhen we look at a diflant object not much illuminated, tb.e iris refumes its former flate ^ the pupil dilates, and re- ceives a luminous cone much broader, but which is compofed of rarer light and of rays more diver- gent. The quantity of light is diminifhed by propaga- tion, in the dire6l ratio of the fquare of the di- ilance. Though we look with two organs we do noi {gq two obje6b, becaufe the luminous rays falling on both aj3 VITAL FUNCTI0W3, both the eyes in the fame diredlion, converge at the fame time on both the retinas, and produce two impreffions, perfe(9:ly fimilar, which are con- founded. But, if th'fe difpofition be deranged ; if the two eyes be not direded towards the objedl in the fame axis ; if one be turned to one fide, or if a perfdn voluntarily places them in a fquinting poli- tion, obje6^s are feen double. In this cafe, it is . obferved that one of the images feems always to be more illuminated or nearer than the other, which then produces two fenfations. To render vifion diftin^t, the luminous cones re^ fracfted by the tranfparent fluids of the eye mufl: reach the retina at the moment of their converg- ing; for if they converge beyond or on this lide of that membrane, the vifion is neceflarily con* fuied. This precifion of convergency on the re- tina is the refult of the degree of the convexity of the cornea, of the refra61ing power of the hu- raours of the eye, and of the diftance between the cornea and the retina. When the natural proper^ tions do not exifi, and when the mobility of the eye cannot refiore them, the point of fight is neceflirily changed, as in the cafe of the myopes and pref^ •bytae. The iifual point of fight enables a perfon tt^^' read middle fized print difi.inclly at the diftanpi^- of eight inches. , Objedls to be diftin6lly fcen mull be placed at a diftance ORGANS OP THE SENSES. 23^ a diflance proportioned to^heir lize: thus to fee a painting, one mull remove from it to a diftance double to its fize. ■ Some perfons, to fee diftin(5ily, do not'turn the axes of both eyes towards the objed in an equal manner ; this produces a deformity of fight called fquinting. (Strabiftnus), . For the moll part, one of the eyes only is not direded towards : the objedl ; but Ibmetimes this is the cafe with both. ■ Children, who begin to move their eyes about at random, before they look at any thing with preci- fion, or who look at objeds very near, cpntrad ^ habit of fquinting; but this deformity gradually difappears. Strabifm may arife alfo from a weakr- nefsoffomeof the mufcles, which produces am irregularity of their adlion. In this cafe, when it is not of long Handing, it may be corre6led by placing on the eye which fquints a conical tube, blackened in the infide, and which ought to be gradually turned towards that lide to which the eye can with difficulty be dire<5led : this method mud be often employed and for a long time. Strabifm may be likewife occalioned by an al- teration of fome parts of the eye. Perfons fquint alfo inftantaneoully when they look at objedl^- yery near, or with diftradion, or when they are in an ecllafy. Some 7 240 VITAL-FUNCTION'S. Some perfons do nOt fee ol)je6ls di(lin6lly but at a very fm all diftance. In this cafe, the eye ball, for the moit part, is elongated and projecting, and the cornea very convex. Perfons who exhibit this difpolition are obliged to place the objects near to their eyes ; but they have the advantage of poffelP- Ing good fight and, of feeing diftindlly the fmalleft obje^is. It may, indeed, be readily conceived that the objedl being placed nearer to the eye, muft fend out a more confiderable bundle of luminous rays; and fince the eye receives thefe rays under a greater angle, they are refracted with more difl ficulty and are longer in uniting. This difpofition is neceflary, becaufe the retina is further diftant from the cornea, on account of the greater elon- gation of the eye-ball, or of the greater convexity of the cornea. If the rays which fall upon a convex and elon- gated cornea were more convergent, or aim oft parallel, like thofe proceeding from diftant objefts, they would be too foon refrafled ; their conver- gency would take place before they reached the retina, and villon would be indiflinct. Shortnefs of fight, which varies from half a foot to half an inch, is diilinguiflied by the name of Myopia, This affection exifis in all infants, and gradually decreafes : fometimes it exifts till the period of manhood, and is gradually corre<51ed by the de- -preffion . ORGANS Of TH£ SEKSES* 24l preflion of the eye-ball, efpecially in perfons who fatigue their eyes a. great deal, by continual occu- pationn at a very faint h'gbt. Perfons very fhorU lighted- appear, in general, to fquint, becaufe ihey are obliged to incline to one fide in order that the objedl may remain illuminated ;^4ind becaufe they often look with one eye^ while the other rolls about at random, Short-fighted peopie acquire a habit of not looking at thofe to whom they fpeak, becaufe they can fee nothing in their face. Old men often exhibit a difpoiition contrary to that of myopia ; they do not fee objeds but at a very great diftance; and their eyes aregenerally fiat* Long fight, known by the name of -prefbyofia^ and which extends even to three {^tX, is always very weak ; it feems to arife from a flattening of the ball of the eye, which diminifhes the'power of refrangibility. As the eye has lefs refractive power, and as tha retina is brought nearer to the cornea, by the flat- tening of the eye-ball, the rays mufl neceffarily be lefs divergent. Thefc rays then being nearly parallel, are more eafily refradfed, and their conver- gency being fpeedier, may take place on the retina brought nearer to the cornea. But if the rays are exceedingly divergent, they aire refracted with more difficulty; their convergency takes place behind the retina, and vifion is indiftind. In prefbyopia, the fight is neceffarily weak, fince VOL. III. R -. th$ 242 TITAJL FUNCTIOKS. the objedl muft be didant, and becaufe the mafs of the luminous rays decreafes in the ratio of the fquare of the diftance ; fo that an obje6l three feet from the eye fends to it a quantity of light nine times lefs than if it were placed at the diftance of a foot. The difference between a myope and a prefbyta is, that the former fees only by very di- vergent rays ; while the other fees by rays almofi: paralleL Myopia is corre6led by placing before the cor- nea a double concave glafs, which refra61s the rays proceeding in a parallel direftion from a diftiant ob- ject, and gives them that degree of divergency which they would acquire if the objed: v^ere at the natural point of fight. Each cavity ought to be a fegment of a fphere, the radius of which is equal to the diftance between the cornea and the point where the objed would be vifible. Prefbyopia is corrected by placing before the cornea a double convex glafs ; this glafs colledls; the divergent rays, and makes them to fall in a pa- rallel diredion on the cornea, which refracts them with more eafe on the retina. The rays which the pye then receives in a parallel direction are as nu- merous as thofe which it would receive obliquely from the fame point of diftance ; the objedl isfeeii very much illuminated, very diftind;, and appears larger. That viiion may be perfecfl, every part of the eye rnult be in a found ftate ; the membranes and their ORGANS OP THE SENSES, ^43 their humours mufl poflefs great tranfparency, ^nd the nerves muft be endowed with their full vitality. The fight is weakened or impeded by fpots on the cornea (fpecks); by opacity of the cryftalline humour (a catara3) ; by palfy of the optic nerve (amaurofts) ; by confufion of the vitreous humour (glaucoma) ; and by all other alterations of which the different parts of the eye are fufceptible. The retina, confidered as the efTential feat of vifion, is an organ endowed with a very fine and dehcate fenfe of touching ; fince it perceives th'e impreflion of all the modifications of the light re- flected from the bodies, and refra<5led on it by the humours of the eye. This organ, which cannot enable us to judge of the magnitude and difi:ance of bodies but by the aid of touching, is that however which recalls the greatcft number of fenfations in a given time ; it brings the individual foohefl into relation with ex- ternal objefts, by inflantly pafling over very large fpaces*. This organ, in confequence of habitual and continued exercife, acquires fo high a degree of utility and perfection that it is exceedingly diffi- cult to determine what is its real natural mode of adlion* This field of action is more than fufficient to fatisfy all our wants; but its extent is too limited * Light is faid to pafs over 164,000 miles in a fecond. R a to 2,44 .. VITAL FUNCTIONS. to gratify our curiofity : the eye, indeed, keeps us as far diflant from the infinitely fraall objetl which- is "near us, as from the infinitclv ereat one which it is impofIib]e for us to reach. 34. Hearing. The organ of hearing contifls eHentially in a nervous expanfion, proper for re- ceiving the impreffion made on it by thecontadlof the air, in a lliate of vibration. The auditory nerve is expanded in the middle of a vifcous fluid, contained in a membranous cover- ing, and enclofcd by the ofleous labyrinth, The labyrinth is compofed of three femicircular canals, fhaped like the fiiell of a fnail, which have a communication with each other through the veflibulum, by means of fix apertures, five of which belong to the three canals. The labyrinth has a communication with the tympanic cavity by two apertures, one of which is round and correfponds to the bottom of the in- terior fcala of the cochlea ; and the other proceeds into the veftibuium. The firil is clofed by a mem- brane, and the fecond by a fmall bone. The tympanic cavity communicates with the bottom of the mouth by a long narrow canal (the Eufiachian tube). This cavity is fhut externally by the raembrana tympani. The membrana tympani correfponds with the hole of the veilibulum by-iiferies of four fmall ^ boneS;, ORGANS OF THE SENSES. "245 bones, Avhlch are moved by a few fmall mufcles. It is the bafe of the ftapes which is. applied to the hole of the viflibulum, where it is faftened by the periGileum ; the handle of the malleus is fixed to the centre of the membrana tympani. All this apparatus is preceded externally by the auditory conduit of the ear^ and by its concha, Elaftic bodies/ ftruck or diilended,jchange their figure, and return to their nrft ftiate, by vibrations more or lefs manifefi:. Darins: thefe vibrations, the integrant moleculce of the bodies experience a particular movement, a fort of quivering or vi- bration,which is communicated to thefurroundins: air, and is propagated to a gi eater or lefs diflancc. The column of air, thus in a ftate of vibration, which ftrikes the "ear, produces on the expanfion of the auditory nerve an impreffion of contadl, which is comiTiunicated to the brain. The vibrations of bodies which take place in- flantaneoufly, or in a confufed and inappreciable itianncr, confliitute no'ife ; thole which regularly fucceed each other produce /oK7z.i. Noife or found always arifes from the entrance of air into the vacuity, left inftantaneoufly by bo- dies flruck or diftended. Air may enter into a ftate of vibration by an immediate fhock ; and it then produces noife, found, voice, fpeech. Sound is propagated in every direcftion with an R 3 uniform 246 VITAL FUNCTIONS. uniform velocity, of about 1 142 feet per fecond, plus or minus the velocity of the wind, according as it is in a contrary or a favourable dire and when they have become very familiar to it, the fun6lion of its intelletilual organ loon becomes extended, and in the development of it all the principal 27© VITAL FUNCTIOKS. principal phagnomena of intelligence may be ob- ferved. 42. It has been already repeated feveral times, and it ought never to be forgotten, ibat fenfations are the refult of an imprefiion tranilxiittpcl by the nerves to thebraiDj which experiences a Dew mode of a6{:ion, followed by a general and inftantaneous change of ftate in the whole of the organization. Senfations are dire6l or recolle6led. Recol- ledled fenfations are more particularly diflinguiHied by the name of /V/^^j. Ideas are always renewed in confequence of fome direfl: fenfations which recall them. The fa- culty of recalling a more or lefs extenlive feries of ideaSj in confequence of a fmall number of fen- fations, confiiitutes memory. When we have acquired a great number of differ- ent fenfations, every thing which furrounds us may recall them every moment; and we may continu- ally experience a thoufand incoherent and incon- gruous fenfations. This, indeed, is the cafe with manyperfons, and particularly with children, who are then faid to be fubje^l to diJtraBlon. The faculty of recalling all thofe ideas which have been acquired, in regard to any obje61:, ex- clulively of thofe which have only a very diftant relation to it, conllitutes attention. This faculty is one of the moft difficult io be obtained. ORSANS OP THE SENSES. ^71 obtained. It is acquired by long habit and clofe application to one particular fubjedl ; it is one of the conditions mofi: neceflary to the improvement of the underftanding. Vicq-d'Azyr is of opinion, that the greateft obftacles to the improvement of apes, arifes from their di fraction and great mo- bility. 43. When a child has feveral times experienced a certain number of fenfations, he foon begins to comh'me them, and to a£i agreeably to the refult of that combination. The development of the faculty of combining^ which is properly that of the under- ftanding, is the moft important to be obferved. I have already faid that the firft fenfations of a child are painful. By thefe fenfations it is irrefifti- bly excited to ad^ and to cry. It then begins to move at random, and to fend forth cries until the pain be allayed or the want fatisfied. After the painful fenfitions, it is foon obferved that it experiences fenfations of eafe ; and that it finds in the means proper for fatisfying its wants s fource of enjoyment and happinefs. At the end of fome time^ when the fame adions have been often repeated, it is obferved that fen- fations begin to be renewed in the child, without the concurrence of all thofe circumftances by which they were at firft produced. Thus the flight 273 VITAL FUNCTIONS, fight of the mother, who has often fatisfied its hunger, by exciting an agreeable fenfation, recalls to the child a feries of fenfations already expe- rienced. It dwells ii^on thefe renewed fenfations ; becrins to have attention, and thus learns to th'nik. While it thus dwells on its firft fenfations, others relating to the circumftances which accompany the a(fl of la61:ation are renewed ; it endeavours to fatisfy a want, to place itfelf again in an agree- able fitiiation : after this period it combines fenfa- tions with ideas j it judges and reafons j it then determines in confequence of its judgment, and thus produces an adl o( volition. It is iiadeed ob- ferved that it wiflies to approach its mother, and that it makes an effort to lay hold of the breafl with its lips. If the firft ads of intelligence in the child be thus carefully and minutely obferved, and if the connedion of them be properly followed, it will be feen that they are the neceflary refult of diffe- rent known properties. Thus it is remarked that the child a£ts, becaufe it is irreliflibly excited to do fo for its prefervation, by the ftimulus of pain ; and that it combines the prcfent fenfations with the pad, becaufe fenfations are renewed without the prefence of the principal objeft, and merely in confequence of fome circumftances connefted with it, and which recall it. But if, inftead of following this ORGANS OP THE SENSES. 27$ this pro^efs, we take the flrongcft a6l of the hu- man intelligence, and endeav^our to difcover there the formation of the operations of thought, we fhall find nothing but an immmfe ahyfs^ and lofe ourfelves in conjedUire. 44. Having followed, in the child, the con- ' ne6lion and fucceffion of thefirfi: aftsof the func- tion of its intellectual organ, employed almoft exclufively in fatisfying the firft wants of life, we dt' length come to the period at which it be- gins to feiijdy'all the advantages of fadtitious ligns, and to employ language with facility. We may then eafily judge in what ratio the progrefs of its intelligence muit increafe. By purfuing our examination of the organic phsenomena fiill further, we fhall find the firft caufe of action which^ as already faid, is' the ir- refiftibfe tendency to avoid pain, to fatisfy wants, and to obtain eafe, joined in fucceffion by many other principles of adion, in fondnefs for power or for refpe6l ; in the defire of acquiring know- fedge, arid in that of gratifying all our fa6titious wants,' ail habits. Sec' It is obferved, that the means of fatisfying thefe wants are developed along with them, and that they are merely an cxtenfiori of the firft faculty of providing for our prefervation, by a concurrence of adtions more oc lefs ftrongly combined. VOL. III. T ' A more 274 VITAL FUNCTIONS. A more profound examination of the phseno- mena which refiilt from a combination df fenfa- tions and ideas belongs to metaphyfics, and does not fall within the plan of this work. Metaphyfics ought to be only a neceflary con- fequence and continuation of phyfiology; and when not founded on a knowledge acquired in regard to the organization^ it will be unintelligible to all thofe who cultivate the exa6l fciences. 45. It has been already faid that fenfations al- ways confifl in a new mode of action, produced in the cerebral organ, the refult of which is a general and inftantaneous change in the whole of the or- ganization, and fenfations have been diftinguifhed into three kinds. In the firft two, the change of ftate tends to difturb the habitual order of the func- tions^ or to favour it (gainful and agreeable fenfa- 'iions)\ and in both thefe cafes an adlion is pro- duced on a part. A fenfation of pain or of ea- linefs is experienced in an organ. \x\ ftm^U Jen- fation there is {lill a general and inftantaneous change of flate ; but without perceptible altera*- tion in the natural order of the fundlions^ and though a fenfation is produced, the nature of the change which has taken place cannot be appre- ciated, nor is the feat of the fenfation known. There however can be no doubt that fimple fenfations arife frorn a general and inftantaneous change pilGAlTS OP THE SEIfSfiS. 