NATURA LISTS DIARY - ADay-BooK oF — ETEOROLOGY, PHENOLOGY AND RURAL BIOLOGY. CHARLES ROBERTS FROS.LRCP &&£ CORNELL UNIVERSITY LIBRARY BOUGHT WITH THE INCOME OF THE SAGE ENDOWMENT FUND GIVEN IN 1891 BY HENRY WILLIAMS SAGE “Teas Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. THE NATURALISTS DIARY. BY THE SAME AUTHOR. 8vo, with Numerous Maps, Charts, Diagrams, and Tables, 8s. 6d. ANTHROPOMETRY: a Guide to the Physical Examina- tion and Measurement of the Human Body, with an appendix giving the results of the investigations of the Anthropometric Committee of the British Association for the Advancement of Science. 8vo, with a Table of Coloured Berlin Wools, and a Sheet of Test-types, ss. THE DETECTION OF COLOUR-BLINDNESS and Im- perfect Eyesight. With an Introduction. Lonpon: J. anp A. CHURCHILL. Missing Page THE NATURALIST’S DIARY: A DAY-BOOK OF METEOROLOGY, PHENOLOGY AND RURAL BIOLOGY. *“Without system the field of Nature would be a pathless wilderness; but system should be subservient to, not the main object of, pursuit.”—GiLBerT WHITE, Letter Ixxxii. Arranged and Ghdited by CHARLES ROBERTS, F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., Etc, AUTHOR OF ‘‘ANTHROPOMETRY,” ‘‘ THE DETECTION OF COLOUR-BLINDNESS,” ETC. WITH A CHART SHOWING THE BLOSSOMING OF SPRING FLOWERS IN EUROPE, AND AN INTRODUCTION ON NATURAL PERIODIC PHENOMENA, ETC. T POON SO] ey oe o London: SWAN SONNENSCHEIN, LE BAS AND LOWREY, PATERNOSTER SQUARE. eo vi PREFACE. organic phenomena which may be studied in the pages of the Diary. Correlations exist between the leafing of trees, the germination of seeds, and the temperature on the grass; between the blossoming of flowers and the appearance of insects ; between the ripening of fruit, the appear- ance of insects, and the temperature in the sun ; between the appearance of insects and their larvee, the ripening of fruit and seeds, and the nesting and migration of birds—all of which are of great scientific interest, and of practical value to persons engaged in rural occupations, as is also a know- ledge of the first appearance of insect pests, with a view to their early destruction. To the botanist, entomologist, and ornithologist, and especially to the young naturalist, the Diary will serve as a guide to the localities and the seasons where and when the objects he wishes to study may be found ; and it will supply lists of objects to be looked for on each day of the year. It will also enable him to record the results of his observations in a systematic manner, and where they can be preserved for future reference. To all persons, whether living in town or country, the Diary will afford space for recording the results of their out-door occupations, or for such personal observations as show the relation of the human body to the other phenomena recorded. The relation of the growth of children to the sea- sons of the year, of diseases and epidemics to varying conditions of climate, and of periodic phenomena common to men and the lower animals, are of this kind, and are all deserving of careful study. A game and fishing list is introduced in this part of the Diary as being most: agreeable to the other entries, but any other set of observations may be substituted for it. The Diary, in conformity with books of a similar kind, commences with the first day of the year, but this is not the beginning of the biological year. Theoretically it ought to begin the day after the winter solstice (¢.¢., December 22nd), but in our latitudes the climate lags behind the sun’s movements. The mean temperature for twenty years at Marl- borough shows that January is the coldest month, and the fourth week of that month the coldest week of the year ; and it is not till the middle of February that the sun’s influence is perceptible, and a slight and sustained increase of temperature takes place. The middle of February (St. Valen- tine’s day) may be accepted, therefore, as the beginning of the biological year, and the diary should be kept round the year from that time, the daily accumulated temperatures and rainfalls being corrected by deducting the values representing the day (on February 14th 90°8° and five inches respectively) from the subsequent totals. As I have explained elsewhere, the plants which blossom with us in January and beginning of February belong to the previous autumn, and should be studied in connection with it. Collective investigation—that is to say, the systematic observation of the same phenomena by a large number of persons living over a wide PREFACE. vii area—is now a recognized and valued form of scientific inquiry, as witness the numerous committees of the British Association for the Advancement of Science devoted to collecting observations of this kind. The subjects embraced by the Diary are especially adapted for collective investigation, both by. independent observers and the members of the numerous Natural History Societies and Field Clubs which exist throughout the country. The subjects for inquiry have, moreover, the further recommendation of being of local as well as general value, and observers in following them out will have the satisfaction of reaping results which are of immediate interest to themselves and their neighbours, as well as contributing to the general store of facts, and the advancement of natural science. With a view to extending the scope of the work and of securing the greater accuracy of its contents, it is proposed to issue the Diary annually, and to invite contributions of trustworthy observations to this end, all such contributions to be made to the Editor of “The Naturalist’s Diary,” to the care of the Publishers. I must here acknowledge my debt and record my thanks to the Rev. T. A. Preston, M.A., F.R.Met.Soc., the founder, and for sixteen years President of the Marlborough College Natural History Society, for the published reports, and for many manuscript tables and notes relative to es. the meteorological and botanical parts of the work. I must also express my thanks to Mr. John T. Carrington, F.L.S., for revising the index of ’ Lepidoptera and bringing it into conformity with the nomenclature a present in use in this country and on the Continent. Cc. R. LONDON, Yanuary ist, 1886. INTRODUCTION. THE study of Natural History has altered much both in character and methods in recent years. Botany and the other branches of natural science no longer consist of the mere collecting, preserving, classifying, and naming—the indexing, so to speak—of natural objects; but in observing the development, life-history, and periodical phenomena of such objects, their modifications under natural and artificial conditions, and the relations they bear to each other and to the pleasures and wants of mankind. The analytical methods of studying natural history are giving place to the synthetical, and, instead of pulling plants in pieces, and anatomizing animals to ascertain their minute physical differences, attention is being directed to their relationship to each other, and to the forces and agencies by which living things are developed, built up, pre- served, and reproduced. Of the many attractions of rural life—and, to a certain extent, of urban and suburban life also—none are more interesting and instructive, nor more frequently the subject of observation and record, than the periodic phenomena associated with plants and animals; and to persons engaged in rural occupations, none are of greater importance, nor the source of so much anxiety. The germination of seeds, the leafing, blossoming, ripening of fruit and seeds, and the change and fall of the leaves of plants and trees; the migration, song, and nesting of birds; the appear- ance of insects and their larvee; the habits and instincts of animals, &c., are all phenomena of this kind; and, being dependent on seasonal and’ meteorological conditions, are largely correlated or dependent on each other, and, to be properly understood, must be studied together. It is to promote the study of rural biology on this broad basis that I have com- piled the Diary. I have adopted the title of “ Naturalist’s Diary ” as one which is quite familiar to students of natural history, but the book is much more thana mere diary. It is a serious attempt on a large scale to. show the correlation or interdependence of a wide range of natural phe- nomena, on a plan which has not hitherto been attempted. Observations of the kind which are embodied in the pages of the Diary, and which x INTRODUCTION. are known to meteorologists and botanists as Dhenological observations, have been made for many years past in this country and on the Con- tinent for the purpose of distinguishing local climatic conditions, and the Royal Meteorological Society has a standing committee which is engaged in collecting and discussing observations of this description. The scientific value of the Diary depends on the care with which the observations have been made, and on the value which is to be attached to averages of observations extending over a period of twenty years. Considerable experience in dealing with averages of observations of a similar kind made at Marlborough and elsewhere, has given me the fullest confidence in this method of arriving at the most probable results when dealing with such complicated phenomena as are here dealt with, and the plan of placing the phenomena side by side will be the best test of their trustworthiness, and afford facilities for eliminating, by further observations, any errors which may exist. The meteorological observa- tions are, with very few exceptions, the results of twenty years,’ those of plants of not less than seventeen years’, observation, while those referring to birds and insects vary in number, and also in the years in which the observations were made. To add variety, and form centres for further observations, a few entries are given from Gilbert White’s Diary* and Mr. C. Whitehead’s Reports.” To persons engaged in country occupations, whether for profit or pleasure, a systematic study of the phases of vegetable and animal life is of the greatest interest and importance, and the Diary has been arranged with a view to such a form of study. The character of soils as well as climates is best judged by their vegetable products, and the periods at which grasses, plants, and trees blossom and attain maturity. Not only has each district, but each farm, and often each field or garden, a character of its own; and it is only by observing, recording, and com- paring with some ascertained standard, the specific products of each locality, that their peculiarities can be determined and turned to profitable account. It is well known, for instance, that one field will grow clover, and another will not ; that one pasture will fatten sheep quickly, while another will do so slowly; and a good deal of what is called “ practical farming” consists in remembering facts of this kind and taking advantage of them; or, as is too often the case, in ignoring or forgetting them, to the certain disappointment and loss of the farmer. Peculiarities of this kind, although remotely due to the soil and climate, are really peculiarities of vegetation, and should be studied and recorded in a systematic manner to be properly understood and utilized. * White's ‘Natural History of Selborne.” These entries are distinguished by the letters (G. W.). The dates are about a week earlier than at Marlborough. 2«* Reports on Insects Injurious to Hop and Corn Crops,” &c., made to the Agri- cultural Department of the Privy Council. Nos. I. and II. 1885. Distinguished by the letters (C. W.). INTRODUCTION. xi: Again, the ravages of insects and their larvee are of the most serious import to all persons interested in the cultivation of the soil, whether it be farming, gardening, or forestry; and it is only by observing and recording the earliest time of the appearance of such insects that pre- ventive measures can be adopted with any prospect of success, The Diary contains many records of this kind, and I regret that it does not contain many more. Miss Ormerod, whose labours in this field of | inquiry are well known, informs me that no trustworthy results as to the © average time of the first appearances of insect pests have yet been | obtained; and I hope, therefore, that the Diary will afford facilities for collecting observations relating to this subject in all parts of the country, from which useful results may be obtained. Apart from the study of climate and the economic productions of the soil, a very large number of persons are close observers of nature from the intellectual pleasure and culture it affords. There are probably few country-bred persons of either sex who have not at some period of their lives kept a naturalist’s diary, in one form or another, and many such diaries are at present in existence which contain interesting and valuable records, but which are lost to science from the absence of a trustworthy standard with which to compare and correlate them. One of the objects of the Diary is to furnish a standard of this kind, and it is especially suitable for the purpose from the wide range of subjects it embraces, and also from the fact. that the climate and physical sur- roundings of Marlborough are those of the average of the inland and cultivated parts of our Islands. Mr. Preston and his numerous co- labourers have directed their attention chiefly to the first blossoming of plants, the first appearance of butterflies and moths, and the migration and nesting of birds, which has necessarily crowded the data into the spring and summer months, and left the pages of the autumn and winter months comparatively empty. But the student of climate, especially if he consider it from a sanitary point of view, and the cultivation of the soil, will find ample materials for insertion in the blank pages. Observa- tions are required on the ripening of fruits, seeds, and roots, and their time of harvesting; on the survival and the second blossoming of plants and trees at unusual seasons, and on the change and fall of the leaf as indicating the ripening of buds and the prospect of future fruit crops.’ Further observations are also required on the casual appearance of insects, the migration of birds in winter, and the hibernation and other , phenomena of animal life, &c. Many persons will probably not have either the time - the inclination to devote their attention to all the subjects of inquiry embraced in the Diary; but the specialist who confines his labours to one or two sections cannot fail to be interested in the correlative phenomena, and thus gain a wider view of the significance of his favourite branch of study. The Diary will be useful in exciting an interest in natural science xii INTRODUCTION. among the young, as it is a kind of Nature’s “ Birth-day Book,” in which the birth-days, so to speak, of flowers, butterflies, and birds, are recorded, and with which children may compare their own birth-days and those of their friends. i] For natural history classes in schools it will supply lists of objects to be sought for on country walks and excursions on each day of the year, and it will also furnish special and appropriate subjects for teachers and lecturers to explain at the proper seasons. To make the study of natural history easy and pleasant to the young, and to persons who do not wish to study it systematically, but who, never- theless, may be trustworthy observers, the English names, and in many instances the provincial names of plants, insects, birds, and animals are given, as are also the natural habitats of plants, the situations in which insects are usually found, the plants on which their larve feed, and the’ most common position of the nests of birds... The English names of most of our wild plants are well established, and they are therefore included with the generic names in the general index, while the English names only of fishes, reptiles, birds, and animals, are given. Among entomolo- gists, and especially among those who make a special study of butterflies and moths, little attention is given to either the English or the generic names, and the specific names are chiefly employed ; but in a work like this it would be impossible to give an index of specific names of about two thousand insects, and the generic names alone are included in the general index, references, however, being given to the pages of the “Entomologist ” synonymic list of British Lepidoptera where the specific names are to be found, as well as to.the pages of the Diary. PERIODICITY IN NATURAL PHENOMENA. Weare accustomed to divide the year into four seasons, spring, summer, autumn, and winter, but in our temperate regions Nature divides it into three, and she shows a disposition to contract the three to two as we proceed towards the arctic regions on the one hand, and to the tropics on the other. In the temperate and arctic regions these natural seasons are chiefly the result of variations in the heat and light of the sun’s rays, while in the tropics moisture plays the principal part ; hence we have in the former warm and cold seasons, and in the latter wet and dry seasons. The three seasons of organic objects are: (1) The season of growth, or its correlative reproduction ; (2) The season of maturation (ze. the ripen- ing of fruits, seeds, and buds of vegetables, and the consolidation and fattening of animals); and (3) The season of rest or equilibrium of the t For much of this information I am indebted to Hayward’s ‘‘ Botanist’s Pocket- book” (Bell and Sons) ; Miller's ‘‘ Dictionary of English Names of Plants " (Murray) ; Merrin’s ‘' Lepidopterist’s Calendar" (Marsden, Gloucester) ; and Stephens's ‘ List of British Lepidoptera in the British Museum " (1850). INTRODUCTION. xii two former conditions (z.e. the defoliation of trees, and, in extreme cases, hibernation of animals). These natural seasons are most distinctly marked the lower we go in the organic scale, but they are more or less distinguishable throughout the vegetable and animal kingdoms. In our temperate climate the season of growth or reproduction is in the spring and early summer ; that of maturation is in the late summer and autumn ; and that of rest in the winter months. The range of the seasons varies with different species of plants, and they are further modified by various natural and artificial conditions. Cultivation, with its numerous appliances for modifying the physical conditions of temperature, moisture, and soil, tends to a hastening or shortening of the earlier seasons—hence cultivated plants generally blossom and fruit earlier than wild ones of the same species ; and some meteorological conditions, such as high temperatures and droughts—if they do not suspend vegetation altogether—shorten the period of growth and hasten that of maturation, and sometimes give rise to the exceptional phenomena of the second leafing and blossoming of plants and trees in the same year. The order of the seasons differs with the relative length of the day and night. Growth in length or bulk of vegetables takes place in ral dark, while maturation of structures and juices takes place in the light ; hence the plants of arctic and alpine regions are dwarfed by the short, cold nights, and hastily matured (as shown by a profusion of a) by the long days of these regions, and there are few spring flowers because the seasons pass quickly from winter to summer. In the tropics, on the other hand, where the days and nights are of nearly equal length and the temperature is always favourable, growth is almost continuous (hence an excess of leaves over flowers), and is interrupted only by lack of moisture. Much of the irregularity in the blossoming of plants and trees in our climate is no doubt due to the introduction, by what is called acclimatiza- tion, of numerous plants belonging to other latitudes. The early blos- soming plants, such as the winter aconite, snowdrop, and spring crocus, belong originally to warm, temperate climates, where drought is a more powerful agent in modifying vegetation than it is in our cold and moist climate—their bulbous roots being a provision against drought rather than low temperatures—and their blossoming corresponds, therefore, with the wet seasons of their native regions rather than the beginning of the warm season in our own. In like manner the cultivated trees which blossom early with us, and at the risk of being destroyed by our late frosts, such as the apricot and the peach, are natives of warmer latitudes which persist in the habit of blossoming as near to the time they would blossom in their native climates as ours will permit. The season of maturation is most distinctly displayed by the ripening of fruits and seeds, but it equally applies to the ripening of the buds, roots, and tubers of perennial trees and plants which cast their leaves or die down. The season of rest is best seen in our forest trees which shed < xiv INTRODUCTION. their leaves in the autumn and appear to remain dormant during the winter. This season of rest cannot, however, be a condition of absolute stagnation, as it is obviously necessary to the healthy survival, and to the early start in growth of the tree in the spring, and probably some physio- logical or chemical action goes on which we cannot recognize. Otherwise it is difficult to understand the quick response, and often the impatience of all checks, so to speak, which vegetation shows on the first slight increase of temperature in the spring, while remaining insensible to much higher degrees of temperature in the autumn. It is true that a few trees do occasionally make mistakes of this kind, but it is only after an exces- sively hot and dry summer, when a period of enforced rest has occurred in a manner similar to that which takes place in the tropics. This condition of rest in vegetables (rather than that commonly called “sleep” in some plants) is probably remotely correlated with sleep in the higher organisms, although that condition is usually associated with the existence of a nervous system. The freshness and joyousness of spring has much in common with the condition of body and mind which results from refreshing sleep, and it would seem to be due to some deeper cause than the mere increase in light and heat from the sun’s rays on his return northwards. The season of rest in the arctic regions is much longer, and it emerges more quickly into the period of greatest activity than in ours, while in the tropics it is shorter and is not very clearly differentiated from the period of mere growth. The threefold division of the seasons is distinguished among insects by the three stages of their life-history—the perfect insect, the caterpillar, and the chrysalis. Some insects in the perfect form are said to hibernate during the winter, but this is probably only a condition of the survival of a few individuals under favourable conditions of shelter and warmth, as the chrysalis state is the correlative of hibernation in animals. Among birds we find the threefold seasons distinguished by the nesting, matura- tion, by fattening of both young and parent birds, and rest by the migration, or the survival on a limited diet during the winter. A similar order exists among animals, but the phases are less regular on account of the more varied conditions under which they live. With animals there is a season of reproduction and growing, and a season of fattening, while the season of rest is one of equipoise between the other two, which sometimes proceeds to a state of suspension of all active movements except respiration in hibernation, the animals subject to this condition surviving by the consumption of the fat accumulated during the preced- ing season. Even in man something similar to the periodic phenomena discoverable in the lower animals exist. They are obscured by the long period over which growth extends; but if children be studied, who are more closely related to the lower forms than adults, periods of growth, of fattening, and of equipose are distinguishable. Some observations made on prisoners by Dr. W. R. Miller show that an increase of weight takes INTRODUCTION. xv place between April and August, and a loss of weight from September to March, the loss of weight corresponding with a greater excretion of car- bonic acid, from the destruction of fat in the winter months. While this work was passing through the press, some observations made by the Rev. M. Hansen, of Copenhagen, have been published which show that three distinct seasons of growth in stature, increase in weight, and of equipose, occur in children ; the season of growth being from April to August, of increase in weight from August to December, and these two kinds of activity are followed by a period of rest extending from December to April. Mr. Hansen also found that a continued increase of temperature at any time of the year favoured an increase in the weight of the body. CLIMATE. For determining the climate of a country, a district, or a health resort, no method is so interesting and satisfactory, and at the same time so easily carried out, as recording the condition of vegetation at different seasons of the year. Meteorological observations made by means of in- struments require an amount of skill, time, and perseverance which many persons do not possess, and at best such observations are open to many sources of error from the liability of the instruments to get out of order, and from other causes ; and they are, to the majority of persons, singu- larly wanting in passing interest. The interpretation, moreover, of such observations is often difficult and unsatisfactory, as differences of climate are due to subtle combinations of sunshine, rain, wind, and soil, which no instruments can record nor figures represent, and which are only truly declared by the varying conditions of vegetation, and remotely by the insects which feed. on it, and by birds and animals which feed on both and are themselves influenced by such conditions. A familiar acquaintance with many of the winter health resorts of Europe, and a traveller’s acquaintance with many other countries and climates, has impressed me with the superiority of the biological over the physical methods of distinguishing climates ; and its advantages are fully recognized by the public, as is evident from the frequent correspondence in the press relative to the early or late blossoming of plants, the times of the appearance of insects, and of migratory birds, in different parts of the country. On the other hand, writers on climatology do not sufficiently recognize its importance,’ but trust too implicitly to mere averages of | t This remark does not apply to Dr. H. Bennet, the author of ‘‘ Winter and Spring in the Mediterranean.” Writing to me on this subject Dr. Bennet says: ‘‘1 am glad to find that you agree with me in attributing special value to botanical phenomena in appreciating meteorological conditions and climate. In my Mediterranean travels I found it an infallible guide. An hour's observation gave the key.” xvi INTRODUCTION. meteorological data, forgetting that similar averages or means may result from very different ranges of climatic conditions. It is the extremes of temperature, moisture, &c., which determine the character of the vegeta- tion of a locality or district, and these are also the conditions which de- termine the character of a health resort. Plants and trees, moreover, may be looked on as natural registering “‘weather-glasses” of different degress of sensibility. Some botanists (Boussingault, Alph. de Candolle, Ch. Martins, De Gasparin, Harvé Mangon, Hoffmann) assert that what may be termed the zero, or sta- tionary condition of vegetation, is at 6° C. (about 42° F.), and that the various phases of plant-life depend on the accumulated heat to which they are exposed; and many observations and calculations have been made with the object of testing the truth of this theory, especially on plants which are of economic importance.* In the present contribution to the subject I have dwelt with the meteorological and phenological ob- servations of twenty years as if they had been made in only one year, and by the use of averages I have eliminated, as far as possible, any errors of observation of either an instrumental or a biological kind.? In this way the temperature equivalent of upwards of three hundred native British plants has been determined, as has also, in a less definite way, their moisture equivalent. The reverse of this is alsotrue. The blossoming of the various plants indicate the existence of their temperature and moisture equivalents—facts of extreme interest and importance to farmers and gardeners as well as meteorologists, which would be greatly enhanced in value if we possessed a similar set of observations on the germination of seeds and the ripening of fruits and seeds.3 The neighbourhood of Marlborough, where the observations entered in the Diary were made, very nearly represents the average climatic con- ditions of the cultivated parts of England, and it is therefore suitable as a standard with which to compare local variations. The geological, physical, and meteorological characters of the district are given on the following page, and the meteorological observations show that the mean t See Ztude sur la Marche des Phénoménes de la Végttation en France en 1880 et 2881. Par M.A. Angot. Bureau Cent. Mét. de France. Annales 1882, Resultate der wichtigsten phanzen-phanologischen Beobachtungen in Europa, nebst einer Frihlingskarte, von Dr. H. Hoffmann. Anhang Dr. Egon Ihne die norwegischen, &c. Giessen: J. Ricker, 1885. ‘ Reports of the Phenological Committee of the Royal Meteorological Society, by the Rev. T. A. Preston, 1875-85. London: Stanford. 2 To avoid as far as possible any cumulative errors, the data were worked out for each year and then averaged. This will explain any want of consistency in the figures which may appear. 3 Some careful experiment observations are required to determine the zero, or stationary point of vegetation, which might be carried out by means of the microscope. It probably varies somewhat in different orders of plants, and is no doubt in many of them lower than 42° F, INTRODUCTION. xvii temperature for the three winter months is 0%7 lower, and for the three summer months 2°3 lower, than Greenwich ; while the rainfall is 9°12 inches greater than at Greenwich. As will be seen by the table at page xix., the first blossoming of plants is a little earlier at Marlborough (on an average of twenty years) than in the rest of the country, as represented by the average of ten years’ observations collected by the Phenological Committee ; but in a large number of plants the dates are so nearly alike as to suggest that the differences are chiefly due to different methods, or to slight errors of observation. The chief value of the Marlborough observations consists in their having been made under the same con- ditions and in a uniform manner, and by a large number of persons trained in the same school of observation. _ The following data refer to Marlborough, where the meteorological and biological observations were made :— Place: Marlborough. County or district : Wiltshire. Longitude, 1°43''W.; Latitude, 51°25’. Elevation above sea, 400-500 feet. Area of observation : a radius of 6 miles. Distance from the sea-coast, 50 miles N. and E. of English and Bristol Channels. Geology { Surface : about 1 foot of soil. Natural ee (pasture), arable, and forest. Subsoil, &c. : chalk. features (no mountain, swamp, or moor). g. | a4 | #4 :2) a8 | 3s a8 | gm | gm sm | "we cee) a iz a ra BAROMETER—Highest Reading ............ 30°°970 18th Jany., 1882 Mean’ sy caserrteennseavcoe oes ; Lowest..... : 28°-ogr | 20th Jany., 1873 Max. TEMP. IN SHADE ............. 920 13th Aug., 1876 Mean Max.............. 55°9 Min. TEMP. IN SHADE.. bis r'o | sth Jany., 1867 Mean Min. ....................-] 40°9 MEAN TEMP). ssecccevenniceronvenieiias| 477 Max. TEMP. IN SUN 7 172'0 ast June, 1870 ~ | Mean Max.....0.ccccecsceree| 96°O . ; MIN. TEMP. ON GRASS..eceeceeccececeeesee eee I'o | 5th Jany., 1867 Mean. Min. 35'8 q TEMP. OF DEW POINT.........-..-::e0eee en] 4372 DEGREE OF HUMIDITY, SAT.=100 ......| 8°5 MEAN AMOUNT OF CLOUD.......... : *1882 RAIN, AMOUNT COLLECTED .. 43°79*| 23°41 $1870 - No. of Days .......... 220 | 128 copa 2°32. on July 14, 1875 Works of reference to locality :—Birds of Marlborough. By E. F. im Ia xvi INTRODUCTION. meteorological data, forgetting that similar averages or means may result from very different ranges of climatic conditions. It is the extremes of temperature, moisture, &c., which determine the character of the vegeta- tion of a locality or district, and these are also the conditions which de- termine the character of a health resort. Plants and trees, moreover, may be looked on as natural registering “‘weather-glasses” of different degress of sensibility. Some botanists (Boussingault, Alph. de Candolle, Ch. Martins, De Gasparin, Harvé Mangon, Hoffmann) assert that what may be termed the zero, or sta- tionary condition of vegetation, is at 6° C. (about 42° F.), and that the various phases of plant-life depend on the accumulated heat to which they are exposed; and many observations and calculations have been made with the object of testing the truth of this theory, especially on plants which are of economic importance.’ In the present contribution to the subject I have dwelt with the meteorological and phenological ob- servations of twenty years as if they had been made in only one year, and by the use of averages I have eliminated, as far as possible, any errors of observation of either an instrumental or a biological kind.? In this way the temperature equivalent of upwards of three hundred native British plants has been determined, as has also, in a less definite way, their moisture equivalent. The reverse of this is alsotrue. The blossoming of the various plants indicate the existence of their temperature and moisture equivalents—facts of extreme interest and importance to farmers and gardeners as well as meteorologists, which would be greatly enhanced in value if we possessed a similar set of observations on the germination of seeds and the ripening of fruits and seeds.3 The neighbourhood of Marlborough, where the observations entered in the Diary were made, very nearly represents the average climatic con- ditions of the cultivated parts of England, and it is therefore suitable as a standard with which to compare local variations, The geological, physical, and meteorological characters of the district are given on the following page, and the meteorological observations show that the mean 7 See Etude sur la Marche des Phénomenes de la Végétation en France en 1880 et 1881. Par M.A. Angot. Bureau Cent. Mét. de France. Annales 1882, Resultate der wichtigsten phanzen-phanologischen Beobachtungen in Europa, nebst einer Frithlingskarte, von Dr. H. Hoffmann. Anhang Dr. Egon Ihne die norwegischen, &c. Giessen: J. Ricker, 1885. : Reports of the Phenological Committee of the Royal Meteorological Society, by the Rev. T. A. Preston, 1875-85. London: Stanford. 2 To avoid as far as possible any cumulative errors, the data were worked out for each year and then averaged. This will explain any want of consistency in the figures which may appear. 3 Some careful experiment observations are required to determine the zero, or stationary point of vegetation, which might be carried out by means of the microscope, It probably varies somewhat in different orders of plants, and is no doubt in many of them lower than 42° F, INTRODUCTION. xvii temperature for the three winter months is 07 lower, and for the three summer months 2°3 lower, than Greenwich ; while the rainfall is 9°12 inches greater than at Greenwich. As will be seen by the table at page xix., the first blossoming of plants is a little earlier at Marlborough (on an average of twenty years) than in the rest of the country, as represented by the average of ten years’ observations collected by the Phenological Committee ; but in a large number of plants the dates are so nearly alike as to suggest that the differences are chiefly due to different methods, or to slight errors of observation. The chief value of the Marlborough observations consists in their having been made under the same con- ditions and in a uniform manner, and by a large number of persons trained in the same school of observation. _ The following data refer to Marlborough, where the meteorological and biological observations were made :— Place: Marlborough. County or district : }7iltshire. Longitude, 1°43'W.; Latitude, 51°25’. Elevation above sea, 400-500 feet. Area of observation: a vadius of 6 miles. Distance from the sea-coast, so miles N. and E. of English and Bristol Channels. Geology { Surface: about 1 foot of soil. Natural oe (pasture), arable, and forest Subsoil, &c. : chalk. features (no mountain, swamp, or moor). -4 no oO & ma | As BAROMETER—Highest Reading ............ 30°°970 18th Jany., 1882 Mean, csc ceeusinasteranenarss Lowest..... 28°-ogr | 20th Jany., 1873 Max. TEMP. IN SHADE 13th Aug., 1876 Mean Max.............cee| 55°9 MIN. TEMP. IN SHADE.. sd r'o | 5th Jany., 1867 Mean Min... MEAN °VEMP 2 svscivscinccexsixy naevertieusniatey MAx. TEMP. IN SUN.. Eee Mean Max,...............26.../ 96°O MIN, TEMP. ON GRASS...cereeccescsseseersees I’o | 5th Jany., 1867 Mean. Min. su TEMP. OF DEW POINT ..........cccseeeeeee eee DEGREE OF HUMIDITY, SAT.=100 ...... 8°5 MEAN AMOUNT OF CLOUD..........00000.{ 6°9 *1882 Rain, AMOUNT COLLECTED .. 34°54.| 43°79*| 23°41t 1870 No. of D: seeieseieaaiees is heaviest 2°32 in. | ays 183 220 128 { on July 14, 1875 172'0 21st June, 1870 ~| Works of reference to locality :—Birds of Marlborough. By E. F. im Ila viii INTRODUCTION. ‘The following is a list of the more active members of the Marlborough College Natural History Society, to whom we are indebted for the obser- vations embodied in the Reports. Masters: Rev. T. A. Preston, H. M. Moule, Esq., F. E. Thompson, Esq., W. E. Mullins, Esq.; Rev. J. Sowerby, Rev. G. W. DeLisle, Rev. C. E. Thorp, G. F. Rodwell, Esq. Original and past and present members: Messrs. A. C. Almack, W. W. Dayman, J. W. Mills, G. K. Mills, R. F. Isaacson, H. H. Evans, J. Pole, R. R. P. Hilton, T. R. Damergue, W. R. Carles, F. J. H. Jenkinson, G. H. Dawson, E. F. im Thurn, J. B. Fuller, H. Manders, W. D. Fenning, J. F. Duthie, A. C. Champneys, E. Meyrick, W. M. H. Milner, T. N. Hart-Smith, A. E. Garrod, T. G. Balfour, O. Elton, W. H. Chappel, E: N. Gardiner, F. S. Alston, H. C. Spry, W. F. H. Blandford, A. E. Aldworth, E. K. Chambers, E. B. Badcock, R. W. Rickards, H. L. Callendar, P. H. Maddock, E. T. K. Maurice, A. K. Cardew, G. H. Procter, L. W. Brown, W. L. Wainwright, &c. THE SCHEME OF OBSERVATION OF THE PHENOLOGICAL COMMITTEE OF THE ROYAL METEOROLOGICAL SOCIETY. The plants, insects, and birds, selected by the Committee for observa- tion are embodied in the pages of the Diary, and are distinguished from all other entries by being printed in small capitals, all the other entries being in italics or ordinary type. The following objects included in the scheme have not, however, been systematically observed at Marlborough, and must be inserted in their proper place by each observer :—Mentha aquatica (Water Mint) ; Fagus sylvatica (Beech). Insects (first appear- ances, abundance or scarcity): Melolontha vulgaris (Cock Chafer, or May Bug); RAdzotrogus solstitialis (Fern Chafer, or July Chafer) ; Timarcha levigata (Bloody-nose Beetle); Lampyris noctiluca (Glow- worm) ; Apis mellifica (Honey Bee, or Common Hive Bee); Vespa vulgaris (Wasp) ; Bzbio Marci (St. Mark’s Fly). The following table showing the average dates of blossoming of plants at fifty stations in different parts of the British Isles, compiled from the Reports of the Phenological Committee drawn up by the Rev. T. A. Preston, M.A., F.R.Met.Socy., and published in the Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, 1884-5, shows some of the results of the Committee’s operations for the past ten years. The average of the twenty years’ observations at Marlborough are given also in order to show the relation of the climate of Marlborough to the rest of the country as distinguished by this set of observations. INTRODUCTION. xix wil: Wl SCS} Alo} al ola} ala 8 ey NAME OF PLANT. BISISIS/SiSlsleieisleaau Hie} Al H| Rl al alae] a] Ae Oo Ee oI SH Galanthus 2tvalisic.sseccersessecevees 14| 31| 18 41| 46] 36] 16] 23) 16) 27} 28 Corylus Avellana ..... 13] 24| 12! 39| 57] 41| 20) 32) 21] 29] 31 Mercurialis perennis 47| 69] 32 80, 65] 62] 25] 331 27} 49] 45 pee ~~| RANUNCULUS FICARIA . VIOld COP ALM xc ipecsanses Draba verna ... ~~} TUSSILAGO FARFARA . --> Ulmus montana.. , Narcissus Pseudo-narcissus ‘\ Sulix caprea ...... ANEMONE NEMOROSA . CALTHA PALUSTRIS.. Nepeta Glechoma .... PRIMULA VERIS PRUNUS SPINOSA .. Stellaria Holostea.. Cardamine pratensis. Veronica Chamedrys . SCILLA NUTANS ....... .[r10|£r4|Tog|To05]£32/413/115] 88/108) 98) Log) Io2 Plantago lanceolata . Ranunculus acris .... AjUgd TEPLANS...0.0.rcveveeeres GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM Galium APAQrine .oocecsevcceeeeeeee -|r28 146|144]134/155|142/143/129|137,135| 139] 129 Chrysanthemum Leucanthemum...|137|143|141|130|155|137|142|127|139 142) 139] 14r Hieracium Pilosella 136|142/123/134 145] 140] 138 Potentilla anserina . . Lotus corniculatus.... TRIFOLIUM REPENS . Lychnis Flos-cuculi . Papaver Rheas ....... Iris Pseud-acorus .. Lathyrus pratensis.. Rosa canina 35 MALVA SYLVESTRIS Stachys sylvatica... Epilobium montanum . Spirea Ulmaria ... CENTAURBA NIGRA Carduus arvensis .. 159|249|158,157] 160] 155 8/160]/156|160 163) 164} 159 .|164|170|170|154|176|160|160|158|162 165] 164) 161 .|166|275|170|165/176|163/161|160|162 166] 166| 164 .|173|1761174|168]188]176|180|161|170 174] 174) 170 ..../162|179|178|168]189/175/172|174|182 175) 175) 174 .|178|182|183/176|202|183/179|/184|186 180] 183] 184 Galium verum ..... .|176|185|182|183/196]185/179|185 182 CONVOLVULUS SEPI .|t95|195|L99|189]212]194|/189|190 193't91| 195] 194 SONCKUS ATVENSIS vevveevseseeeesseeeee|IGT|193}205|200]21 1/200/189| 198 196/193 198] 194 DR. HoFFMANN’S CHART AND SCHEME FOR PHENOLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS. The monograph from which the Chart (frontispiece) is taken is designed, the author tells us, “to present a general réswmé of the numerical results of the most important and useful observations hitherto made at all the stations in Europe (about two thousand in number, nearly two hundred XX INTRODUCTION. of which are in the British Isles) for comparison or further use in any other way by the reader ;” and the “ Scheme” is the one which he thinks, after forty years’ study of the subject, is the most suitable for general adoption. The Chart is constructed from the blossoming of the spring flowers included in the Scheme, an alphabetical list of the time of flower- ing of which at the various stations is given in Dr. Hoffman’s pamphlet. The “ Scheme” is arranged according to the calendar, and I have added to the table, for the purpose of comparison, the corresponding observa- tions made at Marlborough, and at Swaffham in Norfolk. Dr. Hoff- ‘mann’s Scheme comprises fewer plants, but a greater variety of vegetation- phases, than that of the Phenological Committee, and perhaps on this account will be more acceptable to many persons. The plants it em- braces, moreover, are, with the exception of the Tartarian honeysuckle, the quince, and the vine (growing out of doors), common and familiar objects to almost everybody in this country, as well as on the Continent ; and observations made on them are therefore less liable to error, than when made on plants which demand some botanical knowledge for their identification. The difficulty and uncertainty on this head is much felt by the Phenological Committee, and to avoid mistakes observers are required to furnish specimens of the plants with their reports. Dr. Hoff- mann’s list of plants and trees is introduced in the pages of the Diary in brackets for the use of those persons who may prefer his limited scheme to the more comprehensive one of the Committee, The following is Dr. Hoffmann’s summary of the most important results of his work :— 1, Since the mean temperature (for a week or month) represents only a fragment of the temperature of the year, while a vegetation-phase must include also the effect of the temperature of the preceding months from the commencement of the period of vegetation, no coincidence between the two can be expected ; and the less so since the mean temperatures are observed in the shade, while our plants grow in sunshine." 2. The retardation towards the Worth of the blossoming of spring- flowering plants is at once perceptible and easily understood. Summer- “ flowering plants are retarded much less, since a compensation is afforded by the greater length of the day as you go northwards. The value of this fact for the possibility of the development of fruit is evident. 3. Advancing from the West towards the East, in the same latitude (e.g. Giessen, about 50°) and the same altitude, the blossoming and opening of 1 The accumulated temperature in the sun can be easily calculated from the data given in the Diary, but the difficulties of ascertaining the sun temperature under all the conditions of plant-life are so numerous that little confidence can be placed in this method, and it has not been accepted, notwithstanding Dr, Hoffmann's persistent advocacy of it. INTRODUCTION. xxi the leaves of spring-flowering plants, especially Prunus spinosa, appear to be retarded. (Decreasing influence of the riparian climate with its mild winter.) The sinking of the curve of the blossoming of spring-flowering plants towards the East is indicated on the chart by the dotted isophanal dines on the German Ocean. 4. The dlossoming of summer-flowering plants is, on the contrary, later . in the West, earlier in the East towards Giessen. (Warmer continental summer). 5. In the central mzountain-region the blossoming of spring-flowers is retarded (later melting of the snow) ; while with summer-flowering plants ; it is nearly the same—as, ¢.g., in the Alps as compared with Gzessen :-— Secale, Solidago virgaurea (strong insolation from the clearness of the air and favourable exposure) ; while the ripening of fruit is usually retarded in proportion to the absolute altitude. (Earlier commencement of the autumn with falling temperature.) 6. The ripening of fruits is earlier at Prague and Cracow than in Giessen, being delayed as you advance westwards (continental summer). 7. The zzterval between blossoming and ripening of fruit is well known to be shorter in the far Worth than in Central Europe. This is true for all those plants for which the increase of warmth from the longer day affords sufficient compensation. Where this is not the case, the fruits do not regularly ripen. (In Giessen the bilberry, Vaccinium Myrttllus, ripens in July ; in Icelandin September. Inthe “ Tundress” of Northern Siberia, the species of Vaccinzum do not usually ripen their fruits, although widely dispersed by birds.) 8. The same interval is, in the szountain-region of Central Europe, in the case of .4sculus, shortest north of the Alps above 500 m., longer in the higher mountains at 600 m. or more. With Seca/e the length of time does not increase simply with the height ; a secondary influence, that of exposure, which changes with the locality, has a powerful effect. 9. The colouring of the leaves appear to commence earlier in the West (south of England) than at Giessen. 10. The ninth phenological province, so extensive in the far North aU SHAE? Aoiasdanines 40°8 A min. in shade ............ 30°8 9 gh) JOM: GraSS> wie eal 26°4 ,, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°1 eee since Ist January 24°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall {si ist January, 1°38 in. ‘115 in. mean rel. humidity g2°/? Wind) directions Cs: saigsiesssicdsinecsegen sess Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Lesser Pimpernel 54. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASAN ES ssasiessssastis scioitaat saladae ae egasinvie’ 5 Partridge ...... Sos Ge detesasmih eaten gals SWIPE RCs. Giae Bivwihacat uk vad Som anecuaen ens IWIO OU COCK finesiatacaasri Sein nimet vine tema sncncaneme nds Wildfowl. sc cidntnawncned noanena enim. areS: -ssiievienepcisasnuisone aninaananin nena RAD DUS i secssilnciuinsnacene caphtiensioryonenasny 13-352, Mo. I, JANY. 18, 188 Temperature, Mean... eee 36°°8 3 MAXs INSU: yiheseesnenvere 54°9 »» = 9) Shade ..........85 43'0 re min. in shade ............ 30°2 a po ON QTASS ..eceeceeeee 27°1 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°5 9 5 since Ist January 26°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall {a 1st January, 1'495 in. | ‘115 in. mean rel. humidity 92°. —_) Wind, direction, &e. ...cccceccccceeseeseeseeers Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Peacock B. 77 and 203. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge Snipe, &c. Woodcock Wildfowl Hares Rabbits 14-351, Mo. I., JANY. 14, 188. Temperature, M€an.......sceeeeccree eres 39°°6 $5 max. iN SUN ......... eee 60'2 59 wigse -iglge SUMALCLOS “titan irutciaas 44°3 “en Min. 5; shade nessa 30°8 33 sy OMBLASS) acsvensayers 32°0 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°5 “t5 55 since Ist January 28°5 Barometer (inean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days ) Reina} since rst January, 1°61 in. ‘IIS in. | mean rel. humidity 92 °/o i Wind, direction, SC... c.icessssnieoceniesensninses Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Marsh Marigold 65. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASANE: sesitairacesrisatendeawerionnsaneeuen eins Partridge .... Snipe, &c.. Woodcock. Wildfowl . 15-350, Mo. I., JANY. 15, 188 . Temperature, Mean....ccccceceeeeeees 38°'2 is max. IN SUN wee 63°3 Pr a» ~=9y Shade ........00. 43°7 ey min, ,, shade ............ 33°5 Pe yg) OMGRTASS: eevesaxaines 29°6 » accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°6 i 3 since Ist January 3I°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Raita | since rst January, 1°725 | “115 in. mean rel. humidity 92 °%/o Wind, direction, &¢: sscinsassscsresisreanens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Hazel 31. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Herald Moth 78 and 259. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant, cissicevenssiaciocssvorenwiane saucy suouve Partridge ......e Snipe, &c..... Woodcock... Wildfowl .... 