“ ALBERT R. MANN LIBRARY NEw YORK STATE COLLEGES OF AGRICULTURE AND HOME ECONOMICS AT CORNELL UNIVERSITY IT The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924000659122 THE PAY Soli), INSTITUTED MDCCCXLIV. LONDON. MDCCCLITT, +7 { [4 BOTANICAL AND PHYSIOLOGICAL ee MEMOIRS, CONSISTING OF L—THE PHENOMENON OF REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE, ESPECIALLY IN THE LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS. te BY DR. A. BRAUN. . / TRANSLATED BY A. HENFREY, F.R.S., ETC. IL—ON THE ANIMAL NATURE OF THE DIATOMEA, WITH AN ORGANOGRAPHICAL REVISION OF THE GENERA ESTABLISHED BY KÜTZING. BY PROFESSOR G. MENEGHINI. TRANSLATED BY CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON, M.R.C.S.E. IL—AN ABSTRACT OF THE NATURAL HISTORY OF PROTOCOCCUS PLUVIALIS. BY DR. FERDINAND COHN. BY GEORGE BUSK, F.R.S., ETC. ARTHUR HENFREY, F.R.S., F.L.S. LONDON: PRINTED FOR THE RAY SOCIETY. MDCCCLIIT. 318161 uF. ADLARD, PRINTER, BARTHOLOMEW CLOSE. CONTENTS. On THE PHENOMENON OF REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE . 3 1 » ANIMAL NATURE OF THE DIATOMER . R 343 515 NATURAL History oF PROTOCOCCUS PLUVIALIS . # Bry REFLECTIONS ON THE PHENOMENON OF REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE, ESPECIALLY IN THE LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS. By Dr. ALEXANDER BRAUN, PROFESSOR OF BOTANY IN THE UNIVERSITY OF BERLIN, &c. &c. (Leırsıc, 1851.) TRANSLATED BY ARTHUR HENFREY, F.R.S., F.L.S., Ere. TO THE READER. Tue present ‘Treatise ‘On the Phenome non of Rejuvenes- cence in Nature, especially in the Life and Development of Plants,’ was issued to a small circle in May of last year, from the High School of Freiburg, in the Breisgau, to which the Author at that time belonged, and for which it was especially composed, as a Prorectorate Address ; its publication to wider circles of the Scientific world has been delayed by many circumstances, partly connected with the change of residence of the Author, through his call to the High School of Giessen ; partly in consequence of the events which afflicted the country with dissensions, and obstructed the calm progress of scientific undertak- ings. Nevertheless, the Author hopes that the substance of the Essay, which contains an attempt to combine the special branches of Botanical research more intimately together and with the entire body of Science, by means of certain connecting ideas, and to grasp and trace out the old questions under a new point of view, has not meanwhile grown out of date, so that he may venture to comply with friendly requisitions from many quarters, and x PREFACE, deliver over his little work to more general diffusion. May the reader receive it kindly, as a little nail in the great structure which Natural Science has to erect, to which each labourer seeks to add his contribution in his own way, and to work for which, with voice and pen, is the endeavour, the life, and the happiness of the Naturalist THE AUTHOR. Giussen ; February, 1851. Since the original of this work was published, the Author has been chosen to succeed the late Professor Link in the University of Berlin; and now occupies a position commensurate with his numerous and elaborate contributions to Science. Modestly as he speaks of this remarkable work, the Translator has no hesitation in designating it one of the most important of modern con- tributions to the Philosophy of Botany. Without enter- ing into the discussion of the curious speculations indicated in the title, attention is especially to be called to the lucid exposition of the Morphology of Plants, and to the definite establishment and full illustration of the laws of this branch of botanical science; to the section upon Cell-formation, again, which constitutes a body of fact and theory of the utmost importance to Physiology, Animal as well as Vegetable, since, bringing together and completing the various recent publications on the PREFACE. xl subject of cell-development, it clearly demonstrates the necessity of reforming the older views of the character of cellular structures, and, in showing the incontestible evidence now existing as to the essentially primary nature of the cell-contents or protoplasmic structures, at once levels the new field of investigation in Plants, and affords a basis for the clearing up of the analogies existing between the Animal and Vegetable tissues. The Translator has confined himself to a careful rendering ofthe text and a slight amplification of the refer- ences, especially in cases where English translations exist of the works quoted. To have revised, in accordance with the present condition of knowledge, certain of the speculations which are now a little out of date, would have been interfering too far with the Author; but the sources are indicated whence the more recent facts may be obtained. A.H. Lonpon ; September, 1853. SUMMARY OF THE CONTENTS. PAGE Prerace: Origin and object of the Treatise, with addenda to certain special parts . : Inrropuction: Reflections on the appearance ail the Sante Nature of Rejuvenescence in general; passing to the Phenomena of Reju- venescence in Plants, more particularly, divided into three sections 1. Formation or Sprouts as the means of Rejuvenescence of the Vegetable stock 1. Individual nature of the Sprouts 2. Formation of sprouts as subordinate beprodustiin, and aller nation of generations of the plant caused thereby a. Origin of sprouts b. Deficiencies of them . c. Complementary conditions d. Distinction of essential and inessential sprouts e. Importance of the latter in reference to a Character a : ß Economy of Vegetable life . J. Transitional cases : 11. LEAF-FORMATION, giving rise to the subdivisions of the Rejuvenes- cence in the single sprout : 1. Phenomena of Rejuvenescence in the aprout chreugli retro gressive and vibratory course of the Metamorphosis 9. The ascending Metamorphosis considered in its risings and sinkings a. Summary ai the Leaf- cannitions b. Change of proportionate breadth of the base of the leaf in the different leaf-formations c. The samein the longitudinal development of the leet, d. Disappearance of leaf-formation in particular regions. 3. The individual leaves as links of Rejuvenescence in the course of Metamorphosis ix 101 XIV CONTENTS. PAGE a. Criticism of Schultz’s doctrine of the Anaphyta of the plant . 102 d. Criticism of E. Meyer’s and aller views of the building up of the plant out of leaves ; and also of Steenstrup’s view of the Alternation of Generations in the plant 106 ce. Relation of the stem to leaf-formations . . 108 Explained by the examination of the fundamental organs of the plant i 5 . 109 d. Course of formation of the leaf . ‘ .112 e. Observations on Phyllotaxy a ‘ . 116 111. CELL-FORMATION, constituting the immediate focus of the pheno- mena of Rejuvenescence : : . 121 1. Formation of the Cell, sent . 123 a. Departure of the plant and of the Vegetuble kingdom from the simple cell e . 124 a, Unicellular nn in the different senses of the term . 124 8. Graduated succession of Multi. edllular plants . 130 b. The single cell, examined by itself . i . 155 a. The various meanings of the word Cell . . 155 8. Membrane and contents of the Cell : . 155 y. Cells without membrane i . 156 6. Coat of the contents pvimnonitial utricle) . . 156 &. Further subdivision of the contents ‘ . 169 « Nucleus. . 174 2. Destruction of the Cell, a preparatory © condition to its Bafa venescence B . 176 A. The Cell-membrane . 3 ‘i . 176 a. Dissolution of this e 4 = 177 a. Through tearing 177 ß. Through complete peeling (Sidubitig of the cell) 180 y. Escape of the Rejuvenescent cell from the old coat (demonstrated more particularly in the active gonidia of the Alye) ; . 182 6, Examples of imperfect liberation of gonidia . 187 8. Softening and Solution of the Cell-membrane . 189 ». Processes of Destruction in the contents of the cell 195 w. Solution of Starch . ‘ ‘ . 196 6. Disappearance of Fat. 5 : . 202 Caused by previous desiccation . . 205 (Illustrated by the history of Chlamidococeus aul Chlamidomonas) . ; ‘ . 205 CONTENTS. XV PAGE e. Relation of these phenomena to the interchange of substances in animals d. The nocturnal respiration of plants e. The phenomenon of Rejuvenescence of the Cell in its relation to the periods of the day . 3. Reconstruction of the Cell, considered as a process of Rejuve- nescence Kind and degree of Rasonstruetion : A. Reconstruction without division of the cell B. With division into two Daughter-cells : (Different descriptions of this by Mohl, Unger, and Nägeli) a. Division by gradual constriction (confirmed in Spi- rogyra) d. Division with Snellansoni (e) ietiagion over the whole plane of division B*, Reconstruction with division into two cells, one srenatiiog as an unchanged Mother-cell, the other cut off as a Danghter-cell (cell-formation by constriction). c. Reconstruction with division into four Daughter-cells Connection of this with halving D. Reconstruction with division into an indefinite Amber of Daughter-cells : 1, By division of contents filling fie whole ori of the cell 2. By division of a layer of Korte gene. the wall of the Mother-cell (explained specially in Hydrodictyon) Connecting case =. Partial Reconstruction through (nestor of Daaahtans cells inthe contents of theindependently surviving Mother-cell 1. The Daughter-cells produced close upon the cell-wall 2. The Daughter-cells formed free in the contents a. Formation of a free Daughter-cell around the pri- mary nucleus of the Mother-cell 4. Formation of free Daughter-cells around secondary nuclei ‘ a, Formation of the Se vesicles of the Pha- nerogamia 8. Of the transitory cells in the anbrye! sac y. Of the endosperm cells ö. Cases of abnormal cell-formation 4, Appendix, on the union of a mr Cells (Con- jugation) . 217 . 219 . 221 . 226 . 229 . 232 233 . 237 . 247 . 250 . 254 . 256 . 259 . 259 261 .271 272 272 . 274 . 275 . 276 . 276 . 278 . 278 . 281 . 281 XV1 CONTENTS. PAGE Attempt to classify the numerous kinds of Conjugation : A. Conjugation of Similar cells, with the subordinate modif- cations 284 B. Conjugation of Dissimilar cells . 296 Excluded cases . . 298 305 Conciupine RRFLECTIONS . Connection of the Tieivenevoenee of the Individual with that of the Species - 306 a. Examination of the ehachehien of Ehe anges and Ferns in reference to this . 808 4. The formation of Varieties, in its felusion to the history of the Individuals and of the Species . . 311 c. Examination of Hybrids (with a particular deinen of the behaviour of Cytisus Adami) . . 316 2. Analogous ascent in the higher systematic Ginistous; from the species to the genus, family, order, class, &e. . . 822 3. Rejuvenescence as universal Phenomenon of the course of De- velopment of Nature, in detail and as a whole, as the expres- sion of a constantly re-awakened recollection ofthe inherent Vital Purpose. ‘ 4 324 EXPLANATION OF THE PLATES 327 InpEx . ¥ ; ‘ ‘ 337 ADDENDUM. At page 9, line 5, insert after “ Rheum with 6, outer, shorter, and 3 inner, longer ;” “in Polygonum with 5, outer, shorter, and 3 inner, longer.” PREFACE. Tax idea carried out in the following treatise, namely, of grouping together the phenomena of the graduated organisation of plants, and those of their reproduction, under a common point of view, as processes of Rejuvenes- cence, and of subjecting them to a minute examination under this point of view, was awakened in my mind several years ago, through an investigation of Hydrodictyon, and aroused anew at the end of that autumn of 1848 through the discovery of the mode of reproduction of Pediastrum, a genus of most elegant little Algee, which are still included by many authors in the Animal Kingdom. At the Annual meeting of our local Association for the ad- vancement of the Natural Sciences, on the 4th of December of the same year, I endeavoured, in a public lecture, apropos to the description of the course of formation and reproduction of the genus of Algze just named, to develope this idea, and to show that it is the power of Rejuvenes- cence which principally distinguishes organic from inor- ganic existence, since it is to this that we must ascribe, both the graduated progression of the development of the individual organism, and the repetition of individuals by reproduction. When in the spring of last year, the confidence of my colleagues, and the grace of his Royal b xvil PREFACE. Highness the Grand-Duke, the most serene Rector of our High School, conferred the Prorectorate upon me, I determined to make this subject, which appeared both capable of a profound treatment and of general interest, the basis of the Introductory Programme which, in accord nce with the good old custom, the Prorector “lists in honour of the birthday of the exalted Patron aud Rector of the High School, our beloved native Prince. The main thoughts were soon arranged, and the outlines traced; the illustrative examples added to the text were to be worked out during the printing of the essay, and the natural history of some of the genera of Algze more particularly remarkable in reference to the subject, (Pediastrum, Characium, Hydrodictyon, As- cidium, Sciadium, Palmoglea, &c.) was to be given in an appendix. But the storm of the revolution, which broke out in May, and shook our blessed fatherland to the very foundations of its existence, soon interrupted the incipient labours ; for our High School was threatened by the tempestuous waves, and it was at the cost of care and severe effort alone, that the threadsof scientific activity were protected from total disruption in the midst of the session. But, in the ever-memorable days of July, when the fermenting elements of social dissolution, which we at length saw gathered within our walls, had vanished before the helpful Brother-hand, strong in the spirit of order, like the shades of night before the sun’s light ; when in the following month our beloved ruler was enabled to return to his blinded people, who, ungrateful for his beneficence, had risen in opposition to him; the season was too far advanced, for the projected discourse to be properly carried out in time, on the basis which PREFACE. xix had been previously laid down. Consequently, to avoid offering anything hasty and unworthy of the High School, and yet to avoid withdrawing this essay from the des- tination to which it had been as a labour of love devoted, there remained nothing else, but to make it follow the invitation to the celebration of the Royal birthday, as a subsequent secondary tribute. The reasons why it has been delayed until now, lie partly in the manifold re- tardations through current official duties, and partly in the nature of the subject itself, which claimed more time and space in the elaboration of the details, than could be guessed in the original project. For, in the publica- tion of phenomena as yet little known, the examples cited could not well be mentioned without an exact account of personal observations, which rendered neces- sary repeated diffusive episodes, in which both the vo- taries of the Morphology and Anatomy of Plants, and Physiologists in particular, will find many novelties. Where I have depended on the observations of others, the sources are conscientiously mentioned; I connected with this point also the design, to point out to the young who are just entering the realms of Science, who, more- over, were especially kept in view throughout the whole exposition of the chosen subject, the authors who deserve confidence, and from whose writings may be discerned, not only the present state of Scientific Botany, but the problems growing out of this, which will next require to be solved. I had greatly desired to be able to add numerous illustrative plates to this treatise, but I have omitted doing so, in order to avoid further delaying its publication. For the same reason I am obliged to give up, for the present, the appendix which formed part of XX PREFACE. the original plan, and which is referred to more than once in the text; a separate treatment of this will the sooner enable me to publish, with a certain degree of completeness, my observations on the natural history of various fresh-water Alge, in particular on many genera belonging to the debateable region between the Veget- able and Animal Kingdoms, as well as those that produce active gonidia. After these remarks, which may explain the delay in the appearance of these pages, I feel compelled to add a word of justification in reference to the direction of the researches which form the basis of the following obser- vations, and which will doubtless be regarded in many quarters as antiquated, and leading away from the strict scientific path. A vivid conception of Nature, such as is here attempted, which tries to find in natural objects, the expression of living action, and not merely the effects of dead forces, does not lead, as some think, to baseless air-castles, for it does not set itself to study the life of nature, in any other way than in its revelation through phenomena; and just as little does it exclude rigid in- vestigation of the laws, governing all natural phenomena ; for it is exactly by the investigation of the laws within which, and the forces through which life acts, that it hopes to arrive at a perception of what is given to life, according to the difference of its stages. The justification of the effort to comprehend all the phenomena of nature, not only in their external reactions, but also in their inner connection, as the data for an universal history of living nature, lies in the very nature of the human soul, in its connection, not merely external but inward and essential, with living nature. As the study of nature PREFACE, xxl originally arose from the feeling of the intimate relation- ship between external nature and human nature, it is also its aim to grasp and bring to perception, the fur- thest depths of this connection. Partly during the printing of these pages, partly after its conclusion, I met with various literary novelties, of which I could have wished to have availed myself in passages on which they bore, in particular, Mettenius’s ‘ Beiträge zur Botanik’ (Heidelberg, 1850), in which occurs an exact description of the discovery of spermato- zoids in Jsoétes, mentioned cursorily at page 144 from information derived from a letter from the author.* Geertner’s important work, on the Production of hybrids in the Vegetable Kingdom, (Die Bastardzeugung im Pflan- zenreich, Stuttgart, 1849), first reached me after my ob- servations on Cytisus Adami, p. 316, were printed. There is no absolute decision there even, whether this remarkable intermediate species is a hybrid, produced by fertilisation from Cyt. Laburnum, and C. purpureus, or not; on the other hand various notices on the same subject had been published, which I had overlooked, especially the informa- tion of Schnittspahn’s paper, in the third Year’s publication of the Horticultural Society of the Grand-duchy of Hesse, (Mitth. des Gartenvereins im Grossherz. Hess., Darmstadt, 1842, p. 38,) that Adam obtained his plant, by budding C. purpureus upon C. alpinus.t During the first year the grafted buds remained undeveloped, but many ine- qualities of the surface displayed themselves around * These points are further referred to in editorial notes.—A. H. T This probably means C. alpinus, Lamk., the same as C. Laburnum, L., and not C. alpinus, Mill., for the C. Adami of gardens returns on all hands into €. Laburnum, L., and not into C. alpinus, Mill. XX11 PREFACE. them, which were gradually developed into buds, and these were developed in the second year into shoots, all but one of which, were C. purpureus. This one shoot had grown much thicker, and exhibited a form intermediate between C. alpinus and C. purpureus; this shoot was the parent of the C. Adami of gardens. Unfortunately, this report does not state from what source H. Schnittspahn himself derived his knowledge of these circumstances at- tending the origin of C. Adami. Since C. Adam: possesses undoubtedly the nature of a hybrid, if Schnittspahn’s information be correct, this plant will furnish the ex- traordinary case of a hybridation in a vegetative way, (conceivable as occurring through a fertilising action of the cells of the graft upon the primitive cell of an adven- titious bud,) and its return into the two parent species, within the vegetative region, would then correspond to the vegetative origin. That hybridation is not in any way unusual in the genus Cytisus, is proved by a mag- nificent hybrid, between C. purpureus and C. elongatus, which is now, while I write these lines, in most beautiful blossom in the Botanical garden of our High School. It was obtained from the brothers Baumann of Bollwiller, in whose catalogue for 1847, it is given as “C. purpureo- elongatus (nobis), une nouvelle hybride superbe.’ In form and hairiness of the leaves it resembles C. elongatus; in the form of the calyx, more C. purpureus. The colour of the flowers is a mixture of light-yellow and pale rose- red, the standard being of the latter colour, the wings and keel of the former; when withered or dry, the red colour becomes stronger and almost like that of Cytisus Adami. The blossoms keep fresh a long time, but set no fruit. Messrs. Baumann were kind enough to furnish PREFACE. xx me, by letter, with the following particulars concerning the origin of this fine hybrid. “ Our C. purpureo-elongatus was produced from our own sowing, but not by means of artificial fertilisation ; the mother of this plant is C. elongatus, from which we gathered the seeds; but near this stood a C. purpureus, and probably the hybrid was produced by insects conveying the pollen from the latter plant to the former. We have never observed in this plant such a change of form as occurs in C. Adami.” After all this, we look with so much the greater impa- tience for positive elucidation, based on repeated experi- ments, of the mode of origin of C. Adami, and in this for the establishment of several most important physiolo- gical facts. In regard to the return of Cytisus Laburnum quercifolius, into the common Laburnum with entire leaflets, mentioned at p. 315, I shall only mention here, in addition, that I have observed the same phenomenon lately in the Botanic garden of this town, and here the transition to the parent species took place by a marked separation from the variety and not through graduated intermediate stages. Since this Preface is at the same time a Postscript, and as regards the first part of the Treatise a tolerably late one, it affords an opportunity of adding a few more comple- mentary observations on the subjects touched upon in the text. In the first place, in regard to the mode of growth of the Vine, described at p. 46, I must report that the examination of fresh seedlings obtained last autumn, after that passage had been printed, did not confirm the con- jecture expressed in the note, that the seedlings would behave like root-suckers ; for they were totally devoid of tendrils at the summit, and displayed in the axils of the = XXIV PREIACE. ordinary leaves, resting buds, which had {wo bud-scales, and therefore resembled,in this respect, not the “Geitzen,” but the “ Zoften.” The derivation of the “Zot¢en” from the “Geitzen” in the way described, does not occur until the later degrees of ramification. To the examples mentioned in the note, p. 114 of Fern leaves, with the apex of the leaf constantly undeveloped, or only unrolled after long interspaces and in steps, belongs also the genus Neurolepis, the larger species of which, re- lated to N. ewaltata, develope their slender pinnate leaves, which often attain a length of 4 or 5 feet, in several annual stages or lengths, which are marked in the deve- loped leaf as contracted places, furnished with shorter pinne. In N. neglecta, Künze., the commonest species of our gardens, I found four such sections, of which, however, two often appear to be developed in one year. With this mode of development is connected the fact that the leaves of the species of Mewrolepis ordinarily exhibit a little rolled-up knob at the end, and only rarely their proper leaf-point, running out into a terminal pinna. I have to give a short postscript to the natural history of the Chlamidomonada, relating to the “resting stage”’ of Chlamidomonas tingens (p. 215). The said species appeared in great abundance this spring in little rain pools, close to the town, colouring the water bright green. When the “rest” commenced, the cells collected together in pulverulent, partly floating masses, exhibited a globular form, a diameter of from „to 4 of a millim., granular-punctate, green contents, and one ‘larger vesicle. When the pools dried up in the month of May, crust- like, pale brick-red coats were found on the ground, the cells, formerly green, having assumed a pale reddish PREFACE. XXV colour, the vesicle at the same time becoming indistinct, while the remainder of the contents became coarsely granulated, (through the formation of oil?). The plants have remained in this state ever since, not altering even when the pools were refilled by rain. The resting, but still green condition, seemed to me to correspond to Protococcus Felisii, Kütz., that which had turned red through desiccation, to Pr. Orsinü, Kütz., at least, ac- cording to the specimens sent to me by De Brébisson as a small variety of that species. Herewith, I deliver these pages to the Fathers of our High School, my honoured colleagues, with the petition for a friendly reception, as a memorial of the efforts and expansions in Science and in Life, we have shared in an eventful year; I deliver it to the Academic Youth, in the hope that they may find therein the threads which connect the separate fragments of knowledge into a whole, and that the perception of this connection may encourage them to follow, with double zeal, undistracted, through good and evil times, the study of the material so abundant in all branches of science, and thus to enter more and more into the sacred workshops, in which are hewn the stones for building the great Dome of human knowledge. To the wider scientific public, lastly, I delive: these pages, with the consciousness of having therein published many results of conscientious research which will find their place in the building of Science, even if the connection in which I have here sought to place them, should shape itself very differently in a future, higher stage of development of Natural History Dr. A. Braun. FREIBURG, Brrescau; May, 1850. CONSIDERATIONS ON THE PHENOMENON OF REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE, ESPECIALLY IN THE LIFE AND DEVELOPMENT OF PLANTS. SCIENTIFIC investigation of the laws of Organic Nature advances, in our times, in two distinct directions, one of which may be called the physiological, the other the morphological. Each, followed in a one-sided manner, has led to multiplied contradiction in theory, which can only be solved by a more profound biological method of contemplation. Both directions hasten towards a pro- founder comprehension of this kind; the former in a negative manner, since, considering vital phenomena only in their external physical conditions, it is led, at the conclusion of every investigation, to a ground of the phenomenon inexplicable on this side; the latter in the positive way, since, regarding the forms, in connexion with the history of development, as becoming, changing and passing away, it must recognise a specific and indi- vidual vital unity, running through all the changes of form, unless the temporary products of development are to dissolve away into inessential appearance, and to lose all internal connexion. ‘The investigation of development, in the smallest as in the largest circle, is, therefore, the as 1 2 THE PHENOMENON OF most profitable and most promising field of action in natural history; and the remarks offered here belong to this field, for they discuss a general question which is not foreign to any special history of development. Among the most essential and general characters of every course of development of a natural object, are com- mencement and term, and, connected with these, youth and age. Youth and Age, although falling within the sphere of ordinary human direct experience of life, do not appear to me, in reality, so easily or simply comprehensible in their true meaning and their contrasted relations, as might seem from a mere abstract consideration. Answers to the questions, so readily presenting themselves—How are youth and age distinguished? When does youth cease, and age begin? How do they pass into one another? Which is the more perfect condition of life ? —would penetrate deeply into the interconnection existing among the totality of cosmical ideas. The purpose of the present Essay only extends to a few reflections, based on experience, on the changing relation of youth and age in the course of the life-time of the individual. Youth and age are not mere periods of time, into which life may be divided so as to allow us to say,—Youth, ceases here and Age begins; and one does not pass gradually and continuously into the other, so that youth decreases in the same ratio as age increases; a glance into life rather demonstrates to us that the phenomena of youth go through life side by side with those of age, in the most varied conditions of exchange, not merely pre- senting themselves simultaneously in various departments of life, but crowding into the same region, and contending there. Even the child has o/d teeth, destined to early destruction (the milk-teeth), and young teeth (wisdom teeth) appear even at a late age. Many organs have already become old and lost their vitality before birth, such as the gills of the Mammalia, the teeth of the whale,* &c.; lizards and snakes form a young skin * See Stannius, ‘Lehrb. der Vergleich. Anatomie,’ p. 411, on the teeth REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 3 annually, throwing off the old one; the crab changes even his old stomach for a young one, every year. The cotyledons, and even the radical leaves, as they are termed, have already yielded to age in the (Zmothera, the rape, and many other plants, at a time when the flowers still remain in a young condition of buds, and, on the other hand, the floral envelopes have perished when the fruit is only in the commencement of its process of matura- tion. In the pupa of the grasshopper, all the external organs are fully developed, at a time when the wings are just beginning to be formed. So may Man be a mere child in mental development, when already old in bodily respects. We see youth and age, therefore, presenting themselves alternately in one and the same course of development ; we see youth break forth in age, and enter into the midst of the process, for the purpose of com- pleting or metamorphosing the structures. This is the phenomenon of Rejuvenescence (Verjüngung), which is repeated in infinitely varied ways in all domains of life, but nowhere asserted more distinctly and more accessibly to investigation, than in the Vegetable kingdom. With- out Rejuvenescence there can be no progressive develop- ment; only the lifeless creation, or rather, that dying in the moment of production, the mineral, is devoid of the power of Rejuvenescence ; whence it is also deprived of development and propagation. Rejuvenescence appears, in the first place, as a return to an earlier condition of life, whereby is obtained a point of departure for renewed progress; or, in the extreme case, as a retrogression to the commencement of the entire course of development, to attain the aim in a repe- tition of the development. The former we see in the Rejuvenescences of the individual within the course of its individual development, the latter in the Rejuvenescence of the species through the succession of individuals. ‘he retrogression just mentioned, introducing the Rejuve- in the foetus of the whale. According to Eschericht the fetus of Balenop- tera longimana has 102 teeth in the upper, and 84 in the lower jaw. A THE PHENOMENON OF nescence, is either morphological, the structure returning actually from a higher stage into a lower formation ; as we see, for example, in annual Rejuvenescence of many herbaceous perennials (plante redivive), as also in most woody plants, in the buds, which commence the rejuve- nised course of life with leaves of the lowest stage of formation, the bud-scales belonging to the “cataphyllary” (nieder-blatt) formation ;* or the retrogression is merely physiological, a chemical decomposition and dissolution m the structure already existent, whereby this becomes capable of a Rejuvenescence of its form, combined with a more or less distinct metamorphosis. Such it is in the interchange of materials in animals, with which are con- nected their more gradual and imperceptible, as well as the more sudden and surprising transformations. That the like is not wanting in plants, will be demonstrated in the succeeding examination of the phenomena of Rejuvenescence in Cell-life. We have consequently to distinguish a descending and an ascending direction in the Rejuvenescence, one retro- gressive, the other advancing with new impetus, one undoing the old and existent, the other shaping out the new. Both directions are necessarily related to that renewal of the vital movement to which we have applied the term “ Rejuvenescence,” and it is their alternation which maintains life in vibration and guards it against untimely rest. The smaller the vibrations in which it occurs, the more constant will the formative process appear to be, as for example in the processes completing the structure of a cell not destined to division; but even * There arises great difficulty in rendering these terms applied to the different orders of leaves, since we have none corresponding to them in English. They are so frequently used, not only in a substantive but an adjective way, both in this treatise and in other recent German works, and have such a definite meaning, that we venture to invent new words and to use them in this translation. The word “ zieder-blatt,” (lower leaf), signifying cotyledons, the bud-scales at the base of branches, or the scales of rhizomes, is rendered by cataphyll; “ laub-blatt,” (\eafy-leaf), stem leaves generally, by euphyll; “ hoch-blatt,” (high leaf), leaves belonging to the inflorescence, by Aysophyll—A. H. