arrangement ggminss . ome J Ran *. ) an ek 2 ret heat os mip gael Pout: ae CORNELL UNIVERSITY. THE Roswell P. Flower Library THE GIFT OF ROSWELL P. FLOWER FOR THE USE OF THE N. Y. STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE 1897 2757 Digitized by Microsoft® Cornell University Libra eterinary studies for agricultural stud Digitized by Microsoft® This book was digitized by Microsoft Corporation in cooperation with Cornell University Libraries, 2007. You may use and print this copy in limited quantity for your personal purposes, but may not distribute or provide access fo it (or modified or partial versions of if) for revenue-generating or other commercial purposes. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® ‘splouleses ‘72g ‘xuvpeyd pay} ‘9g ‘xuepeyd puoses ‘gg ‘xuvreyd ysuy ‘pe ‘sTesreyejyeur ‘gz ‘sTesie) ‘zz ‘eqn ‘12 ‘erjeyed ‘og ‘anutes ‘6, STA -Jod ‘gL faBaqaeA [BaSADI0S ‘71 !oBIGa}IEA [BABS ‘Q, ‘eBAqa}IeA TequIN] ‘GL :9BIq9}19A [eSIOp ‘DL ‘sploweses ‘g, :xuepeyd paid ‘zp ¢xuepeyd puooes ‘|, :xuepeyd ysiy ‘op {sTedivovjour ‘6 ‘sTedieo ‘g {eurn ‘2 ‘snipea ‘g fsnaewny ‘g ‘vindeos ‘p !viqa}IaA [BopATaO YZUEAS ‘gE SIXB ‘J 'SBILW 4 (I -°¥ ‘@) "NOLATAEMS ‘1 ‘SIA Digitized by Microsoft® VETERINARY STUDIES FOR AGRICULTURAL STUDENTS BY M. H. REYNOLDS, B.S. A., D.V.M., M.D. Professor of Veterinary Medicine, University of Minnesota; member American Veterinary Medical Association; member American Medical Association; member American Public Health Association; member Minnesota State Medical Association ST. PAUL PUBLISHED BY THE AUTHOR ST. ANTHONY PARK, MINN, 1903 j Digitized by Microsoft® Nf a | i nl INO. foe COPYRIGHT 1903 BY MYRON H. REYNOLDS, UNITED STATES AND CANADA. Digitized by Microsoft® PREFACE. During ten years experience in teaching veterinary subjects to agricultural students, certain difficulties have been constantly encountered. Others doing this work have probably had similar experience. There has been the difficulty of imperfect training, or entire lack of training, in physiology and other subjects which medical men recognize as fundamental. There is always pres- ent the difficulty of presenting a technical subject in untechnical language; difficulty in securing satisfactory illustrations, and dif- ficulty in giving the kind and character of veterinary work which is generally demanded and conceded as necessary, without giving our students a sort of training which will turn some of them into unqualified practitioners. There has been serious difficulty in covering, without a text book, a satisfactory amount of ground. Many students do not take notes well, and hence for several years I have been distributing mimeographed lecture notes to my classes. During this time I have been more and more impressed with the belief that a text book, wisely illustrated and carefully edited for its legitimate use, would enable me to cover very much more ground within the available time. The style of editing that has been adopted was selected with a view to presenting the subject matter to students in a conspicu- ous and easily grasped way. This must be our excuse and answer to criticism which the expert printer may legitimately make. This work has been written more particularly as a text for veterinary classes in agricultural colleges, but it is hoped that it may prove helpful also to stockmen who are not able to attend our agricultural colleges, but who care to know more of the ani- mal machines with which they are working. I take this occasion to deprecate the blind home dosing of stock to which farmers and stockmen are very much inclined. The student should realize Digitized by Microsoft® the impossibility of writing a prescription that will fit all cases of a certain disease, and if a good student he will hesitate to risk the use of medicines of which he knows very little in diseases of which he knows less. Lecture notes which have been collected during a period of ten years have formed the basis for this work, and I am now un- able, in many cases, to give credit to authorities that have been consulted, where credit is fairly due. Illustrations have not been used in any case merely as pictures. Every one is intended to illustrate something and make that illustration as impressive as possible. Suggestions to the teacher. It is not intended that this, as a text book, should entirely supplant the lecture work. On the contrary, nearly