i i UDALL AAMAAALLADULDAL ABA ii} bmn ih i i ~ dope te yettit setae. LTT Deane a48 iit . - Cornell University Library OF THE Mew Work State College of Agriculture Ag..1887., 24 Wb, Principles of economic zoology, Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. http://www.archive.org/details/cu31924002844821 PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY BY SOR OF ZOOLOGY, STATE NORMAL SCHOOL, KIRKSVILLE, MO. AND SCHOOL GARDEN”’ WITH 301 ILLUSTRATIONS PHILADELPHIA AND LONDON W. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY 1915 Copyright, 1912, by W. B. Saunders Company Reprinted May, 1915 PRINTED IN AMERICA PRESS OF w. B. SAUNDERS COMPANY PHILADELPHIA PREPAGE THE authors have long felt the need of one book in the hands of the student which would give not only the salient facts of structural Zodlogy and the development of the various branches of animals, but also such facts of natural history—or the life and habits of animals—as to show the interrelations of structure, habit, and environment. For we believe that a knowledge of both structure and life-history is necessary before any suggestions or discoveries can be made concerning the prin- ciples which underlie and control all animal life, including that of man. For it is principles and their application for which we are searching. This book is an attempt to supply this need. It is especi- ally designed to accompany the “ Field and Laboratory Guide” (Part I). For the sake of the natural history many examples have been included. To reduce the size of the book it has been necessary to print this natural history in smaller type, but that in no way implies that it is of minor importance, and it is by far the most interesting portion of the subject. The scien- tific names need not, in all cases, be learned. They have been used because common names are so often misleading. iii iv PREFACE Much of the subject matter has been derived from our own observation and experience, but we have made use of material from all available sources and we have tried to give credit by continual reference to the authorities used. That a book of this character can never be original, everyone knows. The scope is too great for the observations of one lifetime. We are aware that we have fallen far short of our ideal. But we believe the book will be of much service if followed as suggested and used in connection with Part I. ‘If a better system is thine, impart it frankly. If not, make use of mine.” THE AUTHORS. IX1RKSVILLE, Mo. CONTENTS BRANGH PROTOZOA dein Sa. RS Ae) Ae a Ge oa a sawed LAM TAOS 1 Class I. Rhizopoda, 1.—Class II. Mastigophora, 4—Class III. Sporozoa, 4.—Class IV. Infusoria, 5. BRANCH PORTPERAL 6 ccccc504c0 G4 ee Oe eased ds eden e cma edwad 10 BRANCH ‘CO@GENTERATAL ce jo andewgte ves wav deweks Man abe woes een ek oe 17 Class I. Hydrozoa, 18.—Class JJ. The Scyphozoa, 26.—Class IL. Actinozoa, 26.—Class IV. Ctenophora, 31. BRANCH PLATYHELMINTHES.......00.00000 0 ccc eee eee cece ne 34 Class I. Turbellaria, 34.—Class II. Trematoda, 35.—Class III. Cestoda, 37.—Class IV. Nemertinea, 39. BRANCH NEMATHELMINTHES..... 00.00.0000 cece ee cece cee eeeaee 41 Class I. Nematoda, 41.—Class II. Acanthocephala, 44.—Class Ill. Chetognatha, 44. BRANCH TROCHELMINTHES.......... 000 cece eee e eee e eee eeees Class I. Rotifera, 46.—Class II. Dinophilea, 47.—Class III. Gastrotricha, 47. BRANCH MOLLRUSGCOIDA tis igs os Saud Sons Saige ead oe aaetteuadet ows 48 Class I. Polyzoa, 48.—Class II. Phoronida, 48.—Class III. Brachiopoda, 48. BraNncH ECHINODERMATA. .... 2.0.00 e cece teeter eens 50 Class I. Asteroidea, 54.—Class II. Ophiuroidea, 56.—Class III. Echinoidea, 58.—Class IV. Holothuroidea, 60.—Class Y. Crinoidea, 62. BRANCH ANNULAT Ag o3 cee as ee sedges Geared nen dao een way ke 65 Class I. Cheetopoda, 65.—Class II. Gephyrea, 69.—Class III. Hirudinea, 69. BRANCH M@LRUSCA ce i553 25845 50 St 3 Gus Sohaidied Gawen ac eeeand EES 72 Class I. Pelecypoda, 73.—Class II. Gasteropoda, 81.—Class III. Cephalopoda, 84. v vi CONTENTS BRANGH: ARTHROPODAG 65s co5 cidade 8 o0 hone REO REESE hakG Bas BraNcH CHORDATA Class I. Crustacea, 90.—Sub-class Entomostraca, 90.—Order I. Phyllopoda, 90.—Order II. Ostracoda, 90.—Order III. Cope- poda, 91.—Order IV. Cirripedia or Barnacles, 91.—Sub-class Il. Malacostraca, 92.—Order I. Phyllocardia, 93.—Order II. Decapoda, 93.—Order III. Arthrostraca, 102. Class II. Arachnida, 103.—Order I. Scorpionida, 103.—Order II. Phalangidea, 104.—Order III. Araneida or Spiders, 104.— Order IV. Xiphosura, 110. Class III. Myriapoda, 111.—Order I. Chilopoda, 111.—Order II. Diplopoda, 112. Class IV. Insects, 112.—Order I. Aptera or Thysanura, 126.— Order IJ. Ephemerida, 127.—Order III. Plecoptera, 128.— Order IV. Odonata, 129.—Order V. Isoptera, 131.—Order VI. Orthoptera, 132.—Order VII. Hemiptera, 140.—Order VIII. Coleoptera, 148.—Order IX. Diptera, 153.—Order X. Siphon- aptera, 161.—Order XI. Lepidoptera, 162.—Order XII. Hymen- optera, 174. Sub-phylum and Class I. Adelochorda, 191.—Sub-phylum and Class II. Urochorda or Tunicata, 192.—Sub-phylum and Class III. Acrania or Amphioxus, 194. Sub-phylum, IV. Craniata or Vertebrata, 195.—Class I. Cy- clostomata, 195. Class II. Pisces, 196.—Sub-class I. Elasmobranchii, 206.— Sub-class II. Holocephali, 207.—Sub-class III. Dipnoi, 208.— Sub-class IV. Teleostomi, 209.—Order I. Crossopterygii, 210.— Order II. Chondrostei, 210.—Order III. Holostei, 210.—Order IV. Teleostei, 211. Class III. Amphibia, 221.—Order I. Stegocephala, 228.—Order II. Apoda or Gymnophiona, 228.—Orddr III. Urodela or Cau- data, 229.—Order IV. Anura or Ecaudata, 233. Class IV. Reptilia, 236.—Order I. Rhynchocephalia, 238.— Order II. Ophidia, 239.—Order III. Lacertilia, 243.—Order IV. Chelonia, 248.—Order V. Crocodilia, 253. Class V. Aves, 258.—Division A. Ratite, 278.—Dirision B. Carinate, 281.—Watcr Birds: Order I. Pygopodes, 281.—Order II. Longipennes, 282.—Order III. Tubinares, 283.—Order 1V. Steganopodes, 284.—Order V. Anseres, 285.—Order VI. Odon- toglosse, 286.—Order VII. Herodiones, 286.—Order VIII. Paludicole, 289.—Order IX. Limicole, 290.—Land Birds: Order X. Galline, 291.—Order XI. Columba, 292.—Order XII. Raptores, 204.—Order XIII. Psittaci, 297.—Order XIV. Coccyges, 297.—Order XV. Pici, 298.—Order XVI. Machro- chires, 300.—Order XVII. Passeres, 300. iss CONTENTS vil PAGE Class VI. Mammalia, 311.—Order I. Monotremata, 319.— Order II. Marsupialia, 320.—Order III. Edentata, 323.—Order IV. Nirenia, 325.—Order V. Cetacea, 326.-—Order VI. Ungulata, 329.— Order VIL. Rodentia or Glires, 350.—Order VIII. Car- nivora, 356.—Order LX. Insectivora, 366.—Order X. Chirop- tera, 368.—Order XI. Primates, 372. THEORIES OF DEVELOPMENT. ........00-00000 00000 cee vee eee 382 GLOSSARY e Gi pho he OER EAE apy ch RN Gh n Bn DE woo 395 “There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio, Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.’ SHAKESPEARE. PRINCIPLES OF ECONOMIC ZOOLOGY BRANCH PROTOZOA THE animals of this branch are one celled and microscopic, or very small. These cells may unite, but as the union is not organic, it is said to form a colony, and not an individual animal as is the case in the higher forms. A colony may consist of a few cells, as in Gonium, or of many cells, as in Volvox. Since protozoans are so minute and their soft protoplasmic substance is so easily dried up, they are usually aquatic, but some forms are parasitic, while others, as Ame'ba terric’ola, are terrestrial, but these live or remain active in moist places only. Protozoans are most abundant in salt water, or in stagnant pools of fresh water, and are found in almost all parts of the globe. Since, by reason of their simplicity, protozoans are adapted for living where other animals could not exist, they are supposed to be the oldest. or first animal life, and it is believed that they existed in the Archean time. Numbers.—There are many thousands of species of these protozoans, each species differimg from all others in some detail, yet all agreeing in their unicellular simplicity. Only a few of the typical forms can be mentioned. CLASS I. RHIZOPODA The lowest class, or Rhizop’oda, is represented by the Ameba (Fig. 1). It is an irregular mass of colorless, semifluid, or jelly- like living protoplasm destitute of a cell wall. There is no dis- 1 2 BRANCH PROTOZOA tinct line between the clear outer homogeneous layer, or ecto- plasm, and the inner granular substance, the endoplasm. Within the endoplasm is the nucleus, a small, round, denser mass. Sometimes the contractile vacuole, a clear sphere of liquid and gas, appears, increases in size, then contracts, and disappears, and a new one is formed. This is supposed to aid in respiration Fig. 1.—Ameba polypodia in six successive stages of division. The dark white-edged spot in the interior is the nucleus. (Schulze.) and in carrying off the waste products formed by oxidation, such ax carbon dioxid. Motion and Locomotion.— Under the microscope the amaba may be identified by its movements. The body surface will be seen to protrude or rather flow out at one or several points, forming irregular lobes, called false feet, or pseudopodia, which RHIZOPODA 3 may be contracted, or the whole body protoplasm may flow along after them, thus producing locomotion as well as constant change of form. According to the experiments of Professor H. 8. Jennings, particles attached to the ectoplasm move forward on the upper surface, disappear over the anterior edge, and, as the proto- plasm flows along, appear again at the posterior end, to repeat the circuit, showing that this locomotion is a sort of ‘rolling process.” Feeding.—As the amceba flows or rolls along, if it comes in contact with a particle which is unfit for food, it passes by or over it, but if the particle is fit for food, it flows about and en- velops it, and forms the so-called food vacuole. As this food vacuole moves along the endoplasm, the digestible part of the food disappears in digestion, while the indigestible portion is left behind as the protoplasmic body moves along. Multiplication in the case of the Ameba is by binary division or fission and by sporulation. This becomes necessary, since the entire animal is but a single cell, and all the functions for the whole animal must be performed by this one cell. Hence, it must remain exceedingly small, so the nucleus, as well as the body substance, divides into two halves, and two individuals result. Encysting.—Under unfavorable environment, such as drouth, the Ameba contracts into a tiny sphere, becomes encysted or encased in a horn-like membrane, and remains in a dormant condition until favorable environment returns to it, or it is trans- ported by the wind or carried by other animals—in the dirt which has clung to them—to a favorable environment, where it bursts its cyst and resumes active life. The Radiola’ria are marine Rhizopoda which have their pseudopodia arranged like rays. Many of these forms possess a silicious shell or skele- ton, and myriads of these shells are found in rocks of various geologic ages. One type reproduces by swarm spores, the original nucleus dividing into hundreds of daughter-nuclei. The Foraminif’era are Rhizopoda whose fresh-water forms have chitinous or silicious coverings, while the typical members, which are marine, have caleareous shells. When the animal dies the shell sinks to the bottom of the ocean. Such multitudes have existed that vast formations of chalk or limestone rock have been made by their shells. The stone of the Pyra- mids is said to be composed of fossil Foraminifera. 4 BRANCH PROTOZOA It is suid that in the bodies of some Radiolaria are found unicellular Algee, or microscopic plants, which furnish, even in this low stage of life, an example of symbiosis, or the living together of different kinds of organisms for mutual benefit. CLASS II. MASTIGOPHORA The Eugle’na is a representative of the second class of Pro- tozoans (Mastigoph’ora). It has a more fixed arrangement of parts than the Ameba. The cell is surrounded by a delicate membrane perforated at the blunt anterior end by a funnel- shaped mouth through which the food passes into the body sub- stance. From the base of this mouth the protoplasm extends out in a long flagellum which, by its lashing, propels the body forward, and produces currents of water which bear food into the mouth. Back of the mouth is a tiny pigment spot beside a clear space which is sensitive to light. CLASS III. SPOROZOA This class consists of parasitic protozoans. The Gregari’na is parasitic in the intestines, reproductive organs, or, rarely, in the body cavity of invertebrates, such as crayfish, insects, and worms. It absorbs liquid food from its host and has no mouth nor pseudopodia. One or two individuals become encysted and then break up into a number of minute portions called spores. The Hemosporid’ia are sporozoans which live in the blood-corpuscles of vertebrates. In man they are the germs which produce malaria. The malaria-producing protozoans spend part of their life in man and part in a certain genus of mosquito -lnoph’eles). When this mosquito sucks the blood of a malarial patient the germs are taken into the stomach of the mosquito. ‘ After fertilization the odsphere wanders into the intestinal wall of the mosquito, grows larger, encysts, and produces many sporo- blasts, which in time form many sporozoites.” These pass out with the saliva of the female Anoph'eles as it ‘ bites” another person, and thus the germs of malaria are transferred to his blood, where, under proper condi- tions, they multiply rapidly, and fever results. It is evident that the bite of this mosquito does not cause malaria unless the mosquito is itself in- feeted with the germs. Yellow fever is believed to be caused by another sporozoan carried by 1 ‘different genus of mosquito (Slegomy’ia). , INFUSORIA 5 CLASS IV. INFUSORIA The fourth class of protozoans is the Infuso’ria, of which the Paramecium, or “slipper animalcule,” is a type (Fig. 2). It is somewhat cylindric in form and is surrounded by a cuticle perforated with minute openings, through which the proto- plasm projects in the form of short hair-like structures, called cilia, which are the organs of locomotion. On the ventral surface of the Paramcecium is a groove which runs backward and inward into a short tube or gullet. Both the tube and the gullet are lined with vibrating cilia which cause currents of water. These currents carry the food into the inner end of the gullet, where it is pushed by occasional constrictions into the soft endoplasm and carried about in its movements as a food vacuole. The un- digested particles are cast out at a fixed point in the cell wall, but it is not per- manently open, so it is not easily recog- nized. The Paramcecium is supplied with two coiled threads which may be used as organs of defense. The Paramcecium has two nuclei, one, the macronucleus, supposed to be the seat of all vital func- tions, and the other, the micronucleus, which controls the reproduction. The . Fi: 2.—Parame- : : cium aurelia. In the Paramcecium reproduces by fission, both center may be seen nuclei being divided, but conjugation one of the nuclei, and also is manifested. In conjugation, oe Sees two Parameecia unite temporarily, ex- Verworn.) change a portion of the micronuclei, and perform other processes; they then separate, and continue more actively the process of transverse division or fission. While these examples are only a few of the thousands of species and of the countless myriads of individuals of proto- zoans, yet, if carefully studied, they teach many things. Protoplasm.—Living protoplasm is the active substance of all living organisms. All the forces or conditions which tend to 6 BRANCH PROTOZOA Fig. 3—Organisms very abundantly found in common sea-water that has stood a few days in an open shallow dish: a, Acineta with embryo budding off; b, resting spores of alga, with bacteria; c, Chilodon; d, small Navicula; c, Cocconeis; f, larger species of Navicula; g, heliozoan, with two entrapped infusoria; h, germinating alga cells; 7, small colony of bac- teria in zodglea stage with small flagellate infusoria near by; &, flagellate infusorian; #7, infusorian Afesodinium; n, ciliate infusorian; v, Vorticella, with small portion of its stalk. (Bull. U.S. F.C., 1895.) 4 INFUSORIA 7 cause response or reaction in living protoplasm are called stimuli. The principal stimuli! may be classed as chemical stimuli, differences in temperature, light, contact, electricity, and gravity. Protozoans possess: (1) Irritability, that property of living protoplasm which gives it power to respond to stimuli; (2) automatism, the power of movement, or of changing the form. Locomotion.—Protozoans move by means of pseudopodia, cilia, or flagella. Some forms, as the Vort/cel'la, are fixed, and can move only by the contractility of their stalks or stems. Nutrition —The food of protozoans is composed of whatever minute organisms or fragments of organic matter they are able to obtain in the water. The parasitic forms, of course, simply absorb nutriment from the liquids of the host. The proc- ess of nutrition in the simplest protozoan consists in wrapping or, more correctly, flowing itself about the particle of food, absorbing the nutriment needed, and rejecting what it cannot use. Thus we see that it has the power of selective absorption, or digestion. Circulation is brought about by simply changing the form of the body mass, thus changing the position of the absorbed nutriment in the one-celled body. Assimilation, or the making of this absorbed material into its own body substance, next takes place, and, as a consequence, growth. The using up of assimilated material for heat or motion (energy), or metabolism, also takes place. Respiration, or the taking in of oxygen and the giving off of carbonic acid gas and other wastes, is effected by the absorp- 1The reactions (orientation) of animals in response to these various stimuli are called tropisms; the response to chemical stimuli is called chemotropism; to heat, thermotropism; to light, phototropism; to contact, thigmotropism; to electricity, electrotropism; to gravity, geotropism, and so on. Loeb and others claim that the movements of the lower forms and many of those of the higher forms are purely physical and chemical reac- tions, just exactly as those known to us in the inorganic world. H. 3. Jennings, who is another very careful investigator, asserts that his inves- tigations show “ that in these creatures their behavior is not, as a rule, on the tropism plan—a set, foreed method of reacting to each particular agent —but takes place in a much more flexible, less directly, machine-like way by the method of trial and error. . . This method lcads upward, offer- ing at every point opportunity for development, and showing even in the unicellular organisms what must be considered the beginnings of intelli- gence and of many other qualities found in higher animals.” Py & 8 BRANCH PROTOZOA tion of the one and the throwing off of the other through the surface. Excretion takes place through the surface or through the contractile vacuole, there being a definite point at which the waste is ejected in the more advanced forms, such as the Paramecium and the Vorticella. Multiplication While these life processes are going on, the animal grows or increases in size. This size must necessarily be very limited, for only small animals could live in this primi- tive way; hence, when the protozoan has reached a sufficient size, it divides into two complete halves, each half containing its share of the original cell-nucleus, as well as of the cytoplasm or protoplasmic cell body. This cell division, or the multiplica- tion of individuals, is called fission. After simple fission has taken place for many generations the fusion of two individuals, or conjugation, in which the nucleus of one individual is broken up and fused with that of the other, occurs. After this fusion, the process of fission continues, in which each new individual now contains a portion of the two parent nuclei which were fused in conjugation, instead of one parent nucleus as before con- jugation. This surely contains a suggestion of sexual mul- tiplication, though the conjugating cells may appear exactly alike. However, instances are given in which the individuals differ in size, the ‘‘males”’ being smaller and more mobile. Also we see, not exactly “alternation of generations,” but, at any rate, alternation of methods of reproduction. Animal Mind.\—Of the mental life of the protozoan little is known. If the rudiments of future complex animals is fore- shadowed in the protozoan, why may we not recognize the fact that here, too, is found the merest suggestion of the mental life as well? It has been abundantly demonstrated that protozoans possess irritability and contractility. It has been shown that they are sensitive to touch or contact, and, indeed, can discriminate between a hard substance and a softer substance suitable for food, as well as to recognize their kind by contact. 1 Mind is here used in the biologic sense, and is the “sum total of all psychic changes, actions, and reactions.’’—Jordan and Kellogg's ‘‘ Evolu- tion and Animal Life,” p. 448. INFUSORIA 9 Weir, in his ‘f Dawn of Reason,” tells of observations with an Actinoph’rys, inwhich it was seen to discriminate between starch grains and uric-acid crystals. Protozoans are also known to be responsive to heat and light. Werr also states as his opinion that all animals can cistinguish day from night. The question remains as to whether or not this is ascertained by sight. However this may be, there can be absolutely no vision, because there is no mechanism for it. Importance of Protozoans.—(1) They furnish, either directly or indirectly, food for all higher forms of life. (2) They are scavengers of decayed organic matter. (3) By their countless numbers throughout the ages, vast formations of chalk or lime- stone have been made. Myriads of them are still sinking to the bottom of the ocean as Globigeri’na ooze or fadiolarian ooze. Since these animals are aquatic, geologists know that wherever these vast formations are found, there was once the sea. (4) Some of them are parasitic in the lower animals and in man, causing diseases which are ofttimes widespread and serious. Classification —(Adapted from Parker and Haswell): Class, Examples. I. Rhizdp’oda. Ame’ba, etc. II. Mastigdph’ora. Euglé’na, Vol’vox. III. Sporozd’a. Grégari’na, ete. IV. Infusd’ria. Paramce’cium and Vorticél’la. BRANCH PORIFERA ALL animals except the Protozoans are multicellular and are classed as Metazoa. Differentiation.—In all we find, to a greater or less degree, division of labor among the cells, or the differentiation into tissues and organs for special functions. Reproduction.—True sexual reproduction is the charactcristic method among Metazoans. Porifera——These aquatic, many-celled animals were formerly considered as plants. Indeed, they look like seaweeds among the rocks at the bottom of the sea. Most of the sponges are marine, but there are a number of fresh-water forms. Fresh-water sponges are widely distributed, and are attached to weeds ‘or submerged objects along the margins of clear springs or ponds. Sponges vary in color from a greenish hue to red, brown, or flesh color. All of the soft parts, as well as the skin or covering, is gone from the commercial sponges. Their shape, as is scen in the sponges of commerce, is irregu- lar even in the same species; it varies with the environment, in order that the sponges may adapt themselves to the surface to which they are attached or the depth and currents of the water. Their size varies from a fraction of an inch to two or three feet in diameter. Structure——The body of the Porifera consists of many cells arranged in two layers, an inner, or endoderm, and an outer, or ectoderm. There is a middle undifferentiated layer (aesoglea). The simplest sponge is cylindric or vase shaped (Fig. 4), while others, more complicated, consist of a system of branch- ing tubes. At the free end of each is a small opening, the osculum, or exhalant orifice, while the walls of the eylinder are perforated by exceedingly minute rnrhalant pores. The ecto- derm consists of flattened cells, which are also found to extend for a short distance inside the osculum, while the rest of the tube 10 MULTIPLICATION 11 is lined with a single layer of peculiarly shaped columnar cells, each possessing a flagellum. The skeleton is developed in the middle layer and may consist of silicious or of calcareous spicules of a great variety of form, sometimes they are anchor shaped, and again others are club shaped, spear shaped, or cruciform. The so-called glass sponges sometimes have beautiful silici- ous skeletons. In other cases the skele- ton consists simply of fine, flexible, inter- woven fibers of tough, horny spongin. It is the skeleton, denuded of the flesh, or sarcode, that covers it in life, which forms the commercial sponge. A few sponges have no skeletons. Nutrition.—There are no organs of digestion, circulation, or respiration in the sponge. The food consists of micro- scopic plants or animals, or of minute particles of organic matter floating in the water. The food-laden water enters through the inhalant pores and is carried by the movement of the flagella through the canals or paragastric cavities. The food as well as oxygen is taken up by the cells lining the canals and by the ameboid cells. The waste is carried out by the outgoing currents of water, which empty through the osculum, or, if the sponge is complex, the oscula. Locomotion.—At first the larval sponge is free swimming, by means of cilia. It soon becomes “fixed to some stone Fig. 4—A_ simple sponge (Calcolynthus primigentus) with part of outer wall cut away. (After Hackel.) or other object or animal, and assumes the fixed ways of its ancestors. Multiplication—(1) Asexual, by external budding and the consequent formation of a united colony, or by internal gem- mules; (2) sexual, thus insuring the perpetuation of the species. Sponges are hermaphroditic, that is, both the male elements 12 BRANCH PORIFERA (sperm cells) and the female elements or eggs (ova) are con- tained in the same individual (Fig. 5). It is from the union of a sperm cell with an ovum that the new individual sponge is developed. The sperm cells and the ova rarely mature at the same time in the same individual. Hence, the ova in the canals of one sponge are fertilized hy the spermatozoa of an- other sponge, which are carried to them by the afferent currents of water in the canals, thus insuring cross-fertilization. The eges are retained in the canals until the blastula stage of their Fig. 5.—First stages in embryonic development of the pond snail (Lymiucus): a, Weg cell; 6, first cleavage; ¢, second cleavage; d, third cleay- age; ¢, after numerous cleavages (Morula): f, blastula Gin section); 4, gastrula just) forming (in section); #, gastrula completed Gin’ section). (After Rabl.) This may be taken as a type of the earliest development of all many eelled animals (Metazoa). (rom Jordan and Kellogg, ‘* Animal Life,” D. Appleton and Co., Publishers.) development is reached, then they are set free and pass out at the exhalant opening or osculum. The fresh-water sponges (sponyilla) bear small, seed-like bodies called gemmules toward the approach of winter. The parent sponge dics, the gemmules remain dormant until the next spring, when the rising temperature calls them to renewed life. They grow into mature spongilla, bear other gemmules, and thus the life- history of their race is repeated. Animal Mind.Sponges have no well-marked nerve-cells, though the simplest elements of both nerve and musele have been PROTECTIVE RESEMBLANCE 13 described as belonging to them. It is evident that the sponge possesses irritability and contractility. It has the instincts of self-preservation and of the perpetuation of its species. No one ean correctly interpret the psychologic phenomena of any animal until he has passed through the same psychic phenomena as that animal, and then become a man with the memory of these experiences and what they signified to that animal. Since we cannot do that, we must be content to infer the significance of certain biologic phenomena from comparison with our own experiences. Environment.—As has been said, sponges are greatly in- fluenced as to their shape by the objects to which they are at- Fig. 6.—A young sponge. (After Burnet.) tached and by the depth and currents of the water. They are much more nearly uniform in deeper waters. The plastic sponge well illustrates the influence of gravity (geotropism) upon an animal. It also shows rheotropism. Protective Resemblance.—Their protective resemblance is exceedingly good. They look so much like the seaweed and other aquatic vegetation that they are well concealed from the animals which prey upon them, such as worms, crustaceans, mollusks, and other marine invertebrates. Their tough, horny texture and their silicious or calcareous spicules are also a means of protection. Their characteristic odor, said to re- semble garlic, makes them distasteful to fishes. 1 See Glossary. 14 BRANCH PORIFERA Symbiosis.—Examples of symbiosis are found among them, as that of the sponge and the crab. The sponge attached to the crab is carried about by it and given better opportunity of ob- taining food and oxygen, while the crab, in turn, is concealed from its enemies by the sponge. In the fresh-water sponge, a green alga sometimes grows, giving the green cclor to the mass. Various small marine forms are found in the sponges, giving good examples of commensalism. Sponges are never parasitic. Fig. 7—Spongers at work. The “sponge hook” is a three-toothed curved hook attached to a pole, the length of which varics with the depth of the water. The sponge-glass is a common water-pail with the bottom knocked out and w pane of window glass put in its place. It is used for seeing below the surface where the water is disturbed by ripples. (Cobb, in Circular 535, U. 8. F. C., 1902.) “ Use.—They are of use as food for other animals, and their skeletons form a very useful article of commerce. The sponges of shallow water are obtained hy men in boats, with a dredge or a long-handled hook or rake (Fig. 7); those of the deeper waters, by divers. They are then exposed to the air for a time and then heaped up in water again in tanks CLASSIFICATION 15 provided for them, where they decay. The animal matter in them is “beaten, squeezed, or washed out,” and their skeletons sent to market (Fig. 9). Geographic Distribution.—Fresh-water sponges are found in streams and lakes in all the continents. Marine forms are found in all seas and in all depths, from the shore between tide-marks to the deepest abysses of the ocean. They are most abundant in tropical waters. Geologic Distribution.—Silicious sponges were not uncommon in the Cambrian Period, and are found in the formations from aia Fig. 8.—Bringing sponges from the vessels to sponge wharf at Key West. (Report U.S. F. C., 1902.) that time on. They were abundant in the Jurassic and very abundant in the Cretaceous of Europe; none have been found in that of America. Important Biologic Facts.—Even in this low type there is a differentiation of certain cells for certain purposes, as the skeletal and reproductive cells. True sexual reproduction ap- pears for the first time in the Porifera. Conjugation was noted in the Paramcecium. Classification.—Sponges are of three kinds: (1) The calear- eous sponges, containing much lime. They are of little or 16 BRANCH PORIFERA no commercial value. Example, Grantia. (2) The silicious sponges, in which the skeleton is largely silica. Example, Euplectel'la. (3) The horny sponges of commerce. Euspongia group. To this group belong the half-dozen species of Florida and the Mediterranean and the Red Seas. Our American sup- ply comes principally from Florida and the Mediterranean Sea "g E = a Fig. 9.—.