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 5 here the lamellar deposition of the coat of the cell betrays the internal vibration of the formative activity. On the other hand, the phenomena of Rejuvenescence appear so much the more striking and surprising, the deeper the depression of life preceding the new upraising ; and the more distinct, consequently, the separation of the new lease of life from the old, the more perfect the con- sumption and breaking through of the old structure by the new. The metamorphoses of insects furnish most beautiful examples. Inquiring into the causes of the phenomena of Rejuvenescence, we recognise that external Nature, amid which special life displays itself, acts in calling and awaken- ing through the influences which the seasons of the year, nay even the hours of the day, bring forth; but the proper internal cause can only be found in the tendency towards completion, which is present in every existence according to its kind, and drives it to subordinate to itself ever more completely the foreign and external world, to shape itself within it, as independently as the specific Nature allows. At the same time, however, a term is set to the task, beyond which the phenomena of Re- juvenescence do not proceed. As in mental life there is a time of maturity, when youth and age are as it were intermingled, when the restless strife of acquisition and destruction ceases, when motion is paired with rest, so also in the physical and corporeal there is an analogous condition of maturity and relative rest, when the alterna- tion of destruction and reformation is only carried on in the small vibrations of the interchange of material, maintaining vital motion and guarding against its being benumbed. In animals we see this condition com- mence when the organism has attained completion, is “grown-up” as it is called, when nothing more new is formed, but the actually existent enters upon its predes- tined function, into its service in the more elevated side of animal life. In Vegetable life we see the corresponding phenomenon in thefruit, which Aristotle alreadyregarded as 6 THE PHENOMENON OF the aim of the formative activity ofthe Plant. With it ıs closed the series of structures, in the graduated production of which the plant runs through its metamorphoses ; in it vegetable life comes to a peaceful conclusion, yet without the internal vital movement stopping at the same time with the cessation of external growth, for it is not so inde- pendent and permanent in any other part of the plant as in the ripening fruit. At this stage of development, therefore, in comparison with the preceding process, rest comes at the end, but at the same time, according to the relation to a higher sphere of life, the activity lying in the destination of the final form. If we compare the structures of the earlier stages of life with the condition of the final forms, we see that in them also exists a pause, an effort at conclusion, which, however, has to be renounced before the development can advance towards its term. In opposition to such fixation at subordinate stages, which would become arrests of development, comes the active power of Rejuvenescence, spinning onward the threads of development with new lengths. Thus it is in every single creature which has a development at all, that is in every living thing. But we may give this reflection a wider expansion. The term reached by the individual, is not the last term of development for the greater complex of the whole, nay the individual itself indicates this totality in its depen- dance. The individual existences of Nature are links in the development of that Kingdom of Nature to which they belong, and in the widest sense, links in the develop- ment of the totality of natural life. Hence the phenomena of Rejuvenescence present themselves not only in the individual existence, but connect themselves again on all hands with the term of the individual existence, going beyond this, constantly renewing living Nature in her individual members, and thus bearing up and carrying her onwards to her final purpose. To the fruit adjoins itself the seed as the commencement of a new individual course of development, just as the production of future REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 7 generations is connected with the maturation of the animal organism. Against this general relation, however, of the phe- nomena of Rejuvenescence to progressive development, may be raised the objection that the cases of Rejuvenes- cence last mentioned, on which depend propagation of natural bodies, are, in point of fact, very different in this respect from those first spoken of, those occurring within the cycle of the individual development; in the one case the aim of the Rejuvenescence would be a progress in the development, while in the other it would be a mere repe- tition of the like, as is distinctly demonstrated by the invari- ability of species in the Animal and Vegetable kingdoms. Yet this distinction vanishes when we test the gradations of the cases, on both sides, and particularly if we rise above the narrow field of vision of the present, in our examina- tion of reproduction. The appearance of like alone being repeated in nature, is removed in looking back from our present stationary time into former epochs of the world. There we find really the first beginnings of the species, the genera, nay even of the orders and classes of the Vege- table and Animal kingdoms ; we see at a glance how more or less profound transformations were connected with the appearance of the higher stages of the Organic Kingdoms, so that genera and species of the ancient world disappeared again, while new ones took their places. But through all this change are expressed not mere accidental revolutions of the earth, on the one hand of destroying, on the other laying the basis of new soil for the flourishing progress of organic life,—but far rather definite laws, penetrating into the very details of the development of organic life. Thus, for example, among the Vertebrate series the Fishes appear first, then the Amphibia, and, subsequent to both, Birds and Mammalia. The Fishes of the first periods, as fish the lowest of their class,* resemble in many respects the Amphibia, more indeed than the fish subsequently appearing, of higher orders, from the very circumstance * Agassiz. Poissons fossiles, Introduction, xxx. 8 THE PHENOMENON OF that the types of the individual classes were less distinct in the first representatives ; the special character of the class, which is ever more distinctly impressed in the suc- ceeding series of Fishes, not yet being fully developed. Equally remarkable is the relation of the first Mammals of the earth, the celebrated Marsupialia of Stonesfield,* to the class Mammalia generally. ‘(he Marsupialia (in- cluding the Monotremata) stand, as is well known, below all Mammalia, nearest to the oviparous animals of the pre- ceding classes, the Birds and Fishes, and not merely in regard to the structure of the organs of generation. but also in that of the brain; while, on the other hand, they adjoin in their external form, in the structure of the extremities and the teeth, the higher orders either of the Herbivorous or the Carnivorous series, the Rodentia and the Fere. We thus see again here the character of the class imperfectly represented in the beginning, and the subsequently diverging series of the class united even to indistinctness. In the geological occurrence of the separate sections of the Invertebrate animals, also, we find the developmental connexion many times confirmed, in that a determinate fundamental type appears first in a few simple forms, then in the course of epochs the number and multiformity of the representatives increase more and more, till finally, when the series of forms is developed to its extreme term, it often suddenly vanishes again from nature, or leaves but a few representatives behind. One of the most remarkable examples of this kind is presented by the family of the Ammonites. * Phascolotherium Bucklandi, and Thylacotherium Prevostii, Owen. Vide Buckland, ‘Mineralogy and Geology,’ i, 72. + The transition period possesses the single genus of the family of Ammonites, the Goniatites, the trias period the genus Ceratites, the Jurassic age 11 sections of the genus Ammonites, the chalk period 14 sections of the same genus, 10 of which are peculiar, and besides these the genera Crioceras, Ancyloceras, Scaphites, Hamites, Ptychoceras, Baculites, Turrilites, and Helieoceras, all of which occur exclusively in the chalk formation, with the exception of Ancyloceras, of which genus the Jura formation already possessed species. Then the family of the Ammonites vanishes totally. See Leopold von Buch on „Immonites, and D'Orbigny, ‘ Paleontologie Francaise,’ 1, 433. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 9 The Vegetable kingdom of the ancient world likewise exhibits a periodical progress corresponding to a gradation of structure still existing, since the oldest periods have exhibited scarcely anything but Flowerless plants (Crypto- gamia), which are soon followed by the Gymnosperms (Cycadaceze and Coniferee), and in some degree by still doubtful Monocotyledons, while the Dicotyledonous plants appear distinctly latest. The results of geological re- search appear to confirm, more and more, that all this progress of organic nature, from the first onset to our own time, has an essential connexion, and, although dis- turbed in many ways by the catastrophes which the earth has suffered, has never been altogether interrupted ; in a word, that it represents a single history of develop- ment, and not a series of separate and independent creations. The ancient changes in the living garment of the earth, appear then as Rejuvenescences of organic nature in mass, and the individual genera and species of the organic kingdoms as subordinate links in its great chain of development. ‘The fact that nature halted at determinate points, in the calm intervals, and during the epochs pro- duced, essentially at least, only the like, does not remove the relation to the totality of the development. This is the same phenomenon, on a grand scale, as when we see the plant repeat itself in the same form, often hundreds of times, at particular stages of its growth, before the metamorphosis advances to a new stage, as for example, often hundreds, or even thousands, of the ordinary (euphyllary) leaves (Lirica, Calluna, Tamarix Abies), bracts (hypsophyllary leaves) (Dipsacus, Cnicus, Celosia), petals (Nymphea, Mesembryanthemum, Illicium), stamens (Pa- paver, Dillenia, Helleborus), or carpels (Myosurus, Anemone, Anona), are formed in unbroken succession on one and the same axis. But even in these times of halting, by no means the absolutely like is formed. No leaf, even when belonging to the same formation, exactly resembles another; and with every successive leaf, if the 10 THE PHENOMENON OF development advances as far as the terminal blossom, the plant approaches one step nearer the formation of the flower. Neither are the individuals of the same species exactly alike; and the capability of developing certain sets of varieties testifies the developmental power of the species, even within the restriction to the specific type. We cannot, therefore, ignore a certain relation to the development of the great whole, even in those phenomena of Rejuvenescence which continue the series of individuals in what seems a mere repetition of the like. ‘This rela- tion speaks most meaningly in the highest region of the whole graduated series of Nature, where the development passes over from the physical into the spiritual. Who would deny the relation of the production of new genera- tions to progressive development, in the field where it lies nearest to us, namely, in the Human Race? The condition of humanity in this respect falls within the sphere of our contemplation, for the aim to which the infinite Rejuvenescences throughout all Nature strive, through the attainment of which our period of creation is distinguished from all the ancient epochs, is the very existence of Man, towards whom Nature points, from step to step, ever more distinctly throughout her entire series ; and Man again cannot be considered without that which itself constitutes his humanity, the development of Mind. The development of Mind cannot be separated from its substratum Nature, since although Mind itself is destined to rise victorious over all the obstructions of physical life, it must also penetrate backwards through all the stages of that life, and give them a spiritual signification. Only by starting from this standing point, fixing the aim of the entire development in Nature, can we find the true internal connection of all the gradations of natural life, and by the very conjunction with the course of development of Man, Natural History acquires its highest import. As Nature without Man presents externally only the image of labyrinth without a clue, scientific examination which denies the internal spiritual founda- REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. li tion of Nature, and its essential connection with Mind, leads only to a chaos of unknown matters and forces,* that is of matters and forces which are sealed books to the mind, or more properly of unknown causes which co-operate in a manner to us inexplicable. From this dark chaos no bright path leads up to the mind; nay, it is inconsequent to regard the mind from this point of view as anything but an inessential result of the co-operation of unknown causes. The study of develop- ment is pre-eminently calculated to defend us from such a miserable spoliation of Science, for the connection of the perceived phenomena of Being must necessarily lead us to the recognition of the Becoming, as an internal essence (specifically) the same through all changes. The comprehension of the individual phenomenon as a member of a series of essential correlative representations, requires not merely the carrying back of the research to the earliest rudiment, from which alone the succeeding transformations can obtain their correct interpretation, but also a continuation of the observation up to the term of the development, whereby is first perceived, on the other hand, the true destination of the efforts in the formative processes. This is equally true of individual organs, whose physiological destination is first distinctly realised when the formation is complete, and of the indi- vidual whole, whose specific and generic character is chiefly expressed in the last stage of the metamorphosis, —for example, in the flower and fruit of the Plant. This is true, moreover, of the more comprehensive develop- mental series in Nature. ‘The character of every genus, family, class, &c., should grasp its type, as it were its idea] object, for which purpose the lower members of the * The sadness of such an essence-less view of nature, which of course must strive to eradicate fromthe ideas and language of science, all which from its own standing point appears anthropomorphic, does not strike us in its fulness, simply from the fact that the desired eradication cannot be so readily carried out, on account of the intimate and immemorial blending of the more profound ideas with human language. See Schleiden, ‘Die Pflanze und ihr Leben,’ 15. ‘The Plant,’ translated by A. Henfrey. 12 THE PHENOMENON OF series are always less fit than the higher, in which it ıs stamped more plainly and completely. Thus in the Ornithorynchus the type of the Mammal is so imperfectly and aberrantly represented, that doubt could long exist whether it belonged to the series of the Mammalia at all, and the flowers of the Cycadez are so little like a flower, that it was only after much comparative study that the conviction was arrived at, that these plants actually belong to the commencement of the series of Flowering plants (Phanerogamia). If we apply this mode of examination to Nature as a whole, as the developmental series in- volving all the subordinate series, if we here also seek the solution of the problem, at the term of the development, we are most distinctly directed to the completion of the development of Mind as the destination of the whole pro- cess, becoming visible at the highest stage of natural life. The mind which becomes developed in Man, is not fitted together, with the physical organism, from without, for we behold its evolution indicated in the lower stages of natural life, especially in the Animal kingdom; the spiritual life is rather the purest and most refined repre- sentative of the fundamental life, which we meet as natural life in the preceding stages. We may say of Mind, that it is the youngest, and yet the oldest, existence in nature, destined to attain in its last age, its eternal youth, the freedom fitted to its essential nature. Rising from the groundwork of Nature bearing and supporting them, the spiritual Rejuvenescences in the history of Man strive towards this aim of internal vital emancipation, driving the mind out of every senility, every fetter of time, to soar upward in a new flight of life. ‘Thus is our own history connected with the history of Nature. ‘The thought of Rejuvenescence in Science, Church and State, now again moves nations, and meets us in the most varied efforts, in ways crossing one another in manifold directions. As yet, alas, we have become acquainted almost solely with the negative side of these efforts, the Destructive ; but in the eyes of the RUJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 13 naturalist this dissolution would tend merely to indicate the proximity of the transition to a new, upgrowing time which will seize the Positive, in all fields, more pro- foundly, and give it a more perfect shape. Will this hope be fulfilled? Has not Old Europe rather arrived at a hoary age, and an approach to its dissolution? The answer to this must be written first of all in our own hearts; but if you would seek it externally, look with the eye of the naturalist into the hidden workshops of the future, and you willfind an infinite abundance of germs and buds, which bear the promise of a rich future within them ; you will above all find them in the domain of Science, as the highest region of mental development, from which alone the latest reformations of life can and ought to issue. But these are digressions leading us too widely from the purpose of the foregoing considerations. If however it be true that all the domains of life are parts of a great total development ; if it be true that every de- partment of science leads in its more profound establish- ment to the same eternal idea, which is the foundation of all reality and all truth,—each department must be mirrored in the others, and thus the naturalist may be permitted to contemplate each movement of the human life which surrounds him, in the mirror of Nature; to find in whose lawfully connected government, the key to calm judgment, is often his gain and payment. In the preceding observations we have sought to regard the phenomenon of Rejuvenescence in its general, exter- nal mode of appearance, and to mark out the wide field in which it is repeated in such a multifold and yet es- sentially always the same way. A profound investigation into the nature of Rejuvenescence would pre-require somewhat minute research into the essence of age and youth. A few more remarks upon youth may be per- mitted here. According as we regard life as a mere result of external causes, or discover its basis in one original internal endowment, will youth appear to us, in the one case as poverty, want, and crudity, in the other 14 THE PHENOMENON OF as the yet undivided fulness and strength of the unde- veloped existence, as superabundant wealth of energy, striving to unfold itself. These two modes of considering the question occur, for example, in application to the earliest, youthful stages of the Human Race ; thus we find on the one side the doctrine of the originally animal con- dition of Man, according to which Man, scarcely distin- guishable from apes, probably of black colour, perhaps even sought after his nourishment on all fours or climbing, devoid of art, language and thought ; then gradually dis- covered speech through imitation of natural sounds, and as it were accidentally; and was only led through external necessity, not through internal impetus, through the com- bat with external nature which his extraordinary defence- lessness and helplessness brought upon him, to each flight upward of life in art and civilization, upbuilding all progress from without, not unfolding from within. In opposition to this representation stands the doctrine of the paradisaical condition of the first Man, who at his first appearance stood face to face with obedient Nature, as Lord, as complete Man and likeness of God, urged by the fulness within to give outward shape in word and work to his inborn divine ideas. When we acknowledge both the internal and external, in their co-operation in life, we shall easily be able to unite these two views, that is if we disregard the exaggerations on the one side, and on the other the mythical imagery (which represents the inner potentiality as the external actuality.) The insufficiency of the first view, which logically carried out entirely dis- owns anything internal and essential in natural phe- nomena, may be shown us, if, as was referred to above, we do not find it in our own life, or are disinclined to draw conclusions from that as to life outside us, by the instinct of animals, in which is revealed so great an abundance of gifts, not given from without, but un- doubtedly inborn, as the gift of song, the impulses to art, or to migration, &c. The phenomena of mental life in animals, which we ascribe to Instinct, have been correctly REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 15 compared with what has been called, in the material sphere, the specific formative impulse, or typical force. Instinct is the continuation of the formative impulse in a higher sphere, as is particularly clearly manifest in the phenomena of the constructive impulse, in the formation of envelopes and clothing (Serpula, Phyganea, Psyche), nests and dwellings, as a kind of ulterior and more external material organisation. The specific formative impulse, however, is not an outwardly derived direction of the activity, but one inwardly contained, acting, from internal causes, as inner determination and force. This is shown by the fact, that under like external conditions of exist- ence, the organism shapes itself in a peculiar, specific, nay even individual way, in each creature, whence the multiformity of the picture which every mingled wood, every meadow, every field, displays to us. Hence in the grove we see the woodruff and the herb Paris, later in the summer the willow-herb and the fox-glove, on the rock the oak-fern, the dragon’s-mouth, and the stone-crop, side by side; they take up the same nourishment, and form their structures out of the same elements. What maintains them in the distinctness? It is the same force that enables different animals to elaborate the same food for such constantly varying bodily development, and, on the other hand, prevents a considerable change of food from effacing the specific type. This internally given force of life is pre-eminently expressed in youth, while in later age the formative forces are more and more fettered to the products of their own activity, and work only in a narrower circle, till at length their activity, every- where more hampered in its own products, becomes extinguished. For the definition of Rejuvenescence, we draw from the foregoing considerations, the conclusion, that the renouncement of forms already attained, and the retro- gression to new rudiments, with which Rejuvenescence begins, only mark the external side of the process, while its inner and essential side is rather an inward gathering- 16 THE PHENOMENON OF up, as it were a new draught from the proper source of life, a renewed recollection of the specific purpose, or a renovation of the conception of the typical ideal, which is to be represented in the outward organism. ‘This gives to Rejuvenescence its definite relation to development, which can only bring into gradually perfected repre- sentation, that which lies in the essence of the creature, that which is inwardly its own. This inner part of the process of Rejuvenescence may be rendered more clearly comprehensible by sleep, for this also is a phenomenon of periodical Rejuvenescence, the Rejuvenescence of the consciousness. In sleep the mind is relaxed from the tension in which it is held towards the outward world while awake. All images and shapes of thinking life vanish, or appear only as reflected pictures in dreams; the mind sinks back into a condition comparable to that in which it was before it first awoke to consciousness, therefore, externally regarded, to a lower condition of development, for sleep is older than waking in the history of development of human life. But the mind does not lose itself in sleep, it rather gathers itself up into new force, new comprehension of its purpose, and much that crossed the waking thoughts, scattered and entangled, becomes sifted and arranged through this recollection. Sleep, a necessary recreation for the mind, is equally required by all the powers of the body immediately serving the mind. The inner formative processes, on the contrary, through which the body itself is preserved, do not rest during this time of retreat, they rather act the more undisturbedly and concentratedly. Hence the rejuvenising power of sleep also for the body, which appears so wonderful to us in many cases, as when sleep occurs at the crisis in severe diseases. But the most remarkable instance of the connexion of sleep with bodily Rejuvenescence, is seen in the pupa-sleep of insects. Here, where occur the most important metamorphoses we know in the Animal kingdom, that of the sluggish caterpillar REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 17 into the light-winged butterfly, the footless or headless maggot into the deeply-segmented fly ;—here, also, occurs the greatest retreat and gathering i in of life, a deeper sleep of weeks, months, or even years’ duration, which may be compared with the embryonal sleep in the earliest period of formation of the organism, the sleep in the egg. Without nourishment and without locomotion, as it were shrouded in its pupa-coats, the insect prepares the rejuvenised body for its future resurrection into a freer, more mobile existence. The awakening of the butterfly from the pupa-sleep, recalls to us the awakening of Nature from its winter sleep in Spring; and this leads us to the proper subject of the present considerations,— the Rejuvenescence in Vegetable life. The Vegetable Kingdom is, indeed, the principal workshop of Spring: “ the” wonderful workshop where myriads of vegetable atoms, in brief space, spin the threads to clothe the trees and weave the verdant carpet of the earth. With all its sunshine over land and sea, with all its swelling streams and brooks, Spring would be barren and empty without leaves and flowers, as a sky without stars. Leaf and blossom alone give life and fresh- ness to the active scene.’ * First of all, however, we must here dispel the illusion that all the splendour of the new-born vegetable world, which appears so magically in spring, is merely the work of the few days in which it comes so suddenly into view. No, the labour of Rejuvenescence begins earlier in the work- shops of vegetable life, and Spring merely brings the last steps before our eyes. ‘The breath of Spring only urges to its unfolding that which was prepared long before in silence, that which was reserving and strengthening itself during the evil season of winter. For in the same pro- portion as the vegetable world advances in summer and autumn,—in shoot, leaf and flower, in wood and fruit, in obedience to the impulse to outward representation, to * Blias Fries, “der Fruhling’ (Spring). ‘Archiv Scandinav. Beitrag,’ i pp. 182, 214. ? 2 18 TUE PHENOMENON OF expansion and firmer establishment, does it retreat simul- taneously into itself in the formation of buds and seed, to prepare the germs of new life. Thus the greater part of that which unfolds itself in Spring, after winter has passed over it, was already formed in the preceding summer and autumn. Even now in August we find in the terminal and lateral buds of the oak, within numerous, five-ranked bud-scales, the rudiments of the leaves destined for next year; nay, in the mostly paired terminal buds of the dilac (Syringa), we find not only these, but the rich thyrse of blossom for the future year, with hundreds of closely crowded flowers, which at this time indeed appear only as inconspicuous green nodules, scarcely the twelfth part of a line in diameter. In the heart of the Zulip bulb, shielded by three- to four-fold succulent leaf-scales (cataphyllous coats, Miederblatt-hülle), exists, in autumn, a little greenish-yellow bud ; thisis the tulip stem for the next year, with all the parts which it elevates from the earth nine months later, namely, two or three leaves, between which les hidden the blossom, scarcely a third of a line high, the petals and stamens appearing as ex- tremely sinall, uniform papilla, scarcely distinguishable, and not yet closed in as in later shape of the flower-bud, while the pistil is visible in the middle as a little, three- lobed papilla. The spike of the Ayacynth is somewhat more advanced, at the same period, in the interior of the many-scaled bulb, for the three outer petals of each flower already begin to close up. In Ophioglossu, a strange little plant of the alhance of the Ferns, which unfolds annually only one leaf and one spike, we find in May, in the bud still hidden under ground, enclosed in a cellular cover- ing, (not formed of cataphyllary leaves or bud-scales, but thallus-like,) not only the leaf and spike for the next year, but also the rudiment of the leaf for the year after that. A further penetration into hidden workshops of Reju- venescence i plants, requires, first of all, a more minute investigation of the bud. The plant is bud, so long as its existing rudiments are kept, in relation to completion, REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 19 in a stage of close connection of the organs. ‘Those things which are subsequently removed and unfolded, are here still closely approximated, and, as it were, fitted one within another. The bud is, therefore, properly regarded as an entire young plant, and each new bud on an old stem as a new plant, as an individual : “Gemme totidem herb@”’ was an axiom laid down even by Linnzeus, and since his day has oftentimes been repeated.* Neverthe- less, this conception of the bud has remained itself to a certain extent in the condition of a bud, since the sur- prising abundance of conclusions derivable from it, have never been properly developed up to the present time. In the first place, however, the idea of the bud as indi- vidual still requires an essential clearing up. Since the word dud merely expresses a certain stage of existence of the thing in question, we must here rather call this sprout (Spross), in the definite sense that we here understand by sprout all belonging to one axis of the plant, that we therefore regard as belonging to a sprout all which is produced directly from one centre of vegetation (punctum vegetationis), and belongs essentially to one line of deve- lopment. Hye and dud are only the commencement and young condition of the sprout; and that which we call bud frequently comprehends only one part, and not the whole of the sprout, as when the lower portion of a sprout is already unfolded and the upper part of it alone remains in the condition of a bud. ‘Thus every richly clothed, but gradually progressing and gradually unfolding leaf- bearing axis, as, for example, the sucker of the willow, the rosette of the lettuce before its flower-stalk has arisen, the crown of the palm or of the agave, has a bud (a “heart’’) hidden among the uppermost leaves, which bud, however, passes by almost imperceptible gradations into the unfolded part of the crown, rosette, or shoot. In other cases there is a sharper division between the earlier unfolded parts and those remaining long in the * For instance, by Roper, (‘ Linnea,’ 1826, p. 434,) and quite recently by J.N. Carus, (‘Zur näheren Kenniniss des Generationswechsels, 30.) 20 THE PHENOMENON OF bud state, in reference to the period of unfolding and the stage of formation; thus, for instance, in the oak, the beech, and other trees, where the leafy shoot terminates in a bud, the shoot does indeed begin again with cataphyllary leaves (bud-scales), and unfolds itself a year later than the pre- ceding portion of the branch, but is, nevertheless, the direct continuation of the axis, and therefore belongs to the same sprout. So also when a flower-bud forms the termination of a sprout, on which the preceding forma- tions were unfolded earlier than the terminal flower, as in the tulip, the ranunculus and the peeony. Hence it is not the separated bud which we must regard as dn individual, but the entire shoot, which in these cases includes several superimposed buddings. A Rejuvenescence in the course of formation of the plant, is indeed expressed in each production of a bud; but we must not, therefore, attribute an equal individual importance to each, for some buddings belong to the individual completion of the par- ticular branch (all terminal buds), while others form the commencement of the new individual line of development of a new sprout, as is the case in all lateral buds. If individual value be attributed to the terminal buds also, it will follow, in reference to the cases where the terminal bud unfolds gradually, and is renewed in like progression in the centre, that we must accord the rank of an indi- vidual at last to every single leaf with its supporting internode, since each is a specially rejuvenised link of the progressive development. And if we attribute an equal importance in this respect to each step of Rejuvenescence, we cannot stop here, for then every organ of the plant, as internode and leaf, is itself again formed by a series of Rejuvenescences, as we see in the cell-formation of the organs; and the single cell itself finally has its own periods of Rejuvenescence. Consequently, if we wish to review the various gradations of the phenomena of Reju- venescence in vegetable life, we must consider separately: —1, the Formation of Sprouts; 2, the Formation of Leaves; and, 3, the Formation of Cells. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 2] 1.—IHE FORMATION OF SPROUTS. There cannot be any doubt that the formation of sprouts belongs to the class of the phenomena of Reju- venescence, for with every sprout commences a new train of development, the relation of which to the entire developmental chain of the specific vegetable life, we have here especially to investigate. The principal sprout of the plant takes its origin from the seed, and is indeed merely the direct development of the seedling (embryo), thus grown up from the first pomt of vegetation of the plant, which, traced backwards, leads to the primary germinal vesicle. The lateral sprouts (branches), al- though their origin is unconnected with the co-operation of the sexes, agree with the main sprout in that they also are developed from special centres of formation, distinct, after their first origin, from the principal sprout. We shall return in the sequel to the origin of the principal sprout, with which every new vegetable “ stock’’* arises, when examining propagation from the point of view of cell-formation ; here we must occupy ourselves with the lateral sprouts, which belong to the sphere of com- pletion (Ausbildung) of the vegetable “ stock” itself. Unfortunately we are deficient in thoroughly worked- out researches on the origin of the lateral sprouts or branches; but so much is known, that the origin of the sprouts is subsequent to that of the leaves, that they derive their origin from the already more developed tissues of the stem, while the first rudiment of the leaf coincides with the earliest stage of formation of tissue underneath the point of vegetation.t While the leaf, * The word “stock” is used here and elsewhere in the sense of what may be called a phytidom (like a polypidom), indicating the total organically connected structure composed of a number of partially independent links or members.—Zraas. T Vide Nageli, ‘Zeitschrift fur Wissenschaftl. Botanik,’ Heft ui, iv, pp. 158, 177. 22 THE PHENOMENON OF as essential part of the sprout, has its history of develop- ment intimately connected with that of the stem;* on the other hand the formation of the sprout does not seem to have any essential connection with the com- pletion of the stem from which it proceeds. This is further confirmed by the circumstance that the sprouts are not always distributed, like the leaves, in definitely regulated order on the stem, but in many cases may arise without order at any points of herbaceous stems,f or of the older lignified trunk, nay even from the root} and the leaf, as the so-called adventitious buds. It is a remarkable mdication for the essential dis- tinction m the origin of the leaf and sprout. that no adventitious leaves occur. ‘The character of the new formation is expressed most distinctly in the formation of adventitious buds making its appearance in detached fragments of roots of woody plants, as has been described by Trecul in Ailanthus, Paulownia, Tecoma, and Maclura. Here, in a deep-seated layer of the cellular bark, a new focus of development is formed through a local thicken- ing of the cellular tissue, and on this point again origi- nates a much more delicate mass of cellular tissue, a new sphere of formation, which soon grows externally, al- though still enclosed in the tissue of the bark, into a leaf-producing point of vegetation, and on the inside strikes, stem-like, into the formative zone (the cam- bium-layer) of the root, there, by the formation of a proper system of vessels, which takes its origin on the limit between the stem of the adventitious bud and the wood-cylinder of the root, acquiring a firm connection * The essential interconnection of the leaf and stem is expressed in the completed structure also, in the fact that there is no sharply defined limit between the leaf and the portion of stem bearing it. Remark, for instance, the pulvini gradually lost in the stem of Larix, Picea, Cactee, Cacalia articulata, &c., and stems winged by the decurrence of the borders of leaves. + In Euphorbia, Linaria, and Anagallis, from the internode below the cotyledons. + Frequently in woody, rarely in herbaceous plants, e. y. Huporbia Cypar- issias, Linariv, Rumex acetosella, tjuyu genevensis, Nasturlinm pyrenaicum, Jurinen Pollichii, and Helichrysum arenarium. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 23 with the latter.* The bud breaks out subsequently through the bark in which it was previously concealed. In this instance there can be no doubt that the sprout is really a new, and in this case even an accidental product, a new commencement of life, which creates its own sphere of formation, its own point of vegetation, and through the development of this, its own axis, around which it arranges its organs. Hereby we are warranted in regarding the sprout as an individual, for, if we may ascribe individuality to the plant generally, in which we are certainly justified by the repetition of its mode of appearance in determinate cycles of development, we must, consequently, conceive the individual as a develop- mental series of unit power, and set up as its criterion the unity of the point of vegetation from which the series proceeds, or, in the developed condition, the unity of the axis. According to this, only the simple sprout can be regarded as a vegetable individual, and that this, far as the vegetable individual stands behind the animal individual in inner unity, is actually the analogue of the animal individual, is proved beyond all doubt by com- parison with those animals in which “ family stocks’ are produced by the formation of sprouts. The formation of the compound vegetable “ stocks’ (trunks or common stems) is thus a phenomenon of pro- pagation, if we use this expression according to the meaning of the word and the custom of language, in general application to the production of new individuals for the increase and maintenance of the species of plant. Propagation by the formation of sprouts, on which not only depends the formation of compound stocks, but in which is also given the possibility of the formation of separate stocks, has indeed been distinguished as mere multiplication from the proper (sexual) propagation, or * Trécul ‘Recherches sur lOrigine des Bourgeons Adventifs.’ ‘Aun. des Se. Nat.,’ 3 sér. vili, 268, 1847. The cases there described as two different modes of origin, and represented i in Plate vu, fig. 6 under 4 and 4, may probably be only stages of one and the same process. 24 THE PHENOMENON OF called propagation of the individual, in contradistinetion to the propagation of the species effected by the forma- tion of seeds.* But, disregarding the contradictions which here exist even in the expression, these definitions by no means reach the true essence of the modes of propagation occurring in the formation of sprouts, for it is incorrect that the formation of the sprout is mere/y for the object of multiplication, as I shall endeavour to show in the sequel; in like manner it does not always apply, that the new stocks formed by separation of sprouts (cuttings, layers, &c.) constantly retain unaltered the indi- vidual (more accurately the variety’s) character of the parent stock, for even without separation from the stock, particular shoots “ sport,” as it is called, out of the species. The well-known example of the occurrence of isolated blue bunches of grapes on stocks of white varieties, isolated bunches of red currants mingled with the white ones of the same stock, isolated pure sulphur-yellow roses among variegated flowers of the red and yellow Austrian briar- rose (Rosa eglanteria, var. bicolor) afford proofs of this. ‘The remarkable phenomena relating to this point in the hybrid Cytisus Adami, which displays in particular sprouts the characters sometimes of one, sometimes of the other parent species, will have more particular atten- tion paid to them in another place. The true import of the formation of sprouts upon the vegetable stock is that of a subordinate propagation. The cycle of development given by the sexual propaga- tion (formation of seed) divides again, in the majority of plants, in the most varied manner, into subordinate series of development, which proceed out of one another by the formation of sprouts, so that what in more highly individualised beings is completed in the simple indi- vidual, is distributed in the plant, through the inter- _* Link, ‘Element. Philos. Bot.,’ p. 208. “Gemme individuum con- tinuant, cum semina speciem propagent.” We have already shown above that the lateral sprout, morphologically considered, is no continuation, but a new beginning. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 25 position of a subordinate process of propagation, among a society of individuals, a developmental series, and a family circle formed thereby. The subordinate nature of this mode of propagation represented by the formation of sprouts is expressed—1. In the connection of the formation of sprouts with the lower stages of develop- ment of the plant. 2. In the imperfection of the “sprout individual” in reference to the series of stages of development which specifically belong to the plant. 3. In the complementary relations in which the various sprouts of the same plant stand towards each other. In the first respect, all sprouts agree, with the ex- ception of the seed-sprouts (commonly called ovules), which as standing in the closest relation to sexual propa- gation, may be here left out of consideration. All other sprouts spring from the so-called vegetative region, while inside the flower, omitting monstrous occurrences in antholyses, no more formation of sprouts takes place. The cataphyllary (Meder-blatt) region, the euphyllary (Laub) region, and the hypsophyllary (Hoeh-Dlatt) region, have more abundant or more sparing formation of sprouts according to the peculiarity of the species of plant; nay the production of sprouts is not unknown, as already mentioned, in the descending portion of the plant, the root. How characteristic the formation of sprouts is of the vegetable “stock” is shown by the circumstance that there exists perhaps not one single plant wholly without the formation of sprouts.* If this assertion look at first strange, considering the number of plants which are diagnosed with “ caule simplici” and “ simplicissimo,” more accurate examination of such plants as appear to want the formation of sprouts, will readily confirm it. A few instances may serve to bear this out. Cicendia ‚iliformis is certainly one of the simplest plants in this respect. A delicate threadlike stem bears a few pairs of small euphyllary leaves and ends in a terminal blossom. * The leafless plants of the lowest ranks of the vegetable kingdom are temporarily passed over in this assertion. 26 THE PHENOMENON OF But the rudiments of the formation of sprouts exist in the axils of the lower leaves of this series, and quite as many specimens may be found with one or two branches, as perfectly simple. In a similar way, in many other plants which usually possess abundant ramification, we find specimens which, under the influence of unfavorable conditions, do not complete the branches which really exist in rudiment, and therefore appear quite simple. Such simple “ arrests” (Kümmerlinge) occur, for example, in Erythrea pulchella, Gentiana utriculosa, Saxifraga tridactylites, Silene conica, Gypsophila muralis, Papaver Rheas, Myosurus minimus, &c. In all these cases, there- fore, the want of branches depends solely upon an acci- dental obstruction. Other plants appear simple because the formation of sprouts is hidden beneath, or is close down upon the earth, as in the tulip, which forms sprouts in the cataphyllary leaf region (bulbels), also Trollius europeus, Papaver nudicaule, Gentiana verna, which form sprouts in the axils of the ground leaves (“ radical” leaves), whereby the originally simple “stock” passes into a ceespitose complexity, and acquires what is called a “radix multiceps.” Paris is deceptive in another way, the simple and one-flowered erect stem being itself a lateral sprout from a subterranean cataplıyllary-leaved stem (rhizome). Among the simplest plants altogether devoid of sprouts, apparently presenting solely a flower without a stem, is the celebrated Raflesca and the para- sites nearly allied to it; but it is most probable that the flowers of these plants arise as sprouts out of a thallus- like basis, creeping along under the bark of the nursing plant.* ‘The Melocactee form an exception in the family to which they belong, ungrateful to the admirers of that family, in sending out no sprouts from their green, globular “ stocks ;” but here also the rudiments of the formation of sprouts are indicated, by headed-down “stocks,” sometimes sending out sprouts from the lower * Sce R. Brown ‘On the Female Flower and Fruit of Raffesia tracldi. &e. “Trans. Linn. Soe.,’ xix, 3, p. 232 (note). REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 27 portion; moreover, Melocactus normally exhibits formation of sprouts in the terminal tuft of flowers, in which (as in all Cacteze) the flowers stand laterally. The palms are also mentioned as plants which usually form no sprouts; but leaving out Cucifera thebaica, which acquires a multiple crown by the formation of leafy branches, the inflorescences originating in the axils of the leaves are lateral sprouts. Corypha umbraculifera, with terminal inflorescence, has, in the inflorescence itself, ©. e. in the hypsophyllary leaf re- gion, an extremely rich ramification, carried out to many degrees, and in addition to this, sends out sprouts from the root, at the time of the maturation of the fruit.* Cycas would have better right than the palms to be regarded as a plant devoid of sprouts, at all events if the cone- or Ananas-like male blossom is terminal, as Richard expressly states. But Rumph says of Cycas circinalis, that the stem at first grows very slowly, but afterwards more rapidly, particularly when it has borne the “ananas.”’ Such a continuation of the growth of the stem can, how- ever, only be conceived through the formation of a lateral sprout, if the male blossom is actually terminal, or, if a direct prolongation of the stem occurs, the male blossom must be a lateral sprout. The female tree of Cycas circinalis is stated by Rheede + to divide frequently into four or five tops when old, which again can only take place. by the formation of sprouts. Lastly, in Cycas revoluta, formation of sprouts from the lower part of oldish stems, mostly close down to the ground, is quite a common phenomenon, and may be seen in every old trunk in our gardens; recurring moreover in the fossil stems of Cycadee.} Many Ferns, especially most tree- ferns, would appear as sproutless plants, in the strictest sense of the word, were not the entire Fern stem itself a * Vide Mohl, in Martius’s ‘History of the Palms.’ The palms are also very subject to subterraneous branching, and lateral sprouts sometimes break out from old leaf-axils on full-grown trunks.—A. H. t Hist. Malabar., iii, t. 20, fie. 3. % See plates in Buckland’s ‘ Geology and Mineralogy, t. 55, 60, 61. 28 THE PHENOMENON OF second generation, ö.e. a sprout produced from the thallus-like pro-embryo (prothallium). 'The circumstances are similar in Jsoétes. Thus, even after very extensive investigation, there probably does not remain to us one single plant which, through the whole course of its deve- lopment, from the germinal vesicle to the fruit, is but a single, simple individual, uncomplicated by subordinate propagation.* The subordinate condition of the propagation pre- senting itself under the form of the production of sprouts is expressed, secondly, in the fact that the particular sprouts, and indeed the main sprout as well as the lateral sprouts, do not, in the majority of cases, bring into exist- ence all the stages of vegetable metamorphosis which belong to the “stock” as a whole. Consequently there exist, in reference to the share in the graduated structure of the entire plant, sprouts of different kinds, and the individual sprout on that account mostly represents only more or less imperfectly the history of life of the plant. The deficiency of the sprout may relate either to its commencement or its conclusion. The formation with which a sprout commences mostly stands in relation to the region of the parent-shoot from which it takes origin. Thus we frequently see a series of sprouts, accurately graduated in this respect, arise from successive regions of the (absolute or relative) main-sprouts, e.g. sprouts beginning with cataphyllary structures from the cataphyl- lary region, with euphyllary leaves from the euphyllary region, with hypsophyllary structures from the hypsophyl- lary region. Hypericum perforatum and Mentha aquatica are well-known examples exhibiting this phenomenon. But a retrogression of the sprout to a lower formation, as well as an advance to a higher, is possible. The former * See on this subject, Hofmeister, ‘ Frucht-bilding, &e. der höher. Krypto- gamen,” Leipsic, 1851. He however regards the fronds of ferns as branches, a view which does not appear admissible. The first product from the pro- thallum is the primary axis of a new individual, continued by a terminal growth, but forking of the rhizome may oceur, and this must depend on the formation of secondary sprorts. In /soeles the stem appears simple.—A. H. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 29 occurs especially when the sprout is destined to be sub- sequently developed into the central shoot. Thus many hlies exhibit in the axils of the euphyllary leaves cata- phyllary buds, which finally fall off as bulbels, and con- tinue their development in the following year ; so also we see the buds formed in the axils of the euphyllary leaves of most trees, intended to overlast the winter and unfold in the next year, commence with cataphyllary structures. In many instances the plant first reaches the lowest stage of its metamorphoses by such a retrogression, the lateral sprout going down to a lower rudiment than the main or original sprout brought forth by the seed. This is a process through which the plant enters more closely into connexion with the earth in the second generation than in the first, and becomes more firmly established in it, preparing a more fixed, enduring and sheltered existence, to the vegetable life, though its cata- phyllary formation and the adventitious roots mostly fol- lowing this. ‘The followmg remarks may serve to illus- trate this case, which is especially important in reference to the biology of perennial herbaceous plants. It is self- evident that the cotyledons of Dicotyledonous plants, although mostly strikingly different * in shape from all the following leaves, do not belong to the lowest leaf- formation, but rather bear, essentially, the characters of the second leaf-formation, that of the euphyllary leaves ; while, on the other hand, the sheath-like cotyledon of the Monocotyledons is mostly decidedly like a cataphyllary leaf. Now Dicotyledons continue the euphyllary forma- tion directly from the cotyledons, without ever producing cataphyllary leaves either on the main or the lateral sprouts; perennial Dicotyledons, on the other hand, mostly descend from the original leafiness to cataphyllary formation, and this either on the main sprout itself, as in Adoxa, Helleborus niger, Hepatica, and Anemone nemo- * The first leaves of the sprouts have been compared with the cotyledons of the main sprout, a ground for which is indeed to be found in their position, but only rarely in their forms. 