every lecture may be supplemented to advantage and so give opportunity for originality and the greatest effective- ness. It will be readily understood that certain subjects are of very great importance in some states, and unimportant in others. Each teacher should add what he thinks best for his grade of pu- pils and his local needs. When time permits much time can be profitably spent on more extended anatomy work, especially for students who wish advanced live stock work. It can be readily illustrated and easily impressed ; for instance, that smooth or rough hips depend upon a fraction of an inch, more or less, on the external angle of the ilium; and that high or low withers are merely slight variations in the length of the superior spinus processes of the dorsal ver- tebrae; and that conformation depends upon the bony skeleton and muscular developments. Much time with considerable actual practice should be given to the study of unsoundness; to common forms of lameness, and the types of conformation which tend toward these unfortunate conditions. Common irregularities of the teeth are not discussed in these pages at all, and yet the general subject is an important and practical one, and one that is easily illustrated in class room. These are given merely as suggestions and to impress the fact that this text is not expected to cover the entire field of veterinary teaching for all agricultural colleges. I respectfully suggest that teachers should insist upon care- ful study of illlustrations. In my own class work I find the con- stant difficulty that students glance at the illustrations carelessly Digitized by Microsoft® and hurriedly, and thus fail to get the benefit which they might easily have from good illustrations. Students may be selected at random and asked to draw upon the board from memory, illus- trations from the lesson for that day. After a few practice les- sons of this kind students easily learn how to study text book illustrations. M. H. REYNOLDS. University of Minnesota, July, 1903. Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® Lecture. I. IT. III, IV. V. VI. VII. CONTENTS. ANATOMY. ANATOMY. Bones.—Kinds, peculiarities, development, composition. Head.—Face, cranial and hyoid bones; dentition of horses, table; dentition of cattle, table; estimating age by teeth. OSTEOLOGY. Spinal column.—General characteristics of vertebrae. Cer- vical, dersal, lumbar, sacral and coccygeal vertebrae. RSHITSS A CWDL A ene Re Dc) tly Muelle carve ere nek en A A ERE FRONT LIMB. Shoulder, arm, forearm, and foot—bones of............... POSTERIOR LIMB. Pelvis, thigh, leg, and foot—bones of..................... ARTICULATIONS. General groups, examples; varieties of freely movable; immovable; slightly movable. Structures at joints; articulations described.............. MUSCULAR SYSTEM. Peculiar property of muscle; kinds, classification, parts, microscopic structure. Source of heat and power....... NERVOUS SYSTEM. General function; nerve centers; nerve fibers. Cerebrospinal system.—Brain, cranial nerves, spinal cord, spinal nerves. Sympathetic system.—Composition, ganglia, sympathetic NSU GH DANA SION soa iste are ace Cin ace ORT Rn Pee nore Ee RCL tartar pr Se Reet era Reger ee Eee CRORE Digitized by Microsoft® 13 16 19 23, vi CONTENTS. Lecture. Page. VIII. CIRCULATION. Blood.—Circulatory apparatus; course of the blood, blood supply of the body, principal arteries and veins. Lymphatic system —Parts,. functions «o2<2. .. 94200 a04 eae ee 36 TXs RESPIRATION. Definition, stages, purpose, respiratory apparatus......... 41 Ne DIGESTIVE APPARATUS. Definition, organs of digestion, anatomy of each.......... 45 XI. PHYSIOLOGY OF DIGESTION. Definition of digestion; food-groups, course and history of each. Suggestions im regard to feeding. isc. se sce cars ween es ove 50 XII. URINARY ORGANS AND MAMMARY GLANDS. Urinary organs.—Structure, function and physiological op- eraton of each. Mammary glands.—Anatomy, function, products, blood sup- ply, nerve supply, and nerve control................-4.- 54 XIII. FOOT. Bones, horny hoot, matrix, plantar cushion, back tendons, SOOUTOOl CESELIDEds sacs cewek mows as Soee sen ueveneuns 60. PATHOLOGY. XIV. PATHOLOGY. Hyperaemia (congestion), inflammation, fever, heat pro- duction and expenditure cians cacereie y sean a See eye Ls 65 XV. PATHOLOGY. Haemorrhage, dropsy, hypertrophy, atrophy, degenera- tions and infiltrations, collapse, syncope, death.......... 