\ sponge auction at Anclote. (Report U.S. F.C., 1902) from water not exceeding 30 fathoms deep. [cxamples of this group are Spongia, and the fresh-water forms of the genus Spongilla, Most zoélogists make but one class of porifera; others, two Classes : I. Calea’rea. Il. Non-calea’rea. BRANCH C(HLENTERATA Tuts branch comprises our fresh-water Hydra, and a few allies, and the marine forms, jelly-fishes, corals, and sea-ane- mones. This branch finds representatives from the shore line and the surface to the profound depths of the ocean. The body, which is usually radially symmetric, consists es- sentially of a two-layered sac, which is open at one end and closed at the other, and in which there is a simple or branched gastric cavity. The outer layer is called the ectoderm; the inner layer, the endoderm, and a gelatinous non-cellular layer between them, the mesoglea. Some ccelenterates are soft- bodied, others secrete a calcareous or limy substance called coral. Around the free open end of the sac-like body are a varying number of tentacles. Nettle Cells.—Stinging or nettle cells are characteristic of this branch, except in Cetenoph’ora, where they are replaced by adhesive cells. These stinging cells, which are especially abundant on the tentacles, contain a fluid, and a spirally wound thread provided with barbs, which, when the animal is disturbed, are discharged into the body of the intruder, paralyzing it. It is then seized by the tentacles and drawn into the mouth. Size.—Ceelenterates vary in size from the little fresh-water hydra, a fraction of an inch in length and of the diameter of a pin, to the giant jelly-fishes, as the Cya’nea, which sometimes reach 7 or 8 feet in diameter and have tentacles more than 100 feet long. Locomotion.—Some members of this branch are free, as the jelly-fishes; some are permanently fixed; as the Corals, while some, as the Hydras, are temporarily fixed, moving from one position only to adhere to another, and thus making slow pro- gression. Multiplication is both sexual (by eggs) and asexual (by budding). Origin.—They are of ancient origin, being abundant in the Cambrian Period. 2 WW 18 BRANCH CQ@RLENTERATA CLASS I. HYDROZOA In this class are found the worldwide fresh-water Hydras and the marine Hydroid Colonies, such as Campanula’ria or Obe’lia. The Hydras are small fresh-water Hydrozo’a from ~ to £ or possibly 4 inch in length. They may be white or colorless, or green or brown. The body is a simple cylinder (Fig. 10) or sac, closed at one end, and near the other surrounded by six or eight tentacles, Fig. 10.—Hydra: Longitudinal section of animal, showing m, mouth; t, tentacle; d, digestive cuvity; 6, bud; s, spermary; v, ovary; cc, ectoderm; en, endoderm. Magnified. (From Dodge’s “ General Zoology,” American Book Co., Publishers.) above which is the conical hypostome, at the apex of which is the mouth. The muscular fibers of the ectoderm extend lengthwise, while those of the endoderm extend around the body.' If disturbed, the Hydras protect themselves by withdrawing into a tiny sphere, while the tentacles contract until they look like so many small buds. The endoderm has flagellate cells lining the gastrovascular cavity. 1 Hertwig’s “Manual of Zodlogy,” Kingsley, p. 230, HYDROZOA 19 The food is obtained by the viscid tentacles, which, when the Hydra is undisturbed, are extended (as is usually the body), ready to grasp the prey, for this tiny animal is carnivorous, feeding upon small organisms, usually crustaceans. There are nettle cells, or nematocysts, in the ectoderm of the tentacles. When an animal comes in contact with a tentacle, the nemato- cysts near the point touched throw out stinging threads which partially paralyze the animal by the fluid which they discharge into the wound they have pierced. The tentacles then pass the prey to the mouth, which opens into the gastrovascular cavity, in which digestion is carried on and into which the wastes are gathered and thrown out through the only opening, the mouth. The Hydra, by its wide-open mouth and envelop- ing lips, often takes in organisms much larger than itself. Nerve-cells, sex-cells, and nettle-cells are situated in the ectoderm. Multiplication in the Hydra is both sexual and asexual. It reproduces by budding, but as the buds mature they become detached, so that no permanent colony is formed. It also reproduces by eggs, the animal being hermaphroditic, that. is, the reproductive organs of both sexes are found in the same indi- vidual. Near the base of the tentacles are found the spermaries from which the sperm cells are discharged into the water; the ovaries are situated farther down, near the lower end of the body. The eggs are cross-fertilized, that is, fertilized by the sperm cells of another individual. After fertilization the ova remain in the ectoderm for some time, when they become en- cysted in spiny cysts, drop off into the water, and sink to the bottom. They lie here till the following spring, when they break their casing and come forth as minute Hydras. In the encysted condition they are able to withstand cold and drouth, thus insuring the perpetuation of the species. Hydras also have the power of regenerating the whole body from a part in case of injury. Locomotion—The Hydra is temporarily fixed by adhering to the submerged stems of water plants by means of a sticky secretion from the closed end of the tube. It can detach itself, and, by grasping with its tentacles, can pull itself up and again attach the end of its tubular body to an object. By this cater- 20 BRANCH CQSLENTERATA pillar-like looping it is able to change its position or perform slight locomotion. Dispersal While the mature Hydra has very limited powers of locomotion, or direct dispersal, its offspring may be widely Fig. 11.—A, Part of the colony of Bougainiil’lea mus’cus, one of the com- pound Hydrozoa, of the natural size. B, Part of the same enlarged: p, A polypite fully expanded; m, an incompletely developed reproductive bud; m’, a more completely developed reproductive bud; f, coenosare with its investing periderm and central canal. C, A free reproductive bud or medu- siform gonophore of the same: n, Gonocalyx; p, manubrium; c, one of the radiating gastrovascular canals; 0, occllus; r, velum; é, tentacle. (After Allman.) separated from the parent through /ndirect dispersal, or the drifting about of the encysted eggs by means of currents and HYDROZOA 21 waves, or the transporting, by the same means, of the débris to which they are attached in later life. Symbiosis is exemplified by Hyd’ra vir'idis, or the green Hydra, the color probably being due to the presence of small green alge. Another species found in Russia, Polypo’dium hydrifor’me, of which little is known, is parasitic on sturgeon eggs.! A Hydroid Colony (Fig. 11).—Suppose a hydra-like animal to bud and branch until it looked like a tiny bushy shrub. This will give you some idea of these plant-like hydroids. These hydra-like animals, or polyps, are connected by a system of tubes, the common stem or axis bearing many individual zodids. Fig. 12.—Obe’lia flabella’ta. (Hincks.) Fig. 13.—Obe'lia commissura'lis. Obelia (Figs. 12, 13) is a good representative of such colonies. The axis is made up of a creeping horizontal portion and of vertical axes. The short, alternate, lateral branches of these axes bear zodids at their extremities, or, again branching, the polyps or zodids are borne on the second set of branches. When these zoédids are immature, they are little, club-shaped enlarge- ments. When mature, the polyps are surrounded proximally by a little glassy, protective cup, the hydrotheca, and distally bear about a score of tentacles. These are the nutritive zodids, for division of labor is found here. The tentacle-bearing indi- viduals procure the food, and since the tubes are all hollow 1 Hertwig’s ‘‘ Manual of Zodélogy,” Kingsley, p. 241. 22 BRANCH CQSLENTERATA and connected, the whole colony shares the food thus supplied. When disturbed the polyp withdraws into the hydrotheca for protection. Blastostyles—But while the majority of the members of this colony are hydra-like, tentacle-bearing polyps which reproduce by budding only, and can enlarge the original colony, they have no power of directly producing a new colony in a more favorable position. There is, therefore, another set of individ- uals (see Fig. 11). These, while forming a part of this tubular colony, are modified in their form for a particular function. They are situated toward the proximal region of the colony and are long, cylindric bodies, known as blastostyles, each of which is enclosed in a transparent case, the gonotheca. These are the reproductive zodids, and bear small lateral circular buds called medusa buds, which, as they mature, become detached and pass out through an opening now formed at the end of the gonotheca. Alternation of Generations.—These medusa buds are sexual and diecious, 1. e., the sexes are separate, one individual producing the ova and another the sperm cells. After fertilization, which takes place in the water, the egg develops into a simple, free- swimming ciliated larva, the planula, which soon attaches itself to some object, develops into a polyp, and, by budding, forms anew colony. This regular reproduction by budding, and then by eggs, and then by budding again is called alternation of genera- tions, or metagenesis. Meduse.—Careful study shows that the Medusa is only a highly developed or modified zodid. The cylindric body has been developed into a disk or umbrella-shaped body (Fig. 14); the long axis has been greatly shortened and is suspended be- neath the center of the sub-umbrella, as the under surface of the disk is called, where it takes the name of manubrium, or “handle.” At the free end of this manubrium is the mouth, which opens into the gastric cavity that occupies the whole interior of the handle. At the base of the manubrium four radial canals, equally distant from each other, are sent out to the circular canal, which runs around the margin of the umbrella, but within its substance. Thus, the food taken into the mouth is distributed to the whole animal. The whole canal system is lined by endo- HYDROZOA 23 derm, which is ciliated. The endoderm also forms the axes of the tentacles. There is also a layer of endoderm between the radial canals extending from the circular canal to the gastric cavity. Between the endoderm and the ectoderm, which covers the convex surface or ex-umbrella, is a much-thickened jelly-like mass of the mesoglea, while between the endoderm and the ectoderm covering the sub-umbrella there is a thin layer of mesoglea. The ectoderm, of course, covers the tenta- cles, where it is well supplied with stinging cells. At the margin the ectoderm of both the sub- and ex-umbrellas forms a narrow Fig. 14.—1, Pela’gia panopy'ra, oral view of mature medusa. 2. The same, side view. (Mayer, in Bull. U.S. F. C., 1903.) fold or shelf, the velwm, which hangs down when at rest, but draws up like a diaphragm across the bottom of the umbrella when the bell contracts. By the forcing out of the water the animal is forced forward, and so locomotion is effected. Around the outside of the velum is a row of tentacles, usually four or some multiple of four in number. Muscles of a longitudinal character control the tentacles, while circular striped muscles surround the sub-umbrella and velum, and, by contracting the umbrella and velum, produce locomotion. 24 BRANCH CQQLENTERATA The nerve ring surrounds the margin between the circular muscles of the umbrella and those of the velum. At the bases of two of the tentacles of each quadrant there are sense organs. They probably aid the medusa in determining in what direction, with regard to the vertical, it is swimming, that is, whether it is moving up, down, or sidewise. In other medusz the simplest of eyes, red pigment spots, which may or may not have a lens, are found. The food of the medusa consists of both plants and animals. It is very voracious and grows rapidly after leaving the colony. "C. ws ee Fig. 15.— Hydractin’ia polycli’na: a, Nutritive individual; b, reproduc- tive individual; c, spiral zoéids or fighting individuals. (Bull. 455, U. 8. F.C.) Multiplication—After a time cither eggs or sperm cells develop, and are set free in the water, where they unite with those of some other medusa and develop into the tiny larval form, which soon attaches itself and grows into a hydroid, to bud and branch and produce again the meduse, thus repeating the life-cycle and the reproduction by alternation of genera- tions. There are more than a thousand species of the class Hydrozoa. In some forms (Tig. 15), as the Hy'dractin'ia, there are several classes of individuals—the nutritive, the defensive, and the reproductive—with HYDROZOA 25 the corresponding division of labor. These Hydractin’ia live upon the surface of the shells of sea-snails or whelks, which are inhabited by hermit crabs, and afford another good example of symbiosis. The Hydractinia gets free transportation, aiding it in secur- ing food; it also probably feeds upon minute fragments of the crab’s food; while the crab, in turn, is protected from intruders by the stinging cells of the Hydractinia. If the hydroids are in any way torn from the shell, the crab finds another colony, and, tearing it loose from its supporting object, places it upon its borrowed shell. Millep'ora alcicor’nis is a species of so-called hydroid “corals’’—the beau- tiful elk-horn or stag-horn coral of Florida. The permanent colony num- bers thousands of individuals, which differ in their structure according to their division of labor. Their cal- careous skeletons are a cuticular prod- uct of the ectoderm. Another order of the class of Hydrozoa is characterized by a closed float containing air or gas which serves to keep the colony vertical in the water. In the “‘ Portuguese man-of-war ”’ (Fig. 16), found as far north as New England, there are suspended from the large float (3 to 12 cm.)! peacock blue, or, in some cases, orange in color, several kinds of individuals; some of them, many feet in length and armed with nettle cells, capture the food and bear it to the mouth-bearing or nutritive polyps, which digest the food and distribute it to the col- Ie We frvecn Z =a ; Fig. 16.—A Portuguese man- of-war (Physalia), with man-of- war fishes (Nomeus gronovit) liv- ing in the shelter of the stinging feclers. Specimens from off Tampa, Fla. (From Jordan and Kellogg, ‘Animal Life,” D. Appleton and Co., Publishers.) ony. Others, the feelers, are groups of deep blue medusoids re- sembling bunches of grapes, while others, with swimming move- ments, aided by the wind, drive the colony from place to place. 1 Parker and Haswell. 26 BRANCH CCHLENTERATA CLASS II. THE SCYPHOZO’A Jelly-fishes are soft umbrella-like creatures resembling molds of jelly or gelatin, as one sees who picks them up along the beach, where they have been cast ashore by the waves. Their tissues are very watery, hence the scarcity of their fossil remains. However, very perfect impressions of jelly-fishes are found in the upper Jurassic Period. Most jelly-fishes are marine and free swimming, though a few are temporarily attached. They are most abundant in the tropics. Great schools of them are sometimes seen. Sometimes they are phosphorescent. They vary in size from about 4 mm., in the simple little, bell-like Tessera, to 1 foot in the Aurelia, and 7 or 8 feet in diameter in the Cyanea, whose tentacles sometimes reach the length of 130 feet. A small form, Gonionemus, found at Wood’s Holl, Mass., is green and about 1 inch in diameter. It grows on eel- grass. All are carnivorous, feeding mostly upon crustaceans, though some of the larger ones capture fishes of considerable size. The food is captured by the tentacles, which are suspended from the margin of the umbrella and which are armed with stinging thread cells. Locomotion is effected by the flapping of the umbrella-like body, there being usually no velum. Minute colored ‘ eye-specks ”’ are around the rim. Multiplication usually is by alternation of generations, but the young medusa or ephyra, as it is called, undergoes a meta- morphosis or change of form as it matures. In some cases the egg develops directly into the larval medusa and there is no alternation of generations, but simple metamorphosis. CLASS Ill. ACTINOZO’A This class includes sea-anemones, sea-pens, and corals. Only the polyp form is found in this class, no medusa being known among them. They are exclusively marine. They are usually fixed and many form permanent colonies. One point in their development is a step in advance of the Hydrozoa, /. e., the development of a gullet, esophagus, or stomodewm, the beginning of which is seen in the Seyphozoa. The hypostome, which in Hydrozoa bore the mouth at its apex, ACTINOZOA 27 is here inflected and forms a tube dipping down into the body cavity, but not reaching the bottom of it. The lower end of this tube or esophagus (which is really the beginning of the ali- mentary tube of higher animals) corresponds to the mouth of the Hydra, so that the tube is lined with ectoderm. The mouth is the only external organ, and serves both for the entrance of food and the ejection of waste. The body cavity about this tube is divided by thin partitions into radiating spaces. No actinozoan is microscopic. All are long lived. One in an English aquarium lived more than sixty years.' The sea-ane- mones and all true corals producing reefs and islands have the number of their tentacles in multiples of six. Nee, ee WIS Neila | \ =s\ en ‘) Fig. 17.—Sea-anemone (Metrid'ium). (Emerton.) The Sea-anemones (Fig. 17).—As one gazes in wonder at the sea-anemones in their marine home, he can scarcely persuade himself that those beautifully colored objects, so flower-hke— hollow cups with their petals and sepals of such wonderful tints —are else than flowers. But he touches one, the “ sepals and petals ” close in upon his fingers, they tingle, and he finds that this flower-like object is an animal and that the ‘“ sepals and petals” are tentacles. A very different appearance it makes when the body has been drawn down close to its attachment by the longitudinal muscles, while the circular muscles shut in the 1“ General Zodlogy,” Dodge, p. 75. 28 BRANCH CASLENTERATA Corgi we Fig. 18.—Athe'lia mirab’ilis. General view of branch. View of a calice. (Vaughan, in Bull. U.S. F. C., 1900.) Fig. 19.—Favia fragum (Esper). View of a corallum from the side. (Vaughan, in Bull. U.S. F. C., 1900.) retracted tentacles until it looks like a round mass of flesh. The tentacles ure hollow and are armed with lasso eclls, which are ACTINOZOA 29 useful not only for defense, but for capturing crabs and small fishes which form the anemone’s food. Sea-anemones are solitary, that is, they form no permanent colony. They have no true skeleton. There is no alternation of generations. They vary in size from |} inch to 2 feet in diameter, and, though attached, have the power of changing their position. The Stony Corals (Fig. 18).—The coral polyps resemble small sea-anemones on a much-branched stem. The calcareous skele- Fig. 20.—J/sopo'ra murica'ta forma prolif’era lam. End of branch, height 9em. (Vaughan, U.S. F. C. Bull., 1900.) ton is secreted by the ectoderm. The branched form arises from the continual budding and branching from a parent stem. The different forms (Fig. 19) of coral are caused by the different modes of budding in the various species. Corals are of various colors and some are said to be phosphorescent. The members of a coral colony are organically connected. Each feeds himself, it is true, but no individual of the colony is independent of the others. The size varies from that of the head of a pin to 3 inch, 30 BRANCH CQ@LENTERATA the solitary mushroom coral being sometimes of the exceptional size of 1 foot in diameter. These myriads of coral polyps (Fig. 20) secrete great quanti- ties of lime, the waves break off the branches, grind them up, mix them with sand and shells, and thus build up coral reefs and islands of vast extent. These are confined to warm regions Fig. 21.—A sea-fan. about 30 degrees on each side of the equator, since coral colonies cannot live in temperature below 60° F., and for a full luxuriance a higher temperature is necessary.!. They are also shallow water animals, living from the high-water-mark to a depth of not more than 20 fathoms. They must also have salt water, hence they cannot live at the mouth of a river. 1Scott’s “ Geology.’’ CTENOPHORA 3l _ The Octocoral'la, or those forms which have eight tentacles, are found in all seas, both in shallow water and at great depths. They include the organ-pipe coral, the precious red coral (Corallium rubrum) of the Medi- terranean Sea, and the sea-pens and the sea-fans. The mesoglea of many octocoralla contains irregular calcareous spicules. The sea-pens (Pennatula’cea) usually form an elongated colony. The stem, one end of which is embedded in the sand or mud of the sea bottom, is supported by a calcareous or horny skeleton. The distal portion is dis- tended like a feather and bears the dimorphic polyps. i iat Fig. 22.—Photograph taken with the camera submerged, to show aquatic animals in their natural environment. In the background are seen sea-fan and branching gorgonian. (Bull. U.S. B. F., 1907.) The sea-fans (Gorgona’cea) (Fig. 21) havea branched colonial axis formed of horny or calcareous substance from the ectoderm, with spicules in the mesoglea. In some cases the skeleton formed by the spicules forms a branched axis, as in Corallium rubrum, or it may form a “ series of connected tubes for the individual, as in the organ-pipe coral (Tubip’ora).’”’ ‘‘ The red coral is found only in the Mediterranean Sea at a depth of from 10 to 20 fathoms.’’! CLASS IV. CTENOPHORA The Cténéph’ora, or “ comb-jellies,” are so-called from eight bands of comb-like cilia fused at their bases, which sur- round their nearly transparent bodies. The body is non-con- 1 Parker and Haswell’s ‘“‘Zodlogy.”’ 32 BRANCH CCELENTERATA tractile, and these cilia accomplish locomotion. They are free and single, there being no polyp stage. They are found from the tropical to the arctic seas. They are small—from 5 to 20 mm. in diameter—and their shape varies from that of a pear to a sac-like or ribbon-like form. They have but two tentacles. They are hermaphroditic, multiplying by eggs. The central nervous system is represented by a ciliated area on the aboral pole, and is connected with a single sensory organ. Economic Value.—The animals of this branch are of great use to man, indirectly, by furnishing food for other animals, and, directly, by the formation of great beds of limestone and of coral reefs and islands, also by forming an article of commerce of no small value.! “The red coral of commerce is obtained in the Mediterranean Sea off the coast of Africa and the west coast of Italy. The price varies according to the color. The finest rose pink in large pieces is valued at $400 or more an ounce. The common article brings from $1 to $1.50 an ounce.’” Geologic Distribution—The hydrozoa are believed to be represented by the Graptolites, which appeared in the Cambrian Period, were numerous in the Ordovician, greatly diminished in the Silurian, and almost extinct in the Devonian. Large numbers of casts of jelly-fishes are found in the Cambrian rocks.’ Hydroids and true corals were important. Marine life and reefs were formed in the Silurian Period. Corals vastly increased in size and number in the Devonian Period, and were abundant in the Carboniferous, contributing largely to the limestone. Hydractinia were found in the Cretaceous Period. Important Biologic Facts.—In the Ctenophora is found for the first time a true middle layer of mesoderm cells.‘ In the hydroid colony is found the division of labor among the different sets of individual zoéids and a differentiation of structure according to their function. 1“ The fishing for the red coral (Corallium rubrum) at Naples amounts yearly to half a million dollars.”—Kingsley. 2 Adam’s ‘Commercial Geography.’ 3 Scott’s ‘ Geology,” p. 371. 4 Parker and Haswell’s “ Zodlogy,” vol. i, p. 207. CTENOPHORA 33 Classification.— Class. Examples. I. Hydrozd’a. Hy’dra, Hydroid Colonies. II. Sc¥phozd’a. Jelly-fishes. III. Actinozo’a. Sea Anemones and Coral Polyps. IV. Cténdph/ora. “ Comb-jellies.” 3 BRANCH PLATYHELMINTHES Platyhélmin’thes, or Flat Worms, have three germ layers, the ectoderm, the mesoderm, and the endoderm. They are flattened dorsoventrally and are bilaterally symmetric. They have no skeleton, no circulatory system, and no ccelom or body cavity. They have an antertor and a posterior end, but rarely a distinct head. The nervous system is composed of superesophageal ganglia and lateral nerve-trunks. The excretory system consists of water-vascular tubes. There is no anal opening. Development is sometimes with and sometimes without a metamorphosis. Habitat—Some, as the liver-fluke and the tapeworm, are parasitic; others, as Planaria, live in fresh water. Some live in moist places or in the mud at the bottom of ponds and streams; while others, as Leptoplana, are marine. Size-——The parasitic forms are sometimes 30 or 40 feet in length, while the free forms are but 2 or 3 inches in length. These are often found under stones, and are exceedingly deli- cate. Protective resemblance is very great in some species, while a few are nearly transparent. CLASS I. TURBELLARIA The class Turbella’ria consists principally of non-parasitic forms which are ciliated externally. There is usually a diges- tive cavity. The prevailing shape is leaf-form, like that of Plana'ria. Some marine forms, however, are shaped like “a thin ribbon with puckered edges,” others may be thickened and band-like, as in the land planarians, while others approach the shape of a cylinder. Locomotion is performed by the fine vibratile cilia which cover the surface. The ectoderm contains sensory and gland-cells. 34 TREMATODA 35 CLASS II. TREMATODA The class Trématé’da is comprised of worms cither internally or externally parasitic. Fig. 23.—The common liver-fluke (Fasct'ola hepat’ica) enlarged to show the anatomic characters: ac, Acetab- ulum;c, p., cirrus pouch; 7, intestinal ceca; m, mouth with oral sucker; ov, ovary; p. b., pharyngeal bulb; s. ¢., shell gland; ¢, profusely branched testicles; uf, uterus; va, vagina; v.g., profusely branched vitellogene gland. (After Stiles, 1894, p. 300.) The body is usually thicker than that of the turbellarians. The form is usually — leaf-like, though it is sometimes elon- gated. The anterior end is distinguished by the arrange- ment of suckers, and, in some of the external parasites, by eyes. Fig. 24——Embryo of the com- mon liver-fluke (Fasciola hepatica) boring into a snail—x 370. (After Thomas, 1883, p. 285.) The suckers are organs of adhesion and are sometimes armed with bristles or hooks. They are also used in locomotion, which is a sort of looping, like that of the leech. Except in two cases the vibratile cilia are not found on the surface. 36 BRANCH PLATYHELMINTHES The trematodes are hermaphroditic, and the development may be either with or without a metamorphosis. The Liver-fluke (Fig. 23) is parasitic in sheep. The eggs pass down the bile-ducts of the shecp into the intestine, and from there to the exterior, when the embryo escapes by the separating of the lid, or operculum, from the egg-shell. The ciliated larva swims about in the water or remains in the damp vegetation until it comes in contact with a pond or land snail (Fig. 24). It then bores into the body of the snail, where it develops into a_ sporocyst (Fig. 25), which produces rediw. These rediw possess a mouth, a pharynx, an intestine, and an opening for the escape of the young, which are internally produced. According to the season, these young are cercarie or redia, several generations of which may follow before the cercarie appear. The cercarie are adapted for aquatic life. Fig. 25.—Sporocyst of the com- Fig. 26.—F ree-swimming cercaria mon liver-fluke from the body of a of the common liver-fluke, greatly snail, containing redia in course of | enlarged. (After Leuckart.) development—enlarged 200 times. (After Leuckart.) The cercarie (Fig. 26) escape from the snail, swim about with their vibra- tile tails for a time, when the tails drop off and the ccercaria become encysted ona plant. When this plant is eaten by a sheep, cow, or hog, the young escapes from the cyst and makes its way up the bile-ducts to the liver, where it develops into the mature worm and produces reproductive organs, thus completing the life-cycle. Sheep pastured in swampy places are likely to be infected by this para- site, and wet seasons cause epidemics. CESTODA 37 In England the annual loss of sheep killed by the liver-flukes is estimated at $1,000,000, and it has been known to reach $3,000,000 in one year. There have been a few cases of this parasite found in man. CLASS III. CESTODA A tapeworm (Te’nia so’lium) is a parasite in the intestine of man. It is ribbon shaped (Fig. 27), being much narrower at the attached end, the head, or scolex. The scolex is knob-shaped and bears the organs of attach- ment, a circle of hooks at the end, and a sucking disk or cup- shaped sucker on each of the four sides. The attachment is temporary. Fig. 27.—Te'nia sagina'ta. (Eichhorst.) Segments.—The remainder of the tapeworm, except a short portion immediately posterior to the head, is made up of a series of segments or proglottides, the number of which varies in differ- ent species. In Teenia solium there are about eight hundred and fifty segments, while in the smaller species there are three or four hundred, and in the larger species, several thousand. These segments or proglottides are derived from the head by a kind of budding. Thus it is that so long as the head remains the tapeworm continues to grow. Digestion.—There is no digestive system, the nutrition simply being absorbed from the liquids of the host. The nervous system consists of a pair of ganglia, from which two main nerve-cords extend back through the length of the worm. The excretory or water-vascular system consists usually of 38 BRANCH PLATYHELMINTHES four principal trunks extending throughout the scolex and proglottides. Multiplication and Development——Each proglottis, as it matures, becomes hermaphroditic. Since these proglottides are originally developed from the head, the posterior ones are oldest. When filled with embryos, they are detached and pass out with the waste material from the intestine. When taken into the alimentary canal of the hog with its food, the hooked embryos bore through the intestinal wall and into the voluntary muscles, where they grow and continue to develop until they erty SPR oS Fig. 28—Tenia echinococ’/cus, en- Fig. 29.—Portion of the intestine larged. (Mosler and Peiper.) of « dog infested with echinococcus tapeworms, natural size. (Oster- tag.) reach the bladder-worm stage, or cysticercus. When pork containing a cysticercus is eaten, unless it has been killed by thorough cooking, the head is everted from the bladder-like covering and is attached to the intestinal wall of the host, where proglottides are rapidly developed. These mature in ten or twelve weeks. Species.—There are many species of tapeworms. One form, Tena saginata, which occurs in man, is obtained through eating beef cooked rare; another form, Tania soliwn,' already mentioned, from eating pork; and another, Bothrioceph’alus 1 Tenia solium is sometimes found in the encysted or intermediate stage in the muscles, eye, or brain of man. The eggs are thought to have been taken into the stomach with lettuce, cress, and the like, which had been watered with liquid manure. NEMERTINEA 39 latus, from eating fish. The latter species is the largest tape- worm found in man and sometimes reaches a length of 40 feet, and is composed of more than four thousand proglottides. It is rare in America, but is abundant in Russia, Switzerland, and the eastern provinces of Prussia. Another form (Fig. 28), perhaps the most formidable, is a small one, T@’nia echinococ’cus, which lives, in the adult stage, in dogs (Fig. 29), and the eggs are easily taken into the human stomach by a person fondling and kissing infested dogs. The embryos (Fig. 30), when set Fig. 30.