30 THE PHENOMENON OF rosa; or on the lateral sprouts arising from the axils of the cotyledons and the euphyllary leaves next succeeding these on the main sprout, in which case the main sprout dies down either entirely, or at least in the upper part, and this indeed mostly without having carried its develop- ment up to blossoming; while the lateral sprouts last through the winter in the form of basilar buds or ranners penetrating into the soil, and in the second year bring forth a more vigorous generation, mostly advancing to the terminal point, blossom and fruit. This is the condi- tion, for instance, of most of the perennial species of Aster, Solidago, Achillea, Tanacetum, Mentha, Lysimachia, Hy- pericum, Epilobium, Lythrum, &c.; Owxalis stricta and Solanum tuberosum also belong here, in which the parent stem dies entirelyaway, and onlythe ends of the runners live over the winter as the foundations of a new, more vigor- ous generation. It is well known that the potato raised from seed does not usually flower, or only exceptionally. Perhaps, however, Physalis Alkekengi affords one of the best examples of this kind. Between the stalked, broadly lanceolate cotyledons of this plant, spreading out above ground, rises In germination a stem about a span high, with twelve or thirteen (euphyllary) leaves, increasing in size upwards, and when winter approaches this stem dies down without having flowered. In the axils of the cotyledons and the succeeding leaves standing close down to the earth, in the course of the summer, while the sterile main sprout is being developed further up- wards, arise buds, which, scarcely a line long, turn their points at once obliquely downwards, and subsequently, becoming more and more elongated, penetrate almost perpendicularly into the earth. They are clothed with distant, clasping, apiculated, cataphyllary leaves, beut inwards like a cap at the tips, and these are reddish above ground, whitish beneath. The uppermost of these sprouts penetrating into the earth and laying the founda- tion of the more vigorous and fertile generation of the second year, begin again with small, dwarfed, euphyllary REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 3l leaflets, and descend gradually on the tips penetrating into the earth to cataphyllary leaf-formation. The anticipatory condition of the sprout is no less frequent than the retrogressive. It occurs, for example, where we see flowers arise without bracts (Vordlätter), or with such leaves as belong to the hypsophyllary leaf- formation, from the axils of euphyllary leaves, as in Linaria cymbalaria, Lysimachia Nummularia, Tropeo- lum, &c. More important for our purpose is the consideration of the deficiencies of the sprouts in the upper part, i.e. in reference to the formation with which they close. Not every sprout carries the developmental series, whether it take it up lower down or higher up, to its termination in the formation of flower and fruit ; but certain determinate sprouts remain fixed at determinate subordinate stages, beyond which they have no power, or only in extraordinary cases, to advance ; nay, there are even cases where instead of an advance to the final term in the building onwards of the sprout, a retrogression of the metamorphosis takes place, which is frequently followed by a periodical vibra- tion up and down of the formations, connected with the changes of the seasons. So, for instance, in the oak, the beech, and the chesnut, the sprouts of which produce cataphyllary and euphyllary leaves in regular alternation from year to year.” These limitations downwards and upwards, which de- termine the history of the individual sprout, in contra- distinction to the history of the life of the entire plant, form the most essential causes of the infinite multiplicity we meet with in the formation of sprouts in vegetables. Far removed, therefore, from merely subserving to an asexual increase and a multiplication of identities, the plant rather developes its great multiplicity in this very formation of sprouts, and thereby becomes a “ vegetable” * The same is the case with Adoxa, which creeps along the ground and rises and descends in undulations with the alternation of euphyllary and cataphyllary formations. 32 THE PHENOMENON OF (Gewächs), i.e. a whole composed of subordinate indi- viduals. Lastly, the subordinate import of the sprout is ex- pressed, ¢/ird/y, most distinctly in their reciprocal com- pensations. For how were it otherwise possible in the frequently so one-sided endowment of the sprout, limited to a few, nay often to a single formation? A mere cata- phyllary sprout necessarily requires the appearance of euphyllary formation in another series of sprouts, and when these again do not proceed as far as the formation of hypsophyllary leaves and flowers, further ranks of sprouts must be introduced. Thus in the pine we find on the main-shoot and the branches resembling it (in the earliest youth of the germinating seedling excepted), only scale-like cataphyllary leaves; the euphyllary formation so requisite to the tree is committed to a second order of sprouts, to the little branchlets which bear the two, three, or five-fold bunches of aciculate euphyllary leaves. These, however, produce neither flower nor fruit; it is a new rank of sprouts which produces the staminal leaves (stamens), and again, another which forms the foundation of the cone, on which, as the last formation of sprouts appear the fruit-scales, in the axils of the bracteal scales (hypsophyllary leaves) of the cone. ‘Thus the pine has five qualitatively different orders of sprouts, or, if we count as a separate rank the main-sprout or trunk, dif- fering in its earlier behaviour from the branches which form the crown of the tree, even six. The most important and interesting point revealed by these investigations, is the definite order of generation in which the different ranks of sprouts proceed one out of another. Only a small proportion, namely, of (Phanero- gamic) plants, reach the goal of the metamorphosis, blossom and fruit, in the first generation ; the majority attain this term only in the second, third, fourth, or some- times not until the fifth generation of sprouts.* Every * If we include the seed-bud (ovule) as the last generation of sprouts, we have, for all plants which do not possess a “ terminal” or “central” ovule, a REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 33 vegetable species has its specific law in this, and some- times even nearly related species are distinguished by their character in this respect ;* more frequently, how- ever, the species of a genus, nay even the genera of a family, follow essentially the same order in the production of sprouts. Thus, for instance, the Grasses, Cyperacee, Orchidex, Labiate, Scrophularinee, Primulacez, Cruci- feree, Onagree, Malvacex, Dipsaceze, and Composite, never attain the flower in the first, mostly in the second, but sometimes not until the third generation ; the Plan- tagineze, as well as the majority of the Scitamines, Amentaceze, and Leguminosz, mostly in the third; a few of the last, as Phaseolus, Apios, Hedysarum corona- rium, and Trifolium montanum in the fourth. But this enumeration of the essential generations of sprouts, or, as they may be called, the system of axes of the plant, merely marks the most general outlines of conditions which include an infinite multiplicity of subordinate cases. The number of the axes being equal, they divide, in the first place, according to the distribution of the formations on the axes in question. Especiallyimportant in this respect is the behaviour of the last axis, which bears the flower. Whether the last axis sets the flower cmmediately,t or after the preceding formation of a definite number of leaves, or, finally, an endefinite number of leaves precede the flower,$ are distinctions of importance even as characters of families. But also with like distribution of the formations, further distinctions occur in reference to the region from which the next system of the axes arises ; as also, lastly, less essential ones, of great importance however in regard to the habit of the plant, in respect to still further term in the series of generations, and the really uniaxial plants are then reduced almost to none. * Note the genera Echium, Arabis, Sagina, Silene, Potentilla, Viola, Lysimachia, Veronica, &c. See the Ratisbon ‘Flora,’ 1842, 692. T Cyperacex, Orchidex, Crucifere, Balsaminex, Primulaces. + Graminee and Iridee have one bract (Vorblatt); Labiate, Scrophu- larinee, Lythrariee, and Leguminose, have two; Gesneriacex have three. $ Polemoniacew, Zigustrinee. 3 34 THE PHENOMENON OF the number of the co-ordinate sprouts of each rank, the region and the abundance in which the said formations occur on the various axes, the relative dimensions of these axes, &c. A few examples placed side by side for the sake of comparison, may render these further dis- tinctions more clear. Paris quadrifolia and Lysimachia Nummularia, both have a two-membered chain of sprouts; but the endow- ment of the two axes is quite different. In Paris, i is a cataphyllary sprout creeping underground ; ii, brings forth successively a basilar cataphyllary formation, the euphyl- lary formation, and the flower. In Lysimachia Nummu- laria, 1 is a creeping euphyllary sprout; ii, immediately produces the flower. Convallaria majalis and Convallaria multiflora have both three-membered series of sprouts, both also have the sume distribution of the formations, namely, on axis 1, the cataphyllary and euphyllary formation ; on ii, the hypsophyllary formation ; while im concludes with the flower. But they are distinguished in the relations of the emergence of the shoots ; in Convallaria majalis, ii, arises from the cataphyllary region of 1; in Convallaria multi- fora from the euphyllary region. They differ, moreover, in reference to the number of the co-ordinate sprouts, since Convalluria majalis possesses only a single sprout of the second generation, thus only one inflorescence; Convallaria multiflora numerous inflorescences, but less numerous sprouts of the third generation, 7. e. only afew flowers in each inflorescence. Cyclamen and Centunculus both have two-membered series of sprouts, both the same distribution of the formations and the same regions of origin of the sprouts: 1, being a euphyllary sprout ; ii, blossoms from the axils of the euphyllary leaves. Here the relative dimensions are the principal causes of the very different habit. In Cyclamen, i is a tuberous stock; ii, the blossom, on the other hand, has an elongated stalk ; in Centunculus, on the contrary, i is a delicate little sprout, while the flower is almost sessile. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 35 Plantago major and Impatiens Balsamina owe their very different habit, in like manner, principally to the different relative dimensions. In both, i is a euphyllary sprout ; in both the ii, hypsophyllary leaf bearing sprouts (the axes of the inflorescences), arise from the axils of the euphyllary leaves ; from the axils of the hypsophyllary leaves (bracts), finally, i in, the flowers; but i is a short stock in Plantago, forming a rosette upon the ground. In Impatiens it is a very much elongated sprout; ni, on the contrary, is a sprout in Plantago, especially elongated in the lowest part, and thereby forming the shaft, or rachis, as it is called. In Jmpatiens, on the contrary, it is an extremely short stalk, thus hidden in the axil of the leaf; iii, the flower, is sessile in Plantago, and fur- nished with a long stalk in Jmpatiens. In ü is to be added the distinction in reference to the abundance in which the formation occurs, for in Plantago a great number of hypsophyllary leaves exist, laying the founda- tion of a rich spike; while in Jmpatiens there are but few hypsophyllary leaves, which is the cause of the poverty of blossom in the small axillary cyme. The complementary relations of the sprouts become still more manifold through the superaddition of a division of a generation, to the consecutive series of generations, which can start from any generation contained in the vegetable “stock,” but in many cases appears even in the first generation, produced by sexual propagation, and then gives rise to the existence of two ditferent comple- mentary “stocks.” The latter is the case in all dicecious plants, the former in the monoecious, unless the case occurs of the terminal structures distributed to the two kinds of flowers being attained by a simple series of generations. Cases of moncecia through division of gene- ration, so that one part of the sprouts belonging to the same generation terminates (immediately, or even in the second or third line) with male flowers, another portion with female flowers, occur in Pachysandra, Arum, Sil- phium, Calendula, and Eriocaulon, in which the flowers 36 THE PHENOMENON OF belonging to the same spike or the same capitule, 2. e. arising from the same parent axis and thus forming only one generation, are partly male (the lower or outer) and partly female. ‘The Hornbeam (Carpinus) may furnish an example of a more complicated case. Male and female catkins arise as co-ordinate sprouts from the same parent axis, but the male flowers form the second generation on the male catkins, the female blossoms the third generation on the female inflorescences. ‘The division of the generations occurs therefore here in the last generation but one for the males, in the last but two for the females; the two kinds of catkin are, to a certain extent, themselves again “ stocks” upon the “stock,” the male “stock” (catkin) with two-membered, the female with three-membered series of generations.* Examples of moncecious condition through mere succession of generations are furnished by many Euphorbiacee, for instance, Zuphorbia and Buxus, where the male blossoms are produced as lateral sprouts from the sprouts terminating with female flowers. Besides the sprouts which present themselves as essen- tial members of succession of generations and of division of generations, and consequently are necessary to the full carrying out of the series of formations up to blossom and fruit, most plants possess other sprouts, which are not necessarily connected here, and therefore may be dis- tinguished from those hitherto examined, under the name of inessential sprouts. In plants which possess terminal flowers, z.e. in which the main-sprout terminates in a flower, all the lateral sprouts, however numerous and regular they may be, are to be regarded as inessential. The inessential sprouts enröch the “stock” within the annual period of vegetation, if they succeed the main sprout quickly in their development, as is the case, for example, among annual plants (summer plants) with all the sprouts; in herbaceous perennials with the * It is similar in Quercus, only here both the female and the male flowers form the sccond generation within their inflorescences. T Sarcococca exhibits the reverse. REJUVENESCENCK IN NATURE, 37 upper sprouts. If the sprouts remain undeveloped, as buds, until the commencement of a new period of vege- tation, they maintain and renew the plant, while the old a stock, ” m so far as it bears such buds capable of development, does not die away, as is seen in perennial herbs, half-shrubs, and true woody plants, in which less or greater, merely underground or also an above-ground portion of the “stock” is preserved. ‘This gives the pos- sibility for the plant to rise up in new generations from the same stock, year after year, and thus repeatedly to produce flower and fruit. Finally, if such inessential sprouts become detached, whether by dying away of the old “stock,” as in the monk’s-hood (Aconitum Napellus), the potato, and many bulbous plants ; or, the old “ stock” persisting, by a natural solution of the connection with it, as in the young plants springing from the runners of the strawberry,—the sprout becomes a new “stock,” and appears as a multiplying sprout, as a natural layer. All these modifications may occur in one and the same plant. Thus the common spurge (Huphorbia Cyparissias), ex- hibits two kinds of enrichment-sprouts above ground, namely, in the euphyllary leaf region, the densely-leaved spreading, mostly barren euphyllary sprouts, which give ‘the characteristic fulness to the euphyllary region of this plant; in the hysophyllary region, further, the branches of the umbels arising from the circle of hypsophyllary leaves beneath the small terminal capitules, with further bifurcated and scorpioid ramifications of their branches, forming the rich and finely compound infloresence of this plant. Below the ground, in the cataphyllary region, occur in summer numerous small, reddish-white, little buds; these are the sustaining and renovating sprouts of the plant, arising with a cataphyllary formation, advanced somewhat in development, and destined to shoot up in the next year and renew the “stock.” Other little sprouts, finally, not unlike these, are met with here and there on the branches of the root approaching the surface of the earth, where however they assume an independent 38 THE PHENOMENON OF character, through forming roots of their own, and sooner or later become detached from the parent “stock,” thus presenting themselves as increase-sprouts or layers. All these modifications in which the inessential sprouts occur, agree in the circumstance that they re- present, in greater or less extension, only repetitions of that which the plant possesses in its essential sprouts. They lie outside the straight line towards the flower and fruit, being interposed laterally, at various heights, as ines- sential lines of repetition. In many cases the presence or absence of such repetition-sprouts, appears, usually, as something accidental and indifferent to the plant, as for instance, when the tulip stem acquires a branch with a lateral flower. In general, however, these repetition- sprouts are of more importance, and are more necessary to the plant than might appear, so that they must be regarded as in certain respects essential, thus, namely, in reference to the characterisation and also to the economy of plants. That the repetition-sprouts are characteristic, is ex- pressed generally by their influence on the “habit” of plants, on the architectural design of the “ stock,” whether as a whole, or in its separate parts, as in the inflorescence especially. Entering more into particulars we find characteristic features in the arrangement and direction of the branches, in the frequently peculiar arrangements of the leaves and rudimentary traces of such arrangements on the branches, in the laws of curvature of the lines of ar- rangement of the leaveson rudimentary branches, especially in the laws of antidromy occurring on the branches placed symmetrically opposite to each other, in the relations of the subtending leaves to the branches, particularly the con- ditions of fusion of the two, &e. A multiplicity of good and important characters would be altogether lost if the inessential branches were removed; nay even the mere presence or absence of certain modifications of them, as of subterranean or above-ground bulbels,* stolons,t * Thus in the genus Suaifraga ; in 8. granulata, and S. bulbifera. T See the genera Carer, Kpilobium, Ilieracium, Valeviana, Viola. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE, 39 above or below the earth, with or without tuberous struc- tures, spine- branches,* &c., are characteristic of particular species of plants. ‘Thus, in spite of the distinction between essential and inessential sprouts, we must acknowledge, that from a higher point of view all sprouts appear es- sential. As it is not merely in the last stages of the metamorphoses that the life reveals its peculiarities, since every one of the lower stages also turns outwards a special side of the living essence, not only are those sprouts which bear relation to the attainment of the goal of the metamorphosis to be called essential, but also, everything else in the collective circle of those structures which are destined to represent the plant on all sides, and cannot be removed from that circle without essential interfe- rence with the characterisation of the plant. A fewexamples may render more clear the importance of the inessential or repetition-sprouts in the characterisation of the plant. The peculiar forms of the crowns of trees, for instance of the pyramidal poplar, of the cypress, depend upon the proportion of the vigour and abundance of the repetition- sprouts to the main sprout or trunk of the tree. ‘The relation of arrangement shows itself more distinctly in many Conifers, where the repetition-sprouts over-leap certain tracts which reınain without branches, and form tolerably regular whorls. In Pinus the tracts between the larger, whorled branches are occupied by the small (essential) leafy branchlets. Essential and inessential sprouts occur in extremely regular alternation in 7ro- peolum minus, when every third flower-sprout is followed by a euphyllary leaf sprout. When there is 2 arrange- ment of the leaves on the main-shoot, the euphyllary leaf sprouts derive from this an arrangement according to 2 in the reverse direction. Here also may be mentioned the peculiar cases where the leaves having a many-ranked direction, the branches are nevertheless in distichous arrangement, on account of only part of the leaves pro- * See Prunus, Pyrus, Cratagus, Rhamaus. 40 THE PHENOMENON OF ducing branches in their axils, as in the Arbor Vite (Thuja), and several of the branched Mosses, for instance, Hypnum abietinum, delicatulum, tamariscinum, &e. Hence arise pinnate forms of ramification, which frequently stop at a determinate degree of pinnation ; as in the three species of Hypnum just named, the first is simply, the second doubly, the third triply, pinnate. In the Horse- tails we see a determinate degree of ramification kept to, even in a verticillate arrangement of the branches.* If we take the characteristic branches away from such a plant, it would lose its peculiar “habit.” Imagine, for instance, a Tamarisk (Zamariv) robbed of its numerous minutely-leaved euphyllary leaf twigs, and the fine bushy, thousand-leaved, pyramidal shrub becomes a simple, meager, naked rod, on which the distant, minute leaves are scarcely visible. Even characters applicable to generic distinction may vanish through removal of inessential branches. All the lateral spikelets of Zolium and Triticum are inessential, insomuch that a terminal spikelet exists ; but with their removal is wholly lost the distinction be- tween the two genera, founded on the different commence- ment of the branches of these lateral spikelets. Thus also would one of the most important distinctions between the genera Festuca and Bromus become imperceptible through the disappearance of the panicle-branches, namely, the one-sided direction of the first secondary branch, which principally distinguishes Festuca from Bromus. But inflorescences above all show most distinctly what im- portant and weighty characters of plants are expressed by mere repetition-shoots. All inflorescences having a terminal flower, evidently consist, with the exception of the main axis of the inflorescence terminating in that flower, of repetition-sprouts ; and yet what distinction, what mul- tiformity of structure, exists in these inflorescences ! What a distinction, for instance, between the simple raceme of Henyanthes and Berberis, the umbel of the coriander, * Eyniselum arvense wd E. sylvalican. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 41 the pyramidal panicle of the lilac (Syringa) or the phlox, and, finally, the anthele of Luzula and Ulmaria, rendered so remarkable by the strong development of the lower flower branches. But the essential lateral parts of the spiked or racemose inflorescence may be developed to most characteristic forms of the inflorescence, by inessen- tial sprout-formation from the bracts (Vordlätter), e.g. to the forked form, by the equilibrium of a homodromous and antidromous sprout, to the screwed form by the pre- dominance of the homodromous, to the scorpiord form by the prevalence of the antidromous sprout. All these characteristic forms are produced by mere succession of inessential generations, which proceed one out of the other according to determinate laws, and are frequently inti- mately chained together into apparently continuous axes (sympodia). Another side, on which the sprouts which have been termed inessential in the foregoing, appear in a deep and essential connection with the course of existence of the plant, is their relation to the economy of vegetable life. Formation of sprouts, generally, especially however the formation of inessential sprouts retrograding to the lowest stages of the metamorphosis, gives the plant the means of attaching itself to the most varied conditions, of persisting through periods of continued cold and heat, damp or drought, according as the climate may produce, and guarding against death in all cases of frustrated seed-for- mation. Under the varied circumstances which may frus- trate the fertilisation, under the readily possible prevention of the formation of seed after fertilisation has taken place, it is of importance, since the proper individual of the plant (the simple sprout) can only once flower and ripen seed, that the “stock” should have the capacity, by another kind of propagation, namely, the formation of sprouts, of repeating the blossoming and ripening, either in the same period of vegetation,—whereby, for example, in every many-flowered inflorescence, any temporary dis- turbance loses its effect upon the whole through succes- 42 THE PHENOMENON OF sive opening of the flowers, which is especially important in the case of annuals,—or in a succeeding period of vegetation. The latter condition is particularly important for such plants, as, in consequence of the contrivance of the organs of fertilisation, rarely bear fertile seed, as 1s the case with most of the Orchideze,—as also for such as through their situation are often prevented from flowering for a long time, as is the case with many water-plants, when the level of water remains long very high. Thus Littorella lacustris, which never flowers under water, maintains and increases itself by lateral runners, year after year, at the bottom of the lakes of the Black Forest, and only comes into flower when the water retreats, in the driest years, which scarcely recur oftener than once in ten. Similar conditions are exhibited by many nemoral plants, as for instance, the woodruff; when the shade of the wood is too dense, or even when too free an opening of the wood interferes with its flourishing above-ground, it maintains itself many years without flowering by subter- ranean runners, waiting from generation to generation the return of a season favorable to its success. The well- known phenomenon that annual plants almost entirely disappear in the extreme north and in the Alps, likewise deserves to be mentioned here, since it shows how, in proportion as the ripening of seed is endangered by cold, a formation of sprouts adapted to the persistence through the cold season takes place. Lastly, the formation of sprouts is of especial importance for hybrid plants, which as a rule can only be maintained and increased by uaturally or artificially detached sprouts. The frequent experience that hybrids of annual or biennial plants, e. g. the hybrids of the genus Verbascum,* acquire a duration of ınany years through continued formation of sprouts from the old “stock,” is a speaking testimony of the inter- position of sprout-formation in cases where propagation by seed is difficult or impossible, since in this instance * I have observed this phenomenon also in the hybrid between Guothera biennis and wuricata, not unlyequent in the district of Freiburg. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 43 the longer maintenance of the hybrid form is effected by a sprout-formation, not merely inessential in the sense above denoted, but also quite extraordinary, and alto- gether absent in the parents of the hybrid. To these indications respecting the connection of the inessential sprouts with the economy of vegetable life, we have to add also the consideration of certain cases, which completely remove the sharpness of the former distinction, since, as cases of transition, they may be taken in two ways. In contrast to the essential sprouts, which, as determinate series of subordinate generations in which the metamor- phosis of the plant is carried to its term, represent, according to number, a firmly fixed system of axes, each successive one bringing something new—we have called the inessential sprouts, lying outside the series and inde- finite in number, repetition-generations. But cases occur of real repetition-generations, which do not lie outside the line, but belong to the series of transition generations necessary to the attainment of the goal. Here refer the strengthening generations—already noticed above*—of many perennial plants, which in the first year are still too weakly to form flowers and fruit. The fortification to the point of fruitfulness may occur either in the next succeeding generation, otherwise essentially like the first, or deviating only in a retrogression to cataphyllary leaf- formation, and thus in the second year, if every gene- ration is destined to a year’s duration,—or, more or less numerous, and then mostly numerically indeterminate, in all essentials completely similar generations, may suc- ceed one another, till at length that age of the “ stock” is attained in which it advances to the formation of blossom. The latter condition occurs especially frequently in trees, and indeed most distinctly in those which haye no terminal buds, and consequently, in the strictest sense, unfold each new year a generation composed of un- doubtedly new individuals (evident lateral buds). ‘Three * See pp. 29, 30. 