Saeco! New York State College of Agriculture At Gornell University Bthaca, N. Y. Library a University Library ny e calendar; a mann Cornell University Library The original of this book is in the Cornell University Library. There are no known copyright restrictions in the United States on the use of the text. A NATURE CALENDAR A RECORD OF THE APPEARANCE OF THE FLOWERS AND BIRDS ARRANGED BY THOMAS E. THOMPSON SUPERINTENDENT OF SCHOOLS, LEOMINSTER, MASS. “ Ab! well I nind the calendar, Faithful through a thousand years, Of the painted race of flowers.” “TI know the trusty almanac Of the punctual conung-back, On thetr due days, of the birds.” —EMERSON. . THE MORSE COMPANY NEW YORK 1896 BOSTON Copyright, 1896, by THOMAS E. THOMPSON INTRODUCTION. Tuis Calendar is offered to students of Botany and Ornithology, as a most convenient means of recording their observations of nature, thereby familiarizing the names, both English and scientific, of Birds, Flowers, Trees and Shrubs; learning their habits, appearance, growth and development. The following page will show the intention of the Calendar, and if the record is carefully made each year for four years, as the spaces permit, a comparison from year to year must prove both interesting and instructive. AUTHOR. This Page shows method of using Calendar. NAME. JEGIS /EGO Skunk Cabbage, Maren 8 Feb, 4 Symplocarpus fatidus. Lawrenee Leomimeler Trailing Arbutus, Hiareh &* Ahitl /5 Epigaa repens. Gaidner /¥iUE | Werecater Innocence, pitt 23 hice 22 Houstonia coerulea. Leominster Fay IT Everlasting, Cpl oY pre 22 Antennaria plantaginifolia. Mierze Stolle Bloodroot, April 26 Abr 27 | Sanguinaria Canandensis. Twin-Leaf, Chul TO prt 30 Jeffersonia diphylia. Adama St Hepatica, Adult oO Aprrl Qe Hepatica triloba. Wellesley Wellealey Early Saxifrage, Ohi 29 Vay / Saxifraga Virginiensis. Qiehaid Jt Anemone, Aft 30 Abril 2¢ Anemone nemorosa. Sitehbarg Leominaler Leather- Leaf, Cassandra Calyculata. Downy Yellow Violet, Viola pubescens. | Winter-cress, Barbarea vulgaris Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Arisema triphyllum. Common Black Huckleberry, Gaylussacia resinosa. BIRDS NAME. LENGTH. Crow Blackbird, 12.50 Quiscalus quiscula. Rusty Blackbird, 9.55 Scolecophagus carolinus. Song Sparrow, 6.30 Melospiza fasciata. Red-winged Blackbird, 9.50 Agelaius pheniceus. Bluebird, 7. Sialia statis. Robin, 10. Merula migratoria. Phebe, q Sayornis phebe. American Woodcock, 11. Philoheta minor. Meadowlark, 10.75 Sturnelia magna. Cowbird, 7.90 Molothrus ater. Cedar-bird, 7.15 Ampelis cedrorum. Fox Sparrow, 7.25 Passerella tliaca. Wilson’s Snipe, 11.25 Gallinago delicata. Mourning Dove, 11.85 Zenaidura macroura. COLOR. Glossy black. Head and neck iridescent. Rusty black with metallic glints. Gray and brown, much streaked. Brown breastpin. Black. Scarlet shoulders. Bright blue. Chestnut breast. Olive gray. Chestnut breast. Olive brown. Yellowish white breast. Variegated brown, black and gray. Brown. Breast yellow with black crescent. Black. Head and neck brown. Grayish cinnamon. Tail with yellow band. Black mask. Ash, streaked with reddish brown, Dark brown, streaked and spotted with buff. Bluish fawn color. NAME. LENGTIL, Kingfisher, 13. Ceryle alcyon. Ficld Sparrow, 5.65 Spizella pusilla. Swamp Sparrow, 5.89 Melospiza georgiana. Flicker, 12. Colaptes auratus. Purple Finch, 6.22 Carpodacus purpureus. Great Blue Heron, 42.50 Ardea herodias. Vesper Sparrow, 6.10 Poocetes gramineus. Chipping Sparrow, 5.35 Spizella sociatis. Savanna Sparrow, 5.68 Ammodramus sandwichensis savanna. Myrtle Warbler, 5.65 : Dendroica coronata. ’ Tree Swallow, 5.90 Tachycineta bicolor. Hermit Thrush, 7.50 Turdus aonalaschke pallast. Yellow Palm Warbler, 5.40 Dendroica palmarum hypo- chrysea. Pine Warbler, Dendroica vigorsii. 5 52 COLOR. Ashy blue. Breast white with blue band. Brown, much streaked. Crown chestnut, bill red, wing bars. Brown, much streaked. Crown bay, breast gray. Golden brown. Breast ashy with black crescent. Brown, washed with rose red. Bluish slate. Below black and white streaked. Gray, streaked with brown. Outer tail feathers white. Like field sparrow, but bill black and white eye stripe. Yellow crown stripe. Breast whiter than other spar- rows. Slate. Throat and belly white. Yellow patch on crown, rump and sides. Steel blue. Underparts white. Olive brown, reddish on rump. Breast white spotted. Olive. Crown chestnut. Be low yellow. Chestnut streaks on sides. Yellow olive. Below yel- low. Sides streaked. or Wing bars. NAME. LENGTH. ‘| Barn Swallow, 6.95 Chelidon erythrogaster. Kentucky Warbler, 5.40 Geothlypis formosa. Louisiana Water- 6,28 Thrush, Seiurus motacilla. Yellow-bellied Wood- 8.55 pecker, Sphyrapicus varius. Cape May Warbler, 5. Dendroica tigrina. Green Heron, 17. Ardea virescens. Ruby-crowned Kinglet, 4.40 Reguius Calendula. Whip-poor-will, 9.75 Antrostomus voctferus. Wohite-throated 6.75 | Sparrow, Zonotrichia albicollis. Chimney Swift, 5.40 Chetura pelagica. Spotted Sandpiper, 7.50, Actitis macularia. Least Flycatcher, 5.40 Empidonax minimus. thewink, 8.35 Pipilo erythrophthaimus. Eave Swallow, 6.01 Petrochelidon lunifrons. COLOR. Steel blue. Below chestnut. Olive green. Head and sides of throat black. Below yellow. ~ Olive. White eye line. Be- low cream white streaked. Black and white. Throat and crown red. Below greenish yellow. Green yellow streaked with black. White patch on wings, Dark green. Neck chestnut. White streaks on throat. Below ashy. Greenish olive. Below yellow gray. Scarlet | crown. ing bars. ~~ Black, gray and brown, ; much mottled. White band on neck. Back much striped. Breast gray. Throat white. Crown stripes. Sooty brown. Wings black. ° Brownish gray mottled. Below white, black spots. Olive gray. Below dull white. Wing bars. Eye ring. Black. _ Sides chestnut. Belly, wings and tail, patches white. Steel blue. Throat chestnut with white crescent. Below dusky white. NAME. LENGTH. Purple Martin, 8. Progne subis. Solitary Vireo, 5.60 Vireo solitarius. Black and White 5.30 Warbler, Mniotilta varia. Bank Swallow, 5.20 Clivicola riparia. Oven-bird, 6.15 Seturus aurocapitlus. Black-throated Green 5.10 Warbler, Dendroica virens. Brown Thrasher, 11.40 Harporhynchus rufus. a House Wren, Troglodytes aedon. | Catbird, 8.90 Galeoscoptes carolinensis. Wood Thrush, 8.25 Turdus mustelinus. | Black-billed Cuckoo, 11 80 Coecyzus erythropthalmus. Yellow-billed Cuckoo, 11.80 Coccyzus americanus. Solitary Sand piper,. 8.40 Totanus solitarius. Nighthawk, 10. Chordeiles virginianus. COLOR. | Shining blue-black. Olive green. Head blue- gray. Belowashy. Eye ring, Wing bars. Black and white striped. Back and breast band brownish gray. Below. white. ; Olive green. Below white with dark dark spots. Orange crown patch. Eye ring. Light yellow-green. Upper breast black. Below white, sides streaked. Light reddish brown. Below ‘white with brown spots. Mottled brown. Slate color. Crown and tail black. Tawny brown, reddest on head. Below white. Sides spotted. Olive gray. Below white. Bill black. Olive gray. Below white. Lower mandible yellow. Brownish grey with white spots. reast white, streaked. Dusky mottled. V-shaped white spot on throat. - White wing patch. NAME. LENGTH. Great Crested Fly- 9. catcher, Myiarchus crinitus. Kingbird, 8.50 Tyrannus tyrannus. Ruby-throated Hum- 3.75 ming-bird, Trochilus colubris. Baltimore Oriole, 7.50 | Icterus galbula. Orchard Oriole, 7.30 Icterus spurius. Grasshopper Sparrow, 5.85 Ammod: 8 sa arum passerinus. Scarlet Tanager, 7 25 Piranga erythrometas. Indigo-bird, 5.55 Passerina cyanea. Rose-breasted Grosbeak, 8.10 Habia ludoviciana. Bobolink, 7.55 Delichonyz oryzivorus. White-eyed Vireo, 5.25 Vireo noveboracensis. Red-eyed Vireo, 6.20 Vireo olivaceus. Yellow-throated Vireo, 5.95 Vireo flavifrons. Warbling Vireo, 5.80 Vireo gilous. 