X£. ! V; Z( Crossosoma Journal of the Southern California Botanists , Inc. Volume 31, Number 1 Spring-Summer 2005 CONTENTS A quantitative analysis of pollen variation in two southern California perennial Helianthus (Heliantheae: Asteraceae) — J. Mark Porter and Naomi Fraga 1 The carbonate lichen flora of cactus flats in the San Bernardino Mountains, San Bernardino County, California — Kerry Knudsen 12 A bibliography of floristics in southern California: Addendum number two / — Robert F. Thorne 25 Noteworthy collections. Orange and Riverside Counties — Richard E. Riefner , Jr. and Steve Boyd 26 Book Reviews: The vascular plants of western Riverside county, California by F.M. Roberts, Jr., S.D. White, A.C. Sanders, D.E. Bramlet, and S. Boyd (2004) 33 Native plants: Torre y pines state reserve & nearby San Diego County by M.L. Fillius (2005) 34 http://www.socalbot.org Southern California Botanists, Inc. — Founded 1927 — Memberships. Subscriptions, and Back Issues Individual and Family Memberships in SCB are $15 per calendar year domestic, and $20 per year to foreign addresses. Membership includes two issues of CROSSOSOMA. and 5 or 6 issues of Leaflets, the newsletter of SCB. Leaflets provides time-dated information on activities and events that may be of interest to our membership. A subscription to CROSSOSOMA is available to libraries and institutions at the domestic rate of $25 per calendar year, and $30 to foreign institutions. Back issues (Volumes 18-present) are available for $5 each, or $10 for the volume, postpaid. Prior to Volume 18. CROSSOSOMA included time-dated notices to the membership and was published six times a year. These back issues of Volumes 1-17 are $1 each, or $6 per volume, postpaid. Some back issues that are out of stock may be provided as photocopies. SCB Special Publications No. 1 A Flora of the Santa Rosa Plateau, b\ Earl VC Lathrop and Robert F. Thome, 39 pp $7.00 No. 3 Endangered Plant Communities of Southern California, Proceedings of the 15'h Annual SCB Symposium, edited by Allan A. Schoenherr, 114 pp $12.00 [Special Publication No. 2, Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains, 2nd ed„ by Peter H. Raven, Henry J. Thompson, and Barry A. Prigge is out of print] By request, the following article has been reprinted separately, with covers, and is available for plant collecting workshops: Herbarium specimens as documents: purposes and general collecting techniques, by T.S. Ross [from CROSSOSOMA 22(1): 3-39, 1996] $3.95 each; 10 for $22.50 Prices include California state sales tax. handling, and domestic postage. Applications for membership, requests for purchases of Special Publications and back issues, name or address corrections, and requests for replacement of lost or damaged CROSSOSOMA issues should be sent to Alan Romspert, Treasurer Southern California Botanists, Inc., Department of Biology, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92834, USA. Consult the website for current email contact information. Make your check or money order payable to Southern California Botanists, or SCB. http://socalbot. ore Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 1 A QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF POLLEN VARIATION IN TWO SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA PERENNIAL HELIANTHUS (HELIANTHEAE: ASTERACEAE) J. Mark Porter and Naomi Fraga Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden 1500 N. College Ave., Claremont, CA 91711 i.mark.porter@csu.edu ABSTRACT: A quantitative analysis of pollen from Helianthus califomicus, H. nuttallii var. nuttallii, H. nuttallii var. parishii, and H. “Newhall Ranch ” is undertaken. Equatorial diameter, polar diameter, length and width ofcolpi, pore diameter, spine length, number of micropores at the base of spines, and number of spines in a direct line along the equator of the grain between apertures were measured for 34 collections of these ta.xa. Multivariate analysis of variance I MANOVA ) of continuous variables reveals a significant difference among the ta.xa. Post hoc multiple pairwise comparisons show that the difference discovered using MANOVA is due largely to the differences between H. califomicus and H. nuttallii (subsp. nuttallii and parishii do not differ). The Newhall Ranch population differed significantly in some traits with H. califomicus; however, differed in others with H. nuttallii. This intermediate relationship is consistent with chromosome counts, which are also intermediate to the counts available for H. califomicus and H. nuttallii. While not conclusive, these data are consistent with the hypothesis that the Newhall Ranch population is neither H. califomicus nor H. nuttallii, but perhaps an intermediate polyploid, linking the two. KEYWORDS: Helianthus califomicus, Helianthus nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, Helianthus nuttallii subsp. parishii, palynology, quantitative analysis, rare taxa. INTRODUCTION California has seven native, perennial species of sunflower (Helianthus L.). Four of these occur in southern California: Helianthus califomicus DC., H. gradient us A. Gray, H. niveus ( Benth .) Brandeg., and H. nuttallii Torr. & A. Gray (Munz 1974). Most of these species are easily recognized. For example, H. gracilentus and H. niveus differ from the other native perennial species in that they possess pliyllaries that are shorter than or subequal to the disk flowers; however they differ from one another in that H. niveus has densely white hairy leaves and is associated with dunes, whereas H. gracilentus has short scabrous (rough) hairs and is associated with chaparral. The differences between the two remaining southern California native species (H. califomicus, H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii and H. nuttallii subsp. parishii [A. Gray] Heiser ), are much less profound. Indeed, in many morphological features there is substantial overlap between the two subspecies, including trichome distribution and type, phyllary length, and corolla length (Table 1 ). In spite of this, there is no question that H. califomicus and H. nuttallii represent different species. 2 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] In their monograph on North American sunflowers, Heiser et al. (1969) note that Helianthus califomicus is amply distinct from H. nuttallii based on its very long, reflexed phyllaries, although this feature may vary more than Heiser et al. indicate (M. Elvin, pers. comm.). They further note that the pollen of H. californicus is consistently larger than that ofH. nuttallii. They suggest that pollen size is a good character to differentiate these closely related species. The two subspecies of H. nuttallii differ primarily in characteristics of their hairs ( Table l) and their geographic distribution in Southern California. Subspecies parishii, as noted above, has been presumed extinct, and no collections have been made sitice the mid 1930s. The recent discovery of a perennial Helianthus, in a wet meadow on Newhall, Ranch, Los Angeles Count}', has generated both excitement and confusion. The small stand of six individuals is anomalous morphologically, being intermediate between the two subspecies of H. nuttallii, and somewhat similar to some populations ofH. califomicus. There has been some speculation that this small stand may represent an extant population of Helianthus nuttallii subsp. parishii. It remains unclear if this small population represents H. nuttallii subsp. | nuttallii, H. nuttallii subsp. parishii, H. californicus, or an entirely different taxon. Studies of cytology of Helianthus have reported different chromosome numbers for Helianthus californicus and H. nuttallii. The diploid chromosome number for H. califomicus has been reported to be 2n= 102 (Heiser et al. 1969), whereas that ofH. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii is 2n= 34 ( Heiser et al. 1969). It is important to note that the chromosome count for H. nuttallii is based on material collected in the eastern portion of its range (Heiser et al 1969), rather than California. Therefore, the chromosome number for H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii in California has not been characterized. In addition there have never been chromosome counts made for H. nuttallii subsp. parishii. A recent investigation of the cytology of the Helianthus growing on Newhall Ranch was conducted at Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden (RSABG: Soza 2003). Chromosome counts from root tips of germinating seeds revealed a count of2n- 68. This represents a count previously unreported for either H. nuttallii or H. califomicus. Unfortunately, it is not known if the unusual chromosome number is characteristic of the Newhall Ranch population, of H. nuttallii subsp. parishii, or ofH. nuttallii as a whole in Southern California. It has been recognized that there is a high correlation between pollen size and number of duplicate copies of chromosomes present in the genome (ploidy level) (Dermin 1930). If the previous counts ofH. nuttallii (X= 34) represent the base number, then the count of the population near Newhall is doubled (2X), and the count for H. californicus is tripled (3X). It is likely that an increase in pollen size is associate with the doubling and tripling of the diploid genome. If that were true, it would be possible to discriminate between the X, 2X. and 3X individuals by comparing pollen. This is consistent with the use of pollen size as a character to distinguish H. californicus from H. nuttallii by Heiser et al. (1969). Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 3 The purpose of this study is to quantitatively examine the pollen of Helianthus califomicus, H. nuttallii suhsp. nuttallii and H. nuttallii suhsp. parishii and to compare pollen from the Helianthus population found on Newhall Ranch (hereafter referred to as H. “Newhall Ranch ’’) to the above listed taxa. These comparisons are designed to determine if there are qualitative differences or if there are size differences in pollen grains among these three taxa in Southern California. MATERIALS AND METHODS Air dried samples of disk flowers were taken from herbarium specimens at RSABG Herbarium representing 9 collections of Helianthus califomicus , 15 collections ofH. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii and 9 collections ofH. nuttallii subsp. parishii (Table 2). Pollen from the six individuals on Newhall Ranch was also sampled. Pollen from each sample was mounted onto an aluminum stub, using graphite adhesive. The stubs were desiccated for 24 hours in a vacuum oven, at 50° C. After desiccation, stubs were coated with gold, using a Pelco Auto Sputter Coaler SC-7. Samples were examined using an 1SI WB-6 scanning electron microscope, at lOkv. Photomicrographs were taken of the samples at magnifications ranging from 450X to 3,000X. Measurement data were taken directly from the photomicrographs. Measures were made of three individual pollen grains from each sample for: equatorial diameter, polar diameter, length and width of colpi, pore diameter, spine length, number of micropores at the base of spines, and number of spines in a direct line along the equator of the grain between apertures. The three values from each sample were either averaged (continuous data) or the modal value was used (counts). All continuous measurements are reported in micrometers. Continuous data (measurements) were analyzed using StatView 5.0.1 ( 1998, SAS Inc.) on a Macintosh G4 computer. On the basis of equality of variance F-tests, it was demonstrated that all continuous variables, except pore diameter, displayed unequal variances within the species/subspecies assignments. Log transformation appears to normalize the variances, based on subsequent equality of variance F-tests. Log-transformed data were analyzed using analysis of variance (ANOVA) and multivariate analysis of variance ( MANOVA ), and Bonferroni corrected multiple pairwise t-tests. Integer data (counts) were analyzed using the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test and, for comparative, heuristic purposes, parametric t-tests. RESULTS The pollen of Helianthus califomicus (Fig. I A), H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii (Fig. IB), H. nuttallii subsp. parishii (Fig. 1C), and H. ‘‘Newhall Ranch ” (Fig. ID) are characterized as being spherical, with three apertures. The apertures are compound, being composed of a somewhat linear thinned region of the pollen wall, referred to as a colpi, and a circular pore, more or less centrally located in the colpus. The entire surface of the pollen grain is ornamented with large 4 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] spines. The base of the spines is buttressed and possesses a series of small holes (micropores) in one or two series. Although the surface of the spines tends to be smooth, the remaining surface of the pollen grains may be smooth to irregularly and densely roughened. In general, the pollen of H. californicus, H. nuttallii and H. “Newhall Ranch” are quite similar in overall form. Pollen among the sampled Helianthus differs in size ( Table 3). The largest pollen is that of Helianthus californicus. with a mean size of about 25|i X 25ja. The smallest pollen is that of samples of H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, at about 20|i X 2 Oja. Results of MANOVA and AN OVA reveal a significant difference among H. californicus, H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, H. nuttallii subsp. parishii, and H. “Newhall Ranch” (F- 5.400; DF= 18; p- 0.0001; Table 4). Significant differences were found, using ANOVA, in all of the continuous variables except spine length and pore diameter (Table 4). Multiple pairwise comparisons using the continuous traits (Table 5) reveals that in some features, e.g., equatorial diameter, H. “ Newhall Ranch" differs significantly from H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii and H. nuttallii subsp. parishii, but in others, e.g., polar diameter the Newhall Ranch population differs significantly from H. californicus. However, in colpus width the Newhall Ranch population differs significantly from H. californicus. H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, and H. nuttallii subsp. parishii. Non parametric, Kruskal-Wallis tests do not detect a significant difference among the sampled taxa in either micropore number (H <= 2.892; p= 0.4086), or the number of spines along the equator, between apertures (IF- 5.514; p- 0.1378). DISCUSSION This study reinforces the observations of Heiser et al. (1969) that pollen of Helianthus californicus is significantly larger than that of H. nuttallii. The precise measurements we present are different than those reported by Heiser et al. ( 1969). These authors describe the pollen diameter of H. californicus as 36 microns, and the pollen of H. nuttallii as 21 microns; whereas, we found mean measures of ca. 25 (with a range of 21-30) microns and 20 (with a range of 16-24) microns, respectively. Part of the discrepancy may be due to the differences in methods of measurement. In the 1960s and 1970s it was common (as it still is) to place pollen into a glycerin-based mounting medium. Glycerin causes pollen grains to enlarge, if the preparation is given time. By contrast, our method requires that the pollen is dry and study (photography) takes place under a vacuum. Likewise, whereas measurements by Heiser et al. were likely to be made using an ocular micrometer and a compound microscope, our measures were based on scanning electron microscopy. We believe our measures are more accurate than the previous measures. Because there has never been a chromosome count of Helianthus nuttallii subsp. parishii it has not been possible to determine if the count previously provided for H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii differs from that found in H. “Newhall Ranch. ” Here we have contrasted pollen size between the two subspecies ofH. nuttallii. We did not detect significant differences between H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, and H. nuttallii subsp. parishii for any of the measures of pollen we used. While Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 5 this does not prove that these two subspecies possess the same chromosome number , these data provide no evidence that their pollen differs in size, as might be expected if one were polyploid. Therefore we conclude that the two subspecies of H. nuttallii have the same sized pollen and likely the came chromosome number. By contrast. If. califomicus has significantly larger pollen than both of the subspecies ofH. nuttallii, as a reflection of its higher chromosome number. Of particular interest to us are the relationships of pollen size of H. "Newhall Ranch" with respect to H. califomicus, H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, and H. nuttallii subsp. parishii. The post hoc tests ( Table 5) reveal a complicated pattern. For some traits the Newhall Ranch population differs significantly from H. califomicus, but does not differ from H. nuttallii (e.g., polar diameter). However, in others, the Newhall Ranch population differs significantly from H. nuttallii in, but does not differ from H. califomicus (e.g., equatorial diameter). In some traits, H. “ Newhall Ranch ” significantly differs from both H. califomicus and H. nuttallii (e.g., culp width). The Newhall Ranch plants are apparently intermediate with respect to pollen size, but somewhat extreme with respect to features of the aperture and spines. The intermediacy of pollen size is consistent with what is known concerning chromosome number. Helianthus nuttallii is considered a diploid, with a haploid chromosome number of 17. By contrast, H. califomicus has a haploid chromosome number of 51; three times that of H. nuttallii. Helianthus “ Newhall Ranch ” has been shown to possess a haploid chromosome number of 34, twice that of H. nuttallii and the precise intermediate number. It is relevant to note that Heiser et al. (1969) suggested the origin of 'H. califomicus likely involved hybridization, with the contribution of two copies of the genome from H. nuttallii subsp. parishii. The Newhall Ranch population could represent the stabilized intermediate entity, intermediate between H. nuttallii subsp. parishii and H. califomicus. The Newhall Ranch population possesses the doubled chromosome number of H. nuttallii, as required by the Heiser et al. (1969) hypothesis. We theref ore conclude that the Newhall Ranch population of Helianthus does not represent an outlying population of Helianthus califomicus. These two taxa differ in chromosome number and several pollen size traits. At the same time we also conclude that Newhall Ranch population is not likely to be H. nuttallii subsp. parishii. This is supported by precisely the same reasons. The Newhall Ranch population has pollen that significantly differs in several ways from H. nuttallii subsp. parishii, and the chromosome numbers for H. nuttallii (subsp. nuttallii) differ. Rather, we suggest that the Newhall Ranch population of Helianthus likely represents a unique entity. It is not clear whether the six individuals present are the result of clonal/vegetative growth (ramets), or whether they are different genetic individuals. As a result it is not known if the Newhall population is truly a population or merely a clonal individual. However, viable seed are produced, suggesting some sexual reproductive capacity. 6 Crossosoma 31(1 ). Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] Further study may he necessary to elucidate the status of the unusual polyploid Helianthus. Chromosome counts of Cali font ia populations of H. nuttallii suhsp. nuttallii coukl verify some of the underlying assumptions we have made; e.g., that there is no variation in counts across the range of H. nuttallii. Genetic data also may likely be necessary to determine relationships among this complex group of Helianthus and shed light on the origin of H. californicus. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The authors thank Mark Elvin, Loren Reiseberg, Andy Sanders, Steve Boyd, Mary Meyer, Anuju Parikli, Nathan Gale, Mark Subbotin, and Sherri Miller for helpful comments and advice at the onset of this project. Mark Elvin and Mark Subbotin also provided helpful comments to earlier drafts of this manuscript. Newhall Land & Farming Co. and Dudek and Associates. Inc. provided financial support for this research. LITERATURE CITED Dertnin H. 1 930. Ploidy in Petunia. American Journal of Botany 18: 250-261. Heiser, Charles B.. Jr., Dale M. Smith, Sarah B. Clevenger, and William C. Martin, Jr. 1969. The North American Sunflowers I Helianthus ). Memoirs of the Torrey Botanical Club 22: I- 218. Munz, P A. 1974. A Flora of Southern California. University of California Press, Berkeley, California. 1086 p. Soza, V. 2003. Chromosome counts for the recently discovered Helianthus population on Newhall Ranch, Los Angeles County. Unpublished report, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont CA. Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 7 Table 1. Comparative features of the native, perennial Helianthus species of Southern California with yellow disk corolla lobes. The following abbreviations are used in the table: t- trichomes; I- length; ir- width : Chrom- chromosome number H. califomicus H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii 11. nuttallii subsp. parishii Stem t glabrous, glaucus glabrous to scabrous glabrous to tomentose Leaf 1 10-23 cm 10-20 cm 10-20 cm Leaf t scabrous scabrous scabrous to tomentose Phyllary 1 10-25 mm 8-16 mm 8-16 mm Phyllary w 3-4 mm 2-3 mm 2-3 mm Phyllary t glabrous, ciliate glabrous, strigose tomentose Ray 1 20-30 mm 1.5-2. 5 mm 1.5-2. 5 mm Disk 1 6-8 mm 5-6 mm 5-6 mm Fruit 1 4. 5 -5. 