44 THE PHENOMENON OF examples, very unlike, but agreeing in the conditions here referred to, the asparagus, the lime, and the vine, may be examined a little more minutely, to illustrate this point. The common asparagus (Asp. officinalis) differs from other perennial herbs formerly mentioned which arrive at blossom only through strengthening generations, in the circumstance that it produces several strengthening generations in one and the same year, three or four in fact even in the first year, while in the succeeding years the number of generations sprouting out of one another, in one summer, amounts to eight or ten. The single shoots of asparagus are namely, really so many successive generations, and not as it might appear co-ordinate mem- bers of one and the same generation, since the horizontal root-stock is not a continnous axis, but a sympodium formed by the chaining together of the basilar portions of the individual shoots. Each succeeding shoot. arising from the axil of the second, sub-basilar cataphyllary leaf of the foregoing, hidden in the ground, is related anti- dromously to the foregoing, like the successive flowers of ascorpioid inflorescence. From the first shoot, arising from the seed, which is the weakest of all, and sends out the second, already somewhat stronger, from the axil of the first leaf after the cotyledon, the shoots produced in scorpioid succession out of each other, in the above-described way, increase in strength till about the fourth or fifth year, when the asparagus has attained its perfect vigour, which remains pretty equal for about fifteen years, and then again gradually decrease with age. A subordinate reaction occurs during this, the last. shoots of each year decreasing somewhat in strength. The shoots of the first, and often even of the second year, are in- fertile, for the asparagus does not usually flower until the third year. Since three or four shoots are produced in the first year, and five or six in the second, the asparagus requires a series of eight to ten generations to strengthen it up to the point of hearing. All gencrations, both REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 45 the earlier infertile and the later fertile ones, are essentially alike in all other respects. ‘lhe first shoot bears, after the cotyledon, a basilar, subterranean, amplexical sheath- ing leaf, then in the upraised stem distant smaller and narrower scale-like Jeaves, which might be taken for hypsophyllary leaves if they were not preferably to be re- garded as cataphyllary formations, since it is their axils that the aciculate, leafless branchlets, arise, which here, as in Ruscus, take the place of the euphyllary leaves. The shoot thus exhibits two essential axes, the main axis with two gradations of the cataphyllary formation, and the leafless lateral branchlets, which represent the euphyllary formation, and are mostly enriched by others similar (inessential), whence arises the tufted arrangement of these last branchlets. These two essential axes are re- peated in all the succeeding shoots, only progressively more vigorously and richly through the increased number of leaves on the main axis, and through the occurrence of inessential lateral branches, which repeat the upper part of the main axis, and, finally in the most vigorous shoots produce again lateral twigs of the second, third, or even of the fourth degree, whence arises the stately panicled growth of the asparagus. The essential axes are not mul- tiplied by this enrichment until the flower, which arises on each side from the basis of the branches, appears as the third essential sprout-formation of the asparagus. The bearing shoot of the asparagus has thus three different and essential systems of axes or generations of sprouts, but appears, itself, as a whole, only after a series of gene- rations resembling itself, but barren, which are indeed repetitions of the like, but nevertheless essential prepa- ratory or transition links. Like the root-stock of the asparagus, the stem of the lime is also a sympodium ; for the lime, from the first annual shoot of the germinating tree onwards, never pro- duces terminal buds, the stem being developed forth from year to year from the uppermost lateral shoot. The lime, when raised from seed, grows very slowly, and does not 46 THE PHENOMENON OF flower until it has attained an age of full thirty years ; so that the number of necessary strengthening generations is considerable here. When the bearing age is attained, the flower appears in the blossoming generation as the third axial system, since it arises out of the axil of the winglike first leaf of the lateral buds. The relations of the strengthening generations are much more complicated in the vine. The germinating vine produces first two small leaf-like cotyledons, and then a weak, upright shoot, scarcely a span high, with seven to ten, seldom more, euphyllary leaves, which are arranged spirally according to the 2 or 4 order. It is pro- bable that a weak tendril-formation occurs at the summits of vigorous seedlings, and beyond this an apparently di- rect continuation from the uppermost euphyllary leaf, as we are enabled to make out more clearly on the shoots of the succeeding year ; but the whole of this uppermost por- tion acquires, in any case, but a very slight development, and dies at the top as the winter comes on.* This first main-sprout of the seedling forms the basis of the so-called head (ceps, in French), from which arise the climbing shoots (Freb-schosse), following in the second year; but these are produced through a peculiar agency. In the axils of the euphyllary leaves, namely, (nay even of the cotyledons,) buds are formed, on which we find, first a cataphyllary leaf, then a euphyllary leaf, and the trace of a tendril, which latter organs, as well as those following further on, are mostly very stunted in their development, or even wither up before fully unfolded, while a new bud is formed in the axil of the cataphyllary leaf, which be- comes more swollen than the chief bud, and is protected by its own two cataphyllary leaves (bud-scales). In this * Unfortunately I have no seedlings of the vine at disposal at present. On those ul observed I noticed no formation oftendrils, but have seen this in the radical sprouts (suckers), which behave just like the seedlings in the arrangement ofthe leaves and otherrespects. The statements as to the conditions of the lateral axes of the first and second year are also derived from the latter. (The supposition mentioned above was not confirmed by later observation. See author’s preface, Trans.) REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 47 way, if the chief bud is not unfolded, there arises the appearance of two buds placed side by side, one drying up and the other fresh. The stuntedly developed chief- buds are no other than the first “@eitzen’” of the vine, which are repeated in a more distinct manner in the fol- lowing years; from the lateral buds, on the contrary, are developed in the next years the first “‘Zotten”’ of the vine, which at once grow out more vigorously and more slender than the head-shoot of the seedling, and, as the preceding statements indicate, arise from the base of the stunted “ Geitzen,” and not directly from the middle-shoot, thus representing properly a secundane, a ramification of the second degree. The ‘“Zotten” differs from the head- shoot in many respects; they have never spiral, but always distichous arrangement of the euphyllary leaves ; they bear numerous tendrils, or “forks,” as they are called ; and, what is most important here, a minute ex- amination shows that they are never simple, but linked sprouts, forming a sympodium. It is well-known that the tendrils of the vine stand opposite to the euphyllary leaves; this is explained by the fact that the tendril, as the temporary apex of a sprout, becomes turned towards the side by the succeeding sprout, arising from the axil of the uppermost euphyllary leaf, while the new sprout is attached upon the euphyllary region, as an apparently direct prolongation. Another point especially worthy of remark in this is, the regular alternation in the character of the sprouts linked together to form a “Zo/te,” occurring after the first member of this series of sprouts. The first sprout with which the “ Lotte’? commences is different from all the succeeding, since it commences with a cata- phyllary formation (with the two basilar bud-scales, visible even in the first year), and after this produces mostly more than two (3—5) euphyllary leaves, before it terminates with the formation of the tendril. The tendril, like all the succeeding tendrils, bears a hypso- phyllary leaflet, from the axil of which arises a branch, which gives the tendril the well-known forked form. All 48 THE PHENOMENON OF the succeeding sprouts (members of the series of genera- tions of the “ Lotte’’) are added upon the foregoing with- out repetition of the cataphyllary formation, and possess alternately one and two euphyllary leaves before the transi- tion to the formation of the tendrils. From this arises quite a peculiar arrangement of the tendrils, which are arranged distichously, but in such a manner that two successive tendrils always fall on the same side, since every third leaf of the “Zotte” is without an opposite tendril.* It is further to be remarked, that the imposition of the dis- tichous arrangement of the leaves occurs with prosenthesis on the first or basal sprout of the “.Zotte,” while all the following commence without prosenthesis ; hence arises the uninterrupted continuation of the distichous arrange- ment of the euphyllary leaves, through the whole chain of sprouts of the “.Zofte,” while at the origin of the “ Zotte” occurs a crossing of the ranks with the subtending leaf (the basilar cataphyllary leaf of the “Getz.” In the axils of the euphyllary leaves of the ‘“Zotte” new buds are formed, unfolded more or less perfectly during the course of the summer, and representing the branches of the “Zotte,” which have a connection similar to the “Lotte” itself, ©. e. are in like manner chains of sprouts. They are weaker than the “ Zotfe” from which they arise ; very often only very poorly developed, especially on the lower parts of the “Zotten.’ These are the true “Geitzen’’ of the vine, which we met with in a yet almost irrecognisable condition of development on the principal shoot. They form the second annual series of generations, and are distinguished from the “Zotten” by their basal sprouts possessing constantly only one cataphyllary leaf and two euphyllary leaves. Although all “@eitzen” are of similar nature, they originate in two ways, part, namely, are primary axillary sprouts (those from the axil of the lower euphyllary leaf of the two-leaved joints of the “Zotte”); part secondary (accessory) axillary sprouts * I have found this constant, not only in Vitis vinifera but also in several American vines. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 49 (those from the axil of the upper leaf of the two-leaved and of the single leaf of the one-leaved joints of the “ Lotte’). Therefore, on the two-leaved joints of the “ Lotte” the secondary sprout from the upper leaf-axil behaves like the primary sprout from the lower, while it is essentially different from the primary sprout of the upper, since the primary sprout (which carries on the Lotte’’) is added on without a cataphyllary leaf and without prosenthesis, and the secondary sprout (which forms the “Geitz”) begins with a cataphyllary leaf and with prosenthesis. The ‘Zotten” grow all through the sum- mer, and often on until late in autumn, forming a chain, endless in its nature, which is only forcibly broken off by the commencement of winter. I have counted as many as twenty-six constituent joints (thus twenty-six tendrils and about forty leaves) in strong “ Zoftten.” The “Geitzen” also die away at the point in winter; the weak and late developed often even down to the base, so that only the cataphyllary leaf with its axillary bud remains. ‘This lowest part of the “Gedtz” is of especial importance. In the axil of the basilar cataphyllary leaf of the basal-sprout of the “Geitz,” is found a bud (as stated above, in describing the condition in the first year); this bud begins with two firmly-connected cata- phyllary leaves, and endures through the winter in the closed condition. It is this resting-bud from which the series of generations of the “Lotte,” and indirectly the formation of “Geitzen,” is repeated in the next year. It is, therefore, first of alla “Zotfe”’ bud, and, if the vine has attained the proper age, which is usually in the fifth or sixth year, at the same time a bearing bud, since the inflorescence appears at the lower parts of the “Zotie” in place of the previous tendril-formation. In this case numerous hypsophyllary leaves occur in place of the single hypsophyllary leaf of the tendril, and the axis ends in a terminal flower; by graduated ramification from the axils of the hypsophyllary leaves arises, then, the richly panicled blossom of the grape, which, in opposition to 50 THE PHENOMENON OF ordinary botanical language, is commonly called a “ traube’ (raceme). When we seek to separate the essential and inessential sprouts, in this complicated biography of the vine, which could only be given in very rough outline here, we might be inclined to see in the repeated succession, not of mere simple generations, but even of whole chains of genera- tions, as occurring in the “Geitzen” and “Lotten,” clearly essential arrangements of sprouts, because the same are necessary transitional links to the attainment of flower and fruit; but if we take the essential succession of sprouts, in the sense explained in the preceding pages, as a series of partially endowed, reciprocally complemen- tary sprouts, we must rather acknowledge that the vine is essentially only wxiaaial, since it produces all the essential stages of metamorphosis on one axis, as we see them represented in the basilar sprout of the fertile “Lotte,” which includes cataphyllary, euphyllary, hypso- phyllary, and flower formations. All the rest of the members of the succession of sprouts are either prepara- tory representatives of the same series of formations not fully attaining the goal, or imperfect repetitions of these. But how characteristic is this varied rise and repetition, this linking into a complicated succession of sprouts, in the developmental history of the vine, and how essentially it lays down the conditions under which this plant can live and grow! It is true that if we compare the ordi- nary methods of cultivation, adapting the vine to our conditions by systematic crippling, we might wonder at the abundance of superfluity which the vine annually produces. ‘The “Geitzen” are carefully broken off, and the long luxuriant ‘“Zotten” cut back to a few joints! In the south, on the other hand, when the vine appears as a widow, when not supported by the lofty elm, we see how this superfluity essentially belongs to the economy of the vine; when left to its freedom, it twines itself over the highest trees. Thus, then, we see that much as the law of superfluity REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 51 prevails in the formation of sprouts in plants, as it does everywhere in nature, yet all formation of sprouts, the inessential no less than the essential, possesses a deter- minate relation to the maintenance and progressive de- velopment of the plant. From the consideration of the sprouts as individuals, the vegetable “ stock”’ must appear to us as the living trunk of a family, rejuvenised and in- creased according to determinate laws of propagation, the differently gifted members of which family we have endeavoured in the foregoing, though only in mere indications, to represent, as arranged according to descent and collateral relation, in their either closer (direct) or looser (indirect) relation to the destination of the whole.* And thus may the import of sprout-formation become clear, as a subordinate propagation, subserving the indi- vidual destination in its wider sense. ‘The undeniable interweaving of propagation and development within this circle, may at the same time form an acceptable guide to the destination of the individual in the larger circle of the species, as well as that of this again in the totality of the series of organic creation,t which has already been re- ferred to in the Introduction. II.—LEAF-FORMATION. From the Rejuvenescences which the plant experiences through formation of sprouts, by which the subject (or theme) of the plant is many times repeated and variously distributed on the “stock,” in subordinate individual ” The study of sprouts is the broadest and fairest field in Morphology, but as yet, unfortunately, the least cultivated. What C. Bene long since accomplished in this department, but has not yet published, I have already mentioned in a public lecture on “the Vegetable Individual,” which I shall print after this discourse. The phenomenon ofthe essential and necessary succession of sprouts long known in the vegetable kingdom, agrees com- pletely with that occurring in the animal kingdom, the so-called alternation of generations, brought into its true position chiefly by Sars and Steenstrup. I have shown this by a detailed comparison in the above-mentioned lecture. + Victor Carus has given important hints upon the analogy of the alter- nation of generations with the succession in the series of organic beings, in his before-mentioned Essay ‘Zur Naheren Kenntniss des Generations wechsels,’ p. 54. 5% THE PHENOMENON OF structures, we pass to the examination of the phenomena of Rejuvenescence in the individual sprouts themselves. The single links of Rejuvenescence which we meet here, are the leaves built up successively one above another, separated and at the same time held together by stem-formation, forming, as it were, the persistent waves of the vegetable life, flowing towards its goal in alternating rise and fall, concentration and expansion. But before considering these separate Rejuvenescence- waves of the sprout, represented in the formation of leaves, we must examine the greater, upward-striving periods of the metamorphosis (which contain the smaller waves within them), as they manifest themselves in the conditions of the successive leaf-formations. Previously, however, to tracing the great tide of the ascending metamorphosis and its subordinate waves, we will connect this entire section with the preceding, by a minute examination of certain cases of descending and vibrating metamorphosis. It has been remarked above, that not every sprout carries the metamorphosis towards the goal, that in fact not merely a normal persistence at particular formations occurs, but in certain sprouts even a retrogression.* By such a retrogression the sprout recurs, as it were, to the commencement of its theme, becoming renovated and rejuvenised in repetition of the impulse, but giving up as a prey to age the relinquished product of the earlier period of growth. In fact Rejuve- nescence of the sprout itself bears great resemblance to the Rejuvenescence by the formation of new sprouts; indeed, in a physiological point of view, and in reference to the vital economy of the plant, these two kinds of Rejuvenescence are of equivalent import. Both stand related in the same way to the periodicity of the seasons, in both cases is seen the same independence of the new formation of the foregoing structures. As in the formation of lateral sprouts, the chief sprout from which * See page 31. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 53 they are sent out either dies (Solanum tuberosum, Saxi- Jraga granulata), or becomes a mere supporting and subservient scaffold, to a certain extent a soz for the new generation, so in the Rejuvenescence in the sprout itself, we again find these two cases, since the fore-running part of the sprout sometimes dies away, sometimes be- comes the support of the rejuvenised continuation. The first case is seen in all root-stocks dying away at the posterior end,* as also in bulbst dying away externally and becoming rejuvenised in the centre; the latter we find especially in woody plants which possess terminal buds. On the other hand, there is the essential dis- tinction, in morphological respects, between the two cases here compared, that in the one case the renovated vital movement is undertaken by really new individuals (lateral sprouts), while in the other cases the same indi- viduals (the old sprouts), rise up to new vital activity, which distinction has already been remarked upon above, in the introductory consideration of the buds.{ Moreover those sprouts which are incapable of advancing to the uppermost stage, do not in all plants possess the power of Rejuvenescence through retrogression to a lower stage of formation, 7. e. the power of forming terminal buds destined for the succeeding period of vegetation ; this is rather, indeed, a privilege of but a few perennial herbs with subterraneous perennial stocks, and of a portion of the woody plants. Among those which possess this power, again, two cases have to be distinguished: either * Anemone nemorosa, Epimedium alpinum. { Narcissus, for example. The terrestrial species of /sodies, particularly I. hystrix and I. Duriei, afford an especially fine instance of this kind. See my description of them in the ‘Exploration Scientifique d’ Algerie.’ + Distinction of lateral and terminal buds, pp. 18-20. Formation of terminal buds does not occur, for instance, on the middle leal-bearing chief sprout of Urtica urens and Mercurialis annua; since these plants are ‘also devoid of lateral buds, they die away altogether after the fruit is quite matured. Urtica dioica and Mercurialis perennis die down only to the cataphyllary region, from which arise the cataphyllary sprouts lasting over the winter. Carpinus, Salix, Ulmus, Morus, Maclura, Tilia, Diospyros, and Calycanthus, are examples of woody plants without terminal buds. 54 THE PHENOMENON OF the sprout, after many years’ vibration, runs through, as it were by a fresh impulse, to the goal, and thus con- cludes its growth, or it sinks back again to infinity, after each new flight upward. Both kinds of behaviour are represented not only among woody plants, but also among perennial herbs and bulbous plants. In Quercus, Fagus, Populus, Xylosteum, and Camellia, all the euphyl- lary sprouts return at the tops to cataphyllary formation, continuing their growth in the following year from the terminal bud, with a new euphyllary shoot. ‘They acquire by this the power of infinite growth, which indeed finally finds obstacles in old trees, but is made good by taking off slips and grafts. If we compare with these, Acer, Esculus, Juglans, Rhododendron, &c., we find the same condition during a more or less extensive series of years, but at last, when the growth has elevated the plants sufficiently above the earth, the shoot is sufficiently in- vigorated and limited by repeated periodical renovation. It does not return to the formation of cataphyllary leaves, but advances to the formation of the inflorescence (with or without a terminal flower), and then comes to the end of its growth. In Juglans, only, the female inflorescence is attained in this manner, while the male catkins appear as lateral branches. Rhododendron is remarkable, trom the fact that the terminal shoot of the sprout, which appears (on branches of full-grown “stocks’’) mostly in the third year, consequently after two intermissions (Absätze) with cataphyllary and euphyllary formations, overleaps the euphyllary formation, and passes at once from the cataphyllary leaves (bud-scales of the last ter- minal bud) to hypsophyllary formations, the bracts from the axils of which the flowers arise. Side by side with the first-named examples (with infinite rising and sinking Rejuvenescence), we may place Hepatica, Adora, and Ozalis Acetosella, from among the perennial herbs. The Hepatica every spring produces a bud composed of eight scale-like cataphyllary leaves, followed by three euphyllary leaves ; after this, it recurs to the formation of a similar REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 55 terminal bud. The flowers arise laterally from the axils of the cataphyllary leaves. The Adoza, on the contrary, creeps along under ground with a slender stem, rising above the surface every spring to bring forth, after an indefinite number of small, tooth-like, cataphyllar y leaves, one to three (mostly two) long- stalked euphyllary leaves, from the axils of which arise the flowering stems, with two smaller, sessile, euphyllary leaves, and the head of flowers. Between the two long- stalked euphyllary leaves the stem recommences its growth as a descending runner, repeating the same process in the following spring, and so on, ad infinitum. Helleborus niger, Anemune nemorosa, Epimediun, Actea, and Pyrola, may be mentioned as examples of another kind of growth. I will describe the first two somewhat minutely, for comparison with Hepatica and Adoxa; the short ground-stem or root-stock of the black hellebore annually produces one single euphyllary leaf, which is succeeded by a terminal bud of two to four cata- phyllary leaves. After alternating in this way for four or five years, the euphyllary formation is skipped over,* or only imperfectly indicated, and the plant attains the hypsophyllary and floral formations, and then rises up above the alternating euphyllary and cataphyllary leaf regions through the elongation of the flowering stem. In like manner, Anemone nemorosa prolongs its creeping, subterraneous growth, with alternations of euphyllary and cataphyllary formations, for several years before it arrives at flower terminating the shoot. ‘The number of annual cataphyllary leaves on the horizontal rhizome increases from year to year, rising gradually to eight, and each of these preparatory sections terminates with a single long- stalked euphyllary leaf, till, finally, the last section, after producing its proper number of cataphyllary leaves, rises into an upright shaft, producing the three-leaved whor] of euphyllary leaves and the nodding flower. Among * As in Rhododendron (sce above) and Pyrola. 56 THE PHENOMENON OF bulbous plants, the narcissus and its allies, the snowdrop, on the one hand, the tulip and onion (Allium) on the other, may furnish examples. Narcissus poeticus, when arrived at a flowering age, annually produces a sheath- like, closed, cataphyllary leaf, and four euphyllary leaves, the last of which, bearing the flower in its axil, is devoid of the embracing sheath of the preceding. As long as no axillary flower is produced, the innermost euphyllary leaf of the annual cycle possesses a sheath. Leucojum vernum, similar in other respects, has only three euphyl- lary leaves, the middle one being that which bears the flower, and is devoid of a sheath; the third, which has again a sheath, is thus already on the retreat back to the cataphyllary formation. In Galanthus nivalis the annual cycle is composed of one cataphyllary leaf and two euphyllary leaves, the upper of these two being without the sheath, and with a flower. While in the heart of the bulb of this plant one annual cycle succeeds another in an infinite series, the product of the earlier years dies away, part passu, at the periphery of the bulb, since not only does one sheath after another dry up and moulder away, but also the base of the axis of the bulb throws off the superannuated part by exfoliation. The old circles of roots are also thrown off, and replaced by new. ‘The tulip displays a different character. While in the narcissus the flower arises as a lateral sprout, in the tulip the heart of the bulb itself shoots up, after mostly three tubularly closed cataphyllary leaves, into a flower-stem with euphyllary leaves. But before this happens, the development alternates for several years with cataphyllary and euphyllary formations, annually sending above ground only one euphyllary leaf, and then returning to cataphyllary formation in the centre. With this frequently occurs the remarkable case, that, in buds not yet arrived at sufficient maturity to produce flowers, the central bud of the bulb sinks down into a descending spur, formed out of the inclosing base of one of the REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 57 preceding leaves, in this way leaving the old bulb and descending deeper into the bosom of the earth.* A retrogression from the hypsophyllary formation to the euphyllary, or even to the cataphyllary formation, is far more rare than the periodical sinking from euphyllary to cataphyllary formation. Ananas affords a normal and universally known example of this case, the summit of the inflorescence returning to the euphyllary formation, attaining complete Rejuvenescence in the “crown,” as it is called, and when this is removed and planted producing new blossom and fruit in the third year. ‘The same phe- nomenon is exhibited by the New Holland genera of Myrtaceae, Melaleuca, Callistemon, Beaufortia, and Calo- thamnus, the brush-like spikes of which owe their strange “ srowing-through,” or innovation, to a similar recur- rence to the formation of an euphyllary shoot from the end of the hypsophyllary region. What are called the viviparous grasses, e. g. Poa bulbosa and P. alpina, which occur only in this condition in many places, and behave like Ananas, might appear as paradoxes, but here it is really the hypsophyllary region which is made into an euphyllary region by a retrogression ;+ and the tufts of euphyllary leaves arising in this way subsequently become detached, to recommence the ascending development as independent stocks. At the same time the behaviour of these grasses is not that natural to the species, but that of a monstrosity become a variety. Leafy shoots occur not unfrequently, as a mere accidental monstrosity, at the summits of inflorescences: I have seen them especially fine in Plantago lanceolata, where the leafy shoot at the end of the spike became developed into a new perfect stock. Even in flowers, retrogression of this kind occurs as a malformation; well-known garden examples are * This is not the place for a minute description of this strange phenome- non. ‘The description of it given by Henry, ‘Nov. Act. Cur.,’ vol. xxi, p. 1, leaves some questions still open, which I shall take up at another opportunity. + The lowest glumes of the spikelets are mostly unaltered here, many of them even having flowers in their axils. Vide Moll, ‘Bot. Zeit.,’ 1845, p. 33, t. 1, fig. 2. 58 THE PHENOMENON OF furnished by the roses, where the stem grows onward through the middle of the flower, and the Digitalis purpurea monstrosa,* in which the terminal flower is grown through in the same way. The female head or cone of Cycas may be regarded as a flower normally grown through, with a retrogression from the (certainly very imperfect) carpel-formation to the cataphyllary and euphyllary formations. In Cycas, before the age of blossoming, girdles of scale-like cataphyllary leaves alter- nate in regular order with girdles of pinnate euphyllary leaves, which latter at all times form the crown of the tree. This alternation has, in our botanical gardens at least, a biennial period, so that the crown of euphyllary leaves undergoes Rejuvenescence every two years. When the fruit-bearing age arrives, this alternation becomes more complicated, the order being as follows: 1, a zone of cataphyllary leaves (forming before the unfolding of the succeeding parts a large, shortly conical, terminal bud); 2, a zone of euphyllary leaves; 3, another zone of cataphyllary leaves; 4, a zone of spathulate seed-bearing leaves (carpels), originally packed together in a conical form, afterwards spread out. In the centre of this head or cone, representing the female blossom, is formed a new cataphyllary bud, with which begins anew the whole cycle of Rejuvenescence, and this is repeated as long as the tree exists.f I will not close the examination of these points with- out remarking, that such periodical Rejuvenescence con- nected with the alternation of the seasons, is not always combined with so decided a retrogression of the meta- morphosis as in the above-mentioned examples. The retrogression to cataphyllary formation, in particular, is very frequently absent (but not universally) in the trees of more southern regions, in which the place of transition from one yearling shoot to another is merely marked by * Vide the ‘Flora,’ 1844, No. 1, t. i. f Vide Rhccde, “Hort. Malabar,’ iii, t. xii, xx, especially t. xvii, where this growing-through of the female blossom is represented. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 59 smaller euphyllary leaves, as for example in numerous New Holland Myrtacez, as also in the South European myrtle. While our firs and pines annually retrograde to cataphyllary budding, we find the limits of the yearling shoots of the more southern Conifers of the genera Arau- carta and Cunninghamia, marked merely by smaller euphyllary leaves. Many evergreen plants, however, of our own climate, exhibit an exactly similar behaviour, as for instance, Juniperis communis and Lycopodium anno- Zinum, in which the yearly lengths are only to be detected by contracted places on the closely-leaved shoots. Among herbaceous plants, Lysimachia Nummularia* and Isnardia palustris belong here, these prolonging their creeping stem by a considerable piece every new year, while the lengths of the previous years die away. Veronica Cha- medrys has the peculiarity herewith, that the euphyllary shoot, from which the inflorescences go out laterally as second axial systems, is erect until the time of flowering, and only bends down its elongating end to the earth after the plant has flowered, striking root then to ascend again in the following year and bear flowering branches.t In Glechoma hederacea, also, the shoots which are erect until the time of flowering, turn back, at least in part, towards the ground, not however to ascend again in the next spring, but to send only branches upward. t The simplest mode in which the periodical Rejuve- nescence presents itself to us, is that in which the same sprout annually produces only one new leaf. Thus in the brake fern (Pieris aquilina), which annually sends forth from its subterraneous creeping rhizome only one of its distichously-arranged leaves, not unfolded until the third year, an euphyllary leaf, often of enormous size, and pinnatifid in beautiful gradation up to the fourth degree. So again in the Ophioglossum, already men- tioned § above, and at all events in our greenhouses the * Vide A. de St. Hilaire, ‘Legous de Botanique,’ p. 103. r Ibid., p. 105. + Ibid., p. 105. $ See ante, p. 18, 60 THE PHENOMENON OF large-leaved Coccoloba pubescens. These cases lead to the individual leaf, as a link of Rejuvenescence, the in- vestigation of which, however, must be preceded by the consideration of one point more. The rejuvenising force and activity of vegetable life does not display itself merely in the particular cases of periodical, retrogressive, or alternately advancing and receding metamorphoses, such as we have just examined ; it shows itself also in the ascending metamorphosis, in the advancing series of formations, such as occur as the universal types in the higher divisions of the vegetable kingdom. Here occurs, in the closest connection with the progress from stage to stage, an alternation of vigorous advance and checking retraction, an increase, a decrease, and a renewed rise of the energy of the outward representation, a Rejuvenescence in the truest sense of the word, since here with every new onward flight of the old being, the plant appears notin mere repetition of the old form, but by deeply grounded renovation, in a more perfect and more expressive shape. ‘This it is which, since Goethe’s time,* has been called the metamorphosis of plants, a term borrowed from the transformation of insects, which has however given rise to mistaken views,+ but is capable of being made the basis of a more pro- found cenception of the phenomenon. Goethe himself, although his theory of metamorphosis is mixed up with various obscure elements, pointed out many features of the more profound side of the question. He speaks of the metamorphosis of plants not merely as of a series of outward phenomena of transitions between the different structures, but as of an inward principle of the formative process advancing from one modification of form to another. In his eyes the metamorphosis was a force which might be observed ever acting with a graduated power * «Versuch die Metamorphose der Pflanze zu erklären,’ Gotha; 1790. ‚7 That Goethe was not even free from the erroneous notion that one organ of a plaut might be actually transformed into another, e. g. stamens into petals, or ovaries into leaves, is evident from the very first paragraph of his Introduction. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE, 61 from the first seed-leaves to the final maturation of the fruit, and, by the conversion of one form into another, leading up to the highest point of vegetable life, as it were, by an ideal flight of steps.* This ideal flight of steps which Goethe perceived in the metamorphosis of plants, is a speaking testimony of the profound con- ception of it entertained by him; for that which leads the formative process of the plant from one stage to another, which connects the steps of the series, which causes each succeeding step, although separated from the preceding, to appear as a stage of conversion of the latter, can in reality be only an inner and ideal bond. Only the inner identity of the nature of the plant, through all the change of outward manifestations, can justify us in regarding the gradually advancing Rejuve- nescences as really a metamorphosis, that is, a series of transformations of an essentially identical element. In this sense Goethe speaks, too, of the mysterious affinity of the different external organs of plants, pointing out that the real identity of the organs corresponding to each other at the different stages can indeed only be deduced from that inward connection of the steps of the meta- morphosis, and not from mere outward resemblance. Goethe already directed attention to the great vibra- tions of the metamorphosis which we here first examine, since he speaks of an alternation of expansion and con- traction in the successive leaf-formations.F This is one of the most important factors in his attempt to explain the metamorphosis of plants; for a minute discussion of which, however, it is necessary that we should cast a hasty glance over the series of the leaf-formations them- * Vide Goethe, 1. c. § 6. + Goethe, l.c. “From the seed up to the highest development of the stem-leaf, we observed first an expansion, after which we saw the calyx arise from a contraction, the petals from an expansion, the reproductive organs by another contraction, and shall now soon make out the greatest expansion in the fruit and the greatest contraction in the seed. In these six steps Nature completes, without pausing, the eternal work of the propagation of vegetables.” 62 THE PHENOMENON OF selves. The metamorphosis of plants exhibits three principal divisions: 1, the “ stock,” or as it is termed in plants not forming wood, the herd (kraut) ; 2, the flower; 3, the fruit. The first two divisions are again divisible each into three stages, while the third principal division does not admit of further analysis. ‘Thus we obtain from 3+3+1 the number 7 for the stages of form in plants. The character of these seven sections or regions is chiefly expressed in the graduated change of shape of the leaf, while the stem takes a less striking, though still considerable share in the transformation from step to step. We shall therefore consider the steps of the metamorphosis more particularly in regard to the behaviour of the leaf, as it presents itself at the different heights upon the plant, applying to the more essential gradations which are distinguishable the denominations of so many leaf-formations. Asa general rule, as already stated, there are seven of these, which, however, do not exhibit perfect representatives in every plant, for their number may be lessened either by imperfect differentia- tion, or by falling short of or overleaping forms. 1. The cataphyllary formation (Meder-blatter), to which belong the scales and sheathing leaves of subterra- neous or aérial buds, bulbs, runners, and tuberous rhi- zomes. ‘They are remarkable from their broad basis, small height, and most simple shape and nervation ;* they have no lamin, no stalks, no subdivision,t consequently never have stipules, and are constantly entire. ‘Their consistence is often fleshy, cartilaginous or leathery, in * In dicotyledonous plants even these are mostly parallel-nerved, and the parallel-nerved appearance of the euphyllary leaves of the monocotyledons is but a sign that the euphyllary leaf-formation is less characteristically deve- loped in them, and hence is more like the cataphyllary formation than is the case in the dicotyledons. { There are exceptions to this in the cataphyllary-leaves separating into two distinct scales, in the buds of certain trees, e. 7., Betula, Carpinus, Corylus, Fagus, and Quercus. This structure may be regarded as a transition towards the euphyllary-leaf formation, the leaf being here divided into two stipules and an abortive central leaf. In Quercus the first bud-scales are still undivided. These conditions are described by Doll,—‘ Zur Erklärung der Laubknospen der Amentacen,’ 1848. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 63 rare instances they are delicately membranous, in which cases the axis which bears them is mostly fleshy ; their colour is nevera decided green, generally whitish, passing into yellow, flesh-colour, brownish, or even black. Their development goes on very slowly; they are tolerably en- during, and the chief part of their existence is passed in the winter season. 2. Euphyllary formation (Laub-blatter).—These are the organs, especially and ordinarily simply called “leaves,” which give most character to the vegetative structure or stock. They are readily distinguished from the leaves of the preceding formation by the greater longitudinal development with a narrower base, in general more con- siderable dimensions, and the green colour, never absent although in many cases concealed. Their especial mark is the blade-structure, with which is ordinarily combined its contrary, the stalk or petiole structure. Through multifold alternations of the conditions of expansion and contraction arises the so frequent production of divided and compound euphyllary-leaves, to which also belongs, as a special case, the division into main-leaf and accessory leaves (stipules). The multiplicity of conditions of ner- vation within the body of the blade, corresponds to the multiformity in the outline of the leaf. The consistence is mostly stoutly membranous, frequently leathery, more rarely fleshy. The principal part of the life is passed in the summer ; the duration is considerable, especially in those of fleshy or leathery consistence. 3. Hypsophyllary formation (Hoch-blätter), to which belong the involucral leaves and common calyces of inflo- rescences, bracts and bracteoles, glumes and paleze, which accompany the flower. These again approach in charac- ter the cataphyllary leaves, as the stalk and blade-struc- tures, as well as the green colour, vanish more or less or even quite completely.* They are distinguished from * Stalked hypsophyllary-leaves are a rarity, e. g., in Podolepis; the formation of astalk occurs more frequently above the sheath-like part of the leaf, as for instance, in the formation of awns on the glumes of the grasses. 64 THE PHENOMENON OF the cataphyllary-leaves chiefly by the narrowness of the base, more delicate structure, and more rapid formation and decay. 4. Formation of the calicine-leaves (sepals). These form the first proper envelope of the flower, and are again thicker, tougher, and greener than the upper-leaves, mostly have a broader base, little or no laminar expansion, no stalk-formation, and are either simple or but slightly divided.* ‘They are mostly more euduring than the succeeding formations of the flower, they often outlive these, and frequently take part in the formation of the fruit. 5. Formation of the corolline-leaves (petals), strikingly characterised by delicacy of texture, beauty and variety of colour, with the exclusion, however, of green. As a rule, they are longer than the sepals, but have a narrower base; mostly exhibit an extensive laminar por- tion but no distinct stalk-structure, often radiant or forked, but very rarely pinnate, division. Excrescent growths doubling the limb or laminar structure (emer- gences) sometimes occur upon the surface of the petal, as in Narcissus, Nerium, Lychnis, or longitudinal wing- hike edges, as in Saponaria, Agrostemma, and the Hydro- phyllacez. 6. Formation of the pollen-leaves (stamens), com- prising the smallest and thickest leaves of the flower, characterised by distinct stalk-formation (filament) from the narrowest base, with a box-like expansion of the lateral halves of the little developed blade (anther). Folding over of the blade (Uederspreitung), which occurs but rarely in the petals, is here almost an universal rule, whereby the chambers of the anther become doubled on each side. They are distinguished above all the other parts of the flower by the most rapid completion of the * Sepals with pinne (Rosa), with stipules (Peyanum), or with a ligule- structure (Mesembryanthemum), are rare exceptions. r Ex. gr. Schizopetalum. Drummondia. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 65 structure, and the greatest perishability after the opening of the blossom. 7. Formation of the Fruit-leaves (carpels). These are again larger, thicker, greener than preceding parts, but especially distinguished by the permanent folding together, passing into confluence. Springing from a narrow base, the lower part expands like a blade, forming the cavity of the fruit by closing together its own borders or coalescing with the neighbouring carpels, while the upper part is mostly drawn out (stalk-like) into the style. From the inside of these leaves arise the little seed-sprouts (ovules), so that they become the cases of the seeds, running through with these a process of development (maturation), prolonged far beyond the life-time of the flower, and often requiring even more than one year for its completion.* To those who have studied Comparative Morphology in an unprejudiced manner, there can be no debate on the question as to whether all the structures of these seven formations are really leaves. On this side the theory of metamorphosis stands on a firm and unshakeable foundation.t But the structure which is to be erected on this foundation, the theory of the formations, giving the true representation of the vital history of the plant as it is displayed in the successive transformation of similar fundamental organs, is as yet unfortunately scarcely dimly shadowed forth. It is a problem which appears so much the more difficult the nearer we try to approach to its solution, for it then is not sufficient to mark the characters * The ripening of the fruit and seeds occupies two seasons in many Conifers (Juniperus communis, Pinus,) and many oaks (Quercus Cerris, Suber, rubra, &e.) + Wigand (‘Kritik und Geschichte der Lehre von der Metamorphose der Pflanzen,’ 1846, p. 118,) very correctly calls “the great law of the unity of all axial and of foliar organs,” the nucleus of the doctrine of metamorphosis, remaining behind when we have subtracted the multifold and strange cloth- ing with which it is ordinarily enveloped. On the other hand, the problem of giving to the discovered nucleus its true natural investments, does not appear to be sufficiently recognised. Multiplicity will not be wanting in the true clothing, and we shall certainly have to own to strangeness and oddity in nature. 5 66 THE PHENOMENON OF of the formations by comparison of external forms, which, from the multiformity prevailing in the vegetable kingdom, is an endless task ; for the true characteristic of the forma- tions must be at the same time an inward one: it must comprehend the outward product in its relation to the inner vital tendencies, entering into conflict with the external world,—and thereby endeavour to represent to us the developmental history of vegetable life according to the inner causes leading through all the external com- plications. ‘That the above short description of the leaf- formations can make no claim to such a character as this, need not be said; it is merely intended to bring forward a few peculiarities calculated to make evident the regular alternation of rise and fall in the course of metamorphosis, its successive “accessions” or “flights” (4ufschwiinge), which we desire to examine here as phenomena of Reju- venescence. The peculiarities which we have chiefly to keep in view here are,—the relative size of the leaf in general; then, in particular, the breadth of the base in proportion to the circumference of the stem; the height or length of the leaf; the development in breadth above the base (the lamination), and its opposite, the contraction into stalk-formation, on the contrasted proportions of which chiefly depend the further working out of the forms of leaves; finally, the solidity or delicacy, and the persistence or caducity. Even the most superficial ex- amination reveals clearly that the path through the formations from “ stock” to flower, and again from flower to fruit, does not ascend uniformly, that it does not exhibit either an uniform decrease in the perfection of the organs, or an uniformly increasing refinement of their structure. The assumption of a single rise and fall in the perfecting of the leaf-formations, the highest point of which should fall in the middle (the euphyllary formation), is equally opposed to experience, for even the flower, and still more the fruit, contradicts this view.* It is, indeed, * Agardh goes so far on this false hypothesis, as to regard the higher REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 67 unmistakeable that the leaf-formations take three succes- sive onward flights (Aufschwünge) in the course of the metamorphosis: one in the stock or body of the plant, one in the flower, and, finally, the last in the fruit. A close investigation of this phenomenon shows, that there are also subordinate risings and sinkings even within the first and second regions of elevation. If we examine, in the first place, in reference to this point, the conditions of breadth of the base of the leaf, we find on the stock or stem of the plant, from the first to the last of its leaves, a decrease, sometimes gradual and sometimes taking place by starts, and this decrease is indeed so constant, that perhaps every exception might be traced to the phenomenon of retrogressive metamor- phosis examined above, although it is not equally obvious in all.* But with the advent of the flower a new increase of the breadth of the base of the leaf frequently occurs, the sepals exhibiting a broader base than the highest development of the fruit consequent on fertilisation as a pathological con- dition, a disease. (!) ‘Essai de réduire la Physiologie végétale & des principes fondamentaux,’ 1828, pp. 32, 38.) * Among these exceptions is the condition of the cotyledons in the numerous dicotyledonous plants in which the opposite half-embracing cotyledons or seed-leaves are succeeded by alternate, more extensively em- bracing euphyllary-leaves, or wholly or almost wholly embracing cataphyllary- leaves, which latter is the case, for instance, in Aseram. In the mono- cotyledons, on the contrary, the seed-leaf is always completely amplexicaul. There appears, moreover, a strange case in Convallaria majalis, in which a number of cataphyllary-leaves forming closed sheaths, are followed by one which is only two thirds embracing, (the same which bears the inflorescence in its axil), and this is succeeded iy two euphyllary-leaves, which are again completely amplexicaul. Crocus luteus, also, and other species of this genus, exhibit a strange aberrant condition to be mentioned in connection with the foregoing. A number of completely embracing cataphyllary-leaves, closed round into tubes, are succeeded i euphyllary-leaves, mostly arranged according to the % position, the sheath-like basilar portions of which are not closed into tubes, but are confluent together one with another in the direction of the longitudinal path of the line of arrangement of the leaves, (the spiral line cutting through the points of origin of the successive leaves), whence arises as it were a single connected spiral sheath common to all the euphyllary-leaves. The breadth of the base of a single leaf consequently amounts here to % of the circumference of the stem. ‘These are followed by hypsophyllary leaves preceding the terminal flower, the first closed into a tube, like the cataphyllary-leaves, the second, on the contrary, open, and only imperfectly embracing the stem. 68 THE PHENOMENON OF hypsophyllary-leaves. This may be observed especially in calices with right-handed overlapping reaching down as far as the base. That the breadth of this decreases again in the region of the petals and stamens, might even be deduced from the fact, that scarcely any right-handed (eutopic) overlapping occur, since the overlappings do not proceed from the base, but only arise from the over- lapping of the petals subsequently expanding above. The stamens, as a general rule, never overlap, and the great number of them which stand in a circle in many poly- androus flowers, shows the narrowness of their bases. The bases of the carpels are not expanded transversely or overlapping, it is true, but their smaller number, in the majority of cases, as well as their close approximation, nevertheless testifies to the greater thickness of their bases. The decreasing breadth of the base in the leaf- formations of the “stock” may be made clearer by the mention of a few more examples. Tulipa.—The bulb exhibits 3—4, completely embracing, tubularly closed, cataphyllary leaves, followed by 3—4 euphyllary leaves on the stalk which shoots up, the lowest of the latter being still amplexicaul and closed round at the bottom, the succeeding embracing in a gradually decreasing extent 3 to }. Convallaria Polygonatum.—The cataphyllary leaves on the horizontal rhizome completely embracing, the margins even overlapping. The first of the euphyllary leaves occurring on the stem rising above ground embraces almost completely, about &ths; the second 3 or 3; all the following 4. Veratrum (nigrum).—The subterraneous cataphyllary leaves, which are best seen in autumn on the still unde- veloped central buds of young “stocks,” or in the lateral buds of older “stocks,” are embracing, and form a cone or cup, closed completely, with the exception of a small, scarcely perceptible slit at the upper end, this cap being broken through above in the subsequent unfolding of the bud. The first six or seven euphyllary leaves have long REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 69 closed sheaths, reaching down to the abbreviated sub- terraneous portion of the stem ; these are followed mostly by two sheaths, also closed round, but shorter, which arise on the portion of the stem shooting up. The suc- ceeding euphyllary leaves, further separated from each other, and becoming progressively narrower and shorter, are no longer embracing, and exhibit a gradual decrease of the breadth of the base, following something like the ratio 3, %,4,2,1,1,2,!, and then remaining more equal, decreasing to } as a minimum. ‘The leaf embracing } is the first which produces a branch, the lowest lateral spike of the large, compoundly spicate inflorescence arising on its axil. The small hypsophyllary leaves, from the axils of which the individual flowers arise, em- brace 3 or}. Valeriana officinalis. —The subterrancous runners ex- hibit white, one-sidely apiculate, completely embracing, cataphyllary- leaves, closed into tubes by the blending of their borders. Of the alternating, two-ranked euphyllary- leaves succeeding them, the lowest have likewise a com- pletely embracing sheathing base, while the last embrace only about 3. The euphyllary- leaves found on the erect part of the ‘stem are connected in pairs, and embrace ; or, on the triple whorls sometimes occurring, only }. The hypsophyllary leaves have an arrangement similar to that of the euphyllary leaves, but the two opposite leaves of each pair do not quite reach one another with their bases ; they are less than }, finally only } embracing. Heraclewm.—The lower and middle euphyllary leaves of the species of this genus have overlapping sheaths, therefore they reach somewhat more than completely round the stem; the upper, already smaller ones, having a less divided and scarcely stalked lamina, usually approxi- mated together, and having the umbel-bearing branches in their axils, exhibit imperfectly embracing sheaths, rapidly decreasing in breadth, about in the proportion 3 4 3, 4, or falling still more quickly. Finally, the small linear, or almost bristle-like hypsophyllary leaves of the 70 THE PHENOMENON OF involucre and involucel exhibit scarcely 4 — + breadth of the base. Mahonia Aquifolium.—The cataphyllary leaves (bud- scales) are about 2 embracing; the euphyllary leaves falling to 3 or}; the hypsophyllary leaves on the axis of the panicle }; the little bracteoles (vorblätter) occurring on the stalk of the flower itself, which, however, rarely come to evident development, are still narrower than the bracts (deck-blätter) of the inflorescence. Thus the plant, as a general rule, exhibits the phe- nomenon of decrease in regard to the breadth of the base of the leaf, yet with two retrogressions (inconsiderable, however), namely, at the commencement of the flower, and again at the close of series, in the formation of the fruit. The following remarks wil] show that this decrease in the breadth of the base of the leaf does not in itself indicate any decrease in the energy of the leaf-formation, but that, on the contrary, the expansion of the base stands in an antagonistic relation to the development of the middle of the leaf. The development of the leaf in length or height, which is the most influential factor in reference to the size of the leaf generally, and the vigour which declares itself in its formation, exhibits, in the progressive metamorphosis of the plant, a totally different course from that of the breadth of the base. Both in the first and second regions, on the “stock” and in the flower, the longitudinal deve- lopment of the leaf shows, first an increase and then a decrease; the commencement of the last region, the fruit, is connected with another increase. Thus after a double rise and fall the terminal formation is attained in a third ascent. Reviewing first of all the first region, we find that the first cataphyllary-leaves of a sprout are always the shortest and smallest; this rule prevails, in like manner, in the first euphyllary-leaves of plants, or in individual sprouts of plants where the cataphyllary leaf- formation is wanting. The cotyledonary commencement often forms an exception in this respect, as in reference REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE, 71 to the conditions of breadth, for the cotyledons of many plants are longer and larger than the succeeding leaves of the principal sprout, as, for example, in Quercus, Vicia, Casuarina, Opuntia, &c. The increasing length in the succession of cataphyllary-leaves, may be seen in beautiful gradation almost everywhere on the subter- raneous buds of perennial herbs, and on the buds of trees; see, for instance, Peonia, where the 6 — 7 lower leaves show graduated increase from 3 lines to 1! inch,* Mahonia Aguifolium, where they increase from 1 to 6 lines, sculus,t Rosa,t Rhododendron,§ &c. The increasing length and magnitude of stem-leaves in germinating plants is especially well seen in Acer, Corylus, Vitis, Phaseolus, &c. The increasing length of the leaves is mostly continued, more distinctly in the euphyllary than in the cataphyllary formation, till it reaches its maximum in a determinate median region, from which an equally graduated decrease commences, mostly prolonged even into the hypsophyllary region. It depends on the conditions of extension of the stem whether the maximum of the longitudinal development of the euphyllary leaves lies in the lower abbreviated part of the stem, so that all the euphyllary leaves situated on the developed internodes belong to the decreasing series ; or, when no such rosette-like crowding of the lower euphyllary leaves exists, at a determinate height on the shoot itself.| Examples of the first kind are seen in Nigritella angustifolia, Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum, * Decandolle, ‘Organographie,’ t. xxi, figs. 1, 3. + Ibid., t. 20. + Malpighi, ‘ Anat. Plant., t. xii, fig. 59. § Henry, ‘ Knospenbilder,’ Nova. Acta. Nat. Cur., xxii, 1, t. xxii. || Both conditions are found combined, consequently a double maximum in the euphyllary formation, a lower in the abbreviated part of the stem (ina rosette of what are termed radica] leaves), and an upper, on the shoot, mostly, it is true, distributed through two seasons, in many biennial plants, e. g., Pedicularis palustris, Anarrhinum bellidifolium, Ginothera muricata, as also in perennials with biennial sprouts, e. g., Jasione perennis and Pulmonaria officinalis, This phenomenon, however, does not properly belong here, but to the case mentioned above at page 59 of retrogressive metamorphosis within the euphyllary formation. 