10 COLOR. Grayish olive. Throat gray. Below sulphur yellow. Dark ash. Below white. White band on tail. Metallic green, Throat ruby red. Below gray. Bright orange. Black head and wings. ; Chestnut brown. Head and wings black. Wing bars. Brown much streaked. Shoulders, crown stripe, and line over eye, yellow. Scarlet. Wings and tail black. Metallic green-blue. Black with white marks. Below white.’ Rose red spot on breast. Back of neck buff. Rump white. Other parts black. Olive green. Below white. Sides yellow. Eyes white. Eye ring. Wing bars. Olive green. Below white. Iris red. White line over eye. Olive green. Breast yellow. Eye ring. Wing bars. Pale olive green. Dusky line over eye. Below yellowish white. 11 NAME, LENGTH, Yellow Warbler, 5.10 Dendroica estiva. Parula Warbler, 4.70 Compsothiypis americana. Magnolia Warbler, 5.10 Dendroica macutosa. Prairie Warbler, 4.75 Dendroica discolor. Chestnut-sided War- 5.10 bler, Dendroica pensyloanica. Nashville Warbler, 4.77 Heiminthophila ruficapitia. Black-throated Blue 5.25 Warbler, Dendrotca cwrulescens. Small-billed Water 6.04 Thrush, Seturus noveboracensis. Maryland Yellow- 5.30 throat, Geothlypis trichas. Redstart, 5.40 Setophaga ruticiila. Yellow-breasted Chat, 7.50 LIeteria virens. Veery, 7.50 Turdus fuscescens. Wood Pewee, hs Contopus virens. Yellow-bellied Fly- 5.60 catcher, Eimpidonaa flaviventris. 12 COLOR. Yellow. Wings and tail dusky. Gray blue. Breast yellow with brown band. Wing bars and tail patches. Body yellow. Back olive. Breast streaked. Wing and tail patches. Olive green. Below yellow. Sides streaked with black. Tail patches. Back streaked. Breast white. Sides chestnut. Crown yellow. Olive green. Head ashy. Below yellow. Gray blue. Throat and sides black. Belly white. Wing patches. Olive brown. Below yellow, heavily streaked. Eye line. Olive. Forehead and cheeks black. Below yellow. Blue black. Sides, band on wings and wing linings, orange. Olive green. Breast bright yellow. Line above eye white. Uniform tawny brown. Below buffy, indistinctly spotted. Dull olive brown. Below dingy yellowish white. Dark olive green. Belly yellow. HEyering. Wing | bars. 13 NAME. LENGTH Acadian Flycatcher, 5.75 Eimpidonax virescens. Hooded Warbler, 5.65 Sylvania mitrata. Golden-winged War- 5.10 er, Heiminthophila chrysoptera. Worm-eating Warbler, 4.85 Helmitherus vermivorus. Blackburnian Warbler, 5.25 Dendroica blackburnia. Bay breasted Warbler, 5.60 Dendroica castanea. Least Sandpiper, 6. Tringa minutilla. Black-poll Warbler, 5.50 Dendroica striata. Canadian Warbler, 5.61 Sylvania canadensis. Wilson’s Warbler, 5. Sylvania pusilla. Short-billed Marsh 4. Wren, Cistothorus stellaris. Long-billed Marsh 5.20 Wren, Cistothorus palustris. Olive-backed Thrush, 7.17 Turdus ustulatus swainsonit. Red-headed Wood- 9.75 pecker, Melanerpes erythrocephalus. 14 COLOR. Like preceding, but brighter. Throat white. Rich olive. Face and under parts yellow. Black hood. Blue gray. Throat black. Below ash. Crown and wing patch. Greenish olive. Below buffy. Stripe back of eye. Black with white markings. Crown stripes and breast orange. Back streaked. Head black. Breast chestnut. Wing bars and tail patches. Dark brown. Below grayish white. Neck spotted. Darkish streaked. Black cap. Breast white streaked. Wings barred. Ashy blue. Below yellow. Necklace of black spots. Olive yellow. Black cap. Below rich yellow. Line over eye. Mottled Brown. Below white. Wing bars. Line over eyes. ; Like preceding. Olive brown. Breast gray with dusky spots. Black. Head and neck crimson. Rump, band on wings and belly, white. 15 NAME. LENGTH. Redpoll, 5.32 Acanthis linaria. Junco, 6.25 Junco hyemalis. Pine Grosbeak, 9.08 Pinicola enucleator. Butcher-bird, 10. Lanius borealis. Snow Bunting, 6.90 Plectrophenax nivalis. Pine Finch, 4.95 Spinus pinus. American Goldfinch, 5.10 Spinus tristis. Chickadee, §.25 Parus atricapilius. Blue Jay, 11.75 Cyanocitta cristata. White-breasted Nut- 6. hatch, Sitta carolinensis. Red-breasted Nuthatch, 4.62 Sitta canadensis. Partridge, 17. Bonasa wmbellus. Quail, 10. Colinus virginianus. Acadian Owl, 8. Nyctala acadica. 16 COLOR. Dusky. Crown, breast and rump washed with crimson. Wing bars. Slate color. Belly and outer tail feathers white. Blue gray washed with rose red. Blue ay white mark- ings. Dark line on breast. White. Brown streaks on back and wings. Olive brown and gray striped. Lighter below. Wing bars. Yellow. Crown, wings and tail black. Ashy. Crown and throat black. Cheeks and under parts rusty white. Gray blue. Neck with black band. Below white. Wings and tail with white marks. Gray blue. Head black. Below white. Wings and tail with white marks. Like preceding, except breast rust red. Variegated chestnut much barred. Reddish brown flecked with black and white. Brown streaked and spotted with white. 17 NAME. LENGTH. Great-horned Owl, 21.45 Bubo virginianus. Screech Owl, 9.40 Megascops asio. Hairy Woodpecker, 9.40 Dryobates villosus. Downy Woodpecker, 6.38 Dryobates pubescens. Crow, 19.30 Corvus americanus. American Crossbill, 6.20 Loxia curvirostra minor. Tree Sparrow, 6.36 Spizella monticola. Brown Creeper, 5.66 Certhia familiaris ameri- cana. American Herring 24. Gull, Larus argentatus. 18 COLOR. Like preceding, but with long ear tufts. Like preceding, but with small ear tufts. Black and white. Scarlet crown patch. Outer tail feathers white. Like preceding, but with outer tail feathers barred. Black. Dull-brick red mottled. _ Wings and tail brown. Like chipping sparrow, with brown spot on breast. Brown and ashy striped. Below grayish white. Light gray. Tailand under parts white. FLOWERS NAME, Skunk Cabbage, Symplocarpus fetidus. Trailing Arbutus, Hpigea repens. Innocence, TIoustonia cerulea. Plantain-leaved Everlasting, Antennaria plantaginifolia. Bloodroot, . Sanguinaria Canadensis. Twin-leaf, Jeffersonia diphylla. Hepatica, Hepatica triloba. Early Saxifrage, Sazifraga Virginiensis. Anemone, Anemone nemorosa. Leather-leaf, Cassandra Calyculata. Round-leaved Violet, Viola rotundifolia. Spring-cress, Cardamine rhomboidea. Chickweed, Stellaria media. Spring Beauty, Claytonia Virginica. 22 COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Arum. Pink. Heath. White. Madder. Went Composite. White. Poppy. White. Barberry. White. Saxifrage. White. Crowfoot. White. Heath. ‘Yellow. Violet. White. Mustard. Pink. Pink. Pale pink. Water-wort. 28 NAME, Dog’s Tooth Violet, Erythronium Americanwum. Dutchman’s Breeches, Dicentra Cucullaria. Arrow-leaved Violet, Viola sagittata. Wild Phlox, Phlox divaricata. Dandelion, Taraxacum officinale. Pyxie, Pyzxidanthera barbulata. Dog Violet, Viola canina. Shepherd’s Purse, Capsella Bursa-pastoris. Strawberry, Fragaria Virginiana. Mouse-ear Chickweed, Cerastium vulgatum. Marsh Marigold, Caltha palustris. Whitlow-grass, Draba Verna. Cinquefoil, Potentilia Canadensis. Sweet White Violet, Viola blanda. 24 COLOR. FAMILY, Light and russet Lily. yellow. Wer eee Fumitory. Violet. Violet. Blue lilac. Polemonium. Yellow. Composite. beg Heath. Light purple. | Violet. White. Mustard. White. Rose. Pink. Pink. eo Crowfoot. White. Mustard. Yellow. Rose. White. Violet. 