5 mm 3-4 mm 3-4 mm Chrom 2n= 102 2n= 34 unknown 8 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] Table 2. Samples of Helianthus californicus, H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii and H. nuttallii subsp. parishii used in the quantitative pollen study. Voucher data and the general location of the sample | source are provided. All vouchers are housed at the RSABG herbarium. Taxon Voucher Location H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii C. F. Baker s.n. CO. Larimer Co., Laporte H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii G. J. Goodman 6-738 UT. Uintah Co., 2 mi N Vernal H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii V. Clayton 10487 UT, Utah Co., NW of Provo H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii R. Long 1135 WY. Albany Co., 30 mi .S'W' Laramie H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii A. Kruckeberg 2541 WA, Yakima Co., between Mabton and Tappenish H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii H. Mason 13402 CA, Lassen Co., Lower Lake H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii V. Yoder 6268 CA. Inyo Co., Alabama Hills H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii L. Benson 15033 CA, Inyo Co., 2 mi W Independenca //. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii M. E. Jones s.n. CA, Inyo Co., Bishop H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii F. Brooks 4252 CA, Inyo Co., N of Bishop H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii \V. Martin 20596 CA, Inyo Co., 2 mi W Bishop H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii J. C. Roos s.n. CA, San Bernardino Co., Victorville H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii F. IV. Peirson 4022 CA. San Bernardino Co., Lone Pine Canyon, San Gabriel Mtns. H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii 1. M. Johnston s.n. CA, San Bernardino Co., Cushenbury Springs, San Bernardino Mtns. H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii R. F. Thorne 55252 CA, San Bernardino Co., Cushenbury Springs, San Bernardino Mtns. H. nuttallii subsp. parishii L. M. Booth 1388 CA. Orange Co., Newport Lagoon H. nuttallii subsp. parishii F. W. Peirson 5247 CA, Orange Co., Wintersberg H. nuttallii subsp. parishii Dr. Hasse 1891 CA, Los Angeles Co., Cienega H. nuttallii subsp. parishii S. B. Parish 5125 CA. San Bernardino Co., near San Bernardino H. nuttallii subsp. parishii J. C. Roos 1202 CA, San Bernardino Co., E of San Bernardino Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 9 Table 2 (continued) Taxon Voucher Location H. nuttallii suhsp. parishii S. B. Parish 265 CA, San Bernardino Co., San Bernardino H. nuttallii suhsp. parishii 1. M. Johnston s.n. CA, San Bernardino Co., 2 mi S San Bernardino H. nuttallii subsp. parishii W. G. Wright s.n. CA, San Bernardino Co., San Bernardino H. nuttallii subsp. parishii S. B. Parish 1931 CA. San Bernardino Co., near San Bernardino H. “Newhall Ranch " J. M. Porter 13675 CA, Los Angeles Co., Newhall Ranch H. californicus M. A. Nobs 1755 CA, Inyo Co., 13.5 mi N Bishop H. californicus N. Wallace 541 CA. Kern Co., Piute Mtns. H. californicus P.A. Mum 11147 CA, Los Angeles Co., Bouquet Canyon H. californicus S. Boyd 9047 CA, Los Angeles Co., Agua Dulce Canyon H. californicus L. C. Wheeler 202 CA, Riverside Co., San Jacinto Mtns. H. californicus C. W. Tilforth 306 CA. Riverside Co., Santa Rosa Mtns. H. californicus F. W. Peirson 10426 CA, San Diego Co., 7 mi W Campo H. californicus P. C. Everett 9370 CA. San Bernardino Co., Cushenbury Springs, San Bernardino Mtns. H. californicus L. S. Rose 52058 CA, Solano Co.. Manku Comers 10 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] Table 3. Summary statistics of quantitative variation in Helianthus californicus, //. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, H. nuttallii subsp. parishii and the sunflower discovered on Newhall Ranch (H. “Newhall Ranch "). The means, in micrometers, and parenthetically, one standard error of the means are provided. The abbreviations diam, and # denote diameter and number, respectively. H. californicus H. nuttallii nuttallii H. nuttallii parishii H. "Newhall Ranch ' Polar diam. 24.8 (HO. 946) 19.9 (±0.849) 21.3 (±0.446) 21.6 (±0.969) Equatorial diam. 24.7 (±0.850) 19.9 (±0.653) 20.5 (±0.439) 23.7 (±1.326) Colpus length 18.8 (±£>.505) 15.9 (±0.758) 14.3 (±0.609) 17.2 (±1.612) Colpus width 4.7 (±0. 499) 3.8 (±0.414) 3.1 (±0.251) 2.0 (±0.229) Pore diam. 4.5 (±0.268) 3.8 (±0.390) 4.1 (±0.218) 3.3 (±0.403) Spine length 5.5 (±0.292) 5.1 (±0.119) 5.0 (±0.222) 3.3 (±0.296) Micropore It 11.9 (±1.744) 9.6 (±0.945) 7.4 (±1.536) 8. 8 (±0.648) Spine tt 5.4 (±0.294) 4.9 (±0.100) 7.4 (±0.125) 5.4 (±0.324) Table 4. Multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) comparing quantitative variation in pollen morphology of Helianthus californicus, H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, H. nuttallii subsp. parishii, and H. “Newhall Ranch ” (TAXA). The upper portion of the table provides a summary of the MANOVA. The lower portion provides analysis of variance for each of the log transformed measurements. DF_ F-value p-value TAXA 18/91 5.400 <0.0001 Character DF Sum of Squares Mean Sauare F-value p-value Polar diameter 3 0.241 0.080 6.216 0.0016 Equatorial diameter 3 0.321 0.107 9.721 <0.0001 Culp length 3 0.476 0.159 5.772 0.0025 Culp width 3 3.389 1.130 10.603 <0.0001 Spine length 3 0.147 0.049 2.006 0.1300 Pore diameter 3 6.618 2.206 2.245 0.0992 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 1 Table 5. Homogeneous subsets, based on multiple pairwise comparisons tests, using Fisher’s PLSD comparing continuous variation in pollen morphology of Helianthus californicus (CAL), H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii (NUT), H. nuttallii subsp. parishii (PAR), and H. “ Newhall Ranch ” (NEW). For each character, taxa sharing the same value do not differ significantly; however, taxa with different values significantly differ. In some cases different pairwise test seem to conflict, and taxa can be members of two overlapping groups. The presence of a forward slash denotes the two groups. Character NUT PAR NEW CAL Polar diameter 1 1 1 2 Equatorial diameter I 1 2 2 Culp length 1/2 1 2/3 3 Culp width 1/2 1 3 2 Spine length 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 Pore diameter 1/2 1/2 1 1/2 12 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] Figure 1. Representative pollen grains of: A) Helianthus culifomicus, B) H. nuttallii subsp. nuttallii, C) H. nuttallii sttbsp. parishii, and D) H. “Newhall Ranch". Note the scale bars to the lower left of each pollen grain, and that the pollen grains are not at the same magnification. Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 13 THE CARBONATE LICHEN FLORA OF C ACTUS FLATS IN THE SAN BERNARDINO MOUNTAINS, SAN BERNARDINO COUNTY, CALIFORNIA, USA Kerry Knudsen The Herbarium, Department of Botany & Plant Sciences University of California, Riverside, CA, 92521-0124 kk999@msn.com ABSTRACT : Thirty nine species of lichen in twenty-four genera are reported from carbonate rock and soil in the Cactus Flats area of the San Bernardino Mountains. Lichenochora xanthoriae Triebel & Rambold, Polysporina uceolata (Anzi) Brodo and Verrucaria zamenhoftana Clauzade & Cl. Roux are reported as new to California. A species new to science discovered at Cactus Flats, Verrucaria bernardinensis Breuss in ed., is discussed in anticipation of its publication. KEYWORDS: Cactus Flats, calciphiles, Carbonate Habitat Management Strategy, carbonate lichen flora, carbonate vascular flora, lichens, lichenized ascomycetes, lichenicoles, limestone, Mojave desert, San Bernardino National Forest, San Bernardino Mountains INTRODUCTION In the San Bernardino National Forest, on the north side of the San Bernardino Mountains from White Mountain eastward to Blackhawk Mountain, then southeastward through Cactus Flats to Mineral Mountain are exposed deposits of dolomite, limestone, marble, and other carbonate rocks. There are also exposed deposits of limestone and dolomite south of this main band at Bertha Ridge and Sugarlump, on the north and south sides of Big Bear Valley, respectively. The soil produced through the erosion of these deposits as well as the rocky openings of rubble and finer rocks support a carbonate vascular flora which includes Eriogonum ovalifolium var. vineum (Cushenbury buckwheat). Astragalus albens (Cushenbury milk-vetch), Physaria kingii ssp. bemardina (San Bernardino Mountains bladderpod), and Acanthoscyphus parishii var. goodmaniana (Cushenbury' oxytheca). The U.S. Forest Service in San Bernardino, in conjunction with other agencies and with mining companies and private landowners, has been successful in developing a Carbonate Habitat Management Strategy to protect these habitats while allowing for continued carbonate mining. Through this pilot study, financed by the U.S. Forest Service and executed by White and Leatherman BioServices, another group of organisms were surveyed, lichens, which are adapted to the carbonate rocks or soils of the San Bernardino Mountains. The goal of this study was to inventory this lichen flora in a limited area to provide baseline data 14 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] on the biodiversity of species on carbonate rock ami soil in the San Bernardino Mountains. For this purpose an area of exposed carbonate rock was chosen in the Cactus Flats area, east of Smarts Ranch Road roughly between 34° 18' 33"N, 1 16° 47' 31 "W and 34° 18' 28"N, 1 16° 47' 39" W in the USGS Big Bear City Topographic quadrangle (D/M/S). The vegetation is a mixture of Pinyon pine-Juniper and Joshua Tree woodlands. METHODS Lichens were collected from a west-facing slope and north-facing slope between approximately 5.999 feet ( 1,828 meters) and 6.205 feet ( 1.891 meters) on June 7 and 9, 2005 for a total of sixteen hours. The carbonate rock in the area was various and included limestone and marble. There were differences in the reaction to hydrochloric acid tests among the carbonate rocks, suggesting that some of the metamorphosed rock contained silicates or other non-carbonate minerals. Intensive collecting of lichens in a selected and restricted area, allowing for different aspects and microhabitats, most likely vouchers a more representative selection of the flora than spending less time at more sites. This is especially important when normal vegetative sampling methods like transects would have missed many of the species collected. The collection numbers are the author's; the vouchers are deposited at the University of California, Riverside Herbarium in the lichen herbarium and are included in the herbarium database http;//www. herbarium, iter. edu/U CRDB him I Nomenclature follows Esslinger (1997) and Nash el al. (2002, 2004, and in press). The term “ calciphiles ” is applied to species that generally occur on carbonate substrates and are probably obligate. The term “culciphytes” is applied to those species that are known to occur on carbonate and non-carbonate substrates or may incidentally occur on carbonate substrates in areas interfacing with non-carbonate rock deposits. It should be understood that “phyte” is not used in the modern sense of a vascular plant, but more ancient sense of being “ planted ” or immobile in a location. Thus while we may deduce that theoretically calciphiles are obligate or “love ” (“phile ”) carbonate sites, and are restricted to them, we cannot deduce the tolerance or obligation to calcium uptake in these other species which occur on both carbonate and granite at Cactus Flats. The survey was conducted on the southwestern edge of the Mojave Desert and is also valuable in the study of the Mojave lichen flora. A number of species reported in this survey also occurred on Key’s Ranch in Joshua Tree National Monument (Knudsen & LaDoux 2005). Other species reported from Cactus Flats are part of the montane flora of the San Bernardino Mountains. As a contribution to the studies of the florae of the Mojave Desert and the San Bernardino Mountains, two appendices are added: one of species incidentally collected on non-carbonate substrates which did not also occur on carbonate substrates, and the other of lichenicoles, non-lichenized Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 15 fungi specific to lichens, that were determined to species. CHECKLIST OF THE CARBONATE LICHEN FLORA Acarospora hadiofusca (Nyl.) Th. Fr. 3294A, 3311. This is the most common Acarospora in the Sun Bernardino Mountains, and it occurs on carbonate and granite substrates. It a temperate species, common in North America and Europe. Acarospora glaucocarpa occurs on dolomite in Holcombe Valley but was not found on Cactus Flats. Acarospora bullata Anzi 3351 This crust is usually effigurate in the desert, indeterminate in cismontane populations in Riverside and Los Angeles Counties. It was collected on granite, its usual substrate, as well as carbonate rock. A. bullata is common in the Sonoran and Mojave Deserts of western North America. Acarospora elevata H. Magn. 3346, 3386, 337 1 A, 3389. These are the first records of this crust on carbonate rocks. It is a species of western North America, recorded from Washington and California down into Baja and at high elevations in Colorado. It generally occurs above 1200 meters, though it has been collected near the coast in the Santa Monica Mountains and as low as 500 meters on Alberhill in Riverside County. Its type locality is in the San Gabriel Mountains, where Hasse first collected it (FH). Acarospora strigata (Nyl.) Jatta 3320, 3330, 3331, 3355, 3359, 3397 This "white" species occurs on carbonate, volcanic and granitic rock across western North America and is a common desert species. It was also common at Cactus Flats, though a fungus affects many populations on the north slope and appears to suppress reproduction without being pathogenic to the host. The reason apothecia production may be suppressed is that the algal layer usually becomes thinner after sexual reproduction begins. This is an interesting mystery, but no spores or asci or conidia were found to determine the fungus (3334, 3350B, hb. Knudsen). Aspicilia contorta (Hojfm.) Kremp. 3333, 3337, 3379, 3387. This widespread calciphile was uncommon at Cactus Flats on the north slope. There is much taxonomic confusion in this genus and, according to Bjorn Owe-Larsson ( pers com.), all reports of A. ccdcarea from the Sonoran area, including southern California, are A. contorta. The areoles are dispersed or in indeterminate clusters without a prothallus and are always white pruinose. A. ccdcarea is an effigurate species. Some specimens could be mistaken for Acarospora strigata. Aspicilia desertorum (Kremp.) Mereschk. 3000, 3356, 3372, 3379, 3388. Common on west and north slopes, this lichen is white pruinose or epruinose. This is a common species throughout the deserts of western North America on carbonate and acid rocks. Some pruinose specimens can be mistaken for Aspicilia contorta. Candelariella aurella (Hoffman.) Zahlbr 3295, 3304, 3376. A common yellow calciphile 16 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] throughout North America, this lichen was abundant on the west and north slopes of Cactus Flats. It also was collected growing on the bark and wood of fallen Pinyon Pine branches (3309). Caloplaca crenulatella (Nyl.) Oliv. 3367, 337 IB. This common temperate calciphile of Europe and North America with orange apothecia and eiulolithic thallus occurred in small amounts on the north slope of Cactus Flats. Caloplaca nashii Nav.-Ros. 3272, 32 30 A, 3293, 3322. Resembling C. crenulatella, but with apothecia that are usually larger and spores always smaller, this species was common on the west slope of Cactus Flats. It is endemic to western North America. It can often be found in other areas of southern California on granite where there is seasonal water flow but appears to be a calciphile. Collema tenax (Sw.)Ach. 3332 This common soil cyanolichen was rare at Cactus Flats. Dermatocarpon americanum Vain. 3327A, 3341. This gray lichen is common in drainages, washes, and riverbeds in many habitats throughout California and North America. Its occurrence on carbonate rock was incidental. Lecania polycycla (Anzi) Lett an 3335 B Scattered on Cactus Flats, this species often occurred in very small amounts. It is widely distributed through western North America, Europe, and north Africa. Lecanora crenulata Hook, in Smith 3302, 3310, 3335 A, 3375. This Lecanora with crenulate white margin and eiulolithic thallus was common, dispersed through lichen communities on both slopes. It is widespread throughout the northern hemisphere. Lecidea laboriosa Midi Arg. 3287, 3290. Bipolar, and occurring in alpine areas in the tropics, this is the most common Lecidea in southern California on granite, with polymorphic black apothecia and a usually eiulolithic thallus. These are the first specimens the author has collected on carbonate rock; because it also occurred on rare granite boulders on Cactus Flats, its occurrence on a carbonate substrate is considered incidental. It contains 4-0-demethylplanaic acid. Peccania arizonica (Tuck.) Herre 3349, 3363. This cyanolichen was common on soil crusts and soil over rock on the north slope. Fhaeophyscia sciastra (Ach.) Moberg 3275, 3281 A, 3296, 3297. Though much reduced in the Mojave Desert, this dark brown isidiate foliose lichen was common on carbonate rock and granite, usually mixed among other lichens. It occurs in North America, Europe and New Zealand. Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 17 Placidium acarosporoides (Zahlbr.) Breuss 3324 This lichen was found on soft granite in a drainage (det. by Othmar Breuss). 3278 It is known to grow on both granite and hard carbonate rock. Placidium squamulosiun (Ach.) Breuss 3277 This cosmopolitan terricolous lichen has brown squamules that were often sterile. It commonly formed small crusts in crevices of carbonate rock, sometimes with moss. These small crusts provided a substrate for Peccania arizonica and Toninia sedifolia. Placopyrenium noxium Breuss 2080 This species was originally collected in a drainage of a west-facing slope while scouting the location with bryologist Chris L. Wagner, and was verified by Othmar Breuss. It is a parasite on Staurotliele areolata. It is rare at Cactus Flats, whereas the very similar-looking new species Verrucaria bemardinensis Breuss is more common on the site. This species can also be easily confused with Verrucaria inficiens, which occurs in southern California in the Santa Rosa Mountains. See “ Placopyrenium ” (Breuss, 2002 ) and “ Verrucaria ” (Breuss, in press) in Vol. I and Vol. 3 of the Sonoran lichen flora (Nash et al 2002, in press). Polysporina lapponica (Ach. exSchaer.) Dagl. 3281 B, 3327B. This parasite was common in the upper part of a west-facing drainage on Acarospora strigata on carbonate rock. It is proving to be a very common species of the southwestern Mojave (Knudsen and LaDoux, in prep.) Polysporina uceolata ( Anzi) Brodo 3293 This calciphile’s tiny black apothecia were embedded in soft carbonate rock. This is the first published report from California. I have seen specimens from the White Mountains collected on dolomite by Shirley Tucker in Bristlecone forest (SBBG hb. Lendemer) It is rare in North America (Canada, Montana, Arizona) but widespread. It was rare at Cactus Flats. Psora tuckermanii Timdal 3003, 3336, 3380 This is a common lichen on carbonate-derived soil and carbonate rock in the San Bernardino Mountains. It is endemic to western North America. Psora luridella can easily be confused with P. tuckermanii but it has black apothecia (instead of dark or reddish brown), lacks calcium oxalate in the medulla (visible in polarized light), and generally occurs on granite-derived soils in the southwestern Mojave. Rinodina bischoffii (Hepp.) A. Massal. 3271, 3279, 3340A, 3364C, 3395 This was one of the most common calciphiles on the west and north slope. It is common in the northern hemisphere, as well as in Australia and New Zealand. Rhizocarpon disporuin ( Ndgeli ex Hepp) Miill. Arg. 3321 This species is common on granite in higher montane sections of the San Bernardino Mountains. This is the first report known to the author of this species on carbonate rock; it was also found nearby on granite. 18 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] Rltizoplaca melanophthalma (DC.) Leuckert & Poelt 3390 This species was common, especially on the north slope on carbonate rock and granite. Sarcogyne novomexicana H. Magn. 3282. 3289. 3315. 3344. 3348. This rare Sarcogyne w as common on both the west and north slope of the survey area. Chris L. Wagner and the author collected the neotype on Hcl- rock in the San Bernardino Mountains (Knudsen and Lendemer 2005), though its abundance at this site suggests that new populations for this currently rare lichen may be found on carbonate rocks at higher elevations across the Mojave. Sarcogyne privigna (Ach.)Anzi 3270. 3273. 3276. 3284, 3338. Common on both slopes, this lichen is also common in western North America in washes, riverbeds, and in areas seasonally flushed by storms on either carbonate or non-carbonate rock. Sarcogyne regularis Korber 3377 This common calciphile with a global distribution was relatively uncommon on the north slope of the study area. Staurothele areolata (Ach.) Lettau 3364B. 3373C, 3374 This genus is common along drainages throughout North America. S. areolata was common on the north slope of the study area; it is a circumpolar and usually montane species. Staurothele drummondii (Tuck.) Tuck. 3312, 3352. 