900 Tm 1WOULD etl a RHEE b aly New York State College of Agriculture At Cornell University Ithaca, N.Y. Library QK 523. Sen 1896 University Library WTO e history. mann Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924001203094 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. AWE 7g, ws Ke S > (S\\WV Se I, os yt KZe es ILLUSTRATION OF ORGANOGRAPHY. (Sce p. 55.) FERNS: BRITISH & FOREIGN. THE HISTORY, ORGANOGRAPHY, CLASSIFICATION, AND ENUMERATION OF THE SPECIES OF GARDEN FERNS WITH A TREATISE ON THEIR CULTIVATION, ETC. ETC. By JOHN SMITH, A.L.S. EX-CURATOR OF THE ROYAL BOTANIC GARDENS, KEW; AUTHOR OF “DOMESTIC BOTANY,” “MISTORIA FILICUM,” ETC. NEW AND ENLARGED EDITION. LONDON: W. H. ALLEN & CO. LIMITED, 13, WATERLOO PLACE, 8.W. 1896. LONDON ¢ PRINTED BY WYMAN AND SONS, LIMITED, GREAT QUEEN STREBT, W.C. CONTENTS. a Page. PREFACE TO SECOND EDITION.......cccccsecsscesscesceessceccerenee Vid Prerace To First Epition .......... sauinehigtelas de eiitige seaipsaeeh UU I. History or tHe Intropucrion or Exortc Ferns... 1 II, OraanocrapPuy, EXPLANATION OF THE TERMS USED IN DESCRIBING FERNS .......cccccceecsesssceesecescees 44 ITI. Cuassirication OF FERNS EXPLAINED ............00.... 56 IV. Generic CHARACTER AND ENUMERATION OF CULTI- VATED SPECIES ..ccccecssescsececeesesccsseeessatscessase 7D: Vi APPENDIX ssseias canse ai sesamin smesces ae meatinasucstencesmene LOD VI. Erymo.oecy, tHE Meanine or THE Generic Names 327 VII. THe CuntivaTIon OF FERNS....ccccscccscseeccscseeeesees GOD I, PRenimMInaARY REMARKS ..........:0:cceeeeee seceee OOD II. Spectan or Pot Cuitivation . 842 III. Narorat CULTIVATION .......... 377 IV. Warpran Case CULTIVATION ...... senators . 388 V. PROPAGATION ...cccisssseeeseeedsssaden cote esccanes, OOD! VIII. ‘List or AutHoRS AND Books QUOTED IN THIS WoRK 407 JX. Geyzerat Inpex or Genera, SPECIES, AND SyYN- ONYVMES) a gaisaupcvssausunts scate ve erses can. otevedeesinccaey “ALD X. INDEX OF SPECIAL TERMS ..scscccscssesecsescecessevcesene 449! PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. —*o+r —. ae years have now elapsed since the publication of “Ferns: British and Foreign,” of which the following pages are a corrected reprint. Since then, a number of exotic species have been introduced, making considerable additions to the cultivated col- lections in this country, of which the names of many have from time to time been noticed in the Horti- cultural Journals and in Nurserymen’s Catalogues. These I have collected and arranged under their respective genera and tribes, so as to form an Appendix to the present edition. I, however, deem it necessary to state, that shortly after the publication of the first edition in 1866, my sight entirely failed, and consequently I have not been able to follow up my rule, which was, not to enter a species on the list of living plants without first having seen it growing, or had specimens sent me taken from plants cultivated in this country. It being impossible for me now to do so, I have consequently availed myseli of the great knowledge of Ferns possessed by Mr William Gower, formerly foreman of the Fern collec. tion at Kew, whose name is already noticed in tht Viil PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. preface of the first edition, and who being well acquainted with the principal Fern collections in this country, makes it a special point to obtain a know- ledge of all new introductions. For my knowledge of the additions to the Kew collection since 1864, I am indebted to the kindness of Dr. Hooker for having mentioned to Mr. Baker, the Assistant Curator in the Kew Herbarium, my desire to obtain a list of the new introductions, which he readily furnished me; and whom [ have also further to thank for special information regarding certain species. The number of new species introduced since the last enumeration amount to 234, of which the names of about one-half are derived from Mr. Baker’s list, some of which are specially interesting as consti- tuting several genera new to this work, which will be found noticed under their respective tribes. I continue to follow Sir William Hooker’s “ Species Filicom ” * in the adoption of specific names and synonyms as far as possible ; at the same time availing myself of certain corrections, made by Mr. J. G. Baker in a work entitled “ Synopsis Filicum,” being an abridgment of the “ Species Filicum,”—this work was commenced by Sir William Hooker, the first part of which was published in 1865, only a few months before the death of that celebrated Pteridologist ; it was, however, taken up and completed by Mr. Baker, forming a volume of 482 pages, containing brief * A work in five volumes, being a description of all known ferns. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. ix descriptions of 2,228 species. A second edition of this work was published in 1874, with an Appendix, which contains the descriptions of 438 new species; thus making the total number of known ferns, as identified by the Kew Herbarium, to amount to 2,646. In this work Mr. Baker has, however, made consider- able alterations in the nomenclature and synonyme, as given in the “ Species Filicum,” which adds addi- tional testimony to what I have stated at page 56. The propriety of making such, whether right or wrong, is not necessary for me to comment on here,* for to do so would lead to this Appendix being much enlarged, and only burden genera and species with additional synonyms, which, tor the sake of amateur cultivators of Ferns, I deem it prudent to avoid as much as possible; it is only in a few special cases that I have thought it necessary to change or add synonyms to names in the original enumeration. I felt desirous to state the name by whom each individual species was introduced, but I found this to be a difficult task, and therefore deem it sufficient to state, that the principal introducers were the following nurserymen:—Messrs, Backhouse, York ; Bull, King’s Road, Chelsea; Henderson, Pine-apple Place, Edg- ware Road; Jackson, Kingston; Standish, Ascot ; Stansfield, Todmorden; Veitch, King’s Road, Chelsea; and Williams, Holloway. * For full particulars on this point see my “ Historia Filicum,” a work of 429 pages, with 29 lithographic plates, published by Macmillan & Co., 1875. x PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. In consequence of trade collectors and importers of new plants being desirous of bringing them into early public notice, names are given them without having first taken the precaution to ascertain whether they are not already named and described in Botanical works ; thus names frequently appear in Nurserymen’s Catalogues, as new, without descriptions, or even theit * native country given.* Many of such introductions are, however, from time to time described in the Gar- dener’s Chronicle by Mr. T. Moore, whose knowledge and writings on ferns are sufficient to warrant their adoption as new species. I have, therefore, in the present addenda, omitted many of these provisional names. In the plant catalogues of Nurserymen who make ferns a special object of trade, besides the enumeration of specific names, a great number of what are called varieties are also recorded, and their prices affixed, of which Mr. Stansfield’s Catalogue contains the names of nearly 500. These consist of abnormal forms of a few British species, principally of Aspleniwm Filia-foemina, Lastrea Filie-mas, Polystichum aculeatwm, Scolopen- drium vulgare, Lomaria Spicant, and Polypodium vulgare, to which numbers of new forms are yearly * It should be made a special rule that all importers or pos- sessors of supposed new plants, before offering them for sale, should have them examined by some competent authority, for which there is now ample means in the National Botanical Establishment of Kew, either by examining the living plants in the garden, or in the Herbarium, or by books in the library, or the Herbarium in the British Museum, which now contains my Fern collection. PREFACE TO THE SECOND EDITION. xi being added by cultivation, or found wild. The exhi- bition from time to time of these so-called varieties at the meetings of the Royal Horticultural Society, and the awarding of first-class certificates, are indicators of the great interest in which the curious forms are held by amateurs. Varieties are also found amongst exotic species, especially in the genera Gymnogramma, Adiantum, and Pteris; but these are comparatively few to those native of this country. That ferns still continue to be in favour with the plant-loving public, is manifest by the frequent public sales of large importations from abroad, especially of tree ferns, some of which are of large size, and valued as ornamental plants for conservatories, and at public or private banquets or balls, the prices varying accord- ing to height, from £5 to £50, or even more; high prices are also given for species of certain genera, such as Adiantum, Gleichenia, Todea, &c. With regard to cultivation, I have nothing to add to what I have already given in the first edition. J. SMITH, Ex-Curator, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, July, 1876. PREFACE TO THE FIRST EDITION. EARLY ten years have now elapsed since my “Catalogue of Cultivated Ferns’? was pub- lished. During that period many new and fine species have been introduced to the gardens of this country. I have therefore been induced to draw up the follow- ing enumeration, including in it all the species that have come under my notice in a living state, either by the evidence of plants in the Kew collection or by specimens from living plants sent me from various sources. Thinking it might be interesting to Fern growers, T have drawn up a brief history of the introduction of Exotic Ferns from the earliest records to the present time. In order to assist students in the study of Ferns, an explanation is given of the principal organs and terms used in describing them, as well as remarks on their classification. I have also given an alpha- betical list of the generic names, accompanied with the derivation of each name. Great complaints are frequently made, and not with- xiv PREFACE. out good reason, of the many names given to the same plant; to assist in correcting this, I have drawn up a complete Index of the species and synonymes noticed in this work ; therefore, by turning to the page referred to in the Index, the name will be found either with a number before it showing it to be the adopted name, or following the same as a synonyme, or what it has been and is still called by some writers and cultivators. Although this Index contains nearly three thousand names, yet, it must be understood, I have only taken up the synonymes that I consider most essential ; those who desire to enter more fully into this subject, may consult the “ Index Filicum” of Mr. T. Moore— a work which, when completed, will be a treasure to pteridologists. With regard to the wood-cuts, I have to explain that about half of the number were not specially pre- pared for this work; these, in general, represent a portion of the fronds of their natural size, in some cases without fructification, the venation only being given. The drawings for the other half have been made principally from specimens in my herbarium or from living plants. In many of them a magnified portion of the frond is given, showing the character of the genus more distinctly. As a companion to the scientific enumeration, E have given a treatise on their cultivation, which occu- pies a considerable space in this book, and it is hoped will be of service to the Fern-growing public. PREACH, XV In drawing up this treatise I have been greatly assisted by Mr. Henry Prestoe and Mr. William Gower (both recently foremen in the Fern department at Kew), two highly scientific and nature-observing practical cultivators. In conclusion, I have to thank Dr. Berthold Seemann and R. Heward, Esq., for looking over the proofs as they passed through the press. Several causes have occurred to delay the publication of this work; the principal one being a partial failure of my sight, incapacitating me from much use of the pen and examination of new garden Ferns, which I trust will be accepted as my excuse for any errors or omissions that may be found in the following pages. J. SMITH, Ex-Curator, Royal Botanic Gardena, Km. Kew, May, Loos. FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. HISTORY OF INTRODUCTION OF EXOTIC FERNS. HOUGH Ferns now occupy a conspicuous place in our gardens, and are in high favour with cultivators, it is only in comparatively recent times that they have been brought into notice. During the last century certain classes of plants came into fashion, and after a season of popularity again fell into disrepute. Thus: Tulips were once the rage. At the time of the establishing of the several pro- vincial Botanic Gardens, all of which were founded upon a strictly botanical footing, though many of them have now, to a greater or less extent, degenerated into places of amusement, the plants in greatest demand were those of our New Holland and Cape colonies, principally the Heaths, Proteas, Aloes, and their kindred. In after-years dealers obtained large prices for Cactuses; but, with the exception of a few of the easily-grown and most showy kinds, these are now scarcely saleable. Still more recently the magni- ticent-flowering Orchids were promoted to the first place in our gardens ; and though these may still be said to maintain their position, the expense attending B Ba FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN: their cultivation is so great that they are for the most part confined to the gardens of the wealthy. Terns, on the contrary, may, as a general rule, be grown in a comparatively inexpensive manner. The discovery made by Mr. N. B. Ward, that these plants can be grown to great perfection in small orramental closed cases (now well known as ‘‘ Wardian Cases’), suitable not only for the drawing-rooms of the wealthy, but for humbler dwellings, renders it pos- sible for amateurs to indulge their love of Ferns without going to the expense of erecting hothouses and em- ploying a staff of gardeners; and it is to be hoped that this will be the means of retaining them in favour and spreading them still wider. The enumeration in the following pages shows that at the present time above nine hundred exotic species of Ferns are cultivated in the various public and private gardens in this country; and of these by far the greater number have been introduced during the last quarter of a century. 7. GONIOPHLEBIUM, Presl.; J. Sm. Rhizome thick and fleshy, or slender and sub-hypogsous, Froxds pinnatifid or pinnate, rarcly simple, uniform, 1—3 feet ligh, smooth or slightly pubescent, segments and pinnz adhe- rent with the rachis. Veins once or more times forked, or equally pinnate, the lower anterior venule always free, the rest angu- larly anastomosing, and generally producing an excurrent f:ce veinlet from the junctions. Receptacles punctiform, superficial, terminal on the anterior free venules and also often on the rs iS Genus 7.—Portion of mature frond. No. 12. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 81 excurrent veinlets. Sort round, or rarely oblong, solitary in the areoles, or transverse, 1—6-serial, naked. 1. bo 12. 13. * Fronds pinnatifid. G. appendiculatum, Moore in Gard. Chron. (1856). Poly- podium appendiculatum, Linden; J. Sm. Cat. Culé. Ferns, 1857, p. 2; Hook, Fil. Exot. t. 87. P.scriptum, Hort. P. sculptum, Hort Venezuela and Mexico. . G. plectolepis, Moore. Polypodium (Goniophlebium) plec- tolepis, Hook. Sp. Fil. 5, p. 80.—Dominica, Mexico. . G. loriceum, J. Sm. Polypodium loriceum, Linn. ; Plum. Fil. t. 78. Polypodium gonatodes, Kunze. Gonio- phlebium latipes, Moore and Houlst. P. latipes, Lang. et Fisch. Ic. Fil. t, 10.—Tropical America. . G. Catharing, J. Sm. Polypodium Catharine, Lang. et Fisch. Ic. Fil, t. 9.—Brazil. . G. glaucum, J. Sm. Polypodium glaucum, Radd. Fil. Bras. t, 29, f. 1.—Brazil. . G. harpeodes, J. Sm. Polypodium harpeodes, Link.— Brazil. . G. colpodes, J. Sm. Polypodium colpodes, Kunze; Lowe's Ferns, 2, t. 60.—Venezuela. . G. letum, J. Sin. Polypodium letum, Radd, Fil. Bras. t. 28.—Brazil. . G. vacillans, J. Sm. Polypodium vacillans, Link.—Brazil. ** Fronds pinnate, . G. fraxinifolium, J. Sm. Polypodium fraxinifolium, Jacq. Ic. Rar. t.639. P. longifolium, Presi—Tzopical America. . G. distans, J. Sm. Polypodium distans, Radd. Fil. Bras. 4.31. P. polystichum, Link. P. deflexum, Lodd.— ‘Tropical America. G. menisciifolium, J. Sm. Polypodium menisciifolium, Lang. et Fisch. Te, Fil. t.12. P.albopunctatum, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 30; Lowe's Ferns, 1, t=. 86. Gonioplile- bium albopunctatum, J. Sin.—Brazil. G. dissimile, J. Sm. Polypodium dissimile, Linn., now Schk.; Lowe's Ferns, 2, t. 85. Goniophlebium chnoodes, #e,—Jamaica, G 82 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 14, G. insequale, J. Sm. Phlebodium inzquale, Moore. Poly- podium inzquale, Lowe’s Ferns, 2, t. 28. Polypodium (Goniophlebium) Guatemalense, Hook.— Guatemala. 15. G. neriifolium, J. Sm. Hook. Gen. Fil. t.70 B. Poly- podium neriifolium, Schk. Fil. t.15; Radd. Fil. Bras, t. 31 bis—West Indies and Tropical America. 8. SCHELLOLEPIS, J. Sm. Vernation contiguous or distant. Rhizome slender, sub-hypo- geous. Fronds pinnate or pinnatifid, generally slender and pendulous, 13-12 feet long, smooth or nearly so; pinne and segments articulated with the rachis. Veins once or more times @' ef ee! ae Genus 8.—Porticn of pmna of mature frond, under side. No. 3. forked or pinnate; the lower exterior venules always frec, the rest angularly anastomosing. teceptacles punctiform, generally immersed, on the apices of the lower free venules. Soriround, solitary in the areoles, transverse uniserial, furnished with indu- siform laciniate scales. 1. 8S. cuspidata, J. Sm. Polypodium cuspidatum, Bl., not Don. Goniophlebium cuspidatum, Presl. P. grandidens, Kunze ; Metten. Fil. Hort. Leipsic. t, 23. P. colpo- thrix, Kunze. Goniophlebium argutum, Cat. Hort. Kew., not Polypodium argutum, Wall.—Java. 2. S. subauriculata, J. Sm. Polypodium subauriculatum, Bl. Fl. Jav. 6, t. 83. Goniophlebium subauriculatum, Presl. P.Reinwardtii, Kunze. P.metamorphum, Kunze. Goniopulebium Pleopeltis, /’ée.—Malayan Archipelago. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 8&3 & §. verrucosa, J. Sm. Polypodium verrucosum, Tall. ; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 41. Marginaria verrucosa, Hook. Gen. Fil. t.14,10 B. Goniophlebium verru- cosum, J. Sm. Cat. (1857).—Malacca, 9. PHLEBODIUM, B&R. Br.; J. Sm. Rhizome thick and fleshy. Fronds large, 2-6 feet high, pinnatifid or subpinnate, membranous, smooth or glaucous. Veins pinnate; venules arcuately or angularly anastomosing, Genus 9.—Portion of pinna of mature frond, under side. No.1. producing two or three excurrent veinlets terminating in the areoles; the costal areoles always vacant. Receptacles puncti- form, on the combined apices of the excurrent veinlets. Sori round, transversely 1-6-serial, destitute of scales, 1. P. aureum, 2. Br. Polypcdium aureum, Linn. ; Plum. Fil. t. 76; Schk. Fil. t. 12—Tropical America. 2, P. sporodocarpum, J. Sm. Polypodium sporodocarpum, Willd. Lowe's Ferns, 2,t.6. P. glaucum, Hort— Mexico. 3. P.areolatum, J. Sm. Polypodium areolatum, Willd. — Venezuela. a2 8k FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 4, P. pulvinatum, J. Sm. Polypodium pulvinatum, Link ; Lowe’s Ferns, 2, t. 56.—Brazil. 6. P. dictyocallis, J. Sm. Chrysopteris dictyocallis, Fée. Polypodium dictyocallis, Lowe’s Ferns, 2, t. 36. Phle- bodium multiseriale, Moore, Gard. Chron, (1855).— Tropical America, 10. LOPHOLEPIS, J. Sin. Lhizome slender, much elongated. Fronds simple, entire, 1-6 inches high, squamose or smooth ; the fertile contracted, linear. Veins pinnately forked; the lower antericr venules free, Genus 10.—Poition of 1hizome and barren fronds. No.1. the rest angularly anastomosing. Receptacles punctiform, ter- minal on the free venules in the costal areoles. Sort round, generally confluent, transversely uniserial, furnished with elongated scales, or destitute of scales. 1. L. piloselloides, J. Sm. Polypodium piloselloides, Linn. (Plum. Fil. t. 118); Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 18; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t. 32. Goniophlebium piloselloides, J. Sm, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED TERNS. 85 (olim). Marginaria piloselloides, Presl. ; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 51.—West Indies and Tropical America. 2. L. ciliata, J. Sm. Polypodium ciliatum, Willd. ; Gonio- phlebium ciliatum, J. Sm. (olim)—West Indics and Tropical America. 3. L. vaccinifolia, J. Sm. Polypodium vaccinifolium, Lang. et Frisch. Ic. Fil. t. 7; Lowe's Ferns, 1, t. 41. Ana- peltis vaccinifolia, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns (1857). Goniophlebium vaccinifolium, J. Sm. Cat. Kew Ferns, (1846).—Brazil. Balbida, J. Sm. Fronds smaller, whitish on the upper surface.—Bahia. 11. ANAPELTIS, J. Sin. Rhizome surculose, elongating. Fronds simple,1—6 inches long, the fertile usually contracted and linear, smooth, generally opaque. Veins arcuately or angularly anastomosing. Lecep- a seis ie Mae On hae ay} moe ~ Le S ( = Genus 11.—Portion of barren frond. No. 5. tacles punctiform, produced on the confluent apices of two or more excurrent veinlets terminating in the medial areoles, or sometimes compital. Sori round or ovate, transversely uniscrial, naked. 1. A. serpens, J. Sm. Polypodium serpens, Sw.; Plum. Fil. 4. 121. Pleopeltis serpens, Presl. Goniophle- bium serpens, Afoore.—West Indies. 86 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 2. A. Owariensis, J. Sm. Polypodium Owariense, Desv. ; Lowe’s Ferns, 2, t. 62. Goniophlebium Owariense, Lodd.—Sierra Leone. 8. A. lycopodioides, J. Sm. Polypodium lycopodioides, Linn.; Plum. Fil. t.119. Pleopeltis lycopodioides, Presl.—West Indies. 4, A. nitida, J. Sm. En. Fil. Hort. Kew. (1846). Pleopeltis nitida, Afoore.—Honduras. 5. A. stigmatica, J. Sm. Polypodium stigmaticum, Presl. Rel. Henk. t. 3, f. 2. Pleopeltis stigmatica, Presl. Phlebodium venosum, Jfoore et Howlst. Anapeltis venosa, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns (1857). Poly- podium venosum, Lowe's Ferns, 1, t. 85.— Tropical America. 6. A. squamulosa, J. Sm. Polypodium squamulosum, Kaulf. ; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t. 50; 2, t 29 B. Pleopeltis squamulosa, Presi. Polypodium myrtifolium, Lodd. —Brazil. ?. A. geminata, J. Sm. Polypodium geminatum, Schrad.; Metter. Polypodium iteophyllum, Link—Brazil, 12. PLEOPELTIS, uinbd.; J. Sm. Tthizome sureulose, elongating. Fronds simple, sinuose, or pinnatifid, 4-12 inches high, opaque, squami- ferous. Veins arcuately anastomos- ing. Sporangia produced on the con- fluent apices of two or more excurrent veinlets, tcrminating in the medial areoles. Sort punctiform, oblong, or (by confluence) linear, transversely uniserial, furnished with indusiforn: Genus 12.—Portion of mature peltate scales. frond, under side. No.1, 1. P. percussa, Hook. ef Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 67. Polypodium per- cussum, Cav.; Lang. et Fisch. Ic. Fil. t. 6. Poly (Je) AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED I'ERNS. 87 podium cuspidatum, Presl. Relig. Henk, t. 1, f. 3. Polypodium avenium, Desv.—Tropical America. . P. lanceolata, Presi. Polypodium lanceolatum, Linn. ; Plum. Fil. t. 137. Polypodium macrocarpum, Willd. Pleopeltis macrocarpa, Kaulf. Pleopeltis lepidota, Presl. Pleopeltis Helene, Presl—Tropical America, St. Helena, South Africa, and Bourbon, . P. elongata, J. Sm. Grammitis elongata, Sw. Synammia elongata, Presi. Grammitis lanceolata, Schk. Fil. t. 7. —Tropical America. 4, P. nuda, Hook. Exot. Fl. t. 63 (non Hook. Gen. Fil.). Phy- al length, smooth, coriaceous. Veins compound anastomosing, internal, ob- scure, nearly uniform. Leceptacles compital, deeply immersed, forming oblong or short linear cysts near to, and parallel with, the margin. Sort oblong-lincar, marginal, furnished Rhizome short, cxespitose or slender elongated. Fronds simple, linear- lanceolate, obtuse, $ to 14 foot in matodes (Lepisorus) nuda, J. Sin. Cat. Cult. Ferns (1857). Polypodium loriforme, Wall. Hook. Gard. Ferns, t.18. Pleopeltis loriformis, Presl.; Drynaria Fortunei, T. Moore (non Link). Polypodium Ileio- _pteris, Kunze; Metten. Fil. Hort. Leip. t. 25, f. 37— East Indies. P. excavata, J. Sm. Polypodium excavatum, Dory in Willd. Phymatodes (Lepisorus) excavata, J. Sim. Cat. Quit. Ferns (1857). Polypodium scolopendrinum, D. Don. Polypodium sesquipedalis, Wall. Poly- podium phlebodes, Kunze; Pleopeltis nuda, Hook. Gen. Fil. t=. 18 (non Hook, Huot. I'l.).—East Indies, Mauritius, and China. Genus 13.—Portion of mature with indusioid stipitate squamae. frond, under side. No.1. &8 FERNS! BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 1, P. longifolia, Jfoore, Ind. Fil. Grammatis (Paragramma) longifolia e¢ decurrens, Blume. Drynaria revoluta, J. Sm. En, Fil. Phil. Phymatodes longifolia, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns (1857). Polypodium contiguum, Wall.; Took. Ic. Pl. t. 987; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 20. -Malacea, Moulmein, Java, and Luzon, 14. NIPHOPSIS, J. Sin. Rhizome slender, surculose. Fronds simple, linear-lan- ceolate, coriaceous, opaque, densely covered with stellate pubescence, 6 inches to 1 foot in length. Veins internal, obscure, compound anasto- mosing; primary veins indis- tinct. Receptacles compital. Sori oval, large, transverse uniserial, 1. N. angustatus, J. Sin. Lowe's New Ferns, t.88 A. Poly- podium angustatum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t.8 c. Pleo- peltis angustata, Presl. Niphobolus angustatus, Spreng. Hook. Gard. Ferns, t, 20. Niphobolus spheerocephalus, Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 94 Polypodium spherocephalum, Wail. Phymatodes spherocephalus, Presl. Niphobolus macrocarpus, Hook, et Aim.—Malayan Archipelago. Genus 14.—Portion of barren frond. No. 1. FS 15. DICTYMIA, J. Sin. Rhizomes short. Fronds simple, linear or lanceolate, coriaccous, smooth, 6-12 inches long. Veins reticulated, uniform, obscure. Receptacles punctiform, compital. Sori oval, transverse uniserial, destitute of scales. Genus 15.—Po: tion of fertile frona, No.l. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 89 1. D. attenuata, J. Sm. En. Fil. Hort. Kew. (1846). Poly- podium attennatum, I. Br.; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t.30 (not Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 409). Dictyopteris attenuata, Presl. (not Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 71). — New South Wales and Victoria. 16. DRYMOGLOSSUM, Presi. ; J. Sin. Rhizome slender, sureulose. Fronds simple, entire, 14 inches long, of two forms, the stcrile subrotund-elliptical, the Genus 16.— Barren and fertile frond, sightly enlarged. No.1. fertile contracted, linear. Veins obscure; venules compoundly anastomosing. Receptacles elongated, compital. Sori linear, continuous, transverse, intra-marginal, furnished with stellate indusioid scales, 1, D. piloselloides, Presl. Hook. Gard. Ferns, t.46. Pteris piloselloides, Linn. Sw. Syn. Wil. t.2, f.3; Schk. Fil, t. 87.—Hast Indies. 90 FERNS! BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 17. NEVRODIUM, Fee. Rhizome short, cespitose. Fronds simple, entire, 6-12 inches long, lanceolate, thick and fleshy, the fertile portion somewhat contracted. Veins obscure; venules compoundly anastomosing. Receptacles elongated, compital. Sori linea:, Genus 17.—Portions of fertile frond, natural size. No. 1. continuous, transverse marginal, on the upper portion of the fronds destitute of scales. 1. N.lanceolatum, Fée, Gen. Fil. t=. 8c. Lowe's Ferns, 2, t.64 A. Pteris lanceolata, Linn. (Plum. Fil. t. 182). Tvenitis lanceolata, I. Br. Drymoglossum lanceola- tum, J. Sim. (olim). Pteropsis lanceclata, Desv.; Look, Fil. Hxet, t. 45.—West Indies, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 91 18. DICRANOGLOSSUM, J. Sm. Rhizome short, cespitose. Ironds contiguous, furcately-pinnatifid, 6-12 inches high, coriaceous, sparsely squa- miferous, segments lanceolate-cuspidate, the fertile slightly contracted. Veins obscure, simple, or forked, free, or their apices arcuately anastomosing, forming linear transverse superficial receptacles, which, by contiguity, constitute a con- tinuous or interrupted, linear, intra- marginal, naked sorrs. 1. D. furcatum, J. Sm.; Bot. Voy. Herald. Pteris furcata, Linn.; Plwn. Fil. t=. 114. Trenitis furcata, Willi. ; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 7. Pteropsis furcata, Presl. ; J. Sm. Gen. Fil. 1841. Cus- pidaria furcata, I'ée, Gen. Fil. t. 8 A, f. 2.— West Indies and Tropical America. Genus 18.—Portion of fertite frond, under side. No.1. 19. HYMENOLEPIS, Kaulf. Rhizomes short, cespitose. Fronds simple, 6-12 inches long, Genes 19.—Portion cf fertile frond, natural size; ditto fertite and sterile, enlarged. No.1. 92 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. linear-lanccolate, coriaceous, smooth, the upper portion con- tracted and fertile, plicate and indusiform, forming a linear spike. Veins obscure; venules compoundly anastomosing. Receptacles elongated, compital. Sori linear, continuous, trans- verse, on the upper portion of the fronds confluent, furnished with numerons suborbicular hyaline scales. 1. H. spicata, Presl ; Hook. Fil. Evot. t. 78; Lowe's Ferns, 2, #64 B. Acrostichum spicatum, Linn.; Sm. Ie. ined. t.49. Lomaria spicata, TWilid. Gymnopteris spicata, Presl.; J. Sm. Gen. Ii. Hymenolepis ophio- glossoides, Kaulf. ; Kunze, Fil. t.47, f. 1. Hymeno- lepis revoluta, Bl; Kunze, Fil. t. 47, f. 2—Malayan Archipelago. 2. H. brachystachys, J. Sm. H. spicata, var. brachysta- chys, Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 2. Teenitis ophioglos- soides, Hort. Lips—Malayan Archipelago. 20. LEPTOCHILUS, Kauif. Rhizomes short and ceespitose, or long, slender, and surculose. Fronds 6-18 inches long, of two forms: the sterile simple, lobed, or pinnatifid, smooth; the fertile contracted, linear-rachiform, its margin revolute and indusiform. Veins of sterile frond evi- Genus 20.—Portion of fertile and sterile frond, natural size; ditto fertile, enlarged. 0.1. dent, straight or flexuose, pinnate; venules compoundly anas- tomosing. eceptacles elongated compital. Sorus linear, con- AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 013 tinuous, uniserial, on each side of the costa, ultimately con- Iuent, destitute of scales. 1, L, decurrens, Bl. ; Fée, Mem. Acrost. t. 48, f.1. Anapau- sia decurrens, Presl. Gymuopteris decurrens, J. Sm. (olim) ; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 6.—Ceylon and Ma- layan Archipelago. 2. L. axillaris, Kaulf. En. Fil. t.1, f. 10. Acrostichum axillare, Cav. Gymnopteris axillaris, Prest.— East Indies. 21. PHYMATODSES, Presi; J. Sm. Rhizome generally thick, short or much elongated, becoming smooth. Fronds simple, pinnatifid or pinnate, smooth, coria- ceous or membranous, segments adherent with the rachis, ae ea 2 sxiT 78 Genus 21.— Portion of mature frond, under side. No.2. Veins compound anastomosing, internal, obscure or evident; primary veins generally undefined or evanescent. Receptacles compital, generally deeply immersed. Sort round or oval, large, transversely uniserial or irregular, naked. * Fronds simple or pinnatifid. 1. P. pustulata, Presi. Polypodium pustulatum, Forst, Schk. Fil. t.10; Lowe's Ferns, 2, f. 8. Pleopeitis pustulata, Moore—New Zealand. 2. P. Billardieri, Presi. Polypodium Hillardieri, R. Dr. Pleopeltis Billardieri, Afoore. Polypodium scandens, Labill, Nov. Holl, t, 240. Polypodium diversifolium, 4 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Willd. Polypedium lepidopodum, Link.—Tasmania and New Zealand. 3. DP. terminalis, J. Sm. Chrysopteris terminalis, Link.— East Indies. 4. P. peltidea, J. Sm. Chrysopteris peltidea, Link. Poly- ; podium peltideum, Link ; Lowe's Ferns, 2, t.42. Poly- podium phymatodes, Schk. Fil. t. 17—Dast Indies. 5. P. nigrescens, J. Sm. Polypodium nigrescens; Blume, Fil. Jav. t. 70; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 22. Phymatodes saccata, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns (1857), p. 9.—Malayan and Pacific Islands. 6. P. vulgaris, Presi. Polypodinm phymatodes, Linn. ; Jacq. Ic. t. 637; Schhk. Fil. t. 9. Pleopeltis phymatodes, Moore (in part)—Ceylon, South and West Africa, and Mauritius. 7. PB. longipes, J. Sm. En. Fil. Hort. Kew. (1846). Chry- sopteris longipes, Link. Polypodium phymatodes, Schk. Fil. t. 8 d—Malayan Archipelago. & P. glauca, J. Sm. Drynaria (Phymatodes) glauca, J. Sm. En. Fil. Phil. Pleopeltis glauca, Moore-—Luzon. % BP. ineurvata, J. Sm. Polypodinm incurvatum, Blume, Fil. Jay. t. 65. Pleopeltis incurvata, Moore.—Java. 10. P. longissima, J. Sim. Polypodium longissimum, Bl. Fil. Jav. 6, t.68. Pleopeltis longissima, Moore. Drynaria melanococea, Moore and Houlst. Polypodium me- lanoneuron, Mig. Drynaria rubida, J. Sm. En. Fil. Phil—Malayan Archipelago, ** Fronds pinnate. 11. P. leiorhiza, Presl. Polypodium leiorhizon, Wall; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 25. Pleopeltis leiorhiza, Moore. Phy- matodes cuspidata, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns (1857), p. 10 (excl. syn. Don.).— East Indies. «. P. albo-squamata, J. Sm. Polypodium albo-squama- tum, Bluine, Fil. Jav. t.57; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 47. Pleopeltis albo-squamata, Pres!.—Java and Borneo, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. vd 22. PLEURIDIUM, Fee; J. Sin. Rhizome short or elongating. Fronds simple, pinnatifd ww pinnate, coriaceous, firm, marginate; segments articulated with Lies ee a Ar Shy on ee Genus 22.—Portion of fertile frond, natural size. No.1. the rachis. Veins compound anastomosing; promary veins evident, elevated, costeform, straight. Meccptacles compital. Sort round or oval, or by confluence oblong, transversely uni- serial or obliquely 1-2-serial. * Fronds simple. + Sort obliquely wniserial. 1. P. crassifolium, Fée. Polypodium crassifolium, Linn. ; Plum. Fil. t. 123. Anaxetum crassifolium, Schott. Gen. Fil. t. 1. Polypodium coriaceum, Radd. Fil, Bras. t. 25.—Tropical America. 2. P. albo-punctatissimum, J. Sm. Polypodium albo- punctatissimum, Linden’s Cat. (1860)—Tropical America. 3. P. crassinervium, J. Sm. Polypodiam crassinervium, Blume, Fl. Jav. t. 61.— Java. tt Sori obliquely biserial. 4. P. rupestre, Iée. Polypodium rupestra, Blume, Fl. Jav. t. 55, f. 2; t. 60, f. 1-38.—Java and Luzon. 5. P. triquetrum, J. Sm. Polypodium triquetrum, Blume, Et Ja. t. 69—Java. 6 FERNS: BRITISH AND FORFIGN, ** Fronds pinnatifid or pinnate, + Sori transversely wniserial. é. 2. palmatum, J. Sim. Polypodium palmatum, £1. Fl. Jav. t. 64.—Java. 7. P. oxyloba, Presi. Polypodium oxylobum, Wall. Poly- podium (Phymatodes) oxylobum, Hook. Sp. Fil.— East Indies. 8. P. angustatum, J. Sm. Polypodium angustatum, Blume, Fl. Jav. t. 62. Polypodium Lindleyanum, Wall.— Penang, Java. 9. P. juglandifolium, J. Sm. Polypodium juglandifolinm, D.Don. non Humb. Polypodium capitellatum, Wall. Polypodium Wallichianum, Spr.—East Indies. T. tt Sori oblique, biserial, 10. P. venustum, J. Sm. Polypodium venustum, Wall— Wast Indies. T. 23, SELLIGUEA, Lory. Thizome slender, elongating cpigeous and squamose, or sub- Genus 23.—Pertion of fertile frond, natural size Ne G. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. a7 hypogeous and naked. J'ronds stipate, 1-2 feet long, simple, lmear lanceolate or broad elliptical, rarely pinnatifid, smooth, opaque, the fertile longer than the sterile, and often sub-con- tracted. Primary veins costeform, straight; venules com- pound, anastomosing with free veinlets terminating in the areoles. Receptacles compital, elongated, oblique, forming a continuous or sub-interrupted linear sorus between the primary veins. * Fronds simple. 1. S. caudiforme, J. Sm. Polypodium caudiforme, Blume, Fil. Jav. t. 54, f. 2. Grammitis (Selliguea) caudi- formis, Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 5328. Gymnogramma (Selliguea) caudiformis, Hook. Sp. Fil.—Java. ** Fronds piiunatifid. 2. 8. pothifolia, J. Sm. in En. Fil. Phil. Hemionitis po- thifolia, Don. Grammitis decurrens, Wall. ; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 6. Gymnogramma (Selligues) decurrens, Hook. Sp. Fil—India, Japan, Philippine and T'iji Islands, 24, COLYSIS, Presi. ; Fee. Bhizome short, sub-hypogeous. Fronds simple lobed or Genus 24,—Portion of mature frond, under side. No ¢, H 63 FERNS : BRITISIT AND FOREIGN. pinnatifid, generally membranous, flaccid, 1-3 feet long. Veins compound anastomosing ; primary veins costzform, elevated or internal, generally flexuose, sometimes obsolete. Receptacles compital, superficial. Sori round, or by confluence oblong or linear, irregular or obliquely 1—-2-serial. 