25 NAME. Ground-nut, Aralia trifolia. -| Rue Anemone, Anemonella thalictroides. Blue Violet, Viola palmata. Larger White Trillium, Trillium grandiflorum. Purple Trillium, Trillium erectum. Wild Oats, Oakesia sessilifolia. Bird-foot Violet, Viola pedata. Blue Cohosh. Caulophyllum thalictrotdes, Downy Yellow Violet, Viola pubesceps. Winter-cress, Barbarea vulgaris. Jack-in-the-Pulpit, Arisema triphyllum. Common Black Huckle- berry, Gaylussacta resinosa. Thyme-leaved Speedwell, Veronica serpyllifolia. Painted Trillium, Trillium erythrocarpum. 26 COLOR. FAMILY. White and : greenish, Dogwood. White. Crowfoot. Purple. Violet. White. Lily. Dull red- : brown. Lily. Cream color, | Lily. Light and : dark Violet. purple. Yellow green.) Barberry. Yellow. Violet. Yellow. Mustard. Green and purple Arum. brown. White and reddish, | Heath. White or * ; pale blue. Figwort. White and ‘i vad. Lily. a7 NAME. Barberry, Berberis vulgaris. Three-leaved Gold-thread, Captis trifolia. Crinkle-root, Dentaria diphylia. Early Meadow Rue, Thalictrum dioicum. Celandine Poppy, Stylophorum diphylium. Early Buttercup, Ranunculus fascicularis. Small-flowered Buttercup, Ranunculus abortivus. Bulbous Buttercup, Ranunculus bulbosus. Tall Buttercup, Ranunculus acris. Buttercup, Ranunculus septentrionalis. Showy Orchis, Orchis spectadilis. Leucothoe, Leuocthoe racemosa. Wild Ginger, Asarum Canadense. White Avens, Geum album. 28 COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Barberry. White. Crowfoot. White. Mustard. Bele Crowfoot. Yellow. Poppy. Yellow. Crowfoot. Yellow. Crowfoot. Yellow. .Crowfoot. Yellow. Crowfoot. Yellow. Cem Pinkand | Orchis. White. Heath. sire eas Birthwort. White. Rose. 29 NAME. Common Horsetail, Hquisetum arvense. Stagger Bush, Andromeda Mariana. Long-Fruited Anemone, Anemone cylindrica. Wild Columbine, Aquilegia Canadensis: Bearberry, Arctostaphylos Uva-urst. Dangleberry, Gaylussacia frondosa. Sheep Sorrel, Rumex Acetoselia. Alum Root, Heuchera Americana. Meadow Parsnip, Thaspium aureum. Alternate-leaved Dogwood, Cornus alternifolia. Lance-leaved Violet, Viola lanceolata. Rock Cress, Arabis hirsuta. Fringed Polygala, Polygala paucifolia. Beach Pea, Lathyrus maritimus. 30 COLOR. FAMILY. Horsetail. Pinky white. | Heath. Greapisls Crowfoot. ne Crowfoot. Whitish. Heath. White. Heath. Buckwheat. een Saxifrage. Yellow. Parsley. White. Dogwood. White and | vio, oa Mustard. Pink purple. | Polygala. Purple. Pulse. 31 NAME Nodding Trillium, Trillium cernuum. Common Lousewort, Pedicularis Canadensis. Yellow Sweet Clover, Melilotus officinatis. Twisted Stalk, Streptopus roseus. Moonseed, | Menispermum Canadense. Solomon’s Seal, Polygonatum biflorum. Blue Vetch, Vicia Cracca. Robin’s Plantain, Erigeron bellidifolius. Sundrops, @nothera fruticosa. Bellwort, Uvularia perfoliata. Poverty-grass, Hudsonia tomentosa. Swamp Saxifrage, Saaifraga Pennsyloanica, Green Dragon, Arisema Dracontium. Water Avens, Geum Rivale. 82 COLOR. FAMILY. White. Lily. Purplish red 2 and yellow. Figwort. ‘Yellow. Pulse. Purplish : Pink. Lily. White. Moonseed. Cream White.) Lily. Violet. Vervain. Bluish and ; velloe. Composite. Evening Bale Primrose. Cream color. | Lily.: Yellow. Rock Rose. Greenish : pao hee Saxifrage. | Green. Arum. Purplish. Rose. 33 NAME, Yellow Wood Sorrel, Oxalis stricta. Celandine, Chelidonium majus. Violet Wood Sorrel, Oxalis violacea. Wild Sarsaparilla, Aralia nudicaulis. Venus’s Looking- glass, Specularia perfoliata. Wild Cranesbill, Geranium maculatum. Canada Violet, Viola Canadensis. False Solomon’s Seal, Smilacina racemosa. Early Meadow Parsnip, Zizia aurea. Lousewort, Pedicularis Canadensis. Maianthemum Canadensis. _| Pink Azalea, Rhododendron nudiflorum. Red Baneberry, Actea rubra. White Baneberry, Actea alba. False Spikenard, Smilacina racemosa. COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Geranium. Yellow. Poppy. Violet. Geranium. ween Ginseng. Blue. Campanula. Pink Purple. | Geranium. White an qd Violet. oe | | Yellow. Parsley. Yellow. Figwort. Pink. Heath. White. wrest White. Crowfoot. See | ty 35 NAME. Hooked Crowfoot, Ranunculus recurvatus. Small Bitter Cress, Cardamine hirsuta. Wild Pink, Silene Pennsyloanica. Yellow Lady’s Slipper, | Cypripedium pubescens. Purple Clematis, Qhematis verticillaris. Star of Bethlehem, Ornithogalum umbellatum. Horse Radish, Nasturtium Armoracia. Coral-root, Corallorhiza innata. Wild Comfrey, Cynoglossum Virginicum. Mitre-wort, Mitella diphytia. Trumpet Honeysuckle, Lonicera sempervirens. False Mitre-wort, Tiareila cordifolia. American Woodbine, Lonicera grata. Andromeda, Andromeda polifolia. 36 COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Crowfoot. White. Mustard. Pink. Pink. Yellow. Orchis. Light purple. | Crowfoot. White. Lily. White. Mustard. ses Orchis. Blue. Borage. r White. | Orpine. eon) | Honeysuckle. White. Saxifrage. Yellowish. Honeysuckle. White or Heath. 37 pinkish. NAME. Buckbean, Menyanthes trifoliata. Alsation Clover, Trifolium hybridum. Spiderwort, Tradescantia Virgini Labrador Tea, Ledum latifolium. Ground Ivy, Nepeta Glechoma. Water Horehound, Lycopus sinuatus. Early Fly Honeysuckle, Lonicera ciliata. Mountain Holly, Nemopanthes fascicularis. Creeping Snowberry, Chiogenes serpyllifolia. Dyer’s Green weed, Genista tinctoria. Golden Ragwort, Senecio aureus. Rattlebox, Crotalaria sagittalis. Bur-reed, Sparganium semplex. Star-flower, Trientalis Americana. 38 COLOR. FAMILY, beet Gentian. eres and | Pulse. Blue. Spiderwort. White. Heath. Violet. Mint. White. Mint. Greenish. Honeysuckle. White. Holly. White. Heath. Yellow. Pulse. orned Composite. Yellow. Pulse. ee dee White. Primrose. 39 NAME. Blue-eyed Grass, Sisyrinchium angustifolium. Poor Man’s Weather Glass, Anagallis arvensis. Clintonia, Clintonia borealis. Long Fruited Anemone, Anemone Pennsylvanica. Bastard Toad-flax, Comandra umbellata. Yellow Star-Grass, Hypoxis erecta. Wild Senna, Cassia Marilandica. Caraway, Carum Carut. . Coltsfoot, Tussilago Farfara. Climbing Bitter-sweet, Celastrus scandens. Sand Spurrey, Buda rubra. Field Chickweed, _Cerastium arvense. One flowered Cancer-root, Aphyllon uniflorum. Sweet Cicely, Osmorrhiza longistylis. 40 COLOR. FAMILY, Violet blue. | Amaryllis. Red. 7 | Primrose. oie ce dlr Crowfoot. see a Sandalwood. beet ihe Amarylilis. Yellow. Pulse. White. Parsley. Yellow. Composite. ities | Satu Reddish Pink. White. Pink. Pale purple. | Broom-rape. White. Parsley. 41 NAME. Stemless Lady’s Slipper, Cypripedium acaule. Wood Sorrel, Oualis Acetosella. Silvery Cinquefoil, Potentilia argentea. Black Mustard, Brassica nigra. Day Flower, Commelina Virginica. Scarlet Painted-cup, Castilleia coccinea. Climbing False Buckwheat, Polygonum scandens. White Clover, Trifolium repens. Shrubby Cinquefoil, Potentilia fruticosa Red Clover, Trifolium pratense. Wild Lupine, Lupinus perennis. Harebell, Campanula rotundifolia. Small Yellow Lady’s Slipper, Cypripedium parviflorum. Water Pimpernel, Samolus Valerandi. 42 COLOR. Greenish and FAMILY, purplish. Orehis, be and Geranium. Yellow. Rose. Yellow. Mustard, Blue. Spider-wort. Pale Yellow. | Figwort. are Buckwheat. White. Pulse. Yellow. Rose. Rose Red. Pulse. Blue. Pulse. Blue. Campanula. Yellow. Orchis. White. Primrose. 48 NAME. Wild Mint, Mentha Canadensis. Bunch. berry, Cornus Canadensis. Lizard’s Tail, Saururus cernuus. Common Mallow, Malva rotundifolia. High Mallow, Malva Sylvestris. Common Yarrow, Achillea Millefolium. Skull-cap, Scutellaria integrifolia. Water Cress, Nasturtium officinale. American Brooklime, Veronica Americana. Blue Flag, Iris Versicolor. Purple Avens, Geum rivale. Maple leaved Viburnum, Viburnum acerifolium. Indian Poke, Veratrum viride. Ox-eye Daisy, Chrysanthemum Leucanthe- 44 COLOR. FAMILY. Whitish. Mint. White. Dogwood. White. Pepper. Purplish. Mallow. es Om Mallow. White. Composite. Blue. Mint. White. Mustard. Blue. Figwort. | Violet blue. | Iris. 7 Purplish. Rose. White. Honeysuckle. a Greenish. Lily. we ie and Composite. 