16-349, Mo. 1., JANY. 16, 188 Temperature, mean.........-. eens 38°°6 33 max. in sun ........ Pare: 60°7 A ioe yay BHA! seiniios pein 44°3 ies min. ,,; shade: casei. 33'9 3 sar ORSQTASS © Soria sees 29°3 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°3 38 PA since Ist January 33°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall - since rst January, 1°84 in. ‘IIS in. mean rel. humidity 92 °/o ) Wind, direction, &¢: sescissiastgererstecrcevne's Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds ; migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Com. Bat or Flitter-mouse (Vespertilio pipistrellus) appears (G. W.)......cceeeeeeee Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Rabbits ...ccccccccccssesscsesesssseseeeseevee COaTSE ASN rarswssaetanseaagausiaieompgrarnean 17-348, Mo. L., JANY. 17, 188 Temperature, Mean........eeeceececeee ees 38°°5 % max. in sUN vo... 57°9 35 iy) 93 SHAME sevescccenicen 44°1 xs min. ,, shade ............ 33'5 ” yy ON QTASS wo... 29°2 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°8 <5 35 since Ist January 36°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall } since rst January, eet ‘115 in. mean rel. humidity 92 °/o Wind, direction, &. ....c.cccccecceceeeeeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Blackbird sings (G.W.) 78 ........cseecereereees Com, Wren sings (G.W.) T19) ....ceseeeeeee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge SNipey We. sei scroecccresciodses Woodcock Wildfowl 18-347, Mo. I., JANY. 18, 188 . Temperature, MCAN....s..csceeeeeeeeeeeeee 38°°3 = WAX) AM! SUD sev cceawence 582 ” gi FR SHAME sr ceneaeewes 43°5 55 min. ,, shade ............ 33°7 A 99 OD QTASS oo... sees 29'5 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 2°'1 33 5 since Ist January 3873 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rein since rst January, 2°07 in. ‘115 in. mean rel. humidity 92 %/o Wind, direction, &C. ois... eeeseeeeeeeeeseeeens Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Hairy Bitter-cress 49, Cow Chervil 90. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvae &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PREASANty: cic swagcvansvies seamsdsoesewroneiyae Partridge. ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Wildfowl ... 19-346, Mo. I., JANY.19, 188 . Temperature, mean oo... cere yo 89 ay max. in SUN wee 55°6 re yi ap SHAME avs ics cerca 42°3 is min. ,, shade ............ 33°3 33 gy ON BIASS ecco 30°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°0 9 $5 since Ist January 403 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Raita |e ist January, 2°185 | ‘115 in. ”( mean rel. humidity 92 %o Wind, direction, &c. ..... cee cececeseeeeneeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Green Hellebore 55. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant) ecoticicn tsi sccwacccgentensnnniesrewsins Partridge ... Snipe, &c............ is Woodcock..........ccececeeeees aig Wildfowl]! decioset neat dase ioangnindnnioaiee Hares Rabbits 20-345, Mo. I., JANY.20, 188 . Temperature, Mean .......cseeeeeeeee eee 36°"9' $5 max. in SUN. seccseeesesvas 59°2 35 oe 99 SHAME server secs 41'9 53 min, ,, shade ............ 32°5 Pe 9) ON QYASS... ee 28°5 » accumltd, above 42 day-degs, 1°6 a is since Ist January 41:9 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Rainfall} since rst January, 2°39 in. mean rel. humidity 92 °/, Wind, direction yey ctvccncuscctvaseeetecueas Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Cornel-tree 46, Whitlow- grass 63. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Trees and Shrubs leafing’; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant! seis siccevonsiavekssiesamrceesrvnes Partridge .... see Snipe, &c..... Woodcock... Wildfowl .... Hares ....... ir Ra DDits ssss.cecauncesinacisaignsacewane baistncrass Coarse fish ...sccseeee aeanciemeanea a eeaen deine 21-344, Mo. I., JANY. 21, 188 . Temperature, Mean ......sceseeeeeeeeeee 3573 fs max, IN SUN oo... sees 62'8 a 93: vy SHAE sve ceeans 41'°6 + min. ,, shade ............ 30'2 49 99 ON PIAS veseeseeees 26'8 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 1°6 5 since Ist January 43°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall } since rst January, 2°415 in. mean rel. humidity 92 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ....ce cece cee seen eens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Taraxacum officinale 1-365, Dandelion, Priest’s Crown, Swine’s-snout, Irish Daisy, Blow - ball, Canker - wort, Milk Gowan, Horse Gowan. Waste places... Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. SKYLARK sings (G.W.) 106 .......cccceseeee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASANE sas desccaccewspenadeaorenavaccunsouve és Partridge ....... sins Snipe, &c............ Woodcock...........648 Wildfowl Hares.... aie Rabbits arcuate esc ctac sndene a asuaaencdencies 22-343, Mo. 1.,JANY.22, 188 . Temperature, Mean...........0cccceneeeees 34°°7 45 MAX. IN SUN oo... ee eee 61'4 is és a SHAE. “Areas 40°4 oA min. ,, shade ............ 30°0 ” 99 OM QYASS oo... .ceeee 26'0 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1° 2» 9, since Ist January 44°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Raina since rst January, 2°53 in. ‘115 in. mean rel. humidity 92 °/o Wind, direction, &c. .....c.cececcssseeeeneeenes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Vernal Squill 54 ...........066 Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASANEE .. civ veces evevaveawidceestapaevenee Partridge ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Wildfowl . Hares.... hs Rabbits a sintecnwescarioas vacua sty vmeneanteisins Coatse fish wivecssernacimentasanimssaasedasane 23-342, Mo. I., JANY. 23, 188 . Temperature, MEAN.........cceceeceseee eee 364. 5 MAX. IN SUN veeeeseeeeeeees 62°9 55 55: 9p SHADE a secnerteans 419 ay Mili. .55. Shade: ss ...ccese 30°5 55 99 OM BLASS wiseceseees 26°7 »» accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 1'o 3» 99_:~-Since Ist January 44°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in, 0. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Raina since 1st January, 2°645 in. ‘IT5 in. mean rel. humidity 92 %/o Wind, direction, &e. cic..ceceeeeeseeeaseeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Eranthis hyemalis 2-41, Winter Aco- nite, Winter Wolf’s-bane. Thickets...... Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvze &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge Snipe, &C.....:cesereeeres Woodcock Wildfowl Coarse fish......sssssescesssseeeeees 4 ueeaaieiwaes 24-341, Mo. 1., JANY. 24, 188 . Temperature, MEAN.......seeserereeeeeeees 35°°8 oe MAX. IN SUN v.eeeeesece eens 60'2 3s 35: 5 SHAME: sc vceducsscs 41'4 iss min. ,, shade ............ 31:2 an 95 ON QYASS secsesseeeee 26'9 5) accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 1°4 So Tas since Ist January 47°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Rainfall { since rst January, 2°76 in. mean rel. humidity 92 %/o Wind, direction, &. ........ccsceeeveseeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Woodlark sing (G.W.) 125 ...eisceeceseee eee CHAFFINCH sings (G.W.) 105 .......ceeeeee Animals; seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASAaNt: devo sccecieadeeiessecrsoreniaeesceosees Partridge ........... Snipe, &c... Woodcock... Wildfowl ... 25-340, Mo. I., JANY. 25, 188 . Temperature, Mean........cceecseeeeeees 35° 55) MAX) IN SUN somites 612 % »» 9) Shade we. 40°3 6 min, ,, Shade ............ 30°0 $4 ON PASS: asaieweenccd 25'°9 sy accumltd, above 42° day-degs. o-g er since Ist January 48°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in, mean rel. humidity 92%, Wind, direction, &. .......ceccscceeeeeeneeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Yew tree 49. o. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall j since rst January, 2°875 in. } “115 in, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects,’ Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: 6. cossecnncenseaaveesandteshaeauaetries zarbsze auntaueataeesaned Snipe, &c. Woodcock.... Wildfowl ..........000.00 Rabbits ..... Coarse fish, sisimssanscseonises concen a howisee 26-339, Mo. I., JANY. 26, 188 . Temperature, Mean weseeseeseeeeecseees 34°°6 ss Max. IN SUN ....eeeeeeeeeee 60°5 35 so gp Shade: sacceasdees 40°8 53 min. ,, shade ............ 29°4 ” 99 ON QTASS weseeeseeees 25°0 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs, o°3 33 since Ist January 48° 7 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29.98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rain since ist January 2°99 in. *II5 in mean rel. humidity 92 /o Wind, direction, &c. ......ceceecsceeeeeeeeen ers Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. ‘Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant? cf-peisiceriscvesennettassactooksciion Partridge ... Snipe, &c.. Woodcock... Wildfowl . Hares ...... aoe Rabbits: cavicvays sqesseecocnsaaeecesganetvesy Goarse fish) sésigscsciveeecanetienennisseeues é 27-338, Mo. I., JANY. 27, 188 . Temperature, mean... eeeeeeeeee 3792 9 max. in SUN oo... eee eee 60°4 9 S30 > wGtSHAUE cnwewees 42°7 55 min. ,, shade ............ 32°1 ss fy ONENESS isn cvenn vines 28°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1'2 ne since Ist January 49°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 3105 »| ‘IIS in ‘i mean rel. humidity 92 °/> Wind, direction, &C. ....cecceccscceece ese eceece Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge Snipe, &c Woodcock Wildfowl 28-337, Mo. I., JANY. 28, 188. Temperature, mean..........cccccerecneees 3709 ae max, in SUN oo... ee eeeeee 66°2 ke 5h. 99 SUAS: wecsovnuees 43°1 a min, ,, shade ............ 32°3 5 o> ONQYASS vo.sseeee ees 29°2 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs, 2°1 6 since Ist January 52°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall {sce rst January, 3°22 in. “IIS in. mean rel. humidity 92 /, Wind, direction, &C. ...seccsescssceeeeeseneees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings GALANTHUS NIVALIS 11-47, Com. Snow- drop, Candlemas Bells, Fair-Maids-of- February, Purification-flower. Zhickets Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Small Tortoise-shell B. 67. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: -ovswesieseausvenvea dates seh each Snipe, &c. Woodcock ... see WildtOWl.:.cceaccashiseertcomccuemecsoncvanseas Hares .... are RADIUS iesiscecsvcsasvavivcananvavevers eres ease Coarse fish ............ aug teh aeveiunpeadeaens 8 29-336, Mo. I., JANY. 29, 188 . Temperature, mean................cccceeee 38°"4 rn max. in sun ............005 60°8 6 Sr ppSHAME: s paisecenienier's 44°0 35 min, ,, shade ............ 33°6 ‘3 go ON QYASS coe. eeeee eee 29'3 >) accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 2°4 ” since Ist January 54°4 Barometer (mean, Mo, i, 29°98) in, Mo. i. 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall {ae ist January, 3°335 in. | 115 in mean rel. humidity 92 °%/, Wind, direction, &c. ...c.c...seecseceeesceuece Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge Snipe, &c. WoOodCOck sesveiusaticnecubcnvesereees Wildfowl LAKES! isi cccvioneisnaitascviseamnduieantenoneiie’ inhib RADI ssissceitacgin' sien sihvareeinieraluandivediggess Coarse fish awinaecwuiswoccnrcusngaaeieiiag 30-335, Mo. I. JANY. 30, 188 . Temperature, MeAan......eeeeeeeeeeeeeeenee 38°°7 4 MAX. IN SUN... eee 66°3 FP dp pa) SHAE: seescivnes 44°7 ey min, ,, shade ............ 33°6 35 p9 OD QTASS seseesses-29°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1'7 35 a since Ist January 56°I Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in, Mo. i, 3’55 in. on 17 days Rainfall fo ist January, 3°45 in. ‘115 in. mean rel. humidity 92 °%/o Wind, direction, &C. ......csceeesseeseeeeenens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: sa iiieis seidonciaweirsvioswddier uae Partridge ..... SNIPE; Ke. ses cccsaseeersversncnsaweds senadoves "Woodcoels: isc: ecsscusnshawesusearavsanereieia Wildfowl: scaisasvisiesesicnaseracgeecueeanranostt PALS esccanecateeseteswmmecagncasarewatenety tes RabbitSwvaveveroueceutne we torenatbaeenacciwecsus 31-334, Mo. I., JANY. 31, 188 Temperature, mean .......ecceeeceeee es 39°'2 5 MAX. IN SUN .isccesecsoeens 63°5 yy 9. gy SHADE conse ecvvey 44°7 rr min. ,, shade ............ 34°5 as sor ON TASS: pevcyanGune 30°5 », accumltd, above 42°day-degs. 2°3 $5 since Ist January 58°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. i, 29°98) in. Mo. i, 3°55 in. on 17 days Rainfall ae 1st January, 3°565 | 115 in mean rel. humidity 92 °/, Wind, direction, &c. ...... cesses eee eeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CoryYLus AVELLANA 15-57, Com. Hazel Nut Tree, Nut Bush, Wood-nut. Woods. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Par- tridge and Pheasant shooting ends. Pheasant Partridge Snipe, &c..........+5 Woodcock Wildfowl ... Hares ...... Rabbits coesamecceveeeweeoemnocnen avers vecuneeet 32-333, Mo. II., FEBY. 1, 188 . Temperature, Mean .......e see eeee eee 39°°3 49 MAX IN SUN scrssaseciersine’® 64°8 5 33 ao Shade: cimsencve 45°0 $3 min. ,, shade ............ 34'°8 ss ioc OT TASS: Yveee segs 30°8 5 accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°5 ss 55 since Ist January 60°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {i ist January, 3°664 | *099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/, Wind, direction, &C. oc. cccceeeccneeneeeee ees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Barren Strawberry 44. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Pale Brindled Beauty M. 53. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &c. Woodcock Wildfowl Hares .... Rabbits ........ Coarse fish asccscentiss es xeteiecninn adeetaeies 33-332, Mo. II., FEBY.2, 188 Temperature, Mean ........cceeseeeee eee 39°°5 9 MAK INSU esi yecvissdiad 64°9 33 Ses BeUSDAGE sate hesatens 45‘1 55 min.. 5, Shade? scenes 35°1 a #9 OM QTASS: ssveaceaiter’ 30°9 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°2 35 since Ist Jeny 63°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in, Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {se 1st January, 3°763 in. 099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °%/o> Wind, direction, &. ......cccecccseceeeeeee sees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing’; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Salmon fishing begins. SDIPSy Ca dai wurraerseateniesiseoe ay satety sac Woodcock . site Wildfowl . Hares ....... ae RabDitsiccssecesieasiecoasanpoaciisnerceeesenne Salmon esceis wesiaawesataneaensaenteeeveneten tee 34-331, Mo. II., FEBY. 8, 188 . Temperature, mean. ...... eee 39°'5 5 MAX, MN SUN: so deecraiacars 67°4 <4 So. SOUSHACE. dececdoraced 45'0 re min. ,, shade ............ 34°9 » ON QTASS wee 30°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°0 re <5 since Ist January 65°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raita since rst January, o'r62 | ‘099 in, mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ......eseceeceeseceeeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Coltsfoot 52. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c, Animals : seen, breeding, &¢. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipes: &eosscciseoces ceamsineegrsasiaswasoseesnn Woodcock... ; Wildfowl ... SalMow seueeeasaswaveatunaienecewaraeneneny 35-330, Mo. II., FEBY. 4, 188 Temperature, MEAN ........ cece cee ce eeee eee 39°6 = max. in SUN ........ eee 69°4 35 aay SHAME! icvicaicccess 45-7 a min, ,, shade ............ 35°0 5 ty ON QIASS veeeeesee ees 30°4 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2'0 35 59 since Ist January 67° Barometer (mean Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raita since rst January, 3961 | "099 in, mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .......cecscseeeeeeeeeenes Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds; migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Smipe, SC. ...ceecceseesseeerenseeeeesteeer snes: Woodcock....... Wildfowl .... Hares ..... Rabbits ..c.ccccecessensceeeeeeeneeeneneeeesee ees Salmon ...scceceeeceeeesereeeesa rene eeneceesenees Coarse fish 36-329, Mo. II., FEBY. 5, 188 . Temperature, Mean vo... eee 39° 5 max. in SUN ........eeeeee 64°6 % asx bx SHAE sxsyocvevves 44°6 $3 min. ,, shade ............ 34°6 se iy OD CRASS sevanrce verses 30°6 s, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2'0 33 ‘5 since Ist January 69° I Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2‘77 in. on 17 days Raita since rst January, 4°06 | 099 in mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....cccccsecceseseseeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming : 3 note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Wych Elm 66. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cheimatobia Br ta 8-79, Winter M. (lar. v. on forest trees) ...... cece eee eeeee “Fish. Reptiles. -Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. -Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports, SHPO; QC. cdsdecevasisavtavulnvenwecemenenerkio Woodcock..... Wildfowl Hares ....... Rabbitsssescanssisiveoseveres Salmon cisveniacsnanersssimenansnedtnomasans 37-328, Mo. II., FEBY.6, 188 Temperature, mean.......ccccccssceseeeee 39°'4 3 max. in sun .......cecce 67°1 55 a4 Cop SPAMS taebomnrran 45°1 ‘3 min. ,, shade ............ 35°0 3 sy ON STASS oo... 30°4 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°4 33 rr since Ist January 71°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in, Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {si rst January, 4°159 n| *099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 %/o Wind, direction, &. .........ccceeeececceeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Daphne Laureola 7-65, Spurge Laurel, Copse Laurel, Dwarf Bay. Woods and PICKS vs anatuicancvwantitvicaw dani vane osenoeucniaars Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipes: Ci sisveeeetunsarsne wtorewenen etalon WG0d COCK wi teistecn ccs sunteos. auegacenandluenas Wildfowl ... 3 Hares.... i RRADDIES iwaiies ccausainarvewoeiicssienietsis oe'sab sean nee Salmon’ essniwessacsieasteveensueasgiiasuenecsuas CoarseAsh: “ssisaevevencunewergecwecnsuss cs 38-327, Mo. II., FEBY. 7, 188 . Temperature, Mean......cccseeceereeceeees 41°"0 re max, in sun ........ceeeee 68°6 33 sh gp SHAE: scaisavcnsjeis 46°8 = min. ,, shade ............ 36°1 $5 js) OM Brass: snstssceeaas 31'2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°9 a5 since Ist January 74°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {se ist January 4'258 in. : mean rel. humidity 91%) Wind, direction, &¢. ........ceceseteeeneerenees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings RANUNCULUS FICARIA 3-65, Small Celan- dine, Buttercup, Crow-foot, Pile-wort. Damp shady places weecesiiisersevves suwntionse Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Rook (Corvus eas begins to build 66 Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &c. Woodcock... Wildfowl ... Hares......... et RaDDbItS sg eccnsewesass cords acmaneeadeigetesetecas Salmon 39-326, Mo. Il, FEBY. 8, 188 . Temperature, mean........cccecccseeeseves 4o°'2 i Max; IN SUN: seanavegweten 68:2 no sis) ge SHAE vexnesceas Yes 45'4 53 min. ,, shade ............ 36'3 7 i ONIBPASS ccd cress 33°3 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°4 »» since Ist January 76°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in, Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 4°357 in. | ‘ogg in, mean rel. humidity 91 °/, j Wind, direction, &. ...cecccecceseeeeseeeeunee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Bellis perennis 1-, Com. Daisy, Bairn- wort, Ban-wort, Benner-Gowan, Bone- flower, Bruise-wort, Ewe-Gowan, Herb Margaret, Marguerite, May - Gowan, BANRS, POSUUTCS ccwacaciseveseccdanedassaeeteeee Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c, Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &C. cwscisisiicasseveesswcsse vers eeeecsies Woodcock sucvvcsssnempsuensennevenesinsen tess Wialdfowl cecd.aensews seucawdeennstesieasesmye oe ALES) sc neaiedscanninveneswasienanediaetecelomnees FRADDIES .c. sevcow.gisccncenseemesnentacnteaemeeue Salmon: asiisacascaus nece vastiouneeanetencovercine Coarse fish 40-325, Mo. II., FEBY. 9, 188 . Temperature, MeAN........eeeseeeeeee seers 38°°7 - max, in SUN .........eaeee 67'9 99 ah ogy, HAGE: Gove 44°0 $3 min. ,, shade ............ 34°3 ” x9 ON QYASS ...eeeeee eee 30°5 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°8 ae i since Ist January 79°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in, on 17 days Rainfall is ist January, 4°456 in. ‘099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ...ccesescceceeceneeeeewees Plants and .Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Box 69. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Chestnut Moth 76. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. SHIP, RCs ees ossiny sincencaastes come asteweoinaads Woodcock........ sista iatastetanctea Santis Wildfowl ........ io eiurenasantvleeentiemssies Hares... site Rabbits ........... cbudauaineuiiyuesorienuant Salmons sicssisasehscdtsinateig tguantan deem mans 41-324, Mo. II., FEBY.10, 188 Temperature, MEAN......... cee eeeeee 39°°3 ar Max. IN SUN wees 73°6 33 53. ap Shade? xapencons. 44°7 3 mins 4, shade scsaswss 34°9 5 gy ON QIASS seesseeeeene 30°1 5, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 2°6 95 since Ist January 822 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29° 98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raina since rst January, 4°555 | 099 in mean rel. humidity 91 %o Wind, direction, &C. .....ceceeeeseeeeeee eee ens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossoming [Corylus Avellana, Hazel, Hoffman, Gies.] BU see dass raeewamanmiananiionsmenctereaenoneesas Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Brimstone Butterfly 62. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &C.......eseeeeeees Woodcock Wildfowl Hares Rabbits Salmon 42-323, Mo. IL, FEBY.11, 188 . Temperature, MEAN......0.c.cceeeseeee ees 37°°9 55 MAX. IN SUN oe. 73°2 “9 59 gg SHAME: woywetareee 43°2 Ze min. ,, shade ............ 34'0 Pr go ON BASS seeseeseees 29°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°9 33 a since Ist January 84'1 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 4°654 | “099 in. mean rel. humidity 9z °/ Wind, direction, &C. ....c.secaseeeceeeeeeeeeoes Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Daffodil 61, Anemone 67. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. SHIpe} QCreccecnaviscwasiues vocanmeracevannses Woodcock..,.. ‘Wildfowl ..... Hares .......008. SAlMON sawiecwatwatsanereesaarncdstetiersiesesie 43-322, Mo, II., FEBY. 12, 188 . Temperature, mean............ceeeeeeeeee 37°°6 5 MAK INE SUM. spaveredessoave 74°0 or sy ey SHAE: Caaees scien 44°4 i min. ,, shade............... 32°1 3 § ON BTASS wis uececenest 27°I > accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°6 53 3 since Ist January 85°7. Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall | since 1st January. 4°753 | 099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 %o Wind, direction, &c. .......cececseeeeeseeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Ulex Europeus 1, Furze, Gorse, Goss, Thorn-Broom, Whin. Aeaths.........005. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvez &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Yellow hammer sings (G.W.) 106............ Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, KC. ..sececeseeeereessssernsceereereee snes Woodcock Wildfowl Hares Salmon weecessiausiaceeediee dee eg dbs onemeshedea 44-321, Mo. II., FEBY. 18, 188 Temperature, Mean..........cesceseeveeeee 39°"4 53 MAX. IN SUN oo... eee 713 53 We Sp SHAGO? “ss cascesuaes 44°38 ‘ min. ,, Shade ............ 33°6 BA o> ON QTASS wo. 1429°3 », accumltd.above 42°day-degs. 1°7 sgh since Ist January 87°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {ie ist January, 4°852 in. ‘ogg in. mean rel. humidity, 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ....ccsceccceseeeneeeneneee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings POTENTILLA FRAGARIASTRUM 32-77, Barren Strawberry, Strawberry-leaved Polentil. Banks ....ccccccccsevevescceeenseees LOOK FOR Moschatel 66. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipes &is one cawecets mags smeeecadamesseee tes Woodcock: - vasasastercancnsee sine ereorae ses Wildfowl: sic. css tenesvecemnansencseaeonccenns Hares ... re Rabbits cscccc.ccscesnansssuamesactacneriGeunuenes SalMON siaccisd sea nitiaviswaseriains dinate ogists 45-320, Mo. II., FEBY. 14, 188 . Temperature, Mean........ceeeeeeeee eens 41°” 33 MAXVIN/SUN: secccssseced eas 72'9 PA $39. yp SHAE: beweeseaess 46°6 35 min. ,, shade ............ B77: a si ORSBYASS. cous teticrnevs 33°9 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°4 a ss since Ist January 90°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2'77 in. on 17 days Rainfall js ist January, 4951 in. “099 its mean rel. humidity 9x %o Wind, direction, &C. oo... .ccccceeeeeeeeeeenee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings MERCURIALIS PERENNIS 4-86, Dog’s Mercury, Kentish Balsam. Woods, thickets, hedges, LAWHRS seavesccrecssrceseees Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &C.........eeeeers Woodcock Wildfowl ..... Salmon 46-319, Mo. II., FEBY.15, 188 . Temperature, MeaN......s ee eeeeeeeeee 4I°"O a8 max, in sun vo... eee 73°4 aA 550. gp SHAMEY accasuncntys 46°4 sp min. ,, shade ............ 351 35 g9 ON PTASS ssasseanaess 30°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°6 5 since Ist January 93°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raina fi: ist January, 5’05 in. 099 in mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &. ......ceeeecceeeee eee eee ees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature. or 2nd blossomings Cornus mascula 20-75, Dog-wood, Cornel- tree, Cornelian Cherry, Male Dog- wood. Hedges and thickets ....ccccceceoee Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c, appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds; migration, song, nesting, &c. ~ Animals; seen, breeding, &c, Shooting. ees Sports. Snipe, &c.. Woodcock. Wildfowl ... Hares ...... Sis RabbitSiweccnsavsueencucse teeaateawen ies 47-318, Mo. II., FEBY. 16, 188 Temperature, Means ...ceeccceceseeeee ees 40°°1 oe max. IN SUN oo. 775 ae 95. sy SHAE: s.sscedavens 46°3 35 min. ,, shade ............ 35°1 ee 99 ON QYASS weesseeeeaee 30°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°4 a 53 since Ist January 95°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {st 1st January, 5°149 in. ‘099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &. .......cscceeeeeeeneeeeeens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Sweet Violet 64, Gt. Sallow or ‘* Palm” Willow 66. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. ‘ Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &c. Woodcock.. Wildfowl .. Sa lMOM oie csiasacnics sie dds wae emeea nade cneas ees 48-317, Mo. IIl., FEBY.17, 188 , Temperature, MeaNn............ccesee serene 40°°6 9 MAKS INSUN vwcsvaaseavie 73'7 5 so a9 SHAUE cuccevinsewess 45°7 6 min: 5,-Shadé@- oc.sesdseass 30°5 9 go ON QTASS wee 32°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3'0 es 5 since Ist January 98°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {st ist January, 5°248 in. | *099 in. mean rel. humidity gz °/o Wind, direction, &C. oo... ceceecececeeeeeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings PETASITES VULGARIS 7-69, Butter -bur, Bog Rhubarb, Cleates 52, Batter dock, Water Docken. Swamps viccecsscsecessoes Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing, Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. ’ oe Low (oa G : BROWN or TAWNY OWL egg, Syrnium SS stridula (Strix aluco). Hollow trees. ... NY [et : Co Xe :—s ‘ NC Animals: seen, breeding, &c. = %, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. SHIP: Ey 4 sine te ccinsenwtanctonvcenniceieeulamaests Woodcock..... Wildfowl ..... Hares........ Rabbits sssicisicmerneumooeninasaenaenemean Salmon: sssaneasiecwesaeesniac BS uchaiteimacucnh i 49-316, Mo. II, FEBY.18, 188 , Temperature, Mean.........cccceseeeeeeees 40°"4 5 Max. IN SUN... eeeeeeees 76°6 a o> 99 Shade ou... 46'3 95 min. ,, shade ............ 35°3 3 yy ON grass... 31°8 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 2°8 35 » Since Ist January 101°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {si ist January, 5°347 in. ‘099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/, Wind, direction, &. .......cccccseeceecceeseens Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Cardamine hirsuta 18-83, Hairy Bitter Cress, Lamb’s Cress, Damp places ...... Taxus buccata 25-71, Com. Yew, “ Palm.” Woods and limestone cliffs ..cccccevevcseves : LOOK FOR Larch tree 81, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing: Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. a) Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &c. Woodcock........ Wildfowl .. Hares........ 6a FRADDIUES see ccensnnida sdeetateriiamessateacenwass Salmon cecsveecianedacevestes Coarse fish 50-315, Mo. II., FEBY. 19, 188 . Temperature, MEAN .eceseeseeeseueee ers 39°°2 5 max. in SUN ...... eee 78°5 53 sg. gy SHAE avervozevices 45°3 on MUN, +55 SHADE: pe yacecnijen 34°6 5 gy ON QTASS veseeeeeeeee 31°2 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°r % since Ist January 103°7 Barometer (mean, Mo, ii, 29°98) in, Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall {ss ist January, 5°446 | ‘ogg in mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ..cccssceecsseetencseeceees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports, SUIPC) SC ovaccusievsweemnenctaseneiaecsaevaceens z Woodcock... Wildfowl Hares ...... ab Rabbitstisudewwesenseavnssatenctintveaeincs eacds SalHiOM jc seiseessandstadedaladinamaneeavaproceues 51-314, Mo. II., FEBY. 20, 188 . Temperature, Mean ........eseeeseeeeees 38°'5 55 MAX. IN SUN .oeseeseseeeee 78°8 - Si. < 9p SHACE® 5 cs deaae 44°8 ns min. ,, shade ........0... 29'I ” ay ON QTASS seevesereeee 30°1 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°7 Sas since Ist January 105°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. 0. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall j since rst January, 5°545 fe in, mean rel. humidity 91 %o Wind, direction, &C. .....e.ceeecsceeeeeeeen eens Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Sloe or Blackthorn 91, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- ~ minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Dotted Border M. 65. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. dua Sports. Snipe, &c.. Woodcock... Wildfowl SalMONiearcuaeassncxaeatadecastertenncame yeas 52-313, Mo. IL, FEBY. 21, 188 . Temperature, Mean oo... cece 39°'0 is MAX.IN SUN coeeccesnciiees 75°8 3 55) 99) SNAME: saccascevans 45°2 ig min. ,, Shade ............ 33°5 is. >» ON QYASS «oe... 29'0 +» accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 2°4 S355 since Ist January 107°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raine ist January, 5°644 | ‘099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......cececeeeeeneeee een ees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings TussILaGO FARFARA 34-70, Com. Colt’s- foot, Ass’s-foot, Bull’s-foot, Foal-foot, Hoofs, Horse-hoof, Clay-weed, Cough- wort, Dove Dock, Cleats 48. A@oist chalky and clay s0tls vircicoccsccrenscvnceees LOOK FOR Tooth-wort 94. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating, Kc. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Goldfinch sings (G.W.) 115 wsssssecesseeeeeee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &c. Woodcock..... Wildfowl ... Salmon wewscsestaratdctarien venetian stationaners 53-312, Mo. II., FEBY. 22, 188 Temperature, MEAN.......... cc ceeee ees 38°°7 53 MAX. IN SUN ....... eee 75°7 35 ax sex Shades cosas 45°4 55 min. ,, shade ............ 32°9 on yy ONQYASS wees 28'9 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°3 fo since Ist January I10°I Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days \ Rainfall { since rst January, 5°743 in, - “099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/o } Wind, direction, &. ...cceceeseeceegeeneeeenees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Goldilocks 93, Fumitory 125. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Phigalia Pilosaria 32-71, Pale Brindled Beauty M. Zyee trunks (lar. vi. on oak, Clin): -susexesra vers pnenlandsonmeeeesecceenenenties Fish, Reptiles. Viper W) Adder Cee berus) appear (Gi Wea) aeestiens bexeaaerinenie usenooussegiecnones Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. STIPE) RC crsake dat eeiwaad ieadnaumaleamaeuaadens Woodcock... Wildfowl ... Salm OR gies vaniaccsaasvenscaeens mennieaneaaieane 54-311, Mo. II., FEBY. 23, 188 . Temperature, Mean...........cceeeeeee ewes 38°°8 ss MAX. IN SUN oo... eee eee ees 79°4 39 sy) gp ycSltad > weuaisuvenie 45'0 s min. ,, shade ............ 31'9 5 o> ON QTASS wees 29°3 >» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°0 »» since Ist January I112°1 Barometer (mean Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raina since 1st January, 5°842 m| ‘099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .......seseeseeeesceeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Scilla verna 22-65, Vernal Squill, Spring flowering Squill, Sea Onion. Sea COASTS .. 000 ia Sie iS ia WAS Ri Chehoeetameuiubrnent ee Vinca minor 12-, Lesser Periwinkle. Woods and thickets. ......sssecee a atneancenoy LOOK FOR Scarlet Currant 79. Trees and Shrubs leafing : seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Dark Beauty M. 82. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Wildfowl ... 55-310, Mo. II., FEBY. 24, 188 . Temperature, Mean...ceccceeeeneeee 38°°8 is Max. IN SUN wwe 76°4 35 soy". gy SSMAGES wie cccdes ct 45°3 53 min. ,, shade ............ 33'0 4 oy ON QYASS wees 28°8 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 1°8 ” since Ist January 113°9 Barometer (mean, Mo, ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 5°941 in. ‘ogg in mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....eccccceseaseeseeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Helleborus viridis 19-91, Green Helle- bore, Bastard Hellebore, Bear’s-foot, Boar’s-foot 359. Zhickets on chalky soil Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. SHIP; Ci. Sos aisincas cncoeenachaparventonyenoees Woodcock oh Wildfowl Rabbits ... DAMMON Aes cadcnaaesorcmarcanaleemameneudien 56-309, Mo. II., FEBY. 25, 188 . Temperature, Mean .........seeeeeene ees 40°"! 35 MAX. IN SUN ..seeeeeeseees 79'°9 35 $9 99) SSHAMEs Siliaerecune 46°8 3 min. ,, shade ..........4. 343 35 #5) (ON BYASS! coeyansavss 29°8 5» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°4 9 since Ist January 116°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raina since 1st January, 6°04 in. 099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &e. .....c.eeceseeseeene eee eee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. WHEATEAR seen, Saxicola enanthe 120... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. SNIP Ss Wi Cirssesaeeveacan cece areata se Woodcock.... Wildfowl .... Salmon sai neiuneviavanccaseodeatenesttie his 57-308, Mo. II., FEBY.26, 188 . Temperature, MeAaN.........cccecececeeees 4170 $5 max, in sun ...........00.- 79'2 “3 jie gy Shade” scccsnuesss 47°2 5% min. ,, shade ............ 36'2 s oy ON QYASS oo... 31°6 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 3'o ” ss since Ist January I19°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in, Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Raita since rst January, 6°r39 =| *099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/, Wind, direction, &c. oo... cccccceeseeecceeeeens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Hairy Violet 78, Three-leaved Saxifrage 92. : ' Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating, Insects, Larvz &c, appearing. LOOK FOR Com. Quaker M. 80, Hebrew Character M. 89. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. : Great Spotted Woodpecker seen, Picus MAGI OV cielen tas sntssneatiisn Sen Oaecedleebiee womens Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. SNIPS) RGF soinawa.g Fun onhevenrexsenenameuereaeates Woodcock.... me Wildfowl .... Salmo i sacsiazsjsat sinnwcahadenaleviestun teen gives 58-307, Mo. II., FEBY. 27, 188 . Temperature, MeaN...........ceceeeee eee 40°°4 53 max. INSUN wo... ee 73°2 ” a ap SHE reeves 45°8 <5 min. ,, shade ............ 36°0 es o> ON QTASS wesc eee 31°8 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°3 ” ” since Ist January 121°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Rainfall since 1st January, 6°238 | ‘099 in. mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ......ceeeeseeeeeseeeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Ringdove coos (G.W.) 69 secccsssseseereeeeens Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Hare- hunting ends. Smipe, &C...cccescceesecenseeceneeeeenereseneeees Woodcock ea Wildfowl Salmon 59-306, Mo. II., FEBY. 28, 188 Temperature, Mean..........ccceceeaee eee 39°°7 9 MAX. NSU “ceased ener 77°4 35 ge. 9p SHAE: eecseaniaes 45°5 5 min. ,, shade ..........4. 35°1 i $5) OM BPASS? ancien 314 y accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°3 i since Ist January 125°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. ii, 29°98) in. Mo. ii, 2°77 in. on 17 days Reif fie rst January, 6°337 in. 099 in mean rel. humidity 91 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ........cecsenecsesesoeenes Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if’ surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings : Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Toad (Rana dufo) appears (G.W.) ...--.-+- Frogs (Rana temporaria) spawn (G.W.) ... Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wild bird shooting and taking ends. Hares and rabbits have no close time. Salmon ..ccccscscsscscveeseenceseenssveneneee oe 60-305, Mo. III.. MARCH 1, 188 . Temperature, mean.........eeseeeeeeeee +-40°"0 fe MAX. IWSUN svaveteaagcnes 83'0 on gio gp SHAME: sassecavains 47°1 a min. ,, shade ............ 34°2 ‘* yy ON GLASS ..seeeeeee 30°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°1 35 since Ist January 129°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall J since rst January, 6°403 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction, &¢. since acecensy sever Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Buttercup (2. dulbosus) 100. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Brambling or Mountain Finch seen, Friz- Billa montifringtlla — vivviceccsvesenvecsenne Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Fly fishing begins. Close season for wild birds begins. Salmon (S). Trout (T) oc... Coarse Hishiiscccsandussvetaicsanecs veervacdwaiens The Wild Birds Protection Acts provide a close season for all birds that are not included under the head of “‘game.” The general close season is between the Ist day of March and the 1st day of August, but exceptions are made in different counties by authority of the Home Secretary. The close season has been altered in Lincolnshire, and also in the county of Huntingdon, the liberty of Peterborough, and the Isle of Ely—from March 15 to August 31 (both inclusive); in Essex till March 15 as regards curlew, dunbird, godwit, oxbird, snipe, widgeon, wild goose, and woodcock ; and in Northumberland the close season is between March 1 and August II. In that part of Devonshire which is included within the limits of the Exe Fishery District, the operation of the Act is suspended as far as cormorants or shags are concerned ; so that these birds may be killed throughout the close season, owing to their destructiveness to the salmon fisheries. 61-304, Mo. III., MARCH 2, 188 . Temperature, MEAN.......... cece ee eeeee ee 4Iel 56 max. IN SUN oo... eee 89'1 sa S50 — yp SHAME? cece vies vureews 48°9 5 min, ,, shade ............ 35°4 a3 92 ON QTASS wees B15. 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°8 33 53 since Ist January 132°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 6"469 in. | ‘066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 /o Wind, direction, &C. ....scccceeceeeeeneeeeee ees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossoming Narcissus PSEUDO-NARCISSUS 42-94, Daf- fodil, Lent Lily, Lent - Bell - Bul - rose, Chalice-flower, Crown-bells, Daffadown- dilly. Woods and thickets ....cs.cceeeeves LOOK FOR Hairy Wood Rush 84. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Clouded Drab M. go. Fish, Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c, Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) .....cssseseseeee oes Coarse fish.......sececessseeeeeeeeeeeeeena eee ook 62-303, Mo. III., MARCH 3, 188 . Temperature, Mean........... cece cess eee 41°'0 5 max. IN SUN .......eeee eee 86°6 53 se py SNAME! sraneccctave 48'2 *3 min. ,, shade ............ 35°2 ” 97 ON QIASS .eseeeeeeeee 30°6 » accumltd, above 42°day-degs, 3°8 39 since Ist January 136°6 Barometer (mean, Mo, iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days) Raita ist January, 6°535 in. 7 0°66 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/> Wind, direction, &C. ..ccceccecesseuceeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Gonepleryx Rhamni 41-76, Brimstone B, Woods, lanes (lar. vi.-vii. on buckthorn). LOOK FOR Red Admiral B. 206. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Stonechat seen, Saxicola rubicola 115 .. .. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) ....ceseeeeee ees , Coarse fish ..cssessseeeeee sicevisaaieats wna anata 63-302, Mo. III.. MARCH 4, 188 . Temperature, Mean ........ cece eeeee ees 40°'9 49 max. in sun ........ ee 80'8 55 as 7, SAMS reser 48'0 ‘5 min. ,, shade ........... 34°6 59 ge OH DRS ctwsdtnares 30°5 y, accumltd. above 42 day-degs. 3°0 +3 since Ist January 1 39° 6 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 6°6or in, mean rel. humidity 86 °/ Wind, direction, & . ..........cceeeeeeeeeneeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings DRABA VERNA 20-115, Whillow-grass, Com. Nail-wort. Walls and banks...... Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Land Tortoise comes forth (G.W.) .......- Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....cccceceeees Coarse: fish, savsicervsesamentseisn sncean aaciienns 64-301, Mo. II]., MARCH 5, 188 . Temperature, mean .........ceesseeee eee 42°°6 - max. in sun ....... ce 90°4 ” se) peShade) svenwsncens 50°2 59 min. ,, shade ............ 36'4 ” o> ON QYASS weseeeeeneee 32°5 3 accumltd, above 42°day-degs. 4°4 ” ” since Ist January 144°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. ili, 2*06 in. on 14 days Rainfall { 1st January, 6°667 in. | ‘066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/o Wind, direction, KC. .....secceesseeeeneeeeeenes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if ' surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Viota OporaTA 47-82, Com. Sweet Violet, March Violet. Aedge-banks...... LOOK FOR Corydel or Fume-wort 78, Ground Ivy 83, Borage 132. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Green-veined White B, 112, Light Orange Underwing M. 83. Fish, Reptiles, Birds ; migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) ....00. seessreeeeee Coarse fish sisssccsssenecresereeeseane ne ene 65-300, Mo. III, MARCH 6, 188 . Temperature, Mean ......... cece sees eeee 414 45 MAX. IN SUN wo. eee 869 si gp Shad eorsacaxcitncave 48'2 55 min. ,, shade.............0. 36°1 ¥ sp ONOTASS:. coiiecawiccndace 31'I », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3'2 55 since Ist January 147°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 on. 14 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 6°733 in. 066 in (mean rel. humidity 86 °/. Wind, direction, &c. ..ceccesescceeeenseeneeeees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CALTHA PALUSTRIS 14-103, Com. Marsh Marigold, Golds, Goldins, May-Blobs, Meadow-bright, Water Buttercup. MOFSHY PLACES sccsovvaedeanssedeveiadegasssdiees LOOK FOR Wood Violet 93, Wood Sorrel, 101, Trees. and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Hibernia Progemmaria 51-84 and 320, Dotted Border M. Hedges (lar. v. & vi. on oak, birch, nut).........ccsceeeeeeeneee eens LOOK FOR Small White Cabbage B. 100. Fish. Reptiles. Birds, migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T). 0... ceeeeseeeeeeee Coarse fish ...cceecesescsceseneenteeeseneneenea 66-299, Mo. III., MARCH 7, 188 . Temperature, mean........... badieendnaaei 40°°8 5 MAK MSU: ah eccnevereves 87°4 9 jon) cag SHAE! asedgceees 48°9 5 min, ,, shade ............ 34°6 6 yo ON QTASS oo... eee 30°0 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°8 re ” since Ist January 1510 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2'06 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ste 1st January, 6°799 in. ‘099 in. ‘mean rel, humidity 86 %o Wind, direction, &e. oe. ce eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee es Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings SALIX CAPREA 47-90, Great Sallow, Goat Willow, ‘‘ Palms.” Woods, dryish places Uxmus Montana 36-91, Wych Elm, Witch Hazel, Mountain and Scotch Elm. Woods ANE ROA LES s sscscosswriwvesesceadeniavadaneene Adoxa Muschatellina 44-91, Moschatel, Hollow-root, Musk-root, Tuberous Mos- chatel. Shady Places ......csccesseesecnseees LOOK FOR Early Scorpion-grass 106, Com. Plum tree, 85. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. apperae LOOK FOR Early Grey M. 88. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Rook egg 38. High tree tops w.creccrerenre Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) .....:cecceeeeeee EEE pec cguecnunstinc tins bul aa ereeae 67-298, Mo. III., MARCH 8, 188 . Temperature, Mean............ cc eeeee eens 40°°4 9 max. iN SUN oo... eee eee 89'8 5 sy vy SRA]: svceseseraes 47°L a3 min, ,, shade ............ 35°3 59 v9 OM QTASS ...seeeeeeee 31°3 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3:0 ” ” since Ist January 154°'0 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 6°865 in. mean rel. humidity 86 %/o Wind, direction, &C. .....ceceeeseeeeeeeeeee eens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings ANEMONE NEMOROSA 42-96, Wood Ane- mone, Wood Wind-flower. Woods ...... LOOK FOR Wild Gooseberry 82. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Vanessa Urtica 28-105 and 200, Small Tortoise-shell B. Ozthouses (lar. v.-viii. OD NCEE): ccssiecsaasecuceinnserorss snseeeneses et LOOK FOR Great Tortoise-shell B. 9. and 221. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Long-eared Owl egg, Otes vulgaris. Tree SOTRS sivversrccencennnsnceeecereeeseeeeeeteeeeenes Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) .......seeeeeeereeee Coarse fish...ccccccsceeeeseerntenereseneeeeeenes 68-297, Mo, III., MARCH 9, 188 . Temperature, Mean... seeeeeceeees 39°'6 a Max. IN SUN oo... eee eee 88°6 a5 55 py SHAMS sere senevens 47'°2 ae min. ,, shade ............ 34'0 is 99 ON QTASS oo. e eee 29°8 », accumltd, above 42°day-degs. 3:0 i 35 since Ist January 157°0 ‘Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 22°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days “Rainfall 5 since 1st January, 6°931 in. .Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- _InInating, “Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. . Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Whinchat seen, Saxicola rubetra 132 ...... Kingfisher seen, Alcedo isfida 126...... oe Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T).......::seeeees Rites Goarse fish.s.sccsecisvereveonadsenn’ sepaeasisvadn'e 69-296, Mo. III., MARCH 10, 188 Temperature, MeaN...........ccceeeccee eee 39°! 33 max. in sun .............0 89'1 55 o> 9) Shade ............ 46°5 35 min. ,, shade ............ 33°7 9 gs ON QYASS wee 29°4 »,accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°'9 33 since Ist January 159°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. (Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 6°997 | 066 in, iene rel, humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction: 8s. ccisicesvecccocseoesweesees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Buxus nes le 40-91, Common Box. Chalk hills ? Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. CHIFF-CHAFF seen, Phylloscopus collybita LIBS, cazascssusbiievsuewusersiesrseannegneten aye Wood-Pigeon or Ring-Dove egg, Columba palumbus 58. Tree branches virccccecccvees Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports, Salmon (S). Trout (T) cited Pareto enact COALS sos acn de ntiitensiacreaontuas sogiaaaest 70-295, Mo. II], MARCH 11, 188 . Temperature, MeAN...........seeeeee eevee 39°°6 Be max. in SUN ......... eee 864 5 spe yp SHAME: «Sac dens stew 474 as min. ,, shade ............ 33°2 4 4p ODIZYASS waseeccannven 28°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°7 + since Ist January 162°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ase 1st January, 7°963 m| ‘066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/ Wind, direction, &C. 10.02... cesses eeeeee eee e es Plants and Trees blossoming : note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Greater Stitchwort, 98. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR The Engrailed M. roo. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Sone THRUSH egg. Zurdus musicus 6, Mavis, Throstle. Hedges, &c. .........00 Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).........c eee Coarseehsh, “sisacicsirncc sein sicnadonwaamonsaies 41-294, Mo. III, MARCH 12, 188 Temperature, mean........... cece 39°2 re MAX. IN-SUN Ss seeetewers 88-0 fa Soc ey SHAME: asia eats’ 40'°9 3 min.,, shade.............4 32°9 a 99 ON QYASS ...seeeeeeee ees 27°9 +) accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°7 5°. 3G since Ist January 165°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 cays Rainfall + since rst January, 7°129 i} mean rel. humidity 86°/, } Wind, direction, &C. ......cecceeceeeee seer enone Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Orange Underwing M. go, March M. 75. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Golden-Crowned Wren sings (G.W.) 98 .. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).........:seseeereeee Coarse fishy. cis ssc sseeseeeancgyr oversee 72-293, Mo, III., MARCH 18, 188 . Temperature, MEAN..........ccceeceeeee eee 38°°8 9 Max. iN SUN vee gI's 5 wo. gp SHAGE. sacisnncenas 46°2 is min. ,, shade ............ 32°7 ad gy OMsOTASS ipescrsiedisice 28°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°0 ei since Ist January 167°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ane 1st January, 7°195 in. *066 in mean rel. humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction, &C. .......ceceesececerencetees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Field Wood Rush 96, Cuckoo- flower or Ladies’ Smock 96, Germander Speedwell 107, Charlock 117. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larva &c, appearing. LOOK FOR the Tissue Moth 108 and 243. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon {S). Trout (T).......::sceeeeceeeres Coarse ASh wiisrisinsnan ores seonmacnane 73-292, Mo. III., MARCH 14, 188 . Temperature, Mean ...cerscessccessceseees 30°'0 3 max, iN SUN. wee eeee eee 89°3 a5 as 9p Shades: sesseewscves 46°6 ss min. ,, shade...........0065 32°9 3, sy ON TASS eeeseeeeeeee 28°1 5, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 3°3 3% $5 since Ist January 170.6 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Rainfall 4 since rst January, 7°26r in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/. Wind, direction, &. .cscceeeeeeseeseeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Upright Crowfoot 105. Mo. iii. 2°06 in. on 14 days | Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Missel Thrush egg, Zurdus viscivorus 2. Tree for is sicecsecsarseesecceccaesnesnneneceesens Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Coarse fishing (fresh- water) ends. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......:ssseseeeeeeeers 74-291, Mo. III.. MARCH 15,188 . Température, MEaN.......seseeseeseeee eres 39°'0 9 max, in SUN ......... eee 88°3 5 sx Sy Shade ceccevececs 47°2 “ min. ,, Shade ............ 32°7 5 99 ON BLASS oo e eee 27°4 3,accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 2°6 3 since Ist January 173°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2‘06 in. on 14 days ) Rainfall | since rst January, 7°327 in. °066 in. |mean rel. humidity 86 %/o J Wind, direction, &C. .....cccessecasceeeescceres Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Primula vulgaris 2-105, Com. Prim- rose. Woods, hedges ..ccsecccsssecsnsvceeee . Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Black Ants (Formica nigra) appear (G. W.) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........ccsseeecseeeee 75-290, Mo. III., MARCH 16, 188 . Temperature, Mean .....ceeee eee ee ae eees 40°°6 5 Max. IN SUN ........ eee ee 93'3 ” 4%. pp SHAME. cen casi cans 49°6 $5 min, ,, shade ............ 33'5 59 sy ON grass ............28'°9 5 accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°3 ‘AS since Ist January 177°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall | since rst January, 7°39 in. + 066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction; &.. ceiccicssasvevsseveceverens Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Cowslip 94. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c, appearing. Anisopteryx Escularia 71-105, March M. Trees, hedges (lar. v.-vi. on oak, lime, APPle) swseecvesuanicaacs textes ercermvesten tases LOOK FOR Early Thorn M. 97 and 1go. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Little Grebe egg, Podiceps minor. Low SURES ac cis suiecsPEsh x chiee da hide steatads cedaueceiaieace Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T).....0....0.eeeeeeee 76-289, Mo. III., MARCH 17, 188 . Temperature, Mean ...... cece eeeee eee 40°°7 ‘a MAX. IN SUN veers 87°9 35 3. coseShade seen anos 49°4 3 min. ,, shade ........... .34'0 5 $5 OW GYASS cccsavenaees 28'9 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°0 on since Ist January 181°5 Barometer (mean, Mo, iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ite 1st January, 7°459 | 066 in mean rel. humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction, &C. ......sesceseedeeeececneees Plants and Trees blossoming : 3 note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Red Currant 99. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Cerastis Vaccinii 40-132 and 296, Chest- nut M. Hollow trees (lar. ‘vi.-vii. elm, oak, Willow)........cccccesseesesceneeees ote LOOK FOR Painted Lady B. 146. Fish. Reptiles. as Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Ve Beem tp 35 Aw) bern. ce f Woopcock departs, Scolofax rusticola a C8, tA Serr (arrives 292)........ NETS RGR sar yj yea. Se ee eter. C4 Voabnazart « ee A Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Pre fey Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......... issn aeeoees 77-288, Mo. III., MARCH 18, 188 . Temperature, mean... eee 41°°3 35 MAX. IN SUN ......eeeeeeeee 95'2 » a9 ay Shade vo. .ccsseeee 50°2 5 ola min. ,, shade ............ 34°6 ”» 99 ON QTASS sevseeeeenes 28°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°6 55 x3 since Ist January 186°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. ili, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall {sc rst January, 7°525 | ‘066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/o Wind, direction, &c. .......... eee auteapanscnes Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Thyme-leaved Speedwell 113. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Vanessa Io 13-144 and 203, Peacock B. Woods, gardens (lar. vi.-vii. on nettle)... Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........c.c00 a uGuagts 78-287, Mo. III., MARCH 19, 188 Temperature, MEan........... cece eesea eee 40°°3 <5 max. in SUN 0... ee eeeeee 88°2 a5 Soe» ga cShadeccccdeceaccs 48°4 is min. ,, shade ............ 33°7 ss 35 SON BYASS Sescepeevead 29°2 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4'0 9 55 since Ist January 190°I Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days ) Rainfall + since rst January, 7’591 in. - *066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/. J Wind, direction, S&C. .......ccceeeeeeneeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Viola hirta 57-96, Hairy Violet. Chalky POLALES scarcsinaitinnsinienseasioninnp en tinditign a siesta Corydalis solida 64-97, Corydal, Fume- wort, TAICRELS oe ccecccceccececeeeec nee eeene LOOK FOR Com. Pear (in orchards) 92. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Gonoptera Libatrix 15-145 and 259, The Herald M. Cellars, &c. (lar. vi.-vii. on willow, poplar).........cccsceeeeeeeereeeeneeees Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Blackbird egg, Turdus merula 17. Shrud- bevies, KC. cecsecenecceeeenesenneceeneoseeueeeans Garden Warbler, Pettychaps, seen, Curraca (Sylvia) hortensis 123 sieves Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) ...seccseeereeserees 79-286, Mo. III., MARCH 20, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........ceceseecee eee 389 45 MAX, iN SUN «0... see seeeee 88-2 on 53 9 “SHAS we eccsn sense 47° 5 min. ,, shade ............ 33°5 as 95 ON QYASS waeseeeseeee 28*2 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°7 59 ‘5 since Ist January 192°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Raina since rst January, 7°657 in. ‘066 in. \ mean rel. humidity 86 °o Wind, direction, &C. ......eccecaeceeeeeeeceenes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Ribes sanguineum 54-105, Scarlet Cur- rant, Red-flowered Currant. Shrudbberies Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Stock-dove egg, Columba anas. Tree Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..... ere 80-285, Mo. III., MARCH 21, 188 ‘ Temperature, mean.........cce cee eeeees 38°2 0 MAX, IM SUN .o.eeeseeee eens 882 ‘s 93° gy Shade - gaiveaseaees 45°6 sis min. ,, shade ............ 32°6 33 930 (OM BEASS: yevsecennres 28'5 3, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 2°9 ae since Ist January 195°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. ili, 2.06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since ist January, 7'723 in. | * mean rel. humidity 86 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....ccccececeeceeeeneeaeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Blue Bell or Wild Hyacinth 102, Creeping Crow’s-foot 114. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Teniocampa Stabilis 57-101, Com. Quaker M. Bushes (lar. v.-viii., oak, elm) ...... LOOK FOR Small Quaker Moth 94. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Redbreast egg, Erythaca rubecula 1, Robin, Ruddock. ~Hedge-banks, &C.....ccsccsseeee Animals : seen; breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) .....ssccsenees reawee 81-284, Mo. III., MARCH 22, 188 Temperature, mean oo... eee eee 381 33 Max. IN SUN oo. 92°3 is ay Gp SMACE: detesscacnis 46°3 35 min. ,, shade ............ 32°1 on o> ON QIASS ceseeeereeee 27°3 », accumltd.above q2°day-degs. 1°6 ary since Ist January 197°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. ( Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days inane since 1st January, 7°78 in. “066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction, &c. .......c.cccseceeeeeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CAs a 107,Com. Larch, Woods Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Common Snake (Coluber natrix) appears (Gu Walsisines decevasesinemnsnscusiiemncanbanbeniien Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Blackcap Warbler seen, Mock Nightin- gale, Blackcap, Curruca (Sylvia) atrica- PALL, N25 vrerereeseseeesnreeseetenneeteeetteens Magpie egg, Pica caudata, Pianet, Madge. Trees and high OUshes.ccccccccvecsescsvereees MartTIN seen, House Martin, Window Martin, Airundo urbica 141 and 324...... Greenfinch sings (G.W.) 104........0.ccccseee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....ccscesceevees shan 7 82-283, Mo. III., MARCH 23,188 . Temperature, Mean ........ssseeeeeeeees 382 5 MAX. IN SUN .....eesesee ees 89°8 3 si. SySNade: exseewnaree 46°7 5 min...5; Shade: sceseesensee 30°9 % i ON GLASS: vanevenwess 25°5 >, accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 2°0 Sire oe since Ist January 199°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall foe xst January, 7°855 | 066 in mean rel, humidity 86 °/ Wind, direction, &C. cneeesseesecesseeneeessons Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Ribes Grossularia 67-98, Gooseberry, ‘‘Ber- ries,” Cat-berries. Hedges........000 LOOK FOR Ash tree 101, Corn Salad 1 I Is, Broom 120. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Amphidasis Prodromaria 54-136, Oak Beauty M. Oak trees (lar. v.-vil. on low plants). . wees Cece ence eer reerneseeneeeneeeene ees Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Sedge Warbler seen, Sedge-bird, Sedge- wren, Reed Fauvette, Sylvia ‘salicaria TL Oisadvo doe ncedccsadueden siabtsauicsens oie naeenen tee SwaAaL.ow seen, Chimney- “swallow,. Hirundo PUSEICA 136 ANG 334. cescssecseceveneeseneees Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S$). Trout (T)....cccseeceereveee es 83-282, Mo. III., MARCH 24,188 . Temperature, Mean oo... eeee eee 39°9 55 Max. IN SUN .....e cee eeees 97'8 35 Soi Uppy SUAGE sh eden tianie 49°5 55 min. ,, shade ..........4. 31°9 caer yy ON QTASS wo... 26°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°2 ” since Ist January 203°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. mean rel. humidity 86 5 Wind, direction, &. .....cccsssecesceessssaeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings NEPETA GLECHOMA 64-102, Ground Ivy, Ale-hoof, Blue Runner, Cat’s-foot, Devil’s Candlesticks, Gill-go-by-ground, Robin- in-the-hedge, Tun-hoof. Hedge-danks... LOOK FOR Wallflower (wild) 95. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 7g2z in. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Scopelosoma Satellitia 60-118 and 315, Sa- tellites M. vy (lar. v.-vi. on oak)...... Brephos Notha 64-105, Light Orange Under- eg, wing M. Willows (lar. vi. on willow and Poplar). cvsncccnsveetasw seh wenmacceues sents . Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Hedge Sparrow egg, Accentor modularis 5, Dunnock, Cuddy, Shuffle-wing, Hedge Accentor, Winter Fauvette. edges ... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..sscccecceree enue 84-281, Mo. III., MARCH 25, 188 . Temperature, mean ............ceeeeeeee 39°'8 ar MAK AN: SUN hcieevtveeuieas 95°7 ” 93° o¢SHAMES 2.4 secon 49°I 65 min. ,, shade ............ 310 is g9 ONG LASS... ve. s evens 26°3 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4'0 55 55 since Ist January 207°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. (Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 Gera | Rainfall | since rst January, 7°987 in. - +066 in. mean rel. humidity 86°. ) Wind, direction, &. ......ceeceeeeceseeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Luzula pilosa 61-101, Hairy Wood Rush. W00dS... siaiwrowsrsenriesine tan sstirercerisaseewenkvosuiets LOOK FOR Wood Spurge 115, Three- nerved Sandwort 116. Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Lapwing or Pee-wit egg, Venellus Cris- tatus, Crester and Green Plover. Ox ONOUIA sienvaraneran ce sirited cena wiaeamyee neni. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..... eee ae 85-280, Mo. III., MARCH 26, 188 , Temperature, MeaN............ceccsseeeees 40°°3 3 max. In SUM oo... 94°7 6 ss ayGy SNAUE i 2e, o eues 49°6 35 min. ,, shade ............ 32°'7 go. OWSTASS eewigerercnce 25"o », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 3°7 - since Ist January 211°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in. Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 eal Rainfall 4 since rst January, 8°053 in ‘066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/, ) Wind, direction, &C. ...ccccecceceeeeeeeca eeu ves Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Prunus domestica 66-, Com. Plum tree. Orchards; Rea ges:s scacascuresucsirass seorecaaas LOOK FOR Cross-wort 112, Wild Straw- berry 115, Lesser Hop Trefoil 129. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Carrion Crow egg, Corvus corone, Crow, Gore Crow, Black-neb. Tree forks ...... Grasshopper Warbler seen, Si/écaria (Sylvia) locustella, Cricket-bird 129.........c0ceceeee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....scccsscsssees eves 86-279, Mo. III., MARCH 27,188 . Temperature, MEAN .......6.cceeeeee eee eee 39°°'8 * max, in SUN ....... cee 98°6 5 530 gp SHAdS: aves 48°7 9 min. ,, shade ............ 32°3 ” 99 ON QIASS ......eeeeee 27°2 5, accumultd. above 42° day-degs. 3°9 +> 9) Since Ist January 215°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 8*119 in.} +066 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction, &C. ......cceceeseseeseceseeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. PARTRIDGE egg, Perdix cinerea. Grassy BOURNE: seen clusion ccisinneesaivnicersceranaiantes Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)icccccccceeseeeen 87-278, Mo. III, MARCH 28, 188 Temperature, Mean....eseseccccccrsreees 40°L 35 max. in SUN wo... ee 92°4 <5 o> 9) Shade ............ 48'0 ‘ min. ,, shade ............ 33°7 PA 99 ON QYASS wes eeeees 27°9 1 accumultd. above 42° day-degs. 3°1 95 since Ist January 218°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Rainfall 4 since rst January, 8x85 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/ Wind, direction, &C....escacscescsececesctseecnes Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days 066 in Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....eescsssceeeesees 88-277, Mo. III., MARCH 29,188 . Temperature, MeaN...........ccseeeeeeeees 41°°8 a MAX INSUM veasceseeecened 92'2 »” go oe Shade: eeonwesssaes 49'°9 os min. ,, shade ............ 35°1 - »» ON grass ..... dieses 30°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°9 3» 9_:~«SiNce Ist January 223'1 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 8°25 in. mean rel. humidity 86%, Wind, direction, &¢.. cscs svesseenceecseesnes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Cuckoo Pint 112. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Xylocampa lithorhisa 66-121, Early Grey M. Willows (lar. vi.-viii. ,on honeysuckle) siccsesserarvnsvsvansaveraeisroanes Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. WILLOW WREN or Warbler seen, Phyllo- sopus (Sylvia) trochilus 124, Yellow Warbler, Huck-Muck, Ground Wren ... Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....:cccssseseseeees F 89-276, Mo. III., MARCH 30,188 . Temperature, mean oo... eee eeee sees 42°9, ss max. IM SUN ........eeeeee 100'2 ” xy yy Sade saccawceveranie 519 <3 min.,, shade............0.. 35°6 3 ay ON QTASS wo... seeeee ees 30°0 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°9 » ” since Ist January 228'0 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall io 1st January, 8°317 mt ‘066 in. mean rel. humidity 86°/. Wind, direction, &C. ...cccececeeeeeeeeeeeee eens Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Capsella Bursa-pastoris 11-, Shepherd’s Purse, Mother’s-heart, Pick-purse, Toy- wort. Waste places....ccccrcereessevenseeenes LOOK FOR Ribwort Plantain 110, Vernal Grass 113, Field Scorpion-grass 115. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Teniocampa gothica 57-148, Hebrew Character M. Willows (lar. v.-viii. on sallow, Oak) ...cccceeceeseceeeseuseeeneeeenae ees Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals ; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......eseseeseseseens 90-275, Mo, III., MARCH 31, 188 . Temperature, Mean........ccecceeceeeee ees 42°°9 3 max. N SUN oo... eee 96°0 5 9» 9», Shade ........... 515 i min. ,, shade ............ 35°5 an yo. JONEBTASS sceceedievers 29°8 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°6 53 33 since Ist January 232°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. iii, 29°96) in, Mo. iii, 2°06 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 8°383 in. mean rel. humidity 86 °/, Wind, direction, &C. .....cceceee cee ees eee eneeee Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings ANTHRISCUS SYLVESTRIS 18-125, Cow or Wild Chervil, Cow-parsley, Wild Cara- way. Hedges and DANS ......cceerevsseveees LOOK FOR Dove’s-foot Crane’s-bill 119, Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Tentocampa Instabilis 61-101, Clouded Drab M. Willows (lar. v.-vii. on sloe, WIG W5BeC2) os) cei dsc esnastoinee tenn on earaesss, Brephos Parthenias 71-99, Orange Under- wing, M. Birch Woods (lar. v.-viii. on BIFCH) Aisisdenadatecnatiiediacsicuseaacerse eames Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).... ee 91-274, Mo. IV.,APRIL1, 188 Temperature, mMean..............csseeeeeee 43°°3 5 Max. IN) SUN vesscssoveooes 102° $5 g5 yg SHAME? owes ieicaws 52°6 3 min. ,, shade ............ 35°'7 33 95 ON GLASS wees 30°5 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4'r » 399 since Ist January 236°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst Jauuary, 8*459 | ‘076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....cseeccceeceeeceeeeenes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings PRUNUS SPINOSA 51-125, Sloe-tree, Black- thorn, Buck-thorn, Bullace. Hedges..... LOOK FOR Fox-tail Grass 106, Early Purple Orchis 112, Turnip 118, Water Avens 120. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Redstart seen, Phaenicura ruticilla 119, Red-tail, Fire-tail, Bran-tail, Fiery Bran- Ol asecesiess eavenebtodawnaesa Danese aeneene nce Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Trout fishing in Thames begins. Salmon (S). Trout (T).sceccsecceeererees 92-273, Mo. IV., APRIL 2, 188 Temperature, MEAN........:eseeeeneeen es 44°°0 35 MAX. IN SUN... cece sees 102°3 ” gh oer SAMS erases. 54°1 “5 min. ,, shade ............ 35'1 ” 99 ON BLASS ..sese eee 29'6 »,accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 5°4 35) since Ist January 242'1 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv. 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days ) Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 8°535 in.- ‘076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/, J Wind, direction, S&C. .....cecececececeneeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Saxifraga tridactylites 57-119, Three-leaved Saxifrage, Rue-leaved Saxifrage. Walls. Pyrus communis 78-113, Com. or Chok Pear, Orchards weccccscccccsccccceseeneesaees Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Greater Tit egg, Paras major 6, Black-cap Tit, Oxeye, Greater Titmouse, Tomtit, Sit-ye-down, Tom Collier. oles of trees. Cuckoo seen, Cuculus canorus 128, GOW sss stsicvcobiiidisanccaheveh muceseeat eiivas Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......ccseccsseeesenee 93-272, Mo. IV., APRIL 3, 188 . Temperature, Mean............ceeeeee eee 44°°6 +5 max. in sun... ee 102°5 ” js gy Shade: exreonsecew. 53°9 re min. ,, shade ............ 37°5 $5 Soy OMGBTASS -ccctseaccns 32°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6'1 $3 since Ist January 248°2 Borometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days i Rainfall 4 since rst January, 8°6rr in. {ane rel. humidity 81 °/> Wind, direction, S&C. .....ccceceeeseeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Ranunculus auricomus 53-114, Goldilock, Wood Crow-foot. Woods and thickets... Viola sylvatica (rivinana) 65-114, Dog Violet, Wood Violet, Hedge Violet. Fediges, W00dS, thichEets......ccveveveeveceesees LOOK FOR Wild Bird Cherry 108, Greater Celandine 121. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Elm (U/mus campestris) leafing (G.W.) ... Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Garden Carpet M. 117. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Long-tailed Tit egg, farus caudatus, Long-tailed Titmouse, Bottle Tit, Long Tom, Poke Pudding, Long Pod, Muffin. Tre! OF GICHES! tsiciasynsie Seine piininos panies Moorhen egg, Gallinula chloropus, Water- hen, Marsh-hen, Com. Gallinule. Low SEAQES. isororisisnemnpisetieranecasiit amine aeguusnsnase Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......cceceeeeeeeeeee 94-271, Mo. IV. APRIL 4, 188 . Temperature, MAN... .cceeeeeseeeeeeees 43°8 ¥ max in SUN 2.0... eeee 103'9 i a0 ba SHAME: ciisacsicecaase 54°0 ae min. ,, shade ...........608- 35°6 $e $y JON QTASS wa.ctidanoveeentens 31'0 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 5°5 is since Ist January 253°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo, iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {snc rst January, 8°687 =} 076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 Yo Wind, direction, &C.........ccecececreeeeeeeenees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings PRIMULA VERIS 75-116, Com. Cowslip, Herb Peter, Palsy-wort, St. Peter’s-wort, Bedlam Cowslip. Aleadows. seccersecseeees Lathrea sqguamara 52-122, Com. Tooth- wort, Hidden Tooth-wort. Woods, para- Sittc upon hazel, &Cocsscccssvecrenvacaeeveeens LOOK FOR Com. Pepper-wort, 127, Wood Avens 127. Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minating. Insects Larve &c. appearing. Vanessa Polychloros 67-121 and 221, Gt. Tortoise-shell B. Z/ms (lar. x.-vii. on elm, WillOW)........cccesceeeee eee eeeeeeeee ee eee Zeniocampa Cruda 80-114, Small Quaker M. (lar. v.-vii. on oak, nut, and other caterpillars). ....ccccseeeseseeserseeeenees aerae Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. House Sparrow egg, Lasser domesticus, Com. Sparrow. oles in houses and LYEES ciccenercectenavoveeceeesencnenesaaeereoeeees Starling egg, Sturnus vulgarts, Stare, Starte. LHoles itt houses ANE LV CCS. ececsecsecsvcnsenes Animals: seen, breeding, &e. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).scsccsceee cesceees 95-270, Mo. 1V., APRIL 5, 188 . Temperature, mean ......... eee 44°°4 * max. in SUN... eee eee 99°8 o sao. 43 Sade car cewanys 53°3 53 min. ,, shade ............ 36°9 5 $2 OM BIAS eevee nes acs 312 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 5°7 es PA since Ist January 259°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv. 2'27 in. on 14 days Rainfall ¥ since rst January, 8°763 | ‘076 in. les rel, humidity 86 °/o Wind, direction, &C ..ceseeesececeeeenereeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Cheiranthus cheirt 83-, Wallflower, Gilli- flower, Bleeding Heart. O/d wadls....... LOOK FOR Vernal Sedge 117, Medic 118, Gt. River Sedge 120, Pearl-wort 134. Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Redwing departs, Zzrdus tliacus 295 ... Jackdaw egg, Corvus monedula, Daw Kae. Holes in trees, churches, &c. ...... Coot egg, Fulica atra, Bald Coot. Low SLOLES waa iced saiatbasaioaeeelimesards geiviondeiecn de Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) ccs 96-269, Mo. IV., APRIL 6, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........ceceeeeseeeeee 45°°2 6 Max. iM SUN cesseccrerned 99°8 3 oo 33° SHADES: ser cxsasney 54°3 55 min, ,, shade ............ 38°4 + ye OMSRIASS: sche deatwads 33°6 >, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°5 sy a since Ist January 265°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days i Rainfall {sc ist January, 8°839 in. *076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °%/o } Wind, direction, &C. ......sesescseseecsoen ees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CARDAMINE PRATENSIS 72-116, Com. Cuc- koo-flower, Lady’s Smock, May-flower. MEGAOUIS. sisson cnssca inthis ois cinis ates ShgheDs dae ees Luzula campestris 72-120, Field Wood Rush, Chimney-sweeps, Glow - worm Grass. Dry Pastures coijeccecocereveccenvens LOOK FOR Corn Horsetail 110, Corn Gromwell 126. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. . Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T)...:eecsseenneee 97-268, Mo. IV.,APRIL 7, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........0..ceeeeeeeee 45°'0 35 MAX. iN SUN... see eee 106'9 or a9) gy SHAME: sreveccewces 55°5 3 min. ,, shade ............ 36°8 49 9) ON QYASS woes 32°r » accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 7°3 x5 a3 since Ist January 273°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in, Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall 5 since rst January, 8-915 n| *076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &C. ........ccceceveesesenseves Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Garlic Hedge Mustard 111. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Selenia Ilunaria 75-108 and 190, Early Thorn M. (lar. vi. & ix. on fruit and AOTESELYEES))* sosiiaictivs snatyeinercwanianceevednatit Fish. Reptiles. Gudgeon spawns (G.W.).......cccecceeeceeeeens Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. ; Lesser Spotted Woodpecker seen, Piczs I UOF i cdisvsuiursisucussioraneianes etactemineawourecenses Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports, Salmon (S), Trout (T) 00. ccc. ceceeeee 8 98-267, Mo. IV., APRIL 8, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........cceeeseeeee ees 45°°3 3 MAX. IN SUN.......cesee ees 109°6 5 sp (oy SNOGE: fccceineaat 562 35 min. ,, shade ............ 37°2 * 59 ON QTASS oc. 312 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°2 5, since Ist January 2804 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29-93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days ) , Rainfall 4 since rst January, 8’991 in. - *076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o i Wind, direction, &C. oc... seeeceeee sence eeee ees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings STELLARIA HOLOSTEA 70-126, Gt. Stitch- wort, Agworn flower, All-bone, Break- bones, Easter Bell, Miller’s-star, Snap- stalks, Tongue-grass. Hedges, woods ... LOOK FOR Tuberous Pea 113. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds ; migration, song, nesting. &c. SAND MARTIN seen, Hirundo riparia 135 and 267, Bank Martin .....cesceeeeeneeenes Golden - Crested Wren egg, Regulus cristatus 71, Goldcrest. Fir-tree branches Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).sccsevsessreeens ‘ 99-266, Mo. IV., APRIL 9, 188 Temperature, Mean ......eceeeeeeee eens 44°°4 5 MAX. IN SUN... ee eeees 94°4 5 33. oo SHAME: vessccescans 52°9 33 min. ,, shade ............ 37°38 af 99 ON QLASS weseeseeeee +32°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°0 er since Ist January 286°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall io 1st January, 9°067 | ‘076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °%/o Wind, direction, &C. ....ccceeccaseceneceeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings RIBES RUBRUM 76-121, Com. Red Currant, Garnet-berry. Woods, thickets........0006 LOOK FOR Com. Meadow Grass 116. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvez &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Ring Ouzel seen, 7urdus torquatus 120, Mountain or Moor Blackbird, Ring Thrush, Rock Ouzel ..........cccseeeee eee Reed Warbler seen, Silicaria arundinacea 113, Night Warbler ....... dasaadineebisanasice Tit-lark sings (G.W.) II8.....cccccceseeeeeeee Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)eecsssssccees seenee 100-265, Mo, IV., APRIL 10, 188 . Temperature, Mean.............:0cceeereee 43°°6 ae max. iN SUN .........e..0s 97'2 a” ” 29 shade ............ 533 Sy min. ,, shade ............ 35°8 5 99 OM QYASS..... eee eee 30°8 =» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 674 ger Ge since Ist January 292°8 "Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days 3 Rafal ss rst January, 9°r43 in. | 076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ..c...cecccceececusececceee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings . Ranunculus bulbosus 60-117, Buttercup, Bulbous-rooted Crow-foot, St. Anthony’s. - Turmip. Meadows, Pastures .orcccccccccuee _ LOOK FOR Bladder Nut 126. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. | [Horse-chestnut leafing, Hoff. Gies.] 126, T2753 260283) cvedccntadtesstessecuessmmerns Beech (Fagus sylvatica) leafng (G.W.) 115, 324, 135, 288 ...... signhinenaaan denlecunomautued sien . Ansects, Larvze &c. appearing. . \PIERIS RAP 65-140, Sm, White Cabbage B. Gardens (lar. vi. & ix. turnip) ...... Tephrosia Laricaria 70-127, the Engrailed DVR. canstedeadane imontcinesgeaunecuaentan aceauies sors “Fish, Reptiles.- ‘Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. ‘Kestrel egg, Falco Tinnunculus, Wind- hover. Tree fOrRS ...cscceccsssnesssceecesees Sandpiper seen, Zotanus hypoleucus, Sum- mer Snipe, Sand Lark, Sand Lavrock... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........000 siiebeeses 101-264, Mo. IV., APRIL 11, 188 Temperature, Mean........c cs eeeeeeeen eee 44°°2 5 max. in sun oe. eee 99°9 35 o» 99 Shade ............ 538 dy min. ,, shade ............ 36°0 5 yy ON Grass we. 31'0 3, accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 6'o ” a since Ist January 298'8 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall jo 1st January, 9'219 in ‘076 in, mean rel. humidity 81 /o Wind, direction, &C. ........cccseeeeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Oxalis Acetosella 65-121, Com. Wood Sor- rel, Gowk-meat, Alleluia, ‘* Wood- SOWEL.”? — W000 ic eceveccanecsseenscceenscace Fraxinus excelsior 82-118, Com. Ash tree, Culver-keys, Woods, hedges vccseccesseere Ranunculus penicillatus 68-117, Water Fennel, Water Crowfoot. Ditches ,..... LOOK FOR Archangel 117, Meadow Saxifrage 118, Bugle 118, Red Cam- pion 119, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)...c.ccscsecsseeerers ; 102-263, Mo. IV., APRIL 12, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........ccceeeeee eee 44°°6 Max. 1M SUN............06- 100°0 35 vo» 9) Shade ........... 54°1 ov min ,, shade ............ 36°5 oe 99 ON QYASS..... sees eeeee 30°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°2 $5 since Ist January 305'0 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2'27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ate ist January, 9°29 | 076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &. wccccececcsesesseceeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings ScILLA NUTANS 80-125, Com. Bluebell, Wild Hyacinth, Crake-foot, Crow-bells. Woods (Hyacinthus Nonscriptus) v1.0.1 LOOK FOR Soft Brome Grass 118, Lilac 125, Rough Chervil 145. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Sparrow Hawk egg» Falco (Aceipiter) mtsus, Tree forks vcrecsssccnvecseceeneseees White Owl egg, Strix jlammea, Barn, Screech, Church, Yellow, and Hissing Owl, Gilli- or Jenny-Howlet. Barns, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)...cccccccrrerrres ea 103-262, Mo. IV., APRIL 13, 188 . Temperature, MEAN. ...cceeeeccceeyeeeeeees 4572 an max, in SUN........ cece 100°4 ” si). gn Shade: veciveusecs 540 6 min. ,, shade ............ 38'4 Pr gy: (00 BLASS... ccacesansens 33°9 s, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°5 ey) since Ist January 311°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in, Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 9°37: in. } ‘076 in, mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &C. ...cccccecceceeeeeeeeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings [Rides rubrum, Red Currant, Hoff. Gies.] Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Whitethroat seen, Sylvia (Curruca) cinerea 122, Muggy, Nettle-creeper .............6 SwiFT seen, Hirundo (Cypselus) apus 129, 314, Screamer, Screech Martin, Cran.... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......:ccccsseeee . 104-261, Mo. IV., APRIL 14, 188 . Temperature, Mean............cseseeeeeees 46°°3 3) max, in SUN............0. 100°2 sf o> 99 Shade .........08. 556 53 min. ,, shade ............ 390°4 7 yy ON QTASS.. sees eeees 35°0 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°4 53 3 since Ist January 318°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in, Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Raita sn ist January, 9°447 | ‘076 in, mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &. .........ccccceeeeeeeeceees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LOOK FOR Bush Vetch 116. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Larch tree leafing (G. W.) 81......ccecccseeees Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Red Ant (Formica rubra) appears (G.W.)... Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Blue Tit egg, Parus ceruleus, Blue-cap, Blue-bonnet, Nun, Billy-biter. oles of LPCES; Sle sesiisinaciesenislese sine siaetanswegaasiss Greenfinch egg, Coccothraustes chloris 81, Green Linnet. edges ...cssseccsesersaaees Linnet egg, Fringilla linota, Brown, Grey, Red-breasted, Rose, and Whin Linnet, Lintie, edges, furze...ccccesecccseseenneees Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T)..ccscccsssereeseee 105-260, Mo. IV., APRIL 15, 188 . Temperature, Mean........sseeseeseveerene 46°°7 a Max. iN SUN....... eee 106'2 ” 99 oy Shade ..........0 56°5 35 min. ,, shade ............ 39°E % yy ON QYASS oo. 34°2 y, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 8°5 ss a since Ist January 327°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29-93) in, Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days \ Rainfall 4 since rst January, 9°523 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o j Wind, direction, &C. ....cecececscneneeeeeeneeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings RANUNCULUS ACRIS 73-135, Upright Crow- foot, Meadow Crowfoot, Blister-plant. Mead ots: -ssccscisiiiteme season ac svnaatavievpeesastees LOOK FOR River Sedge 123. ‘076 in. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Haltica.concinna, Hop Flea or Beetle (“In the early Spring when birds are ready to the "—C.W.)...cccecscseceeesseeeeseneeeeeen neces LOOK FOR Azure Blue B, 126 and 223, The Hop Fly 121. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. | SPOTTED FLYCATCHER seen, Muscicapa grisola 129, Beam, Post, Rafter, Wall, and Bee Birds cciscavcscceuskceksegeseueseseaceed CHAFFINCH egg, Fringilla calebs 24, Spink, Horse-finch. Hedges......esee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..ccrreerers ; 106-259, Mo. IV., APRIL 16, 188 . Temperature, M€AN....uessnmescssessecees 46°°9 55 max. in sun..........45 +1038 3 3. 9g SUAME cesasantsees 565 a min. ,, shade ............ 39°0 ” 99 OM QYASS cr.seeeeeeee 32°4 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 7°9 ” since Ist January 33 5°3 Barometer (mean, Mo, iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {3 since 1st January, 9°599 in. 076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &C. .....cceeeeeeeeneeeeeeeee ee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Myosotis collina 66-134, Early Scorpion- grass, Early field Forget-me-not. Dry CANS van yorsesens Uae sbubriiedsonteeenieearanass Alopecurus pratensis 91-125, Foxtal-grass LGSHUPES s snnicss cam son's Voit ddsecscaieasineisasiesiisa cn LOOK FOR Glaucous Sedge 119, “Crab- tree I 3 Green - winged Orchis 126, Marsh Horsetail 139. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Lady -bird or Lady - cow (Coccinella bipunctata) appears (G.W.) ...seeseeeeeee ‘ Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &e. SKYLARK egg, Alauda arvensis 21 Lavrock. Grassy tufts. iannocessrerccrssece Yellow hammer egg, Emberiza citrinella 435. Chea Bunting, Yellow Yowley. eae DOURS scvesusresstececiid scusdteiseuvinescenessa.Ues Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T)...... sessed dees 107-258, Mo. IV., APRIL 17, 188 Temperature, MEAN........ccceeeeceeee ees 47°°0 53 MAX. iN SUN....... eee 108°3 53 da. gg SHAE: ein cic 56'0 38 min. ,, shade ............ 39°: is 9 WON BrASS sc senpsesase 34°2 », accumltd, above 42°daydegs. 7°4 zs since Ist January 342°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in, Mo. iv, 2*27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ance 1st January, 9°675 in. 076 in mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....ccecececeeeeeeeeeeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings VERONICA CHAMADRYS 72-129, Ger- mander Speédwell, Bird’s-eyes, Angel’s- eyes, Blue Stars, God’s-eye, Blue-wort. Ledge BAWRS .ocacseceeccsceccevencancesencaeeaes [Betula alba, ‘Silver Birch, Hoff. Gies.] 160) 286 sows cvcsnszueennasdagaaeriedenestenoeate [Aibes aureum, Golden currant, Hoff. Giles.) 186 vcaissiicissccscescsscone veseeresieeas LOOK FOR Mealy Guelder Rose 121, Herb Robert 124, Louse-wort 127. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Great Plover seen, Gdicnemus crepitans 112, Norfolk Plover, Stone Curlew, Whistling Plover or Curlew ............066 Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......cssscevsesseeee ‘4 108-257, Mo. IV., APRIL 18,188 . Temperature, Mean...........ceeesereneees 46°°7 35 max, IN SUN... eee 105°6 5 yy gg Shade: vascuerew 56°0 55 min. ,, shade ............ 39°5 is go ON QTASS wees 34°0 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 7°3 ss since Ist January 350°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in, Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Raita since 1st January, 9°751 in. 076 in, mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &c. Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Prunus avium 108, Wild Cherry, Crab Cherry, Gean-tree, Mazzards, ‘‘Merries,” “Merry tree” [also Hoff. Giessen]. WO0dS: - casinvaisscnccadinadeasvaagcnceieevasaeianios LOOK FOR Horse-chestnut 126. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Scotosia dubitata 72-132 and 243, The Tissue M. (lar. vi. on buckthorn) .............54 Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Jay egg, Garrulus glandarius. Tree OP ETCHES ciiinn sina doverrshoristean sendoviadeves Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)essesssessesserserees 109-256, Mo. IV., APRIL 19, 188 . Temperature, mMean..........cceeeseeee eens 47°°0 59 MAX. IN 'SUNeearcssnenee 103°5 $3 $5: oy Shade we. se ceeess 55°4 se min. ,, shade ............ 40° 6 gg, OMIBLASS- seazeeeceses 34°7 3» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 7°6 since Ist January 358°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in, on 14 days Raita since 1st January, 9°827 in. ‘076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....ceceeeeseeeceeeeeeeoes Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings [Prunus spinosa Sloe, Hoff. Giessen] 91 LOOK FOR Milkwort 122, Upright Broome Grass 127, Good King Henry ~ 131, Bog Bean 133. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. [Betula alba If. Birch, Hoff. Gies.] 107, 28 Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Waved Umber M. 130. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Creeper egg, Certhia familiaris, Tree- climber. ALoles of tres wesceceesserseeaeeee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)sisscccssessessereeee 110-255, Mo. IV., APRIL 20, 188 . Temperature, MeAaN.........seseseee essen 46°°9 35 max, in SUM....... cece 108°8 3 go SHAE) osc ose cae 57°4 ee min. ,, shade ............ 38°6 5 gy) COMIQTASS! a dcceeevsiese 32°8 yy accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 8°3 55 since Ist January 366°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall { since rst January, 9°903,in. | ors in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &. .....sccscseseseeeceeseeres Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings PLANTAGO LANCEOLATA 89-125, Ribwort Plantain, Cock Grass, Rib Grass, Jack- shaws, Ripple Grass, Hen-plant. as- Lures, SANDY PLACES .eceeecesccncecerncerersees Lquisetum arvense 96-118, Corn Horsetail, Bottle Brush, False Horsetail. Fields... LOOK FOR Winter Cress 125, Venus’s Comb 126, Changeable Scorpion Grass 130, Oak tree 133, Black Grass 138. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; sees ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Large Yellow Underwing M.. 165. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Heron egg, Ardea cinerea, Heron, Heron- - shaw, Crested Heron. 77ree tops......... Turtle Dove coos (G.W.) 121 w..eeeeeeeee eee Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (Dy accrescasinnnetenmniente 111-254, Mo. IV., APRIL 21, 188 . Temperature, Mean....cegeseecsseueeee +604 6°°7 55 MAX, IM SUN... cee eee ees 108°7 as se py SHADE nascavsegeess 56°9 53 min. ,, Shade .........005 39°0 si $3. OM BIASS acd besecscenees 33'°3 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 7'7 a since Ist January 3741 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2'27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ace ist January 9°979 | 076 in. . mean rel. humidity 81 °7/o Wind, direction, & . ....cccseccsccneeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming : note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings SISYMBRIUM ALLIARIA (officincile) 97-125, Garlic Hedge Mustard, Jack-by-the- hedge, Bank Cress. Hedee BANRS. 1.00000 Vinca major—Gt. Periwinkle, Band-plant, Cut-finger, Ledges .....ccccccevesseeeseseeees LOOK FOR Sweet Wood-ruff 123, Marsh Valerian 123, Millet Grass 130, Melic Grass 131, Sycamore 125. Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR The Streamer M. 124. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Cole Tit egg, Parus ater, Cole titmouse, Colemouse. Holes in trees, &C..ccorserees LANDRAIL or Corn Crake seen. Crex pra- tensts 124, Daker-hem .......cccceseeseevenees Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) vssseccesesereernnee 112-253, Mo. IV., APRIL 22,188 . Temperature, MeAN.........:0.ccceeeeeee ee 46°°6 Pr max. in SUN... eee 109°9 » sy gp SHAME a asccssadan 567 5 min. ,, shade ............ 38'4 - sa sy, (OM -OYASSis vac seereneny 33°1 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°6 Ah since Ist January 381°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2'27 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 10'06 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &C...........ccccceeeeceeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Galium cruciatum 85-130, Crosswort, Bedstraw, May-wort, Honey-wort. VAY SES sii sasauewiccmuunecescadeenenachuaviies Arum maculatum 88-133, Cuckoo Pint, Wake Robin, Lords-and-Ladies, Lamb- in-a-pulpit, Adam-and-Eve, Adder’s Meat, Friar’s Cowl. Hedge banks......... Orchis mascula 91-130, Early Purple Orchis, Pastures wiccisisccssssecseeeenseees [Prunus cerasus—Cherry, Hoff. Gies.] ... LOOK FOR Lady’s Mantle 126, Maple tree 129, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Pieris Napi 64-145, Green-veined White B. Gardens. (lar. vi. & ix. on rape seed)... LOOK FOR Humming-bird, Hawk M. 175, Letticed Heath M. 141. Fish. Reptiles. Birds ; migration, song, nesting, &c. Great Plover egg, 107. Shitgle. ......c00005 Wild Duck egg, Azas boschas, Mallard. LOW SCALES svecsnwosseisnisievewdridaaecessepcueas Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Large bat appears (G.W.) .....cccceceseenees Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....cce diheraantes 113-252, Mo. IV., APRIL 23, 188 Temperature, Mean.......:..cscceeeeeeeeee 46°°9 a max. iN SUN...........eeee 1123 PA gs. oe Shade. aveccenaer§O'S re min, ,, shade ............ 38°6 SS 99 ON BraSS o.eeeseee ++32°9 », accumltd.above 42°day-degs. 8'o 5 S18 since Ist January 389'7 Barometer (mean, Mo, iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2'27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {a ist January, 10°13 a} 076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &c. .....c.cecseceveeeeeeeenees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Orobus (Lathyrus) tuberosus 98-138, Tu- berous Pea, Heath Pea. Rocky woods ... Veronica serpyllifolia 77-138, Thyme-leaved Speedwell, St. Paul’s Betony. Road- SEAES iii cdciaalih seuinice au alts nitrated deldarectateete Anthroxanthium odoratum 89-132, Sweet Vernal Grass, Pastures..ccssccosscasesenees [Pyrus communis, ie ee LOOK FOR Com. Vetch 135, Bird Cherry Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Reed Warbler egg 99. Reed and sedge SLCTIES verencertesneevenuccssccenensensecsosttorses Nuthatch egg, Sztfa Europea, Woodcracker. FLOWS CRTC. aeiancricdersnrtntesnteacsgieseesss Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....ccccssseseeceeee 9 114-251, Mo. IV., APRIL 24, 188 . Temperature, Mean........ccesceeeeeeeeeee 46°"4 a MANS INESUD nccesernccawey 108'8 55 gy gp SHAME? sn) cccscaien 55°6 a min. ,, shade ............ 30°7 a5 gy ON QYASS. es eeceeeeeee 33°1 yy accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°2 S98 since Ist January 396°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ssc ist January, 1o'21 | 076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &. ....eeeceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Ranunculus repens 80-140, Creeping Crow- foot. PAStUPES...ccccccsscsecceneeneeeueenseees LOOK FOR Purple Clover 124, Field Madder 124, Milkwort 128, Rye 135, Hogweed 136. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Short Winged Pug M. 136. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. NIGHTINGALE seen, Philomela luscinia 150. Pied Wagtail egg, M@otacilla alba, Water Wagtail, Yarrell’s Wagtail, Winter Wag- tail, Peggy-wash-dish. Hedge banks ... Yellow Wagtail seen, Motactlla flava vu Rayi, Ray’s Wagtail. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) ccccsssesveerranee 115-250, Mo. IV., APRIL 25, 188 . Temperature, mean..............ceeeeeeees 471 55 MAX. IN SUN... eee eee 109°4 ee oy gSHAE: ivecewi non 571 35 min. ,, shade ............ 39°2 35 99 ODBrass) svaascesnens 32°6 », accumltd.above 42°day-degs. 8x ey since Ist January 405‘0 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 10°28 in, } * mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. oo... .ceceeecneesneeeaeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Myosotis arvensis 89-138, Field Scorpion- grass or Forget-me-not. Fields..,.....+.+ Fragaria vesca 85-132, Wild Strawberry. Hedge barks, Woods, secrevcsnvecsanceeesenes Valerianella olitoria 82-139, Com. Corn- Salad, Lamb’s-lettuce Milk-grass, ‘“White Pot-herb.” Corsfields ....cscecceesascevees Euphorbia Amygdaloides 84-140, Wood Spurge. Zhickets ..cccsccscsarevesecsesenes LOOK FOR Barren Brome Grass 128, Rye Grass 128, Sheep’s Sorrel 130, Hairy Tare 138. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. : [Fagus sylvatica, Beech tree, Hoff. Gies.] J00, 124, 175, 288. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Copper B. 137, Alexis Bluse B. 146, Grizzle Skipper B. 135, Ruby Tiger M. 131. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Stonechat egg 62. Furze near the ground Pheasant egg, Phastanus Colchicus, Ring- necked Pheasant. Brushwood on ground. Goldfinch egg, Fringilla carduelis 52, Goldspink, Goldie. Bushes .......106 fete Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)sccccesceererrrres ' 116-249, Mo. IV., APRIL 26, 188 .. Temperature, MEAN..........sserseeeeseees 47°°4 oy MAX. IN SUN... ee seeeee ees 112°3 3 sy) 9s SHAME? saps cveveos 58°2 3 min. ,, shade ........ 1000376 re 99 ON QIASS ...sseeeeees 31'8 «, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 8°8 ‘as 7 since Ist January 413°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29.93) in. Mo. iy, 2.27 in, on 14 days ‘Rainfall {sn rst January, 10°36 in. | ors in. . mean rel, humidity 81 °/ “Wind, direction, &C. ....ceseecesceeeeeeeeeereee ‘Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings “VICIA SEPIUM 104-140, Bush Vetch. TTCd ges cvevisccassiseacssreaecvenss asebiariease _Arenaria trinervis 84-149, Three-nerved Sandwort. Damp places wiccrecrreerrerees Poa pratensis 99-129, Com. Meadow Grass. Meadows .........+5 aise Salad Burnet 126, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. “Insects, Larve &c. appearing. “Pieris Brassica 64-163, Com. Cabbage B. Gardens (lar. vi. & ix. on cabbage) LOOK FOR Speckled Wood B, 139. ‘Fish. Reptiles, ‘Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. ‘Tree Pipit egg, Anthus arboreus, Pipit Lark. Hedge Oansr.cccccccccrecsecscesenes Sedge Warbler egg 82. Sedge banks......... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....:ccesecesecreenes 117-248, Mo. IV., APRIL 27, 188 . Temperature, MeaN..........eeceeeeeeeees 48°°9 3 max, iN SUN............06. 108'I a5 got sap pSMAME -occseaacions 59°2 3 min. ,, shade ............ 