72 THE PHENOMENON OF Hieracium vulgatum, Scabiosa Columbaria, Swertia peren- nis, Aconitum Lycoctonum, &c.; examples of the second in Orchis globosa and maculata, Canna, Hieracium subaudum, Gentiana germanica, Bocconia cordata, Aco- nitum Napellus, Helleborus fetidus, and Ruta graveolens. Under these circumstances, when the number of leaves is great, the increase and decrease are often very gradual, as for instance, in most species of Linaria, Linum, Phiox, &c. Thus in Phlox paniculata, where the sprout begins with pairs of half-embracing subterraneous cata- phyllary leaves, 1 — 3 lines long, and rounded off at the top, we see above ground about thirty pairs of broadly lanceolate, acuminated euphyllary leaves, which are only about $ embracing, and attain their greatest length, of about 3 inches, somewhere near half-way up the stem, from which point they decrease, at first almost imper- ceptibly, more rapidly in the inflorescence, and finally pass into the hypsophyllary formation. The last finely- pointed hypsophyllary leaves are only about 3 lines long and scarcely } embracing. In other cases the leaf- formation ascends to its maximum by a few large steps, sinking down again as quickly, as for instance, in Hydro- phyllum canadense. This plant bears upon its condensed lower-stem (rhizome) which creeps on the surface of the ground, distichously arranged, thick, fleshy, persistent, cataphyllary scales from } to } an inch long; the last two scales of the sprout* usually pass at their points into a petiole- and blade-formation, and therefore are already the first euphyllary leaves, distinguished however from the following by their persistent fleshy scale-base. These first two euphyllary leaves are already developed in autumn before the sprout shoots up; the first is often only rudimentary, the second longer and stronger, at- taining a height of 3 to 6 inches. These are followed * That is to say, in case it has sufficient force to blossom. Young plants, and the weaker lateral shoots of older ones, alternate for a year between euphyllary and cataphyllary formation, like the examples men- tioned at pp. 54-55. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 73 mostly by three more euphyllary leaves (unfolded in the next spring), the first of which is seated either on the creeping portion of the stem, or raised but a little above the ground on the lowest part of the erect euphyllary-leaved stem, and it is by far the largest of all, for it equals or even exceeds in height the entire shoot, attaining a length of a foot to a foot and a half. The two following, situated high up on the stem, are, the first 9 to 6 inches, the second 4 to 3 inches long. The hypsophyllary leaves succeeding upon the inflorescence are totally suppressed in this plant. ‘The exaltation of the leaf-formation ex- pressed in the euphyllary formation appears most strikingly in the cases where this is represented by a single euphyl- lary leaf, which is then mostly of remarkably large size. Thus in Zpimedium alpinum,* where the tolerably numer- ous subterraneous cataphyllary leaves, from 1 to 5 lines long, are ordinarily followed by a single twice or thrice divided euphyllary leaf about a foot long, after which the metamorphosis springs over suddenly to the small and numerous hypsophyllary leaves, the length of which amounts at most to 1 line, and sinks to!d ofaline. There is somewhat of a deviation from the usual position of the maximum of development in length of the leaves, in the rare cases where this occurs at the end or the beginning of the euphyllary formation, instead of in the middle. We see the first case in Heliconia cannoidea,t in which the decrease of length commences in the hypsophyllary formation ; the last in Paonia and Actea. The bane-berry (Actea spicata) presents on the subterraneous stock several short-sheathed cataphyllary leaves, increasing in length from 1 to 3 lines; to these succeed, upon the erect stem, mostly three euphyllary leaves; the lowest, largest, very decomposed, is about 1 foot long, while the third, * Other examples of one-leaved euphyllary formation are furnished by Malazis monophylla, and very many exotic Orchidacee; also by many Aroidee, e. g., drum echinutum, (Wall. pl. as. rar. t. cxxxvi) ; by Gesneriacee, as in Platystemma violoides, (Wall. 1. c., t. cli); by Sanguinaria; and lastly by many Cyperacex, as for example, Scirpus mucronatus. f Richard, ‘Comment. de Musac.,’ t. ix. 14 THE PHENOMENON OF uppermost and smallest, mostly only simply trifid, is from 1 to 2 inches long. The hyposophyllary leaves, following the last, and from whose axils arise the flowers of the terminal spike, are from 1} to 1 line long. In conclusion, I will describe the phenomenon of in- crease and decrease in the length and size of the leaves upon the “stocks” of plants, in one more example, where it presents itself in an uncommon grandeur, namely, in the plantain (A/usa).* I have not had an opportunity to examine the subterraneous portion of the stem of this plant, rismg upward from a horizontal commencement ; when this comes above ground, as a young shoot, we at first see a few cataphyllary leaves, which are probably preceded by a considerable number underground. In M. sapientum they are acuminated, triangular, shining, dark-brown leaf-sheaths, which manifest the commence- ment of the euphyllary formation by the commencement of petiole- and blade-formation at the summits. Not only the sheath but also the stalk and lamina now grow longer, from leaf to leaf, until the well-known splendour and magnitude of the plantain leaf are attained. The complete development of the sprout of a plantain re- quires with us several years, in its tropical home at most two years; the outer leaves die away as the inner unfold. All the leaves of a shoot which has not yet shot forth into blossom, arise close to the ground on an abbreviated stem, and, simply by the rolling of their sheaths round one another, form a tall pseudo-stem, whence Richard called Musa a bulbous plant. Consequently the length of the leaves here determines the height of the entire * The following statements are derived from two species in the botanic garden of this town (Freiburg), one large, with overhanging inflorescence and numerous flowers in the axils of bracts, which appears to be Musa sapientum, and a smaller, with erect inflorescence and beautiful rosy bracts with only three flowers in each axil. In our garden this bears the name of M. rubra. On this especially have I been able to investigate minutely the distribution of the leaves upon the stem in reference to height. The arrangement of the middle-leaves is # in both, of the bracts 4. In the statements of the conditions of length of the two species I shall distinguish thein as M. sapientum and M. rubra. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 75 plant. Under these circumstances the innermost leaves are the longest; in M. sapientum I have found them as much as 25 feet long, of which the sheath made about 13 feet, the petiole 2 feet, and the blade 10 feet. In M. rubra they are only about 15 feet long, the petiole being longer in proportion than in AZ. sapientum. From the point where the stem shoots up into the slender flower-shaft, breaking through the stem-like convolution of sheaths, commences the decrease of length of the leaves. In M. rubra I found as many as five euphyllary leaves on the elongated portion of the stem, the upper three of which, especially, exhibited a considerable de- crease, not merely in the length of the sheath, but also in that of the blade; the last of them was only about 4 feet long, namely, the sheath 13, the stalk 1, and the blade 13 feet. The internodes bearing these last five euphyl- lary leaves measured respectively about }4, 1, 2, 3, 3 feet in length. Not quite 2 feet distant from the point of origin of the last euphyllary leaf, followed a transitional leaf, about 13 feet long, and of broadly-linear, gradually acuminated form, leading to the hypsophyllary formation; at no more than 2 inches above this, began the long succession of approximated, ovate, rosy bracts, the first of which are about 5 inches long, the following sinking down gradually to 3—2 inches. The lowest six bracts of the inflorescence of M. rubra which I examined, bore female flowers in the axils, all the succeeding bore male flowers.* Musa also exhibits a beautiful graduation of the breadth of the base of the leaves. All the leaves of the lower part, up to the flowering-shoot, are completely embracing. I found, in M. rubra, the uppermost three euphyllary leaves embracing 4%, 18, and $ of the circum- ference; the transitional leaf 2, the bracts of the female flowers } to 2, those of the male }. In the plantain, therefore, we see the leaf-formation ascend by gradual * According to Rumph, in Musa paradisiaca 12 to 20 bracts have female flowers, and 12 to 20 of them in each axil; so that a single inflorescence bears 100 to 200 fruits. 76 THE PIIENOMENON OF stages, from a few inches often to the enormous length of 25 feet, and sink down again, with more rapid steps, to about the same brevity; to which it must be added, that on minute examination of the earliest subterraneous leaves of the sprout, and of the cotyledons of the germi- nating plant, the point of departure would doubtless be found smaller, as, on the other hand, we may conclude, from the file-like rows in which the flowers stand in the axil of a bract, that the (in proportion to the flower) large bracts are not the last members of the hypsophyllary formation, but that undistinguishable hypsophyllary- leaves (bracteoles) exist at the base of the individual flowers, forming the true termination of the leaf-forma- tion of the “ stock.” A similar rise and fall in the length of the leaves is repeated in the region of the flower. ‘The sepals are sometimes immediately connected with the last hypso- phyllary-leaves by their length, often by their whole form, excepting the usually greater breadth; this is the case in Helleborus fetidus, Ruta graveolens, and Phlox paniculata, in which the sepals agree alınost perfectly, in size and shape, with the last hypsophyllary-leaves. But more frequently the calyx exhibits a new increase of length in relation to the last hypsophyllary-leaves. To confirm this I need only refer to the numerous plants which possess bracteoles (Vorblätter) on the peduncles of lateral flowers, these bracteoles being almost always very small and slender, and even frequently almost indis- tinguishably small; see, for instance, Aconitum, Del- phinium, Viola, Polygala, Colutea and other Legumi- nose, Molucella, Calamintha, Gratiola, Convolvulus, &e. We can also detect this in terminal flowers, e. g. ın Dianthus, where the sepals, blended below into a long tube, are preceded by several pairs of shorter scales ;* * The two to three pairs of scale-like leaves beneath the calyx of the pinks increase in Jength in the ascending order, and therefore belong pro- perly to the new advance of the leaf-formation commencing in the flower, forming an epicalyx, as occurs also in the mallow. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 717 also in Hypericum calycinum, in which the sepals of the solitary terminal flowers are twice or four times as long, and three to four times as broad as the preceding hyp- sophyllary-leaves ; finally, most distinctly in Chelidonium majus, in which the sepals are about three lines long, while the two to three pairs of preceding hypsophyllary- leaves, from the axils of which the lateral flowers of the corymb arise, attain scarcely half a line. In the calyx itself the metamorphosis usually keeps at the same stage, so that at least no remarkable difference occurs among the sepals ; yet the cases are not rare in which an evident gradation occurs within the calyx itself, an increase of length corresponding to the succession of the sepals ; as, for instance, in the quinate calyx of Hypericum caly- cinum, imbricated in the 2 arrangement, the inner two sepals of which are almost twice as long as the outer two, the third being of intermediate length. The con- ditions are similar in Polygala, where the innermost two sepals are not merely many times longer than the outer three, but already exhibit the petaloid colour, forming what are called the wings of the flower.* In Ozyria and the female flowers of Urtica we find a four-leaved calyx, the outer two sepals of which are shorter than the inner two; in Rumex a six-leaved, with three outer shorter, and three inner longer. Berberis has a double ternate, Mahonia and Podophyllum a triple ternate, and Epimedium, a triple binate calyx; in all these the inner whorls are formed of longer sepals than the outer. Lastly, in the Cactez, as also in Calycanthus, the gradual increase of length is exhibited most remarkably with an acyclic structure of the calyx. The length of the leaf within the flower attains its maximum in the corol/a. It is scarcely necessary to illus- trate, by examples, the proportionate lengths of the corolla and calyx; and the assertion that the petals are longer than the sepals in the majority of plants possessing * The same occurs in Diplerocarpus. 78 THE PHENOMENON OF corollas, will not be contested although we omit to demonstrate it by a numerical comparison, which of course would have to be based on a determinate and perfectly known flora. Splendid and conspicuous exam- ples of it are furnished by the genera Datura (e. g. D. arborea), Convolvulus, Gentiana (e.g. G. acuulis), Campanula, Cucurbita, Paonia, Dillenia, Hibiscus, &e. This relation holds good also in small-flowered plants, as, for instance, in Vitis, in the Umbelliferee and the Com- posite. Even in the Monocotyledons, where generally speaking the abrupt differentiation of calyx and corolla does not exist, the inner three segments of the perianth are frequently distinctly longer that the outer three, as, for instance, in Lachenalia and Uropetalum, of the Lily family, in all the Bromeliaceze, Commelynez, Cannacez, and Alismacee. The rarer occurrence of petals shorter than the calyx, is explained, in many cases, by an intro- version of one formation into the other, whereby the maximum of longitudinal development becomes displaced. Thus, in many Ranunculacee (e. g. Trollius, Nigella) the petaloid calyx is succeeded by shorter and more contracted petals approximating to the stamens. In other families also occur isolated genera, with a petaloid calyx, the leaves of which are longer than the true petals; e. g. in Fuchsia (calyx mostly bright-red, rarely white, petals mostly violet), Aedes (Chrysobotrya), Commarum, and Chimonanthus. The last-named genus has about eight delicate yellow sepals, followed by an equal number of dark purple-red petals, only half as long. In other cases the small size of the petals is connected with a tendency, prevailing in many families, to suppression of the corolla (Sibbaldia, Sagine sp., Paronychia, Gnidia, Santalun, &c.), to which we shall return hereafter. No farther increase of length takes place within the corolla itself, at least I am unacquainted with any instances of it; on the other hand, the decrease which succeeds to the maximum of longitudinal development in the second member of the flower, not unfrequently commences even REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 79 within the formation of the corolla. Thus in most cases of double or multiple corollas we see the inner circles formed of shorter and smaller petals. In Fumaria the inner two petals are only inconsiderably, but in Hype- coum considerably shorter than the outer two. Jacguinia and Achras exhibit the same thing in pentamerous and hexamerous circles. Asimina triloba has a trimerous calyx, the sepals of which are four lines long. This is followed by three trimerous circles of petals : those of the first circle are 7—8 lines long, those of the second about 5 lines, and those of the third scarcely more than 2 lines long. The stamens are 1 line long; the three-lobed fruit (formed of three carpels) attains a length of 4—5 inches when ripe! The decrease of length of the inner petals is further shown in all flowers with very numerous petals, whether they stand in a complex cyclic or in an acyclic arrangement, as, for instance, in Zllicium, Nym- phea,* and Mesembryanthemum.t Finally, the graduated decrease in length in successive petals is very beautifully exhibited by all “double” flowers, as they are called, and most distinctly of all, in those where the doubling arises merely from formation of petals in the place of stamens (and often of carpels also), without the superaddition of axil- lary sprouts.{ ‘The best examples of this kind are found in the Ranunculaceze, especially in Ranunculus, Clematis, * Nymphaea alba has about twenty-four petals, the inmost and shortest of which exhibit a gradual transition into the staminal formation. + Many species have more than one hundred petals. + In the majority of double flowers the “doubling” is complicated by the formation of sprouts in the axils of the petals. The sprouts thus appearing are again imperfect flowers, with undeveloped axes, and mostly formed of few petals and occasionally several stamens. Hence arises an apparently irregular accumulation of large and small petals, interposed in various direc- tions, and often intermixed, with isolated stamens, of which it cannot be accurately determined which organs belong to the parent flower and which to the progeny. This occurs frequently, for instance, in double May flowers, Pinks, Cruciferz, Mallows, and Roses. However, doubling some- times occurs with and without axillary increase in the same plant. Some- times the axillary products of double flowers acquire greater completeness, as is shown most beautifully in the case not unfrequently occurring in gardens of Althea rosea, first observed by G. Engelmann, Vide Engelmann, ‘De Antholysi,’ t. i, fig. 6. 80 THE PHENOMENON OF Hepatica, Caltha, and Aguilegia. The Camelliee, the Campanulaceze and Narcisse@ also exhibit this kind of “doubling,” and the decreasing length of the petals connected with it. With the transition from corolla to stamen-formation commences a new decrease in length. Far the majority of plants possessing a highly developed corolla, agree in having the stamens, notwithstanding their considerable de- velopment of stalk, shorter than the petals. Cases of the opposite kind, in which the stamens exceed the corolla in length, are rather rare.* Where two or more successive circles of stamens exist, there is often a further degrada- tion in length, the inner stamens being shorter than the outer. This is the case in Warcissus, Muscari, Daphne, Myricaria, Boronia and other Rutacex, many Mal- pighiacee and Melastomaceee, Zythrum, Crategus, &c. An opposite relation of length in successive circles of stamens does however occur, to which we shall return in the subsequent examination of the subordinate rises and falls of the metamorphosis. The third and last increase in length presents itself in the fruit, often expressed even at the flowering epoch, by the projection of the points of the carpels (styles and stigmas) beyond the stamens, as universally in the Campanulacez, Composit, and Cactacez, but often first becoming distinct with the ripening of the fruit.} Thus the leaf-formations exhibit altogether three maxima in reference to length and magnitude, the first falling in the euphyllary formation, the second in the corolla, the third in the fructification. These maxima become some- what displaced if we regard the leaf in reference to its inner differentiation, to the more or less distinct develop- ment of the contrast between stalk- and blade-formation, and the completeness of the working out of form con- * For example: Ribes stamineum, Fuchsia, Cynoglossum stamineum, Hydro- phyllum magellunieum, Hyssopus,Vaccinium stamineum, Erica stamineu, carnea, multiflora, &c- j F + Leguminose, Crucifere, (especially the SiZiquos), Geraniacca, Palme, &e. See also Asimina triloba, above, page 79. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 8 nected therewith. In the first region, indeed, the euphyllary formation exhibits the maximum in this respect also; in the flower, on the contrary, it is not the corolline but the staminal formation which represents the maximum in relation to internal subdivision, since we detect in the latter the most distinct separation of petiolar and laminar formations. Even vaginal and stipuloid expansions and appendages now and then occur at the base of the stamens, still further confirming the analogy with the euphyllary formation. The same position also denotes the physiological importance of the staminal leaves; for euphyllary leaves, staminal leaves, and carpellary leaves, are evidently the three most essential leaf-formations, to which the most important physiological functions are distributed, and without which a perfect and complete plant is inconceivable,* while there is a possibility of all the rest being omitted. At the same time I have hitherto searched in vain through the Vegetable kingdom for a plant devoid of all the inessential formations at once, possessing, that is, really only leaf, stamen, and fructification. The maxima of the leaf-formation are again differently distributed when we take the consistence and persistence of the leaves for a standard. In the first region the euphyllary leaves claim the highest place in this respect also, for although succulent and fleshy cataphyllary leaves are not rare, the majority of them are soon killed by the growing warmth of spring, while the euphyllary leaves of very many plants, fleshily succulent as well as leathery, are of several years’ duration.t In the flower, the calyx has the greatest durability, thereby showing a relation on the one hand to the euphyllary formation, * Only such plants as do not elaborate their own nutriment, parasites on living plants and parasite-like vegetables which are nourished like Fungi on decaying remains, can dispense with the leaf-formation. T Ze. gr. in the Cycadex, Conifere, Palme, Aloe, and Ayave, Crassu- lacex, Arzoidee, Buxus, Ilex, Citrus, Laurus, and the endless host of ever- green trees of the tropical zones. In the silver fir the duration of the acicular leaves extends to seven or eight years. 6 82 THE PHENOMENON OF and on the other to the fruit, which relationship is also particularly confirmed by many abnormal phenomena. In monstrous affections of the flower, namely, the calyx on the one side passes very readily into a leafy structure, and, on the other, often acquires a fruit-like develop- ment, not only normally, but also in abnormal ways,* while in return the fruit may become calicoid, or even strike into leafy structure in antholytic flowers. In the point of view just examined, therefore, the euphyllary formation, calyx, and fruit, form the analogous sections of the three regions. The preceding indications may suffice to show that the leaf-formation by no means exhibits merely a simple decrease or increase, but, in all respects, a swaying up and down, a series of vibrations, in the last of which only is the goal actually attained. These vibrations are not of equal magnitude or equal force in all plants; on the contrary, there occurs, without affecting the general law, a great multiformity in their conditions. Some- times the wave expressed in the vigour of the leaf- formation, rises and sinks slowly and gradually, as we have seen in the vegetative region of Pilox; sometimes it gathers itself up abruptly and suddenly, asin Apimedium and Mayanthemum; sometimes it ascends suddenly and sinks down more gradually, as in Peonia; sometimes it ascends contrariwise, gradually, and sinks down again more suddenly, as in Hel/iconia. "Ihe transition from one region of ascent to another is marked sometimes by a slight, sometimes by a strong depression. ‘This differ. ence is especially manifested in the transition into the flower, since on the one hand there is not unfrequently a direct passage from the euphyllary formation into calicine formation, (almost devoid of any retrogression in the leaf-formation, and with total omission of the hypso- phyllary formation especially representing the descending * I have observed this in especial beauty in a malformation of Citrus medica, where the calyx formed as it were an open citron surrounding the inner natural fruit. : RUJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 83 side of the first region,) as in Gentiana;* while, on the other hand, the leaf-formation often sinks down before the transition into flower, to complete disappearance of the leaf, which as it were emerges anew in the flower. Within the general lines of rise and fall, even, occur other subordinate lines of undulation, correspond- ing to the individual formations, which will be briefly touched upon hereafter. Every plant has its proper vital lines for these vibrations of the metamorphosis, the constructive representation of which lines will make clearly conceivable, characters which botanists have hitherto only seized in the most fragmentary manner, or have felt obscurely as something indescribable in the habit. A particularly important phenomenon belonging to this series is the occurrence, at determinate points of transition of the metamorphosis, of the above-mentioned disappearance or non-appearance of leaves which exist in rudiment, but either do not come to full development, or are suppressed in the earliest stages of formation.t This dipping down of the leaf-formation, occurring so frequently, and connected with determinate regions,t is the best evi- dence of the undulating course of the metamorphosis, and the best criterion for the separate sections. Disappearance of this kind occurs at four different places in the process of the metamorphosis, namely, first at the two points of depression, already considered above, at the points of transition of the three chief regions one into another, from stock to flower and from flower to fruit ; and at two * See especially G. campestris, in which the first two sepals are com- pletely foliaceous, T This phenomenon belongs to what botanists call adortus, against the multifold groundless and superficial assumptions of which Schleiden very justly inveighs repeatedly, (‘ Grundzüge,’ ii, 188.) The correct application of the comparative method will guard us from such idle speculation, and indicate to us with certainty suppression of leaf-formation, even in cases where observation of the course of development is perhaps never capable of affording a demonstration. + Another series of abortions, here left entirely out of view, is connected with the zygomorphic and antagonistic structure of what are called irregular flowers. 84 THE PHENOMENON OF other, subordinate points of descent which have still to be examined more narrowly, at the transition of the euphyllary formation unto the hypsophyllary formation and of the corolla (or calyx) into the staminal formation. In order to represent the occurrence of regions of vanishing in their relation to the entire graduated series, we will once more review the series, in the order of the tran- sition of the metamorphosis from formation to formation. Within the cataphyllary formation we have observed an increase of strength in the leaf-formation, which is continued without any preparatory decrease into the euphyllary formation. The leaf-formation runs progres- sively from the cataphyllary formation to the euphyllary formation either without any, or with imperceptible descent at the point of transition, consequently no vanishing ever occurs between these two formations. I shall not venture to decide whether this transition takes place really without any descent, or sometimes, perhaps, has connected with it a slight decrease in the leaf-formation. The latter hypothesis seems to be borne out by Adonis vernalis. I found the 7 or 8 cataphyllary leaves of this plant of gradually increasing length, growing from 1 to 8 lines; a transitionary leaf following them, and exhibiting the first trace of blade-structure at its apex, was somewhat. shorter than the last true cataphyllary leaf, namely, only about 7 lines long. In the euphyllary formation we see the attainment of the maximum of vegetative leaf-formation followed by a decrease, which is frequently continued into the hypso- phyllary formation without any new accession of strength. But the case is not always such; the transition of the euphyllary formation into the hypsophyllary formation is often effected through the medium of a strongish retro- gression, which may go as far as disappearance, whereby then the hypsophyllary formation is cut off as a distinct wave, since it then possesses its own special rise and fall. The hypsophyllary region, cut off in this way, thus forms within the vegetative sphere a prototype of the flower, REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 85 which affords a certain justification of the old application of the name “compound flower,” to the capitule of the Composite and the spikelet of the Grasses. If we examine the order of capitulous-flowered plants (Composites) in reference to this point, we find hypsophyllary forma- tion but seldom exhibiting a mere decreasing condition of the leaf-formation, for the involucres or “common calices’’ are mostly formed of hypsophyllary leaves larger than those immediately preceding them on the stalk,* and within the involucre itself there mostly occurs a further increase of size of the successive involucral-leaves, as is shown in the so-familiar “involucra calyculata” and ‘imbricata.”