3354, 3373B. 3391 This effigurate brown species was common on both the west and north slope of the study area on granite and carbonate rock. It occurs in Eurasia, Greenland, and North America at a variety of elevations. Staurothele monicae (Zahlbr. ) Wetmore 3331 A. This calciphile of North America, found from Minnesota to California and south to Sonora in Mexico, was rare at Cactus Flats. Tephromela atra (Hods. ) HafeUner 3339 This is a global species, occasionally reported from carbonate substrates. It was rare on the north slope of the study area. Toninia sedifolia (Scop.)Timdal 3288, 3343 This species was common on both slopes of the study area in soil crusts. A global species, it is widely distributed. When young, it is a parasite on cyanolichens, though the general lack of cyanolichens at Cactus Flats suggest it may be a parasite on lichens with green algae, too. Verrucaria spec.#l 3340B This species is known from limestone in the San Bernardino Mountains and San Jacinto Mountains, where it tr«.s also collected on granite pebbles in Bautista Creek. It. like the following Verrucaria. is being studied by Othmar Breuss (in press) for the upcoming volume of the Sonoran lichen flora. It was relatively common in very small amounts among other lichens and can be easily mistaken for a Staurothele. Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 19 Verrucaria spec. #2 3342 This species forms a thin brown areolate crust. Its spores ore c. 13 x 6- 7 pm . The specimen collected is of poor quality. This lichen also occurs on Palomar Mountain on granite in wet drainages, and is being studied by Othmar Breuss ( in press) for the upcoming volume of the Sonoran flora. Verrucaria spec.#3 3358 This species appears related to the Verrucaria compacta group, with well-developed brown areoles, and is under study. Its spores were as large as 40 x 20 pm. Verrucaria bernardinensis Breuss in ed. 330 IB &C (types), 3347, 3350A, 3365A, 3364A. Cactus Flats is the type locality of this new species which was first collected during this Forest Service-funded survey. It was parasitic on Staurothele areolata, S. drummondii, S. monicae. Psora tuckermanii, and Acarospora strigata. It is closely related to Verrucaria inficiens Breuss (Breuss in press). Verrucaria zamenhofiana Clauzade & Ci Roux 3383 Originally described from carbonate substrates in France, it was recently reported in North America in Montana (Breuss & McCune, 1994). It is also a parasite when young on Staurothele areolata. This species is new to California. Del. by Othmar Breuss. Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th. Fr. 3280B, 3317, 3370, 3382 This bright orange effigurate foliose lichen was common on both slopes. It also grows on granite in other areas of the San Bernardino Mountains. West-facing slope Acarospora badiofusca (Nyl.) Th. Fr. 3294A, 3311 Acarospora strigata (Nyl.) Jatta 3320, 3330, 3331 Aspicilia desertorum (Kremp.) Mereschk. 3000 Candelariella aurella (Hoffman.) Zahlbr 3295, 3304 Caloplaca nashii Nav.-Ros. 3272, 3280A, 3293, 3322 Dermatocarpon americanum Vain. 3 327 A Lecanora crenulata Hook, in Smith 3302, 3310 Lecidea laboriosa Midi. Arg. 3287, 3290 Phaeophyscia sciastra (Ach.) Moberg 3257, 328 1 A, 3296, 3297 Placidium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss 3277 Placidium acarosporoides (Zaldbr.) Breuss 3278 Placopyrenium noxium Breuss 2080 Polysporina lapponica (Ach. ex Schaer.) Dagl. 3227B. 3281 B Polysporina ucreolata (Anzi) Brodo 3293 Psora tuckermanii Timdal 3003 Rinodina bischoffii (Hepp.)A. Massal. 3271, 3279 Rhizocarpon disporum (Ndgeli ex Hepp) Midi Arg. 3321 20 Crossosoma 31(1). Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] Sarcogyne novomexicana H. Magn. 3282, 3289, 3315 Sarcogyne privigna (Ach.)Anzi 3270, 3273, 3276, 3284 Staurothele drummondii (Tuck.) Tuck. 3312 Staurotliele monicae (Zahlbr.) Wetmore 3301 A Toninia sedifolia (Scop.)Timdal 3288 Verrucaria bernardinensis Breuss in ed 3301 B & C. Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th. Fr. 3280B. 3317 North-facing Slope Acarospora bullata Anzi 3351 Acarospora elevata H. Magn. 3346, 3371 A, 3386, 3389, 3389 Acarospora strigata (Nyl.) Jatta 3355, 3359, 3397 Aspicilia contorta ( Hoffin .) Kremp. 3333, 3337, 3379, 3386, . Aspicilia desertorum (Kremp.) Meresclik. 3356, 3372, 3379. 3388 Caloplaca crenulatella (Nyl.) Oliv. 3367, 3371B Candelariella aurella (Hoffman.) Zahlbr 3376 Collema tenax (Sw.)Ach. 3332 Dermatcarpon americanum Vain 3341 Lecania polycycla (Anzi) Lettau 3335B Lecanora crenulata Hook, in Smith 3335A, 3375 Peccania arizonica (Tuck.) Herre 3349, 3363 Phaeopltyscia sciastra (Ach.) Moberg (observed) Psora tuckermanii Tintdal 3336, 3380 Rinodina bischoffii (Hepp.)A. Massal 3340A, 3364C Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (DC.) Leuckert <& Poelt 3390 Sarcogyne novomexicana H.Magn. 3344, 3348 Sarcogyne privigna (Ach. ) Anzi 3338 Sarcogyne regitlaris Korber 3377 Staurothele areolata (Ach.) Lettau. 3364B, 3373C, 3374 Staurothele drummondii (Tuck.) Tuck. 3352. 3354. 3373B. 3391. Tephromela atra (Huds.) Hafellner 3339 Toninia sedifolia (Scop.)Timdal 3343 Verrucaria bernardinensis Breuss in ed. 3347, 3350A, 3364A, 3365A. Verrucaria spec. # 1 3340B Verrucaria spec. #2 3342 Verrucaria spec. #3 3358 Verrucaria zamenhofiana Clauzade & CL Roux 3383 Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th. Fr. 3370, 3382 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 21 CONCLUSIONS Thirty-nine species in twenty-four genera are reported on carbonate substrates in the study area. Twelve species are considered culciphiles: Aspicilia contorta (Hoffm.) Krempeth, Candelariella aurella (Hoffman.) Zahlbr., Caloplaca crenulatella (Nyl.) Oliv., Caloplaca nasliii Nav.-Ros., Lecania polycycla lAnzi) Lettau, Lecanora crenulata Hook, in Smith, Polysporina urceolata (Anzi) Brodo, Rinodina bischofjii (Hepp.)A. Massal., Sarcogyne regularis Korber, Staurothele monicae (Zahlbr.) Wetmore, Toninia sedifolia (Scop.)Timdal and Verrucaria zamenhofiana Clauzade & Cl. Roux. Twenty-two species are considered calciphytes that occur on carbonate and non-carbonate substrates: Acarospora badiofusca (Nyl.) Th. Fr., Acarospora strigata (Nyl.) Jatta, Aspicilia desortorum (Kremp.) Mereschk, Collema tenax (Sw.)Ach., Dermatocarpon americanum Vain., Peccania arizonica (Tuck.) Herre, Pliaeophyscia sciastra (Ach.) Moberg, Placidium acarosporoides (Zahlbr.) Breuss, Placidium squamulosum (Ach.) Breuss, Placopyrenium noxium Breuss, Psora tuckermanii Timdal, Rhizoplaca melanophthalma (DC.) Leuckert & Poelt, Sarcogyne novomexicana H. Magn., Sarcogyne privigna (Ach.) Anzi, Staurothele areolata (Ach.) Lattau, Staurothele drummondii (Tuck.) Tuck., Tephromela atra ( Huds .) Hafellner, Verrucaria spec. #1, Verrucaria spec. #2, Verrucaria spec. #i, and Xanthoria elegans (Link) Th. Fr., and Verrucaria bernardinensis Breuss. Five species were unexpected on carbonate substrates and are considered calciphytes: Acarospora bullata Anzi, Acarospora elevata H. Magn., Lecidea laboriosa Mull. Arg., Polysporina lapponica (Ach. ex Schaer.) Dagl, and Rhizocarpon disporum (Ndgeli ex Hepp) Mull. Arg. If these species have a low tolerance for carbonate substrates, these may be rare reports. The lichens on the west-facing slope were less abundant overall and often occurred in the shade of old Pinyon Pines or Junipers. Twenty-four species were collected on carbonate rocks. Though the biodiversity and abundance of species was lower in this area, one locally rare culciphile was collected only on this slope: Polysporina urceolata (Anzi) Brodo. The most productive collecting area was a drainage between the two unnamed mountains in the study area. Several species occurred just on boulders on the exposed slope. The lichens on the north-facing slope were more diverse and abundant, both in drainages, in rubble-filled openings, and on sunny and shaded slope areas. Twenty-nine species were collected or observed on carbonate rocks. It is not known how the composition of the lichen flora will differ from other carbonate areas in the San Bernardino Mountains. Eventually, differences in floristic composition between sites can be correlated to various factors, including main carbonate rock types, elevation and aspect, plant community, geological history, and the interface of carbonate and non-carbonate rocks. 22 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] The lichen flora itself may best be understood as travel ini’ in geological time. On a single slope on granite and carbonate rock. Acarospora strigata differed morphologically in several minor characters like pruina color, width of apothecia, and patterns offissuring. Using the current species concept of strigata. these differences do not have any impact on classification. These differences may be caused by edaphic factors, but it is just as possible that we are looking at two different lineages which have traveled through time on two different geological formations and have been brought together in a rubble pile near the top of a drainage between two summits. Among the calciphiles so far, no endemics have been collected. In fact, Caloplaca nashii is the only calciphile to occur only in the southwestern region. Nonetheless, it is a newly named species and it is possible that it has a wider distribution than we currently know. While endemics in lichens are rare, it looks like tropical genera may produce narrow endemics in southern California. This has apparently happened in the genus Ramon ia (Knudsen and Lendemer 2005). It is not impossible that there could be narrow carbonate endemics. The majority of species on carbonate rock were calciphytes that can tolerate carbonate or silicate rocks. The ratio of calciphiles to calciphytes may differ considerably between sites. No direct connections between the carbonate lichen flora and the rare and endangered endemic plants in the same habitats were observed so far. Nonetheless, one should keep in mind that the same edaphic and environmental conditions that support the local endemic plants support the carbonate lichen flora. When an inventory of the whole carbonate lichen flora is developed, it is possible more direct connections between vascular plants and lichens may be found. The effects of particulate pollution from carbonate mining on the lichen flora may be measurable too. Lichenologists have long observed that some lichens occur in ‘‘dusty” areas. With higher amounts of carbonate dust, the ratio of calciphiles to caliphytes may substantially change. These conditions may also favor some calciphiles over others. And, below a certain threshold, these disturbances may support rare species of calciphiles. Carefully and narrowly selected carbonate sites which are intensively collected and then compared should yield a better understanding of the carbonate lichen flora of the San Bern a rdi n o Mo un tains. Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 23 APPENDIX 1 Incidental Collections on Non-Carbonate Substrates Only on Granite or Hcl- rock: Acarospora peliscypha Th. Fr. 3307 Caloplaca saxicola (Hoffm.) Nordin 3316 Lecanora garovaglii (Koerb.) Zahlbr. 3396 Lecidea hassei Zahlbr. 3325, 3360 Det. by James C. Lendemer. Lecidea mannii Tuck. 3381 Lobothallia alphoplaca ( Wahlenb. ex Ach. ) Hafellner 2329 Rltizoplaca chrysoleuca (Sin.) Zopf 3319 Dead conifer bark or wood: Candelariella aurella (Hoffman.) Zahlbr 3009 bark Buellia erubescens Arnold 3393 wood Dead moss at base of Juniper: Pliaeopliyscia hirsuta (Mereschl.) Essl. Det. by T.L. Ess linger. Rinodina constrictula H. Magn. 3392 On bark of Ephedra viridis: Rinodina inetaboliza Vain. 3326A Xanthomendoza montana (H. Lindblom) Spchting, Kdrnefelt & S. Kondratyuk 3326.2, 3384 APPENDIX 2 Lichenicoles Cercidiospora caudata Kernst. on Caloplaca nashii 3294B Lichenochora xanthoriae Triebel & Rambold on inner margin of apothecia of Xanthoria elegans 3305 Non-gall forming, spores mostly c. 17 x 7 with constricted waist and thin walls, hyaline. First record from California. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS I am grateful for the help of Othmar Breuss, Scott Eliason, T.L. Esslinger, Mary Knudsen, James C. Lendemer, Bjorn-Owe Larsson, Andrew Sanders, Chris L. Wagner, and Scott White. Thanks to Scott Eliason, James C. Lendemer and Shirley Tucker for reviewing this mss. 24 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] LITERATURE CITED Breuss, O. and B McCune. 1994. Additions to the pyrenolichen flora of North America. The Bryologist 97(4): 765-770. Breuss. O. 1998. On the taxonomy of "Catapyrenium” plumbeum (lichenized Ascomycetes.Verrucariaceae). Ann. Naturhist. Mas. Wien 100B (December): 671-676. Breuss, O. 2002. Placopyrenium. Pp. 794-797 In: Nash et al.. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Area, Vol. 1. Lichen Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. 572 pp. Breuss, O. In press. Verrucaria. In: Nash et al., Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Area, Vol. 7. Esslinger, T.L. 1997. A cumulative checklist for the lichen-forming, lichenicolous and allied fungi of the continental United States and Canada. Available: littp://www. ndsu.nodak.edu/instruct/esslinne/chcklst/chckl st7.htm. (First posted 1 December 1997. Most recent update 14 June, 2005). North Dakota State University, Fargo, North Dakota. Knud sen. K. & LaDoux, T. 2005. Lichen flora of the southwestern Mojave Desert: Key’s Ranch, Joshua Tree National Park. San Bernardino Count y, California, USA. Evansia 22 (7): 107- 109. Knud sen. K. & LaDoux, T. In prep. Lichen flora of the southwestern Mojave Desert: Eureka Peak, Joshua Tree National Park, San Bernardino County, California, USA. Knud sen, K. & Lendemer, J. C. 2005. Changes and additions to the checklist of North American Lichens. - III. Mycotaxon 97: 277-281. Nash 111, T.H., Ryan. B.D., Cries, C., & Bungartz., F. 2002. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. 1. Lichen Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. 572 pp. Nash III, T.H., B.D. Ryan, P. Diederich, C. Gries, & F. Bungartz. 2004. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. 2. Lichen Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. 742 pp. Nash HI, T.H.. B.D. Ryan, P. Diederich, C. Gries, & F. Bungartz. In press. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Vol. 7. Lichen Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona. Crossosoma 3H I ), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 25 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FLORISTICS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: ADDENDUM NUMBER TWO Robert F. Thorne Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont, California 91711 Rohert.thorne@cau.edu ABSTRACT: A bibliography of floristics in southern California was published in Crossosoma Volume 24, Numbers l and 2, in 1999 for Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter 1998). At that time it was realized that some important references might have been overlooked and that subsequently many more pertinent to floristics in southern California would be published each year. It was hoped that at least once a year an addendum could be published in Crossosoma to bring the bibliography up to date. An addendum was published in Volume 27, Number 2, in 2002 for Fall- Winter 2001). The following additional references have been gleaned since that time from the library and literature or as suggested by members of Southern California Botanists. As in the previous publications, they are divided into Part 1 for the Entire region and Part 2 for Literature pertinent to local areas. Part 1 - Entire Region Ertter, B. 2002 for 2001). Memories of Lincoln [Constance]. Fremontia 29(2): 15-22. Hartwell, G. 2002 for 2001). California: California plants on line. Fremontia 29(2):7-12. Part 2 - Literature Pertinent to Local Areas Evans, J.M. 2002 for 2001 ). Vegetation in watercourses of the eastern Mojave Desert [San Bernardino Co.]. Fremontia 29(2):26-55. Riefner, R.E., Jr., S Boyd & R.J. Shlemon. 2002 for 2001). Noteworthy collection: Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schultes var. engelmannii (Steudel) Gilly (Cyperaceae) new to southern California [Riverside Co.- also Psilocarphus tenellus Nutt. var. globiferus (DC.) Morefield] . Crossosoma 27(2 ): 52-54. 26 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] NOTEWORTHY COLLECTIONS Orange County CENCHRUS LONGISPINUS (Hackel) Feni. (POACEAE) -Orange County, City of Irvine: San Diego Creek at Woodbridge High School. S of intersection of Barranca Rd. and West Yale Loop Rd.; USGS 7.5' Tustin Quadrangle: UTM (NAD 85) IIS 0425279E 5727007 N [55°40'49.5"N 1 17°48'22"W] ; elevation 27 in (89 ft), uncommon in sandy flood plain. 27 Aug 2004. Riefner 04- 587 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Cenchnis longispinus (mat sandbar) is native to the central and eastern United States and adjacent southern Canada, where it grows in sandy woods, fields, and waste ground and is considered a noxious weed (R. Webster 1995. Cenchrus, In: J.C. Hickman. ed„ The Jepson Manual, UC Press. Berkeley, 04; M.T. Stieber and J.K. Wipjf 2005, Cenchrus, In: M. Barkworth et ah, eds., Flora of North America, vol. 25, Oxford University Press, New York. NY). In Orange County, C. longispinus is listed as a species presumed extinct, extirpated, or not seen since 1957 (F.M. Roberts 1998, A checklist of the vascular plants of Orange County, California [second edition], F.M. Roberts Publications, Encinitas, CA). Significance. First report of C. longispinus in Orange County since 1927, where it was last seen in the Santa Ana Canyon along the Santa Ana River bottom (F.M. Roberts, 1998, op. cit.). It is also uncommon in western Riverside County (F.M. Roberts et al. 2004. The vascular plants of western Riverside County. California: an annotated checklist, F.M. Roberts Publications, San Luis Rev. CA ), and will not likely become a noxious weed in our area. CONYZA FLORIBUNDA Kunth ( ASTER.ACEAE ) -Orange County, City of Los Alamitos; San Gabriel River, vicinity of Chestnut St. and Cerritos Ave.; USGS 7.5' Los Alamitos Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 85) IIS 0400585E 5741757N [55°48'40.2"N 1 1 8°4’26.9"W] ; elevation II m (57 ft), locally common in alkaline swales along bike trail. 15 Dec 2005, Riefner 05-505 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Conyza floribunda (tropical horseweed), native to tropical America, is known from disturbed places in Northwestern California, the Sacramento Valley, and Southwestern California (F. Hrusa 2001, Common names for California plants, unpublished database compilation [Jcomjiame.DBF], Department of Food and Agriculture Herbarium, UC Davis; D. Keil 1995, Conyza, In: J.C. Hickman, ed. , The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA). It has not been reported from Orange County, and has only recently been collected from western Riverside County (F.M. Roberts 1998, op. cit.; F.M. Roberts et al. 2004, op. cit.). Significance. First record of C. floribunda documented from Orange County. This species is easily confused with C. canadensis (L.) Cronq., and most likely, has been overlooked by collectors. LOMAT1UM UTRICU LATUM ( Torres & A. Gray) J. Coulter & Rose (APIACEAE) -Orange County, City of Orange (sphere of influence); Irvine Ranch Land Reserve, along dirt access road running S from Baker Canyon Rd. toward Silverado Creek; USGS 7.5' Black Star Canyon Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 27) l IS 0458222E 5755004N [55°45'18.2"N 117°40'1.5"W]; elevation 555 m (1100ft), uncommon in grassy openings of chamise chaparral, 27 Apr 2000, Riefner 20-592 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 27 IRSA, UCR). Previous knowledge. Lomatium utriculatum ( common lomatium) occupies grassy slopes, meadows, and woodlands throughout the California Floristic Province from Northwestern Baja California, Mexico, northward to British Columbia (L. Constance 1993, Lomatium, In: J.C. Hickman, ed. , The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA). In Orange County, it is a species presumed extinct, extirpated, or not seen since 1937 (F.M. Roberts 1998, op. cit.). Significance. First report of L. utriculatum in Orange County since 1928, where it was last seen in Chino Hills (F.M. Roberts 1998, op. cit.). However, since it is widespread in coastal sage scrub and chaparral in western Riverside County (F.M. Roberts et al. 2004, op. cit.), it is likely under- collected and is more widespread than herbarium records indicate. PENNISETUM VILLOSUM R. Br. (POACEAE) -Orange Countv, City of Santa Ana: 55 Freeway near Brookhollow St.; USGS 7.5' Tustin Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) US 0421318E 3730536N [33°42’42.8"N 1 17°50'56.9"W]; elevation 32 m (105 ft), locally common along disturbed highway margin and in swales, 30 Nov 2003, Riefner 03-486 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Pennisetum villosum (feathertop) is a native of Africa. In California, it occurs in waste places and along roadsides in the Southwestern region and in the Sonora Desert (Webster 1993, Pennisetum, In: J.C. Hickman, ed., The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA). It has been reported previously from Ventura County (P.A. Man;, 1974, A fora of southern California, UC Press, Berkeley, CA) and San Diego County (M.G. Simpson and J.P. Rebman 2001, Checklist of the vascular plants of San Diego County, California, San Diego State University Herbarium Press, San Diego, CA), but not from Orange or western Riverside counties (F.M. Roberts, 1998, op. cit.; F.M. Roberts et al., 2004, op. cit.). Significance. First record of P. villosum from Orange County. It is grown as an ornamental (J.K. Wipjf 2003, Pennisetum, In: M. Barkworth et al., eds.. Flora of North America, vol. 25, Oxford University Press, New York, NY), and is expected to escape elsewhere in sandy or disturbed places. SECALE CEREALE L. (POACEAE) - California, Orange County, City of Irvine; Jeffrey Rd. near Bryan Rd.; USGS 7.5' Tustin Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) 11 S 0430007E 3729538N [33°42T2.6"N 1 17°45'19.1"W] ; elevation 73 m (240 ft), locally common, roadside, irrigation ditch, and margins of a field, 1 May 2004, Riefner 04-154 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Secale cereale (cultivated rye) is native to Asia, and in California it is found growing outside of cultivation on disturbed slopes and along roadsides at scattered sites throughout the State, including the southern Modoc Plateau, northern High Sierra Nevada, southwest San Francisco Bay Area, and Western Mojave Desert (M.E. Barkworth 1993, Secale, In: J.C. Hickman, ed.. The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA; S. Boyd 1999, Aliso 18: 93-189 ). It has not been documented from Orange County (Roberts 1998, op. cit.), and has only recently been collected from western Riverside County (Roberts et al., 2004, op. cit.), where it is found occasionally in fields and along roadsides. Significance. First report of S. cereale documented for Orange County. 