—Portion of hog’s liver infested with echinococcus bladder-worm. (Stiles.) free, work their way into the liver, lungs, brain, or other organs, and produce tumors which sometimes reach a large size. Several species are found in domestic birds, one causing epidemics among chickens. A variety of Te’nia cenu’rus, in the brain of sheep, causes “staggers.” Rabbits, horses, cats, mice, and rats are also infested by tapeworms. CLASS IV. NEMERTINEA (Doubtful Platyhelminthes) The Nemertineans are most abundant in the mud or under stones along the seashore, only a few species living in fresh water. They differ from all other Platyhelminthes in having 40 BRANCH PLATYHELMINTHES an alimentary tract with an anal opening and a distinct blood- vascular system.! They are usually dicecious.? Geographic Distribution.—This branch of animals is the most widely distributed of any above the protozoans. They are found on land, in streams, and in the depths of lake and sea. The parasitic forms are found in some stage in almost every class of metazoans, while others have a commensal life with ascidians. All are carnivorous. Economic Importance-——Many domestic animals are hosts for these parasites and much loss is occasioned thereby. A number of class Cestoda are parasitic in man and cause annoy- ing if not dangerous diseases. The only sure preventive of these parasites is to have all meats thoroughly cooked and fruits and vegetables well washed. Important Biologic Facts—An anterior end—one placed foremost in locomotion—and a posterior end appear for the first time in platyhelminthes. Also right and left and dorsal and ventral sides are found. In the Nemertinea there is an alimentary tract with a mouth and an anal opening. There is no distinct ccelom. Class Turbellaria is the most primitive and the most closely related to the Ceelenterates, but it is not thought to be derived from them, though it shows special points of resemblance to the Ctenophora. It is thought that Trematoda and Cestoda are descendants of Turbellaria. In Trematoda is seen an alterna- tion of generations consisting of the succession of several dis- tinct generations in regular series. Such an alternation of gen- erations is termed heterogeny. The simple structure of parasitic forms illustrates the principle that easy life—one requiring little exertion—is accompanied by a low stage of development. Classification.— Class. Examples. I. Turbella’ria. Planarians. II. Trématd’da. Liver-fluke. III. Céstd’da. Tapeworms. IV. Nemertin’ea. Carinella, Tetrastemma, etc. 1McMurrich, p. 160; Osborn’s ‘‘ Economic Zodlogy,” p. 85; Kingsley's Hertwig, p. 289. ‘ 2 “Invertebrate Zodlogy,”’ MeMurrich, p. 162; Parker and Haswell, p. 279. BRANCH NEMATHELMIN’THES Round- or Thread-worms.—The worms of this branch are elongated and cylindric and have a ccelom or body cavity. The vinegar-eel affords a good example. They differ from annelids in that they are not divided into segments or rings. CLASS I. NEMATODA The members of class Nématd’da are best known as para- sites, but there are many fresh-water and marine forms. The tough body wall encloses a body cavity which surrounds a straight alimentary tube having a terminal mouth and a ventral anal opening. An excretory system is usually present. The nervous system consists of an esophageal nerve ring which sends out six nerves anteriorly and six posteriorly. The only sense organs are sensory papille on the lips. The sexes are usually separate. Many of the aquatic forms are free. Some of the parasites infect plants, as Tylen’chus trit/ict, which does great damage to wheat, and Heterode’ra schach'tit, to turnips in Europe. One form, Ascaris nigrovenosa,! living a parasitic life in the lungs of frogs and toads, is hermaphroditic. The embryos reach the alimentary canal and pass out with the waste material. In water they develop into a stage in which the sexes are separate. The eggs develop in the body of the female and devour the entire substance of the tissue of the mother, leaving only the cuticle. When set free they live in the mud until they are taken into the mouth of a frog, when they pass into the lungs and develop into the hermaphroditic stage. Here, again, is a peculiar alterna- tion of generations (heterogeny), the alternation of an hermaphroditic with a dicecious form. Trichinel’la spira’lis (Fig. 31) is another member of this class. In the adult stage it lives in the alimentary canal of man or of other mammals. The length of the adult male is about 7; inch, and that of the female about 4 inch. The sexes are separate. The young, at least one thousand, are born alive. The young worms (Figs. 32, 33) pass through the intestinal wall and make their way to the voluntary muscles, where they penetrate the sarcolemma and become encysted. 1 Parker and Haswell, vol. i., p. 286. McMurrich, p. 176. 41 42 BRANCH NEMATHELMINTHES Fig. 32.—Larve of Trichinella spiralis in mus- cle, not yet encysted; enlarged. (Leuckart.) Fig. 33.—Piece of pork showing larve of Trichinella spiralis encysted in the muscle- fibers; natural size. (Ostertag.) Fig. 31.—Trichinella spiralis. Adult female, showing embryos, emb., in uterus; gp., genital open- ing through which the embryos are discharged; Fig. 34.—Encysted larva of Trichinella spira- enlarged. (Leuckart.) lis; enlarged. (Leuckart.) NEMATODA 43 When the infested flesh, unless thoroughly cooked, is eaten by man the cysts are dissolved, the young entering the small intestine, the worms con- tinue developing and become sexually mature in a few days, the female penetrates into the superficial layer of the intestinal villi, and in the course of a month gives birth to young, and then dies. The young wander through the lymph-vessels and blood-vessels into the capillaries, pass into the muscle and become encysted (Fig. 34), as did the parents in the former host; 1 ounce of infested pork, unless thoroughly cooked, may liberate 80,000 worms. If half of these were females, each producing 1000 embryos, 40,000,000 worms would shortly begin to migrate into the muscles, causing trichinosis, which may be fatal. The worst epidemic known was in kmmers Leben, Saxony, in 1884, where 364 persons were infected from eating one pig, and 57 persons died within a month. The Guinea-worm (Dracun’culus medinen’sis) is an East India parasite in the subcutaneous connective tissue of man. It is long and slender, sometimes 1 yard long. It forms abscesses under the skin. When the newborn young pass out of their host, if they pass into water, they enter the body of a small crustacean (the Cy- clops), which is necessary to their develop- ment. It is supposed that they reach the human system through the Cyclops, which is swallowed in unfiltered drinking- water. Fig. 35.—Eggs of the gape-worm Fig. 36.—Windpipe of chicken (Syn’gamus trachea‘lis), one of them split open to show gape-worms at- hatching; enlarged 260 times. tached to its inner surface; en- (After Mégnin.) larged. (After Mégnin.) The hook-worm (Neca/tor america’nus), of the Southern United States ae the West Indies, is thought to have been introduced from Africa by slaves. “In hook-worm disease we have ground-itch, tibial ulcer, anemia, inter- ference with physical and mental development, and, in bad cases, dirt eating.” } Other Species.—There are various other species. Some, as the pin-worm (Oxyuris vermicularis) and the round-worm (As/caris lumbricoi’des), are parasitic in man. Some are parasitic in other mammals and some in birds. One of the latter, Syn’gamus trachea/lis (Fig. 35), about } inch in length, causes ‘‘ gapes”’ in poultry (Fig. 36). 1 Stitt, 244. 44 BRANCH NEMATHELMINTHES Gordius, the “ hair-worm,” is found in watering-troughs and erroneously believed by superstitious people or those ignorant of biologic principles to be horse hairs transformed into live worms. The larve are parasitic in the grasshopper, the adults live in water. Agassiz tells of experimenting with one 18 inches long which was wrapped in and out of its eggs, which were rolled up into a ball about the size of a coffee bean. He disentangled it and it ‘‘ sewed ” itself through and through the little white mass. Three times he separated the worm from its eggs, and each time the process of entangling was repeated, convincing Agassiz that there was a definite purpose in its attempts, and that even a being so low in the scale of animal existence has some dim consciousness of a relation to its offspring.t He placed a small portion of the egg mass under the microscope, and estimated that there were not less than 8,000,000 eggs in the whole mass, which, when unwound, made a string 12 feet long. CLASS II. ACANTHOCEPHALA Most of the class Acan’thocéph’ala are small parasites. The chief genus (Echinorhyn'chus) is parasitic in the intestines of mammals, birds, reptiles, amphibians, and fishes. The largest species is found in the pig, and one species, Echinorhynchus hominis, is extremely rare in man. CLASS I. CHATOGNATHA This class contains but two genera of curious arrow-shaped worms, all but one species of which are pelagic. They are hermaphroditic and have three pairs of coelomic pouches, “ fins,”’ and bristle-like jaws. Economic Importance.—In this branch may be found worms which are harmful and those which are helpful to man. Those forms like Trichinella spiralis, which are parasitic in man, are very injurious. The only preventive upon which it is safe to rely is thorough cooking. Those forms which infest wheat and turnips are also harmful to man, in that they destroy his food; while Gordius, which is parasitic in the grasshopper, is indirectly beneficial to man. Important Biologic Facts——For the first time in the scale of animal life, a celom, or body cavity, appears. It is filled with a clear fluid, and through it extends the straight alimentary tube which consists of pharynx or stomodeum, an intestine, and a rectum. There are no circulatory and no respiratory organs. 1“ Methods of Study in Natural History,” Agassiz, pp. 63, 64. CH.ETOGNATHA 45 This branch presents similarities to both Platyhelminthes and Annulata, but the relationship with either is not close. Classification.— Class. Examples. I. Némato’da. Trichina, Gordius. II. Acan’thocéph/ala.! Echinorhynchus. III. Chetog’natha.! Sagitta. 1“The affinities of the Acanthocephala and Chetognatha with the Nematoda are somewhat doubtful,” Parker and Haswell’s ‘‘ Zodlogy,”’ vol. i, p. 275. BRANCH TROCHELMIN’THES Tue animals associated together in this group may have de- veloped independently from trochosphere-like ancestors, but Fig. 37.—A_ rotifer, highly magnified (Hy- datina senta): A, cilia; a, anus; b, contractile vesicle; c, water-ves- sels; c, ovary; f, gang- lion. (From Holder’s “Elements of Zodl- ogy,” American Book Co., Publishers.) since they agree in general character- istics, they have been regarded by some as constituting a well-marked phylum. On account of their size they were formerly regarded as protozoans, but they are multicellular and possess well- defined digestive, excretory, nervous, and reproductive systems. They have no circulatory system. Respiration takes place through the surface of the body. CLASS I. ROTIFERA The Rotif’era (Fig. 37), or “wheel animacules,” are many-celled, micro- scopic, unsegmented animals, most of which are worldwide inhabitants of fresh- water ponds and streams, or even of mud- puddles and water-troughs. A number of forms are marine. The anterior end is a retractile disk surrounded by cilia, which are locomotive organs as well as aids to securing food. The mobile tail is often composed of tele- scopic rings, rendering it retractile into the trunk. The posterior ring of the tail frequently has a pair of pincer-like stylets. These and the adhesive glands enable the rotifer to attach itself to objects. There is accelom. The alimentary tube consists of a ventral mouth, an esophagus, a chewing apparatus (mastar), a glandular stomach, and an intestine which ends in a dorsal anal opening. 46 GASTROTRICHA 47 The nervous system consists of a dorsal ganglion with which are connected one or more eye-spots. There are peculiar tactile organs which consist of ‘ rod-like structures tipped with deli- cate sensory hairs.” There are excretory and reproductive organs. They are dimorphic (of two forms). The sexes are separate. The males are rarer, much smaller, and less highly developed than the female. The female lays thin-shelled summer eggs of two sizes—the larger developing into females, the smaller into males—and thick-shelled winter eggs, which in the spring de- velop into females. The majority are free swimming, being propelled by the trochal disk, but the Bdelloida also have a looping movement like that of the leech. The rotifers may be dried up in the mud for several months, and upon being brought into contact with water they revive, or, some think, their contained eggs bring forth live animals. When in the dry condition they may be carried long distances on the feet of birds or by the wind. CLASS II. DINOPHILEA These, like the rotifers, are modified trochospheres. They are minute and worm-like. They have a prostomium or head, a body of five to eight segments, and a short tail. Both the body and the head are ciliated. The Dinophilea are marine. In the arrangement of the nephridia in pairs, corresponding to the imperfect segments, and in the tendency to seg- mentation, they resemble the Annulata. CLASS III. GASTROTRICHA This class resembles the Rotifera, though the relationship is not close. The class comprises a small number of minute fresh-water forms with spindle-shaped bodies, flattened ventrally. The dorsal surface bears several rows of cuticular processes, while the ventral surface has two rows of cilia. Classification.— Class. Examples. I. Rotif’era. Brachionus. II. Dindphil’ea. Dinophilus. III. Gastrot’richa. Ichthydium. BRANCH MOLLUSCOIDA In this branch there is usually a body cavity, with the ali- mentary tube suspended by mesenteries. The mouth and anal aperture are near together, the dorsal surface being shortened. Inthe adult there is a tentacle-bearing ridge, or lophophore, about the mouth, containing a compartment of the body cavity. The tentacles are used not only in securing food, but in respira- tion. The nervous system consists of one or two ganglia or of a nerve ring.! CLASS I. POLYZOA Molluscoi’da, which usually’form colonies of zodids by budding, are Polyzo’a. The character of the colony differs, according to the mode of budding in the different species and the character of the exoskeleton. It varies from a bush-like colony to a calcareous or gelatinous sheet. Each zooid has a crown of ciliated tentacles which can be extended or with- drawn. They are held together by the common exoskeleton formed by the ectoderm. There is no vascular system. The digestive tract is bent like the letter U, the anal opening being near the mouth, within or just outside of the ring of tentacles. The nervous system consists of a gang- lion situated between the mouth and the anal opening. Polyzoans are usually hermaphroditic. CLASS II. PHORONI’DA The classification of this group of worm-like forms of the sea is doubtful. The worm is covered by a leathery cylindric tube into which it may withdraw. The body is unsegmented and bears a crown of tentacles. The mouth and anus are close together and are situated at the tentacle bearing end of the body. The body cavity is divided into three chambers. There is an alimentary tract and a closed system of blood-vessels contain- ing red blood-corpuscles. The central nervous system consists of a horse- shoe-shaped nerve ring at the base of the tentacles. The Phoronis is hermaphroditic. There is a metamorphosis. CLASS III. BRACHIOP’/ODA Brachiopods are marine and were abundant in former geologic times, being very plentiful as early as the Cambrian Period. There are a few living species. They are enclosed in a bivalve shell (Fig. 38), the valves being dorsal and ventral instead of right and left, as in the mollusks. They are at- tached to foreign objects by a peduncle or stalk, which passes through the larger or ventral valve near the hinge. They do not form colonies. 1 Parker and Haswell, p. 313. 48 BRACHIOPODA 49 The shell is only partially filled by the body, and the valves are lined by the mantle lobes, whose free edges are bristled. The mantle lobes enclose a large mantle cavity. In the body is a spacious ccelom, which is extended into the mantle lobes. The ealom contains the digestive tract, the liver, and the reproductive organs. The latter are chiefly in the mantle lobes. The digestive tract, which is bent much as in the Polyzoa, consists of gullet, stomach, and intestine. The mouth is surrounded by the tentacled lophophore or ‘‘ arms.” The inner surface of the tentacles is covered with cilia, which set up currents in the water and sweep minute animals and alge into the mouth for food. The heart, usually present, lies Fig. 38.—Diagram of a brachiopod: 6, Tentacles around mouth, m; i, intestine; the shell black, the stalk to the right. (Kingsley’s ‘‘ Compara- tive Zoélogy,’’ Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) dorsal to the stomach, to which it is attached. The nervous system con- sists of an esophageal ring. Sense organs are usually wanting in the adult. Important Biologic Facts.—For the first time, according to the classification used, a closed system of blood-vessels and red blood-corpuscles are found. The digestive tract has been developed into gullet, stomach, and intestine, and a liver also appears. The Brachiopoda were formerly supposed to belong to branch Mollusca. But the valves of the shell are dorsal and ventral, not right and left, while the tentacled lophophore, the character of the nephridia, and the modified trochosphere larva all tend to show relationship with members of branch Molluscoida. Classification. Class. Example. I. Polyzd’a. Bugula avicularia (Bird’s-head Coralline). II. Phoroni’da. Phoronis. III. Brachidp’oda. Magellania. 4 BRANCH ECHINODER’MATA Plan of Structure —These animals are characterized by their five-rayed or pentameral plan of structure. While the echino- derm is radially symmetric, the development shows that it is derived from the bilateral type. The larve are bilateral. The Vig. 39.—Solas’ler cndcea (small specimen, natural size), oral view. (Bulletin, U.S. FL C., 1902.) central portion is the disk, from which arms or rays project, 2s seen in the starfish. Close examination will reveal this penta- merous plan in the sea-urchin and in the sea-cucumber. For, suppose the rays of the starfish were flexed and their edges joined, the form of the sea-urchin would appear. Again, 50 GEOGRAPHIC DISTRIBUTION 51 lengthen the sea-urchin in the direction of the mouth to aboral surface, and you have the form of the sea-cucumber. The crinoid also reveals this plan, not so clearly defined, but it is to be seen by the careful observer. The number of rays varies in the starfish, the author having found them with four, six, or even as many as twenty-two rays. Fig. 40.—1 and 2, Amphipholis squamata (adult), aboral and oral views. 3 and 4, Asterias vulgaris (small specimen), aboral and oral views. (Bul- letin, U.S. F. C., 1902.) The Skeleton or ‘‘ Test.”—The body wall is composed of a thick leathery substance. In the mesoderm, under the epi- thelium, calcareous plates arise, many of which are armed with spines for protection. They are greatly protected also by their resemblance to their environment. Geographic Distribution.—All echinoderms are marine, being abundant even in the deep sea. They are found in all parts of the globe, but are most abundant in the tropics. At the breed- ing season most of the free species frequent the shallow waters 52 BRANCH ECHINODERMATA near the coast, where the ova are fertilized in the water. Echino- derms of the same species are often gregarious. The water-vascular system is a marked characteristic of echinoderms (Fig. 41). It begins externally with the cal- vO. : at reproductive glands.- cardiac stomach wet -.antestinal caecum anus pyloric caecum eve Spotl Pes ‘muscles of the pyloric cacca Fig. 41.—Dissection of a starfish (Asterias sp.). (From WKellogg.) careous perforated madreporic plate which is connected by a calearcous (Stone) canal with the central ring around the mouth, from which tubes proceed along each arm, in the star- METAMORPHOSIS 53 fish. On the inside of the floor of each ray are the ampulla, small bulb-like water-sacs, which are connected with the tube- feet on the outside of the ray. ‘ By a contraction of the deli- cate muscles in the walls of the ampulle the fluid in the cavity is compressed, thereby forcing the tube-feet out. By the con- traction of muscles in the tube-feet they are again shortened, while the small disk-like terminal sucker clings to some firm object. In this way the animal pulls itself along by successive steps.”’ By the aid of these ambulacral or tube-feet the starfish is able to turn over if placed upon its back. They also act as suckers to fasten the starfish to the rocks. When once this is accomplished, arm after arm may be broken off before the animal can be pulled loose or the feet will relax their hold. So-called blood canals accompany the ring and radial canals, and associated with them are sometimes two intestinal blood- vessels! Nervous System.—“ There is a nerve ring and radial nerve, frequently in the ectoderm, to which may be added an entero- ceelic or apical nervous system, possibly of peritoneal origin.” The circulating fluid is somewhat lymph-like and the circula- tion slow. “ Respiratory organs are represented by the branchia, or thin- walled outpushings of the ccelom, either around the mouth, as in the Echinoi’dea, or on the aboral surface, as in the Asteroi’dea, the burse of the Ophiuroi’dea, the branchial trees of the Holothu- roi’dea, and the various parts of the ambulacral system.’’? The alimentary tube is complete, that is, shut off from the body cavity and runs through the body. Its length depends upon the food of the echinoderm. In carnivorous forms, as the star- fish, it is short, but in vegetable feeders, as the sea-urchins and sea-cucumbers, the alimentary tube is two or three times the length of the body. Multiplication is sexual, as a rule, the sexes being separate except in rare cases. Fertilization takes place in the water. They never form colonies by budding. The metamorphosis, or change from the larval to the adult form, is as marked as that from the caterpillar to the butterfly. 1 Hertwig’s “‘ Manual of Zodélogy,” Kingsley, p. 331. 2 Thid. 54 BRANCH ECHINODERMATA The larva is bilateral,! while the adult is radial, the development being complex. Generally the young shift for themselves, but cases are recorded of broods being cared for by the female echinoderm in a pouch on the dorsal surface. CLASS I. ASTEROIDEA To this class belong the starfishes, with their central disks and varying number of rays, five being the typical number. They live along rocky seacoasts. Fresh water kills them. The common starfish (Aste’rias vulga’ris) is abundant along the Atlantic coast, especially in the vicinity of oyster-beds, to which they do much injury by devouring the oysters. Star- fishes are found also on the Pacific coast from Sitka to southern California. They are said to devour small fishes as well as crabs. The body wall is composed of a thick leathery substance zn which is embedded a great number of calcareous ossicies (12,000 by estimation), many of which are armed with spines for protection. Between the spines on the aboral surface are soft stalked projections ending in pinchers, called pedicella’rie, with which it cleanses the surface of the body and protects itself from parasites. The alimentary tube extends from the oral to the aboral surface. It consists of a mouth, a short esophagus, and a large sac-like stomach, which is five lobed and fills most of the disk. (See Fig. 41, p. 52.) The stomach is eversible and is furnished with muscles for withdrawing it. From the pyloric, or upper, division of the stomach the ceca extend, a pair into each arm. These cxca secrete much fluid, which is emptied into the pyloric portion of the stomach and used in digesting the food. From the stomach a short conical intestine extends upward to the aboral surface. The aboral opening from the intestine is not exactly in the center of the disk and is often difficult to find. In a few forms it is wholly obliterated. Locomotion.—The arms are somewhat. flexible, and, aided by their tube-feet,? enable the starfishes to move slowly along in 1 Hertwig’s ‘Manual of Zodlogy,’”’ Kingsley, p. 331. 2 See text, Water-vascular System of Echinoderms, p. 52. ASTEROIDRA 55 search of food. The starfish, by clinging with its sucking disks, ean travel along horizontal or vertical walls It can bend its arms or even its central disk, when necessary, to pass through openings or crevices between rocks. As it moves so slowly, its direct dispersal is very limited, but since it is not attached, it is indirectly distributed by the tides and currents. The exceed- ingly minute young are often borne great distances in this way. Foods and Feeding.—The starfish is carnivorous and very voracious; indeed, it seems to eat continuously. It feeds upon barnacles, clams, oysters (Fig. 42), and, it is said, even small fishes, or, failing of these, it will eat the garbage thrown along the shore, thus acting as a sort of scavenger. The worst damage it oad Fig. 42._Starfish attacking oysters. (From Fifth Report of Connecticut Bureau of Labor Statistics.) does by its gluttony is to the oyster-beds. Oysters and clams close their shells to the starfish, but it keeps up a steady pull un- til it gets them open, when it reaches its arms about its prey and extrudes the lower part of its stomach, envelops the soft parts, pours out the digestive fluids about them and absorbs them, then withdraws its stomach, leaving the indigestible parts of its victim outside the body. Further digestion of the absorbed food takes place in the pyloric portion of the stomach, aided by the secretions of the hepatic ceca. The fact that all indigestible parts are “rejected” may account for the shortness of the in- testine, and certainly does account for the small or lacking anal aperture, since there is little left to be “ ejected.” 56 BRANCH ECHINODERMATA The nervous system consists of a circumoral nerve ring, from which a nerve proceeds along the ambulacral groove of each arm to its tip, where it ends in a so-called “ eye-spot ” which has been proved sensitive to light. Special Senses.—Besides the general sense of touch and the “eye-spots,” already mentioned, there is at the distal end of each ray a tentacle-like organ which is supposed to be the organ of smell. Multiplication is sexual. Fertilization takes place in the water. The starfish may reproduce asexually, for if a ray be broken off,! either accidentally or purposely by the animal itself, it has the power of reproducing a new disk as well as the rest of the arms, with their internal organs. Similarly, if all the arms are torn off, the disk has the power of growing out new ones. The young are bilaterally symmetric, free-swimming animals. The metamorphosis is complicated, resulting finally in the radial plan of structure of the adult. The starfish, Linckia linckia, is a host for a parasitic gastero- pod (Thyca). Some starfishes are gregarious. In size they vary from less than 1 inch to 3 feet in diameter. In color they may be yellow, brown, red, or purple. Geologic Distribution.—The starfishes appeared before the close of the Cambrian Period, and have been represented in every age up to the present. CLASS II. OPHIUROIDEA These echinoderms resemble the starfish. The arms are slender, jointed, muscular, and are used for locomotion (Fig. 43). The arms may be much branched, as in the basket-fish, and are not hollow as they are in the starfish. The ambulacral groove is closed, the tube-feet are on the sides of the arms, and have no suckers at their distal ends. The arms are much more slender and more flexible than those of the starfish, and locomotion, which is faster than that of the starfish, is accomplished hy the lateral movements of the arms, Some species have the power of throwing off picees of their arms when disturbed. The digestive organs are confined to the disk, the hepatic 1 Parker and Haswell, p. 400. UPHIUROIDEA 57 cxca are absent, and the anal opening is lacking. The madre- poric plate is on the oral side. Food.—They are carnivorous, feeding upon worms, crabs, and shell-fish. They are also scavengers. Multiplication Some lay their eggs in the water, where they are fertilized and develop into a pluteus stage like that of the Fig. 43.—Gorgonoceph’alus agassiz’ti (one-fourth natural size). Oral view. (Clark, in Bulletin 550, U. 8. F. C., 1902.) Echinoidea, while others are viviparous and care for their broods. In many species there is also a kind of asexual repro- duction, the animal dividing through the disk and each half regenerating its “ other half.” There are several hundred species known. These echino- derms are variously called brittle-stars, serpent-stars, and sand- 58 BRANCH ECHINODERMATA stars. The one most common on our shores (Ophiopholis) is of a “ general red hue spotted with brown and paler red.” CLASS III. ECHINOIDEA The globular or disk-like sea-urchins have the pentameral plan, as a cleaned “ test ”’ or shell (Fig. 44) will show. The body wall is composed of several hundred pentagonal calcareous plates arranged in regular order in twenty rows, the whole forming a sort of thin case or shell (see Fig. 44). Fig. 44.—Sea-urchin (chi/nus microsoma) with spines nearly all removed from ‘ test.” (Chapin and Rettger.) The ossicles, or plates, are armed with very long sharp spines for defense (Fig. 45). Alternate rows of plates are perforated for the passage of the tube-feet, there heing no grooves. These ten rows of perforated plates constitute the ambulacral areas, and the ten rows of unperforated plates constitute the inter- amlulacral areas. Color.—The colors are brown, olive, purple, red, green, or blue. The protective resemblance is good. The ambulacral system of the sea-urchin is similar in plan ECHINOIDEA 59 to that of the starfish. Locomotion is very slow and is per- formed by the tube-feet, aided by the long spines. The pedicellarie are similar to those of the starfish, but are more fully developed, having three pinchers instead of two. The food consists largely of green alge and brown seaweed, for the sea-urchin is a vegetable feeder, though it eats small marine animals also. Digestive System.—There are five hard white teeth with which they gnaw their food. These teeth are connected with a ory | Uh Fig. 45.—Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis. Oral_view, showing spines, “ feet,” and teeth. (Clark, in Bulletin 550, U. 8. F. C., 1902.) complicated calcareous framework under muscular control. The whole apparatus is called “ Aristotle’s lantern.” The intestines are long, coiling about two and a half to three times, instead of being short like those of the carnivorous star- fish. The hepatic ceca and gastric pouches are absent. This lack, as well as the structure of the mouth parts and the long coiled intestine, correlates with the feeding habits of these herbivorous animals, 60 BRANCH ECHINODERMATA The nervous system is upon the same plan as that of the starfish. Multiplication.—The eggs are laid in the water and fertilized by the tadpole-like sperm cells. Some forms have a marsu- pium, or brood-pouch, in which the eggs are hatched. Development.—After fertilization, segmentation of the egg takes place until the bilaterally symmetric young “ pluteus,’”’ which is very unlike the adult, appears. It is free swimming and lives on minute organisms it can procure in the water. As it develops it takes on the radiate or pentameral plan of its branch. The “sand dollars’ so common on both the Pacific and the Atlantic coasts are flat sea-urchins with short spines. Geologic Distribution—A primitive type of sea-urchin ap- peared in the Ordovician period.! CLASS IV. HOLOTHUROIDEA Holothurians are free, and a close examination reveals the pentameral plan of the branch, although they are more or less bilaterally symmetric. Fig. 46.