1. C. membranacea, J. Sm. Polypodium membranaceum, Don. Polypodium hemionitideum, Wall.; Lowe's Ferns, 2, t. 7. Colysis hemionitidea, Presl.; Fee. Hemionitis plantaginea, Don. Polypodium gran- difolium, Wall.—EKast Indies. 2 C. Spectra, J. Sm. Polypodium spectrum, Kaulf. Poly- podium Thouinianum, Gaud. in Freyc. Voy. Bot. t. 5, f. 1—Sandwich Islands, 25. MICROSORUM, Link; Feée. Rhizome short, subhypogeous. Fronds simple, entire or irregularly sinuose, coriaceous, smooth, 1-3 feet lung Veins Genus 25.—Portion of mature frond, upper side. No. 1. compound anastomosing, internal; primary veins obscure. Receptacies compital, superficial. Sort round, small, numerous, irregular, sometimes subconfluent. 1. M. irioides, Féc. Polypodium irivides, Potr.; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t=.125. Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 4. Poly- podium polycephalum, Wall. Microsorum irregulare, Link ; F'ée. Microsorum sessile, Fée—-8 apex of fronds crested—East Indies, Malayan Archipelago, Australia, and Trinidad. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 99 26. NIPHOBOLUS, Kauilf.; J. Sin. Rhizome short or clongated and sureulose. Fronds simple, Knear-lanceolate, oblong-elliptical, or obovate-subrotund, rarely lobed, from less than an inch to three or four feet long, thick and fleshy or coriaceous, covered with sessile or stipulate stellate pubescence; the fertile usually more or less contracted and “Se ae LE Genus 26.—Po:tion of rhizome,with a barren frond. No. s. longer than the sterile. Veins obscure, undefined, or evident and costeform ; venules compound anastomosing. Receptacles punctiform, immersed, terminal or medial on simple or brachi- ate free veinlets, or compital. Sori round or oval, sub-trans- verse multiserial between the primary veins, or irregular and confluent, protruding through a dense stellate pubescence, H ) 100 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. * Rhizomes elongated, surculose. Fronds distan’. Primary veins undefined. 1. N. rupestris, Spr.; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 93; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t. 20. Polypodium rupestre, R. Br. Cras- pedaria rupestris, Link.—Australia. Tr. 2. N. bicolor, Kaulf.; Hook. et Grev. Ic, Fil. t. 44.—New Zealand. ‘Tr. 3. N. adnascens, Kaulf.; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t.19. Poly- podium adnascens, Sw. Syn. Fil. t. 2, f. 2. Nipho- bolus pertusus, Spr.; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, 4.21. Poly- podium pertusum, Itoxb.; Hook. Evot.- Fil. t. 162.— East Indies, 4, N. Lingua, Spr.; Kunze in Schhk. Fil. Supp. t. 63. Lowe's Ferns, 1, t. 22. Acrostichum Lingua, Thunb. Fil. Jap. t. 33; Sehk. Fil. t. 1. Polypodium Lingua, Sw. ; Lang. et Fisch. Ic, Fil. t. 5. Cyclophorus Lingua, Desv. Polycampium Lingua, Presi. Niphobolus Sinensis, Hort,—East Indies and China. ** Rhizomes short, ceespitose. Fronds contiguous. Primary veins generally evident. 5. IN, Gardneri, Kunze ; Hook. Fil. Evot. t. 68; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 38 B. Polypodium Gardneri, Metten. Gen. Polypodiwm, p. 129. Niphobolus acrostichoides, Cat. Fil. Hort. Kew., non Polypodium (Niphobolus) acro- stichoides, F'orst-—Ceylon. 6. N. costatus, Presl. Polypodium costatum, Wall.—Hast Indies, 27. CAMPYLONEURUM, Presi. Rhizome short and caespitose or elongated, often subhypo- geous. Jronds simple or very rarely pinnate, coriaceous, rigid, smooth, 1-2 feet high, Veins costeform or undefined, elevated AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 101 or internal and obscure; venules arcuately or angularly ana- stomosing, producing two or more excurrent free veinlets. Ite- Genus 27.—Portion of mature frond, under side. No. 5. ceptacles punctiform, terminal or medial on the free veinlets. Sori round, obliquely biserial or irregular, destitute of scales. * Fronds sinyple. 1. C. ensifolium, J. Sm. Polypodium ensifolium, Willd. Marginaria ensifolia, Presl. Campyloneurum angus- tifolium, 3 teeniosum, Moore—Tropical America. 2. C. angustifolium, Je. Polypodium angustifolium, Sw. ; add. Fil. Bras. t. 24, f. 2. Marginaria angustifolia, Presl. Polypodium dimorphum, Link. Polypodium leucorhizon, Kit. Polypodium amphostemum, Kunze, —Tropical America. 3. C. fasciale, Presl. Polypodium fasciale, Humb. P. lapa- thifolium, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 24, f. 3—Brazil and Venezuela. 4, C. rigidum, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns (1857), p. 13. CO. Juci- dum, Moore. Polypodium nitidum, Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 12 (excl. syn.).—Tropical America. 5. C. repens, Presl.; Hook. Gen. Fil. t.71 A. Polypodium repens, Linn.; Plum. Fil. ¢. 134, C. crespitosum, Link ; J. Sm. Cat. (1857). Polypodium czespitosum, Link ; Metten. Fil. Hort. Lips. t. 24, f. 4,5.—Tropical America. 102 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 6. C. Phyllitidis, Pres? Polypodium Phyllitidis, Linn. ; (Plum. Fil. t. 180).—Tropical America. 7. C. nitidum, Presl. Polypodium nitidum, Kaulf. Cam- pyloneurum latum, Moore, Ind. Fil. p. 225.—Tropical America. 8. C. brevifolium, Link. Polypodium brevifolium, Link’; Mett. Fil. Hort. Lips—Tropical America, ** Fronds pinnate, 9. GC. decurrens, Presi. Polypodium decurrens, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 338. Polypodium polyanthos, Hort. Brue.— Brazil, 28. DRYNARIA, Bory; J. Sm. Rhizome short, thick, and fleshy. Fronds rigid; the sterile (when present) sessile, broad cordate, sinuose or laciniated; the fertile stipitate or sessile, pinnatifid or pinnate, rarcly simple, the segments articulated with the rachis; when sessile, the base is similar to the special sterile frond. Veins external, elevated, Genus 28.—Purtion of mature frond, under side. No. 6. compound anastomosing, forming quadrate or hexagonalareoles; primary veins costeform or obsolete. Receptacles compital. Sori round, small, numerous, and irregular, or transversely or obliquely serial, sometimes confluent, forming a linear sorus between the costewform veins. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 103 * Sori transversely uniserial. + Fronds pinnatifid. 1. DPD. propinqua, J. Sm. Polypodium propinquum, Wail. Phymatodes propinqua, Presl. Polypodium Will- denowii, Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 35; non Bory.—ast Indies, tt Fronds pinnate. 2. D, diversifolia, J. Sm. Polypodium diversifolium, BR. Br. ; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 5. Polypodium Gaudichaudi, Bory; Bl. Fil. Jav. #57. Drynavia pinnata, Ice. Polypodium glaucistipes, Wall. Drynaria Hill, Hovt.—East Indies, Malayan Archipelago, and Aus- tralia. ** Sori oblique, uniserial. + Fronds pinnatifid. 3. D. coronans, J. Sm.; Fée. Polypodium coronans, Wall. ; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 91. Phymatodes coronans, Presl.—Hast Indies and Malacca. *** Sori oblique, biscrial. 4. D. quercifolia, Bory; Fée. Polypodium quercifolium, Tinn.; Schk. Fil. t. 18. Phymatodes quercifoiia, Presl.—East Indies, Mauritius, Malayan Archipelago, and Australia. #*ER Sori numerous, trreqular. + Fronds simple. 5. D. museefolia, J. Sm. Polypodium museefolium, Bl. Fv. Jav. t. 79. Polypodium microsorum, Metten. Cod. Hort. Herrenh—Malayan Archipelago. tt Fronds pinnatifid. 6. D. Heraclea, J. Sim. Polypodium (§ Drynaria) Heracleum, Kunze; Hook, Gard. Ferns, t. 1. Drynaria mor- Dillosa, J. Sm. Cat. Cult, Ferns, 1857, — Matayan Archipelago. : 10-4 FERNS: BRITISIZ AND FOREIGN. Division II. Desmobrya. Fronds in vernation terminal, uniserial or fasciculate, their bases adherent and continuous with the stem, which is either a caudex or sarmentum. Trine 1V.—ACROSTICHEA. Sort undefined (amorphous), naked. Fertile fronds or segs ments always more or less contracted; the under side (or rarely voth sides) densely sporangiferous. Acrostichum, Linn. § 1. Elaphoglossece. Fronds always simple. Veins free or rarely combined at the margin or reticulated. * Teins free. 29. ELAPHOGLOSSUM, Schott.; J. Sm. Vernation uniserial and sarmentose, or subfasciculate and decumbent, squamose. Stipes often pseudo-articulate, node Genus 29.—Portion of barren frend, Genus 29.—Portion of fertile under side. No. 3. frond, under side. No. 8. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 105 elevated. Fronds simple, entire, from 2 inches to 23 feet high, smooth or squamose. Veins simple or forked, parallel, direct, their apices free and clavate. Fertile fronds plain, the under side sporangiferous. * Fronds smooth or nearly so. + Vernation sarmentose. Fronds distant. 1. E. stigmatolepis, J. Sm. Acrostichum stigmatolepis, Fée, Acrost. t. 24, f. 2.—Ceylon. 2, E. Funckii, J. Sm. Acrostichum Funckii, Fée, Acrost. t. 6, f.1. Acrostichum (Elaphoglossum) Funckii, Hook. Sp. Fi. 6, p. 205.— Venezuela and Trinidad. tt Vernation fasciculate, decumbent. 3. HB. conforme, Schott. Acrostichum conforme, Sw. Syn. Fil. t. 1, f. 1.—South Africa and Java, 4, EB. callefolium, J. Sm. Acrostichum callefolium, Bl. Fil. Jav. t. 4.—Java. 5, EB. Sieberi, J. Sm. Acrostichum Sieberi, Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 237,—Mauritius. 6. E. crassinerve, J. Sm. Acrostichum crassinerve, Kunze.— Brazil. ?. BE. latifolium, J. Sm. Acrostichum latifolium, Sw.; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 42.—Trcpical America. 8, E. Herminieri, J. Sm. Acrostichum Herminieri, Bory, in Fée, Acrost. t. 11. Acrostichum (Elaphoglossum) Ferminieri, Hook. Sp. Fil. 5, p. 216, — Tropical America and Trinidad. 9, BE. microlopis, J. Sm. Acrostichum microlepis, Kunze.— Venezuela. ** Fronds more or less densely squamiferous, 10. E. piloselloides, J. Sm. Acrostichum piloselloides, Pres. Relig. Haenk. t. 2, f. 1; Hook. Fil. Hot, t. 29— Tropical America, 106 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 11. E, rubiginosum, J. Sm. Acrostichum rubiginosum, Fée, Acrost. t. 5, f.1, et t.18, 7.1. E. brachyneuron, J. Sm. Acrostichum brachyneuron, Fée, Acrost. t. 22,f.1. . ——_ a — a wae” Genus 35.—Fertile and barren fronds. N6e:. or pinnatifid, sinus mucronate. Veins forked or pinnate; venules free. Fertile segments more or less contracted ; venules evident, contiguous, forsaing a concrete amorphous receptacle, sometimes forming moniliform spikes. 1, EB. appendiculata, J. Sm. Acrostichum appendiculatum, Willd.; Hook. Exot. Fl. t.108. Acrostichum vivi- parium, Sw. Polybotrya viviparia, Hook, Huot. Il. #107. Acrostichum setosum, Wall. Acrostichun Hamiltoniana, Wall. Egenolfia Hamiltoniana, Schott, Gen. Fil, 34.—East Indies and Ceylon. 113 FERNS: BRITISU AND FOREIGN. 36. PSOMIOCARPA, Presl. in part. Vernation fasciculate, erect. Fronds stipate, deltoid, scb- bipinnate, the sterile 6-8 inches high, pilose, with articaiae. hairs; pinne 3-4 inches long; pinnules sessile, decurreno, Genus 36.— Portion of fertile and barren fronds. No.!. oblong elliptical, 3-2 inch long, unequally dentate or sub- laciniated. Veins forked; venules free. Fertile frond 14-18 inches high, long, stipate, slender, wholly contracted, forming a sporangiferous panicle. P. apiifolia, Presi. Hpim. Bot. Polybotrya apiifclia, J. Sin. En, Fil. Philipp. ; Kunze, in Schk. Fil. t. 62; Gard. and Field Sert. t. 80,31; Hook, Sp. Fil. 5, 248.— Luzon 37. POLYBOTRYA, IHumb. ct Bonpl. Vernation uniserial ; sarmentum scandent, squamose. Fronds bi-tripinnate, 2-3 feet long. Veins pinnate; venules free, Fertile segments convolute, pinnatifid or spicaeform, wholly sporangiferous, _ 1. P. osmundacea, Humb. ef Bonpl. Nov. Gen. 1, 2.2; Hook. Gen, Fil. t.78 B. P. cylindrica, Kaulf. ; Ie, Acrost. t. 386. Polybotrya speciosa, Schott. Gen, Fil. t. 7— Tropical America. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 112 oer neuminate, Link; Metten. Fil. Hort, Lip. t. 2, f. 1-6 — razil, 3 Genus 37,—P.1tion of fertile and barren. fronds. No.2. 3. P.incisa, Link; Iée, Acrost. t. 35.—Brazil. 4, P. caudata, Kunze; Fée, Acrost. t. 34.—West Indies and Tropical America. ++ Segments articulated with the rachis. 38. LOMARIOPSIS, Five. Vernation uniserial; sarmentum scandent, squamose. Fronds pjnnate, 1-3 feet high; pinne linear-elliptical, broad, lanceo- date, acuminate, 2-10 inches long, articulate with the rachis. a 1 114 FERNS: ERITIfSH AND FOREIGN. Veins unifcrm, simple or forked, direct, parallel, free. Fertile Genus 38.— Portions of fertile and barren fronds, natural size, and portion of fertile, enlarged. No. 2. pinne plane, often broad, sporangiferous on the under side; margin membranous, narrow, subindusiform. 1. L. sorbifolia, Fée. Acrostichum sorbifolium, Linn. ; (Plum. Fil. t.117). Stenochlena sorbifolia, J. Sin. Gen, Fil — West Indics, 2. L. longifolia, J. Sm. Lomaria longifolia, Kaulf. Lowe’s New Ferns, t. 37. Acrostichum Yapurense, Hook. Gard. Ferns, t.57. Acrostichum phlebodes, Kunze ; Hook. Sp. Fil. 5, p.24, sub Acrostichum sorbifolium.— West Indies and Tropical America. 8. L, heteromorpha, J. Sm. Stenochlena heteromorpha, J. Sm. Gen. Fil. 1841. Lomaria filiformis, 4. Cunn. Hook. Sp. Fil. 3, t 149. Lomaria propinqua, A, Cunn.—New Zealand. ** Veins combined at the margin. 39. OLFERSIA, Radd.; Pres. Vernation uniserial, contiguous; sarmentum scandent, squa- mose. Fronds pinuate, 1-3 feet long. Veins uniform, simple AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 115 tr forked, dircct, parallel, their apices combined by a transverse Genus 39.—Portion of the barren pinna, under side. No.1. Marginal vein. Fertile pinne linear or pinnatifid, convolute, wholly sporangiferous. 1. O. cervina, Pres! ; Hook. Fil. Hxot.t, 43; Lowe's Ferns, 7, té. 39, 40. Acrostichum cervinum, Sw.; Plum. Fil. t.154; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 81. O. Corcovadensis, Radd. Fil. Bras. t=. 14; Hook. Gen, Fil. t. 79 A, Acrostichum linearifolium, Presl— Tropical America, *®* Veins angularly or compoundly anastomosing. 40. SOROMANES, Fee. Vernation uniserial; sarmentum thick, scandent, squamose. Genus 40,— Portions of fertile and barren fronds. No, 1, 12 : 116 FERNS : BRITISII AND FOREIGN. Sterile fronds pinnate, 1-2 feet long. Veins pinnate; venvles acutely anastomosing, forming oblique elongated areotes; apices next the margin free and clavate. Fertile fronds bipin- nate; segments convolute, wholly sporangiferous. ~ 1.8. serratifolium, Je, Acrost. t. 48. Polybotrya serra- tifolia, Alotzsch.— Venezuela. —_ 41. STENOSEMIA, Presi. Vernation fasciculate, erect. J'ronds ternately pinnate, 6-18 inches high; pinne laciniately lobed, bulbiferous. Veins pin- nate; the lower venules transversely anastomosing, forming Genus 41,—Portion of mature frond, upper side. No 1, elongated costal and sub-costal areoles, the superior venules free. Iertile segments Niuear, rachiform, convolute, nearly wholly sporangiferous. : 1. S. aurita, Presi. Acrostichum auritum, Sw.; Lowe's Ferns, 7, tt. 52, 53. Polybotrya aurita, Pl. Fl. Jav. t.1° Took. Fil. Exot, t. 81.—Java, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 11? 42. POSCLLOPTERIS, Eschw.; Presl. Vernation uniserial, distant cr contiguous, eubfasciculate and decumbent. Fronds pinnate, 1-3 feet long, often bulbiferous, Primary veins costeeform, pinnate; venules arcuately or angu~ Genus 42,—Purlion of barren frond, No. 3. larly anastcmosing, producing on their exterior sides or angles one or more free or anastowosing veinlets, forming unequal areoles. Sporangia amorphous, or sometimes in defined lines on the venules (Jenkinsia, Hook.). 1. P. flagellifera, J. Sm. Acrostichum flagelliferum, Wall. § Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 23; Blume, Fl, Jaw. t. 13.—~ East Indies. 2. P. erispatula, J. Sm. Acrostichum crispatulum, Wall.— East Indies. 3. P. prolifera, J. Sm. Acrostichum proliferum, Blume ; Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 681, 2. Heteroneuron proliferum, Fée, Acrost. t. 55. Acrostichum virens, Wall. ; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 221,—Hast Indies. 4. P. punctulata, Presi. Acrostichum punctulatum, Linn. Heteroneuron punctulatum, IFée, Acrost. t, 54,—~ Mauritius and West Tropical Africa, 118 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 43. GYMNOPTERIS, Bernh.; Presl. _ Vernation uniserial and sarmentose, or contiguous sub- fasciculate and decumbent. Fronds simple, lobed or pinnate, a/ Genus 43.—Portion of sterile frond, under sile. No.2 from 6 inches to 2-3 feet high. Primary veins costeeform ; venules compound anastomosing, with free variously directed veinlets terminating in the areoles. Sporangia amorphous. 1. G. quercifolia, Bernh.; Presl; IZook. Ic, Pl. t. 905; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 80. Acrostichum quercifolium, Retz.; Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 3. Gymnopteris Nicnerii, Hort.—Ceylon. 2. G. nicotiansefolia, Presl; Fée, Acrost. t. 46. .Acrostichum nicotianefolium, Sw.; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t, 26.— West Indies: 8. G. acuminata, Presi. Acrostichum acuminatum, Willd. ; (Plum. Fil. t.115).—West Indies. 4, G. aliena, Presl; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 85. | Acrostichum alienum, Sw.; Plum. Fil. t.10.—Tropical America. 5. G. Gaboonense, J. Sm. Acrostichum (Gymnopteris) Gaboonense, Hook. Sp. Fil. 5, yp. 270.—Tropical West Africa, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 119 § 8. Acrostiche. Vernation fasciculate. Fronds pinnate, 4-8 feet high; pinne adherent. Veins uniform, reticulated ; areoles small subquadrangular, or large heaagonotd. 44, NEUROCALLIS, Fée. Vernation fasciculate, decumbent. Fronds pinnate, 8-4 fect high, smooth; sterile pinnz elliptical-lanceolate, acuminate, entire, 8-10 inches long, 2 inches wide, sessile, adherent with Genus 44.—Portions of fertile and barren fronds. No 1. the rachis. Veins uniform, reticulated; areoles oblong, hexa- gonoid. Fertile fronds contracted; pinne linear, acuminate, plane, wholly sporangiferous on the under side; sporangia destitute of indusoid scales. 1. N. prestantissima, Fe, Acrost. t. 52; Fée, Gen. Fil, t.4 A. Acrostichum prestantissimum, Bory, Hb. ; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 58.—Dominica and Guadeloupe. 45. ACROSTICHUM, Linn. (in part); J. Sm. Vernation fasciculate, erect, caudiciform. Fronds pinnae, smooth, 2-8 feet high; pinnw entire, broad, the upper dens:ly sporangiferous on their under side, Veins uniform, retisu- 120 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. lated, forming numerous elongated subquadrangular parallel arcoles, Genus 45.—Pinna of barren frend. No.1. 1.4, aureum, Linn.; Sw.; Plum. Fil. 1.104; Schk. Fil. 1.1; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 81.4; Lowe’s Ferns, 7, t.42. Chry- sodium aureum, J’ée. Acrostichum fraxinifolium, R. Br. Acrostichum marginatum, Schk. Fil. t.3 B— Tropics and sub-Tropics of both spheres, generally in swamps. §4. Platyceree. Rhizome obsolcte; sterile frond sessile, de- pressed, conchiform; fertile fronds stipate, repeatedly forked 5 segments broad. Veins compound anastomosing. 46. PLATYCERIUM, Desv.; Bl. Vernation articulate, rhizome obsolete. Sterile fronds sessile, oblique reniform, depressed or elongated and subascending, alternately overlapping each other, forming an epiphytal spongy conchiform mass, often 1-2 feet in diameter. Fertile fronds stipitate, rising from the sinus of the sterile, once or many times dichotomously forked, 2-6 feet in length; segments broad, obtuse, densely covered with stellated scales, coriaceous. Veins internal, compound anastomosing. Ieceptacle amorphous, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 721 occupying more or less of the under side of the segments, or on a sessile or petiolate lobe. Genus 46.—Portion of ma‘ure frond, under side. No.1. 1. P. alcicorne, Gaud.; Lowe’s Ferns, 7, t. 63. Acrostichum alcicorne, Sw.; Bot. Reg. t. 262-3.—East Indies, Malayan Archipelago, and Australia. p . P. Stemaria, Desv. Acrostichum Stemaria, Beaw. Platy- cerium Aithiopicum, Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 9—West Africa. 3. P. grande, J. Sm.; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 86. Acrostichum grande, A. Cunn.; Hook. et Bauer, Gen. Fil. t.80 B— Malayan Archipelago and Australia. 4, P. biforme, Blume, Fl. Jav.t.18. Acrostichum fuciforme, Waill.— Malacca and Java. & P. Wallichii, Hoo}, Fil, Exot. t,97—Malacca, 122 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Tris V.—GRAMMITIDES. Sori linear, sometimes only oval or oblong, oblique or trars verse, marginal or costal, or more or less complete, reticulated naked, * Veins free. $1. Grammitee. Fronds linear, entire or rarely forked, generally smooth. 47. GRAMMITIS, Sw. in part. Vernation fasciculate, or uniserial and sarmentose, becoming ceespitose. Fronds linear-lanceolate, entire, rarely subpinnatifid, plane, opaque, smooth or pilose, 6-10 inches high. Veins simple ‘ eats ean ei > POO 2, facts Pa ee? FPL EF Genus 47.—Portion of frond, natural size; ditto, enlarged. or forked, generally clavate, free; the anterior venule fertile. Receptacles elongated, medial-terminal. Sori ovate, oblong or linear oblique, sometimes punctiform transverse-uniserial. 1. G. marginella, Sw. Syn. Fil. Schk. Fil. t. 7. Polypodium marginellum, Sw. I'l. Ind. Occ.—St. Helena. 2. G. Australis, R. Br. Grammitis Billardieri, Willd.; ; Kunze, Anal. t. 9, f. 2.—New South Wales. 48, XIPHOPTERIS, Kaulf. Vernation contiguous, sub-fasciculate; sarmentum slender, sub-erect. Fronds 2-6 inches high, linear, dentate-serrate or AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS, 123 pinnatifid below, sub-entire, and plicate or nearly plane above. Veins simple, free, very short. Receptaclee costal or medial, Genus 48.—Plant natural size, and portion of froni enlarged. No.1. elongated. Sort oblong, confluent, mostly contiguous to and parallel with the midrib, confined to the upper part of the frond. 1. X.serrulata, Kaulf.; Fée, Gen. Fil. t.10 B; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 44; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 42 A. Grammitis serrulata, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t.7; Hook. Exot. Fil. t.78. Polypodium serrulatum, Ifetten—West Indies and Tropical America. ny § 2. Gymnogrammee. Fronds pinnate or bi-tripinnatifid or decompound, smooth, or generally pilose, tomentose, or farinose. 49. LEPTOGRAMMA, J. Sm. Vernation fasciculate, erect or decumbent. Fronds bipinna- tifid, 1-3 feet high. Veins of laciniw pinnate; venules free. Receptacles medial, elongated. Sori oblong or linear, naked. Sporangia in some species pilose, 4 FERNS: BRITISIT AND FOREIGN. Genus 49.—Portion of fertile frond, 1, L. totta, J. Sm. Gen. Fil. Polypodium tottum, Willd. Gym- bo nogramma totta, Schlecht.; Bl. Fl. Jav.t. 38. Gram- mitis totta, Presi. Gymnogramma Lowel, Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. §9.—South Africa and Madeira. . L. asplenioides, J. Sm. Gymnozramma. asplenioides, Sw.; Kaulf. Gymnogramma aspidioides, Kaulf. Ceterach aspidioides, Willd. ; Radd. Fil. Bras. ¢. 21, f. 1. Phegopteris aspidioides, Metten, Fil. Hort. Lip. t, 17, f. 1—Tropical America. L. Ginkiana, J. Sm. Gymnogramma Linkiana, Kunze; Fée. Gyrammitis Linkiana, Presl.—Brazil. . L. rupestris, J. Sm. Gymnogramma rupestris, Kunze. Phegopteris rupestris, Metten.—Tropical America. . L. gracile, J. Sm. Gymnogramma gracilis, Hew. in Mag. Nat. Hist. (1838). Grammitis Hewardii, Moore. Leptogramma attenuata, J. Sm. En. Fil. Hort. Kew. (1856) Jamaica, . L. villosa, J. Sm. Gymnogramma villosa, Link ; Lowe's Ferns, 1, ¢. 11.—Tropical America. . L. polypodioides, J.Sim. Ceterach polypodioides, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 22. Gymnogramma polypodioides, Spreng. Gymnogramma Raddiana, Link—Brazil. ee AN EXUMERSTICN OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 125 50. GYMNOGRAMMA, Desv. Vernation fasciculate, erect. Fronds pinnate, bipinnatifid, or multifid, rarely simple, smooth, villose, or farinose, from a Genus 50.—Portion of mature frond, upper side. No. 1. few inches to 2-8 feet high. Veins forked; venules free. De- ceptacles medial, elongated. Sori linear, simple, or forked, often becoming confluent, naked. ; $1. Newogramma. Fronds pinnate or bipinnate, villose, 1. G. rufa, Desv.; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t. 6 A. Hemonitis rufa, Sw.; Schk. Fil. tt. 17, 21—Tropical America. ‘2. G. tomentosa, Desv. ; Lowe’s Ferns,1, t.6 B; Hook. Fil. Lixot. t. 18. Hemionitis tomentosa, Radd, Fil. Bras. t, 19.—Tropical America, § 2. Trismeria. Fronds pinnate; pinne i-trifoliate; seg- ments linear, covered with white or yellow farina. 3. G. trifoliata, Desv.; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 4; Lowe's New Ferns, t.31. Acrostichum trifoliatum, Linn. ; (Plum. Fil. t,144;) Schk. Fil. t#.3 et 22. Trismeria argentea et aurea, I’ée, Gen, Fil. t. 14 A— West Indies and Tropical America. § 3. Ceropteris. Fronds bi-tripinnatifid or multifid, covered with waxy farina on the under side. 4. -G. Calomelanos, Kaulf.; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 37; Hook. Gard, Ferns, t. 50. Acrostichum Calomelanos, Linn.; Plum. Fil.t.40; Schh. Fil. t.5; Lang. et Fisch. Ic, Fil. t. 3.— Tropical America. 5. G. Tartarea, Desv. Acrostichum Tartareum, Sw.—Tropical America. a 126 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREICN. 6. G. ochracea, Presl.—Tropical America. 7. G. L’Herminieri, Bory (accord. to Link)—Guadeloupe. (Link.) 8. G. chrysophylla, Kaulf. Acrostichum chrysophyllum, Sw.; Plum. Fil. t. 41.—West Indies. 9. G. Martensii, Bory (accord. to Link). (Hybrid, J. Sm.) 10. G. sulphurea, Desv. Acrostichum sulphureum, Sw. Schk. Fil. t. 4. Var. Wettenhalliana, Moore, in. Gard. Chron. 1861, p. 984.—West Indies. 11. G. pulchella, Linden’s Cat.; Moore, in Gard. Chron. 1856; Hook. Fil. Huct. t.74; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 5.— Venezuela. 12. G. Peruviana, Desv.; Kunze, Fil. t. 82. Var. Argyro- phylla, Moore, in Gard. Chron. 1856; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 6. Var. dealbata, Moore. Var. laciniata, Moore, Gard. Chron. 1863.—Tropical America. § 4. Anogramme. Fronds bi-tripinnatifid, smooth. (Annuals.) 13. G. leptophylla, Desv. ; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. 1.25; Hook. Brit. Ferns, t.1; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t.7. Grammitis leptophylla, Sw. Polypodium leptophyllum, Linn. ; Schk, Fil. t. 26.—South of Europe, &c. 14. G. cheerophylla, Desv.; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. #. 45; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t. 8.—Tropical America, 15. G. Pearcii, Afoore, in Gard. Chron. 1864, p. 340.—Pern. § 4. Plewrosorus. Fronds pinnatifid or pinnate, piloso- glandulose. 16. G. ruteefolia, Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t=. 90; Hook. Fil. Exot. t.5; Hook. Ic. Pl.t. 935; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 45 A. Gymnogramma subglandulosa, Hook. et Grev. Le, Fil, t.91. Grammitis Hispanica, Goss. Grammitis rutefolia, R. Br—Australia and South of Spain, § 5. Eriosorus. Fronds bipinnatifid, lanose-tomentose. 17. G. ferruginea, Kunze. G. lanata, Klotzsch. Var, mone strosa, Hort—Tropical America. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 127 51. CONIOGRAMMA, Fée. Vernation contiguous, decumbent, subsarmentose. Fronds pinnate or bipinnate, 2-5 feet high, smooth; pinna and pin- Genus 51.—Portion of fertile pinna—under side. No. 1. nules broad elliptical-lanceolate, distant, smooth. Veins forked, parallel, free. Receptacles medial, elongated, occupying nearly the whole length of the venules. Suri linear, forked, contiguous, naked, 1. ©. Javanica, Fée. Gymnogramma Javaniea, Bl. Fl. Jav. t. 41; Lowe's New Ferns, t.7.—Malayan Archipelago. 52, LLAVEA, Lag. Vernation fasciculate, erect. J'ronds tri-quadripinnate, Genny 52.—Barren pinna. Fertile pinna, natural sizs* No. b. ditto, unfolded. Ne... 123 FERNS: BRITISH AND #OREIGNs 1-23 feet long, smooth, contracted and fertile above, sterile below; Sterile pinnules oblong, elliptical, oblique sub-cordate, serrulate, 1-1} inches in length. Veins forked ; venules free. wertile pinnules linear, 2-3 inches long, revolute, margin con- niving and forming an universal indusium. Sporangia occu- pying nearly the whole length of the contracted venules, forming linear forked confluent sori. 1. L. cordifolia, Lag.; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 5159. Cerato- dactylis osmundioides, J. Sm. in Hook. ct Bauer, Gen. Fil. t. 36; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 30. Botryogramma Karwinskii, F’ée, Gen. Fil. t. 15 C. Allosorus Kar- winskii, Kunze, Fil. t.4; Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 887-8.— Mexico. Tr, **® Veine anastomosing. § 3. Iemionitece. Fronds simple, pinnate or rarely bipinnata Sori more or less complete reticulated, 58. DICTYOGRAMMA, Fée. Fernation tnisenial, contiguous; sar mentumshort. Fronds pinnate or bipinnate 1-3 feet high, smooth; pinne elliptical lanceolate, 6-10 inches long. Venation sub uniform, reticulated; areoles unequal, gene rally elongated, oblique. Receptacles super ficial. Sovi linear, reticulated, naked. 1. D. Japonica, Fée, Gen. Fil. 4.15 A, Hemionitis Japonica, Thunb. Gym- nogramma Japonica, Hook. Sp. Fil_— Japan, Formosa. Genus 53 —Portion of fertile frond. No. 1. 54, HEMIONITIS, Linn. Vernation fasciculate, erect. short. J'ronds simple, cordate, palmacz orpinnate, smooth or villose. Ve/ns uniform reticulated, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 129 Sporangia occupying the whole of the vernation, forming reti- culate, often confluent sori. Receptacles medial, elongated. Sort reticulated. Genus 54.—Segment of barren frond, under side. No. 2. 1. H. cordifolia, Roxb.; Hook. Fil. Exot.4.35; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 64; Hook. et Bauer, Gen. Fil. t. 74. H. sa- gittata, F'ée—Hast Indies. 2. H. palmata, Linn.; Plum. Fil. t. 151; Hook. Eu. Fl. t. 33; Schott. Gen. Fil. =. 9; Lowe’s Ferns, 7, t. 37—West Indies, 3. H. pedata, Sw. Syn. Fil. t. 1, f.3. Gymnogramma pedata, Eaulf—Mexico. Tr. 55. ANTROPHYUM, Kaulf. Vernation uniserial, contiguous; sarmentum short (unde» fined), squamose. Fronds simple, linear-lanceolate or oblong- elliptical or subrotund, smooth, coriaceous, with or without a defined midrib. Veins uniform, reticulated. Receptacles mediat, KE 139 FERNS: BRITISH AND FORTIGN. elongated, immersed, rarely superficial, forming linear, ccr- ‘tinuous or interrupted reticulated suri. Genus 55.—Outline portion of fertile frond, under side. No. # 1. A. lineatum, Kaulf. Polytznium lineatum, Desv.; J. Sm. Gen. Fil.; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 107. Vittaria lanceolata, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 101 B.—West Indies. 3. A. lanceolatum, Kaulf. Hemionitis lanceolata, Di. ; (Plan. Fil. t.127,f. c); Schk. Fil. t. 6—West Indies. 3. A. Cayennense, Kauilf.; Kunze, Anal. t. 19, f. 2. He- mionitis Cayennensis, Desv.; Presl, — Tropical America. 4, A. reticulatum, Kaulf. Hemionitis reticulata, Forst. Schk., Fil. t. 6.—Indian, Malayan, and Pacific Islands 4, Vittarie. Fronds simple, linear. Sori transverse, . * . be ! continuous, marginal or anti-marginal. 56. VITTARIA, Sm. Vernation vniscrial, contiguous; sarmentum shost furnished AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 131 with hyaline squame, Fonds simple, linear, smooth, rigid or flaccid and pendulous, from a few inches to 2-3 feet in length. Veins simple, forming an acute angle with the midrib, their Genus 56.—Cutline portion of frond, natu-al size ; ditto enlarged.’ No. 1. apices prolonged into atransverse marginal vein, which becomes the receptacle. Sporangia seated in an extrorse slit of the margin. Sori marginal, linear, continuous. 1. V. zostereefolia, Bory; Fée, Mem. Fil. t. 2, f. 23 Lowe's Ferns, 2, t.65 B.— Mauritius. 57. HAPLOPTERIS, Pves!. Yersalion uniserial, contiguous; sarmentum short, becoming =F Gees 67.—Portion of ee snghtly enlarged. No. i. _K 182 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. _erespitose. Fronds simple, narrow, linear or lanceolate, 1-2 feet long, smooth. Veins simple, parallel, their apices combined by a transverse intra-marginal vein, which is immersed in a groove, and becomes the receptacle, forming a linear, continuous, inter- marginal, naked sorus. 1. H. scolopendrina, Presl, Tent. Pterid. ¢.8, f.21. Pteris scolopendrina, Bory ; Siw. Teeniopsis scolopendrina, J. Sm. Gen. Fil. 1841. Teeniopteris Forbesii, Hook. et Bauer. Gen. Fil. t. 76 B. Vittaria Zeylanica, Iée, Vittar. t.1, f. 3—Ceylon and Mauritius. 2. H. lineata, J.Sm. Vittaria lineata, Sw. ; Schk. t. 101 B; J. Sm. Cat.1857 ; Lowe’s Ferns, 2, t. 65 A. Tzeniopsis lineata, J. Sm. Gen. Ful. 1841.—Tropical America. 58. PTEROESIS, Desv. Vernation uniserial, contiguous; sarmentum skort, caespitose, I’ronds simple, linear, acuminate, 6-18 inches long, rigid, smooth, Veins uniform, reticulated, forming transverse elongated, hexa- gonoid areoles. Receptacles compital, elongated on the exterior, transverse anastomosc, forming a linear, continuous, marginal sorus. 2 Genus 58.— Portion of frond, slightly enlarged. No. 1. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 183 1, P. angustifolia, Desv. ; Hook. et Bauer. Gen. Fil. t.77 B. Teenitis angustifolia, R. Br. Pteris angustifolia, Si. ; Willd. Pteris tricuspidata, Linn. ; Plum. Fil. t. 140, var. comosa, J. Sin. West Indies. 59, DICTYOXIPHIUM, Hook. . Vernation fasciculate, erect. Fronds simple, linear-lanceolate, attenuated and decurrent on the stipes, 1-3 feet long. Veins compound anastomosing. Receptacles compital, clongated, immersed in an extrorse marginal groove, which is indusiform, Sori linear, continuous, 1. D. Panamense, Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 62 3 J. Sm. Genus $9.— Portion Gen. Fil.; Lowe’s Ferns, 8, t.69. Lindsea of ‘ perfil frond, Panamensis, Mettn. Hook. Fil. Ewvot, “4° *4e Nod. t,54.—Panama. § 5. Ceratopterice. Fertile fronds contracted ; segments revolute, forming an universal indusium, enclosing the sporangia. 60. CERATOPTERIS, Brongn. Veinotion fasciculate, erect (annual). Fronds fragile; the Genus 60.—Portions of fertile and barren fronds, natural size: portion of fertile enlarged. Nog. 2. 134 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. fertile decompound; segments forked, linear ; margins revol.tte, membranaceous, conniving, indusiform. Veins transversely elongated, distantly anastomosing. Sporangia occupying the transve:se venules, superficial, large, disposed in a simple series, constituting two linear sub-parallel sori. 1. C. thalictroides, Brongn.; Hook. Gen. Fil. t.12; Lowe's Ferns, 2, t. 66. Ellobocarpus oleraceus, Kaulf. Par- keria pteridioides, Hook. Lx. Fl.t. 147; Hook. et Grev. Ie. Fil.t. 97. Ceratopteris Parkeri, J. Sm. Gen. Fil. 1841.-—Tropics, Trize VI—PHEGOPTERIDEA, Sori punctiform, intra-marginal or rarely on marginal dents, naked or each furnished with a special indusium, which is either peltate or lateral and interiorly attached, rarely calyci- form; or the margin of contracted fronds revolute, forming an universal indusium; or the dents of the margin reflexed and indusiform. * Veins anastomosing in various ways. + Sori naked. § 1. Dictyopterte. Primary veins costeform, generally well defined. Sort punctiform or linear, in oblique or transverse rows or lines, or rarely reticulated between the primary veins, 61. DRYOMENIS, Fe; J. Sm. Vernation uniserial, contiguous or subfasciculate, sub- Lypogeous. Fronds simple, pinnatifid or pinnate, smooth, Genas 61.—Porticn cf trond. No.1, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 185 1-2} fect high, submembraneous. Primary veins costeform, transversely combined and compound anastomosing, with free veinlets terminating in areoles. Receptacles punctiform, com- pital. Sori round or by confluence unequal oblong, oblique Liserial or irregular, naked. 1. D. plantaginea, J. Sim. in Seemann’s Bot. Voy. Herald. Polypodium plantagineum, Linn. ; Jacq. Coll.t.3,f.1; (Plum. Fil. t.128). Aspidium plantagineum, Grisb. ; Hook. Sp. Fil. (in part). Pleopeltis plantaginea, Moore, Ind—West Indies. 62. DICTYOPTERIS, Presi (in part). Vernation fasciculate, decumbent or sub-erect. Fronds coriaceous, deltoid, bipinnatifid or bipinnate, 3-4 feet hich; ultimate segments or pinnules sub-entire or sinuous-pinnatifid. Veins costeform; venules and veinlets anastomosing (rarely aS a ~ TRY SY ON 12 SS Genus 62.