69 XVI. WOUNDS. Healing, and development of new blood vessels. Healing of osseous, cartilage and nerve tissues. New tis- stie, How skin técCowers ai SurMces nic. cc ntaacasa sues 72 Digitized by Microsoft® Lecture. XVII. XVIII. XIX. XX. XXI. XXII. XXILL. XXIV. CONTENTS. WOUNDS. Bad treatment, bleeding, sewing, bandaging, washing, dry treatment, maggots, suggestions. ......... 2.00 ee eens CAUSE AND PREVENTION. CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF DISEASE. Contagium.—The individual bacterium, plagues in history, dissemination, development of outbreaks, body entrance, method of injury, destroyed in nature.................. DISINFECTION. Purpose, sources of infection, thoroughness, attendants, how to burn a carcass. Common disinfectants, and miethodsvOr-disimkectOtin 3% cAusayid cada cgal ese Rae eeca mace ees CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF DISEASE. Heredity.—Theory, in and in breeding. Air.—Imptrities, relation to disease, standards of purity, Ventilation oc sac wa sae arin MONO daw Gerth die mids CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF DISEASE. Food.—Excess, deficiency, bulk, quality, balance, intervals, parasites, changes. Water.—Excess, deficiency. parasites, sewage, intervals.... CAUSES AND PREVENTION OF DISEASE. Parasitism.—General classes, how nourished, effect on host, general prevention, general treatment. External parasites—Mite diseases, causes, classification, general treatment, general prevention.................. EXTERNAL PARASITES. Lice, ticks, ringworm. Internal parasites—Bots, round worms, tape worms, treat- UME MI GS Casares ace bwttta a erea esas ec gay See Seimei a Tea BIE ILS ere ral able cola Te Ero tor. STOCK POISONING. Miscellaneous causes . Poisonous plants.—General considerations, general groups. Sorghum, equisetum, wild cherry leaves............+--- Digitized by Microsoft® 75 vis) 82 88 gt 95 99 viii CONTENTS. Lecture. Page. XXV. POISONOUS PLANTS. Wooly loco, stemless loco, rattlebox, water hemlock, Ore- gon “water: émlocle. . 2s cccany Keeani ones ae anata 102 XXVI. POISONOUS PLANTS. Poison hemlock, broad leaf laurel, death cama or lobelia, larkspur. General treatment for plant poisoning................005- 105 XXVII. VENTILATION. Purposes, impurities, necessity of, natural forces at work, air ‘currents, inlets and. outlets: cc 00 oad eeccoske Sasiniie:s 109 XXVIII. VENTILATION. Amount of ventilation needed. Stable construction.—Space needed per animal, location, width, windows, shafts and tubes, Sheringham valve ,... 113 COMMON DISEASES. XXIX. ACTINOMYCOSIS. Description, relation to public health, parts involved, TREATING ME siscises tere tad ae oa aii a aaien aye Foie SL MOM II7 DORN ANTHRAX. History, distribution, susceptible animals, cause, trans- mission, introduction and spread, incubation, symp- toms, post-mortem, diagnosis, treatment............ 122 XXXI. SYMPTOMATIC ANTHRAX (BLACK LEG). Definition, cause, symptoms, post-mortem, prevention. 127 XXXII FOOT AND MOUTH DISEASE. Definition, symptoms, dissemination, prevention, treat- TENE taalan taming an qecieee AMA 8 RAS Rae BOE Deo Sate see 129 XX XIII. GLANDERS. Susceptible animals, causes, incubation, symptoms, acute cases, chronic cases, diagnosis, prevention, treatment Digitized by Microsoft® Lecture. XXXIV. XXXV. XXXVI. XXXVI. XX XVIII. XXAIX. XLII, CONTENTS. ix Page. HAEMORRHAGIC SEPTICAEMIA. Etiology, history and development, symptoms, post- mortem, summary, meningeal type. Brief study by table of haemorrhagic septicaemia, an- thrax, symptomatic anthrax and cerebrospinal men- DIVO Lb Saerea eu eon eee e Nes ie She Hot daeoredenle yt BAe 136 TEXAS FEVER. Economic importance, causes, transmission, suscepti- bility, incubation, symptoms, post-mortem, prognosis, treatment, prevention, tick extermination, preventive LO CUIAULIONM meee ee eh are Rae ter talc tens ayteee Orne tas 143 TUBERCULOSIS. Prevalence, cause, modes of infection, structures af- fected, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, prevention, summary, disposition of tuberculous cattle........... 150 TUBERCULIN TEST. Tuberculin, effect on health, accuracy, method of test, importance to breeders, diagnosis......... Va 156 AZOTURIA. Prevalence, history, parts affected, duration, causes, symptoms, prevention, treatment, prognosis......... 