275 ^liange of ftatej and this change, which is not habir tually perceptible, becomes very appreciable when it has more intenfity. Thus, of the fenfations which we, receive by the eyes and the ears, when foine of them fuddenly recall a feries of ideas which intereft us in a lively manner, this change of ftate then be- comes condderable, and eafy to be appreciated. Under thefe different circumdances, a fenfation as if fomething liquid or cold were circulating throughout all the parts of the body is experi- enced ; a fenfation of fudden cold, of violent heat with perfpiration, or an oppreffion towards the epigaftrium are felt. Sometimes this derange- ment is fo fudden and ftrong, during extreme joy or a tranfport of paflion, that it may produce lyncope and even death. The phsenomena refulting from the habitual exercife of limple fenfations are commonly indir cated by faying : the influence of the moral part on the phyfical, which in regard to many perfons denotes the influence of nothing on fomething j but it is evidcjit that Ample fenfations, or fenfa-* lions unaccompanied with any remarkable de- rangement of the funftions, are of the fame order as thofe which are accompanied by changes in thefe fun61ions: they are all equally the refult of a new mode of action, excited in the .cere- bral organ, which product a general and in-^ T % ftantaneous 27^ Vital functions. ftanlaneous change of flate in the whole of the or- ganization. 46. To experience a fenfation, ' which may be conveniently compared and produce confcioufnefs of the change of ftate which has taken place in the organization, it is necellary, ift. That the cerebral fyllem fliould be found, and in full vi- gour : no diftindl fcnfation indeed is experienced in difeafes accompanied with a derangement of the cerebral organs. 2d. That the nervous com- munication, eftablifhed between this fyftem and the organ which receives the impreffion, fhould not be interrupted ; for if the nerves of one part be tied, cut, or palfied, the imprellions made on them produce no fenfations. 3d. That the organ fhould be in a particular Hate of adion which conftitutcs 'vigilance ; for to make a perfon hear, it is not fufficient that you fpeak to him, he muft alfo hear : it is to hear that the part enters into a fort of tenlion proper for that purpofe ; the cafe is the fame with the other organs, though in a manner lefs fenfible. When the organs of a perfon are not fufficiently diftended to perceive, it is faid that he is inattentive. All perceptions, experienced without thefe con- ditions, cannot produce confcioufnefs ; and the movements they occafion are not the refult of volition,, ORGANS OP THE SENSES. 277 volition, but of the force of habit, in confequence of the new mode of aftion tranfmitted to the brain. 47. When the organs of the fenfes^ after long and fevere exercife, can no longer preferve that degree of tenfion necefiary for^ perception, they fall into a fort of collapfiis, and- pafs to a Hate of reft which conflitutes fleep. Sleep is not produced by the repofe of fome organs exclufively, but is the more complete ac- cording as a greater number are in that ftate of collapfus ; and it is to be obferved that almofl all the organs may be in a6lion in different Hates of lleep. Thus, the organs of loco-motion are in a6lioii during fomnambulifm ; and a perfon during fleep may be affected by the fenfes of fmelling, tailing, and touching. Some fpeak in their fleep, and if aflced any queftion they fometimes give a direft anfwer, which proves that they hear. The fenfe of feeing is the only one which does not per- form its fundlions during fleep in regard to ex- ternal objedls. The caufe of this feems to be, that the organ of feeing fuddenly procures a very great number of fenfalions at a time, which al- ways tend to awaken. It is well known that the organs of generation are often put into a£lion in T 3 the ^7^ "^TITAL FUNGtiONS, the time of fleep, efpecially during lafcivious dreams, and in the feafon of love. It is ahnoll needlefs to mention that the fanc- tions of the organs of circulation, refpiration, ^nd digeflion, as well as of thofe of fecretion, are liot interrupted in the time of fleep. ' Thofe adtions, which are the habitual refult of Recalled fenfations, may be produced daring fleep, by the force of habit, when that change or ftate, which generally conftitutes thefe fenfatlons, is re- newed in the brain by certain circumftaDces. Thefe adions. confift in a combination of re-* called ideas ; and foraetimes in the exercifes na- turally refulting from thefe ideas, as is oblerved in the Cafe of fomnambulifm and of dreams. 7f the change of ftate, reproduced in the brain, be analogous to that which the optic nerves have made it already experience by the fight of any obj'cft, the individual will believe that he Itill fees it. The fame thing may take place in re- gard to the other fenfes. As a fenfation renewed may recall many others which have accompanied it, a fingle one may re- produce a feries of ideas, fometimes well arranged, and often very incoherent or ridiculous. If the change of ftate in the brain happens fud- denly to vary, the individual will immediately ex- perience another order of fenfations, ^hich may have ORGANS OF THE SENSES. IJ^ have no relation with the former ; and if thefe new fenfations are of fuch a nature as to affe6t him in a lively manner, they wmII determine the habitual a6lion of the organs : he will fpeak and even rile up to perform things agreeably to the ideas which are renewed. When a perfbn agitated by lively affections is afleep, the heat of the bed, an uneafy pofition, or difficult digeftion, may occafion a change of ftate in the brain, which will be fufficient to produce dreams. . It is obferved, casteris paribus, that fenfations which arc moft frequently renewed during fleep, are livelier and make a ftronger impreffion than thofe experienced while awake. 48. To combine, properly, fenfations acquired in a ftate of watchfulnefs, the organs which per- peive, and the cerebral fyflem to which the im- preffion is tranfmitted, muft be in that perfect ftate of equilibrium which conftitutes health. If the fundlion of the cerebral fyftem be de- ranged or difturbed, it cannot properly perceive the fenfations received by the foundeft organ j and every thing will appear to have the im- preffion of that difordcr which prevails in the brain. Such, in all probability, is the very fimple rea* fan of the derangements of the intelledual organ T 4 obferved ■280 VJTAL FUNCTIONS. obferved during paroxyfms of hyflerics, hypo- chondriafis, melancholy and mania; andofthofe obferved in a great number of difeafes. from the flighted dehrium to the mofl dreadful convul- lions. 49. It is to be obferved, that the changes of ftate which take place in the whole organization, in ~ confequence of impreffions received, and the dif- ferent movements which thence refult, are of two forts : \ye have a confcioufnefs of the one ; and the others take place^ as we may fay, without our/ knowledge. The changes of date of which we are confcious, are thofe only which can be agreeable or painful to us. Thofe which take place without our knowledge, are exceedingly numerous : fomeof them depend on the natural a(?i:ion of the parts ; of this kind are the movements of the different organs of cir- culation, refpiration, and nutrition ; but if we have no confcioufnefs of the habitual adion of Ihefe organs, we experience a very fpeedy fenfa- tion of their derangement : the reft comprehend thofe diforders which depend on a derangement of the cerebral f){lem ; they often produce acci- dents exceedingly dangerous, and even death, without our being confcious of them, as in the eafe of epilepfy, afphyxiee, apoplexy, &;c. " Thefe ORGANS OF THE SENSES. 2§1 Thefe general conliderations on the fundlion of the cerebral fj-ftem, and on the different modes of fenfation, are fufficient to give a pretty corre(?i: idea of them. I fhall therefore not ana- lyie thein any further, as this would lead me to details in the more obftrufe parts of phyfialogy, which would be improper in an elementary work of this nature. ' ACTION [ 282 ] ACTION OF THE SYSTEM OP DIGESTION. 5©. 1 HE human body increafes, develops itfelf, is fupported and modified every moment, at the cxpence of the blood, which, in the uninterrupted courfe of circulation, furnifhes to every part of the organization the materials proper for the dif- ferent changes which are continually taking place in it. The blood repairs its lofles by the produd of digeftion. The aliments, introduced into the digeftive organs, make their way through them in a flow manner. During their flay and their paflage they become penetrated with the juices fecreted by the mucous furfaces of the alimentary canals, and furniQied by the glands ; and they are gra- dually converted into a pafle of a homogeneous appearance, which contains the chyle. The chyle, taken up by the abforbent or chyli- ferous vellels of the famiC furfaces, becomes after- v;ards mixed with the venous blood. The fubftances fufceptible of being digefled^ are all thofc which arife from organized beings ; vegetable and animal fubilances, and thofe which 7 "^- ACTION OF DIGESTION. 283 enter into the compofitlon of the fame fubftances j fuch as water^ atmofpheric air, &c. The exercife of the gaftric lyftem is excited by the painful fenfations of hunger and of thirft. When the need of ahments begins to be (dtf the individual firft experiences a difagreeable fen- fation, which announces that the gaftrio organ re- quires to be exercifed, and that it is difpofed to perform its function in a complete manner. This firft fenfation (appetite) is the beft feafoning for every kind of food. But if a perfon remains feveral days' without eating, he gradually experiences a fenfation of ardour and twitching towards the epigaftrium ; perfpiration decreafes, circulation and refpiration become flower, and the individual falls into a ftate of great weaknefs acconnpanied with anxiety. At length, if this ftate continue, it produces death after dreadful convulflons, and the body pafles Ipeedily to a ftate of putrefadtion. That need, called hunger, is ftronger the more active the life, and the more confiderable the lofles which the body fuftains : it is increafed at the ufual hour of meals, and by all thofe obje6ls which re- call the remembrance of aliments. It decreafes, or is inflantaneoufly fufpended, by every poMierful diftradlion ; by the prefence in the ftomach of in-r digeftible fubftances, and by compreffion of the abdomen. During 2t84 VITAL FUNCTIONS. . During hung-er, the ftomach, completely einpty, is contradtedj and becomes reduced to a very fmall volume» This ftate muft check circulation, ^nd produce a painful reftraint in the nerves ; the jrefult alfo is that the liver and fpleen, being lef^ fupported, will twitch the diaphragm, and all ibefe changes '{till contribute to incrcafe the un- e^finefs. , A great many inftances are mentioned of abfii* Ijence continued for feveral months, and even for feveral years. This may be conceived in the following manner : When a perfon dies of hun- "gerj be does not perifh by being exhaufted in the fame manner as a lamp is cxlinguifhed for want ©foil ; hut the ftomach^ the fun6tion of which requires to be exercifcd, produces during hunger a general diforder, which becomes fatal if it con- tinues. When the fenfation of hanger is not called forth, life may be continued a very long time without nouriOiment, as has been obferved in perfons who remain in a ftate of abfjlute reft, as hypochondriacs, maniacs, &c. The digeftive fyftem then fufpends its fundions, like a limb which is at reft; the fecretion of the fkin ftops ; and the flight lofs of heat and pulmonary perfpi- ration which takes place is fpeedily repaired, at the expence of the infpired air, and of a fmall quantity of drink. When thirft is fuddenly excited by exceffive lieat ACTION OF DIGESTION. ~ 28$ lieat and abundant perfpiration, wben the animal fluids have not that quantity of aqueous parts which belongs to them, the fenfation experienced is much more painful and more infupportable than that of hunger. Third produces a ftrong fenfation of drynefi, of ardor, and of conftrid^ion in the fauces, with a burning fever, and fooner proves fatal than hunger. It is quenched with much more certainty by aci- dulous or alcoholized beverages than by pure water, even when iifed in a large quantity. In forced marches, during very hot weather, thirft mav be prevehted or allayed by moderate and frequent dofes of alcoholized liquors, vvhicli fupport the ftrcngth and excite the lecretion of k greater quantity of faliva. 51. It has been obferved, that the hour of fneals, the fmell of ragouts, the appearance of. a covered table, or the noife of the diihes and the mention of favory aliments, excite and put ia play the gadric organs of gluttons and great eaters; the falivary glands already enter into ad:ion j fe- cretion commences, and their mouths begin to water. The aliments are firft cut and pounded by th tried, but without fuccefs, to pro- duce an alteration in that fluid. He caufed dogs to fwallovv animal, vegetable, and mineral fub- ftances of every kind, which he thought likely td ieffedl changes in the quality of the chyle ; but he was never able to alter, in a ienfible manner, its tiature, its colour, or its odour. The gailric or- gans, by their vital energy, bppofe all thefe altera- tions: thiey digeft every thing fufceptible of di- geftion J ahforb what is proper for them, and rejedl what might prove hurtful to thiem. The cafe is the fame with the lymphatic fyfteni of all the parts of the body. The foreign fubftances introduced beneath the fkin, or conveyed into thia^ fubllance of the organs, are not abforbed, without being digeiied and reduced to principles fufcepti- ble of entering into circulation ; and fubftance^ taken up by the lymphatics, after this firft digeA tion, do not pafs into the venous blood until they have undergone a fecond aflimilation in the lym- phatic glands. But the nerves of the different parts cannot withdraw themfelves from the impreffion of thei foreign bodies which come in contact with them= This impreffion may change the mode of a(5iion of CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 321 bf the part, and produce a local pblegmaiiaj or he propagated as far as the cerebral centre, and give rife to general •demngements, more or lefs ferious, and which are afcribed to circulating hu- mours, 6i, We have already fhovvn that the arterial blood proceeds from the left fide of the heart to diflribute itfelf to every part of the body, and to carry thither the materials for the different fecre- tions; and that it returns by the veins, ta the right fide of that organ, from which it pafles tO/ its left fide by traverfing the lungs. The arterial blood maiiitains itfelf always at the fame temperature^ and at the fame degree of flu- idity, by means of perfpiration, and the fecretion 0:f the urine; andlhus frees itfelf from the heat and water which it receives in excefs. The blood, which returns-by the veins, refumes the qualities of arterial bloody chiefly during its paflage through the liver and the iungs. We fhall here examine more minutely thefe important pbcenomena. 