—Portion of fertile pinna; ditto barren and fertile. No.1. few free, excurrent), forming oblique, somewhat elongated areoles, the costal ones transversely elongated. Receptacles medial or compital. Sort round, large, irregular, sometimes crowded near the margin, naked. 1. D. irregularis, Presi. Polypodium irregulare, Presl. Rel, Henk. t,4, f. 8.—East Indies, Malayan and Philippine Islandg. eee 136 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 63. MENISCIUM, Schreb. _ Vernation fasciculate and decumbent, or uniserial and ear- mentose. Fronds pinnate, rarely simple, 1-8 feet high. Fri- mary veins costeform, pinnate; each opposite pair of venules —— Genus 63.—Portion of mature frond. No. 4. angularly or arcuately anastomosing and sporangiferous, pro- ducing from their junction an excurrent, free, sterile vi in'et. Receptacles medial, linear, continued across the juncticn cf the venules, forming arcuate, transverse sori. Sporangia in some species pilcse. * Fronds simple. 1. M. simplex, Hook. Lond. Journ. Bot. v.1, t.11; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 83.—Hong-kong. 2, M. giganteum, Meitten.; Hook. Sp. Fil. 5, p. 168.— Tropical America. ** Fronds pinnata 3. M. triphyllum, Sw. ; Hook. et Grev, Tc. Fil. 4.120; Kunze, Fil. t. 52.—India, Ceylon. 4, M. palustre, Radd. Fil, Bras. t. 20; Hcok. Gen. Fil. t.40; Lowe’s Ferns, 2, t.45.—Brazil. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 137 5. M. dentatum, Presl—Brazil. 6. M. reticulatum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. 4.5. Polypodium reticu- latum, Z.—Tropical America. 64. GONIOPTERIS, Presi. Vernation fasciculate, erect or decumbent. Fronds pinnatifid or pinnate, rarely simple, 1-4 feet high. Primary veins coste:+ form, pinnate; venules opposite, the whole or only the lowcr pair, or more, angularly anastomosing, producing from their Genus 64.—Portion cf mature frond. No. 8 junction an excurrent sterile veinlet, which is either free or anastomoses in the angle next above it. Sporangiferous receptacles punctiform, medial (between the base and angular junction of the venules). Sori round, obliquely biserial. Spo- rangia pilose in some species. 1. G. secolopendroides, Presi. Polypodium scolopendroides, Sw.; (Plum. Fil. t. 91); Hook. Fil. Exot. t.18. Go- niopteris subpinnata, Hort.—Jamaica. 2. G. gracilis, Moore, in Gard. Chron. 1856 ; Lowe's Ferns, 1, 4. 9 A—Jamaica. 3. G. reptans, Presl. Polypodium reptans, Sw.; Sloane's Jam. 2, t. 30. Polypodium compositum, Link. - Jamaica. 138 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 4. G. asplenoides, Presl. Polypodium asplenoides, Sw.; Sloane’s Jam. 1, t. 48, f. 2; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t.34 B.— Jamaica. 5. G. erenata, Presl; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 38, Polypodicm crenatum, Sw.; (Plum. Fil. t. 111); Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t, 26 b.— West Indies, 6. G. megalodes, Presl. Polypodium megalodes, Schk. Fil. t. 19 b.—_ West Indies. 7. G Gheisbeghtii, J. Sm. Polypodiam Gheisbeghtii, Lind. Cat. 1858. Meniscium pubescens, Linn. Cat. 1858. Polypodium crenatum, Hook. Fil. Exot. t.84 (non Sw.).—Tropical America. 8. G. tetragona, Presi. Polypodium tetragonum, Sw.; {ch Fil. t. 18 b.—West Indies. 9. G. serrulata, J. Sm. Polypodium serrulatum, Sw. ; Pes’ ; Sloane's Jam. t. 43, f. 1—Jamaica. 10. G. prolifera, Presl. Meniscium proliferam, Sw.; Hook. Qnd Cent. Ferns, t, 15.—EHast Indies. 11. G. vivipara, J. Sm. Polypodium viviparum, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 32. Polypodium proliferum, Lowe’s Ferns, zt. 81. Goniopteris fraxinifolia, Presl (non Polypodium fraxinifolium, Jacg.). Polypodium -fraxinifolium, Lowe’s Ferns, t. 31.—Brazil. 12. G.pennigera, J. Sm. Polypodium pennigerum, Fors!.— New Zcaland. 13. G. Fosteri, Moore—New Zealand. ++ Sori indusiate. § 2. Aspidie. Sori punctiform. Indusium orbicular, reniform or rarely calyciform. a. Indusium orbicular or reniform. 65. NEPHRODIUM, Schott. Vernation fasciculate, decumbent or erect, rarely uniserial and sarmentose. Fonds 1-6 feet high, simple or pinnate; pinns entire, sinuose or pinnatifid. Veins costeform, pinnate; the lower pair of venules only, or more, or the whole, angularly AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS, 189 anastomcsing, producing from their junction an excurrent, anastomising, sterile veinlet. ezeptacles medial or sub- terminal. Sori round, Indusium reniform, rarely nearly orbicular, Genus 65.—Portion of mature frond. No.5. * Vernation uniserial, distant. 1. N. unitum, &. Br.; Hook. Gen. Fil.t. 48 B. Polypodium unitum, Zinn, Aspidium unitum, Schk. Fil. t. 33 B, f. 1. Aspidium serra, Schk. Fil. t.38, f. 2.—Tropics. 2. N. pteroides, J. Sm. Polypodium pteroides, Retz. Aspi- dium pteroides, Sw. Aspidium terminans, Wall. Nephrodium terminans, J. Sm. Cat. Fil. Hort. Kew. 1846.—East Indies. 8. N. venulosum, Hook. Sp. Fil. 5, p.17.—Fernando Po. ** Vernation fasciculate, erect or decumbent. 4, N. Hookeri, J. Sm. Aspidium Hookeri, Wall. ; Tool. Ic Pi. t, 922.—East Indies. 5. N. granulosum, J. Sm. Polypodium granulosum, Presl. Relig. Henk. t. 4, f. 2. Aspidium glandulosum, Blume. ; Lowe's Ferns, 7, t. 9. Nephrodium multi- lineatum, Moore and Houlst. (non Prest)—Philippine Islands, Java. 6, N. articulatum, Moore and Houlst. in Gard. Mag. of Bot. 1851; J. Sm. Cat. Cult, Ferus, 1857; Lowe’s Ferns, 6, t, 29.—Ceylon. 140 FERNS : BRITISM AND FOREIGN. 4 7. N.vefractum, J. Sm. Polypodium refractum, Fisch. et Mey. ; Lowe's Ferns, 2, t.48. Goniopteris refracta, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns, 1857.—Brazil. 8. N. truncatum, J. Sm. Aspidium truncatum, Gaud. in Freycinet’s Voy. t.10; Lowe’s Ferns, 6, t. 12.—Sand- wich Islands, 9. N. abortivum, J. Sm. Aspidium abortivum, Blume. Aspidium decurtatum, Kunze.—Java. 10. N. venustum, J. Sm. Aspidium venustum, I. Hew. in Mag. Nat. Hist. 1838, p. 464.— Jamaica, ll. N. molle, It. Br.; Schott, Gen. Fil. t. 14; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 48 B. Aspidinm molle, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 84 B. A. violascens, Link. Var. corymbiferum, Moore, in Gard. Chron. 1856; Lowe’s Ferns, 7, t, 18—Tropies, very general. T, 12. N. patens, J. Sm.—Demerara. 66. MESOCHLANA, R. Br. Vernation fasciculate, erect. Fronds 2-4 feet high, bipinna- tifid. Veins costeform, pinnate; the lower pair of venules apastomosing, the others free, parallel. Receptacles medial, Genus (6.— Portions of barren and fertile frond, natural size; ditto enlarged. No.1. elongated. Sori oblong-linear. Indusium hippocrepiform, attached longitudinally on the centre of the receptacle, having sporangia in its axis on each side, its margin free, x AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 141 1, II, Javanica, R. Br. in Horsf. Fl. Jav.; Lowe's Ferns, 7, t.15. Nephrodium Javanica, Hook. Fil, Huot. t. 62. Spherostephanos asplenioides, J. Sm. in Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 243; Kunze, Fil. t. 10, 11—Singapore and Java. 67, CYCLODIUM, Presi. Vernation fasciculate, subdecumbent. Fronds pinnate, 2-3 feet high ; sterile pinnze broad-elliptical, linear-lanceolate. Veins pinnately forked; venules acutely anastomosing, producing from their angular junctions an excurrent free or anastomosing Genus 67.—FPortion of barren and fertile frond. veinlet; fertile pinnae contracted, linear-lanceolate. Veins unitorm, reticulated. Receptacles medial, punctiform. Sori round, confluent, and occupying the whole under surface. Indusium orbicular. 1. C. confertum, Presi. Aspidium confertum, Kaulf.; Hook. et Grev. Ic, Fil. t. 121; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 49 B; J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns, 1857. Aspidium Hookeri, Kl. — Guiana, Bahia. 68. CYRTOMIUM, Presl. Vernation fasciculate, erect. Fronds 1-3feet high, pinnate; pinne élliptical-lanceolate, 6-8 inches long, 1-4 wide, falcate more or less, auriculate at the base, the margin sub-entire or spinulose. Veins two or three times forked, or pinnate ; venules 142 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. alternate, the lower exterior branch free, the others acutely anastomcsing, producing from their junctions free or anasto- mosing veinlets. Receptacles punctiform on or below their Genus 68.—Portion of mature frond, under side. apices or points of junction of the venules. Sori round, transversely uniscrial, or numerous and oblique-serial. Indu- sium orbiculnr. 1 &, faleatum, Presi. Polypodinm falcatum, Linn.; Thunb, Fil. Jap. t. 36. Aspidium falcatum, Sw.; Lang. et Fisch. t. 15; Lowe’s Ferns, 6, t.9; Hook. Fil. Ewot, t, 92.—Japan, China. a AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 143 2. C. caryotideum, Pres? ; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 49 C. Aspidium caryotideum, Wall.; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 69; Hook, Gard. Ferns, t.13, Aspidinm anomophyllum, Zenk. Pl. Nilgh. t. 1—Hast Indies and Natal. T. 3. C. juglandifolium, Moore. Polypodium juglandifolium, Humb. Amblia jug- sandifolia, Prest; Fée, Gen. Fil. t, 22 B, f. 1. Phanerophlebia jug- landifolia, J. Sm. ; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 49 A. Aspidium juglandifolinm, Kunze ; Metten. Fil. Hort. Lips, t. 22, f. 6-7.— Tropical America, 69. FADYENTA, TIfook. Vernation fasciculate, erect, caudex undefin: d. Fronds simple, entire, 5-6 inches long; he sterile lanceolate, attenuated and prolifercus at the apex; the fertile linear, ligulate, obtuse, erect. Veins forked; venules acutely anasto- mosing; the lower exterior venule of each fascicle free, and sporangiferous on its apex. Receptacles punctiform. Sori round, transe versely uniserial. Indusiwm reniform, sub- oblong, hippocrepiform. 1. F. prolifera, Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 53 B; Lowe's Ferns, 6, ¢. 2. Aspidium proliferum, Hook. et Grev. Ic, Fil, Genus 69.—Fertte fiond, under side. t, 96; Hook. Fil. Huot. t. 36.— No. 1. Jamaica. 70. ASPIDIUM, Sw. (in part); Schoti. Ternation fasciculate, erect. Fronds 1-4 feet high, entire, Jobed, pinnate, bipinnatifid or bipmnate; ultimate segments “generally broad. Primary veins costeform; venules simply or compoundly anastomosing. Receptacles compital, or on the 144 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. apex of free veinlets terminating. in the areoles. Sort round. Indusium orbicular or reniform, Genus 70.--Pinna of mature frond, under side. No, 3. * Fronds cordate, lobed, or trifoliate. 1. A, Plumieri, Presi, Rel. Henk. (excl. syn. Polypodium angulatum, Welld.). Polypodium trifoliatum, Linn. Sp. Pl. (not of Linn. Herb.) ; Plum. Fil. t. 148.— Martinique and Dominica. 2, A. Pica, Desv. Polypodium Pica, Zinn. ‘Sagenia Pica, Moore. Aspidium ebenum, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns, 1857. Bathmiun ebenum, /é—Mauritius, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 145 8. 4. trifoliatum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 28; Hook. Gen, Fil 4.33; Schott, Gen. Fil. cwm Ic. ; Lowe’s Feris, 6, t. 29. *Polypodium trifoliatum, Linn. fide specimen in Linn. Herb. ; Jacq. Ic. Rar, t. 638. Bathmium tvifoliatum, Link, Aspidium heracleifolium, Willd. (Plum. Fil. t, 147).—Tropical America. ** Fronds pinnate or subpinnatifid ; pinncee entire or lobed. 4. A. macrophyllum, Sw. (Plum. Fil. t. 145); Metten. Fil. Hort. Lips. t. 22, f.13; Lowe's Ferns, 6, t. 46. Car- diochleena macrophylla, Fée. Bathmium macyro- phyllam, Link.—Tropical America. 5, A, repandum, Willd. Bathmium repandum, Fée, Sagenia repanda, Moore. Sagenia platyphylla, J. Sm. En. Fil. Phil. Aspidium platyphyllum, Metten. Fil. Hort. Avips. t. 21.—Malayan Islands. 6. A. latifolium, J. Sm. Enum. Fil. Phil. Polypodium latifolium, Forst.; Schk. Fil. t. 24. Aspidium me- lanocaulon, Blume ; Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, p. 53. Aspidium nigripes, Hort—Malayan and Pacific Islands. 7. A. coadunatum, Wall.; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 202 Metten. Fil. Hort. Lips. t, 22, f. 8-4; Lowe's Ferns 6,#.50. Sagenia coadunata, J. Sm. Gen, Fil—East Indies. 8, A. cicutarium, Sw. Polypodium cicutarium, Linn. fide specimen Linn. Herb. Sagenia cicutaria, Moore, Ind. Aspidium Hippocrepis, Sw. (Plum. Fil. ¢. 150). Poly- podium Hippocrepis, Jacq. Ie. rar. t. 641. Sagenia Hippocrepis, Presl; Hook. et Bauer, Gen. Fil. t.53 A, —Jamaica. 9, A. apiifolium, Sechk. Fil. t. 56 B. Sagenia apiifolia, J. Sm Microbrochis apiifolia, Presi. Aspidium sinuatum Gaud.; Labill. Sert. Aust. Caled. t=. 1. Bathmium Billardieri, Fce.— Sandwich Islands and New Caledonia. 10. A. dilaceratum, Kunze, in part; Metten. Fil. Hort. Lips. t, 22, f. 14, 16.— Jamaica. . 11. A. subtriphyllum, Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, p.52. Polypodiom subtriphyllum, Hook. et Arn. Bot. of Beech. Voy, #. 50.—China, Hong-kong, Ceylon. 12. A. variolosum, Wail. ; Hook. Sp. Fil, 4, p. 51.—India, as a- sd 4 . L nr 146 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 13. A. giganteum, Blume; Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, p. 50. Far. (3 minor, Thwaites, Enum. Pl. Zeyln. p. 390.— Ceylon. #** Fronds pinnatifid or pinnate ; the segments sessile, decurrent. 14. A. Pteropus, Kunze; Hook. Sp. Vil. 4, p. 47. Aspidium decurrens, J. Snv. Cat, 1857,—Ceylon, 71. PLEOCNEMIA, Presi. Vernation fasciculate, erect, caudex arborescent, Fronds bi-tripinnatifid, 4-6 feet long. Veins of laciniw costeform ; venules forked, the lower ones arcuately and angularly anasto- Genus 71.—Portions of barren and fertile pinnee. No.1, mosing, forming unequal areoles next the costa, the upper ones free. Receptacles medial on the free or anastomosed venules, punctiform. Sort round. Indusiwm reniform, 1. P, Leuzeana, Presl; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 97. Polypodium Leuzeanum, Gaud. in Frey. Voy. t. 6. Nephrodium Leuzeanum, Hook.—Philippine and Fiji Islands, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 147 b. Indusiwm calyciform. 72. HYPODERRIS, R. Br. Vernation uniserial, subsarmentose. Fronds simple, entire or trilobed, 1-2 feet long. Primary veins costeform ; venules compound anastomosing: Receptacles punctiform, compital, 7 - Genus 72.—Portion of mature frond, under side. No.1. included within a calyciform, obscure, membranous indusium. Sori round, irregular or oblique, biserial between the primary veins, 1. H. Brownii, J. Sim.; Hook. Gen. Fil. t.1; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 24; Lowe's Ferns, 7, t=. 14. Woodsia Brownti, Metten.—Trinidad and Guiana. 73, TRICHIOCARPA, Hook. Vernation fasciculate, decumbent. Jronds bi-tripinnatifid, Genus 73.—Portion of pinna, fertile frond, under side. No. 4, , La 148 FERNS ; BRITISH AND FOREIGN. deltoid, 6-18 inches high; pinnz distant, pinnate below, pin- natifid decurrent above; pinnules lanceolate, pinnatifid or sinuose lobed. Veins uniform, reticulated; areoles transverse oblong ; marginal veinlets free, exserted beyond the margin, bearing a globose pediculate sorus. Indusium calyciform, spreading, entire. 1 T. Moorei, J. Sm.; Lowe's Ferns, 8, t. 37. Deparia Moorei, Hook. Jowrn. Bot. and Kew Gard. Mise. v. 4, t. 3; Hook. Fil. Huxot. t. 28, Cionidium Moorei, Moore, Ind.— New Caledonia, ** Veins free, + Sori indusiate, § 3. Oreopterie. Sori punctiform, Indusium orbicular or reniform, plane or cucullate, rarely calyciform, a. Indusium orbicular or reniform. 74, POLYSTICHUM, Roth (in part) ; Schott; Prest, Vernation fasciculate and erect, or uniserial and_ subsar- mentose. I’ronds pinnate, bi-tripinnate, or decompound ; pinne Genus 74.—Portion of mature frond, under side. No. 1. and pinnules auriculated and lobed, dentate, rigid, spinulose, mucronate, Veins simply or pinnately forked; venules free, the lower exterior branch or more (of each fascicle) soriferovs on, on \ } generally below its apex. Receptacles punctiform. Sort round. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. Indusium orbicular or subreniform. § 1. Vernation fasciculate, caudex erect. (Polystichwm verum.) * Fronds pinnate. 1. P. acrostichoides, Schott. Aspidium acrostichoides, Sw.; Lowe’s Ferns, 6, 4.19. Aspidium auriculatum, Schk. Fil. t. 830.—North America. . P. falcinellum, Presi, Aspidium falci- nellum, Sw.; Lowe’s Ferns, 6, t.7. Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 58.—Madeira. . P. mucronatum, Presi. Aspidium mucronatum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t, 29 B, C; Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, t, 216.—Jamaica. . P. Lonchitis, Roth; Schott,Gen. Fil.t.9; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t.9; Sowerby’s Ferns, t. 15. Poly- podium Lonchitis, Linn.; Eng. Bot. t. 797. Aspidium Lonchitis, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 29; Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 9.— Europe, Britain. . P, triangulum, Fée. Polypcdium triangulum, Linn. (Plum. Fil. 4. 72). Aspidium triangulum, Sw.; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 38. Aspidium trapezoides, Sw. As- Genus 74— Portion of mature frond, under pidium mucronatum, « Lowe’s side. No. 11. Ferns, 6, t. 81 B (non Sw.). / Var. laxum, Lowes New Ferns, p. 143. — West Indies. 6. P. obliquum, J. Sm. Aspidium obliquum, Don. Aspidium cxspitosum, Wail. ; Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, t. 213.—Nepal, Japan. #* Fronds bipinnate. . P. aculeatum, Roth ; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t.10; Sowerby’s Ferns, t.17. Polystichum aculeatum, t3) 0 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. (3 intermedium, Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 11. Polypodium aculeatum, Linn, Aspidium aculeatum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t.389; Lng. Bot. 1562. Var. lobatum, Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 11. Polypodium lobatum, Huds. Aspidium lobatum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t.40. Polystichum lobatum, Presl ; Hool:. Gen. Fil. =.48 C ; Sowerby’s Ferns, t. 16. Aspidium aculeatum, et-A.lobatum, Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 10. Var. angulare. Aspidium angulare, Willd. ; Eng. Dot. t, 2776. Polystichum angulare, Presl ; Lindl. and Moore's Brit. Ferns, 12 A; Sowerby’s Ferns, .18. Aspidium aculeatum, Hook. Var. angulare, Hook. Brit. Ferns, t.12. Aspidium Braunii, Spenn. Polystichum Braunii, Fée. Var. argutum, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 10 B. Var. alatum, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t.10 C. Var, hastulatum, Moore ; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 12 B. Var. irregulare, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 12 C. Var. biserratum, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’ Brit. Ferns, t. 12 D. Var, imbricatum, Moore ; Lindl. and Moore's Brit. Ferns, t, 12 E. Var. sub-tripinnatum, Moore ; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 18 A. Var. tripinnatum, Moore; Lindl. and Moore's Brit. Ferns, t. 18 B; Lowe’s Ferns, 6, t. 24. Var. proliferum, Wollast ; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 18 C. Var. cristatum, Moore, Lowe's New Ferns, 1, t, 27, Var. aristatum, Wollast ; Lowe’s New Ferns, t. 56. Var. acro-cladon, Moore, Proc. Hort. Soc. 4, p. 136. -—Temperate Regions of the Northern Hemisphere. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. J51 8. P. squarrosum, T¢ée Aspidium squarrosum, Doz. spidium rufo-barbatum, NVall.—Hast Indies. 9. P.anomalum, J. Sm. Polypodium anomalum, Hook. et Arn. ; Hook. Kew Gard. Misc. 8, t. 9.—Ceylon. 10. P. obtusum, J. Sm. Aspidium obtusum, Kunze; Hook. Sp. Pil. 4, t. 221.—Philippine Islands. 11. P. proliferum, Presi, Aspidinm proliferum, R Br— Tasmania. 12. P. vestitum, Pres’. Polypodium vestitum, Forsé Aspi- dium vestitum, Sw.; Sch. Fil. t. 43; Lowe's Ferns, 6, t. 88.— New Zealand. 13. P. pungens, Presi. Aspidium pungens, Kaulf.; Schlecht Fil. t. 10.—South Africa. § 2. Vernation unisertal, sarmentose. Fronds deltoid tri-quadripinnate (Tectaria, Cav.). 14. P, coriaceum, Schott. Aspidium coriaceum, Sw. (excl. syn. Forst.) ; Schk. Fil. t. 50—West. Indies. 15. P. Capense, J. Sm. Aspidium Capense, Willd. (i part).— South Africa. 16. P. flexum, Remy. Aspidium flexum, Kunze. Aspidinm coriaceum, Lowe's Ferns, 6, t. 26. Aspidium Ber- teroanum, Col. Pl. Chil. t. 70; Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, #, 229.—Chili, Juan Fernandez. 17. P.amplissimum, Pres. Aspidium amplissimum, Mfetten, Aspidium fallax, Fisch. 11S. Lastrea fallax, Moore— Brazil. 18, P. frondosum, J. Sin. Aspidium frondosum, R. T. Lowe. Nephrodium lete-virens, I. 7’. Lowe—Madeira. 19. P. aristatum, Presi. Polypodium aristatum, Forst. Aspidium aristatum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. 1 42.° A. curvifolium, Kunze. Polystichum curvifolium, Hovt—Norfolk Island. 20. P. coniifolium, Presi. Aspidium coniifolium, Wall— East Indies and Ceylen. 21. P. denticulatum, J. Sm. Aspidium denticulatum, Sw. ; Lowe’s New Ferns, t. 59 —Jarnaiea. 152 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 92. P. amabile, J. Sm. Aspidium amabile, Blume ; Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, t. 293. Aspidium rhomboideum, Wall. Polystichum rhomboideum, Schott.— East Indies, Java. 23. P. setosum, Presi. Aspidium setosum, Sw.; Lang. et Fisch. Fil. t. 17.—Japan. 75. LASTREA, Prest; J. Sin. Vernation uniscrial and sarmentose, or fasciculate and creat WY LEE wy Ger.us 75.—Finna of fertile frond. No70. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 153 or decumbent. Fronds varying from pinnatifid, bipinnatifid, to decompound-multifid, 1-6 feet high. Veins simple, or once or several times forked, or costeeform and pinnate; venules free. Receptacles punctiform, terminal or medial. Sort round. In- dusium reniform or subrotund (as in figure), attached by its sinus on the interior side. * Vernation uniserial, sarmentose. (Thelypteris.) t Fronds lanceolate, bipinnatifid. 1. L. palustris, J. Sm. Thelypteris palustris, Schott. Lastr Thelypteris, Presl; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Fern t.29; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 45 A 2; Sowerby's Ferns, t. 7%. Polypodium Thelypteris, Linn. Aspidium Thelypteris, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 52; Lng. Bot. t. 1018. Nephrodium Thelypteris, Desv.; Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 13.—Hurope. 2. L. Noveboracensis, Presl. Polypodium Noveboracense, Linn.; C7? 7 + 46, Aspidium Thelypteroides, Sw.—n . 3. L. invisa, Pre invisum, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 18.— West Inues. 4. L. augescens, J. Sm. Aspidium augescens, Link ; Kunze, Fil. t. 59; Lowes Ferns, 6, t. 10. Nephrodium Ottonianum, Kunze,—Tropical America. tt Fronds deltoid, decompound. 5. L. decomposita, J. Sm. Nephrodium decompositum, Rk. Br.; Hook. Fil. Fl. Nov. Zel. t.79 (eaclus. name, glabellum). Aspidium decompositum, Spreng. ; Lowe’s Ferns, 6, ¢. 33.—Australia, Tasmania, and New Zealand. 6. L. velutina, J. Sm. Nephrodium (Lastrea) velutinum, Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, p. 145; Hook. Fil. Nov. Zel. t. 80. Aspidium velutinum, 4. Rit —New Zealand. 7. L. pubescens, Presi. Polypodium pubescens, Linn. Ne- phrodium pubescens, Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 62.— Jamaica. 8. L. quinquangularis, J. Sm. Aspidium quinquangulare, Kunze. Aspidium pubescens, Lowe’s Ferns, 6, t. 25.— Native country unknown. 154 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 9. 10 11 13 14. 16. L. recedens, J. Sm. ‘Polypodium recedens, J. Sm. Een. Fil. Phil. Aspidium recedens, Lowe’s Ferns, 7, t. 1.— Ceylon and Philippine Islands. . L. elegans, Moore and Houlst.—Ceylon. . L. pilosissima, J. Sm. Aspidium pilosissima, G. Don, in Herb. 1822; J. Sm.—Sierra Leone. . L.subquinquifida, J. Sm. Aspidium subquinquifidum, Beauv. Fl. Owar, t.19. Aspidium protensum, Sw.— West Tropical Africa. . L. funesta, Moore. Aspidium fancstum, Kunze—Trepical West Africa, Brazil. ** Vernation fasciculate, caudew erect or subdecumbent. Fronds lanceolate, bipinnatifid, rarely pinnatifid. Veins t p yp generally simple, rarely forked. (Oreopteris:) L. decursive-pinnata, J. Sm. Polypodium decursive- pinnatum, Hook. 2nd Cent. t. 49, Lastrea decurrens, J. Sm. Cat. 1846 and 1857.—China, Japan. L. montana, Moore. Polypodium montanum, Vogler. Polystichum montanum, oth. Polypodium Oreo- pteris, Ehrhart ; Eng. Bot. t. 1019. Aspidium Oreo- pteris, Sw.; Schk. Fil. 1, 35, 36. Lastrea Oreopteris, Presl; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit Ferns, t.28; Sowerby’s Ferns, t. 8. Nephrodium Oreopteris, Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 14.—Var. Nowelliana, Moore; Lowe's New Ferns, p. 99.— Europe. L. patens, Presl ; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 45 41. Aspidinm patens, Sw.; Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 40; Lowe's Ferns, 7, t, 8,4.—Tropical America. 17. L. concinna, J. Sm. Polypodium concinnum, Willd. Phegopteris concinna, Fée. Polypodium molliculum, Kunze. Phegopteris mollicula, J. Sm. Cat. Cult. Ferns, 1857.—Tropical America. 18. L. contermina, Presi. Aspidium conterminum, Willd, 19. (Plum. Fil. t. 47). Aspidium polyphyllum, Kaulf, A. rivulorum, Link.—Tropical America, West Indies, L. immersa, J.Sm. Aspidium immersum, Blume ; Metten. Fil. Hort. Lips. t. 18, f. 1-3. Lastrea verrucosa, J. Sm. En. Fil. Phil. Aspidium iinpressum, Kunze.— Malayan Islands. 20. 21. 29, AN ENUMERATION of CULTIVATED FERNS. 155 L. cana, J. Sm. Aspidium canum, Wall. Nephrodium pubescens, D. Don, (non Sw.).—Hast Indies. L. strigosa, Presl. Aspidium strigosum, Willd. ; Lowe’s Ferns, 7,¢.10. Polypodium crinitum, Poir. Lastrea crinita, Moore; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 66.— Mauritius. . L. similis, J. Sm. En. Fil. Phil. (n. 390, Cuming). Asy diuin submarginale, Hort. Berol—Malacca. . L, Kaulfussii, Presl. Aspidium Kaulfussii, Link ; Low Ferns, 7, t. 5.—Brazil. . L. chrysoloba, Presl. Aspidium chrysolobum, Link.— Brazil. . L. Caripense, J. Sm. Polypodium Caripense, H. et B. Polypodium submarginale. Lang. et Fisch. Fil. t. 13; Lowe’s Ferns, 2, ¢. 49 (without indusie), Phegopteris submar; . Cat. 1857.—Tropical America. . L. vestita, lypodium vestitum, Radd. Fil. Bras. t.cv. .ue., West Indies. . L. falciculata, Presl. Aspidium falciculatum, Radd. Fil . Bras. t. 47,—Brazil. . L. Sprengelii, J. Sm. Aspidium Sprengelii, Kaulf. Aspidium glandiferum, Karst.—Tropical America and West Indies. L. deltoidea, Moore. Aspidium deltoideum, Sw. Nephro- dium deltoideum, Desv,; Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, p.103.— West Indies. ++ Fronds lanceolate or deltoid, bi-tripinnatifid or bipimnate, rarely pinnate, usually firm and subcoriaceous. Veins forked, generally immersed. (Dryopteris.) 80. L. podopbylla, J. Sm. Aspidium (Lastrea) podophyllum, Hook. in Journ. Bot. and Kew Mise. v. 5, t. 1. Aspi- dium Sieboldi, Van Houtte, Cat.; Metten. Fil. Hort. Lips. t. 20, f. 1-4. Pycnopteris Sieboldi, Moore— Japan and Hong-kong. T. “156 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. ci, L, Filix-mas, Presl ; Lindl. and Moore's Brit. Ferns, t. 14; Sowerby’s Ferns, t.9. Polypodium Filix-mas, Linn. Aspidium Filix-mas, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 44; Eng. Bot.1458. Nephrodium Filix-mas, Michx; Hook. Brit. Ferns, t.15. Var. paleacea, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t.17 B. Aspidium paleaceum, Don. Nephro- dium Filix-mas, var. paleaceum, Hook. Fil. Exot. -t. 98. Lastrea Pseudo-mas, Wollast. LL. Filix-mas, var. Borreri, Johns; Nephrodium affine, 2. T. Lowe. Var. pumila, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, 1.17 A. Aspidium pumilum, Lowe’s Ferns, 6, #15. Var. cristata, Moore; Lindl. and Moore's Brit. Ferns, t. 16 A. Var. incisa, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t.15. Aspidium affine, Fisch. et Mey. Lastrea affinis, Moore. Var. polydactyla, Moore; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 16 B. Var. ramosissima, Moore, Gard. Chron. 1864. Temperate regions of the earth generally: 32. L. remota, Moore. Aspidium remotum, A. Braun; Lowe’s New Ferns, t. 22. Nephrodium remotum, Hook. Brit. Ferns, t. 22. Aspidium Boottii, Tucker- man, A. dilatatum, var. Boottii, A. Gray.— Europe and North America. 33. L. lacera, J. Sm. Polypodium lacerum, Thunb. Aspidium lacerum, Haton.— Japan. 34. L. hirtipes, J. Sm. Aspidium hirtipes, Blume. Nephro- dium (Lastrea) hirtipes, Hook. Sp. Fil. 4, p. 115. Aspidium atratum, Wall—India and Ceylon. 85. L. rigida, Presl; Lindl. and Moore’s Brit. Ferns, t. 18; Sowerby’s Ferns, ¢ 11. * Lowe's Ferns, 1, t. 14 A—Mexico. 10. N. Eckloniana, Kunze; Lowe's Ferns, 1, t=. 17 A— South Africa. 11. N. lanuginosa, Desv. Acrostichum lanuginosum, Desf. ; Fl, Atlan. 2, t. 256; Schk. Fil. t.1. Acrostichum velleum, Ait.; Sibth. FL. Gir. t. 656.—South Europe and Madeira. 12. N. sulphurea, J. Sm. in Seemann’s Bot. Voy. Heralil, p. 233. Pteris sulphurea, Cav.. Cheilanthes Bor- sigiana, Ivichend. fil. in Hort. Berol.; Lowe's New Ferns, t, 16 A.— Peru. 87. MYRIOPTERIS, Fée. Vernation uniserial, sarmentose, or subfasciculate and caspi- Genus 87.—Mature frond, under Genus 87.—Pinna of miturs side. Ne. 3, frond, under side, No. 1. 174 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. tose. Fronds 4-18 inches high, slender, decompound, pinnatifid, pilose or piloso-squamiferous ; ultimate segments minute, gene- rally orbicular or cuneiform, concave; the margin membranous, revolute, conniving, forming an universal cucullate indusium. Veins forked, free. Iveceptacles terminal. Sporangia few to each receptacle, confluent under the uniserial indusium, 1. M. lendigera, Fée. Cheilanthes lendigera, Sw.; Hook. Sp. Fil, t. 106 A. Notholeena lendigera, J. Sm. Gen. Fil. Cheilanthes tenuis, Hort.; Lowe's Ferns, 4, t, 23.—Tropical America. 'T. 2. M. myriophylla, J. 8m. Cheilanthes myriophylla, Desv. ; Hook. Sp. Fil. t. 105 A.—Tropical America. T, 3. M. elegans, J. Sm. Cheilanthes elegans, Desv.; Hook. Sp. Fil. t.105 B; Lowe’s Ferns, 4, t. 20. Myriopteris Marsupianthus, Fée, Gen. Fil. t. 12.4, f. 1—Tropical America. T. 4, M. tomentosa, Fée. Cheilanthes tomentosa, Link; Houk. Sp. Fil. t. 109 A-~-Mexico and Southern United States. 5. M. frigida, J. Sm. Cheilanthes frigida, Linden. Chei- lanthes lendigera, Lowe’s Ferns, 4, t. 24.—Tropical America. TT. 6. M. vestita, J. Sm. Cheilanthes vestita, Sw.; Schk. Fil. t. 124; Hook. Sp. Fil.t.108 B. Notholena vestitu, Desv.; J. Sm. Gen. Fil.; Lowe’s Ferns, 1,t.16 B-- North America, T. 7. M. hirta, J. Sm. Cheilanthes hirta, Sw.; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 101 B; Lowe’s Ferns, 4, t. 18. Cheilanthes Ellisisna, [Tort.—South Africa. 88. CHHEILANTHES, Sw, (iu part). Vernation fasciculate, erect or decumbent. Fronds bi-tri- pinnate, rarely simple pinnate, 4-18 inches or more in height, smooth, pilose, glandulose, squamose or farinose; ultimate scg- ments often small. Veins forked, free. Receptacles terminal, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 175 Sort round, marginal, distinct or laterally confluent. Indusium reniform or subrotund, and special to each sorus, or more or Genus 88.— Pinna of mature frond, Genus 88.—Fertile pinna, under side. No. 13. under side. No.4 less elongated, plain or undulate, and including two or moro sori, 81. Indusium oblong or linear, common to two or more clusters of sporangia. Fronds smooth, pilose, tomentose, squamose, or glandulose. (Hucheilanthes, Hook.) 1. C. micropteris, Sw. Syn. Fil. t 8, f£ 5—Quito and Brazil. 2. C. viscosa, Link; Hook. Sp. Fil. t.93 B; Lowe's Ferns, 4, t. 25.—Tropical America. TT. &. C. fragrans, Sw. (in part); Hook.; Lowe’s Ferns, 4, t. 14 B. Polypodium fragrans, Linn.- Cheilanthes odora, Sue. ; Schl. Fl. t. 123. C. suaveolens, Sw.; Schl. Fil. 4.19; Sibth. Fil. Gr. t=. 966; Hook. et Bauer. Gon, Fil. t. 106 DB. C. Maderensis, R. ‘7, Lowe. — South Europe and Madeira, 173 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 4. C. tenuifolia, Sw. ; Schk. Fil. t.125; Hook. Sp. Fil. t. 87 C. —Kast Indies, Malayan Archipelago, Australia, and New Zealand. 5. C. microphylla, Sw.; (Plum. Fil. t. 58); Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 98 A. C. micromera, Link; Lowe’s Ferns, 4, t. 16.—Tropical America. T. 6. C. Sieberi, Kunze ; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 97 B. Cheilanthes Preissiana, Kunze Lowe’s Ferns, 4, t. 29—Australia and New Zealand. 7. C. Alabamensis, Kunze ; Hook. Sp. Fil. t. 103 B; Hook. Fil. Exot.t. 90—South United States. T. 8. C. spectabilis, Kaulf. ; Lowe's Ferns, 4, t. 15. Hypolepis spectabilis, Link ; Hook. Sp. Fil. t. 88 B. Adiantopsis spectabilis, Fée. Cheilanthus Brasiliensis, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 75, f.2.—Brazil. T. 9. C. multifida, Sw. ; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2,t.100 B; Hook. Gard. Ferns, t. 39.—South Africa, St. Helena, Java. § 2. Indusium linear, continuous, sinuose-undulate. Fronds farinose. (Aleuritopteris, Fe.) 10. C. argentea, Kunze ; Lang. et Fisch. Ic. Fil. t. 22. Pteris argentea, Gmel.; Sw—Siberia. T. 11. C. farinosa, Kaulf. ; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 184; Took. Bot. Mag. t. 4765. Cassebeera farinosa, J. Sm. olim. Pteris farinosa, Forsk. Cheilanthes dealbata, Don. Allosorus dealbatus, Presl. Pteris Argyrophylla, Sw.—lIndia and Arabia. 12. C. pulveracea, Presl.; Lowe's Ferns, 4, t. 28. Aleuri- topteris Mexicanum, Fée.—Mexico. T. § 3. Indusium subrotund, special to each cluster of sporongia, Fronds smooth. (Adiautopsis, Fée.) 13. C. pteroides, Sw.; Hook. Sp. Fil. t. 101 A; Lowe's Ferns, 4, t.21. Adiantopsis pteroides, Moore.—South Africa. j4. ©. Capensis, Sw.; Lowe's New Ferns, t.26.A. Hypolepis Capensis, Hook. Sp. Fil. t.77, Adiantopsis Capensis, Moore.—South Africa, _ : AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 177 15. C. radiata, J. Sm; Lowe's Ferns, 4, t. 18. Adiantum radiatum, Linn. ; Sw.; (Plum. Fil. t.100). Hypolepis radiata, Hook. Sp. Fil.t.91 A, Adiantopsis rachata, Fée.—Tropical America. 10. C. pedata, 4. Br. Hypolepis pedata, Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, 4.92.4. Adiantopsis pedata, Moore.—Jamaica. 89. CRYPTOGRAMME, R&R. Br. Vernation fasciculate, erect, caespitose. Fronds bi-tripinnate, 6-10 inches high, the fertile contracted; segments oblong, linear; margins membranous, revolute, oppositely conniving, Genus 89.—Fortion of barren pinna, natural size, ditto fertile enlarged aud unfolied. No.1. forming an universal indusiam. Veins forked, free. Receptacles terminal, subclongated. Sort defined, oblong, becoming late- rally confluent, forming a compound, broad, intramarginal, linear sorus, included under the universal indusium, 1. C. erispa, 2. Br.; Hook. ct Bauer. Gen. Fil. #115 B; Hook. Brit. Ferns, 3, t. 54, Pteris crispa, Linn. ; Sw. ; Schk. Fil. t. 98; Eng. Bot. t. 1160. Allosorus crispus, Bernh.; Presl; J. Sm. Gen. Fil.; Lindl. and Meare's Drit. Ferns, t. 8; Lowe's Ferns, 5, t. 84. ‘Pnorclobus crispus, Desv.—Tempcrate Regions ot tn+ Northern “Yemisphere. 178 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. ‘90. CINCINALIS, Desv. (in part); Feée. Vernation fasciculate, erect. Fronds tripinnate, 4-12 inches high, slender; pinne distant, spreading; pinnules ovate, hastate- lobed or trifoliate, plane, smooth, glaucous or farinose. Veins Genus 90.—Portion of mature frond, under side. No.1, forked, free. Receptacles terminal. Sporangia large, globose, sessile, definite, in a short series on the upper portion of the venules, becoming laterally confluent, forming a broad sub- intramarginal sorus. Jndusiwm obsolete or very narrow. * Fronds smooth, glaucous. 1. C. tenera, I’ée. Notholzna tenera, Gill.; Hook. Bot. Mag. t. 3055; Kunze, Fil. ¢. 22, f. 2; Hook. ct Bauer. Gen. Til. t. 76 A; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, ¢. 15.—Chili. ** Pronds farinose. 2, CG. nivea, Desv. Pteris nivea, Lam.; Sw. Notholena nivea, Desv.; Kunze, Fil. t. 22, f.1; Lowe’s Ferns, 1, t.19 C. Acrostichum albidulum, Sw. Syn. Fil. t. 1, f. 2. Notholena incana, Presi, Rel. Heenk. t. 1, f. 2.—Tropical America. 3. C. pulchella, J. Sm. Allosorus pulchellus, Mart. et Gal, Fil. Mex. t.10,f. 1. Pelleea pulchella, Fée ; Hook.— Mexico. Tr. 4. C. Hookeri, J. Sm. Notholena Hookeri, Lowe’s Ferns, 1, obs. sub t. 19 C et t. 18.—Tropical Amezica. 4. 0), flavens, Desv.; Fée, Gen. Fil. 5, t. 80; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 8 Acrostichum flavens, Sw. Gymno- gramme ffavens, Kaulf.; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 47. Notholena chrysophylla, Hort— Tropical America. —_——= AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 179 91, PELLAA, Link. Vernation fasciculate, erect or decumbent, squamose. Fronds palmate, pinnate, or bi-tripinnate, 5 inches to 6 feet high; pin- nuies articulated to the rachis or to a short petiole. Veins forked; venules free. Receptacles terminal, generally con- > Genus 91.