40°3 Fi 99 ON QYASS 34°0 s, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 9°5 me +9 since Ist January 423°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in, Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall {i 1st January, 10°44 in. 076 in, mean rel. humidity 8: °/, Wind, direction, &C. .......cceeeceecceeneenenee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings SYMPHYTUM OFFICINALE 103-134, Com- frey, Back-wort, Bone-set, Knit-back. RUF VANS: “i sigeieiea aac cateonealedSaetewersicteats Sinapis arvensis 72-149, Charlock, Corn Mustard, Field Kale, Brassock. Cornjields Lamium Galeobdolon 101 - 136, Yellow Archangel, Weasel’s-snout, Yellow Dead- MEttle., “TACKS covevrecnswasenniseerwerentes Carex pracox 95-133, VernalSedge. Heaths LOOK FOR Cleavers 129, Narrow Oat- grass 144, Lily of the Valley 128, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Melanippe Fluctuata 93-139, Garden Car- pet M. Gardens (lar. v. & ix. on cabbage) LOOK FOR Peppered M. 147, Angle Shades M. 150. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Wood Warbler seen, Phylloscopus (Sylvia) Syvtocola 127, Yellow Wood Wren ...... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)ecscccsseseesreereeee 118-247, Mo. IV., APRIL 28, 188 . Temperature, eee eee eee 48°°3 Fe max, in SUN... eee 104'8 fs goo ap SHAME: ects ccanctei 57°3 on min. ,, shade ............ 4I'2 9 gy ON BYASS we. eee 36'0 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 38°3 % since Ist January 431°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 10°51 in, mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &¢. .......2.seseecessssceeenee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings AJUGA REPTANS I01-138, Com. Bugle, Brown Bugle, Middle Consound. Aéoist WOOD -sases scneusie as isemen dey sevesr yes tennN Medicago lupulina 95-138, Black Medick, None-such, Hees Yellow Clover. Waste Places .occcsccveccecserseeneeteesaesseveee Saxifraga granulata “Jor-1 38, Meadow Saxifrage, Fair Maid-of-France, First-of- May. Meadows werrecseccrsesreccreveenenece Bromus mollis 102-132, Soft Brome-grass, Blubber, Bull, Cock, Goose, Haver, Hooded Grass, Waysides.....ccccccceeeeee [Pyrus Malus, Apple? Hoff. Gies.] 125.... Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. CHIFF-CHAaFF egg, 69. Grassy banks...... Meadow Pipit egg, Anthus pratensis 99, Tit-lark, Ling-bird. Grassy ground Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T).....::sseseceserenes : 119-246, Mo. IV., APRIL 29, 188 Temperature, M€aN.........ccseeceeeeee ees 46°"9 is max. in SUN... eee 109°8 » 999 Shade .....sccceee 563 ” min. ,, shade ............ 39°7 3 ys ON QTASS woe 34°9 sy accumltd.above 42°day-degs. 8:0 53 35 since Ist January 439°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in, Mo. iv, 2'27 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, ro’sg in. ‘076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °%/, Wind, direction, &c Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Geranium molle 90-159, Dove’s - foot Crane’s-bill or Ger. Waste places ...... Lychnis diurna 101-142, Red Campion, Adder’s-, Devil’s-flower. Damp banks... Carex glauca 106-132, Glaucous Heath Sedge, Gilliflower-grass. AZoors ....s060 LOOK FOR Tormentil 129, Wood Sedge 130, Wood Sanicle 132, Cock’s-foot Grass 133, Solomon’s Seal 137, Scarlet Pim- pernel 156, Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Bullfinch egg, Loxia pyrrhula, Nope, Pope, Hoop. Blackthorn bushes, &c. ... Wren Com. egg, Zroglodytes vulgaris 17, Kitty or Jenny Wren. Tvree-trunks, [uy Redstart egg 91. Holes in trees and DUALS iecesracsevnstavearveceecsccscesceaseonsens . Red-legged Partridge egg, Pardix rufa, French Partridge. Grassy ground ..... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)esecccccsseseeeerees « 120-245, Mo. IV., APRIL 30, 188 . Temperature, Mean.......scseeseerseseeens 47°°% 59 MAX. IN SUN... eeeee 113°7 sr 9 gy SHAdE: scerveveveies 57°5 ‘5 min, ,, shade ............ 37°9 53 99 ON QIASS .ieseeeevene 32°7 »» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 9°4 53% since Ist January 449°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. iv, 29°93) in. Mo. iv, 2°27 in. on 14 days Raita since 1st January, 10°66 in. ‘076 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &C. ......csceceeeseeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Savothamnus (Spartium) scoparius 82-143, Com. Broom, Beesom. Commons......... Geum rivale 91-138, Water Avens, eee ing Avens. Damp woods ...secccsrereree Carex riparia 95-142, Gt. River Bank Sedge. Ditches wicccccccescsccceseneeverevees LOOK FOR London Pride 132, Hawthorn 133, Laburnum 134, Sorrel 134, Pignut 136, Goat’s-beard 145, Dwarf Mallow 148. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Dragon-fly (Zibde//ula) appears (G.W.) ...... LOOK FOR Orange-tip B. 128. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. GOATSUCKER or Night-jar seen, Cafri- muUlgus EUsOPEUS AZT rcevccvecserssenensees Ring Ouzel egg 99. Dry banks and Ledges Of VOCRS sevsecevveversaseener WHFEATEAR egg 56. Quarries... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).s. cess ceseeeene 121-244, Mo. V., MAY 1, 188 . Temperature, MEAN......scccseseseeeseees 46°°5, i max. in sun..........0000 109°8 55 o> 99 Shade ............ 55°5 Pr min. ,, shade ............ 38°38 33 9» ON Qrass ............ 32°6 »» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 4°5 % 5 since Ist January 456°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. vy, 2'11 in. on 12 days Rainfall { since 1st January, 10°73 in. | « mean rel. humidity 77 %o Wind, direction, &C. ......cssescccseeseeseeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Chelidonium majus 93-144, Gt. Celandine, Swallow-wort. Shady Places.......s01:000 Viburnum Lantana 107-136, Mealy Guelder Rose, Wayfaring-tree. Woods .......+.. LOOK FOR Ramsons 131, Bird’s-foot Trefoil 137, Rock Rose 140, White Campion 140, Dutch Clover 140, Prickly Sow-thistle 147, Musk Thistle 159. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. [Quercus pedunculata 1., Oak 133, Hoff. Giessen] 733, 134) 203 cereccscssceseeeseens Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Aphis humuli (beginning of May—C.W.), The Hop Fly. Hop gardets........cc00008 Glow-worm (Lampyris noctiluca) appears Ww. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Black-cap Bunting egg, Lmberiza sche- niclus, Reed Bunting, Mountain Sparrow. PGCAS 5 siiiicsiva'jses aga Vena giosionsadeeseneusage cuss Wryneck seen, Yunx torguilla, Cuckoo's Mate, Maid or Messenger. .........+..00e008 TuRTLE DoveEseen, Columba Turtur, 129. Animals ; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)...ssssscssssesseeee ss 122-243, Mo. V., MAY 2, 188 . Temperature, mean...... dedwannmeens ances 46° 5 - max, in SUN............00+ 114°6 43 sa ay SHAE: Seevecvecasis 57°3 55 min, ,, shade ............ 36°38 <5 99 ON GTASS wees 317 sy accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 8°o 7 since Ist January 464°5 Barometer (mean Mo. v. 30 ‘or) in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/> Wind, direction, &C. ......sccsceceececeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Polygala calcarea 109-138, Chalk Milk- wort. Chalky downs ...... auousbseameienaes LOOK FOR Sheep’s Fescue 134, Lady’s Fingers 136, Columbine 139, Hedge Mustard 140, Flote Grass 149. Mo. v, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 10°80 in. |} ‘068 in, Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Field Cricket (Grylls campestris) crinks (GW), cose seinsed ita caiea dower ailpinden abecieas LOOK FOR Red Twin-spot Carpet M. 131 and 218, The Hop Jumper 134. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Whitethroat egg 103. Zhéckets, shrubs .. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)...... csseeeee one sea 123-242, Mo. V., MAY 3, 188 . Temperature, Mean.........ccceeeseeeeeeee 46°'3 Pe max. in SUN... ee 109'0 an gy. gy Shade: aawasncu 57°2 Ps min. ,, shade ............ 37°9 5 99 ON QIASS... esses eee 318 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°2 ee since Ist January 477 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in, Mo. v. 2’r1 in. on 12 days } Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 10°87 in. | ‘068 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ....c.cesseeceeeeeee senses Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Narcissus poeticus 123, Poet’s Narcissus, Whitsun Lily. Gardens, woods.. Asperula odorata V11-142, Sweet Woodruff, Mugwet, Sweet Grass. Shady woods ... Valeriana dioica 111-141, Marsh Valerian. Md ESRES cs iocss eins Seiseice oun cen sedale eas scanned Carex paludosa 105-141, Lesser River Sedge. Ditches ..rccscccsccccceeseesenerseees [Lonicera tatarica, Tartarian Honeysuckle, Hoff, Gies.] 177) ......csccsccssnececnscserenen LOOK FOR Downy Out-grass 133, Creep- ing Fescue 133, Elder 147, Long-stalked Crane’s-bill 150, Parsnip 153. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Death’s-head Hawk M. 219, Orange Footman M. 131, Flounced Rus- tic M. 223, Com. Pug M. 139. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. saree Warbler egg 78. Nettles and tall gras, Hee eck egg, Coccothraustes vulgaris, Grosbeak. igh branches of trees .....+ Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......s-esseeerees arr 124-241, Mo. V., MAY 4, 188 . Temperature, Meat........cccceeseeeeeeres 45°38 35 max. in SUN........ cee 114'9 3 ys 9) Shade ........000 560 3 min. ,, shade ............ 37°2 a5 99 ON QIASS..... cess eeees 30°8 > accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°2 53 since Ist January 478°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. vy, 30°01) in. Mo. vy, 2°11 in. on 12 days ~ Rainfall 4 since ist January, 10'94 in: } -068 in. mean rel. humidity 77 %/o Wind, direction, &C. 1.0... cceeeseceeeeeee sees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings GERANIUM ROBERTIANUM 107-145, Herb- Robert, Dragon’s Blood, Fox Grass, Nightingales. Waste Places ccccrecsvecnere Trifolium pratense 114-140, Com. Purple Clover or Trefoil, ‘‘ Bee-bread.” Fields Sherardia arvensis 114-179, Sherardia, Field Madder, Spur-wort. Cornjfields... [Syringa vulgaris, Lilac, Hoff. Gies.] ras. [Warcissus poeticus, Hoff. Gies.] 723......++ LOOK FOR Mountain Ash 134, Tway- blade 140, Horseshoe Vetch 142, Grom- well, Soft-grass 143, Purging Flax, Yel- low Pimpernel 144, Corn Feverfew 151. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. [Beech forest green, Hoff. Gies.] roo, 115, 288s. wo siscesietions sets ausdedidexenrseiaevies Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Anticlea gerivata 111-150, The Streamer M. (lar. vi. on dog-rose, honeysuckle) ... LOOK FOR Clouded Silver M. 144, Grey Pug M. 145. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. WILLow WREN egg 88. Banks, thickets Lesser Redpole seen, Linaria minor, 128 LAND-RAIL or Corn Crake egg 111. Grassy OT OUME Seiccedintaun Saieoiie tuo dea snducesniuwn Snipe departs, Scolopax gallinga 254 ...... Animals: seen, breeding, &c, Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....sssssseceesevere 125-240, Mo. V., MAY 5, 188 Temperature, Mean...........cccceseeee ees 48°°2 ae max, in sun..........000..116°8 ” $9) og 4 SHAGES cs cccuecues 59°2 Ee min. ,, shade ........ 0000384 ss 99 ON QTASS ...seeveeeee 32°4 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 8:9 a 3 since Ist January 487°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v, 2°r1 in. on 12 days Rainfall + since rst January, 11‘oo in. mean rel. humidity 77 Wind, direction, &C. ...cccsceeesceeceeneeeneees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings SYRINGA VULGARIS 102-151, Com. Lilac, Pipe-tree, Shrubberies viicccsccsvseeevecees ACER PsEUDO-PLATANUS III-142, Syca- more, Mock-Plane tree. Parks ......... Pyrus Malus 106-149, Crab-apple tree. PTCA B68 -cswrscciueveccsswencicisnes cece eevee Gees Fumatoria officinalis 53-151, Com. Fumi- tory: Cornfield. ovac.dovenosc ncteess eavtons Barbarea vulgaris 110-138, Com. Winter Cress, St. Barbara’s Herb, Winter or Yellow Rocket. Damp places ............ Geranium lucidum 116-144, Shining-leaved Crane’s-bill. Rocks, walls wieccccccececesece LOOK FOR Bog Stitchwort 137, Mouse- ear Hawkweed 138. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Coxcomb Prominent M. 161, Clay triple-lines M. 155, White-pinion Spotted M. 142. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Blackcap Warbler egg, 81. Hedges, Scrub Lesser Whitethroat seen, Curruca sylviella 133, Brake Nightingale.................0055 Woodlark egg, Alauda arborea 24. Grassy tufts eevee nceeene Davee eee eaeeseneeeeeenerneeeees . Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).cccsccessecerenrecees 126-239, Mo. V., MAY 6, 188 Temperature, Mean........ceeeeeeeceeeeee 49°°2 Ss max. iN SUN... cece 116°6 35 Si -epSRBMO cvcssoveid 60°6 55 min, ,, shade ............ 40°2 sy 95 ON QLASS oo. .eeee eee 34°1 5, accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 10’0 53 since Ist January 497°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v, 2°12 in. on 12 days Rainfall { since rst January, 11°07 in. mean rel. humidity 77 %o Wind, direction, &C. ....ccceesceecnceeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings ZESCULUS HIPPOCASTANUM 108-151, Horse Chestnut; Paks. ccsesinasevsnneicnivesanceaies Poterium Sanguisorba 116-140, Salad Burnet. Chalk heaths.c.cececccccccveceneeees Alchemilla vulgaris 112-139, Lady’s Mantle, Lion’s-foot, Gt. Senicle. Az// pastures Staphylea pinnata 100-149, Com. Bladder- nut, Anthony-nut. Shrubberies.........66 Orchis Morio 106-135, Green - winged Orchis, Crake-foot. Pastures .....:..000 Scandix Pecten-Veneris 110-161, Venus-, Lady’s-, Shepherd’s - Comb, Cornfields Lithospermum arvense 96-165, Corn Grom- well. Waste Places cc seccesccneccersceneseees LOOK FOR Silver Weed 135, Holly 138, Brook -lime 142, Dwarf dark - winged Orchis 153. Trees and Shrubs leafing ; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Polyommatus Argiolus 105-173 and 223, Azure Blue B. Holly (lar. vi.-ix. on holly) LOOK FOR Eyed Hawk M. 164, Cinna- bar M. 150, Brown Silver-line M. 140. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Red-backed Shrike egg, Lanius collurio, Lesser Butcher-bird. Bushes .......0005 Kingfisher egg, 68. Holes in river banks... Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)iccsccscseesssseres 127-238, Mo. V., MAY 7, 188 . Temperature, mean........ cee ceeeeee eee 49°0 r max. in suN...... 115°8 oe os 99 Shade ............ 59°4 3s min. ,, shade ............ 4o°2 35 9) ONQTASS oe. 33°6 >, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 10'r ”» since Ist January 507°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°0r) in, 0. V, 2°tr in, on 12 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, r1'14 in. | *068 in, mean rel. humidity 77 %o Wind, direction, &. oo... cceseeeeeeeeee seca eee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings PEDICULARIS SYLVATICA 107-151, Com. Louse-wort, Red Rattle. Moist pastures Lepidium campestre 94-153, Com. Pepper- wort, Churl’s-Mustard. Fields ............ Geum urbanum 94-157, Wood Avens, Clove-root, Herb-Bennet. Hedge banks Bromus erectus 109-147, Upright Brome- grass, Sandy fields ...ccccccoeccevecveseessaee Prunus Padus 113-, Bird-cherry. Woods... L£sculus Hippocastaneum, Horse Chesnut Hoff. Gies.] 100, 726, 259, 283....c.cc0008 LOOK FOR Lamb’s Tongue 144, Snake- weed 145, Long-rooted : Cat’s-ear 146, Ragged Robin 147. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Golden Eye B. 142, Dingy’ Skipper B. 137, Large Ermine M. 140, Small White Wave M. 141, Com. White Wave M. 143. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. GOATSUCKER egg, Caprimulgus Europeus, Night-jar, Night - Hawk, Fern - Owl, Churn-Owl. ern, heather, &e. . Wood Warbler egg 117. Thickhels o......445 Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Cricket Season at Lord’s begins. Salmon (S). Trout (T)sssccosssssssee oe oor 128-237, Mo. V., MAY 8, 188 Temperature, MEAN,..........ccceseeeene +49°°3 ay max, in SUN........ eee 1I7'9 5 sy 9) Shade ....... +2+.60°O iy min. ,, Shade ............ 39°4 35 y9 ON QLASS ......seeeee 338 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 9°3 “3 since Ist January 517'2 Barometer (mean, Mo. vy, 30°01) in. Mo. v. 2‘rz in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, rr‘zx in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &e. wo... ee cceceeeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings POLYGALA VULGARIS 114-164, Milkwort, Rogation-, Procession - flower, Cross - flower. LZeaths cscscsisencsciscescsseesvccss Bromus sterilis 115-138, Barren Brome or Drake Grass. Field's .......ccccsceceseeeeees Lolium perenne 115-147, Rye-, Ray-grass, Darnel-grass. Field's ........ avaiehosme anette Convallaria majalis 117-140, Be ee Valley, Woods ..csecscsseccerepeanreceeneens LOOK FOR Scarlet Clover 141, Rough Meadow Grass 142. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. ANTHOCHARIS CARDAMINES 120-151, Orange-tip or Wood-Lady B. Fields (lar. vii. on Cardamine) .............000008 LOOK FOR Small Purple-barred M. 1 SI, Silver-ground Carpet M. 142, Nettle- tip M. 148. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Lesser Redpole egg, 124. Thorn bushes, Cuckoo egg 92. Various birds’ nests ...... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..ccssseee cain 129-236, Mo. V., MAY 9, 188 .. Temperature, Mean........cccceeceeeaee 48°°2 5 MAXs IN SUM nawiaveeeserss 114°6 Pe o> «9g, Shade ............ 58°3 5 min, ,, shade ............ 39°8 sy g5¢ OM BTASS: -sssivesacen 34°9 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 9°3 35 since Ist January 526°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v, 2°x1 in. on 12 days i Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 11°28 in. | -O68 in. . mean rel. humidity 77 %/o Wind, direction, &C. oo... ceseeseeescneeeseeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings GALIUM APARINE 117-149, Cleavers, Bur- weed, Goose-grass. Hedges ..........00008 Acer campestre 112-146, Com. Maple tree. PICA SOS ” accumitd. above 42°day-degs. 10°3 55 since Ist January 574°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since st January 11°62 a -o68 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o ) Wind, direction, &. ....cssceeceseecee ew eneeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CytTisus LABURNUM 120-149, Laburnum, Golden-rain, Golden-chain. Shraudbéderies. Pyrus AUCUPARIA 124-160, Mountain Ash, Rowan-tree. Wo0ds.........0.0sc0ees Sagina procunibens 95-150, Pearl-wort, Pearl-weed. Dry Places.ccceccccveecevvceees Rumex Acetosa 120-149, Com. Sorrel, Sour Dock, Green-sauce. Meadows ............ Festuca ovina 122-149, Sheep’s Fescue- grass. Dry Pastures ciccrccessccvcereenseees [Laburnum, Hoff. Gies.] above.............4 Trees and Shrubs leafing; seedy ger- minating. [Oak forests green. Hoff. Gies.] 121. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Demas Coryli 91-185, Nut-tree Tussock M. Beech woods (lax vi.-x. on beech) . Euacanthus interruptus, The Hop Jumper : (‘‘middle of May "—C.W.) Hop gardens LOOK FOR Small Swift M. 151, Maiden Blush M. 152, Green Carpet M. 153. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T). 135-230, Mo. V., MAY 15, 188 Temperature, MeaN.......sceeeeeeeseeeeeee 50°1 A max. in suUN.........0..00. 118'0 4 xy 99 Shade? ccvssenenss 59°2 * min. ,, shade ............ 42.5 35 99 ON QTASS......eceseeees 37°6 »» accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 10°1 son VE ae since Ist January 584°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in, Mo. v, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 11°68 in. | ‘o68 in. mean rel. humidity 77 5 Wind, direction, Ke. .......cccccceeceeeeeeneeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if’ surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings POTENTILLA ANSERINA 126-149, Silver Weed, Goose-, Dog’s-Tansy, Argentine. ROAGSEACS. ces iovsievaamounviosiaiaaeansssmeneieT Vicia sativa 113-173, Com. Vetch, Fitches, Lints (lentils), AZedds oe ceeeceeeseceenneee Fagus sylvatica, Com. Beech (G.W.) 100... LOOK FOR Meadow Vetchling 152, Yellow Flag 153, Crested Hair-grass 155, Corn Cockle 171. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Thymele alveolus 115-155, Grizzle Skipper B. Woods, fields (lar. iv. on Bramble). LOOK FOR Brown Argus B. 155 and 233, Clouded Skipper B. 156, Bordered Pearl M. 155, Spotted Buff M. 149, Wood Carpet M. 169. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. SAND MarTIN egg 98. Holes in sandy banks. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing: Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..cccccscecesseeevees 186-229, Mo. V., MAY 16, 188 . Temperature, MEAN........cseeeeeeeeeeees 50°°r 53 max, in SUN........-.eeeee 119'8 $3 x3. -g-SHADE: lereoasecves 59°1 33 min. ,, shade ............ 41°7 $3 9) ON QYASS .....sseeeee 36°6 », accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 10°3 a since Ist January 594°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in, 0. V, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall {si ist January, 11°75 in. ‘068 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....cecceeseeeeeeneeee ees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Anthyllis vulneraria 122-166, Lady’s Fingers, Com. Kidney-Vetch, iaebe. toe. Dry DASLUTES wirersercrseceeesensnncnens Heracleum Sphondylium 114-165, Hog- weed, Com. Cow or Meadow Parsnip, Eltrot. Waste places wricscsccoscssevseeseees Bunium flexuosum 120-159,Pig-nut, Earth- nut, St. Anthony’s-nut. Pastures ...... [Cidonia vulgaris, Quince, Hoff. Geis.] . [Sorbus aucuparia b, Mountain Ash, Hoff. GieS:].2 94; ZU Lesscsassaacranens incense deeueries Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. ; Eupithecia abbreviata 114-161, Short- winged Pug. M. (lar. vi.-vii. on oak) ... Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. SWALLOw egg 82. Chimneys, roofs ...... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....ssecccsssseeeeees ‘ 137-228, Mo. V., MAY 17, 188 . Temperature, Meanseeecsseccerecreees 1 49°'9 55 max, in Sun... 114'2 i sp. sey ishade? ifaheaceues 60'0 3 min. ,, shade ............ 41'0 Fe js OM QIASS” swerve 36°2 »» accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 10°7 a5 since Ist January 605°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in, Mo. v, 2°rz in. on 12 days Rainfall { since rst January, 11°82 in. | *o68 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &. ........ccccecesenecsaeeres Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Lotus CORNICULATUS 121-156, Bird’s- foot Trefoil or Clover, Cheese-cake, Eggs-and-Bacon, Fingers-and-Thumbs. LD} DIRE S cer vosyiviota.dcielaensasesinn cen ansss Stellaria uliginosa 125-151, Bog Stitch wort or Starwort. BOGS. ccisicesasaesetseets Polygonatum multiflorum 119-165, Solo- mon’s Seal, Fraxinell, Ladder-to- Heaven, Lily-of-the-Mountain. Woods ............ LOOK FOR Dewberry 146, Butterfly Orchis 150, Lesser Stitchwort 152, Water Dropwort 154, Water Speedwell 157, Knot-grass 164, Small Broom-rape 165, Ragwort 173. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Chrysophanus Phi@as 115-161, Copper B, Fields, lanes (Jar. v.-x. on docks) ........ : Thanaos Tages 127-155, Dingy Skipper B. Heaths (lar. vii.-v. Bird-foot Trefoil) LOOK FOR Puss M. 161, Buff-tip M. 152, Chinese Character M. 1 54 Garden Pebble M. 152. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......cceseceeereee ; 138-227, Mo. V., MAY 18, 188 . Temperature, MEAN.........eesccereeeeeees 50°°1 35 MAX. IN SUN... eee II7‘o 59 35- gy SHADE. cerreresenned 60°5 ss min. ,, shade ............ 4l‘2 5 93: SOM BLASS 555.4 ctoeeend 35°9 >, accumitd. above 42°day- -degs. 10°8 5 since Ist January 616°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in, Mo. v, 2.12 in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 11°89 in. | ‘O68 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .......cesseseceseceeueeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings HIERACIUM PILOSELLA 125-159, Mouse- ear Hawkweed. Dry banks .....cscceseeee Vicia hirsuta 115-168, Hairy Tare, Com. Tare. Waste Places wicsecsccsccsenscnesnens Llex Aguifolium 126-156, Holly, ‘‘ Christ- Mas.” WO0dS oe cicceccecsccnecsseenenanseeoes Alopecurus agrestis 110-181, Black- ;Hun- ger-, Slender-, Mousetail-grass. Pastures LOOK FOR Hop Trefoil, Forget-me-not 158, Broad-leaved Dock 160, Raspberry 152. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Walnut (Juglans regia) leafing (G.W.)...+. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Smerinthus Tilia 130-170, Lime Hawk M. On trees, pailings (lar. viii.-ix. on Vit) casiadiolicincaccateatstiartetdianeicinellne inves tinaleieis Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T)...ccccseccsssecssnee 189-226, Mo. V.,. MAY 19, 188 Temperature, Mean........ceeeeeeees 50°9 3 max. in SUN...........0008 118'2 55 gor 395: SHAUS exseevecsed 61°6 53 min. ,, shade ............ 41°3 3 99 ON BTASS oes 35'1 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 10°6 a since Ist January 626°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. yv, 30‘01) in. Mo. v, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall { since rst January 11°96 in, mean rel. humidity 77 °/ Wind, direction, &c. Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Atropa Belladonna 130-149, Deadly Nightshade, Bane-wort, Dway-berries. Vi ase placeseccccvstenssivecswenswsngenes estes Aquilegia vulgaris 122-160, Com. Colum- DING? TRCRS cs cccsnedevsiiasvenecvaesicedorevics Equisetum limosum 106-173, Marsh or Smooth Horse-tail. Bags ....ccsccscccseees Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Lasiommata /Egeria 116-179, Speckled Wood B. Woods (lar. vi.-iii. on grasses) Lasiommata Megera 120-161, The Wall B. Banks (lar. vi.-iv. on grasses) udesusamineis Eupitheia vulgata 123-154, Com. Pug M. (lar, vii.-ix. on hawthorn) ..........cseeeeee LOOK FOR Treble-lines M. 163, Cream Wave M. 150, Argent and Sable M. 163, Marbled Carpet M. 170. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). T rout (TD) sisiassaseeromeraaess 140-225, Mo. V., MAY 20, 188 . Temperature, MEaN..........ssceseeeeee “5 Eo'3 5 Max. IN SUD. eee 121'7 55) 55 gg SHAGE seseceere 62°I 5 min. ,, shade ............ 418 45 33 OD BEASS eicescessses 36'0 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 11°2 39 since Ist January 637°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v, 2°12 in. on 12 days Rainfall { since rst January, 12‘o2 in. mean rel. humidity 77 %/o Wind, direction, &. ......csecesseeseeceeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings TRIFOLIUM REPENS 121-167, Dutch or White Clover. Pastures ..iiccsccccsseseee Stsymbrium officinale 122-159, Com. Hedge Mustard, Bank Cress or Rocket. Waste PUAEES. che iain staid daeece adaaianieeaseite ven Listera ovata 124-162, Tway-blade, Bifoil, Double-leaf. Modst Pastures .....ccccceceee Helianthemum vulgare 121-166, Rock Rose, Sun Rose. Chalky pastures ...... Lychnis vespertina 121-166, White Cam- pion or Catchfly. Féelds .......eeeseeeee LOOK FOR Meadow Crane’s-bill 153, Creeping Cinquefoil 159. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Spilosoma menthastri 127-164, Large Er- mine M. Gardens (lar. ix.-v. on grasses) Lozogramma petraria 127-171, Brown _ . Silver-line M. (lar. vi. on brake). LOOK FOR Sm. Pearl-bord. Fritly. B. 154. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......ceeesesesceeee ‘ 141-224, Mo. V., MAY 21, 188 . Temperature, Mean.......c.eeceeeseseeeees 52°°9 rs max, in SUN... ee 118°6 59 oo). ey: SHAME: tvavsareaxe 63°6 33 min. ,, shade ............ 43°6 33 gy ON QTASS oe 38°6 >» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 12°5 sis 35 since Ist January 650°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30’01) in, Mo. v, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall {sc ist January, 12°09 in.} *o68 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &C. c.essseecsseccecneeeseneaes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CHRYSANTHEMUM LEUCANTHEMUM 130- 159, Gt. White Ox-eye, Moon-flower, White Bothen, Espibawn. Dry pastures Geranium dissectunt 129-168, Cut or jagged - leaved Crane’s-bill. Waste places......... Trifolium incarnatum 128-158, Scarlet or Crimson Clover. elds .....cessseeeeeees Rhinanthus Crista Galli 129-177, Com. Yellow Rattle, Cock’s-comb Grass. Dry PUL BEES ccvanonnprmnayaenes iP iainpacnd mma aamanaeiem LOOK FOR False Oat 152, Spotted Hand Orchis 155, Water Cress 156, Bladder Campion 157, Milfoil 158. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Argynnis Euphrosyne 130-169, Pearl - bordered Fritillary B. Woods (lar. vii.- Vv. OM Violets).......cccseccssseesereeeseenssenees Asthena Candidata 127-163, Small White Wave M. Woods (lar. iv. on hornbeam) Strenia Clathrata 112-188, Letticed Heath M. Saintfoil fields (lar x.-iv. on lucerne) LOOK FOR Wood Tiger M. 157, Knot- grass M. 178, Com. Wave M. 154. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Housr Martin egg 81. Eaves of houses, Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (Tussinee cen 142-223, Mo. V., MAY 22, 188 . Temperature, MeAN.........ceeeeeeneeeeees 52°°3, rs max. iN SUN..........0600 118°7 x3 shi) yy SAYS acuesnated 62°8 an min. ,, shade ............ 43°6 x5 yy ON QTASS oo... e eee 37°5 s, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 11°7 5 since Ist January 662°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. vy, 2.11 in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 12°16 in. + ‘068 in, mean rel, humidity 77 %o Wind, direction, &. .......sccssseeeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Veronica Beccabunga 126-165, Brook-lime, Cancer-wort. Ditches .ircccccceeseeneeeees Poa trivialis 128-155, Rough Meadow Grass, Fowl-grass. Meadows ........... Hippocrepis comosa 124-164, Horseshoe Vetch. Chalky pastures....cccccccccecsseees LOOK FOR Marsh Thistle 154, Dog Rose, Black Briony 155, Guelder Rose 156, Red Briony 158. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cenonympha Pamphilus 127-158, Golden- eye or Small Heath B. eds (lar. v.- Vill. ON: Grasses) si sswisdascwewscwnniasrezecnvee Corycta Taminata 125-186, White-pinion Spotted M. Woods (lar. vii. on wild Cherry): svcvuscwusee ss ccevesee ree eaews Melanippe Montanata 128-160, Silver- ground CarpetM. Woods (lar. x.-iii, on PENTOSE) oi daecre siesta wsiseesaeoee sen cen siean LOOK FOR Scabious or Greasy B. 145, Drab Looper M. 157. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).cceeee weiaints 143-222,{Mo. V., MAY 28, 188 . Temperature, mean..............005 sSiaks 51°83 an max. in SUN ......... eee Ig‘ re sy. ay SHAdEs Sessasscaeans 62° = min. ,, shade ........ 1000426 a $5: OMUBTASS wvssenoncensee 36°3 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 11°2 3 since Ist January 673°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. vy, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall js ist January, 12°23 in. [mean rel. humidity 77 /o Wind, direction, &C..........ceeeeceeeneneeneeees Plants and Trees blossoming : note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Onobrychis sativa 132-164, Cock’s-head Saintfoil, Com. Saintfoil. Chalky pastures Lithospermum officinale 124-177, Com. Gromwell, Graymile. Waste places ...... Ffolcus lanatus 124-169, Soft-grass, Dart-, Duffel-, Hose-grass. Meadows............ Briza media 129-153, Com. Quaking- grass, Dodder, Shaking-grass, ‘Lady’s Hairs, DD0wiHs cccurssvauveccsveaivers seen sos LOOK FOR Buckthorn 155, Heath Bed- Straw 157, Bitter-sweet 160, Dogwood 162, Stinking Mayweed 171, Clustered Bellflower 176, Trees and Shrubs leafing: seeds ger- minatlng. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Lodis Lactearia 131-150, Lit. Emerald M. Woods (lar. ix. on oak, birch) ............ Cabera Pusaria 127-158, Com. White Wave M. Woods (lar. vii.-ix. on oak, alder) gonsxgecaieeences iiutwein ees tea mine vere LOOK FOR Uniform Rustic M. 158, Wasp, female, Vespa vulgaris (G.W). Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) .....:ccseeseeeeeeee ‘ 144-221, Mo. V., MAY 24, 188 . Temperature, MEAN s..seseeceseeeeeeeeee 5270 5 max. in SUN... ee 113°2 as gn cggy SHAM et caeeccnves 63°5 5 min. ,, shade ............ 4I'4 ” o> ON QYASS seeeseeveeee 35°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 11°9 35 since Ist January 685:2 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in, Mo. v, 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 12°30 in. | ‘968 in. mean rel. humidity 77 o Wind, direction, &C....c.:.:cccssseeeeseeeveeeees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Linum catharticum 124-164, Purging Flax, Dwarf, Fairy, Mountain Flax. Aeaths, Lysimachia nemorum 124-167, Yellow Wood-Pimpernel or Loosestrife. Shady PUMCe Sn ciiscaccsinias acaiaiauistrnestestuemay elenircen es Planiago media 127-164, Lamb’s-tongue. Hoary Plantain, Kemps. Chadky pas- TUTES civencencennonrsenoscnnenssaeeensessoeaonsnes Avena pratensis 117-167, Narrow-leaved Out-grass. Dry DAStUrES weccececeecerssens LOOK FOR Quinancy-wort 167, Trailing Dog Rose 168. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Euclidia Glyphica 130-167, Burnet M. Fields (lar v. on white clover) .........655 Corycia Punctata 124-186, Clouded Silver IMS, teasi sersieetbaiisincia vate na cuicren enabiee sineeuaies LOOK FOR Small Blue B. 160, Privet Hawk M. 166, Com. Fanfoot M. 152. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) sissecereeessreees 145-220, Mo. V..MAY 25, 188 . Temperature, mean ........ eee 52°°5 3 max. in sun............... 121°4 59 o> 9, Shade .........0., 63°2 55 min. ,, shade ............ 43°1 55 99 OM QYASS...... ec eeees 36°9 »» accumltd, above 42° day-degs, 12'0 5 os since Ist January 697-2 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v, 2°11 in on 12 days Rainfall + since rst January, 12°36in. | ‘968 jn. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &C..........ceccccesecueecensees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Evonymus Evrop£us 133-165, Spindle- tree, Cat-tree or wood. Hedges ......... Cherophyllum temulum 102-164, Rough Chervil. Waystdes..cceccccccccccesseccencees Tragopogon pratensis 120-163, Yellow Goat’s-beard, Shepherd’s Clock, Joseph’s. Flower, Star of Jerusalem, Nap-at-. noon. Waste places ........ccecesseunes ets Polygonum Bistorta 127-177, Snakeweed, Com. Bistort, Easter Giant, Gentle or Patient Dock. Moist meadows............ LOOK FOR Dog’s-tail Grass 153, Knotted’ Figwort 154, Com. Speedwell 160, Frag- rant Orchis 162. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Melitea Artemis 142-161, Scabious or Greasy Fritillary B. Wet meadows (lar. vili.-vi. on Scabious) .......:.ccccceeeeeeeees Eupithecia Castigata 124-163, Grey Pug M. failings (lar. viii.-x. on golden-rod). LOOK FOR Green Forester M. 162, Orange Swift M. 194, The Gothic M. 197. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) csc ee cece II 146-219, Mo. V.. MAY 26, 188 , Temperature, MEAN........... cc eeeee sees 53°°8 Pe max. iN SUN...........0668 1188 $5 Sso> gy oSWAde: siccscssscon 63°6 oe min. ,, shade ............ 45°7 x 99 OD QYASS oo. ees e500 39'S », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 12'7 5 35 since Ist January 709°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v, 2°11 in. on 12 days ) Raita | since rst January, 12°43 in. } ‘068 in. mean rel. humidity 76 %/, Wind, direction, &. oo... eecceeceeeeeaeseeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Aypocherts radicata 127-167, Long-rooted Cat’s-ear, Capeweed. Dry places ...... Leontodon hispidus 132-164, Rough Hawk- Dit PAStU ICS cise. csivacdoesiinevanevecdcers Rubus casius 136-167, Dewberry, Blue Bramble. Heaths ......cccssceeeceneeeeeeeee LOOK FOR Thyme 156, Honeysuckle (Woodbine) 165. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. ‘Cynthia Cardut 76-179, Painted Lady B. Thistles, roads (lar. vi.-ix. on thistles) ... LPolyommatus Alexis 115-173, Alexis or Com. Blue B. ills (lar. iv. & viii. on TLELOI) « vicicssvadssosiies dussonacondvageancnieisins Diaphora Mendica 122-170, Spotted Muslin M. (lar. viii. on plantain) .............0066 LOOK FOR Dark Green Fritillary B. 184, Plain Golden Gamma M. 175, Small Fanfoot M. 161, Small Magpie, M. 166, Sharp-angled Carpet M. 179. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) cece ve vee 147-218, Mo. V.. MAY 27, 188 . Temperature, mean oo... eceeeeeeees 53°3 es Max. IN SUN... eee aes 117‘2 a gy 4p Shade: -vaeerveened 62°5 5 min. ,, shade ............ 45'0 6 yy ON Brass oe 389 », accumltd.above 42° day-degs, 12°1 <5 ex since Ist January 722'0 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in, 0. V, 2°rr in. on 12 days Rainfall { since rst January, 12°50 in. } ‘068 in. mean rel, humidity 77 %/o Wind, direction, &C. .......cecceceeceeeeeee ners Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LYCHNIS FLOS-CUCULI 127-168, Ragged Robin, Meadow Pink. Mozst places ... Sambucus nigra 123-174, Elder, Elder- berry, Arn-, Boon-, Bounty-tree. Hedges ANd WOOES siccusvinvensviereniurnsitleasccsiuns Carduus crispus 132-203, Welter Thistle (C. acanthotdes), Dry waste places...... Sonchus asper 121-175, Com. Prickly Sow- thistle. Waste places iiccccccsessecsseee LOOK FOR Gt. Plantain 163, Small Gentian 167. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Morus nigra, Mulberry-treéleafing. (G.W). Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Thecla Rubi 133-169, Green Hair-streaked B. Near woods (lar. vii. & x. on bramble) Amphidasis Betularia 117-174, Peppered M. (lar. viii.-x. on forest trees)...........44 Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Marsh Tit egg, Farus palustris, Smaller Oxeye. Holes tt trees iiseccccsseceenneees Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......cceeeeee ‘ 148-217, Mo. V., MAY 28, 188 Temperature, Mean... ceeeeeseeeeeee 53°°5 be MAX. IN SUN..........06068 118°5 6 sper go SHACE: “ei gedincacaas 63°1 35 min. ,, shade ............ 46°3 7 49: | OMQUASS iliac 412 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 12° 5 a since Ist January 734°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. vy, 2°11 in. on 12 days | Rainfall | since rst January 12°57 in. + 068 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o } Wind, direction, &. .......eeeeeeeeeeeeeneeee es Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Malva rotundifolia 120-186, Dwarf Mal- low. Waste places ....cccecccscsescnesnsenees Crepis virens 131-180, Smooth Hawk’s- beard. Waste places .....ciceceeesveeenvees Ortica dioica 133-164, Gt. Com. Stinging Nettle. Waste places ........cessecreseensees [Sambucus nigra, Elder, Hoff. Gies.] 747, P29 sesiescamaconnaninityeenrsss aged ieaeuslowcewevies [Secale cereale, Rye, Hoff. Gies.] 735, 200 LOOK FOR Hedge Bedstraw 168, Field Bindweed 169, Upright Hedge-Parsley 176. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Simaethis Fabviciana 128-261, Nettle-tip M. (lar. iv.-viii. on nettle)........00. 0... LOOK FOR Red-necked Footman M. 164, Vellow Shell M, 164, Snout M, 177. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T). ...... aauebnaen 149-216, Mo. V., MAY 29, 188 . Temperature, MEaNn.....cccieeeceneeeees 53°°6 4 max. in SUN... ee 118'5 a3 gp opr SAE: asccravcaicaay 63'I #5 min. ,, shade ............ 46°4 ats ox ONCQYASS: sy.ceeneeis 412 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 12°6 » since Ist January 747°I Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30°01) in. Mo. v. 2°rr in. on x2 days Rainfall , since rst January, 12°64 in. - ‘068 in. mean rel. humidity 77 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......cceeceecteeeneeneeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Melampyrum pratense 130-165, Yellow Cow-wheat. Copses ....csccseceeeeeecneenee Cynoglossum officinale 132-163, Com. Hound’s-tongue, Gipsy-flower. Waste PUACOS. siiuis costs il ate daldcdSiae Sai evacenen Seiad’ Glyceria plicata 122-167, Flote or Froating Grass, Manna-croup. D¢tches. [Atropa Belladonna, Deadly Nightshade, Hoff. Gies.] 239, 213 cccccsescseeeeeeeseeens ‘ Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Spilosoma Lubricepeda 135-169, Spotted Buff M. (lar. viii. on nettle) ..........0... Euclidia Mi 132-171, The Shipton M. Zz sunshine (lar. v. on yellow meliot) ...... LOOK FOR S. Hebrew Char. M. 204, Beautiful China Mark M. 194, White- brindled M. 168, Dusky-brindled M. 183. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T)iecsesceessssen vee 150-215, Mo. V., MAY 30, 188 . Temperature, Mean.............ccseeeee ees 53°°2 3 max. IN SUN... eee 127'8 S 33 99 SHAdE aviv 64°0 a min ,, shade ............ 43°4 ” 99 ON cece ees 37°0 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 12°6 5 since Ist January 7 597 Barometer (mean, Mo. v, 30’0r) in, Mo. v. 2°11 in. on 12 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 12°70 in. } ‘068 in. mean rel. humidity 77 %o Wind, direction, &C. .........cecccseeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if SN ee Le pestate or 2nd blossomings bt: 123-176, Long- ‘stalked Cine! s-bill. Dry places ........5 Alabenaria chlorantha 137-165, Gt. Butter- fly Orchis. Motst meadows ......sssseeeee Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Nemeobius Lucina 132-163 and 224, Duke of Burgundy B. Woods (lar. vii.-ix. on PYIMMTOSe)! « sev evininseeecxssinisgawdeeusennacaaes Callimorpha Facobea 126-167, Cinnabar M. Gardens (lar. v. on ragwort) ......... Phlogophora Meticulosa 117-184, Angle Shades M. (lar. xi.-iv. on groundsel)...... Acidalia Remutata 139-181, Cream Wave M. Woods (lar. viii.-iv. on knotgrass)... Lomaspilis Marginata 128-179, Clouded- border M. Woods (lar. vi. & ix. on WII]GWS) | ssi stseronanaschsatinctesavsticopinenes Cidaria Corylata 131-167, Broken-barred Carpet M. Woods (lar. viii.-ix. on lime) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. NIGHTINGALE egg, 114. Shrubs, hedges... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T)....ccccccsescersees 151-214, Mo. V., MAY 31, 188 . Temperature, MEAN isig tocando 53°°3 513 MAX. IN SUN... eee ee 123°I sh gy 99 SHAME scadecccas 63°6 3 min. ,, shade ............ 43°6 59 o> ON QTasS oo... 37°6 3» accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 12°2 33. since Ist January 7719 Barometer (mean, Mo. v. 30°01) in, 0. v. 2°rr in. on 12 days Rainfall | since rst January, nil ‘068 in. mean rel. humidity 77 Yo Wind, direction, &c. .......ccecceeceeseeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Egopodium Podagraria 131-177, Gout- weed, Bishop’s-weed. Damp places...... Matricaria inodora 124-196, Com. Fever- few, Scentless Mayweed. Waste places. LOOK FOR Yellow Oat-grass 158, Creep- ing Soft-grass 174. Trees and Shrubs leafing; seeds ger- minating. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Hepialus Lupulinus 134-188, Small Swift M. (lar. viii.-v. on dead nettle) ............ Phytometra Enea 128-171, Small Purple- barred M. Flowers (lar. viii.-ix. on Milk Wort): ssigccsutcieseenree Ryaneorpeesaee Odontopera Bidentata 136-171, Scolloped Hazel M. Tree trunks (lar. viii.-ix. on OAK; IVY)! sviecereteereaseus ats aceswecnvaaien ss LOOK FOR Tabby M. 178; Mother of Pearl M. 191. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......ccccceceeeeeeeee 152-213, Mo. VI, JUNE1, 188 . Temperature, MEAN,......cccceeeeeeeeeeene 54°°1 5 MAX. IN SUN....... eee 121°3 a3 53° 99 SHAE: sutcsngaeace 64°4 53 MIN; 5, Shade ssy.ccsveree 44°7 4 ON. 59, BLASS: ecssoecsens 38°3 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 12°9 ss since Ist January 784° 8 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi. 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 12°85 in. mean rel. humidity 78 Yo Wind, direction, &C. ....ieceeeeeeeeenee eee ees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LATHYRUS PRATENSIS 135-167, Meadow Vetchling or Vetch. A/eadows..........0.. Rubus ldeus 139-170, Raspberry, Hind- berry: Woods: ecsvivecewcsunieesnaescvacincs ns Alopecurus geniculatus 129-166, Floating Foxtail-grass. Ditches ..ccccscceceesseeeees Avena fatua 141-171, False Oat, Wild Oat, Havers. Cormfields w.cccceccseeeenees Stellaria graminea 137-178, Lesser Stitch- wort or Starwort. Dry places .....c..00 [Symphoricarpus racemosa, Snowberry, Hoff. Gies.] 211. Shribberies ....ccccee0e Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Pygera Bucephala 137-188, Buff-tip M., comes to light (lar. vii.-ix. on forest OES) wieewiints seiacavenenesianynsnaien eee cnatatiand Ephyra Punctaria 134-164, Maiden’s- blush M. — Woods (lar. vii.-ix. on oak) ... Herminia Barbalis 144-175, Com. Fan- foot M. TZhéchets (lar. ix.-iii. on oak)... Pionea Forficalis 137-181, Garden Pebble M. Gardens (lar. vi.-x. on cabbage) ... Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....ccsccce ce ceeee 153-212, Mo. VI., JUNE 2, 188 . Temperature, Mean........ cee eeeeeeeeeees 55°°5 35 max. IN sun............06 127'2 ”» a5 93 Shade seowrsread 65'2 3 min. ,, shade ............ 46°9 a 2 ON QLASS we. 414 »» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 13°7 x9 since Ist January 798°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall 4 since xst January, 12°94 in. } 082 in mean rel. humidity 78 °%/, Wind, direction, &C. ......ceccseceeeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Iris PSEUD-ACORUS 135-167, Yellow Flag or Iris, Jacob’s Sword. Wet places...... Geranium pratense 140-170, Blue Meadow Crane’s-bill. Zhichets, fields ..........00008 Pastinaca sativa 123-199, Wild Parsnip. VEGSEC DALES cnicieaioniiunivaradeiiatsicnsatiosleasiiaens Orchis ustulata 126-196, Dwarf Dark- winged Orchis. Chalky pastures ........ . Cynosurus cristatus 145-167, Com. Dog’s- tail Grass, Pastures .icccecscsesceneecseeees [Rubus ideus, Raspberry, Hoff. Gies.] TS 2ST BB ides teisnse/ssismninab. seamaster aed Basel [Salvia officinalis, Sage, Hoff. Gies.] ...... LOOK FOR Hedge Woundwort 161, Cat’s Valerian 163, Wood Vetch 165, Small Scabious 173, Timothy Grass 166. Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Polyommatus Corydon 153, Chalk-hill Blue B. Chalk downs (lar. x.-vi. on tuft vetch) Larentia Miaria 134-194, Green Carpet Mey scat careienaneamaneeismcmusetaramarnea bap eines Lygus oo. Hop or Plant Bug (June to September—C.W.) Hop gardens LOOK FOR Small Dusky Wave M. 176, The Shark M. 171, Dark Spectacle M. 173, Burnished Brass M. 189. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (SS). Trout (T)......:ccesesereeeees 3 154-211, Mo. VI. JUNE 3, 188 . Temperature, Mean......esccreeccesseeenees 55°08 5§ MAX. IM SUN... eee 121'I i os ppsshade: waniecganead 65°5 s min. ,, shade ............ 48°0 hg oy ON BYASS wees 42°6 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 14°8 »» 9, since Ist January 813°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in, Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall since rst January 13°02 in. \- 082 in. ae rel. humidity 78°, J Wind, direction, &C. .......ececeseeeeeeeneeenes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings PAPAVER RHAS 132-179, Com. Red Corn Poppy, Head-ache. Cornjields ... C@nanthe crocata 137-175, Water Drop- wort, Hemlock Dropwort. Marshes ... Carduus palustris 142-172, Marsh Thistle. Mar shes saisicecacssdaacnduacieays yaad neaiestseheats Scrophularia nodosa 145-178, Knotted Fig- wort, Gt. Pilewort. Moist places ......... LOOK FOR Fox-glove 161, Reed-grass, Tufted Hair-grass 164, Stonecrop 167, Meadow-sweet 169, Water Plantain 179. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Argynnis Selene 140-185, Sm. Pearl-bord. Fritly. B. Woods (lar. vii.-v. on violets) Cilix Spinula 137-213, Chinese Character M. aztings (lar. v.-vii. on sloe).. ...... Drepana Falcataria 130-191, Pebble Hook- tip M. Zvrees (lar. vii. & x. on birch)... Cabera Exanthemaria 141-188, Com. Wave M. Woods (lar. x. on willow) .........6+ Emmelesia Affinitata 133-176, The Rivulet M. Bushes (lar. x. on campion) ......... Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals ;: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......ssse0e ee seers 155-210, Mo. VI.,JUNE4, 188 . Temperature, mean................cceeeeee 54°9 ae max, in sun............... 127°8 ” a: wor SHAME: savesveavwes 66'2 ss min. in shade ............ 45°7 3 o> ON QLASS oes 39°9 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 13°5 es 5 since Ist January 826°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days ) Rainfall since rst January, 13"10 in. > +086 in. {se rel. humidity 78 %/o i Wind, direction, &. .....eeeccceseeeeceeeeeenes Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Rosa CANINA 142-182, Dog or Wild Rose, Hlép-tree. edges: vosessciscvevvavecvarevenee ORCHIS MACULATA 141-167, Spotted-hand Orchis, Purple Wreath-wort. Heaths... Rhamnus catharticus 143-178, Buckthorn, Rainberry, Waythorn. TZhickets ......... Tamus communis 142-176, Com. Black Briony, Oxberry. Hedges ....ceeeeeceeeees Kaleria cristata 135-177, Crested Hair- grass. Dry Pastures wocccceccsccosccueeneees LOOK FOR Broad-leaved Willow-herb 164, Water Betony 170, Downy Rose 171, Pyramidal Orchis 172, Nipple-wort 173, Marsh Ragwort 175. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Polyommatus Agestis 135-185, and 233, Brown Argus B. Ally fields (lar. vii. iv. on hemlock, stork’s-bill) ............... Mamestra Brassice 125-194, Cabbage M. Walls (lar. v.-ix. on cabbage, dock)...... Ephyra Trilinearia 125-182, Clay Triple- lines M. Woods (lar. viii.-x. on beech) Ligdia Adustata 130-188, Scorched Carpet M. Spendle (lar. v.-vi. on ) sued Botys Pandalis 135-170, Bordered Pearl M. GYSSY WOODS .ivcevcccrverneeees senenecnnecenes LOOK FOR Elephant M. 170, Ribband Wave M. 175, Angler’s May-fly (G. W.) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....sceeeeeeeeeeeeeee 156-209, Mo. VI.. JUNE 5, 188 . Temperature, Mean......ccecceseeeeeeeeees 54°°5 ee max. iN SUN... eee 119‘7 5 vy gy SHAME. vaverarsieasd 64°6 9 min. ,, shade ............ 47°5 3 99 ON QTASS .oeeeseeeeee 40°9 », accumltd, above 42°day-degs. 13°6 $3 since Ist January 840°4 Barometer mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. { 0. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall J since rst January, 13°18 in.+} ‘082 in. {mean rel. humidity 78 °%/o Wind, direction, &C. .....ceeeeceeeeseeeeeeeneee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings THYMUS SERPYLLUM 146-167, Wild Thyme, Brotherwort. Dry heaths ...... NASTURTIUM OFFICINALE 141-171, Com. Water-cress, Yellow Cress. Srooks...... Anagallis arvensis 119-179, Scarlet Pim- pernel, Poor Man’s Weather-glass. Corz- lds specscsorosisatawaumacdrwexidsenGelvcsesn ieee Viburnum Opulus 142-179, Com. Guelder Rose, Snowball-tree. Woods and hedges [Cornus sanguinea, Dog-wood, Hoff. Gi6S)] 162; 290 vnc cosidec cuore eee eeait LOOK FOR Couch Grass 169, Meadow Rue 170, Privet 171, Tufted Vetch 172, Agrimony 175. Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Pamphila Sylvanus 135-185, Clouded Skip- per B. Aitlls and woods (lar. v.-vii. on GLASSES): ais de cins vaeidieenwastdradtawenarrueasteaciooss Dasychira Pudibunda 133-181, Light Tus- sock M. Gardens (lar. viii.