28 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We thank Andrew Sanders. University of California at Riverside, and Travis Columbus, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, for selected annotations and/or helpful discussion. We also thank Trisli Smith, The Nature Conservancy, for access to the Irvine Ranch Land Reserve. — Richard E. Riefner, Jr„ Research Associate. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden. 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont. CA 91711 and Steve Boyd, Herbarium, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont. CA 91711. Riverside County ATRIPLEX ARGENTEA Nutt. var. MOHAVENSIS (M.E. Jones) S.L. Welsh (CHENOPODIACEAE) - Riverside County, N of La Sierra Heights; NE ca. 1 mi off Arlington Are. along dirt access road to Hidden Valley Wildlife Reserve; USGS 7.5' Corona North Quadrangle; UTM ( NAD 83) IIS 0452903 E 3758008N [33°57'41.5"N 17°30'35.1"W]; elevation 207 m <679 ft), locally common, growing with Atriplex suberecta 1. Verd., Deinandra paniculata (A. Gray) Davidson & Moxley, and Heliotropium curassavicum L. on edge of field, grassland, and in roadside ditch, 27 Aug 2004. Riefner 04-395 (RSA, UCR). Previous knowledge. Atriplex argentea var. mohavensis (Mojave silver-scale) occupies alkaline to saline soils in the Great Valley, the eastern San Francisco Bay Area, the eastern South Coast region, and the California deserts to Texas and northern Mexico (D. Taylor and D.H. Wilken 1993, Atriplex, In: J.C. Hickman, ed„ The Jepson Manual UC Press, Berkeley, CA). In western Riverside County, this taxon is known from damp alkaline places in the Perris Basin (F.M. Roberts el al. 2004, The vascular plants of western Riverside County, California: an annotated checklist, F.M. Roberts Publications, San Luis Rey, CA). Significance. First Riverside County record of A. argentea var. mohavensis documented outside of the Perris Basin. This robust annual is not easily overlooked, which indicates inadequate study of alkaline-soil communities in the County. CENTROMADIA PUNGENS (H. & A.) Greene subsp. LAEV1S (Keck) B.G. Baldwin (ASTERACEAE) -Riverside County, N of La Sierra Heights; NE ca. 1 mi off Arlington Are. along dirt access road to Hidden Valley Wildlife Reserve; USGS 7.5' Corona North Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) 11S 0452903 E 3758008N [33°57'41.5"N 17°30’35.1"W]; elevation 207 m (679ft), rare, growing with Atriplex lentifonnis (Torr.) S. Watson and Bassia hyssopifolia (Pallas) Kuntze on edge of field and in roadside ditch. 27 Aug 2004. Riefner 04-397 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Centromadia pungens subsp. laevis (smooth tarplant) is a rare plant (California Native Plant Society [CNPS] List IB) known historically from mostly alkaline habitats in Orange. Riverside. San Bernardino, and San Diego counties (D. Tibor, ed„ 2001, California Native Plant Society 6'1' inventory, CNPS, Sacramento, CA). Extant populations are now found primarily within the Perris Basin in western Riverside County, with only minor occurrences elsewhere (F.M. Roberts et al. 2004, op. fit.). Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 29 Significance. First report of C. pungens subsp. hie vis documented for the Santa Ana River Valley in Riverside County (F.M. Roberts et ah, 2004, op. cit.; California Natural Diversity Database 2005, element report, California Natural Heritage Program, Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA). The La Sierra region of the Santa Ana River Valley is mapped as the Traver- Domino- Willows association, characterized by loamy fine sand, silty loam to silty clay, saline- alkali soils {A. A. Knecht 1971, Soil survey of western Riverside area, California, US Department of Agriculture, Soil Conservation Service, Washington, DC). Although La Sierra is now largely urbanized, remnant patches of an alkaline fora similar to the Hemet-San Jacinto Valley may still be intact where suitable undeveloped soils-landfonns are present. Interestingly, the federally-listed endangered, CNPS List IB, Ambrosia pumila (Nutt.) Gray was known historically from the nearby Arlington area (Federal Register 2002, 67: 44572-44582). Additional surveys of alkaline and hardpan soil habitats should be conducted in the Santa Ana River Valley in order to thoroughly document the distribution of several rare species within the region. CHAMOM1LLA OCCIDENTALIS (E. Greene) Rydb. ( ASTERACEAE ) -Riverside County, Paloma Valley; Scott Rd. in general vicinity of Leon Rd.; USGS 7.5' Winchester Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 85) 1 IS 0489207E 5722467N ' [55°58'51.1"N 117°6'59"W]; elevation 455 m (1427 ft), uncommon, growing with Lepidium densiflorum Schrader var. elongation (Rydb.) Thell. in saline-alkali soils on vernal flats, 27 Jun 2004, Riefner 04-221 (RSA, UCR). Previous knowledge. Chamomilla occidentalis (Matricaria occidentalis E. Greene; valley pineapple weed) occupies undisturbed alkaline flats, vernal pools, and edges of salt marshes from the outer North Coast Ranges, high Cascade Range and high Sierra Nevada southwest through the San Joaquin Valley, San Francisco Bay Area, outer South Coast Ranges, and into the South Coast region of southern California (E. McClintock 1995, Chamomilla, In; J.C. Hickman, ed., The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA). In western Riverside County, it is an uncommon annual of deep soils in the Hemet-San Jacinto basin (Roberts et ah, 2004, op. cit.). Significance. First record documented for the Paloma Valley. Chamomilla occidentalis has a tentative facultative wetland indicator status of FACW, which is a plant that usually occurs in wetlands (estimated probability 67%-99%), but occasionally is found in non-wetlands (USFWS, 1997, National list of vascular plant species that occur in wetlands. National Wetlands Inventory, St. Petersburg, FL). Few botanists in southern California are familiar with this species, which may be an important, but overlooked component of alkaline seasonal wetlands in the southwest region. DACTYLOCTENIUM AEGYPTIUM (L.) Willd. ( POACEAE ) -Riverside County, City of Norco; urban horse trail along Sixth St. at Sierra Ave.; USGS 7.5' Corona North Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 85) IIS 0448759E 5755512N [55°56'19.8"N 117°55T6.1"W]; elevation 200 m (655 ft), 50 Jul 2004, Riefner 04-281 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Dactyloctenium aegyptium (crowfoot grass) is native to Africa. In California, it is a weed of disturbed sites in the San Joaquin Valley, Sonora Desert, Peninsular Ranges, and the South Coast region (J.P. Smith, Jr. 1995, Dactyloctenium, In: J.C. Hickman, ed., The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA). S.L. Hatch (2005, Dactyloctenium, In: M. Barkworth et ah, eds., Flora of North America, vol. 25, Oxford University Press, New York, NY) did not report D. aegyptium from southeastern California. However, it was reported from Calexico, Imperial County (P.A. Munz 1974, A flora of southern California, UC Press, Berkeley, 30 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] CA), which apparently is based on a collection deposited at RSA ( Imperial County, Calexico, Flock s.n., 20 Nov 1968). Dactyloctenium aegyptium was also not reported from western Riverside County ( Roberts et al. 2004, op. cit.). Significance. First record of D. aegyptium documented for western Riverside County, and confirmation of a previous report of this taxon from the Sonora Desert region in Imperial County, California. KYLL1NGA BREV1FOL1A Rottb. ( CYPERACEAE ) - California, Riverside County, City of Corona; Green River Rd., ca. 0.8 mi S of 91 Freeway overpass, Green River Golf Course at Santa Ana River; USGS 7.5 ' Black Star Canyon Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 85) 11S 0457952E 3747997N [55°52'15.7"N 1 17°40'15.9"W] ; elevation 155 m ( 502 ft), uncommon in irrigated turf and a ditch, 25 Sep 2004, Riefner 04-443 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Kyllinga brevifolia (short-leaf fatsedge) is native to tropical America. In California, it is known from the Central Valley, the Southwest region, and the deserts (G.C. Tucker 1993, Cyperus, In: J.C. Hickman, ed. , The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA). It was not, however, included in the flora of western Riverside County (F.M. Roberts et al. 2004. op. cit.). Significance. First record of K. brevifolia documented for western Riverside County. This small sedge is apparently restricted to urban or disturbed wildland interface habitats characterized by late-season moisture. It is easily overlooked in turf grass, is likely more widespread than herbarium records indicate, and perhaps being spread by turf maintenance equipment. LEONTODON TARAXACOIDES (Villars) Merat subsp. TARAXACOIDES (ASTERACEAE) - Riverside County, City of Hemet; Auto Blvd. at Warren Rd.; USGS 7.5' Winchester Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) 1 IS 0496979E 3733395N [33°44'26"N 117°1'57"W]; elevation 463 m (1520ft), uncommon weed in lawn and irrigated landscape, 31 Jul 2004, Riefner 04-357 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Leontodon taraxacoides subsp. taraxacoides (lesser hawkbit; F. Hrusa 2001, op. cit.) is an exotic weed native to Europe. In California, it is known from disturbed ground in the northwestern corner of the State, through the northern Sierra Nevada and the San Francisco Bay Area south through the central coast and into the San Joaquin Valley (G.L. Stebbins 1993, Leontodon, In: J.C. Hickman, ed., The Jepson Manual UC Press, Berkeley, CA). Leontodon taraxacoides (L. leysseri [Wallr.] G. Beck) had been reported as a lawn weed in the San Bernardino Valley, apparently based on a single RSA specimen: San Bernardino County ( without locality ), 5 Jul 1952, Roos 5806 (P.A. Munz 1974, op. cit.). Apparently, it has not been collected in Orange County (F.M. Roberts 1998, A checklist of the vascular plants of Orange County, California [second edition], F.M. Roberts Publications, Encinitas, CA), western Riverside County (F.M. Roberts et al. 2004, op. cit.), or in San Diego County (M.G. Simpson and J.P. Rebman 2001. Checklist of the vascular plants of San Diego County, California, San Diego State University Herbarium Press, San Diego, CA). Significance. Rarely collected in southwestern California, and first record for Riverside County. Leontodon taraxacoides subsp. taraxacoides may be easily confused with Hypochaeris glabra L. or H. radicata L. in the field. It could be more widespread in southern California than herbarium records indicate. In addition, few collectors work on urban weeds. Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 31 ONCOS1PHON PILULIFERUM (L.f.) Kallersjo (ASTERACEAE) - Riverside County, City of Corona; immediately S of 71 Freeway on-ramp to 91 Freeway; USGS 7.5' Prado Dam Quadrangle; UTM ( NAD 85) IIS 0440532E 3749433N [33°53'0.9"N 1 17°38'35.1"W]; elevation 141 m 1 462 ft), uncommon along disturbed roadside, 29 May 2005, Riefner 05-423 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Oncosiphon piluliferum ( Matricaria globifera / Thumb. ] Fenzl ) or stink-net, was only recently reported in California from Riverside and San Diego counties (F. Hrusa et al. 2002, Madrono 49: 61-98). In western Riverside County, it is spreading rapidly in the Moreno Valley to Perris area, and less common along 1-215 and Hwy. 60 west to Jurupa (F.M. Roberts et al., 2004, op. cit.). Significance. First record documented for the Corona area in the Santa Ana River Valley. Additional occurrences of this rapidly spreading weed are expected along the Santa Ana River downstream in Orange County. PIANTAGO ELONGATA Pursh ( PIANTAG1NACEAE ) -Riverside County, Santa Rosa Plateau; Mesa De Colorado, trail S ofTenaja Rd., ca. 1 mi SW from end of Santa Rosa Ranch Rd.; USGS 7.5’ Wildomar Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) IIS 0473514E 3707233N [33°30'15.5"N 117°17'6.6"W]; elevation 585 m (1920 ft), margin of vernal pool, 12 Aug 1998, Riefner 98-459 (UCR); City of Wildomar; N ca. 0.5 mi from the intersection of Union St. and Corydon Rd.; USGS 7.5' Wildomar Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) 11S 0471584E 3720254N [33°37'18.1"N 117°18'22.9"W]; elevation 367 m (1205 ft), common in seasonally saturated depressions in alkali meadow, 22 Apr 1998, Riefner 98-266 (RSA); City of Murrieta; Murrieta Hot Springs Rd., NW ca. 0.5 mi from intersection with Madison Ave.; USGS 7.5' Murrieta Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) 11S 0481984E 3720141N [33°37'15.3"N U7°11'39.2"W]; elevation 362 m (1188 ft), common in seasonally ponded depression, 22 Apr 1998, Riefner 98-284 (RSA); City of Murrieta; ca. 1.5 mi. east of 1-15 on Clinton Keith Road, vicinity of Smith Ranch Rd.; USGS 7.5’ Murrieta Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) US 0479562E 3717088N [33°35'36"N U7°13'13"W]; elevation 427 m (1400 ft), uncommon in drying basin of abandoned stock pond, 31 May 2003, Riefner 03- 260 (RSA); Paloma Valley; Scott Rd. in general vicinity of Leon Rd.; USGS 7.5’ Winchester Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) IIS 0489207E 3722467N [33°38'3 1.1"N 117°6’59"W]; elevation 435 m (1427 ft), uncommon in saline-alkali soils on vernal flat and roadside, 27 Apr 2004, Riefner 04-148 (RSA); City of Lake Elsinore; end of Malaga Rd. at Diamond Dr.; USGS 7.5’ Lake Elsinore Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) US 0471765E 3723745N [33°39'1 1.5"N 1 17° 18' 16.2"W] ; elevation 389 m (1275 ft), locally common on vernal flat, 3 Jul 2005, Riefner 05-536 (RSA); City of Lake Elsinore; Lakeshore Dr. at Lakepark St.; USGS 7.5' Lake Elsinore Quadrangle; UTM (NAD 83) IIS 0471540E 3724535N [33°39’37.1 "N U7°18'25.1"W]; elevation 391 m (1284 ft), uncommon in seasonally ponded depression, 3 Jul 2005, Riefner 05-540 (RSA). Previous knowledge. Plantago elongata (P. bigelovii Gray subsp. bigelovii, P. bigelovii Gray subsp. califomica [Greene] Bassett; California alkali plantain) grows in saline and alkaline places, beaches, and vernal pools throughout the California Floristic Province, except the Sierra Nevada and Cascade Ranges, and northward through Oregon and Washington to British Columbia (Dempster, 1993, Plantago, In: J.C. Hickman, ed. , The Jepson Manual, UC Press, Berkeley, CA). 32 Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February1 2006] In western Riverside County, Plantago elongate/ ("Species of Local Concent") is locally common in alkaline venial pools near Hemet and along the San Jacinto River in the Lakeview-Perris area, and unrecorded elsewhere (F.M. Roberts et al. 2004, op. cit.). Plantago elongata, however, is known historically from other inland localities, including the Elsinore region (P.A. Munz 1974, op. cit.), vernal pools at Murrieta (Skunk Hollow ) and Ramona (E.T. Bander and S. McMillan 1998, Current distribution and historical extent of vernal pools in southern California and northern Baja California. Mexico, In: C.W. Withluim et al., eds., Ecology, conservation, and management of vernal poo! ecosystems, California Native Plant Society. Sacramento, CA), and the Santa Rosa Plateau (E.W. Lathrop and R.F. Thome 1985, A flora of the Santa Rosa Plateau, Southern California Botanists special publication No. 1, Sacramento, CA). Significance. We provide voucher specimens from the Lake Elsinore-Wildomar, Santa Rosa Plateau, and Murrieta regions that confirm previous reports in the literature, and add Paloma Valley to its known range. Plantago elongata is easily identified in the field, and is likely one of many small annuals that are taken for granted by botanists and rarely collected as a voucher specimen. Plantago elongata is a facultative wetland species (FACW indicator status; P. Reed, 1988. National list of plant species that occur in wetlands: California. Biological Report 88 [26.10], US Department of the Interior, Washington, DC). Many of the low-lying, seasonal wetlands around Lake Elsinore and in the Murrieta area cited here are now threatened by development. Accordingly, P. elongata should be vouchered from other seasonal pool and alkaline-soil habitats whenever encountered to help better understand the range and conservation status of this species. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: We thank Andrew Sanders, University of California at Riverside, for selected annotations and helpful discussion. We also thank Carole Bell, The Nature Conservancy, for access to the Mesa De Colorado venial pools. — Richard E. Riefner, Jr., Research Associate, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont, CA 91711 and Steve Boyd, Herbarium, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont. CA 91711. Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 33 BOOK REVIEWS The Vascular Plants of Western Riverside County, California: An Annotated List by Fred M. Roberts , Jr., Scott D. White, Andrew C. Sanders, David E. Bramlet, & Steve Boyd. 2004. F.M. Roberts Publications, P.O. Box 517, San Luis Ray, CA 92068. 192 pp: includes 35 black-and- white drawings. (no ISBN) $17.19. This book, a collaboration among some of our finest southern California botanists, documents the vascular flora of western Riverside County, California, in the beginning of the 21s' century. The historical value of this book alone is inestimable because this is one of the fast-growing housing markets in the United States, with tracts popping up everywhere like Erodium cicutarium after a rainstorm. In half a generation we have no idea what will be left of the native flora or how the balance between the many invasive non-natives and the native flora will change. A book like this one is truly needed in almost every county of California. Western Riverside County as circumscribed in the book is the Perris Basin, with parts of the Santa Ana Mountains, the Agua Tibia Mountains of the Palomar range, the western foothills of the San Jacinto Mountains, parts of the Santa Ana River Valley and the area near Banning Pass in Riverside County. Included in this checklist is data from a series of excellent floristic studies with which many readers may not be familiar including the pioneer work of Steve Boyd on the Gavilian Plateau and the Boyd-led team surveys of San Mateo Canyon Wilderness Area and Vail Lake areas, as well as Banks’ work on Agua Tibia Mountains. The vascular flora of western Riverside County includes 1,411 taxa, including 1,322 species and 73 intraspecific taxa. 425 of these taxa are non-native. Three taxa are narrowly endemic to western Riverside County: Allium munzii, Atriplex coronata var. notatior, and Ceanothus ophiochilus. 73 taxa are considered sensitive with different CNPS rankings. There is a very useful excluded taxa section. The value of compiling excluded taxa lists in floristic treatments has increased with the use of the Internet. Uncritical literature searches often produce taxa lists that are highly inaccurate. This is a checklist. Genera are listed by family. There is an index of genera in the back pages if you are unsure of family. It is a handy size to carry into the field and useful if you are familiar with at least some genera. For each taxon there is listed the common name and general distribution data and, if the species is sensitive, the CNPS ratings. Each entry has one cited voucher for the study area. The reader is expected to use Munz's southern California flora or the Jepson Manual for doing identifications or verifications. There are, because it is a checklist, no descriptions. There are 35 black-and-white line drawings by Fred Roberts, Jr., of both common and uncommon taxa. The book is very useful for consultants doing surveys. One consultant 1 talked to thought the book would have been more valuable for writing reports if sensitive plants had been grouped 34 Crossosoma 31(1). Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] into sensitive habitat categories such as thin-soiled clay habitat, alkali habitats, etc. No book is perfect and the labor just to get this checklist into a final manuscript should not be under-estimated. A fioristic treatment represents a hypothesis of the flora of a study area. Every user tests that hypothesis. Users are invited to contribute vouchered specimens to Rancho Santa Ana or the UCR Herbarium if they find new taxa. But. whatever the particular imperfections of any fioristic treatment, a flora or checklist stimulates future research in the area covered. The day it was published, as always happens with fioristic works, a botanist brought in a non- native weed to the UCR Herbarium which was not included. Approximately 12 taxa, mostly non- native, and all infrequent, so far have been discovered since publication. When the current edition sells out a new revised edition is planned. A.v with all regional fioristic works they have a value for other areas, particularly in helping understand the wider distribution of one’s own local flora. And, as with the upcoming new edition of the San Diego vascular checklist, these regional publications need our support through sales so that a diverse botanical literature may flourish, keeping alive and renewing the traditions of California botany. — Kerry Knudsen, The Herbarium, Department of Botany & Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA. 92521-0124: kk999@msn.com Native Plants: Torres Pines State Reserve & Nearby San Diego County Locations by Margaret L. Fillius. 