—Fertile pinna, under side. No. 6, tiguous, forming a more or less broad, compound, continuous marginal sorus, or rarely distant, and each receptacle forming definite round sori. Indusiwm linearly continuous or gub- rotund and special to each receptacle. Na 180 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN, 1. P. geraniifolia, Fée. Pteris geraniifolia, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 67; Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 915. Pteris concolor, Lang. et Fisch. Ic. Fil. t. 21. Platyloma geraniifolia, Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 27.—East Indies, Polynesia, Tropicai Ameriéa, 2. P. cuneata, J. Sm. Cheilanthes cuneata, Link ; Kunze, Fil. t.36.—Cheilanthes rufescens, Iink.— Mexico. 3. P. profusa, J. Sim. Cheilanthes profusa, Kunze, Fil. t.17. Notholena profusa, Presl.— South Africa. 4, P, intramarginalis, J. Sim. Pteris intramarginalis, Kaulf. ; Kunze, Anal. Pterid. t.17,f.1. Pteris fallax, Mart. et Gal. Fil. Mex. t. 14, f. 2. Cheilanthes intra- marginalis, Hook. Platyloma intramarginalis, Lowe’s Ferns, 3, t. 31—Mexico. 5. P. glauca, J. Sm. Pteris glauca, Cav. Cheilanthes glauca, Metten. Cheil. t.31, f.18, 19.—Mexico. 6. P. hastata, Link ; Fee; Hook. Sp. Fil. t. 116 B; Hook. Fil. Hzot.t.50. Platyloma hastatum et adiantoides, Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 82, 33. Pteris hastata, Sw. Allosorus hastatus, Presl; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 5.— South Africa. 7. P. consobrina, Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 117 A. Pteris con- sobrina, Kunze—South Africa. 8. P. atropurpurea, Link ; Ice. Pteris atropurpurea, Linn. ; Schk. Fil. t.99—North America. T. 9. P. Calomelanos, Zink; Fée. Pteris Calomelanos, Sw.; Schlecht. Aduinb. t. 24, Allosorus Calomelanos, Presl; Hook. in Bot. Mag. t. 4769. Platyloma Calomelanos, -7. Sim.; Lowe’s Ferns, 3, t. 26—South Africa. Tr. 10. P. ternifolia, Link; Fée ; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 15. Pteris ternifolia, Cav.; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t=. 126. Platy- loma ternifolium, J. Sm.; Lowe’s Ferns, 3, t. 24 B— Tropical America. T. 11. P. Wrightiana, Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 115 B._New Mexico, 12. P. sagittata, Link. Pteris sagittata, Cav. Allosorua sagittatus, Presi: Kunze, Fil. t.24.—Pernu. T. AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 181 13. P. flexuosa, Link; Fée. Pteris flexuosa, Kaulf.; Hook. Ic. Pl. t.119. Allosorus flexuosus, Kunze, Fil. t. 23; Hook. in Bot. Mag. t. 4762. Platyloma flexuosum, J. Sm. ; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t.25.—Tropical America, T. 14. P. cordata, J. Sin. (non Fée). Pteris cordata, Cav. Allo- sorus cordatus, Presl; Hook. ia Bot. Mag, t. 4698.— Tropical America. T. 92. PLATYLOMA, J. Sm. (in part) Vernation uniserial; sarmentum sub- hypogeous. Fronds pinnate, 1-2 feet high; pinnz entire, opaque. Veins forked; venules free. Receptacles ter- minal, oblong, contiguous, forming a broad, compound, continuous, mar- ginal sorus. Indusiwm linear, con- tinuous, narrow, subobsolete. Genus 92.—Fertile pinne, under side, No. 1; ditto enlarged, No. 3. 182 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 1. P. Brownii, J. Sm.; Lowe’s Ferns, 2, t. 29. Adiantum paradoxum, R. Br. Pellawa paradoxa, Hook. Fil. Exot. t.21; Sp. Fil. 2, t.3A. Pelleea cordata, Fée (non J. Sm.) — Australia. 2. P. faleatum, J. Sm.; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 830 AB; Hook. Gen. Fil. t. 115 A (excl. name P. Brownii). Pteris falcata, R. Br. Pteris seticaulis, Hook. Ic. Pl. t. 207. Pellea falcata, Fée; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 111 B.— East Indies, Australia, : 8 P. rotundifolium, J. Sm.; Lowe’s Ferns, 8, t. 24 A. Pteris rotundifolia, Forst.; Schk. Fil. .99; Hook. Ic. Pl. ¢ 422. Pellea rotundifolia, Hook. Fil. Ewot, t, 48.— New Zealand. 93. ADIANTUM, Linn. Vernation distant, sarmentose or subfasciculate, decumbent and cespitose. Fronds simple-reniform, pinnate or bi-tripin- nate; pinne and pinnules articulated with the petiole; costa excentric or obsolete. Veins unilateral or radiating, forked ; Genus 93.—Portion of mature frond, under side. No. 1 venules free, terminating in the axis of a reflexed orbicular or elongated portion of the margin (indusium), which is altered in texture, venose and sporangiferous on its under side, ultimately becoming replicate, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS. 183 1. Reniforme group. Fronds simple, reniform. L A. veniforme, Linn.; Schk. Fil. t. 115; Lodd. Bot. Cab. t. 841; Hook. Huot. Fl. t. 104; Sp. Fil. 2,471 A; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 8; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 2 D— Madeira, Teneriffe. 2. Caudatum group. Fronds pinnate, pinne narrow. 2. A.lunulatum, Burm.; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 104; Lowe’s Ferns, 3,t-8 B. Adiantum arcuatum, Sw.— East Indies. 3. A. dolabriforme, Hook. Ic. Pl. ¢. 191.—East Indies, Malay and Pacific Islands, Brazil. 4. A. caudatum, Linn. ; Schk. Pil. t. 117; Hook. Exot. Fl, t. 104; Lowe’s Ferns, 8, t. 2 A—East Indies. 3. Macrophyllum group. Frvonas pinnate, erect 3 pinne broad. 5. A. lucidum, Sw.; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, 79 C (euel. f. 4); Lowe’s Ferns, 8, t. 4 A.—Tropical America, 6. A. obliquum, Willd.; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 79 A—Tropical America, 7. A. Kaulfussii, Kunze, Adiantum obliquum, Kaulf. ; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t.190 (non Willd.).—Tropical America. 8. A. Wilsoni, Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 72 A; Lowe’s Ferns, 8, t.16; Hook. Fil. Exot. t. 14.—Jamaica. 9, A. macrophyllum, Sw.; Hook. ct Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 182; ‘Hook. Fil. Hxot, ¢. 55.—Tropical America. 4, Monosoratum group. Fronds uniformly bipinnate. 10. A, villosum, Linn.; Schk. Fil. t. 120, A. varium, Pres! ; Lowe’s Ferns, 3, t. 18.—Tropical America, 184. FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. 11. A. pulverulentum, Linn.; (Plum. Fil. t. 55); Schk. Fil. t. 119; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 17. A. monosoratum, Willd. Var.—Fronds small, pink when young —A.rigidam, Iori. Berol. Var.—Fvonds small, green when young.—A. tetra- phyllum, Hort. Berol.—Tropical America, 5. Prionophyllum group. 12, A. intermedium, Sw.; Lowe's Ferns, 3, & 20. A, Brasilicnse, Link (non Radd.). A, triangulatum, Kaulf. ; Klotz—Tropical America, 13. A. prionophyllum, H.B K. A. tetraphyllum, Willd— Tropical America, 14, A, fovearum, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 77.—Brazil. 6. Trapeziforme group. Fronds large, tripinnate ; pinne: distant, alternate. 15. A. subcordatum, Sw.; A. betulinum, Kawlf. A. trun- catum, Radd. Fil. Bras. t. 78, f. 1—Brazil. 16. A. trapeziforme, Linn. A. rhomboideum, Schk. Fil. t, 122,— West Indies and Tropical America. 17. A. pentadactylon, Lang. et Fisch. Ic. Fil. t.25; Hook. et Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 98.—Brazil. 18. A. Mathewsianum, Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 84 4.—Peru. 19. A. cultratum, J. Sm.; Lowe's Ferns, 8, t. 21; Moore, in Gard. Chron. (1855), p. 660.—Tropical America. 20, A. curvatum, Kauif.; Hook. Sp. Fil, 2, t. 84 C. Lowe's Ferns, 8, ¢. 6.—Brazil. 21. A. polyphyllum, Willd.; Hook. Gard. Ferns, #12. A. cardiochlena, Kunze; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 83 A— Tropical America. 22. A. cristatum, Linn. ; Jacq. Ic. Rar. t. 646; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 22.—West Indies, AN ENUMERATION OF CULTIVATED FERNS, 185 23, A. Feei, Moore. A. flexuosum, Hack, 2nd Cent. Ferns, t, 61,—Mexico, 7. Formosum group. Fronds quadripinnate, decompound, with distant alternate pinne, 24, A. Brasiliense, Rudd. Fil, Bras. t. 76.—Brazil, 25. A. Wilesianum, IZook. Sp. Fil, 2, t.83 C; Lowe's New Ferns, t. 29.—Jamaica. 26. A. affine, Willd. A. trapeziforme, Forst. (non Linn.); Schk. Fil. t. 121 B.—New Zealand. 27. A. Cunninghami, Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 86 A; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 12.—New Zealand. 28. A. formosum, RB. Br.; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t.88 B; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 11.—New Holland and New Zealand. 8. Flabellatum group. Fronds dichotomously pedate-flabellate. 29. A. flabellulatum, Zinn. (Pluk. t. 4, f. 3). A. fuscum, Retz. Obs. 2, 4 5. A. amcenum, Wall.; Hook. e Grev. Ic. Fil. t. 103.—East Indies. 30. A. patens, Willd.; Hook. Sp. Fil. 2, t. 87 A.—Tropical America. 31. A. pedatum, Linn. ; Schk. Fil. t.115; Lowe's Ferns, 3, t. 14.—North America, North Africa. 32. A. hispidulum, Sw. o—— 1, Pretiminary Revanss. AVING given an account of how the Exotic Ferns of the preceding enumeration haye been introduced to this country, I shall now proceed to state the best means for growing and preserving them in our collections; and as the successful cultivation of Ferns depends much upon a knowledge of the con- ditions under which they grow in their native country, I begin with a few observations on that point. Ferns have already been spoken of as favourites with the plant-loving public; but it is not simply on their merits as pretty and interesting objects that they claim attention. Geology reveals to us that Coal— that source of our domestic comforts and national greatness—is formed chiefly of Ferns, which at some remote period grew upon the earth. However, this is not the place to discuss the views and speculative theories regarding the thermal and gaseous condition of the earth and atmosphere, under which Ferns then flourished, or to reason on the manner by which they were converted into coal. I may simply remark that fossil remains show, that contemporaneous with Ferns grew plants of remarkable character, quite 336 FERNS: BRiYYécl AND FOREIGN. distinct from those of the present era. Not so the Ferns, for their beautiful and well-preserved remains show that their fronds were of various sizes and forms, in every way analogous to the present race; having free and anastomosing venation, round and lincar fructification, aad, in some instances, almost identical with species now living. At present, Ferns rank amongst the widest spread of all the orders of the vegetable kingdom, being found in more or less number in all climates, between the most northern and southern limits of vegetable life, and at elevations ranging from the sea-level to 14-15,000 feet within the tropics, their number in any localities being generally in proportion to the degree of atmospheric moisture in conjunction with elevation, the latter applying specially to the interior of continents. Comparatively few spccies are found in open, grassy, thinly-wooded countries, whether it be the plain or mountain-slope ; such districts are often in full possession of the most gregarious and abundant of all Ferns, the common Brake (Pteris aquilina), which, under slightly different forms, and in some countries accompanied by different species of Gleichenia, occupy vast tracts of the earth’s surface. In hot and moist plains, in valleys of great extent, the number of different species are few; even in the valley of the Amazon, teeming as it does witn vegetable life, the number of Ferns found by Dr. Spruce after he left the coast Flora, at Para, in his journey of 2,000 miles, were very fow. They became more numerous on attaining an elevation of 1,500 feet, and in one locality, at a higher elevation, he found 250 species in a diameter of fifty miles. ancther extensive tract with but few Ferns is tha CULTIVATION. 337 ary zone of Northern Africa, and few have as yet been recorded from the interior of Australia; while, on the contrary, on elevated coast-ridges and islands, they form a large proportion of the entire Flora. They are the most numerous, both in regard to genera and species, in the tropical regions, where, too, a greater number of individual plants are to be found than in temperate regions.* On reviewing the above, it may readily be supposed that the varied influences under which Exotic Ferns naturally grow, necessitate various kinds of treatment for cultivating and preserving them in this country ; but such is not the case. As might be expected, our native representatives (although only forty-two in number) have received special attention. We have Fern Tourists in plenty; almost every spot of our country, where are conditions congenial to their development, has become more or less familiar to those who take an interest in their study—in the damp shady glen, the wildest wood, banks of streams, mountain-sides, whether it be in their sheltered easy slopes, or in the almost inaccessible craggy steeps. Indeed, so diligently have the Fern explorings been carried on, that numerous curious and _ beautiful varieties, highly prized in our gardens, have been found. But, however laudable and agreeable Fern- growing may be, yet it is to be regretted that it leads to the extinction of some of our rarest native species. Even the more common are becoming scarce in locali- ties within easy reach; great quantities being yearly * Want of space prevents me entering more fuily into the Instory of geographical distribution. 2 338 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. consigned to the London markets. Since Ferns have become so popular, those who patronize horticulture. from the members of the upper classes who construct large hothouses, to the humbler patron, or the hard- working mechanic who prides himself on his posses- sion of a Wardian case, are desirous to obtain such information as will enable them to cultivate them successfully, either in the Conservatory, Wardian case, or Rockwork in the open air. To supply this, several books on the subject have been published. Indeed, if an example may be taken, besides the extraordinary degree of familiarity so rapidly attained in the knowledge of Ferns by all classes, the constant increase of collections gives sufficient evidence. Nevertheless, in publications which, through their cheapness, are within the reach of every Fern lover, frequent complaints are met with, tending to show that the result is not always satisfactory to the culti- vator, especially among amateurs and persons of small means. These complaints are mainly attri- butable to the author not familiarizing his readers sufficiently with the habits of Ferns, the conditions under which they luxuriate in their native localities, and the necessity of imitating those conditions as far as practicable. It is, however, gratifying to observe that, in the progress of horticulture, the knowledge of the natural conditions of plants is more and more sought after, and appreciated with very good results, fcrming a lively contrast with the old times, when the Trichomanes vadicans could only with difficulty be kept alive even by the most eminent horticulturists ; a fact observed by the originator and promoter of the Wardian case system, under which this shade and CULTIVATION. 839 moisture-loving Fern stands pre-eminent, even sur- passing in size and luxuriance those in their native retreats. A familiar example of opposite nature to the preceding is our native species Aspleniwm septen- trionale, confined to northern localities, generally growing on rocks and insinuating its delicate roots in ‘the deep crevices and among the débris of irregular shelvings and prominences, not receiving any apparent injury from the rigour of winter or the scorching heat of summer. Although such is its hardy nature, it nevertheless does not flourish when taken from its native rocks and brought under artificial cultivation. What has been stated regarding the shade and moisture-loving Trichomanes, and the rock-loving Asplenia, may be viewed as the extremes in the nature of those Ferns that do not readily conform to ordinary cultivation; but, on the other hand, the greater number are not particular in their choice of place of growth, either in a wild state or under cultivation. Examples may be cited of species conforming to the most untoward and varying influences; for instance, the common hart’s-tongue Fern (Scolopendriumvulgare) maintains itself in situations of the most opposite kind, having great predilection for the works of man, whether elevated in the air or sunk below the surface of the earth; such as stone, brick, or turf walls, embankments, hedge-banks and road-sides, pits, quarries, or deep open wells. In either place it multi- plies freely, conforming itself to the various atmo- spheric changes to which those situations are liable. Such being the case, it is not surprising to find it assume different sizes and forms; in dry places it is only a few inches in height, while in open wells, such Zz 2 340 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. as may be seen in some of the nurseries and markets gardens near London, it produces fronds 2-3 feet in length. The Asplenium Trichomanes, A. Ruta-muraria, Ceterach officinarum, and Polypodium vulgare, are also wall and tombstone-lovers, and may be called our domestic Ferns. Another remarkable example of a Fern making itself at home under extremes of temperature and moisture, is Pteris longifolia, a species having a wide range throughout the tropical and sub-tropical regions of both hemispheres. On the island of Ischia (Bay of Naples) it is found luxuriating within the influence of the hot vapours rising out of the cavities left by extinct volcanoes, growing in soft muddy soil at a temperature ranging from 140° to 160° In our hothouses its spores vegetate abundantly upon all moist surfaces, and in the crevices of brick walls. Plants of it are nearly always to be found over the openings of hot-water tanks, and it has been seen in crevices of the walls outside hothouses, or even under iron gratings, where it could receive but little light, and where the temperature was often near the freezing-point. In the dry air of the Cactus-house plants of it have produced fronds from 2-8 feet in length. In general the fronds of Ferns remain long’ in a perfect state; the exceptions to this rule are com- paratively few, and these are chiefly supplied by the natives of climates alternating with seasons of heat and cold. But as many species are wanderers and conform to the effects of various climates, it is no wonder to see some of our native Ferns assuming the evergreen habit of their foreign allies, when CULTIVATION, 341 grown in a temperate house ; of which Polystichwm aculeatum, Lastrea dilatata, and L. Filiz-mas may be cited as examples, as also Asplenium marinum. In 1820 I found plants of it, having fronds from 2-4 inches in length, growing in a cave facing the German Ocean, on the east coast of Scotland ; of these, two plants have been grown at Kew from that time; of late years, one in the Temperate and the other in the Tropical House. These became fine cespitose plants, with fronds varying from 1-1} foot in length; the greatest length being attained by the plant in the Tropical House, even assuming the character of a species native of the West Indies and Tropical America, and quite unlike the original plant; thus showing that although at home in the cold, sunless cave, it can well appreciate a better fed and warmer abode. Exceptions to this rule are some alpine species, Ferns in that respect being analogous to our ill success in growing many alpine flowering plants. This is no doubt partly owing to the difference of atmospheric density, and the varying influences of temperature and moisture common to the sea-level of this climate. The species of cold climates truly deciduous, produce their fronds from an underground creeping sarmentum, of which Pieris aquilina, Sttolobium pwnetilobium, Onoclea sensibilis, Anchistea virginica, Lorinseria arev- lata, Leucostegia immersa, and Phegopteris aurita are the principal examples. On the other hand, instances of tropical species periodically losing their fronds without any apparent cause, such as by undue excess of heat and moisture, are Phymatodes oxyloba, Pleuridium pulmatum, P. venustum, Drynaria propmqua, several 342 FERNS! BRITISH AND FOREIGN. species of Davallia, and a few others. Their rhizomes remain perfectly naked during the winter, and seem to be constituted for a season of dry rest. These obversations are sufficient to show how certain species will grow under the most opposite conditions, and that a knowledge of them materially assists our efforts of cultivation, which I shall pro- ceed to treat of under two heads,—special and natural, If. Specrar on Por Curtrvation. ITH the exception of those species sufficiently hardy to bear the cold of this climate, the whole family of Ferns can be artificially and most luxuriantly grown, under but two different scales of temperature, and with as little difference in other respects. There can be no better instance than that afforded by the immense collection nowat Kew,* where, in the Tropical Fern-house, a great many species from various climates are placed under an average tempera- ture of 60° to 70°. In this houset are species from nearly all the tropical and sub-tropical countries of the world, and, being in one compartment, they are all alike subject to the same amount of atmo- spheric moisture as of heat. However, in respect to moisture supplied to their roots, the amount is varied according to the nature and require- ments of the plant. The same remarks apply to the Temperate House, of course with a reduction * May 1864. + Length 130 feet, width 84 feet. CULTIVATION. 843 of noisture as well as temperature, the latter ranging from 40° to 50° in winter, that being the only period of the year when artificial heat is required. In this house* are growing, in the greatest luxuriance, species from Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, North India, elevated portions of Ceylon, South Africa, North and South America, and other elevated regions within the tropics. The whole collection is grown in common deep or shallow pots, pans, and tubs; the latter, however, are only used for the large species of Tree Ferns and Angiopteris ; and though such a system is the least natural in appearance, yet it is most convenient and found generally consistent with the prevailing fashion for in-door horticulture; this mode of cultivation, being mostly adopted, merits our first consideration. In the tropical and sub-tropical localities, where heat and moisture are abundant, by the manner in which they grow and the various positions they occupy, soil is of but little importance, except for affording their roots the means of obtaining permanency of position. This is evident by the remains of native soil adhering to the roots of imported plants, showing that Tree and other large Ferns in some places grow in stiff adhesive, red clay. To imitate this soil in pot culture is attended with no success, and it is remarkable to see how quickly the roots of newly-imported plants take to the fine loam and peat in which they are potted. In cultivation, how- ever, the great beneficial influence of the natural atmosphere is not obtained, and the soil is therefore of great importance, necessitating caution in its * Length 82 feet, width 13 feet, 344 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. sclection. Taking a view of the large number of Ferns now in cultivation, their requirements as regards soil, and mode of growth, we easily recognize two classes—terrestrial and epiphytal. This division is important. For the first class, by far the most ex- tensive, it is necessary to use the soil of a finer or coarser consistence, according to the delicate or stronger character of the plant. In it there is s more varied character of vernation, by which their terrestrial character is indicated and very easily recog- nized. Natural affinity of course is not taken into consideration. However, with tolerable accuracy in this respect, the genera Phegopteris, Lastrea, Ne- phrodium, Adiantum, Asplenium, and Sitolobium give examples of the chief variety of vernation indicative of the terrestrial nature ; viz.,erect, ceespitose, decumbent or sub-hypogeous, or, as in Nephrodium unitum, and N. pteroides, which, although with a true sub-scandent sarmentum, they, however, prefer the firm soil of the terrestrial group, a compost of two-thirds peat and one loam, with abundance of sand, according to the size of the plants for which it is to be used. In potting Ferns, an over-depth of soil should be avoided, as well as a great depth of drainage. The one promotes stagnancy, the other gives an oppor- tunity for the most vigorous roots to descend among its particles, and oftentimes they become too dry when the soil is apparently moist enough, and the tips of the foliage are in consequence injured, and the plant disfigured. This applies more strictly to species of small and delicate structure, such as Asplenium firmum, A. dentatum,A. decussatum, &c.,and for such the shallow pot is best adapted, the width of CULTIVATION. 345 which being considerably greater than the depth, gives a good extent of surface, and renders a dcep drainage unnecessary. Such a kind of pot, of course, is most suitable for all species of decumbent or creeping habit, and those producing rapidly a great number of offsets. The best time for repotting (or shifting, as it is termed) Ferns, more especially those of the terrestrial division, is at the end of February, or during March, as soon after that time they commence growth; but any time of the year, except winter, will suit them. The operation of potting is a matter of little difficulty, nor are the necessary utensils or materials very varied— a firm potting-bench, several different sizes broad- pointed firming-sticks, and a garden trowel. It. is also necessary to have a few extra pots of different sizes, of both the deep upright and shallow flat kinds, also a quantity of material for drainage, which may consist of broken soft brick or hard knobs of old mortar; but for general purposes, potsherds, broken into different sizes, are most commonly used, and well known by the name of “crocks.”’ The removal of the plant, with its ball of soil and roots, is readily effected by spreading the left hand over the surface of the soil, allowing the plant, when not too large, to come between the fingers; then, by inverting the plant and pot, and giving the rim of the pot a gentle but sharp tap with the right hand on the edge of the board ; if the roots are in a healthy state, the ball will slip easily out of the pot. In all cases, athorough drainage is indispensable, and to ensure this, the draining material should: be of two sizes, the larger size at the bottom, with a concave large crock over 346 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN, the hole of the pot, the concave side downwards: there should be two, three, or four holes at the side, quite at the base, made in all pots larger than eight inches in diameter, the number of holes of course according to the size of the pot. This is the more essential when the pots are placed on smooth benches, as of stone or slate, the capillary attraction between the pot and bench retaining the superfluous water, and causing much stagnancy. After properly arrang- ing the drainage, a small quantity of fibry material should be placed on it to keep the new soil from mingling with it. No plant should be repotted in a wet state, nor should it be allowed to become dry enough to cause it to flag, as this will not only give an immediate and severe check, but in giving water after it is potted, it will percolate the new soil (which should always be uscd in a moderately moist state) without entering the dry ball; if, from bad drainage or exhaustion of the soil, it has become impure, so much of it and of the old inactive roots should be removed. In such cases, as small a pot as possible should be used, which will admit the -pre-. served roots freely, being carefully laid out by the fingers amid the new soil; for if in too large a pot,. the soil becomes sour before any vigorous roots. have entered and promoted drainage, as they are tardy to perform their functions vigorously after. having been necessarily so much disturbed. However, when in a healthy and vigorous state, such space should be given it that will admit the fingers or both hands freely by its sides (according to the size of the plant) in inserting it in the new pot, where it should be so placed that its crown, if of the CULTIVATION, 347 erect vernation, will be nearly level with the rim. The soil should be carefully introduced, and made firm round the sides by pressure of the firming-stick and a few thumps of the pot (if easily handled) on the potting-bench, if not, the stick must suffice; a space of about half an inch, more or less, according to the size of the pot, should be allowed at the surface to contain as much water as would moisten the whole ball. The size of the plants will depend upon the amount of space and the number of species in the collection. For an amateur’s collection in a small house, very fair specimens may be grown in pots from eight to twelve inches in diameter, after the shift into the largest-sized pot, and with good management the plant will not require any repotting for two or three years. By that time the running and cespitose kinds, such as Adiantum and Gleichenia, will have become exhausted in the centre ; the ball will, therefore, require divisio:9 by passing a sharp knife through it, taking care not to injure the young growths next the sides of the pot ; the most healthy portions to be selected for repotting, to become the new representative plant of the collec- tion; and, if proper care is taken, the fronds will suffer but little injury. In operations of this kind, some gardeners entirely shake out the soil, cut away the whole of the fronds and roots, in order to make the plant, they say, come up strong. This may not do much injury to certain plants, such as bulbs, tubers, fuchsias, and such-like plants that rest in winter; but for Ferns it is a great mistake; it so weakens the plant that it takes a year or more to be worth looking at, and, indeed, some never recover. In Adiantuin 348 TERNS: BRIVISH AND FORKIGN. and other genera, the roots are naturally of a dark, or even quite black colour, and it is known to have been cousidered by some cultivators, not well versed in the nature of Ferns, as dead, and accordingly they are totally removed, even although with evidence of the plant being healthy and vigorous. The healthy state of the plant is readily explained, for on examining the nume- rous points of the black roots, each will be seen to be of a pale colour, which are the active feeders of the. plant ; and, in shifting, great care should be taken not to bruise or injure them. The same directions apply to the gigantic Tree Ferns and species of Angiopteris. The soil for them, however, should be of a coarser nature when of a size to require the largest-sized pots or tubs; in no case is it desirable to give more than three inches extra space at one shift, even in the largest pot or tub. In all pots above one foot in diameter, the drainage should be elevated in the centre. When the shift is large, an inverted pot should be placed in the new pot, placing a layer of drainage round it, the height of the pot to be such that the crocks of the old ball (which must not be taken out) rest on the top of the new drainage or pot. By this the outer circle of bottom roots are not pressed together, or crushed by the weight of the ball, which is sure to be the case when the ball is set on a level surface, it also keeps the ball to its proper height. This'mode of drainage has been the constant practice at Kew with all large shifts, not only for Ferns but Proteacece and all fine fibrous-rooted plants, the nature of which is to extend outwards and downwards through the new soil, ultimately forming a web of roots against the sides of the pot. In the ordinary ' CULT:VATION. 849 practice of potting, it is a rule with many gardeners to remove all the old drainage crocks, the centre thus becomes a mass of soil, which in time becomes com- pact, inert, and useless, liable to become stagnant, and in time causing the plant to sicken. This is avoided by preparing and retaining the old drainage. This mode of drainage is, however, only necessary for plants required to be permanent in botanical collec- tions. Its utility in prolonging life is verified by some yet existing plants of Proteacee at Kew, some of which are forty, and others above sixty years of age. What has here been stated may be considered as a general rule for the greater number of the Fern family, such as are usually found in ordinary collec- tions of a hundred species, more or less. But in this extensive family there are many possessing some pecu- liar nature, and a few examples of these require to be specially noticed. The group which has been termed LEpiphytal, consists of the genera Davallia, Goniophlebium, Drynaria, Phymatodes, Pleuridium, Platycerium, Lo- mariopsis, Polybotrya, and others of like habit, charac- terized by a true and highly-developed rhizome or sarmentum, generally creeping, and adhering by their fine fibrous roots to the surface on which they grow. Their positions in their natural homes are generally on more or less perpendicular surfaces of moist and shaded places of rocks or ordinary soil, where decomposing vegetable matter abounds as a surfacing. They are often found on trees, and with many species of Polybotrya and Lomariopsis this seems to be their true position, and often by their vigorous growth, the trees are clothed with them in 350 FERNS! BRITISH AND FOREIGN, the manner of our common ivy. It will be under- stood by this that an open loose soil is essential for the whole group; good fibry peat is therefore all that can he desired, and on account of their creeping habit, as great an extent of its surface as possible is necessary to be gained in potting. To this end the shallow pan is indispensable; by an ordinary deep pot being inverted in the pan and covered with a layer of peat, of a thickness according to the size of the pan or pot used (at a proportion of two inches thickness for a pan of one foot diameter) carried up over the inverted pot in a conical form, the whole pressed firmly together. The rhizomes are fixed to its surface by pegs, and they will soon attach them- selves by their own roots. The height of the cone will be according to the character of the plants; for Pleopeltis, Anapeltis, Niphobolus, &c., a cone of from 6-10 inches high, with a base from 1 to 1} foot in width, will make handsome specimens. The genus Oleandra comes under Lpiphytal, the rhizomes elon- gating rapidly, and in their natural places adhering to trees and moist rocks. O. neriiformis is, however, truly terrestrial, producing roots from its woody erect rhizome after ascending a few inches from the soil. The other species in cultivation, however, cannot be well suited by the conical mode, or being trained on straight sticks. An open netted wire cylinder, about three feet high, and about six inches diameter, answers the purpose exceedingly well. The cylinder is filled with peat, and by fixing the rhizomes round the bottom of the cylinder, the roots will soon adhere to the peat through the meshes, which being kept moist, a rapid growth is stimulated, and the cylinder soon CULTIVATION. $e] becomes furnished with beautiful projecting fronds. Ifa greater height is desired, another cylinder may be added to the first. This mode is equally useful for Stenochlena, Polybotrya, Lomariopsis, &c. In respect to species in which the rhizomes elongate slowly, the upper part of the cylinder is bare and unsightly for a time. This may be obviated by having a short cylinder and heighten it by adding short lengths when required. The genus Elaphoglossum is generally epiphytal, and as some of its larger growing species, such as HV. callee- folium and EH. latifolium, being decumbent cespitose in vernation, it is not necessary to have the soil raised much above the rim of the pot, which should be of the flat kind, and three inches depth of soil is quite sufficient. Many smaller species of this genus are most lovely objects, and some of them are not yet in cultivation. Of the whole Fern Family the Platycerium may be considered the most grand, beautiful, and extraordinary; and it is thoroughly typical of this epiphytal group. Its natural position of growth is ‘sometimes on moist rocks, but usually on the trunks and larger branches of trees. The spores becoming ‘lodged there, germinate, and, sending out spongy ‘fibrils, a little plant, like a circular disk, adhering to ‘the tree, analogous to a foliaceous lichen, is formed, each succeeding disk (frond) becoming larger and ‘overlapping the preceding one. In time the older ones loose their vitality, and by this mode of growth envelop, or nearly so, that portion of the tree whereon they grow in a dense, thick, spongy mass, among which ‘the roots insinuate themselves and receive nourishment. ‘As equivalent to this, in cultivation blocks of wood are mostly used ; but they are objectionable from their O52 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. constant liability to breed fungi and harbour insects. On that account pots are preferable, not of the ordi- nary shape, but with less difference in the diameter at the base than at the top, and with a wide opening at the side, extending about a third of its diameter from the rim down to within a sixth of its depth from the base (this will leave the pot in much the same form asascoop). Thorough drainage should be given, and a material of very fibry peat will suit. The crown of the plant should be placed about the centre of the side opening from where the fronds will be produced. In time, the sterile fronds will spread in all directions, but mostly upwards, and quickly obscure the pot, and the fertile ones will hang loosely downwards. : Their position in the house should be elevated, and, if possible, against a wall or partition. Platycerium alcicorne increasing rapidly by offsets, requires a considerable extent of surface ; consequently rough sandy peat, arranged in a conical manner on a shallow pot, to which the plants will soon attach themselves, is most suitable, and which, if fancy leads, may be suspended from the roof of the house by a strong wire. For the large-growing species of Drynaria, Gonio- ahlebium, and Phlebodium, it is not necessary to raise the soil much above the level of the pot; their fleshy rhizomes soon reach the margin, to which they cling, and if standing on a moist surface, or near water, they creep down the sides of the pot. In Davallia pyxidata, D. ornata, and others, the rhizomes are what may be termed aérial, rising con- siderably above the soil, often extending to a distance beyond the edge of the pot, and, as they in these tases do not produce roots, the rhizomes in timo CULTIVATION. 