+ This phenomenon is truly splendidly exhibited in the coloured, radiantly expanded involucres of Carlina, Xeranthemum, and Helichrysum. In the last-named genus (e.g. in H. proliferum), we even find the rare case of hypsophyllary formation far exceeding in its ascent the size of the euphyllary leaves. After the maximum is attained the hypsophyllary formation sinks down again, upon the main axis, to the form of little palez or teeth, often passing into a fibrous dissolution, frequently at last vanishing altogether, (receptaculum paleaceum, denticulatum, fibrillosum, nudum.) I will describe somewhat minutely in this respect Calhopsis bicolor, an ornamental plant generally diffused in gardens, as an example. Cataphyllary leaves are absent. We find the leaf-formation advancing, on the abbreviated base of the stock, from simple to simply pinnatifid and bipinna- tifid euphyllary leaves. On the ascending part of the stem follows a decreasing series of small-lobed bipinna- tifid, simply pinnatifid, and at last simple euphyllary leaves, which form the transition to a few very small linear, brownish-coloured hypsophyllary leaves scattered on the stalk of the capitule. The 8 outer leaves of the involucre are already somewhat larger, especially broader, * See, for instance, Hieracium subaudum and allied species, Leontodon squamosus, Catananche caerulea. + Ex. gr. Chrysanthemum Leucanthenum, Taraxacum, Scorzonera, Cynara. 86 {HE PHENOMENON OF than the preceding scattered hypsophyllary leaves; the 8 inner involucral leaves, in the axils of which are seated the 8 florets of the ray, are 5—6 times as long and broad as the outer, lighter coloured, and more scarious. This constitutes the maximum of the hypsophyllary formation; the succeeding bracts (paleze) are shorter, almost filiform, and transparent, with a thin brown central streak. Another example, which exhibits not only a sinking and reascent, but an actual disappearance, at the transition from the euphyllary to the hypsophyllary formation, is afforded by Emilia sagittata (Cacalia sonchifolia of gardens.) The large euphyllary leaves embracing the stem with their arrow- or heart-shaped bases, are followed by a narrow linear transitional leaf, from the axil of which arises the first branch of the corymbose inflorescence. From 2 to 4 leaves are thus wholly suppressed, their existence being merely detected by the branches of inflorescence being apparently devoid of subtending leaves. ‘The leaf- formation rises up again in the involucre of the ter- minal capitule, composed of 13 equally long, linear hypsophyllary leaves, and generally vanishes again on the “receptaculum nudum.” A similar disappearance and re-advance of the hypsophyllary formation, only distributed on distinct axes, 1s seen in those Umbelliferze which are devoid of an involucre, but have an involucel, as for instance in Angelica sylvestris, Seseli montanum and Hippomarathrum, and Bupleurum rotundifolium. The leaves of the involucels are at the same time the bracts (subtending leaves) of the outermost flowers of the umbellule, while the subsequent, more internally situated flowers, arise from the axils of suppressed leaves. Thus, the Bupleurum mentioned has only five involucellar leaves, but eight to thirteen flowers in each umbellule, the central flower not included; therefore three to eight flowers must spring from the axils of invisible leaves. A third large order, in which the hypsophyllary formation occurs in similar conditions, is that of the Grasses. Here it is universal for the euphyllary formation to be followed REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 87 immediately by a suppression of the leaf-formation, which persists through the whole main superstructure of the inflorescence, and only ceases in the spikelets. The leaves often disappear entirely in this region, or they present themselves as more or less evident thickenings, some- times completely embracing the stem as rings,* and then often curved up and down in wavy lines, sometimes only partially embracing, and then mostly with decurrent borders,+ rarely ascending on the axis.{ In Zlymus europeus the lowest annular abortive leaf is often elon- gated into a sharp tooth; in Nardus all the subtending leaves of the spikelets are tooth-like. Only few grasses exhibit a considerable development of the lower leaves on the axis of the inflorescence, such as occurs in Ses/eria. In Sesleria cerulea they present themselves as tubular, ochraceously-truncated, or irregularly excised, mem- branous sheaths.§ A similar development of the first leaf of the inflorescence occurs not unfrequently as an accident and exceptionally, in other grasses. I have observed a strange form of this phenomenon, and this frequently, in Glyceria aquatica. The transitional leaf occurring here, in the axil of which stands the first so- called semi-verticil of the panicle, has an undeveloped * Thus, for instance, the lowest abortive leaf of Zritieum, Secale, Oryza, &c., while the succeeding do not embrace; in Glyceria fluitans and aquatica several of the lower abortive leaves are annular. T Especially fine in Melica altissima and Phalaris arundinacea. Very beautifully so in the lower abortive leaves of Lolium, Pou compressa, Cynosurus, and Dactylis. The obliquely descending borders are even con- fluent on the lowermost. The overlooking of these abortive leaves led to the error of regarding the glume of the spikelet of Lolium as its subtending leaf. This mistake might be pardoned in a superficial examination, but it is incomprehensible how any one could see the true condition clearly, and even draw it, and yet retain the false explanation, as Turpin has done. See his plate of Lolium perenne in the ‘Dict. des Sc. Nat.,’ and the explanation given of the figures. { Thus, for example, the lowest and not always distinguishable abortive leat of Alopecurus agrestis. § These ochraceous leaves are followed by one or the other unilaterally developed bract; at the base of the uppermost lateral spikelet, on the contrary, they vanish entirely, as in other grasses. In Oreochloa they are not so strongly developed, and only the lowest are one-sided. See on this point also Roper, ‘Zur Flora Meklenburgs,’ ii, 42. Ss I THE PHENOMENON OF middle, simply a protuberance, while the lateral portions growing together on the side opposite to the middle, acquire very considerable development. Hence arıses an appearance as though the subtending leaf stood opposite tothe branch. It often attains a considerable size and a more or less foliaceous expansion, exhibiting a distinction into stalk and blade. 'The sheath usually reaches a length of 1! to 2 inches; the blade seated upon this, about of equal length, is double, on account of the absence of the middle, the two halves diverging at an obtuse angle. Among the grasses in which the disappearance of the leaves in the inflorescence is most complete, so that even the lowermost often does not even leave a protuberant process, are Catapodium, many species of Hragrostis, Eleusine, Digitaria, and Sorghum. In the spikelets, finally, the leaf-formation comes to light again, frequently gradually, as in Oryza,* and all other grasses in which the first glume is very small (Vadpia, Avrochloa, Anthox- anthum) ; frequently suddenly, as in all grasses with two large glumes (Holeus, Phalaris). Most of the many- flowered grasses exhibit, further, a distinct increase and falling off in the successive hypsophyllary leaves of the spikelet, since the first sterile paleae are shorter than the succeeding fertile ones, which themselves again decrease in size towards the point of the spikelet.F It is rarer for the first palece to be the largest, so that a simply decreasing condition exists.} The reverse, a merely ascending con- dition of the paleze of the spikelet, is exhibited by many one-flowered grasses, in particular the already cited Rice, and most of the genera allied to Panicum.§ * In Oryza the spikelet begins with four sterile palex, followed by only one fertile. The first two or three sterile palex appear only as small teeth. Leersia is distinguished from Oryza merely through the still more imperfect development of the first four pales of the spikelet. + Thus, for instance, in Bromus, Festuca, Pou, Dactylis, Secale, Melica, Molinia, Phragmites, Chloris. { ‘Thus in 7riodia, Agrostis, Calamagrostis. § A deercasc may take place in these in an abuormal manner, when, namely, the axis or rachis of the spikelet develops additional pales (and flowers in their axils). An inteicstivg case of this kind occurs almost REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 89 From the vanishing region at the entrance of the hypsophyllary formation, where this separates as inde- pendent, we come to the consideration of that transition in which the disappearance of the leaf-formation is com- monest, to the transition from the hypsophyllary formation to the flower. Here where the most important revolution occurs in the metamorphosis, where the leaf-formation is to return in new arrangement and altered attire, there is most frequently a preparatory total contraction, so that the region of transition into the flower must be desig- nated as the principal break in the metamorphosis. The disappearance of the leaf-formation occurring here may extend simply to a last organ, or over the entire hypso- phyllary formation ; in fact, it may even invade the outer formations of the flower. Of the first case, in which only a final section of the hypsophyllary formation undergoes suppression, we have already seen above a fine example in the Composite with naked receptacles succeeding a fully-developed involucre; and in the Umbellifere with umbellules, the outer rays of which arise in the axils of involucellar leaves, while the inner possess no visible bracts. Such cases are more uncommon on racemose or spicate inflorescences with elongated axes, but Castanea and Acalypha may be mentioned, the spikes of which have perfectly developed hypsophyllary leaves at the lower part, bearing the female flowers in their axils, while the male flowers succeeding upward arise from the axils of abortive leaves. Here refer also the Aroidez, which possess a large, often petaloid, coloured hypsophyllary leaf at the base of the spadix, while no further visibly developed leaves occur upon the spadix. Suppression of the last hypsophyllary leaves is more commonly found when these are situated on a second axial system, than normally in a Panicum cultivated in gardens, which I have named P. (Eehino- chloa) mirabile. This species, allied to P. stagninum, very frequently presents, besides the three ordinary glumes and the normal palea (een enclos- ing the flower, a second smaller palea, which, like the first, conceals a perfect flower in its axil. 90 THE PHENOMENON OF when on the same axis. Thus it is a very common phenomenon for the axis of racemose inflorescences to have developed hypsophyllary leaves (bracts), while those on the flower-stalks (vorblätter, bracteoles) are suppressed. Numerous examples of this are furnished by the Scrophu- larinex,* Verbenacez,t Labiate,+ Leguminose,} and also Fumaria and Corydalis, Hedera Helix, Mahonia, Thesium ebracteatum and rostratum.|| The other case, in which the entire hypsophyllary formation is composed of abortive leaves, is likewise very common, we find it in almost the whole family of Crucifere, in Convallaria multiflora, of which, besides, there is a variety with de- veloped and even foliaceous bracts ; in many Leguminose, e.g. Trifolium, in the Umbelliferze without involucre and involucel, e. y. Anethum and Feniculum. Great numbers of examples might be cited of plants with terminal flowers, where consequently the leaf-formation reappears again on the same axis, in the flower, after the suppression of several leaves, e.g. Solanum, Gilia tricolor, capitata, many * Ex. gr. Digitalis, Antirrhinum, mauy species of Linariu, Verbascum Blattaria, while in Verbuscum Thapsus, aud the allied species, as also in Serophularia, Gratiola, &c., the bracteoles are developed. t Ferbena, Aloysia, while Vitex exhibits developed bracteoles. £ Teuerium, Prunella; in many other genera of the family the bracteoles are visible. Sewtellaria exhibits a beautiful transition to the suppression of the bracteoles, for in many species, for instance S. alpina, they exist only as scarcely perceptible papille. Sadvia presents a series very instructive in this respect. S. patens and dulcis have solitary flowers standing in the axils of bracts, without visible hracteoles; S. coccinea, splendens, and involu- crata, have three-flowered, S. farinosa (trichostyla, Bischoff), and confertiflora many-flowered cymes without visible bracteoles ; S. Horminum three-flowered cymes with developed bracteoles of the middle flowers, but not of the lateral flowers ; ‚$. glutinosa, lastly, has three-flowered cymes with developed bracteoles of both the middle flowers and the lateral flowers. § Pisum, Galega, Podalyria australis; in Colutea and Lupinus the extremely small bracteoles at the base of the calyx are often scarcely visible; in other genera, Phaseolus in particular, they are more considerably developed. || I have purposely chosen only such examples as at once show the exist- ence of the supposed bracteoles, either by the visible presence of these in other genera of the same family, or even other species of the same genus, leaving out of the question other grounds for the assumption. In the family of the Fumariacez they are visible in Déelytra; in the Berberidee in Berberis itself; in the genus Hedera in H. capitata; in the genus Thesium in all the other indigenous species except the two mentioned above. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 91 Boraginese (Myosotis, Omphalodes linifolia), most of the Hydrophyllez (Phacelia, Hydrophyllum canadense), Cistus salviefolius and monspeliensis, Ulmaria palustris, &e. The suppression of the leaf-formation at the transition into the flower may affect, as above remarked, not merely the last section of the leaves preceding the flower, but even the commencing formations of the flower itself. Thus we see the calyx, at least its free portion, undeveloped or appearing as a crown of hairs in the Composite, many Umbellifer&, Rubiaceze, and Valerianez, while the corolla is developed fully in these families. Calyx and corolla are suppressed together in Fraxinus, while the nearly related genus Ornus exhibits both; the same occurs in many Amentacee, especially of the group of Betulacese.* The perigone of the Monocotyledons is suppressed in many Aroidee, e.g. in Calla, while it is visible in Pothos and Acorus ; in the Cyperaceze, also, where it frequently presents itself in the form of bristles, which may be com- pared to the pappus in the Compositze ;f and, finally, in the Grasses, in which, however, the inner circle of the perigone, analogous to the corolla, comes to light, wholly or partly, in the form of little scales (/odicule).t * In Alnus and Betula the calyx is indistinguishable in the female flower, but visible in the male; in Carpinus and Corylus, on the other hand, the male flower is devoid of a visible calyx while the female possesses one. + The three scales in the flower of Fuirena do not belong to the perigone, but correspond, as Nees correctly assumes, to the inner circle of stamens. They stand decidedly inside and not outside the three fully-developed stamens. See, for other points, the in other respects accurate description of the flower of the Fuirene, by Schlechtendal, (‘ Bot. Zeit.,’ 1845, p. 849.) + The inner perigonial circle is perfect, composed of three little scales, in Stipa and the Bumbusee; in most of the other grasses it is imperfect, the leaf falling posteriorly being suppressed. Sometimes the abortion extends to the inner circle of the perigone, as in Crypsis, Alopecurus. As regards the foundation for the assumption of an outer, constantly abortive perigonial circle, it can only be observed here that it is derived from the comparative study of the rudiments of the branches of the monocotyledons and the rules of insertion of lateral flowers dependent thereon. Under the hypothesis that it possesses a double perigone, the flower of the Grasses stands in the axil ofits bract exactly like the bracteolate flower of the Iridex. The same attachment of the flower is probably to be assumed of the Cyperacez also, only in this family the bracteole (the inner palea) is constantly suppressed, while in the Grasses it is fully developed, except in a few cases (Trichodium, Alopecurus). 92 THE PHENOMENON OF We now come to the transitions within the flower itself. The transition from the calya to the corolla cor- responds to that from the cataphyllary to the euphyllary formation, and takes place like thıs, without any, or with an insignificant retrogression of the leaf-formation, on which account no suppression occurs between these two formations. We have above seen, in many cases, an increase of the leaf-formation within the calyx, and re- cognised in this the expression of the renewed impulse received in the first half of the flower; the contrary case, a decrease of size following the order of succession of the sepals, expressing an indentation in the line of impulse ascending to the corolla, is a rare phenomenon, and is only represented by faint mdications. Thus in the Gentiane, Gerania, Nicotiana, even in the Roses and Brambles, the mner sepals are somewhat shorter than the outer. Of all cases of this kind, the calyx of Acanthus exhibits the most striking character, which, however, from the irregularity of the whole flower, cannot be explained simply in this way. It is composed of four pieces, an upper, broadest and longest (the second sepal); a lower, somewhat narrower and “shorter, which has two points (it is formed from the confluence of the first and third sepals); finally, two lateral, which stand further inwards, and are much shorter than the upper and lower pieces.* These little lateral sepals are the fourth and fifth, consequently the last two leaves of the calyx. The calyx is preceded by two very narrow linear bracteoles, which are about half as long as the calyx; a broader and longer bract, having sharply-toothed borders, bears the flower in its axil. Here, therefore, we see a descent from the bract to the bracteoles, an ascent from the two bracteoles to the outer sepals, and another descent from these to the two inner, and finally, from these to the corolla a fresh ascent of the leaf-formation. That which is found only in rare and faint indications * The two lateral picces are 13 to 2 lines long, the lower about 15 lines, the upper 17 lines. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 93 in the transition from calyx to corolla, is a very frequent phenomenon in the transition from the corolla to the stamen-formation. As the hypsophyllary formation is not unfrequently cut off from the euphyllary region by sinking down even to the suppression of the leaf-forma- tion, so we see the stamen-formation frequently cut off similarly by a region of suppression, from the preceding formation. It is often difficult to decide here whether the parts subject to abortion, which may occupy one or more circles, are to be regarded as suppressed inner petals or suppressed stamens. As imperfectly developed leaves, they are, looked at by themselves, neither one nor the other; but comparative examination shows that the abortive circles are certainly to be attributed sometimes to one and sometimes to the other side, and in this sense are to be regarded sometimes as inner circles of the corolla, and sometimes as outer circles of stamens. Thus in the Primulaceze for example, we have reason to con- sider the abortive circle as an inner corolline circle, since the corresponding circle of the flower is developed in some of the genera of the allied family of the Myrsinez (e.g., Jacquinia), as also in many of the genera of the likewise related Sapotez, actually in the form of an inner corolla, never in the form of a circle of stamens. The same holds of the Ericacex, in which I have seen the abortive circle developed abnormally, in Zrica baccans, as an inner corolla. ‘The same occurs in the Jasminez, for some of the species of jasmine exhibit an inner corolla almost normally. In the Oxalidez and Geraniaceze we must also assume an abortive inner corolla, the traces of which exist in the form of glands or little scales. In abnormal flowers of Pelargonium, I have often found some of the organs actually developed into the form of petals. That the abortive circle of the Geraniacez is to be regarded as an inner corolla, is still more distinctly proved by the mode of arrangement of the parts of the flower in the genus Monsonia, belonging to this order. Monsonia possesses not merely two, but 94 THE PHENOMENON OF three quinate circles of stamens, which though 5 prosen- thesis are placed in a ternary relation of alternation, while the abortive circle still belongs to the binary condition of alternation (though } prosenthesis). In the Crassulaceze likewise, the abortive circle may be regarded as an inner corolla, although the arguments for this are less direct. On the contrary, the abortive circle is in some cases decidedly an outer circle of stamens, for instance, among the Monocotyledons, in the Burmanniaceee and Ponte- deracex, among the Dicotyledons, in many Malvaceze and Tiliacez, e.g., Helicteres, Hermannia, moreover in the Ampelidee and Rhamnex. Both united, 7. e., two abortive circles, a suppressed inner corolla and a suppressed outer circle of stamens, at the same time, occur in the Crassulacee which have only one circle of stamens properly developed, as for instance Crassula and Zillea ; likewise in Brodium, of the family of the Geraniacex, and the allied Zinum; in Bleria and Azalea, of the heath family.* As we have seen in the conditions of the transition to the flower, examined above, that the whole of the preceding hypsophyllary formation frequently vanishes, so this is repeated here. Not merely particular segments, but even the entire corolla may vanish. We have already seen an approximation to this in the exceptional cases, in which the maximum of the leaf-formation within the flower is not attained in the corolla, but already in the calyx, while the petals appear small and imperfect.+ The apetalous flowers produced in this way occur in very many families,? and allow their true nature to be readily decided when we * In this and similar cases no circle seems to be absent, since when two succeeding circles are suppressed, the alternation of the properly developed circle is restored. T See pages 78, 79. { To prevent misunderstandings, I must remark that the condition of abortion is not the explanation of all apetalous flowers. There are families in which the metamorphosis actually progresses directly from the calyx- formation to the stamen-formation, without any suppressed intermediate formation corresponding to the corolla; thus, for instance, in the Polygonez and Laurinex. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. 95 accurately make out the conditions of relationship. Thus, for example, the genus Glaux agrees so closely with the type of the very sharply-defined Primulacez, that we have no hesitation in ascribing the apetalous condition of this genus to the suppression of two circles of petals. The Chenopodiaceze, Amarantacez, and Scleranthez, are connected so unmistakeably with the petaliferous families of the order of the Caryophyllacez, particularly with the Alsınee, that we at once regard them as Apetale pro- duced by the suppression of the corolla, especially when we take into consideration how such a suppression occurs in particular cases among the Silenee and Alsinee, and may even be demonstrated in one and the same species, sometimes in all gradations, as for instance, in Stellaria media, which is found with very different sizes of the petals down to complete abortion of them (var. apetala). The conditions are similar in the apetalous state of Peplis among the Lythrariee, Isnardia among the Onagrex, Chrysosplenium among the Saxifragee, Sterculia among the Tiliaceze, and Pistacia among the Terebin- thacee. In Phytolacca decandra, the quinate corolla vanishes together with a ten-membered outer circle of stamens, which latter exists perfectly developed in PA. icosandra. I will only add, to these already too widely extended remarks on the subordinate retrogression of the leaf- formation which is frequently interposed at the tran- sition to the stamen-formation, and which causes an independent separation and uplifting of this most im- portant section of the flower, that the ascending condition in the succession of stamens or of circles of stamens, mentioned above as an apparent exception,* is explained by this, corresponding exactly to the rise in the magni- tude of the hypsophyllary leaves, which we have already examined. This phenomenon is met with, for example, in Aloe, Anthericum, Ornithogalum, in which the three * See page 80. T See page 85. 96 THE PHENOMENON OF inner stamens are longer than the three outer, also in the Crucifere, in the well-known tetradynamous con- dition ; in Asarum, with six outer shorter, and six inner longer stamens; in Rhewm, with six outer shorter, and three inner longer ; in Oxalis and Limnanthes, with five outer shorter, and five inner longer; in Monsonia, with ten outer shorter, and five inner longer; lastly, most beautifully in Zibiscus and other Malvacez, in which numerous quinate circles of stamens are piled up into a more or less abundantly clothed column. Most of the Ranunculacee, in particular Anemone decidedly, exhibit a gradual increase of length of the stamens, together with an acyclical, spiral arrangement of them ; and many of them a decrease again at the close of the formation, as in Peonia Montan, the innermost, shortened, and abortive staminal leaves of which, form by their con- fluence the well-known crimson crown round the germen, which Decandolle considered as one of the principal supports of his theory of the torus.* The structure of the chinese Peony just noticed, leads us to the examination of the transition from the stamen- formation to the fruit, the last chasm which the plant has to pass over in its path to the goal. In this transition to the last stage of the metamorphosis, a complete sup- pression of the leaf-formation occurs far more frequently than at the transition from the corolla to the stamen- formation, a circumstance of especial importance for a correct insight into the structure of most flowers. In the Monocotyledons only, in which in general the formations are less sharply separated, a direct transition, uninter- rupted by intermediate abortive circles, is the more frequent condition, while in the Dicotyledons this occurs as the rule only in few families, particularly such as exhibit affinity to the Monocotyledons in other respects ; in many others not at all, or only in isolated genera. This also furnishes the explanation of the rarity of * Decandolle, ‘ Organographie,’ i, 184. REJUVENESCENCE IN NATURE. OF abnormal transitions between these two formations, a transformation * of stamens into carpels, or, retrogres- sively, of carpels into stamens,t while the transitions between calyx and corolla, as well as between petal- and stamen-formation are comparatively far more frequent. The abortive circles must here be accounted partly to one and partly to the other of the formations adjoining, the altered conditions of arrangement and number so frequently occurring in the fruit affording a distinct sup- port for this in many cases. The abortion of an inner circle of stamens is exhibited most convincingly by many species of Juncus, which occur sometimes hexandrous and * T use this term in the sense explained above, pp. 60, 61. + The occurrence of such transitions is in most cases a certain indication that no abortive circle exists, but the cases must be closely examined, in order that a mere multiplication of the organs of one or other formation, such as may happen through an alteration of relative position or through axillary formations, may not be taken for a substitutive aberration of structure. Consulting the sections on the transformation of pistils into stamens, (218), and stamens into pistils, (220), in Moquin Tandons ‘Teratologie,’ we find that after separating the doubtful from the trust- worthy and accurately known cases, the examples mentioned belong to three families of the Monocotyledons, (the Liliacew, Colchicacee, and Palme), and eight families of Dicotyledons, (the Ranuneulacex, Magnoliacex, Papa- veracex, Crucifere, Crassulacex, Ericacese, and Primulacee). I have myself observed most of these, as well as many other less known cases. To the latter belong, for instance, the transformation of the carpels into stamens in Allium Schenoprasum, which seems to occur as commonly in the chives cultivated in gardens, as the opposite case of the inner stamens turning into carpels in the cultivated Sempervivum tectorum. This transformation is exhibited in the chive in the most varied degrees; it is further remarkable from the fact that the stamens appearing in the place of the three carpels, have extrorse anthers, while the anthers of the six normal stamens are introrse, a condition which reminds us of the similar double character of the anthers in the Laurinew and Polygonex. Strange too, is the occurrence of three more shorter stamens, which are confluent with the three replacing the carpels, and which I can only regard as axillary structures like those occurring in double flowers, (see note, p. 79.) In this case we find inside the decomposed germen, which has passed over into a staminal formation, a new more or less perfectly developed whorl, the organs of which alternate with those of the preceding whorl. Another case, apparently also little known, but equally frequent, occurs in the cultivated horse-radish (Armoracia rusticana). ‘The two carpels are here transformed more or less completely into stamens, while two other organs, absent in normal flowers, make their appearance as carpels. The reverse case, the transformation of all the stamens into carpels, is shown by Cheiranthus Cheiri gynantherus, Dec., a monster which has become a variety in the Paris garden, and for which I am indebted to M. Gay. 7 98 THE PHENOMENON OF sometimes triandrous,* also by the Iridee, Graminacex and Cyperaceze,t Alisma and