45 NAME. Mandrake, Podophyllum peltatum. Sweet Viburnum, Viburnum Lentago. Arethusa, Arethusa bulbosa. Carrion flower, Smilux herbacea. Bitter-sweet, Solanum Dulcamara. Pale Corydalis, Corydalis glauca. Indian Cucumber-root, Medeola Virginica. Water Starwort, Callitriche verna. Poison Ivy, Rhus Toxicodendron. Turk’s Cap Lily, Lilium Superbum. Cow-parsuip, Heracleum lanatum. Sweet-scented Bedstraw, Galium triflorum. Waterleaf, Hydrophyllum Virginicum. Frost weed, Helianthemum Canadense. 46 COLOR. FAMILY. Greenish aviite. Barberry. White. Honeysuckle. Magenta | Orchis. Greenish. Lily. Purple. Nightshade. Pink and : yellow. Fumitory. Greenish : yellow. Laity Water- milfoil. Greenish white. Cashew. Orange or : scarlet. peal Greenish. Parsley. Whitish or greenish. Madden White or purplish. Water-leaf. Yellow. Rockrose. 4 NAME, Spatter-Dock, Nuphar advena. Curled Dock, Rumex crispus. Wild Peppergrass, Lepidium Virginicum. Bladder Campion, Silene Cucubatus. Yellow Clover, Trifolium agrarium. Wild Balsam Apple, Echinocytis lobata. Rattlesnake-weed, HMieracium venosum. Marsh-Cress, Nasturtium palustre. Pitcher-Plant, Sarracenia purpurea. Golden Club, Orontium aquaticum Cow Wheat, Melampyrum Americanum. Water-Parsnip, Sium cicutefolium. Self-heal, Brunella vulgaris. Small Bedstraw, Galium trifidum. 48 COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Water Lily. Greenish. Buckwheat. Whitish. Mustard. White. Pink. Yellow. Pulse. meg Gour, i Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Mustard. ae Pitcher Plant. Yellow. Arum. ee Figwort. White. Parsley. Violet purple. | Mint. White. Madder. 49 NAME. Daisy Fleabane, Erigeron annuus. Blue Lobelia, Lobelia spicata. Alfalfa, Medicago sativa. Long-leaved Stitchwort, Stellaria longifolia. Loosestrife, Lysimachia quadrifolia. Lily-leaved Liparis, Liparis lilitfolia. Wild Garlic, Allium Canadense. Arrow-leaved Tear-thumb, Polygonum sagittatum. Spreading Dogbane, Apocynum androsemifolium. Tall Meadow Rue, Thalictrum polygamum. Wild Radish, Raphanus Raphanistrum. Twin flower, Linnea borealis. Wild Calla, Calla palustris. Blueweed, Echium vulgare. 50 COLOR. FAMILY. been Composite. Blue. Lobelia. Purple. Pulse. White. Pink. ; Yellow. Primrose. Purplish er) orci White. Lily. ae aoe Buckwheat. Pinky white. | Dogbane. a White. Crowfoot. vas Mustard. Pale pink i: Honeysuckle. White. Arum. Blue. Borage. 51 NAME, Forget-me-not, Myosotis taxa. Elliptical-leaved St. John’s- wort, Hypericum ellipticum. Small St. John’s-wort, Hypericum mutilum. Canadian St. John’s-wort, Hypericum Canadense. Common St. John’s-wort, Hypericum perforatum. Spotted St. John’s-wort, Hypericum maculatum. Marsh St. Joln’s-wort, Ellodes campanulata. Purple Fringed Orchis, Habenaria fimbriata. Pogonia, Pogonia ophioglossoides. Yellow Wood-Sorrel, Oxalis corinculata. Cone-Flower, Rudbeckia hirta. Common Greenbrier, Smilax rotundifolia. Field Mustard, Brassica sinapistrum Northern Starwort, Stellaria borealis. COLOR. FAMILY, Light blue. Borage. Yellow. Sed ebm Yellow. Bel aie: Yellow. ned chu’ Yellow. Sid ahn's Yellow. no ’s- Yellow. | yort. i; Purple. Orchis. 7 Pink. Orchis. 7] Yellow. Geranium: Yellow. | Composite. | Greenish. Lily. Yellow. Mustard. . White. Pink. 53 NAME, Four-leaved Milkweed, Asclepias quadrifolia. Hound’s Tongue, Cynoglossum officinale. Beard-Tongue, Pentstemon pubescens. Three-toothed Cinquefoil, Potentilla tridentata. Blue Toadflax, Linaria Canadensis. One-flowered Pyrola, Moneses grandiflora. Basil, Calamintha elinopodium. Meadow-sweet, Spirea salicifolia. Calopogon, Calopogon pulchellus. Hyssop, Hyssopus officinalis. Parsnip, Pastinaca sativa. Purple Milkweed, Asclepias pupurascens. May-weed, Anthemis Cotuta. Motherwort, Leonuris cardiaca. 54 COLOR. FAMILY. Pinkish. Milkweed. Purplish red. | Borage. Dull purple. | Figwort. ’ White. Rose. Pale blue. Figwort. White or rose.| Heath. aoe ; Mint. White. Rose. Pink purple. | Orchis, Purple blue. | Mint. Yellow. Parsley. Purple, Milkweed. be Composite. Pale purple. | Mint. 55 NAME. Mullein, Verbascum thapsus. Evening Primrose, GHnothera biennis. Fall Dandelion, Leontodon autumnalis. Cat-Tail, Typha latifolia. Great Willow-herb, Epilobium angustifolium. Poison Hemlock, Conium maculatum. Indian Hemp, Apocynum cannabinum. Chicory, Cichorium Intybus. Cranberry, Vaccinium macrocarpon. Touch-me-not, Impatiens pallida. Shin-leaf, Pyrola elliptica. Spurge, Euphorbia corollata. Enchanter’s Nightshade, Circea Alpina. Wild Morning Glory, Convoloulus Americanus. 56 | COLOR. FAMILY, | Yellow. Figwort. Evening Yellow. Primrose. Yellow. Composite. Brown. Cat-tail. Pale magenta, ving "| Primrose. White. Parsley. Greenish white. Dogbane. Violet blue. | Composite. Pink. Heath. i ae Geranium. Greenish white. Heath. White. Spurge. , Evening White. Primrose. Pink. Convolvulus. 57 NAME. Wintergreen, Pyrola rotundifolia, Great Lobelia, Lobelia syphititica. Nonesuch, Medicago lupulina. Partridge vine, Mitchella repens. Wild Bergamot, Monarda fistulosa. Water Pennywort, Hydrocotyle Americana. Rabbit-foot Clover, Trifolium arvense. Culver’s Root, Veronica Virginica. Marsh Speedwell, Veronica scutellata. Butter-and-Egygs, Linaria vulgaris. Oswego Tea, Monarda didyma. Purslane, Portulaca oleracea. Common Plantain, Plantago major. Night Flowering Campion. Silene noctiflora. 58 COLOR. FAMILY. Pink. Heath. Pale blue . violet. Lobelia. Yellow. Pulse. White or pinkish. Madder. Purple. Mint. White. Parsley. White and pink. Pulse. White. Figwort. Pale blue. Figwort. Yellow and : orange. Figwort. Red. Mint. Pale yellow. | Purslane. White. Plantain. Pale pink. Pink. 59 NAME. Yellow Loosestrife, Lysimachia stricta. White Azalea, Rhododendron viscosum. Wood Lily, Lilium Philadelphicum. Swamp Milkweed, Asclepias incarnata. Wild Carrot, Daucus Carota. Canada Thistle, Chicus arvensis. Common Thistle, Cnicus lanceolatus. Starry Campion, Silene Stellata. New Jersey Tea, Ceanothus Americanus. Skull-cap, Scutellaria galericulata. Virginian Anemone, Anemone Virginiana. Moss Polygala, Polygala cruciata. White-topped Aster, Seriococarpus conyzotdes. Wild Yellow Lily, Lilium Canadense. 60 COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Primrose. winiieh, Hemi ap and Lily. a mienae | White. Parsley. -_ Purple. Composite. Purple. Composite. White. Pink. White. Buckthorn. Blue. Mint. Greenish, Crowfoot. “4 pay Milkwort. Pale yellow. | Composite. 61 NAME, Northern White Orchis, Habenaria ditatata. Green Orchis, Habenaria virescens. White Fringed Orchis, Habenaria blephariglottis. Nettle, Ortica gracilis. Water-lily, Nymphea odorata. Black Cohosh, Cimicifuga racemosa. Checkerberry, Gaultheria procumbens. Adder’s Mouth, Microstylis ophioglossoides. Colic-root, Aletris farinosa. White Melilot, Melilotus alba. Polygala, ! Polygala sanguinea. Catnip, Nepeta Cataria. Pigweed, Chenopodium album. Mock Bishop-weed, Discopleura capiliacea. 62 COLOR. FAMILY. White. Orchis. Greenish. Orchis. White. Orchis. Greenish. Nettle. White. Water Lily. Crowfoot. White. White. Heath. Pale pink. Orchis, White. Bloodwort. White. Pulse, Purple. Polygala. White. Mint. Greenish. Goosefoot. White. Parsley. 