2005. Fillius Interests, San Diego, California. 232 pp. of color plates, with additional introduction, glossary, bibliography, and indexes by both flower color and scientific and common name. (ISBN 0-9769047-0-5). $30.00. Dr. Margaret L. Fillius is a biochemist that volunteers as a docent at Torres Pines State Park and is an active member of the San Diego Chapter of the CNPS. She considers herself an amateur in botany and she had Jon Rebman of the San Diego Natural History Museum help her with the identifications and verifications of the 232 taxa covered in her book. Her aim in putting together Native Plants: Torrey Pines State Reserve & Nearby San Diego Count}- Locations was to make the book she would have wanted when she first started studying her local vascular flora. She succeeds exceedingly and it would be a blessing if every area had a similar book. In alphabetical order by family, she covers 232 taxa, both rare and common, in her local flora with color pictures printed on glossy paper in a spiral bound book that is a handy size to carry out in the field. The pictures, which Margaret L. Fillius took herself, are professional in quality and sharp, bright, and clean, showing both the visual gestalt of the taxon as well as important Crossosoma 31(1), Spring-Summer 2005 [issued February 2006] 35 details. Actually the pictures are so beautiful that you may not want to take the book into the field! Besides an array of species that are relatively common in an area that has been over-developed, she covers a number of taxa considered rare and endangered or at least uncommon: Artemisia palmeri, Coreopsis maritima, Dudleya brevifolia, Arctostaphylos glandulosa ssp. crassifolia, Lotus nuttallianus, Quercus dumosa, Abronia maritima, Phacelia stellaris, Piperia cooperi, Calandrinia maritima, Pinus torreyana, and Brodiaea orcuttii. Many of these are rare because of the reduction of suitable habitat through development or because of non-natives invading maritime and grassland habitats. The pictures of these rare taxa are precious in themselves. Especially impressive are her photographs of Phacelia stellaris. This annual is know from loose sand from four recent locations in southern California: Border Fields State Park and Camp Pendleton in San Diego County, the Santa Ana River near Mt. Rubidoux in Riverside County, and from Cucamonga in San Bernardino County where it may have been extirpated. Answering a complaint of a segment of users of botanical field guides, there is an index by flower color with thumbnail pictures, thankfully in the back where it is not annoying to us who don 7 like books organized by flower color (an often subjective character, discriminating against the color blind too). The first edition was limited to a hundred copies that will be sold out when you read this review. But it was published using digital printing and a new batch should be available. Due to the high aesthetic quality of this book it is expected to sell more than the approximately 350 copies most local botany books sell in southern California. A further endorsement of this book is that Tom Chester, known for his critical acuity, only complained about one error in the book. — Kerry Knudsen and Andrew C. Sanders, The Herbarium, Department of Botany & Plant Sciences, University of California, Riverside, CA, 92521-0124; kk999@msn.com Become a Member of Southern California Botanists Today! Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip code Phone (optional) E-mail address In addition, I would like to give $_ to help support SCB. Make checks payable to Southern California Botanists and mail to: Alan P. Roms pert Department of Biology California State University Fullerton, CA 92834 Southern California Bota, — Founded 1927 — 9866 CROSSOSOMA (ISSN 0891-9100) is published twice a year (normally about May and November ) by Southern California Botanists, Inc., a California nonprofit corporation. The mission ofSCB is the preservation, conservation, and study of the native plants and vegetation of California and the education of the public to the value of the native flora and its habitat. SCB board of Directors for 2005 President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Webmaster Editor of CROSSOSOMA Editor of Leaflets Directors-at-large Ex officio Board Members Editorial Review Board ... Gary Wallace (2005-2006) Elizabeth Scheinbach (2005-2006) Kate Kramer (2005-2006) Alan P. Romspert (2005-2006) Naomi Fraga (2005-2006) Denise Knapp (2004-2006) Kimberlyn Williams (2004-2006) Michelle Balk (2004-2006) Steve Boyd (2005-2007) David B ramie t ( 2004-2006 ) Terry Daubert (2004-2006) John Knapp (2004-2006) Kerry Kmulsen (2005-2007) Orlando Mistretta (2005-2007) Allan A. Schoenherr (2004-2006) Susan Schenk (2003-2005) Sula Vanderplank ( 2005-2007 ) Sandy Leatherman ( Immediate Past President, 2003 ) Kerry Knudsen, Tasha LaDoux, Orlando Mistretta, Darren Sandquist, Allan Schoenherr, Robert Thorne, Gary Wallace, and Carl Wislmer Articles, book reviews, or other items for submission to CROSSOSOMA can be sent to Denise Knapp, Editor of CROSSOSOMA, at dknapp@catalinaconservancv.orf; or P.O. Box 2739, Avalon, California, 91704, USA. Electronic submission is preferred. Please see our website, www.socalbot.org, for format guidelines. Notices of a time-dated nature (field trips, workshops, symposia, etc.) to be included in the newsletter Leaflets should be submitted to Kimberlyn Williams, Editor of Leaflets, Biology Department, CSUSB, 5500 University Parkway, San Bernardino, California, USA. Views published in CROSSOSOMA are those of the contributing author(s) and are not necessarily those of the editors, the membership of Southern California Botanists Inc., or the SCB Board of Directors, unless explicitly stated. Copyright © 2005 by Southern California Botanists, Inc. All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce items in CROSSOSOMA, in whole or in part, should be requested from the current Editor. LO O O LLJ Q 0 53 c 0 CD o C h- ' CD 03 -P 0 -C .x o X o > LD v LU D <: 0 .2 _J 2 0 0 -C -C CO 1- 1- c ~o O 16 CD O CM < 1/3 m C/3 c/i P T3 c •M CO O 3 4-1 o CO (30 'c/3 M 01 00 CM ON o- 0» Ph • fM e _o 25 > c ns c c o j- o £ p M o • u VM CM 0) -M CM 0) o n3 25 Vh Jm U 4—* C £ U o r \ c M HI X 4-> 3 o c3 Oh 0) CM 25 -M 73 73 C/1 Q U ii, < oJ ~o c o 0 i i i i i i i m 30000- < o *4— 2 20000 H .Q E 3 10000- ■ T \ I YEAR Figure 5. Total number of Camissonia benitensis (CABE) individuals between 1989 and 2005. No counts were made in 1995. Only if the effects of weather could somehow be removed might it be possible to determine the effects of management based on counts of the number of plants. One approach might be to only compare years with above-average growing season precipitation, on the assumption that the number of plants in such years would be similar in the absence of management. Another approach might be to perform an analysis of covariance using precipitation as a covariate, essentially removing the effects of precipitation. Both of these approaches, however, assume that the number of plants has a positive linear relationship to the amount of growing season precipitation. As Figure 6 shows this is clearly not the case. Figure 6 plots count data from 1979- 2005 (Figure 5 left out the years between 1979-1988 because graphing the high counts in 1988 changes the scale and obscures some of the variability between the other years) and total growing season precipitation from a nearby weather station. Note that there is no obvious linear relationship between the total number of plants and the total amount of growing season precipitation. In fact, the year 1988, which had by far the highest number of individual plants. 48 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] had relatively low precipitation. There are probably weather factors other than total growin; season precipitation (e.g., temperature, precipitation at a particular time, etc.) controlling th numbers of plants, but to date these factors have not been identified. Figure 6. Total number of Camissonia benitensis (CABE) individuals between 1979 and 2005 (bars and left y-axis) and growing season (September-April) precipitation (line and right y-axis). No counts were made in 1981, 1982, and 1995. Because of the difficulties involved in monitoring annual plants, a threat-based indicator is oftei chosen instead. In the case of Camissonia benitensis the principle threat is from off highwa; vehicles (OHVs). Although all occurrences of the species have been closed to OHVs, violation of these closures occur, so monitoring has been directed at detecting OHV tracks, am management objectives are based on the number of incidents of noncompliance with the closure Monitoring of the number of individual plants has continued, but this monitoring is not part o the adaptive management cycle, because it has not been possible to develop a meaningfu management objective related to annual estimates of population size. Annual populatioi sampling of this species has continued, because of its high profile and the hope the data may b Crossosoma 3 1 (2), Fall- Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 49 useful in future population modeling, but for many annual plants qualitative monitoring of occurrences will suffice, with greater attention paid to threat or habitat-based indicators. Potential indicators include weed encroachment and various types of natural or anthropogenic habitat disturbance such as vehicle tracks, trampling impacts, grazing effects on habitat, fires, and floods. The canopy cover of vegetation associated with the target species may also be a logical indicator. Consider an annual or short-lived perennial species that exists primarily in gaps in the canopy of shrubs or trees. As the shrubs or trees continue to increase their canopy cover, the gaps begin to disappear and, consequently, so does the species. A management objective might be developed based on the amount of canopy cover of these associated shrubs or trees. Once the canopy cover reaches a certain level, some management action such as prescribed burning will occur. Helpful resources for monitoring projects Much of the information presented above is a synthesis of information provided in two books on monitoring, Elzinga et al. (1998) and Elzinga et al. (2001). The latter book is published by Blackwell Science and is available from booksellers. The former book is a Bureau of Land Management Technical Reference. Instructions on obtaining it are given in the Literature Cited section below. The paper by Salzer and Salafsky (2003) is available over the World Wide Web at the address given in the Literature Cited section. I thank my colleagues, Caryl Elzinga and Dan Salzer, without whom this paper and the two books on which it is largely based would not have been possible. LITERATURE CITED California Department of Fish and Game. 2003. California native species field survey form. (www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/pdfs/natspec.pdf). California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. Elzinga, C. L., D. W. Salzer, and J. W. Willoughby. 1998. Measuring and monitoring plant populations. BLM Technical Reference 1730-1, Bureau of Land Management, Denver, CO3. Elzinga, C. L., D. W. Salzer, J. W. Willoughby, and J. P. Gibbs. 2001. Monitoring plant and animal populations. Blackwell Science, Malden, MA. Salzer, D., and N. Salafsky. 2003. Allocating resources between taking action, assessing status, and measuring effectiveness. The Nature Conservancy and Foundations of Success, Portland, OR, and Bethesda, MD4. ; The printed version is available free from BLM’s Printed Material Distribution Section in Denver. Send either an email to BLM_NCS_PMDS@blm.gov or a fax to 303-236-0845; be sure to include your mailing address (no P.O. boxes). A CD containing a pdf version can also be ordered from the Printed Material Distribution Center or can be downloaded from: www.blm.gov/nstc/librarv/techref.htm This document can be downloaded from the following URL: httD://fosonline.org/images/Documents/allocating monitoring 03 03 17.pdf 50 Crossosoma 3 1 (2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] THE ROLE OF SEED BANKS AND BOTANIC GARDENS IN PLANT CONSERVATION Michael Wall Seed Program Manager Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden Michael.Wall@cgu.edu Historically known for their roles in maintaining botanical and display collections, botanic gardens have greatly expanded their programs in the past twenty-five years and are playing ar increasingly active role in plant conservation. Today there are thirty-three member gardens associated with the Center for Plant Conservation (CPC), a national coalition of botanic gardens with active conservation programs. There are also 525 member institutions in Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI). Botanic gardens have developed strong collaborative roles within the larger conservatior community, including local non-governmental conservation organizations, public land management agencies, and universities, to promote plant conservation. Botanic gardens are also involved within their local communities increasing public awareness and providing tools, information, and inspiration to help resolve local conservation issues. Although many botanic gardens have applied conservation programs, the unique role of the botanic garden is often in the development and practice of ex-situ (off-site) conservation research, collections management, and public education programs. The maintenance of viable populations of species in their natural state represents the ultimate goal of plant conservation. However, habitat destruction is inevitable and there are today an ever- growing number of critically endangered species that need to be preserved. We are rapidly losing pieces of the biodiversity puzzle. Seed banks and other ex-situ conservation practices, in support of in-situ (on-site) programs and scientific research, are increasingly necessary conservation tools. Histoiy of botanic gardens The definition of a botanic garden has changed over time to reflect its service to society. The Botanic Garden of Padova, established in 1 545, is considered the oldest university garden in the world (The Botanic Garden 2006). It has been devoted since its foundation to the growth oi medicinal plants and the remedies that they provide. Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary of 1913 defines a botanic garden as "a garden devotee to the culture of plants collected for the purpose of illustrating the science of botany.” A modern Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 51 definition of a botanic garden might be: “institutions holding documented collections of living plants for the purposes of scientific research, conservation, display and education.” As recently as 1983 there were only 708 botanic gardens worldwide; by 2000, there were more than 1800 botanic gardens in 148 countries (Botanic Gardens Conservation International 2000). Today the number of botanic gardens worldwide is estimated to be over 2400 (Dan Shepherd personal communication). Botanic gardens are a significant, relatively untapped resource to help forward plant conservation goals and an ever-increasing percentage are implementing conservation programs on local, regional, national or international levels. Thirty-seven percent of botanic gardens today have conservation mentioned in their mission statements (Dan Shepherd, personal communication). Unfortunately, botanic gardens are rather unevenly distributed throughout the world, and for the most part they are not sufficiently represented in the areas with the highest plant diversity and endemism. Their collections are often lacking in both documentation and quality to effectively serve reintroduction and species recovery programs. Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) and the Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) are two of the world’s leading plant conservation organizations which are centered around botanic gardens. They are discussed below. Botanic Gardens Conservation International In 1987, BGCI was founded “to link botanic gardens in a co-operating global network for effective plant conservation (BGCI 2006).” BGCI now links at least 800 institutions in over 120 countries working to implement a worldwide Botanic Gardens Strategy for plant conservation To enhance the level of participation and quality of conservation work, BGCI provides technical guidance and information for botanic gardens around the world. They organize major meetings, workshops and training courses, and have initiated a series of International Botanic Gardens Congresses. These congresses bring staff from botanic gardens together to identify and implement programs that will help slow the rapid depletion of plant diversity and habitats in their own regions. BGCI has helped to create or strengthen national and regional networks of gardens in many parts of the world in order to focus their efforts on plant conservation in new co- operative partnerships. They have also assisted in the building of new gardens in many countries (BGCI 2006). BGCI has identified the following three major goals for botanic gardens to achieve greater plant conservation around the globe (BGCI 2006): 1 . Implementation of programs that promote the conservation of plant diversity. 52 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] 2. Implementation of programs that increase understanding and documentation of plant diversity. 3. Implementation of programs that encourage sustainable uses of plants. In May of 2000, Botanic Gardens Conservation International published the International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation. This agenda was the outcome of discussions at the 5th International Botanic Gardens Congress held in Cape Town, South Africa in September 1998. Signatories of the International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation agreed to protect plant diversity through research, collaboration, and education. Signatory institutions agree to promote the utilization of wild plants in a sustainable manner, and to train staff, students, volunteers, professionals, and landowners to effectively assess, monitor, manage, and protect the diversity of plants and ecosystems. They also agree to share any substantial material benefits derived from the Garden’s future plant collections with appropriate stakeholders in those plants, and to conduct all their activities in a manner consistent with the Convention on Biological Diversity and the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES). The Center for Plant Conservation The Center for Plant Conservation (CPC) was founded in 1984 by a coalition of 15 botanical institutions. Over 20 years later, CPC is now a network of 33 U.S. botanic institutions with its headquarters located at Missouri Botanical Garden in Saint Louis, Missouri (CPC 2006). At the core of this organization is the National Collection of Endangered Plants. This is a managed germplasm collection of seeds and living plants of more than 600 of the country’s most imperiled native plants (CPC 2006). The purpose of this collection is to decrease the potential for a species' extinction at the species or population levels and to provide material for restoration and recovery. As the organization has matured, many CPC institutions have expanded their work to assist with critical recovery work in the wild as well. The CPC National Office hosts annual meetings for member botanical institutions with active conservation programs, convenes symposia to address theoretical and applied issues that affect plant recovery, and collaborates with an elected scientific advisory board who assist in establishing best practices for both in-situ and ex-situ conservation programs. The CPC National Office is an active political advocate for plant conservation and produces technical publications. Ex-situ conservation Ex-situ conservation is the process of protecting an endangered species by removing it from an unsafe or threatened habitat and placing it (or part of it) under the care of humans. Ex-situ conservation measures may be used to enhance survival of the population or as a back-up resource to ongoing or planned in-situ conservation efforts. Facilities housing these collections not only provide care for specimens of endangered species, but they also have an educational Crossosoma 3 1 (2), Fall- Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 53 value. They inform the public of the threatened status of endangered species and of those factors which cause the threat, with the hope of creating public interest in halting or reversing those factors which jeopardize a species' survival in the first place. In many dry and temperate climate regions, the most common ex-situ conservation program is the storage of seed samples at seed or gene banks. Botanic gardens also maintain living collections of extirpated populations and of those species that cannot be maintained off-site via seed banking. The maintenance and distribution of these collections serve to remove or at least reduce sampling pressure on wild populations. Botanic gardens often have the most knowledgeable staff and the best facilities for rare plant propagation programs. Carefully controlling and tracking maternal individuals in a donor collection is important for rare plant conservation work, and botanic gardens are typically familiar with these requirements. Seed banking is the optimal method for off-site storage of germplasm collections in many regions. By reducing their moisture content and placing seeds at sub-freezing temperatures, viability can be extended for decades to even centuries for some species. This method of seed storage is effective for species that produce "orthodox" seeds, which have developed physiological characteristics and complex dormancy mechanisms that allow them to maintain viability for extended periods of time. Species that produce orthodox seeds can have the bulk of their population represented beneath the surface in the form of a soil seed bank. The storage methods used for orthodox seeds will vary by the species to be stored and the time that the material needs to be maintained in storage. Harrington's rule for storage of orthodox seeds states that 1) with each 1% reduction in moisture content the life of the seed is doubled, and 2) with each 10° F reduction in temperature the life of the seed is doubled. Rabbitbrush ( Chrysothamnus nauseosus) is an excellent example of a plant species with limited storage capacity whose seed longevity is greatly enhanced through controlled storage methods. The graph in Figure 1 showing Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden seed germination test results demonstrates that excellent viability was maintained at minus 18 degrees. In contrast, when stored at room temperature the seed perished within two years. Tests were conducted on 0.5% agar using 1 00 seeds per test. Seed Storage Tolerance ^-18°C Room Temperature Storage Figure 1. Longevity of rabbitbrush seed is greatly enhanced through cold storage. 