ER SS CORNELL UNIVERSITY. THE Roswell P. Flower Librara THE GIFT OF ROSWELL P. FLOWER FOR THE USE OF THE N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE 1897 8394-1 Cornell University Library SF 961.881 ic IN 000 566 947 vet wl 3 1924 : | Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. VETERINARY MEDICINE SERIES No. 7 Edited by D. M. CAMPBELL, D. V. 5S. SPECIAL CATTLE THERAPY BY MART R. STEFFEN, M. D.C., V.S. Author of “SPECIAL VETERINARY THERAPY”; Editor “Therapeutic Digest Department,’ Am erican Journal of Veterinary Medicine Chicago AMERICAN JOURNAL OF VETERINARY MEDICINE 1915. 7 PREFACE Special Cattle Therapy was written to fill the de- mand for a concise, practical treatise on the treatment of the commoner diseases of cattle. As in ‘‘Special Veterinary Therapy’”’ no particular system of medicine is advocated, practical procedures only being given attention; especially, such treatments and methods of handling as the author’s experience has suggested as being successful. While every effort has been made to harmonize all procedures with the teachings of veterinary science as far as is consistent, scientific teachings have been sac- rificed where the ultimate result has demanded methods of treatment bordering on the empirical. Where such sacrifice has been made, however, an attempt is made in every instance to explain the action and effect of empirical methods on a scientific basis. MART R. STEFFEN. Brillion, Wis. August, 1915. ThE EXCELLZERCE OF EVERY) ART MUST CONSIST IW THE COMPLETE ACCOMPLISHMERT OF 1TS PURPOSE INTRODUCTION The Action of Drugs Of all the domestic animals cattle, more particularly dairy cattle, respond most satisfactorily to the action of drugs.