63 NAME. Wild Lettuce, Lactuca Canadensis. Water Hemlock, Cicuta maculata. One-seeded Bur-cucumber, Sicyos angulatus. Butterfly-weed, Ascelepias tuberosa. Pickerel-weed, Pontedaria cordata. European Hawkweed, Meracium aurantiacum. Sundew, Drosera rotundifolia. White Vervain, Verbena urticafolia. Ragged Fringed Orchis, Habenaria lacera. Touch-me-not, Impatiens fulva. Virginia Creeper, Ampelopsis quinquefolia. Rough Bedstraw, Galium asprellum. Monkey-flower, Mimulus ringens. Beech drops, Epiphegus virginiana. 64 COLOR. FAMILY. Pale yellow. | Composite. White. Parsley. Greenish | Gourd. Red orange. | Milkweed. Blue. eo Orange red. | Composite. White. Sundew. White. Verbena. Greenish. Orchis, Sos Geranium. Greenish. Vine. White. Madder. ; Violet. | Figwort. sie ee Broom-Rape. NAME. Bladderwort, Utricularia vulgaris. Agrimony, Agrimonia, Zupatoria. Partridge-pea, Cassia Chamecrista. Wild Indigo, Baptisia tinctoria. Soapwort, Saponaria officinalis. Golden Aster, Chrysopsis Mariana. Golden-rod, Solidago arguta. Golden Aster, Chrysopsis falcata. Dusty Golden-rod, Solidago nemoralis. Golden-rod, Solidago lanceolata. Golden-rod, Solidago sempervirens. Golden-rod, Solidago rugosa. White Golden-rod, Solidago bicolor. Golden-rod, Solidago Canadensis. 66 COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Bladderwort. Yellow. Rose. Yellow. Pulse. Yellow. Pulse. Pale mage | Pink, Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Composite. Whitish. Composite. 7 Yellow. Composite. 67 NAME, Sweet Golden-rod, Solidago odorata, Blue-stemmed Golden-rod, Solidago cvesia. White Aster, Aster evicoides. Hardhack, Spirea tomentosa. Lopseed, Phryma leptostachya. Nightshade, Solanum Duleamara. Elecampane, Inula Heleniwm. Virgin’s Bower, Clematis Virginiana. Pipsissewa, Chimaphila umbellata. Spotted Wintergreen, Chimaphila maculata. Deptford Pink, Dianthus Armeria. Button-bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis. Pigeon-berry, Phytolacca decandra. Knotweed, Polygonum aviculare. 68 ‘ COLOR, FAMILY. - - Yellow. Composite. : : Yellow. Comz osite. be ke Composite. _ Pink. Rose. Pinkish. Vervain. Purple. Nightshade. Yellow. Composite. eet Crow foot. : Flesh color. | Heath Flesh color. | Heath. Pink. Pink. White. Madder. White. Pokeweed. White. Buckwheat. 69 ’ NAME, Ground-nut, Apios tuberosa. Tick-trefoil, Desmodium Canadense. Milkwort, Polygala sanguinea. “Great Laurel, Rhododendron maximum. Indian Pipe, Monotropa uniflora. Narrow-leaved Sundew, Drosera Americana. Water-Shield, Brasenia peltata. Arrow Arum, Peltandra undulata. Tick Trefoil, Desmodium acuminatum. Meadow-beauty, Rhexia Virginica. False Pimpernel, Llysanthes riparia. Common Hop, Humulus Lupulus. | Moth Mullein, Verbascum Blattaria. Sweet Flag, Acorus Calamus. 70 COLOR. FAMILY, White and Ginseng, si Pulse. ae Milkwort. Rae ane | Heat str Heath. White. Sundew. Purplish. Water Lily. Arum. se Pulse. ee Melastoma. Purplish. Figwort. Greenish. Nettle. veo a Figwort. poe Arum. 71 NAME. Frost Grape, Vites cordifolia Common Speedwell, Veronica officinalis. Sickle-pod, Rock Cress, Arabis Canadensis. Fumitory, Fumaria officinalis. Field Avens, Geum Strictum. Knawel, Scleranthus annuus. White Water Crowfoot, Ranunculus aquatilis. Purple-flowering Raspberry, Rubus odoratus. Herb Robert, Geranium Robertianum. Burdock, Arctium Lappa. Iron-weed, Vernonia Noveboracensis. Hedge Bindweed, Calystegia sepium. Sunflower, Helianthus strumosus. Wild Sunflower, Helianthus divaricatus. 2 COLOR. FAMILY. Greenish. Vine. Blue. Figwort. Whitish. Mustard. Pink. Fumitory. Yellow. Rose. Greenish. Pink. White. Crowfoot. Purplish Rose pink. : Purp lish Geranium. pink. Magenta Composite. purple. Crimson Composite. magenta. Pinky white. | Convolvulus. Yellow. Composite. Yellow. Composite. 73 NAME. Wid Sunflower, Helianthus giganteus. Yellow Fringed Orchis, Habenaria ciliaris. Downy False Foxglove, Gerardia flava.. Hairy Willow-herb, Epilobium hirsutum. Horseweed, Hrigeron Canadense. Rattlesnake root, Prenanthes alba. Water-plantain, Alisma Plantago. Joe-Pye-weed, Hupatorium purpureum. Thoroughwort, Hupatorium perfoliatum. Tansy, Tanacetum vulgare. Amaranth, Amarantus retroflecus. Tumble Weed, Amarantus albus. Smartweed or Water Pepper, Polygonum Hydropiperoides. Common Wild Parsnip, Pastinaca sativa. 74 COLOR. FAMILY, Yellow. Composite. Orange. Orchis. Yellow. Figwort, Pink. gone Whitish. Composite. White. Composite. White: a ee Flesh color. | Composite. Dull white. Composite. Deep yellow. | Composite. Green. Amaranth. Green. Amaranth. White. Buckwheat. White. Parsley. 75 NAME. Dodder, Cusenta Gronovit. European Bell Flower, Cumpunula rapunculotdes. Slender Gerardia, Gerardia tenutfolia. Cardinal-flower, Lobelia cardinatis, Swamp Mallow, Hibiscus Moscheutos. Purple Loosestrife, Lythrum Salicaria, Spearmint, Mentha viridis. False Dragon’s-head, Physostegia Virginiana. Goose-grass, Galium Aparine. Indian Tobacco, Lobelia inflata. Sea Lavender, Statice Caroliniana. Mad-dog Skull-cap, Scutellaria lateriflora. Pearly Everlasting, Anaphilis margaritacea. Climbing Hemp-weed, Mikania scandens. 76 COLOR. FAMILY, White. Convolvulus. Blue. Campanula. en Figwort. Deep scarlet. | Lobelia. Pink. Mallow. dae Loosestrife. Perey, | Mint Pink. Mint. White. Madder. Pale blue. Lobelia. Pale lilac. Leadwort. Violet. Mint. Pearly white. | Composite. Flesh color. | Composite. 77 NAME, Sweet Pepperbush, Clethra alnifolia. Pink Knotweed, Polygonum Pennsyloanicum. Roman Wormwood, Ambrosia artemisiafolia. Sea Pink, Sabbatia stellaris. Tall White Aster, Aster Umbellatus. Small Ladies’ Tresses, Spiranthes gracilis. Arrow-head, Sagittaria variabilis. Rattlesnake-Plantain, Goodyera pubescens. Ditch-stonecrop, Penthorum sedoides. Three-seeded Mercury, Acalypha Virginica. Bush Clover, Lespedeza capitata. Pennyroyal, Hedeoma pulegioides. Tick-trefoil, Desmodium ciliare. Hawkweed, Heeracium scabrum. COLOR. FAMILY. White. Heath. Magenta pink.| Buckwheat. Greenish. Composite. Pink. Gentian. White. Composite. White. Orchis. we, | PE ate om Orchis. oe Orpine. Purplish. Spurge. i Pulse. Purplish. Mint. Purplish. Pulse. Yellow. Composite. 79 NAME. Foxglove, Gerardia pediculata. Purple Gerardia, Gerardia purpurea. Halberd-leaved Tear-thumb, Polygonum artfolium. Blue Curls, Trichostema dichotomum. Hog Pea-nut, Amphicarpea monoica. Spikenard, Aralia racemosa. Small Willow-herb, Epilobium coloratum. Heart Leaved Aster, Aster cordifolius. Red Stemmed Aster, Aster puniceus. Wax-weed, Cuphea viscosissima. Turtle-head, Chelone glabra. Low Cudweed, Gnaphalium uliginosum. Smooth False Foxglove, Gerardia queretfolia. Common Dittany, Cunila Mariana. 80 COLOR. FAMILY. Yellow. Figwort. Purple. Figwort. White. Buckwheat. i as Trichostema. Purplish. Pulse. oe Dogwood. Pale pink. | Prguing, Pale blue. Composite. oe Composite. Purplish Loosestrife. pink. ser Figwort. Whitish. Composite. Yellow. Figwort. Purple and | wring. white. 81 NAME. Spreading Aster, Aster patens. New England Aster, Aster Nove Anglia. Stone-root, Collinsonia Oanadensis. Cancer-root, Epiphegus Virginiana. White Snakeroot, Hupatorium ageratoides. Tick Trefoil, Desmodium nudiflorum. Bush Clover, Lespedeza procumbens. Bush Clover, Lespedeza reticulata. Basil, Pycnanthemum lanceolatum. Basil, Pycnanthemum linifolium. Water-Marigold, Bidens Beckii. Swamp Sunflower, Helenium autumnale. Common Beggar-ticks, Bidens frondosa. Pine Sap, Monotropa Hypopitys. COLOR. FAMILY. Purple. Composite. Purple. Composite. Yellow. Mint. Pupil Broom rape. White. Composite. Purplish pink. Pulse. Purplish : pink. Pulse. oa Pulse. Whitish and F purple. Mint. Whitish and Mint purple. : Ses fF : Yellow. | Composite. ——* | | Yellow. Composite. Brownish Ee yellow. | Composite. Reddish or | proaty. whitish 83 NAME, Coral-rooit; Corallorhiza multifiora. Five-flowered Gentian, Gentiana quingueflora. Swamp Begear-ticks, Bidens Connata. Blazing Star, Liatris scariosa. Corymbed Aster, Aster corymbosus. Many Flowered Aster, Aster multifiorus. Grass of Parnassus, Parnassia Caroliniana. Mermaid-weed, Proserpinaca palustris, Ladies’ Tresses, Spiranthes cernua. Closed Gentian, Gentiana Andrewsii. Larger Bur-Marigold, Bidens chrysanthemoides. Bugle weed, Lycopus Virginicus Peppermint, Mentha piperita. Groundsel Tree, Baccharis hatimifolia. 