6;j^. The heat bf the blood is maintained by the continual fecretions which take place in every part iof the organization. As the produ6is of the different fecretions have always more denfity than the materials which TOL. Ill, T f^rved 322 VITAL JUNCTIONS. ferved towards their formation, the refult muft ne- ceflarily be a continual difengagement of heat. This difengagement of heat is proportioned to the adivity of the fecretory functions : it is exceed- ingly weak when thefe funclions are performed in a flow, manner; and Itrong when they take place with great energy. A woman who iifes little ex- ercife, and only a very froall quantity of food, has always a cool dry fkin, and the greateft lofs of heat is fuftained by pulmonary perfpiration. On the other hand, a man employed in fevere labours, and who eats a great deal, has the Ikin humid and warm ; and an abundant perfpiration continually carries off a large quantity of his caloric. Thus animal heat is one of the pr6du6is of fe- cretion; its excefs read:s on the organs as a fiimu- lant ; and excites, in a particular manner, fecre- tion and fweat. The evaporation of this fluid, fecreted in excefs, carries off from the furface of the body a great quantity of caloric, and by thefe means the temperature is lowered. In proportion as the temperature of the body is lowered, neither fecretion nor fweat are fo power- fully excited, and the lofs of heat ceafes to be to great. It is by this organic regulator, that animal heat is always maintained nearly at the fame tem- perature of 40 degrees of the centigrade thermo- meter (104° Fahr.) In local phlegmaiise, when a thorn, for example, has CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 323 has been introduced beneath the fkin, the nervous adiion of the part is violently excited; circulation' is accelerated ; the fecretions take place v;ith more intenlity^ and the local heat is fenfibly increafed. But this augmentation of heat never extends be- yond two degrees, and if its intenfity appears to be greater, during the burning ardour which is experienced, this painful fenfation ought to be afcribed, in a great meafure, to the too ftrong nervous excitement, and to the derangement in the habitual order of the fundions of the injured part. Belides thelofs of caloric, difengaged by perfpi- ration, the body habitually lofes a great quantity of fluids by the ikin and the lungs. The fum of the fubftances which efcape by thefe two ways ^exceeds the half of the weight of the whole ali- ments ; and pulmonary perfpiration is equal to that which takes place by the Ikin. The product of an abundant perfpiration is much more aqueous than that of the habitual per- fpiration, called infenfible : the latter is clammy and greafy, and affedls a peculiar odour, which varies in the different parts in the two fexes, and even in diflerent individuals. Heat and labour greatly increafe this excretion ; cold and reft can entirely fufpend it. The fecretion of fweat and that of urine feem mutually to fupply each other's places and the y 3, adtivity 324- VITAL FUNCTIONS. acclivity of their fundions is always in the inverfe ratio of each other. When fecretion of urine is. impeded, an analogous excretion takes place by the Ikin, and the fweat afTurxies a urinary cha- ra6ler. 64'. The arterial blood throws out the quantity of aqueous parts, which it receives in excels, chiefly by the urinary pafTages. A raan, daring the whole day, may do nothing but drink and void urine ; and it is inconceivable what a large quantity of liquid may be thus made to pafs through the body in a given time. That a perfon may be able to drink a large quantity, without being injured, the water muil contain ftimulating fubllances, fuch as alcohol or acids ; thefe beverages then folicit the organs to diffeil them, and at the fame time excite the kid- neys to feparate from the blood a quantity of wa- ter, proportioned to that which has been drunk. If the beverage is nrierely aqueous^ and if taken in too great abundance, the gaftric and urinary lyftems are not properly Simulated ; the beverage is digefied only with extreme difficulty, or cannot be (o completely 1 and, in this cale, a vomiting- takes -place, or even indigeilion, which is often very dangerous. This important conxideration ought never to be loll fight of in difeafes, in which it is neceflary to avoid CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 325 avoid overchar^incf the weak and debilitated fto- mach with aqueous beverages. In this point of view the abufe of ptifans is much greater than is imagined. Fermented liquors are neceflliry to men who feed on coarfe aliments^ with Httle or no feafoning, becaufe it is always requifite that the ftomach fhould be properly ftimulated, either by -the drink or the food. But when the aliments are llrongly feafoned by the ftimulating produdions of warm countries, there is not much need for alcoholized liquors ; and people will fufFer much lefs inconve- nience by abftaining from them entirely, than by contrading the habit of ufing them to excefs. The need of fermented liquors is felt in a much fironger manner in warm and cold countries, where the organization is continually ftruggling againft the temperature, than in the moderate climates. The arteries which proceed to the kidneys are very large ; it has been eflimated that their capa- city is fuch as to afford a paffage to the eighth part of the blood. The quantity of urine feparated in a given time, and' the fpeed with which it is fecreted in confequence of drink received into the ftomach, has induced fome to believe that there may exift a more direft mode of conveyance, than that by the blood, for tranfmitting liquors from, the gaftric y 3 organs 326 VITAL FUNCTIONS. organs to the bladder, and this funftion has been afcribed alfo to the lymphatic velTels; but this af- fertion is unfupported by proofs, and it is from not properly nnderftanding the limultaneous adlion of feveral organs, in confequence of the fame ftimu- lant, that it has been thought necelTary to recur to this hypothefis. ' The urine fometimes afTumes a colour analo- gous to that of certain fubftances received into the flomach; it has been fuppofed that this colour ariles from the prefence of thefe fubftances con- veyed^nto the blood, and tranfmitted thence to the urinary fyftem : thus the urine becomes fome- times red by the ufe of beet-root ; yellow by that of faffron or jalap, but without containing any of thefe fubftances ; for urine coloured yellow by the a6lion of faffron has not the leaft fmell of the fta- mina of that plant. If the urine fometimes aftiimes the colour of certain aliments or medicines, it often exhibits one very different : thus it becomes green by tama- rinds, blackithor puriform by oil of fweet almonds. Sec. If an aliment or medicine could communi- cate to urine a part of its fubftance, it woulcl doubtlefs be its odorous molecule j which, as ap- pears, ought to penetrate every where with great facility ; but this is never obferved to be the cafe, Thus afparagus, which has an agreeable odour, occaftons a very fetid fmell in the urine; and tur- pentinca CIRCULATION AND RESPtRATION. 357 pentine^ the odour of which Js, very. penetrating, gives to urine the fvveet ,and agreeable. odQUT of violets. ' In all thefe cafes, the changes which take place in the urine are the relult of a new mode of acr tion, con)fnunicatcrl to the renal fyftem. -There is no organ of fecretion, the product of which may not be changed, when a new mode of a6lion is thus excited in it; and it is well known how va- rious the fecretion of the mucous membranes is in catarrhal affedlions, and what a dreadful chara6ier the faliva afllimes in the hydrophobia. Hence the changes which take place in the urine, in confequence of certain fubflances being digefted, do not arite from thefe fubftances having palled into the urine in their naturaL flate, but from the fpecinc adlion which they particularly exercife 6n the kidneys, which changes their habir- tual mode of a6lion, and alters the ufual product of their fecretion, • It is chiefly in acute difeafes that the urine ex- hibits characters highly varied. Every time that the organization experiences a general derange- ment, the kidneys are afFefted in a manner pecu- liar to th'emfelves. Their mode of fecretion is changed ; and the urine aflTumes a particular cha- rafber, which may be indefinitely varied.^ vAkLjiA ^ Urine vari^^ in particulary- iar^g^f^ilo -C[uan- 32S VITAL FUNCTIONS. tity, according as the a6lIon of the kidneys is in- creaied or diminished. The numerous changes of colour, confidence, and fmell, and the varied fediment which urine exhibits in difeafeSj have induced the vulgar to believe that the infpe6lion of it may be, of great utility in medical pra6iice ; and there have even been phyficians who confulted the urine of their patients. Changes in the nature and quantity of the urine only announce that there has been a change of adlion in the kidneys. The urine generally ailumes the fame charac- ters in iirailar aftedlions; and the infpe6iion of it may then affill the prognofis. But unlcfs the phyfician be a good chemiil, and examine it by re- agents, it will be impoffible, in fuch cafes^ to de- rive from it mud^h benefit of importance. There is one particular affoShn of the kidneys, in which thefe organs rapidly fecrete an exceflive quantity of urine (diaheUsJ. All the nutritive juices are confumed in this way ; and the patient be- comes weakened as by a diarrhoea. This affe6lion does not arife from a relaxation of the kidneys, as is generally believed ; for an organ relaxed or de- bilitated does not perform its funfbions with more energy ; but it arifes from an increafed a'dlion^ a continued irritation in thefe organs^ Urine. CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. B1§ Urine, by treeing the blood from a quantity of aqiieoiis part^. which it contains in excefs, takes from it aifo a great deal of other principles. The ilf>w of urinCj however, rnufl not be confidered as a Uxiviation, during which acid, faline, and earthy llibftances are carried off; but rather as a real le- c^etion, a peculiar organic operation, during which the greater part ofthe fubftances found, in urine are formed. Thus uric acid, the prefence of which forms the principal charafter of urine, is not found in the blood, but has been formed in the kidneys. In proportion as the urine is fecreted in the tifTue of the kidneys, it exudes from the mam- inellous tubercles rnto the calices, by which they are enveloped: it is thence colle6led into fmall bafons, from which it flows along the ureter, and is thus conveyed into the bladder. The urine colledted in the bladder gradually diftends it. When this organ has acquired a cer- tain degree of tenfion, it contrails ; and by the iimultaneous adion of its fides and of the mufcles of the abdomen and of the diaphragm, the refift- anceof its neck is overcome, and the urine is ck- pelled with more or lefs force. The bladder has been called the animal cham- ber-pot : it miift not be imagined that the urine remains there as in a veffel ; it is fubjeded to the continual aftipn of the fides which contain it; thefe iides make an effort to digefl: it, and incefTantly abforb 330 TITAL JUNCTIONS. zMorh its aqueous parts, on which account the urine in the morning is much thicker and more charged than when voided a httle time after it has arrived in that organ. In regard to the unne of drink, of digeftion, and of the blood, it may be readily conceived how erroneous ail thefe diftinc- tions are : there is only one kind of urine, that of the kidneys, 65. The arterial blood, in its circulation, dif- tributes itfelf to the organs of motion, to thofe of the fenfes and of fecretion, and carries thither the materials proper for the changes continually efFed,- ed in all thefe parts. But it diftributes hfelf alfo to fome organs, with the ufe of which we are not yet acquainted : of this kind are the thyroid gland, the thymus, and the fpleen. The thyroid gland, larger and of a darker co- lour in children than in adults, in the female than in the male, is fituated in the middle part of the neck, before the bottom of the larynx. It feems to be compofed of an afleinblage of lobes, divided into lobules : in the interior part it exhi- bits fmall veficles, which contain a yellow vifcous fiuid. It is a fwelling of this gland that produces the goitre. This afFedion, peculiar to women of certain countries^ is the refult of caufes hitherto unknown. The thymus is a glandalous body^ fituated be- hind CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 33t bind the fternum, between the two laminae of the pleura. It is of a large fize, flabby, arid of a pale yellow colour in the fcetus ; it decreafes, affiimes more conflftence, and acquires a darker colour with age ; and in old age difappears entirely. In the foetus, the thymus, compofed of two lobes divided into lobules, exhibits in the infide an albuminous, whitifh fluid, and has no apparent excretory dudls. The fpleen, fituated in the left hypochondrium, is of a foft confiftence, x^ellular, and has a blueifli red colour : it receives a very large artery of the coeliac trunk. The arterial blood, after diftributing itfelf to every part of that organ, returns by veins which^ by their union, forms a trunk that proceeds into the liver. Hence it appears that* the ufe of the fpleen is to give its blood to the liver, after it has undergone a change, which renders it analogous to the venal blood. 66, The blood, after being diftributed to every point of the organization, and having thus dif- charged the fundlions peculiar to it, returns from all thefe points, in the ftate of venous blood and lymph, to repair its lofl!es ; to refume again the qualities of arterial blood, and to be fitted to ferve for a new dillribution. The lofles which th^ venous blood has fuflained, during $S% Vital functions. daring its diftributionj are repaired by the pro- duct of digeftion. The chyle and the lymph, before they mix wfth the venous blood, begin to experience changes in their paiTage through the lymphatic glands ; thefe fluids undergo a peculiar affimila- tion, and again acquire charadlers of animaliza- tion, which render them proper to form confti- tuent parts of the organic fubftances. The venous blood fcems to return to the fcaie of arterial blood, by freeing itfelf from fome fub- flaoces and by taking up others. In its pafTage into the liver and the lungs it abandons thofe materials, by which it is conftituted venous blood, and abforbs new principles in the refpiratory organ. A part of the' venous blood, before it returns to the right tide of the heart, patles through the Jiver. Thus the veins, which bring back the blood froni the ftomach, the inteftines, the epiploon, the mefentery, the pancreas, and the fpleen, unite into two trunks f^he fplenic and mefera'ic), which are foon confounded into one vein (thefiih- hepatic or vena-port^). This arterial vein, which is very largej penetrates into the liver tovt'ards the Biiddle of its tranfverfe fcifTure ; the blood, which it .carries thither, is diftributed to every part of that voluminous organ, and difappears in the very fine divifions of the capillary ramufculi. - The CIKCULATION AND R.ESPIRATION. 03$. The venous blood, which travedes the vifcera and the. abdomen, and particularly the mefentery and the epiploon, is overcharged with> a great deal of fat parts, from which it feems to be freed chiefly in the fecretion of the liver. The liver by its a^iion fecretes the bile, wliich is evacuated by a peculiar order of velTels ; and which procee^ls into the duodenum, where it becomes one of th® moil powerful agents of digefticn. In the fecretion of the bile, the blood is rie- cefTarily freed from the hydrogen and carbon of which that uncliious humour is corapofed; and by thefe means is difpofed for refiwning the quali- ties of arterial blood. It is of fo much importance to the organic order that the blood {hould free itfelf from the princi- ples which form the bile, that when the fecretion of this fluid cannot take place in the liver, in con- fequence of fome peculiar affcclion of this organ, it appears that it is produced in other diftant parts. Thus in the jaundice an analogous fecretion of bile takes place in the kidneys, in the cellular tifliie, and in the flcin. It is not, therefore, for the parpofe of digef- tion alone that the bile is produced ; becaufe when it cannot be feparated in the liver it is fe- cretcd fomewhere elfe. In this cafe, the efl^ntial phasnomenon always takes place j the blood aban- dons 534 VlfAC FtTNCTlOMS; dons the materials of the bile from which it waS neceflary it fhould be freed, and it is the acceflbry phaenomenon, the peculiar ufe of the bile in di- geftion, which is for a. moment impeded. We have here another infi:ance of the facility with which the organs can mutually fupply the place of each other in their fund^ions. The humorifts, according to their hypothefiSj did not fail to afcribe the jaundice to bile conveyed into the blood ; but the folly of this aflertion may be eafily conceived. If We fuppofe, that the bile fecreted by the liver is abforbed by the lymphatic veffels of that organ, in order to proceed into the blood, it muft firfl pafs into the thoracic du6t, then into the fub- clavian vein, then into the right fide of the heart, then into the lungs, then into the left fide of the heart, and thencfe into the aorta to be uniformly diftributed by the arteries. It is much more reafonable to think that the venous blood, not being able in the liver to aban- don the materials of the bile, from which it ought to be freed before it pailes into the lungs, depofits them in the cellular tiffiie of the different organs, where they are afterwards digefted ; and that their elements are taken up by the lymphatics, or ex- pelled by perfpiration. In acute difeafes-^ where there is a general de* rangement, 3 CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 33S rangement, the adion of the liver, like that of the other organs, is interrupted. In this cafe, if the aiFedlion of the liver be of fuch a nature that its fundion is weakened or impeded, and if the fe- cretion of the bile cannot take place in that organ, it will be feparated elfewhere, and there will be fymptotns of jaundice, which are not defervingof particular attention. It refults from thefe conliderations, that the blood undergoes in the liver changes analogous to tbofe which it experiences in the lungs ; and that under this point of view the liver and the lungs are two organs which have analogous fane- lions, as Fourcroy announced feveral years ago. It evidently appears that the liver difcharges the fundtion of the lungs, in circumftances when re- fpiration has very little a<5livityi hence it is pro- portionally very large in the foetus, which does not yet fefpire ; it is in general very voluminous in reptiles and fiOies, in which refpiration is ex- ceedingly flow ; and it is exceedingly fmall in birds, which have the pulmonary organ very large and energetic. In fome cafes of difeafe, fuch as phthifis, the liver fometimes becomes exceedingly voluminous and fat ; but it is very doubtful whether its a6tioti be then increafed : it is much more probable, that the fwelling of this organ is a ftate of difeafe, during VITAL FUNCTIONS. during which the fecretion of the. bile is pei* formed only with difficulty. 6j> When the venous blood has undergone a fird affimilation in its pallage through the liver^^ as the Ijuiph and the chyle do in traverfing the lymphatic glands, it returns from all the parta hy means of the veins, which unite into two largd 1:runks : one of them brings back the blood from the lower parts (the abdominal venacuva), and the other from the upper parts (the thoracic vena- cava). Thefe two veins proceed to the right fide of the heart with the fmall cororiary vein i the blood penetrates into the right auricle and dilates it j when this auride has acquired a cer- tain degree of dilatation it contra6^s, and the blood pafles into the ventricle, except that part which flows back. The blood accumulated in the right ventricle diiiends it alfo j the fides of this cavity contradl., and force the blood into the pulmonary artery, from which it is expelled, to- wards the lungs. The blood cannot flow back from the ventricle to the auricle on accouat of a valve (vajvuld tr'icufpis)\ which oppofes it ,• and it cannot return from the pulmonary artery to the ventricle, be- caufe it is prevented by the fygmoid valves. It is to be remarkcdj in the motion of the hearty CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 33/ that the right auricle contrafts at the fame time as the left, and that the contraction of the two ventricles is effefted at the fame moment ; fo that the motion of the auricles and ventricles takes place fucceffively. 