—Cucwma’ria frondo’sa, side view. Note tentacies and rows of feet. (Clark, in Bulletin 550, U.S. F. C., 1902.) The shape (Fig. 46) is much like that of the garden eueumber in our common varictics, but some are long and slender and 1 Scott's “Ceology,” p. 381. HOLOTHUROIDEA O61 more worm-like in appearance. Some are so long and slender that they are sometimes thought to be worms. The size varies from } inch in one species found upon the Massachusetts coast, to 3 feet, in another species found in Monterey Bay, California. The body wall is tough, leathery, muscular, and not so rigid as in the starfish or sea-urchin, although minute calcarcous spicules are scattered throughout it. The tube-feet may be in rows, or scattered, or entirely want- ing, depending upon the species, of which several hundred are recorded. The sea-cucumbers move with their long axis parallel to the ground. They creep along with the help of the tentacles. Protective Resemblance.— Their colors, which are reddish brown or yellowish, harmonize so closely with those of their en- vironment that their protective resemblance is almost perfect. As the animals rest on the bot- tom of the sea with their feathery tentacles spread out they closely resemble the vegetation of the sea bottom. A person may stand within a foot of the sea- cucumber and not see it. The alimentary tube (Fig. 47) ; is several times the length of PO cc Pea er ee a the animal, and the intestine is mentary tube, al.t. (Leuckart.) coiled in a uniform manner. The food of the holothurians consists of organic matter obtained from the sand which they swallow, or of small animals which they capture with their tentacles. They are nocturnal in their feeding habits, resting quietly during the day on the bottom of the sea or buried in the sand. The respiratory system consists, probably, of the so-called “respiratory trees,” two hollow, much-branched organs open- ing into the cloaca, which is periodically filled with water. 62 BRANCH ECHINODERMATA They are probably excretory organs also, and are connected with the manipulations of the tentacles.! Multiplication is gencrally similar to that of the starfish, except in rare cases of hermaphroditism. There arc also cases recorded of the female caring for her brood in dorsal pouches. In unfavorable conditions they void the whole viscera and yet live and replace the lost parts.” In the development from the bilateral larva to the radial adult there is a marked metamorphosis. Several species are hosts for certain parasites. A small fish infests the cloaca and branchial trees of one or two species. A snail lives in one species and a mussel in another. Use.—They are used for food hy the Malays, who call them “¢repang,”’ and use them principally for soups. Millions of them are captured in the south seas, where hundreds of vessels are engaged in the trepang fisheries. Distribution—Holothurians are widely distributed, being found from the arctic te the tropical regions. Geologically, they date from the Carboniferous Period. CLASS V. CRINOI’/DEA Crinoids are fixed echinoderms with a flexible stem or stalk of caleareous perforated disks, bearing a flower-like body at the top of the stem (Fig. 48). This body consists of a cup- shaped center bearing five or ten arms, usually branched. The “ feather stars,’ found at a less depth, later become de- tached and float around in the water. Ambulacral Grooves.—Five ciliated ambulacral grooves (Fig. 49) extend from the mouth out on the arms and their branches, and give off branches to the pinnules. They serve as channels through which the food passes to the mouth, and also for the purpose of respiration. Food.—They feed on smail crab-like animals and on marine unicellular animals and plants. The nervous system consists of a nerve ring surrounding the mouth, and given off from this nerve ring are a series of ambu- lacral nerves which extend the entire length of the arms and pinnules. 1 Parker and Haswell’s “ Zoology,” vol. i, p. 372. 2 Tbid., p. 400. CRINOIDBA 63 (Brehm.) _ Fig. 49—Mouth area of a crinoid (Comat’ula), showing the course of the intestine leading from the mouth (m) to the vent (a); g, grooves leading from arms to mouth. (From Kingsley’s ‘ Comparative Zodél uP : Holt and Co., Publishers.) , oes Digestive System.—The mouth is directed upward and leads into the digestive tract, consisting of esophagus, stomach, and 64 BRANCH ECHINODERMATA intestines. The interradial anal opening (see Fig. 49) is situated near the mouth. Multiplication —Crinoids multiply by eggs, which pass through complex changes before reaching the adult stage. Habitat—The living crinoids are deep sea animals with the exception of two genera, which live at a less depth. Some have becn dredged from a depth of 11,100 feet. At this depth the water pressure must be enormous. Geologic Distribution—Primitive types (the cystids and blastoids) of this group are among the most ancient fossils. True crinoids appeared before the close of the Cambrian Period. They reached their culmination in the Carboniferous Period. The crinoid fossils of this period are so numerous that many beds of limestone are composed principally of them. Burlington, Iowa, and Crawfordsville, Indiana, are noted for their numerous and well-preserved fossil crinoids. Crinoids, though formerly of such vast numbers, are now almost extinct. Important Biologic Facts—Echinoderms are radially sym- metric, but embryology shows that they have developed from the bilateral type. It is reasonable to regard those classes of echinoderms as the more ancient which have the radial sym- metry less completely developed.! The locomotor-ambulacral system is found in no other branch. The echinoderms are a singularly isolated group, and we look in vain among the known members, living and fossils, of other branches for any really close allies. Classification.— Class. Examples. I. Asteroi’dea. Starfishes. II. Ophiuroi’dea. “ Brittle-stars.”’ Ill. Echinoi’dea. Sca-urchins. IV. Holothuroi’dea. Sea-cucumbers. V. Crinoi’dea. Sea Lilies, ‘ Feather-stars.”’ VI. Cystoi’dea. Fossil. VII. Blastoi’dea. Paleozoic fossil, asin Class VI. 1 Parker and Haswell’s “ Zodlogy,”’ vol. i, p. 401. BRANCH ANNULATA Tue branch Anniila’ta is distinguished from the other branches of worms by having external and internal segmentation, that is, being divided into rings or segments (metameres) ‘“ containing homologous organs or similar portions of a continuous organ.’ They have, usually, a well-developed ccelom or body cavity, divided into segments by muscular partitions or septa. These worms are bilaterally symmetric. The body is usually elongated. CLASS I. CHATOPODA Class Cheet6p’dda consists of fresh-water and marine annelids which bear sete, or bristles. The set arise from special fol- licles, and may occur singly or in bunches. These setze, which are controlled by special muscles, act as tiny levers in locomo- tion. They have a body cavity which is partially divided into com- partments corresponding to the segments. The alimentary tube extends through the body and is usually constricted at the septa. There is usually a well-developed circulatory system. Respiration is usually through gills or branchiz and through the body wall. In some forms the sexes are distinct, while other forms are hermaphroditic. Fresh-water annelids de- velop without a metamorphosis, but in many marine forms the trochosphere larve occur. Few are true parasites, but a number are commensal, habitu- ally associating with other animals for their food and shelter. Many sea-worms are phosphorescent. The earthworm (Lum’bricus) has an elongated cylindric body of many segments or metameres. Digestive System (Fig. 50)—The mouth is covered by a rounded, lobe-like projection, the prostomium. The mouth leads into a small buccal cavity, back of which is the larger. thick-walled, muscular pharynx. This pharynx can be pro- 1 Galloway’s “ Zodlogy.” 5 65 66 BRANCH ANNULATA truded and retracted. Fig. 50.—Darthworm dissected to show aliment- ary tube, al. t. (From Jordan and Kellogg, “ Animal Life,” D. Apple- ton and Co., Publishers.) The radially arranged muscular fibers which run from the pharynx to the body wall retract the pharynx and at the same time dilate it. Back of the pharynx is the narrow esophagus, with a pair of pouches and two pairs of calciferous glands, which communicate with these pouches and which contain alimy fluid. Posterior to the pharynx is the thin-walled crop, and back of this is the very thick-walled rounded gizzard, with its tough, chitinous lin- ing, in which the food is ground by sand, and from which the intestine ex- tends to the anal opening in the pos- terior segment. The typhlosole, a prominent ridge extending along the middle of the dor- sal surface of the intestine and dipping down into the interior, renders the hollow of the intestine crescent shaped. This typhlosole increases the absorb- ing surface and is well supplied with blood-vessels. The circulation is carrried on in a well-developed system of blood-vessels. The dorsal tube extends along the median line of the dorsal surface and is plainly seen in the live earthworm. The forward movement of the blood can usually beseen. The ventral blood-ves- sel lies below the alimentary tube. In this ventral blood-vessel the blood is pro- pelled backward by the peristaltic action of the tube. The three smaller blood- tubes, the subnural and two lateral nural tubes, lie close to the nerve cord. Hach segment has a transverse vessel connecting the dorsal and ventral blood-vessels. Those from the sixth to the eleventh CHTOPODA 67 segment are dilated and pulsate ryhthmically, hence are some- times called hearts. The blood is red, the color being due to the presence of hemoglobin (the same substance which makes our blood red) in the liquid itself, though the blood contains colorless corpuscles. The nervous system consists of a double cerebral ganglion connected with a double ventral chain of ganglia by a pair of commissures which pass around the esophagus. The earthworm has no eyes, yet it can distinguish not only light, but the direction from which it comes, and it will crawl “ away from the light of high intensity and toward a light of low intensity.”” This tendency, and the fact that the moisture of the skin would be rapidly evaporated in daytime, and the ab- sence of enemies, induce the earthworms to feed at night. The earthworm has no organs of hearing, but its general sense of touch is so delicate that it detects the approach of danger by the jarring of the earth about its burrow. It can distinguish and choose between different kinds of food, so it must have a sense akin to smell or taste. It is thought that the ‘ goblet-shaped bodies”? on the prostomium and on the anterior segments are the seat of this sense. The body wall is composed of, first (on the outside), the cuticle, then the epidermis, the dermis, a muscular layer of circular fibers, a layer of longitudinal muscle-fibers, and underneath this the ccelomic epithelium which lines the body cavity. Respiration takes place through the thin moist skin which is everywhere underlaid by a network of blood-vessels. These absorb the oxygen from the air and give off the carbonic acid gas through the skin. Locomotion.—Each segment, except the one at each end of the worm, is furnished with four pairs of sete, or short, stiff, chitin- ous bristles. They arise from the setigerous glands or sacs made by the infolding of the cuticle. By special muscles, at- tached to the base of each of these sacs, the sete can be turned in different directions. In locomotion the earthworm uses these setze as levers. When it moves forward the sete are turned backward and stuck into the soil, the longitudinal muscles contract, pulling the body together, then the circular muscles contract, making the body smaller and longer and forc- 68 BRANCH ANNULATA ing it forward, since the sete prevent its moving backward. When the earthworm moves backward the sete are directed forward, and the same processes propel the worm backward. Excretion.—In all the segments of the body except the first three and the posterior one is a pair of tubular kidneys (nephri- dia). Each begins in a ciliated funnel—which opens into and takes up the waste from the body cavity—in the back part of a segment, and continues in a long, much-looped tube, which opens externally by a small excretory pore on the ventral surface of the segment posterior to the one in which the funnel- shaped beginning is situated. Multiplication—The earthworm is hermaphroditic, but cross-fertilization takes place. The lateral and dorsal portions of the segments from the thirty-second to the thirty-seventh are swollen and somewhat fused together, forming a sort of girdle (the clitellum). The glands of this clitellum secrete a viscid fluid. This secretion hardens, upon exposure to the air, and forms a band or collar about the clitellum. This collar moves forward, gathers the eggs and sperms! as it passes the openings, and finally is slipped off over the head.? The ends of the collar now close and it forms a tough egg-capsule. The egg-capsules are hidden under stones, boards, or logs, or are buried in the earth, especially about barnyards and compost heaps. ‘‘ The worms are about 1 inch long when hatched.’ They hibernate below the frost line in winter. Enemies.—The chief enemies are moles and birds. To avoid the birds they feed at night or early morning, and some- times drag a pebble into the mouth of the burrow, closing it after them. The marine worms (Polyche’ta) are dicecious, and the young undergo a more or less complete metamorphosis. The larva is a trochosphere.1 Some burrow in the sand; some are free swimming; some secrete a mucus which hardens and forms tubes; others form tubes by sticking together with mucus pieces of shell, sand, mud, or limestone. Most of the tube-building species are fixed to some object, but a few carry their tubes about. Many of these marine worms live in shallow water, but some have been found at a depth of 3000 fathoms. 1 These have been obtained from another earthworm. 2 Shipley and MacBride, p. 100. 3 Colton, ‘ Descriptive Zodlogy.” 4 See Glossary HIRUDINEA 69 The nereis, or sand-worm, which is found on the seashore, has a distinct head, bearing eyes and tactile sense organs, such as tentacles and palpi. Each segment has a fleshy outgrowth, the parapodium, bearing many bristles. “This is the first appearance of true appendages, though they are not jointed to the body nor in themselves.”’ The sand-worm varies in color in different stages, and the length varies from 6 inches to 2 feet. It has an eversible pharynx, which, when infolded, conceals two horny jaws. These jaws are deeply notched and the ends are incurved. When food is taken the pharynx is everted, the jaws thrust forth, and the prey seized and swallowed. CLASS II. GEPHYR’EA Class Géphyr’ea is composed of oval or spindle-shaped worms, which are unsegmented in the adult form. Sete are entirely wanting. The mouth, which is at the anterior end, is either surrounded by tentacles or overhung by a “‘ proboscis ”’ which may be several times the length of the body. These worms are widely distributed. They live in both deep and shallow water and, ‘for the most part, either in natural rock-fissures or in burrows which they excavate in sand or mud or in coral or rock.” CLASS III. HIRUDIN’EA The body of the leech tapers at both ends and is flattened dorsoventrally. It is composed of many segments which are superficially divided into several rings, so that there are not so many true segments as there are surface rings. The principal order of this class contains the common fresh- water leech familiar to barefoot boys. It is a temporary para- site on vertebrates. The leech (Fig. 51) has no setee nor appendages, but is pro- vided with two suckers. The one on the posterior ventral sur- face is used for attachment in locomotion, and the other, which surrounds the mouth and is not well developed, is used in suck- ing the blood into the large crop. In the pouches of this crop, it is said, enough blood can be stored to last a year. A narrow stomach and a short intestine follow the pouched crop. The ccelom is considerably obliterated by a growth of muscle and connective tissue, called parenchyma. Leeches are hermaphroditic. The eggs are usually laid in small packets or cocoons, and these are deposited in moist 70 BRANCH ANNULATA soil. The eggs are hatched in four or five weeks, but it takes them several years to mature. Some leeches are said to live twenty years. Leeches are widely distributed. Many of them are in- habitants of fresh water. Some live in salt water, while others live in the forests of many regions, especially those of the tropics, where they are the terror of men and beasts. One species ( Hiru’do sanguisu’ga) is a parasite in the nasal passages of man. Another (Hamop’- sis vo’rax) lives in the pharynx or trachea of the horse, being taken in with water when small. Another form (Branchel’lion) is a permanent ex- ternal parasite on fishes. Distribution.—The members of branch Annulata are widely distributed, the rep- resentatives of its many species being found from frigid to tropical regions, and even in the isolated islands of the sea. It is known that marine worms existed in the Cambrian Period by their “‘ tracks and borings in the sand, which are now consolidated into hard rocks.” Economic Importance.—The earth- worm swallows the soil which it exca- vates for the sake of the partially de- cayed organic matter it contains, which the worm appropriates to the building up of its body tissue. The indigestible portions it deposits on the surface at ite Ki Raa a night as coiled castings. They also feed 2 ese “i, Amteton Ol fresh or decayed leaves which they sucker; b, posterior drag into their burrows, and sometimes pein nus etl upon young seedlings and tender roots. i, intestine; s, es eee Darwin, who studied the earthworm for of the skin. (Holder.) forty years, estimated that in the tillable soil of England there were fifty thousand earthworms to the acre, and that they brought to the surface from 10 to 18 tons of soil annually. In this way the whole HIRUDINEA 71 superficial layer would be enriched by passing through their bodies in a few years. Their burrows may extend vertically or obliquely for several feet underground, their depth depending upon the distance of the moist soil from the surface. ‘‘ They are connected by underground tunnels, so that the soil is thoroughly exposed to the chemical action of the gases and acids of the air and water.’’! Thus the action of the earthworm has both a chemical and a mechanical effect upon the soil. Leeches were formerly used very frequently by doctors when bleeding was more often practised. They are still sometimes thus used. They are raised in France for commercial purposes. Swamps are stocked with them and they are fed upon old and worn out farm animals. Important Biologic Facts.—This branch is distinguished from all preceding groups by its metameric segmentation. The excretory system is characterized by the peculiar nephridia. There is a well-developed circulatory system and a circulating fluid containing hemoglobin. In leeches eyes are found, while the ‘ goblet-shaped organs’? in leeches and earthworms are thought to be the seat of smell or taste. True appendages ap- pear in the Nereis. The trochosphere larve show relationship between Chetopoda and the Turbellaria and the Nemertinia. Classification.— Class. Examples. I. Cheetdp’oda. Earthworms, Sand-worms. II. Géphyr’ea. Sipunculus. III. Hirudin’ea. Leeches. 1 Jackson and Daugherty, ‘Agriculture Through the Laboratory and School Garden.” BRANCH MOLLUS’CA THESE animals have soft, unsegmented bodies, as contrasted with the segmented Arthropoda. The body is generally bi- laterally symmetric, but it may be asymmetric, as in the snail. They vary in size from a fraction of an inch to from 2 to 5 feet in length; and in weight from a fraction of an ounce to 500 pounds. The body may be naked, as the slug; or covered {een ai = sie TCT with a univalve shell, as the snail; or with a bivalve shell, as in the common mussel; or it may have an internal horny pen, as in the squid. The structure and form of the Mollusca are very various, and the number of known living and fossil species exceeds forty thousand. Some mollusks are marine, some are fresh-water forms, and others are terrestrial. fe PELECYPODA 73 The circulatory system consists of a dorsal heart of one ventricle and one or more auricles, enclosed in a pericardium. Aorte carry the blood from the ventricle to different parts of the body, but the blood-vascular system is not entirely closed. Respiration is carried on through the body wall in a few Mollusca, but most of them breathe through gills or lungs. The nervous system is characterized by three pairs of ganglia which are joined by connective nerve cords. The cerebral ganglia are situated dorsal to the esophagus and supply the tentacles and eyes. The pedal ganglia lie ventral to the mouth and supply the foot and otocysts. The visceral ganglia, also ventral, but farther back, supply the body, the mantle, and the so-called “ osphradia,” or olfactory organs. Some mollusks lack special sense organs. Locomotion is accomplished by the single so-called “ foot,” a muscular plowshare-shaped thickening of the body. Multiplication—The Mollusca may be sexually separate or hermaphroditic. This branch includes some very valuable food animals for man, as clams and oysters. Other examples are snails, slugs, scallops, cuttle-fishes, squids, and fresh-water mussels. CLASS I. PELECYPODA This class is called by various names by different zodlogists, depending upon the character taken for the basis of classifica- tion—as Aglossa (without a tongue), Acephala (without a head), Bivalva (of two valves), Pélécyp’oda (hatchet-footed), Lamellibranchiata (leaf-like gilled). We may then characterize this class as the hatchet-footed, headless, tongueless, bivalved, leaf-like gilled mollusks. Mussels, clams, and oysters are com- mon examples of this class. The body is soft, unsegmented, and is modified into the large “foot ” used for locomotion. The mantle, a great fold of skin, covers the body, one lobe over each side. Between the mantle lobes and the body are the four large leaf-like gills. The labial palpi are the small leaf-like structures anterior to the gills, and lead into the mouth. Food consists of small organisms which the water carries into the mantle cavity and to the ciliated labial palpi, which 74 BRANCH MOLLUSCA pass the food into the mouth. From thence the food: passes into the stomach and to the long coiled intestine which passes through the pericardium, usually perforates the ventricle, and ends dorsal to the posterior adductor muscle. The Pelecypoda are scxual and sometimes hermaphroditic. There is a metamorphosis, there being usually a trochosphere stage. The sea mussel (My/tilus) is an cxample of this class. Great clusters of this edible mussel are found just below low-tide marks. The shell is generally of a purple or dark color. The long slender foot (Fig. 53) throws out yellowish horny fibers (the byssus), by which the mussel attaches Fig. 53.—Mytilus edulis: O, Mouth; S, labial palps; P, foot; B, byssus secretion; Br, gills; AZ, thickened edge of mantle. (After Claus.) itself to foreign objects. If food becomes scarce or conditions unfavorable, it can detach itself and slowly move to another position by stretching out the threads of the byssus and attaching them ahead or above, and then drawing itself up to them, hence it is sometimes called the ‘* climbing musscl. Ano’mia, of the same order as My’tilus, is permanently fixed. The oyster (Os’trea) is amember of this class, which in adult life is fixed to the sea bottom or to some foreign object—very often the shell of another oyster. Great clumps (sce Fig. 52, p. 72) may be thus fastened together, but their union is not organic. Oysters vary in size from a few inches to 2 or 3 feet, the largest being a Japanese species. The shell of the oyster (Fig. 54) is rougher than that of the clam, and the hinge is at the pointed end, which corresponds to the anterior end of the clam. Its two valves are not alike, but the lower or left one is much larger and becomes deep enough to contain the body, while the upper or right valve is flat and serves as a lid. There is but one adductor muscle. PELECYPODA 75 By its contraction the shell is closed. Its location is changed from year to year as the animal grows. A brown scar in the shell indicates where the attachment has been. The oyster can open its shell but little. The oyster, since it is fixed, needs no organ of locomotion, and so has no foot. Neither has it any siphon, but the food-bearing water (Fig. 55) enters along the curved border of the shell and passes out near the larger Fig. 54.—Shell of typical American oyster: 1, Inner face; 2, outer face. (Report U.S. Geol. Survey.) end on the straight side. A fresh supply of sea-water is necessary to fur- nish it with food and oxygen. If the oysters settle too deep in the mud or if they are covered by silt and sand in time of storms they smother. Our species of oysters (Ostrea virginiana) is bisexual, while the European species are hermaphroditic.1 The reproductive organ is attached to the 1“ Hertwig’s Manual of Zodlogy,”’ Kinglsey, p. 367. 76 BRANCH MOLLUSCA large adductor muscle. The eggs are deposited in the water. They are very numerous. It has been estimated that one female will produce from 9,000,000 to 40,000,000 eggs in a single season. The breeding scason is from May to August. If the eggs are not eaten by enemics or carried away by currents, they sink to the bottom. After a few hours of develop- ment the larve swim to the surface. Multitudes of these larva are de- voured by surface-living fishes. The larve (Fig. 56) swim by means of cilia. Ina few days the larve or fry, as they are called, sink to the bottom Fig. 55.—Food of South Carolina oyster. A few typical organisms (x 225). Numbers 1 to 20 are diatoms. 1-5, Navicula (Bory); 6, N. didyma (K.); 7, Pinnularia radiosa (?) (IX. 8.); 8, Amphora sp. (X.); 9, Pleurosigma fasciola (E.8.); 10, P. littorale (8.); 11, P. strigosum (%.); 12, Actinocyelus undulatus (KK.); 13, Coscinodiscus radiatus (E.); 14, Cyclotella rotula (E.); 15, Synedra sp. (E.); 16, Diatoma sp. (De C.); 17, Cymbella sp. (Ag.); 18, Mastogloia smithii (Thw.); 19, Triceratium alternans (Br. Bai.); 20, Biddulphia sp. (Gr.); 21, Grain of pine pollen (Pinus rigida); 22, Foraminifera (Rotalia); 23, Zodspore (Ulva?); 24, Spicules. (After Bashford Dean.) (From Moore, U. 8. Com. of Fish and Fisheries.) and attach themselves by the mantle-fold to some other oyster or to any object with which they come in contact. It takes them from three to five years to attain their growth. The blue crab (see Fig. 74, p. 101) is very destructive to the young oyster. One of the greatest enemics of the oyster is the starfish (see p. 55). Other enemies (Fig. 57) are boring snails, boring sponges, and internal parasites. One little erab (Pinnothe’res) which lives in the mantle cavity scems to be an example of symbiosis rather than a parasite; at least it does not appear to harm the oyster. PELECYPODA 77 Oysters abound in quict, shallow inlets of the Atlantic coast south of Cape Cod, and of the Gulf of Mexico. We have the best oysters in the world.) Our most extensive oyster-beds are on the Chesapeake Bay, at Baltimore, where they cover 3000 acres and furnish millions of bushels yearly. We not only supply the markets of our own grewt cities, but send large quantities to British markets. Oysters are found also on the Pacific coast, on the coasts of Europe, of Australia, and of Japan. The scallop (Pecten) has an almost round, fluted shell with a straight hinge without teeth, and with unequal valves, one being more nearly flat than the other. The shell is usually brilliantly tinted. The foot is rudi- mentary or altogether lacking. The mantle- folds are fringed with slender tentacles and the edge of each lobe is set with a row of brilliant bluish ‘“ eyes.”” When at rest the scallop lies on the sea bottom with its one ad- ductor muscle relaxed and its shell open. If disturbed, it quickly closes the shell by con- tracting the strong muscle. This catches a quantity of water which is forcibly ejected through a round aperture at either end of the ee of the hinge. The reaction caused by forcing this water against the great : : body of water outside propels the animal for- Fig. 56.—Right side of ward. Thus, by rapidly opening and closing embryonic oyster, six days its shell, it swims through the water with Old: m, Mouth; s, vent; J, comparative ease. right lobe of liver; wl, The edible scallop (Pec/ten irra’dians) is Velum. (Moore, Bull. U. about 2} inches in diameter and its color 8. F.C., 1897.) varies from a whitish to a reddish or purple hue. The adductor muscle is the portion used by man for food. This scallop is found on the Atlantic coast south of Cape Cod. Pec’ten max/imus, found on the coast of Great Britain, in water 30 to 40 fathoms deep, is much larger. Its deeper shell was formerly used as a baking-dish for oysters, hence the origin of the term “ scalloped oysters.” The shell of another form common in the Mediterrnaean Sea (Pec’ten jacobe’us) was worn as a badge by the crusaders returning from the Holy Land. The so-called pearl-oyster (Meleagri’na), which does not belong to the oyster family at all, has a shell which is more nearly circular, a little convex, and sometimes a foot in diameter. They are found in Madagascar, Panama, Ceylon, East Indies, Australia, South Sea islands, Philippines, and the West Indies. Pearls are deposits of nacre formed about some foreign substance. Prof. Jameson has discovered? by investigation upon the sea-mussel that, in their case, pearls are caused by a parasitic worm (T'rematode). Pearls are collected by divers who go down from 6 to 8 fathoms for them. Hun- 1 “On the coasts of Holland, Belgium, and France far greater care is taken of their species (Os’trea ed’ulis) than we take of ours (Os’trea virginia’na), but our natural conditions are superior to theirs.” —Linville and Kelly, p. 169. 2 Linville and Kelly’s ‘‘ General Zodlogy,”’ p. 173. 78 BRANCH MOLLUSCA dreds of vessels are engaged in this industry. Pearls of various shapes are found. Their colors may be white, yellow, pink, blue, red, green, or even Fig. 57.—Some enemies of the oyster: 1, Drill (Urosalping cinerea); g } 2, mussel (Mytilus edulis); 3, Sabellaria rulgaris: 4, periwinkle (Fulgur carica). (Report of Fish Commision for 1897.) black. Round lustrous white ones are most prized in Europe and America, but those of the yellowish hue are preferred by Asiaties PELECYPODA 79 Fig. 58.—Section of Anodon’ta, showing the digestive tube: m, Mouth; g, gullet; J, liver; s, stomach; 7, 7, intestine; a, anus; p, pericardium; k, kidney; s.c., chamber above the gills. (Furneaux.) Fig. 59.—Anodon’ta, lying in one valve, with upper lobe of the mantle removed: p, Pericardium; /, kidney; p.r., posterior retractor muscle; p.a., posterior adductor muscle; a.a., anterior adductor muscle; a.r., anterior retractor muscle; p.p., protractor pedis muscle; a, anus; e.s., exhalent siphon; 7.s., inhalent siphon; /.m., cut edge of the mantle; 0.g., outer gill- plate; m.l., mantle lobe; v.g., inner gill-plate; v, internal organs; f, foot; l.p., labial palps; J, liver; p.l., pallial line. (Furneaux.) Fresh-water mussels (Figs. 58, 59) or clams of our ponds, lakes, and streams have firm leaf-like gills and two nearly equal adductor muscles. 