863 {threw or four years) become weak, producing small fronds ; it therefore becomes necessary to remove the older parts and re-pot the younger portions in fresh soil. Very interesting and natural examples may alsc be had by placing common cylindrical red chimney- pots or drain-pipes in a pan wider by two inches than the base of the cylinder,—this space to be filled with soil and planted; the rhizomes will soon become attached to the surface of the cylinder and in time will cover the whole, forming a handsome pillar of fronds. In order to maintain a proper degree of moisture, a pan of water may be fixed inside the cylinder, and if a piece of woollen cloth is placed in the water, in contact with the cylinder, a constant moisture will be kept up congenial to the plants. The top of the cylinder is also useful for placing on it some of the pendulous species; for instance, Phymatodes geminata, Goniophlebium dissimile, G. nertifolium, Campyloneuron angustifolium, Hlaphoglos- sum Herminiert. In Schellolepis subauriculata and S. verrucosa the fronds are long and pendulous; this necessitates the plants being placed in an elevated position, such as suspended from the roof of the house in shallow wire baskets, the inside of which should have a lining of sphagnum moss, which assists to retain moisture, and also gives a clean and neat appearance. Plants of these two species thus treated have at Kew produced fronds 12 feet in length, hanging down in a very graceful manner. There are several other Epiphytes of special interest, such as the species of Vittarix and Haplopteris, which hang down from trees lke . 2A B54 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. bunches of grass, as also the remarkable Ophioglossui pendulum, which may be likened to ribands or bands hanging loose and waving with the wind, often many feet in length. These plants succeed in a small quantity of soil, firmly fixed in pots, with pieces of soft stone or potsherds, and the pot hung against a shady wall or pillar. For this purpose the pot should have a flat back, with the front rim lower than the back, so as to allow the fronds to hang quite free of the pot. Neottopteris Australasica, and a few Aspleniums nearly allied, such as A. sinuatum and A. crenulatum, of precisely the same mode of growth, are of erect fasciculate vernation. Their roots being of peculiar mossy and delicate nature, they are not adapted for deep insinuation of stiff soil, but are rather what may be termed aérial. Two-thirds of their mass is produccd above the surface of the svil. Substantial but open material is therefore required, of very rough, fibry peat, and porous, broken bricks, or soft sandstone, in equal parts; very little pot- room is necessary; a shallow pot of 18 inches diameter, with such material, will support a plant of two dozen fronds, and none less than 3 feet 6 inches long and 8 inches broad, with a stem a foot high, and as much through, principally composed of its mossy roots forming a spongy mass. As an instance of the long life under regular treatment may be cited the original plant or Neottopteris Australasica, which was imported in 1825, and is now (1864) -a magnificent plant, in perfect health, having received but few shifts the whole of the forty years, This is, however, far surpassed in size by tho ng CULTIVATION. 855 nificent Neottopteris muscefolia, which is described by a Penang correspondent in the following words :—* I _ saw two fine specimens of the Birds’-nest Fern ; each had between forty and fifty perfect green leaves; the average length of the leaves was six feet, and from one foot to fourteen inches across in the broadest pas, They were growing on each side of a doorway; when I was walking up to them I thought they were American Aloes.” ; The remarks that have been previously made _respecting the nature of the rock-loving Asplenic are equally applicable to others that inhabit rocky placcs, such as certain species of the genera Notholena, Myriopteris, Cheilanthes, &c.; some are rocky-coast plants, others are mountain, being found in elevated situations within or near the tropics, where they are subject to the heaviest showers and most powerful sun, their surfaces being generally furnished with beautiful scales or woolly covering, which resist in a great measure the action of the sun. They all seem _ very impatient of moisture under cultivation, especially in winter. A material composed of finely-broken and mixed sandstone, bricks, old mortar, and a small quantity of sandy loam, suits them, placed ina position of the coolest shade, with abundance of moisture in summer, and in winter very little water, just sufficient to keep the soil slightly moist ; a couxparatively dry atmosphere and ag much light as may be obtainable at that dull season, with a temperature not below 36°. As a general rule, the above may be considered appli- cable to all small-growing rock species of temperate _regions, including the natives of this country. The species of the genus Gymnogramma, especially those 24 2 356 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. with farinose fronds, commonly called Gold and Silver Ferns, are also very susceptible of moisture ; they should never be syringed, or water allowed to fall on their fronds, as the farina, being loose, is disturbed by the water, and running down, gives the appearance as if the plants were smeared with dust. They, however, differ from the preceding, requiring more light, and the temperature of the Tropical House. The species of Gymnogramma vary very much in habit, as regards size and circumscription of the fronds, G. trifoliata having fronds from three to four feet high, while in G. cherophylla and G. leptophylla they are fragile, and average from two to six inches in length. These two species are peculiar in being, with the exception of Ceratopteris thalictroides, the only known truly annual Ferns. G. cherophylla grows freely ; its spores vege- tate abundantly throughout the house, often as a weed. G. leptophylla is, however, not so free in its growth. When its fronds decay, the pot should be covered with a piece of glass, and put in a dry place until the proper season arrives in- spring, when the application of moisture will cause the latent spores to vegetate. (4. flexuosa differs from the whole of the genus in having prelonging fronds, which climb in a rambling manner over bushes, like those of Lygo- dium, noticed in another page: it will probably here- after form the type of a distinct genus. The beautiful genus Lindscea, of which no less than sixty species are described in Hooker’s “Species Filicum,” are, with few exceptions, natives of the tropics of both hemi- spheres; in my Catalogue of 1857, only two species are recorded as being cultivated; but, within these few years, the number has increased to fourteen, the greater CULTIVATION. 357 part having been introduccd from Guiana by Mr. Backhouse, of York, and on account of their slow increase, plants of them are yet very rare: they are natives of generally the lower regions of tropical vege- tation, growing in open places amongst herbage of small plants and grass, or on the skirts of woods, and sometimes under the shade of trees, the soil being very poor, sometimes almost nothing but sand or stony débris, in which their sarmentums are partially hypogeous, the soil and air never being much below the temperature of 80°, and although almost daily subject to the influence of tropical thunder-showers, yet, on account of the nature of the soil, the surface is never over saturated. Finding that they do not flourish underthe medium temperature of a Tropical Fern House, it therefore is necessary that a special part of the house, on the principle of a Wardian Case, should be adapted, so that a moist air of 80° may be steadily maintained, and the plants occasionally sprinkled overhead, taking care that no superfluity remain in the soil, which should be no more than moist. Like Lindscea, the curious and interesting genus Schizea does not readily conform to cultivation; plants of Schizcea elegans have often been freely im- ported from Trinidad, and although tried in various ways in high and moderate temperatures, it cannot be said they have yet become established. Under the Wardian Case, the native imported fronds remain for a considerable time fresh, and sometimes new fronds show themselves, but fail to’‘come to maturity. Ina letter lately received from Mr. Prestoe, in Trinidad, he informs me that the Schizwa elegans grows in solitary patches in loamy soil, covered with threo or for 358 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. inches of leaf soil, in company with Adiantum and other Ferns, as well as much Cyperacee, the whole forming a dense undergrowth in woods. From this it. appears there is no great peculiarity from other Ferns as to its place of growth, and that our ill success arises in consequence of the nature of the plant, being. difficult to re-establish after being taken from its native soil, of which there are many instances; the common Péeris aquilina being a familiar example. The numerous aud beautiful species of Hymeno- phytle, called Filmy Ferns, merit particular attention. They are natives of both tropical and temperate regions, and where they abound are generally found in shady moist woods, clothing the lower parts of the trunks of trees, especially Tree Ferns, or on dripping rocks, or surface-soil of the deepest ravines, rarely in exposed situations. In order to surround them with a moist atmosphere, adaptations must be resorted to, such as moveable cases upon the Wardian principle, hereafter to be described, and which are essentially. necessary for the cultivation of this delicate tribe. Such, indeed, is their delicacy, that if once allowed to betome dry on the surface of their fronds for any length of time, a rusty and shrivelled appearance will soon follow. Having, as already stated, succeeded in cultivating Trichomanes radicans, it becomes obvious that other species could also be made subservient to cultivation ; of which there is ample evidence to be seen at Kew, where there are forty cascs* of different sizes, arranged on a stone shelf on the north side of the large Fern House, in such a position that they * May, 1864. CULTIVATION. . 359: receive but little stm in winter, and are densely shaded: in summer, all filled with patches of fine fronds, of a number of different species, varying from the delicate. hair-like Trichomanes tricoidewm, not more than two inches high, to the robust 7’. anceps and 7’. radicans. They are grown in square shallow pans and boxes, well drained in the ordinary way, and having about. two inches of peat soil mixed with nearly half its bulk. of sand and small broken potsherds; but soft sand- stone is best. For the creeping sorts the soil should be raised in the form of a mound, and for those that have long-extending sarmentums, if soft stone cannot be had, it is desirable to invert a pan or common deep pot, covering it with a layer of soil, as already ex- plained, to which the plant will cling, and soon form a green hillock: junks of wood answer the purpose; but in a moist, close, and warm atmosphere, fungi and insects. breed, and in a short time the wood decays, causing unnecessary disturbance of the whole mass. of the plant. The singular genus Lygodiwm, and its ally Lygo- dietyon, grow naturally in firm soils, generally amongst. trees and bushes, their wiry, flexile, climbing fronds growing over and involving everything within their reach in the most intricate complexity. In most Ferns, the whole of the divisions of the fronds are formed in the nascent or bud state, and are unfolded as the fronds elongate ; when the whole of the deve- loped parts are unfolded, the frond ceases further ex- tension. This is, however, not the case in Lygodium, Salpichlena, Pellea flexuosa, Gymnogramma flecuosa, Odontosoria aculeata, and a few others, the fronds of which are. of indefinite extension, their apices - con- 360 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN tinuing to grow and produce lateral pinne, in every way analogous to the development of branches and leaves in woody plants. The climbing and rambling nature of these plants necessitates some kind of sup- port when cultivated in pots, which may consist of open wire trellises of a cylindrical form, varying in height from three to six feet or more, which, if fixed to a pot ten to twelve inches in diameter, the plants will, with careful training, become handsome speci- mens; they are also well adapted for covering trellis against wall or pillars. The fronds of the much admired genus Gleichenia_ are also indefinite in extension, and some of the smaller species, when growing amongst bushes, assume a climbing habit; but in G. furcata, G. dichotoma, G. Cunninghami, and G. flabellata, the fronds are rigid and erect, produced from a more or less stout or slender sarmentum, which is either superficial or creeps a little below the surface of the soil; therefore shallow pans or boxes are best suited for these plants ; and with attention specimens of considerable size may be attained, as, for instance, at Kew a plant of G. flabellata measured twelve to thirteen feet in circumference and four and a half feet high, consisting of a thicket of fine fan-like fronds. It may be expected that in such an extensive family some species would be found bearing the appellation of aquatics, but such is not the case; for although many species grow in wet places, such as Osmunda regalis and Acrostichum aureum, both of which love water, but also flourish even in dry places, the only Fern really entitled to be called a water Fern being Ceratopteris thalictroides, and which is also singular CULTIVATION. 361 in another respect—in being one of the few Ferns that are only annual. It is widely dispersed throughout the tropics, growing in wet places, often flooded; its sterile, viviparous fronds floating on or below the surface of the water, as may be yearly seen in the Victoria Lily tanks at Kew. Being annual, care must be taken to preserve spores, which in the spring should be sown in a shallow pan of loamy soil made wet like mud, kept moist ; and when the plants are of sufficient size, the pan may be either filled with water, or be placed about an inch deepina tank. Acrostichum aureum is mentioned as growing in wet places; for instance, in Jamaica and other of the West-India Islands it is described as taking the place of the Kuro- pean Typha latifolia, attaining the height of seven or eight feet. By imitating its natural condition, placing it in a pan of water, or in a tank, specimens have been grown at Kew to the height of six feet; but although it enjoys and luxuriates in water, it also grows in dry places, its height then not exceeding one to two feet, and often with simple fronds. The delicately beautiful Selaginellas, on account of the large share of notice they receive and meet from the admirers of the Cryptogamic family, deserve here an especial notice. Originally the species were included under Lycopodium ; but have been separated on account of differing in the character of their spore-cases. The species are numerous, and their habit and free growth mark them as a very distinct group from true Lycopodium. With a knowledge of a few species, two very distinct modes of growth are easily understood ; the upright or climbing ones, such as 8. Africana and 8. filicina, are examples, and the 862 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. decumbent or creeping species, such as 8. serpens, S. uncinata, S. Galiottit, &c., are examples. The latter delight in a light soil, composed of fibry peat and well-decomposéd leaf-soil, free from pieces of wood (as it generates fungi), with a little sand inter- mixed, and require a depth of only about two inches in ordinary round pans, with ample drainage. If, however, good specimens are desirable, with an arrangement on a bench or low shelf, square pans about twice their height at the back as in front, are in every way preferable, and as at Kew, arranged alter- nately with the cases of Hymenophylle, with which they harmonize. The former-mentioned species, on account of their robust habit and strong rooting cha-, racter, require the shallow pot, and a similar soil as for the last, but with a small proportion of light loam. The magnificent Selaginella levigata, if supported by wires against a wall, becomes, in a remarkably short time, the loveliest object to be found in a Fernery. The species of the Iosulate section differ from the rest of the genus in having erect, fasciculate vernation, the frondules rising froma central developing axis, and, as in S. lepidophylla, spreading out nearly horizontal, and overlapping one another, forming a beautiful green rosette, about six inches in diameter; when dry, they turn upwards and inwards in an inyolute manner, the whole mass of the plant thus forming a firm ball, which, on becoming moist, again expands; and even perfectly dead plants, when expanded, seem as if alive. In that respect being analogous to that of the insig- nificant cruciferous plant called the Rose of Jericho (Anastatica hierochuntica): hence the balls of this Selaginella are frequently met with in curiosity-shops CULTIVATION. | 363 ander the above name. This hygrometric property seems to indicate that this and its allied species are subjected to occasional drought in their native localities. But although they may frequently undergo this pro- cess in nature with impunity, it is, however, not desirous to be too often repeated on plants artificially cultivated. Shallow pots, four to five inches in diameter, best suit this section; and being firm holders, it is necessary to insert pieces of soft sand- stone or potsherds amongst the shallow soil, so as to fix the plant firmly in the pot. The extremely delicate nature of the tissue of these little plants neces- sitates. that a position the shadiest and moistest in a Fernery should be assigned to them. S. Willdenovii, S. filicina, and others are termed deciduous from their fronds decaying altogether in the early spring; new fronds, however, soon begin to grow. The species of true Lycopodiwm are also numerous, some being terrestrial and others epiphytal, hanging from the trees like various-sized cord, one to four feet in length, Of the terrestrial, five are natives of thiscountry ; they, as well as several beautiful species that have from time to time been introduced from North America, refuse to become domesticated under ordinary treat- ment; to which must be added the wide-spread and beautiful tropical species L. cernwum. Equal ill success attends the epiphytal species ; for although frequently imported, they are yet but poorly represented in our collections ; they adhere to trees by producing many fibrous roots, which ultimately become a large spongy mass. . The extra height of roof required for the growing of good examples of Tree Ferns excludes them from many 864 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. amateur collections. This has also been the case at Kew for the last twenty years, especially as regards Tropical Tree Ferns, many fine plants succumbing to the make-shifts that of necessity had to be resorted to after they had attained a certain height ; but by beginning with young plants, they may be grown fora number of years in houses of the usual average height of ten to twelve feet, as also the large fronded trce- like Lastrea villosa, Litobrochia podophylla, Aspleniwm striatum, Hemidictyon marginatum, and many others of like habit. The latter, at Kew, in a 20-inch pot, produced beautiful fronds, seven feet in height, and which might, with encouragement, soon be made to produce them equal to those of native growth—fourteen feet. But in order to get rid of the inconvenient and unsightly look of large pots and tubs, it is best to adopt for these plants the system of natural cultivation explained further on. In the “ Species Filicum” about one hundred and twenty species of Tree Ferns are described; but, according to Mr. Moore’s “Index Filicum,” the number amounts to nearly two hundred. They are widely distributed, chiefly within the tropics. They love shade and solitude, and are generally found at elevations of from three thousand to five thousand feet in the humid regions. In the southern hemisphere they, however, extend much beyond the tropics, their southern limits being New Zealand, Norfolk Island, New South Wales, and Tasmania, where they grow at a lower elevation than within the tropics. On Mount Wellington, in the latter island, Dicksonia Antarctica is found in the greatest abundance, at an elevation of from one thousand five hundred to two thousand J CULTLVALION. 869 feet, attaming the height of from eightecn to twenty feet, growing only in damp places, generally gullies, where the sun rarely penetrates, and where they aro sometimes covered with snow, and in summer the atmosphere loaded with vapour. This suggests that, with proper selection of situations, they might live in the open air in the south and west of England, as also the mild climate of Argyleshire, where shaded ravines and gullies may be found similar to those of Mount Wellington. With few exceptions, Tree Ferns readily conform to cultivation. Alsophila capensis, A. excelsa, A. Australis, Cyathea deulbata, C. medullaris, Dicksonia antaretica, and D. squarrosa, grow freely in the Temperate House ; the lofty Alsophila glauca, the beautiful tessellated stem of Cyathea arborea, with its crown of fine fronds, and the broad shining fronds of Hemitelia horrida, assume a grand appearance in the Tropical House. In general, the stems of Tree Ferns are of sufficient size to warrant the name of trees; but in many the thickness is more apparent than real, the diameter of the woody centre being often only a few inches, but in many cases covered with successive productions of out-growing aérial roots, which become hard and wiry, and by their interlacing, form a com- pact mass; the points of these roots are, however, the active feeders, and if a layer of fresh soil is occasion- ally placed round the base of the stem, their growth will be promoted, and vigour given to the plant. The most fastidious Tree Fern to cultivate is Dicksonia arborescens, anative of St. Helena. It was first intro- duced to this country in 1786, and many times since, but refuses to become established, either in a tropical 366 FERNS: BRITISH AND FORBICN. or temperate house. This species, as well as the whole of the species of true Dicksonice, are characterized by the base of the stipes being clothed with a more or less coating of beautiful, articulated silky hairs; in some species of Cibotiwm, the quantity is so great, that in the Sandwich Islands it is collected, and ship-loads of it sent to California and Australia for stuffing cushions, beds, &c. Another remarkable species of this alliance is Cibotium Barometz, a native of China and other parts of Hastern Asia; its fronds attain the height of twelve to fourteen feet (even in this country) ; they rise from a thick decumbent caudex, which is densely covered with silky hairs; as above described ; lying on the ground, it has the appearance of a woolly- clad animal. The stories told about it to early travellers led them to describe it as an animal with flesh and blood, but fixed to one position, from which it never moves; hence the story of the now fabulous Barometz, or Vegetable Lamb. This plant is of easy cultivation ; if placed on soil slightly raised, a few years’ growth will produce very good specimens of the “ Lamb.” The rare Schizoceena sinuata is an exception to the general rule that characterizes Tree Ferns, the stem being slender, not exceeding an inch in thickness, attaining the height of three or four feet, and bearing a fascicle of simple fronds. This remarkable Fern is a native of Ceylon; it grows in shady places in woods where a degree of coolness prevails. A few years ago plants of it were received at Kew, and it was found necessary to place them in a large Wardian Case, ir in which they flourished. Although the plants belonging to the order Murat- tiavee are ranked with Ferns, they nevertheless differ CULTIVATION, 367 much inhabit, chiefly as regards the nature of the roots, which are thickened and fleshy, and generally pene- trating deeply into firm soil. In their general character they present much resemblance to the roots of Cycadee, Cyclanthee,and other allied endogens; also in venation the remarkable genus Stangertaconnects them through Dana with Cycadee ; and their compound fronds are represented in the same family through the new genus Bowenia. The species of Marattia and Angiopteris grow freely in a loamy soil, requiring plenty of water. Some species of Angiopteris require amuch space, for although the caudex does not rise much above the ground, yet a’ plant at Kew produced fronds that reached the height of twelve feet, spreading outwards, forming a diameter of thirty-four feet. The species of Danea and Kaulfussii are, however, not such free growers; they require a moist and high temperature. I have now gone through a few of the principal genera requiring special kinds of treatment ; the next consider- ation is good management as regards temperature, watering, airing, and keeping free from insects. Much depends on the size and nature of the house ; the larger it is, the less fluctuations of temperature take place, especially in a house of the ordinary construction of glass roof and sides, whether lean-to or span. The maintenance of a proper condition of the air in plant- houses depends much on the nature of the interior fittings. White or polished, reflecting and radiating - surfacés, should be avoided as much as possible, such as iron pillars, rafters, spandrels, polished slate or smooth stone, iron or stone floors, &c. These kinds of . mater'ai are often introduced in superabundance, for 305 fERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. the purpose of giving consequence and dignity to the house, thus laying the foundation for conditions un- favourable to plants. The shelves orbenches may consist of dark-coloured porous stone or rough slate, with an edging of smooth slate two inches deep, so as to form a shallow trough, which should be filled with dark- coloured sand or fine-sifted coal-ashes, the whole pressed down, so as to form a firm smooth surface, on which the pots are to be arranged. By this means a degree of moisture will be retained more congenial to the plants than when standing on stone or slate. An edging of about three inches of Selaginella hortensis or S. denticulata gives a neat appearance, and if allowed to run between the pots, the whole becomes more con- genial than a naked surface. White sand or broken quartz is frequently used, but it soon becomes dirty, and has a harsh and dry appearance. In the arrangement of the plants some degree of order must be observed, so that every specimen plant of a species should be seen to advantage, and if the collection is extensive, and the house has different aspects as regards light and shade, then it is desirable to arrange the plants according to their habits and requirements; thus, at Kew, the division Hremobrya occupy the whole of the south side of the house ; this division being less sensitive to the effects of the sun or deficiency of water than the more extensive division Desmobrya, which, on account of their thin texture, very quickly suffer from dryness or too much exposure to the sun; therefore the north side of the house is best for them. The natural direction of the fronds is the most pleasing, whether upright, pendulous, or sprcaaing, CULTIVATION. 359 Ta the latter case, sometimes their own weight makes them fall lower than is convenient; it therefore becomes necessary to support them by inconspicuous stakes. Care must, however, be taken not to raise the fronds above their natural position, and to avoid making them have a stiff formal appearance. In “Theories of Horticulture,” it is said that abundance of hght and a free circulation of air are indispensable for the cultivation of plants under glass. In my long experience, I have found, as a rule an abundance of light and a too free circulation of air prejudicial to the good cultivation of plants in general. With regard to Ferns, they love a quiet, dull atmo- sphere ; the light afforded by a roof glazed with the ordinary transparent glass, admits fully double the amouut of light necessary during eight months of the year. Sufficient means are, however, necessary for admitting air, in order to keep down the temperature in sammer; but care must be observed in admitting it; if not, the increased ventilation in lowering the temperature will cause a rapid dispersion of the essen- tial moist atmosphere at a time when most required. Shading must then be resorted to, this being the chief purpose which it serves, besides protecting the plant’s foliage from the too powerful rays of the sun. It may consist of canvas blinds on rollers; two moderately thick ones are much better than one very thick, espe- cially when Trichomanes and Hymenophyllum aro grown ; one should be permanent during the height of the summer, the other to roll over it on occasions of full sunshine. Although canvas is here spoken of as best for shading, and is extensively used, still it is trouble- some, and in the end expensive, which makes it de. 2B 370 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. sirable to resort to some other method; such as by using several kinds of dulled or rough glass. Tn former years, the fruit and plant-houses at Kew were glazed with a very dark-green glass called Stourbridge-green, and which was patronized by the late Mr. Aiton. Fine crops of fruit were produced under it, also the tropical plants in the Botanic Garden flourished without the aid of canvas or shade of any kind. Not many years ago, solitary squares of this glass might be seen in the roofs of the old hot-hcuses, which strongly ccntrasted with the modern clear glass. My experience with this glass led me to recommend green glass for the Palm House, which was adopted ; but the modern-made green tint does not appear to be so fixed a colour as that of the old Stourbridge-green. The Palm House in the nursery of the late Messrs. Loddiges, at Hackney (now things of the past), affords another example of successful plant-growing without the aid of canvas or other moveable shading material. On the late Mr. George Loddiges being consulted respecting the glazing of the Kew Palm House, he was asked if they shaded theirs; his reply was, “Oh, no; our thick rafters and sash-frames, with sooty glass, just afford the amount of light necessary for the plants.” Under this roof, in an atmosphere of stillness and gloom, Palms, Ferns, Orchids, and numerous other tropical plants, grew in the greatest luxuriance, which, with the proverbial solitude of the place, and when viewed from the elevated platform, gave the idea of a ravine in a tropical forest. To judge by the above examples of Kew and Hack- ney, it appears that fruits and plants were successfully CULTIVATION. 