68. The blood which pafles into the lungs is blackifh, lefs warm (by two degrees), and a little heavier than arterial blood : it exhibits, therefore, the charadlers of venous blood. The venous artery, Nvhich diftributes this blood in the pulmonary organ, foon divides into two trunks, one for each lung. Thefe arteries then feparate into branches and rami : thefe rami into ramufculi much fmailer, and the ramufculi fub- divide into capillary velTcIs which elude the fight. The venous blood is thus difperfed throughout every part of the lung ; being reduced to a ftate of extreme tenuity, it undergoes there, during the a<5l of refpiration, certain changes, which make it refume all the qualities of arterial blood ; it be- comes red, florid, fpumous, warmer, and lighter. It then returns to the left tide of the heart by veins, which arife from every part of the lungs ; which unite into rami and branches, and at lafl: terminate in four large trunks, which proceed into the left auricle. The blood pafles thence into the ventricle of the fame tide, and into the aorta, from which it VOL. in. 2 is 33S VITAL FUNCTIONS. is expelled by the arteries, to be again diftributed to every part of the body. 69. The changes which the blood undergoes, in paffing from the venous to the arterial ftate, take place in the interval between the moment when that fluid eludes our refearchcs by the arte- ries, and that when we begin to fee it return by the veins. It is in this infinitely fmall fpace, which our eyes, aflifted by the beft inftruments, cannot penetrate, that the phssnomena of refpi- ration are efFedled. It is proper here to remind the reader, that the lung, in its intimate ftru6lure, exhibits ramifica- tions of the bronchic cavities. The air, which pe- netrates into this organ, enters by the mouth or the iiofi:rils, pafles through the aperture of the glot- tis, Iraverfes the larynx and the trachea, and en- ters into all the divifions of the bronchise. The bronchiss mufi: be confidered as aerian vefiels, which divide, in the interior of the pal- monary organ, into branches and rami; which are fubdivided .into capillary raraufcuH of extreme finenefs, and at length terminate in fmall cells, which communicate with each other. All thefe aerian pafTages are lined by a mucous membrane. The arteries accompany the bronchic divifions, fubdivide in the fame manner, and expand on the fides of their cells ; the veins arife from thefe , . fides. CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 330 fides, and in their paflage follow alfo, in an in- verfe order, the divifions of the aerian paflages. The air enters into the cavities of the bronchiae, and ifluies from them alternately daring the move- mentS' of infpirat-ion and expiration. Infpiration takes place by the dilatation of the fides of the breaft and the depreffion of the diaphragm. The dilatation is efFe6ted by the a6lion of the interCoftal mtifcles, which carry forwards and to- wards the ribsj the fides of the breaft, and par- ticularly towards the bottom of them. During flrong infpirationSj this movement is affifi:ed by the ax^ion of the mufcles attached to the fides of the thorax, which extend to the bones of the neckj of the flioulder, and of the arm. The diaphragm, which in its natural fi:aie is convex towards the breaft, finks down, becomes horizontal by the conlra6tion of its mulcular fibres^ and increafes the capacity of the thorax. ' Expiration takes [)lace by the mere relaxation of the mufcles which contributed to dilate the breaft ; when the adlion of theie mufcles ceafes, the parts refume their former ftate. Complete expiration is favoured by the contra6iion of the abdominal mufcles, and particularly thofe which are attached to the bottom of the thorax. Thefe rnufcies, in contrafting, lower the breaft, and comprefs the inteftines, which deprefs again the diaphraj^n, in the interior part of the thorax. 2 2 During 340 VITAL FUNCTIONS. During the dilatation of the cavity of the tho- rax, the lungs flre diftended 5 a fort of vacuity is formed in the bronchic cavities, and the external air immediately rufhes into them. This air then jifues by the depreffion of the fides of the thorax, and the relaxation of the diaphragm. Refpiration, when once begun, never ceafes but with life ; it is maintained by the a6lion of the nerves, which diftriiDute themtelves to every part of the organ of refpiration, and by the continual neceffity which the blood has of experiencing the changes it undergoes by the fund:ion of the lungs. The movements df the breaft are fuch, that about eighteen infpirations take place in a mi- nute» From this iliort view of the movements of the bread and of the llrudure of the aerian cavities of the lungs, it may be readily conceived that the air, vvhich penetrates into the bronchia^, follows their ultimate divifions ; and that when it reaches the laft bronchic cells it muft be almoft in imme- diate contact with the blood. It is now proper toi examine the changes which the infpired air and the blood experience, in order that we may thence deduce the nature of the phagnomena which muft have taken place. The atmofpheric air infpired is compofed of about four-fifths of azote, and one fifth of oxygen. The CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATIOIT. ' 34 i The expired air contains almoft the Tame quan- tity of azote, but it now retains no more than about the half of its oxygen, with a quantity of carbonic acid gas, lefs than that of the oxygen, which is wanting. This important obfervation, for which we are indebted to the pneumatic chemillry, has given rite to various hypothefes. The authors of the modern cheraiftry are of opinion, that the carbonic acid gas produced is formed in the lungs, by the combination of the carbon, difengaged from the blood, with the oxy- gen of the atmofphere ; but I afTured myfelf of the fallacy of this opinion by the following ex- periment. I placed fome Guinea pigs under a bell glafs, filled alternately with atmofpheric air, oxygen gas, azotic gas, and hydrogen gas ; and in all thefe cafes there was nearly the fame quan- tity of carbonic acid gas difengaged : its forma- tion then is not owing to the prefence of oxygen in the lungs. Ghemifts have imagined alfo that a part of the oxygen infpired is combined, in the lungs, with the hydrogen difengaged from the blood ; and that the v^ater emitted, during expiration, in the flate of vapour, is the refult of their combina- tion i but it is much more reafonable to fuppofe that this vapour expired, is fecreted by the mu- a 3 * cous 342 VITAL FUNCTIONS, cous furfaces cf the bronchic cells, like all the liquids which moiften the other organic furfaces. The fuppofed formation of carbonic acid ga§ and water, by mecnns of the oxygen of the air, the carbon, and the hydrogen of the blood, ought neceflarily to be accompanied with a difengage- ment of caloric; and it is to this driengagement that animal heat and the habitual elevation of the temperature were afcribed ; but the premifes be- ing erroneous, the confequence deduced from them muft be erroneous alfo. Chauffier has iincc propofed an opinion, which appears to be more probable. The carbonic acid gas, he fays, is completely formed in the venous blood; it is only difengaged by expiration, and the oxygen gas is abforbed by the lymphatic veflels. This afiertion, much more agreeable to the common phsenomena of the organization, appears to me, however, in one of its points, to require fome modification. Experiments made with great care feem.to (hew, that this gas does not exifl: in -the blood. Befides, it is a general obfervation, that the blood contains no products of fecretion completely formed ; it only pofleiies the princi- ples of them which it aiiimilates in the organs of fecretion. Thus it is probable, that in the ad of refpira- tion^ CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 343 tibn, the blood frees itfelf from the conftituent principles of the carbonic acid gas, in ihc/ecre^ tion of that gas : as it frees itfelf from the confti- tuent principles of the bile, in the fecretion of that fluid. On the other hand, the lungs are a real Organ of digeftion : they aflimilate oxygen gas, and probably a fmall quantity of azotic gas-; thefe materials enter into the circulation, and ferve for general nutrition and for the produ^ioo of heat. , ; :^ ;-: t The caloric, which maintains the habitual tecn-» perament, and which is continually difengaged, feemsfo pafs into the organization .by the pulmo- nary organ, where it is abforbed V^ith a portion of atmofpheric air. In the different claiTes of animals with lungs, it is indeed obferved, that the animal heat follows the ratio of the extent and adivity of the organ of refpiration . Hence it is at the higheft degree in birds ; lefs in the mammalia, and very incon- liderable in reptiles. The blood which proceeds to the lungs has a blackifh colour ; and it returns from that organ with a beautiful red tint. Chemifts afcribe the beautiful red colour of the arterial blood to the abforption of oxygen ; becaufe the venous blood becomes red when in contact with that gas ; but it aflbmes the fame colour by warmth, and ani- z 4 mals 344 VITAL FUNCTIONS. mals reduced to a ftate of afphyxia, by carbonic acid gas and the gafeous oxide of carbon, have very red blood alfo. It is probable that the venous blood lofes its blackifh colour in the lungs, by freeing itfelf from thofe principles which form carbonic acid gas. But, however this may be, a difference of colour is, in general, a matter of very little importance. It- is well known, that different arrangements of the fame moleculse of a body are fufficient to pro- duce changes, exceedingly various, in the reflec- tion of the luminous rays, and confequently in its coloration. We know that the arterial blood is reddey, more fpumous, and warmer than the venous blood ; but chemical analyfis fhews no efiential difference between thefe two kinds of bloodj in regard to their compofition. 70. When refpiration has been fuddenly fuf- .pended, death takes place in a few minutes. It was natural, therefore, that attempts fhould be made to account for this extraordinary phaeno- .menon, Chemifts have fuppofed, that as the abforption •of oxygen by the blood is the principal pheno- menon of refpiration, death enfues when this ab- forption cannot take place ; becaufe the bloody being .deprived of its habitual ftimulantj can no ■Z-i ■'■ longer CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION-. ^345 longer excite, in a proper manner, the lef*" ven- tricle of the heart, which then ceafes to contract. But, in the different kinds of afphyxia, it is obferved, in general, that the aortic ventricle is always empty, while the pulmonary ventricle Is full ; which evidently proves, that the left lide of the heart did not ceafe to contrail till it ceafed to receive blood, ■' On the other hand, Guinea pigs expofed to azotic gas, and very pure hydrogen gas, live a confiderable time, and their death feems to be occalioned, in part, by the prefence of the car- bonic acid gas expectorated ; fo that the want of oxygen, in refpiratibn, does not become fatal fo fpeedily as has been fuppofed. Afphyxiae may be diftinguifhed into three forts: ifl. Thole which take place in confequence of the entrance of air into the lungs being fuddenly in- tercepted : zd. Thofe which take plac^ when the lungs, inflead of receiving atmofpheric air, receive a foreign gas, which however exercifes no perni- cious adlion : 3d. Thofe which refult from the introduction into the air-paflages of any fu|?- flance which exercifes a fpeedy and fatal adlion. Afphyxiee, which take place in confequence of the air being prevented from entering the lungs, are thofe which refult from the different modes of itrangulation, fuffocation, and fubmerfion. It is probable 246 ^ VITAL FUNCTIONS, probable that in all thefe cafes death enfues, be- caufe the play of the lungs is neceflary to pro- mote the circulation of the bloody the whole of which paffes through that organ : refpiration be- ing fuddenly fufpended, circulation may be pre- vented ; and death, which at firft is only appa- rent, >foon becomes real, if fpeedy relief be not applied. Death, in all probability, takes place fo foon, merely becaufe the organization has not time to accommodate itfelf to fo great and fo ab- rupt a derangement. It is well known that divers gradually habituate themfcK^es to remain under water for a longer time than is fufficient to drown ,ibme perfons completely. When an animal is immeifed in very pure azo- tic or hydrogen gas, the play of refpiration is not fofpended ; infpiration and expiration continue to take place J circulation is not interrupted, and life continues. The lungs, however, are deprived of their habitual aliment ; and when this privation is fuddcn, and continues too long, the animal at length perifhes. But, if it be flowly habituated to refpire in one of thefe gafes, and if care be taken to ablorb the carbonic acid gas expectorated, the reaction of which on the lungs is fo fatal, it may readily be conceived that the privation of oxygen gas may be endured for a very confiderable time. Azotic and hydrogen gas, therefore^ do not kill, but CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION. 347 but fufFer the animal to die flowly, becaufe they merely maintain the play of refpiration, without fupplying the aliment necefTary for life. The afphyxiaj 'vhich take place in confequence of deleterious fabftances conveyed into the lungs are the mod numerous. They are thofe occa* lioned by the infpiration of the carbonic acid gas, difeneraffed from wine or beer calks in a ftate offer- mentation^ from lime-kilns, &c.; by the infpiration of the carbonated hydrogen gas produced by char- coal, when it begins to burn with a flightly blue- ifh flame, and by the infpiration of the vapours* exhaled under certain circumflances from privies^ drains, burying grounds, &c. Thefe fubftances, conveyed into the lungs with the infpired air, produce, fometimes, on the nerves of that part, an impreffion fufficiently violent to occafion a ge- neral derangement of the nervous adiion and fud- den death. Thefe afphyxiae exhibit a phseno- menon analogous to poifoning, by thofe fubftances called narcotics. When the deleterious fubftances conveyed into the. lungs are not fufficiently ftrong to produce afphyxia, they may give rife to a highly varied feries of morbific phaenomena. Thus the greater part of epidemic fevers feem to be produced by emanations from vegetable or animal fubftances, in a ftate of putrefa6lion, conveyed iqto the lungs, and 348 VITAL FUNCTIONS. and efpecially of individuals who have a difpoii- tion fuited to them. In the plague^ thefe Tub- fiances introduced in a larger quantity into thefe organs of a weak individual, already altered by fear and defpair, may produce fudden death ; as has been obferved in all cafes where the plague has been epidemical. Deaths on fuch occafions, is a real afphyxia. ^i. The venous blood, after pafling through the lung,^^ and having refumed there the qualities of arterial blood, proceeds into the left fide of the heart by four large veins, which depofits it in the auricle, whence it pailes into the ventricle, and thence into the aorta, to be again diftributed to all the organs by means of the arteries. The atmofpheric air infpircd, after remaining in the lungs, and lofing there a part of its oxy- gen, and perhaps a fmall quantity of azote, is in part expelled at each expiration along with the carbonic acid gas which has been excreted. But air vv^hich enters and continually iiTues through a narrow aperture, furnifhed with a moveable appendage, and which may be driven with greater or lefs force into a cavity where the found produced is modified before it ifTues from it, furnifhes all the conditions neccflary for a wind inftrument. Thus the air, after conveying into thf CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION, 34Q the lungs one of the principal aliments of life and the Iburce of heat, may in its return receive a vibratory movement, which is trarafmitied to a diftance; and, in the formation of the voice, con- liitutes an artificial lign exceedingly proper for the improvement of the mind, and the means which have the greateft tendency to unite men in the bonds of fociety. The vocal organ is an apparatus, the fund:ion of which is difficult to be underftood ; and the phyfiologift who hears the harmonious founds which proceed from fome throats, is much more aftonifhed by the difficulty overcome, than by the efFed: produced ; for it is perhaps hardly pof- fible to conceive an inflrument more refradory than the vocal organ of man. But this proves how far the parts of the body, by their furprifing flexibility, can overcome the greatefl difficulties, and furmount every obftacle. The fimplefi and moft perfect vocal organ is, no doubt, that of birds. Thefe animals, at the union of the bronchlse, on the fides of the lower part of their trachea, have two membranous folds, which in part clofe the aperture of the latter. The air expelled from the lungs makes thefe membranes vibrate ; their vibrations are commu- nicated to the air, and a found is thus produced. This' inferior hrj?w is, for the moit part, fur- nillied 350 VITAL FUNCTIONS. niflied with fmall mufcles, fufceptible of caufing a variation in its movements. The trachea, v/hich confifts of very fine cartilaginous rings united by a membrane, is capable of being lengthened or Ihortened. ' In the laft place, the fuperior larynx has an aperture fufceptible of contracting or dilating, fo that the vocal organ of thefe animals is a wind in- ilrument, entirely analogous to thofe of the order of horns ; its mouth is towards the lungs *. If the theory of ftringed inflruments be applied to this wind inftrument, according to the method of Euler, it maybe fubjeded to calculation ; and the length of the ftring, its degree of tenlion, and its vibrating force, may be appreciated. The length of the ftring is meafured by that of the trachea ; its degree of tenfion by the aper- ture of the fuperior larynx ; and the vibrating force by the expulfion of air from the lungs. In man, the vocal organ exhibits another ar- rangement; there is no larynx at the bottom of the trachea ; the air expelled from the lungs by the bronchise traverfes the trachea, as in a conducting tube, and at its paflage through the larynx meets with the epiglottis. This naoveable cartilage, when ftruck with force, vibrates, and "* Sec the Memoir of C. Cuvier. makes CIRCULATION AND RESPIRATION". 