84 COLOR. FAMILY. Purplish Ewe birewil. Orchis. Pale blue. Gentian. Yellow. Composite. Magenta : . paunle, Composite. Purple. Composite. White. Composite. White. Saxifrage. Water Milfoil. White. Orchis. White and j pale blue. Gentian. Yellow. Composite. White Mint. Purple or ; whitish. Mint. White. Composite. 85 x NAME. Thorn-apple, Datura Stramonium. Ground Cherry, Physatis Virginiana. Sand Knotweed, Polygonella articuluta. Fireweed, Hrechtites hieractfolia. Amphibious Knotweed, Potygonum amphibium. Fringed Gentian, Gentiana crinita, Witch-hazel, Hamamelis Virginana. Gvoat’s Beard, Tragopogon pratensis. Milk Weed, Green Flowering Asclepias Verticillata. 86 COLOR. FAMILY. White. Nightshade. aa Nightshade. Pink. Buckwheat. White. Composite. Pink. Buckwheat. Blue. Gentian. Light yellow. | Witch Hazel. Yellow. Composite. ice Milkweed. 87 TREES ® SHRUBS 89 NAME. Alder, Green, Alnus viridis. Alder, Smooth, Alnus serrulata. Alder, Speckled, Alnus incana. Andromeda, Marsh, Andromeda polifolia. Andromeda, Privet, Andromeda ligustrina. Arrow-wood, Viburnum dentatum. Arrow-wood, Downey, Viburnum pubescens. Arrow-wood, Maple-leaved, Viburnum acertfolium. Arbor Vite, Thuja occidentalis. Ash, Prickly, Xanthozylum Americanum. Ash, Black, Frazinus Sambucifolia. Aspen, Large-toothed, Populus granidentata. Ash, Green, Frazinus viridis. Ash, White, Fraxinus Americana. 90 91 NAME, Ash, Mountain, Pyrus Americana. Ash, Red, Fraxinus pubescens. Balm of Gilead, Populus balsamifera. Balsam, Fir, Abies balsamea. Barberry, Berberis vulgaris. Basswood, Tilia Americana. Bay, Sweet, Magnolia glauca. Bayberry, Myrica cerifera. Beech, Fagus ferruginea. Birch, White, Betula alba var. populifolia. Birch, Paper, Betula papyrifera, Birch, Red, Betula nigra. Birch, Yellow, Betula lutea. Birch, Black, Betula lenta. 92 93 NAME. Birch, Low, Betula pumila. Birch, Dwarf, Betula, glandulosa. Bitter-nut, Carya minima. Blackberry, High, Rubus villosus. Black Jack, Quercus nigra. Blueberry, Dwarf, Vaccinium Pennsylvanicum. Blueberry, Low, Vaccinium vacillans. Blueberry, Common, Vaccinium corymbosum. Burning-bush, Euonymus atropurpureus. Button-bush, Cephalanthus occidentalis. Buttonwood, Platanus occidentalis. Butternut, Juglans cinerea. Cedar, White, Chamecyparis spheroides. Cedar, Red, Juniperus Virginiana. 94 9 NAME. Cherry, Wild Black, Prunus serotina. Cherry, Wild I’ed, Prunus Pennsylvanica. Cherry, Dwarf, Prunus pumila. Chestnut, Castanea sativa. Chokeberry, Pyrus arbuttfolia. Choke-cherry, Prunus Virginiana. Chinquapin, Castanea pumila. Cornel, Alternate-leaved, Cornus alternifolia. Cornel, Flowering, Cornus florida. Cottonwood, Populus monilifera. Crab-apple, Pyrus coronaria. Cranberry, Bush, Vaccinium macrocarpon. | Currant, Wild Black, Rives floridum. Dangleberry, Gaylussacia frondosa. 96 97 NAME. Dockmackie, Viburnum acerifolium. Dogwood, Round-leaved, Cornus circinata. Dogwood, Silky, Cornus sericea. Dogwood, Rough, Cornus aspertfolia. Dogwood, Red-osier, Cornus stolonifera. Dogwood, Panicled, Cornus paniculata. Dogwood, Alternate-leaved, Cornus alternifolia. Elder, Common, Sambucus Canadensis. Elder, Red-berried, Sambucus racemosa. Elder, Marsh, Iva frutescens. Elm, White, Uimus Americana. Elm, Corky White, Ulmus racemosa. Elm, Slippery, Ulimus fulva, Gooseberry, Wild, _ Ribes oxyacanthoides. 98 99 NAME, Gooseberry, Swamp, Ribes lacustre. Groundsel Tree, Baccharis halimifolia. Gum, Sour, Nyssa muttifiora. Gum, Sweet, Liquidambar styracifiua. Hackberry, Celtis occidentalis. Haw, Black, Viburnum prunifolium. Hazel-nut, Wild, Corylus Americana. Hazel-nut, Beaked, Corylus rostrata. Hemlock, Tsuga Canadensis. Hobble-bush, Viburnum lantanoides. Holly, American, Ibex opaca. Holly, Mountain, Nemopanthes fascicularis. Honeysuckle, Fly, Lonicera ciliata. Honeysuckle, Bush, Diervilla trifida. 100 101 NAME. Honeysuckle, Mountain, Fly, Lonicera cerulea, Honeysuckle, Swamp, Fly, Lonicera oblongifolia. Hop-Hornbeam, Ostrya Virginica. Hop-tree, Ptelea trifoliata. Hornbeam, Carpinus Americana. Horse-chestnut, 4isculus Hippocastanum. Huckleberry, Common Black, Gaylussacia resinosa. Huckleberry, Dwarf, Gaylussacia dumosa. Huckleberry, Squaw, Vaccinium stamineum. Juniper, Prostrate, Juniperus Sabina. Juniper, Common, Juniperus communis. Larch, Lurtx Americana. Laurel, Mountain, Kalmia latifolia. Laurel, Sheep, Kalmia angustifolia. 102 103 NAME. Laurel, Pale, Kalmia glauca. Leatherwood, Divrea palustris. Leather-Leaf, Cassandra calyculata, Locust, Robinia pseudacacia. Locust, Honey, Gleditschia triacanthos. Maple, Striped, Acer Pennsyloanicum. Maple, Sugar, Acer saccharinum. Maple, Black, Acer saccharinum var. nigrum. Maple, Silver, Acer dasycarpum. Maple, Norway, Acer plantanoides. Maple, Ash-leaved, Negundo aceroides. Maple, Red, Acer rubrum. Mocker-nut, Carya tomentosa. Mulberry, Red, Morus rubra. 104 105 NAME. Oak, Black Scrub, Quercus ilicifolia. Oak, White, Quercus alba. Oak, Post, Quercus stellata. Oak, Bur, Quercus macrocarpa. Oak, Swamp White, Quercus bicolor. Oak, Chestnut, Quercus prinus. Oak, Yellow Chestnut, Quercus Muhlenbergit. Oak, Spanish, Quercus falcata. Oak, Scarlet, Quercus coccinea. Oak, Black, Quercus coccinea var. tinctoria. Oak, Red, Quercus rubra. Oak, Pin, Quercus palustris. Persimmon, Diospyros Virginiana. Pig-nut Carya porcina. 106 107 NAME. Pine Gray, Pinus Banksiana. Pine, Norway, Pinus resinosa. Pine, Yellow, Pinus mitis. Pine, Pitch, Pinus rigida. Pine, White, Pinus Strobus. Pink, Swamp, Azalea viscosa. Plum, Wild, Prunus Americana. Poplar, Downy-leaved, Populus heterophylia. Poplar, Balsam, Populus balsamifera. Poplar, Lombardy, Populus dilatata. Poplar, White, Populus alba. Raspberry, Purple Flower- ing, Rubus odoratus. Raspberry, Wild Red, Rubus strigosus. Raspberry, Black, | Rubus occidentalis. 108 109 NAME. Rhodora, Rhododendron Canadensis. Rose, Shining, Rosa lucida. Rose, Low, Rosa humilis. Rose, Wild, Rosa nitida. 4 Rose Swamp, Rosa Carolina. Rose, Early Wild, Rosa blanda. Rose Sweet-brier, Rosa rubiginosa. Sassafras, Sassafras officinale. Shad Bush, Amelanchier Canadensis. Shag-bark, Carya alba. Shepherdia, Shepherdia Canadensis. Snowberry, Symphoricarpus racemosus Spice bush, Lindera Benzoin. Spruce, White, Picea alba. 110 111 NAME. Spruce, Black, Picea nigra. Spruce, Norway, Picea excelsa. Sumach, Staghorn, Rhus typhina. Sumach, Smooth, Rhus glabra. Sumach, Dwarf, Rhus copallina. Sumach, Poison, Rhus venenata. Sweet Fern, Comptonia asplenifolia. Sweet Gale, Myrica gale. Tea, New Jersey, Ceanothus Americanus. Tea, Labrador, Ledum latifolium. Thorn, White, Crategus coccinea. Thorn, Black, Crategus tomentosa. Thorn, Common, Crategus punctata. Tulip-tree, Liriodendron Tulipifera. 112 113 NAME. Viburnum, Sweet, Viburnum Lentago. Walnut Black, Jugians nigra. Willow, White, Salia alba. Willow, Yellow, Saliz alba, var. vitellina. Willow, Weeping, Salix Babylonica. Willow, Black, Salix nigra, Willow, Scythe-leaved, Saliz nigra, var. falcata. Willow, Shining, Salia lucida. Willow, Long-beaked, Saliz rostrata. Willow, Long-leaved, Salia longifolia. Willow, Glaucus, Saliz discolor. Willow, Prairie, Salix humilis. Willow, Dwarf Gray, Salix tristis. Willow, Silky, Salia sericea. 