-ix. on hop). Plusia Gamma 131-221, Silver Gamma M. Flowers (lar. iv.-x. on hop, nettle)......... Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......cccseceeueeeee , 157-208, Mo. VI, JUNE6, 188 . Temperature, Mean.....cecceeeeeceecceees 54°°9 53 max. IM SUN... eee 119‘2 3% os 99 Shade ........... 65°2 59 min. ,, shade ............ 47°2 35 99. ON BASS: scones 42°6 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14'0 se 55 since Ist January 854°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days ) Rainfall { since xst January, 13°26 in. | ‘982 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/, Wind, direction, &¢. ciisseiseseccrsvennsstvees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Silene inflata 141-176, Bladder Campion, Catchfly, White-bottle. Pastures......... Galium saxatile 143-165, Smooth Heath Bed-straw, D075... .iviscsccsseeeecensesees Veronica Anagallis 137-170, Water Speed- well, ‘Faverell.” Afarshes ..ccceccscevees LOOK FOR Oat cultivated 169, Gt. Knap- weed 169, Self Heal 170, Autumnal Hawk-bit 174, Yellow Toad Flax 176, Rest-harrow 186, Com. Sow-thistle 194. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cerura Bifida 157, Barred Kitten M. Willows (lar. vii.-ix. on poplars) ......... Nemeophila Plantaginosa 141-168, Wood Tiger M. ills and woods (lar. viii.-iv. on plantain) csi escsersrsereaerotemiemnens Minoa Euphorbiata 142-186, Drab Looper M. Woods (lar. vili.-ix. on euphorbia) LOOK FOR Marble Minion M. 174, Flame-shoulder M. 166, Shears M. 170, Clouded Brindle M. 183. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..ccccccssenssees sca 158-207, Mo. VI, JUNE 7%, 188 . Temperature, Man... .eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees 54°'2 5 MAK: AN SUN stackenevervee 128°7 3 sy QiAShadle: -vancccouexs 63°7 5 min. ,, shade ............ 46°9 nA y9 ON BLASS wee, 41°5 », accumltd. above 41° day-degs. 13°3 Fe since Ist January 867°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall | since 1st January, 13°35 n| 082 in mean rel. humidity 78 °/, Wind, direction, & 0. .....ceceeeeeceeeeeee teen es Plants and Trees blossoming ; 3 note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings ACHILLEA MILLEFOLIUM 141-179, Com. Milfoil, Yarrow, Nose-bleed. Wayszdes. Trifolium procumbens 138-184, Hop Tre- foil. PAStULES 6 crsiws iceedhcade gadecdinnedse eds Bryonia dioica 142-175, Red - berried Briony, Grape-wort. edges ......60006 Myosotis palustris 138-177, Forget-me-not, Water Scorpion-grass. Wet places ...... Avena flavescens 150-165, Yellow Oat- grass. Chalky Pastures ...cccccccccccseveees Bromus asper 129-171, Hairy Brome- BIASS. WOES ccoicuisuasasspaevirnenvasovaeanes LOOK FOR Black Knapweed 174, Black Climbing Bindweed or Buckwheat 176, Amphibious Knot-grass 177, Com. Persi- coria 185, Wheat 168. Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Apamea Unanimis 143-199, Uniform Rustic M. Marshes (lar. ix.-iv. on grasses) . Melanthia Ocellata 131-219, Purple Bar M. Woods (lar. vii.-viii. on galium) ......... Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..c.scccccsescseeenes skeet 159-206, Mo. VI., JUNE 8, 188 Temperature, MEAN... ee eee ee eee 54°°5 ss max. in sun.......... seen T24'0 5% 574g Shade: cc penennns 64°8 a min. ,, shade ............ 45°9 re o> ON QTASS wees 40°5 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 13°4 ies since Ist January 881°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30" 02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainf s 1st January, 13°43 a ‘082 in mean rel, humidity 78 %/o Wind, direction, & . ..... ee ceeeeeeeeeeeeeeee eee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings MALVA SYLVESTRIS 133-175, Com. Mal- low, Mauls, ‘‘ Cheeses.” Waste places. Potentilla reptans 140-186, Creeping Cinque- foil, Five-finger Grass. oadszdes ...... Carduns nutans 121-179, Musk Thistle, Scotch Thistle of Artists. Downs ...... LOOK FOR Barley 167, Bent Grass 172, Giant Fescue 188. Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Pyrausta Ostrinalis 121-223, Scarce Purple and Gold M.........cccsceececeeeee eee eeen eens LOOK FOR Marble Beauty M. 196, Com. Rustic M. 191. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)eccccseeccce ce nee 160-205, Mo. VI, JUNE9, 188 Temperature, Mean..........eeeeceeeeeeees 55°°0 59 max. in SUN..........0006- 125 3 - 9» 9) Shade ............ 65°4 os min. ,, shade ............ 46°0 “ 9) ON QTASS ....eseeeeee 40°4 ») accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 13°5 33 si since Ist January 894°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall j since rst January, 13°51 in. } *o82 in. {ate rel. humidity 78 > | Wind, direction, &. .....ceeeseceeeeeeeseeoeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Knautia arvensis 132-186, Field Kn. Field Scabious. Pastttres w.ccsccsecsseeeees Veronica officinalis 145-171, Com. Speed- well, Fluellen. Dry places .....cccceceees Rumex obtusifolius 138-179, Broad-leaved Dock, Kettle Dock. Waste places ...... Solanum Dulcamara 143-179, Bitter-sweet. PLAS: wos catesaicesnisatsduuitetaniiastnaeaseaiie Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Polyommatus Alsus 144-179, Small Blue B. Hills and banks (lar. vii. on kidney WELCH) es rsrssilercinsenntenah cuncsudewenapencmedascens Acronycta Pst 129-192, Grey Dagger M. Tree trunks (lar. viii.-ix. on pear, elm)... LOOK FOR Clouded Yellow B. 188, Orange Swift M. 194, Dark Sword- grass M. 239. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Quail egg, Pardix Coturnix. Grassy HOUT «ss sbesediinsassiisisiednsisladolesis usinansniiaiy Seibaice Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..ccccscscsersseuns ; 161-204, Mo. VI., JUNE10, 188 Temperature, Mean.......ccccseeeeeeeeee es 54°°5 45 Max, iN SUN... eee 126°0 3 53: 9 SHAGE: sccxdessoicud 64°6 “5 min. ,, shade ............ 46° $5 sy PODLRTASS! -cissresnens 39'8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 13°7 35 se since Ist January 906°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfa se 1st January, 13°59 | ‘082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/, Wind, direction, &C. .......ceeceeeeeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings STACHYS SYLVATICA 152-179, Hedge Woundwort. Shady places wircccosseee Digitalis purpurea 154-172, Foxglove, Fairy Fingers. Woods and thickets...... LOOK FOR Wood Betony 181, Marsh Bedstraw 173, Bee Orchis 177, Clustered Dock 182, Creeping Thistle 185, An- gelica 202. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larvze-&c, appearing. Cerura Vinula 137-174, Puss M. TZ7ee trunks (lar. vii.-viii. on poplars)............ Lophopteryx Camelina 124-240, Coxcomb Prominent M. ferns (lar. vii. & ix. on apple and forest trees)............c.eeeeeeeees Herminia Nemoralts 146-189, Small Fan- LOGE Mo. cccssenesaniondedoasoiitingaraaaaatanseuas oF LOOK FOR Com. Carpet M. 184. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......... dane sant 12 162-203, Mo. VI., JUNE 11, 188 . Temperature, mean ....... ee eeeceeeeee 54°°0 Sy Max. in SUN...........0085 I21'0 5 so ph SNAE: craneasenedd 64°38 5 min. ,, shade ............ 44°6 sf 9) ON QTASS wee 39°2 », accumltd. ahove42°day-degs. 13°! 33 5a since Ist January 919°4 Barometer, (mean, Mo. vi. 30'02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 13°67 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/o Wind, direction, &. oo... .eeeeeceeeecsseeee ees Plants and trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CORNUS SANGUINEA 143-189, Dog-wood, Wild Cornel, 156, 236. Woods ......... Rumex crispus 132-186, Curled Dock. Waste DIGCES sesiesctonesiaasosueiwivesecsveveresns Gymnadenia conopsea 145-177, Fragrant Orchis. Chalky heaths ...cccccccsscuseeeees LOOK FOR Gt. Water Reed Grass 172, Mullein 179, Ground Thistle 184, Bramble 189. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Procris Geryon 145-202, Green Forester M. Grassy hills (lar. v. on rock-rose) ......... Odezia Cherophyllata 153-180, Chimney- sweep M. (lar. v. on chervil, earth-nut) Botys Fuscalis 148-189, Cinereous Pearl M. LOOK FOR Ghost or Otter Moth 175. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T), scsseseee seseveee 163-202, Mo. VI., JUNE 12, 188 . Temperature, mean.............cccccceeees 56° ae max, in sun............... 125°8 25 so 43 Shade cuesaaes 65°9 a min, ,, shade ............ 47°6 re 5b sgn BIASES: socechreree 42°4 >» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°3 5 35 since Ist January 933°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall { since 1st January, 13°76 in.}. *082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .....ceccssecceeeeeeeeeenes Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Daucus CaRoTA 132-204, Wild Carrot, Bees’-Birds’-Nest. Pastures ..cscccescccons Valeriana officinalis 152-184, Cat’s or Gt. Wild Valerian. Mozst woods .........4.. Plantago major 147-186, Gt. Plantain. PANUPES: ciccsris daveaeunsisa wconiacinacsenunetunes LOOK FOR Bartsia 176, False Brome Grass 177, Red-veined Dock 178. Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvestS .........seeeseeeeeee Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Grammesia Trilinea 139-179, Treble Lines M. (lar. iv.-v. on gt. plantain) ............ Fidonia Atomaria 149-185, Com. Heath M. (lar. vii.-v. on trefoils) ..........cceeee Melanippe Hastata 139-177, Argent and Sable M. Birch trees (lar. viii. on birch) Pyrausta Purpuralis 131-200, Crimson and Gold M. (lar. vi., viii. on mint) ......... LOOK FOR Heart and Club M. 180, Ingrailed Clay M. 180, Beautiful Golden Gamma M. 172, Beautiful Carpet M. 182. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)esscreererreserere 164-201, Mo, VI, JUNE18, 188 . Temperature, mean..........ccececec ees eee 55°°6 9 max. IN SUN oes 122°6 43 yon pp SNA Oiretvcioueerend 66'0 as Mins. 5; Shades. sus .csesseus 46°6 a5 yo ON QTASS oo. eee cease 41'4 +) accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 14°4 33 os since Ist January 948°1 “Barometer (mean, Mo. vi. 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days ) . ‘Rainfall } since rst January, 13°82 in.- *o§82 in, mean rel. humidity 78 °/. J “Wind, direction, &C. oe. seecesseseceeeeseeeee ees .Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings EPILOBIUM MONTANUM 155-178, Broad smooth-leaved Willow herb. Dry banks. Digraphis (Ammophila) arundinacea 154- 179, Reed-grass, Marram. Ditches ...... _ Polygonum aviculare 155-178, Com. Knot- grass. Waste Places .iccicoccccscaceeceenees . Aira cespitosa 154-179, Tufted Hair-grass. PASUBES: cssccineocctes deasnsdoncnaiesogadenes _LOOK FOR Moneywort 179, Skull-cap 182, Horehound 185, Fat-hen 187, “Meadow Barley 179. “Trees &c, leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Smerinthus Ocellatus 126-201, Eyed Hawk M. Trees and pailings (lar. viii. on wil- lows apple): ies c.cacunvecuptuavateenes Senees Gnophria Rubricollis 148-182, Red-necked Footman Mo... ....cccccececscencceseneeeeeens Camptogramma Bilineatd 148-185, Yellow Shell M. edges (lar. iv. on grasses) ... LOOK FOR Six-spot Burnet M. 179, Dart M. 187, Heart and Dart M. 169. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing,* Sports, Salmon (S). Trout (T)....ccccccccceecreeeee 165-200, Mo. VI., JUNE 14, 188 . Temperature, mean ..........eeeceeeeees 55°°3 is max. iN SUN... eee 123°5 ” 59. 3) SHAME wesisccasece 65'5 * min, ,, shade ............ 46'5 a o> ON BASS oo... 418 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 13°9 <3 55 since Ist January 962‘0 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rafa sie ist January, 13'92 | ‘069 in. mean rel, humidity 78 °/ > Wind, direction, &C. ......ceccascesseseeeneeees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Vicia sylvatica 152-189, Wood Vetch or Tare: ROcky Places: secre rcagetiessmveccevtene Pimpinella Saxtfraga 129-206, Com. Burnet Saxifrage. Dry pastures ......... Lonticera Periclymenum 146-200, Honey suckle, Woodbine. Hedges ......s.0c008 Orobanche minor: 137-196, Small or least Broom-rape. Parasitic on Trifolium POI srs cicuriccpensivors ieee eens [Vitis Vinifera b. Grape Vine, Hoff. Geis.] Trees &c, leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c., fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve, &c. appearing. Cherocampa Porcellus 148-180, Small Ele- phant M. Near Galium (lar. viii. on Galium, willow, vine)..........:ccceseeee ees Triphena Pronumba 110-188, Large Yel- low Underwing M. (lar. viii.-vi. on dock) LOOK FOR Tiger M. 195, Lesser Satin Carpet M. 180, Dark Arches M. 181, Dark Marble Carpet M. 192. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....cccccessessneeeees 166-199, Mo. VI., JUNE 15, 188 . Temperature, Mean ....see eee eee eeee eee 55°°4 $3 max, iM SUN......... eee 120°9 a9 ger 99 SHAUE cavseemnese 650 33 min. ,, shade ............ 48°3 »” a9 ON QLASS .eceeeeeoees 43°0 5, accumltd, above 42 day-degs. 14°0 55 since Ist January 976 ue) Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 14'00 in. ‘o82 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/, Wind, direction, & . .....ceccceseeeeeeeseveneee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Phleum pratense 152-181, Timothy Grass, Cat’s-tail Grass. Pastures......ccssceseeoee LOOK FOR Hawkweed 183. Trees &c. leafing; seeds germinating. ‘Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Smerinthus Populi 129-222, Poplar Hawk M. Zree trunks (lar. viii.-ix. on poplar, Shrubs)! srecavs canines ssensagaschtainieaiasan dees Sphinx Ligustré 144-200, Privet Hawk M. Tree trunks (lar. ix. on privet, shrubs)... Noctua Plecta 156-186, Flame-shoulder M. (lar. vii.-iv. on bedstraws) .............0008 Botys Urticata 146-206, Small Magpie M. LOOK FOR Pale Mottled Willow M. 198, Swallow -tail M. 190, Mottled Beauty M. 185, Red Spider on Hops 183. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Close season for coarse fish ends. Salmon (S). Trout (T).... Coarse Aish: sacaesierseeesy Qoaeteeanieas 167-198, Mo. VI., JUNE 16, 188 . Temperature, Mean oie... eeeeeeeeeenees 55°°7 $5 MAX. iN SUN........c cece 125°4 s a3 ag SHAME Acsicnass ved 65'2 a min. ,, shade ............ 48'2 ve sy ON YASS oo. eeee 43°1 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°2 ” since Ist January 990°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days | Rainfall 4 since rst January, r4‘08 in. } ‘982 in. mean rel. humidity 78 Yo Wind, direction, &C. ......cceceeeceseeeeeneeeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Sedum acre 154-190, Biting Stonecrop, Wall Pepper, Orpine. Walls and roofs... Asperula cynanchica 144-189, Quinancy- wort, Small Woodruff. Dowzs.. Gentiana Amarella 147-, Small - flowered Gentian, Fel-wort. Dry heaths ......... Hordeum vulgare 159-178, Com. Barley cultivated in F2elds 20... ccc cec cece eeee ee eee LOOK FOR Centaury 191. Trees &c, leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Hepialus Velleda 160-181, Beautiful Swift M. Walls, birch trunks (lar. viii.-v. on brake’ fert): caserethvaseiexseseevcueneseesines Aylophasia Rurea 150-171, Clouded-border Brindle M. (lar. iv. on grasses) ..........45 LOOK FOR Lobster M. 180, Bordered Gothic M. 176, Broom M, 181, Twin- spot Carpet M. 188. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) .....ccsesseseueeeee ; Coarse fish: ass sversassacaminncnvsaaenenes i 168-197, Mo. VI., JUNE 17, 188 . Temperature, Mean...iceseceesereeeenerees 55°°4 53 MAX. iN SUN... cece sees 121'2 55 gy yp. SHADE cesses 65'0 as min, ,, shade ............ 49°2 ‘9 b> ON QYASS wees 42°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°9 i ” since Ist January 10051 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in, Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days ) Rainfall + since rst January, 14°17 in. + ‘082 in. {sce rel. humidity 78 °o J Wind, direction, &C. ...eceseceeeseceeseeeeeenee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Galium Mollugo 148-195, Gt. Hedge Bed- straw, Sticky Grass. Fedges........ccs000s Rosa arvensis 144-196, Trailing Dog-rose Or Briar, Led ges..cecsecseveserseeceeneceeeas Triticum vulgare 157-177, Wheat, culti- vated In Fila iscinorsscuvensiniige eas dve cuca LOOK FOR ULady’s Bedstraw 178, En- chanter’s Nightshade 181, Musk Mallow, 183, Basil 190. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. HIPPARCHIA (EPINEPHILE) JANIRA I3I- 192, Meadow Brown B. fields (lar. Vili.-v. on meadow grass) w...cseeseeeeeeees Scopula Olivalis 149-190, White Brindled M. (lar. iv., v. on ground ivy)............ Se Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) COAarsesfishy sccscisssvarespenegiamed seconde ae 169-196, Mo. VI., JUNE 18, 188 . Temperature, MeaN...........eeeeeecensees 55°°4 33 max, in sun.......e 125°3 oF s> 9) shade ah aicnsoanid 67°5 35 min. ,, shade ............ 48'4 3 o> ON QYASS wiceeeeeeeee 43°4 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°6 55 since Ist January 1020°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall {ssc 1st January, 14°25 in. 082 in mean rel. humidity 78 %/o Wind, direction, &c. ......ceceseseeseee Rarenaen Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings SPIRZA ULMARIA 154-188, Meadow-sweet, Bride - wort, Courtship - and - Marriage. Meadows, damp PLACES irawednariueaveawaaviens Centaurea Scabiosa 157 - 204, Gt. Knap- weed, Blue-bottle, Star-thistle. elds... Convolvulus arvensis 148-204, Field Bind- weed, Corn-bind. Frelds oo... cecceeceees Triticum repens 156-179, Couch Grass, Squitch or Twitch-grass. Fvelds ......... Avena sativa 157-182, Com. Oat, culti- vated In fields: -wsccasivnivecsadaenecesesareanys LOOK FOR Hairbell 188, Jointed Rush 189, Ironwort 193. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Agrotis Exclamationis 146-188, Heart and Dart M. Gardens (lar. ix.-v. on cabbage) Melanippe Rivata 135-200, Wood Carpet M. (lar. vi. & ix. on hedge bedstraw) ... Stag Beetle, Lucanus cervis (G.W.).....000 LOOK FOR Small Tortoise-shell B. 200, Peach - blossom M. 190, Light Archers M. 193. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) Coarse fiSh ....ccceseeeeeees een ees 170-195, Mo. VI., JUNE 19, 188 Temperature, Mean.........eesseeeeeeee eee 57°°5 5 max. In SUN... cece eee 124'0 3 Sy. ay SHAE: ssaseacwaee 68°2 ee Min, 55 SHAME: sysceccvevaive 48'9 99 99 ON QIASS....... ce eev eee 44°5 »,accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 16'I SBS since Ist January 1036°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 14°33 in. - 082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/, ) Wind, direction, &. ........ccsscsecseeseeneees Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings PRUNELLA VULGARIS 157-179, Com. Self- heal, All Heal, Herb Carpenter. A/ozs¢ PONIES wenitconuites eaten iinet cnealentinbanadiins Thalictrum flavum 156-184, Com. Meadow- Rue. RIDGES vce svuts sedudensavsaning Ethusa Cynapium 132-200, Com. Fool’s Parsley, False Parsley. Waste places ... Scrophularia Balbisit (S.aquatica) 155-188, Water Figwort or Betony. Marshes ... Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Grapta C-alba 108-232, Comma B. Gar- dens (lar. v. & viii. on nettle, hop) ...... Cherocampa Elpenor 154-190, Elephant M. Flowers (lar. viii. on Galiums, vine)...... Hadena Dentina 157-186, The Shears M. (lar. v.-vi. on dandelion roots) ............ Cidaria Russata 139-242, Marbled Carpet M. Woods (lar. vii., x.-v. on strawberry) Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......0.. sce Coarse Ash cassia sos sssaeceevaatensneaesberannens 171-194, Mo. VI., JUNE 20, 188 . Temperature, mean.............ceceeeee eee 58°°3 5% max. iN SUN...... eee 126°6 3 yp 9p -SHAdE. -saaececrmes 68°5 oa min. ,, shade ...........5 50°3 sy ON QTASS......00008 vee 46°1 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°2 ” since Ist January 1054°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) * sin. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall j since rst January, 14°41 in. ; ‘082 in mean rel. humidity 78 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......ccceceseee nese eee eeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings LIGUSTRUM VULGARE 156-191, Privet, Prim-print. TAtchets....ccccceeeseeeereseees Lychnis Githago 135-190, Corn-cockle, Corn Pink. Cormfields ......cccseseeseeenes Rosa tomentosa 155-182, Downy-leaved Rose. Hedges ..cicccveseeveeenneeeneeeeenneeas Anthemis Cotula 143-187, Stinking May- weed or Chamomile. Cornjields ......... LOOK FOR Hairy- 181, Square-stalked- 190, Upright-184, and Com. St. John’s- wort 186, Soft Rush 187, Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. {Red Currant fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 103, 99. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cucullia Umbratica 153-187, Shark M. Pailings (lar. vii.-ix. on thistles, lettuce) LOOK FOR Muslin M. 186, Currant Hawk M. 189, Feathered Gothic M. 225. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....cccceesee cece Goarse fish: sis: visuesnmanncasesnaensigeesnes 172-193, Mo. VI., JUNE 21, 188 . Temperature, mean.........seceeeeeeeee eee 58°°7 $3 max. iN SUN...........0668 129'2 i Si" w Fag) SHAGE: hawetanehens 69°4 5h min. ,, shade ............ 50°4, re 9) ON QYASS...... ee eeee eee 45°6 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°4 ee since Ist January 1071°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall fs ist January, 14°49 | *o82 in. mean rel. humidity 78 %/o Wind, direction, &C. ....c.cceseeseceeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Vicia Cracca 156-198, Tufted Vetch, Fetches or Fitches. Bushy places ...... Orchis pyramidalis 155-193, Pyramidal Orchis. Chalky pastures v.csicccovsecsrees Agrostis vulgaris 159-181, Fine Bent-grass, Monkey-grass. Pastures .icceccscseeveeees Glyceria aquatica 162-182, Gt. Water Reed-grass, Reed Meadow-grass. Ditches [Ligustrum vulgare, Privet, Hoff. Gies.] LTE S252 iccvonavuccas arava vas sled seenseaeaoaes LOOK FOR Hemp Nettle 191, Gt. Bind- weed 195, Traveller’s Joy 201. Tree &c. leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Leucophasia Sinapis 172, Wood White B. Woods (lar. vi.-x. on tufted vetch)......... Plusia Pulchrina 163-193, Beautiful Golden Gamma: Mis sesivieciesnsademaerswarenevenets Asthena Luteata 150-190, Small Yellow Wave M. Woods (lar. viii.-x. on maple) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........ ee COarseAsh) 2 saterssccersmnaonvurnnininaiaccs 178-192, Mo. VI, JUNE 22, 188 . Temperature, MeaN............ cece ees 58°0 e max, in sun............064 125'0 35 go 9 SHRAE! xaheeecevesd 68°6 se Miley, Shade’ 26. ascces 49'1 35 jo TOD BTASS ccc cee vines 44°6 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16°4 ey: since Ist January 1087°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days. Rainfall {a st January, 14°58 | ‘082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/, Wind, direction, & . .......ccceceeeceeeeeee eens Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings SENECIO JACOBAA 137-194, Com. Rag- wort, Fellon-weed, St. James’s-wort. WAYStdes. sovesersetevestwarecaensiervansenuaees Galium palustre 161-186, White, Water, or Marsh Bedstraw. Marshes ......1600+5 Scabiosa Columbaria 152-214, Small Scabi- OUs. Dry heaths..cccccccccccccseccvveneeeeees Lapsana communis 155-186, Nipplewort. Waste Places cccasssaicttinsipitasi sataiaseclcsiadjotasaee’ [Zila grandifolia, Broad-leafed Lime-tree, Hoff. Gies.] 190, 178 .....ccccceceeceeeee eee LOOK FOR Marshwort 182, Devil’s Bit 204. Trees &c, leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Abrostola Triplasia 153-203, Dark Spec- tacle M. (lar. viii.-ix. on hop, nettle) ... LOOK FOR Large Five-spot Burnet M. 186, The Buff Arches M. 190. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) COarse MSH viveiuetesienncedeureaduaetadsantes 174-191, Mo. VI., JUNE 23, 188 . Temperature, MEAN... ceees eee wees 57°. 56 max. in SUN...........46.5 129°3 5 AP Pre) 01s (ern eee 67°9 5 min. ,, shade ............ 48°4 oA o> ON QTASS......... eee 42°5 », accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 15°5 Se a5 since Ist January 1103°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall since rst January, 14°66 in. } o82 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/> Wind, direction, &e. we. eeeeceseeeaeeeeee eee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CENTAUREA NIGRA 158-204, Black Knap- weed, Logger-heads. Meadows ......... Leontodon autumnalis 157-196, Autumnal Hawkbit. Pasteres ..cccccecsccscnsensenees Holcus mollis 151-189, Creeping Soft-grass. MCAGOWS visiccsccsccseceereesecsseeoaseeeeenes LOOK FOR Bay Rose 185, Lime-tree 190. Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Miana Strigilis 156-185, Marbled Minion M. (lar. iii.-iv. On grasses) ......--eeeereeee LOOK FOR The Gate Keeper B. 193, Grayling B. 208, High Brown Fritillary B. 192, Chalk Hill B. 203. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......eeeeecens Coarse fish sissesseerevenssesteecescnsseneeres 175-190, Mo. 1V., JUNE 24, 188 , Temperature, Mean ...... cee eeeeeeeaee 57°72 ¥5 max. in sun... 126°0 a9 35. go Shade s...0c0.2.5 681 a min. ,, shade ............ 48°5 53 ») ON PTASS wees 42°6 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°7 35 53 since Ist January 1119’0 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall fo rst January, 14°74 | ‘082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 %/o Wind, direction, &C. 2.0... ceeeceesseenee eee eee Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Agrimonia Eupatoria 156-199, Agrimony, Liver-wort. Barks....cccccccccerseseeseseees Senecio aquaticus 155-191, Marsh Ragwort, Oak-leaved Ragwort. Marshes ......... Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Macroglossa Stellatarum 112-273, Hum- ming Bird Hawk M. Flowers (lar. viii.- ix..on Galitim My). iss. asccssseseveexamsaoees Hepialas Humuli 162-201, Ghost or Otter M. Fields (lar. viii.-iv. on hop, &c.) ... Hadena Oleracea 146-204, Bright-line Brown Eye M. (lar. viii.-ix. on elm) Plusia Iota 146-189, Plain Golden Gamma M. Ground ivy (lar. iv.-vi. on nettles)... Acidalia Aversata 155-192, Ribband Wave M. Woods (lar. ix.-v. on gooseberry). Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....::.ssseeseeeereee Coarse fish ....sseeeee ica a tal teliealea eRe 176-189, Mo. VI., JUNE 25, 188 . Temperature, mean .........eseeee eevee 57°°7 se max, in sun............005 128'4 me 53. 9p SHAC YS nares atone’ 68°4 ae min. ,, shade. ..ccc.cssee 49°4 35 3) OMBLASS cosserrsweness 44°0 », accumltd. above 42 day-degs 16°5 3) since Ist January 1135°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/, Wind) :direction, i&Cijccccdsaievessvieanecnauaiices Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Toritis Anthriscus 148-204, Upright Hedge-Parsley. Waste places .......00... Campanula glomerata 143 3-214, Cluster Bell- flower, Downs sccnderceievcaseenvessagaes Linaria vulgaris 143-214, Yellow Toad- Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 14°82 in.} ‘982 in flax, Gall-wort. Cor fields ....ececcseeee Bartsia Odontites 163-205, Red Bartsia. WSO PLOCES condos cisuias via alse eam Rasa Polygonum Convolvulus' 158-196, Black Bindweed, Climbing Buckwheat. Corn- JELAS> sorchiva Set iaacepame teased Saaieivuba cose Mushroom, Agaricus campestris (G.W,) ... LOOK FOR Hard Rush 192. Trees &c. leafing: seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening : beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Neuria Saponarie 167-188, Bordered Gothic M. (lar. vii., viii. on campion) ... Eubolia Plumbaria 148-215, The Belle. , Light (lar. v. on Genista, broom)......... Acidalia Virgularia 152-211, Small Dusty Wave Musee sccawiets sasotaunscne tenuate LOOK FOR Small Skipper B. 191. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) Coarse fish: acincctsieccences 177-188, Mo. VI., JUNE 26, 188 . Temperature, mean .........seeseeseeeee 57° 3 max. IN SUN... eee 123°6 a4 i. av SHAME: sncsvereiaed 68°'5, 9 min. ,, shade ............ 48°5 35 95 ON QTASS..... 0. eee eee 42°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°9 3 fe since Ist January 1151‘4 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall fs rst January, 14°90 | ‘082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 %/o Wind, direction, &C...........ccsecseeeeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Polygonum amphibium 158-214, Amphi- bious Knot-grass or Buckwheat. DUCES asics sures etianahesusy sous cspuawateutent Ophrys apifera 161-195, Bee Orchis. CRALRY POSTUPES cc sacnsuneueiiataasenteeiisein Brachypodium sylvaticum 163-186, Slen- der False Brome-grass. Woods ........ Trees &c. leafing: seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening: beginning of fruit and seed harvests. (Lonicera tatarica fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 123 Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Hepialus Hectus 156-200, Gold Swift M. ~- Fltes at dusk (lar. viii.-v. on bracken) ... - Rusina Tenebrosat50-186, Brown Feathered Rustic M. (lar. iv.-v. on violets)......... Hypena Proboscidalis 148-199, The Snout M. Wettles (lar. vii.-iv. on nettle) ...... Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)... Coarse fish icsccsesseseceseeeeeneeeneenrenaner 178-187, Mo. VI, JUNE 27, 188 . Temperature, Mean ..........eceeeeeeee §9°"4 5 max, iN SUN... eee 129°3 53 9» 99 Shade ............ 70"4 =" min. ,, shade ............ 49°2 35 99 ON QTASS ...... se eeeeeee 43°5 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°4 33 since Ist January 1168°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall {se rst January 14°99 in. 082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 %/> Wind, direction, &c. Plants and Trees blossoming: note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings GALIUM VERUM 168-195, Lady’s (yellow) Bedstraw, Keeslip. Dows ...........00+ Rumex nemerosa 163-191, Red-veined Dock. Shady Places occccsecccececseeveeees [Zilia parvifolia, Small-leaved Lime-tree, Hoff. Gies.] 290, 173 ...s..csccseseesseeeees LOOK FOR Gt. Willow-herb 199, Fiorin Grass 188, Truffles (G. W.) Trees &c. leafing: seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening: beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Acronycta Rumicis 141-227, Knot-grass M. (Jar. vi.-viii. on bramble, knot-grass) ... Lupithecia Rectangulata 163-195, Green Pug M. Orchards (lar. iv.-v. on apple-buds) Aglossa Pinguinalis 150-192, Tabby M. Houses (lar. i iii.-iv. on clothes) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......cuesceeceees Coarsefish csavessecsss tesuiceeet Par 179-186, Mo. VI., JUNE 28, 188 . Temperature, mean...... grain acwsen 60°°5 “4 max, in sun............06. 128°7 ree » 99 Shade ............ 707 5 min. ,, shade ...... seenee 5O->G. $s 9» ON Qrass......... sieeve 35 >» accumltd.above 42° day degs. 18 9 RE 2 since Ist January 1187°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. (Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall { since rst January, 15°07 in, } o82 in, aie rel. humidity 78 °/, Wind, direction, &c. ...... sies sina vebervectreees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Verbascum Thapsus 162-206, Gt. Mullein, Cow’s Lung-wort. Chalky banks ...... Sysimachia nummularia 164-206, Money- wort, Creeping Loosestrife. Damp places Alisma Plantago 154-214, Gt. Water Plan- tain, Mad-dog-weed. Ditches .......00..- lTordeum pratense 165-202, Meadow Barley. Motst PASLULES versiccerrecnecrevvepepmseaeecsss ‘Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Zygana Filipendule 164-211, Six-spot Bur- net M. Szezshine (lar. vii.-v. on bird’s- FOGEAKEPOI): csicseccesmnecsncevsecarcadmasenedass Acronycta Ligustri 151-199, Coronet M. Ash trees (lax. viii.-ix. on ash, privet) .... Melanippe Unangulata 147-196, Sharp- angle Carpet M. Hedge banks (lar. vii.- vill. on chickweed) ..........:ssceeeeseeeeeeee LOOK FOR Large Magpie M. 191, Clouded Yellow M. 187. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)... ee COarserFIsh’ 2: .ccsesceseuseacch tea snidee tat > 180-185, Mo. VI., JUNE 29, 188 . Temperature, Mean......cccssseccseserees 584 a MAX. IN SUM......c0ccevees 127'2 i ss gy Shade? ssvsserener 70°O 5 WIN, 93 SHAME: wesesrerssyt 49'2 an 95> ON QTASS......eeeeeeeee 43°9 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 17°4 53 on since 1st January 12051 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days Rainfall fs 1st January, 15'z5 in. "082 in. mean rel. humidity 78 °/o Wind, direction, &C. w.cccseceeeceeseeeeeneeeers Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Lilium Candidum 171-, White Garden Lily. Shrubberies Trees &c, leafing; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Stauropus Fagi 167-205, Lobster M. Beech woods (lar. viii.-ix. on beech, oak) Cymatophora Duplaris 165-202, Lesser Satin Carpet M. (lar. viii.-ix. on birch) Agrotis Corticea 163-187, Heart and Club M. (lar. viii.-iv. on Chenopodium) ...... Noctua Festiva 163-231, Ingrailed Clay M. (lar, vii.-v. on violets, foxglove) ss... Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T).... eens ; _ Coarse FISH csssvecneveeersseseneeeseenescaeens . 181-184, Mo. VI., JUNE 30, 188 . Temperature, MEAN..........-seeeeeeeeeees 58°'0 oF MAX. IN SUN... eee 128°2 5 so. oo SNade? scsecssasee .69°2 ss min. ,, shade ........466 50°0 99 ON QYASS .....c esas ee eee 44°9 aA - aecumled. above 42° day-degs. 172 35 since Ist January 1222°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vi, 30°02) in. Mo. vi, 2°45 in. on 13 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 15'23in. | ‘o82 in. {et rel. humidity 78 °%/o i Wind, direction, &C. ......cscessenceeeeeeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if - surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Hypericum hirsutum 170-204, Hairy St. John’s-wort. ZDhichets ..c.ccscccccseeeeeens Circea lutetiana 168-198, Com. Enchant- er’s Nightshade. Damp woods ............ ; Stachys Betonica 160-203, Wood Betony, Bishop’s-wort. Zhichets ....ccssecsevevens [White garden lily, Hoff. Gies,] 7So......... Trees &c. leafing ; seeds germinating. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Xylophasia Polyodon 165-208, Dark Arches M. (lar. iv.-v. on low plants) cnaitiomasionson Hadena Pist 167-188, Broom M. (lar. viii.-~ x. on broom, bracken) satin seaeeneiuens LOOK FOR Barred Straw M. 194. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, song, nesting, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........cceeseee ences 3 Coarse fish ....cesccseeceeceeretesereaeeueenens 182-183, Mo. VII, JULY 1, 188... /P/ 2 Temperature, Mean.......seecesscerseseees 58°°7 35 max. in Sun...........60 125'3 ‘5 Jp ep PSHACE’ Sesdasnaeneid 68°0 35 min. ,, Shade ............ 52°3 45 gy ON QYASS siceseeeeeee 48°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16°7 eer since Ist January 1239°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall fi 1st January, 15°32 in. ‘093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ......c.ceecessseeecnsoeece Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Helosciadium nodiflorum 173-196, Procum- bent Marsh-wort, Fool’s Water-cress. BOGS sais ce intea die etiihias accede anasenanswede Ueulsee Scutellaria calericulata 164- 200, ‘Com. Skull Cap, Helmet-flower. River banks ...... Rumex conglomeratus 161-204, Clustered or Sharp Dock. Wet DLGCES:. eiccovectaiecns LOOK FOR Spear Thistle 192. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Hipparchia Hyperanthus 173-196, Ringlet B. Woods (lar. viii.-vi. on grasses)...... Melanthia Albicillata 163-196, Beautiful Carpet M, (lar. viii.-ix. on raspberry, bramble)> scisseescitastasiessocasioats pede LOOK FOR Oak Egg M. 198, Light Emerald M. 185. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........::cccceeeeenee Coarse fish wesseeeeeeeee seVianlauiern sie we-aaie 183-182, Mo. VII., JULY 2, 188 . Temperature, MeaN.............:.cceeeeeee 58°°6 $5 max. in sun........... e. 1212 5 oy ogy SHAE 2.4...04.6,-68°2 53 min. ,, shade ............ 50°4 5 yy ON QYASS we eeeeeeee 45°5 . »» accumitd. above42°day-degs. 16°6 apron ies since Ist January 1255°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rain se rst January, 15°42 a ‘093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °%/o Wind, direction, &C. ....ccesseeeeeeeseeeeeneees Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Malva moschata 168-199, Musk Mallow... Gravelly PLACES ceccecreccvecsennerensencereenens Hfieracium viulgatunt 166-191, Com. Hawk- weed. Woods ..ccececcecrcees Dae cadaapataces Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Xylophasia Hepatica 157-201, Clouded Brindle M. (lar. viii.-iv. on grasses) ...... Angerona Prunaria 168-199, Orange M. Wooas (lar. x.-iv. on plum, forest trees)... Scopula Prunalis 149-218, Dusky-brindled M. Hedges (lar. vi.-vii. on sloe, low Plants) ...scccseesseeseeeeereeeeeeeeeneneeeneees Tetranychus telarius, The Red Spider, Spinning Mite (in dry seasons—C. W.). FLOPS vo vvscrsvenennneee renee nena ee aaleante Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) Coarse fish sicsseveccseeeceeerseeeneeeeee renee 184-181, Mo. VII., JULY 8, 188 . Temperature, mean..........cecceceeeeeeee 5Q"1 *s MAX. IN SUN secsisersaeeene 123'2 5 sy ey SHAMS. sa. cacssocees 68°9 39 min, in shade ............ 51°4 ” o> ON BLASS... eee 45°6 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°I 35 since Ist January 1272°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {sce ist January, 15°51 m ‘093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 %/o Wind, direction, 8&0. ......ceccceccseeeeseeennee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings HYPERICUM PULCHRUM 171-214, Small, slender, upright St. John’s-wort. Com: MOMS: ‘eesisidiedsengseics bier iandecisneeaaiindsbaseeuese’s Carduus acaulis 162-223, Ground, or Dwarf TRIStle. D005: iss vsnsesesiageenssonesse tse LOOK FOR Small-flowered Willow- herb 191, Teasel 203. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Argynnis Aglaia 147-233, Dark Green Fritillary B. zisides (lar. viii.-vi. on Violets) ss .ssowcssvovansitonvseweariiaveansateenss Odonestis Potatorta 161-211, The Drinker M. Grass (lar. ix.-v. on coarse grasses) LEmmelesia Alchemillata 161-203, Com. Carpet M. (lar. viii.-ix. on Lychzzs, Silene) wscseeee Bg aeecchiwansenmauaneneamamenens de Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals ; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).........eeeceeeeeee Coarse fish: sence «eeceee nee 185-180, Mo. VII., JULY 4, 188 . ‘Temperature, MeaN......... cc eeeeeneeeeeee 58°°7 3 Max. IN SUN... eee 124°0 39 33. ep shade slice ewecnee 68°6 5 min. ,, shade ............ 512 59 a9) SONUGTASS: ciieehastes 46°5 >, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16°7 »» Since Ist January 1289°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in.. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall joe ist January, 15°60 | *093 ine mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &. .......ccceeeceeee eee eeeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CARDUUS ARVENSIS 161-203, Creeping or Field Thistle, Dog Thistle. Wayszdes LEpilobium angustifolium 174-200, Bay Rose, or Rose Bay Willow-herb. Copses Ballota nigra 164-220, Black Horehound, Stinking Hi Waste places.....cecccevecees Folygonum Persicaria 158-214, Com. “Persicaria,” Spotted P., Lady’s-thumb. Waste Places ii cvrmaussansarengesisasneaeeiee Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. {Raspberry fr. ripe. Hoff. Geis.] 153, 752 Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Metrocampa Margaritata 182-197, Light ‘Emerald M. ° Hedges (lar. ix.-v. on forest tree): sciciesescisausassssaciisieseeverne Boarmia Repandata 166-207, Mottled Beauty M. Gardens (lar. ix.-iv. on SHEUDS)\ secadehsacnasicdaaenan amamecerieceeeutes LOOK FOR Silver Streak B. 198, Lesser Broad-bordered yellow Underwing M. 220. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) ety Coarse ASH: ss.2s9eeeccacaasismceeeen eae: ses 186-179, Mo. VII., JULY 5, 188 Temperature, mean ........e eee eeeeee 59°° ” max, 1M SUN..............5 122°2 %9 voy 33 SRad er seasvesrsaes 68.9 53 min. ,, shade ............ 50'S - 99 ON QIASS weeeeesseeee 45°S > accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°E 3 since Ist January 1306°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall I since 1st January, 15°70 in. *093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &c. Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if. surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Hypericum perforatum 171-214, Com, St. John’s-wort. Thichets scscscsesesseeeseeeee Ononis arvensis 157-223, Com. Rest Har- row, Ground Furze. Aeaths..ccccserecsere Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. [Golden Currant fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 107 Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Zygana Lonicere 172-211, Large Five-spot Burnet M. Ji sunshine (lar. vii.-v. on grasses, clover, honeysuckle?) ............ Nudaria Mundana 170-203, Muslin M. Stone walls (lar. v.-vi. on lichens)........ 2 LOOK FOR Willow Beauty M. 196. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........csseceeeeee eee Coarse fish csiisvescrvesianesiae sine vesveveers 187-178, Mo. VIL, JULY 6, 188 . Temperature, MeaN....eceeeeeeeeceeees 58°°7 ss MAX. iN SUN....... eee 127°7 55 oy 99: Shade: nsec. 1150S 9 min. ,, shade ............ 51'9 ” yo ON QIASS ....eeceeees 45°O »» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 16°7 a9.- 53 since Ist January 13232 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {si 1st January, 15°79 in. 093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 %o Wind, direction, &. ....cccceseesseceueee sees Plants and Trees blossoming ; “note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Chenopodium album 164-227, Fat Hen, White Goose-foot. Waste places ........+ Funcus effusus 171-223, Com. Soft Rush. Waste places ....css00 aaveknesi aud seacmonnieys n Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvest. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.); leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Agrotis Segetum 164-232, Com. Dart M. (lar. vii.-iv. On turMipsS) .....eseeceeeeeneeees Abrostola Urtice 157-230, The Spectacle M. (lar. vili.-ix. on nettle) .........cceeeceee Cidaria Fulvata 178-213, Clouder Yellow M. Bushes (lar. v. on dog rose) .......++ LOOK FOR Black Hair-streaked B. 205, Purple Hair-streaked B. 207, Double Square-spot M. 197, The Straw-dot M. 199, Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..........0006 ane Coarse fish.......cssceeeeeeeeeeee sianlesilate ee 188-177, Mo. VII., JULY 7, 188 . Temperature, Mean......ceeecessesoseeene 59°°3 33 MAX. iN SUN..........00 ee 130°0 a5 oa) oa SHAE! wwesvevessan 69°9 5 min, ,, shade ............ 50°9 9 9x, ON QIASS wsceevecese 45'°8 ») accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°3 $5 since Ist January I 340°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in, Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {si 1st January, 15°88 | ‘093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .ic.ceceececseceeeeeneeeee Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CAMPANULA ROTUNDIFOLIA 169 - 202, Hair-bell, Round-leafed C. Heaths...... Agrostis alba 179-198, Fiorin or Marsh Bent-grass. Pastures ....ccccccseeseeenseenes Bromus (Festuca) gigantea 159-206, Giant Fescue-grass. Shady Places sescecccssccoes Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Colias Edusa 160-241, Clouded Yellow B. Clover banks (lar. vi.-vii. on Dutch Clover) scomeneersasicav sense eeteuesinies Larentia Didymata 167-211, Twin-spot Carpet M. (lar. iv.-v. on rough chervil, COWSLIP) Sereiacaswesecataapsadaeuessrcsciadsuccnrs LOOK FOR White Satin M. 201, Scarce Footman M., 209. Fish. Reptiles, Birds ; migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........:.ceecseeee eee COarSOMSD so ssicdahoseneetsnegsiediyues taniendsviive 189-176, Mo. VII., JULY 8, 188 Temperature, Mean cesses eeeees 59°°4. 55 MAX. IN SUN... ... seer 129'O 35 ap. SHAE cxnacessiees 69°6 s min. ,, shade ......... 150° 5 gy ON QIASS w.eeeevenee 44°4. », accumltd. above 42° day-degs.17°4. x3 a7 since Ist January 1357°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfal {stem January, 15°98 | 093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &. oo... cceeececene eee eeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Rubus discolor 162-225, Com. Bramble, Blackberry. Z/2chets....eccccseseeceeseseees Juncus lamprocarpus 169 - 208, Jointed, Shining-fruited Rush, Bogs ....ceseeereees Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Trochilium (Sesta) Tipuliforme 171-200, Currant Hawk M. Currant bushes (lar- x.-iv. in wood of currant) ...........sseeee Plusia Chrysitis 153-249, Burnished Brass M. Wettles (lar. vi.-iv. on nettles, &c.)... LOOK FOR The Old Lady M. 213, Small Mallow M, 200. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals ; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..:sceceeesererereee ‘ Coarse fish ..csseeseeserennees Saino ‘ 190-175, Mo. VIL, JULY 9, 188 . “Temperature, mean.......ccseeseeceeeeeeee 59°°5 99 max, IN SUN... eee 125'2 5 39 (49 Shade jecseiiees 69°3 sis min. ,, shade ............ 514 5 99 ON SYASS......... ee 464 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°5 se since Ist January 137 54 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Raita 1st January, 16'07 =| *093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 o "Wind, direction, &C. ......seecssseesecsseeecens ‘Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings JHYPERICUM TETRAPTERUM I7I - 214, Square-stalked St. John’s-wort. Aois¢ PLACES seseawadeservineesvensenenesedanyveweaes ren. Tilia (Europea) Lime-tree, Linden-tree. W0OES: PATRS win ciesussvdswaceusens eeeaueetess ‘Calamintha Clinopodium 168- tease Wild Basil, Calamint. Dry hills .... ‘Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) leaves falling. Ansects, Larve &c. appearing. Thyatira Derasa 173-197, Buft Arches M. (lar. viii.-ix. on bramble, hawthorn)...... Thyatira Batis 169-206, Peach Blossom M. Brambles (lar. viii.-ix. on bramble, FaSp berry) ies sy svecrwaenneesarawewsoeseecieneces Ourapteryx Sambucaria 166-212, Swallow- tailed M. (lar. ix.-v. on elder, ivy, shrubs) LOOK FOR Early Thorn M,. 97, July Highflyer M. 210. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).......... ahaa beac Coarse ASH: ,isssccsinesewsrvenaiaaeeisecininen 191-174, Mo. VII., JULY 10, 188 . ‘Temperature, mean..............66 wee 5S 59 max, in SUN... eee + 132°5 %» a oy SAGE 2, sacceaden 70°4. a min, ,, shade ............ 50°2 Be oy ON Brass wee 44°4 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°5 »» since Ist January 1 392°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {sc 1st January, 16°16 m| 093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &C. oo... essseeseecceeseeeneees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings ‘GALEOPSIS TETRAHIT 172-213, Com. Hemp-nettle, Bee Day-nettle. Corn- PROLISS Se isis. ve wtudiadineiniaaie ss dooan ceeuen ees Lpilobium parviflorum 184-203, Small-. flowered Willow-herb. Waste places... Lrythrea Centaurium 167 - 214, Com. Centaury, Fever-wort. Dyry pastures .. ‘Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Pamphilia Linea 176-213, Small Skipper B. Fields, woods (lar. viii.-vi. on grasses) .. Apamea Oculea 159-236, Com. Rustic M. (lar. iv.-v. on grasses, Dactylis).........045 Abraxas Grossulariata 179-212, Large Magpie M. Gardens (lar. v. on goose- Derry) essa seccesicssincousneeca neusinseiewenedsens Botys Verticalis 151- 231, Mother of Pearl M. Mettles (lar. v. on nettle) ............ LOOK FOR Goat M. 212. Fish, Reptiles. ‘Birds: migration, &c. -Animals: seen, breeding, &c. ‘Fishing. Sporfs. Salmon (S). Trout (T).cceeees ih Coarse fishvaccversssas coors saaacnn anions 192-173, Mo. VIIL., JULY 11, 188 .. Temperature, mean............ccecceceeeee 59°"4 as max. in sun............... 129'9 e ig.) «99: SHADE racerirncecd 69°5 35 min. inshade ............ 51°O $5 o> ON QYASS oe 45°9 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°4 OH since Ist January 1410°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in.. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {sc 1st January, 16°25 m| 093 in.. mean rel. humidity 79 °/° Wind, direction, &C. ......cccccecsececeseeeeees Plants and Trees blossoming ; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings CARDUUS LANCEOLATUS 182-204, Spear Thistle, Bird Thistle. Waste places...... Juncus glaucus 176-214, Hard Rush. Wet PLACES esvncncceinaesersdemaniuanganesleds estonia Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of .. fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. . Argeynnis Adippe 174-223, High Brown Fritillary B. Woods (lar. viii.-vi. on VIOLELS)) sce esvcceadvcaesccadeavensidecsislecnigsees Perthesia Aurifiua 130-206, Yellow-tail M. edges (lar. ix.-v. on oak, willow) Leucania Pallens 177-245, Com. Wainscot M. (lar. x.-iv. on Deschampsta ?) .....0.. Cidaria Immanata 164-217, Dark Marbled Carpet M. (lar. v.-vii. on strawberry) ... LOOK FOR Purple Emperor B, 217, Flying ants (G.W.) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T). s.ssccceseerreeee A Coarse fish sisssecssccescceeseereueeeneereees : 193-172, Mo. VII., JULY 12, 188 . Temperature, mean ..........0.008 20000 5QO'4 3 MAX. iN SUN... ceeeeeee 1274, ” 2» 9) Shade eosveereeee09°6 3 min. in shade .......... ++50°3 5 99 OT BYASS eesaceseeees 44'5 >, accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 17°4 5 since Ist January 1427°7 Barometer.(mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 16°35 in. 093 in. mean rel. humidity 79°%/ Wind, direction, &¢. ........ccecceeseeeeeeeeoee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings Galeopsis Ladanum 169-223, Iron-wort, Red Hemp-nettle. Chalky fields wo.....+ Inula Helentum 193-,Elecampane. Moist PASUUTES vo veceee see mae Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. ‘appearing. Hipparchia Tithonus 174-217, Gate Keeper B. Hedges (lar. viii.-vi. on meadow GYASS) voeseee od suanicn's canvelasdnannnenos caviedaeatane Xylophasia Lithroxylea 169 - 208, Light Arches M. Grass (lar. v.-vi. on grass)... Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).....scscscrseerrrees Coarse fish ..cscceeeceeceseerneesaeeeneetenn ee 194-171, Mo. VII., JULY 18, 188 ~ Temperature, Mean..........ce ee eects eeees 59°°6 a max. in SUN...........666 127'2 35 3 oy Shade: .csseavecsvs 69°5 = min. ,, shade ............ 51'7 an 99 ON QLASS eeeseeeeeaes 46°7 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 17°6 ” since Ist January 1445°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Raita! since rst January, 16°44 sl 093 in. mean rel, humidity 79 °/o 4 Wind, direction, &. ......cceeeeeseeeeeneeee Plants and Trees blossoming; note if surviving, premature, or 2nd blossomings SONCHUS ARVENSIS 157-214, Com. Sow- thistle. Corafields .....cccecccceseeeeveee - Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of seed and fruit harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (naif gr. half ch.); leaves falling. « Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Lflepialus Sylvinus 145-238, Orange Swift M. Heaths (lar. vii. on grasses) ......... Cidaria Pyraliata 181-218, Barred Straw Carpet M. Gardens (lar. on hawthorn) LHydrocampa Nymphealis 149-250, Beauti-: ful China Mark M. Water plants (lar. iv. on yellow water-lily) ..........cceee Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S$). Trout (T) ise Coarse fish. - svennrnsdwemuaunraunttencters 195-170, Mo. VII., JULY 14, 188 . Temperature, MEAN oo... .ceeeeseee eee 60°°6 i MAX, IN SUN, ...ceeeeeeee 127°5 55 gx pp SHAE. .escnvs sae 70'5 “a min. ,, shade ............ 52°6 3 jy ONDQTASS! succeevecety 47°5 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18°6 Beer since Ist January 1463" 9 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29.98) in. Rainfall i ed rst January, 16°53 in. (mean rel. humidity 79 o Wind, direction, &C. .......cecececeeeeeeeenes Plants &c. blossoming ; note if surviv- ing, premature, or 2nd blossomings CONVOLVULUS SEPIUM 172-222, Gt. Bind- weed, Hedge-bells, Bell-bind. Hedges.,. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days 093 in Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Arge Galathea 181-220, Marbled White B. Fields (lax. vii.-V. ON Zrasses)...seeeeerseee Arctia Caja 165-227, Tiger M. Gardens (lar. viii.-vi. on plants, shrubs) ........... LOOK FOR The Lackey M. 206, Lesser Yellow Underwing M. 222. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......cs000 spsatens ‘ee Coarse fish 5 196-169, Mo. VII., JULY 15, 188 . Temperature, Mean ....seceseeeeseveeee OL '7 5 max. IN SUN........e006 .126'0 ” 299 Shade .s.csceeseee 72'2 35 min. ,, shade ............ 52°4. An 99 ON QTASS seeceeeseees 46'5 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs.19°7 5 9 since Ist January 1483°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall fs 1st January, 16°63 in. ‘093 in. mean re], humidit y79 %o Wind, direction, &c. .........eseseeeee eoseaets Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Nuphar lutea 196-, Yellow Water-Lily Clote. Lakes and rivers cesserceveee wcaeea Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning ot fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) 3; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Bryophila Perla 158-236, Marbled Beauty M. Old Walls (lar. x.-vi. on lichens). Boarmia Rhomboidaria 186-207. Willow beauty M. Gardens (lar. ix.-iv. ivy, oak, LOSE) KC.) ccdiserecroenssewsnsdnunonsaenageitions Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S$). Trout (T) Coarse ASH. aiccancsqesescaysvencaaceawirne 197-168, Mo. VII., JULY 16, 188 Temperature, Mean sisccosssssecenseeens 62°2 35 MAX. IN SUN eee. ceeeeeees 128°5 35 53 39 SHAME: Sesnecneaacs 72°0 33 min. ,, shade ws... 53°3 ae 39 ON QYASSceseeeceeseeeeG 75 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 20°2 r since Ist January 1503°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in Rainfall + since rst January, 16°72 in. mean rel. humidity 79 Wind, direction, XC. sesecrsmvomrrscscvernanses Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Nymphaea alba 197, White ‘Water-Lily. Lakes and rivers veccccee Weta Vea belewsawealves tas ( Mo. vii. 2°88 in. on 14 days i i *093 in. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Noctua Ti ak aa 187-206, Double Square-spot M. (lar. iv.-v. on wilws bramble) ..... sausueniavansqubaseenseemexceueuse Mania Typica 145-249, Gothic M Walls (lar. ix.-iv. on low plants) .......seeeereeees Fish. Reptiles. . Birds: migration, Xc. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S), Trout (T)......seeseseeeeees es Coarse fish sessssccsscsseceenecenreateenenvee an 198-167, Mo. VII., JULY 17, 188 Temperature, M€aN.......... ee eceesev eee 62°°1 55 max in SUN oo... cee eae 122'9 , 55. cpa SHade: ss.t. canenaese 718 Br min. ,, shade ............005 54°2 55 99 OT] QTASS..ceeeeeeeeeeee ees 48°7 >, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 20°L 9 99 since Ist January 15239 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo, vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall io ast January, 16°81 mt *093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 a Wind, direction, &C.....c...cccceeesee eee eeeeees Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Apricot ripe (G.W.) ...... ageite sane tormeannse Rye harvest begins (G.W.) Trees &c. leaves changing (half. gr. half ch.) 5 leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Argynnis Paphia 185-234, Silver Streak Fritillary B. Woods (lar. viii.-vi. wood and sweet violet) .........cscseseeeceesereeeens Caradrina Cubicularis 166-240, Pale Mot- tled Willow M. Thatch (lar. ix.-vi. on PVASEES) .owesicca recenesigstinosionansuse nemo teeeienns Lasiocampa Quercifolia 182-206, Oak Eg- gar M. Hedges (lar. ix.-v. on willow, plum, «c.) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) Coarse fish ........cesceseseneees sacichvtleentee re 199-166, Mo. VII., JULY 18, 188 . Temperature, mean... eee 619 5 Max. IN SUN... ee 130°! 33 ga) 4p SHAME: auceieeasee 72°5 55 min. ,, shade ............ 53°3 5 o> ON QYASS oe. 48°1 »» accumltd.above 42° day-degs.19°9 is since Ist January 1543'8 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {pices ust January, 16'9z | 093 in mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &. ......csecceeeeeseseeeevens Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. EPILOBIUM HIRSUTUM 178-234, Gt. hairy, Willow-herb, Apple-, Cherry-, Custard-, Gooseberry-pie. Waste places .........4+ Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half. gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Caradrina Alsines 181-223, White Line Rustic M. (lar. ix.-iv. on chickweed) Rivula Sericealis 187-207, Straw Dot M.- Marshes (lar. Vi ON —) sssseeesereeseerseees ss Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....sssesessseereeeees . Coarse fish ..ccecscecesecneeeeenenseeneeteenens 200-165, Mo. VIL., JULY 19, 188 . Temperature, mean..........660 dassveesssOE?’S 59 max, iN SUN. ......6. seaeesIQU°d = o> 99 Shade...... sosseesne7 3°3 59 min, 5, Shade.......sseeee 51'S 3 gy OT QYASS — oesececeeeee46°4, s, accumltd. above 42°day-degs, 19°5 4 since Ist January 1563°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in, Mo. vii. 2°88 in. on 14 aL Rainfall 4 since rst January, 17°00 in. {ste rel. humidity 79 °/o } Wind, direction, &c. ....eecesceseres veeseuies Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Humulus Lupulus, Hop (G.W.) smcersessee 093 in. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. [Rye harvest Reginning Hoff. ie] T3535 148 ooo cndaeuctanraaevaccocieeutzeomneteniemnts Trees &. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larveze &c. appearing. Vanessa Urtice 169-275 and 67, Small Tortoise-shell B. Gardens (lar. v.-viii. OM TICES)