351 makes the furrounding air enter into a ftate of vibration alfo. The found, therefore, is only produced on its ilTuing from the larynx, and is afterwards modified in its paiTage through the mouth and noftrils. To judge of the value of the vocal organ in its natural fiate, and of the quality of its tone, no- thing is neceflary but to hear the cries of an in- fant ; and when we reflect that means have been devifed to produce from this inftrument the mod harmonious founds, it is hardly poffible to con- ceive how fo great a difficulty could be ovo*- come. The founds produced at the aperture of the larynx, when accented by the different parts of the moutji, form j^^^^:^', and modulated founds con^hutQ Jlnging. The vocal organ of man, though attended with lefs advantage than that of birds, exhibits an ana- logous ftruclure, and may be referred alfo to the theory of flringed iniiruments. The lenglh of the cord is meafured by the dif- tance comprehended between the aperture of the glottis and that of the mouth or noftrils ; this length may be varied by the elevation or depref- lion of the larynx, and even by the pofition of the lips. The vibrating force depends on that of the lungs, 352 VITAL FUNCTIONS. lungs, by which the air is expelled; and the degree of tenlion on the variable aperture of the mouth. Though the voeal organ of man be a wind in- Urument, not very advantageous, it affords a great many refource^ in regard to its innprovement ; thus the found produced, on the air iffuing from the larynx, may pafs from grave to acute, accord- ing as the aperture of the glottis is greater or fmaller ; as the larynx is deprefled or elevated, and the neck more oi* lefs elongated 5 and accord- ing as the mouth is more or lefs open. Sounds when once formed, may be modified a great many ways, by the varied movements of the tongue, the cheeks, the teeth, the lips, &c., and by its paffage through the noftrils. Sounds, ac- cording as they have been modified by any of thefe organs, are diftinguiflied by the names of labial, dento-lingual, palato-lingual, &c. articu- lations, &c. {^ee. Lexicograplne de'Butet.) Man has employed the found which may be produced by air expired with velocity as a con- ventional lign, merely becaufe pain obliged him to emit cries, which induced him to think that he might render thefe cries of utility ; for if the air, in iffuing from the lungs, had not been ac- companied with found, he would have remained as dumb as a perfon born deaf. When CIRCULATION AND llESPlilATlON* 353 When children hurry too much in the accentu- ation of founds, they repeat the fame lyllables foveral times, which is called ftammering. This defe6^, when not of too long {landing, may be corredled, by making the child acquire a habit of pronguncing each lyllable difl:in<5tly, one after the oth^r. VOL. in. % h . AGTION V 334 . J- JlCtion of the organs of re:. production; 72. xLvERY organized being is prodoced by aw- other fimilar to itj and from which it is feparated, after having formed a part of it. Organized beings, whofe mode of reproduction is known, exhibit two ways by which they may completely attain to this fmiClion. When a part of an organized being is fufcep- tible of being detached from it to form a limilar being, this mode of reprodudion is called that by flips ; thus the germs of fojne plants detach them- felves from the Rem, and being received in the earthj, produce other plants, as is the' cafe with the ornithogalus. Some bulbous plants produce fmall bulbs, which increafe, fend forth roots, and detach Ihemfelves from the parent bulb to form new ones. Polypes fend cut gems from every part of their bodies, whicb increaTe in fizG, detach themfelves, and form entire polypes. The lafi: ar- ticulation of the naides increafes and detaches it^ felf to form a perfeCl animal. For the fame reafon, v.'e ought to be able to divide an organized being into feveral parts .fuf- - ceptible- ORGANS OP REPRODUCTION. 355 ceptlble of reproclucriig itfelf^ provided each of them contains a bud or germ. Thus a twig de*- tached from the root of a tree may produce an- other tree, provided this twig contaifTS a bud. A polype may be ciit into a great number of parts, ^hich produce entire polypes. But what appears to be very extraordinary is, that a worm which has a head, a trunk, and a iail, atll very diftind, fhould be fufceptible of di- vifion into feveral pieces, capable of reproducing the parts whith are wariting to them ; though in this animal the head contains a cerebral f}ftem, and though the apparatus of generation is in- iiilated. ^3. The feeds and the ova, like the buds and germs, are fmall bodies'vvhich detach themfelves, and by their development produce beings fimilar to thofe from which they proceeded ; but they differ from them in this refpe6l, that they have jieed of being ^Yev\ai\{[yfecu?idated. Living beings, which multiply by flips, reproduce themfelves alio from feeds and from ova. The individual which bears the feed or the esfo: may alfo bear the fecundating organ ; or thefe two organs may be in feparate individuals. The union, in the fame individual, of the feed or the ovum, and the organ proper for fecundating kj, conftitutes hermaphrodifm. The feparation 2 A 2 of 356 VITAL FUNCTIONS. of them in two diftind: individuals efiablifhes difference of fex. The greater number of vegetables are herma- phrodites. Thre male parts may be united in the fame flower with the female parts, or both thefe parts tnay be found in feparate flowers. 'Moll fhell animals arc hermaphrodites; the eggs are fecundated by the male organ, in de- fcending along the oviduA. Some of thefe ani- mals, though provided with male and female or- gans, have ftill need of copulation ; of this kind are the fnail and the Aug. It does not, however, appear that in the copulation of thefe animals the male organ of the one can ferve to fecundate th6 egg of the other ; there is more reafon to think that their copulation is a Simulant proper for fa- vouring their individual fecundation. 74. The feeds and the eggs are compbfed of the germ, and the nutritive apparatus which is deflined to promote its firft development. In plants and the greater number of animals, the nutritive apparatus, which envelops the germ, is fupplied, at the expenfe of the mother, with a quantity of nutritive fubftance fufficient for its firft increafe, and for enabling it to break the (hell, ii;! order to live by its own flrength. In the mammalia, the nutritive apparatus is fixed to the fides of the matrix, and draws from it ORGANS OP REPRODUCTION. 357 it juiees which it aflimilates and diftributes to the embryo. ; •. j^r^r-y. , The ovarium muft have acquired its oolnplete development, before the feeda or the eggs, which it contains, can be fulceptible of fecundation.^ . The feeds or the eggs may detach themfelves from the ovarium before or after their fecui^aT lion* rt f^fljK;!'?*;. ■.^!; , The eggs detached from the ovarium, before fecundation, may be afterwards fecundated, or may not be fufceptible of it. Some feeds ripen without having been fecun- dated ; but they remain barren. The eggs of birds often come to maturity with.- out having been fecundated, and in that cafe are no longer fufceptible of it *. In all thefe cafes, the nutritive apparatus afTumes a proper increafe at the expenfe of the mother, in order to ferve for the nutrition of the germ, whe- ther the latter is to be developed or not. The ova feparated and ejecSted from the ova- rium of certain ofTeous fifhes may be fecundated ; and thofe of feveral reptiles> fuch as frogs, are. * It Is probable that when thefc feeds or eggs have acquired their full increafe before fecundationi 'the thick ftrdng covering which furrourtdi the gertti is aft obftacli to their future foiun- a A 3 The 358 VITAL S-UNCTIONSo The liquor of the male organ fufpends this putre- fadion, even when in an advanced ftate, and car? air© produce fecundation. 76. Though the prefence of the organ of gene- ration in the male and in the female is not necef- fary to the life of the individuals, and though thefe organs appear, as we may fay, to have been fuperadded, they exercife a v6ry ftriking influ- ence on the whole of the organization, as is ob- ferved by the difference which exifts between in-, dividuals provided with thefe organs and thofe which are deprived of them. In organized beings, which exhibit two different fexes, the a6l of fecundation is performed by a complex apparatus of organs ; life is exalted, acquires more energy, and feems to be prepared as for an important aft. All the powers are di- rected to and concentrated in the generating -or- gans ; and after fecundarion the individuals expe- rience a manifeft ftate of lano-uor. The male o feems to have made the greateft effort, and (hews a more remarkable depreffion ; but at that pe- riod his iaik is finifned, and a new one begins for the female. Some plants, fuch as pinks and the lychnis, when forced to llerility, live longer and refifl the cold better. Butterflies ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. _ 359 Butterflies exift under the winged form, only ki., order to reproduce themfelveSj and after fatis- fy'mg this law they foon die. In order that fome animals may fatten, they are deprived of the eflential organs of genera- tion. 76. The male, of almoft all animals which copulate, places himfelf on the back of the female during coition ; in fome, however, there are cer- tain difpoiitions, fuch as a broad thick tail, which prevent this mode of copulation : the female of the hedge-hog and porcupine places herfelf on her back. This mode of copulation is that of ceta- ceous animals, the rays, fquali, and the crocodile. The female elephant only bends her fare legs ; the oftrieh lies down on its belly ; ferpents entwiffc themfelves with each other, &;c. Some reptiles, fuch as toads, adhere fo flrongly to the female, that they will rather fufTer themfelves to be torn than to feparale from them. Infe^ls almoft always exhibit in their fore claws the means proper for keeping themfelves Hxed on the female; and the femnles^alfo have frequently hooks by which they lay hold of the male daring their long copulation. The duration of this acl varies in the different clafles: in birds it fcarcely continues a few feconds ; it is longer among the mammalia, and particularly thofe which have no- 2 A 4 feminal StiO VITAL FUNCTIONS. feminal veflel, as is the cafe with the dog j in the laft place, it is exceffively long among fome reptiles, fuch as frogs, which continue in a Hate of copulation even forty days. '^ All organiaed beings continually reproduce themfelves in this manner, amidft languor and tranfports of pleafure." 77. Among the mammalia, the firil period of conception is indeed very obfcure j but generation has been too much conlidered as a myjiery. This phaenomenon is no more obfcure, and perhaps is lefs fo than many others that take place in organs, the fmallnefs or tranfparency of which makes them elude all our means of obfervation. In reprodu(5lion by flips, the adlion of life is continued without interruption, from one race to another, by means of buds or germs. Thefe are fmall bodies, which by their fpontaneous develop- ment produce beings (imilar to thofc from which they detach themfelves. In reprodu6lion, by nieans of femen or ova, the germs contained in thefe fmall bodies attain only to a certain degree of development by the influ- ence of the vital atflion of the mother ; and whe*- ther they remain attached to her, or are depofited, they acquire no further increafe. But if at that period they, receive the fecundating impreffion of the produd of the male organ, they again enter into ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. SQl into aftion ; the (emen and ova are then exactly in the fame fituation as buds and germs : they ex- hibit different ways which lead to the fame end, and which produce the fame refults. 78. In what manner does the prolific fubftance vivify the germ ? And what takes place at the moment of conception? This phasnomenon is not, as fome philofo- phers imagine, above human comprehenlion 5 but merely below the reach of our light ^ and we caa form no judgment but of things which ftrike fome of our fenfes. If one of the animalcula of the femen could come and tell u« what is obferved in the ovarium at the moment of fecundation, and during the iirft days of geftation, it would relate a feries o( fadls, which certainly would not exceed the limits of the human comprehenfion ; but our coarfe Icyes cannot perceive the hundredth part of a line, ■ while there are organized beings, much fmaller, which are endowed with the powers of per- ception, digef^ion, and reproduflion. As we have no data, therefore, in regard to tbefe firfl phse- nomena, we fhall not attempt to give any ex- planation of them. 79. Was it neceflary that the whole feries of beings, paft and to come, fhould cxiit in the firft feeds S§2 VITAL FUNCTIONS,. feeds and the firft ova ? One might as well alk, whether the fmall vegetables, which fcarcely cover the naked fides of a chain of mountains, contain within them the immgnfe foreft which is to exift there a thoufand years after ^ or, whether all the flames by which Troj' was confumed exifted in the firft fpark Aruck from a piece of flint ? Iq all thefe phaenomena \ve ought to fee only a con- tinuity of adion, 80. The germs contained in feeds and in dva, when once fecundated by coming into conta<5l >vith the lecretion of the ftialc organ, develop themfelves afterwards by means of a nutritive ap- paratus furqiOied by the female. This apparatus exhibits numerous varietie?, in the different clafles of living beings. It, however, always confifls of a vafcular and membranous .reticulation, which affords he means of circulation between it and the germ. Thefe two fvflems are fo connected thac it can hardly be conceived how they could have been feparated. This arrangement is one of the ftrongefi: proofs of the pre-exifi:ence of the germs in the female. The nutritive apparatus of the germ is developed by a continuity of the vital aflion of the mother. In oviparous animals, properly fo called, this apparatus may acquire its full expanfipn, whether the germ is to be developed or not: it then de- taches ORGANS OF B-EPRODUCTION. 30$ ^sches itfelf from the mother, to ferve for the fur- ther development of the fecundated germ. In vegetables this apparatus does not, in ge- neral, attain to maturity till after the fecundation of the germ j it then detaches itfelf, and ferves for the iame purpofe as in the preceding cafe. , Among the mammalia, the nutritive apparatus is not developed till after conception ; and does not ferve for the increafe of the embryo, but fo far as it remains attached to the mother. In all cafes a circulation is eftabliflied between the embryo and the nutritive apparatus, by the new vital ai5iion which the germ receives at the moment of fecundation, 8 1. The nutritive apparatus of the feed con- lifts eflentially of one or two cotyledons, which are continued with the germ. The cotyledons, for the moil part, are furrounded by a perifpcrma, which furnifhes them with the firft materials of nutrition. The whole is enclofed in a triple co- vering. After fecundation, the germ and the obtyledons expand and increafe in the fame proportion. The cotyledons derive from the perifperma the fiF{l: nutritive juices; the covering of the feed then burfts J the cotyledons increafe in fize, and ac- quire from the earth and the air other alimentary fubflances, which they continue to affimilate and to ^04 riTAL FUffCTIONS^ to diflribute to the embryo. The radiculae and plumula are then feen gradually to develop them- felves ; and when the fmall plant is in a ftate ca- pable of appropriating to itfelf the nutritive mole- culae fuited to it, the cotyledons wither and de- tach themfelves. 82. The nutritive apparatus of the ovunn of birds exifts chiefly in the membrane of the yolk, which is continued with the inteftines of the em- bryo. This membrane gradually abforbs the white fubflance of the egg, which pafTes through the yolk ; it then abforbs the yellow fluid itfelf; afTi- milates thefe materials, and tranfmits them to the embryo to ferve for its firfl increafe. In this mode of growth^ the nutritive apparatus isdiminifhcd in proportion as the animal increafes. When the latter has acquired a certain degree of iirength, it makes a continued vertical motion with its head; breaks in this manner its fhell^ by means of a fmall, fharp, and very hard body "which is above its beak; and at length ilTues forth j to enjoy a new life. As the bird, freed from its fhell, is as yet inca- pable of providing for its wants, it is not aban- doned by its mother. The latter begins to nourifh it with a whitifh liquor fecreted from her crop ; ihe then fupplies it with more nutritive aliments, of which (he goes in feareh. When the young ' animal ORGANS OP REPRODUCTION. 