871 grown under roofs very different in appearance from the elegant clear glass roofs of the present day, which, nevertheless, necessitates some kind of invention for temporary shading in summer; but it is to be hoped this will be superseded by further improvements. Double glazing is now spoken of as answering the twofold purpose of saving shading and fuel; but as there appear to be different opinions on its merits, further experience is therefore desirable before it can be safely recommended. With regard to watering, it is difficult to explain in words, or lay down arule, what constitutes the extremes of dryand wet soil ina flower-pot, feeling is perhaps the best guide; if, on taking a pinch of soil between the finger and thumb, the particles will not adhere, then it is too dry ; if it adheres, and falls like a dry wafer, then the plant is not in immediate want of water ; but, on the contrary, should the soil stick to the fingers like a wet wafer, then the whole is in a bad condition, and should the plant be weakly, it will get worse if allowed to remain in the sodden soil; for the correctness of this test care must be taken not to be deceived by the surface- soil, for it may be either dry or wet, and the contrary lower down. Another test of the state of soil is to give the side of the pot a smart tap with a hard piece of wood; should the sound be hollow, with a little tone, then the ball.is dry; if, on the contrary, there is only the dull sound of the tap, without any tone, then the ball is moist and tight in the pot. To those in the habit of watering the same plants for a leneth- ened time, this test is of service, but it must not altogether be depended upon. ‘The quality of the water has great effect on the health of the plants, 2B 2 372 FERNS : PRITISH AND FUSEIGN. li should always be soft, or, if hard, should be aerated in open tanks; rain-water is best, but if collected from the roofs of hothouses, care must be taken that it does not become impure by the decomposition of the paint and putty, which is of frequent occurrence, and in time it so impregnates the water as to cover the foliage of the plants, when often syringed, with a thin film, that gives them a dull look; care should also be taken that the temperature of the water should not be less than 50°, especially in winter. Syringing is made an operation of great importance in guide- books on cultivation, and is readily accepted by the unskilled amateur as necessary, and being amusing, is often carried out in the extreme, to the injury of the plants. An amateur remarked not long ago, “ Now we have got such a nice lady’s syringe, it is quite a delight to use it.” Another remarked, “I every day regularly water, syringe, and sponge my pet Adiantums, but with all my attention they are getting of a brown colour, surely your plants (at Kew) must have great attention to keep them so green.” The lady syringer is told that many of the plants before her have been in the same pots for several years, and that they get water when dry, and are never syringed or sponged, unless for removing insects when they appear. From what has now been stated, an amateur’s successful cultivation of Ferns simply depends on proper soil and potting, careful watering, placing in a quiet, moist atmosphere, keeping down temperature in summer by shading, and to avoid currents of dry air, and in winter to maintain the proper temperature, according to the nature of the plants, by means of CULTIVATION, 873 hot-water pipes. For the latter purpose, in small houses, temporary stoves of gas and charcoal are used, often to the utter destruction of the plants. To assist in maintaining a moist atmosphere besides the usual moist surfaces of the pots, it is desirable to have water-troughs on the top of the hot-water pipes, as also to place pans of water on or near the pipes; also in hot weather, the paths and other evaporating surfaces should be wetted every morning and evening. An occasional syringing may be given, which should be done when the out-door air is charged with vapour; wetting plants when the air is dry causes a sudden evaporation, and a reduction of temperature on the surface of the frond is the con- sequence. This is especially the case with broad, smooth, glossy species, such as the genera Phymatodes, Neottopteris, Asplenium, Diplazium, &c. ; occasionally the whole of some fronds or part of a frond becomes black. In order to raise vapour, a practice prevails with many cultivators to throw water over the hot-water pipes (or flues) ; there is no objection to this, pro- viding the air out of doors is warm, but in the winter season it is often done in the evening, in order to counteract the dryness of the air, caused by the extra heat of the pipes required at that season ; the house then becomes filled with hot vapour, which coming in contact with the glass of the roof condenses and falls in a shower of cold drops on the plant; at the same time the temperature of the house rapidly falls, thus causing black fronds, spots in orchids, and such-like complaints. Ferns, like other plants, are liable to be more or less infested with insects; the soft membraneous kinds BYE FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. being the most subject, while, on the contrary, the smooth-fronded kinds, such as the whole of the division of Eremobrya, Elaphoglossum, &c., are, it may be said, quite exempt. The mealy bug, three kinds of scale, and thrips, are the chief pests, and should be carefully watched. The oblong brown scale is generally the most common, and very quickly overruns the under side of the frond, forming lines along the midribs. Many kinds of fluid mix- tures, powders, and other nostrums, have from time to time been advertised for their destruction, but it too often happens what kills insects also injures the plant, and makes it look unsightly. Fumigation with tobacco is the grand preventive against the breeding of plant-insects; very slight fumigation destroys the winged male insect of all the Coccos family, and if frequently repeated, the whole in time will become extinct. When the mealy bug gets a head, it is readily got rid of by syringing; not so the scale, it requires to be loosened with a soft brush, or blunt-pointed peg, which, if the weather permit, should be done out of doors, and the plant afterwards syringed, so as to clear away all loose scale and eggs. Scale insects are adherers and suckers only ; not so the less conspicuous insect the thrip, which is a small, slender, black, shining insect, with large prominent eyes, and quick in its movements, herding in groups, generally on the under side of the frond, voraciously feeding on the cuticle, which they soon destroy, permanent injury being often done without any indication of their presence till too late; they must, therefore, he carefully watched, and, when seen, at once destroyed by pinching with the fingers, CULTIVATION. 375 and syringing the plant. They are generally found on species of Adiantum, Pellea, Platyloma, Doryo- pteris, Hemionites cordifolia, and other genera having fronds of a smooth, chestnut-brown colour. Within the last twenty years a small, white-winged insect, like a midge, has made its appearance (supposed to have been first introduced with imported plants to Kew). They congregate on the under side of the fronds, and, when the plant is moved, dart off like a flock of white pigeons. At first it was supposed to be harm- less; but such is not the case, as it has been found to feed on the cuticle like thrips; but they are not so easily caught. Repeated tobacco fumigation destroys it.* Red spider seldom attack Ferns; when such is the case, it is a sure sign that the air of the house is too dry. Few plant-houses are exempt from the well-known cockroach, which when once introduced is one of the greatest of pests. They increase and multiply most rapidly, and are most voracious feeders, eating and gnawing the fronds of Ferns, old and young, often completely in one night spoiling fine plants; there- fore war in all its forms must be waged against them. They are night marauders, hiding and breed- ing in crevices of masonry in dark places, generally near the furnaces, or hottest parts of the heating-pipes, and are even found lurking amongst the drainage, in large pots, from which they issue at dusk to commence their ravages. Many expedients are resorted to for their destruction, such as attacking them in their day * This insect has been described and figured in the Gardeners’ Chronicle, of 1856, by Mr. Westwood, under the name of Aleyrodes vaporariorum, 376 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. abode, by the appliance of boiling-water, sulphur fumes, or exploding gunpowder: when such agents can be used, they deal with them quickly and whole- sale. Various kinds of traps are used, which, with poison, will, if daily attended to, completely extirpate them. But it must be borne in mind that, although the whole, old and young, may be got rid of in the course of a fortnight by poison— the effect of which is greatly increased by the living eating the poisoned dead,—eggs are however left, which will soon pro- duce a new generation that must not be allowed to arrive at maturity. Under the ordinary varying atmosphere of hot- houses, insects seem not to be affected, for if thcir extirpation is not attended to, they will be found in more or less abundance all the year. Not so the sooty mildew,* a fungus covering the upper surface of the leaves of plants with a black, sooty coat, and for their sudden appearance, like that of the grape mildew, the potato disease, and other sporadic plagues, no satisfactory causes have as yet been assigned. The pest now under consideration may be called one of these plagues; in some years it is not seen, while in another it soon overruns and quickly covers Ferns, and other plants, in hothouses. The broad-fronded species of Aspidium, Menisciwm, Gonio- pteris, Angiopteris, &c., are very subject to its attacks. Books on mycology name and describe these pests, but not how to prevent them; and bcoks on horti- culture instruct how to get rid of them; the principle of which seems to be dusting with sulphur, washing, * Fumago foliorum, Fries. OULTIVATION. 377 and syringing, the latter being the only remedy for the black mildew. This concludes my observations on pot-cultivation, and in order to save repetition, it must be understood that the process as regards soil, watering, airing, &c., is equally applicable to natural cultivation, which I now proceed to describe. II. Narorat Currivarion. d hae natural cultivation of Ferns consists in growing them without the aid of garden-pots. This is accomplished by placing them, as far as artificial appliances will permit, under conditions and influences analogous to that of their native wilds; for that purpose uneven irregular surfaces are best adapted, whether natural or artificially formed; and as Ferns are generally called rock-plants, which many truly are, therefore, in order to imitate rocks, the surface on which they are grown is made irregular and covered with rude stones, on or between which the Ferns are planted; hence the term Rockery is applied to this kind of cultivation. For all species of Ferns, either hardy or tender, this system of culture, which admits of their being planted out, is far preferable, to whatever extent it may be desirable to practise it, whether in the sheltered nook, in the open air, or in stoves or greenhouses, either partially or entirely devoted to it. For by it is the finest health imparted to the plants. The rockery bank which once occupied the Temperate Fern House at Kew, together with the fine fronds of tropical specics grown on rockery in the Palm House, afforded excellent FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. examples of the superiority of this mode of growing plants over that of pot culture; by proper arrange- ment from ordinary level positions, their delicate hue and elegant form of outline may be seen to much greater advantage, as the upper surfaces of their fronds are generally presented to the eye more fully. And where this system is largely carried out, if a raised platform or footway be erected considerably above them, the advantage is still greater. The great beneficial influence this system has on the plant is mainly consequent on the more uniformly moist at- mosphere, so congenial to all Ferns, which can be successfully maintained from the great extent of the more natural evaporating surface of the soil, and ma- terial, with which the rockery is composed; and as they are allowed to establish themselves at freedom in it, there is a similar uniformity of temperature at the root, as well as of moisture. As is well known, in iarge masses of earthy and other solid material, its temperature does not fluctuate with that of the house, at least, as in the case with ordinary-sized pots of soil, where the absorption and radiation of the heat takes place so much more rapidly. It may further be men- tioned, that, in a house entirely devoted to the cul- tivation of Ferns under this system, its evaporating surface does not wholly consist of the principal mass of material composing the rockwork; there is the large extent of wall-surface, which, if properly constructed with rough and absorbent material, is continually giving off its moisture, besides, from that reason, affording an excellent opportunity for Ferns of more or less scandent habit to assume their native character in luxuriant profusion, by growing on it as on natural CULTIVATION. 879 rocks. As regards the design of any structure in- tended to be wholly or partially devoted to the culti- vation of Ferns, it is of course a good deal a matter of taste and convenience, as the system is available’ in almost any kind of structure, large or small, but varying in the degree of economy in its construction. To this end, the first consideration should be to construct in a manner that will insure the necessary amount of shade and moisture and (when required) beat, with as little auxiliary assistance as possible. Therefore if a lean-to house be adopted, the aspect should be west or north-west, with the back consisting entirely of wall. Should a span-roofed structure, how- ever, be preferred, which indeed for all purposes is much the best (and which will be here treated of as a general example), its aspect should be north and south, by which a shadier and consequently a moister side of the house will be obtained, suitable for Ferns of more or less delicate structure, such as the genera Trichomanes and Hymenophyllum. A sunk house, in the manner of a ditch or railway-cutting, is most suitable, and will give ample height for the growth of Tree Ferns, without the necessity of having high side walls, and thus exposing a lessened portion of the house’s surface to the action of climatic vicissitude; consequently a warm moist atmosphere may be main- tained with but little assistance from artificial heat. As a source of heat the hot-water apparatus is to be preferred, on account of its economic utility, and where practicable the pipes should be hidden as much as possible with the rockery mateérial. Perkins’s sys- tem of heating is perhaps the best for a house of this kind ; it consists of coils of sriall pipe, which can be 380 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. arranged in any part of the house, and are readily detached and again fixed at another point when found necessary. The first deposit for the rockery should “be rough and somewhat absorbent, such as irregular brickbats, masses of stone, loosely disposed to admit of a ready dissemination of the heat amongst its parts, and then follow with the material proper. Apertures for the escape of the heat should be con- structed at frequent intervals, drain-pipes being very suitable for this purpose, which, by the mass being kept properly moist, will allow the heated air to circulate in a congenial steamy condition throughout the house. In the design and arrangement of the principal mass of material composing the rockwork, it is, as in the design of the house, a good deal a matter of taste and convenience as regards size; whether in repre- senting in miniature a regged mountain side, or deep glen, with its clear pool, reflecting the elegant forms of the Ferns growing near it; or may be a miniature valley, with undulating surfaces gradually rising on either side, with projecting rocks. There are nu- merous kinds of material more or less suitable for constructing a rockery either indoors or out, and but a few localities where some of these may not be easily procured. The chief desideratum is to have such that is of porous consistence, and generally with rough and ragged surfaces. It is useless to be particular in the selection of various kinds of stone on account ot their fine quality, either in texture or colour ; for where Ferns properly thrive all such will be speedily obscured by their luxuriant growth; consequently any brick- field affords very good material that would contribute largely in the general structure, in the way of con- CULTIVATION, 381 glomerated masses of brick, or bricks artificially amassed with Portland cement to form miniature rocks, rugged cones, rough pillars, or perpendicular surfaces. However, when procurable, the absorbent and roughly quarried soft stone should enter largely into the composition of the rockery, as it is pre-eminently useful, not only in contributing so largely to the natural appearance of the whole, but, when the more delicate members of the Fern family of creeping habit are grown, it is invaluable in affording a moist surface for their tender rhizomes to cling to. It is seldom that wood of any kind is found of much use, as it is so soon reduced by decomposition, and fungi produced in contaminating profusion. The soil to be used in the rockery-house should be selected and applied according to the principle already given in pot- culture. The style of the Fern-rockery having been decided on and executed accordingly, the next step will be to arrange the plants about it; and to carry this out satisfactorily is not the least difficult part of the whole undertaking, as it is not only essential to provide positions for each individual plant, but such that will prevent any injurious interference of its neighbour, either by foliage or root. Should the roof require support (and if not, should it be consistent with elegance and regularity), pillars composed of rough porous stone or brickwork may be constructed, and, if admissible, united above as archings, which, when clothed with the luxuriant foliage of scandent and pendulous Ferns, intermixed with the broad foliage of creeping Aroidece, growing from their crevices and recesses, would greatly enhance the beauty of the whole, and give a most accurate and 382 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. durable example of the manner in which many species of Ferns and Aroidee clothe the trunks of trees in tropical forests; also several species of epiphyial : woody plants may be introduced with good effect, such as Tanecium parasiticum, Maregravia umbellata, Norantea coccinea, Hoyas, and other creepers not subject to be infested with insects. The species of Phymatodes, Pleopeltis, Davallia, and several allied genera,as also Polybotrya and Stenochlena,willluxuriate over the moist surfaces and form a compact mass; and, if planted near the wall, direct their rhizomes upwards, and the plants will quickly assume a most elegant appearance. The grand and beautiful Schellolepis verrucosa, and its allies, should be placed in elevated positions, as their fronds are long and pendulous. Elevated positions will also be found for the species of Platycerium, the grand Drynaria Heraclea,and D. coro- nans: the latter is remarkable in its thick rhizome, progressing in a circular direction round trees, which, with the erect, broad, rigid fronds, gives the idea of a coronet or crown; this circular direction appears to be normal. A fine plant at Kew, in the course of eight years, grown in a shallow pot, formed a circle more than a foot in diameter, For that portion of the terrestrial group composed of stronger growing spe- cies, such as Phegopterideee, Pteridew, Aspleniee, &c., for which firmer soil is necessary, the ordinary surfaces of the rockery offer most suitable positions, arranged there in a manner as their sizes indicate, so as to be in harmony with those of smaller size around them. It is perhaps essential to note that the Gymnogramma, Cheilanthes, and their allies, require a place in the Fernery, the lightest and best drained; therefore ry CULTIVATION. G Cte Me 33 thc highey part of the rockery is best suited for them. tm such a Fernery as this now before the mind’s eye, convenient positions, in the form of dripping crypts and recesses, may be provided for the delicately beau- tiful and easily grown Trichomanes and Hymenophyllum, without the aid of glass cases that are necessarily used, as already explained, under pot-culturc. Where Tree Ferns would be grown, the proper situation for them is the lowest part of the house, in the valley, where the greatest head-room would be obtained, and most constant shade and moisture about their stems, which will encourage the essential growth of the aerial out-grown roots. The path in the valley may be straight or winding between the Tree Ferns, the intervening spaces to consist of raised mounds or hillocks, to be planted with the smaller kinds of Tree Ferns and other large-fronded Ferns. The different species of Selaginella should occupy the intervening spaces between the plants, which will add greatly to the natural appearance of the whole and assist in pro- moting a genial atmosphere. To whatever extent a house of this nature may be carried for tropical Ferns, the same must be allowed for the extra-tropical kinds, and being sunk, the necessary amount of heating power required will be just sufficient to keep out frost. Keeping the house shut during the winter season, so as to maintain a quiet, still atmosphere, greatly assists in repelling frost, indeed for such houses ventilation is only necessary to keep down high temperature during summer; free admission is, however, beneficial when the external air is still and moist, when even the tropical diyision may be freely left open during the nights of BY FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. summer, but taking care to prevent currents of dry str. I have now stated the chief points to be observed in forming and arranging an indoor natural Fernery, the principles of which are capable of application to houses of the ordinary construction and usual average size, or to any extent that means will allow; even to realize the grand idea of the celebrated Loudon, who, more than thirty years ago, speaking in favour of span- roofs, said, ‘‘ There would be no difficulty in covering ten acres of Kew Gardens with glass by a series of span-roofs.”” Although since then much has been done at Kew, by the erection of lofty plant-houses, still the area covered falls far short of ten acres; but as natural cultivation is now patronized, and with the improving age and desire for novelty, let us hope that the time is not far distant when Kew may have at least one acre converted into a straight or winding Fern-valley covered with glass, the highest part not to exceed thirty or thirty-five feet above the centre of the valley, that being sufficient height for such Tree Ferns as may perchance withstand the vicissitudes of thirty years careful treatment. In a house of this kind, furnished with means of maintaining a temperature of 60 in the coldest weather, situations in it would be found suitable to the good growth of not only Ferns and Aroidew, but also Bromeliacee, Orchids, and other kinds of plants of an epiphytal nature. For an open-air Fernery a sheltered situation should be chosen, and if possible within the influence of shelter and shade, but not under trees ; a sloping bank, a natural or artificial hollow, such as an old gravel-pit or sunk fence, may he turned to good account. Tha CULTIVATION. 885 fitiaber of species of exotic Ferns sufficiently hardy te bear the cold of our winters is very limited, much less than is generally believed, the chief of them being natives of North America, which, with the ‘British species, amount to about 80 in all; therefore the extent of space required for a simple collection of hardy Ferns is small; an area of 60 feet by 10 will be ample, and which may be either on the side of a slope, or between two slopes with a path in the centre and open at one end only; or it may be a raised oblong mound with a path all around it. If not confined to a strictly scientific collection, and space to be had, an interesting natural gien may be formed by introducing other plants conspicuous for their large foliage. It has been already stated, that although our small- growing native and several exotic species, such as the rock Asplenicee, Woodsia, &c., endure tho extremes of heat and cold in their native localities, they neverthe- less suffer by full exposure under artificial cultivation ; it is therefure necessary to plant them on the rockery, so that they can readily be protected in winter; an inverted flower-pot, placed over each plant and covered with leaves, or some loose material analogous to the covering of snow of their native country, is a good protection against being injured by excess of moisture or severe cold. Where the rockery is to be carried out ona large scale, then caves and chasms may readily be constructed, and with a natural or artificial head of water they can be kept moist by the constant drop- ping and spreading spray; thus making appropriate positions for the natural growth of Adiantum Cappilus, Hymenophyllee, &c. But when a full collection of the many varieties of Scolopendrium, Asplenium, Lomaria, 2c 386 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. &c., are grown, then a pit, or frame with glazed sashes, .s the most convenient mode of keeping them. The width of the pit should not exceed 5 feet, 3 feet or more high at the back, to slope to about a foot at front, its length regulated according to the number of plants. They may be either grown in pots, arranged to slope to the front, or a bank may be formed with small rockery stones, neatly arranged with the plants between them, and if the mason work for the frame or pit is contrived to be hidden, the whole will then be in character with the general rockery. By this an interesting little bank may be formed, and by proper arrangement of the plants the variety lover can at a glance see the difference that marks one favourite from another.. The glass pro- tection will stimulate the plants into early growth, and finer fronds will be made, but care must be taken not to expose the young fronds to the harsh drying winds of spring, or late frosts, which often do great injury to out of door Ferns; by midsummer, the glass sashes may be entirely removed, due attention being pee to watering and shading. If the soil and cubueil of the situation chosen tee a hardy Fernery is stiff and retentive of moisture, and the neighbouring trees, walls, &c., are clothed with Musci and Lichens, it is favourable for Ferns without the aid of much rockery; but if the soil is light and sandy, then rockery is most essential for retaining moisture, not only for Ferns, but also all kinds of small herbaceous plants. Formerly there were great masses of rockery in the Botanic Garden at Kew, but modern taste has swept the whole away, which, with the removal of trees, walls, and old shrubberies, has CULTIVATION, 887 caused the garden to become drier, as is manifested by the disappearance of above nearly forty species of Mosses, Hepatice, and Lichens; the effects of this, with other canses, have been hurtful to the hardy fern col- lections. In forming a new rockery, after the plants have become once established, as few changes should take place as possible, either with the plants or stones on which Musci should be encouraged to grow; and in order to give a decorative effect, Sedums, Semper- .. vivums, Saxifrages, &c., may be placed on the pro- jections and shelvings of the stones, the whole bordered by a line of spring-flowering plants, such as Iberis sempervirens, Alyssum saxatile, Arabis alpina, and other plants of that nature. It may be also mentioned that the vicinity of water is a favourable position for a Fernery; where such does not already exist, an artificial piece of water should be made in conjunction with the rockery, varying in size from a small basin to any extent: it may be circular, oblong, straight, or winding, with irregular projections. In ordinary cases its width need not exceed ten to twelve feet; its margin should con- sist of a bog or border, not less than three feet wide, having a slope to the edge of the water. This border will afford the means of growing a great many curious sub-aquatic and bog plants, and the projections will be excellent positions for the different species of Osmunda ; water-lilies occupying the centre. The want of such a rockery and aquarium has been much felt at Kew; for with all the great cost for lakes, ponds, and water-works, yet no arrangement has been made for growing a scientific collection of bog and aquatic plants, either hardy or tropical. 202 388 FERNS! BRITISH AND FOREIGN. IV. Courrvation or Ferns iw Warn’s Cases. T is now thirty years since 1 was invited by Dr. Ward to visit him at his house in Wellclose Square, for the purpose of seeing plants growing in cases and glass jars, so closed as to be considered air-tight. Knowing, as I did, the common practice of growing plants under hand and bell-glasses, I vherefore could not appreciate what I had gone to see until I was made aware that the plant-loving residents of such smoky and soot-falling districts of the metro- polis, as that of Wellclose Square, could grow rare and delicate plants equal to those at Kew. An account of this method of growing plants appeared in the Companion to the Botanical Magazine for 1886, and in April, 1838, the celebrated philosopher Mr. Faraday delivered a lecture at the Royal Institution on the subject, which may be considered as the advent and introduction of Wardian cases, under which a large portion, and decidedly the most beautiful of the Fern family, are now successfully cultivated in the sitting-rooms of the town-confined lovers of natural objects. In 1842 Dr. Ward published a small work on the subject, giving a history and details of manage- ment, which renders it unnecessary for me to say more regarding the early history of Ward’s cases. The principle on which the system is founded, consists simply in shutting up air in glass cases, in such a manner that it is not readily influenced by changes of the external atmosphere. The.case also contains several inches depth of moist earth, that gives off Sn ocd c CULTIVATION. 889 moisture to the absorbent, undisturbed air above it, which becomes more or less saturated, as dependent upon changes of temperature, and thus becomes proper for the growth of plants. The case may be constructed of any shape or size, according to taste or means; it can be square or round, an octagon or hexagon; the roof may be a dome, span, or sloping, but by all means avoid a flat one ; and be the shape whatever it may, the design should inevery point be neat, and not of such an ornamental description as to be more attractive than the plants. A very good, interesting collection may be grown in one 3 ft. long by 14 ft. in width, and 24 feet high; it will have the best appearance if the sides are con- structed with single squares of glass; but if divided, it must not be into more than three, as many divisions spoil the effect; the ends should be made to open, to enable any dressing or removing of old fronds to be done conveniently, and a small piece of perforated zinc should be inserted in the apex of the roof at each end, which will assist in preventing the almost universal complaint, that the plants cannot be seen for condensed water on the inside of the glass; this is caused by the variation of temperature. If the case stunds in the sun or becomes warm inside during the day, and retains the heat, whilst the temperature of the room may fall considerably during the night, the cold air, acting upon the glass, con- denses the warmer vapour inside and obscures the plants. By the introduction of the above-named remedy the temperature is more equally balanced, and the plants are always to be clearly seen. Should the air outside become very hot and dry, it will be 390 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. advisable to close the ventilators for a short time during the day. The glass case should be entirely in- dependent of the soil-box, but to fit the inside, resting in a groove or rabbet. The box should be about 6 in. . deep, and may be made of zinc, brass, or wood lined with gutta-percha or zinc; but metal of any kind in contact with the earth or air in which plants are grown is not genial to either their roots or foliage. I have always found the plants succeed best in a neatly-made wooden box lined with pitch, having a small tap or cock in one corner of the bottom, for letting away any excess of water; but this will not be necessary if proper attention is observed in supplying the plants with a sufficient amount of water at one time, which, in consequence of little or no evaporation taking place, will be seldom required. This knowledge can only be gained by practice ; many amateurs’ failures with Ward’s cases being caused mostly by giving too copious waterings at certain stated intervals. The height of the stand must be regulated accord- ing to whether the plants are to be viewed in a sitting or standing position; for the former the ordinary height of a table is a sufficient guide, and for the latter a few inches higher, so that the plants can be seen through the side glass rather than from the top. In preparing the box for the plants, about one inch of its depth should be filled with sand or other drainage material, such as is already explained in pot-culture—but in Ward’s cases this is only necessary as @ precaution against an over-supply of water,—the rest filled with soil, which should be good fibry peat and silver sand, intermixed with pieces of CULTIVATION, 391 sandstone broken small, or (if peat cannot be pro- cured) good light loam. Having proceeded so far, two systems of planting the case present themselves. The first plan is to plant in the soil, which should be raised in the centre; the number of plants will depend on the size of the box, and care must be taken not to plant them in too crowded a manner, the distance apart depending on the size and nature of the plants, but in no case should they be closer than six inches. The second method is to have the plants established in 4 to 6-inch pots, plunging them in the soil sufficiently deep to hide the rims of the pots. The last system has one decided advantage, namely, should a plant die or does not succeed, it can be removed and replaced without disturbing its neighbour. It must be understood that the above mode of planting relates to plants with erect verna- tion only, but those with creeping rhizomes, that form cespitose tufts, require to be planted each on a separately raised hillock, of which, if the case is large, there may be a series, and for the creeping Hymeno- phylla lumps of porous stone are very suitable ; fine patches may be obtained in this way, not only of Hymenophylla, but also of the smaller species of Niphobolus, Anapeltis, the beautiful Humata pinnati- fida, Davallia pentaphylla, and others of like habit. After the Ferns are planted, some small-growing Selaginella, such as S. apus, may be pricked in over the surface of the soil, in pieces a few inches apart, which will soon cover it, and give to the whole a neat and finished appearance, and also materially assist in maintaining the proper state of moisture in the aix of the case and about the plants. The planting being 392 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. now completed, the soil must be brought to a uni- form state of moisture; this is best accomplished by two or three moderate waterings at intervals of half an hour, and when thoroughly drained, the case may be closed and placed in position. To make cases; ornamental pieces of marble, shells, &c., are often introduced ; but this should not be tolerated, as they do not harmonizo with the occupants of such a structure. For Hymenophyllu it is necessary they should be sprinkled overhead occasionally; to enable this to be done, the tops of all small cases should be moveable, and in large ones a hinged pane is required. A sponge, or small thumb-pots filled with water and placed out of sight, will greatly assist in keeping a moist atmosphere, which is so essential for the health of these filmy-leaved plants. If the cases stand in a room where a fire is regularly kept in the winter, a great many tropical species may be grown, and in situations where they stand exposed, such as balcony windows, halls, &c., care must be taken, as winter approaches, that the soil does not become frozen, such being very detrimental 10 even the hardiest Ferns. Hot bricks and bottles filled with hot water have been resorted to as a preventive against frost, as also for maintaining a proper temperature for tropical species; but unless the bottom of the case is constructed for that purpose, and arrangements made for this mode of heating, to be strictly and regularly attended to, it had better be dispensed with. Should the case be exposed to the direct rays of the sun during the summer, it must be shaded, and care taken that the temperature inside does not . CULTIVATION. 5 393 become too high; it should not exceed 70°. This will be much assisted by placing the shading material at some distance from the case. Subjoined is a list of Epecies suitable for cases of ordinary dimensions; it must, however, be understood that a Ward’s case may consist of a bell-glass, containing a single plant, up to a shut-in window, or area covered with glass, where larger-fronded species may be grown. Humata heterophylla, Davallia bullata. pentaphylla. Canariensis. Leucostegia hirsuta. cherophylia. pulchella. Polypodium pectinatum, Schkuhrii. Lepicystis sepulta. squamata, rhagadiolepis. Goniophlebium appendicu- latum. Lopholepis piloselloides. Anapeltis stigmatica, Pleopeltis nuda. Niphopsis angustatus, Drymoglossum piloselloides. Hymenolepis spicata. Phymatodes longipes. glauca. Pleuridium juglandifolium. venustum. Sclliguea caudiformis. Niphobolus Lingua. Drynaria propinqua. Elaphoglossum piloselloides. vestitum. Hymenodium crinitum. Rbipidopteris peltata, Microstaphyla bifurcata, Psomiocarpa apiifolia. Stenosemia aurita. Gymnopteris quercifolia. Platycerium alcicorne. Xiphopteris serrulata, Gymnogramma tomentosa, Calomelanos, —— Martensii. chrysophylla. Peruviana, vay. argyro- phyla. pulchella. Llavea cordifolia. Hemionitis palmata, ~—— cordifolia, Dictyoxiphium Panamense, Ceratopteris thalictroides. Meniscium simplex. Goniopteris asplenioides, Nephrodium molle. Cyrtomium faleatum, Jadyenia prolifera, Aspidium Pica. Hypoderris Brownii. Trichiocarpa Mvorii. Polystichum mucronatun, Lonchitis, triangulum, anomalum, | -—— denticulatum, 394 FERNS: BRITISH Lastrea elegans, concinna. — strigosa. vestita. podophylla. erythrosorum, — Mexicana. —— emula. glabella. —— Shepherdi. hirta. sancta, hispida. deparioides. Woodsia hyperborea. polystichoides. mollis. Arthropteris albo-punctata. Nephrolepis pectinata. Notholena brachypus. trichomanoides, Marante. sinuata, sulphurea. Myriopteris lendigcra. -—— myriophylla. elegans. — tomentosa. vestita. hirta. Cheilanthes viscosa. fragrans. tenuifolia. — microphylla. —— Alabamensis. multifida. argentea, —— farinosa. ----— pulveracea, — — capensis, radiata. —— pedata. AND FOREIGN. Cincinalis nivea. flavens. pulchella. Pellea geraniifolia. intramarginalis. hastata. atropurpurea, -—— Calomelanos. ternifolia. cordata. Platyloma Brownii. Adiantum reniforme. caudatum. lucidum. macrophyllum. villosum. pulverulentum, var. rigidum. fovearum. curvatum. affine, formosum. hispidulum. setulosum. —— fulvum. tenerum. sulphureum, — Chilense. Capillus. AMthiopicum. Onychium Japonicum. auratum. Pteris Cretica, var. aibo- lineata. longifolia. --— crenata. heterophyl'a. semipinnata. —— argyrea. ——- tricolor. scaberula, Litobrochia denticutata. # Litobrochia leptophylla. Doryopteris sagittifolia. pedata. collina. Blechnum Lanceola. --— cognatum. occidentale. longifolium. campylotis. Doodia blechnoides. caudata, Lomaria Patersoni. lanceolata. L’Herminieri. Asplenium Hemionitis. alternans. formosum. Brasiliense. tenellum. erectum. marinum. — firmum. obtusatum. brachypteron. Belangeri. CULTIVATION, 895 Asplenium viviparium. viride. fontanum. flabellifolium, pinnatifidum. —— macilentum. ——- fragrans. Diplazium Zeylanicum. Antigramma rhizophyla, Odontosoria tenuifolia, Microlepia cristata. Gleichenia dicarpa. rupestris. alpina. —— spelunca. Hymenophyllum specics. Trichomanes species. Féea spicata. Lygodium palmatum, Anemia tomentosa. fulva. adiantifolia. Anemidictyon Phyllitidis. Mohria thurifraga. Todea hymenophylloides, V. ProraGation or Ferns. Y\HERE is considerable variety in the way in which [' Ferns reproduce themselves, and we only aid nature when we attempt to increase any particular species; such is usually effected, and certainly most numerously, by sowing their spores or seeds, as com- monly called, which are contained in cases, as already explained at page 51; they consist of atomic particles, which, under favonrable conditions as regards light, 396 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. can be seen discharging from the spore-cases like puffs of smoke; therefore Fern seed is said to be in- visible, and to have the power of rendering persons invisible. ‘I have the receipt of Forn seed and walk invisible.”