80 BRANCH MOLLUSCA The siphon is incomplete and the pallial line is entire, that is, without sinus or indentation. The foot is long and compressed. The valves of the shell are held together by the strong adductor muscles, and opened, when these relax, by the elastic spring or hinge ligament. The shells are a dull black on the outside, and pearly white, tinted with iridescent hues, on the inside. The shell of the Unio is not so large and strong as that. of Anodonta, while the latter genus has no hinged teeth. Clams ure found in ponds and large streams (which do not dry up in the summer), distributed along the direction of the strongest currents to insure food supply. They are partly buried in the mud, the open edge of the shell down and the valves slightly apart, with the fleshy foot protruding from the anterior ventral margin. When disturbed, the foot and edges of the mantle-lobes are retracted and the valves tightly closed. The shell is the mussel’s principal means of defense. It has many enemies besides man, such as the musk-rat, raccoon, mink, otter, and other mammals that live in and about the streams where the clam is found. Such animals as the musk-rat gnaw off the hinge ligament to get the shell open. The young clams are carried in the gills, and were formerly mistaken for parasites, and are called glochidea. They differ much in shape from the adult. The glochidea, or young clams, pass out through the exhalant siphon and attach them- selves by hooks on the valves to the gills or fins of fishes, by which they are protected from enemies and kept supplied with fresh water until suffi- ciently mature for independent existence, when they detach themselves from their host and drop to the bottom of the stream. The giant clam (Tridac’na gi’gas) of the tropics has a shell from 2 to 4 feet long, which may weigh from 300 to 500 pounds. The soft-shelled clam (.\/1/’a arena’ria) abounds in the mud flats of the Atlantic coast north of : Cape Cod. The young clams swim about on the Fig. 60.—Tere’dona- surface of the water. After the shell appears, val’is, removed from its they sink to the bottom and attach themselves by calcareous tube, with the byssus. When the clam is about 2 inch long, elongated siphons. the byssus disappears and the animal buries itself (Quatrefages. ) in the mud. As it grows, it keeps enlarging and deepening its burrow until it may extend from 8 to 12 inches below the surface of the mud. The long siphons are extended up to within reach of the sea-water, whose currents bring to the clam food and air. The water enters through the ventral siphon, is driven through the gills, and finally passes out through the exeretory tube, the dorsal siphon. Another form much used for food is the “© Quahog ”’ (Venus mercenaria), which is characteristic of warmer waters, and is found from Cape Cod to Texas. It burrows a little way below the surface, but is often found with GASTEROPODA 81 its shell partly exposed. Along the Atlantic coast people use the Afya or Venus for their ‘“‘ clam-bakes.’”” Many hundred bushels are used every year for this purpose. The razor-shell clams have similar habits. They are concealed in vertical holes in the sand with the posterior end of the shell uppermost. They have a powerful club-shaped foot, and can dig so rapidly that unless one approaches very cautiously they escape from view. They seem to be sensitive to light and to the ‘ jar’ made by approaching footsteps. The borer (Pho’las) has its brittle but very hard shell marked like a file, with which it bores into the hardest rocks. The united siphons are longer than the rest of the body. Some forms are phosphorescent, emitting bluish-white light. The ship-worm (Tere’do) (Fig. 60), another borer, works into wood, doing much damage to ships in the tropics. The larva enters the wood when it is extremely small and enlarges the tunnel as it grows. The wood which it excavates is not used for food, but is carried off by the excretory siphon. Its food, which consists of microscopic organisms, is brought in by the currents. The amount of damage these borers do seems incredible. They completely honeycomb the hull of a wooden vessel. The best protection against them is the sheathing of the hull with copper. Palmetto is the best resistant among woods. The ship-worms caused the destruction of a dam in Holland, threatening destruction to the country. Their dis- persal is wide, since they are carried all over the world in the floating wood which they attack. : CLASS II. GASTEROP’ODA These are asymmetric, usually univalve mollusks, and the head region bears either one or two pairs of tentacles. As in the snail (Fig. 61), the eyes are borne either at the bases or at the Fig. 61.—A snail. (After Tenney.) tips of the tentacles. The shorter tentacles are probably organs of smell. The head contains the mouth, in which is the tongue, covered by the radula, a ribbon-like organ supplied with chitinous teeth and used for rasping the food. The mantle is not divided into two parts as in the mussel, but unites around the neck, leaving but a small respiratory aperture 6 82 BRANCH MOLLUSCA into the mantle cavity. The foot is broad and flat and is used for locomotion. Respiration is accomplished through the wall of the mantle cavity, or by one or two plume-like gills or ctenidia in the mantle cavity. In the air-breathing forms there may be simply a pulmonary sac. The shell is a spiral, either flat or elongated (Fig. 62), and is usually closed by a flap or operculum (a horny plate growing on the posterior portion of the foot) for protection. whorls forming the spzre body whorl aperture Fig. 62.—A snail shell. (Morse.) Some Gasteropods are marine, some are fresh-water forms, and still others are terrestrial. The limpets (Patel’lide) are uncoiled forms with open conical shells. They are found adhering to rocks between tide-marks. The foot acts as asucker, enabling the animal to resist 2 foree of a thousand times its weight when one attempts to detach it. The common limpct (Patella vulgata) is used as food. It feeds upon scaweeds. The ear-shells ( Haliot’/ida@), found on our western coast, have a row of perforations near the margin of the shell through which the tentacles pass to the exterior. The shells are much used in inlaid work on account of their beautiful iridescent color. ‘They are also used as food, and the shells are used for making buttons. 1 The cowries (Cypre‘idae) have richly enameled shells with small open- ings. They are beautiful and are sold for ornaments, some species being much prized. A beautiful yellow shell, an inch or less long, which abounds in the East. Indices, is used as money in Siam and in parts of Africa: 6400 cowries are equal to about 36 cents. The cowries are tropical, but a few species are found in temperate seas. GASTEROPODA 83 The helmet-shells (Cassid’id@) are composed of layers of different colored material and are used for carving cameos. The tritons or sea conchs (7'rilon’ide@) have handsome shells, frequently more than afoot in length. The shells of one specics is used by the South Sea Islanders as a trumpet. The T'rilon’ide@ have a proboscis, a well-developed siphon, and a short foot. “The long, nearly cylindric shells of the Cavolinide make up much of the * pteropod ooze’ of the deep seas.” The common periwinkle (Littori’na) (see Fig. 57, p. 78) abounds on the coast of New England and southward, where it is used as food. It is a native of Europe. It is a vegetable feeder, and is valuable in cleaning up the seaweeds from oyster-beds. The oyster drill ( Urosal’/pinx ciner’ea) (see Fig. 57, p. 78) bores a hole through the shell of the oyster and feeds upon its soft parts. Natica is another drilling sea-snail common on our Eastern coast. It burrows in the sand for clams and bores a hole with its radula, rotuting its own body in the action. The Nudibranchs.—In the Nudibranchs the shell is entirely absent in the adult. True ctenidia are replaced as breathing organs by a number of secondary branchixe, sometimes simple, sometimes branched processes or leaf-like tufts, which may be distributed over the dorsal surface (as in H’olis), or placed in a row on each side beneath the mantle-flap (as in Pleurophylli’dia). These soft naked sea-slugs live in shallow water near the shore, crawling about and feeding upon the seaweeds. Their protect- ive resemblance is very great on account of both color and form. They move very slowly. This also aids them in escaping the notice of their enemies. The land snails and slugs (Pulmona’ta) are air breathing. The air enters the mantle cavity through a small opening which is near the right side in the deztral forms (that is, the spiral of the shell turns like the hands of a clock from left to right), and on the left side in the left-handed (sinis- tral) forms. Land snails ( Helic’ide) are common in moist woods. They come out at night or in clouly weather to feed on succulent vegetation. When they are numerous they do much damage. They, in common with the pond snails, have thin spiral shells. They have two pairs of tentacles. The uppor and larger pair bears the eyes at their tips, and the shorter pair is the organ of touch. (See Fig. 61, p. 81.) The land snail (Helix) has no operculum, and when frost comes it with- draws into its shell, fitting the opening to some smooth object, and secretes alayer of mucus. This hardens upon drying and forms a tough membrane. the epiphragm, which closes the opening. In at least one species of Helix a small hole is found just below the lung aperture, through which an ex- change of gases may take place. As a rule, snails lay their eggs in strings or masses, but the land snails bury their eggs singly or deposit them thus in moist places. Snails are used as food, being even shipped to the United States from Europe. Land slugs (Limac’idw) are naked. The shell is vestigial and con- cealed by the mantle. They have a rasping tongue like the snail’s. The giant yellow slug of California reaches a length of 12 inches. The Pulmonata are hermaphroditic. The garden snail hibernates by coiling up in its underground burrow in winter. Pond Snails.—The common pond snails have but one pair of tentacles, and the eyes are situated at the bases of these. They breathe by means S4 BRANCH MOLLUSCA of a lung-sac instead of by gills, and must come to the surface occasionally for air. In genus Physa the spiral of the shell is left-handed; in Limne’a, right-handed, and in Planor’bis the shell is discoid or a flat spiral. The eggs of genus Physa are deposited in gelatinous, transparent, oblong capsules of an inch or less in length attached to submerged sticks or leaves. Genus Limne/a lays the eggs late in spring in capsules sur- rounded by a mass of jelly. The young puss through a metamorphosis. still other pond or river snails breathe by means of gills. They live in the bottom of ponds or streams and are carnivorous. CLASS Ill. CEPHALOPODA Class Cephalop’oda (head-footed) consists of such forms as the squid, cuttle-fish, octopus, and nautilus. They are all marine, and,inmanyrespects, the most highly developed of all mollusks. There is a distinct head, bearing a pair of large well-developed eyes, and surrounded by arms or tentacles which are modifica- tions of the anterior margins of the foot.1. The posterior part of the foot is transformed into a funnel-like siphon. The body is bilaterally symmetric. Respiration is through gills which line the mantle cavity. The shell may be external, as in the nautilus; or internal, as the pen of the squid; or lacking, as in the octopus. They are usually carnivorous. Some are solitary, as the devil-fish; others, as the squid, go in immense shoals. The senior author has seen acres of ground covered with the catches of them on the Pacific coast. The circulatory system is closed and consists of a somewhat complete heart and arteries, capillaries and veins. The principal ganglia are grouped about the esophagus. The nervous system is the most highly developed of any of the branch, consequently they are the most intelligent of all mol- lusks. They have the power of quickly changing color to harmonize with their environment. Cuttlefishes are rapid-swimming Cephalopoda living at a depth of several fathoms, but sometimes coming into shallower water. The cuttlefish has a distinct head be: aring ten long arms, and a pair of highly developed eyes resembling those of a fish. The free end of the head bears the mouth. The inner surface of each arm or tentacle is flat and hears four longitudinal rows of suckers. The fourth pair of tentacles is much longer and more slender than the others, and the club-shaped end bears suckers. The 1See MeMurrich, p. 341. CEPHALOPODA 85 body is covered by the thick integument of the mantle. The internal shell is caleareous and furnishes the cuttlebone used for canary birds. Cuttlefishes are carnivorous, feeding upon crabs, clams, or fishes. They delight in the daylight and in the open sea, so they need to be pro- tected from the view of their enemies. For this purpose they discharge an inky fluid to cloud the water so as to escape detection. The dark- colored secretion is carried in the ink-bag connected with the siphon. The ink was used in ancient times as a writing fluid. The sepia ink used by artists in making the sepia pictures is manufactured from this fluid of the Sa The cuttlefish is also used as an article of food in the Old World. Fig. 63.—Loli'go vulga‘ris. (After Verany.) Squids (Fig. 63) swim in schools. They, unlike cuttlefishes, are noc- turnal. They are carnivorous, feeding upon young fishes. The common squid is a foot or less in length. The internal shell is a horny “ pen” shaped something like a feather, which is embedded in the dorsal portion of the mantle. By alternately taking water into the mantle cavity and forcing it out, the squid is driven rapidly backward. It avoids detection by its color changes and by an inky discharge like that of the cuttlefishes. It feeds upon small fishes and crabs, which it kills by biting with its power- ful horny beak. Its enemies are large fishes and man. Giant squids are over 9 feet long, with arms 20 or 30 feet in length. The octopus is another member of this class. It has a short subspherical body without any shell. It has eight sucker-bearing arms, with which it 86 > BRANCH MOLLUSCA Fig. 64.—The chambered nautilus. “Year after year beheld the silent toil That spread his lustrous coil; Still, as the spiral grew, He left the past year’s dwelling for the new, Stole with soft step its shining archway through, Built up its idle door, Stretched in his last-found home, and knew the old no more. “Thanks for the heavenly message brought by thee, Child of the wandering sea, Cast from her lap, forlorn! From thy dead lips a clearer note is born Than ever Triton blew from wreathed horn! While on mine ear it rings, Through the deep caves of thought I hear a voice that sings:—- “Build thee more stately mansions, O my soul, As the swift seasons roll! Leave thy low-vaulted past! Let cach new temple, nobler than the last, Shut thee from heaven with a dome more vast, Till thou at length art. free, Leaving thine outgrown shell by life’s unresting sea.”’ Oliver Wendell Holmes. CEPHALOPODA 87 grasps its prey. ‘‘ Devil-fishes’”’ are found in allseas. They are gregarious when young, but the adult is solitary. They creep about among the rocks upon the extremities of their arms, generally moving sideways; or swim rapidly, either forward or backward. The arms are somewhat webbed at the bases. Some devil-fishes measure 12 to 15 feet, others but a few inches. They are found on our western coast and in the Pacific islands. They are much used for food along the Mediterranean Sea and by the Chinese and Italians of San Francisco. The Nautilus (Fig. 64).—This Cephalopod has a many-chambered, spiral, univalved shell, lined with pearly nacre, hence is often called the ‘pearly nautilus.” It has four gills instead of two. It crawls about on the sea bottom by means of its many (about forty) small tentacles. It has no suckers. The outer chamber of the shell is a large compartment in which the animal lives. As it grows, the nautilus partitions off the space behind it and moves forward. A calcareous tube containing the siphuncle, a slender tubular continuation of the body, extends through all the septa. The abandoned compartments are filled with air. The nautilus has a beak and a rasping tongue, like those of the squid. Each of its two disk-shaped eyes is attached by its convex side to a short thick stalk. The aperture of the eye is small, and there is no cornea, no iris, nor vitreous humor, but simply the retina at the base of a disk or pit. The nautilus has not the power of changing its color, and has no ink sac. It lives in the deep water in the south Pacific Ocean, and has been but little studied. Many of the species of former ages are extinct. This is the “ chambered nautilus,” immortalized by Oliver Wendell Holmes. Economic Importance.—Mollusks are probably of more direct use to man than any other invertebrate branch. The oyster industry is of vast importance, giving employment to thousands of persons and bringing an annual income of millions of dollars. Clams are also used extensively for food, and peri- winkles and snails less extensively. We get also pearls, and the mother-of-pearl for the making of buttons, knife-handles, and novelties. Factories have been established in Illinois and Towa for making buttons on a large scale from the fresh-water mussel shell. This industry threatens to exterminate these bivalves unless means are taken to protect and perpetuate them. The squid is extensively used as bait in cod-fishing, while both the squid and the cuttlefish furnish the sepia ink used by artists. The cuttlebone used for canaries is another product of the cuttlefishes. The ship-worm does much harm to dikes, wharves, and piles, or any wooden structures which have been in water some time. Important Biologic Facts.—The mollusks are the most highly organized of any of the invertebrates except the Arthropoda, 88 BRANCH MOLLUSCA and many zodlogists place them above the Arthropoda. They have a well-defined circulatory system and nervous system and especially highly developed eyes. They usually have a metamor- phosis, some of the stages of which show indications of affinity with ‘‘worms.”’ Classification.— Class. Examples. Pél’ecyp’oda. Sea-mussel, Oysters, Scallop, Fresh-water mussel. Gas’ terdp’oda. Limpets, Periwinkle, Snails. Céph’/aldp’oda. Cuttlefish, Octopus, Nautilus. BRANCH ARTHROPODA ARTHROP’opA may be characterized as animals having bi- laterally symmetric segmented bodies with jointed appendages and a chitinous exoskeleton. The segments of the body are not so numerous as in the worms. This branch includes a vast assemblage of animals which are widely distributed over the earth. They vary in habitat, being aquatic, terrestrial, subterranean, aérial, or some com- bination of these. Some are of direct use in furnishing food for man, as the lobster and the bee. Many cross-fertilize plants, and are thus of indirect use to man. As common examples of this branch may be named the lobsters, crabs, crayfishes, spiders, ‘‘ thou- sand-legs,” and insects. The digestive system is between the circulatory system and the nervous system. It is not much coiled, but runs almost straight through the body. (See Fig. 69.) The circulatory system consists of a dorsal blood-vessel open at the anterior end. The blood is pumped forward. It fills all the irregular spaces of the body, through which it bathes all the tissues and makes its way back to the dorsal vessel. The corpuscles are colorless and ameboid. The respiratory system consists of gills in the aquatic forms, and of air-tubes or trachea in the insects and other terres- trial forms. The nervous system consists generally of a double chain of ganglia, connected by a double nerve cord, running along the ventral side of the body. (See Fig. 69, N.) Weshould expect to find a pair of ganglia to each segment, but several ganglia may beunited, as in the crayfish, where there are thirteen well-marked ganglia, the three anterior ones uniting to form the so-called brain. Multiplication.—The sexes are usually distinct. Multiplica- tion is generally by fertilized eggs. 89 90 BRANCH ARTHROPODA CLASS I. CRUSTA’CEA As examples of this class may be named crayfishes, lobsters, crabs, and “ pill-bugs.”” The body has a limited number of segments, about twenty in the crayfish. Each pair of append- ages is regarded as being attached to a different segment. The head and thorax are united and called cephalothorax. The chitinous covering, rendered hard by deposits of carbonate and phosphate of lime, is called the carapace. Respiration is by gills, or branchie, though some breathe through the skin. The appendages are biramous, as seen in the swimmerets of the crayfish. A typically developed appendage, as the third pair of swimmerets, consists of a main stalk (protopod) and two branches, the outer (exopod) and the inner (endopod). Several of the appendages lack some of these parts. The student should homologize the appendages and tell or demonstrate which ones have missing parts. The class Criista’cea is usually divided into two sub-classes, the Hn’tomés’traca and the Mdél'acés’traca, with several orders under each. Sub-class Entomostraca is composed of crustaceans with a varying number of joints or segments. They are usually small or microscopic. There is a metamorphosis, the first stage being the free-swimming nauplius. Order I. Phyllép’oda are small aquatic crustaceans with segmented bodies and leaf-like appendages. The brine shrimp, fresh-water Branchipus, and Daphnia are examples of the order. Daphnia is shelled and looks like a very small clam. The animals of this order form an important part of the food of fresh-water fishes. The eggs of many species can resist the drought, which is a valuable means of perpetuating them in small streams which dry up in summer. Order II. Ostrac’oda are small crustaceans with apparently unsegmented bodies enclosed in a bivalve shell, as the fresh- water Cypris. The abdomen is rudimentary. There are only two pairs of thoracic appendages, two pairs of maxillz, one pair of mandibles, one pair of antenne, and one pair of antennules. The antennez and antennules are used for locomotion. The CRUSTACEA 91 antennules are also provided with olfactory hairs. Many of this order are marine. Some, however, live in brackish or in fresh water. They live usually at the bottom of their aquatic habitat. Order III. Copép’oda.—As examples may be named para- sitic fish lice and the fresh-water cyclops. Respiration takes place over the entire body surface. The Cyclops (Fig. 65) is a small, white, shelless animal with elongated segmented body. It has a rather large eye in the center of its head. Order IV. Cirripe’dia or Barnacles. —These fixed, marine, shelled crusta- ceans are very abundant along the seacoast, the rocks being covered with them in places. Their food consists of small animals in the water. One may see thousands of barnacles snap- ping their food as the waves and tides dash over them. Some forms attach themselves to crabs, mollusks (Fig. 52), or even to whales, while others are true external parasites, sucking the juices of the ani- mals to which they are attached. The parasitic forms are extremely degenerate. Since they have no power of loco- motion by which to escape their ene- ; mies, the barnacles (Fig. 66) are pro- ie ee - ie tected by shells capable of ‘complete f, eggs. (Clark.) ; closure.”” The body is flexed ventrally and bears six pairs of cirri, which are used in straining small organisms from the water and in carrying them to the mouth. The mouth is surrounded by a pair of mandibles and two pairs of maxille. Barnacles are hermaphroditic, but cross-fertiliza- tion may occur. They have a metamorphosis, having first a nauplius and then a cypris stage, the latter developing into the fixed adult (Fig. 67). This order furnishes a good illus- tration of the principle that inactivity leads to degeneration. 92 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The barnacles (Lepas) are found in clusters on the bottom of ships and often greatly impede their progress. Fig. 66.—Anatomy of Lepas fascicularis (Packard): A, ¢, Six pairs of legs or cirri; f, filamentary appendages; m, mouth; s, stomach; h, openings of the liver (/) into the stomach, which is represented as laid open; i, in- testine; a, vent; ¢, testis; v, vasa deferentia, one cut off; p, male appendage; o, ovary; e, adductor muscle connecting the two basal valves; rs, scutal valve; vc, carinal valve; vt, tergal valve. Enlarged twice. B, 1, Palpus; 2, mandibles; 3 and 4, first and second maxille. C, Nervous system: s, Brain, sending the optic nerves to the rudimentary eve (¢), each optic nerve having an enlargement near the eve, ?. ¢., the ophthalmic ganglion (0); between o and a are the nerves which go to the peduncle; a, nerve sent to the adductor scutorum; @, commissure between the supra- and infra-esophageal ganglia (1); ¢, ¢, c, ¢, ¢, ¢, nerves to cach of the six feet. Enlarged four times. (After Iingsley.) Sub-class II. Mal’acés’traca is composed of crustaceans of a definite number of segments, usually twenty—the head of five segments; the thorax, eight; and the abdomen, seven. These CRUSTACEA 93 segments are sometimes so fused as to puzzle one to distinguish twenty segments, as in the crayfish, but by regarding one pair of appendages to each segment one is able to count the number of segments present in the specimen. There is a number of orders under this sub-class, but only a few can be mentioned. Order I. Phyllécar’dia is marine. The genus Nebalia, with its bivalve carapace, its leaf-like thoracic feet, and biramous Fig. 67.—Three adult crustaceans and their larve: a, Prawn (Peneus), active and free living; 6, larva of prawn; c, Sacculina, parasite; d, larva of Sacculina; e, barnacle (Lepas), with fixed quiescent life; f, larva of barnacle. (After Hackel.) (From Jordan and Kellogg, ‘‘ Animal Life,’ D. Appleton and Co., Publishers.) abdominal appendages, may be taken as an example of this order. Order II. Décdp’oda.—This order consists of both marine and fresh-water crustaceans. It contains the best-known forms as well as the most useful ones to man, as the crayfish, lobster, shrimp, prawn (Fig. 67), and crab. As the ordinal name sug- 94 BRANCH ARTHROPODA Fig. 68.—Astacus fluviatilis. Ventral or sternal views (nat. size). A, Male; B, female: a, Vent; gg, opening of the green gland; lb, labrum; ml, metastoma or lower lip; od, opening of the oviduct; vd, that of the vas deferens; 1, eye-stalk; 2, antennule; 3, antenna; 4, mandible; 8, second maxillipede; 9, third or external maxillipede; 10, forceps; 11, first leg; 14, fourth leg; 15, 16, 19, 20, first, second, fifth, and sixth abdominal ap- pendages; x, xi, xiv, sterna of the fourth, fifth, and cighth thoracic somite; xvi, sternum of the second abdominal somite. In the male, the 9th to the 14th and the 16th to the 19th appendages are removed on the animal’s left side; in the female, the antenna (with the exception of its basal joint) and the 5th to the 14th appendages on the animal's right sre removed; the eggs also are shown attached to the swimmerets of the left side of the body. (Huxley.) CRUSTACEA 95 gests, they have ten “feet.” The first pair is very large and armed with large strong pincers or chele, for defense or for securing their prey. Their eyes are on movable stalks and can be withdrawn under the rostrum or beak for protection. The anterior thirteen segments are covered by a chitinous calcareous shield called the carapace. The Crayfish (Fig. 68) is the best known inland example of this order. The twenty segments may be discerned by counting one segment to each pair of appendages, which are arranged in the following order: one pair of antennules, one pair of antenne, one pair of mandibles, two pairs of maxille, three pairs of maxillipeds, five pairs of legs, six pairs of swim- Fig. 69.—Longitudinal section through Astacus fluviatilis: C, Heart; Ac, cephalic aorta; Aa, abdominal aorta; the sternal artery (Sta) is given off close to its origin; Am, masticatory stomach; D, intestine; L, liver; T, testis; Vd, vas deferens; Go, genital opening; G, brain; N, ganglionic cord; Sf, lateral plate of the caudal fin; 0, eye stalk. (Huxley.) merets, or nineteen pairs of appendages and a terminal segment without appendages, called the telson, which contains the vent or posterior opening of the alimentary tube. Its locomotion on four pairs of legs may be forward, sideways, or backward. Its backward locomotion by its ‘ tail fin” is probably its best and most rapid mode of locomotion. Digestion.—The food is seized by the cheliped and may be conveyed directly to the mouth, or, after being torn into bits, may be transferred to the pincers of the second and third pairs of legs and from there to the mouth. The jaws move from side to side instead of up and down. From the mouth the food passes into the esophagus, which is very short, as the stomach is in the head (Fig. 69). In the inner walls of the stomach 96 BRANCH ARTHROPODA are three “teeth” or hard processes which are controlled by muscles attached to them and to the carapace. By the action of these muscles the food is ground between these teeth, which are sometimes called the ‘gastric mill.’ In the poste- rior part of the stomach there is a serics of filaments or stiff hairs which prevent any coarse or unground food from passing into the intestine. So the stomach is a masticating rather than a digestive organ. When the food is ground fine it passes into the intestine, a straight tube extending from the stomach to thevent. The food is acted upon by the digestive fluids from the glands which lie on each side of the stomach and whose ducts enter just back of the stomach. Digestion and absorption take place in the intestine. Circulation —When the heart (Fig. 71) contracts the blood flows both forward and back- ward. Five tubes, or ‘ arteries,” Fig. 70.—Astacus fluviatilis. A male specimen, with the roof of the carapace and the terga of the ab- dominal somites removed to show the viscera (nat. size): aa, Antennary artery; ag, anterior gastric muscles; amm, adductor muscles of the mandibles; cs, cardiac portion of the stom- ach; gg, green glands; 4, heart; hg, hind gut, or large intestine; Lr, liver; oa, ophthalmic artery; py, posterior gastric muscles; saa, superior abdominal artery; , testis; rd, vas deferens. (Huxley.) carry it forward, and two, backward. These “ arteries’ keep dividing until they form minute capillaries with open ends. The blood runs into the irregular body spaces, or sinuses, and CRUSTACEA 97 bathes the tissues, then goes into the larger median ventral sinus below the thorax and abdomen, from which it is conducted to the gills. After being conveyed to the gill filaments, where it is aérated, it is returned to the heart through the pericardial sinus. The blood enters the heart, or dorsal vessel, through three pairs of openings, one on each side, a pair on the top, and another pair below. Valves prevent the blood from returning through these openings. qt A vr i ‘| rT sy) il pl Hany Fig. 71.—Astacus fluviatilis. The heart (x 4). A, From above; B, from below; C,from the left side: a.a., Antennary artery; a.c., ale cordis, or fibrous bands connecting the heart with the walls of the pericardial sinus; b, bulbous dilatation at the origin of the sternal artery; h.a., hepatic artery; l.a., lateral valvular apertures; 0.a., ophthalmic artery; s.a., superior valvular apertures; s.a.a. superior abdominal artery; sf.a., sternal artery, in B cut off close to its origin. (After Huxley.) Respiration—The plume-like gills are attached to the basal joints of the legs. They are situated in partially closed chambers between the body wall and the carapace. The water is drawn in and out by the “ gill-bailers,” parts of the second maxille, in their vibration back and forth. In passing over the gills the water is separated from the blood by an extremely thin membrane. Through this membrane the carbon dioxid is thrown off and oxygen taken into the blood. Nervous System.