3(53 animal, is iirong enough to make ufe of its wings, it deferts its mother, and feeksfor its nouriilament wherever it can. Among birds, it is obferved, in general, that the male which has fecundated the ova does not aban- don the female, and participates in the care of educating the young ; he affifts in the conftruc- tion of the neft ; fits on the eggs in the abfenee of the female, and brings nourilhment to the young* When the education is finithed, the male and fe- male feparate, and the next feafon form new con-^ ne6tions. Though the development of the ova among reptiles, fifhes, and animals, without vertebras, has not been obferved with the fame care, every thing fpems to announce that it takes place, in general^ in a manner analogous to that of the ova of birds. Sj. Seeds and ova, in order to be developed, require to b^ placed in atmofpheres at different degrees of heat^ moifture, and perhaps of elecSlri- city. The ova of fifhes and ferpents are developed at the ufual temperature of the climates where they exift. Thofe of fome infedls, fuch as the filk* worm, require a flight heat; and thofe of birds re-^ quire a heat at leafl of 85 degrees. The feeds of all vegetables, and the ova of fbme microfgopic animals, require heat and moiflure. Th© VITAL FUNCTIONS. The life of Ibme fmall vegetables, and of certaiii inicrofcopie animals, which requires the continual ' prefcBce of humidity, may, when deprived of it^ he fufpended for a period, often of corifiderable length, and it may refume its adivity when hu- midity is reltored to them, as h obferved in the confervtfe and the wheel infedls. Seeds and ova, which are developed only at $. ♦jcertain degree of heat, can often be preferved for a long time, and even a great ntimber of years^- and again enter into action when fabje6led to that temperament which is fuited to them. This difpoiition may ferve to account for the ftidden appearance, as is often the cafe, of a great T-umber of infedls and fmall vegetables, in places where the prefence of organized beings v/as not fufpedledi 84. Among reptiles with a naked Ikin, and the greater part of infedls, the animal which begins to develop itielf has no refemblance to that whicfif .gave it life :' it exhibits a different form, and other fyftems of organs. Thus the tadpoles df molt aquatic reptiles lofe their bfanchiss, their tail, and their whole fein j acquire four legs; refpire by means of lungs ; and at length exhibit an aniiiial entirely different, which fucceeds the firft. Infeds, brought forth under the form of cater-^ pillars, pafs. afterwards to the iiate of chryfalide ; and ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. 3^7 and at length expand into a butterfly. This ani- mal, indeed, exhibits all the parts proper for un- dergoing thefe jtrjetarnorphofes; and it appears as if three different animals were developed in fuceef- lion. The organs of generattap are obferved pnly in the ftate of butterfly. ^^, The nutritive apparatus of the germ of the mammalia conflfl:s, like that of feeds, in one or mpr^ cotyledons. Thefe organs remain attached to the uterus, and derive from it juices which they aflimilate for their development, and fof that of the embryo. In this apparatus, as in that of birds, the germ is immerfed jn a fecreted fluid, and retained by s membrane, amnios. In the lad place, this apparatus does not efleo- tially difl'er'from that of feeds and ova, but by being attached to the uterus. %6^ At the moment of fecundation, the tube enters into a fort of erecflipn, and its wide end is applied to a part of the ovarium. This organ ex- hibits then, in that part, a fmall tumour, which lu-* creafes and gradually fwells up. This tumour feeras :to contain only a mucous matter, firft whitifli and then of a redd i{|i yellow colour ; it aftei'wards flnks down, and the ovarium retains a fmaii fear.: Durmg the firfl; day^ of cpn- 2 qeption. B68 tirAL PUNCTKJWS* eeption, nothing is obferved in the tube but a fhapelefs mafs of mucous matter, which gradually increafes, and is conveyed Into the matrix, where it acquires more volume ; and which, after a pe- riod of greater or lefs duration, fufFers its different parts to be diftinguifbed. 57. The fundion of the cotyledons or placenta is to draw off from the mother the nutritive juices •which ferve for their increafe and for that of the foetus, \)y means of the circulation which is efta- blilhed between them. The blood, which proceeds to the foetus, feems ia undergo, in its paflage through the placenta, changes analogous to thofe which it experiences in its paflage through the liver or the lungs of adults : it refumes there new vital properties. When the placenta has acquired a certain in- creafe or fort of maturity, and when the foetus is fufficiently llrong to be able to refpire, the matrix violently, diftended experiences pains, which forces it to contrail and to expel both. Among the mammalia, the young animal, wheg it ifliies from the matrix, remains attached to the mother by the need of ladlation ; and the mother herfelf is excited to empty her dugs, and beftow care and attention on her young. 8S. Daring gcftation, the dugs fwell and be- 3 - come ORGANS OP REPRODUCTION". QQq come fenfible. Some days after parturition, a new mode of adlion takes place in thefe organs ; fecretion of milk is eftablifhed, and continues in confeqLience of the animal being fuckled. 89. The teats differ bot4i jn regard to their number and poiition, in the different dafies of animals : in the bat, elephant, and apes, they are in the bread ; in moil quadrupeds on the abdo- men ; in cetaceous animals on the fides of the anus, &c. The teats are at leaft two in number : ruminat- ing animals have four, and the fow has even four- teen.- 90. All the mammalia," as well as the other clafles of animals, find themfelves urged, at certain periods, by a defire of reproducing themfelves; their genital parts are then more voluminous, and they experience a fort of turgefcence : it is obferved alfo that fome females have a run- ning, fometimes of a reddifti colour, ft-om the vagina. - ; ,. Among raofl of the mammalia, the male re- mains very little attached to the female after copu- lation. It is however obferved ^tbat the carnive- rous fpecies, which experie-nce, the greateil diffi- culty in procuring their nourifhment, continue longer united ; and^mong thefe fpecies the males rvoL. HI. 2 B , even S70 VltAL FUNCTIONS. even often participate in the firft cares beftowed on the education of the young. 91. Organized beings, in general, reproduce themfelves only by means of individuals of the fame fpecies : it is however not uncommon to fee different fpecies copulate and produce young. This baftard fecundation takes place, for the moft part, among fpecies which approach neareft to the fame genus ; and the individuals refulting from it, in the vegetable kingdom, are diftinguithed by the name of hyhrides ; and in the animal, by that of mules. Individuals produced by the copulation of different varieties, in the fame fpecies, are called meflejs. It is very often remarked that hyhrides, mules ^ and mejlefe, are Wronger than the individuals which produced them ; and this circumftance has fhown the advantage of croffing the breed. Hybrid plants are fruitful and multiply their va- rieties. Several botaniils, however, ailert that the germinating property of feeds which arife from hy- brid plants does not extend beyond the fecond' generation - Mules, "among birds, are generally capable of reprodu61ion. Among the mammalia, they lofe this property, and remain barren. Meftefe reproduce themfelves, with the pecu-s liar charaders of their variety. Hybrides, ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION-. 37^ Hybrides, mules, and meftefe, generally have a relemblance to the mother in their interior and fundamental parts j and to the male in their ex- terior and acceflbry parts j which tends to prove, that the germs pre-exifted in the female, and that the male, by fecundating them^ could only modify them faperficially. Every peculiarity of fl:ru(5lurej every defeiSl of conformation, and even every organic difpofition or aptitude for certain faculties, is fufceptible of being at length tranfmitted by t/he way of genera- tion. It is in confequence of this property that the fame forms and the fame qualities are preferved in plants, and in teveral races of animals, as dogs and hories ; and that certain organic maladies are perpetuated, fuch as the bunch of the ele- phant, &c. The crofiing of breeds, efpecially if the moll beautiful females be chofen for that purpofe, is the beft means to correct, in the fpeediefi: manner poflible, eflential organic defeats, and to obtain races Wronger and more beautiful. Culture or education, by which organized beings are continually modified, and generation which tends to propagate the changes produced, are the two means which may powerfully concur towards the improvement, as well as the degradation of fpecies, according to the manner in which they ar$ dire(5led. ^ 2 B 2 92. What; 37^ VITAL FUNCTIONS. 92. What has been faid, in general, on the reprodu6lion of all organized beings, and on that of the mammalia in particular, is applicable to the human fpecies. In the examination, therefore, of that funcftion, we fhall take notice only of the principal, fa6ls which feem more particularly to demand our attention. The period of puberty is announced, in both fexes, by very remarkable changes: in girls who have attained to the age of 14 or 15, or fooner or later according to the climate, it is obferved that the giddinefs and livelinefs of early youth de- creafe, and that they become more thoughtful. The bofom begins to fvvell, and gradually acquires a greater volume ; the pubis is covered with down ; the pelvis completing its expantion, aflumes its proper form, and menflruation com- mences. In boys, the period of puberty takes place two or three years later ; they become lefs boiflerous, and acquire a more ferious turn ; the voice pafles from acute to grave, and becomes an odave lower ; the quality of the tone often entirely changes ; the genitals are covered with hair, and experience a fort of inflahtaneous atid painful tur- gefce nee, Man is irrefifiibly urged to reproduction, as well as to felf-prefervation, by the painful fenfation of rieed ; and the plcafure he experiences in fatis- fying ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. 373 fying that need induces hiril to repeat often the a6t of reprodu6lion. If young perfons of a ftrong conftitution, unin- formed, and who live in a flate of idlenefs, be carefully obferved at the epoch of puberty, when the organs of reprodudlion begin to acquire their full development, it will be found that they ex- perience a fort of tranfient languor, dejeftion, and exaltation ; this ftate is continually renewed, and foon becomes very painful. They experience inf the genitals a fort of heat and uneafy pruritus, which obliges them to fix their attention on this< i)'flem of organs ; this uneafmefs, which becomes more and more infupportable, induces the fexes to approach each other, and the painful fi:ate which they experience, and which they naturally wifh to get rid of, condu(fl:s them at length to the a6t, of reprodudlion. In the human fpecies, it is not obferved that the delire of reproduction is renewed at certain periods. It is however probable that this peculiarity is a refult of civilization ; that in the ftate of nature there are fome periods more ftriking in this re- fpe6l, and that, in women, they correfpond with thofe of menftruatLon. 93. According to numerous experiments and obfervations ijiade by Haller and others on ani- mals, for the purpofe of throwing more light on 2 B 3 the 374 VITAL FUNCTIONS. the pbsenomenon of reprodu6lion, it rcfnlts that, during copulation, the uterine tube experiences a fort of eredion, and that the broad end of it is ap- plied to the ovarium. It is probable that in this fl:ate the prolific fluid proceeds to the ovarium, traverfing the uterus and the tube, and that it effects the fecundation of one or more germs, contained in the fmall veticles correfponding to the part of the ovarium to which the wide end of the tube is applied. The quantity of fperm neceflary to efFeft fecun- dation muft be infinitely fmall ; for under fome fa- vourable circumftances the vapour or even odour of that fubflance, conveyed into the ovarium, feems to be fofficient to communicate to the germs a vital movement. Some days after conception it is obferved, that one of the.veftcles of the ovarium fwells ; it then buriis, and the vifcous fluid it contained' enters the tube. The cicatrix refulting from this rup- ture is gradually formed, and-always leaves a fort of tubercle with a yellow fpot. The cicatrix and the yellow fpot -indicate, in general, that fecundation has taken place. . Thcfe figns, however, are obferved fometimes in young women, who have remained barren. Swammer- dam afcribes this phsenomenon to fterile carefles or folitary enjoyments : this ftimulus of pleafure mull make the germ Jburfi: its flrli. -covering and enter ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION-- 375 enter the tube, where It foon withers, in confe- quence of not having received the impreffion of its fpecific irritant. The germ which enters the tube, and which as yet appears under the form of a mucous body, de- fcends along the tube, and proceeds into the uterus, where it remains and acquires develop- ment. Sometimes the fecundated germ, inftead of en- tering the tube, defcends into the abdomen and there expands : the germs have been found alfo to develop themfelves fometimes in the ovarium, or •in the uterine tube ; and in all thefe cafes parturi- tion, by the ufual parages, becomes impoffible. The development of the foetus appears at firft to be flow J but it feems afterwards to increafe in the ratio of the volume which it acquires. At the end of the firft month, it is fcarcely a few lines in length ; but towards the end of the fecond it is nearly two inches ; at three months it is three or four ; at four months five or fix; at five months fix or feven ; at fix months eight or nincj at feven months nearly half a foot ; at eight months from fourteen to fifteen inches ; and at the period of birth it is eighteen inches. All thefe dimenfions, however, are liable to much variation. The chorion, which at firft has a cottony ap- pearance, the amnios which fecretes and contains the liquid in which the embryo floats, the placenta B 4 which 376 VITAL Functions. which is attached to the fides of the uterus ta eix- tra6l juices from it, the umbilical cord which efla- b])fhes a communication between the fcetus and the placenta, all expand fimultaneoufly, and in- creafe in the fame proportion as the fcetus. As the embryo develops itfelf, the parts which compofe it can be diftinguifhed. Thus when it is nearly an inch in length the head forms the half of its volume J the eyes are marked by two black points, and the place of the mouth is indicated by a broad tranfverfe fifTurci the four limbs arife from a fmall fhort trunk, and are very near each other; but as it increafes, the form of the parts is better defined, and they gradually approach that type which they are deiiined to retain. When the foetus has acquired a certain fize, and the placenta has attained to a fort of maturity, the uterus which is flrongly diftended contra(5is; and by a fimultaneous ad ion of that organ, of the diaphragm, and of the mufcles of the abdomen, tlj^ child burfts its coverings, and ifilies, in general, with the head forcmofi:, and the face towards the facrum. After it comes forth, the uterus, which flill continues to contract, expels^the placenta and its appendages. After deli\ery, the uterus flowly returns to its former (late; its tides. decreafe in thickr.efs ; dur- ing its contradiion it excretes a liquid at lirft fan- guinolent and then ferous, which gradually dimi- nifhes ; ORGANS OP REPRODUCTIOlsr. 377 nifties; and this organ by little and little is reflorcd to its former condition. 94. But towards the breads another feries of phaendmena, no lefs important, foon takes place. Thefe organs, which during geftation remained in. a fort of continued turgefcence, fwell up, become painful, and a fecretion of milk begins to be efta- blithed. The relation which ex ifts between the uteruS and the breafts can be explained neither "by the diflribution of. the nerves nor by that of the veflels, Thefe organs, in their refpe6live functions, tend towards the fame end ; that is, the nourifhment of the child. This common property renders them dependent on each other, and when they enter into ad^ion, caufes them to have a reciprocal in- fluence. The arteries diftributed to'^the breafts fur nidi the materials neceliary for the fecretion of the milk. There is no fufficient reafon for believing that the organization here follows its habitual courfe, and that this fluid arifes from the chyle. At the period of lactation the breails fwell ; the arteries are dilated, and eaiily fupply the quantity of blood neceflary for the fecretion of the milk; and the materials which have not been employed for that fecretion return by the fanguiferous veins and the lymphatic veiTels, the latter of which are exceedingly S78 VITAL FUNCTIONS, exceedingly numerous, as in all the fecretory organs. On the lecond or third day after delivery, the fecretion of the milk is completely eftablifhed. This new fundiion is announced by a general change of ftate, a fort of febrile crifis, more re- markable in women of a weak conftitution. The fecretion of the milk, in general, takes place fpontaneoufly ; but the greater part of this fluid is fecreted while the child fucks. That the milk may be fecreted in abundance and with facility, the mother muH: be placed in a particular and habitual fituation ; the muft have an affedion for the child ; and the latter muft: have acquired the habit of ftimulating the breaft by a proper mode of fucking*. When a nurfe prepares to fuckle the child, (he Ibmetimes experiences in the breads a fort of or- gafm or turgefcence; and fhe has a fenfation as if fbmething were proceeding towards them^ which induces her to ftiy that the milk afcends. In young women, and even in men, a fecretion of a fort of ferous matter, more or lefs abundant, but which does not exhibit the qualities of good milk, has been fometimes produced in the breails by repeated fucking. The quantity of milk fecret- ed is not proportioned to the fize of the brcafts, ^ See BordcUi TrakS de^s Glandes, but ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. 