160 LYMPHANGITIS AND HEAVES. Lymphangitis —Definition, cause and history, symptoms, prevention, treatment Heaves.—Definition, cause, symptoms, prevention, post- MIOTECM LCA LIMENL,. oa oit. aadnde ts wes wu eed ew eaeeee we 165 CHOKE. Explanation, symptoms, prevention, treatment......... 168 HOVEN OR BLOAT. Definition, causes, symptoms, treatment, prevention... I7I LAMENESS. Definition, locating the lameness.....0..0...6..000002 008 174 From bony discases—Bony growths, splints, spavins, ring bones, side bones, ete. From synovial membranes.—Wind puffs, bog spavins, thoroughpins, open joint, curb, capped hock......... 174 Digitized by Microsoft® x CONTENTS. Lecture. Page. XLII. SOUNDNESS. Unsoundness.—Definition, normal conditions; methods of examination, common forms of unsoundness...... XLIV. LAMINITIS OR FOUNDER. Definition, symptoms, cause, pathology, termination, MRSA TINE TA Ee. seas het aaa soltarsle ene Sh Guerse Deetewenartl hea eAcysticomaatearir weantoeets XLV. PARTURIENT PARALYSIS (MILK FEVER). Causes, Schmidt theory, symptoms, prevention, treat- MISTI, -PTOSMOSIS, voicask aoe vane Rueve eae ie cal cess Se XLVI. SAND COLIC. Parts involved, causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment XLVII. SHEEP SCAB. General history, how spread, varieties, causes, symp- toms, precautions, treatment, dips and dipping, a small” dtp PIM Wats nivalis i c-scccedens aioe rece woe anes SLVILE NODULE DISEASE OF SHEEP. General history, cause, injury, diagnosis, treatment, PREV ENTOM. scan cudeunenetiet see Mageece Rana wee Gonesitmanele XLIX. STOMACH WORM (SHEEP). Parasite, life history, symptoms, treatment. Drenching SHEED: spsat Be aes eR ara abe ontaereeaes Seem eaane sos L. FOOT ROT OF SHEEP. Symptoms, differential diagnosis, simple foot-rot, treat- MVEN Ey PHEVIEMEOM, «.csareies ama -oacvaceneuedsnsraledyS efinaen nea webaiarn ee8 LI. VERMINOUS BRONCHITIS, NASAL GRUB, AND CATARRH. Verminous bronchitis —Definition, life history of parasite, symptoms, treatment, prevention. Nasal grub.—Cause, iite history, symptoms, treatment. Catarrh.—Simple catarrh defined, causes, prevention, TREATIMIENIE: So5a0ncgnlamnaalagy ye.cwis ss WAS. bind 4 ine e lngigaaes Digitized by Microsoft® 179 184 187 104 202 208 208 CONTENTS. xi Lecture. Page. LII. HOG CHOLERA AND SWINE PLAGUE. Definition, swill-barrel cholera, variations in virulence, early symptoms, hog cholera post-mortem; swine plague post-mortem Cause, germs how scattered, practical differences be- tweea hog cholera and swine plague. When an out- break appears, common mistakes, suggestions, disin- PEC EION rater eet wit ntenacein aj ecesc slat nna aaa eee aa 215 LIII. COMMON DISEASES OF SWINE. Rheumatism, posterior paralysis, congestion of the lungs, quinsy—cause, symptoms, treatment of each. Drenchine is wineaser sews ceo ue Lan ae. y eeper Uy nee eA OBSTETRICS. LIV. OBSTETRICS. Organs described, normal periods of gestation. Accidents of pregnancy.—Sporadic abortions, infectious abortions, preventive treatment, symptoms, results... 227 LEV OBSTETRICS. Accidents of pregnancy.—Retention of foetus, volvulus or twist. Accidents of parturition—Germ infection, inflammation of the uterus, retention of the afterbirth, haemorrhage 231 LVI. OBSTETRICS. Difficult parturition, nature’s plan, normal presenta- tions, causes of difficulty, common faulty presenta- tions, aid, suggestions. various operations, Caesarian SE CET Omni cin are A cieusena ta tenc otane mae Bache; euNecast a 234 MEDICINES. LVII. COMMON MEDICINES. Common measurements; giving medicines. Common medicines, as to physiological effects, doses and uses. 239 LVIII. COMMON MEDICINES. Certain common medicines as to physiological effects, OSESwam CRUSE S senikests sete suehils stecatla's gralstulata: anebalainis 243 Digitized by Microsoft® Digitized by Microsoft® ILLUSTRATIONS. Page. 9 10 10 Number. i. ~Skeletom of theHOtses, ck ssc nesvae veto ances B. A. I. Frontispiece Pm PEON ese Kull eam emnen ors we cir in senee ray ann eae Gee Chauveau Be 2Six Years Lower JaWan dco. 8e oneada ae enamine as Clarke As eight wears, eOWweL J aWiaae sol awlevcn candi ear meu ayes Clarke Bae HEME NTY VC ALS sO WEL |a Wes cost ces aie cnsloc ssh we Gon oh aed a uc ees Clarke 6. Grinding Surface of Molars..................0025 Fuidekoper 7= lypicale Cervical Verte bia. sth can.casehouss es bees Chauveau on Ly pical wotavyrde snide wane wie Meee Re eA a Eee. 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