—Several ganglia unite to form the supra- t 98 BRANCH ARTHROPODA esophageal ganglion or ‘brain,’ from which a nerve cord passes on each side, uniting below the esophagus in a double (apparently single) ventral nerve cord (Fig. 69), which ex- tends the whole length of the body and connects the ganglia. We should expect to see a ganglion for each segment, but there are but thirteen ganglia, some of these being formed from a union of several. On each side of the esophagus is a large gang- lion; there are five more ganglia in the thorax and six in the abdomen. The stalked eyes are compound, being composed of many facets. The sense of touch is well developed. The surface of the body is sensitive and the antenne are especially adapted for ‘‘ feelers.’”’ The sense of smell is thought to be seated in the hairs or sete on the antennules. Multiplication —In the spring the little brown or black eggs may be found attached to the swimmerets of the female. For some time the young crayfishes, by means of hooks on their claws, cling to the swimmerets of the mother for protec- tion. Molting.—The young crayfish, which is of much the same ap- pearance as the adult, grows rapidly. Since the shell is hard the animal cannot enlarge except when it sheds its skinor molts, which it does periodically. Even the hard lining of the stomach is cast. Growth takes place while the new skin or shell is form- ing. Restoring Lost Parts. —Crayfishes have the power of growing a new leg to replace one broken off by accident or in a fight. This accounts for the unequal size of the chelipeds in many specimens. Habits. —Crayfishes inhabit fresh-water streams and ponds, lurking under stones or ledges in daytime and feeding at night. When the streams dry up, they dig holes in the ground until they reach water. These are sometimes many fect deep. The clay dug out around the hole is deposited in a ‘* chimney.” In these holes they probably live till the next spring. Some species do not live in the water, but burrow in the soft moist earth, and one species has been found in the sea. Crayfishes are omnivorous, eating anything they can get, but they prefer worms, insect larve, and snails, CRUSTACEA 99 The protective resemblance is excellent, the colors varying from a delicate pink or tan to a dark green or purple. Use.—Crayfishes are used by the million in France, and to a limited extent in the United States, for food. They also furnish food for fishes. Raccoons, muskrats, and crows prey upon them. The lobster (Fig. 72) is marine and is very much like the crayfish, only much larger. Specimens weighing twenty-five Fig. 72.—A small lobster (dorsal view) mounted on a glass so as to show both dorsal and ventral views. Students’ work. pounds have been captured. Among the invertebrates the lobster ranks next to the oyster as an article of food for man. Prawns and shrimps look like our common crayfish and are used to some extent for food. They are small. The common prawn (Palemone’tes vulga’ris) is about 2 inches long. It is transparent, so that the viscera can be seen through the thin leathery carapace. 100 BRANCH ARTHROPODA Hermit Crabs (Fig. 73).—There are a number of spécies of hermit crabs which are not true crabs, but are more like the lobster and crayfish. They have the habit of backing into empty univalve shells which they carry about with them and into which they may withdraw for protection. This habit has resulted in a soft-skinned, reduced abdomen, with a spiral twist and with no appendages except a pair of hooks for hold- ing on to the inside of the shell. The abdomen is always hidden in the shell. The head, thorax, and legs project when the animal is active, but are withdrawn when danger approaches. Vig. 73.—Hermit crab (Pagu’rus) in shell, with a sea-anemone (Adam'sia pallia’ta) attached to the shell. (After Hertwig.) (From Jordan and Kel- logg, “ Animal Life,” D. Appleton and Co., Publishers.) As it grows it discards its shell and hunts a larger one. Some of these hermit crabs have a peculiar commensal life with cer- tain sca-anemones (Fig. 73), which they carry about on their shells. If the sea-anemone becomes detached the crab hunts another and places it on its shell. The crab is protected from its enemics by the stinging threads of the anemone, also hy its resemblance to the seaweed, while the anemone is assured of a fresh food supply by being carried from place to place by the crab. Crabs are other examples of this order. The cephalothorax CRUSTACEA 101 is much broader than that of the crayfish, and the abdomen, which is used only to protect the eggs of the female, is folded under the cephalothorax. They are great scavengers. Many kinds are used as food. One of the best for this purpose is the Fig. 74.—Successive stages of the molting of one individual of the blue crab, Calli’nectes sa’pidus. (G. Hay, in Doc. 580, Bureau of Fisheries.) edible or “blue crab” (Callinectes sapidus), great numbers of which are caught along the Atlantic and Gulf coasts. They are best liked for food just after their molting (Fig. 74), and are then called “ soft-shelled crabs.” They are 102 BRANCH ARTHROPODA sometimes called ‘‘ swimming crabs”? because they have the last pair of thoracic legs flattened and paddle-like, adapted for swimming sideways quite rapidly. They have large sharp lateral spines. The strong chelipeds are adapted for cutting. Hach of the other thoracic appendages ends in a point with no forceps. The little ‘‘fiddler-crab” lives in salt marshes along the Atlantic coast. The male has one big and one little cheliped, which he brandishes grotesquely when disturbed. The spider crab (.Macrochei'ra) of Japan sometimes measures from 12 to 16 feet from tip to tip of legs, but the body is only a few inches—about a foot—in width, making them very peculiar creatures. At a little distance they look like immense sprawling spiders. The little oyster crab, found so often in our dish of oysters, does no harm to the body of the oyster, but its life within the shell insures its food being brought to it by the currents of water made by the oystcr to bring its own food. This is a case of commensalism! where there is a decided advantage to one animal and none, so far as known, to the other, yet the intruder does no harm. Order III. Arthrés’traca comprises both marine and fresh- water forms. The first thoracic segment, and sometimes the Tig. 75.—Beach flea, Gam’marus orna’tus. (After Smith.) £ ) second, is fused with the head and bears maxillipeds. The eyes are usually sessile. Gammarus (Fig. 75) is a fresh-water form. The Pill-bug.—If one searches under old boards or logs he will find a small gray or brownish fourteen-footed crustacean, truly terrestrial, with depressed body and with gills on the ab- dominal appendages. It is called *‘ pill-bug”’ from its habit 1See Jordan and Kellogg’s “ Evolution and Animal Life,” p. 370. ARACHNIDA 103 of rolling up into a ball when surprised. Its protective resem- blance is good. Its locomotion is by crawling or running. Some of the marine Arthrostraca are parasitic on crabs and in the mouths of fishes. CLASS II. ARACH’NIDA Arachnids are arthropods with the head and thorax generally fused into a cephalothorax, bearing six pairs of appendages. The first and second pairs are for biting. Then follow four pairs of walking legs. There are no antenna, the eyes are simple, and the abdomen is apodal.! The abdomen varies much. It is short in the spiders, long in the scorpions, or is fused with the thorax, forming a stout body in the mites. They are usually oviparous. How- ever, some scorpions and some mites are viviparous. They are generally terrestrial, but some live in the water. There is no well-marked metamorphosis. Order I. Scorpion’ida.—Scorpions (Fig. 76) are arachnids with long slender bodies ending in a poison fang. The head and thorax are fused and bear several pairs of jointed appendages. The abdomen consists of a broad anterior and a narrower posterior portion. There are several pairs of eyes. Respiration is by means of four pairs of lung-sacs opening on ventral side of abdomen from the third to sixth segments. Food.—They are carnivorous, feeding upon spiders and in- sects, which they seize with their pincers and sting to death. Multiplication —They are viviparous. The mother cares for the young with great solicitude, carrying them about at- tached to her body. Fig. 76.—Carolina scor- pion (Bu’thus carolinia’nus). 1 See Glossary. 104 BRANCH ARTHROPODA Size.—One giant species in Ceylon is 12 inches in length, while American species are about 4 inches long. Habits and Distribution—Scorpions are nocturnal. They live in tropical and subtropical countrics. Their sting is dreaded by man, but seldom proves fatal. About twenty species are found in North America. Order II. Phalangid’ea——The members of this order look like long-legged spiders, with small bodies. Closer observation shows that the abdomen is fused with the thorax and not ' Fig. 77.—Parts of a spider. 1, Under part of a spider’s body: t, Thorax, or chest, from which the eight legs spring, and to which the head is united in one piece; f, fangs; p, palpi, or feelers, attached to the jaws; a, abdomen; b, breathing-slits; s, six spinnerets with thread coming from them. 2, Front of spider’s head: c, Eyes; p, palpi; l, front legs; hk, hasp of fangs; f, poison-fangs; j, outer jaws. (From Holder’s “ Zodlogy,’”’ American Book Co., Publishers.) joined by a pedicel, as in the spiders. The ‘ harvest-man ” or ‘‘ daddy-long-legs”” is a familiar example. It frequents shady places and feeds on small insects. They are a dull color, to fit their environment. So long as they remain motionless their protective resemblance conceals them very effectively from their enemics. The respiration is by trachee. Order III. Arane’ida, or Spiders (Fig. 77).—These are arachnids with unsegmented abdomen joined by a pedicel to the thorax. ARACHNIDA 105 Appendages.—There are two pairs of mouth-parts. The mandibles or chelicere are strong and composed of two por- tions, the basal falx and the sharp-pointed fang, in which is a small opening, the outlet of the poison gland. The palpi are Fig. 78.—The bird-spider (Myg’ale avicular’ia) capturing a humming-bird. (From Holder’s “‘ Zodlogy,’’ American Book Co., Publishers.) long and limb-like and are often mistaken for a fifth pair of thoracic legs. The basal joints are broad and adapted for chewing the food. They are called the maxille. Then follow four pairs of seven-segmented legs used for locomotion. The spinnerets on the abdomen are homologous to paired appendages. 106 BRANCH ARTHROPODA Color —Almost all spiders are covered with hair. The color is partly in the skin and partly in the hair. The most common colors are grays and browns, but the colors are very varied, and in some species, as the jumping spider, they are almost as bright and gorgeous as those of butterflies. Foods and Feeding.—Thcey are generally carnivorous, sucking the juices from their prey. Some spiders spin webs, others do not. The spider’s thread is composed of many fine threads, each passing from the body by a separate tube and then unit- ing. The united thread forms a cord finer than the finest silk of the silkworm, hence it is often used for the ‘‘ cross-hairs ”’ of the telescope. Respiration is by lungs or lung-sacs containing bookleaf- like plates, and by trachez. Senses.—The sense of sight is well developed, but they seem to be shortsighted, seeing clearly only at a distance of 4 or 5 inches. The palpi are organs of touch. Dimorphism.—Male spiders usually have longer legs and smaller bodies than the females. Sub-order Tét’rdpnet/ménes.—These spiders have four lungs and cight eyes. The most important members of the group spring upon their prey, often catching mice and small birds (Fig. 78). The large, dark, hairy spiders (Wyg’ale) found in bunches of bananas belong here. The claws of the mandibles or jaws work up and down instead of from side to side. The trapdoor spiders (Cten?’za) of the Southwest dig tunnels in the soil, line them with silk, and cover them with a close- fitting hinged lid. Sub-order Dipneu’mones.—The members of this sub-order have two lungs and a pair of trachee. This group includes the majority of living spiders. The ground spiders (Dras’sidir) do not spin a web, but hunt their prey at night. Many specics make silken tubes in which they lay their eggs or hide when molting or in winter. An eastern species lives in a bag of silk hidden under stones. The tube-weavers (CIubion’ida).—These are also species which spin no web. In summer they live in flat tubular nests on plants, sometimes Hi rolled leaves. In winter they live in tubular nests under bark and stones. The Funnel Web Weavers (:Agalen’ida@).—They weave a concave sheet of silk with a funnel-like tube on one side, and with threads extending in ARACHNIDA 107 all directions attached to blades of grass for support. In the morning dew these webs form a shimmering silken sheet. The spider runs about on the upper surface of the ‘ sheet ” and catches any insects which light upon it. The tube or hiding place opens below, so that the spider can escape if an enemy appears upon the web. These are long-legged brown spiders, of which the common grass spider is a familiar example. The ‘‘curled-thread weavers” are of two kinds, those which spin regular webs and those which spin irregular webs. The curled thread is composed of silk spun from a special organ, the cribel’/lum, in front of the spinnerets. It is combed into shape by means of stiff hairs called the calamis’trum on the metatarsus of the hind legs, as the spider moves the hind legs rapidly back and forth. Those spiders which spin irregular curled threads (Dictyn’idz) usually make variously shaped webs on fences, under stones, in rotten logs, or upon plants having clusters of small flowers like the golden-rod. There are but two genera of these spiders which spin regular webs (Ulobor’idz). The “triangle spider ”’ is found all over the country in pine woods. Its web is usually stretched between the twigs of a dead branch of pine or spruce, and consists of four plain radiating lines and a series of double cross-lines. The spider, which rests near one of the twigs from which a strong line is drawn to one of the other twigs, pulls the web tight, so that the cross-lines are separated as far as possible. When an insect lights upon one cross-line the spider suddenly lets go, so that the whole web springs forward and the insect becomes tangled up in the other cross-lines. The cobweb weavers (Theridi’ide) build their webs, which are ap- parently only a shapeless maze of threads, in the corners of rooms—as the house spider—or out in the fields between the leaves of bushes, or in the fence corners, or among rocks. They are generally rather light colored, small, and soft. They live in their webs, hanging by their feet, with the back downward. The cocoons, several of which are made in one season, are soft and round and hang in the web. The orb weavers (Epei’ride) construct some of the most wonderful homes built by any animal. First, there is an irregular outer framework of supporting lines; then there is a number—from twelve to seventy—of dry and inelastic lines radiating from the center. There is an inner spiral of these inelastic threads which begins at the center and winds outward. The rings of this spiral are about as far apart as the spider can reach. Its use is merely for support. The spider then begins at the outermost part of the web and spins an outer spiral of sticky elastic threads, winding inward, the concentric circles being close together. As it becomes neces- sary, in forming this outer spiral, the threads of the inner spiral are de- stroyed. When an insect touches one of the outer sticky threads the thread not only sticks to it, but it stretches so that the insect becomes tangled up in the other circles, which is all the easier to do since the threads are so close together. Many species strengthen the web by spinning a zigzag ribbon across the center. The making of the entire web seems to be done alto- gether by feeling and can be done in the dark as well as in the daylight. Most of the orb-weaving species have large, nearly spheric abdomens and stout legs, sometimes ‘“‘ with humps and spines.” These spiders are often brightly colored, the colors of the abdomen being arranged in a triangular or leaf-shaped pattern. Some species live near the center of the web, hanging head downward, others hang back downward near one edge of the nest. In some species the male is smaller than the female. 108 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The crab spiders (Thomis'idw) are so-called because of their short broad form and peculiar habit of walking sidewise or backward. ‘ They spin no webs, but lie in wait for their prey.”! Some brightly colored species conceal themselves in flowers. Their protective resemblance is so good that insects visiting the flower often light within reach of the spider before seeing it. They live about plants and fences and hibernate in winter under stones and bark. The jumping spiders (At/tid@) have stout bodies and short legs, bright colors, and conspicuous eyes. They jump quickly sidewise or backward for a long distance. They make no webs except those in which they hiber- nate or lay their eggs. The Running Spiders (Lycos’idw).—These are the familiar hairy dark- colored spiders found under stones and logs. They depend upon their specd for the capture of their prey and run very swiftly. They resemble in appearance and habits the so-called tarantulas of the Southwest, but are smaller. The claws of their mandibles move horizontally. Their cyes are Fig. 79.—Female spider with young ones. (Cooper.) of different sizes. Some of these spiders build tubular nests in the ground and line them with silk. They sometimes conceal the entrance with leaves and sticks. They often drag the egg-sac, a large gray ball, after them. In genus Lyco’sa the young (Fig. 79) climb upon their mother's back. The female of another genus, Dolome'des, carries the egg-sac ‘in her mandibles until the young are ready to hatch, when she fastens the sac in a bush and spins a web of irregular thread about it in which the young remain for a time. Order Acari’na.—These arachnids have stout bodies, there being no apparent segments, the abdomen being united with the cephalothorax. There is no heart nor blood-vessels. The res- piration is performed by means of trachew. They are gencrally Oviparous; some are viviparous. Many are parasitie (Fig. 80). 1 Comstock. ARACHNIDA 109 The mouth parts are more or less united to form a beak. The common red mite sucks the juices of the house plants which it Fig. 80.—The chicken mite (Dermanys’sus galli’ne): a, Adult; b, tarsus; c, mouth parts; d and e, young. All much enlarged. (Osborn, U.S. Bu- reau of Ent., 1907). Fig. $1.—Cattle tick (enlarged). (After Salmon and Stiles.) infests. One mite (Dem’odez) is parasitic in the hair-follicles of the dog, cat, sheep, cow, horse, and man. Another mite 110 BRANCH ARTHROPODA (Sarcop'tes scab’e?) is the itch mite, causing the disease called the itch. Still another is called the cheese-mite. Ticks (Ixo'des) are parasitic, blood-sucking Acarina which attack man and other mammals. They do not exceed a centi- meter in length, the males being the smaller. The so-called “Texas fever” of cattle is transferred by the common cattle tick (Fig. 81). —— Sees ese Fig. $2.—Horseshoe or king crab (slightly damaged on left). (From specimen.) OrderIV. Xiph’osu’ra.—The Lim’ ulus, or horseshoe crab (Fig. 82), is a marine arachnid living on the bottom of the sea in shallow water, creeping along in the mud and sand and feeding MYRIAPODA 111 on worms. The body has a chitinous covering. The cephalo- thorax is arched and bears the large compound eyes and two simple eyes. The abdomen is almost hexagonal and ends in a long caudal spine. On the ventral side of the cephalothorax are six pairs of appendages, used for securing food and for locomotion. The last pair, the operculum, is broad and leaf- like and covers the five pairs of leaf-like branchial appendages of the abdomen. These appendages are for respiration. The shape of the body, its hard covering, marginal spines, and its color, which harmonizes with its environment, afford it ample protection and defense. There are several other orders, but these will suffice for our purpose in the present work. CLASS III. MYRIAP’ODA The name indicates myriad footed, hence the common name, thousand-legs. A myriapod is a worm-like tracheate arthropod with a distinct head, a round or flattened body composed of many similar segments, to each of which is attached one or two pairs of appendages. Myriapods have one pair of mandibles, one pair of antenne, and numerous ocelli. ‘A few species are injur- ious to agriculture, while others are to be classed among our friends.” Order I. Chilop’oda.—These are myria- pods with the body flattened, with fifteen to one hundred and seventy or more seg- ments, each bearing a single pair of legs, and with long, many jointed antenne (Fig. 83). The mouth parts are adapted for bit- ing. The opening of the poison gland is on the first pair of legs, which are used with the mouth parts. This order includes the centipedes, as Litho’bius, common under stones. The bite of the true centipede (Scolopen’dra) is fatal to insects and to other small animals, their prey, and painful or even dangerous to man. Fig. 83.—A_ centi- pede. 112 BRANCH ARTHROPODA Order II. Diplop’oda.—These are myriapods with dorsally convex bodies. Each apparent segment, beginning with the fourth or fifth, bears two pairs of appendages. There are no poison fangs. The antenne are short and few jointed. This order includes the millipeds. An example is Iulus. They are found under old stumps or about rotten logs. Their food consists usually of decaying vegetable matter, but some forms Fig. 84.—Class collecting insects. feed upon growing plants, otherwise they are harmless. They have a habit of rolling up into a helix-like coil when disturbed. They are bisexual. When hatched the young have but three pairs of legs. ‘‘ By successive molts new segments and append- ages are added ” until the adult form is reached. CLASS IV. INSEC’TA This class of Arthropoda comprises a very large number of species. Three hundred thousand, according to Kellogg, are known. INSECTA 113 Habits and Habitat.—Insects vary in their habitat. Most of them are terrestrial, some are aérial, others are aquatic, a few even being marine, while still others are subterranean. Labrum (a) 0 Mandible i Tarsus\ Palpus ; uP Tibia Maxilla Palpus ka Par ci Y ores ae Trochanter 7 3 YF 71 B Dockattine (ee: Prothorax i Mesofthorax ate os |-Seute =) o a rellum ———< f-] Hind Wing Fig. 85.—External anatomy of Calopte’nus spre'tus, the head and thorax disjointed: up, Uropatagium; f, furcula; c, cereus. (Drawn by J. 8. Kingsley.) (From Packard’s ‘ Zodélogy,’’ Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) Some are diurnal, as our common butterflies; others are noc- turnal, as the bed-bug; some, crepuscular, as the moths. Some are solitary; others gregarious, or social, as the ants and bees. Plan of Structure (Fig. 85).—The insect body is divided into three well-marked regions—the head, thorax, and abdomen. 8 114 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The head bears the compound eyes and simple eyes (when they are present), one pair of antenna, and three pairs of mouth parts, which vary according to the character of their food. Hence the mouth parts may be adapted for chewing, lapping, sucking, or piercing—“ all referable back to the chewing type. These are, in turn, modified legs.’”! The thorax has usually three well-marked segments—pro- thorax, mesothorax, and metathorax—as in the grasshopper. Each segment bears a pair of jointed ventral legs. The two pairs of wings, when present, are outgrowths of the dorsal por- = Fig. S6.—“ Look out!” tion of the meso- and metathorax. Sometimes there is but one pair, and in a few cases none. The abdominal segments vary in number and usually bear no paired appendages except, sometimes, on the terminal seg- ments. Covering.—Over the greater portion of the surface of the body the cuticle or external layer of the skin is made firm and horny by a substance called chitin. This forms an exoskeleton for the protection of the soft parts within, and, by its rough interior surface, provides points of attachment for the numerous small but strong muscles. ! Kingsley’s Hertwig, “ A Manual of Zodlogy.” INSECTA 115 Those portions of the cuticle which do not contain much chitin are easily bent, thus permitting motion between the segments of the body and of the appendages. All insects have hairs scattered more or less abundantly or regularly over the body. In Lepidoptera the hairs are modified into scales, as is shown on the wings of a butterfly, where “ all the gradations from hair to scale can be found by going from the base out to the distal area of the wing.’”! Self-defense (Fig. 86) is by various methods and organs, which will suggest themselves to the student from his past experience. When insects cannot sting or bite, they often Fig. 87.—Al’aus ocula’tus and larva, showing eye-spots. (After Harris.) defend themselves by threatening attitudes. In some cases one is reminded, at first sight, of a snake’s head, and retreats in terror. The “ eye-spots”’ (Fig. 87) and “ horns” (Fig. 88) on many insects are probably for the purpose of terrifying ap- pearance. Protective Coloration.—Insects attract attention by the variety and intensity of their colors and by their numerous, interesting, and often beautiful cclor-patterns. Many natural- ists believe, and have confirmed their opinions by observation and experiment, that the variety of color and color-patterns of 1 Kellogg, p. 592. 116 BRANCH ARTHROPODA insects and of other animals is indirectly due to two causes: first, the advantages given to the individual or species in the struggle for existence by these specific colors and color-patterns, which—as in the case of the gray moth on the tree-trunk or the katy-did among the green leaves—helps to conceal them Fig. SS.—Larva of regal walnut moth (Cithero’nia rega’lis) extended (two- thirds nat. size). (Photographed from life.) from their enemies by affording protective resemblance, or—as in the case of the bumble-bee or the milkweed butterfly—to warn the enemy of the danger of sting or of the disagreeable odor and taste. The advantage gained is easy to be seen in each Fig. S9.—Pupa of regal walnut moth (three-quarters nat. size). (From life.) case. They believe that these particular color-patterns are due, in the second place, to gradual development ‘ through natural selection of naturally occurring, advantageous varia- tions.” The direct cause of color may he chemical, depending on the INSECTA 117 chemical composition; or physical, depending upon the structural or physical make-up; or it may be due to a combination of both of these. In the most highly colored group of insects, the Lepidoptera, the color is due to the chemical substances (pigment granules), to the structural character of the scale Fig. 90.—The protective resemblance of the leaf-butterfly (Kal’/lima). (Holder, after Wallace.) walls (striz), and to the overlapping (lamination) of the scales laterally, as well as to the overlapping of the tips of the scales in one row over the bases of the scales of another row. “ The blacks, browns, yellows, and dull reds of butterflies and moths are produced chiefly by the pigments (chemical colors), while the brilliant metallic colors, the iridescent blues and 118 BRANCH ARTHROPODA greens, . . . are due to the structural or physical make-up of the scale covering.”’! Variable Protective Resemblance—Often the different indi- viduals of the same species are of slightly different colors, the colors varying to harmonize with the particular environment of the individual during its development, being fixed in the adult. Special protective resemblance (Fig. 90) is illustrated by Kallima, which resembles a dead leaf, and Phyllium, resembling a green leaf (Fig. 91), and, more commonly, by the measuring- worm, as it holds the body out stiff, imitating a short or broken twig. Thus in many cases ‘ the insect’s appearance simulates in more or less nearly exact ways some par- ticular part of the habitual environment.” Warning colors are possessed by many insects having a special organ of defense —as the sting of that wonderful little stimulator, the hornet—or a disagreeable taste or odor, as that of the milkweed or “monarch”? butterfly (Anosia plerippus) (Fig. 92, a). Other examples of insects having conspicuous or warning colors are the black and yellow wasps and bees, the lady-bird beetle, and the swallow-tail but- terflics. Many others might be mentioned. _Fig. 91.—Phyl'- Since the bodies of insects are soft, one ane ae can easily see why these conspicuous colors mimics fresh leaves, 2re of natural advantage. A single stroke (Holder. ) of the beak of a bird might prove fatal to any of them. The bird must learn by experience that the insect is armed or distasteful, but if the insect is conspicuously colored, it will be noticeable and easily remembered, so that the bird will not attack another of this brightly colored kind. Hence the species will be perpetuated and the characteristic colors handed down to the next genera- tion, or, in other words, ‘“ preserved and accumulated by natural selection.” Alluring or directing colors or forms may be found among in- 1 Kellogg. —SSs aes tees — INSECTA 119 sects, according to Poulton. The apical portion of the fore- wing and the hind portion of the posterior wing are especially marked with borders or eye-like spots, and are often prolonged, as in the swallow-tail butterfly, into antenne-like processes or tails. These, resembling the head with eyes and antenne, direct the stroke of the enemy to this part. The insect thus escapes with the loss of the tip or a scrap of the wing, thus saving its head or its soft body. b ; Fig. 92.—a, Monarch butterfly(Ano’sia plerip’ pus), distasteful to birds. b, Viceroy (Basilar’chia archip’pus), which mimics it. (From Kcllogg’s ‘Zoology,’ Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) Mimicry.—The viceroy butterfly (Fig. 92, 6) imitates, uncon- sciously, of course, the common ‘ monarch” or milkweed butterfly, since the latter is seldom eaten by birds, owing to a disagreeable taste or odor. Many bees are mimicked by flies, and distasteful beetles by other beetles. Muscular System and Locomotion.—Locomotion may be in any one or all of three ways—running, jumping, or flying. The 120 BRANCH ARTHROPODA muscular system varies widely in the different forms. In the caterpillars there is a ‘simple worm-like arrangement of segmentally disposed longitudinal and ring muscles,” while in the more active forms, as flies and bees, the muscular system is complicated. The muscles are composed of fine, cross-striated fibers, forming masses of various sizes, and are attached to the rough inner surface of the exoskelton. The muscles are trans- parent and have great contractile power. Digestive System.—The alimentary tube (Fig. 93), which may be coiled much or little, varies greatly. It is about the length Fig. 93.