* Be that as it may, each particle is by the aid of the microscope seen to have definite forms vary- ing in different genera, being globose, oval, or angu- lar, smooth, plain, striated, or echinate, presenting very beautiful microscopic objects. Although these ~ spores (see plate I.) are so small, they nevertheless are endowed with an extraordinary power of retaining their vitality ; and being easily wafted by currents of air, readily account for the wide geographical range of many species of Ferns. When naturally or artificially placed under favourable conditions, the spore vegetates by expanding in the form of a simple oblong cell, from which other cells are successively produced, ultimately forming a thin green membrane, called the Prothallium, which lies nearly flat, and by the aid of fine spongioles attaches itself to the surface, and when arrived at full size it is of a reniform cordate shape, or sometimes bilobed, or obcordate, varying from about 4} to 4 inch in diameter, having much the appearance of a small foliaceous lichen. But before proceeding to describe the method of sowing and rearing, it is important that the seed sower should be made acquainted with the remarkable discovery made, in 1848, by Count Leszcezyc Suminski, that Ferns possessed organs analogous to stamens and pistils of flowering plants, and that these were produced on the Prothallium. In the progress of growth peculiar cells * Shakespeare, CULTIVATION. 307 ate fotined on its under surface, of two kinds, one called Antheridia, and the other Archegonia ; the first (of which there are generally between 30 and 40) con- taining round cells, called sperm cells, which contain vermicular spermatozoids that issue from the cells when arrived at maturity. The cells of the Archegonia differ considerably in their structure from the Anthe- ridia; they contain an embryonal sac, which at a certain period protrudes from the cell, and with which the moving spermatozoids are said to come in contact, and thus produce fertilization ; soon after this the embryo sac is changed, a bud is formed, and ultimately.a young Fern Plant is gradually developed, and in time the Prothallium decays. This singular phenomenon excited considerable interest, and has been carefully inves- tigated by the late Professor Henfrey and other eminent microscopists.* Although the above is only an outline of the prin- cipal points of this curious subject, yet it will be suffi- cient to draw the attention of Fern seed sowers to the subject, and materially assist them in understand- ing, and arriving at the cause of the many anomalies in the good and ill success attending the raising of Ferns from seed. Much has, however, yet to be investigated before any rule can be arrived at ; such as why the Desmobrya division does, as a general rule, pro- duce plants from seed in the greatest abundance, even to some species becoming the weeds of the hothouse ; while, on the other hand, those of the division Hremo- brya are comparatively few, and may be considered the exception and barrenness of this rule. The differ. * Dlenfrey, in Lanncean Transactions, vol. xxi. 1853. 8938 PENNS: BRITISTE AND Forutax. ence in the fertility of the spores of these two divi- sions is veryremarkable; this is,it must be remembered, as found with the plants under cultivation, and as with many true Ferns we find, from experience, the spores of the latter seldom germinate in less than eighteen months after having been sown. On the contrary, in the Desmobrya group, many require but two or three weeks, and occasionally certain species of Gymno- -gramma and Cheilanthes will germinate in as many days. From the irregularity, however, in this respect it is in a great measure governed by the state of, and conditions which surround, the seed; from repeated trials with spores of Brainea insignis, Prothallia were produced in forty-eight hours. Consequent on this irregularity, it is impossible to state what time of the year is most suitable for sowing to ensure success, especially for imported spores, which should be sown as soon as received, provided a proper condition can be given them. Therefore extra attention must be paid when it unfortunately occurs that the young Ferns are in their Prothallium stage during the winter season, to keep them from damping and the growth of conferva and musci. When itis desirable to increase any particular species by spores, some precaution is neces- sary to secure them in a proper ripe condition, and without spores of other species growing near being mixed with them. The fructified frond should be taken as goon as the spore-cases on the plant begin to open, and placed between sheets of paper in a moderately dry place for a few days, at the end of which time there will be escaped spores in abundance. These should be immediately sown in pots prepared in the following manner ;—four to six-inch pots are generally the most CULTIVATION, 699 eonvenient size; they should be half filled with good drainage material, with the smallest particles at top, when another fourth of depth should be occupied by fine soil, half sand and peat, one quarter loam, with a sprinkling of finely-broken sandstone or soft brick slightly pressed down on the top; it should then be watered and time allowed for the whole to become uniformly moist ; then the spores to be very thinly dis- tributed over it, the whole covered with a bell-glass or a piece of glass same size as pot, to be placed on its rim, allowing a space of about one inch between it and the surface of the soil. In order to keep the whole moderately and constantly moist, the pots should be placed in pans of water of half an inch depth, care being taken not to allow the soil to become over saturated ; and whenever any copious condensation takes place on the glass, it should be carefully sponged off. As the spores germinate, and the Prothallia become crowded, so as to touch each other, they should be im- mediately thinned, and if it is desirable to save the thinnings they can be removed in little clumps on the particles of brick or sandstone to other pots prepared as for spores. It is not, however, with all our care in sowing different species in separate pots, that the species sown come up in the pot in which it was sown: plants of it may be found in other pots, or in different parts of the houso on moist surfaces. This is easily ac- counted for, as the least motion of the air carries away the spores while in the action of sowing, and indeed all superfluity of spores may be with profit distributed over the whole house, the moist walls often affording abundance of young plants. It also often happens that _@ good crop of Péeris aquilina is the result, its spores 120 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. being no doubt latent in the soil used for filling the pots. To avoid this it is advisable to bake the soi! before using, aud to bring it again to its proper moist state by the use of water that has been boiled. It is said that spores retain their vitality for a number of years; in my experience I have no direct proof of this; but several remarkable instances of plants making their appearance without the spores of the species having been sown, or even an Herbarium specimen having been seen in this country. In the instance of Lomaria Patersoni, a species originally discovered in Tasmania, which spontaneously made its appearance at Kew in 1830, only one specimen was at that time said to be in the possession of Mr. Brown, at the British Museum, which I never saw ; and Allan Cunningham informed me that he never found the plant, and was very much surprised when he saw it growing at Kew. This in time gave specimens to many Herbaria, and living plants to botanic gardens. A similar instance was that of Doodia blechnoides, which made its appearance at Kew in 1835. Other instances might be quoted, such as the appearance of Asplenium stipitatum,ofwhichtwo plants spontaneously made their appearance about twenty years ago, and [ at first supposed they had originated from the spores from a specimen in my Herbarium of a Luzon plant named by me Neottopteris stipitata; but in time it became evident that the two plants were quite distinct from it, and, like the Lomaria and Doodia, I had never seen native specimens. By what means the spores that produced these plants came to Kew it is impossible to say. In 1829 I found a plant of Ceterach officinaruxs growing in a crevice of masonry on ene of the CULTIVATION. 401 towers of the New Palace at Kew (since taken down), As this Fern is not found wild near London, it would be useless to speculate where this solitary spore came from ; it seemed however to have found a proper nidus in the crevice, enabling it to germinate and resist all untoward influences, to pass through the Prothallium state and become a plant. Polypodium vulgare and Asplenium Ruta-muraria may be considered our domestic Ferns ; for many years a plant of Polypodium vulgare grew on the brick wall separating Hyde Park from Kensington Gardens, and there it remained till the wall was taken down. These few instances of isolated appearances of Ferns readily explain the wide geographical distribution of some species over the surface of the earth. It has been shown that the spores of many species germinate quickly and abundantly, and become fully developed Prothallia, yet it often happens that no plant bud is formed, and in time the Prothallia decay; the cause of this has always been supposed to be undue moisture or some atmospheric action not sensible to us, as this ]ias always occurred in certain species of special interest, such as Brainea imsignis, the spores of which, as already stated, germinate readily ; yet we have not succeeded in obtaining young plants, not even one Prothallium being seen to make a plant bud. Without special microscopical examination of the Prothallia we can only speculate on the proba- bility, that, as in flowering plants, the whole of the spores of some Ferns (such as Brainea) are unisexual or may even be entirely destitute of both Antheridia and Archegonia, in either case deficient of the elements necessary for the oo of a plant bud, : : “ 402 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. I have at page 65 mentioned that a few intermediate forms of the genus Gymnogramma had been raised from spores, which are considered sports by some and by others hybrids ; the latter can only be admitted on the supposition of two Prothallia of two different species growing so contiguous to each other that the sperma- tozoids of one Prothalliwm have the power of passing and fertilizing the Archegonia of the other, and thus produce a hybrid, as in flowering plants. Another point of some practical importance is, that in general only a single plant bud is formed on each Prothallium. This may be supposed to be owing to the vital function of the Prothalliwm not being able to support more, in that respect analogous to only one ovulum being fertilized in ovaries of many flowering plants. Admitting that, then, how are we to explain that on removing the plant bud a new bud is formed; and even as many as eight to ten have been obtained from Prothallia of Hymenodium erinitum, each of which, by proper care, becomes aplant. Then again experiments have shown, that by dividing the Prothallium from the base upwards with a sharp instrument into two or even four parts, each part produces a plant bud. Seeing this, it is reasonable to infer that Prothallia have the power of producing plant buds, analogous to leaves of Begonias and other plants; but whether such is the case, or each bud is the result of the action of spermatozoids on latent Archegonia, is not known. Then again we have the remarkable instance of the great profusion of plants produced by the spores of all farinose Ferns, such as species of Gymnogramma, Cheilanthes, Notholena, Cincinalis, §c., and also of the smooth ebcnous genera Pellaa, Plalyloma, Doryor CULTIVATION. 403 pteris, and Adiantum, while comparatively only a few of the smooth-fronded species of the division Hreme- brya produce plants from spores. This subject yet requires much experimental investigation before satisfactory reasons can be assigned for what is here stated. The majority of Ferns that do not increase by spores, often, however, readily do so by other means, such as by offsets, and viviparous buds, or bulbils produced on the upper surface, on the apex of the fronds, or in the axils of the segments, which, when placed under favourable circumstances, become plants. Ferns of cespitose vernation will occasionally produce buds or crowns laterally on the old candex, which may be readily separated for propagation with a sharp knife; when the vernation consists of a creep- ing rhizome, such may be cut in pieces of whatever length desirable, with a bud or growing point in each piece, and, as with the separated lateral crowns, should be placed in as small a pot as convenient, with soil suitable to their kind (selected according to the rule already given for establishing plants), and the whole subjected to an extra close atmosphere till thoroughly established. Up to the present time at- tempts to propagate Ferns by separated portions de- void of any previously joined bud have proved fruitless; although by some a solitary instance in Scolopen- drium vulgare is considered sufficient evidence to the contrary, as portions of the base of its fronds, if separated, inserted in soil, and kept close and moist by the aid of a bell-glass, will readily strike; so also with some of the abnormal forms of the same genus, if portions of the margins of their fronds are treated in 2n2 404° FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. the same manner. Upon close examination, however, previously formed embryo buds are observable and considering, too, its close affinity with the Aspleniums, the most proliferous (in the formation of bulbils) of all Ferns, this cannot be wondered at. To propagate Ferns by the buds produced on their foliage is most easy. As soon as the bulbil plants have attained a size to be handled conveniently, they should be carefully taken off and pricked out in pots filled with mode- rately fine soil, and kept covered with a bell-glass till thoroughly rooted, when they may be potted off in single pots, as required. Species with long, slender, hard sarmentum, such as Gleichenta, do not root readily when separated ; in- deed, large plants have been entirely destroyed by too free division of their sarmentum; to prevent this, layers are resorted to, which is accomplished by fixing pro- longing sarmentums over small pots filled with soil, which, when well rooted, can be separated with safety, and without injuring the specimen plant. Again, in regard to the division Iremobrya, they are not only remarkable in the sterility of their spores, but also in not producing viviparous buds; however, the readiness with which small portions of their rhizomes form plants, and the already described tenacity of life,seem to make them independent or to render less need of perfect spores or bulbils. In concluding this treatise, I deem it necessary to explain, that, in consequence of the woodcuts occupying more space than was calculated for, and in order to keep the book within a limited size, it has become necessary to considerably reduce the original manuscript on Cultivation. It is, however, Cy een) CULTIVATION. 405 hoped that what is now given in the preceding pages will be sufficient to show the nature of Ferns, and the methods adopted for propagating and preserving them in the collections of this country. NOTE. In the preceding article on Cultivation it has been shown that all Ferns are capable of being cultivated in this country under one of three conditions as regards temperature, deter- mined by the nature of the native climate of the different species, which, as regards the species enumerated in the preceding catalogue, T classify as follows :— 1st. Hardy, in the open air. North and Central Europe, including Great Britain and Ireland, North America, North Asia. 2nd. Temperate House. South Europe, Madeira, South Africa, Noith India, China, Japan, Australia, South of the Tropics, Tasmania, Norfolk Island, New Zealand, Chili, Mexico. A few species of those countries are hardy,—such are marked H. after the name of the country; some others improve by a higher temperature,—such are marked Tr. after the name of the country. 3rd. Tropical House. West Tropical Africa, including St. Helena and Ascension, Mauritius, Ceylon, India, Malacca, the 406 FERNS : BRITISH AND POREIGN. Malayan Archipelago, including Penang, Singapore, Java, and the Philippines, Borneo, the Polynesian and other Islands of the Pacific within or near the “fropics, Sandwich Islands, Tropical America, inclu- ding Venezuela, New Granada, Panama, Pera, Guiana, Brazil, West Indies. Some species from high altitudes within these countries will thrive in the Temperate Housex—such are marked T., after the name of the country. a Sd oars = SS Ss 40% A LIST OF AUTHORS AND BOOKS QUOTED IN THIS WORK. N.B.—When no special book is quoted after an author’s name, his writings on feens are to be found in botanical and other scien- tific journals of their time, and which are too numerous to notice in this work,—Those with an asterisk are living authors. *Agardh. J.C. Agardh, Professor of Botany at Stockholm ; author of a “Monograph on the genus Pieris.” Ait. W.& W. T. Aiton, father and son, Directors of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, from 1760 to 1841 ; authors of 1st and 2nd edition of “ Hortus Kewensis,” 1793 and 1818. A, Rich. A. Richard, a French botanist ; “ Voyage de l Astrolabe (Botanique).” *Arn. Walker Arnott, Professor of Botany at the University, Glasgow (see Hook. et Arn.). *Bab. ©. C. Babington, Professor of Botany at the University, Cambridge ; an eminent British botanist, *Backhouse. James Backhouse & Son, nurserymen, York ; importers and cultivators of Ferns. Bauer. | Francis Bauer. 2 celebrated botanical painter (see Hook, et Bauer). Beauv. Palisot de Beauvois, a French botanist ; author of “ Flore d@Oware ;” figures and descriptions of plants in the Bight of Benin, 1810. ‘ Bernh. J. J. Bernhardt, Professor of Botany at Erfurt. ! Blume. OC. L. Blume, Director of the Botanic Garden, Batavia; “ Enum. Plant. Jav.,” 1830 ; “Fl. Jav.,” figures and descrip- tions of the plants of Java. Bolt. J. Bolton, an English botanist ; “ Fil. Brit.,” figures of British Ferns, 1790. 408 FERNS: BRITI6H AND FOREIGN. Bory, J. B.G. Bory de St. Vincent, a French traveller and botanist. *Brack. W. D. Brackenridge, Botanist to the United _States exploring expedition ; Descriptions and figures of the Ferns of the expedition. Braun. A. Braun, Professor of Botany, Berlin ; “ Monograph on Selaginella.” Br. R. Brown, the most celebrated of botanists ; “ Prodromus Flore Nove Hollandiz,” 1810; “Observations en Ferns in Wallich’s Plante Asiaticee Rariores ;” Horsfield’s “ Plante Jave.” Br. P. Browne, author of a “ History of Jamaica,” 1756. Brongn. A. Brongniart, a French botanist. Burm. J. Burmann, a Dutch botanist, and writer on plants of India, Ceylon, &c. Carm. Captain D. Carmichael, a Scotch cryptogamic botanist. Cav. A.J. Cavanilles, Professor of Botany, Madrid. *Colenso. Rev. W. Colenso, a New Zealand botanist. Col. A. Colla, a collector and namer of Chilian ferns. ; Cunn. A. Cunningham, a celebrated botanist and traveller in Brazil and New South Wales from 1815 to 1830. Dec. Aug. Decandolle, a celebrated French systematic botanist. Desf. M. Desfontaines, a French botanist and traveller in Barbary ; “Flora Atlantica.” Desv. N. A. Desvaua, an eminent French botanist; author of several papers on Ferns, from 1808 to 1814. De Vriese. G. H. De Vriese, a Professor of Botany, Leyden ; “Monograph on the genus Angiopteris.” Dick. J. Dickson, an English cryptogamic botanist. Don. D. Don, Professor of Botany, King’s College, London ; “Prodromus Flore Nepalensis.” Dry. Jonas Dryander, librarian to Sir Joseph Banks ; a writer on Ferns in the “ Linnean Transactions.” *#Hat. D.C. Eaton, an American botanist. Ekrhart. F. Ehrhart, a German botanist. Endl. Endlicher, Professor of Botany, Vienna; “ Prodromus Flore Norfolkice.” Eng. Bot. English Botany, “Figures and descriptions of British plants,” by Sir J. E. Smith and Jas. Sowerby. Eschw. F. L, Eschweiler, a German botanist. *Fée. A. F. A. Fée, Professor of Botany, Strasburg, an eminent pteridologist ; “Genera Filicum,” descriptions and figures of the genera of Ferns, 1850-1852 ; “ Memoirs on Acrostichum and other Genera.” A LIST OF AUTHORS AND BOOKS. 409 Fisch. Dr. Fischer, a Russian botanist, and Director of the Im- perial Botanic Garden, St. Petersburg (see Lang. et Fisch.). Fil. @Oware (see Beawv.). Fo sk. Peter Forskahl, a Danish naturalist and traveller in Arabia ; “Flora Agyptiaca.” Forst. John Reinhold Forster, botanist to Captain Oook’s second voyage ; “ Figures of Ferns in Schkuhr's ‘ Cryptogamia.’” Gal. H. Galeottt, a German botanical collector in Mexico. Gard. Chron. Gardeners’ Chronicle, a weekly journal New garden ferns described by ‘I’. Moore. Gardn. Dr. G. Gardner, a botanical traveller in Brazil, and Director of the Botanic Garden, Ceylon. Gaud. M. ©. Gaudichaud, a French botanist; “ Plants of Freycinet, Voyage de l'Uranie,” 1817-1820. oo. nae Gillies, a Scotch botanist and collector of plants in i, Gmel. J.G. Gmelin,a Russian botanist and traveller in Siberia ; author of a “System of Plants” and “ Flora Sibirica.” *Gray. Dr. Asa Gray, Professor of Botany, Havard University, United States. *Grev. Dr. R. K. Greville, an eminent botanical artist (see Hook. et Grev.). *Griseb. A. H. R. Grisebach, a German botanist ; “ Flora of the West Indies,” 1864, Haenk. (see Presl). Ham. Dr. Francis Hamilton, an Indian botanist. *Hance. Dr. H. F. Hance, an English botanist, and writer on Chinese Ferns. Hedw. J. Hedwig, a German cryptogamic botanist. Hct Boé H. BK. Humboldt, Bonpland, and Kunth. The two first famous travellers and botanists in South America. Kunth, a German botanist. *flew. Robert Heward, a zealous botanist, and writer on Ferns of Jamaica, in the “ Magazine of Natural History.” Hitch. — Hitchcock, a North American writer, “ Silliman’s Journal.” Tlof. G. F. Hoffmann, a German botanist, and writer on erypto- gamic plants, 1784. Homb. et Jacq. Hombron et Jacquemont, French voyagers to the South Pole ; “ Voyage au Pol Sud, &c.,” History of the Voyage and Plants. Hook. Sir W. J. Hooker, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, from 1841 to 1865 ; an admirable descriptive botanist and eminent Pteridologist ; “ Exotic Flora,” figures of rare plants, 1823 ; “Icones Plantarum,” figures of 1,000 rare plants—many Ferns ; “ Second Century of Ferns,” 100 figures of rare Ferns ; “ Filices Exotice,” figures of 100 Ferns ; “ Garden Ferns,” 64 410 VEENS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. figures ; “ Journal of Botany,” 4 vols. ; “London Journal of Botany,” 7 vols. ; “Journal of Botany and Kew Miscellany,” 9 vols. ; “Species Filicum,” 5 vols. descriptions of all known Ferns with upwards of 300 figures, 1844-64. Hook. et Arn. Hooker and Arnott, “ Botany of Capt. Beechey’s Voyage.” Hook. oe Baa Hooker and Bauer, the “Genera Filicum,” figures of the genera of Ferns, illustrated by Bauer, 1838. Tlook. et Grev. Hooker and Greville; “Icones Filicum,” figures of rare Ferns, 230 plates, 2 folio vols., 1831. *Hook. fil. Dr. Joseph Hooker, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew; appointed 1865 ; “Flora Antarctica,” ‘“ Flora of New Zealand,” “ Flora of Tasmania.” Hoge. J. C. Hoppe, a German botanist, and collector of plants. Hort. Gardens; Hort. Ang. English gardens; Hort. Berol. Berlin garden ; Hort. Linden. Horticultural Garden, Brus- sels. * Houlst. (see Moore et Houlst.). Huds. W. Hudson, an English writer on British plants. Humb. A.v. Humboldt, a celebrated traveller and philosopher (see H. B. K.). Jacg. Nicolas Joseph & Frangois Jacquin, father and son, eminent Austrian botanists ; “ Icones rariorum,” figures of rare plants. *Johns. J. Y. Johnson, a writer on Madeira ferns. _ *J. Sm. John Smith, Curator Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (retired 1864) ; “Gen. Fil,” an arrangement of the genera of Ferns in Hooker’s “ Journal of Botany,” 1841 ; ‘Enum. Fil. Philipp.,” an enumeration of the Ferns collected by H. Cuming in the Philippine Islands; “Seem. Bot. Voy. Herald,” an enumeration of the Ferns in Seemann’s “Botany of the Voyage of the ‘ Herald’;” “Cat.” Ferns cultivated at Kew, in appendix to Botanical Magazine, 1846 ; “ Cat. Cult. Ferns,” catalogue of Ferns cultivated in British gardens in 1857. *Karst. Dr. Karsten, a German botanist and traveller in Tropical America ; “ Flora Columbia.” Kaulf. G. F. Kaulfuss, Professor of Botany, Leipsic; “Enum. Fil,” Enumeration of the Ferns collected in Chamisso’s Voyage. Klot. Dr. Klotzsch, a German botanist. Kunz. G. Kunze, Professor of Botany, Leipsic; ‘“ Analecta Pteridographia,” figures and descriptions of Ferns, 1834; ‘Schkuhr’s Cryptogamia,” continued, 1841-51; numerous other papers on Ferns. Labill. J. J. Labillarditre, a French navigator sent in search of A LIST OF AUTHORS AND BOOKS. 411 M. La Perouse; “Nov. Holl. Plant. Spec.,” figures and descriptions of New Holland plants, 1804-1806 ; “Sertum Austro-Caledon.,” figures and descriptions of plants in New Caledonia. Lag. M. Lagasca, Professor of Botany, Madrid. Lam. Jo. Bapt. Monet de Lamarck, a celebrated French naturalist and compiler. Lang. et Fisch. G. Langsdorf, a Russian botanist. “ Icon, Fil.” figures of Ferns, chiefly Brazilian, 1810. DLHérit. C. L. I’ Heéritier, a French botanist. Lieb. Liebmann, a German botanist. Lieb, _ Inebold, a German traveller and botanist, and collector of plants in Mexico. *Zinden. J. Linden, a nurseryman at Brussels, and traveller in Mexico and Pert ; a collector and importer of rare plants. Lindl. Dr. John Lindley, an eminent systematic botanist, Professor of Botany, University College, London; “Lindl. & Moore : Nature-printed British Ferns.” Link. H. F. Link, Professor of Botany, Berlin ; “ Enumeration of the Ferns of the Berlin Garden.” Linn. Car, Linneus, the celebrated Swedish botanist, and founder of modern botany. : Lodd. Conrad Loddiges & Son, nurserymen and great cultivators of Ferns at Hackney. Lour. Loureiro, a Portuguese botanist and traveller in Cochin China ; “ Flora Cochinchinensis.” *Lowe. E. J. Lowe ; “ Lowe’s Ferns,” figures and descriptions of exotic Ferns, in 9 vols. Mart. et Gal. “Figures and descriptions of Mexican Ferns,” by H. Galeotti and M. Martens. Mart. C.F. P. Martius, Professor of Botany in Munich; “Icon. Crypt.,” figures and descriptions of Brazilian Ferns, 1820. *Metten. Dr. G. Mettenius, Professor of Botany at Leipsic, and eminent writer on Ferns; “Figures and descriptions of the Ferns in the Leipsic Garden ;” “ Monograph on the genus Asplenium,” &c. Mey. C. Meyer, a German botanist. Michr. A. Michauc, a French botanist and traveller in North America ; “ Flora Boreali-Americana.” *Miq. F. A. G. Miquel, a Dutch botanist. *Moore. T. Moore, Curator of the Apothecaries’ Garden, Chelsea ; “ Index Filicum,” an alphabetical list of all names of Ferns ; various books on British Ferns (see Lindl.). *Moore et Houlst. I. Moore and W. Houlston ; “ Descriptions and Wood-cuts of Cultivated Ferns,” published in Ayer’s “ Magazine of Botany.” Muhl. Muhlenberg, a North American botanist. 412 FERNS : BRITISH AND FOREIGN. i *Newm. Edwd. Newman, author of works on British Ferns. Nutt. D. Nuttall, a North American botanist. Plum. Car. Plumier, a French botanist and traveller in the West Indies, “Plum, Fil.,” figures and descriptions of Ferns, chiefly of the French West India Islands, 1666. Poir. M. Poiret, a French botanical compiler. Presl. C. B. Presl, Professor of Botany, Prague ; a famous Pteri- dologist ; “ Reliqua Haenkeana,” figures and descriptions of Ferns collected by the traveller Haenke ; “Tent. Pterid.,” a new arrangement of the genera of Ferns, 1836 ; “ Epimeliz Botanice,” figures and descriptions of Ferns, being an addenda to the preceding. Pursh. Frederick Pursh, author of a “ Flora of North America.” Radd. J. Raddi, a German botanist, who travelled in Brazil ; “Fil. Bras.,” figures and descriptions of Brazilian Ferns, 1825. Raoul. M. M. £. Raoul, a French botanist and writer on New Zealand Ferns. *Regel. — Regel, Director of the Imperial Garden, St. Petersburg, 1866. Retz. A.J. Retzius, a German botanist and writer on plants of Ceylon. Rheede. H. van Rheede, a Dutch botanist ; “Hortus Indicus Malabaricus,” a large work on the plants of Malabar, 1703. Reichenb. — Reichenbach, a German botanist ; “ Flora Germanica.” Reinw. — Reinwardt, Professor of Botany, Leyden, and traveller and collector of plants in Java and other Malayan islands. Remy in Gay. Remy, an authority in Cl. Gay’s “ Flora of Chili.” Rich. L. C. Richard, a writer on the plants of Guiana. ci A. G. Roth, a celebrated German botanist and writer on erns. Roxb. Dr. Roxburgh, an English botanist ; “ Observations on St. Helena Ferns.” *R.T. Lowe. R. T. Lowe, a writer on Madeira Ferns. Rudge. E. Rudge, author of a work on the plants of Guiana. Schk. C. Schkuhr, a Dutch botanist; “Crypt. Schk.,” crypto- gamia; figures of Ferns ; “ Crypt. Supp.,” supplement of the above, continued by Kunze. Schlecht. .D. F. L. Schlechtendahl, Professor of Botany in Berlin ; Schlecht. Adumb. “Adumbratio Plantarum,” figures and descriptions of South African Ferns. Schott. Heinrich Schott, Director Royal Gardens, Vienna ; “Schott Gen. Fil.,” the genera, illustrated by figures. Schreb. J.C. Schreber, a German botanist. Schum. — Schumacher, a writer on plants of Guinea. A LIST OF AUTHORS AND BOOKS. 413 *Seemann. Dr. Berthold Seemann, an eminent botanist and voyager? “ Botany of the expedition of the surveying ship Herald.” Sibth. Dr. Sibthorp, an English botanist and traveller in Greece ; author of “ Flora Greeca.” Sieber. — Stieber, a celebrated German botanical traveller and collector in various parts of the world. *Sim. KR. Sim, a nurseryman and celebrated grower of Ferns at Foot’s Cray, Kent. Sloan. Sir Hans Sloane, a traveller in the West Indies; author of “ History of Jamaica,” and founder of the British Museum. *Sm. Sir James Edward Smith, a celebrated British hotanist and writer on botany in various journals ; first President of the Linnean Society, and purchaser of the “ Linnaean Herbarium.” *Sowerby. E. Sowerby, a British botanist ; author of a work on British Ferns. penn. -— Spenner, a German botanist. Split. F. L. Splitgerber, a Dutch botanist ; “An enumeration of the Ferns of Surinam.” Spreng. C. Sprengel, Professor of Botany, Halle ; “ Syst.,” a syste- matic enumeration of plants according to the Linnxan arrangement. Spring. — Spring, a German botanist and writer on Lycopodiaccee. *Stansfield. — Stansfield, a nurseryman at Todmorden, Yorkshire, celebrated as a discoverer and cultivator of numerous varieties of British species of Ferns. Sw. Olaf Swartz, a Swedish botanist and traveller in Jamaica ; “ Synopsis Filicum.” an enumeration and description of all known Ferns smce 18vuv. Thunb. P. Thunberg, a Dutch traveller and botanist in Japan and Cape of Good Hope; “Fl. Jap.,” the Flora of Japan, 1784. *Thuaites. G. J. Thwaites, Director Botanic Garden, Ceylon ; author of “Flora of Ceylon.” Tuckerman. E. Tuckerman, a United States botanist. Vahl. Mart. Vahl, 2 German botanist. *Van Houte. L. Van Woute, a celebrated Bclgian nurseryman ; author of periodical botanical works. : *Veitch. James Veitch & Son, nurserymen, Lordon, celebrated importers and cultivators of rare Ferns. Fent. E. P. Ventenat, a French botanist. Vogler. — Vogler, a German botanist. Wall. Dr. Nathaniel Wallich, Director Botanic Garden, Calcutta. MSS. catalogue of the plants contained in the “ Wallichian Herbarium” at the Linnean Society. 414 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. *Watson. Hewet Cottrell Watson, an eminent British botanist. Webb. P. B. Webb, an English botanist ; “Flore des Canaries.” Weis. F. W. Weis, a German cryptogamic botanist. : Willd. C. L. Willdenow, Professor of Botany, Berlin ; “ Species Plantarum ;” Enumeration of plants in the Berlin Garden, 1809. *Wollast. T. Wollaston, an English botanist and writer on Ferns, Wulf. F. H. Wulfen, a German botanist. Zenk. — Zenker, a German botanist and writer on plants of the Nilgheery. : 415 INDEX OF GENERA, SPECIES, AND SYNONYMS. N.B.—The names in italics are synonyms, Where two pages are giver, the second refers to Cultivation. —+ Aconiopteris, Prest...... “Page 107 longifolia, Fée......--.-- 107 nervosa, J. Sm. «+. 107 subdiaphand, Presl.. Acrophorus. aginis, Moore .....+6 cherophyllus, Moore ...... 77 hispidus, Moore .....-.... 233 immersus, Moore... «e.006 77 pulcher, Moore os .sesees q7 Acropteris, Link. radiata, Fée ....eseeeeee 219 septentrionalis, Link ...... 218 Acrostichum, Zinn. fave 119 acuminatum, Willd. ...... 118 albidulum, Sw. ...ceeeee5 178 alcicorne, SW. cs eceeceeeee 121 alienum, Sw. we. ..eeeeee 118 apodum, Hook. et Girev. .. 106 appendiculatum, Willd. <... 111 areolatum, Linn........... 207 aureum, Linn. ........120, 361 auritum, Sw. s-seeseeee.. 116 axillare, Cav. sees ceceeee - 93 sarbarum, Tuinn, 2... 0.2025 265 bifurcatum, Sw. ..sea.eee- 110 Blumeanum, Hook......... 106 brachyneuron, Fée ... 106 callefolium, Blume........ 105 Calomelanos, Linn......- oe 125 Canariense, Willd. .....- ee 173 cervinum, SW. vevesseevees LIS Acrostichum— chrysophilum, Sw....... page 126 citrifolium, Linn......... +. 108 conforme, Sw. .......eeeee 105 105 108 117 crassinerve, Kunze ......00 crinitum, SW. ...sceseseas crispatulum, Wall. ...eseee cuspidatum, Willd. ........ 106 flagelliferum, Wall. ........ 117 flavens, Sw... ec ceceeee 178 Feeniculaceum, Hook, et Grev. 110 fraxinifolium, R. Br... .. ». 120 Srigidum, Linden ........ 106 fuciforme, Wall. ...... sooe 121 Funckit, Fée oe... cecceeee 105 Punckii, Hook..........2. 105 Surcatum, Linn. ..... eveae’ 249 Gaboonense, Hook. ........ 118 grande, A. Cunn. ...... - 121 111 105 105 106 162 Hamiltonianum, Wall. .... HAerminieri, Bory........ Herminieri, Hook. . hirtum, Sw... Ilvense, Linn. .... lanuginosum, Desf. ......6. 178 latifolium, Sw. .... 105 lepidopteris, Lang. et V isch, 80 linearifolium, Presl Lingua, Thunb. .... longifolium, Jacq. Maranta, Lion. ...... ees marginatum, Schk. .... sees 115 - 100 107 173 120 416 FERNS: BRITIS‘A AND FOREIGN. Acrostichum— Adiantum, Zinn. ...... page 182 Meyerianum, Hook..... page 208 aculeatum, Linn. .......... 232 microlepis, Kunze ........ 105 | Aitbiopicum, Linn. ...... 186 muscosum, SW...ssececeeee 106| affine, Hook.........e+0000 185 nervosum, Bory ........6. 107] affine, Willd. ........e005 185 nicotianefolium, Sw. ...... 