114 115 NAME, Willow, Sage, Salix candida. Witch-Hazel, Hamamelis Virginiana. Withe-rod, Viburnum nudum. Yew, American, Taxus Canadensis. 116 117 INDEX. Finch. Purple Fire Bird. See Baltimore Oriole. Hhickels sos 130 seas Seer eee Flycatcher, Acadian....... Flycatcher, Great Crested. Flycatcher, Leas Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied. Goldfinch, American Grackle, Purple. See Crow Black- bird. Greenlet. See Vireo. Grosbeak, Rose-breasted Grosbeak, Pine : Es Hair Bird. See Chipping Spar: Heron, Great Blue.... Heron, Green..............--. Highhole. See Flicker. Humming Bird, Ruby-throated.... Indigo Bird Jay, Blue... Junco Kingbird BIRDS. PAGE.| PAGE, Bee Martin. See Kingbird.. ..... | Kinglet, Ruby-crowned............ 6 Blackbird, Crow .............. 2 Kingfis IDR Sco ce Shee deceit ans 4 Blackbird; Rusty ....... 2 | Linnet. See Pine Finch. Blackbird, Red-winged ... 2 | Martin, Purple............- Hoeihasakn sta 8 Bluebird. 32. siiecous wacens xs 2 | Meadow Lark...............00. eee 2 BODOLIMS sscoccreuce guaran test Od Wale ais tte eek 0 | Nighthawk ...... ....... cece eee eee 8 Bunting, Bay-winged. See Vesper Nuthatch, Red-breasted ..... 16 Sparrow. Nuthatch; White-breasted........ 16 Bunting, Snow............. .....-- 16 | Oriole, Baltimore..... ............ 10 Bunting, Yellow-winged. See Grass- Oriole, Orchard...... ............. 10 hopper Sparrow. OVER Bind iiss 2. cavities ae sarees veerawns 8 Bunting, Indigo. See Indigo Bird. Owl, Acadian................5.06. 16 Butcher Bird ............ 0.000 eens 16 Owl, Great-horned.. .............5 18 Satin’ oa. cess. io casigs 8 2, Owl, Sereéch aris so atene ns uaserss 18 Cedar Bird.... ... .. ...... Partridge wicks sea Mie ee PSE Sialciste Ne oxeesgtisjaie 16 Chat, Yellow-breasted Peabody Bird. See White-throated Cherry Bird. See Cedar Bird. Sparrow. ) (Che Wines. sccalerssnesiensaaes voces alters GB: | OB De esses ois -usiwrays sicheece posanaorciene ab ae 2 Chickadee otoss |b cen sa gay eee sane 16 | Pewee, Water. See Phoebe. ! Conney Br etae meauaitens” Reis 6 aii W00ds 005 saverecms ieee ow a2 y. See Chipping Sparrow. AMAR se aresertusope aeseiene: aye eetetine aerate eek | Gow Bt HE opine Yecncepasine toads ciasasednigts beste 2 | Reed Bird. See Bobolink. j~@hebec. See Least Flycatcher. PREG DOM es aisciscesacanatossecetesspa iene diseases 16 | QOreeper, Brown...............-.0+ FREGSGATE.. sssessie a ssoveisnn, ain shasesgiarase niererete 12 Crossbill, American .... TROD ID asec ccs ot sees joie ate see 2 | (CROW can saces sarees so aateity Robin, Golden. See Baltimore Cuckoo, Black-billed ..... Oriole. Cuckoo, Yellow-billed . Sandpiper, Least occ. concede i424 14 Dove, Mourning ........ Sandpiper, Solitary................ 8 Finch, Pine 6 Saves ee Spotted... ........... Sapsucker, Yellow- bellied. See Yellow-bellied Woodpecker Shrike, Northern. See Butcher Bird. Siskin, Pine. See Pine Finch. Snipe, Wilson’s Sparrow, Chi pps Sparrow, Fie Sparrow, FOX: 2... Sparrow, Grasshoppe Sparrow, Savanna. . Sparrow, Song.. Sparrow, Swamp Sparrow, Tree... | Sparrow, Vesper....... Sparrow, White-t , Swallow, Bank. | Swallow, Barn . Swallow, Eave. Swallow, Tree . | Swift, Chimney... Tanager, Scarlet’ Titmouse. See Chickadee. = = CAROMOWDMOAOAN HK OWA RW e 119 PAGE. Thistle Bird, See American Gold- finch. Warbler, Kentucky.......,........ Warbler, Magnolia ... Allspice, Wild. ALO RO OG eseisicssssse six ssibessuonepeis eats ese Amaranth . Andromeda. Anemone Anemone, Rue...............60055 Anemone, Virginian Anemone, Long-fruited ... Arbutus, Trailing PCCD USS: —ccscsccossgs sds diciasasbiaic\anaitan’sveheos Arrow Arum.. Arrow-head............. .2....0-- Arum, Water. See Wild Calla. Aster, Corymbed ................ 84 Aster, Golden.................. 4. 66 Aster, Heart-leaved............., 80 Aster, Many-flowered ............ 84 Aster, New England.............. 82 Aster, Red-stemmed. ....... -- 80 Aster, Spreading ..... ........... 82 Aster, Tall White 78 Aster, Whiter. sigs wet saententyes oe 68 Thrasher, Brown ................05 8 | Warbler, Myrtle. ................. 4 Thrush, Golden Crowned. See Warbler, Nashville................ 12 Oven Bird. Warbler, Parula..... 12 Thrush, Hermit........ ..... ..... £| Warbler, Pine: os .c2s is sanuneuns.aee 4 Thrush, Louisiana Water . 6 | Warbler, Prairie..... 12 Thrush, Olive-backed ....... 14 | Warbler, Wilson’s ....... 14 Thrush, Small-billed Water. 12 | Warbler, Worm-eating . 1f Thrush, Wood ................. . 8| Warbler, Yellow... ... 12 WE SEY asainshcsstsfens crepueiaa hers Pacbeonds 12 | Warbler, Yellow Palm 4 Vireo, Red-eyed . . 10 | Waxwing, Cedar. See Vireo, Solitary... 8 Bird. Vireo, Yellow-throated 10 | Woodcock, American ............. 2 Vireo, Warbling : .... 10 | Woodpecker, Downy ...... 18 Vireo, White-eyed. ........... 2... 10 | Woodpecker, Hairy .. .... 18 Warbler, Bay-breasted............ 14 | Woodpecker, Red-headed ... 14 Warbler, Blackburnian...,........ 14 | Woodpecker, Yellow-bellied 6 Warbler, Black-Poll.... ......... 14 | Whippoorwill ..... .......... 6 Warbler, Black-throated Blue .... 12 | Wren, House................. 8 Warbler, Black-throated Green... 8 | Wren, Long-billed Marsh.... 14 Warbler, Black and White ........ Wren, Short-billed Marsh ......... 14 Warbler, Cape May ............... Wren, Ruby-crowned. See Ruby- Warbler, Canadian............ crowned Kinglet. Warbler, Chestnut-sided .... Yellow Bird, Summer. See Yellow : Warbler, Golden-winged....... os Warbler. Warbler, Hooded............. 00-5 Yellow-throat, Maryland...... ... 12 FLOWERS. PAGE Aster, White-topped Avens, Field. Avens, Purple Avens, White .. Avens, Water ..... Azalea, Pink... . Azalea, White Balsam Apple, Wild .............. 48 Baneberry, Red .................. 34 Baneberry, White ................ 34 Barberry vccsscaye sete eos cn otis at bee 28 Basil...... - 54-82 Bearberry . 80 Beard Tongue ...... .. ..... 54 Bed Straw, Rough. ......... 64 Bed Straw, Sweet-scented. .. 46 Bed Straw, Small............ aege (BB Bee DVS ys cnses ie 4 SEEN SH 64 Bee Balm. See Oswego Tea. Beefsteak Plant. See Common Lousewort. Beggar Ticks,Common ......... 82 Beggar Ticks, Swamp... 84 Bell Flower, European 76 Bellwort ........ 32 Bergamot, Wi 58 Betony Wood. See Lousewort. 120 goes Birth Root. See Purple Trillium. Bishop Weed, Mock ... .......... Bishop's Cap. See Mitrewort. Bittersweet, Climbing... c.nccaen Rittersweet.......... se ee Black-eyed Susan. Flower. Bladder Campion.... ............ Bladderwort Blazing Star Bloodroot.. ... BUS CUS 2 ois csssctnse saint eneig sssioniseities ane Bluets. See Innocence. Blue-eyed Grass Blue weed cin viecs sicsseesy ccscssierae savers Boneset. See Thoroughwort. Bouncing Bet. See Soapwort. Broom Rape, Naked. See One- Flowered Cancer Root. Brooklime, American ............ BUCKDOAN -ccccnwnnvectec apiiererte xeric Buckwheat, Climbing False...... Bug Bane. See Black Cohosh. Bugleweed Bunchberry Burdock . Bur-reed Bubrercur Buttercup, Bulbous. Buttercup, Early Buttercup, inal: flowered Buttercup, Tall Butterfly Weed Button Bush .. . Cabbage, Skunk . Calla, Wild.... ... Calopogon Campion, Night-flowering.. Campion, Starry Cancer Root Cancer Root, One-flowered OTA WALY. sos sicicavacosnuesseey wirssegueseianeibusiinn Cardinal Flower. Carrion Flower .. Carrot, Wildes icc sen cawcuece se Cat Brier. See Carrion Flower. CBCP jaja, iccsiseee ae eee aon Cab TA codes Celandinc. .. Checkerberry Cheeses. See Common Mallow. Chickweed........ .......-- Chickweed, Mouse-ear Chickweed, Field Chicor: Cicely, Sweet . Cinguefoil. .... Cinquefoil, Shrubby Cinquefoil, Silvery... ........ ... Cone Three-toothed........ Clematis, Parpl Chg d alamo veeaaunee a Qlintonia.. 2.82.00! yaaeats Clover, Alsatian ...............00. Clover) Bush isc cq cesteenccmiee anew vi Clover, Hop. See Yellow Clover. Clover, Purple. See Alfalfa. Clover, Rabbit-foot ........ saa. 208, Clover, Re. 2 scsi vecnse ne cave 42 Clover, Yellow.... ......... 48 Clover, Yellow Sweet 32 Clover, White Sweet. See White Melilot. Clover: White: cesses. cusestaraes 42 Cohosh, Black ............ 62 Cohosh, Blue ........ .... 26 Columbine, Wal sisas ceecdnset 30 Colic Root .... 62 Colt’s Foot . 40 Comfrey, Wild 36 Cone-flower........ 0... # 52 Coral Root................4- 36-84 Corydalis, Pale ..... ..... 46 Cow-Parsnip..... .... ... 46 Cow-Wheat ..............- 48 Oranberry scscccnamacnses cy 56 ‘ Cranesbill, Wild .......... 34 Cress, Marsh . ........... 48 Cress, Rock............. 30 Cress, Small Bitter ..... 36 Cress, Winter........... 26 Cress, Water ........... 44 Cress, Spring ........... » 22 Crinkle Root... 000002. 28 Crowd Weed. See Field Mus- tard.” Crowfoot, Hooked................ 36 Crowfoot, White Water.. . Cucumber Root, Indian 46 Cudweed, Low... .... 80 Culver’s Root. .....-..0. seer ieee 58 Plantain. Daisy. OX-CVO™ -ccvaisgiciatscinsetiines 44 Daisy, White. See Ox-eye Daisy. Daisy, allow: See Cone Flower. Dandelion... «alone we eeeaecnseces 24 Dandelion, Fall 56 Dangleberry -» 80 Davy HlOWen iscirsserseataseoatsrseeeiage 42 Deer Grass. See Meadow Beauty. Devil’s Paintbrush. See Hawk- weed. Dittany, Common 80 Ditch Stone Crop......... aust 208 Dodder....... .... ae vom, ek Dock, Curled were A Dockmackie. Viburnum. Dock, Spatter ..............6.000e 48 Dogwood, Alternate-leaved. 30 Dogbane acprscadcrora aareistdiraafolnrnte 50 Dogbane, Spreading. 50 Dragon’ s "Head, False . 76 121 Dutchman’s Breeches............ Elecampane . Enchanter’s Nightshade 56 Everlasting See Cudweed Everlasting, PE ATlY: « seowetice va wen 76 Everlasting, Plantain-leaved..... 22 FIP EWC 5c ti isetrtecse es gcaen Sats 86 Five-finger. See Cinquefoil Paige) BIW. sins aiescieiecoininzart dichedictioss ti 44 Flag, Sweet........ 70 Fleabane, Daisy 50 Fleur-de-Lis. See Blue Flag. Foam Flower. See False Mitre- wort. Forget-Me-Not..................25 52 Foxglove ........... .- .. 80 Foxglove. Downy False. 74 Foxglove, Smooth False 80 Fr ostweed . er re 46 PUMItOPY cas weracceny oR Garlic, Wild ......... 50 Gentian, Closed ....... 84 Gentian, Five-flowered . 84 Gentian- Fringed.........0.... i. 86 i Wild. See Wild Cranes- 1 Gerardia, Purple. .. 80 Gerardia, Slender. . 76 Ghost Flower. See ia Over-the-Ground. See Grenna vy. Ginger, Wild...... ........2...0.. 28 Ginseng, Dwarf. See Ground Nut. Goat's Beard) rcscosss ae ceasiionain dene 86 Golden Club ........ 48 Golden Rod...... ....... wey 366 Golden Rod, Blue-stemmed....... 68 Golden Rod, Dusty 66 Golden Rod, Sweet .. 638 Golden Rod, White .. 66 Goose-grasS........ 6... c eee eee ee 76 Gold Thread, Three- leaved ales 28 Grape, Brosticvsscs eicisc ve severe 72 Grass of Parnassus............... 84 Greenbrier, Common............. 52 Greenweed, Dyer’s ............... 38 Ground Cherry ... ..... 2.2... 86 GROUNGENUE:» sclesiessecdie- aig cctoueccene Sec 26-70 Groundsel Tree ...... .........40- 84 Har Ghach ces ce vnidtuine se Sarees 68 Harebell ... 42 Hawkweed .... 78 Hawkweed, Eu 64 Hellebore, Poke. Hemlock, Poison .. ....-..... ... 56 Hemlock, Water ................. 64 Hemp, Indians mcsecuin sa ieee ahs 56 Hempweed, Climbing .... ....... 76 Hepatica ............ 22 Herb Robert 72 Herb of St. Barbara. See Winter Cress. Hog POA@MUt).. ccoes sscecsistie coe vines 80 olly, Mountain.................. 38 Honeysuckle, Early Fly..... .... Hop, Common.......... . Horehound, Water Horse Hound's TOD EUG 5 a i.c- seca sinieaicic von Huckleberry, Common Black .. Huntsman’s Cup. See Pitcher Plant. Hyssup Indian Pipe Indian Poke Indian Turnip. See Jack in the Pulpit, Indigo, Wild Innocence Tron Weed ......... Ivy, Ground...... ... i Ivy, Poison .......... Jack in the Pulpit Jamestown Weed. Apple. Jewel Weed. See Touch-me-not. Joe Pye Weed : Knawel .. Knotweed Knotweed, ‘Amphibio Knotweed, Pink Knotweed, Sand Lady's Slipper, Small Yellow..... Lady’s Slipper, Stemless......... Lady's Slipper, Yellow .......0... Ladies’ Tresses ........ Ladies’ Tresses, Small. Laurel, Great... .... Leather Leaf. .. Lettuce, Wild... 2... eee eee EGU COCHOE 5c isiessiese eseiecnizyore. ser aieteversssipin mee Meadow. See Wild Yellow ily. Lily, Park's CAPs cecieeusd we. creanerts 3 Daly, Waterco: esau oxtiwasines Lily, Wild Red. See Wood Lily. Lily, Wild Yellow........... ..... Lily, Wood . mile Yellow Pond. See Spatter OC: See Blue Toad See Thorn Linaria, Blue. Flax. Liparis, Lily-leaved ............ Live-for-ever. See Ditch Stone Crop. TiZarass Tail ioe os de siaig o ee aidGine te Lobelia, Blue .. Lobelia, Great . Loosestrife Loosestrife, Purple Loosestrife, Yellow............... Lopseed.......... Lousewort Lousewort, Common ...... Love Vine. See Dodder. Lupine, Wild...................... 50 122 Mercury, Three: Mermaid Weed Milkweed, Four-leaved Milkweed, Green Flowering Milkweed, Purple Milkweed, Swamp. Mitrewort, False. Morning Glory, Wild Monkey Flower Mustard, Black .... Orchis, Northern White. Orchis, Purple Fringed. Orchis, Ragged Fringed. Orchis, White Fringed ... . Orchis, Yellow Fringed . Painted Cup, Scarlet .... Parsnip, Common Wild.. Parsnip, Early Meadow . Parsnip, Meadow Partridge Vine ..... Geek vaennae sets Paul’s Betony. See Thyme-leaved Pennyroyal, Bastard. See Blue Pennywort, Water........ 0...0-. Peppergrass, Wild........ "See Grinkle-root. per Bush, Sweet Pickerel Weed...... ............. Pigeon-berry ........ ... a Pig WOOO 25sec es were ay co Pimpernel, False ..... Pimpernel, Water ........ Pink, Deptford ....... aoe APTA WALT cya option” asst scncessetebebenndi se Pine Sapeieccicicceieciiecs sae Pipsissewa .............. Pitcher Plant..... ..... Plantain, Common ..... Plantain, Rattlesnake. . Plantain, Robin’s......... Plantain, Water .......... PROP OMA iis ociasetertascctlaiaye. ecesieees Poke Berry. See Pigeon Berr Polygala.......... Polygala, Fringed Polygala, Moss ............. Poor Man’s Weather Glass. . Poppie, Celandine Poverty Grass ............-. weeee Prairie Weed. See Shrubby Cin- quefoil. Primrose, Evening .............++ Prince’s Pine. See Pipsissewa. PUPSIANG cose ascdeiegusicice febiay nsecs isi Pyrola, One-flowered Pyxie Queen Anne’s Lace. See Wil Carrot. Radish, Wild) c2:2sesewaawasseenes Ragwort, Golden.............. . Raspberry, Purple Flowering Rattlebox ... oie se ecco seep viens Rattlesnake Weed . ..... Rattlesnake Root................. Red Root. See New Jersey Tea. Rheumatism Root. See Twin eaf. Rhododendron, American. See Great Laurel. Rock Breaker. See Early Saxi- frage. Rock Cress, Sicklepod............ ‘Rocket, Yellow. See Winter Cress. Rosemary, Marsh. See Sea Lay- ender. Richweed. See Stone Root. Rue, Early Meadow .............. Rue, Tall Meadow ......-......- 5 Sanicle. See Black Snake Root. Sarsaparilla, Wild ..............66 Saxifrage, Early..........-... te Saxifrage, Swamp.... .. .... Sea Lavender .............. ‘ Sea Pink.... Self Heal .. Senna, Wild....... Shepherd’s Purse. SHI Me aE s sistnsnacseceaeaies, Seo SEUULC AD sce. essere siarsyeteingssnresttees siesnneea 44-60 Skullcap, Mad Dog .............. Sa eWee hats: inva) sovaisseees