99 Shade .........008 73°5 i min. ,, shade ............ 52°9 ey go ON QYASS oo. eeeeee 47'2 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 20°3 3 since 1st January 1602°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {ite rst January, 17°18 in. ‘093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......cescosssseseeveeeeens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings... ANGELICA SYLVESTRIS 161-214, Wild Angelica, Ground - ash, Holly Ghost. Moist Woods coseorrorsersrees dadeiteoecsaveusienis Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Wheat harvest begins (G.W.) cecscseeseesoos Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.); leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing, Limenitis Sibilla 185-220, White Admiral or Honeysuckle B. Woods (lar. viii.-v. On honeysuckle) carcaccorcessesenesnsssssceree Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)......::seseseseeers Coarse fish o..sscesecseceeeeeereneeenecneeees ‘ 203-162, Mo. VII., JULY 22, 188 .. Temperature, Mean.........ceeeeeceeeesees 63°'0 $5 max. iN SUN... eee 131'0 35 3» 99 Shade ............ 74°5 s min. ,, shade ............ 53°6 a gy) ON QYASS. eee eeeees 47°7 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 21°0 7. since Ist January 1623°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall eae 1st January, 17°28 in "093 in mean rel, humidity 79 %o Wind, direction, &c. ......ceccecseevereescenes Plants &c, blossoming ; note ‘if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. DIPSACUS SYLVESTRIS 184-214, Wild Tea- sel, Carder’s-thistle, Waste places ...... Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Wild Cherry ripe (G.W.) cesssescersseeeeeeees Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Vanessa Lo 146-233 and 77, Peacock B. Woods, gardens (lar. vi.-vii. on nettle)... Polyommatus (Lycana) Corydon 174-229, Chalk Hill Blue B. Chalk downs (lar... x.-vi. tufted horse-shoe vetch) .....,.66+ é Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)..s..cceeecereeeeeers 5 Coarse fish ...ssesereeeeeee Witertiguaadacleeeo’s wie 204-161, Mo. VII., JULY 23, 188 . Temperature, Mean.........00.008 voseesen 6079 nD max. in sun......... eeenes 12Q'2 ” ye gg SHAMEL Sicssans +0708 53 min, ,, shade ....... acid5 3°) on b> ON QIASS .....es0e +2 48°9 »»accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 18°9 ” since Ist January 1642" 6 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall fase ist January, 17°37 in. ag *093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 /o Wind, direction, S&C. .....secsecececeees Plants &e, blossoming ; note ifs sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. SCABIOSA SUCCISA 173-239, Devil’s - bit, Blue-ball, Blue buttons and bonnets. Pastures 0 m0 ore cert Ces mE eee seseseoeepeesaceneees Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Noctua C-Nigrum 149-283, S. Hebrew Character M. comes to light (lar. iv, & x. on low plants) cece ceeeeeeseenee Oe eeaorceeceer Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, Xc. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....cccccseeceeserseeer: Coarse fish. cesaceasesncnsena cise wmeovresnsnnn en 205-160, Mo. VII., JULY 24, 188 . Temperature, mean ......... HRNRS 155974 a max. in sun..... sete aateree's 131°6 5 590 cop SHAME seed caeccaises 69°4 $3 min.,, shade..............5 Sur ar 99) ONQTASS eessenuaccivene 45°8 9) accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°4 $5 since Ist January 1660°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Rainfall eve 1st January, 17°46 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/ Wind, direction, &c. ........ Hiiisiosnras coceehneee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Calluna vulgaris—Com, Ling, Heather. Ffeaths ..... Sia suiwaciis secaaisurnd Seige woseenutaennes Erica Tetralix—Com. Heath, Cross-leaved Heath. Heaths and woods Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days 093 in Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Thecla W-album 187-223, Black hair- streaked B. Flowers of bramble (lar. v-- vi. on wych elm) ......cceseesccreseeeeeee ees Macaria Liturata 171-227, Tawny-bar Angle M. Fir woods (lar. ix. larch, SCOteh Ar) s.ccsosciduecitnasereenessemeounne tts Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals ; seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)sscceeseeseerernes t Coarse fish ....seeeeeeeee Siauiagpandennneennsel ten, 206-159, Mo. VII., JULY 25, 188 . Temperature, MEAN........... cece eee eee 59°2 is MAX I SUNY. cecdse deans 130°0 es Sa cap SHAG: wdtranesunnd 70°4 oe min. ,, shade ............ 50'0 3 s» ongrass ..... eaeags 43°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°2 9 since Ist January 1677°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ....ceececeeeeeeeeeneeeenee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall eee 1st January, 17°56 in. } ‘093 In. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) : leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Vanessa Atalanta 62-241, Red Admiral B, Gardens (lar. v.-vii. on nettle) ............ Clistocampa Neustria 195-217, Lackey M. At rest (lar. v.-vii. on fruit trees) ......... Bees kill the drones (G.W.) ........cceceeeeee Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout m hishsuicaaainses eaduiey COaLSE ASH: -srrsaisesicassersrossrenvornisacnieng 207-158, Mo. VII., JULY 26, 188 Temperature, Mean........c.e esse ceeeeeees 59°°3 39 max. in sun........ ativaiet 127'2 ‘5 se. fy SMAME He cenlcncted 69°7 35 min. 5; shade: ssovccavees 512 ¥ sy ON QLASS oo. +0004 6'Q »,accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 17°3 $3 34 since Ist Semrre| 1694°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in, Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on x4 days Rainfall {a 1st January, 17°65 in. *093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 %/o Wind, direction, &c. Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ARTEMESIA VULGARIS 203-214, Mugwort, Fellon-herb, Waste places serseeresserses Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr, half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Thecla Quercus 187-236, Purple Hair: streaked B. Woods (lar. v.-vi. on oak)... LOOK FOR Figure-of-Eight M. 260, Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T).... Coarse fish.. s,s. dias aula agers 208-157, Mo. VII., JULY 27, 188 . Temperature, Mean.........cecccseceeeeaes 59°38 55 MAX. IN SUN... eeee ees 132°3 ” 1999 SMAME seseeaesceee 70°7, i min. ,, shade ............ 50°8 ” 92 ON QYASS vesesseeeeee 45°3 >) accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 17°8 = since Ist January 1712°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in, (a vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall | since rst January, 17°74 af 093 in, mean rel. humidity 79 Yo Wind, direction, &C. ......sesscesecsecceseeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Hipparchia (Satyrus) Semele 174-220, Grayling or Rock-eyed Underwing B. Heaths (lar. vili.-vi. on grasses).........+. LOOK FOR Brimstone B. 234, Dun Foot man M., 218, Red Twin-spot Carpet M. 218 and 131. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)........sseeseeeereee es Coarse fishivseccsiiooiesscnasesssesasacns nee 209-156, Mo. VII., JULY 28, 188 . Temperature, mean ...........eeeeeeeeee 58°" he MAX AN SUN eiascsvasvesvn 123'°0 #3 ye ge Shadé: sacseeiecsd 69°4. 3 min. ,, shade ............ 50°2 - $3) OMIBTASS a sicsednees 44'°9 »» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 16'9: 5 since Ist January 1729°2: Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. (Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days eae rst January, 17°84 =| 093 in mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &. .......ceccecceeeeeeseeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Lithosia Complanula 188-222, Scarce Foot- man M. Flzes at dish (lar. viii.-vi. on. HchenS, Ar): scévvetorasmencauesatgeenseonesdess Cosmia Trapezina 199-217, Dun-bar M. (lar. iv.-vi. on forest trees and other cater- PALS) ...cseesonscssccnevesseaesesencenaaenee Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)....sesccceereeceeee Coarse fish cissseccsceeeeenseeeseeeaneseeeeees : 15 210-155, Mo. VII., JULY 29, 188 . Temperature, Mean .......ccsseseese ewes 59°°2 35 MAX. iN SUN..........eeeee 128°5 Pr sa ¥pSHMAMES vee tc cansend 70'2 5 min. ,, shade ............ 50°2 er gy ON QIASS...seeeeseeees 45°1 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°2 ” since Ist January 17464 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall {sm ust January, 17'93 in. 093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ....cccsecsecseeeeeeceeneee Plants &c. blossoming ; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Ypsipetes Elutata 190-234, July Highflyer M. Woods (lar. x.-v. on hazel, willow, AG eY) iaccsvsicseoesniessvevucernsacsien a selisaves Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T)...ccceeccesssesenees Coarse fish) -sncoceiscnts manera 211-154, Mo. VIL, JULY 30, 188 . ‘Temperature, mean..........ccecsceecee eee 60°"0 $3 MAX. IN SUN... eee eee 130°0 oe gga SHAME: adele aan 70'0 om min. ,, shade ............ 52°3 53) » ONngrass ........ 0000473 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18-0 53 since Ist January 1764°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Rainfall fs 1st January, 18°02 in. 093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 /o Wind, direction, &c. ........eseeseeeeeee desis Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. oe Ash fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 134 13 G is scs cba oecacteaigsaveisenpsoesiens csv ds [Snowberry fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 152 ...... ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Copper Underwing M. 225. Fish, Reptiles Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Salmon (S). Trout (T) ..csccsseeeesteeee ees Coarse ASW... ciccciass ancanceee nnitenne wanted 212-153, Mo. VII, JULY 81, 188 . Temperature, Mean.........ceeeeeeeee ees 59°0 ay max, in SUN........eea ee 124'1 35 gi ag tSNAdle® ssoscuecavs 69°3 ah min. ,, shade ............ 50°5 53 yy ON QYASS weeks eee 44°6 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs.17°0 ri since Ist January 1781°4 Barometer (mean, Mo, vii, 29°98) in. Mo. vii, 2°88 in. on 14 days Raita since 1st January, 18°11 in. ‘093 in. mean rel. humidity 79 Yo Wind, direction, &C. ......cccesccescceceueeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cossus Ligniperda 191-251, Goat M. Trees, pailings (lar. ix.-x. feed on wood of ed ashes; elms) tissscdsncwianiesiaidaidve stiaitebeevives LOOK FOR Brown Hair-streaked B. 224, August Thorn M. 236. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Fishing. Sports. Gun and Game licences to be taken out. . Salmon (S). Trout (T) .......ccceeseeeee ee. Coarse fASh sis nssiesmsciveeensmnesesversons 213-152, Mo. VIII., AUG.1, 188 Temperature, Mean..........cecceeeesseees 58°'0 35 MAX. IN SUN... eee 129°6 ss 53 99 Shad ewe vennesas sd 69°3 ee min. ,, shade ............ 49°1 5 o> ONQYASS oo... 44°0 5, aceumltd, above 42° day-degs. 16°0 a9 since Ist January 1797°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall | since rst January, 18°22 in. + ‘yor in. (mean rel. humidity 81 /o Wind, direction, &C. oo... ..cececseeececenceecee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. [Deadly Nightshade fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 039; 149s Seyesaes de taxsiuamoeenesaesegeses sae Oat harvest begins (G.W.)..... Barley harvest begins (G.W.) Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cythia Cardui 189-256 and 146, Painted Lady B. Zhéstles, roads (lar. vi.-ix. on thistles) seccaswsacossansanvsaesasaeroeeacesavenens Mania Maura 189-240, The Old Lady M. Out-houses (lar. ix.-v. on dock, ivy) ...... Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Closeseason for ‘‘ Wild Birds ” ends. The commence- ment of Wildfowl shooting varies in dif- ferent parts of the country. See page 60 and ‘‘ Wild Birds Protection Acts’? 1880- 81. Wildfowl. sccscsssusen seesveviia ss op creiesasinets Hares—no close season ... Rabbits,, ,, 7 214-151, Mo. VIII, AUG. 2, 188 . Temperature, MEAaN..........ececseseeeeees 58°°7 55 max. in SUN...........0068 127° 95 »» 9) Shade ............ 67°2 55 min. ,, shade ............ 49°8 a 39, ON QYASS..... eee eee 44°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16'7 x 7 since Ist January 1814°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. vili, 29°97) in mean rel, humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &C. .....eecccceeeessceneeeees Plants &c. blossoming: note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. viii, 3'r3 in. on 14 days Rainfall + since rst January, 18°32 in. | ‘ror in. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Brown Argus B. 233, Hop Wireworm Beetle 226, Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wildfowl Trout 215-150, Mo, VIII, AUG. 8, 188 . Temperature, mean..............escceeeeee 58°9 53 MAX. IN SUN... eee 122°7 53 oy SeppSWade 22.8 eee 68:0 ‘9 min. ,, shade ............ 50°4 $5 » ON grass ......:.....46°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16'9 5 since Ist January 1831" Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rafal si rst January, 18°42 in. Io1 in. mean rel, humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &. .....cccceccseeeeeeeveueees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing, Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. pines: Sports. Wildfowl ... Trout 216-149, Mo. VIII, AUG. 4, 188 . Temperature, MeAaN.........ccccseeeeeeeees 59°2 a max. in SUN .......e eee see 125°7 5 jar 99, SHADE aivcereewend 69°0 35 MIN 5) ‘SHAME secesssseseaves 51°6 35 sip: ODEQTASS) sevvereeaesnice 46°7 33 accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 17°2 * since Ist January 1848°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 Gays Rainfall 4 since rst January, 18°s2in.} ‘ror in mean rel. humidity 81 %/o Wind, direction, &C. ...seccecescesenecseeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Dusky Swallow M. 224. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wildfowl Coarse fish... 217-148, Mo. VIIL., AUG. 5, 188 ‘Temperature, mean.........seeceeeeeeeeeee 59°°4 i max. in SUN... ee 118°1 rr sx lag SHAMC: cs actinanie. 70°3 a min. ,, shade ............ 50°5 5 yo ON GTASS wee 46°8 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°4 55. since Ist January 1865°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3.13 in. on 14 days Rainfall since rst January, 18°62 in. | *ror in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o "Wind, direction, &. .....eececseceeeeeeneeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) 3; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Afpatura Iris 192-214, Purple Emperor B. Woods (lar. viii.-v. on willows) .......0..6 Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals; seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wildfowl] .......cceccceseeceeeeeeen erence nete eee 218-147, Mo. VIII., AUG. 6, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........cccceeeeeeeees 60°*2 $5 Max. iN SUN... eee 124°4 aS » 99 Shade ............ 69°8 Lg min. ,, shade ............ 52°5. + yy ON QYLASS wove 46°9 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18°2 since Ist January 1883°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 18°72 in. *IOL in mean rel. humidity 81 %o Wind, direction, 8. .....ccceceeeeeeceeeeeeees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Lithosia Griseola 208-232, Dun Footmam M. Lichens on trees (lar. viii.-vi. on VCHENS) 15 cisscitvsesanerndanesuniaaaiedcodnensiers Coremia Ferrugata 208-236, Red Twin- spot Carpet M. See 131 ws... eeeseeeeeeee LOOK FOR The Tissue M. 242, Hop Cone Fly 238. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wildfowl. cissicepegsenrteennrecinver aces Hares.... Rabbits scsasesasacesuapianesswcsssaceeAenenoss : 219-146, Mo. VIII.,AUG.7, 188 . Temperature, Mean........cceeceeceeee eee 60°°7 3 WAX s ASU eet eeeeas 120°0 3 S30. a5 SUAME Am arccitnces 70'7 e min. ,, shade ............ 53°3 3 95 ON GLASS weeveeseeees 48°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18°7 33 since Ist January 1902'5 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 18°82 in. IOI in mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. oc... csceceeeaseeeeeseees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvae &c. appearing. Acherontia Atropos 123-282, Death’s-head Hawk M. At rest on pailings, &c. (lar. ]x.-x. On Potato leaves) cesseseyeceeseeeeees Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wildfowl] sseccvsneieer oevuceesssnstoesanecueerss Hares.... ia Rabbits ccssssvscaveviressinaney cavereaa see veet Coarse fish....c..secescceceecceseeenerenerenene 220-145, Mo. VIIL., AUG. 8, 188 . Temperature, mean .ee.eeeeseeeeeens 60°°7 3 MAX: IN-SUDacevevseraenee 125°3 3 ye SHAME. cccneveveses 70°6 #5 min, ,, shade ............ 52°38 = sy ON QLASS vo... 47°6 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18°7 5 »» since Ist January 1921-2 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3.13 in.on 14 days Rainfall + since rst January, 18°92 in. } ‘ror in mean rel. humidity 81 %o Wind, direction, &c. wie... secesseceeeseeeeneees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Vriptheana Fanthina 184-242, Sm. Broad- bordered Yellow Underwing M. (lar. vili.-v. on primrose, broom) .........s60066 LOOK FOR The Mouse M. 227. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Misnine, Spe Wildfowl . betaine afuev wee trully 221-144, Mo. VIII., AUG. 9, 188 . Temperature, mean..........c cece eee 60°*4 5 max. in SUN............0. 130°2 39 ¥3- 9 99 SUEDE: Leni ooiay 713 3 min. ,, shade ............ 51°3 33 oy) ON BIASS oo... GOD + accumultd. above 42° day-degs.18*4. 55 since Ist January 1939°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall fs ist January, 19°02 | ‘IOI ine mean rel. humidity 81 %/o Wind, direction, &c........... aaeaaviests sevens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Vanessa Folychloros 201-270 and 94, Gt. Tortoise-shell'B. Z/ms (lar. x.-viii. on elim; WillOW) 50. cede cecescnzesssnnsnelsesadeosatss Cerigo Cytherea 217-226, Straw Underwing. M. Dry grassy ‘places (lar. ix.-iv. on QZIASSES) 1... ec seec ees eee seer sree eeenecneseeeeeetees LOOK FOR Canary-shouldered Thorn M. 245. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wildfowl] 2.....0:..ssescevesseenvasentees ties s Hares........... gi Coarse fish...ccccccceecesce nec eeee eee neeuneee snes 229-143, Mo. VIII., AUG. 10, 188 . Temperature, mean.........seeeeereseeeees 59°°6 5 MAKE AN SUM sscaeesnanes 126'5 a sy -sShAde? wcssncevans 69°5 5 min. ,, shade ...........5 512 $e o5 ON GLASS oo... 46°5 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°6 o> 99 since Ist January 1957'°2 ‘Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst Jauuary, 19'r2 in. | *1OY in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &C. .....cececeesseeeneceeeeers Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. ‘Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Triphena Orbona 195-259, Lesser Yellow Underwing M. A¢é light (lar. viii.-v. on broom, low plants) .........csccceeeeeeeeees Fish. Reptiles. ‘Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wildfowl “COALSES NSD es cn cpccnis waatentiinwee ues aia cane. 223-142, Mo. VIII., AUG. 11, 188 . ‘Temperature, mean ..visceeeeeeseeeeeees 60°°2 5 max. in sUN..........0 . 121°7 55 gh gg SHADE? iacicssoised 70°2 ie min. ,, shade ............ 51'0 oa go ON QYASS we... 46°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18°2 ss. 38 since Ist January 1975"4 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rafa ss ist January, 19°22 in. } “ror in, mean rel. humidity 81 %o Wind, direction, &C. .......eceescseeseeeeeen ens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ; {Elderberry fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 148, 747. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Polyommatus Argiolus 201-237 and 160, Azure Blue B. 7z//s (lar. vii. on kidney VEL CH) a ciers seoetai ca cansciseetcccnm at onaesaciesdssone Luperina Testacea 123-258, Flounced Rus- tic M. (lar. iii. on grass stems) ............ Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Wald fowl 4653. oi ccnmiscaiadiaiccsndapinjcasaiege sivas Coarse fish... 224-141, Mo, VIII., AUG. 12, 188 Temperature, Mean............ceeeeeeee ees 60°'5 55 MAX. iN SUN........eeeee ee 127°4 33 3 py SHAE ciaswsincewace 710 is min. ,, shade ............ 511 53 oy ON Brass we... 46'1 >, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 18°5. sa since Ist January 1993°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. vill, 313 in.on I4 days Rainfall {ace 1st January, 19°33 =| IOI in mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......ccececeeeeeeeee een eee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and corn harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Thecla Betula 212-240, Br. Hair-streaked B. Woods (lar. v.-vi. on birch, sloe, &c. > Triphena Fimbria 203-257, Broad-bordered Yellow Underwing M. Light (lar. x.-v- on oak, ash, primrose)..........seseserseeeee Eremobia Ochroleuca 216-239, Dusky Swal- low M. Thistles (lar. v.-vi. on cock’s- foot grass) Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Grouse shooting begins. Grouse ......... soHuR RON iemmsveaptesteveres Wildfowl .. 225-140, Mo. VIII, AUG. 18, 188 , Temperature, mean........sec00ceceees +446270 si MAX. IN SUN. eee 125°8 59 53 ~ ay SHAUE: cesuecreuces 72°3 os min. ,, shade ............ 54°0 99 ge TON SLASS® weve vencceca 48°5 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 20°0 re - since Ist January 2013-9 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 19°43in. + *ror in. {sce rel. humidity 81 °%/5 } Wind, direction, &. ......ccceececcuseeesere 1) Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. fleliephobus Popularis 171-249, Feathered Gothic M. (lar. iv.-v. on roots of grasses) Amphipyra Pyramidea 211-248, Copper Underwing M. (lar. v.-vi. on forest trees) LOOK FOR Square-spot Rustic M. 235, White-spotted Pinion M. 228. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Lapwings congregate (G.W.).....:eesseceees . Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GHOSE: ca sinciniietonoaases Bare ERIE Wildfowl .... ‘ Snipe, &c. .... Hares....... Trout 226-139, Mo. VIII., AUG. 14, 188 . _ Temperature, Mean.......ccceeeeeeee eens 61°"4 5 MAX, IN-SUMicveasocaseens. 126'0 a 53 tap SHAMS wn cvansaiiev 712 3 min. ,, shade ............ 541 $9 oy ON QYASS wu... 49°8 », accunltd. above 42° day-degs. 19°4 » since Ist January 2033°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°13 in. onr4 days Rainfall fate tst January, 19°53 | *IOI in mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ...cceeceeceeceeeeeeneenees Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Llater lineatus, Wireworm Beetle (middle of August—C.W.) (lar. for 5 years) ...... Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Grr OUSe: \sisusinn tose sunivat wedee sede ic seat Wildfowl .... 227-138, Mo. VIIL, AUG. 15, 188 .- Temperature, Mean .....c.cceeeceaseseeeees 60°7 sy MAX. IM SUN .......eeseeeee 124'1 59 a9 ay SHAME scsi caves .--66°7 5 min. ,, Shade............065 52°8 5 99: “OW QTASS ice sdeccevcees 48°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18'7 55 since Ist January 20520 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°13 on. 14 days Rainfall {st ist January, 19°63 in. *IO1 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ....cceeeeeeceseeceeeeees . Plants &e, blossoming : note if sur-- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. ‘ Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Amphipyra Tragopogonis 220-237, The Mouse M. Windows (lar. v.-vi. on larkspur) .........c.eeeeee pikes veeuenwaontitifontsaacin Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Birds resume their spring notes (G.W.) ... Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting, Fishing. Sports. GYOUSE: sieceeseiccsdec. aenidertalstotsainuielgoarnamieeilate Wildfowl ... Snipe, &e.... Hares...... Rabbits ............4 Trout 228-137, Mo. VIIL, AUG. 16, 188 . Temperature, MEAN.....6.cccseeeceneveenes 60°*2 53 max. in SUN... eee 120°3 - sy. 1357 SHAME: wesezcecies? 70'6 3 min. ,, shade ............ 52°5 3 95 ON QTASS .aeses sees 47°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 18°2 ” since Ist January 2070°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 ee Rainfall {sce ist January, 19°73 in. - *ZO1 in, mean rel. humidity 81 °/o } Wind, direction, &e. oo... cece eeeeee sees aiid Plants &c, blossoming ; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, LOOK FOR Meadow Saffron 240. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. balf ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Cosmia Diffinis 225-232, White - spotted Pinion M. Light (lar. v.-vi.on elm)... Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals ; seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing, Sports. GIOUSe aeeneeta eases eer Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... FRAPS ec css Trout 229-136, Mo. VIII., AUG. 17, 188 . Temperature, MEAN ceecssserense eauatiogs 59°3 os MAX. IN SUN. ...eeceeseeee 1179 55 yx yp SHAE: -sessssanvens 69°0 5 min. ,, Shade .........00. 51°0 9 69 OU GTESS ecards 45°4 5, accumltd. above 42°,day-degs. 17°3 $3 since Ist January 2087°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Rainfall 4 since rst January, 19°82 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &c. Plants &. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. viii, 3°r3 in. on 14 days ‘IOI in, eee ee Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Red Underwing M. 241. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GrOUSE ....csccessececesnenecnsceserseaeoe nanos Wildfowl . 230-135, Mo. VIII., AUG. 18, 188 . Temperature, MEaN........ceeeeeeeeeee +ee60°O ” max. iM SUN.........4. vee 25'T 33 93) > yg SHAMS saciensewewae 71'O 33 min. ,, shade ............ 51°5 a gy OM QYASS.eeavesscaevene 46°9 yy accumltd. above 42° day-degs.18'0 xa Pe since Ist January 2105°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Rainfall ( since 1st January, 1¢’92 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/> Wind, direction, &C. sescesecseeeecesceeeeeees Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. viii, 3.23 in. on 14 days IOI in. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GrOUSE ciicerieceiarinyisese er oemamenanies tsranatyants Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Hares ... Rabbits ..... 281-134, Mo. VIII., AUG. 19, 188 - , Temperature, MeAN.......cceceeereeee ewes 59°'7 st max, in SUN... 118°5 33 se py Shade -wisncecaves 69'0 Pn min, ,, shade ............ 51'7 53 5 OMMVASS. -eeccnenisicaee 46'6 », accumltd.above 42°day-degs. 17°7 er since Ist January 2123°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Rainfall {st 1st January, 20°02 in. Mo. viii, 3°23 in. on 14 days ‘IOI in, mean rel. humidity, 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. oc. ceecee cece eeee ees tees Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. LOOK FOR September Thorn M. 246. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals; seen, breeding, &c. Shooting, Fishing. Sports. GYOUSE cecsessescseenes ieteeinedere tees Wildfowl ..... vt Snipe, KCo..ssscessseeceeerneeeeeeeeees Hares ...... ‘i Rabbitsissesisvsiesestians cchsecceasentedacaetiee A Coarse fish.......seseeee icici pokrasenanoe sis 232-133, Mo. VIII, AUG. 20, 188 . "Temperature, Mean. ncoscorresseseesreeers 59°83 is MAX, IN SUN. .cesserserseeT 21'S 5 a3 ap SHAdE -csaicree ++2269°6 sy min, ,, shade ......... 516 - gy ON QYASS eeessseeeee 4O°3 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 17°8 3 since Ist January 2141°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 20°12 in. } *IOI in. mean rel. humidity 81 %/o Wind, direction, &C. ...ccsecsseeeceecseecoeene Plants &c. blossoming ; “note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals ; seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports, Black- game shooting begins. Black-game Grouse ........ Wildfowl . 233-132, Mo. VIII, AUG. 21, 188. Temperature, MEAN....cccercsscessereeene SOO > MAX. IN SUN .ecesececoeces .124°3 ” 2» 9) Shade sexevves ev109°5 5 min. ,, shade ............52°2 33 99 ON QIASS aeeeeeee oe 6°Q s» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16°8 35 since Ist January 2157°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 20°22 in. } *IOI in. mean rel. humidity Sz i Wind, direction, &C. ....cececascececeereeeeoees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Polyommatus Agestis 214-257 and 155, Brown Argus B. Woods (lar. vii.-v. on VIOLEtS) esiecssuvanvecesenteaasoiaceedseceiececssiese Pamphila Comma 220-246, Pearl Skipper B. ills (lar. vi. on leguminous plants) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting, Fishing. Sports. GYOUSE esesececsesecaeeeeeeeeeeteeeuneeuneseegs Black-game ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c,... 2 Fares ciccessecsececscenseceeeneceeeeseeenscos Rabbits isiviccassvaweseediveniecsiveee alesdaienieins aie SalttiOn- cecacs voce as setoewenuaeeneacen seine Trout .... Coarse fishy ecassiisicdssnenassscees 234-131, Mo. VIIL, AUG, 22, 188 -. Temperature, Mean...............ceeeeeeee 58°38 55 MAX. IN SUN... ceeeeeoeeee 127° ” xe sy SHAME secseaso000.70°3 55 min. ,, shade ........0... 49°2 5 a9 ON QYASS eesseeeeeees 43°5 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 16°8 since Ist January 2174°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°r3 in. on 14 days Rainfall + since 1st January, 20°33 in. } *IO1 in, mean rel. humidity 81 % Wind, direction, &C. .....scesecsscseescceeeeses Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) 3 leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Gonepteryx Rhamni 208-271 and 62, Brim- stone B. Woods, lanes (lar. vi.-vii. on Duckthorih).. soccaseswancedawacessdensinncedees Noctua Depuncta 234-,, Plain Clay M. (lar. IVe2VAON SOLUTE] oc. cisisssvsewsievesveiwvedoterans E Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GKOUSE ssiccissieaunains seneodoacmnovniveteaenss Black-game ..... Wildfowl aes 235-130, Mo. VIII., AUG, 23, 188 Temperature, Mean ......ecseeeeeceeeees 58°°2 ae MAXs Ui SUNsevenssevaevace 121'9 a 53. sp SHAPE? cc smcvensed 68°8 55 min. ,, shade ............ 49°5 3 »» ON QTASS wo... 42°5 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 16°2 5 since Ist January 2190°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°23 in. on 14 days Rainfall [aces st January, 20°43 in, ‘IOI in mean rel. humidity 81 °/, Wind, direction, &c. ......ccceeeeceeaeeee ee ag Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Noctua Xanthographa 225-247, eh spot Rustic M. (lar. x.-v. on plantain) .. LOOK FOR Dusk Thorn M. 251. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GYOUSE | gch.c.cs custestaccamistdaaadenuee sees Black-game Wildfowl ............ Snipe, &C........0660 Hares Rabbits 236-129, Mo. VIII., AUG, 24,188 . Temperature, Mean sescessceccovseeeeeee5 Oo % MAX, IN SUN.......seeeeeeeI27°6 3 ai $s SHAME: sc naecxerae’ 70°3 5 min. ,, shade ......... ++49°3 5 9) ON QYASS ....e0+e00e-43°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16°7 i“ ne since Ist January 2207°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. (Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 eB Rainfall } since rst January, 20°53 in. }+tor in, mean rel. humidity 81 °/, i Wind, direction, &c. ..... seebseasstebewenanne i Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. [Dogwood fr. ripe Hoff. Gies.] 762, 156 .. Hop-picking begins (G.W.) ......ssecceseeee . Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Beech turns yellow (G.W.) 100, 135......008 Insects, Larvee &c, appearing. LEnnomos Angularia 212-266, August Thorn M. 7vees (lar. v.-viii. on forest trees) ... Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Grouse: scascsvscseveies ss duaiehacuamededdes sai Black-game .. Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c. Hares......... tee RADDIESss decmacaniierveuarterwedeeestoasadoay Trout 287-128, Mo. VIII., AUG. 25, 188 Temperature, Mean..........cceeeeee 0045876 3 max, in sun........... 10001206 7 oy» 9) Shade ........ +-+:68'°2 3 min. ,, shade ........ +000 50°2 35 y> ON BLASS ween 44'S », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16°6 »» Since Ist January 2224°1 Barometer (mean Mo. viii, 29°97) In, (Me: viii, 3°23 in. on 14 days Rainfall + since rst January, 20°63 in. + ‘IOI in, mean rel. humidity 82 9/5 Wind, direction, &c. ........ susieteemeoseeerere Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Convolvulus Hawk M, 258. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GrOUSE ....ceccceeeensenses Black-game Wildfowl .......... Snipe, &c Hares ope Rabbits ......cccseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeneaneee sicejanigates 238-127, Mo. VIII., AUG. 26,188 . Temperature, MeaN...........ccsceeeeee ees 58°°6 33 MAX, IN SUN... eee 121° sy sa ag SHAME: eeawauincviee 68°2 a Mins 45 Shade: «scewesess 50°6 a a2 ON QTASS oo. esses 4 2 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 16°6 $i since Ist January 2240°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall - since rst January, 20°73 in.} ‘Zor in. mean rel. humidity 8x °/, Wind, direction, &C. ciccecsececseesececenceees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossoming. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Dilophus vulgaris (end of August—C.W.), Hop Cone Fly, Fever Fly. op gardens Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GOUSE® waswiasitnichascaswaoaes deateennnetieatioree Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... 239-126, Mo. VIII., AUG. 27, 188 . Temperature, Mean... seeeeeeeeenes 58°°3 $5 max. in sun...... seaeeeoes TIQ'S ns o> 99 Shade ........ +.67°7 ff min. ,, shade ......... 150° ‘3 yo ON GTASS see +447 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 16°3 7 3 since Ist January 22570 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Rainfall 4 since rst January, 20'82 in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/9 Wind, direction; Qc; dsswiisdicccssssevacsssssnes Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- * ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Mo. viii, 3°r3 in. on r4 days *IOI in, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half. gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Agrotis Suffusa 160-275, Dk. Sword-grass M. (lar. v.-vii. on lettuce, radish) ........ , Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GYOUSE gisaverercavesaicesenetiedessinenoneme noes Black-game ... Wildfowl ..... Snipe, &c.... Hares ......... Rabbits: civcccauansnackesdencts Sa ceenaias 240-125, Mo. VIII, AUG. 28, 188 . Temperature, MEAN......... cess eeeeee +6578 s5 Max. iN SUN........0008 ++ T16'5 9 S50 99 SHAAE acacessciase 68°1 5 min. ,, shade ............49°7 55 yy ON QYASS ...seeeee 10452 >) accumiltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°8 ” since Ist January 2272" 8 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in, Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 20’92in. | *1oO1 in, : mean rel. humidity 81 %/o Wind, direction, &C. ......cccscecececeeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- . ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Colchicum autumnale 228-, Meadow Saf- fron. Damp meadows......... deskentdeatens Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Orgyia Antiqua 200-276, Vapour M. (lar. V1i.-iX. VATIOUS tY€€S)........cseeveeeeseeeeee es Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GrOUSE: Aiwwonasiesieanteinata ico siememseneeaasen® Black-game oo... sceceeeeeeeeeneeeeneeeeeeeseee Wildfowl .... ba Snipe, &c..... ae ey coe eee ee ee Coarse fish 241-124, Mo. VIII., AUG. 29, 188 . Temperature, MEAN wee eee 569 33 max. in SUN... 1167 s a9. G9 SHAME. peaceaasenes 65°3 3 min. ,, shade ....... a0 5 OF ” 92 ON QTASS ...eeeee vee 45D », accumltd, above 42° day-degs.14'9 ” since Ist January 2287°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 21'02 in. mean re]. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ...cesccscesecsacsenesenes Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days IOI in. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Catocala Nupta 229-253, Red Underwing M. Trees, walls (lar. v.-viii. on willow, Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, breeding, &c Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GrOUSE® sescosysaloorstseeeeseneesasiinednetenejiaes Black-game ........ Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c.... Hares ...... Rabbits ........cseeeeeeseeee eee ee nee nen ee eenenees Salmon oo... cccececeeeeeeeteenseeeeceresee een ene THOR vanacrqnnae Coarse fish .......seeececreeeeeereers ais dteiets F 17 242-123, Mo. VIII., AUG. 30,188 . Temperature, Mean oo... eeseseeecee anes 57°°6 35 MAX, iN SUN...........000 120°4 53 s5. gp SHAME? sxcevecetaey 67°3 33 min. ,, shade ............ 50°3 34 yy ON BLASS see eee 44°9 5, accumltd. above 42 day-degs. 15°6 $5 an since Ist January 2303°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. Mo. viii, 3°53 in.on 14 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, at'r2 in. } ‘YO. in. mean rel. humidity 81 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .......c.ceeceseeeeseeeenes ; Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half: ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Scotosia Dubitata 218-268, The Tissue M. Light (lar. vi. on buckthorn) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GrOUSE! eecdacniionini gewstucwacwesters asians Black-game .... Wildfowl ....... Snipe &c. .. Hares Rabbits .. 243-122, Mo. VIII., AUG. 31,188 . Temperature, mean...........cceseeeeeeees 561 9 MAX. IN SUN... eee 117°6 i So: ape SHAGE: aves siaweted 65°2 - min. ,, shade .......00...48°6 a gy ON QYASS eesee seer ee. 3°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°I 7 since Ist January 2317°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. viii, 29°97) in. . Mo. viii, 3°13 in. on 14 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 21'22 in. } “Yor in, mean rel. humidity 8r °/, Wind, direction, &. ce.eccesesseeesesees sae eas Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Vanessa Antiopa 243-, Camberwell Beauty B. Flowers (lar. v.-vii. on willow, nettle) Colias Hyale 234-252, Clouded Yellow B. Clover fields (lar. vii. clover, melilot) ... Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. GrOUSE! sdomanishorsueaes bees Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &e.... Hares....... Goarse Sh sassanesiiesisecussanens anodense chee 244-121, Mo. IX., SEPT. 1, 188 Temperature, Mean......ssscesceeeeeneeees 5702 65 WMAKY AN SUD socstiscesended 116‘1 ” ” 3» shade se eeaceees 00°5, 3 min. ,, shade ............ 49°3 a o> ON MASS oo... 44°2 3, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°2 5 since Ist January 2332°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in, Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall {ine ist January, 21°34 in. *118 in, mean rel. humidity 85 %o Wind, direction, &¢. ......cecesceseeeeceeenees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge shooting begins. Partnd ge: sj -cssvaenseaecaternexvonvonsereediens Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ............. Snipe, Kc... Hares... sis Rabbits: iint.tdstnuda cathanwnsewinhheapaavaenesamne Sa lation assviasieiinds aratederatemawmineninava aint g Trout...... Coarse fish 245-120, Mo. [X., SEPT. 2, 188 % Temperature, mean.......-...0006 Setneairet 58°'1 9 max, iN SUN... ee 124°6 55 3 oy Sade: eesccscaseas 68'0 35 min, ,, shade ............ 49°5 3 po ON QYASS eee 43°2 >, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 16°E »» since Ist January 2348'7 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. aoe ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 21°46 in. | +778 in, mean rel. humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, &e. ..........600. segeaeuaeiens Plants &c. blossoming; note if. sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. £nnomos Tiliaria 221-279, Canary-shoul- dered Thorn M. Lzgh¢t (lar. vi.-viil. on Oak, WILOW) ccccsitesavcaceveveerovsicterensceaics Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge .....ccccecseceeereenees Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c. Hares........... 246-119, Mo. IX., SEPT. 3, 188 . Temperature, mean ........eceeeeesee ees 57°'°9 ” MAX. IN SUN... ee eee 120'0 oe 32 99 SHAE s.ccecvssene 67°5 35 min. ,, shade ............ 50°0 a5 oy ON Brass ............ 43'8 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 15°9 Pe since Ist January 2364°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in, Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 5 since rst January, 21°58 in. | +118 in, mean rel. humidity 85 Wind, direction, XC. ...ecesecssecesscesceserens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) 3 leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Lnnomos LErosaria 231-273, September Thorn M. A¢ rest (lar. vi. on oak, birch) Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partrld GE | sasinweseaeenweredeveewneeetvined Grouse ....... ore Black-game . Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c.. 247-118, Mo. IX.,SEPT.4, 188 . Temperature, mean oo... cece eeeees 57°38 pe MAX, iN SUN...... eee eee 118°3 5 so, gy SHade: wicseceeniee 68'0 55 min. ,, shade ............ 48°6 3 a7 ON QTASS weseeeeesee 42°5 y») accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°8 95 5 since Ist January 2380°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 21°6gin. |} ‘118 in. mean rel. humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, &e. oo. ...cseces cee eeeeeeeeeens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Grapes ripen (G.W.) 165 ....cssceseerseeen eee Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ....cccesessseteeeeeerererenserenereees Grouse ........- Black-game ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Hares..c.ccecceceeceerereees Trout 248-117, Mo. IX., SEPT. 5, 188 , Temperature, MEAN.....ssccesceeeceserneen 5S ZF fy MAX. IN-SUNsevceevevceeess 117'9 5 s5 99 SHAE: wesvewscveed 66°6 39 min, ,, shade .......... 50° $5 35 “OWSTASS: vie cscccens 43°9 35 accumltd, above 42° day-degs.15°7 3 since Ist January 2396°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 21°8r in. } *278 in mean rel. humidity 85 °/, Wind, direction, Se. ccevsissceseccisesssaseses Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Deilephila Livornica 248, Striped Hawk M. (lar. vi.-vii. on vine, gadizm) 0... Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Wood owls hoot (G.W.)....:ccscesseceesseeeees Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge? sesusessencvacevaeeadscapevenweaners _ Grouse ...... Black-game ... Wildfowl pence 249-116, Mo, IX., SEPT. 6, 188 , Temperature, mean............... POTTY Aa 4 5 MAX, IN SUN... eeeeeeees 113°5: 5 sh yy SHAGEs whecacnccad 66'2 o min. ,, shade.............0. 49°2 % 99 ON QYASS wee eee eee 43°3 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°1 ‘5 es since Ist January 2411‘2 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall {si 1st January, 21°93 =| *118 in, Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Leuzera AEsculi 249, vi. vii., Wood Leo- pard M. 77ees (lar. viii.