37^ but to the vital energy of the gland which effects the fecretion. The beft milk is that fumifhed by a healthy nurfe of a gentle difpofilion, who leads a tranquil life and ufes proper food. All fudden derangements which take place in the organization, produce changes in the quality of the milk. Whenever the fecretion of the breafts is diiiurbed by any caufe whatever, it is obferved that its produdl becomes aqueous, and that it ac- quires a ftimulating property, often very remark- able, on the digefrive organs of the child : the latter then experiences colics, or is feized with purging. I have often had occafion to remark, that when the fun(5tion of a fecretory organ is deranged, its proda<5t exhibits ftimulating properties of greater or lefs ftrength. Several phyficians have imagined that the pur- gative property of certain rriedicines is conveyed from the mother to the child, becaufe the latter is fometimes purged when the nurfe takes any laxa- tive fubftance; but this phaenomenon arifes merely from the fecretion of the milk being difturbed in confequence of the general derangement produced by the purgative. The child may be purged when the mother has experienced great fatigue, a violent fit of paffion, or any caufe of derange- menl 3g0 VITAL FUNCTIONS. ment whatever. The child is the more fenfible to the different alterations of the rnilkj the vve*ker and more irritable it is ; but when robuft, and when its gatiric organs are in a good ftate, it is Bot eafily afFedled by the changes which may take place in the quahty of that i^uid. The fecretion of the breafts is difiurbed alfo when the uterus experiences a new mode of ac- tion. It frequently happens that a fiirong nurfe, of a fanguine temparament, experiences the men- Urual flux during iacStation : it is then firft ob- ierved that the milk flows more abundantly ; that it is clearer, and that it produces an irritating ac- tion in the digeftive apparatus of the child : but this effe£b is only momentary, and the milk foon refumes its former qualities. When a nurfe becomes pregnant, her milk is at firft fomewhat turbid^ but it foon returns to its former ftate ; it is only obferved that it decreafes in quantity as geftation advances, fo that a nurfe may, without inconvenience. Continue to fuckle during her pregnancy, as long as fhe is able to undergo the labour without fatigue. When any coniiderable derangement is pro- duced in the organization, or in the nervous ac- tion, or when a febrile ftate takes place, the breafts fink down, and the fecretion of fhe milk is often fuddenly fufpended. 95. PhilO"' ORGANS Off REPRODUCTIOIT. 381 95. Philofophers have at all times made re- fearches to afcertain whether the human race has dercended from one fpecies, or whether there were originally feveral ; and if this was the cafe, of what kind they were. It is probable, that a great deal will be written on this queftion, before it be reiblved. I fhall therefore only offer a few re- fiedrions on the fiibje£t, which will ferve to give the reader fome idea of vvhat nature it is. The claffification of organized beings is not a matter of abftradlion and convention: orders and genera exiil for plants, independently of all fyfl:emi and method, iti what botanifts call the natural fa- milies ; and the greater number of vegetables are arranged in thefe families. Naturalifts ought to enter into an agreement to comprehend, under the denomination of genus, all individuals /i{fceptiMe of co^puJatmi and reproduc- tion, as the etymology of the word feems to in- dicate. There could then be no difpute in re- gard to the fignification of this tei'm, fince it would only be the expreflion of a fa<5l which might cafily be verified. The individuals of a genus, which exhibit parti- cular chara6lers, and which are fufceptible of .being preferved by means of generation, compoie a fpecie&s When individuals of two fpecies of the fame genus 382 VITAL FUNCTIONS.^ genus copulate, the refult may be a proda6l with- out a perfedl refemblance either to the father or to the mother, and having new characters. If thefe characters are preferved by generation, the individuals which exhibit them conftitute a new Ipecies. On the other hand, if they be effaced, and if the individuals of the fecond race refume the chara6ters peculiar to the firil: progenitors, they are called varieties, or nmjiefe. in the lafl place, when the products of two different fpecies cannot be perpetuated they are called hyhrides or mules. Thus man, in regard to the colour of the fkin, exhibits three diftinft fpecies (the white, th& yellow, and the black), fufceptible of being pre- ferved in all climates. It is known that certain peculiarities of organi- zation, , which have taken place accidentally or in confequence of the long continued influence of climate, of nourifhment, of habits, or of many other unknown circumftances, may be afterwards perpe- tuated by generation ; fo that it is poflible there may originally have been only one human fpecies, and we are difpofed to believe that it was ex- ceedingly beautiful ; but the man of nature, like the pear-tree of nature, was a wild being, fuccef- iively improved by culture and grafting. 96. In my opinion, it would be difficult to de- termine. ORGANS OF REPRODUCTION. 383 termme, at prefent, which was the firft breed of the canine race ; and I do not think that any one ever ventured to fay, that we may fee it in the fineft dog of the Daniih breed. The fineft and moft beautiful dogs and horfes refemble the cul- tivated pear*»lree and the civilized man. The promptitude with •which all thofe fpecies or varieties of dogs which we daily fee have been produced, is a circumftance very remarkable. A moment's refledion on the caufes which concurred to produce them will furnifli valuable fads, for enabling us to comprehend what may take place by the effed of croffing breeds. In a large city, fuch as Paris, there is an immente multitude of dogs of all kinds, which are modified in a thoufand ways by varied mutilations, by the life made of them, and by the kind of life t0 which they are fubjededj, &c. Thefe dogs are always wandering about, and copulate without regard to colour, fize, or quality. Thefe conti- nual mixtures, fo often repeated, have produced numerous fpecies and varieties, the primitive types of which it is now impoflible to diftinguifh. Among thefe numerous fpecies, fome remarkable for the greatnefs or fmallnefs of their fize, their plump or flender form, and the great variety of their co- lour, have foon been obferved. It would be re- marked, alfo, that fome of them fhewed more 3 ' aptitude S84 TITAL FUNCTIOJJ-S. aptitude for certain things, and greater intelli- gence in certain exercilt.\'<. - Thole which people withed to procure would then be feparated, and made to copulate with their fellows ; the qualities for which they leenied to have the greateft apti- tude would be cultivated ; and in this manner would be obtained the fhepherd's dog, the dif- ferent dogs for hunting, and even fmall lap- dogs. The fame number of fpecies arc not to be found among horfes, becaule the breeds have not been crofled in fo varied a manner. By continued copulation between fele6l indi- Yiduals, that apparent equality which feemed to prevail between thofe of the fame genus is foon deftroyed ; and every fine fpecies, fulceptible of being preferved without alteration, when care is taken that they may not be degraded by any mix- ture with individuals of an inferior quality, are obtained. Thefe fine fpecies really form noble breeds ; and it is always obferved, that it is chiefly by the females that the qualities of thefe fine breeds are perpetuated. Thus, in Arabia, between Bagdad and BafTorah, feveral breeds of horfes, diftinguiflied by charac- ters well known to amateurs, are carefully pre- ferved, without any mixture. The birth of the individuals produced from thefe breeds is attefted by a public adlj which particularly mentions all the ORGANS OF REPROUUCTION. 385 the maternal genealogy, and ferves as a patent of nobility to the animal ; but this nobility is tranf- mitted and preferved only by the females, the no- bility of the males being merely individual *. Species ftill finer would, in all probability, be obtained by croffing the moft diftinguithed breeds; for by preferving them without mixture, they are not only prevented from being improved, but muft even be fenfibly altered in the courfe of time, in confequence of many particular circum- ftances. But, however this may be, all thefe ideas, in regard to the nobility of horfes, are much more rational than thofe which ferve as a bafis to the nobility eftabliihed among animals of a fuperior order. 97. Among men analogous circumftances have produced timilar efFedls. The inhabitants of the different countries have been flowly modified by the influence of climate, nourifhment, exercife, habits, civil and religious cuftoms, &c. When the population in a diflri($l became too numerous, men united in fociety, and when they attained to a certain degree of civilization, they attempted emi- grations, and made war on diflant tribes, who by * See jfournal de Ph^jijique, torn. 1. VOL. Ill, 2 c circum- 386 VITAL FUNCTIONS. circum fiances, often very different, had been mo- dified in another manner. Individuals of different varieties would thus be united, and their mix- ture muft have produced a new fpecies. Events of this kind were fo often renewed, that the numer- ous fpecies and varieties now exifting mull have been the neceffary refult. But among thefe dif- ferent fpecies, fome were found to polTefs a very evident fuperiority of organization, and fhewed ^ more rapid progrefs towards improvement : others retained remarkable charadlers of inferiority and degradation ; fome alfo feem to have been check- ed by circumfiances of climate, food, drefs, &Co and are nearly in the fame ftate as that in which they exifiied a thoufand years ago. - Amons: the different races of men, there are three, in particular, which exhibit very diflin(5t chara<2ers and a very remarkable organization. lit. The v>?hite race, which have a white {km, tall ftature, head oval, cranium well expanded, the nofc lengthened, the facial angle eighty- five degrees, the hair fine, commonly of a chettnut co- lour, and which are in an advanced flate of im- |)rOvement. ad. The tawny race (Mogul),- which have the ikvn of a copper-yellow colour or tanned, the face broad, the eyes a littk towards the fides, the cheek bones proje{3ing, the nofe flat, the chin ^ {harp- ORGASrS OP REPRODtJCTIOl*?. 387 ftiarp-pointed, the hair thick, flat, and black, Hature fliort, cultivation lefs advanced. This race inhabit the greater part of the globe, and are found in almoft all climates ; but more particu- larly in a great part of Alia, in America, in the iflands of the South Seas, and as far as the frigid zones. 3d. The black race, which have the Ikin of a jet black colour, the flature long and flender, the hair fhort and woolly, the forel/ead flat, the nofe flat, the jaw bones proje£ling the lips thick, a great mobility of face. They inhabit Africa. The colour of the flcin, which Turn ifl:ies the moft fl:riking charader of thefe three races, may have been the fefult of the long continued influ- ence of climate ; but, in the courfe of time, it aflTumed an organic charadler, which is preferved without alteration in all latitudes. 98. The mofl: remarkable phasnomenon in the a<5l of reprodudlion is the tendency which the generating individuals have to tranfmit, not only the peculiarities of their organization, but alfb a difpofition to certain difeafes to which they were fubjedl, or an aptitude for certain facul- ties, which they had acquired. This property daily contributes to the degradation and improve- ment of the fpecies according to alliances. , 51 C 2 It 388 VITAL FUNCTIONS. It is of importance to repeat, alfo, that the in*- fluence of the mother is more remarkable on the eflential and interior organs of the child; that the influence of the father appears chiefly in the exterior and acceflxDry parts ; and that, in general, the fpccies is improved by croffing the breed. RECA- [ 389 ] RECAPITULATION OF THE KNOWLEDGE ACQUIRED IN REGARD TO THE ORGANIC FUNCTIONS. 99. The vital power, like that of affinity and attradlion, is univerfally difFufed. It is completely exercifed only on organized bodies at a certain degree of thermometric, hygrometric, and elec- tric, &c. temperature j and by a continuity of ac- tion on flips or fecundated germs arifing from thefe bodies. When an organized body is thus properly fub- jefled to the vital power, it pailes through a le- ries of phenomena which conda6l to a fort of maturity. At this period, its parts, which are no longer in a proper relation of organic ftrudldre, remain completely fabje-l to the power of affinity, which combines them according to its peculiar manner, and caufes the remains of its decompo- fition to return into the general grand circula- tion. Organized and Hving bodies are not completely free from the influence of the force of affinity ; but the latter being lefs powerful than the vital a6lion, does not begin to manifeft itfelf by any 205 pbasnemena SQO VITAL FUNCTIONS. phaenomena of decompofition, until the vital ' power becomes too weak^to retain the moleculae of matter in a proper ilate of organic ftru(5lure. The fi:rr.6lure of every organized body feems to confift in a vafcular reticulation, in the midft of which matter^ by circulating, may afTume that indefinite degree of divifibility, necellary for main- taining the phacnomena of nutrition. Thofe organized beings which appear to be limpleft, fuch as vegetables and zoophites, have at leail: fyflems of nutrition and of reproduc- tion. Thefe two fyflems are not concentrated, but multiplied and difleminated throughout all their different parts. This difpofition permits thefe beings to be divided into feveral portions, which increafe and multiply feparately. But in proportion as we afcend towards be«. ings of a more compound organization, it is ob- ferved that the fyftems of the organs increafe, that they ceafe to be multiplied, that they are con- centrated and diflind, and that the living body can no longer be divided without perifhing. Of all animals, man appears to have the centres of his organs moft clofely connc6ted. Iji living bodies the vital power caufes parti- cular functions, which depend on their organic mode of ftru dure, to be executed; but it main- tains in them all a common and uniform a(Siion, which Ki;CABlTULAT.ION. ggj which conftitutes the efletitial pbeenomenon of life. It is indeed obferved, that all the molecule of matter which compofe thefe beings are in a con- tinual flate of motion, during which they are driven off, and their place is gradually fupplied by others, which afTuine a different arrangement, remarkable at the different periods of their life. : The extreme degree of divifibility or decom- poiition to which matter may be brought in the organs;, its converfion into the proper fubflance of thefe organs, the place of which it continu- ally fupplies "with different modifications, are phse- n.omena, the mode of which is unknqwn to us becaufe it efcapes our obfervalion. If we reflect, for a moment, that we obferv€ animalcula not mor^ than the two or three hun- dredth part of a line in magnitude^ which are ge- nerated, ir^creafe, move, and reproduce them- felves; that it is probable that in each j?oint of the organization of thefe beings changes are ef- fedted, in a manner analogous to thofe of the greatell living bodies ; that it appears that matter in both affumes the fame degree of divifibility, ^nd that nutrition is pei:forraed with organic in- flruments of the (ame fize,:_U, may readily be conceived how far our eye, armed with the belt inftrument yet knov/n, is from being able to pene- trate thither in order to obferve what is taking place. Thus, the phasnomenon of nutritition is 2 c 4 con-' 392 VITAL FUNCTIONS. concealed from us in that infinite minutencfs, which is beyond the reach of our coarfe organs, fo that we are acquainted only with the refults of that operation. Living bodies, independently of their organs of nutrition, are provided alfo with parts fpeci- a1]y defl:ined for receiving the impreffion of ex- ternal objects. Thefe fyftems of the fenfes, the form of which varies, always conftirute an organ of touch, more or lefs extenfive and delicate; and this organ is conftantly found even in plants. Every organized being has the power of placing itfelf, in the furrounding medium, in that pofi- tion which is moft favourable to its organization ; and it is indeed obferved that vegetables pufh their roots towards the moid earth, and turn their ftems towards the lights as animals fearch for thofe fubflances which are propereft for their nouriQiment. * A flate of fuffering or of eafe is remarked in all living bodie?, and even in plants : to the ob- ferving naturalift, the appearance of a vegetable which fufl^ens, or which acquires a vigorous deve- lopment, is as exprcffive as the cry of fatisfaftion or of pain e?nitted by an animal. When the functions are not performed in a proper manner, for want of thofe things which are nrceflary to the fupport of life, there takes place in the organization a ftate of change, which confti- • RECAPITULATION. 