118 amabile, Moore .......++. 31l paleaceum, Hook. et Grey, 106 ameraim, Wall, .......5+. 185 palustre, Hook. ........2. 298 | arcuatum, Sw....... eens . 183 peltatum, Schk. .......- .. 110 asarifolium, Willd. ... 310 perelegans, Fée .......-4. 298 assimile, Sw. .. 2... 186 phlebodes, Kunze....... woe 114 assimile, Lowe ...seee..++- 186 piloselloider, Fresh. ........ 105 betulinum, Kaulf. ........ 184 prestantissimum, Boy .... 119 Brasiliense, Link.......... 184 Prestori, Baker ...... sees 298] Brasiliense, Radd. .....0.. 185 prolijerum, Blume..... exes 117 capillus-veneris, Linn. .... 186 punctulatum, Linn......... 117 | cardiochlena, Kunze ...... 184 quercifolium, Retz ........ 118 caudatum, Linn......... -- 183 rubiginosum, Fée.......+ 106 Cayennense, Willd. ...... 310 scandens, Linn, .......-.. 208 Chilense, Kaulf........... 186 Schiedei, Kunze .......+.+ 106| colpodes, Moore .......... 290 scolopendrifolium, Radd. .. 106 concinnum, H. B. K. . . 186 setosum, Wall. .......-e00. 111 cristatum, Linn. .......+0. 184 Siebert, Hook. et Grev. .... 105] eubense, Hook............. 810 sinuatum, Sw... ..eeeee wee 178 cultratum, J. Sm. ....... . 184 sorbifolium, Linn. ....... . 114 cuneaium, Lang. et Fisch... 186 sorbifolium, Houk,........ 248 Cunninghami, Hook, ...... 185 spicatum, Linn, ........4 92 curvatum, Kaulf. .....+.. 184 squamosum, SW. ...eceeeee 106 decorum, Moore .......... 311 Stemmaria, Beauv. ......+6 121 dolabriforme, Zfook, ...... 183 stigmatolepis, Fée ......4. 105 emarginatum, Bory........ 186 subdiaphanum, Hook.etGrev. 107 exisum, Kunze...s..eee05. 311 sulphureum, Sw.....ee.e0. 126 Farleyense, Moore ........ 311 Tartareum, Sw. ..ceeeeeee 125 Féei, Moore.....---+- sess 185 trifoliatum, Linn, .....-. « 175 flabellulatum, Linn. ...... 185 undulatum, Willd. ........ 106 flecuosum, Hook..... soseae 185 velleum, Ait. ..cceceeeees formosum, R. Br, ......4. 185 villosum, Sw. .aeee fovearum, Radd........... 184 virens, Wall...... g fulvum, Raoul . eee 185 viscosum, Blume........ fuscum, Retz.... 185 viviparum, Sw. ...ceeeee Gbeisbr eghtii, Backhouse «. 289 Yapurense, Hook. ...... +. 114 glaucophyllum, Hook.. 311 Actiniopteris. gracillimum, Moore ...... 3811 radiata, Link ..........65 219 Henslovianum, Hovk. .... 311 Actinostachys, Wadl......... 262 hirtum, Klot ............ 310 digitata, Wall... .csssseee8 268 hispiiulum, Hort. vee 185 Adiantopsis. hispidulum, Sw. .......... 185 Capensis, Moore........ +. 176 intermedium, Sw. ....... 184 pedata, Moore....see.++0+ 177 Kaulfussii, Kunze ........ 183 pteroides, Moore .......+4+ 176 Lindenii, Moore .....+.++. 310 radiata, Fée...... waiaserae LOL lucidum, Sw. ........e000 183 apectabilis, Fée.......00+++ 176 lunulatum, Burm. ......-. 183 INDEX, 417 A ee . ag Aleuritopteris. 1» SW. wee. Page Mexican ewes Matthewsianum, es - Y 184 Allantodia” aun songs aie — bs monosoratum, Willd. 184 Australis, R. Br.. Revise at Moorei, Baker. 311 acillavis, Kaulf. .......... 221 Moritzianwm, Kot... . 186 Brunoniana, Wall, . sees. 316 odliquum, Kaulf........... 183 denticulata, Wall. . cone 221 obliquum, Willd. ........ 188 umbrosa, R. IBY. Gaonk oases 22L pallens, Sw...-+........., 187 | Allosorus, paradoxum, R, Pr . 182 Calomelanos, Presl......... 180 patens, Willd Core ee re 185 cordatus, Presl cas 181 pedatum, Linn. .......... 185 crispus, Bernh.. wun LEE pentadactylon, Lang. et dcalbatus, Presl, . . 176 Piste. cesacscatss enalate 184} flexunsus, Kunze.......... 181 peruvianum, Kiot ......., 319 hastatus, Pres] .......005 18) polyphyllum, Willd. ..... - 184 Karwinskii, Kunze........ 128 Princeps, Moore ...... -. 811 pulchellus, Mart........... 178 prionophyllum, H, B. K. .. 184 sagittatus, Presl ... «e. 180 pubescens, Schk. .-. 185 | Alsophila, R. Br... «» 243 pulverulentum, Bits Beate 184 aculeata, J. Sit. .......025. 245 radiatum, Linn. . wanes LAT affinis, Fée wo... eee eee 247 reniforme, Dinn..- 0. vee. 183 Amazonica, Lind. Cat. .... 321 rhomboideum, Schk. eee. 184 armata, Presl ............ 245 rigidum, Hort. Berol.. 184 armata, Mart.....sceceee. 244 rubellum, Moore ...... 0... 311 aspera, R, Browsse see eee » 244 Sancle Catharine, Zo. t. 310 atrovirens, Pr, .......... 320 Seemanii, Hook. E 310 Australis, R. Br... 2... 245, 365 setulosum, J. Sis secece en 183 Beyrichiana, J. Sm. ...... 244 speciosum, Hook........... 310 blechnoides, Houk. ........ 168 subcordatum, Sw. ..... 184) Capensis, J. Sm........065 244 sulphureum, ici ine 186 contuminans, Wall. ........ 245 tenerum, Sw. ............ 186 Coopert, Hook. ........ 245, 821 tenerum, J. Sm. .... - 289 Deckeriana, Klot. ........ 247 tetraphyllum, Hort. Berl. . 184 denticulata, Lind. Cut. .... 321 tetraphyllum, Willd, ...... 184 excelsa, R. Brew. ...eee 365 tinctum, Moore .......... 290 excelsa, Mart. ...0...0004 246 trapeziforme, Linn...... -+. 184) ferox, Presl.... . 244 trapcziforme, Forst. 185 | feroz, Presl...........00. 245 triangulatum, Kaulf....... 184 Fischeriana, Regel........ trigonum, Labill........... 186 gigantea, Wall, .......... truncatum, Radd. . 184 glauca, J. Sm... 2... warium, Presl ............ 183 Hostmanni, J. Sm.... Veitchianum, Moore ...... 311 infesta, Auuze.. sess ee eens velutinum, Moore ........ 810 levis, J. Sm. so... venustum, Dow ....-...68 311 Leichar dtiana, Mull... villosum, Linn. .......... 183 Macarthuri, Hook. .... “945 5, 321 Wognerti, Mett........... 811 Moorei, J. Sa... . 245, 321 Wilesianum, Hook......... 185 munita, Hort. Bevile nse i 245 Wilsoni, Hook... ......0606 183 oblonga, Alot. ....... oe. 820 Aglaomorpha, Schott ........ 297 Ornata, Bhd! avsncaxcccae B21 Me)eniana, Schott ........ 297 paleplata, Mart. ......cee 245 28 418 Alsophila— phalerata, Mart. ......page 320 procera, Kaulf. .....00.-. 245 pruinata, Kaulf........... 247 radens, Kaulf....ssceseses 244 sacittifolia, Hook. . 820 Scottiana, Bak. ........-. 320 Shepherdit, Bull. Cat....... 821 Surivamensis, J. Sm. ...... 244 tomentosa, Hook. .....+0. 320 Van Geertti, Van Geert. Cat. 321 villosa, Presto. cee eee ee 245 Walkera, J. Sm.........2. 820 Amblia. juglandifolia, Presl ...... 148 Amesium. seplentrionale, Newm....... 218 Amphicosmia. Beyrichtana, Moore ...... 244 Capensis, Moore .......... 244 Hostmanni, Moore ........ 244 levis, Mo0rGs. <5 iceeeeguas 244 Amphidesmium, Schoit ...... 167 blechnoides, Alol, ........ 168 Parkeri, Schott .......005 168 rostratum, J. Sm. ........ 168 Anapeltis, J. Sm. ........85, 850 geminata, J. Sm........... 86 lycopodioides, J. Sm....... 86 nitida, J. Site 2. cco eaee -. 86 Owariensis, J. Sm.......44 86 serpens, J. Sm... ..eeeeee 85 squamulosa, J. Sim......... 86 stigmatica, J. Sm. ...++..- 86 vaccinitfolia, J. Sm. ....- - 85 TENOSA, J. SM. we eeeeeeeee . 86 Anapausia. decurrens, Presl ....+2.... 98 Anaxetum. crassifolium, Schott ...... 95 Anchistea, Presl.......s.e00- 265 Virginica, Presl........+. 205 Anemia, Sw. ....ee.see pine, 209 adiantifolia, Sw. ........+. 240 adiantifolia, Hook... .. seae 260 asplenifolia, Sw... ...ceee. 260 cheilanthvidcs, Kaulf,...... 259 cicutaria, Moore ct LHou?ct. 260 collina, Radd.......+2.005 259 densa, Link ...... wea vege 2261 Dregeanea, Kunze ..1. 224. 259 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Anemia— ferruginea, H. B. K. .. page 259 flexuosa, Sw... ...- ssesseee 260 Sraxinifolia, Radd.....e.e- 261 fulva, Sw... csescccsenceee 259 hirsuta, Sw. .....06 260 Gardneri, Hook. ... 323 hirta, Hort. ...cceeeceeeee 209 longifolia, Radd....... weee 261 Mandiocana, Radd. 259 Phyllitidis, Sw. ..eecccees 261 Raddiana, Link .......... 259 oe 260 324 259 259 260 261 261 rotundifolia, ‘Schrag. ieee tomentosa, Sw. ...ssseeee villosa, H. B. K.......20- Anemidictyon, J. Sm. ....+- Phyllitidis, J. Sm. ...ceeee Phyllitidis, Lowe .......- Anetium, Kunze ............ 108 citrifolium, Split.......... 108 Angiopteris, Hofim....... 268, 367 Brongniartiana, De Vricse.. 268 evecta, Hoffm......... sees 268 hypoleuca, De Vricse...... 268 longifolia, Miq. .....+0++. 268 Miqueliana, De Vricse .... 268 pruinosa, Kunze .....-..05 268 Teysmanniana, De Vriese .. 268 Anisogonium. decussatum, Presl ....0... esculentum, Presl........0 Serampurense, Pres] ...... sylvaticum, Hook. .......++ Antigramma, Presl........4+ Brasiliensis, Moore.......- plantaginea, Pr......... oe repanda, Presl rhizophylla, J. Sm. . xe 227 227 227 223 226 226 316 226 226 129 108 130 130 299 130 130 162 163 163 166 163 citrifolium, FES: is weiniren Cayennensis, Kaulf. ...... lanceolatum, Kaulf. ...... latifolium, Bl... .. 2.2.00 lineatum, Kaulf.........05 reticulatum, Kaulf. ....00 Arthropteris, J. Sm. ......6. albo-punctata, J. Sid... 2.65 filipes, Se SM. apasacswavea a obliterata, J. Sm. ........ tenella, J. Sm... ee eeee aces Aspidium, Sw. ..sceeees «page 143 abortivum, Blume ........ 140 abbreviatum, Schrad, ...... 3804 acrostichoides, Sw. wc... 149 aculeatum, Hook. ........ 150 aculeatum, Sw....... idaess TbO acuminatum, Hort. .. acutum, Sw. .. 2.0. ceemulum, SWi wisi. vos eengs affine, Fisch. et Mey. ba wade albo-punctatum, Willd. .... alpestre, Hoppe ...... 2.65 alpinum, Sw. ...ceeee eee amabile, Blume .........6 amplissimum, Metten. angulare, Willd. ........06 angustum, Willd........... anomophyllum, Zenk....... apiifolium, Schh........6.. aristatum, Sw... cccecccees articulatum, Sw... .. eee ee articulatum, Schk. ........ atomariwm, Muhl. ........ atratum, Wall... .... ee cee augescens, Link .......... auriculatum, Schk, ...... 45 axillare, SW. .weceseee eee Barteri, J. Sm. ... seen ue Berteroanum, Col. biserratum, Sw... cee eens Boottti, Tuckermann Boutonianum, Hook. ...... Braunii, Spenn.........55 bulbiferum, Sw. .... eee ee cespitosum, Wall. canum, Wall. .s.e.eeeees 7 Capense, Willd. ........45 caryotideum, Wall. .... chrysolobum, Link .... cicutarium, Sw. ....+.65 coadunatum, Wall........ . concinnum, Thw... confertum, Kaulf. .......+ contifolium, Wall. conterminum, Willd. wore cies coriaceum, Lowe.. coriaceum, Saicasne ae aw eee cristatum, Sw... eee eres curvifolium, Kunze.... davallioides, Sw... s+ sees decompositum, Spreng. ...- ence ee uewe ee : pe INDEX, 419 Aspidium— decurrens, J.Sm.......paye 146 decurtatum, J.Sm. .. 6... ee 140 deltoideum, Sw. .........6. 155 denticulatum, Sw. ........ 151 deparioides, Hook..... 159 depastum, Schk. ..... 158 difforme, Blume .... 285 dilaceratum, Junz2 145 dilatatum, A. Gray.. 156 dilutatum, Sm... .. 2.65 aca LOU drepanum, Sw. ce .eeeeeee 170 dumetorum, Sm. ......+5+6 158 ebenum, J. Sm. wsveeeaee . 144 eburneum, Wall, .....+..+6 220 elatum, J. Sm. .e.eees . 804 elongatum, Sw. ........+. 157 ensifolium, Sw. .......0256 164 eriocarpum, Wall. ........ 806 erosum, Schk. ..........0+ 158 exaltatum, Schk........... 164 fulcatum, Sw. ... 142 falciculatum, Radd.. 155 falcinellum, Sw. ...e.eee ee 149 fallax, Fisch. ........ 0005 151 Filix-foemina, Sw. ........ 219 Filix-mas, Sw.cseeceeeeeee 156 flecum, Kunze .. cece eeeeee 151 fontanwm, SW.svesevecccees 215 fragile, Sw. ....eee 160 frondosum, Lowe.......... 151 Sunestum, Kunze.........+ 154 giganteum, Blume ........- 146 glabellum, Lowe .......... 159 glanduliferum, Karst.. 155 glandulosum, Blume ...... 189 Haller, Willd... .. 2.054. oe 215 heracleifolium, Willd. ...... 145 Hippocrepis, SW. ws sececces 145 hirsutulum, Swe sevesecees 164 hirtipes, Blume .........- 156 hirtum, Sw. .cceeecceeeeee 159 hispidum, Sw. woecceeeeees 159 Hookert, Klot............. 14l Hookeri, Wall........2+++. 139 ammersum, Blume ...... .. 154 impressum, Kunze ........ 154 intermedium, Willd. ...... 158 tntermedium, Bliicsiecascassncare’s 3806 invisum, Sw. 153 148 juglundifolium, Kunze .... 2n2 120 Aspidium— Kaulfussit, Link ...... page 155 lacerum, Hat. ...cceee cee 156 Lancastriense, Spreng. .... 158 latifolium, J. Sm. ....0.56 145 lepidocaulon, Hook. ...... 286 leucosticton, Kunze ........ 163 lobatum, Sw. seaccesseees 150 Lonchitis, Sw... ..ceeeceee 149 macrophyllum, Sw......... 145 marginalis, Sw. ....eeeee5 157 melanocaulon, Blume ...... 145 membranaceum, Jivo%. .... 304 Mexicanum, Kunze........ 157 molle, SW.ieeseceesecceeess 140 montanum, Sw. ..-+. dave 61 mucronatum, SW.reccseeees 149 mucronatum, Lowe........ 149 munitum, Kaulf........06- 804 Napoleonis, Bory ......+++. 157 neriiforme, SW. veveceeeee 74 nigripes, Hort. ...se.eeees 145 nodosum, Willd. ........ «= «74 obliquum, Don ...... cones 149 obtusum, Kunze ........6. 151 Oreopteris, SW. sees eee eee 154 paleaceum, Don ......-.05 156 puatens, Sw. .. secoees L54 pectinatum, Willd. ates wae 164 Pica, Desv. .. es ceeececnee 144 pilosissimum, Don ........ 154 pilosum, Lang. et Fisch..... 164 plantagineum, Griseb...... - 135 platyphyllum, Metten. - 145 Plumieri, Pres) .......... 144 podophyllum, Hook. ...... 155 polymorphum, Wall. ...... 286 polyphyllum, Kaulf. .. 154 proliferum, Hook. et Grev, 148 proliferum, R. Br. ........ 151 prolixum, Willd........... 305 protensum, Sw.....eseeee.. 154 pteroides, Sw. ....eeee00-. 189 Pteropue, Kunze......... . 146 pubescens, Lowe ....... ses pumilum, Lowe .. punctilobum, Sw... pungens, Kaulf. purpurascens, Blume. ...... quinquangulare, Kunze .... recedens, Lowe......seseee FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Aspidium— regium, SW. ..ceeeees page remotum, A. Br. ...+seeeee repandum, Willd. rhomboideum, Wall. Richardii, Hook.. rigidum, Sw. ...eees rivulorum, Link... .. rufo-barbatum, Wall. ....++ sagentoides, Mett. ..+- +++ Schkuhrit, Link. ......65 6+ semicordatunt, Sw. ..+..see Serra, Schk. ...ceeeeeeers Setosum, Bl... cece eeeees Setosum, Sw. ..cecsseeeeces Shepherdii, Kunze ......++ Sieboldii, Van Houtte .. 155, ( oe ssnee sinuatum, Gaud. ........25 1 spectabile, Blume......++5+ spinulosum, Sw. ...eseeeee Sprengelii, Kaulf. .. squamatum, Willd. ......4 squarrosum, Don...c...ss strigosum, Willd.........-. submarginale, Hort. Berol. subquinquefidum, Beauv. subtriphyllum, Hook. . tenue, Sw... ere ot terminans, W. all, Pceveneemaess Thelypteris, Sw... ee ve sens Thelypteroides, Sw. .....0 ee trapezioides, Sw. i... cceees trapezioides, Schk. ........ triangulum, Sw. ....seeeee trifoliatam, Sw. ........68 truncatulum, SW.......ee ee truncatum, Gaud. ........ tuberosum, Bory ......0005 uliginosum, Kunze........ umbrosum, SW... secceeee undulatum, Sw. .. unitum, Scbk. .... variolosum, Wall. aera varium, Sw. . Cer ar velutinum, A. “Rich pared aeats venustum, Hew. ...... vestitum, Sw. villosum, Sw. .... violascens, Link Wallichti, Hook... ...... Asplenium, Linn. ........ 1i 156 145 «. 152 .. 804 . 156 154 151 805 164 165 INDEX, Asplenium— acuminatum, Wall. .... page 223 acutum, Bory .. oie ie adiantoides, Hook, aewe 215 adiantoides, Raoul ........ 215 Adiantum-nigrum, Lindl. & Moore ......... is B17 Adiantum-nigrum, ae as 216 alatum, Humd. ......... x» BIS alternans, Wallnwessscaias 2 alternifolium, Metten. .... “ alternifolium, Wulf, ambiguum, Sw..... a. anceps, Soland........ angustifolium, Mich. anisophyllum, Aye ........ appendiculatum, Labill. . eegue arborescens, Metten. ...... aspidioides, Schlecht. ....05 Athyrium, Spreng. ........ 220 attenuatum, #. Br......... auriculatum, Sw..... auritum, Kunze..........+ auritum, Sw. australasicum, Hook......+ axillare, Webb Belangeri, Kunze.......... bifidum, Presl........... bipartitum, Link .......... bissectum, Hort. .......008 brachypteron, Kunzz ...... 2 Brasiliense, Hort. ........ 210 Brasiliense, Jiadd, ........ 212 Brasiliense, Sw. .. 0.0555. . 226 Breynit, Retz .occesseceae 218 Brownii, J. Sn. ...eeeeee. 221 bulbiferum, Forst. ........ 215 Canariense, Willd. ........ 219 caudatum, Forst.......0.+- 218 Ceterach, Linn. ...se0..6- 229 Ceylonense, Klot. ........ 221 cicutarium, Sw. .... - 216 cicutarium, J. Sm. .....++. 216 cirrhatum, Rich. .......+.. 216 Colensoi, Hook. fil. . . 215 compressum, Sw.. 212 comptum, Moore and Houlst, 216 concinnum, J. Sm. ........ 315 consimile, Remy, in ‘Gay. wee 214 contiguum, Kaulf......0.. 219 costale, SW. weccveseesneee 223 Asplenium— crenulatum, Presi. . page 210, 354 213 cultrifolium, For bs cee cecen's cuneatum, Zam. . Seabee 218 cuneatum, Hook. ‘et 'Grev... 219 cyrtopteron, Kunze. oe "916 Dalhousie, Hook. ....06.. 211 davalloides, Hook. . 815 decurtatum, Link . a» 22 decussatum, Wall. ........ 223 decussatum, Sw. ....0s » 227 dentatum, Linn. ........05 213 dentax, Lowe ......++..4. 212 denticulatum, J. Sm....... 221 diforme, R. Br. wos... ..0e 214 dimidiatum, Sw. .......... 219 dimidiatum, Lowe ........ 212 dimorphum, Kunze........ 215 dispersum, Kunze ........ 217 dissectum, Link .........,. 216 divaricatum, Kunze........ 216 diversifolium, A. Qunn..... 215 Douglasii, Hook. et Grev. 316 Dregeanum, Kze. .... 314 ebeneum, A7t....... vs 212 eburneum, J. Sim. .... » 220 elegantulum, Hook. 815 elongatum, Sw. .......... 213 emarginatum, Beawy....... 214 erectum, Bory ....eceeees » 212 erectum, Hook. .......... 212 erosum, Linn. .. 6.6... eee 219. Fabianum, Hombr. et es 215 faleatum, Lam. * 218 Fernandezianum, Kunze .. 814 ferulaceum, Moore . seee 815 Filix-foemina, Bernh. . Aa we 219, Filix-femina, Moore ..... + 289 firmum, Aunzé.....eeseeee 218 flabellifolium, Cav..... veee 216 flabellulatum, Hort. ...... 216 flaccidum, Forst.... 214 fecundum, Kunze . +» 212 feniculaceum, Hort. ...... 215 feniculaceum, J.Sm....... 217 fontanum, Bernh. ........ 215 formosum, Willd. ...0.... 212 fragrans, Hook. .......... 212 fragrans, Sw. ......ee eee . 217 Franconis, Metten......... 223 furcatum, Thunb, ..-..... 219 422 Asplenium— Gardneri, Bak. ......page 815 gemmiferum, Schrad....... 213 Germanicum, Weis........ 218 Goringianum, Meté, ...... 315 Halleri, Spreng. .......... 215 hastatum, Alot. ...... eee 212 Hemionitis, Linn, wvseeee. 211 heterocarpum, Wall, ...... 314 heterodon, Blume ....-... 218 Hookerianum, Colenso .... 215 inequale, Kunze .........+ 214 Japonicum, Melt. .. . 3815 juglandifolium, Lam....... 222 Karstenianum, Klot. ...... 216 Kaulfussii, Schlecht. . 230 Klotzschti, Metten......... 228 le@tum, Hort. ......0202.. 218 laceratum, Desv........+.. 210 lanceolatum, Huds......... 217 lanceum, Thunb... ....+0. « 209 laserpitiifolium, Lam.. . 219 laxum, R. Br... se. 215 lineatum, Sw, ...0.....2.. 214 longissimum, Blume ...... 217 lucidum, Forst. .... 0.008 213 lucidum, Schlecht. ........ 218 macilentum, Kunze........ 217 macrocarpum, Blume...... 221 macrophyllum, J.Sm. .... 217 Maderense, Penny . . 219 marginatum, Linn......... 228 marinum, Linn. . esase 213 melanocaulon, Willd. . 211 Mexicanum, Mart. ct “Gal... 217 Michauxii, Spreng......... 220 monanthemum, Zinz....... 212 multijugum, Wall........, 314 myriophyllum, Priest ..... . 216 Nidus, Radd. ........64. . 210 Nidus, R. Bre we sece cece . 226 Nidus, Linn. ......00.006 226 nigripes, Metten. nitens, Sw. .. nitidum, Sw. nodosum, Linn. normale, Don ... avers Nove- Galedoniss, u ook. she obliquum, Forst........+ . obtusatum, Forst....... 066 obtusifolium, Twix avigee FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Asplenium — obtusilobum, Sw...ss.. page Odontites, R. Br..... 2.4 odoratum, Moore......++ oligophyllum, Kaulf...... ‘ Otites, Link ...... 00 ee eee paleaceum, R. Br. ...... 06 palmatum, Lam, .......005 Petrarche, D.C. .... eee phyllitidis, Don .......508 pinnatifidum, Nutl.......+. planicaule, Lowe plantagineum, Linn, plumosum, Bory polyodon, Forst...... polypodioides, Metten, .... polypodioides, Sw. .. 1.6605 premorsum, Lowe .....+05 preemorsum, Sw. .......e0 productum, Pres] productum, Lowe ...... proliferum, Lam......+- prolongatum, Hook. ...... protensum, Kaulf. ..... pubescens, Moore and IT: oulot. pulchellum, Hort. ........ pulchellum, Radd......... pumilum, Sw. .......0.05- rachirhizon, Rada... er radiatum, Sw radicans, Prit radicans, Sw. .... reclinatum, Moore and Troulst, refractum, Moore.........5 resecturs, Sm........... ae rhizophorum, Zinn......... rhizophyllum, Linn... ss... Richardi, Hook. fil. ....... . rutefolium, Presl .......- Ruta-mutaria, Linn. ...... salicifolium, Zinn. ........ scandens, Hort. Schizodon, Moore .... Scolopendrium, Linn... Seelosii, Leybold ........4. septentrionale, Haffm. Serra, Lang. ct Fisch... .... serratum, Linn. .....eeees setulosum, Hort. ..sesecees Shepherdi, Hort..... sinuatum, Beauv. ......210, 916 214 214 213 218 Asplenium— squamulatum, Hook. INDEX. -. page 210 stipitatum, J. Sm. ........ 210 striatum, Linn, .....0..42 222 strigillosum, Lowe ....... « 221 subalatum, Hook. et Arn... 212 subsinualum, Houk. et Grev. 209 tenellum, Roxb. .......... 212 tenerum, Forst. .......64 ~ 20 thelypteroides, Michx....... 228 Thwaitesii, A. Br. ........ 233 Trichomanes, Linn. ...... 211 umbrosum, J. Sm. ........ 221 Veitchianum, Moore ...... 214 viride, Huds. .........04 215 viviparum, Presl ......... - 215 Wightianum, IVail . 814 zamiefolium, Lodd, wi 219 Zeylanicum, Hook. ........ 222 Athyrium. australe, Presl....... exeag: 221 Ceylonense, Moore ....... 221 conchatum, Fée .......... 228 Filix-femina, Roth. ...... 219 foliolosum, Moore ........ 221 oxyphyllum, Moore....... . 220 tenuifrons, Moore ..... vee 221 Balantium, Kaulf. .......... 237 antarcticum, Pres] ........ 239 arborescens, Hook. ........ 239 auricomum, Kaulf. ........ 239 chrysotrichum, Hazsk ...... 319 Culcita, Kaulf. save 238 Sellowiana, Presl......... 2239 Bathmium. Billardiei, Fée ...... «pas. 145 ebeneum, Fée ...... cece - 144 macrophyllum, Link ...... 145 repandum, Fée seseneie: LES trifoliatum, Link...... woes 145 Blechnum, Linn......... xeee 1BE angustifolium, Willd.....++ 198 atlenuatum, Metten. ...... 201 australe, Linn. .... 2.06. eae 202 Boreale, SW. ose cece ee eens 201 Boryana, Schlecht........+ 202 Brasiliense, Desv . a 198 callophyllum, Lang. et Fisch. 198 campylotis, J, Sim. «6.2.26 198 Blechnum — Capense, Schlecht. .... page ate cartilagineum, Sw...... 0+ 198 cognatum, Presl........... 197 conjugatum, Klot. .......+ Corcovadense, Radd. ...... fraxineum, Willd. ..... tae glandulosum, Kunze ......- glandulosum, Link.......+ gracile, Kaulf........... ae hastatum, Kaul. intermedium, Link.......6 Japonicum, Liun, .....006 levigatum, Cav. ....... sci Lanceola, Sw... ...seecsee lanceolatum, Tadd... 1.660 latifolium, Presl........08 latifolium, Moritz ...... 2. longifolium, H. B. KR. ...... nitidum, Pr. occidentale, Linn... .. 1.66 . onocleoides, Sw. orientale, Lint. .......00s polypodioides, Radd....... procerum, Labill.........6+ punctulatum, SW. weceevee radicans, Linn. .....+0- scandens, Bory....eseeeree serrulatum, Rich. Spicant, SM... sees eeee stagninum, Radd. aieioglasuale stramineum, Labill......... striatum, 2. Br. .... ta (eteiais triangulare, Link .......- triangulatum, J. Sm. 2.005 trifoliatum, Kaulf. ......5 Virginicum, Linn. .. : wolubile, Kaulf. .....0e005 Botrychium, Sw...... : daucifolium, Waill..... dissectum, Spreng. .. Lunaria, Sw... eee eee lunarioides, Sw. ....ceveee lunarioides, Schk. ..... obliquum, Muhl..... rutaceum, Sw. .... simplex, Hitch. ..seeccees Virginianum, Sw. ..sceene Virginicum, Willd......-.. Botryogramma. Karwinskii, Fée ........4- 197 198 198 197 197 198 . 198 198 205 198 196 196 198 198 198 312 197 201 198 196 202 202 305 209 198 201 198 168 198 197 197 196 « 205 205 273 - 825 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 274 12° 424 FERNS: Botrypus. lunarioides, Michx..... page 274 Bowringia, insignis, Hook. Brainea, J. Sm... insignis, J. Sno. ee ewe enee Ceenopleris. appendiculata, Labill. Fabiana, Bory.. flaccida, Thunb. myriophylla, SWicaaraiaes is Nove-Zelandie, Spreng... .. Odontites, Thunb. ....... vivipara, SW. .eeeceeeeees Callipteris, Bory........ esculenta, J. Sm .. cc. eee Malabarica, J. Sin.. prolifera, Bory sists - Serampurense, Féa .. ...e ae \ syluatica, Bory. ... ese ee Cumpteria. biaurita, Hook. .....e.s0s Camptosorus. rhizophyllus, Link .......+ Campyloneurum, Presl ...... angustifolium, Fée angustifolium. Moore...... brevifoliuun, Link .....6..4 cespitosum, Link ........ decurrens, Presto... 2.0 6s ensifulium, J. Sm. ....e0 0. fasciale, Piesl ...... 0.000. latum, Moore .....0008 ae lucidum, Moore ....... ere nitidum, Presl.... ieee ee Phyllitidis, Prest...... 04, repena, Presl ....... rigidum, J. Sm. .... Cardiochlena. macrophylla, Fée Cassebeera, Farinosa, J. Sm... .ceeccee Ceratodactylis. osmundioides, J. Sm... 4.00 Ceratopteris, Brongn. .... 183, Parkert, J. 8m. ....... thalictroides, Brongn. . 134, Ceterach, Willd. .......00.. aspidioides, Willd. .... aureum, Desv,. eee ee meee ne on 204 203 204 215 215 214 216 214 214 215 227 227 227 « 237 227 223 360 228 124 317 BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Ceterach— cordata, Kaulf. ...... page a officinarum, Willd. .......+ pedunculata, Hook. et Grev. 308 polypodioides, Radd. ...... 124 Cheilanthes, Sw. ........ 174, 309 Alabamensis, Aunze ....+. 176 amaurorachis, Kunze ...... 171 arborescens, Sw. ....eee00. 171 argentea, Kunze .....se00. 176 Borsigiana, Reichenb, .... 173 brachypus, Kunze ........ 172 Brasiliensis, Radd...... vax 176 Capensis, Sw. ........ 176 cuneata, Link ............ 189 dealbata, Don .... 178 elegans, Desv. .......0-.2- 174 Ellisiana, Hort. -.....-... 174 farinosa, fee smerawenae 176 Fendleri, Hook. savee 809 frazrans, SWo casas - 175 frigida, Linden ..... seeee 174 glauca, Metten. .......... 189 gracillima, Hat. .... enneR 309 hirta, Sw. ‘ oy 4 intranarginatis, B Hook. . 18¢ lendigera, Lowe ......00-. 174 lendigera, Sw....e esas sees 174 Maderensis, Lowe .. 175 Matthewsii, Hunze........ 809 micromera, Link .......+4. 176 microphylla, Sw...... 176 micropteris, Sw...... we 175 multifida, Sw.........00.5 176 myriophylla, Desv. . - 174 odora, Sw. ..cceeeeeeseee 175 pedata, A. Br.........0..- 177 Preissiana, Kunz3 ........ 176 profusa, Kunze .......... 180 pteroides, Sw......... . 176 pulchella, Bory .......... 809 pulveracea, Presl .....+06 176 radiata, J. Sm. ..... wn LIT rufescens, Link .......... 180 Sieberi, Kunze .......... 176 spectabilis, Kaulf. ........ 176 spinulosa, Link .....+.004 198 suaveolens, Sw. ..seeeeees 175 tenuifolia, Sw.......e0..0. 176 tenuis, Hort. ...ceeeseeee 174 tomentosa, Link .....es005 174 tNDEX. 425 Cheilanthes— Cuspidarid. vestita, Sw. .....4.... page ie Furcata, Fee .sccscses. page 91 viscosa, Link ............ Cyathea, Sm. ..cecccsecacs . 241 Chnoophora. aculeata, TWilld. .......... 242 glauca, Blume.......0...6 245] arborea, Sit. .e.s eee 241, 365 Chrysodium. arbored, Hook. ..sseecees 242 Wit Sic Foe wceeeeesceee 120] Beyrichiana, Presl......2. 244 Ci rystopteris, é Burkei, Hook....... weneae 820 dictyocallis, Féo .....ce00. 84 canaliculata, Wid. ac.cs. 242 longipes, Link .. seeee 94 capensis, Sm. .. covae 244 peliidea, Link .. wee 94 Cunninghamii, sek... ee eee terminalis, Link .......... 94 dealbata, Sw. ........ 242, 895 Cibotium, Kaulf. ese+ 239) — dentata, Bt.ccseec ce resees 160 Barometz, J. ‘Sm. . Secs 366 Dregei, Kunze . 2B Billardieri, Kauilf. . +. 239 elegans, Hew. . 241 Cumingii, Kunze ........ 240 excelsa, Sw. . ~. 242 glaucescens, Kunze........ 240 fragilis, ae . 160 Menziesii, Hook... cece eee. 240 funebris, ‘Lind. rier danen OL princeps, J. Sie sis aca anes 291 grandifolia, Willd. . es ‘princeps, Linden Sieeraayerets Va 291 Grevilleana, Mart. . 241 regale, LANDON si a9 is Gave we BOL Hookeri, Thw....cceeecees 212 Schiedei, Schlecht. ........ 240 horrida, Sm. ....eeeecees 248 spectabile, Lind. .......... 319 Tmrayana, Hoole.ccceceees 820 Wendlandii, Mett. ........ 319 incisa, Sin, sesaae ee ux 161 Cincinalis, Desv, sisasrmeastana Li8 insignis, Ailey pevivasen “E91, 320 Fendleri, Kye..........+. 809 integra, J. Sm... ...eeeee ee 242 flavens, Desv. ......+6.+4+ 178 Manniana, Hook. ........ 242 Hookeri, J. Sm........... 178| medullaris, Sw. ...... 242, 385 nivea, Desv.........06.045 178 muricata, Willd........... 242 pulchella. J. SMsisiseversg ce 178 nigrescens, J. Sim. ......2. 242 tenera, Fé 1... 0.6. eee e. 178 Schanshin, Mart. ........ 320 Cionidium. serra, Willd. ............ 242 Moorei, Moore..... sacseas 148 sinuata, Hook. et Grev..... 241 Cnemidaria. Smithii, Hook, .......... 242 hovrida, Presl ............ 248 speciosa, Humb. .......... 243 speciosa, Presl ossiccersasevie, 243 spinulosa, Wall. .......... 320 Colysis, Prest...... seseeees. 97 villosa, H. B. K.. wae, O45 dilatata, J. Sm. ......044 » 296 Waikerce, Hook. . s+ 820 hemionitidea, Presl........ 98 | Cyclodium, Presl 141 membranacea, J. Siv....... 98 eli are a Pre... 141 Spectra, J. Sm. .......6.. 98 Cyel iti Tpeee Ann es Coniogramma, Fée........ 05 gay | Czelopelbts, oF Gttisuwvmvieenn 180 Javanica, Fée .....0.0.6.. 127 SEIIROTGAMy de wills, ies os 10R Craspedaria. Cyclophorus. rupestris, Link............ 100 Lingua, Desv....e.eeeeees 100 Cryptogramma, R. Br. ..... . 177 | Cyrtomium, Prest .......... 141 crispa, R. Br. ..........-. 177] abbreviatum, J. Sm. ...... 802 Ctenopteris, Rl. ......,..... 301 caryotideum, Presi........ 143 trichomanoides, Sw. ...... 302 falcatum, Presl .......... 142 Culcita, Fortunei, J. Sm.. sees 286 macrocarpa, Presl ........ 238 juglandifolium, Moore sawa J4? 426 FERNS : Cystea. regia, Sm. ee Cystopteris, Ber oh, alpina, Desv. .....escees alomaria, Pres] ... bulbifera, Bernh..... dentata, Hook. Dickieana, Sim. ...... fragilis, Bernh. montana, Bernh. . “Page a regia, Presi . sesavevee 161 teruis, Schott . wisiceleraiete\sisievas. LOO, Danza, Sm. ....00.e024- 269, 367 alata, Sm.. seseceessas 269 nodosa, Sm. . ahseiesreceg 2209 simplicifolia, Rudge. seceeee 324 Darea. Belangeri, Bory .... bifida, Kaulf. .... cicutaria, Sm. ...- inequalis, Willd... . rutefolia, Sm... 2... 05 Davallia, & ese eee aculeata, Sm. ....seeeeeee 232 adiantoides, Sw...seeseeee 319 afinis, Hook. .. sate aiet AK alpina, Bl. .... vee 293 angustata, Wall... ..+.00.. 298 bidentata, Schk. ....... wee 76 Boryana, Hook. et Grev. .. 318 bullata, Wall....... Steere (6 Canariensis, Sm. ....eee00. 76 cherophylia, Wall. ......05 77 ciliata, Hook. ..... as 40 clavata, SW. ....eeseaecees 817 concinum, Schrad. ...+..-. 815 Cumingti, Hook... ..cceeee 75 decora, Moore.......6..4- 76 dissecta, J. Sin. .eccaseeee 76 divaricata, Blume ... elata, SW....... eee. elegans, Sw... ....eeeeee flaccida, R. Br. ......4 flagellifera, Wall. hemiptera, Bory ..... 318 heterophylla, Hook. et ‘Grev. 75 hirta, Kaulf. iswauhiaee 319 hispida, Hew. . sevens 233 immersa, el) saeco, 77 Khasyana, Hook, ........ 288 BRITISH AND FOREIGN. Davallia— Kunzeana, Hort...... wepage Lindenii, Hook. scaishate Lindleyi, Hook. .......++ . Lonchitidea, Wall. .....- majuscula, Lowe... Mauritiana, Hook. ... membranulosa, Wall, Mooreana, Mast........008 nitidula, Kunze ........08 Nove-Zelandie, Colenso .. ornata, Wall. .......... 76, pallida, Mett. ... wees parvula, Wall.. sees pectinata, Sm, ...eccsecees pedata, Sm. . aiseaaly pentaphylla, Blume ...000 pinnata, Cav. ..ccereseece platyphylla, Don........005 polyantha, Hook. .. polypodioides, Don .. pulchra, Don .ssecseccess pyxidata, Cav. ........76, repens, Desv. .-.seerecves rhomboidea, Wall. .. 2.2.55 Saccoloma, Spreng... scabra, Don ....... Bolida, Sw. ..cceecccceece solida, Hook. ....... strigosa, SW. ...seccesene tenuifolia, Sw... sale oie Thwaitesit, Bak. ....eeeeee trichosticha, Hook. ......0. triphylla, Hook. .......... Tyermanii, Bak. .... vestita, Bl. 2. .cccceceseae villosa, Wall. .. Vogelii, Hook... Dennstedtia. adiantoides, Moore.... anthriscifolia, Moore .. cicutaria, Moore.... davallioides, Moore dissecta, Moore ........6 Moluccana, Moore .. nitidula, Moore ... Pavoni, Moore HAR b6O® punctilobula, Moore ...... rubiginosa, Moore tenera, Moore .....0.. .s08 Deparia, Hook, ct Grev. ....-. se wees ae sees ceee 78 19 76 233 233 INDEX, 4.27 D-paria— Macre’, Hook. et Grev. per Mooret, Hook ABN cd te a mea 148 prolifera, Hook. et Grev.. 236 Diacalpe, Bl... .. .... 2.2000 807 aspidioides, Bl. eee Dicksonia, L’Hérit. .... .. 288, 366 adiantoides, Humb. ...... 236 antarctica, Labill.......239, 364 anthriscifolia, Kaulf....... 237 arborescens, L'fJérit. .. 239, 365 auricoma, Spreng. ...... chrysostricha, Moore ...... 319 cicutaria, Sw. .....eseee ee 237 Culeita, L’Hérit. ........ 238 davallioides, R. Br... ...... 237 Deplanchei, Vieille ...... 319 dissecta, SW.iew es eecceeeeee 237 fibrosa, Col. ....++ « 319 flaccidum, Sw. ..ee.e..0225 819 integra, Sw... see ieee ae 239 lanata, Colenso .. 12.0004. 289 Moluccana, Blume........ 237 nitidula, Kunze .......... 237 Pavoni, Hook............. 287 pilosiuscula, Willd......... 236 Plumierii, Hook. ........ 319 prolifera, Kaulf. .......... 236 pubescens, Schk. ....... eee 236 punctiloba, Hook. .......- 236 repens, Bory ..sseseeeeee 318 rubiginosa, Kaulf. ........ 237 Sellowiana, Hook. ........ 239 Smithii, Hook. .......... 819 squarrosa, Sw. ......+. 239, 365 Wendlandii, Bak. | Simnerwe O19 Youngii, Moore .........6 291 Diclisodon. deparicides, Moore........ 159 Dicranoglossum, J. Sm...... furcatum, J. Sm......000.. 91 Dictymia, J. Sm... ....eeeeee 88 attenuata, J. Sm. wee. eee Dictyocline, Moore.........- 802 Wilfordii, J. Sm. .ececeeees Dictyoglossum. crinitum, J.Sm..e.ceeeeee Dictyogramma, Fée ... japonica, Fée ...... Dictyopteris, Presl .... attenuata, Presl .-...+. wee =689 Dictyopteris= Camerooniana, J. Sm. irregularis, Presl.......... macrodonta, Presl . i laisse deena warians, Moore .........6 Dictyoxiphium, Hook. ...... Panamense, Hook. ........ 183 Didymochlena, Desv. ...... 165 lunulata, Desv. ....0...05 166 sinuosa, Desv.......06..66 166 truncatula, J. 8m. ........ 166 Digrammaria. ambigua, Presl .......... 227 esculenta, Fée ......00000. 227 Diplazium, Sw. ...... acuminatum, Pres)... 6... acuminatum, Radd........ 222 alternifolium, Blume ...... 222 ambiguum, J. Sm. ........ arborescens, J. Sm. ...... brevisorum, J. Sm. .... 0.0. coarctatum, Link ........ conchatum, J. Sm......... 2 costale, Presl .....0..... decussatum, J. Sm......... dilatatum, Blume ........ diversifolium, Wall. ...... esculentum, Sw. .......e05 expansum, Willd. ........ fabefolium, J.Sm......... Franconis, Lieb. .......... fraxinifolium, Wall. ...... giganteum, Hort. Lind... .. grandifolium, Sw. ........ integrifolium, J. Sm....... juglandifolium, Sw. ...... Klotzschii, Moore ........ 2 «page 285 135 285 285 133 lanceum, Presl..........2. 209 lasiopteris, Kunze ....... 2 223 Malabaricum, Spreng. .... 227 marginatum, Hort......... 223 plantagineum, Sw......... 222 polypodioides, Blume...... 223 proliferum, Kaulf......... 227 pubescens, Link .......... 227 pulcherrimum, Radd....... 166 Pullingeri, Bak. .......... 315 Serampurense, Spreng. .... 227 Shepherdi, Link .......... 222 Shepherdi, Presl . +. 222 striatum, Presl .......0.. 222 438 FERNS: BRITISH AND FOREIGN Diplaziim— subalatum, Hew.. * Page 222 sylvaticum, Sw. .... thelypteroides, Presl eiiieeatite Thwaitesii, A. Br. ....... Zeylanicuw, Moore ...... Discostegia. alata, Presl......se scence Disphenia. aculeata, Presl .... seose arborea, Presl ...,-...00. Grevilleana, Kunze ...... Doodia, R. Br... .scecc ees aspera, R. Br... eee eee ee blechnoides, A. Cunn. .... caudata, Hort...........65 caudata, R. Bre ...0.. sae dives, Kunze ese aint duriuscula, Moore ........ linearis, J, Sm. .... 0.0006 lunulata, R. Brew... eee maxima, LOWE .....ee00e rupestris, Kaulf........... Doryopteris, J. Sm. .......+ collina, J. Sm. ...eee cree ee palmata, J. Sm. ....0. 00 pedata, J. Sit... ss. cee ee sagittifolia, J. Sm........- Drymoglossum, Picsl ...... lanceolatum, J. Sm. ...... piloselloides, Presl ........ Drynaria, Bory......+. coronans, J. Sm. ... diversifolia, J. Sm. Fortunei, Moore..... glauca, J.Sm. ...eseeeceee Heraclea, J. Sit........00- Hillii, Hort. 0... cece ee ee melanococca, Moore and Houlstess i xe x% x0c40% sc morbillosa, J. Sm. .... musefolia, J. Sm. ....0005 pinnata, Fée .......0e00e propinqua, J. Sm. ...eee ae quercifolia, Bory ....... revoluta, J. Sm. .ececseee pibidd, J, S0ivs sa xaxase x @ Dryomenis, Fée ........0008 plantaginea, J. Sm......... Egenolfia, Schott.....eeeeees 223 223 + 223 222 268 242 . 241 241 199 199 199 199 199 - 199 312 199 199 199 199 Egenolfia— appendiculata, J. Sm. .. page Hamiltoniana, Schott... Elaphoglossum, Schott .. 104, apodum, Schott .....0.+5 Blumeauun, J. Sin... brachyneuron, J. Sin. ...- callefolium, J. Sia.....4. conforme, Scholt........ crassinerve, J. Sm......0. cuspidatum, J. Sm........ Funckii, Moore ......45 Herminieri, J. Sm....... latifolium, J. Sm. ......0e longifolium, J.Sm... ... ite melanopus, Kunze ...... a microlepis, J. Sm. .....+ muscosum, J. Sm. «+... 00. palustre, Te nadauabaies perelegans, J. Sm. ...+.... piloselloides, J. Sm. ..-. 45 Prestoni, J. Sm.......... es rubiginosum, Fs SMn oy esas scolopendrifolium, J. Sin. .. Sieberi, J. Sm..... sais e ‘i squamosum, J. Sm....... +6 stigmatolepis, J. Sm. undulatum, J. Sm....... vestitum, Lowe ........6. villosum, J. Sm...... eas Ellobocarpus. oleraceus, Kaulf..... tvawes Eupodium, J. Sm. .....00006 Kaulfussii, J. Sm... 22.00 Fadyenia, Hook. ....seceeees prolifera, Hook. ......+.- . Féea, Bory. ......0008 wiaethe nana, Bory .es