-v. on the wood OffOtest ti6€s):- iecsveswuceteeseriseiideccvstvens Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ..... esis seieaauewoeaNeahes senevdsevarnee Grouse ......... sicea Black-game ... WONG ciacanices 250-115, Mo. IX., S9EPT.7%, 188 . Temperature, MeaNn...........006 sitineesh ZS 9 MAX. iN SUN... seeeeeeee LIGA » ay 99 SMA] sessssreeeee 66°9 5 min, ,, shade .......... +.50°2 3 yo ON QTASS oo... ee eee 44°8 -, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 15°8 "9 since Ist January 2427°O Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall {sce 1st January, 22°05 in. | *118 in. mean re]. humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ...... es bisdoade ahaa tats : Plants &c, blossoming; note if suneis ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds ; migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ....c.ccsecssesceesseceeeresseeveasens Grouse ..... ‘ Black-game Wildfowl ..... Coarse fish....... ee peti 251-114, Mo. IX., SEPT. 8, 188 . Temperature, mean... 56°°7 55 max, iN 114'0 5 x» 99 Shade ............ 66'0 sy min. ,, shade ............ 48'2 sy gat JOM BYASS: Genseeccanes 43°2 >» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°7 Ss since Ist January 2441°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Rainfall ei 1st January, 22°17 in. mean rel. humidity 85 /o Wind, direction, &¢. .......ccccecsucescereeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days *118 in, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half. gr. half ch.); leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Ennomos Fuscantaria 235-275, Dusk Thorn M. Ligh# (lar. vi.-vii. on ash, privet)... LOOK FOR Lunar Underwing M. 260. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals; seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ...ccceecseeeeneeceeese nese eeeeeeeees Grouse ......... site Black-game ... Wildfowl] ...... ne Snipe Kc. ....cceeeeeeeeeeerseeteeeee eee eeeenees Hares....c.cccscecevensnceeeseseeeeereceees sneeee Trout 252-113, Mo. [X., SEPT. 9, 188 . Temperature, MEAN.....cecceeeesseeeee 600 562 5} MAX. iN SUN........eceeees 1I4'9 os go gp SHAMES ve Scndvewaind 64°7 oh min. ,, shade ............ 49°2 3) 39) OM PEASE. Geer nrers see: 44°0 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 14'2 ae es since Ist January 24559 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in, Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall + since 1st January, 22°28 in. | +7178 in. mean rel. humidity 85 °/, Wind, direction, &c. ......... sehinncdbmemen tamer Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. [Privet fr. ripe, Hoff. Gies.] 172, z7z Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Hadena Protea 252-, Brindled Green M. Tree trunks (lar. v.-vi. on oak) LOOK FOR the Brick M. 267. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ... Grouse ........ Blackgame .. Wildfowl ........ ei SNIPC, (MCh cas ssehescuseesaeranrcensmucen aati Hares ...... sei Rabbits ..... sesaa eh eat oraail ante comalcnnnite aati Salmon... Trout.........5- 253-112, Mo. IX., SEPT.10, 188 Temperature, Mean... eee 56°°6 . max. in SUN... eeeeee 113°3 oe sv. gg SHade: suienscwses 65°2. - min. ,, shade ............ 49°5 ay so ODL GTASS* aesn vaceveve 43°7 > accumltd. above 42° day-degs, 14°6 55 5 since Ist January 2470°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 22°40 in. mean rel. humidity 85 °/5 Wind, direction, &C. ......ccceceseeeeeeeeeenee: : Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Thames Trout fishing enas. Partridge ......seeeeseee esse eeeees Grouse .....0+ Black-game .... “Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c..... Hares....... Salmon 254-111, Mo. 1X,, SEPT. 11, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........ccseeeeeeeeeee 56°4 35 MAX, IN SUN... eee 105°3 8 oe Hy tSNAME: sifecctercoeard 64°9 9 Mins, 55 Shade’ secseeawere 49°3 39 gx. COMLBTASS) saceneweesae 44°3 sy) accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°4 >> since Ist January 2484°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 22'52 in. mean rel, humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, &. ....ccececcececeeeveeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Beans ‘cut (G.W.)ssccssessecsvesssisenveterves Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Snipe arrives 124 (Scolopax gallinaga) ...... Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Patt ges sisssvnseuasecaraaivauennicnaaduntoraigeis GROUSE! sotisvecdiniencnindpbasohedtencasaceesGgns Blake Gam’, aiscpitsivisncinl nenansmantabdelvesttes WAldfOw sccontssnisteinnisescgneginanaigeaucansns SNIPE, (WLC) gosaguosos tuners snaeie davaienwen seein Pate encsscsnmapassdavnermearsananerayeeenencens Salmon wos veassenanamatnewsivaits be scismesaisleineros Coarse fish 255-110, Mo. [X., SEPT. 12, 188 Temperature, mean.. ........ cae 56°-0 5 max. in sun... eee 112‘ ” gas ao Shade: seceeeavere 63°8 i min, ,, shade ............ 50'2 Yr) yo ON QTASS ese 45°I », accumitd. above 42° day-degs. 14'0 55 5 since Ist January 2498°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in, Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on rs days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 22°64 in. | +118 in, mean rel. humidity 85 °/, Wind, direction, &C. ........ceccsesesceseeecenss Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. LOOK FOR Ivy 270, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Starlings congregate (G.W.) ......seceeeeeeees Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge .....ssssscsereescceseneceoeerenerees Grouse ........5 oe Black-game .... Wildfowl. ssccciesccanacaccsteee’s Snipe, KC. ..ceeeeeeeseeee reson Hares....... sane Salmon iasisidereawevi wien wien one ccael asanian ae Coarse fish. ccsscaqensis tea cenrnnisegerencntaces 256-109, Mo. IX.,SEPT.13, 188 . Temperature, Mean.........sscceenes oe 555 33 MAX. IN SUN... eee eee 109°7 453 gs. ay SHAE! se vsiwcaaes 64°5 i“ min, ,, shade ............ 48'2 ae 9 ON BLASS weeseeeseeee 42°2 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 13°5 i 3 since Ist January 2512°4 Barometer (mean Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Rainfall | since rst January, 22°76 in. mean rel. humidity 85 °/> Wind, direction, &c. ..... siigiatvenene ves ase dane Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days "118 in, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ......ccsccssecenteecee reece estore eee Grouse ... Black-game ..... Wildfowl ........ sis Snipe, KC... ceceeccenteeeeneneeeeeeesee eee PLareS® «sci ccctsnnnepccueseertenetatan anaes RabbitS sc scsdesncnncueaavreseasenvateriseeneeetes Sal nidnic itz, sacwssnncd svniaineeweneanmanresenitee Coarse fish 257-108, Mo. IX. SEPT. 14, 188 .. Temperature, Mean .......ccseeeseeeeeee 56°'o $5 MAX, iN SUN. ...eeeee eee eee 114'8 55 S50 SR SHACES scvcsanadsea 65‘ ee min. ,, shade ............ 48°3 35 o> ON GLASS ...0.000e 2. 422 3) accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 14°0 5h, os since Ist January 2526°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 22°87 in. mean rel. humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ....scececseeescsessoeeeeve Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days 118 in, Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Bearded Chestnut M. 280. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ....ccceceeeereseeseeeeeeeeerenereees Grouse ...... 2 Black-game Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c. Hares.....sceee Salmon 258-107, Mo. 1X., SEPT. 15, 188 . Temperature, M€an.........ccseesece eee ees 55°°5 - max, in SUN...........0... 116°3 5p wy op Shade \.a scene. 65°2 a min, ,, Shade ............ 47'8 re vy, OM QTASS ss. seesseeee 41°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 13°5 53 since Ist January 2539°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on r5 days Rainfall {sce rst January 22°99 in. + *118 in. mean rel. humidity 85°%o ) Wind, direction, &C. ...... ce ceeeeeecececeee sees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Sphinx Convolvuli 237-282, Convolvulus Hawk M. Flowers (lar. vii. on small Dind Weed) sacctostencesccecusstesceleepanaciaresn Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game .. Wildfowl ...... Salmon ... Coarse fish 259-106, Mo. IX., SEPT. 16, 188 . Temperature, Mean.........ccceeseeseevees 55°°3 $5 max. in SUN.........66 oe TI2'5 ” o> 95 Shade ..... seveee65°O 5s min, ,, shade ,........ +--46°1 io 95 OU QYASS desees a'biaw’s 40°7 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 13°3 aD since Ist January 25532 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 23°11 in. | °¢ 18 in, mean rel. humidity 85 °/> Wind, direction, &C. ....ceccecceceucceccssceeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. {Horse-chestnut fr. ripe, Hoff. Geis.] 127, 120; LOO 283» sccacs cancacasrsvcssveevusone a Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.); leaves falling, Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Lpunda Lichenea 259-, Feathered Ra- nunculus M. Sea coast (lar. ix.-vii. on TAQ WOK) srs ote sonessiichun sites GeaneR le nsec asides Gonoptera Libatrix 209-279 and 78, The Herald M. See 78.........cccecssecveeveveces Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: -seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge’ ciisscissasssseoseeavaseavcennsiesevensis Grouse .........4. Black-game Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c.... Hares......... Salmons .cctessecusasanecuceaimanatwruayevonises 260-105, Mo. 1X., SEPT. 17, 188 » _ Temperature, MEAN. 1.0... ceeseeeeeeeeees 56°2- 5 MAK: INSU vwccscrioncieiire 107°O ” ox oy SHAME? Srsceces ++-64°9 5 min. ,, shade ............ 46'9 55 o2 ON BLASS vee eeeseeeee 42°0 >» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°2 ” since Ist January 2567 "4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall } since rst January, 23°23in.+ "118 in. mean rel. humidity 85 > Wind, direction, &e. ......ecseeesseeeeeeeeeeen Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Diloba Caruleocephala 208-285, Figure-of- Eight M. ZzgAt (lar. v.-vi. on apple)... Anchocelis Lunosa 251-272, Lunar Under- wing M. vy (lar. x.-iv. on grasses) Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Par trid 96) scscasisiunn sada cweatentavaioiensenatione Grouse ......... es Black-game ... Wildfowl ...........066. Snipe, &c............ Hares...... Salmon ssisdid eeivenrauiinionaneniencieee naiioweens 261-104, Mo. 1X., SEPT. 18, 188 . Temperature, mean..........06 sceueauoeny 56°2 3 Max. iN SUN... eee 114°5 7 39:99 SHAME: ses ccesiceas 64'8 iy min. ,, shade ............ 49°3 5 o> ON QIASS wee, 42'2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 14°2 ee since 1st January 2581 6 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in, Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall + since rst January, 23"35 in. + *118 in, | mean rel. humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction; &6:. v.cicsccsscseviieecsvasaens vi Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge wcsevivscswaasavaevonseouswahinyeievien ae GIOUSC: sisassinserrmmremedsapesnsturmnsersmiees Black-game .... Wildfowl ....... Salmon crssesessceeeveeses ames eeonenes a 262-103, Mo. IX., SEPT, 19, 188 . Temperature, MEAN... ceeeeeeeeeeee 54°°6 3 max. iN SUN..........06 +» IOQ*E 9 95. sig SHAE Soeteeniinsed 63°4 59 min. ,, shade............ 48°0 oe ay OM BIASS: weeesvess sc 42°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 12°6 »» since Ist January 2594°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 23°46 in. - *118 in, {ac rel. humidity 85 °/o i Wind, direction, &c. .c....eececsseeecnseeeeees Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survie ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PALATE: snasteusabi aniecasnnemeecaaemanagauute Grouse ... Black-game Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Hares Hage Rabbits irs aes nssnveneoraasdunacevoseasiasee Sal moni saci avesauennssseuaveroreeece ieuenteawey Coarse fish 263-102, Mo. IX., SEPT. 20, 188 . Temperature, Mean......ccccceseeeeeseeeee 55cr #5 max. iN SUN... eee ees I14‘2 a oy 99 Shade .......s.006 64°6 a min. ,, shade ............ 47°3 3 go ON QTASS wesc 42°2 sy accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 13°1 53 since Ist January 2607°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall {sce rst January, 23°58 | 118 in. mean rel. humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, & . vo... .cecceeeeeeeeeeeee ees : Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) 5 leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge Grouse .......066 Black-game .......-ssseeeee Wildfowl ...........cceeseee Snipe, &c.. Hares.....0..+ Salmon ...cccccseeeceeececeteeeeeeeenerenenenens . 264-101, Mo. IX., SEPT. 21, 188 . Temperature, MEAaD.........seeseeeee woe 534 a MAX. IN SUM... ees eee eee 108°9 mA sity og p SHAGE: \wvenuseiniews 62°3 33 min. ,, shade ........666 45'9 $5 $i OM STASS ger .csesiecinny 40°8 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 11°4 3 since Ist January 2618°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 oe Rainfall } since rst January, 23°70 in. + *r18 in, {sc rel. humidity 85 °/o J Wind, direction, &C. ..cccccscceseseeeesssoeeees Plants &e, blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge .......ccccceseeerene Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ..... Snipe, &c. FAares: sess ccscces se Rabbits ins ccicasavah aondpticncisnaceteteacstnnite es Salmon siaccsincsaessenidacbaiansiwacadeveseen's " Coarse fish. ssiicdsiensievceets seinautvarannaes . 265-100, Mo. IX., SEPT, 22, 188 Temperature, mean sees 2°9 #5 Max. iN SUN. escereewess 1106. ey sh -o5) SHADE: veviocececand 66'3 3 min, ,, shade ............ 45° e 99 OM BTASS...... eee eee 40°I- » accumltd, above 42 day-degs. 10°9 "3 since Ist January 26209°6 | 29 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 23°82 in. | +778 in, mean rel. humidity 85 °/. Wind, direction, &c. ....cccesceesccsecaesceese . Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Marvel-du-jour M. 277. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge .... Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c..... Hares ....... one Rabbits svsovannieioaiestamencaniaans . SalMON .icschssusistcdadannaaasnacdadarscaseddercs ; 266-99, Mo. IX., SEPT. 23, 188 ~ Temperature, MeaNn.........ccecceeeeee eens 52°0 55 MAX. 1M SUN....e0eceeeeeeeTOO'S ry 9993 SA! .....400066.61°3 Gs min. ,, shade ......... +043°7 ay vp) (ONEQYASS: AiSe reesei 39°3 ys accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 10°0 Syn Be since Ist January 2639°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3'53 in. on 15 days Reina since st January, 23°94 in. *118 in. mean rel. humidity 85 Yo Wind, direction, &c. ....... SuiseeSceesinesccaans Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c, Animals; seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partrid Ges. .sccccnnnscssersaaaovraesnss gama aeons Grouse .... : Black-game Wildfowl ...... 267-98, Mo. IX., SEPT, 24, 188 . Temperature, mean we... 53°°4 oe max, in sun............... 104°0 4 go 9 SHAME seecccdinns 61'7 35 min. ,, shade ......... +-46°9 3 99 ON YASS wee. e eee 42°2 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 11°4 ” since Ist January 2651°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall | since rst January, 24°05 in. | ‘118 in, mean rel, humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......cesecesecseeceeeenes Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Xanthia Ferruginea 252-282, Brick M. Flowers (lar. iv.-vi. on willow) ............ Plusia Festuce 267-, Gold-spot M. Salt marshes (lax, v.-viii. on reeds) ........... 5 Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. SAND MARTIN last seen 98, 135. secrseoeecee Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge .......cccceeceeeeeeeeeeee nese een eeees . Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ..... Snipe, &c.... Hares......... GalMON sscevascaskaedced qe sebevontsntacesensdaie 268-97, Mo. IX., SEPT. 25, 188 . Temperature, MEan......cececeeeeeseeeeees 53°"3 ss MAXHID SUN sc crcseereanseiy 107°9 os 3p ap SHAME: eeweavecescs 63°5 3 min. ,, shade ............ 44°5 3 py (ONRYASS: - cadceeeccee 38°9 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 11°3 iis since Ist January 2662°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 seca | Rainfall + since rst January, 24°17 in. | ‘178 in, mean rel. humidity 85 °/ } Wind, direction, &C. .....cecsesseeseceeeeeeees Plants &e. blossoming; note if sure viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Honeysuckle second blossoming (G.W.) TOS. cisea casters sg Gaisaiesiaa che odenmsaieguienee ssa Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) 3 leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Part gers «rsiasiorasrdeisiaosdnasiiercsae tates F Grouse ... 3 Black-game .. Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c. Hares ......... site Rabbitsivacwessamousstnns dereteevna meaner: : Sal MON sav cutinsssucicttasaantataasec adeeceetets is Coarse fish 269-96, Mo. IX., SEPT. 26, 188 . Temperature, mean.................ccecaee 54°°5 5 Max. iN SUN... eee 112'3 se op va SHAMS: sesvevs wae O47 ES os min. ,, shade ............ 46°E 3 ny «ON GTASs ...........4O°3 », accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 12°5 3 a since Ist January 2674°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mes ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall + since rst January, 24°29 in. *r78 in mean rel. humidity 85 °/, Wind, direction, &c. ........ is Siolida ties duo cian . Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PAavinld Se: xo ccsccviansivensiinsdessnatvabaanscraes Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl .... Snipe, Xc..... Hares....... Coarse fish.... 270-95, Mo. IX., SEPT. 27, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........ccseeeeeeeeees 53°7 3 MAX: IN SUM sieciavscdeecss 102°I <5 ss 39 SHAME: vvsaccsvvens 63°2 a min. ,, shade ............ 45°4. 5 9) ON QYASS...... eee 30°1 » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 11°7 a since Ist January 2686°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in, Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall {ane rst January, 24°41 "| 118 in, mean rel. humidity 85 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .......scseceeeesceeeeeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. HEDERA HELIX 255-290, Ivy. Woods, ReEAGES ....ecsceeee Canine Satie mete otelwinea dents ee Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge siidsaceacvcnseuvien sieinesisoniis epantedes Grouse ........... Black-game Wildfowl ............. Snipe, &c... sith Hares... ..... RADDits isiciadsiese vie vecourtcaseateyecesenre ah oe Salmon ..... ia dishing daa eacanane eee Mae ct q Coarse fish.....ssceee sence 271-94, Mo. IX., SEPT. 28, 188 .. Temperature, Mean.......cceeseceseeeseees 53°°9 Pe MAX, IN SUN... seeeee ee 105'1 33 vy 95 SHAE: aesczwevaccs 62°7 S min, ,, shade ..........4. 46°8 i go ON BLASS weseeeeeeee 40°3 3» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 11°9 33 since Ist January 2698" 4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in. Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Raita since 1st January, 24°53 in. *r18 in, mean rel. humidity 85 °o Wind, direction, &c. ..........5 aianalepiawiiwiets Plants &e, blossoming ; 3 note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr.: half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Woodlark sings (G.W.) ......cccceseeseeeeeees : Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partnidee: sccnsey vemniawwetccraienerianss: Grouse oo... cececeeeeeee Black-game ... eas Wildfowl] oo... ..cccceceee eee etree Salmon sssavsecvvrenenccrnerniens weevsweas sinless Coarse shies ssc cad se bestitesacguuebetumes 272-03, Mo. 1X., SEPT.29, 188 . Temperature, mean.......... cece eee seease 5370: ay MAX. IN SUN... eeeeees 105'7 iA $9 sp SHADES: ede wanes 62°1 3 min. ,, shade ............ 45°9 sy »> ON QYASS woe 39°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. r1‘o 5 since Ist January 2709°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29°97) in, ( Mo. ix, 3.53 in. on 15 days ) Rainfall , since rst January, 24°64 in. | *118 in, mean rel. humidity 85 5 J Wind, direction, &. ......ccecceceeseeeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Fieldfare arrives (Zurdus pilaris) 133 ..... ‘ Woodcock returns (G.W.) 292 ...sssseseeeee ‘a Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PAPEEIA BE! ssiy.csioweessisniiesanwiisiedac mou caiiacadinsts Grouse .......... dine Black-game .... Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c... Hares..... SAMON: scossnssuasseniaiasaedleatntasnssewenetaceuets 273-92, Mo. IX., SEPT. 30, 188 Temperature, Mean...........cceeeeee sees 52°0 7 ‘3 max, In SUN wees 99°4 55 sy. ap Shade: wevecscaesas 60°7 5 min. ,, shade ........... 445 oP yy ON QYASS wees eee 40°3 ») accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 10'0 = since Ist January 2719°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. ix, 29-97) In Mo. ix, 3°53 in. on 15 days Rainfall {ste ist January, 24°76 in. 118 in mean rel, humidity 85 %/o Wind, direction, &C. ....ceeeeceeeeeee eee eeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing, Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Partridge ...... Grouse ....... Black-game Wildfowl Snipe, &c. Hares Salmon iiseiiss savacnsencdscoonea de cueeeemneaes 274-91, Mo. X., OCT. 1, 188 .° Temperature, mean.............4. Renner 52°°9 7 MAX. IN SUN... see eee eee 104°5 = ga gg SSHAGE! | Siavrerwesee 61°5 35 min, ,, shade ..........48 45°6 3 53 OM QLASS a venvsnwsvaeaee 39°8 >, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 10°9 re 4 since Ist January 2730°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 24°88 in. } *116 in. mean rel. humidity go °/o Wind, direction, &C.......:ccceeeeeseeeeee eens nes Plants &c. blossoming: note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Ealing’s Glory M. 285. Fish. Reptiles. Birds; migration, &c, Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: svicciacissinansmnanien sereatatenseonaiornieetions Partridge savsssiiccawacieaiacvoncweacabenceerieime GrOUSE) sp. cieeanme nests: wenaansenrentnceerna ted Black-game ..........cccceceeee ceeee nee eee ees Waldfowl. csscsisessonsmnnancenmeaeinsss tee SDIPE; MCs woe esaas teeemmaeanites races Wroodeock siiicosseveeivancsnarstinseettd youn 275-90, Mo. X., OCT. 2, 188 Temperature, mean ...........eeeeeees 51°38 <5 max. iN SUN... eee 103'1 5s 53 gp SHAE: wasveseanens 60°8 an Min 55-Shade ceveracnys 44°0 9 oy ON YASS ............ 379 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 9°8 si since Ist January 2740°r Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall {since rst January 24°99 in.) "116 in. mean rel. humidity 90 %o Wind, direction, &C. .......ceceececesceceeeenen Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- - viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR November M. 297. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Close season for trout and char begins. (Oct. 2nd to Feb. Ist.) Pheasant .......... ee ail cantaanuceteaamaree Partridge ..... Grouse .........5. Black-game Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c...... Woodcock..... Hares ..,..... Rab bits ise scecccessassccaivanvaeinnangerece nasi Salmon) cocsssgesseiauoantassnaianeasersnieeans 276-89, Mo. X., OCT. 3, 188 .- Temperature, Mean... .seeeseeeeeseeeees 51°'r 53 MAX. IN SUN.....ceerereeee 103° o3 35 -go SHAE: Seececaciees 60'L ms main. 5, Shade ....eseeeee4 32 as 99 ON QTASS.sessesneeeares 37°4 y»» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 9°1 5 since Ist January 2749°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Rainfall ‘since rst January, 25°12 in. mean rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......cccscsseseneerenetes Plants &e. blossoming; note if sure viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days ‘116 in. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant! «doctor niovsneepemceensacets att dese Partridge ..... Grouse ........4. Black-game .... Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c... Woodcock.. Salm On wavs nrncenree ami islets aaklactespiin Coarse fish ..c.seceeeeeene ewcates waaraaenieale 277-88, Mo. X., OCT. 4, 188 . Temperature, MEaN...rcecceeesccseeeoeeees 49°83 3 MAX, IN SUN .....eee eee eee 96°8 a5 o> 99 Shade ..s...seeeee 58°0 sy min. ,, shade ............ 42°‘ a 99 ON QYASS wessecseeeee 36°4 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°8 5 since Ist January 2757'0 ‘Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in, Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall + since rst January, 25°23 in. "116 in. mean rel. humidity go °/o Wind, direction, &C. ....ccceceeceeeeeeeeeene eee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. ae iopis Aprilina 265-298, Marvel-du-jour M. (lar. vi.-vii. on Oak) .....ecesceeee aesiaee Fish. Reptiles. ‘Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasants spear sccssoase dans ancosamaaneny Partridge ..... Grouse ........... Black-game Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c... Woodcock.. Salem Om icnaaieeseeeci in habdeegaeeaeaecongacbis 278-87, Mo. X., OCT. 5, 188 Temperature, mean..............cceeeee ees 49°°9 54 Max. in SUN... eee 100°9 95 se -apeShade. csescessnas 59°0 3 min. ,, shade ............ 41°4 oy », ON grass...... : sicloas at 35°8 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 7'9 sf since Ist January 2764'9 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 25°34 in. | *116 in. mean rel. humidity go °%/o } Wind, direction, SC. ........eccccee eee eeeee eens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Lhlogophora Meticulosa 243-310 and 150, Angle Shades M. (lar. xi.-iv. on ground- sel) Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasants sé: syicdiwetsnc sip te duieunaicioviansian oan Partridge ..... Grouse ........... Black-game ..... Wildfowl sighs SALMON sh a.chosisutseniais a uemseanamniadademumcesanseins : 279-86, Mo. X., OCT. 6, 188 | Temperature, MEAN... .ceee esse ce eee 50°°3 35 MAX. IN SUN 2... eee 96'1 2 $3 eV SNAME So hodescnce 59°2 35 min, ,, shade ............ 42'1 53 yy ON QTASS weceeesee ees 36°5 3, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 873 re since Ist January 2773°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall ioe rst January, 25°46 m| 116 in mean rel. humidity go °/o ; Wind, direction, &C. ice. ecceeeeeeeeeeeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. _ Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant .....ececeeeeeeecseetenseneeeseeewes ron Partridge .. Grouse ..... Black-game .... Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c........ Woodcock..... Salmon 280-85, Mo. X., OCT. 7, 188 . Temperature, Mean.....ccsceeecceceeeeeeee 5251 a max. in SUN... eee 102°4 a 53) 99, SHAE! sicccgewveed 60°3 5 min. ,, shade ......... 145 'E <5 99 ON BLASS wees 40°7 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 10°r 3 ss since Ist January 2783°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Raita since rst January, 25°57 in. ‘116 in, mean rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &e. .......cceccecaececseeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- vivillg, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Anchocelis Pistacina 257-322, Bearded Chestnut M. (lar. iv.-vi. on buttercup) Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, dc. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: seeseriasivetserseusreeeeias ‘ Partridge ... Grouse ...... Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Salmon 281-84, Mo. X., OCT. 8, 188 . ‘Temperature, mean ......eseeeeeeeeeeees 50°°6 5 MAX. iN SUN wesc ees 99°0 33 Sai) SP SMAGE as cocuetics 58°5 is min. ,, shade ............ 44°0 3 so), ON! QTASS -ewevdessvess 38°3 »» accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 8°6 35 3 since Ist January 2791°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall {st rst January, 25°69 | "116 in. mean rel. humidity go °/o ‘Wind, direction, &C. ......ccccssesecceseseceees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning ot fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. halt ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PReaSANES a neaasstddinsestcusevesunss nedanminestet Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock.... Hares ....... sees RABBIS ca. scncaanctaeneniendgaeanacunerenanteiiadens Salmon ieivsrssansnacirnigviaunanerasenumen wees Sle 282-83, Mo. X., OCT. 9, 188 . Temperature, mean...............eceeee eee 49°°E 53 max, in SUN ............08 92'9° * by) a9 SHAE: ce eeeeseeds 57°2 53 min. ,, shade ............ 419 35 yy ON QrAss oo... 368 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°! +3 a since Ist January 2799'0 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall} since rst January, 25°81 in. | *116 in, mean rel. humidity go °/, ) Wind, direction,-&. .........cccceeceeceeeeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant caverssteyducteccaeuwuaveneses rans Partridge ... Grouse ........... Black-game Wildfowl ......... Snipe, &c. Woodcock Hares ......... Boule Rabbits ispivsoestucnciaesactuwsedsoianeiactuaayiter . Salmon ainneisesiivcnseswedantece Coarse fish 283-82, Mo. X., OCT.10, 188 . Temperature, mean ...........ccccees eee 49°°2 er MAXs INSUM, weagcowdencsnes 92°6 <0 ss 8 shade saaaeateesioe 57°6 3 min. ,, shade ............ 403 33 yy» ON QLrass .........., 36°6 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7°5 6 since Ist January 2806°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall + since rst January, 25‘92in.+ ‘116 in. {nce rel, humidity 90 °/o J Wind, direction, &C. .......ceccecseseeeeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Clex europea 43, Whin premature blossom- Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. [Horse-chestnut leaves changing, Hoff. Gies:]] 2203. 100}. 127 scasenccesweegaeeerncs Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ......... duacaydtnetinwiadyeineatianc vale state Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock.... Hares ....... es ae Ra bDitSiiwasucensenctuaeteeds concede teneaastaea cer ARO aia areont eeleagrs e pemnne eta nieds - 284-81, Mo. X., OCT. 11, 188 . “Temperature, mean..........seceeeseeeeeee 49°°4 mr max. IN SUN oo... eee 96°3 ‘3 »» inshade ............ 57°9 59 min. ,, shade ............ 42°6 53 oy ON QYASS oe. 36°8 >. accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 7°4 na since Ist January 2813°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 26°04 in. | *116 in. | mean rel. humidity go Jo j “Wind, -direction; ‘S65 -..c.ccees csasenseceactacecs Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c,. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr, half ch.) ; leaves changing. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PR GASANE tis cniasaceentsicroniesmodinnnemaaeadnes RAR NA GCs access deca inmecidslomiiSinaisi’s oualacicnas GT OUSE oi. sce wai oenieccrnctenn setecetsawmtaeasaites Black-game ..... Wildfowl ..... eae SMP OG) Ci ccronecacneoncentswasucnanianioasted siteste Wood cock: siscusassuarcestacsiap taynegectseeeress SLATES) «jc cinandtnas somewdsedeniidawsetancreneds RRADDIES ioscan: sexsqnivnines coswaboumeneewaanaletle SalMon cose veservaraveniueiwarwanermpenaae 285-80, Mo. X., OCT. 12, 188 Temperature, MEAN... ee cseeeeeeee 48°°6 5 max. in sun............eee 100°9 a 59 a9 SHAME: oon cevesues 57°8 35 min, ,, shade ............ 4u'l $5 99 OM QTASS .. 0.02 .ce eee 36° >, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 7‘o 55 Pa since Ist January 2820°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. ‘Gog X, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall - since rst January, 26°15 in. +} ‘116 in. mean rel. humidity go °/o Wind, direction, &C. ...ececeecseeeeseeeee eee eee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Miselina Oxyacanthe 275-304, Ealing’s Glory M. Jvy (lar. v.-vii. on hawthorn) Eubolia Cervinata 285-, Mallow M. (lar. vi.-vii. on mallow, hollyhock) ...........+ Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting, Fishing. Sports. Pheasant .....ccccseeeseveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeenen eee Partridge ..... sae Grouse .......-+- ati Black-game ......seceeeeeeeceneeseeeeneeeeen ees Wildfow] ...c.cceececceeee ene nee eee eeeeeeee Snipe &C. cece teeter ieee Wood cock....cccecccescesenseeeeeeeneeenenen ees Salmon ..cccscecsecscescerseeveneeensennensneeree Coarse fish wees rr or pti: ‘286-79, Mo. X., OCT. 13, 188 . “Temperature, Mean.........ccscecseeeeneee 48°°3 a max. IN SUN... eee 93°0 2 52 pp SHARC rasccsnswnwates 561 ss min. ,, shade ............ 40°5 $3 9) ON GLASS wee 36°5 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°9 PD since Ist January 2827°5 “Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall - since rst January 26°27 in. laa rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &. ......ecececececeeeeeeenene Plants &c. blossoming: note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. {Birch tree leaves ch. Hoff. Gies.] 107, 102. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Chestnut M. 296 Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pleasants ichecnsicswiaccinwminmenreoutecsioaancens Partridge ... Grouse ........ Black-game Wildfowl] .......00.... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Salmon oy scscccstain came lanaconaniwinieciena aeaens Coarse fish.......cccscseceseeceaes at Geark ovis 287-78, Mo. X., OCT. 14, 188 . “Temperature, mean .........cecceeeeeees 48°°4. 33 MAX. iN SUN... eee g2't a5 »> 9 Shade wc... 55°9 a min. ,, shade ............ 415 5 i OMWTASS. sncaveascens 36°4 >», accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°6 oh SS since Ist January 2834°4 ‘Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 359 in. on 17 days Rainfall fit 1st January, 26°39 in: | -r76 in. > mean rel. humidity 90 °/, Wind, direction, &e. ......cseecesseseeeeeneees ; Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.); leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASANE. ssp cnsivrsncensins siceasiegnenetarevenns Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Salmon: sisiciassinssyacasinwe nnimiiesueens 288-77, Mo. X., OCT. 15, 188 .. Temperature, MeaN...........cceeeeeaee 00 47°°3, s5 Max. IN SUN........ eee eee 88°9 ” sy og SHAME: ce cveceaccee 55'°8 se min. ,, shade ............ 39°1 3 99 ON QTASS .... eee 34°I », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°5, »» since Ist January 2840°9. Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29-94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 26*soin.} ‘116 in. mean rel. humidity 90 %o Wind, direction, &C. ........ceeeseeee eee eee ee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. [Beech-tree leaves ch. Hoff. Geis.] 115, T2485 USS. cseviesecsecannsiaivntcssdesectnnsennde Insects, Larva &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds ; migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant csccsisciivccesnsineniangunsuwesoricdoaseda Partridge ..... Black-game .. Wildfowl . Snipe, &c...... Woodcock..... Coarse fish...ceesciescreeee ice enire see 289-76, Mo. X., OCT. 16, 188 . Temperature, mMean........... ce eeceeeeeee 47°°6 $4 WAKS TSUN isacs seaciawes gI'9 i» apc toa SHAGE > riatiadiieen 55°8 a mink, 55 shade scence 40°6 59 yy ON QYASS.... eee 35'4 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 6°2 SB since Ist January 2847°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. [eae X, 5°59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 26°62 in. } ‘116 in. | mean rel. humidity go °%o Wind, direction, &. wo... ccceeeceesec eee veeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Primrose premature blossoming 74 ......... Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant). iaisasediocsenateemamenenesatt PArTtrldGe® cesscesdenrteansa savesane aRes tet GLOUSE sets Midcedrenduniciuiaeanenetisusamenamenny Black-game .......cssccseceseeseeeeeeeereee sees Wildfowl. sssesiccesacséncainsonnsvewnensacnnanes Smipe, KC... cccceecceeceeeeeesecteeneesneetens Wood cock.........cccceeeeeeeeeeeeseve cence rene Salmon 290-75, Mo. X., OCT. 17, 188 . Temperature, mean.........ceeeceeeeereee 47°°4 35 MAXS WUSUM: vsesacvncaeass 92°5 oA sy wp ydShad@ 2s.c.52.50e2 56°5 35 min. ,, shade ............ 40°0 ” go ON QYASS.... ese ee eens 35°5 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 6°2 59 35 since Ist January 2853°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall | since rst January, 26°73 | *I16 in, mean rel. humidity 90 °/ Wind, direction, &c. .......eeeeeeeeeee eee eeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, kc, Animals: seen, &c.. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: acasoiscvessnncsndevaasees Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Salmon 291-74, Mo. X., OCT. 18, 188 . Temperature, mean.......cccssesseeeeeeees 48°°1 ‘5 Max. IN SUN oo... eee 88°38 5 550 yp SHAME: Sscdesstese 559 3 min. ,, shade ............ 4I's 5 gy ON BTASS oo ees eee eee 35°55 3, accumltd, above 42° day degs. 6°3 - ‘3 since Ist January 2859°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 26°85 in. }*116 in. mean rel. humidity 90 %/o Wind, direction, &C. ...cccceceesees eee reeeeuees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. halt ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ......scsceeseeseeeeeeeeeceeeeeeneeues Partridge .... Grouse ........+ Black-game Wildfowl .........-+ Snipe, &c......-- ee Woodcock.........+++ Coarse fish.......cseseeeeeeene ? 292-73, Mo. X., OCT. 19, 188 Temperature, Mean........ccceeeeseeeaes 48°°3 PP max, in sun ..........00... 80°5 a5 » 99 Shade ow... 54°3 i min ,, shade v.00... 43°4 i” y> ON QTASS...... eee 384 ~»accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 6°3 ay. 33 since Ist January 2865'9 _~Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. ; Mo. x, 3'59 in. on 17 days } ~’ Rainfall } since st January, 26°97 in. § -116 in, “Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. . Fish. Reptiles. - Birds: migration, &c. “WOODCOCK arrives (Scolopax rusticola), 76 “Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant \scimiasnaaeecmstiseansannaaes Partridge ..... Grouse ........... Black-game Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c... Woodcock.. AIMON agsiceicahirelvaaunesiednisrensiitasdseiitensiean Coarse fish..sccecsecseeeeneee a soit esi ante 293-72, Mo. xX, OcrT. 20, 188 . Temperature, mean... eeeeeseees 46°°6 a max, in sun ...........00., 89°3 » » 9 Shade wi, 53°5 3 min. ,, shade ............ 39°0 a5 99 ON QYASS...........000 33°4 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 5°8 ax: 2S since Ist January 2871-7 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x. 3’s9 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall {since rst January, 27°08 in. ! +116 in, {se rel. humidity 90 °/> Wind, direction, &. ........ceeccecceeeeceeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.); leaves falling. : [Oak-tree leaves changing, Hoff. Geis.] 134s TPs DAT eavapesieas seatnvacandauciwssioens Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Hen Chaffinches congregate (G. W.)......... Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASATIE, cosenacesnicitnsciingdesalansianeveesamiamtesne PALA BE: so sanioadurteibaceiiasihesinen oncauiieate GIOUSE: seysiasan dacmantiacsnicviaciconeinenpuataideaticer Black-game .. Wildfowl ... Snipe; Ce, sous saateevocsye sauiewata eis Woodcoeleiics ssn: secudeencmach te cinvun anaet: SAMO cacashsauanidar qecwecamunacummamncenis 294-71, Mo. X., OCT. 21, 188 Temperature, MEaN..........s.sceeeeeeenes 46°°7 35 Max. IN SUN oo... eeeeee 80'2 33 yp 9p SHAE wevecesseces 54°0 55 min. ,, shade .......... ++39°7 oF o> ON QIASS wee 34°6 »» accumltd.above 42°day-degs. 5°6 7 since Ist January 2877°3 Barometer (mean, Mo, x, 29°94) in, Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall } since rst January, 27‘20 in. | ‘116 in. mean rel, humidity 90 %o j Wind, direction, &C..........cccccecceesseseeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit and seed harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Winter M. 323 and 36. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. eee Jeon: Pheasant i Partridge Grouse ......666 eeeeeeeee Black-game Wildfowl ..... Snipe, &c...... Woodcock..... Salmon 295-70, Mo. X., OCT. 22, 188 Temperature, MeAN..........ccceeeeeeeeees 46°9 3 max. in SUN ........eseees 82'1 is ist Wy 1SRAME scene ances 534 aie min. ,, shade ............ 41°3 PY ay ON QTASS woeeseeeaee 36°3 3) accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 5'2 sa since Ist January 2882°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in, ( Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 27°31 | 116 in, mean rel. humidity go °%/o Wind, direction, &C. ....:..secceeeeeeseeueeees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or and blossomings, Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Redwing arrives (Zurdzs tliacus) 95... Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant sca ccosaneccoassaseaswenesanswaecein Partridge ... Grouse ........ Black-game ne WIHdLOWL oes ee sees tees netseeens SAlM OM. dasa csieneasavatinuss see memateenenees 296-69, Mo. X., OCT. 23, 188 . Temperature, mean..........c.eceeeeeeeee 47°°2 a max. iN SUN wee 88'1 59 59.) cag Shade! sdcieicemast 53°5 39 min, ,, shade ............ 40°8 ef 9» ON GLASS wee. 36°7 » accumltd, above 42° day-degs, 5°7 55 since Ist January 2888:2 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in, Mo. x, 3’59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall 5 since rst January, 27°43 in. ‘116 in, {sce rel. humidity 90 °/o j Wind, direction, &¢. .......cceceeeceeeece cena ee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cerastis Vaccinti 286-309 and 76, Chestnut Mis. SCE 7G ae cicasancwecy case mesiaauice tines wanes Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Wood Pigeons come (G.W.) ..,....::.ceeeeeee Royston Crow (Corvus cornix) returns (GW); siceaewonardestinelmmesannmerasecsicsayels Animals: seen, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: sucsacion cern ccemnmecend cute wen toute Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... SLIM ON aretcarsiineten eer ngne bn isiacmeun Wagntana leering Coarse fish.... 297-68, Mo. X., OCT. 24, 188 . Temperature, mean......cccceeeeeeeeee 46° 8 an MAX, IN SUN ....cceeeeee eee 83°0 ” ” » shade: casccesese 54°0 ra min. ,, shade ............ 39°4 a5 oy ON GLASS we. eee 34°4 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 5°9 5 since Ist January 2894°1 Barometer (mean Mo. x. 29°94) in. mean rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &C. .e.cceeeccececeneneeeeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall / since rst January, 27'55 in. - *116 in Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Oporabia Dilutata 275-328, November M. (lar. v.-vi. on forest trees) ........ccceeeee Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, “ Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant .....ccccscscsscrevceeeeccnentenreonees Partridge ......secceeeenee ceeeneeeeteeee seer ees GrOUsel ie tiadienmssinncda seceded aetaetaraaanicent Black-game ........ccecceeeneee cereenee renee Wald fowl scsrcncslcasqaicennenonicntdornanitedsen Smipe, QC. ....ccccececeeeneeee nn eeee ene eeeeenn es Wood cock........ccccccseeseeteereenerseseneees 298-67, Mo. X., OCT.25, 188. Temperature, mean............ sseaaluaieiets 45°°8 59 MAX, IN SUN ....eeeeereees 87 ‘2 55 yo py SHAE] wos eseeee ees 534 3 min. ,, shade .........6. 390°3 5 gy ON QIASS sees esse eee 33°6 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 5:0 aes since Ist January 2899°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Rainfall {se st January, 27°66 in. {mean rel. humidity go Fy Wind, direction, &C. .....cccesee eee eeeenee eee ee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days *116 in, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. LOOK FOR Satellites M. 315 and 83. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant). cic ddiicesicsuriyespmeateriveniadtesaniucen Partridge ..... Grouse .......... Black-game .... Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c... Woodcock.. Sain OM saweaasrerianernrs eauaisieaneaumamestenddaitars 299-66, Mo. X., OCT. 26, 188 Temperature, Mean....cccsecssecsseseenns 45°2 $3 MAX. in SUN we. eee 84°3 re sy yy (SHAE! pice sc csind 52°8 om min, ,, shade ............ 39°6 * yy ONGTASS oe. 33°6 5, accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 4'2 a6 35 since Ist January 2903°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Rainfall Ce ist January, 27°78 in. mean rel. humidity 90 %/o Wind, direction, &C. .....cccscsessceeeceeeenees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days *116 in, Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PRC AS ATI: her's apcaacnaaicciatacanneeacsacesenens Partridge ... Grouse .... Black-game . ungrsivannere a Wildfowl: sssssttoiincs cic racensicen ss Snipe; &Oicceeccesnerines Woodcock.... Salmon 300-65, Mo. X., OCT. 27, 188 . Temperature, mean ....... eee eeeeee aes 45°°7 53 max. INSUN 2... eee 82°3 ai 5: coi SHAE se shee ies 52°2 $5 min, ,, shade ....... v644440°O 55 Sy ON Grass .........0.. 34°5 », accumltd, above 42°day-degs. 4°5 35 since Ist January 2907°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. ea 0. X, 3°59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall , since rst January, 27°89 in. - ‘116 in, | mean rel, humidity 90% 5 ‘ Wind, direction, &C. ....ccccescceseeneeesseenee Plants &c. blossoming: note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening ; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Tortoise begins to bury himself (G.W)...... Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant (sc sss caries cox leeivinseaainien tao PAgtrid BO) essncossiniiindia asia -yetinhit ne oheetal: 0h GTOUSE a6 eaccsecr an adanoioimnnmaeacmmaneeuies Black-game ... Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock. 301-64, Mo. X., OCT. 28, 188. Temperature, reece 44°'8 x max. IN SUN Vo. ee 84°1 ‘3 39 9 SHAE: sarcwiperans 519 a min. ,, shade ............ 38'8 ‘a sy ON GYASS we. 33:5 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°! 5% 9 since Ist January 2911°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall] / since rst January, 28’or in. + *116 in. face rel, humidity 90 %/o i Wind, direction, &C. ......ceseceeeeeeeeee eee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASANE adsinicscicsancemenven aime recuacamana es Partridge ... Grouse ...... Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock...... Hares ..... ... isis RADDIUS i asiinaanasasc dene avemncnncnds eueseienmonn Salmon cess wscgsasieneseiiauiocauiadedrersaitnenes Coarsesfish: vseveisceseanontseemmeatean.. Ma 302-63, Mo, X., OCT. 29, 188 . Temperature, Mean.......ccceceeeeesenees 43°83 5 MAX}; INSU ances 781 35 59) — sp Shad Chesecners goat 5i'7 3 min, ,, shade...........00. 37° 55 $5. ONISTASS) en ecacastens 310 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°8 3 since Ist January 2915°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. x. 29°94) in. Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 28°13 in.} °116 in mean rel. humidity 90 %o Wind, direction, &C. .......cceceseceneeeeeeen Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Himera Pennaria 282 - 316, Feathered Thorn M. Woods (lar. v. onoak) ...... Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant sccsccasapeanssedtesgeersaein dae seryte Partridge . Grouse ....... Black-game . Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock. Salmon 303-62, Mo. X., OCT. 30, 188 Temperature, MEAN......... ce ecceeaeee eee 44°°9 3 MAX. IN SUN wee 788 sy sa gy SHAME ansermes 52°1 3 min ,, shade ............ 388 55 g9 ON QLASS....seeeeee eee 33'0 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 4°1 35 a since Ist January 2919°8 ‘Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in, Rainfall 4 since rst January, 28°24 in. mean rel. humidity 90 °% Wind, direction, &c. .........cecesssececeeceees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. (Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days ‘116 in. Trees &c. fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant. iwccrondscnstewescumeaem betes bctinn Partridge ..... Grouse .......... Black-game Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c...... SaliiOn: csewsesawewaes anacaunaneiaveste ideas 304-61, Mo. X., OCT. 31, 188 . Temperature, MEAN seanieersieseyecines 44°'8 5% MAX. IN SUN .o..ceceee eee 77°2 55 se 9 SHAE: aspevace ies 512 4 min. ,, shade ............ 39'0 ‘3 s5° CON. BTASS: sas ncaoncens 33°2 3, accumltd.above 42° day-degs. 4:0 55 a5 since Ist January 2923°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. x, 29°94) in, Mo. x, 3°59 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 28°36 in. | "116 in. mean rel. humidity 90°.) Wind, direction, &. oo... ccceceeeee eens eee ee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c, fruit ripening; beginning of fruit, seed, and root harvests. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.); leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Rooks return to their nest trees (G.W.) ... Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASAant si ecsinsssaaraee earn cs eemierees Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... SalMON , accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 3°4 or since Ist January 2934°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in, Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days | Rainfall + since rst January, 28°68 in. | +798 in, mean rel. humidity 90 Yo Wind, direction, &c. .....eccecceeceeceeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sure viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr, half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: esscocucsenjesnciacisiersonenteimnenenens Partridge .... gains Grouse: sac ccess seas cians deeawereseees ae Black-game ...........ccseceeeneeseeee eee eeeeee WALALOW]. ci ccsadies novercejnediannismais time sicatiog dete SHIPE}. SECs svesoiendeyeasanvesuresndiaedesodenaiess Woodcock isciisvsei sve cenaeviecavinnne te arent Hares: ccossesencrncovisutaaxecsaaanysusine ‘i Rabbits sceancsvecs wnsern reds cmaeeeetsiens ‘ COATS NSH ckchisoaasshonicuccesenanceasesseas aie 308-57, Mo. XI., NOV. 4, 188 . Temperature, MEAN .......ccceesceseeceenee 44°9: 33 MAX. iM SUN wiesseseeeweees 78'0 3 33 yp SHadé: vevecs aap S 2c ra min. ,, Shade ,...00.....37°E 34 99 ON QTASS sessseeeseee 32'S », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 4°9 ei Aas since Ist January 2939°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29° 93) in, Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days 7} aaa since rst January, 28°79 in. + *108 in, [mean rel. humidity 90°, J Wind, direction, &C. .........ecsscereseeeeecee Plants &c. blossoming; note “it sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Cerastis Spadicea 308-, Dark Chestnut M. Lvy (lar. v.