—Internal anatomy of Calopte’nus fe’mur-ru'brum: at, Antenna and nerve leading to it from the “ brain” or supra-esophageal ganglion (sp); oc, ocelli, anterior and vertical oncs, with ocellar nerves leading to them from the “ brain”; @, esophagus; ™, mouth; /b, labium or under lip; if, infra-esophageal ganglion, sending three pairs of nerves to the man- dibles, maxilla, and labium respectively (not clearly shown in the engrav- ing); sm, sympathetic or vagus nerve, starting from u ganglion resting above the esophagus, and connecting with another ganglion (sg) near the hinder end of the crop; sal, salivary glands (the termination of the salivary duct not clearly shown by: the engraver); 1v, nervous cord and ganglia; ov, ovary; ur, urinary tubes (cut off, leaving the stumps); ovt, oviduct; sb, sebaceous gland; be, bursa copulatrix; ort’, site of opening of the oviduct (the left. oviduct cut away); 1-10, abdominal segments. All other organs labeled in full. (Drawn from his original dissections by Mr. Edward Burgess.) (From Packard’s “ Zoélogy,’’ Henry Holt & Co., Publishers.) of the body in carnivorous forms, and longer in the herbivorous insects. It consists of a mouth, esophagus, crop, gizzard (the chitinous lining of which is toothed for grinding the food), a digestive stomach, and an intestine. There may be one or two pairs of salivary glands, and usually two or more pairs of gastric ceca containing glands supposed to supply digestive fluids. The intestine usually consists of a small intestine and a large intestine, the two regions of the latter being the colon and the rectum. The Malphighian tubules, fine tubes connected with the intestine at the beginning of the rectum, take the place “INSECTA 121 of kidneys. There is no liver. The entire viscera are en- veloped in the “fat body.” The anal opening is in the last segment of the abdomen. Insects feed upon the juices, leaves, or even the wood of plants, or are parasitic or predaceous upon various forms of insects, and upon other animals as well. Some live upon de- caying organic matter. Fig. 94.—Ideal transverse section of an insect: h, Dorsal vessel; 3, intestine; n, ventral nerve-cord; t,t, stigmata leading into the branched tracheal tubes; w, w, wings; a, coxa of one leg; b, trochanter; c, femur; d, tibia; e, tarsus. (After Packard.) The circulatory organs are extremely primitive in character. The heart or dorsal vessel extends through the abdomen just underneath the dorsal surface. It is partially divided by valves into chambers, the number of which varies. The anterior chamber extends into or near the head and is sometimes called the aorta: The heart chambers pulsate rhythmically, from the posterior one forward, and force the blood out into the body cavity. There are no veins or arteries, so it flows through the sinuses or open spaces between the organs, bathing the tissues, and finally bathing the walls of the alimentary tube, where it 122 BRANCH ARTHROPODA takes up the food supply and then re-enters the heart through the side openings. It does not supply the tissues with oxygen, since it receives only enough for its own use. Respiration is carried on by a series of air-tubes called trachee. These tubes are interbranching and penetrate to every portion of the body. The air enters them through a pair of stigmata or pores, one on either side of each segment. The functions of these trachez are to take up oxygen from the air and to distribute it to the tissues of the body, since this is not done by the circulation of the blood, and to collect and carry off the carbon dioxid. Insects which live in water either come up to the surface to breathe and, in some cases, to take down a supply of air held on the outside of the body by a fine pubescence, or they are provided with tracheal gills which will enable them to breathe air mixed with water. Gilled insects, of course, do not have to come to the surface to breathe. The Nervous System.—Besides the central or ventral (Fig. 93) nervous system (see Branch Arthropoda), insects have a small and varying sympathetic nervous system (Fig. 93), consisting of a few small ganglia sending nerves to the automatic- acting visceral organs. Commissures connect the sympathetic system with the brain just at the origin of the subesophageal commissures. Touch.—The sense of touch is located in the “ hairs” dis- tributed over the various parts of the body, but most numerous on the feelers. Taste is located on small papille or in pits on the mouth- parts, particularly on the tips of the palpi and on the upper wall of the mouth. Smell is probably the most used sense of insects. The organs of this sense are minute papille and ‘ microscopic pits ” on the antenne and mouth parts. It has been proved that most insects find their food by this sense. ‘ It is believed that ants find their way back to their nests by the sense of smell and that they can recognize by scent, among hundreds of individuals taken from various communities, members of their own com- munity.’’! ’ ! Kellogg’s “ American Inscets.”’ INSECTA 123 Hearing.—Many insects have sound-producing organs and auditory organs; and it has been proved by experiment that they hear. The ear of the grasshopper or locust, a small tympanic membrane, is situated at the anterior end of the abdomen, while that of the katy-did and cricket (Fig. 95) is situated on the tibia of the fore-leg. There is a special auditory ganglion. The mosquito has its auditory organs in the antennz in the seg- ments next to the basal ones, through which the sound or vibra- tions are carried by many fine auditory hairs, and from which the auditory nerves lead to the ‘‘brain.”” It is thought that the male mosquito finds his mate by her song. Sight.—Insects usually have both simple and compound eyes, though either kind may be found alone; and a few in- sects are blind by degeneration. The ocelli, or simple eyes, are usually three in number and form a little triangle on the Fig. 95.—The front leg of the cricket enlarged, showing the ear at a. top of the head. Each of them is supplied with a special nerve from the “brain.’”’ It is thought that the ocelli can do little more than distinguish light from darkness and that their range of vision is restricted to an inch or two in front of the head. The compound eyes, two in number (see Fig. 84), are usually large and conspicuous, often composing more than two-thirds of the entire head. Each compound eye presents from twenty to several thousand polygonal facets, or windows, which, alto- gether, form the cornea. It is thought that the range of vision of the compound eyes is two or three yards. The larger the eyes, the wider will be the range of vision, while the smaller and more numerous the facets, the sharper and more distinct will be the image. Experiment and study of the structure of the eye, says Kellogg, “indicate that, at best, the sight of insects cannot be exact or of much range.” 124 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The psychology of insects is a very interesting study. Whether the activities of insects are due to reflex action, instinct, or intelligence can be better determined when studying the various species, but one will surely find that insects, as well as being the most numerous and various, are also the most interesting and wonderful of all the classes of invertebrates. Multiplication is by eggs, of which many are deposited in various places. Some are placed on or in another animal’s body, others on leaves or stems of plants, which serve as food for the young. However, some insects, as the Aphides, show parthenogenesis, 1. e., they are supposed to produce young from unfertilized eggs. Metamorphosis.—Insects pass through a more or less com- plete series of changes, called metamorphosis. The larve, whose business it is to feed and grow, are called by various names, as caterpillars, grubs, nymphs, and maggots. Since the larve are wingless they are placed in different relations to their environment from those of the adult, and hence often have special larval organs. The larval stage is followed by a quiet stage called the pupa (Fig. 89). In this condition many in- sects pass the winter and come forth in the spring as adults or imagoes, the reproductive stage. Others remain in the pupa stage but a few wecks, thus giving time for two or more broods in a season. Parasitism is common in insects. Parasites may be ex- ternal or internal. The natural consequence of a parasitic life is degeneration, as is seen in lice and fleas, whose ancestors were winged insects. Environmental Influences.—Insects are affected hy tempera- ture. They become active with the rise of temperature in the spring, and some become dormant or hibernate as the tempera- ture declines in fall and carly winter. Most of them die with the advent of frost. The direction and velocity of the wind is a factor in insect life, expecially in its distribution. The amount of precipitation will mfluence the amount and kind of vegetation, which determines to a large extent the number and kind of inseets. Certain kinds of precipitation, as hail, for example, or floods, would destroy large numbers of insects. Any environmental factor would increase or decrease INSECTA 125 the activity, food, enemies, dispersal, migration, mentality, or other phenomena connected with animal life. Geologic Distribution.—Insects of some kind have existed for a long time geologically, insect remains being found in the lower and upper Silurian. Economic Importance.—Insects devour our crops, carry dis- ease, annoy us when awake and prey upon us when we sleep, injure or destroy our stock, infest our orchards, and in some countries the white ants do much damage to dwellings. The damage to our American crops has been estimated at the enor- mous sum of $700,000,000 in one year. But when we remember that insects are also dangerous to health and life, how much more is the number of injuri- ous insects to be deprecated. Kellogg says, ‘‘ Mosquitos help to propagate and are almost certainly the exclusive dis- seminating agents of malaria, yellow fever,” and other dis- eases; ‘‘house-flies aid in spreading typhoid fever and other diseases; fleas are agents in distributing the germs of ; hs the bubonie plague.” Howard JHE. 06-_ rete My, whieh cans says the germs of the disease larged. (L. 0. Howard.) known as “‘ pink-eye ”’ are car- ried by very minute flies of the genus Hippelates. Other insects are known to spread other diseases (Fig. 96). However, some insects are valuable to man. The honey-bee makes honey; other insects furnish galls for ink; others, dye- stuffs, such as cochineal; while others serve as scavengers, and the silkworm (Fig. 97) furnishes our finest clothes. The bumble-bee fertilizes the clover blossoms, other insects cross- fertilize the flowers of many plants, and many serve as food for birds. Thus, while some insects are very harmful to us, others are very valuable to us. If we (with the help of the birds) exterminate those which are injurious and protect those which a 126 BRANCH ARTHROPODA are beneficial, our crops will be the larger and more profitable, and our bodies more secure from disease. Classification —Entomologists vary in their opinions as to the number of orders into which the Class Insecta should be divided. Packard’s ‘‘ Guide” (1883) gives eight orders, while Comstock’s ‘‘ Manual” (1895) and Kellogg’s “American Insects” (1905) each give nineteen orders. Kellogg says, “‘ In the first place the author believes that this classification! best represents our present knowledge of insect taxonomy; in the second place, 5 6 Y ¥ F - WM 12 ! i H Popo og ! } : . tog H : H ae ‘ Fig. 97.—Adult silkworm: 1, Head; 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, rings; 11, horn; 13, three pairs of articulated legs; 14, four pairs of abdominal or false legs; 15, a pair of false legs on the last ring. (Farmers’ Bull. 165, U.S. Dept. of Agriculture.) this is the classification taught by nearly all the teachers of entomology in America.” Students wishing to study insects in detail should consult either Comstock’s or Kellogg’s large work on insects. ORDER I. AP’TERA OR THYSANU/RA These are small or minute wingless insects which undergo no metamorphosis. The body is covered with hairs or scales. There are several pairs of rudimentary abdominal appendages, probably vestiges of abdominal legs in ancestors. The mouth parts are adapted for biting. ‘‘ Their internal systems of organs have a segmental charactcr corresponding to the external scg- mentation of the body.’* They live in sugar boxes and pan- 1 Comstock’s classification, * Kellogg, p. 59. EPHEMERIDA 127 tries or under leaves, and in the spring they are sometimes found in large numbers on the surface of pools of water or upon the snow. _ Campo'dea staphyli'nus, which is regarded as the most primitive living insect, belongs to this order. It is about } inch long, white, wingless, and flat. Its body is exceedingly soft and delicate. It is widely dis- a tributed. ; A The ‘‘fish-moth” (Lepis’ma sac- ee chari'na) of the house (Fig. 98), which oy is neither a moth nor a fish, is sil- \ ¥ very white, with a yellowish tinge on antenne and legs. It isabout 3 inch long, has three long caudal ap- pendages, and feeds chiefly upon sweet starchy materials, often at- tacking starched clothing and the paste of wall-paper and book-bind- ings. It may be gotten rid of by sprinkling fresh pyrethrum powder in the places infested or by spraying slightly with nicotin or formalin. The ‘‘spring-tails” (Collem’bola) have a forked spring attached to the next to the last segment of the ab- domen, by means of which they leap from a few inches to a foot in the air. The ‘ snow-fleas”’ collect in large numbers on the snow in spring. { They are often a cause of great an- cE noyance where maple sugar is made. | —e Surely the insects of this Fig. 98.—Lepis’ma sacchari’na, order, by their simplicity of Dore ee is, structure and their similarity of somites, show their worm ancestry, though some species show much more complexity of structure. It will be interest- ing for the student to consider how, from such a generalized primitive form as Campodea staphylinus, nature can produce, by modification of parts, an insect of highly complex structure. ORDER II. EPHEMER’IDA The May-flies, in the adult form, are insects of a day, but they pass two or three years in the larval stage. When they emerge from their larval condition into their winged form 128 BRANCH ARTHROPODA they come forth in myriads along streams. The authors saw their dead bodies piled a foot deep on an Illinois river bridge just under the electric lights. So thick were they that workmen came next day and shovelled myriads of them into the river. They are fragile, soft skinned, and long bodied, with four gauzy wings, of which the anterior pair is much the larger. The abdomen ends in long thread-like anal projections. The mouth parts are rudimentary. Indeed, the adults are said to take no food, but to reproduce and dic. The eggs are laid in the water. Soon appear tiny, soft-bodied, wingless nymphs, bearing leaf-like fringed gills arranged segmentally along the sides, and two or three many jointed anal appendages. They have strong legs and can both swim and walk. They lie on the bottom of streams, and, with their powerful mandibles which are adapted for biting and chewing, catch and devour other insects. They eat plants also, and are themsclves prized as food by many kinds of fishes and other aquatic animals. After the ninth molt (some species have twenty-one) the wing- pads begin to develop. The nymph continues to grow and to molt, until finally it leaves behind its ‘ water-nymph skin ”’ and comes forth a winged May-fly. Again it sheds its skin, it may be within a few minutes or within twenty-four hours, a thin layer coming off even from the wings. This is the only known instance of an insect molting after acquiring its wings. ORDER III. PLECOP’TERA The stone-flies are comprised of a single family, the Per‘lide. These grayish or brownish insects (Fig. 99) are 3 to 12 inches long and have four large membranous wings, but the posterior pair folds up like a fan when not in use. Unlike the dragon- flies, in which the anterior and posterior wings are about equal in size, the posterior wings are much wider than the anterior ones. The mouth parts are adapted for biting, but poorly so as compared with those of the dragon-fly. The adults probably eat little. The long antennee are many jointed and the abdomen is often furnished with a pair of many jointed bristles or fila- ments. The 5000 or 6000 eggs are probably well scattered in the swift current before dropping to the bottom. The meta- ODONATA 129 morphosis is incomplete. The nymphs, like those of the dragon-fly, are aquatic. They are provided with gills. Those who advocate the aquatic ancestry of insects believe that the spiracles are the openings left when the gills were lost, but certain species of stone-flies retain their gills—though shrivelled and probably functionless—and have wholly independent spiracles. A B Fig. 99.—A, Stone-fly. B, A nymph of a stone-fly. (Comstock.) The larve of stone-flies are flat and cling closely to the surface of stones in the swiftest portion of the stream. They cannot live in stagnant or foul water. Their resemblance to a fossil is almost perfect. This resemblance is their protection from their enemies, the fishes. These larval stone-flies are good bait for trout. ORDER IV. ODON’ATA Dragon-flies.—To this order again belongs’ a single family,’ the Libellu'lide, or dragon-flies (Fig. 100). They have many common names, as ‘“ mule-killers,’” ‘‘ snake-doctors,’’ and “ devil’s darning-needles,”’ but, in spite of these terrifying names, they are all perfectly harmless to man. ' Kellogg, p. 72. 2 Kellogg includes the damsel flies. 3 Comstock, p. 90. 130 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The four finely netted membranous wings of the adult dragon- fly are long, narrow, strong, and nearly equal. If unequal, the posterior wings are the larger. Each wing has a joint-like struc- ture near the middle of the front margin. Their mouth parts Fig. 100.—Dragon-flies in the farval, pupal, and imago. state. (After Tenney.) are adapted for biting. Their compound eyes are very large and the antenne short. The metamorphosis is incomplete. The eggs are laid in water or attached to aquatic plants. They soon hatch, and the larve (Fig. 100), called nymphs, live a predatory existence. They lic in wait for their prey. ISOPTERA 131 “The fierce face of the young dragon is all concealed ” by its extensible lower lip, which folds up. With their strong jaws and legs dragon-flies secure and devour their prey. They devour vast numbers of larval mosquitos and are thus of great use to man. Finally, the full-grown nymph creeps up some stem, and the winged form of the imago or adult dragon-fly breaks through the old skin and flies away into the air and sunshine to enjoy its aérial life until the falling temperature ends its existence. These beautiful creatures may be called creatures of the air, for they actually feed upon the wing and may sometimes be seen poised in mid-air as if resting. The adult devours many gnats and mosquitos. There are two types of dragon-flies, one which keeps its wings horizontal and one which folds its wings together vertically over the back.! The breathing of the nymphs is peculiar. “The caudal end of the alimentary canal is lined with trachex, and water is alternately drawn into and expelled from this cavity. The water may be expelled with such force as to propel the body forward. So this has a locomotive function also.” ORDER V. ISOP’TERA The Termites (Fig. 101), or so-called ‘‘ white ants,” are abun- dant in the tropics, but less so in the United States. Where they are numerous they become pests, destroying houses, furni- ture, or anything made of wood. They are not ants, as may be seen by their structure. The body is always soft and usually whitish in color, though sometimes brown. ‘It is plump and slightly broader than thick.” In the union of the abdomen with the thorax the little pedicel or stem found in the ant is lacking, the abdomen being broad at the base. They are blind or have simple eyes. They conceal themselves from the light. The slender antenne look like strings of tiny beads. The young are all apparently alike when hatched, but by some means not understood they are afterward developed into soldiers, workers, males (kings), and females (queens). The winged males and females swarm, and each pair which is fortu- 1 Damsel flies, Kellogg. 132 BRANCH ARTHROPODA nate enough to escape being eaten by birds finds a place for a nest, or is taken possession of by workers, and a new colony is founded. The males and females lose or divest themselves of their wings. Termites usually feed upon rotten wood, but some specics attack soft plants and live wood, or cven cloth, paper, and leather. In Africa these insects sometimes build pyramidal nests twenty feet high and form villages of them. They are so numerous Fig. 101.—White ant (Termes flavipes): a, Larva; b, winged male; ce, worker; d, soldier; e, queen; f, pupa. (Riley.) and bold that “nothing can defy the marauders but tin or iron.”? Many species of insects have been found living a com- mensal life with termites, ‘a sort of inscet economy termed termitophily.”’ ORDER VI. ORTHOP’TERA This order comprises some of our most familiar insects, as the cockroaches, mantids, leaf-inseets, walking sticks, short- horned grasshoppers (locusts), long-horned grasshoppers, and crickets. The Orthoptera usually have two pairs of wings. The anterior wings are thicker and overlap or cover the posterior wings when the insect is at rest. The walking-stick is wingless. 1 Drummond. ORTHOPTERA 133 The grasshopper (see Fig. 85, p. 113) may be taken as typical of this order. The Head.—The mouth parts consist of a labrum or upper lip, the mandibles, a pair of crushing or biting jaws, followed by a pair of mazille, or smaller jaws, each of which consists of three parts—an outer, jointed maxillary palpus, and a spoon- shaped piece which covers the brown incurved maxilla. Then follows the labium, or lower lip, with its jointed labial palpt. On the head are two compound eyes and three simple eyes, or ocelli, and a pair of antenne or feelers. The thorax is divided into three well-marked divisions: First, is the movable, cape-like prothoraz, to which is attached the first pair of legs. Second, is the mesothoraz, bearing the next pair of legs and the anterior pair of wings, which are straight and rather narrow. Third, is the metathoraz, with the large third pair of legs and the posterior wings, which fold up like a fan under the anterior wings when not in use. The segmented abdomen follows the thorax. Close observa- tion with the magnifying glass will show minute openings on the sides of the segments. These openings are the spiracles or breathing pores. ’ “ Singing.”—This order of insects gives us most of our “smgers”’ and leapers of the insect world, and, strangely enough, the leapers are the singers, and, stranger still, they sing without a voice. Of the six families of Orthoptera, three are composed of these leaping and “ singing ”’ insects. The locust or short- horned grasshopper, when at rest, makes a noise by rasping the inner surface of the hind thighs across the thickened and ridged longitudinal vein of the outer surface of the fore wings. In the air, the “clacking”’ is made by rubbing the upper surface of the anterior margin of the hind wings back and forth past the under surface of the posterior margin of the fore wings. ‘ This can be heard for a distance of several rods.’”! The male cricket holds his fore wings (Fig. 102) up over his body and rubs together the upper side of their basal region. The male tree crickets, katy-dids, meadow-green grasshoppers with long antennz, also rub together specially modified por- tions of the fore wings. ! Kellogg, p. 134. 134 BRANCH ARTHROPODA Hearing.—The “ears” consist of a pair of small tympanic membranes, situated on the basal segment of the abdomen in the locust and on the tibie of the forelegs (Fig. 95, p. 123) ; of the cricket and katy-did. Associated with each tympanum is a vesicle filled with liquid and an auditory ganglion, which is connected by a nerve with one of the thoracic ganglia. Feeding —All Orthoptera have biting mouth parts, and bite off and chew their food. Most of them are vegetable feeders, but the mantis is carnivorous. The locusts or grasshoppers have at times wrought great havoc with man’s crops, as both ; Fig, 102 Wing sacred and secular history tell us. Oh Cueshe Tsien Leaping.—In the leaping Orthoptera the ee ee is posterior pair of legs is especially adapted scraper at b. for this purpose. They are large and long, and when walking the knee-joints are much higher than the insect, thus giving leverage for their prodigious leaps, in which they rival the fleas in their athletic records. The metamorphosis is incomplete, the young (nymphs) (Fig. 103) differing from the parents in size and absence of wings (Fig. 104). Fig. 103.—Calopt’enus spre’tus: a,a, Newly hatched larvx; b, full-grown larva; c, pupa, mated size. (After Riley.) The cockroaches (Blat’tide) are nocturnal insects, found about the pantries and water-pipes of our dwellings, though in the North, according to Comstock, our native species lives in woods and fields. One may often find them hiding under bark, sticks, and stones. The jaws are strong and toothed, and they are greedy little ‘ereatures, devouring : anything they can get,‘ eating book-bindings and bed-bugs with equal ala acrity.”” The body is flat and slippery and the legs are adapted for rapid running, enabling ORTHOPTERA 135 them to escape readily into cracks and crevices. Cockroaches were the dominant insects in carboniferous times. There are four common species, Fig. 104.—Calopt'enus spre'tus. Process of acquiring wings: a, Pupa with skin just split on the back; b, the imago extending; c, the imago nearly out; d, the imago with wings expanded; e, the imago with all parts perfect, natural size. (After Riley.) Fig. 105.—African mantis or soothsayer, with its egg-mass. (Monteiro.) only one being native to the United States. The eggs are laid in small, bean-shaped, horny, brown cases. The young are precocial. Cock- 136 BRANCH ARTHROPODA roaches may be gotten rid of by dusting fresh insect-powder into the cracks of pantry and kitchen with a little hand-bellows. : The praying mantids (Man’tide) (Fig. 105) are peculiar insects which get their name from the attitude in which they watch for their prey. They stand motionless with the head raised upon the long prothorax and the front legs clasped in front of the face. These front legs are spiny and are used only for seizing and holding their prey. The wings are usually leaf- like in color and texture, and this special protective resemblance is very good when the insect rests upon a plant. ‘They are carnivorous and do F | ! Fig. 106.—A walking-stick among the stems of a flower-cluster. (From life.) much good in destroying insect pests, so much indeed that Professor Slinger- land is trying to establish and distribute a European species in the United States. Most of the mantids—less than a score of specics—are tropical. Our most common native species, Phasmomn’ts caroli’na, is about 2} inches long. They are everywhere regarded with strange superstition, and the superstitious say one should ‘never kill a mantis, as it bears charm against evil.’ A Japanese mantis (Tinode'ra sinen’sis), recently introduced into the United States, is brown. This protection conceals the insect not only from its enemies, but from its prey, for which it ‘‘ lies ORTHOPTERA 137 in wait,’ and may thus be called aggressive resemblance. Several species from India resemble flowers, and thus attract insects, upon which they feed. This is an example of alluring colors. The walking-sticks (Phas’midw) (Vig. 106) afford even better examples of special protective resemblance than the mantids. Our species are wingless and may be either green or brown, and are usually found upon twigs of a color corresponding to that of their bodies. The body, which is long, straight, and slender, looks exactly like a twig, while the slender legs look like so many tiny branches. One may pick up a walking-stick, thinking it a twig until it moves. Although it is so repulsive to the unin- itiated, it is a perfectly harmless creature. The only common species in the northern states, Diapherom’era femora’ta, ‘‘ feeds upon the leaves of oaks and other trees. It drops its hundred seed- like eggs loosely and singly on the ground, where they lie through the winter, hatching irregularly through the following summer,”?! or even the second summer. Over six hun- dred species of this family are known. They are numerous in the tropical and sub-tropical countries and present many striking resem- blances to their environment, one of the most perfect of which is the “ green-leaf insect” (Fig. 90, p. 117). Its wings, flat body, ex- panded legs, and even head and prothorax are bright green flecked with yellow, making it look wonderfully like a leaf attacked by fungi. ‘The locusts or short-horned grasshoppers (Acrid'ide) include those ‘grasshoppers’ in which the antenne are shorter than the body, and in which the ovipositor of the female is short and made up of four separate plates.’’? The tarsi have three joints. The first ab- dominal segment has a tympanic membrane i on each side. It is to this family that the ; ‘ ‘ locusts mentioned in the Bible and in his- Fig. 107—Carolina lo- tory belong, as well as those which have cust killed by a fungus. wrought such havoc in our own country. (Bulletin No. 81, New A conspicuous species is the common red- Hampshire Experiment legged locust, Melan’oplus fe'mur-ru'brum. Station Insect Record, There are about five hundred species of this 1900.) family in the United States, but only three or four of them are migratory. These go in swarms, sometimes so dense as to obscure the sun as a great cloud, and when they alight they literally devour every green thing in that region. The largest, most injurious, and most numerous of these are the Rocky Mountain locusts (Melan’oplus spre‘tus). Their permanent breeding-grounds are uponthe western pla- teaus, from 2000 to 10,000 feet above sea level, and they cannot endure for successive generations the low, moist land of the Mississippi Valley. “These locusts show a tendency to become gregarious from the beginning of their life as nymphs. A recent method of fighting them is to cultivate ' Kellogg. 2 Comstock. 138 BRANCH ARTHROPODA in a sweet solution a destructive fungous growth (Fig. 107). A few members of the swarm are dipped in the solution and turned loose, spreading the disease! Melan’oplus atlan’tis sometimes does much harm in New England. Locusts lay their eggs, numbering from 25 to 125, in oval masses, cov- ered with a glutinous substance. The female deposits them (Fig. 108) in the ground or in rotten wood, with her strong, horny ovipositor, or they may be laid on the surface of the ground among the grass and weeds. The eggs are usually laid in the fall and hatch in the spring, there being but the one new brood a vear. The young resemble the parents in general, having biting mouth parts and long legs. They are paler and wingless. The wings appear as minute scale-like projections and grow larger with each of the five or six molts (ig. 104) Strangely enough, the hind wings, which are always underneath the fore wings in the adult, lie outside during devel- opment. Birds are the best exterminator. The eggs may be plowed up Fig. 108.—Rocky Mountain locust: a, a, a, Female in different positions, ovipositing; b, egg-pod extracted from ground, with the end broken open; c, a few eggs lying loose on the ground; d, ¢, show the earth partially removed to illustrate an egg-mass already in place and one being placed; f, shows where such a mass has been covered up. (After Riley.) in the fall, or when they hatch in the spring the young could be crushed by heavy rollers or burned by seat tering straw over the ground and lighting it? Locis’tide.—This family includes crickets, katy-dids, and long-horned grasshoppers. Unfortunately, the common name of locust is applied only to members of the family of Acridida, and to the cicada of the order Hemiptera, but. to none of the Locustide. The long-horned meadow-green grasshopper has the delicate antenne longer than the body, the tarsi four jointed, the ovipositor sword shaped, and the tympanum on the tibia (ig. 95, p. 123) of the front leg. The males call their mates by 'Linville-Inelly, p. 15. 