54 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] The seeds of many other, non-orthodox species will rapidly perish if they do not germinate in the current season. Very large seeds and those from plants that grow in constantly moist environments have evolved to germinate soon after being shed from the plant. Drying or exposure to very low temperatures will often kill these seeds. These types of seeds are referred to as being "recalcitrant." Stored seed collections are maintained in a variety of temperatures and conditions. The following are the most common methods for storing seeds and are listed in the order of their effectiveness in maintaining viability over time: 1 . Frozen: liquid nitrogen at minus 1 80° C 2. Frozen: standard chest style freezers at minus 1 8° C 3. Cold: storage at minus 5° C 4. Room storage at 23° C 5. Storage sheds or other outdoor storage sites under ambient conditions The establishment of seed banks has both benefits and limitations, as outlined below. Benefits: 1. Seed banking allows for the storage of genetically representative population samples in a small space. Theoretically, these stored collections could at some future date be found to contain genes that have been lost from their wild source population. In some regions, native populations are being totally removed and local source restoration material may not be available for future restoration projects. Seed banked collections can provide material from rare or lost genotypes of the source population. 2. Seed banked samples can be split and, for added safety, stored at multiple locations. 3. Applying cold storage techniques, the viability of seeds of many plant species can be maintained for decades to centuries. 4. Best collection opportunities do not always coincide with project schedules. Banking collections of orthodox seeds will maintain viability until the seeds are needed for a project. 5. Travel costs and staff time to make collections for routine propagation or ongoing restoration projects is expensive, time consuming, and not always productive. Maintaining collections in cold storage is often less expensive than making re-collection trips. Limitations: 1. Maintaining seed collections requires a major commitment of time and resources by the institution. 2. Genetic changes and a decline in vigor can occur in horticulturally regenerated seed collections or in collections stored for long periods. Stored or regenerated seed have the potential to produce plants that may be unfit for survival in the wild. 3. Seed banking is not effective for all species. Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 55 When is seed banking appropriate? Seed banking may be warranted for any threatened, imperiled, small or salvaged plant population (preferably before the loss of rare alleles). Plant populations experiencing declining rates of reproduction and recruitment should have off-site seed banks established. Seed banks are especially appropriate as back-up collections or as temporary storage for restoration projects. Establishing a seed bank gives the collector the opportunity to take advantage of especially productive seasons. Saving seed samples in storage allows us to leam more about seed viability over time, seed physiology and germination requirements. Seed banking is only appropriate when conducted in a way that will not harm the long-term viability of the donor plant population. In plant salvage situations for extremely threatened and declining populations, it is generally best to collect all seeds from the impacted population. Seed banking considerations for rare, threatened, or endangered plants are listed in Appendix A. Although many rare plants can be propagated easily by seed, vegetative propagation must be practiced for some endangered taxa, such as those that have been reduced to just one or a few individuals. Sometimes these plants have lost the ability to produce seed, or seed germination methods for the species are unreliable. Vegetative propagation also provides greater control over genetic resources in a collection because each plant is genetically identical to the donor plant. A good example of the value of vegetative over seed propagation is the Federally Endangered Catalina Island Mahogany ( Cercocarpus traskiae). Because of the existence of a more common species and the resulting hybrids in the population, vegetative propagation from the known pure "traskiae" individuals is the most appropriate means of multiplying individuals for reintroduction and/or for establishing back-up living plant collections. In-situ conservation is the process of protecting an endangered plant or animal species in its natural habitat, either by protecting or restoring the habitat itself. Maintaining conservation collections off-site should only be practiced as a complimentary component of in-situ conservation, which maintains recovering populations in the site where they have developed their distinctive properties. Using seed banking as a form of mitigation in itself is counter-productive to conservation, as conserving plants off-site removes them from the biotic community and the evolutionary process. The following five western regional institutions have facilities set up for processing and to provide long-term storage of seed collections of rare, threatened and endangered species and their populations: • Berry Botanic Garden - Portland, Oregon • Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden - Claremont, California • San Diego Zoo Native Seed Gene Bank - Escondido, California • Santa Barbara Botanic Garden - Santa Barbara, California • USDA National Center for Germplasm Resource Preservation - Ft. Collins, Colorado 56 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] Examples of collaborative conservation The following examples illustrate some of the typical collaborative conservation activities that other institutions and botanic gardens are involved in. The first section provides examples ol projects that are primarily in-situ oriented while the latter two examples address ex-situ rare planl propagation and seed banking. The New England Wildflower Society The New England Wildflower Society (NEWFS), the nation's oldest organization dedicated tc the conservation of native plants, was founded in 1 900 (NEWFS 2006). Its mission is to promote “conservation of North American native plants through education, research, horticulture, habitat preservation, and advocacy.” One of NEWFS’s recent successes has been the development of their Plant Volunteer Corps foi plant conservation. Volunteers receive thorough training from NEWFS botanical staff at Garden in the Woods located in Framingham, Massachusetts. Depending on their abilities and interests, the volunteer corps members are assigned work on rare plant surveys and monitoring projects: invasive species control, and general floristic surveys throughout the New England area under the supervision of a botanist. The recovery of Robbins' cinquefoil ( Potentilla robbinsiana) is an example of people and agencies working together to bring an endangered species back from the brink of extinction. This diminutive alpine perennial in the Rosaceae (rose) family has 95% of its known habitat occurring on just one hectare (2.5 acres) on a saddle between Mt. Washington and Mt. Monroe in the White Mountains of New Hampshire. Discovered in 1824, this species’ primary population happened to be on the same terrain favored by hikers, horseback riders and plant collectors. Throughout the 19th and most of the 20th centuries, the cinquefoil population declined to the point where, by 1980, it was on the verge of extinction and listed as an endangered species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Shortly after the species was listed. The Appalachian Mountain Club and the New England Wildflower Society teamed up with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the U.S. Forest Service to relocate the trail that wound through the primary population, initiated public educatior programs, and established a conservation seed bank of Robbins' cinquefoil at Garden in the Woods. With seeds collected in 1982, the New England Wildflower Society instituted z reintroduction program and began propagating Robbins’ cinquefoil at their Garden in the Woods facilities. From seed the Robbin's’ cinquefoil requires two to three years of growth before they are ready to be set out. Over the following two decades, NEWFS staff and Garden volunteers produced, planted out and nurtured hundreds of individuals at the two known population sites. Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 57 Thanks to this cooperative and collaborative recovery effort, the plant’s population rebounded from 1,801 individuals in 1973 to over 14,000 in two separate populations. In August 2002, the Robbins’ cinquefoil was removed from the endangered species list. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden Established in 1935, the Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden located in Coral Gables, Florida is one of the fifteen founding CPC institutions. The state of Florida has the third largest flora and the third highest number of federally listed plant species of any state in the U.S. Like many other CPC institutions, conservation is an active component of Fairchild's programs; it is South Florida’s main research institution for studies of local endangered species and their reintroduction (Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden 2006). Fairchild’s Conservation Planning website is designed to serve as a communication tool for both researchers and local land managers. Here botanic garden staff compile available information for 27 of south Florida’s most imperiled plant species that are under the Garden’s care. Fairchild’s website also provides multiple examples of Conservation Action Plans for rare plant species of South Florida. Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden The Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden is another CPC member institution. Dr.Valerie C. Pence, Head of the Plant Conservation Division at CREW (Center for Research of Endangered Wildlife) at the Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden, has worked with many other botanic gardens to develop cryopreservation and micro-propagation methods for many sensitive and threatened plant species which are difficult to propagate. On their website they have posted an overview of their cryopreservation technique (Fabre and Dereuddre 1990, Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden 2006). Tiny shoot tips of the plant species are placed into a very viscous alginate solution. The alginate is then added, dropwise, to a solution of calcium chloride, which causes the alginate to gel into drops. These drops become "beads" of gel around the shoot tips. The beads are then placed into a liquid medium with a high concentration of sucrose for 1 8 hours overnight on a rotary shaker. The sugar acts as a "cryoprotectant," replacing the water in the plant tissues. The beads are placed on sterile filter paper under the airflow of a laminar flow hood to dry for four hours. Once dried, the beads are transferred into sterile "cryovials" which are then plunged into liquid nitrogen to instantly freeze and preserve the tissues. To use the shoot tips, the tissues are thawed by placing the cryovial on the benchtop for 20 minutes. The dried beads are transferred to tissue culture medium where they will rehydrate and the shoot tips inside the beads will then resume growth. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden The Center for Plant Conservation (CPC), in cooperation with the National Park Service (NPS), 58 Crossosoma 3 1 (2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] is working to establish ex-situ collections of federally listed species occurring currently or historically on NPS lands. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden (RSABG), one of 15 founding CPC member institutions, has joined with CPC and NPS to conduct this three-year project. The ex-situ seed collections will be used to support research and restoration efforts on National Park land. The NPS has allocated $100,000.00 in funding to support this collaborative program. Until NPS is ready to use their seed collections, they are held in cold storage at the USDA National Center for Genetic Resources Preservation in Ft. Collins, Colorado. The first priority for this project is to locate populations of multiple target species on National Park Land. Parish's daisy ( Erigeron parishii) is one of 16 federally listed plant species that RSABG is working to conserve. Parish's daisy has not been documented in Joshua Tree National Park since 1939. This CPC and National Park collaborative project provided the opportunity for RSABG and the Park Service to investigate and verify the occurrence of this species in the Park. In the summer of 2005 Naomi Fraga, RSABG Botanical Field Studies Coordinator, and Tasha LaDoux, Botanist for Joshua Tree National Park, discovered a small population (three plants) of Parish’s daisy. Unfortunately, RSABG discovered that all fruits sampled were sterile. A return trip to the Joshua Tree population to check seed viability and to look for additional plants in the region is planned for the 2006 field season. If seed for this project is unavailable from the NPS plants, seeds will be collected from the closest population (geographically and ecologically)' outside the Park. Conclusion Conservation programs vary widely at each botanic garden, and are generally influenced by the history of the institution and its founding mission, local, regional or international needs and opportunities (including funding opportunities), and staff expertise. Plant conservation can be a sociological problem as much as a biological one; therefore two of the most effective tools in plant conservation will always be public and political education and advocacy. Botanic gardens are ideally situated and have abundant opportunities to increase public awareness and serve as advocates for plant conservation. Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 59 Appendix A Seed Banking Considerations for Rare, Threatened or Endangered Plants Sampling Question Considerations or Inputs Which species should be collected? 1 . Degree of endangerment - locally and throughout its range 2. Taxonomic and phenotypic uniqueness (endemism) 3. Genetic and reproductive stability of the species 4. Ability to store and cultivate the species 5. Existence and condition of ex-situ collections How many (and which) populations should be sampled per species? 1 . Degree of endangerment or threat to a population 2. Genetic and reproductive stability of a population 3. Range and distribution of the taxon 4. Degree of gene flow among populations (mating systems) 5. Unique ecotypes 6. Conspicuous polymorphism between populations How many (and which) individuals should be sampled? A benchmark to capture genetic variation is 50 individuals. If seed output is low, or when conducting parallel collections for backup storage, sampling of more than 50 individuals may be required. 1 . Local abundance 2. Imminent threat(s) to survival of a population 3. Genetic and reproductive stability of the species (seedling establishment, plant vigor and recruitment success) 4. Species method(s) of reproduction, seed (sexual) or vegetative (clonal) 5. Seed viability and production 6. Anticipated splitting of collections for secondary parallel collections - (double number of samples) 7. Conspicuous ecotypical variation within a population habitat or microsite 8. Conspicuous polymorphism within populations 9. Mating systems: self pollinating (up to 50), obligate out- crossers and mixed mating systems (35-50) 60 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] Sampling Question Considerations or Inputs How many (and which type of) propagules should be collected? A typical target quantity is 2500 “viable” seeds without taking more than 1 0% of the seed produced in 1 0% of the years - or 5% annually in a multiyear effort. For cuttings: between 1-10 per individual 1 . Seed type (orthodox or recalcitrant) 2. Appropriate facilities to store and/or cultivate the species 3. Availability of seed or vegetative material 4. Seed viability, predation, and germination rate 5. Anticipated success rate in rooting cuttings 6. Storage tolerance of seed collections or survival of plants in cultivation 7. Anticipated splitting of collections for secondary parallel collections - (double number of samples) 8. Long-term use of the collection - anticipated attrition for: viability testing, research, and reintroduction attempts Under what circumstances is a multi-year collection plan indicated? 1 . To compensate for low numbers of individuals in a population; inadequate annual seed or vegetative output; low seed germination rates; demonstrated poor seedling development due to inbreeding depression or other genetic factors 2. To increase genetic diversity in a collection by repeat sampling over a period of years 3. To augment limited or declining ex-situ collections Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 61 LITERATURE CITED The Botanic Garden. 2006. (www.cbft.unipd.it/pdtour/garden.htmn. Botanic Garden, University of Padova, Italy. Botanic Gardens Conservation International. 2000. International Agenda for Botanic Gardens in Conservation (www.bgci.org/files/All/Kev Publications/interagendaeng2580.pdf). Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Richmond, Surrey, UK. Botanic Gardens Conservation International. 2006. About BGCI. (www.bgci.orgl. Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Richmond, Surrey, U.K. Center for Plant Conservation. 2006. (www.centerforplantconservation.org). Center for Plant Conservation, Missouri Botanical Garden, St. Louis, MO. Cincinnati Zoo and Botanical Garden. 2006. Endangered plant conservation. (www.cincvzoo.org). Cincinnati Zoo & Botanical Garden, Cincinnati, OH. Fabre, J. and J. Dereuddre. 1990. Cryopreserving shoot tips; the encapsulation dehydration method. Cryo-Letters 11: 413-426. Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden. 2006. ( www.fairchildgarden.org). Fairchild Tropical Botanic Garden, Miami, FL. Guerrant, Ed., Kayri. Havens, and Mike. Maunder, eds. 2004. Ex-situ conservation supporting species survival in the wild. Island Press, Washington, D.C. New England Wildflower Society. 2006. (www.newfs.org). New England Wildflower Society, Framingham, MA. Other selected references for in-situ and ex-situ management of rare plant populations: Akeroyd, J. and P. Wyse Jackson (eds.). 1995 A handbook for botanic gardens on the reintroduction of plants to the wild. Botanic Gardens Conservation International, Richmond, Surrey, U.K. Australian Network for Plant Conservation Working Group. 1997. Guidelines for the translocation of threatened plants in Australia. Australian Network for Plant Conservation, Canberra, Australia. Falk, D.A. and K.E. Holsinger. 1991. Genetics and conservation of rare plants. Oxford University Press, New York, NY. Hong, T.D., S. Linington, and R. H. Ellis. 1998. The seed storage behavior compendium. Handbook for genebanks no. 4. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, U.K. Smith, R.D., J.B. Dickie, S.H. Linington, H.W. Pritchard, and R.J. Probert (eds), 2003. Seed conservation: turning science into practice. Kew Royal Botanic Gardens, Richmond, Surrey, U.K. 62 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] USING AN IMPROVED CALIFORNIA NATURAL DIVERSITY DATABASE Roxanne Bittman California Natural Diversity Database Department of Fish and Game 1807-13* Street, Suite 202 Sacramento, CA 95814 rbittman@dfg.ca.gov The California Natural Diversity Database (CNDDB) is part of the Biogeographic Data Branch of the California Department of Fish and Game (CDFG). The primary function of the program is to gather and disseminate data on the status and locations of rare and endangered plants and animals. The goal of the program is to help conserve California’s biological diversity by providing information to promote better-informed land-use decisions and improved resource management to government agencies, the private sector, and conservation groups. The CNDDB is a rich source of accurate, quality-checked data on the locations and status of rare and endangered plants and animals (collectively known as “elements”). Rare natural, communities, once actively tracked in the CNDDB, are still archived therein, but the new Vegetation and Mapping Program, along with new priorities, are now separate from the CNDDB. The CNDDB is part of a nationwide network of natural heritage programs and conservation data centers that span the United States, Canada, and Latin America. It was originally conceived and developed in 1979 by the science branch of the Nature Conservancy (TNC), a branch that is now part of a new' organization, NatureServe. The function of NatureServe is to manage and distribute information critical to the conservation of the world’s biological diversity. This includes promoting the mission of conservation nationwide through products, services, decision support tools, publications, and the website NatureServe Explorer One of the strengths of the natural heritage network and of the individual programs that comprise it, such as the CNDDB, is that all programs use similar tools, and virtually the same methodology, to analyze data on rare species and vegetation types. For consistency, all scientific names are fully cross-referenced in a central database and specific rules are employed for the mapping of data. For example, if an herbarium label is received with imprecise location data, it is mapped as a non-specific circle (of varying sizes), indicating the imprecision of the original information. In contrast, precise location information is mapped exactly as it was received. Plant populations within 1/4 mile of each other are considered part of one occurrence. Each occurrence is created by one biologist and quality controlled by another to maximize accuracy. These methods are used consistently throughout the network with only minor variations. ■ NatureServe Explorer website: www.natureserve.org/explorer. Crossosoma 3 1 (2), Fall- Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 63 The CNDDB is well established, with over 50,000 location records in its database, and was the first in the country to use GIS2 as part of its program. This incorporation of a computer mapping system was time-consuming and contributed to the accumulation of unprocessed data (the backlog). However, the use of GIS allows this and other heritage programs to perform analyses that would never be possible with paper maps or tabular databases. In addition, the heritage program takes great care to create a full bibliography for each occurrence. These references are filed at, and readily accessible from, the CNDDB office. It is important to note that the CNDDB only records actual sightings of rare species and natural communities. If an area is surveyed for a species and it is neither found, nor was previously known from that site, this is not recorded. As such, no inference can be made regarding lands that have never been surveyed. Likewise, it is not appropriate to state that an area contains no rare taxa simply because none were revealed in a search of the CNDDB. Indeed, there are large tracts of land in the state that have never been surveyed for rare plants and animals but potentially support rare elements, a fact that should be clearly stated in all environmental documents. Using the CNDDB .Clients of the CNDDB include federal and state agencies, county and local governments, private consulting firms, environmental groups, land protection entities, and academic researchers. We orovide data to thousands of clients each year and this user base is growing. Ihe data are used in a variety of ways, including environmental document preparation or review, and protection and management activities, state and federal listing processes, plant status review, md research. The CNDDB provides the data in a variety of formats to accommodate the various rsers of the information, including the CNDDB’s own Personal Computer application Rarefind ?, the internet tool Biological Information Observation System (BIOS), GIS layers, hardcopy naps and overlays, and reports and descriptive information from our extensive element files. To support the diverse needs of our clients, the CNDDB attempts to collect data of the highest possible quality, including both population location and distribution, population and habitat :ondition, threats, land use, and other information related to occurrence rank3. Such detail is reeded for conservation groups to make critical land protection decisions. Changes and improvements to the CNDDB n hopes of increasing data submission, CNDDB plans to develop an online field survey form vith point and polygon mapping capability. Currently, data contributors can fill out an online GIS stands for Geographic Information System, a computerized mapping and analytical tool. Occurrence ranks range from Excellent, Good, Fair, Poor, Unknown, or None (the latter for extirpated >ccurrences) and reflect the condition of both the population’s health and the associated habitat at a particular site. 64 Crossosoma 3 1 (2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] field form4 from our website but they cannot save or submit it over the internet unless they have Adobe Acrobat 6.0 or 7.0 installed on their machine. The CNDDB highly recommends including a map with each field survey form as well. In 2004, the CNDDB started to compile all incoming data immediately upon receipt, in a simple database. The data captured include geographic information consisting of the United States Geological Survey topographic quad name and county name. In addition, species name, reporter name, date of submittal and other information are recorded. Such initial input can be done quickly and allows the CNDDB to easily track its data backlog and present the data to the public. The CNDDB Quick Viewer5, available on the CNDDB website, allows free access to all quad and county level data - GIS processed and unprocessed (use the CNDDB logo icon to access all fully processed data and the “file cabinet” icon to access all unprocessed, or backlog, data). The tool delivers a list of special status taxa for the particular quad or county specified. Specific location information is not available through this means, since those data are provided on a subscription-only basis. In 2005, the Biogeographic Data Branch, which includes CNDDB, rolled out a new internet tool known as BIOS. BIOS is a compilation of digital, biogeographic datasets. BIOS began from compiled data held by CDFG staff, but data is now accepted from partner organizations. The CNDDB is viewable in BIOS, which is easier to use than standard GIS software. This also allows the user to view the CNDDB in concert with other biological datasets such as those available for spotted owls, tricolored blackbirds, vegetation data, and other (particularly animal) data that have typically been harder to access. Currently, BIOS allows limited access to the public from this link: http://bios.dfg.ca.gov/ (then click on the “Public BIOS Data Viewer”). Subscribers have access to other links on this page. Tools in the Data Viewers, such as the Geographic Name Information System (GNIS), provide useful access to all USGS map labels. Ultimately, all CNDDB subscribers will be provided password access to BIOS including the CNDDB, spotted owl and other datasets now unavailable over the internet. How to contact the CNDDB To learn more about the CNDDB program, visit our website at www.dfg.ca.gov/whdab. Lists of rare, threatened, and endangered plants are found here as well as the online field survey form, information on the appropriate way to survey for plants, and more. There is also information for rare animal taxa and natural community types. The “Data Products” section contains an online order form and product support information. Commonly used links are also included. For more information, contact the CNDDB using the email addresses listed on the website under “Staff.” 4 CNDDB field survey form link: http.dfg.ca.gov/whdab/Ddfs/natspecfs.pdf 5 CNDDB Quick Viewer link: http://www.dfg.ca.gov/whdah/html/quick viewer.html Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 65 A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF FLORISTICS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA: ADDENDUM NUMBER 2A Robert F. Thorne Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden 1500 North College Avenue, Claremont, California 91711 Robert.thome@cgu.edu ABSTRACT: A bibliography of floristics in southern California was published in Crossosoma Volume 24, Numbers 1 and 2, in 1999 (for Spring-Summer and Autumn-Winter 1998). An addendum was published in Volume 27, Number 2, in 2002 (for Fall-Winter 2001). The following additional references have been gleaned since that time from the library and literature or as suggested by members of Southern California Botanists. As in the previous publications, they are divided into Part 1 for the entire region and Part 2 for literature pertinent to local areas. Editor’s note: Due to a transmission error, the Addendum Number Two published in volume 31(1) was incomplete. The complete document presented here is intended to replace the preceding version. Part 1: Literature Pertinent to Entire Region Ackerman, T. L. 2003. A flora of the Desert National Wildlife Range, Nevada. Mentzelia 7:1 — 90; maps. American Horticultural Society. 2002. Encyclopedia of plants & flowers: the definitive practical guide. Rev. update edition. DK Publishing, Inc., New York, NY. 720 pp. Anderson, E.N. 2002. Some preliminary observations on the California black walnut ( Juglans califomica). Fremontia 30(1):12— 19. Barbour, M.G., P.A. Castelfranco, R.W. Pearcy and M. Rejmanek. 2002. An appreciation of Jack Major, 1917-2001. Fremontia 30(1):20— 23. Barbour, M.G. & C.W. Witham. 2004. Islands within islands: viewing vernal pools differently. Fremontia 32(2):3-9. Barrows, C. W. 1994. Tamarisk control: a success story. Fremontia 22(3): 20-27. Brickell, C. & T. Cole (eds.) 2002. The American Horticultural Society encyclopedia of plants & flowers. Rev. update edition. DK Publishing, Inc., New York, NY. 720 pp. Brown, P.M. 2003. The wild orchids of North America, north of Mexico. Univ. Press of Florida, Gainesville, FL. 236 pp. Bryan, J. 1995. Manual of bulbs. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 4 46 pp. Bulman, T.L. 1988. The eucalyptus in California. Fremontia 16(l):24-27. Burrows. G.E. & R.K. Tyrl. 2001. Toxic plants of North America. Iowa State Univ. Press, Ames, IA. 1342 p Busco, J. & N.R. Morin. 2003. Native plants for high-elevation western gardens. Fulcrum Publ. & Flagstaff Arboretum, Golden, CO. 352 pp, photos of 150 plants. California Department of Fish and Game. 2003. Atlas of the biodiversity of California. California Department of Fish and Game, Sacramento, CA. 103 pp. 66 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] Carlquist, S. 2002. Wood anatomy and successive cambia in Simmondsia (Simmondsiaceae): evidence for inclusion in Caryophyllales s.l. Madrono 49:158-164. , B.G. Baldwin and G.D. Carr, eds. 2003. Tarweeds and silverswords: evolution of the Madiinae (Asteraceae). Missouri Bot. Gard. Press, St. Louis, MO. 294 pp. Chipping, D. 2005. The CNPS conservation program. Fremontia 33(3): 10-1 7. Clebsch, B. 1997. A book of Salvias: sages for every garden. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 269 pp. . 2003. The new book of Salvias: sages for every garden. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 344 pp. Cooper, J.G. 1869. The naturalist in California. Amer. Naturalist 3(4): 182-1 89 [mentions plants and animals in southern CA]. Cornett, J.W. 2002. How Indians used desert plants. Nature Trails Press, Palm Springs, CA. 64pp. Dark, S.J. 2004. The biogeography of invasive alien plants in California: an application of GIS and spatial regression analysis. Diversity and Distributions 10:1-9. Dean, E. 2002. Upcoming changes in flowering plant family names: those pesky taxonomists are at it again. Fremontia 30(2):3-12. . 2003. In memoriam: Dr. Herbert Baker (1920-2001). Fremontia 3 1(1):23 — 25. DuBois, B. 2003. Sex life of the southern spikeweed Centromadia parryi ssp. australis [Asteraceae: Madiinae]. Crossosoma 28:17-25. Duvall, P. 2005. Native horticulture: who needs it? The CNPS horticulture program. Fremontia 33(2): 1 0 — 1 1, 14. Earle, W. A. 1980. Cacti of the Southwest. Rev. Desert Bot. Gard., Phoenix, A Z. 208 pp., illus. Edwards, S.W. 2004. Paleobotany of California. Four Seasons 12:3-75. Eggli, U. & H.E.K.. Hartmann, eds. 2001. Illustrated handbook of succulent plants: monocotyledons. Springer, New York, NY. 354 pp; illustrations.fi Epple, A.O. & L.E. Epple. 1995. A field guide to the plants of Arizona. Lew Ann Publ. Co., Mesa, A Z. 347 pp.; 853 illus. Fellows, M.Q.N. & J.B. Zedler. 2005. Effects of the non-native grass, Parapholis incurva (Poaceae) on the rare and endangered hemiparasite, Cordylanthus maritimus subsp. maritimus (Scrophulariaceae) [now Orobanchaceae], Madrofio 52:91-98. Flietner, D. 2002. CNPS lawsuits bring results [8 rare and endangered plants of southern CA discussed], California Native Plant Society San Diego Chapter Newsletter August: 3^1. Flora of North America Ed. Comm. 2002. Vol. 26: Magnoliophyta, Liliidae, Liliales and Orchidales. Oxford Univ. Press, New York, NY. 723 pp. Gaskin, J.F. and B.A. Schaal. 2003. Molecular phylogenetic investigation of U.S. invasive Tamarix. Syst. Bot. 28:86-95. & P.B. Shafroth. 2005. Hybridization of Tamarix ramosissima and T. chinensis (saltcedars) with T. aphylla (athel) (Tamaricaceae) in the southwestern USA determined from DNA sequence data. Madrofio 52:1-10. Geneeve, R. 2000. A book of blue flowers. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 328 pp. Grey-Wilson, C. 2000. Clematis, the genus: a comprehensive guide for gardeners, horticulturists Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 67 and botanists. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 224 pp, 169 color photos. Hannon, D.P. 2002 (for 2001). Crossosomataceae: a family primer. Crossosoma 27(2): 29-34. Harlow, N. & K. Jakob (eds.) 2003. Wild lilies, irises, and grasses: gardening with California monocots. Univ. Calif. Press, Los Angeles, CA. 274 pp. Harris, J.G. & M.W. Harris. 2003. Plant identification terminology: an illustrated glossary. 2nd edition. Spring Lake Publ., Spring Lake, UT. 206 pp. Henrickson, J. 2001. Systematics and relationships of Fallugia (Rosoideae-Rosaceae). Aliso 20:1-15. Hochstatter, F. 2002. Yucca II (Agavaceae) Indehiscent-fruited species in the Southwest, Midwest and East of the USA . Hochstatter, Mannheim, Germany. 339 pp. Johnson, S. 1987. Can tamarisk be controlled? Fremontia 15(2): 19-20. Jones, C., ed. 2004. Fodor’s National parks of the west, 2nd ed. Fodor’s Travel Publ., New York, NY. 584 pp. Jones, D.L. 1987. Encyclopedia of ferns. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 450 pp. Keator, G. 2004. Across California: a look at how geography and climate affect vegetation. Manzanita 8:1, 6-8. . 2005. Growing natives: California buckeye. Fremontia 33(1):29. iCelch, D.G. 2002. Consider the lilies. Fremontia 30(2):29. (Ceeler-Wolf, T. & J. M. Evens. 2005. CNPS vegetation program: a fresh look back and a new look forward. Fremontia 33(3): 18-23. Kellman, K. 2003. The role of the amateur in bryology: tales of an amateur bryologist. Fremontia 3 1(3):21— 25. fCibbe, A.L. 1953. Afield with plant lovers and collectors. Botanical correspondence of the late Harry N. Patterson with the great botanical collectors and distributors of America from 1870 to 1919. Publ. by Editor, Carthage College, Carthage, IL and Gem City Business College, Quincy, IL. 565 pp. [with short biographies of the botanists included and often with lists of specimens collected in southern CA and elsewhere]. Coslosky, M. 2005. A case for how local is local. Fremontia 33(2): 12-1 3. Cremen, C., R.L. Bugg, N. Nicola, S.A. Smith, R.W. Thorp and N.M. Williams. 2003. Native bees, native plants, and crop pollination in California. Fremontia 30(3-4):41-49. Crist, J. 2004. 50 best short hikes in California deserts, in and around Death Valley, Joshua Tree and Mojave. Wilderness Press, Berkeley, CA. 204 pp. Cruckeberg, A.R. 2002. Geology and plant life: the effects of landforms and rock types on plants. Univ. of Washington Press, Seattle, WA. 363 pp. .angenheim, J.H. 2003. Plant resins: chemistry, evolution, ecology, ethnobotany. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 586 pp. [Includes Burseraceae]. .indsay, G. 1955. Notes concerning the botanical explorers and exploration of Lower California, Mexico: a paper prepared for Biology 199, Stanford Univ. Reprinted by Belvedere Sci. Fund. 112 pp; map. sticking, R. 2003. From the archives: bryophytes and lichens. Fremontia 3 1 (3):39 — 43. ,yons, G. & M. Levick. 2000. Desert gardens. Rizzoli, New York, NY. 176 pp. .utsko, R. 2003. Wayne Roderick (1920-2003). Fremontia 31 (4): 29-31. 68 Crossosoma 3 1 (2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] Machol, G.K. 2004. From spore to sporeling: the birth of a fern. Fremontia 32(2): 101 5. MacKay, P. 2003. Mojave Desert wildflowers. Falcon Guide, Globe Pequot Press, Guilford. Conn. 338 pp; illustrations. McCondochie, J. 2004. On growing natives from seed. Manzanita 8:3-5. McGary, J. 2001. Bulbs of North America. North American Rock Garden Soc. Publ., Timber Press, OR. 308 pp.; 101 color photos. McRae, E.A. 1998. Lilies: a guide for growers and collectors. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 392 pp. Mishler, B.D. 2003. The biology of bryophytes, with special reference to water. Fremontia 31(3):34— 38. Moerman, D.E. 1998. Native American ethnobotany. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 927 pp. Moran, R.C. 2004. A natural history of ferns. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 302 pp; 145 illustrations. Morhardt, S & E. 2004. California desert flowers: an introduction to families, genera, and species. Univ. Calif. Press, Berkeley, CA. 284 pp.; many colored photos. Munz, P.A., (D. Lake & P.M. Faber, eds.). 2003. Introduction to shore wildflowers of California, Oregon, and Washington. Univ. Calif. Press, Los Angeles, CA. 234 pp.; 181 color photos, 1 80 line illustrations, & 2 maps. Munz, P.A., (D. Lake & P.M. Faber, eds.). 2004. Introduction to California spring wildflowers of the foothills, valleys, and coast, rev. ed. Univ. Calif. Press, Los Angeles, CA. 291 pp. Munz, P.A. (D. Lake & P.M. Faber, eds.). 2003. Introduction to California mountain wildflowers, rev. ed. Univ. Calif. Press, Los Angeles, CA. 247 pp.; 187 color photos, 2 maps. Munz, P.A., (D.L. Renshaw & P.M. Faber, eds.). 2004. Introduction to California desert wildflowers, rev. ed. Univ. Calif. Press, Los Angeles, CA. 235 pp. Norris, D. 2003. A conversation about mosses, liverworts, and homworts. Fremontia 31(3): 5- 11. O’Brien, B.C. 2000. California native plant gardens: care and maintenance. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA. 14 pp. Olmstead, R.G. 2002. Whatever happened to the Scrophulariaceae? Fremontia 30(2): 13-22. Omduff, R., P.M. Faber, & T. Keeler-Wolf. 2003. Introduction to California plant life, rev. ed. Univ. Calif. Press, Los Angeles, CA. 341 pp.; 156 color ill., 4 maps, & 8 tables. Perlmutter, G.B. 2004. Aspects of reproductive biology in the sexually dimorphic shrub Malosma laurina (Anacardiaceae). Madrono 5 1 :293-300. Peterson, P.M., J. Cayouette, Y.S.N., Ferdinandez, B. Coulman and R.E. Chapman. 2001. Recognition of Bromus richardsonii and B ciliatus : evidence from morphology, cytology, and DNA fingerprinting (Poaceae: Bromeae). Aliso 20:21-36. Peterson, T. 2001. How to comment on a CEQA document. Fremontia 29(3-4):27-37. Pires, J.C., I.J. Maureira, J.P. Rebman, G.A. Salazar, L.I. Cabrera, M.F. Fay & M.W. Chase. 2004. Molecular data confirm the phylogenetic placement of the enigmatic Hesperocallis (Hesperocallidaceae) with Agave. Madrono 51:307-31 1. Pitschel, B.M. 2005. Dr. Elizabeth McClintock: 1912-2004. Fremontia 33(2):30. Pomeroy, E. 2004. Theodore Payne in his own words: a voice for California native plants. Many Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 69 Moons Press, Pasadena, CA. 224 pp. Powell, J.A. 2003. Lepidopteran caterpillars feeding on California native plants. Fremontia 30(3- 4):5 — 14. Preston-Mafham, R. & K. Preston-Mafham. 2003. Cacti, the illustrated dictionary. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 224 pp. Pridgeon, A. 1992. The illustrated encyclopedia of orchids. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 304 pp.; 1000 color photos. Purcell, R. 2001. Portraits of nature. Purcell studios, Henderson, NV. 205 pp. Raven, P.H. 2004. Biodiversity and stewardship: a common responsibility. Fremontia 32(3): 3-9. Rebman, J.P., T.A. Oberbaur & J.L. Leon de la Luz. 2002. The flora of Toro Islet and notes on Guadalupe Island, Baja California, Mexico. Madrono 49:145-149. Rice, G. 1999. Discovering annuals. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 192 pp. Riefner, R.E., Jr., P.A. Bowler, T.W. Mulroy & C. Wishner. 