3Q3 conftitutes the painful fenfation : it is the fii ft which animals feem to experience. This fenfation of uneafinefs or of want excites animals, in an irreliftible manner, to adiofi, for the fike of their own prefervation, and for the propagation of their fpecies. ' The fenfation of eafe which they experience, in fatisfying this want, becomes afterwards a itimulus, which excites them to the repetition of the fame ad. The adion of foreign bodies on the oi'ganiza- tion may produce a change of ftate analogous to want, and thus give rife to a .painful fenfation, which the animal is powerfully incited to free it- feif from. In proportion as an animal expands, experi- encing alternately painful and agreeable lenfa- tions, it becomes fit to appreciate flight and tranfient changes of ftate, which in fome mea- fure are indifferent to the order of the fun<5lions. Every thing that ftrikes'the organs of the fenfes may prqduce fenfations of this nature. In animals, the organic fyfi:ems, by habitual ^xercife foon contra(il a great aptitude for dif- charg'ng the functions peculiar to them. This aptitude is flill increafed by the reciprocal aid which they lend to each other in their indivi- dual and fimuUaneous adtion. The faculty which the organs have of receiv- ing external irnpreilions, capable of producing a change 3g4 VITAL FUNCTIONS. change of ftate which conftitutes fenfation, is an organic function, which by exercife and the force of habit becomes ftill fufceptible of being per- formed with more facihty or fpeed. Thus a fenfation produced feveral times in au organ of the ienfes, by the impreflion of an external body, may be afterwards completejy renewed, without the prefence of that objedl, merely by that of any accefibry circumftance^ which accompanied it and which is renewed. From this it refults, that the fenfations experi' enced are not entirely loft, though they be ef- faced, lince they can be thus renewed by aeeef- fory circumftances, and even be recalled in fuc- ceffion, according as they are more or lefs inti- mately connected. This faculty, which is ob- ferved in all animals, in a greater or lefs degree, furnifhes the principal means of improvement. An animal, indeed, which is continually excited to a(^ion, in order to fatisfy its wants, and whofe paft fenfations may be repeated in confcquence of new fenfations, finds itfelf poflefied of futScient means for comparing thefe different fenfations, for comhining them, and for thus forming a judgment , in confequence of which it determines to ad in a manner belt fuited to its prefervation. If to this be ftill added, that the animal has a ilrong tendency to a(Sl by imitation and by the force of habit, and that the modifications which refult from RECAFITULATTOIT. 3Q5 from the varied ufe of thefe faculties may be tranfmitted, at leafl in part, by the way of gene- ration, we {hall have the fa m of the means which concur to the produ61ion of organic phsenomena, and which tend^tp the progrefs of improvement. Every animal, indeed, is fufeeptible of individual improvement, more or lefs extenlive, and in this manner acquires a fort of experience. I GO. The different iyftems of organs in man, taken together, form a being, who can move from one place to another, and place himfelf in relation with every thing around him. His organs of the fenfes render him fentible to the impreffion of the light, either diredl or reficdled ; to that of the air in a ftale of vibration, and of odorous and iapid moleculse ; and to the contatl of all bodies of a certain mafs and denfity. By means of a Very extenlive fyflem of organs, he affimilates to his owtf fuhftance atmofpheric air, water, and all materials ariiing from organized bodies, in the laft place, he reproduces hunfeltj by the con^ courfe of a collection of parts, which are in two feparate individuals. AH thefe fyftems of organs, exceedingly various, are effenlially formed of veflels aud nerves, having commdn centres on which their continual a(51ion depends J 1<) that the organization is compofcd .'4*iS/ '^n* of 3g5 VITAL FUNCTIONS. of parts, which conftitute a whole necefTarily continued. The veflels and nerves, by their varied and numerous interfeclions, form different tiffues of organs. The interior parts of the vefTels and the cells, refulting from their different tiflues, contain ferous and fanguine fluids ; albuminous, gelatinous, adipofe, faline, &g. fubftances ; and, in general, every organic material of which the veffels and nerves themfelves are formed. All thefe fub- ftances are continually penetrated and traverfed by eleftriciiy, light, caloiic, &c. Each point of the organization may be confi- dered as a fecretory organ ; the parts in their con- tinued adion experience a change of ftate more or lefs remarkable: after having acquired their full development, they gradually lofe their pliabi- lity ; matter is accumulated in them ; the conti- nued motion of fecretion and abforption is no longer performed with the fame aflivity ; the or- ganic moleculss move in them only in a flow manner, and at length arrive at that f^ate of reft which conftitutes death. The whole of thci organization may thus be conceived as confined to a life merely vegetative or animal, in which each point arrives at a certain degree of development, of maturity and death, by a continuity of motion and fJicretion. Thus, in RECAPITULATION'. ^Qj in fome cafes of very exrenfive palfy, attended with imbecility, man is reduced to an analogous exiftence, entirely deprived of relative life. In this cafe, the exiftence feems to be main- tained only by the ganglions of the trifplanchnic, by means of the nerves of that apparatus, which accompany all the veflels, and which are diftri- buted to the principal organs, not fubjed to the empire of the will. But each point of the organization, independ- ently of its particular life, enters into the compo- lition of a lyftem, which performs its fun6lions only by means of the particular nerves which pro- ceed to it from the brain, or from its vertebral prolongation. In a word, the fimultaneous ac5lion of the different fundions produces the beautiful phaenomenon of the human organization. In this phaenomenon, it is of importance not to forget, that each organ is elientially an inftru- ment of fecretion ; and that in the exercife of this funftion, the arteries fupply the materials and the nerves the principle of a6lion. The heart and the arteries, by their continual contradion, propel the blood to every part of the body ; this movement is maintained by the prefence of the blood in thefe parts, and by the influence of the nerves which are diftributed to them. The ce- rebral organ, being itfelf an organ of fecretion, requiresvfor the exercife of its fun6tion a conti- nual ZQB VITAL FUWCTI:ONS. Dual fupply of arterial blood ; fb that thefe two principal organs of life have evidently a mutual dependence on each other. The organs, in confequence of the different excretions, are continually fullaining a lofs : this lofs is repaired by means of fubflances conveyed to them from without ; and for this purpofe the organs are in relation with all external bodies. Hence it is obferved, that they are differently affected according as the objedls which ftrike them are favourable or hurtful to the whole phas- nomena of the functions. In man, as well as in animals, the change of flate which takes place in the organs, by the im- preffion of objects, which tend to difturb or to maintain the order of the functions, conftitutes the painful or agreeable fenfations. The impref- fions he receives may be completely renewed, without the prefence of the objeft from which they were firft received, but only by that of fome acceilbry circumftances connected with it. By thefe means, he acquires the faculty of avoiding obje6ls which have produced in him fenfations deftru6live of his organization, and of placing himfelf in circumflcinces favourable to his prefer- vation. The combined exercife of thefe firtt fa- culties, and the exteniion of them, give rife to the development of the underftanding. '■ The fyllems of organs are of three orders : ift. Of RECAPITXTLATION. 399 Of relation : 2d. Of nutrition : 3d. Of repro- dudlion. 1 01. Man^ in confequence of the ftrudure of his limbs, tranfports himfelf from one place to another ; removes from objedls which hurt him, and aproaches thofe which are favourable to him.- Of all the mammalia, he has, without doubt, the mod advantageous form, as properly fpeakirlg he is the only biped, which enables him to pre- ferve with facility a vertical pofition, by placing the whole fole of his foot on the ground, and ex- tending completely his ham. His pelvian limbs are provided with large mufcles, and the fwelling or dilatation produced by thefe mufcles exclufiveiy in him, add to the beauty of his fhape and to the flrength of the parts. The thoracic linibs are not impeded by walk- ing ; and may hie employed for the nobleft and moft important purpofes. His head is almoft in eqUilibrio on the vertebral column, and his eyes are turned dire6lly forwards. The difpofition of the mufcles allows the limbs to perform the moft varied and moft ejttenfive motions; and it is aftonifhing to fee with what force and agility thefe motions are performed by fome perfons, in confequence of a peculiar or- ganic difpolition and proper exercifs, 3 Th» 400 VITAL FUNCTIONS. The ilrength and pliablenefs of tumblers, tlie lightnefs and agility of dancers, the furpriling quicknefs of the fingers of the organifi:, are al- ways the more aftonifhing, as the anatomical iftrudiire is not fufficient to account for it. The mufcular Itrength, difplayed by fome in- dividuals of an athletic conformation, and the vio- lent action of the mufcles in certain ftates of paffion or of difeafe, evidently fhow that an ex- planation of the phaenomena of life are not to be fought for in the laws of natural philofophy. Meao;re and debilitated females are often feen to break the ftrongefl cords, and to drag after them enormous mafles, during paroxyfms of hy- fterics, or of mania. A mufcle may then over- come a refiilance by which it would be broke in the ftate of death. The mufcular tyflem abfolutely requires employ- ment : it appears to be that vihich confumes, in the manner moll proper for health, the quantity of that principle of a6lion which the brain diflributes to every part of the body by means of the nerves. The habitual inactivity of this fyftem always pro- duces greater or lefs derangements; it is one of the moft frequent caufes of the chronic difeafes which prevail among the idle claffes in large cities. The habitual exercife of the mufcular fyllem confumes the llrength more than that of any other ; and * therefore HECAPITULATION. 401 therefore men continitally employed In fevere la- bours are the lead proper for any other funftion. The mufcleSj like the other organs, have a great tendency to exercife the funclion peculiar to them, at the fame time, in the fame manner, with the fame degree of intenfity, and in confequence of the fame recolle(51ed objeSs : this couditutes habit. The tendency to habit, which allows the repe- tition of the fame a61ions with more promptitude, addrefs, and facility, is one of the great (iaufes of improvement. / 102. As the -organs, of the fenfes bring us into a more dire6l relaitiein with the furrounding ob- jeds, thefe objects, by their varied a6lion on our organs, unveil to us a part of their properties. 103. Man fees illuminated objed^s of a certain ' lize, and at. a certain diliance, by means of an or- ga'n, the conftrnftion of which is lim.ilar to that of the camera obfcura. The luminous rays refle<5ledi from objects and refrad:ed by the humours of the eye, proceed to the retina, and there trace out the image of it, in an inverted polition. The fenfation which the individual experiences by the impreffion made on the retinp, is not that of an image painted in the bottom of the eye ; for in that cafe another eye would be neceflary to look at YOL. HI. ID it; 4CKi VITAL FUNCTIONS. it ; nor of an objecfl inverted which i^ places in its proper pofilion ; for he has no idea of up or of down, nor of right and left of his retina ; but a fenfation of touching, which refuUs from the con- ta6l of the different luminous points with the retina, in an order determined by the form of the objed. The fenfation of fight is the moft important, lince it brings man -inftantaneoufly into relation with very diftant objedls ; but it is alfo the mod uncertain fenlation. Sight indicates only the form and colour of bo- dies : it is by approaching and touching them that we can judge of their diftance and magnitude ? and, notwithftanding our daily experience in this refpec^, it often leaves us in a ftate of uncertainty, from which it is impoilible for us to free our- felves. , The rays of light, in their progrefs to the eye, follow all the common laws of dioptrics ; and there is no difference between the eye and an achroma- tic telefcppe, except that the former is a living in- ftrument, lufceptible of being moved in every di- rection, and of being lengthened or fhortened to change its focus. . At the moment when the impreiTion of the rays of light on the- rctjpa- begins to be felt, the eye can no longer be compared to an optical inftru- m.ent, It is not becaufe an image of the objed. is painted RECAPITULATION. 403 painted in miniature on this nervous membrane that wehaveafenfationofitjbutbecaufein painting itfelf there^ each luminous point produces an im- preffion of conta<51, which is communicated to the common centre of fenfations in a particular order, and with a degree of intenlity which varies ac- cording- to the form of the bodies and the reiiedl- ing property of their furface : in this refped: the exceffive fenfibility of the retina is inconceivable. The organ of fight feems to have a more ex- tenlive field of view in carnivorous birds than in man. 104. The organ of hieafing confifts etientially of a nervous pulp, which perceives the conta61 of the air in a ftate of vibration. This pulp is found in the midft of a vifcous fluid, contained in the membranous labyrinth. The membranous labyrinth is enclofed in an ofleous labyrinth, formed in the petrous portion of the temporal bone. It communicates with the tympanum by two apertures, one of v/hich is clofed by a membrane, and the other by a fmall moveable bone. This fmall bone is articulated with three others, the laft of vyrhich is applied to the membrana tym- pani, and adheres to it. Thefe fmall bones have attached to them the mufcles by which they are 2 D 2 moved; 404 VITAL FUlSrCTIONS. moved ; and they flretch the membranes to which they are affixed. The membrana tympani fcparates the tympa- num from the auditory conduit, which terminates in the exterior part of the ear. Ail this apparatus, which is very complex, feems deitined to facihtate the entrance of the vibrating air into the ear, as well as its contact with the nervous pulp of that organ, and of fecuring the 1-atler from violent and abrupt impreflions. ■ The impreffion made on the expanfion of the labyrintbic nerve, by the contaft of the air in a Hate of vibration, is continued to the brain, and produces in it the feniation of Ibund. The fenlibility of the nervous fyilem, which ap- preciates all the modifications of the air in a Itate of vibration, is no lets exquiiite than. that of the retina, which perceives refradled light ; and it is difficult to conceive how the ear can be fo delicate as to enable the mufician to diftinguifli feveral in- termediate degrees between two tones. 105. The f}dlem of fmelling confifts in a mem- brane of a mucous nature, fiifceptible of being af- fected by the moleculas of certain bodies held in folution, or in fufpenlion in the air. The flrength of fmelling feems to be' in the ratio of the extent of the olfactory membrane: in fome RECAPITULATION. 405 Ibme'carhivofdus animals'this fenfe is exceedingly acute. 1 06. The organs of tafte are contained in a mucous membrane, which perceives the imprefJion produced on it by the contav51 of the moleculfe of certain bodies, and particularly of thofe which are foluble in water. The organ of tafte and that of fmell, in man, are far from perceiving the impreffion of all the molecule of bodies which come into conta£t with them : there are even many which have a very greaf a61ion on the nervous fyttem, and whofe contaft with thefe organs produces no fenfation. The moft violent poifons are frequently infipid ; and the air charged with miafmata, which produce epidemic dileafes, is often inodorous. The fyftems of the fenfes, of which we have here fpoken, are evidently organs of touching ; they however differ from that of touching, pro- perly fo called, in this ref[je<5l, that the latter re- ceives only the impreflion which refults from the refiftance, temperature, and form of the bodies ; while the former experience itnpreffions, which de- pend on other properties of thcfe bodies. All parts of the body arefufceptible of being af- fe^ed by the 'eohtaft of foreign fnbfiMnces, and tiiufl; be confidered-'as organs of touching; but ' 3 D 3 that 406 VITAL functions; that which fcems really to deferve this appellation is the hand, as its ftrufture allows it to accommo- date itfelf to the form of all bodies, and to exa- mine with eafe all their prominences. The Ikia of this part, by the continual exercife of touching, acquires a great aptitude for perceiving the llight- eft changes in the form, the contiftence, and the temperature of bodies. How far the delicacy of this organ can be carried, when not diftrafted by the fenfe of feeing, and when continually exer- cifed in a proper 'manner, may be obferved, in pfirticular, in fome blind perfons. As every part of the organization is fufceptible of being affe61,ed by the contadl: of foreign bodies, in this point of view they may all be confidered as organs of the fenfes. The difference which exifls between the various parts of the body, depends on the fundions which refult from their organic itrufture, and from the nature of the nerves diftributed to them ; according to thefe differences, the organs anfwer, different ways, to the impreffions made on them. When a change takes place in the Hate of an organ, in confequence of an impreffion received, this change is always manifefted in the particular exercife of the function of that organ, which may be increafed, diminiflied, or altered. Bodies which hffeh the afbion of an organ may be RECAPITULATlOlsr. 407 be called deh'iiitants ; thofe which increafe it may be diftinguifhed by the appellation of excitants ; and thofe which alter it may be called irritants, 107. The action of the numerous fubftances, fufceptible of affecting our different organs, pro- duces phoenomena exceedingly various. The impreflion may be confined to the part which is touched, or be propagated to thfe centre of the nervous action. If it be confined to the part touched, it produces only a very flight and tranfient change of ftate, which takes place, as we may fay, without the knowledge of the reft of the organizationi If it be tranfmitted to the centre of the nervous adion, the change of .fi:ate which thence refults may occafion a fudden fenfation, or produce none capable of being appreciated. In the laft place, the refult of an impreflion re- ceived by an organ may be fpecially manifefled, either in the part affe