2 Kellogg, p. 139. ORTHOPTERA 139 rubbing together the specially modified wing covers. These grasshoppers abound in our meadows everywhere. If you would know how perfect is their protective resemblance, try to find one which you have seen on the wing, after it has alighted. Some species found in caves are wingless, saa aaa and blind. Their antenne and hind legs are developed to a great ength. The katy-dids, of which there are several genera, are rather large, usually green insects. They live upon trees and shrubs, feeding upon foliage and tender branches, though they sometimes eat animal food. Only the males tell us ‘ Katy did” or ‘‘ she didn’t.”” They usually “ sing ”’ at night from July or August until frost. They are not gregarious. Their thin, finely veined wings are almost indistinguishable in the foliage. Closely allied to the katy-dids, but looking more like crickets, are the wingless grasshoppers, the cricket-like grasshoppers, and shield-backed Fig. 109.—Mole cricket (Gryllotal’pa boria‘lis). (Burmeister.) grasshoppers. They are dull colored and live under stones and rubbish or loose soil. The crickets, of which there are few species, have the wing covers flat and overlapping*above, and bent sharply down at the edge of the body like a box cover. The antenne are long and the ovipositor is spear shaped. They include the mole crickets, true crickets, and tree crickets. Mole crickets (Fig. 109) are fitted for a burrowing life. The front tibie are broadened and shaped somewhat like the feet of a mole. They feed upon the tender roots of plants, and sometimes injure potatoes (Fig. 110). The true crickets, our familiar black species, live in houses or fields. They usually feed upon plants, but some are predaceous. The eggs, laid in the fall, usually in the ground, hatch in summer. Only a few of the old crickets survive the winter. 140 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The tree crickels live in trees or on tall plants. The female ‘ snowy tree cricket ”’ does much damage by laying her eggs in grapevines or rasp- Fig. 110.—Potato injured by mole cricket. berry canes, causing them to die above the puncture. These canes should be cut and burned in winter or early spring before the eggs hatch. ORDER VII. HEMIPTERA This order contains some of our most common and destruc- tive insects, as the chinch-bug, the grape phyllox’era, the San José scale, the bed-bug (Fig. 111), the louse, the squash bug, stink-bugs of various kinds, plant-lice (A phid’id@), and bark-lice (Coc’cide), which furnish «lye-stuffs, as cochineal, stick-lac, from which we get shellac, and China wax. The Hemip’tera include some five thousand species in North America. All of these species agree in that the mouth parts are modified into a piercing and sucking beak. Their food, con- sequently, is the blood of men or of other animals or the juices HEMIPTERA J41 of plants. The sucking beak consists of the labiwn, which, to- gether with the labial palpi, is modified into a jointed sheath. This incloses the mandibles and maxille, which are changed into long, piercing stylets.!. The labrum or upper lip is small or rudimentary. There are usually four wings. In the typical Hemiptera, as exemplified in the sub-order Heterdp'tera, the character of the anterior wings is a distinguishing feature. The basal portions of these wings are thickened and parch- ment-like, while the terminal portions are membranous and overlap when the wings are folded over the back. From the character of these wings the order gets its name—hemit, half, "Fig. 111.—Bed-bug (Ct’mez lectular'ius): a, Adult female gorged with blood; 6, same from below; c, rudimentary wing-pad; d, mouth parts. All enlarged. (Marlatt, Bull. U.S. Dept. of Agriculture, 1896.) and pteron, a wing, 2. e., the Hemip’tera or “ half-winged ” insect. The second pair of wings are membranous and fold un- der the fore wings when not in use. The electric-light bugs, bed-bugs, water-bugs, and squash-bugs are familiar examples. In the sub-order Homop’tera the anterior wings are not thick- ened, but are of the same structure throughout, as in the cicada. In the sub-order Parasi’ta are found wingless parasitic hemip- tera which prey upon certain mammals, for example, the head and body lice of man, dogs, cattle, hogs, sheep, mice, and rabbits. 1 See Kellogg, p. 164. 142 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The giant water-bugs (Belostom’ide) are an example of the largest Heteroplera or true bugs. They are often seen about electric lights. They fly from pond to pond and are very rapacious, feeding upon the juices of young fishes, insects, and tadpoles. ade, The chinch-bug family (Lyge’/w) has nearly two hundred species in the United States. The most destructive is the small but widely distributed chinch-bug (Blis’sus leucop’terus) (Fig. 112), and though it measures less than } inch in length, it costs the United States $20,000,000 annually, for it is “ the worst pest of corn and one of the worst of wheat.” There are two generations of the chinch-bug annually. The adults winter under rubbish, and in early spring they lay their eggs in fields of grain upon roots or stems beneath the soil. They hatch in about two weeks, and the little red nymphs attack the root and then the stalk of the wheat. They mature in about six or seven weeks, when they are “ blackish, with the wings semitransparent white, and with a conspicuous small triangular black dot near the middle of their outer margin.” At about harvest time they migrate by the fk: Fig. 112.—The chinch-bug (Blis’sus leucop'terus): a, b, Eggs; c, newly hatched larva; d, its tarsus; e, larva after first molt; f, same after second molt; g, pupa—the natural sizes indicated at sides; h, enlarged leg of per- fect bug; j, tarsus of same still more enlarged; i, proboscis or beak, en- larged. (Riley.) millions to fields of growing corn, marching in a body like an approaching army. When the bugs of the first brood have reached maturity, they pair, at which time only they use the wings, and the second generation is begun. The adults of the second generation that survive the winter lay the eggs pee spring brood. It is thought that a third brood sometimes appears in Kansas. Their migration from wheat to corn fields may be hindered by plowing furrows around the ficlds and pouring crude petroleum or coal-tar into these moats. If this has not been done, when the bugs collect on the first few rows of corn they should be sprayed at onee with kerosene emulsion. Predaceous insects, as the aphis-lion and ladybird beetles, and birds hold them in check. But a parasitic fungus (Nporotri/chum globulif’erum) will kill (he bugs rapidly in moist, warm weather. The cicadas (Ciead’id@) are easy of recognition on account of their large, blunt-headed, robust bodies, the three oeclli, and their shrill “ sing- ing’ during the daytime in the late summer and early fall. The male does all the talking or singing, if you choose to call it a song, and ‘ his wife HEMIPTERA 143 cannot talk back.”’ The sound is made by “ stretching and relaxing a pair of corrugated tympana or parchment-like membranes by means of a muscle attached to the center of each.’’! The strangest freak in all insect life is the periodical cicada or seventeen- year locust (Fig. 113). It is the longest lived of all insects, for while other insects pass from the egg to imago form in a few days or weeks, or, at the most, in one to three years, this insect requires from thirteen to seven- teen years for this development. In the spring the female cuts slits in tender twigs and lays her eggs therein. In about six weeks they hatch and the nymphs spend the required seventeen years, or, in the case of a southern form, thirteen years, in the ground. Thcy feed by sucking the juices of tender roots. In the spring of the seventeenth or the thirteenth year—as the case may be—they crawl up to the surface of the ground, Fig. 113.—The seventeen-year Cicada (c) and pupa (a, 6); d, position of eggs (e); f, larva. (Riley.) undergo their last molting, and emerge as clear-winged cicadas. This insect is a fine example of protective resemblance. One may be within a few inches of a ‘“‘ singing ”’ cicada and not be able to see it, so near the color of the tree trunk or ground is it. The adult life is short. They lay their eggs, sing their songs, and die. The plant-lice or aphids (Aphid’id@) are among our most common and destructive pests in the green-house, field, ard orchard. There are many species, most of which are small, the largest barely reaching the length of 4 inch. The small, soft, usually green body is somewhat pear shaped. Wingless forms are most numerous, but there are forms in almost every brood which have two pairs of delicate transparent wings, the anterior pair of which is the larger. ‘‘ The two wings of each side are usually con- 1 Kellogg, p. 167. 144 BRANCH ARTHROPODA nected with a compound hooklet.”! The sucking beak is three jointed and may or may not be longer than the body. They have prominent com- pound eyes and usually ocelli. The long antenn are from three to seven jointed. Many species have on the sixth segment of the abdomen two tubular processes, long supposed to be the honey tubes, but Kellogg says “from them issues another secretion, not sweetish, about which little is known,” and that the ‘“ honey-dew”’ so relished by ants (p. 179) ‘‘is now known to be an excretion from the intestine issuing in fine droplets or even spray from the anal opening.’”’ It is sometimes produced in large quantities, so that the leaves below the plant lice are coated with it and the walks beneath the trees spotted by it. It is fed upon by bees and wasps as well as by ants. In addition to the ‘‘ honey-dew,”’ many species secrete another fluid, which is excreted as a liquid through * various small open- ings scattered over the body.” This liquid soon hardens into a wax. The total waxy secretion appears as a mass of felted threads or wool, as in the wooly apple aphis, and probably serves as a protection for the soft, defenseless body. The aphids are remarkably variable as regards their reproduction sexually or agamically,? and as regards their possession of wings, so that the life- history varies not only in different specics, but in the same species under different conditions. The eggs are laid in the fall, and from them hatches, in early spring, a colony of wingless individuals which may produce (without pairing) either living young or eggs. | This may continue under favorable food supply and temperature for a number of generations. Slingerland, of Cornell University, reared four generations of wingless ‘ agamic ”’ aphids. At any time, especially if food becomes scarce or other conditions unfavorable, winged individuals are likely to appear and fly away to other host plants, where they produce, agamically, new colonies. If temperature becomes low or other unfavorable conditions occur, these asexual individuals produce a brood consisting of both males and females. ‘‘ The males may be either winged or wingless, but the females are always wingless.’’ These sexual forms pair and produce one or more large fertilized eggs which lies dormant over winter and hatches into a wingless ‘* stem-mother”’ in the spring, and a scries of agamic gencrations follow. The multiplication of aphids is so rapid that, were it not for predaceous insects, such as lady- bird beetles, aphis-lions, and parasitic Hymenop’tera, and for inseet-loving birds (see Birds), they would utterly destroy their host plant and ulti- mately starve themselves. Professor Forbes made an estimate of the rate of increase of the ‘* corn-louse,’’ and found that if * all the plant-lice de- scending from a single ‘ stem-mother ’ were to live and reproduce through- out the year we should have coming from the egg the following spring 9,500,000,000,000 young. As each plant-louse measures about 1.4 mm. in length and 0.93 mm. in width, an casy calculation shows that. these possible descendants of a single female would, if closely placed end to end, form a procession 7,850,000 miles in length.” Aphids vary greatly in their feeding habits, many feeding upon the juices of tender leaves, stems, leaf-buds, or blossom-buds, while others suck the juices of tender roots in the soil, and sometimes the same species lives both above and below ground. Above ground they may be fought by strong solutions of soap, by kerosene emulsion, or by a weak solution of nicotin, Since they suck the juices of plants they cannot be affected by poisoning the food. Underground, carbon bisulphid is sometimes used, ' Comstock. 2 Glossary. HEMIPTERA 145 but about the best remedy is to destroy the infested tree or vine, and plant one of another species which is not a host-plant for the pest. Fig. 114.—Phylloze'ra vasta'trix: a, Leaf with galls; b, section of gall showing mother louse at center with young clustered about; c, egg; d, larva; e, adult female; f, same from side. (a, Natural size; te -f, much enlarged). (Marlatt.) Fig. 115.—Phylloze'ra vasta'triz: a, Root- galls; b, enlargement of same, show- ing disposition of lice; c, root- gall louse, much enlarged. (Marlatt.) The grape Phylléxe’ra (Fig. 114) is a native aphid found upon the wild grapevines of the eastern United States. It was introduced into the south of France before 1863 upon rooted vines sent from America, and, 10 146 BRANCH ARTHROPODA curiously cnough, says Kellogg, ‘came to California—in which state it has done much more damage than elsewhere in our country—from France, in- troduced upon imported cuttings or roots” (Fig. 115). | Probably not less than 30,000 acres of vineyards have been destruyed by it since it was first noticed in 1874. “The Phylloxcra appears in four forms: (1) the gall form, living in little galls on the leaves (Fig. 114), and capable of very rapid multiplication (this form rarely appears in California); (2) the root form (Fig. 115), which is derived from individuals which migrate from the leaves to the roots, and which by the piercing of the roots, sucking the sap, and producing little quickly decaying tubercles on the rootlets, does the serious injury; (3) the winged form (Tig. 116), which flies to new vines and vineyards and starts new colonies; and, finally, (4) the sexual forms, Fig. 116.—Phyllore’ra vasta'trix: a, Migrating stage, winged adult; }, pupa of same; c, mouth parts with thread-like sucking scta removed from sheath; d and e, eggs showing characteristic sculpturing; all enlarged (Marlatt.) male and female (Tig. 117), which are the regenerating individuals, ap- pearing after several agamic generations have been produced.” The gall stage may be omitted, and the individuals hatched from the fertilized eggs go directly to the roots. The gall form can be prevented by spraying to kill the winter eggs. But about the only real cure for the infested roots is to dig them up and burn them and plant out resistant vines. The wild vines of the Mississippi Valley have evolved with the Phylloxera, and are capable of living and growing in spite of the pests. The French vine- yards, as well as those of California, are being renewed by grafting French stocks upon the resistant roots, thus rendering the vines practically im- mune. There are many species of aphids, but this example must suffice for our present. work. Scale-bugs, mealy-bugs, and others (Coc’cid@) compose a very anomalous HEMIPTERA 147 group, the species differing greatly in appearance, habits, and metamor- phoses from those of the most closcly allied familics, and even the two sexes Fig. 117.—Phyllore’ra vasta'trix: a, Sexed stage larviforni female, the dark-colored area indicating the single egg; b, egg, showing the indistinct hexagonal sculpturing; c, shriveled female aftcr oviposition; d, foot of same; e, rudimentary and functionless mouth parts. (Marlatt.) Fig. 118.—Ladybird feeding on scale insects, Pentil'ia (Smilia) misel’la: a, beetle; b, larva; c, pupa; d, blossom end of pear, showing scales with larve and pupe of Pentilia feeding on them, and pup of Pentilia attached within the calyx; all enlarged. (Howard and Marlatt, Bull. U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture.) % of the same species, says Comstock, differ greatly. The males, unlike all other members of the order, undergo a complete metamorphosis. The adult 148 BRANCH ARTHROPODA male has but a single pair of wings and has no organs for procuring food. The mouth parts disappear during metamorphosis and a second pair of eyes develops. The adult female is always wingless and the body is always scale-like or gall-like in form, or grub-like and clothed with wax. Those of some species retain their eyes, antennx, and legs, while others are fixed in adult life and very degenerate, lacking eyes, antennw, wings, and legs. In speaking of the San José scale, Kellogg says, “it has a long, fine, flexible process projecting from near the center of its under side, this is its sucking proboscis, and serves as a means of attachment as well as an organ of feed- ing.’ The San José scale is very prolific. It was ascertained at Washington that there are four regularly developed generations and possibly part of a fifth ina year. It is estimated that about 200 females (and about the same number of males) are given birth to by each female. Thus the descendants of a female amount to 3,216,080,400 individuals. From this it can easily be seen how destructive to fruit trees this pest soon becomes. It is now found in every state and territory and in Canada. Many states have laws to try to prevent its distribution with nursery stock. Perhaps the most effective remedy is the fumigation of orchard trees by hydrocyanic gas. To do this the tree is entirely enclosed in a large tent and the gas generated under it “ by pouring about 50 ounces of water into 5 ounces of commercial sulphuric acid and dropping into it 15 ounces of cyanid of potassium.’ These amounts are sufficient for a tree 12 feet high with a spread of 10 feet. The fumes are deadly poison. Of sprays for leaves and greenhouse plants, crude petroleum and kerosene emulsion are best. Protection of the birds is one great means of holding these pests in check. It has been proved by the examination of 226 stomachs that more than one-fifth of the food of the blackheaded grosbeak (Zamelo’dia melano- ceph’ala') consists of scale insects. For the work (Fig. 118) of ladybird beetles see p. 147. ORDER VIII. COLEOP’TERA This order consists of eleven or twelve thousand species in America, north of Mexico. The mouth parts of beetles (Fig. 119) consist of the upper lip or labrum, the jaws or mandibles for seizing the prey or for gnawing; the complicated many pieced marille with usually prominent maxillary palpi; the lower lip or labium of several parts, and rather large labial palpi. These mouth parts are adapted for biting, and are not easy for beginners to identify. The student should identify these parts on a large beetle with the help of a good figure (Fig. 119) and a good magnifying glass. Compound eyes are present, but usually the simple eves are wanting. The wings are four in number, except in some ground beetles, which have only the anterior pee The anterior wings are 1 Plate III, Bulletin 32, U. 8. Biological Survey. COLEOPTERA 149 quite rigid and meet in a line on the back, forming a sheath to inclose the membranous posterior wings, which fold up under the fore wings or elytra when not in use. The body is usually compact. The under surface of the abdomen is hard, but the upper surface beneath the elytra is soft and yielding, thus permitting respiration. Fig. 119.—Under surface of Har’palus caligin’osus: a, Ligula; 6b, para- glossa; c, supports of labial palpi; d, labial palpus; e, mentum; f, inner lobe of maxilla; g, outer lobe of maxilla; h, maxillary palpus; i, mandible; &, buccal opening; J, gula or throat; m, m, buccal sutures; , gular suture; v, prosternum; p’, episternum of prothorax; p, epimeron of prothorax; qq, 7", coxe; r, 7’, r”’, trochanters; s, s’, s’’, femora or thighs; ¢, ¢’, ¢’’, tibie; v, v*, v3, etc., ventral abdominal segments; w, episterna of mesothorax (the epimeron is just behind it); x, mesosternum; y, episterna of meta- thorax; y’, epimeron of metathorax; z, metasternum. (After Leconte.) The Young.—The metamorphosis is complete. The larve are usually called grubs. (See Fig. 120, p. 150.) Their habitats vary much. Some live in trees, others, as the larve of the tiger beetle, burrow in the gound, and, with the head at the sur- face, watch for their prey. Their food varies according to the 150 BRANCH ARTHROPODA habitat. The burying beetles (Fig. 120) (Nécréph’orus) pro- vide food for their young by burying carrion, as a dead mouse or bird. When it is covered over with earth the female lays her eggs upon the carcass. They soon hatch and the larve feed upon the food thus provided for them. The food of the adult Coleop’tera also varies much. Some, as the ground beetles (Carab/ide), are predaceous. Others, as the carrion beetles, feed upon decaying animal matter, while Fig. 120.— Necroph’orus burying a mouse, und larva. (Landois.) others, as the Colorado potato beetles, are voracious plant feeders, making this order of much economic importance. Other familiar examples are the apple-tree borers, the wire-worms, fruit and grain weevils, and the white grubs of the June beetles (Fig. 121). The tiger beetles (Cicindel’id@) are usually of a beautiful metallie green or bronze, banded or spotted with yellow, though some are black, while those living in white sand are exactly the color of the sand. They are the most. active of all beetles, running and flying well. They may be found on bright warm days on dusty roads or along the banks of streams. COLEOPTERA 151 Comstock says they remain still until within our sight, but out of reach, and then ‘ like a flash they fly up and away, alighting several rods ahead of us,” with eyes toward us. The ugly larve live in vertical burrows about a foot deep on beaten paths or in the sand. The larva, with its dirt- colored head which is bent at right angles to its lighter colored body, plugs the entrance to its burrow, and with its wide-open jaws forms a living trap for passing insects. On the fifth abdominal segment there is a hump bearing two hooks curved forward, by which the larva holds fast, thus pre- venting large prey from dragging it out of its burrow. The ground beetles (Fig. 122) (Carab’ide) are probably the most im- portant family of predaceous insects, though a few species are vegetable feeders. They are usually dark colored and nocturnal, but some are large and brilliantly colored, and the wing covers are generally ‘ ornamented with longitudinal ridges and rows of punctures.’’ They hide in daytime under stones and logs. There are about twelve hundred species in North Fig. 121.—June beetles: 1, Pupa; 2, larva; 3, 4, adult. (Riley, Report of State Entomologist of Missouri.) America. The larve of most of them are long flattened grubs, with body of uniform breadth throughout, protected on top by horny plates, ending in a pair of conical bristly appendages. Usually they bury themselves just beneath the surface and feed upon insects which enter the ground to pupate. They destroy large numbers of leaf-feeding beetles or their larve. They pupate in small round cells in the soil, from which the adults push their way out. The caterpillar hunter (Caloso’ma scruta'tor) is a familiar example of the ground beetles (Fig. 122). Its wing covers or elytra are bright green or violet, margined with reddish. It is found on trees at dusk. It is known to climb trees and make raids upon the hairy tent caterpillar, hence it is a friend. Two others (Calosoma frigidum and C. calidum) are hunters of cut- worms and canker-worms. The latter is sometimes called the fiery hunter, from the rows of reddish pits on its black elytra. Another one (Agonod’erus pal'lipes) feeds upon sprouting corn. 152 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The carnivorous water beetles (Dylic'ide), of which there are three hundred species, are found everywhere in streams and ponds (Fig. 123). They vary in length from } to 1} inches. The diving beetle projects the tip Fig. 122.—Ground beetle (Calosuma), similar to C scrulalor; below, a Carabus. (Brehm.) of its abdomen through the surface film to breathe. It raises the elytra a little, and the air which is caught under them is held by the fine hairs on the Fig. 123.—Carnivorous water bectles. (Brehm.) back, where the spiracles are situated. Thus, it carries « supply of air which enables it. to breathe under water. These beetles make interesting aquarium specimens. DIPTERA 153 Platypsyl'la casto’ris is the sole representative of the family Platypsyl’lide. This queerly shaped beetle lives a parasitic life upon beavers. It 1s wingless and blind, and the elytra are rudimentary and short, exposing five abdomi- nal segments. Its degeneration is due to its parasitic life. The lady-bugs (Coccinel'lidw) are interesting little predaceous beetles, yellow or reddish, with black spots. The cottony cushion-scale (Jce’rya purchasi), so destructive to California fruits, was subdued by a lady-bug (Veda'lia cardindlis) brought from Australia to feed upon it. The hop louse is destroyed by the larve of certain lady-bugs known as “ niggers.” The lady-bugs, with few exceptions, are predaceous. One (Epilach'na borea'lis) is herbivorous. Its larva, which is yellow and clothed with forked spines, feeds upon the leaves of the squash family. The little carpet beetle (Anthre’nus scrophula’rie) is a household pest. Its larva feeds upon carpets, furs, feathers, and woolens. The fireflies (Lampyr'id@) or ‘‘ lightning-bugs ”’ are not flies, but beetles. The light giving has never been fully explained. “ The light-giving organ is usually situated just inside of the ventral wall of the last segments of the abdomen, and consists of a special mass of adipose tissue richly supplied with air-tubes (trachee) and nerves. From a stimulus conveyed by these special nerves oxygen, brought by the network of trachez, is released, to unite with some substance of the adipose tissue, a slow combustion thus taking place. To this the light is duc, and the relation of the intensity or the amount of light to the amount of matter used up to produce it is the most nearly perfect known to physicists.’ Myrmecoph’ilous Beetles.—There are nearly one thousand species of beetles which live in the nests of ants. Many of them are commensal with the ants, deriving perhaps the greater benefit by the association, but others live truly symbiotically with their hosts.2 They secrete a sweet substance which is eaten by the ants, which in return shelter, clean, and, by regurgitation, feed them. They are strangely modified for this mode of life, usually by degeneration. ORDER IX. DIP’TERA This order contains about fifty thousand species, of which about seven thousand are known in America. It includes some famous flies (Fig. 124). The mouth parts are adapted for piercing and sucking or for lapping. Just what constitutes these mouth parts is a contro- verted question among scientists. Comstock says, ‘“‘ According to the most generally accepted view the six bristles represent the upper lip (labrum), the tongue (hypopharynx), the two mandibles, and the two maxilla, and the sheath enclosing these bristles is the lower lip (labiwm).’’ Identify these parts on the head of a big fly with the aid of a large figure and a magnifying glass. 1 Kellogg, p. 269. 2 Kellogg, p. 553. 154 BRANCH ARTHROPODA The Wings.—As the ordinal name indicates, these insects have two membranous wings. No fly has more than two wings and only a few are wingless. They have, however, vestiges of a second pair, called halte’res or balancers, ending in short knobs. They are used in directing the flight and are be- lieved by some to be auditory organs. Family Mus’cida.—The common house-fly (Mus’ca domestica) is too well known for our comfort. It hibernates. One will recall having seen flies about the house during the winter. They breed about stables in the sum- Fig. 124.—Typhoid fever or house-fly (Mus’ca domes’tica): a, Adult male; b, proboscis and palpus of same; c, terminal joints of antennz; d, head of female; ve, puparium; f, anterior spiracle; all enlarged. (Howard and Marlatt, Bull. U. 8. Dept. of Agriculture, 1896.) mer. The eggs, numbering about one hundred, hatch in about twenty- four hours. The soft, white, cylindric, footless larva is called a maggot. It feeds and grows for about a week, molting twice, and then pupates within the larval skin, or pupariwmn, for another week. It then makes a circular opening in the puparium and emerges as the adult fly, thus giving time for a number of generations. In a summer the offspring of a single fly may reach incredible numbers. It is now known that. the principal in- sect agent in the spread of typhoid fever is the common house-fly, and great care should be taken to prevent its breeding. All human and horse excreta should be kept in fly-tight vaults and sprinkled with chlorid of lime or quick lime at least once a week, unless wanted for fertilizing purposes. All garbage cans and swill pails should be kept covered, and DIPTERA 155 sprinkled with lime when emptied. Chicken pens should be cleaned often and sprinkled with lime. The many little projections on the feet of the fly are tubular, and secrete a sticky fluid which enables it to walk upside down. The blow-fly and the flesh-fly, close relatives of the house-fly, lay their eggs upon meat, cheese, and other provisions or upon decaying animal sub- 7 thorax . “a ! YF tarsus Yerite rs al ‘ oint ‘ white banded basal segme nt basal band--- basal end of segment. apreal_end of segmen 2 toesal Jornal tarsal yornt t ersal yen a Bly Ra ey ctersal clawg-- on st tarsal gant Fig. 125.—An adult mosquito, much enlarged, with all the parts that are used in classification named. (Smith, N. J. Experiment Station, Bulletin 171, 1904.) stance, on which the maggots feed. Thus, while a great annoyance, they may do some good by acting as scavengers. The most common flesh-fly is perhaps Sarcoph’aga sarrace’nie, which resembles a large house-fly. It furnishes another example of viviparous insects; in other words, the larve are brought forth alive. 156 BRANCH ARTHROPODA Horse-flies (Taban’id) arc also pests of man and beast. | They are most abundant in the hot summer days. The large black-bodied horse- flies, of which there are a hundred specics, belong to the genus J’abanus. The Bot-flies (Ce'stride).—“ The horse bot-fly (Gastriph'ilus e’qui) closely resembles the honey-bee in form, except that the female has an elongated abdomen curved under the body.” Horses have an instinctive fear of this fly. It attaches its eggs to the hair of the legs and shoulders of the horse, and they are taken into the mouth by biting the irritated place. The larvee fasten themselves to the lining of the stomach. When grown, during the fall and winter, they pass out and develop within a puparium. The oxwarble larve ( Hypoder' ina linea'ta) live just beneath the skin on the backs of cattle, which are made frantie by their burrowing. The sheep bol-fly deposits its larvee in the nostrils of sheep, antelope, ete. They work up into the frontal sinuses and horns and cause the ‘* staggers.’”! Reindeer, decr, rabbits, and squirrels are infested by larvir of species of bot-flics, and one or two species infest man. Fig. 126.—1, Egg-mass of the common mosquito; 2, larva breathing at the surface of the water; 3, a pupal mosquito. (From Hampton Leaflet.) Mosquitoes (Culic’ide) (Fig. 125) seem too well known to need descrip- tion, but there are other insects so similar that they are often mistaken for them. Comstock says ‘‘ the most distinctive feature of mosquitoes is the fringe of scale-like hair on the margin of the wing and also on all known American forms on each of the wing veins.”’ The males differ from the females in having feathery antenne and in the absence of the piercing stylets. As a rule they do not sing or bite, and probably feed upon the juices of plants, as do the females if they cannot “get blood.” The larvee (Fig. 126), called “ wrigglers”’ or “ wiggle-tails,” are too often found near our dwellings in rain-barrels, slop-pails, open cisterns, open sewers, water troughs, lily-tubs, ponds, anywhere where the water is allowed to remain long enough for their development, which requires from cight to eighteen days. Of the three principal genera, Cilex contains most of our mosquitoes whose bite and song are well known.