2004 (for 2003). Lichens on rock and biological crusts enhance recruitment success of rare Dudleya species (Crassulaceae) in southern California. Crossosoma 29(1): 1 — 36. Rosatti, T.J. 2003. Jepson online interchange for California floristics. Fremontia 31 (2):23-29. Rubinoff, D. 2003. Endangered plants as guides for saving endemic insects in California. Fremontia 30(3-4):62-66. Rush, E. 2004. Katherine Layne Curran Brandegee, an uncompromising rebel. Fremontia : 32(2):24-27. Sandquist, D.R. 2004. Compensatory foliage growth response to partial defoliation in the desert perennial shrub Encelia farinosa (Asteraceae). Madrofio 51 :301— 306. Schick, K.N. 2003. Cynipid-induced galls and California oaks. Fremontia 30(3-4): 15-1 8. Shevock, J.R. 2003. Moss geography and floristics in California. Fremontia 3 1(3): 12- 20. Sigg, J. 2003. Triple threat from South Africa [incl. Ehrharta erecta & Oxalis pes-caprae ]. Fremontia 31 (4):2 1-28. Sommer, B. & B. Sommer. 2004. Into the sunlight: from fungus to flower identification. Fremontia 32(4): 16-1 9. Sosa, V. & M.W. Chase. 2003. Phylogenetics of Crossosomataceae based on rbcL sequence data. Syst. Bot. 28:96-105. Stanton, A.E. & J.M. DiTomaso. 2004. Growth response of Cortaderia selloana and Cortaderia jubata (Poaceae) seedlings to temperature, light, and water. Madrono 51:312-321. Stark, L.R. 2003. Mosses in the desert? Fremontia 3 1 :26-33. Stephenson, R. 1994. Sedum, cultivated stonecrops. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 356 pp. Stevens, M.L. 2004. White root ( Carex barbarae). Fremontia 32(4): 3-6. . 2004. Ethnoecology of selected California wetland plants. Fremontia 32(4):7— 1 5. Strong, K. 2003. Off the beaten path, southern California, 5th ed. Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT. 246 pp. Strother, J.L. and B.G. Baldwin. 2002. Hymenocleas are Ambrosias (Compositae). Madrono 49:143-144. Sumner, J. 2000. The natural history of medicinal plants. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 252 pp. fhoms, G. 2005. California’s milkweeds. Manzanita 91:1, 6-11. 70 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] Thome, R.F. 1999 (for 1998). A bibliography of floristics in southern California. Crossosoma 24:1-110. . 2002 (for 2001). A bibliography of floristics in southern California: addendum number I . Crossosoma 27:35-48. & J.L. Reveal. 2005. An updated classification of the class Magnoliopsida (“Angiospermae”). ( http://www.rsabg.org/research). Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA. Thorp, R.W., P.C. Schroeder and C.S. Ferguson. 2003. Bumble bees: boisterous pollinators of native California flowers. Fremontia 30(34):26-31. Tomlinson, M. 2005. The California Native Plant Society at the state level: who we are and what we do. Fremontia 33(1): 1 1—17. Toomey, M. & E. Leeds. 2001. An illustrated encyclopedia of Clematis. Timber Press, Portland, OR. 428 pp.; 652 color photos. True, G.H., Jr. 2003. The evolution of a botanist [biography of Gordon True, Jr.] The Four Seasons. 12:6-8. Tucker, J.M. 2004. June McCaskill (1930-2001). Fremontia 32(2): 19-23 Wallace, M.D. 1996. America’s deserts: guide to plants and animals. Fulcrum Kids, Golden, CO. 48 pp. Ward, M. & A. Howald. 2005. The California Native Plant Society’s rare plant program: 37 years of plant science. Fremontia 33(2): 17-23. Wilson, C.A. 2003. Phylogenetic relationships in Iris series Califomicae based on ITS sequences of nuclear ribosomal DNA. Syst. Bot. 28:39-46. Wishner, C. 2003. Photograph: ring pattern of growth exhibited by laurel sumac ( Malosma laurina [Anacardiaceae]). Crossosoma 28(2):26. Witham, C.W. 2004. Vernal pool and grassland resources. Fremontia 32(2):28. . 2005. The California Native Plant Society: its mission, history, and heart. Fremontia 33(1):3 — 10 [includes “Seven southern chapters of the California Native Plant Society”]. Wood, D.L. and A.J. Storer. 2003. Bark beetles infesting California’s conifers. Fremontia 30(3- 4): 19-25. Part 2: Literature Pertinent to Local Areas Anonymous. 1989. Control of the aliens: unnatural plant communities in the Santa Monica Mountains. Fremontia 17(2):22-24. Bowler, P.A. and D. Bramlet. 2003. Vascular plants of the University of California, Irvine Ecological Preserve [Orange Co.]. Crossosoma 28:27-49. & M.A. Elvin. 2004 (for 2003). The vascular plant checklist for the University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. Crossosoma 29:45-66. Boyd, S. 2001. New records for the vascular flora of the Santa Ana Mountains, California. Aliso 20:43^4. . & J.E. Keeley. 2002. A new Ceanothus (Rhamnaceae) species [C. boloensis S. Boyd & J. Keeley] from northern Baja California [Cerro Bolo], Mexico. Madrono 49:289-294. Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 71 Burrascano, C. 2002. MSCP annual report [status of about 10 rare and endangered plants of San Diego Co. discussed]. California Native Plant Society San Diego Chapter Newsletter, November. Cornett, J.W. 1996. Death Valley National Park: answers to frequently asked questions [Colorado Desert]. Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs, CA. 28 pp. . 1989. Desert palm oasis [Colorado Desert]. Palm Springs Desert Museum, Palm Springs, CA. 48 pp. Fraga, N. 2004 (for 2003). The vascular flora of the Owens Peak eastern watershed: a review of progress [Kern Co.]. Crossosoma 29:41—43. Fuentes, L. & B. O’Brien. 1998. California oaks trail guide. Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden, Claremont, CA. 32 pp. Gillespie, L.G. 2002 (for 2001). Competition between Erodium macrophyllum [Geraniaceae] and exotic and native species in a southern California annual grassland [Riverside Co.] Crossosoma 27:24—27. Greer, K. & H. Cheong. 2005. Saving a rare plant in an urban environment [Monardella linoides A. Gray ssp. viminea (E. Green) Abrams, Lopez Cyn., San Diego Co.]. Fremontia 33(1 ): 18- 22. Ljubenkov, J.A.S. & T.S. Ross. 2002 (for 2001). An annotated checklist of the vascular plants of the Whittier Hills, Los Angeles County, California. Crossosoma 27:1-23. Martin. B.D. 1984. Distribution and niche partitioning of Downingia bella and Downingia cuspidata (Campanulaceae) in the vernal pools of the Santa Rosa Plateau Preserve, California Ph.D Dissertation, Loma Linda Univ. 120 pp. Moran, R. 2001. Fraxinus parryi, nom. nov. of NW Baja California, Mexico [and San Diego Co.]. Aliso 20:17-20. Perry, R.C. 1992. Landscape plants for western regions: an illustrated guide to plants for water conservation. Land Design Publishing, Claremont, CA. 3 1 8 pp. Prigge, B.A. 2002. A new species of Prunus (Rosaceae) from the Mojave Desert of California [Prunus eremophila Prigge]. Madrono 49:285-288. Riefner, R.E., Jr., S. Boyd. 2004 (for 2003). Malacothrix saxatilis (Nuttall) Torrey & A. Gray var saxatilis (Asteraceae) discovered in Orange County, southern California. Crossosoma 29:67- 69, 73. , , & R.J. Shlemon. 2002 (for 2001). Noteworthy collection: Eleocharis obtusa (Willdenow) Schultes var. engelmannii (Steudel) Gilly (Cyperaceae) [also Psilocarphus tenellus Nutt. var. globiferus (DC.) Morefield (Asteraceae)] new to southern California [Riverside Co.]. Crossosoma 27:49-51. , G.F. Pratt and R.J. Shlemon. 2003. A rare soil lichen, an endangered butterfly, and open habitat soils: interacting components requiring protection in southern California [inch the Shipley Multi-species Reserve habitat ecology, western Riverside Co.] Crossosoma 28:1-8. Robinson, J.W. 1983. The San Gabriels II. The mountains from Monrovia Canyon to Lytle Creek. Big Santa Anita Historical Soc., Arcadia. CA. 224 pp. . 1989. The San Bernardinos: the mountain country from Cajon Pass to Oak Glen. Two centuries of changing use. Big Santa Anita Historical Soc., Arcadia, CA. 256 pp. 72 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] . 1991. The San Gabriels: the mountain country from Soledad Canyon to Lytle Creek. Big Santa Anita Historical Soc., Arcadia, CA. 31 1 pp. . 2002. Trails of the Angeles. 100 hikes in the San Gabriels. 7th ed. Wilderness Press, Berkeley, CA. 191 pp.; trail map. Schad, J. 2003. Afoot and afield in Los Angeles County, 2nd ed. Wilderness Press, Berkeley, CA. 328 pp. Spellenberg, R. 2003. Sonoran Desert wildflowers: a field guide to common species of the Sonoran Desert, including Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, Saguaro National Park, Organ Pipe Cactus National Monument, Ironwood Forest National Monument, and the Sonoran portion of Joshua Tree National Park. Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, CT. 246 pp. Tweed, W.C. & L. Davis. 2003. Death Valley and the northern Mojave: a visitor’s guide. Cachuma Press, Los Olivos, CA. 106 pp. White, S.D. 2003. SCB commends field botanists for significant discoveries [T.S. Ross, for Arenaria macradenia S.Wats. var. kuschei (Eastw.)Maguire, Liebre Mts., Los Angeles Co.; K. Marsden for Eryngium pendletonensis Marsden & Simpson, Camp Pendleton, San Diego Co.; and D. York, for Eriogonum ovalifolium Nutt. Var. monarchense York, Kings River Basin, Kern Co.]. Crossosoma 28:13. . 2005 (for 2004). Noteworthy collections: Astragalus tricarinatus [San Bernardino Co,]; Horkelia cuneata Lindl. ssp. puberula and Quercus palmeri [ both Ventura Co.]. Crossosoma 30:23-25. Wiens, D., . L. Allphin, D.H. Mansfield & G. Thackray. 2004 (for 2002). Developmental failure and loss of reproductive capacity as a factor in extinction: a nine-year study of Dedeckera eurekensis (Polygonaceae). Aliso 21:55-63. [White & Last Chance Mts.] Wishner, C. 2003. Addendum III: Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains, Los Angeles and Ventura counties; synonymized checklist and index. Crossosoma 28:14-15. . 2004 (for 2003). Photograph: challenging terrain of the Owens Peak eastern watershed. Crossosoma 29:44. Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 73 NOTEWORTHY COLLECTION ASTRAGALUS BRAUNTONII Parish. (FABACEAE) - Orange County, northern Santa Ana Mountains; Caltrans debris basin in Coal Canyon wash about 100 feet south of Freeway 91 closed Coal Canyon offramp; USGS 7.5' Black Star Canyon Quadrangle; approximate location UTM (NAD83) 1 IS 0436356E 3748048N [33° 52' 22"N 117° 41* 17"E ]; elevation 163 m (530 ft). The A. brauntonii plant was uncommon in flood debris and sand adjacent to south side of a wooden coffer dam built across the basin, 24 November 2004, Elisabeth Landis # 701753 root, ,#70 17 54 shoot (RSA), and C. McLean, V. Arvizu, K. Ketsella. Previous knowledge. Astragalus brauntonii is a Federally Endangered species [US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), January 29, 1997, Federal Register (62 FR 4172)] occurring in a few disjunct populations in Ventura County, Los Angeles County and Orange County in southern California (D. Tibor, ed., 2001, California Native Plant Society 6th inventory, CNPS, Sacramento, CA). Many of the populations are in powerline easements, firebreaks, road casements, or near or in developed areas (USFWS, 1999, Recovery plan for xix plants from the nountains surrounding the Los Angeles basin. Portland, Oregon, pp. 3-12; pers. obs.). Typical soils for A. brauntonii populations are shallow ancient marine sediments overlying calcium-rich ocky substrates (Landis and Landis, in prep.). Habitat is chaparral or open sage scrub on rounded lilltops and slopes. Mitigation for the loss of these very rare plants consists generally of transplanting them or having hem grown in a nursery setting while their previous location is developed. The nursery plants hen are planted in tiny isolated "preserves" within the developed area. Transplantation of A. irauntonii, a short-lived perennial, has not proved successful (M. Meyer, pers. comm.) and there ire major questions about the survival of nursery-grown A. brauntonii out-planted as mitigations S. Jett and V. Arvizu, pers. comm.). ;or a proposed mitigation project in Dayton Canyon, Rancho Santa Ana Botanic Garden (RSA) s propagating A. brauntonii from cuttings and growing them in well-irrigated sandy potting soil n a shade house. The author removed and examined one nine-month-old A. brauntonii (with eedpods) from a one-gallon pot (Figure 2). It had clumps of feeder rootlets but no taproot - is his a typical root structure forM. brauntonii ? fhe best description of A. brauntonii root structure is given by Bameby (R. C. Bameby 1964, Ulas of North American Astragalus, Vol. 1, pg. 9, Bronx, New York, New York Botanic iarden): "The simple taproot is the basic type throughout the genus ( Astragalus ), and it is ubject to little modification, although it varies enormously in length and thickness depending on he species and the individual plant. In dry and porous soils the taproot plunges deeply before etting forth lateral feeding rootlets; in moister and heavier soils more numerous secondary roots re encouraged, and these arise more shortly below the often considerably thickened or knotty oot-crown. I know of no example of a truly fibrous root-system, although on occasion the lateral 74 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] roots may become nearly as thick as the central taproot." Significance. Determining the root structure of wild A. brauntonii required collecting an entire plant since no herbarium had both root and shoot of A. brauntonii. The plants may grow 1.5 m (5 ft) tall, so most existing collections are of branches. Because it is a protected species, entire specimens are not readily available. Caltrans, however, had permission from USFWS to remove one A. brauntonii from their debris basin in Coal Canyon so that the basin could be emptied of sediment. RSA agreed to curate the specimen. The plant shoot which was removed was about 0.5 m (20 in) tall (Figure 1). The top of the shoot was broken off, perhaps during flash floods of the previous winter, but there was new growth and the plant was healthy. We were told by Caltrans that this plant was about two years old. The stem above the root crown was buried about 5 cm (2 in) deep in sand and debris. The large taproot lost its tip during removal but probably was about 1 .5 m (5 ft) long. Thick lateral roots began about 0.3 m (11 in) below the soil surface, extending out at least 0.7 m (27 in). Feeder rootlets broke off as we dug the root ball out of wet loamy sand, as did the sheath on the larger roots. The sheath appeared to be bonded to the sand particles. Even with four of us working together, a significant proportion of nutrient-processing roots were lost in moving the plant to its container. Surface soil that might contain A. brauntonii seeds was removed, taken farther up the wash to a chaparral area burned in January 2002, and scattered near a healthy stand of A. brauntonii plants/ A soil sample taken at the unbumed collection site contained charred wood and matched soil sampled from the upper wash population. The A. brauntonii specimen was delivered immediately to the RSA herbarium. Having an entire specimen of an adult A. brauntonii to study may result in improved propagation and mitigation methodologies. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS: Many thanks to Kedest Ketsella of Caltrans; to Jonathon Snyder of USFWS; to Alissa Ing of State Parks; to Valentin Arvizu, Susan Jett and Sula Van der Plank of RSA for providing the necessary permissions, advice and aid to make this possible; to Cliff McLean for helping in the removal; and to Mary Meyer for information and advice. — Elisabeth Landis,. California Native Plant Society, Los Angeles / Santa Monica Chapter, 3908 Mandeville Canyon Road, Los Angeles, CA 90049. Figure l. Astragalus brauntonii roots and shoot, B. Eisenstein, 11/23/04. Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 75 Figure 2. Astragalus brauntonii roots from cutting, RSA nursery, 9 months old (9/1/04). 76 Crossosoma 31(2), Fall-Winter 2006 [issued June 2006] BOOK REVIEW San Diego County Native Plants (second edition) by Janies Lightner. 2006. San Diego Flora, San Diego, CA. 320pp. ISBN 0-9749981-1-7 $29.95. See www.sandiegoflora.com for a list of retailers carrying the book or for directions on how to purchase the book directly. Less than two full years after publishing the first edition of San Diego County Native Plants, James Lightner has released a much-expanded second edition of his book. This ambitious second effort is a dramatic improvement over the first edition, describing a whopping 1000 species - more than twice as many species as the original version. Impressively, this has been achieved with the addition of only 90 pages, keeping the guide at a size easily brought along into the field. Perhaps most notably, plants of the desert and desert transition areas have been included in this edition, as have many coastal, foothill, and mountain species not previously included. The already thorough introduction of the first edition has, in this edition, been supplemented with discussions of rare and endemic plants, landscaping with native plants and plant communities within the County, a brief section of illustrations of botanical concepts important in plant, identification, and an expanded listing of helpful references. The second edition is organized much like its predecessor. The book is divided into two main sections: (1) trees and shrubs and (2) herbaceous plants. This arrangement will prove useful to the amateur plant enthusiast who cannot immediately distinguish the plant families. The tree/shrub section is further divided into Gymnosperms, Angiosperms, and Monocots; the herbaceous plant section is divided into ferns, Dicots, lilies/irises, and grasses/sedges/rushes). Within each of these groups, families are listed alphabetically. This edition has incorporated the increasingly-accepted classifications of the Angiosperm Phylogeny Group (APG) while fisting traditional family classifications in brackets behind the APG family designation. Each species entry (or species group entry, as similar species are often treated together) gives an abundance of information, including: common and Latin names, native or non-native status (and if non-native, whether invasive), fife form (tree, shrub, annual, or perennial), geographic zone of occurrence (coastal, foothills, mountains, transition, or desert), indication of rarity, elevational range, identifying morphological or other characteristics, and anywhere from one to several photos to help ensure an accurate identification. For example, the fisting for sandpaper plant ( Petalonyx thurberi ssp. thurberi) includes three photos: a close-up of the inflorescence, a close- up of a branchlet, and a whole-plant photo showing the growth form of this shrub and the surrounding habitat in which the plant was found. To the delight of the zoologically-inclined, the photos often feature bird or insect visitors, suggesting another perspective from which to approach the study of San Diego’s native plants. To that end, this edition includes a fisting the of wildlife species shown in the photos, broken down according to page. The only color-photo, non-technical guide covering the entire County, San Diego County Native Crossosoma 31(2), Fall- Winter 2005 [issued June 2006] 77 Plants (second edition) does a remarkable job at packing a large amount of information into a highly useful and attractive package that is easy to carry into the field. The book has much to offer to the amateur and professional alike and should be in the field packs of all who wish to know the flora of San Diego County on any level. Michelle Balk, Dudek & Associates, Inc., 605 Third Street, Encinitas, CA 92024; mbalk@dudek. com Become a Member of Southern California Botanists Today! □ Individual (family) $15.00 □ New Member □ Organization $25.00 □ Renewal Name Address 1 Address 2 City State Zip code Phone (optional) E-mail address In addition, I would like to give $ to help support SCB. Make checks payable to Southern California Botanists and mail to: Alan P. Romspert Department of Biology California State University Fullerton, CA 92834 Garden U, Libra, 3 5185 00268 0252 Southern California Botanists, Inc. — Founded 1927 — Memberships, Subscriptions, and Back Issues Individual and Family Memberships in SCB are $1 5 per calendar year domestic, and $20 per year to foreign addresses. Membership includes two issues of CROSSOSOMA, and 5 or 6 issues of Leaflets, the newsletter of SCB. Leaflets provides time-dated information on activities and events that may be of interest to our membership. A subscription to CROSSOSOMA is available to libraries and institutions at the domestic rate of $25 per calendar year, and $30 to foreign institutions. Back issues (Volumes 18-present) are available for $5 each, or $10 for the volume, postpaid. Prior to Volume 18, CROSSOSOMA included time-dated notices to the membership and was published six times a year. These back issues of Volumes 1-17 are $1 each, or $6 per volume, postpaid. Some back issues that are out of stock may be provided as photocopies. SCB Special Publications No. 1 A Flora of the Santa Rosa Plateau, by Earl W. Lathrop and Robert F. Thome, 39 pp $7.00 No. 3 Endangered Plant Communities of Southern California, Proceedings of the 1 5th Annual SCB Symposium, edited by Allan A. Schoenherr, 1 14 pp $12.00 [Special Publication No. 2, Flora of the Santa Monica Mountains, 2nd ed., by Peter H. Raven, Henry J. Thompson, and Barry A. Prigge is out of print] By request, the following article has been reprinted separately, with covers, and is available for plant collecting workshops: Herbarium specimens as documents: purposes and general collecting techniques, by T.S. Ross [from CROSSOSOMA 22(l):3-39, 1996] $3.95 each; 10 for $22.50 Prices include California state sales tax, handling, and domestic postage. Applications for membership, requests for purchases of Special Publications and back issues, name or address corrections, and requests for replacement of lost or damaged CROSSOSOMA issues should be sent to Alan Romspert, Treasurer Southern California Botanists, Inc., Department of Biology, California State University, Fullerton, CA 92834, USA. Consult the website for current email contact information. Make your check or money order payable to Southern California Botanists, or SCB. http://socalbot.org cn to *2 .b "o ‘55 CO <8 •fH So o 01 > •P 6 'o •rH P o CQ a» VM O "2 <3 4-> u c 05 g a> c .nj 3 u 0> ts o u V) (0