-vi. on hawthorn) ...........66- . LOOK FOR December M. 330. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: acces stars dgectaeenassae Partridge... or Grouse ......... ee Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock ... Rabbits:cecssdsaidncaniniaduatavnadotes Coarse fish,..... iaivansta maaan ten engetiehicuewas 309-56, Mo, XI., NOV. 5, 188 . “Temperature, Mean..ccerseccsesseceneesees 45°°9 5 MAX. AN SUM. we nave secre’ 77°5 Sy gp doig SHAE caorenesans 52°4 i min. ,, shade ............ 39°7 3 o> ON YASS we... 33°8 3» accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 4°8 Th since Ist January 2943°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall 5 since rst January, 28'90 in. *108 in, mean rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &C. cccccsescsscecseesesconees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sure viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and hare vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: ssicvesuvcrwenwiven dry cvenareasnanstss PATIASE: wis crset ceaayess cecderseumcee Grouse .......... Black game .. Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &C..........506 Woodcock... Hares........ sis RADIUS? s:cac ssc st eee eece seen ee WC OATSE MISH s2szsduccaebie aiadsas decusies eseesseiee as 310-55, Mo. XI., NOV. 6, 188 . Temperature, Mean ..esereecreseeceeeeeaees 44°°6 $y MAX. IN SUN .....e eee ee eee 768 3 a 9 SHAME: cas civweses 51'O 55 min. ,, shade ........060 38°7, >» jg OD QIASS: ssscseveaees 31°9 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°0 on since Ist January 2947°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29° 93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days ) Rainfall 2 since rst January, 29’01 in. + *108 in. {ses rel. humidity 90 °/o J Wind, direction, XC. ci.ccseeeceeeeseeeeceeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PREASANE: «s isidiesineeida snare ceddanusinesteecbunasuns Partridge ... Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Coarse fishieiseesosevesescnawers ses eisai &s 311-54, Mo. XI., NOV. 7, 188 .. Temperature, Mean... 4276 Se max. in SUN wo... 812 55 » 93 Shade oo... 50'r “i min. ,, shade ............ 364. sy a9 ON QTASS. cece esse eee 30°9 ys accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3:0 s since Ist January 2950°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days ) Rainfall since rst January, 29°11 in. "108 in. {nes rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &C..........sceeeeeeeeeeeseneene Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and‘ har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling, Insects, Larvz &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ......ccsccseseseeceseertteeeeeraes By Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... 312-53, Mo. XI., NOV. 8, 188 . Temperature, MEAN....cccceseseeeessenene G23 3 MAX. IN SUN .oeceveeeseeeeeZQ'Z 3 ss: oy Shade emsevsncscs 50°2 oF min. ,, shade .......... +635'°2 3 as) OM ONASS escaderiuaney’ 29°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°1 a5 since Ist January 2954°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 29°22 in. mean rel. humidity 90 °/ Wind, direction, &c, ........ ndslaemunousacaisn nee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting ; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: ccs. iesucsravavagsacnidscaccaensessers Partridge ... Grouse ...... Black-game Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock.... Hares.... Rabbits .... Coarse fish .. veeceeceseeeees ia teats caihtetie 313-52, Mo. XI., NOV. 9, 188 , “Temperature, mean.......... eee eeseeceee 42°'5 ‘6 max. In SUN oo... eee 73°3 33 99 99 Shade ..........4. 49°2 a min. ,, shade ............ 362 5 o> ON QYASS eeeeeeeeee 30°5 s, accumiltd, above 42° day-degs. 3:0 ” since Ist January 2957°0 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in, Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 29°33 in. {ace rel. humidity 90 °/o J Wind, direction, &c. ...ccceecseecseceeeeeeeees Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘108 in. Plants &c. fruiting ; maturity and har vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant’ cisasescscssccessscnvavasnversvessin ste Partridge ......cescceeseeeeees nes Grouse .........006 Black-game Wildfowl .......... Snipe QC. isos sissescnesiavessanehinaadeenvcedase Woodcock 314-51, Mo. XI., NOV.10, 188 « Temperature, Mean......cceeeeeeeceee ees 41°°7 5 MAX. AN SUN ac cseeviersd 75°3 3 sa) eo SNAME wastencseacex 48°2 a min. ,, shade ............ 36°3 n os ON QYASS we. 312 s accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°9 ws since Ist January 2960" 9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo xi, 3'24 in. on 16 days Rainfall fs rst January, 29°44 | *108 in mean rel, humidity go °/o Wind, direction, S6.. cacaccusviaesideriaines Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. + Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Swift departs 103 (last seen) Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: tcsndnectsinwwosiedionac coptietaraaas : Partridge .... Grouse ............ Black-game ...... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock.... Hares....... ahs Rabbitsisonccaseretnwsosan sete citaceanste 315-50, Mo. XI., NOV. 11, 188 . Temperature, Mean..........cccccceeeeees 4071 % MAX. IN SUN... eee eee 64'°8 si wa 9p SHAME arcs 45°3 5 min, ,, shade ............ 34°1 33 35. OMSBTASS pees 29'3 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 2°7 ss: bah since Ist January 2963°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall since rst January, 29°55 in. | +108 in, {rac rel. humidity, go °/, Wind, direction, &C. .....cceccecccececeneeecees Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops, Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Scopelosoma Satellitia 298 - 342 and 83, Satellites M. Se 83 wesecccssseccrsesseeene Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge .... Grouse ......... Black-game ...........:ccseee eee Wildfowl: cucursaneques ahasteanee Snipe, &c..... Woodcock.... Hares ........ RAaDDItS sasceasdsonnsncasonseraeanemyetesistesnes : Coarse: fish acieciceiseviecwcnisive potiemuaaa etude ‘316-49, Mo. XI., NOV.12, 188 . ‘Temperature, MEAN. .cccseeseeeeeee neces 390°°6 39 MAX. IN SUN ...seeeeeeee ees 69°1 55 gy 9 SHAME, evscasraoeis 46°6 53 min, ,, shade ........064 33°0 a 9 ON QYASS eeeeeeeeeee 286 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°9 ” since Ist January 2966°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall + since rst January, 29°65 in. | ‘108 in. mean rel. humidity 90 °/o "Wind, direction, &¢.. ceive cessiseces eceenscrcs Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &c, leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant sexes eivest nsvenwies weleaieds enaaes Partridge ..... Grouse ........ Black-game Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c...... 317-48, Mo. X1., NOV. 13, 188 .. Temperature, Mean seasceesersecsecceees 40°'9 45 max, in SUN ...... eee 63'8 Ss 99 oy SHAE: ssnsscewerss 47°4 5 min. ,, shade ............ 34° 3 yy ON GLASS wo. 319 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°4 re since Ist January 2969°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3'24 in. on 16 days Rainfall {sce st January, 29°76 in. + *108 in, mean rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ...... pseiieciaasiewssseces Plants &c. blossoming; note “if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant .......cccscesecceccerseseneeneeereneee Partridge ... : Grouse ........- Black-game ... Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.. Woodcock... Hares ....... Sosy Rabbits .......cseeceeeereeeeeee Benidvansaniaes = Coarse fish ssscsccseceeeeerenseenneueenen ene ees 318-47, Mo. XI., NOV.14, 188 . “Temperature, Mean......sessecseeceereeees 41%2 39 MAX. IN SUN cccverevoreeaee 65°5 5 9.39 Shade. svesesreeves 48°6 “ Milne 49 Shade csevasiecscs 35°0 i sh COM DASE esdsenceaticon 30°4 1, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 4°1 - since Ist January 2974°0 "Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days ‘Rainfall / since rst January, 29°87 | 108 in, ( mean rel. humidity 90 °%/o “Wind, direction, &C. .......esssceeeeeeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming ; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting ; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. ‘Insects, Larvee &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals : seen, breeding, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge ... GLOUSES vi tiscicnvler sirvcnirias ieennennwnsednn sides Black-game Wildfowl Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Hares. ssises wi ee = Rabbits saidanainteaaiauss ee wtne sateibodeas 319-46, Mo. XI, NOV. 15, 188 “Temperature, Mean..cscrecessecsceeseeeees 4175 53 MAX. IN SUN oes. eeee scene 68"4 5 56 - Gy SHAd Ox wareceaeesoas 48°4 25 min. ,, Shade............008 35°5 3 92 ON QYASS ........4000ee230°O », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 4°0 s since Ist January 2978'0 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on. 16 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 29°98 in. | *108 in {mean rel. humidity go "Wind, :direction;-&¢s. jsscisecorsesesccoscacesees Plants &c. blossoming: note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ocscccaanae peiaieentas senses as esieese : Partridge .......... Grouse .........0 Black-game ....... Wildfowl .......... Snipe, &c..........+ Hares........... ne Rabbits ........ccccseeee sien dhaayiasiaeteasiuntintty Coarse fish ..isceceeseeneeene suaeu nein re 820-45, Mo. XI., NOV.16, 188 .. Temperature, MEAN.........cecreseensoren GE '4 3a MAX. IN SUN .....05.00000-05°O 5 got ipod si.aciwe 200476 5 min. ,, shade ............ 35°3. ss 9) ON QrasS we. aeeeGO'S », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3'5 »» Since Ist January 2981°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Reina since 1st January, 30°09 | *108 in. mean rel. humidity 90 %o Wind, direction, &c. .,...0..sseerssseercrereere Plants &e. blossoming; 5 “note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops, Trees &c. leaves changing (half gr. half ch.) ; leaves falling. Insects, Larve &c. appearing. ZOOK FOR Dotted Border M. 65. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASANtY si cncasieanwsaeaace asin Ba aweineise sioner Partridge ... Grouse ........... Black-game Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c.... Woodcock.. Rabbits) ccomavercccstecontwurenenanmedwsevaeniians e Coarse fish, accwancewos acne. ~ 321-44, Mo. XI., NOV. 17, 188 Temperature, MEAN ....seeeeeeeceesee ees 40°"4. 33 Max. in SUN 4.......eeeeeee 68'0 3 So Sy SAGE! ivscdurennees 46°5 és min, ,, shade ............ 34°8 » 99 ON QYASS sessessevees 30°1 >, accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°8 aes since Ist January 2984°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall j since rst January, 26°73 in. } *108 in {ote re]. humidity 90 °/o laa Wind, direction, &. .....cesesceeeses Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants, &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops, Trees &c, leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects, &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, Kc. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant cccceccscscccescseceeneeccnreeseeneeees Partridge ....cscccceeceeseneeseesereaeeeneeeeres Grouse: sacri cei cisceessse eer essiems ine Black-game ..... be Wildfowl] ..sesecceeeeeeeee eres Snipe, KCriseceeeceereeeteraeennre re erees Woodcock .. Hares csccoeceeeeseere ines Rabbits ..cceeccesessceeeeeneeeeseeeeeeeesenneee Coarse fish vecsssseceseeseeneeeensenneneessenee 322-43, Mo. XI., NOV.18, 188 .. Temperature, Mean 0.02.0... cece eee eee 40°°6 on MAX. IN SUN ..... cece eee 64°4 35 sor pp SAME ehovenmencia 47°2 55 min. ,, shade ............ 34°0 P 39), ON BLASS! se sccnevees 28'7 », accumltd. above 42 day-degs. 3°2 3 since Ist January 2987°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3'24 in. on 16 days Rain since 1st January, 30°30 | 108 in. mean rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......ccceeseeceeeeee eens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur. viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves changing; leaves falling. ‘ Insects &c, appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds; migration, &c. Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant): -cideeusssiewavieiatrnnivaiamnctinainesihse Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl ... Snipe &c. . Woodcock. Hares ...... ecirs TRAD LES sitaiscioajelosacians onaiacink cbheateds ee ais ‘323-42, Mo. XI., NOV.19, 188 . Temperature, Mean.......cccceeeeseueeeees 412° sy MAX. IN SUN .veweeeeeee 72°5 53 99> oy SHAE’ Wasearessea 47°6° 39 min. ,, shade ............ 35°6° a5 o> ON STASS wee. 310, », accumltd, above 42°day-degs. 3°5 A since Ist January 29910. Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. . (Mee xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days t Rainfall 5 since rst January, 30°4x in. mean rel. humidity go °/o } ‘Wind, directions. &0:, scsnvssceavseeehocesadens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sure viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. ‘108 in, « Plants &c,. fruiting ; maturity and har-- vesting of root crops, Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant. gzoveiecs. cance tencn eens a erereawiant . PAL SC: eae sictsen tannin piedinliienee taing Grouse ..... a Black-game .. Wildfowl ..... Snipe, Xc.... Woodcock... 324-41, Mo. XI., NOV. 20, 188 .. Temperature, mean...... Se rT es aay 55 MAX. IN SUN eesesseeeeeee +740 ay » ao0 99 SDAGES 5 oocs aie 45°0 33 min. ,, shade ............ 336 ae 97 ON QYASS eeeeeeseee-28°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°9 oe since Ist January 2992°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall {i ist January, 30°52 in. *r08 in, mean rel. humidity 90°/o Wind, direction, S&C. ....cccescssceecesrseeeene oe Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur-- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops, Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. House Martin last seen, 81) wesseeesseeeee eee e Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. BRO ss PREASARL: sp cciansuaniwcnammnan nnn ncineacnniansas a Partridge .. Suse Grouse ...... nee Black-game .. Wildfowl ..... Snipe, &c...... Woodcock Hares ........eee sais Rabbits... sic veecsnsise eres Coarse Ashi sisecssioucsunsacanns Senateeaeaeae e 325-40, Mo. XI, NOV. 21, 188 % ‘Temperature, Mean....caccceccreseeeeseees 38°°6 oy MAX. IN SUN... seeseeeese 64°7 9 gx. gy ShAdC? ccswersay aves 44°9 55 min, ,, Shade ............ 32°5 35 yo ON QYASS oo... 26'9 9, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°8 5 since Ist January 2994°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall (ot ist January, 30°63 in. 108 in mean rel. humidity go %o “Wind, direction, Ke. ceccecesescececececeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Cheimatobia Brumata 294-362 and 36, Winter M. see 36 .......cceceeee eee eeeeeeaeeeee Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, Xc. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant o...cceesccssceseseseneeenees Partridge . Grouse ....... Black-game Wildfowl] ..........:ceceee Snipe, &c. FIAr€S . sasaiaeessdincsecoatins 326-39, Mo. XI., NOV. 22, 188 .« Temperature, Mean .....eeeeeeeeeeeeeees 39°°9 ah MAK, MWESUM caccerecaceden 63°6 33 sy 99 Shade ....... aia 45'5 35 min. ,, shade .........6. 34°5 5 gj OM STASS: eacencseuat 31'r »,accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 2°2 oe since Ist January 2996°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 30°73 | *108 in. mean rel. humidity 90 °/o Wind, direction, KC. ...cccccecceeeeeeeeeeeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Spome: PHEASANE® « ccnisinnssevsedcnaceests en Partridge .. Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ..... Snipe, &c... Woodcock.......... 327-38, Mo. XI, NOV. 28, 188 . Temperature, mean 0.0.00... cceeen 40°°7 5 max, in SUN oo... 7O°r a 2» 99 Shade ............ 47°2 i min. ,, shade ............ 35°5 ne » ON Brass oo... 30°0 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 3°2 S52. 55 since Ist January 3000‘ Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall } since rst January, 30°84in. | +198 in; Plants &c. fruiting ; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c, appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c, Animals: seen, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. "PHEASANEY sai spacainsineincdedausk wasnaiannecndertens : Partridge .... Grouse .......... Black-game ... Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock.... Hares.......... ies RAD DIES sos shoes cccnnsneddisatineamaaneecanttessctiens Coarse: fish caeseecedevdnonevnnccesinecdeeass : 328-37, Mo. XL, NOV. 24, 188 , Temperature, MEAN........6..seereeereenee 41°0 35 MAX, IN SUN weeseecceeveees 61'2 ay sr op SHAGE: sevice ceded 46°3 ad min. ,, shade ............ 35°6 an gy ONLASS wee 30°7 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°7 5 ss since Ist January 3002°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Raina | since rst January, 30°95 | ‘108 in mean rel. humidity go °/o Wind, direction, &C. ....sesseseseseoes pouncedg Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASANE wes ccusedieaueetvnsh daasadsemvennsesee Partridge .. Grouse .......... ae Black-game ....:sscceseseceeeeeereseeeeeeeeeees Wildfowl! scssiascesesacaneniinvencinciseonnsdeciten SNIPE, Ci iaesnwedsorseeresetaenedsecancaeewess Woodcock.. acters Rab bitSiswestnrcmemsiseetoncmemehiaisea@enaereds Coarse fishiviceverseaieaciareccacsanmerese 7 329-36, Mo, XI., NOV. 25, 188 ; Temperature, Mean....cccceessssesee een ees 40°°3 A MAX, INSU cssaaswasesewes 61°3 $3 ay gy SHADE) xxx wees 46°5 33 min. ,, shade..........00005 34°2 5 o> OM grass ....... Saeed 29'0 ss accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°2 ” since Ist January 3005'0 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall | since ist January, 3106 in. mean rel. humidity 90 %/o ‘Wind, direction, &c. ......... as esnaddesameaniite Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings ‘Plants &c. fruiting ; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves changing; leaves falling. nsects &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant .ccccsccscccsscsescnecsneeeceereseseee Partridge ..... Grouse ....- Black-game .. Wildfowl ....... Snipe, &c...... Woodcock .. 330-35, Mo. XI., NOV. 26, 188 » Temperature, mean...... Scien aciabioie sla shesinel 4I°3 35 Max. IN SUN ve.eeeeeeeeeeee 659 98 ws). “gg Shade: wejivacee 46'8 i min. ,, shade ,........... 36°2 9 so OM GTASS: servevevsens 30°9 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 2°8 a = since Ist January 3007°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in, Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days ) Rainfall + since rst January, 31'17 in. - *108 in. {ince humidity 90 %o | Wind, direction, &C. occ. ceeccecceeseeeer eee ee . Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. facilocampa Populi 308-347, December M. Oak trunks (lar. v.-vi. on forest trees) ... Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, Kc. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant cash cisgeian oosinsisranesnnmedsadaacnasione Partridge ... Grouse .........4. Black-game ..... Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... 331-34, Mo. XI., NOV. 27,188 Temperature, mean.....cccccceeseeeees 40°'5 ne MAK AMSUTS couse ravecses 65°4. 35 990

, accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 2°4 ” since Ist January 3012°6 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in, Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days ) Rainfall 5 since rst Janaury, 31°38 in. - -108 in. {ae rel. humidity 90 °/o j Wind, direction, &C. 2... ceeceeceeseeceeeeeee Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: qi. sses-Lodensrersgeds verse nea Partridge: sia. sieesiansincieenacnbacaetesacceien GIOUSE: secsepetisnsrennamameasereeieioanenns Black=Game assewsceserssesragemmeuccsactunnees Wildfowl! cases esnscxesaeetemmentatoaes SN pewwCasecssscaresscnsisene ca toseiath aka Woodcock ss... cccnteananrteatesnesie stants Hares ... i Ra bDIES ace sscctvedsassnnabiaseaasinnaduiontectycnscinn Coarsé fish’: ccsssisccenisscratenrcicovinnnateass 333-32, Mo. XI., NOV. 29, 188 Temperature, Mean... eeeeeeee sees 38°°6 35 max. in sun ,.............. 68°4 35 yoo 39 SHAE faces Genes 44°6 35 min. ,, shade ............ 33'7 3 99 OM QTASS. esses sevens 28°3 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 1°6 on ” since Ist January 3014°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 31°49 in. mean rel. humidity 90 /o Wind, direction, &. ..ccccensccseceoves Plants &c. blossoming ; note if “sure viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days *r08 in, Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish, Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant vicccccececscseececeseeseesneaeeeeees Partridge ..... ae Grouse ......0-+ it Black-game .... . Wildfowl ......- Snipe, &c... Woodcock .. HALES veccccsccececcenee eee eneneseeeneenee ers ee ees Rabbits ..cccccseeccsceseseseeeeneeneeenes cree : Coarse fish.....ccccsseeeeereeeeenenes Sabenoemeeae 334-31, Mo. XL, NOV. 30, 188 . “Temperature, mean.........ccccceeeereeees 38°0 5 MAX. IN SUN wees ees 581 5 ao 9 SHAE: suceesicnes 42°9 se min. ,, Shade ............ 33°4 5 9 OM BLASS saseseeveess 28'0 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 0°6 3 »» since Ist January 3014°8 Barometer (mean, Mo. xi, 29°93) in. Mo. xi, 3°24 in. on 16 days Rainfall J since zst January, 31°60 in.} *ro0§8 in. mean rel. humidity 90 %o “Wind, direction, 8. ....ccecscsesceeecersesees Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi-., ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves changing; leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Swallow, last seen, 82, 136 ..........eee “ee Animals: seen, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASAN Es ssccsisineacerndeaacicnoriamteciaieniees Partridge ... Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ...... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock ... Hares......... GOATSOMISH: esionsennserss sys duageaneiedoatyne ie 335-30, Mo. XII., DEC. 1, 188 ee “Temperature, means sersesscescecceescees 381. ig max. in sun .......eeeaee 57°4 ” 99: ap SHAME. evceveevsses 42°9 wr min. ,, shade ............ 33°1 43 oy ON QrYASS we, 27°S. », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 0°6 si 5 since Ist January 3015°4 ‘Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in, . Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall fs st January, 31°70 in. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops, ‘Trees &c, leaves falling, Insects &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant: oy cecvsavaseseaeeasseeavsvanicislie ane Partridge ... Grouse ........5 Black-game ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c. ... Woodcock...... Rabbits cevevas densavearianecumeanienites Coarse fish w.csecceseseeens idntcacamaas slaiseeseox 336-29, Mo. XII., DEC. 2, 188 .. Temperature, MeaN..........ceceeeeeeenees 37°'8 3 max. in SUN ....... eee 57°9 % a3 wo SHAE: wsavevessens 42°83 36 min. ,, shade ............ 315 * yy «ON YrLASS we. 25'9 »,accumltd. above 42° day-degs. o's i 59 since Ist January 3015°9 Barometer (mean Mo. xii, 29°96) in. - ( Mo. xii, 3°03 in, on 17 days Rainfall , since rst January, 31°79 | ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 °%/ Wind, direction, S&C. ....ccccsccescoessceeseneee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &. appearing, Fish, Reptiles. Birds; migration, &c. Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant? sicccdecvavds connec wansinutenccs Partridge .... — Grouse ......... “i Black-game ... Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c.. Woodcock. Hares ....... sae NAD DUS) a2 ja venascensuscesiicetanshaenciedsantas yaa Coarse fish sssecrsesecsssvecasssovsseceessseor 337-28, Mo. XII, DEC. 3, 188 . Temperature, Mean sicscccesccceeeseeee ZOOL oe max, in sum ..........0000e 58°6 Si Sige. 9g SMAMESY eecenteee es 44°2 55 min. ,, shade ............ 33°3 55 oo ON QYASS oe... 28°4 +) accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°4 7 since Ist January 3017°3 Barometer (mean, Mo, xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3'03in. on 17 days Raina | since ist January, 31°89 n| ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 %/o Wind, direction, &. ...cscsecsececeecesceeneces Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ...ccccscceceeenseeeeeseneesensereaees Partridge ........cccsereceeeereeessnseeeeeeetens Grouse .....cceeeeeeee ‘4 Bhack-game .......eseeeeseeereee ees Wildfow] ........c:cccceeeeeneeeeees re Smipe, KC. ceeesssseeresessenennrrerereseeeeees Woodcock c.secceceseceeteeeneeneeeeren ean ees FAVS. acscescssccreceeeeteneeeanecaecsaeneee ees Rabbits c.ccccseeccsssccseeeseenaecersaneeeesanss Coarse fish sscsccececsenseveverseeneenaeeneees : 338-27, Mo. XII., DEC. 4, 188 . Temperature, mean......... lias duspealereve 38°°3 $3 max. in SUN weer 576 5 59 pp SHAE: ges cgnevieds 43'5 a min. ,, shade ............ 33°9 ¥9 yy ON QTASS sess eeeeeees 29°3 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°G 3 $3 since Ist January 3018°3, Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in.. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall fs rst January 31°99 in. i *098 in.. mean rel. humidity 93 Yo Wind, direction, & ce. ......cceseeeeeneeeen eee eee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting ; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant! |. 2.vivasietevend i vanaety wena eccrine Partridge ..... Grouse ........ Black-game .. Wildfowl ..... Snipe, &c. Woodcock Hares......... aie RAD BIS sisi shscaning calnswinaearncsrcemacaded glean COarSE ASH sv5s shscssddcaciouactacaadsuniwwadaeees ‘339-26, Mo. XII., DEC. 5, 188 . Temperature, MEAN... eee seeees 38°°5 i MAX, UT SUN s,s .ceesaecwens 60°3 Be 50 - gah SHADE: cnceetenctgars 44° 59 min, 59: SHAE: adeseaeeeves 33°0 . rr gp COMPASS reece’ 27°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°3 <4 5 since Ist January 3019°6 ‘Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall; since rst January, 32°09 =| 098 in, mean rel. humidity 93 %/o Wind, direction; :&5. 2s :cicsnecctisveecnsetes Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. ‘Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c, appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ......2..:: Partridge ... Grouse ........655 Black-game "Wildfowl: sivecccadindiccenes Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Coarse fish. aasancaacaenmncnnaites 340-25, Mo. XII., DEC. 6, 188 . Temperature, MEAN. 0... seeseeeeeeseeees 40°°2 53 max. in SUN we... eee 56°2 ” 9) shade ........0... 44°7 = min. ,, shade ............ 35°3 is a2 ON QTASS weseevessee 30° »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°7 35 since Ist January 3021°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3'03 in. on 17 days Rainfa | since 1st January, 32°19 in. 098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 /o Wind, direction, &c. ......cessesseseeceeeeeeeee Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing, Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant . Partridge ... Grouse ......... Black-game ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... 341-24, Mo. XII., DEC. 7, 188 ; ‘Temperature, mean.............ecceeeees 38°2 7 Max. IN SUN oo eee 56°6 $3 9» 9 Shade ............ 42'9 on min. ,, shade ............ 34°2 rr oy» ON QrASS wee, 29°2 +, accumltd, above 42°day-degs. 0°6 ” since Ist January 3021°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. | Mo. xii, 3'03 in, on 17 days Rainfall { since rst January, 32°28 in. | mean rel. humidity 93 °/o Wind, direction, &. .....c.ccccceccseeeceeeeeee , Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &c. appearing. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant js ssissveursreseass oussdaceevewnensaes is Partridge .. Grouse ..... A BIACK: SAME! 6 sisi deantonisecashsamacevaisesninient Wildfowl ........ Snipe, &c...... Hares sbescrteidunssonene memonctmtnatas samsrocaut 342-23, Mo. XII., DEC. 8, 188 . Temperature, Mean .........ceeeeeeeeees 37°85, 53 Max. in-Sul sarsansaewees 56°0 sr si- 5g7/SHAAE: cramsonens 42°5 55 min. ,, shade............ 32°9 33 », ON GLASS wwe 289 5, accumltd. above 42° day-degs. o°3 »» since Ist January 3022°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Mg Rainfall 4 since rst January, 32°38 | ‘008 in, mean rel. humidity 93 °/> Wind, direction; SCs siguavisnsavccenureaseexs Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c, Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant . Partridge ... Grouse ...... Black-game . Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock.... Hares .... oe Rabbits Gorcysscieseente sete tives abaatitunccdileate 343-22, Mo. XII., DEC. 9, 188 . Temperature, MeAN..........c eee eee cece ee 34°9 35 max, in SUN oo... eee 56°4 <3 os vg, SHAME: ccccaswscens 4'7 3 min. ,, shade ............ 29°4 33 o> «ON BASS wo. 24°6 3, accumltd. above 42°day-degs. — ” since Ist January 3022°2 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in, Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall {ites rst January, 32°48 | ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 %o Wind, direction, &c. ........ ais wienuet siicaia tome Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops, Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ......... Partridge ... GLOUSE: seven dregerraes Black-game Wildfowl .............. Snipe, &c.... Woodcock.... 344-21, Mo. XII., DEC.10, 188 . Temperature, Mean.......eseeeeeeeeee eee 3509 As MAX IN-SUN: sr csivesiavsieee 512 nA oh. ay SHAME: sisesavcneas 41°5 aS min. ,, shade ........... 30°4 3 yoo OMBTASS sewancexedenates 27°1 », accumltd, above 42°day-degs. — a since Ist January 3022'2 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall + since rst January, 32°58 in. | ‘o98 in. mean rel. humidity 93 %o Wind, direction, &C. ........csceceeseceeseeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Grouse and Black-game shooting ends. Pheasant Partridge ... Wildfowl Snipe, &c. Woodcock Hares ....... ain Rabbits sccsecvanate insettsineaiawisshses satwatenes 345-20, Mo. XII, DEC. 11, 188 . ‘Temperature, mean..........cceseeeeeeenee 36°°3 35 MAX, IN SUN wee eee 559 5 si gp SHAMES sce ceeones 41°9 3 min. 5, shade ........000 30°6 ey 99 ON QTASS...... 6s. cee 27°O » accumltd., above 42 day-degs. — $3 since Ist January 3022°2 Barometer (mean, Mo, xii, 29°96) in. Rainfall 4 since 1st January, 32°68 in. mean rel. humidity 93 °/o Wind, direction, &C. ......cecececesececeeeeeees Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. ix, 3°03 in. on 17 days 098 in. Plants &c, fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish, Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Early lambs born (G.W.) ...seeeceseeeeseneeee : Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge .. Wildfowl Snipe, &c..........- Woodcock.. Hares .......eeeeee Rabbits .........ccsccceseeeeeeneereeeeneeean ene Coarse fish .......sssescceseeseeceneeeneeeeeeee 346-19, Mo. XII., DEC.12, 188 . Temperature, Mean............. cece yaw $5 max. IN SUN... eee 54°6 4 a gy SMADE seetevsenede 43°1 rr min. ,, shade ............ 32°1 ‘ oy ON QTASS wc 27°9 »» accumltd, above 42° day-degs. o'7 aa since Ist January 3022°9 Barometer (mean, Mo, xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall 5 since rst January, 32°77 in. ‘098 in. ( mean rel. humidity 93 Yo Wind, direction, &c. .....c.cccscceeceeeeaeeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Moles throw up mole-hills (G.W.) ........ a Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Hares...,..... gies Rabbitsisnsvccdsceinan thaecadaisant eentehane ane oarse fish sucsianvaniaecumememeceoey 347-18, Mo. XII., DEC. 18, 188 Temperature, mean .......... cece eee 30°"4 ey max, im sun... 55'0 ae sy gp ShAde* arora 44'6 $5 min. ,, shade ............ 33'8 5 39. (ON BYASS* eas beeedasns 29'0 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 1°6 . 7 since Ist January 3024°5 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall since rst January, 32°87 | *098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 %o Wind, direction, &c, .......cceeceeceee eee eeseee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting; maturity and har vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge ... Wildfowl .. Snipe, &c... Woodcock.. 348-17, Mo. XII., DEC.14, 188 . “Temperature, Mean...............cse reece 38°°8 39 MAX, IN SUN... eee 52°83 55 goo Gop SMAdes A cawseduiowes 44°2 35 min. ,, shade ............ 33°1 7 59 ONSYASS asi.esc.ere0 284 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 1°4 ah since Ist January 3025°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 aes Rainfall 4 since rst January, 32°97 in. | ‘098 in. {sce rel, humidity 93 /o J "Wind, direction, &C. .....iececceeseeeeceeeneens Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. , Plants &c. fruiting; maturity and har- vesting of root crops. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c, seen. ‘Fish, Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c, Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c. ‘Woodcock Hares ...... beet RADDIS 2 ss csaiosecrrgaarwecimmabeas essen dts 349-16, Mo. XII., DEC. 15, 188 . Temperature, mean.............ceeeceeeees 39°°8 35 max. in sun ............00. 50°2 3, fs wp SHAE wasere caren 44°9 43 min, ,, shade ............ 33°9 rm 1» «ON GTASS oo... eee 30°0 », accumltd, above 42° day-degs, 1°83 ss since Ist January 3027°7 Barometer (mean, Mo, xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3'03 in. on 17 days Rainf fse ist January, 33°07 =| ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 °/o : Wind, direction, &c. .....ccceseeseccreeeeeeeene Plants &c, blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Cheiranthus cheirt. Wallflower premature Dloss. (G.W.) 95 ..ccssccseseceesseseeeenereees Bellis perennis, Com. Daisy premature Dloss. (G.W.) 39 ..ccssscsceesseeeeseseneneeeee Plants &c, fruiting, Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects, seen, &c. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, song, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge Wildfowl . Snipe, Xc......... Woodcock Coarse fish.....cccscscsseveeneresetsenensaenenes Z 350-15, Mo. XII., DEC.16, 188 .° “Temperature, Mean.........secseeseeeeeees 39°38 on max. in SUN vo... eee 52°0 +3 yi ag SHAME cdc slteseany 44°7 5 min. ,, shade ............ 35°2 ‘5 gy ON BYASS...eeees seers 30°4. » accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°7 dns a ys since Ist January 3029°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in, Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall {si rst January, 33°17 in. ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 °/o Wind, direction, &e. oo... ccecceceeccseeeeneees Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting. ‘Trees &c, leaves falling &c. Insects &c. seen, &c. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHCASANt; & sscacicesvacdnnstissuapauwntaine ibeees Partridge .... Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c.. Woodcock.. 351-14, Mo. XII., DE€.17, 188 .. “Temperature, Mean.....ecccsseeseceneeeeee 30°1 5 max. iM SUN ........ eee 55°4 53 x9 93 SHAE: ds scdcavcee 44°I os min. ,, shade ............ 34°7 5 g9 OMSQIASS. se. secscesss 30°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°3 35 since Ist January 3030°7 Psomciss (mean, Mo. xli, 29°96) in. . 'Mo. xii, 3'03 in. on 17 days Rein since rst January, 33'26 in. "098 in, mean rel. humidity 93 %o ‘Wind, direction, &c. ..... eis eaisousteass watesieurdinias Plants &c. blossoming ; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting. ‘Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles, Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge Wildfowl Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... . Coarse fish.....ccseee0s seamed aragonite sates 352-13, Mo. XII., DEC. 18, 188 .. Temperature, MEAN........:ceeceeseecenees 40°°5 as Max, iN SUN ....eeeeeeeeee 55°3 5 yo gr SHAE: sacecocnceee 45°6 55 min. ,, shade ............ 35°5 Ag 99 OM QYASS .....eeeeeee 30°5 », accumltd. above 42°day-degs. 2'2 ; ” since Ist January 3032°9 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3.03 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall 4 since rst January, 33°36 in. - ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 °/o i Wind, direction, &C. ...cscceesseceeeseseeeetere Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting. Trees &c. leaves falling &c. Insects &c, seen. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant. yesnvicnsocssuresvederiecsemsapusiovane’s Partridge ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... Rabbits ..........06 ‘ Coarse fiSDiissccsesssrssssersseiseeeensereerees eh 'y 353-12, Mo. XII., DEC. 19, 188 Temperature, MeaN....... eects 39°6 re max. in sun ..........0. 618 55 o> -» Shade ...... eves 43, 53 min. ,, shade ............ 35°6 5 sss ON GYASS eee 31°0 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°4 x since Ist Tee 3034°3 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall J since rst January, 33°46 in. mean rel. humidity 93 °/o Wind, direction, &c. ........ senteenetepcaaleee Plants &c. blossoming; note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c, fruiting. Trees &c, leaves falling &e. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Hsia. Sports. PHeASATE. sscscdasinictnreaisipantene-ntd se eineasusopaision’® Partridge .... ; Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c. ...... Woodcock t Coarse fish.......ccsetseeeleeseseesecereeteneee 24 \ 354-11, Mo. XII., DEC. 20, 188 . fae ‘Temperature, MCAN scesdievaneswatesiena B77. . max. in sun oo... 56'2 re me ge Gp SHAME aicesaen 3443 A es min, ») Shade wo... 32°6 FP oy ON QTASS oe... 29°3 Pr »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°4 op »» since Ist January 3035°7 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29'96) in, ; Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on r7 days Rata since xst January, 33°56 | ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 °/o ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. LOOK FOR Christmas Rose or Black Hellebore 359 ; Plants &c. fruiting. Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. 4 Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. | Fishing. Sports. “WPRGASANE 9) Shade weeeeeeeens4d he 3 min. ,, shade ....... 10000336 - o> ON QTASS es sees 1001286 >», accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°4 ; ‘3 since Ist January 3037°1 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall {o rst January, 33°66 in. ‘098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 Po Wind, direction, &e.: wchiccusucwvencawevsainene Plants &c. blossoming ; 3 note if sar- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, Kc. Ns Shoodne: Fishing. Sports. “Pheasant Partridge Wildfowl .. Snipe, &c... Woodcock.. Coarse fish...... hubs atiiitcleb uaa mencnonetneaates . 356-9, Mo. XII., DEC. 22, 188 . Temperature, mean.....cccceccceseeees 384 $5 maxs min. ,, shade ..... aoe 318. ” » on grass. aivivaslsineairecnes 27°! », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. — eo since 1st January 3038°4 Baad (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in, Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall fine rst January, 33°95 in. ‘098 in mean rel. humidity 93 °/o Wind, CITECHON, AEC). wissciawasmananemagyovatioet Plants &c, blossoming: note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. - ‘Plants &c. fruiting. ; Trees &c, leaves falling, Insects &c, seen. ‘ Fish. Reptiles. -'| Birds > migration, &e. Se . 4 Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant .....ccececsecsesveeecrecerenseseeeecs Partridge .... Wildfowl . Snipe, &c... Woodcock . Meet Pind ' ‘ - s 859-6, Mo, XIL, DEC. 25, . 188 ,. Temperature, mean.....cceeseceeeeees 377-1 oe max. IN SUN oo... eee 56'4 5 ye “Gi BRAGE: cccccccddaw 42'0 “3 min., ,, shade ............ 33°0 a oy ON Mrass ws, 28°7° », accumltd, above 42° day-degs. — an 3 since Ist January 3038°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 devs) ; Raita {sic 1st January, 34’05 in.- ‘098 in, : mean rel. humidity 93 %o J Wind, direction, &C. ....ccccccceessseeseceeeees _ Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- ‘viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Aelleborus niger 354-, Christmas Rose. Cultivated in gardens ....ccccc. sdnibbiestiges Plants &c, fruiting, Trees &c, leaves falling, Insects &c, seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant’. itizenpias seierwianagser weeates Partridge .... Wildfowl .... Snipe, &c..... Woodcock.... Hares....... os Rabbits pccccserincsnniceosievaicesie waihacaeaitatiical é Coarse fShisicsecscesnsessasirneresscacticcsds 360-5, Mo. XII., DEC. 26, 188 « _ Temperature, Mean... PREY a) “1 ” MAX. iN SUN oo... eee 56°9 . ‘iy 89 gc SHAAE: .i.rcevatone 42°1 36 min. ,, shade ..........5. 34°0 5 yy ON QYASS we. 30°2 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. — ” since Ist January 3038°4 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in, Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall ie since rst January, 34°15 in. ; ‘og8 in. (mean rel. humidity 93 °, J Wind, direction, &e. ......ccccccecceeeeecensees Plants &ec. blossoming ; 3 note if survi- ving, premature, or 2nd blossomings, Plants &c. fruiting. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge .... Wildfowl .... ‘Snipe, &c.. ‘Woodcock. i ‘ 361-4, Mo. XII, DEC.27, 188 . Temperature, mean....... ame Acacaued 4.384 Pr max, IN SUN oe eee 521 a sop gy Shade! asec 43'2 6 min. ,, shade ..... banat 33°6 re »» ON grass ........ + 44430°9 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 0°7 ie ee since Ist January 30391 Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Rainfall {since rst January, 34°24 in. |} * mean rel. humidity 93 °/o. Wind, direction, &c. ....cccsssceseeeeeemeeeeeee Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days ‘098 in Plants &c. fruiting. | Trees &c. leaves falling. . Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. ‘Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant ’ Partridge ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock ... Hares... PRED DIS ionccecke conan dea: stan meaner eae Coarse fish ........::sccceceeeeeeee renee eee sneeeee ' oO 362-3, Mo. XII, DEC. 28, 188 . Temperature, MEAN. eee covers vevseseeeee39°'8 ; a5 max. IN SUN «0... eee eee eee 53°2 f a gy gg! SHAME! vase ianvers +438 35 ‘ min. .,, shade .......... .36°1 350 ys ON QIASS w..eeeeee ee. 317 yy accumltd. above 42° day-degs. I°t F - since Ist January - 3040°2 Baroineter (mean, Mo. xii, 29° 96) in, Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall {sn ist January, 34°34 in. - *098 in. mean rel. humidity 93 Po J Wind, direction, &. ...ccccccsecaseeentenceeers Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- Viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. 7. Plants &c, fruiting. ‘Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &e. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds ;. migration, &c. § Animals : seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. Pheasant . Partridge ... Wildfowl ... Snipe, &c.... Woodcock... " 363-2, Mo. XII.,DEC.29, 188 , Temperature, mean........000)ccceseeeeeee 40°0 53 max, in sun .......c2....., 584 33 o> 9 Shade .........0.. 448 aia min. ,, shade ............ 36°r : as x ON PASS ............ 32°1 »» accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 1°7 » ° since Ist January 3041°9 Bae (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in, Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days Rainfall 4 since rst January, 33°44 in. ‘098 in. ma eeewn rel. humidity 93 °/. j Wind, direction, RCS orencnasntisoatateacesce Plants &e. blossoming; note if sur- - viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Trees &c. fruiting. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals : seen, &c. Shooting: Fishing. Sports. Pheasant Partridge .. Wildfowl .. Snipe, &c... , Woodcock.. 364-1, Mo. XII., DEC. 30, 188 . Temperature, Mean oo... lees eee eee 38°°3" go. MAX. ANSUN eee 56'4 rr jue oy Shade!’ sysiaysricen 43°0 oD min. ,, shade ........... 33°7 rr 99 ON QYASS wieseeseeeee 28°7 3, accumltd, above 42° day-degs. 0°7 3 since Ist January 3042°6 A Barometer (mean, Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3'03 in. on 17 days ) Rainfall since rst January, 34°54 in. } ‘098 in. : {mean rel. humidity 93 °/o ji _ Wind, direction, ECE haus ask siucvantemauen nats ' Plants &c. blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c,: fruiting, i . Trees &c, leaves falling. Insects &, seen. Fish. Reptiles. Birds: migration, &c. Animals: seen, &e. Shooting. Fishing. Sports. PHEASAN Ee vesndacitons cn dacdaunnceaanmed dence sone “Partridge ... . Wildfowl ... _ Snipe, &c.... ‘Woodcock... Coarse fish ........0.. Leica utente ionenrewaattveuniees 365-0, Mo. XII., DEC. 31, 188 Temperature, mean....... fvcehas shnaaasniers 3801 figs MAX. IN SUN eee eeeeee 56°4 is a» = 9), Shade ..... Ralcts 430 36 min. ,, shade ............ 33°7 as yy On grass ...., Riana 28°8 », accumltd. above 42° day-degs. 06 Sy 79 since Ist January 3043°2 Eton (mean Mo. xii, 29°96) in. Mo. xii, 3°03 in. on 17 days React ine 1st January, 34°64 in. | ‘o98 in mean rel. humidity 93 *lo Wind, direction, &c. ......eee lee cee eee cece eee Plants &c, blossoming; note if sur- viving, premature, or 2nd blossomings. Plants &c. fruiting. Trees &c. leaves falling. Insects &c. seen. Fish. Reptiles, Birds : migration, &c. Animals: seen, &c. Shooting. Fishing. © Sports. Dog , and gun licenses expire. Pheasant Partridge .... Wildfowl Snipe, &c...... Woodcock... Coarse fish acGtinwad sidacaintniee sateanttsoatedanetvioes . , ‘ APPENDIX. te NOTES ON THE ‘‘GAME LAWS.” \ 1. THE right to the game, rabbits, woodcocks, snipes, &c., upon any land, belongs to the tenant or occupier of the soil, unless he has made an agreement by which he foregoes that right. But if, after so doing, he breaks his agreement, either by killing the game himself, or by giving permission, to others to do so, lie becomes liable to a fine of 2/., and 1/. additional for each head of game killed ; and any permission which he has given will not shield from prosecution the person who has acted under it. ' 9, Every occupier of land (whether he be owner or tenant) has the tight to kill hares and rabbits on the land in his occupation, notwithstanding that the shooting may be- reserved or let to any other person; and the occupier cannot divest himself of this concurrent right, even though he wishes to let the shooting in its entirety, for any agreement to do so is rendered void by the terms of the Act. “3, The license or certificate to kill game differs in cost according to the length of time for which it is taken out. Thus, if taken out on or after the rst of August, to expire on the 31st of July of the following year, the cost of the certificate, which is _ Panted on ved paper, is 3/. ; if taken out as above, but to expire on the 31st of October, ' the cost will be 2/., and the certificate g7eez ; if taken out on or after the 1st of Novem- ae and to expire on the 31st of July, the certificate will be yellow, and the cost also 2i, A game license for fourteen days costs 1/., and the colour is white. 4. The penalty for trespass in the day time (which begins one hour. before sunrise and ends one hour after sunset) in pursuit of game, rabbits, &c., is 22. and costs. Any person who shall take or destroy game or rabbits by night (which begins one hour after sunset and ends one hour before sunrise) is liable to three’ months’ imprisonment for the first offence, and six months for the second, and to find sureties for twelve months in the first case, and two years in the next ; andif he offends a third time he becomes liable to be sentenced to penal servitude. : | Bor Note on WILD BIRDS PROTECTION ACTS 1880, 1881, see page 60 (Afarch rst). NOTES ON THE “FRESHWATER FISHERIES ACT, 1878.” _3, It is illegal :—to fish for, catch, or attempt to catch or kill, or buy or sell, trout or char during the close season between 2nd October and ist February following, or ‘during any close season which by By-law may be substituted for the same; or to have in possession any instrument for the purpose of catching or killing trout or char ; or to have in possession, or buy or sell, any trout or char roe. 2. To fish for, catch, or attempt to catch or kill, or buy or sell, any “ freshwater fish’ between r5th March and rsth June, both inclusive, ‘‘ Freshwater fish” include all freshwater non-migratory fish other than pollan, trout, and char. This prohibition , does not apply to owners of special preserves ; to persons angling in private waters with the leave of the owner, or in public waters with the leave-of the Local Conserva- tors, or in districts exempted by a Local Board with the approval of the Secretary of State ; nor to persons taking freshwater fish for scientific purposes. 3. To use any dynamite or other explosive substance for catching or destroying fish. NoTE.—The counties of Norfolk and Suffolk are placed under a seperate Act. For the provisions of the Salmon Fisheries Acts see Walpole’s “ Manual of the Law of Salmon Fisheries in England and Wales.” SWAN SONNENSCHEIN AND CO,’S Rew Books. Royal 18mo, Illustrated, cloth, 4s. 6a. . LIFE HISTORIES OF PLANTS. 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